m JOHNSON CO ILLINOIS I mm sassa w% : m THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY 977.5996 C36h IH.MTB fflSTORICM SURVEY Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://archive.org/details/historyofjohnsonOOchap MRS. P. T. CHAPMAN ERRATA Page 67. "Coverlets of wool and rag rugs" should read Coverlets, wool and rag rugs. Page 78. The election held at John Bradshaw's was for the pur pose of electing Territorial Representatives. Page 82. In the tenth line of the first paragraph "or" should be omitted between oven and near. Page 132. "Douglas Rose" should read Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Rose. Page 163. The names of H. M. Ridenhower and T. J. Murry were omitted from the list of lawyers. Page 258. Adrespodendum should be adrespondendum. Page 279. H. M. Ridenhower was omitted from the list of State's Attorneys and J. W. Damron from the list of Assessor and Treasurers. Page 304. The name Helter should be Hetler. Page 313. U. .C Simpson should be W. C. Simpson in the list of Vienna Woman's club members. Page 363. The third line from the top of the page should be omitted. Page 393. The seventh line from the top of page is omitted and should read "question. He lived to be eighty eight years old. J. C. B. Heaton." OF A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY ILLINOIS ' BY MRS. P. T. CHAPMAN WITH MAPS AND ILLUSTRATIONS Copyrighted 1925 by MRS. P. T. CHAPMAN Press of The Herrin News 1925 This book is dedicated to my hus- band, Pleasant Thomas Chapman, who has spent his life in the community of his birth and has never faltered in his loyalty to its interest. 663732 ^\ PREFACE We will never realize what it meant to the men and women of a hundred years ago to leave their homes and all that was dear to them and lay the foundation of a new civilization in the unbroken forest. The heart aches, the deprivations, the longings for old friendships and home we will, it is hoped, never experience. Most of us have a tend- ency to smile at the rude hut, primitive customs, and lack of comforts of the pioneer, but rather let us reverence their determined course in founding a civilization from which you and I are reaping the results. The North West, think of her wealth, population and power, and to whom it is due. Several years ago I was asked to prepare a paper on the early history of Johnson County to be read at a Teachers Institute. In looking up material for this I found what seemed to me, some very interesting documents; also in writing to Mr. G. B. Gillespie, then as now, a resident of Springfield but a native of this county, for some data he suggested that this county should have a history and that I should write it. Having been a housekeeper for years and with no ex- perience in writing for publication, I began, perhaps fool- ishly, to gather material for this work. The times I have censured my friend for his suggestion, I could not number, but/l'itfit" rrjjy hand to the plow" I did not have the courage to turn back. I have met with discouragements and hind- rances, yet most people have been exceptionally willing to help me. Heretofore this county has had no history except some biographies appearing in the Tri-County History of Massac, Pope and Johnson, and since there is but one other county in the state without a published history and ours being so rich in interesting events and records of pioneer days, not common to other localities, I felt that I should like to try to perpetuate at least some of them. XII A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY This book is not perfect. I have tried to be accurate with circumstances and dates but in the biography I fear there are many mistakes owing to the manner in which I was obliged to gather much of the information, sometimes over the telephone, through letters not clearly written, and from older people whose memory was inaccurate as to names. Please do not say "I could have told her correctly." No doubt you could, but I did not know it. And if inclined to be too critical all I ask is that you undertake to trace a large family from the first to the sixth generation. Per- haps some would say biography isn't history, but it appears to me, that the history of a place is the history of its people. I appreciate the many kindnesses shown me in my work and feel deeply grateful to each one who has contri- buted in the least to this self imposed task of mine. Hoping it may interest the older ones, assist the younger ones, and that this imperfect effort will not be entirely fruitless, 1 present to you, kind reader, the result. Mrs. P. T. C. January 1925. HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY PART I The first civilized government that was extended over Johnson County was, no doubt, the authority of England. When, in 1609, King James granted to the London Company "All those lands, countries, and territories called Virginia, from the cape or point of land called Comfort, all along the seacoast, to the northward two hundred miles, and from the said point on the coast southward two hundred miles, and all that space and circuit of land lying from the sea- coast of the precinct afore said, up into the land throughout, from sea to sea, west and northwest." Johnson county be- came theoretically, at least, part of the possession of Eng- land. Although the charter of the London company was renewed and then annulled, Virginia always insisted on her from "sea to sea" grant and thereby included in her domain this tiny speck of mother earth called Johnson County, with all the other vast, unexplored territory. But for Gain and the Gospel, we might still be undis- covered. France had no claim in the new country by right of discovery, but she set about securing her portion by other means. As early as 1504 French fishermen had visited the region of New Foundland. In 1609 Champlain, a Frenchman, discovered the lake which bears his name. He went back to France, and in 1615, returned to America with four priests. He established missions in Canada, and with the Missions opened trade with the Indians. He was un- fortunate with his warfare on some of the tribes and so caused strife among the Indians, and the fur trade was paralyzed, for twenty years. Finally a truce was made and trade was resumed. The French trader who recognized the vast wealth in the fur trade, the soldier of fortune who longed to plant the Lilies of France on every available spot, and the humble Jesuit whose consuming desire was to plant the Gospel in every human heart, encroched step by step into the Northwest Territory. In 1678, Joliet, in the interest of the French Govern- ment and Marquette in the interest of the church, explored the Mississippi as far as the mouth of the Ohio. This ex- 14 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY pedition had carried the authority of France far to the south and almost around the English settlements. The advantage to France of completing the circuit can easily be discerned. In fact LaSalle, in 1667 had seen the advantage to be gained for his country by discovering the mouth of the Mississippi. He pursued this idea with relentless vigor and when in 1682 he descended this father of waters to its mouth, he took possession of this wonderful valley in the name of the sover- eign of France, calling it Louisiana in honor of Louis the XIV, and we became, figuratively speaking, Frenchmen or citizens under the French Government. But all these heroic efforts to make the Mississippi valley French by coloniza- tion, to secure wealth from her vast store-house, and make us all good French Catholics, came to an end. The Treaty of Paris, 1763, made us again an English possession. We were not destined to remain English for any great length of time. The restless people of the Atlantic coast were pushing out irito the great Northwest. Tennessee, Kentucky, and the southern part of Illinois were being set- tled, even though still menaced by the Indians. Then by declaring themselves "free and independent," in 1776 the Colonies made us for a short time Virginians. In 1779 the "County of Illinois" was established. Captain John Todd was appointed "County Lieutenant Commandant" but the gov- ernment was never effective and soon ceased altogether. Virginia, however, soon ceded us to the United States and in 1784 we became a part of that Great Northwest Territory. These changes in government disturbed the citizens of this county very little. Certain it is, nevertheless, that there were people living in Johnson County, in the latter part of the 18th century. 'Boggs says there were 650 families living along the Ohio .river in 1801 and this river washed the shores of the first Johnson County for many miles. Victor Collet also states there were seven or eight families living near Ft. Massac in 1796. This fort was in Johnson when the county was organized. Reynolds tells us the Flanneries settled in Alexander County in 1777 which was also John- son County territory at that time. The seat of government being so far away and the means of communication so very difficult, the people of this section, like all other frontier communities were a law unto themselves. A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 15 LOCATION Johnson County is in Southern Illinois, in that part of this great commonwealth that lies south of the Ohio and Mississippi railroad running from Vincennes across the state to St. Louis, excepting St. Clair County. This section is not designated on the school geographies as 'Egypt,' but by common usuage and politically it has been known in the state for many years by that name. Different reasons have been given for this appellation, and whether of odium or honor, depends on the point of view. The most obvious reason for such a name having been attached to this region is that many of the towns in the sec- tion bear the names of those in the older Egypt of the African Continent: Cairo, at the junction of the Ohio and Mississippi, Thebes, on the Mississippi, and Karnak, on the Big Four railroad. Alexander is the name of the most southern county in this section and is the masculine for Alexandria, another ancient city of Egypt. Some are un- kind enough to say the name comes from lack of education and progress in this section. That Egypt where Joseph fled from Herod with Mary and the Babe and from which we take our name, was noted as the home of ancient civilization, learning, marvelous public improvements, and historic cities. Our modern 'Egypt' may not boast of all the attributes of that country but she is proud of her pioneer families, native population, and patriotic record. Others say that the name came from the following incident : In the summer of 1821 there was not a bushel of corn raised in Central Illinois. The old settlers of the southern part of the state had plenty and the farmers of the central section, like the brethern of Joseph, had to go down into Southern Illinois to get corn. Johnson County was once very proud of her area. At its organization it included all the land between the Missis- sippi and Ohio rivers and from 70 to 80 miles north of the Ohio. As early as 1837, J. M. Peck, an historian, of Illi- nois, said of Johnson County, "It was organized from Ran- dolph in 1812 and is situated in the southern part of the state. It is bounded on the north by Franklin, east by Pope, south by the Ohio river, and west by Union and Alexander counties. It is from 25 to 30 miles long and eighteen miles wide. Its area is about 486 square miles. This territory is watered by Cache and Big Bay Creeks. Between these 16 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY streams, and ten or twelve miles from the Ohio, which makes its southern boundary, is a line of ponds interspersed with ridges and islands of rich land." This was written be- fore Massac and Pulask were organized. At present the county is bounded on the north by Williamson, on the east by Pope, by Massac and Pulaski on the south and Union on the west. The most southern line of the county is, at its nearest point, four or five miles from the Ohio river, and the western line in some places is as near as twenty miles to the Mississippi river. It is situated between 88 degrees, 44 minutes and 89 degress, 4 minutes west longitude ; 37 degrees, 20 minutes, 37 degrees, 38 min- utes north latitude, about the same latitude as the city of Richmond, Virginia. ORGANIZATION Up to 1790 the settlers who had braved the wilderness and Indians and located in southern Illinois knew little of laws and government, but in that year St. Clair came as Governor of the Northwest Territory, and began to bring order out of chaos. He organized ft county and named it after himself, the eastern boundary running through the eastern part of the present Johnson County and terminating at or just above Ft. Massac, on the Ohio River. Cahokia was the county seat. The little strip of Johnson county beyond the eastern boundary of St. Clair was in what was then known as Knox County. Randolph County was organized in 1795 from St. Clair, with Kaskaskia as the county seat, but a small strip of Johnson still remained in Knox till 1801 when Randolph's boundaries were changed. Johnson was wholly within the bounds of Randolph county until 1812, when Governor Edwards with Alexander Stewart, Jesse B. Thomas, and Stanley Griswold, Territorial Judges, acting as a Legislature, defined and named John- son county as follows: "Beginning at the mouth of Lusk Creek (which is in what is now Pope County on the Ohio River) thence with a line of Gallatin to Big Muddy thence down Big Muddy and the Misissippi to the Ohio River, and up the Ohio to the beginning, I do appoint the house of John Bradshaw to be the seat of justice for Johnson County. Done at Kaskaskia, 14th of September, 1812, by the Governor, Ninian Edwards." These boundaries included what is now A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 17 Alexander, Pulaski, Massac, Johnson, Union and parts of Pope, Williamson, Saline and Jackson Counties. Madison and Gallatin were organized at the same time, these three being the third counties set out in the state. In 1816 Jackson and Pope were organized, making a direct line almost across the state from Big Muddy on the west to Saline river on the east. All below this line from the Missis- sippi to the Ohio was Johnson and Pope, the eastern line of Johnson being a little west of its present location and ex- tending to the Ohio river. Again in 1818, there was an attack by the organizers and Union was taken wholly from Johnson county territory. Alexander was defined the fol- lowing year, including part of Pulaski. In 1843 Johnson county was encroached upon once more by the formation of Massac and Pulaski and the consequent reduction of John- son to its present limits of 340 square miles. It thus became one of the smallest counties in the state. It comprises a little over nine townships, and is almost square in shape. About eight miles of the southern boundary is formed by Cache river. Along this section the county extends about two miles further south than the rest of the southern bound- ary. The division of the county into townships was begun early in the county's history. On January 15, 1813, when the first court was held at the house of John Bradshaw in Elvira with Hamlet Furguson and Jesse Griggs as judges, under the Territorial law which empowered them to trans- act the business of the county, the townships known as Big'- Bay, Muddy, Center, Clear Creek, Cache and Massac were laid off. These were the militia districts which had been created by the Governor for the defense of the settlers against hostile Indians. These townships were described as follows: "The district that lies on the eastern corners of this county on the Big-Bay waters and at present known by the name of Captain Whiteside's company and agreeably to the boundaries of said company, as laid off by a board of officers, shall be created into one township and called the township of Big-Bay, and the militia company of Captain Griffith's on Muddy, (described) in like manner, shall be called the township of Muddy." This township was located in the northwest part of the county, on what is now called Big Muddy river. Captain Bradshaw's company bounds 18 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY formed Center township and was in the center of the county. Captain Green's company bounds was named Clear creek township, which was located in the southwestern part of the county on the Mississippi river. Captain Lamb's Com- pany on the northeast side was called Cache ; Captain Fox's company made Massac township. One can readily see these townships were immense at the time they were laid off. Big-Bay township, being the southeastern corner, included portions of what is now Pope and Massac counties. The township of Muddy included parts of the present counties of Williamson, Jackson and Union. The township of Center included, no doubt, sections of the present Johnson and Union, possibly Alexander. Clear Creek township was the counties of Alexander, Pul- aski, and perhaps parts of Johnson and Union. Cache town- ship when first established was in the northeastern part of the first bounds of Johnson county including possibly some of Saline, Pope and Williamson. Massac township included Massac county in its present form, with possibly a little of Johnson and Pope. These militia districts had been laid off according to Territorial law and while they were called townships, they were not the size and shape of the present township and might more properly be called districts. In 1814, the court divided the township of Center and the bounds of Captain William Thornton's Company, being a militia company, was formed into a new township to be known as Elvira. At the March term the court created some new townships and changed the boundaries of some of the old ones as follows : "All that part of the county that lies between what is called the ponds and the Ohio river be created into a new township to be known by the name of Massac, and all west of the center line dividing range three shall form a township by the name of Elvira and all east of the aforesaid line as far as the county line of Pope shall be known by the name of Cache." At the September court, 1819, held at Vienna, the name of Cache township was changed to Bloomfield and that of Elvira to Vienna town- ship. These boundaries "and names were changed from time to time. In 1871 the names of the townships are given as follows: Saline, Sulpher Springs, Bluff, Elvira, Bun- combe, Cache, Flat Lick, Simpson and Vienna. That same year the question of the county taking on the township A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 19 form of government was submitted to the people and carried at the November election. Issac Wise, Bluett Bain and John C. Albright were appointed to divide the county into townships. Their report was given in December term 1872. The new townships were Burnside, Tunnel Hill, Goreville, Elvira, Bloomfield, Simpson, Grantsburg, Vienna and Cache, these names and divisions have continued till the present. NAME Johnson county was named in honor of Col. Richard M. Johnson, a native of Kentucky and a friend of Governor Ninian Edwards, who was also from that state. He was 'born at Bryants Station in 1781 ; was educated at the Uni- versity of Transylvania Lexington, Kentucky. He selected the profession of law and began his career at the age of nineteen. He served in the war of 1812 as Colonel of Volun- teers. Colonel Johnson has been given the credit of killing Tecumseh at the battle on the Thames river, but this fact has been disputed by some who say that Tecumseh was not killed until later. But Johnson did kill in this battle a famous Indian warrior who might have been Tecumseh. He was wounded himself during the engagement. President Madison in his message to Congress, December 7, 1813, re- ferring to the results of the Campign in the North West, speaks of him in the following manner: "Colonel Johnson and his mounted volunteers, whose impetuous onset gave a decisive blow to the ranks of the enemy, with others (referr- ing to General Harrison) forced a general action, which quickly terminated in the capture of the British and the dis- persion of the Indians." Colonel Johnson represented first his district in the Legislature of Kentucy, was next elected as a Jackson demo- crat to the United States Congress when not quite 25 years of age. He then served two terms as United States Senator ; was elected to the Vice-Presidency with Van B'uren in 1836. He was defeated for that office in 1840 but later elected to the State Legislature of Kentucky and died in Frankfort, November 19, 1850. PHYSICAL FEATURES AND SOIL In writing of southern Illinois, Lewis C. Beck says, "That part of Illinois that lies south of the great and little 20 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY Wabash to the Ohio river is about as hilly as Hertford- shire, England. It is intersected with streams and inter- spersed with natural meadows ; these are very irregular and are dotted with clumps of trees like English Parks." Such a description gives a fairly animate general picture of John- son County. It is one of the most hilly and broken counties in Illinois. It is crossed from west to east in the northern part by an elevated ridge, known as the Ozark Uplift, which is in reality the foothills of the Ozark Mountains. This ridge enters the state from Missouri and extends across the entire northern part. The highest points of this ridge in the coun- ty rise to an elevation of 800 feet above sea level. The low- est part of the county lies along Cache River where the elevation decreases to about 300 feet. The Ozark Ridge forms the watershed or divide between the streams which flow toward the north and those which flow south. The fall of the streams on the northern slope is slight and the erosion is, therefore, not great. On the southern slope the streams have a very rapid fall; erosion has been active so that the most broken part of the county lies in the central and southern section. The small streams have cut out can- yon-like gorges, sometimes as much as 200 feet in depth; the sides of these gorges are often formed by almost per- pendicular cliffs that wind through the uplands so unnotice- ably that one does not suspect their presence until very near them. A broken and irregular line of cliffs cross the county parallel to the Ozark Ridge and two or three miles south of it. Although these cliffs and rocky gorges are most fre- quent in the part of the county south of the Ozark Ridge, they occur also in other sections, especially in New Burn- side and Grantsburg townships. Between the ravines are broad rolling ridges. The surface in general may be char- acterized as rolling and hilly. The rocks of this area are sand stone, limestone and shale. This is not our only asset from stony lands. They are things of beauty, have been, and will be a joy forever. No one can look on the towering cliffs without being thrilled with their grandeur and made to wonder at the mighty force that must have been in action to make them as they are. Some are gray, some red, some brown, and yellow, covered with lichens, moss and flowers ; the myriads of long fronded ferns, the drooping branch, the secluded cave, the ever green of the cedar, the trickling A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 21 stream, all combine to draw you to their inviting nooks. They are not so monstrous they awe you, so bare they repel you, but seem to say, "Come bring your baskets, we have cool shade, quiet, rest and protection for you. It can well be imagined that this topography creates all kinds of attractive nooks and corners, particularly adapted to that well loved recreation, a picnic. Ferndale, a beautiful spot with its rocks, shady dells, ferns, and streams, situated a short distance south from Tunnell Hill, directly on the Big Four railroad, has long been a favorite picnic grounds. People may reach it from points on the railroad both north and south. Benson's Bluff, five or six miles north of Vienna on the old Marion Road, is another ideal place for the basket lunch but it can be reached only by local conveyance. Near Simpson is some very beautiful scenery of the type described above; also some mineral springs said to be very fine in a medicinal way. This is a lovely spot to camp. Fern Cliff is a most attractive place of natural beauty and a resort quite widely known. It is situated in Goreville township and about a mile and a half from the Chicago and Eastern Illinois railroad. Several years ago a company of Marion citizens bought 20 acres in the heart of the scenery and built a club house and used it as a resort. Leon Dennison was the moving spirit of the corporation and after his removal from Southern Illinois, Miss Emma Rebman, of this county bought it and occupies it as a home. It is hoped that some time it will be a county park through her generosity. It is now known as "Redman- Park Fern Cliff," Redman Park, in honor of Miss Redman's brother, Thomas, who was associated with her in her office of County Superntendent of Schools. This spot must be seen to be appreciated, huge walls of stone, bowlders, caves streams, trees, wildflowers, ferns, all contribute to make up an ideal place in which to spend a day, a week, a month, shut in with nature and your companions. Johnson County has its largest area covered with what is known by soil experts as Memphis silt loam. This sur- face soil is an important and extensive type ; its color varies from pale yellow to reddish yellow and it runs to an average depth of ten inches. When dry, this soil is loose and non- adhesive. Its looseness is partly due to the small percentage of clay. It is called "clay land" although it does not show 22 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY the heavy, sticky qualities of clay. This soil is very porous, very absorbent, and retentive of moisture. With the excep- tion of the rough, stony land, the entire surface of the up- land is covered with Memphis silt loam. This loam also occurs as low ridges along lower Cache and is often called "second bottom" being considered in these sections of great agriculture value. A variety of crops may be grown upon this type of soil : corn, wheat, oats, Irish and sweet potatoes, clover, alfalfa, cowpeas, timothy, and fruits of most every variety. The fruits grown in this county are, however, on the ridges on high ground where the climatic conditions make them less liable to the late frosts. Waverly silt loam covers the next largest area of the county and ranges from whitish yelldw to a light brown color. When dry it is loose and floury ; but is slightly sticky when wet. It absorbs rain readily. It is an alluvial soil, being made by material washed off the hills, brought down by the streams, restored and deposited by the overflow of the streams. Leaves, twigs, and other forms of organic matter have been covered by these deposits, making this soil very productive in such crops as corn, hay and alfalfa. There is still a great deal of timber in the section where this soil is found. These wooded tracts are very valuable as pasture land. This soil is found only along the streams or in places where streams have been. The principal acreage of this soil is found along Cache River, in the South West part of the county, some also along Lick, Dutchman, Little Cache, and Big Bay creeks, while smaller tracts are found along the lesser streams. Elvira, Cache, Vienna, Grantsburg and Simpson townships are the only localities in which any con- siderable area of this soil lies. Lewis C. Beck in 1823 says : "This county of Johnson has a large proportion of level land, which is generally well wooded. Its soil is sandy, as yet, it is but thinly populated, owing perhaps to the unhealthiness caused by the overflow- ing of the Ohio River and the marshes which abound near the southern boundary. When these shall be drained and the inhabitants turn their attention to the cultivation of tobacco, cotton, and the grape, all of which would yield pro- fitable crops, it will no doubt, become flourishing and wealthy." The smallest portion of the county's surface is covered A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 23 with the "Yazoo Clay." Its color is a dark brown, caused by the large amount of organic matter it contains. It is a heavy silty loam or clay, quite granular and rather sticky. This type of soil is found only along the Cache River and in the southwestern part of the county. It is just coming under cultivation, since the days of drainage and gives a very high yield of corn and hay. Rough stony land may be found in Johnson County, also, in which the soil is so broken and the underlying rocks rise to the surface so frequently that the land is of little agriculture value. In some cases there are cliffs that are more than 150 feet high. At the foot of these cliffs are found large bowlders, weighing many tons, which have broken off from the rocks above. Between these bowlders are patches of soil which support a heavy growth of timber, giant ferns and wild flowers of every kind and color. The sections of rough, stony land are usually found in narrow strips, winding through the country or forming bluffs along the streams. They are most frequent along the southern slope of the Ozark Ridge, but they are also scattered over the entire county. These stony areas are by no means com- plete waste lands. Inexhaustible springs of water, always found among the cliffs, greatly enhance their value as pas- ture lands and they have become an everlasting supply of stone. One of the principle railroads in the state works a quarry from which it has ballasted hundreds of miles of road. CLIMATE The average rainfall for this county is 43.72 inches. The heaviest rainfall comes generally in March, May and June; August, September and November show the least. But with the possible exception of August or September there is seldom a month in the year that has not some rain. In the occasional deviation from this general rule the clim- ate resembles that of California as being "unusual." One conspicuous variation came in the year 1854 when no rain fell from June until December. Crops were short and many people had to haul water from neighboring wells and springs for family use and for their stock to drink. How- ever, in general, the foot hills of the Ozark Mountains which cross the northern part of the county have an appreciable 24 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON GOUNTY influence upon the amount of rainfall as compared with the counties lying to the north. The temperature varies somewhat, rarely going below zero and then for not more than a few hours at a time. In the hotest months, June, July and August the theremometer hovers between 75 and 85, on the warmest days rarely going as high as above 90. Ordinarily the winters are not extreme and while there is always some snow and ice, it is for short periods only. The winter of 1917-18 will long be remem- bered as the one of the deep snow. The snow began to fall about December 8, 1917 and continued to fall at intervals for three or four weeks. The ground was not visible for almost two months and the drifts were so deep in many places as to make the roads impassable. While our poor boys were digging trenches before the Germans, many peo- ple in the county were digging roadway trenches in the snow to get from house to barn, to the neighbors or to the nearby market. Winds are, of course, prevalent during March and April though they are not strong enough to be called storms. The strongest winds come with the rain which is almost always accompanied by heavy thunder and vivid lightning in the spring and hot months. During the spring of 1866 Johnson county was visited by a terrible cyclone. It entered the county near what is now the present site of West Vienna and crossed the county to the northeast. It seemed to rise and fall in its course and where it touched, it swept houses, barns and fences from their foundation. It also took its toll of human life. Two members of the family of Jesse Davis who lived where Newton Murrie now lives were badly injured. In the fam- ily of Hirman Worley, who lived on what is now known as the Coleman place, one boy was killed outright, two other members died from injuries, and one son was left a cripple for life. This was in Blomfield Township. The cyclone lifted here for a few miles, then struck the homes of Joseph Har- per and John Jones who lived in Ozark township. It killed a babe and injured others of Mr. Jones' family and seriously injured some members of Mr. Harper's family. It not only took lives and laid waste homes, but giant forest trees were taken up by the roots ; articles were carried for miles in its A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 25 whirling fury. Although its path was not wide, it left death and desolation in its wake. Frosts come with a good deal of regularity. The aver- age date of the last killing frost in the spring is the middle of April, the latest one occuring not later than the middle of May. For fall the average date is about the middle of October. The Ozark Ridge renders fruits less liable to killing frosts than in the lower parts of the county. Slight frosts sufficient to tinge the leaves on the trees often come earlier. With the first turning of the leaves there is pre- sented a scene of almost surpassing beauty. First there is a tinge of yellow, then the reds appear. One tree will be an immense bouquet of green, yellow, and red of every con- ceivable shade. Looking out from some elevation of our winding roads to a forest of these trees all painted by the hand of nature forming a back ground for a green meadow, one will have a picture never to be forgotten. HEALTH For some time in the early history of the county, the health of the inhabitants was menaced by a mild form of malarial fever. The heavy growth of timber which con- stantly decayed on the swamp land and the pools of stagnant water were the breeding places for myriads of mosquitoes that transmitted the malaria to all adjoining districts. In fact, it seemed for many years that Johnson County was the home of malaria as well as the wine-sap apple. Every fall the ague "chills" was the local name, appeared in due time with their "shakes" and fever. The ague though very annoying was not necessarily a fatal disease. But the drain- ing of the swamps and the consequent elimination of rotting timber have made this section as healthy a place as will be found in the state. The winter of 1918-19 is more indelibly fixed on our minds than the deep snow through the terrible ravages of the Spanish Influenza. This peculiar and unfamiliar dis- ease began its drive on the United States about October, 1918. At first it was thought it only thrived in the cities and towns where people came together in crowds. It was a little late reaching Johnson County and we thought, from our isolation we might be exempt, but in November it fell upon us in all its fury and seemed to grow more fatal in its 26 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY progress. The situation in this county was desperate, in many places a whole family was all in bed at the same time. The fact that many thought it contagious kept those who were well from giving their attention to their neighbors. In some cases there were none able to care for the dead. In one known case the sick and the dead were in the same 'bed, and there were many cases in which nurses could not be had. In some families as many as four would die in a day or two of each other. It seemed to be particularly fatal to those appearing to be the most healthful and strong look- ing. It took many of our best, physically speaking, and many old people. This terrible scourge has returned each winter for three years but has not proved so fatal. RESOURCES Johnson County is not a county of wealth, yet there are many farmers that are well to do, really prosperous. Most all of them live well and the majority of them live in a frame or brick dwelling, have fine barns, the best breed of stock, good driving horses, buggy, surrey, or automobile ; many have heat, light, and modern plumbing in their homes. Of course, every farmer does not have all these conveniences but he can have them if he wants them. In fact, any of the modern improvements are ours at will, except the good roads and we see them coming. Some farmers do not want anything modern, not even hard roads. One farmer gave as an excuse for being against the $60,000,000 bond issue, that it would make his farm worth so much more and his taxes would be higher. But on the whole, this class of farmers is small, most of them are progressive, anxious to know the best methods and have the best equipment in all lines. The value of the farm buildings in the county accord- ing to the last census was $1,869,960. The value of the land and improvements excluding building from the same source was $6,263,009. Implements, machines, $325,545 ; live stock $1,698,224; average price of land per acre, $32.44. The average size of a farm in this county in 1840 was 15 acres, in 1900, 92 acres. It has now increased to 110.8 in 1920. The number of farms in county, 1920, 1742, land in farms, 193,077 acres. Of course, much of this land is not improved. There is a large acreage of land in the county not under cultivation and very few farms that do not have their acre- age of wooded land for pasture and fire wood. One writer A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 27 said of Southern Illinois in 1883, "If by magic Southern Illinois could be transfered just as it is to the northern or central part of the state the land that now sells for $10.00 and $15.00 per acre could not be bought for $500.00 an acre." He further says the reason land is cheap here is because its value is not known as people do not travel across this section of the state as they do in Central and Northern Illinois. County farm lands sold in county in 1896 for $25.00 per acre. This is a community in which the farmers own and cultivate their own land, at least 75 per cent of the farms are run by the owners. They have learned to rotate and plant the crops most suited to the soils and by fertilizing, keep their farms up to the highest state of productiveness. An experiment station has been maintained in this county by the Agricultural Department of the University of Illinois for many years which has been a great advantage to our farmers. There are only 16 farms operated by managers and 363 operated by tenants as against 7 by managers and 506 by tenants in 1900. There is practically one system of renting here, the share system; very few farms are rented for cash. Farming was at first confined almost entirely to the ridges and high lands. What is now the most productive land we have, since it has been cleared, ditched and drained, was till after the sixties, swamps and pools of stagnant water during the spring and early summer. This trans formation has been accomplished through the drainage system which is explained under drainage. Dennis Dwyer, who came to this county from Ohio in 1857 was the first to ditch, the bottom land on a small scale, and bring it under cultivation for grasses which would thrive in low places. He also introduced the raising of Timothy hay in this sec- tion. His wife, Aunt Eliza, as she was known and who was for many years a resident here, brought the seed from their home state, when she made a visit to her mother. The principal products of the county are corn, wheat, oats, hay, fruit, and vegetables. The upland is not well adapted to corn and the yield is not very high. Corn does much better on the bottoms and as more of this section is being brought under cultivation, the corn yield increases. Some land will grow as much as ninety bushels to the acre 28 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY while the upland would not yield 25, and in a dry season much less. Wheat is grown less than in former years, but a great deal more is grown than is used in the county. The average yield is about 15 to 18 bushels to the acre. Timothy and clover are the main hay crops ; alfalfa is grown to seme extent ; cowpeas are cut for home use as hay ; oats are pro- duced for home use only. The principal agricultural ex- ports from the county are wheat, corn, hay, vegetables, and fruit. Being entirely an agricultural county and our resources all coming from agricultural pursuits, cattle raising is na- turally a business. Hereford, Angus and Shorthorn are raised for beef. N. J. Mozley was a pioneer in the raising of Heref ords ; his herd having been the best in this section of country for many years. It has furnished the beginning of many herds, over all the west and south ; has always brought a fancy price because of their care and breeding. He has probably taken more blue ribbons at county fairs, with his herd than any one in Southern Illinois. J. K. Elkins, D. W. Whittenberg, Elijah Ragsdale, Geo. Mozley, Chas. Trulove, and Chas. Nobles also have raised this breed. Henry Cover who lived at Tunnel Hill owned about the first herd of Angus cattle in this county. J. M. Brown, A. M. Webb, and Dr. A. E. McKenzie also raise the Angus. The late D. F. Beau- man, also of Tunnel Hill Township introduced the breed of Shorthorn cattle and this was likely the first herd of good cattle in the county. Holstein and Jersey are dairy breeds of this locality. Wra. Moore, J. C. Chapman, A. Veach and numbers of other dairy farmers have one or the other of these kinds of cattle. Many car loads of beef cattle are col- lected and sent into market from this county each year. In fact this has been a paying enterprise until the decline in the price of cattle and other farm products which has caused many to slacken their efforts along this line. The raising of hogs is, one might say, necessarily a part of cattle raising. The principal breeds are Chester Whites, Berkshires, Hampshires. Duroc Jersey and Poland China. From 200 to 300 car loads of hogs, possibly more, are shipped to market from this county in a year. The raising, buying, and feeding of mules for sale to the southern cotton planter has been a paying business in this section for several years till within the last few years when the price of mules suddenly dropped, likewise the castles of the mule dealer. A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 29 There is not any thing that will grow in a temperate climate that can not be grown in Johnson County. Our soils are, of course, better adapted to some crops than others and will produce them in more paying quantities. Flax was raised in small quantities in our very earliest history. Cotton and tobacco were grown extensively for some years before and after the Civil War. The price of these commodities during the war made them a very profitable crop. In 1875 there were 3,000,000 pounds of tobacco grown in this county and this was after the decline in price which finally resulted in the exclusion of tobacco and cotton from our crops. A very small quantity of tobacco is still grown for market and a little for home use. From an old contract between Bridges & Chapman D. Y. Bridges, father of the late Mrs. Bratton, and F. J. Chapman, son of S. J. Chapman, the pioneer of Vienna, dated 1852-53, and J. H. Russell, who was buying tobacco for Hendenburg of St. Louis, Russell agreed to pay Bridges & Chapman $4.50 per hundred for all tobacco prized by them and $4.37% per hundred for what he took without prizing. He agreed to take 75,000 pounds more or less. This gives an idea of the value of this weed as a crop and shows that it was a staple product of the county. Some good cotton was grown here in 1923 as an experiment. There are prospects for it to be again a staple crop of this county. There is quite an industry which has grown up among us in the last fifteen years, especially along the Chicago and Eastern Illinois railroad, called truck farming. This in- cludes the growing and the shipping of such vegetables as tomatoes, asparagus, rhubarb, sweet potatoes, cucumbers and cantaloupes. Another comparatively new resource in this section during the last ten years, is the keeping of dairy cattle and the shipping of their products. A number of cows of the Holstein breed have been brought from Wiscon- sin and New York states and with the Jerseys already well established here, there is sent out about 5,000 pounds of butter fat per week, even at the present price which is not nearly so high as during the world war, makes this a profit- able business in more ways than one. It brings a weekly or monthly income of cash to the farmer, enriches the pastures, and is adapted to lands that would not produce grain. The total receipes from sale of dairy products for 1920 were $156,653. Strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, and a 30 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY few cherries are grown here. The first named are among the by-products of the county and are produced quite ex- tensively. Our berry crops follow those just south of us and ripen before the northern berry, making it a very profitable crop which seldom fails. The markets for the vegetables and small fruit crops are Chicago, Cleveland and Indian- apolis. In 1897, there were 1234 cases of strawberries snipped from Vienna, although this was not the main ship- ping station for that crop. As much as $500,00 has been realized in one season from three acres of ground planted in strawberries. The raising of poultry for the production of eggs is also rather a new industry for this community. While all farmers have always kept chickens for home use and to produce enough eggs to buy the sugar and coffee, no one has heretofore made a specialty of it. But now during the winter when the farmer does not have so many duties in the field and the price of eggs is high he devotes his time to the care of "biddy" which usually pays him well. The value of chickens and eggs in 1920 was $1,240,981. Receipts from sale of these two products $130,359. The leading strains are Plymouth Rock, Rhode Island Red, Leghorn, Buff, Orphington and Langsham. Many people do not appreciate the 'bird family and look on them as pests, instead of an asset, although some of them do as much harm as good, others are very helpful to farmers and horticulturists as insect destroyers. We are very fortunate in this county in having so many kinds. Some are prized for their beauty, others for their music. Aside from their economic value, the esthetic phase of the bird family must not be overlooked. Most everyone enjoys watching birds as they typify life in its most active state and the songs and calls of many of them are a source of pleasure. Their presence in great number means an increase of these forms of enjoyment. When the first settlers came here, they found the entire surface of the country covered with a heavy growth of tim- ber, the finest in the Mississippi valley. Black walnut, hick- ory, white oak, poplar and maple, now so rare and highly prized, were used for fence rails and fire wood. Beside those mentioned there was found in abundance elm, locust, syca- more, mulberry, cottonwood, pecan, sassafras, persimmon, A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 31 gum, cedar, black oak and along the low swampy areas the tall straight cypress abounded. As fine logs of walnut, ash, oak and poplar as ever grew were rolled into huge heaps and burned. In fact, the farmer looked upon the timber as an incumbrance where he wanted a field. That it would be valuable later on never occurred to him. Of course, in later years much fine timber of this county was made into lumber. The cutting and floating of these logs down the streams to mills situated near the Illinois Central railroad was a very lucrative business for many years. Only within the last ten years has the timber 'become so scarce as to make this source of revenue prohibitive. We have no factories or mines like some of our neighboring counties. While there is surface coal in many sections of the county which is worked for local use, there has never been any mined for commercial purposes except at Burnside. There has been a number of attempts since 1910 to discover oil in this county but the wells sunk never reached the fountain; although experts contend there is oil here. Near the village of Belknap there are some tile ovens as the clay in that locality is suitable for this business. The ovens are operated only part of the year. Charcoal is also manufactured in shipping quantities at this plant. Goreville, a prosperous village in the northern part of our county, has a cannery. It is owned and operated by John Terry and while it does not boast of its capacity, it is said to store up in tin the very best quality of tomatoes and beans that can be found. The Charles Stone Quarry is situated in the southwest part of the county on the farm orginally owned by Pleasant Axley at the village of White Hill. This community is made up of the employees of the Quarry which is owned by the Charles Stone Company, most of whom live in Marion, Illinois. This industry was estab- lished in 1913 and has a capacity of 7,000 tons a day. They manufacture lime stone, for farms, chat for road dressing and railroad ballast. This plant has been recently sold for $225,000 to the Robert Youtzsee Sand Company, of Chester, Illinois. The largest farm of the county in one body is owned 'by Charles Marshall of Belknap township and contains 2,810 acres. Mrs. Charles Mason of the same township has a farm of 1,400 acres. The late A. M. Webb of Tunnell Hill 32 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY owned about 1,500 acres; Chestnut Hill farm, four miles west of Vienna, was developed by James Brown. It con- tains 1,050 acres, is owned by P. T. Chapman and operated by E. Mathis. Twenty-five cents a day was considered a good price for a farm hand in the early history of this section, but when it gradually increased to 75 cents before the Civil War, the farmer thought it was extortion, almost as much so as the income tax in this year of 1925. Wages for farm hands in 1900 were $15.00 a month, for a single man, including board. A man with a family was paid $20.00 and furnished a house ; during the World War wages reached the height of $2.50 a day and board, from that to $5.00 during harvest. These prices have receded till the present farm hands receive on an average of $1.00 per day and board. The first organization that was instituted for the bene- fit of the farmer was the Grange. For some reason it did not accomplish the purpose for which is was organized and soon was a thing of the past. The F. M. B. A., organized 1888, took up the cause of the farmer and flourished here for ten years or more. Some prominent in the order were T. J. Muray, J. W. Damron, G. N. Thacker, T. H. Verhines, R. R. Ridenhower, S. B. Robertson and Henry Anderson. There were about 20 lodges in the county and it appeared on the surface to be fulfilling its mission to the farmer but sud- denly it terminated in a political institution and thus ended its usefulness. There have been other and various associa- tions in our midst for the benefit of the farmer: "Fruit Growers,'' "Dairy," "Horticulture," "Shippers and Grow- ers," "Breeder," and perhaps others. The one that has lived the longest and accomplished the most for the farmer is the "Farmers Institute," organized in 1900 with J. F. Buckner as president and William Grissom, secretary. The next important step was to organize a Farm Bureau. This was done in 1918 with J. C. B. Heaton, president; J. C. Chap- man, vice-president; J. V. Carter, secretary; J. L. Veach, treasurer. L. M. Smith was special on fruit; Guy Beau- man on soils; Charles Marshal, live stock; William Moore, dairy; Charles Truelove, crops. O. M. McGee was secured as Farm Adviser for the county and the main in- dustries of our county have been on the up grade ever since its organization. James McCall, a native of this county, A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 33 graduate of Oklahoma Agricultural and Medical College, Stillwater, Oklahoma, was our second Farm Advisor, em- ployed 1921. Our county also boasts one unit of the "Home Bureau" under Williamson County supervision. This is known as the "Ozark Unit" and is made up of women prin- cipally from Burnside Township. DRAINAGE Cache River is the most important stream in Johnson County. It enters near the center of the western boundary, flows southeast, to the northern part of Sec. 30, S. range 3, east in Vienna Township, where it turns almost directly south, then southeast again, making a large bend by again turning southwest and forming the southern boundary of that portion of the county. Its principal tributaries are Lick, Dutchman, and Little Cache, or Town Creek, the first of which rises in Union County and runs into Cache in the western part of Elvira Township. Dutchman rises in Gore- ville Township, running in a southeast direction and re- ceives Little Cache, or Town Creek, in section seventeen, township thirteen and empties into Cache in section thirty of the same township. It is interesting to note that the description of the east fork of Cache given by J. M. Peck in 1837 is practically correct for today. "This stream rises in Tunnel Hill Township, flows south and a little west by Vienna and into Dutchman in section seventeen." Big Bay Creek rises in Johnson County, receives Cedar, which with the other tributaries, drains the eastern sec- tions. The northern portion is drained by the tributaries of Saline and the northwestern section, by the streams that flow into Big Muddy River. The streams that flow to the north have narrow valleys with little low land along them. Cache is naturally a slow and sluggish stream. It has carv- ed out a valley varying from a quarter to two miles in width. Along its feeding streams, also those of Big Bay, lie large tracts of bottom land, which are subjected to over- flow and have been for many years since the Ohio River re- ceded from them. But in recent years there have been organized several drainage systems which have for their object the straight- ening of the main streams and the reclaimation of large and valuable tracts of land. Such improvements make these localities much more healthful. The first intimation of 34 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY drainage in this county is a record of the appointment of Thomas Jones as "Drainage Commissioner" for the county 1852 or 1854, and of his giving a bond of $10,000 with Wes- ley Reynolds, Nathan Rushing, Jefferson Jobe, William Mounce, D. Y. Bridges and B. F. Hayward as security. This appointment, however, was not made with the view of or- ganizing a drainage system. When in 1850, the U. S. grant- ed to the several states all the swamp land lying within their limits and in 1852 the states in turn granted this land to the counties and there were, consequently 23,087.24 acres of such land in this county, there was evident need for a drainage commissioner in title at least. The law said "counties shall not dispose of more than is necessary to com- plete the drainage except they may apply the remainder to roads and bridges. The counties land to be under the con- trol of the commissioner." As late as the fifties, swamp land sold in this county as low as 25 cents an acre; between 1870 and 1880 some Chi- cago capitalist became interested in swamp land in the vicinity of Belknap and Post Creek, but for some reason the scheme to drain it failed. Members of the State Legis- lature tried for several sessions to get aid from the state in making a survey to determine the practicability of a drain- age system for Cache River. Trousdale, of Massac, P. T. Chapman, of Johnson, in the Senate and George Martin, of Pulaski tried in the House at different sessions to secure this legislation. It failed of passage until the 43rd General Assembly when Senator Helm, of Massac and C. M. Gaunt, of Pulaski were successful. An appropriation of $10,000 for a survey of this territory was then made. A. H. Beli, of Bloomington, was employed as chief engineer and Wil- liam Moyer, of Pulaski County, as Assistant. Belknap Drainage District was organized about 1903. It lies wholly within Johnson County and extends from near Old Foreman, southwest to Rago. It was, in fact, a levee system and protected about 6,000 acres of land. It was financed by issuing bonds, and cost $40,000. The first Board of Commissioners was S. D. Peeler, Charles Mason and W. P. Brown. The present members are Charles Marshall, D. C. Casper and T. M. Bean (1922). The system was com- pleted in about two years but the commissioners have since, in conjunction with Cache River Drainage System, con- A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 35 structed Foreman Flood Way and other ditches which have proved more satisfactory for their purposes than the levees. The "Cache River" drainage system is by far the most important undertaking of its kind in this section of the country. Its territory includes portions of five counties, Pope, Massac, Johnson, Pulaski and Union. The commission for the Cache River drainage system was organized in the spring of 1911, after a very pointed argument for the need of a drainage system had been furnished by the high water of 1910. The loss to Johnson County from this high water in crops, roads, bridges and farm improvements amounted to some $100,000. The head of this system begins a little more than a quarter of a mile east from the Big Four R. R. in Township 12, Sec. 6, S. Range 3 east, of Johnson County, running through sections six and seven in a slightly south- east direction to Township 14, Sec. 13, S. Range 2 east about 2% miles and is known as the Foreman Flood way, serving both Belknap and Cache River systems. The main ditch, or "Cache River Cut off" begins in Pulaski County at the mouth of Post Creek, and the course of Post Creek is changed by it in an exact opposite direction so that it flows out of Cache instead of into it and empties into the Ohio River several miles above the original mouth of Cache. Cache is, thus stortened about 60 miles. This ditch is a little less than five miles long, sixty seven feet deep at different places and 350 feet wide at some points. S. D. Peeler, of this county, was a member of the Drainage Board for nine years and was chairman of it for seven. He gave much time and energy to this project, the value of which can not yet be estimated. This drainage pro- ject has been financed in the usual way at a total cost of $330,000. When completed over 80,000 acres of land will be drained. The main ditch was begun in 1912 and finished in 1916, but the entire system is not yet finished, (1924). Vienna Drainage District was organized about 1911. The commissioners were D. W. Whittenberg, J. C. Chap- man, O. H. Rhodes, C. J. Huffman, secretary and treasurer. This system has two divisions, the eastern one, beginning on Town Creek at the bridge on the Bloomfield road near the Big Four Station, running in a southwestern direction and meeting the western section. The latter section begins on Dutchman, just below where the bridge crosses that stream 36 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY on the West Vienna and Vienna Road and runs in a south- east direction. On J. C. Chapman's farm, in section 7, the east and west branches, become one ditch to Ballow Bridge, in Section 17 on the Belknap and Vienna Road, where it meets the main stream of Dutchman. The work of digging this ditch was not begun till 1915. It was completed in 1916 at a cost of $25,000. It drains almost 6,000 acres and is being paid for in the usual manner, the taxes meeting the interest and a portion of the bonds each year. HORTICULTURE Although the farmers of Johnson County since early settlement have generally had small orchards to supply fruit for home use, the growing of fruit on a commercial scale was begun about twenty-five years ago. The adaptability of the Memphis silt loam to the production of fruit has made this one of the most, if not the most, important industry of this county. The most extensive orchards are in Burnside Township, but fruit growing is not confined to this locality entirely. The orchard area is spreading to all parts of the Ozark Ridge lying in the county. A. G. Benson, living in Tunnel Hill Township had, in 1918, twenty-six acres in bearing trees, from which he realized in cash $3,300. An- other fruit grower in the same township, Guy Beauman, made on his eighty acres of trees, $15,000. The large orchards are well cared for, pruned and sprayed. The ap- ples are usually sold on the trees, the buyer picking, barrel- ing and shipping. Other orchard growers are F. B. Hines, R. F. Taylor, Mrs. Mary McAvory, Dr. W. R. Mizell, Dr. LaRue, John Underwood, Gingrich Bros., Norman Casper, Hugh and P. G. McMahan and the Centralia Fruit Farm. The most extensive fruit growers we have in the coun- ty are Heaton Brothers of New Burnside. They are known in all parts of the United States as apple growers, and have blue ribbons and medals from all kinds of fairs and exposi- tions. They have been in the business for about thirty-five years and have four hundred acres in trees. The early var- ieties they raise are Transparent and Duchess; the winter or keeping varieties are Winesap, Ingram and Kennard's Choice. The average yield from an acre of orchard is $100. The following is quoted from the pioneer orchardist of the county : "The first commerical orchard was planted in the spring A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 37 of 1888 by J. C. B. Heaton. Southern Illinois was then a dumping ground for tree peddlers with left over nursery stock. Mr. Heaton went into the nursery business for a time that he might get trees true to name, and with a hope that he might be able to direct an industry that would raise his neighbors from a state of semi-poverty to affluence and independence. Seeing that nursery men and orchardists were everywhere giving their efforts to growing fall and winter apples and that there was an increasing demand for early apples, which no section was yet making an effort to supply, he began growing and planting early varieties. While he was considered visionary at the time by many peo- ple, there were a few who were willing to risk his judgment and followed his example in planting early varieties. Those who gave attention to their orchards and brought them into bearing, reaped such a valuable harvest as to cause their neighbors to sit up and take notice. It was not long until everybody wanted an orchard of early apples, and went at it in earnest." From a few local shipments in 1895 the industry grew to more than 150 car loads in 1920. During all this period there has been no year that a well cared-for orchard has failed to pay expenses. There has been no such thing as a total failure and probably never will be. It is admitted by our State Horticultural Department that no section of the state gives better care to the orchards than the New Burnside section. The United States apple census in the June report of 1918 says that Johnson and Union Counties have the largest early apple industry in the United States. Mr. Heaton also says, "The New Burnside vicinity will double its output within five years, trebble it in eight years, and quadruple it in twelve years at the present rate of planting. Good orchard land easily accessible to New Burn- side, the shipping point, can be bought for $30.00 to $60.00 an acre. But good orchards in bearing, readily sell for $300 to $400 an acre. These prices are not based on estimates, but actual sales. Apples grown near New Burnside captur- ed a gold medal at Louisiana Purchase exposition; also at St. Louis in 1903, a silver loving cup at the State Horticul- tural Show, and many minor premiums. In fact, Heaton Bros.' apples exhibited anywhere have never failed to get their portion of premiums. While this is one of the small- est counties in population, it is a pleasure to note that two 38 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTS thirds of all her land is as well suited to the production of early apples as the section of New Burnside. There is no place in the United States that offers better opportunities for a young family to grow themselves into a fat living than Johnson County. The current expression "Go West and grow up with the country" might well be applied here to read "Go to Johnson County and grow up with an orchard of early apples and live on the fat of the land." A former resident of New Burnside Township writes a little history of a farm he knew in his boyhood days which he says, could not be given away, but which really would have sold high at $20 per acre owing to the rocks and pov- erty of the soil. This farm has been planted in orchard and sold in 1922 for $500 an acre. This fact substantiates the assertions of Mr. Heaton in his contribution to this subject. Ozark has recently built a packing house for the benefit of the Cooperative Fruit Growers of that section which is the first of its kind in the county. There are few peaches grown in this county for market although they are a most profit- able crop when they withstand the late frosts. This crop is so frequently destroyed that there are no large orchards planted in this section. Chapman & Hooker took a first prize on Elberta peaches at the Buffalo Exposition, New York, 1901, which proves that the best peaches can be pro- duced in this locality. The number of acres of commercial orchard in this county in 1922 was at least 6,000. CLARK'S TRAIL PART II Parish, an early historian of Illinois says, "In 1792 M. Juchereau with 30 Canadians and Father Jean Mermet left Kaskaskia to form a French settlement and to build a fort on the Ohio River. He erected a palisade, a cabin or two, and a store house. His purpose was ostensibly trading. Mermet established a mission nearby and called it Assump- tion. This place was deserted a few years after on account of trouble with the Indians and if it was named, all records have been lost." Other historians tell us it was occupied by traders in 1710 and 1711, but remained unimportant till 1756. During the French and Indian War the French in retreat under Aubrey landed here, threw up earth works and erected a stockade with four bastions furnished with eight cannons and quarters for a hundred men. From that date it has been known as Fort Massac. The origin of its name is no more certain than its other early history. It was ceded to the British in 1783, but they never occupied it with troops, which made it easy for Clark to enter the Illi- nois country. Fort Massac is not now in Johnson County, but it was at one time and the history of any place in Southern Illinois can scarcely be written without mentioning this old land- mark. This fort was built by the French sometime in 1700, as a trading post and mission. Later a fort was construct- ed here forming one of the chain built by the French to be used in the defence of their claim to this part of the country known as the Northwest Territory. It was occupied by the French at different times and garrisoned by the U. S. in 1794. Victor Collet, a Frenchman tells us in his notes "On a Journey in North America," that Captain Pike was com- mandant of Fort Massac in 1796. His garrison consisted of one hundred men and the batteries were mounted with twelve pieces. Near the fort were seven or eight houses or huts inhabited by Canadians. From its isolation Fort Mas- sac was sometimes the rendezvous of conspirators; here Genet, Powers, Wilkinson, the famous Aaron Burr with Blenerhasset, plotted wild schemes against this government, 40 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY just what was never known. Here, no doubt floated the first American flag in this state which the valiant General George Rogers Clark brought with him on his journey of conquest, if he possessed one, if not, he carried the salute in his loyal heart. At least here he touched soil, camped and began his victorious march across Illinois. There has been some contention as to which route or trail General Clark took from this ancient fort to Kaskaskia. There seems to have been three known routes between these two places in 1778; number one lead from Fort Massac east and north to avoid the swamps, into Pope County; then turned west- ward past what is now Allen Springs entering Johnson County about two or three miles from Double Bridges and north of the site of Simpson, passed through Moccasin Gap, Sec. 3 township 12, range 4 east, Reynoldsburg, Sec. 33, township 11, range 4 E, Ezekiel Choat's, Sec. 30, township 11, range 4 east, Charles Burton's place near Parker, Salem Church then to Sulphur Springs about a mile southwest of Creal Springs and on into Williamson County, through old Bainbridge and out into the prairie country. The second route circled Massac Lakes to the westward cutting in between them and the canyons of Cache River, entering Johnson County near what is known as Indian Point, then running north of northwest crossing Dutchman Creek a short distance above Forman then up the east side of Cache crossing the Ozarks through the Buffalo Gap. Johnson County on into Williamson meeting the upper trail at old Bainbridge. It is not necessary to describe the third route because it could be used only in the dry weather. Since Clark's expedition was in the early summer it is hardly probable that he would have taken the third route. The evidence gathered from Clark's correspondence is in favor of the second route ; he says "on the third day out we reached prairie." This would have been impossible owing to the distance on the first route. He further says they were very much afraid of being discovered, another reason why they would take the least traveled or second route. He ordered his guide to find Kaskaskia trace when they thought they were lost, which would not have happen- ed had they been on the original trace or the one known as route one. It had been marked by the French and was, no doubt, easily followed. A U. S. Survey notes an Indian trail A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 41 which is described in "Roads." This central route was probably the same as this survey and shorter by seventy- five miles, another reason Clark would select it. The Daniel Chapman Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution of V ienna were so thoroughly convinced from these reasons and Draper's manuscripts of Clark's Memoirs, 1791 in the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, also from authority of Hurlburt in his history of this route, that this was the route Clark traveled on his historic journey, that they marked it with four markers of stone set in concrete bases with suitable inscriptions in 1913. One of these is located at Indian Point on the right of way of the Chicago, Burling- ton and Quincy Railroad, just inside the Johnson County line, and where the state hard road crosses into Massac County. This was Clark's first camp out of Fort Massac. These trails always followed the ridges and passed near water, consequently they placed one on the West Vienna road near a spring two and one-half miles west of Vienna about where the trail would naturally cross the present road. Clark's men, no doubt, tramped on up the ridge to- ward Goreville through Buffalo Gap where there is a break in the range of hills. The third marker was placed here by the permission of the Chicago and Eastern Illinois Rail- road, this being an old crossing used by the native buffalo, and made by nature. The fourth was placed on the Vienna and Marion road at the Pink Thornton Farm as the spring where they most likely camped the second night out of Fort Massac is just off the road, about three-fourth of a mile, near the present site of Pully's Mill and only a short dis- tance from where the stone is located. The Egyptian Press, a local paper of Marion, Illinois, describes the marker as follows : "On his second night out from Fort Massac, Gen- eral Clark and his men camped at a spring which is located near the Thornton home, two miles north of Goreville on the Marion and Goreville road. Here is now to be seen one of the monuments but recently located by the Daughters of the American Revolution. This monument is a granite marker standing above its heavy solid concrete base about two feet. It has a beveled and polished face measuring about 18 by 24 inches and bears the following inscription : 'Second Camp of General George Rogers Clark, on his March from Fort Massac to Fort Kaskaskia, 1778. Erect- ed 1913 by Daniel Chapman, Chapter D. A. R.' " 42 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY ROADS Our first roads were trails made by the Indians. Rey- nolds tells us that in 1800 the old road leading from Ft. Mas- sac to Kaskaskia was plainly marked, the number of miles having been cut or burned on trees and painted red. Just how long this road or trail has been in existence, we have no way of telling. We know, however, that it was laid out when Fort Massac and Assumption were built, which time varies from 1702 to 1711. Thus our first road was con- structed early in the 18th century as Fort Massac had been a depot for emigrants from almost the beginning. Rey- nolds says, "from time immemorial." These emigrants had floated down the Ohio River on rafts and settled in southern Illinois. This road after leaving Fort Massac made a great curve to the north into Pope County to avoid the swamps of Cache and Big Bay, entering Johnson County about sec- tion 13, township 12, range 4 east, thence through Moccasin Gap, section 3, township 12, range 4 east, thence through Reynoldsburg, section 33, township 11, range 4 east, on to the northwest by or near Parker City leaving the county about a mile southwest of Creal Springs at or near Sulphur Springs going into Williamson County, passing Ward's Mill, Old Bainbridge and on into Jackson County. This was, without doubt, our first road though possibly not much more than a trace in 1800 as most of the travel was by foot or horseback. Reynolds says there was not a single house on the road from Hull's landing, a few miles above Fort Massac, on the Ohio to Kaskaskia in 1800. Good roads were just as necessary to civilization in the early day as now and among the first things that the county court did after its organization was to begin laying out roads. Sep- tember 13, 1813, the court having taken into consideration the necessity, ordered Issac D. Wilcox to open a road from Massac the nearest and best way to William Style's in Center Township, and to make or cause the same to be made passable for carriages; that Moses Evans, Joseph Eubanks and Wm. Styles be appointed to view the road. Joseph Eubank's estate was settled in Massac Township in- dicating he lived in what is now that county. No doubt, some part of this road is in use as the road from Vienna to Metropolis at the present time. The second highway we have a record of is where Ezekiel Wells, Thomas Green and Solamon Penrod were appointed to view a road from Earth- A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 43 man's ferry, which was on the Mississippi River. The terminus of this road is not given, but doubtless was Elvira in which case it would cross the present Union County. This order was made sometime in the year 1813. January 1814, the court ordered that all the inhabitants for eight miles on either side of this road from Earthman's ferry should work this road. January 12, 1814, a petition was presented to the court for a road from "Col. Furguson's opposite the mouth of Cumberland River, in what is now Pope County, to Cape Girardeau; the present mail route." This was a long route extending from one river to the other and, no doubt, left Vienna to the north. "Green's old ferry road passed through Vienna. Reynolds says there was an old road from Massac to Cape Girardeau." Tradition call- ed it a military road. Levi Graham, William Lawrence and Abraham Price were to have charge of the road from Cache to Cape Girardeau and John Pritchard, James Tits- worth and John P. Givens were to have charge from Col. Furguson's to Cache. Wm. Lawrence had a mill and a still on Cache and from the best evidence to. be obtained he lived in the extreme southeast corner of the present Union County or perhaps, just over in Pulaski. W. N. Moyers, County Superintendent of Highways of Pulaski County describes the two crossings or trails from one river to the other made first, by the Indians and later used by the new settlers as follows : One of the trails from Fort Mas- sac west, followed down the Ohio River beyond old Fort Wilkinson and the head of the Grand Chain, thence west to the present site of Levings, thence north by west to Cache River about the corner of Sec. 16, 17, 20 and 21, Township 14, S., R. I. East. This is the first point at which the high lands reach the bank of that stream after leaving the Strat- ton Bridge site. The other route reached Cache about where the Black Slough empties into it. If Cache was high, the traveler went up the slough a short distance where it could be forded and skirted the scatters of Cache to Indian Point where the trail followed the ridge in a northwest direction and the one, no doubt, used by Gen. George Rogers Clark. An old United States Survey says that an old trail skirted the north banks of Cache basin near the east end. The Vienna and Metropolis road crosses it in Township 14, range 4 east near the center of the range. Grand Chain and Belknap road crosses it in R. 2 east, township 14. These old trails were, no doubt, referred to as roads in the early 44 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY days of Johnson County's organization. At the May term of court in the year 1815 the people petitioned for a road from Elvira to intersect the road from Furguson's to Cape Girardeau at Cache Post Office (The United States Post Master General's Office says, "there was never a post office by that name until recent years there was one established in Alexander County"). The above road order was taken from the county records. In 1815, the court ordered that Robert Lott and William Thornton be appointed to view a road the nearest and best route from Johnson Court House to William Lawrence's mill. At the same session, 1815, George Smiley, Joseph Palmer, and Henry Earthman were ordered to lay out a road from Elvira to Earthman's ferry on the Mississippi to be governed as far as possible by the township line between townships 11 and 12. About this time William Simpson and John Robinson are allowed to establish a ferry on the Mississippi, below the mouth of Apple Creek, and to it they must have a road. Giles Pal- merly, Jacob Craft, Thomas C. Patterson and Andrew Cochran were appointed to lay out said road. Joshua Davis, William Simpson, Thomas C. Patterson and John Byers were given the task of laying out a road from Johnson Court House (Elvira) to Big Muddy so as to meet the road from Kaskaskia to Muddy. A petition was presented in 1815 by the inhabitants to have the road leading from Johnson Court House to Furguson's ferry viewed and opened. John Reed, who served as commissioner in Pope County in 1825 and must have lived near the present Johnson County line, judging from another road ordered, Jacob Littleton and James Whiteside were viewers of this road. This was lat- er known as the old Golconda and Jonesboro road. It ran through Bloomfield Township across the farms of Joseph Plater, Mrs. Davis, John Veach and Gus Casper and cross- ed Dutchman where the second site for a county seat was selected. This road also passed through Simpson, by Pleas- ant Ridge church house, crossed the old Marion road near the John Veach place and merged with the present Bun- combe road near the Soper farm. At a court held in 181(5 Levi Graham, Absalom Lankston were appointed to view a road from Smith's ferry on the Mississippi to Wm. Law- rence's mill on Cache. John Bowman was to open a road from Johnson Court House toward Furguson's ferry as far as McFatridges. In 1817 Peter Clark, Henry Sams and A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 45 Benjamin F. Clark were appointed to view a road already established to Hay's ferry from Elvira till it intersected the road leading from Dutchman settlement, which was about two miles southwest of Jonesboro and at that time in Johnson County, to Brownsville, a town on the north bank of Big Muddy River and the first county seat of Jackson County, by way of Patterson's, who lived in what was afterward Rich Precinct, Union County, "Peter Clark is made supervisor of that part of the road, from Elvira to Brownsville, from his home to where the road intersects the road leading from the Dutch settlement. "The same year John Weldon, John Robinson and John Tweedy were ordered to lay out a road from Earthman's ferry on the Mississippi to intersect Greens road, near Tweedy's Mill." Another road built about this time was from Johnson Court House to Gallaher's old place on the Mississippi, below Green's ferry, John Bradshaw, John Grammar and Joseph Palmer, all were residents of Union at its organization, are viewers of this road. The description of the road is as follows: "Beginning at the court house and running by William Townsen's farm thence near to John Bradshaw's, leaving his house to the left, crossing Big Creek at the mouth of Wallace's branch, thence passing along between the plantations of John Grammar, and Sophronus Standles, thence by John Whitekers and thence to Gallaher's old place on the Mississippi, all of which we have marked," signed John Grammar, John Bradshaw, David Vance, David Arnold." Report on road leading to Robinson and Simp- son's ferry on the Mississippi. "To-wit : Beginning at the court house thence agreeably to the way newly marked out to Thomas C. Patterson's and through his land, thence to Tripp's thence to the old Indian trail, where it crosses Drury's Creek thence to Palmer's, thence passing the widow Craft's and leaving her home to the right from there to Earthman's ferry." (Formerly Robinson and Simpson's ferry) . This report was given in 1815 and Giles Parmerly was appointed supervisor at this same court. The commis- sion appointed to lay out the road to Muddy, having failed to act T. C. Patterson, William Simpson, William H. and Josuha Davis were appointed instead. The roads up to this time most all seemed to be in the direction of the Mississippi River, but when Union was organized and the county seat changed, the roads began 46 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY their trend in other direction. At the July court, 1818, William McNorton, John Copeland and John W. Gore were appointed viewers of a road the nearest and best route, from the new seat of justice toward Jonesboro, as far as the county line." This is, in part at least, the present Anna ana Vienna road having been laid out a little more than a hundred years ago. imagine, if you can, the work and money that has been spent on this road in the past one hundred years. If they had built less than one quarter of a mile each year we would now have a good road to our neighboring city. Perhaps these pioneers were excusable, although the Appian way had been constiucted before the Christian era, but the present day citizens are not excusable as they know all about hard roads, how to build them and have plenty of material at hand in this county. Yet the process of wasting money on roads continues in this sec- tion. "Adam Harvick, Joel Johnson and John Grisham are appointed at this same court, 1818, to view a road from the new seat of justice to Golconda, as far as the county line of Pope." All persons living north of the road to within one half mile of the old Elvira and Jonesboro road and all living south within five miles of said road shall work this road." September, 1819, the court ordered that Richard McGinnin, who lived at Pleasant Grove, the present home of Willis Elkins, Millington Smith, whose home was on the present farm of Stanley Beggs, and James Jones, who lived on the farm now divided and owned by Fred Shetler and John M. Brown, be appointed to view the nearest and best practicable route for a road from John Gore's planta- tion, so as to meet the road lately laid out from Vienna to Jonesboro at the county line. "This road began at John W. Gore's thence by George Brazell's mill to Jane Lizenby's, thence along the ridge leading down Cache River to the same, thence on a ridge to William Russell's farm leav- ing the same on the left, thence the safest and best route to meet said road from Vienna to Jonesboro. The mean- ing is a little obscure as there had been a commission the year before to lay out a road from Vienna to Jonesboro, but it is possible they did not complete it farther than John W. Gore's, another theory is that the first Vienna and Jonesboro road led south and then west instead of the pres- ent direction owing to the high water directly west of us. The road leading from Vienna south to Caledonia, Mound A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 47 City and Cairo and passing Indian Point was laid out in 1821. In 1824, John Copeland and John S. Cooper reported on a road to Wilcox's warehouse, which was on the Ohio River in section 7, township 15, range 3 east. A Mrs. Riley owns the farm on which this warehouse and landing was located. It was first called Copeland's landing. James Copeland operated a ferry there about 1824. It was later called Mabery landing. Tradition says most of the roads leading from the north came to this landing. It was on what is now the county line between Massac and Pulaski Counties, almost directly south of Vienna and doubtless the port from where our imports came and our exports were shipped. At this time Johnson County had a road leading out in every direction to the neighboring towns and, no doubt, many settlement roads. In 1819, David Elms was appointed supervisor of the old Golconda and Jonesboro road, from the corner of his farm, this farm now owned by J. H. Taylor and J. R. Hill, to Pope County line; Squire Choat from the same corner east to Bloomfielcl Township line; Alexander McGowan from there to Dutch- man Lick (No knowledge of Dutchman Lick possibly it is what is now Lick Creek.) from Dutchman Lick to Union County line. William Gothard was appointed. These supervisors must have lived on or near the sections of road to which they were assigned. Stanton Simpson was ap- pointed supervisor, for the new road, from Vienna toward Golconda as far as the Pope County line 1824. In 1820 it was ordered that : "James Bain, Lewis Simpson and Levi Casey be appointed to view a route from Vienna to Saline Lick and that Milton Ladd be appointed to survey it." The following men were designated to work this road that ran toward Saline Lick, passing Lewis D. Simpson's which was the present Simpson road, William Simpson, Sr., Levi Casey, Jacob Cannady, Ishmael Veach, Joseph McCorcle, William Hendry, Robert Little, James Copeland, Ivy Rey- nolds, Benj. Carroll, G. Morris, Irvin Morris, William Huckam, Francis Geehen, James Bain, Henry Adams, Mar- tin Harvick, David Elms, Reuben Wright, William S. Cooley, George Giles, Squire Choat, Benjamin Bowman, William Abraham and Noah Shelby, Willis Simpson, and John Fisher. The supervisors were allowed $1.00 per day for summoning hands to work the road, in 1823. For December, 1821, Joseph McCorcle, James Jones and Mathew 48 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY Mathis were appointed by the court to view and mark out the nearest and best route for a road from Vienna toward the Saline so as to intersect the road leading past Lewis Simpson's. Hezekiah West, Thomas Standard and Moses Cochran were appointed to view the nearest and best practicable route for a road from Vienna to Wilcox's ferry on the Ohio River, so as to intersect the county line between Johnson and Union Counties near Concord meeting- house. 1821 Joel Johnson, Levi Casey and Lewis Simpson were appoint- ed to view a road from Vienna to meet the road from Elvira to Saline Lick. In 1821, Abraham Hendry, Jesse Canady and Martin Harvick were designated to view a road from Vienna to cross the creek below Joseph McCorcle's tan yard, which was about where Joseph McDaniel's house stands at present, on east main street, proceeding from there so as to intersect the Massac road at or near a place called Indian Mounts, this side of the bridge on what is called Black Slough. Indian Mounts, was, no doubt, the same as Indian Point. "Ordered that Robert Axley, Thomas Standard and Richard Mercer be appointed to view a road the nearest and best route for a road to be laid out from Concord meeting house to some point on the Ohio River near Wilcox's ware house." Concord meeting house must have been near the cemetery of that name which is near the line of Union and Johnson and one half mile due north of the old William Yearly Davis place. At September court, 1823, Isaac D. Wilcox, John L. Cooper and John Cope- land were appointed to view a route for a road from Vienna to Wilcox's ware house on the Ohio River. They reported on this road in 1824 and were appointed supervisors of same ; all living within three miles of the road to the bridge must work this road and all within seven miles must work it beyond the bridge to the ware house." It evidently took a great deal of work and time of the citizens to make roads at that time; one can scarcely decide which the greater burden to work and open up new roads as they did in those days or to keep them up at the present. Three notches on a tree indicated a public road, a blaze on a tree marked a neighborhood road. The following men were appointed to supervise certain sections of these roads, 1823. "The road from Golconda to Jonesboro," that part of said road that lies between the bridge on Cache and the county line of A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 49 Pope." John Peterson to superintend that part between the afore said bridge and the town of Vienna. " Ivy Reynolds from Vienna to Simpson and Samuel Stanton Simpson from his house to the county line of Pope." "On the old road from Golconda to Jonesboro; Joshua Elkins to superintend that part of said road which lies between Dutchman Lick and the county line of Union." "Samuel McGowan from said Lick eastward as far as the line that divided Vienna and Bloomneld Townships." William Shelby from the north east corner of his land to the county line of Pope." The road from Golconda to Jonesboro passing through Vienna was divided into two districts, known as eastern which ex- tended from the county line of Pope to Vienna, and western district which extended from Vienna to the county line of Union. Ivy Reynolds was appointed supervisor for the eastern district for the year, 1826 and William Elkins for the western district for the same year. The old road run- ning through Bloomfield was divided the same way, the same year with Washington McFatridge in charge from Pope County line to Bloomneld and Henry Mangum was supervisor from Bloomfield west to Union County line." To the honorable judges of the court of Johnson County, Greeting — In pursuance of an act of the General Assembly, approved January 15, 1825. "We, your petitioners pray that you would lay out a road beginning at the county line, be- tween Johnson and Pope Counties, near Thomas Reeds on Big Bay, thence through the settlement of Mark Rentfro thence the nearest and best -route to Hardy Johnson's on the old road, from thence to intersect the old Kaskaskia road at or near Ezekiel Choats on the little Saline, as we believe it will be a road of great utility and that yon appoint suit- able persons to review it. Signers — (the only names legible were) : Hardy and Joel Johnson." J. H. G. Wilcox pre- sented a petition to the May court, 1827, praying for a road from Vienna, by Reuben Wilson's on Georges Creek, to his ferry on the Ohio River. It was granted and Ander- son Douglas, Martin Harvick and John Shearer were ap pointed viewers of the road. (Reuben Wilson entered land, 1836, which is now owned by J. L. Broadway.) In 1828, a number of citizens petitioned for a road beginning at Pope County line near Thomas Reed's on Big Bay thence through the settlement of Mark Rentfro thence to Hardy Johnson's on the old road, from thence to intersect the old Kaskaskia road at or near Ezkiel Choats on little Saline. In 1856, the 50 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY following road was ordered : "Beginning at H. Carson's and running in a northwest direction to Williamson County line passing 0. Francis, F. Boyt's, D. C. Chapman, E. F. Francis, H. M. Ridenhower, James Parish and the widow Ollis, L. W. Fern and D. C. Chapman were reviewers." This is a later date than others but is used to complete the middle Marion road. The county was well supplied with roads which had been laid out in a comparatively short time. The lack of good roads has long been a menace to our county as well as to the rest of the state. Our citizens began to take an interest in the hard road question only a few years ago. Our commissioners began putting in permanent bridges and culverts about 1900. An enthusiastic meeting was held in Vienna in the fall of 1913, especially planned in the interest of the "Logan and Lee" highway. A number from ad- joining counties and Kentucky attended and it looked like, the road was almost here. The result of this convention remains in the red, white and blue stripes on the telephone poles through the county, marking the proposed great high- way. This, of course, is something but not what was ex- pected. This remaining sign and the successful meeting was due mostly to the efforts of Noel Whitehead, who was at that time mayor of Vienna. The state road which is being built from the $60,000,000 bond issue was surveyed in 1921. It enters the county from the northeast, just south of Stone Fort, passes through Burnside Township to the southwest, passes through Tunnel Hill Township, a little east of the railroad and directly through Guy Beauman's farm and Bloomfield in the same general direction. It crosses the Big Four railroad above the little village of Bloomfield, cutting directly through the farm of T. J. Clay- ton and entering the limits of Vienna on the northeast corner thence through the eastern section of the town. It crosses the Big Four rail road two miles directly south of Vienna. This road is a part of route one and connects Chicago and Metropolis. It is called the "Wonder Land Route." In 1918, 1730 votes were cast in this county for the $60-000,000 bond issue to build state roads and only 260 against. The public roads of the county are much better than ten years ago and, no doubt will improve continuously. Fourteen miles of the above road is now open to traffic, 1924. A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 51 FERRIES One would think ferries a rather queer subject for the history of a county so far inland as Johnson County is at present, but it must not be forgotten that in our former greatness as a territorial county, we bordered on two rivers. All families coming here from the south had to cross the river to reach the desired haven which necessitated a ferry, and many coming from the east floated down the Ohio on rafts. They might be taken into the farther side by the current and needed a ferry to land them on the right side. Perhaps it would be interesting to know how many of our later settlers reached this section by way of the rivers. They built rafts which were logs pinned together, put the lumber they wanted to use in building their houses on them, and shoved them into the river; loaded the family, the stock, and all their belongings onto them and floated away. There was usually a small inclosure in the center to shelter the family. The cow was staked out to one side, the chickens, pigs and other domestic animals were coralled in an inclosure; they cooked, ate, milked and churned, fed the stock and lived at home on this mininature farm with- out soil until they reached their destination. The father guided this frail bark into Hull's or Mile's Landing, Fort Massac or Mound City. Many people emigrating to Kaskaskia, Cahokia, and other parts of the state further north and west came to the Kentucky shore and crossed at Lusks Ferry. Fort Massac was a favorite landing place for emigrants since the first one came. And the Mississippi River must have been almost lined with ferries judging from the number given in our first courts as applying for permission to estab- lish them. At the second term of Johnson County court, held in 1813, "on motion of Henry Earthman to have his ferry on the Mississippi, formerly known by the name of Waller's Ferry established." It was so ordered by the court. This is the first mention of a ferry on our records and the fol- lowing rates were established for the government of this ferry, to-wit: for crossing a wagon and team, $3.00; a carriage of pleasure with four wheels, $4.00; two wheels of the same description, $2.00; a cart $1.00; a man and 52 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY horse 62V2C, pack horse 62%, single man or horse 25c, neat cattle 20c, sheep, hogs or goats 10c, for all kinds of pack mules, oxen and horses, the same rate as a horse. At the September court, 1814, William Simpson and John Robinson were given leave to establish a ferry on the Mississippi below the mouth of Apple Creek. Later, in 1815 Charles Bradley entered a ferry on the Mississippi opposite Cape Girardeau and the same rates were to govern as had been allowed for the others. In 1816 Smiley had a warehouse and ferry on the Mississippi. Green operated a ferry on the same river in 1814. In 1815 John Earthman had leave to operate the ferry established by Simpson and Robinson the year before in the name of John Hay, John and Henry Earthman and William Garner. The ferries on the Mississippi in 1816 were Tweesday's, William Smith's, Thomas Green's, Samuel Penrod's Charles Bradley's, Reu- ben Glover's, Lewis Crane's, Power's and Smiley's. Obidiah Russell had a ferry on Cache. All these ferries paid taxes into the Johnson County treasury for 1816. Furguson's ferry was on the Ohio opposite the mouth of the Cumberland River. Mile's Trace began at Elizabeth- town, and Mile's ferry must have been located there. Rey- nold's says it was a few miles above Hull's landing. Lusk's ferry was on the Ohio, opposite the present site of Golconda. Established 1799. Hull's landing was a few miles above Golconda 1780. In 1821 Issac D. Wilcox was given leave to establish a ferry on his land on the Ohio River at his warehouse now being erected in section 7, township 15, range 3 east of the third principal meridan. The following rates were charged, being much less than those established in 1813 ; wagon arid team of four horses, $1.50; a carriage, two wheels and team, 75c; a single man and horse 37% ; at high water for horned cattle 12 V2 ; for low water 18% ; at high water hogs, sheep or goats 6c each ; at low water 8c each. He was also licensed to keep tavern at this place. This ferry was later operated by James Copeland, and was called Copeland's landing, His widow married Captain Williamson. It was then known as Wiliamson's landing, and later as Sharp's land- ing. It lies between the old John Copeland place, now owned by Mrs. Riley, and the old Sharp farm, and not far from the present Massac and Pulaski line. A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 53 Samuel Copeland owned a ferry where Joppa is now located, after the civil war, which was operated by his sons, Perry, Richard, James and Clinton. In March 1824, James H. G. Wilcox, having made ap- plication to establish a ferry on his land about one mile be- low Massac, section 11, township 16, range 4 east; the court ordered his petition granted and the same rates were allow- ed that had been established for lssac D. Wilcox' ferry in 1821. This was in the present limits of the city of Metropolis which was laid laid out about eighteen or twenty years later, and the ferry was located about where the present Metropolis ferry now operates. In 1816 the Territorial Legislature passed a law grant- ing free ferriage to ministers of the gospel but repealed it in December 1817. Imagine, if you can, the number of preacher crossing the river while this law was in force. The taxes on these ferries were $8 and $3. The capac- ity of the craft had, no doubt, something to do with the difference in the rate of tax. When the counties bordering on the rivers were organized, our control of and the revenue from these ferries ceased. MILLS The first mills of this county were doubtless hollowed out stones or stumps with pestles for the grinding and muscle for the power. Wheat was not produced to a very great extent in the very first years of the county's history. The water mill succeeded these primitive mills and were of necessity located on streams. The horse mill followed these. The first mill we have any knowledge of in this county was owned by John Whiteker and located somewhere be- tween Elvira and the Mississippi river. This is not very definite, but we know that he paid taxes on this mill in the year 1816. Brazel had a mill somewhere west of Vienna sometime in the 20's. Price had one on McCorcle Creek in 1823. Huse operated a mill on Cache on the new road from Vienna to Jonesboro in 1828. William Lawrence had a mill on Cache in 1816 and was taxed 60 cents on it that year. 54 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY Samuel J. Chapman had a mill on Cache near the James Arnett farm, now owned by Marvin Smith, in 1845. Laugh- lin, father of R. W., worked a mill on Big Bay in 1839, which was first run by water power. This mill was sold to Whiteside, and later to Adair who added an engine. Many people from Vienna went to this mill for their bread stuff. Major A. J. Kuykendall, future congressman from this district, was often seen there as a patron when a small boy. A mill begun by William Price about where the Gol- conda road crosses the McCorcle Creek, was finished by Walter Scott in 1857. This was among the first steam mills of the county. These are some of the primitive mills of the county, the larger mills will be listed among the assests of the town in which they are located. Boggs says, "Minute regulations were established by the territorial laws for mills as well as ferries. Mills were required to use a pre- scribed measure and to grind for prescribed toll. The toll for a horse mill being higher than a water mill, unless the owner of the grain furnished the horse." An act of 1799 made the toll for grinding and bolting wheat and rye into flour one eighth of the quantity, if only ground, one tenth. Penalties were imposed for excessive tolls and millers were made accountable for all grain received. It required two hours to grind one bushel of corn on a horse mill. The early settlers had to go miles to mill and sometimes wait all day for their grinding, as the rule of "first come first served" prevailed. "In the southern settlements the people procured their grinding at New Design, Leven's or Kaskas- kia." (Reynolds) EARLY MAILS The first post office established in the county was at Fort Massac, 1803. It was given as 870 miles from Wash- ington. Fort Massac has not belonged to this county since 1843, but no doubt, many who lived in our present limits have gone there to hear from their old Virginia, N. Carolina or Tennessee relatives and friends. Johnson Court House was the post office at Elvira established in 1817 with James Finny as postmaster. It was the first one established in our present boundaries and is given as 888 miles from Washington. There was a post office at Big Bay established A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 55 1815 and kept by James Whiteside which became a part of Pope County when it was organized. Bloomfield post office is given on the Postmaster General's report in 1819 with S. J. Chapman as Postmaster. There is a tradition that Samuel J. Chapman tried to make Bloomfield the county seat instead of Vienna when the county capitol was moved from Elvira. The fact that he was postmaster there at the above date would make the story very plausible. Cache Clap Post Office was kept by J. B. Murry, 1819 to 1821. The exact location is not known. Many people do not know what a country post office was like. The mail was carried on horse back from the river towns or landings across the country to the post office which was kept in a private house or a country store. The mail was delivered once a week, sometimes twice, and when the people wanted their mail they were obliged to go to the office for it. The old mail route leading from Vienna to Shawneetown passed through what is now New Burnside, Reynoldsburg and by William Mounce's and the Dr. LaRue farm. When the mail carrier arrived in hearing distance of the house where he was to have his noon meal he blew a horn so that dinner might be on the table and the horses fed and ready to travel in order that no time would be lost. This was the fast mail of that day and time. "Stace McDonough had the contract for carrying the mail from St. Louis and Kaskaskia across country to Shaw- neetown, in 1812." (Reynolds) The first mail route in Johnson County was from Kas- kaskia to Johnson Court House at Elvira in 1817. Levi Hughes carried the mail twice a month from Cape Girar- deau to Elvira later routes as advertised. "The mail from Vienna to Golconda via Wool, leaves Monday and Wednes- day, arrives Tuesdays and Thursdays. Vienna to Golconda via Rock, leaves Friday arrives Saturday/' Another of the early routes was from Golconda to Vienna then on to Dongola. Samuel Copeland had the contract for this route in the 50's. Samuel Jackson, Sr., was one of the early mail riders, as they were called, and Fred Burnett was another. S. D. Poor rode the mail from Vienna to Caledonia for $6 a month. The man taking the contract usually employed boys to ride the mail. Milton Ladd is given as the post- master at Vienna in 1821, and S. J. Chapman in 1825. Rey- 56 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY noldsburg Post Office, Johnson County was established July 6, 1860. Wesley Reynolds was the first postmaster. Cedar Bluff was established April 25, 1856, David H. Mead was the first postmaster. Gray's Mill was established January 6, 1857, Nathan 0. Gray was the postmaster. Cedar Bluff was a country post office near Goreville. Gray's Mill was situated between Cypress and Belknap. When the population would justify the mail routes were shortened and the mail was delivered oftener. When the roads would permit the mail was carried by stage, which also carried passengers. This was a great conven- ience before the days of railroads. These routes have been shortened till they only include the county and lengthened till they reach every citizen's door. Rural delivery was established in this county in 1904 and every farmer of the county has his mail put in his special box once each day. We are not only able to have the morning paper delivered at our door but we may call up by telephone any one in the county any day and as many times a day as we like, if the line is not busy, and talk about the current events of the neighborhood and family affairs to the delight of all the other people on the toll line. A business man can sit in his office and transact business in Chicago, St. Louis or New York. It is a stride from the country post office to the daily mail, the telegraph, telephone and radio. The first telephone in our county was a private one in- stalled by P. T. Chapman, in 1890. It extended from his office in the First National Bank to the Big Four Railroad station and later to the Blomfield stock farm. J. B. Kuy- kendall had the second line extending from his mill to his residence. In 1898 Robert Thacker, Charles Gray, Ed Boyt, D. W. Whittenberg and L. 0. Whitnel as incorporators put in the county the Interior telephone system. It was patron- ized liberally and was a most decided convenience. Private phones were installed for the small sum of $1.00 per month. This system was extended into several adjoining counties. After the death of Mr. Thacker the stock changed hands at different times and the system was finally sold in 1915 to the Murphysboro Telephone System for $50,000.00 which exemplifies its necessity. A Mutual Telephone System was established in the county in 1909, A. J. Kuykendall and William George being the promoters. This system was also A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 57 sold to the Murphysboro Corporation in 1920 and they now control all the lines in the county except the Terry lines of Goreville Township which are owned and operated by W. A. Terry and the Simpson System which is owned by J. W. Reynolds. RAILROADS The Cairo and Viencennes Railroad Company, whose president was General Burnside of Civil War fame, began the plans to construct a road through our county in 1867. The county realizing the great need of this facility was ready to assist in getting this enterprise started as hereto- fore we had no means of transportation other than coach, wagon, or horseback. The people readily agreed to take $100,000.00 worth of stock in this company to help finance the construction and equip the road. The company sold this stock to the county for $95,000.00 in bonds. The bonds were issued in 1872 and were due in 1892, drawing 8 per cent interest. For some reason the county undertook to fight the payment of these bonds and failed to pay the interest on them for several years. By 1885, $40,000 inter- est had accured and the county was threatened with a suit for this amount. The county commissioners employed Judge Duff, of Carbondale, 111., to look into the case and paid him $1,000.00 for his opinion, which was that the bonds were legal. In order to be more certain the county then employed Judge Duff, A. G. Damron, and P. T. Chapman to bring a test case, which they did for a fee of $500.00. The court also decided the bonds were legal and that the county would have to pay them, with the accrued interest. After being sued for the interest and incurring the above extra expense, the commissioners finally levied a tax to meet the interest and a part of the bonds each year. P. T. Chapman was made financial agent and bought up the bonds as fast as the money accrued. The last of these bonds was paid about 1906. This railroad enters the county in the northeast corner and runs almost diagonally across the county to the south- west. The construction was begun in 1871 and finished in 1872. The following is a part of a letter published in the Vienna Artery, August 2, 1871. "Harrisburg, Illinois, July 31, 1871. Mr. N. Pearce, Vienna, 111., Dear Sir: While I was in New York on Thursday last, Gen. Burnside 58 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY directed Dodge, Lord & Co., to commerce work on the Cario and Vincennes Railroad, in the counties of White and Saline, which they did last week. It is the expectation to commence work in the other counties without unnecessary delay." The remainder of the letter is in regard to procuring the right of way by gift, if possible- and signed by Green B. Raum. Green R. Casey says the first railroad iron that was laid in the county was hauled to Tunnel Hill in a wagon, twelve in number, February 14, 1872, and late in the fall of this same year the first freight was hauled into the county over the Big Four, consisting of bailed hay. It was unloaded one mile north of Tunnel Hill and hauled on wagons to that place to feed the teams of William Douglas, a railroad con- tractor. While this road has given us poor shipping facilities and the shabbiest rolling stock possible, yet we were com- pelled to be loyal to it for it was all we had for several years. It was later merged into the Big Four system and is known by that name, which is a part of the New York Central lines. The St. Louis, Alton and Terre Haute was chartered in 1887 and built through our county in 1888 and 1889. George W. Parker was president of the company. Its be- ginning is St. Louis and it runs across the eastern part of the county from north to south, bearing slightly to the east crossing the Big Four at Parker and running into Metro- polis, Massac County, and then on to Paduch. The nearest station on this road to Vienna is Grantsburg, about eight miles away. This road was later extended from Reeveville, this county to Golconda, Pope County. It was some years afterwards acquired by the Illinois Central System, and they extended the line into Hardin County as far as Rosa Clare. This still left one section of the county without a rail- road till 1899, when the route of the Chicago and Eastern Illinois was surveyed on the western side running from north to south almost parallel with the western county line. Work on this division was begun in April 1900, and was pushed through to completion extending the road from Marion, Williamson County, to Thebes in Alexander Coun- ty and giving the western portion of our county a direct A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 59 and quick service to Chicago. It passes Vienna about four miles to the west at West Vienna. The Burlington, which uses the Chicago and Eastern Illinois lines, through the county to West Vienna and leaves them just below the station, crosses the county a short dis- tance in an easterly direction. It also crosses the Big Four railroad at Foreman and leaves the county just beyond this crossing. The Burlington was begun in 1907 and the first train was sent over it in 1910. This makes four railroads in the county. PUBLIC BUILDINGS The first court for Johnson County was held in the dwelling house of John Bradshaw at or near Elvira, it hav- ing been appointed by the Governor. The next knowledge of a court house is that James P^inny is ordered to procure the following repairs to be made on the house now used as a court house. This order was made in ^September 1813. They evidently had used some other building than Brad- shaw's dwelling during the summer, but now that winter was coming on they must repair it as follows towit: "A floor laid in the same with puncheons, a chimney of wood, a common door of boards and the house to be chincked and daubed (puncheons were logs split and hewed off as smooth- ly as possible, a chimney of wood was built up something like a pen with small sticks and lined with clay, boards were riven from length of logs three and four feet long ; chincked and daubed meant that small sticks were placed in the cracks between the logs in the wall of the house and mud made from clay and water, was filled in over these sticks and when it dried it made a pretty solid wall) seats for the jurors, a small half cabin to be built adjoining the same to be chincked and daubed, with a partition of logs for the purpose of a jury room; provided the repair must not exceed $18.00." Januray 1814, the court proceeded to let the contract for the building of a court house to the lowest bidder. The sheriff reported that William Simpson was the lowest bidder and had bid it off at $260. To be paid in three installments. The first on the 15th day of Novem- ber, 1814 and yearly afterwards. "The court house is to be built agreeably to a plan now on exhibit and will be more fully set forth in the bond to be given." To complete this contract William Simpson gave a bond of $525.00 with GO A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY Daniel and Lewis Simpson as bondsmen. After the com- pletion of the Court House its acceptance was left to the following committe: Hezekiah West, Andrew Cochran and George Evans. William Simpson received only $175.75 for the building. It was a large hewed log house, thirty or forty feet long, with a fire place in each end. It stood one quarter of a mile from the present road, north of the home of Charles Robertson. The exact location is on a little rise and can be determined by the foundation of rocks of the chimneys which are now slightly covered as the field has been cultivated for years. The old road bed that ran by the court house can be plainly seen and the spring under the hill is still in use. One of these old stone chimneys is partially standing in another place on the farm where it later served another building. Daniel Chapman, Chapter D. A. R. has the plans complete to mark the site of our first court house. (1924) The following is not a story of a building but of a pro- posed seat of justice which would have contained our sec- ond court house had it ever materialized. The territorial law called for the court house to be located in the center of the county. It is probable that Elvira was not the exact geographical center but the nearest settlement to the center when designated as the county seat, so that on January 14, 1814, Owen Evans, James A. Whiteside, and Jonas Hibbs were ordered to fix a seat of justice and this is their report, "We the undersigned appointed by the general assembly of this territory for the purpose of fixing the seat of justice in the county of Johnson having met on Monday the 19th day of January, 1814, at the house of John Bradshaw, with- in the said county did then and there proceed to ascertain the center of said county agreeably to the several laws of the Territory, enacted by the General Assembly thereof for fixing the place of holding the court in the several counties and after mature deliberation have finally fixed and deter- mined on the following place as the most proper, conven- ient and desirable for the same towit : at on near a certain spring on Lick Creek about a mile above the wagon ford, on said creek, where the road leading to Furguson's ferry crosses the said creek and which said spring is within fifth section of township 12, range 2 east of the meridian line and in the southwest corner of said section. ,, Given under our hand and seal this 21st day of January, 1814. John B. A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 61 Murry, Owen Evans, Jonah Hibbs (Seal). This was about where the farms of R. L. Robertson, George Mozley and Anniel T. Mozley corner. This report was not approved till December, 1816, the judges then agreed to meet in March, 1817, to lay off the town and the surveyor, John Hargrave was ordered to meet them at that time. At the October court, 1817, John Har- grave was allowed $79.25 for surveying and laying off the 50 acre donation for the use as a seat of justice to be known as Lanesville, there being 681 lots. At this same court there was an order as follows: "The court adjourn to meet at Lanesville, the seat of justice lately fixed upon for this county, that the clerk and sheriff do move their several offices to that place by then." This is the only record of Lanesville. The commissioners met the fourth Monday in May, 1818, and one order of the court was to let the building of a court house at the new seat of justice (later known as Vienna) to the lowest bidder. "To be built of logs of good size to be hewn down outside and in, 24 feet in length and 18 inches in width, with two doors and three windows. The sheriff is further authorized to let the building of a log house 24 by 14 feet with a partition for the purpose of jury rooms both to be paid for by installments in whatever way may be agreed upon by the trustees for the sale of lots in said town. These buildings were to be paid for from this sale. At the July court, 1818, the sheriff reported that he had let the building of the court house and the one for the use of the jurors to the lowest bidder, George Brazel. The sale of lots was ordered advertised in the "Emigrant" which was published at Shawneetown. The sale to take place the third Monday in September, 1818. The sheriff was to offer for sale beginning with lot number 1 leaving out every other one except number 37, 38, 55 and 56. The naming of the county seat is given under Vienna. At a special term of court, held August 15, 1818, with James Bain, Andrew Cochran, T. C. Patterson and John Copeland justices, the report was made that the court house and buildings for the use of the jurors were complete. They were received by the court, and the officers of the county were ordered to move their offices to the new buildings in the town of Vienna. From the best information that can 62 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY be obtained these buildings stood in the northwest corner of the court square. At a court held June 1819, a payment was ordered to be made to George Brazel for the building of the court house and jury rooms. Irvin Morris as sheriff was ordered "to have some fit person to lay a floor with plank to be nailed or pinned down." Randolph Casey was allowed $18.00 for flooring the court house, 1819. Caleb Irwin repaired the court house in 1821 at a cost to the county of $48.70. An order was issued by the court, July, 1823 forbidding anyone to occupy the court house or any of the jury rooms as a dwelling, from that time they were to be kept by the sheriff as the law directs. In 1827, Samuel Copeland as sheriff was ordered to let the building of a court house. Possibly the courts had out grown the build- ings since the circuit court had been ordered held in the house of Ivy Reynolds, formerly occupied by Joseph Mc- Corcle, September, 1827. This new court house might have been especially for the circuit court as Vienna was one of the three places for holding the district courts for this section of the state. There are no other records regarding the building of a court house until 1839 when there was an order by the court similar to the one of 1827 but where, by whom or if built at all is not known. There was however a two story brick court house here in 1848. standing about where the present one stands. The offices were on the first floor with the court room above, just when it was built or its cost is not left on record. It was repaired in 1853 by Frank Hayward. Some of the bricks, after it was razed, were used in the con- struction of the Christian Church which stands on N. Sixth street in Vienna. The contract for building the present court house was let the 5th of August, 1868, between Joseph K. Frick, of Cairo, party of the first part, and Jason B. Smith, county judge of Johnson County with Mark White- aker associate justice, party of the second part. A. J. Henry of Vienna was superintendent of the work and the contract called for $38,000 to be paid for the building. The bonds drew 10 per cent interest. In September, 1869 Frick sold his contract to Charles J. Ham and Issac N. Pearce through A. J. Kuykendall, Frick's attorney. The contract was bought for one dollar paid to Frick, but the contract with the court remained the same. The final payments were made on this building in 1881, it costing, with interest over A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 63 $80,000.00. The officers of the county were assigned their respective offices in the building January 19, 1871. This is a brick building of a good style of architecture and por- portion, well built and in the original plan the court room was one of the most attractive ones in any of the neighbor- ing counties. It was well lighted and ventilated. A beauti- ful Walnut stairway that could not be replaced, at this time, except at an enormous cost led up to this room, a jury room was also on this second floor while the officers were all located on the first floor. In 1908 or about then the county commisioners rearranged the interior of the building built fire proof vaults a much needed improvement, put in a heating plant and added a local water supply system which improved the convenience of building, but destroyed the comfort and beauty of the court room. A bronze tablet was replaced in the corridor of the court house by the county board, J. C. Carter, John L. Thornton and H. O. Cavitt in 1919 at an expense of $700.00 in honor of the World War soldiers of this county, which contains the names of every man who served from this county. The court house grounds have been a menace to the pub- lic eye since they were first laid off as the building of a stray pound of heavy oak timber was one of the first ornaments located in it. It was originally full of gullies and for years had no shade or grass. Charles Burnett, father of Fred, did the first filling in this yard using his own teams, M. T. VanCleve did quite a bit more when he built the Central Hotel on the south side of the square. In October, 1916, the Daniel Chapman Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution set a day for work on the court house yard. They had previously solicited teams and the help of men and school boys to whom they furnished dinner. Their re- quest was generously accedded to and quite a little more filling was done. Trees were set out a good many years ago, the first ones by John Harvick, a son of Mrs. James Harvick Slack, (better known as aunt Mary Slack) and a grandson of Jacob Harvick the pioneer. Bain & Jackson, Dr. G. W. Elkins, J. B. Kuykendall, Chapman & Wiley, C. B. Hester and others contributed to the setting out of more trees and the beautiful trees and pleasant shade that we now enjoy in our court square is the result of others' plant- ing." During the year 1916 the Daniel Chapman Chapter 04 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY D. A. R. of Vienna tried to interest the schols of the county in building a wall or coping around the court square; sev- eral schools responded ana the name of the school together with the name of the teacher for that term can be found on the concrete wall. The prophecy has been made that if the history of these teachers was followed, they will be found among the progressive citizens of the community in which they live. B. F. McGee, a business man of New York City, who is a native of this county also contributed generously. With these amounts and the promise of the county board, which was composed at that time of J. C. Carter, John L. Thornton and H. 0. Cavit that they would meet the remaining cost for a wall on the east half of the yard,* the chapter made a contract and thought that the wall was to be built immediately but for some reason the contractor delayed from time to time until the World War came on; labor and material went skyward and the work was obliged to wait a season or two. Finally in 1918 this part of the wall was built and in 1920 the entire work of inclosing the court yard, was completed by the county com- missioners, to the satisfaction of every progressive and loyal citizen of Johnson County. The fall of 1921. William Nobles, N. J. Mozley, J. W. Rushing as commissioners had the cement walks laid in the yard. With a little planting the court square will be a very atractive spot. The posts and chain around the court square had been a veritable annoyance for many years. The hitching of horses around the square was unsanitary, creating dirt and flies ; on a hot damp day the stench was almost unbearable, not to mention the health of the people that had to work near it every day. The excuse offered for not creating better conditions was always that the farmers had to have a hitching place which was most true and the business men of the town should have provided a suitable one long ago. The farmers did not want the people to put up with this condition all the time that they might have a hitching place a few hours at a time once or twice a week. Dave Whitnell as care taker of the court house and grounds did much toward making and keeping the court yard fit. Mr. Estes the pres- ent one is very efficient. The cannon in the northwest corner of the court yard was one used during the Civil War and was secured from the government about 1906 by P. T. Chapman, during his A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY H5 term of office as Congressman from this district. The boulder and tablet in the northeast corner was placed by the Daniel Chapman Chapter D. A. R. of Vienna as their con- tribution to the Centennial celebration of the admission of Illinois as a state into the Union. It should have been erected in 1918, but on account of unavoidable delay it was not unveiled till July 4, 1919. Those raising the flag at this exercise were children, most of the sixth generation, who decended from the Revolutionary soldiers buried in this county and in whose honor this tablet was erected. They were Harrison M. Harvick, Evelyn and Gladys Beggs, Lois and Beatrice Veach, Pauline Duncan and Frances Pickens. The contract for building the first jail was let some time in 1814 to Marvin Fuller; the jail to cost $500.00 and the bond fixed at $1,000.00 with Jacob Jones as security. At the December court, 16 lbs of iron and $5.00 were ordered delivered to Hezekiah West to have the jail repaired at Elvira. The sheriff was ordered to sell the old jail at Elvira, April, 1823. The sheriff was ordered to let the con- tract for building a jail at Vienna, September, 1819, also to ascertain the plans of the jails at Golconda, County Seat of Pope; Jonesboro, County Seat of Union and Browns- ville, at that time County Seat of Jackson. The following order is found on the record, dated October 9, 1819: "Ordered that a stray pound be built on the public square, 32 feet square, of good oak timber." There must have been much need of these Estray pounds as there was another ordered built in 1827 at a cost of $11.00. This was more than a hundred years ago and we had not grown entirely away from the desecration of the public square in 1922, but there has been much improvement as above stated in the last two years. The contract for the building of a jail was let in 1819 to John S. Graves, with Irvin Morris, Milton Ladd, Alfred Bridges and James Crunk as bondsmen; the amount of the bond was $1,000.00. The jail was to be of logs, two stories, with an outside stairway and platform. For some reason the jail was not built until 1820, and Ivy Reynolds was the contractor with Irvin Morris, Milton Ladd Squire Choat and William Hendry as security at a cost to the county of $849.00. It can not be stated whether this is the same jail or not, but there was a log jail that stood in a low place, between where the library stands and the court 66 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY house, in 1851. It was still standing some years later as .Mrs. Fanny Jackson as a little girl remembers a man by the name of Tice, who was a prisoner, setting it on fire. The jail that did duty for the county before the present one was built, stood near the corner of fourth and Locust streets .and not a great distance from the site of the present one. It was built of logs, had two stories and an outside stair- way, similar, no doubt, to the first one. This county was without a jail for some time and prisoners were kept in ad- joining county jails. The present brick jail was erected in 1887, at a cost of $5,000.00. There is also a dwelling ad- joining it in which the jailor lives. COURT HOUSE CUSTOMS PART III When civilized or semi-civilized man set foot in a new country, he brought with him ax, dog and gun. These weapons meant food, and safety. In the early day when one entered a home, somewhere he saw a gun rack, usually over the door, and there were just as many guns as male members of the family who were large enough to handle them. In those pioneer days hotels were few and far be- tween, and many times the traveler was forced to take shelter in an isolated farmhouse. The story is told of a traveler stopping at a farm house for the night ; about dusk a stalwart young man came into the room and stacked his gun. Soon another and another came until there were five or six. The traveler was paralyzed with fright thinking he had fallen among a den of murders, but knew not how to escape. When bedtime came the father took up the Book read a chapter and all kneeled in prayer. The travelers fears vanished and he slept as peacefully as if in his mother's trundle bed. This incident may not have happen- ed in Johnson County but it could have. Just as the head of the house brought his tools of war- fare to a new country the housewife brought hers. The spinning wheel, the cards, and loom. The looms were larger and more cumbersome than those now in use, but were very much on the same order. Home manufacture of cloths has long since been discarded, but coverlets of wool and rag rugs are still woven in the county. Everyone does not know the process of putting in cloth in a hand-loom but if they should be obliged to separate warp a thread at a time and hand it to someone on the other side of the gear of a loom, they would possibly appreciate more fully the debt we owe the pioneer. Please don't think that the cards the frontier mother brought, were the little pasteboards decor- ated with colored spots that are now so necesary to the overworked housewife to divert her mind from the cares of her large family. The cards the pioneer woman had were thin pieces of wood about six by twelve inches with small steel pins on one side and were used for carding wool and 68 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY cotton. They had a flat handle about the middle of the card so that one could hold a card in each hand. The cotton or wool was put on these little sharp pins one held firmly while the other was rubbed across until the material was all smoothed out. Then it was gently folded together into a lovely soft roll. This was attached to the spindle of the spinning wheel and was pulled out into a thread with one hand while the other one buzzed the big wheel and twisted the thread. This process was continued and soon a large broach of fine or coarse thread for kniting or weaving was ready. The spinning wheel had a body, a large and small wheel, a head, a gear, and a spindle. The body was raised on legs to a height convenient for one to walk on the floor since it required a great deal of walking turning the big wheel and pulling out the roll, all at the same time, and strict attention to your work, to make the thread the size one desired. There was no button to press or lever to raise to regulate the hand manufacture. The coloring and dyeing were also done at home and in some instances the indigo for coloring the blues was raised in the garden. Indigo blue, madder, cochineal red, and cop- peras were the principal colors. The following incident related by an elderly lady of the county will corroborate the statement about, at least one of the home dyes. She said she was married the summer of 1853 and moved into a new neighborhood. The following Sunday, she and her husband went to church. The services were held in a brush arbor, made by putting leafy branches of trees on a large frame of forked poles for supports, and straight poles laid across them. This shielded the people from the sun and used be- cause there were no church houses. The minister this day wore trousers made from home woven cotton cloth, colored with copperas and was barefoot. The thrifty housewife was not content to bring the mere necessities to the new country, but brought seed, both garden and flower, also scions of roses, fruits and herbs, which she divided with her neighbors. Instead of looking over the multitude of catalogues that flood the farm house in early spring and late winter at the present, the women folks visited each other and took home plants, seeds and shrubs for the early planting. Mrs. Harrell who came here with her family from Kentucky about 1820, was one of A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 69 these pioneer mothers who brought supplies from her yard and garden of her native state. She was the mother of the late Mrs. Minnie Bain, long a resident of this county and she is the authority for this story of thrift. The old fashion garden and its walk through the middle with marigold, larkspur, flowering almond, and fortune grass, camomile, bachelor buttons, garden pinks and all the old fashion flowers on either side, and the long weedless rows of veget- ables beyond the flowers was the pride of the home maker of that time, and no neighborly visit was complete during the growing season till one had been down the garden walk, admired the many varieties of kind and color, and carried away a huge bouquet. While these pioneer mothers were adepts in the textile art, they not only made the cloth but designed and built their own gowns, tailored their husband's and sons' dress suits, and had ever at hand snowy linens for the tables and beds which were the fruits of their labor. Quilts, blan- kets, linens and feather beds for the daughter's wedding dower which was in lieu of the hope chest of the present. The following will ilustrate the resourcefulness of the pio- neer women of this county. An early historian of this state says, "John Grammar was elected to the first Legislature of the Territory from Johnson County. It is said after his election he and family gathered a large quantity of hickory nuts, took them to the salt mines and traded them for blue strouding, like the Indians wore for breech cloths. The neighbor women gathered in to make up the cloth. It was discovered that he had not purchased quite enough cloth to make a full suit, and after measuring and counseling for a time, they decided to make a bob-tail coat and a long pair of leggings. Dressed in these he appeared at the seat of government, continuing to wear his primitive suit during the greater part of the session." Other trades beside the manufacture of cloth were re- quired of the pioneers. The first settler tanned the leather, made their own shoes, saddles, bridles and harness. Joseph McCorcle owned a tan yard on the east side of town in 1821. A description of an old road says that it was where the road crossed the street leading south from town. The remains of this old yard could be seen there as late as 1875. It was operated in later years by Duke Smith. G. 70 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY N. Thacker had a tannery in this county as late as 1890, near Pond on the Simpson road. The law allowing imprisonment for debt was practically abolished in the United States by the beginning of the nin- teenth century, but Johnson County kept up the practice much later. If one should visit Edinburg, Scotland, he would be shown the debtor's line, which Sir Walter Scott raced, many times, madly to cioss to escape the debtor's prison, while he was writing the Waverly Novels. Johnson County had no such line, but we find Peter Prow and Cath- erine Crice confined for debt as late as 1816. The following is a description of the plot of the prison grounds as they stood in old Elvira at that time, "Beginning at a large pop- lar in Judge Finney's lot, running north 46 degrees, east 20 poles, to a high black gum stump, in Issac Worley's lot, north 38 degrees, west 80 poles to a large sweet gum just be- low the spring, then south 50 degrees and west 22 poles to a large white oak, then 342 degrees east 81 poles to the be- ginning. Elvira, Johnson County. Illinois, 1816." Judging from papers served in the court proceedings, Prow was im- prisoned at the suit of Weir and Campbell. Catherine Crice's suit was brought by parties from Kentucky. This was not the only law enforced in this county for the benefit of the merchant. The estate of J. W. Gore paid two dollars interest on nine dollars and seventy cents to W. E. Morris for merchandise as late as 1853. There is no especial spite harbored against our ancestors that their mis- takes should be arrayed in print, but one would scarcely think that they trafficked in human flesh. Such, however, is the case. We have only to turn to the records made in the courts to find our early residents bought and sold slaves up to 1814, although Congress in 1784 passed a law saying, "There shall be no more slavery nor involuntary servitude in any of the states made from the Northwest Territory." As has been stated, this county, at its early settlement abounded in game and wild animals. In fact, all kinds of animals found in the Temperate Zone were here. The wolf was an enemy to the early settlers and a bounty for wolf scalps was paid by the county at the rate of fifty cents to two dollars. Since the gun was so necessary at that time, there must be amunition and powder must be made and one could not go out and buy shells ready to put in his gun. A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 71 Sometimes the ingredients for the powder was hard to get. Salt peter was necessary for the making of powder and great was the joy of the neighborhoods when a Mr. Mercer discovered salt peter in a cave in Cedar Bluff. This is the bluff where the Charles stone quarry is located. Salt peter was found in several other places in the county in small quantities. These first settlers manufactured their own bullets as well. Running bullets, as the process was called. Lead was melted and poured into molds made some- thing like a nut cracker, that opened and shut on a hinge. The melted lead was let cool a minute- the molds were opened, the neck of the bullet cut off, and "there you are." Each one meant a vension steak, a baked turkey or some other delicious game for the coming meal. The first merchants, possibly storekeepers would be a better name, as that was what they were called in those days, handled very little dry goods or shoes, as everyone made these things for themselves. Their stock consisted, principally of sugar, coffee, tea and liquor, some of the necessary articles not raised on the farm or manufactured in the home. One can scarcely realize how few things were necessities, when money was scarce and there were no markets for products. Real money w r as not always at hand, in fact, salt, salt peter, cattle, hogs, furs, deer pelts, corn and other things of this kind were used in trade instead of money. In one instance, an early resident relates, he used pumpkins in trade with the Indians, getting two pounds of coffee for one Pumpkin, the coffee had been issued to the Indians by the government. Coon skins were also legal tender, for some time after our organization, as the follow- ing story will illustrate. The custom of selling whiskey, as has been mentioned, was engaged in by a great many of our citizens. One of our county officers had stocked up and was retailing at a quart for a coon skin. His store was the room in which he slept, and when he bought a skin, he threw it under the bed. There was a large crack between the logs of the outside wall and some practical joker brought in a coon skin and bought a quart of whiskey. Some one went outside, slipped the skin from under the bed and sold it to the officer again, not only once but a good many times dur- ing the day. He finally decided he had quite a number of skins and went to count them, much to his surprise there was only one skin. 72 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY The early stores were located at cross roads or some farmer would keep a stock of goods in a small house in the yard near his home, if the nearby settlers would justify. In time the peddler made his appearance. He would take his wares in a wagon or cart, travel through the country and exchange them for such things as the settlers had to trade and take the produce to some town or settlement on the river. The merchant with his pack on his back also invaded the country and tempted the house wife with his dress goods, laces and bright colored ribbons. Giles Stewart was the first person to take out retail license to vend mer chandise in this county in 1813, and Joshua Gross- the sec ond receiving his license in 1814. This county was rather a long time in getting access to markets. Mrs. Mary E. Chapman who began housekeep ing in the early fifties, said she sold eggs at five cents per dozen and hens for two dollars per dozen regardless of weight. This was before railroads had reached us, but al- most unbelievable, since the high prices which were paid for such things during the World War. Eggs sold for eighty-five cents per dozen and hens at thirty cents a pound in our home markets. Tavern rates in 1828, which were regulated by law, were, meals twenty-five cents, lodging twelve and a half cents, half pint whiskey, six and a half cents, half pint brandy, twelve and a half cents, keeping a horse with feed, corn, hay or fodder, twenty-five cents, single feed for a horse, twelve and a half cents. These prices as against two and one half dollars for one half pint whiskey, from fifty to seventy-five cents per meal in the county, in 1924, show how prices have increased. Much of our revenue was gained from the manufacture of liquor. All merchants and tavern keepers dealt in it, and home-brew was not unknown, as the court records will show. One William Conway is convicted of stealing two dollars worth of methiglon. This was an entirely new com- modity and whether dry goods or groceries, was difficult to determine. Finally a person was found who explained that it was a beer made from persimmons. The name of the maker of the beer could not be deciphered. The penalty was to pay the owner four dollars and a four dollar fine to the court. From this it appears that the makers of hon e A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 73 brew at the present have nothing on the pioneers, except the present manufacturer would pay a fine instead of the one taking the beer. A law of that time which is not now in force, and doubtless, made life hard for many orphans was the binding out of such children as had no parents, by the court. At a court held in September, 1816, Cyrus Butler, an orphan bcv about nine years old was bound to Thomas C. Paterson. lr» a court held the same year Cynthia Davis, a minor daughter of George Davis- deceased, was bound to Jacob Hunsaker Jr., until she arrives at the age of eighteen years, and the said Jacob gave bond and security in the sum of one hundred dollars. At the December session, the application of Mathew Sparks to have an orphan girl by the name of Nancy Col- lins bound to him, was granted, on condition that the said Sparks file a bond with security to be approved by the court, in the sum of one hundred dollars, to have the said Nancy, well and carefully treated, clothed and given one year's schooling. When she arrives at the age of eighteen years, to give her a bed worth thirty dollars, a good suit of clothes or a full dress fit to wear on Sunday or holidays, over and above her common wearing apparel. The said Nancy is supposed to be about eight years old. Another order is that Jeremiah Collins, an orphan boy of about 12 years old. be bound unto Giles Parmerly, until he arrives at the age of 21, and that the said Parmerly execute a bond of one hundred dollars for his well treating, clothing, and taking care of the said Jeremiah until he is of age, and that he will cause him within that time to be learned to read, write and cipher, as far as the rule of three. And when free that he will give him a good horse, saddle and bridle of a com- mon good quality, which together with the horse shall be worth eighty dollars. The security for the performance of same to be approved by the court. Such are a few of the obsolete laws and customs which governed our forebears. The first animal that was used to till the soil or save man from long tramps of distant journeys was the ox which served our pioneers in this as well as all other frontier countries. The wagons in which many of the first settlers came to this county were drawn by oxen. These wagons had long beds which scooped up at each end and were called 74 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY schooners. They had long 1 hoops fastened on the side board and extending over the top, which were covered with cloth. This protected the lamily and its possessions from the weather while traveling. Many immigrants to this new country did not even nave wagons but transpoited their housenold goods on their own oacks or that 01 a norse or cow or often in a two wheeled cart drawn by the family cow. Oxen were used to draw wagons, carts and plows but not often to lide. J. J. Simpson, a native of this county and nearing eighty-six yeais old tells the story of riding an ox. when a small boy irom his father's farm near Simpson to De Soto, Illinois, a aistance oi fifty miles. After the ox as a domestic animal, the horse came into use. He was more fleet of loot and lessened distances, when roads came into use the ox wagons and carts were succeeded by two horse wagons, hacks and buggies. Mr. George Elkins, born in this county in 1825, says he was twenty-one years old before he saw a wagon and team of horses. This team was owned by Stephen Hendricks, and the second one he remembeis was owned by Henry Mathis. Mathis hauled a load of shelled corn to Vienna for Mr. Elkins which he sold for ten cents per bushel. One wonders in this time of rapid transit how people of that period made a journey of any length. The automobile enables one to go from place to piace in a few hours which formerly took a whole day or two. This machine has dis- placed most all other modes of local travel; also the horse for plowing and hauling to a great extent. One would scarcely think an ox would evolve into an automobile, but such appears to be the case. J. F. Farris, an implement dealer of Vienna owned the first automobile in the county, about 1907. It was an auto carriage and some what differ- ent from the models of 1924. The number of machines in- creased rapidly in the county till now, 1924, there are 666. In this day of railroads, automobiles, and flying machines, one can scarcely realize the inconvenience and infrequency of travel to any distant point. Mrs. Fannie Jackson, daughter of John Bain, tells the story that on one occasion her father was going to Louisville* Kentucky, to buy goods and her mother was going along for the trip. All the neighbors came in to tell her good-bye, and the children from a nearby select school came. It was considered a A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 75 wonderful journey at that time and many accidents might befall Mrs. Bain, while on the journey. Hence the solicita- tion of her friends. Another incident was related by an old citizen regarding one of our early merchants in connection with Louisville, which was, that this merchant went as usual to purchase his season's stock of goods. A salesman waiting on him asked him what per cent he calculated to make on his sales. He replied, he knew nothing about per cent but when he bought an article for one dollar, he sold it at home for two. Some of his decendants must have been doing business during the World War. Farming in a primitive way, of course, was the occupa- tion of the early settler. Corn was tne most generally grown grain in the beginning as it was cultivated with a hoe. The grains were dropped in hills or crosses made with a plow. The wheat was sown broadcast and cut with a sickle. One of the first wheat cradles used in this county was made by Ishmael Veach. He brought the scythe or cut- ting part from Kentusky and made the framework himself in 1825. This more easy method spread and continued to develop until the reaper was invented. Now the larmer hitches up his tractor to his wheat machine, drives around the field a few times and the thing is done. Originally the wheat was tramped or flailed out, but as population in- creased and markets became accessible the modern inven- tions were brought in. The Axley Brothers, Jack and Jim, as they were familiarly called, owned and operated one of the first threshing machines in the county, in the neighbor- hood of West Eden. These threshers were called ground hogs and the power was furnished by horses. The man who could "holler" the loudest was elected to drive, and one could tell where the thresher was located by the noise of the driver then, as you may now know by the whistle of the engine. The raising of grain for his own use was all the early farmer undertook. There were no markets near and no transportation for any products. A few hogs and cattle, for home consumption, and to supply the local market, were all he needed, and the range was sufficient for the raising of these. The farmer fenced in his field then, to keep the stock out, and not his entire farm, as now, to keep the stock in, consequently not so much fencing was needed, 76 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY which was fortunate as all fences were made of rails like Abraham Lincoln split and rail making was a very labor- ious job. The cattle and hogs ranged at will and had cuts on the ears, called marks. Each farmer had his own pe- culiar way of marking his stock. These were recorded in the County Clerk's office so as to make it easy to settle any dispute regarding ownership of live stock. The mark of S. J. Chapman recorded in 1820 was ''under half crop off of right ear and a slit in the left." In 1814, Benjamin Peters' mark, a half crop out of each ear and underneath a bit out of the corner of the right ear. The making of sorghum for home use has been an in- dustry of this county since long before the Civil War. To illustrate how customs and good things spread from com- munity to community the story of the introduction of sorg- hum making in this county, will not, it is hoped, be amiss. Miss Mary Smith, a young lady of West Eden, made a visit to Judge Hugh McGee's in Pulaski County, from where she brought some stalks of sorghum cane, wnich she exhibited at a gathering in the neighborhood. Pleasant Axley of the same locality went over to the Judges the following spring, and secured some cane seed. That was before the halcyon days of government distribution of seed. That year he raised some cane but having no machinery, one of his neigh- bors, J. P. West, made a crusher to extract the juice from the cane and Uncle Pleas., as he was called by his neighbors* borrowed all the wash kettles in reach to boil it down. The molasses was not very satisfactory, being black from the iron kettles. He later procured the proper machinery and thus began the manufacture of the famous Johnson County sorghum. Salt, although needed in small quantities, is a very necessary article in household economy. The salt mines at Equality was the nearest point where that article could be obtained by the residents of Southern Illinois. Since there was no other means of transportation, settlers had to go on horse back, in wagons or cart, and many times one person would bring enough for himself and other neighbors to last a year. Before wagons and wagon roads had come into use the salt was often carried in bags on horse back. Randolph Casey, whose father settled here in 1808, said when a young man he went as far as Equality to work by A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 77 the day for fifty cents per day at the salt works, or at other times he would go to the river with other men and cut cord wood, which was used for fuel on boats at fifty cents a cord. They had to pay at that time, fifty cents per yard for calico and factory which is known now as domestic. He further says that when his father first settled here, they had to house their pigs, sheep and young calves to keep the wolves from killing them. While the men were learning in the school of experience the women were not idle. Our first mothers manufactured their own light. The most primitive light was a lamp made by twisting soft cotton rags or thread into a wick, immers- ing it in a vessel filled with grease and leaving one end of this wick sticking up over the edge of the vessel, so that it would burn. Next the tallow candle was introduced as a much more convenient light. A candle mold was a part of the furnishings of every household. These molds were made of tin and large enough to hold six or a dozen candles. The wicks, like the grease lamps were of soft cotton, and were pulled through the molds and made tight at each end. Then, oh what a feat ! If mother would let you pour in the melted tallow, fill them full, let them stand till cool, clip the knots and out slips some firm, smooth candles, by which the family could read, sew or study. The candle was fol- lowed by the oil lamp, but now the Delco has out-classed them all, and with a little engine, hidden around somewhere and puffing a short time each day, the house, barn, and outhouses are made almost as light as day. For many years all cooking was done by the open fire, often only one fireplace to a home, to heat the room and cook the meals. The families who could afford it had the cranes or pieces of iron, both long and short, with a hook on either end, one to hook over, the long iron rod, extending across the fireplace from jam to jam; the other to hang the pot or kettle on. The bread was cooked on a rock by the fire, in a skillet or oven, if these utensils could be had. The skillets and ovens were made of iron and had short legs, which raised them high enough to put hot coals under them. A heavy iron lid fitted over them which was also covered with hot coals. Sometimes the handy father would build a Dutch oven where bread and pastry were baked in large quantities. The cook stove finally made its appearance even in Johnson County, though not in its present form. In the 78 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY first ones the back part was higher than the front and was called a step stove, others had the oven on the back part, with a door on one end and looked very much like an old fashioned wood heating stove set on the back of the cook stove. Owen Peterson, father-in-law of F. B. Thacker, liv- ing then in the southwest section of the county, owned, if not the first, at least one of the first cook stoves in the county. It was a great curosity and people came for miles to see it work. SOCIAL The most early social gatherings were doubtless, Mus- ter days. An old lady born in North Carolina, 1809, and reared in Georgia has described these gatherings. She said Muster days were occasions of great gayety and good times, in the mother states. The people dressed in their best, turned out enmasse pleasure bent to the Militia drills. It was a holiday for the public almost as much as the "hang- ings" of that period. Instead of lemonade and peanut venders, ginger bread and cider were sold on the grounds. Since we had the Militia before we had county organization, this custom likely came with the settlers and they observed it in their usual manner. In 1827 the elections were ordered to be held, if no other place had been specified, at the places appointed for the Militia Musters. The first election held in the county was at the house of John Bradshaw in Elvira, October 8, 9 and 10, 1813, for the purpose of going into the second grade of territory. At a glance one would think three days was a long time to hold an election for so limited a population, but when one considers that the voters had to come from the Ohio River on the east, the Mississippi on the west, Cairo and Thebes on the south, the borders of Jackson, Williamson and Saline on the north, the time allotted was short enough. One would not consider ordi- narily an election in the light of a social gathering, but imagine if you can. men meeting here perhaps for the first time, how eager they would be to gather all the news from each other's little sphere, as each settlement was almost a world within itself, with no roads, mails, railroads, news- papers, telegraph, or radio. Public sales were also a common place for the scattered population to meet. Household utensils and farming imple- ments were scarce in a new country and people came from A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 79 far and near to buy anything that could be had of these conveniences. There was always plenty of free whisky furnished by the estate of the deceased, which may have had something to do with the number attending and the so- cialibility. Really it doesn't seem fair to make a man pay tor the treats after he is dead, however, we only have to look at the bills of the admmstrator to realize that such was the case in early times. The larger the sale, the more liquor furnished. When the farms of the county were being cleared and the new comers were establishing their homes in the forests it called forth many gatherings. The neighbors not only lent their help in this warfare, but participated in the pleasures and pastimes of the period as well. A farmer would spend his time during the winter months cutting down trees, where he wanted." a .'field, making the smaller trees and large branches into firewood. - The boys of the family (and most of the people had boys in those days) would pile the small branches into heaps called brush piles to be burned. There would still be great giants .of the forest scattered thickly on the ground, which must be rolled into heaps, also to be burned. What a waste this seems to us at the present time, when the lack of timber is so keenly felt. The idea of conservation had not entered into the economic plan of the government at that time, not to mention those of the Johnson County farmer. The fol- lowing is a part of an article copied from the Johnson Coun- ty Journal of August 5, 1878: 'The writer came to this county in 1843. He says, "the first log rolling I ever had there were twenty or thirty hands, they came with out special invitation. From ten to fifteen acres was the average size of farms. The range, the dog and gun furnished the living. There were a few good farmers who had all necessi- ties and some luxuries, but they were the exception and not the rule. Thirty-five years later the county is one continuous stretch of land under cultivation." He described a Sunday School Convention which he attended in earlier times, and estimated the crowd at two thousand. He also commented on the improvement in the conduct and morals of the citi- zens since those earlier times. When planting time came near the neighbors all came in, the wives to help with the cooking and quilting, the men to roll the logs, and raise the new house or barn. Each 80 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY man vied with the other to show his strength. It meant much in those days to be considered the strongest man of the neighborhood, as much so, as being on Walter Camp's All American football team does now. At meal time the table would groan with good things to eat, and after the work was done and the shades of evening began to gather, some one present, handy with the fiddle and the bow would 'tune up/ Turkey in the Straw, Arkansaw Traveler, or Money Musk would cause the feet to shuffle and partners for a quadrille would follow; circle all, grand trail back, everybody dance* right hand to partner, grand right and left. There was no bunny hug, Boston Dip, or shimmy; but clean wholesome dances marked that period. Latter came the apple cuttings which was before the in- vention of the evaporator and apple peeler. The apples must be peeled, cut and dried by hand for market, and this must be done while the sun was hot, consequently all the young folks were asked in; the apples peeled and cut and the pies and cakes passed, then came the social hour, spent in playing snap, drop the handkerchief, blind mans buff, Rhoda Beck a Lina and other games. At present the apples are sold on the trees before they are well grown and we buy them back already dried. In those olden days when a young man courted a girl he usually went horseback, when he took her to an apple cutting, quilting or to church she rode behind her suitor on his horse. Now a young man must have a Packard or a Rolls Royce, for the young ladies will not even deign to ride in a "tin Lizzie." The husking bee must not be for- gotten, the main feature of which was, that each young man who found a red ear of corn was entitled to kiss the prettiest girl present and strange to say, the same girl did not receive all the kisses. In the social gatherings of the olden times the entertainment took the form of some favor or help to the hostess. The young man took his girl be- hind him on his prancing steed and galloped away to the neighbors where all the belles and beaus were gathered, not just "our crowd" but all the respectable, rich and poor of the community. Some other games beside those men- tioned, were thimble, stagecoach, going to Jerusalem, and selling the forfeits, sometimes cider and gingerbread were served instead of the pie and cake, but the young people A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 81 dispersed not knowing they had not had a perfectly splendid time. Now the hostess must furnish some form of enter- tainment, such as bridge, rook, rummy or Mah Jong, and she would not dare serve refreshments other than expensive cakes, creams, drinks and ices that cost a days hard work of preparation and a sum of money. Only our bunch is invited and the transportation is by auto. Such were some of the amusements of our ancestors and who shall say they were not just as interesting and refined as the present ones. The infair was an old time custom now obsolete, a couple was usually married at home, a number of guests in- vited. A dinner was served and the couple spent the first night at the bride's, home. The next day was called the in- fair; the bride and groom went to the home of the groom's parents where all the neighbors were invited to spend the day, sometimes this was even a more elaborate affair than the wedding. Neighbors and friends accompanied the couple on the second day journey, usually on horseback, and sometimes it was a long procession which followed the newlyweds. No doubt, the popularity of the "wedding party" had much to do with its length. The bride usually wore gray, no matter whether it was becoming or not. The charivari, a barbarous custom of that time as well as this, was indulged in by the young folks of the neighborhood. In early times it was usually conducted by those not bid to the celebration. They went with horns, tin pans, and all the instruments for making a noise, that they could gather and kept up the "hullabaloo" till the groom came out and "treated." Now the bride and groom go away immediately after the ceremony, that is if they have not slipped away and been married a year or six months before the announce- ment. Their friends follow them to the station, pelt them with rice, placard their baggage and play all kinds of jokes on them. The young folks still reserve the right to chari- vari them, even if they should stay away a month. "A runaway" match as it was called, often occurred. The story of one is told in these words, copied from an old letter, written years latter (in 1901) "I stole my wife from the wash place, in 1875, dressed in her everyday clothes, when we got to Mr. D. C. Chapman's, Brother Hiram went in and asked Mrs. Chapman to dress my wife in her clothes, which she did, we went on to Missouri and l82 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY were married, and I am sending you this present in remem- brance of your kindness." Signed H. Wise. The church and Sunday School did not become factors in the newly settled Johnson County as early as the still and the jaiL but followed more slowly, and we trust with a more lasting influence. People would drive for miles to church and the families living near the church had the most company, if they were hospitably inclined. They in- vited those who lived at a distance until sometimes there were as many as fifty guests. The tables were laden with cold ham, baked or fried chicken, dressing, and huge slices of light bread baked the day before in the oven or near the fireplace, pies, cakes, jelly, preserves; well you can't imagine unless you have sometime been invited just how much and how good everything was. Old Johnson County residents and former ones know, and no one else will believe, there- fore further description is unnecessary. Along this line are gatherings or homecomings observed at the close of so many of our rural schools, which, of course, have come about since the days of free schools. It is a delightful custom where all the former pupils are invited. The patrons fur- nish the dinner and the pupils the entertainment. One great social with our people, perhaps not with the very first settlers, but a custom begun early and followed religiously until a few years ago, was the free barbecue. The cattle, sheep and hogs were furnished by the neighbors. These animals were dressed the day before. On the morn- ing of the day of the feast, men versed in the art, began their work long before the dawn of day. The animals were roasted whole or in halves over a hot fire which was built in a vat or hole dug out in the ground. The animals were turned and basted with a dressing until by noon they were a delicious viand fit for a king. One very famous barbecue was held at Simpson, 1892. There were said to have been 10,000 people present. Long tables had been spread, under the heavy leaved branches in the grove, with bread, salad, pickles, cakes, pies, coffee and all the necessities for a good dinner, including an abundance of barbecued meat. The most wonderful part of the story is that, this was all free. After these dinners and sometimes before the crowd was entertained by a good speaker, a minster, a can- didate, or some friend of the candidate. Every body visited A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 83 with every body else, meeting those who lived at a distance and making new friends. On the whole these were pleasant days. The last old time barbecue that was held in Vienna was during the Farmers Institute, 1903> when more than 1000 people were present. At an old settlers reunion held in Vienna, 1905, more than two thousand were present. The oldest married couple was Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hood, who had been married fifty- six years. The oldest man was J. M. Benson, 82 years old. The oldest woman, Sarah Butler, 99 years, the oldest min- ister was A. W. Carlton, 72 years. The oldest citizen native of the county was George Elkins, born in 1825. The couple with the largest family was Mr. and Mrs. George Jennings who had twelve children. The populace of this county were naturally a "social set," perhaps too much so to be a financial success. A picnic was at one time a favorite way of celebrating our nation's birthday. Large handbills, naming the place which was usually the county seat, advertising free ice water and good speakers, were sent out weeks before. On the morning of the Fourth, wagons, buggies, hacks and horse back riders would begin to gather from all parts of the county, at the place designated with well filled baskets and a disposition to enjoy themselves. They came to spend the day; visited and discussed the political situation as well as the current events. Many times games of different kinds, such as a sack race, a fat man's race, climbing a greasy pole, and other amusing sports were entered into, but there was always a good speaker and the declaration of independence was read The citizens felt it a duty they owed to the rising genera- tion to show their patriotism and appreciation of what the spirit of '76 had accomplished for us. At the present time if we attempt to celebrate our national holiday, which is seldom done, the address is in the afternon and a few peo- ple come in their cars, spend a short time and rush back home missing the spirit of the occasion. Sometimes, it seems, the reverence that was formerly given patriotic and memorial days is waning, but let us hope this is imagination. We still have what is known as picnics but they are small parties of people who take their sandwiches, salads and thermos bottles to some shady nook in the evening, eat their meal and return. They do not stay A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY long enough to get a chigre bite, much less a good stock of wood ticks. One occasion that meant so much to our people in former times was the political campaign, especially in a presidential year. In various parts of the county the people had "Rallies" for their candidates and every one interested in this man would come out on the appointed day. They would form long processions, some horse back, in wagons and others in buggies which were decorated in the national colors, carrying banners with appropriate slogans. The year that President Harrison was the nominee of the repub- lican party, George H. Huffman, who lived at Simpson ten miles away had a float in the procession consisting of a log cabin on an ox wagon with a real coon in the door way. At one demonstration the young men of the county who were to cast their first vote at the coming election dressed in blue trousers and red blouses and carried brooms. They formed one section of the parade and the idea was to make a "clean sweep" for their candidate. The glee club went from place to place wherever there was a political meeting of their party in a wagon built especially for them. During one campaign the ladies of the glee club wore blue dresses trim- med in gold braid, which added nothing to their music but much to their appearance. At night all the men and boys would march to band and song, carrying torchlights, having what was called a "torch-light procession." Then the other side would have a demonstration and thus the interest was kept up. A campaign of this sort would seem odd now and perhaps the quiet campaign is better but it is a question whether it is less expensive to the candidate, one could at least find out which side the voters were on, as they would rarely have the nerve to ride in both processions and could not bleed both candidates so easily. The automobile makes it easy to compass distance and every body eats at home. In former times when there was an extra occasion in town all ones relation drove in to stay till after dinner. One, two, three and sometimes more wagons would arrive, some coming as late as eleven o'clock ; they did not telephone they were coming, either. You may have hurried around a little and did not serve the dinner in courses, but no one went away hungry and if the day had been a little strenuous for the housewife; it had been an outing and a pleasant day for the visitors. A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 85 The farm bureau picnic has come to be an annual affair of recent origin* which is very enjoyable and tends to instruction as well. The singing conventions were begun in 1915, are very popular, and are held at different places in the county through the spring and summer months. The Vaughn Quartette of Lawrenceburg, Tennessee, are very beautiful singers, they never fail to attend and attract a crowd. There are several quartettes and singers of our own county, the Cypress Quartette, the Lauderdales' of New Burnside, the Underwoods of Ozark, the Lavender family, near Vienna, the Rushing Trio of Simpson, and the Bun- combe Quartette of Buncombe are all faithful to attend and help the community singing. A social custom prevails in this county in recent years of celebrating birthdays, especially those of the older peo- ple, which is a very pleasant thing to do. All neighbors bring baskets of cooked foods, and come in to spend the day in honor of the birthday of some person of the community. This brings everyone together and makes an occasion for a social gathering. Saturday July 28, 1923, was a day to be remembered by Mrs. John Harper of Bloomfield and many of her friends. This being the seventy-seventh anniversary of her birth her good husband, children and neighbors had planned a won- derful dinner in her honor. The table was set in the yard under a wide spreading mulberry tree planted by Mr. Har- per when they first settled there. There was food of all kinds and those fortunate enough to be guests can testify to its quality. Mr. and Mrs. Harper began house keeping at this place and have lived there all their married lives (fifty -three years) There were about seventy-five present. Mrs. Fanny Jackson, a cousin of Mrs. Harpers, Mrs. William Corbitt a granddaughter and Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Chapman, of Vienna. All her children and grand- children, except one daughter and son and their families, who live at Centralia, Illinois. The children present were: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Clay- ton. This was a happy occasion for all present and the good wishes of every guest for many pleasant birth days for Mrs. Harper were heartily expressed. The following are some miscellaneous organizations 86 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY and clubs: The Columbian Exposition held in Chicago called into being the Columbian Woman's Club, Miss Anna Dwyer was president and Mrs. Sarah Poor was secretary. The object was to collect the products of woman's labor of this county for display in the Woman's Building, at this exposition. The only things sent for exhibit from here, were jellies canned and preseved fruit. This wonderful celebration to honor our discovery and exhibit to the world the nation's progress was a Mecca for all the ends of the earth, and of course, Johnson County kept pace. Our first visitors were D. L. Chapman and W. B. Bain. There were all together from five to six hundred visitors from the little county of Johnson, some of them going several times. The state of Illinois was admitted to the Union, 1818» 1918 being the anniversary of that event, each county of the state was supposed to celebrate it, sometime and in some way suitable to themselves. The citizens of this county prepared a program and set aside one day during the County Fair for one part of their celebration, also pre- miums were offered for displays of old pictures, relics, and exhibitions of occupations and customs of earlier times. Some very creditable displays were made in the Art hall. Miss Emma Rebman, county superintendent of schools at that time, appointed a committee of teachers to arrange a display from our county for the Centennial Exhibition at the state fair at Springfield. The eighteenth federal amendment certainly has wrought a change in this county. The foundation was laid for it years ago. There was a Prohibition Club here in the seventies of which John Clymer, James Slack, M. A. Smith, Green Thacker and others were members. Mrs. Oglesby of Belknap organized Christian Temperance Union Societies in different parts of the county. She organized one in Vienna in 1890. The officers were Mrs. W. I. Dill president, Mrs. George Blanchfill, vice-president; Miss Nora Covington, secretary; Mrs. Betty Burnett, treasurer; Mrs. Emma Smith, corresponding secretary. But one of the main things that helped to educate the people of this county along this line was the ardent support given the prohibition cause by M. A. Smith, editor of the Johnson County Journal for more than twenty years. The county was cleared of saloons in 1881. The last ones being A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY at Simpson and Cypress, but their lives were short as we had as helpers at the time officers who were uncompro- mising in their enforcement of the law. Although we have had prohibition in the county for so many years, we have been continually menaced by the boot legger and the illicit salesman, but a drunken man on the streets is seldom seen in our community at the present time. FAIRS Most agricultural counties hold a Fair in the late sum- mer or fall of the year. This usually includes racing as well as exhibits and necessitates grounds with a track, stalls, booths and pens for horses and stock together with a large inclosure for eating stands, side shows, merry-go- rounds and various little money making devices. Also much space is used for the wagons, buggies and automobiles of the visitors. There is an ampitheater for the convenience of those who want to see the races, riding and displays of stock. There are suitable buildings for Art exhibits, poul- try, farm and garden products. The object of this annual gathering is quite well understood and the fairs held in this county have, without doubt, been most advantageous in im- proving the grade of live stock, poultry and farm products. It is not known just when the first fair held in this county was organized but it was some time before or about 1861. The grounds included the present site of the Big Four station and the field on the left hand side of the road leading to the station. The promoters were, no doubt, the promi- nent business men and farmers of that time who likely were John Bain, Samuel Jackson, Hon. A. J. Kuykendall, Samuel J. Hess, Samuel S. Copeland, Josiah Throgmorton, S. J. Chapman, D. C. Chapman, Hiram Carson, John Wright, B. S. Smith, William Perkins, James Oliver , S. M. Glassford, Thos. Farris and others. Little is known of the result of this fair or how long it lasted as there are no records to be found at the present time. It is known for certain that A. J. Gray was the most graceful horseback rider at these fairs and that the grounds were used for a camping ground for the soldiers, who were entering the Federal army. They camped there from August until October. Another fact is from the "Vienna Artery" June 1871, "The Old Fair Grounds will be sold at sheriff's sale on the first day of July under excution in favor of Mesrs Sexton and Wright. 88 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY The second Fair Association was organized in 1883 or 1884. The promoters were W. C. Simpson, J. B. Kuyken- dall, T. B. Powell, J. N. Poor, P. T. and J. C. Chapman, Samuel M. Glassford and others. The officers for the year 1888 were S. M. Glassford, president; Thomas B. Powell, secretary; J. N. Poor, treasurer. The financial exhibit for that year was gate and entrance fees, $2,212.00, rents and permits, $310.70; sale of shares of stock, $2,475.00, other resources, $178.70. paid in premiums, $1,626.11 paid for real estate buildings and improvements, $3,519.84, balance in treasury, $31.15. The grounds where this exhibit was held were just across the drainage ditch south and east of Vienna on the left of the road leading to Belknap in what is now P. T. Chapman's field. Some of the men securing premiums for graceful horseback riding at this fair were J. K. Elkins, M. A. Hankins and Alfred Oliver, some of the ladies were Lenna Oliver, Fanny Throgmorton and Julia Bridges. This asociation soon fell so far behind financially that it was abandoned. The third fair corporation was completed in 1905 with William More, J. B. Kuykendall, P. T. Chapman, N. J. Moz- ley, D. W. Whittenberg, W. M. Grisson, J. C. Carter Charles Marshall, C. H. Mason, M. L. Hight, Harry Beauman, J. K. and I. N. Elkins and others as stock holders. The grounds for holding this fair were leased from J. H. Carter, Jr., and lay on the left of the road leading from Vienna, north past the Fraternal Cemetery. They are conveniently located and well arranged with a good track, buildings, and booths. Annual exhibits and races have been held since its organ- ization. It is not a money making institution, so far in its history, but the losses are small and they "carry on." The fair is a paying proposition even though it should not be a financial success. It undoubtedly, has inspired a desire for better live stock, finer fruit and the best in farm products. The year, 1907 was made memorable by the "Home Com- ing" which was held during the fair. It was a decided success and many former citizens coming from all parts of the United States met here, who had not seen each other for many years. The fair adds much to the social activities of the county, acquaintances and friends from this and neighboring counties meet and visit together at the fair that possibly do not meet at any other time. Each year the managers have had some special feature A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 89 for entertainment. In 1912 they brought the first flying machine here that had ever landed in the county. It was an aeroplane. In 1920 a byplane did a good business during fair week taking parties for flights at $10.00 per trip. J. B. Hankins of Vienna has always taken the prize for the best horseback rider at this fair when he would enter. He also always has some fine saddlers on exhibition, if he does does not enter the competition, everyone knows he would have been entitled to the blue ribbon as the best rider and as having the best saddle horse. Very few ladies ride horseback in this county since the days of automobiles. Miss Gertrude Powell took the blue ribbon for the best lady rider at the fair several years ago. The fair association was reorganized last year (1923) with J. M. Brown, E. F. Throgmorton, P. T. Powell, George Gray, J. N. Mozley, Lloyd Farris and T. C. Taylor as stockholders. The state assists all agricultural fairs. SPORTS The rod and gun have furnished sports and diversion since the days of Nimrod, perhaps before, as well as being the principal means of furnishing sustenance for oneself and family before the days of plenty. There has always been an abundance of game in Johnson County on account of the timber and secluded places for their propagation. Trapping is now and has been a lucrative business in this county many years. We have many fur bearing animals, coon, mink, otter and fox. Fox hunting is a favorite diversion with many of our sportsmen. They take their dogs to the bluffs and caves which are the haunts of the fox, and get one started running. The sport is in listening to the dogs as they run and send up their peculiar wail. The hunters enjoy their music and are able to tell whose dog is in the lead in the race. It is not the intent of the sportsman to catch the fox as the English do, but merely to have the chase. It is a picture to see the hunters going out about sundown, several in a group, with their automobiles filled with hounds and many following. Fishing is another pastime indulged in by some of our citizens. The larger streams abound in cat and grinnell. The smaller creeks have perch and we have a few game fish, none native. The State Commission have stocked pri- 90 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY vate ponds so that some of our farmers, who have taken the trouble, have good fishing. Much of the wild game has been exterminated, but thanks to our state game law, we still have some wild game such as the quail and squirrel, but in later years, our home game has been too tame for some of our sportsmen and a hunting club was organized in 1892. L. A. Knowles was captain and always led the van, never permitting anything to hinder him from the hunting trip to Mississippi, Louisi ana, or Colorado, which always occurred in the fall. Other members were Judge A. K. Vickers> Cass Oliver, M. A. Smith, W. L. Williams, Judge W. W. Duncan, of Marion, Judge Wm. Butler of Cairo, Daniel Clymer, John Thornton,, John Mowery, Dick Redden, H. V. Carter, W. G. Jackson, L. L. Sanders and Henry Curtis. These men went annually and spent a month or six weeks' killing deer, and what ever small game they would deign to notice, and no doubt forgot all their worries, if they had any, and giving way to the aboriginal in them for a time. Judge A. K. Vickers, M. A. Smith, Henry Curtis, L. A. Knowles and Judge But- ler have passed on. It remains to be seen if the hunting club survives. Quail hunting is, and no doubt, has always been one of the most widely followed sports of this county. These beautiful and useful little birds abound on every farm, and following an open winter, one will see coveys of them on the road side every few rods. During the season when the quail law is off or on, whichever way one looks at it, one can see the hunters with guns and dogs going out early and late. Many farmers now post their farm and hunting is allowed only by permission. In former times, when this was not a rule, crowds of hunters came from the cities and neighboring towns to this county for bird shoot- ing. The squirrel season is rather short, the hunters think, but killing squirrel is not considered as fine a sport as quail shooting, and many farmers are glad to have the pretty little gray pests killed, as they destroy a great deal of corn in the fields. In the winter season when the snow is on, many enjoy rabbit hunting, especially the boys. It furnishes sport for Saturdays, if they have a good dog, and also a little pocket change, as rabbits are shipped to city markets from here during the winter season. A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 91 EDUCATION As in all other frontier countries the opportunity in this county for an education was very meager. The few schools, were taught in residences, churches, or improvised school houses. They were private or subscription, the par- ent or guardian paying so much per month or term for each scholar subscribed. The teacher boarded round with each pupil as part of his salary. . These terms were irregu- lar and the teachers were all men. Teaching was not held in very high esteem these first years for it was usually considered a "lazy man's job." The reason for this mis- conception, no doubt, was that many men without families who were not qualified mentally or morally fell onto the plan of teaching as a means of getting a living. Since in the new country, there were no fixed standards of qualifi- cation this was an easy matter. This was not the rule but there was enough of this class to discredit the profession. The first free school law was framed and passed in this state in 1825. Under this law the first school district was laid off in this county, May. 1825, as follows: Beginning at John Copeland's (the farm where Alfred Hook now lives,1922) and running northwest with the road leading toward George Brazell's so as to include John Finny and Charles Fain, (who lived west of Vienna about where the Huster settlement is now) from there so as to include John Gore, the farm just this side of the rocky hill on the West Vienna road known as the Dicky Carlton farm, from there east so as to include James Jones, whose farm is now included in the Fred Shelter and J. M. Brown farms and Mathew Mathis, (the Looney farm,) James Bain, (Levi Smith's also known as the Vickers farm) to Joel Johnson's who lived at that time where Lloyd Farris now lives, so as to in- clude Johnson, thence in a southwest direction to include Dave Shearer, (this farm is now owned by James Beach and John Dunn) then to John Copeland's, the place of beginning. All this was to be known as the School dis- trict of Vienna. From this description of the bounds of the first district, it is not hard to conclude that the guid- ing principle in shaping its boundaries was to include cer- tain families regardless of the resulting size and shape. The court also ordered the following boundaries. 92 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY Recognizing the petition of the citizens under the free school law of 1825 To-wit: "Beginning at James Jones, Sr., thence a south course to the school district line of Vienna, thence east along so as to include Elias Harrell thence north to include W. J. Wise and Samuel McGown, thence west so as to include Joseph Kuykendall, thence to the be- ginning and the said district be known as the Bloomfield district. And that a school district be established and called the Cache district commencing at George Brazel's, thence north so as to include William McGinnis, thence west so as to include Robert Lott, thence southwest to the county- line so as to include John Standard, thence east to Cache, thence to the beginning," both ordered June term court. 1825. June, 1825, ordered that a school district be establish- ed within the following boundaries, To-wit: "Beginning at Sec. 16, Township 13, Range 2, east running westward so as to include Thomas Standard, Lewis Worrell, William Jones and the widow Standard, thence to the county line, thence south along the county line to Cache River, thence up the same to the range line between 2 and 3 thence up said line north to a point due east from the 16th Sec, thence west to the place of beginning." This was West Eden dis- trict. The fact that those early settlers took advantage so quickly of this free school law indicated their tendency to- ward progress. There was no compulsory school law as yet. A great many parents, having no education themselves, did not believe in it for their children, and did not take ad- vantage of the opportunity offered by the free school law. The benefits of educations were not, therefore, reaching the masses as had been hoped. Realizing that the educa- tional system then in operation was not doing for the people what it should, the legislature enacted into law in 1855, the foundation of the present state system. Townships were laid off into school districts, three and four to a township. An attempt was made to provide that no pupil be obliged to walk more than two miles to school and school boards were compelled to maintain school not less than six months in each year and to authorize a sufficient levy to support them. Older people have said that this law A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 93 met with a great deal of bitter opposition in this county. This new uniform program raised the standard of quali- fications of the teacher and added thereby dignity to the profession. The earliest teacher that we have a record of in this county was Daniel T. Coleman. It is not certain, even, that he taught in the present limits of the county. The evidence to establish him as the first teacher is found in the estate of Nathaniel Green. From Major A. J. Kuykendall we glean the following interesting information concerning the first school, in the present limits of Johnson County. The school was taught in 1819 by Hiram Chapman, a native of N. Y. and a great uncle of Judge P. T. Chapman. It was taught near the present site of Bloomfield. The most advanced pupil in the school was James Kuykendall, a brother of the Major and five years older. The nearest school to this was Equal- ity in Saline. That school was conducted by an eastern man, as they were then called, and the most advanced pupil in that school was Choisser. an uncle of W. V. Chois- ser of Harrisburg. During the school term, Chapman re- ceived a challenge from the teacher of Equality in which the most advanced pupil in each school was to be matched against the other in "saying pieces." The challenge was accepted and the contest at the Bloomfield school resulted in victory for the Bloomfield pupil. This was a notable event in those days and well it may have been, when we consider the distance and mode of travel at that time. From the statement of his grandson, James P. Cope- land, John Copeland, the pioneer, helped to build the first school house in his neighborhood and taught the first school in it. This school may have been the first free school in 1825. It is clear that the last two teachers named taught in the present county limits. Some other early teachers were Hezekiah West, Nesbit Allen, 1818, father of W. C, Isaac Stalcup, James Pattilla, a Scotch- man, William Peebles, Herrelstone, Samuel Hambleton, Joseph Carmichael, Russel, J. W. Terrell, A. A. Mather, C. W. Bliss, Dr. J. B. Ray, Hiram Wise, Minnicks, A. J. Kuy- kendall David Bayles, Barney Smith, L. L. Madden, H. M. Ridenhower, Sr., Asahel Burnett, J. S. Whittenberg, L. W. Fern, Dr. W. A. Looney, Joseph Warder, A. M. Marschalk, 94 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY B. F. Lewis, Col. Toler, D. C, Lee and Tamerlane Chapman, Barney Smith, C. N. Dawson. Standard, W. A. Spann, Jasper Johnson, Franklin Thomas, Samuel and James Cope- land, L. F. Jacobs, Joshua and James Simpson. Most of these antedate the Civil War ; some were about war times ; and the following a little later: I. A. J. Parker, B. F. Olden, O. A. Harker, Charles W. Bliss, P. G. McAvoy, A. B. Garrett, M. A. Smith, A. G. and C. N. Damron, Dr. John Keesee, P. T. Chapman, A. G. Benson, J. S. Francis, W. S. Curtis, R. M. Fisher. Some of these men have gone into other professions and made a name for themselves. The first woman teacher recorded was Miss Emma Driver, a young English girl from New York. She prob- ably came to Johnson County some time before 1855. She taught a private school in Vienna. Mrs. Joseph Warder and Mrs. Isabell Marschalk were teachers here about 1854 or 1855. There were also Mrs. Chase, wife of an architect, Mrs. Mariah Benson, Miss Ann Stewart. In 1878 there were only four women teachers in the county; by 1881 there were thirty-five. The number of women teachers employed in the schools at the present time is 55. The average wage paid men in the grades is $678.26. The av- erage wage paid teachers of the county for the year 1858 was $151.00; in 1860 there was no report; in 1870, $180.00 in 1880, $185.00; in 1890. $183.00; in 1900,$226.00; in 1910, $271.00 ; in 1920, $495.00. It can be seen that the pay for teachers has doubled in the last twenty years. In 1884 there were 5,268 children of school age in the county; seventy-five teachers were employed with an aver- age wage for men of $39.15 per month, and for women, $34.17 per month. In 1908 there were 7,588 children in the county, with 4,792 enrolled in the schools; the average monthly wage paid men for that year was $47.10, women $35.10. In 1914, under the superintendency of Miss Emma Rebman the county was given a large flag, 13x30 feet. The state presented this flag as a prize to the county because it had the best average attendance in proportion to the number of pupils enrolled. It may be interesting to men- tion at this point some personal records of attendance. Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Harris, living in school district 57, Berea neighborhood had six children in school during the term of 1908-09. Not one of these children was absent or tardy A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 95 during the entire term. Another record of strict attend- ance to business which deserves mention, is that of Miss May Hankins of Vienna who finished the Vienna Town- ship High School, June, 1921. She had not been absent from schol an entire day since she entered the first grade. How much it would mean to teachers and pupils if this were the rule instead of the exception. In 1819 the county commisioners court was given gen- eral powers over school land as well as establishing dis- tricts; by an act of 1825 the office of school trustee was created. The name of this board was changed to "school directors" by an act of the legislature of 1841. 1827 an act was passed whereby the county commissioners should appoint township trustees. Later the office of trustees as well as school director was made elective. The township trustees had about the same duties they now have except for a short time, they were given power to examine teachers. The following is an extract from an old trustee's record of 1864-68. In 1864 John McCorcle, Thomas A. Gillespie, and J. F. Holt were the trustees for township 13, S. Range 3 east; A. M. Marschalk taught in district 1, 1864-65. His schedule amounted to $200.00 for the term; Mrs. I. Marschalk taught at the same time in the same dis- trict, for the same amount. T. Chapman taught in district 2, in 1864-65 his salary was $270.00. C. W. Hutchinson and D. R. Watson were teachers of 1863-64. In 1864, $10.15 was allowed district No. 1 from district No. 5 for tuition for William, Sarah, Dicy. Susan and Frank Morris. Other teachers of 1864 were Samuel E. Bancornis, John N. Johnson. In 1865 they were Mariah Benson, J. W. Jen- kins; 1866, Joseph Warder, O. L. Ridenhower, W. L. Blackwell, M. L. Kuyler. Trustees for 1866 were B. F. Bellemy, James W. Bales, Samuel Jackson. John S. Crum, Treasurer. The list of teachers from 66-68 is, Aschel Burnett, Nancy E. Williford, Richard Thatcher, C. S. Norris, W. H. Thomas, W. W. Boyt, N. J. Slack, O. A. Harker, W. S. Curtis. The number of children in the Vienna district in 1873 was 236. The office of school commissioner was established in 1831; in 1841 such commissioners were given authority to examine teachers. This office was changed to county super- intendent in 1855. The name of W. J. Wise is given as 96 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY school commissioner in 1836, also as late as 1850. The power of passing on the qualification of teachers was exer- cised by the county superintendent until 1913, when it was delegated to the State Examining Board. W. H. Culver was elected county superintendent in 1855 and served in that office till 1865. He signed as commisioner through common usage. The following is a receipt which was given to D. C. Chapman as Sheriff and there were several other similar ones that ran up as far as 1863 : "Received of D. C. Chap- man of fine money assessed in the circuit court against A. H. Hill in five cases. $10.00 each, fifty dollars of which this is a duplicate, (date not known), this 6th day of June, 1857. W. H. Culver, School Commissioner," which should have been County Superintendent. The fact that these receipts cover a period of seven years indicates that he held the office two terms and that Culver was the only one holding the office of County Superintendent under the 1855 law, till 1865 from which time we have a complete record. Under the office of school commissioner they were allowed to appoint examiners who issued certificates. J. B. Chapman was an examiner at one time, having issued a certificate to W. A. Spann in 1861. H. M. Ridenhower, Asahel Burnett, Newton Pearce, Dr. Bratton and Dr. J. M. C. Damron are names which have been given orally as examiners at different times, but there is no record of these and there were, no doubt, many other examiners whose names have not been obtained. J. S. Whittenberg is the first name recorded in the county as superintendent of schools and the following is a report sent in by him to the State Superintendent in 1865. It is evident from the phrasing that this is not his first report indicating that he probably followed Culver in the office of County Super- intendent. "Since my last report of the public schools in this county, the cause of education has steadily advanced, and a position is now gained from which we may antici- pate greater results in the future. A more intimate ac- quaintance with the workings of the free school system has dissipated, in a great measure, the prejudice of its opponents, and secured for it a surer place. in the confidence of the masses. Among the hopeful indications of the year just closed are, an increased interest shown by the people A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 97 in regard to their schools, a more careful selection of men to fill the offices of trustees and directors, and a gi owing demand for a better class of teachers. These encouraging facts inspire the hope that the day is not far distant when our public schools shall receive the attention their import- ance demands. The last returns of township treasurers to this office, though not entirely free from error and incon- sistency, are much more full and reliable than formerly. During the last year I have visited all the schools in the county and in most of the districts have met the citizens at night, and given them a lecture on questions of educa- tional interest. As a result of my visits, I have seen the necessity that exists for thorough supervision. Teachers and school officers need to consult freely with some one intimately acquainted with the conditions and wants of each particular school and district, and at the same time familiar with the improvements in school discipline, text books, school architecture, etc., which are continually being made. I am fully satisfied that an efficient man in each county, with sufficient salary to enable him to devote all his time and energy to the work, would render the money annually expended for the support of schools more than doubly efficacious than it now is. As to amendments to the school law, I have none to submit, except to provide for a more perfect supervision of school. This may be done by allowing the superinten- dents a reasonable per diem in cash, in the place of the per diem in county orders, which generally fall one-third be- low par, thereby making the superintendent's pay merely nominal." The school law of our state has been improved from time to time since 1855 by lengthening the term and in making attendance compulsory. The first law of this kind was passed in 1883, compelling parents or guardians to send children under 14 to school a certain number of days in each year. In this same law such varied subjects as physical training and proper care of the teeth were made obligatory and as early as 1897 the effect of alcohol and narcotics became a required subject. These pupils who were the objects of so much legis- lation must have a home so that one of the first provisions necessary was a school house. In this county, school 98 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY houses and furnishings were at first very primitive. Set- tlers were few; property was scarce; and as usual taxes were the great burden. But surely our forebears could not complain of the kind of school buildings they had. They were made of logs with a dirt floor and a hole in the middle of the roof or at one end for the smoke to go out as the fire was built on a dirt floor. The windows were spaces where logs were left out for light and incidentally although they were not so planned, for ventilation as there was no glass in them. The seats were logs split, the flat side up, with legs made by boring holes on the underside of the log and putting heavy wooden sticks in them. Sometimes the logs were laid across other logs for seats. The only desk was a wide puncheon, also made from a log and smoothed off and placed on wooden pins stuck in the wall and called the "writing desk." Only those pupils who took writing could sit at this desk and they only at "writing time." In these early schools the pupils were allowed to "study out," that is every one said over his lesson so every one else could hear. While some studied spelling, others were reading, still others were adding a "sum." Every few min- utes a pupil snapped his fingers, the teacher nooded assent, the boy or girl then placed a finger under a word on the page, went up to the teacher and held it up for pronuncia- tion. This custom obtained long after the quiet work was required in the school room. To get a head mark was a great incentive to memorize one's spelling lesson. Spelling was recited orally and if the one above failed to spell a word and you spelled it, you "turned him down" and went above him. One might turn down a half dozen at one time or even a whole class. The pupils securing the most head marks in a certain length of time was usually rewarded with a prize from the teacher. Another obsolete custom is that of compelling the teacher to "treat" at Christmas time, that is, provide candy or fruit for the school. In some cases they were real rough if they were not treated, the pupils might lock him out in the cold until he decided to treat. The first school house the author remembers was a frame building, a long box wood stove in the center, the inevitable writing desk now made of a smooth plank, ink A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 99 stained and barlow carved, still reserved for "writing time." The seats were made of plank with backs that struck you about half way up ; lucky, indeed, you were if you reached school early on a zero morning and could get on a bench next to the stove. Nails were driven in the wall for hats and coats and a bench placed abainst the wall for the lunch buckets. Across the end of the room the floor was raised about two feet, with steps the entire length, making a dias or stage; the wall which was across the back of the stage was all black board, simply painted black and on the stage sat a huge desk made of lumber with a lid that raised. This was the teacher's desk where pupil's books were put at night provided there were any beside the old blue back spelling book. The room was really well lighted. But the main piece of furniture must not be forgotten — the water bucket. "Teacher can Lizzie and I bring some water?" was the oft repeated question. Delighted they were when the affirmative answer was forthcoming. The spring was a pleasant journey; they did not hurry and they al- ways passed the water on their return letting each pupil dip out a drink, and return the dipper to the bucket. The number of school houses in the county in 1878 was 52 ; 25 of them were log. In 1884, of the 62 school build- ings then erected, 2 were brick, 52 frame and 8 still re- mained of log. In less than 50 years from the beginning of the present system, 1855, all log buildings were elimi- nated. At the present time, there are in the county, 7 brick, 65 frame school buildings, all meeting the standard of construction and sanitation required by the act of 1915. Up to the year 1890, women had little or no active part in this county as school officers. But in 1891, Mrs. Viola (Smith) Brown was elected on the school board of district No. 9. She served as clerk for several years and as the first woman in the county to serve in that capacity, made an excellent member of the board. Mrs. Sarah Poor and Mrs. R. M. Fisher were made members of the school board for Vienna in 1892, having the honor of being the first women of the town advanced to that position. Since then, it is not uncommon in Vienna to elect women to the school board. They take fully as much, if not more, interest than the men in matters of education. Miss Sarah J. 100 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY Whittenberg, now Mrs. D. Cover was elected county super- intendent of schools in 1894. She was the daughter of J. S. Whittenberg who had served in the same office 30 years before. She filled her position admirably, in fact, she set such an excellent example that Miss Emma Rebman was elected to the same position soon after. The quality of the service rendered by these women is of as high standard as that given by men. The custom of an annual graduating exercise for the pupils of the county who had finished the eighth grade was begun in 1891 under the supervision of M. T. Vancleve, County Superintendent. These exercises are always held at the county seat some time after the close of the school term with appropriate program and are a stimulus to the students to finish the course, especially those who intend to take a higher education. These county certificates en- title the holder to entrance in any accredited high school without an examination. The number of pupils for all graduating classes could not be definitely obtained. The following are the figures available: 1892, 16 or 18; 1894, 20; 1896, 32; 1900, 23; 1901, 13; 1903, 29; 1904, 64; 1905, 35; 1906, 59; 1907, 55; 1908, 100; 1909, 30; 1910, 13; 1911, 40; 1912, 47; 1913, 109; 1914, 126; 1917, 63; 1918, 237; 1919, 208; 1920, 165; 1921, 176; 1922, 203; 1923, 101; 1924, 110. The very appropriate ceremony of planting a county class tree was begun under Miss Rebman in 1913. In addition to the graduation there are state scholarships in the form of four years free tuition in any normal or university in the state given to the pupil making the highest grade in the township. The students securing the scholarships for 1918 were G. E. Chamness, Goreville; Allen Cavitt, Tunnel Hill; Velma Harper, New Burnside; Nora Smoot, Simp- son; Laura Soper, Bloomfield; Evert Elkins, Elvira; Opal Brown, Grantsburg; Violet Avery, Vienna; Edith Bishop, Cache. The State Fair School of Domestic Science was organ- ized in 1896 under the supervision of the State Agricul- tural Association. Any county having an agricultural association may send one representative to this school and under certain conditions two. Miss Jennett Heaton was given honorable mention for grades made during the term A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 101 of 1919. The State Fair School for boys was organized in 1910 under the same association as the Domestic Science. Each county is entitled to two delegates. Johnson County has usually taken advantage of this opportunity and profit- ed therefrom. F. M. Simpson, a Johnson County boy, had charge of this State Fair School as instructor in 1911. The instructors are from the University of Illinois. William M. Grisson did much during his term of office as county superintendent of schools, to interest the farmer boys; he organized a "Farmers Boys' Club" which reached a mem bership of 400. He offered prizes for the best corn and pigs and created a lively interest among the young agricul- turists. This stimulation of interest was much needed as there had been a tendency for many years to get away from the farm. The first teachers meeting or institute that was held in the county was under the supervision of H. M. Riden- hower, Sr., who began teaching in this county, 1855, and J. F. McCartney, of Massac County, father of M. N. who is now principal of the V. T. H. S.»in 1859 or 60. The Civil War interfered somewhat with education and al- though the meetings may have been continued in some form the first regular institute with program and teachers was held at the old C. P. or Union Church in Vienna, September 12 and 13, 1878 with P. T. Chapman as County Superin- tendent of Public Instruction. From that time, teachers institutes have been annual events in the county. They have added prestige to the school teacher and meant much to them in many ways, especially before attendance at the Southern Illinois Normal became so general. During the summer term, 1885, Dr. D. B. Parkinson now deceased, of the Southern Illinois Normal University, came to Johnson County as an instructor for the county institute for teach- ers, and was recalled regularly in that capacity for ten years. This may explain the large number of Johnson County teachers at Southern Normal. This story of education so far has dealt mainly with elementary education : there is still a good deal to be said concerning higher education in the county. The city of Vienna realizing the need of and having a suitable build- ing which had just been finished, opened a high school at its own expense in 1894, with Professor M. N. McCartney 102 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY as Superintendent. Other teachers for the first year were Miss Letha Simmons, (McFatridge), Miss Kate Gray, Miss Lute Fisher, Miss Etta Craig (deceased). This school filled a long needed want in the community and was a suc- cess from the very beginning. The first commencement was held May 10, 1895, at the M. E. Church with the fol- lowing as members of the class: Misses Essie Beal, Ila Covington, Belle Trammell, Anna B. Hook, Ada B. McCali, Ida E. Spann; Messers Walter Jackson, George L. Elkins, James Polk Simpson, Eugene McCali. Dr. Bratton as president of the board presented the diplomas. And the citizens of the little community felt justly proud of the high school. Professor McCartney continued as principal for years. He was succeeded in this capacity by Profes- sors Rubelt, Harry O'Brine, M. T. Van Cleve, Ray Springer Smith, A. L. Whittenberg and A. C. Lentz. The exercises for the final year were also held at the M. E. Church, May 15, 1914. Four girls constituted the class, Francis Simp- son, Harris Ridenhower, Mary Hooker, and Mae Arnold, Mrs. P. T. Chapman presented the diplomas as president of the board ; and L. 0. Whitnell, of East St. Louis, form- erly of Vienna, made the class address. Thus ended our once high hopes but the need for a high school was greater than ever and while the burden of supporting one was heavier than the small town could bear it was thought there must be some way to provide one. There had been some agitation for a township high school for some time and in 1911 the question of equiping and supporting one was presented to the people. The peti- tion was lost by a vote of two to one, but the necessity was so great and the promoters were so determined that the matter was presented again in 1913. It carried by a majority of 18 votes. Because of the time it took to issue and place the bonds; the school did not open till the fall of 1914. M. T. Van Cleve was chosen first principal with Mr. Myer, of Clinton, Miss Pritchard, of Lagrange, Mo., as teacher. The residence of James Carter was rented for the term. This was a large house built many years ago by Colonel Samuel Hess and occupied by him as a residence. Although it was a commodious and elegant residence it was not suitable for a school. Notwithstanding the opposi- tion and the inadequacy of the building and equipment, A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 103 it was a most successful year with an enrollment of ninety- five and a graduating class of six. A petition was circulated and an election held to dis- continue the high school, June, 1915. This election was contested, but the objections were up-held. As soon as pos- sible another petition asking for a high school was circu- lated and presented to the County Superintendent. She ordered an election September 4th, 1915, and the proposi- tion carried by the small margin of two votes. This de- cision insured a high school and the work went on. A site was decided by ballot. The following year, February, 1916, the matter of voting bonds for a building was carried by sixty-six majority. This vote demonstrated the change in sentiment in favor of higher education. The township high school building was begun in the summer of 1918 at a most expensive and inconvenient time. Labor and material were both high and hard to get. The cost was perhaps one-half more than it would have been if the project had not been opposed so vigorously in the beginning and the building had been erected two years be- fore. The term of 1919-1920 was taught in the second story of Chapman's brick building which faces the square and runs along North Fifth street to Vine. Prof. M. N. Mc- Cartney was again at the helm as principal. The graduat- ing exercises of 1920 were held in the high school building. The wisdom of the majority was confirmed that year in the large enrollment of one hundred and seventy five pupils. The present high school is housed in a large two story brick building supplied with auditorium, class rooms, recep- tion room, domestic science room, all equipped for use. There is an excellent heating plant, a lighting system, and a private acetyline gas plant for the household science room. It is, in other words, in every way an up-to-date and mod- ern school building. It was finished in 1920 at a total cost of $70,000.00. The following statement of the financial condition of the V. T. H. in 1922 will go a long ways to affirm the wis- dom of establishing the high school. Tuition from Johnson County non-high school districts $5,902.36, from Pulaski County $264.00, from Pope County $88.00, individual $19.32. For the year 1923, tuition from non-high school 104 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY district $5,844.27, from Pulaski County $86.70, from Pope County $120.00, total $6,050.97. During the time of our city high school, 1904, the Southwestern League was formed including several schools in this section of the state. The object of this league was to test the intellectual, physical, and artistic capacity of the several schools. In 1905 Vienna won the Intellectual and Athletic banner. At different times they won several points in other contests, but not a sufficient number to secure the banner. S. J. Hess, now a student at the Ann Arbor Law School, represented the Vienna township high school, at the Interscholastic Meet in Urbana, in 1916, and won five points for the school. Archie Mathis, another Johnson County son made the wrestling team at University of Illinois, 1924. This team won the championship of the Big Ten Conference that year. He has a medal for individual work as a wrestler, welter weight, 145 pounds, and was selected by Walter Eckersal for his all All Western Wrestling Team, 1924. Each year the V. T. H. S. has maintained a good foot ball team ready to meet at all times any challenge offered. Ralph Chapman, a Johnson County boy was selected as captain of the Univer- sity of Illinois foot ball team 1913. This team defeated Chi- cago University team of 1914 which had not happened many times before. This team also won the championship of the Six Conference Gridiron Teams the same year. Chap- man was unanimous choice as All Western Guard and was selected by Walter Camp on his honorary "All American Team" as the greatest guard of the year." Encouragement has been given on different occasions to the students of the county in a small way offering prizes for papers of their own composition. Daniel Chapman Chapter D. A. R. offered a prize in 1912 to any student in the county who would write the best essay on "The Ameri- can Flag." Ray Ford of Robinson district, received the first prize and Joseph W. Looney of Oliver district the sec- ond. The same society offered another prize the following year on the subject of "Good Roads." Miss Sara J. Aus- broks, of Vienna, secured first prize, Orin Nobles, of Bun- combe, the second and Marie Stanley of Vienna high school, received honorable mention. In 1921 a prize was offered to the high school girls for the best paper on "Why should A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 105 I become a nurse." This topic was suggested by the Red Cross to stimulate interest in the duty of nursing. Thy prize of money was donated by citizens; Mrs. Maggie Hill taking the trouble to collect it and put the proposition be- fore the superintendent. The first prize went to Miss Essye Watson, second to Miss Francis Harvick, third to Miss May Hankins. In 1920 a study of the ability of seniors in the accredited high schools of the state to write English was made. A subject was assigned and themes were written simultaneously by seniors in accredited high schools. These themes were submitted to the University of Illinois and were there scored by the Hilaegas method. Of the three hundred and twenty-one public high schools submitting, V. T. H. S. ranked first. It was third of all the schools. Two private high schools ; Mckendrie, of Lebanon, was first ; and Villa De' Chantel, an academy in Rock Island was sec- ond. Another fact showing the lasting influence of the high school is the life of the Alumni Association. This society was organized the second year of the city high school, 1896, and has been a part of each years' school events since then. It is now twenty-eight years old. PRESS The first newspaper published in Johnson County be- gan it's existence some time in the year 1858, possibly in the later part of 1857, the exact date is not known, but the delinquent tax list for the county was printed in "The Jones- boro Gazette" of Union County, May 1857, which is proof there was no paper published in our county at that time. J. D. Moody was the owner and publisher of this initial journal. It was known as "The Johnson County Enquirer." It was a small sheet about one fourth the size of the ordi- nary county paper of today and was issued weekly. Moody must have continued as editor two or three years. Mrs. Eliza Dwyer says he left here about the time of the break- ing out of the Civil War and that his wife issued the paper a short while after he left. We find Jasper Johnson pub- lished, presumably, the same paper in 1861 under the name of "The Advertiser." Johnson enlisted in the Union army 1862, and Andrew Roberts took charge, changing the nam*, to "The Union Courier," Roberts gave a receipt to the sheriff, for advertising land sales, August, 1862, showing he still had charge of the paper at that time. 106 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY The political tendency of the paper must have been republican, judging from the name and an editorial pub- lished in the "Courier" in 1864, of which the following is a part: "It is an undisputed fact, so far as we can learn, that Hon. A. J. Kuykendall is able to more fully concen- trate the strength of the Union element of the thirteenth Congressional district than any other one man." This shows which side of the great question this paper was on at that time. There is also a communication from Captain John T. Mozley of the 120th Illinois Volunteer Infantry in the same issue, as follows : "Casualties resulting from the trip through Mississippi, Private John Wood killed instantly and left on the field; wounded, Johnathan B. Green; missing, Lieut. W. A. Francis, James H. Read, Sergts., Charles A. Bain, Absalom English, Henry C. Mullinax; Privates, John B. Cline, James F. Farris, John Jones, Aron T. Fain, John Sereds and John D. Young." Jasper Johnson was again editor in 1864 as a receipt to the sheriff for printing con- firms this fact and it may have been he was editor when the above was published. The paper was sold to Crum & Hogg, who published it for a short time, as we find T. A. Stewart succeeded them in 1866. The authentic history of the paper at this time is that 0. A. Harker and Charles W. Bliss, two young men em- ployed in our schools as teachers, bought the paper in 1867 and issued it as a side line with their teaching. 0. A. Har- ker's history is well known to our citizens, and Bliss be- came well known as an editor. He edited "The Montgom- ery News" and gained nation wide fame through his hum- orous "weather prognostications." Bliss, years afterwards, told his first experience as a journalist at a press meeting, as follows : "Harker and I bought this paper at Vienna, and tried publishing it for awhile, when a man came along wanting to buy a paper. This man felt that he was not financially able to buy the entire plant but made a contract to take over a half interest. He had but one eye. Harker and I were so anxious to be rid of this paper that we got the whole thing off on him be- cause of the defect in his sight." The man referred to in Bliss' story was the Rev. A. Wright. He took charge of the paper in 1868 and changed the name to "The Vienna Artery." He, with his sons as associates, forming A. A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 107 Wright & Co., continued its publication till 1872. It was at this time a seven column paper, with one side printed away from home, and was issued weekly at $1.50 per year. A. Wright & Co. sold the paper to T. A. Stewart, who published it about two years under the name of "The Her- ald." In 1874, A. J. Alden bought this paper and another small paper, published here by George Johnson, called "The Vienna News" which he consolidated into "The Journal" and thus were brought together the two papers represent- ing the two different factions which had existed in the county. Later Alden moved to Anna and J. J. Penny succeeded him as editor and publisher for a year or two. "The Jour- nal" fell into the hands of T. Chapman and was edited by J. B. Chapman for a short time, when the plant with its good will was sold to M. A. Smith in 1876. The paper had been issued as the exponent of republican principles, at least since 1864, and for twelve years, Smith having re- christened it "The Johnson County Journal," continued its publication along these same lines. In 1888, he decided to dedicate one page of the paper to the Prohibition cause and issued it as a Prohibition paper under the name of "The Journal" till 1892. J. F. Hight and W. D. Deans bought the paper from. Smith, changed its name to "The Reformer" and again turned its interest to the Republican cause. After a short time they sold it to T. J. Murray, 1894, who devoted it en- tirely to the interests of the "Peoples Party. In 1895 the plant and office was burned. Thus ended the life of this struggling press, which had existed almost forty years in our midst. We realize now the necessity of the local paper, but it was not appreciated nor so well supported in its early existence as at the present time. "The Journal" was issued weekly for $1.00 a year until 1886 when the price was raised to $1.25. "The Johnson County Yoeman" was established here in 1874, by F. W. Shuckers of Cairo, and was first issued in the interest of the Farmers Club campaign. This paper was later devoted to the propagation of democratic prin- ciples, Shuckers was followed as editor by John T. Keith, who had charge for about two years, when T. G. Farris, Jr. 108 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY took it over and continued its publication on this line till his death, in 1879, when the paper was discontinued and the press was moved to Metropolis. Dr. C. A. Parker established a Democratic paper here in June, 1888, calling it "The Egyptian Democrat." He sold it the following September to his brother, Lucas, who continued its publication for twenty-two years. This was a long time for a Democratic paper to survive in such a decidedly Republican community, demonstrating the pop- ularity of the editor. "The Burnside Bugler" was published semi-monthly at New Burnside by George Harris of that village, 1893, for a short time. R. A. Hundley bought the "Vienna Her- ald," a Republican paper published here, 1897, and moved it to Tunnel Hill where it was issued as "The Johnson County Republican." It lived less than a year. For a short while, from 1878 to 1880, there was only one Republican paper in Johnson County. In 1897 there were two Republican papers published here, "The Johnson County Herald" and "The Vienna Times," also one Demo- cratic paper "The Vienna Democrat." "The Goreville News" was a weekly paper founded in Goreville about 1901 by Isaac Cooper; its policy was inde- pendent. It was issued successively by John Cremeans, Cooper Stout, Ebert Thulen and finally sold to T. H. Sheri- dan in 1905. He brought it to Vienna and published it as "The Vienna News" till 1910. Sheridan engaged in a con- test, publishing scurrilous articles against the county officers and others which created a great deal of bad feel- ing. It engendered bitterness between some of the citizens of the county which took many years to overcome, and fin- ally resulted in Sheridan's killing of Harry Thacker, be- cause of an attack he had made on Harry's father, F. B. Thacker, as a county commissioner. In September, 1905, T. M. Jones, a citizen of Goreville Township, began publish- ing "The Goreville Record," W. H. Hardesty, a Mr. Bramble and J. U. S. Terry were editors of this paper at different times. It was suspended in 1913, having been issued as an independent journal. "The Commercial Enterprise" was a weekly paper edited and published in Cypress by J. S. Moffit. It began A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 109 life in 1915 and was suspended some time in 1917. E. R. Estes also tried the experiment of issuing a paper in Cy- press beginning in 1920. It was called the "County Re- view" and was suspended after a short existence. Publish- ing a newspaper has been a very expensive business for the last few years on account of the high cost of labor and ma- terial and one must be well established to be able to make a success. In 1879 A. K. and M. W. Vickers began the publishing of a Democratic paper in Vienna, called "The Vienna Weekly Times," bringing the press from Metropolis. They remained in the journalistic field about a year. G. L. Stout followed as editor for a short while, when the paper was put in charge of T. J. Parker, 1882, and was issued in the interest of the Republican party. It was sold to George W. Ballance and Ed. F. Morton, 1883. There was quite a war of words between the "Johnson County Journal" and "The Vienna Times" under the regimes of Vickers and also of Morton but not of serious nature and only seemed to create a little amusement for the public. In 1885 W. H. Gilliam bought a half interest in "The Times" and the following year became sole owner and pub- lisher. He continued in this capacity till his death which occurred in 1919. Under his management the paper in- creased in circulation and influence; one could always de- pend on what they saw in "The Times." It is an established fact that no editor ever enjoyed the confidence of his read- ers more than did W. H. Gilliam, always loyal to his party, and scrupulously vigorous for the truth and right as he saw it. C. J. Huffman and H. T. Bridges bought the paper in 1920. The following year Huffman sold to Bridges, who is now editor and proprietor. "The Vienna Times" has been a constant exponent of Republican doctrine and a weekly visitor in many homes for more than forty years. Its cir- culation is reaching out to every part of the United States where a loyal native born Johnson County son or daughter resides. This is the only paper published in the county and has a circulation of 2,200 (1924). VIENNA CARNEGIE LIBRARY The Vienna Public Library owes its origin to a dis- cussion held in the directors' room of the First National 110 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY Bank of Vienna sometime during the year 1894. The con- versation was introduced by M. N. McCartney, Principal of the high school for the reason that he was striving to have the new high school meet the requirements of the State University, and the school district was not able finan- cially to furnish a high school library to meet the de- mands. Those present at this conference were P. T. Chap- man, A. K. Vickers, W. E. Beal, G. B. Gillespie, M. N. Mc- Cartney and John B. Jackson, each of whom expressed themselves as being in favor of a public library. It was advised that J. B. Jackson, M. N. McCartney, and Mrs. May Chapman circulate a subscription asking for donations of money, books, magazines and furniture to equip the room and pay for a few books and magazine subscriptions. The committee followed out the plan. P. T. Chapman was the largest cash subscriber, J. B. Jackson, Charles Cunning- ham, Sr., and M. N. McCartney were the second, each of the last named giving like amounts. Messrs. W. Y. Smith and W. C. Simpson gave a collection of books equal in value to Mr. Chapman's donation. Mrs. Winnie Bain subscribed cash and gave a large table to be used in the reading room, M. T. Van Cleve, Superintendent of Schools, donated a large office stove, business men and young people gave from five to twenty dollars each, high school students from twenty- five cents to one dollar each, all members of the city council ordered their salary for that year credited to the library fund. John B. Jackson and M. N. McCartney wrote the ordin- ance authorizing the library as a city institution under the Illinois statutes known as the "two mill tax." The mem- bers of the council were Dr. A. H. Hooker, Julius Parker, and William Moore. The city attorney, George W. English, revised the ordinance. J. B. Jackson presented it for adop- tion. W. C. Simpson was mayor, and D. L. Chapman, as a member of the council moved to adopt the ordinance. Passage was thus effected at once. W. C. Simpson, as mayor, appointed as the first public library board, January 2, 1895, W. Y. Smith, Reverend J. H. Ford, M. N. McCart- ney, J. B. Jackson, J. H. Carter, Sr., Elder G. Lay Wolfe, Mrs. May Chapman, Mrs. Sarah Poor, and Miss Sarah Whittenberg. The city council immediately tendered the use of the council chamber to be used as a library room. Miss Delia McKenzie was elected first librarian. J. B. A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 111 Jackson visited the public library of Cairo, Illinois, and pro- cured copies of their rules, regulations and cards as a model for our modest beginning, thus the library was opened to the public, February 16, 1895 with the reading tables as the chief feature. The first subscriptions in money and material aggregated $400.00. The next tax levy amounted to $200.00. Almost every citizen of the town had some part in this en- terprise. Two women, Mrs. May Chapman and Mrs. Sarah Poor rendered very active service in establishing this library. The first meeting was held January 5, 1895 and the members present were McCartney, Ford, Smith, Poor, Whit- tenberg, Chapman and Jackson. M. N. McCartney was elected president and J. B. Jackson, secretary. Other com- mittees necessary for the maintaining of the work were appointed and things moved along well. The first location was a room in the Bratton and Ridenhower building, which stood about where Dave Roseberg's Clothing Store now stands. In March, 1896, the library was moved to what was then known as the Jobe building, where the hardware store of J. F. Farris is now located on Vine Street, paying twenty-five dollars per year and occupying it with the city council. The Vienna Womans Club furnished a room and held their meetings there, thus adding a room without extra expense to the library. We had three very good rooms here and had added quite a collection of books. In March, 1900, the books were damaged by fire from an adjoining build- ing, but the library continued in this building until July 7, 1908, when the building including the library, was entirely destroyed by fire. The five hundred dollars insurance on the library was paid in full. Rooms were secured with the Womans Club in the Chapman Building, and the library re- opened in September, 1909, with a limited number of books, where it remained till our present commodious quarters, so graciously made possible by Andrew Carnegie, were ready. The secretary of the library board made application co Mr. Carnegie in 1901, but failed to secure a donation. In 1907, Mrs. May Chapman as a member of the library board wrote Mr. Bertarm, Secretary to Mr. Carnegie, asking a donation for a building for the Vienna Public Library. A blank was received by W. C. Simpson, our mayor, setting forth the requirements which were that we furnish a suit- able lot and a yearly levy of ten per cent of the amount 112 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY given for the building. A lot was purchased from O. E. Harvick at the consideration of $1,000. W. C. Simpson, T. E. Boyd, A. J. Kuykendall, as members of the board, were appointed to solicit the money. Mr. Harvick donated $250.00 on the price of the lot, and the next on the list was a cash subscription of $200.00 from P. T. Chapman. The remainder being immediately subscribed by the progressive and interested citizens of our town. After some delay about the plans the corner stone was laid January 18, 1911. The Masonic Fraternity performed the ceremony. Mr. T. E. Gillespie acted as Grand Master and Prof. A. L. Whitten- berg made the address. The original donation of Mr. Car- negie was $5,000 for the erection of the building. D. W. Whittenberg, Noel Whitehead, W. M. Grissom, Jr., formed the building committee. After the building had been begun, it was found more cash was needed to finish it. Mr. Car- negie quickly responded and the building was finished at a cost of $6,323.00, for which the citizens of Vienna feel very grateful to our benefactor. Vienna has a permanent improvement that not only adds beauty to the little city, but has laid for its future citizens a lasting foundation for improvement and culture. This building was dedicated with appropriate ceremonies October 12, 1911. The principal address was given by Hon. L. O. Whitnell, of East St. Louis, a former townsman. It was originally only open to residents of the city of Vienna, but since the building of the Vienna Township High School the privileges of the library have been extended to all within the high school limits. The following have served as members of the library board : J. H. Carter, Rev. G. Lay Wolfe, Rev. J. H. Ford, Mrs. May Chapman, Mrs. Sarah Poor, W. Y. Smith, Sarah P. Whittenberg, M. N. McCartney, John B. Jackson, G. B. Gillespie, Mrs. Delia Head, Mrs. Letha McFatridge, T. B. Powell, Mrs. Alice Damron, Rev. A. J. LeTell, A. J. Kuy- kendall, Ed. Boyt, W. C. Simpson, Mrs. O. R. Morgan, Mrs. N. J. Benson, T. H. Sheridan, Mrs. C. H. Gray, Lucas Parker, Mrs. Minnie Dwyer, G. W. English, W. M. Grissom, Noel Whitehead, Dr. R. A. McCall, C. J. Huffman, D. W. Whittenberg, F. R. Woelfle. The presidents of the board have been Prof. M. N. McCartney, J. H. Carter, Sr., Hon. G. W. English, and F. R. Woelfle, who is still serving. Our A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 113 secretaries have been J. B. Jackson, W. Y. Smith, T. B. Powell, A. J. Kuykendall, Lucas Parker, D. W. Whittenberg, and C. J. Huffman. The following have been librarians: Miss Delia McKenzie, Mrs. Ada Gough, Miss Maggie Cole, Miss Bertie Bratton, Miss Winifred Jackson, Miss Bessie Chapman, Miss Fay Vander Plum and Miss Kate Gray, who is the present incumbent. For much of this history we are indebted to our first president, Prof. M. N. McCartney, who did invaluable work in the establishing of this needed in- stitution. He says that "After twenty-nine years of ex- perience this is the most harmonious and profitable enter- prise I have ever known to be organized in any struggling town, it has been a large factor in bringing the Vienna citizen body to the best read village population within my acquaintance." CHURCHES Religion and churches have gradually spread their civilizing influence over our county till one cannot help but realize how much these things have to do with the moral conditions of a community. The census of 1850 gives the churches of Johnson County as follows: Presbyterian 1, Baptist 3, Christian 1, Methodists 4. The first churches were held in the homes and school houses. One of the oldest churches in this county is Gillead, situated near Double Bridges, about two miles above Simpson. It is Presbyter- ian in denomination and was organized by James Alexander November 7, 1842. William Simpson, William Barnwell and Willis Simpson were the first elders; there were thir- teen other charter members, the families of these men, a Mrs. Brills and perhaps other names not known. The first building was erected in 1856. David H. Birch donated the land for the church. Some later members of this congrega- tion were B. M. Howell, John F. and J. L. Thomas, a Mrs. Trigg, George Hudson, Charles Bailey, Mary A. Thomas Eliza Perkins, and J. J. Simpson, now living at Creal Springs, was a member there sixty-five years ago. Lewis Simpson went out from this church as a minister. It is a live church today and a home coming held there in 1923 gave evidence of its influence. Liberty Presbyterian church was first held in a school house northeast of Buncombe, near Latham Springs ; it was organized as early as 1850. This building was burned and 114 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY a house was built near the present home of William Nobles on the farm of John Elkins. The church was dormant several years but was reorganized in 1886 by R. M. Pryor and the building was moved on the public road near che residence of Charles Peterson. The church house was fin- ally moved to Buncombe in 1908, and designated the First Presbyterian Church of Buncombe. They have had no pas- tor since 1917. Some of the first members of this church were William Barnett, Edward Dooley, Henry Mangum, John Elkins, Dee and Daniel Simpson, and their ramihes, Mrs. Mary E. Chapman, and Mr. Brills. Much of this data was obtained from old people and does not include all the members. The character members at the re-organization 1886, were Gilbert and Mary Barnett, Jacob and M. A. Rebman, T. B. and Sarah J. Steward, Charles Jb°tts and Regina Mangum. In 1895 this church had thirty-three members. Some ministers of this church from 1859 were E. M. Brooks, G. W. May, T. B. Holloway, J. A. Hill, G. M. Abney, J. A. Whiteside, J. H. Morphis, B. G. Mangum, J. C. Thompson, Louis J. Simpson, and John Webb. Concord Society of the Presbyterian Church, which is situated near the home of P. W. Rose, east of Vienna about five miles, was organized by the Rev. William Standard, October 15, 1854. The first ruling elders were G. B. Veach, A. B. Jones, F. M. Stalcup, S. D. Poor, and Pleasant Rose. Other members were the families of these men, Jackson Murrie, Martha Veach, Barney Shelton, Artimissa Prim. The present building was erected in 1876, the architect was John M. Jones. Some other members at that time were, James Rose, James W. Damron, P. W. Rose, their families and Parthena and Elizabeth Veach, Wiley and Lucinda Holt. The baptism of two infant children of the last named family, Lucinda and Parnesia Holt, is recorded in this church, also the baptism of Charles L. and Emma D. Hogg, children of Rev. James and Rebecca Hogg. Goreville Presbyterian Church is also an old one, but there could be little definite data of the first organization found. Its home was the lower story of what is known as the Hall which stands between the old and new towns of Goreville. Some of the first members were Mrs. Mary J. Gore-Collins, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Bass, Mr. and Mrs. George Gibson. The church was dormant A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 115 several years but was re-organized about 1890. Mrs. Mattie Jones, (who gave the data) says she remembers a minister by the name of Shadowens, who preached at this place. He never used a bible and the first thing he would say when he entered the pulpit was that, "he could not read a word to save ten thousand souls." but his sermons even in this day and age would be wonderful. Vienna had at one time a flourishing Presbyterian Church, which no doubt, was the strongest church here, at the time of the building of the Union Church on the hill, where the Baptist Church now stands, as the deed to the church house was made to the Presbyterians, while the Methodists and Baptists were given the privilege of using it. This was the first church built in the town. The Pres- byterian organization was formed sometime before 1854. Samuel Copeland and family, Henry and Mary Bridges, James H. Carter and family, James Hogg and family, atid no doubt other families were members of this first church. It has been dissolved for many years, the members having gone into other churches. Some of the early ministers of the Presbyterian Church were William Standard, James Hogg, T. P. Wells, William Mangum, and W. M. Hamilton, the first mentioned was pos- sibly the first minister of this denomination in this section. There were two Presbyterian Churches organized in the county after 1883, one at Latham Springs, north and the other southwest of Vienna, called Bethal; both have been abandoned. (This information was given by J. T. Davidson.) No doubt the reason for so many of the Pres- byterian churches being dormant in this section is that the Cumberland Presbyterian and Presbyterian Churches were united in 1906 into the "Presbyterian Church of the United States." Many of the members of the Cumberland Presby- terian rebelled against this action and refused to go with the main body of the church. Pleasant Ridge Presbyterian Church near Bloomfield was organized 1868 by Louis J. Simpson. Some of the first elders were J. V. and Henry Waters, George Cooper, John Whiteside, John Cooper, John Harper, and their fam- ilies and others whose names could not be obtained. Some of the ministers have been Rev. Wykoff, Charles Hutchison, 116 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY and Rev. Rumsey, Rev. J. H. Morphis entered the ministry from this county 1875, and has been a wonderful inspiration to the Presbyterians here. He has been called to labor else- where, but says he hopes to spend his last days among the people of this county. There are eleven Missionary Baptist Churches in the county at the present time. There could be no data had from Cypress, Ozark or Cedar Creek. This church was organized in 1836, and is, no doubt, the oldest Baptist church in the county. The church directory gives W. K. Brunson, as pastor, and G. B. Shaffer as clerk of Cypress Church, W. L. Motsinger and 0. E. Stout, as clerk of Ozark Church, A. N. Jones of Ewing is given as pastor and E. E. Rushing as clerk of Cedar Creek Church. The death of Mr. Rushing last year is, no doubt, the reason no data could be obtained from that society. Friendship Baptist Church is an old church of the county. It was organized in July 1841, at the house of Elijah Stalcup, who lived on the farm where Charles Deans now resides, with nine members as follows : Richard Char- les and Elizabeth Walker, Issac Worley, Mary and Elizabeth Simmons, Elizabeth Nichols, Edith and Elizabeth Johnson. The church is located east of Vienna on the Vienna and Golconda Road. The pastor in 1922 was B. J. Murrie, the clerk was W. P. Walker. Mt. Zion Church is located near Buncombe and was organized in 1850. The charter members were George Cal- houn, William Evans, Mrs. Mariah Looney, Thomas and Betty Scott, Jackson Worley, and William Pearce. The last named serving as first pastor, Carol Morris, David Culp and George Johnson were other early pastors. As to salary they received anything from a hog's jaw to $10 per year. There is a cemetery near this church in which two soldiers of the Civil War were the first to be buried. Their names were Bole Lovelace and Harrison Scott. H. C. Croslin was pas- tor and Mrs. Mary Stewart was clerk, 1922. County Line Church was organized in 1854. Some of the first members were Peter and Cynthia Simmons, James M. and Jersey Triplett, Daniel M. and Ruth M. Kerley, J. R. and Sarah Tucker, William and Brilla Ann, Louisa, Mary, Delila, and Mary E. Nichlos, Ezekiel Bowman, W. H. A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 117 and Elizabeth Hunt, Jane and Aaron Corn, Sarah Allen and Mary Dixon, the Ragians, Morris and Burns, families were also members. David Ragins was ordained to preach from this society many years ago. The clerk, states the records do not go farther back than 1870. George Smothers was pastor and Wayne Morris the clerk, 1922. Goreville Baptist Church had its beginning in 1870. The society was first organized about two miles north of Goreville and called Cana Baptist Church. The following were charter members : James P. Henry, Harriet and Eliza- beth Burns, Simpson and Jane Rawhuff, Hannah Hubbard, R. Y. Gurley, and Reuben Henderson, Elder William D. Pearce was the first pastor. In August, 1920 this church was moved to Goreville and assumed the name of Goreville Baptist Church. Homer Martin was the pastor and Dr. I. N. Graves the clerk, 1922. Elder Martin went out as a minister of this congregation. Pleasant Grove Baptist Church was organized August 7, 1890. The charter members were W. C. and Catherine Wilson, James Belle and Mary E. Mathis, Lavia Ann John- son, and Elizabeth Hogg. This church is situated east of Vienna, near the road leading to Metropolis. The pastor for 1922 was H. C. Croslin, and Mrs. Ida Beach, was clerk. The First Baptist Church of Simpson was begun by Elder A. R. Tucker in 1876 at the McKee Schoolhouse, but an organization was not effected till 1886, when seven members were secured and through the efforts of J. A. Kerley, B. A. McNeely, and J. R. Tucker, the work was completed, and the church was known as the Pleasant Hill Baptist Church. In 1891 this church was moved to Simp- son and services were held in the schoolhouse till 1898, when the present home was built. Pastor for 1922, J. D. Vaughn, clerk J. A. Smoot. The Vienna Baptist Church was organized sometime before 1850, but the records have been burned and the ex- act date and early members cannot be obtained. Mrs. D. Y. Bridgs, Samuel and Ursula Hess, J. H. and Lucy Card, were a few of the original members. The society was dor- mant for some time but re-organized in 1886. Some of the members at that time were J. S. Bridges, H. Ragins and their families, Mrs. Addie Morgan and Mrs. Elizabeth Brat- ton. H. C. Croslin was pastor and H. Ragain clerk, 1922. 118 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY The Grantsburg Baptist Church located at Grantsburg was organized in 1896. Some of the first members were India, Elizabeth, George Ella and Delia Modglin, J. P. and Amanda Trovillion, A. D., Edith and Sarah Howell, Murlie Evans, Elizabeth and Mayme Bowman, Minnie Trovillion, F. M. and Ella Simmons, Grace Bivins, Lilly Farauah, Flora Stout, Maude Grisham, Medora Hazel, Mary Champhire, Olaf Ragsdale, Pearl Slankard, T. B. Shelton, Frank Will- iams, Fannie Reed, Cambell Allard, P. G. Burris, Alma and Anna Howell, Mrs. Gerturude Huffman Allard was clerk in 1922. Some ministers of the Missionary Baptist Church who have served the churches and have been influential in build- ing up this organization in the county (given by Elder L. L. Smoot) are as follows: Carol Morris, was an uneducated man, but his success was due to his great faith in God and power in prayer. David Ragains was born in North Caro- lina in 1812; began his ministry from County Line Church in 1853. He accomplished a great deal of good in this coun- ty with very little renumeration, continuing his work until 1887. Elders Wilifred, William and Hekiah Ferell were among the pioneer preachers here as early as 1842. W. F. Van Cleve was a native of Kentucky, born in 1813, came to this county in 1850. He was pastor of Cedar Creek Baptist Church seventeen years, a useful and well informed man. Elder W. B. Pearce was born in Illinois, came to this county in 1842, was ordained in 1849. He made many sacrifices for the cause of The Kingdom. W. P. Throgmorton was born in Tennessee, began preaching in 1871. In 1877 he became editor of the "Baptist Banner," and is now editor of the Illinois Baptist, published at Marion, Illinois. W. S. Blackman, served in the Union Army, entered the ministry in 1872. He was a man of very strong personality and did much good work among the people of this county. J. K. Trovillion belonged in Pope County and has also been valuable to the churches here. Elder J. L. Morton was born in Virginia in 1809 and came to Johnson County, in 1862. He was ordained to preach in 1839 and probably preached as long as any man in this section. He delivered a sermon at New Burnside the day he was ninety-four years old, with zeal and earnestness. He had baptized one thous- and converts. His ministry extended over sixty years. Joel Johnson was a member of Friendship Church and did much A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 119 valuable work for his church. G. W. Smith and T. F. Pullen of Massac County did ministry work in this county as pastors and evangelists. E. R. Steagal was for many years a missionary here also a pastor of much success. W. A. Spence who served as State Senator from this district in 1922 is one of the most able ministers of this state, and is a man among men, blazing his way through his own efforts from obscurity to an honored position. He has served several churches here as pastor. John Adams was another minister of this county. W. W. Woodside is another who served as a minister here. E. H. Caldwell, lived many years among the people, and devoted his life to the promo- tion of Christianity and the uplift of this community. Elder A. W. Carlton, a native of Kentucky, came here in 1850, was a member of the Baptist Church seventy years and preached over forty. Elder L. L. Smoot is a native of John- son County and was ordained to preach in 1890. He has served many churches as pastor and held many successful revivals. He is now a state evangelist of the Baptist Asso- ciation. Other names of Baptist ministers are G. W. Pal- meiiee, W. C. Cox, J. P. Trovillion, A. L. McNeeley, 0. J. Taylor, James and Bert Baker. Elder L. L. Smoot, esti- mates the number of members of the Baptist Church of this county as about one thousand three hundred. There are two Primitive Baptist churches in the coun- ty, one called Little Flock, situated about two miles south east of Ozark. It was organized about 1859, in William Frizzell's barn. The charter members were William Friz- zell and wife, Abe Miller and Wife, William Simpson and wife, John Chester and wife, Elijah Reeves and wife, Mrs. Catherine Rushing, Mrs. A. Nickols. Mrs. Jane Rushing, who is now eighty-four years old is the only living charter member. They built a church house later and are still carrying on their work. Mrs. N. L. Chester is a member of this church at present and G. W. Rushing is the clerk. Some of their pastors have been Richard Fulkerson, William Gouge and Lemuel Potter. Rock Springs is another church. of this faith located near Simpson. There are two General Baptist churches in this county. They belong to the Ohio Association, which was organized in 1854. Bethal is the name of one church. It is situated in the northern part of the county and was organized in 1864. 120 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY Friendship church, of this denomination, was organized the same year and is located three miles northwest of Goreville. No names of ministers or members can be obtained except that of Isiah Lowery, a prominent farmer, of Tunnell Hill Township, who kindly gave the above information. There are four Christian Churches, sometimes called the Disciples of Christ in this county at the present time. There was one church of this denomination in 1850. The following data is from N. S. Haynes' History of this church, Miss Lilly Parker and J. F. Hight. Bethlehem church was organized in 1847 by Minister Wooten. It is thought to be the oldest church of the county. Their first meetings were held in a brush arbor. A log house was built and later a frame was erected. Norman Mozley, Sr., was the leading spirit and associated with him were other faithful men and women, the Carltons, Helms, and Hights. There has been little increase in this church in the last twenty years. Elder J. F. Hight went into the ministry from this congregation. Marshall Starks, Matthew Willson and Rev. Heap were some of the first ministers. Berea church of this faith is located about five miles southeast from Vienna, organized a few years after Bethle- hem by Matthew Wilson. Its history is very similiar. The families of Pickens, Starks, Gage, and Albritten were prom- inent in the work at Berea. Beverly Albritton was a local preacher who came from the south and settled in this neighborhood. He and his son, George served the church as elders almost continuously since its origin. Wiley F. and Daniel M. Mathis were two ministers who went out from this church. New Burnside church, another of the Christian denom- ination, was organized in 1875 and a house of worship built. Some of the first members were James Hester and wife, Frank Graham and wife, John Clymer and wife, Dave Shearer and wife, and Mrs. Asher. Some of the first min- isters were Stanton Fields, R. B. Trimble, Jesse Higby and Rev. Curfees. There was a church of this denomination at or near West Vienna as early as 1860, called Gum Springs. They had built a log house and an evanglist John Lemon, as well as Dr. Bundy, and Matthew Wilson visited them and A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 121 held meetings about the year 1865. Some of the members at that time were Mr. and Mrs. Dick Venable, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Glassford, Mr. and Mrs. John Racy and Mrs. Ann Calhoun Lemon and his son Josephus came as refugees from the south. They were the leading mem- bers of the Gum Springs church. Many of the other mem- bers were refugees and after the close of the Civil War many of them returned to their homes and the church was dormant for sometime. The remaining members, however, formed a nucleus for the founding of a church at Vienna. The first meetings at Vienna were held in the C. P. Church, later in the hall in the Chapman and Hess building. Some of the charter members of this church were Felix Boyt and wife, Benjamin Bellemy and wife, B. Jones and wife, Ber- ton Sexton and wife, Duke Smith and wife, beside the mem- bers from Gum Spring. Two of the early ministers were Rev. Banteau and Duke Smith. Rev. R. R. McCall, who came here in 1860, and Rev. I. A. J. Parker who came a little later were helpful in building up the church at Vienna. In 1871 the present brick building was erected. S. M. Glassford and wife were most liberal givers, also Mrs. Mary (Frances) Mackey. November, 1884, I. A. J. Parker was ordained by R. R. Trimble and preached for this con- gregation eight years. J. T. Alsup, Willis A. and B. E. Parker have gone out from this church as preachers of the gospel. Belknap Christian church was organized in 1895 by Elder G. Lay Wolf. Some of the charter members were W. H. Gibbons, A. M. Kean, J. B. McDowell, W. C. Wyatt and A. M. Wilson. They have had as ministers, Elders I. A. J. Parker, Sheak, Karker and Freeman. They worshiped in a rented building for some time. Later they built a beauti- ful little frame church home, which was dedicated by Fred Jones, Illinois State Secretary for Christian Missionary Society. Grantsburg Christian church was organized in 1902 by John U. Cowan, with the help of W. B. Bivins. There was a small congregation of this belief in Elvira in 1879. When minister Shelton moved away the congre- gation scattered. There was also a small band at Union Hill in 1900, but it continued only a short time. In the 122 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY seventies J. W. Bradley of Clay County, Stanton Fields and J. W. Radclilf did good work in the county as revivalists. In 1869 Clark Braden a Christian minister, and G. W. Hughey of the Methodist Episcopal church debated at Vienna on Baptism, the work of the Holy Spirit and the Methodist discipline. If any kindlier feeling was created or any Christians made from this discussion it has not been recorded. The Catholic church, a small frame building was dedi- cated at Vienna in 1896. There is also a Catholic church at New Burnside. The membership of these churches is very limited in this county. For a short time there was a resident priest in Vienna who also held services at New Burnisde, but at present the priest resides at Stone Fort, coming here every two weeks. He also holds services at New Burnside. A Congregational Society was organized at Vienna in 1893 and the cornerstone of their building was laid the same year, and it was dedicated in 1899. Some of the charter members of this church were Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Bridges, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Slan- kard, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thacker and family, Mesdames Edith Smith, Delia Head, Matilda Mahl, Margaret Ballow, and Ann Jones. Some of the ministers serving in this church were Revs. Mosslander, Perdue, J. H. Lippard. C. L. Westman, Murry, Knighten Bloom and Evan Wiggle. The church became inactive several years ago and the building which stood on the corner of Second and Green streets was razed in 1920. , The Pentacostal church was organized in Vienna in 1908 by Mrs. Humphrey, with forty members. They have a frame church but seldom have services. Some of their first members were Mr. and Mrs. Henen Russell, Aldred Hooker, Mrs. Stewart Sutliff and the Furguson families. There is a church of this denomination at Belknap. William Sutliff is the pastor, with about twenty members, some of whom are Mrs. Mercher, Mrs. Payne, Dick Smith and family, and Mrs. Evers. There is also a small group of this faith in Goreville. Rev. Sutliff estimates the whole number of Pentacostal members in the county as one hun- dred. A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 123 There were at one time a few United Brethern churches in the county. Fairview, Ballow, and Number 9; they were established about 1903. These churches seem to have gone down, and there is not, at present, a pastor of this denomination in the county. Southern Methodist churches were organized at one or two points in the county about 1912, but there are no living churches at present unless there is one at Foreman. The Church of Latter-Day Saints The church in Johnson County is in strict harmony with the church as re-organized, April 6, 1860, by Joseph Smith, the son of the prophet. After the death of Joseph Smith, the prophet, at Carthage, Illinois, a band of saints went to Utah under the leadership of Brigham Young, and here in the desert land they founded the Church of Jesus Christ as they styled it, and introduced the plurality of wives or polygamy in this country. The re-organized church has never been connected in any way with any of the movements or practices of the Utah church. It may be well to state here that separate headquarters for each church are maintained, and that neither organization is responsible to the other for any pub- lications or appointments made. The re-organized church has its headquarters at Independence, Missouri. The initial movement of the church in Johnson County began about 1861 and 1862, when William H. Kelley, son of Richard Y. Kelley, came to Illinois on a mission, and while here, baptised a number of people. Later in the six- ties, Bejamin H. Ballowe did ministerial work in this coun- ty and added some names to the list of members of the church. But the beginning of the work, properly speaking, be- gan in the summer of 1874, when Joseph C. Clapp came into the county and established objectives at Tunnel Hill and what was known as the Webb school house. This movement was followed in December of the same year by Geo. H. Hilliard and Issac A. Morris, both of Wayne County, Illinois. A number were baptised at this time. The next year, in August, 1875, the church was organized by Geo. H. Hilliard and some others at the Webb school 124 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY house in Tunnell Hill Township. Leander H. Kelley was chosen presiding elder of the organization, Elisha Webb, presiding priest, and Issac M. Smith, teacher. A movement was started to erect a church, and the building was completed in the autumn of 1879. Some of the first members of the church were: Richard Y. Smith and wife; Leander H. Kelley and Rhoda Kelley, his wife; Elisha Webb and Nancy C. Webb, his wife; Daniel Webb Sr,. and Rebecca Webb, his wife ; Caroline Burklow ; Joseph Smith, Sr., and Samuel H. Simmons. There is only one congregation of this church in the county. It has a membership, local and scattered, of about two hundred persons. Among the ministers going out from this church are Elders Issac M. Smith, associate editor Zion's Ensign, Independence, Missouri; Elders Thos. N. and William R. Smith, Knobnoster, Missouri, Elder Thos. C. Kelley, Independence, Missouri; Elder Peter G. Mc- Mahan, Tunnel Hill, Illinois; Elder Lloyd C. Moore, Mt. Carmel, Ilinois and E. W. Sutton, Vienna, Illinois. This church functions in the different departments of church work. It maintains a Sunday School, and Zion's Religio-Literary Society for the benefit of, not only its own members, but for all who will assist in these activities. The church is also supported by a ladies' aid whose mem- bership is representative of the leading women of the church and community. (Contributed by Rev. E. W. Sutton. ) In 1805 there was only one M. E. Church Conference in the Mississippi Valley. It was called the Western Con- ference. It had four circuits, Holstine, Cumberland, Ken- tucky and Ohio. This county was in Western Conference territory, but whether we had any M. E. Church here at that time or a church of any denomination is not known. Joseph Lillard is given as the first M. E. preacher in the state, coming to New Design, in Monroe County, in 1793, but there is no record of his having visited this section. The Western Conference was divided into the Tennessee and Ohio Conferences in 1816. Johnson County became a part of the Tennessee Conference. We remained with this division until 1824. We were then placed in the Illinois Conference where we held our membership until 1851, when A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 125 Southern Illinois was set apart and we naturally fell into their territory and are still a part of this division. J. M. Peck, an Illinois Historian says that Josiah Pat- erson, an M. E. minister, preached in settlements near the Ohio River in 1814 and 1815. There were four circuits in 1815, namely, Illinois, Okaw, Massac and Wabash. From the history of the Methodist Conference, we find that Jesse Walker was presiding elder of the Illinois Circuit in 1806, and John Clyman was pastor of the same circuit in 1807. Amos Abrahams was pastor of this circuit in 1809 and Samuel Parker was Presiding Elder. The M. E. Notes de- scribes the Illinois Circuits as follows, "To the east of New Design, which was in Monroe County, at various points on Big Bay and Cache River, Illinois." Jacob Whiteside, of Western Conference served on Cache River and Big Bay from 1815 to 1818. In 1817, W. R. Jones served with Jacob Whiteside. Thomas Davis was assigned to Big Bay in 1815, and Francis Moon was pastor of Cache River Circuit in 1820. Joseph Paterson in 1824, Asa D. West in 1825.— M. E. Church Notes. Peter Cartwight says Mt. Carmel, Wabash, Carmi, Mt. Vernon and Cache River circuits were known as Wabash district in 1826, and Charles Holiday was the presiding elder. The first M. E. Church mentioned in history that could have been in this county is Massac church, which was formed in 1810 with fifteen members, and was attached to Kaskaskia Circuit. The location of this church is not known, but it must have been within the bounds of the first Johnson County. Cache Creek Circuit was formed in 1810, with Thomas Kirkham given as pastor. — (M. E. Church Notes.) From the census of 1850 there were four M. E. Churches in this county but their names and locations are not given. Tradition points strongly to West Eden as one. The founder of the West family was a Methodist minister, who probably thought after the founding of a home the next duty he owed his family was to establish a church. Heze- kiah West's house was the home of the church until it was possible to build a place of worship. They first erected a large log house and called the church Eden. It was 126 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY located where the West Eden School house now stands and was the gathering place for all the settlers for many miles around. This church and neighborhood was so vitally associated with the West family that it was finally called West Eden. The exact date of organization is not known, but must have been before 1813. The names of the pastors will be found in the conference list. The first members were the West, Carter, Axley, Peterson, Mercer and Martin families. A little later came the Deans, Peelers, Caspers and others. Many of the descendants of these families are still connected with this church. A neat frame building has long since replaced the log one. This church has an un- broken record of activity for more than a century and is still filling the purpose for which it was organized. Mt. Pisgah is another old church, a little farther west and near the county line of Union. Rix Carter, a son-in-law of Hezekiah West raised a large family in that neighbor- hood and was one of its founders. Two of his sons, Revs. Moulton and William Carter were M. E. ministers. The Mulkey Brown, Joel Dubois, John and Linsfield Shadrick families and Mrs. Robert Hood were some of the members of this early church. It was organized before 1860 and the first house was built during the Civil War. A second one was built in 1892 and they are now erecting a third, (1923). Exemplifying the interest that is alive in this church; some of the later members are John and Samuel Brown, James Enos, W. Y. Davis, Frank Wilkinson, their families and others. Cedar Grove was also an M. E. Church of that section, which must have been organized before 1860. There can be no definite data secured except that in 1900, Mr. J. C. Carter had been a member of this church thirty-five years. Some of the leading members who with others formed Cypress church that year were W. J. Hartman, J. C. Carter, J. W. Hunter, T. M. Bean, and their families. Two of the pastors of Cedar Grove church were Dr. 0. H. Clark and Rev. Root. Some serving Cypress have been Revs. C. E. Connett, Davidson, S. S. Smith, Bernieking, and Todd. This is one of the live churches of the county. Reynoldsburg church was organized in 1833 at the home of William Harper and must have been another one of the M. E. churches given in 1850. It was first called A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 127 Cross Roads and a log house was erected the year of its beginning, and in 1853 a frame church was built. The builder was a Mr. Epperson, who was an adept carpenter. The frame work was hewed out instead of sawed. The Presbyterians worshipped with the Methodist in this building for some time with Lewis Simpson as pastor, after his death the Methodists bought out the Presbyterians. In 1891 the present building was erected Lewis Epperson, a son of the first Mr. Epperson was the builder. Hon. L. 0. Whitnel, who was raised in the neighborhood donated the bell. Some of the first members of this church were William and James Harper, T. J. Cook and their wives, some later ones were Wesley Reynolds, F. M. McGee, Thomas Reynolds and their families and Mrs. Mary (Gray) Peterson with her family, Dr. Josiah Whitnel lent his influence. This church is not far from the century mark and still doing good work. It was at one time the head of a circuit, has been on the Vienna circuit and is now on the Burnside circuit. The Vienna class was formed in 1842 under the leader- ship of Dr. Stewart, who was a local preacher. It is first given on the conference records as the head of a circuit in 1852. Some of the first members found were John Bain, A.J. Kuykendall and their families. The old church records have been lost and only names found in the Quarterly meet- ings and Conference records could be obtained. Dr. J. N. Giay and wife are found on early records, Dr. W. A. Looney and Dr. J. H. Norris are found faithful attendants at the business meetings and among the financial supporters. John and Winnie Bain were members of this church from its beginning and were faithful in attendance and support throughout their lives. A memorial window was placed in the church after their death as a most appropriate tribute. It was destroyed in the recent fire (1924). The first pastor of this church was R. E. Chase with C. R. Mc- lntire, as Presiding Elder. The list which follows is as near correct as could be obtained and those up to the time of Reverend J. G. Dee, also served the circuit. Reverends R. E. Chase, S. W. McGinnis, P. C. Lopas, J. L. Thomas, E. Joyce, J. W. Love, V. D. Lingenfelter, J. G. Hardy, L. Walker, H. Chapman, W. Williams, 0. Bruner, J. P. Rutherford, John Thacker, U. C. Dickerson, F. M. 128 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY Van Treece, I. E. Driver, J. B. F. Hill, H. Delicate, W. B. Foster, I. D. Peterson, A. L. Downy, J. H. Garret, J. W. Fields, J. H. McGriff, P. L. Hooker, R. P. Hammons, N. Crow, W. M. Powis, E. Barnes, J. G. Dee, J. W. Jackson, J. R. Royce, J. H. Ford, A. J. Littell, W. D. Margrave, 0. H. Clark, L. S. McKowan, J. G. Harmon, C. S. Tritt, W. W. Kemper, J. B. Jones. Up to 1886 the M. E. church had worshipped in the old Union church. A building committee was appointed that year composed of W. A. Looney, M. A. Smith, Mrs. May Chapman, F. M. Simpson, and Mrs. Emma Benson. In 1887 the building committee was changed to W. A. Looney, A. K. Vickers, F. M. Simpson and P. T. Chapman. The building was begun under the pastorate of W. M. Powis and finished under the regime of J. G. Dee who rendered most valuable aid, and it was dedicated by Bishop Bowman in 1889. About this time Mrs. A. K. Vickers and Mrs. P. T. Chapman circulated a petition and secured enough subscribers to make Vienna a station. The first Epworth League was organized during the pastorate of J. G. Dee in 1888, with Mrs. Ruth Chapman First Vice- President, J. H. Carter, Jr., Second Vice-President, Mrs. May Jackson, Secretary and Will F. Perkins, Treasurer. The Ladies' Aid Society of the M. E. Church was organized at the home of Mrs. Lide Kuykendall in 1885. There have been a great many revivals in different churches in the town, but the most far reaching ones were those held by Reverend Oscar Lowery, who was born and raised near Cypress, this county. He was assisted by a Mr. Moody and wife, who lead the singing. There were three hundred conversions. This meeting was held in 1909. Reverend Roy Mitchell assisted by a Mr. Preston and wife held the second one in 1916, with one hundred seventy- seven conversions. The M. E. churches were placed on different circuits from time to time and they were not always all in this county. The first circuit (given in the conference records) was Vienna as a mission circuit in 1853, at the first South- ern Illinois Conference which was held at Belleville that year. The following appointments were given on Vienna circuit about ten yeais later at a quarterly meeting held at Cummins schoolhouse, March 14, 1863; Vienna, Harrells. A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 129 Cedar Bluff, Zion, Cross Roads, Finley, County Line, Hooker, Sutliff, Mt. Pleasant and Cave Creek, Union Hill, Casey Springs and Central Schoolhouse, although classes were not formed at all these places. Vienna is given first and recorded as giving two dollars for the support of the Gospel for that Quarter, the amount was turned over to the pastor's wife, Mrs. Williams. Cedar Bluff M. E. Class was first held at the residence of J. M. Benson, but later held in the Cedar Bluff school house in Tunnel Hill Township, which was located just be- yond the present home of Frank Carson. J. M. and I. M. Benson and C. C. Damron, John Albright, Daniel Rendle- man, John Carson and their families early Methodists of that section, were the founders. A little later A. E. Francis, Lee Chapman, and their families, together with some mem- bers of W. H. Whittenburg's and D. C. Chapman's families had joined this class. There was a church class at the Miller school house a few miles south of Cedar Bluff. Wesley Miller was one of the main members. The two classes combined and built a church in 1872 naming it Wesley Chapel. In 1886 there were nine Bensons belonging to this church out of a membership of twenty-one. This was for many years a flourishing church, but the members have died or moved away, until A. G. Benson's family is all that is left of this once influential organization, and the pretty little white chapel, now deserted sits quietly beside the road, among the beautiful forest trees and silently waits the dawning of a new day for country churches, or final de- cay. This building was sold to F. C. Thomas to be em- bodied in a dwelling, 1924. Finley M. E. Church was organized about 1855. William Finley and J. S. Whittenberg were the moving spirits in this church for many years. A log church was built in 1866, about two miles west of Parker, in Burniside Township and called Finley Chapel. This was quite a large congregation for many years.. Elihu Vaughn and wife were also among the first members. Rev. L. L. Vaughn, a local preacher of that community was ordained from this church, and still holds his membership there. In 1900 under the leadership of Rev. W. G. Hale, they raised the money to build a small chapel, which is located about one mile west of Parker. The church has lost many of its members 130 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY -by death and removals and consequently much of its old time vigor. It is still an appointment on the Burnside circuit (1924). Central M. E. Church is situated in the southeast part of the county. A class was formed about 1850, perhaps earlier. Jason B. Smith was one of the founders and church meetings were held at his house until the free school law was passed, when it was continued to be held in the Central school hoiise, till 1870, when a building was erected. It was dedicated by the Reverend Peter Cartwright. Zackariah W. Calhoun was associated with J. B. Smith in this early church work and was an earnest and faithful member, un- til his death, about 1865. Some other members were, C. A. Bain, J. J. Pierce, William Helm, Charles T. and W. L. Reed, William T. Cagle, J. A. Smith and W. H. Horner with members of their families. This is still a live church. Benton M. E. Church was organized about the same time as the Central class and located in the same section of the county. The Marberrys, Fishers, Cummins, Culvers, Moses Comer, W. M. Helm and their families were some of the members forming this church, and many of the descen- dants of these families are carrying on the work at present. This church is known as "the home of the Cummins." A home coming was held in this church in 1917, under the management of Reverend C. A. Campbell, which lasted a week. It was a unique and pleasant gathering. This church has sent out seventeen ministers in thirty years and fourteen are still in the work. Johnson County has sent out more ministers than any other county of its population, in the United States. Mrs. A. E. Cummins, daughter of Jason B. Smith, was a member of this church and has five sons who are M. E. ministers. In 1886 there were thirty Cummins and nine Marberrys belonging to this church. Mt. Pleasant M. E. Church is situated about five miles northeast of Vienna at the Taylor Cemetery. It was organized sometime before 1863. James Peterson was one of the first members. The Peterson, Taylor and Simpson families formed the larger quota of the membership there. It is a live church at the present and belongs to the Burn- side circuit. Casey Springs is another M. E. Church bordering on A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 131 three quarters of a century in age. It is situated four and a half miles east of Vienna. Some of the first official mem- bers were M. B. Bain, J. M. Williams, P. W. McFatridge, William Thompson, William Murrie, and Louis Siebman. Regular services are not held here at the present time but it belongs to the Burnside circuit. Chism was an appointment on record in 1865. The meetings were held in the Chism school house which took its name from William Chism, an old resident of the northern part of Tunnell Hill Township. Some of his de- scendants still reside there. This church has been aban- doned for more than fifty years. Grantsburg is another appointment given about the same time as Chism. The services were held in the school house of that locality, and J. L. Thomas, A. Franklin, J. and W. L. Young were given as official members. There is no record of a church building having been erected and this class has long since ceased to be. Union Hill is given as an appointment on the Quarterly conference records, 1865, but no knowledge of its location or members can be found. Stewart school house appoint- ment three miles north of Vienna was taken in 1868, also Whiteside school house appointment, the same year. Mor- gan school house was an appointment in 1869. No further knowledge of these classes could be obtained. Some of the presiding elders for the early period of the M. E. Church were Reverends J. H. Hill, J. W. Lowe, G. W. Hughy, A. B. Morrison, W. J. Grant, C. D. Lingen- felter, James Harris, J. L. Wallar, J. W. Van Cleve and J. B. Ravenscroft. Cross Roads does not appear later than 1865, as its name was changed to Reynoldsburg. Zion was just across the county line in Union and near Moscow. County Line was in the northen part of the county near the present site of Creal Springs. Richie Oliver was a local preacher be- longing there. His family, John Oliver and family, and the McMahans were among the members of this church, which has been dormant many years. Hooker's appointment was located on what is known as Chestnut Hill Farm. It was discontinued in 1867. Sutliff, an M. E. appointment was located at or near the residence of H. B. Stuliff. He 132 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY was a faithful and active member of this denomination throughout his life. Cave Creek M. E. Church must have been a short distance east of Vienna. All the definite infor- mation in regard to it is that Christopher T. Ellis and Issac Perry were two active members about 1863 to 1865. There has been no Methodist organization there for years and it was doubtless absorbed by the Cave Creek Baptist church, which is now an active society in that section. Sugar Grove M. E. Church was somewhere in Elvira Township, and R. W. Brown and J. C. Bottom were the moving spirits in its beginning. This church asked per- mission to sell their building in 1871. This appointment was possibly transferred from Saratoga circuit in Union County. A new church house was erected a little south of the present site of Buncombe. R. W. and Reuben Brown, Oliver Ragsdale, Garner Pearce, John Nobles, J. B. Gilles- pie, J. W. Hacker, and George Boomer and their families, with possibly some others, constituted the membership of this church. It was called Salem, and did service for this congregation until the Chicago and Eastern Illinois. Rail- road was built and the town of Buncombe began to grow. It was then moved to that village and became the Methodist Episcopal church of Buncombe. J. J. Robertson was a strong supporter and a faithful member of this church during his life. Some of the present members are Mrs. J. J. Robertson, C. C. and C. J. Walker, Douglas Rose, Mrs. Martha McCall, their families and Miss Lou Smith, and others just as faithful and earnest, whose names were not obtained. Buncombe belongs on the Cypress Circuit. Bloomfield M. E. Church was organized 1874, and held in the school house. Dr. William Thompson was the founder. J. Williams and wife, James and Lucinda Powell are among the first members. The present church house was built about 1882. The best list of members to be ob- tained since 1886, are Casper Goddard, Nathan Westbrooks, F. S. Thompson, Samuel Williams, Adeline Bridges, Ma- linda Bain, Martha J. Waters, Flora Goddard, Alice Dunn, James and Betty A. Hood, A. S. and M. C. Dill, S. T. and F. Williams, John Crowder, Lida and Ella Davis, Charles and Martha Thacker, W. H. and Nancy Jobe, Susan Melton, Still later members are Mrs. George Mathis, Gussie and Mabel Mathis, Clarice (Pfleuger) Dunn, Viva Corbett, Newton Davis, Dr. R. A. and Mrs. Maude Hale, Alonzo A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 133 and Sadie Mathis. There is no pastor at this church at the present, although there is a neat little parsonage. Sanburn M. E. Church was organized about 1870. E. M. Miller and family were among the first members, also W. H. Nipper and wife and W. E. Galeener and wife and Abraham Cover's family. Tunnel Hill church was organ- ized about 1878, taking in the Sanburn organization. Some of the present members are Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Taylor, Mrs. Ada Fern, Mrs. Nora Gilliam, Mrs. Kate Cruse, Mrs. Niecy Cover and family and Misses Maybelle and Eva Verble. Gorville M. E. Church was organized about 1900 by Reverend McCammon, and the church house was built with only five members, four of whom were ladies. Mesdames Lily McCormick, Mattie Gore, Jones and Bradley were charter members. Some of the present members are Mrs. Syble Williams, H. M. and Add Foster's families. Miss Gertrude Williams, Charles A. Walker and family, Mrs. William Hubbard, Mrs. Nola Maze, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Wiggins and Mrs. Essie Jobe and others making a member- ship of about fifty. Reverends Connett, Hammons, More- head, and Bernieking are some of the ministers serving this charge in recent years. Burnside M. E. Church — Reverend Charles Botarf came to Burnside, in 1872, and held a revival meeting. An M. E. class was formed of twelve person as follows: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Cross, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bradford, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ballance, Mrs. Alvira and Miss Anna Whiteaker. Most of these members belonged to a church north of New Burnside, known as Walnut Hill. All of these charter members are dead except T. J. Cook who is in his ninetieth year. They later built a church house which is still in use. Lewis Epperson and Samuel McNeil were the builders. John Dupont, a business man of Burnside donated as much as any other one person for its construction. Charles Bradford, T. J. Cook, J. H. Ballance, the three Whiteaker brothers and many others gave liberally. The pastors have been Rev. Charles Botarf, Charles Young, J. R. Reed, E. Root, A. Wright, Leech, J. S. Whittenberg, W. P. Hammons, A. B. and M. B. Holloway, W. J. Peterson, C. E. Parker, H. Hutchcraft, W. J. Hopper, 134 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY C. T. Douthill, C. E. Sale, L. C. Wilkins, J. B. Cummins, T. Cates, C. B. and J. B. Whiteside, J. H. McGriff, J. E. Jones, E .B. Timmons, W. G. Hale, A. C. Margrave, J. L. Rentfro, 0. E. Connett, W. A. Sharp, J. N. Presley, W. C. Bruce, T. C. Stokes, J. L. Miller, W. E. Shaffer, C. J. Strubeing, I. G. Flick and G. B. Ramsey. This church has had much to do with the moral and spiritual life of the town. (Information given by H. C. Laybon.) The Belknap M. E. Church was organized about 1875, most of its members coming from West Eden church. They were Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Martin, Mr. and Mrs. George Ax- ley, Mr. and Mrs. John Shadrick, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kuy- kendall. After the founding of the church a new circuit was formed including Belknap, also West Eden, Cedar Grove, Mt. Pisgah, on the west side of Cache and Tucker's Chapel and Salem in Massac County. Reverend Bowers was appointed on this circuit with headquarters at Belknap, which was also the name of the circuit. For two years church services were held in a large cooper shop belonging to George Axley. Seats were made of rough lumber, a large box heating stove occupied the center of the room, and smoky coal oil lamps hung from brackets on the wall. The congregation usually filled the room, especially at the evening service. Many men from the logging camps and saw mills, (for this was a wooded section) attended the meetings, and all seemed to appreciate these services. Later W. L. Williams moved to Belknap and built a large flour mill. As soon as it was enclosed religious services were held in the second story of this building until the machinery was installed. The following year a new school house was built in Belknap and the church proceeded to occupy it for services. In the meantime a parsonage had been purchased and the membership had grown until they were able to erect a church house, which they did in 1883 under the pastorate of Reverend William Hammond. This is a neat and well arranged frame church, lighted from the private Delco plant of Mrs. 0. P. Martin and at her expense. She and the late Dr. Martin have been among the most interested members of this church for many years. Belknap and Karnak are served by the same pastor. This youngest organization of the M. E. faith is the West Vienna church, which was formed, 1910 or 1912. A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 135 Two of the charter members were William Martin, Hazel (Brown) Edmonson. They have a neat frame church which was dedicated by Dr. John Harmon. Some of the present members are Samuel Horsely and family, Mrs. Willis Ragsdale, Mrs. Lowery, Mrs. Avis Brown, Jacob Mc- Coy and other faithful ones that go to make up a fine work- ing church. They belong to Cypress circuit and maintain regular services. There was a church house known as Old Concord Meet- ing house, situated on the west side of the county, near the line of Union, as early as 1814, and possibly earlier. The petition for a road designates the locality of the house, but nothing is known as to what denomination worshipped there. It is probable it was Methodist as Hezekiah West lived on that side of the county and was a pioneer minister of that faith. There is a cemetery called Concord about where the location of this meeting house was described, but whether it is the same place and took its name from the old church is not positively known. "Aunt" Nancy Mad- den, as she was known during her later years, was a native of Union County, born in 1818. She married Joshua Peter- son and moved to Cypress at the age of fifteen years. She said the first church she ever attended was at Concord at or near Concord Cemetery. This was in 1833 and before Mt. Pisgah was built (from her daughter.) H. C. Laybourn published in 1923 some information regarding the Sunday Schools of the county. He thinks the Reynoldsburg Sunday School dates back eighty-five years. There are several Sunday Schools more than fifty years old. Cedar Creek and Friendship, Baptist; Gillead and Concord, Presbyterians; Benton, Central, Casey Springs, West Eden and Vienna, Methodist. There are fifty three schools in the county at the present time. The de- nominations are divided about as follows: Methodist, 24; Baptist, 22; Presbyterian, 5; Christian, 5; Pentacostal, 2; Latter Day Saints, 1 ; Catholic, 2 ; colored Baptist, 1 ; total 162. Johnson County had a Sunday School organization as early as 1869. There were twelve living Sunday Schools in the county that year, with an average attendance of six hundred. There were six Methodist Sunday Schools in the county in 1868. The officers of the County Sunday School Association for 1881, were president, G. B. Bomer; Bun- 136 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY combe; secretary, Louisa Copeland, Vienna; treasurer, P. T. Chapman, Vienna. The township presidents were Vienna, M. A. Smith, Grantsburg, W. L. Smith; Cache, 0. P. Hodges, Elvira, G. B. Gillespie ; Goreville, B. G. Mangum ; Burnside, F. M. McGee; Simpson, J. H. Morphis; Tunnel Hill, J. M. Benson; Bloomfield, W. A. Looney. METHODIST MINISTERS Some Methodist Episcopal Ministers serving that de- nomination in this county were : Peter Cartwright who was a well known character visited Southern Illinois on at least two occasions ; one writer says of him, "there is no better type of pioneer preacher." He christened Nancy Spence (Madden) who was born in 1818. He again visited here in 1870 and was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Bain of Vienna. He dedicated the New Columbia church, and also Central church of this county. T. C. Lopaz was an itinerant preacher in this section in 1830, continuing his work for the Master for more than forty years. He was an eccentric character, was very de- vout and did much valuable service in building up Metho- dism. He never married and had no home, but carried his wordly possessions in his saddle bags, also umbrella strapped behind his saddle. He always rode a good horse and saw that it was well treated. William Standard and John Rentfro were two early local preachers. Moulton Carter, J. S. Whittenberg, James Harper, J. G. Hardy, D. Williams, J. L. Gillespie, James Scoot, R. Oliver, William Finley, Micajah Rose, James Burk, David Stewart, William Thompson and J. L. Thomas were ministers here before 1865. M. W. Russell, Richard Thatcher, Fred L. Thompson, C. T. Ellis, A. Jones, Ambrose Seay, H. S. Ausbrooks, Ed Brown and Joseph Edmonson in 1870. John W. Wright of Vienna and Issac D. Peterson of West Eden were licensed to preach in 1870. J. K. Rose and Robert Smith were ministers of a later period. The following were prominent laymen in the Methodist Episcopal Church between 1860-70; J. N. Benson and Charles Damron were among the early Methodist of the county and both were exhorters. They lived their religion A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 137 and no neighbor ever wanted for attention when sick or in need if they knew it. If a man was sick and unable to harvest his crop, with the help of the neighbors they did it for him. Others were A. Franklin, Elijah Hood, G. H. Har- wood, J. Oliver, William Harper, William Hoker, William Helm, Wesley White, Chas. N. Gutley, M. Bain, P. W. Mc- Fatridge and William Murray were appointed as a building committee for Cosey Springs, 1870. Jessie Hunter, Daniel Morris, Thos. J. Cook, C. W. McCoy, H. C. Frazier, Lewis Siebman, W. L. and D. T. Keid, C. W. Miller, H. B. Sutliff, Dr. N. M. Gray were prominent laymen. In 1866, a com- mittee was appointed to look after a site for a church in Vienna, the committee was Dr. W. A. Lonney, Dr. D. T. Whitnel and Samuel Jackson, N. Jones, L. W. Marberry, J. J. Pearce, B. L. Phelps, William and B. L. Reid, William Chisom, W. 0. Stevenson, Frances Elkins, W. L. Young, J. M. Williams, B. S. Rude, John Caldwell, S. A. Cummins, O. L. Ridenhower, James M. Holt, Issac Perry, W. H. Cul- ver, F A. Fisher, J. B. Smith, W. T. Cagle, J. D. Helm, C. T. Reid, H. Mercer, Linsfield Shadrick, F. M. McGee, J. P. West, W. K. Harvel, P. W. Axley, W. D. Deans, Joel DuBois, A. W. Carter, G. B. Hood, 0. G. Peterson, James McNealy, T. Chapman, W. E. Galeener, James A. Smith, Pleasant and Green Thacker, J. C. Green, James Daniels, J. B. Kuykendall, James Hacker, A. J. Kuykendall, James Slack, Wiliam and T. G. Peterson, H. R. Ragsdale, A. E. Francis, D. H. Rendleman, J. M. Ridenhower, M. A. Smith, J. R. Reaf, Hiram Chapman, I. N. Benson and many others did good church work in this county. TRAGEDY This county has had its share of crime and much to our shame one man executed by the law. Harrihon Burk- low, a man belonging to an old respected family, while under the influence of liquor, shot and killed a man by the name of Wagner. Wagner tried to persuade him not to kill him, as Burklow had gone with that intent, to where Wagner was working, but crazed with liquor he would not listen to the pleadings and shot him outright. Burklow had served in the Civil War, and had many friends and relatives in the community, who would have assisted him, but the case was so aggravated, the death penalty was in- voked, and he was hanged in the old jail yard just a little 138 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY above where the present jail now stands ; in spite of the fact, that the hanging was private, as the gallows had been built in a large inclosure people filled the town to its limits. J. H. Carter was the sheriff and W. R. Wiley was the deputy who carried out the sentence of the law about 1877. An- other crime occurring here before the Civil War, which was as useless as heinous, was the whipping of a negro to death on the streets of Vienna. Dr. Gerry kept a hotel on Third and East Main streets, where Issac Hook now lives. A traveler on horseback came to the hotel to spend the night. Some time while there he had three hundred dol- lars taken from his saddle bags. A colored boy who did the chores around the hotel, was accused of the theft. A com- pany of citizens took him out, drove him from place to place, beating him with switches, hanging him up by the thumbs at intervals to make him tell where the money was. Although he would tell them the money was in different places to get a respite from the punishment, he stoutly denied it in the beginning. This continued until the negro finally dropped dead on the street, just south of where the library now stands. It is said the wife of Doctor Gerry later confessed to taking the money, establishing the inno- cence of the negro. Franklin J. Chapman, son of Samuel the pioneer, was shot and killed at Old Foreman, while he was asleep in his room. The perpetrator of this deed or the reason for it was never known. James Arnett, who lived west of Vienna, about four miles, near Cache River was tried three times in our courts for murder, but never convicted. He was shot from ambush about a mile west of Vienna, on his way home from the town by Burbe Stanley, a neighbor, who was convicted of insanity and committed to the Southern Illinois Hospital at Anna for a short time. William Arnett, a brother of James, also living on the west side of the county, while hauling a load of wheat to market was shot from ambush on the road near the present home of Roy Shelter. This murder occurred about 1876 and was committed by Powell Short, who was never apprehended. Another crime of the same nature was the killing of John Murrie near his home, now the home of John Farris, A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 139 about four miles east of Vienna, on the Metropolis Road. This murder was supposed to have been done by a man named Holt, but no certainty is attached to this and no arrest was ever made. The killing of Young Elkins was a much talked of incident, and occurred sometime in the fifties in Vienna. There was a "clock-tinker," as they called them in those days, who came here with his wife from Jonesboro. His name was Merriman. John Bridge's young boys had been in the habit of going to his house and throwing rocks through the windows. One day he caught one of the boys and gave him a whipping. Young Elkins, was an uncle of these boys, and it seems, prided himself on his physical prowess, being full of liquor, went down in company with Ross Sanders, with rocks for weapons to give the old man a "licking," as he called it. Merriman ordered Elkins not to come in, but Elkins paid no attention to the old man's order. He shot Elkins with a gun which he had made some time before by cutting off a rifle. The old man had used this improvised shot gun in the peaceful occupation of killing birds. It is supposed that he had expected trouble after he whipped the boy, and had loaded the gun with buck shot to defend himself. The sheriff put the old man in jail to keep Elkin's friends from mobbing him, and after- wards turned him out and ordered him to leave the com- munity, which he did. John Maupin was killed near the Johnson Cemetery, three miles east of Vienna, about twenty-five years ago. His body was carried to the home of Charles Farris and left in front of his gate. Marcus Burnett, a brother-in-law of Maupin, was convicted of the crime. The cause was some family feud. A. Franklin was a captain in the Civil War, serving from this county. He was a farmer and lived near Grants- burg. Some two or three years after the war, two strangers came along by Captain Franklin's about the noon hour, and wanted the Captain to trade horses with them. Franklin discussed the matter with them, but would not trade. The two men went on their way, as the Franklins thought, but shortly after the meal they found the stranger's horse in the barnyard and the horse belonging to Franklin gone. He immediately set out to find the man and horse, over- 140 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY taking them a short distance beyond his home, and on de- manding his horse the stranger shot and killed him. The community was soon aroused and went in search of the murderer, surrounded and captured him, not far from the present residence of Pleasant Rose, on the farm of James Rose. They took him to old Grantsburg, now Wartrace, and placed him under guard, in the office of Dr. W. J. Fern, a young physican, practising there at that time, while some one went to summon the sheriff. During the night a mob of fifty men or more gathered and overpowered the guards took the prisoner to a large group of walnut trees, about two hundred yards west of Wartrace, at the bend of the road and hung him. The tree on which he was hung was pointed out to the youth and strangers for many years, but has since died or been cut away. The prisoner gave the name of Patilo and his home as Kentucky. Captain Franklin was a very popular man, especially among men who had served under him in the war, and it has been remarked that some of his men were instrumental in raising the mob but no trouble was ever taken to find out who they were. J. W. Bayles was a bachelor and lived alone on his farm about three miles east of town. He was a native of Baltimore, Md., was well educated and must have belonged to a good family. He was supposed to have money, which was without doubt, the cause of his murder. Some parties went to his house at night, murdered him and left their masks. It is not known whether they secured any money or not. There were arrests made, but no one could be con- victed of the crime. Daniel Gage a peaceful and inoffensive citizen was shot by David Avery, apparently without any reason, and none was ever found, except it was thought Avery mistook him for another man. There was no jail in the county at this time and Avery, under arrest was being taken to the Cairo jail. He was sitting near a window in the Big Four station waiting for a train, when he was shot from the outside. It has never been known who committed the deed. Charles Farris drove up in front of his sister's home, Mrs. Joshua Howell, who lives about a quarter of a mile east of Wartrace. Mr. Farris stopped and the family came out to visit with him, when his nephew, Duff Howell, raised A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 141 his gun. It was discharged accidently and shot his uncle through the head, killing him instantly. No motive could be found as no unpleasantness existed between the parties. This accident occurred about 1910, and was no doubt a sud- den and unrealized action of the moment. TRAGEDY About the year 1845 there was a gang of horse thieves and counterfeiters carrying on business in the outlying district of Massac County bordering Johnson. The citizens of Massac had been annoyed by this lawlessness until they felt compelled to protect themselves, officers of the law were unable to cope with the situation. They divided into two factions, one called Flatheads the other Regulators. While the majority of the crimes were committed in Massac and the headquarters were in that county the lawless war- fare extended into our borders to the extent that some of our best citizens living near the boundary line arrayed themselves on the side of the Regulators and went out to help their neighbors rid themselves of the undesirables. The following is a letter by Dr. W. J. Gibbs, who was a resident of Vienna and had served in the Legislature in 1840-41. Head Quarters, Norvoo, 111., Nov. 3, 1846. Dr. W. J. Gibbs : Sir: It has been represented to me, that a number of the people of the counties of Massac, Johnson and Pope, in this State; and of the adjoining county in Kentucky, have united themselves into a band of regulators to drive off a band of horse theives and counterfeiters, alledged to exist in the County of Massac, that a number of other good citi- zens deeming such a course to be unlawful and unnecessary, have opposed the regulators; that the regulators now threaten to drive them off with the horse theives, and have ordered several of them to leave the county, under pen- alty of death. It is also represented that the Grand Jury of Massac County, have found indictments against several of the regulators, for violent conduct that the regulators refuse to be arrested or tried by law ; and threaten to drive off or kill members of the grand jury, and the witnesses, upon whose evidence the indictments were found; and threaten to drive off or kill the sheriff and several other persons, and civil officers of the county, who have shown 142 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY a disposition to aid the Sheriff in keeping the peace in mak- ing arrests, and in preventing violence. I therefore, hereby authorize you, to inquire into the truth of the above representations and others that may be made to you ; and if in your opinion a Militia force shall be necessary in said county, you are hereby authorized to call in the Colonels commanding the Militia in the Counties of Gallatin, Johnson, Pulaski, Alexander and Union, who, are hereby commanded to call out such force as may be de- manded; and they will then act according to the following orders. 1st. It is not my design that such Militia force should be used for the protection of horse thieves, counterfeiters or other notorous rogues, whose presence for a long time past in that part of the country has enraged the minds of a great many honest people. Such Militia force will be used, to protect the Sheriff and his deputies, and all Magistrates and Constables to- gether with the members of the grand jury and the wit- nesses before them, unless such witnesses be rouges, and also such Militia force will be used for the protection of all honest, well meaning people, who have merely disappro- ed of the conduct of the regulators; who lecture that they have carried matters too far; and have opposed them on that account, and who are, or may be threatened therefore. The Militia force hereby ordered, will not be required to aid in driving off anyone, nor to prevent any notorious rogue from being driven off. THOMAS FORD, Governor and Com. in Chief. There were some rough men in this county in its early settlement and even many years afterward. They did not respect the law and many cared little for human life. Horse stealing was a common occurrence and some times the thieves were dealt with severly out side the law but this form of dishonesty is about extinct in this county. In former times a few hogs and cattle would occasionally, somehow, get the other man's mark when stock ran at Large on the range, but since the days of barbed wire and stock law, men have become more honest. The most noted piece of burglary ever committed in this county was the A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 143 theft of a saw mill, said to be by one William Lizenbeck. The mill was taken up, moved a considerable distance and operated for some time without the knowledge of the owner. The noted Carterville trial was brought here from Williamson County in 1899. It was a long drawn out affair and involved much time and money. A part of a company of National Guards was kept at Vienna during the trial which grew out of the shooting into a railroad coach at Law- ler, Williamson County and killing at least one colored woman. The trouble arose from the objection of the miners to the employment of negro labor in the mines. There were fifteen men on trial and resulted in the acquital of the defendants. Some very prominent legal talent was employed in the case; Ex-Governor Charles P. Johnston, of Missouri, R. R. Fowler, W. W. Clemens, Edward Spiller, W. W. Duncan and Geo.' W. Pillow of Marion, 111. F. M. Youngblood and W. W. Barr, of Carbondale 111., S. H. Reed, of DuQuoin, 111., G. H. Henshaw, J. L. Gallimore, R. B. Morton, Carterville, 111., W. A. Spann, P. T. Chapman, G. B. Gillespie, and L. 0. Whitnel of Vienna. TECUMSEH SPRING, REBMAN PARK, FERN CLYFFE 144 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY VIENNA TOWNSHIP HIGH SCHOOL CASTLE ROCK. REBMAN PARK, FERN CLYFFE IiNDIANS PART IV Long ago, so long ago no man knows when, a colony of stone grave people came into Southern Illinois, they prob- ably came from the valley of the Cumberland and spread over the county between the rivers as far north as Monroe County, where they crossed into Missouri. They left be- hind their unmistakable sign of burying their dead in graves lined and covered with rough flag stone. Where they vanished no one knows. There can be no doubt but that Indians inhabited Johnson County long before the ad- vent of the white settlers. They have left their trails in the forests. Older people have told those now living about the Indians here when they came and the roving bands of them passing through the county for years after- ward; one story is told of the wife of an early resident of Vienna Samuel J. Chapman who came to the county about 1816, how she baked bread under a brush arbor and sold it to the Indians. Uncle George Elkins, born in 1825, still living, says he sold pumpkins to them when they were passing through the county. However, there seems to be no tradition or history naming the tribes, except Rey- nolds, an early historian of Illinois speaks frequently of the Kickapoos being around Kaskaskia and Goshen, but that they lived just here one can not definitely say. There is no dispute about the Shawnees living around Shawneetown, but it is not certain that they came as far west as Johnson. Some historians claim they lived here in the eighteenth century. Their signs were coffin shaped graves formed of flat stones without cement ; pottery, finely wrought shell and copper ornaments are found in them. Blanchard's maps locate the Pinkeshaws and Miamis in this county in 1765. He also locates Kickapoos here in 1812. The Indians ceded all lands in this section to the United States by a treaty signed at Edwardsville, 111., 1819. The remains of a race before ours and probably before the tribe of Indians of which George, who lived on Georges Creek in the eastern part of the county, was the chief, has been found. In this county there is a picture of a buffalo painted on the rocks of a bluff near Ozark, which is sup- posed to have been done by Indians or some other former 146 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY inhabitants. There is no history or legend of its origin re- maining with the present settlers. Many Indian graves have been found in the county. Stone implements, such as Tomahawks, arrow heads, and pottery have been found in various parts of the county, a collection of which may be seen in the Carneigie Library in the exhibit of the Daniel Chapman Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution. There is also some fossil foot-prints in the sand stone for- mation in the community of Berea in the southeast section of the county. The foot is twelve inches long, has but four toes and shaped something like a man's foot. SETTLERS The early settlers who did not come direct from Vir- ginia or the Carolinas, came from Kentucky and Tennessee. Emigrated from some of the colonies, lived awhile in the latter states and pressed on farther west. Virginia was, for many years in the seventeenth cen- tury, the refuge of those who were in turn prominent, im- poverished, endangered, or exiled in the civil wars of Crom- well's time. According as Puritan or Cavalier triumphed at home, so changed the complexion of the emigration of the old Dominion. The Carolinas were peopled by the Cavaliers, who expected to find sudden wealth in the new country, to set up the customs of the court and propigate the gay and chivalrous blood of the Knight. Between these and the French Huguenots who sought to find here religious liberty, there could but be sharp lines of social distinction. Those who came for adventure and gain were soon unde- ceived; those who sought freedom were made to feel the heavy hand of law and unjust taxes. Then came the great leveler war. From the descen- dants of this people who were tried, tested, melted and re- molded in the fires of the struggle for independence, came the purified Anglo Saxon; that sturdy pioneer to whom civilization owes an undischargeable debt. Of this stock were our ancestors and thus began our early settlements. A few families at a time, occasionally a New Yorker, a New Englander or a Canadian, would sift into this steady stream of searchers for a new home. All the colors blended make "Lablanc," what else could follow but that Pilgrim. Cavalier, Huguenot and Yankee blended should make the most perfect type of citizen. A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 147 A great many of our pioneers had lost their possessions in the Revolution and sought to rebuild their fortunes on new soil. Some of them brought slaves, old silver, pewter plate, native shrubs and flowers but each brought the char- acteristics peculiar to their section of the country. The hospitable, easy-going, genial traits of the southerner have prevailed in this county, Fordham, an early historian of our state, divides the inhabitants of Southern Illinois into four classes, as fol- lows: "First Hunters; second, first settlers; third, doctors, lawyers, store-kepers, furriers, mechanics, those who trade and speculate in land, who found towns, those who put too much reliance in physical prowess; fourth, old settlers, rich, independent, well informed. Johnson County must have had some residents belonging to some of these classes but whether she could aspire to having any in the fourth class or not, one could not undertake to say. The first settler in the original Johnson County, that we have a real knowledge of, was Daniel Flannery, who came to this section of the country in 1777 and took up a claim twenty-five or thirty miles above the mouth of the Ohio River and on or near the Mississippi. " Flannerys and McElmunnys erected a station or block-house in Alex- ander County about 1783 in township sixteen oposite island number twenty-tw r o in the Mississippi River. These set- tlers left the country and none of them were here in 1800." — Reynolds. He also says, "The Indians seemed to be especially hostile toward the American settlers from 1783 to 1789 ; but they did not molest the French." "It was the policy of the French, to conciliate the natives, whom they invariably treated with kindness and consideration never <*hown to that unhappy race by other Europeans with whom they preserved a faith unbroken on either side." — Ford. Reynolds states that James Flannery was killed by the Indians in 1783, which would explain the Flannerys leaving the country for a time. They later returned, at least, Daniel Flannery did, and established his claim as a settler before the land office commission in 1809 at Kas- kaskia. Issac and Jacob Flannery entered land in Randolph County in 1811, most likely in the same locality where Daniel lived. The name of Flannery continues to appear 148 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY on our court records as late as 1841. Other given names of this family were Samuel, Elijah, Jacob, Abram and Thomas. Reynolds says, "There was not a settler on the trace from Hull's landing, on the Ohio River to Kaskaskia in 1800." Boggs states there were 650 settlers along the Ohio River in 1801, from the census taken by Congress. Many of these families, no doubt, settled in the original bounds of this county, and while our present territory did not lie directly on the river some reckless adventurer, no doubt, found good game farther in the interior, set his stakes and built his little cabin in the present limits of Johnson County. John and Joseph Worley are given as residents of Illi- nois in 1785. Joseph Worley is given as an American resi- dent of Cahokia in 1789, and James Finny's name also ap- pears as an American citizen of Illinois in 1780. This was taken from the Cahokia records. That these are the men whose names appear on Johnson County's early records, there can be little if any doubt. The Ray family settled in the northeast part of the county in 1803 in the vicinity of Stonefort, but they are not further indentified with our history through records. William Lawrence lived somewhere in the county originally set off in 1812 and called Johnson, but just where or how early has not been revealed. He was licensed to keep tavern," where he now lives in 1813." A road was ordered built by his house in 1814. He paid taxes on a still in 1816 and lived on Cache. Old receipts in his estate papers show he paid bills in Mulenberg, Kentucky, which would indicate he came from that state. Another old paper of his would lead one to believe he may have lived here as early as 1803. (See old Papers.) Samuel Worthington was another pioneer of that time and connected with the Lawrences by marriage. There are some decendants of Worthingtons living in Pulaski County, but it is not known if they are of this family. The next resident is William Simpson, who lived in Johnson County proper. While it is certain there were settlers here before him, there is no record of them. Tra- dition says he came here in 1805 from Kentucky by way of Shawneetown, making his own road part of the way. His A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 149 name appears on the Randolph County records as early as 1808, and he must have lived here some time before as he brought suit against Hampton Pankey for $300 damage in the above year. He settled near what is known as Double Bridges in Simpson Township, built a double log house and opened as far as is known the first tavern in the county. There is a school house and cemetery located at the present time where his original house and farm building stood. It is about two miles north of Simpson and three from the county line of Pope. James Finney was a resident of Randolph, tradition says coming from Virginia, in 1806, as he was appointed judge of the court of Common Pleas for that county that year. If his residence was in this section of the county at that time he was also an early settler, since it is certain that he lived in the present limits of Johnson County later. He would have had to live here at least a short time before his appointment. The fact that Reynolds does not speak of him as a first resident of Kaskaskia would make it plausible that he lived in this section. James Bain moved here from Kentucky in 1807, or the early part of the following year, as there is a record of a child of Mr. Bain's being born here in 1808. He settled what is known as the Vickers Farm, now owned by Levi J. Smith. The house stood about one half mile north of the present limits of Vienna. Mrs. Eliza Dwyer who came to this county from Ohio in 1857 and is now ninety-four years old says she knew Mr. and Mrs. James Bain quite well, and they were very old when she made their acquaintance. They told her they lived here a long time before they had any neighbors, but the Indians, who occupied the hills south of town where the farms of John B. Jackson, Joshua Arnold, and Ed. Harvick are now located. Mrs. Dwyer also says evidence such as arrow heads, stone implements, and graves, of the Indians having lived here were still found after she came to Vienna. The second settler who came to Vienna neighborhood was Mathew Mathis, who opened the Loeney Farm. It is quite plain he lived in the neighborhood as he and his son carried the chain when the town of Vienna was laid off, although his land was not entered until 1832. The next neighbor that can be traced directly is Francis Jordan who entered his land December 1814, the first land entered at 150 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY Shawneetown land office, that lays in this county proper. This is known as the Oliver Farm, about two miles west of Vienna, just off the West Vienna road and is now owned by J. C. Chapman and G. B. Gillespie. John Oliver another first settler occupied part of this farm. Henry Beggs was another early neighbor in this county. He entered the Aus- brooks farm just north west of Vienna, now owned by F. R. Johnston, 1831. Land entries, tradition from Steward Sutliff, grand son of James Bain; and the statements of Mrs. Dwyer are the authority for these early settlers. Peter Clark, Thos. C. Paterson and Henry Sams lived on the west side of the county in 1816. George Evans set- tled here as early as 1806. Isaac Wilcox was another very early resident here. His name appears on the Randolph County records in 1802. He was a merchant or trader and the court records show he had many cases on the docket. "A family of Quarkers of North Carolina named Stokes settled several miles east of Jonesboro in 1808." — Reynolds. This was the founding of the Stokes family liv- ing in Union County and the western part of our county at the present time. John Bradshaw and John Phelps lived on the west side of the county at or near Elvira, but it was Randolph when they were appointed Justices of the Peace in 1809. Jesse Griggs, who was one of the first judges for John- son County and Nathan Davis whose name also appears on our early court records lived in that part of the county that was cut off to make Jackson, at least, they with James Hall were the Commissioners of that county when Brownsville was established as the county seat. "Henry Noble and Jesse Griggs settled on Big Muddy 1804."— Reynolds. Reynolds makes the statement that the families of Chil- ton, Brazel Lorton, More, Downing, Lemom, Copeland, Lacy Vanhoozer, Rattent, Stublefield, Hewitt, and Jones were at- tached to the eastern Goshen settlement, which was in Madison County, southeast of Edwardsville. It is not known whether Reynolds considered this section of A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 151 country in Goshen settlement or whether some of these families settled there and moved here later, but the names of Brazel Copeland, Lacy, Hewitt, Stublefield and Jones are names of early settlers of this section. Reynolds is also authority for the following: "White- sides and their numerous connections were from North Carolina, (family tradition says, Virginia.) They first came to Kentucky, then to Illinois in 1793. The patriarch and head of the family was William Whiteside. He erected a fort or blockhouse on the road from Cahokia to Kaskaskia, which became famous as Whiteside's Station. He was prominent as an Indian fighter, had a large family of sons who were also prominent in the warfare against the Indians and in the War of 1812/' The Whitesides of this and Pope Counties are a branch of this pioneer family. The founder in this section settled on Big Bay about 1804 or 1805. John Elkins who also came from North Carolina in 1809 settled on the west side of the county. He later moved to Arkansas but left four children who have descendants living in this county, especially in the western part. Hamlet Furguson was a resident of this county in 1810 and was among the first judges holding court here. Ham- letsburg, in Pope County, was named in his honor. William Stiles lived in Center Township in 1813. Levi Casey settled in Bloomfield Township, 1808. Hez- kiah West came to this county from South Carolina between 1808 and 1810, and settled in the southwest part in the sec- tion known as West Eden. The locality took its name from him. His descendants are numerous and hosts of them still reside in the county. Jacob Harvick was another pioneer. The year of his coming is not definite but his son was a militia officer here in 1812. William McFatridge was the founder of the large family of that name coming here from North Carolina about 1810. His son John was also the head of a family here very early in the county history. They settled on Mack Creek which was named in their honor. Samuel Westbrooks came to this county in 1812, but moved to Equality in 1826. John and Isaac Worley lived at Elvira 1814, ancestors of the Worley family of this county. William Shelby lived on the east side of the county. William Parker lived near the Ohio River in 1827. William 152 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY McKee father to Green B. and a large family of that name settled in what is now Simpson Township in 1819. Samuel McGowan entered land here in 1818, now owned by Ernest Cooper near Walter Sharps. The Beggs Wiggs and Gur- ley families were very early residents on the western side of the county and in Union. Marvin Fuller was a resident of Randolph County in 1810. He is connected with the very earliest courts and no doubt, lived in this section at that date. Elias Harrell, was a settler in 1819, and Joel Thacker settled here about 1820. Green B. Veach, a pioneer, from North Carolina, came here very early. He settled in the eastern section of th county but the date is not known. He served in the Black Hawk War from this county. I. Weaver lived in Center Township in 1813. Some of his descendants live in Pulaski at the pres- ent time. The Borin family also lived in that section of Johnson in 1812, coming from Tennessee. John Byers who was appointed to take the census of 1820 lived in the north- west section of Johnson, that made Jackson, in 1812. Thomas Furguson lived on the eastern side of the county near Big Bay in 1812. He operated a ferry in 1814 at Gol- conda, paying taxes into the county treasury for that year. Vance Lusk and James Whiteside resided on the eastern side of the county in 1816. Their neighborhood later be- came Pope County. John Whitiker located in the western section of the county that was made into Union or Alexander when they were organized. He paid taxes on his still in this county in 1816. Joseph McCorcle was a settler of 1818. William Fisher came across the border from Indiana to this county in 1810. John S. Graves was another early settler. John Copeland came in 1815 or 1816. Samuel J. Chapman came from New York state about 1816, settling first in what is now Bloomfield. His father, Daniel, came from the same state two or three years later, settling on a farm, near the present Bloomfield and Simpson Township line. Now oc- cupied by W. P. Emmerson. Milton Ladd, Ivy Reynolds, Jesse Canady, Alfred and D. Y. Bridges, and many others whose names appear on the court records are fully identified with the first settling of the county. Mrs. Sarah Howerton a pioneer mother of Johnson County deserves mention. She was the daughter A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 153 of Randolph Casey and was born in this county in 1823. She was married and moved to the Howerton Farm near what is now New Burnside, in 1842, where she spent the remainder of her life, seventy-three years, as wife and mother. The dwelling was a double log house so familiar in the early days of this county. Many Indians passed her home and dangerous wild animals were numerous. Often when her husband was called away from home and she was left alone over night with the little ones she would build a fire outside the house to frighten the wild beasts away. She married at the age of 19 and raised eight chil- dren. Although a pioneer of a later day she was a founder just as truly as those coming from other states. People who settled on land without entering it were called squatters; most of the people were squatters in this county, as there was no land office nearer that Kaskaskia, and it was not established till 1804. Shawneetown land office was established in 1812. Captain Cunningham, father of Mrs. Mary A. Logan was the agent there about the fifties. It was considered a sort of crime to enter land from under a squatter. In 1856 there was a special rate of twelve and one-half cents per acre, made to the settlers. This was called the Bit Act. There was a great scramble to get to the land office at this time. Men rode horse back, walked, pooled their horses and wagons to make a con- veyance, in fact, any way to get to Shawneetown. Some- times it would take ten days to make the journey, and wait your turn, since they stood in line as one would at a White House reception. Many people who had the money entered all the land they could for speculation. The people of this section had to go to the old capitol, Kaskaskia, to enter land or for any legal business, to serve on juries or appear before them. The first deed re- corded in Johnson County was not, of course, within the present limits, but appears on our records; it is from Robert Reynolds to Charles Davis, made in 1805 witnessed by Moses Oliver. This land is on the Mississippi River. Another deed was from John McElmuny to David McEl- muny also on the Mississippi. It was made July 3, 1810. Frequent mention is made of McElmuny's Station in the description of land in the old Kaskaskia records. A station was a block house with a second story extending out over 154 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY the lower one. The upper one was used as the living quart- ers so that the approach of the enemy could be easily seen, while the lower one was used to corral the live stock of the settlers. The following is a list and the date of entry of those first entering land at Shawneetown in Johnson county pro- per or as it is now outlined; William McFatridge, May 23, 1815; John Elkins, Nov. 13, 1815; James Bain, Feb. 13, 1816; Hardy Johnson, June 26, 1817; Squire Choat, March 1818; Walton Gore, Oct. 5. 1818; John W. Gore, Oct. 10, 1818; Jacob Harvick, Nov. 15, 1818; Richard Marcer, July 10, 1818; Hezekiah West, Jan. 2, 1818; Andrew McGowan, Jan, 2, 1818; Elias Harrell, Sept. 25, 1820; Henry Beggs, 1831 ; Joel Thacker, 1839; Adam Harvick, 1818; James Finny, 1817; Martin Harvick, 1818; Joel Johnson, 1818; David Shearer, 1818; Thomas Dunsworth, 1819; David Elms, 1817; Abram Hendry, 1818; Benjamin McGinnis, 1817; Richard McGinnis, 1815; Emmet Elkins, 1818; Jere- miah Lissenby, 1818; John Plumer, 1819; (John Plummer entered quite a lot of land no doubt for speculation) ; E. J. J. Freeman, 1818; Daniel Delaney, 1818; Sidwell, Paxton and Chambers, 1818; (they also entered several tracks,) Henry Croswait and Richard Murry, 1818; Samuel Lang- don, 1817; John McFatridge, 1832; Sallie Finney, 1837; Mathew Mathis, 1832; Richard Elliot, 1818; Joel S. Thac- ker, 1839 ; Francis Gehon, 1819 ; Adam and Martin Harvick ; 1818; Louis J. Simpson and Millington Smith, 1817; J. O. Russell, 1816; Rix Carter and Pleasant Axley, 1818; N. Longworth, 1818; (ancestor of the present Nicholas Longworth, Republican leader in Congress from Ohio, and the son-in-law of the world famous Theodore Roosevelt.) John Worley, heir of Samuel Worley granted 100 acres of land for military duty by authority of Congress, 1791 — Kaskaskia records. Deed; Shaffer to Lawrence N. W. Quarter Sec. 32 township 13, S. Range 1 east, 1815. An early transfer in this county proper was Mathew Mathis sold to William Mathis S. W. quarter of S. E. quarter of section 30, township 12, S. range 3 east; another early transfer Thomas Gore ownership of property to John Gore, recorded in 1816. John Bain bought land here 1830, E. half of N. E. quarter, Sec. 4 township 12 S. range 3 east; Benjamin McGee sold to John S. Copeland W. half of the A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 155 north W. quarter, Sec. 30, township 14 S. range 2 east, recorded August, 1837. Peck's Gazzeteer published in 1837 states the following in regard to Johnson County as it was at that time. "Cache River empties into the Ohio River about six miles above its mouth at Trinity, a town of one hotel and one store, founded about 1817 and was at one time a rival of Cairo. Elvira settlement on Lick Creek, branch, of Cache, contains about 35 or 40 families. George's Creek empties into Cache, a settlement by this name of about 25 or 30 families." "Tradition says this creek was named for an Indian Chief, George, whose home was on this stream and who was a resident here long after the white settlers came. "West Settlement in Johnson County on the west side of Cache, fine fertile tracks of land, 30 families. The McFatridge settlement eight miles northeast of Vienna, on old road from Golconda to Kaskaskia, on Cedar Creek, 60 or 70 families. Bridges settlement ten miles west of Vienna, good land, 60 families." COLORED PEOPLE There must have been negroes here very early in the settlement of this county, since there are records of their sale and lawsuits concerning them found in the very first of our history. There were colored people brought by Renault to work mines in this section 1719. Some histor- ians say there were remains of these mines found in John- son county but if in the present territory no one living now has any knowledge or tradition concerning them. The following is an extract from the court record of 1813. "On motion of Thomas Green one of the executors of the estate of Nathanial Green, it is ordered that the said Thomas and Parrish Green executors as aforesaid do hire out to the highest bidder a certain negro girl named Hannah left as a special legacy to Nancy Green, the daughter of Nathanial Green for the term of one year from the time of hiring and no longer and to take security for the return of said girl at the expiration of the term and payment of hire." Some of the families owning slaves were Greens, Wilcox, Eu- banks, Copeland, Borin, Whiteside and Cox. There were no doubt others but no record is found of them. Several colored slaves were taken up by the authorities, served out their terms by the law were advertised and freed. This 156 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY being so near the South there may have been an under ground station in this county. If there was there were so many sympathisers with slavery in this section that it was never known who kept them. The following shows the course pursued to recapture a runaway slave, "$150 RE- WARD! RAN AWAY from the subscriber a negro man named Patrick. He left on the 21 of July last, a dark cop- per color and will weight a hundred eighty or one hundred ninety pounds, about thirty-four or thirty-five years old, five feet and seven inches tall, round shoulders and heavy made. He has a few marks on his right side near the shoulder, caused by a whip from patroles. He has a down look when spoken to, a high forehead and a small bald place on his head, very. polite, he is extremely fond of liquor and can read print a little, make coarse shoes and can cooper very well, a good basket maker and can bottom chairs very well. Also a handy fellow with tools about a farm. He was raised in Bedford County, Tennessee by Robert Elison and was sold to me by Little and Thompson in February last. He and his wife. He has very short hair and close to his head and had on heavy whiskers when he left home. Since he left home I learned that he has been an old runaway and no doubt but what he will be hard to get hold of. When last heard from he was in the state of Illinois, Saline Coun- ty inquiring for a free negro by the name of Jackson. He was in four miles of Jackson's. The settlement is called South America in consequence of the free negroes in it. If taken and well ironed in jail so that I can get hold of him I will pay the above reward and all necessary expenses by addressing me at Bahalie office, Marshall County, Missis- sippi, November 23, 1850, D. B. Linsey." The above notice which was printed in poster form on November 23, 1850, and sent to sheriffs over the country, has been kept in the Gray family for seventy-four years. It was received by B. S. Gray who was sheriff of Johnson County at that time and the father of our fellow townsman, A. J. Gray. James Gray, a grandson loaned the above article. An old lady long since passed on told this story of one of the early slaves of this county named Nathe. His master regularly gave him to each of his children, when married as a wedding present, but he was so incorrigible except by his old master that they were glad to return him to the A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 157 father in a short while, so that he was always ready to be the present for the next wedding in the family. The negroes took their masters name. There are de- scendants of these early slaves named Copeland, living near Belleville and in Mound City. There are also some of the colored Whiteside family who live in Pope County. There are several colored families living in the county at the present time, some of them very good farmers. We have only a few colored people who were born in slavery, none natives of this county, and while they are all getting on in years, they are independent and self-support- ing. These few are Lee, and Aunt Dolly Smith, Jennie Hessee, Tobe, Richard and Julia Thomas, Aunt Huldy Cole, and Aunt Ann Worrells. As a whole the colored popula- tion of this county is above the average. The Aliens who live on the west side of the county, S. T. Oliver, William Lathem, R. Thomas and a number of others have proved themselves substantial citizens. The Wheeler family, colored, came here from the south soon after the Civil War. The father was born in slavery, and was said to have sold at one time for $1,000, owing to his strength and reliability as a man. He raised a family that any father could be proud of. One son, Green Wheeler is a minister living in Vienna, a reliable and well respected citizen. Another son, John, graduated from a medical col- lege at Nashville, Tennessee and is now a successful phy- sician in Chester, Tennessee. Another son, Henry, is prin- cipal of the colored school of Fredertown, Missouri and Winnie, the only daughter is married and living in May- field, Kentucky. The Murrell family, colored, came here from the south several years after the war. The mother and father were born in slavery, and possibly two of the older children. Aunt Ann Murrell, as every one knew her was kind hearted as any woman that ever lived in this neighborhood. There was no case of poverty or sickness where Aunt Ann would not assist to the very best of her ability, and in many cases she would go to their relief when others hesitated on ac- count of conditions. Aunt Ann and Uncle Pen raised a respectable family all of whom are doing well. One son deserves special mention as he has educated himself, com- 158 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY pleting the High School in Vienna, taking a course at the University of Illinois, and finishing at a Theological School. He is now a prominent minister of the colored Baptist Church and located at Quincy. He served several months in France as a Y. M. C. A. worker during the World War. The Summer family coming here from Pope County were another very reliable colored family, but they have left the county. There were twenty-four slaves and free born colored people in this county when the state was admitted to the Union. Bogg's says, "slavery was not entirely eradicated from Illinois till 1848." When the vote was taken in 1824 as to whether Illinois should be free or slave Johnson Coun- ty was a tie vote, 74 for and 74 against. Buck, a historian of Illinois, speaking of the first constitutional convention, 1818, says, "In Johnson County the only known candidate who was not elected was a slave holder and an active advo- cate of slavery in Illinois. He was said to have been beaten by only a few votes. His name was John Copeland." We have had very few colored people in the county for a number of years until 1923, when many have come from the south to assist in the new industry of cotton raising. LAWYERS There have been so many prominent lawyers of South- ern Illinois who practiced in our courts, that it seems fit that their names and residence be given as far as possible. Under the first judiciary system, territorial judges held courts throughout the Illinois territory. The prosecuting attorneys for the people were appointed and traveled the circuits just as the judges did until 1872 when the new con- stitution was adopted and the office of States Attorney established. Kaskaskia, Cahokia, and Belleville seem a long way to come to practice in the courts of Johnson County, especially when the fees in some cases were only two dollars and a half, but Vienna was one of the principal courts of the territory. The first lawyer on record was William Russell, who began to practice here in 1813 and continued until 1833. His residence is not known, but he probably lived in Kentucky. Russell E. Heacock began about the same time, Moses, an A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 159 historian of Illinois says he came to St. Clair County in 1800. He later moved to Jonesboro, married in that vicin- ity and practiced law in that section for several years. He moved then to New York City and later to Chicago. An- other historian says, Heacock had a law office in the village of Chicago in 1833. Elias K. Kane whose name appears frequently in the first courts was a resident of Kaskaskia. He served as Secretary of State, Member of the General Assembly, was twice elected to the United States Senate and died in Wash- ington, D. C, during his last term of office. Benjamin T. Hall, Adolphus T. Hubbard and Robert McLaughlin frequented this court as lawyers from 1813 till 1817. William Mears was our District Attorney in 1813. He continued to practice here till 1839 and resided at Cahokia, moving to Belleville when the county seat was changed to that place in 1814. Davis, McHenry and Delaney were lawyers here as early as 1814 and 1815. Thomas C. Brown settled in Shawneetown in 1812. He held our court in 1813, served in the Territorial Legislature also as District Attorney. "He was allowed ten dollars for his services as prosecuting attorney for the year 1816, agreeable to law/' for Johnson County. He was elected one of the first associate judges and served in that capacity thirty years. Joseph Conway was another who attended the courts here at that time; he resided in Kaskaskia in 1812 and served in that State Legislature as a senator. About 1819 the name of Henry Eddy of Shawneetown is first found on our records. His name continues until 1848. He edited "The Illinois Emmigrant," published at Shawnee- town, the second paper published in the state. He served in the war of 1812, also in the State Legislature, was made circuit judge in 1835 and was a Whig in politics. A. P. Field lived at Jonesboro and practiced in Vienna courts in 1823. He served three terms in the General Assembly, also as Secretary of State in 1828. Thomas Reynolds was an- other attorney of this time, as was also Nathaniel Pope. He was the first Secretary of the Territory and acted as gov- ernor until the arrival of Ninian Edwards. He also repre- sented the territory in Congress and was appointed United States Judge for Illinois after her admission as a state. Pope County was named in his honor. 160 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY Browner and Jason Chamberlain were contemporaries of Daniel P. Cook, who served as judge of the western cir- cuit of Illinois, also as Attorney General of the state, and was elected to Congress several times, practiced here about 1825-26. Cook County took its name from Daniel P. Cook. Samuel McRoberts and Johnathan Ramsey of Hardin Coun- ty, procured licenses to practice law in our courts in 1818. William Sprigg among the first territorial judges, held court here in 1815 and many times afterwards. Richard M. Young was a resident of Kaskaskia who held this court in 1825 and was also a district attorney. Jeptha Hardin was an early resident of Shawneetown and was made a circuit judge. He held our courts and attended them as an attorney about twenty years, beginning in 1819. John Mc- Lean was another of Shawneetown's famous citizens. He began practice here in 1821. McLean was elected to Con- gress one term and served many years in the State Legis- lature, most always as Speaker in the General Assembly. Dunn's name appears in 1823 and continues on the records about twelve years. James Hall, who served in the legis- lature was a jurist and author. He began the practice of law at Shawneetown in 1820 and moved later to Vandalia. He had cases here in 1823-24. David J. Baker, who lived at Alton, began practicing in our courts in 1824 and was present at almost every term for about twenty-five years. He was the father of Judge David J. Baker, Jr., of Cairo, who practiced in and held our courts as circuit judge until 1878, when he was elected to the Supreme bench. Sidney Breese's name first appears on the court records here in 1825. He began his work as a lawyer with Elias K. Kane at Kaskaskia, and reached a very high place in the annals of our state. Thomas Hoyne, his biographer, says that he compiled the first volume of law reports for the state and this was the first book printed in the state. He filled the office of circuit attorney for the third judicial district, was a member of the General Assembly, United States Senator, Circuit Judge, Supreme Judge and twice Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Illinois. His "Early History of Illinois" is considered one of the most valuable of its period. He was a frequenter of our courts as late as 1840, holding court at that time. Thomas Reynolds and W. J. Gatewood who were resi- dents of Shawneetown, began in our courts in 1827. Gate- A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 161 wood continued for fifteen or twenty years. Richard Ham- ilton attended the courts in 1830. Alexander F. Grant resided in Shawneetown, practiced in Johnson County courts from 1831 until his election as judge of the third judicial district, 1835. He also served in the legislature. Walter B. Scates conducted cases in this court the same year. He was circuit judge, held our court several years and was later elected to the Supreme bench. John Dough- erty of Jonesboro, came as an attorney in 1832. He repre- sented his district in the legislature, served as lieutenant governor and was later elected circuit judge. He was con- nected with our courts almost fifty years. H. R. Jones lived at Jonesboro, practiced here in 1820. Sander, James Evans and Morrison were attorneys here about 1833. S. D. Marshall, of McLeansboro was also of this period. John M. McClernand was a resident of Shawneetown and frequented our courts for several years. He became a very conspicuous figure in Southern Illinois, representing his dictrict several times in the State Legislature, served in Congress and reached the grade of Lieutenant Colonel of the forty-eighth regiment in the Civil War. A. J. Kuy- kendall, a native of Johnson County began his practice in 1840, he served in the State Senate and also in Congress. W. H. Stickney, who lived in Shawneetown, Whitehead, Husbands, W. J. Sloan of Golconda, and J. M. Davidge of Pulaski County began attending this court about 1834; Richard S. Nelson, H. W. Clement in 1832. The name of Allen first appears on the attorney list in 1841. One would think immediately of W. J. Allen, but this was Willis, father of W. J. Willis continued attendance on our courts many years, frequently having cases with his son, W. J., who continued his practice here long after the Civil War. They lived at Marion where W. J. Allen was elected to Congress. He moved to Carbondale, was later appointed Federal Judge, served in Springfield in that capacity until his death. H. W. Billings, of Cairo, Caldwell and Cato were others practicing here about the forties. Nelson T. Hays, Soloman Waytt and Barlow came the following year with Demming of Marion as circuit judge. LeRoy, John- son and Pierce were of 1846, W. H. Hacker of Jonesboro and L. W. Fern, of this county began here about the same time. R. P. Corder of Marion, M. W. Casey, of Mt. Vernon were also attorneys during this period. 162 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY Jeddiah Jack was a resident and practiced law in the courts of Vienna in the forties. He later moved to Metro- polis and was appointed to defend Decatur Campbell, a negro living in that county in 1850, and the defendant in the famous Decatur Campbell case, of Massac. In this trial before the Supreme Court of the state, the principle was first established in Illinois that a person is justified in defending himself in cases of apparent, as well as real danger, also that the law makes no distinction as to color in a trial for murder, found in Vol. XVI, Illinois reports, page sixteen. W. K. Parrish, who lived at Benton and later at Du- Quoin began his visits here as an attorney 1851 and con- tinued throughout his business life. William Vaughn, Murry and Wallen appear as lawyers here in the same year. John A. Logan's name is first found in our records 1852, this was before he became the General of Civil War fame, Member of Congress, United States Senator from Illinois and candidate for Vice-President. He had cases in almost all circuit courts here until the Civil War. W. J. Allen came a little earlier perhaps, but they were law partners many years, residing in Marion, Illinois. W. W. Clement and George W. Young were also Marion lawyers of that time. B. 0. Jones and T. H. Smith of Metropolis, who was another Civil War hero, reaching the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. Montgomery and McElvain were contemporaries with Logan and Allen. James Pearson and Delevan are names appearing about this time. The latter part of the fifties we find the names of McKay, W. J. Gibbs of Vienna ; S. D. Parks, who later located in DuQuoin; Monroe C. Crawford, of Benton, who later moved to Jonesboro and was district attorney; A. D. Duff, Circuit Judge, later of Carbondale; W. H. Green of Metropolis, who afterwards moved to Cairo ; H. M. Smith, of Caledonia, Pulaski County and H. R. Wise of this county as attorneys. John A. Thompson, and S. G. Simmons of Jonesboro, practiced here in the sixties, also John R. Thomas, who was a resident of Metropolis, and later served as Congress- man from this district for ten years. The following are lawyers practicing here after the Civil War and up until the present time: Marion Young- blood of Benton and later of Carbondale, John C. Mulkey, A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 163 of Benton, later of Metropolis, who was elected to the Su- preme bench from there; S. P. Wheeler and D. T. Linegar were also of Cairo. T. G. C. Davis was an earlier attorney (latter part of the forties) who lived at Metropolis, and was said to be one of the finest looking men of his time and a wonderful orator. M. J. Inseore of Anna, C. K. Davis, James Gregg, of Harrisburg, William Parrish and his son, John, also of Harrisburg, were frequenters of our courts. Some members of our own bar were C. N. and A. G. Damron, R. M. Fisher, W. A. and H. A. Spann, T. Chap- man, 0. A. Harker, B. F. Olden, John T. Allison, T. A. Stewart, John T. Keith, P. T. Chapman, A. K. Vickers, L. 0. Whitnel, G. B. Gillespie, D. J. and J. 0. Cowan, 0. R. Morgan, C. J. Huffman, George W. English, George W. Ballance, T. H. Sheridan, W. Y. Smith, John B. Bain and G. A. Vunkirk. PHYSICANS The first physican that is found on record in Johnson County is a Dr. Holt, 1815. He may not have been a resi- dent of this county, but a bill of his is found filed against an estate as a physican that was settled that year. Dr. J. D. Martin is another of that period. Dr. Brooks, who lived in Union County, also practiced here in 1827. Dr. W. J. Gibbs came here in 1831. Dr. A. B. Moore, 1851. Dr. A. P. Stewart practiced here as early as 1845, perhaps earlier and for many years afterwards. He had children, Ann, who married Washington Boyt, Thomas, who was a farmer of this county for several years, Green, who was a printer and another son, Smith. Dr. Johnathan Mulkey came to this county from Williamson sometime in the fifties. He was the father of Dr. Phillip D., who married Angeline Brown, settled in the western part of the county in 1870, followed his profession throughout his life in the neighborhood of Cypress and Mt. Pisgah. Other children of Dr. Johnathan were, Melissa, who married first Asa (see Carter) , second Andrew Martin ; Martha, married Deam West; Malinda, married Alexander McClain; Malvina, married Dr. Thomas Burris; Margery, married Frank Bently; Mary, married John Beggs; Alice, married Mr. Sailor ; Monta, married Mr. Williams ; the two latter live in Colorado. One son Robert died soon after the Civil War from injuries sustained in service Samuel C, married Emma Stone and removed to Union County. 164 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY Dr. T. R. Burris was a son of Hiram Burris, a farmer who came to this county in 1851 ; other children of Hiram Burris were John (2), Martha (2), who married John Graves; Stephen (2) married Jane Grissom, had children, Thomas (3), and Pleasant (3). He married second Mildred Stockdale and had children Edith (3), who married Robert Lough; Mary (3), married Adolphus Mathis, both of this county; Albert (3), married Eunice Veach; Fanny (3), married Alva Pickens, children, Magdaline, Josephine and Marion; married second, Edward Mathis, and has Daniel D; Ethel (3), married Dolphus Alexander, and has Orval, Ruth, Jane; Arthur (3), married Meta Miller; Walter (2), married Martha Pringle and had Carrie, who married Basil (See Simpson.) He married second Mary Dooley and had three children. Mary (2), married William (see Chap- man) ; Amanda (2), married Adam Harvick; Elizabeth (2) married Mr. Biddle; Dr. Elias H. (2) , married Sarah Camp- bell of Kentucky, and had Columbia (3), Don (3) and Daws (3). He practiced here about ten years, when he re- moved to Kentucky where his family now reside. Dr. T. R. (2), married Malivna Mulkey, practiced. in and around Vienna about twenty-five years and spent his last days on a farm one mile north of Vienna. His children were Frank J. (3), married Ella Lovlace and had Frances (4) and others. Dr. Hiram H. (3), married Julia Bridges, they had Nellie (4), Ward (4) and removed to Union County. Cle- tus G. (3), married Mamie Hershbealer; Maude (3), mar- ried Richard Hoague and had Rubby (4), Thomas (3), mar- ried Edith Glassford; Bert (3) was accidently killed by an exposed telephone wire about ten years ago; Elizabeth (3), married Ernest Cates and has Ernest (4), Glenda (4), and Howard (4), Mabel (3), married Joe Price (see Price); Myrtle (3), married Ed. Veach and has Imy (4), Amy (4), Graduate physicans practising in Johnson County in 1878 were; G. W. Elkins, W. A. Looney, L. F. Walker, J. M. C. Damron, N. J. Benson, George Bratton, W. R. Mizell, R. M. McCall, C. N. Whitnel, Josiah Whitnel, R. M. Whitnel, 0. P. Martin, J. J. Walker, L. W. Carlton, and W. J. Fern. Those practicing under the ten year law ; L. L. Shadrick, A. T. Mobley. Dr. Lewis Mehlear was a native of Germany, acquiring his profession in that country. He located in Flatwoods, Simpson Township, about 1850 and practiced there many A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 165 years. All that is known of his family is that he had a son who studied medicine and located in Arkansas. The son returned to Simpson in 1923 where he soon died, being approximately 75 years old. Dr. J. H. Norris was a phsician living in Vienna and practicing there in the 60's, if not earlier. He was a faith- ful member of the Methodist church, always attending the quarterly conferences. Dr. Dill came to this county during the Civil War, settled and practiced in Goreville Township, married Mary (Burris) Chapman. Dr. James Sullivan was a native of this county who resided in Goreville and practiced in that vicinity. Dr. Cole was a physician of Reynoldsburg neighbor- hood, coming there soon after the Civil War. Dr. Edward Scarsdale was a student under Dr. C. N. Whitnel and practiced a short time with him. in Goreville. Dr. Ballenger came to this county about 1865, he re- sided and practiced in the Drake neighborhood in Elvira Township. Dr. L. L. Shadrick was a native of and practiced in this county more than sixty years ago in the neighborhood of Mt. Pisgah. He married Elizabeth Fisher who after his death married W. I. Joiner, a Civil War veteran and a busi- ness man of Vienna many years. "Aunt Betty" as she is familiarly known, now eighty-four years old is still a resi- dent of Vienna. Dr. W .R. Mizell was the first doctor to locate in New Burnside, which must have been about 1873. He built the second residence there and has practiced continuously for more than fifty years. He married Miss Thompson and has one son, Adolph, who is a physician of Shelbyville, 111. Dr. N. M. Hudson owned a drug store and practiced medicine in Tunnel Hill for a short time in the early seven- ties, but later removed to Harrisburg, Illinois. Dr. J. F. Blanchard came from Pope County to New Burnside when it was a thriving town and followed his profession there for several years, but later removed to Creal Springs, Illinois, where he still resides. He married 166 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY Mary Frizzel, sister to Lewis, of this county and had Bertha, Vernell, Norve and Verne. Dr. H. D. LaRue was a native of Kentucky. He came to New Burnside and practiced medicine about' twenty-five years but removed from the county several years ago. He married Bonnie Trovillion, of Pope County and has a son, Dr. Claude, who practices in Boulder, Colo., and one daugh- ter, Robbie, who married Mr. Robbs, and they reside in Mt. Carmel, Illinois. Dr. M. J. Kerley was a physican in Flatwood neigh- borhood near Simpson, beginning his work about 1886. He was the ninth son of Thomas Kerley and the Uncle of Dr. T. B. Kerley of Simpson. Dr. Albert McConnell came to Simpson neighborhood as a physican about 1886, where he continued his practice for many years. His son, C. A. is a leading physican of Hot Springs, Arkansas. Dr. J. T. Loney is a native of this county, and a son of Dr. W. A. He acquired his education in the public schools and Southern Illinois Normal and also graduated from Rush Medical College, Chicago. He was appointed assistant physican at Chester prison, but later settled at Simpson where he practiced for some time when he re- moved to Vienna continuing his work there for several years. He removed to Tishomingo, Oklahoma, where he follows his profession. (For family see Simpson.) Dr. Asher was a physician of New Burnside for a few years. Dr. J. H. Simmons was a son of Peter Simmons who came from North Carolina and was a native of Simpson Township, practicing there several years about 1888. He removed to Vienna and with Dr. Joseph Walker engaged in the drug business for a short time when he removed to Missouri where he still follows his profession. He married Nancy Kerley of this county. Dr. I. N. Graves is a native of this county, a son of Joshua and Katherine (Stewart), born in 1849. His an- cestors were among the first settlers of the county, coming from North Carolina. He graduated from the College of Physicans and Surgeons in 1889; he married Maude Rich- A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 167 ardson, they had Rollo, who married and removed from the county; Cora, married Charles Stanley; Zora, married Ray Bradley and has Vivian and Gale and resides in Goreville; Mabel, married Frank Stevens and has one child; James, married Helen Coleman ; Hazel is a teacher in the Goreville schools. Dr. Graves has been a resident of Gorville for many years ; and a physician for fifty-five. Dr. J. J. Fly came to Goreville about 1904 practicing there about fifteen years, when he moved to Herrin, Illinois. He maried Elmiranda Mcintosh and had children, Nettie, who married Newton Lentz, Carrie, married Zach Hudgens, Bert, married J. B. Hudgens and had Arbie, Valjean, Wii- helma, Emma, Jack and Kay ; Emma married Roe Hubbard, Whilhelma married Earl Thornton, has Robert T. Eva mar- ried Pat Kelley; Ethel married (first) Tine Huggins and had two sons, second Mr. Lentz; Ralph, married Mary Grissom, lives in Franklin County; Afton, married Mr. Johnson and lives in Herrin. Dr. R. A. Cavitt is a native of Tunnel Hill and a son of Jackson Cavitt. He graduated from the College of Physicans and Surgeons, St. Louis, Mo., and practiced in his home community a few years, but later removed to Morrison, Oklahoma, where he is continuing in his pro- fession. Dr. A. D. Thornton is a resident physician of Gore- ville and a native of that community. He is a son of William P. and Alice (Calhoun) Thornton, and married Fanie Boles. He was educated in the public schools of Goreville and acquired his profesional education at the Chicago College of Medical Surgery, graduating in 1913. He has extensive farming interests and is a fancier of thoroughbred horses and registered cattle. Dr. Whittaker and Dr. Hurst owned a drug store in Goreville and practiced there several years. Dr. Whit- taker married Miss Hurst, a sister of Dr. Hurst. Dr. Hurst married Ursula daughter of Charles Calhoun. Dr. G. K. Farris was born in this county and received his elementary education here and later graduated from the Medical Department of St. Louis University. He be- gan practice in Vienna in 1906 and has developed extensive practice. (For family see Farris.) 168 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY Dr. Earl Veach is a native of this county and received his education in its public schools. He selected medicine as his profession and graduated from the St. Louis University School of Medicine in 1915. He opened an office in Vienna where he enjoys a lucrative practice. Dr. William Thompson came to this county from Ten- nessee in 1862. He was an M. E. minister and a physican. He settled on a farm east of Vienna, now owned by Frank- lin Marberry, living there till about 1874 when he moved to the villiage of Bloomfield, continuing his work as a phy- sician and minister fifteen or twenty years. Rev. Fred L. Thompson (2), was his son and had been licensed to preach in the M. E. church before his father came to this county. He married Mary Bruner of Metropolis. Later in life he became quite prominent as a minister of the Southern Illi- nois M. E. Conference. The other children of Dr. Thomp- son were Elizabeth (2), who married James Williams, they lived for a while in Bloomfield, later moved to Missouri. Robert (2), married Cynthia Thomas, of this county and they had children Effie (3), Mary (3), Theodocia (3). J. H. (3), lived in Simpson Township. He married first Mary Cornish and they had William (4), (see Physicans) J. H. (3), married second (Mary McKee) Wormack and had Robert (4), Cletus (4) ; Virginia (3), married Jasper Mount, they had Ella (4), Fred (4), Frank (4), Elizabeth (4), Lily (4), Laura (4), Mable (4), Ella (4), married John H. Whiteside, Frank (4) married Nellie Short, Fred (4) married Luella Rushing, Elizabeth (4) married J. W. (see Reynolds), Lily (4) married J. S. Galoway, of Herrin, Illinois, Sophia (4) married George Williams, Mable mar- ried Mr. St. John, of Fort Worth, Texas. Dr. William Thompson, a son of J. H., and a native of this county is a graduate of the Barnes Medical College, St. Louis, Mo., finishing in the class of 1909. Dr. William began practice in Belknap immediately after his gradua- tion, continuing there till 1918, when he enlisted in the World War, going as a captain to France in 1918, and serv- ing till the close of the war. In 1922 he removed to Cypress where he enjoys a large and lucrative practice. He married Bertha, (see Marberry.) A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 169 MILITIA In 1775 a law was passed by the delegates of the coun- ties of Virgina as follows, "Each company of infantry shall consist of fifty-eight riflmen, one captain, two lieuten- ants, one ensign, four sergants, four corporals and a drummer." As Illinois was a part of Virgina, a little later the law prevailed in this section. "A battallion of militia was formed in that part of Randolph County lying on the Ohio River in 1809/' E. J. James Territorial Laws. (This section later became Johnson County) "An order was issued by the Governor, June 2, 1809, to hold elections in these respective companies to elect persons to command these companies." Ihe reason for organizing these companies of militia, no doubt, lay in the fact that the Indians in Indiana, Ohio and Illinois had become troublesome and frequent depredations were inflicted on the pioneer settlers. Major John Worebeck petitioned congress in 1812, to raise four companies of mounted trops in Illinois to be used in defense of the frontier settlements against the Indians. In 1810 and 1812 there were a series of massacres by Indians in Illinois territory. In 1811 settlers on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers manned a fort which had been built in 1804 on Muddy River near where old Fort Massac trace crosses that stream. This section was considered an exposed position- and many people moved away on account of fear of the Indians. In 1813, two families were killed on Cache River about where Mound City is now located. The following was the territorial law under which the militia companies were formed for protection against Indian at- tacks. "All free white inhabitants, residents of the state of the age of 18 years and under 45, except as herein after excepted, shall be enrolled in the militia by the commanding officer of the company within whose bounds such persons shall reside, within ten days after he sjiall be informed of such residence and at all times, therein after, in like manner shall be enrolled, those who may from time to time arrive at the age of eighteen or come to reside in the district, be- ing of that age and under forty-five." This was copied from the early laws passed at Vincennes for the defense of the territory. "The governor shall provide for raising com- panies of grenadiers, light infantry, riflemen and artillery agreeable to the laws of the United States at his discretion and when such companies are raised and officered shall be 170 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY subject to the laws and rules of the United States and of the territory as any other militia." June 26, 1811. "All officers shall reside in the respective commands. " The third and fourth regiments of militia were formed along the Ohio and Wabash Rivers and located in Johnson and Gallatin Counties. The following are some of the appoint- ments in the militia in this part of the state later known as Johnson County: January 10, 1810, Hamlet Furguson, William Simpson, Phillip Trammell, James Ford, William Alexander, and Absalom Cox were appointed captains of militia by Goyernor Edwards, August 2, 1810, Thomas Griffith was appointed captain in the third regiment of the militia; January 20, 1812, the governor appointed John Bradshaw, captain, Louis McMillian, John Patterson and Daniel T. Coleman, lietutenants, John Tweedy, Stephen Kuykendall, Irvil Borin, ensigns in the third regiment; January 2, 1810 David Anderson was appointed adjutant of the militia of Randolph County; July 9, 1810 the gover- nor appointed William Simpson, Jr., ensign in the third regiment; September 24, 1814 John F. Smith, Daniel Cole- man, James B. Bailey, and William Thornton were appoint- ed captains; John Harris, Ebenzer Kealough, John Tweedy, Stephen Smith, William Huckam, lietuenants, Nathan Langston, William Johnson, John Whitiker, Issac Borin, William Tripp, John Schultz, ensigns in the third militia of Johnson County. Joseph Kuykendall was ap- pointed lieutenant, George Weir, John Ruft, ensigns and D. T. Coleman Captain in the third regiment; January 20, 1812, Owen Evans and William Simpson were appointed majors in the third regiment, April 2, 1812, James Fox and Rice Sams were appointed captains, Martin Harvick and Vincent Larkin, lieutenants, James Simpson and William McFatridge, ensigns in the third regiment; June 15, 1815 Thomas Griffith wa,s appointed major and Martin Harvick a captain in the third regiment; August 4, 1815 William Richy, James Fisher, James Johnston were appointed lieu- tenants, John Fisher, Robert Miller, ensigns in the third regiment; January 10, 1816 William Hickman was ap- pointed captain, William Lindsey, John Whitiker and Will- iam McNorton lieutenants, R. Davis, Joseph Perrin, en- signs of the third regiment; June the 3, 1818 Benjamin Means was appointed captain, Daniel Coleman, Vice captain Allen McKenzie captain and vice captain J. C. Smith, John A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 171 C. Smith promoted to major, Thomas Cox and John Graves were appointed captains, Joseph Kuykendall, William Mc- Ginnis and William Shelton, lieutenants. All the officers were first elected by the militia and then appointed by the Governor. These appointments have been compiled from the territorial records by E. J. James from 1809 to 1818. William Russell was allowed one dollar for acting as clerk of the election for militia officers in 1825. The men serving in the militia were given land by the government. John White states he was a private in Cap- tain Joseph Phillips Company, enlisted May 6, 1814, dis- charged August 21, 1815. He gave George Brazel power of attorney for him. His deed is recorded in Johnson. REVOLUTIONARY WAR Johnson County was so far away and so new that there w r ere none here to enlist to fight for the freedom of our country from the English. But a number who had served from different states came here afterward and we have many descendants of Revolutionary soldiers now liv- ing among us. Alexander Beggs was a Revolutionary soldier and at one time a resident of Union County and he drew a pension as such. His widow, Elizabeth Beggs, held certificate No. 13,389, dated at the war office Washington, D. C, July 1833 ; signed by John Rabb, acting as Secretary of War. Alexander Beggs died in 1837. The court of Johnson County ordered the clerk to certify the same to August for paying pension at Carmi, State of Illinois. Mary McMahan was certified to as being the widow of John McMahan, a revolutionary pensioner. It was recom- mended by the court of Johnson County that she be allowed a pension from December 1823, the date of his death, till October, 1837. The court certified to her application to the war department. Hezekiah West stated that he served in 1780 as a private in Captain Frost's company of Mounted Rangers, in Col. W T inn's regiment, for one month in 1781, in Captain Robert Frost's company of foot, three months; in 1782 in Captain John McNeal's company of Mounted Rangers, in Colonel Davis Hopkin's regiment three months. He was allowed a pension December 3, 1832, at which time he resided in Johnson County, Illinois. 172 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY Jacob Harvick — From sur. File No. 32, 289 Revolu- tionary War Pension office, we find Jacob Harvick was a resident of Surry Co., North Carolina and volunteered as a private, early in 1781, under Captain Hulet or Hewitt, in Colonel Phillip's regiment and served three months. In the fall of 1781, he again entered the service as private in the North Carolina line, under Captain Charles Gorden and served one year. He was allowed a pension on applica- tion executed July 3rd, 1833 while a resident of Johnson County. William Wiggs or Weggs, from the papers in the claim Sur. File No. 32,608 ; it appears that Wm. Wiggs was born in Wayne County, North Carolina, about 1758. He served as private 1775 for thirty-five days in Captain William Fellows' Company; in 1779 for five months under Captain John Canada, and in 1781 three months under Captain Joseph Sessions and was in the battle of Guilford. He was allowed a pension on his application executed April 26, 1833 while residing in Johnson County, Illinois. Ran- dolph Lawson — In the rejected claim R. 6, 205; it appears that Randolph Lawson was born in Cumberland County, North Carolina, in the fall or winter of 1752, and while liv- ing there, volunteered in the summer of 1780, under Cap- tain Cox or Gholson and guarded baggage during the battle of Camden, also he again volunteered in 1781 under Cap- tain Duck or Cox and guarded baggage during the battle of Guilford, and that he did not actually engage in either battle. He applied for pension, executed April, 1835, while living in Johnson County, Illinois, but his claim was re- jected as he did not furnish sufficient proof of six months military service as required by the act of June 7th, 1832, under which he applied. His children are referred to but their names are not given and that of his wife is not stated. Daniel Chapman — In the Spring of 1775, he volun- teered in West Chester County, New York for the nine months under Captain Sackett, who joined the regiment of Colonel Thomas. The population of the county had an un- usual proportion of tories, who in the latter part of 1775. as well as during the following winter, were very active and aggressive in plundering and burning the buildings occupied by the patriots, to prevent these depredations he was involved in a number of skirmishes, one of them oc- curring at New Castle, Westchester County, where his cap- tain was taken prisoner. After his term had expired he was A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 173 detained two months longer before he received his dis- charge. In the spring of 1776 he again volunteered for nine months under the same officer, Captain Sackett having been exchanged and was employed in the same partisan war fare as no regular British troops were stationed above New York City until after it was occupied by the enemy Sep- tember 15, 1776. A Colonel Holmes, who had lived in Bed- ford had joined the British and with a body of Tory horse- men destroyed the buildings in that town except his own house. A deserter brought the information that Col. Holmes was coming to destroy them. To prevent this, Chapman, with a party of forty-five or fifty others volunteered under Lieutenant Mosier. His party was surrounded by four times its number of Tory horsemen, yet by forming a hollow square they received the attack at the point of their bayonets, with a great slaughter, of men and horses, killing the horse of Colonel Holmes and badly wounding him. The enemy was repulsed by the patriots without the loss of a man. Early in 1777 Chapman, being well acquainted with the country, volunteered as a scout and received the ap- pointment of 2nd Sergeant under Colonel Weisenfelt in which capacity he served one year ; having occasional fights with parties of the enemy. He continued with Colonel Weisenfelt until the main army, late in August, 1781, marched south to meet Cornwallis, in Virginia. He was in conflicts at Dobbs Ferry where there was a small fort, which to some extent prevented the enemy's vessels from passing up the river. William Copeland — Adjutant General's office, Wash- ington, D. C. It is shown by the records of this office that Wm. Copeland of Virginia served as a private in Captain William Smith's company 11th. Virginia Regiment, com- manded successively by Colonel Daniel Morgan, Major Thomas Snead, Captain William Blackwell, Captain Charles Porterfield and Lieutenant Colonel John Cropper, Revolu- tionary war. He enlisted November 23, 1776, to serve dur- ing the war, was promoted to Corporal, in December, 1776, transferred about November 1878 to Captain Charles Porterfield's Company, 7th Virginia Regiment, commanded by Colonel Daniel Morgan transferred about May 7, 1779 174 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY to Captain John Marshall's company, same regiment, and he is reported on the company muster roll for November, 1779, dated at Camp Morristown, December 9, 1779 as dis- charged. The service of Copeland and Lawson had not been established at the time the Tablet was placed in the Court Yard at Vienna in 1919. William Copeland is buried in this county, tradition says, on the Alfred Hook farm. John Damron, maternal grandfather of Captain Mark Whiteaker was a pioneer of New Burnside Township, this county and has many descendants here. Benj. Gill was also a Revolutionary soldier and resided in Johnson County. They are buried in Williamson County at the Drake Ceme- tery, just across the line of Johnson. Their graves were marked by the government as Revolutionary Soldiers through their descendants several years ago. Daniel Chap- man's grave was marked as a Revolutionary Solider by his family. Jacob Harvick and Hezekiah West's graves were marked by the Daniel Chapman Chapter D. A. R. of Vienna. They have not yet been able to locate the graves of the other men whose revolutionary services have been estab- lished. WAR OF 1812 The roster of 1812 does not give the address of the soldiers enrolled. It only states what county they were from and in most cases the county in which they enlisted. The following names have been selected as men probably serving from Johnson County as the names also appear on record here: James N. Fox commanded a detachment of rangers on the frontier of Johnson County from February 13, 1813 till March 1, 1813. James Fox was sergeant in this company. The privates were William Edwards, James Flannery, Buckner Harris, James Buchen, George Deason, Daniel Griffith, Moas Blain, John F. Norton, Shadrock Rawlinson, William Rawlinson and John Davis. William Simpson, father of J. J. Simpson served in the war of 1812 under Captain James Whiteside. James Bradshaw served in Captain John Scotts Company. John Worley in Captain Alexander's company. There is no way of knowing posi- tively, but the following were more than likely men who served in this war from this county : Joseph and John Fur- A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 175 guson, Captain Craig's Company; Jeremiah Lissenbee, Captain Henry Cook's Company, Joshua Talbot, J. B. Moore's Company ; William Cravens and Elisha Ladd, Cap- tain Dudley William's Company; Andrew Roberts and William Brazel, Captain William Jones' Company; Nathan Langston, Captain Nathan Chamber's Company. BLACK HAWK WAR 1831-32 There is no roster of Johnson County men in the Adjut- ant General's report of those who served in the Black Hawk War and no address except the county in which they enlisted. It is a little difficult therefore to decide just who were Johnson County men. There are three old residents of this county whom it is certain were soldiers in this war; Jason B. Smith, Green B. Veach, both from Pope County and Locklin L. Madden given in an independent regiment. There are several other names that belong to early families of this county as follows : Barton Scroggins, John J. Dean, Joseph Harper, Pleasant Rose, James B. Kerley, Milton Ladd, George Vancil, Nathan D. Walker and George W. Chapman. MEXICAN WAR In the Adjutant General's report the names of the soldiers who served from this county in the Mexican War were recorded but their address is not given, only the place of enlistment, consequently it is only possible to gather these names from accidental lists and old people and many may be unintentionally omitted. Mexican Soldiers and widows living in Goreville Town- ship 1887 : Daniel Lingle, E. F. Francis, George Black, Mathew Bradley, Mrs. G. W. Gillespie, Mrs. James Stone. Other names given are George Pendergrass, R. C. Miller, A. Cover, Mr. Washer, Joe Thomas, Jack Smith, Jason, B. Smith, Colonel Samuel Hess, D. C. Chapman, Blewitt Bain, Joshua Simpson, James Jackson, John Oliver, Isaac Bain, G. W. Chapman, Green B. Veach, James B. Murray, Samuel Whitemore, Elisha Ladd, B. F. Hayward, Elisha Axley, Larkin and Daniel Simpson, widows Mrs. Pack and Mrs. Short. SPANISH WAR The names found of those serving from this county in the Spanish War of 1897 and 1898 were: R. F. Thornsberry 176 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY Elder W. Cline, W. R. Simpson, Thomas Clymer, William Rebman, Frank Milligan, A. C. Karaker, Harry Perkins, Moses Halcomb, Olus Bailsen, D. Edward Jones, Carroll Webb, William Tiller, Benjamin H. Shanklin; Dempsy Summer, Kit Brayboy, colored. John Beauman of this coun- ty served in the Signal Corps of the regular army in this war, and died of yellow fever. He is buried in Arlington Cemetery, Va., Adolphus Worley, a Johnson County boy also served in this war, enlisting from Texas. William Donaghy another native son was a volunteer in this war. His place of enlistment is not known. D. J. Cowan, former cadet of Southern Illinois Normal raised a company here to serve under Colonel J. P. Robarts, of Mound City. D. J. Cowan was captain, Charles M. Ferris, 1st Lieutenant, W. Y. Davis, 2nd Lieutenant, but the services of the Colonel or the company were not needed in this war. CIVIL WAR, 1861-65 It is not an easy task to search out the names of the soldiers of this war, but the task was done willingly since our obligation to those old and now fast passing veterans can never be discharged. We want to revere their memory and honor those who are still among us. The only regret is, that by mistake some of the names may be omitted in this list. There were 1,678 men subject to duty in Johnson County in 1861. They were scattered in different regi- ments of Infantry in the following companies 8th, 9th, 11th, 18th, 20th, 29th, 31st, 48th, 56th, 60th, 65th. 72nd, 81st, 88th, 90th, 91st, 109th, 110th, 120th, 123rd, 127th, 128th, 136th, and 145th; Cavalry 1st, 5th, 6th, 9th, 13th, 14th, 15th, and Battery K Light Artillery. Those containing the largest number of men were the 31st Regiment, organized by John A. Logan and composed mostly of men from South- ern Illinois except companies I and K. They were mustered into service September 8, 1861. Their first major engage- ment was at Belmont ; some other battles were Ft. Donelson, Thompson's Hill, Champion Hill, many skirmishes and other duties falling to the lot of the soldier whose term of service was as long as theirs. They participated in the siege of Vicksburgh, receiving the place of honor at its capitulation. A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 177 The 60th was organized at Anna, February 17, 1862, engaged in the Sieges of Corinth and Nashville, battles of Murfreesboro, Chattanooga, Buzzard Roost, Kennesaw Mountain, Peachtree Creek, and many smaller battles and skirmishes. They participated in the Grand Review at Washington, D. C. The 120th contained more men than any other regiment from this county and was organized by Colonel John G. Hardy of Vienna. It was composed of companies A, B, C, E, G, I, and K. They went into camp at Vienna August 13, 1862 and were mustered into service the following October. This company lost many men dur- ing the fall and winter with Small Pox, Measles and Pneu- monia. Their campaign was waged mainly in Tennessee and Mississippi. They did guard duty in many sections of the south, also taking part in many minor battles and skirmishes. Many of their men served long terms in rebel prisons. There principal battle was Guntown, Miss. The 145th was mustered in at Camp Butler and be- longed to what was known as the 100 day men. Illinois with Ohio, Indiana and Iowa tendered the Government a volunteer force of 85,000 men to relieve the veteran soldiers of guard duty at Forts, Arsenals and elsewhere which was so necessary now that the government had control of so much territory. Illinois furnished thirteen regiments and two battalions. Governor Yates, among other things, said of these men "Our regiments under this call performed in- dispensible and invaluable services in Kentucky, Tennessee and Missouri; relieving veteran troops, taking part in the Atlanta campaign and contributing to our success in Vir- ginia, and Georgia. To the timely organization and effici- ent service of the 100 day men we owe a debt of gratitude." The 14th Cavalry was recruited and organized in the fall of 1862 with head quarters at Peoria, equipped in March, 1863 and entered active service in the following April at Celind, Ky. They pursued Morgan on his raid of 2100 miles until he was captured, taking part in many bat- tles and skirmishes on this flying campaign. They partici- pated in the battle of Cumberland Gap, routed the enemy in many places, capturing men and supplies in the east Tennessee campaign. The Siege of Knoxville, Bean Sta- tion, Dandridge, the famous Macon raid were also part of their duties. After the surrender of Stoneman at the bat- 178 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY tie of Sunshine Church, the cavalry undertook to cut their way out of the enemy's country. They were surprised by the enemy after seven days and nights in the saddle, many were captured and the command was badly demoralized. They were re-equiped at Waynesboro, Ky., in time to take part in the battle of Nashville and assist in crushing Hood's Army. CIVIL WAR SOLDIERS 8th Reg., Co. I Hardy, Thomas G. Lucas, John E. 8th Reg., Co. G Gamiel, Samuel 9th Reg., Co. G Beggs, James A. Beggs, David Curcton, James Cariker, Daniel A. (k-62) Dubois, W. B. Edwards, Allen Goie, Joseph P. Gore, William Hartsell, Simon P. Jones, William (d-62) Lefler, Geo. F. (d-61) McCord, Wm. F. (d_61) Morgan, Irwin M. Pippins, Wiley H. Richardson, David J. Slavins, Daniel F. Stripling, Amos B. Tyler, Daniel (d-61) White, Simeon F. Wilhelm, Jacob (d-62) Wilhelm, James (k-62) Wise, Lewis Jr., Wise, Granville M. (d-61) 9th Reg., Co. K Cover, Samuel Q. M. Emery, John (k-62) 11th Reg. Co. G. Axley, George W. Axley, Uriah File, Wm. R. (d-62) File, Whitsen B. File Thos. J. (d-62) Martin, Alexander Martin, Washington (d-62) Pool, Jacob Martin, Robert Smith, James G. West, James (d-61) Hardy, Thos. G. (trsf. 8th Reg.) 12th Reg., Co. G. Wilson, Wm. N. 18th Reg., Co. H Wilmoth, Thomas 18th Reg., Co. B Thompson, Nathaniel Taylor, William 18th Reg., Co. C Ramey, James T. 18th Reg., Co. G Babb, David W. (d-62) 18th Reg., Co. H Williams, Jacob H. 20th Reg., Co. A Johnson, Wm. R. Holland. James Mangin, James McNeal, Thomas Reno, John Tool, Michael Tool, John Lambert, William (21st Reg un_ assigned) Lawson, James (d-63) 29th Reg., Co. H A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 179 Smith, Wm. T., 1st Sergt. (k-63) Collins, B. K. ; promoted to Capt. Cowan, James A. Perry, Joseph B. See, Francis M. Wells, Henry W. 29th Reg., Co. I Brown, G. W. Climer, John H. Climer, David (k-62) Johnson, Jackson Mosley, A. W. Manners, John H. Pippins, Gilford Perrigan, J. H. Pickens, B. F. Roberts, Albien Roberts, T. L. Roberts, James M. (d-61) Mozley, Alfred W. Cambell, Rufus K. Hardison, Wm. Helm J. D. Pippins, Henry Throgmorton, W. P. 29th Reg., Co. K., Unassigned Foster, Erastus D. Field and Staff Officers 31st Reg. 111. Volunteer Infantry Kuykendall, A. J., Major Kuykendall, J. B. 1st Lieut., Co. B Adjt. Thacker, Francis B., 1st Lieut., Co. Adjt. Whitnel, David T., Surgeon Mount, Newton, Sergt. Major Johnson, Jasper, Com. Sergt. 31st Inf., Co. D Casey, Lvi B., Capt. (k-63) Sanders, George W., Capt. Mangum, Howel Y., 1st Lieut. Bridges, James J., 2nd. Lieut. Mount, William W., 2nd Lieut. Bridges, James M., 2nd Lieut. Coleman, Thomas F., Corp. Stone, Robert G., Corp. (d-61) Sander, Gideon M., Corp. (d-61) Dunsworth, Joseph, Music Wagoner, Fredrick Wise Bain, Isaac, Sergt. (d-62) Wiley, Abernaty Adams, Joel K. Burns, Mathew J. Crum, John S. Chapman, William (k-65) Barnett, Casuell Chapman, Lafayett Crum, Aron C. Cheek, James Davis, Jasper N. (k-63) Fisher, John R. Farmer, James (d-61) Harpending, Hiram G. Hester, S. W. Hamilton, Hiram Harrel, James E. (d_62) Hill, Keenen J. (d-62) House, Allen House, Wm. J. Honner, Wm. H. Irvin, Geo. (d-62) Ireland, Milton Jackson, Colby (d-62) Kinslow, Robert N Kinslow, John A. Kinslow, Wm. J. (k-61) Lovelace, Bolen (d-62) Lasley, James M. (d-62) Mabury, Robert (d-62) Mangun, Robert F. Mangum, Andrew J. Mangum, Thos. S. (d-62) McDonald, Henry S. 180 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY Murray, Thomas J. (k-61) McGowau, James Newton, Jesse Newton, Barney Niblock, W. C. Pate, Joseph N. (d-61) Perkins, Henry S. Pearce, Cullen T. Stone, John Walker, Francis M. Wise, Isaac Bellemy, David W. Brummitt, Tho s . J. (d-64) Gurley, Hiram Ragan, Richard Scarlet, Abraham (k-64) Siebman, Isaac D. Towler, John W. Cambell, Nathan Elkins, Alvey, H. Elkins, Neezbert Hill, James K. P. House, Elcana Hays, William Lasley, Frances M. Mead, David H. McGee, John Oliver, Johu Ragan, Samuel Riddle, James Simpson, James A. Shamburg Fredrick Sanders, Ross Turley, Wm. S. Waters, John H. (d-64) 31st Reg., Co. F Richardson, James F., Sergt. Burton, Wm. L., Sergt. Meadows, James, Corp. (m) Lambert, Wm. Burch, Joseph (d-62) Burton, Andrew J. Burton, James G. (d-62) Bowyer, Wm. R. Brown, James W. Cambell, Martin V. (d-62) Cambell, James T. Doughtery, Stephen Dupoister, Hiram (d-63) Francis, Joel W. Gray, Fielden M. (m) Horsely, Roland (d-63) Hobbs, James H. Hobbs, Burgess J. Hutson, Geo. W. Jenkins, Nathan Lawrence, Wm. (k-61) Lawlis, Benj. H. (d-62) Lawlis, Archie B. Melahan, Joseph J. McGowan, W. J. May, Bryant May, Geo. W., Sergt. May, Andrew J. May, John Newton, Isaac J. O'Donnell, Aron Oliver, John Pierce, David G. Price, Joshua Renner, Joseph A. Snider, Bentom Simpson, Lewis G. Simpson, James (d-62) Simpson, Stephen J. Simmons, Wiley (d-62) Satterfield, Jesse (d-63) Thomas, Josiah A. (d-62) Thomas, Henry H. Underwood, Moses L. Vanclave, Wm. R. Webb, Isaac M. Willhelm, Daniel Weaver, Jasper Weaver, John Bowyer, William R. A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 181 Calhoun, Joseph J. Francis, Joel W., Corp. Fuston, Geo. W., Sergt. Branscombe, Edmund (d-63) Calhoun, Joseph J. Gariott, Thomas N. Clemson, Aron B. Holmes, John Lemmens, Chas. H. Simmons, James W. Thomas, Joseph H. (k-64) Veach, John K. 31st. Reg., Co. G Jarvis, James M. 31st Reg., Co. H McCormack, Thos. J. Adams, Geo. W. Foster, Wm. Jones, Wm. (d-64) Lamison, Peter L. (d-62) Wormack, Jesse Black, Geo. W. Tayler, John V., unassigned Rose, Wiley A., Rejected Newton, Issac 48th Reg., Co. F Starks, Reuben C. All, John (d-62) Cariker, Julius Dunn, Wm. S. Groves, Ephriam G. Mathews, James (d-61) Sexton, Henry (d-62) Sperry, John A. Sperry, Hiram Starks, Robert M. Starks, Hamilton C. Sexton, James C. Thompson, Wm. M. Veach, Pleasant Veach, Allen (k-62) 53rd Reg., Co. A Yarnell, John F. 54th Reg., Co. C Carter, Marcus Ramsey, Joshua 56th Reg., Co. D Hallowell, Dr. A. (d-64) Hallowell, C. B. McGee, Christopher C, 1st Lieut Axley, Terry, 1st Sergt. Peeler, Jacob C, Corp. Botts, Alfred D. (d-64) Boyd, Robert J. Bradford, Leroy Cariker, Israel Hunter, Geo. W. Kannup, Caleb (d-64) Norval, Saml. H. Penrod, Wm. Skelton, Alfred Strange, Archilus A., Corp. Richeson, John L. Smith, Wm. J. Cariker, Daniel A., Sergt. Adams, Wesley, Sergt. Corzine, Robinson C. Madden, Lockwood L. Ragsdale, Elijah L. Ragsdale, Crawford A. Rice, Thos. G. Butler, Thomas A. Gibson, Wm. A. Jennett, John C. 56th Reg., Co. H Day, Martin 56th Reg., Co. K Meredith, James B. 60th Reg. Officers George W. Evans, Colonel Samuel Hess, Lieut. Colonel Toler John W. Q. M. Sergt. 60th III. Co. C. Green, Richmond F., Hosp. Stew Browning, James W. Reynolds, Elisha E. 182 A. HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY Robertson, Stephen W. Vaughn, James H. Vaughn, David Vaughn, Wm. R. Vaughn, Henry, J. 60th Reg., Co. E Boyt, Elisha T. Copeland, James P., 2nd. Lieut. Coleman, Wm. M. Claxton, Jeremiah Craig, Leander W. (d-62) Davis, Martin Davis, James Dun, Boswell Eads, John P. Fisher, Obadiah Goddard, Ruel Fogarity, Stephen Hutson, L. D. Lawrence, Belfield Minton, William Shanks, James W. Smith, Thos. J. Musician Smith, Samuel B. (d-62) Lee, John J. Smiley, Benj. F. (d-62) Shoemaker, John D. Blake, John H. (k-64) Dunn, Roswell Dunn, W. J. (d-64) Henson, Fredrick E. Boswell, Geo. W. 60th Reg., Co. G Penrod, Rayford Evans, Thos., Corp. 60th Reg., Co. H McKee, Joseph F. Green, Richard F. Vancleve, Volney Allen, James H. Bost, John (d-62) Canady, Wm. M. Caraker, Abraham Carter, Wm. T. Dunn, Shadock Evans, Thomas Evans, Wilson Hazel, Samuel Jones, Perry Johnson, Charles (d-62) Lee, John J. Mathis, Henry, (d-62) Toombs, James W. Vandusen, James E. (d_62) Wilkey, John W. W T harton, James Workman, James M. (d-62) Worrell, William Jones, A. B. Stewart, Thos. A. Ussery, John J. Gaskell, Daniel W. McFarland, Henry C. McWilliams, David C. Wharton, Jasper Modglin, Wm. M. 60th Reg., Co. I Gore, John F. Utley, James, H. Blackshaw, Robert Clayton, Hamilton M. Coleman, Charles Deans, John (d-62) Darck, John F. Nally, Geo. E. Peterson, W. H. 60th Reg., Co. K Goddard, Wm. C, Capt. Miller, Lyman A., Capt. Benson, James M., 1st Lieut. Bridges, John S., 1st Lieut. Hardy, Henry B., 1st Lieut Collins, F. M., 2nd Lieut. Carter, John M., Sergt. Richards, John, Sergt. Cole, James M. Sergt. (k-64) Simpson, Wm., Sergt. Webb, Wm. R., Corp. A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 183 Buzard, John, Corp. Stewart, Thos. A. Whitehead, John, Corp. Boyt, Felix A. Corp. Cryder, Thos., Music Johnson, John C. Anderson, John Bridges, Joseph Bowman, William Harris, Jesse F. (d-61) Bellemy, Jesse E. Carter, Wm. T. (d-62) Carter, Asa W. Carter, Amos M. Casey, Hiram Carter, James H. Crabtree, W. N. Criedr, Alton P. Carter, Edmond D. Carr, David N. Caraker, Israel Dixon, Joseph F. Davis, W. W. Evans, Wm. (d-6.) Evans, Geo. W. Evans, Thos. Erwin, James M. Francis, Wm. F. Fairless, Richard Gore, John L. Gore, Jefferson J. Gold, Geo. W. (d-62) Gore, Duncan L. (d-62) Goddard, John L. Hogg, James, H. (d-62) Hamilton, Henry Henly, Hezekiah Hartshell, John V Huggins, W. N. Hacker, James W. Henry, Isaac Ivy, Wm. H. Joy, Wm. H. Chapman, Leonidas Jordan, Wm. D. (d-64) Jobe, Samuel (d_64) Jobe, Mathew J. Jones, Peter McMahan, Peter McMahan, Franklin (k-64) McWherter, Wm. N. (d-62) McCarver, James Moore, Granville Neely, George Pearce, Isaac N. Peterson, Wm. W. Pearce, James Perry, Gaston F. Ryle, Joseph G. Russell, Joseph Richardson, Davis J. Simmons, Samuel H # Simmons, Daniel C. Sutliff, John B. Sutliff, Abel Stewart, Richard Stone, Barton W. (d-62) Spradley, Jesse B. Taylor, Wm. H. Vaughn, James Webb, James (d-62) Webb, A. N. Woodward, James Wright, Wm. H. Wright, Charles Wiley, H. B. Walton, Ira B. Huggins, Wm. N # Anderson, Geo. W. Anderson, John Ausbourn, John M. Bridges, Joseph Bridges, Alfred Cowden, Geo. W. (d-65) Davis, William W. Huggins, Wm. H. Huggins, Ephriam (d-64) Hacker, Joseph F. (d-64) 184 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY Moran, Wm. B. Hull, Nimrod H. Goodall, Wm. H. Nickols, Frank Nickols, John W. Smith, Wm. H. Carter, James R. 65th Reg., Co. G Haywood, Geo., Corp. Co. D Consolidated Cayler, Chas. C. Freeman, Lesley A. Ingram, Pitts Moraitt, Aaron, unassigned 72nd Reg., Co. D Renne, Geo. C, Musican Broderick, James Curran, Wm # G. Hinchman, Daniel Hines, Harmon (k-63) Kane, Edwin McMurry, James W. Grant, Theodore B. Newport, David M. Williamson, Geo. S. Watson, Joseph 81st Reg., Co. H Westbrooks, Nathan Westbrooks, Richard 88th Reg., Co. D Hinchman, David Jones, Ellis 90th Reg., Co. D Renne, Horace 91st Reg., Co. D Sharp, Wallace 109th Reg., Co. D Hubbard, W. J. Farmer, Hiram Perry, Newton J., Corp. Gordon, W. C, Corp. Barnes, Samuel E. Bryant, John W. Buchanan, David Buchanan, Wm. Brown, Hezekiah Bailey, Andrew J. Crane, Benj. Cox, Luther B. Cathey, Robert Durham, John W. Durham, Wm. T. Demsey, James M. (d-63) Edmonds, Daniel L. Frazier, Wm. G. Griffin, Aron Gordon, James W. Hileman, Thomas Hileman, Christian M. Hunsaker, Samuel T # (d-63) Hubbard, Samuel Humphreys, Henry B. Hanna, Wm. S. Harwood, Elias C. Johnson, Joseph H. Modglin, James B. Malier, John Morris, Elihu Pender, John C. Perry, Crezie Rigges, Nelson Ragan, John Scoggin, R. F. Smith, James C. W. Smith, Thomas Smith, James P. Smith, Albert H. Sullivan, Geo. W. Tackett, Wm. L. (d-63) Treese, Wash. Wilmouth, Lucien Wilmouth, Joseph Willford, Jesse Rose, M. 109th Reg., Co. H. Jones, Amos Y. Klutts, Davis A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 185 109th Reg., Co. I Clark, Joseph H. Hartman, Jesse Klutts, Henry Klutts, Daniel Miller, Fountain Mason, Nathan H. Still, Wm. Still, Green B. Wilhelm, George L. Beggs, Wm. W. Culver, Franklin H. Casper, Monroe G. Jackson, John Keistler, Jacob W. Mise, John R. (d-63) Peeler, Jacob E. Peterson, John M. Strieker, John Strieker, George Wilhelm, George Wilhelm, Moses 110th Reg., Co. A Williams, Marion 110th Reg., Co. C Kennedy, James A. Lee Richard Lamaster, Geo. W. Mandrel, Geo. W. Mandrel, Nathaniel Mandrel, Wm < Madrel, Soleman Morow, Geo. W. Morow, Joseph McElroy, Wm. Moak, Geo. W. Murphy, John Molifield, Geo. W. Mathias, Archibald Norman, Jasper N. Parks, Wm. A. Payne, Daniel Peeples, James D. (d-63) Pritchett, David M. 120th Reg., Officers Field and Staff Hardy, John G., Lieut. Col. Simpson, Lewis J., Chaplain Grant, Geo. W., Sergt. Hawk, Andrew J., Sergt. (d-63) Garden, Samuel, Sergt. 120th Reg., Co. A Modglin, James, W. E. Modglin, Joseph E. Modglin, Wm. T\ 120th Reg., Co. B. Sexton, Burton, Capt. Mozley, John F., Capt. Scroggins, Samuel W., 2nd Lieut Reid, James B., 2nd Lieut. Bain, Henry W., Sergt. English, Abasalom, Sergt. Pendell, Manuel, Sergt. (d-63) Wilson, James R. Corp. Bain, Chas. A., Lieut. Scroggins, Oliver, Corp. Mullinax, Henry, Corp. Guinn, Geo. W., Corp. Hedges, Wm., Corp. (d-63) Davidson, Josiah F., Corp. Dunn, James H. Beaver, Samuel Crider, Franklin H. Crider, Daniel E. (d-62) Campbell, Wm. P. (d-63) Casper, John F. Carrington, Geo. W. Cline, John B. Downing, Cullen (d-63) Davidson, Newton M. (d-64) Roundtree. W. M. Robert, Lewis J. Reed, James H. Rentfro, Wm. M. (d-63) Starks, Reuben J. Stanton, James F. Stanton, John W. Smith, Reuben J. (d-63) 186 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY Serrells, John Sexton, Wiley Tripp, John (d-63) Throgmorton, Robert R. Vickers, Pleasant Wilson, Wm. S. Watson, Thos. Wood, John (k-64) Walker, Wm. F. Wymore, James A. Woods, John S. Young, John D. Recruits Arnold, Sidney Bracken, Robert W. Bracken, Geo. R. Black Quincy A. Cross, Allen J. Clendenen, Benj. (d-63) Davidson, Chas. T. Davis, James Denny, Wm. S. Decker, Jackson Davidson, Samuel T. English, Manuel C. Farris, James F. Fry, Benj. Francis, Michael Gallant, Michael Golden, Eugene S. Gorden, Wm. B. Goodsen, Wm. S. Green, Johnathan B. Haynie, Geo. W. Hickman, John L. Hurt, James Hume, Joel G. Helm, Marion W. Kelly, Thornton A. Karr, Morris B. Ludhem, Geo. G. McHenry, James H. Morgan, Benj. P. Rentfro, Rufus J. Robertson, Geo. O. Strode, Geo. W # Smith, Joseph Swearingen, J. W. Sedge, Wm. Throgmorton, James W. Thompson, James Trent, John B. Treadway, Daniel G. Treadway, Marion Uriston, Stephen L. Wynes, Alexander Wynes, Geo. W. (d-65) Wynes, Henry Wilson, Rufus G. Youngman, Martin L. 120th Reg., Co. C Axley, Uriah, Capt. Clark, Owen H., Capt. Dubois, Joel, 1st Lieut. West, Joshua P., 1st Lieut. Hahs, Wm.i 2nd. Lieut. Cambell, James T., Sergt. Adams, John W. Dunsworth, Harrison E., Sergt. West, Asa, Corp. (d-63) Shadrack, John, Corp. Munnell, Parson, Corp Axley, James, Corp. (d-63) Newton, Joseph N. (d_63) Mercer, Wm., Corp. Hunter, John, Corp. Bridges, John S., Corp. Hamilton, John Peterson, Owen G. Tharp, John P. Axley, Andre J. Allen, Wm. C. Adams, Jesse T. Bean, Thomas Bradshaw, Rix C. (d-64) Baldwin, Thomas Bishop, Benj. T. Beggs, Alfred (d-63) A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 187 Boast, Caleb Caraker, Wm. M. Caraker, Chas. (m-64) Carter, Wm. L. (d-63) Carter, James Carter, Thomas (d-63) Edwards, Hugh H. Ellis, Rueben I. (d-63) Ellis, Jesse L. Fain, Jesse M. Green, James C. (d-63) Gillespie, Felix H. (d-62) Hunter, Alexander (d-63) Nubert, Chas. Hogg, Thos. H. Hahas, Joseph (d-64) Huston, Wm. W. Jones, John L. Jones, Wm. J. Jones, Calvin Klutts, David (d-63) Kerr, Henry Latham, Wm. Mercer, Hezekiah W. Mercer, Francis M. Morehead, Wm. L. Martin, Wm. (d-63) Martin, Andrew J. Wartin, Wm. J. Nickens, James W. Pruett, Allen (d-63) Paine, James J. Pickler, John (k-64) Pickens, John (k-64) Stokes, Wm. Spinks, Geo. W. (d-63) Smith, Wm. H. H. Smith, James A. Spicer, Chas. Xyler, James T. Tyler, Geo. A. Tyler, Henry Turner, Geo. W. Turner, Lewis (d-63) Ussery, Wm. Weaver, Andrew J. Whitehead, A. J. Whitemore, Samuel M. (d-63) Warrick, Lazarus, W. Tubbs, Henry W. Ellis, Thos. H. 120 Reg., Co. E Bagley, Henry C. Reagen, Eli 120th Reg., Co. F. Escue, Wm. (d-63) 120th Reg., Co. G. Whiteaker, Mark, Capt. Ballance, James H., 2nd Lieut. Fairless, Wiley K. Whiteaker, John A., 2nd Lieut. Choat, Nicholas, 1st Lieut. Lambert, James E., Corp. Gill, John C, Corp. Williams, John W. Bundren, James L. (d-63) Bundren, Wm. W. (d-63) Bowles, Elijah P. (d-63) Culbertson, John T. (d-63) Colbroth, Jackson Fairless, Wiley R. Foster, Christropher Gill, Stephen (d-62) Hewit, John Lundy, Richard P. Larrison, James B. Lambard, John (d-63) McDaniel, David W # McFarland, J. (d-62) Newton, Job S. Parton, Geo. W. (d-63) Parton, Joseph B. (d-63; Parton, James C. Russell, Francis M. Upchurch, David C. Vaughn, David H. (d-63) Wise, Mathew F. Wheeler, Thos. 188 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY Powell, Wm. R. Riggs, James Rogers, James Russell, Benj. Smith, John I. Smith, John Q. Smith, Joseph Struble, Chauncy J. 120th Reg., Co. I Bridges, James J., Capt. Gillespie, James B., Capt. Gibbs, John A. M., Capt. Rose, James E., 1st Lieut. Hendry, James M., 1st Lieut. Henry, A. J., 2nd. Lieut. Utley, James M., 2nd Lieut. Hogg, Wm. A., Sergt. (d-63) Grissom, P. G., Sergt. Burris, Stephen B., Sergt. Arnett, James H., Sergt. Mathias, John, Corp., (d-63) Barnett, Gilbert, Corp. Scott, Jefferson J., Corp. Chapman, Wm. H., Corp. (d-64) Bridges, John D., Corp. Utley, Thos. J., Corp. Simpson, Lewis D., Corp. (d-63) Hunter, Wm. H., Musician Mize, Joseph G. Holt, Lycurgus C. Anderson, Green H. Barnett, John L. (d-64) Brumett, Jesse L. Brown, Peter Baucum, H. Wm. Benson, Chas. B. (d-65) Bowles, Daniel R. Bowman, John S. Boaz, Elisha P. Burgess, Henry (d-62) Caraker, Jacob (d-63) Davis, Alexander M. Darter, Nicholas (d-63) Edmonds, James H., Corp (d-63) Eubanks, Geo. W. Fisher, James J. Fairless, Henry L. Fairless, Wm. R. (d-63) Francis, Edmund L. (d-63) Francis, Benj. F. Francis, James T. Goddard, Jourdan Grissom, Wm. H. (d-63) Gordon, John W. Groves, John A. Gordon, Samuel Henry, Chas. M. (d-63) Hunter, Issac Houcher, Robert (d-64) Henner, Preston Honner, Daniel A. (k_64) Hogg, John L. Howell, Thomas Howell, Henry C. Howell, Samuel W. Hahs, Robert Hill, Joseph B. Hawk, Andrew J. C. Johnson, Thomas J. (d-63) Jobe, Alexander G. Jennett, Wm. A. Kirly, Woodson B. (d-64) Kerr, Israel Lasley, Wm. H. (d-63( Lavender, Chas. H. Martin, Joel H. McDaniel, Wm. M. MU11, Jacob (d-63) Morris, James F. Morris, John F. Mount, Jasper Newton, Doarse B. Oakley, John Oakly, Henry Priston, Wm. Pickel, Wm. H. (d-63) Rebman, Jacob Rebman, Andrew (d-63) A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 189 Shearer, James M. Slack, Norman J. Simpson, Daniel Venable, John Warren, Wm. M. Wilson, Admore (d-62) Warner, James W. (d-63) Brown, Wm. G. (d-62) Warren, Wm. M. Wilson, Admire (d-62) Warner, James N. (d-63) Brown, W. G. (d-62) Buskerk, John W. Burnier, Joseph Fagen, William A. Hogg, Thos. H. Hickory, Michael Hooker, Henry Hubbard, Chas. Larison, James B. Lemery, David L. Moore, William C. Manley, James Nichols, Reuben Pettis, Martin Pearce, Marion Pullen, George W # Page, Willard Stinegen, Fredrick Thrisher, Geo. W. Veyvett, Benj. Whitney, Wm. C. Wilson, Samuel A. Wiley, Pembroke (d-63) 120th Reg., Co. K Parks, Samuel G., Capt. Benson, John F., 1st Lieut. (d-63) Jones, Francies M., 1st Lieut. Damron, Chas. N., 2nd Lieut. Gray, Ivy R., 2nd Lieut. Carter, James H., 2nd Lieut. Thompson, James P., Sergt. McDaniel, Lewis E , Sergt. Wilson, Thos. J., Corp. Jones, Daniel Jones, John J., Corp. (d-63) Saddler, Wm. J., Corp. Sullens, Martin V., Corp. (d.65) Yandell, Joseph H., Corp. Boozer, Henry M., Corp. Hatfield, Moses, Corp. Hardy, John Kincy, Henry Y. Rodgers, Wm. Boozer, John Boozer, Hillery J. Beggs, Moses W. (d-62) Barnwell, John C. Carter, John Carter, Samuel M. Cambell, Wm. (d-62) Cambell, Eli (d-63) Cook, Christropher H. Cagle, James H. Cranfil, Chas. A. Canedy, Arnold Choat, Benj. (d-63) Dyson, Thomas (d-63) Durham, Thos. (d-64) Edmonson, Isaac G. Ford, John Grant, Geo. W. House, Peyton S. Harrell, Geo. W. (d-64) Hines, John W. Hines, Samuel Hood, John W. Harper, Lincoln Jenkins, Wm. P. C. Jones, David Jones, Leroy Kerley, Mites A. (d-62) Lasley, Geo. W. Leslie, Geo. Long, Jasper May, Bryant May, Joseph 190 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY Mitchell, John T. (d-63) McCuan, Jacob McCuan, Woodson S. Moore, John A # Odum, James A. W. (d-63) Odum, Henry O'Neal, Wm. Osborn, Wm. P. (d.62) Penrod, Wm. Pea, Wm. Rushing, Wm. M. Rushing, Ephriam B. Rushing, Wm. L. (d-63) Rodgers, John W. Rainbolt, James C. Rainbolt, Jacob M. Sutliff, Hugh Simmons, John C # Simpson, Lewis J. Sharp, James F. Showin, Joseph (d-63) Stennett, Edward Silleven, Franklin Shelton, Wm. L. Snider, Samuel P. Turner, Barney S. Turner, Wm. C. (d-63) Veach, Abijah J. (d-63) Veal, Newton J. (d-63) Wadkins, Wm. A. (d-63) Wadkins, David J. Whelis, Turner (d-63) West, Henry D. (d-64) West, James A. (d-63) Wilburn, Archer (d-62) Yandell, Nathan J # , Corp. Adir, Wm. S. Bull, Asa Burns, Edward Baker, James C. Belenford, C. M. Caraker, David S. (d-64) 127th Reg. Officers, Co. D Lindsy, Wm. J., Sergt. Maj. Barber, Robert C, Capt. (d-63) Finch, Wm., Corp. Atwood, Royal E. Barber, Samuel J. Barner, Samuel N. Denman, John M. Fellingham, Geo., Jr. Denman, John Harrison, Lyman T. Hines, Wm. F. Lindsey, Wm., Jr. Lindsy, Wm. D. (d-63) Phillips, Sheldon S. (d_63) McCuann, Hugh Siflet, Geo. T. Smith, Joseph E. H. Tildon, Lucius H. Weldon, Thomas Willis, James E. 128th Reg. Co. C Robinson, Marcus L., Sergt. Binum, Wm. Y. Baty, Benj. Camden, Marble D. Henderson, James Peterman, Benj. Peterman, George Peterman, Wm. Roberts, Samuel Rushing, Nathan J. 128th Reg., Co. E Enos, James, Musician Reese, Barnett B. Trammell, Millo Watson, James 128th Reg., Co. F Akers, Joseph Burns, Harry L. Burris, H. D. Bayles, David Birdwell, John H. Camden, Wm. M. Camden, Geo. W. McBride, Jesse A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 191 Mercle, F. T. McCaba, James Nichols, Coleman Wise, Robert H. Rushing, Malcom Rushing, Coleman 128th Reg., Co. G Adams, G. W. Adams, Hugh Jackson, A. M. Malaer, Wm. Monk, Josiah Stephens, Milton 128th Reg., Co. H Doughtery, E. M., Musician 128th Reg., Co. I Hall, Wiley M., 2nd Lieut. Sullivan, Geo. P., Sergt. Stephens, W. J., Corp. Edmonson, T. A., Corp. Fonda, G. W., Corp. Birdwell, Moses F. Burns, T. G. Cagle, B. F. Crowell, Wm. T. Jack, John A. Koonce, W. R. Kelly, Alfred McCurtney, Brison Parish, B. F. Stephens, Francis, M. Stroud, John P. Stephens, Columbus J. Sullivan, James J. Sullivan, John W. Stroud, J. C. Taylor, Issac G. Williams, John Washburn, F. M. Wilson, Joseph Wise, Curtis P. Thwde, Geo. H. 128th Reg., Co. K Carson, Carroll 136th Reg., Co. B Bramale, Robert A. Cheek, Elijah T. Eastwood, Wm. P. Gorden, W. D. Hill, Thos. Tripp, Wm. Jones, James M., 1st Sergt. 145th Reg., Co. A Daniels, Martin V., 1st Lieut. Watson, John D., Sergt. Worley, Wm. W., Sergt. Slack, Wilford, Sergt. Hendry, Benj. B., Sergt. Mathis, John B., Corp. Eadler, Wm. J., Corp. Crumb, Wm., Corp. Burris, D. L., Corp. Ridenhour, Otto L., Corp. Granthum, Uriah, Corp. Howell, Daniel M., Corp. McCarver, James H. Austin, Levi Anderson, Uriah I. Anderson, Thos. J. Austin, Wm. J. Ambern, Henry M. Bynum, Geo. Bowen, Green Bridges, Alva N. M. Burns, Joseph N. Burges, Joseph 145th Reg., Co. A Brown, Henry B. Bradley, John H. Bradshaw, James M. Clay, James Cagal, James H. Craig, Carroll C. Carter, John B. Coleman, George D. Charocter, Paul Carler, Thos. J. Daughtery, Elijah E. 192 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY Dunn, John D. Dunn, Hugh R. Eccles, David Farris, Wm. H. Fisher, Obidiah Curley, Wm. Gray, Pinckney Gray, Samuel M. Gillespie, Samuel Hoftman, John J. Howell, Joseph M. Hall, Frank H. Hester, John C. Hill, George M. Henderson, Giles V. Hill, Kage T. Jackson, Wm. H. Jeffery, Elmore D. Johnson, Green Jones, Stansbury C. E. Keith, Thos. E. Kerr, John Kendle, George H. Lovelace, George Logan, Preston McGowan, Samuel Moore, Chas. M. Malaer, Thos. Mathis, Henry V. Mathis, Geo. W. Morris, Edward W. Peterson, Wm. E. Russell, James Richard, James M. Rhodes, Anson Smith, Joseph A. Sanders, John D. Smith, Thos. W. Starks, Anderson J. Southerland, Joseph Sullivan, Marcellus Smith, Anderson J. Stewart, Smith W. Staton, Joseph Smith, Elbert L. Skaggs, Jordon O. Taylor, Joseph H. Taylor, Samuel M. Venable, John L. Venable, Franklin Veach, Pleasant G. Wymore, Milton Wise, Thomas J. Wise, Lewis Wyatte, Franklin M. Walker, George 1st Cavalry, Co. H Chapman, Henry Q. M., Serge. Albert, Wm. C. Betts, Thomas A. Brown, Sanders B. Benson, John F. Carter, James H. Claybourn, Wm. D. Claybourn, James H. Edwards, Hugh H. Granthem, Uriah Molman, Andrew Hutchins, Thos. W. Huston, James J. Hardy, Thos. C. Hardy, John G. Lisle, Robert E. Mathis, Wm. M. Mathis, James F. McLean, Alex Padgett, Geo. W. Ralls, John Sanders, Wm. Slack, Gilson Whitehead, Chas. F. Wilson, Thos. J. Axley, Terry Axley, Spencer Amasom, Eliel Covington, Garland Capot, John Casey, Ira V. A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 193 Copeland, John M. Peters, James 5th Cavalary Sexton, Henry W., unassigned 6th Cavalry, Co. A Cambell, John D. Smith, George L. 6th Cavalry, Co. B Morray, James B., Capt. Peterson, Wm. B., Capt. Fite, John C, 1st Lieut. Lawrence, Lemuel L., 2nd Lieut. Lawrence, Benj. F., 1st Sergt. Fountain, Lay, Q. M. Sergt. Wise, Hiram H., Sergt. Bratton, Isaac, Sergt. Clark, James M., Sergt. Robinson, Hugh P., Sergt (d-64) Jackson, Ivy, Corp. Wormack, John W. D., Corp. Latta, John, Corp. Simpson, Joshua, Corp. Maeders, Charles S., Corp. Reagen, Hiram, Corp. Murphy, Mathew J. Ramey, Joshua H., Corp- (d-64) Chapman, Geo. W. Shaw, Cornelius Angel, James H. Boozer, Geo. W. Bratten, Henry Bonner, Robert H. Clenden, James C. (k-64) Clendenen, Thos. J. (d-64) Choat, George W. Choat, Wm. C. (d-64) Choat, Andrew J. Colbaugh, Carrell H. (d-64) Dotson, Robert, B. (d-64) Handley, Richard A. Grant, Thos. J. Harris, Robert J. Jones, James G. J. Jones, David L. Lay, Levi A. Mounce, Wm. R. (d_64) Mabary, Wm. O'Neal, George Perry, George (d-63) Robinson, John Reagan, John Reagon, Josiah F. Soloman, Thos. J. Smith, James H. Smith, John W. Tapley, Wm. H. Warren, Starling L. Laney, Joseph, Bugler Ross, John C. Sullivan, Madison L. Snyder, James R. Colbaugh, James F. Handley, Samuel E. Ice, James W. Lawrence, Thos. M. Murphy, James F. Smith, David J. (d-64) Albert, Wm. Bixbie, Wm. R. Johnson, John A. Jackson, James K. P. Leroy, Abraham Lambert, James Lay,.F. M. Maberry, Wm. Mangham, Geo. W. (d-64) Maberry, Fredrick (d-65) McCoy, John McGowan, Francis M. Sullivan, Geo. W. Morray, Joseph B. Veach, John K. Williams, Geo. W. Wooten, Edward E. 6th Cavalry, Co. F Clifton, John W. 6th Cavalry, Co. G Glass, Andrew 194 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 6th Cavalry, Co. K Darnell, Allen Gray, A. J. Holmes, Cyrus E. 6th Cavalry, Co. M Chapman, Joseph Dorris, Thos Davis, Wm. Dorrell, James Henderson, Elijah Henderson, Gillis V. Craner, Andrew Clark, Wm. (d-65) Gold, Wm. W. Jenkins, James Mozley, James Russell, Robert P. Farrar, John H. Foster, Elijah Henson, Henry Tulaert, Samuel Veach, Abijh 9th Cavalry, Co. B Rebman, John A. Wright, Squire 9th Cavalry, Co. F Bevard, Robert Endsby, Henry Kelvery, Daniel Pulley, Reuben Warner, Judson R. 13th Cavalry, Co. F Dempsy, Arthur Henshaw Battery Glenn, James Whybron, John (d-62) 13th Cavalry, Co. M Brown, John (d-64) Anderson, James M., Corp. Anderson, Francis M. (d-64) Grissom, Elbert W. Holcomb, Stephen Perrigan, Wm. M. Anderson, James M., Corp. Anderson, Francis M. Brown, John (d-64) Grissom, Elbert W. Halcomb, Stephen Perrigam, W. M. 1st Army Corps, Co. 2 Huff, Henry Recruits for Regular Army Ehrenstine, Robert 14th Cavalry, Co. C Norris, Cains S., Sergt. Able, Seth C. Hamilton, Claud B. Sumner, Geo. A. 14th Cavalry, Co E Elkins, Eli Gather, James M. Hamilton, Thos. Hall, John Klutz, Michael Owens, James Stone, Jeremiah Smith, Barney L. Whitnell, Robert N. Wilmet, Walker (d-65) Hartman, Chas. Hester, Jacob Holland, Thos. Hooker, Henderson C. Kenneda, Patrick V. Hahs, John, 2nd Lieut. Jones, George Reed, Wm. R. Reagan, Josiah F. (d-64) Richards, Thomas (k-64) Reagan, Charlton Reed, John Short, John Thompson, Franklin Peeler, W. D. Tapp, Lewis A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 195 Watson, James Warren, Robert 14th Cavalry, Co. G Perkins, Wm, Capt. Garland, Covington, 1st Sergt. Thomas, John F., 1st Lieut. Lenox, David W., Corp. Hutchins, Thomas W., Corp. Sanders, John W., 1st Lieut. Dunn, Shadrack (d-62) Epperhamir, Henry Fairless, James A. Freer, Jos. B. Fisher, John R. Fisher, Milo Fisher, David B. Gray, Nathan M. Graden, W. C. Graden, Joseph G. Hunt, James W. (m) Hamilton, Thos. W. Jones, Allen B. Jones, David L. Jones, Wm. D. Mathis, William Parker, James (m) Scarlett, John B. Sooter, John Smith, John E. Thomas, William Turner, Thomas Travelsted, Jefferson A. Wilson, Wm. Argo, John W. Belcher, Wm. C. Crider, Wm. F. Cannon, Hezekiah Cheek, James C. Davis, James M. Harris, John W. Huffman, Geo. H. Johnson, Hiram Morgan, Daniel C. Moore, Wm. H. Mulkey, Robert F. McNew, Josiah McKee, Joel R. May, Wm. H. Martin, W. G. Robinson, Taylor Robison, Samuel Seay, John W. Sharp, Samuel S. Simpson, James H. Sanders, John W. Warden, Asa Far. Simpson, John B. Smith, Barney S. Smoot, Warren O. Sharp, James W. Smith, Lewis W. Smith, Wm. H. H. Simpson, Andrew J. Thomas, Wm. H. 14th Cavalry, Co. I Brown, Sanders 14th Cavalry, Co. K Bird, James Cox, Richard S. Blatner, Jacob F. Cox, Thos. J. Edwards, Chas. V. Grant, Edmond (d-64) Hall, Isaac Houston, Samuel J. (d-64) Houston, Pleasant (d-65) Harrel, Wm. A. (d-64) Harman, Wm. Johnson, Henry, J. Largeant, Moses B. (d-64) Monroe, Geo. W. Murphy, Patrick Moore, Stephen M. (d-64) O'Neal, W. M. Smith, John Short, Lynn B. Willis, Wm. S. Walker, Winfield S. 196 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY Whitehead, Andrew J. Zimmerman, Chas. F. 14th Cavalry, Unassigned Lane, Wm. T., rejected McCartney, Geo. R. Mattens, G. W. Pierson, James D. Ramsey, John, rejected Rose, John Thomas, Wm. H. 15th Cavalry, Co. B Cooper, James C. Hartman, Tobias McGee, C. E. Nulty, Albert Peterson, James (d-62) Beham, Joseph Jones, Moses Stanton, Griffon A. House, Wm. R. Martin, Henry, unassigned Officers Light Art., Bat. K Andrean, Franklin, Capt. Smith, Jason B., Capt. Shelton, Joseph P., 1st Lieut. Stephenson, William, 2nd Lieut. Franklin, Joseph W., Q.M. Sergt. Cummins, Samuel, Sergt. Leach, Geo. W., Corp. Whittenberg, Wm. P. Cummins, Jeremiah Helm, Robert A. Richerson, Wm. Harry Cross, Jasper, N., Bugler Marberry, Wm. L. Smith, Ambrose H. Bynum, Samuel M. Busby, James H. Bynum, Martin V. Bridges, Benj. F. Bass, James H. Cummins, Martin A. Comer, John K. Carr, Wm. G. Cox, Alfred H. Cross, Jasper Davidson, John S. Day, Geo. W. Farmer, Harrison Goddard, Casper Curley, James Johnson, James H. Lacy, John W. Morris, John C. Rentfro, Samuel C. Rentfro, Francis, M. Scott, James Smith, Jasper F. Smith, Hiram Skelton, Joseph P. White, John F. Williams, James Williams, Wm. Walker, Wesley, A. Walker, Nathan G. Williams, Abraham D. Williams, Thomas Hard, Jacob Irby, John H. Jackson, J. W. Walker, J. L. WORLD WAR WORK War having been declared by the United States, April 6, 1917, Johnson County had no part in it till June of that year, except to send some of her sons as volunteers. The following people were given authority from cen- tral headquarters of the Red Cross to form a chapter in A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 197 Johnson County. Mrs. P. T. Chapman, Chairman; Mr. E. C. Benson, Secretary; Rev. C. S. Tritt, Mrs. Mary E. Chap- man, Mr. and Mrs. Lucas Parker, Mr. W. H. Gilliam, Mrs. J. Spieldoch, Mrs. Jennie Rosenburg and Mrs. George E. Galeener. Conforming to this authority the committee met June 18, 1917. The following officers were elected : Chair- man, Rev. C. S. Tritt; Vice-Chairman, J. Spieldoch, Trea- surer, E. C. Benson, Sec, Lucas Parker. The following elected on the executive board: George E. Galeener, F. R. Wolfle, W. H. Gilliam, Mesdames P. T. Chapman, 0. R. Morgan, W. E. Beal, Vienna; Miss Gussie Mathis, Bloom- field ; Frank Leary, Foreman, P. C. McMahan, Tunnel Hill ; Edward Cummins, Reevesville; Dr. H. W. Walker, Grants- burgh; J. W. Reynolds, Simpson; J. R. Barker, Ozark; Ray Lawrence and Mrs. Arthur Williams, New Burnside; Everet McMahan and Mrs. N. J. Benson, Goreville; Dr. Chas. Nobles, and Mrs. F. S. Kuykendall, Buncombe ; H. A. Brown, Boles ; Rev. J. R. Slaton and Blain Pearce, Cypress ; Mrs. 0. P. Martin, and Joseph Crawford, Belknap. Ex- ecutive committee: C. S. Tritt, J. Spieldoch, E. C. Ben- son, F. R. Woelfle, Mrs. P. T. Chapman and Mrs. 0. R. Morgan; Campaign committee, J. A. Spieldoch, H. V. Carter, J. E. Cunningham, Mrs. P. T. Chapman; Mr. J. E. Cunningham was elected secretary and the following com- mittees were appointed August 14, 1917: Military Relief: Hon. P. T. Chapman, Dr. T. E. McCall, H. M. Jackson, Charles J. Huffman, H. A. Spann, J. E. Cunningham, and T E. Boyt; Civil Relief, T. C. Penrod, C. M. Pickens, I. H. Hook, W. H. Gilliam, F. R. Woelfle, Mesdames W. E. Beal, T. E. McCall; Auditing: E. F. Throgmorton, W. T. Jobe, Miss Lava Ridenhower; Nominating Committee: H. V. Carter, Dr. R. A. McCall, and C. M. Dorris; Committee on supplies: Mesdames P. T. Chapman, Delia Parker, T. E. McCall, Alice Beal and D. W. Whittenberg. August 14, 1917, meeting for annual election held at the court house, the following were elected as trustees of the Johnson County Red Cross Chapter: Goreville, Mrs. Henry Terry, 2 years, Miss Lilly Foster, 2 years. Elvira : Dr. C. D. Nobles, 1 year, Mrs. Eva Kuykendall, 1 year. Cypress : Mrs. Nellie Wolf, 2 years, Mrs. P. S. Smith, 3 years. Belknap : Mrs. W. N. Gibbons, 3 years, Mrs. Sadie West 2 years, Mrs. Chas. Marshall, 1 year. New Burnside: Mrs. A. Williams 1 year, Ray Lawrence, 2 years. Grantsburg: J. T. Wor- 198 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY mack, 2 years, E. S. Cummins 3 years. Bloomfield : Gee. Mathis 3 years, Thomas Travis 2 years. Simpson: Miss Laura Mount 3 years, Mrs. W. G. Taylor 1 year. Vienna: Mrs. Henry Mahl 1 year, F. R. Woelfle 1 year, Mrs. P. T. Chapman 2 years, Mrs. Alice Beal 3 years, Mrs. Lucas Parker 1 year, J. Spieldoch 2 years, J. E. Cunningham 3 years, C. M. Pickens, 3 years, E. C. Benson 2 years, Mrs. May McCall 1 year. Johnson County Red Cross meeting Oct. 26, 1917 the following officers were elected: Chairman, C. M. Pickens, Secretary, J. E. Cunningham, Treasurer, E. C. Benson. Executive Committee, Mrs. P. T. Chapman, Mrs. Delia Parker, J. Spieldoch ; Civilian Committee : W. H. Gil- lian, Lucas Parker, John 0. Cowan, F. R. Woelfle, Mrs. Alice Beal, Mrs. Emma Gibbons and Dr. C. D. Nobles. November 20, 1918, being the day appointed by the National Red Cross for annual election, the following directors were elected to serve for the year 1919. Vienna Chapter: Mesdames Delia Parker, R. R. Ridenhower, P. T. Chapman, Maggie Hill, Mattie Cantwell, H. W. Walker, Rev. C. H. Croslin, Rev. C. S. Tritt, John M. Brown, T. E. Boyt, J. E. Cunningham, Lucas Parker, C. M. Pickens, J. Spieldoch, H. M. Jackson, F. R. Woelfle. Goreville: Lily Foster, Siegle Hubbard; Belknap: Emma Gibbons, | E. Sabine West; Grantsburg: Ella Modglin, John Griffin; Bloomfield: Lewis Taylor, Delia Fitzgerald; Burnside: Nell Williams, W. T. Edmonson; Buncombe; Mable Kuykendall, Dr. C. D. Nobles. Reeseville: C. C. Whitworth, Mrs. Frank Marberry. Tunnel Hill: Mrs. Guy Beauman, Mrs. Will Fern. Cypress: Mrs. P. W. Rose, Cora Casper; Ozark: Mrs. L. M. Smith, Mrs. James Barker. West Vienna : John Racy, Sarah Horsely. November 20, 1918 the Board of Directors of Johnson County Red Cross elected the following officers : Rev. C. S. Tritt, Chairman; Mrs. Delia Parker, Vice; T. E. Boyt, Treasurer J. E. Cunningham, Secretary, Mrs. P. T. Chap- man, Mrs. Mary Walker and J. Spieldoch, Executive Com- mittee. The Johnson County Red Cross fell a little short of its quota, 2,149, the membership reaching about 2,000. Those who did work, worked with a willingness unsurpassed in any section of this broad land of ours. The Chapter, in- cluding all the branches, sent in 8,000 articles, including A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 199 1,074 pairs of socks and 526 sweaters made according to the directions sent out from headquarters. The Chapter paid for all materials used. Belknap Branch was organized July 13, 1917, with Mrs. 0. P. Martin, Chairman; Mrs. Emma Gibbons, Vice; Miss Prudence Anderson Secretary, Mrs. Bertha Martain, Treasurer, Goreville Branch August 5, 1917, with John J. Reed as Chairman, Mrs. Delia Calhoun, Vice, Louise Cal- houn, Treasurer, Lily D. Montgomery, Secretary. New Burnside Branch was organized November 22, 1917, with W. A. Williams, Chairman, J. M. Howerton, Vice, H. C. Laborn, Secretary, Ray Lawrence Treasurer. This branch had 356 members, by January 1918. Cypress Branch was organized November 22, 1918. Mrs. Ellen Jones, Chair- man, Mrs. Cora Casper, Vice, Mrs. Nannie Rose, Treasurer and Mrs. H. T. Evers, Secretary. Ozark organized May 6, 1918, E. R. Steagall, Chairman, L. M. Smith Vice. H. A. Cox, Secretary J. T. Moore, Treasurer, Reevesville, Febru- ary 11, 1918, S. E. Cummins, Chairman, Frank Marberry, Vice, C. C. Whitworth, Secretary, Henry Moore, Treasurer. Buncombe Branch organized February 17, 1918, Hattie Nobles Chairman, Ettie Mathis, Vice, L. Hoover Secretary, Eva Kuykendall, Treasurer. Grantsburg Branch was or- ganized May 1, 1918, Louis Trovillion, Chairman, John Griffin, Vice, Mrs. Modglin, Treasurer, Phylis Allard, Secretary. Grantsburg Branch, Nunmber 2, organized the same date as Reeseville, Simpson Branch was organized June 21, 1918, James A. Whiteside, Chairman, Mrs. Nellie Morris, Secretary, S. B. Morris Treasurer. Route 2 organ- ized with 23 members, Mrs. Ada Elliot, Chairman, Mrs. Cora Able, Vice, Miss Lily Chitty, Secretary, Mrs. Effie Johns, Treasurer. West Vienna organized June 20, 1918, John Racy, Chairman, Essie Horsely, Vice, 0. Newton, Sec- retary, H. A. Brown, Treasurer. May 3, 1918, the membership committees appointed for Vianna Chapter were as follows: Ward 1, Mrs. Mattie Cant- well, Ward 2, Mrs. J. B. Hankins, Ward 3, W. E. Beal, E. C. Benson resigned as Treasurer to enlist in the army, December 26, 1917, and T. E. Boyt was elected to fill the vacancy. Miss Emma Rebman was appointed County Chairman of Junior Red Cross. July 18, 1917 was Red Cross day for Vienna Chapter for soliciting members. Com- mittee Isaac Hook, Captain of team for ward 1, J. E. Cun- 200 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY ningham, Captain of team for Ward 2, L. G. Newton, Cap- tain of team for ward 3. June 9, 1918 was set apart for a patriotic day at Vienna a flag pole was set and a large flag raised. Many partici- pated in the parade with decorated automobiles, wagons and buggies ; the school children and members of the Red Cross carrying flags formed in two sections. There were also some good addresses. The Vienna Red Cross Chapter provided every soldier that left with the draft contingencies with a comfort kit, towel, soap, housewife completely furnished, till the order came from headquarters not to give out any more comfort kits but they continued to furnish the other articles. The Red Cross work rooms were first established in the Carniege Library of Vienna, but were later moved to a room on Fifth Street near the center of town. Mrs. Lucus Parker was county chairman for the Woman's Council of National Defense, Vice-Chairman, Mr. W. G. Jackson; Secretary and Treasurer, Miss Cornelia Smith. Chairman of Departments — Conservation, Mrs. W. H. Gillian; Child Welfare, Mrs. Maggie Hill; Courses of Instruction, Mrs. Ruth Chapman; Food Production, Mrs. John Brown ; Information, Mrs. W. Y. Smith ; Liberty Loan, Mrs. F. R. Wolfle; Publicity, Miss Wilma Harris; Regis- tration, Miss Arline Smith. Vienna Unit: Mrs. P. T. Chapman; Belknap Unit, Mrs. W. H. Gibbons. Chairman, Registration Committee for Womans National Defense, Goreville, Miss Lily McCor- mick ; Elvira, Mrs. Calvin Mathis ; Cache, Mrs. F. S. Smith ; Belknap, Mrs. W. H. Gibbons; Bloomfield, Mrs. George Mathis; Vienna, Mrs. C. M. Dorris; New Burnside, Mrs. J. C. B. Heaton; Simpson, Mrs. S. Morris; Grantsburg, Mrs. Joseph Gann. First Liberty Loan Campaign, County Chairman, P. T. Chapman, Vice; T. B. Kirley. Quota, $130,750, sub- scribed, $26,850. Second Liberty Loan August 10, 1917, P. T. Chapman, Chapman, Chairman; Sales committee, Ed. Boyt. F. R. Woelfle, J. Spieldoch; Publicity Committee, W. H. Gilliam, J. B. Hudgens, J. B. Suit, D. A. Burgeous, Calvin Carter, and Joseph Crawford; quota $87,500, raised $91,700. The Third Liberty Loan, campaign began April 6, 1918, P. T. A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 201 Chapman, Chairman; Hon. W. A. Spann, Chairman of the committee of one hundred, quota $94,450. The amount was subscribed by one hundred and sixty -three people. The fourth Liberty Loan, P. T. Chapman, Chairman. Quota $190,000, raised $199,400. The fifth Liberty Loan, P. T. Chapman, Chairman. Quota $135,000, raised $148,100. Second Liberty Loan, Mrs. Louise Woefle, County Chairman for the Womans Liberty Loan Organization; Chairmen for the different townships were : Goreville, Mrs. Asa Foster; Tunnel Hill, Mrs. Guy Beauman; New Burn- side, Mrs. Arthur Williams; Elvira, Mrs. C. D. Nobles; Blomfield, Mrs. J. S. Plater; Simpson, Mrs. T. B. Mount; Belknap, Mrs. Bertha Martain; Cypress, Mrs. P. W. Rose; (Cache) ; Vienna, Mrs. Maggie Hill; Grantsburg, Mrs. De- laski Walker. F. R. Woelfle, County Director of Boys Working Re- serve, also Chairman of Committee for the sale of war sav- ing stamps, sold about $210,000. Johnson County Y. M. C. A. drive was organized No- vember 7, 1917. Lucas Parker was elected Chairman, W. H. Gilliam, Secretary. Members of the Executive Board were F. R. Woelfle, J. Spieldoch, Dr. R A. McCall, Charles A. Huffman, E. F. Throgmorton, of Vienna; Goreville, John Grisham, Chas. Calhoun, Thomas Bradley; Elvira, S. F. Elkins, Calvin Mathis, W. B. McGinnis ; Cache, John Brad- ley, J. C. Carter, Dr. P. W. Rose ; Belknap ; Mrs. O. P. Mar- tin, W. H. Gibbons, O. M. Fraim; Tunnel Hill, Mrs. Guy Beauman, Mrs. D. M. Cover, John M. McCuan; Bloomfield, J. S. Plater, T. C. Taylor, Geo. W. Mathis; Vienna, J. M. Brown, W. N. McCorcle, Lee Bridges; Burnside, Fred Heaton, H. C. Laybourn, John Howerton ; Simpson, James Whiteside, Fred Veach, Delbert Kerley ; Ozark, Harvey Cox. John W. Rushing, George Murphy ; Grantsburg, Chas. Mod- glin, Ezra Trovillion, John L. Grifin; Ganntown, George Cummins, W. A. Robins, John L. Marberry. The amount allotted to Johnson County for Y. M. C. A. was $2,000 and was oversubscribed $1,000. Johnson County quota for the United War Workers Campaign was $7,500. Lucas Parker was county Chair- man, Chas. J. Huffman, Secretary. The committees for the different townships were as follows: Goreville, W. H. Martin, J. J. Lily, J. L. Thornton, W. P. Gore, Henry 202 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY Terry, A. D. Stanley, J. M. Francis, James Gibson; Bun- combe, Chas. Trulove, Chas. Hunsaker, W. A. Elkins, E. L. Raglsdale, A. J. Kuykendall, Corda Elkins, Charles Nobles, and William Rich; Cache, Cypress, Olin Peeler, Frank Penrod, Henry Lowery, F. M. Capron, Arthur Deans, Dr. P. W. Rose, W. Y. Davis, and W. Y. Bradley, W. J Worrell; Belknap W. L. Wiliams, J. A. Anderson, 0. M. Frain, John Herrod, Chas. Marshall, J. C. Casper, S. D. Peeler, W. H. Larrison; Tunnel Hill, Guy Beauman, G. R. Casey, E. W. Sutton, W. J. Fern, Nimrod Webb, A. G. Ben- son, G. H. McMahan, James Mohler, Isiah Lowery, F. P. Carson; Bloomfield, J. C. Taylor, Geo. W. Mathis, D. P. Fleming, W. L. Nipper, Peter Fitzgerald, J. N. Benson, Walter Stewart, John L. Whiteside; New Burnside; J. C. B. Heaton, U. S. Lawrence, W. A. Hobbs, Norman Casper, Arthur Williams, James Horn, Geo. W. Lauderdale, H. D. LaRue, J. B. Henken; Ozark, Geo. P. Harper, L. M. Smith, Frank Stone, R. F. Taylor, L. G. Simmons, Otto Stout, Roy Chester, Harvey Cox; Simpson, Dr. T. B. Kerley, T. B. Mount, H. W. Emerson, W. F. Veach, Fred S. Veach, Chas, Murrie, J. F. Gillespie, John McCuan, James A. Whiteside, W. J. Murrie; Grantsburg, Frank Simmons, A. T. Hazel, Ezra Trovillion, Ray Allard, Ed. Guimm, Chas, Modglin, James Stout, Rollie Nelson; Gantown, John Lindsey, Dr. Joe, Gann, J. D. Wormack, Ira, Farquhar, G. W. Cummins, C. C. Whitworth, John L. Mar- berry, J. L. Herd, F. M. Fisher; Vienna, D. W. Mathis, J. W. Shinn, John M. Brown, Dick Morgan, A. M. Hester. Federal Fuel Administrator for the county was J. Spielcoch, assistants, Thomas A. Bradley, and Dr. H. W. Walker; Federal Food Administrator for the county, P. T. Chapman; Deputies, Vienna, W. N. McCorcle, Grantsburg No. 2, C. C. Whitworth. Grantsburg No. 1, Ray Allard; Belknap, Joseph Crawford ; Cypress, Ray Carter ; Bun- combe, Chas. Hunsaker; Goreville, W. H. Martin; Tunnel Hill, E. W. Sutton; New Burnisde, T. S. Ballance; Ozark, R. F. Taylor; Blomfield, Geo. Mathis; Simpson, W. J. Murrie. It is only just, to at least mention the willingness with which the citizens of our town as well as those of the coun- ty, entered into the world war work. It is safe to say no other community excelled this one in work and contribu- tions taking into consideration our number and financial A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 203 resources. During the epidemic of the Spanish Influenza (winter of 1918-19) the situation became so desperate we were obliged to improvise a hospital in the Carnegie Library under the supervision of Reverend C. S. Tritt, Pastor of the M. E. Church and Chairman of the Red Cross. Nine patients were cared for here and only one was lost. This scourge took some of our best young business men as well as many older people. Among those who rendered invalu- able service during this time of stress were Miss Beulah Walker of this county and Miss Lola Stevers, of Grand Chain, 111. The citizens neglected nothing which would help in caring for those afflicted with this dread disease. WORLD WAR INCIDENTS Twelve men enlisted from Belknap before the registra- tion in the county occurred. They were Rider Harris, Rod- ney: N. Tate, Ralph D. Peeler, W. H. Payne, Harry, Griffith, William West, James C. Anderson, Newman Rus- sell, Jesse McCorcle, C. J. Russell, Walter Martin, Guy Casper. Total registration in county for service in the World War at the first registration, May 5, 1917, was 1,001. By June, 1918, 121 more had reached the draft age. September 1918, the number of men registering between the ages of 18 and 45 years were 1,270, total registration 2,392. As some had entered the service before the registration this does not include all the men eligible from this county. The Registering Board of the county appointed by the Gover- nor was H. A. Spann, John L. Veach, and Dr. H. W. Walker. The clerk for this board was E. F. Throgmorton. The registrars for the county appointed by the Sheriff were Regent A. D. Stanley; Goreville, Ebert Thulen; Cache, Dr. F. S. Smith Belknap, W. H. Gibbons; Tunnel Hill, S. H. Taylor and William Fern; Blomfield, T. C. Taylor Vienna No. 1 H. V. Carter, Frank Huddleson ; Vienna No. 2. G. H. Bridges Lucas Parker; Burnside, J. M. Howerton; Ray Lawrence ; Ozark, J. R. Barker, Oscar Anderson ; Simp- son J. A. Whiteside; Grantsburg No. 1 J. T. Wormack; Grantsburg, No. 2, J. D. Wormack. Advisory Board for registrants 0. R. Morgan, C. J. Huffman, J. O. Cowan. The Government sent special trains throughout the country in the interest of the Liberty Loan Campaigns. 204 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY One was sent to Vienna, April 19, 1918. It contained dis- abled aeroplanes, guns and various other implements of war captured from the Germans. Some returned soldiers made talks and it was altogether a very interesting incident for our little inland city. Hundreds of people came to see it from the surrounding country. Mr. and Mrs. J. Spieldoch presented a service flag to the Royal Arch Masonic Lodge No. 150, March 1918, on which were four stars in honor of Herman Frizzell, Ward and Ralph Chapman, Eugene C. Benson, members of the Chapter. Congressman T. S. Williams presented Mrs. Mary E. Chapman with a service flag on which were thirteen stars, in honor of her thirteen grandsons, soldiers of the World War, seven of whom served in France. Mr. and Mrs. Harris living east of town had three sons Clyde, Melvin, and Herman in World War service. Mrs. Woods, colored, of Vienna, also had three sons, Richard, Marvin and Lum. Pickens, who did their bit in the World War. The news reached Vienna shortly after four oclock A. M. November 11, that the armistice between the Entente and Germany had been signed. The bells began to ring, whistles to blow, and fire arms to boom ! boom ! ! In fact, they made a noise with any and everything that came handy. Among the first ones to start out to spread the news were George and John Gray. They soon picked up Prof. Jobe in their car and instead of Sheridan's ride it was the Grays and Jobe heralding the welcome news that war had ceased. Soon the streets were filled with people of the town and surounding country, all eager to satisfy themselves, that the news was true. Some expressed joy in one way, and some in another, but there could be no doubt that every soul was glad and every heart beat high with joy. Uncle Mark Hankins appeared on the scene with his flag and old army shotgun which had been captured from the Rebels in the '60s. He started out, others soon fell in and a parade was formed around the square. A figure of the Kaiser had been prepared and was drawn up on the flag pole. When the procession reached this point, at command, they shot the Kaiser full of holes, when he fell they used their swords on him and he was then placed in the hearse and carted off. The celebration was kept up most of the day. In the afternoon there were addresses made by Judge Lewis of Harrisburg and J. F. Craig of this county. C. J. A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 205 Huffman also spoke in the interest of the United War Workers Campaign. Questionaires were sent to Mrs. Geo. Mathis of Bloom- field, Mrs. Bertha Martin of Belknap, J. B. Hudgens, of Goreville, H. C. Layborn of Burnside, Miss Laura Mount of Simpson, Mrs. P. W. Rose, of Cypress, after her death to Mrs. Geo. Mo'ak, Mrs. Campbell Allard, Grantsburg, Mrs. Nora Gilliam, Tunnel Hill, Miss Lava Ridenhower, Vienna, Calvin Mathis, Buncombe asking them to get the soldiers of each township to fill out the papers so that there could be a complete record of every man that went from Johnson County into the World War. They were not able to secure all the data requested, consequently, only the names are given which have been collected as carefully as possible. If any name has been omitted it is because no information could be obtained. The following is a copy of the question- aire: Name; Place and date of birth; Name of parents: Rank; Assignment; Place of training; Date and time over seas if any ; Wounded or killed, and what battle ; Decoration if any ; For what service ; Picture if possible. The following is a list of soldiers who were killed or died during the war : James E. Cummins, son of J. C. and Alice Cummins, was born near Bloomfield, 111., March 25, 1885. He enlisted in the United States Army, June 25, 1918. He was first sent to Ft. Logan, Colorado, transferred from there to Camp Joseph E. Johnson, Fla. He belonged to the 28th Company, 2nd Officers Training Regiment, died October 11, 1918. Was buried at Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, this county, October 17, 1918. Lieutenant Herschel C. Tritt, son of Claud S. and Mary Tritt, was born at Newton, 111., March 23, 1896. He en- listed in the United States Army, January 11, 1917. Sailed for overseas duty August, 1917. He received his training at Ft. Totten, New York and Saumeur, France. He took part in the battles of Chateau Thierry, and the Second Battle of the Marne. He was killed in action at Cherry Chattrereuv, France, August 19, 1918. He was 2nd Lieut, of Battery B. 306 Field Artillery. Sandy Kelly, son of I. N. and Elizabeth Kelly, enlisted July 29, trained at Camp Taylor. Died in camp, October, 1918. 206 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY Lieut. Lindorf R. Kerley, was the son of Dr. T. B. and Mary E. Kerley. He was born at Simpson, 111., January 27, 1889. He served as 1st Lieut, in 119 Field Artillery with the A. E. F. Was killed in a railroad accident near Orleans, France, December 5, 1918. He was buried in Fraternal Cemetery, Vienna, 111., January 21, 1921. Harvey, Gold, son of C. B. and Mary Gold, was born near Goreville. He belonged to Co. C. 314 Field Signal Battalion. Was wounded at Haumont, France, the day the armistice was signed, November 11, 1918. Died five days later. Ray E. Nipper, son of M. V. and Effie Nipper, was born at Regent, Johnson County, 111., March 2, 1892. En- listed in the U. S. Army, April, 1917. Went overseas April, 1918. Died of pneumonia, at Toul, France, Novem- ber 26, 1918. He belonged to Head Quarters Company, 77th Division. Chester S. Jobe, son of John and Armina Jobe, was born at Tunnel Hill, 111., September 3, 1895. Enlisted Feb- ruary 22, 1918. Was sent to Camp Taylor, Ky., where he remained about two weeks, when he was sent overseas. He was wounded in action September 29, and died October 30, 1918. He was buried in St Sever Cemetery, near Rouen, France. His body was sent home and buried at Reynolds- burg, 1921. He was a private in 119th Infantry A. E. F. George R. Murphy, was born near Glendale, February 23, 1894. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Cassia Murphy. He enlisted in U. S. Army, May, 1917, going to Jefferson Barracks, Mo. He was transferred from there to El Paso, Texas, then to New York City, from which he sailed, June 17, 1917, with Pershing's Troops, possibly the first Johnson County son to go overseas. He was a Corporal in Head- quarters Company, 15th Infantry, 4th Div. A. E. F. He was wounded in action October 11, 1918. After two months in a French hospital, he was transferred to a New York hospital where he died, February, 1919. The body was brought to Simpson, for interment. Harry Sullins, son of Lincoln and Elizabeth (Brooks) Sullins, was born at Ozark, 111., April 3, 1894. Enlisted May 25, 1918. He was a private in Co. G 58 Infantry, 4th Div. He trained at Camp Gordon, Ga. Went overseas July A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 20 r 18, 1918. Participated in the battles of St. Mihiel, and Argon Forest. Was wounded in action October, 1918. Died October 28, 1918. His body was sent home. Curtis Grissom, son of W. M. and Nettie (Farris) Gris- som, was born in this county, January 30, 1895. He trained at Mare Island and Quantico, Va. He was a private in the fifth Marines, 2nd Div. Was killed October 4, 1918 at Mount Blanc, Ridge. WORLD WAR CONDITIONS The experiences of the World War have been sad ones for the people of the United States. It took the flower of our manhood, physically speaking, and if they were not killed they were injured mentally, morally or physically. The declaration of this war came very unexpectedly, almost as much so as a peal of thunder out of a clear sky. Many soldiers went into this war half -heartily and they could not be blamed. It was a trying ordeal to take a man from a peaceful pleasant home, a lucrative position or business and send him across the sea to fight with and for people he did not know. True it was for a principle which was right and circumstances came about which justified it. Many in this county as elsewhere, volunteered, but this was decidely a draft war. In most cases those who had positions when they entered the service, found them waiting for them on their return, but there seemed to be a restlessness and dis- content among them that has barely passed away in five years. One thing is certain, those who served on the other side are not free to talk of their experiences. The prevaling idea, was, that war would cease in Europe after the treaty of Versailles. There is still turmoil, strife and hatred. At a glance; it looks as though, those who filled graves in France, and those who will finish lives maimed and dis- abled, have suffered and died in vain. There may come a better day from all this sacrifice, but it has certainly not dawned as yet. 208 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 'GLEN FERN" NEAR TUNNEL HILL SHADY DELL, REBMAN PARK, FERN CLYFFE SELECTIVE DRAFT PART V. 1st Contingent, Aug. 5, 1917 McCorcle, Chaiie R., Vienna Harvick, Charles E., Vienna Kerley, Claudie X., Simpson Kerley, Carnie V., Simpson Gore, Everett L. Buncombe 2nd Contingent, Sept. 20, 1917 Short, Ralph, Belknap Chamness, Lawrence, Goreville Rhodes, Robert, Vienna Brown, Melvin, Cypress Shelton, Alger Lee, Grantsburg Penrod, Wm. Hosea, Buncombe Terry, Moses M., Goreville Harris, Clyde, Vienna Martin, Fred J., Vienna Black, Aron C, Goreville Stout, Wm. Earnest, Tunnel Hill Graham, Fred D., Belknap McGowan, John R., Tunnel Hill Kellar, James Carrol, Buncombe Kerley, Pleas, Simpson Veach, Norman E., Vienna Yandell, Wm., Tunnel Hill Simpson, Arthur G., Tunnel Hill Cavitt, Wm. Aug., Tunnel Hill Burklow, Guy C, Goreville Musgrave, Ervil C, Buncombe Taylor, Roy, Vienna Trout, James E., Reevesville Frizzell, Roy L., Burnside McMichiel, Ben, New Burnside Hogg, Guy W., Vienna Mathis, Alvin, Bloomfield Parish, Will Lee, Goreville Porter, Autie, Foreman Morris, Rosco, Vienna Marberry, Frank Reeseville Nestlerodt, Morris, Cypress Pritchet, Henry, Goreville Moses, Henry, Cypress Parker, Abram, Vienna Nesslerodt, Harris, Cypress Davis, Ira S., Belknap 3rd Contingent, Oct., 1917 Throgmorton, Josiah N., New Burnside Hunter, Doc A., Vienna Sullivan, Edgar, Goreville Robertson, Thomas J., Bun- combe Cavitt, Clyde, Buncombe Shawmeeker, Wm. W., Vienna Miller, James A., Belknap Riley, John R., Belknap Porter, George E., Belknap Lokey, Wm. A., Belknap Sandifer, Henry, Belknap Hunt, Chester R., Vienna Short, Edward B., Cypress Hart, George B., Tunnel Hill Grimes, Cecil C, Tunnel Hill Parish, Edgar, Goreville Kelley, Walter Lewis, Tunnel Hill Johns, Ray, Tunnel Hill Sanders, J. Frank, Vienna 4th Contingent, Feb. 23, 1918 For Camp Zachary Taylor Belcher, Wm. Roscoe, Reeves- ville Deputy, Clarence, Vienna Gore, Everett, Lee, Buncombe Reeves, George Washington, Reevesville Walker, Cove, Vienna Fairless, Andrew Jackson, Bloomfield Rikard, Wm. Wesley, Buncombe McCuan, Ado, Vienna 210 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY Taylor, Ottis Franklin, Bloom- field Crayton, Chesley Mile, Grants- burg Plater, Clem, Vienna Hicks, Oscar, Belknap Nobles, Clarence Redden, Bun- combe McDaniel, George Allen, Tunnel Hill Prater, George Franklin, Bun- combe Plater, Wm. G., Vienna Comer, Lawrence, Grantsburg Stewart, Ebb Damron, Bun- combe Mahan, William, Tunnel Hill Stites, Andrew Jackson, New Burnside. Phillips, John, Bloomfield Garrett, Lewis F., Simpson Cross, Ira, New Burnside Sharp, Chesley, Vienna Comer, Earl, Grantsburg Webb, Perceful Lee, Tunnel Hill May, Flodie E., Simpson Jobe, Chester, Tunnel Hill 5th Contingent, April 29, 1918 5 Men to Camp Grant, Rockford Kirkland, Lacy, Cypress Pickens, Marvin, Vienna Pickens, Lum, Vienna Pickens, Richard, Vienna Johnson, Marion, Grantsburg 6th Group, April, 1918 To Camp Dix, N. J. Casey, Gomer L., Tunnel Hill Kelly, Ned Austin, Cypress McCoy, James Robinson, Parker Murphey, Jessie, Simpson Tyler, Henry Edward, New Burnside Threet, Ivy C, Vienna R. F. D. Dively, Paul Franklin, Tunnel Hill English, Eber Willis, Vienna Gray, Looney Max, Vienna Russell, Charles, Parker Shelton, Ray, Grantsburg Jobe, James Lewis, Bloomfield Steagall, Roy Osceola, Ozark Modglin, Loyd Wm., Grantsburg Modglin, Joseph Egleston, Grantsburg Huss, Henry, Belknap Grinnell, B. R., Buncombe Vineyard, Vollie O., Grantsburg Phelps, Jessie Otis, Grantsburg Rosenberg, David, Vienna Johnston, F. Robert, Jr., Vienna Underhill, Charley, Cypress Holmes, Herman E., Buncombe 7th Group, May 10, 1918 Fort Thomas, Ky. Jennings, James A., Simpson Mann, James Calvin, New Burn- side Corbit, Wm. T., Bloomfield 8th Group, May 24, 1918 Sent to Jefferson Barracks, Mo. West, Raymond Cole, Simpson Ford, John Richard, Tunnel Hill Carter, Arthur, Vienna Kemp, Grover Cleveland, Grantsburg Johnson, Charley, Grantsburg Cavitt, Wm. Jackson, Tunnel Hill Oneal, Charles Paul, Ozark Needham, Millard O., Grants- burg Gray, John Oliver, Vienna Worley, Earl Oliver, Cypress Whiteside, Ulis R., New Bum- side Gurley, Calvin Andrew, Gore ville A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 211 Wing, Charles E., New Burnside Emmerson, Clelis, Simpson Wise, Claud A., New Burnside Stevens, Franklin J., Goreville Black, Samuel E., Goreville Porter, S. F., Foreman Jobe, Marion Orlan, Tunnel Hill Burnham, John, Belknap Knupp, Ralph Eli, Cypress Askew, James A., Tunnel Hill Richardson, Guy Loren, Simpson 9th Group, May 25, 1918 To Camp Gordon, Ga. Musgrave, Clifford Raymond, Buncombe Kilgore, Samuel Emmet, New Burnside Sullens, Harry, Ozark Porter, George Washington, Bloomfield Darnell, John Wm., Ozark Smith, James Thomas, Vienna Escue, Elbert Edmond, Bun- combe Stewart, Charles, Tunnel Hill Pritchet, Jake, Goreville Walker, Hiram Hubert, Gore- ville Dunn, Joseph Calvin, Cypress Wymore, Lannes, Vienna McCabe, Arthur Francis, New Burnside Hall, Lora C, Goreville Mathis, John Franklin, Cypress Phillips, Harvey, Bloomfield Grace, Fred, Goreville Sharp, Benj. N., Vienna Reynolds, Robert, Simpson Burnett, Fred Gould, Vienna Crowder, Hallie Floyd, Bun- combe Trigg, Bert R., Simpson Ford, Raymond Calvin, Vienna Comer, Bertis Nathaniel, Grantsburg Smith, Clay, Creal Springs Cavitt, Ladd, Ozark Hood, Chas. Wm., Vienna Whiteside, Herman Asa, Simp- son Choat, Earl O., Simpson Tucker, Raymond Andrew, Cy- press Huffman, Francis M., Vienna Sullins, Cecil C, Ozark Rushing, James C, Goreville Hess, Elmer Homer, Vienna Williams, Chas. Marlow, Grants- burg Martin, Sidney Corlis, Cypress Clayton, Wm. Loss, Bloomfield Trigg, Lon, Ozark Morris, Charles, New Burnside Burns, Chloa E., Goreville Hunsaker, J. Paul, Vienna Estes, Oscar, Reevesville Gray, Mid, Vienna Morgan, Harry O., Vienna 10th Group, May 28, 1918 To Fort Thomas, Ky. Hood, Coy E., New Burnside Simmons, Arlie, Tunnel Hill Malaer, Murray E., Goreville ' Lokey, Ollie E., Belknap White, Durwood Randall, New Burnside Craig, Wm. H., Goreville Cavitt, Robert Ray, Tunnel Hill Cooper, Lewis Wesley, Reevs- ville George, Alphonso O., Cypress Trigg, Ned, Simpson Boner, Ralph, Tunnel Hill Looney, Joseph Whitehead, Vienna Harris, Samuel H., Belknap 212 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY Murphey, Earl, Ozark Choat, Geo. Groves, Tunnel Hill McGowan, Ralph, Tunnel Hill Kerley, Marshall R., Simpson Moak, Claud Ernest, Cypress Jack, Earnest, Goreville Sharp, James Albert, Simpson Ferrell, Ervin Wesley, Reeves- ville 11th Group, June 14, 1918 Kansas City, Mo. Hard, Emmet, Reevesville Taylor, Joseph Edward, Gan- town Simmons, Wiley, Vienna Burris, Albert, Vienna Buford, Joseph Clyde, Cypress Ragsdale, Olaff, Grantsburg Shelton, Ira, Grantsburg Heaton, Wm. Herman, New Burnside Graves, Barney, Goreville Hancock, Ernest M., Goreville Robertson, Loyd B., Buncombe McCall, Oliver Kenneth, Bun- combe Parks, Ward, Tunnel Hill 12th Group, June 14, 1918 To Bradley Tech., Peoria, III. Burnett, Lewis Earl, Vienna Downing, Earl Ernest, Bloom- field Taylor, Elbert, Bloomfield 13th Contingent, June 14, 1918 To Valparaiso, Ind. Veach, Clifford, Vienna Cavitt, George W., Buncombe 14th Contingent, June 27, 1918 For Camp Taylor Taylor, Henry, Bloomfield Wright, James D., Tunnel Hill May, Lowell, Ozark Gouge, Ray, Simpson Pea, Malrey W., Reevesville Emmerson, Lester Dow, Vienna Scott, James Roy, Simpson Ford, Willie, Vienna Johnson, Noah, Tunnel Hill Crockett, Glenn, Reevesville Rikard, Harrison, Buncombe Whiteside, Coy Valentine, Bloomfield Jones, David, Jr., Vienna Gurley, Floyd Allen, Cypress Hooker, Homer, Vienna Cook, Lester, New Burnside Verhines, Wm. Otto, Vienna Nelson, Horrace Greely, Grants- burg McHugh, Joe, Tunnel Hill Wallace, Moody C, Vienna Bundren, Jefferson B., Ozark Harris, Herman, Vienna Vaugn, Chas. H., Vienna Murphy, Arthur, Ozark Oneal, Thomas Oscar, Goreville Simpson, John, Ozark Vaughn, Claud, Tunnel Hill Caraker, Curtis, Boles Hudgin, S. Elmer, Cypress Sharp, Ned, Simpson Fort, Roy, Simpson Willyard, Fred, Buncombe Corzine, William H., Cypress Simmons, Guy, Tunnel Hill Robinson, Adolphus, Simpson Rendleman, John, Goreville Chapman, J. C, Vienna Holloway, Ira Burgess, Grants- burg Cox, Ben Harrison, Tunnel Hill Beach, Ivy, Vienna Stout, Gail, Buncombe Mills, Logan W., Vienna Cole, Herman, Goreville Perry, Ira, Goreville A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 213 Richerson, Curtis H., Simpson Harner, Chas. Elmer, Bloomfield Jones, Leo. Everett, Buncombe Thomas, Wm. Franklin, Bun- combe Kincanon, John Preston, Bloomfield Dively, James Blain, Tunnel Hill Harris, James Bradley, Vienna Mathis, Jesse Edward, Grants- burg Haden, Joseph Robert, Bloom- field Walker, Oscar Lavango, Gore- ville Colbroth, Alvin, Tunnel Hill Lawrence, Samuel Ray, Ozark Taylor, Omer H., Bloomfield Hunter, Virgil, Vienna 15th Contingent, July 30, 1918 To Syracuse, N. Y. Shawmeker, Everett, Vienna Hunter, Doc A., Vienna Reeves, Geo. W., Reevesville Brancecum, Chas. A., Bloom- field Graig, Wm., Goreville 16th Contingent, Aug. 1, 1918 To Camp Taylor, Ky. Phelps, Chas. Newton, Grants- burg Beach, Edwin O., Vienna Harris, Eugene B., Vienna Boner, Oscar, Tunnel Hill Harner, Frank Audie, Bloom- field Blades, Chancy E., Simpson Fair, General, Cypress Kelly, Sandy H., Goreville Barnwell, Alvin, Ozark 17th Contingent, Aug. 3, 1918 Camp Dodge, Iowa Jackson, Curtis, Vienna Latham, Ed., Vienna Williams, Lige, Cypress Graves, Luther Milton, Cypress 18th Contingent, Aug. 31, 1918 Allen, Barney, Belknap Hogg, Ray, Vienna To Camp Grant, Limited Service 19th Contingent, Sept. 3, 1918 Chicago Tech. Thornton, Everett C, Goreville Royster, John J., Tunnel Hill Lentz, Ray E., Cypress Chicago Tech. 20th Contingent, Sept. 6, 1918 For Camp Custer, Mich. Smith, John W r m., Tunnel Hill Lawrence, Thomas, New Burn- side Short, Harry O., Belknap Choate, Claude Harper, Tunnel Hill Phelps, Roy Olive, Grantsburg Carter, Homer, Cypress Webb, Wm. Barton, Tunnel Hill Kennedy, Frank M., Simpson Colbroth, Walter Monroe, Tun- nel Hill Hester, Marion Tulles, Vienna Stout, Frank, Buncombe Sharp, Walter, Simpson Trigg, Spencer, Simpson Murrie, Walter W., Simpson Walker, Sam Ward, Goreville Pearce, Albert Jacob, Buncombe Cox, Harvey Louie, Goreville Edwards, Herman Elmer, Bel- knap Underwood, Guy Morris, New Burnside Thomason, J. F., New Burnside 214 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY Howard, Stephen Allen, Gore- ville Rentfro, Chas. Wesley, Grants- burg Whiteside, Chas. Alonzo, Bloom- field Brooks, Ivor, Tunnel Hill Corzine, Cletis, Belknap Martin, John Clinton, Cypress Trigg, Joseph, Simpson Gurley, Jesse, Buncombe Comer, Charles, Grantsburg Lowe, Auty, Belknap Grisham, Fred, Goreville Burnham, Paul A., Belknap Haneline, Norman Ivy, Vienna Blakely, Arthur Elmer, Bun- combe 21st Contingent Six men Chicago U Mathis, Ward, Vienna Turley, Marion, Vienna Dunn, Herschel, Bloomfield Sanders, Raymond, Vienna Axley, Billie, Vienna Jones, Tanner, Hobart VOLUNTEERS OF WORLD WAR Abenathy, Maple, Belknap Albright, Uriel, Vienna Allen, Orville, Belknap Ausbrooks, Noel, Vienna Bean, Thomas, Belknap Benson, Eugene C, Vienna Benson, Daniel, Vienna Brown, Harry, Belknap Caldwell, Harry, New Burnside Carleton, Buel, Vienna Carter, W. N., Vienna Cochran, Harry, Vienna Coleman, Ray, Goreville Chapman, Joe L., Vienna Chapman, D. W., Vienna Chapman, Ralph, Vienne Chapman, Oliver, Vienna Chapman, P. T., Jr., Vienna Cunningham, Chas. E., Vienna Clymore, Maurice, Vienna Casey, Vernie, Tunnel Hill Davis, Raymond, Buncombe Davies, Lloyd, Vienna Daniels, Elijah, Vienna Elkins, I. N., Vienna Edmons, Paul, Vienna Estes, Oscar, Reevesville Evers, Louie, Belknap Ferrell, Edgar, Parker Fleming, Clyde, Vienna Francis, James I., Goreville Frizzell, Herman, Vienna Ford, Loyd, Vienna Gibson, Ray, Goreville Glassford, George, Vienna Gray, Loyd, Vienna Grissom, Curtis, Vienna Griffith, Simpson, Vienna Hard, Henry, Reevesville Hard, James, Reevesville Hurst, Basil P., Reevesville Hight, Frank P., Vienna Hammond, John, Belknap Hudgens, Claud, Goreville Howell, William, Vienna Hartline, Jesse, Cypress Harvick, Elvin, Vienna Hester, Fred, Vienna Hundley, Robert, Vienna Hudleson, Frank, Vienna Hobbs, Orville, Parker Hess, Urban, Vienna A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 215 House, Earl C, Belknap Harris, Melvin, Vienna Hess, Samuel, Vienna Hilburn, Earl, Vienna Holt, Wiley, Cypress Hart, Morris, Vienna Hood, Ray C, Goreville Judson, C. O. Belknap Kerley, Olin, Simpson Marshall, William, Belknap Looney, Harold, Vienna Mahl, Chas. A., Vienna Mason, Leo., Belknap Maze, Herschel, Goreville Marberry, Dr. Jason, Reeves- ville Mount, Wayne, Cypress McCall, Dr. T. E., Vienna McCorcle, Don, Vienna Mulkey, Ernest, Cypress McCormack, Earl N., Goreville Morgan, Lester, Vienna Marberry, Ward, Reevesville Martin, Walter, Belknap Morford, David, Belknap Nobles, Harry, Buncombe Nobles, Orin, Buncombe Peterson, Thomas, Goreville Parks, Carl H., Vienna Parks, Herbert, Vienna Parker, Donald, Vienna Payne, William, Belknap Phillips, Auty, Goreville Phillips, Arthur, Vienna Plater, Wade, Vienna Rosenbarger, Hal, Vienna Rushing, Lantha, Ozark Ragsdale, Olif, Grantsburg Rhodes, Herbert, Vienna Richardson, Floyd, Belknap Roberts, Hollis, New Burnside Robertson, Dr. Wayne D., Bun combe Ridenhower, Aron, Buncombe Rose, Claud, Buncombe Rose, Waldo, New Burnside Shaffer, Artie, Belknap Simpson, Arthur, Tunnel Hill Smith, Henry, Vienna Smith, Homer, Vienna Smith, Benjamin, Vienna Spieldoch, Sidney, Vienna Stanley, Mark, Goreville Stanley, Elmer C, New Burn- side Stites, Enoch, New Burnside Stewart, Otto, Buncombe Tate, Rodney, Belknap Thacker, Americus, Vienna Threet, Ivy C, Simpson Tapley, Rollo, Belknap Thompson, Dr. Wm, Belknap Thacker, Chas., Vienna Tritt, Herschel, Vienna Turley, Jacob, Vienna Underwood, H. H., Goreville Watson, Ray, Vienna Waters, Clarence L., Bloomfleld Whiteaker, Dr. Hall, Vienna Whiteside, J. G., Bloomfield Whittenberg, D. W., Vienna Whitehead, Frank A., Tunnel Hill Webb, Clifford, Tunnel Hill Webb, Cecil, Tunnel Hill Wiggins, Rollo, Goreville Wise, Claud, New Burnside S. A. T. C. Mathis, Ernest Mathis, Frank Nally, Ernest 216 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY ELECTION DISTRICTS The July court of 1827, laid off the county into what was called election districts. The boundaries were to be about the same as the militia company boundaries were at that time. The first district was the same as Captain An- drew Morton's Co. Captain Barnabus Smith's with a sec- tion of Morton's formed the second district. Captain Wm. Simpson's Company made the third district and the fourth was that part of Captain Harvick's Company, lying north of the ponds and including Vienna, and that part of his company lying south of said ponds formed the fifth district. In 1826, that part of the county lying between the ponds and the Ohio River had been made a separate precinct, known as Massac, and the election was ordered held at William Parker's for that year. At this time the section of Morton's Company lying west of Big Bay was added to Barnabus Smith's Company to form the second district. In 1827 the place for the election for the fifth district was to be held at Moses Cochran's on the Ohio River. The other elections were held at the places appointed for the militia muster. POLITICAL SITUATION BEFORE THE CIVIL WAR Sympathy in this county before the Civil War was very much in favor of the Southern cause. Most of the residents were Democrats, the others Whigs, as the Repub- lican Party had just been born. The following is an account of the first Republican Convention held in Johnson County : FIRST REPUBLICAN CONVENTION The proceedings of the first Republican Convention held in Johnson County was published first in the Johnson County Inquirer, April 6, 1860 and was republished in "The Johnson County Journal, 1883, as follows : The Republicans of Johnson County, assembled in convention March 31 1860, at the court house in Vienna, for the purpose of ap- pointing delegates to the state convention, with a respect- able and enthusiastic attendance. The house being called to order, motion was made that T. D. Scott act as chairman, A. Mather as secretary. Motion was then made that the chairman appoint a committee to draft resolution express- ing the sense of the convention. Messrs H. M. Riden- hower, Sr., W. T. Whitemore and G. A. Stanton were ap- A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 217 pointed said committee. Motion was then made that G. W. Terrell address the convention; which he did setting forth the principles of the party in their true light in an able and eloquent manner, occupying about one and one half hours. The resolutions were then brought in by the committee for adoption which were as follows : "the Republicans of John- son County, in convention assembled, who are opposed to the policy of the present administration, to the extention of slavery into territory now free, to the agitation of the slave question in favor of equal rights and of Union of these states and of restoring the Republic to the principles of Washington, Jefferson, Madison and Clay, do Resolve that we affirm our adherence to the Philadelphia platform as em- bodying the true principles of the Republican party. Re- solved that we have no sympathy whatever with Abolition- ists, that the Harper's Ferry raid was an exhibition of the most reckless madness; and that the prepetrators received their richly merited reward, and that the disunion senti- ment so frequently avowed of late in Congress is the basest of treason. Resolved, that believing with Jefferson that the negro and white races equally free cannot live in the same government, we cordially and heartily support all efforts at colonization of free negroes and that with a host of able Republicans, we hold it to be the duty of Congress to purchase new or contiguous territory and to remove all free blacks thereto : Resolved that we cordially indorse the course of the Hon. G. Grow and other eminent Republicans vigorously urging upon Congress the necessity of granting every actual settler 160 acres of the public domain : Re- solved, that the course of Lyman Trumbull, our senator meets our approval/' The aforesaid resolutions were adopted by the convention. Motion was then made to ap- point delegates to the state convention. H. M. Ridenhower, J. W. Terrel and A. W. McGee were appointed. J. W. Ter- rell made a motion that in case there was but one present at the State convention, that he be permitted to cast the vote for all, which was adopted. W. T. Whitemore moved a vote of thanks be tendered Mr. Terrell for entertaining the convention which motion was adopted : after which the motion was made to adjourn. A. A. Mather Secretary. " The following is an extract from an account given in the same paper and dated from "Hell's Neck," an appella- tion given a section of the county directly west of Vienna 218 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY and supposed to be a rough neighborhood. The writer says, referring to the convention : "On last Saturday there was an immense gathering of the "wool' (Oh, dear, what a mis- take I have made) woolly heads is what I intended. Early in the morning the roads and streets leading to the court house were dotted with the numbers that wanted to say and hear said all things that pertain to the advancement of the niggers and the killing of S. A. Douglas. About one o'clock Mr. Kirkham was requested to inform the public that the convention was going to convene, which he did after this style ; Oh, yes, all you that want to hear a black Republican speech and a few lies told on the Democratic party, come up. After a little delay, until the wool settled, the meeting was called to order by Mr. Ridenhower of the woolly headed central committee. He then refers to the appointment of permanent officers and committees and discusses Terrell's speech as follows : "Mr. Terrell went on at some length to illuminate the house with one of his odiferous batches of black wool, which has been soaking in grease for about two years according to his admission. He told the good brethern that he had been insulted before his back and behind his face by being called a "damned" Black Republican and abolitionist," but that he was glad, yes exceedingly glad that the time had come that he was not ashamed nor afraid to tell to all the world and his nine black Republican brethern that he was down on Douglas like a darkey on a roasted possum. He went on to say that Washington, Jeff- erson and Monroe were all advocates of the same doctrine that the black Republicans are at the present day and that Douglas instead of being a friend to his country was only assisting with all his mind and power to dissolve the union or at least that was the substance of his remarks. After demolishing Douglas he gave us a touch of the "Homestead Bill' and wanted Congress to give all the black Republicans of the north a home in the west, forgetting the injustice that it would be doing the hardy pioneer who had subdued these wilds and paid his money for a homestead, but he wants Congress to send a lot of negro worshippers among them to contaminate their good morals with negro equality. Does not any man with half an eye see the drift of the Homestead Bill as gotten up by the northern negro wor- shippers?" The writer of the article then rails against the Homestead bill and goes on to say" Mr. Terrell charges all A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 219 the blood shed in Kansas to Douglas and all the things that have happened in the last ten years to the Democrats and on whose head grows the longest wool. He then sat down amid shouts of applause that could be heard in the remotest corners of the court house. The committee then rose up from behind a bench and presented some kind of a "revela- tion" which was adopted. There was something in it about one living Bumble Bull or Tumble Bull, I don't know which, but they indorsed his course at Washington. They found no good in Abraham's bosom, so they let him slide. The convention then proceeded to select delegates to the great wool gathering at Decatur. He said that the ones selected had more wool on them than any of the nine brethern pres- ent, Signed D. S. N. From this article one would get the idea that there were but nine Republicans at this first convention. John C. Freemont was the first presidential candidate on the Republican platform of 1856, which was avowedly against the spreading of slavery. It is said there were only two men in Johnson County who voted for Freemont in 1856, Merida Spencer and H. M. Ridenhower, Sr. It was considered a dreadful disgrace in those days, almost a crime to be a Republican. They were called Black Aboli- tionists, Negro Lovers and other Names. A black sheep skin was nailed on the door of John Bain's Store after the election to show how his neighbors regarded a man that would in any way be against the extension of slavery and apparently for the black race. It was almost natural for the people of this county to favor slavery, and sympathize with the South. When one remembers most of the old settlers came from the Southern states and had been raised with slavery. By 1860, the lines began to be very taut. There were more Republicans by then and official returns of the presidential election given in the Chicago Tribune of November 14, 1860 show Johnson County, Illinois gave Abraham Lincoln forty votes, and Stephen A. Douglas one thousand five hundred and sixty-three. The following names have been given as the men who cast their vote for Lincoln : John Bain, Griffith Stanton, Charles Reed, Zack Calhoun, George Calhoun, Stith M. Warren, H. M. Riden- howe, Sr., William Wood, Randolph Casey, L. L. Madden, W. T. Whitemore, Sr., John Whitemore, William Whitemore, Jr., Mills, a son-in-law to Whitemore, H. B. Wiley, Thomas 220 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY D. Scott, Rev. 0. H. Clark, A. A. Mather, Rev. Levi Walker, A. J. Henry, Henry Lawrence, a Mr. Hays, William Finley, Thornton Mozley, Ira N. Harrell, James Shelton, Walter Scott, John E. Smith, a Mr. Coleman, Judge Brills, Mark Bain, Robert and William Lewis, J. W. Terrell, A. W. Mc- Gee, Robert Lewis, Jr., Nelson Martin, H. G. Harpending, William Jones. Sparks in his Illinois historcial collections gives an ex- tract from the "Chicago Press and Tribune," September 17, 1858, referring to the Lincoln and Doublas debate at Jones- boro, September, 1858, says "Until ten o'clock on Wednes- day the only evidence of the third great debate in old Jones- boro was a procession calling itself "The Johnson County Delegation," consisting of two yoke of steers and a banner inscribed Stephen A. Douglas, turned upside down." Sev- eral circumstances have been given by old people of tho county, which will show the trent of opinion of the people of that time. H. M. Ridenhower, Sr., and D. C. Chapman voted at the same place, Goreville. As Chapman was going to the polls he met Ridenhower coming from there, and ask him if he had voted. Ridenhower said no, "They would not let me." Chapman asked him if he wanted to vote and he said he did. Chapman told him to return and he would see that he was allowed to vote. He told the parties they did not dare to prohibit a man from voting on account of his political opinion. Ridenhower voted for Lincoln. This story was given by Captain Mark Whiteaker, now ninety- two years old. Another story told by Captain Gillespie was, that Rev. Levi Walker, who was the M. E. Minister in charge of the Vienna circuit at that time voted for Lincoln and his church members refused to pay him for that reason. He was obliged to do manual labor to support his family during the remainder of his pastorate. Mrs. Eliza Dwyer now in her ninety-fourth year in speaking of these days says that Grif- fith Stanton cast his vote for Lincoln in Vienna and the people ran him out of town. He went in such a hurry that he left his hat. Mrs. Jane Pearce, widow of Garner Pearce, who lived near Buncombe at the time of the Civil War, says that H. G. Harpending a neighbor of hers voted for Lincoln in 1860. She also says there were a great many men who were in sympathy with Lincoln and his platform, but did not have A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 221 courage to vote their convictions, since the plan of voting in those days was quite different from the present. Each voter anounced to the judges of the election for whom he was voting, all bystanders" within hearing knew just how every man voted. She further relates, the following: "John N. Mozley who lived at old Elvira brought the news from Vienna to Mrs. Pearce's neighborhood, that Ft. Sump- ter had been fired upon. Mozley left Vienna early in the morning and reached their place about eleven o'clock. " These must have been strenuous times and this news must have fallen like a pall over this broad land of ours. How much more quickly the World War news was circulated and now 1924, it would be known as quickly as the sound could travel from Washington. The news of Ex-President Wil- son's death was known here about five minutes after his death occurred. The Knights of the Golden Circle were very plentiful in our county. They were a secret organization sympathiz- ing with the south and sometimes owing to the character of the men belonging, did shameful and in many cases crim- inal acts, to the families of the Union soldiers. Captain Whiteaker speaking of the Knights of the Golden Circle said there were only five men in his neighborhood in 1861 and 1862 that did not belongs to this society. These were Oliver Newbold, John Slack, Anderson Howerton, Ira Wise. and himself. They threatened^ hang him, but went no further than to call at his house late at night asking for to- bacco and pretending to be hunting a calf. He finally told them to leave and if they ever came to his home again some of them would stay all night, interspersing his remarks with a good many unmentionable terms. Later he was raising a company for the Union Army and accidently ran into a meeting of the K. G. C, at the school house. He went in, took the floor, made a speech and secured several volunteers from the crowd. There was a secret organization in the county to offset K. G. Cs. known as the Union League. William Whitemore was the founder and leader in this county. He lived where Cypress is now located and meet- ings were held at his home. Captain Whiteaker was a member. It is said Governor Yates sent for Mr. White- more and asked him to organize lodges of the Union League in this and other states, which he did. W. C. Allen relates the following story of the origin of 222 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY Lincoln Green Post Office in the West Eden neighborhood. C. N. Gray came to the West Eden neighborhood, from Ken- tucky. He had some wealth and owned a lumber mill be- tween what is now Belknap and Cypress. He kept the post office and it was called Gray's Mill. During the war, he showed such decided favor to the South and its cause, that he became unpopular. Now that so many had sons and neighbors in the Union Army, sentiment had radically changed. To show their contempt for Gray the citizens had the name of the post office changed to Lincoln Green and moved to the home of David Deans, Sr. Mrs. O. P. Martin of Belknap, remembers a story that was told of war days in that neighborhood of a Dr. Clark who had come to that community from the south with his southern sentiments. He was so bold as to paint a copper- head snake on his door or was so outspoken in his belief and loyalty to the South that some one else painted it. At any rate the picture did not long remain as the house was burn- ed within a few days by unknown parties. A person living in this section who sympathized with and aided the south ern cause was called a Copperhead. Most people know the nature of a copperhead snake and can easily discern the opinion of those applying the name. Aunt Eliza Dwyer also gave as well as she could re- member an incident at a meeting in Vienna about 1861. Hon. A. J. Kuykendall, who was serving in the state Senate from this district as a Democrat, saw whither our nation was drifting and wished to define his policies. He was to speak at this meeting; great crowds had gathered as these were exciting times. There was a large flag which had been made by the women of the town, Mrs. Moody, the editor's wife, Mrs. Dwyer and others. This flag was sus- pended from a rope which extended from Chapman's brick to the court house across the north side of the square. A man by the name of James Cooper ran his horse up the square and shot a hole in the flag. What would happen to a man that would do such a thing in Vienna at the present time. After Kuykendall had made his speech, Cooper was convinced of the right and was the first one to enlist in the Union army the following morning. But sentiment was still against Mr. Kuykendall in many sections and not all won over in his own town and county. There were no rail- roads here at that time and people had to drive to Dongola A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 223 to get the Illinois Central. Mr. Kuykendall was to return to his duties at Springfield. The news was circulated that they were going to mob him on the road to Dongola; his wife hastily dressed and went with him, thinking there would be no violence in the presence of a woman. Captain J. B. Gillespie was a witness to the following incident. During the time Major Kuykendall was serving in the Sen- ate, on one of his trips home, he came down all ready to return to his work at Springfield. He was met at the corner of west main and fifth street by a crowd of the representa- tive citizens of the town. They asked him what he was going to do when he went back to Springfield he replied, "I am going to vote money and men to put down this damned rebellion." Mr. Gillespie said, "I turned away for I thought they were going to disembowel him and I did not want to see it. ,, The following incident was given by Mrs. Mary Snow, daughter of H. M. Ridenhower, Sr. In the fall of 1860, she said masked men came to her father's house, called him out and were going to hang him because he was outspoken for the Union cause, an abolitionist, a teetotler and had voted for Lincoln; (sufficient cause for hanging in those days.) Mrs. Snow was told when she was older the reason they did not hang her father was, that he was a Mason. In a speech before the Historical Society of Illinois in 1911 Bluford Wilson said "There were 3,538 drafted men from Illinois in the Civil War, but not one from Southern Illinois, which means there were 1,426 volunteers from this county (this number was quoted from Lusk.) Many were anxious to get into the fray and went to other states and en- listed. In 1862 the soldiers who had enlisted in the 120th regiment were camped for some time in the old fair grounds awaiting orders. When the orders came and the day of leaving was fixed it was said to be a most pathetic scene. The people came from this and neighboring counties to say goodbye and see them leave. Many of the people seeing their husbands, sons and fathers for the last time. A lady, now seventy years old, says she remembers the day, how early the people came in and how depressing it was to her, then a child. POLITICAL SITUATION AFTER THE CIVIL WAR After the surrender of Lee, the men who had left their homes from this country and gone out at their country's 224 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY call, returned and took up the duties of life where they had laid them down. Of course, many of them were depleted in health which they never regained. Many young men who had entered the war at an early age had never been out of the county before, and while they had encountered hard- ships, they had been over a great deal of territory and had met and mingled with eastern and southern men and ideas. It stirred an ambition in them that they had not had before. One soldier who had enlisted at the age of fifteen had been offered the Corporalcy of his company. He said he did not have sufficient education to keep the records required. He resolved then if he ever reached home alive he would have an education. He made good his resolution and was a teacher of this county for several years and an editor many more. While soldier life was rough and men of every kind of character marched and bunked together, there is something that brings out the best in some, and, of course, the worst in others. But they form a friendship that lasts through life and an army comrade is always a comrade, whether good or bad. Many men suffer hardships in prison and services and incurred diseases they were years overcoming; some never entirely recovered. Many families had lost father, son, husband, brother or sweetheart, some had been killed, others suffered and died in rebel prisons, and the feeling was very bitter to- wards Secessionists or any one who sympathized with them. Most of the returned soldiers were Republicans regardless of what their party affiliations had been before, and while a democrat was not necessarily a rebel prejudice and bitter feeling ran high. A Copperhead was a Northern man who sympathized with and aided the south during the war, and this name was applied to many in this county, and it cannot be denied in some cases justly. Elections were places of contention, and sometimes almost miniature war occured at the polls espicially if there had been enough liquor distributed. Men were not willing to have a man of opposite politi- cal belief on a jury where they were interested in the case; some would not even trade in a store if kept by one belong- ing to the other party. During the war there had been many refugees who had come into this county and adjoining ones of this section of the state, who were really rebels. A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 225 One old citizen said every available place in his part of the county was filled with Southerners, who had come here to escape service in the Southern Army or the ravages of war. Every available house was filled, and people lived in barns and rail pens. There were many loyal democrats in the county, many who served in the war, but for years it was difficult for some of the boys who wore the blue to distinguish between a loyal democrat and a man who had rebelled against his government, since they voted the same ticket. This condition prevaled for many years but time and education have finally eradicated this feeling in the North, and most of us are willing to admit that the war is over. The period of financial readjustment was much as it has been since the World War. Necessities were higher than now in many cases. This being a country district crime did not reach the height it did in some communities. The negro problem annoyed us very little, owing to our hav- ing very few negro citizens among us. Many soldiers were disabled from exposure and wounds and unable to accomp- lish much in a financial way after the war, but the govern- ment soon began to look after them and their families who had been left without support. Pensions were allowed them and increased from time to time until with economy a man and wife could live on his pension. In 1898 there were three Civil War veterans, William Coleman, Burnside ; Wm. Hitchcock, Vienna and Mr. McBride, Belknap, who drew $72.00 per month pension. This was considered a liberal amount at that time, but most every man who served in the Civil War, receives $72.00 per month now and the widow of a Civil War soldier receives thirty dollars per month pension from the government. A war fund was voted in this county for the relief of soldiers and sailors families, in 1862. The amount for each township, judging from the receipts given the sheriff, was $330.00. It was distributed during the years 1862-63-64. It was levied by the county court. LEGISLATIVE AND JUDICIAL The first territorial legislature was held in Kaskaskia at the home of Thomas Cox, 1809. Johnson, being a part of Randolph County had no local representative but after 226 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY September 14th, 1812, when we had taken on the dignity of a name and an organization, we were allowed one repre- sentative, there being five counties in the Territory, at that time, St. Clair, Randolph, Madison, Gallatin, and Johnson. There were five senators, Thomas Furguson was elected to the senate, and John Grammer to the assembly from this county, on October 9th, 10th and 12th, 1812. The next Territorial Legislature met at Kaskaskia, November 25, 1812. The representatives serving in the state Legislature from this county from this date are given in the following list: 2nd and 3rd Legislature 1814-1815 Thomas Ferguson, Senate, Owen Evans, House; 4th Legislature, 1816, John Grammer, Senate, Joseph Palmer, House; 5th Legislature, 1817-18, John Grammer, Senate, Joseph Palmer, House; 1st State Legislature, 1818-20 Thomas Roberts, Senate, Isaac D. Wilcox House; 2nd Legislature, 1820-22 Milton Ladd, Senate, William McFatridge, House; 3rd Legislature, 1822-24, Milton Ladd, Senate, William McFatridge, House ; 4th Legislature, 1824-26. John Ewing Senate, John Bridges, House ; 5th Legislature, 1826-28, Johnson, Union, Alexander Counties, John Ewing, Senate, from Johnson; 6th Legisla- ture, 1828-30 no representative from Johnson; 7th Legisla- ture, 1830-32 John Grammer Senate, Joseph L. Priestly, House ; 8th Legislature 1832-34, John Grammer, Senate, B. S. Enloe, House; 9th Legislature 1834-36 John Oliver House; 10th Legislature, 1836-38 B. S. Enloe, House; 11th Legislature, 1838-40 Dr. W. J. Gibbs, Senate, James Cope- land, House; 12th Legislature 1840-42 Senate Dr. W. J. Gibbs, John Oliver, House; 13th Legislature 1842-44 A. J. Kuykendall, House; 14th Legislature 1844-46, A. J. Kuy- kendall, House; 15th Legislature 1846-48 Enoch Enloe, House; 16th Legislature 1848-50 W. Y. Davis, Senate, D. Y. Bridges, Jr., House; 17th Legislature 1850-52 A. J. Kuy- kendall Senate; 18th Legislature 1852-54 A. J. Kuykendall, Senate, D. Y. Bridges, Jr. House, 19th Legislature 1854-56 A. J. Kuykendall, Senate; 20th Legislature 1856-58 A. J. Kuykendall Senate, Thomas Jones, House; 21st Legislature 1858-60 A. J. Kuykendall, Senate, J. D. Pulley, House; 22nd Legislature 1860-62 A. J. Kuykendall, Senate, J. D. Pulley, House; 23th Legislature 1862-64 no representative; 24th Legislature 1864-66 W. A. Looney, House; 25th Legislature 1866-68 no representative; 26th Legislature, 1868-70 no representative; 27th Legislature 1870-72 J. B. Morray, House; 28th Legislature 1872-74 J. L. Wymore, F. M. Mc- A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 227 Gee House; 29th Legislature, 1874-76 Samuel Glassford, Senate; 30th Legislature 1876-78 Samuel Glassford, Senate; 31st Legislature 1878-80 J. A. Carter, House, A. J. Kuy- kendall, Senate; 32nd Legislature 1880-82 W. A. Spann, House, A. J. Kuykendall, Senate; 33rd Legislature, 1882-84 no representative; 34th Legislature W. C. Allen, House; 35th Legislature 1884-86 A. K. Vickers, House ; 36th Legis- lature 1886-88 I. A. J. Parker, House; 37th through 41st Legislatures, 1888-1900, no representative in the House and P. T. Chapman, Senate; 42nd Legislature 1900-02 L. H. Frizzell, House, P. T. Chapman, Senate; 43rd and 44th Legislatures 1902-06, no representatives; 45th Legislature 1906-08 G. W. English, House; 46th Legislature 1908-10 G. W. English, House; 47th Legislature 1910-12 G. W. Eng- lish, and John Mathis, House; 48th through 51st Legisla- tures 1912-20 no representatives; 52nd Legislature 1920-22 John Mathis, House. In 1818 when the state was organized there were free white males of age, 118, other white inhabitants 538, free colored and slaves, 24, total 678. The superintendent of the census added 89 giving us a total population 768, which was rather a small population for a county of so large an area at that time. When the constitution was adopted John- son and Franklin made one Senatorial district and each was allowed a representative. In 1826 Johnson with Union and Alexander as a Sentorial district was represented by Dr. B. W. Brooks, who was a resident of Union and the following is an extract from a speech made by him Febru- ary, 17, 1827, giving an account of his stewardship as a representative, and this has reference to Johnson County. He says, "I have thought it my duty to use every exertion in my power to curtail the expense of the government; pro- tect the treasury from those speculations that hitherto de- voured it, and adopted a rigid system of economy." He then speaks of some reforms he had advocated which would save the state $2,700 a year, but his efforts failed and the assembly continued to vote appropriations for building bridges and making roads in certain sections of the state. He voted against all these measures as the state treasury was empty, "Finally thinking it unjust that our part of the state should be taxed to make improvements for the other parts, without any equivalent, I introduced a bill making an appropriation of $200 for opening a state road from Frankfort in Franklin County through Vienna, in Johnson, 228 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY to Wilcox warehouse, on the Ohio River, and for building a permanent bridge across the pond (slough)" Dr. Brooks had also tried to get another representative for these coun- ties as the three only had one representative, but it was opposed on the grounds that it could not be done till the next apportionment which would be in 1830. The population of Johnson County in 1820, the first census taken after this became a state, was; whites 843, slaves 14; 1830 whites 1,585, slaves 11; 1840, 3,626; 1850, 4,115; 1860, 9,324; 1870, 11,186; 1880, 13,079; 1890, 15,013 1900, 15,667; 1910, 14,331; 1920, 12,000. Our population more than doubled between 1850 and 1860 and increased un- til 1900. It has been decreasing slightly in the last twenty years. In 1850 there were 718 families in the county, 301 farms, 9,658 acres of improved land and 524 pupils in pub- lic schools. In 1838 Johnson and Pope formed a Senatorial District. In 1840 Johnson was joined to Pope and Hardin. In 1848 under the new constitution Alexander, Union, Pulaski, John- son, Massac, Pope, Hardin and Gallatin formed the first Senatorial District. This apportionment was changed when Alexander in 1854, was admitted to the 25th Sena- toria District. In 1861 Pope, Hardin, Gallatin, Saline, Alexander, Pulaski, Massac, Union and Johnson formed a Senatorial District. In 1871 about the same combination formed the 51st Senatorial District. In 1893 Pulaski, Massac, Johnson, Pope and Saline made the 51st Senatorial District. In 1900 Hamilton, Saline, Pope, Johnson and Massac were made the 51st Senatorial District. Johnson County has had but two Congressmen in all her years of existence, A. J, Kuykendall, who was elected in 1864 and P. T. Chapman, elected 1904. There was only one Congressional District in Illinois for fourteen years after it was admitted into the Union. In 1831 the state was divided into three Congressional Districts and Johnson County with fifteen other counties formed the 1st Congres- sional District. In 1843 Johnson County was placed in second Congressional District with thirteen others. It was changed to the 9th Congressional District with eighteen other counties in 1852. In 1860 we were in the thirteenth congressional district with fifteen other counties, and changed to different districts from time to time until 1900, when Johnson with Clay, Wayne, Edwards, White, Hamil- A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 229 ton, Saline, Gallatin, Hardin, Pope and Massac were formed into the twenty-fourth Congressional District, which is the present division. OLD PAPERS After looking over the many old papers such as estates, receipts and notes, thinking they would be of interest to their descendants we have decided to use the following ; the names will show who the first settlers were. This is done at the risk of being tedious, but they are so interesting one cannot forego the opportunity to reproduce some of them. The oldest paper found is a receipt among the papers of William Lawrence which follows: "March 12, 1800, settled all accounts with James Worthington up to this day, due to said Worthington by settlement, eight dollars three shillings and ten pence. As witness my hand — John Musbond." An- other article found among his papers that does not seem to be connected with his estate but evidently his property, was a small book made of writing paper, and inscribed on the first page, "William Lawrence, his hand and pen, March 27, 1803. " On the outside pages were quotations of a hymn and one of the psalms. The first pages of the book were devoted to retail liquor accounts. Judging from this, license issued and tax receipts, William Lawrence, was a distiller of this county. Then followed this account of his family. "A true account of the age of my family, William Lawrence, Senior was born December 27, 1770, Esther Worthington was born November 19, 1772 and were married November 12, 1793. Children: Elizabeth, born October 18, 1794; Phoebe, born October 19, 1796, Benjamin born September 19, 1798, William, Jr., January 2, 1801, John born March 4, 1803, Nancy born January 3, 1805, Calvin born May 9, 1807 Lucindy born March 1, 1809, Matilda born June 14, 1811, Polly born July 9, 1813." William Lawrence, Sr. adminis- tered on the estate of Samuel Worthington, and it is more than probable his wife Ester was the daughter of Samuel. One of the largest and earliest estates recorded is that of Nathaniel Green. Green's old ferry located on the Miss- issippi River was the terminus of an old road that ran across the southern end of the state. It is very probable that this ferry was established by him or some of his family, which resided in the western part of Johnson County which is now Union. 230 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY The executors of the estate of Nathaniel Green were Thomas and Parish, brothers of the deceased and appointed by him, as his will (recorded elsewhere) directs. The per- sonal property sale amounted to $1,573.95. Some articles offered for sale that are now out of the ordinary, were two piggins, 50c each, these were small wooden vessels made with staves and hoops, one stave was left longer than the other for a handle, and they were usually made of cedar of various sizes, used for the same purpose we use pans and crocks today; one flax wheel, which indicates that flax was raised in southern Illinois at that period, $2.30; one Bible bought $2.12 1 /2 ; one pot, lid and hooks, $3.75, pot hooks are not now in use, but in those days when people cooked on the open fire they were very essential. These hooks were long pieces of iron, joined together at one end so that they would work freely. They had hooks on the other ends to lift lids, ovens and pots with out bales and handles. This sale shows one negro man named Richard, one negro woman Anna and child named Reuben, sold to Thomas Cox, for $770.00; to John Earthman, one negro boy named Charlie, $220.00. The account of Robert Tweedy for the year 1812 shows sixty pounds of beef for a dollar and a half; the account of John Earthman for the same year, 81 pounds of cotton $2.00. How wonderfully small these prices seem com- pared with those of 1917 : beef, 45c per pound and cotton, 48c per pound; an item also in John Earthman's account was two ferryings of himself and horse (referring to Nath- anial Green) $1.25 each. Daniel T. Coleman made an affi- davit before Joseph Palmer, J. P., that Nathanial Green "did sign to school to Daniel T. Coleman, on an article of the same date to commence on the first Monday in January, 1812, and assigned the 25th day of November, 1811. This was receipted by Daniel T. Coleman, 1814. The adminis- trators furnished six gallons of whiskey for the sale at $1.50 gallon. George, James and Robert Tweedy were the appraisers of this estate and the sale was held on March 6, 1812. Thomas Abernathy and Benjamin N. Conner were the clerks. A later appraisment was made by Jacob Hun- saker, Robert Tweedy, and B. F. Conner. This property was all live stock which no doubt had been gathered later, as all stock ran at large and made their living on the range. The bond of Thomas and Parish Green was replaced at $2,000. John Bradshaw and Owen Evans were the bonds- men. A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 231 The estate of Bazil Borin was administered on by Hoseah Borin. James Hogan and Thomas Mcintosh were his security for a $2,000 bond, delivered James Finney, June 7th, 1813. The appraisers were John Bradly, Abra- ham Price. Total appraisment was $1,101.19. A feather bed is listed at $30.00, one side of leather, $1.00, the im- provement, $40.00, Jerry, a negro boy at $300.00, Clarice, a girl, $200.00, Mariah a girl, $150.00, Fannie, a girl, $100. In the account rendered against the estate as administrator is the following: "For entering four young negroes as per receipt, $8.00, going to Tennessee to bring back three negroes belonging to the estate, $38.00, for a trip to Ten- nessee to examine witnesses agreeable to notice from John Bradshaw in the suit brought by me against him for Isabel a negro girl, $30.00." The amount of whiskey was only two dollars. Russel E. Heacock, was the attorney. William Dorris presents an account of $125.00 dated April 14, 1802, a note of a little earlier date was made to Nimrod McTosh for $7.50, dated March 1802, signed Bazil Borin, Test. H. Johnson. The Borin family lived in the southern part of the county, now Pulaski. The Prices are also of that locality and descendants of both families still reside in that section. The estate of Joseph Eubanks was adjusted in 1814, Sally Eubanks and William Styles administered and Isaac D. Wilcox and David Frame were their bondsmen. The articles offered at this sale were about the same as at other sales of that date. A receipt was signed by David Shearer, January 3, 1812. There is an acknowledgement which shows this busi- ness was done in Massac Township, now county, Illinois Territory, Johnson County, "I certify that James D. Wilcox and William Cherry, being chosen to examine the estate of Joseph Eubanks deceased, was duly sworn to settle the estate according to the best of their skill and judgment, given under my hand and seal, 27th day of May, 1814, John Prichard, J. P." The amount of Sally Eubanks taxes on two horses for the years 1813-14, was $1.00 the receipt was signed by G. Marshall, D. S. The same, no doubt who took the oath against dueling. Among other papers is the fol- lowing order, "Miss Eubanks, please to let Mr. Cochran have my bed and furniture, you will oblige, yours Irvin Morris, March 24, 1814." The following promissory note 232 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY has no visible connection with Sally Eubanks' business but was found among her papers, "On or before the 20th day of October next I promise to pay Moses Oliver or order $17.08 for value received, Kaskaskia, 20th of August, 1805, William Wilson." A certificate of purchase, adds other evidence to the fact that this county bought and sold slaves. "I do certify that the negro girl named Anna was purchased by Isaac D. Wilcox at the sale of the property of Joseph Eubanks, deceased. She was bid off to him as highest bidder at $160.00, and said Wilcox has paid for her and is lawfully entitled to said negro and no other person. Given under my hand, one of the administrators, this 9th day of October, 1815, William Styles." William Lawrence settled the estate of Samuel Worth- ington, 1814. Joseph Palmer and Gilbert were his securi- ties. A letter in connection with this estate cites the method of business and the rate of interest of that time, and reads as follows, "To William Lawrence, Cache Settlement Illinois Territory, by Charles Bradly, Cape Girardeau, March 9, 1815, not until a few days since had I learned of the death of Samuel Worthington, and I understand that you are the administrator of his estate. I have a judgment against his estate in favor of Robert Hall, surviving partner of Waters and Hall, for $53.86, with interest from 17th of August, 1806 which is $27.47, Principal and interests makes $80.32. This amount I authorize Charles Bradly to receive from you as the administrator. I have also a judgment rendered against Samuel Worthington in the Mullenberg circuit court of Kentucky, for $50 with interest from the 24th of March, 1807, which is $24.00, which makes $74.00. The cost of said judgment is $25.28. The amount of said judgment 1 give you notice as administrator. Yours with respect, James Evans." Judging from the accounts of William Law- rence Sr., and Samuel Worthington they were formally residents of Kentucky. The settlement of the estate of William Morris was a year later, and was in charge of Jane Morris, no doubt his widow. Irving Morris and Isaac Worley were her bonds- men. Judging from the names the location of his estate must have been at or near Elvira, our first county capital. George Smiley was one of the appraisers and Marvin Fuller was the J. P. Nancy Worthen took charge of her husband's estate whose name was James, May 3, 1815. Josiah Davis A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 233 and Nathaniel Arnett were her securities. The personal property amounted to $1,000. John Byers was the J. P. that took the oath of the appraisers. There were a number of promissory notes, the following are the names of the signers given in order to record some more of the early families: Thomas and Hugh Lewis, Jesse Basco, William Worthen, Thomas Robard, James Swafford, Hezekiah Davis William Langly, Abraham and Ebeneezer Piott, Samuel and Jasper Butcher, Remembrance Davis, John M. Campbell, John Deason, Evan Thompson, Issac and W. E. Glen, W. Doty, Able Lee, George Creath, Drury Harrington, Isaac Garrett, Adam Fiffer, and Joseph Taylor. These notes were given for purchases at the sale. The following notice had been cut from a newspaper and was filed with the estate papers, "I will attend the proper court on the third Monday in July next at Vienna, Johnson County, Illinois, for the purpose of settling the estate of James Worthen, deceased. All who have demands against said estate will then and there present them, legally authenticated, Brownsville, June 7th, 1821, signed William Worthen, agent for Nancy Worthen Administratrix. William Powell's estate was settled by his wife, Obed- ience, and was begun July 18, 1815. George and William Brazil with James Hawkins were her bondsmen. There were a few articles offered at this sale not already men- tioned and which would be considered out of the ordinary at this time : one whiskey cock, to King Fisher at 30c ; also 1 to Squire Choat, 37V2C One sley was sold for 50c, which would be very cheap for a sleigh, if there was a big snow, but this was not that kind of a sleigh, this belonged to a loom and was used in weaving cloth. One broad ax was sold for $4.00. This is another tool not now in use in this county, since the timber for making hewed log houses has been cut and sawed into lumber to make frame ones, barns and fences. The estate of Robert Smith belonged to Massac town- ship, as the papers designate. The sale was held September 11, 1815. Thomas Larrison had the business in charge, and James N. Fox was his security. The same man, no doubt, whose militia company formed Massac township when this county was organized. Judging from the amount of whis- key furnished at this sale, it was not a very large one, only three and a half gallons were used. Dr. Holt was Robert Smith's physician and his bill was $6.92, which was pre- 234 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY sented for settlement. The deceased's land and county tax for the year 1815 was $2.83. The tax rate was light com- pared to the present rate. Another account shows the re- demption of a town lot in the town of Smithland, Kentucky. One Loom, three reels and harness for the loom sold for $6.00, one stew pot, $2.50, one Dutch oven, $1.50, eight pewter plates, $3.00, one cotton gin, 75c, two pairs of cotton cards, $3.00, candle molds, 37%c, more evidence of "made at home" goods. Judging by the articles offered, these peo- ple must have been very comfortably situated for a frontier family. The papers filed in the case of Howell Harrington's estate, states that Esther Harrington, administered, T. Furguson and G. V. Lusk were the bondsmen, Robert Lacey and Wood Lampkin were the appraisers. There are Har- ringtons and descendants of the family living in Massac and this county at the present. Caleb Messer's estate was handled by his wife Delphia, Owen Evans and John Spann signed her bond, which was filed April 28, 1814. William Peterson's estate was another one that came up for settlement in 1816. He resided in the southwestern part of the county in the neighborhood of West Eden, John Elkins and George Brazel were the appraisers ; Jane Peter- son and Thomas Standard had charge of the estate. Thomas and John Peterson were the securities. This settlement was made in the courts held in Elvira and some other names connected with the business of this estate were, Hezekiah West, William Westbrooks, Isaac Beggs, Thomas Robertson, Rix Carter, and John Stokes. There are de- scendants of most all these men still living in this county. Two accounts in the adjustment of this estate are quite noticable, when compared with the H. C. L. of the present. One is "The estate of William Peterson debtor to John Deans, for schooling two children, three months, cash to Mclntire, $5.00; paid for board for the same time, $12.00: same estate debtor to John Dean for raising and clothing" two children, Joshua, four years old, at his fathers death, and Lydia, two years at the same time; Joshua six years till he was ten years old, $10.00 per year, $60.00; Lydia, eight years, until she was ten years old, at the same price, $80.00. No doubt, old gossips wagged their heads and said at the time, "John Dean is getting rich off of these orphan chil- dren." A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 235 An administrators bond is made out and marked "Law- rence administrator. The bond was dated June, 1816, but it was never signed or rilled out. There are some accounts and receipts that might be of interest. Received of John Lorenz (Lawrence) for Esther Lorenz, all dues and demands up to this date, Jonesboro, April 19, 1819. Jacob Hyberger." The next item of interest because it appears to refer to the Peter Prow, who was confined for debt in our county about that time and referred to elsewhere, "Madam, please pay to the bearer two dollars and twenty-five cents, and by so doing you will oblige yours and soforth, James Brown. It being the cost accrued on an execution levied by George Hunsaker on the goods of Peter Prow, and this shall be your receipt for the same, Esther Lawrence, Admr." Wm. Lawrence debtor to Priest & Menfee, $50 for medicine and attendance, April 27, 1816. An account of John Kirk for labor against the estate of William Lawrence, was sworn to before J. Echols, J. P. May, 1816. Another dated almost nine years earlier. August 7, 1807, to three picks and boring tools, $4.00 (could not decipher the name.) "January 20, 1806, Sir: Please pay unto William Lawrence, two dollars, and this my order shall be your receipt for the same, James Worth- ington, witness, John Shaver." "February 7, 1806, re- ceived of Samuel Worthington, two pounds, 19 shillings and 6 pence, debt and cost in full. The sale note of James Weir, by me Jesse Hurley, Constable for said county." Received of Samuel Worthington, 511 pounds of pork by Thomas Craig, for J. Weir, February 11, 1805. "Henderson, June 1, 1808, Received of William Lawrence, seven and six pence which is to stand against his account at Mullenberg for Will and Jay Bradford, John Russell." These towns were in Kentucky. William McGowan died in 1816. Thomas Green was the administrator Silas Risley and Owen Evans were the bondsmen, a few articles out of the ordinary disposed of at the sale were, 1 bay mare and bell, $25.00; 4 patterns lea- ther shoe uppers, $1.50; 1 curry comb, 25c; 1 pair leather breeches, 50c; 2 coats, 50c each; to B. Revell. pack saddle, 62i/>c; 1 pair specks, $1.62; pair saddle bags $2.78% ; 1 set of razors, 87c. A statement sworn to before John Weldon, a justice for Johnson County and witnessed by Hugh Erwin April 12, 1816 states that, "William McGown boarded with Mikel Revell from May 1, 1815, to November 7, at the rate 236 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY of three dollars per month; for attending McGowan from November 7 till December 18th at which time he died, coffin and winding sheet, $15.00, total $30.75." This is given that one may see the difference in the price of living and dying during the above time and at the present day. This paper was marked I in the files of J. Finney, who was county clerk at the time this estate, was settled. A paper executed in 1810. An account of Charles Murphy was presented against the estate of Phillip Shaver, the amount being $4.50, the following is attached to the account, "This day appeared Charles Murphy before me, John Bradshaw, one of the acting justices for said county and first be it solemly sworn upon the Holy Evangelist, de- porteh and sayeth that the above account is just and true as it stands, stated to the best of his knowledge and belief, Charles M. (X) Murphy (His mark.) Sworn and subscribed before me the 17th day of April, 1810, John Bradshaw, J. P. A bill was allowed to Esther Lawrence, widow of William Lawrence for board, from 1814 to 1816, showing Phillip Shaver's death to have been in 1816. A bill paid to J. B. Murry for crying the sale of Shaver, names William Lawrence as administrator. Among these papers is what appears to be a blacksmith's account. It is made out in English money but the writing looks very much like a per- son's who had learned to write German script before he learned to write English, and is as follows: "Wilber Law- rence to bells, 19 shillings, Moses Cabitt, the same 23 shill- ings. George Lawrence to mending and sharpening shears, 2 shillings and 3 pence; Samuel to shoeing two horses round, 18 shillings. Thomas Giles to shoeing a mare around 12 shillings, Philander Kuykendall to shoeing horse, .six shillings, Henry Hatten to making a set of wheel irons, 3 shillings." There is no date on this paper but being among Shaver's papers and from the following extract of the court record, would lead one to believe that Shaver was German, which his name indicates. In 1819 Michael ,Shav- endicker of New York at September court of Johnson County presented a petition to said court and said, he was the brother of Phillip Shaver, lately of this county, whose estate had been administered on by William Lawrence, Sr., and after his death, Esther (his wife) and John Sanders, praying that their administration be set aside and himself A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 23' as the legal heir be appointed. The petition was granted, and Richard M. Young, was the attorney. "At a probate court holden for the County of Johnson on the third Monday in the month of June, 1822, before James Finney, Judge of said court, John Copeland, admin- istrator of the estate of William Copeland deceased came into court and presented his accounts with said estate and the following sums were allowed against the said estate; to-wit: for money paid judge of probate for letters of ad- ministration and settling said estate, $7.50, to money to Calib. E. Isum for a coffin, $6, for crying sale, $5.50, money paid James Lizenby, 50c, money paid Irving Morris, sheriff, 60c, money expended to go to Tennessee twice on business for estate, $34.58, for administrators percentage for col- lecting $19.24, Thomas Douglas' account $3.63V 2 , whole amount of the estate $192.54%, credits $74.54%, and $18.8914. It appeared to the court that there remained in the hands of the said John Copeland, administrator as aforesaid, a sum of $118.59 of said estate which he is order- ed to pay over to the heirs of the said William Copeland, deceased, in equal ratio. It appearing that there were six in number; to-wit; Betsy Dial, John Copeland, Martha Dial, Samuel Copeland, Sally Little, and Jane Hobbs to each of the above named legatee, the amount being $19.81 i/2- Richard McGinnis sale occured in 1823 and the list shows the high price of househould articles existing, 1 large kettle, $7.00, 1 small pot $2.50, 1 broken skillet $1.00, 1 large oven, lids and hooks $3.00, pot hangers $3.00. Mrs. McGinnis evidently did not have a cook stove. A rifle gun sold for $10.00. William Barton, Jacob Willis, Lucas S. Gibbs and Polly Bane are among the names as purchaser. There is a note given to the president and directors of the state bank and negotiable at their branch bank at Browns- ville. This is some of the famous state bank paper issued at that time. The settlement of the estate of Richard Cox was begun November, 1824. William Cox and the widow Mary Cox were the executors. There are a few articles in this sale a little different from others mentioned in this period. One steel trap brought $3.05, ink stand and snuffers, 25c, lantern I2V2C, hackle 30c. Some names connected with the notes and receipts of this sale are as follows; Lancaster Cox, Israel Bozarith, Franklin Perry, William Fellows, Jesse 238 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY Miles, James Harman, Richard McKenny, William Corbitt, James Haley, Robert Griffith, Joseph Montgomery. Henry Eddy was an attorney interested in the settlement of this estate. Willis Hancock, William McFatridge, Champion Anderson and William Thornton were the J. P.s in most cases where the oath was taken. Joseph Kuykendall, J. P. also took some of the acknowledgements. There is a re- ceipted account of Dr. Sim, presumably of Golconda, also a medical bill of B. W. Brooks, and William Slack. Richard Cox must have emigrated from North Carolina, since there is a note payable in North Carolina paper, also some notes collected by the administrator from parties living in that state. Another bill allowed by the court was to Mary and Martin Howell for*the supporting and instructing of six children of Richard Cox deceased, for the term of one year and eight months, the amount was $120.00, dated July 21, 1826. This would give rise to the opinion that the widow Mary Cox, had married Martin Howell. The follow- ing is a letter which explains itself and is used for its quaintness, "Illinois Union County, August 10, 1827, Re- spected friend, James Finney, Esq., After my best respects to thee I -write these few lines to let thee know it is not con- venient for me to attend court according to adjournment, which is on the 11th instant, but that need not make any difference. Thee can proceed to make the settlement. I have nothing more to inform thee concerning the estate more than I wish thee to be as saving to the estate as pos- sible, in regard to allowing charges for raising the heirs. About twelve months ago I could have had them raised and kept on twelve months for fifty dollars and on August 21st I informed Martin Howell, that I could have the heirs sup- ported for fifty dollars and he continued to keep them. I merely write this for information to thee, if Martin Howell should put in a bill for a large charge or petition for much. It is not convenient for me to come for my family is not in a situation for me leave them. Thee can make out a bill for thy charges and leave with I. Morris, Esq. or receipt to him on it and send it to me by Thomas Musgrave, the bearer, and I will credit thy note with the amount after settling thy small account of sale, which is $139.50, if correct. Concerning my charge, thee may see on the small scrap of paper folded in this letter a memorandum of time spent besides collecting in and paying out. If thee wish to send any news back tell Thomas Musgrave to wait until A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 230 thee can write. I wish thee to push on the collection of the Hancock debt as fast as possible. If it would be necessary for me to be at the settlement of the estate put off the settlement a few weeks and give me notice and I will at- tend. No more, only thy friend and well wisher. — William Cox." One paper records Mary Howell, formerly Mary Cox. J. H. G. Wilcox took charge of the estate of Calvin Austin in 1827. There is a bill to J. D. Martin as Physician. An advertisement printed in a Cincinnati paper as follows : ''If any of the relatives or friends of Calvin Austin, who lately died at the residence of J. D. Wilcox, near Ft. Massac Illinois, will direct a letter to J. D. Wilcox, or leave informa- tion at the General Intellegence Office, Cincinnati, they can be made acquainted with the circumstances of his decease, and of some of the property and papers now in my pos- session. — J. D. Wilcox, near Ft. Massac." The sale list of this estate indicates goods belonging in a general store, 1 Yawl at $45.00, 2 tomahawks, 75c, several articles were purchased by Anderson Douglas. One can't help but surmise about these names, and this would indicate that Anderson was the husband of Elizabeth, Douglas whose estate comes later. The sale of tomahawks would show that they had Indian patrons. Many of the names connected with this sale are the same as those of many of the residents of Massac County at the present time, some of which are, James Herren, Cornelius Shord, Jonah Teague, James Lard, Amos Hale, Hartwell Hart, W. C. Sisk, Elisha Ellis, Carter Lathem, John A. Evers, Jacob Childress, John L. Henderson, Hardy Robinson, Edward Allen, Elija Henly, Nathan Gillespie, William White, John C. Johnson, Isom Clay and Thomas Roy. The settlement of the estate of Elizabeth Douglas oc- cured in 1833 and was settled through a will (see wills). James Copeland was the executor and Samuel Copeland was his bondsman. From the names one would judge that the said Elizabeth Douglas lived near the Ohio River, about the present site of Hillerman. Walter Astin, William Parker, whose home was appointed a voting place for Massac precinct a few years before) Adam Cochran George Brazel and Eliakin Russell were the appraisers. M. and Cal. Hitchcock, James and Jesse Jones, Joel Hobbs, Thomas Pitt, W. S. Gorden, A. D. Whitten, Thomas Har- 240 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY rington. Some articles of sale and prices, 1 tin trumpet, I2V2C, 1 trivet, Sl%c f a trivet is a small iron frame with three legs to set near the open fire, so that hot coals could be put under it to boil things slowly or keep them warm, at present they are made of silver to put under hot dishes, 1 meal bag and bed cord, 12V&C, a bed cord was used on old fashioned bed steads in lieu of slats or springs, being laced across the stead to support the bedding, 1 bed quilc, $2.50, 1 plain cherry chest, $1.00, 1 demijohn, $1.00, 1 small oven and lid, 75c, 1 barrel of Irish potatoes, 75c. A bill allowed against this estate, 'The estate of Elizabeth Doug- las, deceased to Mary Cochran, Dr. 1832 to a balance due on a cow, $5.50, to eight pounds of butter $1.00, to finding leather and making a pair of shoes 62 1 / / 2C State of Illinois, Johnson County, this day came Jesse Cochran before me and upon his oath says as follows, I do swear that the above accounts against Elizabeth Douglas are just and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, given under my hand, Jesse Cochan, sworn to and subscribed before me this 22 day of October, 1834, J. Copeland. J. P." Some accounts due the estate, Elizabeth Hitchcock, $42.06*4, Burrell An- derson $2,621/2, John L. Cooper $25.25, W. B. Donaghy, 371/oc The estate of James Robertson was settled at the hands of Nathaniel Richardson. William Hayle, and Jesse Rich- ardson were the bondsmen and J. Copeland, S. G. Allen and James Hitchcock were the appraisers. The live stock sold at this sale a little higher than twenty years before. One lot of cord wood, supposed to be eighty-seven cords sold for $108.75 about a $1.25 a cord. The estate of William Duncan was settled in 1840. James P. Duncan was the administrator, William McMahan and Hiram Kelly the security on his bond, Hames Hayes, the crier at this sale, Henry Thomas and William Richy the clerks. Wheat sold at $1.00 per bushel, fodder, 100 bundles $1.00, bacon 10c per pound, 1 mattock 50c, 1 lot of flax 50c, 1 yoke of steers $20.00, 1 gun and pouch $5.31 V2, 4 bushel of meal and grinding $1.00. Newcomers to the county whose names are connected with this estate were, William Duncan in account with John Bain, December 25, 1840, to two spelling books 37V^c, William Mounts, James Lasley, James Thornton, John W. Jones, William Harper, Wesley Branscomb, Samuel Roper, G. W. Chapman. A. Colter pub- A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 241 lished the administrators notice in the "Illinois Republican" a paper published in Shawneetown. The receipt shows July, 1841. The following letters are with the papers of this estate written in a good hand writing and plain as though written yesterday, July 8, 1841. "Dear Sir :- Yours of the 5th has just come to hand and is all correct. I en- close you a certificate and receipt. Can you get us some good subscribers down there? Yours obediently, A. Coul- ter." The price of whiskey was 25c per half pint in 1840, interest rates were 12%. In 1841 Polly Carmicheal gave bond to administer on the estate of John Carmicheal. J. T. Collier, G. W. Pagget, and Samuel Limberlake were her securities. Hannah Wise administered on the estate of William Wise in 1842. Jesse Fain, Wiley Wise and Charles Reid were the appraisers. The estate of John Finney was settled in 1843, through a will which is found under Wills, by William Slack, in 1844, Judith L. Ireland administered on the estate of Alex- ander Ireland. Joseph Street and James M. Davidge were her securities. The bond was filed July 18. 1844. The ap- praisers were W. B. and B. S. Smith and Henry Jones. The following names of the signers of notes and receipts will give some of the citizens residing here at that time, S. J. Chapman, C. J. Ladd, B. F. Furlong, Joah and James Mc- Coy, W. J. Gibbs, W. B. Donaghy, J. S. Mabry, Reid Smoot, S. Short, Jr., B. S. Gray, G. Young, Thos. Gore, John Simp- son, N. B. Jennett, T. J. Church & Co, R. Elkins, Carter Lathem, Joshua Elkins and Nimrod Hazelwood. The rate of interest on the notes of this estate was 12%. Some articles in the accounts, 551 pounds of flour sold at 2c per pound, 120 bushels coal at 8c a bushel, 1 days gathering corn 50c, 1 spool thread 12%c. The estate of Nicholas Choat was settled 1845, with Benjamin Choat as administrator and Absolam Choat as security. The appraisers were G. W. Oglesby, Philander Yandell and Nathaniel Rushing. A new name or two occurs in this connection Milton Lucas, A. Vickers, James O'Neal. James Gibbs was the crier. There are a few articles sold not given in other sales, millstones $6.25, 1 still $1.25, 1 improvement $27.00. This still would certainly bring more than a dollar and a quarter at this time, 1924. Items from the sale of the estate of John Shearer, 1848 242 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 1 gray horse $20.00, 3 dry cows $18.00, 1 white sow and thirteen pigs $/.00, 1 shovel plow and coulter, $2.00, 1 stump mill $1^.00, Corn 20c per busnel oats and rodder. 100 bundles, $1.00. The estate of Alfred Bridges, 1852, was settled almost three quarters of a century ago. The appraiseis were B. S. Smith, D. S. Kincy and lsum Dunn. The descendants of these men are familiar to all at the present time. John ti. Bridges was the administrator. Among the papeis was a bond given Alfred Bridges by George Carter ana James Burton, signed the 8th day of November, 1839 for live stock. There were several receipts which date back to the thirties, one from Filed & Dunn dated December 1, 1834, one dated December, 1830, signed by Williard & Co. Ihis was an account collected for them from Mary McGinnis. Another of the same kind with the names of David Woreii and Reuben Stone. Some of this money was paid in United Sates paper number 2617. The following is 1845 paper signed by Frederick Turner, Millington Smith, Frederick and George, some 1836 paper signed by Richard Eikins, Elias Harell. Alfred Bridges served as a constable and there are some suits named with no date, Thomas Phillips vs. J. W. Laurens, Anson Gurley, Sr. and Jr., P. Horner, Wiley Mathis, Jackson Murrie, Jones and Reynolds vs. Wm. Bowman and Cameron. There is a certificate of election of Alfred Bridges to the office of constable for Vienna precint on the 17th day of June, 1848, D. Y. Bridges clerk. One other paper of honor states that "This is to certify that Alfred Bridges, a private in Captain Taply B. Andrew's Co., R. T. V. M. G. M. has served a term of five months as a volunteer on an expedition against the Seminole Indians. He carries with him the thanks and gratitude of his com- manding officer and merits the applause of his countrymen, and is hereby honorably discharged. Columbia, June 30, 1818, signed Thomas Williamson, Col. 2nd R. T. V. M. The estate of Peter H. Cummins was before the court in 1853 and the administrator was Daniel T. Cummins. His widow was named Harriet. The appraisers were J. P. Shelton, William M. Jackson and N. Comer. Some of the names connected with the estate were Richard and Ben- jamin Thompson, George Cummins, John Harris, S. Rain- water, H. H. Emerson, William Williams and Thomas Rice. The rate of interest on notes at this date was 10 r r . A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 243 At the sale of John C. Harrell, March 10, 1852, 1 loom and appendages, sold for $1.00; 1 spinning wheel sold for 50c, 1 pair of cards, 30c, showing that the home manufac- ture of cloth was becoming less universal ; 1 stone hammer, 20c; I grind stone, 20c; 1 "chist" $1.40. At W. H. Price's sale 1854, five hundred feet of lumber sold to William Perkins at 84c; 460 feet of walnut lumber to D. H. Bruck at $1.50 per hundred; 1 log chain and 1 ox yoke, $2.10, 1 carriage to Josiah Throngton $125. Some items from the sale of Francis M. Weaver, which occured in 1855, 8,000 shigles at $2.30, 1 silver watch $6.55, 1 history of North America, $1.59. At Louis Wise's sale, 1863, 1 ox wagon sold for $10.00, 2 yoke of oxen sold to Samuel Glass- ford for $72.00, 1 barrel whiskey, a quantity of candy and tobacco, only brought $28.00, 1 keg of wine $5.50, 1 barrel of raw whiskey $15.00. In 1860, Dr. George Bratton received for the care of W. L. Gillespie $25.25. This same estate was debtor to John Gillespie, for board, washing, and attention through sickness, $20.00 per month. A promissory note found in the papers of Nathan Allen, a free Negro living in the western part of the county where some of his descendants still re- side, "On or before the first day of December next I promise to pay Nathan Allen, the sum of twelve dollars and fifty cents, which may be discharged in corn at the county sell- ing price for value received of him : Wit. my hand and seal, this the 19th day of August, 1846— Thomas Stokes." This shows corn to be a legal tender at that time, in the county. Some items of the sale of Henry Brinkley, 1873, 1 cook stove and vessel, $19.00, 30 bushel wheat at 30c per bushel, 300 bushel corn at 40c per bushel, 2,500 pounds of salt pork, $125.00. During the winter of 1868, James Miller received ten dollars for feeding and caring for the stock for one month from Nancy Swales. This estate was also indebted to J. A. Culver, $6.00 for a coffin. Matthew Mathis' estate was settled in 1838, Rebecca and Henry Y. Mathis were the administrators. The amount of their bond was $3,050.00. Wilson Mathis was a signa- ture on a note. Bennett Jones' estate was settled 1841 and William B. Donaghy was one of the appraisers. 244 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY Green P. Finney died in 1863, his estate was administ- ered on by John Slack. Rachael was his wife, children, William N. John M. and Gilbert. Susanna Borin, wife of Bazel Borin. Hoseah Borin was administrator of Bazel Borin's estate 1813. Children of Susanna were Mourning and Coleman. Recommendations given to these men on leaving their former homes, which seems to have been a custom in early times. State of North Carolina, Moore County: Where as the bearer, Jacob Harvick, has signified to us his intention of removing himself arid family to the frontier of Georgia, be it therefore known to whom it may concern, that the said Harvick has been a resident of the county for upwards of eight (indistinct). Citizen supported an irre- proachable character, maintained his family in honesty and credit, worthy to be received as a neighbor or admitted as a worthy character into any Christain society; he being a peaceable, sober and well disposed man. Given under our hands, this 3rd day of October, 1795." (Signatures were indistinct since the writing was in ink.) State of North Carolina, Wayne County. This is to certify unto all persons whom it may concern that Joel Harrell hath signified unto us, that he has in mind to travel to the westward, and we, the undersigned being well ac- quainted with him from his youth, do recommend him as a good honest citizen and hope that he may be received and pass as such. Given under our hand this 20th day of Au- gust, 1819, S. Sassee, J. P. Edward Sassee, J. P. Joshua Hasting, J. P. and P. J. Mustgraves, J. P. WILLS The first will of record in the county "In the name of God, Amen : I William Peterson, of Johnson County, Illinois Territory, being weak in body but blessed be God of sound mind and memory and seeing my dissolution drawing near do make this my last will and testament, thereby revoking all former wills or disposition of my earthly goods hereto- fore made. First I direct my body to be buried in a Chris- tian and decent manner and my soul I commend to God who gave it, in joyful hope blessed be God of a happy im- mortality in heaven. As to my earthy goods, God has given me I dispose and devise them in the following manner:- i A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 245 direct that all my property of any kind, real or personal, be held and kept in the hands of and in the possession of my beloved wife, Mary Peterson, for her use and the support and education of my infant children, all except a bay filly with a blaze face, which I direct the trustees, I shall here- after mention, to give to my son Joshua, when he arrives at an age sufficient to manage for himself. I do hereby appoint my brother-in-law Hezekiah West, William Peter- son and Thomas Peterson trustees to take care and see that this my last will and testament, be carried into effect, and also I wish and hereby appoint them guardians to and for my infant children, namely Elizabeth, Joshua, and Sally, hereby authorizing and requiring the above mentioned trus- tees to attend to the requisition to this my last will and testament, which I do hereby sign and acknowledge before the trustees after the same has been read in my hearing. Wit:- my hand and seal, this the 22 day of February, 1815. William Peterson, Sr. witnesses present John C. Herbison, Fannie X Osborn and Nancy West. From some records of the court it appears this will was not executed as directed. In 1816 Thomas Peterson brought suit against Bennet Hancock and wife to be ap- pointed guardian for Joshua Peterson, minor or William Peterson, Sr. This was annulled by agrement. A summons for William Russell and Mary McGowan to appear as wit- nesses for Bennet Hancock against the heirs of William Peterson in 1822. An account of Bennet Hancock presented August 1821, shows himself as guardian, and an account against the estate for clothing and keeping the three chil- dren, Joshua, Elizabeth and Sally, three years and eight month at $25.00 a year $275. An order of the court shows John Peterson appointed guardian for Josuha, September term, 1820. John Peterson was appointed guardian for Sarah Peterson, 1819. Another instrument shows Alex- ander McGowan as guardian for Elizabeth, a minor of William Peterson, dated 1821. Bennet Hancock was ap- pointed guardian of Joshua Peterson 1819." A true copy from the original, Attorney J. Finney, clerk of Johnson County, "To all people to whom these presents shall come, I, Benjamin Mcintosh do send greet- ings: Know ye that, I, Benjamin Mcintosh of the county of Johnson and Territory of Ilinois, for and in consideration of the good will and affection, which I have and do bear 246 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY toward my children:- I give to my daughter, Betsy, $5.00 in property, I give to Unity one half dollars worth of prop- erty, 1 give to Ceny $2.00 worth in property, I give to Stacy $2.00, 1 give my son, Benjamin $2.00 worth of property, all to be discharged in cattle at their value. I give my beloved wife Frances my gray mare, saddle and briddle, and the improvement and my household furniture, eleven head of cattle and my hogs, and at my wife Frances decease the cattle to be given to Joshua, cattle and all other property. To my son Charles I give my gray horse, and all my work ing tools, I give John Burchfield, my sorrel mare, and I give William Smith one cow and one fifty dollar note on John Lathan and by these presents do freely give and grant unto those children articles mentioned. Before the signers of these presents, do deliver those things signed with my own hand forever, absolutely, without any manner of con- dition, in witness hereunto I have set my hand and seal, this the 17th day of November, A. D. 1815, signed Benjamin Mcintosh, signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of James Hamilton, Charles Claxton and William Hamilton."' "In the name of God Amen: I Nathanial Green, of Illinois Territory, Johnson County, being very sick and weak in body, but of perfect mind and memory, thanks be given unto God, calling unto mind the mortality of my body, and knowing that it is appointed for all men to die, do make and ordain this my last will and testament, that is to say say principally and first of all, I give and recommend my soul into the hand of Almighty God, that gave it, my body, I recommend to the earth to be buried in decent, Christian burial, at the discretion of my executors, nothing doubting but at the general resurrection, I shall receive the same again, by the mighty power of God, and as touching such earthly estate where with it has pleased God to bless me in this life, I give demise and dispose of the same in manner and form, first I give and bequeath to Mary, my dearly be- loved wife, a certain bay mare rising of three years old, also I give to my well beloved daughter, Nancy Green, a certain negro woman named Hannah, also the rest of my property to be valued and equally be divided amongst my loving w r ife Mary Green and my loving children, that is to my beloved son Maston Green, and also to my loving son David Green, and to my loving son William Green, and also to my loving daughter Elizabeth Green. I also con- stitute and ordain my well beloved brothers. Parish and A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 247 Thomas Green, Executors of this my last will and testa- ment, witness thereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this the 29th day of January, 1813. Signed, Nathanial Green, Test. David Coleman, Robert Tweedy, John Tweedy. Will of Elizabeth Douglas, "This the 27th day of June, 1831, I being in low health, but in sound mind and memory I make this my last will and testament. I want Squire James Copeland to take my three boys Jackson, William and Clinton and raise them, and after my debts are paid and settled I give Jackson the bay mare's colt, the little sorrel, then I want Mr. Copeland to take the rest of my property and to do the best he can for my children, in the name of the Lord, I give the balance to J. Copeland to raise the chil- dren, and this is my last will and testament. Signed Eliza- beth Douglas, Test. Hiram Shocklea Thomas Harrington." State of Illinois, Johnson County, October 20, 1820, "In the name of God, Amen, I, Abner Cox, being in low circumstances in bodily health, but feeling myself in sound mind and memory, I do hereby make this my last will and testament: To my dear beloved wife, Mary Cox I give into her possession at this time with all property and money that is in my possession at this time, with all the money that is coming to me in North Carolina. My will is that all the money that I now have and the money that is coming to me should be given for land in this state for the use of my wife and children. My will is that my wife should hold the pos- session during her life or widowhood and at her marriage or death all to be equally divided amongst my children and wife. The two half quarters that I now have paid for of land lying in Union County, my will is that my son Abner Cox should have the two half quarters of land, besides the other division to him his heirs and assignees, also my will is that my wife should have out of the money as much of it as will be necessary for her to fix herself and family to live comfortably upon, also the money that is coming to me from S. J. Chapman, my will is that my wife should collect it as she can. I constitute and appoint my wife executrix to this my last will and testament, assigned Abner Cox, witnesses, E. Harrell, Joel Howell, and John Veach." Notes taken from Randolph County records at Chester Illinois before Johnson County was separated from it, con- taining names of Johnson County families. 248 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNIT George Fisher name on record, 1802 ; Robert Cox name on record, 1805; Richard Lord vs. Isaac Cox, 1892, Moses Oliver vs. Leroy Elliot, 1802. William Elms seal on a deed, 1797, from James Dunn to John Edgar, Deed 1905 John Kennedy only son and heir to David Kennedy who entered land from Congress 1790 on the improvement of James Taylor. (Elms is a name of the early Johnson County) William Dunn vs. William Kelly case of Treaspass brought before George Fisher and Samuel Cochran judges 1806. William Cochran had a court case, 1803; Charles B. Wilcox, 1803; Joseph Worley court case, 1805. Court record No. 25 John Price vs. James Finny 1806 a case of treaspass amount $160.00. Robert Morris clerk, James Edgar sheriff, Pierre Menard, George Fisher and Samuel Cochran, judges. Finny recovered $7,001/2 for his cost and charges. Lary Oliver adminstrator of William Dunn, deceased, John Worley and John Murdoc connected with the case, 1807. William Simpson sued Hampton Pan- key for $300.00, 1808. James Oliver, a minor by his next friend John Worley vs. Primal Hayward, a case of slander. 1809. Thomas Jones vs. Henry Jones, damage $200.00, 1806. Thomas Elliot vs. Absalem Bradshaw, debt $50.00, 1807. William Simpson vs. Elisha Hicks, lawsuit, 1809. James Finny and William Greenup administered on the estate of Moses Oliver, 1808. Jesse Kennedy, law suit, 1810. King Hazel law suit, 1809. Grand jury September, 1809: Issac White, foreman, Samuel Cochran, William Simpson, John Morris, John Hib- bins, William Choffin, John Worley, Ephriam Bilderbeck, Josiah Cox, Jacob Bowerman, William Stiles, William Murphey, John Phelps, Thomas Griffin, Samuel Andelway, James Stell, Ghershom Clementson, Alexander Blair, and William Alexander. Cochran, Simpson, Morris, Worley, Cox, Stiles and Phelps are all names of families of early settlers of this county. A grand jury of Randolph County, 1808 : William Alex- ander, John Worley, James Henderson, William McLaugh- lin, John Everett, Robert Kidd, Ralph Drury, Alexander McNabb, John Crawford, Joseph McCourtney, Joseph Arch- ambeau, B. Forture, Jacob Funk, William Evere, John Dees and Reuben Lacy. Kidd and Lacy of Massac County fam- A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 249 ilies. John, a free negro boy vs. Robert Patterson by his next friend John Edgar. James Weir vs. John Borin a plea of debt 1810. COURT RECORDS The first court of Johnson County — Proceedings of a special court held at the house of John Bradshaw, within and for the County of Johnson for the purpose of doing county business, on the fifteenth day of January, 1813. Present: The Honorable Hamlet Furguson, Jesse Griggs, Judges: The court having taken into consideration the necessity of dividing this county into townships agreeably to a law of this territory, authorizing the judges of the court of common pleas, to make such division when it ap- pears to them to be necessary; proceeded with an s$t off the townships in the following manner, to-wit : The district that lies at the eastern corner of this county on the Big Bay waters and at present known by the name of Captain Whiteside's Company and agreeably to the boundaries of said company, as laid off by a board of officers, shall be created into one township and called the Township of Big Bay. And the company of Captain Grifith's on Muddy in like manner and agreeably to the boundaries thereof, shall be called and known hereafter by the name of the Township of Muddy. And the company boundaries of John Bradshaw shall be called and known by the name of the Township of Center. Captain Green's Company in like manner shall be known by the name of Clear Creek Township. Captain Lamb's Company shall be known by the name of Cache. And Captain Fox's Company shall be known by the name of Massac township. Ordered that William Penny and Thomas Furguson be appointed overseers of the poor for the township of Big Bay; Clement Davis and Henry Noble overseers of the poor for the township of Muddy ; Owen Evans and John B. Murry overseers of the poor for the township of Center ; William Joslin and George Wolf, over- seers of the poor for the township of Clear Creek ; Federick Talbot and Joseph Kuykendall overseers of the poor for the township of Cache; Jonah Hibbs and John Prichard over- seers of the poor for the township of Massac. Ordered that John Damsil be appointed Constable in the township of Big Bay and N. Hukam in the same on his giving bond agreeably to law; Meeks, Constable of Muddy; Amos Bar- ker and Henry Giles, Constables for the township of Center. 250 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY Jeremiah Brown Constable for the township of Clear Creek Andrew Kidd and James B. Johnson appointed Constables for the township of Massac. Ordered on motion of Susan- nah Borin by her attorney, Thomas C. Brown, that a scire- faces is issued against Hoseah Borin to appear at our next September term to show cause why letters of administra- tion granted him by the court of the counjty in vacation should not be repealed. Henry Giles came into court and prayed leave of the court for indulgence until next Septem- ber term to make return of his inventory and sale list of the estates of Samuel Giles and Thomas Winkler, which he was bound to do at this court as administrator of said estates. Ordered that leave be granted accordingly. The sheriff is authorized to contract with John Bradshaw or any other person for building a stray-pound, furnished with a lock and gate according to law, to be erected at the court house by next September. Giles Stewart produced a receipt from the sheriff of the county for $15.00 for a deposit for license to deal in merchandise agreeably to law, which the clerk is ordered to issue. On application of Thomas Furgu- son to keep a tavern where he now lives, the court ordered "that the clerk do give the same on his paying three dollars for the use of the county and one dollar for the use of the clerk," Thomas C. Paterson entering into bond with him as the law directs. Ordered that the clerk do issue a license to William Simpson to keep a tavern where he now lives on his paying to the clerk $5.00 for the use of the county and one for the use of the clerk. The above taverns are allowed to charge the following rates, whiskey 12^c per half quart, meals victuals, 25c, horse feed 12V&, hay 12V&C, lodging 12Vkc. Ordered that this court be adjourned until court in course. Hamlet Furguson, presiding J. C. C. : Attorney J. Finny, Clerk. At the September court, 1813, J. Griggs and John B. Murray are the judges. Thomas and Parish Green as ex- ecutors of the estate of Nathaniel Green are ordered to hire out a negro girl, full particulars in "Customs." The other orders of this court are explained in other chapters also those of the court of January 14, 1814. At the May term 1814, John Byers as commissioner, furnished a list of tax- able property of the county for the years 1813-14. The record does not give the amount which would be very in- teresting at this time, one hundred and ten years later. A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 251 Byers was allowed two dollars per day for his work and it required thirty-eight days. J. Finny's bill for making the tax list was twenty dollars, making a total expense of $86.00 Thomas C. Paterson is referred to in this court as sheriff; one Gilbert Marshall was deputized under Paterson and took the oath prescribed against dueling. The February court, 1815 allowed Owen Evans $25.00 for building a stray pounds, and T. C. Paterson was allowed $3.00 for keeping the same since November, 1813. The first will is recorded at this time. At the September term, 1815, Jane Morris was licensed to keep tavern at Elvira, the first woman to have a license for this business in this county. On the January court records of 1816 the names of the Petit Jury were given as follows : J. Hawkins, Charles Murphy, Bennet Hancock, Benjamin M. Huss, Christopher Howlin, Issac Worley, Adam Clapp, John Peterson, Joshua Davis, James Davis, Hoseah Borin and John Gore. The rate of tax was fixed at this time on each horse, mare, mule, or ass fifty cents on every bond servant or slave one hundred cents; on Thomas Furguson, Thomas Green and John Earthman's ferries eight dollars each; on Charles Bradley, William Smith , Hamlet Furguson, Reuben Glover, Obadiah Russell, Samuel Penrod. and Lewis Crane's ferries, three dollars each ; William Lawrence's mill on Cache, sixty cents ; quite a sum of revenue was realized to the county from ferries. Center township was divided at this time. The clerk of the county was ordered to furnish a list of license granted tavernkeepers in the county, and that the sheriff prosecute all persons known to violate the law retailing spirits with- out license. The selling of liquor was an annoyance in the county as early as 1816. It is still done in violation of the law, as the late prosecutions will show under our efficient mayor, Dr. Robert McCall, 1916, just one hundred years later. Hamlet Furguson is on the record of this court as sheriff. There is also a new judge or commissioner, Marvin Fuller. Up to this time Hamlet Furguson, Jesse Griggs, John B. Murry and John Bradshaw had held the courts. At the June court, 1816, Johnathan Ramsey was en- tered as an attorney having presented a license from the United States Judges of the Circuit Court. Another item, "Cyrus Butler an orphan boy was bound to T. C. Paterson." Ordered that a special court be held on the third Saturday in July next for the purpose of hearing the case of Cath- 252 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY erine Circe in the prison bounds for debt. An appropria- tion was made to build a bridge across Bradshaw Creek. At the special term which was to be held in the interest of Catherine Circe. Peter Prow, who was also confined in jail for debt, gave notice that he would take advantage of the oath provided for insolvent debtors. Extract from special term July, 1816: Catherine Circe imprisoned for debt this day came into court and having filed and sub- scribed a schedule agreeably to law; took the oath, the statute provided for the relief of insolvent debtors. The September session, 1816, is about the same routine. At the November term, 1814 the Attorney General for the territory not appearing, the court appointed Robert Mc- Laughlin, to act. The case for the theft of persimmon beer was disposed of. Another case was Hoseah Borin vs. Brad- shaw in which the defendant proved that Basil Borin gave the negro girl in question to his daughter Mary Young. The proof was made by John Borin. At the June term of the same year at a circuit court T. C. Brown was appointed by Ninian Edwards Governor as prosecuting attorney for that district consisting of Gallatin, Edwards and Johnson Counties. Henry F. Delaney produced a license to practise in the courts of the Territory. COURT NOTES Robert Henderson had James Lutes bound to him to learn the black smith trade January, 1814. In 1816, David Shearer was licensed to keep tavern on Big Bay, William Lawrence operated and kept tavern somewhere on Cache, the same year. Robert Tweedy, John Bowman and John McHenry were licensed to keep tavern, 1816. At the Febr- uary term, 1816, Fanny Doyle, James Miles, Phillip Shaver, Stephen Quinby, Carter Hall, Sarah Bunts, Ervin, Gran- ville, and Bud Morris all drew wages for guarding the jail. The June term the same year T. C. Paterson was allowed £10.00 for his services as Prosecuting Attorney. Jacob Wolfe was appointed guardian for the orphan children of George Davis to-wit: James, John, Anna, Abraham, Wil- 'ic>m and Gecrge, all miners. Bennett Hancock was made guardian to Elizabeth, Sarah, and Josuha Peterson, minor children of William Peterson. Susannah Borin was allowed forty-three dollars and twenty-five cents for the care of A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 253 Mourning and Coleman Borin, infant children of Basil Porin. Another record of the court of 1814 was the buying of wolf scalps from Charles Shearer and George Evans, for which they paid seventy-five cents each. At the January court, 1817, there were several com- missioners appointed to assess the property of the county instead of one, Irwin Morris for the township of Elvira; Joseph Palmer for the township of Clear Crsek ; John Whit- iker for Center; William Smith for Cache; Hezekiah West reported at this time, $1,345.07, monies collected by him as administrator of the estate of James Weaver, deceased. He asked the court to instruct how to dispose of the money, which the court directs he shall hold in his hands until he can let it out on good security, according to law. This was a pretty fair estate for those days. The court opened February 21, 1817, Russell E. Heackock was appointed as attorney for the court to prosecute all violations of the law for the purpose of regulating taverns and was allowed the same fees as the attorney of the District. A second order is made by the court for the regulation of taverns, the price of a meals victuals is reduced to 12 V2 cents, brandy is 18% cents per pint ; cognac 25 cents per pint, for keeping a horse twenty-four hours, with corn, and hay or fodder fifty cents. The rates on ferries were readjusted at this time. It might be of interest to name some firms doing busi- ness up to this time, beside those already mentioned: Edward Pointer, Joshua Gross, John Span, George Smiley. David Brock and Young, John Martin, Dukeson Givens & Co., Christopher Sudham, David Shearer, Levi B. Witt & Co., John McHenry and W. D. Fuquay, all these are re- corded as purchasing retail license to sell liquor. A great deal of the county revenue was obtained from distilleries at this time. "On the cash book may be found the following entries, William Lawrence, duties on still $20.00; Robert Hays, duty an spirits distilled, 264Yi gallons $66.18 ; Link- horn Harper, tax on 42 gallon of whiskey $11.25; John Whitiker, entered his still of the capacity of 75 gallons to be used in distilling domestic spirits for five months to begin 23rd of March, 1817, bond given for $67.00 with Anthony Morgan and Robert Hargrave, security. Other distilleries were William Echols, John Smith, John Grammer, George Haygood, Elija Bryant, and Hazelwood & Darby. This in- 254 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY eludes all the merchants and distilleries up to the time when the territory became a state. The name of Weir & Campbell appears on the court records frequently, but there is no record of a license having been granted them. The first grand jury of record is as follows: March, 1814. Jesse Eads, foreman, Jacob Harvick, Abraham Rus- sell, Benjamin Mcintosh, David Wright, Jesse Cochran, Joseph Giles, Levi Graham, George Brazel, Henderson, Isiah Palmer, William Hubbs, Jacob Wolf, Peter Bitmesser, John Grammer John Whitiker, William Lawrence, and J. N. Fox. At this court Elias K. Kane was entered as an attorney. March, 1814, John Bradshaw is allowed $2.00 for furnishing wood and building fires at the November term of court. Jacob Harvick is allowed $8.00 for wolf scalps. On Wednesday, June 28, 1815, the following act of Con- gress is recorded: "An act of Congress regulating and de- fining the duties of the United States Judges for the terri- tory of Illinois. It is allotted to Jesse B. Thomas, to pre- side in the first district circuit; to Wm. Sprigg to preside in the second circuit; and to Stanley Griswold to preside in the third circuit." In June of the following year Thomas Towles is assigned to preside in the third district court. On October, 1817, among the transactions of this court was the buying or paying premiums for wolf scalps as follows : James McLain, Moses Davison, Robert Hargrave, David Mclnturf, Willis Borin, John West, Levi Paterson, Robert Lott, Adam Clapp, Benjamin Darter, and Samuel Nally, were each allowed $2.00 a piece for scalps. Anthony Mor- gan $10.00 for five scalps, Samuel Penrod $4.00 for two scalps, Elija Wells $5.25 and William Harrington $3.00 for four scalps. Robert Lott seventy-five cents for one, Samuel Ellms, $4.00 for two scalps. At the July term of this year Hezekiah West is ordered to pay over the money belonging to the Weaver estate. At another court held in 1817, John, Abraham and Anna Davis are bound to Daniel Kimmel. These are the orphan children of George Davis. Patsy Clark is appointed guar- dian for her two children, George and William. John Wel- don was made guardian for the orphan children Joseph, Abraham, Nancy and Napoleon Collins. John Stokes was made guardian for William and Sally, orphans of Ezekiel Robinson. A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 255 At a court held in Elvira, Johnson County, March 6, 1818, by Hezekiah West, John Bowman, Andrew Cochran, James Bain and William McFatridge the commission ap- pointed by the Legislature to decide on a permanent seat of justice for this county reported that they had met at the house of James Bain first Monday in February, 1818, and after being sworn to take in the geography of the county and the convenience of the people adjourned to meet on the fourth Monday of the same month, after gaining a perfect knowledge of the different situations around the center fin- ally determined and designated a spot for the permanent seat of justice for the county on the S. E. quarter of sect. 5. township No. 13 S. R. 3 east near the northeast corner of the said quarter section. This report was made to the above court on the date given and signed by Isaac D. Wilcox and James Bain. The donation was made by Samuel Mc- Clintock, of Shawnetown, Illinois. Ty. and John W. Gore, George Brazel, James Simpson, Irvin Morris and William Thornton entered into the security of said bond in the sum of $5,000.00, dated March 7, 1818. The donation fixed by the Legislature was 20 acres but the agreement fixed by the court was 30 acres for the use of the county to be de- livered April 1, 1818. Hezekiah West and James Evans were made agents of the court to meet the proposition of McClintock. On April 10, 1818, they met as agreed and the town was laid out as follows: "Beginning 20 pole due south of McClintock's quarter (the northeast corner of James Bridges lot) running due west 84 pole as far as to embrace the west brow of a certain ridge (just beyond the Perkins Hotel, 7th street) thence due south (beyond the John Bain property, east beyond the Catholic church and John Clymore's residence and north to the place of begin- ning so as to inclose 3o acres in a rectangle, the longest way is to be east and west." Court 1818, J. Finney drew his yearly salary which was $30.00 as clerk of the county. The expense for hold- ing the election of the delegates to the Constitutional Con- vention were allowed at this court. Hezekiah West and William McFatridge were elected the first Monday in July, 1818. The name of Vienna was given the county seat at the July session of court. Another item is the ordering of the sale of city lots in Vienna, sale to take place the third Monday in September, 1818. At a special term of court 256 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY held August 15, 1818, James Bain, Andrew Cochran, Will- iam Simpson, T. C. Paterson and John Copeland, justices, the report was made that the courthouse and the building for the jurors were complete. They were received by the court and the officers of the county were orderd to move their offices to the new building in the town of Vienna. The buying of wolf scalps is the first business recorded of the first court held in Vienna, November, 1818. The premium was paid to W. Bivins. Isaac D. Wilcox applied and received permission to keep a tavern at his store in Vienna. The second court was a special one, James Bain, Andrew Cochran and John Copeland, justices, presided. Irvin Morris as sheriff, settled his accounts with the court, and the court approved the sale of lots at Vienna and ac- cepted the notes for the same. Martin Harvick is allowed $6.00 for acting as deputy sheriff at the late election held in September. James Finney was allowed a like amount as clerk. T. C. Paterson and Andrew Cochran received $6.00 each for acting as judges at the same election. At the court held in June, 1819, Randolph Casey on giving bond for $150.00 paying $4.00 for the use of the county, $1.00 for the clerk, and giving John Peterson for security, was allowed to keep tavern in Vienna. Ivy Rey- nolds under like regulations with William Cavenough as security, was likewise licensed. James Jones was appointed treasurer for the county. A payment was ordered to George Brazel for building the court house and jury rooms. Irvin Morris as sheriff was ordered to have prepared a conven- ient bar and bench for the jury as well as other repairs for the court buildings. The county was beginning to take on the airs of a first class court properly housed. The court recommended at this term Hezekiah West, Isaac Worley, William McFatridge and John S. Graves to the governor for justices of the peace. There are two new names as commissioners at this time, James Crunk, and David Elms. September, 1819, some changes were made in townships, a contract was let for building a jail, a stray pound was ordered built in the public square, full particulars are found in other sections. At the April term, 1820, Sterling Adams was granted a license to vend merchandise in the county, for which he paid $10. The salary of the sheriff for one year, $54.70, was ordered paid. It compares in no way with our present A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 257 sheriff's salary of $1,500 and $1,000 for deputy hire. James Bain and Joseph McCorcle were elected commis- sioners of the court. Joseph Kuykendal, was appointed to take the census for that year; James Hawkins built the stray pound contracted by Irvin Morris. The tavern rates were raised to 37V2C per meal. In 1821 Isaac D. Wilcox petitioned the court to establish a ferry on the Ohio River and also for license to keep tavern at the same place. Courts of 1823— Jacob Harvick is allowed $8.00 for wolf scalps, James Copeland as sheriff, was ordered to buy a guage to meet the standard of the act passed by the gen- eral assembly for the use of the county. Joseph McCorcle was appointed treasurer, to succeed H. West, who had suc- ceeded James Jones, John Copelsmd was appointed assessor for the year 1825. The first judges came with Ninian Edwards, and were called territorial judges. Jesse B. Thomas, Alexander Stew- art and Obidiah Jones were the first appointed. Jones and Stewart soon resigned and their places were filled by Stan- ley Griswold and William Sprigg. These three judges held all the courts of the territory, called Supreme or General courts, having concurrent jurisdiction in all cases pretain- ing to personal property and real estate, and exclusive jurisdiction in higher criminal offences and equity, and it was also a court of appeals. The Hon. William Sprigg held the courts for Johnson till the constitution of 1818 which consisted of a supreme judge and three associates. The first chosen were Chief Justice Joseph Phillips, T. C. Brown, John Reynolds and William P. Foster associates, was adopted, establishing the supreme court. The court of Common Pleas consisted of five justices, appointed by the governor. They met four times a year, and had charge of all civil cases. The territorial law made it pos- sible for two or more of these justices to hold the court. Johnson was in the third judicial district. The provisions for courts were changed from time to time by the legisla- ture, till 1848 when the Supreme court of three judges was established, one to be elected from each of the three divi- sions of the state for nine years. Nine judicial circuits were also established, and each judge served six years; two terms of circuit court, were required held annually in each county. In 1877 the number of circuits were increased by creating thirteen circuits of three judges each. In 1879 258 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY the circuits were increased to seventeen, and Johnson with Alexander, Pulaski, Massac, Pope, Union, Jackson, William- son and Saline, constitute the first district. The salary of a circuit judge is $6,500 per annum (1924). Heretofore it had been $3,500. Johnson County has had the honor of two representatives on the circuit bench, Judges 0. A. Harker and A. K. Vickers, the latter was also elected to the Supreme Court and served as Chief Justice of the state. First page of the court, called court of Common Pleas, "Illinois Territory, Johnson County, S. S. pleas before the Honorable Hamlet Furguson and Jesse Griggs, Judges of the court of Common Pleas to-wit : Henry Hatten Plaintiff against Henry Skinner def endant-treaspass : Be it remem- bered that heretofore, on the twenty-fourth day of Febru- ary, one thousand eight hundred and thirteen, the following Capias, adrespodendum, to-wit: The United States to the sheriff of Johnson County, greeting, you are hereby com- manded to take Henry Skinner, late of this county, if he be fond in your Baliwick and him safely keep, so that you have his body before our judges at our court of Common Pleas next to be holden for the county of Johnson at the House of John Bradshaw, on the second Monday of March next, to answer to Henry Hatton of a plea of trespass, on the case to the damage of the said Henry Hatten, One hundred dollars, as it is said, and do you have him, then, there. This witness, James Finney, clerk of said court for the county aforesaid, given under my hand and private seab (there being no county seal) this twenty-fourth day of Feb. one thousand eight hundred and thirteen, and of the Inde- pendence of the United States, XXXVII, J. Finney." "En- dorsed, which said writ had on it the following endorsement to-wit; this is an action on the case, no bail is required un- less ordered by the judges, J. Finney clerk." Which said writ was returned to our said court at the March term, 1813, with the following return on it, to-wit: "Cepi corpus. March 6, 1813, John Bradshaw, Dept. Sheriff, twenty-five miles." A bond for securing the cost was filed by the plain- tiff in the following words and figures to-wit: "Henry Hatten vs. Henry Skinner in the Common Pleas of John- son County, March term, 1813, I do hereby enter myself security in the cost of the above case, agreeably to the law of the territory. Signed and sealed Amos B. Barker." A second case was Henry Hatten plaintiff, Samuel Penrod, defendant. The case was called covenant broken and re- A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 259 quired bail J. B. Bailey was the bail given, and Thomas C. Patterson was the sheriff and signed twelve miles. The covenant broken was an agreement between these two men who had bought six saltpeter caves, each to pay equal parts, and each to have equal parts, the caves lying on Big Muddy and Cedar Creeks, Randolph (later Johnson) County. They were to work them in partnership, finding and working equal parts, each to have equal parts and to make the powder in the same manner, neither to quit nor sell his part. If he does, he loses his part. This is signed by Samuel Penrod and Henry Hatten. The agreement was dated June 15, 1811. Joseph Conway was the attorney for the defendant. There was some flaw in the plaintiff's suit. The bill of costs was clerk fees, $4.89, sheriff fees, $1.96, attorney's fee $2.50, total cost $9.35. Test. J. Finney clerk, execution issued December 24, 1814." A third case was John B. Bailey against Frederick Talbot and John Harris. Fourth case: Hoseah Borin against W. M. Cryder, B. M. Piatt, J. B. Murry. The total costs werein one case, $8.37 ; and in an other $6.72. There is a record of an attachment against David McElmunny in favor of John Greething. Other men connected with this case were Joseph Thompson and Levi Hughes. Greething rendered an account against McElmunny as follows : 100 bushels of corn $50.00, to flat on ferry boat, $10.00, by articles, $10.00, 424 cwt. of pork $12.00, to one steer lent, $8.00, to rent $25.00. Jeptha Hardin was the attorney, cost of suit, $5.59. Moses Rhodes sued I. D. Wilcox for a debt in the July court, Rhodes paid the cost which amounted to $12.12. The next case H. W. Robins and John Prichard against I. D. Wilcox ; the plaintiff again had to pay the cost through mistake. John Phelps vs. Stephen Kuykendall in the March term 1813, for debt, Bail was required for Kuy- kendall's appearance in court and Walker Daniels was the bail. April term, 1813, is a case of Elisha Hicks vs. William Simpson, in which the following note is exhibited, "For value received I promise to pay Elisha Hicks or order, two likely three year old steers, to be delivered in a yoke, on or before the first day of October, as witness my hand and seal, this the 30th day of May, 1808— William Simpson." William Simpson, Jr., was the bail for William Simpson, Sr. A transcript from the records of a Kentucky court was 260 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY Hied and read as follows: "State of Kentucky, Livingston County, ss. Pleas, before the Hon. Wm. Wallace, Judge of the Livingston Court, David Caldwell and Joshua Saxson, assistant judges, to-wit: Jackob Hardin, asignee of Arthur Morgan, who was assignee of Edward Talbot, plaintiff, against Stephen Kuykendall and John Phelps, defendants, in debt." The record further shows that a writ was issued against these two men on the 8th day of March, 1806, in said county and state. Enoch Prince, clerk of the court, and the writ had the following ; Peter Laren, bail ; Thomas Cist, sheriff. At a later court with Ninnan Edwards, after- ward Governor of Ilinois, presiding Judge, 1806; Jacob Hardin sued John Phelphs, Mujah Phelps went on the bond of John and in this case, Rezin Davage was the attorney. The cause for the case was a note to-wit: "Twelve months after date we or either of us, do promise to pay to Edward Talbot or his assignee the sum of thirty dollars and twenty-two and one half cents, ($30.22V2) for value re- ceived from him, October 15, 1803. " November term, 1813 term opens with a case of trespass, with Henry Noble Plaintiff, and Samuel Simpson, defendant; H. Day as J. P. ordered a bond for Simpson's appearance in the sum of ninety-nine dollars, but his opponent, exonerated him from giving a bond, William Russell was the attorney for Noble. John Borin of Center Township was called by the court to answer for assault and batery against Stephen Kuyken- dall. J. Weaver was the foreman of the grand jury that brought the indictment. N. Huckison was the witness and William Mears was the Attorney General. The jury called in this case was composed of Jacob Craft, Lion Claxton, Andrew Clapp, Obadiah and Henry Russell, Robert Reed, Richard Davis, and Abraham McCowan, with other fam- iliar names. At this court, John Earthman was indicted for assault and battery on John W. Calvert, the same, no doubt, that married William Simpson Sr's. daughter. He was acquited. Next we have John Harris, who resided in Clear Creek Township, sueing John Barnhart for treaspass. This case seems to have run into a kind of attachment suit, Harris against J. Barnhart and J. B. Bailey, about a note that had been lost and found, and which read as follows, "November 26, 1813, Frederick Talbot and John Barnhart agreed to run the Darling filly, a dark chestnut sorrel, against a A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 261 bright bay horse, 1-year old past, for $120.00 in good horse flesh, if not the forfeit is $30.00. A catch to be run on the 9th day of December, in Barnhart's paths. — John Barnhart Federick Talbot." The jury, was David D. Holder, Willis Standard, William Tripp, Charles Perrin, Joseph Smalley, beside others named before. The jury found for the de- fendants. The Weaver vs. W 7 ilcox case grew out of one of them saying, that the other had run off his negro girl. This was frequently done by dishonest parties in the days of slavery. They would take negroes belonging to someone else, take them south and sell them. The following are from the March term of 1814. The first is a case of the United States against Isaac Jerett, on complaint of Susan Sampson about a club ax. This was orginally tried before Hezekiah West, J. P. George Butler was Jerett's bail. Richard Stiles and John Mackej^ were witnesses. Jerette lived in Center Township. This is about all that would be interesting to any reader at the present time. The next is a suit of Hugh Logan against William Robinson, which is another long drawn out case. Hugh Logan it appears was versed in the art of making powder and entered into an agreement with William Robinson, to build a powder mill on the west branch of Clear Creek. Logan was to teach Robinson to make powder and they were to work together. Logan was to have five pounds of every six of powder that was made, and Robinson was to have one of every six. Logan brought suit against Robinson in the sum of $1,000, saying that Robinson did not work or furnish any material but took forcibly all the powder. Logan was given $25.00 damages. The cost in this .case was unusually large for that time, clerk fees, $42.70 !/>, for witness attendance, $8.22, attorneys fee, $2.50, sheriff's fee $40,321/,, jury fee $3.00. Another suit at this court was that of William Hamil- ton who brought suit agaist John Barnhart of Cache town- ship. Joseph Lawrence of the same township and Moses Travern for assualt and battery. Abraham Smally was appearance bail for John Barnhart and Henry Giles for Moses Travern. Thomas Giles acting as deputy sheriff, G. W. Moore was the principal witness. The trial discription of this case is a little amusing and one gathers from the evidence that Hamilton was drunk. They first attacked him. The witness says that Hamilton "whooraid" for Gen- 262 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY eral Washington, then Barnhart placed him in a chair, so that he fell out, then Barnhart wanted him to drink friends, which Hamilton refused to do, but drank more and hur- rahed some more, till William Lawrence came in, and said it was a shame, and that he would not have such doings on the Sabbath day. Hamilton, from the testimony, decided he would go to bed. Moore took him to a house and ser him by the fire and went to bed. When Moore awoke, he heard Travern say, "For God sake, don't let him burn up," and pulled him out of the fire. Barnhart held a tallow candle to the fire and rubbed it on the said Hamilton, who was naked. The next morning I saw Joseph Lawrence tearing off Hamilton's overalls, about the seat. This is only part of Moore's testimony and is used to demonstrate the character of some of our early settlers and the part that the manufacture and sale of whiskey played in our early civilization. Weir and Craig, as merchants, brought suit in this county against Samuel Simpson, 1813. Very few women had lawsuits in those days, but Betsy (alias) Elizabeth, Keith sued Richard McBride, Thomas Green and John Tweedy, on • a writ of replevin, for one sorrel mare, one woman's saddle, one bed, one blanket, six blue edge plates, six knives and forks, one coffee pot and Delph dish, valued at a $130.00. She obtained a judgment of $200.00 then William Miller appeared as an attorney in the case and had the judgment set aside, because fifteen days had not elapsed between the time of serving the writ and the convening of the court. Peter Stalcup complains of Henry and John Earthman in a plea of covenant broken. Absalom Stalcup is defendant in a case of trespass. A case of selling whiskey without license, in less quantities that a quart, was brought by the people against Sarah Bunts, probably the first case of this kind in the county against a woman. James Markham was indicted for as- sault and batteiy on the complaint of Jesse Terry, Sr. The jurymen in this case not mentioned before were Joseph Fisher, Gilbert Noble, Joab Ratcliff, and Robert Miller. "Sarah Medlock vs. John Mackey, tresspass." In a case of a note given by Isaac D. Wilcox to Moses Rhodes, 1811 and attested by Jesse Beak. Some of the juriors were Amos Howard, Samuel Wooday, George Matheny and R. H. Loyd. The next suit was about an order which read A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 263 as follows: "Sir: Please pay to the bearer, Hugh Logan 430 pounds of saltpeter, and oblige and soforth — Joseph French to Henry Skinner. Test. T. F. Clark." The follow- ing has been referred to in the county court records, Hoseah Borin sued John Bradshaw to recover one negro woman, a slave, and one negro man and child, and a slave, Abram of the price and value of $600.00. It appears from the records these slaves had belonged to Basil Borin who died in 1812, and Hoesah Borin, the administrator claimed that Brad- shaw, was detaining them fraudulently. William McDaniel, David Cotner, George James and John Carter are new names on the jury in this case, and Bradshaw was exoner- ated. ' Susannah Borin brings suit against Issac D. Wilcox, covenant broken. On examination Wilcox admits he re- ceived three negroes for which he was to pay $300.00. The new names on this jury were Richard Messer, and Ebenzer Killough. Through some turn by the attorney, Susannah lost the case and had to pay the cost. The Borins were rather unfortunate with their slaves. Another case was Elisha Spivy and Elizabeth Elkins vs. John Elkins. This was copied from book No. 1 of the cir- cuit court records for the years 1813-14. J. Finney was the clerk and the writing is very legible, although written one hundred and ten years ago. The following is copied from record No. 3, and begins with the May court, 1818. The names of the grand jurors are given first, James Bain, foreman, John Copeland, David Shearer, Joel Johnson, Ben- nett Hancock, Millington Smith, D. Simpson, Squire Choate, Davids Elms, Hardy Johnson, John W. Gore, John Bridges, James Sutten, Richard McGinnis, William McNorton, Wm. McFatridge, J. S. Graves, John Peterson, Adam Har- vick, William Gothard, and Alexander McGoawn. The fol- lowing are some of the cases, and jurors, but only those that have new names connected with them are used. Ezekiel Able vs. William Boner, on the jury were William Porter, John Jennett, Jesse Echols. Contestants, King Hazel vs. Luke Williams; Joshua Whittington vs. Andrew Kidd ; Mathew Peck vs. Thomas Furguson ; James B. Mc- Call vs. Furguson; Nathaniel Pope vs. J. A. Whiteside; John Parmer vs. Linkhorn Harper ; James Letcher vs. Hugh Craig; Susannah Price and Joseph Palmer vs. James Worth ington and Levi Hughes, T. S. Slaughter vs. Elija Bryant; Wm. Morrison vs. W. Hukam, Joseph Taylor vs. 264 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY Daniel Ritter. Some new names on the petit jury were Jeremiah Lysemby, Benjamin Curley. Patsy Fisher and Owen Evans vs. R. Heacock; Mary Weaver, John Thornton and Hezekiah West vs. I. D. Wilcox. On the grandjury of October, 1819, the name of Rix Carter, John Grissum, Thomas Doyle, James Jones and Aaron B. Brown. The Hon. William Wilson held the November term in 1819. Some new jury names were Milton Ladd, John Grisham, John Oliver, and Henry Mangum. The first courts for 1820, there are few changes in the names of jurors and some of the parties bringing suit were Francis Geehan, William Hendry, Thomas Dial, Henry Osborn, Joseph McCorcle and Robert Little. Wilson, Marshall & Co., John P. Hogan and W. H. Ashley all had suits against I. D. Wilcox in this court, also Thomas Sloo, Jr. Wilcox had more lawsuits than any other one person in these courts, and S. J. Chap- man, Sr. is possibly second. The court of 1822 shows T. C. Brown as judge. Two new names as grand jurors, Thomas Duns worth, and James Sitter. (At close of this court, John Oliver is allowed four dollars for four days attendance at the last court as sheriff, and James Finney is allowed $30.00, his annual salary as clerk of this court, and $12.00 extra expenses.) The only new names as jurors at the April term for 1823, were Levi Casey and Reuben Wright. Some of those having cases were Daniel Field, Spencer Grogan, Lewis Vemont, John Elkins, Pennington Moss, Isaac Ralston, and Polly Sutten. September court, jurors not named before A Rice and Elias Harrell. Robert Lott, J. E. Willis, James White, James Brown, Richard Cox, Wheeler Bevins, Joshua Elkins and Sally Cooper were de- fendants. Irvin Morris and Lucius F. Gibbs were new plaintiffs. At the May term 1822, the Hon. Samuel Mc- Roberts was the judge. New names as jurors were John Henderson, W. B. Smith, Ira Hitchcock, and Mark Rentfro. The only new names appearing in cases were Samuel Vol- ner, Able Larrison and the officers of the State Bank of Illinois. The Hon. Richard M. Young, was presiding judge at the October term, 1825. One new name as juror Abra- ham Jobe. The names of William Slack, Robert Axley and Henry W. Mound appear as petit jurors. D. J. Baker was the circuit attorney. James Brown, James Westbrooks, Joseph Huddlestone, Abraham Baker are the only new parties in law suits. The same officers have charge of May term for 1826. No new names as jurors. "On the 27th A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 265 clay of May, 1826 personally appeared before me David McNeely, a resident of Johnson County, aged about 72 years saying he enlisted for the term of three years on the 12th day of April, 1777, in the state of Virginia, in the company commanded by Capt. Adam Wallace, in the 7th regiment, commanded by Col. Heath, in the line of the state of Vir- ginia, that he continued in said corps till some time in 1779, when he was discharged from service in the state of North Carolina. He stated that his name was not on any state roll, that he had not applied for a pension before because his circumstances, although not affluent, had been easy, but by misfortune and sickness, he had been reduced to the necessity of asking a support from his country. He swore he was a resident of the United States on the 18th day of March, 1818. He stated- he had not given away his property in order that he may get a pension. His property con- sisted of one suit of wearing apparel, valued at $3.87 Yi Richard M. Young ordered the clerk that it be certified that it appeared to the satisfaction of the court that the said David McNeeley did serve in the Revolutionary War." This is not the full text but the main points in it. There seems to be quite a contrast in the way men look upon taking money from the government now and one hundred years ago. On the same day J. D. Simpkins, a resident of Johnson County appeared before the court saying he had enlisted for the term of three years on the 13th day of October, 1777, in the state of New York, in the company commanded by Captain John Randolph, of Col. Henry Lee's Light Horse, commonly called the Legion, in the line of the state of Virginia, in the Continental Establishment, that he continued to serve in said troop until the 14th day of 1781, when he was discharged from service. He gives his rea- sons for applying for a pension and subscribes to some other forms required. Then follows a schedule of his pos- sessions : four cows and calves, valued at $20.00 ; two steers, valued at $16.00; one lot of hogs, valued at $20.00; house hold furniture at the value of $30.00 ; crop of corn and provision on hand, $30.00. This is also sworn to before Richard M. Young, Judge, and the court certifies that he is satisfied that John G. Simpkins, did serve in the Revolution- ary War, and ordered that the clerk so certify. On May 27, 1826, Samuel Gardner, a resident of Johnson County, applied for a certificate for a pension from the court. He also enlisted in New York in 1777, in the company com- 266 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY manded by Marisus (if deciphered correct) Willis, Lieut. Col. of the regiment commanded by Col. Gansofort in the line of the state of New York, and was discharged the 4th day of June, 1784, in the state of New York. He has not applied heretofore because he was able to support himself by his labors. Old age and sickness reduced him to the necessity of asking his country's aid. Then follows the usual form and schedule of his property, one rifle gun, valued at $10.00; one hoe valued at 50c, one ax valued at 75c. The judge ordered the clerk to certify that he was satisfied that Samuel Gardner did serve in the Revolution- ary War. From these records it appears that we had other Revolutionary soldiers than those whose graves have been marked by the D A. R. At the October term, 1826, there are two names on the jury list we have not had before. Martin Howell, and James McKee. Sidney Breese was the circuit attorney, having failed to attend D. J. Baker was appointed in his stead. John Shearer was constable. Jesse Fain was excused from jury duty. James and Polly Sittow were divorced at this court by a jury, and Polly was pro- hibited from marrying again for two years. Athony Ensor was a defendant in this court. At the April term, 1828, William J. Gatewood was District Attorney. The new jury names were William Parker and Solomon Stephens. The new parties to law- suits were William Allard and J. C Willard. At the Octo- ber term of this court one new name as juror, John Sims. The name of Amos Lacey appears connected with a lawsuit. At the May court, 1828, Jacob Keisler and Robert Kerley are new names as jurors. Pleasant L. Ward, Phillip Cor- bitt and Elias K. Cotton are the new contestants in law- suits. At the April term, 1836 the name of William Mount appears for the first time as a juror. Richard Elkins and Francis Kincannon were excused from duty. In this court there appears a record as follows. "This day appeared in open court, Washington Thompson, a man of color, and presented a certificate of Bennett Jones, Sheriff, of John- ston County, certifying that he, the said Washington, had been aprehended as a runaway slave or servant and com- mitted to the jail of said county by Ivy Reynolds an acting justice of the peace, in and for said county and that he had been dealt with according to law, and hired out from month to month for the space of twelve months, ending the A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 267 26th day of December last, 1835, and that no owner had appeared in the said time, to claim the said Washington Thompson. It was ordered that the facts be and are here- by certified and made public, and it is hereby ordered that said Washington Thompson shall be deemed a free person unless he shall be, lawfully claimed by his proper owner or owners/' Elias Holmes, W. C. White, J. N Modglin, and David Harper were new jurors. William McGee was a defendant in a suit brought from Pope County. Some other names connected with this court were Allen Pruett, John Jackson. Record 1, page 30, December 1, 1811, David MacElmunny, debtor to John Greething. April term, 1813. Joseph Conway, Dept. Atty. General, a suit was brought by John Prichard, assignee of Hugh Logan vs. Henry Skin- ner, Isaac D. Wilcox was security for the cost. Accom- paning the declaration was an order to-wit. "Sir please pay the bearer Hugh Logan, four hundred and thirty-two pounds of saltpeter, and oblige and soforth, Joseph French to Henry Skinner, Test. Thomas F. Clark, July 12, 1811." On the back of this order was the following to-wit. "I do assign over the within order to John Prichard in secur- ity of thirty dollars to be paid on or before the first day of June next, April 14, 1812, Hugh Logan. The within order is accepted by me, Henry Skinner, July 12, 1812, Test. Joseph Shaw. This note shows another legal tender to be saltpeter. November term, 1814, William Daniel vs. Daniel Vin- cent, trespass, John Spann and Charles Murphy were secur- ity for the cost. July term, of court 1814, held at the house of John Bradshaw in the town of Elvira, Johnson County, Illinois. One case was Henry Buckentaff vs. William Simpson growing out of the following, to-wit : "On or before the first day of August next I promise to pay Henry Buckentaff two hundred and thirteen and a half bushels of good dry salt, delivered in good barrels at Shawneetown, it being for value received. As witness my hand this 6th day of February, 1811, William Simpson, Test. Daniel Head." Then follows the indorsements "I assign the within note to Nathan Hern, without recourse, July 12, 1813, Henry Buckentaff, Test. William Daniels." Asignment two "I assign my right of the within note to John Venton without recourse, July 12, 1813, Nathan Hearn Test William Daniels." Third assignment, "I assign my right of the within note to John Stilty without recourse, 268 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY September 21, 1813, John S. Venton." Since this note had done duty in so many hands perhaps it would be of interest to know that Simpson paid Buckentaff $174.00 and the cost of the suit, apparently salt was also legal tender. At the November term, 1814, John King and Williams Styles are required to answer to a charge ^ of treaspass at the complaint of Elisha Spivy who lost his horses and these men found them. He accuses them of selling his horses and knowing they were his. The jury that was called had John Teddford, S. Snyder, Jacob Hunsaker and John Wood- land, whose names have not been copied on jury service be- fore. The jury allowed Spivy $50.00 damages when he had sued for $1,000. The next is the cape of John Sharp and Joshua Talbot, administrators of Frederit k Crice. They brought suit against Catherin Crice. It wr>s a plea of debt for $370,961/2 and damages $150.00. Samuel Penroa was her bondsman, Russell E. Heacock, attorney for Sharp and Talbot entered a complaint stating that the said plaintiffs had obtained a judgment against the said Catherine Crice in Butler County Court, Kentucky for the sum of $360 at a court held before the judge of said county, August, 1813, by their Atty. John Brethell, which had never been satis- fied. The debt was originally $700. She had promised frequently to pay Frederick Crice which she failed to do. After his death she still promised to pay his administrators, but failing they brought suit for $700. In the November term, 1814, Catherine Crice appeared at Morgantown, But- ler County, and says "the action ought not to be as the estate owes her $400 for clothing, washing and lodging the infant children of the deceased." At a later court held in June. 1815 her attorney, Delaney, filed a claim as having paid the debt. This case was brought before a jury in Johnson County, Illinois, October, 1815. The debt was allowed and damages was $45.00. A writ was issued against Catherine Crice's property. The writ was returned, no property found, 'I. Morris, Dept for T. Furguson.' Cath- erine Crice was ordered put in jail September 15, at the instance of John Sharp and Frederick Talbot as adminis- trators of the estate of Frederice Crice. The following year Catherine Crice took advantage of the law of this state for debtors as referred to in "Customs" Daniel Groves, at this court brought suit against John Borin, and Thomas Littlepage for a judgment he had ob- A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 269 tained in the Livingston County Court, Kentucky. Christ- phor Thompkins was his attorney. In 1807 a writ is issued against Thomas and Benjamin Littlepage in Livingston County Court, held at Russelville, Kentucky. Armstead Morehead, clerk, Wiley J. Earner, Sheriff, 1808. These cases came to our court for the reason that many of our settlers came from that state. William Eastin and Johnathan Magnus appear as contestants in the next case. A writ issued against Eastin from the state of Tennessee, requiring him to appear at a court held in Nashville, 1812. The administrators of Joseph Eubank's estate sued James Tolly and Charles Perry for debt. At a court in 1815 we first have the names of John Damron, John Witt is the com- plainant in this case, which is called "oraton." It appears the suit originated through a bill of sale of property that John Witt had made over to Nellie Witt, his wife, and six infant children. The case was continued at the October term, but the odd feature about it is, the number of the Perry family that are summoned to court. Wm. Perry, Sr., and Jr., John, Enoch, Hiram and Solomon Perry with John and George Damron. There is a case in the June term, 1816, over a note given by Isaac Wilcox in 1810 to John Stead. James D. Johnson bought the note, then Russel E. Heacock bought it, and William Osborn was security for the cost, James S. Dorris signed the writ as sheriff of John- son County. James Malcom brought a suit in the Novem- ber term, 1816, trespass against Jesse Terry. The Jury was D. T. Coleman, Foreman, John Elkins, John Spann, John Tedforcl, Solomon Snyder, James Abernathy, John Wood, Jeremiah Murry, Thomas Prichard, Jacob Hunsaker and William Penny. In October, 1817 Squire Allen sued Jesse Parker for debt. At the May term of court, 1818, David Usher brought suit against several men whose names have already been mentioned for assault and battery. Thomas C. Brown held the November court, 1819, Samuel Langdon, assignee of James Frazer, suit vs. Wilcox. This record extends from October, 1814, to May, 1818, but the names occuring in the different cases are all familiar. There is and old execution docket in the circuit clerks office giving all the cases from January 1, 1818-28. On the inside cover of one of these old records is a note perhaps a joke, as there was no date, "On demand I promise to John Mclntyre, five good negro boys and farm S. C." Another 270 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY entry that seems to have no connection with this county is, Augustine G. S. Wright, sub-agent lor the Fever River Lead Mines, Dodgeville, Joe Davis County, Illinois. Then follows the names, Gen. H. Dodge, and Col A. G. S. Wright. On this docket, November term 1820, it is re- corded that James Finney had been indicted for A. S. B. not being familiar with legal abreviations, on investigation, it was found to mean, assault and battery. Finney being an officer of the court, this was quite unexpected. He plead guilty and was fined twelve and one half cents. The grand jurymen for the October court, 1829, were Joseph Kuykendall, Foreman, John Bain, E. W. Campbell, Alvin Cross, Allen Choate, Isham DePoister, William Elkins Frederick Graves, Abraham McGowan, James Miles, George Lile, John Standard, William Taylor, Thomas Gore, Mar- shall Hale, and Josiah Raign. The first case is against Daniel Chapman, the next Archibald Goodman, Elias K. Cotton, John P. Finney, Jesse Canady. At the April term, 1830, the names on this jury not mentioned before were John Axley, James Boswell, Hardy Cooper, Molton Carter, Harris Hart and John Goddard, T. C. Brown was the Judge and H. J. Eddy the attorney. Jesse Williams, Samuel Ox- ford, Jacob Kiester, and Henry McHenry were the defen- dants in this court. The. grand jury returned with two in- dictments. The unfamiliar names at the October term of court, 1830 were, jurymen Abraham Niel, Louis Pankey. Thomas Moore, Nathaniel Buckmaster, Rebeca Caswe were defendants in cases of this court. At the April term, 1831, the new jurymen were James Gershon, B. S. Enloe, and David Harper. Fannie Holmes, Lot W. Hancock and William Lewis and some others who have been mentioned had cases in this court. April term, 1832, William Rich- ards, Moses Shelby, are the unfair names of jurymen. Mathew Blackwell, Peter May and Phillip Hargrave had cases in this court. At the April term, 1833, Stephen and Mark Rentfro, James Emerson, and Jeptha Wise are un- familiar Jurymen. John DeWit, Robert Fortenberry, Henry Tolson, Robert and John Diterline. P. W. Harring- ton, William Mathine, Ward and Ensminger, Jacob Gram- mer, Charlton Fairless, John L. Coper, Timothy Hayes. William Peterson, Warren Grisham, Solomon Gibson, John Betts, Sally Temple, Nancy Dyke, Jacob Sammon, were either plaintiffs or defendants at this court. Also the fol- A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 271 lowing record: 'This day William Wiggs, a soldier of the Revolution, by James Evans, his attorney came into court and presented his declaration and affidavit with certificate and affidavits of Hezekiah West, James Jones, Sr., Clergy- man, and John Sims, certifying of their knowledge regard- ing his service and veracity and truth in order to entiile him to the benefit of the act of Congress of June 7, 1832, which is ordered to be certified, with county seal annexed." His pension was allowed. The next court was November, 1833, G. W. Youngblood is the only grand juryman not mentioned before." Harry, a colored man, this day came into court. The said Harry, by hi? attorneys, Dougherty and Dunn, and moved the court to restrain Owen Evans, his supposed master, from removing him without the juris- diction of the court, "which motion is continued." "This day A. P. Field, Esq. came into court and moved the court for a rule upon the sheriff of Johnson County to show cause why he does not return to Owen Evans the property at- tached (a certain negro man) which had been attached as the property of the said Evans, in which attachment special bail had been filled which motion was continued." This shows how late slavery was permitted in this county and what liberties the owners took with their slaves. William Rinehard, John Collier, Jacob Wolfe, John T. Griffin, John Beattie, Sarah Craig, John Denison, were other names appearing at this court. The jurymen whoses names have not appeared before, for the Spring- term of 1834, were Ishmeai Veach, James Lasley, James McKee, Gabriel B. Sidwell and Isaac C. Kidd. The new contestants in suits were Samuel Grace, Jesse Grigsby, Jesse Pratt, Lucindy Webber, Elizabeth Davis and Thomas Hart. For the November term of this year the only jury- men not mentioned before was James Hitchcock. Dr. B. W. Brooks was the only new white client. William Boni- face and John Bannister, were colored men, who had been taken up as runaway slaves and served their term out as the law required, presented their certificates and were de- clared free. The case of Harry, a man of color vs. Owen Evans was continued. For the April term of 1835, the new grand jurymen were Thomas Pitt, Benton Modglin and James Holt. Joseph Young is recognized as an attorney at this court. Henry Williams, Elias Holmes, Casper Weaver and William Munsun had cases in this court. Owen Evans 272 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY was acquitted in the case of Harry, the man of color. David Elms, John O'Linear, Beverly B. Parker, Jesse Pratt, A. M. Hicklin, Thomas Hall, Christopher Kelly, D. J. Tucker, Allen Pruet, Martin W. Dorris, and Pleasant Meadows were other people interested in this court. Heretofore Thomas C. Brown has held all the courts from 1829 to 1835. At October court, 1835, the Hon. Justin Harlin, is the Judge, Samuel Copeland is the clerk, and Benett Jones the sheriff. All the names of the grand jurors are familiar. The Dis- trict Atorney was John Dougherty, of Jonesboro, Illinois. William Howard, Reuben Wilson and Abraham Baker are new contestants in this court, also Joseph Williams a man of color, who presented his certificate from Ivy Reynolds, Coroner of the county, as having been dealt with as the law required of a runaway slave, and obtained his freedom. One other case pretaining to the heirs of Nathaniel Sidwell. The early courts opened at 8 A. M. At the May court, 1841, Judge Walter B. Scates was in charge. William McNickol, N. P. Cardwell and Samuel Short served on the Petit Jury. At the November term, same year, William Bullock, Levi Rice, John Carmichael and Zachariah McKee are new grand jurymen. The term of court held May, 1842 was under Judge Scates, with W. J. Allen as District Attorney. This is getting down to such a late date as to make the records modern. The county records are very complete from 1840. MISCELLANEOUS COURT NOTES At a court held in 1827 Jacob Harvick was fined fifty cents for assault and battery. "Ordered that John Oliver be paid $2.50 for attending on the court two days and fur- nishing wood, "November term, 1820. " At the May term 1825, the case of the People vs. William Russell, indictment for giving a challenge to fight a duel. The people were represented by Sidney Breeze and Russell was found guilty. Fee bills for a suit brought by Reynolds and Gray vs. W. B. Ward, June 1840, justice docket, I2V2C, summons 18 :>> |.c, judgment 25c, execution 25c, renewing execution 25c, miles six at five cents, 30c serving summons 25c, total cost of suit, $2.11%. Account of Thomas C. Paterson sheriff, 1815, debtor to James Finney 6214c to Dr. Davis for note $6.50, to cash A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 273 lent William Peterson, $2.12 1 / <>. Some cases recorded .March term, 1814 Richard McBride vs. Elizabeth Keith, Arthur Love vs. Joshla and John Graves, 1815; Johnathan Clark vs. E. Russell and wife, 1825, State Bank of Illinois vs. Randolph Casey and Joshua Elkins, 1825, Daniel Chap man vs. Jesse Canady, 1823; Washington McFatridge vs. John Bain 1827 ; the people vs. Pleasant Ward, 1814, Will- iam Easton vs. John A. Magnus, Stephen Kuykendall, late of Center Township, had a case in court, 1815, Chas. Meek vs. Adam Harvick and Jesse Allen, 1815, King Hazel vs. Luke Williams, 1816, Elisha Reynolds and Thomas Little page vs. Hannah Borin, 1816, Peggy Taylor vs. Robert H. Loyd, Patsy Fisher and Owen Evans, administrators vs. John Hays, Martha McCall vs. Levi Graham, 1817, Sus- annah Latham vs. Alexander Beggs, 1820, Susannah Price and Joseph Palmer setled with the court 1820 as adminis- trators of the estate of Abram Price. Thomas C. Paterson was allowed $10.00 for Prosecuting Attorney for the past year at June court, 1816. Milton Ladd was ordered to lay off, under the direction of George Brazil, one half of the whole length of section 10, township 15, range 3 east, June 1826. In 1823 James Copeland as sheriff was ordered by the court to purchase one half bushel, one gallon, one quart, and one half pint measures to be of the gage provided by an act of the General Assembly of the State. David J. Baker was allowed $30.00 in specie or $60.00 in state paper, for his services as prosecuting attorney in 1825. December term, 1825, Richard Elkins was made guardian for Ezekiel, Robinson and filed bond to give him a year's schooling and when twenty-one to give him a horse worth $50.00 or other property worth that much and one good suit of clothes, of domestic manufacture, 1825. Jasper and Elizabeth Mount had children, Thomas M., Nancy J., and Mathias. These children chose their mother as guardian, September, 1820, as their father had died. One of the first divorce cases is found in May court, 1818, Elizabeth vs. John Elkins. George Smiley makes application for a permit to keep tavern, March 12, 1814, Dishon, Givins & Co., Thursday entered with me for a license to vend merchandise, J. Fin- ney, January 29, 1814. Weir & Craig had a lawsuit against Samuel Simpson in a court held in 1813, David Elms was made guardian for the children of William Fisher, Levi and Williams, 1818. April 1828, the following order from 274 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY the court, "that a tax of one-half percent be levied on the following kinds of property, to-wit, on town lots, slaves, re- quistion and indentured negroes or mulatto servants, pleas- ure carriages, distillers, stock-in-trade, horses, mares, mule^ asses, neat cattle above three years of age, and on water mills with their appendages, Grand jurors 1808, William Alexander, John Worley, James Henderson and William McLaughlin, Jacob Solomans Christphor Lore, John Henderson and Nathaniel Sidwell. Walter B. Scates presided at the Spring term, 1837. Jacob C. Kidd, Thomas Pitt and Amos V. Lasley were new jury- men. New men in court were Nathaniel Mullinax, Elisha Cowgill, James Teagnor, J. M. Webster. Jane Hill, Admin- istratrix of Curtis Hill. Sam Harrison, a man of color, was declared free by the court under the same law that Wash- ington Thompson had been freed the year before. There were several indictments against persons for keeping a tippling house open on the Sabbath day, another was fined for playing at dice on the Sabbath at this period it would be called "shooting craps." Joseph Strahl, Solomon Grace, James Emerson, Abel Ford, Peter Yokum, John Shinall, Francis Marberry, were new names appearing on the 1837 court records. In 1838, we have the same judge and officers. The defendants were Watts and Franklin, W. B. Donaghy, John Mclntire, Wiley Wise, Wiley Simmons, Nathan Richardson, William Hooker. At the April term, 1839, Abram, Nathan and Reuben, men of color, were in- dicted for some misdemeanor. John Copeland went on their bail. He was the owner of at least one of them, per- haps all. The indictment was quashed and they were dis- charged. There is also a case of slander, Thomas Johnson and wife vs. Cornelius Vanderbilt and wife, tradition says, this Vanderbilt family, who had a beautiful home and farm on the Ohio River opposite the Grand Chain, was a member of the famous Vanderbilt family of New York. In the November term of court of this year, Levi a man of color, appeared before the court and claimed freedom under the law, which was granted. The 1840 court shows some names not seen before, J. W. Corbin, Peter 0,Neal, Peter McMahan, J. A. Rhodes, Powell Towler, and J. W. McKee. Jndofe Sidney Breeze held the November term of court, 1840 with W. H. Stickney, District Attorney. Levi Gifford, J. B. Spotts, Henry Freeman, J. K. Cheek, are connected with A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 275 this court. John Fisher presented his bond of $10,000 as sheriff, with C. C. Latham, William Fisher, Burrell Ander- son, Berry Sexton and W. H. Graves as bondsman. Copied from the fee book of J. Finney Circuit Clerk, John Bowman Dr., to James Finny Cash: 1814 the amount of my fee in the case, $13.00; 1815, Capt. Daniel T. Cole- man Dr., to same cash lent, $5.00; 1817, July, lent Martin Harvick, $5.00; October, 1817 William Garner cash lent, $3.80, paid. Record and copy of deed, $2.50. 1817; Stephen Smith Dr., to James Finny M. $1.00, 3 letter post- age 68V2C paid. Hoseah Borin Dr., to two certificates and seals at 75 cents $1.50 postage on two letters 25c each. 50 certificates and seal 75c. Postage on letters 12 1 /2 C , 87V2C, Benj. F. Conner Certificate 75c postage 37i/ 2 c, $1.12V 2 , October, 1817, Lieutent William Townsend ten dollars. To postage 28, $10.28, December, 1819, lent George Smily 50c. John Smith letters 50c, Peter Slark Dr., for postage 37V&C, Robert Hargrave Certificate 75c, John F. Smith, balance on letters of Administration, paid $2.50, October, 1819, John S. Graves to cash, one time $4.00, at another $3.00, to post- age on letter, 25c, $7.25 ; Milton Ladd postage on two letters 50c, John Elkins Dr. To James Finny clerk, for making copv of record by order of his attorney, William Russell, 1991 words at 12i/ 2 c for every 72— $3.40% Dr. Jacob Roberson, by order of his attorney William Russell Dr. To James Finny Clerk, for copy declaration 300 w r ords 51V2C, James Brown Dr. for postage 1 at 25c and 1 at 18 V2, John Bridges 1 at 25c, Simon Price 1 at 25c, Rice Sams 1 at 18%, Hosean Borin 2 letters 50c. January 7, 1817, Robert Hays Dr. To James Finny Clerk, for making complete record in the case of Patsy Fisher and Owen Evans vs. John Hays, appraiser, $4.80. James Silton 35c, 1818, July; William Lawrence, for two copies of deed 87 1 / ;>c. Record 1818. David Elms, for certificate and seal 75c, 1819, May 26, John Elkins Dr. To James Finny Clerk To copy, of an indict- ment 68c; July Isaac, D. Wilcox Dr. for 8 certificates and seals at 75c $6.00, "Squire Choat" tavern license, $5.00 paid. EARLY MARRIAGE DATES Daniel T. Coleman and Lucy Craft, 1820 ; John Tweedy married Mary Craft some time before 1825; Martin Har- vick married Nancy Fisher, 1821; Naman Martin married Temperance West Axley, 1825; Stanton Simpson married 276 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY Nancy Higgins, 1831 ; in 1835 licenses were issued to James T. Collier and Parmelia Chapman; Thomas Mercer and Minerva Allen; John Cooper and Betsy Harrell; James H. Cooper, and Jane Elliot, John Allen and Mary Sarah Mer- cer, Gilbert H. Padget and Amanda Chapman; John Jones and Esther Carter, 1839; Washington Chapman and Cyn- thia Jobe, 1835; John S. Copeland and Ann Ward, 1835; Joshua S. Copeland and Elizabeth Axley, 1835; Issac S. Copeland and Eleanor Gore, 1835; Alfred Copeland and Agnes Phillips, 1841; James Mabrey and (Mrs) Elizabeth Copeland, 1841 ; Alfred Copeland and Katherine Elkins, 1844; John A. Copeland and Cynthia A. Scroggins, 1857; John West and Nancy Ann Allen, 1859. James A. Mecalf married a daughter of N. 0. Gray. The Metcalfs resided in that section of the county that made Pulaski. Judging from court records Bennett Handcock married Mary Peterson, widow of Wm. Peterson, who had the infant children, Elizabeth, Joshua and Sally, and whose will was written, 1815. James Weaver married Mary, children, James, Sophia, Mariah; Mary widow of James Weaver married Thornton. OFFICERS Johnson County Territory was included in St. Clair, at its organization in 1790. Thomas Bradley was the first sheriff, William St. Clair is given as sheriff the same year. William Biggs was appointed coroner in 1790. Randolph County was formed in 1795, George Fisher, sheriff, 1801 and James Edgar, 1805. Robert Moris and James Edgar served as clerks of Randolph County between the years 1806 to 1808. Pierre Menard, George Fisher and James Finney were appointed Judges of the court of common pleas for Randolph County, 1806. E. Entsminger was deputy sheriff in 1809. John Bradshaw and John Phelps were appointed Justices of Peace in 1809. James Galbreth. sheriff 1809. Marvin Fuller, Nathan Davis, and J. B. Mur- ry were appointed J. P. for Randolph County in 1810. (This was copied from Randolph County records.) The County of Johnson was organized September 14, 1812, and the following officers were appointed by the Governor: Thomas C. Patterson, sheriff; Thomas Furguson, Nathaniel Green, Judges of the court of common pleas and A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 277 James Finney, clerk. Jessie Griggs, who lived in the Murphy sboro neighborhood, was appointed a Justice for this county, 1812. I. Weaver, who lived in Center Town- ship, Thomas Griffith and John Byers, who lived in the section that made Jackson County in 1816, were appointed Justices of the Peace in 1812. Henson Day and Thomas Green were appointed J. P. in 1813, and John Palmer, coroner. Archibald McAllister, coroner, 1814, George Hacker, Jessie Echols and George Hunsaker were J. P. in 1814 and in the same year James Finny was appointed clerk of the Supreme Court ; Gilbert Marshall was appoint- ed surveyor. John Earthman was coroner in 1815. Will- iam M. Lammison, Joshua Davis, Vance Lusk, William Smith, James Bain, John Bowman and Thomas Lawrence were appointed J. P. in 1815. W r illiam Mears was appoint- ed District Attorney in 1813 and Thomas C. Brown to the same office in 1814. John Weldon was appointed J. P. in 1816, he lived on the west side of the county which made Union when it was created. James Weaver, Benjamin Maneer, Hosea Borin, Will- iam Stiles, Irvin Morris, and Andrew Cochran were ap- pointed Justices for the County in 1816. Vance Lusk and James Whiteside, T. Lammison and James Fox lived in that section of Johnson that later became Pope County. In 1817, the Governor appointed John Copeland, James Crunk, David Elms, John Whittiker, George Brown, Joseph Palmer Justices. John Hargraves, who lived in Union in 1818, sur- veyor. Commissioners 1818; Hezekiah West, 1821, William McFatridge, 1820, Joseph McCorcle, 1823, John Peterson, John Russell, 1824, Samuel Chapman and Lancaster Cox, 1826; David Shearer, William B. Smith, Rix Carter and Carter Latham; 1840, Elijah Smith and Worthington Gibbs, 1837 ; Ivy Reynolds, 1853 ; B. S. and W. B. Smith, Marvel Scroggins, 1855 ; John Shadrick and John Simmons, 1857; Branum Worrell, John Oliver and John N. Mozley, 1857; J. S. Toler and H. S. Lawrence 1858; William Barnwell, 1861; Jason B. Smith, 1866; Mark Whiteaker, 1886; John F. Casper, 1878; W. D. Deans and R. Brown, 1878; John F. Casper, 1878; W. D. Deans and R. W. Brown, 1879; T. J. McCormick; Lewis F. Walker, 1870; W. Y. Davis, 1872; T. M. Cavitt, 1884; Green R. Casey, 1893. So far this list is incomplete, but from 1914 to 1924 278 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY the list is correct. H. 0. Cavitt, J. L. Thornton, J. C. Carter, H. W. Emerson, William Nobles, J. W. Rushing, N. J. Mozley, J. C. Chapman, J. Wormack and Thomas Bal- lance. Sheriffs, dating from 1815: Hamlet Furguson, James Davis, Irvin Morris, John Oliver, James Copeland, Samuel Copeland, John Fisher, Bennett Jones, R. D. Hight, Basil Gray, James M. Finney, D. C. Chapman, F. C. Kirkham, Lorenzy D. Craig, H. C. Carson, J. N. Mozley, William Perkins, A. J. Gray, J. H. Carter, W. C. Allen, Mark Whit- teaker, L. H. Frizzell, R. R. Ridenhower, James F. White- head, M. A. Hankins, John L. Veach, J. P. Mathis and T. C. Taylor, who is the present incumbent. County Judges: A. J. Kuykendall, 1837; T. C. Brown, 1878; C. N. Damron, 1879; P. T. Chapman, 1882; T. J. Murry, 1890; 0. R. Morgan, 1898; W. Y. Smith, 1900; W. A. Spann, 1906; J. F. Hight, 1914; J. 0. Cowan, 1918. County Clerks : James Finney was appointed 1812. No other name is found as clerk until Samuel Copeland's name appears 1834; D. Y. Bridges, 1834; I. N. Pearch, 1848; W. J. Gibbs, 1857; B. S. Smith, 1861; W. W. Boyt, 1873; F. M. Jones, 1877; J. W. Gore, 1886; W. H. Thomas, 1890; Thomas, M. Gore, 1894; I. L. Morgan, 1902; E. F. Throg- morton, 1906, and he has held the office continuously since. County Superintendents of Schools. The first superin- tendent coming under the 1855 law, was William Culver, J. S. Whittenberg, R. M. Fisher, Thomas G. Farris, P. T. Chapman, W. Y. Smith, M. T. Van Cleve, Sara J. White, berg, W. M. Grissom, Emma Rebman, E. W. Sutton, F. E. Worrell. Circuit clerk: The first persons to hold this office were S. C. Rentfro, 1831 and John Dun, 1834. They were called "recorder of deeds." In 1864, J. S. Crum was elected J. W. Gore, 1876, J. S. Francis, 1880, F. B. Thacker, 1888, L. J. Smith, 1892. C. W. Mills; 1904, Grant McFatridge, 1908, John W. Carlton, 1916. County Surveyor: Gilbert Marshall, 1815; Milton Ladd 1820; L. W. Fern, 1855; H. M. Ridenhower, 1865; Joshua J. Scott, Charles W. McCoy, 1871; W. B. Lewis, W T . C. Watson, 1907; Clint Hunt, 1916. Charles Hook was the first county supervisor of roads, 1914; John Sharp and Almus Ragsdale. The latter is filling the position at pres- ent, 1924, John Sharp, surveyor, 1924. A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 279 States Attorney: The first States Attorney was C. N. Damron, elected in 1874, A. G. Damron, 1878, Dick Fisher, 1882; G. B. Gillespie, 1886; D. J. Cowan, 1900; T. H. Sheridan, 1908; H. A. Spann, 1912; 0. R. Morgan, 1916; C. J. Huffman, 1920; O. R. Morgan, 1924. Assessor and Treasurer: Blewitt Bain, 1854 and suc- cessively, B. S. Smith, G. P. Finney, John Slack, Joel Du- Bois, Owen G. Peterson, William B. Pearce, F. B. Thacker, John S. Bridges, T. B. Reynolds, I. N. Elkins, J. F. White- head, G. H. Huffman, H. V. Carter, W. F. Marberry, Charles Peterson and Paul E. Phelps. TOWNSHIPS There are nine townships in Johnson County, namely Goreville, Elvira, Cache, Tunnel Hill, Bloomfield, Vienna, Burnside, Simpson and Grantsburg. Goreville is in the north west corner of the county and was settled by the Gores, Adams, Barnards, Carrol Craigs, Dunns, Kelleys, Newtons, Walkers, Stanleys, Ridenhowers and Parrishes. Madison Parrish was a Justice of the Peace for many years and served as an associate of the county. G. P. and West Sullivan were settlers of this township be- fore the Civil War. They were educated men and G. P. did what one would call a country lawyer's business, such as writing wills, filling out papers and justice work. His children were Marcellus, (called Bud) Lycurgus, Rhoda and Mathilda. West was a teacher, and had one daughter who married a Mr. Russell. The Sullivans were from the South and Democrats in politics and Goreville Township is still the stronghold of that party in our county. A few of the farmers living there at present are: J. M. Francis, A. M. Smith, W. P. Gore, J. A. Carlton, J. N. Maze, M. M. Pickles, D. A. Stone, John A. Vancil, Charles Patrick, J. H. Hudgens, Benjamin Johnson and T. C. Crawford. Gore- ville is the principal town. Elvira lies south of Goreville and borders Union Coun- ty on the west. The first settlers here were Worleys, Little- tons, Elkins, Stokes, Graves, Barnetts, Morrises, Mangums and a little later the Pearces, Ragsdales, Suits and Browns. Among the farmers of this section today are : J. K. Elkins,. J. B. Suit, Dr. Charles Nobles, Dr. W. P. Robertson, J. C. Grinnell, John W. Gocldard, F. M. Hunsaker, George John- son, Melvin Jones, Claude Beggs, E. L. Ragsdale, Ad and Sherman Smith, George M. Mozley, L. F. Poor and Charles 280 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY Truelove. Buncombe is the main village and Pleasant Grove Center is situated in this township. Cache joins Elvira on the south and its southern boundary is formed by Cache river. It was settled almost as early as Elvira by the West. Carter, Mercer, Peterson, Axley, Gore and Bridges families some of whom were as early as 1810. The Peeler, Martin, Casper, Wilhelm fam- ilies came about the fifties. Cypress and Belknap are the main towns of this division and a few of the good farmers are L. A. Mulkey, J. C. Carter, J. L. Beanard, W. J. Jones, Frank Capron, L. S. Beggs, P. T. Chapman, J. M. Brown, D. C. Casper, W. 0. Peeler, Frank Penrod, Lee Moak, Charles Marshall and Mrs. Sabine Mason. Tunnel Hill is on the northern border of the county and just east of Goreville. It has Tunnel Hill for its main village, and its first settlers were Choats, Goddards, Hobbs, Whiteheads, Kuykendalls, Cavitts, Bradleys, McMahans and Mitchell Webb who was the founder of a large family. Andrew Kelley, a man held in high esteem by his neighbors, Joseph was the head of the Smith family. His children were William, Joseph, Isaac, Richard, Mathilda and Hiram. Most of these families with the Vinsons and Simmons are members of the church of the Latter Day Saints. When this church was broken up at Nauvoo, Illinois, these fam- ilies located in this township. They have intermarried so that their descendants are most all related. Other families settling here about the fifties, were John Ridenhower, Felix Boyt, Burkalows, Carsons and the D. C. Chapmans. Some of the present residents are G. H. McMahan, Guy Beauman, A. G. Benson, J. B. Cavitt, the family of the late A. N. Webb, Isiah Lowery, J. L. Mohler, and David Cover, Jr. The Centralia Fruit and Orchard Co., is located in this township. Bloomfield lies almost in the center of the county and was a part of Cache Township when it was organized. It was settled by the Caseys, Harvicks, McFatridges, Thac- kers, Bains, Daniel Chapman, Sr., Taylors, Finneys, Odoms and Petersons. Bloomfield is the name of the largest town. Farmers living there now are J. S. Plater, J. N. Benson, I. N. Davies, John Taylor, 0. W. Ruppert, George W. Mathis, T. F. Travis, L. J. Smith, J. M. Brown, and the Shetlers. Vienna lies south of Bloomfield. The families of James Bain, Mathew Mathis, Henry Beggs, John Oliver, James A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 281 Jones, Samuel Chapman, James and J. L. Hogg, Jackson Simpson, David Shearer and Thos. Johnson were the first residents. A few years later came the families of Dr. Dam- ron, A. J. Kuykendall, Redden, Henry, Burnett, John Bain, Farris, Donaghy and Hight. Vienna is the seat of justice and the principal town of the county. It is situated in the northwest part, in section 5. West Vienna and Foreman are other villages in the township. Some of the progressive farmers are J. C. Johns, L. T. Farris, J. L. Lindsey, John Dunn, D. W. Mathis, Milo Clanahan, J. W. Shinn, A. Hook, R. R. Ridenhower, J. M. Farris, T. J. Cowan, Jr. H. L. Bridges, J. C. Chapman and A. E. McKenzie. Burnside is located in the north east corner of the county. The Harper, Choate, Lawrence, Howerton, Damion, Gill, Whiteaker, Burton, Ballance families were a few of the early settlers of this township. It is known as the fruit growing section and some of the residents and farmers are J. C. B. and J. W. Heaton, F. B. Hinds, Nor- man W. Casper, J. W. Choat, G. W. Murphy, J. W. Rush- ing, J. M. Safford, and J. R. Chester. New Burnside and Ozark are the villages of this township. Simpson is south of New Burnside and borders Pope County on the east, it had its first settler in 1805, William Simpson, from whom it took its name. Other early settlers were McKees, Veaches, Barnwells, Whitesides, Kerley, Keltners, Scotts, Simmons, Murrays and Mounts. Simpson is a thriving villiage of this section. Some of the farmers and fruit growers are : T. B. Murray, T. B. Mount, J. W. Reynolds, T. B. Kerley, W. H. Grissom, J. H. Taylor, C. W. and Otto Murrie and J. L. Thomas. Grantsburg corners with Massac and Pope Counties on the south east. Some of the first settlers here were: Walkers, Pors, Cummins, Marberys, Helms, J. B. Smith, Green B. Veach, Pleasant Rose, Sr., Grissoms, Modglins, Bowmans, Bains, Pearces, Fishers and Allen Jones. Wart- race, New Grantsburg and Ganntown are the principal centers and some present farmers are ; E. E. Farquahar, F. M. Simmons, J. D. Wormack, W. J. Miller, E. E. Morgan, Otis Nelson, W. F. Hight, Charles Shelton, Delaskey Walker, E. E. Trovillion, L. P. Morris, C. H. Gray, Pleas- ant Rose, W. P. Walker and John Hand. 282 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY EARLY TOWNS The towns or settlements located on the Ohio River within the original bounds of Johnson County were: Ft. Massac (see Clark's Trail), Wilkinsonville, Napoleon, Cale- donia, Trinity and America. Wilkinsonville, Reynolds says in his history written 1825 "General Wilkinson, who was a British Governor of the northwest territory, appointed in 1769, built canton- ment Wilkinson." In the History of Union, Pulaski and Alexander Counties, quoted from Bradley, "General Wilkinson ascended the Ohio River about the close of the war of 1812, to the head of the Grand Chain, with a large body of troops, and built expensive barracks. When the troops were removed, it fell into decay and there is nothing left but graves to designate the place." Which statement is correct one cannot say. There is a plausible reason why the fort might have been built, if it had been 1806 or 1807, as General Wilkinson of the United States Army was understood to be connected with Burr's conspiracy and this fort would have been useful if Burr's plan had carried. Joshua Copeland, born 1812, and whose father lived near the site of this old fort said, he remembered the drill grounds as a boy, but the buildings had all fallen into decay, which could hardly have happened if they had been con- structed in 1812. Victor Collet, a Frenchman in his "Notes on a Journey in North America" describes Wilkinson as follows: "Wilkinsonville was about half way between Ft. Massac and the mouth of the Ohio. It stands upon a beau- tiful savannah of one hundred acres sixty or seventy feet above the river. It is a place of little or no trade and has sensibly declined since it lost the patronage of a govern- ment garrison." Eli Clemson, father of James Y., was said to have been one of the founders of the town of Napoleon, not a vestige of which remains to tell where it stood. James Y. had a beautiful home and farm on the Ohio River just above old Caledonia the latter part of 1800. Caledonia was known as the Block House before 1817. There is some tradition about the remains of an ancient cir- cular fort or enclosure, with openings on two or more sides, on the site of or near old Caledonia. Those describ- ing it say in the early part of the 19th century there were A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 283 large trees growing on the top of this wall, or mound, but if there are any remains of this fort at present they are invisible and no one living knows of such a place. Caledonia was at one time a very thriving town, being the seat of justice for Pulaski County, but when the county seat was moved to Mound City and the Big Four Railroad was built, Olmstead the station nearest Caledonia absorbed the popula- tion. Trinity was built at the mouth of Cache River "and founded in 1817 by James Riddle, Henry Bechtle, Thomas Slough of Cincinati, and Steven and Henry Rector of St. Louis. Dr. William Alexander and John Dougherty were their agents. In 1822, several buildings were erected, a first class store, a warehouse, a fine dwelling and tavern, including a billiard room. It continued to thrive for some time but a greater part of it was destroyed by fire in 1831. Captain Webb estimated his loss at $50,000. It was finally abandoned about 1835. America was founded about 1821, a short distance from Trinity but was soon abandoned. But when the Big- Four Railroad was built the station near its site took the name of America. Tradition says the Russell settlement was located 11 or 12 miles north of where America is now, on Cache in 1812. Obidiah Russell had a ferry and mill on Cache in Johnson County in 1816 and this was probably the Russell settle- ment. Hues had a mill in the county in 1816 which tradi- ment. Hughes had o mill in the county in 1816 which tradi- ELVIRA Elvira is only a neighborhood at present of about three or four farmhouses, and has not even a postoffice. It is situated northwest of Vienna, about ten miles, near Lick Creek, and the original town was settled about 1806. John Bradshaw and Isaac Worley were some of the early resi- dents. Jacob Littleton was licensed to keep tavern there in 1818. It was made the county seat of Johnson at its organ- ization, 1812, and our first courts were held there. Peck tells us that it had thirty or forty inhabitants in 1837 and evidently did not lose all its population and business at the time the county seat was moved to Vienna. The location of the first court house erected there more than one hundred 284 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY years ago can be plainly seen and the building, judging from the foundation was about thirty-five by twenty feet, built of hewed logs and had a large fireplace in each end. The foundation rocks for the chimneys are still in place, although a little ways under ground as this site is now in a cultivated field, but the roadway that ran through the town is still visible. The arch rock of one of these old fireplaces is used by a neighbor as a doorstep. The Daniel Chapman Chapter, Daughters of American Revolution of Vienna, have a bronze tablet to mark this old site. The nearby spring that supplied the residents, judges and lawyers, who frequented old Elvira more than a century ago, still sends its thirst-quenching stream, as freely to us now as John Bradshaw, Isaac and John Worley, Jane Morris, our first lady retail liquor dealer and all the eminent men who visited there. "Men may come and men may go, but it flows on forever. ,, REYNOLDSBURG This was at one time, possibly about the latter part of the fifties, a flourishing inland village in Burnside town- ship. It was one of the oldest community centers in the county and was first called Cross Roads. It was built on the farm of Wesley Reynolds, and a post office was estab- lished there which was kept by Mr. Reynolds, who also operated a large general store. The place took its name from the Reynolds family and the widow of T. B. Reynolds, son of Wesley, still resides on this farm. One of the oldest churches of the county is located at this place. T. J. Cook had a store there about 1860 and F. M. McGee another a little later. John Dupont operated a grain mill there and Charles A. McCoy was another old resident. Dr. Josiah Whitnel, who lived near, was the neighborhood physican, practicing there, throughout his professional life. The Reynoldsburg Masonic Lodge was organized in 1865, the (see Tunnel Hill.) When the Big Four Railroad was built the neighboring towns absorbed the business and population of Reynoldsburg, and there is nothing remaining of this once busy little place but the old church, which is situated on a hill with one of those wonderful views of which Johnson County has so many. GOREVILLE Goreville has been a voting and trading place since A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 285 before the sixties. John Gore settled there about 1850, and carried on a general store during his life. A postoffice was established soon after the Civil War and was named in honor of Mr. Gore. His first residence was a log house and is still standing although enclosed with weather boarding. Mr. Gore belonged to one of the oldest families of the coun- ty. As early as 1875 there was a store, a blacksmith shop ; a postoffice and two or three dwellings, all stood on the lett side of the road going north. Among the dwellings was the present residence of Mrs. Mattie Jones, (daughter of John Gore) and built by him. New Goreville is a short distance north of this old town, built in 1899 on the farms of Joel Hubbard and Mike Jones. Some of the founders were Ed. Hicks, Ebert Thulen, T. A. Bradley, J. U. S., Henry, John and William Terry, Isaac Simmons, Newlin and Hudgens. There is a tall frame building about midway between the site of the old village and the new. It was built soon after the Civil War, and is known as The Hall. The upper story is a Masonic hall and the lower one is used by different denominations for church service. J. H. Morphis, a Presbyterian minister says he preached there in 1875 and that they used candles to light the church. The Goreville Masonic Lodge is quite an old institution and was first held in the upper story of the residence of Dr. Tine Whitnel, where Charles Calhoun now lives, directly across the railroad from the new town. The new village was in- corporated in 1900. The population then was 406, 1910, 554; 1920, 700. It had a very destructive fire in 1907. Goreville has maintained a weekly newspaper for a time at different periods, the history of which is found under "The Press." The First National Bank of Goreville was organized in 1905, with T. A. Bradley, president, M. M. Pickles, Vice-President, R. A. Parks, cashier. J. B. Hud- gens was later made cashier and has filled this position for a number of years. The Citizens State Bank was opened there in 1917 by G. H. McMahan, with Evertt McMahan as cashier. John Grissom is now president, M. M. Terry, cash- ier. History of Goreville could scarcely be written without mentioning John H. Jones, as he was a resident in the vicinity for more than fifty years. Thomas M. Jones, a prominent educator of the county and a descendant of one of the oldest families, has been identified with the village in several ways, and resides in the community. At a pa- troitic day held at Goreville, June 5th, 1917, there was dis- 286 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY played an old flag, which had belonged to John A. Logan's regiment, the 31 Illinois Volunteer. The flag was carried by John Burlison, who had borne it during the war. There is a modern brick school building where the two first years of high school are taught in connection with the grades. They have two church buildings, Methodist and Baptist, ten stores, two restaurants, with seven or eight brick business buildings, two grist mills, an elevator, a lumber yard, three garages, and three blacksmith shops. It is situated near the center of Goreville township and northwest of Vienna, about twelve miles, the second largest town in the count3 r . The Nipper and Gould, American Legion Post of Gore- ville, was organized in 1920. It was named in honor of Ray Nipper and Harvey Gould. The first commander was R. E. Wiggins, and M. M. Terry the first Adjutant. The charter members were: R. E. Wiggins, R. G. Benson, E. Y. Smith, M. M. Terry, J. C. Rushing, Jake and Henry Prit- chet, Lawrence Chamness, Iva 0. Toler, John Royster, Frank Stevens, Everett and Harry Thornton, Clifford Webb Thomas Peterson, Oscar Walker. This Post has a member- ship of seventeen. BUNCOMBE This progresive little town was named for Buncombe County, North Carolina, the name tradition says, was sug- gested by Levi Casey, a resident of the neighborhood, who had emigrated from that county and state. It was for many years an inland place with a post office, a store and a blacksmith shop, and the ever necessary country doctor. Caesar Cohn was one of the first merchants of this town, who later moved to Vienna. When the Chicago and Eastern Illinois railroad was built through the county it came direct to this location. Buncombe has grown into a popu- lation of about 400, in thirty-five years, and was incorp- orated into a village in 1916. It has one bank, with Calvin Mathis as cashier, seven merchants, two churches, a mill, and automobile sales store, a standard public school, with two years of high school and about a half mile of as fine hard road as one can find. It is about six miles northwest of Vienna and was built on the farm of W. J. Suit. W. J. and J. B. Suit and T. Proctor were some of the founders. The Buncombe mill and Elevator Co., was composed of J. J. Robertson, J. B. Suit, J. K. Elkins and other substantial A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 287 farmers, who built a mill and elevator there in 1905. This is now owned and operated by F. S. Kuykendall (recently sold to a Mr. Williams.) WARTRACE Wartrace is a small inland community about six miles east of Vienna. It was first called Grantsburg and is still known as old Grantsburg. S. D. Poor was a merchant there for many years and was in reality its founder. W. J. Fern was physician there in the sixties and Dr. Lewis Walker was a resident physician there throughout his life where his widow still resides. When the Illinois Central Railroad was built it missed this place and the new town built on the railroad took the name of New Grantsburg and in look- ing around for a name for this place it is said to have taken its new name from the hanging of a horse thief by the farmers of that section. Soon after the w T ar a bush- whacker came across the river stole a horse and killed the owner. He was hung by a mob. The inhabitants hoped this would be the last trace of war in that section, and it was. It has about 25 inhabitants. TUNNEL HILL Tunnel Hill is a village at the head of a short tunnel on the Rig Four Railroad, and was settled at the time the road was built. Captain J. B. Gillespie was a resident there in 1871. Dr. N. M. Hudson and brother owned a drug store there and Dr. Hudson practiced medicine there about that time. Sylvester Whitehead and J. F. Graham were in busi- ness there about 1873. D. F. Beauman of the firm of Beau- man and Bunn located there about the same year. Dr. W. J. Fern was also an early resident. Abram Cover came there from Union County and built a flour mill some time in the 70\s. The Nipper family first resided at Sanborn, but later moved to Tunnel Hill. The Reynoldsburg Masonic Lodge No. 419 was organized at Cedar Creek church 1865, the charter members were; L. D. Fern, James Whitehead, Mike Emory, Josiah Whitnel and Lewis Yandell. This lodge was moved to Sanborn in 1875 and in the following year to Tunnel Hill, where it continues to thrive with a membership of thirty-seven. The business men of Tunnel Hill at present are: Robert Gilliam, D. E. Vurbel, S. H. Taylor. At present it has one restaurant, two churches, a 288 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY grade school and population of about 200. It is surrounded by tine orchards and good farmers. Sanborn was a place of some business and a small population but has declined to two or three residences. NEW BURNSIDE New Burnside is situated in Burnside Township in the north east corner of the county on the Big Four Railroad. It was laid out in 1872 from the farms of Newell Phillips and Thomas McMichael, Sr, and is named in honor of Gen- eral Burnside of Civil War fame, who was president of the Cairo and Vincennes R. R. Company which constructed this road, and at the suggestion of Capt. Mark Whiteaker. The reason for the sudden development of this town was the discovery of coal at this place by George H. Huffman while digging out a spring in the year 1875. The mine was worked a short time by Huffman and James A. Smith, but later leased to Captain James A. Vial, in 1877 who worked the mine in paying quantities for about four or five years. The demand for coal in this section at that time was not so great as now and the usual shipments did not exceed twelve car loads per day, although the capacity of the mine was much greater. This coal was not of the highest grade, and after the discovery of the fine veins of coal at Harris- burg and the financial failure of the operator, this mine was abandoned, except for a little digging for local use. J. F. Gray built the first residence on the site of G. W. Lauderdale's home, the first store building and opened the first store. Dr. W. R. Mizell was the first physican there and built the second residence, where he still resides. There were at one time, twenty business house in Burnside Among the men conducting businesses then were: F. M. McGee, David Shearer, T. A. Edmondson, John Caldwell, P. W. Redden, J. B. Gillespie, Beese Trammel, Will and Dave Harris ; John DuPont built and operated a large flour- ing mill ; James W. Heaton, Sr., Joseph and Albert Dugger, William Donahue, F. M. Jones and Robert Branum. Thomas M. son of F. M. and Ann Jones was the first child born in the town. There were three churches, Methodist, Christian and Baptist erected in 1876, and a Catholic church built some time later. A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 289 The town was at its height in 1878-9. The population reached 1,200 and in 1883 still had 1,000 inhabitants. TTie mine store did a $35,000 business in 1880. Burnside began to decline in 1881 and by 1907 the number of residents had fallen to 400. At present there is a population of about 350, and seven stores. The first bank of the county was organized at this place about 1879, but was later moved to Vienna. There has never been any colored people in the town, nor a licensed saloon. In 1903, there were thirty-one pensioners of the Civil War, living in and near New Burn- side, demonstrating that this locality had few slackers dur- ing one of the critical periods of our country's history. Since its settlement there has always been some fruit grown around New Burnside, but it was not until 1890 that the orchard business began to increase and by 1905 it had be- come the principal business. A local in the county paper in 1895 says, "There is about $600 paid out every week for green apples at New Burnside," A. M. Thompson, who was sent out by the Horticul- tural Dept., Washington, D. C, stated in his report of 1917 that New Burnside was the largest shipping point for early apples that he found in the United States. New Burnside Lodge A. F. and A. M. No. 772 was chartered in 1884 with Mark Whiteaker as Master, James W. Hood as Sr. Warden and James A. Smith, Jr. Warden. Other charter members were : W. R. Mizell, J. A. and W. H. Whiteaker, W. F. Morris, J F. Casper, J. F. Gray, J. M. Beggs, T. A. Edmondson, W. VanCleve, F. M. McGee, J. M. and W. L. Keltner, O. J. and R. M. Wise, W. R. Little, J. F. Graham, J. B. Gillespie, W. J. Haley, J. C. Cadwell, G. W. Smoot, D. J. Wallace, J. M. Wright, J. H. Clymoore, H. S. Parsons, B. Belford, W. B. Lewis, J. N. Berry, John Du- pont, B. F. Neeley and J. F. Blanchard. The I. O. O. F. Lodge No. 625 was organized 1876 with the following members ; James L. Furguson, D. E. Shearer, S. C. Bradford, Mark Whiteaker, Thomas M. Cavitt, Robert H. Wise, W. H. McKinney, James M. Wright, W. P. Throg- morton, and Amos Burns, who is the only member now living in Burnside. The Rebeckah Lodge, 121, was organized in 1883 with the following members : John Dupont and wife, D. C. Cope- land and wife, W. R. Rodman and wife, T. F. Waters and 290 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY wife, John M. Keltner and wife, J. N. Berry and wife, James L. Furguson and wife and Albert Dugger and wife. Mrs. Dona Berry is the only one of the charter members retaining her membership in this lodge. It now has a membership of sixty-three. The William Lawrence Post 794, G. A. R., was organ- ized in May, 1900, with sixty members. In 1923 it has de- creased in membership to seven. F. M. Taylor, J. A. Rus- sell, J. J. Simpson Dr. W. R. Mizell, S. P. Snyder, William Killgore and H. C. Laybourn. The charter has since been given up. New Burnside has the distinction of having a resident who has not missed attending a Sunday School in thirty- two years, Mr. H. C. Laybourn. (Since died.) BELKNAP Belknap like most of the other towns of our county sprang up with the building of the Big Four Railroad, per- haps a little later than those north of it. It is situated in the southern extension of Cache Township and near the Massac and Pulaski county lines. John Shadrick, W. D. Deans and J. P. West were possibly the first merchants there, established about 1874. W. L. Williams opened a store there in 1876 and has no doubt been a resident and business man there longer than any other person. There were several saw mills in and near the town in its early settlement. George Morgan operated a saw mill there in 1875. W. L. Williams and W. D. Deans built a flour mill in Belknap in 1877. Since the timber has been cleared and wheat is raised in such small quantities saw and flour mills are no longer profitable. W. P. Brown, L. L. Oglesby and J. C. DeWitt were business men in Belknap in 1881. James R. Evers was a resident there in 1889, also W. L. Currey, W. B. Carter and W. A. Burns. In 1900 Belknap had a pop- ulation of 500. O. P. Martin was the doctor for Belknap and the surounding country for many years. Other phy- scians located there, remained a short time, and moved elsewhere, but Dr. Martin was a part of Belknap. There are at present six stores, two restaurants, four churches, namely, Christian, Methodist, Baptist and Pentacostal ; one modern brick school building in which the grades and two years high school are taught. The present population of this village is 400. A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 291 The Charcoal Chemical Co., is situated within a short distance of the town and operated by Berger Brothers of Chicago. SIMPSON This miniature city is situated about ten miles east of Vienna, on the Illinois Central Railroad. It was built on the farm of J. M. Simpson in 1888, and took its name from the Simpson family which was without doubt one of the first to come to this county. Some of the founders of this thriving little place, were Thomas Veach, Dr. J. T. Looney Thomas W. and Frank M. Jones, Benjamin Will- iams, J. W. Browning, John Whiteside, John L. Mount, W. E. Jenkins, Dr. T. B. Kerley, L. H. and Authur Compton. A bank was organized in Simpson in 1910, with J. E. Can- as president and Charles W. Lancaster as cashier. This bank was sold and in 1919 the State Bank of Simpson was organized with T. B. and D. R. Kerley and J. W. Reynolds as promoters. There was a fine, small flour mill which was built in 1890 and operated by J. B. Kuykendall and J. F. Wright. It was called the Daisy Roller Mill. It burned 1917. Simpson was incorporated as a village in 1893, and had a population in 1900 of 187. In 1910 it had reached 200, and now has 171 inhabitants. They have one church, Baptist in denomination, one hotel, five stores, a Ford Sales store and garage, and J. W. Reynolds has operated a monu- ment factory there since 1890. CYPRESS Cypress is a neat and thriving village situated on the Chicago and Eastern Illinois Railroad, about seven miles southwest of Vienna, in the heart of the best farming coun- try in the county. It was built on a portion of J. H. Lowery's farm, and began to develop about 1898. Lincoln Green Post Office which had been established near this place many years ago, and was first called Gray's Mill, was moved to Cypress. The town probably took its name from the tall cypress trees that grew near it in Cache bottom. It was the home of William Whitemore, Sr., who was a prominent citizen here during the Civil War. The popula- tion is about 500. There are many pretty homes in Cy- press. They have two physicians, Dr. William Thompson and Dr. P. W. Rose, one bank, Farmers and Merchants 292 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY State, which was organized in 1908. They also have a splendid school with a two year high school course, housed in a modern brick building, one lumber yard, two churches, two hotels, several stores and restaurants. This is the junction of the Joppa Branch with the main line of Chicago and Eastern Illinois rail road. REEVESVILLE Reevesville takes its name from W. and A. Reeves, who were first to see the possibility -of a town at this place. They built a box house there about 1888 and opened a dry goods store. They were instrumental in having the town platted. It was called Wellington in the beginning, but Reevesville being the name of the Post office, the town fin- ally became Reevesville too. Reeves Brothers also operated a saw mill there for several years In the year 1890 it had a population of 100. It is located on the Illinois Central railroad in the southeast section of the county and is the junction of the Golconda branch with the Paducah Division of this railros d. OZARK Ozark is a small village in Burnside Township, located on the Illinois Central Railroad, and was founded about 1888. Some of its first settlers and business men were F. M. Barnwell, M. M. Sullins, Rev. J. L. Morton was the first Postmaster and James Haley was the village blacksmith. Hopewell Baptist Church was moved there in 1891 and is now known as the First Baptist Church of Ozark. It is not incorporated and has a population of about 125. Some of the present merchants are Dewey McCormick, J. W. Harper & Son, Green Sullins, J. R. Barker, C. C. Sullins and Walter Keener. The Bank of Ozark was organized in 1921 with Green Sullins, J. W. Burnett, W. S. Brim, L. M. Smith, Otto E. Stout, C. P. 0,Neal, R. F. Taylor, J. R. Barker, J. W. Rushing as promoters and J. O. Moore as cashier. Ozark is one of the main shipping points for fruit in this county, the Fruit Growers Co-Operative Warehouse is located here. BLOOMFIELD This little village is one of the oldest in the county having been a post office as early as 1819. The first post A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 29^> master there was S. J. Chapman, who tradition says, tried to make it the county seat as it was near the geographical center of the county. Daniel Simpson kept tavern in Bloom- field, 1824. It was on the old Jonesboro and Golconda road, but it never had more than one store and a postoffice, and these may not have been exactly at the present location, as country post offices were moveable. Jonathan Waters who came here from North Carolina and settled on what is now the Bloomfield stock farm, owned by Mr. Rupert, laid out the town on his land soon after the Big Four Railroad was completed through that section. Francis Cooper kept the fiist store there. Hiram Woiiey erected a building and put in a store about 1875, which was first owned by the Grange, a farmers organization of the county. Worley finally took over the store and continued business there until his death. He also kept the postoffice. James Powell who was a chaii maker was another old resident. J. B. Morray, Jr., lived just west of the town on the old road. Some other business men were S. T. Williams, W. H. Mangum, N. G. Growder who kept a blacksmith shop there for many years. More recent merchants were W. G. Whiteside, T. C. Taylor and N. Davis. Some later residents were W. I. and W. D. Dill, W. H. Jobe, J. L. Pfleuger, resided there many years; P. F. Fitzgerald has also been a long time resident. There are about six or eight dwellings, one store, kept by W T . G. Whiteside, a Methodist Church, and a public school buifti- ing at present. The first resident physician was Dr. Wm. Thompson, who moved there about 1874 continuing his work for about twenty years. Dr. R. A. Hale who was a graduate of the Louisville Medical College, and of the Missouri Medical College at St. Louis, located there about 1895 and practised there until his death. RIDENHOWER Ridenhower was a settlement on the land of H. M. Ridenhower, Jr., where the Belknap road crosses the Big Four Railroad, consisting of a store, sawmill, and a few residences. It was given the name of Collinsburg, but the state department refused to allow this name used, it being so much like like Collinsville. This village has long been abandoned. Ganntown is a neighborhood center in the southeast part of the county with a few nearby homes, a church, a 294 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY Masonic lodge and an Eastern Star Chapter. It took its name from William Gann on whose farm it is situated. WEST VIENNA West Vienna is a station on the C. & E. I. Railroad, situated about four miles west of Vienna, and is the nearest point from Vienna to this railroad. It is the junction of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy and the Chicago and Eastern Illinois Railroad. They have one school, a church, two stores and 75 inhabitants. The post office is named Boles from a family by that name living there several years ago. The village was settled about 1899. VIENNA Like Chicago, we were in the beginning, an Indian trading post, and though much older we can claim no other likeness to our windy metropolis. The earliest history to be found outside the records of Johnson County are in Peck's Gazetteer, published in 1837. He says, "Vienna, the county seat of Johnson County, is situated on the east fork of Cache River; contains twenty-five of thirty families and three stores. The main road from Golconda to Jonesboro and Jackson, Missouri, passes through the place." The story of the deed made by Samuel McClintock of Shawnee- town, Ilinois, and the laying off of the town on the 10th day of April, 1818, has been told elsewhere. The original plot of Vienna began on the east side with the lot now be- longing to James Bridges, and parallel with the bond issue road, it ran west to just beyond the Perkins House, south beyond the John Bain residence, then east and north back to the place of beginning, so as to include thirty acres, and forming a rectangle with the longest sides running east and west. There has been several additions since 1818. S. J. Chapmans being the first added in 1838, Basil Gray and S. J. Chapman, 1855, Copeland's 1855, Smith 1887, Simpson's 1888, Whittenberg and Frizell's 1893, Whittenberg's 1895, Sheridan's 1896, there were two in 1903, Hatt's and Hess's! Hess's second addition, 1912. Beginning on the east and running north and south the streets are numbered from First to Tenth, the streets running east and west are named. The street passing south of the library is Locust. Main Street runs into the square which divides it, and is known A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 295 as East and West Main. Vine street is the next on the north and runs the entire length of the town. The short street north of Vine is Washington. The next street north on the brow of the hill and running the length of the town is Green, the street just beyond Green on the northwest and intersecting Sixth street is College. Our first aldermen were James Finny, Irvin Morris, John W. Gore, John Copeland, and William Simpson, who "were appointed commissioners of the town lately laid off for a permanent seat of justice at the April term of court, 1818." This county seat is situated in sections five and six, township 13, range 3 east, county of Johnson. At the July term of court of the same year this town was ordered to be called Vienna. Tradition says, it was named in honor of the daughter of William McFatridge, but William McFat- ridge had no daughter named Vienna. His w T ife was named Anna. In looking over an old family tree, this record was found, "Frank Hayward married Vienna Reynolds, 1841. " There is no other knowledge of Vienna Reynolds, but it is probable that if named for a person, this might have been the person for whom the town was named. The Reynolds family was an old one in the original county. It is also thought by some the town took its name from the Capitol of Austria. The sale of lots was advertised in the "Illinois Emmi- grant," published in Shawneetown, Illinois, and the follow- ing parties were the original purchasers : the first one sold was lot number 40, facing the square and running back on South Fifth Street, now owned by Lawrence Fern, the building is known as the telephone building. This lot was owned by Alfred Bridges in 1833. He may have been the first owner. He also owned lot number 2, in 1823. Others buying lots were Jesse Canady, James Smith, Irvin Morris bought lots number 18 and 40, Isaac D. Wilcox, James Finney, bought lot 19, but the deed was made to Joseph McCorcle as assignee of James Finney; James Bain's lot was number 25, Martin Harvick number 29, Robert Han- cock, John S. Graves, Randolph Casey, Squire Choat, Charles E. Irvin, Joseph McCorcle, Milton Ladd, Robert Little, John Copeland, Ivy Reynolds lot number 30 which was bought later by James Jones, James Hawkins, George Brazil, John Peterson, Samuel S. Simpson, Daniel Simp- son, James Jones, Isaac Gray and William McFatridge. 296 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY As will be seen from the list, many of these men were not residents of the town, but as the purchase money was used to build and furnish the county buildings, they no doubt bought with the idea of helping the county. There seems to be no buildings standing now that were built at that time. The oldest houses of the town were made of logs and later weatherboarded. The oldest now standing is owned and occupied by Isaac Hook, as a residence. It was built by Dr. Gerry, some time around 1850, and is on the northwest corner of the second block from the public square on East Main street. The two story building recently burned, (1924), just across Poplar street and directly south of the library was a part of the residence of Dr. Gibbs and form- ally stood on the public library lot, which had been his residence property. It was built about 1840. Another old dwelling also built about this time by Dr. A. P. Stewart stands on West Vine Street, between Seventh and Eighth, and is now occupied by Charles J. Huffman. Ivy Reynolds, lived on the south side of East Vine street about midway between the square and the bridge that crosses the drainage ditch, on or near the present site of the residence of Grant McFatridge. Basil Gray, father of A. J. Gray, lived on East Vine Street about where the present residence of Joseph R. Woelfle now stands. Col. D. Y. Bridges, father of the late Elizabeth Bratton, resided on the lot where the home of Mrs. T. B. Powell, now stands and in about the same place. Capt. J. B. Gillespie who came to Vienna in 1855 says when he came here, there were just three huoses on the north side of East Main Street where Farris' livery barn is now located, and just two on the south side of the street. There were only two log cabins west of Seventh Street and a blacksmith shop was the only building, north of Green and west of Sixth. Ivy and Rebecca Reynolds sold lot 34 to Fields & Dunn, 1834. Daniel Fields owned lot 12 which is where Jackson Bros, store is now located, and lot 14 where the First National Bank is standing. The present home of F. R. Woelfle was built by Frank Hayward for a residence for himself, several years before the war. Hayward came here to visit his relatives, the Chapmans, and being a carpenter, constructed many of the earlier buildings of the town. On leaving here about 1858 for the west he sold this property to F. J. Chapman, son of S. J. the pioneer. Hayward also A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 297 built the house on the corner of Sixth and West Vine, now owned by Mrs. Bertie Boyt, occupied by W. L. Calborn's poultry business. The house which stood where the C. M. Picken's residence is, and which was cut and moved to College street, making the homes of Samuel Lang, and Coleman Upton, was built for a home by Dr. David Whitnel, father of L. 0. before the Civil War, and later became the home of Dr. W. A. Looney. Dr. Bratton's residence was built 1858. The builders were Priestly, Boyt and Warder. Hon. A. J. Kuykendall built the house now occupied by H. A. Spann for a residence in 1859. These are some of the oldest frame buildings in the town and have been in con- stant use for more than three quarters of a century. The brick residence of John Bain, Sr., on South Fifth street was built in 1860 and is owned by the Bain heirs and is occupied as a residence by John C. Bain and W. G. Jackson. James Bain was the oldest citizen in the neighborhood of Vienna. His settling here is given more fully in another chapter, but an incident related by J. B. Kuykendall will illustrate the resourcefulness of some of our first settlers. Mr. Bain built a two story house on his farm just north of the town, with four fireplaces in it, two in the first story and two in the second. He made and burned the bricks used in these chimneys himself. He used them during his life time and Mr. Kuykendall bought some of them at Mr. Bain's sale years afterward. They did duty as bricks in a house Mr. Kuykendall built forty years ago, and are still to be seen in the foundation of this house which was de- stroyed by fire in 1920. Some other residences of a little later date were Col. Samuel Hess, who lived on the corner of Sixth and Green, George E. Gleener's present residence, Samuel Copeland, son of John the Pioneer, lived in 1850, where Norman Mosley now lives, also on Green street. There was a log house which stood on the lot at Vine and Eighth, where P. T. Chapman now lives, in 1851, and was occupied by Turner Jones, father of Mrs. Hattie Perkins. Some of the residents of Vienna in 1857 given by Eliza Dwyer were: Walker and M. E. Circuit rider; Dave Shearer, who did the work in the County Treasurer's office ; Miss Driver, a teacher ; Dr. Damron, Carter, a faith doctor ; Daniel Kincy; Louis Hogg; Grantum; Calvin Corbitt; Whitemore, hotel keeper; Lasley, Newton Pierce, merchant Frank Smith, and William Chapman. 298 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY The following names were found on an old collectors book for Vienna, 1858; Henry Bechtle, John A. Bridges, Dennis Dwyer, H. J. Lasley, Hogg & Hatt, A. P. Stewart, W. E. Morris, Winstead Davis, Payton Culver, B. W. Broks' heirs, W. J. Gibbs, Robert Little, Samuel Hess, David Whitnel, Ashley, Kuykendall & Smith, Joseph N. Newton, guardian for Elmira Bridges, D. T. Kincy, John Wright, Leonard Morgan, H. B. Sutliff, Elizabeth Burris, William H. Chapman, J. B. Chapman. These advertise- ments taken from the Johnson County Journal, M. A. Smith, publisher ; will give an idea of the business men here in 1877 : Layers W. A. Spann, 0. A. Harker, R. M. Fisher, Henry B. Hardy, T. Chapman, C. N. Damron, Elijah Goss, N. P. John S. Crum, Real Estate; Physicans, Drs. J. M. C. Damron, T. R. Burris, George W. Elkins, George Bratton, N. J. Benson; Dentists, N. M. Gray, P. S. McKenzie; St. James Hotel; Boyd Steel, aker; J. W. Field, Pastor M. E. Church, J. F. Smith, Drygods; W. A. Mason & Norman Slack, Starmill ; A. R. Beard, W. E. Beal, Groceries ; Christ Bengert, tinner; W. E. Gleener, Nursery; C. Corbit, mer- chant. The following advertisements are almost ten years later; J. B. Chapman, H. T. Bridges, Cohn, Chapman & Co., Miller & Jobe, Powell & Benson, Julius Parker, J. K. Brown, J. B. Kuykendall, James Card, L. C. Throgmorton, W. I. Joiner, Hugh Wallace, Bank of Vienna, Carter & Har- vick, Walker and Lambert. Some early merchants of Vienna were Ward & En- sminger, 1833 ; P. L. Ward who was a member of this firm lived here in 1827, he may have been a merchant that early, Issac D. Wilcox was a merchant in 1818, Field and Dunn in 1836. It is certain there were three merchants here in 1837 and these may have been the three. T. J. Church was a merchant here some time in 1837, Daniel Field in 1841, Reynolds & Gray 1842, D. Y. Bridges 1844, N. B. Jenett, 1845, John Bain 1846, Dishon & Provo, who were residents of Jonesboro, Illinois, had a store here under the manage- ment of James Hammons in 1851, Easton Morris kept a store in the fifties where Jackson Bros, now keep ; S. B. Braver, 1857 ; Pearse and Scott, 1859 ; Bridges & Chapman, 1852, Chapman, Hess and Bridges were business men here in 1857 and erected the Chapman brick on the northwest corner of the square and Fifth street. F. J. Chapman, son of S. J., Col. Sam, Hess and D. Y. Bridges were the men composing this firm. The building was orginally three A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 299 stories high, contained an elevator and the third story was used as a storage room for tobacco, of which this county, at that time producted a great deal. This first brick busi- ness house of Vienna was, and still is, a monument to those progressive men of that day. All the material except the brick had to be hauled for miles from some point on the river. All manufactured goods were shipped by boat to Golconda, Metropolis Maybry, or some other landing near, and transported by wagons to the town. Also all produce that was sent out was likewise hauled from fifteen to twenty-five miles to the river, Anna, or Dongola after the completion of The Illinois Central Railroad to Cairo. John McCabe built the stone foundation for this building, George Hosea put up the brick, and William Priestly, Joseph Warder, Felix Boyt and James Stockdale did the carpenter work. The lower story was used first by Chapman and Hess as a general store, Bridges having died before its com- pletion. C. Cohn and J. N. Poor were the next occupants, then followed Cohn, Poor and Chapman, after them came Chapman Brothers, P. T. and J. C, and D. L. The next occupant was the Chapman Store Co., P. T. Chapman, L. A. Knowles, D. W. Whittenberg, J. K. Elkins, Cass Oliver, J. C. Chapman, and John Sloan forming the company at different times. W. B. Bain bought out the Chapman Store Co., and did business in the building for some time. J. Spieldoch conducted a drygoods and clothing business there for about eighteen or twenty years until 1923, when he removed to St. Louis where he has engaged in the merchan- tile business. The third story was blown off this building in 1878, the second story was used as an amusement hall for many years. No doubt, the person doing business in Vienna for the longest period of time was John Bain. He having begun here in 1846, first in a log building on the site of the residence of W. E. Beal, later moving to the corner on the west side of the square and west Main Street. He formed a partnership with Samuel Jackson in 1861, and continued a general merchandise business till 1897, when Mr. Bain died. Mr. Jackson carried on the business till his death. The original Perkins Hotel was built by Jackson Simp- son^ before the Civil War. It was owned and occupied by L. W. Hogg as a residence in 1857. The first building was a two story log house, which was enclosed with lumber and a frame part added. William Perkins opened a hotel there 300 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 1866. A. J. Perkins, his son bought the hotel in 1891 and erected the present building in 1894. This has been the site of a hotel for almost sixty years, and under the super- vision of the Perkins' family. Isaac D. Wilcox, was licensed to keep tavern in the town of Vienna, September, 1818. Randolph Casey and Ivy Reynolds followed the same year. These proprietors had to pay licenses and furnish bonds. All tavern keepers sold liquor in those days. Milton Ladd kept tavern in 1820, also S. J. Chapman, son of Daniel, the Revolutionary soldier. His hotel and residence was on the east side of the square about where the post office is now located. Other early landlords were, Robert Little, 1823; James Hawkins, Jesse R. Morris, 1827; Abraham Hendry, 1825. Some a little later were Louis Hogg, William Whitemore, 1. N. Pearce, Daniel Kincy. J. B. Chapman built the St. James Hotel about the last of the fifties, and operated it for sev- eral years. Others running this hotel later, were Mrs. Gibbs, Keruth, T. Chapman, Dr. P. S. McKenzie, J. F. Ben- ton, and L. A. Knowles. The hotel stood about where the Hubbs Building is now located, owned by F. M. Huffman, it was destroyed by fire in 1895. The Central Hotel a large brick building was erected on the south side of the square in 1894 by M. T. VanCleve and A. Harvick, and was de- stroyed by fire about a year later. F. J. Chapman, son of J. B. built a hotel on the corner of Fourth and East Vine about 1898 and operated it for several years. This building is now occupied by Lucas Parker. The first church gatherings of the town were held in the courthouse and school building. The oldest denomina- tion was probably presbyterian, but it seems to have lost its opportunity at this place, as there has been no church here for years. The oldest church building was a large two story brick, which stood where the first Baptist church now stands. The second story of this building was owned and used by the Masonic Fraternity, and was a wonderful hall for their purpose, being seventy feet long by forty wide. The first story was used by the churches, the history of which was taken from the "Vienna Times," 1907, is as fol- lows, "The Union Church with Masonic hall above was razed in the spring of 1907. The following was found in a tin box, which had been placed under the corner stone of the building in 1859, one silver coin, fifty cent piece, said to have been put in by Samuel Jackson, one Bible, five A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 301 newspapers, a copy of the "Metropolis Weekly Sentinel" dated May 26, 1859, addressed to M. S. Smith (father of W. Y.), copy of "Jonesboro Gazettee," dated May 21, 1859, addressed to F. C. Kirkham, Copy of "St. Louis Observer," dated May 19, 1859, addressed to S. Copeland ; copy of Christian Times and Illinois Baptist" dated Chicago, May 25, 1859, addressed to Samuel Hess. Copy of "Society Record" New York, dated December, 1858, addressed to W. M. Hamilton. The account of the laying of the corner stone follows: In the year of our Lord, 1859, fifth day of June, by order of the Board of Trustees, appointed by the citizens of Vienna viz. A. J. Kuykendall, president; S. Copeland, F. J. Chapman, S. Hess, A. Harvick, J. B. Chap- man, Secretary. This manuscript together with all deposit-? herewith included was placed in the corner stone of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church at Vienna by the hands of Woods M. Hamilton, minister of the Gospel of said church. The erection of said church under the supervision of George Hosea, chief architect, aided by a number of workman good and true." The house was erected in reality as a Presbyterian Church but it was with the understand- ing that it was to be used as a Union Church, especially as to the Baptist and Methodists. The lumber used in the construction of this building was hauled from Gray's mill beyond Cypress, with ox teams. The bell on it was donated by the merchants of Louisville, Kentucky. A great many if not all of our merchants, bought their goods at that time in that city. Hence the generousity of their business men. This bell is still in use on the First Baptist Church and is remarkable for its clear and far reaching tone. We have at present five churches in our village. The Baptist, erected their present building in 1907-08 on the site of the old Union Church. It was dedicated in 1909 by Reverend W. P. Throgmorton. They have a resident pas- tor. The Methodist Episcopal also has a resident pastor. They with the other denominations used the Union Church till 1896, when they built the present structure at a cost of $8,000. The Christian Church was built in 1871, some of the bricks of the first brick court house were used in its construction. They have no resident pastor, but maintain their Sunday School and young peoples organizations. The Catholics have a church with a non resident priest holding services twice a month. Their building was erected and dedicated in 1896. The Congregationalists had an organ- 302 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY ization here beginning in 1893. They erected a building and maintained a pastor for several years, but the building was sold and razed in 1920. There are few members of the Pentocostal Church, they have a frame building which was built about fifteen years ago. The colored church is a frame building situated in the southwest part of the town, near the residence of Sylverster Oliver. It is Baptist in denomination and has been built about forty years. The original seat of learning for the town was built of logs, and was located somewhere near where the First Baptist Church now stands. The seats were logs split with the flat side up like all other schoolrooms seats at that time. Mrs. Elizabeth Bratton, daughter of D. Y. Bridges, who was born here in 1841, said she went to school there to David Bales, also to Barnibus Smith. She said there were forest trees where the home of Basil Peterson is now located. She remembered the trees so well because A. J. Gray, who was then a small boy would throw the little girls sunbonnets up into the branches to tease them. It is more than probable this was the house built in 1825, when Vienna's first free school district was laid off. The second school building was frame and stood just a little south of the present residence of P. T. Chapman and on the same lot. It was built about 1852. The only names of teachers known that taught in this building, are Dr. J. B. Ray, Miss Emma Driver, Colo Toler, Mrs. Chase, Mr. and Mrs. Marshalk, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Warder and T. Chap- man. The third school house was a larger building made of brick located where the present city school now stands, built about 1866 or 1867. It was two stories with broad stairs in the center and four well lighted rooms with modern seats and desks. It served many years for the city schools, normal courses taught during the vacation, and the Teacher's Meetings. This was replaced by the present modern building in 1893, at a cost of $16,000. Dr. Bratton, was the president of the Board at the time. The Vienna Township High School building was begun in 1918. Dr. A. E. McKenzie was president of the board. It was supposed to cost $40,000 but owing to the high cost of labor and material during the war times its cost was a little more than $70,000, so far the only high school in the county. A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 303 The first bank in Vienna was organized in 1883 by C. Cohn, J. N. Poor and P. T. Chapman. It was a private one and was known as the Bank of Vienna. Up to that time Bain & Jackson merchants here, had done whatever busi- ness of that kind that was done in the town. The bank's first place of business was the east side of the Chapman Brick. C. Cohn was president and J. N. Poor the cashier. They erected a banking house in 1887. C. Cohn removed to California to reside, Mr. Poor died in 1888, and D. W. Whittenberg succeeded him as cashier. This bank was nationalized in 1890 with a capital stock of $50,000.00 with P. T. Chapman president; J. Throgmorton, vice-president; D. W. Whittenberg, cashier and J. B. Jackson assistant cashier. The first board of directors of this bank was P. T. Chapman, C. Cohn, Josiah Throgmorton, D. W. Whitten- berg, T. W. Halliday, S. Whitehead, and W. L. Williams. They built the present modern building in 1914. Mr. Whit- tenberg completed a quarter of a century as cashier of this institution, retiring in 1915. D. W. Chapman was elected in his stead and with the exception of two years spent in France with the A. E. F. and in hospitals has continued in this position to the present time. The Johnson County Bank was moved here from New Burnside in 1890. It was a private one owned by J. F. Gray and A. Harvick, with C. H. Gray as Cashier. Mr. Harvick retired and on the death of J. F. Gray, his son, continued the business till 1915, when he retired and went to California. They built the two story building on the corner of East Main and South Fourth Streets owned by H. T. Bridges and occupied by the Vienna Times and Dr. A. E. McKenzie. The Drovers State Bank was organized in 1899. A. K. Vickers, J. B. Kuykendall, J. H. Carter, W. T. Dwyer, F. M. Simpson, L. A. Knowles, J. K. Elkins and O. R. Morgan were the stock- holders, with A K. Vickers as president and James W. Gore as cashier; F. R. Woelfle succeeded Mr. Gore; J. B. Kuykendall followed Judge Vickers as president, T. E. Boyt succeeded Mr. Kuykendall. On the death of Mr. Boyt, Mr. Woelfle became president and holds that position at the present time, with G. H. Bridges as cashier. They opened business in their present quarters on the north east corner of the square and Fourth Street, 1899. The first mill of our neighborhood was owned by W. H. Price, and situated somewhere near Vienna, but the kind of 304 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY mill it was is not known. He paid taxes on it in 1820. William Price also had a carding machine here, which made rolls of wool, in 1847, the first of its kind in this section, and since all cloth was made by hand, it was quite a con- venience. The first flour mill of interest to Vienna and community was the ''Star Mill" built in 1856-7 by Louis Hogg, Aaron Hatt, Bob Henard. It was a large mill, first class for its time and located on the west side of town, near the present residence of Mr. Amanda Curtis. This mill has had many operators and owners, among them, beside the original ones were, A. J. Kuykendall, Josiah Throgmorton, J. B. Kuykendall, Burton Sexton, John Wright, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Helter, Joshua and J. K. Elkins, Alcaney House, B. Lunday, Larkin Simpson, James Brown, J. W. Gore, Mr. Lane, Mason & Slack, Valentine Nesslerodt, and possibly others. It burned as usual in 1891. Walter Scott built a carding and grist mill on the south side of East Vine Street, somewhere near the site of the residence of 0. H. Rhodes, on east Vine Street, 1854. It was later enlarged and equiped at great expense for a woolen mill, and sold to John and Samuel Glasford. It was tried out on Saturday afternoon, was supplied with material and ready to begin making cloth on Monday morning; it was destroyed by fire on the Sunday night before. There was no insurance and a total loss of $40,000 was sustained which was a large amount for that period (1861) in this locality. Berton Sexton and John Wright built what was first known as the City Mill, in 1867-8. This was a large steam mill, equipped with first -class machinery for making flour and carding wool, said to be one of the best mills of its kind in Southern Illinois. The firm later changed to Wright, Throgmorton and Kuykendall. On the death of Mr. Wright and the re- tirement of Mr. Throgmorton, Mr. Kuykendall continued to run this mill for more than forty years. In the mean- time taking his son Guy as a partner. This mill was kept up to the best possible grade with new machiney from time to time. Later the name of this mill was changed to Vienna Roller Mill, it also perished in flames in 1910. John Dupont of Creal Springs erected a midget or small mill on the site of the Vienna Roller Mill, in 1913, and later sold it to Charles Mathis, who continued the ex- change business there until recently, when he removed to A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 305 White County, Illinois. George E. Levings & Co., operated an extensive lumber mill near the Big Four Station, beginn- ing in 1887, selling to Josiah Throgmorton and P. T. Chap- man in 1891. Afterward this plant was sold to W. E. Beal, who continued the business as long as there was timber in paying quantities in this section. Isaac Hogg operated a saw mill just across the bridge on the highway leading south from 1919 untill his death in 1923. At present Edward Bellemy operates a small mill for grinding meal and poultry feed in his exchange building, the only mill left of all our fine mills. A creamery was built here in 1893 but was not a suc- cess, as there was not enough dairy cows in the community at that time to support it. A school of telegraphy was operated here in 1899 by Ivy B. Gray, also one in 1902 by Mr. Blizzard. Years ago there was a tan yard on the creek where the present road running south turns out of East Main Street. The first owner known was Joseph McCorcle who owned it in 1822. The old vats were there as late as 1875. John R. Roden has a small broom factory near the station. The Vienna Nursery was established here in 1869 by W. E. Galeener. F. B. Thacker was connected with Mr. Gleener from 1892 for about ten years. On his retirement from the firm G. E. Galeener, son of W. E. entered the busi- ness. It is both wholesale and retail and their territory ex- tends over most of the southern states and as far west as Nebraska, and Oklahoma. It is one of the most prominent enterprises of our community and furnishes employment to many families of the town, especially during the summer and fall season. These are all the industries the town affords, except almost every resident has a garden, chickens and some have their own cow, which might be called primi- tive industries. Our laundry is sent out of town and our ice has been shipped in until the spring of 1924. It is now manufac- tured by the Electric Light Plant Company. The streets of Vienna have always been a source of annoyance, the hills are so steep and hard to keep from washing. The soil is clay, very easy to wet, but rather quick to dry. The first sidewalks were built of wood and in order to get up the hills, there were many steps and high trestles, a level piece of walk and then some more steps, till one finally reached the top of the hill. At the 306 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY corner of Fourth and East Vine Streets the walk was originally as high as a one story house. This was perhaps the highest place but steps, steps were everywhere. The crossings were mud until 1890, when the present brick ones were put in by P. T. Chapman as mayor. They are not perfection but are the best we ever had. In 1894, the city bought a rock crusher and began to rock the streets which improved them wonderfully. If it had been kept up by now our streets would have been in fair condition. There is no use for a town as full of rocks as Vienna, not to have at least rocked streets. The grades had been worked down from year to year until 1909, under W. C. Simpson, as mayor, concrete sidewalks were begun, and at the present time extend along all the streets and have added more to the appearance and convenience of the town than any improvement that we have been able to secure. The famous old lamp post and coal oil lamp were our portion for many years. In 1895 J. F. and W. J. Wright put in an electric plant. It was located on east Vine at the corner of Third, opposite the property of Miss Emma Reb- man. It was a much needed improvement. It was sold to J. B. Kuykendall, later to Mrs. M. N. McCartney, who moved the plant near the railroad station. On the Mc- Cartneys leaving here the management failed to keep up the standard and the plant was finally abandonded at quite a loss to its owner. We then returned to oil and smoky lamps till 1912, when under the regime of Noel Whitehead as mayor an acetylene gas plant was put in by a private corporation and a contract to light the town for ten years was made with the company. The lights were very satis- factory, but so few used them in their residences it made the cost rather high. During the war carbide went to such- exorbitant figures and transportation was so uncertain that the company was unable to secure a sufficient quantity to run the plant and two years before time expired they gave up their contract with the city. J. E. Myers put on an in- dustrial campaign here in 1919 and tried to raise enough funds to build a muncipal light plant and furnish power for a garment factory, but the scheme failed. In 1920 bonds to the amount of $15,000 were voted to put in an electric light plant. In the fall of 1922 an arrangement was made between the city and Elam and S. C. Upton to build a power house and furnish a lighting system, which is very satisfac- tory. A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 30' Our little village has had more than its share of fires and it is impossible to give them all. In 1884 the entire block burned on the south side of East Main Street be- tween Third and Fourth, including several good buildings but no brick, this was about the first big fire for us. The second came about ten years later. It began about where the First National Bank building stands on the north side of the square, taking everything to the corner, also the St. James Hotel, a business belonging to J. B. Chapman's estate and his late residence, the old Samuel J. Chapman dwelling which was one of our first hotels, to the Burket brick building. These latter buildings all were on Fourth Street and the east side of the square, and were also all frame. All were replaced by brick, which was really an advan- tage to the town. The most disastrous fire so far in our history occured in 1900 when a solid row of brick buildings on the west side of the square extending from the Fred Burnett building, which occupied the present site of the Ford Garage along Fifth Street to West Vine, were laid low by flames, including a fine two story brick office build- ing, erected by Bratton and Ridenhower, about 1890, also the opera house built by W. E. Beal in 1896 which was one of the neatest and most complete buildings of its kind in Southern Illinois at that time. Its loss has been realized more keenly than any other building of the town. These two buildings were never replaced, all the others were re- built in 1921. Jackson Brothers, H. M. and W. G., bought the lot on the corner of Fifth and Vine and erected an up to date business building where they handle hardware, furniture and groceries. Many other buildings have been burned and rebuilt at different times in our history, each means quite a loss. The present building on the corner of the square and East Main was built by J. H. Carter and A. Harvick, about 1887, which replaced a very old dilapitated one and from its looks must have been one of the first buildings of the town. When excavating for this building there was a five franc piece found about three feet under ground, dated 1811, indicating that a Frenchman had been here at some time, or at least some one that used French money. Fred Burnett erected a splendid two story brick building in 1887. The following are some advertisements referring to Vienna published in the "Vienna Artery" June 7, 1871: "Town Directory- councilman-Samuel Hess, J. S. Crum, 308 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY J. H. Carter, J. Throgmorton, magistrate. M. F. Smith attorney; O. A. Marker; Treasurer, S. Jackson; clerk J. M. Beggs and Marshall, F. M. Carter. I. 0. 0. F. J. F. Benson IN. G., Joel Johnson, Sec. The Vienna Union Sab- bath School J. W. Wright, Superintendent; Dora ±>ain, Sec. Vienna Post Office Directory, Vienna to Metropolis; Tues- day and Friday; Vienna to Harisburg, Wednesday and Thursday; Vienna to Dongola, aaily except Sunday. J. JN. Hogg, Post Master. J. F. McCartney and &i other, lawyers, claim agents and real estate, Metropolis, Illinois; R. M. Fisher, will practice in ail the courts of Illinois, oihce over F. M. Jones' Store; J. M. C. Damron, M. D., office on Main Street, six doors below the public square ; Dr. T. R. Burns, Physio-Medical Physician, office at residence, Vienna, Illi- nois. W. A. Looney, M. D. Office one square south of the church; B. F. Bellemay watchmaker, Vienna, Illinois, E. J. Ingersoll-Jewiery, watches and clocks, Caroondale, Illi- nois, Wright & Co., News books and job printing; advertise- ments from the same paper, October 1869, Village drug store, by 0. G. Peterson, at Norris and Hardy's old stand; City Drug store, R. M. Kincy, with Bratton and Elkins, Dry goods, J. F. Smith; William Green, Barber and hair dresser; Hatt & Hardy, Contractors; A local says that J. B. Chapman sold $500.00 worth of goods on Saturday; Frank Hall, tin shop; J. Burke, family grocery and hard- ware; J. E. Johnson, painter; Citizens County Ticket, J. M. Oliver, County Judge; Associates, W. D. Deans, Joseph Warder, assessor and treasurer, Joel Duboise. Superinten- dent of Schools, Asahel Burnett, surveyor, R. A. Martin. Perhaps a few prices would be interesting; in 1878 wheat was 60c and 70c per bushel ; corn 25c per bushel ; potatoes, 20c per bushel; chicken, $1.50 per dozen; bacon, 6c per pound; 1 pound ham 9c; buter 12V2 per pound; eggs. 5c per dozen; green beef, 3c and 4c per pound. An adver- tisement in the Johnson County Journal 1883, "Take your eggs to Chapman's and get 15c a dozen." 1888 "Wanted — A girl that can cook, salary $1.50 per week. — Mrs. J. B. Kuykendall." Hogs 5c gross, 1888; 1889 "Challis 8VL>c per yard, bustles 15c each at Chapman Brothers, 1894 wheat 45c, eggs 10c, sugar 25 pounds for $1.00, coffee 10 pounds for $1.00, rice 20 pounds for $1.00; in 1897 bacon and lard are 8c per pound; in 1896 gingham is 5c per yard; 1900 kid shoes sold for $1.25; in 1911 flour is $2.25 per barrel. A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 309 Copied from Johnson County Journal, April 1865 ; We heard Clint Chapman say last Saturday that fifty years ago he was a resident of Vienna and amused himself assist- ing Uncle Wests Reynolds in breaking calves to ride in the streets. He said at this time there were but few build- ings here, that the court house was a small log house, the public square was full of stumps, logs and gulleys, and the citizens were supplied with water from a spring that bub- bled from the northwest corner of it. D. C. Chapman at the time of which he was speaking, was about seven years old, and Wesley Reynolds was a small boy. The only spring- that is any where near the square is under the building- owned by Mrs. Bertie Boyt, opposite the Perkins House and fronting on West Vine Street. As the buildings were so few and the main resident section was farther south on Vine Street, it is quite probable that this is the same spring. It is not open now, but was in 1860. Mrs. Fannie Jackson was married that year began keeping house in the second story of this building. Her husband had a store on the first floor, and they used water from the spring in the back room of this building, which is made of stone. In 1850 the population of Vienna was 142, but it had increased to 1,217 by 1900. It has been decreasing since. In 1910 it was 1124, 1920 it was 997. Vienna was incorp- orated as a village, February 27, 1837. It was incorporated as a city July 15, 1893. In 1889, our city had no stock law, but some of our citizens had feather beds, and many of our neighbors had hogs. One day a neighbor lady put her feather bed out on the back yard fence to sun and air, when a neighbor's hog came along and tore a hole in it. The old saying that, "He or she made the fur fly, was liter- aly true, except that it was feathers that flew instead of fur." Vienna adopted city government in 1893 and the mayors have been, J. H. Carter, W. C. Simpson, F. R. Woelfle, John S. Bridges, Dr. J. M. C. Damron, P. T. Chap- man, W. Y. Smith, W. E. Beal, L. H. Frizzell, W. E. Galee- ner, Noel Whitehead, R. J. Hight. Dr. R. A. McCall, N. J. Mozley, some of whom have served more than one term. Our first postmaster was Milton Ladd, then S. J. Chapman, Jasper Johnson, J. S. Crum, J. N. Hogg, A. Wright, F. M. Simpson, A. D. Hight, W. A. Spann, J. S. Bridges, T. B. Powell, W. H. Gilliam, Charles Clymore, J. P. Mathis. A Building and Loan Association was organized here 310 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNT* in 1888, and was a wonderful help in building up the town The year 1890 was said to be the most prosperous year Vienna had ever known, there being at least $40,000 put in buildings and improvements during the year. Another Building and Loan Association was organized in 1921, which it is hoped will be as conducive to improvement. The following copied from an old "Johnson County Journal" will give an idea of some of the families living in Vienna at that time, "the following students made a grade of 80 or more in the intermediate grades of the Vienna Public Schools for the month of January, 1881 ; Suda Bratton, Flora Damron, Maggie Cole, Mary Gregory, Thomas Jones, Thomas (McDermot) Wiedman, Oliver Gregory, Etha Williams, Nancy Burns, Dolly Crum, Ida Carter, Harry Jackson, William Williams, John B. Jackson, Joseph Isreal, Edgar Bellemy, Ulysses Crum, John Bain, George Burns." May Copeland, teacher. From the above named paper 1884, "This being Leap Year the following young men were given as eligibles : James Chapman, Alex Hess, Will Graves, Will Simpson, Jeff Chisem, W. B. Bain, Frank Damron, Will Dwyer, George Gillespie, Sam Hess, Will Gilliam, Dave Harvick and George Latham." In 1894 Hon. and Mrs. Sheldon visited the family of L. H. Frizzell, Mrs. Sheldon was a sister of Mr. Frizzell and Mr. Sheldon, who was governor of South Dakota at that time ; he was formerly a school mate of F. M. Simpson. Mr. and Mrs. Simpson gave a reception and banquet in their honor. The guests as given in a current issue of the "Vienna Times" were Governor and Mrs. Sheldon, Mayor and Mrs. W. C. Simpson, Dr. and Mrs. N. J. Benson, Rev. and Mrs. J. H. Ford, Senator and Mrs. P. T. Chapman, Dr. and Mrs. J. T. Looney, Messrs and Mesdames L. H. Frizzell, W. E. Beal, Samuel Jackson, J. B. Kuykendall, George B. Gillespie, L. O. Whitnel, H. M. Ridenhower, W. B. Bain, F. R. Woelfle, J. C. Chapman, W. H. Gilliam, Lucas Parker, D. W. Whittenberg, William Moore, A. J. Perkins, W. Y. Smith, Fred Burnett, J. F. Wright, James M. Slack, J. H. Carter, J. S. Francis, W. T. Dwyer, J. K. Perkins; Mes- dames A. K. Vickers, Margaret Elkins, Sarah Poor, Delia Head, R. M. McCall ; Misses Ella Ford, Louise Rebman Margaret Cole, Francis Lonney, Eleanor McGee. Senator T. H. Sheridan, Prof, M. N. McCartney, Judge O. A. Har- ker, Messrs D. L. Chapman, T. B. Powell, C. A. Cunning- A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 311 ham, John B. Jackson, J. E. Cunningham, Harry M. Jack- son and Mr. and Mrs. Whitehead, Tunnel Hill, Illinois. The Masonic is the oldest fraternal order in the town or county, having been organized in 1854. The preliminary meeting for the organization of a Masonic Lodge in Vienna was held December 1, 1853. The first officers were D. M. Jones, W. M., L. W. Hoggs, Sr., W. \. J. Kuykendall, Jr. W., W. M. Hamilton, Sr., Deacon, R. Moore, Jr. Deacon, A. P. Stewart, Treas., J. F. Smith, Sec, and D. S. Kincey, Tyler. Members and visitors during the first meetings were: S. Copeland, D. Y. Bridges, William Price, L. B. Venable; Members of Caledonia Lodge. Dr. Whitnel, Golconda Lodge, A. J. Hill, Metropolis Lodge, Calvin Beard and S. C. Toler, Jonesboro Lodge, H. C. Hac- ker, John Travers, J. W. Gibbs, Inscore, Cagle, N. 0. Gray, J. D. Edmondson. The following were elected and initiated : W. H. Culver, W. H. Crider, M. Scroggins, Gabriel Utley, J. R. McCorcle, Dr. George Bratton, James M. Finney, Daniel G. Standard, John T. Hogg, John N. Cornealson, Ephriam Davis, F. J. Chapman, Sr., W. Y. Davis, Sr. ; R. J. Dark and W. L. Hamilton admitted by demits, also R. W. Carlton. Visitors from other lodges during the year were John A. Logan. Shoehart, Davidge, T. H. Smith, Hewbank, Standard, Green B. Raum and W. K. Parrish. The lodge was formally instituted and officers were in- stalled October 31, 1854. It is number 150. They insti- tuted and held their first meetings in the second story of the residence of Frank Smith on West Vine Street, now owned and occupied by Mrs. Daisy Harris. Their second home was over the Union Church, and they now meet in the Powell building, where most all the fraternal orders meet. Vesta Lodge, I.O.O.F., 340 was organized December 1867, I. N. Pearce, Edward Farris, John F. Benson, James T. Williford, Henry T. Bridges, were the charter members. Egyptian Chapter order of the Eastern Star was instittute in Vinna 1875. The charter members were Rev and Mrs. David Ragains, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Kuykendal, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Throgmorton, Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Looney. These names were not taken from a record as there is none to be found. But three of these members are still living and they gave these names. Reverend David Ragains represented the chapter at the first session of the Grand Chapter and 312 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY J. B. Kuykendall was the representative in 1876. This chapter was dormant for some time but was reinstated in 1897. It is number 30 showing it to be one of the oldest in the state. The Rebekahs have been a working lodge since 1887, the charter members were Dr. and Mrs. George Bratton, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Carter, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Simmons, Alice Beal, Emma Brockman, H. B. Wiley, J. S. Bridges, W. C. Allen, F. A. Boyt, H. M. Ridenhower, Tenny E. Wallace, Hattie Davis. The Knights of Phythias flourished here for several years under the name of Romeo Lodge, but has ceased to function. A modern Woodman Lodge once interested a number of our citizens, but it has also ceased to be. GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC Vienna Grand Army Post No. 221, was chartered April 10, 1883 with John T. Mozley. Post Commander, H. B. Wiley, Sr. Vice, John McGee, Jr. Vice, John S. Crum, Quartermaster, Thomas J. Utley, Chaplain, F. A. Boyt, Officer of the day, A. J. Henry, Officer of the Guard ; other charter members were; W. C. Allen, J. H. Arnett, Frank Clement, J. S. Hester, F. M. Jones, Berry Johnson, I. M. Morgan, William M. McDaniels, T. J. McCormick, William Perkins, J. E. Rose, A. B. Payne, T. B. Stewart, John Stone, 0. H. C. Stout, J. A Simpson. B. S. Turner, W. H. Thomas ; James Watson. This Post has had on its roster two hun- dred and thirty-seven names but its membership has de- clined until there are (1924) the following members: George H. Huffman, James Hester, F. B. Thacker, William Bouie, and M. A. Hankins. Other veterans of the county who have been members are J. B. Kuykendall, John L. Hogg, Amos Carter, William Turley, Mark Whiteaker. AMERICAN LEGION Harry Sullins Post 536, American Legion located at Vienna, Illinois. It was chartered January 3, 1920, with L. E. Burnett, Temporary Chairman and Clifford Veach, Temporary Secretary. The charter members were: L. E. Burnett, Ernest Barnwell, W. N. Carter, W. T. Corbett, Ward and Ralph Chapman, Clarence Deputy, S. F. Hester, M. T. Hester, Guy W. Hogg, E. A. Hilburn, F. M. Huffman, Alvin L. Mathis, J. F. Martin, Arthur Perkins, H. F. Rhodes, Wiley Simmons, B. N. Sharp, Clifford Veach, W. 0. Verhines, H. A. Whiteside, J. G. Whiteside. The first officers were : F. M. Huffman, Commander, W. A. Verhines, A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 313 Vice-Commander, J. G. Whiteside, Adjutant, W. T. Corbett, Historian, Clifford Veach, Finance Officer, D. W. Chap- man, Insurance Officer, Neal Carter, Sergeant at Arms, H. A. Whiteside, Athletic Officer, Lloyd Ford, Chaplain. The Legion has forty-eight members with Oliver Fisher, Com- mander, 1924. They meet in a hall in the second story in the Carter brick. There is also an auxilary of this post of whom Mrs. Lucas Parker is the president and Mrs. F. M. Huffman is the secretary. This post was named in honor of Harry Sullens, who was the first Johnson County soldier killed in battle in France. There has been Commercial Clubs from time to time for business interests and at one time a Community Club for the beterment of the town flourished here, but they were all short lived. The Vienna Womans Club has lived since 1897. It seems to have caught the spirit of "eternal vigilence." It was organized in 1897. The preliminary meeting was held at the home of Mrs. P. T. Chapman and the organization was completed at Mrs. N. J. Benson's. Mrs. W. A. Spann was the first president and Miss Bertie Boyt was the Secretary, other charter members were as well as can be determined Mesdames G. W. Ballance, N. J. Benson, L. C. Oliver, W. E. Beal, P. T. Chapman, G. B. Gillespie, J. T. Looney, D. W. Whittenberg, J. N. Poor, M. N. McCartney, L. O. Whitnel, U. C. Simpson, Misses Arista Frizzell, Ida Spann and Myrtle Swain. The club has been instrumental in bringing some very fine lecture courses to the town, also doing civic and charity work when and wherever it is needed. A lasting moument to their efforts is the concrete walk to the cemetry, built in \914, with Mrs. Lucas Parker as president of the club. The row of trees along the walk is also due to the club's interest, and the kindness of Galeener & Son nurseymen. This club has put forth both energy and money to secure a wagon yard for the farmers, which was finally accomplished in 1920. The city bought the lot and the Woman's Club fur- nished it. It has interested itself in many smaller things beneficial to the public. They suspended club work during the World War, and every woman, who was a loyal club worker was always found at her post in war work. An Egyptian Club, A Rook Club, and many other clubs have been a part of our social activities. In 1890 we had a Chautauqua Circle whose members were Reverend J. G. Dee, John Bain, John B. Jackson, Mesdames Kate and P. T. 314 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY Chapman, and A. K. Vickers. Mrs. Anna Dwyer and Ella McGee, some of whom finished this course. The Christian, Baptist and Methodist churches have ladies socities wnich meet once a week and aid the church by their work. Vienna has had some splendid musical bands. Vienna Cornet and Bengert's Brass band, were very fine bands of an earlier time, and the last brass band was known as Shelter's, which made music for us a few years ago. Much to our regret we have no city band at present. The Vienna Town- ship High School has a very good orchestra. The Mendle- sohn Musical Club was functioning here in 1896. Miss Alice Cook, now Mrs. A. E. McKenzie of Cincinnati con- servatory was the inspiration. Miss Ella McGee followed Miss Cook as teacher of music and continued the club. Under the direction of this club many good musicals were enjoyed by the public. Mr. C. H. Gray owned the first graphophone in the town in 1897, and the Gray Brothers, George, John and Mid established the first picture show here in 1913. The Daniel Chapman Chapter D. A. R. of Vienna was organized in November, 1909, with Mrs. P. T. Chapman, Regent, Mrs. Orrie Thacker, Vice-Regent, Miss Georgia Blanchfil, (Mrs. T. E. Gillespie), Secretary Mrs. Eva B. Kuykendall, Treasurer, Mrs. Eva M. Huffman, Registrar. Other charter members were Mesdames Etta M. Spann, Amanda T. Whitnel, Anna C. Williams, D. W. Whittenberg, Marian Chapman Greely, and Misses Althea E. Thacker and Cynthia E. Trammel. It was named in honor of Daniel Chapman. It was thought at that time he was the only Revolutionary soldier buried in Johnson County, however, since then it has been discovered that there are several others. The object of this society is to mark historic spots, teach and keep alive the spirit of patriotism and participate in all progressive movements. Any woman over eighteen years of age who has decendecl by blood from a person who aided in the establishment of the freedom of the American Colonies is eligible to membership, provided she can prove her descent. This chapter had the best record of service in the World War of any chapter in the state. The following relatives of members saw service in the World War: Paul and Clinton, sons of Estella (Chapman) Whitehead; Mid, A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 315 brother of Misses Kate and Daisy Gray, Mrs. F. M. Huff- man and Anna Hankins; F. M. (Ned) Huffman, husband of Nelle (Gray) Huffman; Josiah and George, sons of Mrs. Amanda Whitnel ; Webb Trammel, brother of Mrs. Whitnel and Cynthia Trammel; Paul C. Raborg, husband of Marion Chapman (Raborg) Greely; Arthur C. son of Mrs. May (Copeland) Jackson, Dr. T. E. McCall, husband and Neal Carter, brother of Mrs. May (Carter) McCall, Wayne, son of Mrs. D. W T . Whitenberg; Eugene and Samuel Copeland, grandsons of Mrs. Margaret (Copeland) Hill; Robert, son of Mrs. Edith Johnson; Robert, brother of Mrs. Eva (Ben- son) Kuykendall; Ward and Ralph, sons of Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Chapman and brothers of Mrs Marian C. Greely; Mrs. Grace (Hess) Dodge a member of this chapter saw active service in France. She died from tuberculosis con- tracted in this service, 1924. The members of this chapter took government bonds amounting to $25,000 during the different Liberty Loan drives as well as subscribing liberally to the different War activities. It worked with the Red Cross in making War- supplies. A service was held in memory of the soldiers who lost their lives in the World War, in their honor in November, 1919 and ten trees were planted in the Library yard. Harold Looney, who had served in France, made the address, the schools, boy scouts and citizens assisted the Chapter in this ceremony. A flag (6x9) was presented to the Vienna Township High School in 1922, by the Daniel Chapman Chapter, for use on the school building. Most of the work done by this Chapter has been referred to in connection with other sub- jects. There is a membership of twenty-nine with nine resi- dent members. Plans for marking the site of the first court house in Johnson County which was at Elvira, are complete. The marker will consist of a bronze tablet, properly inscribed, set in native stone. In 1910, the City purchased three and one half acres of ground which were added to the Fraternal Ceme- tereies (Odd Fellows and Masons) and placed under one management. This arrangement has proved highly satis- factory as the cemetery is exceptionally well cared for with 316 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY J. B. Turley as Superintendent. The location is ideal and it is conceded to be the most beautiful cemetery in this section of the state. BUSINESS MEN OF VIENNA, 1924 There are at present the following businesses conducted in Vienna: Two banks, First National and Drovers State; three dry goods stores, Pearl Taylor's, C. M. Pickens and A. L. Chester (managed by Mr. and Mrs. Utterbach) ; five groceries, Jackson Bros., who also deal in hardware, R. B. Coyne, Walter Smith, 0. W. Fisher and Earl Veach; a furniture, embalming and undertaking establishment con- ducted by Lucas Parker; our two druggists are L. D. Fern and Dr. J. D. Hart; jewelers are Douglas Harris, Larry Newton, also an optician and 0. E. Harvick who operates a wholesale jewelry, silver, fine glass and china business; Paul Taylor Powell runs a modern confectionery store, also does catering, Ernest Winchester runs another up to date confectionery on the east side of the square ; there are three restaurants conducted by C. Verhines, Lawrence Hunsaker and Ernest Winchester; four cream stations operated by Oscar Burris, Basil Gray, also Express Agent, J. 0. Beach and Ed. Lasley; Ed. Bellemy, feed and grain dealer; Wm. L. Caborn, and Lavador Johnson, poultry and the latter also handles feed and grain; two blacksmith shops, one run by Isaac Bellemy and the other by Mr. Phillips ; a meat mar- ket conducted by Joseph McDaniel & Son ; Charles Hacker & Son and James Bridges are barbers; Earl Hilburn runs a cleaning and pressing establishment; P. S. Sanders, A. Cantwell and Frank Hacker, painters and paper hangers; we have two garages, the Ford, owned by D. W. Chapman, managed by Jack Hood with Carl Bellemy as mechanic, the Home Motor Co., owned by Carol Cochran and Merideth Parker; T. C. Taylor, Automobile Dealer; a lumber yard operated by C. F. Hilliard; a publishing and printing house owned by H. T. Briges, F. C. Thomas conducts an Abstract office; A. E. McKenzie dentist; Jackson's Photographic Studio; Bridges Real Estate Agency; Elam & Upton, Ice and Coal; Vienna Nursery owned by G. E. Galeener; Post Office with J. P. Mathis as P. M. ; Ned Huffman and Dave Rosenberg Clothiers; harness, saddles and buggies, Henry Mahl; Sam and Edgar Gillespie, moving and hauling; Abram Parker and Frank Harcker Shoe repairing. A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 317 CONCLUSION Johnson County has had a checkered career. It was set apart with a large area more than a century ago but began to lose its acieage in 1816. Other counties were organized from Johnson County territory until 1843. While there is oil near us, factories surrounding us, railroads crossing us it seems we are left with nothing but the rock strewn hills and virgin soil from which to carve our destiny. The revenue of this county from December 1824 to 1825 was $365.13 and the expenditures of the county for the same time were $379.12. Ihe revenue collected for the year beginning December 1922 was $222,260.21, showing the increase of property. The population in 1820 was 843 ; 1830, 1,596; 1840, 3,626; 1850, 4,115; 1860, 9,324; 1870, 11,186; 1880, 13,079; 1890, 15,013; 1900, 15,667; 1910, 14,333; 1920,12,000, a net increased of 11,157, in one hun- dred years. Before the Civil War this county was a nest of Democrats, since that event the political sentiment of the county has been decidedly Republican and that is the dom- inant party at present. The first woman suffrage meeting was held here in 1892, Mrs. W. P. Brown of Belknap cir- culated the first petition favoring suffrage and secured forty names. The committee calling this meeting was Mrs. M. A. Jackson, the M. E. minister's wife and Mrs. R. M. Fisher. In less than thirty-five years women have secured almost equal suffrage. One hundred years ago there were no avenues whereby women could earn a living except to do house work. Now women follow any profession or business to which their tastes incline. This is not peculair to John- son County, the same conditions prevail everywhere, but being in "Egypt," one might think that this county had not found her opportunities. We have eight banks, six automo- bile dealers, we need more-physicians as we have only eight in the county in 1924. True, health is much better here than formerly but good physicians are a necessity in any community. As has been stated we are strictly agricultural and horticultural but business is as stable in this county, if not more so than most counties of the state. This county has automobiles, one hard road, eighteen miles of which is complete, electric lights in town and country, telephone and radio. The only modern device we have not attained is the flying machine. Number of farms in county, 1742, approximate land area 222,720 acres, all farm property $10,216,738— (1920.) 318 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY We have no millionaires, but a great many of the kind of people, Abraham Lincoln said, "God must have loved." The residents of Johnson County are of a migratory dis- position and enjoy travel, and it is a fact that most people who leave here and go into business, especially professions, in other localities attain places of prominence. The reasons ascribed for this are (first) that the people are all Amer- ican, descending from the first settlers of the Colonies ; an- other is that the training which they receive here is so varied it enables them to adapt themselves and succeed in whatever undertaking they have chosen. This county has less ioreign population than any other county in the state. Our courts have short dockets whereas fifty years ago we had from one to three murder cases every circuit court, for this reason we have lost many of our good lawyers. The description given by Mr. E. D. Rummel in the Community Service Dept., of the "Orange Judd Farmer," is applicable to Johnson County. He said, "I am in the land of hot biscuits and fried chickens, but must add the big red apple. Anna, Illinois and its tributary territory are a splendid exemplification of what Southern Illinois is to be in the future. Apples, peaches and other fruit as good, if not better than any grown elsewhere are profitably grown here by those who apply business like methods. Just why some of our Americans are chasing over the world hunting for beauty spots when they have all at home that they will find anywhere, is not reasonably understood. It is apparent as Northern Illinois men come into "Egypt" that they go away with a new vision of the possibilities of this unde- veloped part of the state. They see rice and cotton grown successfully side by side, in the large river bottoms. They see corn and alfalfa grown which cannot be surpassed. They see fine orchards and cow peas on the uplands, beau- tiful timber and coupled with it all they find rich deposits of minerals, many of them still undiscovered, which will add to the wealth of this section." And not forgeting the riches nature has lavished upon us, allow us to quote from the proposed Park Areas of Illi- nois, published by the Friends of our native Landscape, "In the neighborhood of Parker and Tunnel Hill are places of rare beauty and scenic interest. The ride on the Big Four Railway from Parker to Vienna, is perhaps the most pic- turesque railway ride in Illinois." A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 320 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 6 Gorw'/le FbrM OEIvir QBoncombG Tunnel Hit/ Ozark 3 Zoom // c v/i< \0 * /y W V \+nf><* \ Frank (5), Phillip (5), Raymond (5). William (4) mar- ried Ella Williams. Their children are Edith (5), who married a Mr. Hutchinson, of Senneth, Mo., and Loueva (5). James J. (3) married Eliza Gibbs; their children were Augustus (4), who married Izora Wise. The children were James (5), who married Mary Bellemy and has James (6). Charles (5) who married Ella Simmons; their children are Francis (6), Agustus (6), Elizabeth (6) and Charles (6). John H. (3) married Pop Elkins, their children were Alfred (4), who was accidently killed and Dallas 4, who married Anna Median. Green (3) married Mahala Hacker; the children were Edith (4). Green (3) marreid second Martha and their children were India (4), who married a Mr. Campbell and moved to Cincinnati, Ohio. Calvin A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 333 (3) married Adeline Bagget; the chlidren were Anna 4, George (4), Frank (4), Logan (4), Alfred (4), Ida (4), Edith (4), Calvin (4) and Young (4). Anna (4) married Frank Ramey and had Zora (5) who married George Jones, and Nanny (5) who married a Mr. Mathis; Logan (4) married Dora (see Harvick), Alice (4) married Frank Dunn and lives in Metropolis, 111.; Ida (4) married Frank Simmons, they moved to Missouri; Edith (4) married William Birch and has children Ethel (4), who married Charles Burris and has Gene- vieve (6), Lois May (6); Alice (5) is married and resides in the west; Ralph (5), Earl (5), Agnes (5), married Guy Worrell. Col. D. Y. Bridges (2) was a prominent business man of Vienna from 1840 to 1857. He served in the 16th and 17th sessions of the State Legislature, and was a merchant here and dealt in tobacco, making many trips to New Orleans as did all the merchants of that time to market their produce. He removed from Vienna to what is now the H. Ragains place, having had a modern residence built on the site now occupied by Mr, Ragains residence. He married Lu- cretia (see Chapman); Abbie (2) married Thomas (see Gore); John (2) entered land in this county in 1830, the east l/ 2 of S. W. 1/^ of Section 29 township 12, range 2 East. His children were David Y. (3), born 1878, John (3) (Wint) Lucretia (3), Abbie (3), Malinda (3), Elizabeth (3), Lavina (3) and Catherine (3). David Y. (3) married Lucy King and they had Laura (4), who married a Mr. Baggly and lives in Texas, Charles (4) who married Flora, daughter of Petei Gore and had Mana (5), Mona (5), Charles (5). Lucretia (3) married Frank Henard, their children were Alice (4), Ellen (4), Carrie (4), Lula (4), Abbie (4), George (4) died soon after reaching manhood; Everet (4), William (4). Alice (4) married Dr. C. A. C. Parker, they had Marie (5), Eva (5), Charles (5), Edith (5), Zillah (5). Marie (5) married Harvey Hinkle, children Loren (6) Leland (6), Harveretl (6); Eva (5) married Ollie Holshouser; children Wanda (6), Hazel (6), Paul (6), Herald (6); Charles (5) married Ivy Peeler, children James M. (6), Jack (6); Edith (5) married Hammond White and had Mary Alice (6) ; married second Lewis Tanner. Zilla (5) married Russell Lee and has Karleen (6). Ellen (4) married Etheldred Jones (see West). William (4) married Tempy Sitters lives in Union County. Carrie (4) married Frank Betts and had Amel (5) ; married second Frank Nobles. Lula (4) married Charles Johnson. Abbie (4) married A. Mclntire. Everett (4) married Sarah Smith. Abbie (3) married James W. Gordon; they had children Berneta (4), Joseph (4) Etta (4) Ann (4), Mary (4), Fanny (4), John (4), Ruth (4). Berneta (4) married William Miles; they had Raymond (5), Lovi (5) Joseph (5). Etta (4) married John Adams, children Olin (5), Herman (5), Mabel (5), Joseph (5), Lindel (5), Allison (5), Eva (5). 334 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY Joseph (4) married Siddie Kerley. They have Clarence (5), Homer (5) Ernest (5). Ann (4) married Wiley Pender; they had Rosa (5), James (5), Joseph (5). Mary (4) married Elsworth Adams; children Willis (5), Benjamin (5), Ray (5), John (5), Clarence (5). John (l) married Rosa Barringer, children Sibyl (5), Malby (5), Dimple (5), Myra (5), Georgia (5), Ralph (5). Fanny (4) married William Miles, they had Arlie (5) James (5), Frank (5). Ruth (4) married Thomas Cochran, they have Sylvia (5) and Edgar (5). Joseph Pender (5) married a Miss Simmons, they had Sibyl (6), James (6), Joseph (6), Anna (6), Baby (6). Mrs. Abbie Gordon, her daughter, Ann, grandson, Joseph and his wife died within ten days during the "flu" epidemic of 1918, leaving the five small children of Joseph Pender (5), (James W. Gordon married second Mrs. Mary Penrod). Malinda (3) married William Ragsdale and had Elizabeth (4) who married Thomas Isom; Grant (4) married Matilda Stokes; Samuel (4) "Bunk" married Agusta Keller; Rose (4) married Barney Gore; Belle (4) married Mr # Bishop; Elijah (4) married Josie Smith; Lily (4) married Walter Bishop; Dave (4) married first Daisy Murray, second Ethel Davidson; Willis (4) married Tillie Hogue; Elmer (4) married Cora Pearce and third Joyce Ussery; Oscar (4). John (3) married first Caroline Gore and had John D. (4), who married Mary Fane, they had Ernest (5), Ellen (5), Pearl (5) Dovey (5); Ida (4) married B. M. Adams, of Cache Township, their children were Barney (5), Almus (5) Homer (5). John (3) married second Sarah Ragains and they had David C. (4), Josephine (4), Laura (4), Narvisa (4), Suda Belle (4). David G. (4) married Airy McGinnis and they had Edna (5), who married Frank Keisler; Josephine (4) married Warner Ferguson and had Jewell (5); Laura (4) married Melvin Jones, (see West) Narvisa (4) married William Bradley and they had Gladys (5) who died in young womanhood; Suda B. (4) married Claude Cooper. Melvina (3) married Crawford (Tuck) Ragsdale; Elizabeth (3) married Robert Hennard; Catherine (3) married Garth Pender. Celia (2) married John Oliver, who served the county as treasurer in the twenties, and as judge in the sixties. He took an active part in public affairs during his entire life. They had children, William (3), Alfred (3) James (3), David (3), John (3), Elizabeth (3) Dorcas Jane (3). William (3) married Susan Short and they had Benton (4), Mariah (4), Nancy (4), John (4) James (4). Benton (4) married Minerva Pearce and they had Anna (5), who married Charles Mozley. Alice (5) married Mark Crowder. Mariah (4) married John Eldridge and removed to Texas. Nancy (4) married William Arnett and had Charles (5). They also moved to Texas. John (4) married Sarah Harvel and their children were Cora (5) who married Jeff Rogers and had Estelle (6). Rosa (5) married Andrew Thomas and had A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 335 Ruby (6), Oliver (6), Frank (6) Glena (6). Lily (5) married Edward Bellemy. Lura (5) married George Dunn. Margaret (5) not married. James (3) was one of our foremost farmers living west of Vienna for many years. He married Avaline (see Smith), Alfred (3) married Marian Slack. David (3) married Tabitha Hogg and their children were Richard (4), who married a Miss Moore and had David (5) Alonzo (4) married Toby Stubblefield. Georgia Ann (4) married a Mr. Edwards, Samuel (4); Elizabeth (3) married Louis Wise; Dorcas J. (3) married Stanley Toller, children Cordelia (4) and George (4). Both died without issue. BROWN R. W. Brown came from Tennessee here in 1853. He was a farmer and a well known citizen in this county for many years. He married Mary Ann Peterson, and their children were Ellen, who married Green, (see Thacker) ; George, married Kate (see McFat- ridge); Owen, married first a Miss Reed, and they had Charles; he married second Ida Stanley and their children are Cecil, who married Elbert True of Marion, 111.; Neoma, Morris and Audry; A. I. married Geneva (see Whiteaker) # Reuben Brown was a brother to R. W. and a farmer of Elvira Township. He married Malinda Thompson and they had Alice (2) who married J. J. (see Robertson) ; Ursula (2) married Douglas Rose and has Claud (3); William (2) married Elizabeth Jenkins. These three families reside in Buncombe. Jeffer- son (3) married Kate, widow of George Brown and they had Guy (4), Reuben (4), Walter (4), Ray (4), Clyde (4), Ruth (4), all o: Massac County. Richard (2) died in California; Ruth (2) married J. R. Edwards and lives in Colorado. James Brown came to this county about 1820 from North Caro- lina where he was born in 1788, and settled in what is now Cache Township. He married Elizabeth, sister to Rix Carter, also a native of North Carolina. The children were Samuel T. (2), Wilson (2), Edward S. (2), Allen B. (2), Mary (2), Amanda (2), Ella E. (2). Samuel T. (2) was a farmer, born 1825, within a mile of where ho died, having lived in that neighborhood all his life. He married Amanda Dubois, and they began life together in a log cabin. Samuel T. was a successful farmer, a justice of the peace for thirty years, and a member of the M. E. Church fifty-three. Their children were Angeline (3), James M. (3), Joy (3), married Aliced Whitacre, Wilson B. (3), Mary A. (3), Samuel T. Jr., (3), John M. (3), Alonz V. (3), Ella E. (3), Amanda (3). Angeline (3) married Dr. P. D. (see Mul- key) ; James M. (3) married Viola, and Samuel T. (3) married J. see Smith) Samuel (3) who resides at West Vienna and John M. (3), who resides west of Vienna about two miles are progressive and sue- 336 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY cessful farmers; John M. (3) married first Ellen Enos, their children are Edith (4), who married Oel (see Simpson) Blanch (4) married Orba Davidson and their son is John Billy (5); John M. (3) married second Leila Mackey, and their children are Waldron (4) and Vir- ginia (4); John M. (3) married third Mrs. Carrie (Beauman) Porter; Mary A # (3) married Frank (see Carter), married second James Enos; Wilson (2) married Cassandra Gore; Edward S. (2) married a Miss Thomas and they had children Mrs. Juda Missenhammer (3); Owen Bruner (3), Norman (3), Morgan (3), Leroy (3) and Cassandra (3); Allen Bainbridge (2) married Miss Sidwell and had Joseph (3), the artist, and Ann (3). Mary (2) married Joel Dubois, children James (3), Betty (3) married Dr. Owen (see Peterson); Cora (3) married a Mr. Bolan moved out of the county; Amanda (2) married D. M. Jones, children Bernice (3) married Benj. Holsnouser; Charles (3) married a Miss Groner; Ellen F. (2) married Frank Wilhelm their children were Curtis (3), Vida (3), Loren (3). BURNETT The ancestor of the Burnetts of this county was William, a native of New Jersey. He emmigrated to Ohio in 1802, being one of the first six families to settle in Trumbull County, that state. His wife's name was Mary Walker. John the next in line was two years old when his father came West, where he was reared and married in 1823, Harriet Merry, a native of Ohio, being the first white child born in Hartford Township, Trumbull County, 1801. Their children were Julia (2), Charles M. (2), Asahel (2), Martha (2), Frank (2), Mary (2), Wm. (2), Wellington (2). Asahel (2) born 1829, educated in the village school and also a higher school of Portage, Ohio, and be- gan teaching in his native state at the age of sixteen years, for which he received eighteen dollars a month and boarded "around." He con- tinued this work for a few years but decided to come to Illinois in ]853. It appears that he was the first of his family to come here, and settled on the farm where he died. It is located about four miles east of Vienna in Bloomfield township. He farmed in the summer and taught school in the winter for twenty-six years and was County Examiner under J. S # Whittenberg. He married Didamie Robertson, 1854. One child, Marcus L. (3), who married Sarah Connelly. They had Asahel Breeze (4), Chloe (4), Sadie (4), Earl (4). Chloe (4) married Wiley Holt and has Gladys (5); Sadie (4) married Walter Sharp, and has Sylvia (5); Earl (4) married Blanco Rhodes. Charles M. (2) was born in 1827, and came to this county in 1862. He was a business man of Vienna for many years and was noted for his beautiful horses and his good care of them. He married Margaret Henry in Ohio and their children were Frank (3), Fred (3), A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 337 Helen (3), John (3). Frank (3) married Mary Sanders (see Bridges); Fred (3) was born in Ohio, 1854, and was a successful business man of Vienna for many years. He married Betty Fields and their children were Cora M. (4) who married D. W. (see Chapman); Fred (4) mar- ried Velma Strickland and their children are Fred (5) and Margaret (5). Helen (3) married Preston (see Bain); John (3) married Alice Lambert and their children were Charles (4), Frank (4) and Ted (4). Mary (2) married Jesse Davis, a contractor and builder of Vienna. Wellington (2) was a physician of Massac County, living at New Columbia, 111., in the seventies. CALHOUN Three Calhoun brothers, Jacob, Zachariah and George, came to this county from Tennessee about 1850. Their father, George came from North Carolina to Tennessee in an early day. The maiden name of his wife was Patsy Julian, a native of Georgia. They lived on a farm in Tennessee most all their lives, the mother coming to this county when very old. They reared five sons and one daughter; Jacob J. (1), born about 1803, married Rebecca McCall, daughter of Thomas, whose wife was a Miss Gilmore, about 1825. They removed to this county in 1852, settling on land near Belknap. Their original home is now enclosed in Charles Marshall's barn. Their children were William (2), James F. (2), Thomas H. (2), Charles D. (2), George J. (2), Mary A. (2), Frances (2), Susan (2), Mary (2), Rebecca C. (2), Elizabeth (2). William (2) married Mary Rhodes, they had Samuel (3), Betty (3), Robert (3), Franklin (3), and Susan (3). This family removed to Arkansas. James F. (2) married Mary Helm. The children were Charles (3), Jacob J. (3), who married Belle Henderson. Cynthia (3), married David L. Stewart; Susan (3) married Isaac N. Evans, Thomas J. (3) and George W. (3). James F. (2) married second, Francis Reid and their children were Allen (3), Manorah (3), Martha (3), who married Polk Ballard and Lizzie (3). Thomas H. (2), born in Williamson County, Tennessee, 1831, married Mary Robin- son, their children were Alice (3) who married Pink Thornton and lives near Goreville. William (3) married Julia Jones. Francis (3) married Charles Grissom. James A. (3) married Miss Toler; Jacob (3) married Miss Terry; Susan E. (3) married William Furgus; Charles R. (3) married Delia Osborne; George B. (3) married Eva Campbell. Charles D. (2) married Ditha Johnson. They had Albert (3), who married Lizzie Cox; Sula (3), married Thomas Hurst; Amanda (3) married Roy Henderson; Julia (3), Frank (3) married Miss Jones; Samuel (3) married Spicy Burns, Josephine (3) and Rosa (3). George J. (2) married Martha Dunn and their children are Priula (3), married Mary Henderson; Edward (3) married May 338 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY Johnson; Zachery T # (3) married Francis Mayard; he is a physician of Pope County; Sarah E. (3) married J. F. Gillespie; John H. (3) married a Miss Harper; Frank (3), Walter (3), Allen (3), no know- ledge. Mary A. (2) married James Robinson, their children are Hugh (3), Phoebe (3) married John Spicer; Sarah (3) married Mark Whiteaker; William (3) no knowledge; Charles (3) married May Cover; Francis (2) married William C. Allen and had Belle (3), who died in youth; Susan (2) married William Moore and had Douglas (3) who married Lizzie Johnson, Joseph (3), and Jeptha (3); Fannie (3) married John Rathar; Lizzie (3) married James Ore. Martha (2> married William Ring and they had William (3) married Miss Thorn- ton, George (3) married Miss Mulinax, Jane (3) married Millington (see Smith), Alice (3), Francis (3). Rebecca Cumi (2) married James Venable, the children were John (3), Orril (3), Lizzie (3), Thomas (3), this family removed to Missouri. Sarah (2) married George Lovelace and their children were Olis B. (3) married Sula Betts and Georgia A. (3). Sarah (2) married second Isaac Lovelace and had Isaac (3), who married Julia Bratton. Elizabeth (2) married John Murrie (2) and had Johin (3). Zach. (1), another brother settled in the southeast part of the county, 1850 and had William Hayes (3), Petaway (3), John (3), Mary (3), Lucy (3) and two other daughters whose names are not known. Lucy (3) married Dr. Young of Metropolis. Mary (3) married a Mr Cryder. George (1), the other brother settled in Elvira Township and had Joseph Julian (2), William (2), Martha (2), Amanda (2). Joseph J. (2) married Mary Parker, they had Julian (3), Heber (3), Loubeth (3). Julian (3) died in young manhood; Heber (3) married Doria Beggs, they have Gay (5), Edna (5), Joseph (5), Fay (5), Ludine (5), Fondle (5) and Robert (5). Loubeth (3) married Nathaniel Boomer. William (2) never married; Martha (2) had Ivy who married Mr. Nipper. Amanda (2) married Willis Lingle and resides in Union County. George (1) married second Mrs. Ann (Ward) Copeland. CARLTON John W. Carlton is a son of W. B. who came to this county in 1840 from Middle, Tennessee and was born on the Pedee River, Nortn Carolina. He married first Miss Hight and had one son, Dr. Lewis W. Carlton. After her death he married Sarah E. Throgmorton and had Harvey (2), Henry (2), Joseph (2), Edward (2) Ambrose (2), J. W. (2) Addy (2), Edward (2) married Neoma (see Farris) and is cashier of the first National Bank of Coulterville, 111. Ambrose (2) married Clara Davis who died, leaving Gretel, a young daughter, who also died in 1924, and Billy about ten years old. Addy (2) married Wirt Lindsey and has Joseph (3); J. W. (2) married Mattie (see Veach). He followed teaching with farming until 1916 when he A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 339 was elected circuit clerk arid was so efficient that he was reelected in 1920 and again in 1924. He and family are republicans and estimable citizens of the county seat. CASEY Levi Casey came to this county in 1808 and settled in Bloom- field Township, near a spring, which has been known for many years as Casey's Spring. Himself, his wife and ten children came by ox cart from Tennessee. He was said to be a native of Ireland and was a brother of Zadoc Casey, who was at one time Lieutenant Gov- ernor of Illinois and presided in the Constitutional Convention ol 1848. Levi (1) married Mary Sherrell in East Tennessee about 1780. Tilth- children were Polly (2), who married Squire Choate, they resided in Massac County many years, being the founders of the Choate family in that county. J. M. Choate, a prominent business man of Metropolis who has recently (1923) disappeared on a trip Irom the west, and of whom no trace can be found is a descendanc of theirs. Rachel (2) married Mr. Elms; Patsy (2) married a Mr. Clark; Belvia (2) married a Mr. Ritta; Susanna (2) married John Goddard; another daughter married a Mr. Goddard; and another daughter married a Mr. Fisher and still another, a Mr. Latham; Susanna (2) and John Goddard lived in Williamson County, near old Sulphur Springs and reared a large family, namely George W. (3), W. G. (3), Randolph (3) and John (3), who lives near New Burnside, Nancy (3) married W. J. Cavitt of Tunnel Hill; Rebecca (3) married Dr. Russell Williams and resided in Hamilton County; Rachel (3) married Obe. Rich. There were two sons in the first Levi Casey's family, Randolph (2) who was born in Tennessee, 1796, and was the fifth child, the other brother, twelve years when he came to this county, died at the age of eighteen. Family tradition says, he was the first person buried at Casey Springs Cemetery, 1816, which is one of the oldest buring grounds of the county. Randolph (2) married Mary Graves in Johnson County, 1818. Their children were Hiram (3), Rebecca (3), Sarah (3), Rachel (3), D. M. (3), A. J. (3), Green R. (3). Hiram (3) married Derinda Hightower. The children were George (4), Levi B. (4), Fred (4), Julia (4), Susan (4) and Rachel (4). Hiram (3) died in 1865 while serving in the 120th Illinois Volunteer Infantry. Of his children, George (4) died in young manhood; Levi B. (4) married Angeline Norma. They had four sons, Randolph (5) who married Louisa Rushing; Daniel W. (5) married Rina Webb; Dr. W. N. E. (5) is now a resident of Tacoma, Wash., and Dr. Levi B. (5), who practiced medicine for many years in Marion, 111., and was well known in this county. Rebecca (3) married John G. Sparks, moved to California in 1850, later to Oregon, where he served as Internal Revenue Collector for that section of the 340 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY Northwest under President Lincoln. Sarah (3) married John W. Howerton, (see Howerton), Rachel (3) married Green Lowery. Levi B. (4) and Angeline also had daughters, Mary Ann (5) who married Jackson Hewitt and Nancy (5) who married William R. (see Webb). Levi B. Casey (4) was said to be a man of commanding appearance, six feet, two inches tall and of a find physique. He was Captain of Company D., 31st Illinois Infantry, Logans regiment, and was killed at Vicksburg, June, 1863. He is buried at the Graves Cemetery, four miles north of Vienna, on the old Marion road. Randolph (2) spent his life as a farmer. He never went to school a day in his life and learned to read after he was forty years old. He became a great reader and was well informed on the history of this government and acquired a good geographical knowledge of this country and the world at large. He was a great student of the Bible, a republican and after 1860 a member of the Christian Church. D. M. Casey (3) son of Randalph, resides in Tallequah, Okla # , and they have four sons and one daughter. A. J. Casey (3) died leaving three children. Green R. (3) married Lucinda Perkins in 1873. Their children were W. R. (4) who resides in Oklahoma; F. M. (4) living near Creal Springs; George V. (4) of Golconda, 111.; T. L. (4) also of Oklahoma and Ward (4) who resides with his parents. Mrs. Alice (Casey) Bell (4) lives near Tunnel Hill, Minnie (Casey) Hodge (4) resides at Heartly, Texas; Ida (Casey) Yandell (4) resides at Carterville, 111. There is now in the possession of Green R. Casey (3), a burr that was used in a hand mill and brought to this county from Ten- nessee by Levi Casey in 1808, also his spectacle case. Levi Casey died in 1842 and was buried at Metropolis. Randolph (2) removed to Williamson County about four years after his marriage, to a place called Old Sulphur Springs and resided there until 1853, when he returned to this county and entered land under the "bit" act. He first resided on the James Whitehead old place, now known as the Centralia Fruit Farm. He moved in 1857 to the farm where J. B. Cavitt now resides, living there until his death, 1874, and is buried at the Goddard Cemetery. Randolph Casey (2) married Manerva Alexander, and had one child, Mrs. R. G. Simmons (3). CARSON Hiram Carson was a first resident of Tunnel Hill Township. He served as sheriff of the county and also filled other stations of trust in the county and neighborhood. His widow, Nancy, now past ninety years old, and Frank, a son, reside on the old home place. Mrs. Carson was formally married to a Mr. Jackson and had a son, Reuben, who married Jane Simmons, and they had Cordia who married Joseph Murrie and Essie who married Frank Carter. Only A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 341 three of Mrs. Carson's children are now living, beside Frank, they are Samuel, Jerome, who lives at Kankakee, 111., and Casey, who resides in California. Pleansant married Lillie Morris and died leaving one son and a daughter. CARTER Amos Carter is an old resident, coming here from Tennessee. He served in the Civil War and is a loyal member of the Grand Army Post. He still operates his farm although eighty-six years old # He is well preserved mentally and physically, and always appears to be on the sunny side of life. He married Sarah Turley and has Grant who married Eva Carlton, they are residents of Carbondale. James who married Julia Stewart died several years ago leaving a family his widow later married Ezekiel Ingersol of Carbondale; Miss Jennie is an employee of the government and resides in Washington. Vincent was the ancestor of the large Carter family residing in this county and many who have emigrated from it. He was born in North Carolina in 1803 and later came to Tennessee with his parents, where he followed farming till 1850, when with his wife and children he settled on a farm in Vienna Township. He married Elizabeth Rose in Tennessee, and their children were John (2), Frank (2), Mary (2), Lucy B. (2), Sabra W. (2), J. H. (2), Eliga (2), Tennesseee E. (2). John (2) was a farmer of this county and married Martha Neatherly, 1854; their children are W. H. (3), and Mary E. (3). W. H. (3) married Josephine Verhines. The children were W. H. (4), Frank (4), Martha (4), Arista (4), Dola (4), Guy (4), Eva (4). W. H. (4) married Emma Murrie. The children were Merritt (5), Ivy (5), Ethel (5). W. H. (4) married second Mrs. Norah (Comer) Rhodes. The children were Otto (5), Norine (5), Frank (4) married Essie Jackson. Martha (4) married John Dill, a prominent business man of Carbondale and a native of this county. They have John Jr. (5). Arista (4) married Lyons Randle. Dola (4) married Rex Cook. Frank M. (2) married Charlotta Bridges and had Alice (3), Elizabeth (3), Martha (3), Belle (3). Belle (3) married Robert Verhines and had Robert (4), Harvey (4) and Lily (4), who married William Keltner, he died leaving Robert (5) ; she married second Mr. Chitty. Elizabeth (3) married Maxwell Caudle and had Ira (4) and Ralph (4). Alice (3) married R. R. Ridenhower in 1882 and had R. R. Jr. (4), who married Essie Jackson and had Kimber (5); married second Pearl Veach. Martha (3) married Samuel Jobe and had Nettie (5), who married Mr. Hopkins, of Little Rock, Ark. F. M. (2) married second Matilda (Fairless) Clayton and had Suda, (3), who married Eugene Ausbrooks of this county; he married 342 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY third Mrs. Mary Farris and had Obie (3). Mary (2) married H. T. (see Bridges). Lucy (2) married James Card, 1878, who was of Scotch ancestry, but for two generations his family had lived in Ireland, where James was born in 1832. He was a blacksmith by trade, he was a useful and esteemed citizen of our county for many years. He served in the Civil War and was at Antitem 1862. He was a member of the Baptist Church and a Republican. They had Lula (3) who married Isaac Hook, children Robert (4), James (4), Herbert (4) and Katherine (4). Sabra W. (2) married A. D. Williams, a farmer of Bloomfield and had Etha (3), William (3), E. A. (3). Bertha (3), Elizabeth (3), G. C. (3). Etha (3) married John R. Parker and their children were Ada (4), who married John Beggs and lives in Marion. The children were Jaunita (5), Effie (5), John Jr., (5). Abe (4) served in the World War, where his hearing was badly injured. He learned shoe repairing in a vocational training school and now operates an electric shoe shop in Vienna. He married Gertrude Arnett and has Loretta (5) and Wilda (5). William (3) married Victoria Crowder; children, Essie (4) married Mr. Jobe; Fay (4) married Howard Beals. E. A. (Buck) (3) married Sibyl Corbitt. The children were Calvin (4), Lucy (4) who married James Hutchinson of Goreville and Hattie (4). G. C. (Dink) (3) married Edna Schagenlaugh and has one daughter. Elizabeth (3) married W. L. Darter. The children were Arthur (4), Coba (4). She married second Joshua Gray. The children were Ward (4), Nettie (4), Gussie (4). James H. (2) was born in Giles County, Tenn., 1844. He came with his parents to this county and was left an orphan at an early age, he was reared by his brother-in-law. H. T. Bridges, from whom he learned the blacksmith trade. He enlisted in the 6th 111. Cav., at the age of 17, was wounded and discharged, he reen- listed in the 120 Co. K. He was the third person to enlist from this county and served during the remainder of the Civil War and was promoted to a Lieutenancy. He was elected sheriff of this county, 1872 and to the State Legislature in 1878. On retiring from office he entered the mercantile business which he followed till his death. He was a very successful business man and took a great interest in the community and its betterment. He married first Eliza Card- well and had James H. Jr. (3) who is in business in Cairo, 111. He married Myrtle Hankins. They have Wallace (4), Phillip (4), June (4), James (4), John (4) and Elizabeth Rose (4). James H. (2) married second Amanda Belle (see Harvick) 1875. Tennessee E. (2) married Hugh Wallace, who was a blacksmith of our town, they re- sided here many years. They had one daughter, Maggie, who married J. F. Francis. They live in Springfield, 111. Eliza (2) died when a young woman. A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 343 CAVITT W. J. Cavitt is an old resident of Tunnel Hill Township. He came to this section in 1854 from Tennessee, settling first in William- son County but later coming to this. He married Nancy Jane God- dard. The children were J. B. (2), J. G. (2), W. W. (2), Susan (2) Mary (2), R. A. (2) and J. C. (2). J. B. (2) married Martha Johnson; she is the mother of seventeen children as follows: O. S. (3), J. H. (3), Eva (3), J. R. (3), W. J. (3), R. R. (3), Adah (3), Mary B. (3), Maud A. (3), S. D (3), B. A. (3), C. B. (3), Dimple (3), Helen (3), Minnie (3), B. F. (3), one died in infancy. J. G. (2) married first Mary Miles. The children were Agustus (3), Byron (3), Ramond (3), Oma (3), Anna (3). He married second May Laughlin and they have Ruth (3), W. W. (2) married Susan Vinson, second Miss Neely; he has Walter (3J, Groover (3), Cora (3), Siddie (3), Thomas (3), George (3), Clyde (3), Ruby (3), William (3). Susan (2) married Amos Webb, they had Pearl (3). Mary (2) married Ira Dalton; they had Bessie (3), Ella (3), Joseph (3), Willis (3), Jessie (3). Dr. R. A. (2) married Maud Martin, they have Waldo (3) and May (3). J. C. (2) married Minerva Webb. They have Nancy (3), Beulah (3), Allen (3), Daniel (3), Mary Evalins (3). CHAPMAN Daniel Chapman of English ancestry was born in Westchester County, New York 1756 and married Lucretia Finch, also of New York, born in 1769. They were married 1788. He served in the war of the Revolution and lived in that state until about 1818, when he came to Southern Illinois. The children were all born in New York and are as follows: Elizabeth (2) born 1789, Sally (2) born 1791, Samuel Jackson (2) born 1794, Lucretia (2) born 1796, Solomon (2) born 1798, Daniel (2) born 1800, Hiram (2) born 1802, Amanda (2) born 1804, Permelia (2) born 1806, Washington (2) born 1808, Warren (2) born 1810. Elizabeth (2) married David Hayward in Peru, N. Y., after her death he married Lucretia (2) 1813. Their children were William Joseph (3) born 1813, Henry Chapman (3) born 1815, Betsy Adeline (3) born 1817, Benjamin Franklin (3) born 1819, Amanda Melvina (3), born 1824, Hiram Finch (3), born 1826. Lucretia Maria (3) born 1828, Samuel Jackson (3), born 1830, all in Essex County. B. F. Hayward (3) came to this county on a visit when a young man and married Vienna Reynolds. She died and he married his cousin, Elizabeth, daughter of Solomon Chapman. While living here he served in the Mexican War. He moved to Nebraska with his family about 1858. He died 1894. Lucretia (3) married Mr. Severance and had one son, Frank (4) who resides in Buffalo, N. Y. and is connected with the Buffalo Historical Society. He married 344 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY Lena L. Hill and they have Hay ward (5), Mildred (5) and Edith (5). Mrs. Lucretia Severance (3) visited in this county, 1903. A son of David and Lucretia Hayward was elected to the United States Senate from Nebraska about 1810, but died before he took his seat. Sally (2) married William Boardman Donaghy and had William B. (3) and Elizabeth (3). Sally (2) married second John Shoemaker and had one son, John Chapman (3) born 1826; William B # (3) married first Miss Jones; second Miss Canady an'i had Sarah (4), who married a Mr. Edwards and had Mary 5, who married William Meeks and lives near Morehouse, Mo. W. B. (3) married third Ann Vanderbilt and had William B. (4), born 1850. who married Miranda Jane Scott, born 1851; their children were William B. (5) born 1874, Maud (5) born 1877, Minnie (5) born 1880, Flora (5) born 1882, John M. (5) born 1884, Nellie M. (5) born 1887. W. B. (5) married Elizabeth Cruse 1903 and they had Dorothy Elizabeth (6) born 1904; William B. (6) born 1906; Maud (5) married J. P. Miller 1904 and has William Glen (6) ; Minnie (5) married J. R. Weirick 1905 and has Dorothy Margaret (6) born 1907, Joseph Ray (6) born 1907, Donaghy (6) born 1913; Flora (5) married Manuel Smith 1903 and has Myra (6) born 1907; John (5) married Effie C. Plater 1906 and they have John (6) born 1910, Joe Milton (6) born 1913; Nell M. (5) married Roy O. Osbourn 1912. Elizabeth (3) married Allen Jones and had William D # (4) who removed to Salina, Kan. John Chapman Shoemaker (3) married Mahala Stevenson 1850, and had Mary Virginia (4) born 1851, Emma Ann (4) born 1855. Mary Virginia (4) married Joseph C. Strawn and had Virginia C. (5) born 1879, and John C. S. (5) born 1880; Virginia C. (5) married Horace Gwin; John C. S. (5) married Serena McGwin 1908 and they had Mary Elizabeth born 1910; Emma Ann (4) married George C. Pearson and had Emma Virginia (5) born 1876, John C. S. (5) born 1878; George Albert (5) born 1879; Edith (5) born 1880. Emma V. (5) married Robert N. Fulton 1906 and had Mary (6) born 1908, Edith Newcomb (6) born 1910; Fred Harmon (6) born 1912, Alice Virginia (6) born 1914, Catherine (6) born 1915, John Robert (6) born 1917; John C. S. (5) married Harriet C. Bugbee, 1906 and had John Shoemaker (6) born 1912 and Margaret Ann (6) born 1914, Edwin Albert (6) born 1917; George Albert (5) married Wilhemina Harvey, 1909 and they had George Albert (6) born 1911; Edith (5) married Obie Jay Smith 1902 and had George Pearson (6) born 1904, Obie J. Jr. (6) born 1907. This branch of the family reside in and near Indianapolis, Ind. Samuel Jackson (2) married Elizabeth Jackson and had children Louisa (3) born 1824, Lucretia (3) born 1826, Ursula Agusta (3) born 182S, Franklin J. (3) born 1830, Jerome B. (3) born about 1832. Louisa (3) married Hiram Borin and had A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 345 Franklin (4), Elanor (4), Samuel (4), Grant (4). Franklin (4) mar- ried Miss Timmons and had Mark (5), Ruth (5), and other children. This family lives at Caledonia, Pulaski County and belong to the Borin family settling there before 1813. Elanor (4) married Harry Mertz and had Dora (5), George (5), Elberta (5). This family lives in Carbondale. Grant (4) married Belle Jones of this county and had Martha (5) who married Dr. Harbdrecht, of Chicago, 111. Grant re- sides in St. Louis. Lucretia (3) married David Young Bridges and had Elizabeth Jane (4) born 1841, John Samuel (4) born 1843, Ursula (\) born 1847, Franklin Alonza (4) born 1849; Lucretia (3) married second David Ragains and had Lucretia (4) born 1864, Kitty (4) born 1867, Charles J. (4) born 1870. Elizabeth J. (4) married Dr. George Bratton, children Charles Meggs (5) born 1859, accidently killed by a train when a young man, 1880; Florence Ursula (5) born 1871, William Harvey (5) born 1874, Agusta Alberta (5), born 1877, Florence Ursula (5) married Charles H. Gray and has Nellie (6) born 1890 who married Joseph Cannon of Los Angeles, Calif.; Harvey (5) married Cora Johnson and had George (6), who lives in Los Angeles, Calif.; Alberta (5) married Ed. Boyt 1903; John S. (4) mar- ried Mary Brush, they had Mary E;. (5) born 1867, Lean (5) died in young womanhood, Abigal L. (5) born 1878, Charles G. (5) born 1880. Mary E. (5) married Dr. E. J. Malone, of Sikeston, Mo. and has Charles L. (6), Wm. B. (6) John Raymond (6), Alberta (6). Charles L. (6) married Ida M. Ramsey; W. B. (6) married Ruth M. Reed and has William Bridges (7), Daniel Elias (7); John R. (6) married Vesta D. O'Brien and has Mary Ethel (7). Abigal L. (5) married John A. Davis and has John (6), Hal (6), and Charles (6). Charles G. (5) is married and resides in Chicago; Ursula (4) married Lyman Miller 1865 and had George D. (5) who died in young manhood; Elizabeth (5), Jose- phine (5), Franklin (5) and Lyda (5). Elizabeth (5) is a teacher; Josephine (5) is a business woman and both live in Greely, Colo. Franklin (5) is married and has George (6), Robert (6), Elizabeth (G), Josephine (6). Lyda (5) married Mr. Fitchell and has Benjamin (6), George (6) and lives in Denver, Colo. A. Franklin (4) married Julia M. Brush, they had Daniel Young (5) born, 1873, Ella Althia (5) born 1875 is a missionary in Japan; Rollin Eugene (5) born 1878, Albert Franklin (5) born 1881, Charlotte (5) born 1889. Daniel Y. (5) married Bessie Buck and has Harry Buck (6) born 1889. Rollin E. (5) married Anna Brimer 1898 and has Julia Agatha (6) born 1904, Rollin (6) born 1906, Albert F. (6) born 1908, Venita (6) born 1910, Julia A. (6) married William Ashley (6). Albert F. (5) married Alola Howder, 1908 and has Alola May (6) born 1909, Rollin H. (6) born 1911, Albert F. (6) born 1914, Martin H. (6) born 1916, Donaid (6) born 1918. This family resides in Chicago; Charlotte E. (5) 346 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY married Herbert C. Day, 1914 and has Virginia Elizabeth (6) born 1916. Lucretia (4) married Henry Whittenberg and has Madge (5), Marion (5), Lloyd (5), Daniel (5), Franklin (4), John (5) and Thos. (5) marion (5) married Vada Betts, has Charles (6), Martin (6), Mary (6). Lloyd (5) married Ruby Betts. He died and left three children. Madge (5) married Ira Cox, they have several chil- dren and reside in Carbondale. Kitty (4) married Milford Rebman, a first class farmer, living three miles west of Vienna. Charles J. (4) married Mary Lee 1893, children Raymond (5) born 1894, Lyndal (5) born 1898, Daniel (5) born 1906, Marian (5) born 1914, Lyndal (5) married Ernest Mathis. They have Louise (6). Ursula A. (3) married Samuel Hess 1847 and had Jerome B. (4) born 1849, William (4) born 1851, died 1900; Samuel Jackson Chapman (4) born 1853 Agusta Alberta (4) born 1856, Franklin J. (4) born 1857, Alexander Lyman (4) born 1860, Herbert Ross (4) born 1862, George D. (4) born 1864, U. S. Grant (4) born 1867, died 1897; Jerome B. (4) married first Josie Gillespie and had Maud (5), who married W # D. Deans and they had Harold (6) and Leslie (6) ; Jerome (4) married second Jane Shearer and had Ona (5) who married William Rhodes of Union County. They reside in N. M. S. J. C. (4) married Catherine West, they had Maud (5), Homer E. (5) born 1888, Chloe Inez (5) bom 1890, Grace Lee (5) born 1892, Bernice L. (5) born 1894, S. J. C. Jr. (5) born 1897, Urban (5) born 1900. Chloe I. (5) married E. E. Webber of Marion, 111. Grace L. (5) married Mr. Dodge of New York City, died 1924; S. J. C. Jr. (5) married Wilma Harris. This family have most all left the county; Augusta A. (4) married H. M. Ridenhower Jr. and had Agusta Ursula (5) who married Raymond Sperry, 1907 and has Lorraine (6), Robert E. (6). Alexander L. (4) married Flora J. Spann 1886 and had Everett Lyman (5) born 1881, George Raymond (5) born 1890, Hallene (5) born 1893, Samuel Spann (5) born 1895, Mildred (5) born 1903. Everett L. (5) married Madge Wilson and lives in Harrisburgh, George R. (5) married Emma Lawrence and has George Raymond Jr. (6), Halene (5) married Ernest Williams; Mildred (5) married Monroe L. Veach and has Lora Josephine (6). Herbert R. (4) married Mary Hall, they had Nadine (5) born 1900, Marian Mario (5) born 1902, Vivian Rose (5) born 1904, died 1918; Lucille (5) born 1906. Nadine (5) married William Davis. Marian M. (5) married Frank Smith. Kranklin J. (3) married Elizabeth Ann Price of Caledonia 1850, they had Florence A. (4) 1S51; Florence A. (4) married Bassett B. Brownly 1874 and had Catherine (5) born 1875 who married Agustus Jennings 1S95 and died about 1920. They lived in Indianapolis Ind. where Mrs. Brown- lee still resides. Franklin J. (3) married second Mary C. Stewart, of Metropolis, 111., born 1836, married 1852, they had Louisa Borin (4) A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 347 born 1854, Mary Elizabeth (4) born 1856, Samuel Jackson (4) born 1858, Henry Clinton (4) born 1869. Louisa B. (4) married William H. Ashley 1871, they had William Henry (5), Edgar Chapman (5) Charles Horner (5) William H. (5) married Emma R. Gill 1897 and had Charles Edgar (6), born 1899, who married Opal Ridenhower and has Elizabeth. Edgar Chapman (5) married Gertrude Davis 1899, children, Edgar Chapman Jr. (6) born 1900; Deneen Davis (6) born 1904, Mary Louise (6) born 1909. Charles Horner (5) married Edna Fisher 1900 and has William Richard (6) born 1901, who married Julia A. Bridges (6). Samuel Jackson (4) married Carrie Campbell, died 1905; Harry C. (4) married Mamie Cantwell 1900, children, Catherin (5) born 1901 and Elizabeth (5), residents of Chicago, 111. Mary E. (4) married Lafayett Putman in 1879, they had lone (5) born 1881, Don William (5), Catherin (5), Alma Bernice (5). lone (5) married John Foster. This family lives in Attica, Ind. Franklin J. Chapman (3) moved from this county to Carbondale, 111., some time in the sixties and none of his family reside in the county. Jerome B. (3) married first Laura Russell of Massac County, they had Franklin Jackson (4) born 1858, Libbie Elanor (4) born 1860. Frank- lin J. (4) married Ruth Madden 1880, they had Franklin Jackson Jr., (5), Bess Madden (5). F. J. Jr. (5) married Lisa Wallace 1920. He is a business man of Chicago, 111.; Bess M. (5) married George E. Galeener, 1912, and has Edwin Chapman (6) ; Libbie E. (4) married William R. Wiley and had Loyd (5) born 1881, Laura Vale (5) born 1884, Bardine R. (5) born 1887, John Jerome (5) born 1890, Carl Herbert (5) born 1892. Loyd (5) married Lena Hughes, children Blanch Lena (6) born 1903, Melbyrne Loyd (6) born 1906, Alice May (6) born 1910; Laura V. (5) married George H. Massey 1914, has Jeanne (6) ; Bardine R. (5) married H. C. McLaughlin and has Oral Wayne (6) born 1907, Olga Laura (6), born 1910; John Jerome (5) married and has Donald (6). W. R. Wiley moved from this county about 1884 and the family resides in Auburn Washington; Jerome B. (3) married second Clara (Russell) Adams 1883, they had Samuel Jackson (4) born 1884, Jerome B. (4) born 1890, Samuel J. (4) married Pearl Woodward and has Virginia (5) born 1912; Jerome B. (4) was accidently killed in a motorcycle accident' when a young man. Solomon Chapman (2) married Sarah Ann, they had Permelia (3), Amanda (3), George W. (3), Lucretia E. (3), Daniel (3), Wm. H. (3), Permelia (3) married Tipton Collier of Massac County; Amanda (3) married Gilbert Padget, had one or two children, one son lived in Chicago 1900; Amanda (3) married second Mr. Brown and had two children; Lucretia E. (3) married Frank Hayward; William H. (3) married Mary Burris, had Olive (4), Luela (4); William H # died at Annapolis, Maryland, while serving in the Civil 348 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY War. Olive (4) married Mr. Alread and moved to Texas; Luela (4) married I. N. Davies of this county, they had Olive Gertrude (5), Daisy Ethel (5). James Otis (5), Goss Loyd (5). Olive Gertrude (5) married Frank Crowder, their children were Ruth (6), Pearl (6;, Ferrel (6), Halie (6), Thelma (6), Daisy E. (5) married S. H. (see Taylor); married second CSolumbus R. Verhines and has Thelma (6), Wilma (6), Dorthy (6), Davis (6), Luela (6). J. Otis (5) married Clate Keeler; Goss L. (5) married Mamie Wigam and has James Loyd (6) and Brad (6). Daniel Chapman (2) married Elizabeth Du- Poister, they had Daniel Clinton (3) born 1828, Sarah (3) born about 1830, James Monroe (3) born 1832, Amanda (3) born about 1834, Thomas (3) born 1837, Tamberlin (3) born about 1838, Leonidas (3) born 1840. Daniel C. (3) married Mary Elizabeth Rose 1853, their children were Pleasant Thomas (4) born 1854, James Clinton (4) born 1856, Sidney Ann (4) born 1858, Daniel Leonidas (4) born 1861, Elizabeth Sherman (4) born 1865, Ida Catherine (4) born 1867, Estelle Belle (4) born 1874, Charles Hiram (4) born 1877. Pleasant T. (4) married Leorah May Copeland 1882, their children are Daniel Ward (5) born 1883, Marian (5) 1887, Ralph D. C. (5) born 1892. D. W. (5) married Cora Burnett; Marian (5) married Paul C. Raborg 1908. She married second Major John N. Greely 1920 and has John Chapman (6) born 1924. Ralph (5) married Beatrice V. Copley 1920. James C. (4) married Celia Ann Oliver 1889 and has Oliver D. (5) born 1889, James Clinton (5) born 1892, Robert Edward (5), Joe L. (5), Mary (5), George (5), Robert E. (5) married Gladys Broadway 1917 and has Robert (6) born 1917, Margaret D. (6) and Morris (6) born 1919; Sidney Ann (4) married Alonzo G. Benson 1878, they had Eva Alonzo (5) born 1879, Arthur Chapman (5) born 1880, John Sidney (5) born 1883, Mary Celinda (5) born 1885. Eva A. (5) mar ried A. J. Kuykendall and has Andrew Jackson (6) born 1903, Sidney Alonzo (6). A. J. (6) is married and lives in the east. Arthur C. (5) married Fay Herrin, children James (6), Sidney A. (6), Rose Mary (6) born 1922; John C. (5) married Albertie Lowery 1905 and has Elsie (6) born 1905, Paul (4) born 1910, Helen (6) born 1912; Mary C. (5) married first Mr. Hudgens 1905 and had Sidney (6) born 1905, married second O. H. Guinn and has one son. D. L. (4) married Kate Thomas, a native of Wales, 1889. They had Richard Daniel (5) born 1891, who married Regna Moss and has Mary Moss (6) ; Pleasant Thomas Jr., (5) born 1895 married Florence Simpson they have Betty Ann (6). The father of these boys was called Tobe and died when a young man; their mother died a few years later. They botli served in the World War. Dick as a Lieutenant in France and Pleas Junior in the Transportation Department; Elizabeth (4) married J. N. Benson 1885 and has Eugene Chapman (5) and James Daniel (5) A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 349 married Anna (Simmons) Verhines 1924; Estella B. (4) married Noel Whitehead 1893 the children are Noel Paul (5), Clinton Silvester (5), Mary Elizabeth (5). Noel P. (5) married Alice Chester and has John (6). Mary E. (5) married William Walker. Paul served in France as a Lieutenant in the World War. Clinton served in the Navy during the same war. Chas. H. (4) married Nelle Perkins 1903; they have Helen (5) born 1915; their daughter Harriet died in youth. Sarah (3) married Starling Simmons, children Richmond (4), Frank (4), and Mary (4). Richmond (4) married Cora Woodward. Frank (4) married first Delia Pruett and had Vernie (5), he married second Ida Bridges, several children; Mary (4) married Marshall Dunn L883, children Allie (5), Levi (5), May (5), Elizabeth (5). The two latter families live in Missouri. Amanda (3) married Samuel Damron about 1856, they had James M. (4) born 1857, who married Florence Scott and their children were Loyd (5), Noimand (5), Florence (5). The mother and daughters live in California. Samuel T. (4) who married Anna Chapman (4), they had Samuel (5). Thomas J. (3) married Margaret Van Meter 1857, they had Anna (4) born 1864. who married first Samuel T. Damron (4), second Walter Will- iams, they live at Ashland, 111. James M. (3) married Sarah Van Meter, they had Bertha (4) who married a Mr. Pool, Raymond (4) and James (4). This family lived near Cameron, Mo. Tamberlin (3) married Sarah Burk 1866 and had Tamberlin Burk (4) born 1867, Edwin Mace (4) born 1869, Andrew Daniel (4) born 1870, Sarah Elizabeth (4) born 1873. Tamberlin B. (4) married Anna B. Hagler 1892 and has Harry Laurence (5), Vera Ethel (5) born 1895, Macy Daniel (5) born 1896, Stella Catherine (5) born 1906. Vera Ethel (5) married George L. Rudolph 1915. T. B. (4) and family reside in Boise, Idoha. A. D. (4) married Rosa Weaver of Teras; they reside in that state. E. M. (4) married Daisy Blake, they have Virginia (5) and are residents of Clovis, N # M. Sarah E. (4) married O. A. Arpln, 1892 and had Sarah Josephine (5) born 1883, Tamberlin Edward (5) born 1884. Sarah J. (5) married F. H. Freeback 1913 they have three children; Tamberlin E. (5) married in 1912, has two sons, Sarah E. (4) died about 1921, the family lives in Elpaso, Texas. Leonidas Chapman (3) was born and raised in this county, was a soldier in the Civil War and married Sarah A. Francis, also of this county, they had James Monroe (4) born 1867, Mary Elizabeth (4) born 1868, Sarah Ann (4) born 1871, Nancy Catherine (4) born 1872, Margaret (4) born 1875, Samuel Edmond (4) born 1877, Daniel Leonidas (4) born 1879, Bertha (4) born 1885. James M. (4) married Jennett Murlin 1893, they had Fern (5) who married Charles Johnson 1911, they had William Gilbert (5) Carl (5), Elenor (5), Anita (5). Mary E. (4) married Grant Whiteside 1886, they had John Lee (5) 350 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY born 1888, Sherman Daniel (5) born 1890, James Grant (5) born 1898. John L. (5) married Retta Simpson and has George (6). Sherman (5) married Lorene Martin and has Ralph (6) and Evalin (6). Grant (5) married Grace Pfluger and has Cornelia (6) and Lewis Edward (6); Sarah Ann (4) married John D. Gillespie 1893 and has Roy Francis (5) born 1895, Leon (5) born 1900. Roy F. (5) married May E. Laughlin 1917; Catherine (4) married Charles Kenroyer; Margaret (4) married Eugene Freeman and has Eugene Jr. (5) and Helen Reason (5); Samuel E # (4) married Florence Burson 1903; Daniel L. (4) married Mary E. Tender 1906, they have Lauren (5) born 1907, Mary V. (5) born 1910, Loyd (5) born 1913; Bertha May (4) married Thomas Fitzpatric 1902, Daniel Chapman (2) married second Mrs. Elizabeth House and had Hiram (3) who married Elizabeth Bradley. They removed to Missouri where they raised their family. Hiram (2) was an early teacher of this county died when a young man. Permelia Chapman (2) married Ishmael Veach, about 1822, they had Freelan (3), Albert (3) born 1824, Almina (3) born about 1826. Lucinda (3), Melissa (3), Pleasant G. (3), Mariah (3), Allen (3) killed at Shiloh during Civil War. Freelan (3) married Sally Chapman (3). James Albert (3) married Nancy Buckhanan 1846, and had Thomas (4), James (4), George (4); Albert (3) married second Laura Du Poister 1864, and had Martha (4), Mary (4) Lucinda (4), Amanda (4). Albert (3) married third Mrs. Matilda (Stone) Barn- well and had Sarah (4), Frank (4), Jennie (4), Thomas (4) married Jane Thomas, they had Fred (5), Bell (5). He married second Adeline Simpson and had Walter (5) who married Dora Farmer. Fred (5) married Delia Jones (see Simpson). Belle (5) married Mr. McGeever and had Sylvia (6), Gertrude (6). J. C. (4) married Jose- phine Ausbridge,. George (4) married Jane Silevan, children Bertha (5) married Charles Hood. Oscar (5), Gertrude (5) married Roy Isom, children, Roy Veach (6), Frances (6); Norman (5), Charles (5), Fanny (5). Martha (4) married James Meredith. Mary (4) mar- ried Mr. Lindsey. Lucinda (4) married Monroe Trigg and had Newton (5), Frank (5), May (5). Amanda (4) married Mr. Jennings and had two children; Sarah (4) married William Anderson and had Myrtle (5), Julia (5), William (5), Albert (5); Myrtle (5) married Everett Beggs and has children Gladys (6), Evyline (6). Albert (5) married Bertie Kerley. These families live in St. Louis: Frank Veach (4) married Ann Johnson and has Dimple (5), Roy (5), Clarence (5). Dimple (5) married Mr. Hurley. Clarence (5) married Lottie Holcomb. Frank (4) married second Mary Smart and has Allen (5), Olive (5), Dallas (5) Lula (5), Ethel (5) Albert (5>. Jennie (4) married Frank Shavitz and has Miriam (5), Ruth (5) and two others. Alimina (3) married J. L. Thomas, an early minister of A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 351 this county and had John F. (4) born 1845, Frank D. (4) born 1848, Mary (4) born 1851, John F. (4) married Mary J. Barnwell, and they had William (5), Laura (5), Ella (5). Frank (4) married Ellen Grlanahan had Delia (5), Anna (5), Almina (5), Frank (5) and Hal (5). Frank (5) married Myrtle Moore of this county and is a business man of Vienna, 111. Mary (4) married William Jones and had Effie (5). Lucinda (3) married Wiley Holt and had Ishmael (4), Lucinda Jane (4), Ellen (4), Alice Mary (4), Ishmael (4) married Addie Beggs and had Wiley (5), William (5) and Charles (5). Wiley (5) married Chloe Burnett and has Gladys (6). Charles (5) married Fannie Kelly. Lucinda J. (4) married John Whiteside and has Minnie (5), India (5) Lula (5), John (5), James (5), Ettie (5), Charles (5), Coy (5), Reverdia (5). Minnie (5) married Ed. Ross and has Neoma (6) and Claude (6); India (5) married Otis Barnwell and they have Lowell (6), Ina (6), Opal (6), Clyde (6), Uel (6), Fredia (6), John (6), Leota (6). Lowell (6) married Lutie Mollahan. Lula (5) married William Gray and has Herman (6), Hazel (6), Murel (6), Howard (6), Kenneth (6). John (5) married Ruth Barney and has Catherine (6). James (5) married Delia French and has Gladys (6), Herbert (6), Glen (6), Lyndell (6). Ettie (5) married Walter Mc- Fatridge and has Loise (6), Charles (5) married Minnie Taylor and has Emaline (6). Coy (5) married Ela Warcheck. Ellen (4) married Marshall Turner and had William (5), John (5), Addie (5), .Mary J. (5). William (5) married Mary Kinslow .and had Walter (6), Ruth (6). John (5) married Jennie Kinslow and had Arthur (6) Addie (5) married Tobey Cress and has three children. Mary J. (5) married Mr. Hinkle. Alice (4) married Frank Mathis and had Mary (5), Benjamin (5), Alvin (5), Nora (5), Cressie (5), Charles (5), Fay (5). Mary (5) married Charles Kelley and had Alvin (6) and Benjamin (6). Both married Keislers. A. Mary (4) married John Davis and had Thomas (5), Everett (5), Bronzie (5), Esco (5), Alton (5). Melissa (3) married Hardy Holt and had Gastie (4). They removed to Kentucky. Pleasant G. (3) married Belle Keith and had Allen (4), Florence (4), John (4), Edward (4), Thomas (4). Pleasant G. (3) married third Amy Van Cleve and had Ray (4) and May (4). Allen (4) married Mattie Harvick, 1882 and had Bertha (5) and Ward (5). Bertha (5) married Mr. Oaker and has one son. Ward (5) married and died young, leaving one daughter. Florence (4) married T. M. Van Cleve, a teacher of Saline County and a native of this county, has Fredia (5), Hilda (5), Fred and Ed (5). Fredia (5) married Amos Pullian. Hilda (5) married Clyde Doly and has Caro- line (6). Ed (5) married Edna Simpson 1922 and has Thomas Edgar (6). John (4) married Rose Sams and has Earl (5), Delia (5), Helen (5), Ethel (5), Mary (5), John (5) Beatrice (5) and Lois (5). Earl 352 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY Veach (5) married Ruth Boaz and has Rosanna (6) and Virginia (6). Delia (5) married Logan Williamson and has Helen Francis (6). Helen (5) married Everett McMahan and has Everett Lee (6), Joh.i Hugh (6), Earle (6). Ethel (5) married W. N. Carter and has Rose Mary (6) and Susanna (6). Mary (5) married George Brush. Edward (4) married Myrtle Burris and has Ina (5), Amy (5), Ray (5) and May (5) have removed from the county. Thomas (4) married and lives in Portland, Oregon. Mariah (3) married Frank Silevan and had Mary (4), Melissa (4) Ettie (4), Minnie (4). Melissa (4) married H. C. Chapman (3), 1890 and has Earl C. (5) born 1892, Frank S. (5) born 1896, Ward W. (5) born 1898, George W. (5) born 1910, Lawrence W. (5) born 1904, William L. (5) born 1906, H. C. Jr. (5) born 1908. This family lives in Sanger, Texas; Ettie (4) married Lawrence Woollard and has one son, Dona (5). Minnie (4) married Charles Mangum and Mary (4) married Charles Murrie. George W. Chapman (2) married Cynthia Jobe 1835 and had William (3), Luc- retia (3), Amanda (3), Martha A. (Polly) (3), Elizabeth (3). William (3) married Miss Waters (not certain) and had Clinton (4), Mary (4) Robert (4), who died 1884, Franklin (4), Thomas (4). Franklin (4) married Luella Casper of New Burnside Township and they had several children and removed to Oklahoma. Mary (4) married Mr. Spillman, had Anna (5) ; married second Mr. Stiff, three children. Polly (3) married Hiram H. Wise and had children T. C. (4), Frank- lin M. (4), William (4), George O. (4), Charles H. (4), Florence (4), Mary (4). Thomas C. (4) married first Mary McSparin. They had O. A. (5) and James T. (5). He married second Margaret Reeder, their children were Mollie (5), George N. (5), Donzella (5), Harry H. (5), Flo (5). Mollie (5) married Walter Smith. George N. (5) married Lula Etherton. Donzell (5) married J. B. Morray. Harry H. (5) married Beatrice Jones. Flo (5) married James Steagall. Frank M. (4) married Cora Randall. He took the name of his mother, Chapman, they had Ines (5), Paul (5) Ruth (5). Inez (5) married Dr. William Whittenburg, of Stillwater, Oklahoma, and has Frank Chapman (6), Sara (6). Paul (5) married and died, leaving one daughter in California. Ruth (5) married J. W. Taylor of Stil- water, Okla. George O. (4) married Esther Jones, one son, George M. (5). Mary (4) married A. I. Sumner and had Inez (5) who mar- ried Mr. Craig; Laura (5) married Mr. Norman; and Ralph (5) Eugene (5), Carl (5). Charles H. (4) married Emma Duty, had chil- dren Earnest (5), Ava (5), Jet (5). Florence M. (4) married G. S. Burnett, had children Iva (5), Donzella (5), Hugh (5), Frank (5), George (5), Calvin (5), Leota (5), Dorothy (5) and Dorris (5). Amanda (3) married George Graves, had children Mary (4), Margaret (4), Alice (4). Mary (4) married Columbus Medlin and had Grace A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 353 (5), Webb (5). Margaret (4) married Frank Medlin and had Inez (5), George (5). Alice (4) married Mr. Gregg, had two children, Lucretia Finch (3) married Jay Van Trammell 1864, had children, Thomas F. (4), Amanda E. (4), Jehu (4), Cynthia J. (4), Minnie (4), James Webb (4). Thomas F. (4) married Bell Mofield, they have Jay V. (5), Clara (5), Thomas (5). Jay V. (5) married Pearl Mason and they have Nellie (6), Mason (6), Thomas F. (6), Lucretia (6). This family resides at Stonefort, 111. Amanda E. (4) married L. O. Whitnel and has Ella (5), Josiah (5), George Trammell (5). Ella (5) married George Beardsley, a prominent attorney of Kansas City, Mo., and has Melvill (6), Henry (6). Josiah is an attorney of East St. Louis, 111. George T. married Amanda Sacks and is a civil engineer of East St. Louis. Jehu (4) married Latta Cox and has Jean Elizabeth (6), Phillip Webb (6). Cynthia (4) is a teacher of E. St. Louis, 111. Minnie (4) married Dr. Gilbert Brewer of Stonefort, where they reside, and has Cynthia (5), Gray (5), Gilbert (5). J. W. (4) is a graduate of the Naval Academy and has reached the rank of Lieut. Commander in the U. S. Navy. Elizabeth (3) married Christopher Camden had several children all are now dead. Mack (4) married Belle Snyder and left several sons. Cynthia (4) married a Mr. McGee and left two children. Monta (4) married Mr. Lawrence Warren Chapman (2), from the best information, married Polly Harris and had William (3), who was killed at Fort Donelson 1862; Marcus D. Lafayette (3), Francis Theodore (3), who died in this county 1899, Marcus D. (3) married Ellen Read, 1860 and had Samuel Jackson (4) born 1861, Cora (4) born 1866, Dora (4) born 1869. Samuel J. (4) married Laney Darck 1895 and had Ralph W. (5), born 1896, he served in the World War as Yeoman in the Navy, Opal (5) born 1898 : John D. (5) born 1906, Charles A. (5) born 1910. Cora married Thomas Wallace 1884 and had James Wallar (5) born 1885, Dora (5) born 1888, Estelle (5) born 1890, Charles Samuel (5) born 1893, Moody C. (5) born 1896, Ted (5) born 1902. J. Wallar (5) married Kattie Holcomb 1909, and has Thomas Warren (6) 1910; Dora (5) married A. E. Lamerson 1910 and has Mary Estella (6), born 1911, they reside in Rawlins, Wyoming; Estella (5) married Agustus P. Huff, 1914 and has Estella Elizabeth (6) born 1917 and lives in Cheynne, Wyoming. Samuel J. Chapman, the pioneer came here about 1817 from New York State. A son of Wesley Reynolds says, the tradition in their family is; Ivy Reynolds, his grandfather, with a Mr. Chapman and his wife and a Mr. Drake built a boat in Cin- cinnati and floated down the Ohio in 1817, landing at what is now Golconda. The reason for supposing this was Samuel Chapman and wife, is that the other Chapmans, except Daniel, the Revolutionary soldier, coming here married in this county. He owned land at 354 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY Bloomfield and was postmaster there in 1819. He also owned land east of the court house square in Vienna and on the left of the road leading to the cemetery. He kept tavern here for many years and was a prominent citizen of his time. He was a soldier in the War of 1812, serving from New York State, was wounded at Lundy's Lane for which he drew a pension. (For family see Chapman.) Col. D. Y. Bridges belonged to one of the oldest families of the county and was a son-in-law of Samuel J. Chapman. He was connected with all the movements of progress in the county and Vienna from the time of his manhood until his death which occured in 1857. (For family see Chapman.) D. C. Chapman was a native of this county, born 1828, a son of Daniel and Elizabeth (DePoister). D. C. settled in Tunnel Hill Town- ship in 1853, where he followed farming all his life. He was elected sheriff of the county twice and filled out the unexpired term of L. D. Craig. He was always ready to help anyone in need and his counsel and advice was always dependable. He was said to be a man with few if any, enemies. He served as a teamster in the Mexican War. His first farm was quite small having purchased the improvement from Dr. J. B. Ray, he added more from time to time, buying some from the government at a "bit" per acre and for some he paid $1.25 per acre. He was a republican, and a mason. He died in 1888. For family (see Chapman). His widow resided on the farm for several years, but spent her last days in the home of her oldest son P. T. in Vienna, having lived there twenty years. She died in 1920, lacking a few days of being eighty-five years old. Pleasant T. Chapman was the son of D. C. and Mary (Rosei Chapman, and was born on the farm, eight miles north of Vienna, 1854. He is the fourth generation of that name, descending from Daniel Chapman, the Revolutionary soldier. Pleas, as he is familarily known, received his early education in the public schools of the county, going to Lebanon, 111. for more advanced work, graduating from McKendrie College in 1876. He followed teaching for four years studying law in the offices of Judge H. H. Horner, of Lebanon and A. G. Damron of Vienna, between sessions. He was admitted to the bar in 1879 and immediately began the practice of law in this county, meanwhile he engaged in other business. He with C. Colin and J. N. Poor opened the first bank in Vienna in 1883. He was elected president when the bank was nationalized and has served in that capacity thirty-five years. He has at different times been interested in the mercantile, lumber and livery business, and for many years has been interested in farming and stock-raising. Mr. Chapman has also taken an active part in politics, and was elected Superintendent of schools, also county judge. In 1890 he was elected to the State A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 355 Senate serving in that body, twelve years. In 1904 he was elected to represent the 24th district in Congress and was re-elected twice, retiring in 1911. Mr. Chapman has always been a republican in politics. He is a Knights Templar and thirty-second degree mason, belongs to the M. E. church and has served on the official board tor years. He married Leorah May Copeland, a native of Pulaski County. Their son, D. W., better known as Ward is cashier of the First National Bank and a business man of Vienna, 111. He volunteered in 1917 and served in the World War as a lieutenant in the Yankee or 26th Division, was wounded near Belleau Wood, France, by a shell, July the 11th, 1918. He recovered sufficiently to be on duty at Blois, France. He was severely injured in a railroad accident, Dec. 5, 1918, near Orleans, France and was a patient in French and United States hospitals until Jan., 1920. Marian, the daughter is the wife of Major John N. Greely of the regular army. Ralph, the youngest conducts an investment securities business in Chicago. He volun- teered for service in the World War in May, and entered the first training camp at Fort Sheridan. He was commissioned a Lieutenant, and went over seas, Sept. 1917. He served with the 5th Marines, in the second division for some time but was later transferred to the 9th Infantry. Was in action at the defense of Chatteau Thierry, and received the Crois de Guerre for service at Veaux. He was wounded near Soissons on the first day of Foch's offensive, July 18, 1918. Ward and Ralph are both graduates of the University of Illinois; Marian is a graduate of Monticello Academy, Godfrey, 111. F. J. Chapman, born 1858, was a native of this county and sou of J. B. and Laura (Russell) Chapman. He was educated in the public schools of Vienna and the Southern Illinois Normal; engaged in the mercantile business in Vienna several years. After retiring from this he built the brick business building on the corner of 4th and East Vine, where he conducted a hotel a number of years. He also built several residences which he rented. In later years he fol- lowed the business of traveling salesman. He died in the prime of life. His widow, Ruth (Madden) is a native of this county, and has lived in Vienna most all her life. She resides with her daughter, Mrs. G. E. Galeener, is a faithful member of the M. E. Church and has belonged to that organization longer than any of the present members, except Mrs. Fanny Jackson. The son, F. J. Chapman, Jr., is a business man of New York City. J. C. Chapman, son of D. C. and Mary (Rose) Chapman begann his business life as a teacher, was for some time engaged in the mercan- tile business at Vienna, but later settled on a farm just west of the town. He has served the county as Commissioner and takes an active interest in all movements for the betterment of the farmer and com- 356 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY munity. He married Ann Oliver (see Chapman). Their sons, Dr. Oliver D., James C. and Joe L. served in the World War. Joe enlisted in the Air service. James served several months in France and Oliver was a lieutenant in the Vetrinary Corps. George and Mary reside with their father, the mother died 1924. COCHRAN The Cochran family was one of the first families settling here The names found on the records are Adam, Samuel, Jesse, Moses and Andrew, who was a Commissioner of this county in 1821 and drew a salary of $82.33 for his services. There could be nothing secured in a definite line of these families. Carrol Cochran, the Grandison, Harvick family, Thomas and Milton Cochran, residents of this county are descendants of this family. CLYMER John C. Clymer married Sarah, the daughter of David and Holly Shires, in Maury County, Tennessee, where the father of John C. and Joseph had moved from North Carolina. They resided there until 1854, when they came to this county, settling in Grants- burg Township. John C. was a carpenter and worked at his trade there a number of years, later removing to New Burnside. Their children were Martha (2), who married Gillford Pippins of this county and had Mary Francis (3) and David (3). David (2) was killed at the battle of Fort Donelson. John H. (2) married Virgina Garrett, whose mother was a daughter of Daniel Cummins. Their children weie Alice (3), Edward (3), Delia (3), Thomas (3), Charles (3), Walter (3), Holly (3). Alice (3) married John Vander Pluym; their chil- dren were Lilly (4), who resides with her father in Vienna. Nell (4) married Bluford Heatherington of Harrisburg and has James (5), Bluford (5), Eugene (5), Carl (5), Ralph (5) and Mary Nell (5). Cornelius (4) married first Beatrice Abott and had Kreigh (5) ; he married second Edna Holland and they have Betty Jane (5) and re- side in Harrisburg, 111. Winifred (4), married Dr. Robert McCall and their children are Virginia (5), Robbie (5), John (5), Thomas (5). They reside in Phoenix Arizona. Fay (4) married Hudson Hook and has Jack (5), Mary Alice (5), they live in Seattle, Wash. Edward (3) married Ida Shearer and they have Ebert (4), who is a physician of Oklahoma City, he married Lou Hachett, and has Clarice (5) who married Jay Allie, Ralph (5), Mary Louise (5) and Ruby (5). Delia (3) married Lucas Parker; their children are Leo (4), who married Cecil Hadley, and has Elaine (5). Donald (4) married Helen Arthaud and has Jack (5). Halloween (4) married Ralph Murray, who is a teacher in the schools of Oblong, 111; they have J. P. (5) and Jerry (5). Myra June (4), a teacher, Hilda (4) and Joe (4) in school. A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 357 Thomas (3) married Harriet Stanley. He is a contractor and builder. Charles (3) not married; Walter (3) married Genevieve Harris and their children are Margaret (4), Hita (4); Holly (3) married James Hight, they have John Milton (4), Mary Louise (4) and reside in Tempe, Arizona; Holly (2) married James A. Smith, son of Jason B. and they had Eugene (3), Ethel (3), Clara (3), who married Adam Ballance and resides in the west. Another branch of this 'family whose head was Joseph came here a little later. He was a brother of John C, but spelled his name Clymore. He had Daniel (2), John (2). John (2) married Alice Redden and their children are Arthur (3), Charles (3), Alice (3), Martha (3). Arthur (3) married Olivia Morgan, they had Morris (4), Opal (4), Nora (4), Gertrude (4), Morgan (4). Charles (3) served as postmaster in Vienna under Presi- dent Wilson. He married Nellie Wymore and their children are Isabel (4), Charleen (4), Charles (4), Bain (4), they reside in Jacksonville, Fla. Alice (3) married William Hight and has Walton (4). Martha (3) married Edward Grinnell and resides in Los Angeles, Calif. Daniel (2) married Ella Allbritton and had Elmer (3), Effie (3), Pearl (3), Joseph (3), Annis (3), Harris (3), Jessie (3), and Adrian (3). Elmer (3) married Daisy Farmer. They had Bradley (4); Effie (3) married Mr. Fowler and has five children; Pearl (3) married Guy Slack, has several children and resides in Carbondale; Joseph (3) married Audrey Helm, one son, Joseph (4); Annis (3) married Levi Hand and has one son; Harris (3) married Althea Hight and has five children; Jessie (3) married Benjamin Farmer and has three children; Adrain (3) married Myrtle Carlton and has one child. COPELAND William Copeland must have been quite old when he came to this county and his son, John was doubtless the head of the family. He was born before the Revolutionary War and he was not the oldest child. William Copeland, judging from his name was English. His grandson, Johua, said they came from the Isle of Wight and were Irish. James R. Evers who married a granddaughter remem- bers seeing old man Johnny Copeland, as he was called, and he says he was Irish. Be that as it may, William Copeland lived in Virginia in 1771 and no doubt, earlier, but whether he was born there or emigrated there is not known. There is a Copeland family in New England which came there about 1630, but whether our William Cope- land was connected with that family or not is not known. His Revolutionary War record and the settlement of his estate is given in other chapters. William had four daughters; two married Dials, one married Hobb and one married Robert Little who kept tavern in Vienna in 1820. There is no certain knowledge of these families 358 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY unless David Shearer married Mattie (Copeland) Dial's daughter. There was a son named Samuel whom tradition says went to Missouri or Arkansas. John is the founder of the family tree arranged here. He was born in Virginia, emmigrated to Tennessee and married there, coming to this county in 1816. He was a farmer also an early teacher and held several county offices and was active in the promo- tion of education and the conveniences of a frontier community. He moved to a home on the Ohio River about 1835, which location later became Massac County. He died 1853. John Copeland brought six slaves to this county, a man, his wife and four children. Tradition says that the Copelands went first to Ohio and realizing they could not hold their slaves in that state, they came to Tennessee and later to Illinois, believing this would be a slave state. William Copeland's land warrant was number 1696 for 200 acres issued for services in the Virginia Continental line. This warrant was surveyed for Andrew Ellison as assignee in the Virginia Military district of Ohio. Three different patents were issued, one in 1813, another 1815 and the third in j 820. This warrant was issued Aug. 10, 1783. John Copeland (1) was born in Virginia, Sept. 30, 1775, nad grew to manhood in his native state. They removed to Tennessee, where he married Sarah Short, who was born Christmas day 1778. They came to Illinois 1816; their children were James (2), Sarah (2), Samuel (2) who was born 1805, William (2), John (2), Joshua (2), born in Tennessee 1812, Sumner County, Isaac (2), Jane Gamble (2) born 1818, Alfred (2), Lousia (2). James (2) married Elizabeth. Sarah (2) married John L. Cooper and had James F. (3), born 1824, Juliet (3). James F. (3) married Mary J. Kitchell, 1846, who was born 1825. They had children Leora Ellen (4) born 1846, James M. (4), born 1850, Frank A. (4) born 1853. Leora Ellen (4) married Thomas Helm. This family moved to Beloit, Kansas many years ago. Juliet (4) married Jackson Yokum and had two sons, they lived near Grand Chain, Pulaski County. Samuel S. (2) married Sarah Allen and they had Allen (3), Perry (3), Mary (3), Samuel (3), Richard (3), James P. (3), Dewitt C. (3). Allen (3) married Cynthia Scroggins in 1858 and left one son who lived at Cheery Vale Kansas. Perry (3) married Sarah M. Wilcox and had several children, no history of but four of them, namely Jerome (4), Olive (4), Albert (4) and Otto Perry (4). Jerome (4) married Sarah Belle Grace and had Edytha (5), Estella (5), Elsie (5) and Mary Grace (5). Edytha (4) married Thomas Snyder and had Owal (6), and May Elsie (6). Elsie (5) married Arthur Britt, they have seven children and reside in Pulaski County. Mary Grace (5) married John Carroll of Metropolis, 111., where they reside. Jerome (4) married a second time and left a daughter, Mrs. Edward Morkert who resides in Johnston City. Olive (4) married A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 359 Charles Wood of Joppa, and had Jack (5). Albert (4) married Anna Lenn. Otto P. (4) married first Anna Waller of Villa Ridge, they had three sons. He removed to Arkansas where he married and had three daughters, and was killed in an automobile accident 1923. Mary (3) married Alexander McClean. Samuel (3) married Miss Lard and had two children. Richard (3) married Nancy Washburn and had children Elmer (4), A. Buel (4), Charles (4), Olive (4), May (4), Allen (4), Carrie (4), Flo (4). Elmer E. (4) married Delia Rimer and their children are Ruth (5), Paul (5), Esther (5). Ruth married a Mr. Batson. Buel (4) married Martha McCormick and had Lam bert (5) and Fritchie (5). Charles (4) married Minty Fulkerson, children Hayward (5), Mildred (5) Ruby (5), Richard (5). Allen (4) married Lura Jackson and has Joseph H. (5), Margaret (5) Carl (5), and Raymond (5). Olive (4) married Charles Thirkeld, children, Albert (5) and Halfrey (5). May (4) married Aaron H. Muck and has Lucille (5), Majory (5) and Velma (5). Carrie L. (4) married J. J. Oneal. James J. (3) married first Louisa Washburn 1865 and they had Benjamin F. (4) who married and died leaving one son, James B. (5). Addie (4) who married J. M. Strike of Wichita, Kan., and they have Clifford S. (5) and Jennie T. (5). James P. (4) married second Mrs. Minnie (Boston) Brooks they have one son, John Wallace of Marion, 111. Dewitt C. (3) married Miss Kidd and they had children James (4), Gertrude (4), Harry (4), Mamie (4), Louisa (4), Delia (4), May (4). Samuel (2) married second Mrs. Lucinda (Simpson) Fisher and had Louisa (3), who married a Mr. Pierce of Baxter Springs, Kan. Alonzo (3) married Mary Utley (4). William (2) married Malinda Allen and had Benjamin F. (3) born 1836 and mar- ried Margaret Leek of Massac County. They had Ishmael (4), William F. (4) Lena (4), Mary L. (4). Ishmael (4) married Emma and has Esther (5), Edna (5), Lela (5) and John (5). W. F. (4) married Ura and has Bea (5), Egbert (5), Wilma and Warba (5), William (5). Lena (4) married Edward Schmidt and they have Bessie (5), Alvin (5), Ethel (5), Floyd (5), Earl (5), Mary Evelyn (5). Mary L. (4) married John Borman and they have Sophia (5) and Mary (5). -John (2) married Ann Ward 1835 (who was born 1812) in Alabama and they had John Ward (3), Sarah Ann (3), James (3), William P. (3). John W. (3) married Mary J. Smith and they had Leora May (4), who married Pleasant T. (see Chapman). Sarah Ann (3) married Carrol Utley and had Mary (4), who married Alonzo Copeland (3). Sarah A. (3) married second William Mangum and has two children living, William (4) who lives at West Frankfort and Emma Yates who lives at Walnut Ridge, Ark. James (3) married Addie Porter of Pulaski County and they had William (4) who mar- ried Nanny Bartleson, and reside in Muskogee, Okla. David (4) mar 360 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY ried Anna Reese and they have Thomas Vandiver (5), Robert A. (5), Leota J. (5) Rachel A. (5), Fred R. (5) Samuel V. (5) Jefferson B. (5), Mary V. (5) Martha K. (5). This family resides in Blithesville Ark. James (3) married second Martha and had children, Bird (4), May (4) and several others. William P. (3) married first Ellen Bar- nett and they had Charles (4), who married Luella Benton and died leaving one son Ralph Ward (5). William (4); William P. married second Margaret Gandy and they had Edward (5) who married Clara Dench of Golconda; Elsie (4) at home and Jackson D. (4) who mar- ried Lora Threlkeld and they have Edward (5). Joshua (2) resided in Massac County, served that county as judge and was quite active in the affairs of his time. He married first Elizabeth, daughter of Robert Axley of the West Eden neighborhood, and they had Mary- Jane (3) born 1836, Franklin (3), Samuel L. (3), Melissa (3), Law rence W. (3), Joshua Allen (3). Mary J. (3) married John Wright, 1857 and they had John Franklin (4) born 1858, William Joshua (4), Martha E. (4) born 1862, Melissa Adelia (4) born 1865, Clara (4). J. Frank (4) married Omega Woelfle and they had Effie Gertrude (5) who married Dr. W. A. Sim of Golconda and their children were Sarah Mary (6) born 1904, William F. (6) born 1907, Wright A. (6) born 1909. J. Fred (5) married Emma (Hight) Whiteaker and they have Josylin (6). J. Frank (4) married second Ivy Hardy and died leaving one daughter, Barbara (5). William J. (4) married first Mary Rinehart, they had Mary (5) who married Mr. Broyle of Los Angeles, California and had May (6) who married Alfred B. Spires, 1924. William J. Jr., (5) married Lillian Hogue 1914 and has Lillian Jane (5). William J. (4) married second Ethel Evers (4). Elizabeth (4) married W. B. Pritchett 1882 and had Vivian (5) who married Norman Casper of New Burnside this county and they have Elizabeth (6) and Priscilla (6). Adelia (5) married Charles McAlister of Cairo, 111., and they have Mary June (6) and William Bradley (6). Adelia (4) married Lee Head, 1882 and had Lelia (5) who married Thomas W. Johnson, 1909. Lelia died 1918 leaving Albert Sidney (6) and Helen Leland (6). They reside in Newport, Ark. Clara (4) married H. C. Lentz, 1886 and they have Junita (5) who married Dr. Crowl of Anna, and Frederick (5), who married Gladys Styer of Anna, and they had Emily Diana (6). Franklin (3) married Rella Evers and had Frank (4). Samuel L. (3) married Margaret Beal, 1866 and they had Donnie May (4) and Samuel (4). Donnie May (4) married Arthur G. Jackson and they have Arthur C. (5), Margaret Crary (5) and Samuel Marion (5). Arthur C. (5) married Marie Rosenbaum and has Arthur C. Jr. (6). Margaret Crary (5) married Charles Foster of Fort Worth, Texas and has Charles W. (6) and Jack (6). Samuel (4) married Julia Coleman and had Eugene (5) and Samuel (5), both A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 361 oi whom served in the World War; Samuel (5) in the 6th Marines and was killed near Soisoms, France, July 19, 1918. Melissa (3) mar- ried John Bartleson. Mr. Bartleson is now a resident of Beloit, Kan. Lawrence W. (3) born 1847, married Laura Hitchcock, 1867, and they had Belle (4), John L. (4), Estella May (4), Ernest (4), Agustus (4), Tony (4), Hilda (4). Belle (4) married John Shipman and they have Rossie Gray (5), Ernest Rhea (5), Gladys (5), Halfred Lee (5), Bessie (5). Rossie G. (5) married Lillian Marlin and has John Marlin (6). John L. (4) married and died in Little Rock, Ark., 1922. Samuel (4) married and died in early manhood. Estella May lives in the old home with Hilda. Ernest P. (4) married Mamie Steincamp. Agustus (4) married Nona Henderson, they had Dorthy May (5). Agustus (4) married second Delia Wilson, they reside at Little Rock, Ark. Tony (4) married Walter Moreland; Hilda (4) married Lester Daily, they have Dorothy (5). Most of this family lives in Metropolis. Joshu (2) married second Caroline Evers and they had Elizabeth (3), Ella (3), Mattie (3), Margaret (3), Charles (3), Alice (3), Sally S. (3). Elizabeth (3) married Thomas Starkes and they had Howard (4), who married Clara Taylor and has Ida Elizabeth (5). Garfield (4) married Maud Little and has Gwendolyn (5) and Maried (5). Roxie (4) married Elva Alexander and they have Clesis (5) and Charles William (5). Pearl (4) married Clarence Jacobs and they have Alton (5) and Irene (5). Alma (4) married Perry Little and has Harold (5) and Gerald (5). Ruth (4) married Wilburn Trumbo and has Forest (5). Susie (4) married Roy Barnett and has Roy Jr. (5). Ella (3) married William Douglas and has Eva Leota, (4), who married Charles Smith and has Orion G. (5), William G. (5) and Bessie Ellen (5). Aubry (4) married Elizabeth Bunch, has Lester (5), Roy (5), Velma May (5) John Fred (5) and Helen M. (5). Charles (4) married Ethel Sexton and has lone (5), Charles R. (5) and Homer S. (5). Claude (4) married Birdie Bunch and has Delphia (5), Clyde (5), Raymond (5) and Lillian (5). William Arthur (4) and J. Fred (4) are not married. Mattie (3) married first James McNanna and had Joshua (4), who married Clara Bivins and they have Joshua, Jr. (5). Paul (4) not married. Mattie (3) married second Edward Cockrel. Maggie (3) married William W. Clark and they have Ida (4) who married Gifford E. Landon and they have Naomi (5), Thelma (5) and live near Han- ford. Charles H. (4) married Mary G. Nelson and they have Mel- burn Lee (5). He served in the World War, being in France four- teen months, was wounded and decorated. They reside in Fresno. Delphia (4) married Arthur J. Platzik, who served in the United States Navy during the World War. They have Max W. (5), Robert J. (5) and reside at Taft. Mrs. Clark and her family live in Cali- 362 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY lornia. Charles (3) married Ella Mangum and had Gladys (4) who married John Hottel and has Carl (5) and Iva (5). Allie (3) married Mitt Barnett and they have Dwight (4) who married Else Gray and their children are Lana (5) and Doris (5). Leslie (4), Nellie (4) and Caroline (4) at home. Sally S. (3) married Jesse Hawkins and they have Ralph (4) who married Mariah Starks and their children are Louis (5), Lola May (5), Bernice (5), Robert (5). May (4) is a teacher and makes her home with her parents. Isaac (2) married Elanor Gore and their children were Crynthia (J) born 1837, John M. (3) born 1839, Sarah E. (3) born 1842, Mary M. (3) born 1846, Caroline (3) born 1849. Crynthia (3) married A. J. Axley (see West). Crynthia J. (3) married second Samuel Norval, and had Mary (4) (Gussie) who married Mr. McLean and had Clyde (5), Clarence (5), Floyd (5) and Lawrence (5). Margaret (4) married Mr. Carnahan. These two families reside in Portland, Oregon. John M. (3) served in the Civil War, in the 14th Cav., from Johnson County. He married Mary A. Rutledge, niece to Ann, and they have Mary Iva (4) who married Oscar Deans, a native of this county and they have Mary Jane (5). Sarah E. (3) married W. H. Walker, about 1861, and removed to Kansas, 1869; they had Belle (4) who married Mr. Brewer, Dora (4) married Mr. Cooley; Arthur (4) lives in California. Mary M. (3) married H. H. Spaulding 1866 in Kansas, where they lived many years, later moving to Port- land, Oregon, where she still resides (1924) and they had Addie (4^, Lillian B. (4), Arlett C. (4), William (4), Lawrence (4). Addie (4) married Mr. Hostetler and had Nellie (5) who is a trained nurse residing in New York City and Lou (5) who married Clarence Mar- row and they have Edith (6) and also reside in New York City. Lillian B. (4) married Alvin Giger, children Roscoe (5) who married Mary Neal and has Richard (6). Charlotte (5) married John Fisher and has Eugene (6). Arlett C. (4) married May Burchum and has Harold (6). William (4) married Ettie Rich and has Vida (5). Lawrence (4) married Bertha Pogue. Caroline (3) married A. H. Spaulding and had Maud (4), Elmer (4), Frank (4) George (4). Maud (4) married Seymore Haynes, and lives in Los Angeles, Calif., Ihe sons all live in the West. Jane Gamble (2) born 1838, married Joel Braxton Mabry born 1809 and they had James Copeland (3), Robert Smith (3) born 1843, John Quincy (3) born 1845, William Duddley (3) born 1848, Sarah Rebecca (3) born 1855. James C. (3) married Lavinnia Sage, 1857, they had Susie Jane (4) born 1860, Lola May (4) born 1863, John C. (4) born 1866. Robert S. (3) killed at Fort Donelson, 1862. John Q. (3) mar- ried Sarah A. Sage, 1864 and had Eula B. (4) born 1868 who married Frank Trunkey, 1894 and had Marjory (5) born 1896, Neil Francis A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 363 (5) born 1899, Elizabeth (5) born 1907. John Q. (3) married second Sarah E. Fuller 1874 and had Maud E. (4), Estella (4), Clarence E. married W. B. Pritchett 1882 and had Vivian (5) who married Norman (4), Elmer D. (4), Robert B. (4). Maude E. (4) married John Mahoney, 1898 and had Harrison (5) born 1899, Aithia (5) born 1903, and Eva (5) born 1908. Estella M. (4) married Frederick Minney 1907 and had Berkeley B. (5) born 1909. Clarence E. (4) married Laura, they had Elizabeth (5), born 1911. W. Dudley (3) was an M. E. minister and married Irene Dutton, 1870 and they had William Carrey (4) born 1871, Pearl (4) born 1883. William C. (4* married Bessie Mayne 1903 and had Jenett (5) born 1913, Elizabeth (5) born 1916. Pearl (4) married Lieut. C. Smith, married 1903. Sarah Rebecca (3) married P. D. Witzel 1870, and had Frank R. (4) born 1871 who married May Bowman 1899, Niel B. (4) who married Amoral Dennis and they had Valaski (5) born 1913, Suel (5) born 1915. Alfred (2) married Catherine Elkins 1844 and they had Sarah Elizabeth (3) born 1845, Charlotte Temple (3), Louise (3), Martha (3), Sarah E. married Frank Hitchcock, 1863 and had children Ida F (4) born 1874, Louis G. (4) born 1882, Myrtle (4). Ida F. (4) married W. J. Mathis 1894 and they have Louis (5), Virgie (5) Herbert (5), Nina (5), Bernice (5) and Royal (5). Lewis (5) married Madge Evers and has Paul (6) and Ray (6). Virgie (5) married Ralph White and has William (6) and James Marion (6). Myrtle (4) mar ried Albert Evers 1896 and they had Eunice M. (5) born 1902. Myrtle (4) married second John Hillie and has two children, Lewis G. (4) married Iona B. Reed 1901 and has Letha Vera (5) born 1903, Lewis Clyde (5) born 1905, Madge Lorene (5) born 1908, Francis Reed (5) born 1910, Milfred G. (5) born 1915. Charlotte T. (3) married James R. Evers 1866 and they had William F. (4) born 1866, Elizabeth C. (4) born 1870, John R. (4) born 1874, Rollo P. (4) born 1876, Adolph L. (4) born 1880, Maud L (4) born 1882, James Hallie (4) born 1889. William F. (4) married Mary Greer and had Donabelle (5) who mar- ried Ernest Smith and has Francis W. (6), Mary E. (6). William F. (4) married second Sally Morgan and they had Fern (5), James W. (5), Charles C. (5), Albert (5) and John (5). Fern (5) married Lee Price and had Henry T. (6) born 1913, Elizabeth C. (4) married Dr. A. W. Tarr, 1901. John R. (4) married Ida Burns 1894 and had Paul (5), Seth (5), Vivian (5), Madge (5). Seth (5) married Silva Snell and they have Charles R. (6) born 1916. Madge (5) married Louie Mathis (5), 1917 and has Paul W. (6). John R. (4) married second Ivo Rhymer, 1918. Rollo P. (4) married Elizabeth E. Johnson, 1900. Adolphus L (4) married Merlia Morgan, 1920 and the have Rudell (5). James H. (4) married Neoma Hammond, 1906 and their 364 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY children are Willard O. born 1908. James Hallie (4) married second Ettie Davis, 1917. Louise (3) married Enoch Anderson and had Sidney (4). Martha (3) married George Evers 1871, and had Clara (4), Charles (4), Ethel (4). Clara (4) married Charles Marshall of Belknap and they have William (5). Charles (4) married Lilly Williams and has Nell (5) who married Chris Weis, and Samuel (5) and Owen (5). Ethel (4) married W. J. Wright (4) of Dongola Alfred (2) married second Elizabeth Ramey and had Virginia (3) and Olive (3). The widow and children removed to Texas, years ago. Louisa (2) married Jackson Simpson (see Simpson). James P. Copeland, the son of Judge Samuel and Sarah Allen Copeland was born in Vienna, 111., 1845. He was a descendant of John, who came to this county in territorial days. He was educated in the public schools and when a mere boy, entered a newspaper office in Anna, 111. when only seventeen years old he enlisted in Company E, 60th Illinois Infantry, 1862. This regiment was attached to General Pope's command, and took part in the battles of Corinth, Lookout Mountain, Missionary Ridge, Kennesaw Mountain, Marietta, Peach Tree Creek, and many others. He enlisted as a private, and was honorably discharged as a Lieutenant at the close of the war. He applied himself to gain further education and a little later, again took up the newspaper work, which he followed for sometime in this county. In 1874 he went to Marion, 111., as editor of the Marion Monitor," one of Marion's early journals. He was also connected with the "Marion Leader," and other papers of that town. He re- tired from the newspaper work in 1901 and conducted a florist busi- ness for sometime before his death. Mr. Copeland was first married to Louisa Washburn, 1865 at Vienna, (see Copeland.) He was a member of the M. E. Church of Marion. He took an active interest in the church and all movements, for the improvement of the city and people where he lived and was always found at his post of duty. He died in the year 1914. COWAN Thomas J. Cowan, Sr. was born in Henry County, Tennessee, 1823. He came to this state in 1851 and was for many years one of the first class farmers of Bloomfield Township. He married first Mary Clayton, she died leaving one daughter, who is now Mrs. Nanny Waters of Bloomfield. Mr. Cowan married second Mary J. (see Worley.) D. J. Cowan, son of Thomas J. was born in this county, is a graduate of the Southern Illinois Normal and Bloomington Law School. He began his career as a teacher in this community, later entering the profession of law and was twice elected States Attorney for this county. He established a practice in Peoria, this state, 1910, where he has continued as a successful member of the firm of Mans- A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 365 field and Cowan. He married Mrs. Sarah (Duncan) Poor. Thomas J. Cowan, Jr., son of T. J. is a leading farmer of this county residing lour miles east of Vienna on the Metropolis road. For family (see Farris.) J. O. Cowan, another son of T. J. and a native of this county has been in active practice of law in Vienna since 1913. He is a graduate of Vienna High School and the Chicago School of Law. He has been twice elected to the office of County Judge, which posi- tion he fills at present. He resides with his mother at the county seat. CRUM John S. Crum was a native of Cambria County, Pa., and was born Sept. 9, 1836. He received his education in his native county, and came with his parents to Missouri, when a young man, and in 1858 came to Illinois. He enlisted in Company D., 31st Illinois Vol- unteer Infantry, Aug., 1861, commanded by Col. John A. Logan, and served with this regiment about a year, when he was discharged on account of disability, from wounds received in the battle of Ft. Donel- son. He returned to Vienna and was appointed Postmaster, which place he filled till the Fall of 1864, when he was elected circuit clerk. He served in this office twelve years, having been elected three suc- cessive terms. He also served the state as a member of the State Board of Equalization, and the county two terms as Commissioner While acting as circuit clerk he compiled a complete set of abstract of land titles of the county, and after his retirement from office con- tinued the abstract business till his death which occured 1895. Mr. Crum was married three times, first to Edna E. Smith of Bollingei, Mo. and they had Letitia (2), who married J. E. Hunsaker, Don (3), is their son. He married Gale Cook of Anna, 111., and they have Francis (4). Sherman (2) was a business man of Vienna for some- time. He married Lina Stubblefield, who died leaving two sons, and a daughter. Sherman removed a few years ago with his family to California. Alice C. (2) married James Looney, she died young leav- ing two children. Mr. Crum's next marriage was to Carmelia Boy>, of this county. Ulysess G. and Dolly were their children. Dolly married Joseph Farris and Ulysess G. married Dora Jennings. Both families removed to Missouri, where Ulysess and Dolly died, the former leaving one son. His third wife was Barbara Toppas of Johnson County. CUMMINS Cummins is the name of at least three families in Johnson County and all trace their ancestry to Kentucky, and are of Welch descent. Peter, Thomas, and Samuel A. were the three brothers. Peter is the head of one family; his children were Daniel T. (2) born in Kentucky, 1822, Amanda (2), George (2), Samuel C. (2), Betty Ann (2), Willis 366 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY (2), Jerry (2) and Alexander (2). Daniel T. (2) settled near Reeves- ville sometime in the fifties, riding horseback, to Shawneetown to enter his land. He married Elizabeth, daughter of Jason B. Smith, and their children were Mary Ann (3), Martha Jane (3), Thomas N (3), William F. (3), Jerry S. (3), J. Wesley (3), Jason B. (3), Lewis G. (3), Henry M. (3), J. P. (3). Mary Ann (3) married James (see Marberry). Martha Jane (3) married F. M. Fisher and their children were Airy (4) who married Joel McClanahan. Robert (4) is a dentist of Chicago. Myrtle (4) married Alfred Ridenhower. Joseph A. (4) married Lily Poor and is a physician of Metropolois. Ruby (4) married Hary Cummins and Norma (4) married Mr. Purtel. Thomas N. (3) married Anna Rowland. William F. (3) married Sarah Williams. Jerry S. (3) married Nancy Rice. J. Wesley (3) married Kate Key. Jason B. (3) married Emma Kirk. Louis G. (3) married Jennie Henry M. (3) married Maud Dickerson. J. P. (3) married Helen Upchurch. This branch of the Cummins family was an unusual one, the parents were devout Methodists and lived their religion in their home; Mrs. Cummins joined the church when she was nine years old. She has the distinction of being the mother of more ministers than any other woman in the county, state or United States, so far as is known. She has five sons who are Methodist ministers and all her Children are exemplary Christian citizens. This family held a reunion in 1907 and there were present ten children, thirty-five grandchildren and three great grandchildren. The mother and her ten children spent the night together in the old home. The other guests finding entertainment elsewhere. The mother and father have gone on years ago but the influence of their life is being broad- casted in many communities far from their humble home. Amanda (2) married Thomas Garrett and their children were Virginia (3) who married John H. (see Clymer). Missouri (3) mar- ried Wiley F. (see Marberry). John (3) married Nora Harris and they had William Monroe (4) who married Mary Martin, they had Luella (5) who married Rilley Murray. John H. (4) removed to Texas. George (4) married Sadie Perry. James B. (4) married Edrice Pippins. Edward (4) married Pearl Kerley. Lannie (4) mar- ried Tine Phillips. Lewis (4) married Ruby Bowman. Most of this family have moved out of the county. George (2) married Elvira Gregg, and they had George (3) who married Sula Homer and had Pender (4) who married Ruth Hood of Vienna; they have Mary Louise (5). They have recently gone as missionaries to Upper Bur- man, India (1923). Pearl (4), Grace (4) Ruth (4) Jennie (4). This family removed to the West. William (3) married Melissa Jackson. Samuel C. (2) married Francis Arington and their children were George (3) who married Alice Harris, they had Otis (4), Opie (4) A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 367 who married Edward Nix. Debby Ann (2) married Charles Holmes. Willis (2) married Queen Gregg. Jerry (2) married Lizzie Gramtham and had Belle (3) who married William Lane; Joseph (3), Anna (3) who married Dr. W r oodside. Alexander (2) married Missouri Harris and their children were Lida (3), who married Foster. James (3) married Dora Chapman and had Tullis (4); he married second Dora Gillespie and had Eva (4) and Nell (4). Samuel A. Cummins was a brother to Thomas and Peter and came to this county from Kentucky, in company with other families, on a flat boat, sometime in 1845, living a while in Pope County. Samuel A. (1) married Lucy Ann Hard and they had Sophie (2) who married James Helm and lives in Samoth. Peter A. (2) resides near Reevesville. Deborah (2) married John Kelton of Paducah. Arminta (2) married Richard Boyles of Samoth. Idora (2) married Robert Knuckles of Metropolis. John L. (2) is a farmer of this county and married Sarah Griffith and their children are Ora (3), Idora Belle (3) Lucy Ann (3). Thomas (1) the other brother married Madaline Gregg, and their children were Belle (2) and Clayton (2). Belle (2) married Joseph Hale; they live near Bloomfield. Their children were Robert A. (3), May (3), Offie (3) Roscoe (3), R. A. (3) was a phy- sician of this county practicing in the Bloomfield community where he resided. He was a graduate of Barnes Medical School of St. Louis, Mo., and died when comparatively a young man. He married first Mary Cowan, who died without children; second Maud, daughter of D. F. Beauman. They had Joseph (4), Caroline (4), Robert (4). Mrs. Hale removed to Centralia, 111. May (3) married Obe Dunn and has Chatty (4), Eva (4), Herschel (4). Chatty (4) married J. Gurley and has Herbert (5). Clayton (2) married Alice Porter and they had Elza (3) who served in the World War and died while in training in Colorado. Lula (3) married Giles Taylor. John (3) married Stella Kincannon; Earl (3) and Arle (3). DAMRON Charles Damron, an old resident of this county, was born in Kentucky, his father was Wilson Damron, who was a native of Virginia. Wilson was a contemporary of Daniel Boone. He later removed to that section of the northwest territory that made Illinois. He was in the employ of a fur company, and at one time made ex- plorations in the Yellowstone River country. He spent his last days near Springfield, Mo. The maiden name of his wife was McLane. Charles the (1) came with his parents to this state, and while living in Saline County, 1818, voted for the adoption of the first constitution. After his marriage to Mary Carson, he removed to Weakly County, Tenn, where he resided until 1852, when he again 368 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY came to Illinois and settled in Tunnel Hill Township on the farm now owned by John Bonar, where he lived till his death, 1878. He was known for his good deeds. The children were J. M. C. (2), Saml. (2), Norval (2), James (2), Mary (2), Mexico (2), Jane (2), Dru- cilla (2), Almus (2). Dr. J. M. C. (2) received his early education in select schools of Tennessee. He began teaching in Williamson County this state at the age of 21, having taught in one school five successive terms. In the meantime reading medicine as it was called. It was not necessary at that time to have a diploma before one began the practice of medicine in this state. Dr. Damron attended Rush Medical College, Chicago, 1854-55, and began his medical career in Saline County, 1855, removing the same year to Vienna. He returned to Rcsh Medical, and graduated with the class of 1860. He was well known and a well liked physican, and traveled over the rough roads of this county, many years, also engaging at different times in the drug business. He was a mason, a member of the Presbyterian Church, and a Democrat in politics. He died in 1911. Dr. Damron (2) was born in Tennessee, 1824, married Elizabeth Buckner, 1850 and they had one son, Leonidas (3) who is now, if living a farmer in Missouri. Dr. Damron (2) married second Adeline Standard 1855, and their children were John Franklin (3), who died about 1915, leaving no children, Emma (3), married Dennis Wilson of Cape Girardeau, Mo. and had several children, but the name of only one, Owna (3), is known. Mollie (3) married T. G. Johnson of this county, who died quite young leaving Essie (4), Eva (4) and Damron (4). The children with their mother moved to St. Louis, Mo. Jennie (3) was a resident of New York City in 1908. Lucy (3) married Clinton Shearer of New Buprnside, and removed to Oklahoma where she died 1920, leaving a daughter, Mrs. E. S. Rardin (4) of Oklahoma City, Okla., who has Clinton (5) and Paul (5). Agusta (3) married Fred Tate of Hardin County, and had Lucille (4). Mr. Tate served in the Spanish War and died soon after its close. Agusta (2) was a resident of Washington, D. C. in 1909. Charles Norval (2) was born about 1840. He began his career as a teacher, later studying law which profession he followed with success in this section for many yeais. He was at one time Circuit Attorney of this district, and traveled the circuit with the Judge, taking care of all the state cases. He later served as States Attorney of this county and also as Judge. He was a Lieutenant in Company K., 120th Illinois Volunteer of the Civil War. He married Mary, daughter of Martin Harvick, first settler. The family moved to San Bernardino, Calif, about 1881. The children were Cass (3) who died in California leaving two daughters. Flora (3) married Charles Dunscomb of Bethany, 111. They now re- side in Berkeley, Calif., where Mr. Dunscomb is owner and publisher A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 369 of the"Berkeley Gazette." Mrs. Damron is still living and a resident of San Bernardino. Judge Damron died about 1815. Mexico (2) mar- ried John Graves and had William (3) and Mexico (3). William (3) married Arista Rose, has Charles (4) and resides in Ft. Collins, Colo. Mexico (3) married Thomas Helms and had Audrey (4) who married Joseph (see Clymore). James W. (2) was a farmer of Grantsburg Township. He was elected assessor and treasurer for the county serving one term. He removed with his family to Puxico, Mo., about 1900. He was a Presbyterian, a mason and a member of the Peoples Party. He married Sidney Rose and had Catherine (3), who married James Fleming and died leaving Clyde (4) who is a resident of Detroit, Mich. Charles P. (3) married Myrtle Swain and their children are Louise (4), Helen (4), and Catherine (4). This family resides at Fredericktown, Mo. Charles is a lawyer and has represented his district in the State Legislature. One son, Herschel and two daugh- ters, Libby and Maude of J. W. and Sidney's family, died after they were grown. Alumus (3) is a successful business man of Puxico, Mo. He married there and has two children. Samuel Damron (2) was a farmer and physician of Tunnel Hill Township. He married Amanda (see Chapman) and died when quite a young man. Drucflla (2) married George Worley. Mary (2) married Tamberlain Chapman. Jane (2) married Henry Anderson and had Drucilla (3) who married Thomas (see Chapman); Frank (3) married Melissa Chapman, Norve (3) and John (3). Almus G. (2) grew up and was educated in this county. He be- gan as a teacher, later selected law as his profession, in which he made a decided success. He was a man of ability and energy and served the county as States Attorney. His health failed and he re- moved with his family to San Bernardino, Calif., where he died in 1884. He married Edith, daughter of A. J. Kuykendall. They had Mamie, who married and was a former resident of New York City. Wirt is a prominent attorney of Harrisburg, and has served that city as judge. ELKINS John Elkins, tradition says, was Welch and came originally from Wales, settled in North Carolina and removed to Tennessee, and finally to Illinois about 1809, settling somewhere near the Samuel Glassford home. His family consisted of a wife, Elizabeth Styles whom he married in 1798, and seven children; one son stopped in Kentucky of whom there is no history. The children coming to this county were William (2), Richard (2), Whit (2) Amy (2), Fanny (2) and Joshua (2). John Elkins lived in this county several years and moved to Little Rock, Ark. and his daughter, Fannie (2; 370 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY who had married John Mansfield and his youngest son, Joshua (2; accompanied him. He died there at the age of ninety-four. William Elkins (2) married Sarah Graves, a daughter of John S., who his grandson, George Elkins, (now ninety-nine years old) says, served in the Revolution from North Carolina. Their children were John ('6), Joshua (3), Catherine (3), George (3), Richard (3), Fed (3), Eli (3), Emeline (3). John Elkins (3) married Betsy Dooley and had Sarah (4), Emeline <4), Samuel (4), Frank (4). Sarah (4) married John Gould and had John P. (5), Charles (5), Mrs. Fred Mullins (5), Willis (5), Carl (5), and Mrs. Carl Reeves. Emeline (4) married John Busby and lives in Ball Knob, Ark. Samuel (4) married first Narcissa (Suit) Scott and second Ann Elkins (4). John (3) married second Margaret Williams and had John (4) (called Bud.) John (3) married third Emeline Allen. Joshua (3) married Acquilla Gurley, 1839 and their children were Catherine (4), Melissa (4), Louisa (4), Clarissa (4), George (4). Willis (4), Jackson (4), Isaac Newton (4). Catherine (4) married Richard Thomas and had Basil G. (5), Josephine (5), Rosa (5). Basil G. (5) married Mollie Orr. Josephine (5) married Jack Land. Rosa (5) married John N. Elkins, son of Hight. Melissa (4) married Dennis Stephens and had Marion J. (5), Charles (5) and Ella (5). Louisa (4) married Hiram Worley and had George (5) who married Miss Neibour and Vernilla (5) married Mr. Elderman and had two children. Both families resided in Union County. Clarissa (4) mar- ried Andrew Amburn and had Olive (5) who married Ambrose Stokes of this county. Florence (5) married Francis Thornton and has Lena (6) Francis (6) George (4) married Margaret Slack and they had Lee (5) and George L. (5). Willis A. (4) married Alice Lingle and has Maud (5), Fay (5), Fred (5). Maud (5) married John Wright and has Genevive (6); Fay (5) married Fred Wilburn and has Violet (6) and Lenten (6). Fred married Etta Primm. Newton (4) married Ellis Stokes and had Homer (5), May (5), Pearl (5), Lloyd (5), Newton (5). Homer (5) married Rosaliri Roberts and hard one daughter. May (5) married Burton Bagby and has Burton Jr. (6). Lloyd (5) married Evelyn and has Catherine (6). Jackson (4) not married. Catherine (3) married Alfred (see Copeland) ; George (3) born 1825 and married first Martha Jones and had Mary (4) and James (4). Mary (4) married William Turley and had Lethia (5), James (5), Cordelia (5). Lethia (5) married B. S. Penrod and had Charles (6), Joshua (6), Ray (6). James (5) left the county years ago. He has a daughter who lives in Colorado. James (4) married Ella Taylor and had Pearl (5), who married first Mr. Bright and had John (6). A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 371 Pearl (5) married second Daltou Baily and has one daughter, Mrs. Ed Broen of Keville, Ky. George (3) married second Martha Stewart and had Manzell (4), Nancy (4), Frank (4), J. Adolphus (4), Anna (4), Joshua (4). Nancy (4) married W. A. Stone and had Harrison (5), Jewel (5), Willis (5), Olin (5). Jewel (5) married Herbert King. Frank (4) lives at Jefferson City, Mo. Anna (4) married Samuel Elkins (4). Joshua (4) married Marie Martin and lives in Los Gatos, Calif. Manzell and J. A. (4) live on the home farm with their father. This county claims to have the oldest farmer in the United States, meaning a man who still farms and has lived on the same farm the longest period of time, in the person of George Elkins (3). He entered his land from the government and has lived and farmed on it continously since. Uncle George doesn't manage his farm, but he always has a small field of corn, potatoes and a garden, which he actually cultivates. He will reach the century mark if he lives until April 5, 1925. His faculties are wonderful except his hearing, but his memory is almost perfect, especially about things that happened a long time ago. He hitches his horse to a buggy, and drives to Vienna, a distance of about five miles when the weather is suitable. He says he was ten years old the first time he went to Vienna and rode on horse back, and when he was old enough to vote he came to town, put his head in the window of the courthouse and called out who he wanted to vote for. He further relates that the section of the town where the jail now stands was covered with forest trees and that he doesn't remember but one store and that was kept by John Dunn. He was given a trip to Aurora, Illinois, two years ago in honor of his being the oldest farmer of the U. S., by the Central Illinois Fair Association. They paid his expenses as well as those of his daughter Manzell who accompanied him. He was entertained at a private home and enjoyed his trip, especially the live stock exhibits of the fair. In a joking way, he said last summer he only lacked seventeen months of being a hundred years old and he was going to live that long if he could. For a number of years the relatives, neighbors and friends of "Uncle George," as he is known, far and near, go and spend the day with him on his birthday. They take their dinners, and as the weather is usually pleasant at this time of the year it is spread on the lawn. These gatherings in- clude visitors from many of the neighboring towns and reach the number of two hundred and fifty to three hundred. He looks forward to these occasions with a great deal of pleasure and seems to enjoy the meal as well as any of the guests. Uncle George has lived a loffg and useful life and has many friends who hope he may reach the goal of one hundred years. The improvements and inventions that have come under his span of life are manifold. 372 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY Richard (3) married Mary Thornton and had Sarah (4), Martha (4), Hosea (4) and Preston (4). Sarah (4) married John Lanom. Martha (4) first married Choate Lanom and third Milton Penrod. Hosea (4) married Ellen Heilman. Preston (4) is not married but lives on the old homestead. Fed (3) married Abby Gurley and had William (4). Eli (3) married Jane Anderson and had Mary (4), Rosa (4), Alice (4), Cora (4), Cordie (4), and Channas (4). Mary (4) married first Lowery Low and second a Mr. Vandiver. Rosa (4) married first James Key and second Mr. McDowell. Alice (4) mar- ried Charles Peterson (see Reynolds.) Cora (4) married D. D. Stew- art. Cordia (4) married Alice Cagle and has Nell (5), Samuel F. (5), Everett (5). Samuel F. (5) married Althea Arnett. Channas (4) lives in Johnson City, 111. Emeline Elkins (3) married Jefferson Morris and had James (4). Whit Elkins (2) married Kizzie, sister to Judge John Oliver, and had John (3), Young (3), "Pop" (3) (sup- posed to be Martha), and Champ (3). John (3), (called Big John) married Catherine (see Simpson). Young (3) was killed in Vienna. 111., when a young man. Pop (3) married John H. (see Bridges). Champ (3) married, died and left a daughter Ellen (4), who married Milton Cochran. Amy Elkins (2) married William Barton (see Smith) Richard Elkins (2) married Sarah Gore, and as far as is known they had Waton (3), who married and had Alney H. (4), who was born and raised in this county, and served in the 31st Illinois Volunteer. He married Mary Stone, born 1847, and they had John (5), Clinton (5), Richard (5), James (5), Samantha (5) and Harrison (5). Dr. George L. son of Joshua and Acquilla Elkins, was born in this county 1850. He acquired his primary education here and gradu- ated from Rush Medical College, Chicago, 1868. He practiced his profession in Vienna until 1879, when he was appointed physician at the Southern Illinois prison at Chester. He died very early in his career being a little more than thirty years old. He married Margaret Slack and they had Lee and George L. Lee is a graduate of Bloom- ington Normal and was a teacher in the Chicago Schools for some time. Her husband, C. D. Stillwell was a prominent attorney of Harrisburg, 111., where he served as city judge. He died 1923. George L., who was born and partially reared in this county is a graduate of Vienna High School, has large plantation interests in Porto Rico, making a specialty of growing and exporting grapefruit and pine- apple. . He also has a residence in New Hampshire, where he and his mother spend the hot season. Mrs. Elkins, though widowed early managed to give her children the very best educational advantages and is enjoying the fruits of her untiring efforts in their behalf. George L. makes a pleasant home for his mother and sister. A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 373 ENGLISH Abraham and James English came from County Kerry, Ireland, and settled in North Carolina, during colonial days. Abraham later removed to South Carolina. He assisted in the establishing of the Independence of the colonies by furnishing a horse to a messnger to notify the patriots that a company of Royalists were encamped on the Pedee River on which he lived. Abraham's son Johnathan who was the grandfather of George W. was born on the Pedee River, North Carolina, 1812. He left the South at the time of the Seminole War, coming north, finally settling in Illinois, in 1846, and spent the rest of his days in Massac County, and died in 1891. Manuel C. the son of Johnthan was born in Kentucky in 1842. He served in the Civil War in Company B. 120th Illinois Volunteers, three years. He married Rebecca Smith, who was a native of Massac. Her maternal grandparents were Scotch on one side and Sweedish on the other. Americus Smith father of Mrs. English was a native of Nortn Carolina and a Baptist minister. He began preaching when he was twenty years old and kept up this good work for more than fifty years, and was another minister who took up arms as a Regulator in the interest of law and order in Massac County in 1846, having come to Illinois in 1814. Manuel and Rebecca settled on a farm in Johnson County and their children 'vere Caddie Elizabeth (2) who married a Mr. Barnham and left two children. Julia Victoria (2) married H. A. Roundtree and died in 1912, leaving two sons and five daughters. George W. (2) who was their second child was born in Johnson County in 1866, and was educated in the public schools of the county, Ewing College, and later entered Illinois Wesleyan, at Bloomington, and graduated in law in 1891. He was for a time employed as a teacher, but began the practice of Law in Vienna with H. M. Riden- hower, Jr., 1893, which he continued after Mr. Ridenhower's death in 1896. In 1906, he was elected as a democrat to the State Legislature, serving three terms. He was appointed under Wilson, as an attorney in the Treasury at Washington, D. C. After some years of service he resigned and came back to Illinois locating in Centralia, following his profession there. He was later appointed a Federal Judge by Presi- dent Wilson, and the family now reside in East St. Louis, 111. Mr. English married Lilly, daughter of T. G. and Amanda Farris in 1894. Their children were Thomas Farris (3), George W. (3), Virgil Carrol (3), and William J. (3). Farris (3) is married has two children and resides in Kasi St. Louis, where he is cashier of a bank. Mr. and Mrs. English were residents of Vienna for many years where they and their family added much to the social life of the community. She was a devoted member of the Methodist Church 374 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY and Mr. English assisted in its activities and support. He is a mason, an odd fellow, and they were both members of the Egyptian chapter O. E. S. number 30. FARRIS Manuel E. and Elizabeth (Jones) Farris were Virginians, bur emigrated to Tennessee in the early part of the Nineteenth century. Their youngest son was Thomas G., born in Giles County, that state, 1823, and when about twenty-one years old came to Union County, 111., but later entered land in Johnson County, which is a part of the six hundred acres on which he lived at the time of his death. He brought his mother to this home where she lived many years. He was a first class farmer of his time and his widow and youngest son still resides on the farm. Thomas G. (2) married Catherine Gillespie and they had Stephen (3), who married Frances Helm, they had Loyd (4), Retta (4), Allice (4). Loyd (4) married May Jamison and has Marion (5) and Frances (5). Retta (4) married Thomas Duncan and has Helen (5) and Donald (5). Alice (4) married Byron Dunn. After Catherine's death, Thomas G. (2) married Amanda Gillespie and their children are J. F. (3), who married Mary Grissom, also a native of this county, their children are Dawes (4), who married Zona (see Simpson). Mamie (4) married H. A. Spann (see Simpson) and Maple (4) in school. Charles (3) married Mary Terrhanious. Tennie (3) married Joshua Howell (see Simpson). Nettie (3) manTed William Grissom and had Curtis (4), Dorthy (4) and Mildred (4). Nora (3) married Thomas Cowan (see Worley). Lilly (3) married George (see English). Neoma (3) married Edward Carlton, has Dale (4), Lewis (4) and Ned (4). This family resides at Coulter ville, 111., where Mr. Carlton is cashier of the First National Bank of that city. Dr. G. K. (3) married Edith Burnett. Maude (3) is the widow of Roscoe Walker and has Joseph (4). Ward (3) married Bernice McMecan. The children are Mildred (4), Dema (4), Florence (4). He lives on the home farm. Other members of Emanuel and Elizabeth's family were Ned (2) who married Elizabeth Ball and had Mary (3), who married Pleasant (see Rose). Minerva (3) married John Howell and had Claud (4). Malinda (3) married James Stout, their children were Edward (4) and Thomas (4). John M. (3) mar- ried Margaret Murrie, children Hartzel (4), Edward W. (4), Lawrence (4), Charles (4), Mrs. Dick Morgan (4) and Mrs. Duff Howell ""(*)■ Ned Farris (2) married second Mary Wilsford; children living, J. W. of Bloomfield and Fred. William (3) married Sarah Redden. They had children, Charles (4), Alonza (4), John (4), William (4), Newton (4), Joseph (4), Alice (4), Martha (4), Sidney (4). Most of this :'amily have left the county. Irene (2) married William Keith and their children were John (3), who married India Grissom, and had A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 375 William (4), James (4), Lula (4), Charles (4), Mabel (4) and George (4), who resides in San Diego, Calif., where his mother makes her home. William (4) has been an employe of the War College, Wash- ington, D. C. for many years and reached the rank of Major during the World War. Irene (3) married Pleasant Veach (see Chapman). Thomas (3) married Mary Slack and had Ida (4), James (4), Nora (4), and John (4). Mary (2) married Blant Keltner and their chil- dren were Ned (3), Louis (3), John (3) Stephen (3) and Alice (3) who married Thomas C. Murrie. Most of this family are residents of this county. One other daughter of Manuel and Elizabeth married Neal Carter, Sr. J. F. Farris was born in this county and for years was a first class farmer, residing four miles east of Vienna. He moved to Vienna to give his children the benefit of the schools about fifteen years ago and engaged in the farm implement, hardware and trans- portation business which he has followed with success. For family see Farris. FERN Lawrence W. Fern was a native of England, born in Derbyshire, Jan. 14, 1818. He came with his parents to the United States when only six years old, and states in his biography that they sailed from Liverpool, with a Captain Collins, and were sixty-nine days on the voyage. They lost their way in a fog, and when it cleared they found themselves on the coast of Nova Scotia. Mr. Fern's parents settled in New York State, where he received a liberal education, and was admitted to the bar when twenty-one years old and practiced in both New York and Illinois, coming to the latter state as a resident, in 1843, although a lawyer he followed farming and teaching a greater part of his life. He was one of the pioneer educators of this county and was county surveyor in 1865. He purchased one thousand acres of land which was thought to be a very follish idea at that time, his neighbors called him land poor. He paid one dollar taxes in 1846, and for for f y five years paid forty-five dollars a year taxes. His wife was Ellen Lasley, a native of Kentucky. Their children were W. J. (2), Andrew J. (2), a farmer of this county, Sarah E. (2), wife of E. H. Lemons, Missouri L. (2), wife of J. J. Whiteside, a merchant of Simpson, India L. (2), wife of William Simpson, Fransis (2), wife of Alfred Willis. Mr. Fern was a mason, a republican and in religion, a Missionary Baptist. He died in 1890. W. J. Fern (2) was born in this county in 1846. He remained on his fathers farm till about sixtee- years old, receiving a good education in the district school. He a/ierward attended College Hill Seminary and later graduated from Rush Medical College, Chicago, 111., when twenty-one years of age. He began the practice of medicine in Grantsburg, this 376 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY county, 1868. The following year he married Sarah J., the daughter of S. D. and S. J. Poor. They lived five years in that community, two years in Vienna, and removed to Tunnel Hill, where they resided the remainder of their lives. He had an extensive practice and was a trusted physician, also owned a drug store there for many years. Dr. and Mrs. Fern had three children, Nora (3), who married R. S. Gil- liam, Lawrence D. (3) of Vienna, who is engaged in the drug business who married Margaret Whitehead, two sons were born to them, Herbert (4) and Louis (4). Herbert was drowned at New Orleans, La., 1924. W. J. (3) married Ada Taylor and their children are William, a pharmacist ,and Lucile (4), a teacher who married Mr. Mc- Cuan, 1924. FINNY Judge James Finny was a very prominent man in the early history of this section of the state. His name appears on the Cahokia records 1780., and on Randolph County records as early as 1806. He was the first county clerk of this county and seved till about 1830 or later. He was also recorder of deeds, and must have been a man of classical education. His writing of more than one hundred years ago, is neat and legible, and the records kept by him are in good form as long as he was in office. He was never married. David Finny of Pope County born 1833, says he was the grandson of Alex- ander Finny, a prominent educator of Virginia, who had seven sons eight daughters, of which his father, Norman was one, and that Judge James Finny was Alexander Finny's brother. James Slack, grandson of John Finny said Judge James Finny was his great uncle, which would mean that Norman was one of Alexander's sons and John another. R. M. Finny of Kennet, Mo., says, it has always been his understanding, that Alexander Finny of Virginia was his grand father, and gives as his father's brothers Greenville Penn (2), John (2), William (2), his father James M. (2), who was born 1817. R. M. Finny gives as his fathers sisters, Mary (Polly) (2), who married William Slack, Matilda (2) married David Penrod, another sister married a Mr. Penrod, another sister married Walton John Gore, still another married a Mr. Hooker. William and John Penrod were mentioned as buyers at the sale of the John Finny estate, 1837. John (2) married Sarah Reynolds and had Mary, who married William (see Slack). James M. (2) married Mary Ann Smith, born 1829 and had Matilda (3), Milinda (3), John Marshall (3;, Jefferson G. (3), R. M. (3), Sarah Elizabeth (3), W. B. (3), Virginia M. (3), and Sample Parks (3), this family has all noved out of the county. R. M. is a successful business man of Kennet, Mo. and is well known in this and his community. Sally Finny entered land in this county 1837 and was the mother of John Finny. A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 377 Will of John Finny, October 24, 1836, I, John Finny, of the county of Johnson, being weak in body but sound mind and memory, do ordain and establish this to be my last will and testament, hereby revoking all others and I do hereby appoint Sally Finny, my mother to be the executrix of this, my last will and testament. This is my will that she will take all my family and let them live at her house, and that she will take all my property and spend it to rafse my children, and my wife must work and help to raise my children, and she is to have her part with them, and if there is any more than it takes to raise them, I want her to let them have it when they be- come of age. William Slack, James M. Finny and Polly Slack, wit- nesses. In connection with this estate is an instrument signed by Polly Finny, wife of John Finny in which she renounces all claim to her husband's property and also a notice to Mary Ann, Lucinda, and William Finny, heirs of John P. Finny to appear at court in 1837. The estate of Green P. Finny who died in 1863, was administered on by John Slack. Rachel is given as the wife of Greenville P. and their children were William M., John M. and Gilbert. FISHER Robert M. Fisher was born in Johnson County, 1843, and de- scended from William Fisher, which is among the earliest names found on the county record. William (1) came to this county about 1810 from Indiana. William Fisher (2), son to the former, and the father of our subject was born in this county in 1816, died in the prime of life when R. M. was one year old. He was reared on a farm and attended public school occasionally, but the most of his education was gained outside of school, having a preference for law, he begaii the study of law under John F. McCartney of Massac County, and studied later under Judge Duff of Benton, • Franklin County. He opened an office in Vienna 1873, and continued to practice here till 1895 when he left the county, going to Oklahoma. Mr. Fisher held office in the county, was elected County Superintendent of Johnson County Schools in 1^69. In 1876 he was elected to the office of Prosecuting Attorney and again in 1888, as a republican. He married first, Mary E. Fisher (see Simpson.) Mr. Fisher married second, Mrs. G. O. Hamilton, who was a native of Williamson County. They had Amy and Mildred. Amy married Charles Johnson, resides in Canton, Ohio. Mildred married Robert Kerr, and resides in Tulsa, Okla. Mr. Fisher lives at present (1924) at Long Beach, Calif. FRANCIS James S. was the son of Olmstead who was born in Virginia 1823 and Nancy (Dorrity) Francis. He was born in Tennessee, 1852 and came |o this county when a child with his parents. He was 378 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY educated in the schools of the county and McKendree College, Leban- on, 111., followed teaching for some time, in 1880 he was elected C/r- cuit Clerk for the county and was later elected to serve on the State Board of Equalization. He then engaged in the mercantile business till 1897 when he was appointed to a position in the Secretary ol States office, Springfield, 111., which position he filled till his final illness. Mr. Francis married Nannie E. Hogg (see Harvick). His widow and family reside in Springfield, 111. FRIZZELL L. H. Frizzell was a native of this county and born in Burnsido Township, 1852. He was reared and educated in that community, and on arriving at the age of manhood, set out for himself on a farm in Grantsburg township, where he resided until 1886, when he was elected sheriff of the county. He was interested in the drug business with T. B. Powell for several years and was elected to the Legisla- ture of this state as a Democrate in 1900. After this service ex- pired he lived for a short time in Metropolis, but returned to Vienna where he spent the rest of his life. He married Sidney, daughter of S. D. Poor, and their children are Arista (2), widow of Ernest Moore, who resides with her sons Len Wallen and Ernest Jr. at Caruthers- ville, Mo. Mattie (2) wife of Thomas Johnson, a business man of Cairo, 111. They have one son, Dan. Lewis (2) is a druggist and conducts a business at Mounds, 111. Herman (2) the youngest is a graduate of the Bloomington Lew school and is practicing his pro- fession in East St. Louis. He married Mary Hooker of Vienna and they have Lewis (3). GALEENER W. E. Galeener came to this county from Union in 1869, but was a native of Ohio. He served in the Civil War, though not from this county. He lived for several years at Tunnel Hill and was the pioneer nurseryman of this county. Mr. Galeener was a man ot influence in his community and was always found on the right side of all moral questions. He was a republican, mason and Odd Fellow, belonged to the G. A. R. and took a great interest in the general welfare of the community and in the Methodist church of which he was a member. For his family (see Simpson). He married second widow of J. B. Chapman, with whom he lived for twenty-five years. Mr. Galeener died in 1921. George E. Galeener is a native of this county and a son of W. E. and India (Perkins) Galeener. He was educated in our public schools and the University of Illinois. He is one of our young, energetic men who adds knowledge to his experience as a nurseryman. He is a member of' the M. E. Church, a Republican and one of our dependable citizens. For family (see Chapman). A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 379 GIBBS Dr. Worthington J. Gibbs settled in Vienna, Johnson County, 1830. He was born in Phildelphia, Pa., where he acquired his train- ing in medicine under his father who was also a physician. He practiced here more than twenty-five years and was well and favor- ably known. The work of a country doctor was a much more diffi- cult task in those days than at the present, owing to the primitive highways and the inconvenient modes of travel. He represented this district in the State Senate from 1838 to 1842. His home has been referrel to as being one of the most modern of its time and standing where the Carnegie Library now stands. Dr. W. J. (1) married Sabrina Rentfro, 1830 and their children were Worthington J. (2), Elizabeth B. (2), Mariah (2), J. A. Mack (2) and Sidney Breeze (2). W. J. (2) married Eliza Whitemore. Eliza B. (2) married James J. (see Bridges). Mariah S. (2) married J. F. Benson and their children were George (3) who married Emma McKee. Edward (3) married Minnie Cavitt. May (3) married John Blanchfill. Belle (3) married Frank Lay and had Mariah (4), Leah (4), Benson (4), and June (4). Dr. J. A. Mack (2) married Louisa Burkhouser and settled in Alexander County, near Thebes, where he practiced medicine until about two years ago when he removed to Cairo, 111. He died in 1924, a very old man leaving one son. Sidney Breeze (2) married William J. Owen and their children were Ida (3), June (3), Winifred (3), Myrtle (3) most of whom are teachers. GILLESPIE Thomas L. Gillespie was born in Saulsbury, North Carolina and was a son of George Gillespie, who immigrated to this country in colonial days from Scotland. George resided on a farm near Slates- ville, N. C. Family tradition says, he served in the War of Indepen- dence as a captain in General Green's command. His wife's name was Allison or Ellison, also Scotch. He went from North Carolina to Tennessee and laid the land warrants that had been given him for his services in the war. He took his children with him, Thomas being among the number, who had been apprenticed to a hatter in Sauls- bury, in his youth, where he met Catherine Baird, and later married her. They raised a large family, two sons and nine daughters, all of whom had families. Three of these daughters came to Illinois with their father. Thomas L. who was born 1775. The three daugh- ters who accompanied him to this state were Elizabeth (2), who mar- ried James J. Hogg, they had John L. (3), Matha (3), Thomas (3), Frank (3), Gideon (3), Whitnel (3). John L. (3) married first Frances (see Walker), second Gertrude Stout they have Guy (4), Ray (4), Tony (4), Tenny (4), Rubby (4), WTiitnel (4). Guy (4) mar- ried Maud Hamilton. Ray (4) married Virgia Dotson. Matha (3) 380 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY married Adam Harvick. Thomas (3) married Emma (see Boyt). Frank (3) married Emma Elkins; they had Carrie (4), Fanny (4), William (4), Essy (4). Carrie (4) married a Mr. Bruner of Massac County. Fanny (4) married Mr. Castleman of Illmo, Mo. Sarah (2) married John L. Hogg and had Tabitha (3) who married David (see Oliver). James (3), George (3) married Miss Casper. Pole (3) Frank (3) married Martha Cantwell. Neoma (2) married John M. Gillespie, nephew to Thomas L., and their children were Frank (3), Sarah E. (3), who married W. P. (see Walker), William (3), James (3), who married Kate Kuykendall, Martha (3) married Samuel Jack- son and left one son, Samuel (4). Catherine (3) and Amanda (3) married Thomas (see Farris). Frank (3) married Miss Johnson. Captain J. B. Gillespie is a descandent of George and a grandson of Thomas L. whose history is given under that name. J. B., was born in Tennessee, 1838. His father was George, and his mother was Martha Swain who belonged to the Eagle family of Arkansas. The parents died before J. B. was five years old, and he came to this county with his grandfather (Thomas L.), with whom he resided un- til 1855, when he came to Vienna and found employment, helping to build the Star Mill, at thirteen dollars per month. After this he began work in John Bain's store at nine dollars per month and board, later his wages were increased to fifteen dollars. His next job was with Chapman and Hess at sixteen dollars per month, where he remained until 1862, when he enlisted in the Union Army, serving as Lieutenant, he was later promoted to Captain of Company I, 120th regiment. He was captured at the battle of Guntown, and was taken as a prisoner to Macon, Ga., where he suffered all the privations and inconviences of a rebel prison. He was transferred from one prison to another and was under fire of Union guns at Charleston, S. C. He was not ex- changed nor released until 1865 after the fall of the Confederacy. After the war he followed merchandising and farming, also served the county as treasurer. In 1897, he was made a deputy revenue collector for this district, which position he filled for seventeen years, as long as his health would permit. He and wife are quite old and reside in East St. Louis. They are republican in politics, and mem- bers of the M. E. Church. He is a Mason. James B. (1) married Mary L. daughter of Col B. S. Enloe, a prominent pioneer of Massac County in 1862. Their children are George B. (2) who married Ettie Oliver and they had Alfred (3) born 1892 and killed by accident while in training during the World War. Marion (3) served in the World War as Captain, and Louis (3) is a student of law at Chicago University (later entered the firm of Gillespie and Gillespie). This family reside in Springfield, 111. F. S. Gillespie (2) married Belle Perkins. He was killed in a railroad accident 1898. James B. Jr. A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY (2) married Rose Trapp, children Ruth (3), Emmet (3), Robert (3) and Rosemary (3). J. B. Jr., (2) has been Superintendent of the Halliday Grain Elevator at Cairo, 111., lor more than thirty years. W. L. (2) married Clara Huffman (see Simpson). He is yard master in the Illinois Central Railroad yards at Cairo, where they reside. Robert E. (2) married Ida Spann of this county (see Simpson). Robert was one of the founders of the National Bank of East St. Louis. He was very successful in business and died at a very useful time of life (1920). Fannie (2) married Lee Goodwin, a commission merchant of Jackson, Mo., where they reside. They have Lena C3) who married C. W. Henderson, and has Charles Allen (4); Helen (3), Walter (3), Brice (3), Frank (3), Mary (3) and Ray and Roy (3). Thomas E. (2) married Georgia Blanchfil of Vienna. They have Alice (3). He is a graduate of Vienna High and Bloomington Law Schools. Has practiced law several years in East St. Louis and recently removed to Springfield, 111., where he entered the firm of Gillespie and Gillespie, composed of G. B. and son, Marion. George B. is a son of Captain J. B. and Mary Enloe Gillespie and was born in this county, was educated in our public schools supple- mented by a course in the High School of Metropolis, 111. He entered upon a brief career as a teacher at the age of eighteen, teaching one term at Mt. Pleasant this county, he then entered the office of county clerk as deputy which place he filled until the death of that officer, when he was appointed to fill the vacancy till the time for an election, in the meantime reading, law during his spare time. He later entered the law office of A. K. Vickers where he took a regular course of reading with office work finally entering the Law School at Bloom- ington and graduating from there in 1887. In 1890 G. B. Gillespie and L. O. Whitnel formed a partnership under the firm name of Whitnel and Gillespie. This was a strong firm composed of two Ambitious and energetic young men, their services were sought far and near, their reputation and ability was such as a law firm, that they soon outgrew this community and sought larger and more remunera- tive fields. Mr. Gillespie served this county as States Attorney, elected 1892, which office he filled with credit to himself and terror to the law breakers, during his residence here, he was appointed Assistant Attorney General of the state. He removed with his family to Springfield, 111., where his reputation as a lawyer is state wide. For family (see Gillespie) GILLIAM W. H. Gilliam came to this county over the same route that most of our residents did. His parents came from Virginia to Tennessee, where W. H. was born, 1856. His father brought his family and settled on a farm near New Burnside in 1860. William was then 382 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY a small boy and was raised on the farm and educated in our public schools and neighboring colleges. He taught for a short time, and began his public career as clerk in the New Burnside postoffice. He served as deputy in the office of the Circuit Clerk and Sheriff of the County at Vienna, from 1882 till 1885, when he entered the Journalistic field, buying the "Weekly Times." Mr. Gilliam continued this work for thirty-four years. He was Postmaster under Roosevelt and Taft, and was a man of high ideals and held steadily to the right as he saw it. He had much to do with the forming of public opinion and was interested in education taking an active part in securing our high school and always lending his voice as an editor in every movement that was for the uplift of humanity. He was devoted to his church, the Baptist, a member of the I.O.O.F. He died 1919. He was married to Dimple perkins, who was born in Missouri, but reared in this county. (For family see Simpson.) GLASSFORD Samuel M. Glassford was a native of Pennslyvania, born 1825. He came with his parents to Kentucky when eight years old, attended school there and remained in that state until a young man, coming here in 1841. Mr. Glassford followed various pursuits, working with Belcher Brothers sugar refiners of St. Louis, also engaged in the coal business of that city. In 1861 he sold his interests there and returned to his farm in Elvira Township, where he carried on a very successful farming business the remainder of his life. He also served in the Legislature as a State Senator', 1874-76. Mr. Glassford owned one of the best farms in the county, located just beyond the present site of West Vienna. He had more than eight hundred acres in one tract, and his dwelling and farm was far above the average of that time. He married first Elizabeth, daughter of James Jones and she died in 1849, later he married her sister, Juliet, and to them were born Josephine, who married Dr. R. M. McCall, Charles A., a farmer of this county and Mrs. T. E. Williams, a resident of St. Louis, Mo. GODDARD Elizabeth Smith Goddard was born in Berry Brow, England, 1825 and died in Vienna 1910. She was married to Joshua Smith in England, 1844, and came to this country with her husband, who was a carder by trade and had charge of the carding machine of J. B. Kuykendall for many years. After his death she married a Mr. God- dard of DuQuoin, 111. Aunt Betty as she was familiarly known, lived just south of town where Joshua Arnold, her grandson, now lives. She was loved by all who knew. Her children were Martha (2), Clara (2), Martha (2) married A. J. Arnold, their children were Mary (3), who married a Mr. Miner of Divernon, 111., Lizzie (3) who A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 383 married John Harris and has Arnold (4) and Anna (4). Joshua (3) married Mary Smith and had May (4) who married Cecial Nolan. They have two children and reside in West Frankfort, 111. Joshua (3) married second Margaret McMahan. Clara (2) married R. M. Kincy. they had May (3) who married Dr. Hoover and resides in Apple River, 111., Clara (3) married a Mr. Matingly and lives in Phoenix, Ariz, and Ada (3) married Edward (see Harvick). They reside on the Harris Harvick farm. The Goddards are an old family here, coming originally from South Carolina. Andrew was the ancestor, according to the best in- formation, of John (2) who married Susan Casey. A son, John S., lives in Burnside Township. William Goddard, a brother to Andrew had children, William E. (2) Lee F. (2), Ellen (2) who married John Russell, Rachel (2) who married a Mr. Hanson. John Goddard (2) had children William (3), Mary (3). William E. (2) had children G. W. (3), who married Mary J. Whiteaker, and their children are Anna (4), Hattie (4), Mary (4), Nellie (4), Lilly (4), Elsie (4), William E. (4), Guy (4), Lee (4). Metta (3) married Hugh S. Hewitt. GORE John Gore, tradition says, was born in Georgia, and came to Kentucky and from there to this county in a very early day. He served on a petit jury here iin 1816. He is always referred to as John Gore and according to the best knowledge to be obtained, had six children, namely Thomas (2), Elenor (2), Martha (2), Walton (2), one daughter who married William Elkins and another who married Henry Jones. Thomas (2) married Abby Bridges and had Charlotte (3), Mary (3), Benton and Martha (3). Charlotte (3) married R. W. Carlton and had Martha (4) who married Al Chance, and had Dolly (5), Gertrude (5) married Mr. Cache, Pauline (5) married Mr. Coch- ran; Crynthia (4) married Charles Wright, John (4) married Minnie Mc Daniels, Thomas (4) married Flora Rebman (see Slack), Bud (4) married Mindy Hooker and had William (5), John (5), Edward (5), Eva (5). Eva (5) married Grant Carter. Elenor (2) married Isaac (see Copeland). Martha (2) "Patsy" married W. Y. Davis, an in- fluential man of Mt. Pisgah neighborhood, who served in the State Legislature about 1831, and their children were Eliza (3), Mary J. (3) Alexander M. (3), Martha (3), Caroline (3), Elandor (3), William Y. (3), Elizabeth (3), Izora (3). Mary J. (3) married Millington (see Smith). Elizabeth (3) married Etheldred Jones (see West. William Y. (3) married Althia Hawk and had Frank (4), Roxanna (4), who married Elmer Deans (see West). Laura May (4), Charles Ray (4), W. Y. (4) and Nellie (4). Frank (4) married a daughter of Isaac Slack. Laura May (4) married Oscar Goddard. Mrs. Davis and her 384 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY daughter Nellie resides with her son, Frank in Oklahoma. Alexander M. (3) married Jennie Newton and lived in Union County. Martha (3) married John Mathis had one child; married second Jesse Lowery. Caroline (3) married William Bradley of Cypress and had Laura (4), John (4), Rufus (4) Lilly (4), Agustus (4), William (4), Arlett (4), Thomas (4). Laura (4) married Sylvester Adams and had Hosea (5), Dallas (5), Audry (5), Jesse (5), Carrie (5), Bessie (5). John (4) married Mrs. Josephine Brown and they had Geneva (5). Rufusi (4) married Josie Boggs and had Myrtle (5) and Roy (5). Lily (4) married Aurelius Jones, they have Lester (5), Curtis (5), Hobert (5), Pearl (5), Arnold (5). Agustus (4) married Miss Osborn and the children were Arthur (5), George (5), and Gilbert (5). William (4) married first Narvisa Bridges (see Bridges) ; married second Ruth Ragains, and has Louise (5), Paul (5), Vernon (5), Betty Lou (5). Arlett (4) married Cora Ragsdale and the children were Edna (5), James (5) and June Victor (5). Walton (2) entered land in section 36, Township 12, Range 2 east, 1818. This land is now owned by John B. Jackson. He entered another tract in 1839 of forty acres in section 25, Township 12, Range 2 east. He later moved to Gore- ville Township. He married first Miss Finney and they had John W. (3), who was born 1821 and maried Mary J. Bruff and they had Wesley (4), James (4) born 1851, Thomas (4), Martha (4). Wesley (4) married Miss Walker; they reside in Champaign, 111. James W. (4) married Ellen F. Ridenhower and their children are Olive (5), Estella (5) married Harry Barkley and has Dinty (6). James (5) died 1924, leaving a family in Longbeach, Calif. Olive (5) married Clyde Webber of Galatia, 111. Thomas (4) married Mexico Parish and they had John (5). Thomas (4) married second Mrs. Bivins Shep- pard and has two sons. Martha (4) married John Jones. Walton (2) married second Polly Bain and their children were Wesley (3), who married Miss Snow, Thomas B. (3) was a physician, a graduate of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, St. Louis, Mo., and practiced in the neighborhood of Goreville for fifty years. He was born 1847 and died 1917. He married Virginia McGeehe and their children were Norma (4), Addison (4), George (4), T. J. (4), Norma (4) married Mr. Mozeley, George W. (4) is a physician, T. J. (4) married Ger- trude Cowan (see Worley), Dr. T. B. (2) married second Tennie Haliburten and they had Charles (4) and Bertha (4). Sarah (3) married James M. (see Smith). Amanda (3) married Thomas Hender- son and had Samuel (4). Martha (3) married Thomas Ballow and their children were James (4), Eli (4), Mary (4), Sarah (4), John (4). James (4) married Josephine Grissom. Eli (4) married Markaret Walk- er, they had Catherine (5), Augustus (5), James (5), May (5), Anna (5). Catherine (5) married J. P. Hullinger. Augustus (5) married May A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 385 Henderson. James (5) married Bertie Keenen, they have Glayds (6). James M. (6), Roy lee (6). May (5) married W. G. Jackson and died without children. Anna (5) not married. Mary A. (4) married Andrew Cox, had Ira (5), Verda (5), Bertha (5), Bessie (5), Evyline (5). Gipsy (5), Ira (5) married Madge Whittenberg (see Chapman). Veri*a (5) married Gertrude McCall. Bertha (5) married Almus (see Veach. Preston (3) the youngest, married Isabel Canady, and they had Ida (4), who married John Corbit, Myrtle (4) married Orbe Peterson (see Reynolds). Robert (4) married Miss Albright. Effie (4) and Ger- trude (4) at home. Jennie Gore was a pioneer of this county and her granddaughter, Mrs. R. J. Copeland says she was an aunt to Patsy Davis which would mean that she was a sister to John Gore. Jennie (1) married Mr. Peterson (judging from court records, his name was William (and had Joshua (2) and Lydia (2). Joshua (2) married Nancy Spence, 18315, and their children were William W. (3), Thomas (3), Elizabeth (3), born 1838, Sarah (3), Owen G. (3), Isaac (3). William W. (3) was a prominent man of his time and was engaged in the mercantile business for a number of years in this county. He married Mary Ann Gray (see Reynolds). Thomas (3) married Sarah Martin, Eliza beth (3) married Francis M. McGee, 1857. Sarah (3) married John Reynolds and had Amanda (4) who married Charles Barnwell. Owen G. grew up in the West Eden neighborhood, and served the county as assessor and treasurer. He married Elizabeth Dubois, and their children were Nora (5), Ruth (5), Nancy (5). He removed with his children to Texas. Isaac (3) was an M. E. minister who died a young man. Lydia (2) married William (see West). Jennie Gore (1) married second John Deans and their children were W. D. (2) born 1826, Mary A. (2), Eliza (2), Dolly (2), Elizabeth (2). W. D.' (2) married Mary Axley (see West). W. D. (2) married second Mrs. Jane (Peeler) Axley and they had children Molly (3), who mar- ried George Rilley. Ida (3) married L. R. Brady, W. D. (3) married Maud Hess (see Chapman), Oscar (3) married Ivy (see Copeland). Charles (3) married Sidney Rose, and resides on the Golconda and Vienna road in Grantsburg township. Mary A. (2) married William Carter (see West). Eliza (2) married Owen Peterson (whose first wife was a Mercer) and had Elizabeth (3) who married Robert Nor- val, and Ellen (3) who married John Culver. Eliza (2) married second William Norval and had Josephine (3). Dolly (2) married James Barton and the children were Alice (3) who married John Reynolds, Stephen (3) who married Adeline Beggs and Lilly (3) who married Thomas Barnwell. Elizabeth (2) married Mr. Smith and had one son. Elizabeth (2) married second Mr. Washburn, chil- dren Louisa (3) who married James (see Copeland) Nancy (3) mar- 386 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY ried Richard (see Copeland). Elizabeth (2) married third Henry Hardy and had children Jedediah (3) and Lydia (3) who married Clark Axley. Following i'rom Court Records. One John W. Gore mar- ried Helen, died 1853. He owned land near the present home or Grant Carlton on the Goreville road. He had children, Cassandra J. who married Wilson Brown (2), Lydia Ann who married Linsfield Shardick, two minor children Josiah P. and Jacob F. Edward Dooly was their guardian and Barnett Gore signed the bond of Helen. Josiah P. Gore born 1839 was a resident of this county and was a son of John F. and Elizabeth (Penrod) Gore, also residents here. The parents of John F. were Thomas and Lydia Gore who were very early settlers of Union County. Josiah P. married Nancy E. Wilhelm and had children Elizabeth, Barnett, Otto, Josiah, Cass- andra, Peter, Margaret, Rosetta. Caroline Gore called "Sisy" was a native of this county and married first John Bridges and had John and Ida. She married second, a Mr. Chapman and moved from this county. Daniel Gore is the founder of one branch of the Gore family If Jennie was a sister of John, it is quite probable that John W. belonged to the family of Daniel. That would place Jennie, John and possibly Daniel in the same generation. Joshua Gore died in 1820. Jeremiah Lisenby and George Brazel were the appraisers of his estate. John W. Gore, the administrator. The following is an account against the estate of Joshua Gore: "one quarter schooling, $2.50; to repairing old plow share and making a coulter $3.75 Hezikiah West," John Bridges took the acknowledge- ment. Joshua Gore's will, "to-wit: That a certain bay horse then four years old be given to his son James after his death, and that a certain colt, one year old last spring should in like manner be given to his son, William, and the deponent further states that they were present and heard that testator pronounce the said words and that they believe him to be at that time of sound mind and that he •did at the same time desire that such was his will, or words to that •effect. Signed and sworn to, November 14, 1820, John W. Gore, Eleanor Gore." John Gore cried the sale of William Peterson, Sr., he put in a bill which was allowed, September, 1816. James Hawkins, John and Thomas Peterson were the attests. Signed, John Gore. Some of this is tradition, some parts of it have been copied from the court records, but not enough data could be gathered tc trace the family from one direct line. GRAY J. F. Gray was born in this county in 1837. He was a son of James, who was a brother to Basil, one of the early residents of A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 387 Vienna. Mi. Gray was at one time a partner with I. N. Pearce in the mercantile business in Vienna, he also helped to build the present courthouse. He went to New Burnside when it was founded and started the first bank in the county, known as the Johnson County Bank, also engaged in the dry goods business. When Burnside be- gan to decline he came to Vienna, continuing in the banking business till his death 1896, under the firm of J. F. Gray & Son. He married Sue H. Wilson of Kentucky and had two children, Nellie, who mar- ried Dr. Boyt of Paducah, and died shortly after. Charles H. married Suda Brat ton (see Chapman). He operated the bank for a number of years after his father's death, but retired and now lives on a farm six miles east of Vienna during the summer. They also have a resident in Vienna which they occupy during the winter months. Alexander J. Gray was a prominent citizen of this county, he served the county as sheriff twice, was a soldier of the Civil War in the 6th Cavalry, Republican in politics, died 1924. (For family see Smith and Reynolds). He belonged to one of the oldest families of Revolutionary War from North Carolina. His son Mid served in the World War. GRAHAM J. F. Graham was born in Marshal County, Tennessee, 1823. Family tradition says his grandfather William Graham, served six years in the Revolutionary War. His father James served in the war of 1812 and also in the Seminole war, and died in this county J. F. served this county as circuit clerk, was enrolling officer for the militia during the Civil War, for this county, and internal revenue collector for this district. He was a resident of New Burnside and a member of the Christian Church. He married E. A. Brummet, 1852. Their children are Mrs. J. S. King, now a resident of Laramie, Wyo. William C. of California and Mrs. Frank White, a resident of New Burnside, 111. GRISSOM William M. Jr., son of William M. Grissom, a farmer and early settler of Grantsburg township, was born in this county 1872 and educated in the public schools and Southern Illinois Normal. He was a teacher and farmer, also served the county as Superintendent of Schools. He married Nettie (see Farris). Their son, Curtis was killed in France while serving with the A. E. F. Mr. and Mrs. Grissom, with their daughters, Dorothy and Mildred reside in Cali- fornia. HARKER O. A. Harker was, for several years, a resident of this county, he was born in Wayne County, Ind., 1846, and was educated in the schools of Wheaton, 111. He enlisted in Company D, 67th Illinofe 388 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY Infantry at the age of sixteen years, serving till the close of the war. He entered McKrendree College at Labnon, 111., graduating in 1866. He came to Viennia the following year as a teacher, edited the "Vienna Herald" for a short time and was admitted to the bar in 1869. He practiced law in this county for about ten years, serving the county as judge one term. He was appointed to the Circuit bench by Governor S. M. Cullom, 1878 and was later elected and served on the first Circuit bench until 1903, when he was appointed Dean of the Law School of the University of Illinois, which place he filled till recently he has been appointed attorney for that institution. He married Sidney A. (see Bain). They removed to Carbondale about 1778, later making their residence in Champaign where they still reside. Judge Harker is a member of the G. A. R. and I. O. O. F. the Fraternities Phi Delta Phi and Theta Kappa. He and wife have long been members of the M. E. Church and are republican in politics. HARPER Two brothers, William and James Harper, came to this county in 1833 and settled near what is now Reynoldsburg. They were good farmers, also took a great interest in church and morality. James being a Methodist preacher. William Harper (1) married a Miss Morris and had Goves (2) who married Sarah Douglas, removed to White County; James (2) married Rebecca Rushing and removed to Arkansas in 1872. William Dean (2) married Fannie Kuykendall and had James G. (3), Joseph W. (3), George Perry (3), Sarah (3), Rosa (3), Lydia (3), Mary Alice (3). James G. (3) married Hulda Belle Pitman; children were Harry (4), William (4), Elizabeth (4) who married Samuel Choat, Charles (4). Joseph W. (3) married Rachel Casey. They had George P. (4), John L. (4), James (4), Lee (4), Guy (4), Frank (4). George Perry (3) married Rebecca Russell and their children are Fannie (4), Ira and Orlin (4), Herschel (4) Sarah (3) married W. R. Hammons, a Methodist minister. Rosa (3) married West Jobe. Lydia (3) married Ira Covert. Mary Alice (3) married Joe Hammond. James 1, married Rhoda (Jackson) Perkins, mother of Captain William Perkins. James and Rhoda had Anna (2), who married Charles Burnett and they had Ethel (3), who mar- ried Marshall Steel and had Anna Louise (4), Burnett (4), Charles (4), Marshall (4). Sally (2) married John Ragin; the children were Joseph (2), John (2), Daniel (2); Jessie (2) married third Elizabeth Hicks and raised a family in this county; Polly (2) married Richy Oliver; Cynthnia and Rhoda (2) never married. HARVICK Jacob Harvick's Revolutionary War record is found under that head. He was born in Pennslyvania in 1752, and was a resident of A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 389 North Carolina when the Revolutionary War broke out and removed from Moore County that state to Georgia in 1795 as a recommendation from the citizens of Monroe county now in the possession of Mrs. T. E. McCall his great grand daughter will show and reads as follows * "State of North Carolina, County of Moore, Wheras the bearer, Jacob Harvick has signified to us his intention of removing himself to the frontiers of Georgia, be it therefore known to whom it may concern, that the said Harvick has been a resident of the county for upwards of eight (indistinct) * * * * citizen supported an irreproachable character, maintained his family in honesty and credit, worthy to be received as a neighbor or admitted as a worthy character into any Christian society; he being a peaceable, sober and ,well disposed man. Given under our hands, this 3rd day of October 1795." (Signa* tures were blurred). Just what time he came to this county is not definitely known but his son, Martin was a lieutenant in the Militia here 1812. He was no doubt of German descent as the name is spelled Harwick or Harvick. He settled on the farm now owned by Charles Taylor in Bloomfield Township. He must have been rather vigorous for a man of seventy-five as he was fined for assault and battery in this county in 1827. His wife's given name was Catherine He died 1833. Tradition says he and wife died about the same time from measles, and are buried in the Johnson Cemetery east of Vienna. His grave was marked as a Revolutionary soldier by the Daniel Chapman Chapter D. A. R. 1912. Martin Harvick, a son entered the land now owned by John Sanders and P. T. Chapman being a part owner of the farm just east of the drainage ditch and the home farm of Sanders. Adam, another son entered land in 1818 now owned by W. J. Brown and N. E. Leonard in Bloomfield Township. His name ap- pears on the court records for several years afterwards, but no other history of him or family can be traced. Martin Harvick served in many responsible positions in the county as the records reveal. He held office in the militia and was captain of a militia district. "The bounds lying north of the waters of Cache and known as the Ponds." He was known as Captain Harvick. His granddaughter, Mrs. Mary Harvick Damron says his wife, Nancy Fisher was a hall sister to Jack Fisher who married Lucinda Simpson, Sally who married a Mr. Fields and Rachel who married Hight Green. They were supposed to be the children of King Fisher. A lawsuit on the docket shows Nancy and Martin Harvick among the heirs who brought a suit against King Fisher's estate. The children of Jacob Harvick (1) and Catherine were Martin (2), Adam (,2) Amanda (2) and two other daughters. Martin Har- vick (2) married Nancy Fisher and had children Elizabeth (3), born 390 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 1822, Granville (3), born 1823, Grandison (3), born 1825, Adam (3), born 1827, Harrison (3) born 1829, Sarah Adeline (3), born 1831. this far copied from family Bible). Rebecca (3), Amanda (3), Mary (3), John L. (3), born 1837. Elizabeth (3) never married. Granville (3) married Mary Hogg and they had John (4), Cynthia (4), both died in youth. Grandison (3) married Minerva Cochran and they had Laura Jane (4), Otis E. (4), Ann (4), Frank (4), Nell (4). Laura J. (4) mar- ried James Mathis and they had Grace (5), Ora (5), Goldie (5), Francis (5), and Agnes (5). Grace (5) married Victor Boudreau. Agnes (5) married George Cheery and has Laura Jane (6). James • Mathis with his daughter, Francis is a resident of Vienna, 111. Frank (4) married Alice Yow, he died a few years after and left Charles (5). Ann (4) married William Newton and has Larry (5) who mar ried Maud Beals and they have Christine (6) and Marie Louise (6) Otis (4) married Margaret Lehman. Nell (4) married Fred Edmonds and they have Antonette (5), Paul (5), Fred (5) and live in Spring- field, Mo. Adam (3) married first Martha Hogg, second Amanda Burris and had one son, who died in youth; and third Elizabeth Alexander. Adam became a very rich man for this county, and having no direct heirs, in his old age, he willed his property to Samuel Carter, a grand nephew. After Adam's death the other heirs contested the will and secured part of his estate. Harrison (3) married Catherine Clay and they had two daughters, Mary C. (4) who married Valetine Nestlerodt and had James (5), Maud (5), Downey (5), Essie (5), Andrew (5), Morris (5), Harrison (5) and Fannie (5). James (5) married Dulcia and had four children, Maud (5) married George Carter and had Erma (6), Georgia (6), Francis (6). Andrew (5) married Catherine and moved out of the county. Essie (5) married Carl Cackley and has three children. Morris (5) married Dorris Johnson. Harrison (5) married Fay Carter. Fannie (5) married and lives at Mayfield, Kentucky. Most of this family live at Cypress, this county. Amanda Belle (4) mar- ried James H. Carter and has Frances (5), Samuel (5), Lucy May (5), Harry (5), Frank (5). Fannie (5) married Charles M. Pickens who is a leading merchant of Vienna and a native of the county. They have Helen (6) and Frances (6). Samuel (5) married Myrtle Hight who died leaving Myrtle (6) who married John Peck and they have Penelope (7). Samuel (5) married second Viola Hight and has Mary (6) who married Dr. John Mour and has John (7). Samuel Jr. (6) resides at home. All this family live at Tempe, Ariz. Lucy May (5) married Dr. T. E. McCall, a native of this county, a graduate of Rush Medical College, Chicago, who practiced in this county sue- A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 391 cessfully for years. They removed to Phoenix, Arizona, about 1919, where he continues his profession. Harry (5) who is employed in the revenue department of the Danville district married Daisy Huffman and has Rudell (6) and Harry (6). Frank (5) married Mabel Galeener and has Harold (6), Mary Belle (6), Frank, Jr., (6). Frank is a physician of San Diego, Calif. Neal (5) the youngest resides in Vienna, married Ethel Veach (see Chapman). Harrison (3) married second Frances Utley and they had David (4), Mattie (4), Alice (4), Edward (4) and George (4). David (4) married Lois Albritten and had Thurman (5), Ewing (5), Elvin (5). George (5) and Loren (5) who married Mabel Mathis. Mattie (4) married Allen Veach (see Chapman). Alice (4) married Agusta Parker and has Gladys (5), Beatrice (5), Francis (5), Georgia (5). They live in Los Angeles, Calif. Edward (4) married Ada Kincey and has Francis (5) who married Buell Carlton. Martha (5), Edna (5), Clara Belle (5), Harrison (5). George (4) married Lilly Sutliff. Sarah Adeline (3) married Mr. Elms and had John F. (4) who married Mrs. Melissa (Scott) Jenkins. Rebecca (3) married James Hogg and they had John (4), Nanie (4), Pole (4), William (4), Emma (4), Edward (4), Horry (4), Harry (4), Mary (4), Maud (4). John (4) was a resident of St. Louis, Mo., many years. Nanie (4) married J. S. Francis and had Edward (5), Charles (5), Hal (5), Harvey (5), Fay (5), George (5). Edward (5) married Margaret Wallace of this county. Fay (5) married Henry Bengle of Springfield, 111. and has Francis (6). Mr. Francis moved with his family to Springfield, 111. about 1898, where his widow and children now reside. Emma (4) married a Mr. Bankston. Mary (4) married Mr. Jones. Rev. Hogg removed to Bethney, 111. years ago, and none of this family lives in the county. Amanda (3) married A. J. Henry. Mary (3) married C. N. Damron and had Cass (4) who married in California and died in early manhood leaving three daughters. Flora (4) married Charles Dunscomb of Bethney, 111. and they removed to California where he owns and publishes the "Berkeley Gazette" and is quite an influential man in his state. Mrs. C. N. Damron and Mrs. Amanda Henry grand daughters of Jacob, the revolutionary soldier reside in San Bernardino, Calif. Amanda Harvick (2) married Joel Johnson, one of the earliest settlers of this county, they resided east of Vienna on a farm on which the Johnson Cemetery is now located. His name appears quite often on the early records; he served on a jury here in 1814. They had Margaret, (Peggy) (3), Louisa (3), Joel (3), John C. (3). Peggy (3) married Henry Cook Howell and had John (4), Joseph H. (4), Jennie (4), George (4), James (4), William (4), Amanda (4), Pleasant (4), Samuel (4), Mary (4), Bell (4), Artaborn (4), Agustus 392 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY (4). Joseph (4) married Belle Cummins and had Walter (5), and Carl (5). Jennie (4) married Sterling Hollaway and had Marlow (5), Holly (5), Alvin (5), John (5), George (4) married Sarah Shelton and had Floy (5), Joseph (5), Ernest (5). They reside in Massac County. James (4) married Lula Abbott, and had Daisy (5) who married Melvin Harris and they had Wilma (6), Marie (6), Douglas (6), Esther (6), Donald (6). Wilma (6) married S. J. C. Hess; Marie (6) married Robert Veach and has Roberta (7) and Mary Lou (7). Douglas (6) married Bertie Shelter and has Majorie Lee (7). Amanda (4) married Henry Philips. Pleasant (4) married Fannie Sutliff and removed to Canada. Samuel (4) married Ida Cagel and has Orville (6). Mary (4) married Douglas Helm and has Roy (5), Lloyd (5), Herbert (5), Verna May (5). Roy (5) married Mabel Moore and has Robert (6), Mary (6). Herbert (5) married Louise Leonard. Belle (4) married Dr. John Wymore and had Lannus (5) and Mabel (5) who married Ralph Shelton and has John (6). Belle (4) married second Isaac Debman and has Velva (5). Artaborn (4; married Ann Cagle and has Erma (5), Elba (5) and Frieda (5). Agustus (4) married Laura Bruce and has Dalmads (5). John C. (3) married Melissa Johnson (3) and had William (4). Louisa (3) married Thomas Harrington, children Jane A. (4) mar- ried John James Walker. Benjamin H. removed to Ohio. Mary A. (4) married D. C. Huckelberry, had Ida (5), Ira (5), Charles (5). Ida (5) married M. N. McCartney and has Marcia May (6) who mar- ried Sidney Howell, they have Sidney Jr. (7) and reside in New York state. Alabeth (6) is a teacher in New York State. Mary A. (4) married second Commodore Friganza of Mound City, 111. They had Willis (5). Martha A. (4) married Edward Conner of Metropolis, 111. Joseph (4) and Ellen (4) never married. No knowledge of Frank (4) Joel (3) married Miss Simmons, children Sidney (4), Mary (4), and Ann (4) who married Frank Gillespie, they had Franklin (5), Dora (5), Arminta (5). This family removed to Williamson County. Mrs. Mary Damron, now living, says her father, Martin Harvick had three sisters, one married Jesse Canady, another Sabert Choat. The names of these men appear on the early county records but no further knowl- edge could be obtained of the families. HEATON James W. Heaton was born in Kentucky 1832. Came to this county in 1863, settling in Burnside Township. He dealt in tobacco which was one of our staples at that time, but as only a few made fortunes at that business he later settled down to farming. In this he was quite successful. He opened up a large farm and built the present home of Norman Casper. He married Laurinda J. Lindsey, A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 393 had children J. C. B. and J. W. who are the pioneer apple growers of this county and also reside in New Burnside. Another son, N. T. and two daughters, Elmiretta and Effie live in California. "Uncle Jim" as he was familarily called was a devout member of the Baptist Church and an uncompromising prohibitionist. He was charitable, conscientious and was always ready to defend his position on any married Alice Mathis, they had Fred, Roy and Jeanette. Fred married Maud Trovillion; their children are Alice, Pauline, Robby, Fred and Samuel; J. C. B. married second Delia Hawkins; W. J. Heaton married Ella Whitnel and they have Lindorf, Herman and Clara. The Heaton brothers are very famous as fruit growers and have taken prizes at every exposition in the United States in the last twenty-five years, as well as Paris, France. Their orchards are wonderful and one is well paid for a visit to them. They have exemplified the adaptabil- ity of the Ozarks for orchards and have set the pace which is being followed not only in this neighborhood but in many parts of this and adjoining counties. HELM There seems to be two branches of the Helm family, both coming from Tennessee. Whether they sprang from the same ancestor or not is not known. Thomas Helm was the head of one of these families coming here when his son, Robert A. was a youth. The latter was a member of Smith's Battery of Light Artillery, attached to the 6th Illinois Cavalry and gave his life for his country during the Civil War. The father of Thomas Helm, tradition says, was a soldier of the Revolutionary, serving from Virginia and lost his life at the battle oi Guilford Courthouse. His family followed the trend of immigration and came to Tennessee, and Thomas Helm Jr., continued from there to Johnson County. He married a Miss Cowden and their children were Robert A. (2), Leroy (2) and Elizabeth (2), who married Lee Walker. This family lives in the southeastern section of the county. Robert A. (2) married Mary J. daughter of Thomas Rice, who came originally from North Carolina. They had one son, Senator D. W. Helm, who is a native of this County and the only surviving member of this family. He was reared and educated here, graduated from Southern Illinois Normal, also the Wesleyan Law School of Bloom- ington, 111. and located in Metropolis. He served Massac as States Attorney three terms and has represented this district in the State Senate several times. He was chairman of the investigating com- mittee to determine whether William Lorimer had been legally elected to the United States Senate, which was known as the Helm Committee. He was a member of the law firm of Courtney and Helm. Senator Helm married Mary, daughter of Henry C. Howell. (For family see Harvick). 394 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY HOGG Rev. J. N. Hogg was born in Marshall County, Tennessee, 1830 and came tothis coumy with his parents John and Elizabeth (Wolfe), when about five years old. The other children were Matildah (2), who married W. H. Gage. Louisa (2) married J. R. McCorcle, Susan (2) married J. F. Holt. Nancy (2) married Calvin Pearce, they had Susan (3) who married James M. (see Price). Mary E. (2) married first G. B. Harvick, second James Slack. She says her father was a soldier in the Indian War and her grandfather was a soldier in th-3 Revolutionary war. Rev. J. N. (2) married Rebecca (see Harvick). He was reared in this county and entered the ministry of the Presby- terian Church and preached for many years, removing from here with his family to Bethany, 111., about middle life. There is a large fam- ily by the name of Hogg, properly spelled Hogue in this county be- side those given, all the same family, but different branches. This family must have come here later than most of the families given as their name is not found on the earliest records. HOOD James Hood came to this county from Tennessee about the time of the Civil War. He was a native of North Carolina and married Mary Buie. He settled near Mt. Pisgah neighborhood. Their chil- dren were Robert (2), Daniel (2), Washington (2), Gilford (2), Nel- son (2), Samuel and Elizabeth (2), Sarah (2), Isabelle (3), Telitha (2). Robert (2) married Amanda Ferguson, they had Ann (3), Frank (3), Mary (3), John (3). Ann (3) married M. M. Wilkersoh, children Charles (4), Cora (4), Frank (4), Mary (4), Nellie (4), James (4). Frank (3) married Zora (see Bridges). Mary (3) married George Jones, children Herbert (4), Maud (4), Edna (4). Maud (4) married Paul (see Phelps). Daniel (2) married Margaret Davis, they had Charles (3), who is our present Coroner; William (3), Hillery (3), Washington (2) married Martha Sexton, they had Jennie (3) who married John Martin. He married second Victoria Maxey, children Fred (3), Harry (3). Fred (3) married Blanch Boyt of Mound City, where they reside. Harry married Tate Dougherty. He served Alex- ander County as Judge. Gilford (2) was a soldier of the Civil War. He married first Amanda Niblock, they had Lily, who married J. C. Kearney; he married second Adaline (see Whittenberg). Mathew (2) married Kate Adams, children John (3), Ester (3), Ellen (3), Florence (3). Samuel (2) married Caroline Jones, children Gussie (3), George (3). Ella (3), Laura (3), Josey (3), Frank (3), James (3). Elizabeth (2) married William Lowery. Nelson (2) never married. Sarah (2) married Jesse Fain. Isabelle (2) married Edward Dooley. Telitha (2) married James Furguson, children Matildah (3), Dona (3), James A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 395 (3), John (3). Robert Hood (2) lived to be ninty-one years old, farmed in the south western part of the county all his life. He was a Mason, I. O. O. F. and a republican. HOWELL Just what lime the Howells came to this county is not known. Tradition says the father was a resident of Kentucky and decided when an old man to move to Missouri. On their journey the father died in this county and the mother and family concluded to make this their home. That they were among the early pioneers is evident by their intermarriage with the old families. The brothers and sisters were, Henry Cook (2), who married Peggy Johnson (see Harvick). Samuel (2) married Jane (see Simpson). A. D. (2) married Dulcina Poor, and had Thomas M. (3), James (3), Samuel P. (3), Hissouri (3) married Lewis (see Walker). James (2) married Sarah Rentfro. Joseph (2) married Jane Rentfro. Brilla An n(2) married Joshua (see Simpson). Elizabeth (2) married Mr. Emerson. Jane (2) mar- ried Mr. Rentfro. HOWERTON The Howertons of this county are descendants from Benjamin F. Howerton, a native of Virginia, whose father it is said was a Colonel in the Revolutionary War. John W. was a son of Benjamin and was born in Tennessee, 1821. He married Sarah Casey (3), daughter of Randolph and settled near what is now New Burnside, 1842. They had Randolph who married Eliza McCuan. John married Missouri Boozer, Rebecca married Allison Clark. Elizabeth mar- ried John Taylor. Ruth married George Boozer and Sarah married James Allen. Paul of New Burnside and Mrs. Minnie Holaway are children of John. John and Randolph were teachers of this county. John is a resident of New Burnside and does the legal business of that village. HOFFMAN Christian Hoffman the founder of the Hoffman family in the United States was a native of the province of Hesse, Germany, and was the father of five sons, one of whom, John, was indentured to pay the passage of his father's family to America. They settled in Alamance County, North Carolina which joined Guilford County. John Hoffman built a mill on Back Creek, Alamance County. He married a Miss Ingle. He died about 1836. Their children were George, Daniel, Christian, John, Jacob, Henry and David. George married Eliza Shoffner and they had nine children one of whom was Hillery who married Siloma Clapp. George H. Huffman was a native of Gilford County, North Carolina and a son of Hillary and Siloma. His father moved to western Tennessee and on account of his union 396 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY sympathies, removed from there to Johnson County, 1860. Of a family of several children all have left the county, except George H.. A brother resides at Grand Tower, this state and a sister Mrs. Alice Meredith lives in Lincoln, Nebraska. Mr. Huffman enlisted in the Civil War under Captain Perkins in the 14th Illinois Cavalry, which belonged to Sherman's Army. Their campaign was mainly in Tennes- see and Georgia, they were also on that famous march to the sea. He was a prisoner for eight months in the historical Andersonville, Libbny and other prisons, but was finally taken to Goldsboro, North Carolina, where he escaped. In 1922 he visited his old home in com- pany with a son and daughter and also the neighborhood of his last imprisonment, and showed them the route of his escape. They met the families of the people who had helped him in getting away. Those who actually assisted him to escape have died or moved away. He was secreted by Lazarus Pearson, a quaker, for seven days, an dthis good man gave him his exemption papers for which he had paid the Confederacy $500.00. Mr. Huffman's companion in escape was Henry Preston. The quaker gave him his son-in-law's papers and accom- panied by Mr. Pearson's two daughters, they passed the Confederate lines with safety. At the close of the war, Mr. Huffman returned to this county and engaged in such persuits as blacksmithing, farming stock raising and occasionally operating a saw mill. He was unfort- unate in losing one arm in an accident may years ago, while engaged in the latter business. He was our county treasurer for four years. Recently he retired from active business. He and family are mem- bers of the Methodist Church of Vienna where they have resided for some time. He is also a devoted member of the G. A. R. Post there being very few left at the present time. He married Mary, daughter of Thomas Jones, a member of one of the old families of the county. Hoffman is the correct way of spelling the name and is still used by the families residing in the original location, but the families of this county spell the name with a u. HUFFMAN Charles J. is a son of George H. and Mary (Jones) Huffman. He is a native of this county and was educated in the schools of this and Massac Counties. He served as deputy Post Master under W. H. Gilliam lor some time and took up the study of law. He spent one year in the Law Department of the University of Illinois and on going to Washington, D. C. as secretary to P. T. Chapman he entered George Washington University and graduated from the law depart- ment of that school, 1907. Since then he has maintained an office in Vienna and practiced his profession in this and other courts. He was elected States Attorney for the county 1920. He is a mason and A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 397 a K. of P. He and wife are Republicans, members of the Methodist Church and Egyptian Chapter number thirty O. E. S. (see Simpson). F. M. Huffman is also a son of the above named parents. He served abroad with the 47th Inf., 4th Div., was commissioned Lieut- enant in the 51st Inf., 6th Div., was overseas 11 months. He is one of Vienna's energetic and progressive business men, conducts a Gents Furnishing store and also owns quite a good deal of reai estate. He is a mason, a republican, a member of the Methodist Church and active in the American Legion Post of Vienna. He mar- ried Nellie Gray, (see Simpson). JACOBS Luther F. Jacobs was a native of West Fork Hundred, Sussex County, Del., born 1832, a son of Stansberry and Henrietta (White). Mr. Jacobs was a well educated man and taught in this county many years and also followed farming and fruit growing. He served in Co. H., 31st 111. He married Francis Short and they settled in tne part of the county known as the "Neck" where they raised their family, namely Charles, Ettie, Alice, George, B. K. and Bertha. JOHNSON Jasper was a son of Peter and Sarah (Harell) Johnson, born In this county. He was a teacher in the fifties and was Postmaster in Vienna in 1861. He served in the 31st Illinois Regiment during the Civil War. He removed to Chicago after the war where he reared his family. (For family see Simpson). JONES Etheldred Jones was among the earliest settlers of this county; he was of Scotch ancerstry, but whether a native of Scotland or North Carolina is not known. He came from North Carolina to Tennessee and from there to this county. He had children Mary (2), Susan (2), Clara (2), William T. (2) John (2), Lorena (2). Mary (2) maried John Wise; Susan (2) married Rayford Pearce, Clara (2) married Newton Pearce. William T. (2) married Eliza (see Carter). John (2) married Jane Smith. Lorena (2) married Have Davidson. James Jones was born in Tennessee in 1779, and there seems to be no history farther back than that date. He settled on what is now a part of the Oliver farm. The exact date is not known, but he lived there in 1825. This farm is located about two miles west of Vienna and now owned by J. C. Chapman and G. B. Gillespie (1924). James (1) had a son by his first marriage, Henry (2), born 1793, who tradition says, settled near the present site of Goreville and is the ancestor of Thomas M. James of that neighborhood. James (1) married second, Elizabeth White and their children were James (2) 398 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY born 1801; Bennett (2) born 1804; Andrew J. (2) born 1809; Miltou (2) born 1810; William (2) born 1812 John (2) born 1813; Polly (2) born 1815; Thomas (2) born 1817; Harvey (2) born 1819; Susanna Ann (2) born 1820; Patsy (2) born 1823; Lucinda (2)" born 1825; Juliet (2) born 1830; Elizabeth (2) born 1831. Bennett Jones (2) was sheriff of this county many years ago. Susan Jones (2) married Samuel Jobe (see Simpson). Patsy (2) married William (see Simp- son). Elizabeth (2) married Samuel Glassford, after her death he married Juliet (2) (see Glassford). Thomas (2) married Amanda (see Simpson). He was prominent in the business affairs of the county, was appointed drainage commissioner of this county in 1852 and served in the State Legislature from this county from 1856 to 1858. He lived in Simpson Township. Family tradition says Will- iam removed to Missouri in the neighborhood of Lebanon, no history of this family. KERLEY Thomas Kerley, the ancestor of the family in this county, was a native of North Carolina and of Irish descent. He came the usual route, living a while in Tennessee and then on to Illinois, in 1840. He settled in Pope County and later came to what is known as "Flat- wood" in Simpson Township. He married Miss Meredith in Tennes- see, whom the biographer of Dr. T. B. Kerley says, raised a family of fourteen children and at her death had one hundred and thirty-six descendants. James L. Kerley (2) born in Tennessee in 1836 was onc- of these children. He was a progressive and substantial farmer of his neighborhood and married Mary J. McKee, who had Sarah Cath- erine (3), Joseph A. (3), Thomas B. (3) Allen (3), Gilbert (3), and Hattie (3) who married a Mr. Ditterline. James L. (2) married Susan McKee, second and they had Hillis (3). Dr. T. B. (3) was raised on a farm and began the study of medicine under Dr. J. H. Simminons, of Simpson. He later graduated from the college ol Physicians and Surgeons at Keokuk, Iowa, 1888, and has practiced in Simpson and vicinity continuously since. He also is interested in farming and was one of the founders of the Simpson bank. He married Mary E. Simmons and the children are Granville L. (3), who is a physician of Denver, Colorado; Lindorf L. (3) was a gradu- ate of the Bloomington Law School of this state, and began practice in Chicago, moving his practice later to Denver, Colorado. He en- listed in the World War, was commissioned Lieutentant, served in France and was killed in a railroad wreck near Orleans, France, December 5, 1918. His remains were brought to the United States in 1921, and interred in the Fraternal Cemetery, Vienna, 111. Delbert R. (3) is cashier of the First Bank of Simpson. He married Dimple Simpson, and their children are Homor (4), Maurice Lindorf (4) A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 399 Orlin R. (3) a resident of Simpson, married Mary Cowan and they have Thomas Granville (4). Quillin T. Kerley is head ot another branch of this family in the county. He came here in 1852 and married Elizabeth R. Simmons. After her death he married Fannie Shirk. They had Rebecca (2) ; James (2), Jerome (2), Robert (2), Dilard (2), Quillin A. (2). KUYKENDALL Hon. A. J. Kuykendall was a prominent man in the medievial days of Johnson County. He descended from a Holland family who came to North Carolina in Colonial times. Joseph, his father was a native of that state but moved to Kentucky with his brother's family in an early day. Joseph married Mary Taylor of Kentucky and re- sided there till 1815 when he set out with his family to the Territory of Illinois. It was while enroute to Johnson County that Andrew J. was born 1815 in what is now Hardin County. The father settled on a farm near the present site of Sanborn. The white inhabitants were very few in Illinois at that time and most of them were in the southern part of the state. Deer, bear and other wild game were plentiful. The opportunities for an education were very meager and A. J. could claim only a course of three months schooling. He applied himself to study and began teaching small children. He continued his self education along the line of law and was admitted to the bar, when he began the practice of law in Vienna, about 1845. Early in his business career he took active interest in politics and served in the State Legislature in both House and Senate, several sessions, having been elected first in 1842. He had been a Democrat in politics supporting Douglas in 1860, but. when the Civil War broke out and Governor Yates called a special session of the Legislature, he declared himself in favor of the pre- servation of the Union, and voted for men and money to put down the rebellion. On his return home he assisted in raising a regiment, which became the famous 31st Illinois Volunteer Infantry, with John A. Logan as Colonel and A. J. Kuykendall as Major. He later resigned his commission and was elected to Congress from this district, which was then the thirteenth, 1864. Mr. Kuykendall was successful in his legal profession but was also fond of farming, and devoted much of his time to that business, and stock raising, in his later years. He served the county as prosecuting attorney and judge and was a help- ful concillor in many movements for the progress of our county and owned interests in different businesses in the town. He owned and operated the Star Mill; built the large dwelling on the brow of the hill on West Main Street, known as the Blanchfill Place. He later built a handsome residence just south of town where he spent his 400 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY decling years. He married Cynthia (see Simpson). Joseph Kuy kendall, the pioneer had James (2), Andrew J. (2), and a daughter who married a Mr. Smith and removed from the county. Joseph married second a Miss Cooper and their children were Joseph (2), Mrs. James Peterson (2), Mrs. H. Taylor (2), Mrs. Hood (2), Fannie (2), who married Dean Harper and Mrs. Giles Taylor (2). (See Taylor). J. B. Kuykendall is a native of this county and a son of Majoi A. J. and Cynthia (Simpson) Kuykendall. He was born near Tunnel Hill in 1842, and enlisted in Company D., 31st Illinois Volunteer, 1861, when very young. He served as adjutant of his regment with the army of the Tennessee, and took part in the battles of Belmont.. Jackson and the sieges and capture of Vicksburg. He was later placed with Shermans command and honorably discharged as a lieut- enant in 1864. He began soon after the war as a merchant in Vienna, but later entered the milling business, which he followed more than fifty years. He is at this writing a very active man of eighty-two years. He retired several years ago when his mill was de- stroyed by fire, from a very successful career. He is a Mason, a republican, and he and wife are members of the M. E. Church. For family (see Simpson). LADD Milton Ladd was prominent in public affairs in our early history. He was said to be a minister, but his denomination is not known. He was commissioned to survey land at different times by the county. His mother was the daughter of Elisha Reynolds. The only othei knowledge of his family is that he had a daughter, Nancy, born in this county, 1824. She married J. M. Davdige in 1840, a lawyer reared in Louisville, Kentucky, and who resided in Vienna a short time, prior to 1843, but removed to Pulaski County, near what is now Olmstead. His father was Razin Davdige, also a lawyer of Kentucky. The mother of the Drs. Whitnel who came to this county from Kentucky, was a Ladd, but it is not known if they were con- nected with this family. Another daughter of Milton Ladd married Jackson Simpson, when he was past middle life. LAUGHLIN Reverend Reuben Wilson Laughlin was born 1831 in Caldwell County, Kentucky and came with his parents to Johnson County when six years old. He was converted when only seven years of age, and when sixteen he received a clearer vision of what it meant to be a Christian, which profession he followed his long and examp- lary life. He united with the M. E. Church and was licensed to preach at Old Reynoldsburgh 1854. Rev. E. Joy was the presiding A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 401 elder. Father Laughliii, as he was known, served twenty-three differ- ent charges and often filled the pulpit after he was superannuated. He was the oldest member of the Southern Illinois Conference, at his death. He married Nancy Triplett who was born in South Carolina, 1829. They lived together sixty-six years, and died on the same day, Jan. 25, 1917, at Vienna, 111. Their children were E. J. who resides in Max, Neb., G. E. lives at Malvern, Iowa, Mrs. P. E. Curlee resides at Pine Bluff, Ark. Mrs. May, wife of John F. Cavitt resides at Tunnel Hill and has Ruth. Rev. and Mrs. Laughlin reared their granddaughter, Gail, who married Alonzo Ramey and resides in Vienna, 111. LAWRENCE The Lawrences are an old and large family of New Burnside community. They came here before the war. Henry, Newton and William were brothers. Two of the second generation were Frank who married Miss Morray, a daughter of Captain J. B. and Lem as he was known who married Phoebe Dalton. Dave, Ray and Frank are of the younger generation still. Some of the second generation served in the Civil War. The family lines could not be traced out. They were influential and widely known citizens. The Grand Army Post at New Burnside was named in honor of William Lawrence. LAYBOURN H. C. Laybourn was a native of Ohio, moved to Burnside in 1889. He served in Co. A., 66th Ohio in the Army of the Potomac and was wounded at Peach Tree Creek in 1864. He was the corre- spondent for the county newspaper from New Burnside for many years, was a great Sunday School worker and held office in the Johnson County Sunday School Association twenty-five years. He married (first) Sarah L. White of Ohio, they had Albertie, who mar- ried T. J. Matthews, and Dr. C. W. Laybourn who was for many years connected with the Haley Eye Infirmary of Centralia, 111., but is now a resident of California. He married (second) Julia Lambert, and had one daughter, Mrs. George W. Shelton of Leadford, 111. He died 1923. LOONEY Honorable W. A. Looney was a prominent physician of Vienna who was born in Henry County, Tennessee in 1831. His father W. E. was born in North Carolina and was a son of Samuel, who it is believed, was a native of Ireland, emigrating to this country from the Isle of Man. The parents of W. A. moved to Mississippi where his father died when he was two years old. His mother returned to Tennessee, later married David T. Whitnel and removed to Ken- 402 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY tucky. She was a well educated woman and during her widowhood taught school and Dr. Looney received his first lesson from his mother. He came to Illinois, 1855, teaching school in Williamson County, to earn money to further his medical education. He graduated from Rush Medical College, Chicago, 1865, but began his career as a physician in Williamson County, 1857. In 1861 he raised the Urst company of soldiers from Williamson County, which became Com- pany C. of the 31st Illinois. He was elected Captain of this company, and was severely wounded at the battle of Belmont, but he rejoined his company in time for the siege of Corinth, but was soon after discharged on account of disability. He came to Vienna 1862 and in 1864 was elected to the Legislature. He voted for War Governor Yates for United States Senator. Dr. Looney's practice in this county extended over a large territory and he gave many years of helpful service to his community. He married Rachel Caldwell of Kentucky, 1856 and had J. E. (2) a merchant of Tishomingo, Okla., who married Mollie Ausbrooks of this county, they have William (3), Grace (3) and Jessie (3). William and Jessie live with their families in Tishomingo and Grace married a Mr. Ide and resides in St. Paul, Minn. Dr. J. T. (2), a physician of Tishomingo married Fannie Jones of this county (see Simpson). Fannie E. (2) married J. E. Cunningham of Vienna, and has Charles E. (3), a business man of Oklahoma City, Okla. and Robert (3) a student of the Vienna High School. Dr. W. A. (1) married second Mariah (Oliver) Slack and third Fannie E. Whitehead, 1886, they had Esther (2) who married I. W. Dill and resides in Carbondale. Joseph W. (2) married Norma Veach and is a business man of Detroit, Mich. Harold (2) is in the real estate business at Carbondale and resides there with his mother. Dr. W. A. Looney was a member of the M. E. Church and a most helpful one. He was a mason and a member of fhe G. A. R. Post at Vienna. He died 1903. MADDEN Nancy Spence was born in Tennessee, 1818, and came to Union County with her parents when a small child. She first married Joshua Peterson (see Gore) 1833 and came to West Eden neighbor- hood to make her home. After the death of Mr. Peterson she mar- ried Locklin L. Madden an Indianian by birth and a teacher by pro- fession. Her only child by Mr. Madden to reach the adult age was Ruth who married Frank J. (see Chapman). Aunty Madden came to Vienna as a resident before the seventies. She was a woman of courage and high ideals and was a devoted member of the M. E. Church having been christened by Peter Cartwright. She lived many years in the shadow of the church and rarely missed a church service. A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 403 MAHL Henry Mahl is a native of Germany but has lived in this county since childhood. He has been employed in and kept a harness shop here for years, succeeding his step-father, Charles Knopp and has been in business probably longer than any other merchant here at the present. He is a genial and obliging citizen. He married Matildah Linberg, a native of Sweeden; they have Charles, Helen and Edward. Dr. Charles Mahl served in the World War and is a gradu- ate of Vienna High School and the Chicago Veterinary School and practices his profession in this and adjoining counties. He married Lilian Rosenbarger. Helen is a graduate of the Vienna Township High School and the Southern Illinois University and was a teacher for several years. She married Curtis Stover a verteran of the World War and by profession a mining Engineer; they have James and reside in Miami, Oklahoma. Edward is a graduate of the Town- ship High School and makes his home with his parents. MANGUM Henry L. Mangum was born in North Carolina 1814, and cam^ to this county very early in its history, settling on a farm in Elvira Township, where he spent the remainder of his life. He first married Elizabeth Barnett, 1832, who was a native of Tennessee. His children were William (2), who was a Presbyterian minister, preaching in this county many years. He married first Jane Standard and had Eliza- beth (3), Belle (3), who married Mr. Pulley and lives at Stone Fort, 111. William (2) married second Sarah (Copeland) Utley and their children were Alice (3), William (3), Charles (3) and Minnie (3). George W. (2); Andrew J. (2) born 1836 married Alice Casper, and they raised a family in this county; a son, Elsworth (3), resided at Wayside, a settlement in Elvira Township; H. Y. (2) was a native of this county and served in the 31st Illinois Volunteer during the Civil War. He later fitted himself for a physician and located with his family in Massac County, where he practiced many years. He married Elmira Jobe and their children were William (3), who mar- ried Lucretia Smith. He is a physician of Bridgeport, Illinois and served as Captain with the A. E. F. in France. Ella (3) married Charles (see Copeland). Other children of Henry and Elizabeth were Thomas S. (2), Basil G. (2), John W. (2), Henry F. (2), Eliza- beth (2), Martha (2). H. L. Mangum married second Mrs. Regina Barringer, and their children were Otis O. (2), Belle (2), Charles (2), Lilly (2). Martha (2) married James M. (see Taylor). MARBERRY Wililam Marberry came to this county from Alabama some time before the Civil War. He lived here many years and was ninety- 404 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY eight when he died having been born about 1823. He was noted for his marksmanship, enjoyed hunting and killed squirrels after he was ninety-two years of age. A man of fine character and influence. He married Drucilla Daniels and their children were Wiley (2), born 1847, James (2), William (2) (called Bud), John L. (2), Tennie (2), Wiley F. (2) was a prominent Methodist and influential man and was serving the county as Assessor and Treasurer at the time of his •death. He served in the Civil War in Company K of the Kentucky Cavalry. He resided on a farm near Reevesville until his election, when he moved to Vienna. He married Missouri Garett 1866 and their children were Amanda (3), who married Charles Stevenson and had issue, Florence (4) who married Ed. Doughterty, Ethel (4), mar ried Wendel Cummins, May (4) married Dr. Robert Marshall. Grant (3) married Laura Reed, they had Carrie (4), who married Edward Hubbard, Clara (4) married Looney Gray, Alma (4) married Alfred Radlof. Charles (3) married Luia Ryan, they had Minnett (4), Jeannett (4) and lives in Oklahoma. Franklin (3) married Ruth Mc Call. Ivy (3) married Mabel Hodge. Jennie (3) married Henry Mc- Clanahan. Bertha (3) married Dr. William Thompson of Cypress, 111., and they have William Glen (4), Berneta May (4) and Mary Sou (4). Tenny (3) at home. James* (2) reared his family in the neigh- borhood where he was born, was a good farmer, always active and interested in the church and any movement that was for the good of the community. He married Mary Ann Cummins and their children were William T. (3), who married Myrtle Brewer; J. Oscar (3) mar- ried Florence Edmiston, is a teacher, residing in Rockford, 111., Eliza- beth (3) married George A. Dunn, a Methodist minister of Vandalia, 111. Daniel (3) married Myrtle Parker she died leaving James (4), Catherine (4). C. W. married Jeannet Austin. Maud (3) at home. Ruth (3) married B. N. Beane; Ethel (3) married F. P. Nixon; Harry L. (3) married Ila Morgan, resides in Carbondale, 111.; Jason M. (3) married Edna Cowling, is a resident dentist also of Carbondale. James Marberry moved to Massac County several years ago, residing in Metropolis. William (2) (Bud) married Caroline Harmon, and their children were Anna (3), John (3), Leonard (3), Frank (3), Adah (3), Ward (3). Anna (3) married Albert Cagle, children William (4), Eva (4); John (3) married Margaret Gifford, children Leonard (4). Violet (4); Leonard (3) married Buelah Lindsey; Frank (3) married Birdie Robins; Ward (3) married Minnie Shinn; Ada (3) at home. John (3) married second Olive Tune; William (2) was a farmer of this county living here all his life and was esteemed by all who knew him. He died in 1923. Tennie (2) married W. J. Reed; John L. (2) married Emma Glass and their children are Lucas (3), who married Lelia Beetel; Ray (3), Paul (3) married Bessie Wormack, A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 405 Frank (3) and Nellie (3); John L. is a prosperous and dependable citizen of this county and resides on the home farm. MATHIS Honorable J. Mathis was a teacher of this county for several years, served as deputy sheriff one term and represented this district in the. State Legislature twice. He was assistant cashier of the First National Bank during the World War and was appointed post- master under President Harding. He was born on a farm in Bloom- field township, 1867 and was the son of Robert D. and Lucinda (Fairless) Mathis. The first one known of this family was John. His son was also named John and was a native of Virginia, but emigrated to Kentucky and while a resident of Trigg County, that state married Brown and came to Randolph County, 111., in 1846. William Mathis was a son of John, who migrated to Johnson County in 1849, with his wife who was Cinthia Scott and four children. They brought their wordly possessions in a cart drawn by oxen, and took up government land in Bloomfield Township, where he spent the remainder of his life. Their children were Robert D. (2), Elizabth E. (2), John B. (2), Margaret A. (2), Robert D. (2) was born in Kentucky in 1836, being thirteen years old when his parents brought him here. His wife Lucinda, was a daughter of Robert and Mahala (Buchanan) Fairless of Gallatin County, 111. Their children were John B. (3), George W. (3), Alonzo F. (3) and Lilly J. (3). John P. (3) married Elizabeth Whiteaker and their children are Evelyn (4) and Kathryn (4); George W. (3) is a farmer residing in Bloomfield and married Minnie Morray and their children are Gussie (4), who mar- ried Earl Downing, Alvin (4), who served in France with the A. E. F. and is a student of medicine at the Illinois University. Cath- erine (4) married Guy Davis; Mabel (4) married Lorin Harvick; Archie (4) is a student at the University of Illinois; George (4), Wayne (4), John H. (4), Marjory (4) and Geneva (4). Alonzo F. (3) is a farmer of this county and resides in Vienna. He married Sadie, daughter of C. L. and Catherine Westman. Their children are Ward (4), who married Gladys Shettler and they have Ward J. (5), James J. (5); May (4) married Fred Sloan; Robert (4), Frank (4), Helen (4), Westman (4) and Marshall (4); Lilly (3) married W. A. Elkins, they had James R. (4), Clarence (4) and Robert (4). Wiley Mathis, the first, came from North Carolina, lived a while in Tennessee and from there to Illinois, just what time is not known but from early records of the county he lived here in 1835. He set- tled in the section of the county east and perhaps a little south of Vienna. His wife's given name was Lucretia. Their children were Wiley (2), Richard (2), Jane (2), Amanda (2), Mary (2). Wiley (2) 406 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY married Caroline Flynn, they had Ferdinand (3), Abraham (3), Richard (3), Thomas (3), Amanda (3), Harriet (3), Minerva (3), Sidney (3). Ferdinand (3) married Rebecca Clay, their children were Calvin (4), who married Etta Simmons and has Lowand A. (5) ; Alonzo (4) married Alice Reed; Oma (4) married Claud Hogue and has Marie (5), Clement (5), Violet (5), Helen (5), Claud (5), Alton (5); Izora (4) married George Menly and has Edna (5); Alfred (4) not married; Nellie (4) married Joseph Elkins and has Genevive (5), Raymond (5), Hannah (5); Loyd (4) married May Robinson and has Loyd (5), Joseph (5), Evyline (5), James Ferdinand (5); Abraham (3) married Winifred Legate. They have Fred (4), Joseph (4), Dora (4), Charles (4), Clarence (4), and Samuel (4); Thomas (3) married Cora Farmer. They had Horace (4), Fred (4) Myrtle (4), Elizabeth (4), Paul (4); Richard (3) married Julia Farmer, they had Wiley (4). Daniel (4), Nonnie (4), Lydia (4), Clifton (4), Julia (4); Sidney (3) married Frank Fisher. They had Eunice (4), Minnie (4); Amanda (3) married first Mr. Stephens, second Mr. Parrody; Harriett (3) mar- ried John Kelly; Minerva (3) married Mr. Barnett and had Gussie (4); Richard (2) married Matilda Morris, they had Susan (3), Elizabeth (3), Mahala (3), Alice (3), Isabell (3), James (3), Calvin (3), Gran- ville (3), D. W. (3). Elizabeth (3) married James Hogg, they had Edward (4), Curtis (4), Otis (4), Claud (4), Daisy (4), Matilda (4). Edward (4) is an M. E. minister belonging to the Southern Illinois Conference. He married Miss Galagah and has Charles (5), Laura (5), Ola (5); Curtis (4) married Lula Penn, they had Truman (5); Otis (4) married Dora Mohler, they have Cyril (5), Gertrude (5), Illma (5), Edgar (5); Claud (4) married Oma (4) (see Mathis); Daisy (4) married Thomas Watson and has Dorothy (5), Gertrude (5), Thomas (5) ; Matildah (4) married Willis Ragsdale and has Ralph (5), Gathel (5), Rheba (5); Alice (3) married J. C. B. Heaton, they had Fred (4), Roy (4); Mahala never married; Isabell (3) not mar ried; James (3) married Laura Jane (see Harvick) ; Granville (3) married; Calvin (3) married Elizabeth Pearce; D. W. (3) mar- ried Alice Hankins, ehtir children are Clifford (4), Ralph (4). Morris (4) Kate (4), Ernest (4), Frank (4), Thelma (4), Alice F. (4). Ralph (4) married Mary Ragains, they had Harriet (5); Morris (4) married Eunice Pancoast; Kate (4) married John Rhodes and has John Jr. (5); Ernest (4) is an M. E. minister; he married Lyndall (see Chapman). The other children are at home. Susan (3) married Addison Gillespie, they had Samuel (4), Paralee (4), Dora (4). Samuel (4) married Rosa (see Veach) ; Dora (4) married James (see Cummins). Jane (2) married Jackson Rose; Mary (2) married Mathew Rose, children Sarah (3), Henry (3) Franklin (3), Dudley A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 407 (3); Amanda (2), Sarah (2). One of the two latter married a Mr. Hawkins. MILLS Charles W. Mills is a native of this county. His father Elihu came here from Tennessee, 1847 and settled in the southeast part of the county. Elihu married Mary Huston and their children were Margaret who married a Mr. Dixon; P. N. and Albert W. who are larmers of Grantsburg Township; Otto is a teacher and also farms on the old homestead; Charles W. has served as circuit clerk of this county, and is a resident and business man of Vienna. He married Flora Luna and they have Mary, Louis, Geneva, Charles and Alpha O. MODGLIN Modglin is a prominent family of Simpson and Grantsburg Town- ships. The founder was Benton, who was born in Wilson County, Tenn., and came here at an early day and secured government land. He married Martha Haley also a native of Tennessee. Their children were Pleasant, Nancy, Martha, Joseph, William, Benton, and James F. William married Rachel E. Simmons, a native of Missouri in 1853. Her father was Lewis, also an early settler here; he was a native of Tennessee but came to this county in 1836, settling in Simpson Township. The children of William and Rachel were Nancy J. who married W. J. Miller; Sarah C. married A. B. Howell; Fannie B .married W. B. Bivens; Ida M. married Leonard Whitesides. Joseph Modglin, whose wife was Edna had children Rodah E. who married T. J. (see Murray); one daughter married a Mr. Broadway; George resides at Creal Springs; Charles resides in this county. MOORE William Moore began his life work on a farm but removed to Vienna many years ago, and entered the business world. Having been left and orphan at an early age, he was handicapped in a way for lack of education, but has made quiet a success in business. He began in a small way and has been engaged in many different occupa- tions, grocer, drygoods merchant, farmer and stock raiser, and at present operates a large farm just west of Vienna. He married Nanny J. Boardman, they had Ernest (2), who married Arista Frizzel and died when a very young man, leaving two sons, Len Wallen and Ernest Jr.; Myrtle (2) married F. C. Thomas, who is an abstractor of land titles and is one of Vienna's substantial citizens. MORGAN The Morgans were a large family who came originally from Vir- ginia to Tennessee and on to Illinois during the Civil War. The 408 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY father of the family in this county was Pleasant M. (1), who lived in Tennessee, his children were Thomas (2) who married Nancy Dale children, Wm. R. (3), Albert (3), Emmerson (3), Emma (3), Geo. (3), Isaac (3), all have families and reside in Massac and Johnson Coun- ties. B. R. Morgan (2) was a prosperous farmer of Vienna Township. He married Jalia Lemon and their children were Pleasant (3), Francis (3), (Coo), Orlando (3), Alice (3), Richard (3), Thomas (3), Olivia (3); Orlando Morgan (3) is an attorney and has been a resident of Vienna since early manhood, beginning his career as a lawyer at this place. He is well and favorably known throughout the county, having been elected twice to the office of States Attorney, and also to that of county judge. He married Addie, daughter of Rev Green Smith ,of Massac County. She was known for her loyality to her church, the Baptist, her usefulness to the community and her love able disposition. She died 1923 leaving Elizabeth (4), who married E. Davis of Sedalia, Mo.; Benjamin (4) a student at the University of Illinois. Thomas (3) is a physician and after following his pro- fession several years at Goreville, removed to Humbolt, 111., where ne continues his practice. He married Charlotte Ricinger, of Massac County. Julia (2) married Allen (see Boyt). Alexander (2) married Elizabeth Sexton. Jessie (2) married Paradee Lassiter and they had Minnie (3), who married Curtis Robey. Jesse (2) married second Samirimus Carlton and had Nellie (3) who married Elmer BrowD Ellen (2) married William Winchester and had James (3), who mar- ried Maud Donaghy, Robert (3) married Omega Redden, and their children are Ernest (4), who married Genia Leach and has Alice Margaret (5); Bernard (4) married Walter Smith, who is a grocer of Vienna and they have Grover (5); Lester (4) and Ann May (4). Frank (2) had no family, and one son, Isaac (2) never came to this county. MORRAY Captain James B. Morray was born in Hardin County near Rosi- clair 1821, he came to this county some time before the Civil War and settled in Simpson Township. He raised a troop of Cavalry in his neighborhood which became Company B of the Sixth Cavalry and was made its captain. He served as an officer in this troop until February 1864, when he was honorably discharged. He married Izzarilda Wyatc 1842, they had children Amanda (2) married Frank Lawrence, they had Rilda (3), Looney (3), Eliza (3), Joseph (3). She married second John Thomas and had Alma (3); Nancy (2) mar- ried Levi Lay, they had Elizabeth (3), Mary (3), Robert (3), Sherman (3), and William (3); Joseph B. (2) married Gussie Hailey, children Minnie (3), Gussie (3). Minnie (3) married George (see Mathis), Gussie (3) married Mr. Willis of Harrisburg; Joseph B. (2) married A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 409 second Ola Whittenberg, children Ralph (3) who married Halloween (see Parker) and Ulala (3) ; Joseph B. (2) married third Damie Fort, children Frank (3), Floyd (3), Joseph (3), Mark (3). Robert (2) married Mary Whitehead, children Lula (3), Effie (3), John B. (3), Claud (3), Bessie (3), Wm. (3). Sarah 2() married John C. Ross, chil- dren Martha (3), Ernest (3), Elizabeth (3), Robert (3), J. B. (3), J. R. (3), Laue (3). Jane (2) married Marsh Howell, children Joseph A. (3), Rilda (3), Minnie (3), Dora (3), Robert (3), Bertha (3), Charles (3), Mary (3). Celinda (2) married John M. Grissom, chil- dren Olga (3), Rilla (3), J. B. (3), Jennie (3), Myrtie (3), Lutta (3), Roy (3). Olga (3) married William Bradley, children Eulalia (4), Wyoma (4); Rilla (3) married Alonzo Watters; J. B. (3) married Nora Bradley, children Sibyl (4), Paul (4), Ned (4), Eunice (4), John (4), Genevia (4), Quinton (4); Jennie (3) married Harry Murrie, children Marvin (4), Victor (4), Golda (4); Myrtie (3) married Elza Whitmer and has Harry DeWayne (4); Lutta (3) married William Westman and has Grissom (4), Juanita (4), Wyoma (4), Roberta (4). James (2) married Theodocia Frizzell, they had Thomas (3), Gussie (3), Eva (3), John (3), Clara (3), Celinda (3), Blain (3). James (2) married second May , children Earl (3), Celia (3), Julia (3), Eunice (3), Myra (3). Martha (2) married Frank Johnson, children William (3), Charles (3). MORRIS Irvin Morris was an early settler and served the county as sheriff. At one time he lived where William Nobles farm is now located. His children were James F., Harriet, who married Mr. Dooley, Melissa, married J. Billingsly, Cynthia E., Mary Elvira, William E. These names were obtained from the settlement of his estate dated 1857, witnesses; George Elkins, Samuel Copeland and James R. Dooly. William E. married Mary Kuykendall (see Simpson). MORTON Elder James L. Morton was born in Prince Edward County, Vir- ginia, 1809. He came to this county from Kentucky, 1861, settling near New Burnside. He was a Baptist minister, preached seventy- four years, reaching the age of ninety-five. Elder Morton was a tee- totaler from the age of fourteen. He owned and operated the first threshing machine in Burnside community. He married first Eliza Hill, and they had three children, Ed. F., James K. and Mrs. \V. W. Reeves; second Mrs. Nancy (Tramell) Joiner, and their chil- dren were Hugh, who is a Baptist minister, Samuel who resides in Texas, Charles of this county, Fred of the United States Army, Hattie of Hammond, Indiana and Mathew. 410 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY MOZLEY John Norman Mozley was the founder of that family in this county. He was born in Tennessee in 1816 and resided some time in Kentucky, coming to this county about 1842. He married first Agnes Galloway and their children were John T. (2), Archibald (2), James (2), Lucy (2), Margaret (2), and Sarah (2). He was a farmer, served as sheriff of the county, and in his later years was a business man of Vienna and died in 1904. John T. (2) was a captain in the Civil War ,a farmer, and resided in Grantsburg township. He married Margaret (see Worley). Archibald (2) was born in Kentucky in 1839. He resided in Elvira township, this county, and was a successful farmer for many years. He married Francis Shelton. Their children were Dr. J. M. (3) of Johnston City, Norman A. (3) who removed to Missouri where he was a prominent citizen and served in Congress from that state. He died recently (1923). Archible (2) married second Rosie George and they had Charles (3), George E. (3), Eugene (3) Mary (3). Charles (3) married Anna Oliver, they had Oliver (4), Ollie (4), Aline (4), Lois (4); George E. (3) married Arista, daughter of Oliver Ragsdale, and they have Archie (4), Georgia (4). This family Mary (3) and the mother are residents of Elvira township. Eugene (3) is a teacher and married Opal Mathis. James Mozley (2) served in the Civil War and died during or soon after its close. Lucy (2) and Margaret (2) married brothers named Burkhead and removed to Massac County. Sarah (2) mar- ried Mr. Helm, and resides in the southeast part of the county, they had Francis who married Stephen, (see Farris). N. J. Mozely (3; son of John T. (2) was a successful farmer and cattle raiser in Grantsburg township for a number of years. He is a citizen of Vienna, retiring from the farm sometime ago. He has served the county as commissioner and was an efficient and careful officer. He is at present serving as Deputy Game Warden of the State. McCALL Dr. Robert Marion McCall was a son of Robert and Mary (Dawson) McCall, and was born in the state of Mississippi. His father was a native of Tennessee. A farmer and Christian minister of this county for many years, coming about 1860. R. M. was the oldest son and can remember some of the vicissitudes of Union sympathisers, living within the borders of the Confederacy. Many families were compelled to leave their home and property, which was confiscated or destroyed by guerrillas of both Union and Confederates. R. M. and his father succeeded in saving two thousand pounds of cotton, which they mar- keted at Memphis, Tenn., at one dollar per pound, and this was all they saved out of a large plantation, a number of slaves and a large A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 411 amount of other personal property. Early in the year 1865 the father '•ame with his family to Illinois and settled five miles northwest of Vienna. R. M. was partly educated in his native state. After coming to this state, he attended the public school and later taught in Williamson County. He married Josephine Glassford, 1868, and began the life of a farmer, cultivating his farm in the summer and teaching in the winter, until 1871. He had always had a strong desire to be a physician and at this time began to fit himself for the profession, attending first a course of lectures at Ohio Medical College, in Cin- cinnati. He practiced for a while in Union County, but returned for further study at the University of Louisville, where he graduated in medicine. He began his practice in Marion, Williamson County, but later moved to Buncombe, this county, where he lived fourteen years, afterward moving to Vienna where he continued with a large and lucrative practice for several years. Deciding he would like the west he moved to Oklahoma, where he remaind a short tim. He came back to Vienna, practiced here a short time, and moved to Metropolis, where he and his wife still reside. They reared a family in Johnson County, Samuel (3) the oldest, married Martha, daughter of Oliver and Sarah Ragsdale, they had Oliver (4), Marian (4), Thomas (4), Samuel (4). He died when quite a young man, at West Vienna. Dr. T. E. (3) followed his father as a physician, and resides in the west. Elizabeth (3) is the wife of Jackson Brown a druggist, of Phoenix, Arizona. Ada (3) was a teacher for several years and is now the wife of Charles Bill, who served the state of Kansas as Auditor and now resides at Garden City, that state. Eugean. (3) is a druggist and Dr. Robert (3) a dentist, both of Phoenix, Ariz. William (3) is a dentist of Metropolis, Gertrude (3) married Verdie Cox and died 1920. James (3) the youngest is a successful farmer and the very efficient farm adviser of this county. He married Luella Harris of Oklahoma, and they have Helen (4), Robert (4), Mary (4), Josephine and Luella (4). Other children of Robert (1) and Mary were William (2), who died in Young manhood and D. M. who married first Mary Win- chester, she died soon after and he married Mary Stout, their children are Mary (3), Ruth (3), Robert (3), Lily (3), George (3). Mary (3) married Newton Murrie and had two scjqs; she married second J. C. Grinnel of Buncombe community. Ruth married Frank (see Mar- berry). MCCARTNEY M. N. McCartney is a native of Massac County. He came here as principal of the first high school of the county, 1895, where he taught several years. After leaving here he taught in other schools for some time, finally returning in 1920 to take charge of the Vienna 412 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY Township High School. Professor McCartney is a graduate of Hol- brook Normal University of Ohio; he also has a number of credits from Columbia University, N. Y. and has been prominent in educa- tional work all his life. His father, John F. was a native of Scotland and an early educator of this section. M. N. McCartney married Ida Huckleberry, (see Harvick 1895). She is also a teacher of ability hav- ing followed that profession since early girlhood. She has also had training in Columbia University. Their daughters, Marcia May and Alice Elizabeth are graduates of Cornell University, New York State. McCORKLE Joseph was the head of the McCorkle family in this county. He came here about 1818 from Virginia. The maiden name of his wife was Randolph. He entered land and settled east and a little south of Vienna about one and one half miles. He owned a tanyard here in the twenties, and later had a mill. His children were John R. (2), who was born 1825 on the home farm and resided there all of his life, which was eighty-nine years. He married Louisa J. Hogg and they had Joseph W. (3) who married Margaret Lundy and their chil- dren were Pansy (4) who married a Mr. Brown and resides in one of the Dakotas; Donald (4) lives at Anna, and Margaret (4) lives with her sister in the west. William N. (3) married first Mary Red- den, and they had Lula (4) who married Oliver Fisher, a business man of Vienna, and they have William (5). Sadie (4) married Oscar M. Wiesenbaum and resides in California. Charles (4) not married W. N. (3) married second Gertrude (Verhines) Hundley. They have Helen (4). J. F. (3) married Martha (see Veach). John R. (2) mar- ried second Mrs. R. N. Shirley and their children are Mrs. May Anderson of Chicago, and Mrs. Adolph Baur of Kankakee. Amanda (2) married William (see Price). Nicinda (2) married Preston (see McFatridge). Lorina (2) married Robert Hight and their children were Frank (3) and Alonzo (3). McEVOY J. P. McEvoy, the author, was reared in our county where his mother still resides. She is not unknown to fame, at least locally, as an orchardist of Burnside Township. J. P. has made a name for himself through the writing of "The Potters." He is acknowledged by critics as the man with his hand on the American pulse and his eye on the average American. He observes everything from an unlaced shoe to the flicker of an eye lid. He writes not by the page but by the yard-length. He turns out greeting cards, couplets for birthday wishes, humorous notes, comic editorials, serious magazine articles, vaudeville sketches and plays. He has said "Merry Christmas" oftener and to more people than any man living. He makes copy A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 413 out ot anything that comes to his hand the stray remark, the ponderous sermon, the street car conductor's gibe, the cash girl's slang, everything. We as a community are proud to have contributed to his childhood bringing up, but like all our famous men, as soon as they attain fame they seek new centers of activity. McFATRIDGE William McFatridge settled in this county about 1810, eight miles east of Vienna. He was said to be of Irish descent and from the best information to be obtained, came originally from North Carolina. He was quite prominent in the official affairs of the county in its infancy, served as justice of the peace in 1818, was a delegate to the first constitutional convention and also served in the States Legislature. His estate was settled by Ivy Reynolds, 1840. There is a chancery suit on record in that year in which his wife, Nancy, with John, George Washington, Sarah, Mary and Micheal Hale, Margaret and Ezekiel Choat, Nancy and Simon Jones, Matilda and Richard Riddle, were given as defendants and are supposed to be the widow and children of William McFatridge. Traditions says, Washington McFatridge removed from this county many years ago and there is no further knowledge of him. Ezekiel Choat lived in Burnside Township, 1828 and left many descendants in that section, but there can be no authentic data except the above as to his family relations, and no knowledge of any of this family except John (2), who married Margaret Bain and they had Preston (3), he married Nicenda McCorcle and had John Henry (4), Margaret (4), Joseph Brooks (4), Grant (4), Kate (4), Norma (4), Robert (4). John Henry (4) married Susanna Bain and had John (5), Ruth (5) and Abner (5). John (5) not married. Abner (5) married Miss Taylor. Ruth (5) married Charles King and has three children. Margaret (4) married Franklin Murrie and had Emma (5), Daisy (5), Margaret (5), May (5). Emma (5) married W. H. (see Carter). Daisy (5) married Dave Ragsdale and left one daughter, Velma (6). May (5) married Arthur Throgmorton and has Robert (6), Marguerite (6), and Arthur Jr. (6). Margaret (5) married Earl D. (see Veach). Joseph B. (4) married Nancy Mount and they have Bertha (5) who married Mr. Foy. Charles (5), Walter (5) married Etta (see Whiteside); Ola (5) married Earl Simpson. Grant (4) married Letha Simmons. Kate (4) married George Brown, one child, Lula (5) who married Oscar (see Simpson). Kate (4) married second Jefferson (see Reuben Brown) and had Guy (5), Reuben (5), Ray (5), Walter (5), Clyde (5), Ruth (5). Norma (4) married James P. (see Simpson). 414 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY McGEE F. M. McGee was born in Graves County, Ky., in 1833 and was brought to Illinois when a child. The father, Benjamin F. was a native of Sumner County, Tenn., his father, James, came to this country from the southern part of Scotland, his wife was of Irish ancestry. They came early to the colonies and settled first near Charlestown, S. C. and later came to Tenn., where he died. Benjamin F. was married in Tennessee to Nancy Armstrong, they moved from Tennessee to Kentucky and later to Illinois, settling in that part of Johnson County which is now Pulaski County, which at that time was the most improved section in the state. Benjamin F. drew up the petition to make Pulaski a separate county. Francis was one ol a family of twelve children all of whom reached maturity. He at- tended subscription schools in the community, also a school at Center- 7ille, Iowa. He worked on a farm until grown, was a flat boatman. on the river, this was a common and lucrative business in pioneer days. Men had timber cut into cord wood and logs and loaded it on fiat boats, floated it down the Ohio to the Mississippi and thence to New Orleans where there was a ready sale for the wood for fuel and the logs for lumber. Francis was a man of varied occupations, a farmer, a teacher and at one time peddler for a Jew for which he received $7 per month, also a merchant at Caledonia, 111. In the spring of 1865 he started a mercantile business at Reynoldsburg, this county. While living there he was elected to the State Legislature. He moved his business to New Burnside in 1875 and continued it there until his death which occurred in 1896. He was a Mason and a Methodist, He married Mrs. Elizabeth (Peterson) Weaver and had Ardana, William, Ella and Benjamin F. Ardana married Dr. W. R. Littell and had one son, Guy who lives in Chicago; William died leaving no family, Ella never married, and Benjamin F. married and has one child, Elizabeth, he is a prominent business man of New York City. NEWTON Mr. and Mrs. D. Newton are old residents of this county living in Goreville Township. The Newton homestead was entered from the government in 1842. Mr. and Mrs. Newton have been married fifty years and have reared five sons namely Charles J., James W. George F., E. M. and O. A. These sons have families and are all residents of this county. NOBLES John B. Nobles was one of the successful pioneer farmers of Elvira Township. He married and had Nancy who married James Harpending, they had one son, Mancil. Mr. Nobles married second Elizabeth Brown (sister to R. W. and Reuben) they had William, A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 415 Fiank and Charles. William married Martha Cowan (see Worley). Frank married Elizabeth (see Pearce). Charles married Cora Redden, they have Clarence who is a graduate of the University of Illinois and a teacher in an agricultural college at Blacksburg, Va. Charles is a first class farmer and an influential citizen of Buncombe community. He and wife are members of the M. E. Church. O'BANNON (Pressly J. O'Bannon alias Judge T. C. Brown) Some time in the early seventies, a man, woman and child came to Vienna and settled down to make a home together apparently with very little to begin with. They were recognized by neighbors ana friends as Mr. T. C. Brown and family. He applied himself to work of different kinds to procure a living. It was soon discovered that he was a man of ability and he was elected Police Magistrate and to some minor offices of the village. Being and educated man and con- ducting himself with propriety and good judgement, he made many Friends in the village and county. He acquired some property and was a citizen and officially (County Judge) in good standing in the county. Early in the spring of 1879 a messenger from the Masonic Man- ual Life Insurance Company came here looking for Pressley J. O'Ban- non who had disappeared from the town of Leavensworth, Crawford County, Ind., seven years before. O'Bannon was about 34 years old when he disappeared. A lawyer by profession, interested some in poli- tics and was Township Trustee. Where he resided he had a wile and two sons and a some of property. Up to within a few months before his leaving he had borne a splendid character and was supposedly happy in his family life. A short time before, however, he began drinking. He left his home, Fredonnia, Ind., one evening to attend a meeting of his Masonic lodge at Levensworth, a town nearby, conduct. He entered the lodge room intoxicated, so the story goes, and asked a stay of proceedings which was granted. He staggered out of the room and was seen no more. His horse was found tied in an unused stable a few days afterward, but no trace of the rider. A rumor was current that he had boarded an Ohio River steamboat on that fateful night and had been seen to leave it at Evansville, Ind. He seems to have lost track of himself for several days and when he came to himself he was sawing wood for a man in Southern Illinois. He decided never to return home thinking his family would be better off without him. He picked up a woman and child and wandered into Vienna and would probably have lived here many years as he had the last seven if he had not had a policy in the above mentioned in- surance company. His family mourned him as dead. His wife ad 416 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY ministered on his estate and applied for the money due on her hus- band's policy. It seems she could not prove his death and they could not prove he was living but they continued to postpone the payment as long as they could and a short time before the seven years had expired a letter was received by the Postmaster at Leavensworth, Ind., from Dr. N. S. Hudson, a druggist of Tunnel Hill, 111., who had served under O'Bannon in the army, asking if he would like to know the whereabouts of P. J. O'Bannon. The company sent a man in question. O'Bannon told thhis man he had never been married to the woman he was living with and the understanding between them was that she would accept what he had to give and that he might leave at any time. He immediately returned to his father's home at Alton, Ind., where his two sons were. His father was overjoyed and while his wife was willing to forgive his absence, she was not willing to for- give the Mrs. Judge Brown and applied for a divorce. Any further knowledge of these parties is hidden by time and distance, but since truth is stranger than fiction, no doubt, the story ended with ample punishment for the transgressor. (A statement was given out thai Brown as Judge had assessed a heavy fine on Dr. Hudson for selling liquor unlawfully and stung by this act Hudson sought revenge by reporting him. The court records show the case dismissed and no fine had been assessed.) PARKER Reverend I. A. J. Parker came to this county about the close of the Civil War from Mississippi having served in that war as a Lieut- enant in the Federal Army. He taught in this county many years and was also a minister of the Christian Church. He understood music and frequently taught community singing in various neighbor- hoods. He represented this district in the Legislature as a Demo- crat, 1888-90. He married Jennie Clary, also of Mississippi. Their children are Addison (2), who is a physician of Dongola, Illinois (for family see Henard) ; Lucas (2) is a prominent business man of Vienna. He married Delia (see Clymer) ; Agustus (2) married Alice (see Harvick) and resides in California; Willis A. (2) fitted himself for a minister, graduated at Harvard and was connected with the Columbia University of New York as student and teacher. He fol- lowed the work of the ministry for some time, but later took up Com- munity Service work. Myrtle (2) married Daniel (see Marberry). Ethel (2) is the wife of Rev Sears of the Christian Church and has one son, Parker (3). Beverly (2) is also a minister of the same denomination and resides in Kansas; Lilly (2) has been an invalid for many years, regardless of this handicap, she is a great influence for good and devoted to church work, which she carries on through her A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 417 friends. Mrs. Parker is very active at the age of eight-six and rarely misses a service at her church, the Christian. PEARCE McKinny Pearce, tradition says, was born in England. On coming to America, he settled first in North Carolina, but later moved to Maury County, Tennessee, where he followed teaching and farming, using slave labor to work his farm. His son Arthur with his wife and four children came to Illinois, settling first in Union County, 1823, but about ten years later removed to Johnson. His wife was Elizabeth Bissell, and their children were William (2), Stokely (2), Isaac N. (2), Rayford (2), Garner (2), Mary (2) and Elizabeth (2). Issac N. (2) served the county as clerk several times residing in Vienna. He married Clara, a sister of Turner Jones and they had Bazil (3) who married Betty Cheek; Emma (3), married Calvin Mathls; Frank (3) married Miss Baker; Jennie (3), married a Mr. Ray and had Harold (4), Clara (4); Albert (3), resides in Texas, where he married and has Chester (4) and Alice (4); John (3) mar- ried Georgia Magnor and had Harry (4). Rayford (2) was a farmer of this county and married Susan Jones, sister to Turner. They had William (3), Mary (3), who married a Mr. Rentfro and Clara (3). Garner (2) born in 1829, entered land in Elvira township, near what is now the village of Buncombe, 1852, where he lived and farmed throughout his life. He added to his, at first, small farm, built a good dwelling and was above the average farmer of his neighborhood. He married Eliza J. Canady and their children were Bundy (3), Mary E. (3) and Eliza (3). Bundy (3) married Amanda Ragsdale and their children are Blain (4), Albert (4), Earl (4). Blain (4) married Bessie Miller and has two children Marshall and Carl (5) ; Albert (4) mar- ried Iris Rude and their children are Glen (5) and Ruth (5). Eliza (3) married Frank Nobles and their children are Bessie (4), Harry (4), Oran (4). Bessie (4) married Caleb Montgomery and has Harry (5) and May (5). Harry (4) is a resident of Washington and married in that state. Bundy (3) is one of the substantial farmers of Elvira Township and lives neighbor to his mother who has lived at her pres- ent home for sixty-eight years, having gone there as a bride. She re- members the notches on the trees near her home which indicated a public road and was no doubt the old road leading from Golconda to Jonesboro. Mrs. Pearce came to this county with her parents when twelve years old and attended a school taught by Branum Worrell, grandfather to our present County Superintendent of Schools. Wil- liam (2) was a Baptist minister and labored many years in this coun- ty for the moral and spiritual welfare of its citizens. 418 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY PEELER The Peeler family came to this county a little later than the Wests, Axleys, Martins and Mercers, but settled in the same neighbor- hood. There were three brothers who came from North Carolina, John was born 1810, and his wife, born 1809, in that state. They came here 1860, and their children were William D. (2), Sarah (2) and Mary (2). W. D. (2) was born in North Carolina, 1839. He was a suc- cessful farmer of Lincoln Green for many years, served in the Civil War, and was an influential man of his time. He married Catherine E. Bishop, who still resides on the home place. They had Samuel D. (3), Olin (3), Francis (3). Samuel D. (3) was one of the progressive men of this county. His farm was known as the Cypress Live Stock farm, in acreage, production and equipment was equaled, if at all, by few. Mr. Peeler served the county as commissioner and was for years an efficient member of the Cache Drainage Commission. Owing to ill health he retired from the farm and business. He married Mary D. Rees and has Ralph (4). Olin (3) is also one of the foremost farmers of that neighborhood. He married Flora Sowers, and they had Roscoe (4), Lola (4), Luther (4), Lena (4). Roscoe is a graduate of the Chicago College of Veterinary Surgery. Lola (4) married Ella Pen- rod; Luther (4) married Violet Capron; Lena (4) married Olin Hunter. Francis (3) married Thomas Wilhelm and they have Floyd (4) who married a Miss Cook, Ora (4) is a teacher of this county. Mr. Wilhelm is another good farmer of the above neighborhood. These farms and residences show progress and a desire for the best in country home life. Sarah (2) married Benjamin Bishop and their children were Frank (3) who married Miss Adams, Mary (3) married William Newton, children Thomas (4), Joseph (4), John (4), Lena (4), Phoebe (4), Ethel (4). Mary (2) married Carrol Axley and had Sarah Olive (3), who married Finley Bean and their children are Eva (4), Oma (4), married Dow Drake and has Cecil (5) and Olive (5); Thomas (4) married Vida Coke; Eva (4) with Ruth (4) and Paul (4) are at home. Abraham Peeler was another of the brothers, but the date of his coming is not known. He had children Eva Levisa (2), Calvin (2), Louisa (2), Adam (2), Sarah (2), Jane (2), Julia (2) Frank (2). Eva Levisa (2) married Whitson File; Calvin (2) married Nancy Evers. Louisa (2) married Emmerson Mercer. Sarah (2) married Terry Axley. Julia (2) married John Shadrick and their daughter Delia married Calvin Dewitt, and resides in Anna, 111. Jane (2) married James Axley and had John (3), who married Nancy, daughter of Emmerson Mercer, Ellen (3), married William Lizenbeck. Clark (3) married Lydia Hardy. Jane (2) mar- ried second W. D. Deans (see Gore). Adam (2) married Martha Whitnel, and they had Frank (3) who lives in Anna, 111. Frank (2) A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 419 married Mary Jones. Jacob a third brother came here in 1848, but lat- er removed to Union County. His wife was Margaret Richey, and they had Richey D. (2), Pleasant (2), Joyce (2). Richey D. (2) was a substantial farmer of this county for many years and married Amanda Burns, they had Otto (3), Lenna I. (3), Cora M. (3), Alta (3), Flora (3), Floyd (3), Inez (3). Joyce (2) married Miss Niblock. PENROD Penrods are an old family of this section many of whom reside in Union County. Samuel Penrod owned a ferry on the Mississippi in the very first years of the settlement of this county. They were connected with the Finney family, pioneers, and Unity Smith born in Virginia 1750, married James Allen Penrod, they had a son, Millington which would cause one to think Unity was a sister of Millington Smith, the first. Unity died in Union County, 1844. Not enough in- formation could be obtained to arrange a family tree. PERKINS Captain William Perkins was born in 1819 in Kentucky. His mother being a widow his opportunity for an education was limited. He started out to make his own way at the age of nineteen. On coming to Illinois he worked on a farm for twenty-five cents per day. After his marriage, by farming and working for others, he accumu- lated enough to buy a farm two miles east of Vienna. He later sold the farm and turned his attention to milling in partnership with A. J. Kuykendall. When the Civil War came on he assisted in raising a company which was incorporated in the fourteenth cavalry, and was made Captain of Company G. He served four years, and took part in many battles. He was seriously wounded in an engagement near Macon, Ga., and taken to a farm house. When he recovered suf- ficiently to be out on crutches, he was sent to Andersonville prison. Within a few months he was exchanged and was soon discharged on account of his disability. In 1866 he bought what has been known since as the Perkins house and operated it as a hotel as long as he lived. He was elected sheriff in 1868. He married Eliaz, 1840 (see Simpson). Captain Perkins died 1892. PETERSON Peterson, Mercers and Axleys are very closely connected with the West family, and so little definite history can be obtained that it seems well to place them together. Tradition says the Peter- sons came first to Illinois, from the South by way of Tennessee. Some of them moved back to their old home, but later returned to this county. The first record of the Peterson family is a will that was made in 1815 by William Peterson and is shown in Wills. His wife was 420 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY Mary, and he refers to Joshua as a child. He also refers to Hezekiah West as his brother-in-law. His wife would have been Osborn or West, leaving the inference that William Peterson came from Soutli Carolina, from which state the Wests came. He further speaks of William and Thomas Peterson, they may have been brothers or they both may have been grown sons. There is also a John Peterson con- nected with this family. There would be at least two Williams, Thomas and John Peterson of the same period. Thomas is the only one whose descendants have materialized in this book although there are numerous people of that name in the county and presumably all of the same family. Thomas (1) married Lucy, one branch of the family says Arbor, the other says Yarberry. He lived in Arkansas, when his son Owen was born 1812. The children of Thomas and Lucy were Owen (2), James (2), Richard (2), Polly (2). Tradition says he returned to this county about 1835. Owen (2) married Mercer and his descendants are found in the West family. James Peterson (2) was one of the founders of the M. E. Church at Mt. Pleasant, Bloomfield Township, where he raised a family. His children were T. G. (3). Joshua (3), James (3), Polly (3), Louisa (3), William J. (3).T. G. (3), married M. J. Seay; Joshua (3) lives in Missouri; James (3) lives in Oklahoma; Louisa (3) married Ira Coats and also lives in Oklahoma; William M. (3) married Elizabeth Taylor, he is a retired minister and lives at Creal Springs. Their children are John F. (4) who married Lola Maler; James A. (4) married Myrtle Powles. Charles L. (4) married Phoebe Lewis; Otto (4) married Pearl Oliver; Clyde (4) married Olive Smith; Fred (4) married Mamie Oliver; Daisy (4) married S. A. Mathews, Pearl (4) married John Ragsdale. Most of this family reside in Williamson County, except Charles L. who is an M. E. Minister of Southerin Illinois Conference and is now located at Mt. Vernon, 111. Richard Mercer was said to be a native of Wales; he married a daughter of Hezekiah West and was the head of the Mercer family in this county. The Axleys came here about the same time as the West family. Robert, the head of one family, floated down the Ohio River on a flat boat. P. W. and Robert Axley were living in the county in 1814. P. W. had three daughters; one resides in Denver, one in Kansas City and one in Dongola. He settled the farm where the Charles Stone Quarry is now located. The name of Roberts first wife is not known. He had Isaac (2), Elijah (2) and Elizabeth (2). Isaac and Elijah married Mercers and are found in the West family; Elizabeth married Joshua Copeland and is found under Copeland. Robert Axley settled the farm now known as the Whitnel place in West Eden community. A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 421 PHELPS Paul E. Phelps is a native of Johnson County. His lather was Charles YY. who was born in North Carolina in 1832. Bradley Phelps was his grand father and in later life a teacher of Saline County. Charles W. came to the West Eden community as an associate of James Bell in the timber business and married Amanda (Smith) Mc- Cluskey whose father, Robert Smith was a Methodist minister and a fine singer. They had one son, Paul. E. who was left an orphan at three years of age. He received his primary education in the public schools and his higher course at the S. I. N. U. and has been a teacher for twenty-one years. He was elected assessor and treasurer of the county in 1922. He married Maude Jones and has one son, Lowell, who is a student in the Vienna Township High School. Mr. Phelps and wife are members of the M. E. Church and the order of Eastern Star. POOR The Poor family came here from Tennessee in 1834. The father died soon after they arrived, leaving the mother in a new country with five children, namely S. D. (2), Washington (2), Sena (2), Nancy (2), Benjamin (2), S. D. married Sarah J. Mount and was a successful bussiness man and the founder of Old Grantsburg, now Wartrace. He was a well known man of his community and a staunch Presbyterian. They had Jane (3), who married Dr. W. J. (see Fern); Elizabeth (3) married Garrett Simmons, a prominent merchant of Metropolis, 111., and their children are Ethel (4) and Roy (4); Sidney (3) married L. H. (see Frizzell) ; J. N. (3) married Sarah Duncan and their chil- dren were Mamie (4) who married a Mr. Loghas, of Constaninople, Turkey, they have Newton Montford (5) and reside at present in Berlin, Germany. Grace Newton (4) married Benjamin Watson and they have one son and reside in New York City. Dora (3) lives in Metropolis, 111. Washington (2) married the widow of Captain Frank- lin and was a farmer of this county. No knowledge of the daughters, Sena (2) and Nancy (2). B. F. (2) married Mary J. Simmons, one son, L. F. (3) who is a first-class farmer and a resident of West Vienna; he married Agusta Grissom, the children are Bertha (4) WTio married Addison (see Smith), Mrs. Cleve Sloan (4) and Mrs. Fisher, wife of Dr. J. A. Fisher. The last two families reside in Metropolis. POWELL Thomas B. Powell's family came here about Civil War times. He and a sister, who married Mr. Rendleman, were left orphans at an early age. Thomas lived in the home of Maj. A. J. Kuykendall when a boy and when old enough began working in a drug store for Dr. Damron where he learned to be a first class Pharmacist. He later 422 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY entered business for himself which he carried on successfully. Social- ly he was an I. O. O. F., a mason and he and wife were members of the Christian church and the democratic party. He had few, if any. enemies, died 1924. He married first Rosa (see Johnson) ; second Vinnie Hartwell of Marion; they had two sons, Hartewell and Paul T. Hartwell was accidently killed while hunting and Paul T. is a young and active business man of Vienna, for family (see Price). Mrs. Powell still resides in Vienna where she devotes her time to music, church, family and friends. PRICE William H. Price came here from Tennessee in 1840 and settled east of Vienna on the farm now owned by J. M. Price. He married Amanda McCorcle and they had Joseph (2), James M. (2), Emma (2), Abby (2). Joseph (2) left this county years ago. James M. (2) re- sides on the old home farm, he married Sula Pearce and their chil- dren are Harry (3), James (3), Emma (3) who married Dr. Huff, Amanda (3), Walter (3), Joseph (3), Charles (3) and Flossie (3). Harry (3) married Francis Felts, and had Violet (4) who married P .T. Powell; James (3) married Miss Miller and removed to Indiana; Walter (3) married Ethel Lindrum and is a druggist of Cypress; Joseph (3) married Mabel Burris and has Bert (4) and Helen (4); Charles (3) married Ethel Mackey and is a teacher; Flossie (3) mar- ried Mid Gray and resides in Detroit, Mich. REDDEN Smith Redden was the founder of that family in this county coming here about 1860 from Tennessee, he married Martha Davis of that state and their children were Randolph (2) who married Dora Mathis; they had Onedia (3) who married Robert Winchester (see Morgan); Otto (3) married Effie Verhines and has Thelma (4) and Ralph (4). Otto married second Phoebe Bridges and has John (4), Dick married Oma Shoemaker. Sarah (2) married William H. (see Farris). Alice (2) married John Clymore (see Clymer). Martha (2) married John Dunn, children Herbert, who married Sussie Shelton; Lelia married Hartsell Farris. Blake married Bell McMeakin; Cora married Fred Willard; Brooksie married Merrit Howell, Ward married Carie Webb; Bryon married Alice Farris; Charles (2) removed to Arkansas; Tenny (2) married J. W. Shinn, children, William (3) married Mable Barber; Ola (3) married Dr. Joseph Gann, Edward (3) married Marian; Minnie (3) married Ward Marberry; Davis (3) Ray (3) and Lura (3); Morgan (2) married Ula Carson; Mary (2) married W. N. (see McCorcle) ; Cora (2) married Charles (see Nobles) Minnie (2) not married. A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 423 REESE Dr. A. P. Reese was a native of Tennessee and practiced medicine in Belknap and vicinity for several years. His wife was Jane Krews, of Jackson County. Their son Samuel H. was a druggist in this county for more than a quarter of a century, and is following the same business in Murphysboro. He married Eila Hartman of this county (see West). Mary D., daughter of Dr. Reese married S. D. Peeler. Mrs Peeler is the only member of Dr. Reese's family remaining in the county. Mrs. T. E. Williamson resides in St. Louis, Mo. and Mrs. J. D. Copeland, another daughter in Blythsville, Arkansas. REID W. L. Reid was a pioneer Methodist having been a member of the church fifty years. He lived near New Burnside, and his home was the home of the itinerant minister. He was born in Tennessee in ]826 and was a resident of this county forty-two years. He married Sarah Robinson. Their children were Rev. J. Y. Reid, Mrs. W. P. Cole, and Mrs. C. M. Parsons, both of whom reside in Pope County. Three brothers also of this county, namely, Charles T. of Samoth, James M. and George W. of Burnside. REYNOLDS Elisha Reynolds was a revolutionary soldier serving from North Carolina and was born in 1754. He enlisted 1777, pensioned 1832, died 1836. It is believed he was never in this county, but the fol- lowing is found on our court records of 1816, "Elisha Reynolds and Thomas Littlepage vs. Hannah Borin." Of course, this may not have been the father of Ivy, who came here in 1817. Elisha's wife was Judith Edings and their children were Sarah, John, Ellis, Nancy, Polly, Mary and Ivy. One of these daughters married Milton Ladd's father. Ivy Reynolds, the first settler, his grandson John Reynolds says, came from North Carolina to the Northwest and with a Mr. Chapman, his wife, and a Mr. Drake built a boat and floated down the Ohio River from Cincinnati, landing at what is now Golconda. Chap- man, his wife and Drake came directly to Vienna, while Reynolds delayed some little time, finally coming to Vienna. He entered forty acres of land on the west side of the original plot of Vienna. The northeast corner, being about the corner of Green and Sixth Streets. His name is frequently found on the first records as a business and in- fluential man of the community. Ivy (1) married Rebecca Canada, presumably a sister to Jesse, who was another early resident. She is buried in the old city cemetery, commonly known as the Hess graveyard, where her gravestone may still be seen. Their children were Wesley (2) and Mary Ann (2). Wesley (2) married Sidney 424 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY (see Simpson). He married second Frances Bain. Thomas Reynolds (3) ,son of Wesley was raised on a farm at Reynoldsburg, served the county as assessor and treasurer, was a successful farmer and a well known man of the county. He died 1907. (For family see Simpson). Mary Ann (2) married Basil Gray. They had Ivy (3), Alexander J. (3), Mary A. (3), Wesley (3) and Thomas (3). Ivy (3) married Elizabeth Jones (see Simpson). Alexander J. (3) married Arista Caldwell; they had James (4) who married Margaret Austin; their children are Arista (5), Looney (5) married (see Marberry), James (5), Ted (5), Charles (5), Elizabeth (5). Alexander J. (3) married second Izora Oliver (see Smith). Mary A. (3) married W. W. Peterson; their children were Basil (4), who resides in Vienna and is the present city clerk; Olive (4) married James Cole; Charles (4) married Alice Elkins, their children are Orb (5) who married Myrtle Gore and they have Paul and Polly (6). Olive M. (5) is a teacher. Thomas Gray (3) married Minnie Hayden and moved to Missouri- Ivy Reynolds (1) married second Caroline Angela. The children were Elisha (2), Ivy (2), Francis (2), John (2) and Bowen (2). Elisha (2) married Nancy Traverstead, and their children are Mrs. Otto Palmer (3), Ivy (3) J. W. (3), Mrs. J. J. Wright (3), Mrs. Frank Jones (3), Mrs. J. Worth (3), Ivy Reynolds (3) is a farmer of this county living near Simpson. He married Florence Robertson. Their children are Nellie (4), Cordia (4), Loyd (4), Floyd (4), Guy (4), Imogene (4) and J. W. (4). J. W. Reynolds (3) is a leading business man of this county residing at Simpson, 111., where he conducts a monument factory- He married first Mollie Rushing and their chil- dren were Herbert (4), John Pleasant (4), Chester Ross (4). J. W. (3) married second Mary E. Mount and the children are Helen (4), Margaret (4). Herbert (4) married Ruby Hood and is a business man of Herrin, 111. They have Charles Wesley (5) and William Howard (5). John Pleasant (4) married Jewell Elkins and has John Pleasant Jr. (5). RENTFRO Rentfro is an old family of this county, being found on the earliest records. The wife of Dr. Gibbs was a Rentfro, and they were married in 1830. William S. Rentfro is as far back as can be traced. He married Ruthie and settled on the old Rentfro farm in 1852. Their children were Stephen C, Francis A., Thomas J., Rufus J., Hannah B., Sarah J., and Elizabeth. The names of some of their grandchil- dren are W. A. Robbins, G. B., Joseph and Isaac Rentfro. One of the Rentfro daughters married Mr. Fitch, one son C. S. Fitch is a pros- perous farmer, and resides on the old home farm in the eastern part of the county. Elizabeth Rentfro married R. W. Fitch, who was a A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 425 native of Tennessee, his father, Anderson Fitch, emigrating from North Carolina. R. W. came to this county about 1861, their children were William, Anderson, Charles, Artabron, John Milton, Minnie Belle, Joseph, Franklin, Rachel, Bertie, Francis, Ora and Lilly. RIDENHOWER The founder of the Ridenhower family in this country was born and married in Germany, coming to America in Colonial times. His son, John was born in North Carolina and was the father of Aaron, who was the father of Harris M. Senior. The wife of Aaron Ridenhow- - r was Caroline Miller, also a native of North Carolina. H. M. Riden- hower Sr. was born in 1824 and was only ten years old when his father died, making it necessary for him to assist in the support of the family. When fifteen years old, he worked on a farm for three dollars per month and board, except during harvest, when wages were twenty-five cents a day. He began school at the age of seven, but after his father's death, was obliged to give up school until he was eighteen. He then applied himself to books and was soon able to teach. Mr. Ridenhower lived in North Carolina till 1846. The failure of crops in that section and the strong tide of emmigration to the west influenced him to the extent that he set out with his wife, one child, and Mr. Miller, his father-in-law and family to the great prarie state, making the entire journey by team. He lived in Union County and taught there till 1855, when he removed to Johnson, where he continued teaching there till 1855, when he removed to Johnson, where he continued teaching till 1860. That yar the Demo- crats by an oversight had failed to nominate a corner. The Repub- licans nominated Mr. Ridenhower, and through a quiet cam- paign elected him, although there were but forty republican votes cast in the county. The sheriff of the county died and Mr. Ridenhower, under the law became sheriff. He was a personal friend of Abraham Lincoln and was appointed internal revenue collector for Johnson and Union Counties under him. He was a champion of the Whig party in its time, was always a strong antislavery man, and had some try- ing experiences in this county during the Civil War. He voted for Freemont in 1856, and Lincoln in 1860. He was a well educated and an influential man. He died in 1869. He married Levina Miller, a native of North Carolina, and they reared nine children. Otto L. (2), Penina (2) married a Mr. Howell, E. K. (2) married Orpha Blackmail and removed to Hico, Texas, where his family still reside. He died 1923. Mary A. (2) is the widow of W. A. Snow, and their children are Tennyson (3) who resides with his family in Logansport, Ind., Loyd (3) married Anna Margrave. They have Daniel (4), Marjory (4) and reside on the Snow farm. Herman (3) is married and lives in 426 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY Fulton, Ky. Bernard (3) married Coleman Parker and lives in Winter- haven, Florida. They have John Hamilton (4). Harris M. Jr. (2) married Agusta Hess (see Chapman); married second Nettie Beaupre Carrie L. (2) was a teacher of the county for several years married J. L. Mount and died without children. Addie M. (2) is teh wife of A. M. Berry, a farmer of Saline County. Rob Roy (2) lives a short distance east of Vienna. He married Alice Carter and they have one son, Rob Roy, Jr., (3) who married Essie Jackson. They had Kimber (4). Rob Roy (2) married second Miss Cannon of Saline. Rob Roy (3) married second Pearl Veach. Fleta (2) married James Gibson of Goreville Township, their children were Ray (3) who served in the World War and died soon after from the effects of his service. Ber- nice (3) married Young Thornton and had Lorene (4), James (4); sh3 married second a Mr. Esque. Harris M. Ridenhower Jr., was born in Union County, Jan. 23, 1855. He was the son of H. M. Ridenhower whose biography appears above. Harris M. received his education in this county and the Southern Illinois Normal at Carbondal. He began teaching when only sixteen years old and taught and attended school alter- nately till 1878 when he was admitted to the bar and began the practice of law in Vienna. He served as States Attorney, elected 1884. He began early to buy land, and had he lived would no doubt have been the largest real estate holder in the county. He was a Republican, as his father before him, an I. O. O. F., had quite a taste for literature, and owned a splendid collection of books. He died when but a young man. He was first married to Augusta A. (see Hess). Mr. Ridenhower married second, Nettie L. Beaupre, 1890, of Metropolis, 111., a daughter of Wm. D. and Mary Beaupre. Their children were Ruby, married Ralph Cherry of Washington, D. C and died 1922; Leva is assistant cashier of the First National Bank of Vienna, 111, Jappy married Howard Schroeder of Centralia, 111., and has Howard Jr. Harris married J. L. Dodd of Elrado, 111., children Louise, and J. L. Jr. ROBERTSON J. J. Robertson was the son of Mrs. James Green (by a former husband), of Elvira township. He was a teacher in the county for many years, as well as a progressive farmer. He acquired a large tract of land on Lick Creek and developed it into a comfortable home and productive farm. He married Alice Brown and their children are Maud, a teacher. Wayne is a graduate of the Chicago School of Veterinary Surgery practicing at Buncombe. He married Lula Walker. Birdie married Walter Grinnell who is a teacher in Evans ville, Ind. Loyd and Jewel are also teachers making their home with A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 427 their mother. Mure, the youngest died in 1922; Mr. Robertson died 1921. Russell was a prominent name in the primitive history of our county Abraham entered land here in 1819, which is now owned by R. F. Hayden, Thacker and Dundas. This land lies on the Goreville Road about two miles north of Vienna. Bean Russell lived in that neighborhood about sixty years ago and was probably his son. J. O. Russell entered a large, tract of land near the present site of West Vienna, which is now owned by S. T. Brown, C. P. Pucket, L. F. Poor and C. D. Nobles. SHEARER David Shearer took an active part in the development of the county. Just what time he came here is not known. He lived east of Vienna on a farm which is now owned by John Dunn, James Beach and others 1825. He is buried in the family cemetery on the old farm. Tradition says, he came here direct from Germany. He was born on the river Rhine, June 6, 1773. His wife's given name was Esther; she was born May 9, 1777. Mrs. Ann Calhoun who was born in 1812 and was by her first marriage a daughter-in-law of John Copeland, the pioneer, said " Dave Shearer's wife was a daughter of Mattie Dial, who was a sister of John Copeland." The children of Dave and Esther that can be authentically traced were Jane (2), Eupha (2), Elizabeth (2), Hattie (2). Tradition says one was Henry who had eight children namely Mary (3) who married Levi Dunn, Abraham (3), George (3), James (3), Sidney (3), who married Cheek. Perry (2). Jane (2) was born October 22, 1810 and married Thomas Jackson, who was born in Tennessee, 1807. It is not known just when he came to the county, but he opened what is known as the Old Rice place on the county line between Johnson and Massac, then Johnson, when he was eighteen years old. W. T. Johnson a son, has a land grant to the northeast quarter in section 3 in township 14, south of range 4 east. This land was entered at Shawneetown in the year 1838, and the warrant was signed by Martin Van Buren. The certificate num- ber is 3043. Thomas and Jane had John L. (3) W. T. (Buck) (3), Jacob F. (Feck) (3), Melissa (3) and Elizabeth (3). John (L). (3) married Cynthia Parker and had Thomas J. (4), Rosa (4) Thomas J. (4) married Mollie (see Damron), Rosa (4) married Thomas B. Powell. Their children are Bert (5), druggist of Carmi, 111.; Gertrude (5), wife of William H. Dayton, of Denver, Colorado. Thomas (5) is in business in Los Angeles, Calif, and Ira (5) lives in Hammond, Indiana. W. T. (3) (Buck) married Ann Lundy and had Minnie (4), who married William (see Simpson); Cora (4) married Harvey Brat- ton (see Chapman). Mattie (4) married Mr. Casto and had Hildred (5), William (5) lives in Lone Oak, Ark. Ada (4) married Mr. Harris 428 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY Herman (5), Helene (5), John (5), Geneca (5), Fred (5). William and had Herman (5), Halene (5), John (5), Geneca (5), Fred (5). Wil- liam (4) lives in Detroit, Mich., and has two sons, Hal (4) has three children and lives at Mt. Carmel. J. F. (3) married Laura Hewett and they had Lavador (4) who is a business man of Vienna and married Dora Abney; they have Franklin (5). Ulrick (4) married Margaret Simmons and is a resident and business man of Goreville. They have Winifred (5), Elsworth (5), Charles (5) and Louise (5). Elizabeth (4) married R. T. Chenault and has Helen (5), Marjory (5), they are also residents of Goreville. Henry (3) married Rosa Parker and had Lee (4), who married John Sanders, Charles - (4). Melissa (3) married John C. Johnson (see Harvick) ; Elizabeth (3) married James Jackson. Eupha (2) married James Whiteside (see Whiteside). Elizabeth (2) married Jackson (see Simpson; Hattie (2) married Samuel Vaugh. Perry (2) married Miss Mathis and had Fannie (3). Green- ville P. Shearer married Minerva Gurley and had two daughters, per- haps others; one married a Mr. Powell and they had one daughter married Herrin. Jane (3) married J. B. Hess (see Chapman). SHERIDAN Thomas H. Sheridan, born in Pope County, 1860; taught in that county several years and was county superintendent of Pope County Schools. He was admitted to the bar in 1883 and was elected to the State Senate 1890. He married Fanny, only child of Josiah and Abigal Throgmorton in 1892 and came to Vienna to live. He practiced law, edited the "News," served as Judge and States Attorney of this county. He left the county about 1914 moving first to Cairo, 111., later to Hutsonville, 111., where he died in 1918. He was a republican, a member of the M. E. Church. He left a widow and one child, Josiah, who is a druggist and lives in Chicago, 111. SHORT Mrs. Barbara Short was born in St. Helena Parish, Louisana, 1819. Her maiden name was Leach. She came to Johnson County. 1835. She first married Eli Hooker and had one daughter, Mrs. C. C. Oliver, who lived near Simpson. After Mr. Hookers death she mar- ried Davis Wright and had James (2) who married Alpa Woelfle and they had Guy (3), Herman (3), James (3) and Beatta (3). This family resides in Kansas with the exception of Herman who resides in Decatur, 111. Charles (2) married Crynthia Carlton and re- sides at Creal Springs. Mr. Wright was a Civil War Soldier who died in 1862. She then married Samuel Short who had been a Mexi- can soldier. Aunt Barbara, as she was known was a tailoress and A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 429 in the early days of this county was a most useful citizen. She was a Baptist in belief and rather an excentric character of much native ability. She lived to a very old age. SIMMONS Samuel H. Simmons was born in this county in 1840. He served in the Civil War in the 60th Illinois Co. K. ; was a farmer and also the postmaster at Tunnel Hill for some time. He married (first) Nancy Webb and after her death Jennie Dalton. His children were John, Samuel, Jasper, Nimrod, the two latter were farmers of Tunnel Hill Township and Nimrod served the county as Deputy Sheriff. The daughters, Doria, married John Sutton. Lutitia married E. E. Harris and Delia married Charles Choate. Samuel H. was a member of the Latter Day Saints Church. SIMPSON William Simpson, the first, spoke of in early settlers, was cap- tured by the Indians tradition says and taken to Michigan when a young man. He was finally sold to the English. How long he re- mained there is not known. His son Williams was born in that state. William Simpson, Sr., was a native of North Carolina but came to this county from Kentucky, by way of Shawneetown cutting his own road part of the way. 1805 he settled near Ft. Massac and Kaskaskia trace and built a double log house and opened a tavern. His name appears frequently in connection with county affairs and he built our first court house. The maiden name of his wife was Poll yJones. He died about 1825 or 1826. His grandaugh ter Cynthia born in 1818 remembered his burial which occur ed at the Simpson cemetery or graveyard as they were then konwn near his home. William Simpson, Jr., was born about 1788 or 1789. He was quite a youth when his father came to this county. The name William Simpson appears on the volunteer roll of Ctaptain Whiteside's company in 1812. This company was from this section of the state. This name also appears on the Militia roll of this sec- tion. One can not say which William fits In each place but a son of William the second now living says his father served in the war of 1812. William second setttled on a farm near his father, known as the Keltner place now owned and occupied by Thomas Murrie. William Simpson, the first, married Polly Jones and they had Sampuel Stanton (2), Jackson (2), Daniel (2), Lewis (2), Willis (2), William (2) and two daughters, one married Calvert the other Jobe. Samuel Stanton (2) married and had Larkin Hogan (3), Jane (3), Polly (3, John (3). Larkin H. (3) married Lucy Ann Riley and had Sidney (4), Emily (4), Samuel Stanton (4), Margaret (4), who died 430 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY in young womanhood, Jackson (4), Cynthia (4), Martha (4), John (4), and Clara (4). Sidney (4) married J. M. Shoat and they had Fannie (5), Nell (5), and Duff (5); Fannie (5) married Bert Bruce, Nell (5) married William Walsh, Duff (5) married Adah Pharis; Samuel Stanton (4) married Martha Scott and they had Walter (5), Birdie (5), H. (5), Ray (5), Roy (5). Walter (5) married Nell Mobley and Birdie (6) married first Mr. Gurley and had Lucy (6). second Omer Frazer and has three sons; Elmily (4) married George Guinn and had Edwin (5), Florence (5), and Cynthia (5). Edwin (5) married Fanny Howell and had Alline (6) who married Dewey Clemont, they had Edward (7). Edwin (5) married second Mabel Deaton and has Edwin, Jr., (6), George Leonard (6); Jackson (4) married Lilly Belle Hatt; Martha (4) married James K. Brown and had Ethel (5) who married Dave Vinson and has three children; Lucy (5) married Pickard Montgomery and has Pickard (6) ; John Logan (4) married Mary Walker; Clara (4) married Craig White and had Madge (5), who married Walter Hull and they have Craig (6) and Clara (6) ; Joshua (3) married Brilla Ann Howell and their children were Hogan (4), Ruth Ann (4), Taborn (4), India (4). Ruth Ann (4) married Wayman Cease, and has three children; Taborn (4) married Lucy Cagle and has Frederick (5), Mary (5); India (4) married Frederick Simmons and has Orpha (5), Dot (5), Frederick (5). Jane (3) married Samuel Howell and had Nancy Ann (4), A. D. (4), Joshua (4), Jane (4), Sidney (4) and Belle (4). Nancy Ann (4) married Thomas Rentfro and has William (5), Joshua (5), Sidney (5), Charles (5), Lura (5). Joshua (5) married Clara Hard and has Liston (6), Laverne (6); Lura (5) married Jasper Ragan, they have two children and live in Carbondale; A. D. (4) married Sarah Modglin and has Harry (5) who married a Miss Baker; Joshua (4) married Tenny Farris and they have Merrit (5), Duff (5). Merritt (5) mar- ried Roxie Dunn and they have Marjory (6); Duff (5) married Nel- lie Farris and has Helen (6); Jane (4) married Robert Batson and has Arlington (5), Warder (5), Joseph (5), Dorothy (5), and Ruth (5). Arlington (5) married Alta Cagle and has Bernard (6); Sidney (5) married Joseph Holloway and has Ulric (6), Marie (6), and Sed- ric (6); Belle (4) married Charles Farris and has Paul (5), Howell (5), they reside in Texas. Polly (3) married John Gray and they had Sarah (4), Ursula (4), Joshua (4), Larkin (5), Bud (4). Sarah (4) married Mr. Clayton and had Arista (5) who married Wesley Rice; she married second Wm. Tigue and had Joshua (5) and Anna (5) : Ursula (4) married James H. Pearce had Oscar (5), Donie (5), Daisy (5), Charles M. (5). Oscar (5) married Ruth Todd and had Mildred Alice (6), Mary Francis (6), James A. (6); Donie (5) married Benja- min Staton, had Dorothy (6), Duff (6), Ruth (6); Daisy (5) married A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 431 Frank Henderson had Paul (6), Hammond (6), Elje (6), Marion (6) and Clarence (6); Charles M. (5) married Francis Bowyer of Farm- ington, Mo.; Ursula (4) married second Henry Brennen. Joshua (4) married Elizabeth (Williams) Darter had Ward (5), Gussie (5). Larkin (4) married Miss Clayton; Alexander (4) (Bud) never mar- ried. John Simpson (3) moved to Texas years ago. Jackson (2) married Elizabeth Shearer and had Amanda (3), John Hiram (3), Sidney (3), Mary (3), Francis Marion (3), Euphie (3), and Eliza- beth (3). Amanda (3) married Thomas Jones, a son of James the pioneer, they had John Monroe (4), Francis Marion (4), Elizabeth Jane (4), Sidney Clarissa (4), Franklin Morris (4), Mary Ann (4), Thomas Wesley (4), Barrila Isabell (4), and Juliet Susanna (4). John M. (4) married Mariah Rose and they had James Monroe (5). Olive (5), Pleasant (5), Frank (5), Charles (5), Herschel (5), Maud (5). James M. (5) married Venie Abney, and had Ethel (6) who mar- ried Otto Murrie and Mimple (6). Most if not all of this family have moved out of the county. Francis Marion (4) served in the Civil War, was a resident of New Burnside in its thriving days, was later elected county clerk and removed to Vienna, where he lived until his death. He married Martha Ann McKee and had Fannie (5), Belle (5) and Thomas (5). Fannie (5) married Dr. J. T. Looney, and they have Marion A. (6), Robert (6). Marion (6), married Helen Dudley and is a prominent attorney of Oklahoma City; they have Georgia (7), Francis (7), and Marion (7); Robert T. (6) is a banker of Tishomingo and married Jessie Renny, they have Robert T. Jr., (7), and Marian (7); Belle (5) married Grant Borin of St. Louis, Mo. They had Martha (6), who married Dr. Harbdrecht of Chicago, 111. Thomas (5) married Eva Estus, children, Martha, Robert and others. This family has removed from the county. Elizabeth J. (4) married Ivy Gray and had Basil (5), who married Carrie Burris and they have Ivy (6), Mary Ann (6), Walter (6), Carrie Ruth (6), Robert Bernard (6), and Francis (6). Ivy (6) married Hattie Bellisine and has Violet (7), Basil (7), Evangeline (7), and Robert (7). Mary A. (6) married Herschel Bush and has W r illiam Gray (7); Walter B. (6) married Eva Percell; Elizabeth J. (4) married second W. H. Cooper and had Dora (5), Arista (5) and Thomas (5. Dora (5) married Lewis Lowery and has Fred (6) and Paul (6) ; Arista (5) married first Luther Cope and has Marguerite (6); she married second Randolph Hewitt and has Mary (6) ; Thomas (5) married Nellie Rhider; Sidney C. (4) married Pryor Nelson; Frank (4) married Mary McKee and had Arthur (5) ; he married second Margaret Keltner and had Arista (5) and Ned (5); he married third Sidney Rollin; they had Rilla (5) and Nora (5); Arthur (5) married Minnie Harper; Arista (5) married James Ellis; Ned M. (5) married Myrtle Miller and had Ned (6); Mary Ann (4) 432 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY married George H. Huffman, 1868 and they have Maud (5), Gertrude (5), Clara (5), Dolly A. (5), Mamie (5), Daisy G. (5), Charles J. (5), Francis M. (5). Maud (5) married Dr. C. A. McConnell, who is a physician of Hot Springs, Ark., and they have Herbert Spencer (6); Gertrude (5) married Campbell Allard and their children are Zona (6), Ray (6), Maud (6), and Charlotte (6); Zone (6) married Dawson Farris and has Allard (7); Ray (6) married Phylis Ragsdale and has Jannett (7), George Dale (7), Mary Ellen (7); Maud (6) mar- ried Kenneth Sutten and has Rose L. (7), Kenneth (7), William (7); Charlotte (6) married Victor Bazley and has Warren Victor (7); Clara (5) married W. L. Gillespie and has Mary Ann (6), Franklin and Francis (6), Georgia (6), William (6); Dolly A. (5) married Milo Palmer and has George E. (6), a graduate of the Naval Acadamy and now serving in the United States Navy as Ensign and Milo (6), a student at the University of Illinois; Mamie (5) married Edward Egan of Chicago, who died a few years after their marriage leaving Catherine (6), Pearl (6), and Georgiana (6); Daisy G. (5) married Harry Carter (see Harvick) ; Charles J. (5), married Eva, daughter of Dr. P. S. McKenzie; F. M. married Nellie I. Gray; (see Smith) ; Thomas W. (4) married Martha Ann Harper and they had Juila (5), Millie (5), Fred (5), Delia (5). Julia (5) married Wil- liam Scott and had Jewell (6), Lewis (6) Letha 6; Delia (5) married Fred Veach and has Alice (6), Martha ^(6), Phillip (6) and Mildred (6); Brilla I. (4) married John Slack and has Maud (5), Guy (5), Walter (5), Tully (5), Mabel (5), Clyde (5) and Lester (5). Walter (5) married Eva Boyt, (see Boyt). Mrs. Slack and children are resi- dents of Vienna and are the only ones of this family now living in the county. Juliet S. (4) married W. R. Rodman and had Elsie (5), who married Frank Orr and has William F. (6); Minnie (5) married Elihu Snyder and they have May (6), Lena (6), Helen (6), Albert (6), William (6). John Hiram (3) married Mary Ann Grissom and they had Thomas J. (4), Mary E. (4), John A. (4), Amanda M. (4), Julia J. (4), Eliza M. (4), James P. (4), Dora A. (4), Franklin G. (4), Henry T. (4), India B. (4), Adolphus J. (4). Thomas J. (4) born 1851, mar- ried India Moore and they had Cora (5), Olive (5), Claud (5), Harry (5), Blanch (5); Cora (5) married Charles Lewis; Olive (5) married Herron Wright and had Jerald (6) ; Harry (5) married Martha and they have Opal (6) ; Blanch (5) married Elmer Davis and they have Fay (6) ; Mary E. (4) born 1853 married James Sharp and they had John (5), who married Mamie Perry, Mary E. (4) married second William Robinson, and had Buelah (5), who married Isaac Miller and their children are Pauline (6), and Joseph (6); John (4) born in 1855 married Sidney McKee and they had Oscar (5), Effie (5), Maud (5), Dimple (5), Charles (5), Earl (5). Oscar (5) married Lula A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 433 Brown and has Estella (6), George (6), Lee (6), Guy (6), and Dor- othy (6), Estella (6) married Robert Hook; Effie (5) married E. D. Mooneyham and they have Roscoe (6), Paul (6), Carl (6), and Randall (6); Dimple (5) married Guy Hayden and has Emil (6); Charles (5) married Bertha Arnett and has Caroline (6) and May (6) ; Earl (5) married Ola McFatridge; Maud (5) not married. James P. (4) born 1867 married Norma McFatridge and they have Oma S. (5), Robert O. (5), Edna (5), James Esco (5). Oma (5) married Lloyd Cooper; Rob- ert O. (5) married Edith Brown, and they have Louise (6) and James Marshall (6); Edna (5) married Edward Vanleleve (see Chapman). Henry T. (4) born 1874 married Cora Trigg and has Claude (5), Virgil (5), Roy (5), Pearl (5), Gaynell (5). India Belle (4) born 1875 married Monroe Thomas and they have Mabel (5), Lily (5), William (5), Ward (5), Opal (5), Gladys (5), Margaret (5), James (5); Dolphus J. (4) born 1877 married India Barnwell and they have Otto (5), Lela (5), May (5), Clara (5), Nellie (5). Frank G. (4) born 1871 married Abby Thomas and they have Rittie (5). Sidney (3) married Wesley Reynolds and had Thomas (4), who married Alice Walker, they had Robert (5), Mary (5), Dee (5), Frank (5), William (5), Elizabeth (5); Mary Ann (4) married Charles A. Bain; they removed to Arkansas, for family (see Bain). Francis Marion (3) married first Julia Jennett ,and had William Calvert (4), who married Cora Jackson, they had Jeannette (5), Fran ces (5), William C. (5), Florence (5). Francis (5) married Dr. James Wallace and has Jean (6), Barbara (6), they reside in Chicago; Wil- liam C. (5) married Grace Raines and lives in Querque, N. M. Florence (5), married Pleasant T. Chapman, Jr., and they have Betty Ann (6); Francis M. (3) married second Mrs. Margaret (Beal) Cope- land and had Francis Marion (4), who married Mame Baldwin and they have Frances Marion (5), Josephine (5). Euphy (3) married William McKee; Elizabeth (3) married Pleasant Grissom. Daniel (2) married Mary Reed and had Daniel (3), Narcissa (3), William (3), Catherine (3), Adeline (3), Lewis D. (3), Eliza (3), John Reed (3), Mary (3). Daniel (3) married Jane Shelton and they had John R. (4) Thomas (4), Adeline (4), Martha (4), Anna (4), Jane (4). John (4) married Martha Robinson, and had Elmer (5), Elenora (5), Guy (5). Thomas (4) married Lida Moore and had Alice (5) and Oliver (5); Adeline (4) married Thomas Veach and had Walter (5), who married Dora Farmer, they had Thomas (6) ; Martha (4) married Joseph Taylor and had Delia (5), Elbert (5). Delia (5) married Bert Goins; Anna (4) married C. M. Murrie, they had Rosco (5), Elsie (5), Grace (5), Effie (5). Elsie (5) married Joe Alexander, Grace (5) married Jackson Goins, Effie (5) married Rosco Grant, and had Oma (6), who married Thomas Gomer. Narcissa (3) married Mr. Johnson, 434 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY they had Mary (4) who married Gilbert Barnett, they had William (5), married Amanda Boomer- Thomas (5) married Addie White; Hosea (5) married Laura Rickard they had Jessie (6) who married Lawrence Hunsaker, (see Bridges); Mary (6) married Floyd Lasley and had Floyd Jr. (7); Robert (5) married Leona Goddard; Flora (5) married William Gold; Rosa (5) married William Maze, and Frank (5) married Addie Burklow; Narcissa (3) married second John Rus- sell and had Catherine (4) and Thomas (4). Catherine (4) married James Beggs, they had Frank (5), Catherine (5), Fred (5), Lula (5); Thomas (4) moved to Kentucky. Catherine (3) married John Elkins and had Kizie (4), Mary (4), Ann (4). Kizie (4), married Ned Stewart, Mary (4) married Tobias Scott, Ann (4) married Frank Hall and had Catherine (5), Rora (5), Emma (5), Margaret (5), John (5); Catherine (3) married second James Walker, they had Margaret (4) and John (4). Margaret (4) married Eli Ballow (see Gore). John (4) married Ellen Peeler, re- moved to Union county. William (3) married Patsy Jones (2) and they had Narcissa (4) and Mary (4). Narcissa (4) married W. A. Spann, they had Flora (5), Mattie (5), Lula (5), Ida (5), Hal (5), William (5). Flora (5) married Alexander Hess (see Chapman) Mattie (5) married Addison Cantwell; Lula (5) married Levi J. Smith, children, Helen (6), Robert (6); Ida (5) married R. E. Gillespie and has Martha (6); Hal A. (5) married Mamie Farris and they have- Mary (6), Helen (6); William (5) single; Mary (4) married Thomas Elkins and had William (5), Martha (5), Sarah (5), Leila (5). Wil- liam (5) married Lily (see Mathis). Lela (5) married Jefferson Smith. . Lewis Dee (3) married Elizabeth Anderson, they had John Reed (4), Martha J. (4), William (4), Mary (4), Maranda A. (4), Daniel (4), Lewis Dee (4). John Reed (4) raised eleven children; Martha (4) married Mr. Miller and had nine children; Wililam (4) married a Miss Bradley and they had two children; Mary (4) married Jasper Primm and had John J. (5), Florence (5), Nell (5), Alfonzo (5), Thomas (5), Ann (5), Elsie (5), Alonzo (5); Daniel (4) married Sarah Gore and had three children; L. Dee (4) married Miss Cox, they had three children, Maranda A. single; Eliza (3) married a Mr. Shelby; Adaline (3) married Samuel Braur; Mary (3) married Thom- as M. Eubanks. Willis Simpson (2) had William Larison (3), Stephen (3). There is a James (3) who was killed in the Civil War, John, Nancy who married William May and Mary that belong in this fam- ily and I presume are children of Willis 2. William Larison (3) married Charlott Stone, they had Thomas J. (4), James H. (4), Green (4), Cynthia Elizabeth (4), Nancy Jane (4). Thomas J. (4) married Melissa Hodge and had Ida (5), Gussie (5), William Green (5), Ed- ward (5); James H. (4) married Mary Ann Weston, they had Winty A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 435 (5), William (5), who married Delle Median and had Wilber (6), Arthur (5), and Delia (5); Green (4) served in the Civil War and was a resident of Bloomfield township many years where he was well and favorably known. He married Lina Miller and they had Robert (5), Edgar (5), Lula (5), May (5), Ethel (5), Dimple (5), Mattie.(5), Eulala (5), Ward (5), Madge (5). Robert (5) married Carrie Hailey, they have Halbert (6), Robert (6); Edgar (5) married Elizabeth Mozley (see Worley) Eulala (5) married Ward Farris; May (5) mar- ried Clarence Alexander and has Dorothy (6); Ethel (5) married W. A. Whiteside and has Cathline (6), Hilda (6), Paul (6); Dimple (5) married Delbert Kerley and has Homer (6) and Maurice (6) ; Eulala (5) married Gomer Casey and has Larry (6), Daniel (6), Donald (6), Ward (5) and Madge (5) at home; Mattie (5) married Guy Stegall and has Guy, Junior (6); Cynthia E. (4) married Berry Adkins and had Robert (5), Carl (5), Clara (5); Nancy Jane (4) married James Wadkins, has John L. Simpson (5) who lives in Chaffee, Mo. William Larison (3) married second Paralee Hodge and had Mary (4), Ann Eliza (4), Willis A. (4), William Lewis (4). Mary (4) married George Smith and lives in Arkansas; Ann Eliza (4) married John Pippins and has Fred (5) and Lewis (5). Willis A. (4) married Mary Lemon; William L. (4) married Dolly Trover. The two later families live in Oklahoma. Stephen (3) married Eliza Scuerlock and has John (4), Ella (4), Alice (4), Minnie (4), Daisy (4), Lloyd (4) and Henry (4). They reside in Marion, 111., where Stephen (3) re- sides with his daughter. William (2) married first Kezia Parmalee, they had Thomas (3), Jackson (3), Lewis (3), Daniel Dectur (3), Cynthia (3), Lucinda (3), Eliza (3), Mary (3). Thomas (3) married first in this county and had two children; he married second Melissa Jobe, his cousin. They lived in Iowa no issue; Jackson (3) married first Louisa Copeland and had Preston (4), Cynthia (4), William R. (4), Sarah (4), (all that is known). Preston (4) married Hester Axley of this county; Sarah (4) married a Mr. Nickols; Cynthia (4) mar- ried William Huffmeister of Beloit, Kans., they had Cynthia N. (5), Minnett (5), Charles (5), Fred (5). Cynthia (5) married Minnett (5) married Dr. Blades of Salina, Kans. The two sons live in Kansas City, Mo. William R. (4) married Sarah Car son, children Grace (5), Alice (5), Edna (5), Edith (5) ; Maud (5), Ray H. (5). Grace (5) married G. G. Hoag; Alice (5) mar ried N. J. Petre of Topeka, Kans.; Edith (5) married G. G. White of Rochell, N. Y.; Maud (5) married Dr. C. B. Kern of Beloit, Kans. Ray H. (5) married Hallie Carter and resides at Flagstaff, Ariz. Jackson (3) married second Mrs. (Glass) Morton of Massac county, they had one son. Lewis (3) was a Presbyterian minister and serv- 436 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY ed in the Civil War as a chaplain. He married Martha Thomas, they had John Bunion (4), Lucinda (4), Luamma (4), Washington (4), James (4). John Bunion (4) married Martha Carter, children Mary (5), Elizabeth (5), Arista (5), Sidney (5), Franklin (5), Cynthia (5). Mary (5) married Sherman Whiteside, children John S. (6) Frank (6), Fred (6), Estella (6), Ethel (6). Elizabeth (5) married C. D. Simmons, children; Wiley (6) married Pearl Schenk; Anna (6) mar- ried J. D. Benson, John (6), Alonzo (6), Edward (6), Jewell (6); Arista (5) married Walter Johnson, children Fred (6), Walter (6). Estella (6); Arista (5) married second Agustus Wartoog; Sidney (5) married J. B. Johnson, children Ernest (6), John (6), Nellie (6); Franklin (5) married Eva Kincanon, children Walter (6), Ray (6); married second Rhoda Sharp, children Estell (6), Daisy (6); Cynthia (5) married Franklin Worth; Lucinda (4) married Isaac Bratton, Luamma (4) married Jefferson Morris; Washington (4) married Nanie Davis. Daniel D. (3) born 1835 married Sarah Lawrence of Marion, 111., 1855, they had Jennie (4) born 1857, Elward (4) bom 1859, Winnie (4), born 1862, William R. (4), born 1864, Julia (4) born- 1866. Jennie (4) married Dr. Charles Covington 1881 and had four sons and three daughters, lives in Golconda, 111.; Edward (4) married Nettie Heisley and had one son and one daughter; Winnie (4) mar ried Johnathan Gaskins of Harrisburg, 111., and had Wirt (5), she married second a Mr. McCormick, has two children and lives in Indiana; William R. (4) married Etta L. Jacobs 1894, of this county and has George B. (5) born 1897, Ralph (5) born 1901, Ardith (5) born 1905, Leonard (5) born 1910; Julia (4) married Frank Scurlock of Mariou and had five sons; Decatur (3) married second Fronia Peoples 1873 and had one son Benjamin (4) born 1877 who lives in Oklahoma; Cynthia (3), born 1818 married A. J. Kuykendall and had Kate L. (4), Mary J. (4), Sarah (4), Elizabeth (4), Joseph B. (4), Edith (4). Kate (4) married Jasper Johnson and had children An- drew Jackson (5), Agustas (5), Walter (5), and Joseph B. (5). Agusta (5) married Mr. Bitterich; Walter married Arista and J. B. married Sidney (see Lewis (3). Mary (4) married W. E. Morris and had Alice (5), who married W. E. Beal, their children are Essie (6), who married Arthur Weber and Eugean (6) who married Thomas Wright; Emma (5) married Agustus Brockman, children Carrie (6), Alice (6) married Chas. Owen and has Mary Lee (7). Sarah (4), married George Sanders and had Dora (5) who married Harry Mitchel of Harrisburg, 111.; Sarah (4) married second Mr. McDermott and had Thomas W. (5), who took the name of his step- father, Wiederman; he married and has Zella Marie (6); Sarah (4) married third Philip Wiederman; Elizabeth (4), married Marian Collins and had Mamie (5), Cynthia (5), Joseph (5). Mamie (5) A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 437 married Mr. Craig; Joseph B. (4) married Eliza Gorham and their children were Carrie (5), A. J. Jr. (5), Franklin S. (5), and Guy Simp- son (5). Carrie (5) married Rodman Woelfle and had Joseph R. (6), who married Gertrude Gillespie and they have Francis R. (7); A. J. (5) married Eva Benson (see Chapman). A. J. (5) is a gradu- ate of DePau University and the law department of the University of Illinois. He is a business man, with F. S. (5) and Guy (5), of Marion, 111., and devotes much time to the Boy Scouts of America. Franklin (5) married Mabel Beard and has Joseph (6) and Franklin (6); Guy S. (5) married Ethel Lewis and has Helen (6), J B. (4); married second Minnie Griffy. Edith (4) married Almus G. Damron and had Mamie (5) who married and lives in New York City and Wirt (5) who is an attorney of Harrisburg, 111.; Eliza (3) married Captain William Perkins and had India (4), Henry S. (4), J. K. (4), A. J. (4), William E. (4). India (4) married W. E. Galeener and their children are Amy (5), Claude (5), Halbert (5), George (5). Kenneth (5), Mabel (5). Amy (5) married J. E. Miller and lives in Calexico, Calif.; Claude (5) married Elsie Bishop and has Hazel May (6), Gertrude (6), Lucile (5), Edith (6), Bennie (6). They live io Oklahoma; Halbert (5) married Lena Marshall and has John W. (6), Lynn H. (6), Jerry (6) and reside in Sikeston, Mo.; George E. (5) married Bess M. (see Chapman); Kenneth (5) married Pauline Car- rier and has Rosalie, (6) and Courtland (6); Mabel (5) married Dr. Frank Carter (see Harvick) ; Henry S. (4) married Hattie Jones, they had Belle (5), Dimple (5), William (5), Eliza (5), Nellie (5). Belle (5) married Frank (see Gillespit) ; Dimple (5) married W. H. Gilliam, children Frank (6), Lois (6), Marian (6) who died in youth. Frank (6) married Nell Richardson and has Charles R. (7), Olive (7), Frank, Jr. (7), William H. (7), Robert (7), Richard (7). Lois (6) married William Shawmeeker; William (5) married Clara Donahue, they had William (6) and Robert (6); Eliza (5) married Warren Hollis- ter; Nell (5) married Chas. H. (see Chapman); J. K. Polk (4) mar- ried Elizabeth Neal. They had Madge Williford, who married Wil- liam Cliver and has Virginia; Andrew J. (4), married Sarah Rauls, children Harry (5), Fred (5), Nell (5), Arthur (5). Harry (5) mar- ried Josephine Mays, they have Thomas (6); Fred (5) married Anna (McDaniel) Penrod; Nell (5) married W. C. Siebert; Arthur (5) mar- ried Elsie Bender, they have Margaret Helen (6); William E. (4) mar- ried Jessie Black, they had May (5) who married William Banks. Lucinda (3) married first Jackson Fisher and had Obe (4), Milo (4) and Mary (4). Obe (4) married and died young leaving children Lucinda (5) and Jackson (5). Milo (4) married late in life and reared a family in Winnona, Mo. Mary (4) married R. M. Fisher and had Estella (5), Lucinda (5) George H. (5). Estella (5) married 438 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY W. H. Shields had one child and died; Lucinda (5) is a trained nurse. This family with the father reside in Longbeach, Calif. Lucinda (3) married second Samuel (see Copeland) ; Mary (3) born 1827 married Washington G. Thomas and had W. H. (4), Malinda (4), John L. (4), Cynthia (4), Mary (4), Robert (4). Cynthia (4) married Robert Thompson; daughters Effie (5), Mary (5), Theodocia (5); W. H. (4) married Martha Whiteside (see Thomas); Mary (4) married J. H. Mor phus and has one son; Mary (3) married second W. H. Barnwell. Wil liam Simpson (2) married second Miss Smith sister to Barney S. and had James (3), who married Lula Arrison, they had William (4), Polk (4), Fred (4), Thomas (4), Fanny (4), Ruth (4). William (4) mar- ried Minnie Johnson, they had Madge (5), who married a Mr. Town- send, and Paul (5). This family has all left the county and married in other localities. William (2). married third Mary Mathews and had children Joshua Jones (3), Harvey Green (3), Zachery Cain (3), Sarah Ann (3). Joshua J. (3) married Martha J. Trig and had Wil- liam Logan (4), Mary Malinda (4), Elanora (4), E. M. (4), Eliza (4). William L. (4) married Sarah Thomas and had Lelia (5), William (5). Lelia (5) married M. Wise; Mary M. (4) married G. F. Stout; Elenora (4) married A. P. Wright and has Ray (5), Ralph (5) and William (5). Edward M. (4) married Rena Smothers; Eilza (4) married Charles Morris; Sarah Ann (3) married James Cotton and had Mary (4), Dora (4), Cynthia (4), Arista (4), Flora (4), Ezra (4), Rosco (4), Charles (4). Mary (4) married David Lawrence; Dora (4) married Sanders Parsons; Cynthia (4) married George Evitts; Arista (4) married Charles Martin; Flora (4) married William Roe; the others are married but no more definite knowledge of the fam- ily. One daughter of William Simpson (1) married a minister by the name of John Calvert. The following is from Uncle John Jobe of Tunnell Hill; Abraham Jobe was a native of Tennessee and married one of William Simpson's (1) daughters before 1800. The following children were born to them Melissa (3), Mary (3), Cynthia (3), Hiram (3), William (3), Samuel (3), Jefferson (3), born 1810. Jefferson's mother died when he was three years old and his grandparents, Simpsons, raised him in Johnson county. Abraham Jobe took the other children and moved to Iowa. He married a second time (Mary Ann, (Jobe) Scott daughter to Johnson Jobe) says a sister to Joel Johnson, and one child was born to them, Johnson known as Johnce. Later all the sons and Cynthia came to this county. Hiram (3), tra- dition says, married a Miss Jones, sister to William Jones who lived on the east side of the county; William Jobe (3) married Elizabeth Gray sister to Basil (1) and returned to Iowa; Samuel Jobe (3) mar- ried Susanna Jones, daughter of James the first, and had children Mary (4), who married Mr. Elkins; Jane (4) married Dr. H. Y. Man- A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 439 gum; William (4) married Name Roberts, who resides in Los An- geles, Calif.; Samuel Jobe (4) married Martha (see Carter); Melissa Jobe (3) married Thomas (see Simpson). Cynthia Jobe (3) mar- ried Washington (see Chapman); Jefferson Jobe (3) raised in this county, entered forty acres of land on the top of Moccasin Gap and married Mary Thomas, sister to Washington and Frank. They had John (5), A. P. (5), D. W. (5), W. H. (5), L. W. (5), Philip (5), Issy (5), Juliet (5). A. P. (Preen) married Sarah Barnwell and they have four children and live in Missouri; Juliet (5) married John Reid and had one child Rilda (6); D. W. (5) (Wess) married Rose Harper and they had three children; William Jobe (5) married Mary Taylor, they had Estelle (6) and Nellie (6) ; Philip (5) married Elvira Boss and they have Oliver (6) of Goreville, 111., Louis (6) who was a World War soldier and two daughters; Lewis (5) married Miss Cole- man and lives in Cairo; Issy (5) married Elsworth Hobbs and has two children. She married second Sherman Emery and is postmis- tress at Parker City; John (5) married Armina Lollis, children Cynthia (6), Mary (6), Marian (6), William (6), and Harry (6); William Jobe (6) married Winnie Jobe; Harry Jobe (6) married Arista Jobe; Winnie and Artists were granddaughters of Johnce Jobe; Cynthia (6) married Elwood Bouie and had two children; Mary (6) married Alfred Humphreys; Marion O. (6) married, no children. F. M. Simpson was a native of this county and belonged to the family of William, the first settler. His family can be traced in the Simpson genealogy. He was left an orphan at the age of eight, residing with a married sister, Mrs. Amanda Jones. He be- gan life on his own responsibility at eighteen by driving an ox team at $6 per month. Later he was employed on a farm and then as clerk in a general store at Reynoldsburg. In 1861, he moved to Vienna and with a capital of $400 entered the mercantile business with W. W. Peterson. He later engaged in the drug business during which time he served as Post Master for fourteen years being ap- pointed under Grant. He was a progressive and influential citizen, a Republican, a Mason, a Knights Templar and a member of the M. E. Church. He married first (1861) Julia Jennett, daughter of Nathan and Mary (McCorcle) Jennett, who died in 1869. In 1871 he married Mrs. Margaret (Beal) Copeland, who is still a resident of Vienna. She is an untiring worker in the M. E. Church, a progressive and useful citizen and very active for one of her age. W. C. was a son of F. M. and Julia Simpson, born and raised in Vienna. His primary education was gained in the public schools and he later attended the School of Pharmacy of the University of Illi- nois. He bought his father's drug business, which he continued here 440 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY for several years. He also served as president of the State Board of Pharmacy, and was one of our most active citizens. After the death of his wife (Cora Jackson Simpson) he removed to Evanston, 111., and again engaged in the drug business. He married a second time, Mrs. Elizabeth Nichols of Naperville, 111. He died 1912 in the prime of life. For family (see Simpson). F. M., Jr., son of F. M. and Margaret Beal Simpson, is a graduate of the Vienna High School and the Agricultural department of the University of Illinois. He was employed in the Bureau of Markets "in Washington, D. C, for some time and is now general manager of the Live Stock Marketing Association and resides in Kansas City, Mo. (See Simpson.) SLACK Wililam was the name of the founder of the Slack family in this county, coming here about 1815 from Kentucky where he was born in 1795. His children say soon after the war of 1812, in which he was a soldier. The county records show he lived here in 1824, and he was without doubt a pioneer, settling in Bloomfield township and opening a farm. He married Mary Finney, whose parents were John and Sarah (Reynolds) Finney, and also first settlers of this county, who came directly from Virginia. Mr. Slack was evidently a man of education and prominence, as his name appears as a juror also as settling estates. Their children were John (2), Celinda (2), Mariah (2), Sarah (2), Gillson (2), William (2), James (2), Mary (2), Louisa (2), Melissa (2), Emmily (2), Norman J. (2) and Margaret (2). John (2) followed farming, he married Sarah Ann Alexander and their children were Wilford (3), Sarah A. (3), James M. (3), Mary E. (3), Amanda (3), John W. (3), Isaac W. (3), T. F. (3) Norman G. (3). Wilford (3) who moved to Massac County, married Miss Wy- more, children Dora N. Nanie, James, John; Sarah A. (3) married Wil- liam Ring and moved to Acton, Texas; James M. (3), married Mary E. Hoyl and had Oliver O. (4), Ada (4) and were residents of Massac County; Mary E. (3) married Thomas E. Keith and had James (4), Ida (4), John (4), and Nora (4). This family moved west, living in Salina, Kansas, also several years in Salt Lake City, where Mr. and Mrs. Keith celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary. They later- moved to California and Mr. Keith died, 1924. Amanda (3) taught in this county several years and married Mr. Vanderlight of Pontotoc, Texas; John W. (3) married Burilla Jones (see Simpson). They have resided for many years in King Fisher, Oklahoma; Isaac W. (3) married Ellis Waters of this county and they had John (4), who mar ried a Miss Cooper. May (4) and others names not known). Mr Slack with his children removed to Oklahoma. T. F. (3) was a teacher and left this state when a young man; Norman G. (3) re- A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 441 moved to Texas. Celinda (2) married J. M. Benson in 1845. They were a charitable and hospitable couple and all good people found a welcome in their home. They lei t their impress on the young men and women who came under their influence and are the citizens of today. Their family is given under J. M. Benson. Mariah (2) mar- ried first Alfred Oliver (Tobe) a son of Judge John; second Dr. W. A. Looney; Sarah (3) married Ignatius Benson, settled on an ad- joining farm to Monroe, his brother, and their children were Ann (3), who married Calvin Miller and Frank (3). Ann and Calvin had Lily (4) who married Hal Brooks, Bessie (4) married Mr. Pearce, Mary (4) married Gordon Gilbert, Charles (4) resides in this county; the other children are residents of Marion, 111., and Union County; Frank (3) married Emma Allen and removed to Arkansas. Gilson (2) served in the Civil War, was a carpenter and builder and re- moved to the West coast many years ago. His widow lived several years in a home near Seattle, Wash., where she died in 1924. (For family see Smith). James (2) was a farmer of this county married first Amanda M., daughter of Nathan and Mary Jennett, their chil- dren were Florence (3), who married first Daniel Gage and had Guy (4) who lives in Mich., married second Mr. Strawbridge and has several children, resides in Mich.; Mary A. (3) married Mr. Christ- ianson and lived in Northern 111.; James (3) married Jennie Henley and is a merchant of Kansas City, Mo., they have Mary (4); Ollie (3), Ola (3), are married and live in the West. James (2) married second Mrs. Mary (Hogg) Harvick who resides with Guy Gage in Mich. Mary (2) married first Mr. Grissom and had Green (3); mar- ried second Mr. Medley and had Kate (3). They left this county many years ago. Louisa (2) married Fredrick Agustus Rebman, children Flora (3), Milford (3), Emma (3), Louisa (3), Thomas (3), William (3) is a veteran of the Spanish War. Flora (3) married Thos. Carlton, children Ruth (4) married Samuel, son of H. B. Wiley, Ruby (4) married Mr. Barger, Julia (4); Milford (3) married Kittie (see Chapman); Emma (3), Louisa (3) married F. R. (see Woelfle), Thomas (3) was a teacher of the county several years but died in young manhood. Melissa (2) married William Taylor and had Lulu (3), who married Eugene Leonard and resides at Anna. Norman J. (2) married Maggie Sexton, one child Ona (3) who mar- ried Dr. Miller of Metropolis, 111., where she resides; Margaret (2) married George L. (see Elkins). Emma (3), daughter of F. A. and Louisa Rebman, has not married but has devoted her time and tal- ents to education. She was a teacher for several years in this coun- ty and the West, served as County Superintendent of Schools and has retired to a comfortable home in one of the most picturesque 442 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY spots in the county. She is a Republican and a member of the Methodist church. SMITH Millington Smith (1), was born in North Carolina 1773. He en- tered land in this county in 1817 which is now owned by L. S. Beggs in the western part of the county. His wife's maiden name was Barton and most of their family must have been born in Tennessee from which state they emigrated to this county. Their children were Barnabas S. (2) born 1795, Isaac (2), Willis (2), Thomas (2), James (2), Andrew (2), William Barton (2) and three daughters; one married William Graves; another married Mr. Mathis and an- other married William Simpson the pioneer. Barnabas S. (2) came here when a youth with his parents. He was mustering officer in the early history of the county, a teacher and useful man of his time, he served the county as clerk three successive terms. He had a genial and obliging disposition and was well liked by all who knew him. He was eighty-three years old when he died and never wore glasses, and could see to read and write perfectly until his death. He mar- ried seven times and lived with each wife until her death except the last one who outlived him. Three of his wives bore children. He married first Malinda Borin and their children were Hosea (3), Avaline (3), born 1829, Jane (3), born 1831, Mary Eliza (3) born 1840; Barnabus (2) married sixth Miss Caldwell, one son B. S. (3), born 1870; Barnabus (2) married seventh Mary Thorp and had one daughter Lily (3) born 1872. Hosea (3), married Emaline Bunch and had H. B. (4), who resides in Carbondale; Avaline (3), married James F. Oliver and had Louis Cass (4) born 1850, Izora (4), born 1854, Julia (4), born 1856, Celia Ann (4) born 1858, May (4), Alfred (4) born 1864, Etta (4) and Lenna (4). L. C. (4) married Callie Penny and they have Bertha (5), who married H. Holt and they have Oliver (6), Clara Elizabeth (6) and live in Oklahoma City, Okla. Izora (4) married A. J. Gray 1875 and their children are Kate (5), Anna (5), Daisy (5), George (5), Nellie (5), John (5), Middleton (5). Anna (5) married J. B. Hankins 1902 and has Izora May (6), Dorothy Ann (6); George (5), married Jennette Pain and they had Mary Jennette (6); Nellie (5) married F. M. Huffman 1918; John (5) married Cornelia Smith (5) 1920, Mid (5) married Flossie Price 1920; Ann (4) married James (see Chapman); May (4) married M. S. Smith of Olmstead, 111., she has Mary, who married Mr. Van- diver; Etta (4) married George B. 1889; (see Gillespie; Lena (1) married Ford Turner of Martinsville, Tenn., and has Glen (5) and Margarel (5) who married a Mr. Davis. This family now reside in Memphis, Tenn. Jane (3), married John Jones (a brother lo Turner); Mary Eliza (3) married Gilson Slack, 1S54, and had A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 443 Henry F. (4), William B. (4) and Oscar (4); Henry F. (4) married Julia Hudson and resides in St. Louis, Mo., Oscar lives in the West; Lily (3), married Henry Ross, has three children, lives in Arkansas. Barton (2), married Amy Elkins and they had John E. (3), Milling ton S. (3), James N. (3), Barney S. (3), Thomas (3), Mary Ann (3), Caroline (3). John E. (3), married Emily Houston and they had Champ (4), who went to Texas when a young man, Eliza (4), Barney (4), Cina (4), Alice (4); Eliza (4) married Watson Stewart and had Ed. (5), she married second Douglas Stone and had Anna (5), who married a Mr. Jolly and Celia (5) who married Fred Ballard; Bar- ney (4) married a Miss Musgrove; Cina (4) married Mr. Vancil; Alice (4) married Mr. Boles and had Ferd (5), Ray (5), Homer (5). Millington S. (3) married Mary Davis and had William Y. (4), Viola (4), Grant (4), Frank S. (4); Millington S. (3) married second Jane Ring and they had Charles (4), Walter (4), Paul (4), Pearl (4). William Y. (4) is a native of this county and has been connected with educational work as a teacher and superintendent of schools most all of his life, except one term he served the county as judge. He has also served on the State Board of Education. He has been a resident of Vienna for many years where he has been active in the general welfare of the community. He married Sue M. Bozman of Pope county, 1883, and they have Benjamin (5), who is a civil engineer, he married Uphemia Ferrell and resides in Detroit, Mich.; Harry (5) is a business man of Memphis, Tenn.; Cornelia (5) mar- ried John Gray; Arline (5) is a graduate of Vienna High School, Carbondale Normal and a successful teacher; Viola (4), married James Brown and their children are Myrtle (5), Mabel (5) and James (5), none of whom live in this county; Frank S. (4), married Arrah Shadrick, they had Mary (5) and Gladys (5). He was a graduate Phy- sician practicing in Cypress and vicinity several years, but now lives in Logan, 111. James M. 3, married Sarah Gore, children Mary Jane (4), Jefferson (4), Sherman (4), Addison (4) and Hosea (4). Mary Jane (4) married Samuel Brown and has Rollie (5), Roscoe (6), Hal (5), Clyde D. (5), Hazel V. (5); Rollie (5) married Blanch Poor; Clyde (5) married Avis Howell and they have Delbert (6), Dewitt (6), Pansy (6), Maxine (6), Willma Elizabeth (6); Hazel V. (5) married Drury Edmons, 1920, and has Geneva (6); Sherman (4) married Sarah Adams, they have Adah (5), Etta (5), William (5). Adah (5) married O. Casey and has Guy (6), Robert (6); Etta (5) married Rollo Jeffries; Jefferson (4) married Mary E. Elkins. They moved to Missouri. Addison (4) married Bertha Poor and has Jewel (5), Ruby (5), Fay (5), Addison (5). Hosea (4) married Fay. They moved from the county. Barney S. (3) married Sarah Cox, their children were Edward (4), Nora (4), They moved to Mur- 444 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY physboro, 111. Mary Ann (3) married James M. (see Finny.) Caro- line (3) married John Gore, children. James (4) married Miss Mc- Dowell, they had one child and Sarah (4) who married Daniel (see Simpson.) SMITH Milton A. Smith was born in Pulaski County in 1847. He was the son of George and Lucretia (Hammond) Smith. His parents were, as most all other settlers of southern Illinois, from the South coming direct from Georgia. His early boyhood was spent in Massac Coun- ty. At the age of fifteen he enlisted in Company K 29th Illinois In- fantry, and was afterward assigned to Company I. Later this com- pany was consolidated with the 9th mounted infantry. This regiment, lost more men, killed in battle, than any other Illinois regiment. His first battle was Salem, Mississippi. He was in ninety-six of the one hundred and ten battles and skirmishes of the 9th regiment, on Sher- man's march to the sea and the Campaign of the Carolinas. He took part in the grand review at Washington, D. C. Entering the army so young he had acquired very little education, at the time of his en- listment he was offered a non-commissioned office in his company, and was so chagrined because he could not accept it for lack of educa- tion, he determined then, if he reached home alive he would secure an education. At the close of the war he began immediately to attend school and studied law for a while, but in 1877 he entered the news- paper business in the city of Vienna and successfully edited the "Johnson County Journal" for a number of years. He later bought the "State Sentinel", a prohibition paper published at Decatur, 111., and while for many years he affiliated with the Republican party, he was always a strong advocate for prohibition and woman suffrage. He finally took up the cause of prohibition and there can be no doubt but that his efforts helped to bring about the 18th amendment. He was firm in his convictions that every one should lead a clean and virtuous life, and though quiet, was never afraid to express his views. Owing to ill health he retired from journalistic work and moved to a farm in Florida, where he spent the remainder of his life. He mar- ried Emma R. daughter of Abraham Wright, a Methodist minister. Their children were George R., Bess L, May, Effie, Nellie, Earl and Hazel. May died 1820. The widow and other children reside in Florida. Mr. Smith always took an active part in the church and all work that had for its object the betterment of the community. He died in Jacksonville, Fla., March 1918. SPANN Honorable W. A. Spann, although not a native of this county was a resident about fifty years. He practiced law here, represented this A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 445 district in the State Legislature as a Democrat, 1880-82, and was elected county judge in 1906. Mr. Spann was born in Alabama, 1840, coming to Union County with his father in 1853. He taught school in this county as early as 1861, and began the practice of law in Vienna in 1877. He held a place second to none as a criminal lawyer, and was known throughout Southern Illinois, as a famous advocate. He was a man of unusual ability and intellect. His family came orig inally from North Carolina. Williams was the father and Silas the grandfather. They settled near Jonesboro, 111. W. A. Spann married Narcissa (see Simpson). He was twice married after her death, lirst to Mrs. Ettie M. Blanchfill, second to Mrs. Mary Goodall of Mar- ion. Mr. Spann died in 1922. H. A. Spann, son of W. A., is a na- tive of this county and is known as an attorney of ability. He is a graduate of Vienna High School and the Bloomington Law School. He began his practice with his father in 1909, and has sreved the county as State's Attorney. For family (see Simpson). SPENCE Honorable W. A. Spence was born and reared in Massac County, but has been a teacher and pastor in this county so frequently that we feel he is closely connected with our history. He was left an orphan at an early age but has made a place for himself among the educa- tors and men of affairs in this state. He followed teaching for sev- eral years, entering the ministry of the Baptist Church when quite young. He has served as State Senator from this district and is a resident of Metropolis. He married Ada Fogg and they have one daughter, Mignon, who is quite talented in music and one son. They are living at present in Springfield, 111., where Mr. Spence is on the staff of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction and also has charge of a church of that city. STANLEY William Stanley, a planter of North Carolina removed from his native state to Kentucky. He had three sons, one of whom was Mark, born 1783. Mark (2), married Polly, daughter of James Under- wood. They settled in Tennessee, later removing to Kentucky, fin- ally coming to Williamson County, 111., in 1837, with their family in- an ox wagon. It required two weeks to make the trip from Hopkinsville, Ky. There were six sons and four daughters in this family, most of whom settled in Williamson County. One son, Charles (3), was kill- ed at the Siege of Vicksburg. Overton (3) married Ellen, daughter of A. H. and Dicy (Allen) Barnard. In 1853 Mr. Stanley moved to the farm now owned by his son A. D. in Goreville Township. He began farming with fifty acres, for which he paid five dollars per acre, and added to this until he had a large and well equipped farm, with good 446 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY dwelling and buildings. This home cannot be excelled in this coun- ty in its beautiful landscape views. The children were, Hiram (4), married Margaret Coleman and lived in Williamson County; Ida (4), married O. P. Brown (see West); A. D. (4) married Adella C. daughter of Dr. P. S. McKenzie, a native of Edinburg, Scotland. Their children are Marie (5), married O. L. Moulton, and has Ernest Staniey (6;; Eva May (5), married Royal Nipper and died soon afterward; Agnes (5), married George Howell, and resides in Herrin, 111.; Lynn Over- ton (5), married Addie Lee Franks, is also a resident of Herrin; Ward (5) and Ned (5), at home. SUIT William J. Suit was a native of Tennessee and was born in 1829. His father was Bartlett, and his grandfather was William. They both were natives of North Carolina and emmigrated to Tennessee Bartlett married Elsie, daughter of Jordan and Ona Nannie, who was also a native of Tennessee. The parents removed to Graves County Kentucky, when William J. was four years old, where he grew into manhood, and married Tabitha Beach, who was born near Nashville, Tenn. Her father was Patrick and her mother was Nancy Huston, both natives of Virginia. Mr. Suit engaged in the mercantile business for a time in Kentucky, moved to Missouri, and finally to Johnson County in 1862, making his last home at Buncombe, where he lived many years, engaged in farming and also kept a country store. He was the first resident of this hamlet and lived to be a very old man, and to see quite a village instead of his farm, his store and the black- smith shop. He was made a Mason in 1853, and voted for Freemont. 1856, though not in this state, but later became a prohibitionist. They had one daughter, Narcissa, who married, first Hosea Scott, he was killed by a falling tree. She married second Samuel Elkins. James Suit the son, is a prominent business man of Buncombe, resides in the old home, operates a general store, and is a director in the Bun- combe Bank, besides his farming and live stock interests. He is a Democrat and a bachelor. SUTTON The family of E. W. Sutton came here from Tennessee. An an- cestor of his is said to have served in the Revolutionary War from North Carolina. His Grandfather was Hugh Sutton who located in Johnson County about the beginning of the Civil War. He married Mary Shelly and they had four sons, William M. (2), James B. (2), Jacob (2), George (2). William M. (2) married Rhoda, daughter of Elisha Webb, they had E. W. (3), John (3) who married Dora Sim- mons, Nettie (3) married Claude Cavitt, Ada (3) married Ernest Hawkins, E. W. Sutton (3) was reared in Tunnell Hill Township and attended the public schools there. He received his higher education A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 447 at the Southern Illinois Normal, taught school for twenty-five years in this county, and made a splendid record as County Superintendent of Schools of Johnson County. He is interested in farming; is a minister of the Latter day Saints Church and is a resident of Vienna where he is engaged in the insurance business. He married first Ava Lennon, she died leaving one daughter who married J. C. White and they have Afton (5) and Frances Lee (5). Mr. Sutton married Becond Nora, daughter of T. H. and Flora Taylor, who died leaving no issue. He later married Olie, daughter of A. H. and Jane Bass and they have Olive (4) and Mary (4). TAYLOR William Taylor was a first settler here and the founder of a large family. The exact date of his coming is not known but likely before the state was admitted into the Union. He settled on the ridge northeast of what is now Bloomfield and known as Taylor ridge, later he moved to Old Sulphur Springs on the lines of Wil- liamson and Johnson counties, where he spent the rest of his days. He was a brother to Mary, first wife of Joseph Kuykendall, the pioneer, and Colonel Richard Taylor a prominent and wealthy citizen of Chicago, 111. It is thought this family came originally from Vir- ginia, lived a while in Kentucky, and then to this state. William the 1st married Nellie McMahan and they had Polly (2), James (2), John (2), Giles (2), Hampton (2), Richard (2), William H. (2), Mary (2), Betsy (2), Catherine (2), Samuel (2). Polly (2) married William Westbrooks and had James (3), Jackson (3), Alice (3;, Samuel (3) (married Lucy Taylor (3), Peter (3), Emeline (3) (married Anson Taylor (3), and Sarah (3). James (2) married, his children were Nancy (3), Newton (3), Wil liam (3), Elias (3). John (2) married Betsy Ann Howerton, they had William (3) who died while serving in the Civil War; Anson (3) (mar- ried Emeline Westbrooks (3); Massandra (3) married Campbell Hall, Elizabeth (3) married William (see Peterson); Lucy (3) married Samuel Westbrooks (3); Nancy E. (3) married a Mr. Russell; Polly (3) married a Mr. Gregory. Giles (2) married Betsy Kuykendall, daughter of Joseph 1st; they had Hampton (3), James M. (3), John O. (3), Benjamin (3), Jackson (3), Lydia (3), Sarah (3), Louisa (3). James M. (3) married Martha Mangum; they had Giles (4); Henry (4) married Norah Harper and they have Ivy and Vivy (5), Herb^n (5), Herschel (5), Lynn (5); Giles (4) married Lula Cummins and they have three sets of twins; James M. (3) married second Georgia Barringer. Louise (3) married Marshall Lawrence. Hampton (2) married Betsy Henderson and had Samuel (3), Benjamin (3), Thomas (3), James (3), William (3), Martha (3), Mary (3) who married Wil- 448 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY liam (see Simpson) Cina (3), Isabel (3); Richard (2) married Mary Seay they had Sarah C. (3), Martha Ann (3). Sarah C. (3) married John Brown; Martha Ann (3) married Jesse Martin; Richard (2) married second Ann Eubanks, they had Thomas (3) who married Margaret Cook and had three children. Mary Ellen (3) married Thomas Hooker, they have Alonzo (4) who married Ola Smith and has Valgean (5); Frank W. (3) married Lena Woodward; John L. (3) married Sarah Shadowen; Melissa J. (3) married Jerome Glasco of Union county; Albert (3) married Rachael Fox; Richard (2) mar- ried third Martha Robertson and had Emma (3) who married John Lawrence. William H. (2) married Louisa Kuykendall, daughter of Joseph 1st; they had Jasper (3) who married Mary Jane Wickham and had Lewis F. (4) who married Cora Harper; Thomas (4) mar- ried Dell Harper and has Ralph (5), Marguerite (5), Lewis (5). Glenda (5), Warren (5), John Howard (5); James (4) married Mar- tha O'Neal; Joseph (4) married Dimple Bradley; Roy (4) married Lora Odum; Oma (4) married Inez Hayden; Stella (4) married Clyde Jones; Zora (4) married Will Hogg; Lula (4) married Simpson Whiteside. Louisa (3) married John Hall; Elizabeth (3) married Mr. Elliot and had William (4) and Arthur (4), who married Ida Gray; William H. (2) married second Eunice Caldwell, sister to Cal- vin a Baptist minister of this county, they had Linnie (3) who mar- ried Boyt Shelton; John (3) married Mary Weston, they have Linnie T. (4), Almus (4), Minnie (4), Roy (4), Carros (4)Emeline T. (4). Linnie (4) married Relus Evans and has John (5) Mary (5), Robert (5); Almus (4) married Ethel Cates and has Ruby (5); Minnie (4) married Charles Whitesides, has Emeline (5); Roy (4) married Emeline Cook, has Caroline (5) ; Carros (4) married Harry Sullens who was killed in battle at St. Mihiel, France, during the World War; Vera (4) married Frank McCuan, has Helen (5); Emeline (4) at home; B. S. Taylor (3) married Hattie Kincanon, they had Lily who died leaving one son; Jay C. (3) married Rhoda Branscomb and had Esta (4) and Clint (4) who married Lela Verhines; Samuel H. (3) married Flora Hale they had Ray (4); Samuel H. (3) married sec ond Daisy, daughter of I. N. Davies, they had Gladys (4) who died 1921; R. F. (3) married Leanna Harper and has Lloyd (4), Lee (4) Lawrence (4), Blanch (4), Beulah (4), Frank, Jr. (4); T. C. Taylor is a son of W. H. and Eunice (Caldwell) born and raised in this county. He was a business man of Bloomfield for several years and somewhat interested in politics. He removed to Vienna a few years ago and engaged in the coal and ice business. In 1902 he was elect- ed sheriff of the county and is making an efficient officer. He is a Mason, a Republican, and an obliging official and citizen. Louisa (3) married John Hall a minister. No knowledge of Mary (2), Betsy (2). A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 449 Catherine (2) or Samuel (2). The wives of Henry (4), Lewis F. (4), Thomas (4), and R. F. Taylor (3) were daughters of John and Sarah (Cooper) Harper. They had one other daughter Mary (called Darley), who married T. J. Clayton and has Viva who married Wil- liam Corbit, Hazel May and Pleasant T. Hazel May married Henry Marcus. THACKER Joel Sampson Thacker, son of Nathanial, came here when a small boy with his widowed mother, Lucretia, from Tennessee, where he was born in Stewart County, about 1815. Two brothers of Joel re moved to Arkansas from this county. In 1839 he entered what is now known as the Shoemaker Farm just east of Vienna, on the Simpson road where he first settled, but later entered a tract a few miles farther east on the same road at what is now called Pond, where he died 1857. His widow continued this as her home almost fifty years, dying in 1906. Joel S. 1st married Sarah Bain about 1839 and their children were Frances Brooks (2), born 1841, Samp- son P. (2), born 1844, Martha (2), born 1846, Charles A. (2), born 1848, Green N. (2), born 1850. Frances B. Thacker (2) served his country from 1861 to 1865 with the famous 31st Illinois Infantry as a Lieutenant and Adjutant, was in the battles of Fort Donelson, Burnt Ridge, Port Gibson, Champion Hills, the Siege of Vicksburg and Corinth, and was on Sherman's march to the sea. He participated in the Grand Review at Washington, D. C. His business was farming. He also served the county as Treasurer and Circuit clerk for nine years. He was a useful and dependable citizen. He has now retired from business and resides with his children. He is a Republican, a Mason, a member of the M. E. Church and the G. A. R. Post. He married Nancy C. Petersson, 1866 and their children are Fannie (3), who married Rev. J. W. Dundas of the Methodist Church, and they have Leona (4); Harry (3) died in 1910; Samuel (3) married Fannie Stewart, and had Jeannette (4); Samuel with Charles (4), resides on a farm in Bloomfield township. Kate (3) married a Mr. Wanger of Chicago, 1921 and has one child; Nola (3) also resides in Chicago. S. P. (2) was born and resided many years in Bloomfield township. He was a good farmer, a quiet but influential citizen and served the county as commissioner, was a Republican and a member of the M. E. Church. He married Mary E. Smith and their children were Her bert (3), born 1878 and married Lula Abney, 1902, and their children are Jewel E. (4), Edgar A. (4) and Dora (4). Mr. Thacker is inter- ested in farming and is also mail clerk on the Big Four railroad. Arthur B. (3) married Frankie Sullens, 1914 and has Wendal and Wallace (4) born 1914; Buelah (4), born 1916; Americus (3) served in 450 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY the World War and married Louise a young girl of France, 1919; they have Georges (4) and reside in Chicago; Esther (3) married Ernest Stoltz; Martha (2) married James Mathis and had Rosa (3), Pleasant (3), and Garfield (3); Martha (2) married second a Mr. Fort and had Fannie (3). C. A. Thacker (2) married Emiline Lasley, and had John (3), Clara (3), Oscar (3). Clara (3) married Orphus Thomas; John (3) married Hattie Verhines, and second Maud Ver- hines. G. N. (2) married Ellen Brown and their children are Dora (3), Stella (3), Francis (3), Paul (3), Theodora (3) and Mary (3). The families of C. A. (2) and G. N. (2) left this county several years ago and reside in Oklahoma City, Okla. THOMAS Henry Thomas came here in pioneer days, (1839), and settled in that section of the county which is now Simpson Township. He was a native of Tenn., and had served in the war of 1812 in Captain McCalf's riflemen and engaged in the battle of New Orleans. When the Civil War came on, although getting on in years, he enlisted in the 14th Illinois Cavalry, but was soon discharged on account of his age. His son, Washington, was born in Tennessee 1822, and came here with his parents when 17 years old, and early learned the art of farming. He married Mary, daughter of William Simpson, also a pioneer. He entered Government land, built a house and they began life together. He was a Republican and a member of the Latter Day Saints Church. Seven children were born in their home, namely; W. H. (3), Joseph B. (3), Cynthis (3), Melinda (3), Mary (3) and Robert (3). W. H. (3), the eldest served in the 13th Cavalry, Co. G, Civil War. Their campaign was waged mostly in Kentucky, Ten- nessee and Georgia. He afterward followed farming in Bloomfield Township and served the county as clerk. He married Martha, daugh- ter of W. R. and Sidney (Waters) Whiteside, and had Charles E. (4), Willard G. (4), Orpha B. (4), Fred (4), Lewis (4), Lillian M. (4), Birdie (4). John L. (3) another son of Washington, is a farmer and fruit grower of Simpson and proprietor, with his son, of Sunny Crest Fruit Farm. Cynthia (3) married Robert (see Thompson); Mary (3) married J. H. Morphis. THROGMORTON E. F. Throgmorton is a descendant of Josiah who was born in North Carolina in 1811 of English parentage, Josiah also being the name of his father. He married first Miss McSwain in North Caro- lina who had three children and died in that state. He married second Martha Pierce and to them were born John (2), who was a soldier in the Civil War and wounded at Shiloh, William Pinckney A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 451 (2), James (2), Reuben (2), Josiah (2), Frank (2), Lewis (2), Martha (2)! Robert (2). Josiah 1st came to Illinois bringing his wife and lour children sometime in the forties. He entered land and settled on what is known now as the Uncle Tommy Helm Farm, later moving to New Burnside where he opened a farm and resided until his death. William P. (2) lives in Williamson County. Jane (2) married J. W. Hayes and had James (3), Luela (3), Charles (3), John (3), Nell (3). Reuben (2) married Louisa Par- sons; Frank (2) married Cordelia Snyder and lives in Jackson county. Lewis (2) married Sarah Lay; they had Josiah (3), Lily (3), Ella (3), Delia (3), Adolphus (3) and Roy (3); they live in Oklahoma. Martha (2) and Robert (2) never were residents of this county. Josiah (2) was a well to do farmer, a man of wide influence which was always used for righteousness. He was a Republican and a Mason. He married Elizabeth Reeves and had Martha (3), John (3), Arthur (3), Frank (3), Almus (3), Walter (3), Nellie (3), Norris (3), May (3), Addie (3) and Robert (3). Arthur (3) married May Murrie (see McFatridge); Martha and Robert live at home with their mother; E. F. (3) is the fourth child of this family and has occu- pied a position in the county several years that brings him in con- tact with most every citizen in it sooner or later. He is a most obliging and congenial county officer as well as citizen and no fault can be found with his work as clerk of the county. He was educat- ed in the public schools and Southern Illinois Normal He is a Mason, a Republican and he and wife are members of the M. E. Church. He married Lee, daughter of A. H. and Jane (Albright) Bass, of Tunnell Hill Township and they have Joe (4) who is a student of the High School of Vienna where they reside. Josiah Throgmorton was born in Union County 1824 of Virginia parentage. He came to Johnson county in 1858 and engaged in the milling business. He served in Company K, 60th Illinois Infantry, and was with Sherman on his historic march to the sea. He retired from the milling business to buy grain. In 1884 he engaged in the lumber business with P. T. Chapman which he followed till his death in 1894. In his youth he worked for ten dollars per month and studied at night for his education. He was a valued citizen and business man, was vice-president of the First National Bank from its organization, and was said to be a man without an enemy. He was a Mason, Republican, and a Unitarian in belief. He married Abigail Musgrove and left one daughter, Fannie, who married T. H. Sheridan. VEACH John Veach (originally spelled Veatch) was the ancestor of the Veaches of this county. One branch of the family says he was 452 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY Scotch and the other claims he was English. It is not certain whether he was born in England, Scotland or America. Family tra- dition says he first lived in Maryland, moved from there to North Carolina, then to Kentucky and finally to Illinois, settling in Pope County. John 1st married Nellie Jones, and raised two sons and three daughters, Ishmeal (2), was born in North Carolina, 1793, and Green B. (2) was born in the same state. There is no knowledge of the daughters nor their families. The family of Ishmeal (2), is lound under Chapman. Green B. Veach (2), came here possibly with his parents, who resided here in 1820, in the Eastern section of the county. He was a soldier in the Black Hawk war, a Mason and was said to be very faithful to this fraternity, and just as faithful to his church, which was the Presbyterian, and this would be in favor of the Scotch ancestry. Green B. (2) married Martha Riddle -and their children were B. F. (3), Amanda (3), Clinton (3), and Pleasant G. (3). B. F. (3) married Elizabeth Mount and had one son, Thomas F. (4), who married Harriet Mathis. They had Ferrell (5) who lives in Texas. B. F. (3) married second Parthena McCuan and their children were James G. (4), Leroy C. (4), W. Allen (4), Martha (4) and Rosa (4). James C. (4) married Nancy Moore and their children were Earl D. (5), Pearl (5), Clyde A. (5), Effie (5), James Hubert (,5), Mabel (5), Robert (5). Earl D. (5) married Margaret Murrie and they have James F. (6); Pearl (5) married Roy Moore and has Robert (6), and Lucille (6); Clyde A. (5) married Effie Vaughn and has Herschel (6), Virginia (6), Clyde (6); Effie (5) married R. R. Ridenhower; James H. (5) married Ruth Harris and their children are Julia (6), Dewey (6), Imo (6). He died (1924; Mabel (5) married James B. Harris and has Vera (6); Robert (5) married Marie Harris and has Roberta (6) and Mary Lou (6); L. C. (4) married Mary Wilson and their children are Eunice (5) who married Bert Burris; Fay (5) married Roy Zeck; Orla (5) married Ivan Morrison; Dimple (5) married Agustus Hunt; Carl (5) married James Grissom; Norma (5) married Joseph W. Looney; Roy (5) and Lula (5). Most of L. C. Veaches family have left this county. W. Allen (4) married Laura Mathis and the chil- dren are Clemont (5), who married Canty Jones and resides in East St. Louis; Clifford (5) married Agusta Davis, they have Dolly May (6), Allen Davis (6), and reside on a farm in the southeast part of the county. Clifford is among our best farmers and business men. Eva (5) married Chester Hunt and has Rosanna (6) ; they reside in Indianapolis, Ind.; Loyd (5) married Mildred Hess (see Chapman); Lorna May (5), at home. Martha (4) married Franklin McCorle and has Libbie (5), Jessie (5), Adolphus (5), Oscar (5); Rosa (4) mar- ried Samuel Gillispie and their children are Suda (5), who married A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 45a Jack Hood and their children are Francis (6) and Robert (6); Oma (5) married Ray Fraim and has Rosamond (6); Annabelle (5) mar- ried W. V. Crawford and they have Marjory (6); Edgar (5) married Elizabeth McCoy; Gertrude (5) married Joseph Woelfle (see Simp- son); Addison (5), Samuel (5), and Ned (5), the two latter are at home and Addison lives in the West. Amanda (3) married a Mr. Gray and had Sidney (4), Amanda (4), Pink (4), George (4), Luther (4), Marion (4) and Charles (4). This family moved to California. Clinton (3) married Fannie Verhines and had Marie (4), who mar- ried John A. Carlton, they have Francis (5), Zelma (5), Amy (5) and Marie (5). Francis (5) married Jackson Murrie and has Mattie Lou (6); Minnie (4) married John Harris. Lee (3) married, children Thomas (4) and Lucy (4). This family moved to Kansas many years ago. Pleasant G. (3) married Unity Gray and had Frank (4), who married Ettie Shirley, they had Ruth (5), who married Walter Taylor; Angie (5) married Loyd Stout and their children are Clyde (6) and Mildred (6) ; Almus (4) is a business man of Centralia, 111., and married Bertha Cox of this county; their children are Vera (5), Ebert (5), Mary (5); Malona (4) married Charles Mulinax and had children Archie (5), Joel (5) and Rollie (5). V1CKERS The Paternal grandfather of Judge Vickers was Thomas, a pioneer of Warren County Kentucky, from that state he came to Massac. County, with his family in an early day. James (2), a son, entered land and opened a farm in that county. He married Celia Smith, who was born in Tuscumbia, Alabama, and came to Massac County, about 1840. James (2) died leaving her a widow with two small sons, Alonzo (3), and Richard (3). The boys were obliged to assist in making the living. Alonzo K. attended the country schools and the high school at Metropolis till 1874, when he entered the office of Judge R. W. McCartney of that city and prepared himself for the practice of law. He farmed part of the time for the next few years, putting all his spare time on his chosen profession. In 1877 with a clear and comprehensive knowledge of law, he began practice in Metropolis. Two years later he came to this county as editor and publisher of the Vienna Weekly Times, a Democratic newspaper. He followed this profession till 1880 when he returned to the practice of law, in which he was very successful, and well known in all the courts of Southern Illinois. He was elected to the legislature in 1886, serv- ed one term. In 1891 he was elected as one of the judges of the first judicial circuit, which position he filled with great satisfaction for two successive terms. His decisions on the circuit bench had made him so popular that he was elected to the supreme bench 1906. He 454 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY lacked a few months of serving one term as Supreme Judge of Illi- nois. He also serving as Chief Justice of the state during this term. On his election to this office, he moved with his family to East St. Louis, and Johnson County lost one of her most brilliant professional men. Judge Vickers died in East St. Louis, in the prime of life, 1914. He was married to Leora E. Armstrong of Massac County, 1880. They had children, J. F., who is a lawyer and makes his home in the South. Hazel M. is a business woman of Chicago, 111.; Louise the youngest is the wife of J. A. Moody of the Moody Commission Firm of East St. Louis; they have Hazel and Betty Lou. Judge Vickers was a staunch Republican, a Mason, a member and strong supporter of the M. E. Church. His widow is a resident of Vienna, 111., and enters into the church and social activities of our village with interest and helpfulness. WALKER William Walker came to this county from North Carolina by way of Tennessee, stopping there for a while as did most of our citizens. He reached here in 1840, not quite as early as some, but they have been residents here more than three-quartrs of a century. The children were Robert James (2), William (2), Norrel (2), Charles (2), VanBuren (2), Mary (2), Jane (2), Sarah (2). Robert James (2) married Elizabeth Carlton, they had Francis Ann (3), William P. (3), Lewis F. (3), Joseph J. (3), Kizzie (3), Permelia (3). Francis Ann (3) married John L. Hogg, had India (4), who married Thomas Potter, Ethel (4) married Charles Arnett; neither family resides in the county; William P. (3) has been a substantial citizen of the county all his life and esteemed by all who know him. He married Sarah E., daughter of John M. Gillespie, and their children were Hartley W. (4), Lindorf (4), Oma (4); Hartley W. (4), after fininsh- ing in the schools of the county selected the profession of medicine as his life work, graduating from John Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md., 1895. He practiced in this county at Grantsburg and Vienna for twenty-five years, and moved to Creal Springs in 1923, where he has charge of the Creal Springs Sanitarium. He also has a large outside practice. He married Mary, daughter of Pleasant and Mary (Farris) Rose and they have Wayne (5), who married Ethel Morgan and is preparing for a physician, William P. (5) married Mary Whitehead and resides at Creal Springs; Lindorf (4) married Pearl, daughter of James Debman of this county, they have Willard (5) and reside at Cobden, 111., where he is cashier of the First National Bank; Oma (4) married John Hand who is a well to do farmer of Grantsburg township, and they have Mabel (5) Linny (5), Jessie (5), John Mor- gan (5), Mary Bonnie (5), Betty (5). Dr. Lewis F. Walker (3), A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 455 graduated from Rush Medical College, Chicago, and practiced medi- cine in and around Grantsburg for about twenty years, dying when rather a young man. He married Missouri Howell, and they had James (4), who married Miss Trovillion and is a farmer of Grants- burg township; Delasco (4) married Lizzie Simmons, they have Lewis (5), who is a business man of Grantsburg; Rosco (4) married Maud Farris and died young leaving Joseph (5). Mrs. Lewis Walker occupies her old home in Wartrace or Old Grantsburg. Dr. J. J. Walker (3) was born in this county in 1855 and also graduated from Rush Medi- cal College. He practiced in this county for several years, residing in Vienna. He married Margaret Flemming, 1878 and they had De- costa (4) and Pearl (4). Dr. Walker removed to Hot Springs more than forty years ago where he continued his practice until his death; Decosta (4), followed his father as a physician, practicing in Hot Springs until 1923, when he died; Pearl (4) is the wife of Mr. Wil- liams of Little Rock, Arkansas. Mrs. Walker still resides in Hot Springs. Kizzie Walker (3) married Milton Hight and they resided on a farm in the eastern section of the county, he was a prosperous farmer and they were comfortably situated for many years. Mr. Hight's health failed and they went to Arizona, where he died 1922. She died 1924.' Their children are Viola (4), Myrtle (4) married S. J. Carter (see Harvick; James (4) married Holly Clymer. He is a veterinarian, and resides in Tempe, Arizona; William (4), married first Alice Clymore of this county and has Walton (5). He married second Mary Griffy, has William (5) and resides on the old home- stead. William (2) married Miss McHenry and they had James W. (3) and Mary (3), who married a Mr. Morris; Norrel (2) married a Miss Neatherly and had Robert (3); Van Buren (2) went to Texas when a young man; Mary (2) married Mr. Ingram and removed to Arkansas; Jane (2) married a Mr. Pressgrove; Sarah (2) married Jacob Johnson, a broghter to Joel. Edward A. Walker is a native of this county and a son of Benja- min W. who married Miss Gann, daughter of William Gann, an old resident and first class farmer of Ganntown this county. Edward received his education in the public schools and began teaching in the county; after teaching a few terms he decided to go West and grow up with the country, which he did settling in Ardmore, Okla- home; where he followed teaching for a while but finally decided on the law as a profession and became quite prominent as a lawyer. He became interested in oil and gas in that section which of course was very remunerative. He later removed to Oklahoma City continuing his law practice and engaging in the banking business. He is president and principal owner of the Tradesman's National Bank of his home city and is rated as one of the richest men in 456 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY Oklahoma. His parents removed to Oklahoma but are both deceased. He married late in life but has no children. WARDER Joseph Warder was the son of Walter of Fauquer County, Vir- ginia. Joseph was born in Kentucky, where he married Ann Thomas, a native of Tennessee, and daughter of Lieut. Thomas Kirkham, of the war of 1812. They came to this county in 1851 and both taught here for many years. Mr. Warder was also a carpenter, and assisted in the building interests of the town. Their children were Elizabeth (2), who married S. B. Parks and resided in Du Quoin, 111.; Isabel (2), married W. H. Bundy and lived in Marion, 111.; Walter (2) mar- ried Dora (see Bain), they reside in Cairo, 111. Mr. Warder served in the State Senate from his district several terms. On one occasion in the absence of the Governor and Lieutenant Governor, by virtue of being president of the Senate, he was governor of the state for a short period. He is a prominent lawyer and with his son, Walter, compose the firm of Warder and Warder. Mr. and Mrs. Warder lost their only daughter, Winnifred in France during the World War, where she had gone in the service of her country as a member of a gas unit; William Warder (2) married Metta Goodall of Marion, where they now reside and where he is a prominent attorney. They have Laura Belle (3); Hattie (3) married Fred Stotlar; Velsy (3) married Hosea Ferrell; Gertrude (2) married C. J. Mitchellet and resides in first sewing machine and baby carriage in the county. Mrs. Irabel first sewing machine and baby carriage in the county. Mrs. Isabel Marshalk was a sister of Mrs. Warder and also a prominent teacher of this county. She married Dr. Asher and lived in New Burnside for some time. Mrs. Warder and Mrs. Marshalk were sisters of F. C. Kirkham, sheriff of this county 1858. WEAVER Barnett and Nancy Madden, (sister to Locklin) Weaver were early residents of this county; they had Francis M. (2), who married Elizabeth Peterson; Charlotte (2) married Dr. J. B. Ray; Barnett (2), father of the late James Ray Weaver of Pulaski county; Catherine (2) married Mathew Hood; Jasper N. (2) and John (2). WEBB The founder of the Webb family in this county was Mitchell, who was born in North Carolina in 1793 and came to Tennessee with his parents in 1809. Mitchell married first Rhoda Elmore, second Sarah Elmore, both of Tennessee. He came to Illinois in 1840, settling in Jefferson county. He removed from Jefferson to Johnson county settling in Tunnel Hill township some time in the forties. From the A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 457 best information the children residing in this county were Allen (2) Frank (2), William (2), Elisha (2), Barton (2), Thomas (2), Daniel (2), Polly (2), James (2), Rhoda (2), Elizabeth (2). Allen Webb (2) married Mary Coonce, they had Arrah Ann (3), Narcissa (3), Wil- liam (3), Frank M. (3), Daniel (3), Henry (3). Arrah Ann (3) mar- ried Jackson Vinson and had Lucy (4) married J. C. Webb; Caro- line (4) married C. C. Kelly (3); Josie (4) married Levi Edmonds; Allen (4) married Ulphia Lennon; Celia (4) married Rolla Royster; D. C. (4) married Sina Dillow; Nellie (4) married Gardner Moore; Rettie (4) married Lee Kelly; Pleas (4) married Lily Goddard. Narcissa (3) married John Whitehead, children Narcis (4) married .Marion Vinson; J. F. (4) married Belle Brooks, Mary (4) married W. W. Johnson, A. S. (4) married Rebecca Goddard; Isadora (4) married William Webb; Delia (4) married Anson Newbold; Ida (4) married Tip Albright; Cora (4) married Eugene Eskew, Nora (4) married Jesse Jackson. William (3) married Nancy Casey, they had Angie (4) who married Frank Webb (4); Zilla (4) married Frank Whittenberg, they had Mabel (5); Zilla (4) married second Mr. Moser; Rosco (4), Willis (4), Charles (4), Levi (4), Moody (4), Logan (4). Frank (3) married Anna Kelly children, Rosanna (4) married George Bennett; Edward (4) married Amanda Bess; Elijah (4) married Cora James; Lily Ann (4) married Ferrell Kelly; Nathaniel (4) married Alta Whitehead; Augustus (4), Parley (4) married Miss Cato; Delia (4) married William Johnson, Noma (4) married T. C. Olsen. Daniei (3) married Caroline Grace, children Mary Jane (4) married John Boner; Allen (4) married Virginia Dillow; Travis (4) married Mina Dillow; Silvester (4) married Sally Westbrook; George (4) marrietT Dimple Choate; Marion (4) married Albania Moore; Nancy (4) married Edward Lamphier; Lula (4) married Albert Sherbaum; Bar ton (4) married Jay Edmonds; A. M. (4) married Issa Boner; Henry (2) never married. Frank Webb (2) married Patsy Myatt, children Mithcell (3, Nimrod (3), Wiliam (3), Sarah (3) married George Harrell; Nancy Jane (3) married William Stonum; Marganey (3) married Hezekiah Burklow; Mitchel (3) married Marina Kelly; Nim- rod (3) married Clementine Simmons, children Paralee (4) married Mitchel Webb; Frank (4) married Angie Webb (4); Laura (4) mar- ried Timothy Fitzgerald; Rana (4) married Adolphus Albright; Mag- gie (4) married Charles Smith, children Gladys (5), Edward (5), Goldie (5), Roy (5); William (3) married Jane Grace. William (2) married Anna Smith, children Mitchel (3), Carroll (3), Nancy Jane (3) married David Elmore. Elisha (2) married Nancy Kelly they had Mary E. (3) married William C. Choat; Rhoda A. (3) married William Sutton (see W. E. Sutton); Martha C. (3) married George W. Chism; L. C. (3) married Cynthia Bradley; Marina (3) married D. W. Casey; 458 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY Arm K. (3) married F. L. Parks; J. C. (3) married Lucy Vinson, Tabitha S. (3), married John Boner, William M. (3) married Isadora Whitehead, I. T. (3) married Delia Miles. Barton Webb (2) married Talitha Kelly, children Jasper (3); Polly (3) married Wililam Busby; Clinton (3) married Haley Smith; Christopher (3) married Flora Hall; Lee H. (3) married Josie Jobe; Dora (3) married Silvester Cavitt. Daniel Webb (2) married Rebecca Choat, children Lucinda (3) married Joseph Smith; Elvira (3) married Daniel Webb; Elsie (3) married Hugh McMahan, they had Everett (4), married Helen Veach (see Chapman); Bell (3) married Charles Kem, Emma (3) married Peter McMahan, children, Harry (4), Grace (4), Paul (4), Earl (4), Alma (4), and John (4); Minerva (3) married Julius Cavitt; Lily (3)- married Charles Casey; Amos (3) married Betty Jobe. Thomas Webb (2) married Miss Taylor, children Daniel (3), Amanda (3), married Jud Eskew; married second Pleas Riley, children, Hattie (4) married Walter Vinson; Ivy (4), Leon (4) married Earl Brooks. Polly Webb (2) children, Jasper (3) never married; Nancy (3) mar- ried Samuel Simmons. Rhoda (2) married Leander H. Kelly, they had Linda (3) mar- ried Isaac Smith; Hiram (3), William (3) married Anna Gold; Thomas (3) married Jane Hickman; John (3) married May Parish ; Evilyne (3) married Andrew Mathis; Mary (3) married John Mc- Cormack. Elizabeth (2) married W. R. Kelly, children Columbus (3) mar- ried Caroline Vinson (4); Carroll (3) married Lona Whiteside; Travis (3) married Sid Burklow; Artemissa (3) married Samuel Smith, they had Frank (4) who died in young manhood, Bernice (4) married Paul Morris; Lawrence (4), Estella (3), Viola (3). WEST Governor Reynolds, in his history says of the West family thar "they are English and came with Calvert, Lord Baltimore, to Mary- land 1632". He was referring to the Wests of Madison County, 111. Hezekiah West, no doubt belonged to this same family. He stated he was born in Fredrick County, Md., in 1763 and was the only son of John West. When Hezekiah was seven or eight years old his father, with his family moved to Sandy River, Camden district, S. C. His father, John West, enlisted in the patriot army in 1777, in Captain Winn's company of mounted rangers, Colonel Thompson's regiment; served fourteen months and was killed in an engagement at St. Tibbs. Hezekiah enlisted in the same cause for freedom at the age of seven- teen. His record is found under "Revolutionary Soldiers". The fam- ily tradition is that Hezekiah West came to this county in 1809 or 10; his name appears on the county records in 1813. He was a man of A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 459 education and served the county as a teacher and in other capacities He was undoubtedly a pioneer of the right sort, influential, useful, re- ligious and of the highest moral character. He died in Johnson county July 29, 1845. A walking cane owned and used by him, can be seen in the Carnegie Library, Vienna, 111., placed there by the Daniel Chapman Chapter D. A. R. The handle of the cane is made from the antlers of a deer killed by Hezekiah West. He married Priscilla Osborn, 1784. Their children were Sally (2), born 1785, John (2) born 1787, Temperance (2) born 1790, Mary (2) born 1792, never mar- ried, Lucy (2) born 1794, Asa (2) born 1797, Elizabeth (2) born 1799, Marcy (2) born 1801, Patsy (2) born 1804, Fannie (2) born 1806, W'ililam M. (2) born 1809. Sally (2) married Rix Carter and they had William (3), Moulton (3), Asa (3), Eliza (3), Nancy (3), Marcy (3), William (3) married Mary Ann Deans, they had Madison (4) and Marshall (4). William (3) being an M. E. minister and belonging to a conference did not reside in this county, consequently little is known of his two sons Madison and Marshall. Madison (4), was a physician and practiced in central Illinois and Indiana. He had two daughters, one of whom is Helen. She is married and lives in Chi- cago. Marshall (4) was a minister, had one daughter, Marie, who married Benjamin F. McGee of this county. He had other children, names not known. Some members of this family reside in Los Angeles, Calif.; Moulton (3) married Martha Pruitt, children John M. (4), W. B. (4). John M. (4) married Martha Alice Cheek and their children were Ida (5), May (5), who married a Mar, Capoot and lived in Mound City, John (5); William B. (4) married Mary Morgan and had Glen (5) who married Blanch Reece; Dean (5), Fred (5), the sons and mother are dead; Asa (3) married Melissie Mulky and their children were Ortie (4), who married Artemissa Hardy, Frank (4) married Mary Ann Brown, and had Harvey (5), who married Cora Mackey and they have Glen (6); Calvin (4) married Rena Davidson and had May (5); Phillip (4) (no history); Eliza (3) mar- ried William T. Jones and their children were Hattie (4) and Etheldred (4), Hattie (4) married Henry S. Perkins (see Simpson). Etheldred (4) was a Baptist minister and lived in Cypress community where he preached for many years. He married first, Elizabeth Davis and they had Melvin (5), who married Laura Bridges, their daughter. Glenna (6), married Owen Stanley, and they have Owen (7); Ethel- dred (4) married second Ellen Henard and had Ethel (5), who mar ried Ralph Peeler, Lester (5) who married Mabel they had John P. (6) and Josephine (6); Nancy (3) married Jehu Axley and their children were William (4), James (4) and Luke (4); Marcy Carter (3) married Leonard Morgan and their children were Mary Ann (4), Jane (4), Nancy (4), Chandler (4). Jane (4) married Fred 460 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY Trusty, Nancy (4) married Hugh Sutliff; Marcy (3) married Mr. Mc Kenzie. Temperance (2) married Richard Mercer and their children were Priscilla (3), Sarah (3), Thomas (3), W. Emerson (3), John Deans (3), Nancy (3), Catherine (3), Hezekiah W. (3), Martha (3), Elizabeth (3). Priscilla (3) married John Standard and their children were Melvina (4), who married Jesse L. Porter, and they had Jane (5), Alice (5), Elizabeth (5), John (5), William (5), Arle (5). Jane (5) married Gilford Pippins 1873, children Mrs. Adah Thompson (6), Mrs. Ella Ford (6), Mrs. Laura Crowder (6), Mrs. Ola Irwin (6). Mrs. Cora Hester (6). James (6), Jessie (6). Alice (5) married Clayton (see Cummins); Elizabeth (5) married Paul Comer, children Nora (6), Alma (6), Loyd (6), John (6), Dimple (6). Nora (6) mar- ried A. Rhodes, children Blanch (7) married Earl Burnet Edna (7) married J. Clem and has Robert (8); Nora married second (see Carter); Alma (6) married Geo. Fairless; Dimple (6) married Ed- ward Cheek. Elizabeth (4) married Eli Morgan; Temperance (4) married Milburn Smith; Jane (4) married William Mangum, chil- dren Elizabeth (5), Bell (5) married Mr. Pully of Stonefort and has Guy (7); Sabina (4) married James Jenkins. Sarah (3) married John Allen 1835 and had William Copeland (4), who married Francis (see Calhoun) and Melissa (4) who married John Martin and had one daughter who married Mr. Holehouser. Sarah (3) married second Alex Smith and had Mary J. (4) who married Tobias Hartman and their children were Ella (5) who married Samuel H. Reese and has Walter (6), Theodore (6), Guy (6), Blanch (6), Edith (6), Helen (6). Etta (5) married Dr. Edgar Knieppe and hesides in Mt. Carmel, 111. They have Percy (6), Dorothy (6), Edith (6), Mary Belle (6); Ethel (5) married James Main of Karnack and their children are Allen (6), Mary Ellen (6), Charles (6); Thomas (3) married Minerva Allen (sis- ter to John) no knowledge of family; W. Emerson (3) married Axley and their children were T. A. (4) a Methodist minister said to be living in Colorado. No history of others. John Deans (3) mar- ried Nancy Thompson and had one son said to be living at Little River Missouri; Nancy (3) married Elijah Axley and had children L (4), Perry (4) and French (4); Catherine (3) married Isaac Axley brother to Elijah and son of Robert, their children were Laura (4), who married Robert Martin and Leonora (4) who mar- ried Mr. Sayers and has Swank (5); Martha (3) married Jesse Hodge and they had three daughters one of whom lives at Salem. 111.; Elizabeth (3) married Owen Peterson, son of Thomas, and had Mary Ann (4), Martha (4), Clementine (4) and Mrs. Thompson (4). Mary Ann (4) married R. W. Brown and their children are Ellen (5), George (5), Owen (5), Austin (5). Ellen (5) married Green (see Thacker), George (5) married Kate (see McFatridge) and Owen A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 461 P. (5) married first a Miss Reed (see R. W. Brown). Martha (4) married George Boomer, they had Nathanial (6) who married Lubeth Calhoun, Nola (5) married Scott Lenark, Helen (5) married a Mr. Goforth, the two later families live in Colorado. Simeon (5) is a member of the faculty of the Southern Illinois Normal and re- sides at Carbondale. He married May Kaiser and has George (6; and ; Clementine (4) married F. B. (see Thacker), Mrs Thompson (4) had Joshua (5) who married a Miss Pippins, and Mary Ann (5). They reside in Mo.; Hezekiah W. (3) married Nancy Ellis, one son lives in Guthrie, Okla.; Lucy (2) married John Robert- son; Asa (2) married Fannie Osborn; Elizabeth West (2) married John Axley and their children were Temperance (3), Jehu (3) and Bud (3). Temperance (3), born 1817 married Naman Martin, 1835, who was born 1817. Their children were Elizabeth (4), born 1836, Francis (4), born 1838, William (4), born 1839, Alexander (4), born 1841, Robert A. (4), born 1843, Henry S. (4), born 1845, Owen P. (4), born 1846, John L. (4), born 1848, Sarah A. (4), born 1850, Martha Jane (4), born 1852, Nancy E. (4), born 1854, George W. (4), born 1856, Andrew J. (4), born 1857, Jehu (4), born 1858, Samuel B. (4), born 1859, Stephen A. (4), born 1862. Francis (4) married Moses Jones 1854 and had William (5), Margaret (5) who married Mr. Beggs; William (4) married Amanda Hudson 1860; Alexander (4) married Martha (West) Smith, 1864, and had Robert (5), and Alice (5), who married John Moak. Tney had George (6) who mar- ried Ruby Axley and reside in Cypress. Robert A. (4) married Laura Axley 1872; Dr. O. P. (4) married Ellen Axley 1871, they had Addie (5) ; he married second Orpha Shirk, died 1923; Sarah Anne (4) married first Thomas Peterson and second Joseph Edleman and they had one son Dr. Owen Edleman (5) ; An- drew J. (4) married Melisse (Mulky) Carter; John L. (4) married Sula Pruett and had Albert (5), Douglas (5), Guy (5), Duty (5), Tempy (5), Grace (5), Maggie (5); Jehu (4) married Anna Harvel, children Maud (5), married Oscar Brock and they have Ruby (6), Dorothy (6), Ruth (6), Dolly (6); Ruth (5) married Claude Cochran and they have Geneva (6), Marshall (6), Guy (6); Bertie (5) mar- ried William Williams; Stephen A. D. (4) married Bertha Lyons and they had Victor (5) who resides in Washington, D. C; Bernice (5) who married Ray Roller and lives in Karnack, 111.; Martha Jane (4) married Elbert Norval and had Owen (5); George W. (4) married Jennie Tarwater and had Austin (6) and Owen (5). Marcy (2) married Thomas Standard; and Patsy (2) married Edward Osborn and they had Arminda (3) and Evelyn (3); Evelyn (3) married a Mr. Chapman, Arminda (3) married A. J. Martin and they had John (4) who married Crynthia Deans and they had Rena 462 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY (5) James (5), Seth (5), Clinton (5), Orpha (5). James (5) married Laura Hurley and they have John (6) and Nell (6). Seth (5) mar- ried Sarah Groner and has Elwood (6), Norwanda (6); Francis (2) married Robert Axley and they had James (3), Jackson (3), Uriah (3), Terry (3), Mary (3), Spencer (3). James (3) married a Miss Mitchel and had Avy Ann (4), who married a Mr. Amburn; Jack son (3) married first N. O. Gray's daughter and they had Isaac (4) he married second Crynthia Copeland, they had Ellen (4) (see Mar- tin) ; Loren (4) and James (4), married Ella Rutledge, niece to Ann. they had Myrtle (5), William (5). He married second Maranda An derson, children Earl (5), Seth (5), Raymond (5), Rollo (5). James was a teacher in the Oregon for many years. He died about 1920. His family are all in the West. Uriah (3) married Sarah Sutliff and had Asa (4) and Betty (4); Terry (3) married Sarah Peeler and the children were Amanda (4) who married Charles Collins; Mary (Pol ly) (3) married W. D. Deans, born 1826. He served in the 120th Illinois Volunteer Infantry also held different positions of trust in the county and was an influential and useful citizen of the West Eden neighborhood. He removed to Alma, Kansas, 1880. He was a Mason and a member of the M. E. Church. Their children were John (4), who married Mary Buford and they had four children, all of whom reside in Kansas; Simon K. (4) married Mary Strieker, 1877 and their children are Elmer (5), Arthur (5), Lewis (5), Estella (5), Howard (5). Arthur Deans has been manager of the Charles Stone Quarry at Whitehill, this county, since its establishment. He married May Adams and has Pauline (6), Morris (6), Mary Ann (6), Robert (6) ; Elmer (5) married Roxy Davis and they have Ward (6), Edris (6), James (6); Estella (5) married James Cane; Crynthia (4) married John Martin (see Patsy West (2); Rena (4) married Jos- eph Newton and they have Ida (5) who married John Sharp, and their children are Samuel (6), who married Lela Darst, Robert (6) and Harry (6) ; Spencer (3) married Nancy Jones and they had William (4) who married Elizabeth Watson and their children are William (5), and Ruby (5), who married George (see Martin); Sarah (4) married Moulton Vaughn. William (2) married first Lydia Peterson and they had Joshua (3), Asa (3), Matha (3), A. J. (3) and George (3); Joshua (3) mar- ried Evelyn Smith and they had William (4) and James (4); Joshua (3) married second Elizabeth Kuykendall, their children were Joseph (4), Cina (4), Lydia (4) and Cora (4). William (4) mar- ried Sadie Shirk and their children are Everett (5), Clifford (5), Lois (5), Reba (5), William (5). Everett (5) married Myrtle Hodge; Clifford (5) married Myrtle Greer and has Doris (6), George (6) Harold (6); Lois (5) married Richard Duncan and has Kivel (6). A HISTORY OF 1 JOHNSON COUNTY 463 Pauline (6), Virginia (6); Reba (5) married Joseph Smith; Joseph (t) married Verna Meyers; Cina (4) married Dr. Hall Whiteaker; Cora (4) married first James Phoenix and they had Zeno (5), she married second Edward Hooker; Lydia (4) married Harold Spauld- ing and has Louise (6); Martha (3) married first George Smith and second Alexander (see Martin). A. J. (3) and George (3) died in young manhood. Asa (3) was an M. E. minister. WHITEAKER Captain Mark Whiteaker was born in Williamson County in 1S33 near New Burnside. His grandfather, Mark Whiteaker, came to southern Illinois as early as 1818 or 1820. His father, Hall, came here from Tennessee where he had married Elvira Damron. John Damron, the father of Elvira, was a revolutionary soldier serving from Virginia. John Damron married Anna of Wales, British lies. Their children were Agnes, who married; Stephen Gill, his father Benjamine Gill, was also a Revolutionary soldier. Elvira married Hall Whiteaker; Melissa married William Choate; Noah married Mary Ann Thornton; David married Belle Casey. These families all lived in Johnson county except David. Tradition says the Damron family came originally from Virginia. Captain Whiteaker remembers stories of Virginia told him by his maternal Grandmother. Hall Whiteaker born in 1811 and Elvira born about 1816 settled in Wil- liamson county, but later came to Johnson, settling on the stage road leading from Cape Girardeau to Shawneetown, near what is now New Burnside where most of their children were born and raised. Mark (2) born 1833, Anna (2) born 1835, Ginsey (2) born 1836, William H. (2) born 1839, Polly (2) born 1841, John (2) born 1843. Mark Whiteaker assisted in organizing Company G. 120 Illinois Volunteers, and was made its captain 1862, and his brothers W. H. and J. A. served in his company. After the close of the war he fol- lowed farming many years in Burnside township, in the meantime serving as associate judge of the county and was later elected sheriff. Captain Whiteaker (1924) is now in his ninety-first year and has re- sided in Vienna since retiring from his farm. He has a remarkable memory for his age and enjoys the esteem of all who know him. He is a stanch Republican, a Mason and a member of the Grand Army Vienna Post. He and wife are members of the M. E. Church, as was his mother, and he attends services regularly even at his age. He married Elizabeth Deaton. The children are Arista (3) born 1862, married Isaac McElroy; their children are William (4), Mark (4), Josephine (4), Miles (4) and Isaac (4); Martha (3) born 1865, married Oscar Burris, they reside in Vienna and have Melvin (4), Albert (4), Geneva (4) and Martha June (4); Geneva (3) born 1867. 464 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY married Dr. A. I. Brown, their children are Essie (4), Charles (4), who married Gertrude Teeter, of Murphysboro, where they reside, Hall (3) born 1869, married Cina West; second, Grace Barette, chil dren Helen (4) and Juanita (4). He is a physician of Santa Cruz, Calif. William (3) born in 1871, married Alice Mathis. He is a phy- sician of Harrisburg, 111., and they have one son; Thomas (3) born 1873, married Emma Hight, he was accidently killed in early man- hood and left one daughter Uba (4) ; Elizabeth (3) born 1877, married John (see Mathis) ; Gertrude (3) born 1879, married Amos Compton, they live at Marion, 111. Captain Whiteaker and wife celebrated their golden wedding anniversary 1910. Mark 85, W. M. 79. Their sister, Mrs. Anna Newbold, 83, spent the day with their brother, J. A. Whiteaker, on his 75th birthday 1813, at his home near Ozark. These four "young people" were left to have the day entirely to themselves which they did preparing their own dinner and no doubt recalling many childhood incidents. WILEY .The Wiley family came here before the civil war and settled on a farm southwest of Vienna. The head of the family was John and they came from Ohio. Their children were H. B. (2), who was a substan- tial farmer living west of Vienna and above the average in education. He took an active part in the political questions of the day and was for ten years or more the first man to pay his taxes in the county. He married Catherine, daughter of William Whitemore, who was a prominent man in the county, about Civil War times. Several other members of the Whitemore family resided here at that time, but none are living here at the present. The children of H. B. (2) and Cathei- ine were H. C. (3), who married Zora Gurley; W. L. (3), married Louisa Turley, they had William (4) and Floyd (4); May (3) mar- ried Thomas Hester, their children are Mildred (4) and Marion (4). Frank (3) married Viney Sullins, and they have Myrtle (4), who married Mr. Barter; Samuel (3) married Ruth Carlton (see Slack). Rachel (2) married Thomas Utley, their children were William (3) who married Dora Watson; Elizabeth (3) married T. N. Fore- man. Benjamin (3) was an M. E. minister and married a Miss Bean of the West Eden settlement. W. R. Wiley (2) married Libbie E. (see Chapman) and is a merchant of Auburn, Washington. Sarah (2) married John Sutliff, and they reared a family on a farm, three miles southwest of Vienna. Their children were Hannah (3), mar- ried Fredinan (see Mathis) ; Elizabeth (3) married a Mr. Borthick, and has Inez (4). Martha (3) married W. P. Emerson, they reside near Bloomfield; Abe (3) married Bertha Mathis, and they are also residents of this county; Rachel (3) married Bailey Gann; Fannie (3) married T. C. Newby; Lily (3) married George Harvick; John A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 465 (3) resides on the home farm; Lucy (3) married Grover Ridenhower and died soon afterward. WILLIAMS W. L. Williams was born in Tennessee in 1848. He was a son of Levi and Nellie (Howard) Williams, who were both natives of South Carolina. The father came to this state in 1863, residing first in Pope County, later moving to Johnson. W. L. Williams began his business career at Lincoln Green in the southwest section of the county, in 1870 as a merchant. His first business building was made of logs. He kept a general store and was the postmaster at that place until 1876 when he moved his home and business to Belknap where he has been very successful. He conducts a mercantile busi- ness and has been in business longer than any man in the county, 52 years; owns a well equipped flour mill as well as farming inter- ests in the neighboring section. He was postmaster at Belknap for several years, also served the county as commissioner. Mr. Williams has been one of the most enterprising and progressive citizens of that community and has been vice-president of the First National Bank of Vienna for years. He is a Mason, an Odd Fellow, a Republican and a Methodist. He married first Clara B. Compton, had children. H. O., Myrtle, and Ida. H. O. was educated in the public schools of the county and Lebanon, 111. He graduated from Barnes Medical College of St. Louis, Mo., in 1896 and practiced medi- cine in Belknap and vicinity for several years, when he removed to Centralia, 111. After a special course in a college for the treatment of the ear and eye, in Chicago, 111., he entered the Haley Infirmary at Centralia, with Dr. Laybourn. Dr. H. O. married Madge, daughter of D. F. Beauman, of this county and has one daughter, Clara; Myrtle married Theodore Cousins, they have Billy, and reside at Du Quoin, 111.; W. L. Williams married second Alice Compton, children Bertha, Edith, Flossie and Duncan. Bertha married David Main of the firm of Main Brothers, Karnack, 111. They reside in Colorado Springs, Colorado, and have William. Edith married B. Baldridge of Centralia, 111. He died several years ago leaving children, Ross, Beba and Bertholdt. They also reside in Centralia. Flossie Married Dr. Ray Cummins, who is a dentist of Murphysboro. They have one daughter, Alice. Ida and Duncan died in youth. WHITESIDE James Whiteside was a native of Virginia and came to Illinois Territory about 1800, and is supposed to belong to the same family as the famous Col. William Whiteside. John was the son of James. David, who was born in Pope County, 1820, was the son of John and the father of John G., who was a native of this county, born 1846 466 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY and married Upha Shearer. Their children were Mary (2), Elizabeth (2), married Henry Rose, Matilda (2) married Armstrong Grissom, James (2) married a Miss Harvick, David (2) married Ellen Harper, John S. (2) married Peninna Harrell, William (2) married Sidney Waters, Polly (2) married Joseph Harper, India (2) married Lewis Lavander, Catherine (2) never married, Margaret (2) married Dr. McGinnis, Adaline (2) never married, Jane (2) married James Jack- son; John S. (2) born 1848 and Peninna had Joseph (3), J. J. (3), (Whig), John (3), Elizabeth (3), Fanny (3), India (3), Kate (3), Grant (3), Sherman (3), Sidney (3). Joseph (3) married Julia Cot- ton, 1866, they had Elizabeth (4), Cora (4), William (4); Elizabeth (4) married George McCuan and had Coy (5) and Harry (5) ; J. J. Whiteside (3) married Missouri Fern and they had John (4), Lona (4), Ella (4), James A. (4), Herman (4). John (4) married Nora Sullins and had John J. (5) and Peninna (5); Lona (4) married Caroll Kelly and had Frank (5), Ella (4) married Frank Mashina and they have Freddie (5); James A. (4) married Nora Verhines: Clyde (5) and Cleo (5); Herman (4) married; John (3) married Lucinda Jane Holt (see Chapman); Elizabeth (3) married Lowrey Fort and had Ann (5), William (5), Winnie (5), Cardis (5), Ger- trude (5) and Reverdia (5); Fannie (3) married Albert Riden- hower and Orpha (4) who married Samuel Baker and Grover (4) married Isma Fort; India (3) married George Ragains; Kate (3) married Frank Ragains and had John (4) and Peninna (4) married Frienza Jones and their children are Beatrice (5) who mar- ried Looney Robertson and Gladys (5); Grant (3) married Mary (see Chapman). Sherman (3) married Mary Simpson and their children are John (4), who married Lula Taylor and has John (5), Mary (5) and Sherman (5) ; Frank (4) married Belva Hayden, children Joseph (5) and Len. (5); Stella (4) married Mr. Robertson and has Walter (5); Fred (4) and Ethel (4); Sidney (3) married Charles Hogue. WHITNEL Josiah Whitnel was born in Caldwell Co., Ky., 1824. His grand- father was Josiah, an Irish weaver who raised three sons and three daughters of whom John was the eldest. John Whitnel married Mary Reynolds, daughter of Charles and Mary (McAnally) Ladd of Scotland, (recorded in a bible printed in Edinburgh in 1756), they had five sons who were physicians. Josiah, received a good educa- tion in the select schools of his neighborhood and graduated from the Medical College at Louisville, Ky. He was the first of his family to come to Illinois, and he came alone on horseback and located as Reynoldsburg, this county for the practice of his profession in 1852. He was a prominent character as citizen and physician, was appoint- A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 467 ed surgeon of the 120th 111. Inf., but resigned before going into ser- vice. He lived on a farm and practiced medicine throughout his life. Only the early settler appreciates the vicissitudes and helpful- ness of the country doctor. He was a Royal Arch Mayson and a Democrat. He married Susan E. Miller, neighbor in Kentucky. They had John L. (2), Mary R. (2), Elizabeth (2) and D. T. (2); John L. (2) was a graduate of the Louisville Medical College and practiced with his lather many years, was a fine surgeon as well as physicion, and was the third generation and the seventh member of the family following the medical profession. Mary R. (2) married N. J. Mozley (see Worley), D. T. (2) not married, makes his home with Mrs Mozley; Elizabeth (2) is the wife of C. M. Sullins a merchant oC Marshall, 111. Dr. Josiah Whitnel's descendants have a cane that was cut from the stalk of a palm tree Jan. 9, 1815, at New Orleans, the day after the battle. Dr. Whitnel's father (John) was a soldiei under General Jackson during this engagement. The family bible published in 1756 is in the possession of D. T. Whitnel. Dr. David T. Whitnel was a brother of Josiah and came to this county some time between 1852 and 60. He settled in Vienna and his home was on the site of the present home of C. M. Pickens. He, like the other Whitnel brothers was born, educated and graduated in medicine in Kentucky. He served in the Civil War as surgeon in the 31st 111. Vol. Infrantry, till after the battle of Vicksburg where he was attacked by yellow fever, he returned home and died in a few months. He married Permelia Caldwell also of Kentucky, children Ella (2), Lindorf Osborn (2). These children were raised in the home of Josiah Whitnel after the mother's death which occurred in 1869. Ella (2) married J. W. Heaton of New Burnside, they have Lindorf (3), Herman (3), Clara (3). L. O. Whitnel (2) was born in this county in 1863. He attended the public schools of the community, later a Normal School at Carmi, 111., and Central College at Danville, Ind. He was employed as a clerk in a store by David Shearer for a short time at New Burnside and also as a clerk at Goreville, 111. He came to Vienna in the fall of 1865 and entered the law office of P. T. Chapman and began the study of law. In 1886 he entered a partnership with Chapman which firm of Chapman & Whitnel, Attys., continued four years, when he and G. B. Gillespie formed the legal firm of Whitnell & Gillespie spoken of under Mr. Gillespie's Biography. In 1904 Mr. Whitnel moved to East St. Louis forming a partnership with Hon. W. S. Fore- man. Mr. Foreman died in 1908. Mr. Whitnel was employed as General Attorney for the Missouri Pacific R. R. Co., other positions followed, such as attorney for the St. Louis, Troy and Eastern, Pennsylvania lines, Chicago and Eastern Illinois, the East St. Louis, 468 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY Columbia and Waterloo, and other railroads. In addition to this he was General Counsel for the Consolidated Coal Company of St. Louis, Mo., and General Attorney for the Western Coal & Mining Company. After his son Josiah's return from France in 1919 where he served as Lieutenant in the World War, he entered practice with his father forming the firm of "Whitnel & Whitnel". They have offices in the Cahokia Bldg., East St. Louis, 111. Mr. Whitnell died in December 1924. The strength and veracity of this firm is so well known thai comment is unnecessary. Josiah was born in Johnson County. He is a graduate of the East St. Louis High School and the law depart- ment of the University of Illinois. L. O. Whitnel married Amanda Trammell 1888 (see Chapman). Dr. Constantine L. Whitnel, an- other of the four Doctors Whitnel settled in Goreville Township in 1855. He did an extensive country practice throughout his life. He erected a fine country home for that time, 1861, which is still stand- ing, and occupied as a resident by Charles Calhoun. The second story of this home was used by the Goreville Masonic Lodge until the hall was built. Dr. C. L. Whitnel married first Ann Looney and their children were Charles (2), who followed the profession of his father and was also very successful. He married Ann Cook, both died and left one son, Harry C. (3), who lives in Marion, 111.; Mary (2) married Milo Trammell, George (3), their only child, married Clara Beauman of this county and is cashier of the First State Bank of Mound City, 111., where they reside; Flora (2) married Thomas H Taylor and had Nora (3), Pearl (3), Ora (3), Holley (3) and Ada (3). Nora (3) married E. W. (see Sutton), Pearl (3) is a business woman of Vienna, Ora (3) married Roy Milburn and has Helen (4) and Lyman (4); Holley (3) married Oma Casey and has Virginia (4), Verly (4), S. Holley (4) and Betty Joe (4); Ada (3) married William (see Fern). Dr. C. L. Whitnel married s(econd) Mrs. McNealy and had Ida (2) who married John Gibson and had Charles (3), Nettie (3), Ernest M. (3), James H. (3), L. O. (3), Ruth (3), Esther (3), Virgil (3), married Myrtle Foster and is the only one of the family beside the parents residing in this county. Dr. Robert, a fourth brother of the Whitnel's came to this county and settled in the West Eden neighborhood, and like his brothers, spent his life in ministering to, and relieving the sick and disabled. He married Julia Miller and their children were Minnie (2) who mar- ried John Stewart and their children are Mabel (3), Frank (3) and Harry (3); William (2) married Agusta Fisher, and their children are Edna (3), Clarence (3), Wayne (3) and Julia (3); Gertrude (2) A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 469 married Harry Gallway and has one son, Otis Whitnel (3); Brit- tiana (2) married Marshall Cantrell and has Carl (3). All of Dr. Whitnel's family have removed from the county except his son, Wil- liam. WOELFLE F. R. Woelfle is not a native of Johnson County but is connected by marriage with two of our pioneer families. He is the son of Dr. John M., who was born in Germany, and Anna (Clark) Woelfle a na- tive of Canada. They came to Southern Illinois in 1859. Rodman came with his widowed mother to Vienna when a school boy, and was first employed in the mill of J. B. Kuykendall. He later bought a mill in Canton, Mo., which he operated for several years, but returned to Vienna and took up the business of banking in 1903. He married first Carrie Kuykendall (see Simpson). They had one son, J. R., who is a resident of Vienna. F. R. Woelfle married second Louise Rebman They are residents of Vienna, members of the Eastern Star, M. E. Church, and the Republican party. He is a Mason and one of the progressive citizens of the county, being interested and active in everything that makes for the public good and adds to the welfare of the community. His son J. R. is assistant cashier of the Drovers State Bank and while young bids fair to be a leading citizen. WORLEY Worley — taken from Kaskaskia records — "John Worley heir of Samuel Worley granted one hundred acres of land, 1791 for militia duty". John and Joseph Worley are given as residents of Illinois in Kaskaskia records in 1785. J. M. Peck says Joseph Worley was a soldier under General Clark on his Illinois Campaign and came with his family to the territory in 1785, from near Wheeling, West Vir- ginia. Whether John was the father of Joseph, if they were brothers or if either was the founder of the Worley family of this county is left to tradition or surmise. The following data was copied from a family record entered in a bible published 1844, and can be relied on, yet it need not be forgotten that John Worley may have been born in North Carolina and came to this state from West Virginia. John Worley born in North Carolina, 1726, married Nancy, and had Isaac (2) born 1786, died 1862, married Margaret Crow who was born 1792 and died 1835. They had George H. (3), Born 1813, Hiram (3), born 1814, Grandison (3) born 1817, Eliza (3), born 1819, Lucinda (3), born 1821, Clarisa (3), born 1826, Francis M. (3), born 1831, Mary (3), born 1833. Only four of these children had families, George H. (3) married Grace Harper, and they had Hiram (4), who married Louisa Elkins, they had George (5) and Vernila (5); Hiram (3) married Vernila Graves, born 1816, and they had Margaret (4), born 1839, 470 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY George H. (4), born 1840, Mary J. (4), born 1842, Sarah Catherina (4) born 1848, Thomas Jackson (4), born 1860. Margaret (4) married John Mozley, and they had Norman J. (5), Charles (5). Norman J. (5) married Mary Whitnel, they had Ladd (6), Mary E. (6). Ladd (6) married Margaret Hooker and they have Margaret (7) and Norman G. (7); Mary Elizabeth (6) married Edward Simpson and their chil- dren are Melba (7), Elizabeth (7) and Norma Joe (7); Charles (5) married Ella Phillips and they have Hal (6), Loren (6), Joseph (6), Charles (6). This family lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico; George H. (4) married Drucilla Damron and had two children. He married second Sarah Stubblefield and they had Vernilla (5), Sidney (5), Adolphus (5), none of whom reside in the county; Mary J. (4) mar- ried Thomas J. Cowan, and their children are Martha A. (5), born 1861, David J. (5), born 1865, Thomas J. (5), born 1869, Gertrude (5), born 1877, John O. (5), born 1880. Martha A. (5) married Wil- liam Nobles and has Dr. Charles D. (6), who has resided in Bun combe and practiced medicine in this county several years. He is a graduate of the School of Physicians and Surgeons, of St. Louis, Mo., and has recently been appointed assistant physician at the Southern Illinois Hospital, for the Insane at Anna, where he and family reside. They are greatly missed from their home county both socially and professionally. He married Hattie Melvin and has Arthur (7); David J. (5) married Sarah (Duncan) Poor; Thomas J. (5) married Nora Farris and they have Mary (6) who married Olin R. Kerley (see Kerley) ; and Ruth (6), Gertrude (5), married Jefferson Gore and has Mary (6), Maud (6) Norman (6) and Margaret (6); John O. (5) resides with his mother at the county seat; Catherine (4) married Wesley Mathis, and had Thomas (5), Melissa (5), Martin (5); Thomas Jackson (4), married Cordia Whiteaker and had Luela (5), Thomas (5), Ellis (5). Eliza Worley (3) married William Jones and had Bruce (4), Jasper (4), Eliza (4), Polk (4); Lucinda (3) married Thomas Findley and had Joseph (4), Eliza (4), Hiram (4), Charles (4), Amanda (4). This family lies in in Union County. WOMACK John Wesley Womack is supposed to have been a native oL Tennessee but came here from Hardin County before the Civil War. His wife's name was Elizabeth Hogan, she was a native of Gallatin County. They had Abraham (2), John (2), Sarah (2), Austin (2), Mary (2). Abraham (2) married Ann Jones. They had Margaret (3) who married William Murrie; Wesley (3) married Amanda Murray; Eliza (3) married Robert Thornsberry, she had Myrtle (4) and othei children. They removed from the county. Sarah (2) married Joseph Clymore, they had Dora (3) who married Luther Anderson; they had A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 471 Luther Edward (4); Austin B. (2) married Mary A. McKee, they had Mary A. (3) not married, and Daisy (3) who married Ned Sharp; Mary (2) married James Lasley; their children were Wililam (3) who married Lula Wickham; Elizabeth (3) married Fred Gray; Eliza (3) married Frank Wortman; James (3) married in the West. John (2) married Julia Reynolds, the children were Elizabeth (3) who married Edward Mace, Richard (3), Mary (3), Joel (3), Amanda (3), William W. (3), Frank (3) married Olive Upchurch; Phoebe (3), Austin (3), Elmer (3), Francis (3). WORRELL F. E. Worrell, our present County Superintendent of Schools, is a descendant of one of the early teachers of this county, Branum Worrell. This family came from North Carolina and Branum set- tled in the southwest section where he married Miss Wilhelm and they had Jasper (2), Newton (2), who was killed at Shilo, and an- other son who died soon after the war from the results of service in the war— F. M. (2) removed to Texas; S. A. D. (2); Theodosia (2); Sarah (2). Sarah (2) married Lee Henry, her children are Mrs. Dolph Lavander, Harper Henry and Mrs. Robert Greer; S. A. D. (2) had one daughter by his first marriage; he married second Ellen Lokey and has James (3), Fred (3), Grace (3), Doris (3). Jasper (2) mar ried first Margaret Wise. Only two children of this family living. Mrs. Nancy Parish and Mrs. Emma Finley. He married second Clementine Graves, a sister of Dr. Graves of Goreville, and she had F. E. (3) and Guy (3). Guy (3) married Agnes Birch. F. E. re- ceived his primary education in the public schools and has a degree from the Southern Illinois Normal University. He is a young man, has taught eleven years and has devoted most of his life to educa- tional work. He was elected to his present office as a Democrat in 1922, and is very efficient in his official capacity. He married Esther McCormick. They are members of the M. E. Church, Eastern Star, and residents of Vienna where they add much to the social and moral influence of the community. WRIGHT Reverend Abraham Wright was born in New York June 21, 1818, was raised in Indiana and Ohio. He said he was called to preach at the age of ten years but resisted the call until 1835, when he was li- censed to preach in Kentucky. He was a minister for sixty-five years, and gives as a summary of his life work that he preached to one million people, visited five hundred thousand, traveled two hundred thousand miles; a great deal of which was done before the days of railroads, preached ten thousand sermons and witnessed the conver- sion of at least twenty thousand people, and as he said "Helping just 472 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY a little". He came to Vienna in 1867, edited the "Vienna Artery" several years and was postmaster under Grant. He not only followed journalism but preached in different sections in the county, in fact in every place where there was a church or need of the Gospel. He had a young daughter, Emma, who understood music, and he also pos- sessed a small melodeon which could easily be taken down and set up. It was his practice on Sundays to take his daughter and the melodeon in his buggy and hie away to his appointment. The instru- mental music was a novely to the people of the country, and proved a great attraction for his services. He was a good singer himself and no doubt much and lasting good was done through the music, and his presentation of the Gospel message. Mr. Wright lived to be almost ninety years old and died in Florida. He was an exemplary Christian, strong prohibitionist, and left his impress on the world. His children were Wilson, Emma R., John, Mattie, William, and Ollie Three of his sons were M. E. ministers. John W. Wright became very prominent as such in the Iowa Conference. Emma R. married M. A. Smith, resides in Jacksonville, Fla. Mattie married Mr. Coats and resides at Licking, Mo. The sons are dead. YANDELL M. J. Yandell came here from Kentucky and married Lucinda E VanCleve, and settled on a farm in the Ozark Neighborhood. He was nineteen years old and she was fifteen. They raised nine children, namely Mrs. L. L. Smoot, Lewis P., Mrs. W. G. Lambert, Mrs. H. A. Dunn, Maddison, Mrs. C. M. Jacobson, Edgar, Bessie, and Grace. Mr. Yandell died several years ago and most of the family have left the county. CHOAT The Choat family who were Irish is a large one and they were very early settlers here but it seems impossible to get any lineage from the ones now living, from the best information they must have come here early in the nineteenth century. The following is from a granddaughter of Nicholas Choat. She says he came from Kentucky and was a distiller having a large fruit orchard there from which he made brandy and other drinks. He came to Illinois, selected a farm a short distance east from what is now Tunnel Hill and a part of the J. P. Woodside place, returned to Kentucky and brought fruit trees, planted them and in time began the manufacture of spirits again. His home was on the old Ft. Massac and Kaskaskia trace and he sold his wares to travelers. He had five sons and three daughters. Ezekiel Choat was one. He also lived in the neighborhood of Ozark. William Harper lived on the Ezekiel Choat place in 1921. Nicholas Choat's A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 473 wife was Nancy Smith and they were married in Kentucky. His son, Ezekiel, married Margaret McFatridge, daughter to William (1). They raised a large family to be grown and have families but Absolem is the only one whose name was secured. He married Lucinda Col- breth and reared a family of five boys and three girls each of whom had large families. It is supposed Sabert and Squire Choat were brothers to Ezekiel. It is thought the family came here as early as 1808. Squire Choat married Polly Casey (see Casey) and lived at Casey Springs in 1825. He lived in this county as early as 1815. He had a son born there in 1818, J. P., who was the father of J. M. Choat. Sabert Choat married a Harvick, daughter to Jacob. Squire Choat moved to Massac County and raised his family there. It is thought that Sabert Choat lived in Massac also. Isaac Choat of Massac County has a biography in the "Biographical Record" publish- ed in 1893. The names given of his family are the same as those in the other Choat families and it is possible that he is a descendent of another son of Nicholas Choat. Greenbury Choat was a revolutionary soldier and is buried in this or Saline County. He no doubt was con- nected with this family possibly father to Nicholas as Green is a favorite name in the Choat family. Ezekiel was rather prominent in the affairs of the county in its early settlement. Absolem Choat said Squire Choat was a son of Green (Greenbury) Choat. Nicholas and Greenbury may have been brothers. Tradition says Polly (Casey) Choat was a woman of unusual intellect and sterling character. A daughter of Absolem Choat says she was a woman of fame for her day. Her character as a pioneer wife and mother has left its impress on the generations following as she passed on many years ago, yet her influence and example still lives. HESS Col. Samuel Hess was born in Union County 1823. He was reared in his native county and early learned the tailor's trade which he followed several years opening a shop in Marion for a short time. He came to Vienna in 1844 and established a business. In 1846 he enlisted in Captain Hacker's company for the Mexican War. He par- ticipated in the battle of Buena Vista and other minor engagements. At the expiration of his enlistment he returned to Vienna and in 1849 went overland to California as a "forty niner" making the entire journey with horses. At that time there were no white settlements west of the Missouri river except the Mormans at Salt Lake, Utah. He followed mining there for about a year and returned home by way of the Isthmus of Panama. Soon after his return he engaged in the mercantile business with S. J. Chapman and D. Y. Bridges being thus engaged when the Civil War broke out. He assisted in raising the 474 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY sixteenth Illinois Infantry of which he was commissioned Major. He was later promoted to Lieutenant-Colonel. He resigned in 1863. He continued the mercantile business also engaging in the lumber busi- ness and the later years of his life were devoted to farming. He was very successful in business for a time and built the largest and most imposing home in the town and furnished it accordingly. He owned a large tract of land on the west side of sixth street and two or more Hess editions have been made to the town. Col. Hess was a tall and well proportioned man, a splendid horseman and in the good old days of "parades" he made a fine picture as marshal of the day with his red sash and mounted on his gray horse. He married Usurla (see Chapman). HUNSAKER The founders of the Hunsaker family of this section of Illinois were Abraham and Jane (Snyder) Hunsaker. They were so far as is known natives of Pennsylvania and came from that state in 1812, settling in that part of Johnson that later made Union County. This name appears frequently on our early court records especially George Hunsaker. Nicholas, their son, married Olive Montgomery, a native of Virginia. They were the parents of Mortimer who was born in Union County in 1834 and came to Elvira Township, this County 1870. He was a successful farmer of his time and a Justice of the Peace for many years. He married Mary Stearns. Their children were Augustus, Charles and Jennie, who married Dr. W. G. White. Charles is a farmer of this county. F. M. Hunsaker is a nephew of Mortimer and also a native of Union County. He is one of the substantial farmers of Elvira Township. He married Seva Drake. Their chil- dren were Berthyl, Holly and Clyde. They live on the Drake farm located on the Vienna and Goreville road. MARSHALL Charles Marshall, a farmer and stock raiser of Belknap, is a na- tive of Kentucky. He is a member of a distinguished southern fam- ily, Charles the original ancestor, coming here from England in colonial times and settling in Virginia. He was a brother of Chief Justice Marshall and served in the war of Independence from Vir- ginia. Martin P. Marshall, son of Charles, was born in Virginia but emigrated to Kentucky in pioneer days and became speaker of the House of Representatives of Kentucky and cast the deciding vote which kept the state of Kentucky in the Union. Martin P. married u first cousin, Elizabeth Marshall, also of Kentucky. R. M. Marshall was the son of this union. Martin P. practiced law in Rock Island, Illinois, for some time but returned to his native state residing there the remainder of his life. He married a daughter of Willis Forman A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 475 of that state whose father, Joseph Forman was also a resident of Kentucky. In 1824 he with several of his neighbors made a trip to New Orleans on a flat boat to market their produce. They landed at Shawneetown on their return trip and entered a section of land each. Charles, our subject is a son of R. M. and was reared in Kentucky. He graduated from the University of Lebanon, Ohio, in the early eighties and 1884 came to Belknap, his maternal grand- father having given him a hundred acres of wooded land in that sec- tion to which he has added to and improved till he now has, as has been stated, probably the largest body of land in the county. Be- sides his farming interests he is a director in the First National Bank of Vienna and has been instrumental in securing the drainage systems of the Cache basin. He and family are members of the M. E. Church. He married first Effie, daughter of Marion Williams of Kelknap. She died in 1893. They had one daughter, Elizabeth F. who married C. O. Judson and resides in Kansas City, Missouri. They have one child. Robert M. married May Stephens of this coun ty. He graduated from a dental college in 1923 and resides in SI. Louis, Missouri. Mr. Marshall married second Clara, daughter of George and Martha (Copeland) Evers. They have one son, William P., who is a graduate of Vienna High School and of University of Il- linois and is a federal land bank agent, with headquarters in St. Louis. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall reside on their farm a short distance from Belknap. MARTIN Dr. O. P. Martin, whose family is given under West, passed on in 1924. He practiced medicine in West Eden community and Belknap for fifty five years. He was loved by all who knew him and was never known to refuse a call if he was able to go. He was a true type of the country doctor that is fast passing. He studied medicine under Dr. Robert Whitnell, one of the four doctor Whitnells who came to this county from Kentucky before the Civil War. He later graduated from the American Medical College of St. Louis, Mo. He was a Mason, Odd Fellow and a liberal supporter of the M. E. church. McKENZIE Dr. A. E. McKenzie has practiced dentistry in this county for thirty years. He is a graduate of The Chicago College of Dental Sur- gery and is a son of Dr. P. S. and Mary J. (Smith) McKenzie, the former being a native of Edinburgh, Scotland. Dr. McKenzie, the elder, was a resident of Vienna for several years. A. E. is a native of Illinois but not of this county. He opened an office in Vienna in 3 893 and has practiced here continuously since. He married Alice Cook, a native of Cincinnati, Ohio, and a teacher of music here for 476 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY several terms. Their children are Harold, Mary, Herbert, Donald, George, Martha, Myra, May and Elmer. Harold married Goldie Smith They have one son, Charles Jackson. MURRIE Thomas Murrie came to this county from Virginia about 1843 and settled near a spring on the farm now owned by Charles W. Murrie in the east side of the county. He married Margaret Redden. They had ten children, William (2), Thomas (2), Jackson (2), John (2), Charles (2), Stanford" (2), Monroe (2), Elizabeth (2), Mary (2). William (2) married Rachael De Poister. Thomas (2) married Sarah Pangrum. Jackson (2) married Nancy Neely. John Murrie (2) mar- ried Sarah Neely. Monroe (2) married Emily West. Elizabeth Mur rie (2) married William Mount. Mary Murrie (2) married John Thomas. Margaret (2) married John Pangrum. William (2) and Rachael had children, Mary (3), Polly (3), Ann (3), Henry (3), Wil- liam (3) and Jackson (3). Polly (3) married James Ross. Mary (3) married Lath Robertson. Henry (3) married Martha Reed. William (3) married Margaret McFatridge. Jackson (3) married Emma Noi- ris. Thomas (2) and Sarah had children, Mary (3), Jane (3), Mar- garet (3), Iown (3), Annie (3), William (3), John (3), James (3), Thomas (3). Mary (3) married Dock Bowman. Jane (3) married Green Lasley. Margaret no history. Iown (3) married Allen Reed. Annie (3) married Charles Hill. William (3) married Margaret Wor- mack. John (3) married Ollie Brinkley. James (3) married Amanda Ford. Jackson (2) and Nancy had children, John J. (3), Charles M. (3), Thomas B. (3), Nancy J. (3). Jackson (2) married second Mil- dred Gray. They had children Otto (3), Oscar (3). John J. (3) mar- ried Belle Bowman. Charles M. (3) married Anne Simpson. Thomas B. (3) married Alice Keltner. Otto (3) married Lou Cline. Oscar (3) married Willis Smith. John (2) and Sarah had children, Thomas (3), Sarah Ann (3). Thomas (3) married Lucinda Debman. Mar- garet (3) married John M. Farr. Monroe (2) and Emily had children, Ida (3), Chas. W. (3), Fred (3), Fleety (3), Newton (3), Harry (3), Walter (3). Ida (3) married Robert Lay. Chas. W. (3) married Ollie J. Pettiford. Newton (3) married Julia Kerley. Harry (3) married Jennie Grissom. Walter (3) married Annie Dunn. Elizabeth (2) and William Mount had children, Nancy (3), Thomas B. (3), Sidney B. (3). Nancy (3) married Joseph McFatridge, had children, Bertha (4), Walter (4), Ora (4). Thomas B. (3) married Belle Pickens. Sid- ney B. (3) married Charles Pankey. Mary (2) and John Thomas had children. Jane (3) married Pete Howell. Allen (3) married Matt Howell. Mary Ann (3) married James Miller. Samuel (3) never married. James (3) married Cora Howell. Margaret (3) married A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 477 Thomas Rentfro. Abbie (3) married Frank Simpson. Monroe (3) married Belle Simpson. Margaret (2) and John Pangburn had Jack- son Pangburn (3), John J. (3) and Isabel had children William J. (4), Charles (4), Effert (4), John (4), Daisy (4), Fred (4), Edward (4), Ritha (4). William J. Murrie (4) married Barbara Ellen, daughter of Thomas and Minerva (Smith) Farris of this county, children Cali (5). ROSE Pleasant W. Rose, who was head of the Rose family of this coun- ty, was born in Hardin County in 1812 and was reared in Pope Coun ty. He married Mary Ann Ellis whose parents emigrated to Illinois from North Carolina and settled in Grantsburg Township, Johnson County 1834, on the farm now owned and occupied by P. W. Rose, his son. Their children were Mary E. (2) who married D. C. Chap- man. James E. (2) married Mary (see Bain). He was a farmer and served as Lieutenant in the Civil War. Sidney A. (2) married James W. Damron. She resides at Fredricktown, Mo. Mariah (2) who first married John Jones (see Simpson) second George Shelton. One child was born, Ada, who resides near Puxico, Mo. Pleasant W. Rose is the youngest and has made a decided success of farming. He married Mary Farris. They still reside at this pleasant old home. Their children are Arista A. (3), wife of W. C. Graves of Ft. Collins, Colorado. They have one son, Charles. Mary (3) married Dr. W. H. (see Walker). Lillie (3) married Isaac Morgan. They have one daughter, Emma, who married a Mr. Ellis and this family resides in Metropolis, Illinois. Sidney (3) married Charles Deans and resides on a farm in an attractive bungalow on the Vienna and Grantsburg road. Dr. Pleasant W. Rose is the third in line of that name and the only son of P. W. Rose, the second. He was born on the old home- stead in 1877 and received his early education in the district school of the community, later attending Vienna High School. He entered Barnes Medical College of St. Louis, Mo., in 1896 and graduated from this institution in 1899 and began the practice of medicine at Grants- burg. The following year he removed to Simpson, Illinois, remain- ing in active practice there five years. He later removed to Cypress where he has resided until the present except a year or more he serv- ed as assistant physician at the Southern Illinois Hospital at Anna. He has a large and lucrative practice. Dr. Rose is a Mason, a mem- ber of the local and American Medical Associations. He was married first to Mrs. Nancy (Ellis) Mount who had two sons, J. Lee and Wayne Mount. He married second Nellie McKee. 478 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY RUSSELL The Russell family was a prominent name in our primitive his- tory. Abraham Russell entered land 1819. It is now owned by R. F. Haden and Thacker and Dundas, and lies on the Goreville road about two miles north of Vienna. SMITH Jason B. Smith was a native of South Carolina and was born in 1805. His father Hiram was a farmer of South Carolina. His widow, with her children, removed to Kentucky about 1820. Jason B. was converted at an early age and entered the ministry of the M. E. church at the age of twenty three and was for many years an itinerant preacher. He married Matilda C. Franklin in Kentucky about 1827 and they came to Pope County, Illinois, to make their home. Mr. Smith had also learned blacksmithing and opened a shop at Golconda. While a resident of Pope County he enlisted in the Black Hawk War serving as Corporal under Captain Obediah West. Soon after his return from the war he moved to the southeastern part of Johnson County where he entered land and built a home. Being a progressive man, he was not satisfied with just a home and soon after burned the brick and erected a brick dwelling which was for many years probably the only brick residence in the county. When the Civil War broke out, he enlisted and was soon made Lieutenant of Company K., First Illinois Light Artillery and within six months he was promoted to Captain. At the close of his services, he returned to his farm and black- smith trade which he had followed with his farming. With all his other duties he preached frequently and continued his devotion to his church as long as he lived. He was the founder of the Benton M. E. church and though he has gone on many years ago his memory and influence still remain and has reached out through his grandsons and touched many communities. His children were Thomas H. who was killed in the Civil War leaving a wife and two children; Elizabeth married Daniel Cummins; James A. resided in Burnside many years but finally removed to Arkansas; John W. was a business man of Fordyce, Ark. He was a member of the Regulators who were tho better element of citizens who banded themselves together to rid their neighborhood of the "Flat Heads", a lawless band that followed horse stealing and other wickedness in the eastern section of the county and the adjoining parts of Massac. He also served as county judge of this county. Jefferson Wormack lived on the Jason B. Smitli place in 1924. A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 479 TAYLOR Thomas H. Taylor, a resident and Justice of the Peace of Tunnel Hill, has been a teacher of this county since early manhood. He came here when a youth about the time of the beginning of the Civil War and resided in Goreville Township many years living on the Dr Tiiic Whitnell old place and farming through the summer months. He has been assistant in the county offices many times and is known as a man of influence in his community. He married Flora, daugh- ter of Dr. C. T. Whitnell. Their children are Pearl, a business wom- an of Vienna; Adah, wife of W. Fenn who has a mercantile business in Creal Springs. They have two children, William a student of Pharmacy in St. Louis; Loucile, a teacher of this county. Ora who married Ray Milburn and is a teacher of Saline County. They have one daughter and reside in Harrisburg, Illinois. Holly is a business man of Tunnel Hill. He married Oma Casey. They have a residence in Vienna where they live during the school term. Their children are Roy, Oma, Virginia, Verla, F. H. Jr., and Betty Joe. WHITEHEAD James was born in Mississippi in 1820 and married Minerva Payne. They came to the county in 1852. The father of James was Mathew, born in 1735 in Maryland or South Carolina. The fath- er of Mathew was also James, a farmer born in Maryland or South Carolina, whose wife was a Miss Melton. He was a planter and also a Methodist minister. Their children were Mathew, Mary, John, Sophia. Mathew married Anna, a daughter of Hezekiah Walker, a native of Maryland. They moved to Mississippi about 1815 and began lift on a farm, there James the head of the Johnson County White- heads, was born. He married at the age of seventeen and settled on the western line of Mississippi, later moving to Arkansas, and from there to Johnson County where he acquired a large tract of land entering some of it under the "bit act.'' He was a Tunnel Hill Town- ship resident about 60 years. Their children were John (2), Finus (2), Sylvester (2). John married Narcissa Webb. Their children were Narcissa (3), James (3). Nancy (3) married C. Johnson; Tal (3) married R. Goddard; Delia Ann (3) married Newbolt; Isadore (3) married Webb; Ida (3) married Albright; John (3) married Zilla Webb; Nora (3), Cora (3). James Whitehead (3) the first son was educated in our public schools and served the county twice as sheriff. He resides on a farm in Tunnel Hill Township and married Bell Brooks. Finus (2) married Nancy Vincent. He is a retired farmer living near Tunnel Hill. Sylvester, the youngest, was educated in public schools attending two Normal terms at Vienna. He entered the mercantile business at Tunnel Hill with J. F. Graham in ]873 and 480 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY continued this with other business interests such as farming and dealing in grain the remainder of his life. He also served as post master nine years and Notary Public twelve years at Tunnel Hill. He was very active and successful in business. He built the brick store and residence now standing in Tunnel Hill on the west side of the Big Four R. R. in 1882. He was a Mason and member of the Baptist Church. He died in 1906. He married Mary Brooks 1873, one son Noel married Estella (see Chapman). Sylvester married sec- ond Mrs. Avaline Cover who resides with her daughter, Mrs. Herbert Galagha in Goreville (1923). WHITTENBERG This family came from Whittenberg, Germany, to America in Colonial times settling in Pennsylvania, soon after the Revolutionary War. Henry Whittenberg direct ancestor of the Whittenbergs of this county removed from Pennsylvania to Tennessee when a young man and settled in Blount County where many of his descendents still reside. Three of the sons, Mathew, Joseph and Daniel, came to Illi- nois settling in Washington County 1853. William the youngest son. married Nancy, the daughter of John M. and Nancy (Dyson) Smith ; a Methodist minister. Nancy was born in Virginia in 1800 and was said to be a relative of President Harrison. William and Nancy id- moved to Henry County, Tennessee. Some years later while still a young man he came to Illinois to look a location and visit his rela- tives. He started back to his home on horse back and was never heard of again. In 1840 his widow with eight children came to John- son County locating in Grantsburg Township. The children were Polly A. (2), John S. (2), Sally D. (2), Henry H. (2), William P. (2), Harrison (2), Daniel W. (2), Malinda (2). The mother of these chil- dren was a woman of education, strong character and profoundly re- ligious. The advantages of schools in a frontier country were not very good and the mother taught her children at home. J. S. was the eldest boy and early learned to love books; the Bible and a few biographs being the only books they owned. After the day's work was done the children had their time for study. John S. was a great student of the Bible and was licensed to preach at an early age. He entered land and made a home for his family in Tunnel Hill Town ship where his sister Malinda who married Elihu Vaughn also lived. Mr. Whittenberg was County Superintendent of schools serving two terms, teaching thirty-five years. He was also a local minister for many years. He married Isabella Gregg of Massac County. The children were Ellen (3) who married James Herrell. Roy (4) their only child living is a resident of this county. Adeline (3) married G. W. Hood. Their children were Frank (4), Charles (4) of Chicago. Illinois, Ruby (4) wife of Herbert Reynolds of Herrin, Illinois, and A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 481 Ruth (4) who married Reverend A. C. Cummins (see Cummins). Sarah J. (3) married David Cover and resides on her father's old home tarm. Neecy (3) married W. H. Cover of Tunnel Hill. Their children are David (4), Belle (4), Olive (4); Alonzo L. (3) was a teacher from boyhood, beginning at the age of seventeen. He farm- ed part of the time but his real profession was teaching. He resign- ed the Superintendency of the Vienna High School to enter the office of the State Superintendent of Schools where he is a valued member of the Department of Education. He married Eva Rice of Johnson County. Their children are Clarice (4), Inez (4), Bess (4), Marjorie (4), Tennie (4), Isabella (4), Eva (4), Catherine (4). The family re- moved to Springfield 1912. Wm. P. Whittenberg (2) was one of the family of Nancy (Smith) Whittenberg and was twelve years old when she came to Illinois. He first resided on a farm in Elvira Township and when the call for troops came to enter the Civil War he rented his farm and enlisted in Company K, First Illinois Light Artillery where he served three years. He was wounded at Wolf River Bridge, Moscow, Tennessee. He later returned to his regiment and served until 1864. He first married Zana Evans 1854 who died soon afterward. He married second Mary Jane Burkalow. The children were Mahala (3) who married Cass Simmons. Their children were Maggie and Eva. Maggie married Calvin (see Mathis). Eva married DeEsco Walker. This family removed to Oklahoma. Mary (3) married Nelson Oliver. Mr. Whittenberg after the war married Martha Ann (Cranshaw) Benson whose husband had died from a gunshot wound and imprisonment in Andersonville, during the Civil. War. Their children were W. H. (3), D. W. (3), I. N. (3), Viola (3), Frank (3), Lula May (3). W. H. (3) is a farmer and teacher. He removed a few years ago to Union County. He married Lucretia (see Chapman). D. W. (3) entered the business world quite young beginning as a teacher but was soon elected cashier of the First National Bank of Vienna, Illinois, where he remained for twenty-five years. He was also interested in farm- ing and stock raising and aided materially in getting farmers of this county to raise a better grade of horses and cattle. He was untiring in his efforts to move forward along moral, religious and whatever lines would benefit the community. He was superintendent of the Methodist Sunday School in Vienna for more than twenty years, al- ways faithful to his duty. Vienna lost one of her most progressive citizens when he removed to Centralia, Illinois 1919 and became the cashier of the Centralia National Bank. He married Ida C. (see Chapman). Daniel Wayne (4) served in France in the World War. He married Ruth Vaughn and resides in Centralia. Elizabeth (4) is a student in the Centralia High School. Mr. Whittenberg was a Re- 482 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY publican, a Mason and served as Grand Patron of the Order of the Eastern Star of Illinois. He died in 1923. I. N. (4) was a dentist of Mount Carmel, Illinois, and married Nell Nazor. They had Howard (4) and Frank (4). Viola (3) married J. B. Morray. Their children were Ralph (4) who is a teacher of Agriculture in the Oblong, Illinois, schools. He married Haloween (see Parker). Eulala (4) resides in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Frank (3) married Zilla Webb. He died young leaving one daughter, Mabel (4). Lula (3) was a teacher of this county several years and married Judge T. J. Layman of Ben- ton, Illinois, where they reside. Their children are Martha (4) and Thomas J. Jr., (4). WISE Hiram H. Wise was born in Tennessee. His father William J. and William the grandfather, were both natives of North Carolina. The pioneer ancestor was Isaac Wise, who was the father of William the first, was born and grew to manhood in England, coming to the United States in young manhood. He did not serve in the Revolu- tionary War, but was drafted three times. He furnished a substitute for each time also thirteen horses as his contribution to the cause ol' Independence. William Wise married Nancy Howard in North Caro- lina. They raised a large family of which William J. Wise was one. He married Rebecca Lawhon also of North Carolina. They came to Illinois in 1825 in a cart with a tandem team. They removed to Tennessee after a short residence here and remained till 1837 when they removed to Illinois and settled in Johnson County. There were eight children of this family, Lewis E. who went to Louisiana; Eliza- beth J. married William Mounce; Sarah Ann married Hall; Hiram H., Robert H. and Oliver Wise were all resident farmers of New Burnside Township. Hiram H. was well educated for that time and was a teacher for fifteen years. He also studied law and was ad- mitted to practice 1853, which profession he followed to some extent. He served four years in the Civil War. His family will be found un- der Chapman. NOTE The numbers in parenthesis in Biography refer to the generation. A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 483 OLD TOWN OF FOREMAN This was a thriving business village of Johnson County for sev- eral years and was situated a little south and east of the present Foreman. There was a large lumber mill located there in 1877 be- longing to and operated by F. J. Chapman of Carbondale, 111., and Col. Samuel Hess of Vienna. It also contained a Post Office, a number of stores, a hotel, and all the things necessary to a town. It began to decline in 1879 as the timber was used up. The mills were moved and it was dormant as a town for many years. The buildings being wooden finally fell victims to the ravages of time and weather. When the Burlington railroad was finished in 1910 and crossed the Big Four so near the site of the old Foreman the same name was given the crossing. The railroad station, the business house and dwelling of H. L. Bridges and one or two other dwellings are the only build- ings in the present Foreman. Mr. Bridges has kept a hotel, a general store and the Post Office since the foundation of the town. ADVANCE SUBSCRIBERS TO JOHNSON COUNTY HISTORY Ashley, Mrs. L. C. Allen, W. C. Allison, Mrs. S. J. Bain, William Barnwell, Mrs. A. Bartlesen, J. W. Beauman, Guy Benson, A. G. Benson, Arthur C. Benson, E. C. Bellemy, Edward Blagg, Mrs. Laura Bradley, W. Y. Brewer, Dr. Gilbert Bridges, H. T. Bridges, G. H. Brown, Mrs. Mary J. Burnett, L. E. Carlton, John W. Carrell, Mrs. John Carson, U. C. Carson, Samuel C. Carlton, W. F. Casey, C. N. Carter, W. B. Carter, Mrs. J. C. Carter, Miss Jennie Carter, Dr. F. H. Carter, J. H. Carter, Samuel J. Carter, W. N. Cavitt, Dr. R. A. Chapman, Ralph Chapman, P. T. Jr. Chapman, Dr. O. D. Chapman, R. D. Chapman, J. C. Jr. Chapman, Mrs. J. C. Chapman, Chas. H. Chapman, Mrs. Ruth Chapman, S. J. Choate, Wilson F. 484 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY Clayten, P. T. Clymer, W. T. Cohn, C. Copeland, Mrs. J. D. Copeland, Augustus Copeland, S. L. Copeland, William Copeland, E. E. Copeland, Mrs. Minnie L. Coleman, Miss Ada Corbett, J. C. Cousins, Mrs. T. S. Cunningham, J. E. Cowan, J. O. Davis, Mrs. Elizabeth M. Davis, T. F. Dasher, Mrs. Bell Dayton, Mrs. Wm. Hale Deans Arthur Deans, Mrs. Ivy C. Dill, J. D. Dunn, Mrs. J. Dunscomb, Mrs. C. E. Drake, Dr. H. T. Farris, Dr. G. K. Farris, Mrs. Mary Fern, L. D. Fern, James F. Finney, R. M. Fitch, C. S. Fleming, Clyde D. Ford, Miss Ella Ford, Ray Francis, J. E. Franklin, Dr. A. L. Frizzell, Lewis H. Garrett, W. M. Gibbons, R. A. Gillespie, G. B. Gillespie, Thos. E. Gillespie, J. B. Jr. Gillespie, Mrs. Sherman Gillespie, Mrs. Samuel Gordon, Mrs. James Graves, Dr. I. N. Gray, B. S. Gray, Ivy B. Grinnell, Charlotte Grissom, Nettie I. Grissom, Mrs. J. M. Grinnell, Mrs. J. C. Hatt, Wm. B. Hale, Mrs. Maud B. Hailey, O. E. Heaton, J. C. B. Heaton, Mrs. Wm. Heaton, Fred Herrin News Hess, Everett Hight, Mrs. Alice C. Hill, Mrs. Maggie Hogg, Mrs. J. L. Hogue, Rev. E. G. Hood, S. H. Hood, A. F. Hood, Mrs. Adaline Hood, Mabel C, Hooker, Thomas Howell, Frank Howerton, J. M. Huffman, G. H. Huffman, F. M. Huffman, C. J. Humphreys, Miss Linnie Hunsaker, Paul Jackson, Mrs. A. G. Jackson, Mrs. Fanny Jackson, John B. Jobe, Mrs. Nannie Johnston, Mrs. Amy E. Jones, Rev. J. B. Keltner, J. C. Kingsbury, E. S. Kivitt, Dollie Kolberg, Mrs. E. E. Kuykendall, Mrs. J. B. Kuykendall, A. J. Kuykendall, F. S. A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 485 Kuykendall, Guy S. Lambert, Lucy Lawrence, Mrs. Celia Leatherman, F. A. Leary, Frank Lentz, Mrs. Clara Littell, C. G. Looney, Dr. J. T. Lovelace, Miss Georgia Library, Cairo Library, Chicago Public Library, Chicago Historical Library, Marion-Carnegie Library, Springfield Hist. Library, Vienna-Carnegie Library, Newberry McCall, Dr. T. E. McCall, Dr. R. A. McCall, Daniel McCartney, M. N. McClanahan, Joel Mackey, J. F. Mahl, Mrs. Henry Main, Mrs. Bertha Markus, Mrs. Hazel Mathis, Calvin Mathis, Archie Mathis, J. P. Mathis, Mrs. Alonzo Mathis, Mrs. George Marshall, Charles Marshall, Dr. R. M. Martin, Miss Orpha Martin, Mrs. Orpha Maupin, Freda May Mills, Charles Moak, Mrs. John Mozley, George Mozley, Mrs. N. J. Morton, James F. Morton, Mrs. Elizabeth Morray, Ralph Moore, Wm. Murrell, B. N. Nally, Ernest L. Newbolb, Lovell Nobles, Dr. C. D. Nobles, Harry Oliver, L. C. Oeker, Bertha L. Parker, Lucas Pearson, Mrs. R. N. Peterson, Charles Perkins, A. J. Perkins, Hattie Phelps, Paul Pierce, W. E. Powell, Paul T. Racy, John L. Rebman, Miss Emma Redden, Otto Reese, S. H. Reynolds, John Reynolds, Ora Reynolds, J. W. Reynolds, W. W. Ridenhower, Leva Ridenhower, R. R. Rose, -Dr. P. W. Rossteuscher, Ella D. Rush, W. V. Sanders, P. S. Sharp, John Simpson, Mrs. J. P. Simpson, J. J. Simpson, Augustus Simpson, F. M. Simpson, W. L. Simpson, Will R. Simpson, Wm. R. Smith, Adison Smith, W. Y. Smith, Lewis Smith, Miss Nettie J. Smith, U. E. Smith, Walter A. Smith, Walter Smith, H. B. 486 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY Simmons, J. M. Simmons, Wiley- Snow, Mrs. Mary Snow, Norman T. Spaulding, Mrs. Mary Spann, H. A. Spence, W. A. Stilwell, Mrs. Lee Stout, G. E. Sullivan, Wm. Sutton, W. E. Taylor, T. C. Taylor, Ruth C. Taylor, A. P. Thacker, H. P. Thacker, A. R. Thomas, J. L. Thomas, Miss Mary Throgmorton, J. F. Throgmorton, W. A. Thompson, Dr. William Trigg, L. O. VanCleve, M. T. Veach, Thomas Veach, John L. Veach, A. G. Verhines, Robert C. Vickers, Mrs. A. K. Vienna High School Vienna Public Library Walker, D. Esco Walker, John W. Walker, Lindorf Walker, E. A. Walker, Mrs. Maragret Walter, Mrs. Clyde Walters, Mrs. Rilla Winchester, Ernest Whitehead, Noel Whittenberg, Inez C. Whitnel, Amanda T. White, Clara L. Wheeler, John Williams, Hon. T. S. Williams, Dr. H. O. Wiley, Mrs. Libbie E. Wise, George Woelfle, J. E. Woelfle, F. R. Woelfle, J. R. Woolard, Etta G. Worrell, F. E. West, Mrs. E. B. Westman, William Wright, Mrs. Olive Lech, Mrs. Lelia. INDEX TO CONTENTS "Advertiser, The" 105 Advertisement, for a slave-— 156 Advanced Subscribers 483, 484, 485, 486 Adair 54 Allen, Note to 323 Allen, Nesbit 93 Allen, W. C. 221, 323 Aliens, 157 Allen, Willis 161 Allen, W. J. 161 Alexander County 15, 17 America 283 American Legion 312, 286 Ammunition 70 Apple Cuttings 80 Area 15, 16 Armistice, News of 204 Articles, Used for Money 71 Assumption 39 Athletics 104 Austin, Calvin 239 Ausbrooks, Sarah J. 104 Automobiles 74 Avery, Violet 100 Axe, dog and gun 67 Axley, Robin 323 Axley, Pleasant 323 Bain, James 61, 149, 297, 324 Bain, John 154, 219, 325 Bain 324, 325, 326 Bain, Mrs. Winnie 69, 75, 110 Bain, Charles 106 Bain and Jackson 63 Baker, David J. 160 Baker, Judge David J. 160 Ballance, G. W. 109, 163 Ballance 327 Banks 285, 286, 289, 291, 292, 303 Baptist Church, Missionary— 116 Baptist Church, Bethel 119 Baptist Church, County Line 117 Baptist Church, Friendship— 116 Baptist Church, Goreville 117 Baptist Church, Grantsburg— 118 Baptist Church, Mt. Lion 116 Baptist Church, Pleasant Grove 117 Baptist Church, Vienna 117 Baptist Church, Min- isters 118, 119 Baptist Church Primitive, Little Flock 119 Baptist Church Primitive, Rock Springs -119 Baptist Church General, Bethel 119 Baptist Church General, Friendship 120 Barbecues 82 Bayles, J. W. 140 Beauman, D. F. 327, 328 Beauman, Guy 32, 36, 328 Beck, Lewis C. 19, 22 Beggs, Alexander 171 Bellemy 328 Belknap 22, 298 Bensons, Bluff 21 Benson, A. G. 96, 329 Benson, J. M. 328 Benson, J. N. 329 Birds 30 Binding out of Orphans 73 Billings, H. W. 161 "Bit Act" 153 Big Muddy 17 Big Bay Creek 33 Bliss, Chas. W. 106 Bloomfield 55, 93, 280, 292 490 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY Boggs 14, 54, 148 Boys Working Reserve 201 Boyt, Felix 329 Boyt, T. E. 56, 303, 329 Boyt, W. W. 95, 279, 329 Borin, Bazel 244 Boundaries 16 Braden, Clerk 122 Bradshaw, John — 16, 59, 60, 150 Bradley, Charles 52 Bratton, Dr. George 243, 330, 331 Brazel, George 61, 62, 331 Breeze, Sidney 160 Bridges, Alfred -242, 332 Bridges, D. Y.— -29, 34, 226, 333 Bridges, John 332, 335 Bridges, Julia 88 Bridges, Henry T 331 Bridges, Harry T. 331 Big Four Railroad 5S Bishop, Edith 100 Brinkley, Henry, Sale 243 Brooks, Dr. B. W. 227, 223 Brownsville 45, 65, 150 Brown, J. M. 28, 335, 336 Brown, James 335 Brown, Opal 100 Buncombe 286 Burnside 288, 290 Burnside Township 281 Burnside, General 57 Burklow, Harrison 137 Burnett, Charles 63, 336 Burnett, Fred 55, 337 Burnett, Asahel 96, 336 Burlington, Railroad 59 "Burnside Bugler" 108 Business Firms to 1817 253 Burr, Aaron 39 Business Men of Vienna 316 Byers, John 44, 152, 252, 233 Cache Township-17, 18, 249, 280 Cache River 33, 155 Cache Clap Post Office 55 Cairo 15, 78 Cairo and Vincennes Rail- road 57 Cahokia 16, 51. Caledonia 282 Calhoun 337, 338 Campbell, Decatur 162 Carmichael, John 241 Cannery 31 Carnegie, Andrew 111 Cape Girardeau 52 Carson, Hiram 340 Cartwright, Peter-125, 130, 136 Carter 341, 342 Carter, J. H. 110, 278, 342 Carter, J. C. 63, 64 Carter, H. V. 32, 279 Carterville Trial 143 Casey 48, 339, 340 Casey, Levi 151, 339 Casey, Randolph 62, 76, 153, 340 Casey, Levi B. 340 Casey, Green R. 57, 340 Cattle Raising 28 Catholic Church 122 Cavitt, Allen 100 Cavitt, H. O. 63, 64 Cedar Creek 155 Cedar Bluff 56, 71 Celebration, July 4th 83 Celebrating birthdays 85 Central Hotel 63 Centenniel State 05 Center Township-17, 18, 42. 249 Chapman 343 to 353 Chapman and Hooker 38 Chapman and Wiley 63 Chapman, S. J.-54, 55, 344, 353 Chapman, D. C. 278, 309, 354 Chapman, P. T.-57, 228, 278, 354 Chapman, F. J., Sr.-29, 138, 346 Chapman, J. B. 107, 347 Chapman, F. J., Jr. 347, 355 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 491 Chapman, J. C. 28, 32, 278, 355, 356 Chapman, Daniel-172, 173, 343 Chamness, G. E. 100 Chautauqua Circle 313 Charles Stone Quarry 31, 7J Choat, Ezekiel 49 Choat, Nicholas 241 Choat 472 Chicago and Eastern Illi- nois Railroad 58 Chicago Tribune 219 Chicago Press Tribune 220 "Chills" 25 Christian Temperance Union 86 Christian Church 62, 120 Christian Church, Belknap — 121 Christian Church, Berea 120 Christian Church, Bethlehem 120 Christian Church, Burnside— 120 Christian Church, Grantsburg 121 Christian Church, Elvira 121 Christian Church, Vienna 121 Churches, Early 82 Church, Later Day • Saints 123, 124 Clark's Trail 39 Clark's Trail, Marked 41 Clayton, T. J. 50 Clark, Peter 150 Clear Creek 17 Clement, W. W. 162 Cline, John B. 10t> Club, Vienna Womans 313 Clubs 313 Cochran, Andrew 60, 61 Cochran 356 Coleman, D. C. 93 Collins, Nancy and Jeremiah 73 Colored People 155 Columbian Exposition 86 Company 84 Conclusion 317, 318 Congregational Church 122 Congressional Districts 228 Congressmen 228 Concord Meeting House— 48, 135 Cook, Daniel 160 Cooking, Early 77 Copperhead 222, 224 Copeland, William-173, 237, 357 Copeland, Samuel S. 53, 55, 62, 278, 301, 35S Copeland, James P. 364 Copeland, John 91, 93, 35S Copeland, James 52, 226, 278 Corn 27 Corder, R. P. 161 Cotton 29 Court Records, 1813 to 1816 249, 252 Court Notes 252 258 Courts 1817 to 1823- — 254 to 257 County of Illinois 14 Court of Common Pleas __258 to 272 "County Reformer" 109 Court Notes, Miscellaneous 272 to 276 "Courier" 105 Cowan 364, 365 Cox, Richard 237, 238, 239 Cox, Abner 247 Cox, Thomas 225 Crice, Catherine 70 Crawford, M. C. 162 Crum, J. S. 106, 278, 365 Cumberland 52 Cummins, Peter 365 Customs 67 Cypress 109, 222, 291 Clymer 356, 357 Dairying 27 Damron, John 147 Damron 367 Damron, Dr. J. M. C. 368 492 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY Damron, J. W. 32, 279, 369 Damron, C. N. 278, 279, 368 Damron, A. G. 57, 279, 369 Dancing 80 Daniel Chapman Chapter 60, 63, 65, 104, 146, 314 Daughters of the American Revolution 314 Davis, W. Y., Sr. 226 Davidge, J. M. 161 Debate 122, 220 Deans, W. D., Sr. 277, 385 Deans, W. D., Jr. 107, 385 Deed, first 153 Deming 161 Ditching 27 Double Bridges 40, 149 Dorris, William 231 Dougherty, John 161 Douglass, S. A. 218, 220 Douglass, Anderson 49 Douglass, Elizabeth 239, 240, 247 Douglass, William 58 Drainage 33 Drainage Districts 34, 35, 36 Draft Selective 209, 215 Drurys Creek 45 Duff, Judge A. D. 57, 162 Duncan, William 240, 241 Duncan, Judge W. W. 90 Dutchman 33 Dwyer, Mrs. Eliza 105, 149, 150, 222 Dwyer, Miss Anna 86 Early Games 80 Early Mails 54 Earthman's Ferry 42, 44, 45 Earthman, Henry 51 Earthman, John 52 Eddy, Henry 159 Education 91 to 105 Edwards, Ninian 16, 19, 159, 170 Egypt 15 Egyptian Democrat 108 "Egyptian Press' ^1 Elections 78 Election Districts 216 Elkins, John 49, 151, 369 Elections, Joshua 49, 370 Elkins, Dr. Geo. L. 63, 372 Elkins, V. K. 28, 370 Elkins, George 74, 145, 371 Elkins, Willis 46, 370 Elkins, William 49 Elkins, Everett 100 Elkins, Young 139 Elvira -—17, 18, 59, 60, 155, 279, 283 Elms, David 47 England 13 English 373 English, Absalom 106 English, Judge G. W. 163, 227, 373 Estes, J. N. 64 Eubanks, Joseph 231, 232 Evans, Geo. 60, 150 Evans, Owen 60 Factories 31 Fain, Aron T. 106 Fairs 87, 88, . 8'9 Farris, Lloyd 89 Farris 374, 375 Farris, J. F. 375 Farris, Dr. G. K. 167, 375 Farris, T. G., Jr. 107, 278 Farris, James F. 106 Families owning Slaves 155 Farms 31, 32 Farmers Organizations 32 Farm Bureau 32 Fencing 75, 76 Fern, L. W. 375 Fern, Dr. W. J. 287, 375 Fern Clyffe, Rebman Park 21 Ferndale 21 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 493 Ferries 51 Field, A. P. 159 Finney, James 54, 59, 119 Finney, John 241 Finney, Green P. 244 Finney 376 First Court House 59 Fisher, R. M. 278, 279, 377 Fishing 89 Flannery, Daniel 147 Flatheads 141 Food Administrator 202 Ford, Gov. Thomas 141,142 Ford, Ray 104 Fordham 1 47 Foreman 40 Fox, Captain IS Fox hunting 89 France 14 Francis, W. A. 106 Francis, J. S. 278, 377, 378 Franklin, Capt. A. 139 Freemont, John C. 219 Free School, first 91 Frick, Joseph K. (.2 Ft. Massac 39, 40, 54 Fuel Administrator 202 Furguson's Ferry 52 Furguson, Hamlet 17, 151 Furguson, Colonel 43, 44 Galeener, W. E. 305, 378 Galeener, Geo. E. 305, 378 Gallatin 17, 142, 226 Gage, Daniel 140 Ganntown 293 Gardens 69 Gardner, Samuel 265 Garner, William 52 Gatewood, W. J. 160 Graves, John S. 65 George's Creek 145, 155 Gibbs, Dr. J. W 141, 226, 379 Gill, Benj. 174 Gillespie, Capt. J. B.— -220, 380 Gillespie, G. B. 110, 150, 381 Gillespie, T. E. 381 Gillespie, W. L. 243 Gilliam, W. H. 109, 381, 382 Glassford, S. M. 88, 382 Goddard 382, 383 Gore 383, 386 Gore, J. W. 278, 384 Gore, T. B. 278, 384 Goreville 279, 285 Goreville Record 108 Goshen Settlers 151 Government 13, 14 Graham .—387 Gray's Mill 56 Gray, B. 287 Gray, Nathan 56 Gray, A. J. 87, 278, 387 Gray, Charles-i 56, 303, 387 Grammer, John 45, 69, 226 Grand Army Posts 290, 312 Grantsburg Township 19, 22, 281 Green, Nathaniel 155, 229 to 231 Green, Hon. W. H. 246, 162 Green's Ferry 43, 45, 52 Green, Capt. 18 Green, Johnathan B. 106 Griggs,. Jesse 17, 150 Griffith, Capt. 17 Grissom 387 Griswold, Stanley 16 Grow, Hon. G. 217 Hacker, W. H. 161 Hall, Benj. T. 159 Hall, James 1«0 Ham, Charles J. 62 Hamilton, Richard 161 Hamletsburg 151 Hankins, M. A. 88, 204, 27> Hankins, J. B. 89 Hankins, Miss May 95, 105 Hannah 55 Hardin, Jeptha 160 Hardin County 160 494 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY Hardesty, W. H. 108 Hargrave, John 61 Harper, Velma 100 Harper, Mrs. John 85 Harper 388 Harkin, O. A. 387, 388 Harpending, H. G. 220 Harrington, Howell 234 Harrell, John C 243 Harrell, Joel 244 Harrell, Elias 92 Harris, Mr. and Mrs. N. C 94 Harris, George 108 Harvick, John 63 Harvick, Jacob 151, 172, 244, 388 to 392 Harvick, Adam 46, 389 Harvick, Martin-48, 49, 216, 389 Harvick, O. E. 112, 390 Harvick, Frances 105 Harvesting 75 Hayward, Frank 62 Health 25 Heaton 392, 393 Heaton Brothers 36 Heaton, J. C. B.-32, 36, 37, 393 Heaton, Jeannette 100, 393 Heacock, Russell E. 158 "Hell's Neck" 217 Helm 393 Henry, A. J 62 "Herald, The" 107 Hester, C. B. 63 Hess, S. J 104 Hess, Col. Samuel, 87, 298 Hess, Colonel Samuel 473 Hibbs, Jonas 60 Highway, Logan and Lee 50 Hight, Eld. J. F. 107, 278 Hight, M. L. 8S Hill, Mrs. Maggie 105 Hill, A. H. 96 High School 101, 102 High School, Vienna Township 103, 105 Hitchcock, Wm. 225 Hogg 394 Hog Raising 28 Home Bureau 33 Home Coming 82, 88 Home Brew 72 Hood 394 Hoffman 395 Hook, Isaac 138 Hooker, Dr. A. H. 110 Horticulture 36 Hotels 300 Howerton, Mrs. Sarah 152 Howerton, Anderson 221 Howerton 395 Howell 395 Hoyne, Thomas 160 Hughes, Levi 55 Huffman, George H. 279, 395 Huffman, C. J. 279, 396 Huffman, F. M. 397 Hull's Landing 148 Hunsaker, Jacob 73 Hunsaker 474 Illinois Territory 169, 258 Illinois 14, 39, 65, 169 Illinois Southern— -15, 16, 27, 3 7 Illinois Central 15, 27 Illinois Emigrant 61, 295 Illinois Central Railroad 58 Indians 71, 145, 149, 169 Indian Trails 43, 45 Indian Point- — 40, 41, 43, 47, 48 Influenza 25 Infairs 81 Interest Rate 70 Interscholastic Meet 104 Imprisonment for Debt 70 Ireland, Alexander 241 Irwin, Caleb 62 Jacobs, L. F. 94, 397 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 495 Jack, Jedediah 162 Jackson County 17, 65, 78, 150, 152 Jackson, Samuel 55, 87, 95, 300, 325 Jackson, Mrs. Fanny— 66, 74, 85 Jackson, J. B. 110, 149 Jail 65, 66 James, E. J. 1S9 Jennings, Mr. and Mrs 83 Johnson, Joel 46, 48, 49, 391 Johnson Court House 44, 45, 54, 55 Johnson County— -15, 16, 17, 19 Johnson Cemetery 139 "Johnson County Enquirer" 105 "Johnson County Yeoman"— 107 "Johnson County Journal" 79, 107, 309 "Johnson County Herald" — 10S Johnson, Col. Richard M. 19 Johnson, Jasper 95, 105, 106, 397 Johnson, George 107 Johnson, Hardy 49 Johnson, F. R. 150 Joliet 13 Jones, James 91, 92, 397, 398 Jonesboro 65, 151 Jones, F. M. 298, 431 Jones, B. O. 162 Jones, John 106 Jones, Bennett 243, 17S Jones, Etheldied 397 Jones, Thomas 34 Jones, T. N. 108 Jordan, Francis 149 Juchereau, M. 39 Judges 16, 257, 258 Judicial Circuits 257, 258 Jurors, Early 254 to 264 Kane, Elias K. 159, 160, 254 Kaskaskia— 16, 51, 55, 145, 149, 151, 153, 160, 225 Karnak 15 Kerley 398 Kerley, Dr. T. B. 291 Kirckham, F. C. 218,27 i Knights of the Golden Circle 221 Kuykendall, A. J., Sr.— 54, 62, 87, 93, 106, 161, 222, 228, 399 Kuykendall, J. B. 56, 63, 400 Kuykendall, A. J., Jr. 56 Ladd, Millon 47, 55, 300, 400 Land Office 153 Land, Entries 154 Land, grants, deeds and transfers 154, 155, 248 Lanesville 6 Landing, Hull's 52, 148 Landing, Mabery's 47 Landing, Miles 52 Landing, Copeland's 52 LaRue, Dr. H. D. 36, 55, 166 Laughlin, Rev. R. W. 400 Laughlin 54 Lawrence, William 53, 148, 229, 235 Lawrence, William Post 290 Lawrence 401 Lawson, Randolph 172 Lawyers 158 to 163 Laybourn, H. C. 135, 401 Legislatures and Members 225, 227 Letter from Governor Ford 141, 142 Liberty Loan 200, 201 Library, Vienna City-109 to 111 Library, Vienna Carnegie Ill to 113 Librarian and Members of Board 112 Lick Creek 33, 60 Light, Manufacture of 77 Lincoln, Votes for 219 Lincoln Green, Post Office 221, 222 Little Cache 33 496 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY" Little, Robert 300 Longworth, Nicholas — . 154 Log Rolling 79 Logan, Gen. John A. 162 Looney, farm 91, 149 Looney, Dr. W. A. 1-401, 402 Loom, Cords and Wheel-67, 68 Looney, J. W. 104, 401 Looney, Dr. J. T 168 Louisiana 14 Madden, L. L.— 93, 175, 219, 402 Madden, Nancy Spence 402 Madison County 17, 150 Mahl, Henry 403 Mangum, William 403 Mangum 403 Mangum, Dr. H. Y. 403 Marberry 403, 405 Markets 72 Marks for stock 76 Marriage dates 275, 2?tf Marquette 13 Marshall, Charles-31, 32, 34, 88 Marshall 4 74 Martin, Mrs. O. P. 222 Martin, Dr. O. P. 475 Mason, Charles H 31, 34, 88 Massac Township 18 Massac County- — 17, 34, 41, 141 Mathis, J. P 227, 278, 405, 406 Mathis, Mathew — 149, 243 Mathis, A. A. 216, 217 Mathis, Archie 101 Mathis, Henry 74 Mathis, Wiley 405 Maupin, John 139 Mead, David H 56 Mears, William 159 Mermet, Father Jean 39 Methiglin 72 Methodist Church 124, 125 Methodist Church appoint- ments 125 to 135 Methodist Church presiding elders 131 Methodist Church ministers 136 Methodist Church Lay- men 136, 137 Methodist Church Southern 123 Metropolis 53, 109, 162 Merriman 139 Mills 53 Mills, C. W. 278, 407 Militia 169, 170, 171 Mississippi River 16, 78, 147, 169 Mizell, Dr. W. R. 36, 165 Moccasin, Gap 40, 42 Modglin 407 Moffit, J. S 108 Moody, Mrs 105, 222 Moore, W. M. 88, 110 Morgan 407, 40S Morgan, O. R. 278, 279, 408 Morris, William 232, 233 Morris 409 Morris, Irvin 47, 62, 278 Morray 408, 409 Morton, Eld. James M. 409 Morton, E. F. 109, 409 Mound City 169 Moyer, W. N. 34. 43 Mozley, J. N. 221, 278, 410 Mozley, George 61 Mozley, Anna 61 Mozley, John T. 106 Mozley, N. J. 64 Mullinax, Henry 106 Mulinberg 14 S Murrell, family 157 Murrie 476 Murray, T. J. 107, 163 Murry, J. B. 55, 61 Mounce, William 55 Murrie, John 13 3 McAvoy, Mrs. Mary 36 McAvoy, J. P. 412 McBride 225 McCall 410, 411 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 497 McCall, Dr. R. M 411 McCall, Dr. T. E. 411 McCall, Dr. Robert 411 McCall, James 32, 411 McDonough, Stace 55 McCartney, M. N. 103, 110, 411, 412 McCartney, J. F. 101 McLernand, John M. 161 McCorkle Creek 51 McCorkle, Joseph 69, 412 McCorkle, John R. 95, 412 McElmurry 147, 153 McFatridge, Washington 49 McFatridge, William 151, 226, 413 McFatridge, John 151 McGee, O. M. 32 McGee, A. W. 217 McGee, Benjamin F. 64 McGee, Benjamin 154 McGee, F. M. 226, 284, 288, 414 McGowan, William 235, 236 McGowan, Samuel 49, 152 McGinnis, Richard 237 Mcintosh, Benjamin 245, 246 McKee, William 152 McKenzie, Dr. A. E. 28 McKenzie 475 McMahan, Hugh 36 McLean, John 160 McMahan, P. G. 36 McMahan, John 171 McNeely, David 265 Name of County 19 Napoleon, Town of 282 "Nathe" 156, 157 Newspapers 105 to 109 New Burnside 153, 288 Negro Boy, Death of 138 Noble, Henry 150 Nobles, John B. 414 Nobles, Orin 104 Nobles, Wm. 64, 278, 414 Nobles, Charles 411 Nobles, Dr. Charles D. 470 Northwest Territory 14, 70 Normal, Southern Illinois 101 Officers, County 276 to 279 Ohio River 16, 78, 147, 169 Old Papers 229 to 244 Old Town of Foreman 483 Oldest paper found 229 Oliver, John 150, 334 Oliver, James F 87, 335 Oliver, Lenna 88 Oliver, Cass 90, 335 Organization of county 16 Orphans, Binding Out 73 Ozark Ridge 20, 22, 25, 36, 40 Ozark 38, 145, 292 Parker City 42, 58, 318 Parker, Geo. W 58 Parker, I. A. J. 94, 416 Parker, Dr. C. A. C. 108, 416 Parker, Lucas 108, 416 Parker, Julius 110 Parker, T. J. 109 Parkinson, Dr. D. B. 101 Patterson, T. C— 61, 73, 150, 276 Pankey, Hampton 149 Patriotic Day 200 Pearce, Newton 57, 62, 94, 278, 417 Pearce, Mrs. Jane 221, 417 Peeler 418 Peeler, S. D. 35, 418 Perkins, Wm.— 87, 278, 299, 419 Peck, J. M. 125, 155 Penny, J. J. 107 Penrod *_ 419 Pentecostal Church 122 Percent — 75 — Rate 70 Peterson, W. M. 234 Peterson 419, 420 Phelps, Paul 279, 420 Physical, Features and Soils 19 Physicians 164 to 169 498 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY Pike, Capt. 39 Picnics 83, 85 Pioneer, Animals 73 Plants and Seed 68 Poor family 421 Poor, S. D. 55, 287, 421 Poor, J. N. 88, 303, 421 Poor, Mrs. Sarah 86> 99, 110 Pope County 17, 65, 103, 151, 159 Pope, Nathaniel 159 Population 227, 228 Poultry 30 Powell, T. B. 421 Powell, Miss Gertrude 89 Powell, P. T 89 Powell, William 233 Post Creek 34, 35 Press 105, 109 Presbyterian Church 113 Presbyterian Churches 113 to 115 Presbyterian ministers 115 Price, W. H. 54, 243 Price 422 Principal products 27, 28 Prison Grounds 70 Prizes 105 Prow, Peter 70 Prohibition 86, 87 Public Buildings 59 Pulaski County 17 Quiltings 80 Quail Shooting 90 Questionnaires 205 Rallies, Political Si Railroads 57 Randolph County 16, 16, 169, 225 Randolph County Records 247, 248, 249 Raum, Green B 58 Ray family 148 Ray, Dr. J. B. 93. 354 Read, James H. 106 Rebman, Miss Emma 86, 94, 100. 441 Rebman, Park, Fern Clyffe 21 Red Cross 197, 199, 200 Reid 423 Reed, Thomas 49 "Reformer" 107 Reese 423 Reevesville 292 Regiment, 120th 223 Regulators 141 Renault 155 Rentfro 424 Rentfro, Mark 49 Renting 27 Republican Convention 216 to 219 Reunions, Old Settlers 83 Resources 26 Revivals, Religious 123 Reynoldsburg 56, 281 Reynolds, Wesley 34, 56, 284, 423 Reynolds, Ivy— -49, 65, 152, 423 Reynolds, John-— 14, 54, 55, 145, 147, 148, 149, 150, lot Reynolds, Thomas B. 279, 424 Richardson, Nathaniel 240 Ridenhower, H. M., Sr. 216, 220, 223, 425 Ridenhower, H. M., Jr. 279, 293, 426 Ridenhower, R. R. 278, 425 Ridenhower 293 Roads 42 to 4S Robertson, Charles 60 Robertson, James 240 Robertson, J. J. 426 Robertson, R. L. 61 Robinson, John 52 Rose, Pleasant 140 Rose, Pleasant 477 Rural Delivery 56 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 499 Rushing, J. W. 64 Russell 478 Sales 78, 79 Saline, Lick 47 Slack, Mrs. Mary 63 Sams, Henry 150 Slaves, Owners of 155 Slaves, Advertisement for— 156 Slaves, Names of 157 Salt Mines 76 Scates. Walter B. 161 School Districts 91, 92 School Laws, First Free 93 School Teachers 93, 94 School Contest 93 School Officers 95, 96 School Examiners 96 School Attendance 94 School Women in 94, 99, 100 School Houses 98, 99 School Customs, early of 98, 99 School County graduation— 100 School, State Fair, for girls 100 School, State Fair, for boys 100 Scott, Walter 54 Scott, Sir Walter 70 Seeds, Shrubs and Plants 68, 69 Serad, John 106 Settlers 146, 147, 151, 153 Sexton and Wright 87 Shawneetown 145, 153, 154, 159, 160, 161, 295 Shaver, Phillip 236 Shavendicker, Michael 236 Shearer, John 49, 241 Shearer, David 91, 427, 428 Shelby, William 49 Sheridan 108, 279, 428 Shooting the flag 222 Short 428 Shuckers, F. W. 107 Simpson Township 18, 281 Simpson, Town of 149, 291 Simpson, Wm. 45, 52, 59 60, 148, 170, 216, 429 Simpson, Samuel Stanton 49 Simpson, J. J.— 74, 94, 113, 438 Simpson, Daniel 60 Simpson, Lewis 60 Simpson, F. M., Sr. 439 Simpson, W. C. 88, 110, 112, 439 Simpson, F. M., Jr. 101, 409 Simpkins, J. D. 265 Simmons 429 Singing Conventions 85 Sloan, W. J. 161 Slack, John 221, 440 Slack, James 86, 440 Slack, 440, 441 Simley 52 Smith, Jason B. 62, 175, 277 Smith, Robert 233 Smith, Millington 46, 442 Smith, B. S.-87, 93, 216, 278, 442 Smith, W. Y. 110, 278, 443 Smith, Col. T. H. 162 Smith, Levi 91, 149, 278 Smith, M. A. 86, 90, 444 Smith, L. M. 32 Smith, Jason B. 478 Snow, Mrs. Mary 223 Social 78 Soils 21, 22 Soper, Laura 100 Sorghum making 76 Southwestern League 104 Spann, W. A. 163, 278, 445 Spann, H. A. 163, 279, 445 Sparks 220 Special Train 203 Spence, Hon. W. A. 445 Spence, Merrida 219 Sports 89 Squirrel shooting 90 Squatters -—153 State Centennial 86 St. Clair County 16, 226 500 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY St. Louis, Alton & Terre Haute Railroad 58 Station, frontier 153, 154 Stanton, Griffith 216, 220 Stanley, Marie 104 Stanley 446 Stewart, T. A. 106, 107 Stickney, W. H. 161 Stokes family 150 Stony land 23 Stonefort 148 Stores, early 71, 72 Stratton, Bridge 43 Stray pound 65 Stout, Cooper 108 Stout, G. L. 109 Suit, John Grammar's 69 Sunday School Association 135, 136 Sumner family 158 Tanneries 69 Taverns 72 Taylor, T. C. 89, 278, 447 Taylor, T. H. 479 Telephones 56 Terrell, J. W. 93, 217, 218 Terry, J. U. S. 31, 108 Terry, W. A. 57 Tecumseh 19 Teachers Institute 101 Temperature 21 Thacker, Robert 56 Thacker, F. B 78, 278, 449 Thacker, G. N. 70, 449 Thebes 15 Theft 142, 143 Thomas, John R. 162 Thomas, Jesse B. 16 Thornton, Capt. Wm. 18 Thornton, J. L. 63, 64 Throgmorton, Josiah 87, 303 Throgmorton, Fanny 88 Throgmorton, E. F.-89, 278, 450 Thulen. Ebert 108 Timothy 27 Tobacco 29 Todd, Capt. John 14 Topography 20, 21 Townships 17, 18, 19, 279 Towns— Early 282 Tragedy 137, 141 Trinity 282 Travel, for Pleasure 74, 75 Trulove, Charles 28, 32, 279 Trumbell, Lyman 217 Tunnel Hill 287 Tunnel Hill Township 19, 280 United States 14, 36 United Brethern Churches— 123 Union County 15, 17, 18, 49 Union Courier 105 University of Illinois 101, 104, 110, 105 United States Judges 254 Union League 221 United States Survey, old 43 United War Workers Cam- paign 201 Urbana 104 VanCleve, M. T. 63 Veach, Ishmael 452 Veach, John L. 32, 278, 357 Veach, W. A. 28, 452 Veach, Green B.— -152, 175, 452 Veach, Clifford 452 Verhines, T. H. 32 Vickers, A. K. 109, 453 Virginians 14 Vienna Township 19, 280 Vienna 61, 255, 294 "Vienna Artery" 106 "Vienna Democrat" 108 "Vienna Herald" 108 "Vienna Weekly Times" 109 "Vienna Times" 109 Volunteers 214, 223 Votes for Lincoln 1860 219 Wages 32 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 501 Walker, Rev. Levi 220 Walker 454 Walker, W. P. 454 Walker, Dr. H. W 454 Walker, Lindorf 454 Walker, Edward A. 455 War, Black Hawk 175 War, 1812 174 War, Mexican 175 War, Revolutionary— 171 to 174 War, Spanish 175, 176 War, Civil 176 War, Civil regiments 177 War, Civil Roster 178 to 197 World war soldiers memorial 63 War, World activities— 196, 207 War, Civil, Political Situa- tion before 216 War, Civil, Political Situa- tion after 223, 224, 225 Warder, Joseph 93, 456 Wartrace 140, 287 Watson, Essye 105 Weaver, L. 152, 456 Webb 456 West Eden 151 West, Hezekiah 60, 65, 93, 151, 171, 458 Weir and Campbell 70 West Vienna 294 Wheat 28 Whiteaker, John 53 Whiteaker, Mark— 62, 221, 463 Whitehead, Noel 50, 112 Whittenberg, D. W.--88, 56, 112 Whittenberg, J. S— 93, 96. 100 Whittenberg, S. J. 100, 110 Whitnel, L. O. 466, 56 Whitnel, Josiah 466 Whitnel, Dr. David T. 467 Whitnel, C. L. 468 Whitnel, Robert 469 Whitnel, Dave 64 Whitehead 479 Whitemore, Wm. T 216, 221 Whitesides, James A. 60, 55 Whitesides 151 Whittenberg 480, 481 Wilson, Ex-President 221 Wilson, Bluford 223 Wills 244 Wilkinsonville 282 Williamson County 18 Williams, W. L. 90, 290 Wiley, W. R. 138, 464 Wiley, H. B. 219, 464 Wilcox, J. H. G. 49, 53 Wilcox, Isaac 52, 150 Wilson, Reuben 49 Winds 24 Wise, William 241 Wise, W. J 95 Wise, Hiram 483 Wool 55 Wolf, G. Lay 112 Womans Council, National Defense 200 World War conditions 207 World War, Incidents 203 to 205 World War Soldiers 205, 206, 207 World War, Registration 203 Worley 469 Worley, John and Joseph 148 Wolf, Scalps 70 Wood, John 106 Worrell, F. E. 471 Worthington, Samuel 232 Worebeck, Maj. John 169 Wright, Rev. A. 106, 471 Wright, John 27 Young, John D. 106 Young, Geo. W. 162 Young, Richard M. 160, 265 Yandell, C. 472 Yazoo, Clay 23 Youtzsee Sand Company 31 Y. M. C. A. Drives 201 502 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY ILLUSTRATIONS Map of Johnson County 1812—10 Map of Johnson County 1924 320 "Castle Rock", Rebman Park, Fern Clyffe 144 "Carnegie Library", Vienna, Illinois 319 "Devil's Stairway", Rebman Park, Fern Clyffe 321 "Flory's Cave", Near Tun- nel Hill 321 "Glen Fern", near Tunnel Hill 208 "Shady Dell", Rebman Park, Fern Clyffe 208 "Tecumseh Spring", Reb- man Park, Fern Clyffe 143 "Vienna Township High School" 144 msm UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA 977.3996C36H C001 A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS HE 3 0112 025400810