THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY ^040.31519 Z2r v. 4 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates $ i QL ri LI if 'Z.'&'C V . SECOND DIVISION HISTORICAL SECTION, ARMY WAR COLLEGE, WASHINGTON, D.C. 20th January, 1927. This volume of Field Messages, notes, and records of conversation of the Headquarters Second Division, Second Field Artillery Brigade, Third Infantry and Fourth Brigade (Marines) is the result of careful searching of all available sources, compiled and arranged according to organ¬ izations, date and time for the year of 1916. As in the case of previous volumes published, this volume mill serve as a basis for The History of the Second Division in the World War. This fourth volume was compiled, proof-read and edited by Lieutenant Francis J. Grading, Ninth U.S. Infantry and by Staff Sergeant Arthur Counihan, Fifteenth Field Artillery. A similar volume containing the messages of the Regiments and other units is now being compiled and published. fjy. I L C. C. MATTFLLDT, Captain, Infantry, D.O.L. \ O *tr > o> c\ (}()£>/U s I ' ■ . V HEADQUARTERS SECOND DIVISION A.M. rz c- April, 1918. f.’ f From: C.O. 23rd Infantry. At: LISBONDate: 3 April, 1918• Hour: 10:13 A .M. No. 62. Ho w Sent: Through. Brigade Ccmdr. To: Commanding General, 2nd Division. Enemy condu A.M.) to-day, ac put down, but en killed, two \7oun En or o' a.t 11 c s cted raid on listening post No. 20 at 5:45 oompanied by heavy bombardment. Our barrage emy succeeded in raid. Five Americans dad and. two missing, probably captured, T' r *t known, Full report with Daily Record of Events, Mu lone - Colonel, Comdg. TELEPHONE MESSAGE DIEUE 48 9:45 o'clock. Received HQ,. 2nd D.iv., Apr. 5-18. From: Staff at DIEUE, To: Staff of II.S, Division, No. 194-c. Staff, SOUILLY, telegraphs the following under No. 4002-A, Chief Surgeon, Hospital of Evacuation, 4th B, reports Horsley Montene, 2nd Cl. Truck Co. A, No. 212562, in danger of immediate death. Recruited, Fort Slocum, N.Y., July 8th. Accident at SOUILLY, April 2, 1918. French Mission, Attached 2nd U.S. Division. CONFIDENTAL. Second Section: G2, 2nd Div.. 1st A.C. 13 April, 1918. The enernyactivity against the 26th American Division was continuing this afternoon. Our forces are still hold¬ ing their ^ine except a few small trenches that were aban¬ doned before we took over the line. Three prisoners were captured near APREHONT at 8:00 P,M., 12 April, and were on their way under guard to 26th Division Headquarters when this message was started. One prisoner was from the 25th Landwehr Regiment; another from the 65th Landwehr Regiment; and the third from the 17th Telegraph Battalion, To Operations. Noted PEM“. * G2, 2nd Div., 1st A.C. t - —- Telephone report from Second Division, April 19, 1918. 2:00 "phi.. Last night a raiding party consisting of 2 French Officers and 30 French Soldiers, 1 American Officer and 30 American Soldiers, made a raid on our northern sector from LA FIEVETERIE, and went as far as the station of the ABAU- COURT Road, at 38.5 - 68.30. A second group also penetra¬ ted the enemy trench DEMIE LUNE. No prisoners were taken, nor identifications secured. Our casualties none. Sever¬ al dead Germans observed in enemy wire *, we were unable to reach them. From: C.O. Hour: 9:20 To : Comdg. 23rd Infantry. At: LISBON. Date; 20 April, l°lc> A.M. No. 97. How sent: Motorcycle. General, 2nd Division. TOULON. Request motor trucks be sent to GEN1C0URT to report at 9 P.M., to-night to Capt. Lange to transport (Cont’d on next page) t_ \ • (Contd. f real : last page .) approxi; lately 200 Of f i cers and duty. J - 21 H - 4.: Peque st reply by " bearer. iV .M % 20 April, 1918. for important MAkONH , Colonel. SECRET THIRD SECTION. G. S. may 3rd, 1918. At 4:15 p.jsii*, "by telephone, Col. Eox Conner ashed Col. Moseley to suspend the movement of one company of light rail¬ way troops to the 2nd Division. At 4 1 30 P.m., Colonel Conner, G-3, telephoned the Kq«, 1st Corps, to suspend the movement of "battalion of Engineers from the 26th Division to the 2nd Division. Prom: Hour: To : C.O. 23rd 1:00 P.h* Adjutant, Inf. At: Ho . 156. 2nd Div. PUTEAUX. Date: 4 ^ay How Sent: motorcycle G-l. 13 . Request authority to turn in all overcoats at once to Supper Officer to he turned over "by him to Division Trains for delivery to Div. m AD On iii, Colonel. Hq. 4th „i. G. Bn. may 3 th, 1918. Time: 11:45 A.m. Prom: C.O. 4th m.G. Bn. To: C.G. 2nd Division. Position sketches are Being made and positions are being organized. EDMUND L. SANE, D/icL OT f 4th . G . Bn ., C Oimaandi ng. Prom: C.O. 23rd Inf. At: Hour; 3:50 P..... No. 18 6. To : Col. Brown, Chief oi AH0IU0HT. Dat e: 9 may, 13 How Sent: Runne r • Staff , 2nd Div. ,0HT Two Escort Wagons are needed to re dace two limber Caissons furnished the Kq. Co. for transportation oi tne Sappers and Bombers Plat., and the one-pounder plat., for are entirely unsuited. Two medical Carts urgently needed for Sanitary Asked for re-oeatedly but /agons to be sent to new a rhich the’ r Also . __ iroops . Asked for reneatedly but none furnished. Request ^ and authority be granted to urn in two limbered caissons. Also that Two medical carts _ _t. _ _.. _ -r, • • other substitute carts be furnished ,v-AL01IE, Colonel. NEUP CHATEAU, ^ay 11th, 1918j. Army A~*ericane. SO^JSDl RE C.G. 2nd Divn. Pollowing t e 1 e g r a hie i ns true t ions (C ontd, on next page. ) G-3. Ho. 415 t t c (Cont’d. from last page.) P.M. May 11th, 1919. from GHQ repeated for compliance: '’Existing orders which re¬ quire certain telephone reports to be made direct to GHQ at 9 AM and. 3 PM are rescinded-and the following substituted therefor. Commanding Generals will cause their Operations Section to send to G-3 GHQ preferably by telephone when practicable, otherwise by telegraph, a brief operations re¬ port to cover the period from noon preceding day on which report is sent to noon of the day on which report is sent. This report will be sent not later than 3:45 PM daily, and will cover the following points: Weather: Infantry and machine gun activity both our own and enemy. Artillery activity both our own and enemy. Aeroplane and balloon activity both our own and enemy; Visibility, Troop movements both our own and enemy. General impression of the day. Known casualties. Special mention of any success of our troops in patrolling, and in any offensive or defensive work. Special mention of any repulse or misfortune of our troops in patrolling, and in any offensive or defensive work. Change in location of the lines held by our troops or the enemy« The above message win form the basis for the short official communique prepared for daily issue in France and for cable to the War Department giving the various activity of the AEF. Division Commanders should understand that the above report does not replace previous directions for their calling up G-3 GHQ at time when anything of special import¬ ance occurs which they think should be immediately reported. In case his division enters a sector where the French re¬ quire an operations report to be submitted covering a period of twenty-four hours, embrac ing other hours than noon to noon, this report to GHQ, will embrace the same period as required by them," Similar reports will be made to these Headquarters report¬ ing to GHQ. Acknowledge. CRAIG. - 1:15 P.M. This message rec’d Via French at SOUILLY, and is sub¬ ject to slight corrections. Signals telegraph not responsible. 1 FB B Sigs SOKMFDIFUF 11 Me P.C. 31 May, 1918. 51. From: 21st Army Corps. E.M, To: 3rd Bureau. Halt Order — 4th Brigade, 2nd Div., U.S.A, Division Headquarters, - COUPRU. 1st Field Signal Battalion* - COU'PPU, 4th Brigade Headquartersc - DOMETIM. 5th and 6th Regiments Marines. - DOMPTIN, Ferme. BFAURIGAP.BE, and the woods in that vicinity. Your camp will be on the alert. The Brigade will cover their halt with outposts to the East and North. Fires draw bombardment and fire from airnlanes. Fires will not be lighted during the night. By Order of the Chief of Staff. G. J 1>T o t ime i nd i c at e d 31 I ay 1918. Order for the 2nd Div. , U.S. 1. The Second Div., U.3., has been placed at the disposi¬ tion of the 6th Array. The Infantry of the Division is en~ route by trucks and the Artillery is marching overland. The Infantry debarks from the trucks at 15 hours in the region May-en-^TULTIEH, ROUVEES et NLULCHEL1ES, west of the QURCQ, Canal, The Artillery begins their arrival during the night of 7 "ay 31 - June 1. 2. The Commanding General of the 2nd Division will carry out the debarking of his Infantry, place them in position in rear of the valley of CLIGNON, between MONTIGNY and CtANDELU inclusive, pushing his advance guard along the front CKI2Y-en-ORXOIS - St. QUENTIN in liaison to the west with elements of the 2nd Cavalry Corps, which will be found in the region BCIS de BOURNEVILLE, MAROLLES, and to the east with elements of 7 3rd., which is operating in the region of PRIEZ. Orders will be given in time for the artillery to be utilized on points designated to the Commanding General, 2nd Div. U.S. 3. The 2nd Div. U.S. is placed under the orders of the General Commanding the 7th Army Corps, who will use it for closing the gap in the lines at the break P.u d' ALLAMD, and for counter attacking as soon as possible in the direction de PASSY en VALOIS, MARI GUY, ST. HARD. DUCHEM. From; Gen. Michels. To: Col. Malone. Hour: 3;C0 A.M. 1 June , 19 18 , Go by PLATRIERE, Grand CORMONT, EC CUTE BLEUT les GLAND CHS. 1. At GLANDON3 send one battalion to the north edge of BOIS. du VAUCHAPJD to establish liaison with the left of the 43rd Div. ( on the ridge north of BOIS de VEUILLY at the western point of the ridge) to establish a line from the 43rd Div. to PREMOLT (inclusive). The rest of the column will continue to des GLANDOHS to GERMIGNY to COULOMBS. Here one battalion will be sent to establish a line along the BOIS de T ' r OULIH du RKCHE to PREMOHT to Tir CULIH du RHONE, (inclusive). The rest of the column will continue to COULOMBS. At COULOTCBS one battalion will take PRU 1 ' r ETZ and establish a line BRITETZ - BOIS du MOULIN du RHONE, and seek to establish liaison around BELMETZ with the 7th C.A. The other units of your column will constitute the reserve and remain at COULOMBS. A telephone line for comrunication will be laid along the line of march from La LOGE to COULOMBS. Send also a liaison officer to La LOGE. Recommendations:- Go quickly. 2. It is possible that in front of BCIS de VEUILLY - PREMOHT, BOIS du RHONE - BRUMETZ, French troops will be found. Look for them and gain contact North of BOIS du VEUILLY and with the 7th C.A. This is very urgent. 3. Send news and information to my Headquarters at La JjOGE • A.M., 1 June, 1918. MESSAGE FROM MAJOR LAY - 9:50 A.M. At 8:50 A.M., message from Colonel Catlin: H The enemy nrere bombarding LUCY and TRIANGLE FARM heav¬ ily with shrainel and H.E." Action by 4th Brigade: n I have notified the French Division and all our ele¬ ments of the 3rd Brigade.” /’At 9:15 the Gth Machine Gun Bn. reported the enemy ad¬ vancing enmasse on the PARIS road towards the TRIANGLE.FARM. MESSAGE 11:45 - From: Lt. Hunt. June 1, 1918. Strong attack on BELLEAU just north of BOURESCHES. Fighting in the village. The Boche holds BOxS de BCliRESCHES. French is just at souxh of the village. The Germans are ad¬ vancing in the Ravine just to the East of LUCY, They are coming down the Ravine just west of HAUTEVESMES and attacking MAJOR LAY — From: 4th Brigade. 1:30 P.M., 1 June, 1918. 6th Reg. has had no ambulances sent to them, wants .t/^kulance s with exxra dressings and litters sent to La VOIE-du-CFATEL Hq, Reg. as soon as possible . Report to French Mission that Lt. Chedrot, French, Act. Adjt, to 5th M.G, Bn., has been wounded and Lt. Crocker. Translation of message dropped at 4 P.M* 1 June, 1918. -Ls*t Ju.ri0 •— ^ ^ Lieut. Chassier, Squadron 106 to’c.'o. 2 A.C, atching and Observation over sector of 43rd Inf., Divis. Little enemy activity. The infantrymen have most pro- bacly dug themselves in, as they cannot be seen. No move¬ ment of any importance in the rear rone. No batteries seen in action, w e are firing verv strongly with shraonel ETREPILLY. A violent barrage of 75*s was opened at 3:35 P.M, on Hill 128-, southern edge of ETREPILLY wood. Came down at a 1pW altitude over ETREPILLY and VAUX. Was fired at with machine guns. 1st June, 1918, • 4 P.M, Squadron S.A.L. 27. RECONNAISSANCE. 3: P.M, American reinforcements (east of DOMPTIN) about 1 Bn., towards LEG AULNOIS going eastward, also about La CROISFTTE, on the PARIS ROAD towards LE TRIOLET. Intermittent shrapnel fire on VAUX and wood N.w, (Cont : d, on next page.) ^ fl , - - . P.M., 1 June,. 1918. (Cont’d. from last paere. ) 4 P.M. Isolated Boches on the road east of BOIS ROCHETS at LAUCONNOIS FARM - at CHANTE NERLE and at GRANDE PICARDE FARM. Isolated Frenchmen near BOIS de la MARETTE and CROGIS - Railroad bridge S,w. of CHATEAU intact, French elements eastern outskirts of BOURESCHES. Lucy, 1 June, 1918. 4:10 P.M, To: Comdg. Genl. 3nd Div. Have reported to C.G. 43 Div, (French) and established liaison. Troops arriving by Camion going in between THIOLET and LUCY. Important that available Engineers with plenty of tools come as soon as infantry finish with Camions. Should de-*busS at Ferme PARIS and march in small columns about evenly distributed from THIOLET to LUCY. Hurry them. HARBORD. From: C.G. 4th Brig, At: PYRAMIDS, Date: 1 June, 1918. Hour: 5:05 P.M. No. 3. How Sent: Messenger, To : C.G. 3nd Division. Second Bn. 6th Marines in line from Le THIOLET through CLERAMBAUTS ^oods and TRIANGLE to LUCY, Instruct¬ ed to hold this line. , 1st Bn. 6th Marines going into line from LUCY through Hill 143. 3rd Bn. in support at La VOIE du CHATEL which is also P.C. of 6th Marines. 6th M.G, Bn. distributed along line as given. No instruct¬ ions as to evacuation of wounded. HARBORD, FRENCH ELEMENTS IN ADVANCE OF THE AMERICAN LINE: C. G. 3nd Div, No. 35, 2 June 1918. BOURESCHES . BOIS de BELLEAU. Des BELLEAU TORCY. BUSSIARES, to the south. . , To the left and in rear. . . Bois de VEUILLY. 356th Regt. 314th Regt. 158th Regt. 153nd Rest. 59th & 43d B, Some Units. Do Do Do C.P.(Dismounted Chausers.) 31st & 1st B,C.P. " 149th Regt. Some Units. 367th Regiment. " " (Signed) General Michel. BOIS des CLEREMBAUTS . to 193nd 1 Bn. 356th. 193nd to point SE of Bois de la MARETTE - Dismounted Bn, of 4th Brig". (Lt.) 3d & 4th Hussars. (Signed) General GAUCHER. Above reports brought in direct from General Michel by Lt. Wouillemont of the French Mission. 3 A.M. ’ c - •; *»♦ * % f * jj r ■* t * r *. r • * t - KJ> . »/ •’ - * \«1 \ A.M. 2 June, 1918, 4:30 A•M« June 2, 1918* Lt♦ Crocker reached destination at COULOMBS with ammuni¬ tion, No one was there. Capt. Claude knew of the destina¬ tion and explained that Colonel Malone should arrive at COULOMBS at 8 A,M, Lt * Crocker will leave an officer in charge of ammunition to await arrival of Colonel Malone. 5:00 A.M, June 2, 1918. .wiajor Lay reports that Colonel Malone reached LA GRANGE-COULOMBS woods where ordered to go without incident. From: C.G. 4th Brigade. At: PYRAMIDS. Date: 2 June, 1918. Hour: 6 A,M. No. 3. How Sent: Messenger in car. To : C„G. 2nd Division. Our telephone line not working. Believe French have cut in on it thinking it dead wire. Malone reports through French Division Hdqrs. that at 5:45 he had reached Gd. CORMONT. My regiment in line did not get its truck with signal material and I have no telephone to him. Regard it extremely important. Please have Signal Corps give it to me at once. HARBORD. From: C.O. Detachment, A.E.F. At: LES GLANDONS. Date: 2 June, 1918. Hour: 6:30 A.M. No. 15. How Sent: Phone. To: C.G. 2nd. Marines moving toward objective, rest of column proceeding towards next objective. No hostile detachments encountered. Constant reconnaissance to our rt« flank, rest of column proceeding towards GERMIGUY, Line towards north seems to be held. MALONE, Colonel. From: General Harbord, 7:00 A.M. June 2, 1918. To : General Bundy or Colonel Brown. French Division Commander wanted our battalion in line from Hill 142 to BOIS de VEUILLY. They went in from line VEUILLY to GAUDILY. Was a French Corps Commander in 2nd Division Headquarters when order was given? From: Hq. 2nd Div. 7:00 A.M, June 2, 1918. To : C.G. 4th Brigade, PYRAMIDS, Col. Carr will see that telephone line is put in to your regiment in line unless your truck has arrived before his men, Saint-Gauden, Capt. Sec'y. General Staff, 1 A A. M. 2 June., 1918. From: Colonel Brown. 7:15 A.M. June 2, 1918. To : General Harbord. That order was entirely given between General m ichel and Colonel Malone. It was not our order at all. Colonel Malone was placed at General Michel’s disposal and they plotted it together. Col. Malone’s Battalion Commander probably misinterpreted Colonel Malone’s order. General Michel should get in touch with Colonel Malone and change it. 7:30 A.M. June 2, 1918. General Harbord requests 30 Cal. ammunition, Chauchats and Hotchkiss ammunition be sent out to his P.C. for 5th Marines and also a reserve supply as soon as possible. (Delivered to Col. Herbst 7:45 A.M.) General Harbord will be absent from 8:A.M. to 9 A.M. Major Lay will be present. From: C.G. At: Arty. Brig. Hqrs. COCKEREL. Date.: 2 .June 18 Hour: 11:33 A.M. How sent: Courier. To: Chief of Staff. The munitions officers of the 3rd and 4th Brigades & Infty. have not reported. It is requested that they be sent here without delay. . CHAMBERLAINE. J.C . To Comdg. General, 2nd Division. 11:40 A.M. 2 June, 1918 At: .MAY-en-MULTIEH. I report that the 4th Machine Gun Battalion (less Fords) the 1st Field Signal Battalion and Hdqrs. Troop arrived here at 11:30 A.M., and are now unloading. I request that you send me 16 three ton trucks to move the 4th Machine Gun Batt¬ alion to MAY-en-MULTIEN as ordered. We have no transportatio and cannot even march afoot. EDMUND L. ZAITE, Major, 4th M.G. Bn. Translation of French Message received 12:15 - June 2, 1918. HEADQUARTERS DEGOUTTE to 2nd Division, U.S. You are requested to make up a list of maps needed «f the 80,000 and 50,000 scale, showing particularly what con¬ cerns the artillery. A liaison officer of the artillery corps will pass by the Division Headquarters and will coll¬ ect the requests for maps during the afternoon of June 2nd, and will satisfy the demand as well as possible. Copies to: G-3, Major Budd, Gen. Chamberlaine. Kq.. 2nd Div. Office Sec’y. Memo, to G-3. Capt. Weems with M.G. 12:20 P.LI. June 2nd. General Staff. 23. 12:35 P.M, 2 June, 1918. Co. of 9th Inf. reported here (Cont’d next page) . ■' it: ■ P.M, 2 June, 1918. (Cont*d. from last page,) Is continuing to P.C., 9th Inf. Lt. C.C. GULLIVER, Asst. Sec’y., General Staff, Headquarters Second Division, Second Section, G.S^ 2 June, 1918. — 2±00 P.M. TELEPHONE HESSAGE from Lieut, Hunt togetheir with Aeroplane sketch in confirmation of lines of battle rec’d., from 37th Escadrille. The line of battle has been straightened out from ESSOMES to MONTCOURT, Reconnaissance from ETAMPES pro¬ ceeded as far as railroad bridge across MARNE at CHATEAU THIERRY. No Boche encountered but M.G. located ai CHATEAU fired south along the CHATEAU-THIERRY - VIFFORT ROAD, The main enemy strength in the town of CHATEAU THIERRY is be¬ lieved to be located at 182.4 - 258.2 - at the cross roads just north of the "T" in THIERRY (Map scale l/50,000). At present the Boche are believed to be concentra¬ ting in the woods just North of BOURESCHES. The French are concentrating on this point with 75’s. At^ TRIANGLE this morning, the enemy captured a French cyclist but when the locality was retaken by the French the cyclist escaped. He claimed to have seen num¬ bers of the enemy with the number 422 on their shoulder straps. It is thought, however, that this is probably the 442d Regiment, French attacks at BELLEAU and LICY-OLIGNON this morning fell down under our fire, G-3, 2nd Division, From* C,G. 4th Brigade. At: PYRAMIDS, Date: 3d June. Hour: 3:35 P.M. No, 15. How Senti Liaison Officer, To t C.G. 2nd Division, (Motorcar, ,1 Catlin reports nothing important on 6th Marines front, has had several wounded officers and men. Report¬ ed. that our M.G, Bn. ha^ stopped the Boche several times this morning. At last accounts said to be concentrating some men S.E. BOURESCHES. Neville from quarry 300 yds N,W, MARIGNY reports his 2d Bn, in line between 143 and BOIS de VEUILLY, Catlin requests 100 picke and 100 shovels needed at once at LUCY-1e-BOCAGE, Please send via here. HARBORD. From: C.G. 4th Brigade. At: PYRAMIDS. Date: 3d June. Hour: 3 P.M. No, 18. How Sent: Liaison Officer in car. To : C.G. 2nd Div. French division hdqrs, report that our right is giving a little at TRIANGLE. Not yet confirmed by our re¬ ports. Have sent ADC to investigate, and word to Catlin to hold at all costs. Failure your signal officer to give us wireless connection here is great handicap. Telephone to 6th Marines just in. Both regimental hdqrs. report have wireless up and trying (Cont J d. on next page.) (Coat’d. from last page.) P,M ' J 3 Jun ®' 1918, very™n?eliahle h a ^ b R °2; nnot; - Telephone to your headqrs. y unreliaole and out of order much of time. HARBORD. From: Hour: To : C.G. 4th Brigade. 3:40 P.M. No. 19. C.G. 2d Div, At: PYRAMIDS. Date: 2d June* How sent: Motorcar. R ®P° r t that right giving way was false. * *»«*,« they°Sw Se Te? a \ U *5 S withdra ' ,a l a working party that T L ‘ T( elephone direct with battalion comdr. at direction 1 * Y L?£ en h i s . outfit runs ^ in the other direction Nothing doing in the fall-back buisness. anrrm j 1 ^ 18 ? rom 300 F ards N * w - of MARIGNY reports has some wounded and no ambulances. Please send viahere. HARBORD. Co. B. at VFNTELET FERME (G-3, 3d B Hq) 15. Co. A. with 9th Inf. (Right Bn.) HEADQUARTERS, SECOND DIVISION (REGULAR) AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES. France, 2 June, '18.-3:55 PM. COLONEL PAUL B. MALONE: havp hpS addl i ion to the battalion of Marines which you Tlivio?! V ie710USly ordered to send to LES PYRAMIDES the the Sth i^v ana n r directs that you send two companies of at VMIMT FFRVF® 8atta R° n . to report t0 OenerSl Lewis, to go. ET FERME * He TVl11 give thera orders as to where ™ aa *voI°? ° an Use the trucks to help them out in all possible transportation as far as possible. PRESTON BROKEN, Colonel, General staff Chief of Staff. From: Captain Pritchard - 4:15 P.M. 3 June, 1918. aft»^. Geral * n o P R 30ner ,Ylth 398th Resident captured this aVfR? a ? 3:15 etates that the ICth C-erraan Division ii ^r?hR? S R l0ng the PAHIS R0Ar > " tvt0 regiments on the °U h £U ha . road and on3 regiment to the South of the to General harbor df rU " 0r and ^ alr ® ady b ®® n indieated HEADQUARTERS IGNARY FORCES SECOND DIVISION (REGULAR), AMERICAN EXPEDIT- France, 3 June »18. - 4:33 P.M. COLONEL PAUL B. MALONE: , . The Division Commander directs that you PYRAMIDS wftVh' 5 *? Ma f ineS n ° W on duty " ,ith you t0 Lt; s hlari'^+i • th the least practicable delay. The officer Bearing this message comes with trucks and the men tPI be transported in trucks. (Coat'd, on nett page.) \ . , P.M., 2 June. 1918. (Cont’d. from last page.) For your information a prisoner reports a German Division making an attack down the CHATEAU THIERRY-LI7Y ROAD. PRESTON BROW, Colonel, General Staff, Chief of Staff. From: C.O* 9th Inf. At: ALNOIS BONTEMPS FARM ne DOMPTIN. Date: 2 June, <18, Hour: 4:30 P.M. No. 1. How sent. To ; Chief Staff, 2d Div. MONTREUIL. (Motorcar. Request 7 ambulances with extra litters for evacua¬ tion about 26 wounded. Have relieved Major Livingston, Command 1st Bn in¬ ability read map and inefficiency. Maj. Witley detailed in his stead. Capt. Murray, Co. A relieved, Capt. Foley replaces him. UPTON, Col, 21st Army Corps, Staff, 2nd Bureau, No. 10.191/2. TELEPHONE MESSAGE to Air Service and Staff Degoutte, 2nd Bureau. 21 hr. 45 nu 2 June, 1918. OBSERVATION LT; HAMON, 2o Hrs. The valor of one German Regiment assembled in the woods between LICY-CLIGNON and TORCY and North of the high¬ way. At 20 hrs, 10 min. the Germans came out of the woods and captured Cote 126, At 20 hrs. 45 min. they crossed south of the BELLEAU TORCY Road, nushing back our foot troops along the small stream north of LUCY-le-BOCAGE. The artillery of the 43rd Division was informed of this and was able to direct a heavy fire on the enemy. From: Major Lay: (No time noted on slip) June 2, 1918. General Harbord requests that when his truck with his baggage arrives at Division Headquarters that it be sent at once to his Brigade P.C. Colonel Langdon gave orders yester day afternoon for the truck to come from MEAUX to Division Headquarters. The truck is orobably at Division Headquar¬ ters now. HEADQUARTERS, SECOND DIVISION (REGULAR)« AMERICAN EXPEDIT¬ IONARY FORCES, FRANCE, 2 June, 1918, (No time). TO ALL STAFF OFFICERS: Copies of all orders and reports will be made and given to Lieut. Hunt and also to Captain Gauthier. They should be kept ready for them by Secrexary General'Staff so they may have them with least delay. PRESTON BROWN, Colonel, General Staff, Chief of Staff. Amra. to Lay June 3rd. ■I. ) J ,* t A, M., 3 June, 1918, PHONE ME99AGE - 1:35 A.M., June 3 - From: 21st Army Corps Hq. - CHAMIONY. 0-3. No. 54. To : Hq, 2nd Div. U.S. at MONTREUIL. Following an enemy attack, BUSSIARES, TORCY and the wood of BELLEAU have been taken from us during the evening. General Michel is actually preparing an operation to retake the lost ground. In the aim of permitting the 43rd Div. to carry out this operation well, the hour of the taking command by General'Bundy fixed for 9:00 A.M. June 3 d is held up and will be fixed later. From: Commanding General, 2nd F.A. Brigade. At: MONTREUIL. Date: 3 June, 1918, Hour: 2:42. How sent: Lt. Carey. To : G-3, 2nd Div. 13th F.A, is on the road at MONTREUIL moving east to battery positions. The 1st Bn,, 17th F.A. is in posi¬ tions as follows: Bn. Hqrs. 11-87 - Baty, A - 18-86. - Baty. B. 17-91. Battery positions of 12th F.A, will be reported as soon as occupied. CHAMBERLAINe. J. c. g- 3, MONTREUIL, 2:50 A.M., 3 June, '18. MEMO. frOR C.G. OR G-3 , M.G. C 04 , 9th Inf. ‘passed through here enroute to regiment at 12:20 A.M. M.G. Co's. 5th and 6 th Marines same at 2:40 A.M. M,G. Co. 23rd Inf. left BREGY at 9: p,M. to go direct to Reg. Hdqrs. at COULOMBS. Trains 3d Brig. 4th Brig, and 2 d Eng, will arrive COCKEREL before noon and there bivouac, sending officer to Div. Kdqre* to report arrival and receive further orders. Remainder of Regimental M.G. Co's, and the 37 m.m. guns have been ordered to join their regiments by march¬ ing and should reach them before noon. MONTGOMERY. MEMORANDUM - 4:00 A.M. June 3 d. C.G, 2nd Div. A 2nd Lieutenant of the 6 th Marines, at 5:30 A.M, June 3rd, furnished the information that the Germans were about 1 kilometer north of LUCY-le-EOCAGE. Lt. C.C. Gulliver, Assistant Secretary, General Staff. I a.m. June 3, 1918. 6.45 A.M. To Lt. Col. Rerbst (9-3-2nd Div.) from Ad j , 3d Brigade. phone lies sage " no order’d last night and none as yet this morning. We expected to receive some orders last night. What has been sent? Lt. C.C. Gulliver Asst Secy Gen. Staff. Representatives from 409 Regt. Inf. (French) have just reported here to be in liaison. They number 3 Cos' Inf. (500) plus 1 M.G. Co. (100). They are taking up position on road from Chamoust toward Cocherel-1his road is southwest of Montreuil. C.C. G. Reed 10.12 AM 3 June GAH From C.C. 23rd Inf. At Coulombs Date 3 June 18 Hour 7:20 A.M. Ho. 29 How Sent Automobile To Comdg General 2d Division, Montreuil. 1. Copy of map showing dispositions my front herewith. We are in good condition. 2. Two German attacks from KAUTEVESUES towards GERUIGRY defeated this morning. 3. Liaison good in all directions except that our Trains not having arrived we have no T.P.3. no T.S.F. and are very short on telephones; need 4 from Div. Sig. Bn. if available, this temporarily. 4. M.G. Co. (less all transportat ion) arrived during night. It will be used temporarily as part of regimental reserve. C.O, M.G, Co. reports our train at BREGG last night. Request DHUISY be assigned as location of Supply Co and that all the rest of our transportation besent to Coulombs for distribution to proper units. If this meets your approval the bearer will go out to meet trains and transmit necessary instructions, Pending arrival trains request 4 trucks be sent me. Malone Colonel Request sketch showing rest of 2d Division. G-3 Memo, to G-2. At 7.11 A.M. message with map were dropped from aeroplane by Pilot Dubois. Same was picked up by Observer Lieut. Derlandres. The message stated that the French Infantry were unable to pass the road about one ( 1) km. north of LUCY-le-BOCAGE, because the Germans had this road spotted on their maps. The auestion was asked "CAB YOU FIRE" ( POUVES-VOUZ TIRER) and the place marked on the maps was on the road southeast of TORCY and north of LUCY-le-BOCAGE. Major Potter stated that the 2nd Division has .no artillery which could fire on this point, so this message was telephoned at once to Kdqrs. 43rd Division at LA LOGE, and was then sent by motorcycle with the map to the same place. Assistant Secretary, General Staff. Memo. -G-2, At 9.10 A.M., June 3rd, a liaison agent from the 1st Co. 174th Regt. (French) reported that his regiment now occupies the eastern section of the wood east of COCHEREL. Assistant Secretary, General Staff. Hdqrs. June 3rd, 1918. 6th Army-21st A.C.--lst Bureau Staff--Ko. 3322/1 SERVICE BOTE--The Army telegraphs "Please forward battle order of the GAUCHER Division and the American Division". Forwarded for compliance. General Degoutte , C omnand ing the 21st A.C. By order, Chief of Staff. Rec’d. 12;55 P.M. Trans. & Forwarded, 1.25 Copies r 164th Div. 2nd Div. U.S.A. ' P. M. June 2, 1918. Aeroplane Observer--Lt. Lautier. Operating for Second American Division. Message Sent 1:25 P.M. (Por immediate delivery.) Situation Mas not changed since reconnaissance made at 10:00 A.M. The line still passes over the triangle made by the edge of the B0I3 de EELLEAU, T OP GY BU.IUIARSS. Some organizations have been noticed in the BOIS de BELIEAU . They seem to be At 1:10 P.M. a rather violent bombardment was placed on MARIGNEY-en-ORXOIS. This bombardment is now over and the sector held by your division is calm. In the rear the enemy does not indicate any circulation beyond a few isolated vehicles. (signed) Received 2:15 P.M. LAUT-ER. How sent: Motorcycle At: COULOMBS. Date; To; G omd g. General, 3 June 18. Ho: 44 2nd Div. MONTREUIL. Information just reed, concerning attack against 43rd Div. (Fr.) on our right. My M.G, Co. arrived with only 6000 rounds per gun. Balance 12C00 rounds per gun being at DHUISY. To insure sufficient M.G* ammunition request.575,00 0 rounds be sent by truck at once to COULOMBS. .no loading machine here and one or two badly needed. Request information as- te whether or not this may be sent. The ammunition above requested is for three U.G. Companies, (2 attacned to this Regt.) Malone, Colonel, HEADQUARTERS, SECOND DIVISION (REGULAR) . AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY-FORCES. PR ALICE, June 2, 1918. SIGNAL CORPS: Send the following telegram:- C O' T ■* AND IMG GENER AL PIRST ARMY CORPS, NEUPCHATEAU. BE SENT TO THIS DIVISION BUNDY, Major General. REQUEST TWO ANT I AIRCRAFT BATTERIES WITH LEAST PRACTICABLE DELAY OPFICIAL MILITARY BUSINESS: A. Kerbst, Lt-Colonel, G.3., A.C.of S., G-3. Signal Corps (Col. Carr) stated they Sent to French Telegraph Office here above to Adj. Gen’l. at "EAUX to be could not send this, at MONTREUIL also sending transmitted. -Sending this by French lines 1 '. Lt. C.C. Gulliver. > June 3, 1918 P. tir iul » HEADQUARTERS SECOND DIVISION (REGULAR). ALTER I CAN EXPEDITIONARY EORCE S. MEMORANDUM: 3 June, '18. The 17th Field Artillery passed at 11:25 A.M., going into position. H.L.H. Secretary to General Staff. From: C.O. 23rd Infantry. At: COULOMBS. Date: 3 June *18. Hour: 4:06 P.M. No: 46. n ow sent: Motorcycle. To: Comdg. General 2nd Division, MONTREUIL. Captain Claude has just returned from General MICHEL'S Hq. and states that General MICHEL expects to have a con¬ tinuous American line in rear of the French line. This is not in accordance with Gen. MICHEL'S orders to me which required me to establish liaison with left flank of 43 d Div. (Fr,). The right flank of my right Bn. is in contact with the French 133d Inf. If it is desired that my right flank be made continuous with the Marines it is requested that the Marines be ordered to reconnoitre to their left and gain contact with right of my line, my right being held by 2 nd Bn. I am in telephonic communication with all of my batt¬ alions and have ordered the battalion commanders to locate left flank of Marines and insure continuous line. All quiet on my front. Please reply by this messenger and indicate action taken. Malone, Colonel. From: C.O, 23d Infantry. At: COULOMBS. Date: 3 June '18. Hour: 4:43 P.M. No: 47. How Sent: Motor truck. To: Adjutant, 2nd Div., for Div. Sig. Officer. When all necessary lines shall have been established to battalions, there will be left not more than 10 Km. of wire probably not more than 5 Km. Can you send me at least 10 Km. of wire to connect me with the Field Artillerv supporting me? Malone, Colonel. Taken by Cpl. Black, S.C. From: C.O. 23rd Infantry. At: COULOMBS. Date: 3 June '18 Hour: 4:50 P.M. No. 48. How sent: Motor Truck. To: Adjt. 2nd Div., for Div. Eng. Officer. Can you send me 150 Km, of barbed wire and 5000 posts? Iron Screw picket posts desired if possible. Please give me what you can, and at the earliest possible moment. If barbed wire is not obtainable please let me have any form of obstacle in your possession or which you may obtain from the French. I intend to use all barb wire fences which can be found in my vicinity. Malone, S.C. Taken by Cpl. Black, Colonel. P. M. June 3, 19 18. Prom: C.O. , 23d Infantry. At: COULOMBS. Date; 3 June 18. Hour: 4; 55 P.M. Ho: 49. How sent: Motor truck. To: Adj. 2nd Div., for Div. Surgeon, The 5th M.G., Bn, less 2 Cos,, is on duty with me. No medical attendance has been furnished for this unit, except one (1) enlisted man Med. Dept, per Co, Request one ( l) Surgeon and one-half (4-) the Sanitary personnel pertaining to the battalion be sent to me for duty. Taken by Cpl, Black,S.C. Malone. Prom: C.O, 23d Infantry. At: COULOMBS. Date 3 June 18. Hour: 6:30 P.M* Ho: 51, How sent; Motorcycle. To: Condg. General, 2nd Division, MOHTREUIL. Re- My Message Ho - 46. Commanding Officer, 2nd Bn. reports that he has established liaison with 5th Marines, that his right flank is separated from the left flank of 5th Marines, the latter resting on HILL 142, by a distance of approximately 3 Km. My right flank is resting at the point indicated in the orders of General MICHEL, namely along northern border of BOIS-DE-VEUILLY. This leaves a hole in the AJOSRICAH LIKE between my right flank and the left flank of the Marines which I cannot cover by further extension, I have two (2) Cos, and one (L) M,G. Co. , in reserve, all the rest of the Regiment being in line. Request information as to what shall be done in the case cited. The open space between the left flank of the Marines and my right flank is believed to be covered by Prench troops farther to the front. I will send in sketch later, showing dispositions of ray troops, and Prench troops in front, the latter information having been secured by reconnoisance of '~y intelligence officers, Malone, Very quiet on front. Colonel. >c' 7 .55 P._ . From: C.O. 23d Infantry. At: COULOMES. Date: 3 June 18. Hour: 6:50 P,M. Ho: 52. How sent: Motorcycle. To: Condg. General, 2nd Div. Combat Train, M.G. Co., has arrived with the prescribed amount of ammunition for all of the guns of my M.G. Co, The Combat Train, of the Infantry Troops is at DHUISY and is prepared to march at a moments notice. All Infantry with me carries on person 220 rounds per man. ! . 0 0 Malone, Golonel, Re o' d June 3, 1918. J P. From C.O.,23d Infantry. At: COULOMBS. Date: 3 June 18. Hour: 7:50 P.Tt. Ho: 53. Flow sent: Motorcycle. To: Comdg. General 2nd Division. Rec’d: 8:22 p.M. 3 June 18 G.A. Herbst, G.S. The 2nd Bn., on -gy right, reports that the enemy can he seen advancing in skirmish line, on the horizon, about 3 Km. distant, towards a point to the right (east) of my sector. The extent and depth of the attack was not reported. This is furnished because if this attack should be sue cestui it might penetrate the opening in the American line between the left flank of the 5th 7 T arines and my right flank. As my right flank is in the position ordered by General 7 r ICHLL I report this for such action as you may think advisable. Malone, Colonel. Map 1/80000 Squadron 27 . Observer: Lt. Plat. Time 17h 20m to 2Oh. 3 June 1918 17h 45m. Fire is heavy enough south-east of the B0IS-de~ .EELIEAU. Due to the density of the woods little could be seen in them. I am under the impression that they are occupied by the Boche. I was fired on by M.G, from the rear of the woods, 18k 15m. A dozen Boche came north out of BBLLEAU. I fired 100 r ou nds at then. 19h.- Bombardment by the French, south of B-UiLjuty AG . 19h 20m. Bombardment by the Germans of Triangle. From: C.0.,23d Infantry. At: COULOMBS. Hour: 8:35 P.M. How sent: Automobile. To: Commanding General 2nd Division. Date: 5 June 18. _.o . 18 5 Re o’ d 9.00 P .a*. 'Message just received from C. right flank is now in contact with the Bn 5th Marines. His right rests on a t through "C :i in wood “BOIS-de- VTJILLY - C.O. 2nd Bn. says left flank of Marines away. Have ordered reconna-issance end 0., 2nd Bn. His left flank of 2nd. rail to H,k. passing 7 7 ap * GL AjJX 1/80000 is about 300 yards comelete liaison. File for Operations Section. “ T alone, Colonel. I P . PT X * a - » June 1916. Col. Brown - To; Major Lay- 9:25 P.M. The Bat. of 25rd Infantry which was in reserve goes out to reliev-e Turrill, go out and tell Whiting to go out over road Malone marched over last night to relieve Turrill and send Turrill back to Pyramids. Turrill goes back in these trucks. To G-3. ho time indicated. June 3, 1918. Report of a conversation of Colonel Brown with General Harbord; There is a probability of a German Division marching along the Paris road. The Corps Commander wants the battalion at Les PYRABIDES sent to LA LAEGUE FEEME to be placed on the point in the woods just opposite the U L" in LA. I am sending trucks to take the Marines from Colonel Malone at COLJLC T : TBS to report to LES PYRAMIDES. Will send French officer to LA LAEGUE. There is a report of ambulances at MARX-GEY. The ambulances will go to VEUILLY, north of MARIGEY. The machine gun companies in General Harbord 1 s regiments and of the 29th are marching overland. Major Montgomery will go to KLAUX to get trucks and will rush them in tonight. 14 trucks with Brigade and Regimental signal equip¬ ment, have arrived. It is on the way now to General Harbord and to General Lewis, tut the French do not desire wireless by Regiments unless in the front lines, so hold them, down to bare necessities« G-3-16, ICRAEDUH: Jun e 5, 19 ie. G-3 , Courier Service will be established daily between MOETREUIL and BEAUX commencing June 3rd. Courier will 'leave Divisional Headquarters at 1:30 P,M., and will leave Kotel- de-la-VILLE, BEAUX, for Division Headquarters at 3;30 P.M. Secretary to General Staff. 103. HEADQJJ ARTERS, SEC OED DIV 13 1 0E (RLGU LAR), AWERIC M EXPED I TI GEARY F 0RCE3, FRANCE, 3 June 1918, To Colonel Paul B. Malone: Your message reporting the advancing German line towardjs a point to the right of your sector was received at 8:22 P.M. There is a French battalion on your right, between your right and the left of the 5th Marines. Get into communication with this French battalion and keep this German attack under as close observation as possible. It is not the intention of making that part of the line a ( Cont’d on next page) No time indicated. June 5, 1918, ( Cont’d from last page) continuous American line to the left of your present position. The Corps states that there is a French batt¬ alion in that apparent gap. It is probably some distance to the front of the right of your line. The contents of your message mas commuricated to general Harbord, and also to French Corps Headquarters. G.A. HER38T, Lt- Colonel, General Staff, GAH “ cf A. C. of S., G.-3 . £rom: C.G. At; Arty. Brig. Kq. (KORTREUIL) . Date 3 June How sent: Courier. To: G-3, Operations. One Battalion 155’s 17th Regt., Battery's A & E, Lt.-Colonel Q,uinn Commanding left COCKER.'LL 9:45 to take position in woods 1 Km. R.E, of La LCGE. You will be advised of progress of movement. C iiamb e r 1 a i n e. A. IT. June 4, 1918. Telephone Message from Col. Malone. 2:55 A.M. June 4/18. A movement was discovered from the vicinity of Kautoesnes and reported to the French Division Commander and the 2nd Division by messenger. This resulted in concentration fire upon the area over which the attack was to be made. Practically no reply from the German Artillery until 2:25 A.M. when a heavy barrage was put down for a few nmute.s at approximately the junction of the Marines and 23d infantry. If any attack was launched by hostile Infantry, it did not reach our lines. The French line and our front remain intact. Malone. G-3. Received-3;10 A.M., June 4, 1918, Fr om: C.0. 4 th M.G. Bn. At : WOOD WEST OF LA LARGUE FEEME Date: 4 June 18. Hour: 6:20 A.M. No.l. How Sent: To : Comdg. General, 2nd Division. Messenger. I report that pursuant to paragraph (f) Field Orders No. 7, 2nd Div., 3 June 18, 8:00 A.M,, the 4th Machine Gun Battalion is in position in wood west of L A. LARGUE FERRE as part of Division Reserve. J-ts position in the wood is shown on map near the point narked 182 in chat wood. ^ j- .e 1st Bn, 9th,Inf. is also in that wood constituting the remainder of Division Reserve. EDMURD L. ZAKS, Major 4th M.G. Bn. A.M. June 4, 1918. Received from 4th Brigade: Field Message- (197) 7;45 A.M, 4 June 18. Signature. Note: Col. Harbord wants a chronometer so as to be able to keep accurate time. From: C.G. 4th Brig. At: PYRAMIDS. Date. 4th June. Hour:7:45 A.M* No: 1, To: C. of S. 2d Div. I have read the Division Order taking over the sector very carefully and conclude that the 3d Bn. which has hereto fore been Corps Reserve now passes to my command and ceases to be Corps Reserve. I have ordered it to stand 1 by to move and intend moving it to a point more nearly in rear of the lef t of- my line , Re c ' d 8 :4 : j A **a» Harbo rd . PB Headquarters Second Division, France 4 June 1918. 8:50 A.M. .Commanding General 4th Brigade; Referring to your message No. 1, 7:45 A.M., 4 June 1918, the Division Commander directs me to inform you that your interpretation of Field Order No. 7 is correct. Before moving this battalion to the point indicated by you, the Division Commander desires: (a) The point to which you intend to move it. (b) That it be not moved until the battalion of the 9th-Infantry assigned as Division reserve is in place. Reed 9.09 Au* 4 June 13-GAK. PRLSTON BROW, Colonel, General Staff, Chief of Staff. ’■"essage Received by Col, Brown,- 11:25 A.M. June 4, 1918. From Neville: Rec'd 2:o5 German Arti llery going along road from TORCY to RJSSIARES and going up wood to NE of EUSSIARES about 33 o to east of EU33IARES. Referred to Artillery. G-5. 2A1 286 EX DE EQ,. BOSCHES DECENDING EN MASSE ENT RE COURCHAMPS ET L1CY ( The above intercepted by DIV-. RADIO at 10:00 P.M.) phoned to both Brigades. Message given to Artillery, phoned 10:19 P.M. June 4. Army Corps notified 10:25 P.M. * p. II. June 4, 1918. Wireless report at 10:10 to the effect that the Germans were ""aking a strong attack from the direction of CCURCHAMPS & LICY-CLIGNON. Large concentrations at CHLZY. Artillery detailed to cover this concentration and opened fire at 10:20. Brobsire. From: G.O..Trains. At: Div, Hdqrs. Bate: 4 June. Hour; 10:20 P.M, To: Chief of Staff, 2nd Division. All horse drawn trains both Divisional and Infantry Regimental are now placed in valley as directed in F.O. No.7. Details of location given to G-l. Langdon. HEADQUARTERS, SECOND DIVISION (REGULAR) AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES. June 4,1918. At 10:45 P.M. COLONEL UAL ONE : Marine Brigade reports number of green flares going Up from the vicinity of your line. It is not known here whether cr net you have withdrawn. The interpretation placed on the green flares is 11 AMMUNITION WANTED”. To be absolutely certain, I am sending you this, and the messenger will bring back any statement you may have as to your needs, PRESTON BROWN, Colonel, General Staff, PB/hi Chief of Staff* ♦ Ha. 2nd Div. 4 June isis. Memorandum, for C.O. Trains: Please send the Trench Mortars, with the necessary Trench Mortar personnel-gunners, etc.-and all the Trench Mortar ammunition now with the Field and Combat Trains of the bth Marines, to mARIGNY, to report to the C.O. 5th Marines. G.A. Herbst, . Lieut.Colonel, G.S., A • C • of S . , G — 3. t own at 4 knowledge if any in send guns Memo for Col. Herbst; ' J x , . - _ Trench Mortars of 5th Marines were detached from ,00 A.M. June 3rd and sent to Div. Hdq. Have no of their present location. Vill send ammunition town and also will send officer to Div. Hdq. to forward if there. Puryear. Since writing the note on the opposite side, I learned the ammunition had arrived and Maj . Puryear will sendit up to¬ night. Rogers. J' > * » A- M. June 5, 1918. ( 0"bs . Lt * ilouvelon (Pilot St. Adam. Esc. 252 General Bundy; Several Ec&che enemy gun shots fired. Eoche elements and HJ SSI ARES. 30 3 G-3 elements in the Bois-de-Eelleau - south of the road "between ELOUP !o German Eattery seen in action. Impression - Sector calm. Received 8;25 A.K. June 5th, 1918 - Col. Herbst , Phone to Gen. Lewis; 11:10 A.H. June 5, 1918. 317 G-o Re -m.ov of relief Qf Ca.alry Horses will be at BEAUREpAIRE, - 9:30 vhis eve¬ ning, Horses will wait for relief. Cavalry Brigade will proceed to CHARLY. Copies for; G-3 Lieut. Hunt. i-honed by Capt. St. Gaudens to Col. Lewis. Phoned telegram rec'd, June 5th. 12:15 p.M. Hdqrs . at CHAMIGHY to Hdqrs . 2nd Div. U.3.A, , Ho. 44, "At 11 o’clock in note 1930/3 of June 4th, instead of table J read table I. 322. The morning of June 6th, the 167th French Division w i11 attack between VEUILLY, inclusive, to the brook of CHAIPILL01I, exclusive. The 2nd Division will support the attack by the capture of the slopes of CHATPILLOH^ up to and including the brook to the east of the slope and just west of TCRCY. Y line 174. Interdiction fire around the zone to be attacked: registration and raking the evening of June 5th on the objeotive. At K hour minus 30 minutes, fire of preparation and destruction very intense on the successive targets. H hour will be fixed by the C.G. 21st A.C., and communicated to General Harbord at once. The Infantry will attack by infiltration rather than by waves. Interdiction fire will be kept up until the moment the Infantry progresses. Close liaison to be established between the Infantry and Artillery. Counter-batteries will go into action in case German batterie open fire. All Artillery of the 2nd Division, and attached French units, and all of the 167th Division will take part. Explosive shells to be used. l--§- days fire to be had at each piece . The objective has been marked on maps TfLAUX, 1:20,000 The advance of Marines to guide on attack of 167th Division; guide left. (Cont’d on next page) 1 (Contid from. last page) P.M. June 5, 1918. After Hill 142 is taken, the left of the Marine line to advance as circumstances permit without "bringing on another engagement, position to’ be entrenched. Respecting relief of the Marine elements west of the brock of CliAMPlLLOlT on the evening of June 5th, the command¬ ing officer of Marines in that district will be instructed to assemble his command and march it to a point designated by General Harbord after the French have passed through and have satisfied themselves of their position. It is desire- able that officers meet them and guide them in. Conversation between Gen. Karbord and Col. Brown June 5 - 3:00 P.M. 5 June 1918 6:25 P.M, 385 The fourth brigade telephones that two german prisoners are being sent to the rear. One is wounded and will be sent to Divisional Headquarters at once to be interrogated. An interpreter is requested to be at Headquarters when he arrives K, St.Gauden Sec. Gen, Staff. C of S. G-2 G-3. Lieut. Hunt. Telephone message from the Staff at SAULCHBP.Y our neighbor on the right Compte-rendu or report on the day’s activities (June 5th). We sent reconnaissance patrols into the woods of Hill 204 during last night and today. This woods is not occupied and we are about to carry our line forward to it. The village of VAUX was also visited by our patrols. Enemy patrols also pass through but the village is not permanently occupied by the enemy. Character of the day - Very 6alur., G-3 386 Message received in French at 7:40 p.M., June 5, by C.H.Livingston,1st.Lt. C.I. From: C,0.,2nd Bn. 23d Inf. At: 500 meters S.E. LA LAHGUE PER 1 'IE. Date: 6-5-18, Hour: 8: l 17 P.M. How sent: Runner To; C.G. 2nd Division. In compliance with F.O. #12, Hdqrs. ”3“ Brigade, 6- 5-18, the 2nd Bn, 23d Inf. is now in position <1 established at this point as Division Reserve . Rec’d 9 :2Q 391 6-5-18 Whiting Lajor. G-3 ! ; » *t A. M. June 6, 1918. 6:30 A.M, June 6.- Adjutant 4th Brigade reports all going smoothly. 7:10 A.M. June 6.- Adjutant 4th Brigade reports - reached our objectives. We are throwing out strong points and are consolidating our positions. 7:10 A.M. June 6.*- Phoned in Toy Lt. Hunt: French Division on our left has practically obtained all its objectives, though fighting still continues. About 100 to 150 prisoners. 7:30 A.M, June 6,- Report from Lt. HADROT, Air Sqdn. 252: Objectives attained. German artillery fire slight. It is uncertain who holds Bois-de-Belleau. Little 'movements on the routes coming from the north to TORCY and BELLEAU. Friendly artillery activity on the woods east of BOURESCHES and those to the north of ravine of CLIGB01T. 10:19 A.M. June 6, 1918. - Telephone message from General Harbord, Prisoners are coming in steadily. The 5th Marines report 65, French liaison officer claims that the French say we have taken 300 Prisoners. General Harbord does not credit the report regarding the 300 prisoners. General Harbord has seen all of the American wounded. They show a fine spirit and are very cocky. Most of the wounds are slight - result of machine gun fire. 10:45 A.M. June 6, The 5th Marines have taken 65 prisoners. The French officer of Liaison says that the number of prisoners amounts to 300. The morale of our men is excellent including that of^ the wounded. That of the enemy seems low. (Telephoned to French Corps at CH AMI GEY-10:45 A.M. P. M. June b, 1918. 2:00 P.M. June 6. Message rec’d at 1:55 P.M, from 2me Bureau 21st Army Corps. Information from the civil population and observation leads to the belief that elements of the enemy are located in TORCY, BELIEAU, LA GRAUDE FIRMS DE TORCY and on Hill 201. If possible, and other information does not orevent artillery fire should be directed cn these points. From: Div. Engineer. At: MOMTREUIL. Date: 6/6/18. Hour: 14:00 Mo: 4. To: Lt. Luster, C.O., Horse Beet ion Engr, Train. How sent: ■ T otor Messenger. You may expect to be called upon this afternoon or tnis evening for 6 of your wagons of tools. Have them ready to leave upon moment’s notice. By order of Chief of Staff, Mclndoe (per P) r> — ~ — A P. M. June 6, 1918. How sent: Motorcycle. Request you order my 2nd Bn. (Whiting) to strip all adjacent fences of barbed wire, beginning at dusk and work¬ ing till daylight and assemble all this wire at our Amm. dump, also to cut stakes for entanglements and assemble at same place. Whiting is Divisional Reserve. If approved, request you send this to Whiting by bearer and it will constitute orders whether it may be intention to hold here or not does not matter. We want wire. Malone, Colonel. 3:30 P.M. June 6, 1918. Phone report from 21st Army Corps, rec’d 2nd Div. Heavy German movement reported NEUILLY - LATILLY. From: C.O. 23rd Inf. At : COUPRU Date: 6 June 18. Hour: 2:50 P.M, No. 100 To : Commanding General, 2nd Division. For the Chief Of Staff. Hq. 2nd Div. June 6, 1918 - 5:30 P.M, The following information was received at 5:30 P.M., from a Liaison u fficer of the 167th Division, which is on the left on the west - of the 2nd Division. The 167th Division has its 3 regiments in line from right to left as follows: 116th - 409th and 147th Infantry regiments'. Opposite them is the 197th German Division. A German prisoner - an Alsatian non-commissioned officer stated the men of his division were very tired; that they expected to be relieved either the night of ^une 6-7, or the following night, by the 5th or 3rd Guard Division -- he was not sure which one. They were holding the line lightly and had received no orders to dig in and consolidate, which may be an indication of a further German attack. The 5th German Guard Division is known as one of the best in the German Army . In the operation of the morning of June 6, the 167th Division reports the capture of 259 prisoners; among them 7 officers. Hq. 2nd Division, June 6 1918. 5:40 P.M. Major Lay reports from the 4th Brigade Headquarters that men went over the top in fine shape, proper deployment around the edges of the Bois de Belleau - and no casualties. P.B. P. M. June 6, 1918. Telephone T "essage to Lt . Hunt: June 6, 1918. 6;46 ?. T ', Mounted Messenger seen going to rear at full speed on road at 7823. Two German prisoners just brought in. Men who hr ought them in say that German equipment is lying all over the ground and that the Germans arc running. Artillery fire called for at 7617 and 7117 against German Reserves spotted there very effective. 7:15 P.M, June 6, 1918. Lt. LEU TIER, SQAUDROi'T 252. Attack is in progress toward the right, lour advance elements in numbers about 400 meters southwest of EOURESCHES. They are still progressing - quietly. They are still fight¬ ing in the BCIS-de-BELLEAU without being possible to get the correct situation. In any case, machine gun fire is going on. In the northern part cf the attack, I see absolutely nothing. I believe that it is not very rapid. Message from Gen. Harbord: June 6, 1918. ?: P.M. We just have definite information that our 8ord Company occupies the railway station at ECURESCHES. Message from Gen. harbord: 8:07 P.M. June 6, 1918. Prom 2 different sources , I get it now from the French that they have not taken that little square woods southeast of BCURESCHES and that they have not taken the rectangle woods below the new position on the map. They do hold, however, that triangle woods. It is apparent no further disposition on hand to make any further advance today. They say they reported they undertook to take the triangle wood but met with machine gun fire and gave it up. My situation is this: So far as I know, we have the station at EOURESCHES. We have the east edge of the Bois- de-Belleau and people over on the left near the French have not advanced because to advance there leaves a gap in between them and the French, due to the failure of the French to advance. I have 3 companies in brigade in reserve down near LUCY, which in less than one hour could get cut there where my flank is refused. I think my attack could go #n and take Hill 106 and connect up my right with the BOIS-de-BLnnEAU^ (far edge of woods). I will have to know in advance whether I can dependon any other source if I get in trouble. General Harbord asked the direct question whether or not he could get further assistance. Colonel Brown replied we would back him up. Telephone Message from Col. Gasser: 9:40 P.M. June 6, 1918. It is a little uncertain whether or not the station at BCURESCHES has been taken, as no definite report has been ( Cont’d on next page) * , t ' P. M. June 6, 191*3. (Cont’d from last page) received from Colonel Lee, who took command of the sector after Colonel Catlin was wounded. We do know that at sun¬ down the attack on the northern edge of Bois-de~Belleau was held up by machine gun nest. Steps were taken to encircle it. We have hot learned the result. An order was sent about 8:00 o’clock to Colonel Lee directing him to carry the attack through to the Woods from Hill 133 south along the BOURESCHES-TORCY road, and send SIBLEY to take BOURESCHES. So far as the left sector is concerned, we received a report that the left was held up because the French had failed to make the attack in their sector, having been held back by heavy machine gun fire. General Harbord has increased his left by three com¬ panies and has ordered Major Wise to take 3 companies of reserves north on road to TORCY, or go to the line on the right of Phelan between him and 3rd Battalion, 5th Marines. Phelan’s right is about one kilometer south of Hill 126. Berry’s left near 133. Orders will be sent Phelan when you arrive approximately in position. Report by runner to Phelan who is on road CHAMP ILLON - Hill 142 - TORCY. Now, since that time, the French report that they have seen American troops in TORCY. We have received also def¬ inite information that Berry and Sibley have connected up. Telephone report to Headquarters, 21st Army Corps, at 9:45 P.M. June 6, 1918. The attack of the 5th Marines against the line BOUR¬ ESCHES - TORCY commenced at 5:00 P.M. At 6:48 P.M., the right of the attack had advanced to within 500 yards of BOURESCHES. At 7:15 P.M., fighting was still going on in the BQIS-de-BELLEAU. At 7:20 P.M., the 83rd Co., 6th Marines was in possession of the railway station at BOURESCHES. At 6:23 P.M., wireless reports indicated our troops in possession of TORCY and CHATEAU-de-BELLEAU. At 7:10 P.M., large bodies of enemy seen moving north from BONNES. Messages indicate artillery fire very effective and delivered at right time. At 8:07 P.M. our troopsare reported in possession of east edge of BOIS-de-BELLEAU. No further reports since that hour. Thirty (30) German prisoners by 4th Brigade are on the way to the rear. Number of prisoners and casualties not yet known. Colonel Catlin, 6th Marines, wounded in shoulder - slight wound. G. A. HERBST. Lt. Col. - G.S. Telephone Message from General Lewis at 10:25 P.M. - June 6, 1918, The right of the 23rd has been heavily attacked, and suffered heavy losses. The Germans have gotten through his line. Regimental Commander has reinforced him with his reg¬ imental reserves. 1 am sending two companies of the Brigade reserve to reinforce him. 1 P. U. June 6, 1918. June 6, 1918. 11:00 P.M. Memorandum: General Lewis reports, and is confirmed by a French Liaison, telephoned through Col. Schmidt, that report that Germans broke line of 23rd Infantry, not correct. Humor started by some Engineer soldiers who told ELLIOTT. (No time indicated) ^une 6, 1918. To Brigadier General JAMES G. HARBQRD: Ah order was received this afternoon from the £lst Army Corps whicii explained an order from the 38th Army Corps. It announced, to be brief, that the 38th Army Corps was going to advance at an hour to be set tonight, and occupy Hill 204, immediately west of CHATEAU THIERRY. They were to put on a barrage along the road from about the railroad crossing north of VAUX to the black line indicating the limits of CHATEAU THIERRY. They asked that when they ad¬ vance their left, the 9th Infantry advance its right, so as to let it rest at a point midway between VATIX and MQHNEAUX at the foot of the brook which runs from BOUBBELIN They further stated that officers should be sent to_ these headquarters to make all necessary arrangements. Lot one of then has shown up. On the contrary, Upton has tel¬ ephoned that he had been over and got in communication with the 53rd Infantry, which is on his right and was prepared to move forward. Fortunately, the details and plans had been explained to General Lewis and Upton personally. The hour is about 9:00 o’clock, although I have been unable to get the "K” hour accurately. Congratulations on the day’s work. Preston Brown, Colonel, General Staff, Chief of Staff. A. June 7, 1918. 12:12 A. M. - June 7, 1918. Telephone Message from 3rd_Brigade: The battalion of 9th Infantry that made the right reports that the right company has reached and is entrenching. attach on the its objective Telephone message from 3rd Brigade: June 7, I.-j-c. 1 2: 25 A.II. The C. 0 . , 9 th Inf. . report"- * 'is right, Comp. l my ^, which took part in the operations on lost liaison with the 30th Infantry the right this evening a.*^^** > - r ~- c . till on its right. It lias, however, liaison vn ai .he ‘ farther on the right. The French have also lost liaison with the 30th Inf. He is entrenching where he is <_n_ is pro tecting his own flank with the 30th. is md endeavoring to resecure liaison - 1:40 A.M. touch, as well Message from General Lewis: - June 7, 1918^ The right of the 9th Infantry is out 0 i - . as the 30th Infantry and the Colonials. The Colone .-.-- s an officer out in a side car to find where the Colonels are, and also the 30th Infantry states that their regiaeni neier went forward and that it has now gone hack to la Instruct the Colonel oi the 9 th infantry he is extending ,„ F mis right putting in another company, however, thinks that the Colonials navo ■ - not i -i -c* A X nec- 3.1 SO essarv. he, however, tmn^s tiife.t tuc uuiun*^-~ , _ gone hack. 1 will know whether that is true or not in » short tine. If it develops that is true, I would ority to allow hm to withdraw his company to its £i*iaal in the air and disconnected from the continuation oi tue line to the right. Hessage ^en.^ewis ^ Jto^eginent- al headquarters. He states that tne^linc^is o he is mis- both the marines and 9th Infantry. fw'that the taken. From questioning him tnro^n^al^ ; c ^ ent . Thinks line is practically al- m e 0J - a p ~n r or. ~-o v/vere there is" one brigade in TRIA_GLL. it tne n T out they were they are tactically in touch. go ^ghf^Sond of touch on the right is cone ex nea,_ ui. , v i men- line , which you remember is about abreast e " 8 ha ^ c0; . s tion, I had liaison groups out ta j°- u ' ?„, re been "elayed through them from ELLIOT- to tot a5d ?alephoned back by runner to the 9th Imantry Header ter 6 anc. hex ~‘ the right battalion of the line o: Elliott is trenches. Elliott is battalion where Marine the right battalion of the A PE RLE . 6:30 A. M. to C . G. 2d D i v:l si on, I report that pursuant to y our order at 7 ; 00 P.-. 1918, the battalion me vet to La j .ALGUi*; P3HMS from its previous position in the woods west of m ah part of the divisional reserve. The 2nd x>att? antry formed the remainder close by ’arm. The battalion lozmeu lion 2 oid Inx — L i a i s 0 n we s e s t a b 1 i sh. e d between units of reserv Hdqrs. .71 2 nd Dii r. Hd and w 1 th 3rd (Rec’d hq. 2d Biv. ) by Lt. Gulliver, ) (7:44 AMI. June 7 ) Edmund L« Mane, a a j 0 x , *± i.h - • G. . -. , Comdg. June 7, 1918. A.M. 8 ; 00 A.M.-June 7 , 1918 . The Captain in charge cf the Aerc Service attached to the 2nd Division, reports the following: This morning our reconnaissance plane followed the line LOURSSCHSS-BCIS DE BELLEAU-BELLEAU-TORCY. In the town of B0URE3CHES everything was quiet and nothing was visible. I was flying at very low altitude throughout the trip. On the northern edge of the LOIS DE PELLEAU I was fired on By machine guns. In the town of BELLEAU itself everything was quiet and I was not fired upon. I saw a four-horse team proceeding along the road in the direction of TGRCY which was recognizable a.s an American wagon. It is possible that the enemy now remaining in the BOIS DE BELLEAU is merely an isolated party and that the remainder of the enemy immediately in rear of this point have been driven bach, (Telephoned to 3d & 4th Brigades.) June 7, 1918 - intelligence Officer 3rd Brigade, 1 A 01 l,e - 9:05 A.M. That the report rendered concerning 23rd infantry to the effect that OSB company had been ™ ^ei-alUenbought Only about 50% was wiped out. o. 0. and. -.evexm - all night and got back this morning. AERO SQUADRON 252. PILOT: 2nd Lieut. RENVOIS3. 0BSERVER: 2nd Lieut. HULOT. SECTOR VERY QUIET. 11:00 A. M. June 7, 1918) To American Division, MOL TREEXL—aux—LX Ou S. PROU 8:30 A.M. to 9:45 A.M. (Rec’D 11:30 A.M. June losses occurred 7, 1918. - Memo from 3d Brigade in the combats of night of June relative to 6,-7, 1918: will 9th Inf. - 76 cff 23d Inf. 5 off 280 5th M.Gr. Bn .-8 Th e s e f i gur e s ar e o be furnished as soon ers & men killed and wounded, ers killed - 16 wounded 1 "* and wounded. \ ■ pc ! and wound.ed. y‘ a;pioximate. Accurate data a Veil la Die • Aviation Report - 11:30 A. rune 7, 1918. V3UILLY taken. French seen just nortn of l< house, digb 6 in. East and North of cemetery inxicr^ of -'oods one P ^ in individual holes. North of vINLY Jiench seen or-- track. Nothing seen m TO RCA , Ox rGIo de . CjJ SAU, or BELLEAU. RT PROM 7TK ARMY CORPS. VI ELY c omp 1 e t a ly t ax on. j_. , +T , r _ 500 meters uortnwesr. north ana two 11 h - a. e Also railroad station 500 meters taken. "LOUP 7 June, 1918. P.M June 7, 1918--f: 30 P.M. At P.30, telephoned the Division of General Liarchand . and informed-them that liaison was lost between the right of our 9th Infantiy and their left. Gave them the location of the line as midway between VAUX and MCMNPAUX. I informed him the regimental commander desired to return to his original position as his flank was in the air. he replied that under no circumstances should they retire, and that he would send detachments to search and establish liaison between the two. I called up General Lewis and informed him of it and he said they would stick. I told General Lewis that the French division proposed to send liaison detachments on the road between M01THEAUX and FAUX and please send out some patrols to meet them General Lewis informed me that an officer of the 30th infantry told him that the battalion of the 30th Infantry had returned to their billets. Telephone Message from 4th brigade - 3-15 P.M. June 7, 1918. Captain Larsen, 3rd Battalion, 5th Marines, at 2:45 P.M. reports to Commanding Officer, 5th Marine Regiment, German shells bursting in our front line pouring a black smoke. Heavy stream of black smoke also behind the German line. Telephone Message from 3rd Brigade - 3:25 P.M. June 7, 1918. The enemy is shelling the cross roads at the village of LE THIOLET’ with 150’s. Been doing this for some time. Telephone Message from Gas Officer, 4th Brigade, 4:20 P.M. June 7, 1918. Enemy cloud gas attack reported by Brigade opposite LUCY-1e-BO CAGE. Upon investigation found to be smoke screen. C-as attack expected to follow. 4:47 P.M. - June 7. The 3rd American Brigade reports very heavy artillery fire but no gas. 4:55 P.M. June 7. Following Telegram received from 4th Bn. M.G, Bn., at 4:20 P.M. : _ „ This battalion is in reserve at BOIS-de-GROS-JbAL, kilometers east of MOBTREUIL on HETZ-Paris road. sent two 7:00 P.M. - June 7. From Oomdg. General, _4th The left of our line wesu of BOURESCHES Minenwerfers. 50 shells have been dropped on notified. Brigade. shelled with it. Artillery June 7, 1918. 8:10 P.M. Message from Division MARCHAHD: _ . The Division Marchand, which is at your righo, is uo carry out a raid on HILL 204 to the east of VAUX. At the present time, the division is almost at 159 to tne south ox HILL 204. To the left of the troops making this raid an American company is entrusted with supporting on a line with VAUX with the purpose of overrunning the woods of Hail; ,-,04. The operation will take place tonight at 2^:00 o’clock (10:00 p.M.) Your elements, which are around VAUX and your artillery which covers the direction, should be informed not to. fire on our troops (contd. next page) > • June 7, 1918. P. M. (Cont’d. from last page) The Division General directs that the utmost care he taken "by troops on the right not to fire on these partici¬ pating in this raid. For this reason, it is necessary that the closest possible liaison be maintained. PRESTON BROWN, COLONEL, General Staff. Chief of Staff. COPIES TO: C.o. 9th Infantry, and Battalion and Company commanders, 9th. Infantry. June 7, 1918, Received by aeroplane 8:30 P.M. Observer LT. LAUTIER - Esc. Sal. 252. To Staff, 2nd Division U.S.A. Urgent: 20:10 o’clock. Report of the marking for the American Division Panels at 6008, 6108, 6209 to the south of the BOIS-de-BELLEAU. 2 panels at 5428 near HILL 183. Approximately the line follows the brook to the south of TORCY as far as 5428 - then it skirts the corner of the BOIS-de-BELLEAU; at 532 CH AHI GHY: Message from the Regulatrice at NOISY announces the arrival, June 7, about 8 p,?;i. at BEAUX, of a detachment of the American Army -- 3 officers and 871 men. 8:12 A.M. Phone call from Adju tant , 4th Brigade : General Harbord is putting SHEARER in command of the 3rd Battalion, 5th Marines, vice BERRY wounded. June 8, 1918 3:30 A.M. (By runner) . Ildqrs, 4th M.G. Bn. Con, Officer 4th M.G. Bn. To: C, G., 2nd Division: . „ The work on machine gun emplacements in line o. aet ~ has been completed. EDMUND L. ZA1IE. RecUi. 9:55 a.M. _ _?jajor i _4th Machine Gun Bn. COLONEL HERBST: Dune 8 > 1918 " Telegram: prom C.O., 3rd Brigade, at VENTELET P.lRME, 10:45 A*M. To: CvG. 2nd Division. _ .... poll owing received from C .0. 23rd infantry: o The enemy advanced against our front at abouo l^-- J His advance preceded by infantry and Aitille>i ,h^e. ^ i ployed automatic rifles cr light machine^ guns urn o * 0 B! ard _ s vance. His movement was completely cliecmea at ao f from our trenches by artillery and rixle fi:e. Reconnaissance of our fronx is oeing anan&. P.Li, today to secure identifications. _ ew ^ g _ Brigadier General. 11 : Message from 4th Brigade. Received 8:45 P.M., 10 June, 1918 Great activity of the enemy reported 500 yds south of the town of COURCHAMPS in the woods (not shown on map) to the west of the LICY- COURCHAMPS Road. . . -(Cont’d next page) P. M. June 10, 1918. (Cont’d from last page) Continuous movement of batteries and men observed here during the late afternoon. Report from O.P. sent in at 7:30 P.M. A. L. Conger, Lieut. Col, General Staff, In Charge of Office, G-2. Message from 23rd Infantry via 2nd P.A. Brigade. Reed. 9:00 P.M. 10 June 3.8. Concentrations of troops in TORCY, COURCHALIPS, 3USSIARSS and BELLEAU. hot determined whether they are for relief or attack. A. L. CONGER, Lieut. Col. G. S., A. C . of S., G-2. (No time indicated) HEADQUARTERS SECOND REGT SNGRS. 10 June 18. A.E.F.FR.' Memo to G-3. Reported Casualties for June 9-18. Killed 2 Wounded 0 Missing 0 Alexander Kennedy Jr. 1st Lt. EUSR Personnel Officer 2nd Engrs. TELEGRAM 10 th June, 1918. Commanding General First Corps Neufchateau. Replying your No. 1-G 1895. No objection detail First Lieut. Flinn to duty with MTS Overhaul Park Request if possible Second Lieut W. I. Mitchell QKC NA now at Langres in his stead. Official .business Bundy . W.W. Bessell Lt. Col. Adjutant Genl, Adjutant. A. M. JUNE 11, 1918. From Intelligence Officer, 4th Brigade. 4:28 A.M, 11 June 1918. Z B 10 Shells of unknown calibre fell in Charly bet¬ ween 21.40 - 21.50. Artillery activity greatly increased from 3.25 and still continuing. From BEAR (23rd Inf) via BOSTON (3rd Brig) 6:30 A.M. 11 June 1918. German troops attacking towards BOURESCHES. Infantry and machine guns are now along railroad. Will telephone further information. June 11, 1918. A.M June 11, 1918. Memorandum for Chief of Staff from the C.G., 2nd F.A., Brig. ■• '■ At 5:55 A.M. June 11th an enemy Battalion was observed forming for attack in the ratine north of BOURESCHES* This was observed by- the liaison officer of the 2nd Battalion, 12th Field Artillery, This information was immediately forwarded to the Commanding Officer, 2nd Battalion 12th Field Artillery, who ordered a concentration on this point. Fire was opened immediately, and the first volley fell in the midst of the enemy, causing them to retreat in great disorder. The range of fire was increased. The enemy was pursued by the fire of the 2nd Battalion, 12th Field Artillery, and the machine guns of the Infantry. While thus retreating in great disorder they ran into a barrage of 155's ordered from the Artillery Brigade as a result of the same information being transmitted promptly, which completely dispersed them. This shows the great importance of close liaison between the Infantry and supporting Artillery, In order that this close cooperation may be maintained, it is suggested that thelnfantry assist in maintaining the Artillery liaison when impossible to lay their parallel lines to the Artillery. From: 4th Brigade* 1 j be A.M. 11 June 19 18. Enemy made strong attack on BOURESCHES aboui 5 A.M. Reported en masse. Attack repulsed. Enemy massfes broken by our Artillery fire. The northern half of the BCIS BE BELLEAU belongs to 5th Marines. 20 prisoners sent back and others reported coming. Great slaughter of fleeing Germans as they left the BOIS BE BELLEAU by our machine guns from a flank. Losses 8 killed, 24 wounded. From: Adjutant 4th Brigade, 7:30 A.M. 11 June 1918, Just reported that about 60 more prisoners with a Lieutenant who has Iren Cross is coming to Regi¬ mental Headquarters (5th Marines) and the prisoners said that the attack caught them when they were relieving the other Bivision. The 40th Regiment was relieving the 462 nd Regiment. Fris oners said that there were four Minen- werfers in the wood. From: 4th Brigade, 7:4C A.M. 11 June 1918. T .Ve wish some Military police to come out to P.C, Moscou for about fifty (50) prisoners. ( Ten men under a Sergeant have gone for the (above prisoners). Message from 4th Brigade, Hour: 8:42 A.M. June 11,1918. The 4th Brigade reports 135 German prisoners on hand at Headquarters and more are coming in. Request that sufficient M.P's be. sent there to take them back as they can¬ not be kept there for any length of time. t • / w I A. M. June 11, 1918. Telephone Message from 3rd Brigade Headquarters 10:10 A.M. 11 June ’18. Heavy Artillery fire on 23rd Infantry position from the northeast. Have requested counter-Battery work from our Artillery, Have ..tried to get this message to you since 9:30, but just now made connection. Hdqrs. 2nd Div. June 11, 1918. 10:40 A.M. German prisoners numbering 3 officers and 169 men arrived at Division Headquarters captured by 5th Marines in the B0I3 DE BELIEAU early on the morning of June 11th. From: C, of S., 2nd Div., At: Hdqrs. 4th Brigade. Date; June 11. Hour: 10:40 A.M. To: Commanding Officer, 2nd Engineers. The Division Commander directs that two companies of Engineers, those longest out of line, be reported at once to the C.G., 4th Brigade for temporary duty. Trucks will be in readiness at these Headquarters to transport them to their destination. They should take tools. See that their belts are filled. Report action. Brown. P.M. --------- - June 11, 1918, I ,M. Message from 23rd Infantry. June 11, 1918, Received at 12:45 P.M. They are dropping 150’s on our front lines in salvos of eight, also intermittent shelling way behind our lines, A.L. CONGER, Lt. - Co 1. , G. S . A.C. of S., G-2. Telephone Message from Capt. Pearson, rec’d about 1:00 P.M. June 11, '18, Just sent out 12 officers, 57C men (Marines) Another batch 10 11 331 " ” TOTAL 22 " 9Cl " ( 1 chaplain among the officers), They left here 12:30 by truck, Provost Marshal has been notified. Message to 121st Army Corps (Erench) 4:45 P.M,, 11 June 1918 Additional prisoners passed through Div. HQ,., about 58 privates and 1 officer. Several were wounded. «V ' P. M. June 11, 1918, June 11, 1918. 8:15 P.M. Telephone Message from Colonel Bessell:- The French Town Major of MEAUX has been instructed to prepare billets for a Division and Brigade Headquarters this evening. We understand that it is an American Division which is to be billeted. 7/e have no further information. Telephone Message from 3rd Brigade. 10:00 P.M* June 11,1918. Nothing special to report. Everything is quiet. 9th Infantry had two killed and 7 wounded. Copy of Telegram. Rec’d 10:30 P.M., June 11, 1918. Pro!m C.O., 4th M.G. Bn., 8:45 P.M. To C.Q., 2nd Division. I report that I have placed Captain L. J. Hartman, M.R*C., in arrest in quarters for absenting himself without leave. I request that if avaiable another surgeon be sent here. If no other surgeon is avaiable Captain Hartman will continue to perform his dutites as surgeon. EDMUND L. ZAUE, Major 4th M.G. Bn., Comdg, G-2, 2nd Div,, 11 June 18. 10:47 P.M. Memorandum for the Chief of &taf f: I haVe just passed on to the 21st Corps, three civilians, between the ages of 03 and 85, who have just been evacuated in an ambulance from EOURBSCKES. They seem tired and infirm and were unable to state anything of interest-. As a precaution against espionage, I have sent them on to the 2d Bureau of the 21st Corps, who requested that in advance that such action be taken in these cases, (Gigned) A.D. Bucld, • June 11, 19 18, Colonel Patterson Medical Corps, made the following unofficial report to Major Brabson at 8:45 Total wounded and evacuated 200 German wounded 40 f JTc time indicated. June 11, 1918. An officer of the General Staff of the 21st Corps will he at the church in COUPRU at 8:15 A.M'. , June 12th, for the purpose of making a "econnaissance of the 2nd line of the 2nd Division. He desires an officer of the 3rd Section, 2nd Division, to he there at that hour and accompany him. The attendance of machine gun officer of the 3rd Brigade has already been arranged for. TELEGRAM. Commander in Chief, CKAUHOHT. June 11, 1918. Owing to loss of motor-cycles in action request that fifty Indian or Karley-Davisons he sent at once, either sclo or side car can be used. Communications seriously impaired by lack of these machines. BUHDY. EVENING REPORT. Observer Lieut, Lautier - ESC. 252 To: P. C, 2nd Division, U. S. A. 790 Harking of the line, June 11th, 1918: I set off 3 rockets cf 2 balls and 5 rockets of 6 balls in order to get the marking. Ho Bengal lights (Pot ftUggiere) were lit except in the village of BOURESCHES, On the edge of the ROIS-de-BELLEAU nc panel nor was there any Bengal light farther to the north either. The line of sharpshooter's holes which I had sit¬ uated day before yesterday from 749-629 to 753-625 is abandoned. On the contrary they are concealing work done today in the part included between 746-625 and 751-62Q. In the BOIS-de-BELLEAU no activity. In BCURRESCHES a few shells - 105’s - 150’s. In BCURRESCHES Pots Ruggiere around 767-610. In 761-600 a panel of one of your battalions showed itself without making any request. French elements more and more numerous east of C HARP ILL OH between this village and the wood Sector extremely calm. Thick mist. A, II. June 12, 19 18, From C.O., 4th M.G. Bn. At: LE BOIS GROSJEAH. Da.te ; June 12, 1918. Hour: 8:00 A. Y .. Rec’d 10:00 A.M, June 12, 1918. To: Commanding General, 2nd Division. The Battalion remains in Divisional Reserve in LE BOIS GROSJEAH. I recommend that this battalion take its turn relieving two machine gun companies on the line, EDTdJHD L. ZAHE, Raj.,4th M.G. Bn. i P. M. June 12, 1918, G - 2, 2nd Division. 12 June ’18, 1:CC P,M, The 6th Marines observation post reports a fire in BQJ RESCUES.* with little or no fire visible, but with a great deal of smoke. Memorandum for the Adjutant 3rd Brigade, 12 June 1918. 2:30 P.M, Please have Major Fechet -of the Machine Gun Battalion report at church of COJPRU at 1:30 P.M., June 13th, to meet a French Officer from Headquarters, 21st Army Corps, and accompany him on a reconnaissance of the 1st and 2nd positions of the 3rd Brigade. G. A, HERBST, Lt.-Col.,General Staff, A. o , of S,, G — 3 Message from 23rd Infantry. June 12, 19 18. Rec._ d 4:50 P.M, Very little shelling. A few shrapnel. One plane over our sector. Fired at by anti-aircraft. Returned to its own lines. A. L. CONGER, Lt,- Col.,General Staff, A.C, of S., G-2, Telephone Ties sage from 4th Brigade June 12, 1918. Rec’d 6:30 P.M. A Boche plane with French colors dropped a bomb between LUCY and LE VOIE DU CHATEAU about 6:OC o'clock, Moscou 2 saw this and made the report to Moscou 7. A, L. CONGER, Lt.-ColGeneral Staff, A,C * of S., G-2. Staking out by aviator - Rec‘d June 12, 1918 - 7:55 P.M. Observer: Lieut. J. Rousset, Escadrille 252, 1/50.000 Copy to Hdqrs. 21st A. C, ■ Staking cut of front of the 2nd Division, U.S.A, I have not seen a single panel but the line does not seem to have moved and passes by: Hill 192 - East of Triangle Farm - East of BOURESCHES (by the station) - eastern edge of the BOIS-de- BE.HEEAU 745.623 - 738.638 Activity of the 2 Artilleries, RJH Translator. i\ ‘t / I r • f P. II. June 12, 1918, Harking lines by airplane, Rec’d 12 June 1918. at 19h 55m Observer Lt. J. Rousset, 252 Squadron. Hap 1/50000. Time: 19h 55m. To: 21st Army Corps. Harking lines of the 2nd U.S, Division. I did not see any panels - hut the lines seems to he as follows: Cote 192 - East of Triangle FERRE - East of BCURESCKES (just short of the station) connecting up East of ECIS-de-BELLBAU 745.625, 758.638. The Artillery is active. Message sent to 21st French A.C, June 12, 1918 - 9:45 P.H. Through the afternoon continuous Infantry activity in western half of BOIS LE. BELLEAU. Enemy still has machine guns in this section of woods and small groups of the enemy having encountered with our troops. Message from 2nd Field Artillery Brigade - June 12, 1918, 10:0C P.M. The Commanding Officer of the 2nd Battalion of the 15th Field Artillery was regulating certain cf his batteries for interdiction fire during the afternoon of June 12th. During the course of registration a large group of mounted Germans, approximately, 400, came into view- near the wood south of ETREPILLY. The officer immediately•regulated fire on this group and stated that the effect of the fire has caused this unit to he broken up and competely dispersed and that there had been a good many casualties. Message from 4th Brigade -- June 12,1918 - at 10:45 P.M. 1 German Captain and 18 Other German prisoners taken by the 5th Marines are enrcute to- these Headquarters and will be sent to Division Headquarters as soon as possible. Please send 5 military police. The-German Captain is being sent alone not with the other prisoners. Message from 1.0. 5th Marines. June 12,19 18. Rec’d 11:20 P.. . We have just taken prisoners 1 officer and 56 men from the enemy positions in the BOIS-de-BELLEAU. Of the latter some state that a fresh Division is to move forward tonight with the intention of attacking the American positions in front of- the BCIS'-de-BELLEAU. Some of the above prisoners surrendered under a flag of truce, and belonged to the 461st Regiment. G- 2, . ■ Memorandum; A T IT l\. • j.i/1 « June 13, 1918. June 13,1918 - 2:50 A.If. Information obtained from prisoners caiotured on the evening of Tune 12th indicates that the 197th Division, ■which was relieved hy the 5th Guard Division on the night of June.8-9, has again re-entered the line, also that the 24th Division is to relieve the 237th Division on the night of June 12-13, ITOTE G-3: The 237th Division occupies the sector from the^ ravine one kilometer• west of TCRCY to a line running northeast from just north of the town of B CURESCHES. 4:15 A.M. Corps advised 4:17 A.M. Telephone Message from 4th Brigade: Me have a runner from the south end of my line near SCORESCHES stating that the Germans are attacking, all along the line, that Major Hughes has been under a tremendous strain fora long time, hut I don’t feel like crediting that information as very reliable. From General Harbord: 4:24 A.M. Up at TCRCY there has been a heavy bombardment but no signs of an Infantry attack. Dated June 13,-3:45 A.M, HARBCRD: 4:48 A.M ♦ We have a runner in from the battalion on my right stating that the enemy has taken BCURESCHES, From General Harbord: 5:10 A.M Sent two companies of the reserve to go over to the valley southwest of LUCY and be prepared to counter attack. He has a message from the Regimental Dressing Station stating that Captain McConahy came in there wounded, and stated that the Germans were in the town of BCUREoCKES between 2:30 and 3:00 A.M. He was wounded in ten minutes and got out. He heard nothing from B CURE 3 CHES for hours after that. June 13 , 19 18- 5 : 28 A.M, T ESSAGE FROM GENERAL HARBORD: I have a message, received at 5:25 from my Major in BCURESCHES that we still hold it. i . 7 . < . ; A. M. June 13, 1918. Message from General Harford; 15 June ’18. 5:30 A.M. Marine Brigade still holds EOURESCHES. Major Shearer* s command post is tack some little distance up out of town. He has had aline from Triangle Farm down and a Lieutenant of the replacements, who joined yesterday, got 'stampeded in the town and ran up to-and stated the-, town was taken. The statement is now made to me that there is nothing hut U, S. Marines in the town of EOURESCHES. Message from General Harhord: 13 June *18. 5:35 A.M. I have this from Wise, north end of the BOIS-de- BELLEAU, 4:30 A.M., line appears to he holding. Terrific barrage my P.C. forward, and it (our) barrage was a real barrage. Loss (German) rust be very heavy* So far no counter attack. If reinforcements are available they could be used. Irritating gas giving a lot of trouble. Details requested to put in our rations. All of mine are fighting. So far has been very hard to get runners through. Some have never returned. Morale -- EXCELLENT, but everybody about all in. 5:45 A.M. June 13, 1918. Telephonic report to 21st A. C. (French). Small groups of Germans with machine guns, who had managed to conceal themselves in the thick woods and rocky formations of the BClS-de-BELLEAU in the attack of June 11th, and who had concentrated in the western part of the woods on the slopes of HILL 169, were surrounded and attacked by the 4th Brigade during the afternoon of June 12th, The attack was a complete success. Many of the enemy were killed and one officer and 50 men were taken prisoners, some of them surrendering under a flag of truce. It is now believed that the BOIS - d‘e - BE LLE AU has been completely cleaned out of enemy detachments. Cur losses are approximately 50 wounded, generally slight wounds. During the afternoon of June 12th,a group of 400 mounted Germans were observed near the road south of ETREPILLY by a battalion of the 15th F. A., U.S. The_ Battalion quickly concentrated its fire on the spot with the result of dispersing the detachments and causing heavy losses. Reports of the above received too late for the 9:45 P.M, telephonic report of June 12th. At about 2:30 A.M. after an intense artillery barrage^ including irritating gas the enemy launched a violent attacx against the town of BOURESCHES and the soutwestern pai t of the B01S-de-BELLEAU. The artillery fire extended along the front of the 23rd and 9th Infantries as well.. We put down a heavy barrage with 150’s in rear and by 5m 30 A.M. t^e enemy attack had been thoroughly broken with very severe losses to the attacking troops, Our losses fairly heavy due to violence of enemy bombardment. The attack was not succ¬ essful at any point and our lines remain intact. 4 A. M. June 13, 1918, 5.-4 5 A.M. June 13, 1918. Squadron Sal. 252 - Observer: Lieut. Lautier. To Kdqrs. 2nd Division, U.S. Your sector is exceedingly oalm, only a few American artillery shots. The Boche is not firing. We made this reconnaissance on account of the artillery activity yesterday evening and last night. The outlining of the lines rnay have been done by v cur troops, but I could see but little. The first line is hidden by the mist for it is now along the slopes by the brook. In rear of the BOXS-de-BEELLAU the visibility is better and I saw a battalion panel which did not make any inquiries about me. It is located exactly at 756.614. The sectors on the right and left are also very calm. The rear sectors of the Boches do not appear active. I took occasion in my flight to fire 2500 shots on the woods situated around the Farm la GAHETRIE (in front of BOURESCHES), Aeroplane Message - 5:45 A.M. June 13, 1918. Everything quiet along the front. Message from General Harbord: 13 June *18. 5:55 A.M. Got another message from BCIS - ct e- BELLEAU at 5:05 A.M. , by runner from Hughes. Everything O.X. now, Men digging in. Trenches badly ruined by shell fire. Casualties under 20/j. Enemy barrage was teriffic. Condition and conduct of men - MAGHTFIClEFT. So far as I can find out Wise is O.K. 9': 00 A,M, , June 13,19 18. The Division Surgeon states that approximately 250 wounded passed through dressing stations up to 7:30 A.M. due to last night’s operations. 9:15 A.M. , June 13, 19 16, Telephone me k sage from 41h Brigade; Everything quiet on our front at present. Heavy artillery firing is apparently so^.e distance on our left to the west. The ground is strewn with many German dead whose numbers have not yet been ascertained. At 9:30 A.M,, 13 June *18, the 3rd Brigade reports every¬ thing quiet along their front, digging in and wiring contin¬ ues. Patrols in front from 23rd and 9tli Infantries, At 9:30 message from the Air Squadron reports sector very calm. Ho shells on BOIS-de-BELLSAU. A few shells on BOURESCHES, Ho activity on Boche roads. 13 June 18, i A. M. Juno 13, 19 IB. 9:30 A.M. June 13, 1918. Squadron Sal. 252 Observer: Lieut. ROUSSET. To; American Division. Sector very calm, ITc shells on BOIS-de-EELLEAU. A few shells on BCURESCHES (houses on fire). After request for positions the line does not appear to have charged. Only saw panels at the southeast corner of BOIS- de-BELLEAU. Holes of friendly riflemen going from North corner of Woods to stream below East of TORCY, No activity on the Boche Roads. J. ROUS SET, 4th Brigade reports at 9:40 A.M. , June 13, 1918. An enemy observation balloon was raised over 78.50- 61,50 - at 9:40 A.M, Telephone Message from 1.0. 6th Marines, Rec f d 11;18 A.M., June 13, ’ 18, An enemy attack at 4:00 A.M,, upon BOURESCHES was beaten off. The following identifications were on the dead left there; 109 G-ren. Infantry. gun. All have been 1st and 4th companies of the- 2nd Ersatz’ Bn., Regt. Cne was a machine gun company, the other Unable to ascertain which company was machine papers, shoulder straps and identification tags sent direct to Division Headquarters. A.L. CONGER, Lieut Col., G-S, A,C, of S., G-2. Message from LO., 9th Infantry; Rec’d at 11:35 A. H, June 13, 1918. In an old building in GROGIS were found two shoulder straps last night. One was the 70th Infantry, the other of the 100th Leib. Gren. G-2. (Telephonic report). 39.58 Report to the Erenc-h Army Corps - 11:45 A.M., June 13,1918. As a result of last night’s activities 250 wounded have passed through our dressing stations. Many of these casualties due to Artillery fire. . ♦ I Ti * T x ?. II. June 15, 1918. 4:45 P.M. report to 21st French Army'Corps. J u ne 13,1918. At 2:35 P.M., 9th Infantry reported heavy artillery shelling coming from the Northwest. Memorandum for Major Brabson: June 13, 1918 . When you go out to the Marine sector, please look over the question of their works and impress upon them not only the necessity of echeloning in depth but also being able to hold the old line they had near LUCY-le-SOCAGE. They should wire in at once and the Engineers should be called upon to get them material. There is not a moment to lose' in wiring in these positions. The 24th Division is reported as relieving the 197 th Division for the purpose of attack. Please give the adjust nent of position of Marines careful personal inspection, and impress upon them the necessity of WIRE, PRESTON BROWN, Colonel, General Staff, Chief of Staff. A. H. June 14, 1918. Report 1:45A.M., June 14, 1918. Despatch rider states that Boche are shelling DO ! 'fPTIN with mustard gas and shrapnel. Report 1:55 A.M. , June 14, 1918, Telegraph operator states that VILLIERS is being shelled with gas. Message from 4th Brigade - 7;15 A.M., June 14, 1918. 4th Brigade states t.iat 5th Marines reports relief completed at 3:30 A.M, Considerable gas around southern part of BOIS-de- BELLEAU, B0URE3CHES and LUCY during night. Message from 4th Brigade; rec’d at 9:CO A.M. June 14, 1918. From June 6th to 9th inclusive we captured 2 officers 64 men. From June 10th to 11th inclusive, 3 officers, 346 men the Doctor estimates the wounded evacuated were 40 men, these 40 we did not see. June 12th, 40 men. June 13th, 2 men. A, M June 14, 1918 Message fron the Division Surgeon - 10:00 A.M. June 14,1918. The Division Surgeon reports numerous cases of gas casualties passing through our dressing stations this morning. TT ost of then badly burnt about the body. Apparently very few affected in the lungs. He was not able to furnish any definite figures, but estimated the casualties at about 200, most of then from the Marines in the BGIS-de-RELLEAU , some from the 23rd Infantry. Report from the Hdqrs. Field Hospital Sec., June 14, 19 18, gives the following;- For the period June 1st until 6;00 A.M., June 14, 56 German prisoners have passed through Field Hospital Sec¬ tion, two of whom died. bounded which have passed through Division Dressing Stations, and have been evacuated through the distributing point, T EEAUX. Twenty-f our hours ending 6 : 00 A.M, June 3, -- 90 Twenty-f our hours ending 6:00 A.M. June 4, --112 Twenty-four hours ending 6:00 A.M. June 5,- 14iS Twenty-f our hours ending 6:00 A.M. June 6, -- 76 Twenty-f our hours ending 6:00 A.M. June 7, - -410 Twenty-f our hours ending 6:00 A.M. June 8 , --69 1 Twenty-f our hours ending 6:00 A.M. June 9, --228 Twenty-four hours ending 6:00 A.M, June 10, -- 90 Twenty-f our hours ending 6:00 A.M. June 11, -- 72 Twenty-f our hours ending 6:00 A.M. June 12, --200 (Fourteen hours ending 7 : 00 P .M. , to 9 : i 00 .A l.M . . .250 Twenty-f our hours ending 6 ; 0 0 A.M. .June 13, TOTAL: ..241 2,355 Message for 21st F, A.C., 11:45 A.M. June 14, 1918. The 4th Brigade reports considerable gas in southern part of BOIS-de-BELLEAU, in BOURESCKES and LUCY. As a result there have been a number of gas casualties. Most of them badly burnt about the body. The Division Surgeon estimates that 200 gas casualties, since late last night, have passed through dressing stations. P.M . - - - - -. ZiM- June 14 , 19 18 . Message received from Major Derby 3:00 P.M. June 14, 1916. The following data received from Major Derby relative to casualties due to gas bombardment last night. Up to 12:00 o’clock noon; 6th Marines 250 5th Marines 150 3rd Brigade 20 were passed through dressing stations. p ?' r X » - . . June 14, 19 IB. From; C.G., 4 th Brigade . 'At: P.C. Date; June 14, 1918. Hour: 4;00 P. ir , To: C,G. f 2nd Division. The following results of last nights gassing of 2nd Bn., 6th Marines appears to he authoritative. Evacuated through 5th Karines Hospital 100 to 110 Through 3rd Battalion 9th Infantry 96 Through Headquarters 6th Marines 29 Through 6th Regiment Dressing Station and 5th Regiment, Dressing station at LUCY a few others. 2. There are about 29 men to he sent hack to the companies at dusk. Total evacuated 225. All from 78th and 96th Co's. Which were S. E. LUCY last night. Killed and wounded, 78th and 96th Co's., as result of bombardment last night estimated at about 50. Other figures will be telephoned when received. HARBORD. Telephone Message from 4th Brigade Headquarters. 4;30 P.U. June 14, 1918. The BOIs-de-BELLEAU is being heavily shelled with mustard gas. 4;45 P. M. June 14, 1918. Telephone message from 3rd Brigade Headquarters. ) Everything very quiet on 3rd Brigade front. Message to 21st French A.C., 4;45 P.K., June 14, 1918. From 4th Brigade at 4:30 P.M., that the BOIS-de- EBLLEAU is being heavily shelled with mustard gas. At 4:05 the 12th Field Artillery O.P., reported that German Troops just seen entering the towns of T0RCY and PELLEAU in motor trucks. At 1;30 P.M., the 3rd Brigade sent telephone message from 2nd Bn. 9th Infantry as follows: Wish counter battery work on batteries north of BOIS LA ROCHE- Austrian 88. shelling our sector. Message from General Harbord; 4:50 P.M. June 14, 1918. That the gas in the BCIS-de-BELLLAJ is YPERITE and that he is going to hold the east edge with a very thin line of machine guns, withdrawing the remainder of the battalion to the vicinity of KILL Ho, 181. That he has no information as to whether or not the north edge of the woods has been gassed. If it. has, he will withdraw to the west edge of the woods. ) P* M. O'une 14, 1918, 8:20 P.M. June 14, 1918. lifessage from 1,0.,9th Infantry, At 7:28 P.M., French Aeroplane was brought down in our sector by enemy anti-aircraft fire. A guard has been placed over the machine pending instructions from the French. 31st A. C. notified. q-2 9:45 P.M, 14 June 1918. Message to 21st A.C. (French). At 4:45 P.M. , 3rd Brigade telephoned every tiling very quiet . At 4;50 P.M,, General Harbord telephoned that owing to gas in BOIS-de-BELIEAU he is going to withdraw battalion to vicinity of HILL 181 and hold east edge of wood by a very thin line of machine guns. A report from the Air Squadron said that at 8:15 P.M., sector Calm. Ho eneiry artillery activity. Slight friendly artillery. 9th Infantry P.M. , within reports a French Airplane brought down at 7:28 our own lines by hostile anti-aircraft fire. 10:09 P.M, June 14,1918. Phone Message from 3rd Brigade, Quiet along the line, excepting considerable gas shelling in front lines and back area. Casualties: Wounded - 4 men Gassed - 2 Officers, 27 men. 10:55 P.M. June 14, 1918. Major Matthews stated that at the request of the Gas Officer he made the following report: Due to the gas bombardment during the last 24 hours, 700 gas cases had been evacuated, and the evacuation was still going on. Some of the cases were very severe. The gas bomb¬ ardment along the entire front and in the back area still continues. 11:20 P.M. June 14, 1918. Telephone Message from 4th Brigade; No change. The gas bombardment is believed to continue. No reports have been received from our front line for the last hour. Nothing special to ^report. VI Army Staff General Headquarters,14 June >18, 2nd Bureau. BULLETIN OF INFORMATION #516. Extract. Supplying by means of aeroplanes to surrounded troops. ( General Headquarters"! *. An order from the 33rd Reserve Division, dated (Cont'd on next Page) * To ti v ne indicated. June 14, 1918. ( Co:it»d last ..age) 24 71 and of a F 19 18 regulating the cooperation of the troops the avia a i on, foresees tl:.e possibility of supplying infantry elements that are surrounded through the intermediary of infantry aeroplanes. This method of supply will take place by means of oaskets.'ecmirroea with parachutes, each basket can contain one day’s rations for 50 men, or 980 cartridges or 40 grenades, or sanitary material. The troops giving warning that they are surrounded make demands for supplies by signs in the following manner: Panels, wireless, or by searchlight. 0-3 fo: _ file Copies sent to 4th Brig. Chief of Staff, BRIOH. Col. Brown; - This nay prolong the activity of the M.G. outfit still operating in the BCIS-de-Bclleau. n _ o cr - Cj ■ Headquarters, 21st French A.C. Major General 1TAULIU takes beginning this date. June 14 , 19 18 . com-and of the 21 st A r% • b./ y Replacements received June 14th. 199 - 23rd Infantry 17 - 9th Infantry 33 - 6 th Marines 10 5th Marines C.H. BRIDGES. Message from 4th Erig. Hdqrs. Lay speaking, June 14, 1918. 5th TT arines has sent down a Russian prisoner to us. he speaks neither French or German. He was found loafing near their Kq. they think their lines have been tapped and that this prisoner had something to do with it. The prisoner is being sent to Division hdqrs. A. M* June 15, 1918. During the night the Artillery rec’d the following. Shelling at COUPRU at 1:20A.M. Shelling of 30URE3CHS at 4:25 A.H. Shelling of D0T5PTIIJ all night. Counter battery work and retaliation fire asked for and given. At 2:00 A.M., A French Officer from the Division on our right iLCth Colonial, telephoned and asked if the bombardment on our front which was then going on was of any importance. He was told that nothing important was happening. At 2:15 another French Officer made the sane inquiry and rec¬ eived the same answer. ' ■ . . A. M. June 15, 1918. 5:45 A. M. Message to 21st French An; Corps stated; Nothing to report; all quiet. Report rec’d from C.O. 4th M.G. Bn., at LB BOIS GROS JEAN 8:00 A.M. June 15, 19 18. ; The Battalion remains in Divisional Reserve in LE BOIS GROS JEAN 220 men turned over to the Engineers the night of June 13th as a working party. I recommend that this Batt¬ alion take its turn in relieving two companies in the line. Edmund L. Zane, Major 4th M.G. Bn., Commanding. .Memorandum from the Division Surgeon, 9:20 A.M, June 15,1918. Gas Hospital - LUZANCY - only and does not include total casualties of the Division. Patients remaining June 14, 6:00 A.M. -------- 191 Admitted June 14 - Gassed --------------- 745 Shell Shock ------------- 16 Gas and wounded ----------- 10 Sick... 22 .793 9 84 Evacuated from 6:00 P.M. June 14 to 6:00 A.M. June 15. 230 Remaining in Hospital 6:00 A.M. June 15. 745 Message from the 4th Brigade Rec'd 10:35 A.M. June 15,1918. A French aeroplane has Been Brought down one kil¬ ometer north of LUCY-le-BOCAGE on the LUCY-TORCY road. There are no signs of anyone near this machine nor is there any information available as to how it was Brought down, (It is thought that this may Be the machine which was reported last night as having Been Brought down By anti¬ aircraft fire in the sector of the 9th Infantry), 21st Army Corps notified. 11:14 A.M. 15th June, 19 18. Telephone message from 3rd Brigade Headquarters, Everything quiet except gas shelling of Back area. e headquarters was heavily s Biel led By gas during the night and morning. MEMORANDUM of conversation Between Gen. Lewis and the Condg., Gen. 2nd Div. and the Chief of Staff. 12 Noon June 15, 1918. My understanding of the result of our conference is as follows: I am to inform Colonel Malone that he is under a (Cont’d on next page) p. III. June 15, 1918. (Cont'd fron last page) misapprehension in thinking that the Karine's main line runs from 181 to 169, as its main line is intended to he on the eastern edge of BOIS-de-BELLEAU, which is lightly held on account of gas, hy Infantry 1 and heavily held by machine guns, and which, incase of attack, will be reinforced. After the line extending from TRIANGLE toward 142 is completed, BOURESCHES will be considered as an advance post in front of that line. It will be held as long as possible, with its garrisons, -which, if necessary, will fall back on the main line of resistance running from TRIANGLE towards 142, GAH 12:30 P.M, 15th June 1918. The commanding officer, 7th Infantry, with a battalion commander and company commanders of one battalion reported at these headquarters for instructions. The 7th Infantry was this date attached to the Second Division for duty for a period of seven days for the purpose of relieving battalions of the 4th Brigade which have been continually in front line positions for the last fourteen days. They left at 12:45 P.M. for Headquarters, 4th Brigade. Report from Corporal of Signal Corps 1:25 P.M. Telephone connection can now be had between these headquarters and Paris and Chaumont. Memorandum for the Division Signal Officer, 2:20 P.I" r . June 15, 1918, The 7th Infantry has this date been placed under the authority of the Commanding General, Second Division, and will be used to replace battalions of the 4th Brigade which have been continuously in the front line for the last fourteen days. This is furnished you for your information and guidance and in connection with the service of communi¬ cation, . G.A, HERBST, Lieut.-Col., General Staff, A.C , of S., G-3. 2:35 P.M., 15th June, 1918. The following information was obtained from G-2 of the Division relative to the dispositions of the 9th Infantry: 1st Battalion holds the line from TUILERIE-DE- TRIANGIE to ECURBELIN, both inclusive. It has been in line since June 12th. 2nd Battalion holds the right to the Divisional Sector, from ECURBELIN, exclusive to wefet slope of HILL 204 . (Cont'd on next page) t June 15, 1918 F. LVi. 0 ( Cont’d fr cm last page) 3rd Battalion is in Brigade Reserve back of the line. 2 companies arc on KILL 201 and 2 companies northeast of COUPRU. memo. for the C.O. 1st in. 7th Infantry, at ,.iEAUX , 3; 15 P ,W. June 15, '18. The Ammunition train will send 40 trucks to report to you at iPSRY. These trucks are for the transportation of your battalion to mONTREUIL-aux-LIONS, where you will find an officer from Gen. Harbord’s headquarters, who will give you further orders- Inform the officer commanding the trucks that he will report to General Harbord and take orders from him regarding transportation of the battalion of marines, relieved from the front lines t oni ght, t o ifSRY. PRESTON BROWN, Colonel, General Staff, Chief of Staff. Ties sage to 21st A.C. sent n I CO -n ^ X" ■ June 15, 1918. In accordance with instructions from 21st Corps 1st battalion 7th Infantry is making a change tonight, * — ^ r* _ T "l _ ir»v» -b b O '/l T' P 18 T, . i-0 V fc- * ’ ivL I i v> the iSt, I Jet U LcliiUi. r u-l* -n-*-* ^ ^ ^ . details of which will follow m written rep it. of the battalion will be by truck. Message Rec’d from Aeroplane June 15, 19 18. 8:00 r.,i. Observer - Aspirant BELAPIERRE Filet - Adj. Petin Squad. 252. 2nd Bivision, U.S. A few shells on LUCY and the edge of the woods east of BOlS-de-EELEEAU. 7:45 Saw three enery avions MONT IVERS . DELAP 1ERRE v. 0 ,P R ec ’ d S:30 P.Y. : en 5 . ^ « 0 P ir • - • and 8:00 P iervc d cn the ' 'OKTHIERES At 5: 30 o men At 5: 45 -15 men At 6: CO -1C men At 6: ; 05 - 1 cycle; 12 At 6 : : 35 -12 men At 6 : : 45 - 4 men At 7 ; : 15 - d autes At 7 : 25 — u autos At 7 : 45 -1C men At 8 : 00 - 5 motors . Artillery notified. n O \j — < P. K. Message from 3rd Brigade, 10:10 p.M. Everything quiet. June 15, 1918. June 15, 1918. 10,4 ° * -• une . 1 ''‘» 191S - 'essage from 4th Brigade (Telephoned) 1 ^?- ttlng dovm a . barrage between B CURES CUES and the -0IS-de-.^L ieAU. numerous red, green and orange rocnets are Toeing sent up. Our artillery has placed a.' Barrage in front of our front line. oo'i ? 0 ^•n June 1 15 A . 1918 ’ Telephone message from 2 nd Bureau, ^ Is t A, C, French, CHASM GUY, to the 2nd Div., U.S. .inning June 18th, the daily written reports should mention, regarding nostile artillery fire: 1st - - Total rounds; relative quantity of small calibre. 2 nd - - Indicate the most important fire'; the zones fi^ed on; the importance of the fire; the calibre; origin- and peculiarities. ’ Bo time indicated. June 15, 1918. •Memorandum from Hq. 4th Brigade Marine Corns 19 18, A.B.F., June 1 You are notified that the position of p.C. Cole, phone Moscou #17, He. 6 th Machine Gun Battalion, has its position to a point 173,8-261.9. This change was 10:00 A.H. June 15, 1918. tele¬ shift ed mad e H. Lay, M a j o r, Ad j u t an t. 9 Mes s ag e i ve: rora23rd Inf, June 15, 1918. ything C.K, Activities have ceased in that Vicinity. June 15, 1218. 3rd Brigade telephoned at ambulances sent at once to the 1:45 A ,M. and as iced Headquarters of the to have two 23rd Infantry. HEADQUARTERS, SECG1ID DIVISION ( REGULAR ) ■AMERICAS’ EXPEDITIONARY FORCES, France, June 15, 1918. Memorandum for the Commanding General 3 rd Brigade: The following message has just been received fron the Command¬ ing Officer 15th Field Artillery: "Commanding General, 2 nd Field Artillery Brigade. The C.O. 9th Infantry has a plan for tonight. This plan could not be communicated by telephone, but in connection with the plan he desires that if possible, narassing fire 155’s or other heavy calibre, be executed On VAUX from 10:00 to 11;00 p.M. (22:00) to 23;C0 o'clock) this date, June 15. 1 have undertaken to^transr'it the request. Request reply so 1 may let J.0, 9th Infantry know. VAUX was transmitted to mU by an area code furnished J.G. 9th Infantry by mtV J.R. DAVIS. The Division Commander, in view of the fact that two reliefs are in progress tonight within the limits of the 4th Brigade, does not desire any action taken by the 9th Infantry which might tend to artillery reprisals on the part of the enemy. He also points out the fact that with the proximity of the 9th Infantry line to the village of VAUX, that harassing fire or any other fire by 155*s, uncontrolled by accurate observation, would be extremely dangerous to our troops unless they are withdrawn at least 5C0 yards from the limits of V AU.A. » "n tv-.-, err T G**• t- /f ; r ju j. i, \j xA p Colonel, General Staff, Chief of Staff. V June 16, 1918, A. 1\.T .t.. < 5 5 A.H, June 16, 19 18. Telephone report 12 From 4th Brigade Kdqrs. The relief of the Battalion of ?Spr 1 rM n0rth ^om Hill 142 By Battalion of the 167th Division (_ j. ench) was completed without incident. Marines on the nose Telephone message from 3rd Brigade, ' 5:55 A.M. June 16, 1918. Reports everything quiet. TT Hessage from 4th Brigade Headquarters. 9:20 A. June 16, 1918. relief of the two Battalions of Marines By the Battalion o, the 7th Inf,entry went off without incident. Message from C«0. 4th M.G. Bn. At: LE BOIS GROS JEAN 15 June, 1918, 8:00 P.M. Rec'd 9:25 A*M. June 16, 1918. _ 0 Tne Battalion remained in Division Reserve in BE BOlb GR03 JEA1:. Working detail of 150 men from A Go. reported !;-\ ller i 2nd Engineers, at eastern exit of woods on road yOI-i DU UrlAPEli - LUCY. Th.e detail was shelled But no casual¬ ties inflicted. Thexioint where the trenches were to Be dug was so covered with sneezing and mustard gas that the Engineer officer dismissed the detail. It was heavily gassed But the men used their respirators and no damage was done A detail o0 men of B Go, reported to Lt.O’Ueil, 2nd Engineers at northern exit of woods on road VOIE DU CHATEL - CHAMPILLOU. They were not shelled or gassed and returned at 4:00 A.M. A detail of 20 men from B. Co, reported to Lt. Hines, 2nd Engineers at MAI-SOF BLAFCHE on MAIN PARIS road. They were sen p Back By the Engineer officer as the locality was covered so 7/ ith. mustard gas that working was impossible. By order of Division Commander two of our cars carried rations o th rim. 6ch marines after 8:30 P.M. One car was taken out aoout 8:00 A.M. 15, June, 19 18 to haul rations for Marines., me driver, Wag. Andrew Schaffer, B Co. and Marine Mess Sergeant, name unknown, were slightly wounded By shell fragments. Wag., Schaffer was evaluated. It take its turn relieving two is recommended that this M., G. Go's on the line. EDUUiTD L. BABE, Major, 4 th M.G, Bn. battalion C omdg. 16 June, 1918. The Chief of Staff returnmg from llrOO A. M. tm 4 tu Brigade ndqrs. Brougnt the following inforwatioh; A local attack against the northern edge of the CIS-de-PELLLAU at 4:4-5 A.I", - ,T as easily repulsed. 11:40 A.M. 16 June, 19 18. Tne Commanding General, 3rd Brigade-, who has just aj. rived at Division headquarters, states that COUPRU is Being neavily snelled at the present time* P J~ * jv.L « June 16, 1918. 4:45 P.M. 16 June, 1918. Telephone message from 3rd Brigade reports everythins i s qu i et. 4:50 P.M, 16 June, 1918. Telephone message from 4th Brigade: Everything Is quiet along their entire front Mothing to report, Prom: C.O. 23rd Inf. at P.C. Date June 16, 1918.. Ho To Colonel Preston Brown. Hour 5:30 P. e .■ Our men are Beginning to sicken at the French canned meat and in general do not li-:e the French ration. Some diarrhoea is Beginning to appear. Can we not get fresh meat and if not all at least a portion of the Armrican ration.? i.._ alone Colonel. L June 16, 1918 "D % !T 6:00 P.::. -June 16, 1918. The officer in charge the Grave’s Registration Bureau who was at Division Headquarters reported that up to 6; 00 P.H. June 13th he had records of 440 Burials Both on the Battlefields and those who died at the hospitals and dressing stations since June 1, 1918. Casualties 2nd Division for 24 hours ending 6:00 A.*?. June 16, 1918 - 380. Charles E. Harrow, Colonel, Medical Corps, IT. A. Division Surgeon. 8:15 P.M. 16 June 1918. Message rec’d from Observer Lt. Marinier, Esc. 252 8:00 P.M* Surveillance of American Sector: Enemy artillery activity practically nil . nothing abnormal to report. Marinier. 9 :4; T ■> , ne 16 . 1918 Telephone report from 3rd brigade othing special to report. Ho time indicated June 16, 1918. Memorandum for 1st Bureau, 21st A.C. (Trench) June 16, 1918. Report of effective strength 2nd Division, U.S. 3rd, Brigade - -- -- -- 59 60 Rifles, 4th Brigade ------- 4250 " 1 Bn. 7th Infantry - - - 800 " 2nd Engineers ------1100 " A, Tv ir - f June 17 , 1918 . 17 June 1918. 5:00 AH'. Tele pi 1 o n e me s s ag e f r on 41 h p r i g ad e: the 7th Relief I nf ant ~y of Battalion of Marines By was completed at 4:45 Ah. Battalion of vithout incide nt. 17 June 1918. 6:00 A 1 \! Telephone message from the train that 30 trucks had Been waiting HOhTREUIL for the Battalion of 5th T 'a arrived. motor se since 5 .rines wh c tio n ammunitio n o ? clock at ich have not yet 17 June 1918. 6:30 A. ' T e le-hione mes s i ;e from .L 3rd ;ade Headquart ers : Nothing unusual on our front. A June 17 , 19 18 . X f Rec'd 17th June 1918, 7:00 A.M. Fron C.O. 4th II.G. Bn. Ax; LE B0I3 GR03 JEA1T. Date: 16 June 1918. 8:00 P.M. The battalion remained in Divisional Reserve in LE B0I3 GROS JUAB. A working party of 67 men from A Co., reported to 2nd Engineer supply dumps at 9:00 p.M. 15 June, '18. After finishing its task it was dismissed at 2.00 A.M. A working party of 50 men from A Co. reported at 2nd Engineer supply dump at 8:45 P.M. 15 June ‘ 18, Upon arriving at workingplace it was sent hack as the locality was too heavily gassed. A party of 75 men from P Co. reported to 2nd Eng. Cup. Dumps at 1:30 A.1C. 16 June '16. Having finished its task it was dismissed at -1;00 A.M. 16 June '18. Two battalion cars carried rations for 5th Marines. ED"'U1 I'D L. ZANB, Mai or, 4th M.G. Bn., C o md ' * i A. il Juno 19, 1918. (Cont'd from last page) Gomdg. u-en'l, 4th. Brigade in regard to relieving a company of the 6th TT .G. Bn. He directs the relief take place to- nignt, June 19 -10, 1918, and that the equipment there in place remain there to he used hy us. Edmund L. Zane, Major, 4th d.G. Bn., C omdg. 11:15 A.M. June 19, 1918. Telephone message from 4th Brigade: The entire night was very quiet, nothing has happened so far during the forenoon. So far as known, the gassing on our left, the 167th French was not extended over into our Brigade sector. 11:40 A.M. June 19, 19 18. Telephone message from 1.0. 23rd Infantry. A wounded prisoner from the 109th Body Gren. Regt., 28th Division, taken in a local raid on B CURBS CHE'S early this morning is Being forwarded to .Division Headquarters. G- 2 11:54 A.M. June 19, 1918. Message from 3rd Brigade 11:45 A.M. All quiet. P, M. June 19, 1918. 1:15 P.M. June 19, 1918. Message received from 3rd Brigade: There has Been circulation of our own artillery in front of Headquarters of 9th Infantry. Today two trains came up and they wepe stopped. They were finally allowed to proceed, hereafter they will Be stopped. These trains Belong to the French, supposedly regiments (1359-37?) and 333. 2:15 P.M. June 19, 19 18. Message received from 4th Brigade; From 7:00 o'clock on constant stream of men in groups of 10, 12 and as high as 28 moving west from woods 73.95 - 65.50 to ravine 73.60 - 64.60, Movement still continuing. Evidently a rei'.ef. Artillery and 21st French A.G, notified. ' ; / P, M. June 19 , 1918 . 4:48 P.M. June 19, 1918. Message rec’d from 2nd. Bureau, 21st A.C. Ac core- ing to ini o mat Ion received from Amy Head- Quarters , the 200tn Division is in the rear area and prisoners O; the 5th Guard Division stated that they expected to he relieved “by the 200th Division. G-2. 6:30 P.M. June 19, 1913. Telephone message from Graves Registration Service: Reports 74 burials today. 9:45 P.M.' Telephone June 19 , 19 18 . mes sag e f rom 3 rd Dr igad e : Nothj ng special to report. 9:55 P.M. June 19 , 1918. Telephone message from 4th Brigade; There seems to he a heavy barrage on or near the left flank of the Brigade. Have had no reports, arid am trying to find out from 5th Marines what this barrage means. 10:55 P. M. June 19 , 1918 . Telephone message from 4th Brigade; Everything quiet in our Brigade sector. The heavy firing going, on is on our left and outside of .the brigade sector It does not touch us. 11:30 P.M. June 19, 1918. From G.O. 4th Brigade. To C. G. 2d Div, U,S, The French Colonel whose Regiment was to relieve the 2d Batt, 5 Reg.(Kaiser) lias made reconnaissance and liaison on our left and found that the French had advanced* this afternoon and occupied a line to the Forth and Fast of Kaiser's position and were connected up with the left of the 6th Beg. 2. This makes Kaiser occupy practically a second line and the French Colonel, Wild, 6th Tiralleur, says that it is unnecessary to relieve Kaiser by his troops. The Colonel just left here for BLAURFPAIRE FARM to report to his C.0, for change in the order. 3. If agreeable to you, will direct Kaiser to with¬ draw his Battalion. Kindly telephone Yes- (Reverse) C.G,, 2nd Division. Seville. . ' . . . June 19 , 19 18. P. I'l« 11:55 P.M. 19 June, 1918. Telephone message from 4th Brigade; Every thing qu iet . ho time indicated June 19, 1918. Irom; Chief of Staff, Prance, 19, June '18. To; C.G., 4th Brigade, Subject; Relief of 7th Infantry. ^ 1* The Division Commander directs me to inform you that in the relief of the 7th Infantry due to begin tomorrow nighu, June 20-21, no trucks will be available for transpor¬ tation o^ troops, He desires that the Karine battalion be marched in small groups to the rendezvous appointed for the relief, and that the 7th Infantry be. withdrawn in a similar manner. The officers concerned must be enjomed to take every precaution to avoid aerial observation. PRESTOb BROTH, Colonel, General- Staff, Chief of Staff. June 19 , 19 18 . Memorandum from G-l. Replacements; 4th k. G. Bn. - - - 15 6 th Narines - - - 25 5th Karines - - - 3 9th Infantry - - - 4 23rd Infantry - - - 8 15th Field Arty.- - 2 6 th M, G. Bn. - - - 2 1st Field Sig.Bn. - 1 June 19, 19 18. Extract from memorandum renort of th.e Divi of an Inspection of the 1st Battalion, 5th Karines, 19, 1918: Of ficers Ken Strength May 3± . 27 1040 Present strength 824 Casualties ------ 16 544 Rep lac e.ment s ------ 14 318 2 nd Battalion, 6 th Marines; Of ficers Men Strength Kay 31 .- 31 941 Present strength . 14 466 Casualties ------ 21 836 Replac ements ------ 4 361 lade June . A. M June 20, 19 18, 3:45 A.M. June 20, 1910. i e lephcne wessag6 from 3rd.; 23rd Infantry reports relief completed at 2:15 A.’!., without incident. 5:30 A.M. June 20, 1918. 4th Brigade reports everything quiet. 5:45 A.M. June 20, 1918. essage telephoned to 3d Bureau 21st Army Corps: Night very quiet. Some shelling to our right- and left "but did not reach us. Everything yrent well on right. Nothing to report. 5:50 A.H. June 20, 1918. Message from 23rd Infantry: Nothing to report. 8;15 A.M. Field Message from C.0, 4th M.G. Bn. June 20, 1918. At: B0IS GR0S JEAN. I report that pursuant to the order of Oomdg. General 4th Infantry Brigade given in pursuance of order of Comdg., General, 2nd Division, Company B, 4th Machine Gun Bn. relieved 23rd Company, 6th Machine Gun Bn. in BOIS-de-BELLE ALT. The relief was completed at 4:40 A.M., 20 June, 1918, with no casualties. One officer and sufficient soldiers of 23rd Company will remain 24 hours to transmit firing data and in- f ormation. EDMUND L. ZANE, Major, 4th M.G. Bn.* Comdg, From: C. 0. 23rd Inf . At * I-. C . Dat e A> M« No: 23. Ho ,ir Sent: Motorcycle, To: Adjutant, 2nd Division (G-2)< 20 June, »18. hour: 11:45 I transmit the dead body 0 j herewith identification tag taken from a German soldier ( John Juchter) killed on patrol attempted in last night by night 18/19 June by our fire when hostile patrol attempted v. m rwrmr 1 • -m m Not h aving our orders , .^^0 j.o/ i.? junc vy our i ii to raid BOB PEG CHIBS. His body was brough't our men.and was buried in E0URESCHES regulations, etc. I do not know the exact regulations conc¬ erning disposition of tags on enemy dead and request instr¬ uctions. No other matter was sent in. I have sent inquiry as to existence of other matter but it will take nearly 24 hours possibly to get a reply. the Te hold line in rear BCURBSCHES firmly and we are consolidating of it as rapidly as conditions permit. Malone, Colonel. 4 P. M. June 20, 1918, 3; 20 P.M. June 20, 1918. Message from Col. Mclndoe to Chief of Staff; ‘^ e ^ave w ire j. or 5th Marines Headquarters, as requested, if any further information on hand, as to best place to deliver notify 2nd Engineers. 3:40 P.M. June 20, 1916. Col 5th Marines or of delivery of JMcIndoe advised by telephone to call up Hq, , Kdqrs, 4th Brigade for information as to place the wire. 4; 35 P.M. June 20, 19 18. The following information was received verbally from t.^e Officer in charge of the Craves Registration Bureau; . 6 ^ burials were made today on the battlefield, largely in the BOIS-de-BELLEAU and the ravine east of LXJCY- le-B0CAGE. 4:45 irM. June 20, 1918. Telephone message from 3rd Brigade; Everything quiet. 5:35 P.M. June 20, 1918. Telephone message from Comdg, Gen’1 3rd Brigade* To the Chief of Staff; *?he result of the patrol that he spoke to me about.last night was negative. Uothing was found in that locality. Patrol again tonight and part of the locality be occupied. to VAUX or in (The the woods patrol to wa. r front ascertain of it). if Grec¬ ians were m 9:45 P.M. T e lephone June 20, 1918. message from 3rd Brigade Kdqrs; Very quiet. ho time indicated. June 20, 1918. June 20, 1918. Information received from the Division Surgeon; Casualties evacuated through our dressing stations for 24 hours ending six A.Y . June 20th; ’Bounded Sick Total th e . ’ . ' * • ■ - h o t iine ind. i c at ed. June 20, 1918. June 20, 1918. Memorandum for C--1: Report of effective strength of 2nd Div., u.3.: Infantry, including 3 Bns. 7th Infantry - - - - 12579 rifles. 2nd Engineers _ 1200 ” A. h. June 21, 1918, 6:00 A.M. June 21, 1918. phoned the following message to 3rd Bureau: The night passed very quietly with the exception of occasional very moderate shelling of 9th and 23rd Infantry. 9 : 30 A.M. June 21, 1918, Information received from the Division Surgeon; Casualties for 24 hours ending 6:00 A.M ., June 21, 1918: 2nd Division --------- -90 ' 3rd Division ----------29 4th Division ---------- 1 10:45 A.!'!. June 21, 19 18. Message received from 4th. Brigade headquarters; ho reports yet from the 7th Infantry in regard to their attempt to take the German machine gun nest in the northern part of the BOlS-de-BELLE AU. nothing else happened during the night, everything being very-quiet. P. K. June 21, 1918, 2:50 P,M . June 21 , 1918 . Message rec»d from C.O. 4th H.G, Bn. Pursuant to instructions of Comdg, General, 4th Inf., Brigade given pursuant to your instructions, Co, "A" 4th U.G., Bn. will relieve 77th Co. 6th M.G. Bn. in tJ A e 3013-de-BSLLEAU • tonight. sage rec’d from I. 0., 5th Marines, June 21, 191c. Rec’d 7:25 P.M. Shortlv after noon, this date, a deserter from the 3rd Reserve Ersatz Regiment of the 87th Division came over to our lines in the southern part of the BOXS-de-BELLEAU. He sGates that his unit is now holding the line opposite B0UBE3CHSS, that it came into the sector on 15-16 June. The nrisoner is being forwarded to Division i-.eadquartei s ri c Message from J.O. 4 th Bri ■ •ade, Tune 21, 1918 1 d 7-.50 r 2M 30 trade loads of Germans and marching toward Bh.LEGAL ♦ seen de-trucking at LICY G-2 June 2 1, 1918. XT 9:15 P.M. June 21, 1918. Telephone message from Division 0,p. "B” Rec'd 9:15 P.M. Heavy artillery duel now going on - apparently in sector on our left. 10:09 P.,, 1 . June 21, 1918. Telephone message from 2nd : .A. Brigade. 2nd P.A. Brigade reports that in response to an inquir*.* they have made inquiries of artillery OJn's who state that there is no enemy artillery activity, that the only artillery fire at the -oresent" time is our own artillery concentration on the area TOPCY-BELLE AU (Town) t x — 2 . >jn time indicated - -- -- -- -- - "dune 21, 19 lo. June 21, 1913. Alport 0 of'effective strength of 2nd Division, U.S. . Infantry, including 3 Bns. 7th Infantry-t, 2nd Engineers - -- -- -- --.. x ».' June 21, 1918, Memorandum from G-l: . vhc following replacements received . 9 th Infantry ------- 17 0%y*A T nfa’lt T ,r — — — — — — l O 5th."Karines-434 and 5 officers. /I n. r. (1 O II 6th Tarmes 1 <• 6th !•<[/. . Bn. ------- 60 1 1 4th .or, x>n. ----- 2nd Engineers ------ .2 A. H, June 22, 1918. 3:25 A.M. June 22, 1918. Message from 4th Brigade Kq; x , _„ +e the' G.O, of 3rd Battalion, 7th Inf antry^reports t^at one move of Co. "L !I was successfully completed about 2:00 A. >• » the battalion has not gene quite as far as it was^expe go. The artillery fire is to the left of our secuOi. A * 'Cautain Prichard telephoned the 3rd Brigade hq., and tailing to Lieut. Pierson received word thai, evu- . tiling was quiet. 5:45 A.11. June 22, 1918. Message from 3rd Brigade Lq: . VA . p a Everything quiet. During tne night ouere ga¬ slight bombardment against the 9th Infantry. 6:50 A.14. Message to the 3rd Bren cm A.O. Everything quiet, Nothing to report. 9-00 API. Report from the Division Surgeon, June 22^ 19 18. Casualties for the 24 hours ending at o June 22, 1918: no 2nd Division ------- x lr' Other Divisions! 3 "£-4 11 ) - - _hh_— Tota.1 • - - 29 o Of this number in the 2nd Divio ion - wounded and gassed 80, Sick 92. mi eld Message from Commanding Officer, 4 th h.G» Ln., at .LAPS ON BATOVS 22 June. 1 1918. order of Condc.aen.4th Inf., Brigade given pursuant to your order, Co. "A" 4ln i - .a. has relieved the 77th Co. 6th K.G. Bn. in the r 01S - d e - BELLE AU . ( C ont T d on next pa; ;e ) 4 » A ( /„ v v , ( - A. 11. June 22, 1918. (Cont’d from last page) The relief was completed at 2:00 A.I", this date with no casua 11ies . ?!y P. C. is now at HAISOTT BLAn CHE whose tele¬ phone code call is "SAME". ERIVJED L. Ka j or , 4 th C omdg. ZAIRE, Bn. k a a i » «JT Field Message from Commanding Officer, 4th M.G. Pn. at MA1S0H BLANCHE. 22 June, 1918. 11:30 A.M. I report that for the 24 hours ending at 8:00 p,M., .Tune 21, Company "B" 4th Machine Gun Bn. remained in position in B>OIS-de-BELLEAU. One German soldier surrendered to the 1st Platoon of Company "B". 11:30 A.M. June 22, 1918. Field Message rec’d from C.G., 3rd Brig, at DOEPTIU. One patrol from 9th Infantry under Lt. Cary found enemy in southern edge of small wood south of PARIS road about 500 meters west of VAUX and were fired on by rifles and machine guns. Enemy estimated about one platoon. Patrol replied to fire. One American wounded. A second patrol under Lieut. Zwicky, 9th Inf., reconnoltered to north of POURBELIE without material results. Saw man in wheat field. 7/ork of patrol was interfered with by conduct of workinaparty from Co. D, 9th Inf., which in now receiving proper attention. 11:45 A.K, June 22, 1918. 3rd Brigade report: Frothing to report. P.M, June 22, 1918, 1:50 P.M. June 22, 1918. Report from O.P. "B". Beginning at 12:30 P.II. 22/150’s on MAR I GEY - COUPRU road to the left of this road. At 1:41 P.K. 8/77’s in the second battery woods to the left of MARI GEY 7/0 CBS. Visibility: Poor. June 22, 1918. 5:30 P.M. Message from 2nd Artillery Brigade: Enemy wirless message intercepted states that enemy fire is being adjusted on as yesterday. The French believe that these be CPARLY and EAPTEUIL. (4th Brigade and Oth r Tm 2 by the French same objectives objectives will I'arines notified) 7:45 I.M. June 22, 1918. Message rec’d from O.P. "E". A column of men with combat wagons observed on junc¬ tion of unimproved road with main road PLAISAPCE - LA TARTRE, at 80.75 - 67.00, moving in direction of woods just south-east o f IES VALLIES . ( Arti11ery notified), 8:05 I ,M. June 22, 1918, Message from O.P, "B" , 2 groups of men about 50 men each on the B0I3 BE B01*1983 ROAD, 79.40 - 68.35, leaving in a general direction towards RGHEES. Seen about 300 meters from the woods going toward ECPHSS, S' o t ine i nc! j. c at ed June 22, 1918. June 28, 19If . Tie , noraiidum for G -1. Report of effective strength of 2nd Division, U.S. Infantry, including 2 Bns. 7th. Infantry - - - - 12457 rifles. 2nd Engineers ----------------- -1202 ” A. M. June 23, 1918. 6:42 June 23, 1918. He ss age from 4th Brig ade: nothing unusual during the night. Br on *-pnv;rp q JrU v. J. jEU i O KEADQJJ AJLRIC Al’j SECOND DIVISIOIT ( REGULAR) , EXPLOIT IOVARY FORCES, France, 23 June 1918. 11:45 A.1,1. Colonel de CLAVBRUL: Che Comnander of the Artillery of the Division ! TAJ CHAR'D and onofficer of the OPERATION BUREAU that was called in while we were there, indicated the nanner in which they intended to conduct the operation in case the American Division would take VAUX. They would clean up the west edge of the 7/ood 204 up to the dirt road extending from that KILL to VAUX. They do not intend to go further. B 3 r cleaning-up I understood they did not intend to maintain its oc cup at ion. E.H.L, .P.B, L.3 .U . P . E .11. 11:50 A.H. June 23, 1918. Report from 0,r. ,! B" 1. During the night PETRET E'ER!IE caught on fire and this morning was still smoking - - - this was apparently the result of wa rn our artillery fire. 2. This morning a portion of the PLAISAUCE-LE TARTE ; observed to have v een camouflaged during the night.' (rote Load This road was shelled by us last evening). As far as trie has gone at present it in no way interferes wit. camouflage our view. R. Iraffic on this road continues this morning. excessive aviation activity all during the G-2, nornin<; p.H, June 23, 1918. June 23, 1918. 1:45 P.M. Hessage from O.p, "B" . Battery was observed to fire on Division 1190, pr e sumably ET REPILLY. Telephone Ilessage from Chief of Staff, 2nd Division, to Colorni Ahrens, Office of G-3, 3rd Army Corps, 2:05 P.X., June 23, 18. The orders we issued said that we mould do certai-i things on "D" Day, and certain other things on Day "D-V : ._ To do these, certs, in preliminaries are necessary. Does that message from you, suspending movement directed in Field Orders Ho.11, 3rd Corps, mean that what was to be done at 7:00 o'clock on the evening of June 23rd, will not be done? A. What was to have taken place at 7 o'clock today, will not take place. . June 23, 191C . 3:23 PDA ' Memorandum f o: C „Q. 23rcl Inf an June 22 , 1918 llX Tne 4tli Brigade is endeavoring this afternoon to clean out the German position in the north end of the BCIS- de-BB L- jAL . The Commanding General thereof requests that you loo: out along the line B CURBS Cl A3 - BBLLB.AU and have your machine guns fire on any German target that presents itself. Preston Brown, General Staff, Chief of Staff 4:05 B. Tr . June 23, 1918. Telephone me ssage from 3rd Brigade: Everything very quiet. P.H. June 23, 1918. f rom the Division Srrreoo; Number of men received from 7th Infantry, since their entry under 2nd Division authority: 'founded and gassed - -- -- --240 4:10 T r r\ Prom: Hdqrs, 3rd Brigade. At: Boston. Date: June 25, . ho.27. Hour: 5:30 PDA To: Chief of Staff, 2nd Division. Borwarded approved, and requesting whether or not this arrangement mill he made eight machine guns in BCURESCHES. tc he informed There are now B . 7 A L-271S , C ommand ing. n r: at —• 8: 15 P hi. June 23, 1918. Telephone message" from 4th Brigade Hdqrs. attach against the machine gun nests in the of the BOlS-de-BBBuhAU is making progress. The northern part 9:20 Hes sage : from . 0, 1. Aar he m A i TV'~ 1 A.*« i Klj ROAD sir Circula .t ion, he BCD 1E3 PC AD. 2, At 9 : Sounds of he ay June 22, 1918. our registration on it thi r er, has : reat 1? ■ incre as ed Jf BA. 1 . S Ar eh *■ J-j-Ij c afternoon, on BOhhES-EOIS CCUPRU ROAD. 9:45 PDA June 25, 1918. Telephone report from 3rd Brigade; Everything quiet along the.brigade front. Nothing special to report. 10:05 PDA June 22, 1918. lies sage from Gen . Bar l ord : vYe have captured 5 machine guns and made satisfactory Have suffered some losses. pr ogress ! Y. June 23, 1918. 11:10 B.H. June 23, 1918. Yes sage from General Harbord* Observer on west rockets going in and noderate nen so close to the Germans tiled An officer who edge BOIS-de-BELLEAU reports has •rage g the bar o ing down. Tiii: rage will pass German ,!cs his over. been through the BOIS-de-BLLLB AL report great Quantify of stuff to be salvaged - German rifles, anm- wagon loads- ’ort to get it unition, clothing, includes white sugar and food estimated at about 60 s o a-. r ill ou first quiet day. lak e ef: 11:55 June 23, 1918. Telephone message from Headquarters, 4th Brigade: Latest report received from the front ad 11:20 states that further advance was held up at tiled hour on account of darkness, and that the troops are digging in. Reports indicate an advance of from 400 to 500 meters. Ho time indicated ------ - - - - June 23, 1918. June 23, 19 1G . Report from. Division Surgeon: Casualties evacuated for the period ending 6:00 A.H., June 23, 1918: Wounded and gassed ------- 73 Sick-------------- 45 Total - - - - - - - 118* Other Divisions (7th Infantry) Wounded and gassed ------- 5 Sick -------------- 2 Total - -- -- -- 7 A, T F ih » June 24, 1918, 12:22 Ah'. June 24, 1918. Te le o ho ne r es sage f r on 3 r d Pr i g ad ej. The rright and left of the 9th Infantry being shelled with mustard gas. Request retaliation by our artillery. Five ( 5 ) shell struck with a radius of 1000 yards of Division Headquarters between 2:20 AH', and 2:55 A.IT. k • >:45 A.II. June 24, 1910, Called 3rd Bureau at CYA'JGHY to take-message . All moving to LA 1LRTL. no officer mere 6:00 AYY June 24, 1919, 3rd Brigade: Yuch gas on The 9th Inf. saw one patro1 returning inf orma •; i or. lat e r . 91h Infant ry. Yperite, to their woods. Yore A. M. June 24, 1918. June 24, 1918. 6:30 A.11. Called 2nd Bureau (French). Ivo response. Also "loving to LA FERTS. 7:15 A.M. June 24, 1918. Gave morning message to 3rd A.C. after they had found sone one and called up. 8:30 A.M. June 24, 1918, Following data rec'd from Division Surgeon: The following casualties passed through our Dressing Station for 24 hours ending June 24, 1918 - 6:00 A.M. 2nd Division Sick 39 Wounded and gas 104 . . . . 143 Other Divisions (7th Inf.) 13 15 156 9:15 A.M. June 24, 1918. From CL. 0. 4th M.G. Bn. Report for 24 hours ending 8:00 P.M, 23 June 19 18. Artillery - the enemy put a "barrage of artillery and nacnine gun fire on south-eastern edge of the BOIS-de-BLLLLAU fiom 11:50 P.M. to Midnight. intermittent harassing artillery fire was put on BOIS-de-BEILLAU and LUOY-le-BOCA IE during 24 hours. Bo balloons have been seen. Airplanes - from 5:00 P.M, to 8:00 P.M. two enemy observation planes flew over the southern part of the PGlS-de-Re T J.E.Ah and XUGY. Our Infantry attacked ene ry In northern portion of B01S-de-BELLEAU commencing at 7:00 P.M. and were supported by Co. B, 4th M.G. Bn. _ Casualties: Pvt. John Smith, Co.A, was killed; Pvt. 9cnn J. Mikrut, was slightly wounded. Ed mu n d L. Z an e, T ' r aj or, 4th T -. G. Bn *, C omd a . 9:45 A.M. June 24, 1918. Following Memo sent toG-1: Strength of 2nd Division: Infantry.H.097 rifles. - - - • . i 1,202 " 2nd Engineers 9 : 55 A.M. June 24, 1918. Message from Artillery Brigade: Lnejny artillery fire . means of hostile aeroplanes on 12th T.A. Fire for destructio personnel has been withdrawn. ias been carefully adjusted by the emplacements of 11 A” Battery :i has begun. The battery Counter battery work under way. June 24 , 19 18. 10:20 A.M. June 24, 1918. Information received from a wounded corporal of the 5th Karines, who stated that at 9:00 o’clock last night a German attack issuing from TORGY and moving Eiouth, attacked tiie Company in position south of the TORCY-BELLEALi road, and west of the TORCY - LUCY-le-ROCAGE road, that the Company Commander called for a barrage, and with rifle and machine gun fire and the barrage, drove back this attack. June 24, 1918. 11:30 A.M. Phone message from 3rd Brig. Hdqrs. "B" Co., 9th Inf. — Front of TKIOLET has been shelled by mustard gas 7 hours since midnight. Area evac¬ uated but held by patrols. Another Co. -- ready to move in in case emergency. M. June 24, 19 18. 3 : bo P.K. June 24, 1918 . Report from 4th Brig. I At 5:30 A*M«, the Intelligence officer 5th Marines saw the missing plane flying low. 6 : 00 P.M. June 24, 1918. Forwarded ------ 29 5th Marines ----- 2 2nd. Engineers - - - -151 Ammunition Train - - 1 Sanitary Train - - - 55 T otal — — — —238 From: C.G., 4th Brig. At: P.C. Date: June 24,’18. Hour: 8:10 P.M. Ho. 2. To: Commanding Officers, 5th and 6th Regiments. !• For the greater conveniences of handling the sectors of which you are in charge, you will exchange P.C.’s, the change to take effect tomorrow morning. Copies to: C.G., 2nd Div. C.O.. 5th Karines A.P.M., 2nd Div,- HARFORD . C.G.'2nd Art. Brig. C.O. 0.0. , 6th. Mar ine s . M. G. 12th F.A. Bn. Message from 2nd Artillery Brigade. Rec’d 8:50 P.M. June 24. Beginning about 9:15 P.M. , D and E Batteries of the 15th F.A. were bombarded with 210’s and 150’s. Destructive f ire. Message from 0. p, "B” Reed 8:50 P.M. June 24. Owing to poor visibility nothing was observed after 5:90 P.M, Ho sounds of action. Only shelling noticed was 9/105's at PYRAMIDS. I i • • Jun t 24 > 1918. From C .0. 4th F.G. En. At: G IS-d r. _ T>T ; f •“ - . AjJ • . 0 at e: o 4 June ’ Hour: 9:20 EH". No: 1, hOV' so nt: runner and m otor ci cle. To: Co ■--ad imp Gener al, 2nd Da vis i on. Tlif: enemy shelled X V hese woods with 1 .a r - • n sing fir inter-"' ittently duri nr the d and heavily at nigl t. Co . B supported the attack on ene ■ »s le , chine run 11 ests in these -roods made hy 5th I: 6 th Far ines 7 to 10 : 00 i" * y. June Ene-y’s aeroplanes observed these -:oods quite constantly durirr: tl.e day. Gun y 8 of Co. B reports that they lei lied 15 in the to in field. Edmund qi or, 4th one, •" Cl U- . • u f - - - f 10:10 h v . June 24, 1010, "cpert from 3rd. relative to latest report of casualties due to "'as shellin', of last night: 10:25 9 th I nf -ant ry *•> *-* ■oe 1 .. *• •’ ii - - - - - 162 S f • ♦ .i ■ 11 • _ „ _ _ _ p5 Total - - 339 ,ne ;4, 1318 . age f on 3rd Brigade Hdqrs The 23rd. Infantry reports heavy artillery fire on their left, apparently a barrage which appeal's to he approach¬ ing the left of th.e 23 rd Infantry position. h.A. Iri . notified. 10:10 if. fro : Comdg, Gen. 3rd Brigade. At: Boston. Date: June 24, ’IS, .’.our: 3:25 I.* . .-o, 30, Rec’.d. 10:25 E.' T , 3 o; Comdg. Gen. 2nd Divisi*n. ns mg Officer twenty-third Inf entry reports one hundred and sixty-two casualties, gas, last night. Eroper actio: taken hy 1 in to limit results, he urgently request replacements. He relieves third battalion hy second to-or:-o , - T night according to schedule which it is understood has amor oval Division head ruartTS. Levis, Co’~dg. 11 : 30 : . < T n p i e vi - - tr 24, 19 15 . A litt le m rile a. d om ■n on ti le a ort ,.e r n mart las t ver v 1 OB h* Eve ry thin 11 : r ~' X’ • f.r .. June £4, 19 18 . Everything qu i e t r< ort. one message from 4th Brigade: a ma ch i n c gun h orr ag e w as pu t the E01o-de-BELLE AU. It did not uiet no-*. one mes s age f: o- . 3rd Brigade: our front. oth ing special to - A M » Aid • June 25, 19IB. June 25, 1918. 1:^5 A. M. Phone call Has new identification of German Regiment of the 402nd ±Hj . Regt. Identilication taken from one of two Germans .mllev. about 3 A. M. June 24, in front of Co'. E, 9th Inf¬ antry and 53rd Colonials (Prench). Identification sent to u-c Hdqrs. 2nd Div. ^ * 05 A. .1. message from 23rd I nf antry: Reports ”3verything quiet". 5:42 A. M. Phone message 3rd Br igade : Reports "Everything quiet". 5:45 a. M. Report telephoned to 3rd jureau. 3rd A. C. Everything quiet. Identification of 402nd German Inf. negt, obtained by 2nd - Bn, 9th Infantry, Identification taken iron one ol two Germans killed about 3 A. M. June 2:4, in front of Co. E. 9th Inf. and 53rd Colonials (French). 8:00 A. 11. , June 25, 19 18. June ij?.'LQjh4g-t L . i.on recei v ed fr om _the_ Div i sion 3ur p. eonj_ Casualties for the 24 hours ending 6:00 A. II 25 th: Wounded- 68 Gassed- -414 Sick-- _65 TOTAL-547 7th Infantry--- 3 9,15 A.j.._, June 25, 1918, m es s ag e_f rom Livis ion Q. p. Enemy artillery more active during nigh 5/150’s in the direction of ISSORC FARE. At 8/150's in direction of V01G Lb CHAbEL. 11: on the road from VO IE LU CKATEL to PYRAMID. 6/150's on battery position to our left. At arently gas shells in the direction of LUCY. t. At 9:20 P .M 9:20 , 20* 7/105’s At 3:00 A.Id, 8:40 A. Li. app - 10:20 A.II. , June 25, 1918. Telephone lies sage from 4th. Brigade Hdqrs. T^o ammunition wagons have just been reported entering EELL- the road to the right of KILL 182. PRO a. : B-l AT: P.C. Late: 25 June 18. EG: 15. TO: Colonel Conger; Can you let the bearer have a copy which you showed me the other day? HOUR: 11:30 of the captur Halone, Colonel. une o • - • » i c ia. 1:30 P u une IS 18 . message fro::: 4th I- i i m ue . ,iessa.;;e received from 0.0. 2nd kn. 5th ..marines: The Adjutant said w.ien he last saw the plane (G-enaan aeroplane) it was descending in flames at an angle of about 4 5 ds in the direction of the road runn: north of the road wnicn. runs east and west through LUCY. °gre. inning Thi s plane va s be in closely followed by s second plane, which, however, flew a way. This second plane was closely followed by a third plane, presumably a Trench machine, message from C.O. 5th marines : Abou x an hour ago an enemy airplane shot down, apparently by French aviator, at point 75 .80-62 .70, northeastern part of IFLL.TAb. - u st into f1ames just before str i k in c ~ ro u nd, pr o* landing within enemy lines. a b 1 v 20 T> . ivi < une p p. V. f 1918. Uessage from 3rd Brigade. Intelligence Officer 3rd Brigade, reporting to 0-2, stated that German aviator came down within our lines and was taken alive and is being sent in to headquaroers. 3:00 P.IJ. Telephone message from 2nd Bureau, 10th C.A.O. A deserter from 402nd Inf. Regt. (2Qlst Div,) taxen cy corps on our right stated: 201st Division relic\ed . 2ATTE , Major, 4th II. G. Bn. 8:15 P.M. June 27th. Message from 4th Brigade. x*our German sausages have just flames north of the P.C, of the 6th was brought down at 8:05. been brought down in Marines. The last one 9:45 P June 27th, 1918. message to 3rd French A.C. All quiet; nothing to report. Telephone Report from 0. P. *‘B". Rec'd 9 :55 P.M. At 4:00 9/77's near PARIS du CHA7EL . At 5:00-5/105 ! s in 5:40-7/77 ! s (shrapnel) over Lm 77 's in both LA V0IB du CHATBL north of LA VOIT du CHATEL. 16 planes up since 3:00 o FaRM. 4: 10-7/77 1 s on LA VOID direction of PARi o i A.: 8 x . aim au a. ’:** , rr. ■ — 5:53, lu/ and woods . 9:40, 2/77's clock From: B-l At : P.C . Date: 27 ^une 18 To : Commanding Received 10:30 P.M. June 27. Hour: 9:45 P.M. No. 9. How Sent: General, 2nd .Division. Motorcycle. (105 Capt. Jourdon, 5th Btry. 2nd Groupe, 103rd Heavy P .A • s) has just arrived to install his batterv in the heart ox this^town where we have our T.P.S., T.3.F. and all our means oi niaison. Any firing by him would comoletely rupture my means of communication at once. The C.O. of this Bn/ is LA BAUDIERE and is subordinate to Haj. V ILL'S who is at Division Hq. at Genevrois. H is battery be ordered out of this to r .rn at of ammunition caissons be stopped till Commandant CAMUS ST. CLAIRE D.M' TT r.cqu ; c t + 1- ' K> L once and a oroper lor ray P town. that arrival place tor the battery is fixed. It is impossible .0. to remain here with the battery firing in the Malone 4 Colonel . Dear j.,alone : It is fixed, merci'. A.J.B. 12 midnight. p . June 27, 1918. 11; 15 P.M. June 2'/, 19..3 Message from 3rd Brigade to 2 nd Ic'v, Telephone message just received from 9th Infantry re¬ ports an enemy aeroplane ilying low over back areas of 3rd Brigade sector,, 11:50 P.M. Jane 27, 1918. Message from 3rd Brigade to 2nd Biv, Intelligence Officer, 9th Infantry, reports rocket sig¬ nals still being seat on. They recently went up. Also a balloon is signalling by flashes. Received at 64 A BW 42 OB G Hq ABF June 27 18 Commanding General 2nd Field Artillery Brigade US APO Bo 710 Caster. . C of A number 532 request you furnish this office with a list of surplus second Lieutenants in the 2nd F A Brigade. Hinds. 910 pm. A.M. June 28, 1918. 12:10 A.M. June 28, 1918, 1.0, - 23rd Infantry. Balloon is in direction of BPAUX and is signalling. Plane flying low over this neighborhood. 5:45 A.M. June 28, 1918. From 3rd Brigade (Aide) to 2nd Div. The 9th Infantry reports that their patrol met enemy pa¬ trol this morning and killed some of them. There were no identifications* At 4:15 an enemy plane was seen being shot at. At present everything is quiet. ^ A more detailed report will follow at 8;o0 A.M. 6:10 A.M. June 28, 1918. Message from 3rd Brigade (Aide) to 2nd Div. Runner with maps due them at about midnight has not showed up yet. 8:00 A.M. June 28, 1918, Memorandum from Division Surgeon. Casualties that passe I through our dressing stations for period ending 6:00 A.M. Jane 28, 'Ols. Sirk - Wound ed- Gassed -- TCTAI 29 41 2 9 June 28, 1918. i A, LI 8:30 A.Li June 28, 1918. Memo. fo r G -l. \ Strength of 2nd Division. Infantry ----- 2nd Engineers 10,183 rifles. 1,334. 11 11:15 a.LI., June 28, 1918. Report from Division G.P. "B". P.M. 10:50 searchlight BGIS de BELLEAU. 10:50 enemy plane in direction of L1ABIG23Y. 10:55 to 11:05. 10 white rockets direction of BOIS-de- BELLEAU. 11:10 search light and 4 white rockets region of BOIS-de- .bELjuBAU . 11:12 enemy aeroplane circling to the right and over post. 11:15 4 white lights in the direction of BOIS-de-BELLEAL. 11:20 aeroplane over post circling around sector. 11:55 enemy plane over post flying toward LUCY firing machine gun. 12:00 15/15 0 ' s' LIAR I GUY. A .M. 12:05 5/77’s v/oods of LA VOID du CHATEL. 12:05 20/77’s MARI GEY - VO IE CHATEL road near MARI GUY . 12:07 2/150's woods north of post region of battery. 2:25 4/150 1 s LA VOIE du CHATEL road. 3:35 enemy shell our line in region of Division 900 north of BOIS de BELLEAU. 4:30 2/150's LA VOIE du CHATEL. 5:45 6/150's region of PARIS FARM. P. M. June 28, 1918. 12:10 F. message from 3rd Brigade. Very quiet morning 4:05 I.H. message from 0.P."'5 ! ‘. Everything is quiet. There is nothing to report. 4:35 Phi. June 28, 1918. Telegram from Fourteenth reserve division, an attack division, re¬ ported June twenty three at Saponay Forth Fere-En-Tardenois Was engaged Vauy.buin sector southwest Soissons nay thirteen Last contact identification June first at Vierzy. Probably never very heavily engaged should be in from fair ro good a condition. Bolan. 4:45 PEL. Message from 3rd Brigade. All quiet. 4:45 P.M. Message to 3rd French A.C, All quiet. \ p. is. June 28, 1918. 6:40 P.M. June 28, 1918. Message from 2nd Artillery Brigade Plash Ranging Section reports 200 men just seen enter¬ ing the BOIS de BONKS3 at the point K 89.93. 7:40 P.M., Message from I.O. 5th Marines. Estimate that between 75 and 100 - 150^s have been thrown in the region of batteries in this vicinity during the last half an hour. A french plane has been flying around during the whole period of the shelling over their vicinity, and giving machine gun signals, 8:30 P.M. Telephone Message from Plash Ranging Section. For the last hour and 15 minutes there has been a con¬ tinuous line of troops in march order with, horses, wagons and equipment entering the BOIS de BONNES at k 89-93. 9:45 P.M, June 28, Telephone message from Third Brigade. Everything quiet. A German airplane was brought down by anti-aircraft fire opposite 23rc’ Infantry. 9:45 P.M. June 28. Telephonic report to Third Amy Corps. French. Everything quiet in the Second Division sector. Nothing special to report. 9:50 P.M. June 28. Memo, from 0-1. Replacements received; 5th Marines- o 6 th Marines- 12 23rd Inf. .-.. 14 4th M.G. Bn. . 1 5th M.G. Bn, - 4 1st Fid. 3ig. Bn. - 2 6 th M.G. Bn. - 1 9th Inf. - 8 2 nd Engrs. - 1 Ammunition Train - 1 10:45 P.M. June 28. Message from 2nd Artillery Brigade. There is a heavy‘bombardment of the division on our left going on. They state they require no artillery assistance from this division. G-2. A. II. June 29, 1918. 5:45 A.K. June 29, 1918. Message from 4th Brigade. Everything quiet Nothing to report. A.M, June 29, 1918, * 6:40 A.M, June 29, 1918. Message from 3rd Brigade. Everything quiet, nothing special during night. 6:45 A.M. June 29, 1918, Message phoned to 3rd Bureau, 3rd A.C* The night was quiet and no event of special importance took place. Usual artillery activity, nothing further to report . 6:45 A.M. June 29, 1918. Message phoned to 2nd Bureau, 3rd A.C. (Same as that to 3rd Bureau). 8:00 A.M, June 29, 1918. Memo, for G-l, Strength of Division. Infantry - 10,182 rifles. 2nd Engineers - 1,335 " 8:00 A.M. Memo, from the Division Surgeon. Casualties for 24 hours ending 6 A.M, June 29, 1918. Sick-1 officer, 29 men. Wounded-1 ” 23 " Gassed--_ 18 11 _ TOTAL-2 officers, 70 Men, Casualties reported too late to include in report for 6 A.M. June 28th- 14 men. 9:45 A.M. June 29, 1918. Report from 3rd Brigade Hqrs. Everything quiet. p.M. June 29, 1918. 2:35 P.M. June 29, 1918. Message from 3rd Bureau, 3rd French A.C, The Balloon B-2 is going to arrive this evening at VILLIERS - sur -MARNE. 5:00 P.M. June 29, 1918. Telephone message from 4th Brig. Everything quiet on this sector. Nothing special to report. 5:03 P.M. June 29, 1918. Telephone message from 3rd Brig, Everything quiet. Normal artillery fire hy enemy in our hack area. Nothing special to report. June 29 , 1918 Message from 2nd Eureau, 3rd French Corps. Received 5:55 P.M. Information has just been received stating that the enemy is preparing a heavy hurst of Mrs on Kill 201 (west of TKIOLET). :30 A.M June 30, 1918. A. M. June 30, 1918. Message from 0. P. “B 1 * . Enemy firing heavily on our front line trenches from the.direction of TORCY and the south of the BOIS-de-BELL3AU. Firing has now almost ceased. 3:30 A.M. June 50, 1918. Message from 4th Brigade. The 4th Brigade had received no information concerning the firing then going on in the BOIS-de-BELLEAU. 3:35 A.M. June 30, 1918. Message from O.P. S, E". En emv farther to has started his operations again but this time the south of the BOIS-d e- BELLEAU v/oods . 8:00 A.M. June 30, 1918. Memorandum from Division Surgeon: Casualties for 24 hours ending £:00 A.M. June 30th, 1918. Sick- 22 men. Wounded --- 1 officer - 25 men Gassed - - 2 9:00 A.M. June 30, 1918. Memorandum for G-l: Strength of Division: I nfauitry - 10,142 rifles. 2nd Engineers - 1,333 ,r P. M. June 30,1918. (HEADQUARTERS SECOND 01VISIOK (REGULAR) AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES. CONFIDENTIAL MEMORANDUM: For: f: ra: NCE, 30th June, 19 c .0 , , 3rd Brigade. c , G . , 4th Brigade. c .G . , 2nd F.A. Brigad c .0 , . 2nd Engineers. c .0 . , 9 th Infantry, c .0 ,. 23rc i Infantry. c ,0 , . 5 th Marines. c .0 . , 6ih Marines. c .0 . , 4th LI,G. Bn. (Cont'-d next page) •, * »• / (Cont’d fr ora last page) P. June 30, 1910 ia. ,l J" day, "H 11 hour Division Signal Officer Division Surgeon A. P • XVX • ll , - v ' ^ I A A -L C vi ese de a dquarters, June 30 19 at which hour the attack ordered he given. iOx erred to in Field Orders No. 9, 18 .» is 6:00 P.M. , July 1. d in the Field Order will BY COMMAS OF MAJOR GENERAL BUNDY: PRE STOP BROWN, 1*21 p i■ Colonel, General Staff, June 50/10. Chiex of Staff. Hec’d 0:00 P.M. Froi: C.O. 3rd Btn. eth. To •* C.G. 2nd Div. Kdqrs. 3rd Btn. 6 th Marines A.E.F. 30 June 1910. Btn. JEAN 5 Oth is on this GROS h * d ?-" 7lth Hegtl * IIemo * 29th May 1910, as divisional Reserve in BOIS sou th of the PARIS -METZ road at 170.5 - 256.4. June' A i B Q?it qU i r J d T? y communication from C.G. 4th Brigade off icp^frn^^+T *-> do^ovan Wilmot is detailed as lia- m tins oattalion at division Headouarters. B. W. Sibley, Major, U.S.M.C., Btn. C orrmia nd er . Received 10:00, From A ^ Date To C.O. 4th Machine Gun Batta.lion BQIS-de-BELLEAU. 30 June 10. Hour 15 "D r^A ;-* • ^ • amu , _l • Aunner mi Comdg. oeneral, 2nd Division to RAISON BLANCHE. do: 1 Hoy/ s a Runner nt: ivilTCHEL The eneriy* 1 shelled the L>: ?° h K * 50 June +V , Q j 0 . " . ea xriC FUiS-v.e-B^ijn^AU intermittently during- “T* *‘-*>*»** new over Me woo! of MIG-de-BELMuMboufi: ME YIMppEEfto ^ere 0 p?Mn7y a vieme. 100 ° fMt ^ EDMUND L. BARE. A. M 2 : CO A.lvl. , July 1 , 1918. July 1. 1910 ^Corporal Busick reports from C.R. 1 ^” e ii e -‘- out three times. Enemy shelled LA and. cattery position near the O.P, that he has been VO IE du CHATEL 3:00 A.Li. , July 3rd Brigade ance, just befor 1 , 1910. Telephone Message from 3rd Brigade reports interdiction fire of slight import- e ^:00 A.M. on the left of 9th Infantry. A. 'JL. . i July 1, 19IB. A-.,... July l, 19IB. Telephone Report from 3rd Brigade. 0i , ( Brigade reports everything quiet. Domptin was shellea at 12 and again about 3:10. ^ : °0 A.M. Report to 3rd Corps, French. Bothiug special to report. Only moderate artillery activity during the night. 8:30 A.M. July 1, 191B. Memorandum from Bivision Surgeon. Tre following additional sanitary arrangements are being made lor the operation of the 3rd Brigade on the evening of July 1st. .Ambulance Co. #1 will establish a dressing station 30 litter oearers and one officer to reenforce battalion stations of the 9th Infantry at 1I0HNEAUX. ■ r i th aid Additional litter bearers, 24 men, will personnel of the 23r:1 Infantry, being placed ion of the Surgeon, 23rd Infantry. reenforce the preseni at the disposit-- B:aO A.M. , July 1, 191B. Memorandum from Division Surgeon Casualties for 24 hours ending 6 A.1I. July 1, 1918. Sick -- 3 officers 19 men. Wounded . 1 » 36 men. Gassed-- — -- -- 5 men. TOIhJ -4 officers 60 men. 9:00 A. July 1, 19 IB. Memo. for G-l: Effective strength of the Division: Infantry - 10,255 rifles. 2nd Engineers - 1,401 rifles. MhbSAGE .L'bvOj * 0 ,P Rec'd 9:15 A .If " A si t Our batteries firing on VAUX and several shots about 25 - 30 yards beyond our 1st line trenches, shells dropped between O.P. and front line. Think 15 0 1 r falling 2 of our they are July 1, 19 IB, 10:50 A.I,I. Memo, for C-2; call up the Division O.P. and tell him that the artillery observer reports all 155’s well in enemy's lines, and that several enemy Salvos of 150's have been fired on our line. The Flash Ranging Station reports 150 battery has been in action, and artillery field officer is going to div¬ ision C.P. to be there the rest of the day, giving all ass- is tance in ar ti11ery oboervation. G-3. A. 11. July 1, 1918. July 1, 1918. Message fro.. French Aviation Rec ! d 11:00 A. 11. There is T1IC jET , that there is at present, a very heavy horn Aar Ament of LI] a great deal of snoke. It is not relieved any gas being used. 2 3rd. i: if an try i: ports row investigating, fad heard no re* Message from 1,0, 23rcl Infantry, Roc’d 1.1:15 A.M. States that the shelling and the snoke, reported, by French Aviation as in the vicinity of L3 TKIOLET, comes from the west of B0T7RESCH2S. 11:00 loon, July 1, 1918. message from 3rd Brigade. lard infantry phone that shelling was on their left. P- M. July 1, 1918. July 1st, 1918. Telephone message from Division O.P. n B-' . At 2:45 P.M. enemy started he^yy shelling of our front lines in vicinity o. BOIS-de-LELL'MMU, continued interval burst of about ten minute duration. At L:43 P.M. eighteen 7?’s shrapnel and gas just north of O.P. !1 B“. July i, 1918. Message from Division 0.1."IK Rec’d 4:06 ?.M. Crowd of men at 3:53 P.M. troops moving in single file at about 10-15 pace interval toward BODIES fro : 30TS 30111.23, 40 seen so far still coming. G-2. Rec'd at 4:19 P.M. Message from Division 0.1. "B” , Enemy plane overhefd. 4:14 firing three signal rockets iorred to return under heavy anti-aircraft fire. 4:23 P.M. Message from Balloon 44. Many enemy lies in action in small woods between PETITE MARLIERE and LAUOCLNOIS line (Small calibres). - ~ - - - - ~ 0 - 2 , 5:10 P.M., July 1, 1918. Message from'57th French Artillery Report from 37th French Artillery states that the enemy counter-offensive artillery preparation has become quite strong along Kill 304 and on MGhlEABm and. road running north from iICNi.EALX. ( Cant ’ d rent page) ' . u ■ ■ . . . ■ . !- . • . - July 1, 19113 . iCont'd from last page). Counter battery is now in progress. G-2 . xote: The above has been verified by reports of our own aitillery O.P.'s, which state that the fire extends as far south a a IIGITLEAUX. 5:1C P.M. lies sage from O.PM'B". Cl el ling south of BO 1S-ds-BELLEAU stonped two r.iinutes age, G-2. 5:13 P *M. , July 1, 191b. Message from O.P.”3". _Troop movement commencing again on BOIS BOHLES to MjiMhiS road the same as before in single file. 5:10 D.M., Message July 1, 1910. Deport from Lieut. Gulliver, Liaison Officer v/ith the 39th Division, that he has arrived at his post. 5:C4 P.LI. Message from Division O.P. ”3“ . Enemy heavily shelling our lines in region of BQURESCHES. G-2. 5:£9 P.II. , Message from Div. O.PM'B”. ^Shelling east of 3QURESCFES has stopped. It lasted in all for five minutes. G-2. c . i r w . _L ^ MI. July 1, 1910. Message from Balloon 7,-44. well Rolling barrage very good no blank spaces, covered Barrage has reached VAuX. •aear areas 6:15 P.M uly o i n from w / L Artillery (Dr- •R-: Me ssag ench). ;en YALX and MmLL £04 they are progressing because enemy barrage is light. Between VAUX and the left limit we cannot see because dust and smoke. !tWP<=’ CO •M • July 1, 1910 Message from Lt. Gulliver, Div. At 6:05 At 6:10 with wounded a m z e d • .Liaison Oil . Message from 0.0. 39th 51 Attack well started”. Observer of this Corps saw Germans retreating down the northern slopes of HILL 004, disorg- July 1, 1910. Message from 1.0., 23rd Infantrv. Slight machine gun fire on our left which terminated shortlv. July 1, 19 18. 6:40 P.M. Message fron Lt. Gulliver. Aviator reports friendly trocos north of EAST-TEST path m wood 204. 6 . 2 x-. ;.i, Ju ly 1, 19 18. He s sage f r on Col. Her bs t. Ao news as yet. 6:45 f,K, July 1, 1918. Hessa.;e from Lt, Gulliver, Div. Liaison Officer. ■ eSoa H e aulj' 1, 1918. ..ecsa^s frori Di-y. Observation Post "B' 1 . Steady stream, of camions coming from BOIS BO LUES to iMiijb. Still coning. BQKKtpq 8:17 P.M., July 1, 1918. Message from Colonel Herbst. , . 8.0. 2nd Bn. 9th 3 nf. reports left company reached objectives t, :40 LA ROCHE woods taken without resistance, Also states rd , but when he left that platoon was out of touch with the rest oi the 23rd. He gave orders to connect up which hr thinks will be done at once. 1, 1918* Message from Division OiP."B". 23 - 105’s on MARIGEY. 75 - 105«s on LA VOIE du CHATEL 4 Air planes up. 5 balloons up. 33 men from B01S BONNES to LB TARTRE. 4:40 P.M. 10 men from: BOJS BONNES to LE TARTRE. From: 8:05 to 8:15 - 50 trucks from B01S BONNES to BONNES. G-2 . 9:10 P.M. July 6:15 P.M. Headquarters, 3rd Army Corps. 9:15 P.M. July 1, 1918. No. 22. From Staff, 3d Corps, to 2nd Division U>S. The 3rd Corps send its congratulations ision fJ . S. •(. n its complete success. It begs 2nd Division convey them to the 3rd Brigade troops . Telephones to 3rd Brigade, at 9:35 P.M. to the 2nd Div- tlie Staff of the and its splendid i P. M . ^ . lo P.M., tj uly 1, 19.18. Message 3 ofileers 94 men prisoners ision message center from 1 - 2 - 402. July 1, 1918 . from Lieut, liars chi have passed through 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7th ng div- Co s 4 men from 7 Co. Trench mortar. 4 men iron 8 Co. Trench mortar. Gome machine gunners 402nd. Battle order S. 402nd - 401st - 403rd. Cur troops went right through VAUX to N. outskirts. i-o counter attack because division "Stellung" (posit¬ ion) division not capable of attacking. r* r- 8 - a . '^:23 P.m. July 1, 1918. -- Message from Lt. Gulliver. Identifications in VAUX region: 9 prisoners, 402nd Regiment. About 30 prisoners wounded... 401st Regiment in the region of KILL 204. Liaison on tight on left. 9:30 I .M. July 1, 1918. Message from Division 0 .P. "B” . 2:05 P.M. 25 - 105 ’ s -- 200 yards ba 2:10 woods . P. . 15 - 105 's -- 300 yards to 2^5 P .M. 25 - 105 1 s -- 300 yards in 3:25 PPM. 15 - 77' s -- 78.0 - 58.0. 3:45 P M:. 5 - 7 7 's -- 78.0 - 58.0. 4:05 P 25 - 77 's 78.0 - 58.0. 4:05 P 'T • X .. • 15 - 105 's -- 78.0 - 58.0. lo - 4 : 35 P * • 180 - 105's -- woods in 35-6 : 00 F • .1 « Heavy fire all along fn positions c bout 1200 shells. 6:00 P .M . Infantry moved . 6.41 P.R.. 40 prisoners in charge 2 men brought in along Paris road from left df line. to 8:30 P.M. Artillery still active but cuiet now except machine gun fire along line. G-2. 10:10 To : Prom July 1, 1918. Message delivered, to runner fro: T"» ^ I "» . .. • rc Bn. 6th Marines ..;.ajor Sibley, C,G, 3rd Bat. 6th Marine* 9-3 Division Headquarters. The 9th and 23rd Infantry have taken all their obj¬ ectives and are consolidating their positions. Attack a complete success, four officers and ninety-four men taken p. — • Oiioi ,.i , ..xOi s i epOi tea coming in. Our casualties extre¬ mely slight. German Reserves very weak and incapable of z counter attack. 10:10 P.M. Jujv 1, 1918. Telephone message from 2nd Everyth j. ng quiet. Battalion, 9 th Infantry G - 2 p P. M. July 1, 1918. 10:20 P .K. July 1, 1918. Message fron Lieut Marsching. Regular Lieutenant of 402nd Regt. 2nd Company gives following identifications: 1. He has seen one nan of the 129th Regt. 105th Div¬ ision near FEKS-en-IARDJILOIS 5 days ago. 2. Also saw several men of 101st Gren. Regt. (23rd Liv.) south of IHiiRX-en-TAKDELOIS. 3. £eard rumor that 33th Division is also in this neigh¬ borhood . The officer is a permanent officer of Cadet School near BERLIl. He .Know 3 nothing of any offensive but says• there are a ^reat many troons near FER3- en- TARDEMOI S . Or — ej . C-2 . 10.30 P.'M iuiy 1 . 1918 . iessame from Col. Herbst 53 prisoners taken by 23rd Infantry arrived at 10:23 P.II. Also 39 taken by 9th Infantry. 2 officers and 83 men left here at 10:25 F .M. enroute for Division Headquarters. The reports indicate that 2or6 Infantry obtained its object¬ ives and are digging in. A total of 4 officers and 196 en¬ listed men prisoners have arrived here (Division Advance Report Center) to date. 10:40 P.M. July 1, 1918. Message from 2nd Lattal. 9th Inf. 1verything fine. German prisoners say that rocket dropped from aeronl&ne means counter attack. C-2 . 11:15 July 1, 1918. Message fron Lieut. Marsching. The total number of prisonerr is now estimated at 4 officers and 250 men. There appear to be no plans of any sort for any offensive action. The nen . T7 A 4UX had received orders to dig in and a supply of wire for their positions arrived three days ago 11:28 P.M. July 1, 1918. Message from Col. Herbst. 75 prisoners of 3th Infantry arrived here about 10:40 P.M. Messenger from 9th Infantry stated that their losses were very light. 1 : _ A. M ._ July 2 , 191 8 Advance Report Center 12:06 A ..11. 2 July (By Bear R. messenger). Please send me a concise written report of your action for transmission to Custer 1. fbw . you attained your full objective and are you digging in? Dad you have much opposition? What are your losses in Milled and woundod? (approxime/' ely) . Are you having any difficult¬ ies now, if so let me mviow and ve will do what we can to (Cant’d next page) X (Cont’d from last page) Jul v 1918 . v; Ju?y 2, remedy them. 4 officers and. 271 men (prisoners) have pass¬ ed through here so far. Just give me a short concise state¬ ment in^pencil on the above points and anything else you wish. How was our Arty, barrage? Did you have much trouble with German M. Guns. Custer 6 (G-5) 1:45 A.M. July 2, 1918. message from Colonel Herbst at advanced message center LA FOUETTS FERHE. One officer and 14 men arc reported as additional prisoners. I have a brief report from G.O. 9th Infantry and am waiting for a report from C.O. 3rd Battalion, 23rd Infantry. As soon as this is received, I shall send them in by special messenger, I shall return soon myself. Everything is practically over. 2:53 A.M. July 2, 1918. Message from Colonel Herbst at ad¬ vanced message center - LA NOUETTE FEHkE. Two officers and 185 men, prisoners, started for Div¬ ision Headquarters at 2:35 A.M. Hour wounded prisoners were evacuated by ambulance at the same hour. Six more prisoners have just arrived. 3:10 A.M. o uiy 8 , 1918. message from O.P.B. (Observation Post in fourth Brigade Sector.) There seems to be round? of slight infantry action in the region of BOIS de BELBEAU bu- owing to the noise of our own artillery in this vicinity it is impossible to judge. 1 am sure however of machine gun and trench mortar activity. It is net heavy. 3:15 A .11. July 2 , 1918 . Interpreter Blum of Army Headquarters who had been ex¬ amining prisoners requested that 15 prisoners be selected from those announced at 2:53 A.M. and that they be sent down to Army Headquarters in a true!: to be supplied oy the Army. O . <2 • r 0 \.M. July 2, 1918. Message from O.P.B. (Observation Post in Fourth Brigade Sector) Our own guns have quieted down. The Germans seem to be layinn down a barrage apparently from south of the BOIS de BMLLEAi; to CHATEAU THIERRY. (The above message was immediately phoned by the officer on r.-.rht service at Headquarters to the Third Brigade, .de was informed that as far as the Brigade knew everything was o — o c . ) 3;25 A.M. July 2, 1918. Phone message from O.P.B. (Obser¬ ve. tion Post i:i FourtL Brigade Lector.) Action around BOIS Be rnai.FAJ has quieted down and practically ceased. 3,uito a fov; shells are falling on back areas in this sector but M n:.. ...s no clel.iing oi any part¬ icular point. ■ July ^ 9 19113 . n 4:00 A.M, ul’ .918 Hone message from the Third Brig¬ ade . The 23rd Infantry reports that enemy firing has become quite normal and the situation has quieted down. The 9th Infantry reports that the woods have been heavily shelled with gas and that some of its men are coming in. The sit¬ uation is not considered serious as ;> et. 4:40 A.M. July 2, IS 18. Captain Doherty and guard arrived at Division Headquarters with 18.5 prisoners including 2 off¬ icers. The prisoners were lined up and a representative selection made by companies, to be sent to Army Headquarters. 5:35 A.M. July 2, 1918. Phone message from Third Brigade. Major Elliott of 3rd Battalion 23rd Infantry reports that his area has been heavily shelled with gas. He needs ambulances which have already been arranged for. Arrange¬ ments for Counter battery work are also under way. 6:05 A.M., July 2, 1918. Truck from Array Headquarters called and 16 prisoners (3 officers and 13 men) were given to the french Military police in exchange for receipt. 6:05 A.M. July 2, 1918. Seven more prisoners arrived at Division Headquarters under guard. 6:30 A.M. July 2, 1918. of the e Third French Army Corpi The follov/ing is a translation from the French morning report made to the 2nd and 3rd Bureaux of th at j_i 'i FEB iE ij/ JO BA THE . All the objectives of the operation of last evening have been attained. Approximately 250 prisoners have arriv¬ ed at Division headquarters, among them five officers. Six¬ teen of these prisoners (13 men and three officers have been sent to Corps Headquarters. Some wounded prisoners have also been evacuated direct from the front At about 5 o’clock it was r vation posts that the enemy of the HIS do IELLEAU with sported’fron one of our ooser- was bombarding the neighborhood arti11ery and machine guns. S. ior b ly barra ga poBitio ;* v_s •_ u *.■ - * afterward i- V sane observation post reported an enemy from the BCIS de B2LLEAU to CHATEAU THIERRY. 4:00 o’clock the Third Brigade telephoned that our .s on the right of oar line had been heavily bombard- gas shells but that at the hour of telephoning enemy y a c t:. vi ty wa s no rla 1. ? ■rt. , . 4 e; .at 2, 1918. Police j. z c Phone message from .ml i. 0 CJjj u. j iii Ji EnME • Lieutenant 17o more prisoners ~c pear names. will be sent along as soon as can get . . ■ 7:30 A.M. A.M. July 2, 1918. July 2, 1918, Report from Division Surgeon. Casualties for 24 hours ending 6 A.M. July2, as follows; Sick-2 officers 30 men Wounded-7 " 234 " Gassed----- --- 1 0 11 TOTAL-9 officers -- 294 men. In addition to the above 45 wounded Germans passed through the sorting station at EEZU ♦ 9:45 A.M, July 2, 1918, Telephone message from 3rd Brig. Hqrs., General Lewis, to 2nd Div. At 3;34 Germans made counter-attack. A barrage signal was given by aeroplane as predicted. The attack was broken up early and about 200 prisoners taken. 9:50 A.M. July 2, 1918. Present compilation of figures on prisoners as follows: 1; 30 A.M. Div, A,,P, 2 officers 83 men 4:40 A.M. Div. A,P, 2 it 183 ti 6:05 A.M. Div, A.P. 1 n 7 264 men wounded. 1 » 11 men missing. No timeindicated COPY OF TEL3GRAM H.A.S.F., July 2, IS10 C.G. 2nd Division:- Ho. M 12B0 IT June 20th The French Parliament, by Unanimous vote, decided:- "That July 4th the anniversary of the -dec¬ laration of Independence of the United otates will De ^e ebrated as a French national Holiday, ftithin the limi'.o permitted by the military situation July 4th will be^o j oei.e in the Armies among the troops at rest, and more particularly in the sectors neighboring those where American uni is are stationed. The Units should, by organizing contests con¬ ferences, sports, etc., demonstrate to their Brothei c m arms their friendship and gratitude." The Commander in Chief desires local commanders ,0 cora ially cooperate in any celebration planned by the^irenc authorities', ana that they make this an occasion iOi increas and cementing the cordial relations existing between -.e r- ench and the American Armies. DISTRIBUTION "B" DAVIS July 3, 19IB. A. M. 3 July 1918. 12:01 A.It. Message received from 0 -P."B". The very BSLLEAU still time. heavy firing in the vicinity of the goes on. It has lasted 1 or ^1 mxnut BOlS-de- es this r o July 3, 1918. A. iU • 12:05 A.M., ouly 3, 1918. Message from 3rd Brigade. All kinds or' curious rockets going up at VAUX, that nobody can explain. There is nothing definite but we think a fight is going on there. Artillery requested to put down a barrage. 12:30 A.LI. , July 5, 1918. Message from 2nd Art. Brigade. Enemy firing practically stopped. 12:40 A.M., July 3, 1918. Message from O.P. M B". Reports barrage on BOIS-de-EELLEAU HAS DIED down to practically nothing. Only occasional shell. 12:50 A.M. , July 3, 1918. One prisoner arrived in charge of .P . * s . 12:50 A.U., July 3, 1918. Message from 3rd Brigade. States that the 120 Germans reported out there and who refused to surrender during the day have increased to about 300 and are digging in. Their location by co-ordinates, is: 80 .10 - '59.15 on the 1/10,000 or the 1/5,000 maps. This point is approx¬ imately 300 yards northeast of the original objective (VAUX) Arty, requested to get busy with them. 1:28 A.M., July 3, 1918. Message from Third Brigade. A few gas shells dropped on AULXOIS BOILTEMPS. 1:30 A.M., July 3, 1918. Telephone Message from 3rd -Brigade Report just received that the enemy are dropping a ie^ yperite shells on LBS ALL1TOIS BOIL TEMPS (9 th Inf. Kdqrs) . They do not know what it may mean. Some shells have also been thrown into DOMPTIH (3rd Brig. Hdqrs.), not known yet whether they are gas shells. 2:30 A.: July 3, 1918. Message from Third Brigade Report received from Second Batta] everythink o.k. Counter attack broken by same doing excellent work. Enemy artillery active EAUX Ravine and BOIS-de-ROCKE. This P.C. heavily s' high explosive and gas. talion, 9th Infantry. firg t on MGNN elled by artillery ^ 35 A. ~ July 1918. Message from Third Brigac Everything o.k. except a few heavies on 9th Infantry front; otherwise front is quiet at this time. This place was shelled intermittently during the night. 5:45 A.11., July 3, 1918. report of liessage to Third Bureau and second Bureau, Third Army Co¬ rps . Last night there ' 7 as a courier attack on our right which ^oke down under artillery fire. During the night there was rather intense shelling along the whole front. Both high explosive and gas shells were used. At this time everything is comparatively quiet. 8:29 A.M., July 3, 1918. Report from O.P. (, B". 8:45 - 8:55 V.ll. 8:00 - o ; oo p.H. 9:40 - 10:15 p*ic. 10:20 P.M. 11:50 " " 12:30 -12:45 " 11 11: a P.LI. -1,30 A 15 105 1 s LA VO IE du CHATEL Heavy artillery fire from BOUR3SCHES to CHATEAU THIERRY Heavy artillery fire on sector northwest of us. 20 red rockets and 5 star rockets were sent up during this artillery act¬ ivity . 10 105's on IiARIGHT € 105*s " » 5 105’s " « .‘•I. Heavy artillery Barrage on B 0 IS de BELL--* EAU. At 2:20 A.11. a big explosion was heard and the flashes were seen near 30ITHE3, presumably an ammunition dump of the enemy. 2:29 A .LI. another at the same place and of the seme character. 9:00 A.M. , July 3, 1918. Memo. for G-i: Effective strength of the Division: Infantry -- 8,855 rifles. 2 nd Engrs .- 1,356 " 3-1 P.C. 3 lulv 18. Hour : 10:05 A .11. Ho: 10.How Sent :Uotorcycle Coionel Preston Brown. Chief of Staff 2nd Piv. God bless him. many thanks for your handling of my message I will see you when I got. out. Bless your old soul. To effect a relief in my sector it will be necessary for platoon guides to arrive or. the night preceding the relief night, that I know in advance that they are coming so that i nay have then met and conducted to their oroper places. Prom At Date To .if you will designate the r ation and date of relief I will ieus routes away from casualties a bed corner, Preston Brown, and putting in ny successor. eginent and give me its be able to guide then by and avoid confusion. 1 must exercise dire care 1 oc~ dev- own in God bless you Preston Brown. Halone, Colonel. i 1 . :45 Ax.!., July 3, 1918. Report from 3rd Brigade. ..everything quiet. Ho thing to reuort. . fc ••i P. M . July 3, 1918. 4:45 P.M., July 3, 1918. Report to 3rd Bureau, 3rd A.C. All quiet. Nothing to report. From: Kdq. 3rd Inf . Brigade At : Boston. Late: July 3 . Hour : 5 P.M. To C.G. 2nd Li v. The following extract fro:n memorandum, Adjutant 3rd Bar. to his Chief, 10:30 A.11, July 3. "Can you make situation clear to Division that in spite of claims of the French thet thev reached their objectives, the Eoche are on the north slope of KILL 204. They have machine guns placed .and are enfilading "E" Company lines. They can make our position nearly untenable. We certainly wish the French would finish up their end of the job. u Lewis , Br. Cdr . 5:10 P.M.* July 3, 1918. Message from 2nd Art. 'Brigade. Since about 3 P.M. this afternoon columns of infantry, trucks and wagons have been observed on the road south from EPAUX passing 79.53 - £5.75. All artillery units concerned have been notified and heavy fire has been begun. r o Fr om: 3r d Bat. 6th Marines At : X . C. How Sent: Da t e: *•7 o July 18. Hour: 7:15 P.M. No: 2. Runner lO . n o G .2nd Div. Two companies of this Battalion (82 & 84th) which to RIVER MARNE today to bathe returned to this camp at 7:00 P.M. B.W. Sibley, •* , • Y T r~\ ir /*1 j • u • o«-A ® • , Commanding. 8:00 P.K. July 3, 1918. Message from 9th Inf. Between 7 and 7:30 P. 11. , 104 men observed going from KILL 201 to BOIS-de-EORLE-AGRON. Intermittent movement has been observed since that time over same route. 8:25 P.M., July Part of the to have been set 3, 1918. Message received from buildings comprising SQUILLARE on fire by our artillery fire. 0 .P. U B". FERM2 appear vj— • 'or C.0. 4th Machine Gun Battalion. How sent: 8:35 P.M. Ho: 1.Runner CURTIS TO 2 nd .’Division . M AI SO II BLaP Ci IE hours ending 8:00 P.M. 5 July ’18. harassing fire and aerial activity was much At BCIS-de -BE T T A “ r Dat e: 3 July 18. Hour To Comdg. Gen oral I r ep o r t for rh The en emy s ’ he *V-« 4. ct b sing dec rea s ed . Ca t • G H H Clark repo o and was assigned (Cont'd next page) P. M. July 3, 1918. (Cont’d from last page) Go. A. Lt. W .H .Fitzpatrick rejjorted and was attached to Co. A. Lt. T. v/. Thorne reported and was attached to Co. 3. Major Harvey K. PIetcher, N.A. 4th Divisional Machine Gun ofiicer is present here with this battalion for observation. 2nd Lt. Oswald H. Moore 107th M.G. Bn. is attached to Co. B; he has no written order or credentials. EDMUND L. ZA1IE, Kaj or 4th M.G.Bn. 9:15 P.M., July 3, 1918. Message from 2nd Art. Brigade. Message from French batteries in the vicinity of AZY (attached 2nd Div.) states that enemy aeroplane which was adjusting enemy fire on these batteries has just been brought down by a French aviator . Gr— 2 . 9:20 P.M., July 3, 1918. Message received for the Officer, commanding the Graves Registration Unit. 47 dead were buried throughout the division in the last few days. 9:45 P.M., July 3, 1918. • Message from 3rd Brigade. Nothing to report. 10:40 P .11. , July .918 Memorandum. At 2:00 o’clock this afternoon dur lines north of VAUX penetrated secured 2 prisoners from the MIlvElPJ 3rd battalion 402nd Regiment (201st were part of an enemy advanced post a patio 1 of 2 men from the enemy’s lines and LEPER detachment of the Division). The prisoners which was engaged in pre¬ paring an emplacement. G-2. A. M . July 4, 1918. 12:06 A.M. , July 4, 1918. Phone message from 3rd Brigade. Gas on extreme left of 9th Infantry lines, --ind un¬ known . 5:45 A.M., July 4, 1918. Phone message from 3rd Brigade. Everything calm. Nothing to report. 6:45 A.M., July 4, 1918. Report to 2nd & 3rd Bureaus 3rd ■French Army Corps. Light calm. Nothing of importance to report. 7:00 A.M. 1uly 4, 1918. Message Heavy troop movement reported during the night. It is requested, be paid to all roads leading south BO NI'M 3 d ur i n g the cl ay . G-2. from 2nd Bureau, 3rd a.C. from FERE-enTAEDENOIS that particular attention from BOX3-de-BONNES and July 4, 1918. A. 7 'T I 1 *. 9:00 A.M. , July 4, 1918. Memo. fro;. Division Surgeon. Casualties passed through dressing stations for 24 hours ending 6 A.II. July 4, 1918. Sick-l officer, 29 men. 'founded-2 officers, 50 men. Gassed- 86 men. Injured.---.10 men., 3 officer, 155 men. Sr om: th e 29 th Engineers - 1 man, sick n ii 4 th Infantry - 1 man, sick 9:10 A.M., July 4. 1918. Memo, for G-l. effective strength of the division. Infantry - 10,090 rifles. 2nd Engrs. - 1,3<±2 rifles. 10:55 A.M., July Reports by French markings short bursts of 4, 1918. Message 4th Brigade that a f 1 ew o ver th e P . C . fire o n P.O.’s pos from 5th liarines . Germs.n aeroplane in R0COURT WOODS, s. wi th firing n rv MT — . 3:25 P.M. , July 4, 1918. Everything quiet. P.M. July 4, 1918. Message from 3rd Lrigqde. 8:25 P.M., July 4, 1918. Message The buildings of LSS PRESSES due to our artillery fire. G-2. from 2nd Art. PERMS are now Brigade. in flames 8:45 P.M July 1918 message from G.P. ( ’-B" Since the BONNES 4 P.M. the following traffic has been noted on - BOXS-de-BONNES road: 3 Caissons, 6 trucks, 4 automobiles, 35 wagons, 6 cyclists, 15 Horsemen, and 174 Men in small groups. G-2. 9:10 P II July 4, 1918. Message from 2n: iir llery Brigad< During the ed a point 78.80 VALLESS. least ten minutes more than 100 men have pass- - 6 $.00, north of Hill 201 and west of LES Mr P. M. July 4, 10 IP. 9:45 r’.J., July 4, .19IP. Ilessape from 3rd Brigade Everything quiet. Nothing to report. 10:00 P.-ii , July 4, 1910. Message from 2nd Artillery Brig¬ ade. . harassing fire (77's) has been put dorm on BGIS- de-*£3LLEAU. G — • 10:27 P.U., July 4, 1916. Telephone Message. Colonel Brown. According to the order gotten out by us only one reg¬ iment of <~ 6 th Division to conie up tomorrow, but 2 €th Div¬ ision has made known his intention of bringing up an entire brigade and. has asked for transportation for it from the army. What do you think of it and what is to be done. Call up Captain de Causans, 3rd Bureau, 3rd Army Corps, Drench. (Taken by C.H.Livingston, 1st Lt. C. of I.) 11:55 , July 4, 1916. message from G-3, 1st Armv Corps. To: Chief of Staff. Information from sure source states that a German attack will be made within 4 davs. Point not definitely located. CRAIG. A. k. July 5, 1916. 12.30 A.. ., , July 5, 1916. G-3 . telephone report from 4th Brigade announcing capture of two prisoners from GSOth Kcg’t (4 Srs. Div.). Prisoners were called for and Interrogatory is attached. 2:30 A.M., July 5, 1916. Telephoned, 1st A.C. ed to telegraph to G.K . o,. Ersatz Division. capture of 2 prisoners and request- for eight copies of history of 4 4:00 A. If. , July 5, 1916 . ielephones, 3rd A.C. that 360 Reg't of 4 Ers. Div. was identified opposite TORCH by two prisoners. 6.^0 A.M., July 5, 1916. 3rd Brigade report, had a very quiet evening. c :30 A.p., July 5, 1916. Report to G-2. motning to add ro 12:30 A. if. report. Q,uiet night. A.M, July 5, 1918, From At Date To C.O», 4th Machine Gun Battalion. BCIS GROS JEAN. 5 ! 18. 8; 25 A.M. Ho. 1. Comdg. General, 2nd Division, How Sent: Motorcycle, ^ report that pursuant to your orders this battalion w. re.reved^in the BOIS-de~LELLEAU by Companies A and B, 103 Machine Gun j.attaDion. The relief was comuieted at 3:00 A,M. o July 18, This battalion is now in 30IS*GR0S JEAN, except tnose detailed to remain 24 hours in BOIS-de-BELLEAU. The re¬ lief was accomplished without casualties. EDMUND L. ZAl'IE, Major, 4th M.G. Bn., Comdg. 8 :o0 A.M, July 5, 1918, Report from Major Lay. o 0*D* reports at 8:15 A.M, a balloon went up at SOMME- LANS and 0,P. "Y" at 8;40 reported an aeroplane coming down in flames N, of COURCHATtPS , Six of our machines went up that way and six returned. C.O., 4th Machine Gun Battalion, uOIS GROS JEAN, How Sent: 5 July ’18. Hour: 8;35 A.M, No, 2. Motorcycle. Comdg, General, 2nd Division. I report for 24 hours ending 8:00 P.M. 4 July ’18, The enemy's harassing artillery fire was intermittent and com¬ paratively light, One aeroplane marked with Allied circles flew over the northern part of the BOIS-de-BELLEAU about 200 feet high about 8:00 A.M, 4 July ’18, It fired with machine gun into the wood and was fired at with rifles. It evidently contained an enemy aviator. EDMUND L. ZANE, Major, 4th M»G. Bn., Comdg, 8:55 A.M. July 5, 1918. 0,P.”Y" rexports that 3 U.S. and 3 German planes had a fight. O.P, to the north of his post. That 1 U.S. plane oame down in flames, 1 U.S, plane came down disabled on German soil and one returned. The 3 Boche are still uj). -i 1 ± UIII At Date To No. 2. 9:00 A.M, July 5, 1918, Memorandum from the Division Surgeon. Casualties passed through our hours^ending 6 A.M. July 5th, bick-2 officers - Mounded- 1 officer - Injured - Gassed - TOTAL-3 officers - dressing stations - IB men -31 " - 9 " -119 " -177 men. f or 24 From other Divisions 5 men. 9:00 A.M. July 5, 1918, Memo, for G-l, effective strength of Division: Infantry ---- 9,9 50 rifles. 2nd Engrs, --- 1,342 " A JTt. • July 5, 1518. 9 :15 A .11. , July 5 , 19 18 II. 3upp 1 era ental A e p o r t . , Adjutant 4th Brigade reports that O.P.“Y J * in talking 01 . , t:e experienced French observers was assured by . °^ er A the two planes which c■ me down were Boche machines ana net American machines as previously reported. 9.15 A.i.i,. , July 5, 1918. message from 2nd Art. Brigade. j lash ranging section reports: 8:4o A. . , Plane, identity un’enown, fell in flames just east of HaUTEVESNES. • 4 c A h., I lane , identity unknown, fell just north of COUROKAhPS. G--2 . P.II. , July 5, 1918. 1.15 P.m, , July 5, 1918'. message from Lt. ICing, who asked for Raj or Lie deal 1. _..... . -ff - division on our left made a raid v ? est of BU ,SIArdS and obtamned 5 prisoners belonging to the 3€6th Aegt. (4th Ers. Division). v ( This confirms the regimental order of battle given to us by the prisoners taken by our own tth Marines on the night of July 4th - 5th.) G-2. 2 :u0 P.- ; - , July 5, 1918. Res sage from 2nd Artillery Brigade “-- e * e xp very heavy circulation of trucks and wagons moving south on the BONNES - B01S de BOl’l 53 t ;nd the 1ARTRE- EPAUh roads. G-2 3:15 P .11 . , July 5 , 1918 . .essage iron 3rd mioade Th.ere is a plane with French on 23rd Infantry 1 s front line. It has two red. stars cn ^a h p^de o r the motor . G-2 . 4:00 P.Ih, July 5, 1918. message from Third Brigade. Everything quiet. 4:45 P.Ih, message from 3rd Brigade. (July 5, 1918) Everything quiet. Nothing to report. 6:15 P.Ih, July 5, 1918. Message from 0.P.”B , ‘. i.vo groups of men, about 30 men in each bunch, have iurt come out of woods at the BONNES-BQIS BO PRES road and come' across field parallel to the BORNEO - TOUSLAbX Road comine til i s wav . G-2 > • V » . P. 21. July 5, 19IB 8:^0 P.i.a. , July 5, 1918. Message fro: 1 , end Artillery Brigade T Keavy concentration of all calibers has been put dorm on TAUX and .‘ILL 204. Apparently offensive preparations. Our C.O.P. is under wry. G- 2 All Artillery notified. 8:35 P.M. July 5, 1918. hessa.e fron Third Brigade Hdqrs . second Battalion 9th Infantry reports no heavy artillery fire on VAUX. If anything, activity of enemy artillery a little below normal. 9:00 P ,M. , July 5, 1918. Message from General Lewis. Enemy firing heavily on KILL 204. Normal registration up and down the line of 9th Infantry. Prom At Bate To 18 C.O. 4th M.G.Bn. Rec'd 9:35 P.M. July 5 ’18. BOIS GAOS JEAN C. of S, G-3. 5 July 18. Hour: 8:50 P.M. Bo: 2 .How Sent :llotorcycle. Commanding General 2nd I)iv. I report from 8:00 P.M. 4 July 18 to 8:00 P.M. 5 July This Battalion on Divisional orders was relieved in BO13-de-3ELL2AU by companies A & B, 105 M.G.Bn. The relief was completed at 3:00 A.M. 5 July 18. This Battalion is now in BOIS GRCS JEAN. The relief was accomplished without any casualties. EDMUND L. ZAKE, Ma j or , 4-th II. G. Bn . , Commanding. 10:09 P.M. , July 5, 1918. Report from General Lewis. • Report from 23rd Infantry just received - Ever 3 r thing quiet along their front. There was some firing on the BOIS- de-BELLEAU. 10:40 P.M. , July 5 Message from ing on their front apparently boyond , 1918. Message from 3rd Brig. Hq.,(Gen¬ eral Lewis). 23rd Infantrj states that there is no fir- but they hear firing to the ITor thwest, the Division sector. 10:50 P.M., July 5, 1918. 10:15 P .M. 10:21 p Tr -i- • -U. • 10:25 P .M. 10:29 P . jaI . 10:30 T-, - T r ,.l . 10:30 P.M. 10:45 i . ;•! . 10:45 P KI. 19 : 5 5 P.M. 1 white rocket from KILL 204 Red and white flare from KILL 204 1 white rocket KILL 204 1 white rocket KILL 204. 1 white rocket HILL 204 5/77's BOIS DS LA KaRETTE K.G. Eire on VAUX from HILL 204 1 white rocket from KILL 204 Enemy plane over 23rd Infantry sector flying low G-2 . . . « ' ■ No time indicated. July 5, 1918. Liemo; from. 4th Brigade, Marines. July 5, 1918. The 1. C . of this Brigade will close at 9:00 P.M. this date and open at BOULEURS July 6, 1918, HEADQUARTERS SECOND ENGINEERS. July 5, 1918. kemo. to the Sect. General Staff, 2nd Div. Reported casualties up Soldiers Officers hilled 1 0 Wounded(severe) 1 0 Gassed 1 0 Missing 1 o o-3 to noon July 5 th . Entered . Alexander Kennedy Jr . Personnel Officer. No . 5 . The following units appear as attached to the 2nd Division. Graves Registration Unit 303. M.S.T.U. 363 Laundry Unit 306 * 309 lie sh Ranging Section No. 2, C.o. B. 29 th Engrs. Sound Ranging section No. 2, Co. B., 29th Engrs. Cos. B.&.D., 30th Engineers (Gas Section) Co. B., Balloon Squadron 313 Labor Bn. Cos. A.B.& C. Salvage Co. #2 extract from Memo, from Chief of Staff to Adjutant, dated July 5, 1918. A. M. July 6, 1918 3:30 A.M. July 6 , 1918 . Message from C.O 4 th M.G.Bn I report that, pursuant to battalion to report to 9th Inf. 9:45 P.I1. July 5, and. 2 trucks Inf. Fdq. at C0UPRU; the latter back, trucks left for 9th Inf. order, 2 trucks left this at IE3 AULN01S BONTEMPS at left at same time for 23rd were not used and were sent and tracer at 3:15 A.M. 3:55 A.M., July 6, 1918. Message from 4th Brigade. All quiet. 3:55 A. T >T 1 x Jur 1918 Message from .3rd Brigade. 23rd d own. Everything quiet. About 2:30 firing heard in front of Infantry far to right, probably birrage, but soon died 5:4o A.ii. , July 6, 1918. Message from 3rd Brigade verything quiet. A.M. 7:00 A.M, July 6, BOIS GRCS JEAN, to July 6, 1918. 1918, Message from C.O*, 4th M.G. Bn., 2nd Div, Rumors reach me that the 2nd Division are rescinded or please advise me. orders for the relief of the altered in some manner. If so, 8:15 A*11, July 6, 1918, KA1TEUIL, to 2nd Division Message from C.0., 4th Brigade, Fifth regiment arrived in rear of position, led by French gul as, c,nd Bn* on right, 3rd Bn. on left, 1st Bn* in reserve ln ' °5 K ° rear - Trenches are well concealed with grass and are about three feet deep. Do not think it advisable to occu¬ py trenches during day time or do work in them when observa- tion is possible. Reconnaissance by battalion commanders with rench officers. Request that Division engineer officer be in- structed to find out number of picks, shovels and axes that ■o' be • required . anci distribute same. Have had no report from u ;h Regiment, Will submit sketch of position as soon as re* ports are received. „ _ Neville * 8:30 A.M, July 6, 1918, Casualties 24 hours ending 6 A.M. July 6, 1918, Sick- 56. 8:30 A.M. July 6, 1918. Memo, for G-l* effective strength of Division: Infantry . 10,860 rifles. Engineers - 1,382 " 9:00 A.M, July 6, 1918. Casualties for the 24 hours ending July 6, 1918, at 6 A.M, Sick- 56 Injured - 20 Wounded - 12 Gassed - 27 115 men. Gassed & Wounded - 2 officers. Sick- 2 Evacuated from 26th Division-14* P.M. July 6, 1918. 1:15 P.M*. July 6, 1918. Message from 2nd Art. Brigade to 2nd Division. Two German planes have just attacked our balloon, forc¬ ing the two observers to descend in parachutes. They did not destroy the balloon, and ascensions will be resumed at once. Balloon further reports a fire in BOIS des ROCHETS. *• P . M. July 6, 191C. 1:45 P *M ♦ , C, 1918. Message from Balloon Central. The American balloon which was attacked a short time ago by two German planes lias been burned. The observers are uninjured. 1:55 P *11. , July 6, 1918. Message from French 39th Div. to 2nd Art. Brigade. All objectives have been reached. Rec*d 2 P. Li. From Lieutenant Vo illenont. 12:25 Rolling barrage opened up. Our infantry following, 12:40 General impressions good. 1:10 We have taken a footing in the BOIS CO.URTEAU Further information will follow. 3:25 P .aC . , July 6 , 1918. Telephonic report to G-3, 1st A.C. Weather fair. Our infantry and the enemy were active with the usual duel of machine gun and rifle firing and sniping. Our Inf¬ antry active in petrolling but no reports received. Enemy and our own artillery normal in our own sector, increased in sector on our right. Aerial activity normal by both sides. One of our ball¬ oons was shot down, the observers uninjured. Lo troop movements of enemy reported. An internal re¬ lief by our troops took place during the night without event. The 2nd position was occupied by part of our forces during the night. General impression of the day quiet. Following required: February and Lay: Sick- Following estimated: February - May- Sick- Injured - No change in position of our line. Beef, Beef, shoes, beef, belts bread, Coats ham, Belts bacon. 3:30 P.I.I., July 6, 1918. Message from Lt. Voillemont. At 3:00 P.M. to the east and west objective attained at the same time. Resistance and fighting. At 3:20 P.M., a German counter-attack at the elbow of the VAUX-CHATEAU-THIERRY route at point 187. reported. The General requests the support of the 2nd Division by maohino gun and artillery against this point. Artillery notified and action taken. 2:45 P.M., July 6, 1918. - Message received from 3rd Brigade, Received from Infantry - Given to 9th Inf. by French Major. Rec’d 3:45. 2:45 P.M. still fighting on HILL 204. All objectives have been reached except a small part of the northeast cor¬ ner of the woods where fighting is still ro5wt. on- pris¬ oners is reported bo have hoo-a token ' ■ Mjsg . ■ ■ p » *£• July 6, 19113. 3:4o P*M. f July S, 1911'-. Message from I.O. 23rd Inf. our Jt°JlJ, e r 8 l 0f L V ONi3TRI3 b ^ning as a result of f f; Thlck clouclB of black smoke and a few ward. ^ ln the ai r. Wind blowing gently to the north- G-2. - ~ "•1° d *' x * * ^ L *y 6» 1910. Telephone message from 4th Brigade 1 officer, 6th Marines -- 1 man -- 5th Marines, reported seriously wounded. No particulars received. 4.45 f •-a • i a uiy f , 1910. Message from 4th Brigade Hq . w'ods^ith 11 !ire° d men slightly woun ded. Enemy raking Marine Barrage asked for and given. Casualties from shell fire 4:50 P.M., July 6, 1910. Message from 3rd Brig. Hq. .p-i Message from 1.0. 23rd Inf. states that enemy aeroplane a. e whole length of line coming from north between i-Sv-iS r,v 0AD -nf na C0UPRU » going in direction of VAUX-CHATEAU- + i X !i y x ng very 10w » Probably 200 or 300 meters high - ^ fbotographing. Was not hit, although anti-air¬ craft guns were after it. 4: ob I .M. , July € , 1910. Message from 3rd Brigade Hq. P nfiv1 0rtly ; after one toda y* there was registration, appar¬ ent.^ ior a. defensive barrage, west of BOIS-de-la-ROCHE and on down to the BOIS-de-la-MARETTE. o.OG B.M., July 6, 1910. Telephonic Report to 1st Army Corps the east and west The French report from our right that objectives were attained. of the &ermans counter-attacked at the elbow of ijhe ^bX-ohATEAU THIERRY road at point 107 ,reported. The support by the 2nd Division machine guns and artillery asked ior and given. . ,, T ^ e enera y raked the BO IB - d e -1 a - BR1GADE - d e -MAR I HE with sneii fire shortly before 4145 P.M. . A - ;ie ssage from ford Infantry states that an aeroplane ilying only 300 or 400 meters high proceeded along the length ° U L llne - evidently photographing. Was not hit. _ 2:00 P,M * t0(? - a Y* there was registration apparently ?v, d -A?r, 1 y e barra S e west of BOIS-de-la-ROCHE and on down to the BOIS-de-la-MARETTE. £.60 I .M., July 6, 1918. Message from 3rd Brigade. ;e French have reached their objective excent in north- corn ? r . of woods. Fierce fighting in right center and fTi 11 ? + nd + ln front of the little section of woods which they itlt i 1° ta - e : At 5:30 P ‘ M ’ heavy fighting still going on. hc* ^..ent opposing the French the 401st and 403rd. ! t P. M. Jul;> 6, 1918. 7:15 P.M July 6, 1918 Message from 23x'd Infantry. About 5:45 an aerial battle high it was almost impossible to place about over the front lines could not be observed. with 4 or 5 planes, so distinguish them, took near B0URESCH3S. Result G-2. 8:25 P,M., July €, At 5:45 P.M., NON, by th e way o f At 7:00 P.M., At 7:30 P.M., 1918. Message from .French Regt. on our left. 100 trucks moving south towards LICY CLIG- P.3TRET FERME . 30 men with packs at LICY STATION. 40 men moving towards LICY CLIGNON from the north. At 7:u0 P.i,;., 50 men entering TORCY, with full equipment ocrne circulation entering BUSSIARES; exact number could not be determined. All artillery notified: G-2 . 9:oo P.M., July 6, 1910. Message from 4th Brigade. ^This battalion is in position and is in liaison with t :e olst Brigade on its left and the French on its right. Request 300 shovels and 150 picks. 10.00 P .M. , July 6, 1918. 10:00 o’clock report to 1st Corps Nothing special to report. From: C .0 ,4th Machine Gun Bn. At : BOIS GROS JEAN Date: 6 July 18. 8: 10 P •a • J ,i • To : Comdg. General , 2nd Di v Sent by Runner I report for 24 hours ending 8:00 P.M. 6 July. This battalion remained in bivouac at BOIS GROS JEAN. " There is nothing special to report. ZANE , (Rec’d 10:05 P.M.) EDMUND L. Major, 4th Comdg. ■nr X '1 « G. in . 10:07 P July 6 1 officer and 1918. Message from 52nd Brigade. 5 men slightly wounded. 10:50 July 6, 1918. Message from 3rd Brigade. All quiet on the front of the 23rd Infantry. Up until 10;oO very heavy shelling on the right of the 9th Infantry, wnich is very quiet at this time. No time indicated 26t h DIVISION HEADQUARTERS: Tel ephone name : 11 SANTIAGO " . July 5, 1918 (Cont'd next page) . Ju ly 6 , 19 18 . IT o t ime j nd j. c at ed (Cont'd from last page) General Edwards is 0. of S. is Operations ( G-3) is G-2 is G-1 is "EAGLE" at Santiago 38. " OKI OLE " at S ant i ag o 39 . "SANTIAGO" 36 "SANTIAGO" 35 "SANTIAGO" 37 SECRET MEMO: July 6, 1918. The following code names Division occupying the second or the information of this command. of the units of the 26th Army line are published for 26th Div. Hdqrs. at 51st Inf. Brig. at 101st Infantry near 102nd Inf ant ry " 51st Art. Brig. at 101st " Regt. near 102nd " » , it 103rd " » . ii Chamigny ------ Grand Champ Farm - - Cocherel - _ _ _ _ Cochere1 CHAMIGNY - . NANTEUIL . Cocherel . CKAHIGNY . CODE IT A? EE, "SANTIAGO" "VATERLOO" "DUCK" "BIRD" "3ASTI AGO-A" "HARE" "FISH" "MOLE" By Ccwmand of Major General Bundy; PRESTON BROTH, Colonel, General Staff, Chief of Staff. HEADQUARTERS SECOND DIVISION (REGULAR.) AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES. SECRET fflO. 6 July 1918. fell ows The following code names are hereby assigned as "BODY" "BACK" 30NE" Hdqrs. 4th Erigade(Marines - ~ - 5th Regt. Marines, 6th Regt. Marines, __ The code names formerly assigned will be discontinued and these above prescribed will take effect at once. The number scheme ^or individual officers will continue in force. By Command of Major General Bundy; PRESTON PROTN, Colonel, General Staff, Chief of Staff. 26th Division it q A’ • o j u-. TIAGO". Emerson 20 2nd Divn. 6 JYRBn On No. Seventy Four G- Divn. P.C. moves to PSTANGE G-3 F Three. Change in P.C.E, 32nd at noon todav. By Command of TIaj. Gen. Hines, Campbell King, C. of S. 10:50 a. A ' — July 7, 1918. 12:35 A.H. July 7 , 1918. phone nessoje from 3rd Brigade. fe-v ,h e ii!°L hi !?L 8peCla J 1 t0 re P° rt * They are drooping a the u“ual sheJi head quarters occasionally. There'is special to report? fr0at Uac * ositi ° as - Nothing 12:38 A ? * • i i • July 7, 1918. Phone message from General Lewis. As far as on our front line in over two hours, there is normal. shelling there is nothing special happening positions. Me have had no report from VAUX which seems to indicate that everything 12:4- A.H, July 7, 1918. Phone message . ^ Our own artillery seems to be a right now. Xo reports received frnn as to anything unusual going on. from 52nd Brigade. little more acfcive t l^ne battalions 9:55 A.H, July 7, C.P.S. 1, the woods southeast 1916, Message from 2nd Artillery Brigade. reports several squads of men have entered of PETRLT EERME, 11:55 A.H, July 7, 19 18. Message from Ad j. There was some gas thrown in north early this morning, Ho caualties - gas ofPi cleared up - gas unknown. 3rd Brigade. of MOFHEAUX ce” on the job - M. July 7, 1918. 3.15 P.L. July 7, 1918. Message from O.p, "B" . 1 Plane flying in direction of MARIGKY. 11 :Oj A.M. 1 enemy plane very high - behind clouds. .05 ?»II. July 7, 19 lo. Message from 2nd Artillery Brigade, vpt ^ eav M . iring on HILL 204. Ho actual barrage has as reported although the firing is very heavy. 4:05 F.M. July 7, 1918. Message from 2nd Artillery Brigade. 150 men just left of LL TARTRE at 78.70 - 67 of B0HHES 78,70 - 67.73 the 00 northern edge of the and went to the small woods woods west east IT 1 - • p. Ju ly 7, 19 16. Ju^y 7, 1918. Message from 3rd Brigade the lines just tooths' eMt^C^St 5 ? 4 d0wa on KILL 204 and available at present whether or net 1° 8ur ? frra the reports One of the 9th Infantry Q y 1 t £ iere 18 barrage fire, prisoner to the r e ^ ~ y T . * ’ S . w a henchman marching a here" observed fro- a point^elsWf t0 be " * am lienee of ficer of the 9th Inf E t -h .> U ' 2 ? 4 ‘ The i«tell- as possible. ' Gantry is investigating as rapidly Ju ly 7> 19 1£ - Message from 4th Brigade. Everything going 0 . K. 4 :50 P.H. July 7 1 19 is. near VAUX. essage from O.P, "B ,f . .here seeas to be a great deal of artillery fir, Craig£c'hief U o? Staff^Firs^C ^™ 6 rtessage froa Lionel Comaoder- be-LrS has in ~tructed the Corps to have part of their guns -oved ^ 0 a B ° f iiis batteries rients to a nearby position to- LI lr re 8 ular ^place- sensitive points between the parpose of tiring upon to return, to their regular** nours of nine and eleven: then of causing the eneny 'in css^c * 6 v”* 8 ’ This for the purpose his destruction fire a^ainS bah ? 6S an attac ’<. to direct that are the real emplacements? tterJf > os itiona other than thos 8:20 P.y. July 7 i i 9 xe. Message froa 2nd Artillery Brigade COURCKAtlPS - U tttLfl n d a lho° Ur heavy traffio BOOTS to t.oops and wagons - passing point 76.00 - 60.72. 9:45 x '- 7 '’ July 7, 1918. Report from Fourth Brigade. Everything 0 . K, 9 ' 4 ' J ' ■ July 7 ' 1918 - Report to G-3 Birst Ar-y Corps. Oerman artillery firins 6 lust°t® dl J gly qu iet, except for heav; o04. From 7*30 until f + G ^ ie eas ^ °f our sector on HI] from BOHEES ic COURCKJms^ 8 wag0ns were seen passing 11:30 p. w . July 7, 1913 . Major Smith phoned that was occurring on the line de-KELLSAU and LUCY, as a has been seriouslv notified) . 17 p •**. July 7, 1913. Message from 52nd Brigade. a very heavy gas ( shelling somewhere between the BOIS- consequence of which one wounded. (Artillery Ho time- indicated July n* 1915, CASUALTIES FOP THE 24 HOURS EBDIHG 6 A.M. Jt'LY 7 ; Sick 55 Injured 7 Wounded 38 Gassed 19 llg 34 O f ficers; Gassed 2 Sick _ 1 5 104th Infantry \ 103rd Infantry 103rd M. G. Bn. 102nd. H. G. Bn. 11 wounded 8 sick 2 injured 4 wounded 4 sick 2 injured 1 wounded 1 injured 1 sick Less 34 85 2nd Division. 12:20 A.? T . shelling. A. M. July Q, 1.918, Message from no further reports of any gas July 8, 1918. 52nd Brigade, or other unusual ' Bate: 8 July , >18. i°* b * now sent: Runner. 10 : Chief of Staff.- "Custer" Hour: 3;50 A.M. relief «f -Vf ° ' 7addl11 has J^st personally reported that Commanv wY Yr ‘ was entirely completed at 2:30 A.M, each r a Co n? ?XS d by a Co - of the 3rd Bn. 102nd Inf. A 201* T'*e rest e nr°?f d J nf * 13 ln P osition - One Plat, at HILI aissanee n?T f ^? e Co * at .P° in t shown in sketch. Recon- morrow -vi+ r ° nt , llne P° si ' tion with view to relief to- is satisfactorvm ” Started ‘ 1 «= satisfied that situation Malone, Col. A. M. July 8, 19 18 . *10 A »T'--, July 8, 1918 . lies sage from 0.F, "B l) * direction of VAUX and south there is heavy artillery firing. J 5:45 A.U, July 8, 1918. Message from 3rd Brigade. All quiet. 6:30 A ‘ ?T * Jul B 6 > 1918. Message to G-2 and G-3, 1st A.C. 3n , * , A Bight calm. A short shelling of VAUX between 5:00 and 5:30 orcur^ 3 casualties reported from left sector. A : !I - Aliy 8, 19 18. Memo for G-l. ■^f 1 ective strength of Division: Jnf antry Engineers 10,760 rifles 1,370 »» Brigadel"* JUly 6 ’ 191G * Memorandum to G-3,from Kdq. 2nd D.A. , 2 Batteries of the 102nd F. A. are bivouacked in the VILIEH3 n p ° rti0n 0f the P0IS Ds FILLERS between KEZU and ~ - after ies of the 15th F.A. are still entirely in puoinon. • ... p Battery of the 17th F,A. is still entirely in position. 1 Battery of the 12th F. A. is still entirely in position, J 1 Blatoon of all remaining batteries have been relieved by 1 Platoon of batteries of the 51st F.A. Brigade a/10 ‘ tii0Se platoons have taken up position in the rear of the army line. P. H. July 8, 1918. 2:,-° P.M. July 8, 19 16. Message from O.P. "B" or, At 2: 10 wagons left BOBBIES and moved out to 78.50- * ’ ^ :ie BOixh-ES - SCriMELAUS ROAD, where they halted, .rnout o° men seemed to be with the wagons. (Artillery notified) G-2 4:45 r.M. July 8, 19 18, Message from 4tH Brigade. All qu iet. IT 0 th i ng to repor t . 4:4j i-.B. July 8, 1918. Message to G-3, 1st A.C, All quiet, nothing unusual to report. July 6 , 1918. .10 P.? . July 8, 1918. Ties rape fro;n 3rd Nothing to report. Brigade. 5:20 P.H. July 8, 19 i 8 . Message from Q.p, .. E „ east of LA VOIE tot*’ I-’atvt M' 6 S? s , shells nortr ‘ and north- vuil oo CnATEL. 8 have fallen in the pant 15 minute: 0 j.iy 8, 1918. Message fron 2nd Artillery Brigade. and 3-s) S* 8 " G-2. 9:00 P.M. July 8, 1918. Message from O.P. "B" . poat (littlfg^^f^rin^i^hlgh^p^sLe 0 )? 116 ^ ° f «** G-2. Date! Va/l^goSro-asPT 1116 ^ of ™ASTILEE. To: C of Staff Div. Hdqrs, * * 1 "°* 4 ’ holding^right Mf ouMa^ce^LMihe 7 ^ ***** th ^ were 4th M. G. Bn. already in the'fi^ht. 1 ontlnues t0 advance . • hack of the C'C P'' ° r engineers advances immediately solidate as^Ts°E9cessary °. SUpP ° rt the line ° r -co ' n. thereafter tKviBRZAA ° iiavine east of VAUXC AST ILLS until 10 P.M-, Kitchell, Col. 2nd Engrs. looted H.h. Ply, 9:45 P.H. July s, 1918. Report to e ,- + T , ,lL erythi,V! GUiet. Some e ,J, LA y0IE DU CHAJ11. At 8-50 from M03THIERS To TORCY C-3, 1st Army Corps. gas shells north and north- sma.ll groups of passing 9 :55 July c, 1918. Message from 4th Brigade Hq. Everything quiet. Nothing to report. No Time Indicated July 8, 1918. HEADQUARTERS SECOND DIVISION (REGULAR) AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES. France, 8th July 1918* MEMO, for C.G. 51st F.A. Brigade : Submit to these headquarters disposition of all units of your command down to and including battalion headquar¬ ters, as located at 10:00 A.M. July 9th. By command of Major General Bundy; PRESTON BROWN, Colonel, General Staff, Chief of Staff. No Time Indicated . July 8, 1918. Evacuations from Hospitals for 24 Hours ending 6 A.M. July a. Officers wounded and gassed 1 " sick 1 2 Men wounded 18 sick 34 injured 0 gassed 7 59 No Time Indicated . July 8, 1918. DAILY REPORTS REQUIRED BY 1st A.C « Telephonic report at 6:30 A.M., 4:30 Telegram of reports of events from 8 be sent before 12 midnight. Daily report on work done on defensive Daily situation map to be sent by 2:30 P.M.,9:30 P.M. P.M. - 8 P.M. To works, P.M. - Courier. No Time Indicated. July .8, 1918. DAILY REPORT REQUIRED BY G.K.Q. Telegram of report of events from 8 P.M. - 8.P.M. to be sent before 12 midnight. No Time Indicated. July 8, 1918. To G-3, 2nd Division. Report that relief of 2nd Engrs was made night July 7-8 as follows; _ _ . „ + 1st Battalion 101st Engrs relieved 1st Bn-J^L En ^ s ' at LA CROISETTE. „ «. ii « 2nd Bn. 2nd Engrs. at BOIS GROS JEAN.^ 101st Engr Train relieved 2nd Engr Train at COTONT & CHATEAU LA RUE. Heirs. 101st Engrs. at CHAKIGHY awaiting departure Heirs. 2nd Engrs. from MOUTREUIL, hut have 2 officers on duty at MCNTREUIL at 2nd Engrs. Hqrs. who will handle there au natters that may come up and keep in touch with R S 1 at CHAKIGNY. , Geo. -V. Bunnell, Col. 101st Engrs. G-3, 2nd Division. ho tine indicated July 8, 19 18. iLBADQUARTBRC A 7 CRT. CAR SPOOR'D DIVISION (REGULAR) LXPLDITIQ i ARY FORCES. France July 8, 19 18. Memo. for C.G. 51 st Inf. Brigade; submit to these headquarters two disposition naps showing the location of all units of your command. at 10 A.M., July 9th. It is suggested you put on one nap the location of your 2 Infantry Regiments, showing position down to and incl¬ uding Battalion Headquarters, and that you place on the second map the location of your Machine Sun Battalion, showing posit¬ ion of Company Headquarters, machine guns and field of fire. By Command of Major General Bundy: jJrlstOH mow. Colonel, General Staff, Chief of Staff. HE ADQ.U ART IRS SBC ON 0 DIV13 1 Oh ( RBCrU BAR) AMERICAN BXKEDIF1 CHARY FORCES. France July 8, 19 18. » for Chief E:ia ineer_jpf f.i cer : F e are requiredaccording to instructions from 1st A.C., to submit a daily report on work done on Defense position Kindly provide us with this information daily, have report cover period from 12 Noon to 12 Noon. Submit this report before 8:00 F.M, on day on which report terminates. G.F. parsons, 2nd Lieut. Infantry, C- - 3. A. h. July 9, 1918. FIGHT Kill CRT JULY 6-9. G-3. 1:10 A,.a. July 9, 1918. T f i on 3rd Brigade. 23rd reports everythin; going nicely. 3rd Bn., 9th Inf. relieved from front line at 12:35 AH'. 1:25 A.h. July 9, 1918 0,0, Custer. Report that ordered. 1st From Division Bn. 23-rd has Signal Officer to occupied position as 4:01 A, FT, July 9, 1918. Everything quiet in our sector. Firing still continues on the French on our left. A, M, July 9 , 19 18. 4:22 A.M. July 9 , 1918. All relief complete, 5:45 A. M. July 9 , 1918. 52nd Brigade reports six of 103rd Infantry slightly wounded. Shelling slightly heavier than usual. In BOIS-de- la-BRIGAHE-de-MARIlFE3 and N.W. of LUCY LE BOCAGE. 6:15 A.M. July 9 , 19 18. 51st Brigade reports in Regular Sector, operations completed. 6:30 A.M. July 9, 1918. Phoned G-2 and G-3 1st Corps. Allrelief complete without incident by 3:50 A.M. Shelling on BOIS-de-la-BRIGADE-de-MARIIIES slightly heavier than usual. Six of 103rd Inf. slightly wounded. 7 : 10 A.M. July 9 , 1918. Eourth Brigade. Everything quiet. Some rather heav 3 r gun firing up to the northeast around 4:00 A.M. From: o,0. 4th Machine Gun Battalion, At: S.E. side of woods 400 meters west of CHAM OUST. Date: 9 July '18. nour: 7:45 A.M. Mo: 1. How sent: Motorcycle (J0RRIS). xo; Comdg. General, 2nd Div. ^ I report for 24 hours ending 8:00 P.M. 8 July ’18, this battalion remained in bivouac in this place and there is nothing special to report. EDUUUD L. ZAUE, Major,4th M.G. Bn. Supplementary report: After dark ...on 8 July ’18, pursuant to 02 V er of Comdg. Gen. 26th Division j reconnoitered the position wAlBARBY inclusive to LF 1 ERULIS inclusive accompanied by Lo. Col. Brown, 2nd Engineers and my two company commanders. Ed mu nd L. Z an e . 11:40 A.::, July 9, 1918. Message from G-3, 4th Brigade. ,, Reports everything going fine except one man acciden¬ tally wounded. ' * V\ v . v «jV - ■ > Tf J- • J • July 9, 1918. ICES3AGE ERG!! G-2, 1st Rec ' d 4:05 P ,M. I- HEADQU ARTER 3 SEC Oil D D I V 1 3 1 ON, Second Section, G. 3,, 9 July, 19 18. ARMY CORPS A shoulder strap of the 93rd Regt. ( 8tii Division) •vas foundry the Division on our left on 7 July. , . - L - ie J 3rd Regt. Delongs to the 4 th Corps District, ’Aiich nas a recruit depot for the -360th Regt, (4th Ersatz ,, 1V *' jL as well as for the 93rd Regt. It is, therefore, possible t-ift one 4th Corps District has a clothing depot in common ' -Or t.xe 9 3rd Regt. and the 360th Regt. and that in this way a .an from tne360th Regt. had a shoulder strap from the 93rd ■Regt. x -" ie ^th hi v< olonwas in line in the 4th Army in RLARDERS on 4 July. G-2. From: C.G., 4th Brigade, Marines* At: P.C, Date: 9th July 19 • - - hour: 5:30 P.;i. ho: 3 . io; C, 0, , 5th Regiment, 3 r ou will extend your left to the north-westward one thousand yards from its present position. The Commanding ficer of the 6th Marines has been ordered to extend his left tohALCUP, north of 61OFTREUIL* aux•LI OHS, (inclusive). Lis rignt will form liaison with you on your left. Report to this office when the move has been made. cy Command of Brigadier General Karbord: (Sgd) H, Lay, Major, Adjutant, 4th M.G, Bn, At: S.E. side of woods 400 m, west of CLA-0UST v Date; 9 July 1918. Hour: 8:00 P.M, o : Commanding General, 2nd Division. T p Report for 24 hours ending 8:00 P.M. 9 July, *18. . This battalion remained in bivouac in this place, ! e i on Trom CHAMBARDY to LED LRULI3 was reconnoitered cy battalion and company commanders and some of the platoon commanders, 9 th of Julv, iais reconnais sance was made on the 81h and EDHUFD L. ZAME, Maj or, 4 th M.G. Bn., Commanding. ho time indicated July 9, 19 18. HEADQUARTERS SECOLD DIVISION (REGULAR) AMERICA!! EXPEDITIONARY FORCES nrr ^ nTTS , AT France, 9 July 1918. rG- t I DAFT I Ah 6IEH0RAHDUH ; Division Headquarters cioses GEFEVROIS FARM 8:00 A.M. July 10. Opens same date and hour CHAU GUY. By Command of "'aj or General Bundy: BREST OF BRCMN, Colonel, General Staff, Chief of Staff. •f ) From: To ; A.M. July 10, 1918. C.O. 4th M.G. Bn Date; July 10, 1918. 8:00 A.M. C.G., 2nd Division. I request permission to move the bivouac of this battalion from this place to the woods west of CHAMBARDY. This would enable us to occupy our alert position at any hour screened from enemy observation. It would also facil¬ itate our reconnaissance and the of emplacements. Edmund L, Zane, Major, 4th M.G. Bn., C ommanding. 9; 00 A.M. July 10, 1918. Memo, for G-l ; Effective strength of Division: Infantry - 10,680 rifles. 2nd Engrs, - 1,364 " P.M. July 10, 1918. 9:45 P.M. Report. July 10, 1918. Message to 1st A.C. - G-3. Nothing to report. From: B-l, 23rd Inf. At: STE. AULDE. Date; 10 July *18. Hour: 9:45 P.M. No, 8, To ; Chief of Staff, 2nd Division, Major Elliott (3rd Bn) will be at MONTREUIL and Major Waddill (2nd Bn) will be at tonight his house is near the top of the hill or the east end of the town. Troops of the 2 Bn’s will be in positions tonight. Motorcyclist or automobile from my Hq, in STE, AULDE can reach them quickly. Malone, #N,B, Colonel. 10:00 P.M. July 10, 1918. The following were evacuated for the 24 hours ending 6 A.M. July 10. Wounded --- 2 men. Gassed- 4 men. Sick- 18 men. No Time Indicated July 10, 1918 HEADQUARTERS SECOND DIVISION (REGULAR) AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES. France, 10 July, 1918. Memorandum for Division Engineer Officer: Please start some sketching parties out, and in as in¬ conspicuous a way as possible traverse the army defense l_ ine (2nd position) now occupied by the troops so that it may be accurately placed upon the ma.p. Character of works to indicated. Suggest scale 1/10,000. Preston Brown, Colonel, General Staff, Chief of Staff, #N,B. This message torn and writing has faded so that part of it are illegible. F.J.G. July 11, 19 18 Fx cm; 8,9., 4 til Machine Gun Battalion. At: S .h. side of wood : °0 ^ £ ter*o west of ChA'CUJ-. Date: 11 July ’10. ;* our: c( I'o: 1. ho- cent: Pvt. ~C3h.h - 0 : ^ 0 —cl. Jen., 2nd Divioion. , , , J - Report For 24 hours ending 8:00 B.". July 11,’IS, ' at .,alion rtrained in Bivouac at this luce. There is nothinp special to report. BD cn D u r? \ r~ r o i n*' / •!■ ”” f* V'.rt Cu 0 . U.X. | \JX.. % Kj • • ; C ondg. A*; Ju ly 12, 1918. 9 : 00 A. Evacuations fr July 12, at 6:00 Ah'. July ■ r 12, 1918. 9;45 P to 4th Brigade: inning July mrk Oil the 2nd nsitio 1 1V1 3 ion Ingineer Offic e f or the ne c e s sary r o rki: recess r y tooIs , etc., otal - - - - July 12, 1918. 'or the 24 hours ending - 52 T uly 12, 1918. ir.’T. ice - vV w IS? .'.u ^JL *. ' g U h tile ’rill c3,11 on the 4th brigade ho tine indicated July 12, 1918. July 12, 1918. Telephone report to 1st A.C., concerning work done on defense positio 12 July: c o ns t ru ct ed , 47 7 r.en ttc r king i n pa.rties . S,2C0 ren hours ner 24 hours for 24 hours ending 18 noon .re strung on parts already ties. hours . 47^ uen to 23rd Infantry 10 nen to 9th Infantry 8 c rtien to 5th ’’urines 53 ren to 6th " 41 nen to 5th ’V- . Bn. 11 sen to 1st Ih Signal rn. 2 nen to 4;h B.h Bn. 2 re n to 2nd Am. Train 4 -en to 2nd Tr. "ortar Patt. 5 ren to 2nd 8u v oly hi.(Tmorarv ‘ T otorcyle) 100 re n to 12th J.A. 22 -en to 15th F. A, 25 ren £c C~" to 17th F.A. Colonel fridges; rn > r JL 110 above are the rep lac enents vhich e.r Judy 18, 19 18. . • j. • July 12, 191.8, Memo » for G- 1. ITo T ime I nd i cat ed July 12, 1918, Effective strength of Division: Infantry -- 10,880 rifles, 2nd Engineers - 1,504 " A.M. July 15, 1918, 8:30 A.M. July,13, 1918. Poliowing casualties for the 24 hours ending 6:00 A.M. July 12, 1918. Wounded-- 4 men 1 olficer Sick--30 " Gassed- - 8 " ____ 42 men 1 officer Above are in Division hospital and will probably re¬ turn t o units, Total evacuated to S.O.S.: Wounded- 1 man Sick- 5 men TOTAL-’ 6 men. 9:00 A.M. July 13, 1918. Memo, for G-l. Effective strength of Division: Infantry - 10,874 rifles. Engineers - 1,504 " Replacements received for July 12. 836. P.M, Ju lv 13, 1918, 4:30 P.M. Report to G-3, 1st Army Corps, for ending Noon - July 13, 1918. Number of men employed - Number of Man Hours - the 24 hours 2,348.. 8,689. 2,640 Lin. Yards barbed wire construction, and work on deepening and improving trenches, building fire steps an working on dugouts. Prom: C.0. 4th M.G. En. At : Woods 400 meters west of CHAMGUST. nor °ent. Date: 13 July T 18. Hour: 8:00 P.M, No.l, Motorcycle, To : Commanding General, 2nd Div. I report for 24 hours from 8:00 P.M, 11 July *18 to 8:00 P.M. 12 July 1 18. This battalion remains in position in -'ocds 400 meter west of CHAM OUST. Officers of the battalion reconnoiterec the Corps Line. EDMUND L. ZANE, Major, 4th G. Bn., Commanding, FROM MESSAGES RECEIVED IN THE OFFICE GEN. STAFF on the night of 13-14 INTELLIGENCE OFFICER 9th' INFANTRY. Rec’d 11:55 P.M. July 13, 1916, OF THE SECY Ju ly, 19 16. There is very heavy firing apparently from the direction of the left of the 26th Division sector. Numerous enemy rockets and light signals have been visible during the evening since dark. A.M. July 14, 1916. FROM CUSTER 5 July 14, 1916. Rec’d 12:15 AMU Considerable enemy aeroplane activity over our sector. Shelling appears to be normal. FROM'ADJUTANT 4th FRIGADE rec'd 1:20 A.M. July 14, 19 18. A bombardment of NANTEUIL with 150’s is now going on. Fetween 20 and 30 shells have already fallen. There seems to be an aeroplane overhead, adjusting fire possibly. There has been considerable noise of enemy planes in vicin¬ ity during the night. J a ly 14 , 19 16 . Casualties for the 24 hours ending July 14, 1918 at 6:00 A.M. bounded ------ 1 Injured ------ 3 Gassed ------ 6 Sick ----- -66 80 Evacuated to S.O.S; Hospitals: Mounded ------ 1 Gassed ------ 6 Injured ------ 2 Sick .37 46 Officers ... 1 remaining under treatment at J0UARRE-- F.H. No. 16. FROM 4th FRIGADE. rec’d 6:30 A.M. July 14, 1918. There is some shelling near this town but it does not touch us. The bombardment of NANTEUIL stopped about 1:40 A.M. this morning. MESSAGE TELETHON: D TO C-2, 1st ARMY CORPS, July 14, 19 18, at 7:30 A.M, The night passed by quietly except for the shelling of NANTEUIL with 150’s between 1:00 and 1:40 A.M. Reports from areas farther forward indicate that enemy aeroplanes were active over both our areas and those of the 26th Division. I . ' A.M. July 14, 1918. MESSAGE TELEPHONED TO G-3, let ARMY CORPS, July 14, 1918, at 7:35 A. M« Same as that telephoned to G~2, 1st Army Corps. E* A. Whiting, 1st Lt. 23rd Inf, P. M» July 14, 1918, 3:50 P. M, July 14, 1918, The C, 0., 2nd Ammunition Train phoned at 2:35 stat¬ ing that the three details sene to three different ammunition dumps arrived as follows: us No, 1, 5:30 P. HE, July 13. No. 2, Same Hour. No, 3, 6:30 P. 11. That he had “been trying to get this information to since this morning hut the v/ires were out of order. from: C* 0, 4th M. G. Bn. At: 'Woods 400m. west of CHAMOUST• Date: 14 July *18, Hour: 8:00 P.M. How Sent: Motorcycle. To: C. G«, 2nd Division. I report for 24 hours from 8:00 P,M* 13 July to 8:00 P. M, 14 July ’ 18, The battalion remained in bivouac in woods 400m,, west of CHAMOUST. G-3 Edmund L. Zane, major, 4 th G'» Bn, , Comdgft HEADQUARTERS SECOND DIVISION, SECOND SECTION, G. S. July 14, 1918. Report from 0. P. of 26th Division at LA PETITE BOULLOYS, rec’d 8:55 P. M. The entire length of the PLAISANCE-LS TARTRE ROAD has now been camouflaged, the greater part of the work having been done during the night. Observation was therefore very difficult but as far s.s could be observed traffic on this road and on the LE3 VALL3ES-BONNES ROAD was very heavy throughout the day. Traffic on the B0I3 BONNES-Road was unable to be observed due to the poor visibility, but it is not thought to have been excessive. •Sneny artillery activity has been normal throughout the period. There has been a slight resumption of shelling near this post, presumably due to the constant movement of wagons, etc., along the road leading past it. Pvt. Galbraith, 6th Marines, Observer, G-2, 2nd Divisio: . P. M. July 14, 1918 r* o • of 3. 1ST ArC/IY CORPS, US., SECOND SECT I Oil, Q. S. July 14, 1918. Rec’d 10:18 P.M. 7/14 RE SUITE CORPS FRONT DURING RIGHT JULY 13-14. I. EVENTS. - Prom 8 to 9 P.M. the artillery of the Corps on our right, assisted by part of our artillery, concentrated a heavy fire on HILL 204. The enemy countered with their artillery approx¬ imately 17 enemy batteries being seen in action by our air¬ plane observers. At midnight German avions flew over our lines, and it is reported, dropped bombs., but the latter has not been confirmed. At 1:00 A.M. and again at 2:30 A.M., there was a total of about 40 shots fired on NANTEUIL. At 3:50 A.M., there was a heavy bombardment, which for a time, looked like a barrage. It commenced at the BOIS-de-la-BRIGADE-de-MARINE and spread to S. of TORCY and BUSSIARES. H.E. and gas were fired. Tills fire died down everywhere except at TORCY and BUSSIARES by 3:58 A.M. At about 4:00 A.M. there was a heavy harassing fire on HILL 201, on the PARIS road and VOIE-du- CHATEL. By 4:40 everything was quiet. The 26th Division reports having made several strong patrol raids near BOURES- CKHS, and that everywhere they found, the enemy in force and that the patrols had considerable fighting. CONCLUSIONS That these events point to nervousness and an ex¬ pectation of an attack against them on the part of the enemy, due to the heavy concentration of fire on HILL 204. That the enemy abnormal artillery fire and evident strength in front lines of his infantry was for the purpose of breaking up such an attack. Copy for 2nd T\ - r .H . wi ±jL± Alto ■ pi . Mi t Lieut. Goa. r* C? vj- . O . ' ) A .C . cl r*i o. , G-2 , 1st A .C cated. July 14 , 1918. July 14, 1918. - Casualties for 24 hours ending 6:00 A.M., July 13, 1918 Of fiecrs M en Wounded. Officers 2 Gassed .• .... Sick Remaining from last report: Gassed.. Sick. Evacuated: Wounded . Gassed. o_ 5 OlCl. * /- Remaining 5 5 51 58 19 79 45 36 • ' . • 7 * • ' • l \ • •* • • • . A. M. July 15, 1910. From G-2, 26th Division, Rec'd 1:30 A. Id. July 14-15, '10, Heavy artillery firing to the left of our sector. Our front line near TORCY and VAUX and the hatterles in the PARIS FERIU3 region have been shelled with gas, A heavy concentration has not as yet been reported. From G-2, 26th Division. Rec'd 2:40 A.M, July 14-15,'10. Call for barrage at VAUX no Boche attack and everything quiet again. From Chief of Staff 26th Division. Rec’d 7:00 A.M, July 14-15. The Boche attacked VAUX at 5:43 A.LI. - the situation is well in hand. Have counter attacked. Will keep you in¬ formed. July 15, 1910, The following message was sent to G-2 and G-3 1st Army Corps at 7:50 A.II. The enemy shelled with gas our front line near TORCY and VAUX and the batteries in the PARIS FERME region at 1:30 A.M. At 5:43 A.M. the Boche attacked VAUX. Have received reports from the 26th Division that the situation is well in hand and they have counter attacked. Max Buckman, 1st Lt. I.O.R.C., G-3 G-2, 2nd Division, July 10, 1910. 9:47 A.M. Telegram addressed to Major General J.G. Harbord, 2nd Div. In accordance with telegraphic instructions received today from Headquarters American E.F, you will upon being relieved command of the Marine Brigade by General Lejeune take command of the Second Division, relieving General Bundy. 9:47 A.M. BULLARD, Note: Gen. E3y takes command of the 3rd Brigade> Gen. Lewis going to the 30th Div. Gen. Bundy goes to the 6th Corps. July 15, 1910. Telephone message from 4th Brigade: Rec : d at 10:10 A.M. The enemy is dropping 210’s on LE TKIOLET at 10 minute intervals. G-3. p f.T X 9 J * • July 15, 1918. 3:00P.M. Hq, 23rd Infantry, 15 July, '18. From: C.O., 23rd Inf. To: Chief of Staff, 2nd Div. Following message dated 1:20 P.M. July 15 dropped from an airplane flying over MONTREUJL has just "been phoned to me "by C.O. 3rd Bn. 23rd Inf, " German transport bombed and thrown into confusion at two across If ARNE at TRELOUP. Artillery would have great effect" . J.H. Spence, Lt. Royal Air FORCE, B.E.F., Squadron No» 54. I could not get you on phone so send by cycle. Malone. Telephoned to G-3 1st A.C, at 3:02 P.M. Ilerbst. 3:40 P.M. Message from 1st A.C. July 15, 1918. The 173rd French Territorials is at CAUMGNT. 4:30 P.M. July 15, 1918. Telephone message to 1st A.C., on work done on the 2nd position from noon July 14, to noon, July 15th. 3,644 men worked on 2nd position constructing dugouts, machine gun emplacements and pits* Telephone message from Division Surgeon. 4:30 P.M. July 15,*18. Reports that motor ambulances and 1 Commander at appointed The 9 animal mand. the 3 animal drawn ambulances and 4 field hospital will report to Brigade place this morning. drawn ambulances accompanied the con- M. Buckman, 7:15 P.M, July 15, 1918. Message from 6th Marines. One French balloon came down in flames after having been attacked by 8 German planes, which flew in the direction towards the balloon without any opposition. Two parachutes were seen descending from the balloon. The balloon hung at a point approximately northeast side of the 4th Brigade head¬ quarters, from the hill beyond the town where the 5th Marines are located. i * Received 8:30 P.u. A shell dropped near LE TILLET. It looks like a 210. Direction about northeast. G-2 9:10 p.jja. July 15, 1918. Telephone message from 1,0. 5th marines . The enemy planes that brought down at 7:30 P. balloon 44 bore French markings. G-2 . ' . * . p. July 15, 19 18. ■ft/r - * TELI^HOITH HESS AGE FROM 4 th BRIGADE Pec’cl at 11:17 P.H. About 15 minutes ago one two star rochet and one five, star rocket mas fifed from the ground while at the same time an enemy plane -was up. G-2. A. H. July 16, 1913. 1:30 A.ivi. July 16, 1913. G-3 26th Division. \7e have information of enemy cloud gas extending as far as woods of PRESORT and PRSuOHT and mARIGNf. 2:05 A,-!, July 16, 1913. G-3 26th Division. Above traced down found to be shell gas. 6:50 A.!' July 16, 1918. Reported by r* >' o vJ CtS Officer personne 1 Our dump at LA PEPTE blown up last night, of Gas office gone there to salvage. Entire 7:00 A.H. July 16, 1918. Reported to G-3 and G-2, 1st A.C. nothing special to report. Mounted elements started. Rec 1 d A. C. of (18) 8:30 7/16/18 Q Headquarters, Twenty Third A.E.F., Prance, July 16, Infantry, 1918, 7:30 A.M. WTQRAiSnXJM: Por Chief of Staff, 2nd Division, A.E.F. 1, Information was called for a few days ago as to the strength of the Regiment in view of a possible movement by bus. The information was furnished. Attention is invited to the fact that about 4do replacements have arrived since tnat time for which a 1 lew ance mu s t be made wire n bu sses are s ent . 2. It ft desired that each bandoliers of a r mumt ion or will extra ammunition by bringing up t soldier carry two extra arrangements be made 1 or he Divisional ammunition Train? C. Is it possible to furnish ma chine \uns and their amwunit ion the companies, animals with other C 0 ny f urn As hed G-3 . Oi/FlCiAL , . e ad quart ers 23d Inf antry . truck transportation for the s.O as to practically motorize transport following with train? Paul 3. Malone, Colonel, 23rd Infantry, Commanding. p July If-, 1918. LA FER? E-SOUS- J OJ AF.RE. 16 July, '16. 7:15 p.M. To: C.G., Trains. The C.G. directs that transport on BETZ via USSY-LIZY-MAY- to leg in at once. Co--rand ad 11 halt und er cove'.- of woods (b) "-of or trans UAHTEBIL-CREIY- vicinity of BOHhEUIL You will establish you where you will receive further order you move (a) all animal ETAV I CrUY- Ih::z . Movement in the vicinity of BETZ port via TPJLPORT- MARC ILLY- ' • r Headquarters at BETZ s to-morrow. J.C. Montgomery, Major, Cavalry. A. M. July 17, 1918. Hear USSY. 17th July, ’18. 1:00 A.M. Major Lewis, 5th M.g. Bn. TT ove youi command in CAMIONS to ST. SOUPPLETS via TRILPORT MEAIX-PEtTCHAPJ). You will get orders at ST. S CUPP LPT for movement fiom there on. Call on French C.R.A., if they have no orders for you oush ahead to BQMBEUIL via FAFTEUIL-CREPY en VALOIS. M.G. Co's Lord Inf. and 5th Marines will join you at ST. JEAN, By Command of Maj. Gen. Harbord; J.C. Montgomery, Maj. Cavalry, In charge trains. hear LIZY , 17th July, '18. Major Mailer, C.G. 6th U.G. 2:30 A.M. Bn. l 'ove youi command by CA T 'I0US via LIZY-ETREPILLY- MARCILLY to ST. SCUPPLETSwhere you will receive further move¬ ment'- from the French C.R.A. In case there are no orders for you there push ahead via UANTEUIL-CREPY en VALOIS to BOHLEUIL where you will report to your Brigade Commander. It is important that you make the best possible speed. By Command of Maj. Gen. Harbord: J.C. Montgomery, Maj. Cavalry, In charge Movements. Fear USSY. 17th July, '18. 4:00 A.M. C.O., M.G. Co. 6th Marines. Move your company by CAMI OHS via LIZY-BTREPILLY- MARCILLY to ST. SCUPPLETswhere you will receive further orders from the French C.R.A. In case there are nc orders for you there, wove to BOFHEUIL via HAUTEUIL-CREPY, at BOHFEUIL report to your Regimental Commander. It is important that you move rapidly. By Command Maj. Gen. Harbord; J.C. Montgonery, Maj. Cavalry, In charge. P. M• July 17, 1918. BETZ. 17th July '18. 1:00 P.M. C.C., Train. The J.G. directs you move all horse transport at once via EARGNY- ORMOY- GOITDREVILLE-V ALIM 913E-VAUCI ELITES-VLZ-ElILVILLE- HARATONT to "bivouac in the vicinity of the cross roads about 2 kn. north of HARAMOHT. Motor transport to remain in bivouac vicinity'BOHiTEUIL. Establish your Headquarters at HAP, AM OUT. Expedite move¬ ment. P,eport to Division Headquarters "before midnight location oj all units of your command. Direct all unit Commanders to get in touch with their Commanding Officers as quickly as possible after arrival. Division Headquarters, HILL 221 (MAISOH PER’"E 3 Km., north VILEERS-G OTTERET S. By command Maj. Gen. Harbord: J.C. Montgomery, Maj. Cavalry, in charge. July 17, 1918. 9:40 P.M, Train Hdqrs. 2nd Division. Chief of Staff, 2nd Division, The ammunition Co. G has just arrived - Combat wagons, 5th Marines arrived 9:12, All ammunition units of trains are nearby andwill be in place soon. I will arrange to send them to Division Headquarters as I understand is desired unless you inform me to contrary, L,J. Fleming, Col. Cavalry. A. M. July 18, 1918. July 18, 1918. 12:05 A.M. Col. Feland; You must march with all possible speed to your attack¬ ing position-send an officer to report your status, (Sgd) Preston Brown C • of S • Field Message. Fron:Bl-P.C. near CARREFCUR de MOHTOGBERT. Date; 18 July *18. Hour: 1:55 A.M, Ho: 1, How sent: Runner. To: Comd'g, Gen'l., 2nd Div. (Thru Brigade Comdr) All my battalions are en route to their posts. The roads are blocked with traffic. M.G.’s have not arrived and probably cannot get through the roads. S.A.A. has been distributed. Hope that all will come out all right. (3gd) Malone, (Col 23d Inf) I 18 July, 1918 A. M, 2 A, M., 18 July, 1918. Telephone conversation - Chief of Staff - 2nd Div, and Hq. 20th Army Corps -(French). Col. Brown*. "Hello, Headquarters of 20th Corps? Hq. 2nd. D. I. U. S. speaking: Our machine guns haven ! t arrived yet. n Hq. 30th Corps: "In that case count on them no longer; the terrible storm now on has caused the ditching of a great number of lorries, the circulation is absolutely stopped and we attack at 4:35 A. M." Col. Brown: "All right, we ? ll take the Eoche machine n guns. A. M. July 18, 19 18. 5:50 A.M. July 18, 19 18. Message from O.p. "A". Everything going satisfactory. The men went over in perfect order. Tanks have reached BEAU REP AIRE FARM. Enemy artillery fire extremely weak. Only few scattered shots have been able to be observed from this post. 6:00 A.M. July 18, 1918. Ties sage from Major Hall, 3rd Brigade. Just got word from the artillery that the Infantry had gone past BEAUREP AIRE FARM. He got it from Major Bailey. Hq. 23d Inf. P.C. west of CHAVIGHY 6:11 A.M. 18 July, ’18. To: C.G., 3d Brig. & C.G., 2nd Div, (Transmit) Attack began as scheduled. 2nd Bn. advanced as ordered. I followed with troops of 1st Bn. which is now behind the 2nd Bn. Information ju&t received from French on my right that friendly troops are in VAUXCASTILLE, I have advised my artillery liaison officer and expect artillery to ad¬ vance. I will advance my P.C. to BEAUREPAIRE at about 6:45 A.M. Tanks go forward about same time. Many prisoners coming in. Casualties appear to be slight. (Sgd) Malone, (Col-23d Inf) 6:25 A.M. July 18, 1918. Message from Major Hall, 3rd Brig. Major Waller, 6th M.G. Bn. ordered to proceed by marching and report to Colonel Feland at AMELIE cross roads. 6:35 A.M. July 18, ’18. Message from Major Hall. "/anted to know if some of the machine gun men could be used for carrying parties. Given the affirmative. Hq. 23d Inf. P.C. West of CHAVIGHY 6:35 A.M. 18 July, *18. To: C.G., 3rd Brig, and 2nd Div. ( Transmit) Ambulance service not functioning. My P.C. is west of CHAVIGHY where wounded are accumulating. Recommend that additional ammunition be forwarded to BEAUREPAIRE by trucks. Ho combat train with Regiment. We have captured some field pieces at BEAUREPAIRE. Following shoulder straps noted: Red 521, Grey 139, 218, 220, Ho. 14 (Arty) (Signed) Malone (Col.23d Inf.) Hote: Map here with taken from Boche officer. Malone. A. M. Ju ly 18, 19 16 6:50 A.M. July 1C, 1916. . .. French report the capture of VAUX CAST ILT £. Every¬ thing going snoothly. 7:17 A.M. July 16, 1918. Message fron C.P. "A" One white rocket from VILIERS-HELOITS -- objective attained. Atnospheric conditions improving. 7:20 A.M. July 18, 1218. Message from Colonel Te CHAMERUIT. On the right and left they are on time. 7:30 A.M. July 18, 1218. Message from 3rd Brigade-Adjutant. At 7:30 A.M., we moved P.C. to MOUTGOBLRT CROSS ROAD. 7:50 A.M. July 18, 1918. Horse section, ammunition train, with 75 ammunition, ordered to VERTE FEUILIE FERMS. From: C.O., 4th M.G. Bn. At: MATle Mo 2 DEPARTS 1/2 Km. K.E., of PTE de la MAI SON MEUVE. How sent: Runner Reg EH. To: Comdg. Gen., 2nd Division. 2:C ; C A M, Pursuant to your orders I Have reported to C.O. 5th Marines and am taking Co. "A", 4th M.G. Bn. into the line with that Regiment Co. n 3 H , is in reserve at this point. ED'MED L. ZAIRE' 1.1 rj or, 4th M.G. Bn. , Comdg. From: Adjt. 3rd Brig. At: P.C. Date: IB July, ’18. Hour: 6:30 A.M. Ho: 4. How sent: Runner. To: Custer 3 (2nd Div.) Many prisoners. Marines held up FME. Tanks coming to ass ist ance. Malone captured field pieces at Identification shoulder straps: 159, 218, 220. Eo. 14 Arty. Map taken from Boche officer. at VERTE FEUI LIE BEAUREPAIRE. Red 521, Grey Kail Maj . 8:45 A.M. July 18/18. To: C.G., 2nd Div. Lt, Gulliver will return as soon as P.C.'s of Bns,, are determined. Gulliver / A. M. July 10, 1910. 0:55 A.M. , July 10 . The following wireless message was picked up by the wireless of the 4th Brigade: A German division is located about 1-g- miles northeast of MISSY-aux-BOIS following Route Nationals in making a, relief. Signed: SHERMAN A.R. (probably a wireless message from an aeroplane.) 9:14 A.M., July 10, 1910. Telephone Message from 4th Brigade Hdqrs. Report just received states that the Marine Brigade has advanced seven (7) kilometers. 20 prisoners, under several men of the 1st Division who got lost and fought with the 2nd Division are enroute to 2nd Division Headquarters. To 3rd Brigade From Malone. 2nd Division, 9:50 A.M. July IS, ’18 We will advance as soon as it b • Our artillery advances. comes up if ammunition las- You shove that ammunition to those people with all possible speed; shove them 9 trucks right away and if necessary hold them there to see how she goes Send wo: A rd that all the machine guns are being shoved up under command of Major Lewis. Major Lewis has got 4,000 rounds per gun with him. Get that ammunition to those people with all possible spe'ed and get the artillery together in liaison with our in antry and nass the town of VIERLY and the trenches. Be sure that they get it. It is too_important. are going to change and come out there in a little while. Notify the troops we are coming. ™- TTT -tr tta-dw Headquarters is coming to the VERTE lEDILLE FARii a little while. You might just as well stay there. Get word to the artillery some way or other. 7/e in Field Message from B-l. At: P.C. near CARREFOUR de ^ONTGOBERT To: Commanding C-en., 2nd Div. (Thru Brig. Comdr.)re 7 / 1ft /l P All my battalions are en-route to their posts. The roads are blocked with traffic. M.G.’s have not arrived and probably cannot get through the roads. S.A.A. has been distributed. Hope that all will come out alright. (signed) Malone, (Col. 23d Inf.) A. M. July 18, 1918. 10:40 A. M. July 18, 1918. Lt. Dorsey, Wireless. To: Colonel Brown, Chief of Staff. Heed at once one "battalion marines report to me at BEAU REP AIRE FERME. Answer. UPTON. My left needs reinforcing and is suffering from M.G. fire. From: Bird 5 (23rd Inf. Information) Date: July 18, 1918. Hour: 11:15 A.M. To: Intelligence Officer, 2nd Division. Can you get a truck to transport the machine guns of the 23rd Infantry up at once as they are needed. The bearer of this note knows where they are. Intelligence Officer - 23rd Inf. 11:30 A.M. July 18, 1918. Message from 4th Brigade. Major Keyser, 2nd battalion, Marines. We need water and ambulances badly. If you send them they can go into the field in front of my P.C. and pick up wounded with safety. Can you have an ammunition dump located here, and hot food for men at noon today. They will have gone 48 hours without any¬ thing hot. 51st Company has called for reinforcements and I have asked the 3rd battalion for two platoons. No positive news yet from Companies. Keyser. His P.C. at LA VSRTE FEUIDLE FERME. 11:50 A.M. July 18, 1916. Message from 3rd Brigade. Order on the way which tells the division commander that he can use the BOIS-de-CONOR01S and the town of HARTENNES that line. From: C.O., 2nd Engrs. At: VSRTE FEUI LIE FARM. Date: 7/18/18. Hour: 11:59 A.M. No: 3. To: C of Staff, Div. Hdqrs. 1. The 4th M.G. Bn. left my control o/bout 7:32 A.M., and started to join 5th Marines. On my way to VERTE FEUILLE FARM, I passed Co. "B" , 4th Mach. Gun Bn. Its Captain said that ! 'A" Co. was ahead, and he had a note from Major Zane to join him. at VIERZY to consolidate it for 5th Marines, I did not change its orders. 2. The 2nd Engrs. will be at VERTE FEUILLE FARM by 12:20 P.M., one company will be clearing the road, but ready to move. 3. Met about 400 German prisoners on my vrp -y here. 4. I have two officers since yesterday trying to get up my engineer train. No news whatever about it. please heIn me on this train question, Mitchell, Col. 2nd Engrs., Div. Engr. . F. M. July 18, 1918. From: M. Singleton, Jr. At: PORTE de MAISON NEUVE. Date: July 18. Hour: 12:20 P.M, How sent: Hot or cycle. To: Col. Mitchell. Engineer train, motor section, now at C.R. . AISCN NEUVE. Shall I leave it here or bring it to VERTE FEUILLE. Singleton, Jr. 12:55 P.M. 7/18/18. C.of 3 . I have ordered this to VERTS FEUILLE. (equal about half of my tools) Mitchell, Col. Engrs. From: C.O., 4th M. G. En. At: VERTE FEUILLE FERME, Date: 18 July, 1918. Hour: 12:30 P.M. To: Commanding General, 2nd Division. pursuant to your orders, I reported my duty to C.O. 5th Marines. The 6th M.G. En. has and relieved me by order of C.C, 5th Marines, reported by message to Col. Mitchell 2nd Eqgrs. Divisional Reserve. My battalion remains nere battalion for since arrived I therefore , Commanding until orders to move else where. EDMUND L. ZANE> Major, 4th M.G. Bn, From; Upton. At: P.C. Date; July 18, 1918. Hour: 1:15 P .M. To: Commanding Gen., 2nd Division. Due to lack sleep 3 nights, lack food 2 days, no water 2 days, lack ammunition -and worn out condition Oi f icers and men, it is necessary that the 23rd and 9th Infantry and Marines be relieved tonight and allowed to nave food, water and rest. After a magnificent fight all objectives attained; officers and men are dead on their feet. Losses j airly neavy. UPTON. 1:30 p.M. July 18, 19 18. Message from Lt. Gulliver. I have just intercepted a letter from the 9th Infantry, which was being relayed back to the 3rd Brigade. Following message just received: Have division send food, water, grenades, flares and ammunition. Upton - Colonel. 1:55 P.M. July 18, 19 18. Telephone message from the 4th Brigade. Repeating a message from the 5th Marines. PARIS- METZ ROAD has a whole lot of trees chopped off and laid across it where the old German line used to be. I think it would be a good thing if they were cleaned ujj so that the road could be used. Beland. With the request Division. that the message be transmitted to the . P. H. July 18, 1918. 2:00 P«M. July 18, 1918. Message from Lt. Gulliver at 3rd Brigade. Col, Malone and Upton now have advanced P,C. at BEAUREPAIRE. Thev want machine guns and ammunition. 18 trucks of ammunition. Am. sending 9 to BSAURePAxRE FSR1- or distribution and holding 9 at VERTE FEUILLE lERi-t-m. I have "been with Colonel Malone. I got to BEAUREPAIRE PERI'IE with him, , , ^ The 2nd & 3rd in your left was on the west edge of VIERZY - west edge of the rarine on the eastern euge o the ravine. ^ batt alions of the 9th are in a line north of that. who stated that resistance Captured Boche pr1soner, would probably be heavy there. ^he Marines are oroerea to Tollow tn~ 9tn. We have just get a message that there are strong forces in trenches east of VIERZY. The co-ordinate, of trenches are 70.66 - 70,64 - 72.66. tHem Get word to the artillery to turn the hose on them. The General wants to know what is the spirit o. They are in good condition, ammunition. The last device better to shove on a new divi- Boche those the troops on the line. Ans. but short on water, food and was they thought it would be sion beyond where they are. HEADQUARTERS SECOND DIVISION (REGULAR) AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES, Prance, 18 July,’18. 2*50 Pi Meno. for Colonel Mitchell . C.Q., 2 n d_gr^.ineersj_ Your message stating that you had ordered the no tor section of the engineer tram to A/Efti'E L E \ oth just received. Please order one entire en gineer train, ho,h motor and horse drawn to VEPTE FEUILEE FERuE. Suggest that you order your field and combat trains of your regiment to near your present station wnere you can make use of them. I presume you received the attack order for this afternoon by this time. G.A. HERB3T, Lt. Col, General Staff, • A. C. of S. G-3. ' 0.«U . : July 18, 1918 P.M To: C. G. 2d Div. From: Brig. Gen, A. VERTS FEUILLE PTE, 3:05 P,M, July 18/18, J. Bowley, 2d F.A. Brig, I met Gen. Ely going to your Hdqrs, Told him of your cuange of Hdqrs, and difficulty of traffic. Also told him that you would probably order advance of Infantry to road south from SCISSORS.*/). Told him liaison officer to Moroc¬ can Division stated that Div. was attacking VILLEKCilTCIRE and that 1st Div. was on hills overlooking SCISSORS* At this place I met Col, Mitchell of Div. Reserves. I have ordered Machine Cun Battalion (Div, Reserve) to proceed to VAUX- CASTELLE and to report to C.O, 23rd or 9th Inf. To send li¬ aison ciiicer ahead ar.d to make right flank sure. Engineers are near here, P.C. 2nd Bn, 5th Marines and 17th F.A, here. Am putting 17th F, A. in position here and 12th F,A, on Forth and South line half way between EEAGREPAIRE PTE and VAUXCAS- TILLE. 12th is here and is starting to new station. The 268 F,A, French are ordered to BEAJREPAIRE PTE. They have not passea here yet. A French Cavalry Brigade is -passing thru here now, ^ They attack to the southeast toward LOLLATRE and VILLERS- HELQF and beyond. This makes our right f.iar.k safe. Their or¬ ders take them to VIPEERS-HELOR - BLAFZY and southeast. Other cavalry expect to come from 1st Div, Front south on SCISS0F3- CHAiEaU ThPFRRY road. 4th Machine Gun Battalion now moving forward, Strongly recommend advance to new objective desig¬ nated by corps . A. J. Bowley. # j7 \ . B . G . \tr) he complained of lack of water, etc. 3:50 P.M. F«S. C.O. 2d Bn 5th Marines states normal line of our objec¬ tive is lightly held by French Moroccans (2:00 P.M.; from our Forth Division line to point south east edge of VIERZY. C.O. 2d Bn. 5th Marines saw this himself at 2 P.M,. He put 100 men into this line and ordered 50 more to west line. From point 65.74 - (300 meters west of 149) 18th and 28th and 23rd"Inf, have built line of rifle pits extending northeast for a dis¬ tance of 1 Kilometer. (saw only one company). VIERZY is not occupied by Boche. A few Moroccans or Colonials were in VIER- Zf. Saw Americans (heard they were Marines and 9th Inf) (Con¬ firmed later) in line just south of VIERZY in combat group and skirmish line standing up. (About 2 P.M,) Heard some machine guns fire south of VIERZY 2 P.M. C.O. 2d Bn 5th Marines says there will be little opposition in an advance to SCISSORS- CHA¬ TEAU THIErpy road especially if tanks precede them. These tanks were 3 kilometers southeast of VIERZY' 2 P.II. A. J. Bowley, 3.G. 3: 55 Some tanks (about 10) are here now. Some reported headed South East across field. A. J.B. July 18, 1918. X'. M. Prom: Upton, 9th Infantry. To: 2nd Div. Hdqrs. Rec’d "by Matthews. 3:00 P .11 • n ec’d b v Harbord. 4:41 P.M. We need rations and water and ammunition at once. Need urgent as men are all in. Not a drop to be had locally. I asked for one Bn. Marines over 3 hours ago. Our line is beyond ravine east of VAUXCASTILLE but reports are conflict¬ ing. Am sending sketch of position. Malone concur in above. We are at BEAURSPAIRE ^arm. Ambulances urgently needed. Many wounded. Ambulances can come via MAUBEUGE road in woods. 18 July - 12:30 P.M. No: 1315 HEADQUARTERS SECOND DIVISION (REGULAR) AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES. France, 18 July, 1918. 4:50 P.M. Memo, for Colonel Brown:- The attached message was given me by Major Matthews who received it at GREPY about 3:P.M. The message was delivered to Major Matthews by messenger from 1st Division, who rec¬ eived it by carrier pigeon. Colonel Bridges states that he has directed the Comm¬ ander 6f trains to push forward the field trains of all units to the front to camp tonight in vicinity of cross roads of SAUT du GERE near the ration dump. The water carts were ordered to proceed direct to the•front to the troops. The exact present status of the trains is not known here but, undoubtedly, the commander of trains is using every means to push them to the from,. Some allowance in delay must be expected due to the heavy traffic. I have tried to call ypu up by phone several times^but was unable to make connections . Perhaps you can connect from your end. Colonel Bridges and Major Matthews will both camp on the trails of the field trains to push them forward as lar as the cross roads SAUT du CERE. G.A. MEREST, Lt. Col. , General Staff, A. C. of S. 0-3. Rec’a 8:25 P.M. 18 July 1918. Kq. 23d Inf. P.C . To: C.G. 2d Div. I am sending herewith 12 unwounded prisoners with papers 4 or' 5 wounded will be in later. The following new identi¬ fications made - 138 & 141 I.R. making total of 8 I.R. and 3 of Artillery or ordnance. Many machine guns have been captured, number not known. We must have food, water,^med¬ ical supplies. Machine Guns, ammunition in large quantities sent to us in trucks at once. Urgent. Please inform me as to whether reouests will be complied with. ^.Iso, send to¬ night picks, shovels and axes. Please inform if troops will be relieved tonight, they are utterly exausted. Reverse: Hq. 2d Div. Malone. p July 18, 1918. HEADQUARTERS SECOND DIVISION (REGULAR) American expeditionary forces. France, 18 July, 1918. 8:25 P.M. ^UM T ORAKDU T ' FOR COLONEL BROTH: The enclosed note was just received, Drought in by a member of the Hdqrs. Troop, who took it from the runner coming in also with prisoners and who was on foot. About 5:00 P.M. I saw 5 rolling kitchens near here. Learned they belonged to the 23rd Infantry and immediately sent them out to Division Headquarters with instructions to stop enroute and fill up with rations. Colonel Bridges and Major Matthews are doing everything possible to push field trains. The conjestion on the roads is still very serious and progress is slow. I saw the lieutenant in charge of the horse section (small arms) ammunition train, who stated that the wagons Vo loaded with ammunition were at the dump near VLRTE FEUILLE FERTEE, Lieutenant Proctor, the ammunition officer of the artillery brigade headquarters should handle this ammunition question. I can't do anything from this end. Have tried repeatedly to get telephonic communication with you but with¬ out success. I had a note from Colonel Mitchell stating that the motor section of the engineer train had been ordered to VERTE FEUILLE FERME. I sent him a note asking him to order the horse section engineer train to the same place so that there should be a goodly supply of engineer material at that dump. In regard to medical supplies, I don't see what I can do here as I cannot get in touch with the surgeon. Early this afternoon, I directed' Major Broadhurst to send one company of military police and 3 officers to the new division headquarters. Colonel Bridges just reports that the 23rd Infantry trains passed this point in good order over half an hour ago. (Bgd)G.A. HERBST, . Lt.-Col. General Staff, A.C . of S. G-3. From: Brig. Comdr 4 Brig. At: VAUXCASTILLE. Date; 18 July Hour: 8:30 P.M, Ho. 4. How sent: Motorcycle. To: Comdg. Gen., 2nd Div, VIERZY only, partially ours. Me are now attacking with tanks and Infantry. Have established my P.C. at VAUX- CA3TILLE on road to VIERZY. NEVILLE per Lay. From: C.C., 2nd Sngrs. At: Ravine east of VAUXCASTILLE. Date: 7/18/16. Hour: 9:25P.M. To: Cnief of Staff, Div. Hdqrs. Enemy finally cleaned out of VIERZY", where they were holding right of our advance. Cur line continues to advance, 4th M.G, Bn. already in the fight. Entire regiment of engineers advances immediately back of the whole line to support the line or dig in and consolidate as is necessary. ■’"essages to ravine east of VAUXCASTILLE until 10:00 P.M. - thereafter to VIERZY. ' r itchell, Col. 2nd Engrs. Noted - H.E. Ely. > P.M .July 18, 19 18. From: C.O. 3rd Frig, At: VIERZY. Date: 18 July '18. Hour: 9:30 P.M. Ho. 1. How Sent: Courier. To : Comdg, Gen,, 2nd Div. Col. Upton, comdg N. sector with 9th Inf. and jr the 5th Marines (they were so mixed they could not he separated in time), also 4 Co’s M.Guns. Col. Malone, S. sector with 23rd Inf* 4 Co's M.Guns, and 4s- 5th Marines. Malone's com- mand now east of this place, near as I can he sure, about 3 kilometers and still going. Enemy driven from here abou two hours ago. Enemy now shelling this town with snrapne and H.E, (not severe). r Engineer Regiment is due to arrive here at 10:00 R.^. but it is not under my command, Ely, Comdg, Col* Upton’s report herewith. Amn. Train cleared here an hour ago, Ely. Reverse: Ma,1, Geiic Harbord . July 18, 1918. Gen. Ely - VIERZY or BEAUREPAIRE FARM. To Chief of Staff for information of C.C-. All my troops have been assigned to Col. Upton's & Col. Malone except 1 M.G. Co. now here. I have none to give them. H. E. ELY, C.G., 3rd Trig. VIERZY - 9:30 P.M. Ho Time Indicated . July 18, 1918. The runner has reported. Feland has already Zane with him with the Division machine gun battalion. He nas or er Zane to withdraw the battalion to a place well c< ?'' er ® directed him to report to the Chief of Staff (me), also ordered the 6th M.G. Bn. to join the Regiment. Turrill says that the ammunition can come direct z o his P.C. by camion, _ t. U 4* No Time Indicated . , n rmiT ap \ — HEADQUARTERS SECOND DXVlblON (REGULAR) AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES. France, 18 July 1918. From: Commanding General. _ . To : Brigadier General H. E. Ely, 3rd Brigade. Subject: Reports from 3rd Brigade. 1. No reports from you today. As far hao- cerned, we are in complete darkness as to what has been 1 p pening in your front. . v .„ r 2. Reports from other sources xndrcatetnaty ^ troops, with the Marines on your left, are occupyi b objective just beyond VIERZY. Is this true. 3 What is the condition of your troops h - list enough To seriously cripple you? We have instructions from the Corps to pass on to the Rcure National ^ ^ (So is sons -Chateau Thierry Road, on tne map 1/20,000) we have liaison with troops on right ana ieiti. (Cont'd cn next page) P.M. July 18, 1918. (Contd from last page) 4. Germans are reported in disorder and the division on ycur right reports as being some distance ahead of you pursuing Germans now. Is the spirit of your men such that you can push on and take that road, either by using troops now in your front line or by passing some of your rear bat¬ talions through? The front on the road, if attack is ordered, would be that portion included between prolongations of the present right and left boundary of division sector, 5. The C.O. of the 4th brigade has been ordered to ad¬ vance his brigade to the vicinity of BEAU REP AIRS BARM, and it is desired to move your headquarters at the same time at BEAUREPAIRE FARM or immediate vicinity. 6. What liaison have you with the marines on your left and the division on your right? J AMES G. H ARB ORB, Major General, N. A, A,M« July 19, 1918. 2:10 A.M, July 19, 1918. From C,0. 2nd Engrs. At: VIERZY. #4. By motorcycle. To: Chief of Staff. 15 men M.G. Co. 77th MG, Co. and 2 Cos. from 5th M.G. Bn, (4 M.G. Cos. in all) which were to support Col. Upton are disconnected in wheatfields 1T..W, of VIERZY. I have ordered them to the large road junction HIE, of VIERZY to await orders of Br: gHqs . , Unable to determine location of present line in tne dark, but believe it is weak in many places and will need artillery support at daybreak. Message to Brig. Has. Mitchell, Col. 2nd Engrs. U. 3. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE Time - July 19/18. From: C.O. 2nd Engrs. At: V JERZY. Date: 7/19/18. 6:00 A.M. Ho. 5. How Sent: Motorcycle. To: C of Staff Div. Hqrs. Field order ITo, 16 just received. It is impossible to use any of the 2nd Engrs . as re¬ serve because it is now holding the present _me; m fact, is about half of the troons on that line. The 4th Mach Gun In is also already in to the best of my knowledge. Last night ^e gathered 7 M.G. Cos. in VIERZY and 1 hare recommenced to Gen. Ely that these comet itute Col. Lee s reserve, but he says this plan has been disapproved. I will get 1st Bn. 2nd ngrs. together as soon as attack passes and follow up, reporting po sition to Col. Lee. Mitchell. Col. 2 Engs. C . of S , BEAUREPAIRE FARM, / A. M. Ju 1 y 19 , 19 18. HEADQUARTERS AMERICAN SECOND DIVISION (REGULAR) 5X1 EDITIONARY FORCES. 8:30 A.M. France, 19 July 1918. M emorandum for Chief of Staff: Your message by two runners relative to sending a representative of G-1 to division headquarters and to push forward the water carts in spite of everything to the various regimental headquarters was received at 1:00 A.M, I delivered it to Ooionei Bridges at 6:00 A.M. • Colonel Bridges left some time ago to look up the water carts and to join you at .Divi¬ sion Headquarters. During the night a telephonic message from Head¬ quarters Bernard advised that rations and rations and meat would be issued on the 39 th at VAITMOISE; mail at Annoy Vi Hers, The message from the division commander to the 3rd Army Corps was delivered. Colonel '-arrow left a little while ago enroute to LA FER7E. About 2:00 A.M., 570 prisoners were received here. .Rank, names and. regiments of over 2,500 German prisoners were obtained, reported mostly from the 23rd Infantry. Aeroplanes were busy last night bombing the rear area. G A. MEREST, Lt. Col, General Staff, A. C . of k?» G- o . From: C.0. 6tn p.egt. At: P.C. 200 yards north of X roads 112 o.F. of VIERZY. Date; July 19, 19 18. 8:45 A.M. To: C.O., 2nd Division. Attack moving nicely. Four casualties from shell and shrapnel. Lee. 9 :20 A.M. , July 19 , 1918. DOTH HERS The French attacked, this morning at 4:30 intending to reach VILLE. I0NT0 IRE and the road SO IS SO NS to CH A T EAU T. North They have been held up however to the west of CH^ZELLE by a great many II.G. South No news at all except that the ^eg. Cored, asked for more runners as the line of runners was gradually extending- The opinion here is that they are going forward but slowly- What is th e new s from our lin e? e sp e c i a I Iv o nr left ( th e 9 * 11 * * 14 rench right) - Send message bade by the same man that brought this - So far the French have taken 1000 prisoner. . German Divisions identified f r cm north to south 34-28- 14 DR. > Williams - 9:25 A.M. July 19, 1918. A. M Ju ly 19 , 19 18. . . 1Iews J us t received - French left & right of 1st Div. , n emg attacked v 'ith force and have been forced to draw back a little. 19 Ju ly * 16 . (Reverse) Chief of Staff, 2nd Div. VERTE FEUILLE FARM. Williams. EEAUREPAIRE FARM via Rrom: C.C. 5th Regt. At: P. C. Date: July 19, 1918. Hour: 9:50 A.M. To; C.O. 2nd Div. We are advancing nicely. Think TIG2JY ours. Tanks a_ e doing fine work. The enemy are retiring. Things going well. Casualties normal. Lee. From: Frig. Gen. K.E. Ely. At: VILRZY. Date: 19 July *18. He he: 10:15 A.M. To: Chief of Staff, 2nd Div. Enclosed, message just received dug in line about ^ 12m. east of TiERZk, Col, Upton on ORTH Col. Malone on SOUTH. Two Bn*s 5th Marines in reserve S.E. exit VIERZY. VIERZY^ being gassed and shelled not serious. Shell .nocked of: car cureter of car, .request car be sent ne at once. Ely. From: C.O. 2nd Engrs. At: VIERZY. Date : July 19, 1918. nour: 10:57 A.M. To; Chief of Staff: Conflicting reports, but following is true: (a) 5th Marines are near or in TIG15Y. (b) 1st Bn. 2nd Engrs. is just behind them and probably by now is in the line. (c) Col. Upton says that Moroccan Division is net connected with his left and that it is in. the air and is weak. (d) 2nd Bn. Engrs. is in 400 yds. of trenches dug last night about 100 yds. back of Upton and 1500 meters east of northeast entrance to VIERZY. 2nd Bn. Engrs. not yet ordered t c move. Plenty of tools in VIERZY and each engineer in line carried one tool. T 'essage to VIERZY. Mitchell - 2nd Engrs. A. X. July 19, 1918. Fron: C.O. 4th Brigade. At: P.C. VIERZY. Date: July 19, 1918. Hour: 11:25 A.M. To: C.G., 2nd Division. The enclosed have just come in from Holcomb and Hughes and the French tanks. Have forwarded originals to Lee. His P.C. is now at cross roads 178.2 - 286. McClosky gave orders sometime ago for artillery fire on TIGNY. I don’t Believe the Moroccans have advanced, SEVILLE.. HEADQUARTERS SEC OLD DIVISION (REGULAR) AI-ERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES. France, 19 July 1918. 11;45 A.M. From: Commanding General. To: Commanding General, 3rd Brigade. 1. It is understood that Major Elliott’s battalion of the 23rd Infantry is in VIERZY. If the Commanding Officer 23rd Infantry is there please direct him to at once send this battalion to cover the left of our attacking line. It is desired that it should go into position Southwest of CHARAN- TJGHY and face in that direction. It may occupy the former French trenches. Its mission is confined to covering our left and it is not expected to advance beyond the old French trenches assig:ned to it unless necessary to accomplish the task of covering our left flank. If the Commanding Officer 23rd Infantry is not near you please cause this order to be given direct to the Battalion Commander. HARFORD. From: C.O., 6 th Regt. At; P.C, Date: July 19 , 1918. Hour: 11:45 A.M. To: C.O, , 2nd Division. Reports indicate growing casualties amounting heavy say about 30 %. 78th Co, by runners say only have one Plat,, left. All are requesting reinforcements and M.G. and Chauchat ammunition. 1st Bn. reports no French troops on right and are held up 300 yards in front of TIGNY. Have in line from right 1st, 3rd and 2nd Bn’s. Reserve Bn. engineers, Hdqrs,, Co. and 2 Cos. M.G. 6th Bn. Have ordered line dig in, Lee, P. M, July 19, 1918. From: C.O., 4th Brigade. Date: 19 July, tl8. Hour: 12:40 P*M To: Chief of Staff. Request copies of all these orders you get. We need ammunition and ambulances. Lay. Ho time to copy. p. M • Ju Xy 19 , 19 18 . From: C.O., 3rd Brigade. At: VIERZY. Date: July 19,1916. Hour: 12:40 P.M. To: C.G., 2nd Division. Major Elliott*e Bn. is not in VIERZY but in the line, distributed in other battalions. I can send in a battalion 5th Marines if desired. Hone of 5th TTarines in line. Last Bn. just located. Upton reports French moving forward in his left. Halone reports Horrocans advancing on his right. Ely. 1:50 P.M. July 19, 1918. Lt. Col, Lee: The Division Commander desires that you dig in and entrench your present position and hold it at all costs, Ho further advance to be made for the present. He desires me to congratulate your command upon its gallant conduct in the face of severe casuals. P.B. (Preston Brown) Fror. C.G. 3rd Brigade. At: VIERZY. Date; 19 July *18. Hour: 4:25 P.H. Ho. 12. How sent: Motorcycle. To: C.G., 2nd Division. Receipt your letter of instructions date 3:15 P.TH , 19 July, '18, instructions have been given for the carrying out of par. 2 by 4th Brig. Comdr. concerning par. 4 line of liaison between sectors recommended. Co-ordinates 7268 down road to 8063 thence north edge of wood 0155 (latter point is on beyond front line - if arrangements of 3rd Brig, on right & 4th Brig, on left is directed the 25rd Inf. Coli Halone will be given front line right sector & 9th Inf. Col. Upton, 2nd line right sector near s unken road trenches already dug, co-ord. 7654, 8160. Front line left sector, with 6th Marines now occupying it; 2nd line continuation north of 2nd line south sectcp, already dug to 5th TTarines now in reserve. liront line being ve±y irregular I deem it inadvisable to move this division tonight as relief would have to be done after dark and reconnaissance made hry daylight in close proximity of enemy. Engineers are now in line Sc consolidating. This will be continued. TIGHY not in our possession but small wood 300 meters north reported held by group of Marines. Marine Brig. Comdr. reports himself in liaison with French in PARTY-TIGHY. Lly, Brig. Gen. (He) From: C.O., 4th M.G. Bn. At: Ravine east of V AUXC AST ILLL and P.C. 100 yds. north of VAUXC AST ILLE- VIERZY ROAD. Date : July 19 , 1918 . Hour: 6:50 P,M. To: C.G., 2nd Division. I report that pursuant to orders Brig. Gen. Bowley, Co. "A", of the battalion reported to C.O., 23rd Infantry on 18 July and Co. "B", to C.O., 9th Infantry. Pursuant to orders by Condg. Gen. 3rd Brigade, they supported the attack of those Regiments and assisted in consolidating the positions and thev remain now on the line with those Regiments. F.FTJFD ZAHE a j o r, 41. _ . vj • Bn •, Commanding. / p. HE. July 19, 19 IB. 11:35 P.M. July 19 , 1916. From: C.O., 4th Brigade. To: C.G., 2nd Div. U.3. The French Colonel, whose regiment was to relieve the 2nd Bn. 5th Regt. (Keyser) has made a reconnaissance and liaison on our left and found that the French had advanced this afternoon and accupied a line to the North and East of Keyser’s position and were connected up with the left of the 6th Regt. 2. This makes Keyser occupy practically a second line and the French Colonel Wild, 6th Tir'ailleur, says that it is unnecessary to relieve Keyser By his troops, The Colonel has just left here for BEAIJRLPAIRE FARM to report to his C.O. for change in the order. 3. If agreeable to you, will direct Keyser to with¬ draw his battalion. Kindly telephone n Yes". NEVILLE. ITo time indicated July 19, 19 18. From: Lay. At: P.C. VIERZY. July 19, 1918. Tor Colonel Brown. Send one truck of chauchat and one truck machine gun ammunition to this P.C. at once. Need it badly. Motor cyclist will show trucks way here. Lay. Note: No ambulances here. A. Iff. July 20, 1918. July 20th, ’18. 11:00 A .Iff. The 20th A.C. would much appreciate if the G-eneral Comdg. the 2nd Div. A. Ex. would kindly give him information on the following points: o . 1 0 Casualties (by Regt. if possible) 2 q Present condition of the men. 3 State of supplies (food, amrn. for art. and Inf.) 4 Losses and deficiencies in material. 5° Number of prisoners (Officers and G.R*) and material (guns and M.G.) captured. By order of the Cen*1. Comdg. 2fth A.C. the liaison officer, Bertie*. P. M. July 20, 1918, Prom: C. 0., 4th Machine Gun Battalion, At: Camp in FORET DE RETZ near V1VIERES. Date: £0 July *18. Hour: 12:30 P. M. No. 1 How sent: Motorcyclist Q,ueen. To: Comdg General, 2nd Division at VIVIERES. 1 report that pursuant to order of Comdg. General 3rd Infantry Brigade this Battalion has withdrawn from the positions near VIERZY and is in shelter tent camp ir^the FORET DE RETZ in the square hounded by CHEMIN DE L*ARCHEVEQUE LAIE DE CABARET, LAIE DE LA MARS ROUGE and the northern edge of the forest. / Major Edmund L, Zane, 4th M. G, Bn. Comdg. From: C, 0., 6th Regt. At: P. C. Date: 20 July ' 18, Hour: 12:45 P. M. No 1 How sent: Motorcycle. To: Commanding General, 2nd Div. A.E.F, Have taken position in eastern edge of FORET DE RETZ, 600 meters north of VERTE-FEUILLE FARM, and in the vicinity of LA TRANSLON FARM in accordance with orders received from C. G., 4th Brigade last night. Lee, Hdqrs, 2nd F, A. Brigade. BEAUREPAIRE. 1:30 P« M. July 20th. From: C, G., 2nd F.A. Brigade. To: C.G., 2nd Division. Subject: Receipt of Army orders directing 2nd F. A. to remain on duty with 58th Division. 1. Attached hereto copy of orders directing_this Brigade to remain in place. The Adjutant of the 2nd F.A. brigade, So. of VIVIERES. He will make all arrangements for return of Brigade to this point. 12th F.A. and Batteries E & F 17th F. A. are in place. Other organizations should be ordered to return here immediately. All artillery ammunition trucks and wagons should be held for the exclusive use of hauling ammunition. If the infantry of division is moved away the Mobile Repair Shop should be kept in this vicinity. Request necessary orders covering above points at once. A. J. BO'./LEY , Brig. Gen. N.A. From: C.G,, 3ru Bngaae. ^ „ At: 30UCY. Date: July 20, 1918 - ■t'.M. To: ' C.G., 2nd Division. 1 Order for withdrawal 3rd Brigade ( reinforced ) from advanced lines enclosed herewith, including assignment to billeting geas. Colt Malone at CARREFOUR M0NTG0LI0L, at 12:45 P.M enroute to VIVIERES via CARREFOUR de NEMOURS ( where packs will be picked up ). +v ,^ Mrr+Vl __ 3. 23rd Infantry reports reorganized strength as _ Officers .,Men_ f0llOWS -lot Bn..635 2nd Bn. 3rd Bn. —±±— y — 4, No other. report yet received from other elements rein- forced Brigade. ELY . O o-ndg. p. M. T uly 20, 19 18. Hq. 2nd F.A. Brigade, July 20, 1918. 4:10 PM'. Front Co""manding General, 2nd F.A. Brigade. To: Chief of Staff, 2nd Division, Am. E.F. Subject: Return of Mule Ambulances. 1. Bequest that all mule ambulances of the 2nd F.A., Brigade, which were loaned temporarily to the medical corps, he sent bach immediately to their organizations. 2. Ambulances which have not been returned snould report to these headquarters at BE AU R EP AX EH for instructions as to how they shall reach their units. A.J. Bowley, Jot es ; Hospitals at T AILLBF CUT AT. HE Also informed of many wounded at CFLPY without medical attention. Message delivered to Col. Hanna at T AI LIEF OPT AI HE at 6:55 P.M. HERBST , From: C.O., 3rd Prig. Date: July 20, 1918. 5:30 P.M, •o: C.O.’s 23rd, 9th, 4th K.G. Bn., Bn., 2nd Engrs. Copy for 2nd Division. 1. The 3rd Brigade, 2nd Engrs., and 4th I'.G. Bn. will he marched from the sector tonight. Initial point for leading elements: The west exit of VIERZY; hour of departure and direction of march given later. _ 2. Order of march, 23rd Inf., 9 th Inf., 2nd ungrs., .. tn M.G. Bn., 5th M.G. Bn., Artillery formation will he taken for first five miles. 3. Trains will follow M.G. Bn. in order of march with¬ out distance. Ely - Condg. July 20, 1918. 8:40 I.M. From: To: C.G., 2nd Division, U.S. C.C., 4th Brigade, The P.C. of the 4th Brigade has beer, moved from Li, JARDIB to the P.C. 5tli Marines, as neither LE JARDX1T or ST PIERRE L’AIGLE offered any shelter whatever. The P.C, of the 4th Brigade is on CARREFCUh-de- FORUEAU, 1600 meters, west YERTE FEU ILIE F3RME -17 0.4- 288. W.C. HEY I LIE. July 21, 1918. Yo. 1. From: C.O., 4th Machine Cun Battalion. At: Camp in woods^ south of T AI LLEF OUT AIFTE. Date: 21 July ’18, hour: 5: 30 A.M. how sent: 7/agoner EG AIT. _ .. To: Comdg, General, 2nd Division at PIERREFCUDS . I report that pursuant to your field orders No.^17, this battalion broke camp in FORET DE RETS, near 7x\IERno immediately on the receipt of the order at 10:oo ^ July ’18, and proceeded to camp in woods soutn of 1 AIL^EFOhi. AI , as ordered. For unavoidable reasons this bai/talion i a* 0 clear YIYIERES until 12:57 A.M. 21 July ’IB instead of before 12:15 A.M. as ordered. Edmund L. Zane, M.ajor 4th TI.G. Bn., Comdg. ■ ' * ' ■ ' - / • X Aid * July 21, 19.18. ?rom Hour To Asst. C. of Staff, G-3, 2nd Div. Date: 11:45 A,M. HoW cent: Runner from 4 M. C . 0 . 5 Mach. Gun. Bn. 21 July 18 (1. Bn • Move your Bn. from its present camp to the east of the 4 M.G. Bn/ between the latter and the road running approx¬ imately N-3. Park your transportation and camp your Cos^. into a more compact space than at present. Tho Love will oe completed by 4 P.M. 21 Jul 3 r ’18. By Command Maj . Gen. Harbord, G. A. Herbst . Lt. Col• G .S . A .C . of S . , G-3 . P .M . July 21, 1918 . Prom: C.0 . 4 Brigade. 170.4 - 288.2 At : p.C. at (5th Regt) Cross roads 2 Kil. south of BE Date: 21 July Four: 1:30 P .M. No: 4. Hot? Sent: JARDJN To : C.G. 2nd Div. PIERREFONDS. Motorcycle STRENGTH 5th Regt. 81 officers, 2150 men; 6th Regt. officers 2000 men; 6th M.G. Bn. 27 officers 611 men; P.C. 5th Rewt. as above. 6 Regt. % mile to westward; 6 M.G. Bn. 100 yards north west of cross roads gonservateur, 168.7 - 288.5. Supply trains near Regiments. Draw¬ ing rations to-day. Memorandu m For Message OEEICE OP CHIEF OF STAFF. July 21, 1918. Rec ‘d Center. 7:45 P.M. 1. Give following information Division by means of telephone if po send by courier. to Commanding General 2d ssible, if not possible, 20th Army Corps (French) informs these Headquarters that orders heretofore issued for tie movement Oi the ** dF Brigade are amended by prescribing that the meridian west of PTJISEUX must be crossed before 9 p.m. instead of 11 p .m • as origin¬ ally ordered . _ AAV. Bjornstad, Brig. wen. .G.o. Chief of Staff, 3d Corps. The requests 20th Army Corps has notified the 4th Brigade and these Headquarters to give you the foregoing. HEADQUARTERS, SECOND DIVISION, AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES. France, July 21, 1918. MEMORANDUM for the Commanding General, Fourth Brigade: The Commanding General, Fourth Brigade, will cause a detail to be made of two (2) officers, five (b) non-comm¬ issioned officers and forty (40) men from each of the (Cont’d next page) ■ 4 No time indicated July 21, 1918. (Cont’d from last page) Infantry Regiments of his Brigade for the purpose of salvag¬ ing material on the ‘battlefield and in the area that has been occupied by the troops of this Division. The details will be organized and ready to entruck at the respective regimental headquarters at 7:00 A.M., July 22, 1918. Trucks will repor.. at the regimental headquarters for this service. Details will carry rations for the day. By Command of Major General Harbord. PRESTON BROWN, Colonel, General Staff, Chief of Staff. HEADQUARTERS, SECOND DIVISION, AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES, FRANCE, July 21, 1918. MEMORANDUM for the Commanding General, Third Brigade: The Commanding General, Third Brigade, will cause a detail to be made of two (2) officers, five (5) non¬ commissioned officers and forty (40) men from each of the Infantry Regiments of his Brigade for the purpose of salvag¬ ing material on the battlefield and in the area that has been occupied by the troops of this division. The details will be organized and ready to entruck at the respective Regimental Headquarters at 7:00 A.M., July 22, 1918. Trucks will report at the regimental headquarters for this service. Details will carry rations for the day. By Command of Major General Karbord: PRESTON BROWN, Colonel, General Staff, Chief of Staff, P. M. July 25, 1918. Rec’d 8:50 P.M. From: 6 M.G.B. At: BREGY. Date: 7/25/18. hour: 8:05P.M. No . 1. To: Commanding General, 2nd Division. 6th Machine Gun Battalion billeted in BREGY. Billets for officers, and men totally inadequate. Wal ler. A. M. July 26, 1918. From: C.O,, 4th Machine Gun Battalion. At: OGNES. Date: 26 July ’18. Hour: 9:50 A.M. No. 1. How sent; Motorcyclist QUEEN.To: Comdg. General 2nd Division at N ANT EM IL- LE- h A'JD'OU IM. I report that pursuant to your order this battalion has moved from SILLY-LS-LONG to OGNIS and* is now here in billets. Edmund L. Zane, Major 4th T I.G. Bn., Comdg. »-3 m ^ July 30, 1918 P. K, U.S. ARMY FIELD HESSAGE rom: C-3. At: VIVIERES. Date: 30 July. Hour 9:00 P.M. ow sent: Hotorcycle. o: C.G., 3rd Brigade SOUCY. The C. G. directs that you prepare your "brigade (4th L. G. Bn. and 2nd Eng. attached ) to move at once to the vicinity of PIERREFQHDS. Detailed orders will follow. J.C. Montgomery, Major Cav., A. C. S. P. M. August 1, 1918. Fleville 9:25 P.M. From: C.O., 4th Machine Gun Battalion. To: Comdg. Gen., 2nd Division. Subject: Location report. 1. I report that pursuant to your order the 4th Machine Gun Battalion ( both the part that came by train and the part that came by Fords ) is in billets at FLEVILLE. Edmund L. Zane, Major 4th M.G. Bn., Comdg. Ho time indicated August 4, 1918. Headquarters, 4th Brigade, Marine Corps, A.E.F, France, August 4, 1918. MEMORANDUM for G-3, 2nd Division, A.E.F. 1. One battalion and one machine gun company from the 5th and 6th Regiments, Marines moved in accordance with instructions contained in Field Order Ho. 20, 2nd Division, A.E.F. The 1st Battalion and the 8th Machine Gun Company moved from the 5th Marines and the 1st Battalion and 7ora Machine Gun Company moved from the 6th marines. C.R. Dietrich, 2nd Lt. for and in the absence of r. Lay. Major, Adjutant. p. M. August 7, 1918. From: C.O., 4th Machine Gun Battalion. At: CAMP VAUROT 2 l/2 kilometers west of L1VERDUH, Date: 7 Aug. '18. Hour: 3:30 P.M. Ho. 1. How sent: Motorcyclist Q.UEEH. To: Comdg. General, 2nd Division. I report that pursuant to your orders this battalion left FLEVILLE at 8:00 A.M, this date and arrived at CAMP VAUROT at 3:30 P.M. this date, going into cantonments. Hdqrs. 2nd Div. A.E.F. Rec'd: 7 Aug. 1918. To G-3 HP. Edmund L, Zane, Lt. Col., 4th M.G. Bn., Comdg. No time indicated August 9, ’ IB. Headquarters 5th Regt., Marine Corps, American Expeditionary Forces, France, August 9th, 19IB. From: Commanding Officer: To: Commanding General, 2nd Division, American E. F. Subject: Report of Fatrols. 1. I propose- to send the following patrols out on the nights of August 9-10 and 10-11, 1918, one of (8) eight men from E Company, F Company and H Company respect¬ ively for the purpose of observation and ambush. These patrols will go out in front of the sector of their respective companies. LOGAN FELAND. G-3 Notify the Arty. SCRAM August fl, 1918. No 17 OU Z B Ck 950B Neufchateau Aug 11 1918 C C- 2nd Divn SY G3 Number three fifty seven period following for your information colon Ida will relieve Peggy comma relief beginning August fifteenth period Movement of Ida from present sector to be accomplished by marching period Artillery of Peggy to remain in sector to support Ida until relief by artillery of Ida which is being sent for the purpose as rapidly as possible period Incoming artillery of Ida will be utilized for relief promptly upon their arrival period Further emplacement of Peggy will be subject of later orders. Heintzlenan P, M. August 15, 1918. G-3 3:50 P. M. August 15, 1918. Phone message just received from the Third Bureau of the Eighth Army states that LAIOEUF .and the three little villages in its immediate area cannot be used by^the Second Division and were not given in the list o± towns submitted, Further, SAULXEROTTE has been taken away and PAREY- St-CESAIRE (5th Marines) substituted. Exact figures of the capacity of the latter could not be given but it was estimated that there were half again as many as were given for SAULXEROTTE- by phone (5th notified ) 7:05 P.M. Aug 15. (6th " ) C.C. Gulliver 1st Lt, A.S. Sig. R.C. Overflow^ BARIZEY-aux-PLAIN (6th Marines) p. M* August 16, 1918, From: C.O. , 4th Machine Gun Battalion. At: CAMP DP l£> BOIS DE L»LVEQ,UE. Date: 16 Aug. ’18. Hour: 6:00 P.M., ilo. 1* How sent: Motorcyclist QUEEN. To: Comdg. General, 2nd Division at MAR PACK, I report that pursuant to your order this batta- lion has proceeded this date from CAMP VADROT TO CAMP DE LE E0I8 DE L’EVEQUE. 1 Pave made subject to your approval ari assignment of billets for 2nd Engineers and for all machine gun organizations of the Division, R.C. Edmund L, Zane, Lt. Col. 4th K.G. Bn,, Comdg. ITo time indicated August 16, 1918. Headquarters Second Division, American Expeditionary Forces, France, Office of the Division Surgeon, 16 August, 1918. MEMO. FOR G-3: The following casualties passed thru our dress** ing stations for the 24 hours ending 12 Noon, August It, 1G-*■ ■; Killed Wounded Gassed Sick Officers ii ii ti 0 Men 0 0 " 10 0 " o 0 " 8 J,W. HAJNER, Colonel, Medical Corps, IT,A., Division Surgeon. A, K. August 17, 1918. From: C.O., 6th Marines. At: P.C. Date: 8/17/lT . How sent: Motorcycle. 9:00 A.M, To: C,G., 2nd Div, Relief of 2nd En. in front line by 2nd Bn. °08th Inf. completed this morning at 3:00 A.M. Two companies ord Bn, 328t.L Inf. arrived here this morning at daylxgiPt. v r two companies took cover in woods on road near -• • Relief of our 1st En. not made. Unless you direct othervi , will move our 2nd and 1st Bn. from this point by marcung night about 9:00 P.M. for the EOIS-de-L’ EVEQJJE for . pre Then by marching night 18-19 for new station, arrivi g a.n. 19th. 7 3rd M.G. Co. Hq. and Supple Cos..marched night at nine P.M. for new station. Request information to arrangement for rationing organizations yet to ezv . Movement of our 1st Bn. tonight contingent upon its being relieved by 3rd Bn. 328th Inf. last as Lee. . . . ■ ■ ' • .* » • . • • . • . p,H, September 9, 1916. 7:30 P#M*, Sept. 9, 1916. Telephone lies cage - 1st Army Corps. Stick to Boundary Line F.O. 49. A. IT. September 10. 1916. From*. 1st Corps. A.M. 2:20 H. 10 Sept. ’18. To. 2d Div. Everything O.K, Artillery reports no reply to our ar- tillery . ho Tine Indicated September 10, 1916. Headquarters, 4th Brigade , Marines, American E.F., 10th September, ’18. Memo for G-3, 2nd Division: t ary 3. The 4th Brigade P.C huts across the ravine # # # # # # # . has been moved to the mili- to the north-’vest of MANONVILLE. By Command of Brigadier Gen. Neville Fl /5 EARL H . ELLIS , Noted by Secretary 1:30 P.M. 9/ll Lieut. Col., USMC. Ad.i utant. No T 1 me Ind ic at ed Headquarters, 6 th Regiment, Marine Corps, A.E.F., France, 10 Sept. 18« From: Regimental Commander. To : Commanding General., 2nd Division. Subject: position of Regiment 9:00 A.M. this date. 1. The organic at ions of this regiment enroute fion B0IS-3TS. GENGOULT to BOIS-de-la-RAPPE, in accordance with March table Annex 1, Field Orders $ 26, Headquarters, 2nd Di¬ vision, 8 Sept 18, were delayed to such an extent by the con gestions on the road that day-light made it imperative for^ them to halt and take cover in the woods along the route ao follows: 1 _ 2nd and 3rd Battalions in the BOIS CHALDE, one-nail kilo me ter north of 1 TAN ONC OTJRT . 73rd Machine Gun Company along the stream one-halx kilometer south of ADRAXNVILLE. 1st Battalion and Headquarters Company in PIETRE, one (1) kilometer south of Supply Company in position assigned RAPPS. the BOIS-le- ADRAINVILLE. in the BOIS-de-la- 2. Orders have been issued with the permission oi i ^- e Commanding General, 4th Brigade, for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd F at- talions, Headquarters and Machine Gun Companies to march ro the BOIS-de-la-RAPPE this evening when light conditions per¬ mit . 3. Position report was rendered to the Headquarters, 4th Brigade, to this effect this morning. S/ ( S gd) H. Le e , H. LEE, Colonel, U.S.M.C. C ommanding. II 0 Time Indicated. September 10, 1918,1 Headquarters 4th Brigade, Marines, American E. F., 10th September 8’18. Memorandum for G-3, 2nd Division:- I have to report that 4th Brigade P »C . was established in Billet #11, town of MANONVILLE, at 8 100 P.M., 9 th oeptem- 0 r • 5th Regiment P .C . is located in Billet #32, 6th Regi¬ ment P.C. in Billet #23, both in town of MANONVILLE. (Sgd) Earl H. Ellis, EARL H. ELLIS, Lieut .Col., UST£C . E/ s Adjutant. P M . September 11, T9ltR September 11, 1918. 1 P.M. Headquarters Ninth Infantry, A.E.P. Prance, 11 Sept. 1918. From: C.’O. 9th Infantry. To : G-3* 2nd Division. Subject; Ammunition, Information asked for in Memorandum, 2nd Division, 10 Sept. 1918, the combat wagons of this regiment are full, and two extra bandoliers have been issued to each man. G* ¥» STUART. Rec'd 3 p.M. Sept 11 c .c . g Headquarters, Sixth Regiment, Marine Corps, Am. E. F• * France, 11 Sept. 1918. MEMORANDUM for G-3;- This regiment now has the prescribed number of ^ounas in the combat trains. Trucks have been sent to me Divisio Ammunition Dump and will return with sufficient ammumcio to furnish all"members of this command with two extra o ana - leers of 60 rounds each, and in addition ICO rounds per ma> for all replacements who arrived yesterday. (Sgd) Harry nee HARRY LEE, Colonel, U.3.M.C., C ommanding. From: 2nd Enmr. Arty Liaison Officer. At : 12 F A Hdq LIMEY. Date: 11 Sept 18. Hour: 10:25 No. 1. How Sent: Runner. To : Division Engr 2nd Div. 11:50 P.M. PB 1-2-4 No information. Roads leaving LIMEY cleared thru town. 5 Messages 12 F A Hdq LIMEY. Chase 1 st Lt. (Cont’d next page) (Cont’d from last page) P.M September 11, 1918. Rec’d 11 P.M. Sept. 11. Sent to Col. Mitchell. Ret'd to be shown to Gen'l Brown in the morning, C.C.G. Col. Mitchell sent word that this was a barricade that had been cleared away to G-3 from one of the roads. C.C.G. he Time I nd ic at ed . Sept. 11, 1918. From: 2nd Div. To: 1st C orps . Have been obliged to send 2nd Engineer forward to work north of METZ Road, LIROMVILLE and LIMEY have several stone wall barricades. I have opened them wide enough for wagons to Pass. Please have them removed. 3ex)t ember 12, 1918. A.M. 12’-08 A.M, September 12, 1918. To Commanding General, 2nd Division, From 3rd Brigade, Troops going into position, all quiet, liaison estab¬ lished everywhere. (Telephone message from 3rd Brigade). 0:20 A.M. 9/15/18. Hq. 3rd Brigade. Sent message to Div. by telephone that all quiet, troops coming in, liaison completed everywhere. 1:30 A.M. September 12, 1918. Telephone Message from Chief of Staff, 2nd Division, to Chief of Staff 1st Corps. ITothing coming over our way. All quiet along our front. H-of a lot going over. Hothing coning back. h - A.M. Sept. 12, 1918. 8:10 A«H. Sept. 12, 1918. Telephone message from G-3, 2nd Division, to G-3, 89th Division. I want to know if you understand fully,, the same way we do, about that 200 yard strip. Montgomery was here this afternoon and said that he explained it to you - the same way he had to us. That is all arranged for, is it? We ought to be very careful. Are you sure that our ideas of line are the same? We are a little bit worried about that off set up there you know. Caution them to be very careful about that, will you? How is it going over there? Anything coming back? 2:40 A.M, Sept. 12, 1918, Telephone message from Chief of Staff, 2nd Division, to Chief of Staff, 1st Corps. nothing coming over. I have not heard. I don't think it is? I can't hear it. All right, good-bye, (Reply from Colonel Craig, 89th, the same) 2:45 A.M., Sept, 12, 1918. Telephone message from 5th Divi¬ sion P.C. Testing liaison. Reports his lines out to the front. 2:50 A.M., Sept. 12, 1918. Telephone message from C.G., 3rd Brigade, to Chief of Staff, 2nd Division. Enemy artillery does not shell front lines. Troops will be in place soon. My visibility poor. 9/12/18. Hq. 3rd Brigade. 2:50 A.M. Message to Division reporting all quiet here and stat¬ ing that troops will soon be in place, 3:24 A.M, Sept. 12, 1918, G-3, 2nd Division, to Chief of Staff, 5th Division, Telephone message. I call you to report that our artillery brigade head¬ quarters has just talked to us. In case your wires are cut and you wish to eommunicate with them you may get them through this exchange. They report very little coming over. 3:25 A.M. 12 Sept. 1918, Telephone message from Chief of Staff, 2nd Division, to Chief of Staff, 1st Corps. Slayer - you know who Slayer is - Slayer wires artillery wires cut to the front. Artillery wires and wires cut to the front. Very little coming over. Some slight reaction on him. Rain stopped at 3 hours. 4; 00 A.::. Sept 12, ’18, Stars are out. Clear, Very muddy under f 00 1. r A.M. September 12, 1918. 4:15 A.M. Slayer 5 to Surprise 3. Very little coming over. Wires not up. Have not heard from Malone for two hours. 4:30 A.M. September 12, 1918. Telephone message from G-3, Second Division, to Adjutant, 3rd Brigade. Adjutant reports everything lovely. All set. 4:35 A.M, 9/12/18, Hq, 3rd Brig, to Surprise. Troops ready for attach. 4:50 A.M. September 12, 1918. Unable to get Fourth Brigade Headquarters. Probably have started forward. 4:56 A.M. September 12, 1918. Message from 0,P. Throwing up smoke clouds in Ho Man’s Land, Nothing further to report. 5:00 A.M. September 12, 1918. Cloudy, drizzling rain, not yet light; very muddy. No wind. 5:02 A.M, September 12, 1918. Message from O.P. Barrage increasing in intensity and a great deal of machine gun fire on the first line. 5:03 A.M. September 12, 1918. Telephone Message from Chief of Staff, 2nd Division, to Chief of Staff, 1st Corps, All over the top. All gone. From: 4 Brigade. At : P.C. THIAUCOURT. Date: 12 Sept. 18. Hour: 5:10. How Sent: Aide, To : Chief of Staff. The 6th is well closed up in rear of 23rd and is pre¬ pared to form guard for left flank. The fifth is being quickly gotten into proper position. The 6th require ra¬ tions soon as possible. 4th Brig, and 6th P.C.’s in THIAU¬ COURT. Neville. 5:15 A.M. 9/12/18. Hdq, 3rd Brigade. Phoned 9th and 23rd - Both reported everything all right. A. M. September 12, 1918. 9/12/18 Hdq. 3rd Brigade. 5:17 A.M. Notified Division of above. 5:20 A.LI., September 12, 1918. Telephone message from Adj¬ utant 3rd Brigade to G-3, 2nd Division. Everything going lovely. Off on time. Visibility poor . 5:24 A.M., September .12, 1918. O.P. reports rockets being sent up by the Boche. Too dark to see. 5:25 A.M., September 12, 1918. Chief of Staff, 2nd Div¬ ision to Chief of Staff, 1st Corps. R.O.P. reports Boche rockets being sent up in our front. 5:29 A.M., September 12, 1918. Conversation between G-3, Second Division, and Chief of Staff, 5th Division. Got off in good shape. They simply said that they got off on time, visibility poor, everything lovely. Got off on time, everything lovely. Had your outfit got started. You have not heard from- them in three hours. We got a mess¬ age here that no barrage, as we know of, yet, but Boche sent up signal rockets just a minute ago. Do you want me to see if I can get your people. We got your artillery a while ago. You are tracing the line, are you? Call up every once in a while and we will tell you how it is going. 5:35 A.M., September 12, 1918. O.P. Reports rockets being sent up, apparently from Boche second position. Prom: SISTER At : P .C . Rate: 12 Sept. Hour: 4:50 No: 1. How Sent: Runner To : SURPRISE 4th Brigade in position. Neville Rec’d. 5:45 A.M., Sept. 12, 1918. E 5:48 A.M.-, September 12, 1918. Telephone message from Adj¬ utant 3rd Brigade, to G-3, 2nd Division. Cur machine guns were making so much noise that he could not tell whether our troops were under much fife or not, but judged that they were not from the way they were going forward. Reports that the tanks are not up; that he has men cut looking ■''or them wich orders not to return until they find them. They were reported very close to the posit¬ ion early tonight; and he will call up wh.en the tanks are located . September 12, 1918. A.M. 5:50 A.II, 9/12/18. Hdq. 3rd Brigade. Phoned "Surprise 7" that no tanks arrived. French sent to look them up. Troops still moving up. 5:52 A.II., September 12, 1918.- Telephone message from Ad¬ jutant, 3rd Brigade, to G-3, Second Division, There are two small fires in the open near the woods just to the north of RELEEN AJVILL2. The Boche are shelling our front lines heavily. Have you found your tanks yet? Hof definitely. Too much smoke. Hot light enough to lo¬ cate tanks yet. Still looking. 6:00 A.II., September 12, 1918. Telephone message from Ad¬ jutant, 3rd Brigade, to G-3, Second Division. Our troops have just been observed on top of the Prom¬ enade Des M0II7S. How is your artillery fire? I mean the enemy's. Not very much. We got about 10 shells in going over the top. But from what we observe from here there is very little artillery fire. We shall move our P.G. forward very shortly. Will call you up before we move and give you our exact coordinates and will find out who reported that there was heavy artillery fire on our front line. 6 100 A.M. Sept. 12, 1918. From.* 2nd Div. To*. 1st Corps. Light tanks ready and in position at 5 A.M. 6105 A.M. September 12. over LIMEY. c -v or Keyser reports -1 aeroplanes seen 6;05 a.rn. September 12, 1918. Message from 3rd Brig, to 2d Div. 3rd Brigade moved to P .0 . 365. It will be 25 or 30 minutes before Everything going fine. No tanks, enading des M0INS. 5 - 235.5 at this hour, we get another report. Last seen of troops prom- 6:06 A.M, Sept. 12, 1918. Message to 1st .Ax mg Corps. 3rd. Brigade reports no tanks anywhere. Our troops got about 12 shells going over the top. Are now seen going over the Promenade des MOINES. Everything fine. 6:15 A.M. Sept. 12, 19 18, P.G. 3rd Brigad„e Mo. 1, 235.5). No barrage has as Boche shells drop. So far Message from Colonel Herbst: has gone forward as No. 2 (365.5 yet cowe down. We saw a few as known, nobody hurt. 6:20 A.M. September 12, 1918. G-3 observed 5 of our planes over our front; 4 of our balloons. Troops in line of skirmishers on Promenade des MOINES, probably 1st line of 3rd Brigade. One Boche bal¬ loon up. Many rockets from the BOIS du FOUR and BOIS de RAPPE. Large smoke observed near MOUSSON. 6'-23 A.M. Sept. 12, 1918. Message from G-2, Int. O.P. A. body of troops, about 100 men, seen on Retreated about 100 yards; fell into a prone 2d Div., from the horiion. position - hand (Cont'd next page) . . ' A. 11. September 12, 1918. 'Cont’cL from lust page) to hand struggle Is going on. A Boche balloon just been seen. C : 30 A I.., September 12, 1918. Lessage to 8-2, 89 th Biv¬ ision, rec‘d Brig. Station 12:50. One of our planes has been shot down to the right of FLERY; evidently struck by one of our own shells. It had just signalled "Where are you. LcGrath. C:40 A .III. , September 12, 1918. From plane to S.A. Division Station. Battalion Headquarters in Message from Division O.P. Hour 6:40 Enemy is throwing shrapnel on supporting troops which is about 1 kilometer from the horizon. G-2 . lies sage from Div.. Aeroplane- Hour 8:40 A.LI. Our troops at 364.5 - 238.5 to 365.5 to 238.9 to 366,2 - 239.4 to 366.9 - 2 39.9. Enemy battery at 336.2 .- 239.9 abandoned . Prisoners captured at 364.9 - 239.9 abandoned. Prisoners captured at 364.9 - 238.3 (trenches) Can’t find P.C.'s . C. of S. At t. Brig. 0-3 . £ , A (A A > t C . O A « - L • September 12, 1918. Lessage from 89th Division. Lieutenant Hudson, 89th Division,says that the Chief of Staff won't answer the phone. Does not know where his- troops are on our left. Was xven the position of our troops as passing the Promenade :.e: LIOIDES. 6:47 A.U., September 12, 1918. Intelligence O.P. From G-2, 2nd Division. Troops evidently met with heavy' resistance on Promenade des LOIHES. There has been a hand to hand struggle for the past five minutes. 6:50 A.Id., September 12, 1918. Chief of Staff 2nd Division to Chief of Staff 1st Corps. Prisoners taken from the 419th Infantry Regiment, now being sent back from LIliEY, confirming ordei of battle. Our troops apparently met with stubborn resistance on Promenade dcs LOUIES. Apparently the line is lined up now over the crest of the Promenade'des LIOINES. 6:51 A .11., Adjutant 3rd Brigade. Promenade des LOUIES evidently in our hands. Small groups of men marching by the flanks across hill for the last five minutes. Groups of men all over crest of hill. A Hf « i'.l • September 12, 1918. 6 5 56 A.M. September 12, 1918. "Message from Colonel Herbst. I can see from my position here small groups of German prisoners streaming b ack. 1 also see about 8 or 9 small tanks, which are approximately due north of LIJCEY - possibly 1 kilometer - and not making very much headway. Enemy artil¬ lery firing once in a while - stray shells. Our troops mak¬ ing good progress. No Boche planes and no Boche balloons. A number of our aeroplanes but, of course, it is very diffi¬ cult for them to get down. 7^00 A.M. September 12, 1918. Message from Div, O.P. Pour white rockets on other side PROMENADE des MOINS. Several long lines of men returning to the rear, evidently prisoners. Going toward LIMEY. 7:05 A.M. September 12, 1918. Field Message from C.G. 3rd Brigade at P.C. 2 by runner to G-3. Attack moving forward west. Have taken BOIS de FOUR and (Me s sage i nc or.iplet e) 7105 A.M. 9/12/18 , Hdq. 3rd Brigade. P.C. 3rd Brigade established at No. 2. Div. Hdq. noti¬ fied of our arrival. 9th and 23rd Inf, notified thru Liai¬ sons , 7^05 A.M. September 12, 1918. Message from Liaison Offi¬ cer, 5th Division, Chief of Staff, 5th Division, has not heard a word since 5:35. Tanks have cut all the wires to the front. 7:10 A.M. Message from. 5th Division - Chief of Staff. Intermediate obj ective taken by 5th Division at H H" plus 9 5. ( 6 :35 A.M.) 7:20 A.M* September 12. Message from Div. Aeroplane. T E U W 1 W H Friendly troops advancing in 364.2 - 237 to 367 -237. 7:22 AkM* September 12, 1918. 7:21 - G-3, 2nd Division, to G-3, 1st Corps. 5th Division reports they took intermediate objective at 6;35 A.M. 4th Corps reports they have met very little resistance and have captured the towns of FMCHECOURT and ST. BOUSSOIT - 42nd Division has advanced l-g- kilometers. The 1st Division has one brigade across RUPE de MAD. Avions report camions across PANNES, All divisions report slight artillery resis¬ tance, Enemy infantry now apparently to HILL 258.4 running east and west along the ridge. . September 12, 1918. A.II. 7.25 A.II. 12 Sept. 18. From: 2nd Div. To: 1st Corps have reached southern edge of BOIS de tion of that line to PROMT AD des MOI3STDES, lowing Infantry closely 1 K. south of LIMEY not heard from. FOUR. C ontinu a- Light Tanks fol- . Heavy tanks 7.25 A.M. Message from Div. O.P. (received 7:30 A.M.) Tr . M+ r ° che artillery beginning to shell. Cur reinforce¬ ments on ground formerly held by Boche. Message received from Div. O.P. Hour 7:30 A.M. Sept. 12th. TTT(r — ? ur seen about 800 meters northeast of .LIMEY advancing towards the line. C.of S. Art .Brig. G-3. G-2. 7-^3 A.M, September 12, 1918. Message from Colonel Herbst. Reports from P .C . that about 100 Boche prisoners are go- ing through LIMEY and he talked to 6 of them, who belonged to e 4 9th Regiment, 77 th Division, Prussian. They state that ey have been expecting the attack since September 1st. Last night, at midnight, all the officers beat it so wnen the American troops came over they all surrendered with¬ out putting up any scrap. 7-55 A.M. 12 Sept. 18. From: 2nd Div. To: 1st Corps. Q,uite a number of prisoners have been captured from 417 Reserve Regiment, 77th Div., confirming order of battle. Ad¬ vanced center at LIMEY reports them coming in. 7-o5 A.M. 9/12/18. Hdq, 3rd Brigade. Message to Div. about taking BOIS du FOUR. Message from Div, O.P. Hour 7:37 A.M. Sept. 12th. -A* 1 -African plane just fell about 1 kilometer north of REGixIEVILLE• He is down on ground formerly held by the Boche. C.S, Art.Brig. G-3, G-2. 7:44 A.M. September 12, 1918. From Colonel Herbst. From P ,C . Colonel Herbst observes an allied aeroplane, tail up, about \ kilometer northwest of RE GENIEV ILLE • 4th .brigade in the vicinity of LIMEY. 3 big tanks moved north out of LIMEY at 7:40 A.M. Everything going well along the line, A. M. September 12, 1918. 7:45 A.M., September 12, 1918. Message from 1st Squadron. Blue uniform troops in trench at 364.9 - 238.5. 4 Horsemen in blue uniform going northeast along BOIS de HEICHE northwest. C. of S. G-2 ^rt. Brig. G- 3 . Prom: C.G. 3rd Brig. At : P.C. No. 2. Bate: 12 Sept. Hour: 7:45 Ho: 103. How Sent:Runner. To : C .G ., 2nd Div. Our P.C. moves forward to P.C. No. 3 S.E. edge BOIS de HAIE 1 ’EVBQlJE . Everything progressing nicely. Our troops have advanc¬ ed into woods near 1st Intermediate Objectives, apparently Intermediate Objective taken. H.E. ELY. per WATSON (?) Very few casualties. 7:45 A.M. Message from Div. 0,P . Another tank seen about 1 kilometer northeast of LIMEY going forward toward the line. Message from Div. O.P. Hour: 7:50 A.M. We have 4 tanks advancing on the PROMENADE des MARNE. Boche is using an awful lot of schrapnel all over our for¬ ward lines . 0 - 2 . C. of S. Art. Brig. G-3. 7:10 A.M., September 12, 1918. Field message from 4th Brig¬ ade at P.C. to 2nd Division received by runner at 7:57. 1st line battalions 4th Brigade advancing. All O.K. Neville. Prom: C.G. 3rd Brig. At : P.C. 3. Bate: 12 Sept. 18. Hour: 8:05 A.M. No: 15. How Sent:runner To : G-3. Brigade P.C. moved as above. 9th temporarily" held up in north edge B de POUR by M.G. Completely occupies it now. Ho exact information from left but attack progressing. Pew casualties, less than 05$ seen going back. Enemy south edge"BOIS de HEICHE. Ely, G-3. He. Message from Div. O.P. Hour: 8:10 A.M. Some artillery moving forward about 1 kilometer south of ANCIENNECOURT FERME, moving towards the PROMENADE des MOINES. Enemy artillery very active all over our sector. G-2. C. of S., Art. Brig., G-3. A.M. September 12, 1918. 8:12 A.M, September (7:20). Friendly troops 12, 1918. Message advancing in 364.2 from Div. Aeroplane. - 237 - 307 - 237. 8:15 A.M* September 12, 1918. Message from Colonel Herbst. Just came in at Advance Message Center 8:15 A.M. Signal Corps reported signal corps worked on line from 3rd Brigade back. Will be in in a few minutes. 9/12/18. To: Surprise (2nd Div. Hdq.) 8:15 A.M. At 8:10 Snow was 400 Meters beyond intermediate & going strong with no opposition. 8:25 A.M. September 12, 1918. Message from Chief of Staff, 89th Division. Colonel Kilbourr- reports at 8:27 A.M. that an aeroplane reported at 89th Division near the BOIS de BEAU VALLQB at 7;36. Have not met with much resistance. Getting along well. 8:26 A.M. September 12, 1918. Message from O.Pi A huge white cloud of smoke and a terrific explosion in the direction of THIAUCOURT and about that distance away. G-2 From: 5th Division (From 2nd Div, at 8:10) Date: 9/12 Hour: 8:30. 2nd Division reports German counter attack on B. de BEAU VALLOB which was repulsed & 2nd Division took prisoners. 2nd Division Troops were being shelled. 8:34 A.M. September 12, 1918. Message from General Ely, P.C. Bo. 2. 7:45 A.M. - Our P.C. moves forward to P.C. Bo. 3, south¬ east edge of BOIS de HAIE l’EVEQjJE. Everything progressing nicely. Our troops have advanced into woods approximately near first intermediate objective. So far reported very few casualties. Message from Div. O.P, Hour 8:35 A.M. 2 tanks have just gone over the PROMEBADE des MOIBES. ^ • o f S, Art. Brig. G-3 G-2. A. M. September IS, 1918. From: C.G. 3rd Erig.’d 8:37 A.M. At : P.C. 2 (near top of PROMENADE des MOINES) Sept. 12 Date: 12 Sept. Hour: 7:10 No: 13 Runner. C.G.G. To : G-3. P.C. 3rd Brigade reestablished as shown, attack progressing as per time schedule. Our troops now seen between 30IS de FOUR and BOIS l’EVEQjJE at point where woods meet. Numbers of prisoners coming from BOIS du FOUR as far as north central part . Telephones cannot keep up. 'wireless not yet up. Remarkably few wounded seen going back. We are going strong. ELY, Per. He. Message from IHv. Aeroplane .Hour 8:40 A.M. Our troops at 364.5 - 238.5 to 365.5 - 238.9 to 356.2 239.4 to 366.9 - 239.9. Enemy baMtery at 366.2 - 239.9 abandoned. Prisoners captured at 364.9 - 238.3 (trenches) Can 1 1 find F . C . 's. C. of S. Art. Brig. G- 3. 8:45 A.21., September 12, 1918. Message from 90th Division. Evans directing from 5th Division reports 90th Division reached final objective at 8:30 A.H. 8:45 A.H., September 12, 1918. Message from aeroplane dropped on 1st ^n. 17th F.A. at 8:45 A.H. Pilot, Cutyman Observer, Reid. Have made several requests for the line but no panels appeared except ones shown: Bis panel: 31.59 Troops:about 400 men at 28.69 at 8:20 to 8:40. Along edge of woods S.E. from FERME des CKEVRSS. Barrage: 05:63 to 20.69. 8:45 A.M., September 12, 1918. Liaison Officer, 89th Divis¬ ion . At 8:35 A.M. the 89th Division reported that they do not know the exact locations of their line but will call here as soon as it is received. From: 2nd Div. To : 1st Corps, 8:48 A.M. 12 Sept. 18. Artillery reports the Infantry on the intermediate Obj¬ ective. Ely attack progressing as per time scheduled. Our troops now seen between BOIS du FOUR and BOIS 1'EVEQjJE at point where woods meet. Number of prisoners coming from cIS du FOUR as far back as N. Central part. Remarkably few wounded going back. We are going strong. A. K. September 12, 1918. 8:50 A.II., September 12, 1918. Message to Chief of Staff, 1st Corps. G-l is to keep in touch with Knudson, in regard to ammunition question. Reply to General Brown. Big fire in THIAUCOURT at 8:15 and a big explosion there. One enemy aeroplane over LIMEY. From: Fletcher Date: 9/12 Hour: 8:55 A.M. To : 5th F.A. Bg. Counter attack vs 2nd Div. at BRINCKERHOFF reached thro’ old Slayer 5 (Mart inCourt) by SHALLE1TBERGER. 8:55 A.M., September 12, 1918. Message from. 3rd Brigade. Intermediate objective taken. Request artillery move forward. . • 8:55 A.M., September 12, 1918. Aviation Map - No. P.C. 2 - Enemy surrendering. Loc¬ ation of front line at 8:45 A.M. about 200 yards south from “first phafeB*' line. Message from Aeroplane Hour 9 A.M., Rec’d 8:42 A.M. Explosions at 364.8 - 240.2 at 7:45 A.M. Fires west of THIAUCOURT at 8 o’clock. In THIAUCOURT 8:15. Shells falling along northern edge of BOIS de ’H3ICHE 8:25. Hostile air¬ craft 1 biplane over LIMEY at 7:15. 1 Spud down 100 meters east of REGNIEVILLE. (Message nap accompanying message) C. of S. G-2. Art. Brig. G-3. 9:00 A.M., September 12, 1918. From C.G. 89th Division to C.G. 2nd Division. My brigades report favorable progress. How are yours progressing. Answer that we received airplane map showing _our line about 200 yards south of 1st phase line at 8:45 A.M. From: 2nd Div. To : 1st Corps. 9:00 A.M. 12 Sept. 18. Enemy surrendering. Map shows our line about nOO yards south of 1st Phase line. 9:05 A.M., September 12, 1918. From 3rd Brigade. General Ely moves P.C. to No. 4 (Loge Mangin) at 9:30 A.M. Hn AB A . From At Date To 3 Q,09 September 12., 1918. 11 OFM Sink P .C . Sept. 12 Hour: 9:05 A.M. How Sent: Radio. Surpr i 8 e. Move to P.C. four at 9:30 A.M. Sink . 9:15 A.M., September 12, 1918. Message from 3rd Brigade. Intermediate objective taken. Request artillery move forward. 9:15 A.M., September 12, 1918. 4th Brigade (Courier) Nothing to report. Advancing as per schedule Neville. 9:18 A.M., September 12, 1918. Prom 1st Corps. Get men well in hand on "1st Fhase" line. Never mind the "H" plus 6. Protect your left flank. Order for Colonel Albright to make every haste to for¬ ward his lines to General Ely. 9:20 A.11., September 12, 1918. Message to and from 5th Div¬ ision. Prom Or-3, 2nd Div. Our front line is on the "1st Phase" line. Where is yours? To G-3, 2nd Div. Moving forward, between the Inter¬ mediate Objective and "1st Phase Line." 9:15 A.M., September 12, 1918. 3rd Brigade. (Received 9:22 A «n. ) Hash up artillery. (Rush)? 4 AB 50 m From Sink At P.C. 3 Date Sept. 12 Hour: 9:15 A.M. To Surprise tfbPNZ UDT3A MWRLT WLRUY Rec *d 9:22 G-2. C.C.G. 9:22 A.M. Sept. 12. C.G.,0. From Sister . At P.C. Date 12 Sept. Hour: 8:40 A.M. No: 7. How Sent; Courier To Surprise. P.C. moved to LIMEY. All O.K. Foville A.M. September 12, 1918. No. Sent By Received By 20,69 HN AB Check 20 o m From; Sink At ; P.C. Bate; Sept 12 Hour; 9:08 A.M. How Sent: Radio. To : Surprise. At 8:10 Snow was 400 metres beyond intermediate G-3 and going strong with no opposition. Sink, Rec’d 9:22 Roberts Biv. Hdq 12 Sept. 1918 9:25 A.M. 9 Foot Messenger 9th Brigade. 10th Brig, reports 100 prisoners and 2 officers. Exact location of line not known. Counter attack has been launched against 2nd Biv. Roberts. 9:29 A.M. September 12, 1918, Chief of Staff to 1st Corps. 125 prisoners, including 9 officers counted. Trying to send them back now. All come from 77th Bivision, and report that last night their officers abandoned them. Message from 1st Squadron Hour 9:30 A.M. To G-2 1st Corps, 5th Biv. 10th Brig. Sept. 12, '18. Our front lines are 367.5 - 241.7 to 367.5 - 241.5 to 367.8 - 241.3 to 368.0 - 241.2 to 368,2 - 241.2 to 368. 3 - 241.3 to 368.6 - 241.6 to 368,8 - 241.7 to 368.9 - 241.8 to 368.0 - 241.8 to 368,2 - 241.8 to 368.4 - 241.8. Few friendly shots falling in B0IS GERARB. Tanks stopped around REGNIEVILLE. Many prisoners coming to rear. G-2. 9:30 A.M, September 12, 1918. C, G. 3rd Brigade (runner) P.C. No.3 Brigade P.C. moved as above. 9th Infantry temporarily held up on north edge B0IS du FOUR by machine gun. Completely oc¬ cupies it now. No exact information from left but attack progressing. Few casualties - less than 5 % seen going back. 9:37 A.M. P.C. September 12, 1918, Aeroplane message, of 4th Brigade at LIMEY, 9:37 A.M. September 12, 1918. Aeroplane message. Line at 9:00 A.M. on the "1st Phase Line". ' A. M. September 12, 1918,. 9:40 A -M • , September 12, 1918. -^rom Evans, 5th Division. The left of the 5th Division line running on the "1st Phase" line. Will move on to Army Objective - dig in and exploit, as per Corps order. Prom: Sister At : P.C. LIMEY. Date: 12 Sept. Hour: 9:30 A.M, No: 9. How Sent: Courier To : Surprise. Nothing to report - advancing as per schedule, Neville, Rec'd 9:45 A.M. Sept. 12. E. C .C .G To G-3 . 9:12 A.M. , September 12, 1918. Message from General Ely. By radio. Received 9:50 A.M. Eire reported by our observer at about first phase objective line and going strong. Little infantry resistance, Losses less than ten per cent. Request artillery be moved up. P.C. moves to P.C. No. 4 at 9:30 A.M. Ely . 9:50 A .M . , September 12, 1918. Copy of wireless sent to Gen. Ely. 3rd Brigade. Artillery moving forward to support you. Three batt¬ alions now on road, two north of REMENAUVILLE, Locate it and report position Sept. 12, 1918. Telephone report received from C. of S. 1st Corps,9:51 A.M. First Phase line was reached at 9 o'clock. The corps has been ordered to go ahead. The Corps has ordered the 2nd to go ahead with the 5th following it. The 5th is along¬ side of it, not quite up. The 89th Division - Have not been able to get in touch with it since the start but are taking care of that flank now. The 2nd Division has its front cov¬ ered by its guns. They have already counted in 125 prisoners of whom 9 are officers. They say that the officers pulled their freight and deserted them last night. The 5th Division has something like 140 prisoners in addition to the 2nd Div. The 90th reports between 40 and 70. Losses suprisingly slight is the report from Ely - Marine Bde. Fires are reported in PAGNY-sur-MOSELLE, VIEVILLE and THIAU.COURT . A big fire in VIEVILLE. The battle order has been confirmed in each case. jas From: 2nd Div. To : 1st Corps. 9:55 A.M. 12 Sept. 10. 125 Prisoners, including 9 officers, mostly from 419th Reg. are in LIMEY. A few from 332nd Reg. report that German are surrendering after brief M.G, Resistance. * A. M September 12, 1918. 10 A .M., September 12, 1918. From Div. Advance Message Center. Allied plane came down about 1/2 kilometer - between LIMEY and REI.LEKAUVILLE, tail down - to the east of the road. 10 A.M., September 12, 1918. Field Message from 3rd Brig¬ ade at F.C. 6 to Chief of Staff by officer. Request information as to your whereabouts. We have received no notice of change from that of last night. Have sent runners back along axis of liaison but have been unable to get receipts. Y'our liaison officer does not know where to find you. Ely . Next P.C. THIAUCOURT. 10:01 A.MSeptember 12, 1918. Message from Evans 5th Division. Some of the prisoners taken in this sector report they have been transferred from the 69th Division 332nd Regiment. Their companies average 50 men. 10:12 A.M. , September 12, 1918. From Evans, Liaison officer 5th Division. The leading brigade reports that part of the 4th on Army Line,,and brigade commander thinks that all of Army line has been taken. 8:55 A.M., September 12, 1918. ^ield Message from 3rd Brig¬ ade to 2nd Division, received 10:30. AKRGS LLEAZ RGBKD FGPOX GRONG LWLPV FRYGS PDMRL TWKJW BBIWD DTORT ZQLLW From: 2nd Div. To : 1st Corps. 10:35 A.M. 12 Sept. 18. Big fire in THIAUCOURT at 8:15 and a big explosion there. Oiver.-enemy plane over LIMEY. Our troops reached 1st phase line on schedule time. Gen. Ely has gone so fast that the wireless and the telephone were unable to keep up with him and our communications with him here by plane only. 125 Prisoners, including 9 officers, all from 77 Div., and report that last night their officers abandoned them. From: Fletcher Date: 9/12 Hour: 11:00 To : 5th F.A. 2nd Div. reports reached First phase objective line at 9 A.M. Hq. 2nd Div. 12 September. 11:15 A.M From: Chief of Staff. To : General Ely. Corps reports that one of their observation posts observed between 2,000 and 3,000 enemy troops debuss¬ ing on the CHAMBLEY - DAMPVITOUX road and are entering (Cont'd next page) . $ September 12, 1918. A • Ax. (Cont’d from last page) DAHPVITOUX. There are also 4 railway trains made up of box cars on the tracks CHA1IBLEY-DOLILIARTIN line in between these 2 towns. The same Observation Post reports 1,000 enemy mov 1 ing from BOIS VENCHERES to BOIS BEAU VALLQN. Brown. Sent in code. (initialed, but indecipherable) 9/12/18. Prom 4th Brig, to Hdq, 3rd Brigade. 11:25 A.M. This is from Surprise 3. He desires that I inform you that the 5 Division has reached the Army Objective. Also that about 2000 enemy troops are debussing on the CHARET- DQMMARTIN Road. Signed Sister. 9/12/18. To: Division. 11:30 A.M. 3rd Brigade to Div. Request information as to your whereabouts. \Ie have received no notice of change from that of last night. Have sent runners back along axis of liaison and have been unable to get receipts. Our Liaison Officer does not know where to find you. Ely. Prom: Sister. (4th Brig) Date: Sept 12/18 Hour 11:10 A.Li. How Sent: Courier. To : Surprise, Am sending herewith position report of 5 Reg. at 10:15 A,LI. The 6 Reg, is approximately abreast of 5 Reg, No definite report received. C.O. 5 Reg. reports that he will close up on 3 Brigade shortly. Sister, Rec 11:30 A.M. No. Sent By Received By Time Check 7 0,69 HN AB 11:34 21 0 PM Prom: Sink 1. At : PC 4 Date: Date 9/12/ Hour 11:10 A.M, No. 109 How Sent: To : Surprise 7. Radio. P C moves to No 5 at 11:30 attack progressing rapidly will move to P C No 6 as soon as possible. Sink 1. 11:34 A.M. Rec 1 d 11:40 A.M. Sept 12 to G-o. A. M. September 12, 19 IB. 11:35 A.M., September 12, 1918. lies sage Center. 10:30 ^.M. September 12, 1918. Phone message from Commanding General 3rd Brigade to °. G, 2nd Division, Enemy reported evacuating THIAUCOUKT. Retiring over fields in squad columns toward XAMMES. Sink 7. Filed by Sink 7 at 11:30. 11:40 A.II. September 12, 1918. 16 officers - 568 men (prisoners) reached headquarters 2nd Division up to 11 A.11. 11:42 A.1 1. September 12, 1918. From 4tli Brigade by Courier. Am sending herewith position report of 5th Regiment at 10:15 A.M. The 6th Regiment is approximately abreast by 5th Regiment. No definite report received. C. 0. 15th Regiment reports that he will close up on 3rd shortly . 11:45 A.M. September 12, 1918. 11:10 A-.M. by radio, 3rd Brigade. P.C. moves to No. 5 at 11:30. Attack progressing rapid¬ ly. Will move to P.C. No. 6 as soon as possible. 9/12/18 3rd Pritrade. To: Division. 11:55 A.M. P.C. moves Northwest of #6 at 1:30 P.M. From: Sister Date: Sept. 12/18 Hour: 11:55 A.M. How Sent: Courier. To : Surprise. 4 Brig. P.C. moved to HAGIMONT trench 365.8 - 234.7. Neville. 9/12/18 Hdq. 3rd Brigade. 11:55 A.M. To Division by runner and T.P.S. saying entered THIAU- COURT and will push on to the Army line. 9/12/18 Hdq. 3rd Brigade 11:55 A.M. (Message timed) Corps reports that one of their observation posts ob¬ served between 2 and 3000 enemy troops debussing on the CHAHBLEy-DAMPVITOUX. Road and are entering DAMPVI 70 UX. There are also 4 R.R. trains made up of box cars on the tracks of CHAIvIBLEY-DOMMARTIN line between those towns. Brown. From: Sink How Sent: At : P.C. 4’ Date: 12 Sept. Hour: 10:10 No: 106 T.S.F. To : Surprise 7. 1st Phase taken about 9:30, please notify lateral commands. Losses considerably less than 10/?. Put artillery on THIAUCOURT. Roc'd. 11:55 A.M. Sink 7. ‘' ’ ’ r‘\ * P.M. September 12, 1918. From: Sister. At : Date: Sept. 12/18. Hour: 12 Noon. How Sent: Telephone. To : Surprise, 5 Reg. reports leading Batt. at 235.8 at 11:40 A.M. Neville. 12:00 Noon. September 12, 1918. To General Neville, 4th Brigade, The division commander directs that you close your brig¬ ade up on the 3rd Brigade to approximately 1 kilometer, guard¬ ing its left flank. The 3rd Brigade has left the 1st Phase Line at 11:00 A.M. advancing on the First Day’s Objective. Enemy is reported by an observation post as evacuating THIAUCOURT and retiring over fields in squad columns towards XAMLIES. The 5th Division has reached the Army Objective. Send a runner to General Ely with this information and direct him to establish liaison with it, with the least practicable delay. Please send, by wireless, a report of the situation and ask General Ely to do the same, Preston Brown, Brigadier General, General Staff, Chief of Staff. From: 2nd Div. To: 1st Corps. 12:15 P.M. 12 Sept. 18. Enemy evacuating THIAUCOURT. Retiring over fields in squad column towards XAIvDIES. Prisoners, 160 officers, 560 men, moved forward in bad condition. Tanks have done nothing* Heavy tanks when last seen were at REHENAUVILLE and light tanks scattered along road. Considerable evacuation going on road N and about 30 W of THIAUCOURT. Some transportation gone into village. Enemy artillery trying to go into action or trying to get away near small clumps of bushes, east of road crossing 1 Kin northeast of THIAUCOURT, 12:35 P.M. September 12, 1918. Message from Colonel Mitchell. The road from, into and out of REMENAUVILLE is in very bad condition. Holes 10 feet deep all over. I expect to have it possible for artillery by two o’clock. Hoffman, Corps En¬ gineer, has 3 companies of engineers and he is at the corps. The road north of REMENAUVILLE is reported in fair shape. 2nd Division, 2nd Sect. Sept. 12, ’18. Message from 4th Brigade P.C. at HAGIMONT. Hour 12:35 P.M, 4th Brigade P.C. moved to HAGIMONT Trench 365.8 - 234.7. NEVILLE. 5th Regt.reports leading battalion at 235,8 - time 11:40 A.M. G-2. C.of S. Art. Brig. P.M. September 12, 1918. 12:40 P.M. Message to Chief of Staff, 1st Army Corps. German artillery stuck on the PANNES-ESSEY Road, then down towards the little crooked road near MAIZERAIS. Some avions reported that most of their artillery was there, a terrible block. Also advised as to the need of engineers to repair the roads into and out of REMENAUVILLE, and advised that aid be given if possible. From Date To Sister. Sept. 12/18. Hour: 12:40 P.M. How Sent: Courier. Surprise. 4 Brigade moving to southwest corner of BOIS du FOUR via REMENAUVILLE. 4 Brig, advancing in position. Neville. 1:05 P.M. September 12, 1918. Field message from 3rd Brig¬ ade P.C, at P.C. 6 to Second Division P.C, Our troops 800 yds north of THIAUCOURT. Going strong. Prisoners coming in. Ely. P.C. moves THIAUCOURT 1:10. 1:10 P.M. September 12, 1918. From General Neville. 4th Brigade moving to Fourth - S.W. corner of BOIS du FOUR via REMENAUVILLE. 4th Brigade advancing in position. HEADQUARTERS FIRST ARMY. Secret: Clear. From: 1st Corps. No. 20. Date: Sept. 12, '18. Time 12:45 H. Rec’d 13:15 To : G— 3. 5th Div. reports at 12:10 identification of Landstrum Battalion 13th District number 8 Ludwigsburg. Came from VERDUN 4 days ago. Rumor of troops coming in back of Hin- denburg line. Several hundred prisoners taken 8 or 10 of¬ ficers, 2nd Div. reports at 12:15 enemy evacuation THIAU¬ COURT, 560 prisoners and 16 officers taken. Tanks have done nothing. ALLEN. 1:15 P.M* September 12, 1918, Telephone message from Chief of Staff to forward Message Center. Is Hale there? Yes. I see. Now, how long before you will be able to establish wire connection with General Ely? (Cont'd next page) P. M. September 12, 19IS. (Cont’d from last page) You have not heard from General Ely at all. Can you hear the fighting going on up there or anything. Is our art¬ illery firing over there. How are the roads? Did you come out the roads? Can you get an automobile overthoseroads? ^rom where? From bade here. You think she can come through REI.iENAUVILLE. Yes. And take the road straight down across the field? What? It don’t go through REMENAUVILLE at all. Does it go through that town? It remains at REMENAUVILLE. Just hold up now a minute. What is behind you? Is any fighting behind you at all? Is that all cleaned out. The 75•s are right along with you are they? Just about LOGE MARGIE, about 3/4 on the line. How many are up there. All right I have got that. Now do you -- you have not been able to get a line up to him. When did you get your last message. When did he go forward? About 10:30. That is about right. You can’t hear the sounds of any fighting over towards THIAUCGURT. You have sent messages to him. Now as soon as you get a message please call me right away. 1:^0 P.M., September 12, 1912. From Lt. Col. Strong, 2nd Engineers. It is imperative to secure the service of our corps engineers and pioneers. We were to have at least 1 Co. at each. Please try to get these up at once. Impossible for transportation to return from THIAUCOURT tonight. Hard enough to get up. Division engineers in camp between LIMEY and. REMENAU- VILLE will indi cate necessary work. From: Sister At : P.C . Date: 12 Sept. 18, Hour: 1:25 P.M. No: 12. To : Surprise. 6th Regiment reports their casualties today total 30 of which Captain black 95th Co. and _ Rocket flares and hand grenades needed. Their trains, ration and baggage wagons at LOGE MARGIN. Neville. September 12, 1918 No . 51 1:30 P.M., September 12, 1918. From G-3, 2nd Div. to C.G., 2nd Division. Have artillery put down heavy barrage in front of 23rd Infantry,unless this is done must fall back, boche counter attacking heavily. Keep up fire. Have no pyrotechnics. 1:45 P.M., September 12, 1918. From G-3, 1st Corps. Army Observer (artillery) reports that hostile forces, estimated at 2,000 infantry, was being unloaded from trucks on the road from CHAMBLEY to DAMPVITONX. Air service promp¬ tly notified to take action and states it would. Army re¬ ceived that from a terrestrial observer. 1:50 P.M., September 12, 1918. Intelligence Officer to G-2, 2nd Div. Brief Interrogatory of German officer gave the follow¬ ing result; 1. From the 419th Inf. Regt. 332nd on the left and (Cont’d next page. . September 12, 1913. X • lu I (Cont’d from last page) 257th on their right. American attack for 10 days expected and expected to lose the mIHIEL salient. Positive that no effort will be made to defend TKIAU- COUP.T . That their strongest point of defense is in the woods 300 yards south of JAULNY; that their strongest line of resistance will almost coincide with our "1st Day’s" objective . There are no special M.G. nests, within our objective. 1:55 P . 1 ^. September 12, 1913. message from Gen. Ely, 3rd Brigade (11:55 A.k.) . THIAUCOURT ours at 11:50. Germans retreating. Ve will push on to possible objective . Losses less than ten per cent. No. 10 Sent by: Q.6S :Mn 41 - OFk From: Sink 1 Rec'd 1:55 P.k. Sept. 12th. At P. C. 6 C.C.G. Bate: Hour: 12:45 P.k. No* 111 To: C—3 . To : Surprise one . Enemy artillery and infantry withdrawing over fields towards XAuuTSS . Ve are pushing forward one battery now passing road about 500 yards N .V. THIAUCOURT . Our P.C. moves 2 Kilometers N.W. of No, 6 - 1:30 P.k. Sink. No • 9 23 OFk From: Sink A‘t : : P . C . Six. Date: Hour: 11:55 No. 19 To :.Surprise . push THIAUCOURT ours at 11:50. Germans retreating. Ve will on to possible objective. Losses less than ten percent. (Signed) Sink . Rec ’ d 1:57 P .if. Sept. 12, C.C.G.' To G-3 . 9/12/18. Haq . 3rd Brigade. 2:00 P.m. To Sink 1 from Surprise 4. Desire information as to your location ’progress and general situation. Have had no word from you and wish this information at once by any available and quick means at your command. 2:00 P.k., September 12, 1913. message from Gen. Ely, 3rd Brigade. Enemy artillery and infantry withdrawing over fields towards XAkkESb Ve are pushing forward onebattery now; passing road about 500 yards northwest THIAUCOURT . Our P.C. moves 2 kilometers northwest of No. 6 (P.C.) at 1:30 P.M. 2:05 P.k., September 12, 1918. Chief of Staff to 1st corps. Ve are sending you 50 officers 1800 men - prisoners. ^ore conin:. THIAUCOURT is taken - 11:50 A.m. Ve are ad¬ vancing on the Army Objective . Notify Army and Corps Artil¬ lery. (Cont’d next page) P. M. September 12, 1918. (Cont’d from last page) Prom Chief of Staff, 1st Corps, to Chief of Staff, 2nd Div. Just heard from Drum and are going to get into trouble from the direction of DAMPVITGUX. Organize the Army obj¬ ective strongly and sent out strong reconnaissance for ex¬ ploitation . Prom C. of S. 2nd Div. to C. of S., 1st Corps. /e have about 10% losses. Losses light. Tv*ro regiment ol artillery are right behind and moving up. The General and I are going forward. We will hold that line. That is the last thing you got to worry about is the 2nd Division holding that line. Sept 12th, 1918. Telephone report, 1st Corps rec’d. Gen. Craig, 2:07 P .M. 2nd Division reports 43 officers, 1300 men, prisoners gone to Div. P.C. and more coming. It may run over 2000. Telephone report, 1st Corps, rec’d, 2:20 P .11. TKIAUCQURT captured and 2nd Div. just about on the Army line above it. 2 regts. of artillery of division, two kil¬ ometers behind and ready to do business. 1800 prisoners, not counting 49 officers and more to come. jas -.. 2:20 P.M., September 12, 1918. Prom G-3 (Lt. Norby) 1st Corps . EUILLONVILLE and THIAUCOURT not occupied in forces, ho masses of troops. The Hindenburg line between LA CIIAUSEE and CHAREY not occupied in force. 4 Machines made this re¬ connaissance at an altitude of 400 meters. Inform the Army Corps that we took THIAUCOURT at 11:50 A .M. 2:30 P.M., September 12, 1918. Have taken army objective and gone slightly further on right. My line runs from 252.4 - southern quarter, BQIS de RUPT - TQULNY (exclusive), southern edge B0IS B0KVAUX. Are outposting that line and organizing Army line. Troops a little tired. Casualties estimated b %. Ely, Brig.Gen. 9/12/18 Hdq. 3rd Brigade. 2:30 P .M. L0GE MARGIN. - Gen. Ely. Hdq. is here. Please let me know your position and artillery needs. A wire is being laid to THIAUCOURT. Boche debussing (2000) on CHAMBLEYDAM- VJT0UX , probably for a counter attack, 89 is not up. Gen. Neville will guard your left flank and be in reserve. Have you liaison with 5th Div. Are you on Army Objective? Brown, 2:35 P .M., September 12, 1918. To 5th Division. We took THIAUCOURT at 11:50 - still going strong. Got 50 officers and about 2,000 prisoners - all along the line. We blew up something in THIAUCOURT. There was a big explosion (Cont’d next page) (Cont’d from last page ) P . M . September IS, 1918. there. They say the Hindenburg line is not very strongly held Some troops debussing and detraining around DA^FYITOUX, which is on our left. I haven’t heard from our other Corps since they first started. They started out pretty strong. 5th Div ision advised that they heard the 89th Division hadn’t got¬ ten very far. Got only to the front line trenches. We have lost very few. Ely says a good deal le^s than 1 )% up to 12:30. We evacuated 25 wounded. 2:4 0 P September 12, 1913 message to 89th Divsiion. your you ,.ow are you getting along over there? Where is front line now? A. northwest of TKIAUCOURT . Q,. Have connected with our people up there? Are you tion with your front line? The brigade hasn’t said whether they are in liaison know who took it - officers and about ision Headquarters artillery. We are e our orde: Those., a a thus . We tool: THI AD COURT - I don’t at 11:50 and still going strong. Got 50 2,000 prisoners so far, who passed Div- I don’t know - Haven’t counted the going to dig in on that Army Objective . s. I got a message from the Army, throu.a tne Corps, a. few minutes ago, saying look out for our left flank in the direction of DAmFVITOUX. Did you get that? Do you t.iirik they are coming in or going out . If you get anything on that dope let me know. No, I don't tnink so. The other flank is all set - 5th Division - is digging in - objective and all right. I got a message from It was by runner. Just came in a little while - He was moving his P.C. on the other side of TKIAUCOURT and his troops, I should judge are in the vicinity of the Array Objective, and I called up the 5th Division on our right. They are on their line already. Had very few loss¬ es. How were your losses. A. Our losses were very light. got their Ely . o Gen ago 9/12/18. C.G. 2nd Div. 2:45 P . Have taken Army Objective an I gone slightly further on right. line runs from 252.4 southern quarter B0IS d‘u RUPT - JAULNY (exclusive) southern edge B0IS BONVAUX. An outposting the line and organizing Army line . Troops a little tired. Casualties estimated b %. Ely. From: Fletcher. Date: 12 Hour: 2:45 To : 5th F. A. Col. Trctt says 2nd div. reports taking TBIAUCOURT £ 2000 prisoners - Army objective not yet reached at 1 PJk (Courier we.iting for your memo for ^alone) General Liggett orders that under no circumstances will a foot of yellow line be given up. From: Sister. Rec'i 2:55 P.^. Sept. 12 C.C.G. At : P.C. To: G-3 Date: 12 Sept. ’18 Hour: 2P.^. How sent: Courier To : Surprise 4 Brigade P.C. moving to TBIAUCOURT via REGNXEVILLK - (Cont'd next page) September 12, 1918. (Cont’d P.M. from last page) THIAUCOURT Road. Lee reports XAMMES. Brigade close in rear of 3 Brig, front line 3 Brig, appears to be attacking Neville, Secret: Clear. From: First Corps. Late: Sept. 12, *18. Time: ' G-3, Rec * d: HEADQUARTERS FIRST ARMY 2:45 P.M. No. 27. 3:00 P.M. A.M. en. 2nd Division reports at Line still advancing. Request Army and Corps 2 P.M. THIAUCOURT taken at Fifty officers and 1500 men artillery be called off. 11:30 tak- ALLEN. 3:00 P.M. September 12, 1918. Brigade, by courier. 4th Brigade P.C. moving to THIAUCOURT Road. Brigade close reports front line 3rd Brigade. XAMMES. From General Neville, 4th THIAUCOURT via REGNIEVILLE - in rear of 3rd Brigade. Lee appears to be attacking 3:05 P.M. September 12, MANGIN G-2, 2nd Div. 1918. From Lt. M. Buckman, W. L0GE Small groups COURT to XAMMES. cars. Message dated 4:56. of our own troops going north from THIAU- One train from THIAUCOURT to JAULNY - 8 3:30 P.M. September 12, 1918, Message from 4th Corps, through G-3, 1st Corps. 89th Division advanced northwest of THIAUCOURT. The other divisions of the Corps have reached their first day’s objective. There is liaison between its divisions. Also c/ie 2nd Colonial French Corps have reached their first day’s objective. 3.35 P.M. September 12, 1918. Message from Major General Wright, Commanding the 89th Division. Our line believed to be held south of THIAUCOURT and north of BOUILLONVILLE. Operations Officer, 355th Infantry phoned at 13:30 o’clock from point kilometer south of BOUILLONVILLE that bridges across RUPEde MAD were in good condition. Artillery on the left held up. Engineers working on the road assisted by infantry using all possible effort to open communications. 9/12/18 To: Chief of Staff. 3:40 P.M. Have sent messages every half hour or so and when any¬ thing important happens 2 messages with situation reports. Am not informed as to your advance Division P.C., or'when you move it. Ely. . P.M. September 12, 1918. Reed. 3:45 P.M. 9/12. Dear Rhea: Your message about garrison of BOUILLONVILLE & THI- AUCOURT just received. The absolutely vital question is the repair of the road between LIMEY & REMENAUVILLE. It is now impassable for any kind of vehicles & all traffic is blocked. Lej eune. 4:15 P.M. September 12, 1918. Lt. Buckman - just west of BOI3 du POUR. Are you at LOGS MAEGIH. Didn't get anything up there. You are going to run the line through to THIAUCOURT. You better run it to LOGE MARGIE. How long before you will get there. Get that through as quickly as you can, The General wants to make that a P.C. Did you see him? How long will it take you? Rush it all you can. He is up there and very anxious to get communication back here. From: Snow, At : P.C. near BOIS du Date: 12 Sept. 18, Hour To : 3d Brig or 2d Div. Ho. 2. Am being counter attacked by about 15 machine guns with some light artillery who have sifted into JAULNY and approx¬ imately 2 companies. Artillery fire from direction of BOIS du RUPT is also aiding, Have not established liaison with 5th Corps on my right but can hold the 1st Day Objective. Rations and ammunition badly needed. 9/12/18. Surprise 4. Received 4:50 P.M, and sent answer 5:00 P.M. Prom P.C, THI¬ AUCOURT. Your unnumbered message requesting disposition - 3rd Brigade took Army objective at 5:50 P.M. Are now consolidat ing. Request artillery be brought up. This information was sent to Division by foot messenger, v/ireless, with mounted officer and to Corps by carrier pigeon. No, fire of our batteries for 2 hours. Ely. 4:50 P.M. September 12, 1918. To Brewer, 1st Corps. Our front line is digging in on the Army Objective, as (Message incomplete) 4:55 P.M. September 12, 1918. To Chief of Staff, 1st Corps. Our people are digging in on the Army Objective. We have strong natrols out in front and I think we are taking XAMMES. I think so. Our O.P. report that it looks as though our troops were attacking the place, Ely probably found they threatened his flanks and he got out of the area. The main thing is roads. We are raking all officers and men v/e can find to get the road in shape. We are short of ammunition. Were you able to send us anybody to help on the roads? A. We sent a regiment of engineers and odd units to REMBERCOURT. (Cont'd next page) ■ • , - r - , "■ • ■ . 1 - * ‘ . ■ )< v ' • V , • ■ . i ■ ‘ , • • ■ ' » - jt • ■ ■ r ■ ' P. II. September 12, 1918. (Cont’d from last page) Our casualties have been very slight. We got about 600 wounded, arid the wounds were slight. Very few dead, and we have got about 50 officers and in the neighborhood of 2,000 prisoners. 50 is what I got. Maybe there are more that have come in. We are moving our P.C. to LOGE MANGIN, but we will keep in communication with you. It doesn’t make much difference to you. You can get in communication with us by wire. 12 Sept. 1918. 5:50 P.M. Genl. Brown Your message relative stragglers received. Will comply. Messages will reach me at bridge in THIAUCCURT. Lt. Col. Drury. P.S. Kindly notify Col. Mathews road to THIAUCOURT and beyond is open for motor traffic. R.W.D . Prom: P.C. 3rcf Brigade. Rec'd. 6:10 P.M. At : #5 RUE NOTORIE - near church - THIAUCOURT. Date: 12 Sept. 18. Hour: 5:30. Do: 23. How Cent: Officer. To : Surprise 4. Your unnumbered message requesting disposition received. Third Brigade took Army objective at 2:50, are now con¬ solidating. Request Artillery be brought up. This infor¬ mation was sent to Div. by foot messenger, wireless, mounted officer and to Corps by carrier-pigeon. No artillery fire of our batteries for 3 hours. Ely. 2:45 P.M., September 12, 1918. Pield message from C.G. 3rd Brigade at THIAUCOURT to C.G. 2nd Division, by runner, rec¬ eived 6:10. Ammunition must be sent up. We have run away from our transportation. A rtillery going. Ely. 5 A.A. Chauchot M.G. 37 8c Stokes all need amm.- Telephone message from 1st Corps. 6:15 P.M. Sept. 12. Ely has captured 500 more prisoners; 10 guns and huge amount of ammunition. 6:30 P.M., September 12, 1918. Pield message from C.G. 3rd Brigade at THIAUCOURT to G-3. Must have artillery action if we hold line. Artillery of enemy and enemy I'.G.'s doing damage. One captain reports he cannot hold near JAULSY unless he gets artillery. Have asked it from 15th. Pire all along line. Must be heavy and continuous. Secret: Clear. Prom: 1st Army Corps . Date: Sept. 12, ’18. Time; 5:30 P.M. Do: 35. T«. : G-3. Rec'd. 18:40 H. 2nd Div. reports at 5 P.M. that they are consolidating army objective and attacking XA1.EHES. (period) 90th Div. reports (Cont’d next page) P.M. September 12, 1918. (Cont’d from last page) at 4 P.M. that they have reached first day objective except at line MOULIN-JAILLARD where they are 500 yards south of obj ective. Same as report #140. ALLEN. From: Surprise 7. At : LOGE MANGIN Date: 12th Sept. Hour: 6:45 P.M. To : Genrl, Brown, 4th Corps report Boche intend to tease us along until beyond range of guns & attack from VIGNEULLES-BENEY-PANNES. 6:50 P.M. September 12, 1918. To Chief of Staff,, 1st A.C. We have reconnoitered those roads up there and the dope we had before hand wasn’t good. We can get up by keeping in our own sector but in order to turn the trucks, wagons, etc., v/e got to use that road coming down from REGNIEVILLE through LIMEY, off the right and due west through LIMEY. That is the only way we can get circulation and we got to get ammuni¬ tion to our people. How are they coning? They are coming in trucks. They have done mighty well those fellows. I do not believe v/e can make the road tonight, to make our own road a two way road. It is on our right and runs into the 5th Division area. Yes, I can get them. 6:55 P.M. September 12, 1918, Field Message from C.G. 3rd Brigade at THIAUCOURT to C.G, Division by runner. Enemy artillery and M.G. shooting up our lines, One cap¬ tain reports that he v/ill have to pull back unless he gets ar¬ tillery on southern edge of BOIS BQNVGUX and BOIS RUPT. Both regiments report steady enemy shelling. We must have artillery in front of army line. Ammunition of all kinds is needed and must be sent up. Regiments not in touch v/ith trains and prob¬ ably cannot get to LIMEY. Please start the artillery. We will hold . Ely. 7:07 P.M. September 12, 1918. Chief of Staff, 1st Corps, to G-3, 2nd Div, The Boche want to tease us out of artillery support and then go after it. BENEY - VIGNEULLES - PANNES - COUDREAUMONT. I v/ill get Brown on that right away. 7:10 P.M. September 12, 1918. To General Brown. Just had a rush message from Chief of Staff, 1st Corps. He said he has had about 4 alarm messages from Heintzelman. Information from prisoners that the Boche are falling back and teasing us on until we get out of range of our artillery and then counter-attack from BENEY - VIGNEULLES - PA^NEo - ron that direction - from the left. He v/ants us to look out for that and be sure and get ammunition up and be echeloned in depth. I told him we v/e re echeloned in depth and would stay echeloned in depth, and the main thing is to get the loads cleared. I am still trying to get the 5th Division and see (Cont'd on next page) \ September 12, 1918. P x * XjL • j (Cont'd from last pare) if I can fret tnat fixed up. ./e will pet it up to you. Two regiments you mean, don't you? Look out for them on that left flank.. Are you putting the other outfit through to¬ night. I will call you up and let you know how we come out on the road. That is what I told him. 7:12 P.M., September 12, 1918. 5th Division, G-3. TROT. Gui people are retting out of ammunition and we are stuc^. on the new road that is in our area. This is on your left. The only way we can see that we can get out of it is by coming down through REGHIBVILLE - off to the right and then back west through LILIEY. Would that interfere with you very much?. We have got all of our artillery there, and all oi our engineers and other people we can rake up -- orderlies clerks, etc., uo help build the road, but our ammunition is stuck and our men are up in the front line without any pract¬ ically. Hew long will that be do you think. All right, thankgvery much. 7:20 P.M., September 12, 1918. Prom bedical Officer. There is an ambulance company and dressing station two kilometers north of THIAUCOuRT since about 2 o'clock. About 4 o'clock, there went into THIAUCOuRT 3 ambulances, full of supplies, and about 20 litter bearers, and 2.0 medical men - *^ajoi Dei by^in charge. A quarter to Six, 120 litter bearers, medical officers; 3 mule drawn wagons, loaded with supplies and *^line teams loaded up with supplies. Pield Hospitals 15 and 23 ordered to LA GRIXIERE FARM. Already loaded on trucks at 7:25 P .11. 7:35 P.M., September 12, 1918. To General Brown. Reference to the medical company and dressing station been there since 8 o'clock. THIAUCOURT 3 ambulances, fu .1 ical men - Major Derby in cha litter bearers, 3 medical off with supplies and 4 line team through. Field Hospitals 15 FARM at 7:25 tonight. He cannot ret the road, i are mined,and in the same fix V.'e will get her there if it i . outfit: There is an ambulance 2 kilometers north of THIAUCOURT At 4 o'clock there went into of supplies and about 20 med- ,rge. A quarter to six. 120 icers; 3 mule wagons, loaded .s loaded with supplies went and 23 ordered to LA GRIXIERE n the 5th. Area. Their roads we are in. Blew up some mines, s possible. 7:45 P.M. September 12, 1918. Field message from C.G. 3rd Brigade at P.C. Ho. 2 to C.G. 2nd Division, by runner. Our P.C. moves forward to P.C* Ho. 3 3.E. edge BOIS de HAIE l'EVEQ,UE. Everything progressing nicely. Our troops have advanced into woods near 1st Intermediate objective, apparently intermediate objective taken. Very few casualties. Ely. 9/12/18 * To: Surprise 3 8:30 PHI. From 3rd Frig. 3rd ective at solidatin Brigade has taken Army Objective. Took this 2-50. Observation shows 5th Division up and r Army line. We sent the above information t (Cont'd next page) Obj- con- o you p .11. September 12, 1918. (Cont’d from last page) by runner, by wireless, by mounted officer and to Corps by Pigeon, tireless slow keeping up and telephones fell down entirely. All runners sent back along axis of liaison. Prig. Res. will be here. Liaison by telephone. Let me know if you need it, Ely. 8.55 Pul. September 12, 1918, Message from Corps Commander. 59th C.A.C, be moved without delay to vicinity of BOIS de HEICHE, From* Sister* At : p.C. Date: 12 Sept 18. Hour: 9:25 P.M. No. 12. To : Surprise. 6th Regiment reports that casualties today total 3 q of which Captain Black, 95th Co. and 2 men killed. Rockets flares and hand grenades needed. Their trains, ration and baggage wagons at LOGE MARGIN, Neville.- From: Div. Engineer. At : LIMEY. Dat e: 12 Sept 18. Hour: 20:20 To : G-3, Div, Hq, Rec'd 9:30 P.M. Sept, 12 to G-3. No. 1, How Sent: Motorcycle (Cpl, Disney) 1. It is imperative to secure the services of our Corps engrs and pioneer inf to improve roads North of LIMEY, we were to have at least 1 co. of each. Please try to get these up at once, 2* Impossible for transportation to return from THIAU- COURT tonight. Hard enough to get it up. 3. Div, engrs. in camp between LIMEY & REMENEAUVJLLE will indicate necessary work, Mitchell by Strong Lt. Col, From: Sister. At : p,c. Date: 12 Sept Hour: 9:30 P.M. No. 12 To : Surprise, C.O. 5th reports that his leading battalion - the 3rd - has, at the urgent request of the C.O. 9th infantry, sent two companies and machine gun company to support left flank of 9th. His other two companies are not definitely located at present time. Neville. 9:30 P,M, September 12, 1918. Telephone message to 1st Corps, The roads are all blocked up. Ely is hollering for rifle ammunition,and the artillery for ammunition. The road gave out. It is a one way road. They got a French (Cont’d next page) » P.M. September 12, ISIS. (Cont 1 d from last pace) truck up there and it can't get out. Cannot go to the right or left, I cannot leave here. I got everybody up there I got trying to straighten it out. It is there around LIMEY. I ruess our people up there are all right. I haven't seen any; I have been in this hole in the ground, a telephone or¬ derly all day. I haven't heard# I don't think they were attacking it. It looked like that 2 or 3 miles behind. They couldn't see much. I haven't heard from Ely. Brown didn't tell me,and he would have, ’wires are out there. I didn't see anything of tanks. About all they did was to cut the telephone wires. They are a bunch of quitters, I don't think they are worth a damn. I think we got that ammunition moving. The French truck slid across the road. I told them to blow it up. I told them if they could get infantry ammunition up there to round your infantry with 8 bandoliers apiece and send them to THIAU- COURT, v/e will try that too, Ke is working on it, I have been after him, but something keeps cutting.....,*. He says the Boche got a wave length and put his wireless out of bus¬ iness, He is tuning for another wave length now. Something keeps cutting his wires. He has got extra patrols out. How is the situation out there. Any news? Me 11, we will do the best we can. Telegram received by telephone C G Surprise G-3 Ho 1021 Once more your Corps Commander has had the proud priv¬ ilege of witnessing the Second Division maintain its splendid standard and fully come up to his expectations. Signed Received 9:45 P.M. Sept. 12/18 Liggett, by Cpl Kitchel, 9:47 P.M. September 12, 1918. From C. G, 3rd Brigade at P.C. to G-3. ^Have artillery put down heavy barrage at once in front of 23rd Infantry, Unless this is done must fall back. Boche counter attacking heavily. Keep up fire. Have no pyrotech¬ nics. SLY. 9:47 P.M. G-3 to 1st Corps - Chief of Staff. Got Craig about 9:50 and called down Army and Corps bar¬ rage. He will call down 4th Corps barrage also. 10:10 called 5th Division and asked them to put barrage in front of our line. Received 9:47 P.M,, From Gen. ELY. Have artillery put down heavy barrage at once, in front of 23rd Infantry. Unless this is done, must fall back, Boche counter attacking heavily. Keep up fire. Have no pyrotech¬ nics. ELY. Brown - Try to get this I am trying to get the Army Corps Arty into action. P.M. September 12, 1918. 9:50 P.M. September 12, 1918 - To 12th and 15th F.A. To put down a barrage in front of the 23rd Infantry. 10:00 P.II., September 12, 1918. C. C. Gulliver, Sec'y Gen¬ eral Staff to G-3. About 500 prisoners just arrived. More to come through no definite information. M,P. states that one of these let loose a carrier nige- on from under his coat when just south of LILIEY. Impossible to discover who did this because of big crowd of prisoners* From: Surprise. At : P.C. Date: Sept, 12 Hour: 22^- How Sent: Wireless. To : Sink 1. Hold your ground. Heavy barrage coming in front of Army objective, Send messenger to Neville to signal for barrage. Not Sent Surprise. 10:30 P.M*, September 12, 1918 - G-3, 5th Division. I am in the same fix. My heavies are moving up too and I cannot reach them, and I am out of touch with my light. Looks pretty bad, I am afraid. The 89th Division is pushed up to, Craig is trying to get some Corps and Army stuff down. I don’t hear any shooting. No artillery at all, apparently. Pretty well down. I have been trying to get that up all night. Hoads are blocked. It is a serious situation. I got a wire¬ less from Ely, He said if we didn’t put down a barrage at once the Eoche were counter-attacking heavily and we would have to fall back, Just on our left. So am I. I cannot get anybody but you and the Corps. They were right up there with them, I think they will stand them off all right. The two brigade commanders are together; they were, and I suppose they are yet. I guess we will get away with it, but it will help if we get something down though. 10:45 P.M. September 12, 1918 - Colonel Lee, 89th Division. Colonel Lee of the 89th Division said he has asked for the heavies to help out in front of the 23rd Infantry. 10:55 P.M. September 12, 1918 - From 89th Division, The 89th Division called G-3, 2nd Division, regarding coordinates for barrage in front of 23rd Infantry, At 10:58, Captain Davis of 2nd F.A. Brigade gave him the following co¬ ordinates: In front of Army Line - 362.5 - 243.5 due east to 270.4 - 281.7, south to the "H” in CARRE HE. From: Fletcher. Date: 9/12 Hour 11:00 To : 5th F.A. 2nd Div. reports reached First Phase Objective line at 9 A.M. September!?, 1518. P.M. September 12, 1518 Sheet 52 . 11:00 P.M. September 12, 1918 - From Chief of Staff, 1st Corps. A brigade of the 78th including machine gun battalion, is ordered up here from the EOIS de RAPPS and marches up through IuARTINCOURT, then north through the valley road and under bridge culvert, turning to left'on the METz Road until it comes opposite, me where I should catch it, I am sending you 500 more prisoners this minute. I tried to get the French to send up a barrage, but they only work every hour and a half. Our 155’s are moving up. I don't hear any shooting, I hear a few but not very much. We may get these people start¬ ed. I am trying to get wireless for him to hold on and to send rurlner to Neville to signal if he has no pyrotechnics. They had their P.C. together at THIAUCOURT, when I last heard of them. They will hold it all right. The Austrians are cooped up in the salient. The 1st Division presses on to take V1GNEULLES tonight. The only place he can break through is the 23rd, and he cannot do it and must not do it. Is.the 89th on the job? Good. They are going to put down their barrage 500 yards in front of you. I have been trying to get hold of them but I can*t do it. We will do the best we can, I will call you up« I am as much out of touch with them as ydu are yourself. He is up ahead. He is out of touch, too. The 82nd Division coming from the other side of METZ, I will do the best I can. 11:15 P,M. September 12, 1918 - From Col. Rhea to C.G. 3rd Brigad e, Am calling down all barrage X can. Out of touch with supporting artillery. Our corps and 5th Division will put dov/n barrage. Hold on few minutes. (Not Sent - Returned by Sig,Of¬ ficer ) From: Surprise, At : P.C, Date; Sept. 12. Hour 23:15 How Sent: Wireless. To : Sink one. Brigade 78" coming up, Boche has only one division. You must hold. Not Sent Surprise seven, 11:30 P.II, September 12, 1918. From Groupement "L" (thru 1st Corps) Obtained by wirelessprobably intended for some other unit: 11:10 P.M, Urgent request for barrage in front of 23rd Infantry, Boche attacking heavily. Unless this is done will have to fall back, Have no pyrotechnics". To Chief of Staff, 1st Corps, Can you get that aerodrome at T0UL and have them come over and signal in front of our lines at XAMLIES for a bar¬ rage, Front of our line. If they will drop a barrage sig¬ nal in there it will get our light guns in business. I think that is the best scheme, don't you? * No Time Indicated September 12, 1918. ° Check 43 Date: Sept. 12 To : Gen. Lejeune. A Brigade of 78 Div. and Machine Gun Battalion has been ordered to his support. Should arrive about 3 A,1.1, Artillery and Riffile Ammunition coming up. Army says SANMIHIEL Salent is ■'.von if Ely can hold. Put Barrage down for him. (Surprise 7) irom Corps to G~3, 2nd Div. (No Time Indicated) 4th Corps is moving to the line from XAMMES to the j-OIo de DAMPVITOUX, It strikes the riorthwestern edge of that woods at the cross roads. The line then runs through ST. BENOIT in wave (Exclusive); then it runs through a lake in the BOIS le CHAUFOUR; then along the northern and Western edges of the BOIS de VIGNEULLES and then runs practically straight south striking the western edge of BELLE de OZISRE Woods, To G-3, 1st Corps, Our men are digging in on our Army Objective. Of course, they have men very strongly in front of that. They have strong detachments in front of that line or they couldn’t dig in, and the P.C. 1 s of both brigades are at THIAUCOURT. The' rear brigade is closing up on the leading battalion. A.M. Sentember 13, 1918. No. Sent By Received By Time Check 4 9 5 LN 29X 1202 A.I .1. 30 From: Surprise 7, Date: Sept. 12 Hour To : Surprise 1. 10:30 P.M. Have artillery put down heavy barrage in front of 23rd Infantry unless this is done must fall back. Boche counter attacking heavily, Keep up fire. Have no pyrotechnics. Rhea. * \ September 15, 19113. A.M, September 15th,1918. #1. Rec’d 12:02 A.M. September 13, 1918. The following message was sent by phone to "Surprise A" Relay Wire, to be transmitted to either Generals Leieune or Ely: General nMy was heavily counter-attacked at 11 o'clock, am out of touch with the 75's* Ely says: "Must have barrage", ir? calling on all army and corps artillery that I can reach, f'ly no signal rockets. Am sending an aeroplane to give barrage signal along his front. Brigade of 78th Division and machine gun battalion or¬ dered to his support. Should arrive about 5 A.M. Ammunition coming up -- artillery and rifle. Army says: "ST. LIIHIEL is won, provided Ely holds". Get barrage down for him. Answer. RHEA. 12:01 A.M. September 13, 1918. To Chief of Staff, 1st Corps. We have exhausted all means to get a barrage down over here.^ Seems to be sounding a little better, Boche are drop¬ ping bombs around here now. Yes, they ought to. The roads are all blocked and full of shell holes. Hell to get up here. Dark. It. is about 800 or 900 jrards from here. I have sent 2 mounted men and I have sent a motor cycle and runners. Tried every means. I think those fellows must have discov¬ ered it by this time. We hear more or less, probably that tnis morning was so heavy this sounds like this, I think we will be all right. I tried to get Sly by wireless but it would get stopped, I told him he must hold on to the last man. He is up with General Lejeune at LOGE MARGIE. That is very close, I should think so. I cannot hear any. I have out twice or three times. Boche has been bombing. I sent about 650 prisoners to you. Couldn't get an accurate account to you. They needn't worry a dam bit, as these people on our right and left are getting up a reserve brigade. Are they? I think that is a good idea. That is all I have heard. The <~3rd and the 9th, the 25rd on the left and the 9th on the right 5th and 6th behind them. Eeville and Ely were together at THIAUCOURT and last I heard of them both laid their P.C.'s there. Trot's 155's are moving up and his 75's cannot reach it, I think so, if there is any way of doing it. He probably has his wireless down and I suppose he will set it up if he gets in any trouble. That is the only means I have of com¬ municating with him, I am sending a third messenger to Brown. I ought to get a messenger back pretty soon. He can get within about 1§- kilometers of him. Damn messengers don't know where his place is and I am afraid they are getting lost. I send one about every half hour. I have an officer going over the sector; is going over. When ought they to be up there. About 5 o'clock. 12:40 A.M. September 13, 1918. To Chief of Staff, 1st Corps. An officer I sent out to help get that ammunition start¬ ed, . said it is all rolling, both artillery and infantry am¬ munition, and that our 75's were getting in position about 11 o'clock and that they had received orders to put down a barrage. It was the Adjutant of the 15th E.A. made the re¬ mark that he was to put down a barrage. Septenter 13, 1918. A. M. 1:00 A.”. September 13, 1918. Atove message also given to Lt. Hilliard to te given oO General Ely or General Brown, at LOGE MANGIN. September 13, 1918. 1:10 A.M. S ept embe r # 2 . 13, 1918. Message (wireless) from Gen. Ely. Headquarters with facilities for getting information r2. aCt *S' 1 firin 3 "batteries promptly. Request that orders to thxs e.*ect be given to artillery brigade commander. Every¬ thing peaceful and no doubt that line can be held nor has there been Division reported upon cur left by liaison officer. Any disturbing reports from 23rd Infantry are without foundation due to excited sergeants who got erroneous information. 9th reports that troops on his right are falling bach on account of artillery fire and that he needs artillery support is hold¬ ing, Artillery liaison extremely poor there. Should be an Officer at my p.c. Ely. 1:10 A*M, September 13, 1918. T 0 Chief of Staff, 1st Corps. I just got a message I am trying to make out. Apparently it is alright, I think we had better continue until I get this figured out. Good. Prom: Drury, G-3, 1st Corps: Says that all available argy and corps artillery putting barrage in front of the 23rd Infantry and will run it for one hour longer until 2 o'clock when it will stop unless he gets orders to discontinue. To: Chief of Staff, lot Corps: Message from Ely given. This message appears on the top of this sheet. (See 1:10 A.II. 13 Sept. 3rd Brig.) Apparently Brown and General Lejeune are on to the situation and have to go by that place, and I hare an officer going there and he will stop there and report to Gen. Lejeune. 1:15 A.M. Sept. 13, 1918. Personal message from Col. Matthews. G-l, 2nd Div, Krueger reports that 30 wagons of small arms amm¬ unition up here. 1:15 A.M, Sept. 13, 1918. To Chief of Staff, 1st Corps. I think that is alright except they should have some artillery in front of the 5th. The 9th reports that the people on his right are falUing backslightly on account of artillery fire and they need artillery. They told me that their 155’s are on the move and that their 75's would not reach my front and perhaps would not reach their own. I think that would be alright. (Cont'd on next page) September 13, 19IS, (Cont’d from last page) Somebody in G-3 called me up and said they would leave their army and corps artillery in front of us for an hour unless they had orders to the contrary. I think so, you might as well let then shoot another hour. I will mo out and take a peep pretty soon. 2nd division reports that counter attack on 23rd Infantry was apparently driven off. That request of 2nd Division for Army and Corps artillery to continue C.P.O. one hour longer. That comes from G-3. 2.10 ... . Sept. 13, 1918. Barnes - 5th Division. The C.G., 2nd Artillery Brigade dropping a barrage + ?,. fr ? nt ° f the 23rd * . ¥e hold the line. What time was that dated? At that time we were pretty much in the air witii this counter attack. Bow we got news that the counter attack was beaten off. At the dame time,we ^ot news that your^troops were falling back - a little back on account of tne roche artillery fire. It came from Gen. Ely. He report¬ ed that troops on the right of the 9th were falling back on account of artillery fire. I think everything is alright uj there. The last thing I got from Ely and Bowley everythin'" seemed to be alright. 3:06 A.II. Sept. 13, 1918. Telephone message from G-3 Second Division to Chief of Staff 5th Division. How are you going over there? Anything coming back? Anything at all? What, the artillery line? How is your own line to the front? Well, it might have been a wagon or some recruit stumbled over it. Our artillery reported nothing so far yet. This is Jim. Surprise 7. Yes, I just called you up to see if our line was working. All right. Report what? Tayxor’s is the 90th. Yes. Yes. nothing coming over there. I have called up on our left and there is nothing coming over, there. 1ou know who is on our left don’t you. Hello, yes. C.G., 3rd Brig. At: THIAUCOURT. Date: 13 Sept.’18. 5:10 A.?!. Bo. 31. How sent: Hess. C.O., 2nd Div. Bo counter attack known of. Bo request made for re-inforcements even to 4th Brigade. Brigade reserve has not been put in. Am sending officers tc investigate as directed. Bo heavy shelling now. Stone reports " Bo counter attack on him, no help asked for, has not seen 78th Div., All quiet ", at 5:05 A.* r . 7/ho sent report about counter attack. Will report further when officers investigating returns from 9th. Fr om: Hour: To: Ely. . .. . . ; .. * A. LI. September 13, 1918. Hq. 2nd Div. Sept. 13 - 6:00 A.M. Col. RHEA. Following message has been received from Ely. "Ho Counter attack known of. - Ho request for re-inforeements even to 4th Brigade - Brigade Reserve has not been put in. Am sending officer to investigate as directed. No heavy shelling now. Stone (23) reports no Counter attack on him. No help asked for - has not seen 78th Div. All quiet." This is dated 5:05 A.M. Sept. 13. What Godamned fool sent that report about Counter att¬ ack and falling back. If I can find the son of a bitch I'm going to shoot him. Will try . The 2nd Division is holding the Army objective as laid down and defined . That ends it. We will hold it in spite of all the God dammed Austrian waiters in Europe. 1 am getting Ely's position plotted on map. Ke dug all night - and will send it in as soon as I can. Hold that Brigade 78th Div - we don't want*em - makes that much more block on road . What we want is road clear for ammunition and artillery - then rations. Fix the signal man and order him to run another direct wire hfiT-e - as soon as that is done I'll talk. Brown. From: C. G. 3rd Brig. At : THIAUC0URT. Date: 13 Sept. 18. Hour: 7:40 No: 32. How Sent. M. Mess. To : Chief of Staff. Enclosed two messages brought by officers investigating counter attack rumor explain situation. known as to who started report or asked for reinforcements. We have captured a R.R. train complete, here. Only two 6" guns reported captured. Much ammunition etc. Trench mortars and M.G.'s captured. Ammunition coming up. We have never lost liaison in any direction. Why a Brigade from another division was sent is not understood, as I have not even asked for relief by Marine Brigade. All I asked for was artillery support. Men are undoubtedly pretty well ex- austed. Ely, Brig. Gen. 8:12 A.M. September 13, 1918. From G-3 to Chief of Staff. Report from Munition's officer 79 Trucks: 10 hauling from BOIS de BOUCHEY, 60 loads of 75's to LIMEY. 40 trucks hauling 155's from COTE en HAYES. 10 trucks hauling 75* s from PGVFNFLLE to LIMEY 5 trucks hauling Grenades to LIMEY. 1500 rations to LIMEY. 9:00 A.M. C. of S. 1st Corps reports enemy bottled up in place given me yesterday. BENEY - VIC-NEULLES, etc. The Boche are in there with their guns on our left rear.' May have to fight both ways. Get ammunition up. A.M. September 13, 1918. 9/13/18. Hq, To: Brown. 3rd Brigade. 8: ob A.lid. i n _ t ^"°* u $ ting M :°• fire in front of Malone also stand. . 1 Gnov ' an ^ outfit behind; am sending tanks to , 2nd I. M. Ives Hqs. 5th Divi 13 Sept. '18. C.O. 61st Inf. Lt. 9 A.M. 6 Motorcycle. •n-i, r i St C ? r PS reports 1100 prisoners taken by 5th Div. 90th r ®P or tB 500 prisoners taken. Regimental Commander among those taken by 5th Div. hie; vfL+'n ' L / Ti ! Sept. *18, C.G. 10th Brigade reported p lank ln alr * Gap is on left of 90th Div. Gap cor¬ rected by facing one Bn. to right & putting one Bn. in space left open. Elsewhere 90th Div. is occupying 1st Day’s objec- 12 Sept. ’18, 2nd Div. was being strongly tn ? tt f c ^ ed mfantrv alone. Left of 2nd Div. may have -all oack because of lack of ammunition. 2nd Div. request- not be given. ed Ho thi • TT-t- ux ui ammunition, artillery support by 5th Div. This could 11U L UC gi V t ill » iurther information regarding situation of 2nd Div. up to hour. p B.M. 12 Sept. ’18, C.G. 5th Div. ordered the two rns. oi 9th Brigade, v/hich had been attached for night to 10th, o e returned at daylight to 9th Brigade, unless situation emconc s otherwise, 13th M«G. Bn, to be retained under command of Div. Commander. G * + Vi Biv. ordered contact to be maintained with enemy. 9th, ^Oth, 21st F.A. to be in position south of old in¬ termediate objective during night 12/l2 Sept. At 11 F.M. 1st Corps reports line as follows: ATTPHTTOm kilometers north of HONSORT - south edge of BOIS THI- aul-uU hi - one kilometer north of DOUILLOHVILLS and joining 2nd 1V * of . our right, one kilometer north of THIAUCOURT. prisoners. Extreme west of line approximately HER- py^kLB ” D °H MARTIN south of the BOIS de MOUSONT - LAMOKVILLE CHAVON COURT. There is no new information to this hour. I ve* Lt. From: Fletcher, At : Dat e: 13th, Hour 9:10. To ; 5th E.A. JAULHY - 2nd Div. there. Dont fire there. Notify Corp Artillery of accessory, 2nd Div. helping defend our front with M» Gun fire. A. M* Sept. 13th, 1918. 9:45 A. H, Sept. 13th, Div. Inspector to Chief Brigade, Thiaucourt.) 1918. Field Message of Staff (inspector from H. at P. C Lay 3rd at Railroad Station (Thiaucourt) 40 box cars, 11 small cars, projectors (tubes) 3 (nine) l5C*s long on ammunition in shed, (boards and 2x4). ' ? uar - is being placed over above. 800 barrels cement; 1 car load (three) 310 guns on flat cars; carriages; 4,000 rounds 3 inch And a large quantity of lumber Have not found sights for suns. K. Lay, gas o 9:50 A, M,, Sept, 2nd Division. 13th, 1918. From 0-3 to C. of S. last line from last left c oul dn 1 ■ to : get very much think the 82th out of them ’rere right on To our -ht, Craig seems ity us. I have no communication. All I got is gf sa i^ the 1st is to attack VIG-FFULLFS arp ^ G Drench took Font Sec, I guess thev from hf^ ad ?v C f U S ht around there. Until me hear further r ! r ?r ' jhat bridle of the 78th revert to the Corps th^r t-p ^ ,oa ii bold them in the moods There re can get t ^‘“, , ,V£ c?n them dorn in there ~e ought to 1st il' e v Q t r er part of the linc - 1 ’ill call him up. f everybody on that road, rith -"aeons, etc., thing I tried to get up on trucks is hospital so that the -rounded -ouldrJt have to ^ i G on - Y a on£ way road and not a tnro h+v, iv ' l h® a r d a rumor that Mitchell had it arranged , Tr - 0 y told me. the road -as dom to. I think 1 ^ »ould oe much better because 're got everybody out the field come back working, There e is out some distance a corps plan for I -ill take that doing that. It up -ith Craig. is 9:50 A. «. Sept. 13th, 1913. Kastass from Gen. Ero-n. IvO. The civil population of Thiaucourt . e .Z acua ^£ d * Under the French la~s or some General order, , y * £n French to—n is taken, by American troops, you have to appoint a torn major and examine all the population ano. go through a lot of formalities. I they are and havon 1 1 got the order, but out and the to-n is liable t lo- of e-omen and children. 1 1 knov; -hat the population to bombardment Th e y ;m grants to get any minute. There are are also exposed to gas. ""ould like to eva.cua.te th portation and have them concern in a back area. - here the "French authorities could conduct tne proper examination and separate the loyal, dislovalv, etc., and feed them, " Above message given to Chief of Staff, 1st Corps. by any available trans¬ lated at a suitable point A -n/r • ivl » September 13, 1?18. 9/13/18. Hq. 3rd Brigade. To: G-2. 10:10 A.M. The following identifications have been established: INFANTRY 419-36-371-71-62-81-2-54-258-16-164-419- 82- and 203. STURM BN. or Shock troops (numbers unknown) but identified as shock troops by blue shoulder strap confirmed by prisoner. 27 Pioneers and some unnumbered Pioneers. 539th & 59th Field Artillery. (Sgd j J.A,Molloy-Brig. Intell. From: Div. Inspector. At : P.C. 3rd Brig. THIAUCOURT. Date: 9/13/18 Hour: 11:45 A.M. To : Chief of Staff. Have identified prisoners taken by 3 Brigade from foll¬ owing regiments: 2-16-27-36-54-62-78-71-81-164-258-371. K. Lay. P,M. September 13, 1918, 13 Sept. 1918. 12:30. 1st Corps Note • 2nd Div. has captured: GUNS - 210’s - 3; 150 long - 10, 77's - 30. AMMUNITION: 4000 rounds of 77's. R.R. 30 box cars; 1500 20 narrow gauge cars. Many machine guns and trench mortars. Many army dumps. 3 big mortars. Technical and telegraphic material. Much other material. 13 Sept. 1918. 12:30. 1st Corps ' T ote 2nd Div, troops were in XAMMES at noon. Enemy shelled XAMMES this morning. 2nd Div. artillery is pounding ST. JULIEN and. CHAREY / No. 154. 13 September, 1918. 2:10 P.M. La (with 89th Div.) reports as follows: 10:25 A.M. To C. of S. 42nd Div. At 7:35 advance elements reported two-thirds way through BOIS de THIAUCOURT and approaching depot d’MATERIEL. At 8:05, line reported just this side BOIS de BENEY. At 8:20, aeroplane message reports friendly troops seen forming middle BOIS de THIAU¬ COURT . At 9:35, left of 2nd Div. was 1 km. south of right of 89th Div., and 2nd Div. left says no orders to move.^ Evid¬ ently conflict in orders. Corps has been asked to adjust. 178th Brigade reported at 10:20 A.M. one battalion of 356th Inf, at 359.0 244.50 extending down to right at 360.50 - 243.5. Another bn. at 360.1 - 241.9 extending up to right to 360.7 - 242.5. Another bn. at 360.1 - 240.7 extending to right to 360.7 - 240.8. _ . _ Yesterday afternoon, last night and this morning l neve been out .clearing roads and assisting artillery forwarn. (Signed) ARMITAGE. P.M. September 13, 19 IS, TO G-2, 2nd Division. AREA XAMLIES - PONT a MOUSSON MISSION Recconnai sane e. Date Sept. 15, 191S, Hour 16.15 4:15 P.M. Sqdn. No. 1. Alt. 700, Visibility Pair Troops none Transportation none Explosions none Eirc^ DAMPTVITOUX - XAMME - STr JULlEN - and in several _ . other towns farther to they, and Northwest. Tram movements none Hostile artillery None Hostile balloon None Hostile aircraft None Adjustment None Miscellaneous Brigade P.C. at R3 T9. Fresh diggings at VI Y9 - R5V5 and R4 CO - R8 V7 (Signed) A. M. Duckstein 1st Lt. A.S. U.S.A. C.0. 10 Brigad e. 9/13 Hour: 18:30. C.G. 2d Div. & C.G. 90th Div* Enemy attacking between B0I3 BONVAUX inclusive to BOIS de VENCHERES exclusive. Already reached Farm TANTECOURT, Request C.O.P. & cooperation on both flanks. Malone, Colonel, From; Date: To ; 9/13/18 Ha 3rd Brig. Cronelin at'Same. 6:35 P.M. It is impossible to fire on machine gun reported at 364.5- ^43.2 as we have no observation. It is too close to our line to fire without observation. Please transmit this to Snow and Sink. Signed. TIBBETTS. 13 Sept. Wheler 7:10 P.M, (Written on common paper) 5th Div. 15 P.M. - Enemy attacking on my front, right and left. Request barrage by 219th Artillery French that cast- non be ordered forwarded with all our troops for counter at¬ tack, Malone ar f T. ' ' " . ' . ■ . . ■: ■ - ' ' ■ ‘ .. P- M, Sept. 13th, 1918* F *3 c ’ d 2nd Div. Po. o■ oc From: C. 0 . 10th Bg. To T C. *o‘“Sth^ 13th ' 1918 * to Pois'd! inclusive TANTECOURT, "Reau-ot • Alread ' r reached ™E. • Kequ33t close co-op on both flanks, HALONE. Telephoned to 0-3. 1st Corps at 8:3? P. M. Sent nth issued to our Div^to'Vv 3 '* * " Instructi °ns have’been left flank°of ithmnston. ° f ° UT rl?ht flanl - anl Gen! N;“me? Ptember 13 ' 191 °- . Prora C ‘ »f S. 2nd Div. to K.'Sftja ,sr (substance of message) 0:55 P.M. September 13, 1910. To the Adjutant 3rd Brig. given NeV Tbi e ^ USt -° aUed me up about the orders Mr. Ely was sr» S«; *»* «*«- you think it may be. t thlnk 14 - 15 as serious as 9:00 P.M. Message from Chief of Staff, 5th Div. hirltlSV 6 that attack going on in front of you? We are down »fJ U UP °J er here ■ We wU1 put machine gun fire , , l° ur front and stop them in there. We will back you up We are looking out for you. Y^ur wire is a runner oi ? tand ? y if they wil1 cal1 for help, Send vour P C OPra ° 4or ^ cle raan there and let us know. You get will get'us Sh We S +h al v ht thr ° u f h Surprise. Same old code over into our !L t ' 1Dlt I y ™ E ba ttery of #20 is firing there f thot i Sht- . In the town of JAULPY. Don't fire tend t ; ^t. ° Ur t0Wn ‘ “e in there. We will at- I. M. Ives, 2nd Lt, Hq. 5th Div. 13 Sept. ’18, C,0. 61st Inf, (Liaison officer 61st Inf. Corps) Do. 13. How Sent: Hudson. with 5th left ■Rr^ H Dlckson Phones to Chief of Staff that the ontC, 9 ° th DlV 1S in the fi S ht * The Artillery of 15 coo P eratin g; they are putting the artil- j-ery^on the sore points and are firing on VILCEY, Staff Ch , ief of Staff 2nd Div. phoned Chief of our frnif ? 1V C , that that Mv ‘ i3 P u tting M.G. fire down . t0 nel P us out and requests that our artillery do not fire on JAULHY which is occupied by that Div. Ives. Lt. I. ' < , v • J P . M. September 13, 1918. 9:05 P.M. Message from General Neville. The Eoche have to be about 150»s. you know right away put Fix shells over Seem to have about THIAUCOURT. Seems guns.. I will let 9/12/18 . Hdq . 3rd Brigade. 9:10 p .M . Gen'1 . Brown 3rd Brigade would Commander did not sibility. GerHl. called up a,nd said understood what help give Malone "Div". approved but Division ish to commit Division" Accepted respon- Brown said not serious. Pr om: Roberts. At To: 9th Brig. Hdq. Div. Hdq. Date: 13 Sept. 18. No: 20 21 H 12 of Staff 2nd Div. phones Chief of Staff b^h Div. that that Div. is putting machine gun fire down oui iront -go help us out and requests that our artillery do not lire on JATJLNY which is occupied by that Division. 21 H 18 *rom Dickson at Taylor to Slayer. W e are del¬ ivering^ artillery fire on enemy left flank. e have one tn. infantry in light on our extreme left and another Btn. in support of them. 9:^0 P.M. Message from G-l, 2nd Division. He said he would do what he could about the question of M.P.^ He said there had been a counter attack on the 5th lasting a couple of hours and emphasized, digging in. September 13, 1918. C. of S. G-2 to C. oi s 9:20 P.M. 1st Corps. . saw Bate this afternoon, the Boche putting Gown some oig ones on the 5th. We got a message a little while ago about it stating about a counter attack and so I got hold of iROTT on the phone and we will stand by with them there and pui some machine gun fire along the front, so we could rake out and infilade some fellows. Nothing doing out there. It doesn't amount to a hill of beans. Bovlcy is right here and he states he will stand by with some artillery if necessary but the idea of any Boche getting the anywhere with an American division is foolish but it isn't necessary, idea he can get things I want to tak< up with you could^t get Trott to understand it on the phone. That is Battery "E" of the 20th Artillery,.which is one of his outifts, fired high explosive shells into our lines this afternoon. Probably "B" battery. It was pretty carefully verified. Cur artillery complained we were falling short. General Bowley made a careful investigation, and it is prob¬ ably "E" battery, firing at an oblique angle. Another thing is this. I got a very garblediaessage from our liaison man from the 4th Corps, Snyder, in which he states that a further reconnaissance of our left flank should be made, and that the division commander directs that we do ^•t. I think what he means is this. Gur left flank is just practically on the Amy line, a little to the south of the. Army line on the (Cont'd next page) September 13, 1918. . P.M. (Cont'd from last page) actual physical union an army line ought to "t° . This town course you don't have You get rifle fire on to get the revers e slope, and I think has dvanced a little beyond it and he thinks we ought to be in with them* I don't think he understands be subject to slight modification due of XAMMES is way low in a slope and of to go way down in the low to defend* ~ ~ --- We wish you would find out from Heinzelman what he wants. n-no-r^+- * 5111 3enc *ing down a sketch of our position up here,and + i°r* S re P° r ^» covering yesterday and today. It is very o or but you must bear in mind it is slow business. It taices id hours to get men from LIMEY up here. . , ^ is getting a little better at the front. I under- an that the 89th was going to stop our using a road or some- thing and I will tell you the reason. With all the stuff f n g^ u P there and our peculiar position on the river, we have ;° Set our wounded into THIAUCOURT. We are having a hell of a wounded out of THIAUCOURT, We cannot get wounded T+ . 0 IHIAUCOURT, the road we come into being a one way road. , , 13 almost impossible to get them out. (Craig). Any road whatever .or wounded. Fine. We got 2 hospitals at LIMEY coming up siowly and they will go to THIAUCOURT, and I am certain the • -jwill shell it and we want to get the wounded back. I THp a + this up with G-l, and see that those men get back. , groa,t trouble we get is that we have to get the ambulances on the same road, t .. . sa Y s Lean’s whole brigade is on the road with its . in l *LEY, blocking everything. That was the brigade ord- e out here last night. Everything out here is in good shape, /f” p,c * Here, we look right over on our line and can e the glass, and you can see a man almost light a cigarette, o we have a pretty fair knowledge of it. We looked over the line all afternoon and all through the valley you can see the owns being burned some of them by incendiary shells and putting lire to it. It looks that way, as if they were getting out, € "'^^Yng troops in to hold his new line. Think there is no doubt of that. They want us to find out if the 3rd line is occupied - The Hindenburg Line, Reason to believe they are ailing back to the Hindenburg Line. We haven't received that iniormation yet. You see the trouble is that the confound¬ ed Boche got on to our wave and we have had to retune every¬ thing. I am going to leave an officer down where we were be¬ fore to relay and I will leave him right there in case we get trouble on the relay. If you could shove your corps police and clean out these woods with stragglers and fellows who sleep in dugouts, it would be a good thing. This whole ground out here ought to be salvaged right away. Why can you not take a bunch of Mr. Lean's and salvage it. We have never get the company of pio¬ neers, I never heard of them, Rhea says they are coming up, but I haven't seen them yet. There is a vast amount of Boche salvage here. We cannot hold them on the road. The road won't stand those 210's. Got a railroad but don’t know what to do with it, The best thing to do would be to couple up those Lecauvilles. 9:55 P.M. September 13, 1918. From Buckman, Observer. Just an occasional shot on the 5th Livision sector. I want a careful observation kept at right about the junction of those 2 sectors. But you say it is quite quiet there. t, ; * *4 •«/ f ' •J i- f ”» September 13, 1918. 191£ - J!ess ^ c - of s., i st co rps , Marines Coln^T^* 011 Artiller P is a gain firing into our 5th noon caused -ill ^,^ avis ’ ° n a similar complaint this after- 5th Marine^ onn+ • ' | uns . to cease fire. The firing into our and sound ^nd r 1 n ^ 6 • + Ae ^ en traced the fire by direction Inde-nerrWt ? d * nd at t0 ce battery "E" 20th Field Artillery. personallv j? entified the same battery. Davis to'shSot -nd ih h t % y and found the > r didn't know how hoot and had lost liaison with the unit they were supporting batterv ! ot0p 11 ■ Ie are sending an officer to the some ?LeTo e”d S - t C0Un l ry - “ ic a hard Jo*- « will take to mf-h* , f d lt; ; Thl5 f ^ing forces our line, 5th Marines, to Withdraw back as long as it continues, frnnt Our observer reports all quiet along 5th Division front. Occasional shots onlv. 10:20 P.K. Sept, 13, 1918. Interrogation of prisoners; No Austrians except Prom G-2, 2nd Division artillery ahead of us 10:48 P.M. Sept. 13, 1918. To C. of S., 1st Corps. J got a telephone message from 23rd Infantry regarding 5th division. Small parties over there, didn’t a *^? unt t0 - ,nacn * it is all over. Quite a few planes came over and show a few machine guns along the right but not to amount to anything. Very quiet along here. 5/13/18. Hdq. 3rd Brigade. 10:50 P.M. Information transmitted to 2nd Div. To 2nd Div. 11:15 - 9th Inf. Completed relief. 9/13/18. Hdq. 3rd Brigade. 11:20 -f.M. Notified Division that relief completed. 13 Sept. ’18. 11:45 P.M. -ki nG of 1st Corps unchanged, Exploitation line of and 5th Divisions about 2 Km. in advance. Exploitation line of 9 0th Div. being pushed out to about 2 Km. un'O time indicated September 13, 1918. Brigade Intelligence Officer (G.L. Jones) Sept. 13, 1918. source of Information, 10th Brigade Liaison Officer, Lt. Illy. 2nd Div, P.C. at 364.5 - 240.5. 3rd and 4th Brigades (Marines) at THIAUCCURT. 1 Marine Reg. P.C, at 362.7 - 241.3, 3 Marine Outposts as follows: 1 at 363.0-243.3, 1 at 363.7-243.1, 1 at 363,9 - 243.3. ,Tones. . ^MEMORANDUM: HEADQUARTERS SECOND DIVISION /CLERIC AN EXPEDITI ON ARY FORCES France, September 13, 1918. ln _ A?, Division Commander takes pleasure in publish, mg following telegram from the Corps Commander- - , „„ , Coiwandine General, 2nd Division, fun. E.F. C3 fA A 1 ? er ' 1 od once nore your Corps Commander has hao the proud privilege of witnessing the Second Division e:opec?a?ions. EP Standard ^ full y OOI!ie »P to his LIGGETT n By Command of Major General Lejeune; MADISON PEARSON. A. M. September 14, 1918. 00:05 September 14, 1918. ihe 3rd and 4th Brigades lovely. (Relief completed without both report everything incident. 00:10 3 ept ember 14, 19 18. Lt. Craeger, Munitions Officer left LIMEY for ThiAUCOURT loaded with, r grenades and Stokes’ mortar ammunition, put in a church?? Dum. reports 27 wagons ifle ammunition, Probably will be 1:15 A.M. Sept. Deports the 4th Brigade 14, 1918. From Lt. Euckman, 2nd Div. Observer. explosion in -TAULNY. Colonel Rhea ordered to investigate and report. 2:20 A.M. September 14, 1918. 2nd Division C.P. Heavy machine gun fire in sector on our the 5tn Division - - for the last ten minutes. right A.M September 14, 1918. 3:35 A.M. September 14, 1918. Division O.P. Barrage in sector of the 5th - 2nd and lasting 15 minutes. Normal at this time. 89th Divisions, ^.4o A.M. September 14, 1918. Division O.P. At about 10 or 12 kilometers for 7 on our left. A large shell comes over he ut es. or 8 minutes barrage re about every 4 min- 6:00 A.M. September 14, 1918. Division O.P. No shelling for 20 minutes. Aeroplanes coming over, arrage on the left has stopped. Lines remain unchanged so far as can be observed. 6:45 A.M. September 14, 1918. Division O.P. _ J al 3 oon U P front of sector 15 degrees west of North m iront or center of our sector. 7.40 A.M. September 14, 1918. Prom Adjutant 4th Brigade. Reports explosion reported in JAULNY - to the northeast Of TKIAUCOORT and was probably an old Boche dump, everything c[u i e t» 8:00 A.M. September 14, 1918. To Lt. Purrin, Asst. G-3, 1st Corps. Reported everything quiet. 8:50 A.M. September 14, 1918. Division O.P. Reports movement cn DANPVITOUX - CHAPE LEY road. Small groups of men and wagons. Boche balloons up. 8:51 A.M. September 14, 19 18. From G-2, 4th Brigade. A man in American officers uniform went to one of our car drivers about 8:15 A.M. and said ’’Take me down the road a ways". The driver thought it was Lt. Kirk. They went east on the valley road about a mile and a half. The driver dis¬ covered it was not Kirk and told him he had no authority to carry him. The man jumped out at once saying hurriedly " That's all right - I'll walk the rest of the way". Probably a German. Answers the following description: 6 feet 1 inch medium weight, blond. Would suggest notifying 5th Division. A • M. September 14, 1918. 9,30 ° e Ptember 14, 1918. Division ( Verbal Message) Cur ripht ?f® filing our su PP°rt lines heavily, r xignt -lame and tne hill on the north of our lines 2 Up and there a barrage^on 9:35 A.II, September 14, 1918. From Adjutant 4th Brigade. Lt. Col. Ellis reports that less shelling during the night on the ihihuCOURT. That is what caused that there has been more or railroad northeast of dump to go up. i-mC. 4th Brigade, Marines, American E. F. 14 September, 1918. 10:45 A.M. Memo for Chief of Staff, 2nd Division. 0 1 ‘, Attached hereto is position report of 4th Brigade on September i4, 1918, at 8:00 A.M, . *green line denotes the front Line of the third Brigade, when relieved by the 4th Brigade on the night 13- 14th September. The 4th Brigade immediately established an out¬ post (marked in blue) to the eastward of XA'MES. The 6th Reg¬ iment now has patrols out from the front line up to this out¬ post. If reports of the reconnaissance are satisfactory this line will probably be advanced up to the outpost. By command of Brig, General Levilie; E/s G-2. Send, tracing paper Earl K, Ellis, Lieut. Col. USMC. Ad jut ant. to 4th Brigade by bearer. Ellis, Received at 67OU . cskx 85 Ob rush TELEGRAM. Headquarters first Army Corps Sept 14 1318 Rec»d 10:50 A.M, C.G, 2nd Division. Following enemy message intercepted is repeated for your in¬ formation enemy has broken into A5CTJE of the Regiment 12 o* clock midnight is time set to drive enemy out again by counter attack Tnis is thought to refer to Malone’s Brigade Craig. ho signature, 10.10 P.M. A F September 14, 1918. 11:00 A.M. September 14, 1918. 4th Brigade. IV1 til Commanding General -L'leville is also very anxious to get that position w , , ec V e - way back in depth. In other words it has g ° t t0 ‘- e done in accordance with that corps plan. What about Ely’s Brigade. His Brigade ought to^come back now. Ihe general is coming right up to TKIAUC CURT right now. I will do it right now. A.H, September 14, ,1918. Telephone message from C.G., 4th brigade to G-3, Second Divison, ihe 4th Brigade through the 5th Marines is in perfect liaison with the 6th Infantry on its right at the southwest corner of the BOIS de BQNVAUX. Colonel Malone, commanding loth Brigade, 5th Division, apparently is not in good liaison with his own regimental commanders because this Brigade is in perfect liaison and communication with the 6th Infantry on its right, Also the 6th ITarines is in liaison with the 89th Division on our left. They have actual contact. 11*^0 A.M, September 14, 1918. Verbal report from the Div¬ ision Surgeon to G-3. Up to 11:00 A.*' r , Sept, 14, - 800 casualties were evacuated through our Division Triage (Evacuation point). No report has as yet been received of the number of killed on the battle field. P. M, September 14, 1918, 12:10 P.M. September 14, 1918. Prom C.G., 4th Brigade to G-3, 2nd Division. It is reported that there is a suspected mine about 50 yards north of the 4th Brigade Headquarters in THIAUCOURT. Request that the Engineers be sent here to investigate. To G-2, 2nd Division. Area BENEY - BOIS de RAPPE3 MISSION BOIS de HART Re ccon, Date 14-9 - 18. Hour 1 2:15 p ,M. Sqdn.No . 1. Alt. 800 Visibility Good. Troops None Transportation None Explosions None Fires XAIDES - St. JULIEN x J5-SO Train movements None Hostile artillery None Hostile balloon On ground at DFSF Hostile aircraft None Adjustment None Miscellaneous (S igned) A.IV. Duckstein, R e c * d 12:30 P.M. 14 Sept. ’18. 1st Lt. A.S . U.S.A. fir 'ept. 14, 1918., ision^to V ^ ep ^ e ? b S r 14 •’ 191B * Message from G-3, 5th Div¬ ision to G-3, 2nd Divisi-on. w i 'J ,e Pad in ^ or ^ation 2 hours ago that our right regiment west S°^ ac L^ ith y°ur left regiment at the south- contnrt* r. 0 *+ the B0IS de BOIiVAUX. They were in actual H ow are JAULNY - in actual possession. • - + , , lG ^ ron ‘t our patrols have advanced is not def- ~ n . + ? J1 .°wn ■ 1 don't know what reconnaissance to the j jl .een ordered this afternoon. The Division Comm- h -Jf n ‘ tbe Cille± of Staff are at the front now, and probably giving the instructions for the operation. Will ave he Chief of Staff call you up as soon as he returns. 1:50 P #M, September 14, 1918,. From G-3, 1st Corps to G-3, 2nd Division. liis scheme is; He will see General Craig and arrang co-ordinated movement of the 5th - 2nd and 89th Divisions, with the idea of pushing out and establishing lines on the •Exploitation Line", and a strong line of advance posts, I told him it could be done anytime he desired it, that we al¬ ready had a strong reconnaissance ordered to the front, but in order to contemplate holding ground out there, it would be necessary to have the movement adjusted, in harmony with the divisions on the right and left. He said he would talk it over with General Craig and call us up later, 1:53 P.11, September 14, 1918. Telephone message from Divisional P.C, The Germans have just thrown ten 77's into the valley north of the BOIS d'HEICHE, It was impossible to see the burst of the shells. 2:29 P.M. September 14, 1918. From G-3, to Chief of Staff, 1st Corps. Desires us to push forward strong'reconnaissance five o'clock this afternoon. The 5th and 90th Divisions have the same orders. This does not mean that we have stopped strengthening the army objective. Push strong reconnaissance forward to the exploitation line and hold all the line we can get. Effort is being made to have the 89th Division of the 4th Corps cooperate with us. If not, 2nd Division must look out for its left flank. 3:15 P It, September 14, 1918. From Chief of Staff, 2nd Div, , to Chief of Staff, 1 A.C. General Craig said that he is going to call up Colonel Drum at Army Headquarters and that he would not do another thing except what he was doing. I said we wanted a clean cut order and he said we were entitled to it. P*M. September 14, 1918. September 14, 1918 - 3:30 P.M., September 14, 1918 - Telephone message to G-3, from American aviator has brought down the Boche balloon north of DOMMARTIN. Telephone Message: I Corps 3:32 P.M. Sept. 14. From: Gen, Craig. To : Col, Drum. Patrols sent out on the front of the 1st Corps in ac¬ cordance with the Army’s instructions are being held up by isolated machine gun posts and artillery fire as scon as they appear in the open. Nothing can be accomplished without an attack supported by artillery. To do this it will be nec¬ essary to have a clean cut order from the Army as to whether or not they are to attack and to hold what they get. 2nd Division reports that it can advance to the Hinden- burg line without much difficulty. 5th Division report is not so favorable. The 3 Division Chiefs of Staff have reported that it will be necessary to attack to accomplish anything. Order on the above necessary at once in order to start things moving at 5 P.M. 4:30 P.M,, September 14, 1918. Telephone message from Divi sion O.P. to G-3. From 4:20 to 4:30 P.M., Hostile batteries threw six 150’s and one shrapnel in front of what was supposed to be our front lines at about 62.40 - 45.50. 4:35 P.M. September 14, 1918, Message from G-2, 2nd Divison. Statements from Belgium prisoner, who was a stone mason, and worked above REMBERCOURT, building dugouts, etc. Large dugout for P.C. -- 367.7 - 245,2 -- about l|- km. N.E. of REMBERCOURT. Especially large dugout around railroad encircling point of ridge at this co-ordinate. Other large dugouts: 368,0 - 244,6. The enemy line about this point. The machine guns are mostly in the 3rd Line. The wire of the 1st Line is about^t meters wide; the 2nd Line about the same. No wire on the ord Line. __ Distance between 1st and 2nd line -- 130 meters; ana 3rd line — 200 meters. Machine gun emplacements in hillside, singly or in groups, from 1 to 3 pill boxes. Distance varies from 60 to 70 meters. Where they are located in groups about 10 meters. Thickness of walls and roofs about 1 meter. 4:35 P.M. September 14, 1918, General Brown tried to get Colonel Trot to get word_to Colonel Malone that Boche troops had been seen in the neigh' borhood of REMBERCOURT Ravine. The wire to Malone has seen cut and it will take two hours to send the message. September 14, 1918. P.M. HEADQUARTERS SECOND DIVISION (REGULAR) AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES. France, September 14. 1918, Chief of Staff Colonel Paul B. Malone Operations September 14th. I am informed by the Corps that your brigade will push forward patrols towards the lines of exploitation this afternoon. 2. All attempts to reach you by phone or runner have failed. 3. Our patrols have seen German troops in the REMBER- CQURT Valley. 4. V/e have patrols to the front in OUR OWN SECTOR. 5. Please be particularly careful to see that no ar¬ tillery from your division fires in our sector, PRESTON BROWN , Brig, Gen,, Gen. Staff. 5:00 P.M. From: To : Subj ect: Rec’d 5:18 P.M, Copy for G-2. 14 Sept. 18 Thru C. of S. Hq. 9th Inf. 11:45 A.M., 14 Sept., 1918. From: 1.0. 9th Inf. To : (G-2) 3rd Brigade. The following are the best data available at this time as to prisoners and material taken by the 9th Inf. on Sept. 12 and 13, 1918. Prisoners:- About 1600 officers and men. It was impossible for the Regt, units to properly check and handle the prisoners owing to their large numbers and our rapid advance. About 60 Belgians, held prisoners by enemy, were re¬ leased by our troops at JAULNY, about 7:30 P.M. the 12th. Material:- The following camps at LAGERS: FOURVALD PIONEER SAULOWALD PROTZEN BERTRAM HAMBURGER PIONEER LAGER DIVN, PIONEER PARK BAYERN OPITZ LUTHER 1 KRIEGHAUS LUTHER II MINENWERFER BAGENWALDSCHENLAGER Property, ordnance and Q.M. in the two LUTHER LAGERS and BAYERN LAGER alone estimated at over million dollars value. In JAULNY A large hospital establishment with Medical Stores, surgical instruments, X-Ray equipment etc., in large quantities, also a hospital train of several cars in JAULNY yards, A trainload of ammunition in JAULNY was blown up about 9 P.M,, 13 Sept, presumably by an enemy soldier who was killed as he was running away. 1 Field Kitchen:- (Cont'd next page) September 14, 19IS. (Cont'd from last page) P.M. No 1 2 2 Ordnance Heavy ' Cal ifcre 1 105 Where 77 J56 5.85 - 241,85 to 6 3.8 - 242 10" M.W. ' 1 SOS.97 - 241.85 to 64.1 - 241 8 " 11 11 < ( In Shed 364,3 - 281.4 155 77 .364.3 - 281.6 to 304.8 - 241.6 77 241.7 - 366 238 - 366 77 -Aust. 88 * 365.3 - 77 I n TillAU COURT 242.5 77 366 - 238.9' 155 366.3 - 239.6 77 367.3 - 241,1 366.3 155 - 242.5 155 366 - 243 77 365.5 - 242.8 77 313.6 - 241.4 .55 06 3.5 — 242 3Co - 105 243.2 366. 3 - 240 , ^ cn a patrol (officer) Co, E, 9th Inf. on road to oHARjif about 365.3 - 244,5 at 6:00 P.M. 12th Sept, found a attery of several big guns abandoned at roadside. Unable o ascertain now whether they were subsequently recovered by enemy. One train, 8 wagons, on road east of JAULNY - 1 com¬ plete signal wagon at entrance to JAULNY, No approximate number of small arms and other equipment can ,be given; but large quantities of them were found in the various camps - (vacated?). Quantities of maps, documents, etc., taken by the Regiment, have been turned over to you or to G -2 of the 2 nd Division. J. R. McKey, 1st Lt. 9th Inf. Intelligence Officer. From At Date To O . 0 . 10 th Brigade. P. C. 14 Sept. 18. Hour 6:05 P.M. How Sent: Officer - 0. S., 2nd Division. Lt. Brown Pursuant to original plan I have sent forward two bat¬ talions to the outpost line at 5 P.M. with orders to recon- noiter to Hindenburg Line as directed by the Corps. Unless you cover my left flank it will be impossible to hold outpost line. Urgently request your cooperation at ONCE. Malone, Colonel. 6:20 P.M. September 14, 1918. Message from General Neville. My liaison officer has just returned from Malone, He says Malone got orders at 3:45 to advance to the Hindenbury line at 5:00 that he put down an artillery barrage. In compliance with orders I have sent out strong patrols on the front of both regiments to reconnoiter and search for the en¬ emy and to establish a line of outposts in front about 2 ki¬ lometers if too much resistance is not encountered. p. il. Sep t ember 14, 1918. 8:05 P.M., September 14, 1918. Prom Chief of Staff to Div¬ ision 0 .P. .7}iat is going on out there. Don’t you hear any art¬ illery. What do you see out towards CKAREY. I wish you would keep your eye on CHAREY and RFTIBER COURT. Have you heard any machine gun firing over there? Keep your eye on it. Any hostile artillery? Have not heard any hostile art¬ illery? Are they firing on our lines at all? ” All right. Prom: Shop 6 At : P.C. Slap 7 How Sent: Date: Sept. 14, 1918. Hour: 20h3Q By Uounted Courier To : Surprise 6 (2nd F.A.B.) Increased enemy artillery fire on Slap sector since lb h. Harassing and interdiction fire, continous from 16 h to 19 h. Desultory fire only from 19 h to 20 h 30. Enfilade fire on valley and slopes between JAULNY & TH1AUCOURT, from an enemy battery apparently located north east of REtIBER COURT. Assume that adjustment is made by enemy balloon in same neighborhood. Balloon has excellent view of locality mentioned, ^nemy fire is opened quickly when persons pass through said sector. Heavy harassing fire also on right of Slap sector from 1C h to 18 h 30. Enemy plane brought down within our lines on right of Slap Sector at about 17 h by machine gun fire from the ground. Aviator wounded. Shop’s normal barrage was suspended at 18:30 on order of SLAP 7 until ordered resumed by Slap 1# Slap is send¬ ing out patrols along RUPT de HAD, to advance approximately as far as east and west line running thru northern point of BGIS de MONTAIGNE. In absence of resistance supports will be sent and line organized. There is a captured enemy batt¬ ery of Cin howitzers (3 pieces) in 30IS du PEY at about 364.7 - 241.7. Sights missing but otherwise there are enough parts to fire one piece and 24 rds of ammunition. Much fine artillery material, optical instruments etc. scattered around this sector which should be salvaged. Be¬ ing looted as souvenirs. HalcoIn Douglas 1st Lt. ■ " Doubt as to whether the numeral is 1 or 7. Relieve it to be 1 .Shop 6 - Intl& - 15th P.A. Slap 1 - 5th Marines op CP off. 8:43 P ,H. , September 14, 1918. Following message sent by radio to C.G. 3rd Brigade. Have you any report from patrols? Wires are down. (Brown) 9:05 P.M.September 14, 1918. Telephone message from Div¬ ision 0 .p. to Chief of Staff. Reports shelling on the front of the sector to our leit. Slight artillery firing on our sector. Very little. 9:15 P .h . , September 14, 1918. General Brown called up Lt. Col. Ellis, Adjutant ^th Brigade, ‘and asked him for reports from the patrols and he had none. I ' P.M. September 14, 1918, September 14, 1918. Telephone message from Chief ol Stall, 2nd Division, to C.G., 4th Brigade. The Corps has just telephoned up that Malone’s left, that is of his patrols, you know, Malone's left patrol is in the southern edge of the REMBERCOURT and his right is over near ST. S0ULA1RE FARM. Malone's left is just at the south¬ ern edge of REMBERCOURT. You had better get this down Nev¬ ille. His right is over at ST. SOULAIRE Farm. The Corps Commander desires or directs that you send out a strong pa- trol^in rear of Malone’s left, northeast of JAULNY toward REMBERCOURT, Have you got a patrol over there in that coun¬ try/ Two kilometers north of JAULNY. They must be almost at REMBERCOURT themselves. I ordered them to patrol to the northern edge of the BOIS de HALBACH. If Malone is at the southern edge of REMBERCOURT you have a patrol at the north¬ ern edge of the BOIS de HALBACH. Nov/ do you mean the general northern edge or just a few yards north of REMBERCOURT, The ^ < L ne ^ a ^ nor- thern edge. That is about a kilometer south of REMBERCOURT, You say that the northern edge is right up to the northern edge near REMBERCOURT, So your patrol has or¬ ders to patrol up to the north end of the v/oods. Nov; what post? How many men in that patrol? How many men? Two com¬ panies? You have got two companies in the patrol and two com¬ panies supporting them; so you have got a patrol out there have you? Now, can you get Feland, that is on the right side of the river, to get an officer and the necessary runners to warn them of that counter-attack. Will you verify and see if Feland has done that and tell Feland exactly v/here Malone is and tell Feland to support Malone’s withdrawal and tell Malone the Corps Commander directs him to withdraw. That the Corps Commander directs that he fall back. That a wireless message has been intercepted stating that he will be attacked at one o’clock there tonight. Have your patrol support him. Yes, sir, Malone’s up there by God with those patrols. Yes and how about your patrol on his left they had orders to come back did it not? Have those people reported to you at all. Then they may sort of confuse the idea. How far out are your outposts, General? Yes, I am looking at the map and trying to get it straight. Yes, General Neville wants to know if he wants those patrols of ours that went out to withdraw. He ordered this patrol supported by two companies to patrol out there and establish outposts. Now you don’t want them to re¬ main out there do you. General Lejeune: We don't want them to get too far out. Col. Brown: The General says to main¬ tain the line of outposts out there but not out too far, not out of supporting distance of his lines. You had better send word back to withdraw to a distance not exceeding one kilom¬ eter. Will you do that right away, sir? I don't think there is much time to lose either. Exactly. All right. 11:30 P.M. September 14, 1918. Telephone message from Di¬ vision Liaison Officer with the 89th Division. A message intercepted from the Germans states that they v/ill counter-attack at midnight near REMBERCOURT. Notify all concerned. Ask him what his outfit is going to do. Are they going out at all. Prepared to? Ask him if they are going to have a party tonight. Tell him all right. Much obliged. P . M. September 14, 1918. 11:40 P.M., September 14, 191b. Telephone message from 0. p, to G-3. ' Several very heavy explosions due north from you that cannot be artillery. hew fire broken out a little west of NORTON.^ It; or 15 kilometers. Q ( . Probably somebody bomb¬ ing kHi-iZ? Too far away irom METZ? Any shelling going on there? Any gas r ? ho shelling at all. how keep your ears peeled towards REMBERCOURT and JAULNY. 11:55 P .M. , September 14, 1918. Telephone message from Chief of Staff, 1st Corps, to Chief of Staff, 2nd Division. All right Craig go ahead. Notify M.Mirmin. He is the Prefect of Meurthe Etassle. Tell him to report tomorrow September 15th at 3 P.M., at PONT a MOUSSON in order to meet there the French Premier and the French Minister LaBront. Where is he. He is at THIAUCOUHT. Yes. I will get that to him with pleasure. All right, another thing. Malone is digging in where he is and organizing in depth two outposts of the whole division. He telephoned to Drum and I think that the 2nd Division outpost should connect up with his left, ’Well, now, I have already started an order for Malone to withdraw. I will have to catch Neville right quick. Neville was going to send a strong patrol out. We have got two batteries outside almost up to REKEERCOURT. That gives the distance up there. They will force us to the line RELI- BERCOURT - CFAREY. Now what is the 89th going to do. And that means a fight tomorrow and a dig in. See what I mean. I can't get a definite order. Just as 1 said this afternoon Telephone General Neville to hold those instructions for Malone. C.G., 4th Brigade. Do it quickly. They won’t give you a positive order. Here, Craig, we have got to have a positive order of what to do. Here comes General ^owley again. (Conversation with General Bov/ley). Well you know we have got only two days fire with the artillery. What is that? Well we don’t know exactly what the advanced post is now, don't you see. We have not got our runners back from the patrols yet. Malone was just to impetuous on that thing. I have already telephoned Neville to send an officers' pat¬ rol to his two companies supported bj' two which are to be there just southwest of REMBERCOURT to send the officers' patrol to get in communication with them to back Malone's company, cover his left and give the Corps order to Malone to withdraw. Catch the idea. I think there is an even chance that they can’t find him unless there is a fight. But that is the best second to do. It is dark as Hell you know going through these woods. I get lost going to the rear out of this dugout much less going to REMBERCOURT. We are left right here in the midst of a woods and I am per¬ fectly frank I would have a hell of a time walking from here to the automobile. Has Malone got wireless. Well you had better get through Trot a runner to Malone to withdraw that orders to withdraw. It has gone and I will try to stop it. Says stop that order if I can and establish combat liaison with left. Now we are going to have a battle out here to¬ morrow and if we are going to attack that thing we might as well to CHAREY. That’leaves him tied up. That is the most reasonable thing l see. Is to have Neville alter his flank and let him dig in. 7/hat do you think of that General. (General Lejeune: The Army has ordered it.) General Brown: That is the best we can do. Ko time indicated. September 14, 1918. (Copy of w ireless message referred to in above entry.) C.G., 2nd Division, September 14, 1918. Following enemy message intercepted is repeated for your intormation. "Enemy has broken into A K N I E of the regiment. Twelve o’clock Midnight is time set to drive enemy out again by counter attack". Is thought to refer to MALOKE'S brigade. (Signed) Craig. Headquarters, 2nd Division, Sept ember 14th, 1918. Memorandum for Commanding General, 4th Brigade: 1. The Corps Commander desires further information as to the position and strength of the enemy on our front. The Divisions of the 1st Corps will send forward strong reconaissance at 5:00 P,M. today to obtain this information. 2* The 3rd Infantry Brigade will send out strong pa¬ trols of two companies to reconnoiter the terrain in front of the Army Objective to a distance of about two kilometers in order to advance their line of observation, make the Army Objective line more secure and to determine what enemy strength is in our immediate front. 3. (a) Our artillery will not be used except it is called for by the Brigade Commander. (b) The troops making the reconnaissance should be warned that there may be artillery fire from the Divis¬ ion on our right. (c) The outpost line will be advanced and a system of advance posts established in front of our present line. Liaison will be maintained to the right and left and the left flank covered in case the Division of the 4th Corps on our left does not seni out reconnaissance. By order of Major General Lejeune: Colonel. A. M. September 15, 1918. 12.01 A. M. September 15. General Brown to Gen. Neville. Hello Neville, then the trouble begins. Malone is digg¬ ing in by God. Drum called up the army and the army seems to think that we ought to connect up with Malone on his left. Now have you sent that order out. You could not probably catch that officer could you? See if you could catch that officer and strike out that part which orders him to withdraw Nell, can you get to Peland. They ought to establish combat liaison by means of that patrol. Send an officer and estab¬ lish liaison and cover Malone's left. Exactly, establish combat liaison with Malone's left and ca.ncel that part which orders Malone to withdraw. Establish liaison with Malone and cover his left by combat patrol. Is that perfectly clear Neville. Gen. Neville repeats to me. Stop the order to Malone to withdraw. Order Eeland to keep out posts out where it is estaolished s.nd establish liaison with Malone and pro¬ tect his left. Cancel the order for Lee to withdraw and have Lee establish liaison with the other patrol and with the 89th on his left. It is going to advance tonight some time. That is perfectly clear is it. Do you think you had better have a few troops working up that way or not? That is another. He has got two companies patrol and two companies supporting him. He will carry orders to hold everything. We would like to get the front line of those outposts marked so we can put the artillery down on it. I got Neville and Neville does the following. He cancels the order to withdraw He holds his outpost where it is and establishes liaison with Malone's left and covers it. He holds the left patrol in position and establishes liaison with that of 89th Division if he can find it. All remain in place. Is that satisfactory I think that is reasonable. 2:05 A.M., 15 Sept. '18. Telephone message from Intelligence officer, 4th Brigade, in substance. Message from 10th Brigade to C. G. 4th Brigade states that he is holding the line from SOULENVRE .Fe. on the right to a point near REMBERCOURT on his left and is in liaison with the 5th Marines. A prisoner from the 174 Regt. 31 Div. states that the HINDENBURG line in his front is thinly held and that a Div. was rushed up from 15 K. in the rear to rein¬ force the line. His regt. had 3 cos. per Bn and 70 men per Co. Each Bn. held 600 meters of front with 2 Cos. in first line and 1 Co. in support. His Div. was weak in Art. as most of it was captured in this offensive by the Americans. The 4th Brig, has no reports from its own units as to the liaison only this report from the 10th Brig,, but that their front is quic-t and everything seems to be alright. 3:10 A.M. 15 Sept. 18. Telephone message from Intelligence Officer, 4th Brigade. At 11:45 P.M. 5th Marines were at point 2963 in BOIS de HAILBAT and were continuing the advance and were in - liaison with 6th Marines on the left. One Co. had done that. Turrill adds, no enemy activity at 1:20 A.M. Some shelling at 1:00 A.M. A. Id. September 15, 19IS. 3:25 A.M. Sept. 15, 1918. Br ir. Telephone message from I. 0. 4th 6th Marines is half encountered no resistanc illery at about 363.4 - reconnaissance. wa e. 244 y towards his objective, and has He has located some German art- .9 . lie is continuing with the 3: aO A .11. Sept. 15. Tel. message from Div. .0. P. heavy shelling on left half of 2nd I)iv. sector appar¬ ently in and. north of THIAUCOUKT. Seems to be switching to right hali of our sector. The Div. on our left is getting some heavy shelling. 3:o2 A.M. 15 Sept. Tel Message from Div. O.P. The shelling on right half of our sector is continuing. 3:42 A.M. 15 Sept. Tel, to 4th Brigade by G-5. cth Brigade states that there is very little shelling of TRIADCOURT. An occasional shell drops near R.R. station. Nothing unusual in valley towards M T .E Everything seems to be O.K. 3:55 A.M. 15 Sept. Tel. message from Div. O.P. The shelling on the right of our sector continues and is now accompanied by a little M. Gun fire. 5:55 A.M. 15 Sept. Tel Message from Div. O.P. The Germans started a barrage over our front lines in the direction of DAL/IPVITOUX and. towards the right of our sector. Artillery notified. 6:12 AMT. 15 Sept. Tel. Message from Div. 0.1. The German barrage on our front about the same accomp¬ anied now by a heavy M. Gun fire. 6:30 AMI. Sept. 15, 1918. Telephone message from C.G. 4th Brigade. heard Everything in our from the front lines front is alright. Have not but believe everything is O.IT. Go . wv > •*. A. It. September 15, 1918, 7:04 A.M. 15 Sept. Tel. Message from Div. O.P. Between 6:30 and 6:45 A.M., small groups of men were seen coining back from the direction of the enemy with apparently German prisoners. This was in the direction of 365.10 - 245,10, The artillery fire and M. Gun fire are much less. 8:02 A.M. 15 Sept. ’18. Tel, Message from Div. O.P. Small groups of prisoners seen coming from the direc¬ tion of CKAREY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1918 8:10 A.M, Sept. 15, 1918. Phone message from Adjutant 4th Brig. Following message from 6th Marines dated 7:35 A.M* We are in position approximately 244,5 - 363,5 to 244,5- 365, Enemy has engaged us while going into position and we have practically cleared the BGIS de REMONTAINE but cannot advance further without artillery preparation. MONT PLAISIR GERME. Lee wants fire on this farm, (Taken up with our ar¬ tillery) , Message just received. Williams 6th Marines ha 3 1-jr companies post (in woods). Immediately came under severe artillery and machine gun fire. Advanced to save our line and are now along lines indicated on map as well as I can tell. Instructions? Enemy just on ridge in front 100 yards. Am getting ma¬ chine gun fire from N.E. but am safe here digging in. Few casualties. No artillery now, (Sgnd.) Martin, Capt. 8:30 A.M. Sept, 15, 1918, Phone message from Div, 0.1. An airplane, believed to be one of our planes, was brought down in flames in fight with German planes, being outnumbered four to one, towards northeast; unable to state whether it came down within our lines or not. 9:50 A.M. September 15, 1918, Telephone message from Adju¬ tant 4th Brigade, to C—3. Fifth Marines, one company along east and v/est ridge 365 - east 236.6 - 243,5. One company in support position 365 - 243.3. Woods patrolled, no enemy found. Outpost Ime along line directed will be immediately established. i - n(r company at 2:00 A.M, reported v/oods clear and liaison estae- lished with 6th Marines, I have liaison with my combat pla¬ toon on right. It has lost touch with 6th Infantry cai as¬ pects to regain same this A.M. Telephone line being es a °” lished. Two platoons hold out-post position now held. y ° company. Exact location of out-posts will be sent in w.en. established, (that was of the 5th Marines and those companies. In the 6th Marines sector the support battalion occupies a line roughly along parallel 244,5, starting in ? n tLerig from a point just forward of the quarries on Height c./c. (just to the west of REMBERCOURT) to the small woods about 400 meters to the southwest of Height 221.8, or a pom nea our sector boundary. . x (Cont'd on next page) • » ■ ■ September .15, 1918, . A.M. (Cont’d from last page) There is one company ot that battalion which was reported to be with its right about 400 yards to the north of REMBER- CGURT and extending to the left of about Height 292.3, (right at cross roads to the right north of quarries) (This is the outfit of the 6th Marines) The patrols of the 6th Marines are forward of that line. Exact location not known at present, Q. Of course that is with reference to that point north of REMBERCOURT. You are not sure about that? A. Ho. Q,. Kindly verify that as quickly as possible, ihree officers wounded in the 6th. Hothing known about the casualties. General bright of the 89th Division is in liaison with General Heville and the liaison on the left is being fixed up. Just of course what they are going to do he did not know. One batch of eight prisoners captured. Copy for 1st A.C. W. Thornton. G “ 3 * J.B. 10:10 A,11. Message from the Div. O.P, September 15, 1918, Looks like a white signal panel. Is our artillery still firing on MOUHT PLAZIERE. Stop firing. There is a white signal panel on MT. PLAZIERE facing this way. The O.P. can see it. We will have to make a demand for an aerial recon¬ naissance. Prom: Surprise 16. At : BOIS du FOUR. Date: 15 Sept, 18. Hour: 10:10. No, 1. To : Buster. 16. I Request you notify Waterfall 16 that meter gauge rail¬ way THIAUCOURT - HOVIAHT cannot be repaired by us. Prac¬ tically all ra.ils removed and some bridges down, Mitchell. 10:20 A.M. Sept, 15, 1918. Phone message from Div. O.P. to G-3. The Boche have dropped 35 to 40 high explosives in and around MT. PLAZIERE Farm the last ten minutes. You are sure it is the Boche. Say wait a minute. Is that white panel still out there? What do you think, that it is ours or Boche trying to surrender? It is on this side, is it? On the east side of the farm on the wall. ft A.M. September 15, 1918. From At Date To Sink 7. P.C. 300 yds m LOSE MANSIK. 15 Sept 18. Hour { 10:20 A.M. No. 7. How sent: Surprise 1. Mounted relay. P.C* now located in northern edge narrow strip of woods about 300 meters NW LOGE MANGIN. Sink 7 Adj 3rd Erigade. 10:25 A.M. Sept. 15, 1918. Phone report from Malone, C.G. 10th Brig. 5th Div. C.O., 6th Inf., reports that our reconnaissance pa¬ trols holding line 600 meters south of REMEERCOURT to SOULEUVRE FARM has no contact on the left with the Marines. Request that strong patrol be sent to give contact with our left flank and we be notified when this has been accomplished. Gen. Brown: What time is that dated. 9:15 A.M. 600 meters south and that was dated 9:15 this morning. Apparently you have got a patrol north of REMEERCOURT. 10:50 A,IT. Sept. 15, 1918. Field message from 2nd Div. En¬ gineer Officer at BOIS du FOUR dated 10:10 Sept. 15, to Chief Engineer 1st Corps. Request you notify 4th Corps Engr. that meter gauge railway THIAUCOURT-NOVIANT cannot be repaired by us. Prac¬ tically all roads removed and some bridges down. Mitchell. 10:50 A.M. Sept. 15, 1918. Phone message from G-3 2nd Div. to G-2 1st Corps, Can you get this message to Aerodrome, 1st Aero Squad¬ ron. Want observation plane to stake out our front line from REMBERCOURT to CHAREY and observe panel at MON PLAISIR FARM. Also artillery plane to locate hostile battery now firing on REGNIEVILLE ROAD. 11:15 A.M. September 15, 1918. Phone message received from Adj. 4th Brig. About 10 A.M. the patrols from support battalion of 6th Marines were counter attacked on left flank by Germans and were driven back on support line. Heavy barrage but seemingly few infantry. Also Germanaeroplanes fired on our infantry. Two of our platoons have been moved up to counter attack the Boche. Some of our patrols were in neighborhood of MON PLAISIR FE. early this morning. A.M. September 15, 1918, 11:30 A.M, September 15, 1918, Phone conversation between Gen, Brown and Gen. Craig, As far as I can see - you know where MON PLAISIR - ap¬ parently it is on the Hindenburg Line, We have had our ar¬ tillery on it. They have had a white panel on it. Apparent¬ ly it is taken as far as we can see by the telescope, V/e have not got a wireless out there but v/e have telephoned for an air¬ plane to go over there and verify it right av/ay. You might help out by an airplane. Has driven through? How do they account for that, Has driven through? Broken our line? VO NBA I RE? Just prolonged our line. Gen. '//right was up this morning, that is saw Neville down at THEAUCOURT and they cane to an understanding that the 89th Div, issued an order last night that they were going to make a rolling barrage and they are not up there at all, and Wright has gone up to rectify it personally. He will hook up with our left. He has gone up to see Neville and look over the line. I don’t think so. Want to speak to Bowledy. They are scattered all over the field. That is what we have been doing. Here is a note just came in - "One bn 6th Marines holds BOIS de la MONTAGUE and are in close contact with the Germans in the Exercise trenches about 500 m, S.W. of M. PLAISIR EE. One Bn. 6th Marines in west edge BOIS MONTAGNE and woods westward between CHARRY - XAMHES, They have patrols in northern edge of woods and developed Germans in Exercise Trench." 11:30 A.M. Phone Message from Adj. 4th Brig, One Bn 6th Marines holds BOIS de la MONTAGNE and are in close contact with the Germans in the Exercise trenches about 500 m. S.W. of M, PLAISIR EE. One battalion 6th Marines in west edge BOIS MONTAGNE and v/oods westward between CHARRY - XAMMES, They have patrols in northern edge of woods and de¬ veloped Germans in Exercise Trench. 11:45 A.M, Sept, 15, 1918. Phone message from Gen, Neville. I got that about Boche making a little counter attack there, we are taking care of that I think, Two Colonels from the 78th Div, over there? Who are they? John Morgan and One of their brigades relieves you tonight. They have got to take it over just as you have got it. Tell them that is the order. The Gen. just sent his aide down there to tell j'-ou to send some officers out from those regiments to stallitise that line. Have them indicate it so that they can be properly relieved. I knew you would do it but you want to be dead certain, of it. Exactly, No they are coning up, jhey are going to come up this afternoon. That is that Exercise trench. Now on the left the Germans are on that Exercise trench there too. They are very strong are they? He says the. Germans are very strong in that Exercise Trench, He says you see the ravine in between the tv/o woods. Yes. Bo you want some artillery down in there? Bowley is right here and he can put some artillery on that exercise - If you will Bowley the coordinates of the point you want him to fire on he will put it right down. Well the colonels had better go out and make their reconnaissance. ’Veil, assign them one to one, we can’t wait for those people. You assign them one to relieve Feland and one to relieve Lee, and put them to work. Better make the reconnaissance. P. II. Sept ember 15, 1916. 12:5 j P.II. Sept. 15, 1918. Phone message from Div. O.p. One company at 62.85 - 44.70 in extended order advancing at double time. 1:50 P. . oept, 15, 1918. Phone message from C, of S. 2nd Div. to Adj. 4th Brig. Have you heard anything more. Have you got your lines fixed. Have, you heard from the 5th. Could you give me those lines. Let me have it as soon as you can. Have you connected up with Malone? It is quite essential that they hook up with TTalone I have tried to get it through TTalone hack to the Corps. It is a long ways up hut I have got it pretty well plotted up from your last message. You have not heard anything about the operation against that machine gun nest 29.23 have you? Are you making much of it? "7e wouId like to get that thin. ;; fixed so that relief can he properly made tonight you know. Very swiftly, hake a clean cut job. Remember that those people are not much on to you. I will send 0 -2 some more maps. I will send you some more maps. -That else can I do for you? You get out your own relief order. 6: Oo P.M. Sept. 15, 1918. Phone message from O.P, O.P., reports that heavy barrage is being put down on our front line from the northern edge of BOIS de la T ' r 0HTAGIlE to our extreme left flank. They are also bombarding THIAUCCURT with heavy guns . 6:06 P.M. Sept.. 15 , 1918. phone message from Chief of Staff, 1st Corps, to Colonel Rhea. Heavy concentration of Boche to the south from C HAVE LEY and TTARS-LADTOtP Moving this way are they? Counter attacking on the left Division of the 4th Corps, A French Division. It is highly desir aisle that tonight you touch up the woods and ravines in advance of your furthest advanced patrols and warn them to keep out of it and see if we can’t Have you any idea how iany people we have got? on our front to be getting out. They have just a heavy barrage on our front line. 1 will let you minute whether we have got any gas or not. I am have not. Ho. Ho, gas up. TVe will look out for Sept. 15, 1918. phene message from O.P. Barrage on our front line has stopped. Still shelling in the valley to the west of TLTAUCOURT. stop him. They seem laid dov/n kno r " in a afraid we them. 6:12 P.M, 6:35 P. 1 Sept. 15, 1918. Telephone message from O.P. They are shelling our lines in the BOIS de MOHTAGHL. E- T: . September 15, 1918. 10:15 P.K. Sept. 15, 1918. phone message from Adi. 4th Brigade. aie has no definite data on the subject of captured £uns and material but will endeavor to have sane by tomorrow morning. Everything is very quiet on the front and the relief seems to be going off alright. A. -1. Sex.itember 16, 1918, 2:50 A.K. Se^jt. 16, 1918. Telephone message from G-3 to 4th Brigade. In reply to inquiry, Adjutant 4th Brigade states everything in their front is quiet. That he has forward communication and the relief is going on satisfactorily. 5:05 A.M., September 16, 1918. Telephone Call G-3 to Div. O.P. As to who was doing all the artillery firing. Reply was that it was about an even break between us and the enemy. At present enemy was shelling THIAUCOURT and the roads leading south. No time indic at ed S ept enbe r 17 , 19 18, HEAD Q/J ART ERS A'ERIC Alt SECOND DIV I SI Oh (REGULAR) EXPLOITI Oh TRY FORCES. Franc e, 17 S ept ember 1918. tEFORAEDUR for the C.O., 5th Marines The Division Commander directs me to transmit to you the following instructions: These headquarters have just been advised by 1st Corps Headquarters that the town of FANOhCOURT has been turned over to the 5th Division, and that all units of the 2nd Division now in that town mist vacate by 10:00 o’clock, this day, - September 17. The Headquarters, 5th Karines, now in KAXGLCOURT will therefore have to move. The town of KIHORVILLE is at your disposition for the location of your Headquarters. G.A. KERBST, Lt, Col. General Staff, Asst. G-3. P. September 21, 1918, Ho: 111 From Immortal. 21 September ’18. 3:25 P.M. From: 89th Division. 2nd Division on right of 89th Division is digging in line 2nd phase first day. 2nd Division reports 50 officers, 2,000 other prisoners. 1st Division reported as capturing HONSARD. 5th Army Corps lias taken HEUDICCURT. *•0 time indicated. 61° Division, St at EAjsv. Oct. 1 st, 1913. At P. C. Oct. 1st. 1913. w 0 . 7/7 - v j/ J • Note - tor distribution to al n Commanders, American Infantry and Artillery. Colonels cf the 5th and 6 th Regiments of Karines J '+. u "°_ i _^ omi p an ^ sr Of Infantry and Artillery are informed, «ti > £~ ar 'k a ^i or:S Drench Chasseurs occupy the Bois de la ' 1 e ' n ^ ' AuSEPTr DU - and all trcons are cautioned not to lire on these ’~ood^. Le General Commandant la 61° Division. Si?ne FONDIN. Oct * 1st, 1918, cC.10 to C. G. at point near ^OK^F-uv Roadj turn right to corduroy road* 3 nd Div., - 3rd Frig, Eq. no'" located T '.v; Rjv e?s ? 4 50 yards E of main 3QUA IE- come to south end of corduroy road then dugout. Guide ’"ill be found at south end of ELY. Received by Eq. 61st Airplane. Div. Oct 1st, 1918, Friendly troops Tank not moving in N ? at N ^ 11 I 53 ? P 64 No time indicated. Oct, 1st, 1918. The Staff, 31st A. C, To the: Staff, 2nd Division. ^he following modifications are applicable to Order No. 3695 — 1 October. The Order for the 2nd of October. The attack towards the North by the Division Bernard and the 2nd Division is delayed 24 hours, "’ithin the limits of the Division, Bernard, ‘ r 'iil consolidate and improve the front between the Trench Essen and the Trench d'Or. The 2nd Division ’"ill not attack the 2nd of October; '"ill accomplish the putting in place of the Narines and its artillery. Under the conditions already prescribed and " : ill take measures to insure the fal 1 of all the trench of Essen, progressing from east towards the ' r est in the interior of that trench. The General commandin'? the division, Isis Chief of Staff, the *rtill er 3 r Brigade Com ander; the General Commandin the 3rd Brigade, at th. P, cl orders. ith ’"'is t'"o colonels, '"ill rresent themselves of the Army Corps at 9:00 A. ; 0 r oc e 1 v A.M. October 2, 1918. Liaison Officer with XXI Division phones: n . ® ■J ust "been received by General Commanding XXI ELEE trench has been occupied on his right for a ou ^00 - 300 meters at point which is at junction with American troops on his right. (Taken by Lt. Swett 7:40 2 Oct) Field Message received 7:45 A.M. October 2, 1918 from Gen. Liy. Am sending officer as requested by Lt. Livingston by telephone from 167th Division, Request that these Head- quar ers be furnished with a liaison officer with necessary unners from Div, Hq. None available here. Request Signal Officer send out 2 telephones. Request officer coming for orders be given transporta¬ tion as far as SOMME-PY as otherwise it will be physically impossible to transmit information in your orders to my regiments before H hour. Total - distance is between 12 and lo miles, much of which is through trenches. v/ill carry out attack as planned unless other orders received. You can reach me by telephone thru P.C. Smidt ILt. Livingston) or through 167 Division, 174 Regt - 1 st Bn, where my P.C. is located (same as shown in O.P. Memo 20) Ely. - Message from Lt, Livingston, Liaison Agent, 170th Div. 2 Oct. 18. Message given to him that officers ( 4 ) 209 prisoners a en bj' 6 th Marines. 84th Co. reached objective and is iggmg in. The Co. on the right and the reserve company have not yet been heard from. iom Livingston: The 170th Division is exactly the same as it was iast night, except that a battalion of the 170th + n ls to work around that exposed flank, to i ^° U lT„^ lne ' PEa t makes 2 battalions now that are go- +v>a PEe one that was sent out yesterday from 17ntV: tv . lv -’- s ton, and the one that was sent out by the ifUth Division. Field Message received 9:15 A.M. from C. G. 3rd Brig. Oct. wi+v. M Place as follows:- Z Bns 9th in communication diri e " • Bn 9th. Not in communication with 23rd, Guides FrenchDiv P ° rt ^ points & iven hy Staff Officers of 170th Ely. A.15 October 2, 1918. From: Sister. At: P.C. Date: 2 Oct.'18. Hour: 7:40 A.M. How sent: Runner. To: Surprise. Attached is position sketch of 4th Brigade. The relief of western sub-sector was reported complete at 5:26 A.M. The C.O. 5th has not yet reported relief complete but his 5rd Bat talion is known to be in position and he has reported that he had liaison with all except it. The relief was effected with out trouble. Both our regiments and French report good liai¬ son on right and left flanks - have sent Liaison Officers to flank Brigs to verify. Neville. Rec ' d 9:45 A.M. From: Sister. At: P.C. Date: 2 Oct*'18. Hour 10:15 A.M. To: Site - 2nd Division. The 137 RI holding the line on your left is to attack by infiltration today and expect to take possession of trenches L’ELBE and d’ESSEN, You will aid them in every way possible by flank fire, especially with machine guns, one pdrs. etc. The liaison officer (the bearer) of the 21 ID will explain the situation. Neville. Copy for Division. p.M. October 2, 1918. Staff NAULIN to Staff LEJEUNE. Received 12:35 P.M. Oct.2, 19 18 . Airplane message seems to indicate that the trench of ESSEN and the B0I3 de la VIPERE are no longer occupied by the enemy, please assure yourself of it and occupy these points if possible, always covering toward the left. At any event it is indispensable for the ESSEN trench to be occupied by us I \ Octobe 19 18 12:58 F. Oct. 2, 19 18. p. 11. From 41 h 3 r ig ad e . i '^ c ^^ Brigad6 line is down and 3rd Brigade is r o^iCin': on it an' 1 it will be fixed in a few minutes. 1:00 P.- . Oct. 2, 1918, Adjutant, 4th. Brigade. 1:45 P.M. Oct. 2, 1918. Telephone message from 21st Army Corps. Rectifying the order Ko. 369 5-3, of the 1st of Oct. Paragraph 3, Subsection B. 1. In place of BCUYAU o^ LA COURT IKE put "BGUYAU of CU3TRIKE, n 2. rupprese Pill 133. P. C. Chief of Staff. 2:25 P.M. Oct. 2, 1918. To C.G., 2nd Div. Correction in Operation Memo 3rd Brigade 17o 20 giving P.C’s as follows: Change 1st P.C. to read 270.5-278.8. Will be estab¬ lished there at 7:00 P.M. unless we receive further orders. Hill take K hour as 6:50 A.M. 3rd Oct. please notify us if any change in your advance P.C. from 7910. SLY. -Brig, Gen’l. From: C.G., 3rd Brigade. At: H AVAR IK FITS. Date: Oct. 2,'18. Hour: 4:25 P.M. Ho: 2. How sent: Motorcycle. To: C.G., 2nd Div. Time 17:00 Correction in Oper. Memo 3rd Brig. Mo. 20 giving P.C’s as follows: Change 1st F.C. to read 270.5-278.8. Will be estab¬ lished there at 7:00 P.M. Unless we receive further orders will have K hour as 6:30 A.M. 3rd Oct. please notify us of any change in your advance P.C. from 7910. Sly, Brig, Gen. P*!vl* October 2, 1918, Received by: Webster. Time: 18:20 From: 2nd Lt. E. White, At: P.C. ROQUE, 21st French Divi¬ sion. Date: 2 Oct.'18. Hour 5 p.M. No. 1. To: G-3 - 2 Division. The 21st Division attacks the enemy on its front to¬ morrow at 5:50 A.M. supported by tanks. Its immediate ob¬ jectives are the ELBE trench and the ESSEN trench. It is to exploit all success and advance as far as possible. It was stopped by the ESSEN trench which it has been attacking today Its present front extends from the Northern extremity of BOY de BAMBERG to the northern extremity of BOY de BROM¬ BERG. Its first line is about 150 meters south of the ELBE trench. Errol White, 2nd Lt. Correction of aeroplane message, received 7:07 P.M,, Oct,2 1918. In your last message sent by aeroplane, the following correction should be made. Instead of ’’There were American Troops in the ESSEN Trenches”, there were American troops in the trench of ELBE. Staking out of the line from the east of SCMME-PY route to FERME MEDEAH, American troops in the Trench of ESSEN; to the west of that road group of Americans in trench of ELBE up to the communicating trench of LANDSHUT. On the left no panels were seen, 27th Squadron. Telephone message received 7:40 P.M., 2 Oct.’18, from Liai¬ son Officer XXI Division. Received by Lt. Swett. Word has just been received by General Commanding XXI Division that ELBE trench has been occupied on his right for about 200-500 meters at a point which is at junction with American troops on his right . Oct. 2, 1918 - 8:00 P.M. Telephone message to Col. Lay aison Officer for 2nd Division, don’t know, he Here is what here for an im Can you get Ely on the telephone? went over there, where there was another P.C, we want. We want to have him send an officer . portant communication. We are afraid we couldn t ge l him, and we want to know when the officer leaves and when expects to arrive here. So you know where he is? he All right October 2, 1918. 8:45 P.M. Memorandum for Generals Ely and Neville: you, The Corps order changes the situation as explained to in the following particulars: The The artillery preparation infantry attack starts starts 15 minutes earlier 40 minutes earlier. (Cont’d on next page) : ■ .=■ P.M. October 2, 1918. (Cont'd from last page) the 1T J ville will provide a battalion, charged with y atoning the hook in the trenches on his left * necessary, to use it to assist in his advance. If it t wili e ad ary t0 USe ^ in attackin g the hook on his left, it will advance as a left flank guard. are El Y to report by bearer whether or not his units a ^’ lf J ot ’ lf he is in communication with them. ■Foeru w F - enc ^ report that they have penetrated the trench to enf^rr* Neville ’ s left and the hook, and expect int ° the ho0K durin S the night. General Nev- regard h ° Uld keeP hlTnself inf °rmed of the situation in this J. C. RHEA, Colonel, General Staff, Chief of Staff. Telephone Message received 9:05 P.M., 2 Oct. 1918, f'rom Lt. Livingston, 167 Div. This division did not move this afternoon because of a mix up m liaison. Runners with message to attack did not get through. Am sending coordinates of line by runner. Mes¬ sage incomplete - cut off. Telephone Message received 9:05 P.M. , October 2, 1918, from Lt.G o1. Lay. ? esari > Commandant sector Aero of the 21st Army Corps. P.w Bonaparte, Prom tomorrow morning he is at TILLOY. Telephone Message received 10:20 P.M. , October 2, 1918, from Lt, Livingston, Plan of liaison between our right and the regiment on the left of the division on our right. They will have two sec¬ tions of machine guns on their extreme left and they will form a junction and advance from a point which I will give you - coordinate 280.5-270. battery on the map 0500. Right at that point those machine gun detachments will form a junction and advance. Lt. Livingston got this from General Smith himself. (Col. Myers), v/e want you to send us a copy of this attack or¬ der. They have just sent one. They have three or four men out trying to find General Ely but have not done it. From: 2nd Lt. Errol White. At: P.C. ROQUE,21st French Div. Late; 2 Oct '18, Hour 9:45 P.M. No. 2. Reed 11 : 10 P.M. Rha. To : G-3*- 2nd U.S. Division. The elements on the right of the 21st Division have pene¬ trated into the ESSEN trench, on a distance of about 300 to 400 meters. These elements are in liaison, with the American troops,on their right, The French are endeavoring to capture the rest of the ESSEN trench on their left, by infiltrating dur¬ ing the night. (Cont'd on next page) > * •' -» P (7Q P.M, October 2, 1918 (Cont'd from last page) I am enclosing copy of the order of operations of the 21st Division for to-morrow 1 s attack. Frrol ,iT hite 2nd Lt. No Tims Indicated October 2, 1918, From: CO Aeronautic Service 21st A.C. To : C.G. 2nd Div. U,S. I have the honor to put at your disposal Squadron Owing to difficulties in the marking out of the front line, I ask you to prescribe to all the organiza¬ tions in the front line to show and shake some white or shining objects when our aeroplanes will be flying over them at a low altitude. Signed CESARI CO Aeronautics Services 21st A.C. The C.O, Squadron 27 also asks that the jalonne- ment (marking out) be made with all possible means (ben- al fires, white panels, white handkerchiefs, etc.) when 6 star rocket (either white or red) is sent by the ae¬ roplane of liaison when flying low. This every morning and evening or to make clear some difficult situation, (For compliance) ?.r From Hour To C .G. 3rd Brigade. At; 0 • 15 A .?■!. Ho . 1, How u of Staff, 2nd Div. Oc t oTd er 3 , 19 18 . P.C. #1. Date: 3 Oct ’18, Sent: Officer Messenger. . , , Am sending officer as requested "by Lt. Livingston by isied* with" r °T 1 * 1( ? 7th Div * Request that these Hq. be furn- o .ed with a liaison officer with necessary runners from Div. hq. Done available here. Request Div. Signal Offi¬ cer send out 2 telephones. /" eque . St officer coming for orders be given transport tat ion as far as SOMME-FY as otherwise it will be physically impossible t° transmit information in your orders to Try reg- lments before H hour. Total round trip distance is between ancl 7 ? mlles * ^uch of which is through trenches. . carry out attack as planned unless other orders received. You can reach me by telephone through P.C, Smidt II Lt. Livingston) or through 167th Division, 174th Reg., 1st ^n, where uy P.C, is located. (Same as shown in o.P. Memo Ely, Cmdg, From Hour To C .G. 3rd Brier. 3 107 A.M. Ho. C. of S» At : P.C. 1. How Sent Date: 3 Oct Officer. ’ 18 Units in place as follows:- 2 Bns. 9th. In commun¬ ication with other Bn, 9th. Not in communication with 23rd Guides did not report at points given by Staff Officer of 170th French Div. (Reverse) ViMJ-C SA-C SS-ASA-XAS-RWS FA-CSS-DEY 3 Octo . 4 :40 p.M. Ely, Brig. Gen. 3 Oct ' 18. Message received by phone at Message Center (C of S) from Surprise 36 . at 3:20 A.M. Message for Surprise. OPE - MPV g-3 What is Zero Hour. Sister. VUG C3A zero hour 5 XAS RY/S Artillery begins 5:50 is zero hour. 5:45 Artillery begins. CFS decimal point ASG 50 FGA 5 C FS DEV decimal point 45 I r. October 3, 1918- A U n ♦ • Roberts. Liaison Officer from 3nd Division. Oot. 3, 1918. Arrived October 3rd. P.C. 4th brigade at 5:25 A.M. _essa.,e reported to the 2nd division Headquarters bv Major No. 1. Message from Division o ^ A Hour 5:58 A.If, 2nd Division - Oct. 3, 1918. i^ rr 5f e 0 " i 5'- r answ sred. Fine apparently exploded in jTest in direction of Blanc Mont. G-2 • No. 2. Message from Division O.P.A, Hour 5:59 A.M. Large blaze directly north over ridge, G-2. O.P,A. - 5:59 A«M. October 3, 1918. - Large blaze directly north over Blanc Kont-MEDEAH farm X 1 Cl£C © • Oct. 3rd, 1918. ^ . __ I'Myers to Sink 1 (in cods) report ’.“hen third brigade attacks how progressing. Message from Division O.P.A, 2nd Division - Oct. 3, 1918. nour 7:20 A,M. an d smoke visibility impossible. No ™ ™S r * aCt : Vlt £ of . enem y artillery. No machine gun fire, i ur iront. Considerable machine gun fire periodically over the left of our Division. Telephone message received 7:3C A.M, October 3, from Lt. Liv¬ ingston, report of Lt. Swett. U p TVh f? 1 left ^he 3rd Brigade at 3:20, the 2nd Bn. 9th and '■* • anits 9th were in position. I found and directed two companies of the 23rd and supporting platoon machine guns to £ * . Fa ^ r: '' brigade. Rest of the 23 not in evidence. The origade attack at 5:50, I am returning to the division via the 4th Brigade. r n (Signed) Swett. Myers - Locate for me if yon can, remaining batted ion of T+ an ^ Psmaindsr of 33rd. Lt. Livingston said I heard t. Swett say before he left that he thought the 3rd Brigade would all be in line very soon. October 3, 1918, Message from Division Hour 7:30 A.M. A * M * O.P.A, 2nd Division - Oct.3,1916. G-3 One of our aeroplanes behind the German lines, brought down north of SOMME-PY G- o • 7:45 n.M, October 3, 1918. Message from Lt, ,|,r hite. Liai¬ son Agent with the 21st Division (French). The General Commanding the Division here has not been able to get any exact details as to what is going on on his front. The tanks were apparently stopped by swamps* A few managed to get.across, they are now, from the last infor¬ mation, attacking the ESSEF trench on the left of the front. 2b prisoners have been taken and are being brought here for examination. Location of P.C. ABRIS de R00UE, about 3 kms. north of SUIPPES. 7:50 A.M. October 3, 1918 - Message from Sink 1 (C,G. 3rd Brigade). ^‘t P.C, >-T o, 1, October 3, 1918 - Date 7:10. Message Fo» 1. By radio and telephone both, to C,G. 2nd Division: Jumped^ off at "H" hour. Progressing well and troops nearing objective. Prisoners coming in. Casualties slight, -ut cannot tell amount of percent. Object believed to be taken. ELY. Oct, 3rd, 1918. 7:50 From Myers to Sink 1 (in code) report situation of your tanks. 7:55 A.M, October 3, 1918. Message to C.G., 4th Brigade, transmitting message just received from C.G, 3rd Brigade. Also received from Major Roberts, Liaison Assent, 4th Brigade. From Parker, 1st Bn. 6th Marines, by runner to Regiment¬ al P.C, "One battalion 6th Marines has passed over second ridge. They are encountering heavy machine gun fire on their left," About 60 prisoners, among them a 1st Lieutenant is com¬ ing back. Liaison Officer of the 12th F.A, reports that barrage has been lengthened once by request of rocket. * Message from O.P.A. Hour 8:10 A.M. A. IT, October 3, 1918. 2nd Division Oct. 3, 19 16. 2 parties prisoners returning on S 01T *E - PY - S OU AIN highway opposite this point. About 10 in one, 20 in other. 0-2 C/G C/S G/3 Art .Brig. 8:15 A.M. Oct. 3, 1918. Message from Major Roberts, Liaison Agent with ’'arine Brigadei Telephone conversation from 6th Regiment P.C. 8:15. A wounded man from 1st Bn. 6th Marines states that the leading battalion was ct 8:10 A.M. crossing last line of trenches and was going fine. Still encountering heavy machine gun fire on the left, but he saw a body of troops on his left which he thought were the 5th Marines flank guards. Know nothing of any French operations on the 'Vest. Oct, 3rd, 1918. 6:15 Notified Div. moving to P.C. 3 and will re¬ turn 1st P.C. at noon. Tel. Message reeld G-3 office 8:30 A.M. Oct. 3rd from 4th Brigade. The Marines would like to know when the planes re¬ quire the marking of the front line. Can you give us any information as to whether the Aeroplanes found the lines marked as they were at 8:00 A. n . #6 2nd Division Oct. 3, 1916. Message from O.P.A. Hour 8:35 A.M. Our troops seen advancing along road at 66.10-79.80. Slight enerry artillery fire falling at 67.60-79.50. Now appears to have stopped. No other artillery activities. C/C* C/S G/3 Art. Brig. 0-2. Message to C. of S. from 4th Brig. 6:35 A.'h Oct. 3, 19 1c. In regard to the situation beyond T '0NT BiANC the abjective was reached at 8:30 A.M. since objective was reached the 1st Bn. immediately started to consolidate their positions and sent outposts and M.G’s ahead to the position about 1000 meters from here, The barrage was beautiful. In regard to ESSEN trench. One platoon of one company of 5th Marines is engaged in cooperation with the French and ianks in capturing this strong point. The Company Com. states that we are strid¬ ing stiff resistance but are progressing and will get it m the end. I a.m. October 3, 1518, 8.40 A,., October 3, 1918. Message received from Lt. ^hite. x.. , Information just received from the French that they are O tin SAALE Trench with grenades. They have now occu pi ed all the German trenches on their front of the !!J\J he L have progressed a little beyond the MINDEW w™L/mT^T id e of the trench « They have occupied ESSEN and MINDEN and are fighting in the SALLE Trench, . s , Them apparently our people are going along accord- tirae * think Ely has reached his object¬ ive and the Marines almost reached theirs. They are not due for a few minutes. divi- trench the 8:43 A.M, October 3, 1918. MH from 3nd F.A. Brigade. Officer of the 15th F.A, with 3rd Brigade re- por s infantry has obtained objective and many prisoners tak¬ en* o!35 A.M, 0ct » 3rd. Message reed, by G-3 Office from Adj . *. Prisoners estimated at 1000 or more. Message sent to P.C. l will reach me. $14 2nd Division - Oct. 3, 1918. Message from Div. O.P«B. Hour 9:55 A.M. Support troops going over the ridge, C/G C/S G/3 Art. Brig. G-2. Telephone message from Lt, Livingston at 9:55 A.M. Oct. 3. Courier Lt. Collier of the 3rd Brigade call me up and told me to tell Lt. Mallory, Intelligence Officer 23rd Inf., not to bother to look up the rest of the 23rd Inf, All of the 23rd Infantry has been found but two companies. They have gone into position. At 7:30 A.M. the French division on our right is in liaison with the Americans 300 yards so. of MEDEAL. The Chief of the 3rd Bureau just gave me their line. It is rough but has been confirmed. 300 meters so. of MEDEAH and then up to a point V5, thence south of the BOIS de CHAMP.ES where there are machine gun nests-enveloping movement is taking place to press them out. Balloon Message received 10;00 A.M, Oct. 3, 1918, Balloon 45 reports the line as follows: 63-09 F6-08 63-04 76-08 Baealou. Int. report reed, by C--3 office 10:00 A.M. 3 Oct, 1918, from G- 2. Shelling the left of our front line with heavy shrapnel. Time 11:40 A.M. From: Sink 1. At: Ho. 104. How Sent: P.C. Ko. 3. Date: 3 Oot, Hour: 10:05 Runner & phone. To: Surprise 7, Reached objective 8:30 - Snow consoiidating - on„ battal ion sane been directed to pass thru and establish ana outpost 1 kilometer beyond objective Await orders. ‘ push forward - Prisoners over 1000. casualties 20/l » Sink 1. . . • • ... . A.M. October 3, 1918, Fieid Message rac’d by G-3 office, 10:10 A.M. , Oct 3, *18. from Maj, Roberts, Liaison Agent, 4th Brig. a Twr ^ server _with 2nd line of 6th Marines reports at 8:50 * * ^ 1 a leading Bn of the 6th Marines was advancing half U F "^ e crest of MONT BLANC easily and without trouble, operating with him. French Art. Liaison Officer with e 6th is preparing to lay a flank barrage in case of an en¬ emy counter-attack on our left. Blank Bns» on both sides have been retarded slightly by M.G. fire. ' Report No. 1813. HEADQUARTERS FIRST ARMY. G-3. From: IVth french Army (Col, Hobson). Time 10:10 H. Oct. 3, 1918. Telephone. Distribution: Cin 0, C of S (2), G2, G3, A.A.S. C.A.A. v * ' The IVthe French Army has renewed the attack this morn¬ ing and made considerable progress, especially along the left center. The 2nd U.S. Div. is in the front line this morning and has already made an advance of 2 km. It has reached the MEDEAH Fme. to BLANC MONT, 10:10 A.M. , October 3, 1918. - Message from Lt. White, Lia¬ ison Officer with 21st French Division, The Trench have just heard of our advance and are form- ing up a force of 4 battalions to protect our left keeping in liaison with us. They are going to the west of the elbow and try to turn that. They have just issued an order for those 4 battalions and I am sending you a copy. The General commanding the 21st Division extends his most hearty congratulations to the Commanding General, 2nd Division, Oct. 3, 1918. 10:15 A.M. To Sink 1 - Give location of P.C, Surprise 10:15 A.M*, Oct. 3, ’18. From Colonel Lay - for Corps Commander. The Corps Commander, General Naulin, extends his fel¬ icitations to the Commanding General, 2nd Division, for the splendid work of the division, and states further that he is sending an order directing that the 2nd Division organize its line - BLANC MONT-MEDEAH FARM. He also directs verbally that when the 170th Division goes in on our left that the French artillery that was left here, the 61st Division Artillery, will support that division, and that the division on our right is up into position. Field Message rec'd 10:18 A.M. Oct 3, '18. Gen Ely to G-3 office. Am awaiting orders at P.C. No. 1- everything going well. Message reported to the 2nd Division Headquarters by Major Roberts, Liaison Officer from 2nd Division, 10:20 A.M., Oct. 3, '18. Report to General Lejeune that leading Bn. 6th Regt. occupies objective on schedule time close to barrage. 2nd Line Bn. is 1000 yards in rear and 3rd Line Bn. in proper position. The 5th doing quick v/ork in. cleaning up dangerous nests and harassing the enemy on our flanks. The leading Bn. of 6th in high spirits. Casualties very light. As example one company 3 K 11 W. Phoned C, of S, 10:50. Artillery is leaving from in front of their 15 C. A * October 3rd, 1918, General’Leieun- t0 rR r 3rd> 191S ‘ Messa ^ e from Gen. Ely to general Lejeune, (Received at 10:30 - dated 8:10.) ful3y^verified ieV| Tr^^' nat ob y sct j; ve taken though not yet 3 n 0. CasualtiP«s f 0Vin ? forward. Prisoners about srv and machi-n-, h ! avy ^ probably 20$. Enemy artill- ision never "rpnn^V'^ lr « out. ^ Guides from 170th Div- Next p c ’ iq iin' - a * 0ur troops final" y came up by themselves , •* VB 18 No * 3 - No. 1 will be resumed at noon. Another message from General Ely, rec‘d at 10:30 - dated 9:50. 9th Infant rv fnr'fv’’ e ad consolidating, usinsr the alion for, H > ^ ls Wposc. The 33rd is pushing: one batt- outpost knometer to establish and maintain our 30$. Prisonpr- 1 * ? V ^J 0r ^' rd * Casualties estimated about reach me ^° " 1 » 000 » or more. Message to ?. C. will ELY * f?r 5 Corh ! V4r“rh S r Cre fl0al Chief of Sta «> »° Colonel Lay, ‘ - 1al • Oct. 3rd, 1918. whole^li - 11 a "t it: 'confirmatory information of our noie lmc if you can jot it down. iectivea^ n ^ 7 n r A 5 rifira 2® - General Ely - has reached his ob- usma th-- J Qth J ? S*‘+ „ an 2 7as been consolidating ever since, battalion Infantry a.or this. The 23rd has pushed one outmost« L ^" ard . ab0Ut 1 kilometer to establish and maintain psti'-atp^ .* 3 casualties are about 20$. Prisoners ated over 1 , 000 , and more coming in. p -y-' ari:ne s also reached their objective on shedule time, opo ~ boij ;Vr?o ltl0 5 ~ ith orie battalion in the front line; nosit yards ln rsar > a -°.d the other in its proper out fni° ’+ jh 5 y are . echeloned along that left flank to look fir- on wof T in , tha rear of th em. ^ r e are getting some ^ 1 071 cr fVc -f i an ~ y-ong the left flank. Machine guns fire cjp-j a,. . ' J - an * ar] artillery fire on the mountain but nothing serious is reported. ia ' 1 i 0]e line is keing consolidated and our artillery v-, ‘ v J: . ar ^* French artillery under our command has 0 G‘.,'F , 1 ^ °- n0 or ^sr of General PAULIN to support the attack f _ + £. ' c * , e sarT some French troops move up by cur P. C. .o tms^ attacking point, on our left about 9 : 45 '. *'e will prob- , L ^ c sur P, C, to 80 T,T ”E-PY at noon but *' r e ’-i' 1 "i let you know about that later. * ‘ y prisoners sent in here confirm report rr e heard this fr* ni SI T ^« a T>s '" division came into 3T. ETIEY' T E vesterday “- 7 -* an5 r/ sre put in the line last night, * r e have • urea a go 0 d many prisoners from them. One reelment of , " 8S i:: fro ' lt OP- - C 0 V T PLA V C, and the others are ho vicinity of ST. FTIENYE and we ere now putting our neevy artillery on C 'T, ETIEU^E. ,„ a , 'ko the General that General Lejeune appreciates the lr ks has backed, us up; that his order has just w<2n received and we admire his soldiery qualities and the r;ay in which he has backed us up. „ U c f lT1 in touch "'ith ELY through us, or maybe through /oui o-.n piace by calling him at his first P. C. the place ne started from this morning. The P. C. down there in the trench, you know. (cont'd on next pane) ■ ■ ' ■ ■ 19 1C. A. M. October 3, (Cont'd from last page) Fron: Colonel Lay - Liaison Officer. nvg p T) i -tri q^Awo^ 016 Gorps line iB now intact. In other words, J ^ lv ?- si0ns on our right are up to the objective The throu-h 1 cmT’EUIas ^°^ eSBed past ORHSUIL. Our line extended tnrou ti n URiMJIL as the Corps line. T o Lay; thpv Wish y?u would speak to him about ammunition if onre ??? . f nyt ^ ln f further from us . mention that every- in a w/1 ile about our artillery ammunition. We want authority to get it from the French. artillery Sllfefusf* hi * 8l8 ° cn the way in which his ^enoh #15. Message from O.P.A. Hour 10:50 A.M. 2nd Division Oct. 3, 191C. Our troops right of BLANC MONT. all along the ridge. on ridge one-half a kilometer to the Germans shelling this position and 0 - 2 . Rec'd 11:30 A*M. No. Sent By 1. 19N-HN Rec'd by LN From: Sink 1, At. P.C. Nr. 1. 11:10 A.H, No: 105. How sent: To: Surprise 1. Time Check 10:18 A.M. 15 OFM Date Oct. 3, 19 16. Hour; Radio. An awaiting orders at P.C. going well. Nr. 1 - everything Sink 1. 11:15 A.M. Oct. 3, 191C. Message from 3rd Brigade. The 3rd Brigade has resumed his 1st P.C.,' about 1 kilometer down the ridge. Telephone message Rec'd at 11:15 A.?!. Oct. 3, 1916. from Lt. White, Liaison Agent with the 21st .Division (French). The French have taken German trenches between BOYAU de BROMBERG and the elbow in the ESSEN trench and are advancing northward. They expect to take the elbow from the rear. They have a report that their men have been seen the ether side of the ESSEN trench bringing back prisoners. They have been informed that the Americans are in wood 60 and expect to make their junction with the American troops at that point. 60 is road north of ESSEN trench Z60. The General of the 21st French Division is going to move his P.C. to CGURT01S north of parallel 272, 1 l/2 km. west of the GOUAIN~SCT r E-PY road. He will move at 1:00 P.M. and Lt. White desires transportation to go with him. ■ ■ ; A.M. October 3, 1918. No» 53 S 11:20 A.M. 3 Oct 1918. 11#20 The General Comdg the 5th E.C. Wireless message reed G-3 office from 3rd Brig, at 11:30 A.M. Oct . 3 . 19 18 n It is believed that objectives are taken though not ver¬ ified. Telephone message received 11:30 A.M.,Oct. 3, 1918, from Lt. Livingston. The line of the division on our right is slightly beyond MEDEAK, runs from a point 69.3 to the point Z5. Machine gun nests in the BOIS de CHAME and being drawn to the northeast, Many Americans wounded and coming into the dressing station on the road north of LACOUPERET at point 70.-75.4. French am¬ bulances are inadequate. Send Americans if possible. We have established our line on our objective and have taken a- bout 2,000 prisoners. Division Surgeon directed at 11:55 A.M. to send ambu¬ lances and to look after wounded reported coming in to LACCU- PERET. #16 Message from O.P.A. 2nd Division, A.E.F., 3 Oct. 1918, Rec'd 11:35 A.M. 6 or 7 Boche planes firing machine guns at our troops on the objective. C/G C/S G/3 Art. Brig, G-2. Telephone Message received at 11:40 A.M.,Cct. 3, 1918, from Lt. Col. Lay, General Naulin directs that you continue the advance and leave one battalion as a flank guard to support your left. By the time you have passed on their division should be up and your battalion left behind can follow on. At 11;00 A.M. he has ordered the cavalry division with sup£>ort to follow in rear. They are ready to break through when the opportunity arises. Ke does not wish you to put off the advance as he thinks that if you wait longer the Ordnance may have time to bring up a line of machine guns. Our artillery is now moving up and we are reorganizing. A. II. October 3, 1918. Time Rec’d 11:50 A.II. From: C.G., 3rd Brigade. At: P.C. 1. Date: Oct. 3, ’18. Hour: 1j.:00 A.M. Ho: ( 14 ) How Sent: Runner. To: C.G., 2nd Div, Ho wireless and bad telephone has made prompt reports impossible. Ie are on objective and have 1 Bn. in advance 1000 yards. •r o \ T e advance again today? p. C. at P.C. 1 (original P.C.) 271,1 -^279,0. Motorcycle can reach us thru . S0' t ”JJ-pY. Tanks in rear of MEDEAH Pme. Ely. Telephone message Rec'd 11:52 A.M. Oct. 3, 1918. fr Adit. 3rd Brigade. He wants to report that everything went nicely this morning. ,7e are where v r e should be throughout. Including the extra kilometer. Casualties not believed to be heavy, most by machine gun. Prisoners not known exactly estimated 1 , 000 . P. M. October 3, 1918. Telephone message 12:07 P.M. Oct. 3, 1918. to Lt. Col. Lay. It is reported that 6 or 7 Boche planes are firing Machine guns on our troops on the objective. Request Corps to take care of this with fighting planes. Col. Myers, 12:11 P.M, Message from Adjt. 2nd F.A. , Brig, to G-3 office, Oct, 3, 1918. A German officer reports that there is no line of resistance on which the Germans could make a stand up to 20 kilos, north of S0MME-PY, That the reserves at present are north of ST. ETIENNE. Above statement made to the Int. Officer 12th F.A. #17. 2nd Division Oct. 3, 1918. Message from O.P.B. Hour 12:20 P.M. SOMJ.IE-PY is being heavily shelled. C/G C/S G/3 Art. Brig. G-2. 12:25 P.M, Cct. 3, 1918. Message from Major Burr-Adi. 2nd F.A, Brigade. It is reported by Col. Davis, says that the 3rd Brigade is apparently on its objective and is digging in; that the C.Q., 23rd infantry has sent one battalion forward for reconnaissance of combat patrol. Unable to locate the C.O., 9th Infantry, but was informed that the 9th was digging in on its objective. Enemy artillery very active and aviation very active. . ■ V - ' • October 3, 1918. Message to General Paulin fr Gen. Liaison Officer. We have got one battalion of the 15th artillery now the 2nd Group _ of~ the"'"-5th ail ? n iS enroute - Now If we can have that houc turned ovev ?° north . of SOMME-PY. away from us to sunnort +>J+ , T to us “ was taken prepared very ho?t1v n ^ at ^ ack on left - we can be ly that we have got to haveTit .° T; ''Tv 'hi—. U t0 . hi “ stro “e- to°move untii n we 1 have e a°hattali tta of° n forWard want each. 3 tattallon of artillery to support Poierto -, ‘t : ? Ct ' 3 " 1918. Message to G-3 office from Mai or i.cherts, Liaison agent with 4th Brigade. 3 fromT^ff® cleared - and the French line extends The Marine drt,M th r eS , terly direct i°« around the ESSEN Hook. G-3 tens Gen Fevf?^ ?. aV * r tUrned to their Organizations. SOMME-PY at I'on p - t ',‘ at G '' n - Lejeune wants to see him at the P.C. he wn? f- d lf he WU1 be on the road °PP°site Dick him nn of q 1 1 up or H is more convenient to pick him up at SCMME-PY, we will pick him up there. 12:40 P.M., Oct. 3, 1918. To Col, -■ay Liaison Officer. n‘%s n L? r0UP °:, 35th French is ordered through the Army it is bemsr ^ _ , G v They will let us know when and it is being written now they will get it through. ^ e11 thern we think that if they will get that is^nriP d f- vi ^ ion U P Nere - put it under our orders - tb^m w Lr + d liaison with us, giving us authority to tell a vj .. 0 ’ that we can shove them through and pull off tin™ th ^. a ^noon. We are mopping up now, and get- tn t a ,rr j ytiling in shape, and when we move forward would like o nave tne cavalry regiment here to break through. They were tTn? a f k m r f 4 nd SUIPPES or SCMME-PY. Now have them report t ’ . , we dont ’k want them under our orders particu- r y simply to tell them when to break through. Message from DIV. O.P.A. 1918. Rec’d 12:45 P.M. 2nd Division, A.E.F., October 3, Bo che SCMME-PY. are shelling the road very heavily just south of Shells are coming from the west of this O.P. G-2 12:o5 P.T.I., October 3, 1918. From Lt. Livingston, Liaison with^l70th Division. Machine gun nests V10 lias been carried. E0IS de CHAMPS is being turned and the division is attacking R41 and R43. trong counter-attack is taking place against the division on the right of this division, and they have given ground o the south of 0RFEU1L, The General has .just asked you to find out the cause of a series of e^alosions that are taking place in the vicinity north of SOMME-PY. The Germans have been shelling SOMML-PY. (Cont’d on next page) October 3, 1918. (Cont’d from last page) P»M» on hS w th x aS ,x he ridge? You can se e German shells t vlvl £* dg f' / don 1 know what it is. That is the first Jk av e heard of it. We are mopping up those woods now. We ha\e passed on both sides of these woods there. Our artil- in there * We are mopping them up with in- y * * do ^ ^ have any idea. The Germans may be blowing blowi™ ^n fa + 1 try ’ 1 d0n,t have any idea ‘ The Germans may^be in s something up. I haven’t heard anything about it but I will investigate. 1^:57 P*M., October 3, 1918. Pr Lt. White - Liaison with 21st Division. The French have moved northward to wood 380 where they are in liaison with the Americans. A brigade of French cav- a . y SOMME -PY and it is to move forward between the 2nd Division left and the right of the 21st Division French re¬ quests transportation. 12:58 P.M*, Oct. 3, 1918. From 4th .Brigade to 2nd Div. The 3rd Brigade line is down and 3rd Brigade is work¬ ing on it and it will be fixed in a few minutes. 1:00 P.K., Oct, 3, 1918. Adjutant., 4th Brigade, to 2nd Div, The French Division on the right of our Brigade reports that there are a series of heavy explosions taking place north of 3GLME-PY, some little distance, but south of the ridge - Black smoke they see going in the air 100 feet or so. They just reported that and they didn’t know what it was. If you can give any information as to what it is, I would be glad to let them know. Field Message received 1:00 P.M., Oct. 3, 1918, fr G.G. 3rd Brig, to 2nd Div. No wireless and bad telephone has made prompt reports impossible. We are on objective and have one battalion in advance 1000 yards. Do we advance again today? P.C. at P. C.l (original P.C.) 271.1-279.0. Motorcycle can reach us through SOMME-PY. Tanks in rear of MEDEAH FERME# ELY. Wireless sent to Gen, Ely at 1:20 P.M., Oct. 3, 1918. General Lejeune 4th Brigade as early Sister is mopping up ter and 4th Brigade. desires conference with you at P.C. as possible. Answer giving the hour, in area passed by your troops and Sis- You assist this with two companies. Col, Myers . P.M. October 5, 19113. Report ho. 1830. HEADQUARTERS FIRST ARMY From: IVth French Array Ho Sig Telephone g-3. Time: 13:50 h. Oct. 3, 1918. Distribution: C in C, C of S (2), G2, G3, A.A.S., C.A.A. The 2nd Am. Div. has made a splendid advance of about 4 km. They have taken BLANC MONT. The line is MEDSAK, Le MAS- oIVE FOURMIER is surrounded; to the right LE CROIX GILLES. The action continues. On the AISNE Valley mopping up of small woods, Waba sh. Received 3 Oct. 1918 Hq, 1st Army, A.E.F. Third Section C. of S, Time Filed No, Sent By Received By 2 p.m. 4 19N AB From: Sink 7. At: P.C. Date: Oct 3-. How Sent: Radio, To: Surprise 7. Sink one will be at Sister one about conference two companies ordered to comply with your instruc¬ tions. Sink 7. 2:22 P.M. G-3, 3rd Corps not stated Oct 3, 1:10 H, By Phone. Time Check 2:22 p.m, 27 OEM Hour : 2 P.M, No. 1. 2:35 P.M. 2 or 2:15 P.M. for Message received at 2:30 P.M. Oct. 3, 1918 fr Major Hall, 3rd Brigade. The following ammunition is needed and Col. Myer said he would do what he could to get it - Chauchat, Hotchkiss, rifle, pyrotechnics. Field Message received 2:35 P.M, October 3rd fr 3rd Brig. Gen, Ely will be at General Neville’s about 2:00 or 2:15 P.M. for conference. Two companies ordered to comply v/ith your instructions. Gen. Ely. Telephone Message received 4:00 P.M, Oct, 3rd From Lt. Col. Lay. Message just came from Marshal Foch saying that he con¬ gratulates the Corps on the work they have done and saying this success must not be stopped but exploited immediately. The two divisions on our right must push forward as far as possible and he is throwing two new divisions into the line. One division in back of the 167 which is the 124th and the 170th is going over on our left, the 73rd is going in about where the 11th Corps is and going to work up and protect our flank. X' # 20 . Message from. Div. O.E.L. Rec ’d 4:05 E.M. October 5, 191c, 2nd Division, A.E.F. 3, OctcBer , 19 16 . Black and extending Out^of our sector to the right high columns of TThxte smoke can v e seen rising in'the distance, for a distance of 2 or 3 kilometers. G« 2. ■■i’.ZO x J .. . Oct. 3, 19 16. Telephone Liaison Officer ^ith 4th Brigade, message from Major RoBerts, •Brigade The C . 0. , at 4:00 r.H, of the French tanks reported C. \J « 4th of- SCMTE-EY. C.0. ordered t omorrow. That these that his tanks vT ere all parked south will leave tanks hack them out of the attack today, in the eventuality of an attack 4;35 t.H. Oct. 3,;1916, Message from Gen. Seville. Reports there is a great deal of artillery coming in to ST. LTIEdTIE and. going out toward the ridge on our left flank. lor the 7ord Division (French) is coming in now, marching in on all small roads. They are going to clean out that area to our left. That is, they will do that tomorrow. The 17 0th is due in tonight. Just going over on the left flank. There are 2 Divisions going in on the right and the 124th going in our right, in rear of the other Division. Marshal Foch just telegraphed and complimented the Corps and. all Divisions on the work they did, saying this work mist not he stopped ’’ut exploitation continued immediately. They are coming into your area. They will enter it and attack from our left. They are net coming from Behind. They will attack across the front. They will pass through it tomorrow morning. They are right Behind your line. They will Be spread out in your area there. If you get in touch with that General you can perhaps get help from him if you get in trouBle tonight, Thich road is that,do you know? Is the road leadin e g around to the westward of our lines-- ST.FTIExTKE and coming out of SI .ETIEififE leading south¬ west . Airplane Message Rec'd at Hess. Center 4:40 t,M, Oct. 3, 1916. from Esq. 27. 2nd Div. U.S. lines - Trench of HBDEAH strongly occupied By us. Trench ST.ETIEKHE occupied By us 4:15. Boche M.G’s in the woods of BLANC MOhT. These woods appear to Be occupied By Boche, Elements of American troops in the vicinity of the trench of 7 IEDEAK. ITo panel in sight. The troops are not putting them out. Oct; 3rd, 1916. 4:40 1, J \ Corps called up regarding laying down artillery on road referred to in aBove message from General Seville. October 3, 1918. Oct. 3, 1918. 4:45 P.M. this f shelling? cal i ed , U P the Corps and told them about to out /° aD0Ut ST - ETIEm: E) and asked them put artillery fire on it and they said they would. Oct. 3, 1918. 4:46 P.M. Asked for plane to reconnoiter that road and pet the exact dope on it. Air Service To 2nd Div. To G-3. 5:00 P.M. Oct. 3rd, 1918. 15h 25ra Fire in SEMIDE. 15h 35m 4 Tanks progressing at W3 N4. loh 45m Flare with 6 lights in H2 VO. 16h 2 Cm Barrage north of BLANC MO ITT. Violent artillery fire northeast and west of ORFEUIL. (No date probably Oct 3rd) de Vistely. jield Message reed. 5:00 P.M. Oct. 3rd by 0-3 office from 3rd Brig. Correction of operation memo. 3rd Brigade No. 20 giving P* C• as follows. Change 1st P.C. to read 270.5 - 278.8. Will be established there at 7:00 P.M. unless we received further orders will take K hour as 6:30 A.M. 3rd Oct. Please notify us of any change in your advance P.C. from 7910. Telephone message received 5:10 P.M. October 3rd from Lt. Brown, 3rd Brig. Everything started off alright. The tanks got there a little late but they are there. Oct. 3rd, 1918. 5:10 To C.O. 2nd Div. Jumped off at H hour. Progress¬ ing well and troops reaching objective. Prisoners coming in. Casualties slight, but cannot tell percentage. Objective be¬ lieved to be taken. ELY-Condg. Message from O.P.A. 2nd Division, A.E.F. Rec’d 5:10 P.M. 3, October, 1918. German artillery heavilv shelling the woods on the slopes this side of MONT BLANC. G-2. 5:10 P.M. Oct. 3, 1918. to Col. Lay for C.G. Corps from C. of S., 2nd Div. The artillery is in front of SOMME-PY supporting our at¬ tack on the line SOMME-PY, the road south from SOMME-PY back to our P.C. is under heavy artillery fire from the left and that artillery in front of SOMME-PY is being shot up from the left by 77’s and M.G.'s and this Div. on our left has not advanced an inch beyond ESSEN trench. We took that trench. Feland sent two Co’s and took it for them, and they didn't move an inch in advance of that. I want you to ask the Gener¬ al if the corps on our left won’t advance. If he cannot put some of his troops there and guard our left flank. I want you to insist on it. Ask him if he won’t put in a division through these people there and clear up that left flank for us. (Cont’d on next page) * • ' J. • Octoter 3, 191C. ( (Ccnt'd from last page) nore we have°a 1 re-jort°t^-1 & H a ~M 9n the left - Further- south from ST.Klim>3. W n the art - rovin;: ."oinr tn rnur+cw .-,+ 4 . , \ iCO “ n Cj ° tnougn the .ooche were attended to. * Tell hi?that *il trc‘ has f;ot t0 >e come up VphinH 1no » ' tnat iils troc P s that he ordered to up through the ~'OT c ? ? C -t ° n our ri 3 ht rear and headed Di\-; " U o~dered -t °t-c lefft ^h what Be i8 that this t0 t - iC left t0 attach on our left and clear Tell him we expect it. Tell him he has ,:ot to follow it’upV hi™ to do something# From: Hour: To : G»G., 3rd _• 'r i a ad e, T t: T:10 No. 9. How sent: G • G. , 2nd Di v. R e c ’ d 5:30 i-. ^ .0. 1. Date: 3 Oct. 1 1C. Tel, & runner. It is Relieved that c troops moving forward well, a. out a00. Casualties fairly Artillery (enemy) and - rom 170 Div. never reported, themselves. ’•'jective taken tho not verified- Lrisoaers coming in estimated heavy probable percentage 2Op. ’-.Gr. fire dying down. Guides Cur troops finally came up by Ely. From: TEGABD C.O., 4th M.G. and Tr. 1-ACHA. Eo: 2. How sent: T1 To: Col, Myers, G-3, j-'Ti» At: F«C« Date: 3 Get. iru 4th Brigade 2nd Div. • 5:45 F. Tr Intersection GRENZ * 1C, Hour: 15:00 Bid not ad e had Eos it ion of 4 th M.G, I3n get here sooner as some not cleared this point. is shown by attached sketch, of rear elements of 4th Brig- All G.K. Bruce-Capt. Comd 0 , Int. report Rec’d by G-3 office. 5;5C F.M. Oct. 3rd, 1910. From 0-2, . Barrage not being answered. Mine apparently exploded in westerly direction of BLAITC T, 0HT. Message Rec’d by G-3 office with Marine Brigade at 6:00 from Liaison Officer F.M. Oct. 3rd, 1916. of 12th .a* French still in (Kaisertien) woods under icresent art. scheme the woods will be fired on tomorrow morning. Request necessary action to have these men removed. Galled up Living¬ ston and his Gen promised to do this. C:15 I,’ F , October c, 1910. Message from galloon 45. At 17:30 o’clock the approaches of the foot-bridge on trie BY at 7 7,69 were shelled rather smartly. At 17:15 o'clock the western region of the sector ( AULERIVE#) appears to be the theater of a violent artillery struggle. At 17:45 o’clock violent firing in the approaches of the S3SLR trench with departures of white fuses with six balls at 60.79. October 5, 19 18. P. M. Eiy? iJ ‘ M * ° CtQ>er 1916 « Telephone message from General s*2 A*‘”*gg™”' C n n.iUre it out we are n.-ht on the objective now. GilMfnli Octoter 3, 191C. Telephone -.essase from Lt. Giiiiford, 4th Engade. thp . They have unofficial report that they have reached 0 t t Vt ' ^ r " tllle Ty ohservers and artillery forward mation The le?t p h r * turnin T from line and got this infer- * I 1 ? 1 ? 1 '. 13 prohahly in very dangerous ccnd- it ion. i«o really deimite information. 6.j 0 P.M. October 3, 191C. Telephone message to Gen. Neville. General Lejeune .hist come hack from the Corps Head- an ^ - 1S getting things in shape. The Division Command¬ er o. this Division is coming up in your sector and ordered i rc P or " t n i^ Tor orders in a few minutes. Will you please ask Ellis to come down and bring his dispositions on ^ ie anc * S e t your idea as to where he is to go in. to- The road is crowded to the guards, Foch, I understand, in his telegram, congratulated the Corps and the 2nd Division. 7:00 P.H. October 3rd, 19 18, ( Colonel flyers). Message to Gen, Neville. Can you tell me what happened on your right this afternoon? Are they with you, I know it, but they had an order from their Division Commander to do the same thing to move out. They had orders to do that and said that they were going to, and those fellows were doing good business. They have been advancin';. What do you hear from cur left? How about the left of the other people? I am going to suggest that you and the other fellow keep in close touch and work this thing together. Colonel Rhea: 'The General has just been over to Corps Headquarters and this Division that is coming in behind on our left rear is ordered to go in tonight and the Division Commander is ordered to report here for orders. That is, he is to report and the General tells him where he wants him to go in, so I suppose the situation on our left will be relieved a little*- bit, so you will feel things will be a little better. Some indications of trouble on our left -- probably it may be that we might have to call on you during the night to help out a bit. Another thing: Re ready to go forward in the morning and we will try to get the orders to you. I will get some messer\-ers out to you. T,T essage from Division O.P.B, 2nd Division, A.E.F. Rec'd 7:30 P .V. 3, October, 19 16. Fairly heavy barrage has been going on for about 5 Minutes to the left of our sector, probably on the French division on our left. G-2. P.M. October 5, 1918. Telephone message received 7:30 October 3rd 21st Div. 1 v -' ra< from Lt, White, I\ev/s has just come in that American leit and French right. Message uncompleted. there is an opening between Where is French line? No, 3.719/3 7:30 P.M. Confirmation Order. Oct. 3, 1918. . „ The ?, eneral Commanding the 170th D.I. will present him- sexi on the receipt of this order to the C.G. 2nd Division, ' ’ /s mission is to take allnecessary steps to cover the ® * flank and the rear of this infantry division during its advance, until the 11th A.C. has reached the same parallels. Gen. haulin, Cdg. (Signed) P.C. 3 Oct. 1918. 19:30 ■ ^ Time: 7:45 P.M. ‘torn: _ 2nd Lt. S. White. At: P.C. COURTOIS, 21st French Division, Date: 3 Oct ’18. Hour: 6:15 P.M. Ho. 1. ~o: G-o, 2nd U.S. Division 7:45 P.M. rec'd ihe 21st Division has reached a line running parallel with^BOfAU de NUREMBERG, occupying completely the elbow in the MSSEP trench. They have occupied the woods Y-83 and Z-83, At this last point they are in liaison with the 2nd U.S. Di¬ vision.^ ihe French are advancing towards the west to protect the leit of the 2nd U.S. Division. 2nd Lt. Errol White, :0 ^ >e typewritten in Headquarters 167th Division the Secretary’s office. Oct. 3rd 20 o'clock. (French) Consolidated report 20 o'clock 20 o'clock of Lt. Chas. H. Livingston, C of I, attached as liaison officer to 167th Di¬ vision (French) (August? Ho, Oct.) Arrival at headquarters." 170th Division (French) with two couriers at 9 P.M. Augusth^nd, 1918, and at headquarters 167th Division (French) at 9:30 P.M. The latter relieved the form¬ er as division on the right of the 2nd Division U.S.A. during the day. Efforts to reach General Ely by courier and tele¬ phone and locate his battalions which had missed their guides, were unavailing. At 5 A, Id. headquarters 167th Division changed place and established at point 71.3 - 74.8 (its form¬ er position was 70.6 - 72.2), Word was received from Lieut. Swett of G-3, who had been on reconnaissance, that the 3rd Brigade attacked at 5:50 despite the fact that certain elements of the 9th and 23rd infantry had been unable to take their po¬ sitions. These elements mostly of the 23rd Infantry were re¬ ported at 7:00 by the 3rd Brigade as having taken their posi¬ tions. The 167th Division advanced with the 2nd Division. At 10 A.M. the left of the 167 division was in liaison with the right of the second 300 metres south of MEDEAH, where the line was held up by machine gun nest3. Many American wounded (Cont'd on next page) October 3, 1918. P.M. (Cont'd from last page) vrere reported coming in at the French dressing station north of le COUPERET (70.8-75.4) and American ambulances were a3ked f° r • At 2:00 F.M. General Smitt of the 167th division asked the intentions of the 2nd Division for the afternoon. He reported that there was no resistance on the enemy's part, on left end of his line. V/hen told the second division would attack at 4:00 P#M, , he issued orders for his troops to at¬ tack likewise. Through faulty liaison the orders were not de¬ livered and the attack was not made. At 20 o'clock the line of the division (167th) passes through the trench, north of MEPEAK; the trench d’ARLE, as far as BQIS V.28, with the exception of an enemy machine gun nest, situated approximately at 05.15.. The 167th division will be relieved during the night of Oct, 3-4 by the 73rd Division. The command will be passed over at 4 A.M. The P.C. of the 73 will be situated about 100 yards from that of the 167th division. The 73rd Division is a fresh division engaged for the first time in the battle. It is an independent division. It will attack at the same time and under the same conditions as the 2nd Division the morning of the 4th. As far as the C.O. of the 167 division knows, there is at present no liaison between his element on the left and the element of the second division on the right, Chas. H, Livingston 1st Lieut. C of I P. M. October 3, 1918. 19 16. Message to Colonel Lay, for 9:00 P.M. Oct ober 3 Corps. cist of i‘tf e Goo°d. an ?hat rd tr f0r ® at is the here in an hour? C ° very definite. It will be over were vesterdav^^Th^o ^ f n * ncd \* They were where they rSt^here w^ eX pect^d t e o a L (Fr ^ Ch) iS here nw ' ^ rs where they started*? tvip-i , ., ', They are about 200 yards from sure of tit J ? y dldn * go forward, why? Are you tfe thought they were rettin” orettv^ii That 13 news t0 us * 200 yards? ° ttln - 5 P ret ^y well up. They get about from us ? This r ^ftP th£ ‘ 35th Bivision be taken away The 7th'croup of tlV nean? Als ° the ^eaTies. because vfwUl'ha^then bo°th°u 0n the is if we have both of n,?? h , P ln . the alr - The consequence to land on your tail. llnl - s up an theaar you are liable ext r reme em rSht! hey ~ not : 1 d0 the 2nd Division. hlS co ».^atulatory message mentioned that^in* 15 minutefhe wili’h 'br ? arr re P orts to G-3 office of the S&3 nearnesf cf^ly^s^roops ™"~ 11:07 p.M. Oct 23rd Infantry. Reports that holds ST.ETIENME very and drove them back. 3rd, 1918. Message to G-3, office from C.O. arms, stokes, 37 m/m, hotchkiss, chauchats, Losses raodemate mostly by M.G. he is on the objectives and the enemy strongly. I had patrols down there I want all kinds of ammunition, small and some grenades. K Robert^ r ^? orted ^ he 2nd Division Headquarters by Major 11^30 pIm " 1 ° ffiCer fr ° m 2nd D i v ^’ion. Oct. 3, 1918. with Inf iTt 1 COm ?‘ at tr * E331iT engaged in cooperation states fw + ? in reducin g strong points. Go. Commanders ■u U f • , ~ c are striking stiff x>laces but are progressing -ut will get it m the end 11:30. J 0ct! a Ird fr i9l8 djt 4th Erigade t0 G “ 3 Cffice 12:00 Midnight. Cf rnr> « +S c ? us infomed and keep in liaison with the elements Ti p L 5 ltMn ^ 0ur ri ^ ht ’ Make them do that all the time. +v, DlV1S10n ' rench is advancing to the west behind you. G£t ClGar away keep in liaison with them and know ^nere their nearest elements are. It is important before the time we have set to have our lines established at the jump- Pl aCfc ancl 3rd Brig. should rectify over their and get m shape to be ready. B (Cont'd on next page) . / t.TT. October 3rd, 191G, (Cont'd fr on last page) xhat is nore important than anything else that he be there extended fully to the east and on the line at the tine, but :ie must put that flank at the place it should e - a road fork. There is no doubt in anybodys •ind where that road fork is. The order limits the place clearly. I don't want to tell you over the telephone, is located in 2 different orders. Te ,,Tant to know and would be reassured if we had information from you and the 3rd Brig, before that tine, tnat things are where they should be before the jumping off ti’^e. then it is there we want to know it as soon as .it i s there get word to us. You can do it by wireless. •Fell, you nay not know from there, but some of your neople in the front can get that information back. TIake them do that, will you please? hO tine indicated October 3rd, 191G. To the Adjutant, 4th Brigade. Oct. 3rd, 1918. General Seville says that Colonel Feland must hold on where he is. That General Lejeune was talking to General Bly while 1 was talking to General Seville a moment ago. Genera1 Ely says "That he has withdrawn part of the 23rd Imantry, which were in front, north of Pel and' s position. Ely’s line runs generally along the DECAUVILEE railroad from a point about 2.3 of a kilometer north of MEDEAK FARM to MEDEAH \7EICHE, and he has some men in the trenches at 267,-282. General Neville should send men from the other regiment to support Feland if he thinks necessary. If Peland should withdraw to BLANC FONT, the Boche would follow him up and he would suffer more heavily and leave Ely flank in the air. He should endeavor to get in touch with Ely on his right and reorganize his command during the night Artillery fire will be put on the machine gun nest referred to. Peland should let us know by phone, or General Neville, of the accuracy of our fire. That is, if he thinks the art¬ illery is putting it on the point where he wants it. ¥e are going to get it started right away. The General insists that Peland hold his position. Message reported to the 2nd Division Headquarters by Major Roberts, Liaison Officer from. 2nd Division. Oct. 3, 1918. Phone message by Col. Ellis to Marines shows all well barrage started soon after 5:50 . Message reported to the 2nd Division Headquarters by TT ajor Roberts, Liaison Officer from 2nd .Division. Oct. 3, 1918. Message from 3/6 97th Co. held up cn left at 7:00 97th Co. going fine at 7:40. 1st line now 1500 yards ahead of jumping off ' place sent 7:28 to BPC. -1 Xtli i in x 'w> cx i, r,:u. Robprtq 1 f ; P or 'ted to the 2nd Division Headquarters by Major , -.raison Officer, from 2nd Division. Oct. 3, 1910. ESSEN° LL T«nVc UP Dy ?‘ G * at 8:00 at 265.6-277.9. Am in Tr. o fntlpf p g °!!! ead 1 under s tand. 3rd Bn 6 th abreast oi my left. Right is advancing forward. Robert- r sp°rted to the 2nd Division Headquarters by Major Roberts, Liaison Officer, from 2nd Division. Oct. 3, 1910. at 4th^L^ er f « n ^ map S f0r 3rd and 4th Bri £ades received R lgade at 8 * 15 * Runner Swam says he left at 2:30. eade P one officer and 2 privates be attached to Bri- mein \°. get location before attack. Officer to re- back*with 2 other men sent upon men reporting if Lth one . of them as guides to send as runner. Officer who remains will see that signs or guides are placed. ' Message reported Roberts, Liaison to the 2nd Division Headquarters by Major Officer, from 2nd Division. Oct. 3, 1910. °1? °Rulor 3/6. My scout officer repo e on heels of 1st Bn which is in the wood i. reports 3 tanks working on ray left that my scouts MyBarlane and 97 casualties Prom: Colonel Lay - Liaison Officer. Oct. 3, 1910. The right extended ? Corps line is now intact. In other words, the diviqi , on our ri S ht are up to the objective. thrift n£?Sn??° eressed Passed ORFEUIL. Our line through ORPiiUIL as the Corps line. To Lay: nect I anvS-i^° U ^ W0 S d speak to hira about ammunition if they ex- wu;i. J , g Pur ther from us. Mention that every once in a p-pt •;+ p° U ?, Ur artiller y ammunition. We want authority to get it from the French. tin!!^ a f Ul f e him also on the wa M in whi eh his Drench ar¬ tillery helped us. Lt, Le Sache Squadron 27. To 2nd Div, Region observed. G'd bois do SOMME PY M2K1 3 Oct. 1910. & • hr 12:45 12:50 13:2 13:20 MEDEAK PERME. n MO Z6. Troops thought to be friendly i Friendly troops seen at W1 112. " " " " M5 HI. American soldiers seated along side of road at M7E3 and M5 112. ho enemy circulation observed in the sector. Enemy ar- l ®ry not very active. Was fired on by M.G.*s while observ¬ ing the sector PQ 70, The Trench E3SEU LAC-0 and approaches is stronglv held , c $ udd . n °p t of de A er:ni J ne „ the nationality of the occupants. r D; s ;/h t ^ lls to g -3 right away it was drowned back rear Souam 4 just picked up. Signed ( ) PP Lt. Le Tache Squadron 27. P. M. October 3, 1918. Oct. 3rd, 1918. ho indication of line seen At 10H 45m friendly EOYAU de JJURIJTBLRG in 39 V9 LIMES at 10 hr. in the troops marching region H5K. north in the N2. 10 h 20 m the enemy bombarded the region M5 - 55m. Ple-v over the area ST.ETIBKTIi ARKES C.O B5 at 9h j. terrain d 1 exercise are not occupied. Trenches north of ST .ATI IT AX at C5 BO lightly (saw only a few men). held, ho circulation in the streets of ST.ETIEKKE and south othe roads leading thereto. A #3. Message from O.P.B. Rec’d 12:30 A.M. I3oche batteries have for the last 15 minutess. M. October 4, 1918. 2nd Division, A.E.F. 4, October, 19 10 been firing on our left flanlc Ct-2. A.M. Oct, 4, 1918. 3:22 A.11. Oct. 4, 1918. Message reported to the 2nd Div. hqr3. by Maj . Roberts, Liaison Officer from 2nd Division. A fresh Boche .Division will attack tonight at 4 A.M, eported by Adjutant of 3rd Bn 6th. Attack to be made on left flank. 3:22 A.M. ^ Oct. 4, 1918. Message reported to the 2nd Div. Hqrs . by Maj. Roberts, Liaison Officer from 2nd Division. A prisoner captured by 3rd Bn 6th states that a fresh Boche Division will attack on our left flank. 6:30 A.M, . Oct. 4, 1918, Message from 3rd'Brig, to 2nd Div. e Heavy enemy artillery fire on my front since 5:00 o’clock. Enemy counter-attack opening from direction of ST. ETIENNE. Ammunition badly needed, nothing serious yet. We have practically no pyrotechnics. Stone - Col. 6:45 A.M. Cct, 4, 1918. Telephone message from Gen. Ely to 2nd Division. I can give you your line'as given us by aeroplane. You see MEDEAH FARM, well, go north a little east on the main road about | of a kilometer. See where railroad branches off and goes northwest and runs to ST. ETIENNE - your troops are right there starting on that road and fol¬ low that road. It is a 1/20,000 map. It starts at GRENADIER LAGER. Well co-ordinates will be 269 - 282.7 and run prac¬ tically west over to 267,7 - 282.8. There are some American troops falling back at that latter point. There are Ameri¬ can troops in those trenches in this square 266-267 - 282- 283. Off to.the left there are some American troops about on the parallel 283 south of ST. ETIENNE about one kilometer. There are some others in the square 265-266 - 281-282 fac¬ ing west. There are also some troops on the road running southeast from ST. ETIENNE and they are in the square 266- 267 - 281-282. In addition the 5th Marines have one battal¬ ion on MONT BLANC trying to clean up machine gun nests on west of MONT BLANC. They have tried it twice but have not been able to do it. The machine guns have been shooting Feland up in the rear. General Gouraud has ordered French Infantry to go in there and has ordered a battalion to go in at MEDEAH FARM to look out for your right flank. They will get there about 10 or 11:00 o'clock. How is your coun¬ ter-attack coming out, do you know? N A»M. 2nd Division, A.E.F 4 October, 1918* # 1 . MESSAGE FROM O.P.B. Rec’d. 8:17 A.M. A barrage has just started on our left near BLANC MONT. G-2. From: Sink 7. At : P.C. Date: 4 Oct. *18 To : Su.prise 7. #327. Hour: 8 A.M. How Rec'd; 8:44 A.M, sent: Motorcycle. Sinr. 1 requests that, an advanced message center be established at once at least as far advanced as SOMME-Py, as it is almost impossible to keen in touch at such a great distance. Sink 7. Also; Request that telephone wires be worked on from that end as well as this, as we can*t fix them* From: C.G. 3rd Brig. #328. Rec*d. by message cen- At : 8605 - on Hill 208. ter. 8:44 A.M. Date: 4 Oct. *18. Hour: 7:15 A.M* NO. 20. How sent: Motor- To : c.G. 2nd Div, cycle. No counter attacks during night. We are on objective and patrolling to front. ST. ETIENNE strongly held, New attack order received. Win Division move up today? Entirely too far now to maintain effective liaison with you at WAGRAM; therefore request you establish advance center at SOMME-PY or further forward. One Bn. ^th reports 5 0% losses. Not believed to be above 20/£ in other Bns, How many prisoners did we get? We need counter battery work* Heavy shelling on us all night and morning. Conditions in general - satisfactory, SLY, Comdg. \ A.LI. October 4, 1918. Tel. Mes, reed, by G-3 office fror.i Aeronlane 8:50 A.M. Oct. 4, 1918. 7:35 A.M. Reconnaissance ST. STIELLE a ARNES LIACHAULT. Saw some wagons coming out of MACHAULT towards LEFFINCOURT. uots of smoke towards the woods 2 kilos south of'LIACHAULT. 8:00 A.M. Many enemy shells falling at 1IEDEAH Farm. 8:10 A.M. Some flashes observed around the woods south¬ east oi LIACHAULT, Lo definite information. Field Message received 8:50 A.M, Oct. 4th. from Adjutant 3rd Brig. General Ely requests that an advance message center be established at once at least as far advanced as SOMME-PY, as it is almost impossible to keep in touch at such a great distance. Also request that telephone wires be worked on from that end as well as this, as we can’t keep them up. Adjutant 3rd Brigade. Field Message received 8:50 A.M, Oct. 4th, fr Gen. Ely. Bo counter attack during night. We are on objective and patrolling to front. ST. ETIELLE strongly held, hew attack order received-will division move up today? Entirely too far now to maintain effective liaison with you at WAGRAM: therefore request you establish advance center at SOMME-PY or further forward. One Bn 9th reports 50^> losses. Lot believed, to be above 20;i? in other Bns. How many prisoners did we get? We need counter battery work - heavy shelling on us all night and morning. Conditions in general - satisfactory. ELY. Fr on: Lt. Swett. At : 22 Div. Date: 4 Oct, Hour: 9:05. Lo. To : G-3. The General has just learned our situation and has or¬ dered £ Bns of his right regiment, with a 3rd Bn in support, to advance tov/ard ST, ETIELLE, clearing the wood's west of marines of M.G.’s and protecting our left. Advance will be made at 6 o’clock tomorrow morning (Oct 5 ). Approximate line of departure is E - W, from about 40.08 to 57.08. Swett. rote - Lo natter what hour a higher command may set for an advance on a large front this 22nd Div. will advance these 2 Bns at 6:00 without fail. Swett. MESSAGE FROM O.P.B. Rec'd 9:33 A.M. 2nd Division, A.E.F. 4, October, 1918. Our barrage has started and enemy counter barrage is on French front line. M ^ • A.M. Telephone Message Lay . received 9:35 A.M., October 4, 1918. Oct. 4, from Lt. Col. t0 Ganeral Lejeune, repeated by Lt. Col. Lay: ^rry e J eune, ^nd Division, c/o Commanding General, 4th heard from Drum that once again the Second viT i? n l a f done tne J ob 601(1 maintained its pace. I you all my best love and God Bless You. PRESTON BROWN, Brig.General, U.S.A. send 9*40 A. 11. To C.G* 2nd Div. Counter attack on our left broken up at 7:50 A.M. M.G. from left rear and right rear. Are marines up? We ?/? 0l l ° b J ective aJld occupy it to our left, holding about 2/5 of Division Sector. Balloon Message rec'd by G-3 office 10 A.M. Oct. from Lt. Bacalou. 4th, 1918. Line 63.04 - F 6-08 63.04 - 76-08 MEMORANDUM BOR G-3. 2nd Division, A.E.F. 4 October, 1918. 10:05 A.M. ihe Adjutant, 4th Brigade, requests that when informa¬ tion is obtained from infantry air observers as to location of that Brigade's front line and P.C. that it be communica¬ ted to him. Cct. been 4th, 1918. To 3rd Brigade. 10:15 A.M. Small arms ammunition will be placed at SOMME-PY. ( Sgd) Surprise 3. placed or has Telephone Message received at 10:35 A.M. from Col. Lay 22nd Div. Chief of staff reports to Col. Lay he understands not meeting with any opposition on our left ( 22nd Div) and that they seem to be progressing. He also wants every morning by 8:00 A.M. a report of operations of the previous 24 hours up to midnight from noon to noon. The farm, in front of us has been reported vacant. There is no farm in front of us. ■ % ' >• A. M. October 4, 1918. Telephone message received 10:40 A.M. Cct. 4th from 4th Brigade. ' leading Battalion 5th co-ordinates 266.1 *1 ► 8:25 A.M. 4th Oct. Heavy artillery from the IT. W. short range.^ Machine gun fire from the flanks. Liaison on left flank with 3rd Brigade. Has liaison with 23rd Inf¬ antry. Do you know whether Felands rear Battalion got up or not? It is up. received 10:45 A.M. fr 22nd Division by phone: Information confirmed by carrier pigeon: Our battal¬ ion on the right reports that this Bn. is arriving on the ST.ETIENNE - ST.PIERRE road. Further west troops are re¬ ported advancing towards the ARNE at 200 to 300 meters from the river. Regimental P. C. on the right (62nd) was at X 216 at 9:00 A.M. From: C.G. 3rd Brig. At : 8605 near hill 208. Rec’d. 10:50 A.M. Date: 4 Oct. 18. Hour; 9:40. No. 20. How sent: Motorcycle. To : C.G. 2nd Div. Counter attack on our left broken up at 7:50 A.M. M.G. fire on from left rear and right rear. Are marines up? he are on objective and occupy it to our left, holding about 2/3 of Div. sector. Left south of ST.ETIENNE. Practically all of9th in line protecting right & right rear. Line as follows: 23rd Inf. (264.0-28.30) to (265.0 - 28.34) to 266.0 - 283.0) 9th protecting right front & right from (266.0-283.0) thence 2 Kra to (267.7-282.7) thence south to (268.8-282.0) A plot of above line will show large front we are forced to hold. Counter attack on our right holding well. Ely. Message from Stone says one Co. Marines came up 8:55 A.M. & others moving up. There is no Doctor with 23rd Inf. all being taken by Div. yesterday for rear aid stations. Send up more ammunition by Truck. Ely. Memo, to Gen, Ely at 10:55 A.M. from Col. Rhea. Your message of 8:50 rec’d. The Div. will move forward today at H hour, according to the order 3ent you last night. H hour has not been decided at this moment because we are waiting for the attack of the Div. on our right and left (Cont’d. next page) \ October 4, 1918. (Cont'd from last page) A.M. at 9:00 A * M * t0 develop. We don't want to ” c ”‘^ ur ther out in advance of these Civs. As soon as repor o are received showing that these Divs, have advanced uo approxtmteiy to where our front line now is and if they are still making progress and the situation looks good, then , cur ke expressed in minutes from 11 o'clock, for in- * ™ e ’ t 2 °’ clock would be 60 and 1 o'clock would bel20,etc. /e -ave been trying to move forward our message center and P. o. As soon as we can get wires to the dugouts at cross roads on yesterday's objectives near 267.3 we will establish an ad- vance message center there and later this afternoon expect to put P.^ there. This point is on the cross roads 1 kilo a lit¬ tle north of west of your present P.C. The shelling on your ron line is also being put on Seville’s front line and is apparently a barrage to hold us in place during the other at- tack, yarn your men to be careful not to go too far forward of the line prescribed in the order for the objective as they will run into Bowley's barrage which at that time will be at tie limit of his Art, range. Acknowledge receipt of this mes¬ sage by your wireless as we are out of phone connection with > ou. ,7e will have a report from Aeroplane as to the advance of the Divs. on our right and left at 11^:00 A.!.!. As soon as that is received H hour will be set and. wireless to you as per above, Message received by aeroplane at 11:20 A.M. Oct, 4, 1918. (From ^apt« Gomdg Escadrille 27, to G.G. 2nd Division) Situation of 11th A.C. at 10:30 A.M. Gur troops are pro¬ gressing in the ^0Y r AD of BAYREUTH and are at about 5294. Have advanced in BOYAU IJUREMBURG up to GRAMD B0IS SGMME-PY. The small woods between these 2 B0YAUX up to parallel 279,5 are ours. FOURMILIER is occupied by us. Telephone message from Col. Rhea to Gen. Ely at 11:35 A.M. Oct, 4, 1918. The Division will attack today. We are waiting for the Divisions on our right and left to come up. As soon as they have advanced sufficiently we will give you H hour and will attack according to the plans sent you this morning. Are your troops organized for an attack? How long will it take you to start an attack after receiving the order at your P.C. that is after H hour is given you. It is reported that your combat wagons passed this P.C. loaded at 7:00 P.H. last night. If you are short of ammunition get in touch with them. In ad¬ dition there is a large small arms ammunition dump in SQMME- PY at which you may obtain ammunition. Warn your men not to advance beyond the objective named in the order as that marks as a line 500 yards in front of that is the limit of our ar¬ tillery range at present. Artillery will move during the at¬ tack. The Marines are supposed to be up now even with you. Try to establish liaison with him and be prepared to repel at¬ tacks from the right and the left. We are trying to establish an advance message center at main cross roads about 1 kilome¬ ter west and a little north of your present P.C, Will move there this afternoon. Message received by wireless from Aeroplane at 11:45 A.M. Oct. 4, 1918. Many small groups at 10:00 A.M. in region H5-J5. At 10:45 A.M. French working toward H in C.T. HUREMBURG in S9V°. 10:20 A.M. the enemy shelled region M5-1T2, The plane (Cont'd next page) October 4, 1910. A.M. (Cont'd from la3t page) flew above region ST. ETENNE at 9:55, Trenches of Exercise Field not deep, no one in it. Trench N of ST. ETENNE in region of 05 BO lightly occupied. Saw about 20 men. No circulation in streets of ST. ETIENNE or roads going there. Message received by wireless from Aeroplane at 11:45 A.M. Oct, 4, 1910. Front line:- Many individuals seen at 10:00 A.M. in re¬ gion H5 K5, At 10:45 Infantry marching towards the north in the communicating trench of NUREMBERG at S9 V9. At 10:20 Enemy bombarding region M5 N2. The plane flying over region of ST, ETIENNE-a-ARNES (at 9:55 A.M.) CO B5. Shallow trenches in drill field not occupied. Trench¬ es to the north of ST. ETIENNE towards C5 BO weakly occupied. Saw about 20 men. No circulation in streets of ST. ETIENNE and on the roads leading to it. H5-K5-266.5-283.5 S9-V9-265.9-278.9 M5-N2-267.5-282.2 CO-B5-264.0-285.5 C5-B0-264.5-285.0 P.M. October 4, 1918. Time: 1:35 P.M. C.G. 3rd Brig, P.C. 208 Kill. 4 Oct 18. Hour: 12:10. No. 21. Kow Sent: C.G. 2nd Div. Div. Messenger. To insure H hour reaching all troops concerned, we must have it at latest two (2) hours before H hour. Three hours is safer. Have acknowledged receipt your 10:55 message by telephone. French are not up on our right & there is much sniping from our right rear, Capt Dougherty, M.P. Captain has been given tracing of our lines. Shouldhave reached you by this time. Our men very tired & are not capable of doing much dig¬ ging. Little water, no sleep have exhausted, them. Two bns. report 50^> casualties. Report from C.O. 9th enclosed. Ely Comdg. From At Date To 12:30 P.M., October 4, 1918. Telephone message from Esca- drille 27. Situation at 11 o'clock of the Division on the right. French troops progressing on main highway north of ME- DSAK have arrived at 92.32, edges of the Park CHATEAU de BEIMONT 98.38. Friendly troops west of ORFSUIL 12.34. Friendly troops held uu south of ORFEUIL. Enemy machine guns in the park CHATEAU BEIMONT 95.41-99.41. P.M. October 4, 1918. 1^:30 P.M. Oct. 4, 1918. Message to General Neville. He cross in touch with Ely and set "H" hour at 2:30. says h e thinks he got it rectified now. It ran clear a- vou n and oack on the right and he said he thinks ° ur Citing U P there no - probably pretty well the e - d + 0ut * Probably will see about ii hinself.I think ^e/wvipL roads leading up to the left. How did it r + J 13 ‘ Tha t 13 about where I supposed you were, to go through your outpost. Leading element of the 5th is Parallel 282.5 oeyond. The rear element of the 5th is about ihe rear elements being subjected to machine iron both flanks and rear. Will you have time to th ~re now. The attack on the right and left seems Has tie or a lit- 281.5. gun fire get it to be com- f airly well >' on left they are up - this was some lixxae time ago and they were just starting on our boundary just opposite where SOMLiE-PY and the GRAiTD LOIS de SOMME-PY- ^ + ^ left of "E” in SOMME and then ran about aight to the decauville railroad and to the left and then down through the BOIS de SOUPPLET and north of EOURMELIER and attacking EOURMELIER HILL, - between LOIS de EOURMELIER ,, ‘-’UPPLET, with the people on the right are coming up P y wel_. I shouldn’t be surprised but what they were e- ^° U ° n r ^Skt. They are kilometers north of UK^uiL and the line runs southwest - a little ahead of that. , ^ ^°’ Tliere is a gap in between them and the 23rd ,, e ^ r are encountering lots of machine guns just south of .****! . CHATEAU. See those woods in there. There is a ridge m there, or raving. They are getting lots of ma- ° ne ^ lose woods there. By the time we get started e L S j0U ^^ pretty well up to us. I don’t care as long as ley are pretty well along. The attack will help us. we are going to establish an advance message center at 9F ° S qp^°m^ 3 near P/LONE near our yesterday objective where the uCHwABENKQNIG trench - looks like GQUHENK-SCHY/ABENKONIG, Draw a line from MONT BLANC across to MEBEAH. About i way is a cross road there. See that cross road. Main road, i e cross road on that line across it. There are some huts ^ xe Jdst above that. These are dugouts and chacks, etc. »*e are going in there as soon as we can get the wire in, and then we will move our P,C. up in this afternoon very prob¬ ably. Well get busy. vVe are going to put a message center as soon as we get the wire in. They ought to be in by this time. Get started and go to .it. 12:45 P.M. Adjt. 4th Brigade. Oct. 4, 1918, heep all informed and keep in liaison v/ith the elements 2 f y° ur ri g ht * Make them do that all the time. The ^2nd Division (Erench) is advancing to the west behind you. Unless they get clear away from you keep in liaison witn them and know where their nearest elements are to you. (Cont’d on next page) P.M. October 4, 1918. (Cant'd from last page) It is important before the time we have set to have our line established at the jumping off place and 3rd Brigade should rectify over there and get in shape to be ready* That is more important than anything else. That he be there ex¬ tended fully to the east and on the line at the time, but he must put that flank at the place it should be - a road fork. 12:50 P.M*, Oct. 4, 1918, Adjutant, 4th Brigade. The rear elements of the 5th are now at - their P.C. is at 265,9-282.9, the other 2 elements are ahead and ought to be just about in proper position. The forward elements of the 6th is advancing to conform to the position of the 5th. They have liaison with 3rd Brigade and they are shoving over and everything seems to be going O.K. There is no reason to think that everything will not be all right at 2:30, Be sure and have your rear elements keep in constant li¬ aison with the 170th French Division, You know where it is. It is following you. He will follow you closely according to his orders. Aeroplane message rec'd by G-3 at 1:25 P.M,, Oct. 4, '18. Outpost position S2-H6-N5-H5-H6. There are no Boche at MO-K5, X saw no Americans opposite, saw nobody at Farm SCAY, but they fired on me with M.G.'s at 05-B5, At 13 hours 15 min¬ utes our advance elements were falling back at S8-H3, Many M. G, shots coming from woods near S0-N2, No movement between ST. ETIENNE a ARNES and the south. Field Message received 1:35 P.M*, Oct. 4, '18, from Gen. Ely. To insure H hour reaching all troops concerned, we must have it at latest two hours before H hour. Three hours is safer. Have acknowledged receipt your 10:55 message by tele¬ phone. French are not up on our right and there is much snip¬ ing from our right rear. Captain Dougherty, M.P. Captain, has been given tracing of our lines; should have reached you by this time. Our men tired and are not capable of doing much digging. Little water, no sleep have exhausted them. Two battalions re¬ port 50^ casualties. Report from C.O, 9th enclosed. ELY. 2:20 P*M., Oct. 4, 1918. Adjutant, 4th Brigade. We are being shot up very badly by machine guns and 77*S from our right flanks and trench mortars. Evidently the French are not up. About one kilometer and a half to our right. A- bout on the line: 269.5- and north of the line 284. Our aero¬ plane reports that some Boche machine guns from around BE1M0NT CHATEAU - right in there. The Boche machine guns from around BEIMONT CHATEAU and trench mortars, heavies. Give me the coordinates there, and I will try to get some artillery fire on it. - 269,5-284, All right, I will see if I can get some artillery on there for you. You know that they got the message out there? Good. 2:24 P.M., Oct. 4, 1918. Feland to Lejeune. Feland reports that they have been badly shot up and had very heavy casualties, 3 company commanders evacuated and one battalion commander. Riddles of machine gun fire. He didn't say that they have their location but he got word back that it is almost impossible for them to hold on. His opinion (Cont'd on next page) P.M. October 4, 1918, (Cont’d from last page) was that they could not advance under whole woods were full of machine guns, machine gun fire from the flank. the conditions. The Getting artillery and Field Message received by G-3 office 2-30 p m from Col. Stuart. ’ * “ ’ Oct. 4,’IS, General Ely reports received indicate a Boche counter at¬ tack on right of my 2nd jon (my leading Bn) at 8:45 A.M. Ar¬ rangements made to stave it off. My rear Bn has been badly gassed and some Captains estimate casualties at 50$. There is plenty of spirit and willingness in the regiment but the' disorganization of 2 days’ fighting and lack of water and food makes it advisable for me to ask for relief for my regiment which is most urgent. 2; 32 P.M, | Oct, 4, 1918, Rhea to Feland. 1ou were talking to the General. You gave him the co¬ ordinates, We didn’t get them down. If you will give me the exact target, I will put on artillery right away: 266,1-282.3; any other point? 265,2-281.7 Is that a line or 2 points? Establishing the front of your line? You had some reports in¬ dicating that your line was further out - you mean to the west? Toward the northwest? You are pretty sure your left is reach¬ ing on the road running southeast from ST. ETIENNE. You mean on our boundary line. That road? Extending over to the north¬ east. How far up on that line? How far north? Where this co¬ ordinate line crosses. Don’t bring the protective fire too close to the line. Come pretty close on the left. Can you give us our target on the left? Where you would like to have it put - where you think the machine guns are. Bearing of 270 degrees from the line of co-ordinates which you gave me. Bearing of 270 degrees to the left of that line. It runs in a half circle. Sort of a half moon. You want that as close in as we think is safe. I get you. 2:40 P.M., October 4, 1918. Adjutant, 4th Brigade. I got word from C.G., 3rd Brigade, a minute ago that your 5th was being heavily counter attacked and was falling back. Have you gotten any word about it? Western end of MONT BLANC. We haven't heard anything about it here. I don’t think we know much about it. That is the first I have heard of it, I heard of it. The west or east end - The west end, Bowley never heard about it. We didn't get it. We thought it was your leading battalion. We never have gotten the place located where those machine guns nests are. That is different. We heard about the machine gun fire but never was able to get the coordinates or location within a square. Now, - it is the east end of the BLAHC MONT in those trench¬ es, Why don’t you ask the 12th Artillery for support, which is just back of there doing the fire on that. He has got a regi¬ ment of artillery right behind him. Why don’t he get in liai¬ son with that and have him fire on those places? Why don’t he ask them to put fire on these places? That is the way we try to use the artillery; that they belong to those regiments and they can call on them any time they 7/ant to have fire, No7/ - what does he want? He wants the 155’s to fire on ou? He asked the 155's, I guess. He that. He didn’t ask didn't a3k Gen.Bowley. Is his position that they could fire at a particular spot? He has asked tne 155' s. But that is the way for him to get the fire. vjO right (Cont'd on next page) definitely fixed He has asked the October 4, 1918. P . M . (Cont’d.. from last page) to the regiments. We will fire in those woods to the north¬ west of that ridge. To the northwest of MONT BLANC. That is where the avion reports lots of machine guns and Boche. Well, I am sorry. If we don’t make it we cannot help it. All right. October 4th, 1918. 2:40 P.M. to Surprise 1. Same reports strong attack from left on flank. We carry out 37. Sink 1. Telephone message received 2:45 P.M. Oct. 4th, 1918 from 4th Brig. The 3rd Brigade has just reported over the phone that the --th Brigade i 3 being heavily counter-attacked on their left and are falling back. Our right flank is being very heavily shelled, but we are going ahead in the center in compliance with D.Q. #37. 3:00 P.M. Oct. 4, 1918. Asked the 170 Division (Drench) to put artillery fire on the western slopes of MONT BLANC to cover machine gun nests there and to move his troops in that direction to protect our left flank. Telephone message from Col. Myers to G-3, 21st Dr A.C. 3:00 P.M. Oct. 4, The 2nd Division is being heavily attacked, on its left flank. They are falling back. Our right flank is being very heavily shelled. We are going ahead some in the center It is imperative and absolutely necessary that the French troops on our left and on our right advance their lines. On both flanks we have been exposed since yesterday morning and we have suffered from shell fire, gas and machine gun fire, trench mortars from the vicinity of-CHATEAU. Artillery from the woods 2 kilos N.W. of BLANC MONT and tha we must have these -people come up on our fla,nks i± we going to hold our positions north of BLANC MONT and MEDEAH ridge. We think they cannot advance although they are try¬ ing in the center. We want to know quickly what .they^ are going to do on our flanks. We have support since yesterday morning and got machine gun fire from the elbow yesterday afternoon. The 22nd division which left has received permission to push forv. r ard. waited for that flank ^ we have not got it. We of the S3SEN trench is on our That is al¬ right but they must immediately advance on our flanks if we are to stay in our present position. The Drench Captain would like to have coordinates giving him our front line. We cannot do this as our line may be coming back in some places. The division on our left was progressing wes wa • this morning and not northward. He will phone 18 ^7, to oush forward as soon as possible on our left. . c - : I got the report that we are being shelled and receiving machine gun fire from right rear and left rear as well as from right and left front. You had better do something auickly. We want these flanks pushed forward. The} hav been playing while we have been standing out there alon now they must do something. He has all the inform, and there is no use talking further on it. \ A P»M. October 4, 1918. 1518. Message from Major Roberts, Liaison Ofucer, 4th Brigade. J e P° rts .received machine gun nests at west end of b^Al.C are giving marine battalines casualties. Two of the battalions, the 2nd of the 6th and the 3rd of the 5th regiments have about 50/ '» *„ r ^and have a counter attack of the Boche. We will put ours down and hare it down there as soon as we can. You put yours tnc. , you. Everything we got. will #11, G-3, 2d Div. Telephone message received 8:30 0ct • 4, 1918, from Col, Ellis, 4th Brigade, i Tp-tind - The 17th Company Major Ellis reports through Col. - present. Lt. reports 2 officers Hunt and Nordscim a..d -o \ 66th ^ u t they Kelley and has about the same number cf menjjn tne^t ^ got are ahead of the present line ^ 12 nen with him and good liaison with them. a P-;j ren J a ^ordscum estimates the Lt. Bokamp about oO men of 6/tn Co. L , d deta ils SMi STSSS s - Sctic- 1 - s^eantf Snf cinders killed• (Signed) Hamilton, reports from the other two fcat- C.O. 5 th Marines says he ha ® a German prisoner taken talions practically along the * f al30U t 60 men each hy the 3rd says there are « Shf right side of the on ridge on cur lei t. he was taKen heavy machine gun ridge occupied by us. Our r-ci., - * fire from the front. _ _ 6:35 P.M*, 4 Oct. '13. Airplane message received from Esca- drille 27. . % >pnemv troops at N 5 J 2, i-.uler has asked for 1/2 hour preparation. He has not yet sent in his request to start. m Ho Evidently from the noise, the preparation is on now. ^ Sent . ln at 6;37 - The liaison officer with the 3rd Brxg’ade has just telephoned that he doesn’t think there is much danger that the 3rd Brigade don’t think there is much aanger m the counter-attack on them from the northeast. They + vf-f- 0rde ^ ed al ? eady to send one regiment to that place and if that regiment had already received orders. Have also received orders to send one battalion to MEDEAH FARM, under General Gouraud s orders, and will reach MEDEAH FARM at 11:00 o'clock, out yours ought to be there soon. Please have orders given to prevent anybody’s giving orders to interfere with the 17th renc . e^.ment cooperating with Shuler. They know what they are doing and are helping us. Observer Lt. Blat, Air Service, Squadron 27. To 2nd Div. o:55 P.M. Oct. 4, 1918. Region observed 2nd Div. Lines on Map attached. -7 Heavy fire Boche artillery on the sector. 17 hr 3 m Friendly troops retreating at M 9 H3. 17 hr 35 m Ho one seen in the village ST. ETIENNE a ARNES. A convoy of 3 vehicles going west (probably Boche) between pj 1 . ETIENNE and the woods west of the route BLANC MONT ST. ETIENNE not occupied by the enemy. Plane fired on by M Guns. J From At Date To Lt. Swett. 22 Div. Inf. 4 Oct. Hour; 7:35 P.M. No. 1. 11 15 G-3 1. Liaison between 22nd D.I. and marines 400 m. N. of word "BLANC" in BLANC MONT at 5:40 P.M. Much resistance at this point.and no later information as to any French advance - probably they have been unable to advance. Rest of line of 22nd extends West to W201 and W204 in map square 30: (6:00 P.M.) 6:00 P.M. Americans reported at pt. 60.20 AM (?) 2. P.C. 22nd Div. at "PO" 74.45. Telephone from WAGRAM h-2 -^ LA CHAISE - Etat-'^ajor SURE. 5,Lt. White evacuated this morning for gas. Shell ex¬ ploded near his auto. Uncertain that his runners will reach here. Can you send two others, who will be guided by a run¬ ner furnished by French Captain of 22nd who is liaison agent with you. (Sgd) - Swett - Lt • p .M . October 4, 1918, Aeroplane message received 8:00 P.M. cct. 4 to G-3 Office. _ Line ° f res istance strongly held from SO H2 to MLKO and whole of the trenches included, on the left at 4:35 P. l. at S2J5 French elements were advancing. The entire sou i of CAUROY is quiet. No assembly of troops visible Nothing on ble there. SC AY FARM, large woods the roads leading to MACHAULT. No activity visi- Barrdge and heavy artillery preparation south of Possible German counter attack starting from east of SCAY FARM. October 4th, 1918, r ^ Report ( 20 o 1 clock-20 o’clock) of Lt. C. H. Livingston, e. oi I., liaison officer with the 73rd Division French ( on the right of the 2nd Division). I arrived at the P.C. 73rd Division at 7 A.M. This division relieved the 167 Division (French) at 4 A.M. Oct. 4tn, The American advance in the afternoon of October 3rd and the failure of the 167 Division to advance beyond MEDEAH, le-i t the flank of the 2nd Division exposed. The French di¬ vision (7^rd) attacked at- 10 o’clock. About this time the General commanding the 73rd gave orders for a battalion to advance along the exposed portion of the right wing of the Second Division to the woods directly west of SCAY FARM and to form liaison. No communication could be had with this battalion during the day. The French advanced their line north of MEDEAH to a point 85.31 - following a line to B36 and then to PYX ONE. They were counter attacked immediately but held. At 5 P.M. tne 73rd Division French attacked again and advanced into tne x-OIo du CQQ,. They were strongly counter attacked and were pushed back to the railroad, the line now running along the railroad from R36 to North of PYLONE. The line remains the same as in the morning on the other side - Point 85.31- Ri'6. Two fresh German divisions faced the 73rd Division dur¬ ing the day. At 20 o’clock the left unit of the 73rd Division was in liaison with the 2nd Division about at the point 85.31, Chas, H, Livingston. 1st Lt. C. of I. 8:40 P.M,, October 4, 1918 - Message from Colonel Lay, Liai¬ son Officer, to Chief of Staff. Just been talking to Gen. Naulin. He says: That the 155's are too far to the south. You should move them up back of BLANC MONT tomorrow morning, and make your recon¬ naissance beforehand and have them in good place up around BOIS de SOMME PY. He also says the 75’s are too far to the east, and that they must be moved to the west of our sector, near a good observatory point about BLANC MONT observing to the east¬ ward. He wants all the artillery put in the left part of our sector. He wants that done so we can command the roads above ST. ETIENNE; also to do counter battery work to the northwest. You can say I will transmit that to General Eowley, but’at present we are occupied in holding our front and it may be sometime before we are able to move our artillery, because we are shooting it. We will make the reconnaissance. We will do the best we can. Quite a long reconnaissance has to be made . I will give you a full report of events when we get it from the 3rd Brigade. I will tell you where our line is now; You see MEDEAH FARM-go north on that road about 2/3 of a kilometer.You see where (Cont’d next page) (Cont'd from last Pag e) P.M. October 4, 1918. C ^°sses to the west and runs up toward ST. ETlJ^ihi. Our Infantry follows that DECALJVILLE line over to about 2 kilometers to MLDEAH WEICHE. Aeroplane reports rather late this evening that some troops falling back there. Sene other troops in the trench just to the west there. All these troops in the square to the left, and some up in the front of the trench a kilometer southeast of ST. ETIEIJ1TE. That is our line. c, m ^ r * ovm ^ kilometers south, and one east from ET IGNITE, and F e land ’ s line runs northeast and southwest across that square. You see some figures on it 55.18-54.18* ne has his line in there as far as I know. I am getting a more accurate report. We got some troops in MONT BLANC in conjunction with the French who are trying to clean up the west slope. Cur artillery is pretty well occupied putting 2 0vm a barrage to keep the other fellows off up there. Have been counter-attacked by 2 fresh divisions. One from the di¬ rection of SCAY Ferne, We got prisoners from the 129th Reg¬ iment ox tiie 213 Division, which is the Crown Prince's own, ihey came from west of REIMS, a place called THIERRY. Telephone message received 9;05 P.M. from Col. Ellis, 6th Marines. ihey want to know if orders can be given to French regiment to co-operate with them. The French Chief of Staff is sitting right here now. He will tell you - just a minute. The orders from the army are to act defensively. They have been in the fight for six days and were put in where they are to cover in emergency. General said they can cover but not attack, Tbey say these people have been helping some but they nave worked out a plan and would like to have them co-operate. General would not like this as they are very tired and not prepared to a,ttack so they will not order them to do so. You have got a battalion of the 22nd Division there in liaison, haverMt you? We got a message a while ago from the 22nd ask- ln S i-L you would co-operate with them in cleaning up and we sent word we were trying to clean up so I think the 22nd will do everything they can to help you out. There is a gap about 400 or 500 yards between ourselves and the 22nd on our left, oome prisoners say the Infantry in there would like to sur¬ render but the machine gunners will not let them. 9:35 P.M., October 4, 1918, Adjutant, 4th Brigade, to C.of 3. Telephone conversation that 4th Brigade had with 6th Marines, Holcomb says prisoner captured by the 6th regiment that the machine gun nest at MONT BLANC, states that he be¬ longs to the 129th regiment, which with the 368th and 74th, form the 213 Division - the Crown Prince's Own, They have 10 companies in a regiment, with 40 light machine guns fully equipped. He knows that 3 were destroyed and thinks others were. They have 2 companies of heavy machine guns - 12 guns in each company. He believes that the 2 regiments of his di¬ vision are in the same neighborhood, but believes that the 74th are mostly taken prisoners. He says that they arrived about noon yesterday, from a town west of REIMS,which he calls THI¬ ERRY. Questioning him with regard to position of machine guns, he says that the heavy guns are in rear of the infantry and that they are so placed as to resist an attack from either flank. P.M. October 4, 19 18. From General Neville; 9:45 ?.K, ihat Ieland has telephoned in his losses are very heavy, and the 23rd Infantry has withdrawn from his right and the "bat¬ talion of tne 6th, ordered up as supx>ort, net with such re¬ sistance tnat they cannot get up and Feland requests orders to withdraw to that line. To the Mont Blanc line. His right is not there, sir,. There was an officer just come in from there. A "battalion of his was put "back in a re¬ serve position "but as far as we can learn, I think it is an accurate information from an aeroplane observer and an offi¬ cer who come in from there, Enemy machine gun nests at: 265;2 - 281,3 264 *8 - 282.5 266;5 - 283. Being also shelled with heavy artillery* His report from him by courier at 8 P.M, One company of the 6th regiment has been reported up there in position to protect flank of the companies. Other comxoanies are being sent for. It has been reported that some companies of the 6th Mar¬ ines have not left their position of last night, We have asked protective barrage on our front of fire of heavies and machine gun nests at 264,8-282.5. Please help us get it. All our companies are intermingled into one position. Enemy machine gun fire and artillery fire particularly of heavy cal¬ iber continues very heavy. Have repelled two counter attacks- possibly three. We need all the artillery protection we can get. Can the division have an aviator locate enemy batteries so that counter battery can be done. Our men are digging in and doing all that man can do to hold out, but something must be done to keep down the enemy's fire. Our losses are about 50 % - more among officers and sergeants. Feland, That battalion of the marines back there at MONT BLANC they are not in there. We are going to put all the artillery we got in the ma¬ chine gun nest on Feland’s left as soon as these fellows say they are ready. No but they are going through there, I was going to say they will clear that out. He has been getting fire from his left rear and then we will put artillery on these other points you gave me. I can dc that. Suppose ycu read me those pointer and let me check them ab¬ solutely so I won’t shoot them in on our own people. 265,2 - 281,3 264.8 - 282.5 About 266.5 - 283, Coordinates of Feland’s line: 265.3 - 281.6 - northeast, 26622 - 282.1, then turns back southeast, I will see what the General thinks about it, sir. To the Adjutant, 4th Brigade. 4 Oct 18. General Neville says that Colonel Feland must hold on where he is. That General Lejeune was talking to General Ely while I was talking to General Neville a moment ago. General Ely says "That he has withdrawn part of the 23rd Infantry, which were in front, north of Feland’s positions. Ely’s line runs generally along the DECAUVILLE railroad from a point about 2.3 of a kilom¬ eter north of MEDEAH Farm to MEDEAH WEICHE, and he ha3 some men in the trenches at 267. - 282. General Neville should send men from the other regiment to support Feland if he thinks necessary. If Feland should withdraw to BLANC MONT, the Boche would follow him up and he would suffer more heavily and leave Ely’s flank, in the air. He should endeavor to get in touch with Ely on his right and reorganize his command during the night. Ar¬ tillery fire will be put on the machine gun nest referred to. Feland should let us know by phone, or f Cont’d from last page) P.M. October 4, 1918. General Neville, of the accuracy of our fire.. That is, if he thinks the artillery is putting it on the point where he wants it. We are going to get it started right away. The General insists that Feland holds his position. Telephone message received 10;15 P.M. Oct, 4 from Col. Lay, 21st Corps. X--600 for the two divisions on our right, X-700 for the 2nd Division, We must tell 170 what X is. Do they expect the 170th to do any work? I just wanted to know. You can tell them that we were counter attacked. According to statements by prisoners the Boche has put two new divisions one on our left flank and one on our right flank. One of these divisions in the Kronprinz* own the 213th, The 213th Division is made up of the 109th - 94th and 368th Regiments, They came from ST. THIERRY near RHEIMS, I will call you later. Telephone message received 10:50 P.M. Oct. 4, 1918, Lt. Swett, 22nd Div. He has sent two messengers by a French Captain. I will get them soon. The French will advance tomorrow on the Marines’ left. Have you got that in your notes to me? They will attack on a two battalion front with one battalion in reserve and clear out the woods south of ST. ETIENNE. This will be done at 6:00 A.M, no matter what their orders are from higher commanders. Do you think they will do it? Tel. Message rec’d 11:00 P.M. Oct. 4, 1918, from 21st A.C. to G •• 3« The 3rd Group of 341st Regiment ( C-5 Chamond) now at rest has its echelon in the sector and under the orders of Le Bocq division. It is placed at the disposal of the Lejeune Div, 11*,07 P.M. Oct. 4, 1918, from C.O. 23rd Inf. to G-3. Reports that he is on objective and the enemy holds ST. ETIENNE very strongly. I had patrols down there and they drove them back. I want all kinds of ammunition, small arms, stokes, 37 m/m, hotchkiss, chauchats, and some grenades. Losses moderate, mostly by M.G, Hq. 21st Corps, P.C. 4 Oct. 1918. Message telephoned by Gen. Naulin to Gen.Lejeune. The 3rd Bn., 341st Schneider Short Howitzers, now resting in the sector and under the command of Lebocq's Di vision is placed at the disposition of Lejeune’s Division. Distribution: 73rd Div ( Fr) 2nd Div (US) By the Chief of Staff. S igne / A.Iff. October 5, Message reed. 1:30 A.M. by C. of S. from 2nd F.A 1* x The 3rd En * 6 th Marines attack M.G. nest mg rectangles after preparation by artillery. 265,79 281,0 266.04 281.12 265.9 280,3 266.2 280.4 1918. Hqrs, in follow- T 6 batteries execute fire on rectangle om 5.15 A.i>/i. to 6:15 A.M. Expenditure 600 rounds. + ,* „ * A# ^ ne En * will execute fire on same rec- ^OO^ounds 111 5: °° A ‘ M ' until 6:15 A ‘ M * Expenditure of Aram. 4. Infantry requested to withdraw 500 - 600 meters from edges of rectangle. Telephone message received 5:05 A.M. October 5th, from 15th 15th Field Artillery reports through their liaison offi- tnat the 5th Marines report heavy short shooting be¬ tween the hours of 10:00 and 12:00 P.M. last night. 0c-t . 5th. Message received from Lt. Livingston 73rd Div. to G-3. It is impossible to call you on phone. I am sending courier to get any news that might be useful regarding the attacx. ihe general would like to know if H hour of the attack has already come off, please indicate any progress made. ihe Div. attacked at 5:15 and the attack is progress- ing. Resistance weak on the left but stiffer in the neigh¬ borhood of the MEDAH MASSGRAM road. The GETRSVE FREUUD was at 5 -45 A.M. at 6:10 the WALDMuLLER LAGER was reached. At o:10 the Div, in the right of the 7 3rd Div. had reached the road skirting the southern limits of the BIOS du DUKDON. To 4th Brigade: 7:50 A.M. Col. Myers call Major Hall, 3rd Brigade, notifying him cl location of engineer tools. Major Hall stated he knew all about it. Oct. 5, 1918 - 8:05 A.M. From: 4th Brigade. €th Marines reports so far 4 officers, 209 prisoners. 84th Company reached objective and is digging in. The Co. on the right and the reserve companv have not yet been heard from. October 5, 1918 - 8:11 A.M. Message from Col.Ellis, 4th Brigade 97th Co, reached objective in touch with 82nd Company and line linked up throughout with 22nd French division. 8:25 A.M,, 1918. - Message from Lt. Livingston, Liaison Agent, 170th Div. Message given to him that 4 officers, 209 prisoners taken by 6th Marines, 84th Co, reached objective and is dig ging in. The Co. on the right and the reserve company have not yet been heard from, (Cont'd on next page) <■ .1 £* A. M. October 5, 191b. 1 (Cont’d from last page) ^rom Livingston: The 170th Division is exactly the wa ? night, except that a battalion of the 170 Division is going to work around that exposed flank to support our line. .'.hat makes 2 battalions now that are going to do that. The one that was sent out yesterday from tne 73rd Division, and the one that was sent out by the 170th Division. 21st A.C . Aeronautic. Esc. Sal. 27. Message. 8: 50 AM. Oct. 5, 1918 To: 2nd U.S. Div. Observer: 2nd Lt. Schlachter. Region Flown over: Sector 21st A.C. 2.135 A.M. Reconnaissance ST ETIENNE a ARNES MACH AULT. Saw some wagons coming out of MACHAULT, going towards LEFEIN¬ COURT . Dots of smoke towards the woods 2 Km. south of MACH¬ AULT . 8:00 A.M. Many enemy shells falling at MEDEAH Farm. Ay-y. Some flashes observed around the woods south east oi MACHAULT. No definite information. Observer Schlachter. 9:05 A.M., October 5, 1918. From General Ely. General Lejeune: We are not going to do’ anything. We 6fiid to regulate the advance by them, that is, we are going after they are actually there. You got to get it yourself when you find them there, by liaison. Let me know. I know it. We are not going to, just until they have come up and passed, actually there,and physically there. I don’t ex¬ pect them to do anything exeept if they go on ahead to keep regulated with them. That is all. Don’t involve anything more than keeping up with them. We don’t expect anything more from you, until they are actually there. We are not going to give any "H” hour unless we have to advance to keep with those people. That is all we are going to do. They said we did the trick; they said we forced the retreat of the whole German army east of REIMS. I have got a copy of his order here. We did it. Did you hear about the little business on the left this morning? See the words "BLANC MONT 11 - the hill on the left of the line, under the word "BLANC- it looks like a "t” just to the v/est of the flank and southwest of the flank, the Boche have come in around the flank east, night before last-, and they were in there in bunches. They were shooting up the left of the line, the rear, Feland’s back and everything else. They shot all over the map in SOMME PY. 9:15A.1I., From Ellis. Adjutant 4th Brigade, Oct. 5, 1918. Have the following from Feland: 9:05 A*M. The 5th regiment got along all right last night. I have been unable to get a check on the strength of the companies but reports say they are very badly depleted and disorganized. (Cont’d next page) A. M. October 5, 1918. (Cont'd from last page) Tne 3rd battalion reports they have a liaison with the 3rd brigade. The 2 companies of the 6th regiment sent out to support him last night are on his left flank. The effective strength of the regiment is very small, but the 5th Marines does not wish to make an estimate until battalion commanders report. (Feland). From Ellis: Orders have been given regarding the 6th eg linen t passing through the 5th,and 5th becoming 2nd line of the advance. 9:25 A.M., October 5. General Lejeune to Feland. Fine work that out there. That was a hard job. Neville is going to put the 6th out in front of you. Seville is go¬ ing to relieve you by the 6th, then you can get back and re¬ organize and let your men get some rest. It is kind of quiet since they pinched those Boche. That was the finest thing that was pulled off. They were shooting up everybody all the way back from SOMME FY, artillery, trains, the place in the rear of the ridge was streamed with artillery. Everybody that came up there thought that they had been in a machine gun nest. Any of your officers killed? Heelv - and Captain Hulbert. General Gouraud was here yesterday afternoon with the Corps Commander, and I told the General I didn’t think much of the advance forward of the ridge out into a salient, but he said that was xvhat forced the retreat of the whole German Army east of REIMS. They are retreating from REIMS to the east. I told him we suffered a lot and he said the threat against ST. ETIENKE line forced their retreat; that that was the last line they had. They are retreating from the REIMS mountains all the way here. The extreme west Corps are ad¬ vancing, which never moved before. They are advancing 5 or 6 kilometers across the trench positions and the Boche are fallingback now'; They stopped us all right, but the taking of that ridge and starting forward is what pushed them off the line. Tell them all that; that their holding all last night and yesterday was imperative. Last night, particul¬ arly. If you had fallen back before the Boche he arould have thought he got your goat, and if you stick your heels in the ground you got his goat. He is not shooting us up, is he? I think he is gone. 1 think he just beat it. If v;e fell back he would have kept right at it. Our outfit just forced the re.treat of the whole Boche Army. That is what General Gouraud said, andthe Corps commander in his order this morn¬ ing said so. Tell them all - all the men, what I think; what v/e all think of them. There was a gap there, and this nest was passed by. The marines cleaned it up this morning. Bchuler did it. You know him. He did it in cooperation with some French of General Bernard's 170th Division. They helped to do it without any orders at all, just because they saw the job and helped. The result was we captured 4 officers, 209 men, 75 machine guns, light and heavy; a good many trench mortars and a tractor truck, and all without any casualties, on our part in that operation. The General orders you also to call Drum up for him and tell him about how v/e have been getting along and tell him about that operation this morning, and tell him v/e are on the job. Our casualties have been pretty heavy, but we (Cont'd next page) (Cont'd from last page; A. M. October 5, 1918 thin^nnt We count up it won't, be quite as heavy ae we think now. ,/hen we find out exactly about them. i nii( ./nfn!l b * een t F ing t0 get the Corps through our eng- SHiSl! V pUt SOne !Tlen .° n this road where it passes . ^ * . a11 ■ repair it. This main road. Our engineers t . pa ^ 6 tnto reserve today , and we have been working them ?“ ^.f d and working like the devil with them. Our enr- has , been tr yihe to get the Corps to get some ; " : . , ce * ln ^ lxln S that road taking charge of that point ® lo passes over the ridge. Those big shells on it. ‘ s . e ?* 1 unsuccessful. Asked me to see if you couldn’t, it is the main road from SOUAIH to SOMilE PY, where it passes ier j.e ridge aoout half way between - shell holes and mine craters to keep that in repair and fix it up. 9:30 A.M. General Lejeune to Colonel Lee. October 5, 1918 The contents contained in above message to Col. Feland was given to Colonel Lee. 9:34 A.M. Message from 4th Erigade. October 5, 1918. Following message from 6th Marines at 7:30 A.M. Pris- oners captured: 4 officers - 209 men. Shuler reports 75 light^and heavy machine guns captured, a number of trench mortars, and a tractor truck apparently in good working order. 1ew dead Germans in the woods. They were in the dugouts and were captured by our men before they got out. bhuler has no casualties as far as he knows. 9. o5 AM., October 5, 1918. Memo, from Lt. Swett, Liaison with 22nd French Liv. ^* e French advance this morning at 6 o’clock on the Marine lext. Reports were slow in coming in but at 8 o’ clock word was received that French were advancing well; probably without meeting much resistance. They have reached the point opposite a large body of marines - indefinite as oO how far forward this point is. The Center and left reg¬ iments of the 22nd Division ordered to move forward .in ech¬ elon from the right -- the center division at about 7:30; tne left regiment at 8:00 -- so that the whole division is now moving forward. 10:30 A.M. Telephone message received at 10:30 A.M. 4th Brigade Adjt. ae reports that Col. Feland has already knocked out two of the machinegun nests in the elbow of the ESSEN TRENCH with his 37 m/m guns and is continuing the work. This in order to protect his left. 10:30 A.M., October 5, 1918. Message to Cel. Lay, Liaison with Corps. v/e got an order from the Army to send back one group from^the 315th Heavy artillery. The army didn’t know we nad groups with us. It is now directing that we send back 2 groups which we have to the Army Corps. A new group, the 3rd group of the 341st, will replace that artillery which is being ordered away. (Cont 1 6 n ext Page) t MM I . I ■ ' : .. ■ ' ■ ' . , A, M. October 5, 1918. (Cont’d from last page) To Col. Lay: Will this group arrive and relieve the Group we already have or has the group we have been ordered away, will the new group arrive in like to have you let us know when about a day? I , we may expect the groups, it should relieve the other. would new You let me know when you hear. 10;40, October 5, 1918. Colonel Lay. Germans have abandoned the mountains to the east of RLIMb, Ljju, OIL. . It means the 2nd Division has flanked them out. if we are going to account for the loss of 1,000 men tnere, we got to show for what it was. 10:40 The artillery which is going away will not leave until it has fulfilled the mission which they now have with you, and and relieved by the 3rd Group of the 34l3t, which, will be this afternoon sometime. All right. 10.45 A.T., October 5, 1918. Message from 22nd Division. Information from the 22nd Division by carrier pigeon; One battalion on the right reports that this battalion is arriving on the ST, ETIENNE-ST. PIERRE road. Further west troops are reported advancing towards the ARNES at 200 to 300 meters from the river. Regimental P.C. on the right (62nd) was at X 216 at 9 A.M». 10:55 A.M. Oct. 5, 1918. From Colonel Lay. Aeroplane reports to the Corps that the 22nd Division ^as reached ST. PIERRE and extends about 1 kilometer to the east on the railroad. We have that direct from them too. Information from the 22nd Division by carrier pigeon: One battalion on the right reports that this battalion is arriving on the ST. ETIENNE-ST. PIERRE road. Further west troops are reported advancing towards the ARNES at 200 to 300 meters from the river. Regimental P.C, on the right (62nd) was at X 216 at 9 A.M. What are they going to do on the right? X was changed from 6 on the right to 700. Ours was changed from 700 to 800. 11:05 A.M., October 5, 1918. To 4th Brigade, from C. of S. The General and I are going up to see General Ely, and we want General Neville to meet us out on the road and go with us. We are going to start right away. Ask General Ne¬ ville to be out on the main road there, and we will pick him up. 11:25 A.M., Oct. 5, 1916. Message to Capt. McGrew, 4th French Army. The General wants me to call you up and tell you this; The General says that he received General Gouraud’s message (Cont’d next page) A. M. October 5, 1918^. (Cont'd from last page) this morning, delivered personally by him over the telephone to General Lejeune. General Lejeune says that on account of his inability to speak French. well, he is afraid that he did not convey to General Gouraud his proper appreciation of what General Gouraud told him. General Lejeune wa.nts you to see General Gouraud and make tha.t clear to him; his appreciation of what General Gouraud said about the good work of the div¬ ision and the importance of what it did. Ke is going to pub¬ lish, in the shape of an order to the Division, what General Gouraud said, and he wants you to tell Gen. Gouraud about that personally. The General wanted me to tell you about our cleaning up that machine gun nest this morning. This machine gun nest was on MOKT ELAIIC, in behind our left flank. The French had passed by the place on the left, and we had passed by on the right there was a gap there,,and this nest was passed by. The marines cleaned it up this morning. Shuler did it. You know him. Ke did it in cooperation with some French of General Bernard’s 170th Division. They helped to do it without any orders at all, just because they saw the job and helped. The result was we captured 4 offi¬ cers, 209 men, 75 machine guns, light and heavy.; a good many trench mortars and a tractor truck, and. all without any cas¬ ualties on our part in that operation. The General orders you also to call Drum up for him and "tell him about how we have been getting along and tell him about that operation this morning, and tell him we are on the job. Our casualties have been pretty heavy, but we think when we count up it won’t be quite as heavy as we think now. When we find out exactly about them. We have been trying to get the corps through our engineer officer to put some man on this road where it passes the ridge, and repair it. This main road. Our engineers will pass into reserve today, and we have been working them on the road and working like the devil with them. Our engineer officer has been trying to get the Corps to get come assist¬ ance; in fixing that road taking charge of that rjoint where it passes over the ridge. Those big shells on it. Has been unsuccessful. -Asked me to see if you couldn’t. It is the main road from SQUAIN to SOMME PY, where it passes over the ridge about half way between~she.ll holes and mine craters that in repair and fix it up. 11:25 A.M., October 5, 1918. Liaison officer from the 73rd French Division reports that their division attacked at 11 o’clock. So far he has received no information as to their progress. 11:30 A.M. Oct. 5, 1918. Message from Colonel Ellis, Adj. 4th Brigade. 5th Marines reports at 10:20: The French Division on his left was advancing with apparently little opposit¬ ion. He is keeping liaison with the 16th Company. He has sent patrols to the front and at the present time there is machine gun fire to the north on road along which his P.C, is located. The 5th Marines is talking for Lar¬ son, the battalion commander, and some machine gun sniping in the neighborhood of Slap’s (5th Marines) P.C. Sniping" is reported by the men all about (Cont'd next page) I A . October 5 . 1918 (Cont'd from last page) •hniio+ aCiC ? r r€a ’ ti:ie ;ferines think it may be stray ballets. We received no hour to advance. win j the kr ench in line with our leading elements. We - a llttle whlle more tut we will probably have to can" tn s ® on ‘ - imagine they are doing everything they otSsiS* »iT + i t# * raa i, element8 0f sni P ln g- That is what is Of ^ th f trou ^le* Suggest that if some of the 20)6 ° ar he i d out ’ or if some of the ^ench troops, night see what w Se i?°? d& i° g00d advan tage. I told him I would see what I could do about it. Message from Div. G.P:A. Hour: 11:40 A.M. 2nd Division - October 1918 . , , located good position for observation (sending sketch) telephone not yet connected but will be soon. No ^T e nn ntS .° f troops se9n except that of our own at 266.90 . 081.80. Enemy artillery activity very light in our sector out quite heavy in sector to our right. 0 - 2 . 11.45 A.M. Oct. 5. Message from 2nd F.A. Brig, to G-3. olight firing around 1st objective. Large concentrations oi enemy observed four kilometers due west of MACHAULT. *\r Q r9 T ues t' the Inf. a barrage was fired at 12:01 ° n trje line 485.48 --52.47 which was reported very effective and drove out the Boche. Immediately afterward mo.e tire on lmeparallel to that end and 500 meters north¬ east. xrenches at 254.--285.9 full of Germans. Agent , A 170th°Division.' 191 °‘ * r ° m U * Llvin eston, Liaison . . The ^ renc h attacked at 11:00 o’clock. The French div¬ ision on our right attacked at 11:00 o’clock after an art- lliery preparation of half an hour. General Naulin was t .ere this morning at your place and a determined effort is going to be made to advance on our right. Do you know any news. Let me know at 12:00 o’clock. Lt. Swett 22 D.I. P.C, SPIRE P.C. WAGRAM 5 Oct. 18. Hour: 11:30 No: 3. Hec’d. 11:55 A.M. D-3. Sent by Foot Messenger Informat ion rec’d at these Hq . places French line at 9 ;0 ° this morning with its left 1 Kil. S.E. of ST.PIERRE- * a-ARESS and its right about 500-600 m. S. of ST.ETIENNE iront parallel in general to ST.PIERRE - ST.ETIENNE road. ^ enera ^ Relieves his left now is very close to or at Si.PIERRE. He has ordered a further advance, commencing at nmJmT 1 !?/? 11 3 kilometer front, direction N.V7. towards' °V, vILLE . (57 .94) , objective HAUVINE. - CAUR0Y road, his right regiment to keep close liaison with 2nd Div. 2. Have you information of location of our front line as yet7 if as I suppose, it moved forward about 11 o'clock From At Date To 2 inclosures Swett, Lt. . . . ■ • . ■ . A* kl. October 5, 1918. 11:55 A.r. , October 5, 1910. Adjutant, 4th Brigade. „ + h Ur H ais on ofiicer with the French on our left save thct t-iey have passed beyond the ST PITIiRE ST road, and that ST.ETIEHlffi is in fixes ' The 3rd brigade is waiting on the French or, the rir-ht now * 0 et^hf £* y ° U had your 6th tSough 8 ^' x^ 1 dhe f throu S n there and have that liaison kept and don't gl? awafgorn. the ^ Erip£de ° n thS risht and ' sr >hn . uu iu utrr Oorps. P-M '’ October 5 . W18- ^y, Liaison Officer, 21st still lh -oinr’r^h S haV ‘T noW reaohed BETHFtflVILLE and is g ng orth - That is over beyond the 11th Corps. alonr^hpt^f 8 S re no 7 novin S forward with the French 3 d t ] west ‘ v/e would like to have this 73rd Division pushed along some. They attacked at H:00 o'clock but don’t know what rPwUo . * u ‘■■■‘■o.jj, dux left is but ltw ‘ x £re 3 olned U P with them. Their I,? lo ! but they run south from there. Thev ar? rmc- and wfha^n 'V™ L ‘ attacked at n o' ?fck ana we haven’t heard what happened. Are as n hi^ Ifh they j ? ined U P • They are up on the road, think thpf\a" f re ' In llalson with our left. I don't We areVa^sim^tbr ST .ETIEJJUE. ST .ETISKNE is burning, alonv in 1 i i i In °Vf= h on our l 0 fi with the marines and move liaisoifwi tifthe lift™ ** in th * oentor : in 12:12 •M October 5, 1918. From General Ely. You just sent Watson down here with where the marines and your line is also*. T^r+ h °? r x 1 nOW - to • evei *yone's satisfaction, of the Marines have now reached the m liaison. the sketch showing I will fix that The French on the front and they are Marines called up and said that the French up with them and pushed up ahead. Said they bPhi 1 n^ PaS ? 1 ? g ^ hr0Ugh the €th as the y didn't i " old them t0 d0 it- They said Wxth the French on, the left, and the will maintain that liaison, but to the 3rd. had advanced had better want to be left said they had liaison 3rd on the right, and keep that liaison with out some distance in advance. The attacked at 11 o'clock Ely says he is French on our right pushing ahead, as far as they can, but are i+l S r° x trouble * 1 haven't heard the result. The 4tn Corps on the left of the 11th. The 11th is up and th ey going to PIERRE and along the road to ST.ETIENNE, which again. I don't think that they extend all the are have French in ST. is burning for77ard ; are at BETHKhlVILLst Everybody moving on the way esistarice no ' t str ong, and I think the marines are Tel. Mess, rec'd. 12:15 P.M. to C--3. What is the situation? your line yet? One regiment Oct. 5th, 1918. From Gen. Ely Have you found anything about reported about 50 and a Bn. 60 (Cent 1 cl next page) A. LI. October 5, 1518. (Cont'd from last page) but he does not believe it. The Regimental Surgeon 9th Inf. estimates 40;o v/ithout water, withour chow and dead on the 1eet. ^265.1 - 283-5 extending along railroad a little south of east following the northern branch corning back toward MEDEAR FARM a direct line from the 1st point I gave you to¬ ward IIEDEAh. Have you seen anything of the French on vour right? Liessage received from French Plane 12:20 P.M. Oct. 5th 1918. Enemy barrage very severe in 267.7 - 283.7 and 266.5 - 284 .5 . 0.B.Albright. 12:30 P .11 Message fr Major Roberts, Liaison Officer. That the Trench ESSEN is now cleared and the French line extends from £80 in a southwesterly direction around the ESSE! hook. The marines detachments have returned to their organization. Tell General Neville that General Lejeune wants to see him at SOMME-FY at 1:00 o’clock, and if he will be on the road opposite the P.C. we will pick him up, or if it is more convenient to pick him up at SOMME-PY, we will nick him up at SOMME-PY. 12:40 P.M,, Oct. 5th, 1918. Gen. Naulin to Gen. Lejeune. The 73rd Division is meeting with great difficulties on its front. I have requested Gen. Le Bocq to send over some elements of his div. to your territory to manoeuvre on its left and join with you so as to disengage your right flank. For your part I request that you join your .action to that of the Le Bocq elements sent you with the troops in reserve of the 2nd U.S. Div. and not to hesitate to engage a part of these reserves to cover your right flank. Message (telephone) received 12:45 P.M. Oct. 5th from At. Livingston. The 73rd Division went forward for a while in the center but had to fall back around the railroad because of machine guns. They fell back to where they started. A balloon in the American sector shot down about 12:00 noon 1 kilometer we3t of ST.ETIENNE. 12:50 P.M. October 5, 1918. Message from Airplane. To: 2nd Division, U.S. Obs . 2nd Lt. Schrehter. Sector of 21st A .C. Information from 11 A .1/1. to 12; 45 P.M. 11:15 - Battery in action at (VI A3) 11:25 - Friendly troops advancing at V 2 E 1; also at X 5 K 5. 11:30 - Enemy barrage fire at V 0 E 1; and V'7 K 3. 12:00 - Battery in action at 0 5 P 5; enemy barrage fire at H 5 E 3 and II 7 K 7. 12:30 - Battery in action at H 5 p 2. . . ’ . • • V. ' P.M. October 5, 1918. Telephone Message to Col. Rhea at 12:55 P.M., Oct. 5, 1918, received word that French on our right attacked at ‘.0 ^ • Tna< ^ e so?ne advance north of railroad but heavy ma- chine gun fire and strong resistance by Germans repulsed them and they are now south of railroad* The Marines passed through, did they, and are going as far as ST, ETIENIFE. Ely is sending patrols out towards his northeast to feel out the place there tut he is not going to advance his right until the French come up. Message received 1:20 P.M.,0ct. 5th,from 3rd Bureau, 21st A.C. ihe aerial division which has just come in reports that the region between C ONT REVE - SEMI BE - ORFEUIL and MOiTT ST, MAR- i Ixl is practically unoccupied. In all this zone only occa¬ sional isolated men were seen and the planes flying at 400 meters altitude received neither rifle nor machine gun fire. Fest of the MEDEAH-ATTIGNY road the density seems thicker. Groups of people were seen at MACHAULf and ST. ETIEKFE. Col¬ umns of wagons or artillery are on the MEDEAH-ATTIG3SY road going northward. Other artillery columns were going from BCURCQ, towards VOJZIERS. Telephone Message received 1:20 P.M.,0ct. 5, 1916, from Col. Lay. General Paulin told him that he would like to know if the General had finished with the 170 French Division. If he says so then General Lejeune could order it elsewhere. The Gener¬ al wants to know where our line is at the present time. 1:35 P.M., October 5, 1918. Memorandum to C.O., 4th Machine Gun Battalion. Report at once with your battalion to Brigadier General Ely, commanding the 3rd Infantry Brigade, His P.C. is at 87,07 - just left of the road and 2 days ago there was a down tree lying alongside of the road oppo¬ site his P.C, H. B. MYERS, Colonel, General Staff, A.C, of S. - G-3 . October 5th, 1918. 3rd Brigade. 1:45 P.M. (Oct 5) Art. fire reported short 23rd Infantry. 75 shellcase found. Liaison Officer notified Surprise A. Telephone Message received 1:45 P.M.,Oct.5, from Col. Lay. Our line at present is in liaison with the 22nd Division on our left and the left of it has approached ST. ETIEPHE, if not already in the town. Our right is refused. Our ex¬ treme right rests on MEDEAH farm. It runs a little north to the westward. That division on our right attacked and was thrown back at 11;00 A.M. The 170th French Division will re ceive orders from the General later. The General will prob¬ ably keep them all day. The General is not at all pleased with the way Gen. Paulin handled it. General Lejeune had to go to General Gouraud and is not at all pleased with the way Paulin has handled the case. P.M. October 5, 1918. 1:55 P.M*, October 5, 1918. Message received from Airplane. I aaw no friendly troops to the north of Road ST. ETIENNE a ARNES to ORFEUIL. Friendly troops advancing at H7 H7. Friendly troops at H3 H5 - S8 H3 - S5 H2, at M5 H7. I flew over ST. ETIENNE a ARNES. There was nobody in the streets. I was 3hot at by a machine gun at S7 K7. They do not put out their panels. It is very difficult to observe the line. 1:55 P.M. Oct. 5, 1918, Message to Colonel Lay, for C.G, Corps. The division on our right is at the same place it was when you telephoned at 12 o’clock. The whole 11th Corps are advancing, and the corps on their left (4th) are advancing. The line on our left is at this place: 300 yards to the south of the 60, which is under BLANC MONT, on the map 1/20,000. It hits our line there. Then their line moves to the west through the woods and to the point X 96, 1100 yards from our left. Then it goes to the point W.77, 1500 yards to the west of the Point X 96. Then it goes down to the ”3" in woods, the second S in the woods BELLOIS in GRAND BELLOIS; that is where the line was at 1:45, HoW did you get that. From G-3 of the 21st Corps. That was reported to him by the division. Nothing at all, except we are scheduled to take a walk. Talking the element of time, you know Big Casino? Well, di¬ vided the number of spots by four, and put it result on a clock, and you have the hour. I wish you would urge them up on our right. They are not coming fast enough. I hope everybody pushes. Our people were badly shot up last night with artillery and machine guns on both flanks and in from and even from the rear, that is the right rear and left rear. We were sticking out like a sore thumb and we caught it. I wish you would convey that information to the Chief of Staff. I would like for you to give it to him in the form I gave it to you. Badly shot up, with artillery and machine guns on both flanks and in front and even from the rear, and a good many gas casualties. One battalion reported 505. 2:45 P.M., October 5, 1918. Message to General Ely. You know, don't y ou, about that French Division on your right being repulsed this morning. The General wants Ely to be told about that again to keep in mind the fact that they are not advancing over there and close liaison with them will keep you acquainted with the situation, but you want to keep an eye on that flank. 2:50 P.M, Oct. 5, 1918, Lt. Livingston, Liaison with the 170th. Aviators found it very difficult to observe. What is your division going to do? Not going to attack any more today. Vve are moving towards ST. ETIENNE, but are going to keep back on the right, as the people on our right refuse. • ■ P. M. October 5, 1918. 2:55 P.M. October 5, 1918. Message from 15th F.A. thru 2nd F.A. Brigade. An officer from the 3rd Group of the 259th French art¬ illery, which is supporting the infantry attack on our right, states that the attack has failed owing to intense hostile machine gun fire, and that no advance was realized. A new attack will be launched this afternoon. 2nd Division - October 5, 1918. Message from Div. O.P.A. Hour 3:15 P .M . Machine gun and artillery fire moderate along our front and left flank - fairly heavy on our right. G-2. C/G C/S G/3 Art Brig. 3:40 P.M. Oct. 5th, 1918. Message from Gen. Sly to 2nd F.A. Brigade. 3rd Brigade line extends from 1 kilo southeast of ST. ETIENNE southeast of MEDEAH Farm (railroad) 3:40 P.M. Oct. 5, 1918. Message from Colonel Lay, .Liaison Officer with 21st Corps. The French report that they have taken ST. ETIENNE. Armee Communique: As a consequence of incessant and happy attacks made by the 4-th Army since the 26th of Sep¬ tember, and threatened particularly by the audacious pro¬ gression of the 2nd Division U.S., the enemy is retreating all along the front of the Army. We entered PRUNEY. The enemy is evacuating Les MONTS, the ridge of which is now occupied by our troops. We reached the ARNE from its fork to ST. CLEMENT; on our left; the neighboring Army has cleared the line north of REIMS and is also pushing forward. You know the division on our right has been repulsed. Our right is in liaison with that division and our left is just south of ST. ETIENNE. The right is refused, near MEDEAH Farm. It runs from about -g- kilometer north of MED - BAH Farm, to just south of ST. ETIENNE. It faces north in front of ST. ETIENNE, runs along those trenches for about 1 •g- kilometers and swings around to southwestward to get in liaison with that division. They are waiting there. We were all prepared to advance this afternoon and heard that the division was repulsed so didn’t go forward except on the left. We pulled in Feland’s regiment - all shot to pieces - losing over of his officers and one-half of his men. They lost probably 65 of 75 percent of their officers and about 60 % of their men. All the company commanders of one battalion was either wounded or killed. The 6th Marines, after cleaning up that nest was sent forward to relieve the 5th Marines, and they are getting up into position now, and the 5th Marines are organizing in reserve in the rear. They were pretty well shot up in the woods last night. On the right the same thing has been done. One regiment in the front line, and one sent to the rear to reorganize. P M XT » » October 5, 1918. Telephone message received 3:50 P.M. , Oct. 5th, from Lt. Swett to Col. Myers. TTessage from the regiment on the right of the 22nd div¬ ision at 12:10 P.M, says that the 2nd Division troops are still south of ST. ETIE1TNE at about X219 in map square 42, American front line in general follows the road ST. ETIE1TME- ORFUEIL from about the center of map square 62. It is re¬ fused on the right because the Drench division on the Amer¬ ican right has not caught up with them. (2) A battalion of the 22nd Division holds ST. ETIENNE with some elements north of the town at the river and at the cem¬ etery. There is artillery fire from friendly artillery on the town. Possibly French, possibly American; if American please stop fire, (3) Machine gun fire on French in ST. ETIE1THE from trenches 700 meters southeast of town. Apparently there are Boche be¬ tween French and U. S. Troops and they are attaching French in the rear. Telephone message to Lt* Col. Ellis at 4:05 P,M., Oct. 5, Col. Myers. v'e want to get you people over to the right of your sec¬ tor. Ely *3 people are waiting for you. There is a machine gun nest in the east end of those trenches just south of ST, ETIENNE on front of your objective, where it strikes that big road, then north of that point and a little east there are some machine guns which have been firing into the rear of the French and at Aviators going over. The French are in ST, ETI¬ ENNE , and north of the town in the cemetery. The General wants you to put some small advance elements in ST. ETIENNE. 4:25 P.M., Oct.5, 1918, Telephone message received from Head¬ quarters SAPIMS to Headquarters Second Division, U.S. Please forward daily by messenger before 9 A.M. to First Bureau, Army Headquarters, approximate available effectives of combatant units of each regiment or of separate combat or¬ ganizations, taking into account losses and changes of the preceding day, Give the report for the division in the numer¬ ical orders of units. For example; "Available strength of BERNARD Unit: 2410, 2215, and 2520" . Forwarded for compliance. The information should reach Army Corps daily before eight A.M, 4:55 P.M., Oct. 5, 1918, Telephone message from 3rd Bureau, Prax, (Division on left of 2nd Division). The 118th Regiment has reached Trench MARNE, It is go¬ ing beyond it. It finds nothing in front of it but some ma¬ chine guns which are becoming less and less. It is in close liaison with the 19th on its left. (Cont’d on next page) P.M. Octoloer 5, 1918. (Cont’d from last page) The Colonel commanding the 118th urgently insists that^ the 2nd Division U.S. take this opportunity to advance, for he "believes firmly that it will only meet with very feeble resistance. The 118th has taken some prisoners. From their statements the enemy’s intention is to resist on the line - MACHAULT-CAUROY. 17.23 o’clock. October 5, 1918. Message from Balloon 45. Several white rockets with one ball near point G 92.32 17.30. Visibility diminishing. At 17.35 a white rocket with one ball near Point G 95.30. At 17.40 activity of enemy aviation principally in the region of SEMIDE-ORFEUIL. French rather weak. 17.45, enemy artillery activity weak. Several shots in the northern slope of the crest of BLANC MONT. 5:35 P.M, Oct, 5, 1918. (Mess, reed, from Art. Ha. by G-3) Art. Liaison officer (15th F.A.) reports 7 or 8 shots 1 pounder on C.O. 25rd Inf. P.C. at 145 (6.2-2.5) from direc¬ tion SSE. Message from Div. O.P.A. 2nd Division - Oct. 5, 1918. Hour 5:55 P.M. ^Foot movement on road and fields leading north from ST. ETIENNE also the same movement on road and field leading east from CAURGY to MACHAULT . Artillery now firing on this movement. G— 2 C/G C/s G/3 Art. Brig. 6:05 P.M. October 5, 1918. Airplane message from Escadrille No. 27 to Second Division. Observation from 17 to 17.30. In spite of the calls by rockets from avion no line was given. However, from all appearances the line densely occupied with the men one against the other is the following: Trenches and shell holes at 52:28 and 59:30. Also at 52:33 some men were seen which could not be identified. While passing this point at 200 meters altitude the airplane was fired on by machine guns (probably from direction of ST. ETIENNE). The region MEDEAH-WEICHE is occupied by our troops. In front of this to the east of R 6 two men were seen singly go¬ ing towards the north, rather timidly, in single file (prob¬ ably Americans). While passing 88,32 the airplane was fired on by machine guns. October 5th, 1918. 6:25 P.M. 4 salvos on P.C, 23rd. Surprise A 1 notified. Telephone message from Col. Lay at 6:35 P.M. Oct. 5, 1918. The 71st Brigade is at our disposal and is given to us with the idea that if the 11th corps still progress on our left that we will advance and keep in touch with them. We (Cont’d next page) October 5, 1918. P. M. (Cont'd from last page) V '^iv ^ oa ^ e the Hth Corps up in the air but will advance ‘/lo.i them. We can issue orders to that brigade immediately as an order is coming out from that corps placing them at our disposal. We can send orders at once in the name of the Corps Commander. 7.00 P.M. Oct. 5, 1918. Adjt. 4th Brigade. 4th Brigade P. C. has changed to 267.8 - 275.9. Tel, mess. reed, at 7:15 P.M. from Gen. Ely to G-3. Have been tired on by friendly Art. at 1.45 and again at^6.25 resulting in several casualties at point 256.2 - ^82.5. This has been previously checked in 2nd Div. and later checked again and if true, evidently coming from Div. on our left. The matter has been taken up with them. 7:17 P.M. October 5, 19 ; 18. Col. Lajr, Liaison Officer 21st Corps. ^The report just came in confirming what we talked about, the French occupy the Trench MAKKE, and that there was little Some machine gun fire in the village of 8T. ET IHUE, no evidently you think the French are not there. Well but our people ought to be there by now, They need water carts though and rations carts (Brigade oi 36th Division) They haven't got any transportation with them at all. We would like them as soon as we could get them. I Mi4.nk they are all there in SUIPPES. l*o reason why they shouldn’t march early in the morning. 1 mean leave as soon as they can get ready. They v;ere over there before General Whitworth was here, and he was here and went back a little while ago. Message from the General that he would like to have that Brigade as soon as we could get it. Tell them lor God’s sake. If he will push that division on our right, we can keep them. We are well fed on our being all shot up on the flanks and in the rear. Tell Alia we got plenty of that. 8:25 P.M. October 5, 1918. Message from Lt. Livingston, Liaison - 170th Division, You are going to get busy soon. All right. They hope for success? They are going to try to do their best. They didn’t come over here to make those arrangements they told about, although they may have been here. Tell them to get busy and pull it off. We are impatient on the other side. Our line hasn’t changed. In the neighborhood of ST. ETIEivME on the left flank, and HEDEAH Farm on right flank. 8:30 P.M. Oct. 5 , ! 18 . My dear General:* Lee telephones that the losses have been enormous and Peland the same. Lee says the men exhaus¬ ted and though still willing are physically about all in. He says that something must be done as regards relief. As Lee is not an alarmist I thought I had better let you know. Feland just reports his total of effectives about 900 accord¬ ing to our estimates the total of the brigade is around 1900. Neville. October D, 1918, P . M ii-i. i 4th Brig. 8:45 P.M, Oct.5th, Telephone message received from ^ 9 D- ^3 $ ■nv~ lhe r r ® ceiv f d following message from the 0,0. 6th Mar- ^ n . of the eth Marines (79th Co. ) at 5:15 P.M. mandin/r and from heav M machine gun fire. Com- orderpf n~ f + Z killed, losses heavy. Major of 23rd Inf. 8 m-r-h^L t0 nalt here * Heavy barrage required. At least 8 machine guns m nest. 40 of the 79th and 45 of 96th with me. Will hold here as it ging in. Waiting orders. Message received from the 2nd Bn. of Report BO men of the 79th and 96th is needless to sacrifice men. Dig- held up by wire, from my position Major - guns and lots of the 23rd Inf, ordered us impossible to to halt here. the 6th at 5;50 companies combined flank them. 8 machine nothing on left, er right held up Trenches in center of wire in woods. Liaison with 23rd on right Also report at 5:40 P.M. Battalion Command- by machine guns in the woods, 266.65 - 282.73 266.8 - 282.8 266.95 - 282.70 267.13 - 282.7 co-ordinates 265 - 266 . 283 - 284 ’ 282,8. Trenches filled with enemy, n-tT?i^ aCh J ne 6Un fire from ri G ht and left. We have requested + r ^' - LJ - re on 3 nests on right. Request artillery fire 1:0 Holding this position. The combat ec l; 01 th ese two regiments is about 1,800 or 1,9 00. Gen- e ai Ely said 8 men were killed by our fire. Whose was it vL y0U T Kn0W v Lt WaS Boche shrapnel. Does Ely know that. + !rz' . ■ 1 wish MOU would make notes now of all you know about hem because he called up Bowley and raised hell here. October 5, 1918. - Message from Col. Lay, Liaison with the Corps. Y° u are sending over a map by motor cycle with your new * * on it. You will move tomorrow at 8:30. An order just came out signed 20:00 hours, I have not received it. New sector coming out. We will read it all. There will be more or less of a guess about it. If the neral asks you anything tell him that the other Brigade - say we are going to bring them up tomorrow. We couldn’t ring them up tonight. No water-carts, urinals, or anything else. We will get them up tomorrow?. 9*20 P*M. October 5, 1918 - Thru General Bowley. Reports that when Colonel Quinton was in our 1st lines this P.M. he located a strong point of resistance which con¬ tained one German company with numerous machine guns, which he saw firing on our troops. This point is at 56.36 and is isolated - there being no Germans to the left of it. Colonel Quentin was in our lines on the ST.ETIENNE-ST. ^Rha road when he located this point. Rec’d by Gen.Bowley at 9:10 P.M. 11:00 P.M. October 5, 1918. 4th Brigade. Mitchell suggested that this fellow move up the road to that cross road on the middle of the ridge and catch you there. Can you not have a guide on the road waiting for him. (Cont'd on next page) P. M. October 5, 1918. (Cont'd from last page) I will send word to Mitchell to cutters to beat it up there and little doubt about him finding on the ridge? have a platoon with 1# wire Mitchell seems to express a it. And you will stop him Oct. 5, 1918 - 11:05 P.Lt. Pear Mitchell; have one platoon of engineers with cutters, move out the road from S01IME-PY ^h.ll , near G. Thev will be fork by a guide who will give then the dope. 18, or more.wire to the cross roads met near the road MYERS 11:08 P .M Oct. 5, 1918. Message to Adjutant, 4th Brigade General says tomorrow morning have a patrol go -ATlJiNNE and shake hands with the French there, and into take the town over from them, and after the little party put an outfit there to connect up. The French say thev have a battalion in ST.ETIENNE, and want to turn it over to 1 " us as soon as they can take it. The General said have it occu¬ pied m the morning- early in the morning send a patrol at least, and when the party is over move a conpanv there at least, and take it over from the French. Bend a patrol in -iirst, early, to connect up with then and find out where ^ e ‘ ^ e y got a battalion in town and as soon as you cii a ter the party have at least a company get in the town. 1 1 over, Relieve the battalion of the x 'rench so they can go home. Connect up with then. The General has already been ander aoout it, but we haven't ench in ST.ETIENNE. talking to the Corps Comm— got connection with the Pr- No time indicated. October 5 1918. P.C. NAULIN to Headquarters Second U.S. Division: No. 300/1. The Army telegraphs as follows under No. 1013/1: 1 The figures requested by message October 5 No. 9 89 i/l should give for each combatant unit the effectives to oe rationed excluding those on furlough. The information given to be by units and not as a whole." i)oiwarded for compliance. The message above mentioned was forwarded by Army Corps October 5 under No. £33/1. A . M . _ OCTOBER 6, 1918. From C. G. 3rd Brig, to G-3, 5:50 A.11. The 23rd Inf. has just phoned and say that they have no litter bearers. That all they sent "back yesterday did not return. I will attend to that right away. I will send then this morning. 6.10 A.M. Oct. 6, 1918. Message from Col. Lay, Liaison with Corps . It is the party we are pulling off- that machine gun party. Same as yesterday morning, - near ST, ETIENNE - to the east of ST.ETIENNE. Ve are straightening out there. (Cont’d next page) / M. October 6, 1918. (Cont'd from last page) The French are right there now. morning. You told me the French heard anything from then but this so I guess that is what it is . We are relieving them were there. I haven’t was scheduled at this this time I 6:40 A.II., October 6, 1918. 73rd Division. Lt. Livingston, Liaison with The Chief of Staff wants to know what that pulling off a machine gun party this morning. f s scheduled and it went off at schedule time, oe going on ior 40 minutes, the schedule. We had it all It started at the arranged in front is. We are That was what 11 ought to time set in 7:10 A.M., October 6, 1918. Lessage received from Airplane. Enemy artillery activity weak. ?.nn 9 .’ 1 86 ?‘ Seen firin g in the region c.uu o clock. Large fire in SKMIDE. Battery in action of BLANC-MONT at MESSAGE from Div. O.P. Hour: 7:10 A.M. 6th October, 1918 - 2nd Div. (Regular) . , 0u ^ barrage has been going on for 45 minutes. The range been increased * J ust beginning to pick up movements in.tne back areas. -Will send in more reports shortly. Vis- oi i y poor. There is practically no counter battery work. C/G C/S G/3 C V G. Art, Brig. G- IISSSAGE From Div, O.P.A. Hour: 7:30 A.M. 2nd Division - Oct. 6, 1918 Ea-ve Geen some troop movement at the coordinates 265.90 - 286.70. C/G C/S 0/3 Art. Brig. G-2 C .G troops. Reported by at 2:45 P.H. - one 77 dem- Field Message received by G-3, 7:40 Oct. 6th, From C.O. 2nd r>n. Engrs. No news of enemy, no news of our phone to 2nd Art. Brig., Hdqrs olished and one 88 demolished. Reported by phone about 7:00 P.M. by Lt. Clark that I had reconnoitered the area shown on the map hastily and found no guns but many French troops. Lt. Wyman reports that his patrol found no guns but saw french troops draw out five (5) six inch guns. Will continue salvaging tomorrow. MESSAGE from Div. O.P. 2nd Division - Oct. 6, 1918, Hour: 8:00 A.M. Germans counter-attacking at 266 - 284 (northeast of ST. ETIENNE) G-2. . . October 6, 1910. *T. r lVi 0:15 A.k., Oct. 6, 1910. Message from Lt. Sv/ett to G-3. op n j ^ lsoners of the following new outfits captured by the ^2nd Divs. now m this locality. 47th Regiment of the 242nd Division. arrived yesterday from RHEIMS. Prisoners X\Vn ™ kilometer north of ST.ETIENNE at 0:00 P.M. vifov, d 1 flCatlon of the b7th Regiment, 14th Division, >hich was in rest billets north of ARNES from Oct. 1st to 4th. Lt. Livingston, Liaison with 0:10 A.11., October 6, 1910 73rd Division. wir ,./' e 0t ' u ^ of the 23rd just telegraphed over here bv alfj?® 8 ; wanting to know how it was with us. 3verything is this nfrnJr, 1° 1 ? E , We know - We had an attack that we made is In? f ' Mf? local action on a machine gun nest. That +v , . r , ^ artlllep y w as. we haven’t heard the result of n^t. oo far as I know everything is all right. 0:20 A.M., October Their P.C. is 6, 1910. Colonel Lay, Liaison with Corps closed and moved to the new place. 0.50 A.k., Oct. 6th. Message from 71st Brig, to G-3. runnir^! elements C:1 ° line 100 meters north of road ° f ST * 2TIEN1 ®' Have encountered many k.G. neo.o all along. } Lieut, casualty. qT ™° A V M * the barrage, line was 2* kilos, north of i. -jiiLNuE and the troops were progressing along fine. ^fo d , lng Up - vre : 1, Pew wounded, the right element is pro¬ gressing. No further news. 0:55 A.K. Oct. The right time. 6th, 1910. Message from 71st Brigade to C-3. clement passed the intermediate objective on 9:10 A.M., Oct. 6 .910 Latest reports from our Sector: neport received at 0^50 that Germans advancing behind The smome screen. Shuler passing beyond objective, to refuse machine gun nest on his front. is very confident of hand- lln fr r a S.3^- i > ng that may coue up. Our patrols found the Boche yesterday afternoon. The french aeroplane, opad Type, #9450 fell at coordinate 266.5 - 200.7. The pilot was shot through the foot, and the mechanic was uninjured. you said something about going to that machine gun nest with one pounders and stokes mortars. You think they will get it all right. 9:30 A.M., Oct. 6, 1910. From 2nd F.A. Brigade (Thru Col. Sparks, 17th F.A.) 17th Field Artillery captured: 2-77’s 7000 rounds of munition- which they are now using on the Boche. - A.M, October 6, 1918, ^i e S h S ne . me0Sage received 9:35 A.M. Oct. 6, 1918, from Ma¬ jor uoberts. JU8 t got reports from French on our left that they have t0 CAUR0Y and they are going ahead again at 10:00 vttt\ o' ey -atlt£?l ng t0 include MT * ST. REMY and to exclude x.-sur-RFTObHN^ on the left from there in a northeasterly direction, J Telephone message received 9:40 A,M. from 4th Brig, Oct. 6. PTT *;?* com k sa ys the French are in the western part of ST. JiiiiiLiNE and the Boche are in the eastern part of it. Shuler con: ftdent he has a fine position and his forces are still organized. Holcomb said they asked for a special bar¬ rage giving co-ordinates and it was put over in 8 minutes, ip Wa ^ exced tent and put o\ r er just where they wanted it. ihey have got the whole business and are cleaning up the nests now. Conversation interrupted. 9:55 A.M. Oct. 6th. Message received by G-3 from 12th F.A. liajson officer with 6th Marines. we have obtained our objectives. It is a strong position, ve nave perfect liaison with the 23rd on our right, who have a so obtained their objectives, We believe that our barrage broke up a counter attack* MESSAGE FROM O.P.B. Rec'd 10:10 A.M. 2nd Division, A.E.F 6, October, 1918. Our troops are advancing on ST. ETIENNE and are encircl¬ ing it. .They are within 500 meters of it. Heavy artillery ire behind our troopB and quite a bit of enemy foot movement along our front. O^o Cy- C.G, C,of S, G-3 Art. Brig, Oct, 6th. Adjutant 3rd Brigade, Message from t.3rd Infantry to C.G. 3rd Brig. 9:50 A.M, repeated to G-3, Left element which is the 1st Bn, reports objective ob¬ tained after hard fighting and severe losses. The right has not obtained objective, but reports progress. Left element in liaison with 4th Brigade, 10 companies now engaged. 10,25 A,M. Oct, 6, 1918. 4th Brigade, You have a message from the 6th. We have completely ob- ained our objective at 9:29 A.M. It is a very strong posi¬ tion. We are in perfect liaison with the 23rd Infantry"on our right. We have also obtained their objective. The bar¬ rage we believe broke up a counter attack which was about to be launched. Casualties 30#. .This means that the place is completely cleaned up to aY 61 ! 2^ e £ tive * Ko ma chine gun nests in our rear any more. About oT. ETIENNE, ST. ETIENNE is being very heavily shelled y the ajoche, and the French have probably evacuated it temp¬ orarily. There is nothing to keep us going into ST. ETIENNE (Cont’d next page) (Cont’d from last page) A.M. October 6, 1918. as far as you know, except the artillery fire. ^ Tiie J eneral doesn’t want to go any farther than ST. 1ELNE. That objective runs from ST. ETIENNE along that road leading over toward ORFEUIL. 10:55 A.M,, October 6th. Message received by 0-3 from Lt. Ool. Holcomb. 3 French soldiers belonging to reserve battalion of 62nd Regiment which is right regiment of 22nd Division, have just come to my P.C., and say there are no Germans in ST. ETIENNE, They have one company in front of town and one in rear. Their regiment is advancing on the left of the town, hiuler has sent an officer and enlisted man, who can speak French, to the right battalion of the 62nd Regiment. The of¬ ficer will come back and man will remain with liaison. Re¬ port perfect liaison right and left. Memorandum ll,10 A.M., October 6^ 1918. received from 4th Bri¬ gade by G-3. Attached hereto is a report of operations from the C.C., 6th Regiment, and a position map showing present dis¬ position of troops of the 4th Brigade. 4th Brigade has com¬ pletely attained the objective ordered in F.O. #38, 2nd Di¬ vision, 5th October. 11:30 A.M,, October 6, 1918. Message received from Col. Hol¬ comb by G-3, A French bombing plane was brought down about a kilom¬ eter to the southeast of this p.C. October 6th, 1918. Telephone message received from 3rd Bri¬ gade. 11;55 phoned G-3 reference Line of observation and con¬ tact with Marines and 9th left and right respectively and re¬ port 50% casualties 23rd - none 9th. P. M. October £, 1918. From: Lt. Swett. At : P.C. SPIRE. Date: 6 Oct. Hour: 12:01 No. 6. To: G-2. Confirming telephone message re 185th D.I. - Prisoner taken during night from 8th Jager Regt. of this Div. left MARS - la - TOUR, Oct. 1 by camion to CONFLANS, thence R.R. to ATTIGNY, thence by camion to this vicinity. Reinforced troops in woods N of tr Le BRAS (W and N Vf of ST.ETIENNE) and MARRE last night. Other regts» in Div. are 6th Jager and 233rd R.I. Swett, G-2, 2nd D.I. U.S. Lt. From: Lt. Swett. At : SPIRE. Date: 6 Oct. Hour: 12:18 . No. 7. To: G-3. No change in French lines in this Division. Rt of €lst Fr. Division on left of 22nd has pushed forward beyond tr. Le BRAS. G-3, 2nd U.S. Swett, Lt. 2nd Division - October 6, 1918. MESSAGE from Div. O.P.A. Hour: 2:30 PM Ammunition dump on fire 266.60 - 285.30. Fire covers some distance either side that point. Our artillery fire registered in that area. Some stragglers seen going into woods around same. Artillery fire great, keep it up. G-2. C/G C/S G/3 Art. Brig. October 6, 1918. 3:20 P .M. Gen’l. Ely phoned Gen’l. Lejoune asking him to instruct Gen'l. Bowley to stop firing short as killing many men. Gen’l. Lejeune says pull back to original 1st position back to ridge. Leave men of our Brig, in front line tonight and relieving brigade will pass thru. MESSAGE from Div. O.P. Hour: 3:25 P,M. 2nd Division, Oct. 6, 1918. 3:15 P.M. German counter attack started north of ST. ETIENNE. The artillery broke it up. G-; \ P. M. October 6, 1918. 4:39 P.M. October 6, 1918. Message received from airplane. 15:30 Rather violent enemy bombardment at V 5 H 0 ( one kilometer east of Farm MEDEAH. 15:55 Battery in action at V 2 P 0. The observer called many times A.U.I. illery lire control. A.U.I. did not put out The observer requested fire on C 5 B 0. Saw fall in the neighborhood of this objective, ions: 50 meters to the right and short. for an art- its panel. several shots Sent correct- A.U.I. 12th Regt. 1st Bn. Message received 8:55 P.M. Oct. 6th by G-3 from 4th Brigade. Bo you know whether the French have gotten the entire town of ST. ETIENNE or not. I don’t think they have either. The Boche are still in there, you think. I would warn those people about that left flank of course you know more about it than we do. They are closer there. 8:45 P.M. Oct, 6, 1918. Adjutant, 4th Brigade. The order seems to say that they will come back, but the General says leave them there. Just as you and I talked it over. They have received that order, haven’t they. You had better tell them to do that. The General is afraid there might be something happening on your flank, don't you see. I don't think they will get up there by daylight, anyhow. 8:50 P.M. Oct. 6, 1918. General Lejeune to Col. La.y , Liaison with Corps. Tell General Paulin I appreciate his kindness and courtesy and the regimental commanders, who had charge of that business there I am sure they will appreciate his courtesy in every way. Bid he think they were sound. Low tell him, Lay, that we appreciate his courtesy and kindness, and I tell him the men how considerate he was of them. They will appreciate it, I know. 8:54 P.M. Oct. 6, 1918. Adjutant 4th Brigade. I told you one thing and the orders states a little different. I told you to leave 1 - ,£ - 3 - and the order apparently changes that. The General wants you to leave it as I told you. All right, you are doing that already. 8:57 P.M. Oct. 6, 1918. Adjutant, 4th Brigade. Where did you send those guides, I know, but Matthews gave instructions for that. Directed them to go to the church. Wait just a minute. Here is Matthews. Matthews said he gave instructions over and over again, to go to church. The guides came back to this P.C, Those were his instructions over and over again. I didn't hear Matthews give the order but I heard him tell then. If we can get them we will send them back to you. Matthews said how do you know they came here, Mr. Watson said he saw the order? The truck driver had no written order. < i*\ \ October 6, 1910. P. M. Message fron 0.P.B. Rec’cl 9-10 P.M. 2nd Division, A. E. F. 6, October, 1910. Cur barra S e started on our left at on 40. There was some counter activity Oh 15; lasted until from enemy artillery. Cy - C.G. C. of S. G-3 Art. Brig. G- *0 « October 6th, 1910. 3-ra ^brigade. r 11. 0ct * 7th * 1918 * Message from Col. Lay, Liaison with tn artillery is firing short in ST. ETIENNE. Raise the fire e north and east more. Firing too short into ST. ETIENNE. Tel.ephone message, Rec»d 11:50. 7 Oct., ‘18. * General potto 15, General WAUL IN to General LEJEUNE. a . er ai_GOURAUD informs me that according to information of of i^er elements of the Second U.S. Division are located € ^b the Camp at 41.58, in liaison with the 11th Army a ? erir ' an nest of resistance still exists in the laoynntn of trenches 1000 meters north of ST, ETIENNE, The General commanding the Army formally orders that you clean up snest J f resistance tomorrow morning which takes the right of ;$ „" e ^ ePth , p lvlSl0r * by flank and that you verify and reinforce neea re the situation of your units which are located further- est north. Headquarters _ , October 7th, Report (SO o'clock - 20 o'clock) of U. liaison officer with 73rd Division (French) Division. 73rd Division, 1918. Chas, H, Livingston on right of Second Nothing since the eries and by way of of importance to report. The lines have not changed report of last night. Continual fire of French batt- machine guns to sweep the woods and break entanglement preparation for pending operations. (Cont‘d next page) s October 7, 1918. fCont'd No from last page) time indicated. The Germans replied hut feebly lines and back areas. by harassing fire on front Liaison maintained with the 2nd Headquarters of the 73rd Division now ounced sy an earlier communication. A.M. Division on the left. in the position ann- Change took place at 9 C .H. Livingston, T+ , , 1st Lt. C. of I. It has been impossible to get in touch by telephone with 2nd division headquarters ever since it left P'.C. WAGRAM. Report of C, H. Livingston C. of I. (20.20) G-3 . Message iron Capt. Steck to Lt. Swett. The 2nd Division can communicate with the 22nd Drench uiv. , by means of radio in the following way:- Ey changing wave length from 1025 Jwave length of 21st corps net) to 1300 (wave length of 11th Corps net) and trans¬ mitting message on that wave length. If the 22nd Division wishes to send messages to the 2nd Division they must change wave length. If either Division is unable to raise the other Thp C p^ r ^ ay ? iS messase throu S h his respective Corps stations. The 2nd Div. line on call sheet is No. 160. S QUADRON No. 27. _ Observer, 2nd Lieut. SCHLACHT5R. TO SECOND DIVISION: 6:4b, Tanks moving at U-6-D-2. 6:50* Battery 7:00, Friendly troops advancing at l-ou-u. 7:lo, briendly troops advancing at 22-U-0. f t: .. n = 2 ,?, plane3 flew over ST.ETIElulE again. Violent flDies m the M.rf. part of the Village. Still no life in the village and on the roads leading to it. b . The^Boche persists in firing on plane when it flew over Message from O.P.A. Rec'd 6-45 A.M. A.M. October 8, 1918. 2nd Division, A.E.F. 8, October, 1918. Very little machine gun i2MMr ST % E M ENKE - White left. Visibility ooor. counter battery work* fire on our front and quite a bit an occasional shell rockets noticed goinr un G-2. of fall- on our Message from O.P.A. Rec’d 6-50 A.M. Oct. 8th, 1918. Cy-C.G. heavy shelling on our center. C, of S. G-3 Art. Brig. oituation at 7:30 o'clock. Oct. 8, 1918. The division attacked at 5:15 and the attack is progressing o? l6 h tUt StlffSr ln the nfighborhoSd' at 5 45 ^ The Getrever Freund was passed thp 8.10 the ^aldmulle Lager was reached. At 6:10 the roId'sS? i° n th ® ri ^ ht of the 7 3rd Division had reached ad skirting the southern limits of the BOIS-de-DINDON. Lhonp ReP T° rt ll0 ‘r, 2 ^ 3 ‘ Fr0rn: lst Cor P s « Lt. Thornton, by phone. Time: 7:40 h., Oct. 8, 1918. 2nd Division states that they Quiet night. G-2 No. 1741. - held Hill 223. 8.07 A.M., October 8, 1918. Aeroplane message. Counter battery work on hostile battery at E 8 0 2, » at 8:07. 8.20 A.M. Oct. 8th, Message from liaison with 3rd Brig, to G-3 office. officer of 2nd F.A. f , The artillery is now holding a standing barrage on ti final objective. The Infantry on the right and left have at¬ tained their first objective. Don’t know how they are on the linal objective. Have not anything from the left battalion which went out as combat liaison. That is, we haven't re¬ ceived any report from the combat liaison. 8:25 A.M. Oct. 8, 1918. Message from C.O. 71st Brigade. Requesting more ambulances. 8:27 A.M. Oct. 8, 1918. Message from Lt. Officer with 73rd Division. Livingston, Liaison It is impossible to call you on the phone. I am send¬ ing the courier to get any news that might be useful regarding the attack. The General would like to know “H" hour of the at¬ tack has already come off. Please indicate any progress made A. LI. October 8, 1918. MESSAGE FROM O.P.A. 2nd Division, A.E.F. Rec’d 8:40 A.M. 8 October, 1918. Reports that they think they have seen our troops just north of the ST.ETIENNE - SEMIDE road. Tanks op¬ erating at c65.80 - 264.50. About 100 prisoners have just cone out of woods with their hands up at about 265. 70 - 284.30. Cy - C.G., C. of S., G-2. G-3, Art* Brig. 8:45 A.M* October^O, 1918. 71st Brigade. To C of 9 2nd Di Held up. 50 /a casualties, An sending companies from support. 30 prisoners reported here. The left regiment. 8:47 A.M. , October 8, 1918. Wireless message to Lt. Livingston. Liaison Officer, 73rd Division. Report what you know of situation of 73rd Division. G-3. 8:50 A.M. Oct. 8, 1918. Message from 71st Brigade. Left element at 6:10 A.M. - line 100 meters north of road running west of ST. ETIENNE. Have encountered many machine gun nests all along. 1 lieutenant casualty . At 7:00 A.M, the barrage line was 2-f- kilometers north of ST.ETIENNE, and the troops were progressing along fine, Standing up well. Few wounded. The right element is progressing. No further news. 6:55 A.M. Oct. 8, 1918. Message from 71st Brigade. The right element passed the intermediate objective on time. 9:01 A.M. October 8, 1918. Col. Lay Liaison Officer with Corps. Colonel Lay reports at 8:30 that French troops were seen in the square: 26-36-27-37, in the lower half. 2nd Division, A.E.F., MESSAGE FROM O.P.A. 8, October, 1918. Rec »d 9:05 A.M. Great deal of Boche movement on cross roads at 265. 10 - 287.90; this movement is of troops in close order moving south about 1 kilometer south of MACHAULT. There are Boche troops standing stationary along this road between the crossroads and MACHAULT. It would be well to shell this road on both sides of the cross roads.. Cy - C .G. , C. of Sv, G-2. G-3, Art. Brig. 9:08 A.M. October 8, 1918. From General Bowley (^rom 15th F.A. ) . That the Colonel said he had received word from the 2 colonels of infantry: one on the left said he had been held up, but did not say where he had been held up: the one on the right progressing. A. October 1916. Important ITctified G-3. Fron: Lt. Swett. At: F.C. 7 th D. I. Date: 6 Oct. '16. Hour: 9:15 A.M. Ho: 12. G-3. 1. Situation cf 7th D.I. Left Regiment at 24.70 Center Regiment at 27.61 Right Regiment at 36.55 2. ’That is present situation of 2nd Div.? nave heard indirectly that left of 71st Brigade is well beyond ST. ETIENiLS, Anything more definite? o. Division at left of 7th has not advanced '^ ch » its right is 2 k. behind 7th D.I. left element. 4. Chief of Staff, 22nd D.I, asks that his liaison officer, Capt. RCUVILLCIS, return at once to his Division. 5. What is the wireless call for the 2nd Div.? Also the wave-length? G 3 2nd Div. U. 8 . Domne—Py 3 nwe 11 , October 6 , 1916. 9:30 A.’!, Cur barrage short. Killing Liaison agents and section leaders. French tanks with Col. Jackson, French Tank Comm¬ ander. (This transmitted to Div. Hq.). October 8 , 1918, 9:45 A.M. to G-3. Message from G-2, 3rd Irigade, French Tank Commander just sent in report that our barrage there killed or wounded their agent of liaison and section leader. That is from the tanks on the right. October 8, 1918. 9:50 A.M. Surprise 7 asks reports from Regtl Condrs and IMG., Dn. C.O. are all casualties i.e., killed, wounded, sick, missing, Major Hall called up C.o.'s for data-think for relief. 9:52 A.M. October 8 , 1918. 71st Brigade. Lhe Division on our right advanced in the woods, and tney probably advanced one or three-quarters of a kilom- eter, ^they had lots of trouble with machine guns. , Message just received that some machine-guns and enfilade fire from right valley just north of MEDEAH Game ^ rora the 4th M.G. Bn. A messenger from C. A 141st Infantry came in. Ke was knocked out when they went over. He was knocked out for about an hour. He re¬ ported in here though afterwards and said as far as he could see everything was fine, only that the French were not advancing as fast as they were. From all information we have things are going very well. On your left the French are going off well. - 1 ♦ Message from Hour 9:58 A, rr e have 285.90. The left of that rear. Div. O.P.A. M. October 8th, 1918, 2nd Divioion-Oct. 8, 1918. e-ot,.en site of Poche at Coordinates of 265.20 ^oods should be shelled 500 meters right and point and then combed immediately after to the Telephone message 10:15 A, M. Oct. received from Adjutant 8 th, 1918. 71st Brigade, at rip-ht*^ f f om th ~ information I have our line ir 007 n 00 -°£ * hs seotor runs 265.0 - 285.3 266.0 - 285.5 are heTi duc east to eastern boundary. Troops obie-t^v^ tr> 4‘f rC cy . ; ;acllinc ?un fire from r.ests near our Ocje^t^vo to the north and are digging in. From: Lt. Bwctt. At : p. c. 7 D I. Dat e: 8 Oc t. Hour: 10:20 No. 13. 0-3 1 . 20.73 at ion left. 8-ctt, Lt. 7th D.I. front - 25.70 - 38.55 • passes through these points: „ . , . . 33.61 - 33.53 - 38.50. No inform¬ al to liaison betrr e -n 7th D.I. right and American BriSa° n by m ® S - a?S re09ivel at 10:23 A < M * Oct. 8th from 3rd 0—5. nf P i en °h'7ers held up on our rirht 500 yards south 6 N objective oy machine sun fire. The liaison batt- b-ttodor, h ? ld 3 J ?P 50 yards fro!r ' its objective. Liaison ' taij - on is hex! up half way between French and 71st Brig. ^0:30 A.M # Oct, 8th, 1916. To Chief of Staff, 37th Divisior nrmi^ Y ?' r peop i! haV£ done vcr Y ver Y *ell as far as we *.-*«*• 0f course, reports are rather meagre. They nnr+h 1 «J in f in about 0n th8 £reneral line 1-1/2 kilometers anv star J ed - ,Pe don,t ^nt them to go forward because the people on our right haven't ad- ^ c t e o d ‘ They a ^ e getting along fine - that is about all I \ y0U ' A rood many coming in but not ex¬ tremely heavy. ' , A. M. October 6, 1918. 10:40 A.M. Octo'ber 8, 1918. Message rec’d from 12th F.A. o/! lne rec l uest the Infantry a "barrage was fired i on the line 485.48 - 52.47, which was report- ea \ery effective and drove out the Doche. Immediately .terward more fire on parallel to that and 500 meters north- . at 264.5 - 284.9 full of Germans. 10,45 October 8, 1918. Wireless to 11th Corps (French) < "Y r ar tillery observers report large concentration i enemy troops in woods four kilometers west of MACHAULT. commend artillery concentration on those woods. Will assist if you desire. 10:55 A.M. October 8, 1918. Ties sage to Gen. General Ely. Lejeune from General Ely reports that one battalion of the French on ins right had been driven back and retreated through his lines and that his men suffered very heavy casualties.' c one •‘■.rnold is either killed, wounded or missing, and that it is necessary for him in order to hold to be in add- troops. He was directed to do so. He requests that Jivision Headquarters take up with the Corps most empha¬ tically this matter and direct French reinforcements put in so as to push the left of their line forward. Telephone message rec’d 10:55 A.M. Oct. 8, 1918, from Hdqrs. 71st Frigade. ' * e are in a. pretty lad mess on the right flank. It is essential that we have support at once. This comes from Parker. The French went by and then came back through e ir mes and left them up in the air and they were shot up. You think you have your whole right Regiment in the line practically. 11:00 A.M. October 8, 19 18. General Lejeune to 71st brigade, C.G. 1 have given orders to General Ely to support your flank, I told him to go ahead to support your flank - to put in everything he had if necessary, is that back in the Div¬ ision? I will try to do it,General. He is the one that sent t e word. Where is our Divisional machine gun battalion, ihat was put on the right too - it was in the order. I wi 1 1 see if we can get yours up General. We are sending up water in barrels and trucks. You will have to send your wagons bacx and get it. I don’t know exactly where it is - but about where the ammunition is, and your combat wagons will have to take the ammunition up and the other wagons the water. We cannot take it to the front lines. You will have to do it. I am trying to call up the Corps now. The French Division seems to be up on the left. I will try and have the whole Division sent up. I am trying to get the 21st Corps. 11:13 A.M. Oct. 8, 1918, Message to Colonel Lay, Corps Liaison Officer. Situation on our right is serious. The French Div¬ ision attacking it was defeated on its left and the men ran through our flank, in a mob, and left our flank up in the air. The battalion we had there, which is only a small battalion, having what is left of 6 days’ fighting was very badly cut up . (Cont’d next page) October 6, 1916. A > ** -i • • (Cont’d frori last page) 0n ^ of Colonels, Co Lonel Arnold, in command, was billed, wounded or captured and nearly all the Uiiicers were killed or wounded, and we are supporting it, ut General r hitworth, who commands the 71st brigade, asked that m view of the weakened condition of the 2nd Division, + v r ? 1 S U0f the 3rci : ri protecting his right flank 7 16 e supported by the other brigade and machine gun ^ ^J on 0 - ^is Division. He wants that other brigade -■i ought up. he is way up there in front with his right flank exposed entirely. The French are back in ’-1LADSAK again. They got no left. It is .gone, and it leaves a. ^ap^ Oi o or ‘i Ki ioneters. He will either have to fall ' ac f» or he.will have to have the French go up. 7/e are oU - -porting it with all we have but those men are finished and should not v e required to fight three or four days to rectify something that happened on our right. I think the french Corps ought to put in French Troops; the situation is very serious there, on account of the defeat of the frencn, who came through our troops running, driven back cy the Doche. 3 or 11:14 A.M.- October 8, 19 16. Liaison with the 73rd. From Lt. Livingston, in of road ’ 'IE ALL AH - T T AXAGR AN to west of the From woods at R.12 east snail t 200 meters southeast of the word COQ, rcsxl -DELLAH - IflAXAGRAh - the line runs a Iona the northern edge of the wood scuth of R 12 and the blue' broken line •rCbC vf tnat. (Location of line of 73rd Division). 11:15 A,?!. October 8, 1916. From 2nd F. A, Rec’d by G-3 10:37 A.If. Message rec'd from 15th F.A. Slight firing around first objective. Large concentrations of enemy o. served four kilometers due west of NACHAJLT. 10:40 A.?!. 'Tessage rec’d from 12th F.A. At the request of the Infantry a barrage was fired at 10:21 AH'. on the line 465.48-52.47 which and drove out the Doche. was reported very effective Imwedlately afterwards mere fire on parallel to that and 500 meters northeast. Trenches at 26 4.1 5 -29 4 . 9 fu 11 of G emans . 11:30 A.M. October 6 19 18. -■en’1 Lly to Gen’1 Lejeune sare as on previous 'mess¬ age re Col. Stuart holding one In. etc. Suggests sending trucks to help other Frigade up here or send in a French' Division to relieve the French Division now here who run all the time. Asked for relief. Says men all in but can hold on. Gen’1. Lejeune sending 2 Go’s Engineers. Gen’1 Ely going to have them relieve In. Field Message Rec’d 11:30 A.??, Oct. 6, 1916, from Lt. Swett, 22nd Division. Confirming telephone messages: French lest ST. ETIENNE in attack during fog at 6 ;20. Retaken about 6:30, including cemetery. C.G., 22nd Division asks that U.S. treows be extended if possible as far as crossing of read and un¬ improved road at 51.36 or else to cross road 47.39. (Cont’d on next page) October £, 1916. -i. (Cont'd frori last page) One^ of the Colonels, Colonel Arnold, in co—and, was !i.3;~b er billed, wounded or captured and nearly all the Officers were hilled or wounded, and we are supporting it, ut General 'hitworth, who co-rands the 71st brigade, asked that in view of the weakened condition of the 2nd Division, particularly of the 3rd Iri ;ade protecting his right flank that he he supported by the otner brigade and machine ^un .j at i.alion of his Division, he wants that other brigade ought up. he is way up there in front with his right lank exposed entirely. The French are back in Tf! EADEAK again. They got no left. It is gone, and it leaves " an of or 4 kilomete: a he will e i t he r have back, or he will have to nave the French go oupjOx oing it with all we have hat those men are finished up. to fall 7/e are days Oi hink to the and should not v e required to fight three or fou: rectify something that happened on our right. I -trench Corps ought to put in Trench Troops; the situation is very serious there, on account of the defeat of the trench, who came through our troops running, driven back by the Lcche. 11:14 A.??. October 0, 19 16. Liaison with the 73rd. iron Lt. Livingston, in Fron woods at R.12 east of road "CEADE AH- T TAXAGR AN to sna11 1 200 meters southeast of the word COQ, - west of the T-xl LDLAh - 1IAXAGRAH - the line runs along the northern edge of the wood scuth of R 12 and the blue broken line wec,-t v. f tnat. (Location of line of 73rd Division). 11: 15 A 7 T x X « . . < Oct ober 19 1 ■rom 2nd F. A. Rec'd by G-3. . ^ 10:37 A.If. Message rec'd from 15th F.A. Slight firing around first objective. Large concentrations of enemy o-served four kilometers due west of MACRAULr. 10:40 A.?I. Message rec’d from 12th F.A. At the request of the Infantry a barrage was fired at 10:21 Abb on the line 465.48-52.47 whicn was reported very effective and drove out the Roche. lnr~ediately afterwards mere fire cn parallel to that and 500 meters northeast. Trenches at 264.15-294,9 full of Germans. 11:30 A.M. October C o 1916 . j en' 1 Ely to Gen'1 Lejeune same - as on previous mess¬ age re Col. Stuart holding one bn. etc. Suggests sending trucks to help other brigade up here or send in a French Division to relieve the French Division now here who run alx the time. Asked for relief. Says men all in but can hold on. Gen'1 Lejeune sending 2 Co's Engineers. Gen'1 Ely going to have them relieve bn. Field Message Rec'd 11:30 A.M. 22nd Division. Confirming telephone messages: French lest ST ETIENNE in attack during fog at 6;20. Retaken about 8 including cemetery. C.G., 22nd Division asks that U.S be extended if possible as far as crossing of read and improved road at 51.35 or else tc cross road 47.39. Oct. 6, 1916 f from Lt. Swett, 30, troops un- (Cont'd cn next page) ■ . . . ' . October 8, 1918 , A.M. (Cont d from last page) Wil1 be relieved tonight by 7th Division Lin -7k D , 1 T lsl0n P . ,c r rerains here (48.89 ). I shall re- 1 • v ' relieving Division unless receiving other instruc¬ tions. communication with WAGRAM from here is very diffi- and in an ener S enc y falls down completely, as line 'tr wf™AM°^ ning ^ The French are trying to get a direct line to .VAGRAM from Hq. XI Army Corps, at ST. MARIE-a-PY. I nnL S £ meti r eS hear SURPRISE operator, but since yesterday have been unable to hear Surprise or Surprise 7. Pos- nnl y d ?£ ect in .VAGRAM switchboard.(For G-2) German pris- Division captured southeast of ST. ETIENNE night xn-otn Oct. says his division has been expecting reenforce- ments for the past 6 days which have not come, and they’ve al¬ most given up hope of them coming. 2 Divisions expected. P f~° m , 0#P * A # 2nd Division, A.E.F. A.M, 8, October, 1918. or a 1 f Ch eneny circulation in open from 265.00 - 285.40 to l™ 1 ? “ 28 5.50. Requests artillery fire on this line and Dins back towards the north. Enemy circulation - foot movement - heavy in this area. G- ^ Gy - C.G., C.ofS.i G-3, Art. Brig. Telephone message 11:45 A.M. from 3rd Brig, received by G-3. r 4 r G.O. 6th reports at 11:15 they laid down a. barrage on * “ . J ^ and then beat the Boche out. Parker has two pla- toons m ST, ETIENNE holding the town in connection with the rench. 2 cos, of Parkers who were fighting to the northeast of ST. ETIENNE were badly cut up and ordered to fall back to the trenches at the foot of Shulers old position. They are figuring on putting a little firing on the cemetery but they do noo xnow whether or not there are any Boche in there. Field Message received 11:50 A.M. Oct 8 from Lt. Swett. *„ front passes through these points: 20.73-25.70 28,65-^2.61 33.53-38,50. No information as to liaison be- tween^7th D.I, right and American left. oituation of 7th D.I. - Right regiment at 24.70. Centre regiment at 27.61. Left regiment at 36.55. Fhat is present situation of 2nd Division. We have heard indirectly that left of 71st Brigade is well beyond ST. ETI- ErnE. Anything more definite? Division at left of 7th has not advanced much. Its right is 2 kilometers behind 7th D.I. left element. Chief of Staff, 22nd D.I., asks that his liai¬ son officer, Capt. Rouvillo is, return at once to his Division. ./hat is the wireless call for the 2nd Division? Also the wave length. Telephone message received 11:55 A.M. Get, 8, from. Adj t. 4th Brig., to 2d Div. 23 men from 24th regiment 195th Division, and 34th Regi¬ ment of same, and 149th Regiment and 213th Regiment Jaeger - in line 2 days. They say American artillery is terrific and has caused many casualties, They have no word about their re¬ lief. Taken in vicinity of woods northeast of ST. ETIENNE. P. M. October 8, 1918. Region* 1918 ' Air P lane message Rec’d at noon. Region flown over, sector of 2nd U. S. Division. SR n t; at Friendl 3' troops advancing at 61.39 - - 70.36 - 72.33, 90^28-92.29^67 S 41 t0PPed ?9 * 34 ‘ 82 - 32 - 84 ‘34-86,34-88.33- retr^H tr °? P ® a * ST.ETIENNE at 9:35 A.M. Friendly troops uriL ! ?v, at 5l *^ 9 ‘ Woods north of CHATEAU de BEMGNT occ- nnt ^oi the enemy * Machine e un a t 91.45. The troops did stom^ P ofoo n L panelS along their line. Friendly tank ° °?P ed at 89.32 and at eastern exit of ST.ETIENNE. October 8, 1918. nt;°° :: f on Surprise 7 to Major Hall re sending too many men back with prisoners. Gen'l Ely told C.G. 71st Brig. T.° gather up prisoners and then send them back. Two or r^p e M er 1 10 °J risonerSi We can send them back if desired. nvJ V, m locatlon of our Liaison Bn. Found It .Col. Arnold and he is not killed. Teiephone message received 12:10 P.M. from Col. Stuart «^ard Inf. by G-3. u „ Please do not call on my regiment for anything more. ..ave one battalion in the line reduced to 6 officers and udou t. j.ien, the other battalions are worn out but stand- + + ln • reGerve * ^ ur total effectives 750 men and they are tottering on their feet. Captain Martin at 3rd Brigade General Lejeune has told Gen. panies of Engineers to go int formed partly by 9th Infantry back to its own regiment. Th badly shot up. The rest of 9 of any eventuality tha.t may c 9th gives his effectives at 7 reports at 12:10 P.M. to G-3. Ely that he will send 2 com- o liaison battalion, now . Battalion of 9th will go is liaison battalion was very th is standing by in support ome up on the right. C.O. 50. Very much exhausted. 1^.27 P.M. October 8, 1918. 3rd Brigade, Adjutant. . A w 5 l!L< r ag0 there were 7 soldiers, all of them in v?°T ^ ndlt ion belonging to the 71st Brigade, who brought P r isoners. I have already informed Gen. Whitworth, e General doesn't want its men to come back with prison- Grs “7 certainly in not any such numbers. He wants you o ta.!ce care of prisoners. Have your men instructed to ring them back, or the military police, and if there are mi Italy police get them on the job and bring them back. 1<.^8 P.M. Oct. 8, 1918, Message from Gen. Naulin to Gen. Lej eune. The 73rd is meeting with great difficulties on its lont. I have requested Gen. LeBocq to send over some elements of his division to your territory to maneouver on its left and join with you so as to disengage your right flank. ior your part, I request that you join your action to that of the LeBocq to sever your right flank. Field message from C.O. 3rd Bn. 9th Regt. 12:52 P.M. Oct. 8th to G-3. The men of this battalion are getting in very bad shape physically. Their spirit is good and I have not heard a complaint, but the fact remains that they have been through hell and are under constant shell fire now and no let up. I believe the machine gun nests that have worried our lines so much are now wiped out. I an getting in liaison with whatever units are on my right and left. F.C. Oct.8th, 1918. 21st Army Corps Staff 3rd Bureau No. 3776/3 Urgent Priority Telephone Message General Baulin to General Lejeune. on 73rd Division has encountered great difficulties through \ iTon l' 1 have told General Lehocq to pass your territory some of the element's of this div- and f YnaneUVer on the l9ft flank ( of the 73rd Div.) fla^ lnk U * wi-th and ena ' b le you to y/ithdraw your right • . your P ar t, with your reserve sion I ask you to assist the action to your territory and not to hesitate reserves to cover your right flank. troops of the 2nd Div- of Lehocq troops sent to use part of these S. Baulin 13 Hrs. Oct. 8, 1918. from •J-elephone message received 1:15 F.M, Col. Lay. try -ncThovP Say ? he W±11 tele P hone to the army and y , ave that Brigade sent up as soon as -possible, trUCks and when it: comes y° u will be relieved have to s?ay r in? 6 '*** y ° Ur pla ° e y ° Ur artillery wil1 Telephone message Brigade by G-3. received 2:05 P.M. Oct 8th from 3rd north^ ?£! n0l \ reeim ? nt on our ri Sht is now about 200 yards north of their line of departure. Jteerican machine guns are covering their front from our lines on their left. i machine guns is a group of American soldiers. behind 2:08 P.M. Oct. 8th, from 12th P.A. received by G-3. Line from ther 85.5. We 65.8. at present is at 65.0 - 84.5 running due east There are Austrian 88's in action at 64.8 - otre now firing on them. Battery in action 69.2- Field Message received 2:15 P.M. Oct. 8, from Hq. 71st Brig. Sketch showing position of li this hour and date. Most accurate reports of lines not very accurate nes as we have them at ootainable. Previous Field Message received at 2:18 P.M. Oct 8, from Lt L ingston, 73rd Div General Le Bocq of the 73rd Division has alion to support his left and maintain liaison American right. sent a batt- with th e 2-20 P.M. Oct. 8th. Airplane message recieved by G-3 ■hree tanks moving 500 meters west of St. Etienne going north. Heavy artillery fire in the region south of °t. Etienne. ► \ * P.M. October 0, 1918. Aeroplane Message. Rec’d 2:30 P.M. Oct. 8/18. Region flown over north of ST. PIERRE and ST. ETIENNE. Hour 1U to 11A.M. Reconnaissance of woods south of MACHAULT. Iiotning to report. 10:45. Three tanks moving 500 meters west of ST..ETIENNE, Heavy artillery fire in the region south of ST. ETIENNE. Signed: LEMLIERY, Observer, Oct. 8, 1918. Prom: C.O. 1st Bn. 2nd Engineers, At frig. Hq. 3rd Brigade, 8 Oct. 1918, 13:45 hours. By Mo¬ torcycle (Field Message). To: Colonel Mitchell, Div. Engr. Our troops have advanced ahead of French on right flank, 'r " / relieve at once a Bn. of 9th Inf. under Lt.Col. Ar- nold. Liy mission to repulse any flank attacks and to main- tal £ liaison between 71st Brigade, U.S, and French on our rignt. I have orders placed I Co. 4th M.G.Bn, at my disposal, a Hard time so far getting in touch with Major Ammunition moving forward into line about 267.6- 283.5 to 268.4-283.4. 4. Will send back for water and rations. 3. Messages to my line. . STEINER. IORIG. taken by COL. MITCHELL) 2.4o P.M. Oct, 8, 1918. 71st Brigade. (Suippes) Chief of Staff, ;e didn’t go as far as laid out to go, but we are very glad they didn’t, because the people on our right didn’t and this makes us much stronger, understand that you are coming up very shortly. Prob¬ ably camion. The people on our right didn’t get up, so if we had come too far, our flank would have been up in the air. About one kilometer. We would be surprised if it was tonight. r ■ •« w i . ' • ■ • • . • * • . • • • ■ • • 4 • .. v P. M. October 9, 1918. (Cont’d from last page) right where it cuts our line, and that it be done with a 0 ;;2 ar1 ep y Preparation, and the trenches just north o i .Ex IERNE, and then by preparation on those trenches. he says in case that they have retreated, of course we T v _f. • then push our line up farther and more straight across it possible. No time indica ted. Oct . 9, 1918 . Headquarters 73rd, Div. Oct. 9, 1918. G-3: - ls impossible to ca.ll you on the phone. I am sending he cour ier to get any news that might be useful regarding one attack. The General would like to know H hour. If the a otack has already come off please indicate any progress made 1st Lt. Livingston, Liaison officer with the 73rd o • x x . Division. on at 7:30 c * c 1 oc 1c i ihe division attacked at 5:15 and the attack is pro¬ gressing. Resistance weak on the left but stiffer in the neighborhood of the KEDEAH-MAZAGRAM road. The GETREVER FREUND was passed at 5:45. At 6:10 the WALDMULLER LAGER was reached. At 6:10 the division on the right of the 73rd V^ion had reached the road skirting the southern limits of the LOIS du DTNDON, Livingston. G-3 Memorandum October 9th, 1918. V/hil e Lt. Col, G . A .Y/ainr ight who is in command of the 1st Bn. was making a reconnaissance this morning, he talked witn a German prisoner from the 75th Regiment, who was a company clerk. He made the following statements to Col.Wain- right . 1. Have been in line without relief for 10 weeks. G. On duty, constantly, get little sleep, supplies irr¬ egular and they d.o not get enough rations. 3. The Americans have made a hole in their line which they intend to rectify. A guard division is being brought up for that purpose. 4* They are retiring, but very gradually and are ord¬ ered to contest every foot of ground. 5. If several such wedges as the Americans have made occur, on the front, they will withdraw. 6. G.H.ty. order states that front is intirely broken in MACEDONIA. BULGARIA capitulated and that the German troops on our front are confronted by 10 times their number - hence they have prepared an armistice but will demand an hon¬ orable peace. A .'vl. October 10. 1918. From S.R.O.T. 55 ^.*45 Oct. 10, 1918. All batteries firing on our front this morning were from long range. Batteries previously reported in immediate vic¬ inity have not fired during the last 12 hours. Report from O.P. near MEDEAH Eme. that French Patrols had lost contact with the enemy. ; •A. • iki« October 10,191 *3. HEADQUARTERS, 2nd F.A. BRIGADE. SECOND DIVISION. 10th Oct. 1918. Message received from the Commander of the 121st Artillery 9:15 A.M. Liaison officer with the French Division on the that his patrols have gone 500 meters heyond CHATEAU and are not yet in contact with the enemy. right BEMONT P . M . O ctober 10, 1918. TelephcDne message received 9:05 P.M. from Lt . Livingston, Id 7 Div. This dxvision did not move this afternoon because of a mix up in liaison. Runners with message to attack did not get through. Am sending coordinates of line by runner. Message incomplete-cut off. MESSAGE NO. 4 ) ) G-3. ) P. II. 14,October, 1918 . P.C. 36th Division, 14 October, 1918. 4:00 P.M. (16 hours) as 1. The follows: boundaries of the Division sector are announced EAST -- HULL 136 (1800 meters East of, MACHAULT--LEFFINCOURT / "* Hoad x crossing FOUR-au-CHAUX--COULOHMES-et- ?^ q v?SJ^ C } USive )‘“HILL 110 (1000 meters N.E. of VAUX) STE,VAUBOURu (exclusive)--BRIQUET (Brick yard), 1000 meters (inclusive)-- main highway running North x om OL^Oi^.mS to ATTIGNY and KILL 110 is common to both divisions. .VEST -- Road crossing at a point ST.CLEMOKT a ARNES -- ttattt*. , , v CIO cl oi. unninuivi a AKN-tto -- mau- road ST.ETIENNE-CAUROY (exclusive) — Road CA JRGY-i.iONI ST. REMY ( inclusive)--Road from ST.REMY TO PAUV- , . common to 36th Division and 7th French Division-- PAUVRES )"“ GIVR Y ( inclusive ) - - ALL AND *huy ( inclusive)-- ECORDAL )inclusive). y 5. it will be noticed that these boundaries differ slightiy from. those published in Field Orders 9 and 10, the ai.xerence being mostly in sectors in rear of the outpost zone._ however, on the East (right) the boundary between 36th Division and the 73rd Division is changed slightly. It will be noticed that part of the main highway is common to both divisions. By command of Major General Smith: JAA—cao DISTRIBUTION: ers . E.J.Williams, Colonel, Chief of Staff. Through Regimental and. Separate Unit Command- A.M. October 16 , 1916 . c.«. ®> »m. SPA October 16th 5 20 AM. A R R 2 0 3 MO on T j. B W B A blanc attack* received copy your issued after 5th Division and ™ ‘ „ G f? eral ELY is to coramand the Sive you a run for your “f ^ 3rd DiviSion - I hope BROW General (Signed) Preston Brown Brigadier General. October 24, 1916. Secret 2,00 P ‘ M * 0ct * 24 * Memo for Ch. of Staff. that wI e a rrLSected f fo m Jn a - j \ anit ?’ an Asst G “ 3 of 5 ' Corps, ly going to occupy Tip ~° Ve toni S Jlt to the area we are final- ( extract of so much as offT? me + a £? p £. of the orde: T of 1* Army the elements of 2Din- ppll J 5 L ° 2 Biv. herewith) and said Islettes areas) as fill m0ve out of this a rea (Les reach them. Under thpo/ 8 tbey arrived & that orders would tonight & the 23rd & M r 1 ^ str ]r ctlons the 9 1 Inf. will move back with Smith +o Co-re Vw- toi ? orrow ' H ^e sent Maj. Hall movement of 9» inf t *L_^+ q + S * to see if the M can n °t delay & then the Brigade'as a unit l them a chance to get socks It amear ?!! + L “ nit could tomorrow. will also" stop en routl fi ? S ha8 this area & Hal1 & Sraith can be made, " route at 1 Corps Hdqrs to see if the delay Bn. by^ide^ar^t^re-nn ° f f icer from each regt. & the M.G, distance there & return ? oute t° find a ^ a - The can hardly get bark S f? ' r ?'E 30 (Bifty) Kilometres & they not delayed! Ko othr- e / : °r P * M ; toni S ht & only if would not get b^c 1 - i /4.? Uld + C f or 9 Inf * can be sent as they The nil r tlme t0 be of use. send you a copv^f^thr in ^ormation as I do not think they will going ly Lt! Mulcfhv whfh er U ? tn y0U get up here ‘ **** is once to Div. Hdqrs y h ° haS stopped here & is returning at (Signed) Van K. 2nd Biv, MEMORANDUM for Division Hdqrs, V Army Corps, A.E.E. 27 October, 1916. Commanders: the necessity for ! ^ ? lracts M our attention be called to tion with plans for P n^ al + eff ° rt S to enforce secrecy in connec. ations. WhH e }lP L°-! rat J v on !' fleld orders, and time of oper- transmitted to lower* ^n GS t !? at al 1 1 necessar y information be special precautions he r f riiande J’ s » he deems it necessary that indiscreet dist^iSut^n ! “ 1° aV ° ld liberal discussions and aistnbutton of orders and plans. (Sgd) Burtt - V/. B, BURTT CONFIRMATION r^-p + t > • Chief of t>taff, " 0i ' 0f tele Phomo message 23:10 hours. Capt. Steck. ' • . ' P.M. October 31, 19iy. Prom At Dat e Hour Ho. To 3 ' Prig. # (Old P.c. 31 Oct. 6 :22 P.Ivl. 1. Chief of Staff. °P 165 Inf. tu 3 : 00 C A?H. H °IJ O v. R lst el then ®* 41,18 P * C - 9 ? 8 , have 19 taken, and un til LOUERE et ST, GEORGES 9 to get infomatio^quickly to^vou'^h Sa ? e time in order to my next ^ SOMUERAHCE Y SVS V 111 e ° from there p hat * 'fall let yoifas sooTTVV ,4 decided upon after Par has gone nicely and ini i+ decid ! d • Pverything so most satisfactory. dications irom every standpoint oerned,Changes^y'p.O? liV Tz loaation of p - c -'s is con- •> * u * ■*■ o, 42. Please notify G-3, Van Horn ' . B » ,0 ■ ■ A.M. Telephone received 2:30 A.M. Nov. 1st. November 1, 1918. by G-3 from C.O. 3rd Brigade. 3rd Brigade in place. Telephone message received 3:25 A.M. from C.G. oy G-3. Nov. 1st. 4th Brigade 4th Brigade in place. phone A,ii ' Rr ° m C * G *' 2nd division, to 5th Corps Hq. , by 2nd Division in place. 1 Nov 1918. 5th Army Corps Hq. Telephone message received at G-3 Office. Nov, 1, 1918, 4:05 - Surprise 1 - Phoned. . , -kveiything all ready. Nothing corning over from the other side - very little reaction. Telephone message received at 4:10 A.M. Nov. 1st from C.O. 3rd Brigade by G-3. ~ am OXEN (Hill 263). C.O. 23rd Inf. is with me here, we have one telephone. Everything is O.K. so far. — ^ - 4st. The commanders of the 3rd and 4th Bri¬ gades botn reported by telephone that their wires to the front were out; that the advance seemed to be going all right; that t iere was so much smoke in the barrage that nothing could be seen, but except for some machine gun fire, just after "H" hour, xere seemed to be very little fire coming from the Boche. Hq, 2nd E.A. Brigade. 5:30 A.M. Nov. 1st. message sent surprise - jumped off O.K, and going strong. Report from Division O.P. Nov. 1. °:30 A.iBoche sending red rockets followed by green il¬ luminating shells along our front. o:40 A.M. Red rochets from Boche all along our front. Bursts of machine gun fire in our sector to the right. Visi¬ bility clearing. 5:55 A.M. Artillery fire raised, 3 white stars up in front of our sector, machine gun fire for five minutes all along our front. ielephone message received 6:25 A.M. Nov. 1st, from Commander 3rd Erigade by G-3. Sent from P.C. on Hill 263. No report yet. Impossible to see on account of dense smoke. Believe everything going well. ' .. :r , . . A.M. November 1, 1918. Telephone message received by G-3 - 6:45 A.M. 11/1/18. 5th Corps. FROM - SURPRISE 7 Telephone message received by us from SINK 1 at 6:25 A*M. "No reports yet received. Smoke too heavy. No visibil¬ ity possible*. Everything going well. O.P. report received 7:05 A.M. by G-3. November 1st, 1918. ^Kour ^:55, G-2, 3rd Brigade reports everything going 0. K. Visibility poor. Reports from runner from the front re¬ ceived which states everything going well and many prisoners coming back to the rear. By radio, report received all go¬ ing well, estimate 400 prisoners captured. Telephone message from C. of S. 2nd Div., to C. of S. 5th Corps,, 7:10 A.M. Nov. 1st. Message received from G-2, 3rd Brigade to G-2, 2nd Div. transmitted to the Chief of Staff, 5th Corps. Telephone message from Adjutant 4th Brigade 7:10 A.M. re¬ ceived by G-3. 5th Marines report everything going well, about 50 pris¬ oners coming in. Very few wounded - mostly from H.E. 6th Marines reports everything going well. About 20 prisoners coming. November 1, 1918. (Corrected copy) Message received at Immortal Message Center 7:18 A.M. 353rd Infantry reports capture of about 75 prisoners. I- dentifications 31st Regiment, 157th Regiment, 426th Regiment and Landstrura 157th in a group which just came into line. All prisoners hungry. Assault battalion 353rd Infantry was on im¬ mediate objective at 6:25 A.M. A battery of 105’s causing much trouble. Fire coming just east of north. Message center 8:10 A.M. Telephone message from 42nd Division received by G-3, 7:30 A.M. Nov. 1st. Visibility very poor. Still hear Boche machine guns very plainly directly north. G-2, 5th Army Corps, November 1, 1918. Telephone message from 2nd Div., 7 h. 30- The 3rd Brigade reports 400 prisoners on the way into the cage now. Everything is progressing as per schedule and all going well. Telephone message from Col. Ellis, 4th Brigade 7:35 A.M. re¬ ceived by G-3, Nov. 1st. 6th Marines report that they have 4 prisoners at the P.C, from the 169th Regt. They are holding 40 more in SOMMERANCE as strecher bearers and there are several hundred (Cont’d on next page) \ • \ - . ■ A.k. November 1, 1918. ( Cont * d from last page)’ more prisoners coming in. These 4 prisoners.are being sent to G-2,,2nd Div . At 7:50 A.k. Nov. 1st. i*i.r. Winn (177th C.G. ) had moved forward to LA DHUY LLNkS, at which time his leading troops were closely ap¬ proaching first objective . message Center 8:40 A.m. 7:55 AaiM . Telephone message from C 0. 3rd Brigade to G-3 . Colonel Leach, 151st Artillery, Commander right sub¬ sector says that his observer was with the leading line for l--§- kilometers, and that they followed the barrage well. A wounded man also stated that things are going well, and men followed the barrage closely. Enemy machine gun nest encountered but all are being reduced. At 8:00 A.k., 3rd Brigade moves P.C. to SOamjEFANCE . 23rd Infantry hoves P.C. to northwest corner of B'OIS de COTILLON. Telephone message from Col. Leach, 151st Arty. Commander right sub-sector, received by Cant. Steek at 8:05 A.k. Nov. 1st, 1918 . Colonel Stone wanted me to report to you what we knew of the problem. Two of ny scouts report that they had gone about 1 kilometer but visibility is so poor they could not see beyond. They may have gone further. About 200 pris¬ oners have been seen coming back to the rear, which indic¬ ates that they are following the barrage alright and are making good headway. 8:15 A..k. Report from kajor Derby, Div. Surgeon . Nov. 1st. About 30 men, slightly wounded, arrived at the Triage, Field Hospital No. 1. Telephone message from Adj. 4th Brigade, Nov 1st, received by Lt . Parsons G-3 . 8:20 A*m. Nov. 1st. The rear battalion of the 5th marines passed the paral lei of Departure at 6:50 A.k., and has reported everything going well forward. Prisoners continually coming in. This indicates the rear battalion of the 6th marines passed the parallel of departure on schedule time. r • A.M. Noventer 1, 1918. 8:26 A.M. Nov. 1, 1918. From Chief of Staff, 2nd Div., to Chief of Staff, 5th Corps, As far as I can see we are going along on schedule time. Of course, the reports are an hour ago. Good many prisoners reported. We had reported as high as 400 pris¬ oners. It is smoky and all that. The General and I are going to SOMMERANCE to establish our advance P.C. Bowley f s artillery has been moving for¬ ward for •§• of an hour - passed here \ hour ago. Everything seems to be going all right. Rather small number of wound¬ ed, mostly slightly wounded. Some artillery reaction and quite a lot of machine gun fire when we first jumped off. The 3d, 4th Brigades and 9th Infantry P.C.’s at SOMMER ANCE* 8:35 A.M. Nov, 1, 1918. Message from 2d F.A, Brig, to G-3. 8:15 A.M. Message from 12th F.A. Just heard from 5th Marines, Everything progressing according to schedule. Prisoners coming in. 2nd Bn. 15th F.A. is moving forward, preceded by reconnaissance party. 8:35 A.M, Nov. 1, 1918. Message from 1st F.A. Brigade. Division on right had received message by runner that at 6:30 A.M. Infantry (23d) had advanced a kilometer and a half and were in the BOIS de HAZOIS, following the barrage closely. 8:35 A.M. Nov. 1, 1918. Code message received by G-3 by tel¬ ephone from 80th Division through 5th Corps. Our Infantry reported as advancing. Information of your situation requested. 8:40 A.M. Nov. 1, 1918, Message from C.of S. to C.of S., 5th Corps, About that No. 9 stuff, we didn’t fire any gas at all last night. No. 9 was sent up here to be fired by Butner’s outfit, Bowley stopped the whole thing. It occurred to us maybe it wasn’t stopped in the other divisions. It is a serious thing, this No. 9, and lasts a couple of days, I thought I would call your attention to it and thought you might want to investigate it, in case it was fired. Aultmann tried to force us to fire it, and Bowley practically refused to do so. They called up later and said not to fire it after the stuff was supposed to ha/ve been over. I don’t know whether they did or not. It may be that the other people shot it and their troops run into it. 8:40 A.M. Nov. 1, 1918. Message from 2nd F.A. Brigade. 8:30 A.M. Message received from 1st F.A. Brigade: Re¬ ceived confirmation of message that Marines are in advance of Division (Cont’d on next page) X (Cont’d from la3t page) November 1, 19113, A.M. on their left. Meeting very little resistance. Few casual ties. Many prisoners. Message received from 89th Division Message Center 8:40 A.M. Advanced P.C. reports 15 Officers, 350 men taken prison¬ er by 353rd Inf, At 7:50 A.M. Mr. Winn (L77th C.G.) had moved forward to la DHUY FERME, at which time his leading troops were closely approaching first objective. Message received from 2nd F.A. Brigade to C--3. Nov, 1. 8:45 A.M. Artillery liaison with the 4th Brigade reports that they have received word that the division on the right is on the first objective. 8:45 A.M. Nov, 1. Telephone message from G-3, 1st Corps to G-3, 2nd Division. 80th Division reports that they are progressing well, and have captured a good many prisoners. From G-3, 2nd Div. to G-2| 1st Corps. Information just received that our infantry is still ad¬ vancing well, and is ahead of the 80th Division, 8:55 A.M. Message from 2nd F.A. Brigade to G-3, 2nd Div, 8:35 A.M. Message from 1st F.A, Brigade; Division on right had received message by runner that at 6:30 A.M. Infan¬ try (23rd) had advanced a kilometer and a half and were in the BOIS de HAZOIS, following the barrage closely. 8:58 A.M. Message received from 89th Division a,t Message Cen¬ ter. 8:40 A.M. Advanced P.C. reports 15 officers, 350 men taken prisoner by 353rd Infantry, Telephone message received from Adjutant 3rd Brigade at 9:03 A.M. Nov. 1st. Received by G-3, _ An moving P.C. from SOLIMERANCE to LANDRES ST. GEORGEo. No definite reports from front line but things seem to be go¬ ing well. Many prisoners. 9th Infantry has passed ST. GEORGE Front line must have ad\-anced beyond 1st objective for this to be true, (signed) Howell, Notify 4th Brigade of Change of P.C. - Notified by Capt. Steck. 9:10 A.M. Nov. 1st. Telephone message received from Gen. Gate ly by G-3. Message from Col. Stone relayed in from Artillery Oificer v/ith 23rd Inf., 7:00 A.M. - Passing LANDRES ST. GEORGES. Bar¬ rage very fine. Following it close. Everything going well. Enemy artillery fire light, mainly large calibre. A.M. November 1, 1916. 9:13 A.M, Message from 2nd F.A, Brigade to G-3. 9:05 A.M, Message from 1st F.A. Brigade - They had re ceived message from an aeroplane which had descended, that the division on the left (80th) had marked their line and that they were five minutes ahead of their schedule. Telephone message received 9:15 A.M, Nov. 1st from Adj, 4th Brigade received by G-3. 6th Marines report that at 9:00 A.M., leading battalion of the 6th Marines was leap-frogged by the 3rd, Everything is going well. Reports indicate that leading battalion close ly following the barrage. Telephone message received 9:20 A.M. Nov. 1st from 42nd Divi¬ sion, Message from 23rd Inf. at the BOIS de CHATTILON 9:00 A.M. #2, sent by phone - P.C. moved to northeast edge of LANDRE ST. GEORGES. Following telephone messages received from Lt. Willcox, liai¬ son agent with the 89th Division, at 9:30 A.M. Nov, 1st, 1918. At 7:50 A.M, the 177th Brigade received message from com¬ mander of reserve left regiment as follows Our line is on 05.0 -'*88.0 - 0442 - 87.7. The 4th Battal¬ ion 800 meters in front. General \7inn was just here - going forward. 8:15, report from 180th Brigade. Attack proceeding accord¬ ing to schedule. 50 prisoners. 8:06, Intermediate objective taken according to schedule. Attack on 1st objective proceeding. Many prisoners taken. 8:35 A.M* From Gen. Winn. Artillery liaison officer re¬ ports 1st objective taken with over 400 prisoners. 8:45 A.M. From advance Message Center. 15 officers and 300 men taken by 353rd Infantry. 353rd moving up. G-2, 5th Army Corps, November 1, 1918. Telephone message from 1st Corps - 9 h. 30. From TALMA to BELLEJOYEUSE Farm no change in the line^ From there the line runs east along these coordinates: 293.4- 287.6; 294.2-287.6; 294.0-287.9; 295.6-287.8; 295.7-287.5. From there east there is no change. G-3 Vth Corps. 1 Nov 18. BONEHEAD reports at 9:35 A.M. that the leading bat (Cont’d on next page) A. M. November 1, 19 IB. (Cont’d fron last page) talion of the right regiment of the BOth Div. is passing through IMECOURT, and was connected, with the 2nd Div. P.C. of the battalion was at 99.3 - BB.7. 9:55 A.M. Nov. 1, Telephone message from Ad j . 4th Erigade to G-3. 6th Marines report they received a message from the leading battalion at B:14 A.H., stating that the two leading companies were just to the south of the objective with the support companies occupying the heights. That everything was going well; that they were ready to proceed with the barrage, Pew casualties. 10:00 A. IT. Nov. 1st, telephone message received from 23rd Inf. by G-3. Message from 1st battalion commander, left leading bat¬ talion. At B:30 A.M. report this battalion has reached its 1st objective and is following its orders so as to follow the 4th Brigade and join division reserve. We captured about 230 prisoners at LANDRES ST. GEORGE, together with a number of machine guns and 2 trench mortars. Tanks have not yet reached this battalion. (signed) ZAKS. 23rd Infantry has had no direct message from their right attacking battalion, but a runner from the 1st Battalion said that the 3rd Battalion was abreast of the 1st battalion when he left. The P.C. of the 23rd Inf. will move forward as the troops advance. 10:05 A.M. November 1, 1S1B. Message (telephone) from B7th P.A., Artillery Liaison Officer to Message Center, 2nd Div. (9:50 A.M.) Reports first intermediate objective taken. 100 more prisoners returning, among them one girl in uniform. 450 re ported taken in all. Unable to give identification of pris¬ oners. Liaison means intercourse, am sending girl to Head¬ quarters, Second Division. G-3, 5th Corps 1 November 1918. Prom Immortal. (89th Div.) At 10:09 - Engineer road reported passable for artillery. At 10:10 - 353d Infantry reports casualties heavy at start - running comparatively light now. Taking good number of prisoners - no officers lost as far as known. Field message from General Hansen - 353 Inf. has taken prisoners from 31st, 157th, 426th and 333rd regiments. Pris¬ oner from 333rd says 38th Division came into line from WO LITRE 2 days ago - now holding with 3 regiments in line. That there is a division in rear of 38th Div., both formed in depth. 23rd Regiment near 354th, in vicinity of DHUY Farm. 500 prisoners passed in sight of this P.C. A. M. November 1, 1918. Telephone message received 10:10 A.M. by G-3, from Gen. Neville. Message received 10:00 A.M. from 5th Marines - Pris¬ oner gives name of town in which his division-P.C, is located - SOMMAUTHE and it was on his map. General Neville says our 1st battalion gained obj¬ ective on specified time and is following barrage. 10:12 A.M. Report from Division O.P. (G-2 go G-3). 10:00 A.M. 4 columns of prisoners passing in, aramounting to about 500. Visibility very poor, much smoke and ground haze. G-2, 5th Army Corps* Nov. 1, 1918. Telephone call from 2nd Division at 10 h 18- Prisoners were taken from the 2nd Co. of the 111th Rgt. of the 52nd Div. Also prisoners from the M.G. Co. of the 169th Rgt. These prisoners were captured north of LANDRES-ET-oT, GEORGES. The 52nd Div. came in line Oct. 29, the 169th Rgt., Oct. 31. Both of these regiments came in to relieve the 148th Rgt. of the 41st Div. Telephone message from G-3, 2nd Division, to G-3, 1st Corps, at 10:20 A.M., Nov. 1. 2nd Division reached 1st objective on scheduled time. Intelligence Reoort received by G-3 at 10:20 A.M. from G-2. 4 Columns of prisoners passing in, amounting to about five hundred. Visibility very poor, much smoke and ground haze. Received at 10:25 A. M. from Surprise A-l. 9:50 A.M. The 87th F.A. liaison officer reports first intermediate obj¬ ective taken 100 more prisoners returning. Among them one girl in uniform. 450 reported taken in all. Unable to give identification of prisoners. Am sending girl to Headquarters, 2nd Division. A .M. November 1, 1918* 10:25 A.M. message from 2nd F.A. Brigade to G-3, 2nd Div. Nov. 1st. 10:10 A.m. Commanding Officer, 12th F.A# reports that one battalion is now moving through LANDKSS ST. GEORGES, and will be in position in about 20 minutes. Telephone message from Col. Ellis, received 10:25 A.m. N_ov. 1st, received by G-3. The 6th Marines report they took 1st objective at 8:00 A.M., Casualties 1 officer killed - 5 wounded; 143 en¬ listed men wounded; captured 200 prisoners. 10:26 A.M. November 1, 1918. Telephone message from Im¬ mortal Message Center to Message Center Second Division. Artillery liaison officer with our 177th Brigade re¬ ports that the first objective taken withover 400 prisohers* Message received at 8:55. (signed) Immortal Message Center. 10:27 A.M. Nov. 1, 1918. Telephone message from Immortal .Message Center to Messaje Center 2nd Div. Our 177th Brigade reports as follows: We received message from our advance P.C. at LE DUHY FERME at 8 hours by runner. 353rd Infantry has taken prisoners from 31st, 57th, 26th Regiments. Prisoner from 353rd Regiment says 88th Division came into line from WOEVRE two days ago, now .holding with three Regiments line. There is a division in 'rear of 88th and both of them formed in depth. Some pris¬ oners of the 23rd Regiment taken by 354th Infantry in vicinity of le DUHY FERME. 10:28 A.M. Telephone message from Immortal message Center to message Center 2nd Div. Nov. 1st. From our 178th Brigade as follows: Closing here 10 hours and moving to advance P.C. which is the 353rd Infantry P.C. 178th Brigade. 10:29 A.M. Telephone message from Immortal 7 to Message Center 2nd Div . Our advanced elements have been reported just south of REMONVILLE . Telephone message received from Col. Lay 10:30 A.m» Nov. 1st by G-3. Our combat liaison group has hooked up with the 80th Division on the left at IMECOURT at 8:00 A.M. A .LI» November 1, 1918. G-2, 5th Army Corps, Nov. 1, 1918. Confirmation from 2nd Division - G-3. 10 h. 50. First objective was reached cn scheduled time. No seri ous opposition in BGIS de KAZOIS. Telephone message 11:30 A.M. From G-2, 3rd Brigade to G-3, 2nd Div. Message from 1.0* 3rd Brigade that 2 German prisoners were brought to their P.C. at about 11:15 A.M., having walked back from the place where they were captured, just northeast of BATONVILLE-et-CHENNERY. Line going forward well at that place. From: Hdqrs. 3rd Brigade. At: 01.6-88.5 ( ij? Kil. N. of LANDRES et ST. GEORGE, Date: Nov. 1. Hour: 11:30 A.M, No. 2. To: Chief of Staff. From this hill I can personally see two baches of Boche who are coming down road 1-g- Kil. N.W. of LANDREVILLE, also troops scattered to on eastern edge of woods 1 Kil. E. of SIRRY-les BUZANCY. One small body, 50 men, there in column look like prisoners. Rear echelon of 9th Inf. reserve about Kil. W. of here. Forward echelon is to the north of road running East from IMECOURT to LANDREVILLE. Have temporari¬ ly located my P.C, Have no communication by wire. Expect^ radio here soon. Am sending this by runner to LANDRY et ST. GEORGE thence by horse to first wire. Will move to LANDRE- VILLE shortly. Second objective appears to be taken at this time at least as far as the line due slightly to West of north from here is concerned. Van Horn. G-3, 5th Corps, Nov. 1, 1518. Message from 2nd Division O.P. 11:50 A.M. Enemy troops seen in our sector between points 01.5 91.2 and 00.8-91.2. (Signed) G2. Report No. 4225. HEADQUARTERS FIRST ARMY From: 1st Corps, Advanced P.C., by phone. G-3. Time: 12:00 H., November 1, 1918. 2nd Div.: 11:30 H. Left of 80th Div. held up by enemy re¬ sistance in woods east of elevation 214, At 10:10 H, artil¬ lery concentrated on these woods and infantry attacked from the east. Right of Division pushing on to IMECOURT, keep¬ ing abreast of Division on right, 77th Div.: Battalion attacking on right; at 10:30 H on line 298.0-287.4 we3t to CHAMPIGNEULLES exclusive. ^All reports indicate light artillery fire from BOIS de BOURGOGNE. 78th Division - no enemy artillery firing on center and right of 78th Div, between 8 H and 11:30 H. Mopping up BOIS des LOGES progressing. 12:00 Noon. From Div. O.P. to G-3, Enemy troops seen in our sector between the points A15.12 and AOS.12. .. ■ ' . » , , • . - P. M. November 1, 1918. 12:10 P.M. From G-3, 2nd Div. to G-3, 5th Corps. Message from 3rd Brigade that 2 German prisoners captured on the unimproved road northeast of BAYOKVILLE about 10:45. Our line meeting with resistance by going forward we11. These prisoners reported their company retreating. Our troops took LAHORE VILLE Chateau on schedule time. Everything indicates we are progressing according to schedule. 400 prisoners have been counted here - others coming. REPORT FROM SINK 6. 12:15 P.M. Bov. 1st, 1918. G-3. Priscners reported passing in south east of BAYON- VILLE et CHEMERY> Our troops in LABORSVILLE at 10:45 A.M. Progress favorable, everything going well. Comm¬ unication with liaison officer of the 23rd Infantry re¬ ports that one battalion of the 23rd reached first obj¬ ective at 8:30 the other at 9:05. 23rd Infantry has captured 8 - 77mm guns in the BOIS HAZOIS. G-2. From: \ Kil. South LABORSVILLE. At : Hdqrs. 3rd Brigade. Date: Bov. 1. Hour: 12:15 P.M. Bo. 2. To : Chief of Staff. Twenty Third Inf. took all objectives on time. Are now formed just S. of LANDREVILLE. I will take them forward, in reserve, keeping abreast of 9 Inf. on their left. Rear echelon 9th Inf. west of LABDREVILLE. Notify G-3. Van Horn. 12:20 P.M. Bov. 1st, telephone message from C.O. 23rd Inf. to G-3, 2nd Div. P.C. 23rd Infantry opens at LABDREVILLE Chateau at 12:30 P.M. Everything moving along fine as scheduled. The 23rd Infantry took its objective on scheduled time, and the Marines spread over and went on north. of 12:24 P.M. Telephone message from Adj. 6th Marines to G-3, 2nd Div. Location 01;6 - 88.5 Message addressed to Chief of Staff. ' • From this hill, he can personally see two lots of Bocfte prisoners coming down road kilometer northwest LABORSVILLE; also troops scattered on eastern edge of of SIVRY les BUZANCY. One column - look like prisoners. Infantry reserve about \ kil¬ ometer west of here. Forward echelon is to_the north of road running east from IMECOURT to LABDREVILLE.^ Have temporarily located my P.C. Have no communication by wire. Expect radio here soon. Am sending this by runner to LABORSS et ST. GEORGES, thence by horse to first wire. Will move to LABDREVILLE shortly. 2nd objective appears to be taken, at this time at least as far as the line due slightly west of north from here is concerned. woods one kilometer east small party of 50 men in Rear echelon of 9th G-2, 5th Army Corps, November 1, 1918. From G-2, 2nd Div., Identifications 12 h 30. of all three regiments (Cent f d of the 52nd next page) . Nov. 1, 1918. , P.M. (Cont’d. from last page.) Div. and the 148th Rgt. of the 41st piv. 169th Rgt. 52nd piv. come into line last night to relieve the 148th Rgt. of the 41st piv; we have prisoners from both regiments so it is assumed that they were caught in a relief. 16th Machine Gun ‘Detachment identified. 8 “77 5 s captured in PC IS des HA.ZOIS* Our troops in LANDREVILLE at 10 h, 45. Total prisoners counted up to 12 h was 12 officers,17 N.C.O’s. and 417 privates; of these 7 were wounded and 167 are on way. 250 more in cage. Morale in general poor. All say we will have the whole 52nd piv. in cage by night. They are disgusted at having been put into line without proper rest. physical condition poorest yet encountered by this Division, they seem fatigued and in low condition due to lack of nourishment and rest. 12;32 P.M. i Message from Adj . 4th Brigade to G-3 , 2nd piv. 5th Marines reports that about 11 :40 leading elements were entering the ARBRE de REMOW IDLE. 6th Marines reports, at 12;10 that they obtained its object¬ ive, and the 2nd battalion was closing up to pass through. 5th Marines reports capturing a battery of 77’s before they reached trie 1st objective. 6th Marines reports 200 prisoners captured. 12:35 P.M. , Report from G-2, 3rd Brigade, to G-3* 2nd piv. Prisoners reported passing in southeast of BAYOWILLE et CHENNERY► Our troops in LANDREVILLE at 10:45 A.Mi progress favorable, everything going well. Communication v/ith liaison officer of the 2.3rd infantry reports that one battalion of the 23rd Infantry reached first objective at 8:30 the other at 9:05. 23rd infantry has cantured 8-77 m/m guns in the BOIS IIAZOIS * ____ At 12j55 P.M. Slap renorts that he is quite certain that he has obtained his 2nd objective. All reports are that everything is going fine. The liaison on his right has been very good. Re¬ ports states that losses are small. For instance, Hamilton's battalion suffered about 5^ losses in gaining 1st objective. It is very difficult to make an estimate of the number of prisoners caotured. it is reported that Hamilton captured about 500 before reaching the 1st objective. They began coming in as we came in* 1:05 P.M. Report from C.O. 2nd Engineers to G-3. At 10:45 our line ran through the southern edge of ARB RE 'lb REMOWILLE, thence west between BAYOWILLE et CHENNERY and CIIENNSRY. 1:15 P.M. Message from G-3, 2nd piv. to C. Of S« 5th corps. At 10:45, the engineers, with our front line reported the line extending through the southern edge of ARBRE of REMOWILLE, thence west just south of BAYOWILLE et CHENNERY* The 4th Brigade reports 2nd objective attained at 12:10. At that time the rear battalion passed through and took the lead. We have that confirmed from a number of sources. \-»e are going to move from here. The advance echelon is already at LANDRES et ST. GEORGES. Telephone message received 1:25 P.M. Bov, 1st from Col. Ellis , Received by G-3. The 5th Marines report the leading battalion has passed BAYOWILLE et CHENNERY on schedule time and were passing 2nd objective as per schedule. This was reported by their c November 1, 1918. F. M. (Cont'd from last page) Signal Officer who was there. I don't believe their friends on the left were advancing ver 3 - r rapidly. The element which was operating on the left of 50 have re¬ formed and is going ahead, in support. Telephone message received 1:40 P.M. from Col. Lay by G-3 C.O. 9th Infantry, P.C. south of BOIS l’EPASSE, 11:00 A.M. to C.O. 3rd Brigade. 1st Battalion reached its obj¬ ective a.t 9:05 A.M, Consideralbe machine gun resistance. Casualties about 5%. Captured 125 prisoners, 40 machine guns and 8 - 77’s. Reports have been sent before but never reached me,. Regiment is now formed ready to act as per ordero. (signed) Stone. Prom 23rd Infantry - Y/ill send full report later. All objectives gained before H plus 3 hours. 400 prisoners, 60 machine guns, 2 trench mortars, 8 - 77's and consider¬ able Engineer materiel not yet checked. Casualties not over 10%. f . v (signed) Sharp. Telephone message received 1:42 P.M. from Col. Lay, Nov. 1st, received by G-3. P.C.'s of the following units are as indicated:- 4th Brigade - SQMMERANCE. 3rd Brigade and 23rd Infantry - LANDRE VILLE Chateau. 6th Marines - ST. GEORGES. Telephone message received from Message Center, 89th Div¬ ision Nov. 1st. 1:45 P.M. by G-3. Our 177th Brigade reports as follows: At 12:45 hours our left was passing through BOIS de BARRICOURT,and are up on our 3rd objective. Our right is on the 3rd Objec- tive * (signed) Hockaday. 1:55 P, M. liTessage from Col. Rhea to G-3, 2nd Div. Very heavy firing north of BAY0NVILLE et CHENNERY, and want the 1st Brigade to move as soon as the barrage is over, and also Gen. Bowley to move his P.C. so that he can handle the situation. Tell Col. Myers to move up as I told him. I have talked with the Chief of Staff, 5th Corps, and it is all right. Telephone message received from Col. Ellis at 1:55 P.M. Nov. 1st by G-3. C.,0. officer 6th Marines reports at 12:50 hours, left of leading battalion held up by our own artillery fire. Battalion Commander passing line through as they are. Telephone message received 2:30 P.M. Nov. 1st by G-3 from Kq. 3rd Brigade, I have established my P.C. at this place. Working (telephoning) over 23rd Infantry wire. 23rd Infantry moving forward and keeping abreast of our echeloned 9th Infantry, which has passed over the crest of nose half a kilometer west of here. The two leading battalions of the 23rd Infantry will gain ground and catch up with and parallel the corresponding columns of the 9th Infantry. Leading echelon soon about 1 kilometer in rear of east element of 5th Marines. No message from front but every¬ thing appears to be going smoothly. Estimated casualties 23rd Infantry of 2 battalions engaged from 5 to 8%. Very few Boche dead (Cont'd next page) . P, M. November 1, 1910. (Cont’d from last page) seen. Two or three captured guns here. Only two batt¬ alions of 23rd Infantry used in the attack. Very little gun fire from enemy in this locality. Nothing falling here for over half an hour. 9th Infantry reports hardly any losses. Expect to move P.C. to BAYONVILLE et CHENN- SRY shortly. Notify G-3. (signed) Van Horn. HEADQUARTERS EIRST ARMY G-3. Report No. 4240. From:5th Corps, Capt. Wylie, phone. Time:15:45 h, Nov. 1, 1918. 89th Division reports at 14:10 h their troops were well up in the 301S de BARRICOURT. Unconfirmed report says 89th Division has reaches Les TU1LEUIS. 2nd Division. Well north of BAYONVILLE et CHENNERY. From G-2. Column of enemy retreati.i^ across Hill 216 from Hill 183 going east. Our lines are being shelled from Hill 243 and from Farm CHASSOGNE. 2nd Division P.C. closes at EXERMONT and opens at LANDRES et ST. GEORGE at 14:35 H. 89th Division P.C. closes at 15:50 h and opens at LA DHUY Farm at 15:30 H. Enroute to New P.C. at LANDRES et ST. GEORGES. 4:00 P.M. Message from G-2, 2nd Division. There are 700 prisoners, 20 officers, in the cage and more arriving all the time. Looks like something like 1,000 before night. Two divisions in the front - 15th Bavarian and 52nd Div, a-nd in the order from west to east. Among the ele¬ ments of the 152nd some elements of the 41st, caught in the relief last night. v HEADQUARTERS FIRST ARMY G-3. Report No: 4245 . From: G-2, Phone message from 5th Corps rec’d by L.B, Time: 16:15. Nov 1, 1918. at 2:20 P.M. Nov. 1. From 2nd Division:- at 12:30 hrs. Identifications from all three Regiments of the 52nd Division and of the 148th Regt. of the 41st Division. 169th Regt., 52nd Div. came into line last night to relieve the 148th Regt. of the 4l3t Division. We have prisoners from both Regts. so it is assumed that they v/ere caught in the relief, 16th Machine Gun Detachment identified. 8 77mm guns captured in BOIS des HAROIS. Our troops are in LANDREVILLE at 10:45 hrs. Total number of prisoners counted to 12 hrs was 12 officers, 17 N.C.O.’s, 417 privates; of these 12 were wounded, and 167 are on their way. About 250 are in the cage, Morale of prisoners in general is poor. They all say that we will have the whole 52nd Division in the cage by night. They are disgusted for having been put into line without proper rest. Physique is the poorest yet en¬ countered by this division. They seem fatigued and in low oondition due to the lack of nourishment and rest. G-2 . v> u. . • . / i P. LI. November 1, 1918. 4:20 P. M. lies sage from Gen. Brown, C. G. 3rd Div. to C. G. 2nd Div. I have heard of your success today and congratulate you. I want to know all about that girl in a uniform. Did the Marines put on a dress parade for her? Hq. 2nd F. A. Brigade. 4:40 P. M. Nov. 1st. Received message from G-3 that Boche are endeavoring to filter in between 80th Division and 2nd Division, Col onel Van Horn gave instructions to throughly patrol and take care of any possible infiltration. Prom: C, 0. 6th Regt. Rec 'd. 5:05 P.M. At : ST. GEORGES. Date: 1 Ho v . 1 18. Hour 4:20 P .M • Ho . 2 . How Sent: To : C. G. 2nd Division. Motorcycle. Holcomb starting for CKENNBRY to establish P. C. with forward echelon. I remain here until word from him. Lee. 5:10 P. M. Telephone message from G-2, 2nd Div. to G-3. The line of the 80th at the right - at a point 2 kilometers north of IMEC0URT', and west l-§- kilometers. That is the right point; then slides off to CHAMPIGNEU- LLES and BO18 des LOGES . 6:15 P.M. Telephone message from Adj. 3rd -brig, to C. of S. Prom C. 0. leading battalion of the 9th: Am sending a platoon and 2 machine guns to clean out and establish themselves in the woods east of SIVRY les EUZAbCY, Be have been receiving machine gun fire from that direction so probably the troops on the left have been drawn back slightly, \7ill investigate and report immediately. 6:25 P.M. Telephone message from G-2, 2nd Div. to G-3, 2nd Div. The 80th Division runs from 99.13 to the extreme right. Prisoners captured: About 1,200 . 2 Officers - 37 men killed. 5 Officers - 324 men wounded. G-2, 5th Army Corps, Bov. 1, 1918. Telephone message at 18 h 15 from 2nd Div., G-2. Poliowing new identifications today 426 Rgt., 88th Div. 353 Rgt., 88th Div. 174 Rgt., 31st Div. 109th Rgt., 28 Div. 55 Rgt., 13th Div. The prisoners of the 88th Div. were captured in the woods near BARR1C0URT. Those of the 31st Div*, near IMECOURT. Do not know where the others were captured, because, by mistake, they were forwarded to the Corps P • IV! • i!o vembe r 1, 1918. (Con’t from last page) cage before they questioned them. Xescare from 6th Marines 6:30 P .M. to P.C. 12. Nov. 1st. C.O. front lines has been directed to push strong patrols north to edge of BOIS de POLICE, also to send back data of barrages. Send up your liaison officer at the P. C . ■of 6th marines. No time indicated. 2nd Division Nov. 1st. 80th Div . reports that they are progressing well,and have captured a good many prisoners. Answer: Information just received that our infantry is still advancing well, and is ahead of the 30 Division. Received at : 47 \VD BP 61 OB 80th, Division Nov. 1st. G-3, Surprise. 5915-2846-2560-3109-2896-5523-4815-4267-2762 4901-5200-2163-3749-4060. Lieut . Hastings.601 P Translation by G-2:- Right front now 9043 null to 007o null. Received at: 5 X P 49 OB Hqrs. 5th Army Corps Nov. 1. C.G. 2nd Divn. G ~ 3 . __ Number 1131 G-l new advance PL 4. iiith array corps will open at EXERTION T at twelve hours Nov second period Old advance PWE fifth, corps at AIVOAx will oe discontinued at eighteen hours Nov second period Summeral 511A A. M. No vember 2, IS 18. 12:05 A.LI. Telephone message from C. of S. 5th Corps to C. of S. , 2nd Div. The 89th will move its brigade in alongside of us. One brigade of the first to BAYONVILLE. oe are to get in touch with Waldron of the 80th and tell him we will go alongside of him toward BUZANCY. Our "H" hour is when we get ready. That will be tonight won’t it? (Evidently referring to order) 12:30 A. LI. Telephone message from the 1st A rmy, thru 5th Corps. The Army Commander desires to congratulate the 5th Corps and express to you his appreciation oi the work done this day. He desires that you convey his appreciation to the 89th and 2nd Divisions. Please have this ini ormution. trans¬ mitted to all organizations as far as practicable this nigni.. November 2, 1918 5:30 A.LI. Telephone Message from 0-3, 2nd Div. to C .G . 4th Brigade. _ _ r . Your brigade carries out its original mission. The BUSANCY Operation is called off. You understand, do you, that you are to go out and sit- down on the line according to your original mission, sending patrols out to the front? Yes, sir. 6:55 A.M. Tel. Message from G-3, 80th Div. to 0-3, 2nd Biv. The Chief of Staff, 80th Division, arranged with the C. of S. 2nd Division last night about the occupation o.fc the woods northwest of SIYRY, in the sector limit oi the 80th Division. We are moving forward this morning and he warns to verify the conversation that that woods was hea.d on the east by the 2nd Division so as to be sure that our righ 0 ilan^v will not be fired on from that direction. This is the answer: It is impossible to say that all woods in the vicinity are in the hands of the cnd Di/isioji. The 3rd Brigade was ordered to occupy those woods. 8:15 A.M. November 2, 1938. Message received from Airplane GCAL' J8C GCaD J8A8 Friendly troops at 01.8 - 72.5 Friendly troops at 01.8 - 91.8 8:40 A.M. November 2, 1918. Message received from Airplane Front line: Two panels marked in blue. Fairly big fire in THEN0RGUS3. Smoke in BUZANCY and m BAYONVII MjjU-Li j\ TJT xi. « * Six enemy aviators above BUZANCY at 7:20 _ _ Flew above the lines in front of SIVRY and BATONVILLE without receiving - any machine gun fire. Signed: 21.4th French Air squadron. (This is apparently yesterday's message delivered to us this morning) A.M. November 2, 1918. From: Lay, P.C, 80th Div, To : Chief of Staff, 2d Div. 9:00 A.IT. 2 Nov. Reported position of 80 Div. at 8:30 A.M. Reported by aero and O.P. Lay. SIVRY lez HJZANCY 10:00 A.M.., Nov. 2, ♦ 18. Telephone message from 12th F.A. to G-3, 2d Div. At 3:15 A.M. there were still enemy machine gunners in IMECCURT . G-2, 5th Army Corps, Message from Corps Artillery, at 10 h. 00 Nov, 2, 1918. Heavy artillery observer reports that 2nd Division has troops in FOSSE. Signed. Reinhardt. November 2, 1918. 12:10 P.M., November 2, 1918. Message addressed, to the Second Division. Report of the 214th French Airsquadron. 7:o0, oec- ond Lieut. Renie. No enemy troops seen up to one kilometer north of oIVRY and one kilometer north of BAY0NVILLE. Report of the 204th Airsquadron from 8 to 8 o cIock; Lieut. Northrup, Flew over HJZANCY and the LOIS dred meters altitude. Saw no troops no rifle or machine gun fire. It seems that before the front there are no more enemy troops up to de la FOLIE at five hun- of the enemy and received of the Second Division north of HJZANCY« Signed: 2nd Lieut henry, 214th _ _ _ _ _ Aerosquadron. 12:30 P.M., Nov. 2nd, 1918. From SURPRISE 7 - 5th Army Corps, 7/e are now progressing towards exploitation line and doing it by method of infiltration and will be on exploita¬ tion line by night. No formal attack is being made, just (Cont'd next page) . . ' V P. M. November 2, 1918. (Cont’d from last page) advancing by infiltration. Had information at 10:30 this morning that they were in contact with 80th Division at 1. 2-4.0. More definite information as to line will be fur¬ nished at 3:00 P M . today. G-2 , 5th Army Corps, Nov. 2, 1918. TELEPHONE MESSAGE PROM 2nd Division - 12:h. 45: 99 prisoners: 89 privates, 8 N.C.O.’s and two officers. Prom this we have one man from the 136th Regiment. They were captured near REMONVILLE where they entered the line. There are only 200 men left in the regiment. The 136th Rgt. is of the 115th Div. G-2, 5th Army Corps, Nov. 2, 1918. TELEPHONE MESSAGE PROM 2nd DIV. - 13 h.: We are now progressing towards exploitation line and doing it by method of infiltration and will be on exploit¬ ation line by night. No formal attach is being made, - just advancing by infiltration. Had information at 10:30 this morning that they were in contact with 80th Div. at 1.2 - 4. More definite information at 3 P.M. 1:20 P.M. Telephone message from Adj. 3rd Brig, to G-3. Right battalion of 23rd is in position on Corps obj¬ ective. The last battalion of the 23rd is moving up. Res¬ erves now moving up, It is believed the relief will be comp¬ leted shortly after 14 hours. Arrangements being made to take over sector now held by right battalion of 23rd Infantry by 9th Infantry, so that arrangements will be from right to left: 9th Infantry - 23rd Infantry. There will be no movement forward from Corps objective today with the exception of the usual patrols. 1:45 P.M. November 2, 1918. Telephone message from Liaison Officer of Surprise at Sink. First and 2nd Battalions of same are now immediately in rear of front line Battalions of Sister. The 3rd Battalion of same 500 yards in rear of junction of 1st and 2nd Batt¬ alions of same. No movement now going on beyond 3rd Object¬ ive . Snow has not moved as yet. Message Center. HEADQUARTERS FIRST ARMY G-3. Report No. 4318 t From: Pigeon Message, Lt. Regnier, G-3 Army with 2nd Div. Time: Rec’d 14:15, dat'd Nov. 2, 1918. Rec’d Nov. 2, 1918. Number 2 FIFTH REGIMENT took second objective at 12h35. (Cont’d next page) P. M. November 2, 19lb. (Cont'd from last page) SECOND BATTALION now moving out of ravine in northern part • of square 22 first wave meeting machine gun fire. Resist¬ ance slight. Casualties in this regiment estimated 5 per cent. Reserve Battalion moving to same ravine. Lt. Regnier. Report No. 4319. From: Pigeon Message, Lt. Regnier, G-3 1st Army, with 2nd Div Time: Rec’d 14:15, Dat’d. Nov. 2, 1918. Rec'd Nov. 2, 1918 Number 3. Fifth Regiment reached third objective at about 14:50. Liais-on established on right and left which are re¬ ported to have reached third objective. Contact controls being pushed to thefront. Positions being consolidated. Reserve Battalion at Ravine in northern part of square 23. Artillery reaction slight, resistance slight. Support batt¬ alion still moving. Lt. Regnier . 2:30 P.M. Nov. 2nd. Field Message from 2nd Div. Liaison officer at P.C. 3rd Brig. 1 P.M. to message center. 1st and 2nd battalions of 23rd Inf. nov/ immediately in rear of 5th and 6th Regiments on 3rd Objective. 3rd Batt¬ alion of 23rd Inf. now 500 yards in rear of junction of 1st and 2nd bat. of 23rd Inf. O.P. , 2nd Div. to G-3, 2nd. Division - at 2:40 P.M. Heavy fighting on the sector on our left. Sounds like Boche. Hq. 2nd F.A . Brigade Nov. 2nd ’18. 3:05 P.M. Telephone message from Sink 1 to Surprise 3. n What were expected to do? Asked him whether he under¬ stood what we were doing. Front line at Corps objective. Marines had patrols in front on that last night but withdrew them to pull off the plan to the left. Brigade commander wants to hold that line so has an established line to enable him to put over a barrage tomorrow. Y/e took over on Corps objective. Is it satisfactory? Surprise 3 said it was. Asked for Division order”. Also said: '’2ord Inf. on left. Can we get 4th M.G. Bn? We are putting Company on each flank as liaison and would like to send one machine gun company with them. Asked Col. Myers to come up as phone connection very poor and our car out of order. ” Col. Rhea gave verbal orders to Regimental Commanders to move forward nights oi 2-3d November to heights on line of exploitation as Boche had pulled out. They are to move to heights and hold until morning. 3:35 P. M. 89th Division to G-3, 2nd Division. Line of89th as follows:: From BARRICOURT to vicinity of La CARCUNEiRE - in square 65, thence southeast to square 73 in the vicinity of woods. p. M. November 2, 1918. 3:50 P.M. ^rom C.G. 3rd Brig, to G-3, 2nd Div. The Marines were to the corps objective, and had patrols to the front, they pulled their line bach last night in order to form up for their attack to the lei . The line was practically the Corps objective, '-/hen -.e took the line over today he put it on the Corps objec i/e in order that he would be able to have a line he cou- put a barrage on. November 2, 1918. 4:45 P.M. Tel. Message from Captain Wiley, 5th Corps. The Commanding General directs, in view of the proo- able withdrawal of the enemy that no means be spared to maintain contact. Strong patrols must be pushed forward to constantly keep in touch with the enemy. W. B. Bur 11, Chief of Staff. Later: During same conversation: Big withdrawal of the enemy on our left. 80th Divi sion reports that they are on the exploitation line and starting now after the Boche in motor trucks. 5:00 P.M. Tel. Message from 80th Division to G-3. Line runs as follows: Southern part of BARRICOURT, southwest corner of Square 65, southern part of woods in Square 74. We have crossed line on hills in large number, our 353rd Infantry reporting one battery, of 77's; wagon tram, 22 horses, and 50 men captured. G-2, 5th Amy Corps, Nov. 2, 1918. Message from 2nd Division. 5 h. 00. Front line is along 3rd objective with patrols out to the line of exploitation. Prisoners today 125. 5:00 P.M. November 2, 1918. Lakewood reports that information from Custer is the effect that the troops on our left are going irmo and BR1Q.UENAY in trucks, the enemy having apparently in to BUZANCY with¬ drawn . G-2 . Telephone conversation between Col. Beebe and G-3, 80th Div. .1° , . 2nd^ the Arra y Objective Exploitation Line. Have you any word of any town besides BUZAHCY. What do you know about a general retirement of the enemy. Erom above but not from below - you did not get it fromyour frontline? .re P .M. November 2, 1918. (Cont'd from last page) you sending Infantry forward in trucks pursuing them? That sounds like a general retirement then? You are just starting that now? Have you actually started them? Cur troops are back on Corps objective not on the exploitation line. They had pa¬ trols out there last night but were withdrawn to attack west according to orders we received. Boche are in FORET de la FOLIii, 5:35 P,M* | Nov. 2, 1916. 89th Div. to G-3, 2d Div* Line of 89th as follows: . TA From BARRICOURT to vicinity of uA CARCUNEIRE - in square 65, thence southeast to square 73 in the vicinity of woods. Telephone Message from 2nd Div. 17 h.45 G-2, 5th Army Corps, 1 Nov, 2, 1918. Our front lines from right to left: 30,6-295.4 to the cor- ner of the woods. 301.5-295.5 - 302* and 295.5. It joins e lines of the 3rd objective at 295.3 and then it becomes the ord objective. Today we have 290 privates, 9 N.C.O.’s and 3 ofiicers. The total reported yesterday: 98 officers, 62 N.C<0, s and 697 privates, 1,089 total. 156 evacuated before noon yesterday, making a total of 1,265. Hq« 2nd F.A. Brigade. 5:55 P.M., Nov, 2, 1916, Phoned Col, Myers saying that we were leaving exploitation line and will be organized by daylight prepared to move forward. Asked to have Gen. Bowley put somelong range shots back oi ±v i lines to harass them. Asked for .EUZANCY SPE. Maps* 6:25 P.M,, November 2, 1918, Telephone Message from Surprise Liaison Officer at 3rd Brigade to Message Center. G-o. Reports 3rd Brigade is on objective and will push forward tonight to the line of Exploitation. e:00 P.M., Nov. 2, 1918. Telephone message from Liaison Gffi cer attached to 3rd Brigade. (To 2nd Div), Leading Battalion of 3rd Brigade will Brigade on the Corps Objective at 20 nours beyond 4th Brigade sector and remain there, ganize for further pursuit at daybreak. pass through 4th to the high ground They expect' to or No Time Indicated. Nov. 2, 1918. Intelligence Report from G-2 to G-3, 2d Div. The Marines were to the Corps Objective, and had patrols to the front, they pulled their line back last night m ord r to form up fir their attack to the left. The:line was prac¬ tically the Corps Objective. When he took the line o. (Cont’d next page) I ' November 2, 1918. No time indicated. (Cont’d from last page) today he put it on the Corps objective in order that he would be able to have a line he could put a barrage on. HAIL CONFIRMATION G-3 E/1 Hdqrs. 5th Army Corps, 2 November 1918. To : C . G . , 2nd Divn. Number 1134 G-l. Following telegram quoted for your infor¬ mation quote number eight eight naught G-l period following telegram received from C G S 0 S repealed for your informat¬ ion and necessary action quote eight nine two G-l period arrangements now being made to give instructions in the hand ling of carrier pigeons to infantry replacements in depot divisions period request combat divisions be so informed and instructed to make requisitions for this particular class of specialists when needed period Harbord unquote Drum unquote. OFFICIAL: A. W. FOREMAN, Lt. Col., G.S., A . C . of S.,G-l. SUMMERALL A .LI. November 3, 1918. From: H ami11 o n Date: 11/3/18 Hour:3:05 No:6. How Sent: Mted. Mess. To : G-3, SURPRISE. Enemy leaving ST.PIERREMONT and VAUX. Left of our line at 8803 and 9408. Our right is probably about the center of squares 00 and 10. Hastings, Lt. 7:30 A.M. Telephone message from Adj. 3rd Brigade to G-3. Have no report yet. Report which comes from our ad¬ vance message center given by the operator himself: No lin¬ ing can be heard in front. Very few wounded coming in.^ About 100 prisoners have passed him (message center). The advance message center is on the Corps objective. There are 50 prisoners there now, including 15 that went through this morning. All of these were captured between the Exploitation Line and the Corps Objective. I think everything is going along all right. Where is the 9th Infantry. - Just below the rise of the Exploitation Line, and the 23rd are along the Exploitation Line too. Field Message sent 7:35 A.M. from 3rd brigade to G-3. Line runs through 3720 - 5809 - 4582 - 2869 - 3378 - 1543 - 5519 - 1841 farm. Telephone message received 8:05 A.M. Nov. 3rd from Adj. 3rd Erigade by G-3. Message from C,0. 9th Inf. 1^ kilometers southv/est oi N0UART at 7:10 A.M. C.O. 3rd Brigade report indicates 9th (Cont’d next page) (Cont’d from last page) A.M. November 3, 1916. Infantry jumped off on time and going well. About 17 0 priso¬ ners passed Regimental P.C. Am moving forward. Message Cen ter will be established on road junction \ kilometer west of 11 QUART . Telephone report from 2nd R.A. Brig, transmitting message from 3rd Brig. 6;15 A.M. Prisoner captured this morning makes following state¬ ment: He was sent back from a point 18 to 20 kilometers in the rear to see why the Germans were retreating. Parties of retreating troops passed him at points 6 or 7 kilometers be¬ hind where he was taken. He is positive that there are no reserves behind our lines to a depth of 18 to 20 kilometers. 8:15 A.M. Telephone Message to 5th Corps, by G-3. 2nd Division reached the Exploitation line during the night and met resistance, during the advance. About 70 pris oners were captured during the night. When prisoners are examined report will be made. 8:20 A.M. Telephone message received by G-3 from Artillery Headquarters. Divisional Artillery reports that Regimental Commander, Col. Davis of accompanying artillery, is moving forward with the 3rd Brigade Commander. With each battalion an artillery officer with 4 runners is with the battalion commander. Li¬ aison reported O.K, U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. Fr om: SNOW ONE. At : EASTERN END OLD EXPLOITATION LINE. How sent Date: 3 Nov 18. Hour 8:50 AM. No. 1. Radio. To : SURPRISE ONE. ADVANCING WITHOUT RESISTANCE AT RIGHT. LEADING ELE¬ MENT TWO AND HALF KILOMETERS NORTH OLD CORPS EXPLOITATION LINS. CASUALTIES SLIGHT. SNOvV ONE. From 2nd Division; G-3 5th Army Corps 3 November 1918 8; 30. 2d Div. reached exploitation line during the night. They met resistance during the advance. About 70 prisoners were captured during the night. When prisoners are ext .tuned report will be made. MEMORANDUM for Commanding General, 2nd Division. Nov 3, 1918. At 8:30 A.M., this morning, Col. Fitch, Acting A.C. of S., G-3, stated that the 89th Division has reached the line of exploitation and that the division will push on for the purpose of capturing the heights in front. He stated that it was the intention to bear off towards the right to some extent, towards the MEUSE River, and be ready, if necessary, to assist the division on the right in an endeavor to bag the enemies forces now to the right of the 89th Division. (Sgd) J. C. Johnson, J. C. JOHNSON, Colonel, Insp. General, 1st Army. •• r A. M. November 3, 19IB. No. of Message: 4368 From: 5th Corps - Capt. v/ylie - phone Dated: 3 Nov. 1918. Dec*d: 8:35 H Just received report from 2nd Division stating that they had reached exploitation line during the night, meeting resistance during the advance. About 70 prisoners were taken during the night. From:89th Div: 356th Infantry has taken BARRICOURT to the east and west and is moving forward. Our right reg¬ iment reached the exploitation line last night. BARRICOURT has been cleared. 11/3/18 Rec’d 8:40 A.M. Hdqrs. V Army Corps A.E.F. 2d November, 1918. To: C.G., 2nd and 89th Divisions. 0-3 The Corps Commander directs, in view of the probable enemy withdrawal, that no means be spared to maintain con¬ tact. Strong patrols must be pushed forward. to constantly keep in touch with the enemy. W.B. BURIT, Chief of Staff. CONFIRMATION of telephonic message 16:45 hours. 11/2/18 Phoned to Surprise 7. 3 November, 1918 8:55 A.M. Referring to message regarding statement of captured prisoner received Sink this morning at 8:15. Additional information has been gotten from Sink by phone which estab¬ lishes the fact that this prisoner was captured one and one half kilos south-west of NOUART. From that we deduct that this prisoner was passed by retreating troops at point 7 kilos north of that point. The prisoner is on his way here and will be further questioned when he arrives-. Message recieved by phone from Sink 11 at 8:55 A.M. from C.O. 9th Infantry at road fork one half kilo west of NOUART to ^. 0. 3rd Brigade at 8:10 A.M. the leading batt¬ alion is advancing without resistance. (Line cut and. mess¬ age unfinished.) From Sink 11 at 9:00 A.M. Col. Rhea has gone forward to establish advance P.C. Hall remaining at BAYONVILLE. . - --G-2. Telephone message received 9:00 A.M. Nov. 3rd, from G-3, 89th Div., By G-5, 2nd Div. Reports troops of the 89th Division in the town of NOUART. 9:25 A.M. Telephone mess, from G-3, 2nd Div. to G-3, 89th « Div. Commanding Officer, 9th Infantry on your left, at 8:55 A.M., was at road fork one half kilometer west of NOUART. Message Center of 9th Infantry has been established there. The leading battalion, 9th Infantry, is advancing without resistance. November 3, 1918. A. M. From Colonel Rhea: 9:30 A.M. Advance P.C., to 2nd Division. My advanced elements on the day’s objective at 8 o’clock Reserve passing Exploitation Line at same time. Send me motorcycles on axis of liaison. About 100 prisoners passed here. Casualties light. Tell Division to move up to ad¬ vance P.C and send us a car and a motorcycle side car. RHEA. November 3, 1918. 9:40 A.M. Tel. Message from C.G. 89th Division to G-3. 8:40 A.M. We have taken town of NOUART, and the heights east and west at 7:05 A.M. From: HAMILTON Date: 11/3/18 Hour: 9:45 No: 5. To: G-3, SURPRISE Support Bn. are beyond hill 272. Artillery moving position 2 kilometers north of BUZANCY. Hastings, Lt. No Copy. in G-2, 5th Army Corps, Nov. 3, 1918. Telegram from 2nd Div., reed, at 10 h- Prisoners taken this morning - 1 non-com. and 1 pvt. 229 Rgt.; 2 Second Bn. Field Artillery captured at^4 am Nov. 3 near FOSSE. The prisoners state that they took this position last night according to orders They have been in rest area previously. 352 Rgt., 88Div., 9_pvts . captured on road near NOUART at 3 am; 18th Rgt., '/EGSi { t) Div., 2 pvts, - 171 Rgt. 115th Div., 1 pvt. 10:10 A.M. Message to C.G., 2nd Div., irom Adj. 3rd rig. who received same from i.O. ord iJiig. I am at 23rd P.C. in POSSE. The line is not definitely known, hut presumed to he 2 kilometers in advance. '2°l°nel Stone has sent out patrols to find exact location ■°1 Marines are passing through here now. Very litt.-e s eiling Will remain here for a while. Roads are in W sh p • Prom:I.O. 3rd Brigade at P.C. 23rd Inf. FOoiE at 9.oo A.M. to 3rd Brigade. Following message just received 2nd Bn. in column. Reported at 8:15 299.7. They report the leading bn., ance from machine guns and artillery, favorable. There are no casualties. Division Headcjuarters to send the . , to us when they get their cars. Also they must rush signa lines un to us from division. 3rd Brigade sign^x oiiice . had to move forward. Tell the 4th brigade to back us up, show them these messages. Division P.C- orwlrd^bject- to be of use. We are aoout on our iorwara uigeci from A .M. 2nd Bn., 23rd Inf. Location 302/7 - meeting slight r 'ist- Progress moderately Note from Col._Rh.ea: Division M.G. Bn., and they want ive now. C.O. 5:20 A.M. 9th Inf: Road fork £ kilometer west of NOUART, Si j ; C uver ; a ched L a^8:15A.M. Hoving P.C to La FONTAINE au CRONCQ, Farm, one kilo, west of Le _ . way of NOUART. (Cont’d next page) A. M. November 3, 1918. (Cont’d from last page) From:Col. Rhea: 9:30 A.M., advance P.C. to 2nd Liv. My advanced elements on the day' s objective at 8:00 o’clock. Reserve passing exploitation line at same time. Send me motorcycles on axis of liaison, -^bout 100 prisoners passed here. Casualties light. Tell division to move up to ad¬ vance P.C. and send us a car and a motorcycle side car. Field message received 10:15 A.11. Nov. 3rd from Maj . Hall (3rd Brig) Message received from C.O. 23rd Inf. at FOSSE 8:10 A.M. to C.G., 3rd Brig. Everything seems to be going as sched¬ uled. My P.C. is in FOSSE. Prisoners coming back in small groups. Prisoners up to date - 70 prisoners - 77’s, and 5 horses. Casualties very light, mostly by shell fire. (Signed) Stone. This is a message which came from the C.O. at road fork west \ kilometer from NOUART at 8:00 A.M. Leading battalion or 1st battalion, advancing without resistance with right flank on road fork 1 kilometer north of NOUART. Liaison with 354 Infantry on right, with 23rd on left. Held up temporarily by our heavy artillery falling short. NOUART being heavily shelled. No signs of casualties. (signed) Van Horn. From C.O. 9th Inf. at same cross-roads as above 8:30 A.M. The leading or 1st battalion now advancing north on road La FONTAINE - CRONCQ, Farm - La CHAMPY HAUT road. Very slight resistance. Casualties light. Liaison on right and left'established. (signed) Van Horn. From. C.O. 9th Infantry at same cross roads as above 8:50 A.M. to C.G. 3rd Brigade. Leading battalion now at 8:00 A.M. advancing north on road La FONTAINE - CRONCQ, Farm - La CHAMPY HAUT Road. Very slight resistance. Casualties light. 10:15 A.M. November 3, 1918. Telephone message for Captain Lederer, Ass’t Engineer, to Message Center. Bridge at 02.2 - 93.35 is safe and not mined; also bridge at BAYONVILLE is safe. Major Steiner. To C. of S. - V7as reported mined by 4th Brig. Lederer. 10:30 A.M. Message from 3rd Brigade to G-3, FOSSE. 8:25 AM. C.O. 23rd Inf. FOSSE, at 8:25 A.M. to C.G, 3rd Brig. Capt. Lean, who mopped up FOSSE reports a few en^my in town. 8 prisoners taken. 5 horses and one anti-tank gun. He reports lea,ding battalion jumped off on time; others in proper place. Have no report direct from front line as yet. Telephone message received 10:40 A.M. Nov. 3rd relayed oy 3rd Brigade. 9th Infantry reports leading battalion at 8:00 A.M. ad¬ vancing without resistance, right flank at road fork 1 kil¬ ometer "north of NOUART. . Liaison on right and left. Held up for a short time by our artillery. No sign oi casualties. NOUART being shelled heavily. A • i\ii • IT o\" ember 3, 1918. 11:00 A.M. Message from C.G., 2nd Division to C. of S. 5th Corps . Our leading elements reach day’s objective at 8;00 A.M. Few guns captured. Probably £00 prisoners. Resistance sli¬ ght. Casualties light. C. of S 11:00 A.M. November 3, 1918. Message received from Air¬ plane of 104 Aero Squadron (214th French) Nov. 3. 10:40. To G-3, Second Division. Have patrolled line looking for fugitive targets. Called 2nd Brigade asking for target. No response from them. No enemy troops seen. Friendly troops seen in FOSSE, at 05.75 - 05.79 and 12.75 - 16.78 and 25.87 and in line of organized shell holes at 10:25. 25 91 - 27 90. Shellsfall- ing in woods at 26 95. Halb 104th Aero . 11:10 A.M. Message from G-3, 89th Division to G-3. (Received at 9:30) Objective of the day reached. Companies on position are digging in and consolidating. They are awaiting orders. This position includes Hill 288, north of TAILLY. Hanson. Order issued by the 89th Division. Press on with your reconnaissance at once towards STE- NAY and toward the north. Battery of 122nd F.A. has been ordered to support your reconnaissance toward STENAY. Don’t wait for artillery as it will come up and join you. P.C. REMONVILLE. C. G., 89th Division. G-2, 5th. Army Corps. Nov. 3, 1918. 2nd Division telephones at 11 h 10- Captured 2 battalion runners and 1 company runner. Co¬ mpany runner had been sent to battalion P.C. in NOUART to find out what his company must do. Was told at NOUART that the battalion had retired; was captured on way back. Batt- alien runner states he was sent from battalion P.C. in NOUART to company with orders. Orders were sealed end he did not know what they contained. "His orders had been taken oxf the prisoner and he did not know what they contained". This, runner said the officers had a secret conference, no enlisted men being allowed to have knowledge of the proceedings, -after which the orders were for the battalion to retire beyond the MEUSE. At last report, our troops were going ahead and were on Y coordinate 199 , 1-g* km. north of FOSSE; had taken iOSSE and some prisoners, among them 4 officers. Very little resist¬ ance . 11:15 A.M. Message from Adt. 4th Brigade to G-3. Reports close of P. C. at present place. Opens later at FOSSE. . ■ ' . ■ A.M. November 3, 1918. 11:30 A.M. November 3, 1918. Message received from Plane No. 11 by radio. November 3, hour 11:10 A.M. GCAB K5D2 E3D7 Friendly troops at 02.5 - 98.2 Friendly troops at 04.3 - 98.7 Plane No. 11. 11:30 A.M. Message from G-3, 2nd Div. to C. of S. 5th Corps. General Summerall requested me to call you up and ask that you send some cavalry to us - if not for patrolling work and cavalry work - they could be used as mounted couriers, as we are short of mounted men. C. of S. advised that he would send a platoon. Advised Corps that P. C. was going to BAY0NVILLE. 11:35 A.M. November 3, 1918. Airplane message from Pilot Hotee, Observer Lieut. Aubree, French Squadron. Friendly troops advancing in column of one northerly direction. No artillery barrage. 1 made a reconnaissance 3|- kilometers north of the line and did not see any enemy troops. I was not fired on by machine guns. First line marked in blue pencil. Friendly troops at K 5 D 2 by E 3 D 7. Good circulation on the roads. No traffic blocks. Signed: Lieut. Aubree. HEADQUARTERS FIRST ARMY G-3. No. of Message: 4384. From: 5th Corps - Capt. Wylie - phone Bated: 3 Nov/1918. Rec'd: 11:40 H. 89th Div: Objective of the day reached - Infantry is consolidating position. Dispositions include Hill 288, North of TAILLY. NOUART has been taken and the heights east and north. Going to press on, supported by our artillery. 2nd Division: At last report, our troops were going ahead and were on n Y" coordinate.199p-ir Km* N. of FOSSE) have taken FOSSE and some prisoners - among them 4 officers. Very little resistance. Telephone message received from Adjutant of the 5th Corps, received by Chief of ^taff. 11:57 A.M. Nov. 3rd. The Corps Commander directs that Col. J.R. Davis, 2nd F.A. Brigade, will report to C.G* 89th Division, for tempor¬ ary assignment to command the 58th F.A. Brigade. P . M . November 3. 1918 . Telephone message received 12:10 Nov. 3rd, by G-3 of.t ice. Liaison officer from Sth Infantry to 3rd Brigade at Farm FONTAINE CRONCQ,. Heavy machine gun and minenwerfer fire on our immediate front. Our present line - 304.5 - 300.5 - 305.5 - 305.7 - 299.7. Casualties very heavy, enemy fire increasing. (Signed) VanHorn. . ' . . ., ■ . November 3, 1916. P. M Telephone message from 23rd Inf. 11:50 A.M. at Feme La FONTAINE received by G-3, 12:26 noon Nov. 3. Relayed through 3rd Brig. We need machine gun ammunition. We are receiving heavy artillery and Infantry fire from woods strictly north of us along line 301. (signed) Van Horn. Note - Artillery has this information. Rhea. Message received by 3rd Brigade this noon and telephone to G-3, 12:25 noon. Received report from front line battalion 10:45 objective gained and Capt. Thompson is consolidation. Capt. Thompson reports stiff resistance developing. He has asked for 2 companies from support. Have captured from 200 to 250 prisoners, 4 - 77’s and other material. My P.G. remains in FOSSE. Just received following from C.O. 1st battalion. "Objective gained 9:00 A.M. Strong opposition, must have artillery. Artillery fire 100 meters to my front and being heavily shelled. Will push out patrols as soon as X overcome resistance. Both flanks in the air Enemy retreating on flank. (signed) Thompson. Message from 23rd Inf. P.C. at FOS'SE 11:30 A.M. relayed to G-3. Received 12:29 noon, Nov. 3. Latest report from 9th Infantry indicates front line 17- 016 - 030 - 014, 04.0 - 01.2. Reports heavy shelling on front lines. No reports received from 23rd Inf. Give this to G-2 if possible. (signed) Malloy, 3rd Brig. Message from Lt. Parsons, 12:30 noon, by G-3, Nov. 3. Have just come from NOUART where -*■ saw Col. Rhea. He Will move his P.C. to FOSSE. Information of 9th inf. being held was given Arty. Col. Davis has ordered 20 minutes pre¬ paration on the woods. Liaison established between 9th and 23rd. Message from 23rd Inf. 9:32 A.M. relayed through 3rd Brig, to G-3, received 12:30 P.M . Report 1st battalion have reached objective. 3rd Batt¬ alion in rear of 2nd Bn. No casualties in 3rd Battalion. 5th Machine Gun Company failed to advance with us. 12:30 P.M. Message from Liaison off. (Marines) to the 4th Brigade; to G-3, 2nd Division. (Thru Col. Ellis, Adjutant, 4th Brigade) 11:45 A.M. all objectives held. Heavy shelling re¬ ported by the 9th infantry on his front; also machine gun fire. The 9th asks for artillery fire, which is going to start immediately and will last for 20 minutes. It appears to the 9th that the enemy is withdrawing. Has seen his art¬ illery drawing out. 3rd Brigade P.C. is going to FOSSE. (Cont’d next page) . ■ ' P. M. November 3, 1918. (Cont’d from last page; After artillery preparation, the 9th Infantry,is to ad¬ vance when ready. Enemy has strong artillery and machine guns on CHALvIPY KAUT, roads north of HARBEAUMONT Farm to be shelled in preparation. Colonel Phea reports line of objective under heavy mach- ing gun fire and he is having artillery put down infront of him. He directs me to request that Sister (C.G. 4th Brigade) come to FOSSE this afternoon if convenient, as he is going to attack and wants close connection with the Marines. He has now gone to FOSSE. The 9th Infantry is out ox machine gun ammunition. Get somebody to start the combat trains up. Talking from the P.C. at the eastern edge of BCIS POLIE and have telephonic communication to FOSSE, but will move to FOSSE at one o’clock. Telephone message from 3rd Brigade to G-3, 1:50 P .M. Sink 6 reports that they are on objective and that they are going to push forward to the heights on the far edge of the woods. They had been receiving some machine gun and artillery fire but had brought their own artillery up and had silenced it. They were not in liaison with troops on their left. Sink 1 advises G-55 that their artillery should, move for¬ ward as the German artillery is retreating, artillery should proceed by way of NOUART, roads being better. HEADQUARTERS FIRST ARMY C-3 . Report No: 4397 From: 5th Corps, From ^en. Burtt Phone. Bat’d: Nov. 3, 1918. Time: 14:00 Nov. 5, 1918. 2nd Div:- Our leading elements reached day's objective at 8 a .m. 2 guns captured south of FOSSE. About 200 pris¬ oners that I know of; others coming in. Resistance slight; casualties not heavy. That is a brief of a message from tne leading brigade. Reached, exploitation line during the nignt; jumped off from there at 6 o’clock. 89th Div:- At 9:30 objective of. day reached. Companies of front line digging in and awaiting orders. Dispositions including Hill 288 north of TAILLY. Reconnaissance battal¬ ions are pushing forward but not sure they have actually left the front line. P.C. 89th at REMONVILLB 2nd leaving for BAYGNVJLLE within hour . Gen. Lurtt From: 2nd Div. Rec. by R .D. Time: 14:10 Ck. P 0 W 71. Nov. 3. 18. To. 5th Corps. By Radio. To: G-2 - 5th Corps period - 3 Prisoners of the 459 Regiment, 236 Division captured in woods near VAUX this morn¬ ing 2 hours - 30 minutes period This Division comes from STENAY to PLENMONT second November period And went into line near VAUX yesterday permo!. Sign. Second Division. p. Iff. November 3, 1918. Field Message sent 3:05 P .11. to G--3. ^neray leaving ST. PISRREMONT and VAUX. Left of our line at 8803 and 9408. Our right is probably about the center of square 00 and 10. Lt. Hastings. Telephone conversation between Col. Beebe and Gen. Neville at 3:10 P .Iff . Nov . 3 . P.C. at FOSSE. Gen. Neville to Col. Beebe - The 4th Brigade is in proper position behind the 3rd Brigade. 4th Machine gun battalion is just in rear of the rear element of the 6th regiment, just south of FOSSE. Col. Beebe to Gen. Neville. An airplane reports enemy troops with machine guns in VAUX at 14:00 hours. East of the MEUSE the roads ore crowded with retreating Germans and wagons. Nothing except the abdication of the Kaiser seems to have been confirmed but we have not get it from a rel¬ iable source. November 3rd, 1918 Received at 3:15 P.Iff. from Surprise 7- A.i: troops with machine guns in VAUX. East of roads are crowded with retreating Germans and wagons ’planes the vf report the Telepnone message received from Adjutant 3rd Brigade, 3:35 P.M. Nov. 3rd by n rz U— O From Col, Rhea at 13:45 hours at FOSSE to Chief of Staff. Artillery 'will keep up fire on our immediate front until 14:30 at which time each regiment of this Brigade will send a battalion through and advance via road through BOIS BSLVAL(?) on high ground on our north on north edge of woods Formations will go on road in broken columns. A battery of Artillery will follow each leading battalion. Artillery will support the advance with a rolling barrage, covering the roads at 200 yds on each side up to the objective Moving forward at rate of 400 me t er s p er % mi nut e s . wh. e n we reach the objective, liaison will be flanks. It will be maintained a ines. I request that closely in order to established on both at present with the Mar¬ tha Marines be directed to follow us if necessary. support us Field message from C.O. 9th Inf. to u.G. 3rd Brig. oent 3:40 P.M. Message directing advance through forest received at 2:25 P.M. Advance guard now moving out delayed by artili falling short on our lines. Battery is on the way. This valle 3 ' being very heavily shelled. Casualties estimated 250. Have directed that leading bn. take up line and get liaison with Stone on objective. ery ' • • ?. M. Nobember 3, 1918. C—2, 5th Army Corps, November 3, 1918. Telephone Message from Major Breckinridge, from Forward at 16 h. 05. 2nd Div. P.C. has moved to BAYONVILLE. The line of the 2nd Division runs as follows: Begin¬ ning at VAUX en DIEULET east 1-3/4 Km. then undetermined 1- 1/4 Km. thence to jr Km. north of BOIS la DAME then 3.E. 1- 1/3 Km. From At Date Colonel Mitchell. On Road, REMONVILLE - BARRICOURT'. Nov. 3, ’18. Hour: 5;00 P.M. No: 1. Mess. Center. Col. Matthews, G-l. 1. Road from REMONVILLE to BARRICOURT absolutely im¬ passable tonight. Traffic going forward should be one way "VIA" LANDRES ST. GEORGES, REMONVILLE, BAYONVILLE, then straight north to main highway and northeast to FOSSE - Ret¬ urning to BARRICOURT. Southwest to BAYONVILLE, then to LANP- REVILLE to LANDRES ST. GEORGES. J. J. F. Steiner Major, Engineers. NOTE: 1. The above message was sent at 4:20 P.M. Every effort has been made to get it through to you. The following changes, due to recent developements should be made: For¬ ward Route - LANDRES ST. GEORGES, REMONVILLE, BAYONVILLE, Northeast to BARRICOURT, North to NOUART, Southwest to 02.9 94.7, South to BAYONVILLE, LANDREVILLE, LANDRES ST. GEORGES. The road from BAYONVILLE to BARRICOURT, due to soft¬ ened road foundations, will not stand rear traffic on steep hill near North 4.0 - 94.7. BAYONVILLE - REMONVILLE Road is all right for 7/est bound traffic. 2. Numerous blocks today due to bone-headedness and poor discipline in Artillery, not of 2nd Division. It is recommended that in any subsequent drives the Artillery Brig¬ ade Commanders be requested, to instruct on down, the line, as far even as wheel drivers, that roads can not be used as parking grounds to await for further orders. I personally have encountered two blocks today, each at least one mile long, complacently headed by Artillery caissons "Awaiting Orders" . 3. 2nd Engineers have patrol details working: (l) North and South from LANDREVILLE, {£) BAYONVILLE, BARRICOURT (3) BAYONVILLE to 02.5 - 94.7, thence East to BARRICOURT. J. J. F. Steiner Copy to Chief of Staff. Major, Engineers. Field Message from 80th Division received 5:10 P.M. Nov. 3rd by G-3. Enemy leaving ST. PIERREMONT and VAUX. Left of our line at 8803 and 9408. Our right i3 probably about the center of squares 00 and 10. P. M. November 3, 19IB. From: Lt. Molloy (3rd brig) At : BELLEVUE Fme. P.C. Date: 11/3/18 Four: 7:25 V .M. To : Surprise 6 How Sent: Runner Everything seems to be O.K. No information received from forward units as yet. Will get it back to you as soon as possible. Can you tell me anything about units on our flanks. Enemy seems to be in full retreat. Some artillery fire but not very heavy. Been trying to get you on telephone 9th Inf. Intel. Report enclosed, 23rd has sent theirs in. TellG-3 . „ rj „ , J. A. Molloy, 1st Lt. 3rd Brigade. From: Hamilton. Date: 11/3/18. Hour: 8P.M. No; 7 To : G-3, Surprise, , . Line 80th Div. at 5 P.M. From VAUX west along line 9515 9016 - 8575 - 7913 or about the center of squares 91, 81. Made enveloping attack from the EAST on VAUX, but do not know if it was occupied. Heavy II.G. fire from Cote 314. Prisoners, 1 officer, 36 other ranks. Material, 9 minenwer- fers; 13-77’s; 4-105's; 100M.G.; 600 rifles. Hastings, Lt. HEADQUARTERS FIRST ARMY CORPS Report No. 4432. G-3. From: 5th Corps by phone. Time: 22:55. Nov. 3rd, 1918. 2nd Div. Casualty report of officers and men: Killed - 18. wounded - 186. Captured - 4 officers, 187 men. Material - 6-77‘s, 20 M.G., 11 horses, 3 wagons, 1 gas engine and dynamo. Capt, Wylie. No Time Indicated , N ovembe r 3, 19.18. Nov. 3. 5th Corps. 3rd Brig, will attack with rolling barrage on roads thru BOIS de BELVAL at 14:30 hours. Two battalions with artillery will start for hills at BEAUMONT. Lej eune. From; 2nd Division G-2, 5th Army Corps, 3 Nov. 1918- 2nd Div, reached exploitation line during the night. They met resistance during the advance. About 70 prisoners were captured during the night. When prisoners are-examined report will be made. G-2, 5th Army Corps, Nov. 4, 1918. From: 2nd Division. Nov. Nov. 3rd, 1918 To : 5th Army Corps. By Radio. To G-2, 5th Army Corps, - 3 prisoners of the 459th Reg¬ iment- 236th Division captured in wood near VAUX this morning at 2 hours 30 minute. This division came from STENAT to 3±. PIERRSMONT second Nov. and went into line near VAUX yesterday. Signed Second Division Decoded by G-3, 5th A.C. at 14 h. 41, A. M . November 4, 1918. Hamilton 3 hours Nov. 4. Dear Bob:- Keep your shirt on, always glad to help a friend but unless you request it, we will stay in our own sector, horse, foot and guns. Our troops oxi left have passed the ST. PIERREMONT - SOMMAUTH road. On right they are not so far advanced - not beyond VAUX at 6 P.M. 3rd. Cote 314 re¬ sisting . Our combined liaison detachment with 2nd Div. appears to be liaisoning principally for the 2nd Div. & we have provided an additional right flank guard. Please send word to your fellow commanding it to ease over our way a bit. Billy sends love. Just have information Jack. P . C . BUZANCY ( i r c orrpl ate) Surprise 4 The following message is furnished you for your information. Prom: C.C. 9th Infantry, at P.C., Nov. 4, 1918. 3:45 A.M. Pursued enemy through TSOI3 de BELVAL and BOIS de GER- ACHE. Met slight resistance. Have occupied heights two kilometers south of BEAUMONT, with one battalion in line. Two in close support. 23rd Infantry coming up in my rear and will have them extend my position to the left. Have contact with the enemy. Over 130 prisoners taken. Some artillery in woods in my rear, was still firing after we ^ passed. Have notified 5th Marines who are near La FONTAINE au CRONCQ Farm. Will hold heights and rush out patrols toward BEAUMONT, Messages will reach me through La FORGE Farm. To 4th Brig. Rec’d. G-o, 2nd Div. Beebe G-3, 2nd Div. 3:45 A.M. From: 2nd Div. Red. by P.D. Time 0700 Ck.. POD 37 To : 5th Army Corps. 4 Nov. 18. E 05.30 By Radio. To C G 5th Corps period Ninth Infantry occupied heights 2 kilomet of BEAUMONT at 3 period 4-5 Nov period Pourth still in contact Resistance light advance period Signed Lejeune ers south i n th e HEADQUARTERS SECOND DIVISION (REGULAR) AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCE 0 liO C .G . 4th Brigade France. 4 November, 1918. 6:00 A.M. 1. Enclosed message received from Rhea. He has been directed to hold position vicinity BEAUMONT. Corps comm¬ ander desires us to seize any standing brigdes over MEUSE, in our area. Move up and support him closely; protect ooth his flanks and get liaison with the 89th and 30th ivisions 2. 1st Division moves-up in your rear and. will support you. They have been sent copies of Van Korn’s message and understand the situation. (Cont’d next page) (Cont’d from last page) November 4, 19IB. A t •; 3. Division P.C. moves to FOSSE this morning. joy 'g?.) Command of Major General n< v = rs Lejeune: y w HU. B. MYERS. Colonel, General Staff, Chief of Staff. No. Sent by Received by 2 X 67 Hn W 95 cv Prom: Sink Six At : P.C. BELLEVUE Date: 4/13/18 Hour: 7:35 A.M. How Sent To : Surprise Three. Check 20 Badio Line runs through 2720 5809 4582 2869 3578 1543 5519 1841 farm. Sig. Joseph Molloy, 1st Lt. 3rd Brig. G-2. G-2. 5th Array Corps, Nov. 4, 1918. TELEPHONE MESSAGE PROM 2nd Div. - 8 h.: 130 prisoners taken last night, and they are on the way to the cage. Our troops have reached the heights two kilo¬ meters this side of BEAUMONT. We have sent patrols to BEAU¬ MONT, but have not yet heard the result of these patrols, we have contact with the enemy . Ha. 2nd P .A. Brigade About 10:20 A.M. Nov. 4th. Arrived at P.C. LA FORGE FME. Notified Surprise that BEAUMONT was captured night of 3/4 and mopped up in morning. Col. Davis instructed to put ha rassing fire on our front 9:30 to 11:30 November 4th, again from 12: to 2:00. No. of Message: 4446 Prom: G-2, 5th Corps, rec’d at 8:15 H by LB - courier Dated: 4 Nov. 1918. *ec’d 10:3C H We have no wire to our right division. Left Division reports capture of 130 prisoners last night, who are now on their way to Div. cage. Elements of this Div. reached the heights 2 kilos, this side of BEAUMONT and sent a patrol ahead into the town. No report has yet been received from the patrol. Prom: Harold 1. At : p.C. Bate: 4 Nov. 18 Hour: 10:50 a.m . To : Harper 1. Prom any available troops including your reserve Bn., you will order one company of Infantry and one section of M. G. ’ s to proceed to LA FORGE PARI'., 3 Km N.E. of VAUX , to report there to an officer of 2d Div. at 6 A.m. 5 Nov. to be (Cont’d next page) ■ ■ m » A. M. November 4, 1918. (Cont'd from last page) combined with a similar detachment of 2d Div. under command of officer from that Div. Our Div. order directs that this detachment be at point designated at hour specified without fail. Harold 1. From: Rhea 23rd Inf. At : LA FORGE FARM Date: -Nov. 4 Hour: 11:10 A.M. To : C.G. 2nd Div. .Jackson & your messages just rec'd. ,am sending you a long message of situation. 3end 4th Erig. on up to here.. They have 1 bn. in front of this farm. I thought more were up. All should be this far. Map shows no bridges across MEUSE in our front. Sev- eral on our right. Will reconnoiter now when am in position to do so . Rhea. ?. M. N ovember 4 . 1918 . Report No: 4455 From: 5th Corns, Capt. Wylie, Phone Time: 12:12 H. Nov. 4, 1918. 1st Division is established at NOUART and will arrange telephone communications thru to Lakewood as soon as possible No telephonic connection with 2nd Div., or 89th Div. eivea radio at 9:00 H (report signed by G-l) that our troops were 2 kiln. South of BEAUMONT. Capt. Wylie. Report No: 4458 From: 5th Corps, Chief Time: 12:15 Nov. 4, 1918. of Staff Ihone. stated at 12:3.5 that the General Burtt Division to hills south of BEAUMONT at 3: authentic. One battalion 9th Infantry on 4 5 advance of 2nd this morning is ,he line with 2 in support. The 23rd Inf. was position on right. Patrols MONT . at of time of report moving into 9th Infantry moving to BEAU- Taylor. sent bv Col Message to C.G. 3rd Brig. 1:15 P.M. Nov. 4th j^Q 0 0 0 % Message of 11:10 received. Gen. Lejeune has called on you since you wrote it. Regarding rations G-lj not in phone connection but rations are expected at BA/ONVIlLE. ^ ^mall arms ammunition has been delivered at FOSSE and NOUARi (re¬ port of Coli Rifenberick) by truck where your combat wagons should refill. Only small amount at present. Rations and ammunition can be delivered only slowly. Corps Commander has promised all assistance. Have asked G-l lor report on situation. 5 ambulances are enroute to you, and Maj. Deroy is coning to you now. Congratulations on move thru woods. P. M. November 4, 1918. 0-2, 5th Army Corps. Nov. 4, 1918. Time Filed 11:30. Received by R D, Time 13:25 Check P 0 W 47 From 2nd Division. Nov. 4th, Radio. To 5th Corps. 5 prisoners 457th regiment captured this morning wood south BEAUMONT . Their regiment was in close .support 459th regiment period our advance developed so rapidly they were captured while moving up to support leading regiment. Sign Second Division. Note: The 457th Regiment belongs to the 236th Division. TELEPHONE MESSAGE RECEIVED BY G-3. 17 O’CLOCK. From: Hdars 2ND DIVISION 4TH NOVEMBER, 1918. No. 15 * To : The Chief of Staff, 5th Army Corps. Our line north of wood being heavily shelled and meeting with much resistance. Other brigade is moving to extend our right. The 80TH DIVISION was fighting in SOMMAUTKE at 14 hours. They have withdrawn their combat liaison companies two ( 2 ) days ago between their right and our left. Request information of the progress of the 89TH DIVISION Enemy planes very active. (Signed) Myers. Field Message received from C.O. 3rd Brigade 19:aO hours. It is reported that the 80th Div. is coming up on oui left. The Marines are coming on our right. This brigade will advance its line tonight 4/5 Nov. to ridge extending from BEAUMONT to system of"trenches about 2 km. S. E. ol BEAUMONT (both inclusive) From 23:00 hours until 23:30 hours artillery will play heavily on the objective and sensitive points near objective. At 23:30 hours 2 battalions of the 23rd Inf. will be in position to occupy the objective and ^ will do so when the preliminary bombardment ceases. The "o battalion of the 23rd will take position in support to pro¬ tect the right flank. BEAUMONT will not be mopped up before daybreak at that time at least one company will be sent m to mop up the town. If circumstances seem favorable the town of LETANNE will be mopped up at daybreak. r Position ^ sketches will be sent in as soon as possible. The 9th ini. will remain in reserve in its present position. Telephone message from Lt. Parsons at 4th x/rig. L.u. 9.45 PM to G-3. Just returned from 3rd Brig, and obtained following.- My advance guard rear element had entered woods about, 1* kilometers north of my P.C. at LA FONTAINE CKONCQ, Farm. mi^ means that my leading element must be by this time at 1 . hours, well past LA FORGE Farm. No resistance offered to amount to anything. Have given orders to leading battalion to hold north edge of woods and to exploit heights north 01 woods. Have found only lightly occupied. Bivouacing in battle formation, 1 battalion in line. Battalions aoout 1000 meters apart, ■ . P. M. November 4, 19IB. HEADQUARTERS SECOND DIVISION (REGULAR) AMERICAN' EXPEDITIONARY FORCES. Prance. 4 November, 19IB. 11:40 P.M. Message to C.G. 5th Corps. Front line 3rd Brigade now just south of PETITE EGRET FEE. extending about a kilometer east and xvest of that point, Orders have been given to advance line during and early morning to BEAUMONT. Patrols to river. ig:- ade now going into position on right of 3rd Brigade. °® n ~ l patrols towards POUILLY and INOR and through JAUILAYwoods. Comb 1918. Telegram received from 5th Corps 4:08 A.M. by G-3. Nov 5, ’18. Reply at once location front line resistance met and li¬ aison adjoining units. Telephone message from 3rd Brigade to G-3, 2d Div. 5:45 A.M. Nov. 5th, 1918o Believe all objectives taken. Left battalion, 23rd Inf. on heights east of BEAUMONT. Town has not been entered yet. Will be entered at daylight* 40 prisoners taken today. 8;40 A.M.., Nov. 5, ’18, Wireless message to 5th Corps - Code* Chief of Staff, 5th Corps. Situation 2nd Division Troops at eight hours colon Third Brigade occupy BEAUMONT ■ .nd heights to east period Fourth Bri¬ gade occupy line in woods south of BEAUMONT-LANEFJVIDLE road period Second Field Artillery Brigade in position! on line LA FORK'S - LE GRAFT if 1 .AUG period Troops are mopping up B01S de JAULNY and reconnoitaring a river crossing period. Myers . Telephone Message received from O.P. at 8:30 A.M., Nov.5, ’18. G-3. White flags seen flying from the house tops of the village of le BESACE. Telephone Message received from O.P. at 8:45 A.M., Nov.5, ’18. G-o. Cur troops seen at coordinates 307.90-307,40 and to the right and left of this point each side to one-half kilometer. Heavy forward patrols of oar troops seen to penetrate as far as the MEUSE but fell back on account of heavy shell fire. Boche shelling the valley on the south bank of the MEUSE heav¬ ily: also the southwest corner of the BOIS de la VACHE. 8:50 A.M., Nov. 5, ’18. Wireless Message to 5th Corps - Code Chief of Staff, 5th Corps, We occupy BEAUMONT and heights north and east period Re- connoitering woods and river crossings period, Uyer s . Telephone message received from Lt. Parsons by G-3, 9:30 A.M,. Nov. 5th. Information obtained from a French soldier who has just come in from BEAUMONT . Some German artillery fire at BEAUMONT this morning. Boche planes about 4C0 feet at 9:00 A.M. No dead Americans on road between here and BEAUMONT, a few dead Germans. About 400 civilians in town. (Other reports say (Cont’d next page) A. M. November 5, 1918. (Cont’d from last page) A 500 civilians). There is a bridge across the MEUSE at LET- ANNE. Does not know whether it is destroyed or not. We have just heard we have enough wire to push the wire to BEAUMONT. Officers are out now reconnoitering the route for the wire. I will stay here until the wire is in BEAU¬ MONT. Will ring up again in a few minutes. Col. Rhea is on his way here. More than 40 prisoners in BEAUMONT. Message from SINK Hour: 9:45 A.M. New identifications: 398th Regt., 10th Div., prisoners captured in BEAUMONT this morning stated that the 47th Regt. and the 6th Grenadier Regt. of the same division were in line, where they had been 1 day. They had orders to hold the line from YONCQ, to BEAUMONT. They stated that the bridges across the river were intact. REMARKS: By G-2. Record in our office show this division in line with the 19th German Army. Prisoners having been taken on Oct. 27 th near CLEMERY south of METZ. Intelligence report received from G-2 by G-3. 9:45 A.M. Our troops are seen at BEAULIEU Ferine. Telephone message received by G-3 from Lt. Parsons 9:50 A.M Sharp skirmishes and patrols withdrew temporarily, due to German machine gun fire coming from the Plateau west of LETANNE. Line held now the same as held before. Prisoners state that their retreat will continue beyond the MEUSE (rumor), also several prisoners said the bridges are blown up. Can’t find out about liaison, get right after that. Telephone message received 10:05 A.M. Nov. 5th from G-3 Corps, by G-3, 2nd Div. Send report of your front line situation at daylight this morning. No. of Message 4519 Brora: 5th Corps - 'Wylie - phone. Dated: 5 Nov. 1918. Rec’d: 10:45 H Erom 2nd Div. at 8:00 H: Third Brigade occupies BEAU_ MONT and points to east. 4th Brig, occupies line in woods south of BEAUMONT-LANEUVILLE Road. Troops mopping LOIS JAULNY and reconnoitering the river crossing. 2nd Meld Artillery in position on line LA FORGE-LA GRANDE ETANG . By Radio from 89th Div: Front line along eastern edge of forest DIEULET. Enemy are crossing MEUSE in retreat. Our troops in LANEUVILLE. Bridge blown up. Patrols in CSSSE and LUZY. Fire from enemy position from east of river. Liaison established with adjoining units. 89th Eiv. at 9:15 H: We hold LANEUVILLE and CESSS. Patrols to INOR and PCUILLY have not yet returned. The bridge at STENAY is blown up in two places. Germans have (Cont’d next page) A. M. November 5, 1918. (Cont’d from last page) flooded the river by filling arches of bridge. River about 1 km. wide. N.W. of STEFAY, the river has its normal width, of about 80 meters and can be crossed with bridge material. Immortal 1 has directed the 178th brigade Infantry to force a crossing where ever he can and get one Battalion properly supported on other side. We have artillery up to support operations along river and are moving Infantry Reserves, leaving two battalions overlooking Height of BEAUCLAIR. No. of Message: 4521 From: G-2, 5th Corps. Rec’d by MH at 10:00 K - courier Dated: 5 Nov. 1918. Rec’d: 10:57 A.M. 2nd Division reports BEAUMONT and Heights to the east occupied at 8:00 A.M. Hopping up BOIS de JAULNY a.nd rec- onnoitering a river crossing. Telephone message to Chief of Staff, 80th Div., from G-3, sent 11:00 A.M. Nov. 5th. Today we are reconnoitering for a river ^crossing and are improving our positions as shown Capt. McWey f rom y° ur I 1 .C. Will send word to Liaison detachment to make better connection with you. Telephone message to 89th Div. Nov. 5, 11:00 A.M. sent by G-2, 2nd Div. 3rd Brigade, 2nd Div., front line is north of BEAUMONT, BEAUMONT was mopped up this A.M, and 40 prisoners taken. Enemy holds plateau west of LETANNE. 3rd Brigade reached BOIS de la VACHE. Fourth Brig, reached LANEUVILLE - BEAUMONT road on their left a.nd are sending liaison detacliment to con¬ nect with you. White flags have been seen in POUILLY and Marines (4th Brig.) are sending a patrol to that town. Our troops have been ordered to mop up FORET de JAULNY and reconnoiter a river crossing. Telephone message to Chief of Staff 80th Div., iron G-3, re¬ ceived 11:00 A.M. We received word from our advance center that you have a battalion in BEAUMONT and troops are considering ulacing a Regimental P.C. there. Wish to do anything to hexp out. BEAUMONT is in sector of 2nd Division. If your reg¬ imental P.C. is needed there, request you have C.O. confer with Brig. Condr., 3rd Brig. 12: Noon. November 5, 1918. From Lt. Parsons, at 3rd Brig¬ ade, to G-3, 2nd Division. Just have information that the eastern boundary of the 1st Corps has been changed to the line: VAUX (inclusive) - la BAGNOLLE (exclusive) -Hill 275. west of YONCQ, (exclusive) - MOUZON (exclusive). (Cont’d next page) A. M. November 5, 1918. (Cont’d from last page) This information comes to us from the Adjutant of the Brigade on our left. He received this information from the Chief of ^taff, 80th Division. Will you find out if you have that same information? The troops have not been ordered back. P. M . November 5, 1918. 12:40 P.M. November 5. Message received by C.G. 2nd Div¬ ision. Message dropped from an aeroplane , 104th Aero Squadron at 11:20 Large German convoy leaving M0U20N. Huns in barn at cross roads one kilometer south of MOUZON. Carl Wood, From: Hamilton Date: 11/5/18 Hour: 10:45 A.II. No:9. How Sent: Mt' ed Mess. To : G-3, Surprise. We have reached our objective, BEAUMONT - LA THIBAUDINE FME. Road, with no casualties. Hastings, Lt. Time sent. 1:10 P.M. From: Hamilton Bate: 11/5/18 Hour; 11:15 A.M, No: 8. How sent:Mt'ed Mess. To : G-3, Surprise. Civilians (French) at 4759 say the enemy is digging trenches and main line of resistance north of the MEUSE around AMBLEMONT. Hastings, Lt. Time sent. 1:10 P.M. From: Slap 6. At : P.C. Date: 5 Nov. 18 Hour: 1:10 P.M. How sent: Via 4th Brigade. To : Surprise 6. There are the following explosives signals etc at the FME LA FONTAINE A'U CRONCQ,. 10 boxes Gas Masks 50 tt Hand Grenades 15 n Fuses 18 i« Spare parts for machine guns 62 it Machine guns ammunition 14 it Dynamite 28 it Wing torpedos 14 it Rockets and flares. G-2, 5th Army Corps. November 5, 1918. Telephone message from advance P.C., 2nd Biv., 13 h 30. New Identifications - Prisoners captured from 389th Rgt., 10th Div., captured at midnight just in front of BEAUMONT. These prisoners state that the 47th Rgt., and the 6th Grenadier Rgt., of the same (Cont'd next page) . . V p.M. November 5, 1918. (Cont T d from last page) division were in line and the whole division has been in the vicinity of BEAUMONT for a day. They were holding the line from YONCQ, to BEAUMONT. They state no prepared positions on this side of the river that they know of. The bridges across the river were intact. Given by forward brigade. Prisoners have not arrived at Division. 1:42 P.M. November 5, 1918, Message picked up by Signal Corps from Immortal 1 to Lakewood. To Surprise 1: Liaison established. Our front line along LANEUVILLE BEAUMONT Road. Immortal 1. 1:50 P.M. Message from C. of S, Corps to G-3, 2nd Division. There are two bridges located in bend of the river nortn of BEAUMONT near La SARTELLE Farm. These bridges about 500 meters Corps Commander directs that you seize these bridges and hold them for your use. Apparently the en¬ emy intends to use them tonight to make hie getaway. Some patrols out there might do the job. They are the only bridges the aeroplanes report. Field Message I'eceived 2:05 P.M. November 5th, by G-3 from Lt. Hastings, Liaison Agent with 80th Division. Civilians (French) at 4759 say the enemy is digging trenches and main line of resistance north of the MEUSE around AMBLEMONT. Field Message received 2:05 P.M. Nov. 5, by G-3 from Lt. Hast ings, Liaison Agent with 80th Division. We have reached our objective BEAUMONT - LA THIBAQBINiii Fme Road, with no casualties. 3:00 P.M. November 5, 1918. Message received from airplane. From: Wm. 0. Nicker. To -: Div, P.C. Mission: Infantry liaison. 1, Fog lifted and rain ceased so returned to complete mission. Saw red rocket on road about three quarts^ so a kilometer north of BEAUMONT. . 2. Germans in shell holes at upper bend of river norun of LE' 1 2 * 4 5 6 7 ’ANNE. o. Dropped maps with locations friendly and enemy 4. Am enclosing similar map. 5. Blue: enemy. 6. Black: Friendly. Pilot: Eaton Obs. : Nickel. troops. ■ . . « P.M. N ovenber 5, 1918, Telephone message received from C, of S., 5th Corps, 3:30 P.M., Nov, 5th, received hy G-3. Send Col. Davis at once to report to C.G. 89th Div, (Signed) Lakewood 3. 3;45 P.M., Nov. 5, 1918, Message from Adj. 4th Brig, to G-3, The Lt.Col, of the 5th Regt, at the forward P.C, reported at 2:50 P.M, that the leading battalion of the 5th was pro¬ ceeding in a northeasterly direction through the BOIS de JAUL- NAM- the line extending from 309,3-306,6 in a southeasterly direction covering sector. Patrols to points mentioned in field order in advance from which no reports have been re¬ ceived as yet. He states commander of advance battalion thor¬ oughly understands situation and is pushing ahead. G-2, 5th Army Corps, Message from 2nd Div. at 17 h 25 - Nov, 5, 1918, Your message regarding taking prisoners to EKERMONT until the day after tomorrow received, The place is 22 Kins • from our present P.C, In view of condition of roads and the few guards available for this purpose, it will be impossible to send prisoners from here to EXERMONT, Request that immediate P.¥,E, be established. Message from 2nd Div. at 17 h, 25- G-2, 5th Army Corps, Nov, 5, 1918, Enemy is holding largely by machine gun positions on the heights 1-|- Km3. north of BEAUMONT and the Height in front of BOIS PAILLY and in the N,¥, Part of FORET de JAULMYCur front line is in Liaison with Division on left on ¥ARNIFORET-BEAUMONT highway in the vicinity of Corps boundary. From there it ex¬ tends along the highway inclusive of BEAUMONT tc include LE- TANNE, then south to LOIS de la VACHE, thence into FORET de JAULNAYto the BEAUMONT-LANEUVILLE highway, where it is in li¬ aison with division on right. 5:30 P.M., Nov. 5, 1918, Telephone message from 3rd Brig, to G-3. Reports that some Boche avions released two pigeons and they lit on the barn near the P.C. and men from the 3rd Brig¬ ade, thinking they were Boche pigeons, shot them. They found on the pigeons the following message: From: Rodman, Lakewood 6 to G-2, 5th Corps, On the LUZANCY EAUCOURT road near the crossroads in a clearing in the BOIS SQMMA|JFHe( Indefinite, but I have no map of this territory) As near as I can learn, our troops are be ing held out of BEAUMONT by strong machine gun resistance,^ They are out of the woods and on the ridges southwest of the town. Considerable casualties due to machine guns. Little artillery activity. Can map be sent to G-2, P.C. Wright. 14 * 5 0 hours. Rodman. I have located a good site for an O.P. P.M. November 5, 1918. 5:50 P.M. November 5, 1918. Telephone message from Immortal 7 . Situation of our front practically unchanged except have some troops near POUILLY. Signed: Immortal 7. From: Hamilton Date: 11/5/18 Hour: 5:10 P.M. No:10.How Sent. Mt'ed. Mess. To : G-3, Surprise. Rather heavy artillery fire along entire line. Not much M. G.resistanc e. Hastings, Lt. Time sent: 6:00 P.M. HEADQUARTERS FIRST ARMY G-3 No. of message. 4561 From: 5th Corps - Capt. Wylie - by phone Dated: Nov. 5, 1918. Rec'd: 18:10 H . 2nd Division. At 12:00 H the left brigde had one platoon in LETANNE. The remainder of the brigade is on the river. Right brigade one kilometer N.E. of BEAUMONT-LANEUVILLE road. 10th German Division in line opposite 2nd Division. A Frenchman (civilian) says Germans are fortifying a line running south and east from AMjMLIMONT. This Frenchman lived in vicinity of AUTRECOURT. Hq. 2nd F.A . Brigade, about 6:30 P.M. Telephoned Surprise 3 and Col. Davis reference to large German convoy leaving MOUSON. Huns in barn at cross-roads one kilometer south of MOUZON (received above information * by aeroplane) Gave the status of 3rd Brigade to Col. Beebe status as of Nov. 5th. G-2, 5th. Army Cprps, Nov. 5, 1918. Telegram from 2nd Div. , to G-2, 5 A.C. Observation from V 85.75 shows steel bridge destroyed, wooden at POUILLY appears intact. Bridge at LETANNE des¬ troyed. Trenches, between PGUiLLB and. AUTREVILLE, also the roads and farm ST.REMY, are full of the enemy. Much machine activity from BOIS FAILLY. River about 130 feet wide. Banks four feet high. Appears unfordable; very practicable for pontoon. Myers, Chief of Staff. 7 :Q5 P.M. / P. M. November 5, 1918. PHONE MESSAGE FROM SINK 1: Effective strength of Third (3rdf Infantry brigade: Officers 93 Men 3075 be need the following men, excluding machine gunners: Officers (2nd Lts.) 120 Men 4000 The folloYfing machine gun personnel is needed: Officers (2nd Lts.) (Mach¬ ine Gun Officers) 22 Men, trained in machine gun, 600 Sink 1 i 3 desirous that a telegram asking for above replacements be sent to-night as the Brigade is badly in need of them. If any further information is needed, call Sink 11, Received by R E L. at 7:05 P.M. Nov. 5th, 1918. from Sink 11. To: SURPRISE 3. Hdqrs. V Amy Corps, A.E.F. 5 November, 1918. The Corps Commander directs 2d Division to clean up woods north of SARTELLE FARM and seize bridges tonight. Night fighting must be pushed to the limit. The Army is very anxious that we get those bridges. W. B. BURTT, Chief of Staff. Telephone at 19:30 hours. 7:30 P.M. Col. Ellis to Col. Beebe. 2nd La ttalion, 5th Marines: P.C. 310.3 - 312 .45 . Do n' t know line. 1st Bn . Line: 310.50 - 311. 70 to 310.45 - 311 ,70, th en to 3 10.40 - 311.5 . 309.95 - 312. - 309 .95 - 311 .80 , the n to 310. 311.6. 1 Bn. 89th Div. 309.3 - 311.3, along timber 309.25 - 310.70. Advance element leads up above parallel 313.00. 3rd bn. south and woods FLAVIER. 6th Marines: Road extending 308. - 311.5 - 307.7 - 311. This message transmitted to Corps at 7:30 P.M. Telephone message received 8:10 P.M. Nov. 5th by G-3, from Lt. Parsons. Col. Davis made personal reconnaissance at POUILLY. He stated that there vras a bridge at POUILLY. Small bodies of Germans were seen in fox-holes and trenches just north of POUILLY. This entire space commanded by a good trench on the military crest on our side of the river. The river is too deep to ford and about 100 or 150 meters wide. This is a good bank for bridge construction. - X — P . M. November 5, 19IB. Received B:10 P ,M. From C.G. 5 th Corps, to C. G. 2nd Div. Report at once location front line elements - resist¬ ance met and liaison adjacent units. Above message received by G-2 Surprise 5 ' Exchange (Lt. Hart). thru relay at "Old Keyser. November 5th, 1918. Telephone message relayed from 5th Corps received 9:05 P.M. Nov. 5th By C—3. The Corps has an unofficial report that our division captured an entire battery and an ammunition train yesterday The Corps has this measure and wish, this information veri¬ fied. They wish to know the amount of material captured. Answer - We have taken this matter up with the proper parties and no information can be cbtained until to-morrow. The men have been too busy fighting to count the material. 9:50 P.M. Telephone message from C. of S. Corps to C. of S. 2nd Div. The Corps Commander has heard your report of the con¬ dition of your men, and he directs that you proceed to carry out the orders already received to the limit of the endur¬ ance of your officers and men and that you press on in the most vigouous and loyal manner to carry on the pursuit. The issues of the whole first army depend on the pressure we can now exert upon the enemy. I talked it over with him, so much depends on it that we must press on. The right of the 1st Division must be protected in those woods so that they can press on to the north. Hq. 2nd F«A. Brigade, 10:30 P.M. Nov. 5th. Received order from Division that 3rd Brigade moves to the woods above SARTSLLE MGS and seizes the bridges re¬ ported previously, near that point. The 1st Division will advance from the rear of the 3rd Brigade to MOUZON and after passing 3rd Brigade, the 3rd Brigade will follow the 1st Division, protecting its right flank. The 4th Brigade will be ordered up and will relieve the 3rd Brig¬ ade at the first opportunity. Asked Surprise 7 for some maps asking G-2 to" start them out tonight as we must have them by morning. Hq. 2nd F.A. Brigade. 11:48 P.M. the Do Col. Rhea gave Col. Van Horn advance, also giving him Col. not occupy BGI3 RUPT until 1st help in the fight. verbal orders covering Stone's instructions. Division gets up to > ITo tine ind icatecL Bov. 5 th, 1916> To: Commanding Geneeal Lakewood (5th Army Corps) Front line 3rd brigade now just south of^Fetite Foret Ferme extending about a kilometer east and we Si. of that point. Orders have been given to advance line during night and early morning to Beaumont. Pa.trols to river. 4th Brigade now going into 'position on our right, toward Pouilly and Inor and through Jaulny woods. Conoat liaison on both flanks. There is heavy artillery and mach¬ ine gun fire on our positions and artillery fire on Bne v^cods in rear area of our division. Curing day enemy observation planes very active. urgently request tnat an l aircraft guns be sent well forward. Lej eune. Phone mes.sage from C. 0., 3rd Brigade to 2nd Division. Effective strength of 3rd Inf. Brigade - 9 3 ox.ficers 3075 men. W e need following men, excluding machine gunners 120 officers (2nd Lts.) 4000 men. The following machine gun personnel is needed - officers 22 men 600. C. 0. 3rd Brig, is desirous that a telegram asking xor above replacements be sent tonight as the Brigade is ba r y in need of them. If any further information is needed, call Adj. 3rd Brig. Telephone Message to Lakewood 6 (5th Army Corps) A large fire northwest of Beaumont probably in Ffaba. This is the second fire seen in that direction. Our art¬ illery putting down a heavy fire on enemy front position. No enemy artillery reaction. Received by telephone Bov, 5, .1918, Surprise 6 . No time indicated, Nov. 5th, 1916. P.C, HAMILTON, A.E.P. 5th November, 1916, Message to A. C, 0 f S,, G-3, 2d Division. The relief of the 60th division by the 1st Division was completed this morning. The 60th Division is now assem¬ bled in the area west of SOMMAUTHE, No knowledge of fut¬ ure movements. Bront line of the 1st Corps V ;as given tonight, from west to east, CONAGE, 1 kilometer north of BULSON - HARA- COURT. -Exact location of the front line of the 77th Div¬ ision (on the left of the 1st Division) not known by the Corps at 6:00 P.M. J, B, Barnes, Lt. Col. G.S,, G-3. Date: Nov 5/16. How sent: Radio. Ercm: 2nd Div. ' l o: 15th Army Corps, Chief of Staff -Fifth Corps safety North of ^ood 9 heavily shelled and meeting with much resistance. Our other brigade is moving to lengthen our right, 60th Division was fighting in Soramauthe at 14 hour. They have withdrawn their combat liaison Company today - passed between their right and our Bequest information as seriously wound¬ ed progress of the 69th Salient - Aeroplanes very - (sign) My er s. A. M. G-2, 5th Army Corps, Nov. 6, 1916, Message from Colonel Truesdell at 2nd Division, 6 h, 1.5. Everything quiet during the night. Little activity. The 176th Regt. , 69th -Div. is on our right and is in con¬ junction with us at the Bridge POUILLY. The Germans are all on the other side of the river. are receiving direct artillery fire from the east side of the river. The -First Division is up on our left. BEAUMONT has 401 civilians in it. It has been shelled all night with gas. The 23rd Infantry is as yesterday on our objective. Ae 9th Infantry is starting for the bridgehead in the valley. . ' - ■ A. M. IToventer 6, 1918. MESSAGE from Div. O.P. Hour 8:20 A.M. 450 civilians, including 150 young men in BEAUMONT. Interpreter from 80th Division is ordering civilians out of town. Bridge on the road leading into BEAUMONT from POSSE is down. There is another Bridge at the northwest end oi the town. G-2. 8:30 A. M. Tel. message from 3rd Brig, (Adj) to G-3. The troops are in position as ordered. The 1st Div¬ ision reported on their left at 7 o’clock. Very little resistance met by us. Lieut. Parsons from BEAUMONT reports as follows: Hour 8:45 A.M. A Drench Lieut, from the Drench Mission of the 80th Division is arranging the evacuation of the civilian population of BEAUMONT and LETANNS to SOMMAUTHE. The wooden bridge just south of BEAUMONT on our axial road is destroyed. The ford is about impassable, The reach of this bridge is about 20 feet. If G-3 thinks it advisable, requests that my orderly who ha.3 come to Division P.C, with a lead horse and two days forage be sent to me here. I will report again in about one and one-half hour. G-2 . 9:00 A.M. Tel. mes. from Gen, Neville to G-3. The following message received from C, 0, 5th Marines. The patrol crossed the canal on the lock. Bridge., destroyed.. The bridge over the wide part of the river is so that a man can just crawl across it. The bridge ever the narrow part of the river is so a nan has to have ass¬ istance to get across. We figure it will take one hour for a platoon to get across. They had flames in the town during the night. There is an 89th patrol on this island at the same time but none crossed over the town. The Lieutenant of the 89th said, he saw 2 Germans across the little creek and he fired at the Boche and thougnt he got them, The main part of the machine gun activity is from the heights back and around the town. Larson has patrolled all through the forest de JAuL- NAY clear around to the point on the Meuse. Date: 11/ e/18 Hour 9:00 To : G-3 Surprise Red 9:50 A^ HAMILTON - 7 told, me that th Division (80th) was being relieved. I will await ord.ers at this r. 0. Hastings, Lieut. Telephone message received 9:00 A.M. Nov. 6th from Lt. Parsons at advance information center, received by G-5. A G-2 observer returning from the front reports the 9th Infantry in the followin’ position 1 battalion in western edge of LOIS FAILLY, 1 battalion in woods at November 6, 1918. A.M. (Cont’d from last page) LA SARTELLE FME, 1 battalion in woods 1 kilometer west of LA -SARTELLE IMS. He reports 2 bridges over the MEUSE located, one in square 79 and one in square 60. Fatrols have been sent to both of these. No. of Message: 4580. HEADQUARTERS FIRST ARMY From: G-2, 5th Corps, rec’d by MH G-3 Dated: 6 Nov. 1918 at 9:00 K - courier. Rec’d: 10:05 H. From 2nd Div. Everything quiet during the night. We are in liaison with the Div. on our right at the POUILLY bridge. The Roche are all on the other side of the river. 1st Div. is on our left. BEAUMONT has 401 civilians in it. It was shelled all night with gas. Rec’d by G-3 from Lt. Hastings. Nov. 6th 9:30 A.M. The C.G. 8Oth Div. would like to know where the 5th Corp P.C. is at as the 1st Corp is out of touch with them. Hastings, Lieut. Field Message received 9:30 A.M., Nov. 6th, by G-3 from Lt. Hastings, liaison agent with the 89th Division, G-3, 80 Division told me that their division (80th) was being relieved. I will await orders at their P.C. Telephone message to 3rd Brigade 9:40 A.M. Nov. 6th sent by G-3. C.G. directs that patrols from 9th. Infantry that went out to bridges in square 79 and 60, protect these bridges. Get this word forward to C.O. 3rd Brigade or his Adjutant at once. Intelligence report received from G-2 by G-3 9:45 A.M, Our troops are seen at BEAULIEU FEKME. From: Capt. John H Steck. At: P.C. Surprise. Date: 6 Nov 18. Hour: 9:50 A.M. No. 1. How Sent: Mtd. Courier. To: Lieut. Hastings Liaison Agent with 80th Div. 1. The Chief of Staff directs that you report to the 1st Division as Liaison Agt. from the 2nd Division and continue with work. 2. Y/e understand that the 5th Corp. Kdqrs. is moving to BAYONVILLE-et-CHENNERY today. Steck. Captain. G-2, 5th Army Corps, Nov. 6, 1918. Message from 2nd Division relayed through Lakewood at 9 h. 50. Must have 350 Sedan maps 1/20,000 by daylight tomorrow morning. Telephone message from Col G-3 < IIovernier 6 , 1913 « iii • llll! 10 :25 A 1 i. • ImX • Nov . 6th to Referring to the message just received - request tnat steps be taken to have troops of 89th Division withdrawn from their positions opposite bridge head at POUILLi, AND from our sector, in order that our crossing, if it can -e affected, nay be properly supported by our machine guns and artillery fire . That is that we may control movement of all troops adjacent to our probable crossing. Also that we be furnished with information as to the situation in the area to the westward of the LOIS d'AIw*. - GISGRo on the west bank of the kEUSE . Also the situation in re¬ gard to the area LUZY, CE8SE and LANEUVILLE, as to the possibility of procuring c. limited number of ^pontoons ior a crossing. Also the area of exploitation in case the crossing is effected. lies sage to Chief of Staff, 5th Corps. Nov.6th, 10:45 AM Request information with respect to any changeswhich may have been made in the eastern boundary of the sector of the 2nd Division. HU B. .DYERS. 11:22 A:.M . November 6, 1918. Telegram received from Im mortal Seven. C.G.,2nd Div . No change in front of this division. Immortal Seven, 11:21 a .k. Telephone message received 11:25 A.k. by G-3, Nov. otn^ from 5th Corps. For attention and information ol Chi- 6 -*- of Staff, 2nd Div. From Lawrence, Lt, 104th Aero squadron 10:50 A.k. to G-3, 5th Army Corps. Artillery moving through BEAUmOi-■ fi ,, anTLls/ in one week's time, with 500 animals the 58th /rtv Brigade can resume active operations m open wariare. *Bridges at POUILLY, ,IN0R, LUZY, CESSE and STENAx, with intermediate crossings, have been demolished by the enemy^ Demolition at POUILLY was incomplete and small infantry e tachments have crossed and are holding far siae y stron- infantrv detachments and machine guns on this Side . It is"believed that a similar operation is ^ossicle at INOu. At POUILLY it would take a week' s time to put on - 0 e ana road into condition for heavy vehicles. Infantry and light trains could probably be put over ™four days -^Road.. > v - P. M November 6, 1918. (Cont’d from last page) leading to bridges between STENAY and POUILLY are bad, except road to INOR which is reported as in fair condition. Road along northwest corner of FORET de JAULNAY is pract¬ icable for fresh movements of artillery and trains, but it has not yet been determined if it can bear the same traffic. Preparation for compliance with F.O.' 118 in progress. Reguest adjustments of boundary on left. This division has forces in POUILLY and FORET de JAULNJY, which area is also covered by the 2nd Division. It is particularly necessary for this division to hold NOUART in order to control traffic. Censored Received from IMMORTAL 1 at 13.54 J.C.H.Lee, Col. G.S. Nov. 6, 1918. Relay Clerk Chief of Staff, 5th Corps . Request information with respect to any changes which may have been made in the eastern boundary of the sector of the 2nd Division. Hu 3. Myers, C. of S, 2nd Division 10:45 Nov, 6, 1918. Field Message from Lt. O’Neil to G-3, 2nd Div, sent 12:20 P .M. 1. Map shoxvs position of troops up to about noon. Bn. Commander 3rd Bn., 23rd Infantry stated that he would occupy LETANNE and put out outposts as marked. This to be done by noon . 2. V/ill stay here and await further orders. This messenger will return to me. Message by telephone from "SONG SI” to 2nd F.A. Brigade 12:45 P.M. I have been out to the front looking things over. Everything seems to be quiet. One battery in action; that was all. we have forward positions prepared for an event¬ ual move . From: C.O. 5th Regiment U.S. Marines. At : P.C. FME de BELLE TOUR Date: 6 Nov.18. Hour 2:30 P.M* To : Colonel Allen: In accordance with instructions received, I am moving my 3rd battalion which is to the left of your front line to about 1 kilometer south of FME de la FME aux ERESLFS (8.3-3.8) Feland, Col. Comdg. Offic *al MSG From: 1st Div. To : 2nd Div. 8 0 W 45 Filed 1516- Nov. 6, 14:50 P.M. Road supply - ojANEUVILLE - BEAUMONT ess 1st Div. period Bridges of ential for ammunition (at) La MAISON BLANCHE P. M. November 6, 191B. (Cont’d from last page) period You repair mark also desired He Bridge kilometer northwest period Wire hour. Rec'd OK Vn 4:CB P.M. Message from Sink 6 received 4:00 P.M. by G-o. Estimate of Stores captured by 3rd Brigade. 9th Infantry reports, 4 - 77‘s Guns, B Minenwerfers, 40 Heavy machine guns, x Large amount of ammunition and shells (not counted) 1-5 Passenger auto. 23rd Infantry. 15 - 77 ’ s Guns, 10 Trench mortars, 175 Light machine guns, 75 Heavy machine guns, 4 Anti Tank Rifles, 3 Engineer dumps (material not counted), I Depot of Hospital Supplies, 10 Dynamos and Engines, 200,000 to 300,000 rounds M. G. ammunition, Large number of 77 - 105 - 150 shells, II Horses, 4 Wagons, Large quantities of material (not sorted) includes captured at POSSE - BEAUMONT and L 1 ETANNE• stores Prom: Lt. Parsons Rec’d. 7:30 P.M. Nov. 1.. At : BEAUMONT. . Date: 6 November Hour: 17:25. How Sent: Mtd. Officer. To : Col. Myers, G-3, 2nd Div. Am going to join 4th Brig. H.Q,. either tonight or early tomorrow morning. I have a good horse & oats or 2 days. I can act as mounted messenger if necessary between 4th Brig.& telephone connection to Div. «q. Parsons. November 6, 1916 - 6: P.M. Message from Adj. 4th Brigade to Chief of Staff. The 5th Marines are assembled in Squares 74 and B4 in preparation to marching to BEAUMONT by way of the road leaving the valley Farm la BELLE TOUR. The 6th Marines are figure 73 in preparation road leaving the valley assembled within 1,000 yards of to marching to BEAUMONT by uie 300 yards northeast of the figure 64 . Radio Message to C. G. 2nd D.iv. received 6:35 P.M Report your line and liaison. DICKMAN. p. *\/r November 6, 1918. 8:40 P.M., from G-3 5th Corps to Chief of Staif, 2nd Eiv. Paragraph 3, of field order No. 120 is changed as follows: (a) The 1st Division will continue to advance northward. (h) The 2nd Division will push forward on the right of the 1st Division. (c) The 89th Division will cover the front of the MEUSE from STENAY northward protecting the right flank of the advance. Strong reconnaissances will he pushed across the MEUSE. The 89th Division will he prepared to follow the advance. 10:20 P.1I. November 6, 1918. Message received through Lakewood. C. G. 2nd Division. No chance in situation. (sgd) Immortal 7. 10:20 P.I.i. November 6, 1918. Message received through Lakewood. C. G. 2nd Division. U.S. Report your line and liaison. Dickman. HQ,. 1ST ARMY, G-3. #4557 . Telephone Message (Gen. Burtt) tov. 0. lOw.o f-- 1 * Rec’d: 10:55 hours. Gen. Burtt thinks that 1st Div. is north of AUTRECOURT. This is not entirely certain. An officer who came in from up there reported it. It is certain, however, tna they are north of PIJRRON. If they do not. r.ieei ve±y s resistance on the DLL SON - VILLeRS - AMBLEnON- Lm-w will go through all right. An airplane today aade a re¬ connaissance up there, showing trenches ^ esst of nMui v showing that they may have a possible ime there. 2nd Div. captured 25 guns, 200 machine guns, oOO^OOO^ rounds of ammuni tion, 11 horses and 4 wagons in -.«= BOIS de KAILLY this morning, apparently the lOtn German Div. crossed the river last night or the nighc ceioie an could not get this over. For that reason we bexie^e there will he no resistances on that line nor thware,uur P.C. will close here tomorrow and reopen at aD0UI ' noon. We will have about as good communications room there as we have here, and will he a little near ex in touch with our divisions, he are out of touch with tne 1st Div. now except by wireless which is slow and uwcer tain. We will keep you informed of thau. n. No tine indicated . November t, - 2 4D QUARTERS SECOND DIVISION (REGULAR) 1Q1 " jrilM MERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES. Prance, 6 November, 1918. Message to A.C. of S., G-3, 80th Division. 2nd Division holds the west bank of the MEUSE from ocnosite POUILLi to SART. hJjL jIi 1 am (Cont’d next page) P. M. November 6, 191B, (Cont’d from last page.) Please inform C.G., 2nd Division, by bearer, your location and future plans. Also the location of the front line of the 1st Corps and the plans of the c.o. R. E. Beebe, Lt. Col,, General Staff, Acting A,C, of S, - G-3, HEAD0CARTERS SECOND DIVISION (REGULAR) AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES, Telegram France, November 6, 19IB. Gen. Lejeune to C,C-., 1st Corps. Our line is west bank of MEUSE from POUILLY to SARTELLE FARM. Combat liaison excellent on flanxs. not know line or P.C. of 1st Division. Request line P,C, of 77th Division. Lej eune* Do and Radio message from G-3 2nd Division Gannot decode message received. to G-3 1st Division. Repeat same. November 6th, ’IB, 2. We understand that the 5th Corps Headquarters is moving to BAYONVILLE et CHENNERY today. HEADQUARTERS SECOND DIVISION (REGULAR) AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES. France, 6 November, 1J1B. Message to 3rd and 4th Brigade. Reports indicate that the enemy has withdrawn from the east bank of the MEUSE in f U on ^ p °L vLlon' Cornier dir- ions there are very weaxly held. The truth in ects that you take immediate_steps to ascertain his lines . respect to this matter, making prompt rep - pq + Yblish You will take advantage of any opportunity to establish bridge-heads, and seizing position on the other side river * HU. B. MYERS, Colonel, General Staxl, i of n-f Staff. Telephone message from G-3, 09th Division received by G-3 2nd Division Nov. 6th. It seems desirable to have a permanent liaison detach- lt seems noth Div. will send a pla* ment during the new move. C.G., B9th Div., wix toon of Infantry and two machine guns on BEAUMON LANEUVILLE road to a point 500 yards south o 11 » request you send same detachment. a C om- ^ Reply by G-3, 2nd Div. Detachment (o. possibly a pany) will be sent to same point tomorrow. HEAD QUARTERS FIFTH ARMY CORPS Office Chief of Staff American Expeditionary Forces, France, 6th November 19IB, (Cont'd next page,) No time indicated November 6, 1910. (Cont’d from last page) From: Lakewood 3. C. of S. 5th Corps To : Cherry 1. 1st Div. Subject: Boundary Limits. 1, 2nd Division takes over front of MEUSE from LE- TANNE to MOUZON inclusive, making reconnaisance for suit able crossing. 2. Continue movement on SEDAN. V. B. BURTT, Brigadier General, G.S., Chief of Staff. Message to A.C, of S., G-3 2nd Division from J. B. Barnes Lt. Col. G. S., G-3. Nov. 6th, *18. The relief of the 80th Division by the 1st Division was completed this morning. The 80th Division is now as¬ sembled in the area of SOLftlAUTHE. No knowledge of future movements. Front line of the 1st Corps was given tonight from west to east, CONAGE, 1 kilometer north of BULSOK- HAR- ACOURT. Exact location of the frontline of the 77th Div¬ ision (on the left of the 1st Division) not known by the Corp at 6:00 P.M. Memo for C.G., 89th Division from Lt. Col. R.E. Beebe, 3rd Brigade will hold the line of the 2nd Division, relieving the 4th Brigade on the right tonight. 3rd Brigade P.C. - BEAUMONT. 4th Brigade P.C. - BELVAL-BOIS des DAMES. ^ 4th Brigade is to assemble north of LA FOEGji FARM, 3rd Brigade occupies the line: 23rd Infantry on the right, 9th Infantry on the left, P. C. 9th Infantry - BEAUMONT. Battalions of 9th Infantry disposed as follows: 1 Battalion at LA SARTELLE FARM. 1 Battalion in BOIS-du-FOND-de-LIrlON. 1 Battalion in BOIS-de-FAILLT. P.C. 23rd Infantry: LA TUILBRIE FARM. Battalions of 23rd Infantry are as follows: 2nd Battalion in woods - center of square 777. 3rd Battalion disposed, with one platoon at left and rest of battalion in trenches and oods at BOlb ae la VACHE. P.C. 3rd Battalion - Farm de beaulieu. 1st Battalion of 23rd Infantry is in support oetween FARM de BEAULIEU and LA TULERIE FARM. The 3rd Brigade is ordered to take over the front from the Marines. Exact dispositions by the .3rd Brigade relieving the Marines is not yet ascertained. It is De ~ lieved they will have a post at FAKE de laWU, and mil connect with the 09th Division on the BEAUEOl.T-LAhEUVI-jLE road. The 15th E.A, (75's) approximate position southwest of BEAUMONT-LANEUVILLEroad, in square V 76. The 12th F.A. (75’s) vicinity of FARM de BELLE (Cont’d next page) TOUR. No time indicated. November 6, 1918. (Cont’d from last page) 1 Battalion, 17th F ,A,« (155’s) near the west of BEAUMONT. F.C; 15th F.A . with 3rd Brigade. F.C. 12th F.A. with 4th Brigade. Division machine Gun Battalion position east of BEAUMONT. ABA. November 7, 1918. Hq . 2nd F.A .Brigade. 1:40 A.M. Nov. 7th. Order received to extend front to include mOUZON and to move P.C. to YONCQ. Field message received 7:30 A .id. Nov. 7th, from C.O. 9th Inf . Careful reconnaissance made for 4 kilometers along river. There are no bridges. Average width oi river about (40) forty meters - not fordable - looks to be 0 to 15 feet deep. Locks are crossing canal and not the river. would, not be of use in crossing. We. get a little machine gun fire at times from across the river. Artillery cniy shells road. Kq 2nd F.A*. Brigade 8 :40 A .li. Sureri se Sector of 2nd Division extends further north. ora Brigade organized and holds the line of the MEUSE iron LETANNS to MOUZON both inclusive and reconnoiter river crossing. Patrols will gain contact east of the .irFUSE. The 4th Brigade moves to BOIS ft* YONCQ,. A troops in vic¬ inity of BEAUMONT will move in small detachments to avoid observation. 4th Brigade will not move through BEAUMONT. Liaison detachments: 09th Div . have agreed to send one^ platoon and two machine guns to a point 500 yards soutn of BEAUMONT to combine with a similar detachment from the 3rd Brigade. Will get them by 8:00 A.M November 7th P.C. 2nd Division to be announced later. P.C. 3rd Bri* YONCQ, P.C. 4th Brigade FLABA. From: Lt. Hastings At- : CHERRY. How sent: kt. Courier. Date: 11/7/18. Hour: 9 A.M. No. 11 To ;: G-3 Surprise . P.C. at CEE EERY are getting a gas barrage now. Have no phone connection or telegraph. Our object for to-day is SEDAN. Have met m. G. lire already. I have no maps available to give the line. Hastings. Field message from 9th Inf. 9:05 hours Nov. 7th, 1918. Company at MOUZON, K company at VILLEMONTRY. Both renort machine gun fire (long range) along roaa• K co ^“ ^nv found Lt. and men of 26 Inf. M company found some of the 18th and 26th under 2 Sgts. at MOUZON.. 4 machine guno •eirF'^ on Li company from town. Took up positions along railroad and simple states he is starting to clean snipers out Several fires reported in the town. Sent chow wagon t0 (Cont’d. next page) I rs November 7, 1918. (Cont’d from last page) A.M. both towns under cover of fog. Came under machine gun fire but got there. Both companies have a machine gun platoon. One or two machine gun casualties going up. 10:00 A.M,, Nov. 7, 1918. Telephone message from Adj . 3rd Brigade to G-3. MOUZON found to be occupied by enemy snipers and ma¬ chine guns. We are cleaning out MOUZON now. Ho further in- formation available. Hq. 2nd P.A. Brigade« 10:40 A.M., 7 November 1918. Called Surprise and told them IvlCUZON not yet cleaned out. We are cleaning out now. Hq, 2nd P.A, Brigade; 10145 A.M., 7 November 1918, Called Colonels Stone and Van Horn and asked them to "sit tight". We received word from Surprise not to move P.C. or troops. 11:40 A.M., November 7, 1918. Telephone Message from G-3, 5th Corps, to C. of S., 2nd Division, The Germans have been notified that if they wish to learn the present terms of the Armistice they should apply to General Poch, It is understood that a delegation has al¬ ready left BERLIN. Marshal Poch directs that if this delega¬ tion, or any delegation, presents itself to any front line division it be held at the front line division and the status and object of the visit be made known to Marshal Poch, The delegation will be retained there until his reply is re¬ turned , In case the delegation arrives in front of the 2nd Division, they will be brought to Div. Headquarters« (Cont'd on next page) November 7, 1918 A. M. (Cont’d. from last page) The 1st Division is ordered out of the 1st Corps area behind the line: La BESACE - AUTRECQUkT. P. M. N ovember 7 , 19.18 . From: Lt. O’Neil (in charge of Eng. Recc. detail) At : BEAUMONT Date: Nov. 7, '18. Hour: 12:20 P.M. No. 1. How Sent: To : G-3, 2nd Div. Runner. 1. Map shows position of troops up to about noon. Bn. Cmdr. 3rd Bn. 23rd Inf. stated that he would occupy LETANNE and put out outposts as marked. This to be done by noon. 2. Vill stay here and await further orders messenger will return to me. O’Neil,- 1st Lt. This Red. 3 PM HEADQUARTERS SECOND DIVISION (REGULAR) AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES. TELEGRAM: 3:00 P.M. , November 7, 1918. C . G., FIFTH CORPS. 'om First Corns reports 77th Division along MEUSE f. MOUZON to PETIT REMILLY period have directed an officer to report to P.C. 77th Division RAUCOURT and the establishment of combat liaison at MOUZON period machine guns and snipers on west bank of MEUSE near MOUZON were cleared out by Sec¬ ond Division this morning period reconnaissance of MEUbaj from BOIS FAILLY to IlOUZON shows no bridges comma river unfordable comma east bank has machine gun nests and trench mortars period trench mortars are firing on canal locks_ period troops receive machine gun fire when exposed pexlod artillery fire on roads period casualties light period line west bank of MEUSE LETANNE inclusive to MOUZON incl¬ usive end -rr.-n G-3 SURPRISE headquarters second division (regular) AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES. By telegraph 3:10 P.K. France. 7 Novemoer, 1911. To: G- 3, Advance G. H. and G-3, G. H. Q,. Tjy 'ANNE inclusive SARTELLS farm Division relieved 2nd Div- from LETANNE exclusive. 2nd Division holds west bank MEUSE to MOUZON inclusive. Extended boundary TO MOUZON this morning. BSth iBion from BOIS JAULNAY inclusive to ^ , . . Machine guns and snipers cleared from west oank at this morning. Enemy firing from east bankv/ith. guns and trench mortars. Enem;/ artillery i n ing River unfordable, no bridges. Casualties li'-.t. today. IlOUZON machine on road3. P.C. fgss: G-3, 2nd Division. P. M. Nov 7th, 1918. Hq« 2nd E, A. Brigade. 4:45 P.M, Brom: Surprise. 1st Bivision is out of line. 77th Division holds^ from near MOUZON to PETIT REM1LLEY along the.MEUSE. Ob tained liaison with 77th Division. Report situation, snipers and machine gunners near MOUZON. Nov. 7, 1918. Tel. Message from Lt. Parsons, at 3rd Brigade to G 3, 2nd Division. R-ecM 5 P.M, I have just returned from ELABA. The CM G., 4th Brig¬ ade was on his way but he did not arrive at 3:45. , e ^ G were about 300 civilians in town who had been evacuated from towns near SEDAN two or three days ago. The iirst Americans entered ELABA yesterday morning. A supply 1 - Company of the 77th Division saw a good many oi the 42na Division, and ammunition and supply trains going forwar on road to west; also met -there in ELABA the reconnaissance officer of the 12th E. A. Telephone line not up that iar, Erom: Colonel Rhea. At : P.C, Beaumont _ Date: Nov. 7th. Hour: 5:45 P.M. How sent: Runner. To : G-3, 2nd Division. Desire you send about 10 copies of General Lejeune's order to me personally. Also please see that I get a newspaper each day. (sgd) Rhea. 0. K. Bteck GRB Comdg. 3rd Brig. 7 Nov. Hq. 2nd F,A. Brigade, 8:50 P.M. Surprise 7 called Dink 1 and said. _ n Pursuant to Corps orders, the Division Commander directs that you push strong patrols across the iviEUb- and maintain contact with enemy. Told them no bridges in our area. W e are in contact now. Cent two men last n g and looked it over personally and can't cross, re we o hold other side? ViH lose any patrols sent over. ivisu said send strong patrols across river and gam con ac with the enemy Col. Rhea answered: We have contact now. -^e have beei shooting at them all day and they at us. Me will either have to call that contact or wait until tomorrow night and cross in force if we have place to cross. Could cross at POUILLY but out of our area. c ould put strong force aero , at night, crossing at POUILLY but foolish put patrols aero; as will lose them. w e saw their relief tonight. Dout fifty machine gunners in shell holes, etc. Have orderec artillery fire on point they concentrated at. ■ No tine indicated. Nov 7th , 1910. Hq» 2nd F. A. Brigade. Told Surprise we have had men up and down this side of River and find that enemy holding with Machine ^uns and trench mortars. Trench mortars firing on locks. Machine Gun nests open up whenever we expose ourselves, Gan’t cross river to make patrols on other side, G 0 l, Rhea^ got the artillery to put concentrations on SENEGAL FME., FEE ST. REMEY and FME. VICNERON which were P.C's. or other important enemy points. The concentration to start at night and intermittently during the night. (6: 0 P.M. artillery opened up on SENEGELES FME) HEADQUARTERS SECOND DIVISION (REGULAR) American expeditionary' forces. France, Nov. 7, 1918, Message to C. 0., 3rd Brigade. 1st Division is out of the line. 77th Division extends from near Mouzon to Petite Remilly, establish liaison with the 77th Division in vicinity of Mouzon. Report situation regarding snipers and machine gunners found near Mouzon by you. BEEBE: Radio message from 1st G 0 rps to 2nd Division, Nov 7/lB* The 77th Division line, along Meuse River from Mouzon to Petit Remilly. P.C. Rancourt. HEADQUARTERS SECOND DIVISION (REGULAR) AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES. France, November 7, 1918, TELEGRAM: C. G., 1st Corps. - Front line Second Division west bank oi the Meuse, LETANNE inclusive MOUZON INCLUSIVE. Third brigade holds the line with P. C, at BEAUMONT. Third Brigade has been directed to obtain and maintain combat liaison with 77th Division in vicinity of Mouzon. Snipers and machine guns found this morning in vicinity of Mouzon. Reports state^one company has cleared them out. P. C, Second Division FObSE. MYERS. November 7, 1918. Tel. Message from C. 0., ord Brigade to G-3, .7e have had patrols up and down the river today on this side, The right bank is held by machine guns and trench raortars. The trench mortars are firing on the locks, -there are machine gun nests which open up whenever we expose our¬ selves. The right bank does not appear to be strongly held but we cannot cross the river without an organized action. ✓ ■ A.M. November 8, 1918. Message from I.Q. 3rd Brig. To 2nd Div. Nov. 8. 9:45 A.M. C.O. 3rd Erig. wants me to call you up and to give in¬ structions to Div. Chaplain to see that the dead are buried in the rear area - CHAMPY-les-KAUT and EELVAL EOIS. He wants the rear area gone over the Division Chaplain and de¬ tails, and see that the dead there are buried. Understands that the dead are still unburied. Message from C.O. 12th F.A. to Adjutant, 2nd E.A. Brigade at 10:00 A.M. Regimental and Btn P-C.’s in YONCQ,. 1st Btn in position 304.2 - 312.7. 2nd Btn 303.6 - 318.4 ready to fire. Suggest proper authority be sent to look into question of civilians in this town, evacuated from MQUZ0N. Approx. 500 in this vicinity evacuated from M0UZGN, almost wholly without rations 3rd Brig. P.C. to be here but not yet ar¬ rived. _ . Marched yesterday evening via EEAUM0NT - very little shelling - no casualties - good road. Comdg Genl 0 o o November 8th, 1918. Message received at 10:00 A.M. from Di Large fire burning in town of AMELIMONT, probably ammu¬ nition dump. Great clouds of yellow smoke rolling up. 8th November, 1918. Received at 11:00 Hours. From G-3, 3rd Corps. Division. To G-3, 2nd The Engineers on railroad guard can be relieved today any time suiting the 2nd Division. Nov, 8, 1918. 11:55 A.M. From: Surprise 3. To: Lagoon 6. No change in the situation from yesterday afternoon, report of patrols sent out yesterday afternoon indicate the enemy is holding position east of the MFUSE at such places as he can obtain cover with Machine Guns and Trench Mortars. Artillery activity slight. SURPRISE 5. From: 1st Lt. M. M. Lawrence - 104 Aero. Date: 8-11-18. Hour: 18:00. How Gent: Dropped. To : CAR - 5th A. C. On account of low clouds we had to fly at 50 to 100 meters and could not get over heights Fast of MEUSE. All towns - STENAY to R0UFFY are deserted. Fires in STEFAY and M0UZ0N. Saw no friendly or enemy troops. Lawrence. Aug P .M. November B, 19IB. From: Sink 6. At : P.C. BEAUMONT. Dat e: Il/B/IB. Hour: 13 hrs To : Surprise 6. Little to report. Enemy still occupying heights along east bank of MEUSE. No bridges found over which troops could pass. Enemy M.G. fire and sniping from across river. Enemy Artillery not very active. Enemy aviator over this place at noon fired M.G. and wounded French civilian, « Joseph A. Molloy, 1st Lt., 3rd Brigade. Report of the situation by a patrol (night of Nov. 7-B) from 3rd Brigade 1:10 F.ll. to C. of S. Highway leading into MOUZON through La FAUBOURG from southeast and railway through the passage was stopped by enemy machine gun fire. We have worked out to the west bridge. 30 men sent from VILLEMONTRY through MOUZON to aid in stopping snjping of machine gunners. Fire from right MEUSE bank. There is no indication of any enemy on left bank as far as 305.7 - 316.0. Enemy machine gun at 7.0 - 15,9; 7.B - 15.6; B.l - 15.1. Impossible to patrol in day¬ light. On left bank of river enemy firing from 7.5^- 16,0 to 7.6 - 13.5. New works in hedge at 7.4 - 15.9. Town shelled heavily about 1:10 A.M. 7th Nov. near railroad and cemetery. Artillerv fire on enemy opposite of town desired. Road from BOIS de HOSPICE to VILLEMONTRY continually har¬ assed by machine gun fire from right bank of MEUSE, civ¬ ilians in VILLEMONTRY in cellars. Runner reports fire from across river decreased. Still danger of attack of VILLE¬ MONTRY. Patrols have been as far as MOUZON. Estimate of situation is that enemy, with hill at his back, has prepared for resistance to river crossing at MOUZON . Our patrol last night south of MOUZON found a boat and crossed the river; patrolled on other side, talked to Irench civilians who said Germans were holding that vicinity with machine guns. They saw no Boche. They returned in the boat and tied it to the west bank. This morning the boat had disappeared. Their assumption is that a Boche patrol had come across in this boat, we had borrowed, the boat, used it, returned it; then the Boche came back and returned across the river with the boat. Message from Liv, 0.P. to G-3, 1:15 P.M. The Boche threw some shells into VILLEMONTRY and ex¬ ploded their own munition dump. One enemy observation balloon up back of INOR and MARTINCOURT, but descended again immediately . Hq. 2nd F.A. Brigade, 1:50 P.M. Surprise said Sister was the unit to cross. Asked have Surprise 3 call up and let us know as soon as possible what sink is to do. (Think we stand "pat". HQ. 1st ARMY, G-3. #4747. t . Signal Corps telegram regarding 5th Corps (1244 P.M.) Nov. B, Rec’d. 14:45. G-2 Nov. 6 period 2nd Div. reports no change in sit¬ uation since yesterday afternoon. Patrols report enemy holding position east of the MEUSE at such pla.ces as he can obtain cover with machine guns and trench mortars (Cont'd next page) / November 8, 1918. P» M. (Cont'd from last page) period Artillery activity slight period We have been unable to get into communication with 1st Div. period 89th Div. at eleven hours said there was nothing to report beyond usual shelling of front lines period We are unable to get into communication with you by telephone. Airplane Message PILOT ST, MARKHORN. Nov.. 8, 1918. Obs. Lieut. Hayes-Davis, 2:30 - 3:00 P.M. Clouds on all mountains east of the MEUSE so could not cross river beyond valley. Alt. 50 - 150 meters. 2 fires STENAY 4 fires M0U20N No traffic on roads or men in towns across MEUSE. Fr¬ iendly troops and trucks in BEAUMONT, STENAY road W154.3 to V9 05.5. •„ A few friendly troops in LETANNE. One company behind ridge on hills above MEUSE Q670.5. Pontoons moving forward on BEAUMONT - STENAY road W253.8. Shells falling of LA.NEUVILLE and W253.8 near road. No bridges left across MEUSE. Tracer bullets seen from edge of woods about 172 - 058 shooting southwest. HEADQUARTERS SECOND DIVISION (REGULAR) AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES. France. 8 November, 1918. Following telephone message received 5:55 P.M. 5th Army Corps. 17:45 o’clock. From G-3, 5th A.C, to C.G. 2nd Div. No change in missions of divisions for tomorrow. Maintain contact by strong reconnaissance detachments. Ob¬ serve carefully for signs of withdrawal. < By Command of Major General Stimmerall: W. B. BURTT, Chief of Staff. HEADQUARTERS SECOND DIVISION (REGULAR) AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES. France. 8 November, 1918. Following Order received by phone 10:15 P.M,. The Corps Commander directs that patrols must cross the river tonight. Use boats or foot bridges for these detachments. By prepared to cover these patrol movements with artillery and machine gun fire. The dividing line between divisional patrol areas east of the MEUSE will be LETANNE - AUTREVILLE - VILLY . BURTT. 10:20 P.M. November 8, 1918. Message received through Lakewood. C.G. 2nd Division. No change in situation. (signed) Immortal 7. No time indicated. November 8, 1918. Hq. 2nd E.A. Brigade. Col. Rhea told Surprise 7 we want to mop up MOUZON, I think you will spoil the plan with artillery, etc., as just crossing is Best. Would like to cross at MOUZON tonight, if no objections. Corps said "sit tight". Burtt said bet¬ ter cross tonight. Asked what objections to going tonight as will be stronger tomorrow. Orders were to "sit tight" Maj. Biuce ordered by Surprise 7 thru Maj. Waller to get his guns in position tonight, ready to fire if they cross tonight. Signal Corps, United States Army* Telegram, 15 WDGB Bn 2p 18,5 OB Received at Hdqrs - 5 A Corps 8. C.G- 2nd Divn. No. 1232 G-l following telegram quoted for your information quote Army road Engineers are in close liaison with Corps Engrs & Corps with Divn Engrs. on repair of Roads period If divn. Engrs needs help Corps Engrs. he ask direct and if Corps Engrs need help from Army Engrs. he asks direct. As a result of this system the Army Engrs . have taken over the responsibility for the road VOUZIERES,BOULT-aux-BOIS, GERMONT , BUZANCY, REMON- VILLE, BANTKEVILLE, NANTILLCIS, SEPTSARGES, CUISY, BETHIN- COURT. All of the above towns inclusive. It will oe re¬ alized that all of the roads within this area cannot be maintained in good condition. Every effort is being made to concentrate on main avenues of travel and to keep traffic moving. The changing tactical situation may cause some lines of travel to shift. Corps and Divn. Commanders must keep their Engr, off¬ icers in close touch with the tactical situation so that they have time to rearrange their working parties to meet new situations . Drum unquote But 11 * A. M . November 9 . 1.918 . G-2, 5th Army Corps, November 9 , 1918. Telephone report received from 2nd Div. - 7 h 4b. Our line runs same as last night. Nothing else to re port as we have not been able to get any information trom the Regiments. Telephone message received 10:10 A.M., Nov. 9, 1918 from C.G. 3rd Brigade. We attemped a crossing at MOUZON last night. The bridge is broken in two places. On the bridge is a trap of loose boards. Bridge very brilliantly illuminated by fire from the town and by light from under the bridge. Bridge was covered by machine gun and rifles, firing at very short range. They were unsuccessfull in a crossing. 7/e have given an engineer here a sketch showing condition of the bridge and the approaches to the bridge. He is making a reconnaissance this A. M. with a view to repairing the bridge. At night Boche machine guns have just as good shooting as day time on the bridge. Heavy machine gun fire since daybreak at points FOuiLL and north of POUXLLY. This is being investigated now, otherwise all quiet. Artillery fire not heavy. . V t A.M* November 9, 1918. G-2, 5th Army Corps. November 9, 1918. Telephone message received from 2nd Div. - 10 h. 45. .From the 3rd Brigade. V/e attempted a crossing at M0UZ0N last night. The bridge is broken in two places. On the bridge is a scrap of loose boards. Bridge is very illuminated by fire from the town and by light from under the bridge. Bridge was covered by machine guns and rifle firing at very short range. We were unsuccessful in the crossing. We have given an engineer here a sketch showing the condition of the bridge and the approaches to the bridge. He is making a reconnaissance of it this A.M* with a view to repairing the bridge. At night Boche ma¬ chine guns have just as good shooting as at day time on the bridge. Heavy machine gun fire at daybreak at POUILLY, and north of POUILLY. This is now being investigated^ otherwise quiet. Artillery fire not heavy. Our artillery reports that Boche aviators are regulating Boche artilleiy on our artillery emplacements. p.M, November 9, 1918. November 9, 1918 - Telephone Message from G-3, 89th Divi¬ sion, to C. of S., 2nd Division. (2 P.M.) In view of later instructions received in letter from Corps dated today, the party will not come off tonight. We will wait until the Corps set the time. I will come over and see you and make the arrangements. 8:45 P.M. November 9, 1918. Message received from the 89th Division, brought by Liaison Agent Lt. Crockett. Officer in charge of the combat patrol, consisting of troops of the 89th and 2nd Divisions, - Lt* Col. Joseph Barnard, 354th Infantry. General Plan to be Followed:. 356th crossing in the vicinity of POUILLY. 355th crossing in the vicinity of INCH. Will move to General Line of the MOULIN - INCH road. Patrols will be sent forward of this line. Liaison detachment to mop up BOIS de FLAVIERS. 178th Brigade will be supported by 177th, which will immediately cross, The whole operation to be assisteo by indirect fire from machine guns and artillery, now in po¬ sition. * No time indicated . November 9, 19IB. G-3. Office of G-2. November 9, 1918. MEMORANDUM REGARDING FRENCH CIVILIANS IN CAPTURED TERRITORY: The 400 inhabitants of MOUZON left yesterday, according to report by French Gendarme sent from this office yester- da> * He also reports the following number of civilians who are unable to march with their locations. In civil hospital at POURRON: 8 from MOUZON. 2 « POURRON. At YONCQ: 37 from MOUZON. 2 from POURRON. . 4 from YONCQ, out of 84 inhabitants wish to leave. TOTALS: 10 to be evacuated from POURRON 43 to be evacuated from YONCQ. G-2. France, November 9, 1918. TELEGRAM^ COMMANDING GENERAL, 77th DIVISION. MYERS CHIEF OF STAFF. Message from 2nd Division relayed through Lakewood 6 - G-2, 5th Army Corps, Nov. 9, 1918. We have nothing to report except what in . ary which was given to Major Breckinridge at about 0 r.u. on Road. 15 h 30, enemy h ■TANKS road. Enemy Machine the (Cont’d next page) t Nn time indicated. November 9, 19IB. (Cont’d from last page) day in the general direction has been quite active on our of MARTINCOURT, right throughout Hanson Enemy artillery the day. Message from Aeroplane 13:15 A»M., hov. Visibility impossible for early i covers ground. 10th, econnaissance. Mist Telephone message 10th, received by received from G-3, 5th Corps 11:20 A.M., Nov. Motes for Division Commanders.- , ot ^ er bodies 1, Caution your troops against fin ig of our own troops. -liaison so perfect 2, Use your artillery and make the a « * that yk can control its fire on the points desired by the Infantry. troops to use compasses and advance hy hearings insuring the direction to prevent collision with friendly troops. to vour liaison 4. Lay special emphasis on the orders t W. B. BURTT, Chief of Staff. Telephone message from 3rd Brigade to G-2, 2:30 Our patrols report indications oi the enanyreinforc his front line positions opposite the B0io Burtt , C . of S. Telephone message from Gen. Lejeune to Gen. -.urtt, P.M. Nov. 10th, 1918. on receiving the ---fe^elow.^eneral^ejeune^all^ ing (Cont’d next page) November 10, 1918. P. M. (Cont'd from last page) WOP - BXL - BKY - NSO ~ VBW - PUL - AXV - Rec'd. OK 2:45 P .M HEADQUARTERS SECOND DIVISION (REGULAR) AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES. Prance, November 10, 1918. TELEGRAM: GHQ,. AEP, ADV. GHQ,. No chance in situation of 2nd Division period Foot bridge material brought up and bridge improvise penoa Nothing of Importance to report end SURPRISE. Telegram from G-3, 2nd Div. to Immortal 7. 15:45 hours 10 K0V ’ Situation on our front remains unchanged. Time: 8:06 P .M Headquarters 6th Marines, 10 November 1918. MEMORANDUM for Divisional Machine Gun Oificer.- Company A, 4th Machine Gun Battalion, Captain Stanton will Se station at point 304.4 - 315.4 and will not fire t0niS He will fire during the light hours on visible targets in AMBLIMONT and vicinity. LEE. Message from C. of S. Corps, 9:00 P.M. now fixed, and that the crossing will he made tonus, conformity with the Corps order | signe(i ) w.S. Burtt, C. of S. Telephone message from Gen. Lejeune to Gen. Burtt, 9:20 P.M. Nov. 10th, 1918. On receiving the message below, General Le 5® u "® c Np' ed u P °General Buftt and stated he hnew nothing f any delay ing (Cont’d next page) I y * November 10, 1918. P. M. (Cont’d from last page) The operation is now going forward as s.’s.’orsu arrival of the officer in command ox tne battalion o 09th Division, so that he was unable to make a. daylig reconnaissance and thoroughly prepare himself forAcross duties. For this reason two of our battalions will cross at that point followed by the battalion of the U9th Di -in reserve. The above was explained to the ooip io^ander whenT; wfs here this afternoon ESEerSsb. 2nd Division. ^ ty Col . R..E. Beebe). November 10, 1918. Telephone message from B9th 9:45 P.M. Division. . Ideal (553rd Infantry) is Battalion VILLEEBANCHE. First ceeding to LANEUVILLE. becond Infantry) infantry) Infantry) m at as position. SAWMILL. Second Second moving to and third battalion battalion battalion objective. Second battalions pro- IGNATIUS (354th ILLIMITABLE (356th IGNATIUS (354th D 341st M.G. Battalion Infantry) as before. Company D, 341st M.ii. and IDEAL (353rd Infantry) M.G. are BU P p °J‘^ n | Y® d eare pro-’” other four machine gun companies of this briga ceeding to LANEUVILLE with orders to report to commanding officer IDEAL to support the attach. Telephone message received 11:1° P,L * 1J0V * l0th fr0IT1 Brigade^ received from officer who had been down to the crossing that they were all across^exoept 1^ company and everything looked fir • 400 ords apart; BOIS de 1'HOSPICE, by two bridges about 400 ya: ^ P about artillery salvo distance. Je hear d i" a rou of way from the people up above the repo t w £ „. cr „ e ,. lde nt- the forces had crossed over at ROuxii. +} ie iy or. to it as they had laid down a barrage acros^ .^tne aviation ground. That was the upper cro fe detachment is crossing with us. Telephone message from C. of S. 2nd Div. Corps 11:15 P.M. Nov. 10. The combined detachment is across ing one company. They have held no oppos to C. of S. 5th the river except- ition as yet. Telephone message from Adjutant 4th Brigade to C. of O o 2nd Div. 11:25 P.M. The combined detachment the river wounded. They had few reports they casualties. One all got across Marine Captain Telephone message from adjutant 4th Brigade to C. of 3. 11:35 P.M. Nov. 10. mfr^TT^rviT RpnnrtG that Thev had forced a crossing near MOU^Oi. p diff- one of their columns were across and ha ve y iculty. There is no report from the oth< er T ^ 1 ^^; ho ^ two were only a few hundred yards apart,. Th® ~ p , 0 . line up the vicinity of M0UZQN has oeen out hours. It ought to be fixed very soon now. i r • . . K . P. M. Nov ember 10 th, 1918. Telephone message 11:40 P, M., Nov, 10th, from C, of S», 2nd Piv. to C, of S,, 5th Corps, All information obtained above transmitted to Chief of Staff, 5 th Corps at 11:40 P. i.I,, Nov 10th, No time indicated November lj^tiljL j-9.1 c_«. G-2, 5th Army Corps, Nov 10, 1918. Telephone report from 2nd Piv. * through Lakewood -6- h-. There is no change in the situation; Same as usual, Boche dropped about 10 shells on BEAUMONT, A. I, November 11th, 1918, Telephone message from Major Burr, E. A, Brig, 12:20 Mid¬ night to G-3, Nov 10-11, Message from Capt. Navis, 4th Brigade, said they had crossed at two places. At the northern one they had con¬ siderable difficulty due to fire but that they are across there now so apparently a crossing has been made. The Infantry has requested that there be no more firing tonight except on two towns which they had designated and that the fire on those towns cease at 1:00 o’clock. A. M. November 11, 1918. Telephone message received 12:05 Midnight Nov. 11th from G-3, 89th Div. Received by G-3, 2nd Div. 1 battalion crossed before the artiUery opened and another battalion followed. The rest are still xollo/ing. Number of casualties by shell fire during river crossing. The crossing was made down stream from POUILL;.---- information"received u P to this time transmitted to 8-th Division. Telephone message received from 89th Division 12:50 A.h. Nov. 11, received by G-3. 1 battalion has crossed and the Engineers are rec- onnoitering around STENAY. The other crossing xurther north is O.K. Hq. 2nd F-A. Brigade, 2:30 A.M. Nov. 11th. Co]. Ellis called up and requested that 1 ., be sent across the MEUSE to support the Mannes who had e ected a crossing. This battalion was sent and crossing completed before daybreak. Telephone Message from G-3, 09th Division 2:40 A.M. Sov. 11th to G-3, 2nd Div. All their detachments were successful in casing but were having some difficulty on the other side, Location of front line has not been ascertained. Telephone message from Adj. 4th Brig. 2:45 A.M. Bov. 11th received by C. of S. Lt. called up from SARTELLE EAR.'! and said the BQth Division was held up along the edge of the woods an could go no further without re-enforcement. He sent out strong patrols through the woods, hut he got maohin fire very heavy. Ee does not think the 89th Division s battalion has entirely crossed as they became somewh. scattered by the shell fire. They are sending 1 prisoner in. Telephone message from Adj. 4th Brigade 2:50 A.M. Bov. M-tn received by C. of S. Message from Shuler at the railroad 8ta JJ°" ^®^® rived they were assembled for crossing. Shuler saia they a at this noint at 10:30 F.M; was held up xor haU an hour because of heavy shelling from POURRON. One h«.ttalio commander was there and two others were noo. 6-01 A.M. rove; mber 11, 1918. Official radio from Paris. Marshal PoCh to the Commanders in Chief: 1. Fertilities will be stopped on the entire front beginning at 11 o’clock, November 11 (French houi) 2 The Allied troops will not go beyond the line reached at that hour on that date_until further^orders. Signed: Marshal Poch. 5:45 A.M. Telephone message from G-3, 89th Division 6:40 A.M. nov. 11th to G-3, 2nd Div. (Coat’d next page) • ! 7 November 11, 19IB. A, M. (Cont ! d from last page ) Our mopping up detachment mopped up POUILLY about 4:30 A.M. Captured a number of prisoners, includ¬ ing 1 officer. POUILLY now being heavily shelled by enemy. °ur front line location not exactly known but apparently well to the front. Considerable artillery and machine gun fire from the north and northeast. Telephone message from 89th Division 6:50 A.M. No"v, 11th to G- 3. Do you want some artillery fire in neighborhood o± MOULINS. 6:55 A.M. Nov. 11th, 1918. Telephone message to C.O. 2nd F.A. Brigade by G-3. The 89th Division wants to know if they can put artillery fire on the town of MOULIN, Are you firing on it? I think they can fire on it all right. Message from Combat Liaison Commander to C.O. 4th Brigade 6:50 A.M. Nov. Il/l8. 1st and 2nd bns. of the 5th Marines did not complete crossing of MEUSE until 11:30 P.M. last night due to heavy shelling, a break in upjjer bridge and confusing ol moving in dark. The bn. from the 89th Division got lost at the start and at 6:00 A.M. this date had only gathered to¬ gether some 300 men. Major Iianna was here but has disap¬ peared now. Crossing made under heavy M.G. and Art, fire. The 1st Bn. on the right, ran into a machine gun nest im¬ mediately after crossing and had great trouble keeping »■ e men together. The entire Bn., numbering approximately 100 men, is now combined as a company and. under comman . of Captain Hunt. The 2nd Bn. advanced to the north - but had to hold up movement of machine gun nests and heavy at 6:30 A.M. the 2nd Bn. on the 89th on right advanced toward objective, Sniping and machine guns overcome and advance going smoothly at present. Enemy Artillery fire heavy. On account of the very small number of men it is going to be difficult to organize this position in depth. rge that another battalion be sent across river to reinforce us Message just received from Captain dunbeck states that advance progressing satisfactory and that ne is taking m machine guns. I will connect with the 6th Marines and b, th Division at earliest possible moment. through B0I3 des ELAVIERS until daybreak on account underbrush. This morning the left and the Bn. from 7:05 A.M., Tel. Message from 89th Div. to G-3. Request that the liaison detachment make MOULIN their objective. It is really imperative that they make it their objective. , The only elements we got over were the combined det¬ achments in the center. The other had a very heavy fight and they did not get over. Our left did not get °^ er « At,the BOIS 1 ’HOSPICE they crossed the river there. ir is understood they entered in the woods an! move orwa from there this morning at 6 A.M. November 11, 1918. A. M". Message of 7:05 A, M.. from 89th Division. are offering the artillery of your left. It may he time the infantry isn't exactly located at the present time the infantry Endeavoring to solve the situation now. tell our artillery to call you up. All right, I will 8,;40 A. M. Message from 5th Corps. Hostilities signed and takes elfect morning. Accurate map showing location o ments will be sent to these Headquarters Telephone exact location of front line a to G-3, 5th Corps. at 11 o'clock this f front line ele- withour delay * 12 noon, today, 11, 1918. Telephone Message frota Immortal 9:03 A, M. Nov. Mes. center. 7 Bns. crossed the MEUSE last night at M°UZ0H , POUILLY and LAKEUVILLE, VILLEERANCHE and are ^vancing. Artllle y and M. G. operation encountered at afteftroops crossing. No Artillery fire elsewhere until after trop had crossed, but stiff opposition from M.G. s now °eing encountered at STENAY, POU 1 LLY,POUILLY being s e 100 prisoners, including one of:t icer captur+ -are of POUILLY being mopped up. The place is being and being mopped up. Telephone message received 10:30 A. M. by G-3, from Majo Shepheard, (Lafayette) The General wants a defensive of emergency. Will you submit this tomorrow.- NQUART. barrage prepared in case plan of barrage here U. S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE From: Army Headquarters. To : Commanding General, 3rd, 5th Corps. Humber 257 sec G. S. Armistice "*** signed. All hostilities cease at eleven hours this date^ the eleventh instant. Instructions oon *“? e * ®f d number 247 see G.S. these headquarters will be compli with. Acknowledge receipt. Drum. (Cont’d from last page) A.M. November 11, 1918. Hdqrs. V Army Corps, A.l.F. 11 November, 1918. 10:45 Hours. Official copy ( 2nd Division furnished Commanding General (89th Division (77th Division Nor his information. (Signed) W. B. Burtt \7. B. BURTT, Chief of Staff. P.M. November 11, 1918. 2:02 P.M. November 11, 1918. Telephone message from 89th Division. Prom the Commanding General 173th Brigade. At 13 hours the line is as follows: STENAY on east bank of river, to INCH (exclusive), north by 313.4 (inclusive) to 311.7 Signed: HALL. .0. Co. B, 2nd Eng., to C.O. 2nd Eng. Pield Message from 17:45 hour. Pursuant to peace Memo #1. X sent herewith ?• descrip¬ tion and map showing line of extreme outposts and d ®^ ac ™ 2nd Division between 11:00 and 12:00 o'clocx, Nov. 11, 19 IB. Telephone message from Division O.P. Corporal, 6:15 P.m. Made general reconnaissance this afternoon, river on bridge at point just opposite the "BOIS as it appears on the map. Proceeded up the east bank of t river to the BELLE FONTAINE FSRME, where f^nd t.he 2nd Ba^ talion of the 5th Marines bivouacked, our men a*_e for . a semi-circle around the LA SCIMPLE, .jasxluiuj^± » FONTAINE FARMS. One company of Marines is e stabli the south east of these points along the highway, seems to be no very definite line^of our naissance party into the town of MCULINS in possession of the place, with the men houses unarmed, men. There are to the rear. No German officers were fires all along our front troops. A recon¬ found the Germans laying about in the seen amongst the and in the woods 7:00 P.M. Tel. message to Corps from G-3. ' Northern detachment did not get across. er^it bridge was getting over, we don’t know f°r ur nd was completed or not. They got heavy nacmne gun fire artillery fire. The combined detachment crossed. - Y ^pretty hard time. One of the bridges broken by direct hit of a shell. (Cont’d on next page) . * -; - p. M. November 11, 1918. (Cont’d from last page) The y are over in the woods now and starting the ad¬ vance at 600 A .M • How far they got exactly we ai e not certain. The northern detachment were out in an open place. After not being successful they had to be withdrawn and are now marching back towards those woods for cover. Several of our engineers were pretty badly shot up during the operation. We will see what can be done. Extra engineers have been ordered in and material to prepare im¬ provised bridges right away. That has already been ordered so that we can back up that detachment all right, and eng¬ ineers have been sent" out to see what can be done with that other material . The 89th is certain that there are 5 battalions over and believe there are 9. 7:06 P.M, November 11, 1918. Caught by radio following message in German. To American Headquarter3* Deputation under leadership of an officer is demanding evacuation of CERVISY north of STENAY with the aim of bill¬ eting. In conformity with the armistice conditions your help is requested. GERMAN ARMY HIGH COMMAND. 7:20 P.M. November 11, 1918. (In English) To the 89th Division: American officer and 12 men just arrived CERVISY near STENAY requested village to be cleared by the Germans this evening. This contradicts conditions of armistice. Te beg for remedy. Please acknowledge. _ Signed: CHIEF COMMANDER OF 21st ARMY CORPS. Colonel Ellis to Colonel Beebe. 2nd Battalion, 5th Marines: P.C. 310.3 - 312.45. Don 1 1 know line. 1st Bn. line: 310.50 - 311.70, to 310.45 - 311.70, then to 310.40 - 311.5. 309.95 - 312. - 309.95 - 511.80 then to 310 - 311.6. 1 Bn 89th Div. 309.3 - 311.3, along timber 309.25 - 310.70. Advance element leads up above parallel O13.00. 3rd Bn. south end woods FLAVIER. Cth Marines: Road extending 308*. - 311.5 - 307.7.- 311 This message transmitted to Corps at 7:30 P.M. Message from G-3, 5th Corps - 7:50 P.M. to Surprise 3, (Chief of Staff) The Corps Commander orders that an officer again be cent to the front position of the 4th Brigade to see that the orders that fire will cease is put into effect, order to this effect will be issued and forwarded to all units including the 2nd F .A. Brigade. „P. M. November 11, 19IB. 11 Nov. 1910. From: SURPRISE 7 (At 0:00 P.M.) P.C. Battalion 5th Marines, 310.3-312.45. Line is not known Pnd Battalion. 1st Battalion line 310.5-311.7 to 310.45- 311-7, then to 310.4-311.5, then to 309.95-312, to 309.95- 311.0, then to 310-311.6. The other Battalion is in square 01 in "Q" in the northeast corner of the square, about west from SENEGAL Farm, about due west of MOULIN. Battalion of the 09th at 309.3-311.3 along TIMBER to point 309.25-310.7. HEADQUARTERS FIFTH ARMY CORPS American Expeditionary Forces. France, 11 November, 1910. 20:00 Hours. To: IMMORTAL 3 for IMMORTAL 1. SURPRISE 3 for SURPRISE 1. The Corps Commander directs ion with the enemy on any subject other means. that there be no communicat- whatsoever by radio or any W. B. BURTT, Chief of Staff. 0:00 P.M. November 11, 1910. The Corps Commander directs that there be no communicat¬ ion with the enemy on any subject whatsoever - radio or an Y other means. The Boche are sending out some messages y ra io and in order to not answer them pay no attention to them. He has given this order. TELEGRAM 11 Nov. 1910, Commanding General, 5th Corps. G-3 734. The following received and transmitted for your information: Quote To Allied High Command from erman High Command, On Front STENAY - BEAUMONT, on MEUSE, Americ¬ ans continue despite conclusion of armistice their at aCK ‘ Please order stopping of hostilities Unquote. Take measure to stop attack. Acknowledge. Drum. Hdqrs V Army Corps A. E. F-, 11 November, 1910. £0:30 Hours. Official copy furnished: Commanding General, 2nd Division. For Compliance. (Egd)W* BURTT, Chief of Staff. November 11, 1910, - Message sent to C.G. compliance with Corps 0:50 P.M. The 4th Brigade and Order. (Also following telephone C.O. 3rd Brigade, in to C.O, 2nd F.A.Brigade) The Commanding General directs that you send an officer out to your front lines to stop all firing that may be going on. He wants that done irrespective of how many officers have been sent out before. Reports are coming in from Mar¬ shal Foch that shooting is going on in our front. No time indicated. November II t 1910. TELEGRAM Hdqrs 5th Army G 0 rps, 11 Nov. 1918, To: C.G., 2nd Division. Number 1289 G-l. Immediate steps will be taken to prevent the promiscuous and unauthorized discharge of pyrotechnics within the Fifth Corps Area period Offenders will be arrested and punished forthwith period OFFICIAL: BURTT A. ¥, FOREMAN, Colonel, G. S., A.C. of S., G-l. A,. November 12, 1918, Message from G-3, 5th Corps, 9:40 A.M, Nov, 12th. Co. M D” 1st G a s Regiment will be withdrawn. Movement to be regulated by C.O. Company "D”, p,M. November 12, 1918 . Telephone message received from Adj, 4th Brigade 2:00 P.M. Crossed the river - 1 battalion, 1 company at FME de ALMA - 1 company at VIGNERON FME - 1 company at SENEGAL FME 1 company at BELLE FONTAINE FME - 1 company in support SART- ELLE FME, The other 3 companies at LETaNNE, Reserve oatt- alion in BEAUMONT - 5th. The sector limits between regiments run from our left flank on the river to a point where the river crosses merid¬ ian 308, thence west to the VILLEMONTRY road, thence south to the SARTELLE FME, then southwest to the end of the road at height 302 (^-kilometer west of SARTELLE FEE) thence southwest down the road La THIBAUDINE FME. 6th Regiment has 2 companies in VILLEMONTRY, 2 companies (1st bn,) in La FAUBOURG,3rd Battalion in PERONNE forming along river down to YONCQ,. Rear battalion in YONCQ,, J. S. TURRILL. Lt. Col. (Marines) G.S. A. C of S,, G-3. Telephone message received by G-2, 5:30 P.M., Nov. 12th from 9 th Inf, On the VILLEMONTRY le FAUBOURG road there are the following: 3 wagons Parks of 250 vehicles including: 150 -^munition limbers, 90 Wagons, rations and water, 10 rolling kitchens. These are all in first class condition. Office of G-2, November 12th, 1918, Telephone message from Site 6 at 7:20 P.M. Reports that wagon train about 1 kilometer long, compo¬ sed of 1 wagon and 2 caissons in regular formation, and in two sections, entered AMBLIMONT this afternoon at 3:30 P.M, This may indicate that the Boche is hauling stores away. G-2. ♦ November 12, 1918. ^e 1 ephone Message receive! from G-3, 5th Corps to C. of q . 2nd Fiviaion. In conformity with the dispositions which, have heen taken by the High German Command, the following measures will be applied during: the entire duration of the armistice in'all Allied Armies: 1. Circulation by road or .by water in front of the present line is formally forbidden. 2. Circulation in the air in front of the present line is also formally forbidden. 3. No small arms target practice will take place within four (4) kilometers from the line. No artillery target practice will take place within eight ( 8 ) kilometers from the line. November 12, 1918. The sector limits between regiments^run from our left flank on the river to a point where the river crosses merid¬ ian 308, thence west to the VIL1EM0NTRY road, thence sout to the SARTFLLE FMB, then southwest to the end of the road at height 302, (v kilometer west of SARTFLLE EMF) thence southwest down the read La THIBAUDIUE Fig. 6 th Regiment had 3 companies in FILLEMONTRY, 2 companies (1st Bn) m^La BOURG, 3rd Battalion in PERONNE forming along the river clown to YONCO. Rear battalion in YONCQ. J.S. TURRILL, Lt. Col. (Marines) G. S., A.C. of S., G-3. P. M» November 13 , 1918 . Signal Corps, United States Army, Telegram. C.G. 3:52 P.M. No. 44 OT 3 - B 142 OB Received at Lakewood Nov. 13. C. G. 2nd Divn. - Number 1302 G1 prd Following telegram quoted from First Army foryour information and compliance quote 743 GD 3 period Following telegram from Allied Commander in Chief comma re¬ peated for Compliance period in conformation with disposit¬ ions which have been taken by the high German command^comma the following measures will be applied during the entire op¬ eration of the armistice by all Allied Armies colon First^ circulation by road or by water in front of the present lines is formally forbidden prd Second circuit in the air in front of the present lines is also formally forbidden^prd Third No small arms target practice will take place within four km of the line period no artillery target practice wi^l take place within eight km of the line prd "Drum unquote Burtt - 3:52 P.M. Signal Corps, United States Army, Telegram. 02 wpw p 153 OB Nov 13 11 P.M. Received at C. g! 2nd Div Bdqrs 5th Army Cps 11-13 No 368 a following from First Army repeated Ou No. 365 Sec. G.S. following telephonic instns from Higher (Cont’dnext page) , ■ P ,M. November 13, 1918. (Cont'd from last page) Authority are repeated for your guidance Q,n Direct relation between Allied Armies and German Commandment opposite tneir front are only authorized for the question c °ncernxng action mines. The regulations of details regarding °^er question IE. permanent inter-allied committee carrying , . dig . of the Armistice. All seperate pour parlers will lead. to order, they are therefore to be absolutely avoi • communicate this to all armies & quote The Array regoing rects strict compliance with the provisions of *** ^cation and immediate report by wire concerning ev-ry oommun^ation had with Germans in relation to delayed action min p * x sub . Acknowledge receipt Drum unquote. report requir Ack _ mitted immediately to these Hdqrs by quickest, mean . nowledge receipt Lurtt Acknowledged by phone 11 PI- 11/13 - and phoned «^o br ' g November from 5th 14, 1918. Corps. No Time Indicate d November 14, 1918, Tel. Mes, received Hdqrs. 1st Army, 13 November 1918. 5th Corps: transfer from number of To Commanding General, 1022 G-l. The Commanding 77th and 89th Divisions to officers except artillery officers, less General directs you 2nd Division necessary . +s ten second lieutenanx-o on icers except arui.'.cij , . _ on ,.j rP( q to com- infantry to be transferred from 5th o^^Division. plete authorized strength Regular Array Units 2^d action Immediate action is necessary, hire tnese neaaq taken. DRUM The 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 32nd and 42ndJ^y^Xcermany. the 3rd and 4th Corps, will make the advance « No Time Indicated. November 15, 1918. HEADQUARTERS THIRD ARMY CORPS G-3 No. 24. American Expeditionary Forces Franc e, November 15, 1918. MESSAGE TO: Commanding Officer, 2nd Cavalry: 1. The Second Cavalry (less 2 Squadrons) will ^ tX !J ght its march to NANTILL0I3 area, where l ^ii con tinued 15/16 November. On November 16th the march m±± aS fOllOWS . \ , QT'H’TJAV 1st Squadron less 2 Troops) to STniiAi f the Upon arrival, these troops will come under the command Commanding General, 2nd Division. Route: 1 TAIITILLOIS - BRIEULLES - DUB - hours. Head of column not to reach DUU before lo. pjuVILLERS, Two troops to PEUVILbER. Upon arrU Lp Commanding these troops will come under the command 0 General, 32nd Division. Route: peUVILLEK. 'BRIEULLES - LINY-devt.-DUH -VI L °Si.r.b - To reach PEUVILLER not later than 17 hours, i.ove.. 2. Regimental Headquarters will accompany the troops sent to PEUVILLER. . ^ Troon "I", Second 3. Replacements to be furnished by Troop Cavalry, will be sent tonight to WfflTILnOI^ Hines; By command of^aoor gener^ Colonel, G.S., A.C. of S., G-3. (Cont’d on next page) Copies to - . ' ' ’ f • , * . ■ November 15, 1918. No time indicated . (Cont’d from last page) Copies to - Commanding General, 2nd Division. M " 32nd Division. n " 90th Division. J r< ? ^ orps ’ HO. THIRD ARMY CORPS. G-3, ord Corps. OFFICIAL Adjutant, 3rd Corps. Operations Section. P. M. 17 November. Memo for G-3. Change in location of troops - 4th Brigade Marines - 6 M.G. Battn. at MARGUT. Ellis. Lt. Col. Adjt. 7:45 P.M. 17 Nov. *18. No time indicated. Novembe r 17 , 1918 . G-3 - No, 28. HEADQUARTERS THIRD ARMY CORPS AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES France, November 17, 1918. MESSAGE: From: Emerson 7. To: Surprise 3. No change in zone or mission of Surprise for tomorrow, the 18th instant. Advance elements of 1st line divisions will reach the line ETALLE - ST.LEGER - RUETTE - AUBANGE - LONGWY - AUDUN,all inclusive. This line will not be crossed by any elements until further orders. The town Of LONGUYON has been reserved by the 3rd Army. In addition the 3rd Corps P.C. has been directed there. This town will not be used for any purpose by other troops. All troops and tra,ins of first line divisions to be east of general line FLOREN- VILLS - MONTMEDY - LONGUYON - SPINCOURT by 22 hours. Field Order follows. By Command of Major General Hines: ADNA R. CHAFFEE, Colonel, G. S., A.C. of S.,G-3. HEADQUARTERS THIRD ARMY CORPS AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES. France, November 17, 1918. MESSAGE: To the Commanding Generals, 2nd Division. 32nd Division. The Corps Commander directs you be informed that Ger¬ man detachments found guarding material which is to be turned over to the allies will not be arrested, but on com¬ pletion of the turning over will be released and permitted to join their own forces. CAMPBELL KING, Chief of Staff. For the information and guidance of Commanding Officers of all organisations of the 2nd Division. By Command of Major General Lejeune: HU B. MYERS, Colonel, General Staff, Chief of Staff. Distribution 5, B" . A. M. November IB, 191B Sent by Received by Time Check 6EHN 1 KCR 10:35 A.M. Six From: Miller (3rd Brig,) Bate: 18/ll/lB. Hour: 10'. 30 A.M, To : Surprise Seven, Number one HARMONCOURT. (signed) Miller, No time indicated G-3 No, 90 HEADQUARTERS THIRD ARMY CORPS AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES France, November IB, 1918, MESSAGE: To: Commanding Generals 2nd Division. 32nd Division, Front line divisions on reaching the objective of todays march will take the necessary measures for the se¬ curity of the front of the Corps contemplating a halt until November 21. Outpost line of resistance on general line MOR FONTAINE - MONT ST. MARTIN (2 kilometers' northeast of LONGWY) - KQUDLEMONT - ST. RSMY - ETHE - ST. MARIE. Mixed liaison detachment, one company each division, at Les RUETTES. Touch with flank divisions will be obtained.. By command of Major General Hines: ADNA R. CHAFFEE, Colonel, G, S., AC of S,, G-3. CONFIRMATION, time indicated, - G ~3 No. HEADQUARTERS THIRD ARMY CORPS AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES France, Nov. 18, 1918, 91. MESSAGE: To: Commanding Generals 2nd. Division, 32nd Division. 42nd Division. All troops on reaching objective of any bound will, after one night’s rest, proceed immediately to cleaning up. Drills will be taken up on afternoon of first day af¬ ter halt. Due attention will be given to instruction in specialties, but first importance will be given to close order drill, manual of arms, saluting, courtesy, marching to music, bayonet instruction, instruction in making and fitting packs. By command of Major General Hines: ADNA R. CHAFFEE. Colonel, G, S,, A, C of S., G-3# CONFIRMATION. November 19, 1918. Signal Corps, United States Army Telegram. No. 23 Jy - B 30 OB Received at: Hdqrs. 32nd Div, Nov. 19, 1918. G-3, 2nd Div. It is requested for movement tomorrow you indicate march right column and S P C similar information regarding: (Cont*d next page) November l-> 1913. (Cont’d from last this unit will be M. page) given you upon receipt. Snvder 3 *. 33 P.M. Signal Corps, United states Army Telegram 24 Jy - Q - B ' 49 OE Received at: Bdqrs. 32nd Div. Nov. 19, 1918. G-3 Second Div. Liaison Company RUETSp B one twenty sixth states your Liaison Company has not reported as contemplated by Corps orier. He evidently expected your patrols to connect with him if Company is not sent he locates your third of the twenty third at COMMERY and LATOtJR. Snyder 8:41 P.M. Signal Corps, United States Army Telegram 25 Jy - I - B 33 OB Received at Hdqrs. 32nd Divn. Nov. 19, 1918. 0-3 Second Divn. Sixty third and sixty fourth Brigade LONGWY one twenty fifth Ranon one twenty sixth LONG^Y one twenty seventh CTJTRY -* CUTRY CHEN I PRES one. twenty eighth HANCOURT - HAN COURT - VALUERS - LEMONTAGNE. Snyder 9:02 P.M. Telephone message received 10:30 November 19, by 0-3, 2nd Div, from G-3, 3rd Corps To Commanding General, 2nd Division, The 42nd Division will move tomorrow to the re¬ gion of AVIOTH - MONTMEDY. There is astrong possibility that the 2nd Division and 32nd Division and Corps troops will continue to march forward on the SOth instead of the 21st. Orders follow. ADNA R. CHAFEEE, Colonel, Gen. Staff, A.C* of S. G-3. Telephone message received 11:45 P.M, Nov. 19, 1918 by G-3 2nd Div., from C.G, 3rd Corps. C.G. 3r d Corps to C.0., 2nd Div. Emmerson 1 directs that the first squadron, 2nd Cavalry and Squadron Headquarters, be assembled at LONGUYON tomorrow November 20th by 16:00 hours and re¬ port to 3rd Army G-3 for instructions. The' 32nd Divi¬ sion has been informed also. (signed) Fins:. Telephone message. 11:55 P.M. Nov, 19th, 1918. The 2nd Div., will march at 7:30 hours, 20th * T ov. 1918. Column No. 1 via VIRTON - /RLON - EISCHm. Column No. 2 via ETA IN E - ARLOM - OBERPALLEN. Column No. 3 Follow column No. 1 at 1 Kilometer distance. Touch will be maintained with divisions on either flank (Cont'd next page^ . . . . . . . , . , ■ ■. . ' November 19, 1918. P. M. (Cont’d from last page) by flank guards marching via THIAUMONT - TONTELANGE - SIG- NEULX - HALANZY - WOLKRANGE. The line GRENDEL - AUTELBAS -will not be crossed until further orders. Outpost line of resistance will be estab¬ lished at end of the days march on the general line TOI'.- TELANGE - BONNER* - AUTELHAUT. A mixed post of one company will be established at AUTELHAUT. Column No. 1 will billet south of an east and west line through ARLON and east ofi line 356. Column No. 2 will billet north of Column No. 1 Column No. 3 will billet west of column No. 1 and east oi i line 352. Divisional Trains to ST. LEGER and vicinity. Same orders regarding security of depth, liaison, e tc. P.C.’s of Division and columns No. 1 and No. 38. HEADQUARTERS THIRD ARMY CORPS American Expeditionary Forces November 23, 1918. MESSAGE TO: Commanding General, 2nd Division, 32nd Division n » 42nd Division 1. Under present orders, the advance '^tll ^ resumed December 1st. Troops must be so disposed as to best mee possible enemy hostility and hostility on the part ox the - habitants. All Headquarters must be so located as t the same conditions. By command of Major General Hines: OFFICIAL: CAMPBELL KING, ( sgd) Adna R. Chaffee Chief of Staff ADNA R. CHAFFEE, Colonel, G.S. A.C. of S.,G-3. No time indicated November 26tb 1913 96th, November, 1918# A scout officer of 6th Marines reports French have left RETTINDORF. The people say that Am:ricans are expect-^ ea in town tonirht. Either the French or Americans are said to be in DIEKIRCH. F Qvember 97th, 1918. P0 W 51 From: At : Dat e: To Number PCT 51 Advanced Center information, 3 rd Corps. 11/37/18, Hour: 90*8 Command ins: General, Shd - 12nd - 32nd Division, 1S30 - G-l period. Commanding General passes to limited number enter LUXEMBOURG period sible for their conduct * Third Army authorizes you to issue of selected officers and men to Commanding Officer to be respon- By Command, 069 De N65 P0 rr 51-9:45 Fin^. N65 OC 069 Understood 10 P, No time, indicated November 37, 1918*. Lt. Col. Conell Me 3 . Steiner Capt. Chresman Capt. Kennedy COPY 0^ A TELEGRAM -oOo- November 37, 1918. DOODLEBUG 3 to EMERSON 3: The Commanding General, 3rd Army, directs that lack of supervision and control no more passes will be issued for men of your corps to visit LUXEMBOURG and vicinity. This c-oes into effect immediately. Notify division and corps troops. (sinned) CRAIG KING 3rd Army . ... ... i . P .id . December 1, 1918. From:. Sister. At: P.C. NEUERBURG. Date: 1 Dec >18. Hour: 2:15 P.M. No. 2, How Sent: LIo tor cycle. To: Surprise 7. Leading elements Column #2 at KRAUTSCHEID at 3 P.M., Ev¬ erything O.K. People of country quiet and troops received in towns without comment one way or another. Women and children seem pleased. (Reverse) Road Slippery. Neville. Col. Turrill, G-3. M2— Time Indicated . December 1 , 1918. From Col. Chaffee, G-3, 3rd Army Corps, ihe 2nd Division is authorized to send one reconnaissance party in automobile or motor cycle, and with arms, to r'econ- noiter the roads in advance of Line 4 , on December 4 . (Reverse) 15 hot grazing. 17 Not grazing. Not cleaning. Not saluting. A.M. December 2 , 1918. No. 1. Sent By: Bn A FA Bn. Time: 7:30 A. Check: 1380B. From; Hqtrs 3rd Army Corps 7. Chjef of Staff. To: C.G. 2nd Div. Dec. 2 k No-2798 Gone, Following telegram repeated for your infor¬ mation in compliance quote No 283 Dec. 2 G.H. Army Commander- desires that special instruction and precaution coupled with trequent inspections by all higher commanders and their assist¬ ants be given to insure against any depredations by individuals or groups of individuals in the territory controlled by this Army. The military police of organizations will be especially instructed to guard against instances of the above nature. Corp Commanaers will issue instructions for the resumption of train¬ ing of units and will institute exercises along these lines which will keep troops occupied in beneficial training schemes. In addition special efforts 7 /ill be continued to complete the salvage of all areas. Sgd Drum unquote. Shellenberger. 7:45 A. P.M. December 3 , 1918, From: Sister, At: 3 Dec. Hour: 5 P.M. Div. Established P.C PRUM - P.C. Court House, Room #4, PRUM. Date: No. 1, How Sent: Runner. To: G-3, 2nd in Court House, Room #4, Ground Floor, Neville. F 2 nd Division. (Reverse) fi- y 1'- o, P. M. December 4th, 19IB. HEADQUARTERS THIRD ARMY CORPS. Date; Dec. 4th. Hour a!555 Check; POW 48 To ; Commanding General Second Division. Humber 1934 G one period reconnaissance of Gerolstein, Killburg Mayem road shows it passable for all traffic per¬ iod some mud just west of Boos which should be removed period have your engineers put on this comma Corps engineers will follow King, HEADQUARTERS THIRD ARMY CORPS. AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES. TELEGRAM. G-3 5:20 P. M. Commanding General, 2nd Division, American E, F. December 4, 1918. 109 OB Following telegram from Third Army repeated for your inform¬ ation and compliance colon Quote Army Commander directs you send to these Headquarters one representative infantry soldier from -each division to have_ their pictures painted by an artist representing the v ^ar Department period These pictures are to be used for military purposes and the men selected should be suitable types. These men should arrive here by nine A.M. December Fifth period They should report to the Adjutant General period They should bring full equipment period The transportation bringing them should remain to take them back that same night Signed Craig end unquote OFFICIAL: HINES J. R, FRANCIS, Telephoned by Lt. Cadow at 22:55 Captain, Infantry, Sec’y Gen. Staff. HEADQUARTERS THIRD ARMY CORPS AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES December 4, 1918. The following telegram is quoted for information and com¬ pliance: "HEADQUARTERS THIRD ARMY n December 4, 1918. C, G., Third Corps. SGS sixty five period Army Commander directs that no further Russian prisoners be permitted to pass into our lines period they will in all cases be turned back toward German lines period take prompt step to insure full comp¬ liance period acknowledge Craig" By command of Major General Hines: (Cont’d next page) ' ■ . . , No time indicated Dec ember 4 th» 1918 (Cont’d from last page,) OFFICIAL COPY: CAMPBELL KING, Chief of staff* J. R. FRANCIS, Captain, Inf., U.S.A. Secretary, General Staff. Distribution: C. G. > G-l, G-2, G-3. C. G., 2nd Div., C. G., 32nd Div., C. G., 42nd Div., C. 0. Corps Troops Original to Adjuta Mimeographed a.nd dist. nt to for file, battalions 12/5. M i s c TELEGRAM Hqs., Third Army Corps, 5th Beeember 1918. Commanding General, 2nd Division. Number 1944 G-one period It has been reported that many dead horses have been found unburied m areas recently vacated by divisions moving forward period Division Comm¬ anders will give the necessary orders to have a detail left by each division for the purpose of burying all dead horses in their area KING OFFICIAL: MERLE R. BURKHART, 1st Lieut., USA, Asst, to G-l. MRB/wd s Red. 4:10 P.M./ To G-l.- p. M. December 5th, 1918. Following message received by telephone from G-3, 3rd A.C. 11:20 P.M., Dec. 5th It will be necessary for the 2nd Division to vacate the following towns by noon for the artillery of the 42nd Division, which are ordered there tomorrow, SCHLEID SAFSTAFFEDSTEIN MALBERGWEICH SEFFERNWEICH SEFFERN MALBERG FLEISSEM ordered 24:30 5th Dec. Stock. Chaffee. ■ . ■ . V • Dec. 8th, 1918, P. M. Report from C. 0., Troop I. Cav. thru Sister 6. Phoned Corps 19:00 hrs. Steck. Reconnoitered south along river from Remagen. R« R. Bridge over Rhine at Remagen blocked with coal & stone (on cars?) and can’t be used. A gua.rd for night of Dec, 8th put on this bridge. Road for autos is good, Only one bridge at Remagen. Do liaison with British. The C, 0, Co. I., Cav. does not believe the British moved today. 8 Dec., 1918. - 17:00 hours. - Sgt. Webster. U. S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. Prom: C. 0. 4th..M, C-. Bn, •A-t: P. C. Oberwinter. Date: 9 Dec., 1918. Hour: 3:00. To : G-3 - 2nd Division. 1. Orders obtained by Bn. Comdr, at 13:30 hours from Div. 2. Bn. arrived at Oberwinter at 15:00 hours.^ 3. Liaison established with Canadians at GODESBERG at 14:30 hours. Wm patrol river from OBERWINTER to GODES¬ BERG and to REMAGEN every 6 hours at night and every 4 hrs in daytime. U. S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. No. N R 1 Time: 4:00 Received by: Kuehl. Check: 14. From: C.O. 3rd. Reserve Column. Date: Dec, 9. Hour: 4. No. 1. To : Capt. Steck. 2nd Div, Hq* 3rd Reserve column P.C. established at Bahnhof hotel across from railroad station. Sig. Dunlop. All units 3rd Col. in place at 6 P, M. G-3 No. 59. HEADQUARTERS THIRD ARMY CORPS. AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES. Germany, 9 December, 1918. MESSAGE TO: Commanding General, 2nd Division. " 32nd Division. 1. Front line Divisons, upon arrival on the RHINE, will at once take steps to reconnoiter all available means of crossing within tneir zones, capacity of ferriage and time of crossing should be ascertained. 2. Steps will be taken to assure the use of these means for the Division, should it later prove advisable. By command of Major General Hines: ADNA R. CHAFFEE, Colonel, G.3., A,C. o 1 . , G-o, ■ ■ . 5 ' * P. M. December 10 th, 1918. G-3 No. 60. HEADQUARTERS THIRD ARMY CORPS. AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES. December 10, 1918, MESSAGE: ^rom: Frierson 7 To: S ur p r j_ se 1. ^The Corps -ornmander directs me to inform you that you a 5 e . a ^ thor i 2ed . t0 cross three companies of Engineers over the REkAGEN bridge for the purpose of repairing the app¬ roach on tne eastern end. %ile on the east side of the ridge^these engineers will be confined strictly to the worj^c of repair and will not be permitted to stray away .. om the eastern end of the bridge. Arrangements will be made to billet them on the western end, and they will be returned to the western side at night and will be finally returned to the western side when the work is completed. ADNA R. CHAFFEE Colonel, G, S # , A. C, of S,, G 3. (Confirmation of telephone message.) ^ . phoned Copies to: C.G., 3rd Corps. C. of S. G-l. » 21:00 hrs, by Capt, Lysle, G-3 Message #61, HEADQUARTERS THIRD ARMY CORPS. American Expeditionary Forces. December 12, 1918. MESSAGE: io: Chief of Staff, 2nd Division, 2nd Division commences crossing tomorrow at 7 hours, using bridge at REMAGEN and ferry at ANDERNACH, Occupies area oounded approximately by RHINE River - perimeter of bridgehead circle - line HORHAUSEN - ODER HONNEEELD - EONSFELD - R0HGSD0H3? - 1IDR. 3IEBER line.) - WEIS (sxc.) bAYL (exc.) - WEITERSBURG (inc.) - ARENBERG (exc. EHRENBRSITSTSIN. NEUWEID reserved for Corps troops, ENGERS until after passage headquarters, NRD. BIEBSR. parties into area today. , A rea given is approximate only. Definite be given as soon as Army order should draw tail elements well EHRENBREITSTEIN - VALLENDAR No troops to be billeted in of 32nd Division. Projected Start small reconnaissance is fully known, forward today. area will Division ADNA R. CHAEFEE, Colonel, G. S., A. C, of S. G-3. , . . . . , F * 1,1 * December 12, 1910, Telephone message received from Colonel Chaffee, G-3, 3rd Corps, at 6 P, M., Dec. 12, 1910, 2nd Division P, C,, opens at HEDPESDORF, 15 hours, 13 Dec¬ ern D er, Have sent you Army map by special courier. Details of paragraph of Field Order previously phoned to you unchanged. Ho time indicated 13th December, 1910, To C, G., 2nd Division, vr™™■ Boun Hary 2nd Division changed as follows: v.iUTERSBURG (inclusive) - VALLEKDAR (exclusive). By Command of Major General Hi December 13, 1913. Mo Time Indicated Telegram to C.G., 2nd Division. 13th December, 1913. 91 The following telegram repeated for compliance: Ouote. The C.G. 3 A. Corns C-3 - 1 - 24; estab¬ lish a post at R.R. Bridge at EMGERR to examine all nor^h.bound R.R. trains and prevent passage of German ammunition and other contraband com ins; from territory south of the RHINE end. 2 Co. M. Pi Officer reports: CPAIG. 2 Men 23 Inf. 3 Men 3 Co. M.P. 3 Men Corns M.P. on duty at this bridge. Mo trains. D . M. December 14, 1918. Time Filed Mo. Gent By Received By Time Check 1 Kn RE 6:10 P 13 o'fm From: C.O. 3rd Reserve Column. Daue: Dec. 14. Houri 6 p; Mo. 1. How sent: Radio. To : Capt. Steck, 2nd Divsn. HDQ,* All units of this column in position at 4:15 p .M. Dunlop. P.M. December 15, 1913. HEADQUARTERS SECOND DIVISION AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCFG. Neuwied Germany, ~ December 15, 1918. MEMORANDUM: Telephone message from G-3, 3rd Army Corps, n 11LUH A M. C.h.0 , } December 15, 1313. To Commanding General 3rd Army Corps, 2690, G-3 reference 2475 G-3, G.H.Q., and confirming: telephonic conversation of December 14th with Chief of Staff 2nd Army. It is not intended that a search of the inhabi¬ tants or their homes for arms and ammunition should be resorted to except as a necessary measure in the case of^a threatened or actual disturbance, but that arms and ammunition found in their possession and in the ** rm Y "one, should be collected and guarded. Every effort should oe made through G-3 agencies to secure timely information of any threatened disturbance. BY ORDER. 4 P » M - Signed, CONNER. Copies to: Major General Lejeune and Chief of Staff. G-l G-3 Message Center. - ' I_ ■ No Time Indi ca t ed December 19, 1918. Message to: HEADQUARTERS THIRD ARMY CORPS American Expeditionary Porces Germany, 19 December 1918. commanding General, 1st Division. 2nd Division 32nd Division. G-3 No. 67. ti tl n N 1. The Gorps Commander directs that if not already in force, each Division arrange a nightly inspection of some part of the outpost line by an officer of the Division Staff. , CAMPBELL KING, c/c C. Of S. Chief of Staff. Hq. Third Army Corps Official Operations Section HEADQUARTERS SECOND DIVISION AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY PORCES TELEGRAM PROM THIRD ARMY : 319 G-l GERMANY, Dec ember 19, 1918. Commanding General Third Army directs that you detail and have report on or before noon of the 19th December, sending by truck to the end of the bridge in EHRENHREITSTEIN and to report to the Army Provost Marshal, the following detail from the brig¬ ade of Marines: Six officers Thirty Non-Commissioned Officers _ One Hundred and sixty enlisted men. This detail will be used as a guard and to man machine guns on the police patrol boats on the river RHINE; therefore, men suitable for this purpose should be selected. The Commanding General, Marine Brigade, while in COBLENZ was notified as to the details of this detachment. P»M. December 20, 1918. Telephone message from Emerson 3 to Surprise 1, 10:45 P.M., Dec, 20. At least two emplacements will be reconnoitered and date prepared for each battery of the divisional artillery to be emplaced. One gun of each battery with proper crew will be kept at all times in position, preferably in the 3rd alternative position. One artillery observation post in each division will be constantly manned during daylight hours. Necessary communi¬ cation will be established. Positions for machine guns in out¬ post zone and main line of resistance will be rsconnoitered. Only those guns which command main approaches in outpost zone will be kept emplaced and manned. General dispositions and line selected as submitted in defense schemes approved. Writ¬ ten instructions follo\v. By command of Major Gen, Hines. Campbell King, Chief of Staff. . . . / ' $o time indicated December 21, 1910* G-3 Message 60. 2nd Div. G-3 #0 Dist. C. 12 / 21 . HEADQUARTERS THIRD ARMY CORPS* AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES. Germany, 21 December 1910. ?he following telegram repeated for your information and guidance: "Commanding General, 3rd Corps, For the period Decemoer 26 to 31st 1910 inclus¬ ive all drills will be concluded by noon of each day and all duty except that which is necessary will be suspended for the remainder of the day, DAVIS" Ey command of Major General Kine Campbell King, OFFICIAL: Chief of Staff* ADNA R. CHAFFEE, Colonel, G.S., A. C, of S», G — 3 4 G-3 Message#71. HEADQUARTERS THIRD ARMY CORPS. American Expeditionary Forces, Germany, 26 December 1910. MESSAGE to : Commanding General 2nd Division, Commanding Officer 1st Pioneer Infantry. Commanding Officer 30£3th Engineers, (Continued next page.) . < » . (Cont’d from last page.) ^ - ^-1 patrols and bridge guards now supplied par Orders #73 and #75, 3rd Corps by your command along the line of the Rhine will be relieved. The ferry guard at the E1TGERS ferry will be relieved, ah guards at ferry landing will remain in place until further orders. By command of Major General Hines ADNA R, CHAFFEE, for CAMPBELL KING. „ , „ Chief of Staff. G-3 order #10 issued Dec. 27. Ho time indicated December 26, 1918. HEADQUARTERS SECOND DIVISION. AMERICAN EZPEDITIONARY FORCES. Germany, December 26, 1918. 1* ^he following telegram from Headquarters, Third rmy is published for the information and guidance of all concerned: "Headquarters, Third Army, Dec. 24, 1918. Commanding General, Second Division, Number ^00 G - 4. The following telegram from G.H.Q. is repeated for your information and guidance; "Number 3946 G-4 Official Army rate of exchange will be changed from seventjf to sixty centimes to the mark effective at once, Mosely" Mc/db, CRAID" By command of Major General Lejeune JOHN W• LLUFRIO. Adjutant General. Adjutant. No time indicated December 27, 1918. ihone message from Bmerson 7 to Surprise 7 10:00 hours, December 27th, 1918. Commanding General, Second Division. Corps Commander directs that until further orders the enplacmg of' a guard piece at each battery emplacement be discontinued. Phoned to 2nd F . A. Brigade. King. ■ HEADQUARTERS THIRD INFANTRY BRIGADE A.M. March 28, 1918. U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE From: At: Date: To: Ln and. A.M. C.O. 23d Inf. Rivoli How sent Mar 18 Hour 9:15 A.M. Ho. 39 Motorcyclist C.O. 3d Brigade Fort Troyon 1st Bn and attached troops relieved by 2nd attached troops. Relief complete about 1 A.M. Relieved troops reached destination at 4:15 Ho casualties. To operations Malone Colonel Cmdg F»M. March 30, 1918. U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE From: C.O. 23d Infantry. At: Ranzieres Date: 30 March 1918 Hour 7:45 P.M. Ho. 46 10 • C.O, 3d Brigade, Fort Troyon, Headquarters established at Ranzieres at 7:30 P.M. today. C.O. Center of Resistance, Riga and Turin at Rivoli. Malone Colonel. A.M* April 3, 1918. From: At: Date: To: U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE C.O. 23d Infantry Lisbon Ho. 02 How sent 3 April 1918 Hour 10:13 A.M. Thru Brigade Cmdr. Commanding General 2d Division En ®iy conducted raid on listening pest Ho. 20 A.ii. tod ay accompanied by heavy bombardment, ur ban age put down but enemy succeeded in raid. Five . ericans killed, two wounded a.nd two missing probably captured. ^Enemy casualties not known. Tull report with daily record of events. Malone Colonel Cmdg. •• P.M. April 5, 1918. Peed 240 wAB Hq., 3d Brigade. April 5, 1918. 106 , To C.O. 23d Inf. Div ' noves . at 2:00 P.M. today to P.C. Toulon about 5 k m east of Sommedieu. Send all reauired reports to that place in future. PETER MURRAY Brig, N. A. Comdg. 3d Brigade. O.K. J.V.J. Reed. 2:05 P.M. April 5/18. P.B.M. 1'Ioted J.W.L. Adjt. From: C.O. 3rd Brig. At: Bizerte Date: 5 Apr Hour 8:15 P.M. No. 3 To: C.O. CO A 5th M.O. Bn Following from Regt Com dr ’’M.G’s on both flanks v/ill be trained each night on this point (in front of F Co between our salient - 9695 -9698 and the German salient 9996 & 9997). You will make necessary arrangements to cover above mentioned ground. C.B. Elliott From: At: Date: To: ib. * Tit . April 27, 1918 U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE C.O. 23d Inf Puteaux Hour 11.25 A.M. No. 118 27 April 1918 C.G. 3d Brigade How sent Runner In view of the decision that the division will be concentrated and that this.regiment will occupy that portion of the line of which SPARGES forms a part it is requested that action be taken in advance to secure the pla.n of defence of this area and have copies in English before we enter. If the limits of my sub-sector can be given, I will send Capt. Claude to this front, if authorized, and will translate the plan and get it to my Bns before they make reconnaissance. Malone Colonel. 1 • • ' • ’ P.M. April 27th, 1918. U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. C.O. 23d Inf. 123 Puteaux. How sent 27 Apiil, 1918.hour 8:20 P.M. Runner. C.G. 3d Brigade. deference the attached letter, request authority to draw working parties from companies of 1st Bn at La Gauflier which is Brigade reserve. Prom: At: Date: To: Malone Colonel. Pile. U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. Prom: C.O. 23d Inf. 124 At: Puteaux. Date: 27 Apr. 18. Hour 8:30 P.M. To: C.G. 3d Brigade. How sent Runner. The countersign has not been received since the regiment arrived in this sub-sector. Request that same be furnished * » Malone Colonel. A.M. May 2, 1918. U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. __ 143 Prom: C.O. 23d Inf. At: Puteaux. Date: 2 May 1918. Hour 9:00 A.M. To: C.G. 3d Brigade. \ Information just received that hostile patrol entered our trenches at 3:25 A.M. and raided the artillery observation station located in the firing trench at 0528. (Map Lamorville 324) Corp.Williams, Btry.E, 15th P.A. was captured Pvt. Mountains wounded. It is believed and is prac- tically certain that the Madelon Code Bookwas on Corp. Williams person and is now in the hands of the enemy. Further report later. Malone Colonel. ' a.M « May 6, 1918. u. S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. From; C.O. 23d Inf • Puteaux Row sent ■^ a ,e ^ May 1918 Hour 8; 45 A.M. Ho. 162 Motorcyclist To: C.G. 3d Brigade. lour Field Order No. 4 states that hour at which command will be taken will be announced later. Par. vj order Ho. 6375/3, 33d Division fixes hour for taking command except for S.S, La Croix and perhaps other points. Date for La Croix should be midnight May 9th. when all my troops shall have been relieved. Will you please have it fixed? I take command at Ravin noon 10 May. Malone Colonel U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE C.O. 23d Inf. Puteaux 8 May 1918. Hour 11:30 A.M. Ho. 170 How sent Commanding General, 3d Brigade,Troyon Runner Reconnaissance cf Ancemont - that there were only 200 places available- and places for officers of regiment. There is no room for the 2nd Bn. 23d Inf. Orders issued by the French - Ancemont tonight. The Bn. is accompanied by 1 Co. M.G. Bn. Request the matter be taken up at once with C.G. 52nd Division and stand to - tonight for 2nd Bn. and 1 M.G. Co. From: At: Date To: Malone C.,lonel P.M. May 8 th, 1918. From: At: Date: -lo : U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. Brig. Adjt. Troyon. 8 May 18 Hour 1:30 P.M. He. C.O. 23d Inf. Matter let you know has already been taken i esult at> sc on as l can How sent 181 P.unner up with French find out. Will P.M. May 8, 1918. U. S. AKMY FI ELI> MESSAGE. 175 Kow sent Mtd. Orderly From: C.O. 23rd Infantry At. Puteaux. Date: 8 May 1918. Hour 10:20 P.M. To: Commanding General 3rd Brigade. Col. Keller 335th French Infantry assigned command of sub-sector La Croix at 8:00 A.M, today. The French troops arrived last night to relieve two companies of 2nd Bn. at Camp Rigaud. C.G. 52d Division authorized withdrawal without relief and troops will move in small detachments tonight. I will hold 2nd Bn, at Genicourt until accomoda¬ tions can he had at Ancenont and v/ill go to Div.Hq, today to try to make necessary arrangements. Will leave here for Ancemont at 8:00 P.M. Malone Colonel. ho time indicated June 1, Note, 1918 Hq. 3d Brigade. blank 9th Infantry wants 60 musettes --field message books. 1 June 18. C C.G. 2d Division. 1:30 P.M, C.G. 3rd Brigade. June 2, 18. Col. 9 th Inf. in reply to my inquiry states he desires 500,000 rounds cal.30 250,000 r, 8 mil. shosho, 2 boxes pistol am. cal 45 to be delivered to his P.C. He has been ordered by his Div. Com, to blow up the Azy bridge across the Marne, which he is preparing to do with his engineers. He has relieved Major Livingston from com. of his battalion because of his inability to read a map & give directions on a map. Maj, Whitley has relieved him. He has not yet accompl, liaison with the M.G. Batt of the 4th Brigade. However General Karbord told me an hour ago that he was in touch with left batt 9th Inf thro’ his M.G. Batt. I am teleph. him now to requesting him to secure complete liaison with the 9th Inf. Signed Lewis p . M, MESSAGE FROM COLONEL MALONI June 2> 1918 1:30 P.M., June 2. To 3d Brig. Tiie Chauchot ammunition - 100,000 rounds, and the Hotch¬ kiss - in clips - 100,000 rounds, have arrived by French machines and have been distributed. Also a machine to load clips has been received. The loading is to be done by battal¬ ions. Also the 450 boxes rifle ammunition arrived and have been distributed thus making a possible 220 rounds for every man. The position was occupied without incident. About the time the reserve battalion entered town an observation balloon went up and soon thereafter fire was opened on the troops entering the town of COULOMBS and oh the left battal¬ ion as it went into position - one man was killed and 3 wounded. Liaison has been established with all units. Thus far no serious attack has been made. I will inspect this afternoon and will coordinate the plan of the organization of the ground. If an engagement occurs more ammunition■will be needed but, if so, I suppose this can be arranged. The French line seems to be holding fairly well and I am not apprehensive. Signed: Malone. t \.A. June 3, 1918 6.45 A.M, 6.45 A.M. June 3d To: Lt. Col. Herbst (G-3 - 2nd Division) From: Adjt. 3d Brigade. Phone message . "No orders rec’d last night and none as yet this morning. We expected to receive some orders last night. What has been sent? Lt. C.C. Gulliver Asst Secy Gen. Staff. Representatives from 409 Regt. Inf.(French) have just reptd. here to be in liaison. They number 3 Go's Inf (500) plus 1 M.G. Co. (100) They are taking up positions on road from Chamoust toward Cocherel - this road is south east of Montreuil. C.C.G. U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE Memo 1 Lt Hunt P C French Div. 43 How sent 3 June 18 Hour 8.13 No. X Auto messenger C.C. 23rd Infantry Chief of Staff here desires our liaison officer attached to Division Hqrs here and also N.C.O, and group P.1- four (4) men to be attached to the Company on the right c_ t the French liv is ion to act as liaiso n ag e nts. Liaison agent from here will be sent to Bussiaries as possible. ^ Hunt ( Return to Hq, 23 Inf. Malone From: At: Date: To: Col. ) . '••■■■■ ' - June 4, 1918. 286 P.M. 291 G-3 EK DE Eq Bosches decending en masse Entre Courchamps ET LICY (The above intercepted by Div. Radio at 10.P.M. Phoned to both Brigades Phoned 10.19 P.M. Message given to Artillery June 4- Aray corps notified 10,20 P.M. A.M. June 5, 1918 G-3 11:10 A.M. June 5, 1918 317 Phone to Gen. Lewis: Re-Movement of relief of Cavalry: Horses will be at BEAUREPAIRE. -9:30 this evening. Horses will wait for relief. Cavalry Brigade will proceed to CHARLY. Copies for: G-3 Lieut. Hunt. Phoned by Capt. St. Gaudens to Col. Lewis. J.B.B, U.S* ARMY" FIELD MSSSAGE. 7#72 Prom: Lt Hunt At: Hdqrs 3rd Brigade How sent Date: 6 June 18 Hour 7.50 Ho. X Messenger To: C.0. 23rd Inf June 6, 1918 Memo 3 Two men from A Co. have reported here stating that ammunition left at battalion dump at Coulomb was never picked up by truck. I will send the two men to you as soon as they report back here - after mess at second battalion. Hunt. Adjutant to note. Reed U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE 69 Memo 4 From: Lt Hunt At: Hdqrs 3rd Brigade How sent Date: 6 June 18 Hour 8.00 No. X Runner To: C.O. 23rd Inf. Both Field and Heavy Artillery supports this brigade and care must be taken to notify brigade commander of patrols, etc. This matter has been overlooked in certain regiments. General Lewis is planning to visit COUPRU this morning. 9:12 A.M. Hunt At M. 1918. June 6, U. S. ARMY FI ELD MESSAGE. 64 How sent Runner From: C.O. 23 Inf. At: Coupru. Date: 6 June 18 Hour 10:20 A.M. To: Comdg. General 3d Brigade No artillery plan furnished. Request C.O. 15th F.A. "be instructed to advise me what batteries are supporting me and to give their location. I have made all necessary inquiries and have requested 15th F.A.establish prescribed liaison with me. Malone Colonel P . M. June 6, 1918 Note - Hq. 3rd Brigade 'Phone conversation with Colonel Upton - June 6, 1918 8:05 P.M. He said that he had gone over the ground with the 53rd; and that he made arrangements and was going forward in an hour to occupy the position indicated in the request for-advance, C Telephone Message to Kq., 2nd Division from General Lewis at 10:25 P.M. - June 6, 1918. The right of the 23rd has been heavily attacked, and suffered heavy losses. The Germans have gotten through his line. Regimental Commander has reinforced him with his regimental reserves. 1 am sending two companies of the Brigade reserve to reinforce him. Note - Hq. 2nd Division. June 6, 1918 - 11:00 P.M. General Lewis reports, and is confirmed by a French Liaison, telephoned through Col. Schmidt, that report that Germans broke line of 23rd Infantry, not correct. Rumor started by some Engineer soldiers" who told ELIOTT. Telephone Message from 3rd Brigade to Hq,, 2nd Division, 12:12 A.M. - June 7, 1918. The battalion of 9th Infantry that made the attack on the right reports that the right company has reached its objective and is entrenching. Telephone message to Kq., 2nd Division from 3rd Brigade: June 7, 1918 - 12:25 A.M. The C.O., 9th Inf., reports: His right, Company F, which took part in the operations ( Continued next page.) A.M. June 7, 1918. ( Cont'd. from last page.) on the right this evening lost liaison with the 30th Infantry on its right. It has, however, liaison with the French still further on the right. The French have also lost liaison with the 30th Inf. He is entrenching where he is and is protecting his own flank and endeavoring to resecure liaison with the 30th. Message to 2nd Division from General Lewis - June 7, 1918. 1:40 A.M. The right of the 9th Infantry is out of touch, as well as the 30th Infantry and the- Colonials. The Colonel has sent an officer out in a side car to find where the Colon¬ ials are, and also the 30th Infantry states that their regiment never went forward and that it has now gone back to its billets. Instruct the Colonel of the 9th Infantry "* "* — * he extending his right putting in another company, if necessary. He, however, thinks that the Colonials have also gone back, i will know whether that is true or not in a short time. If it develops that is true, I would like authority to allow him- to withdraw his company to its original position (F Co.) as otherwise his right flank will be entirely in the air and disconnected from the continua¬ tion of the line to the right. Message to 2nd Division from General Lewis - June 7, 1918. 2:35 A.M. An officer from Elliott's outfit has come in to regiment¬ al headquarters. He states that the line is out of touch with both the marines and 9th Infantry. However, I think he to mistaken. From questioning him through Malone I find that the line is practically all in the old marine entrenchment. Thinks there is one brigade in TRIANGLE. If the marines are where they were they are tactically in touch. So far as being out of.touch on the right is concerned, the 9th Infantry second line, which you remember is about- abreast of the line I mention, I had liaison groups out and two messages have come through them from ELLIOTT to that line, and have been relayed back by runner to the 9th Infantry Headquarters and telephoned here, Elliott is the right battalion of the line of Marine trenches. Elliott is the right battalion o’f the 23rd Infantry. The battalion where the heaviest fighting has been. Note. - Hq. 3rd Brigade. 2;40 A,M» June 7, 1918. Colonel Upton just reports that his right is in touch with the 30th Infantry and that they are in touch with the French Colonials. C Telephone Message from General Lewis to 2nd Division} 3:45 A.M. - June 7th,1918. The right of the 23rd and the left of the second line of the 9th Infantry have been and are in liaison now. Telephoned General Lewis and asked him about the report that some of the men have been without rations for four days. He stated that such was not the case; that while he did not know whether every man had food, that he did know that rations had been sent there to them and that they were there for the men. (Cont'd. next page) I '. / r «r- A.M. June 7, 1918. (Cont’d. from last page.) I asked General Lewis how far Malone's left had advanced in order to keep contact with the right of the 4th Brigade. He said that the maximum was about 250 yards, and that mere¬ ly to take a little "tit" out of the line. I asked him why. Major Elliott’s battalion left its trenches. He said he did not know, as it was not intended, but he supposed that Elliott thought it was a general ad¬ vance. General Lewis then told me he understood perfectly that there was to be no advance. U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE From: C.O. 23d Inf At: Coupru How sent Date: 7 June Hour 4:10 A.M. No. 9 Runner To: Comdg. Genl. 3d Brigade The 1st and 3d Bns established their P.C's at . 3:00 A.M, without incident. Liaison established with field artillery to battalions at front. My headquarters in house near north end of village, right side of street facing north main street. Standard liaison will be made as soon as possible. Malone 5:30 A.M. - June 7, 1918. Message from Adjutant, 3rd Brigade to 2nd Division. Latest report at 4 A.M. Situation restored except in details. Arrangements being made on left whioh will be satisfactory (From Malone), Two companies in line - the one on the right connect¬ ing with the 30th Co. G. on left. Left of company resting near BOURRELIN. Co. H on left of Co. G and at BOURBELIN. The 1st Battalion connects with the 23rd Infantry in the secondary position. Elliott’s battalion reported suffering heavy losses. U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE From: C.O. 23d Inf At: Coupru How sent Date 7 June 18 Hour 6.15 A.M. No. 2 Motor cycle To: Commanding General 3d Brigade, Reports indicate that in the engagement as re¬ sulted from the operations oi yesterday, M Co lost its entire personnel except some 10 men. Capt, Green v/ounded and captured. K Co lost about 140 men. Losses elsewhere are not reported but are not large. These losses were due to sudden contact with hostile machine guns which took the troops flank. We captured one German officer and secured some very valuable papers. Casualties inflicted unknown. In order to permit the 3d Bn to get some much needed rest and to recuperate, it is suggested that the 2d Bn now Div reserve be permitted to relieve them tonight, the 3d Bn going to a position as reserve. The position is solid. Though attacked the line was not broken except that the loss of M Co left a hole. Malone Colonel A.M. June 7, 1918. U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE 89 From: Adjt 3d Brig. At: C.P. 3rd Brig How sent Date: 7 June 18 Hour 7-15 A.M. Ho. 16 Runner To: C.O. 23rd Inf. Matter of relief being taken up with Division. Will undoubtedly go through. Will let you know as soon as possible. Hall Reed 8:10 A.M. June 7, 1918 - Intelligence Officer 3rd Brigade, reported at 9:05 A.M. to Hq., 2nd Division. That the report rendered concerning 23rd Infantry to the effect that ONE company had been wiped out was erroneous. Only about 50^? was wiped out, C.O. and several men fought all night and got back this morning. 11:30 A.M. June 7, 1918. - Memo to 2nd Division from 3d Brigade relative to losses occurred in the combat of night of June 6 - 7, 1918: 9th Inf, - 76 officers & men killed and wounded. 23d Inf. 5 officers killed - 16 wounded 280 men killed and wounded. 5th M.G.Bn.- 8 men killed and wounded. These figures are only approximate. Accurate data will be furnished as soon as available. U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE 74 From: C.O. 3rd Brig. At: Ventelet Fme Date: 7 June 18 Hour 11.35 A.M. No. 14 To: C.O. 23rd Inf. Col. Davis has been instructed to arrange artillery with you. He was to have done it this morning. It will be done today. Lewis Brig Gen P.M. June 7, 1918, Telephone Message from 3rd Brigade to Hq., 2nd Division - 3-25 P.M. June 7, 1918. The enemy is shelling the cross roads at the village of LE THIOLET with 150’s. Been doing this for some time. Note to Hq,, 2nd Division. 4-47 P.M, - June 7. The 3rd American Brigade reports very heavy artillery fire but no gas. P.M. June 7, 1918. U.S. ARMY YIELD MESSAGE From: C.O. 23d Inf. At: Coupru How sent Date 7 June 18 Hour 8;00 P.M. Ho. 18 Motorcycle To: Commanding General, 3d Brigade All the Field Arty supporting me, will produce fire of concentration on all ravines and the avenues of approach to our ijosition at every two hours accompanied by harassing fire in the meantime until daybreak. In order that the back areas may receive the same treatment it is requested that you arrange a similar program for the Heavy Artillery utilizing all the heavy Arty available with the Division. Malone Colonel Message from 3rd Brigade I.O., to Hq,, 2nd Division. June 7. Reed. 9:10 P.M. Fifty men in single file have been reported proceeding from the large woods to 179.1 -59.3 (near vAUX) at 8:35 P.M. 22 men were previously observed returning from the same place. The artillery has already been notified by the Brigade, 9:20 P-.M . Message from I.O., 23rd Infantry to 3rd Brigade. Strong artillery fire continues on the right of our line. Our positions are being strengthened and organized. 9:24 P.M. - June 7, 1918. Following telephone message to Hq., 2nd Division was received -from Major Hall, 3rd Brigade' Hdqrs. - Report having seen fifty (50) enemy moving single file from big ?/oods north of VAUX to LA ROCHE woods. This was observed at 8:35 P.M. Reference above report, twenty-two (22) enemy seen returning from same woods, going back to same place. Artillery has been requested to fire, and is now firing on that objective. 9:30 P.M. Bote- Hq., 2nd Division. June 7 Adjutant - 3rd Brigade: The Adjutant, 3rd Brigade reports at 9:30 that every¬ thing is quiet, except some artillery fire on the woods at TRIOLET. Bote, Hq., 3rd Brigade. 10:50 P.M., From 9th Infantry: A report from the 9th Infantry just received that enemy is massing in front of Major BOUTON, and will prob¬ ably attack at 3:00 A.M. Considerable strength. Inform¬ ation came from the French Liaison Officer. Massing between the BOIS-LA-ROCHE and the small woods just a little north¬ east of 192*. The 23rd Infantry notified. P .M. June 7, 1918, u.s. army field mss gags From: Bear 1 At: P.C. Bear How sent Bate: 7 June 18 Hour 10.50 P.M. Ho. 1 Buzzerphone To: Boston 1 Lt. Griffin, 3rd Battalion, 102.Inf has just arrived at my headquarters and reports that his battalion has received instructions that relief will not take place and troops have not left their bivouac. Relief has been stopped. Request necessary action. Malone Col. 7 June 18. Boston B 5 . @10.36 144 Harp reports enemy massing on R l’s immediate front and will probably attack at 3 A.M.' 2nd Bn 9 th Inf Reed at 11:45 P.M. A.Li. June 8, 1918 Note, Hq., 2nd Bivision - G-3 12-02 A.M. - June 8, 1918 Intelligence Officer 3rd Brigade reports COUPRU is being heavily shelled with 150*s. Reed From: At: Bate: rr n • U • U.s. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE 9 2 C.O. 3rd Brig P.C. 3rd Brig Ho?/ sent 8 June 18 Hour 1,20 A.M. Ho. 17 Motorcycle C.O. 23rd Inf. Marines are being attacked BGURE3CRES. Can you give me information of your front? Wires are down. Start line repairmen on wires at once. Lewi s Brig. Gen. 2-45 A.M. June 8. Iollowing telephone message to Hq., 2nd Division from eneral Lewis: My wires to 23d Inf. have been down for some are now a S a in and 23d reports that at 12-15 t A.m.^ following a heavy barrage, 23rd Infantry line was attacked along entir¥ front. The attack was repulsed success fully and now everything is quiet. Little or no rifle or machine gun fire. No indication of losses. June 8, 1918. A»M» Note, Hq., 2nd Division. 3:25 A.M. - June 8. The following telephone message was received from Ildqrs. 3rd Brigade, at 3-25 A.M. , June 8:- Following message from Co. F, 9th Inf. to the C.O. 2nd Bn., 9th Infantry, just received: "Enemy attach at 12:30 A.M. and was repulsed with heavy losses, about 100. They ran into our machine guns. _Tt was the tail end of the attack against the 23rd Infantry v/e lost 6 wounded. Note, Hq., 2nd Division. Telephonic Report Received f All communications Both regiments on the ground June 8, 1918-5:06 rom 3rd Brigad e: re-established. All going s for identifications. .LI. wsl T From: At: Date: To: Rec ’ d U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE Memo 6 Lt Hunt 109 C 3rd Brig Hdqrs Hov/ sent 8 June 18 No. X Runner C.O. 23rd Inf. 1. These Hdqrs move to D0MPTIN today. 2. No new activities to report at this time. Hunt 8:20 A.M. U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE C C.O. 23d Inf Coupru 8 June 18 Hour 9:30 A.M. No. 31 Commanding Officer, 3d Brigade. The enemy advanced against our front at about his attack preceded by Infantry and Artillery mployed automatic rifles or light machine guns during his advance. ^ movement was completely checked at about -t 00 yds from our trenches by Arty and rifle fire. Reconnaissance of our front is being arranged t^r 3.10 P.M. today to secure identifications. Malone Colonel From: At: Date: To: 12:30 A.M. fire. He I A.M. June 8, 1918. Message from 23rd. Infantry to Hq. , 3rd Brigade. June 8, 1918 -10:20 A.M. The enemy advanced against our front at about. 12:30 A.M. His advance preceded by infantry and artillery fire. He employed automatic rifles or light machine guns. His move¬ ment was completely checked at about 400 yards from our trenches by artillery and rifle fire. Reconnaissance report to be sent in later. COLONEL HERBST: June 8, 1918- 11:00 A.M. Telegram: From C.O, , 3rd Brigade, at VENTELET FERME, at 10:45 A.M. To: C.G., 2nd Division. Following received from C.G. 23rd Infantry: The enemy advanced against our front at about 12:30 A.M. His advance preceded by Infantry and Artillery fire. He employed automatic rifles or light machine guns during his advance. His movement was completely checked at about 400 yards from our trenches by artillery and rifle fire. • * Reconnaissance of our front is being arranged for 3:10 P.M. today to secure identifications. Lewis - Brigadier General, U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE From: C.0. 23rd Infantry At: COUF'RU How sent Date: 8 June 18 Hour 11:26 A.M. No. 38 Runner To: Cradg, General, 3rd Brigade. B In order that troops now in line may be relieved,at regular intervals, it is desired that (l) M.G. Co., 23rd Inf. and Co. C, 5th M.G. Bn be relieved tonight by Cos A & B, 5th M.G. Bn., the re¬ lieved companies proceeding to the points now occupied by the relieving companies and performing their duties during the period out of sector. Companies AC, end L, now out of sector may be utilized to relieve the 1st Bn. It is requested that 1 be authorized to do so when in my opinion it becomes necessary. This permission is requested because Co. L pertains to the battalion designated as division reserve. The others are under my orders. Malone Colonel. Message from 3rd Brigade to Hq., 2nd Division, June 8 - 11:45 A.M. Bad positions of 23rd Infantry being bombarded by 75’s, 105*3 and ISO’s. Gas shells seen in rear of their positions. June 8, 1918. P U.S. ARMY YIELD MESSAGE Prom: At: Date: To; Bear 1 P*C. Bear How sent 8 June 17 Hour 2.35 P*M. No. 1 Buzzerphone Boston 1 All O.K. Birds successfully finished work with Waddell. Bear 1 „ June 8, 1918 Col. Herbst. 3:00 P*M. Hdqrs. 2nd Div. Memo, from Adjutant Third Brigade: The 300 "overshirts" (Replacements) mentioned this morning, are not all needed for any especial thing but BEAR (23rd Infantry) wants them all and will "issue" them. Homer St. Gaudens. Sec’y. Gen, Staff. Telephone message to 3rd and 4th Brigades. 3:05 P.M. June 8, 18. Erench Army Corps Headquarters telephones that a German message has been intercepted which directed that all the roads leading to BOURESCHES from the north, west and south be placed under heavy artillery and machine gun lire. This may indicate an attempt to isolate the American garrison and an attack and attempt to capture it. Telephoned to 3rd and 4th Brigades. U.S. ARMY YIELD MESSAGE Prom: C.0, 23rd Inf. At: C0UPRU Date 8 June 18 Hour 3.6 P.M. No.41 To: C.G. 3rd Brig- The following are the approximate losses on June 6 th. 3rd Bn- I Co. Officer s 1 Men 14 . K Co, n 2 " 70 L Co. n 0 " 0 M Co. «r 3 " 81 Bn Staff it 2 » 0 8 165 Men Off. A-Co 3 0 B-Co 7 1 C-Co 2 0 D-Co 58 6 Bn’Staff 0 0 Hq.Co. 5 1 75 8 P .M. June 8, 1918. Note, Hq., 2nd Division. i June 8, 5:25 P.M. The 3rd reports heavy shelling along the entire front of the 23rd Infantry, with 77’s, 105’s, 150’s and some 210’s. Request retaliation fire by our artillery. Note, Hq., 2nd Division. Col. HERB8T June 8, 1918. 8:40 P.M. 3rd BRIGADE Telephonic report from Adjutant 3rd Brigade reports the following casualties up to and including morn¬ ing of June 7th. Officers- 16 Men - 230 U.S. ARMY EIELD MESSAGE Prom: C.O. 23rd Inf. At: COUPRU How sent Date: 8 June 18 No.20 Motorcyclist To: C.G. 3rd Brig. Have no communication with Bns by telephone. All wires cut. Lineman have been sent out on all lines. No information has come from the Bns but it is believed that everything is quiet. Malone Col A.M. June 9, 1918. Note, 3rd Brigade. 5-30 A.M. - June 9. 23rd Infantry (BEAR) - Everything quiet. Bote, Hq., 2nd Division. 6-15 A.M. - June 9. 3rd Brigade, (BOSTON) - Everything very quiet. Passed a very pleasant night. June9, 1918. 7-35 A.M. -Message from BOSTON 7 to Hq., 2nd Division.-G-3. BOSTON 7 sent in a list of things needed yester¬ day - 300 overshirts to be sent to BEAR - CUSTER 3 said at first they would be sent to BOSTON, Thini-c they are lost - said he had sent them to BEAR - were they sent? v/ hy haven’t they arrived. If they come this morning, they don’t want them where they are going - Want them to go to the pa.rt of the outfit belonging to us. Will leave some¬ body here ( at BOSTON) to look after them if they come, Everything will be down at 9 o’clock. Note, Hq., 2nd Division. 10-20 A.M, June 9. General Lewis reports that Hq. 3rd Brig, moves at 10-30 A.M. this date to the "Mairie" (Town Hall) at DOMPTIN. ,1 • • P.M. June 9, 1918. Message from 3rd Brigade to Hq., 2nd division. June 9, 1918 3:06 P.M. I reported yesterday to CUSTER A and to other officers of his arm concerned that on the two preceding nights the 9th Infantry had been fired into by both heavy and light artillery producing about 40 casualties and requested that the necessary steps be taken to prevent recurrence. This afternoon, at about 1:00 o’clock the 9th shot heavy artill¬ ery fell on the right of the 9th’s front line killing one man and v/ounding 2. It is requested that this matter be brought to the attention of the Division Commander in order that an investigation may fix the responsibility and pre¬ vent a further recurrence. GENERAL LEWIS Spoke to Maj, Potter about this at once. P.B. June 9, 1918. Telephone message from 3rd Brigade Hdqrs. to Hq., 2nd Division. 11:33 P.M. June 9, 1918. All quiet along the front. At 10:55 P.M. 3 shells fell near 3rd Brig. Hq. A.M. June 10, 1918. Note, Hq., 3rd Brigade. 5-50 A.M, - June 10. Phoned from 23d Inf. B-5 Everything quiet along the front. 5*55 A.M* June 10-From Adjutant 3rd Brigade to Second Division Hq.- - All quiet. Note., Hq. f 2nd Division. 8.55 A.M. - June 10. - C.G. 2nd Division. June 10, 1918. 3d Brigade, phoned to Hq., . 1,1 • Ct * . of the Division on cur right have taken up a position well in our sector and close to our support position, exposing it by their fire during daylight. They are m the position already prepared and utilized by one of our guns. They belong to the M.G. Bn. June 10, 1918, U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE From: C.o. 23d Inf At: COUPRU How sent Ud.te. 10 oune 18 Hour 11:05 A.M. No. 56 bicycle -lo; Cmdg, General, 3rd Brigade. 1 was informed last night that the code of signals fur indicating barrage, etc., had been changed. I ' 0 c ' 0 NY of change has reached me. Request information. Malone Colonel P.M. Bote, Hq., 2nd Division. Telephone message from 3rd Brigade, June 10, 1918. June 10, 1918. Received at 5:20 P.M., Very quiet. Nothing to report. ■ ’ P.M. June 10, 1918. U.S. 'ARMY FIELD MESSAGE c.o. F.C, Uou How sent 10 June 1918 Hour 9.P.M. No. 62 Runner 3rd Brig, Comm. special activity on part of the enemy. On our front the shelling hy the enemy has decreased. Cap¬ tured machine gun brought in today and transmitted to Brigade Commander (captured on the night of 6-7th June) Patrols out tonight to secure-information of hostile dispositions and capture prisoners if possible. Message irom Lt.Villaret concerning 6th Marines hereto attached, t is requested the message be returned after reading. Malone Colonel. No time indicated June TOm , 19io. Co. B, 9th Inf. Memo to Intelligence Officer - (Thru C.O. 1st Bn.) „ + The 7th M.G. Bn. have taken up position on lei^ of k.G’s. attached to this Company, using two of heir emplacements. They are exposing our position, .awing taken up position in broad daylight, and commenc¬ ing to fire at 6:05 A.M, , which firing continues. Russell Beall Captain N, A. att,9th Infantry. From: At: Date: To: 1st Ind. Hq ist En 9th Inf., AEP., Prance, 10 June 1918 - To g.O. oth Infantry. Forwarded. o Recommending that this unit be taken out of t ms sector. They do not belong to us and never report¬ ed here as to their disposition. F.L, Y/hitley Maj or, 9 th Infantry, Comd’g. 1st Bn. June 10, 1918. Approved L.S, Upton, Col., 9 Inf. * oune 10, 19113. This company reported at V,-~ Their motor vehicles are on road between La °ue ® an( ^ Tafournay Ferme. Recommend that if they re¬ main, the C.o. report to C.C., 9th Infantry. E.M, Lewis Brig. Gen. A.M. June 11, 1918. Message from 23rd Infantry via 3rd Brigade to Hq., Division. M ' From BEAR, via BOSTON 6:oO A.M. 11 June 1918. Prtrl M a. i ,A German troops attacking towards BOURESCHES. In¬ fantry and machine guns are now along railroad. Will Tel¬ ephone further information. a.m. June 11, 1910. U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE From: 0.0. 23 At: COUPRU How sent .Date: 11 June 18 Hour 6.35 A.M. Ho. 66 Motorcyclist To: Comd’g. Genl. 3rd Brig. I am advised that Ma j♦ Me Dowell commanding the Artillery Bn, supporting me has left COUPRU and has gone to DOMPTIN. The Separation of the Commander of the Artillery from the Infantry which he is supporting is not in accord¬ ance with established procedure and is exceedingly danger¬ ous . This morning upon receipt of information that the enemy was attacking BORESCHE it was impossible to establish communication with Ma j, Me Dowell for a period of more than a half an hour. Request Maj. Me Dowell be ordered to COUPRU and to remain in close personal liaison with me hereafter. Malone Col. U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE From: C.O. 23d Inf. At: Coupru How sent Date: 11 June 18 Hour 9:15 A.M. No, 67 Motorcycle To: Comdg. General, 3rd Brigade. Urgently request immediate return of Major Me Dowell, 15th F.A. to my headquarters. Liaison with him practically broken since his departure without notification. Malone Colonel, U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE From: C.O. 3rd Brigade At: Domptin How sent Date: 11 June 18 Hour 9.35 A.M, No, 18 Motorcycle To: C.O. 23rd Inf Have taken this up with General Chamberlain personally. He is now with C.O. 15th Art. Will send him copy of your second message No. 67. Lewis Brig Gen Reed. 9.45 A.M. By Hall From: At: Date: To: U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE Lt Hunt Hdqrs - C/o Boston 11*June 18 Hour 20.00 No. X Bear: Memo 7 Reed.9.50AM How sent Runner 1. Lt. Colonel of 5th Field Artillery here states that enemy have at least 3 divisions against our one and that their guns are being brought further forward in offensive combat each day. He claims that the 5th F.A., (Cont'd. next page.) June 11, 1918 .A. 4 Pol • (Cont'd. from last page.) which is now in reserve here, will move forward to give us stronger fire as soon as conditions permit (which should be in a f ew days), 2. Many shells have fallen in this town today but no damage has been done. 3, Lt, Dorsey, signal officer with the 9th Infantry is here now trying to arrange a Buzzerphone connection over the telephone lines, with this Hdors and with the 23rd Hdqrs. v.Motorcycles and automobiles must be particular not tc open mufflers near Brigade Hdqrs. as the noise is partic¬ ularly irratable to General Lewis. 5. Latest ‘'Communique" tells of slight German gain in vicinity of MONTDIDIER. 6, The 5th Marines are reported to have been very successful early this morning. Iney are re¬ ported to have taken over a hundred prisoners. Hunt Bote, Hq., 2nd Division. Telephone message from 3rd Brigade Headquarters to Hq,, 2nd Division, 10:10 A.M., 11 June '18. . Heavy artillery fire on 23rd Infantry position from the northeast. Have requested counter-battery work from our artillery. Have tried to get this message to you since 9:30, but just now made connection. P.M, June 11, 1918. Dote, Hq,, 2nd Division. Telephone message from 3rd Brigade to Hq,,,2nd Division, 10. p.m., June 11, 1918. Hothing special to report. Everything is quiet. 9th infantry had two killed and 7 wounded. P.M. June 12, 1918, Memorandum for the Adjutant, 3rd - 12 June 1918, 2:30 P.M. Please have Major Eechet of the Machine Gun Battalion report at the Church of COUPRU at 1:30 P.M., June 13th, to meet a Erench Officer from Headquarters, 21st Army ^orps, and accompany him on a reconnaissance of the 1st and 2nd positions of the 3rd Brigade. G.A. HERBST Lt.-Col., General Staff, A.C. of S., G-3 A. M. June 13th, 1918. U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE From C.O. 23 Inf. At P . C . Date 13 June 18 Hour 4.00 a.m* ho. 2 To Comdg General 3 Brigade Major Elliott reports that the representations of Marine Corps did not meet him at Tri¬ angle. He got into communication with them and they had no orders and said that they did not expect to he relieved. Proper reconnaissance could not he made. Reconnaissance will he resumed and the orders will, he carried out tonight. Request Marines he informed and that I he advised when their proper representations may he seen near Triangle. Malone Colonel• 5:05 A.M. June 13, 1918. From BEAR -El . to 3rd Brig. Message from BEAR, E-l, requests cancellation of request for heavy artillery. Bouresches still in the hands of marines. -ote: 2nd Div. Hqrs. June 13, 1918. At 9 »o0 the 3rd Brigade reports everything quiet along their front,* digging in and wiring continues. Patrols in front from 23rd and 9th Infantries. A. M. June 14, 1918, Report from 23rd Infantry - 5:05 A.M. June 14, 1918. 23rd Infantry reports the relief of BOURESCHES detachment and extension of the regiment to the left with¬ out incident. U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE From At Date To C.G. 3rd Brig, Domptin 14 June 18 Hour 1:34 C.O. 23rd Inf. Ho. 148 P *M« ho. 20 How sent Motorcycle ine company of Engineers to tonight should he sent to report engineers, Maj, FOX, at his p.c. he relieved hy you to C.O. 1st Bn. 2nd near LA CROJSETTE FME. Lewis Brig. Gen. ■ ' I. June 14, 1918* P, M, From: C.O. 23 Inf, At : P. C. C Date: 14 June 18 Hour 4100 P.I, No. 14 How sent To : Comdg General Runner 3d Brigade Herewith a rough sketch of distribution of com¬ panies. Under authority given me by you I have order¬ ed C. 0, 2d Bn to extend his front to left relieving 1 Co 3d Bn which then becomes available as Bn reserve to construct trenches in rear of Elliott’s left. Am constructing C.T’s. to get up food during daylight. Will have system in operation before midnight I hope. Distribution of M, G’s, not yet completely fixed. Co. A 5th M. G. Bn, goes in tonight. Right is pretty well intrenched. Portion vac¬ ated by the Marines not organized in depth. Have given necessary instructions and sketches and will begin to get results tonight. Rearrangement will give about equal fronts to both Bns, Malone Colonel, \ V o Will be intr.- bK enching here^to¬ night or tomorrow/ night Pt M• June 14, 1918, 4:45 P, M. June 14, 1918, Telephone message from 3rd Brigade Headquarters to 2nd Div. Everything very quiet on 3rd Brigade front. P. M. June 14, 1918. C. 0. 23rd Infantry C. 14 June 18 Hour: 6 P.M. Ho. 16 C, 5 . 3rd Brigade Major Pox has sent word to Major Waddill to send him tonight 700 men - 250 at Redoubt 201 150 at La Croisette -10 PM. 300 " M 3 AM. I have asked Major Fox to consult me but he has not done so. I do not know Major Fox's plan and do not know if there is a plan, but a well digested plan is absolutely necessary or we will all waste effort. I request that you take the matter up with the Bivision and insist upon a counter proposition in the sectors for which the regi¬ mental commanders are responsible and that they be advised. Malone Colonel From I At : Bate: To : Prom: C.0. 23d Inf. At : p.c. c. Bate: 14 June 18 Hour: 6:25 P.M. Ho. 18 To : Commanding General 3 Brigade. Company M & Marines attacked with barrage of Mustard Gas last night. 528 Marines evacuated 135 men from 3rd Bn., mostly from Co. M* 200 Replacements arrived tonight. Will try to restore situation in 3d Bn. Malone Colonel, 10-09 P.M* June 14 -'phone message from 3rd Brigade to 2nd Biv. Quiet along the line, excepting considerable gas shelling in front lines and back area. Casualties: Wounded - 4 men Gassed - 2 Officers,27 Men. From At Bate To A,M. June 15, 1918. U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE Adjt 3rd Brig. c. Bomptin 157 15 June 18 Hour 1.45 Ho* 21 How sent C.O, 23rd Inf. Motorcycle 3 ambulances coming. ■ire down, short men out from your end. Any trouble on your' front? Hall Rote: To Hdqrs. 2nd Biv. j une 15 , 19 jg 3rd .origade telephoned at 1:45 A.M. and asked to have tvvo ambulances sent at once to the Headquarters cf the 23rd Infantry. « A. M* June 15, 1918. Note: 3rd Brig. I. 0. of 9th Infantry telephoned at 5:30 A.M. that two bodies of the 444th -regiment had just been secured by our patrol. U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. From: C.O. 3rd Erig. Reed 9 50 A.M. At : Domptin 162 Date. 15 June 18 Hour: 9:35 a.m. No. 21 How sent To . C.O. 23rd Inf, Motorcycle Following message received from Gen. Harbord quoted ^or your information and guidance: " southern half of BOIS DE BELLEAU being saturated with YPERITE gas yesterday afternoon., I was obliged to withdraw the Bn. occupying it to the higher ground at the west of of the wood in the neighborhood of 169 and 181, leaving the eastern edge hold by a more fringe. Flease instruct your Commander in BOURESCHES to give us the closest observation of the area to his north- west along the eastern edge of the BOIS and to support uwith his machine guns if the enemy arroears in our front.'* Necessary instructions will be given by you. Lewis Brig, Gen. 11:14 A. M. 15th June, 1918. iOlephone message from 3rd Brigade Headquarters to 2nd n 0 oA Ver I thing quiet exce Pt gas shelling of back area. Those headquarters was heavily shelled by gas during the night and morning. F» M. June 15, 1918. MEMORANDUM of conversation between Comdg, Gen, 2nd Div. and the Chief June 15, 1918. Gen. Lewis and the of Staff. 12 Noon _p ^ un - er standing of the result of our conference as follows: . Q 1 to . inform Colonel Malone that he is under a r 7 thinkin S that the Marine’s main line or to 169, as its main line is intended to be held nn a^ ern + eid two relief operations which are very difficult. We will have held Bouresches 12 days on night of relief. Reconnaissance on night June 24/25. Request advice, Malone Colonel. 1918. P. M« June 23, 4:05 P. M., June 23, 1918. Telephone message from 3rd Brigade to 2nd Div. Everything very quiet. From: Lt Col 2nd Engineers At : "^ontreuil Date: 23/6/18 Hour: 17:10 How sent Motor Messenger To : C.G. 3 '"d Brigade Tracing cloth and drawing paper herewith as re¬ quested . Drawing instruments not available here. You might try Division G-2. Requisition for your needs (if they cannot he supplied by G-2)ar.i your request can think he filled prom. Blue printing can he done here. Brown U. S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. From: Hdqrs. 3rd Brigade 2 At : Boston 1 Date: June 23 Hour: 5:30 p.m. No. 27 To : Chief of Staff, 2nd e Forwarded approved, and requesting to he inform¬ ed whether or not this arrangement will he made. There are now eight machine guns in Bouresches. . G-3 E.M. Lewis Cdg. 9:45 P.M. June 23, 1918. Telephone Report' from 3rd Brigade to 2nd Div: Everything quiet along the brigade front. Nothing special to report. A. M. June 24, 1918. 12:22 A.M., June 24, 1918. Telephon e message from 3rd Brigade to 2nd Div: The right and left of the 9th Infantry being shell¬ ed with mustard gas. Request retaliation by our art¬ illery. 6-00 A»M. June 24. Message from 3rd Brigade to 2nd Div. Much gas on 9th Infa ntry. Yperite . The 9th Inf. saw one patrol returning to their woods. More inform¬ ation later. June 24, 1918, Phone message from 3rd \ A1 • I *T * June 24, 1918 --- 11:30 A.M. Brig, Hdqrs. to 2nd Div. B Co. 9th Inf.- Front of THIGLET has been shelled by mustard gas 7 hours since midnight. Area evacuated but held by patrols. Another Co, - ready to move in in case emergency. P. M* June 24j 1918* • U. S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE, From: B-l At : P. C, Date: 24 June 18 Hour: 2:45 P. M. Ho. 7 How sent To : Comdg General 3d Brigade Runner Gas attack last night 11:45 P.M. - 12:3.0. A.M. Again from 12:45 A.M. to 1:15 A.M. Following casualties - Co A - 23 Co B - 26 Co C - 26 M G Co - 25 Total 100 Bn Commander has changed position of some of the troops. Will make additional changes if necessary. Gas was mustard. It is hoped no more cases will develop. Replacements will be needed. Malone Colonel U . s ARMY FIELD MESSAGE From*. B-l At : P. C. Date: 24 June 18 Hour: 7:40 P.M. Ho. 11 To ; Commanding General 3d Brigade The total number of casualties from the gas attack is 162, The report by the Bn commander this morning shows 8 casualties. ■ It was not until receipt of this report this afternoon showing 100 casualties that the serious nature of the attack was known. Investigation by the regimental gas officer shows that the shell holes were disinfected promptly. Troops were moved to avoid the effects of gas and masks were worn in some cases for 8 hours and on the average for about 4 hours. Due to the shortage of officers with the troops masks were in some cases prematurely removedespecially by the troops recently arrived. Mustard only appeared to have been used. The forward line is now lightly held and the troops are as much disposed as safety will permit. Urgently request replacements. Malone. Colonel. P. M. June 24, 1918 U. S. ARuY FIELD MESSAGE. From: Cdg Gen. 3rd Brigade At ; Boston 3 Date: June 24 Hour: 9:25 pm No, 30 G-3 To : Cdg General Second Division Commanding Officer Twenty-Third Infantry reports one hundred sixty-two (162) casualties gas, last night. Proper action taken by him to limit results. He urgently requests replacements. He relieves Third battalion by Second tomorrow night according to sched¬ ule which it is understood has approval Division Head¬ quarters , Rec’d 10 ;35 P„ M. Lewis Cdg Note: Hdqrs. 2nd Div. 10:10 P.m*, June 24, 1918. Report from 3rd Brigade relative to latest report of casualties due to gas shelling of last night: 9th Infantry- 152 23rd " - 162 5th ivuG• Bn.- 25 Total 339 10:25 P.M. June 24, 1918. Telephone message from 3rd Brigade Hdqrs. to 2nd Div. The 23rd infantry reports heavy artillery fire on their left, apparently a barrage which appears to be approaching the left of the 23rd infantry position. F. A. Brig, notified 10:30 P.M. 11:33 p.m. - June 24. "phone message from 3rd Brigade to 2nd Div. Everything quiet on our front. Nothing special to report. A. M. June 25, 1918. 5:42 A. M. June 25, 1918 phone message 3rd Brigade to 2nd Div. Reports"Everything quiet." p. II, June 25, 1918, U. S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. Prom: E-l. At : P, C, Date; 25 June 18 Hour: 1S15 P,M. No. 19 To : Commanding General 3d Brigade Lt. Reynolds has advised me that the 9th Inf. will conduct an operation tonight* As the 3rd Bn my regiment is to "be relieved tonight by the 2nd I urgently request that the operation be conducted after my relief has been completed. Code word "Washington” will indicate completion. Malone Colonel« 2:20 P.M. - June 25, 1918. Message from 3rd Brigade to 2nd Div, Intelligence Officer 3rd Brigade, reporting to G-2, stated that German aviator came down within our lines and was taken alive and is being sent in to Headquarters. 4.*45 P. M. June 25th, 1918. Report from 3rd Brigade to 2nd Div, All quiet. Prom: C. G. 4th Brigade. At : P. C. 256 Date: 25th June 1918 Hour: 5:40 P.M. Ho. 3 To : C. 0. 23rd Inf ant ry 1. The Third Battalion, 6th Marines, will have patrols out tonight in the space bounded by the BOIS DE BELLEAU, X line 262 and the RAILROAD. The artillery has been asked not to fire in this space. Please warn your troops in BOUP.ESCHES, Copy for C.G., 3rd Brigade, Red 6.35 P.M. H ARBQRD. JGH 9:45 P.M. - June 25, 1918. Message from 3rd Brigade to 2nd Div. Everything quiet. 10:50 P. M. Message from C. G. 3rd Brigade (General Lewis) to 2nd Div. I informed General Bundy this afternoon that 23rd Infantry’s plan for tonight would have to be postponed on account of the 4th Brigade, for this reason. The 23rd Infantry cannot play with the 2nd Engineers tomorrow night. A. M, June 26, 1918. 1:47 A. M. - June 26. Phone message from Hq. 3rd Brig¬ ade to 2nd Div. Nothing special to report. Only the usual artill¬ ery activity in our hack area. 3:35 A. M. June 26. Phone message from Hdqrs. 3rd Brigade to 2nd Div. No unusual activity. Enemy artillery action normal. Nothing of particular importance to report. 5:40 A. M. -- June 26th -- Phone message from Head¬ quarters, 3rd Brigade to 2nd Div. Everything quiet. Nothing to report. H-l to Boston -1 hy tel 12:40 A.M. -transmitted to Bear at 1.35 A.M. Rec’d 1:35 P.M. June 26, 18. 23 Inf ammunition dump destroyed hy enemy H.E. shells in TKIOLET 10:30 P. M. today F CC1 CCL INF AAC .ADR A00 ARO APS ALU ARK ALZ APY APO Dump ACQ, ALU AQ,U ARE AQ,S, APY ARZ ALI ACB, AAK ARZ, Enemy, HID, ALU, APS THIOLET EOP - HPR APZ APR NRA - Signed K. P. M. June 26,. 1918. U. S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. From: B-l At : P.C. Date: 26 June 18 Hour: 3:45 P.M. No. 1 To : Comdg General 3rd Brigade I inspected my Bns in line today and the dump which was struck by shell last night and blew up. The small arms ammunition is being salvaged and new dump is being established. Exact loss of ammunition is not known as pile is still smouldering but loss is not great and a plentiful supply is with troops. A small supply will be furnished tonight. I am. not an expert on gas but believe - (Message incomplete.) 4:45 P. M. - Telephone Message from 3rd Brigade to 2nd Div. Everything quiet. Nothing special to report. p • ill • Juno 25, 1918• 9:45 p.m., June 26 , 1918. Telephonic report from 3rd Brigade Hdqrs . to 2nd Div, Everything quiet, nothing special to report. F. m. June 27, 1913. 11:15 P.m. June 27th.1913. message from 3rd Brigade to 2nd Div. Telephone message just received from 9th infantry reports an enemy aeroplane flying low over back areas of 3rd Brigade sector. 11:50 P.^. June 27th. 1913. message from 3rd. Brigade to 2nd Div. Intelligence Officer, 9th infantry, reports rocket signals still being sent up. They recently went up. Also a balloon is signalling by flashes. A. m. June 23, 1918. 5:45 A„.m. June 28, 1918. Prom 3rd Brigade (Aide) to 2nd Div, The 9th Infantry reports that their patrol met enemy natrol this morning and killed some of them. There were no identifications. At 4:15 an enemy plane was seen being shot at. At present everything is quiet. A more detailed report will follow at 8:30 A.m. 6:10 A.m, June 23, 1918. message from 3rd Brigade (Aide) to 2nd Div, ■Runner with maps due not showed up yet. them at about midnight has P. m. June 28, 1913. 12:10 p.m. June 28, 1918. message from 3rd Brigade to 2nd Div. Very quiet morning. 4:45 p.m. June 28, 1918. message from 3rd Brigade to 2nd Div. All quiet. 9:45 p.ju.. June 28. Telephone message from Third Brig¬ ade to 2nd Div. Everything quiet. A German airplane was brought down by anti-craft fire opposite 23rd infantry. June 29, 1918. A '*' r JTk% 1.4- t 5:30 A* M. June 29, 1918. Message from 23rd Infantry. Everything quiet. Nothing to report. 6:40 A. M. June 29, 1918. Message from 3rd Brigade to 2nd Div. M Everything quiet. Nothing special during night. 9:45 Report - Prom 3rd Brigade Headquarters to 2nd Div. Everything quiet. P. M. June 29, 1918. U. 3. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE, From: B-l At : p.c. Date: 29 June 18 Hour: 3:25 P.M. No. 5 To : Boston - 1 It is absolutely necessary to have Bowley’s plan for Arty fire in order to get out our orders attack. Will you please keep pressure on so as to make it arrive in due time. for Malone Colonel. 5:03 P. M. Telephone message from 3rd Brigade to 2nd Div, Everything quiet. Normal artillery fire by enemy in our back area. Nothing special to report. A, M. June 30, 1918. Note: Hdqrs. 3rd Brigade. 7:15 A. M. June 30, 1918, At 4:30 three balloons went upl one at BONNES, one at ETREPILLY, and one at 30TFGELANS. P. M. June 30, 1918. HEADQUARTERS SECOND DIVISION (REGULAR) AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES, FRANCE, 30th June, 1918. C CNFIDENTIAL MEMORANDUM: For: C.G., 3rd Brigade. C.G., 4th Brigade. C.G., 2nd F.A. Brigade, (Cont’d next page) June 30, 1918. P. M. (Cont’d from last page.) C.O., 2nd Engineers. C.O., 9th Infantry. C.O., 23rd Infantry. C.0,, 5th Marines. C.0., 6th Marines. 0.0., 4th M.G. Bn. Division Signal Officer. Division Surgeon, A. P. M. "J” day, "H" hour, referred to In Field Orders No, 9, these Headquarters, June 30, 1918, is 6:00 ?« ' • July 1, at which hour the attack ordered in the Field Order will he given. vy CC7 -.ptAND OF MAJOR GENERAL BUNDY PRESTON BROWN, Colonel, General Staff, 1:21 P.M. Chief of staff. June 30/l8. N.L.E. 9 th Inf . N.L.E. 6:35 P.M., June 30, 1918. Telephone Message from the Graves Registration Unit: Reports number of burials on battle field last few days ---- 57. There were also 34 German dead buried and marked * 7:45 P.M. Message from I. 0. 9th Infantry. At 7:15 P.M. enemy registered with 8/77's along east edge of BOIS LA MARETTE. Do not know but believe it is a new battery. Note: Hdqrs. 3rd Brigade. 9:45 P.M., June oO, 1916* Report to 3rd Bureau, 3rd A.C. (French) - All quiet, nothing to report. No time indicated, June 30, 1918. Message from Hdqrs. 3rd Brigade to Hdqrs. 2nd Div, American aeroplances made their appearance today for the first time since the division came into this area. One patrol of 8 planes, American, was observed. A. M. July 1, 1918. 3:00 A.i'/i. , July 1. Telephone message from 3rd Brigade to 2nd Div. 3rd Brigade reports interdiction fire of slight importance, just "before 2:00 A.M. on the left of 9th inf¬ antry . 5:45 A.m. July 1, 1918. Telephone Report from 3rd Brig¬ ade to 2nd Div. 3rd Brigade reports everything quiet. Domptin was shelled at 12 and again about 3:10. u.s. army field message. From: B-l At : p.c. Date: 1 July 18 Hour: 7:15 am No. 2 How sent: To : Boston - 1 Runner major Elliott’s Bn. reached its position, during night in Bois de la i&arette. His Hq . established at Bourbelin. Amm and material sent up last night. Telephonic communication not yet established. Work on lines in progress. Maione Colonel. p. M. July 1, 1918. 12:00 Noon, July 1, 1918. Message from 3rd Brigade to 2nd Div. 23rd infantry phone that shelling was on their left. U.S. ARMY FIELD" MESSAGE. Prom: Lt. Hunt Check At : Boston Memo 4 Date : 1-7-18 Hour: 12:45 No . 18 How sent To : C. 0. Bear Runner Harp Liaison Officer will arrive here at three (3) P. M. I will advise him of our means of cominumc- ation. Red 1:10 P.M. Hunt P.M July 1, 1918. U.S. ARi.iY FIELD MESSAGE From: Lt . Hunt At : Boston Date: 1 July 18 Hour: To : C. 0. Bear Check memo No 1 12.45 No. 19 How sent: Runner French Liaison Officer attached here suggests that motorcycle or horse transportation he substituteu for runners in view of great distance between BEUEELIN and BONNEIL in case of emergency resulting from failure of telephone. Red 1.10 P.M. Hunt U. S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE From: Lt. Hunt At : Boston Date: 1 July 13 Hour: 12.45 To : C . 0. Bear B Check ia.eiao ^ No . 20 How sent Runner French Liaison Officer attached here reports that telephone connection between BEUBELIN and BONNEIL is working. Red 1.10 P.M. Hunt U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE From At Date To Lt. Hunt Boston 1 July 18 Hour: C. 0. Bear Check ^a.emo 3 12.45 No. 21 How sent Runner The men with Lt. Perant - French Liaison Attaches with Rl - are to be runners, information gatherers, or for any form of Liaison work. Red 1.10 P.M. Hunt TT O U ARmY field message From: At : Date: To : B-l P *C * 1 * July 18 Hour: 1:40 P.M. No. 10 How sent: Boston-1 Runner I will send one motorcycle side car to Elliott to assist in maintaining liaison. Cannot be^ sent unti quite late in the afternoon. Everything is being sat¬ isfactorily arranged. jMictl o ne Colonel P .M. July 1, 1018. U.S. ARMY FIELD •TT r c , MJEjU o j AGE From: At : Date: To : B-l P.C . 1 July 18 ■Beston-1 Hour 2:30 P.M. Ho. 12 How sent Runner 1- slliott will start formation for attack about 5 p.m. His companies are pretty well covered in tne Bois de la Marette. It has not been heavily shelled so far. He got into position without casualties escaping a heavy^ shelling of roads by a few minutes. . , , 2- Liaison by phone well established. Belays \ia Tafournay Ferme. Arranged for Capt. Thomas with 5 runners will be there about 3:30 p.m. All other forms^of liaison being established, _ . 3- Secured between 50 and 100 wire cutters heavy which are en route to troops. All necessary ainmun- and tools delivered. _ . ■ 4- My munitions officer now with Elliott. The official time has been delivered by him in person. Arrangements being made for delivery of ammunition and food tonight. type, it ion of to to of 5-. One of my Intelligence Officers with 2 members tne intelligence personnel will be at La Nouette Ferme assist in carrying out all existing regulations in regard intelligence. prisoners, etc. 6 t There has been only slight shelling on the fronts E and A. Malone Colonel. U C 1 9 KM ARMY FIELD MESSAGE From; At: Date : To . Lt . Hunt. Boston 1-7-18 Hour 3:00 P.m. B-l Check Memo 7 Ho . 24 How sent Runner and that This noon it was reported here that VAUX was aiire every house in the town had been damaged. Rec * d 3:30 Hunt U.S, ARMY FIELD MESSAGE From: Lt . Hunt At: Boston Date : 1-7-18 Hour 3 To : B-l Sight (8) Amer today. Other machines : that Ame rican aviators Rec ’ d: 3:30 P.m. Check ^emo 8 Ho . 25 How sent Runner Hunt July 1, 1918 P i'L, • u. O • A TP. , V ir\ uJLl FIELD MESSAGE. From: Lt. Hunt At : Boeton Date 1-7-18 Hour: 2:00 P.m. To : B-l Check memo 6 Ho . 26 How sent: Runner It is understood that an aviator will fly over our lines at seven tonight to determine progress of advance. The French Artillery Coimaander is depending on me for such information as we are able to obtain as a result of the flight. Rec'd 3.30 Hunt. U.S. ARmY FIELD MESSAGE. From: B-l At : p.C. Date: 1 July 18 Hour: 3:35 p.m To : Lt. Hunt for Boston-1 Information concerning Vaux aissance transmitted to troops . Ho. 14 How sent: Runner and aim lane reconn- B-l. ) 1 July 1918. mEmOEaUDUm : Ildqrs. 2nd F, A. Brigade. C.O. 3rd Brigade reports destruction progressing satis¬ factorily in VAUX. Railroad station destroyed and many buildings in ruin. Received 3:40 P. m. 6:55 P.m. - July 1, 1913, message from Cen. Lewis, 3rd Brigade to 2nd Div. "F" Co. 9th Inf., cleaning up VAUX 6:15. White rocket east side meaning WE ARE HERE. comoany, going into of LA ROCIIE at 6:25, 7:00 p. m. - July 1, 1910. Message from 3rd Brigade to 2nd Div, Casualties prior to attack 2 and 30. The 2 are Capt. Spaulding and a Lieutenant of "E" Company. From At Date To U. S. APmY field mt. .runt Boston 1--7-13 Hour: 6 P.m. Bear - Bl ME Ok Check memo 9 Ho. 28 How sent: Runner (Cont’d next page). . P • JM . July 1, 1918. (Cont’d from last page.) Liaison established here through following off¬ icers - 9th Inf., 15th Field Artillery, 37th French Artillery, Brigade Staff, Signal Corps. We reach 37th French Regt through Calf. Red 7.12 P.m. Hunt U.S. ARmY field message. From Lt . Hunt. Check At Boston memo 10 Date 1-7-18 Hour: 6 P.m. Ho. 29 How sent: Runner To B-l major Parker of 28th Infantry is visiting here this evening to make "observations.' 1 Reed 7:12 P.M. Hunt U.S. ARmY FIELD message. From: Lt. Hunt Check At : Boston memo 11 Date: 1-7-18 Hour: 6 Ho. 27 How sent: Runner To : B-l Three telephones are at our convenience here. There should be no delay in transmitting_to this point. I will continue on the alert until I recieve word from Bear. Red 7.12 Hunt U. S. ARmY FIELD mESSAGE. From: Lt. Hunt Check At : Boston Aemo 12 Date: 1-7-18 Hour: 6.45 How sent: Runner To : B-l At 6.15 Company F g 9th entered YAUX end at 6.25 white rocket advance being made on hill 204 near YAUX being met with some resistence. Red 7.12 P.M. Hunt. 7:30 P.m. - July 1, 1918. message from General Lewis (3rd Brigade) to 2nd Div. "E" Co. 9th Inf. in position and digging in. prisoners so far 1 officer and 25 men. "H" Co. 23d entered La ROCHE woods without resistance. 23d held up on left. 2 prisoners sent in. 70 more coming from BOIS-de-la-ROCHE. BOlS-de-la-ROCHS held lightly with probably one company in ravine back of it. interrog¬ ation of prisoners not complete yet. This comes from Intelligence Officer and Signal ij,an, who went tnrough barrage to get it. They got a whiff of gas. P • M • July 1, 1918 to 3rd Brigade 7:30 P. m. - July 1, 1918. Message from Chief of Staff. We have just received a message from Lt. Gulliver, our Liaison Oflicer with the 39th Division. The Drench have reached the east and west path running through HILL 204. There they are practically stopped. They should be carefully looked after by the right of the 9th Infantry. They have a platoon. You must investigate that at once and see that there is no gap there by which you could be hit oh the right flank. 7:52 P. m. July 1, 1918. message from 3rd Brigade to 2nd Div. Telephone message received from chief of Staff has been forv/arded to 23d Infantry* 8:33 P. M. - July 1, 1918. message from 3rd Brigade Hdqrs. Gen. Lewis to 2nd Div. 9th Infantry reports he has with him now 3 officers and 50 men. Lt. Wigder reports through him that during the advance only one machine gun opened and that was put out of action. Attack a complete surprise. 2nd Bn., of the 9th Inf. thinks battalion lost not-more than 10 men. Behavior of men splendid. Lt. Bender, Co, "E” reported as one of two wounded before action, hot ser¬ ious. Heard from 23rd Inf. message sent from Lt. Flann- igan to Lt. Dorey that 23rd has reached objective^. 23rd reports heavy firing, large calibre, on PARIS road from 201 to TRIANGLE* I think it desirable that artill¬ ery continues playing on back areas during night. The only program I know is ore commencing at 11 O'clock tonight. I don*t think they should stop now. One otnei thing, 9th Infantry reports that his observers say that apparently the French have taken HILL 204. However, acting on the information sent here from the uhie o Staff, he is securing liaison through platoon next to him up to the left of the main French line. 9:06 P.M. - July 1, 1918. Hdqrs. 3rd Brigade to 2nd Div. 3rd Brigade repeats message from C.O. 23rd infantry, received at 9 P. m. that all objectives taken. Our casualties slight. Consolidation in progress. 9:10 P. m. - July 1, 1918. message to 3rd Brigade, Gen. Lewis, continuation of above to 2nd Div. Heavy stuff Army Corps and Army is shelling the back areas. P. m. July 1, 1918. 9:10 p.i 4 . - July 1, 1918. - from 3rd Brigade - Gen. Lewis to 2nd Div# Additional information from 23rd Observation station reports large number hostile avions hovering over out position. This is reported with a view of having them eliminated. The Adjutant, 9th infantry went out with the attack and has just returned. He followed the entire advance line in their objective and finds them well located and consolidating their positions. The left platoon is in touch with the right platoon 23rd, but when he left that platoon was out of touch with the rest of the 23rd. lie gave oilers to connect uo which he thinks will be done at once. Headquarters, 3rd Army Corps. 9:15 P.M., - July 1, 1918. Ho. 22. From Staff, 3d Corps, to 2nd Division U. S. The 3rd Corps sends its congratulations to the 2nd Division U. S. on its complete success. It begs the Staff of the 2nd Division convey them to the 3rd Brigade and its splendid troops. Telephoned to 3rd Brigade, at 9:35 p. M. 10:25 P. id. - July 1, 1918. message from C. 0. 9th Infantry. From Elliott: All the front is secure, many, machine guns captured. Humber not determined, pris¬ oners still coming in. Casualties bigger than orig¬ inally thought. 5 officers and 178 enlisted men pris¬ oners brought through P. C. 9th Infantry from 9th Infantry only. A. m. July 2, 1918. 4:00 A. m., - July 2, 1918. phone message from the Third Brigade to 2nd Div, The 23rd Infantry reports that enemy firing has become quite normal and the situation has quieted down. The 9th Infantry reports that the woods have been heavily shelled with gas and that some of its men are coming in. The situation is not considered serious as yet. 5:35 A. ii« , July 2, 1918. phone message from Third Brigade to 2nd Div. Major Elliot of 3rd Battalion 23rd infantry reports that his. area has been heavily shells w'ith gas. He needs ambulances which have already been arran ged for. Arrangements for Counter battery work are also under way. A • ii • July 2, 1918# U.S'. ARmY FIELD MESSAGE From: B-l At : P. C. Date : 2 July 18 Hour: 9:00 A*m. No. 1 How sent: To : Boston- 1 Runner 1. Record, of evacuation destroyed by shell fire but Elliott estimates killed and wounded up to 5:00 A*M» today as 160. This includes bombardment dur¬ ing the night. 2. Troops occupy essentially the positions shown in my sketch-order for attack. 3. Request that Whitley’s Bn of the 9th inf be ordered to relieve Elliott as soon as possible after dark tonight and that Whitley select some other point than Bourbelin for his p.C. Bourbelin will always be under heavy fire. Request Elliott be sent back to reserve position for complete rest. He is in very bad condition from cold and overwork and his battalion is sadly in need of rest and reorganization. 4. Request you advise me by phone that "plan will be followed" which will indicate that relief is to take place and that orders be given at once to start arrangements which will be difficult to make. 9:45 A.m., July 2, 1918, Telephone message from Third Brigade Headquarters, General Lewis to 2nd Div. At 3:34 Germans made counter-attack. A barrage signal was given by aeroplane as predicted. The attack was broken up early and about 200 prisoners taken. p, ; iu July 2, 1918. 12:15 P. m. - July 2, 1918. Telephone message from Chief of Staff to 3rd By direction of the division commander, all German prisoners, without exception, including those with the front line companies, will be sent to division headquarters immediately. 4:56 P.m. - July 2, 1918. Phone message from 3rd Brigade to 2nd Div. All caim. 5:00 P. jm., July 2, 1918 - message from 3rd Brigade to 2nd Div, 2 detachments of 6 officers and 250 men, making a total of 12 officers and 500 men will be sent from this Brigade. P. M. July 2, 1918 , 7:30 P *M« - July 2, 1918 - message from 3rd Brigade to 2nd Div* Laying it down very heavy on new front line of the 23rd in the BOIS-DE-LA-ROCHE» Request counter battery work. Artillery notified. 9:45 P •Jiu.« - July 2, 1918 ♦ message from I. 0., 3rd Brig¬ ade to 2nd Div. Conflicting reports concerning number of prisoners: 9th Infantry has reported - 8 officers 397 men. 23rd " " » poo men, of whom several were officers, I. 0., himself, saw 6 officers and knows def¬ initely of 4 others. (Report of 9th Inf, found to be inaccurate.) 9:47 P, m. - July 2, 1918, Message from 3rd Brigade to 2nd Div, Casualties of the 5th M. G, Bn, - 2 men killed, 3 men wounded, 1 missing. 10:40 p. m. - message from 3rd Brigade to 2nd Div, One prisoner has just been received at 3rd Brigade Headquarters from the 23rd Infantry and is now being forwarded to Division Headquarters. The shelling on the 23rd Infantry line is fairly heavy at the present time, G-2 11:25 P, m, - message from 3rd Brigade to 2nd Div. Very heavy bombardment on entire front of 23rd Infantry, especially on new line in the BOIS-de-la-RQCHE. Further report states that 1st and 2nd Bns. 23rd Inf. under gas bombardment at present. Counter barrage requested ed. Gas used is mustard gas. Artillery notified and putting down a barrage in front of the 23rd Inf. A. M. duly 3, 1918, 12;05 A. m. - July 3, 1918. - message from 3rd Brigade to 2tid Div, All kinds of curious rockets going up at VAUX, that nobody can explain. There is nothing definite but we think a fight is going on there. Artillery requested to put down a barrage. A. m. July 3, 1918. 12:50 A.m. - July 3, 1918 - Message from 3rd Brigade to 2nd Div. States that the 120 Germans reported out there and who refused to surrender during the day have increased to about 300 and are digging in. Their location, by co-ordinates, is: 80.10 - 59.15 on the 1/10,000 or the 1/5,000 maps. This point is approximately 300 yards northeast of the original objective (VAUX) * Arty requested to get busy with them. 1:28 A.M. , July 3, 1913, message from Third Brigade to 2nd Div, A few gas shells dropped on AULN0IS BONTEmPS« 1:30 A«k. - July 3, 1918 - Telephone message from 3rd Brigade to 2nd Div. Report just received that the enemy are dropping a few Yperite shells on LBS AULNOIS BONTEmPS (9th Inf. Ildqrs) , They do not know what it may mean. Some shells have also been thrown into DOmPTIN (3rd Brig, Hdqrs.), not known yet whether they are gas shells. 2:30 A.m., July 3, 1918. message from Third Brigade to 2nd Div. Report received from Second Battalion, 9th Inf¬ antry, everything o,k. Counter attack broken by artill¬ ery fire, same doing excellent work. Enemy artillery active on mONNEAU Ravine and Bois de ROCHE. This P. C. heavily shelled by high explosive and gas. 5:35 A.m., July 3, 1918. message from Third Brigade to 2nd Div. Everything o.k, except a few heavies on 9th inf¬ antry front; otherwise front is quiet at this time. This place was shelled intermittently during the night. U.S. ARmY FIELD MESSAGE. From: B-l At : P, C . Date: 3 July 18 Hour: 9:15 A.m. No. 1 How sent: To : Boston-1 Runner I am in receipt of a telephone message inviting me to dinner at Corps Hq. at 7 P.m. today, I doubt the wisdom of absenting myself but will do so if you consider it safe. Please advise me. malone Colonel, All of M Co is out except m Co which was not relieved. Report follows. A • m» July 3, 1918. U.S. ARiiitY FIELD MESSAGE. From: B-l At : P.C . Date: 3 July 18 To : Boston-1 1- Exc ell Hour: 11:05 A.m. Ho. 11 How.sent : nunner night. Ho casualties thus far reported.Masks were worn most all night. 2- I, K & L Company and one platoon of m Co. relieved. *uajor Elliott, Capt. Green and most of the composite Company got away for Paris. 3 plats m Co still in trenches. . 3- I Company dug up two additional Boche m.G ^ yesterday and brought them out last nighty 2 additional prisoners sent in to Division last nieht. iaior Elliott reports that that the woods axe clear . Dillon andRegtl. gar officer uade inspectxon today and, are visiting some of the patients m hospit¬ als to determine exactly the cause of tne casualties. I found the men in pretty good condition. jur great need is an assignment of officers to recover proper control oi the platoons. Relief of 3rd Bn tonight. Halone Colonel. 11:45 a.ia. - July 3, 1918. Report from 3rd Brigade to 2nd Division. Everything quiet. Nothing to report. P. m' July 5, 1918 12:30 P.m., July 3, 1918. (To 3rd Brigade). Telephone message from C.O. 2nd Bn. 9th inf. Through 9th Infantry. The Boche still holding the north slope of HILL 204. The French are going to get that Hill at all- hazards. They have been ordered to take it at all hazards, \.i * intense artillery preparation which is all fixed up. We are going to put 17 batteries on. The artillery barrage behind the advance position of the Boche was in the right place but was not very intensive. When it was down, a sergeant and 30 men wen, out to tell the Germans to come in and surrender, or t barrage would be pulled forward on top of them. This party worked up to perhaps 50 or bO yards from tne Boche. They found the Boche at work digging m and consolidat ■in ‘ and thpv brought ut) a machine gun and placed it m politfon. The Eoche opened fire on the sergeant who was in command of the party and forced him to withdraw before he could open a parley. The barrage was *nen carried on, but its effectiveness could not be determined as the Boche were partially dug in. Tney had treneneo about waist deep and were all below ground, so we^cou n’t tell what effectiveness there was to tne operation. The barrage was not a heavy one as it was °ri|inaxly ff Li nil this outiit needed was a little moic pi°oddin S tfget thektrJome over. It appears now that pi b ' (Cont’d next page). P • M • July 3, 1918. (Cont’d from last page.) they are recovering their spirit for they were very active late last night, sniping and firing their machine guns and also, at midnight, s.s previously reported, they formed for attack in front of "E" Company’s right hut were discovered and the formation broken up by our bar¬ rage and machine guns before they could commence the advance. We think he must have heavy losses. The art¬ illery barrage was right on them when they formed up. Can you make clear the situation to the division. In spite of the claims cf-the French that they reached their objecti\ T e, the Boche are on the north slope of HILL 204. They have machine guns placed and are enfil¬ ading "E" Company’s line. They can make our position nearly untenable. We certainly wish the French would finish up their end of the job. U. S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. From: Lt . Hunt Check At : Boston memo A Date: o July 18 Hour: 12.00 Ho. 55 How sent: Runner To : b-1 Boston 1 advises that 4 platoons from 9th Inf¬ antry have been supporting 23rd infantry in our front lines. Two were asked for by major Elliott and two came forward carrying materials. Rec'd 2:40 pan. Hunt U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE• From; Lt. Hunt Check At : Boston Memo B Date: 3 July 18 Hour; 12.00 Ho. 55 How sent: Runner To : B-1 Boston 1 has not yet received a satisfactory explanation of the neglect of the 9th infantry to relieve M co last night from Harp R-l or anybody informed at 9th Inf. Hdqrs. A full report has been asked for, Rec’d 2;40 pan. Hunt u. s. army field message From; Lt. Hunt Check At : Boston Memo C Date: 3 July 18 Hour: 12.00 Ho. 54 How sent. Runntr.i To : B-1 Boston 1 and Boston 7 are leaving for Corps Hdqrs. to attend a conference. Rec’d 2:40 pan. Hunt * ' " ■ ■ ' & P. M. July 3, 1918. U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE, From: Hdq. 3rd Inf. Brigade At : Boston G-3 Date: July 3 Hour: 5 p.m. To : C. G. 2nd Div. The following extract from memorandum. Adjt, 3rd Bn. to his chief, 10:30 a.m, , July 3: "Can you make situation clear to Division that in spite of claims of the French that they reached their objective, the Boche are on the north slope of Hill 204. They have machine guns placed and enfilading E Company lines. They can make our position nearly unten¬ able. We certainly wish the French would finish up their end of the job.” Lewis Br Cdr. 9:45 P.M. - July 3, 1918. - Message from 3rd Brigade to 2nd Div. Hothing to report. A. M. July 4, 1918. 12:06 A.M. - July 4, 1918. Phone message from 3rd Brig¬ ade to 2nd Div. Gas on extreme left of 9th Infantry lines. Kind unknown. 5:45 A.M,, July 4, 1918 - Phone message from 3rd Brig¬ ade to 2nd Div. Everything calm, nothing to report. P, M. July 4, 1918. 3:25 P. M. - July 4, 1918 - Message from 3rd Brigade to 2nd Div. Everything quiet. 9:45 P. M. - July 4, 1918 - Message from 3rd Brigade to 2nd Div. Everything quiet, nothing to report. to Cv2 A, M, July 5, 1918, 6:20 A.M. July 5, 1918, 3rd Brigade report to 2nd Div. Had a very quiet evening. P, M. July 5th, 1918, :15 P. M. - July 5, 1918 - Message from 3rd Brigade to nd Div, There is a plane with French markings firing on 23rd Infantry’s front line. It has two red stars on each side of the motor. G-2 Sheet Ho. 4. 4:00 P.M. - July 5, 1918 - Message from- Third Brigade to 2nd Div. Everything quiet. 4:45 P, M. - Message from 3rd Brigade to 2nd Div. (July 5, 1918.) Everything quiet. Nothing to report. 8:35 P, M. - July 5, 1918, Message from Third Brigade Hdqrs. to 2nd Div. Second Battalion 9th Infantry reports no heavy art¬ illery fire on VAUX. If anything, activity of enemy artillerj/ - a little Below normal. 9:00 P. M. - July 5, 1918 - Message from General Lewis to 2nd Div. Enemy firing heavily on HILL 204. Normal regis¬ tration up and down the line of 9th Infantry. 9:50 P. M. - July 5, 1918 - Message from 9th Infantry. 6:00 - 8:00 P.i,. 150 - 77 T s and 105’s on VAUX. Believes that the smoke of our artillery makes so much smoke that ohservaticn is difficult. Our observer states that 4 to 5 shells a minute on our line to left of railroad Bridge. Heavy fire on Kill 204 By enemy (reported at 8:30 P. M,) Also about- 20 - 77’s along eastern edge of BOiS DE LA MAPETTE. P. M July 5, 19IB 9:55 P. M. - July 5, Short "bursts of DS3 ROCHETS and HILL At 7:00 P. M. a ly around VAUa. 1918 - Message from 9th Infantry. machine gun fire on VAUX from B0I3 204 at 9:50 P. M. box barrage was registered square- 10: 09 P. M. - July 5, 1918. - Report from General Lewis to 2nd Div. Report from. 23rd Infantry just received - Every¬ thing quiet along their front. There was some tiring on the LO13-ae-BELLEAU. 10:40 P. M. July 5, 1918. - Message from 3rd Brig. Hq* , (Generali Lewis) to 2nd Div. Message from 23rd Infantry states that there is no firing on their front but they hear firing to the Lortr west, apparently beyond the Division sector. A. xJl. July 6, 1918. 12:20 A. IP. - July 6, 1918. - Message from 9th Inf. Regt 10:58 P.M. 11:15 P.M. 11:15 P.M. 11:45 P.M. VJhite rocket LOU ti Si <* ROCKETTS ii Ligh-t shelling of rear area. 12:00 o’clock 25 gas - 20 H.E. shells on 13013 DS LA MARBTTE. One white flare HILL 204. w ii " L0I3 ROCHET I ib Things seen quiet - very little machine gun or rifle firing." Sgt. Cook and Corp. Busick have reported. 12:10 A.M, 12:10 A.M. 3:55 A.M. - July 6, 1918. to 2nd Div. r P o o o g . a >_/ v C - ge •on 3rd Brigade Everything quiet, of 23rd Infantry far to soon died down. About 2:30 firing heard in front right, probably barrage, but P. 11. July 6, 1918. 2:45 P.M., July £, 1912 - Message received from 3rd Brig- ade, - Received from Infantry- Given to 9th Inf. b/ Irencn Major. Rec’d 3:45 2:45 ives have northeast going on. taken. p. M. still fighting been reached except corner of the woods 12 prisoners is rep on HILL 204. All object- a small part of the 'here fighting is still orted to have been ■ - • . . * . ' . . ■ P « M. July 6, 1918. 4:50 P. m. - July 6, 1918. message from 3rd Brig. Hq. to 2nd Div. Message from I. 0. 23rd Inf,, states that enemy aeroplane flew over the whole length of line coming from north Between Paris Road and COUPRU> going in dir¬ ection of Vaux-Ciiat eau Thierry, plying very low, prob¬ ably 200 or '300 meters high - evidently photographing. Was not hit, although anti-aircraft guns were after it. 4:55 P. M. - July 6, 1918. - message from 3rd Brigade Hq. to 2nd Div. Shortly after one today, there was registration, apparently for a defensive barrage, west of Bois-de-la Roche and on down to the Bois-de-la-marette. 6:60 P.jii* - July 6, 1913 - message from 3rd Brigade to 2nd Div. The French have reached their objective except in northeast corner of woods. Fierce fighting in right center and center and in front of the little section of woods which they failed to take. At 5:30 P. m. heavy fighting still going on. Regiment opposing the French the 401st and 403rd. G-2 10:50 P.m. - July 6, 1918. message from 3rd Brigade to 2nd Div, All quiet on the front of the 23d infantry. Up until 10:30 very heavy shelling on the right of the 9th Infantry, which is very quiet at this time. A. id. July 7, 1918. 12:35 A.m. - July 7, 1918. phone message from 3rd Brig¬ ade to 2nd Div. nothing special to report. They are dropping a few shells on these headquarters occasionally. There is tie usual shelling of the front line positions. Nothing special to report. 12:38 A.m. - July 7, 1918. phone message from General Lewis to 2nd Div. As far as shelling there is nothing special happen¬ ing on our front line positions. We have had no report from VAUX in over two hours, which seems to indicate that everything there is normal. ' A • xu. • July 7, 1918. 11:55 A.M. - July 7, 1918. Message from Adit, 3rd Brig¬ ade to 2nd Div. There was some gas thrown in north of xvlONNEAUX early this morning. No casualties - gas officer on the job - cleared up - gas unknown. P* xu • July 7, 1518. 4:15 P.M. - July 7, 1918. message from 3rd Brigade to 2nd Div. Very heavy fire has been put down on HILL 2,04 and the lines just to the east. Cannot be sure from the reports available at present whether or not there is barr¬ age, fire. One of the 9 th Infantry 0 .P's. saw a Frenchman marching a prisoner to the rear. Enemy signal believed to be "I am here" observed from a point east of HILL 204. The Intelligence Officer of the 9th Infantry is investig¬ ating as rapidly as possible. 9:30 P,m. July 7, 1918, Message from 9th infantry, Lieut . xuason in observation this afternoon saw two French soldiers driving in what seemed to be 4 prisoners about 4:15 P.M. on the southern slope of HILL 204, He questioned the French Liaison officer who told him that they took prisoners. Considerable artillery activity on both sides. 5;20 A.M. I. 0 A. xxL. July 8th 1918. message from , 9th Infantry reports heavy July 8, 1918 . 9th infantry, shelling of VAUX* 5:45 A.xu. July 8th. Message from 3rd Brigade to 2nd Div. All quiet. P. xxx. July 8 , 1918 . 5:10 p. xu. - July 8, 1918. message from 3rd Brigade to 2nd Div, Nothing to report. U. S, ARmY FIELD MESSAGE. From: B-l At : p.c. Date: 8 July 18 Hour: 9:05 P.m. No. 2 To : Boston-1 (Cont’d next page.) How sent: Buzzerphone .P . M • July 3, 1918, (Cont’d from last page.) All arrangements appear to have "been satisfactorily made. It will be about 3 a.m. before the operation can bee ompleted. B-l. A. JUL. July 9, 1918 , N IGH? REPORT JULY 8-9. G-3 1:10 A.m. - July 9, 1918. message from 3rd brigade to 2nd Div. 23rd reports everything going nicely. 3rd Bn. 9th Inf. relieved from front line at 12:35 A.m. Note: Hdqrs. 3rd Brigade. 2:05 - July 9, 1918. 1st Bn., 9th relieved at 1:30. Note: Ildqrs. 3rd Brigade. 2:36. A.M. - July 9, 1918. 23rd Inf. reports relief all clear at 2,00 A.M. P ' , iCt . July 9, 1918. U. r» u * ARmY FIELD MESSAGE. From: B-l At : P.C. Date: 9 July 18 Hour: 11:05 P.m. No. 7 How sent: To : Boston-1 maj. Hall 1- 1st & 3rd Bns & m G Co. 23rd Inf went to points Indicated in letter to C of Staff - 5 July 1st Bn, - Bois des Essertis - Paris Road, 3rd Bn. - left of 1st Bn, to Chambardy. m. 0 . Co (?) there but dispositions not report¬ ed- 2- 2nd Bn. 1 Sec Stokes mortars Bois Bezu 1 Sec 1 Pdr Guns le Guery will march tonight to vicinity of Chamoust. malo ne Colonel, A« +/i * July 10, 1018 13. S. ARjiiY FIELD MESSAGE. From: B-l At : p.c. A» n ; u-r* .J From: c. G. 3rd 3 rig. At : E» Route to P.C. Date: 17 July 18 Hour: To : C. 0. 23rd Inf. 1 . This Di vision F. 0, 15, 2nd Div. 17 th 2. The 23rd inf. and B Co. 5th m. G. Bn. sector. Foundries later 3. Liaison. The maintaining liaison with will detail one company 10:45 A.m. Ho. 1 How sent personally del. attacks in accordance with July, , plus 1-1/2 bns. Heavy tanks on the right half of trie southern *C. 0. 23rd inf is charged with French Div, on the right and and 1 m G Plat, for this purpose. (Cont’d next pege .) July 17, 1918. A ♦ M. (Cont'd from last page.) p.C, Rcgt . in vicinity piv. I.C. Messenger to be detailed from piv. P.7 P VT P IELD * MESSAGE Ely Brig. Gen. HE July 17, 1918. Prom: At: Date : no : Waterloo 5 . P.C. 9th inf. 17/7/18 Hour; 10:13 P*M. No. 1 Sent by runner. Vvaterloo 7 . All orders delivered to puck: 1. Cannot return because of mud, darkness and traffic, P.C. Bird is suitable lor our next P.C. I will await you there. Bird 1 ha.s not arrived at his p.C . yet but I will deliver all orders to him when he comes. BEAUPEPAIPE Pne, probably next P.C. of puck 1. (Signed) vfaterloo 5. No time in.dic 3 .ted, July 17, 1918. 7/17/18 . From: C.O. 9th Inf. At: P.C. puck To: Waterloo 1. 1. pegirent practically complete. 11.G. Co., will assist in attack. is "H" hour 4 ;0 0 A.ii. correct? 11:10 P*k. t, s, Upton, Col. 9th infantry . A. M. FIELD MESSAGE• July 18, 1918 . Prom: 5-1 At: P.C. near CAPBEFOUR pate : 18 July Hour: 1:35 To : Cornd * g . Gen * 1. 2nd All i:y battalions a: roads are blocked with traf: M.G’s. have not art the roads, S.A.A. has been dis' Hone that all will From: Upton At: *D C pate : 18 July Hour: 5:4 To : Gen. ply. (Sgd) '{alone (Col. 23d inf.) Everything wenx on uue ^ ™ Tanks la.te-did not wait for them.^ Bouton xillet. , - L ~ " ers in first batch. 23rd has much mo.-e. (Sgd) Upton, Col. 9th inf . 6:00 a.L. - July 18, 1918. Message from Major Hall, ord Brigade to 2nd Div. just rot word from the artillery that tne infantry had gone o a s t ^ BEAU PEP AI PE PABIu- He got it from Major Bailey \ I A July 18, 1918 . Hq. 23d inf. P.C. West of Chavingy 6:11 A.18 July ’18. To C. G, 3d Brigade & C. G* 2nd Div. (Transmit) Attack "began as scheduled. 2nd Bn. advanced as ordered. I followed with troops of 1st Bn. which is now "behind the 2nd "bn. Information just received from French on my right that friendly troops are in VAUX CASTILE. I have advised my artillery liaison officer and expect artillery to advance. I will advance my P.C. to BEAUREP AI "RE at about 6 :^o a .id. Tanks go forward about same time, many prisoners coming in. - casualties appear to be slight. (Sgd) malone (Col. -23rd inf.) 6:25 A. m. - July 18, message from major Hall, 3rd Brigade to 2nd Div. major Waller, 6th M. G. Bn, ordered to proceed by marching and' report to Colonel Feland at AmELIE cross roads, Hq. 23rd Inf. P.C.west of CHAmIGNY. 6:35 A.m. 13 July ’13 To: C. G. 3rd Brig, and 2nd Div. (Transmit) Ambulance service not functioning* my P.C. is west of Chamigny where wounded are accumulating. ■Recommend that additional ammunition be forwarder to BEAURE ment. We Following 218, 220. Note PAIRS by trucks. - No combat train with regi - .it BEAUREPAIRE C-rey 159 , have captured some field pieces shoulder straps noted: Red 521 No. 14 (Arty) „ x (signed) malone (Col. Corel ini .) ; map here with taken from Bosche Officer. ^alone . 6:35 A.m. - July IS, message from major Hall to 2nd Div Wanted to know if some of the machine gun men. could be used for carrying parties. Given the ai 11 rel¬ ative . i? u. ELD 3 SAG] At Date To P .C . 18 July - Hour 6:50 A.ju. Gen, Ely* No. 3 - Sent by runner. Am moving P.C. at 7:00 A.m. to BEAUREPAIRE FARm. marines held up at VERTE FEUILLE farm. Our line way ahead. Will try to rectify. Will be with malone. Have not seen Lieut. Reynolds - your message 5:3D A.i rec-d 6:50 A.u. UPT0 N (Col. 9th inf.) • ' A. M» July 13 » 1918. Note: Hdqrs. 3rd Brigade 7:15 A.M. - July 18, 1918. Combat train 23rd infantry ordered to proceed to VERT'S FEUILLE FARm via the Route Nationals. Orderlies to be used as scouts to ascertain condition oi woods before moving to front. Combat train commander to ask guard of marines if necessary. Scouts to report to 2ord infantry east of BEAUREPAIRE FARm, location of combat train, Sheet No. 3 7:30 A«M. - July 18, 1918. - message from 3rd Brigade- Adjutant to 2nd Div, At 7:30 A.M. , we moved P. C. to M0NTC-0BERT CROSS ROAD. July 18, 1918. - 8:30 A. M. Commanding General, 3rd Brigade. Malone and I now at BEAUREPAIRE FARM.. Situation not progressing due to our artillery being unable to support attack firing behind over men. Can aeroplanes help in regulating fire. We have only distant liaison by runner. Am moving my wireless to my new P*C«^ Our artillery now falling around us here. I asked Div. for battalion of marines to come here. UPTON. Malone concurs in above, also in opinion that our men ought now to be relieved by a French division coming through. They are out of food, water, and are short machine guns and ammunition for same and are (Message incomplete.) UPTON. U.S. ARMY FIELD mESSAGI 5. Prom: Adj t. 3rd Brig. At : P.C . Date: 18 July 18 Hour: 8:30 A.m. No , 4 How sent: To : Custer 3 ( 2nd Div .) Runner many prisoners. Marines held up at Verte Feuille Tanks coming to assistance. Malone captured field pieces at Beaurepaire. Identifications shoulder straps: Red 521, Grey lo^, 218, 220. No 14 Arty. Map taken from Boche officer. Hall Maj . From , a alone to 3rd Brigade, 2nd Division - 9:50 A. M. July 18 . Our artillery advances. We will advance as soon as jt comes up if ammunition lasts. (Cont’d next page.) A. -i. July 18, 1918, (Cont’d from last page,) You shove that ammunition to those people with all possible speed; shove them 9 trucks right away and if necessary hold then there to see how she goes. Send word that all the machine guns are being shoved up under command of Major Lewis, major Lewis has got 4,000 rounds per gun with him. Get that ammunition to those people with all poss¬ ible speed and get the artillery together in liaison with our infantry and pass the town of VIERZY and the trenches. Be sure that they get it. It is too important. We are going to change and come cut there in a little while. Notify the troops we arecoming. Headquarters is coming to the VERTE EEUILLE FARm in a little while. You might just as well staythere. Get word to the artillery some way or other. From: Col. Upton -- At: BEAUREPAIRS FARm. Bate: July 18, 1918. Hour: 10 A. m. To : Gen Ely. Following message received: Col. Upton: Final objective of 9th Inf. reached at 9:15 A.ivi. by a mixed platoon of H, A, L, X & E Cos. Will start to dig in immediately. Losses suite heavy. R, E. Johnson, 2nd Lt. 9th ini. Heed ambulances sent direct to farm. Also need drinking water badly and rations. UPTON. Field message From B-l, 10:13 A.m. At F.C. near CARREFOUR de MONTGOBERT. To Commanding Gen. 2nd Div. (Thru Brig. Comdr.) 7/18/18, All my battalions are en-route to their posts. The roads are blocked with traffic. m.G.’s have not arrived and probably cannot get through the roads. S.A.A. has been distributed. Hope that all will come out all right. (signed) malone. (Col. 23rd inf.) U Q • vb * ARmY FIELD MESSAGE. From: C.G. 3rd Brig. At : VIERZY Date: 18 July 18 Hour: 10:30 No. 16 To : C.O. 23rd Inf. Col. Upton’s p.C. is about 500 meters east of cross roads 1 kilometer N.E* of VIERZY. Brig. P.C. near arch across street in VIERZY. (Cont’d next page.) A. M. July 18, 1918, (Cont’d from last page.) 23rd Inf. M. G, Co, is coming ujj tonight, will try and send guns and ammunition in trucks. Have sent shovels and picks to cross roads near 9th Inf. p. C, H. E. Ely by A. P. Watson, From: B-l. At : Eeaupaire, 18 July 18. 10:50 AM. To: 3rd Brig. Have advanced line almost to final objective, but without arty preparation I cannot probably reduce VIERZY which is strongly organized. As you know I have not M.G’s,, no grenades, no V,B's. We are out of food and water. Relief badly needed tonight. Have captured lots of prisoners, 2 Arty pieces, several (80 just in) M.G’s. and minnenwerfers etc great quantity of booty. Following shoulder straps identified, 219 - Inf. 15 - Advance or Arty. 39 - Arty cr flame throwers. 27 - Dark Blue with 27 in Red. “ 401 - Yellow with Red crossed shells. Send Food, Water, amm of all kinds. Ambulance 2c medical supplies to Beaupaire by auto at once, Halone, Also picks and shovels. Sc H.G.s - They have not arrived. PBM, From: B-l. At: Cemetery. To : C.G., 3rd Brigade. Date: July 18, 1918 - 11: 00 A. M. Major Turrill, Comdr. of 1st Bn. 5th Marines (Regt. reserve at Cemetery) says Morroccans went forward on right of marines this morning, Informed by a wounded man just returned from the front. Heavy shelling here. May be due to fact that French Ammunition Train is halted and boche aeroplane is in observation, Malone, 11:50 A. M. July 18, 1918. Message from 3rd Brigade to 2nd Div, Order on the way which tells the division commander that he can use the BOIS de COFCROIS and the town of KARTE1TRES - that line. P. M. July 18, 1918. 13th July 1918. 12:25 PM. By runner, Gen. Ely. A Lieut. Rockwell, 2nd Engineers, abandoned his trenches with a number of men and beat it toward your town, when some tear gas landed in his trenches. My Lieut. Davis reported his action unnecessary as he took about 30 men.- I thought them Boche prisoners (Cont’d next page.) p. July 18, 1918. H/r it ♦ (Cont'd from last page*) in distance. They should he rounded up and returned. UPTON. 12:15 PM Have not called on Major Turril, -don't need him. Sent you message that effect 11:35 A.M. 2:00 P. M. July 18, 1918. Message from Lt. Gulliver at 3rd Brig* to 2nd Div. Col. Malone and Upton now have advanced P.C. at BEAUREPAIRE. They want machine guns and ammunition. 18 trucks of ammunition. Am sending 9 to BEAUREPAIRE PART? for distribution and holding 9 at VERTE FRUILLE PER! lt E * I have been with Colonel Malone. I got to EEAURE- PAIRE FERICE with him. The 2nd & 3rd in your left was on the west edge of YIERZY - west edge of the ravine on the eastern edge of the ravine. The 3 battalions of the 9th are in a line north of that. Captured Boche prisoner, who stated that resistance would probably be heavy there. The marines are ordered to follow the Sth. We have just got a message that there are strong Boche forces in trenches east of VIERZY. The co-ordin¬ ates of those trenches are 70.66 - 70.64 - 72.66, Get word to the artillery to turn the hose on them. The General wants to know what is the spirit of the troops on the line. Ans. They are in good condit¬ ion, but short on water, food and ammunition. The last device was they thought it would be better to shove- on a new division beyond where they were. 6:20 P.M, - Message from 3rd Brigade, - Colonel Upton: July 18, 1918. Reads as follows: Everything went on the dot as far as we know. Tanks did not wait for infantry. Bouton killed. 12 prisoners - first batch. The 23rd has many more. Signed: Upton. Reynolds was out there and saw them go over the top. Everything went beautifully. Tanks did excellent work. Prisoners began coming in immediately. Practically no Boche artillery in No Man's Land. 18 July 9 P.M. Gen. Ely. Have reached cross roads 1 Kilometer ne of Vierzy. My attacking line still advancing but badly shot to pieces. Tanks withdrawn. It appears that we cant get much further before darkness. Will continue on road running se of cross roads toward 153, All liaison gone no connection Marines, 23rd or anything else. Will keep going Request truck follow us on road indic¬ ated. Losses very heavy. My detachment shot to pieces, (Cont'd next page.) Upton. P. M. July 18, 1918. (Cont’d from last page.) We must have assistance at once. Gen Ely Vierzy or Beaurepaire farm To Chief of Staff for information of COMDG Gen. All my troops have been assigned to Col's. Upton & Malone except 1 M.G.Co. now here - I have none to give him. H.E .Ely C.G. 3rd Brig. Vierzy 9 :30 P.M. From! C. 0. 3d Brig. At • Vierzy Date: 18 July Hour: 9 :30 pm No. 1. How sent: To : Comdg Gen. 2d Div. Courier Col. Upton, Comdg N. sector with 9th Inf. and, the 5th Marines ( they were so mixed they could not be separated in time), also 4 Cos M. Guns Col. Malone. S. sector with 23 Inf 4 Cos. M. Guns, and i 5th Marines Malones command now East of this place, near as I can be sure about 3 Kilometers and still going. Enemy driven from here about two hours ugo^. Enemy now shelling this town with shrapnel and H.E. (not severe). Engineer Regiment is due to arrive here at 10 p.m, but is not under my command. Ely, Comdg. Col, Uptons report herewith. Amm. train cleared here an hour ago. Ely. Rever se: Ma.j . Genl Harbord HEADQUARTERS SECOND DIVISION (REGULAR) A T ERIC AN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES. France, 18 July 1918. From: Commanding General, To : Brigadier General H. E, Ely, 3rd Brigade. Subject: Reports from 3rd Brigade. 1. No report from you today. As far as you are concerned, we are in complete darkness as to what has been happening in your front. 2. Reports from other sources indicate that your troops, with the marines on your left, are occupying the normal objective just beyond VIERZY. Is this true? 3. What is the condition of your troops? Have you lost enough to seriously cripple you? We have instr¬ uctions from the Corps to pass on to the Route National No. 37 (Soissons-Chateau Thierry road, on map l/20,000) when we have liaison with troops on right and left. (Cont'd next page.) No time indicated July 18, 1918. (Cont'd from last page.) 4. Germans are reported in disorder and the divis¬ ions on your right reports as being some distance ahead of you pursuing Germans now. Is the spirit of your men such that you can push on take that road, either by using troops now in your front line or by passing some of your rear battalions through? The front on the road, if attdck is ordered, would be that portion included between prolongations of the present right and left boundary of division sector, 5. The C* 0. of the 4th Brigade has been ordered to advance his brigade to the vicinity of BEAUREPAIRE BARM, and it is desired to move your headquarters at the same time at EEAUREPAIRE FARM or immediate vicinity. 6. What liaison have you with the marines on your left and the division on your right. JAMES G, HARBORD, Major General, N.A, From: Duck 5» At : Reg. P.C. Date: 18 July. To : Waterloo 5. Our line has advanced about 2000 meters but the marines on our left are held up at VERTE FEUILEE FE. Tanks are concentrating on this point. (signed) Upton (Col, 9th Inf). July 18, 1918 Gen. Ely. Mistaken about all tanks those on left gone home about 5 on my right. My left in air as marines turned to left to attack woods south IE ECHELLE. Don't know their situation or that of Malone, Am about 500 yards 3,E. crossroads one kilometer northeast of VIERZY. Run out in car and look over situation. UPTON. A. M. July 19, 1918. FIELD MESSAGE. From- C,0, 1st Bn. 5th Marines. At : P.C, Date: July 19 Hour: 7:00 A.M. No, 1 sent by runner To : C.G. 3rd Brigade. My P.C. is at Cemetery 3,E. of VIERZY. Have about 150 men in Battalion. Bearer is to stay at Brigade Headquarters pursuant to your direction. TURRILL, Major, U.S.M.C. A. M. July 19, 1916, C. 0. 9th Infantry. Date: July 19, 1918 - 9:30 A. M. To : C.G., 3rd Brigade, Your Ho. 9 received 9:25 A. M. I sent you four (4) runners at 7:15 A. M. Herewith four (4) more, No troops went forward north of our road. Attack all seemed to he on south. Some Boche are push¬ ing through from north of our road. Believe I can take care of them hut my left is in the air. Boche attack¬ ing from all side south of road. Information just received, Upton. Colonel. From: Brig Gen , H .E. Ely At : Vierzy Date : 19 July Hour: 10:15 A.M. To : Chief of Staff, 2nd Div. Bnclosed message just received Dug in line about 2 k. east of VIERZY, Col. UPTON on NORTH Col, MALONE on SOUTH. Two Bns. 5th Marines in reserve S,E. exit VIERZY. VIERZY being gassed and shelled not serious. Shell knocked off carbureter of car - request car be sent me at once. From: C.O. 9th Inf, At: P. C. Date: July 19, 1918. Hour: 10:30 A. M. To : C. G», 3rd Brigade. Have learned from marine wounded that attack by them was made north of our road. Situation reported by Lt. Davis Boche attack all changed our front apparent¬ ly cleared. Heavy shelling however. Captain Chapman, Co, D, 5th M. G. Bn. separated from me last night before attack. Can you locate him and send him up. Need 2 maps badly. Men need water. Can you send carts up, Upton. Colonel. II.E, 11:20 A. M, Captain Paul, Co. A, 5th M. G. Co. is supporting me. He belongs to Malone but could not leave me last night as I had no guns at all. HEADQUARTERS SECOND DIVISION (REGULAR), AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES. France, 19 July 1916 - 11:45 A.M. From: Commanding General. To : Commanding General, 3rd Brigade. 1. It is understood that Major Elliott’s battalion of the 23d Infantry is in VIERZY. If the Commanding Officer 23d Infantry is there please direct him to at once send this battalion to cover the left of (Cont’d next page.) I ' \ A. M. July 19, 1918. (Cont’d from last page.) our attacking line. It is desired that it should go into position Southwest of CHAR Ah TIGNY and face in that direction. It may occupy the former French trenches. Its mission is confined to covering our left and it is not expected to advance beyond the old French trenches assigned to it unless necessary to accomplish the task of covering our left flank. If the Commanding Officer 23d Infantry is not near you please cause this order to be given direct to the Battalion Commander. HAREORB. P. M. July 19, 1918. From: C.O. 3rd Brigade. At: VIERZY. Bate: July 19, 1918. Hour: 12:40 P. M. To : C. G. 2nd Bivision, Major Elliott’s bn. is not in VIERZY but in the line, distributed in other battalions„ I can send in a Bn. 5th Marines if desired, hone of 5th marines in line. Last bn. just located. Upton reports French moving forward in his left. Malone reports Morrocans advancing on his right. Ely. From: C.O, 1st Bn. At: P.C, Bate: July 19, 1918. Hour - 1J25 P.M. To : C.O, 5th Regt. Have only about 20 men of 49th Co. & Hdqrs. Betachment of 1st Bn. Also there are Capt. Yowell with 70 men of 16th Co., Capt. Platt with 40 men of 20th Co., Capt. Quigley with about 35 men of 47th Co.-. The above less 45th & 47th Cos. were my support before I came here. Total men here is about 200 plus Hdqrs, 235. TURRILL. Have notified Gen. Ely of above. NEVILLE- by Lay. 23d Inf, 1. 1:25 P.M., 19 July ’18. C.G, 3d Brig, Have*just received two baskets of pigeons. Bo you wish them kept here for use or sent forward to Bn. P.C, Malone. Col Malone. - 2. Better keep pigeons at Regt. P.C. so as to verify messages before sending them. K. E. Ely By A. P. Watson. p. M. July 19, 1918. FIELD MESSAGE. From C.O, 9th Inf. Date 19 July - Hour 2:10 P,M. - No. 7 - Sent by runner. To. C.G. 3rd Brigade. I have brought up Co's. A, B, and C. They are now in wheatfield northeast of my P.C. together with three (3) sections of my own M.G. Co. Approximate strength of these three (3) Co's. 113, Co. F is only missing organization at present. (signed) Upton. (Col. 9th Inf. From C.O. 23 Inf. 3.05 P.M. To C.G. 3rd Brig. 19 July '18. Major Elliot (3rd bn) has reported with portions of 2 companies. It is going into position in old French trenches in woods just north of VAERZY with mission of covering our right flank. Reorganization of companies will take place tonight & report on effectives submitted Malone, Col U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. From: C.O. 9th Inf 34 Date: 19 July 1918 Hour: 3:30 P.M. Ho. 8 How sent: To : C.G. 3rd Brigade, Runner, (2nd page of message. - incomplete.) in the hands of the enemy as I have since been informed that CHAZELLE is held by the Boche, Upton Hoted- 4:30 P.M. ^ Col (On reverse side of message). Major Hall. Can you not give me information exact location of Allied front line? PBM C.G, 3rd Brigade, of the From: C. G. 3rd Brigade At : Vierzy How sent: Motorcycle Date: 19 July 18 Hour: 4*25 P.M, Ho, 12 To : C.G. 2nd Div, Receipt your letter of instructions date 3,15 P.M. 19 July, 18, instructions have been given for the carrying out of Par, 2 by 4th Brig. Comdr► Concern-^ ing Par. 4 line of liaision between sectors recommended, coordinates 7268 down road to 8063 thence north edge of wood 0155 (latter point is on on beyond front line - If arrangement of 3rd Brig on right & 4th Brig on left is directed the 23rd Inf, Col. Malone will be given front line right sector & 9th Inf, Col. Upton, 2nd line right sector near sunken road trenches already dug, coord 7654,8160. Front line left sector, with 6th Marines now occupying it: 2nd line continuation north of 2nd line south sector, already dug to 5th Marines now in reserve, (Cont’d next page.) P. M. July 19, 1918. (Cont’d from last page.) Front line being very irregular I deem it inadvis¬ able to move this division tonight as relief would have to be done after dark and reconnaissance made by daylight in close proximity of enemy. Engineers are now in line & consolidating. This will be continued. Tigny not in our possession but small wood 300 meters north reported held by group of Marines, Marine Brig. Comdr. reports himself in liaison with French in Party-Tigny. Ely Brig Gen Comdg (He) U. S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. From! C.O. 3rd Brig. At : P.C. • Date: 19 July 18 Hour: 11:30 P.M. No. 3 How sent: To : CO*s Reinforced Brig. Dictated to Officer. night, 1, Head of leading unit will 19-20 July 18. c 1 e ar- I,P. at 12 mi 2. Place Field & Combat trains en route at once; march by Verte Feuille Fme. 3. Reinforced Brigade will mch to area Soucy- Vivieres-puiseux - the wooded regions to south as far as the lane CABARET between Lanes Archbishop & Chapons. Div. Hq. - Vivieres 3rd Brig.- Soucy 23rd Inf, - Vivieres, 9th Inf, - Soucy, 2nd Eng, at PuteuxJ M.G, Bns.' in woods south. 3. Situation reports to Brig. Hq, within twelve hours after arrival in new area. Ely Cmdg. HE From C.G, 3rd Brig At .. P,C. How sent Runner Date 19 July 18 Hour 11-30 P.M. No. X To C.O. 9th (1) The head of the leading unit will clear' initial point at 12 midnight 19-20 July 18. (2) Place Field & Combat trains en route at once; march by Verte Feuille Fme, to Destination. (3) 3rd Brigade, 2nd Eng, Sc 4th M.G.Bn. will march to area SOUCY-VIVIERES-PUISEUX and and to the wooded regions to the south as far as the lane CABARET, between the road ARCHBISHIP and the Lane CHAPONS. DIV. HQ, to VIVIERES 3’ Brig Hq, SOUCY Billets assigned as follov/s: 23rd Inf Vivieres Sc neighboring woods. 9th Inf Soucy " " " 2nd Eng Puiseux " 1 2 3 * * * * * * * 11 " M.G.Bns, in woods to the north of CABARET LANE between ARCHBISHOP & CHAPON LANES, in order of Mch. (Cont’d next page.) p» •ivi • July 19, 1918* (Cont’d from last page*) (4) Situation report will "be made by all elements of tliese units, to Brig. Hq. within 12 hours after arrival m area - Ely Brig Gen. No time indicated July 19, 1918. 19th July ’18. Gen. Ely. I feel it necessary to call attention to the serious condition of officers and men of 9th Infantry. ® regiment has "been reduced to the following figures. 1st Bn, 113 Off, and men. 2nd Bn. 126 Off. and men. 3rd Bn. 95 Off. and men. Of course there is a large number of stragg¬ lers but they do no duty. Our men have not had a warm meal for 4 days. They have not had a nights rest for nights. They have suffered heavy casualties, have been under continuous artillery fire for 2 days. Today our trenches were continuously under heavy art¬ illery fire and the losses were heavy. The regiment is all in physically and mentally and must be relieved soon if it is to keep its fine former reputation, Upton. (-Dictated-GRB) ( f/w 202-Y) field MESSAGE, From: At : Date: To ; C.G. 3rd Brigade (inf) P.C, 3rd Brigade, July 19th, 1 18.-Hour, -- No.-- Send by runner 4th Machine Gun Battalion. Following details of relief tonight, of which you have already been notified, are given: . .^ 14 The he ad of the leading unit will clear mi^ial point at twelve midnight 19-20 July '18. 2, Place Field and Combat trains en route at once. March by VERTE FERRETTE FERTlE to destination. 2rd Brigade, 2nd Engineers, 4th Machine ' n * J v i 1 - march to area Soucy, Vivieres, Puiseux and to the wooded regions to the South as far as the lane cabaret between the road Archbishop and the lane Cnapons. Division Hq. to VIVIERES. 3rd Brigade Kdq. to SOUCY. Billets assigned as follows: Q + , ^.ord Inf., - VIVIERES and neighboring woods. * ’ SOUCY and neighboring woods. 2nd Engineers- PuIS LX and neighboring woods. M. G. Bn., in woods to the north of CABARcT LANE between ARCHBISHOP and (Cont’d next page.) July 19, 1918. Ho tine indicated. Ch°.pons'Lane m in a order°of\.iarch. Situation report to Brigade Ida', within twelve hours after arrival in area. n L (Sgd) ELY, Brig. Gen’l. H.A. _ Comd’g. From At: Bate C . n U.S. ARMY FIELD HESS ABE • u. 3rd Brig. 12 July 19, 1918. From: m o : C . G. G ,0 . With Men’of 5 youf regiment blocking streets of town.' shell hitting in streets will cause many casualties. ^ moved out as soon, as possible. Ely • Action taken.. P.E.M. _ U.S. ARMY FI ELD MESSAGE* Tuly 19f 1918. 3rd Brig. 23rd inf. (message incomplete) a view to possibility of your regiment takovc advance trenches in south sector, extending rom a_ 500 yards 11. E. of P ARE Y- TI GUY thence approximately - ^ clus ive north-east (inclusive) of Wood^ 300 yds. no.tri TIG^ ( wil i of TIGNY) tonight relieving 6th Marines now h f cause reconnaissance to be made at once, fT , nrn g+h marines Guides for different portions of sector Kra will meet your reconnoitering party at X Roaas 8t, ( west of TIG1TY, at 7 .0 3 x .M« tp serve If this relief is effected, hold one Bn in re-e X Roads one (1) Kilometer west of Tigny. De as arranged between Reg. Cmds. concerned. Ely Brig. neighborhood of tails of relief ;en From: At: ."Date : To : B-l P.C . 20 July.18. Co mug P.M. Hour. 12:45 P,' General, 3rd Brigade at July 20, 1913. Soucy Have re-organized strength as Officers en men follows 1st 2nd 3rd Total 635 Bn. 16- Bn. 10- 256 Bn. 11~ pgiL. 1479 Hereto attached is copy of message by motorcycle who returned 'Bating he 0 . 0eed to C w-e- at soucy. If I cannot get other orae s , sent th i s find morning Brig. Hq* four de H colours to get packs and will t. ien go to vivieres. palone. From At: Date To : __ __ -r—. ,“s -T (| T n r>o A ^ TP U.S. ARMY ElnHD C.G. 3rd Brig. Soucy 20 July 10 . Ilou 0.0. 23rd Inf 40 1:35 p.M. Ho. 1 How sent ■Runner (Motor< Carry out original order from these UeiSqSai^Hnd. uarrj u^t o ronnrt. w vour move to Vivieres 2 : neighboring wool. to these Headquarters. reporting your arrival sly Brig. Gen p.:t. July 20, 1918. U.S. API:Y FIELD LIES SAGE. From: C.G. 3rd Brig. At: Soucy Date: 20 July 18 Hour: 2 P.k. ITo . 3 To : C.G. 2nd Div. How sent Staff Officer 1. Order for withdrawal 3rd Brig (reinforced) from ad¬ vanced lines enclosed herewith, including assignment to billet ing areas. 2. 23rd inf. col. Halone at carrefour Tjontgoliol at 12;45 P.E., en route to yi vieres via Carrefour de Nemours (where packs will be picked up). 3. 23rd inf. reports reorganized strength as follows: (cont»d. next page.) . , ■ • . ' 3 I I - ■ P. M. July 20, 1918. (Cont’d from last page.) Officers Men 1st Bn . 16 635 2nd Bn .. 10 356 3rd Iin »*•••#♦ 11 488 Total ...... . 37 1,479 4, No report yet reinforced Brigade. received from other elements ELY - Comdg. From: C,0. 3rd Brig* Bate: July 20, 1918, -- 5130 P* M. To : C.O’s. 23rd.< 9th, 4th MiG* Bn., 5th M»G. Bn., 2nd Engrs, Copy for 2nd Division. 1. The 3rd Brigade, 2nd Engrs.,and ,4th M* G» Bn. will be marched from the sector tonight. Initial point for leading elements: The west exit of VIERZYj hour of departure and direction of march given later.- 2. Order of March, 23rd Inf*, 9th Inf., 2 nd Engrs,, 4th M. G. Bn., 5th M. G. Bn., Artillery formation will be taken for first five miles. 3. Trains will follow M» G* Bn* in order of march without distance, Ely - Comag, U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. From: B-l At : Vivieres Date: 20 July 18 Hour: 7:40 P.M. Ho. 1 How sent. To : Comdg General 3rd Brigade, Soucy Runner My command distributed temporarily as follows: Regtl I Hq -U i i 1 M G Co of Bn Bn Vivieres This is temporary assignment and will be changed to to requirements of map tomorrow if desired c o nf o rm 2. Patrols out to round up absentees but think all who were guards to prisoners are coming in, 3, Amm. train and Field trains with troops. Amm train filled to capacity nearly except for M. G. Amm which is short. My munitions officer says the division has not sufficient to meet demands. I am taking up subject direct with Col. Brown. Malone No time indicated July 21, 1918, HEADQUARTERS, SECOND DIVISION, AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES, FRANCE, July 21,1918. "MEMORANDUM for the Commanding General, Third Brigade: The Commanding General, Third Erigade, v;ill cause a detail to he made of two (2) officers, five( 5) non¬ commissioned officers and forty (40) men from each of the infantry regiments of his brigade for the purpose of salvaging material on the battlefield and in the area that has been occupied by the troops of this div¬ ision. The details will be organized and ready to en¬ truck at the respective regimental headquarters at 7J00 A.M., July 22. Trucks will report at the regimental headquarters for this service. Details will carry rations for the day. By command of Major Gen'I Harbord. PRESTON BROWN, Colonel, General Staff, Chief of Staff. A. M. July 23, 1918. U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. From: C. G, 3rd Brig, At : Retheuil Date: 23 July 18 Hour: 9-30 A.M. No. 1 How sent: To : C. 0. 23rd Inf. Motorcycle 1, In your report on recent operations no copy of your orders is inclosed. It is requested that a copy be sent, 2. With reference to the 2nd attack on the 18th, were written orders issued? If not how were orders issued, and at what time did the Bn Cmdrs receive these orders? p, M. July 30, 1918. U. S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE G 3 Vivieres 30 July Hour 9 P. M. How sent Motorcycle C.G. 3" Brig Soucy The C.G. directs that you prepare your brigade (4thH.G.Bn.\ and 2" Eng attached) to move at once to the vicinity of pierrefonds. Detailed orders to follow. J.C. Montgomery Maj Cav A • C»S • From At Date To A. Mr August 8, 1918. 10:00 Am. August 8th, 1918. To C .0. 5th II G Bn Send in in writing casualty list .for your command, showing number killed, wounded, and evacuated m hospit¬ al, also number men missing. This must be rushed ac may effect the relief of the Division. Expedite and show hour report is submitted* VT.V . r >.nnnn. AUgUSt 13, 1918. U From Snow- 11-31 At FIRST PHA; Date 8/13/18 ] To SHOW - -■ 1 a i Have reac U. S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE hed first phase between 365 and 366 Am consolidating 3rd Bn 6th Inf on ny right Have A Co and l^r plats B-Co forces. Will hold until H ~ 0 Our Artillery just clears 5 (M.G’s) Collecting Increase 200 yds B.C.F. -IT-31 August 16-17, 1918. 12:15 A. H. Aug 16-17, 1918. Phone message from Adjut- ant, 9th Infantry to 3rd Brig, We have a guard posted but have not been relieved yet.. Will call up later. ■» '— T 1:15 A.M. Aug 16-17, 1918. Phone message from Adjut- ant, 9th Infantry to 3rd Brig. Third Battalion 9th Infantry relief made. / A. M. Sept* 10, 1918. U. S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE From C. G. 3rd Brig. At Domevre Date 10 Sept 18 Hour 8 am. Ho. 1 To C.O. 9th Inf The C.G. 3rd Brigade directs that you or the C.O. of the Bn. which relieved the 353rd last night, take over command of the sector taken over from C.O. 353rd Inf. When Lt Col. Sibly 6th Marines takes over 2 front positions tonight turn over command to him By Cmd. Gen Ely C P Hall Maj Inf Reed 10J40 A.M. Sept 10/18 C-.W.S. A. M. Sept. 11, 1918. 9/11/18 Note: Hdqrs. 3rd Brig, 12 M/ Tank C.O. (Heavies) stated that was satified with arrangements for getting his tanks out. Sept. 11, 1918. C.O* Tanks. 10:12 A.M. To C.G. 3rd Brig, Gave instructions to tanks - detailed. 9/11/18 Note: Hdq. 3rd Brigade. 10:40 A.M. Sent Liaison Officers with runners each to 10th and 177th Brigade. Officers equipped with maps and orders. Maps showed objective limits and P.C,s. Officers were instructed. U. S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE From: Adjt. 3rd Brigade At : P. C. Date 11 Sept 18 Hour: 11-40 am No. 1 How sent: To : C.O. 9th Inf By Div Courier. (1) Am sending some chambly maps- (2) Memo, reference to Brigade is changed to^ take one company from your reserve Bn & 1 Co. from 23, Have this company report to Lt« Col. Zane East exit Limy at 8:00 P.M, tonight- By Cmd. Gen Ely C. P f Hall, Maj » Inf • P. M. Sept 11, 1918 ♦ Note: Kdq. 3rd Brigade. 9/ll/l8 3:40 p.m. Gen’l came by with information re H hour and H-4 hour Transmitted this information to C.O. 9th and 23rd by motorcycle. From: At: Date : To: U.S. ARMY Brig. FIELD MEdo C.G. 3rd Domevre 11 Sept 18 Hour 4:30 PM No C.O. 9th Inf (VERY SECRET) QQ AGE 101 How Sent Motorcycle I'D" day will be 12 Sept ’18. "H" hour will be 5:00 AM. (five AM) There will be a preliminary bombardment for four hours commencing at H-4 hours (1 AM) All troops must be in position in trenches prior to K-4 hours. This information must not be conveyed to any on-, until after troops are north of LIMEY-ITETZ road. Per R.P. Watson Brig P.C. opens at new p.C. this date. H»E . ELY near LIMEY at 6:30 P.M. Note: Kdqrs. 3rd Brig. Sept 11, 1918, 7:00 P.M. Col. Stuart, ineers that were 9th Infantry, to join the 9th reports that the 90 eng- Infantry have not reported. Note: Hdqrs. 3rd Brig. 9/ll/l8 8:02 P.M. Arrived at 1st P. C. Note: Hdq« 3rd Brigade 9/ll/l8 8:15 P.M. Couriers reported with receipted envelopes from 9th and 23rd (Giving H hour, etc.) Note: Hdqrs, 3rd Brigade, 9/ll/lC 9:07 P.M. Roberts liaison with 10th Brigade reported asked for map, etc., from 10th Tri^. ' of objectives, etc. Note: Hdq. 3rd Brigade. 9/ll/l8 10:20 P.e, Lt. Askane, 23rd, reported with order stating P.C, 23rd established at 9:00 P.M. to get liaison personnel here before 1*00 P and message Told him ,M« (Lost now). P. M. Sept 11, 1918. Note*. Hdq. 3rd Brigade, 9/ll/l8 10150 P*M« Letter re H hour received with letter reference tank troops. Notified Heavy tank Captain. Note; Hdq, 3rd brigade, 9/ll/l8 11.'00 P*M. Liaison officers 23rd and 9th have reported with runners. Sent them to find Reg, P.C’s with instructions to send report when troops all in. Note; Hdq. 3rd Brigade. 9/ll/l8* 11;10 P.M. Brigade Signal Officer reported. -Lt. Hart -Brigade Post. Note; Hdq. 3rd Brigade. 9/ll/l8. 11‘.30 P.M. Liaison personnel all here. Note: Hdq. 3rd Brigade. 9/ll/l8, 11:52 P.M, G-ave order to get telephone to 23rd - 23rd Signal Officer has not put them in. A, M. Sept 12, 1918. 12:08 A.M. September 12, 1918. To Commanding General Second Division. From 3rd Brigade, Troops going into position, all quiet, liaison established everyvdrere, (Telephone message from 3rd Brigade.) Note.* Hdq. 3rd Brigade, 9/12/18* 0:20 a.m. Sent message to Div* "by telephone that all quiet,, troops coming in, liaison completed everywhere. U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE * From: C, G. 3rd Brig, At : P. C. 1 „ Date; 12 Sept 18 Hour: 0:45 No 7 How sent: Runner To : C,0. 9th Report progress of forming up. 7/hen will your troops be all in? Ely Brig. Gen- HE Found in trench and handed in by officer about 2 .j 0 A.M 12 Sept, 18 G. W. S. Sept 12, 1918 * A, M. Note*. Hq, 3rd Brigade. 9/l2/l8* 0150 A.M. Messages to 9th & 23rd asking about progress and if troops in position. Note: Kdq. 3rd Brigade, 9 / 12 /I 8 . 0i59 A.M, E & G Co’s 23rd reported by verbal message to be in, Note! Hdq. 3rd Brigade. 9 / 12/184 1:10 A.M. Trench Mortar battery reported. Note: Hdq. 3rd Brigade. 9 / 12 /I 8 . U25 A.M, "A" Bn, 23rd in position. No reports from others. Note: Hdq. 3rd Brigade. 9 / 12 /I 8 . 1145 A.M. C Bn. 23rd Inf. in position -2 Co’s A Bn. and others very soon in position. -No reports from B Bn. Note: Hdq. 3rd Brigade. 9/12/18. 1:50 A.M. 9th liaison officer just back from 9th; found P.C. Says men are moving up alright. Not wired up but running line up. Note: Hdq. 3rd Brigade. 9 / 12 / 18 , 1:52 A.M. Sent men to fire captured guns to 23rd. Note: Hdq. 3rd Brigade. 9 / 12 / 18 . 2:10 A.M. Runner from 10th Brigade with copy of order 10th Brigade. Note: Hdq. 3rd Brigade. 9/12/18, 2:15 A.M. No shelling of our area up to this time. Kdq. 3rd Brigade. 9/12/18. 2:35 A.M. Bn H B" 23rd in position. - Message from Col. Stone. Note: A. M. Sept 12, 1918. Hq. 3rd Brigade to 9th Inf, 9/l2/l8* 2:50 A.M. How nany Bns. are in and which are the A. B. & C. Send report when all in. What are coordinates of your P. C. Note: Hq. 3rd Brigade* 9/12/18. 2:50 A*M. Message to Division reporting all quiet here and stating that troops will soon he in place. 2:50 A .11 , 12 Sept. Telephone message from C,G. 3rd Brigade to Chi-.-f of Staff 2nd Div. Enemy artillery does not shell front lines. Troops will "be in place soon. My visibility poor. 3rd Brigade from Sink 2 9/12/18. 2:50 A.M# Message from Sink 2 -Enemy artillery does not_shell front line. Troops will he in place soon. Visibility poor. U . S . ARMY FIELD MESSAGE . From: C. G. 3rd Brigade At : P. C. 1 Date: 12 Sept 18 Hour: 2.50 No, 10 How sent: Runner To : C. 0. 9th Please report progress of your forming up. How many Bns are in & which are the ( A B or C Bns)? _ Send report when all are in - what are coordin¬ ates of your P.C.? Ely Comdg Note: Hdq. 3rd. Brigade. 9/12/18, 2.55 A.M. To 9th asking progress of forming up. U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE, From: C.0. 9th Inf. At : 1st P.C, . , _ Date: 12 Sept 18 Hour: 3 a.m. No 2 How sent. Runner To : C. G. 3rd Brig Battalions are in place, altho direct liaison with 1st Bn has not as yet been established Special units are in place for assault. Stuart Col. C. G. 3rd Brig v ' <« \ ' 1 ; . ' ■ . ' •• . A. M. Sept 12, 1918. Note: Hdq. 3rd Brigade, 9/12/18. 3:05 A.M. Brigade Reserve reported in position in LIMEY. 3:20 A.M. 12 Sept. Verbal report from Liaison Officer, 23rd Inf. Leading Bn. and Support Bn, in position ready to go over the'top. Reserve Bn, will he in position in a short time. Note; Hdq» 3rd Brigade. 9 / 12 /I 8 . 3:37 A.M. All Bns. and speoial units in place. Liaison within Regt. with Art. and unit on left established. 3rd ±.n. is A 1st Ln. is B, 2nd Bn. is C -P.C. 365.8 - 2Si± . Stuart * To: 3rd Brigade fx 9th. 9 / 12 /I&. 3:40 A.M. 9th reports in position hut no direct liaison with 1st Bn. Note: Hdq. 3rd Brigade. 9 / 12 /L 8 . 4:10 A.M. All Bns. 9th Inf. in position -most if not all wire now cut. Engr. Det. filling trenches for passage of tanks. Sgd, McKey. U.3. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. From: At : Date: To : C.O. 9th Inf. 1st P. C. _ T 12 Sept 18 Hour: 4J20 A.M. No. 3 now sent C.G. 3rd Brigade Runner Telephone connection completed Engineers are bridging trenches for tanks. Mire is being cu 0 or JU lp ° T ^ ird ready to lead off. All Bns. in liaison, Stuart Note: Kdq. 3rd Brigade. 9 / 12 /I 8 . 4:20 A.M. C.O. 2nd Bn. (A Bn.) reports no hostile shelling and is moving forward to jumping off position along unimproved road. s d . stone . (23rd). 4:30 A.M. September 12, 1918. Telephone message from G-3 Second Division to Adjutant, Third Brigade. Adjutant reports everything lovely. All set. - • * . • * A. ivj-« Sept 12, 1918, Hq. 3rd Brig. to Surprise 9/l2./l8# 4135 A, M, Troops ready for attack. Note: Hdq. 3rd Brigade 9/12/18, 4150 A.M. 9th reports Liaison with Art, and unit of left established, Surprise 7 (G-3) fr Hq, 3rd Brigade 9 / 12 /I 80 5100 A.M. Everybody off on tine - going nicely, ±00 dark to see much. U .3 ARMY FIELD HESS AGE. From! C« 0. 23rd At 1 P, C, Date*. 12 Sept 18 To 1 C. G. 3rd Inf, Hour: 5:07 A.M r ig. No, 41 How sent: Lt. Watson for. ions has b No counter attack at 11**00 P.M. No reinforcements received. Have seen nothing of 78th DIV. satisfactory. No call from Div on sen made. No help asked Present condit- right or left Stone Col. Note: Hdq, 3rd 9/12/18. 5:15 A.M, Phoned 9th and 23rd - Both reported everything alright. Note: Hdq, 3rd Brigade. 9 / 12 /I 8 . 5:17 A.M. Notified Division of above. 5:20 A.M. September 12, 1918. Telephone message from Adiutant 3rd Brigade to G-3 Second Division. Everything going lovely. Off on time. Visibility poor. A» M • Sept 12, 1918. Note: Hdq. 3rd Brigade. 9/12/18. 5:40 A.I;!. Tank Officers report tanks not arrived as yet. Note: Hdq. 3rd Brigade. 9/12/18. 5:4 5 A.M. Snow and Same reports no tanks - troops advancing up opposite slope toward Prom, des Maynes. 5:48 A.M. September 12, 1918. Telephone message from Adjutant 3rd Brigade to G~3 2nd Division. Our machine guns were making so much noise that he could not tell whether our troops were under much fire or not hut judged that they were not from the way they, were going forward. Reports that the tanks are not up* that he has men out looking for them with orcei s no 0 return until they find them. They were reported very close to the position early tonight; and he will call up when the tanks are located. Note: Hdq. 3rd Brigade 9 / 12 /I 8 . 5:50 A.M. Phoned "Surprise 7" that no tanks arrived. French sent to look them up. Troops still moving up. 5:52 A.M. September 12, 1918. Telephone message from Adjutant 3rd Brigade to G-3 Second Division. There are two small fires in the open near the wood- just to the north of REMENAUVILLE. The Boche are s i£ ^ ing our front lines heavily. Have you found your tames yet? Not definitely. Too much smoke. Not light enoug to locate tanks yet. Still looking. 6:00 A.M. September 12, 1918. Telephone message from Adjutant 3rd Brigade to G-3 Second Division. Our tro Promenade De the enemy’s. in going ove here there i our P.C. for we move and out who repo our front li ops have just been observed on top of the s MO INS. Hovr is your artillery fire. I nea Not very much. We got about 10 shells r the top. But from what we observe from l very lit ole artillery fire. We shall move ward very shortly. »ill call you up before give you our exact coordinates and will i m- rted that there was heavy artillery fire on ne. 6 :o5 A.M. September 12, 1918. Message from 3rd Brigade to 2nd Div. 3rd Brigade moved to P.C. 365. hour. It will be 25 or 30 minutes report. Everything going fine, No troops promenading des Moins. 5 - 235.5 at this before we get another tanks. Last seen of . ; A. M. Sept 12, 1918. U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. From: C.O. 9th Inf. At : 350 Meters South of Bois du Four Date: 12 Sept 18 Hour: 6-20AM Do. 4 How sent: To : C.G. 3rd Brigade Runner. Leading Bn in BOIS du FOUR Support Bn 150 yds south of Bois du Four orderly advance Stuart Col U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. From: C.G. 3rd Brigade At : Thiaucourt Date: 12 Sept 18 Hour: 6:30 Do. 25 To : CO. 9th Inf Capt Snow reports direct that. he is Being fired on hy 88's & MGs & that he will have to evacuate unless he has help. Artillery has "been demanded * Also send hjjto M.G.s to protect his flank. Ammunition Dump Limy. Hold your line J Ely Comdg 6:51 A.M. Sept 12, 1918. Adjutant 3rd Brigade to 2nd Div. Promenade des MOIRES evidently in our hands. Small groups of men marching by the flanks across hill for the last five minutes. Groups of men all over crest of hill. 7:5 A.M. September 12, 1918. Field message from C.G. 3rd Brigade at P.C. 2 by runner to G-3, Attack moving forward west. Have taken Bois de FOUR and (Message incomplete.) Note: Hdq. 3rd Brigade. 9/12/18. 7:05 A.M. P.C. 3rd Brigade established at No.* 2. Div. Hdq. notified of our arrival. 9th and 23rd Inf. notified thru Liaisons. U. S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. From: C.G. 3rd Brig. At : P.C. 2 (near top of promenade Des Moins) Date: 12 Sept 18 Hour: 7.10 No. 13 How sent: To : G-3 Runner P.C. 3rd Brigade reestablished as shown. (Cont’d next page.) A. M« Sept 12, 1918, (Cont’d from last page,) Attack progressing as per time schedule. Our troops now seen "between Bois de Four and Eois Bois l'Eveche at point where woods meet. Numbers of pris¬ oners coming from Bois de Four as far as nortn central part. Telephones cannot keep up - Wireless not yet up. Remarkably few wounded seen going back - We are going strong, Ely Rec»d 8:37A.M. ?er m Sept 12. COG Note: Hdq. 3rd Brigade, 9/12/18, 7:35 A.M, Message to Div. about taking Bois du Four, Note: Kdq. 3rd Brigade. 9 / 12 /I 8 , 7:35 A. M. Our line 200 meters north of here being held up by M. G, which is being flanked. Right and left from here lines well advanced. Our losses-no reports receive from Bns. But have seen few wounded (only 7) and no dead. Signed Nickey. Note: Hdq. 3rd Brigade, 9/12/18, 7:45 A.M. 9th Inf. reports leading Bn. on edge of Bois du Four and enemy edge Bois Keiche. Note: Hdq, 3rd Brigade. 9 / 12 /I 8 . 7:45 A.M. Runner 353rd Inf. asking information. Gen’l* directs him to get back on his course. He was traveling to the right. U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. From: C.G, 3rd Brig. At : P.C. No. 2 7.45 No. 103 How Date: 12 Sept Hour: To : C. G, 2nd Div. Our P.C, moves forward to P.C. No Bois de Haie l’Eveque, Everything progressing nicely. Our advanced into woods near 1st Intermediate apparently Intermediate Objective taken. ent: Runner 3 S.E. edge troops have Obj ective, H, E. ELY per A. P. Watson Very few casualties. (Note on reverse side of message.) Reed at Div Adv Message Center 8:30 A.M., Sept / Sept 12,1916. A. K. Note: Hdq. 3rd Brigade. 9/12/16. 7:50 A.M. Arrived at Brig. P.C, 3 - to 9th & Div. 6:00 A.M. 23rd. Inf. 6:15 A.M. U.S, ARMY field message. From: 3rd Brigade 0. P. At : 0. P. Date: 12/9/16. Hour: 7.50 A.M. No. 1 How sent: To : 3rd Brigade Runner Have seen our troops advancing through woods directly to our front. (Bois L T Eveque and Bois d’Four,.^ Have seen some of our troops go through eastern edge of Bois de Four. Joseph A. Molloy B. I. 0. (Note on reverse side of message). Reed at Div Adv Message Center 6:30 A.M, Sept. 12. Note: Hdq, 3rd Brigade. 9/12/16. 7:55 A. M, From C.O, 9th Inf. - 350 meters south of BOIS du FOUR. U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. From: C. G. 3rd Brig, At : P.C. 3 Date: 12 Sept 16 Hour: 6:05 A.M. No. 15 How sent: To : G-3 Runner Brigade P. C. moved as above 9t.h temporarily held up in north edge B de Four, by M G, comple'cely. \ occupies it now. No exact information from left bur attach progressing. Few casualties - less than 5/ seen going bach, Enemy south edge Bois de Heiche, G-3 Sly HE 9/12/16. 6:15A.M. To: Surprise.(2nd Div. Hdq.) from Hq. 3rd Brig. At 6:10 Snow was 400 Meters beyond intermediate & going strong with no opposition. 6:34 A.M. September 12, 1916. Message from General Ely, P.C. No. 2 to 2nd Div. 7:45 A.M. - Our P.C. moves forward to P.C. No. 3, southeast edge of Bois de HAIE I’Eveque. everything progressing nicely. Our troops have advanced into^ ' 0 od approximately near first intermediate objective. oo far reported very few casualties. \ A • m • Sept. 12, 1918. Note: Hdq. 3rd Brigade. 9/12/18. 8:40 A. ^ • From Stone- 3rd Bn 1 ’EVSQTJE P.C. located at narrow gauge) No news fr . just entering Bois le 364.0 - 237.0 (edge woo om first two Battalions HEICHE ds - on > U.S. ARmY field message From: C.O. 9th Inf At: WESTERN EDGE BOIS d» HEICHE Date: Sept 12 , 13 Hour 8:40 A.m. To : C,G. 3rd Brigade 3rd Bn advancing thru BOIS d T Bn entering BOIS d 1 HEICHE Ho.6 How sent Kunner HEICHE Support Stuart Col Note: Hdq. 3rd Brigade. 9/12/18. 8:45 A.m From Brig. O.P. 3rd Bn. of 9 th has HE from here. Lieut. Told me there was a 2000 meters ahead of him. just advance Bn. ah out d Note: Hdq. 3 rd Brigade. message from Stone with 3rd Bn. "C" Bn. 9/12/18. 8:51 A.m. ( ; fl7) Liaison Bn. in Liaison 3rd Brig, to Col. Stone: •Requesting him to 9/12/18. 8:55 A.m. move his P.C. forward quicker. 8:55 A.^i. September 12, Brigade to 2nd Division 1918. Field message received 10:30. from 3rd AHRGS FRYGS LLEAZ ^GBKD FGPOX GEONG PDmRL TY7KJW BBIWD DTOBT LV/LPV ZqLLW 8:55 A.m. September 12, 1918 to 2nd Div. message from 3rd Brigade Intermediate objective taken move forward. Request artillery 9:05 A.m. September 12, 1918. Div. General Ely moves P.C. at 9:30 A • From 3rd to No.4 Brigade to 2nd (poge .angin) A. M. Sept 12, 1918. U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. No Sent by Received by Check 3Q,69 HIT AB 11 0 EM From: Sink At : P.C. Date: Sept 12. Hour: 9.05 A.M. How sent: Radio To : Surprise Move to P.C. four at 9.30 A.M. Sink U.S. ARMY FIELD ME ,SSAGE. Ho . Sent by Received by Check 2Q,69 Hn AB 20 CFM From: Sink At : P.C. Date: Sept 12 Hour: 9 .08 A.M, How sent: Radio. To : Surprise At 8. 10 snow was 400 meter s beyond intermediate. and goinm strong with no opposition. G-3 Rec’d 9.22 Sink Ho. 3rd Brig, to G-3. By runner. 9/l2/l8. 9:12 A.M. Line reported by our O.P. at about 1st phase object ive and going 1 strong 4 Little Infantry resistance. Losses less than 10%. Request artillery be moved up. P.C. moves to P.C. Ho. 4 at 9:30 A.M. 9:12 A.M. September 12, 1918. Message from General Ely. By radio. Received 9:50 A.M. To 2nd Div. Fire reported by our observer at about first phase objective line and going strong. Little infantry resist ance. Losses less than ten per cent. Request artillery be moved up. P.C. moves to P.C, Ho. 4 at 9.30 A.M. Ely. 9:15 A.M. September 12, 1918. Message from 3rd Brigade to 2nd Div. Intermediate objective taken. Request artillery move forward. G-2. 9:15 A.M. September 12, 1918. - 3rd Brigade to 2nd Div (Received 9:22 A.M.) Hash up artillery. (Rush? ) A • M Sept 12, 1918. U n O AR 1IY FIELD MESSAGE. No. Received by 4 AB From: Sink At : P.C. 3 Date: Sept 12 Hour: 9.15 A.M. To : Surpris e NZPMZ UDTSA IPJVRLT 1LRUY Rec 1 d 9.22 Check 5 OEM G- 2 9:30 A.M. September 12, 1918. C.G. 3rd Brigade (runner) P.C. ho. 3 to 2nd Div. Brigade P.C. moved as above. 9th Infantry tempor¬ arily held up on north edge Bo is du POUR by machine gun. Completely occupies it now. ITo exact information from left but attack progressing . Pew casualties - less than 5% seen going back. Note: Hdq. 3rd Brigade. 9/12/18. 9:4 5 A.M. Liaison Officer reports evacuation on North and 30 degrees west of THIAUCOURT (Artillery trying to get in action or trying to get away -dont know which). Some transportation in village also. Near small clump of bushes to right (east) of road crossing about 1 kilometer north¬ west of THIAUCOURT. 9:50 A.M. September 12, 1918. Copy of wireless sent to Gen. Ely, 3rd Brigade. Artillery moving forward to support you. Tnree battalions now on road, two north of RENENAUVILLE. Locate it and report position. 10 A.M. September 12, 1918. Field message from 3rd Brig¬ ade at P.C. 6 to Chief of Staff by officer. Request information as to your whereabouts. We have received no notice of change from that of last night. Have sent runners back along axis of liaison but have been unable to get receipts. Your liaison officer.does not know where to find you. Ely. Next P.C. Thiaucourt. U.3. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. From: Sink 1 At : P.C. 4 Date : 12 Sept Hour: 10.10 No. 106 How sent: T3F To : Surprise 7 1st Phase taken about 9:30. please notify (Cont'd next page.) A. M. Sept 12, 1918. (Cont’d from last page.) lateral commands. Losses considerable less than 10%* Put artillery on Tiiiaucourt. Sink 7 G-3 Red 11.55 A.M. (On reverse side of message) T S P 1U35 A.M. September 12, 1918. Message Center. 10:30 A.M. September 12, 1918. Phone message from Commanding; General 3rd Brigade to C.G, 2nd Division. Enemy reported evacuating; Thiaucourt* Retiring over fields in squad columns toward Xamnes. Sink 7 Piled by Sink 7 at 11*30. 9/12/18. Kq. 3rd Brigade to SOLO 1 11 *.00 A.M> P.C. 4-3d Brin-. to SOLO 1J- Have ordered Stone to push on to 2nd Day Objective, if possible, You will do likewise and so cover his flank. He will finish with THIAUCOURT at once. Keep me informed, Sink-1, U,3. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. Ho. Sent by Received by Time Check 7 Q,69 HH ’ AB 11.34 21 0PM From: Sink 1 At : P.C. 4 Date : Date 9/12/ Hour : 11.10 A.M. Ho. 109 How sent: To : Surprise 7 Radio P.C, moves to He 5 at 11,30 Attack progressing rapidly Will move to P.C* Ho 6 as soon as possible Sink 1 11.34 am Rec'd 11.40 A.M. Sept 12 to G-3 Hq, 2nd Div. 12 September lltl5 A.M. Prom'* Chief of Staff, To : General Ely. Corps reports that one of their observation posts observed between 2,000 and 3,000 enemy troops debussing on the CHAMBLEY - DAHPVITOUX road and are entering DAMPVITOUX, There are also 4 railway trains made up of box cars on the tracks CHAMBLEY - DQMMARTIH line in between these 2 towns. The same Observation Post reports 1,000 enemy moving from BOIS VEHCHERES to BOIS BEAU VALLQH. Brown. Sent in code (initialed but indecipherable.) A.M. Sept 12, 1918. Hq. ord Brigade to C.O. 10th Brigade. 9/12/18. 11:20 A.M. Cur right flank rests on right Army objective as given by last Corps order (number unknown) dated about Sept. 10th. It is at point 266,0 - 241.6. We were not allowed to advance further; the 1st Army Objective was changed before we attacked. Signed Ely. U. S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE * Time filed lib Received by Check 11 am 6 Q,69 AB 61 OFM From: Engineer Liaison Officer At : 3rd Brigade Hour: 9 45 am Ho. 2 How sent: Radio To : General Ely Doted and forwarded to 2nd Divn - Considerable evacuation going on on road north and about 30 degrees west from thiaucourt - some transportation has gone into the village also two enemy artillery trying to go into action or trying to get away, cant tell which, near snail clump of bushes to right, east, of road crossing about one kilometer northwest of thiaucourt. Wyche 11 18 am Rec’d 11.23 A.M. Sept 12 CCG to C of S. 568 From 4th Brig, to Hdq. 3rd Brigade. 9/12/18. 11:25 A.M. This is from Surprise 3. He desires that I inform you that the 5 Division has reached the Army Objective, Also that about 2000 enemy troops are debussing on the CHAREY-DQMMARTITT Road, Signed Sister. 3rd Brigade to Div. 9/12/18. 11:30 A.M, Request information as to your whereabouts. We have received no notice of change from that of last night. Have sent runners back along axis of liaison and have been unable to get receipts. Our Liaison Officer does not know where to find you. Ely. Dote: Hdq, 3rd Brigade. 9/12/18, 11:45 A.M. All Officers were directed to advance and keep going by an officer sent out from Brigade. ELY. « a. m; Note: Hdq. 3rd Brigade. 9/12/18. Sept 12, 1918. 11:50 A.M. Notice over fields enemy artillery and Infantry withdrawing towards XAMMES, We are pushing forward. Note: Hdq. 3rd Brigade. 9/12/18. 11:50 A.M. Message sent Col. Stone 11:50 to advance his P.C. more often and to keep up with his troops. Brig, P.C. moves shortly. Hq- 3rd Brigade to Division. 9/l2/l8. 11:55 A.M. P.C. moves Northwest of #6 at 1:30 P.M. Note: Hdq. 3rd Brigade. 9 / 12 /I 8 . 11:55 A.M. To Division Toy runner and T.P.S. saving entered THIAU00URT and will push on to the Army line. U.S. ARMY PILED MESSAC-E No. 9 Check 23 ofm Prom: Sink At : P.C, Six Hour 11.55 No. 19 To : Surprise Thiaucourt ours at 11.50 germans retreating we will push on to possible objective. Losses less than ten percent ( Sig) Sink Rec’d 1.57 P.M. Sept 12 CCG to G-3 P. M. Sept 12, 1918. Note: Hdq. 3rd Brigade. 9/12/18. 12:35 P.M. Can obtain no map for you. Send signed receipt of orders sent by runner. Will try to gather as much inform¬ ation as possible for next message. If order in envel¬ ope does not hve enough send back what is missing by the runner. Roberts -2nd Lieut. 10th Brigade. P. M. Sept 12, 1918. U «o ARMY field message No. 10 Sent hy 0,69-HN check 41-ofm From: Sink 1 At : p. c. 6 Hour: 12.45 P.M. No. Ill ?o : Surprise one - f .• a Enemy artillery and infantry withdrawing over fields towards XAMM1S. We are pushing forward one batt Our 7 v°? d ab ° Ut 500 yards m thiaucourt. eu- pc. mores 2 kilometer N.W. of No. 6 - 1.30 P.M. nec’d 1.55 P.M, Sept 12 COG to G-3, Sink 56 P.M, Ho.. 3rd Brigade to C.O. 9th Inf. 9/12/18. 12: re serve V “p e p P ‘ °* rapidly ' Keep up with your resexve. P.C, moves into THIAUCOURT. Ely. SriLdfv c eP ¥ m v e n H'H 918 - Field from 3rd P.C. a 0 P.C. 6 to Second Division P.C. strong •S r ° 0pS 800 yds north of Thiaucourt. Going strong. Prisoners coming in. K P.C. moves Thiaucourt 1:10, Note: Kdq. 3rd Brigade. 9/l2/l8. 1:05 P.M. finished forJ^ ^ A 2 is now in its se .ctor hut has not d arming. No reports from »B" and ”B t: Bns . Hq. No. 3rd Briv. to SOLO 1. Sink 1 to So }0 1. - 6 almost immediately 9/12/18. 1:10 P.M. P.C. movin.o* to No. 5 thence to Hdq. 3rd Brigade. 9/l2/l8. 1:2: P.M. in ("C") in position. 2 Cos. 2nd Bn. ( "A" Bn pOoition and other two contanif s -»-i • . . 1 ja 0 ~ c-.ompo.nics jv ill he m position ho reports from the 1st Bn. B Bn) vet m position. Stone-Colonel. ' 7 shortly. Eric, Re Hdq. 3rd Brigade. 9/l2/l8. 1^25 P.M. Have directed E okan?°U? readhln V 1st Day Objective, aisance and Liaison wan” 0 Position and stronc- reconn- and canon, lotsla sli^.f ri3 ° nerS ' Sorne raaohir >e ... hilled by our heaL barrLe X i?Lis e d r 1Uable ° fficer name later when can „i ve detail^ Stuart - muns Four this morning, Colonel. Sept 12, 1918. P • M. From: 4 Brig At : P.C. Southwest corner BOXS DU FOUR Date: Sept 12/18 Hour: 1:30 P.M. To : 3 Brig Will you please give me your present P.C. location and the position of your leading Battalions. Neville Hdq. 3rd Brigade. 9/12/18. 1:45 P.M. Office notice finally received that 10th Brigade occupied the intermediate objective on schedule and now very likely occupies the First Day’s Objective. M. A. Roberts 2d Lt. 10th Brigade. Note: Hdq. 3rd Brigade. 9/21/18. 1:45 P.M. At 1:30 P.M. Brig, P.C. was established at 367.4 237.9. Hdq. 3rd Brigade. 9/12/18. 2:00 F,M. To Sink 1 from Surprise 4. Desire information as to your location, progress and general situation. Have had no word from you and wish this information at once by any available and quick means at your command. Hdq, 3rd Brigade, 9/12/18. 2:20 P.M. Bn. Comdr. 1st Bn. ”3 U reports Bn. entering trenones. Progress slow due to congestion of trenches. Stone - Colonel. Sept 12, 1918. P. M. Hdq. 3rd Brigade* 9/12/18. 2:20 P.M, Leading Bn. reached 1st Bay Objectis^e at 1 P.M. One Bn. lost direction in the BOIS D’HEJCFE has just reported here with information that 2 enemy companies, reinforcements, have been observed entering EEMBERCOURT from the northeast and other enemy seen in JAULBY at about 2:15. Replenishment rifle, chauchat and machine ammunition badly needed. Could push on easily now if supplied. Am exploiting as ordered. Have captured 3 six inch guns at 365.2 - 241.8. Send ammunition to 284.5 Bois du Bey. Signed Stuart-Col. P.C. - JAULKY now held by 9th Infant ry . From C. of S. - 2nd Div. to Hdq. 3rd. Brigade. 9/12/13. 2:30 P.M. Loge Mangin, - Gen. Ely. Hdq. is here. Please let me know your position and artillery needs. A wire is being laid to TEIAUCOURT, Bosche debussing (2C00) on CHA1BLEY BOMPTVOIX road, probably for a counter attack. 89 is not up. Gen. Seville will guard your left flank and be in reserve. Have you liaison with 5th Div. Are you on Army Objective? Brown. 2:30 P.M. September 12, 1918. To 2nd Div, Have taken army objective and gone slightly further on right. My line runs from 252.4 - southern quarter Bois de Rupt - Toulny (exclusive), Southern edge Bois Borvaux. Are outposting that line and organizing Army line. Troops a little tired. Casualties estimated 5 Ely, Brig. Gen. 2:45 P.M, September 12, 1918. .Field message from C.G. 3rd Brigade at Thiaucourt to C.G. 2nd Division, by runner, received 6:10, Ammunition must be sent up. We have run away from our transportation. Artillery going. Ely. 5 A.A. Chouchot M.G. 37 & Stokes all need amm. P» M • Sept 12 , 1918. U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. From: C.G. 3rd Brigade At : Thiaucourt R R St. (red top building Date: 12 Sept 18 Hour: 14:45 Pm. Ho 22 How sent To : C.O. - Gth Runner Organize the Army objective for defense, outpost¬ ing ground you holdin advance. Echelon in depth. Give us exact location your P.C. Ely Corndg- Hdq. 3rd Brigade. 9/12/18. 2:50 P .m» Attached sketch shows disposition of B- A* Reorgan¬ ization is taking place now. The Regiment is being organized in depth Signed Stone COLONEL. HQ.. 3rd Brig, to Chief of Staff. 9/12/18. 5:40 P.M» Have sent messages every half hour or so and when anything important happens 2 messages with situation reports. Am not informed as to your advance Division P.C. or when you move it. Ely. U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. From: Snow At : P.C. near BOIS du FEY Date: 12 Sept. 18 Hour: 4:17 P.m. Ho* 2 To ; 3d Brig or 2d Div. Am being counter attacked by about 15 machine guns with some light artillery who have sifted in to JAULNY and approximately 2 companies. Artillery lire from direction of BOIS du RUPT is also aiding. Have not established liaison with 5th Corps on my right but can hold the 1st Day Objective, Rations and ammunition badly needed. To C.O. Brig. Reserve thru 3d Brigade. 9/12/18. 5:00 P.M. The 23rd Inf. holds the line "1st days objective" (Brown Line) . The Bn.s, are echeloned in depth - 1st Bn. holds the first line, -2nd Bn. the 2nd Line and third Bn. reserve. There are two Bns. marines supporting our le^u. The 9th Inf. is on our right. Hold your command in read¬ iness to reinforce this regiment. Request liaison agent be sent to this P.C. P * M • Sept 12, 1918. U. c k_' • ARMY FIELD MESSAGE- From: P.G. 3rd Brigade. At : $5 Rue Natorie - near church - Thiaucourt Bate: 12 Sept 18 Hour: 5:30 No. 23 How sent: Officer To : Surprise 4 Your unnumbered message requesting disposition received. Third Brigade took army objec-tive at 2:50, are now consolidating. Request artillery be brought up. This infonnation was sent to Div. by foot messenger, wireless, mounted officer and to Corps by carrier pigeon. No artill ery fire of our batteries for 3 hours. Rec’ d 6:10 p.M. Ely - 6:30 p.M. September 12, 1918. Field message from C.G. 3rd Brigade at Thiaucourt to G-3. must have artillery action if.we hold line. Art- . illery of enemy and enemy M.G’s doing damage. One captain reports he cannot hold near Tauloy unless he gets artill¬ ery. Have asked it from 15th. Fire all along line. Must be heavy and continuous . 6:55 P. m. September 12, 1918. Field message from C.G. 3rd Brigade at Thiaucourt to C.G. Division by runner. Enemy artillery and M.G,. shooting up our lines. One captain reports that he will have to pull bacu unless he gets artillery on southern edge of Bois Bonvoux and Bois Rupt. Both regiments report steady enemy snelling. We must have artillery in front of army line. Ammunition of all kinds is needed and must be sent up. Regimen s not in touch with trains and probably cannot get to Limey* Please start the artillery. We_ will h old. it-';. .•f "P * ini • Sept 12, 1918 . H&q. 3rd Brigade 4 9/12/18. 7:45 P.M. Enemy artillery shelling our lines very steadily. Request retaliation fire. Stone-Colonel. Note: Hdq. 3rd Brigade. 9/12/18. 8 ;00 P.M* I must have some ammunition and some artillery or will have to fall hack to better position* 15 M.G, on heights west of JAULNY are firing into my flank and 4 guns 88 ’s are on my right flank in BOIS du BONVAUX. Snow. Hq. 3rd Brig, to Surprise 3. 9/12/18. 8:30 P.M. 3rd Brigade has taken Army Objective, Took this Objective at 2:50. Observation shows 5th Div, up and con¬ solidating Army Line. We sent the above information to you by runner, by wireless, by mounted oi'ficer and to Corps by pigeon. Wireless slow keeping up and telephones fell down entirely. All runners sent back axio of liaison. Brig. Res. will be here. Liaison, by telepnone. Let me know if you need it. Ely. 9:30 P.M. September 12, 1918-from C.0. 9th Infantry, Field Message by runner, at 1st Bay’s Objective to 3rd Brigade. Things are quiet and am still holding out on original line. Have now two companies Marines in support and will make every attempt to hold out till morning. We should have relief early in morning as most men are about exhausted. Would like to have an artillery barrage in morning before they can shoot up again. Also nee. ^ac me gun ammunition. Received 9:47 P.M From Gen. ELY. Sept 12 .913. Have artillery put front of 2ord infant-*.^ • Boche counter attacking no nyrotechincs. down heavy barrage at once, in Unless this is done, must tall baci< heavily. Keep up fire. Have Ely Brown- Try to get this Arty into action. I am trying to get the Army Corps P. M. Sept 12, 1918. U o • o APi^Y FIELD MESSAGE. From: Surprise At : P.C. Date: Sept 12. Hour: 2Z\ How sent: wireless To : Sink 1 Hold your ground. Heavy barrage coming in front of Army objective. Send messenger to Neville to signal for barrage (Not sent) Surprise Hq. 3rd Brig, to Brig. Reserve. 9/12/18, 10:40 P-M. Send one platoon and more if necessary to put out fire in town as there is danger of it spreading. Inter¬ preter Menard will assist you in this work by getting the cooperation of civilians. Sgd. Ely. (Ref Fire in THIAUCOURT.) 11;15 P.M. September 12, 1918 - From Col. Rhea, to C.G.» 3rd Brigade. Am calling down all barrage I can. Out of touch with supporting artillery. Our corps and 5th Division will put down ba.rrage. Hold on few minutes. (Not sent - Returned by Sig. Officer) U.S. ARMY .FIELD MESSAGE. From: Surprise At : P.C. Date: Sept 12. Hour: 23.15 How sent: Wireless To ; Sink one Brigade 78" coming up. Boche has only one division. You must hold. Surprise Seven. (Not sent) No time indicated Sept 12, 1918. Note: 3rd Brigade Ildq. 9/12/18. No time. Sent verbal message Col. Stone to locate rignt flank by runner and let us know. A.Mi Sept. 13, 1918. 1:10 A.M., September 13, 1918. Message (wireless) from General ELY to Hq., 2nd Division. Headquarters with facilities for getting information to actual firing batteries promptly. Request that orders to this effect be given to artillery Brigade Commander. Everything peaceful and no doubt that line can be held nor has there been Division reported upon our left by liaison officer. Any disturbing reports from 23rd Infantry are without foundation due to excited sergeants who got erron¬ eous information. 9th reports that troops on his right are falling back on account of artillery fire and that he needs artillery support is holding. Artillery liaison extremely poor there. Should be an officer at my P.C. Ely. 1:2b A.M. September 13, 1918. From 2nd E.A, Brigade to Colonel Rhea: Everything going O.IC. Hostile fire practically noth¬ ing. We have 2 Bns 75’s and 1 Bn. 155’s executing sweep¬ ing and harassing fires, ho -- (message incomplete.) U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE From: C.G. 3 At: Da.te 13 Sept Hour 5 A.M, Ho. 31 To: C.O. 9th Heavy counter-attack reported on our front at 11 : P.M. by division (Col Rhea) Was this counter-attack made? Col Rhea says Brig.78th Div sent up as re- inforce- ments. Have you seen them? Ho. Have you called for help? Ho What are conditions now? Report must be made tc Div by us immediately. U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE From: C.G. 3rd Brig At: Thiaucourt How sent Date 5:10 -15th Sept. Hour 5.1G Ho. 31 M Mess To: C.O. 2nd Div. Ho counter attack known of. Ho request made for reinforcements even to 4th Brigade. Brigade reserve has not been put in. Am sending officers to investigate as directed. Ho heavy shelling now. Stone reports "Ho counter attack on him, no help asked for, has not seen 78th Div. All quiet," at 5.05 A.M. Who sent report about counter attack? Will report further when officer investigating returns from 9th. Ely. ■ ■ - A.M. Sept, 13, 19IB, From: At: Date: To: U.S. ARUY FIELD MESSAGE c 9th Inf, p q how sent 13 Sept. 10 Hour 5.41 A.L1. Ho. 1 Return Report 3d Brig. C.G, No counter attack made "by enemy on my front last night at 11 p.m. - Have heard that a "brigade reserve" arrived in this vicinity before dark last night - have not seen them, I asked Maj.Sherrard 5th Marines to send os to relieve my left flank south of JAULNY - they went over just a,fter dark last night, but my battalion commander there put them in near support and held his original line. Only a little sniping during night. The counter attack on my left was quite critical for an hour before dark, 15 firing into my left flank and a battery of 155 ’s dropping shells on my M.G’s. while the ammunition was giving out. The battery of our Arty, which came into action saved the situation though the companies engaged estimate their loss at 50 %. (See Maj. Hodson*s last message herewith). Accord¬ ing to my latest reports it appears that the 9th Inf. now occupies the ARMY OBJECTIVE though the left is weak and men exhausted. Stuart. U.S, ARMY FIELD MESSAGE From: At: Date: To: Sink 7 TKIACOURT 13 Sept Hour 7 A.M. No. 34 Snow 11 How sent Runner Your Regt Signal Officer has now had ample time to run a line to these Hdqrs. Request that you push him up and make him get a line in at once. Aljpo. Rave him report here as soon as possible. Sink 7 U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE From: At: Date: To: From C,G. 3rd Brig Thiaucourt 13 Sept, IB Hour 7.40 No. 32 Chief of Staff. How sent M. Mess Enclosed two messages brought officers in- vestigating counter attack rumor explain situation. Lotung is known as to who started report or asked for reinforce¬ ments. We have captured a R.R. Train complete, here. Only two 6" guns reported captured. Much . ammunition, etc., Trench Mortars and M.G’s captured. Ammunition earning up. We have never lost liaison in any direction. ^y a -^rigad.e from another division was sent is not understood, as I have not even asked for relief by Marine Brigade. All I asked for was artillery support. Men are undoubtedly pretry vei^. exhausted. Ely Brig, Gen. . i J ■ • ' . . 8:30 A.M., Sept. 13, 1918. Kq., 3rd Brig, to Surprise A (By phone) •vialone in trouble - can you help him out? 8:30 A.ivi. i Sept. 13, 1918. Hq.i 3rd Brigade. . , pec’d from Malone - We need your help. Am being neaviiy attacked all over our front, (Timed 19:15) U*S. ARwiY FIELD MESSAGE. From: Sink 1 • p Q pQ q How sent Date: 13 Sept 18 Hour 8:40 Ho. 1 Runner To: Snow 1 TT . c Malone has called for our assistance, nave m.Lt ^ throw fire in front of him, especially into BOIS de BOHVAJX. Have ordered artillery to fire in iront of him. 3:45 A.m., Sept. 13, 1918. Kq., 3rd Brig, to C.O. 10th Brigade. 9th & 5th marines both standing Tanks proceeding to vicinity of 366,0 ordered to cover your front with all need infantry. Artillery opening up to on your left flank. - 241.0. m.G. fire guns, Wireless if you on your front. Ely. 8:55 A.Ji/i. , Sept. 13, 1918. Hq., 3rd Brigade to Brown, We are putting ia.G. fire in front of ing to - both Snow and outfit behind; am help. - U.S. ABLY FIELD MESSAGE. malone also sending tanks stand- to From: At: Date : To : Sink 1 P.C. Ho 8 Sept 13 Hour 10:10 Ho. 113 Snow 1 How sent Runner We will be relieved by Sister today and tonight - All elements in rear of 1st line to be relie/ed by ay l^, , extreme front line immediately after dusk - ielie\ing uni forming immediately in rear in swaips and valleym^ -e o-e al 1 de - rill oass dark. Snow 1 will arrange with relieving C.O. fo tails of relief. Command of Regt and Brig sectors over at midnight. All arrangements for guides e c -o made by Regt. C.O. Sketches of organization m deptn wil furnished relieving organizations and copy -urnmnei. 1 J , , Hdqrs. as much organization as possible to be completed today Sink ri I 10:10 A.m., Sept. 13, 1918. Hq., 3rd Brigade to G-2, 2nd Division. The following identifications have IHFAHTRY 419-36-571-71-62-81-2- been established: 54-258-16-164-419- STURm PH- or Shock troops (numbers unknown) tut identified as shock troops by blue shoulder strap confirmed by prisoner. , , _. 27 pioneers and some unnumbered -iioneero. 539th & 59th Field Artillery. (Sgd.) J.A. molloy Brig, intell. Sept * 13, 1918. 10:30 A.M. , Sept. 13, 1918. To: Major Hall 10th Brig, has reached all its objectives. Taken 1100 prisoners. Casualties slight. How consolidating on the Army Objective. Roberts - 2d Lt. 10th Brig. P i ; I Prom: C.O, 10th Brigade At: Bois Portions Bate: 13 Sept. Time 1.55 p.m. • l0: C.O. 3rd Brigade. Sept. 13, 1918. - -q . attack is reported against our troops north of Bois GERARD. I have sent Col. Payne, 20 P.A. to your ar i lery at ihiaucourt asking C P fire on Bois du Bonvaux. Malone, Colonel, Comdg. 6.10 P.M, - Sept, 13, 1918. Hqrs. 3rd Brigade. -r • j f nei,iy a ii ac Bing between Bois Bonvaux inclusive to ois de Vencheres. Already reached farm Tantecourt. Request close cooperation on both flanks. Malone 6;: 35 P.M. 9/13/18 Cromelin at Same. is impossible to fire on machine gun reported at •jfcC.5 - 243,2 as we have no observation. It is too close to line to fire without observation. Please transmit this to Snow and Sink. Signed. TIBBETTS. 6:40 P.M. - 9/13/18, Hdq, 3rd Brigade. ,- ftTT . Bnemy attacking on right, front and left. Prom BOH VAUX woods inclusive to TAUTEC0URT exclusive. Request C.O.P. and cooperation on flank, Malone. 6:45 P.M. - 9/13/18. Col. Stuart. message from Malone to Col, Stuart to note and return with information, ELY. .■^ ave sent officers patrol to get information 9th and 5th marines, stand too. Y/ill watch Malones left flank and cooperate. Stuart 7:30 P.M. - 9/13/18. Hdq. 3rd Brigade. Ce have moved our Regtl. P.C, down ravine to just above sign "Soldatheim". Marines taking over support and reserve bns. in place. Our 2nd Bn. on the line. a hut already (Cont’d, next page.) > . P.M. Sept. 13, 1910. (Cont’d. from last page.) 366.1 - 241.95 365,6 - 242,4 365.3 - 242.5 365.4 - 242.0 365.3 - 243.2 thence directly west to R.R. thence S.W, for 200 yards on ridge. Our artillery is firing on them and they are being forced back. Will you get it stopped and get them to co¬ ordinate to artillery? MacNider. From: Sink 1 At: P.C. Thiancourt-Bldg with #5 & ’’NOTAIRE” over it. Date: Sept. 13/18 Hour 0:40 P.M. How sent To: Same 1 Runner Notify us of developments. If your flank weak let us know. Are sending tanks your direction. If you can throw a M.G. Barrage in, do so. Sink 1 0:45 P.M. - 9/13/10 Adjutant 23rd Inf, We are putting m.g. fire in front of MALONE. Also standing to both 9th inf. and outfit behind. No report from Malone since 7:15, Also sending some tanks behind right flank to protect. 9:10 P.M. - 9/13/10 Hdq, 3rd Brigade. Gen’l. Brown called up and said understood what help 3rd Brigade would give Malone "Div". approved but Division Commander did not wish to commit Division” Accepted responsibility. Gen'l. Brown said not serious. U.8. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE Sent By Izcf Time 10 PM Received JR1 Time 10 PM From: Sink 1 At: How sent Date: . Sept 13 Radio To: Snow 1 Have Machine gun fire into Bo is du Bonvaux. Sink 1 U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE Sent By l2cf Time 10 PM Received JR1 Time 10 PM From: Sink 1 At: Date: Sept 13 No 4 (?) How sent To: Snow Radio Request report. Sink 1 V.- A i P.M. Sept. 13, 1918. From: C.O, 10 Brigade At; p. C* Eois Grand Portion. Date: 13 Sept. Hour: 22 To: C.G. 3d Brigade. The Boche emerged from southern edge of the Bois de Bonvaux and formed line of attack against my front. _ Reports received at first seemed to indicate a very serious situation. Latest reports indicate that our line is intac on the Yellow Line. However, the situation leaves your right flank forward of the Yellow Line exposed. Malone Colonel. 10:45 P.M*- 9/13/18- Message from 23rd Infantry. Mr, Stuart (C.O. 9th Infantry) just called up and party had been over since 8 o’clock. It was^ an impromptu affair. He has never bothered or worried. He said tha e were a few small parties carne over; some planes shot them up. 10:45 P.M. - 9/13/18. Hdq. 3rd Brigade. , Colonel Stuart reports all quiet on his front ana on his right since 8 o'clock. Authority given stop m• J * ire 10:45 P.M.- 9/13/18. Hdq. 3rd Brigade. 23rd completed relief. 10:50 P.M,- 9/13/18. Hdq. 3rd Brigade, Information transmitted to 2nd Div. _ To 2nd Div. 11:15 - 9th Inf. Completed relie.. 11:00 P.M*- 9/13/18. Hdq. 3rd Brigade. _ . ,, Notified 9th and 23rd about sending Engineers bacx to their regiment. 11:20 P.M.-9/13/18. Hdq. 3rd Brigade. Notified Division that relief completed. 11:25 P.M,- 9/13/18. Hdq. 3rd Brigade. Notified Genl. Neville relief completed and al1 was quiet on right. that FIELD MESSAGE No time indicated Sept, 13 S11* * The situation as far as the 23 Reg. is concerned is* They are holding their own and have entrenched at the positio shown on tracing papers. Suffered slight casualties yes er day evening. The 9th Reg. repulsed a counter attack with slight casualties at a late hour last night. Sh ep 1 er. iio time indicated Sept, 13, 1918 9/13/18 ( No time indicated.) Kdq. 3rd Brigade. (On night of Sept. 12th 7:30 P.M. - 1st Sgt. Co. D, 9th Inf. reported to Brig. Hdqtrs. saying that enemy shooting up front lines very heavily both Machine Guns and Artillery. Said over half his men had been killed. Said he could not find any of his Company Officers nor could he find his Bn. or Regtl. Hdqrs. so reported to Brig. Hdqrs. He was sent back to 9th Inf. P.C.) A.M, Sept, 14, 1918, Rec’d 5:18 P.M, Copy for G-2 14 Sept. 18 Thru Chief of Staff. Hq. 9th Inf. 11:45 A.M. 14 Sept. 1918. From: 1,0. 9th Inf. To: (G-2) 3rd Brigade. The following are the best data available at tnis time as to prisoners and material taken by the 9th Inf. on Sept. 12 and 13, 1918. Prisoners:- About 1600 officers and men. It was impossible for the Regt. unit to properly check and handle the prisoners owing to their large number and our rapid advance. About 60 Belgians, held prisoner by enemy were released by our troops at JAULNY about 7 : 3 u P.M. "t- e 41 Materiel. The following camps at LAGERSI PIONEER 0PIT2 KRIEGHAU3 jl INEN JERF bR PIONEER LAGER BAYERN LUTHER I FOURUALD SAULOWALD PROTZEN BERTRAM HAMBURGER DIVN, PIONEER PARK LUTHER II BAGENY/ALDSCHEN LAGER Property, ordnance and Q, M in the two LUTHER LAGERS and BAYERN LAGER alone estimated at over minion dollars value. In JAULNY . ^ A large hospital establishment with Stores surgical instruments, A Ray equipmen ^ quantities. Also a hospital tram of several car. i JAULNY yards. A trainload of ammunition in JAU - _ blown up about 9 P.M. 13 Sept, presuma ly y a soldier who was killed as he was running awey. 1 Field Kitchen Ordnance - Heavy No. 4 4 O Cj o 6 Calibre 105 77 10 "LI. W. 8 " " Wher e 363,85 - 241,85 363.97 - 241.85 to 63.8 ~242 to 64,1 - 241 In shed 364.3 - 281.4 (Cont’d, next page.) Sept, 14, 1918. A.M. (Cont’d. from last page.) No. Calibre Wh er e 3 155 364.5- ■281.6 to 304.8 -241.6 4 77 241.7 - 366 4 77 238 - 366 7 77 In THIAUCOURT 4 Aust.88 365.3 - 242.5 4 77 366 - 238.9 4 77 ■366.3 - 239.6 4 155 367.3 - 241.1 4 77 366.3 - 242.5 1 155 366 - 243 7 155 365,5 - 242.8 4 77 313.6 - 241.4 4 77 363.5 - 242 2 155 365 - 243,2 2 105 366,3 - 240 In addition a patrol (officer) Co, E, 9th Inf. on road tc CHARSY about 365.3 - 244.5 at 6:00 P.M., 12th Sept, found a battery of several big guns abandoned at roadside* Enable to ascertain now whether they were subsequently recovered by enemy. ^ne train, 8 wagons, on road east of JAULNY - 1 complet Signal wagGn at entrance to JAULNY. No approximate number of small arms and other equipment can be given; but large quantities of them were found in the various camps - (vacated?). Quantities of maps, documents, etc., taken by the Regiment, have been turned over to you or to G 2 of the 2nd Division. J.R. Me Key 1st Lt., 9 th Inf. Intelligence Officer P ,M. Sept. 14, 1918 8:43P.M., September 14, 1918. - Following message sent by radio to C.G. 3rd Brigade. Have you any report from patrols? Wires are down. (Brown) U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE From: C.G. 3rd Brigade At: P.C. BEAU VALLON BOIS How sent Date: 15 Sept. 18 Hour 16-50 No, 3 Runner To: C.O. 9th Inf If upon completion of the work of salvaging today, it is not absolutely certain that all American dead in your sector have been located and reported to Col. Drury, the salvage details will remain in place until this is assured tomorrow, completing work then. The dead must all be located. ELY Comdg A.M. Sept. 15, 19113. U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE From: Sink 7 At: P.C. 500 yds N W Loge MARGIN Date: 15 Sept IB Hour 10:20 A.- -« ko.57 To: Surprise 1 P.C. now located in northern edge narrow strip of woods about 300 meters N W Loge Mangin. Sink 7 Adj 3 Brigade How sent Mounted man P.M. Oct. 1st, 1916. Oct 1st, 1916 20.10 to C.G. 2nd Div., - 3rd Brig.^Kdq. SO uAIN- located at point near NAVARIli 5 ^"then'turn SOlftlE-PY Road; come to south end of oordu y right to dugout. Guide will be found at south end ox duroy road. A .M. Oct. 2nd, 1916, 7 :45 A.M. , Gen. Ely. Oct. 2, 1918. Field Message received from Am sending officer as requested by J jLhese' i Headquart- telephone from 167th Division. Request that th « runners ers be furnished with a liaison officer with necessary from Div. Hq. Hone available here. Request Signal Oiticer send out 2 telephones. , i pr „ -ug p-iven transpor- Request officer coming for order, be give . £ Uy tation as far as SOMME-PY as otherwise twill phy impossible to transmit information m your °bde be tween IE regiments before H hour. Total ‘ d . and 15 miles, much of which is thr °ngh trenches orders Will carry out attack as planned unless uluo received. You can reach me by telephone _ * lst Bn, (Lt. Livingston) or through 167 Division, 174 Re f* where my P.C. is located (same as shown m O.P. Memo 20; XPT.V with other Bn did not report Field message received from C.G. Bns 9th in communication Guidr- of 170th 9:15 A.M. Oct, 2 1916. 3rd Brigade. Units in place as follows: -2 with^23rd. Guides Qth Not m communication witn Oct 3rd, 1918. 6:40 A.M. Oct.3, 1918. To: C.G. 3rd Brigade. - 1st Bn arrived. STONE - Col. 6:50 A.M. Oct. 3, 1918. To: C.G. 3rd Brig. - 3rd Bn. moving out P.C, remains in rear of 3rd Bn. STONE - Colonel 7:07 - Oct 3rd, 1918, From Myers to Sink 1 (in code) report when third, brigade attacks how progress- i ng. 7:20 A.M., Oct 3, 1918, Telephone message from Lt. Livingston- report of Lt. Swett. When I left the 3rd Brigade at 3:20, the 2nd Bn. 9th ana Me units 9th were in position. I found and directed two compan¬ ies of the 23rd and supporting platoon machine guns to the P.C. 3rd Brigade. Rest of the 23 not in evidence. The Brigade attack at 5:50. I am returning to the division via the 4th Brigade. (Signed) Swett. Col. .Myers. Locate for me if you can, remaining battalion of 9th and remainder of 23rd. Lt. Livingston said I heard Lt. Swett Cay before he left that he thought the 3rd Brigade would all be in line very soon. 7:50 A.M. Oct. 3, 1918. Message from Sink 1 (C.G, 3d Brig) At P.C. No. 1, October 3, 1918 - Date 7:10. Message No. 1, By Radio and telephone both, to C.G. 2nd Division: Jumped off at r, H" hour. Progressing well and troops nearing objective. Prisoners coming in. Casualties slight, but cannot tell amount of percent. Object believed to be taken. ELY 7:50, Oct. 3rd, 1918. From Myers to Sink 1 (in code) report situation of your tanks. 8:40, Oct. 3rd, 1918. To 3rd Brig, from R.1.0. 9th Inf. 9th held up slightly by barrage one half kilometer to south of MedeaH Fame. At present one Co. is advancing in flanking movement to west of Farm and barrage has practically ceased. 8:42 A.M., October 5, 1918. MH From 2nd F.A. Brigade. Liaison Officer of the 15th F.A. with 3rd Brigade reports infantry hs,s obtained objective and many prisoners taken. 8:35 A.M. 8:59 A.M., Oct. 3, 1918. To: Sink 1 (in code) report of your station. MYERS. A.M. Oct. 3, 1918. 9:15 A.M., Oct. 3, 1918. Field Message reed, at 9:15 A.M. from C.G. 3rd Brig, to C. of S. Units in places as follows: 2 Bns 9th in communi¬ cation with other Bn 9th, not in communication with 23rd. Guides did not report at points given by Staff officers of 170th Fr. Div. U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE From: At: Clump of Woods east of L’EPEE 2684-281 Date: 3 Oct 18 Hour 9.15 A.M. Bo* 4 How sent To: C.G. 3rd Brigade Runner First Battalion put in line by French last night reached objective at 8,30 A.M. - 2nd and 3rd Bns in support and reserve. What orders? MacNider 9:45 A.M., Oct. 3, 1918. To: C.O. 9th Inf. Consolidate the objective organizing in depth; objective will be in line of resistance. 23rd Inf. will be ordered to push one bn. thru you to distance of 1 kilometer to form outpost. Ely. 9:50 A.M., Oct. 3, 1918. To: C.G. 2nd Div. Reached objective at 8:30 A.M. Am consolidating using 9th Inf. for that purpose. The 23rd Inf, is pushing one Bn. forward for 1 kilometer to establish and maintain outpost. We can move forward. Casualties estimated 20%. Prisoners estimated at 1000 or more. Message sent to P.C. 1 will reach me. ELY. U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. Time 11. 40 A.M. From: Sink 1 At: P.C. No. 3 How sent Date: 3 Oct. Hour 10.05 No, 104 Runner & phone To: Surprise 7 Reached objective 8:30 - Snow consolidating - one battalion same been directed to pass thru and establish and maintain outpost 1 kilometer beyond ob¬ jective. Await orders. Can push forward. Prisoners over 1000. Casualties estimated 2 0%. SINK 1. 10:15 A.M., Oct. 3, 1918. To: Sink 1 - Give location of P.C. SURPRISE. 10:18 A.M., Oct. 3, 1918. Field Message reed. Gen. Ely to G-3 office - 10:18 A.M. Am awaiting orders at P.C, No. 1 - everything going well. A.M. Oct. 3, 1918. 10:25 A.M., Oct. 3, 1918. To: Hq., 3rd Brigade. 5th & 6th Marines on left of 9th Inf claim counter¬ attack is threatened on their left flank. They have no support. Major Barker asks for one Bn. I have detailed 2nd Bn. to report to him, STOKE 10:30 A.M., Oct. 3, 1918. Message from General Ely to General Lejeune, (Received at 10:30 - dated 8:10. It is believed that objective is taken though not yet fully verified. Troops moving forward. Prisoners about 300, Casualties fairly heavy, probably 20 ■%<, Enemy artillery and machine gun fire dying out. Guides from 170th Division never reported. Our troops finally came up by themselves. Next P.C. is No. 3, No. 1 will be resumed at noon. Another message from General Ely, received at 10:30 - dated 9:50. Reached objective at 8:30. Am consolidating, us¬ ing the 9th Infantry for this purpose. The 23rd is push¬ ing one battalion forward about one kilometer to establish and maintain our outpost. We can move forward, Casualtie estimated about 20%, Prisoners - 1,000, or more. Message to P.C, will reach me. ELY 11:00 A.M., Oct. 3, 1918. To: C.O. 9th Inf. - P.C. back at P.C. 1 until further orders. Give coordinates your P.C. Request casualties and prisoners. Ammunition dump at SOMME-PY. ELY U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE Time 11:50 A.M. From: C.G, 3rd Brig, At: P.C. 1 How sent Date: 3 Oct 18 Hour 11-00 A.M. No, 114 Runner To: C.G, 2nd Div. No wireless and bad telephone has made prompt reports impossible. We are on objective & have 1 Bn in advance 1000 yds. Do we advance again today? P.C. at P.C, 1 (original P.C.) 271.1 -279.0^. Motorcycle can reach us thru SOMME-FY, Tanks in rear of Mediah Fme. ELY. U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE Reed.11.30 Sent by Reed, by Time 19N-HN LIT 10.18 AM From; Sink 1 At: P.C, Nr. 1 Date: Oct 3-18 Hour 11.10 A.M. No. 105 To: Surprise 1- Am awaiting orders at P.C. Nr. 1- everything going well. Check 15 ofm How sent Radio Sink 1 A.M. Oct. 3rd, 1918. 11:15 A.M., Oct. 3, 1918. Message from 3rd Brigade. The 3rd Brigade has resumed his 1st P.C., about 1 Kilometer down the ridge. Telephone Message received at 11:15 A.M. Oct.3, from Lt. White. Liaison Agent with the 21st ^Division (French). The Irench have taken German trenches between Boya.u ae bromberg and the elbow in the ESSON trench and are northward. They expect to take the elbow from tne rear. They have a report that their men have been oeen the other side of the ESSON trench bringing back prisoners. They have been informed that the Americans are m wood 80 and expect to make their junction with the American troops at that point. 80 is road north of ESSON trench ^80. The general of the 21st French Division is onl ng ,x° move his P * C ' t0 COURTOIS north of parallel ’ west^ of the SOUAIN-SOMME-PY road. He will move a .,, ^ anc * Bt. Vi/hite desires transportation to go with him. 11:30 A.M., Oct. 3, 1918. tireless message reed. G-3 office from 3rd Brig. It is believed that objectives are taken though not verified. e U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE From: At: Dat e: To: Adj 9th Inf 268.45 - 280.8 3 Oct 18 Hour 11:40 A.M. No. 7 C.G, 3rd Brig How sent Runn er Organised in depth, digging in. at low altitude directing artillery fire need water, ammunition and our kitchen - portation here for liaison Hostile planes accurately. We have no trans- Mach id er Adj 11:52 A.M., Oct. 3, 1918. Telephone message received from Adjt. 3rd Brigade. . p e wants to report that everything went nicely t ns morning. We are where we should be throughout. In- ln ^ ex ^ ra kilometer. Casualties not believed to e eavy most by machine gun. Prisoners not known exactly estimated 1,000 U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE Irom: C,G. 3rd Brig At: P.C. l Date: 3 Oct 18 Hour 12 Noon No. 16 To: C.O. 9th How sent Runner The attack will probably be pushed. In that case tne 23rd will pass through your regiment & you will follow 'T V ln c °I umn of Bns - Continue organization of line of deiense. Reorganize your Bns. for the advance. Q . . _ Ely. o. A . A. d ump Somme-Py Have sent out to Bns H MacN Oct. 3, 1918. P.M. 8.S prom: At: Date : To : How Runner sent ARMY FIELD HE8SAGE• Shop 6 1st Objective line with Sink 1 3 Oct 28 hour 9:55 Shop 1 Rec 12:40 Oct 3-1918, Arr: with Sink 1. 9th has reached line "1st objective" and has been ordered to consolidate that position. At same time 23rd is ordered to pass one battalion through and to organize outpost line 1 Kilometer beyond 1st oojective line, latter to be held until further orders, Douglas, Field Message received fr. C.G., 1:00 P ,U., Oct. 3, 1918. 3rd Brig. No wireless and bad telephone has made prompt reports im¬ possible. We are on objective and have one battalion in ad¬ vance 1000 yards. Do we advance again today? P.C. at p... (original P.C.) 271.1-279,0. Motorcycle can reacn us tnru S0MME- p Y* Tanks in rear of MEDEAK FERME ♦ ELY • 1:20 p.¥., Oct. 3, 1918. Wireless sent to Gen. Ely: General Lejeune desires conference with you at P.C. 4th Brigade as early as possible. Answer giving the hour, sis ,er is mopping up in a r ea passed by your troops and sis er Brigade, You assist this with two companies. Col. Myers. 1:25 P «M. > Oct» 3, 1918. To: 3rd Brigade. rp _ We are being heavily smelled m front lines - . , quests counter-battery work. Have iiaison with Marine * reached objective immediately on our left witn u~. V- being heavily shelled. Unable to get data on prisoner. Regt’l. Surgeon estimates 20$ casualties. b STUART• Time Filed Ho U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. 2 pm From: At: Date : To : 4 Sink 7 P ,C . Oc t. 3 Surprise 7 . Sent by 19N Reed, by A B Time o > a, i 2 .22 Hour 2 pm No . 1 Check pm 27 OEM How sent Radio 2.35 P.M. sink one will be at sister one about 2 or 2:15 pm for conference two companies ordered to comply v,ith your mst tions. Sink 7 2 .22 pm 2:05 P.M. i Oct. 3rd, 1918. To: 3rd Brigade. . No prisoners reported. Estimate casualties at 1 j . STONE U. c C • From: At: i.0 . No . 6 How sent punner ARMY FIELD MESSAGE* Ad j . 9 inf. 268 .45-280.8 Hour 2.10 PM C.G. 3rd Brigade . . „ Temporary P.C- at tais point. Can receive orders here tho can’t locate Col Stuart at present time. Holding objective with 1st Bn. as reported, end in support, 3rd in reseivo. MacNiher P.M. Oct. 3, 1918. 2:30 P.M., Oct. 3, 1918. Message received by Hq., 3rd Brigade. 2nd Division from Maj. Hall, The following ammunition is needed and Col. Myer said he would do what he could 'to get it -- Chaucnat ^ 0 , c * rifle, pyrotechnics. U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE From: C.G. 3rd Brig At: P.C. Date: 3 Oct. 18 Hour To: C.O. 9th Attack resumed at 4m lead. You will follow wi :30 P.H. How sent M Mess > 4 M. 23rd will pass thru you & ;h your hns, in column. Direction of attack: St. Etienne. Ridge 1 Km. South of St. Etienne will be held & consolidated by 23rd. * will dig in behind them. Notify tanks to get with otone 23rd Inf (264,0 - 28,30) to (265.0 - 283.4) to (266*0 - 283*0) 9th protecting right front & right from (266,0 283. Ci) thence 2 km* to (267,7 *• 282,7) thence south to (268.6 - 282.0) A Plat of above line will show large front we are forced to hold. Counter attack on our right holding well. Message from Stone others moving up. says one Co, There is no Ely Marines came up 8:55 A.M* & Doctor with 23rd Inf, all being taken by Div, yesterday for rear ammunition by truck. aid stations. Send up more Ely. 9:40 A.M,, Oct, 4, 1918. To: 3rd Brigade, From Hq ,, 1st Bn. 9th Inf. Shelling and gas seriously hindering 1st Bn, Cannot be counted on for action. Platner-Ives-Adj t. 10:00 A.M,, Oct, 4, 1918, To: 3rd Brigade. Sketch shows corrected position. Are on our objective. Have received no ivater, food or ammunition yet. An making a possible effort to get sane and ammunition is reported on tie way. Five runners on their way. Regtl, Signal Officer o ed to report to you. Have Liaison with Marines on lex liaison on right. Stone- Colonel. 10:15 A.M., Oct. 4, 1918. To: 3rd Brigade. Small arms ammunition will be placed or has teen placed at SOMME-PY. (Sgd) Surprise 3, V ' ■ Oct. 4, 1918 . A.M. 10:55 A.M., Oct . 4, 1918 . Memo to Gen, Ely from Col. Rhea: Your message of 8:50 reed. The Div. will move for¬ ward today at K hour, according to the order sent you last night. H hour has not "been decided at this moment because we are waiting for the attack of the Div. on our right and left which started at 9:00 AIM. to develop. We don’t want to get any further out in advance of these Divs. As soon as reports are received showing that these Divs. have advanced to approximately to where our front line now is and if they are still making progress and the situation looks good, then H hour will be expressed in minutes from 11 o’clock for instance 12 o'clock would be 60 and 1:00 o’clock would be 120, etc* We have been trying to move forward our message center and P.C. As soon as we can get wires iso the dugouts at crossroads on yesterday 5 s- objectives near 267,3 we will establish an advance message center there and later this afternoon expect to put P.C, there, This point is on the cross¬ roads 1 kilo a little north of west of your present P«C. the shelling on your front line is also being put on Seville’s front line and is apparently a barrage to hold us in place during the other Attack, Warn your men to be careful not to go too far forward of the line prescribed in the order for the objective as they will run into Bowley’s barrage which at that time will be at the limit of his Art* range. Acknowledge receipt of this message by your wireless as we are out of phone connection with you. We will have a report from Aeroplane as to the ad¬ vance of the Divs, on our right and left at lliOO A.M. As soon as that is received H hour will be set and wire¬ less to you as per above. 11:35 A.M,, Oct. 4, 1918. Telephone message from Col, Rhea to G-enl. Ely. The Division will attack today, We are waiting for the Divisions on our right and left to come up As soon w ~'** w •*- y — ~ VX ~ W*.* w v — — - w ~ y-** ' as they have advanced sufficiently we will give you H hour and will attack according to the plans sent you this morning. Are your troops organized for an attack? How long will it take you to start an attack after receiving the order at your P.C. - that is after H hour is given you. It is reported that your combat wagons passed this P.C. loaded at'7:00 P.M. last night. If you are short gf ammunition get in touch with them. In addition there is a large small arms ammunition dump in Somme-Py at whicn you may obtain ammunition, Warn your men not to advance beyond the objective named in the order as that marks a line 500 yards in front of that is the limit of our as the a tt ac V ^ -lV « J. he Aar i me s are with you. Try to est abl ish pared to repel at tack 3 I rom are t ryinm to est ab 1 i sh an a mai n or os sroad s about 1 hi lo of your present P .0 , Wi 11 " vj • S . ARMY Prom: C G . 3r d Brig.. At : P. C . 6 . Date: 4 Oct. 18, Ho ur: 11 : To : C . 0. 9th I nf . Re 11 ef wi 11 not be made You must make nex t attac k. tion & we ter up. You r r at io See t hat they are f ou nd and 12 : D con, Oct. 4, 191 p t To : supposed to be up now i a i s 0 n w i t h h i n i n -T.. r Y. x'ush reorganiza- be carried cut on short notice. Si PM 7 I I P .K. Oct. 4, 1918. U.S. ARMY F I ELD MESSAGE. Time From: C.G. 3rd Brig. p nr X • c/L X * -l.- • At: P.C. 208 Hill How sent Date: 4 Oct. 18 Hour 12:10 Ho. 21 Div, Messenger To: C.G. 2nd Div. To insure H hour reaching all troops concerned, we must have it at latest two (2) hours "before H hour. Three hours is safer. Have acknowledged receipt your 10:55 message "by telephone. French are not up on our right & there is much sniping from our right rear. Capt, Dougherty, M»P. captain has been given tracing of our lines. Should have resxhed you by this time. Our men very tired & are not capable of doing much digging. Little water, no sleep have exhausted them.. Two bns, report 50% casualties. Report from C.O. 9th enclosed. Ely Comdg. U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE From: Sink 7 At: P.C. Hill 208 Date: 4 Oct Hour 12:30 To: Snow 1 How sent Runner H hour 2:30 P.M. Attack in accordance with Div, F.O. 37. 23rd Inf leads attack, 9th follows. Our u.C, remains here. Keep us informed. Caution commanders to keep within proper sectors, right; left and advise lo¬ cations of P C’s before changing & send new runner when changed. Sink 1 Connect phones up with 23rd & Brig. Hq. 12:30P.M., Oct. 4, 1218. Telephone message between Hq, , 2nd, and Genl. Heville. I just got in touch with Ely and set ”H" hour at 2:30. He says he thinks he got it rectified now. It ran clear across the area and back on the right and he .said he thinks 3rou people our getting up there no-- probably pretty well straightened out. Probably will see about it himsell. I think they got did it get where were. Has to go Leading a little beyond. on those roads leading up to the left, now it is? That is about where I supposed you through your outpost. element of the 5th is Parallel 282.5, or The rear element of the 5th is about 281,5. The rear elements being subjected to machine gun fire from both flames and rear. Mill you have time to get it there now. The attack on the right and left seems to oe coming up fairly well; on the left they are up - this was some little time ago and they were just starting on cur boundary just opposite where Sonine-Py and the Grand Deis de Somne-Py just over to the left of ‘’E" in SOiiME and then ran (Cont'd. next page.) • L • P.M. Oct. 4, 1918. {Cont'd. from last page,) about straight to the decauville railroad and to the left and then down through the Bois de Soupplet and north of Fourmelier and attacking Fourmelier Kill* between Bois de Fourmelier and Bois Supplet* with the people on the right are coming up pretty well. 1 shouldn T t be surprised but what they were even with you on the right. They are 1/2 kilometers north of ORFEUIL and the line runs southwest— alittle ahead of that. You oughtn't to. There is a gap in between tl^em and the 23rd, and they are encountering lots machine guns just south of the - Chateau. See those woods in there. There is a ridge in there, or ravine. They are getting lots of machine guns in those woods there. By the time we get started they should be pretty well up to us. I don't care as long as they are pretty well along. The attack will help us. We are going to establish an advance message center at cross roads near PYLONE near our yesterday objective where the Schwabenkonig trench — looks like Gowhenk- Schwabenkonig - Draw a line from Mont Blanc across to Medeah. About 1/2 way is a cross road there. See that cross road. Main road. The cross road on that line across it. There are some huts or little dots just above tha • These are dugouts and shacks, etc. We are going in there as soon as we can get the wire in, and then we will move o P.C. up in this afternoon very probably. Well get busy. We are going to put a message center as soon as we get the wire in. They ought to be in by this time. Get started and go to it. 1:07 P.M., Oct. 4, 1918. To: C.O, 23rd Inf. The C.G. 3rd Brig, directs that you detail 1/2 platoon to combine with l/2 platoon Marines to act as liaison group. Keep connection with 4th Brigade, ohovels, e c. SOMME-PY. ELY p • III • Oct. 4, 1918, 10/4 Gen, Sly: Reed.2.20 Reports received indicate a boche counter-attack on right of my 2nd Bn (my leading Bn) at 8:45 A.M. -Arrange¬ ment made to stave it off. My rea.r Bn. has been badly gassed and some Captains estimate casualties at 50 yo {.) There is plenty of spirit and willingness^ in the regiment but the disorganization of 2 days fighting and lack of water and food makes it advisable for me to ask for relief, for my regiment which is most urgent. Stuart 11:15 A.M. 30 P.M., Oct. 4, 1918. Pield Message Col. Stuart. received by G-3 office 2:30 P.M. Oct 4th from Gen. Ely reports received indicate a Boche counter attack on right of my 2nd Bn (my leading Bn; at 8:45 A.u. Arrangements made to stave it off. My rear Bn has e - badly gassed and’some Captamns estimate casualties a o. There is plenty of spirit and willingness in the regime but the disorganization of 2 days fighting and lac . o± water and food makes it advisable for me to ask tor re for my regiment which is most urgent* 2:40 P.M., Oct. 4, 1918. To: Surprise 1. Same reports strong attack from left on flank. «e carry out 37. Sink 1 3:50 P.M., Oct. 4, 1918. To: C.G. 3 d Brigade. Attack absolutely held up by heavy M.G. lire from both flanks and front. Germans strongly organized just north jumping off place. Wire heavy. No sign of Marines on i left. All efforts to locate them unsuccessful. ^ -uoow and new barrage to push attack successfully. osses Messages will reach me thru P.C. #6. STONE-Colonel 4:00 P.M. # -Oct. 4, 1918. . . „ Telephone message, Adjutant 3rd Brigade m Hq., 2 nd Divn. We are progressing and would like to know if you have any messages from aeroplanes as to what is developing. The French have been moving up on our left and have got some French cavalry up there. The 3rd Bn. o ■- p is moving down there and cleaning up the western slope Blanc Mont. They are getting all the marine guns, sistance is stopped and the other two battalions are moving forward. All right, then, we shall move forward to obj ective. P « . Oct. 4, 1918. 4:00 P.M., Oct. 4, 1918. To: Surprise 1 (no time) 5th Marines reported falling back. Boche making hea.vy attack on their flank. Our right flank being shelled. We carry out F.O. 37. Sink 1 4:12 P.M., Oct. 4, 1918. 3rd Brigade to Hq,, 2nd Division. The last message from the Marines is that one of the battalions of the 5th was cleaning up Mont Blanc; that they could hold, that they would not be pushed back further. We have no definite information on how far forward they have gone. We are trying to get it now. They started moving forward and have one battalion that was very badly cut up and were forced to fall back a wavs. They won’t be pushed back any further. They will hold all right. U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. From: C.O. 5th Regt. Mo. 54 At: P.C. How sent Date: 4 Oct 18 Hour 4:30 P.M* Runner To: C.G, 3rd Brigade. Our advance is held up by machine gun fixe on our left flank and from our right rear. There serious trouble in our front or right front but the .situai.ion on ou left flank makes it impossible to advance now. Feland. 4:40 P.M., Oct. 4, 1918. , x „ tu Telephone message from Watson, 3rd Brigade to J q. » Reports that he thinks they have reached objective. What is happening on your right. You are protecting there, aren’t you. Good. _ . . +v ,_ The Boche are retreating all along the line to the west from Reims, and our troops are progressing over some distance on our right, 3 or 4 Army Corps. «hat y° u about the troops on your left? Have they reached * Will your people crossed that creek by St. Etienne. Go d. How are you off for engineer tools? Have you got any¬ thing to dig with? How are you going to be able to dig 1 tonight? They will have to get something. They got to stick. We are doing everything to shove troops on both side of them. S£“c.5:“i;t°& U£Y.k. CC to O.O. 15th P A-23rd encounter- ed extremely heavy resistance and suffered heavy losses and were unable to advance but very short distance he^on J 4P ing off noint. Give us a heavy and continuous fire on t starting point of our barrage. Our front is the right half 0 the barrage tracing furnished by Brig, Hdqrs. use more than your Bn. if possible. (Sgd .) Palme r. P.M. Oct. 4, 1918, 5:20 P.M., Oct. 4, 1918. General Ely: Have withdrawn to defensive position. Am holding, and digging in. All right but cannot advance. Severe machine gun fire from 2 flanks. This machine gun fire is directed against A, B and C battalions, coming from sector on right and apparently Boche have filtered in from sector where French attack was supported. Am not in liaison with Marines. Major of A Battalion went off without contact with the^bulb. Losses about 70^J officers 60/i> men. Request orders. I will hold till I hear. Send litter bearers. Signed (STONE) Where do you think is the defensive position. Hill. 283.9-265,0, just east of ST. ETIENNE. He had better dig in then where he is. That is where he is or where he wants to .come to. That is on today’s line practically. They should ^ havebeen practically on the line there, and tell him for God s sake to find out where Feland is. We just got word that Feland is digging in on the line on the left. I don’t think they are .., They are supposed to be within a kilometer of your right, but I don’t think they are. I think he had bet¬ ter dig in on that line. I think that you will find those... They should be grooved, and they ought to get together if poss¬ ible and I am awful afraid of both of those flanks. When I was talking to you a minute ago, I got the impression you were on that hill 2 kilometers northeast of St. Etienne. The first co-ordinate you gave me was 2 kilometers northeast, way to point n 66 n and not then at a point about 86.66. I think you had better get word to him to hold on where he is. That isn’t very far from where he started, is it? Yes, I will, and I will tell you one thing about the planes. I don’t think they can know from him to mark out the line, will send out and do that. You can use your judgment on that. It might be better to come back to where he was. Bid he dig in where he was last night? Do you need any artillery over there? You tell him when you send out the message to mark out his line by coordm- atesor send in the markings on a map so we can tell wheie e wants it. I will try to get Feland up on that line. U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE From: C.G, 3rd Brig. At: P.C. Hill 208 Date: 4 Oct 18 Hour 5.35 P.M. No. 31 To : C. 0. 9 th Ho?/ sent Runner Stone ordered to dig in where he if*. You take up support and dig in. Report positions your Bns. hatch out your right flank. Get liaison with Marines. They did not advance. Ely Comdg. Matfeldt: Tell them to watch flank on right. Watch Medeah Fme. Get this to Bn Commander, 5:52 P.M., Oct. 4, 1910. G-3, 3rd Brigade. P.M. Oct. 4, 1910. The French on your right have not advanced more than one kilometer or -1-g' kilometers north of Medeah-Farm. e Y were reported there this morning hut we haven’t heard anything. They have had a hell of a time and they may have gone hack some. 5:55 P.M*, Oct. 4, 1910. General Ely: We got an aeroplane message saying that the 13° c h<2 wex e organizing strongly in the woods east of SCAi .barm. a i- about 5 kilometers east of St. Etienne. I have just asked ^ Bowley to put down a barrage there on that flank. he says that there a large number of troops there "Eoche" and that there is a barrage and heavy artillery preparation on a. farm, and I think it is a counter attack of the hoche. we will put ours down and have it down there as soon as we can. You put yours there, too, will you. Everything we go * 6:00 P.M., Oct. 4, 1910. Snow 1. Echelon troops back on right until you connect with French near MEDEAH FARM and prepare to hold against counter attack from east. Have ordered artillery to fire bariage 300 yards east of Division Sector to protect right flame. ELY. 6 ; 15 P.M., Oct. 4, 1918. To: C.G. 3rd Brigade. Line indicated on map in red, 23rd and 9th, Marines west of our northern extremities. Am suffering some( losses from heavy artillery fire and continued M G fire. will laid back to old position starting at 7:00. Could not resist attack of any strength in present position. Barrage has requested by art. liaison officer. RTOUTB-Cnl onel 6:35 P.M., Oct. 4, 1918. To: 3rd Brigade. Your message of 5:35 P.M. reed. After order for v/ith drawal was given. 9th Inf, and Marines have been no Hie STOFE-Colonel. Oct« 4 1 1916 • p 7 T »:x » 6:59 P.M., Oct . 4, 1918, From Adjutant 3rd Brigade to Hq. 2nd Division, Shuler took 7 prisoners when he went in the last time in the machine gun nest. They state there are 3 battalions of machine guns; that is 36 heavies and 4 lights in the nest. The 17th Regiment of French are cooperating with Shuler, As soon as Shuler is sure that everyone is out, we are going to start a preparation; 2 battalions of 155’s and 1 battalion of 75 , s. Shuler has asked for l/2 hour preparation. He has not yet sent in his request to start. Evidently from the noise, the preparation is on now. This was sent in at 6:37. The liaison officer with the 3rd 'Brigade has just telephoned that he doesn't think there is much danger that the 3rd Brigade don't think there is much danger in the counter-attack on them from the northeast, Theyhad ordered already to send one regiment to that place and if that regiment had already received orders. Have al¬ so received orders to send one battalion to Medeah Farm, un¬ der General Gouraud’s orders, and will reach Medeah Farm at 11:00 o’clock, but yours ought to be there soon, please have orders given to prevent anybody’s giving orders to terfere with the 17th French Regiment cooperating with bhulei. They know what they are doing and are helping us. From: Sink 7 . At: P.C. 1. Date: 4 Oct. 18. Hour: 7 PM. How sent: Runner. To: Snow 11. Send new runners who know where your P.C. is located. Would suggest you move back to old P.C. Be sure to look out for your right flank and get in touch with French. 8:35 P.M., Oct 4, 1918. 3rd Brigade to C.O. 23rd Infantry, You will keep your line in advance of 9th Inf. posi¬ tions. It is not believed necessary to withdraw thru 9th Inf. You will keep entire 23rd Infantry, north of east and west line 282.5. This will be done (To C.O. 23rd Inf.) (Signed) ELY. 8:50 P.M., Oct. 4, 1918. To: C.O. 9th. 23rd were withdrawing to 1st objective of yesternay. My orders move them back to positions occupied before 2.00 P.M. today. Do not let them pass back through your regi¬ ment. You will remain on line explained to Capt, MacLider tonight with rear Bn. on yesterdays 1st objective the same as before H hour today. There is to be no withdrawal hacx o line held at noon today. Understand clearly that tne 3-. r . has been ordered to move forward any troops have with¬ drawn thru you and that you will occupy approximately your old positions of noon today, FLY-C ommanding. U»S. ARMY FIELD ME SSAGE. How sent. ~ Runner. From: Shop 6 At : Sink's P.C. Date: 4 Oct 18. Hour 23:10 To : Shop 1. , _ ~ The front line for tonight will be snort o, the one fur- nished to you. It is indicated on tne accompanying sr.etc y avy line with the cross hatching. In general it fol- he railroad. _. , , ink 7 requests harassing fire just before dayli Lt on Areas A,B & C in addition to those already furnished also during night on all but A,E & C. the he lows t rj. O. Douglas. P.c. 3rd Brig. 4 Oct. C.O. 9th Inf. No time indicated. Oct. 4, 1918. In absence of C.O. 9th (temporary) the Adjutant, Capt. MacNider is authorized to give orders in name of Brig. Comdr. concerning movements of 9th Inf. H.E. ELY No time indicated, Oct. 4, 1918, U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. From: At: Date: To: Capt, Plattner Colonel Arrold just reported that French are in place and the 2nd Engineers have relieved him. There is friendly artillery to your front - don’t fire into them. Our line is far to your front - you’ll have a very pretty fight before anything gets to you. MacNider. A.M. Oct, 5, 1918 1;55 A.M., Oct, 5, 1918. To: 3rd Brigade. Friendly artillery firing directly into us. 155-s are doing great ham. 10 casualties already. Green and red rochets have no effect. They are not observed. STONE-Colonel. 2:20 A.M., Oct. o f 1918, To: 3rd Brigade, Report new P.C. No. 7, coordinates 266.80 - 281.60. This is out of my sector but not far distant, from P.C. 36. Change was necessary in order that I have a place where I can light a candle in view of possibility of working tonight. Request approval of change. Have ordered 3rd Bn, 9th Inf, to report to P.C. 9th Inf, Everything O.K. Have telephone here. STONE-Colonel. 4:50 A.M., Oct. 5, 1918, 1st En. 9th to C.O, 9th Inf. 1st Bn. short on ammunition. Other 2 Ens received all of it (2nd & 3rd) last night. Our casualties are now nearer 50/& percent. This is for your information. Captain A.A. PLATNER-Lt. Ives-Adjt. 7:50 A.M., Oct. 5, 1918. To 4th Brigade: Col. Myers call Major Hall, 3rd Brigade, notifying him of location of engineer tools. Major Hall stated he knew all about it, - A Oct. b, 1918. 9:05 A.Li. October 5,1918-- From General Ely. General Lejeune: We are not go inf: to do anything. We said to regulate the advance by them- that is, we are going after they are actually there. You got to get it yourself when you find them there- by liaison. Let rue know. 1 know it. We are not going to, just until they have cone up and passed, actually there, and physically there. 1 don’t expect them to do anything except if they go on ahead to keep regulated with them. That is all. Don’t involve anything more than keeping up with them. We don’t expect anything more from you, until they are actually there. We are not going to give any "H" hour un¬ less we have to advance to keep with those peojjle. That is all we are going to do. They said we did the trick; they said we forced the retreat of the whole German army east of Reims, I have got a copy of his order here. We did it. Did you hear about the little business on the left this morning? See the words '‘Blanc Mont” - the hill on the left of the line, under the word “Blanc-it looks like a “t” just to the west of the flank and southwest of the flank, the Boche have come in around the flank east, night before last, and they were in there in bunches. They were shooting up the left of the line* the rear, Feland’s back and everything else. They shot all over the map in SOMME-PY. October 5th, 1918. 9:20 am. To 3rd Brig. Our left elements reports objectives obtained alter hard fighting and severe losses. Right element has not obtained objective but reports progress. Left element in liaison with marines. Ten companies now engaged.. STOLE - Colonel. October 5th, 1918. 9:30 am. To 3rd Brig. Your message regarding advance just received. Present position of line: 1st Bn. on objective east and west road 283.4. This is left element. Then digging in. Right element exact locality can’t be made out from reports but is slightly in rear of left. STOLE - Colonel. From: C.G. 3rd Brigade At : P.C. Hill 208 Date: 5 Oct 18 Hour: 9:4o A.M, To : C.O. 9th Inf. F.O. 38, 2nd DIV. enclosed. Brigade: Right Medeah Fme (excl) Machault (inclusive) Left: a parallel line about l£ Km to north west through 6 340 , Twenty Third Inf will lead; Sth Inf in support. Orders given 23rd Inf will direct them to advance North until they are on sector. Then conform to sector limits. We will not be ordered to advance until French are up on right and left. No. 35 How sent: McLider Sector limits 3rd Ely - Comdg. « Oct 5, 1918. .LI. 10:00 A.M., Oct. 5, 1918. To: C.O. 23rd Inf. F.O. 38, 2nd Div. sent you, H hour later. Sector limits 3rd Brigade; Right Medeah Fme (excl) Marchault in¬ clusive, left limit a parallel line about 1 3/8 km west thru point 63.40. 23rd Inf. will attempt today to edge over on proper sector before H hour if this can be done without fighting. In case this cannot be done without fighting the advance at H hour Will be north for 23rd Inf. until on sector, then conform to sector limits as given above. Marines have been notified of a possible shift to left by you, so that they can move over and cover their proper sector. Gen. Lejeune informs me that H hour will probably not be given; that it will not be given until French are well up on in advance in both right and left flanks, V/e will not be ordered to advance until they are up. "H" hour will probably never come but try to edge over to right today to get on sector. Artillery firing on you was French battery. Was located and stopped. Our artillery was not firing on you. ELY - Comdg. 10:40 A.M., Oct. 5, 1918. To: 3rd Brigade. Have directed 3rd Bn, 9th to support and protect my right flank. My 1st and 2nd Bns are now on the line in¬ dicated on map; east and west road 283.3. Bftey are con¬ solidating and are in touch with Marines. Bp not know exact extent of line. Have sent for same. ^wo ^o's of 3rd Bn. have been sent to reinforce 1st Bn. who suffered heavily. Other two ^o’s. of 3rd Bn. total strength 100 men- are held at P.C. Telephoned. Watson this morning about litter bearers and he promised to send some. None have re¬ ported. Need same badly. Stone-Colonel. 11:02 A.m., Oct. 5, 1918. Strongly urge that 4th M.G. Bn, be sent to me. H.G. Co’s, with me badly disrupted. Organization c f regiment going well but all companies much reduced in strength. Stone-0 q 1onel. 12**12 P.M., Oct 5, 1918. phone Message Brom General Bly to g 2 . You just sent Watson dov/n here with the sketch showing where the Marines and your line is also. I will fix that "H" hour now to everyone’s satisfaction. 1 he French on the left of the Marines have now reached the front and they are in liaison. Marines called up and said that the French had advanced up with them and pushed up ahead. S a i$ they had better begin passing through the 6th as they didn’t want to be lelt behind. I told them to do it. said they had liaison with the French on the left, and the 3rd on the right, and will maintain that liaison, but to keep that liaison with the 3rd. 12:15 P.M., Oct, 5, 1913. Tel. Mess, received 'ey G-3 from Gen. Ely. What is the situation? Have you found anything about your line yet? One regiment reported about 50 and a Bn 60 but he does not believe it. The Regimental Surgeon 9th inf. estimates 40$. Without water, without chow and dead on the feet. 265.1 - 283-5 extending along railroad a little south of east following the northern branch coming back toward Medeah Farm a direct line from the 1st point I gave you toward Medeah. Have you seen anything of the French on your right? U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE From; C.G, 3rd Brigade* At: p.C. 208 How sent Date: 5 Oct. 18 Hour 12:25 No. 37 Runner To: C.O. 9th The French on our left are up. The French on our right attacked at 11:00 Pm* No news from them. The 6th Marines are now passing through 5th Marines, keeping up wi French. We will not advance until French are up and going on our right. To Col. Arnold - For compliance with order lor patroi at once. By order of col. Stuart. push out patrols to N.E. (northeast) to determine resistance. Boche is pulling out. Keep connection with French on right. Ely 1:45 P.M., Oct 5, 1918. Note - 3rd Brigade. Art. fire reported short 23rd Infantry. 75 shellcase found. Liaison Officer notified Surprise A* 2:45 P.M., Oct. 5, 1918. Message to Genl. Ely. You know, don T t you, about that French Division on your right being repulsed this morning. The General wants Ely to be told about that again to keep m mind the fact that they are not advancing over there and close liaison with them will keep you acquainted with the situation, but you want to keep an eye on that flank. P.M. Oct. 5, 1918. 2 ;50 p.M. , Oct, 5, 1918. To: 3rd Brigade. A 8c B Co’s Divisional M.G. Bn. reported. A Go. assigned to cover right of Brigade Sector toward Medeah Pme. A 11 out 1 km. S. of Brigade P.C. B Co. ordered to renort to 9th infantry 3:05 P.M., Oct. 5, 1918. Message from Gen. Ely to Artillery thru C.O. 15th F.A. 3rd Brigade line extends from 1 kilometer southeast of ot Etienne, southeast to Me dean Farm (Railroad) . 3:40 P ,M. , Oct. 5, 1918. Message from Genl . Ely to 2nd P.A. Brigade. 3rd Brig line extends 1 kilo southeast of St. Etienne southeast of Medeah Farm (Railroad). 4:01 P.M. » Oct. 5, 1913. To : C.O. 23rd Inf. Report from 2nd piv. at 3:45 P.M. states that French are in ST. 3TIENNE- We know that French patrol (cavalry) and armored cars have been in that village. Make sure that Marines know where your front line is so that they will not shoot your front line up. (hy phone) SINK 11 6:05 p.M., Oct. 5, 1913. To : 3rd Brigade. A rechecking that there was a they read 265.80 of the coordinates of this P.C. indicates slight error in the first figures, corrected - 281.40. We have no scale and have to estimate the tenths ST0N1 Colonel U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. From: Douglas Date: Oct. 5 Hour 19h To: C.O. 15th .rines reported in St. Etienne also reported driven out of St. Etienne by friendly artillery. 23rd will shift his left a little to the SOUTH-EAST* Sink 7 asks suspension of all fire on Anea B. Douglas. rec »d. 7 :15 p.l 1 , Ail • 7:15 P,M., Oct. 5, 1918. Telephone message to G-3 from Gen. Ely» Have been fired on by friendly Ant. at 1:45 and at 6:25 resulting in several casualties at point 266.- - This has been previously checked in 2nd D-tv, and again and if true, evidently coming from Div * on The matter has been taken up with them. later checked our left. P , M. Oct. 5, 1918. 7 :2b P.M., Oct. 5, 1918. Note, 23rd Infantry. Firing again on P.C. 23rd. Gen’l, Bowley notified personally By Gen’l. Ely. Bone of the above firing was done by 15th F.A. or attached troops. 9:30 P.m., Oct. 5, 1918. Note, 23rd Infantry. Rec’d. instr. to cooperate with sister in clearing out woods. Shooting up marines. instr, from Col. Myers. Gen’l. Ely has conversation with him. 10:00 P.M. Talk to Colonel Ellis reference above. 10:30 p »M, 9apt. martin returned and have location of woods. Colonel Stone notified to see Colonel Lee, 6th marines to complete arrangements, 1 : - No time indicated October 5, 1918, Oct. 5, 1918. memo, for Col Stone: Please to new P.C. send someone at old P.C. to guide Hall-Adjt our runners Oct. 5, 1918. U.S. ARmY FIELD MESSAGE From: At: Date ; To; Major Hall. I sent a copy of the Herald over earlier this even¬ ing, it seems the runner didn’t find you- Gen. Ely asked for the paper. macNider. Oct. 5, 1918. To: c.O. 9th Inf. You will advance your line to North edge reaching to east and west of line 282.2 without artillery preparation and your connection with French is 237.9 - 283.0. They will connect with 23rd on right and send them 1 Bn. if necessary. ELY-Commanding, A.m. Oct. 6, 1913. 2:10 A.m., Oct. 6, 1918. Note, 3rd Brigade. Col. Stone telephoned saying all arrangements made except Art. which was being arranged for. 5:50 A.m., Oct. 6, 1918. From C.G. 3rd Brig, to G-o. The 23rd Inf. has just phoned and say that they have no litter bearers. That all they sent back yesterday did not return. I will attend to that right away. I will send them this morning, - A *11 4 Oct. 6 , 1913 4 prom: Shuler At: P.C, t)ate: 6 Oct. Hour 7:35 H ow sent phone. To: Site Last reports they have crossed through and got the 2nd line hut there is a hell of a nest in the woods, the center of which is 265.6*283.6 (Shule r told to put Stoked oh thife) Shuler phoned to Brig. 7:55 a*M. 8:06 A. II., Oct. 6 1 1918. 3rd Brigade* (By phone). Is 9th itof* instructed to reinforce ne if necessary? Un¬ able to gain contact with them last night. Have an officer out looking for them now. Two Bns. now erigaged. Strong M.G* and heavy artillery on right flank. Stone - colonel (Replied) 9th ordered to move up on right to connect with you. They will move forward to Line East and Wfest 282.7. 10:23 A,M.-» Oct. 6 f 1913. Message from 23rd Inf. to C.G., 3rd Brigade, 9:50 A.-M. Left element, which is the 1st battalion reports objective obtained after hard fighting and severe losses. The right element has not obtained objective, but report's progress. Left element' in liaison with 4th Brigade. 10 companies now engaged. Stone. Message from Stone, 23rd infantry to C.G. 3rd Brigade, Your message regarding advance just received, present position left battalion on objective - east and west road 283.4. This is left element. They are digging in. Right element exact locality can’t be made out from reports, out is slightly in rear of left. Stone. 10:25 A.M., Oct. 6, 1918. Message from 23rd infantry to C.G. 3rd Brigade. 9:50 A.M. repeated to 0-3, Left element which is the 1st Bn* reports objective obtained after hard fighting and severe losses, The right has not obtained objective, but reports progress.- Leit element in liaison with 4th Brigade. 10 companies now engaged.- U.S. ARMY FIELD essag: From:- DOUGLAS At: SHUCKS P.C. Date: Oct.- 6, 1918. Hour 10:30 How sent Runner To: c.-O. 15th F.A. Copy of message just received from C.O. 2^»rd inf Douglas , A »-M. Quote From C.-O. 23rd inf. 6-10-18, 9 :.o0 To; C.G. 3rd inf. Brigade. Your message regarding advance just received, present position of line: 1st Bn on objective - vest road 283*4. This is left element. n hey are digging ir . }ight element - exact locality can’t [t is slightly in rear of left. it * OU be made out from reports STOLE Col. A. M Oct, 6, 1918 u.s. army field message. From: Douglas At . : Sink's P.C, Date: 6 Oct» 18 Hour: 10:30 How sent: Runner To : C.O. 15th F.A. Copy of message just received from C.O. of 23rd Inf . __ Douglas quote "From C 0 23rd Inf 6-10-18, 9120 A.M. to C.G. 3rd Brigade. Our left element, 1st Bn, reports objective obtained after hard fighting and severe losses. Right element has not attained objective, but reports progress. Left’ element in liaison with Marines Ten companies now engaged. Stone Col. U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. 15th F.A. From: Douglas Rec’d by 11:05 At : Sink's P.C. Date: 6 Oct. 18 Hour 11:00 How sent: Runner To : C.O. 15th F.A. A map just received from Col. Stone shows the present position of the 23rd to be along the ST. ETIENNE - ORFEUIL road, left limit meridian 266, right limit meridian 267. Sink 7 says that this line will be held and that you may use it as a basis for defensive barrage. DOUGLAS 11:55 A.M., Oct. 6, 1918. Note, 3rd Brigade. Phoned G-3 reference line of observation and contact with Marines and 9th left and right respectively and report 50 % casualties 23rd - none 9th. P. M. Oct. 6, 1918. 12:45 P.M., Oct. 6, 1916. C.O, 23rd P.C. to C.G. 3rd Brigade, Personal report of C.O. 2nd Bn, (A Bn.) confirms line indicated on man covering our sector with liaison established with Karines on left and with 9th Inf, on right rear. Line of observation 300 meters North of road. He has his right slightly refused, present situation entirely satisfactory. Stone. Estimate casualties 50$. 12:50 P.M., Oct. 6, 1918. Note, 3rd Brigade, MacNider says on phone that no casualties that he knows of and Liaison with 23rd on left and French on right point 267.9- 282.9 established. I I P . iVl . Oct. 6, 1918 . 2:00 P.jul. , Oct . S , 1918 . To: C.O, 23rd Inf. Send the following personnel to these Headquarters as soon as possible, per Bn, 1 Officer and 1 B.C.O. making in all 3 officers and 3 H C 0’s. These are to be sent here to be sent back to Civ. Hq . by trucks from these hdqrs. to guide troops to your front line tonight. Send experienced officers who will not lose way. This imperative that these men reach here as soon as possible. You can arrange for company guides at such points as you desire. ELY - Comdg. memo for col. Stone - please send some one at old P.C. to guide our runners to new P.C. Hall - Adjt. 2 ;!5 p.jji. , Oct. 6 , 1918 . 3rd Brigade. 2:15 P.m. to Snow and Same - Send 1 officer and 1 NCO from each Bn. to report to these Hdqrs, as soon as possible to be sent back in trucks as guides to Brig, passing thru. 3:10 P.m., Oct. 6, 1918. Note, 3rd Brigade. Col. Stone’s P.C. 266.8 - 281.6 moved out of old P.C. to above. Bn, of 9th Inf. placed at Col. Stone’s disposal. 3;10 P.m., Oct. 6, 1918, Note, 3rd Brigade. Artillery again falling short on 23rd. 3:20 P.m,, Oct. 6, 1918. Note., Hq., 3rd Brigade. Gen’l. Ely phoned Gen j l. Lejeune asking him to in¬ struct Gen’l, Bov/ley to stop firing short as killing many men. - Gen’l. Lejeune aays pull back to original 1st position back to ridge. Leave men of our Brig, in front line tonight, and relieving brigade will pass thru. 5 :50 , oct . 6 , 1918 . C.G., 3rd Brigade. (note) The 23rd infantry has just phoned and says he has no litter bearers . That all he sent back yesterday did not return, I will attend to that right away. I will send them t o him this morning. . ■ • « . • Oct, 6, 1918. T) .C *±u. • U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. From: Lt. palmer At; P.C. 23d infantry. Kow cent Date: Oct. 6 Hour 6:50 P.m» Messenger To: Lt. Douglas P.C. 3rd Brigade, at 3:30 P.m. Friendly artillery struck our second line from 266.4 to 266.3 - direction of fire about v/est 70° - cal¬ iber 75 mm* See chart furnished Col. Davis showing the first or scout line and the second or main line. The scout or dotted line on that chart is the front line and the solid or main line is the second. It was on this second line that the friendly shots fell short, The Marines also received some of these shots in their front line - three officers and five men being wounded. Palme r (Reverse) Lt. Douglas P.C. 3d Brigade . 6:45 P.m., Oct. 6, 1918. Note, Hq., 3rd Brigade. The General commanding the relieving Brigade arrived at our P.C. 7;30 P.m., Oct. 6, 1918. Note, Ha., 3rd Brigade. Found out that of guides sent out in accordance with operations Memo #21 only marines arrived. Ours sent in truck and not yet located. P.M. Oct. 6 , 1918 . 11:25 p*Diu , Oct * 5, 1918 . Note* Hq . , 3rd Brigade. Gen’l. Lejeune says some of our own friends will come up tonight and pass on thru. We stay here in support. No time indicated. Oct. 6 , 1918. message from C.G.* 3rd Brigade to C.O. 23rd infantry. 9 th has just been ordered to advance to east and west line - 282.0 and connect with French reported to be at 268.0 - 282.8. They have been ordered to send a battalion to vour support if you need it. You can call upon it direct. Let"me know present position of your line and what objectlve^ has been pointed out,to you. Do not advance ey g on the east and west line - 222.3, unless yo flank in French are up on your right. Do not get your right flank the air* Oct* 6 , 1918 i from stone * 23rd infantry* to C*G*> 3rd Brigade. Message Your message regarding advance just retieIVed. ^sent position, left battalion ott objective - m and wefet road oo <2 4 This is 3 eft element* They are digbitb in * §. 1+ . element ex^ct locality can't be made oUt from reports, but is slightly in rear of left* STONE. A * M« 1:55 A.M. Note, 3rd Brigade. Snow says "Nothing yet." Oct. 7, 1918 , 1:55 A.M. # Oct. 7, 1918. 3rd Brigade. From Same 1 (phone) Happy day arrived 1;00 A.M. 3:10 A.M. , Oct. 7 # 1918. Note, 3rd Brigade. 10 and Insp. Gen'l. 36th Div . came by said Go’s on road north of SOmMB-PY. Ho told them where yO find tacui. 142nd .if ied was 6 th lost - marines 3:55 A.m., Oct. 7, 1918. Note, Hq., 3rd Brigade. Reported Happy Day to Surprise. « * "•>1 /-• / 7 . - A. M. Oct. 7, 1918. October 7th, 1918. 5:12 AM. Note: Hdqrs. 3rd Brig. Lt. Campbell to SinI: 11 reports everything 0. K. 10.00 A.L, Oct. 7, 1918, To C. G, 71st Brig, C.G. } f‘ I P .M. Oct . 9 , 1918 . Refd to G.0. 142 French & report Ely 20:45. From: C.G. 3rd Brigade. At : p.C. 208 Hill. Date; 9 Oct. 18. Hour; 8:00 p.M. No. 38. How sent. To ; C.G. 3rd Brigade {142 inf?) Runner. Lieut. Heinrich Brandes 368 Regt. infantry (Boche) reported yesterday that his watch and personal property including a wedding ring was taken from him "by a soldier of your Brigade probably from 142 Regt. It is suggested that the regimental commander be required to trace & re¬ turn the same, as personal property of no military value. Ely. p .M. Oct. 24, 1918. 2:00 p .M. Oct. 24, SECRET . Memo for Cii. of Staff. Have just heard from Maj . Smith, an Asst. G-3 of 5’ Corps that we are expected to move tonight to the area we are finally going to occupy. He gate me a copy of the order of 1’ Army (extract of so much as applies to 2’ Div. herewith) and said the elements of 2 T Div. would move out of this area (LES ISLETTE3 areas) as fast as they arrived & that orders would reach them. Under these instructions the 9’ Inf, will move tonight fe the 23rd & M.G. Bn. to¬ morrow. Have sent Maj, Hall back with Smith to Corps Hdqrs. to see if they cannot delay movement of 9' Inf. to¬ night to give them a chance to get socks & then the Bri¬ gade as a unit could move tomorrow, It appears that the 1st Corps has this area & Hall & Smith will also stop en route at 1 ? Corps Hdqrs, to see if the delay can be made, I am sending now 1 officer from each regt. & the M.G. Bn. by side car to reconnoitre the route to final area, The distance there & return is over 50 (fifty) Kilometres & they can hardly get back before 8:00 P.M. tonight 8c then only if not delayed. No other guides for 9 1 Inf, can be sent as they would not get back in time to be of use. The above for your information as I do not think they will send you a copy of the order until you get up here. This is going by Lt. Mulcahy who has stopped here 8c is re¬ turning at once to Div. Hdqrs. Van H. X. • ' / Oct. 28, 1918. U.S. ARMY FIELD HESSAGE 4 From: Sink #1 At : P. C. Date: Oct 28 Hour: To : Snov/ #1 1 . I believe all the men of your regiment are now under cover of woods. If not, have them all get in woods. If kitchens and wagons are in open camouflage if practic¬ able and have meals carried to men in woods. Avoid congregating in open & have all men go in woods or remain quiet on edge if any Boche Airplanes appears 2. Mumps and measles have appeared in other regiment of this Brigade '’(Same)'* 9 cases reported. Have you had any cases in new replacements of your regiment. Take all precautionary measures. Have your new men mix as little as possible with old men and avoid unnecessary contact v/ith new men of other Regt. Van H P. M. Oct. 31, 1918. U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. From: 3’ Brig. 165 Inf* At : P.C. # (Old P.C. of Date: 31 Oct. Hour: 6.22 P.M. No. 1. To : Chief of Staff. Memo. No. 9 Received - Will remain at until 3.00 A.M, Nov. 1 st then move to my second P.C. at Hill 263 in company v/ith C.O. 23 Inf., who will also have his P.C. there for the jump off and until LONDRE ET ST. GEORGES is taken. I will remain there also until same time in order to get information quickly to you and will go from there to my next P.C. at SOMMER AN CE. No P.C. decided upon after that. Will let you soon as decided. Everything so far has gone nicely and indications from every standpoint most satisfactory. The above in so far as location of P.C. is concerned changes my.F.O. No 42. Please notify G-3. Van Horn I A. II. Nov 1, 1918. Telephone received 2:30 A*11. by G-3 from C.O. 3rd Brig¬ ade. Nov 1st. 3rd Brigade in place. Telephone message received 4:10 A.M. Nov. 1st from C.O, 3rd Brigade by G-3. I an at OXEN (Hill 263). C.O. 23rd Inf. is with me here. We have one telephone. Everything is O.K. so far. Telephone message received 6:25 A.M, Nov. 1st from Comm¬ ander 3rd Brigade by G-3. Sent from P.C. on Hill 263. No report yet. Impossible to see on account of dense smoke. Believe everything going well. Hdq. 3rd Brigade from 23rd Inf. 7.00 A.M. Nov 1. Passing Landres St. Georges, Barrage very fine. Following it close. Everything going well. Enemy art¬ illery fire light, mainly large calibre. 7:53 A.M, Telephone message from C.O. 3rd Brigade to G-3. Nov 1. Colonel Leach, 151st Artillery Commander right sub¬ sector says that his observer was xvith the leading line for 1-1/2 kilometers, and that they followed the barrage well, A wounded man also stated that things are going well, and men followed the barrage closely. Enemy machine gun nests encountered but all are being reduced. At 8:00 A.M., 3rd Brigade moves P.C. to SQMMERANCE. 23rd Infantry moves P.C, to northwest corner of Boi3 de Chatillon. From 23rd Inf. to Hdq. 3rd Brigade. Nov 1. At 8.30 A.M. Report this battalion has reached its 1st objective and is following its orders so as to follow the 4th Brig¬ ade and join division reserve. We captured about 230 prisoners at Landres St. George, together with a number of machine guns and 2 trench mortars. Tanks have not yet reached this battalion. (signed ) SANE. 23rd Infantry has had no direct message from their right attacking battalion, but a runner from the 1st (Cont’d next page.) D A. M. Nov 1, 1918. (Cont’d from last page.) Battalion said that the 3rd Battalion was abreast of the 1st battalion when he left. The P.C. of the 23rd Inf., will move forward as the troops advance. Telephone message received from Adjutant 3rd Brigade at 9:03 A.M. Nov 1st. Received by G-3. Am moving P.C. from SQMMERANCE to LANDRES ST. GEORGES. No definite reports from front line but things seem to be going well. Many prisoners, 9th Infantry has passed St. George. Front line must have advanced beyond 1st objective for this to be true. ( signed.) Howell. Notify 4th Brigade of Change of P.C. - Notified by Capt. Steel:. Telephone message 11:30 A.M. From G-2, 3rd Brigade to G-3, 2nd Div. Nov 1, 1918. Message from I. 0. 3rd Brigade that 2 German pris¬ oners were brought to their P.C* at about 11:15 A.M., having walked back from the place where they were captured, just northeast of BAYONVILLE-et-CHENNSRY. Line going forward well at that place. Hdqrs. 3rd Brigade. 01.6-88.5 (li Kil, N. of Landres et St. George Nov. 1 Hour: 11:30 A.M. No. 2 Chief of Staff From this hill I can personally see two batches of Boche who are coming down road jr Kil. N.W. of Landrev.-lle. also troops scattered to on eastern edge of ?roods 1 Kil. E. of Sirry-les Buzancy. One small body, 50 men, there in column look like prisoners. Rear echelon of 9th Inf reserve about ^ Kil. W. of here. Forv/ard echelon is to the north of road running east from Imecourt to Landre- ville. Have temporarily located my P.C, Have no commun¬ ication by wire. Expect here soon. Anl sending ^his by runner to Landry et St George thence by horse to xirst wire. Will move to Landreville shortly. Second objective appears to be taken at this time at least as far as the line due slightly to West of north from here is concerned. Van Horn .from At Date To P.M. Nov 1, 1918. REPORT FROM SINK 6. 12:15 P.M. Nov. 1st, 1918. G-3 Prisoners reported passing in south east of Bayon- ville et Chenery. Our troops in Landreville at 10:45 A.M. Progress favorable, everything going well. Communication with liaison officer of the 23rd Infantry reports that one battalion of the 23rd reached first objective at 8:30 the other at 9:05. 23rd Infantry has captured 8 77mm guns m the Bois Hazois. Nov 1, 1910. P. M. From: Hdqrs. 3rd Brigade. At : i Kil. South Landreville Date: Nov 1 Hour: 12:15 P.M, No. 2 To : Chief of Staff Twenty Third Inf took all obj ective on time. Are now formed just 3. of Landreville, I -will take them for¬ ward in reserve, keeping abreast of 9 Inf on their left. Rear echelon 9 n Inf. west of Landreville. Notify G-3. Van Horn. Telephone message received 2:30 P.M. Nov. 1st oy G-3 frora Hq. 3rd Brigade. I have established my P.C. at this place. Working (telephoning) over 23rd Infantry wire, <.3rd Infantry mov¬ ing forward and keeping abreast of our echeloned 9th Infantry, which has passed over the crest ol nose half a kilometer west of here. The two leading battalions ol the 23rd Infantry will gain ground and catch up with and parallel the" corresponding columns of the 9th Infantry. Leading echelon sesn about 1 kilometer in- rear of east element of 5th Marines. No message from front but every¬ thing appears to be going smoothly. Estimated casualties 23rd Infantrv of 2 battalion engaged from 5 to 8 %. Very few Boche dead seen. Two or three captured guns here. Only two battalion of 23rd infantry used in the attack. Very little gun fire from enemy in this locality, Nothing falling here for over half an hour. _ 9th Inf antry.reports hardly any losses. Expect to move P.C. to Bayonville et Chennery shortly. Notify G-3. (signed) Van Horn. U.3. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. From: 6th marines At : CHENNERY Date: 1 Nov Hour: 5 PM No, 1 To : Col. Van Horn Our P.C, here. Lee will come up later. Our ing bn. has orders to exploit to exploitation line a know. Will let you know anything I hear from them. HOLCOMB. 6:15 P.M., Nov 1, 1918. Telephone message frora Adj. Brig, to C. of S, lead- s you 3rd From C.O. leading battalion of the 9th: ^ Am sending a platoon end 2 machine guns to clean out and establish themselves’in the woods east of Sivry les Buzancy. ve have been receiving machine gun fire from that direc lon so probably the troops on the left have been drawn back slightly. Will investigate and report immediately.-. A. M. Nov. 2, 1910. U.G. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. From: C.O. £th Marines At : P.C. Chennery Date: 2 Nov. 10 Hour: 6,45 am How sent: Runner To : All concerned (1st, 2nd, 3rd Bn., Brig. 23rd Inf.) Stowell, The 23rd Inf, will relieve the 5th and 6th Marines at an hour November 2, 1910, to be designated later. The object of this relief is the advance of the 23rd Inf. through our present front line to the exploitation line. The 00th Div, is now attacking on our left within their sector prescribed for yesterday. The 6th Regt, will, upon relief by 23rd Inf. change direction of the support and reserve Bns. facing the west and covering the woods to the northeast of SIVRY-les-BUZANCY. Formation of the Bns. will be that for attack - two Cos. 1st line and 2 in local support. This formation must be taken up east of the line of the western limit of our sub-sector as prescribed for yesterday’s advance. In order that the barrage of the advancing 80th Div. may not fall upon our men, and in order that this may be made sure, Bn. Comdrs. must be most careful to locate their front lines when the new formation is taken up, to insure safety to their troops. The leading Bn., 2nd Bn, (Williams) and the combat liaison force under Major Stowell, after the pass¬ age of the 23d Inf. will maintain their present positions in order to cover the ground to the west insofar as their present formation permits; Major Stowell may, if deemed advisable for safety, withdraw his line to the east only to a sufficient distance to insure safety from the barr¬ age of the advancing 80th Div, In the new disposition ordered above the 1st Bn. (Barker) will cover the sector south from FERME des PARADES to the road just south of the 94th ’’X” line, and the 3rd Bn. (Shuler) from that point south to MAIMY. The C.O, of the 2nd Bn. will, as soon as practic¬ able send to the P.C. of the 23rd Inf. Regiment, located in BAYONVILLE-et-CHENNERY, one guide from each platoon, one guide from each company, and one from each platoon of M.G. Co. of Bn., under charge of an officer, who will complete the details of the relief. Upon completion of relief, further orders will be issued. All patrols operating in the front will be recalled in time for the relief and information gained will be turned over to the C.O. 23rd Inf. LEE. Message written on leaf from note book, 2nd Nov. 18 Nouart - 11 45 A.M. Dear Van Horn Am sending you a M.G. officer with horse & mtd orderly. Pinch his horse & send me information by the messenger. Are you in shape to move forward - Are you in touch with Gtone? Where is he? Do you want artillery support? Artillery is in position 1 Kilometer north of Nouart - Give them your target & its coordinates if you want Art support Rhea 1. M. Bo v 191*3. 1:20 P.M. Nov, 2, 1918, Telephone message from Adj. 3rd Brig* to G-3. Right battalion of 23rd is in position on Corps ob¬ jective. The last battalion of the 23rd is moving up. Reserves now moving up. It is believed the relief will be completed shortly after 14 hours. Arrangements being made to take over sector now held by right battalion of 23rd Infantry by 9th Infantry, so that arrangements will be from right to left: 9th Infantry - 23rd Infantry. There will be no movement forward from Corps objec¬ tive today, with the exception of the usual patrols. 1:45 P.M. November 2, 191*3. Telephone message from Lia¬ ison Officer of Surprise at Sink, First and 2nd Battalions of same are now immediately in rear of front line Battalion of Sister. The 3rd Bat¬ talion of same 500 yards in rear of junction of 1st and 2nd Battalions of same, ho movement now going on beyond 3rd objective. Snow has not moved as yet. Message Center. 2:30 P.M. Bov. 2nd. Field Message from 2nd Div. Liaison Officer at P. Cl 3rd Brig. 1 P.M. to message center. 1st and 2nd battalions of 23rd Inf, now immediately in rear of 5th and 6th Regiments on 3rd Objective. 3rd Battalion of 23rd Inf. now 500 yards in re a r of junction of 1st and 2nd bat. of 23rd Inf. Hq. 2nd F.A. Brigade, Bov, 2nd ’18. 3:05 P.M. Telephone message from Sink 1 to Surprise 3. "What were expected to do? A-sked him whether he un¬ derstood what we were doing. Front line at Corps objective. Marines had patrols in front of that last night out with¬ drew them to pull of the plan to the left. Brigade com¬ mander wants to hold that line so has an established l ine to enable him to put over a barrage tomorrow, vve too... over on Corps objective. Is it satisfactory? Surprise 3 said it was". Asked for Division order.” Also said: c3rd Inf. on left. Can we get 4th M,G. Bn? We are putting Com¬ pany on each flank as liaison and would like to send one machine gun company with them. Asked Col, Myers to come up as phone connection very poor and our car out of order. Col. Rhea gave verbal orders to Regimental Commanders to move forward nights of 2-3d November to heights on l^.ne o exploitation as Boche had pulled out. They are to move to heights and hold until morning. ' P. M. Nov. 2, 1918.. 3:50 P.M. Nov 2, 1918. Prom C.O. 3rd Brig, to G-3, 2nd Div. The Karines were to the corps objective, and had patrols to the front, they pulled their line back last night in order to form up for their attack to the left. The line was practically the Corps objective. Y/hen he took the line over today he put it on the Corps objective in order that he v/ould be able to have a line he could put a barrage on. G-3 6:25 P.M. November 2, 1918. Telephone message from Surprise Liaison Officer at 3rd Brigade to Message Center. Keports 3rd Brigade is on Objective and will push forward tonight to the line of Exploitation. U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. From: Douglas Date: 2 Nov. 1918 Hour: 19.30 To : C.O., 15th F.A. 9th Infantry and 23rd Infantry have been.ordered to advance tonight to heights beyond NOUART - FOSSE and to take up advance at dawn from that line as enemy is reported to be in full retreat. These orders were verbal. They were to start advance at 16h00. I have your PC here in good shape for you. Wire to 1st Bn already in. DOUGLAS (9th Inf in right sub-sector) 8:00 P.M, November 2, 1918. Telephone message from Liais¬ on Officer attached to 3rd Brigade to 2nd Div. Leading Battalion of 3rd Brigade will pass through 4th Brigade on the Corps Objective at 20 hours to the high ground beyond 4th Brigade sector and remain there. They expect to organize for further pursuit at day-break. A. M. Nov. 3, 1918. From: C.O. 3rd Brigade At : FOSSE Date; 3 Nov. 18 Hour: 2:45 No. 8 To : C.O. 5th Marines We will attack pushing to northern edge of Bois de BELVAL thence to parallel (about) 05.0. Request that you follow closely. We attack at 2:45 Carry out.- Rhea Col. Comdg. By comd Gen Neville Ellis V f) v a ; 'f; A. M. Nov 3, 1918. U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. From: C.O. 9 Inf. At : l£ Kil. S.W. of Nouart Date: Nov 3 Hour: 7 10 A.M. No. 1 To : C.O. 3* Brigade Reports indicate 9th Inf. jumped off on time, all going well about 70 prisoners have passed Regt P.C. Am moving forward Message Center will be established at Road Junction i K.W. of Nouart. Van Horn 7:30 A.M. Nov. 3, 1918. Telephone message from Adj. 3rd Brigade to G-3. Have no report yet. Report which comes from our advance message center given by the operator himself: No firing can be heard in front. .Very few wounded coming in. About 100 prisoners have passed him (message center; The advance message center is on the Corps abjective. There are 50 prisoners there now, including 15 that went through this morning. All of these were captured between the Exploitation Line and the Corps Objective, I think everything is going along all right. Where is the 9th Infantry. - Just below the rise of the Exploitation Line, and the 23rd are along the Exploitation Line too. From At Date To Same 1 Posse 3-Nov-10 Sink 1 Hour: 8-00 A.M. No. 1 How sent: Runner My P.C. in Fosse. No written reports from Bns. but everything seems to be going as per schedule. . Prisoners coming back in small groups. oo iar. 70 Prisoners 4 _ 77» s Casualties light, 5 horses mostly from shell fire. Stone Col. (Reverse) C.G. 3rd Brig. Telephone message received 8:05 A.M. Nov. 3rd from Adj. 3rd Brigade by G-3. Message of NOUART at 9th Infantry 70 prisoners from C.O. 9th Inf., l£ kilometers southwest 7:10 A.M. C.O. 3rd Brigade report indicates lumped off on time and going well. About passed regimental P.C. Am moving forward. (Cont’d next page; A. M. Nov. 3, 1918 (Cont’d from last page.) Message Center will be established on road junction ^ kilometer west of Nouart. U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. From: C.O. 9th Inf At : Road Fork West one half Kilometer from NOUART Date: 3 Nov 18 Hour: 8:10 A M No. 2 How sent: To : C G 3rd Brigade Runner leading (1st Bn) advancing without resistance with right flank on road fork one Kilometer North of NOUART. liaison with 554th Inf on right and 23rd Inf on left. Held up temporarily by heavy Artillery firing short. NO signs of casualties. Van Horn Col Telephonic Report from 2nd F. A. Brigade transmitting message from Sink, 8:15 A.M., Nov 3. Prisoner captured this morning makes following statement: He was .sent back from a point 18 to 20 kilometers in the rear to see why the Germans were retreating. Parties of retreating troops passed him at points 6 or 7 kilometers behind, where he was taken. He is positive that there are no reserves behind our lines to a depth of 18 to 20 kilometers. U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. From: C.O. 9th Inf At : Crossroads one half (-§•) Kilometre West of NOUART Date: 3 Nov 18 Hour: 8-30 A.M. No. 3 How sent: To : C G 3rd Brigade Runner leading Bn now eight (8) O'clock advancing north of road LA FOUNTAIKE on CRANCY FERME-LE CHAMPY HAUT. Very slight resistance casualties slight Van Horn Col U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. From: C.O, 9th Inf. At : Crossroads one half (jr) Kilometres West of NOUART on NOUART-FOSSE road Date: 3 Nov 18 Hour: 8:30 A.M, No. 4 How sent: To : C.G. 3rd Brigade Runner and Telephone leading (First) Bn now advancing north of road LA FOUNTAINS on CRANCY FERME-LE CHAMPY HAUT. Very slight resistance Casualties slight. liaison right and left Van Horn Col. A. M. Nov. 3, 1918. From: G. 2 3rd Brigade At : P.C. Fosse Date: 11/3/18 Hour: 8,50 A.M. To : Third Brigade I am at 23rd Inf. P.C. in Fosse. Line not defin¬ itely known but presumed to be 2 Kilometers in advance. Col. Stone has sent out patrols to find exact location of line. Marines are passing through here now. Very little shelling. Will remain here for a while, Hoads are in bad shape. Joseph A. Molloy, 1st Lieut 3rd Brigade Get this in to G. 2 Div if possible. 3 November, 1918. 8:55 A,M. \ Referring to message regarding statement of captur¬ ed prisoner received Sink this morning at 8:15. Addit¬ ional information has been gotten from Sink by phone which establishes the fact that this prisoner was captured one and one half kilos south west of Nouart. From that we deduct that this prisoner was passed by retreating troops at point 7 kilos north of that point. The prisoner is on his way here and will be further questioned when he arrives. Message received by phone from Sink 11 at 8:55 A.M. from C.O. 9th Infantry at road fork one half kilo west of Nouart to C.O. 3rd Brigade at 8:10 A.M. the leading battalion is advancing without resistance. (Line cut and message unfinished.) From Sink 11 at 9:00 A.M. Col. Rhea has gone for¬ ward to establish advance P.C. Hall remaining at Bayon- ville. G-2. From: G. 2 3rd Brigade At : P.C. 23rd Inf Fosse Date: 11/3/18 Hour: 9 A.M. To : 3rd Brigade Following message just received from 2nd Bn 23rd Inf. “2nd Bn in column reported at 8:15 A.M.located at 302.7-299.7 They report the leading Bn. meeting slight resistance Machine Guns & Artillery Progress reported very favorable with no casualties. Joseph A. Molloy 1st Lieut 3rd Brigade U.S. ARMY FIELD MES SAGE. From: C.O. 9th Inf At : Crossroads one half Kilometre West of NOUART Date: 3 Nov 18 Hour: 9-20 A.M. How sent: Runner To : C.G. 3rd Brig. (Cont'd next page.) . - A. M. Nov. 3, 1910. (Cont’d from last page.) Objective reached about eight fifteen (0-15 A.M.) hours. Moving P.C. to LA FONTAINE AU CRONCQ, FERME one kilometre west of LE CHAMPY HAUT via NOUART-LE CHAMPY HAUT road. Van Horn Col Message from 23rd Inf. 9:32 A.M. , Nov 3., relayed through 3rd Brig, to G-3, received 12:30 P.M. Report 1st battalion have reached objective. 3rd Battalion in rear of 2nd Bn. No -casualties in 3rd Batt¬ alion. 5th Machine Gun Company failed to advance with us. U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. From: P.C. Opposite Magenta Farm At : 9.45 Hours Date: Nov. 3 To : C.O. 9" Inf- Your messages rec’d. Glad you are on objective. few minutes. Congratulations. Get discussion last Am coming up m a organized for further advance as per our night. Rhea Roads at 10:10 A.M., Nov 3. Message to C.G. 2nd Div., from Adj. 3rd Brig, who received same from 1.0. 3rd Brig. I am at 23rd P.C. in Fosse. The line is not defin¬ itely known, but presumed to be 2 kilometers in advance. Colonel Stone has sent out patrols to find exact location of line. Marines are passing through here now. very little shelling. Will remain here for a while. are in bad shape, o _ From 1.0. 3rd Brigade at P.C. 23rd mf. Fosse 9:00 A.M. to 3rd Brigade. Follovring message just received from 2nd bn., Inf. 2nd,, bn., in column. Reported at 8:15 A.M. ion 302/7 - 299.7. They report the leadingbn., meeting slight resistance from machine guns and artillery, progress moderately favorable. There are no casualties. Note from Col, Rhea: Ask Division Headquarters to send the Division M.G. Bn., to us when they get their cars. Also they must rush signal lines up to us from division. 3rd Brigade signal officers had to move forward. e . the 4th Brigade to back us up. and show them the^e me^s 23rd Locat- ages, use. Division P.C. must move up We are about on our forward objective now. C.O. 9th Inf: Road fork 5:20 A.M. to C.G. 3rd Brig. Objective reached at 8:15 La Fontaine au Croncq Farm, Haut by wav of Nouart. if they want to be of ve now kilometer west of Nouart, one A.M. Moving P.C. up to kilo, west of Le Champy From Col. Rhea 9:30 A.M ., advance P.C. to 2nd Div. My advanced elements on the day’s objective at 8.00 o’clock. Reserve passing exploitation line at •-■ ; • * e (Cont’d next page. ) t im e. A. M. Nov. 3, 1918. (Cont’d from last page.) Send me motorcycles on axis of liaison. About 10Q pris¬ oners passed here. Casualties light. Tell division to move up to advance P.C. and send us a car and a motor¬ cycle side car. Field message received 10:15 A.M, Nov 3rd from Ma j. Hall (3rd Brig,) to 2nd Division, Message received from C,0, 23rd Inf. at Fosse 8:10 ■A.M. to C.G, 3rd Brig. Everything seems to be going as scheduled. My P.C, is in Fosse. Prisoners coming back in small groups. Prisoners up to date - 70 pris¬ oners - 77’s, and 5 horses. Casualties very light, . mostly by shell fire. (signed) Stone. This is a message which came from the C.O, at road fork west -g- kilometer from Nouart at 8:00 A.M. Leading battalion or 1st battalion, advancing with¬ out resistance with right flank on road fork 1 kilometer north of Nouart. Liaison with 354 Infantry oh right * with 23d on left. Held up temporarily by our heavy art¬ illery falling short. Nouart being heavily shelled. No signs of casualties. (signed) Van Horn. From C.O, 9th Inf, at same cross-roads as above 8:30 A.M. The leading or 1st battalion now advancing north on road La Fontaine - Croncq Farm - La Champy Haut road. Very slight resistance. Casualties light. Liaison on right and left established. (signed) Van Horn. From C.O,9th Infantry at same cross-roads as above 8:30 A.M. to C.G. 3rd Brigade. Leading battalion now at 8:00 A.M. advancing north on road La Fontaine - Croncq Farm - La Champy Haut Road. Very slight resistance. Casualties light. U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. From: C.O. 9' Inf. At : Crossroads Farm one Champy Haut. (i) Kilometer west Date: Nov 3 Hour: 10:15 No. , 4 To: C.O. 3rd Brigade Are still on objective-Heights running N„W. from Le Champy Haut. Heavy machine gun fire from edge of woods to north - appears to be lessening at present. It is reported we are out of touch with Same, Company has been sent to left flank to regain liaison. Everything going well. Van Horn 10:30 A.M. Nov 3. Messages from 3rd Brigade to G-3, Fosse. 8:25 A.M. C.O. 23rd Inf. Fosse, at 8:25 A.M. to C.G. 3rd Brig. Capt. Dean, who mopped up Fosse reports a few enemy in town. 8 prisoners taken. 5 horses and one anti tank gun. He reports leading battalion jumped off (Cont’d next page.) I i' I A M A • X-j. p Nov. 3, 1918. (Cont t d. from last page). on time; others in proper place. Have no report direct from front line as yet. U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. From: C.O. 9th Inf At : FERME LA FONTAINE AU CRONCQ 305.1-99,3 Date: 3 Nov 18 Hour: 10:35 A.M. How sent: Radio To : C G 3rd Brigade Heavy machine gun and minnenwerfer lire from southern edge BOIS d* BELVAL. Request artilleryf j L re dislodge them. Our present line 304.5-300,5 305.O-30U 306.7-299,7 Casualties increasing from heavy enemy fire. Van Horn Col Telephone message received 10:40 A.M. Nov. 3rd relayed by 3rd Brigade to 2nd Div. 9th Infantry reports leading battalion at 8:00 A.M.. advancing without resistance, right flank at road fork 1 kilometer north of Nouart. Liaison on right and leif* Held up for a short time by our artillery. No sign oi casualties. Nouart being shelled heavily. U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. From: C.O. 9th Inf At : FERME LA FONTAINE AU CRONCQ, 05.1-99.3 Date: 3 Nov 18 Hour: 10:45 AM How sent: Radio To : C.G. 3rd Brigade. Request Artillery fire on Southern edge woods my sector along east and west line 301 SNOW ONE U. S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE, From At Date To Same 1 23rd Inf. P.C. Fosse 3-Nov-18 Hour: 10-45 A.M. How sent: Sink 1 Sent Div 12 noon Runner Have received report from front line battalion. Objective gained and Captain Thompson is consolida g line indicated on map. Captain Thompson reports stiff resistance devel oping. He has asked for (2) two companies from support ba11alion, ^ / or? o He has captured 150 to 200 prisoners, “ other material not counted. «*■* A.M. Nov. 3, 1918. U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. C.O. 9th Inf FERMS LA FONTAINE AU CRONCQ, 3 Nov 18 Hour: 11-13 A.M. Hoy; sent: C G 3rd Brigade Runner From: At : Date. To : We need machine gun ammunition and retaliative artillery on woods and batteries to our fron • We are receiving heavy artillery and machine gun fire from woods directly north of us line 301. Van Horn Message from 23rd Inf. P.C. at Posse 11:30 A.M. relayed to G-3. Received 12:29 noon lov. 3. Latest report from 9th Infantry indicates front line -17 - 016- 030 - 014, 04.0 - 01.2. Report* heavy shelling on front lines. No reports received from ^3rd Inf. Give this to G-2 if possible. E ip . (signed) Nalloy, 3rd Brig. Telephone message from 23rd La Fontaine received by G-3 through 3rd Brig. Inf. 11:30 A.M. at Ferme 12:28 noon Nov. 3. Relayed We need machine heavy artillery and north of us along li vun ammunition. We are receiving Infantry fire from woods strictly ne 301. . (signed) Van riorn. Note Artillery has this inf ormation. Rhea. P. M. Nov. 3, 1918. ^^TiSLrnElffcer^I^t^fnfanlL'ohSB^gade 106 at Farm Fontaine Croncq, Heavy machine gun immediate front. Our 305.5 - 305.7 - 299.7. fire increasing. and ninnenwerfer lire ^ resent line - 304.5 - ° 00 * " Casualties very heavy, enmy (signed) Van Horn, U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. From: C.O. 9’ Inf. At P.C. 400 Yds S, Date: Nov 3 Hour: 1 To : C.O. 3rd Brigad Have requested of La Fontaine au Croncq Feme. 2:15 P.: of Bois de Belval m my * f “ positions unknown coming from there.^ Artillery , _ _ bo th reC onnaiss dropping many shells^nemj- Airplanes , troopg _ 0 f (Cont’d next page.) ance and harassing (Confd from last page.) P.M. Nov. 3, 1918. them brought down by us. We are still holding Nose runn¬ ing N.W, of Le Champy Haut, Cannot send patrols over nose or to woods without very heavy loss. We should not advance without aid of much artillery on woods. Have asked for it by every method without result. Think McNider finally got Art. Motorcycle & have hopes he will get in touch with Art. Machine gun ammunition badly need¬ ed. Must have some if we are to advance. Can see troops on my left occupying woody Knoll about l£ Kil West of here* Number of casualties not known as unable to evac¬ uate wounded from hill under this heavy fire* Will hold on to present position and await orders. My P.C. remains here. Van Horn Message received by 3rd Brigade this noon and telephone to G-3 12:25 noon, Nov, 3. Received report from front line battalion 10:45 objective gained and Capt. Thompson is consolidating. Capt. Thompson reports stiff resistance developing. He has asked for 2 companies from support. Have captured from 200 to 250 prisoners, 4 - 77's and other material. My P.C. remains in POSSE. Just received following from C.O, 1st Battalion. "Objective gained 9:00 A*M. Strong opposition, must have artillery. Artillery fire 100 meters to my front and being heavily shelled. Will push out patrols as soon as I overcome resistance. Both flanks in the air. Enemy retreating.on flank. ( signed) Thompson. Telephone message from 3rd Brigade to G-3, 1:30 P.M. Nov. 3. Sink 6 reports that they are on objective and that they are going to push forward to the heights on the far edge of the woods. They had been receiving some machine gun and artillery fire but had brought their own artillery up and had silenced it. They were not in liaison with troops on their left. Sink 1 advises G-3 that their artillery should move forward as the German Artillery is retreating, artillery should proceed by way of NOUART, roads oeing better. U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. From: 3 Brig. P.C. At : FOSSE Date: Nov 3 Hour: 13:45 To : C.O. 15th F.A. Artillery will keep up fire on your immediate front until 14:30 hours (2:30) at which time each reg’t will pass a battalion through & advance via roads thru forest to high grounds on North edge of woods. form¬ ations will go on road in broken columns, A battery artillery will follow leading batts. Artillery wil (Cont’d next page;. P. M. Nov. 3, 1918. (Cont’d from last page.) support the advance by a rolling barrage covering the roads & 200 yds on each side of road up to the object¬ ive, moving forward 100 meters in 4 minutes. M.G. ammunition is coming up - also motorized (4") M.G. Bn. When you reach objective reach out & connect with Stones left and dig in sending patrols to front of woods towards Beaumont. The Marines follow closely your limits are marked on map. Congratulations. (sig) Rhea At FOSSE Headquarters 3rd Brigade, November 3, 1918. 13.45 P.M. To C . 0 . 9th Infantry. Artillery will keep up fire on your immediate front until 14.30 hours (2:30; at which hour each regiment will pass a battalion through and advance via roads through forest to high ground at north edge of woods. formations will go on roads - broken columns - a battery of artill¬ ery will follow leading battalions. Artillery will support the advance with a rolling barrage covering the roads to 200 yards on each side of road up^to the objective, moving forward 100 meters each four minutes. Machine gun ammunition is coming up, also motorized ( M.G. Battalion). When you reach objective reach out ana connect with Stone's left, dig in sending patro s o front of v/oods towards to BEAUMONT. The Marines follow closely. Your limits are marked on map. Congratulations, (Signed) RHEA COPY NOTE: ^ . The above is a copy of the order issued d y oie 3rd Brigade to its two regiments in front line. -ou will carry out your mission as support to the 23rd Iniantry following them at the distance prescribed, "keeping . la ^ with the”23rd Infantry and by relays through battalions to this P.C. in your rear. You will be particular in your attentions to flank protection and maintain combat liaison to the right and left. LEE COPY for c.o. 1st Bn., c.o. 2nd Bn., c.o. 3rd Bn., From: C.O. 3rd Brigade At : Fosse Date: 3 Nov. 18 Hour: To : C.O. 6th Marines The third Brigade attacks to take the v/oods o our north at 2.45. Objective about parallel Oo.J. Request you follow closely to support if necessary. 1 Rhea Col. Comdg. F. M. Nov. 3, 1918, Telephone message 3:35 P.M. Nov. 3rd by G-3. received from Adjutant 3rd Brigade, From Col. Rhea at 13:45 hours at FO SSE to Chief of Staf Artillery will keep up fire on our immediate i " r0 ^ until 14:30 at which time each regiment oi this Brigade will send a battalion through and advance via road t..rough BOIS BELVAL(?) on high ground on our north on north cage of woods. Formations will go on road in broxen columns. A battery of Artillery will follow each leading batta - ion. Artillery will support the advance with a rolling barrage, covering the roads at 200 yds on ^ach side up to the objective. Moving forward at rate of 400 meters per 4 minutes. When we reach the oojective, liaison will be established on both flanks. It will be maintained, as at present with the Marines. I request that the Marines be directed to follow us closely in or. er support us, if necessary. From: At Date To U.S. ARMY FIELD JIESSACxE. C.O. 9th Inf. LA FONTAINE AU CR0NC9 FERME 3 Nov 18 Hour: 3:^0 P.M. No. 10 How sent. C.G. 3rd Brigade Runner Message directing advance thru forest received at 2-25 P.M. Advance guard now moving out delay - artillery falling short on our lines. Battery is o This valley being very heavily shelled. Casualties estimated^ d ^ rected that leading Bn take up line and get liaison with Stone on objective. Korn QJf Col. From To Date 3d Brigade Liaison Officer with 159th Brig, 3d Brigade Adjutant 11 -3-18 Time 7:20 Pm Via Runner Location of leading Bns. indicated on aap herewith. Bn of Right Regt. meeting severe machine gun pp from Vaux and hill to So. west. , -rpq+pd One Bn from each regt. of Brigade has been in vicinity of Buzancy all day and is moving up tonigh to relieve present front line Bns and resura ^.conn- in morning. Tomorrows advance wj.11 icg ■ ' &ach aissance detail of Cavalry operating in front of each bn ' Impossible to secure more specific location of their present front. Callan 2nd Lt. USMC. t P* M. Nov, 3, 1918. U, 3. ARMY FIELD LF-SSAGS. From: Lt. Molloy ^ No Coj^y At : Bellvue Fme F.C, Date: 11/3/18 Hour: 7.25 P.M, How sent: Runner To : Surprise 6 Everything seems to oe O.H. Ho information received from forward units as yet. dill get it back to you as soon as possible, Can you tell rue anything about units on our flanks. Enemy seems to oe in Full retreat. Some artillery fire but not very heavy, neen trying to get you on telephone. 9th Inf. Intell Report enclosed. 23rd has sent theirs in. Tell G.3. J. A. Molloy, 1st Lt, 3rd Brigade (On reverse side) G 2 2nd Div. Ho time indicated Nov. 3, 1918* U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. From: C.O. 9th Inf At : LA FONTAINE AU CRONCQ, FERME Date: 3 Nov 18 No. 9 How sent: Runner To : C G 3rd Brigade Machine gun and artillery fire still coming from woods in our front We could advance ^and occupy northern edge of woods east of BOIS du SOMHANTHE (Map- BUZANCY SPECIAL) this afternoon in my opinion. Object¬ ive would be eight (8) kilometres from here and we would not reach it before midnight. Believe however it can be done. If done the division on left should advance as far as SOMMAUTH with detachment holding roa fork one and half (1-g-) Kilometres North. We could take and hold edge of woods three lo) Kilometres South of BEAUMONT. Enemy is holding a •* MONT wholly occupying the line of high ground one and half (li) kilometres south, Will await instructions this point. 23rd reports itself on our left occupying objective. Van Horn Onl A.M. Nov. 4, 1918. U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. No. 2 Sent by X61 hn Received by W 95 From: Sink Six At : P.C. Bellevue Date: 4-11*18 Hour: 7.35 am How sent: To : Surprise Three Line runs through 3720 5809 4582 2869 5519 1841 farm. Sig cr Check 20 Radio 3378 1543 Joseph Molloy 1st Lt. 3rd Brig. A. M. Nov. 4, 1916. U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. From: C.O. 3rd Brig- At : La Forge Fme. Date: 4 Nov. 16 Hour: 6-30 A.M. No. 3 How sent: To . C.O. 9th Inf- Runner The orders given Ma j. McNider last night hold good. That is, the line Beaumont and ridge south east must be taken and consolidated and patrols sent to reconnoiter river crossings. The 23rd is corning up on your left so get liaison with them. The Artillery has been ordered to play on Beaumont & trenches to -^astj it will be ordered to lift and when it does so you may begin your attack. xteport progress to me here. Rhea From: Maj . Martin At : La Forge Fme. Date: 4 Nov Hour: 10.15 A.M. How sent: Runner To : C.O. 4th Marines Fosition 3rd Brig, as given by Col. van Korn to Col. Rhea. Bn. 23rd Beausijour Fme to La Tuilerie Fme Bn 9th From La Tuilerie Fme to 1 1/3 kilo. East. Bn 23rd approximately 304.3-305.2 x 304.95-305.4. Bn 23rd approximately 304.5-304.7 x 505.3-o04.7. Bn 9th Inf. 305.7-305.35 x 306.4-305.35. Bn 9th Inf approx¬ imately 306.1-304.6 x 306.6-304.6. 1 Bn Marines (,3th) reported about 305.2-304.6 x 305,6-304,6, Other -£>ns. of 6th were moving up. Motorized M.G’s. almost to La Forge Fme. ^ Artillery now to shell spur of woods extending east in 37 Square and N.E. part of woods in oC square, Also woods in 77 Square and roads leading out of Beau¬ mont above the East and. West line. Col. Rhea plans to get on heights extending from Mausolee S.E. in direction of Fme de Beaulieu. ^ Artillery preparation to cease at 11.oO A.m. P.C. Rhea to La Forge Fme. Col. Rhea requests Marines push up. 4th Brig. Martin. P T,;f • i»i • Nov. 4, 1916. Message to C.G. Col. Beene. 3rd Brig 1:15 P.M. Nov. 4th sent by Message of 11:10 received. Gen. Lejeune has called on you since you wrote it. Regarding rations G-l, not in phone connection but rations are expected at Bavon- ville. Small arms ammunition has been delivered at Fosse and Nouart (report of Col Rifenberick) by truck wheie your combat wagons should refill. Only small amoan at oresent. Rations and ammunition can be deliverer on y slowly. Corps Commander has. promised all assistance. Have asked G-l for report on situation. 5 ambulances are enroute to you, and Maj. Derby is coming to you now. Congratulations on move thru woods. P . M. Nov. 4, 1918. From! At : Date : To t Lt. C.L. Flanagan, La Forge Farm tfdqrs 3rd Brigade 4 Nov 18 Hour: 4:10 P;m. By: C.O. Harold, Foot messenger via Harper. Have no runners. This message is going indirect jyiust have runners at once. At 10 A.M. today 3rd Brigade line reached from V5169 thence east to V6268, thence southeast to V7262. C.O. of this brigade however thinks Beaumont evacuated by enemy. Tonight this brigade wi 1 send patrols to Meuse R. 3 Brigade P»C. located at La Forge Farm at V 4129 - • Lt. Flanagan. U. S i ARi'iiY FIELD MESSAGE * From At Date To C.O. 3d Brig La Forge Fme 4 Nov. *18 Hour: C .0*. 9 , C.O. 23d, 19-30 No. 9 15 F.A. 2d Div. up on It is reported that the 80th Div. is coming our left. The marines are coming on our right. This Brigade will advance its line tonight 4/ Sept to ridge extending from Beaumont to system of trenches about 2 KmS.E, of Beaumont (both inclusive). From 23:00 hours until 23:30 hours artillery will play heavily on the objective and sensitive _points near objective. At 23.30 2 Bns of the 23d Inf will be in position to occupy the objective and will do so when the prelimary bombardment ceases. The C n n ° ® 23d will take position in support to protect tne r g* flank. Beaumont will not be mopped up before daybreak, at that time at least one company will be sent in to mop up the town. If circumstances seem favorable the town, of LETANNE will also be mopped up at d ^reak. position sketches will be sent m as soon a p " nt The 9th Inf will remain in. reserve in. its present position. r Rhea Colonel, Coind* g. G—3 2nd Division (B) G-3 2nd Division ( On reverse ;ide) No time indicated Nov. 4, 1918. U. S. ARmY FIELD MESSAGE From At Date To C .0 . 3rd Brig La Forge Fme 4 Nov 18 No. G-3, 2nd Div 5 How sent: Tel We have a strong position-through Tuiierie Fme Am attacking toward Beaumont - pt. Gauclron R - » oan take and hold the position, ord Brigade well t hand, leading units of 4tn m close suppo • ® 4th Bn. 15th Art. in positron at La Forge Fme.^th ui.G. Bn. in reserve at Bois de cour . . with 89th at les Champy Bos and with 80th at Vaux. The divisions should be pushed up on our PI troops near Sowauthe, especially, should be taken. Ourtroops can continue the advance or Wn£t%”f ft ) No time indicated Nov. 4, 1918. (Cont T d from last page.) left if general situation demands. Our troops were fed last night and our ration wagons & rolling kitchens got up. If you can keep rations and ammunition coming to . us the division can continue the advance. Suggest action pushing up divisions on our right & left & that you move your own artillery forward* We need more wire and rations for Brigade Headquarters & headquarters detachment - 80 men* Give us idea of general situation. Have phone through to this place which is P.C* Brigade and 9th & 23rd. Will move P.C’s. to La Tuilerie Pme as soon as we get wire. Request more activity of our air people in order that boche may not get observation on our situation. Too much cannot be said in praise of these two regiments o Infantry who made their advance through this forest during the night surprising the boche in their bivouacs and gun positions . If we had not taken enemy by surprise in this way it would nave required many days of lighting to have gained this ground, as the roads are line machine guns and and artillery. 80th is apparently attacking Sommauthe as there is machine gun fire and artillery from that direction. Rush ambulances and doctors and medical supplies us ( On reverse side) P.C. 2" Div. Fosse. A. M. Nov, 5, 1918. •Hq. 2nd F.A. Brigade. Nov 5 - 12:00 midnight. Sink 1 phoned surprise 1 it is already to move and going good. U. S. ARmY field message• From: Adjt 3rd Brigade. .At : P.C. Beau Sejour Fme. Date: 5 Nov. Hour: 3.00 To : Maj. mcNider The man who I am sending down was found m mont in French uniform, civilian clothes underneath and insufficient Am sending him back to G-2. ^Tht you have prisoners going back, or any means of e b him, shoot him along with this note. Telephone message from 3rd Brigade to G-3, -nd Dii Nov. 5th, 5:45 A.ii. Believe all Inf., on heights entered yet. Wil taken today. objectives taken. Left battalion, 23r east of Beaumont* Town has not been 1 be entered at daylight 40 prisoners .rV • ImL • Nov. 5, 1918. No of message: 4509 From: 5th Corps - Capt. Wylie - phone. Dated: 5 Nov. 1918. Rec’ d: 8:35 II. Front line of 3rd Brigade just south of PETITE FORET FERiiiE* The line extends a kilometer East and West of that point. Orders have Been given to advance during night and early morning to 3EAUmONT, patrols ordered to river - 4th Brigade now going into position on out ngnt. Patrols toward POUILLY and INOP. and GAULmAN Wood, combat liaison on both flanks. Heavy artillery and machine gun fire on our positions and artillery fire in woods in rear of our division. During day, enemy observation planes very active. Urgent request that anti-aircraft guns be sent well forward. message from SINK to 2nd Div. Hour 9.45 Am Nov. 5th 10th Div., pns s- the New identifications: 398th Pegt., oners captured in BEAUmONT this morning stated mat 47th Pegt. and the 6th Grenadier Pegt. of the same div¬ ision were in line; where they had been 1 day. Tdey ia orders to hold the line from YONCQ, to BEAUmONT. ihey stated that the bridges across the river were intact. G-2. PSmAPKS: -By G-2. Record in our office show this with the 19th German Army, prisoner Oct♦ 27th near CLEmEBY south of mSTZ division in line s having been taken on prom At Date To Lt. C.L. Flanagan, with Handley. Le Tuilerie V 5457 Nov 5th Hour: 11:30 a.m. By: C.O. Harold. (phone) 3rd Bdg. front line at 8:00 a.m. today extended from north east corner of Beaumont south east woods to^ north side of trenches. North east ol E01 “ A ' u ,.. e being sent to Letanne, and south along mease runners please send four. patrols river. are Have no Flanagan. 1st Lt. P .iii. Nov. 5, 1918. 12: Noon, November 5, 1918. From Lt ♦ parsons Brigade, to G-3, 2nd Division. at 3rd the Just have information that the eastern boundary 1st Corps has been changed to the line. of VAUX (inclusive) Hill 275, west o (Exclusive). - la BAGNOLLE (Exclusive) - f YONCQ, (exclusive) - mouzon (Cont’d next page). P. M. Nov. 5, 1918. (Cont’d from last page.) This information comes to us from the Adjutant of the Brigade on our left. He received this information from the Chief of Staff, 80th Division. Will you find out if you have that same information? The troops have not "been ordered back. 5th, 1918. Telephone message from 3rd 5:30 P.M. , Nov. Brig, to 6-3. Reports that some Boche avions released two pigeons and thev lit on the barn near the P.C. and men from t 3rd Brigade, thinking they, were Boche pigeons,^shot them, They found on the pigeons the following message. From: Rodman, Lakewood 6 to G-2, 5th Corps. q On the Buzancy Baucourt road, near the crossroads in a clearing in the Bois Sommauthe (Indefinite, Have no map of this territory). As near a our troops are being held out of Beaumont by strong machine eun resistance. They are out of the ™ods and but I can learn, gun - on the ridges southwest of the town, ualties due to machine guns. Little Can map be sent to G-2, P.C, Wright. I have located a good site for an 0. Considerable cas- artillery activity. 14:30 hours. Rodman. P. PHONE MESSAGE FROM SINK 1 TO 2ND DIV: Effective strength of Third (3rd) Infantry Brigade. Officers M e n We need the following men, Officers (2nd Lts.) Men The following machine gun 93 3075 excluding machine gunners: 120 4000 personnel is needed. Officers (2nd Lts)(Mach¬ ine Gun Officers) Men, trained in machine gun, 22 600 Sink 1 is d replacements be in need of them, call Sink 11. esirous that a telegram asking for above sent to-night as the Brigade is *adly If any further information is neeaea, Received by R E L. at 7:05 P. M. Nov. 5th, 1918, from Sink 11. A. M• Nov. 6, 1918. 8:30 A.M., Nov. 6th, 1918. Tel. Message from 3rd Brig. (Adj) to G-3. The troops are in position as ordered. The 1st Division reported on their left at 7 O’clock. Very little resistance met by us. Telephone message to 3rd Brigade 9:40 A.M., Nfv. 6th sent by G-3. C.G. directs that patrols from 9th Infantry that went out to bridges in square 79 and 60, protect these bridges. Get this word forward to C.O. 3rd Brigade or his Adjutant at once. U»S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. From: C*0. 3rd Brigade At : Beaumont Date: 6 Nov. 18 Hour: 11.00 No. 1 How sent: To : C.O. 9th Runner A message from Surprise says that reports indicate an enemy withdrawal from right bank of the Meuse. You will take immediate steps to ascertain the truth in respect to this matter, making such patrols o,s may be necessary. Report will be made to these Hq. Are there bridges across the river? Rhea U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. From: C.O. 9th Inf. At : Beaumont Date: Nov. 6 Hour: 11.10 A.M, No. 1 To : C.O. 3’ Brigade Only report from front on bridges state that "Culvert and locks” destroyed . Have officer making investigation now I imagine that only destroyed Iocks will be found and no bridges. If men can get over will send patrols across as directed Van H p.M. Nov. 6, 1918. Message from Sink 6 received 4.00 P.M. by G-3. 6, 1918. Estimate of Stores captured by 3rd Brigade. 9th Infantry reports, 4 - 77’s Guns, 8 Minnen- werfers, 40 Heavy machine guns, Large amount of ammun¬ ition and shells (not counted), 1-5 Passenger auto. 23rd Infantry. 15 - 77’s Guns, 10 Trench mortars, 175 Light machine guns, 75 Heavy machine guns, 4 Anti Tank Rifles, 3 Engineer dumps (material not countea;, 1 Depot of Hospital Supplies, 10 Dynamos and Engines 200,000 to 300,000 rounds M.G. ammunition, Large number of 77 - 105 - 150 shells, 11 Horses, 4 Wagons, ( Cent ’ cl next page. ) Nov, 6, 1918. P. M. (Cont’d from last page.) Large quantities of material captured at POSSE - BEAUMONT (not sorted) includes stores and L'ETANNE. No time indicated Nov. 6, 1918. Hdq. 3rd Brig. November 6th, 1918. 2. Will stay here and await further orders. This messenger will return to me. 23rd Inf. to 3rd Brigade, Nov. 6, 1918. P.C. 23rd and Infantry: LA TU1LERIE EAKM. Battalions of 23rd Infantry are as follows: 2nd Battalion in woods - center of Square 77'. 3rd Battalion disposed, with one platoon at 1 rest of battalion in trenches and woods at BOib a la VACHE. nTiiniTTTTT P.C. 3rd Battalion - Farm de BEAULIEU, 1st Battalion of 23rd Infantry is in support between Farm de Beaulieu and La Tuliere Farm, Note: Hdqrs. 3rd Brigade. Nov. 6, 1918 The 15th E. A. (75's) approximate positions south¬ west of BEAUMOHT-LAEEUVILLE road, in square v The 12th F. A. ( 75* s ) vicinity of Farm de Belle Tous. 1 Battalion, 17th F. A. (155's) near the we it of Beaumont, , , P.C. 15th F.A. with 3rd Brigade. P,C. 12th F.A.with 4th Brigade. Division Machine Gun Battalion position BEAUMONT. east of HEADQUARTERS SECOND DIVISION (REGULAR) AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES. France, 6 November, 1918. Message to 3rd and 4th Brigades. Reports indicate that the enemy has withdrawn from the east bank of the MEUSE in our front, or at least^ his positions there are very weakly held. Jh Commander directs that you take immediate steps to ascertain the truth in respect to this villi’ advantLe prompt report about his lines. You will se iz- of any opportunity to establish bridge-heads, and ing position on the other side of the river. HU B. MYERS, Colonel, General Staff Chief of Staff. A. M. Nov. 7, 1918. Field message from 9th Inf. 9:05 Hours Nov. 7th, 1918. to 3rd Brig. M Company at Mouzon, K Company at Villemontry. Both report machine gun fire (long range) along road. A comp¬ any found Lt. and men of 26 Inf. M company found some of the 18th and 26th under 2 Sgts at Mouson. 4 machine guns fired on M company from town. Took up positions along railroad and sample states he is starting to clean snipers out. Several fires reported in the town» Sent chow wagons to both towns under cover of fogi Came under machine gun fire but got there. Both companies have a machine gun platoon. One or tWo machine gun casualties going up. Telephone message from Adj . 3rd Brig. 10:00 A.M, to G-3. Nov. 7> 1918. Mouzon found to be occupied by enemy snipers and machine guns. We are cleaning out Mouzon now. No further information available. P. M. Nov. 7, 1918. U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE, From: 9th Inf. R.I.O. At : BEAUMONT Date: Nov 7 Hour: 3 P.M. No. 1 To : 3rd Brig. P.C. Report on our lines and enemy lines._ Disposition of 9th Regt. same as in report turned in Nov. 6 with exception that 3rd Bn. now has one Co. in VILLEMONTRY and one Co. in MOUZON. The 3rd Bn. still occupies the southern part of the BOIS DU FOND DE LIMO (305.7-310.8) with two companies. Enemy Lines. Enemy appears to be holding when cov permits the eastern bank of the MEUSE RIVER with a series of M.G. nests. One line of M.G’s located about 308.6- 312 to 308-311.5. T „ _ I. R. Parsons 1st Lt. 9th Inf. R.I.O. (On reverse side) 3 Brig. P. C. / - • /. •'; * 1 i P. M Nov. 7, 19IB. November 7, 1918* Tel. Message from Lt. Parsons, at 3rd Brigade to G-3, 2nd Division. Hec’d 5 P.M. I have just returned from PL ABA. The C.G. 4th Brigade was on his way but he did not arrive at 3:45. There were about 300 civilians in town who had been evac uated from towns near SEDAN two or three days ago, The first Americans entered FLABA yesterday morning. A supply Company of the 77th Division saw a good many of the 42nd Division, and ammunition and supply trains going forward on road to west; also met there in i'LABA the reconnaissance officer of the 12th F.A* telephone line not up that far. U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. From: Colonel Khea At I P.C. Beaumont Datei Nov 7 Hour: 5.45 P How sent: Runner To i G-3, 2d Division. Desire you send about 10 copies of General Lejeunes order to me personally. Also please see that I get a newspaper each day. (Sgd) Rhea GRB Comdg 3d Brig, O.K. Steck 7 Nov. (On reverse side) G-3. No time indicated. Nov. 7, 1918, HEADQUARTERS SECOND DIVISION (REGULAR) AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES. France. Nov. 7, 1918. Message to C.O, 3rd Brigade. 1st Division is out of the line. 77th Division extends from near Mouzon to Petite Remilly, establis liaison with the 77th Division in vicinity of Mouzon.^ Report situation regarding snipers and machine gunners found near Mouzon by you. BEEBE: November 7, 1918. Tel. Message from C. 0. 3rd Brigade to G-3. We have had patrols up and down the river today on this side. The right bank is held by machine guns and trench mortars. The trench mortars are tiring on me locks. There are machine gun nests which open up when¬ ever we expose ourselves. , , The right bank does not appear to be strongly held but we cannot cross the river without an organised action. A. M. Nov. 8, 19IB. U.S* ARMY PI ELD MESSAGE. Prom: C.O. 9th Inf At : Beaumont Date’ Nov B Hour I 8.20 No. 1 To : C.G, 3* Brig All quiet casualties one ___ wounds two men killed line last night. Am enclosing report from my outuost Crndr which goes more into detail. ^ I think enemy has evacuated country on. east bank ol Meuse opposite my sector except for a. little artillery and considerable machine guns left behind to annoy and delay. Van Horn Message From I. 0; 3rd Brig, to 2nd Div. Bov B, 19IB. 9:45 a.m. C.O. 3rd Brig, wants ne to call you up and to give instructions to Div. Chaplain to see that the dead are buried in the rear area - Champy-les-Kaut and Belval Bois. He wants the rear area gone over the Division Chaplain and details, and see that the dead there are buried. Understands that the dead are still unburied. p, m* Nov. 8, 19lB. UiS. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE* Prom: Sink 6 At : P.C. Beaumont Date: ll/B/18 Hour: 13 Hrs To : Surprise 6 Little to report, along east Bank of Meuse troops could pass. M.G. Meuse. Enemy Artillery over this place at noon, Civilian. (On reverse side) Surprise 6 Enemy still occupying heights . No Bridges found over which fire and sniping from across not very active. Enemy aviator fired M.G. and wounded French Joseph A, Mo Hoy 1st Lt. 3rd Brigade Report of the situation by a patrol (night of Nov. 7 b) from 3rd Brigade 1:10 P.M. Nov. 8, to C, 01 S. Highway leading into MCUZGN through La FAUBOURG^ from southeast and railway through the passage wao soopp ed by enemy machine gun fire. \7e have worked out to tne west" bridge. 30 men sent from Villemontry through MOUZON to aid in stopping sniping of machine gunners. Fire from right MEUSE bank. There is no indication ox any enemy on left bank as far as 305.7 - 316.0. Dnem., machine gun at 7.B - 15.9; 7.8 - 15.6; 8.1 - • • . Impossible to patrol in daylight. On left bam. of r enemy firing from 7.5 - in hedge at 7.4 - 15.S. 16.0 to 7.6 - 13.5. New works Town shelled heavily aooux (Cont T d next page.) P. M. Nov. 8, 1918. (Cont'd from last page.) 1:10 A.M. 7th Nov. near railroad and cemetery. Artillery fire on enemy opposite of town desired. Hoad from Bois de HOSPICE to VILLSMONTRY continual ly harassed by machine gun fire from right "bank of MEUSE. Civilians in MONTRY in cellars. Runner reports fire^from across river decreased. Still danger of attack of 3ILLEM0NTRY. Patrols have been as far as M0UZ0N. Estimate of situat¬ ion is that enemy, with hill at his back, has prepared for resistance to river crossing at MOUZON. Our patrol last night south of MOUZON found boat and crossed the river; patrolled on other side, ta.lked to French civilians who said Germans were holding^tha vicinity with machine guns. They saw no Boche. xhey ^ returned in the boat and tied it to the west bank, _ lo morning the boat had disappeared. Their assumption is that a Boche patrol had come across in this boat, we nad borrowed the boat, used it, returned it; then the noche came back and returned across the river with the boat. U.S. ARMY FIELD MES SAGE. From: C.O. 9th Inf. At : BEAUMONT. Date: Nov. 8, 1918. Hour: 6:00 P To : C.O. 3rd Brig, Am sending herewith MacNider No. 2 ions at MOUZON. My orders to him were to infiltrate small patrols into Mouson during the night so as to nave about two companies occupying the town oy daylight The 3rd Bn. 9th Inf.(less t ^o) is at his this purpose. This force of two Cos in town able to clean up all M.G, nests and it sent after dark, without much loss. tomorrow, posal for should be into town dis- Van Horn. A. M. Nov. 9, 1918. Telephone message received 10:10 A.M., Nov. 9th, 1918 from C.G. 3rd Brigade. v /e attempted a crossing at MOUZON last night. The bridge is broken in cwo places. On the bridge is a ra P of loose boards. Bridge very brilliantly illuminated by fire from the town and by light from under the bridge. Bridge was covered by machine gun and rifles, firing at very short range. They were unsuccessful m ^ crooo ing. We have given an engineer here a sketch showing condition of the bridge and the approaches to the bridge. He is making a reconnaissance this A.M. witn. a view repairing the bridge. At night Boche nachme S un ° lust as good shooting as day time on the bridge. _ Heavy machine gun fire since daybreak at points POUILLY and north of POUILLY. This is being investig¬ ated now, otherwise all quiet. Artillery fire, no heavy. P. H. Nov. 10, 1918. From: C.O. 3rd Brigade. At : Beaumont. Pate: 10 Nov. 18. Hour 12-40. No. 1. How sent: To : C.O. 9th Inf. Officer. The Marines require help in getting their bridges into place. Col. Rhea directs that you put 2 Cos. at disposal of Capt. Rossell 2nd Engrs for this purpose, and that you support crossing by rille fire from rest of your available men, where necessary. Hall. Maj. Telephone message from 3rd Brigade to G-2. 2:30 P.M., Bov 10, 1918* Our patrols report indications of the enemy reinfor¬ cing his front line positions opposite the Bois de Hospice. 65 Civilians from Villemontry have come to Beaumont. There are about 150 civilians in Le Faubourg. Note: The French Gendarme has been sent forward to take charge of the civilians. A. M. Bov. 11, 1918. From: Adjutant 9th Inf. j\. ^ 0 ct min ont Pate: Nov. 11/18. Hour 4:40 A.M. How sent: Runner. To : Major Hall. Have sent your orders to 1st Bn and a Runner to be stationed at La Sartille Farm with necessary instruct¬ ions. If marines do request support of 1st Bn if you let me know at this place I will send a runner from here and we will get them the information two ways. Capt. ’Mayr. p. M. Hov. 11, 1918. November 11, 1918 - 8:50 P.M., The following telephone message sent to C.G., 4th Brigade and C.O. 3rd Brigade, in compliance with Corps Order. (Also to C.O. md X.A. Brigade). The Commanding General directs that you^send an officer out to vour front lines to stop all x ii mg -a may be going on, He wants that done irrespective oi how many officers have been sent out before. Reports are _ coming in From Marshal Foch that shooting is going on in our front. T T r* U • *• -7 t nr t n tpcq \ n ^ - ; i. Ih-Ll.L/ J..A-LJ k i- i \\J Lj From: C.O. Outpost At: P.C. Reserve. Date: 17 Nov. 18. To: C.O. 3rd Brigade. How sent Runner Cavalrv and Engineers assigned to Advance Guard tms date have not reported as yet. Re contend they not oe sent here tonight as billets not available and have no especial need for their services, tonight, but tnat trie,/ join Advar • Guard at H hour tne eighteenth. /frniY , Patrol sent to right flank (Soutn) returnedat (four thirty n.m.) sixteen hours and thirty minutes laving marcned between thirty and thirty-one, kilometers. Patrol^ leader ■reports he encountered trains 01 column neon -t ' ’ ^ trains having just cleared that town He was ^hle to over¬ take head of column. None of the officers ne couid 1 inu, the route of march or destination of this column. ‘ , r this nature not practicable for infantry. Will sta.t cavalr, on liaison work to both flanks at H hour on tae ei^- ■■_* ’ . No liaison as yet with 4th Brigade. All quiet along the front and outposts stationed as reported. Sketch of outcast ,e Corey. Lt. Col, P .if » [ov . 19 oh , 1918 . 11:55 P • m Nov. 19th, 1918 Telephone message 30 hours, 20th Nov. 1918 The 2nd Div., will march at 7 Column No. 1 via VIRTON - ARLON - EISCHEN. Column No. 2 via ETA1LE - ABLON - OBERPALLEN. Column Ho. 3 Follow column No. 1 at 1 kilometer distance. Touch will he maintained with divisions on either flank ty flank guards marching via THIAUmOHT - TONTvLANGi - SIuHJJJt HALANZY - \vGLKRAiiGE • „c. p h until The line GRSNDSL - AbTELEAS will not be crosoed unti further orders . Outpost line of resistance will Ppd? . at end of the days march on tne general line BONNSRT - AUTELHAUT. A mixed post of ? n \ 7 ?ii\illet south established at AUTELHAUT. Column No. 1, will Lili¬ an east and west line through ARLON and east Column No. 2 will billet north of Column No. will billet west of column No. 1 and east of Divisional Trains to ST. LSGER_ and vicinity, garding security of depth, liaison, etc, p.C.’s of Division and columns No. 1 ana 20:00 hours. p.C. column No. 3 at CIIATILLON. of of 1. Y Same Y line 356. C olumn N o« line 35° orders 2 at ARLON re - by Div. Billeting officer will supervise billeting in ARLON. Repeated by phone to 3 Brig 4 Brig 2nd Engs for C.O. 3rd Col. II 1 Ho time indicated Nov. 20, 1910. U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. From At Date To C.O. Outpost. WALTZING. 20 Nov. 10. How sent: Motorcycle, C.O, 3rd Brig. Outpost disposed as follows: Co. D, 23rd Inf. Liaison company with 4th Brigade at FRESSEIH; Bn. Hq., Co*. A, M.G. Co,, and P.C. at WALTZING. Battery F, 15th F.A., Co. C, 125 Inf,, liaison Company from the 32nd Div., at AUTBLHAUT* _ 0 Co. B, 23rd Inf., Co. A, 2nd Eng., at AUTELdAo. Co. C, 23rd Inf., at WLTLEH. Artillery Bn. 15th F.A. and 15 F.A., f distributed over area occupied by Co’s. B 6c C, 2ord in . Roads radiating from ARLON are covered by cossack posts and double sentry posts. Nothing unusual to report. Sketch herewith. ARLON 1/40000. Corey. Col. A. M. Nov. 21, 1918. U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. From At Date To Sink 6 P.C. Sink Bgde Arlon 11/21/18 Hour: 10.45 A.M. How sent; Surprise 7 Delivered in person Advanced elements vicinity of Saul Column No 1 at this hour in Joseph A. Molloy 1st Lt. 3rd Brigade P. M. Nov. 21, 1918, U.S, ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. From At Date To C.O. Advance Guard. 377.5 - 328.2,EWR'INGEN 1/50000. 21 Nov. 18. Hour: 1:10 p.m. How sent: 3rd Brigade P.C. Motorcycle Approximate location Outpost at -mOO p.m. as follows: Co, A, 9th Inf., at BOWINGEN:. M. G. Co. , 9 th Inf., at GREWENKNAPP: Co. B, 9th Inf., at FINSTERTHAL: t _<™. Co. A, 2nd Eng., Co. C, 9th Inf., at MuRSCH. Co. D, 9th Inf., at GOSSELDINGSN: Bty. F, 15th F.A., at RECKINGEN. For tonight the location will not be altered but a platoon will be sent to a liaison detachment to connect with the 32nd Div. .Corey,. Col. No time indicated Nov. 21, 1018, U.S. ARMY FIELD From: C.O. Outpost. At : P.C. MERSCH. Date: 21 Nov. 18. To : C.O. 3rd Brigade. Report disposition of Outposts as follows: Co : A, 9th Inf., at BOEVANGE, or BOWINGEN in liaison with 1 Bn., M.G. Co., one oo. nngrs. ox t- Brigade. M.G. Co., 9th Inf., at GREVENKNAPP. Co. B, 9th Inf., at EINSTERTHAL. P.C. Hq. 1st Bn., Co. C, 9th Inf., Co. A, 2nd Eng., Hq, 2nd Bn., Co’s I, L, M, 9th Inf., at kERoC.i. Bty. F, 15th E.A., Co. K, 9th Inf., Co* D, 5th. M.G. Bn., at RECK IN GEN. \ Co. D* 9th Inf., (less 1 platoon) at GO o ..ELD- ING ™‘ one platoon Co. D, 9th Inf., at PRETTIHGEH as liaison platoon with 32nd Division: Contact had no o Been reported at 8:05 p.m. ^ Enemy troops marched out of MjERSCH at 3,15 p.m, along MERSCH- ANGELS BERG -EELS road, the rear of their column Being aBout five hundred (500) yards ahead ot point of Advance Guard. Civilian inhabitants report two thousand (2000) were in ROLLINGEN at time oi our arrival and that they would not Be able to get away Before 7:00 p.m. Sketch herewith. Corey Col. From At Date To A. y[ r Nov. 22, 1918. U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. C.O. Outposts. FELS 22 Nov. 18 Hour: 10:30 A.M. How sent: P.C., 3rd Brig. Motorcycle. Line as iollovs. q+Vi 1 Platoon Co. K, 9th Inf., 1 Platoon, M.G., 9th Inf. at SCHRONDWEILER: nnm/TERN- Cos. K & L & M.G. Co., 9th Ini. at NOMILnRh. Co. I., 9th Inf., Co. A, 2nd Eng., Bty. F, 1 F.A., Bn. P.C. 3rd Bn., 9th Inf. and Outpost P.C. at FELS (LAROCHETTE) Co. M, 9th I f. at ERN2SN; 1 Platoon Co. M, 9th Inf. at HEFFI^GE. Corey Col. pNov. 22, 1918, U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. From: C.O. Outpost. At : FELS Date: 22 Nov. 18 Hour: To : C.O., 3rd Brigade. Bicycle. (Cont'd next page.) P. M. Nov. 22, 1918. (Contdd from last page.) Report location of Outpost as follows: _ 1 Platoon, Co. H, 9th Inf., 1 Platoon, M. G. Co., 9th Inf. at SCHRONDWEILSR in liaison with a company from the 4th Brigade at the same place. Cos. K Sc L & M. G* Co., 9th Inf. at NONNERN. Co. I., 9th Inf. Co. A. 2nd Eng,, Bty. F ., 15th p.A., at PELS (LAROCHETTE) also Hq. , 3rd Bn., 9th Ini. and Outpost P.C. Co. M., 9th Inf. at SRNZSN; . . 1 Platoon, Co. M., 9th Inf. at HSFFINGEN in liaison with a platoon from the 32nd Division at the same place. Nothing unusual to report. Sketch herewith. Corey Col. p. }i. Nov. 23, 1918. u.s. ARMY field message. Prom At Date To C.O. Outpost, Beford (BEAUFORT) 23 Nov. 18. Hour: C.O., 3rd Brigade. 4:15 P.M. How sent: Runner. Report following disposition of Outposts. Co. S., 9th Inf., Co. C., 5th M. G. Bn. (less one platoon) at BERDORF, together with the 3rd Bn., 9tn Inf., and are in liaison with a company from the ^ 2 nci Division at HALSBACH. Co. H., 9th Inf. and 1 Platoon, Go. C.,_5th M. G. Bn., at Bridge crossing river SAUER at BOLLiiB^ORl: Cos. F and G. , 9 th Inf., Co. A., 2nd Eng., x;ty, F., 15th F.A., Bn. Kq., 2nd Bn., 9th Inf., and Outpost P.C. at BEFORD (BEAUFORT), together with Hq. and lot Bn., 9th Inf., and in liaison with the 4th Brigade at the same place: A The enemy occupies the north side of -he river SAUER and is to Be seen on that side of the river irom BQLLENDORF to WSILSRBACH and Beyond. There is a sent- ^ inal posted By the enemy on the north end ot the Bridge at BOLLENDQRF. Sketch herewith. Corey, Col. P, 0.A « Nov. 25, 1918. U.S, ARMY FIELD t rri ^ D SAG! From At Date To C.O, Outpost BEFORT (BEAUFORT) 25 Nov. 18 Hour: 6:30 P.M. Ko ,-r sent. C.G., 3rd Brigade. Runner, Report location of Outpost as follows: ^ Co, H, Sth Inf., 1 Platoon, Co. C,, 5 th n. at BOLLENDORF Bridge crossing. This Company has of posts along the SAUER river connecting with th Division on its right and with the company on 1 - r ' (Cont 1 d next page. ) G. Bn. a series e 32nd left. P. M. Nov. 25, 1918. (Cont f d from last page.) south bank of the river connect- patrols operate along the - - ing up these posts. Co. E. , 9th Infantry, is at x-ERDOA and supports Co. H. taking position in case of attack at 400.8 - 339.2 prepared to move to the most threatened flank of Co. II. Co. G, 9th Inf., and Co. C. 5th M. G. Bn. one platoon) are at GRUNDHOF. This company has posts along the river connecting with Co. K. on right and the 4th Brigade on its left. Patrols along the south bank of the river connecting up Co. E, 9th Inf., is at BEFORT supporting Co. G., (less similarly its operate the posts, taking 398.2 position in case of attack at Co. C, 5 th M, G, guns so as to cover the entire sector, forwarded as soon as received from the - 338.2. Bn., has selected sites for Sketch will C.O. of that the be Co. Bty* F, 15th F.A., has placed its i- o. at 396.3 - 338.1 and has them trained on bridge. Sketch herewith* Co. A, 2nd Engineers is at BEFORT ition of the Outpost commander. Reconnaisance fails to indicate any places where it appears that fording mighi be are covered by posts. Nothing unusual to report. Guard at ferry crossing has been establi Sketch herewith. Corey. guns in position the BOLLENDQRF at the dispos- ds po ss but ible shed. p. M. Dec. 6, 1918. U.3. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. C.O. 5 II G Bn Hinterweiler 6 Dec 18 Hour: 4 P.M. How sent : Ration car.. C. 0. Co. 5 M G You will march tomorrow with the 5 IT. G. Bn. by order Brigade Commander. Send runner to ray P.C. at once to take maruh order back to you when issued. Will arrange to have y ou join us on main road, Lewis 3rd Brig. From At Date To From At Date To p, M. Bee. 7, 1918. U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. C.O, Outpost. ADENAU. 7 Dec., 1918. Hour: 7:00 P.M. How sent. C.G., 3rd Brigade. Mounted Messenger Report following units disposed as indicated^in towns assigned to Outpost: ADENAU; 2nd Bn., 9th Ini., Bty. F, 15th F.A., and several motorized units o* tne Division Trains. , x \ (Cent» d next page.) P. M. Pec. 7, 19113. (Cont’d from last page.) BREIDSCH.EID; Co. C, 2nd Eng., M. G. Co., 9th Inf. KERSCHBROICK; 1st Bn., 9th mf. The 4th M.G. Bn. are north of ADENAU distnto¬ ut ed in LEIMBACH, NOR. ADENAU and DUMPELFELB. I.IAYEM - 1/50000 map. Corey. Col. p. M. Bee. 9, 1910. U.S. ARTY FIELD MESSAGE. From: C.O. Outpost. At : REMAGEN. Date: 9 Pec., 1910. Hour: 5:00 P.M. How sent: To : C.G., 3rd Brigade. Telephone. Outpost 3rd Bn. established on dispositions as•follows: 9th Inf., at REMAGEN. Guard has been the bridge and patrols maintained along river to KRIPP: _ , , Co M, 23rd Inf. and Bty. F, 15th F.A. at, Guard has been established on the ferry and patrols main¬ tained along river halfway to SIN21G connecting with patrols from SINZIG: v . QTW 7 T n 3rd Bn., 23rd Inf. (less Co. M. ) at SIN^iu. Patrols maintained along river connecting with P atr °*® from Co. M. at KRIPP and along the river one and a hall kilometers south: Co. C, 2nd Eng., at BODENDORF. 4 th M G. Bn. are at OBERVINTER. Patrols estab¬ lished by them between OBSRWINTER and REMAGbN. Corey. Col. HEADQUARTERS FOURTH BRIGADE MARINES P . Mj April 8, 1918. Prom Brigade At M03C0U Date 4/e/l8 Hour 6 <15 P.M. To Major Evans. The colonel commanding the Inf. Div* desires to know what kind of wound did the Corporal who was found dead this morning, receive. Point on map at which body was found and by what kind of projectile was he wounded. Reed, J.A.D. Major Smith Ho time indicated May 31, 1918. P.C. 31 May, 1918. 51. 21st Army Corps. E.M. 3rd Bureau. Halt Order -- 4th Brigade, 2nd Div. U.S.A. Division Headquarters. - COUPRU. 1st Pield Signal Battalion. - COUPRU. 4th Brigade Headquarters. - DOMPTIH. 5th & 6th Regiments Marines. - DOMPTIH, Perme PEAURIGARDE, and the woods in that vicinity. Your camp will be on the alert. The Brigade will cover their halt with out¬ posts to the East and Horth. Pires draw bombardment and fire from airplanes. Pires will not be lighted during the night. By Order of the Chief of Staff. 0 . P.M. Comd’g Genl,, 2nd Div, Have reported to C.G. 4o liaison. Troops arriving by Thiolet and Lucy. Important with plenty of tools come as with camions . Should de-bu? in small colums about evenly to Lucy. Hurry them. June 1, 1918. Lucy, 1st June. 4.10 P.M. Div. (Prench) and established camion going in between that available Engineers soon as infantry finish s at Perme P'-ris and march distributed from Thiolet Harbord. U. 3. ARMY PIELD MESSAGE ProirM C.G. 4th Brig At : Pyramids Houri 5.05 p.m. Ho. 2. Date : 1 June To : C.G. 2nd Division. (Cont’d next How sent* Messenger. page.) P. M. June 1, 1918. (ContM from last page). Second Bn 6th Marines in line from le Thiolet through Clerembau.ts Woods and Triangle to Lucy. Instructed to hold this line, 1st Bn 6th Marines going into line from Lucy through Hill 142, 3rd Bn in support at La Voie du Chatel which is also P. C. of 6th Marines. 6th M, G. Bn distributed along line as given. No instructions as to any evacuation of wounded. Harbord, From: Brigade Comdr 4th Brigade, At : Pyramids. Sent by: Date: 1st June Hour 5:35 p.m. No, 1. To : C.O. 6th Marines. Messenger. Section of ammunition train with 300,000 rounds 30 caliber and some 37 mm ammunition gone via Voie du Chatel with ammunition for you, instructed to leave at Lucy if does not receive different instructions from you. No liaison has reported from your regiment and should be sent. You should have small patrols to front to-night, and be very careful about surprise towards daylight* Rec’d 7il5 P.M. Harbord. From*. C.G. 4th Brigade, At : pyramids. Date; 1st June Hour 6U5 P.M, No* 2, To : C.O. 6th Marines. By Messenger. Wounded are to be evacuated to Marigny-en- Orxois. Push the entrenching when engineers come with tools. You should report without delay when your troops are in position. Have you liaison to right and left? The French Division Commander is pushing me for reports from you as to conditions. Keep your runners going. Rec f d, 7 J15 p.m. Harbord. Field Message. From: Colonel Catlin, 6th Regiment. To ; 4th Brigade Headquarters, No. 1. Date: June 1st, 1918. Time sent: 6 *.50 P. M, "Regiment in position assigned. Liaison estab lished. None of the battalions were issued rations. Request that rations be sent tonight by truck. Catlin." P. M. June 1, 1918 FIELD MESSAGE. From: C.O., 2nd Bn,, 2nd Engineers, To : 4th Brigade Headquarters. No. 1. Date: June 1st, 1918, Time sent: 7:40 P, M. "Companies D, E and F, 2nd Engineers will arrive la Ferme Paris 8:20 P. M. Will hold companies there until receipt of order from Brigade Headquarters. Snow, Captain." FIELD MESSAGE. From: 6th Machine Gun Bn* To : 4th Brigade Headquarters. No. 1* Date: June 1st, 1918. Time sent: 7:59 P.M* "Two guns have been placed on main road (Chateau Thierry) to cover right flank. Battalion Commander at present inspecting right group. Commun¬ ications with Brigade only by runner so far. Trying to get wire through. Long (for Maj, Cole)," U. S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. From: C.O. 23 Inf. At : Ventelet Ferme Date: 1 June 18 Hour'. 8,4 5 P.M. No. 42. How sent* To : C. 0. Reserve, 4th Brigade. Runner 2 Bns. 23rd Inf. Brigade Reserve in woods between Ventelet Ferme and Coupru. 1 Bn. 23 Inf. Div. reserve in woods 300 meters south of Chateau Thierry and at point shewn on sketch. Malone, Colonel. U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. A. M» June 2, 1918. U. S. ARMY FIELD IE3SAGE. From: C.G. 4th Brigade. At : Pyramids. , . Date: 2d June Hour: 6 a.m. No. 3, now sent. To : C.G., 2nd Division. Messenger m car. Our telephone line not working. Believe French have cut in on it thinking it dead wire,. Malone reports through French Division hdqrs. that at 5:45 ne had reached Gd. Cormont. My regiment in line did not get (Cont’d next page.) .t i - r J . * . t A. M. June 2, 1918# (Cont f d from last page.) its truck with signal material and 1 have no telephone to him. Regard it extremely important, please have Signal Corps give it to me at once. Col Carr HarBord* On reverse side of message, - Will see that line & wireless is put in unless your trucks have arrived. Promi C. Go 4th Brigade. At : Pyramida# Date; 2d June Hour; 6:10 a.m. No. 4. How sent. To : Colonel Catlin, 6th Marines. Messenger. Please report every fifteen minutes during day whether anything is happening or not and no matter whether you are in Support or in front line* ^° u:r liaison officer has not reported here as ordered. Please give these matters your attention at once. HARBORD. To*. Mr. Cole, Prom: C. 0. 4th Brig June 2, 1918. Neville with Wise Bn. is going in Between 142 and the Bois du Veuilly. he has no M. G-* Please send him one company at once from point where you can Best spare it. Suggest it go By the country road to Lucy Champillon, Acknowledge. Inform Col. Catlm. HarBord. 6:20 a.m. By Curtis phone. On reverse side of message. - would like to have antitoxin tetanus.. HolcomB. Three Star Very Pistols. Cartridges, (Message incomplete.) 6-45 A.M*, June 2, 1918 Col. Catlin to General HarBord*. Nothing o f importance to report.on our line. Battalion 2nd Engineers reported during tne nig t. Our position being strengthened. Request that signal material be furnished by Sig. En. Our trucks have not yet arrived. 7:00 A.M., June 2, 1918. Prom: General HarBord, To : General Bundy or Colonel Brown. (Cont’d next page.) • V * 9 J ' 4 ‘ * / / r -H A * li • * */ m» * f • f ' ' i A. M. June 2, 1918, (Cont’d from last page,) French Division Commander wanted our "battalion in line from Hill 142 to Bois de VEUILLY, They went in from line VEUILLY to GAUDILY * Was a French Corps Commander in 2nd Division Headquarters when order was given? 7:00 A«Mr, June 2 r 10IS, From! Hq. 2nd Div. To : C, G. 4th Brigade, PYRAMIDE, Col. Carr will see that telephone line is put- in to your regiment in line unless your truck has arrived "before his men. Saint-Gaudens, Capt. Sec’y General Staff. 7:15 A,M., June 2, 1918. Fromi Colonel Brown. To : General Harbord. That order was entirely given between General Michel and Colonel Malone, It was not our order at all. Colonel Malone was placed at General Michel’s disposal and they plotted it together. Col. Malone’s Battalion Commander probably misinterpreted Colonel Malone’s order. General Michel should get in touch with Colonel Malone and change it. 7-30 A.M., June 2, 1918. General Harbord request 30 cal. ammunition, Chauchats and Hotchkiss ammunition be sent out to his P, C. for 5th Marines and also a reserve supply as soon as possible, . (Delivered to Col. Herbst 7-45 A.M,} General Harbord will be absent from 8 A.M. to 9 A.M, Major Lay will be present. To Brigade Commander, Time 8,20 a.m., June 2, 1918. Report just received from Right Group states no machine gun ammunition expended yet. Cole, acknowledged, Curtis, To 4th Brig*- Our forward guns right group have been in action, 9157 a.m,, June 2, 1918. Cole. Curtis. • « • 3.r * i >: j - ■*! J U : - : « ifji* ' 5 c* ^ * % 31 Cl r- ? •r.*.s A. ivl <. June 2, 1918 . MESSAGE FRO A GENERAL EARBORD : at 10:20 A.m. , 2 June, 1918. I have just come back from a point northwest of MAR I GUY in the Bo is de VAURICHART.’ I find over there that Turrill is supposed to be in the region of --...-with the 1st battalion of marines. I find a French column of Infantry in front of the 23rd infantry which is immediately in front towards the extreme north. They did not impress me as being able to hold very long. I sent a message to Turrill, tiiat unless it was not in conflict with some orders from higher authority to extend his line to the right - to the northwest corner of the BOIS de VAURICHART. If appears there is not much infantry but a few dragoons between that point and Hill 142. Hill 142 is supposed to be the left of the 6th marines. I have just ordered ^ Colonel Neville, with his Headquarters company and c.nd Battalion, to proceed to fill the gap between Hill 1 '' and the Northeast corner of the BOIS de VAURICHART, connecting on his left with Turrill’s battalion of his regiment and on his right with SHEARER’S battalion of the 6th Regiment and Hill 142, and to watch particul¬ arly the stream which goes down just west oi lORCY - Just west of HILL 142; also the stream which runs down from the east side of the BOIS de VEUILLY to the wes of CHAMPILLON and to hold that Hill and that line. That gives us then American connection clear around from the 9th Infantry, inclusive, to the neighborhood^ of PREuiONT . I told Neville that when he got out there to that place, it was strictly an American proposition around to his left and included Turrill and to hold that line. Then I reported all to General Michel an< told him what was done. Neville is on the maren . That leaves me here one (1) battalion oi tne 5th Regiment in reserve near my headquarters. Of coui.-.e, the line that Catlin has around Lucy, he has one battalion in support. MY brigade reserve is one alion near me here. We have reports from Catlin that they are doing a good deal of heavy shelling around the Triangle and Lucy and the BOIS de CLEREMBAUTS, but there is no indication that we are not going to be able to xiO The Germans are massing so an attack may be expected Also over on ny right towards south of HAUTEVESNES , from that direction, the TRIANGLE. FIELD MESSAGE * From: C.O., 5th Regiment. To: 4th Brigade Headquarters. Date: June 2nd, 1918. "2nd Bn. is now moving to designated position. French troops are taking a position on ve. t of ro .M about 200 meters north of pyramids. Neville . Time rec’d. 11:30 A.M. j * A. M June 2, 1918 From". 'C.G. 4th Brigade* At : Pyramids. Date; 2d June Hour 11150 a.m. No, 10. Sent By; To ; Colonel Catlin, 6th Marines. Runner. Division says absolutely no bicycles and no news your M* G» Co. It will be sent to you moment it arrives. Indications of Boche attack in direction of Bois de Veuilly from around Hautevesnes. Nothing new. Everybody including French Headquarters expressing confidence in you, Holcomb and Shearer* HARBORD. Addenda), We have no large scale mapte, have requested Division for them and will send them to you when they arrive. S, p, MH June 2, 1918* To Brig* Comdr* Have directed Mr. Kingman of Left Group to echelon teome of his guns of 15th Co. to protect hew deployment Wise^s Bn* Meanwhile I am withdrawing six guns from quiet sector of line and am sending them to Wise’s support which will complete the order to support Wise with one Company. 12:05 p.m. Cole. 6/2/18. T.J.C. From: C. G. 4th Brigade. At : Pyramids. Date! 2d June Hour 12:50 P.M. No. 12. Sent by. To : Col. Catlin, 6th Marines. Liaison Officer Your Regiment in line is supported by five groups of seventy-fives (sixty guns) and one group (twelve guns) of one hundred fifty-fives. The Colonel comdg them is in Lucy-le-Bocage. Extremely important both your battalion comdrs keep in touch with him through interpreters. Rec’d 1.05 pm. HARBORD. to 1 & 2d Ens. HEADQUARTERS SECOND DIVISION. Second Section, G. S., 2 June, 1918* -- 2.00 P. M. TELEPHONE MESSAGE from Lieut. Hunt together with Aeroplane sketch in confirmation of lines of battle rec’d from 27th Escadrille. The line of battle has been straightened out from ES30MES to MQNTCOURT. Reconnaissance from ETAKPE3 proceeded as far as railroad bridge across MARNE at CHATEAU THIERRY. No Bcche encountered but (Cont’d next page.} * * p. M. June 2, 1918. (Cont’d from last page,) M. G. located at CHATEAU fired south along the CHATEAU THIERRY-VIFFORT ROAD. The -lain enemy strength in the town of CHATEAU THIERRY is believed to he located at 182.4 - 258.2 - at the cross roads just north of the "T" in THIERRY (map scale l/50,000). At present the Boche are believed to he concen¬ trating in the woods just North of BOURESCHEo, Ehe French are concentrating on this point with 75*s* At TRIANGLE this morning, the enemy captured a French cyclist hut when the locality was retaken by the French the cyclist escaped. He claimed to have seen numbers of the enemy with the number 422 on their shoulder straps. It is thought, however, that this is probably the 442d Regiment* French attacks at EELLEAU and LICY-CLIGNON this morning fell down under our fire* 0-2* Second Division. From.: C. 0. 4th Brigade, At : Pyramids. Date: 2d June Hour: 2:15 p.m. No. 13. How sent. To : Colonel Neville, 5th Marines. Motorcar. A.D.C. Herewith some maps, please close gap between your line and Turrill, incorporating tne two small French bns. if they remain as they probably will. Feelii a little uncertain about.Turrill*s position as belief that he extended to northwest corner of Bois de Vaur- ichart is based on an order I sent him to do so, and I have heard nothing from him since he left last night. Get in touch with him, include him in your command. Harbord. U. S. ARITY FIELD MESSAGE. From: C. G. 4th Brigade. At : pyramids, Hour: 2:25 p.m, No. Date: 2d June To : C. G. 2nd Division. 15. How sent: Liaison Officer, motorcar. Catlin reports nothing important on 6th Marines front, has had several wounded officers and men. Reported that our M* G. bn. has stopped the Boc e sever al times this morning. At last accounts said to e concentrating some men s.e. Bouresches. - e 1 quarry 300 yds n.w. Marigny reports his 2d Bn. m lm between 142 and Bois de Veuilly. Catlin requests 100 picks and 100 shovels needed at once at Lucy-le-Bocage. Please send via here. Karbord. P. M. June 2, 1918 From: C. G. 4th. Brigade. At i pyramids. Date: 2d June Hour 2:40 p.m. No. 16. Sent by: To : Colonel Catlin, 6th Marines. Runner on truck Reported from French Div. Hdqrs. that your line living: way alittle at Triangle. We are ordered to hold that place at any cost. If report is true get word to Holcomb and stiffen your lines there a little, HARBORD. Hq. 4th Brig. 2nd June. 2:43 P.M. Memo for Col. Catlin. Note the statement that Shearer r s Battalion has its left 1,000 meters 3.E. of 142. Is this true? Please note also that Feland says that there is a Battalion of French troop3 on the right of Wise and that Wise is at 142. I am speaking of 142 as shown on the map, not any hill in the vicinity! the actual figures where the left of Shearer's Battalion is supposed to be. Are the troops that you put in to fill the gap between Shearer's Battalion and 142, or between 142 and Wise’s right? HARBORD. From* Ci &. 4th Brigade* At : Pyramids. Date: 2d June Hour 2:50 No. 17. Sent by: ADC, To : Major Holcomb. runner, motorcar. Reported that you are giving way near triangle. You are supposed hold your line there at all cost. Keep Colonel Catlin informed of conditions, and Cole, and send me report now. HARBORD. From: 4th Brig. At : Pyramids. Date: 2d June Hour 3:00 p.m. Sent by: Runner. To : Col. Catlin, 6th Regt, We have had nothing from you since the tele¬ phone went out. Please remember that when unable to send telephone reports, a runner is supposed to be started at least once every fifteen minutes. Please report conditions by bearer. HARBORD. Tune 2, 1918. r * TT U. 8. AR“ Fr on: C. G. 4th Brig At : Pyramids. Date: 2d June Hour: To : C. G. 2d Div t French di vis io giving a little at Tr our reports. Have se p.m. No * 18. How sent: Liaison Officer in car. ngle. Hot yet confirmed "by ADC to investigate, and word __1 costs. Failure your signal officer to ^ive us wireless connection here is great handicap. Telephone to 6th Marines just in. Both regimental hdqrs report have wireless up and trying communicate with us hut cannot. Telephone to your, headqrs very unreliable and out of order much of time. Harbord t To 4th Brigade Comdr. Will you send some anti-toxin tetanus, also three Very pistol star shell. by runner at Holcomb 3,15 P.M., 6/?/l8. T. J. Curtis. From.: C. G. 4t At : pyramids Date: 2d June To : C. G. 2d U. S. APMY FILL!) MESSAGE* t Hour: 5:40 p.m. Ho. 19 How sent: Motorcar. Report that right giving way was false. French now acknowledge that it was withdrawal of a working party that they saw. Telephone direct with battalion cowdr at Triangle says when his outfit luns it wi be in the other direction. Nothing doing m the fall-back business. . ilevilie from 300 yards n»w» of M.arigny L * has some wounded and no ambulances, please send via here, Harbord. From: C. G, 4th Brigade. At : Pyramids. Date: 2d June Hour 3:50 p.m. no. -0 To : Col, Catlin, 6th Marines. The French now acknowledge that report as to 2nd En was a mistake and telephone with holoomb says there is nothin^ doinm in the fall back line. Am inforned ^rShi,.’and also through French ^vision Hdors. that prisoners catured this mo-nin • iha fresh division opposite ri,ht of American line and that it is expected to attack; further stated that it would probably be 2 F.e,ts nortn of the road and one south. This all rests on statement of one German Prisoner. Gont'd next page.) 1 .t .S; June 2, 1918. P. M. (Cont’d from last page.) I have asked the French General to investigate thoroughly the person who started the false report about Holcombs Battalion, which is most annoying. Use your own judgement as to returning Sibley plat¬ oons to their Battalion. KARBORD* From! C* G« 4th Brigade At i pyramidsi Date: 2d June Hour 4:30 PM No. To : Col. Neville, 5th I farines. The Corps Commander is withdrawing Turrill'S battalion to replace Berry as Brigade reserve. Berry’s battalion becomes Corps Reserve. Statements made by Boche prisoner this morning indicating poss¬ ibility of attack on front of 6th Marines, Nothing else of interest. Your M. G. Co. is marching overland about a distance of 30 miles. Gould ordinarily arrive tomorrow evening. Division undertaking to get trucks to bring Guns and men tonight. KARBORD. From: C. G. 4th Brigade. At : Pyramids. No. 22. Date: 2d June Hour 4:30 p.m. To : Col Catlin, 6th Marines. With reference to report sent you ago, Corps taking some precautions against possible German attack. Turrill ’ sBn. 5th is being brought back to replace Berry near here as Brigade reserve; Berry’s Battalion becomes Corps reserve, to be held in rear of junction between you and 9th Inf. pass word to your line to be on lookout for any indications of attack and to report in quick-st way possible. Your If, G. Co. is marching overland about a distance of 30 miles. Would ordinarily arrive tomorrow evening. Division undertaking to get trucks to bring guns and men tonight. HARBORD. No time indicated June 2, 1918. From Major Lay to 2nd Div. June 2, 1918. General Karbord requests that when his truck with his bam^ane arrives at Division Headquarters that it be sent at once to his Brigade P. C. ^ Colonel Langdon gave orders yesterday afternoon for the truck to.come from MEAUX to Division Headquarters. The truck is probably at Division Headquarters now. No time indicated. June 2, 1918. To Brig Comdr. Will refuse 15th Co. to cover 142 to Bois du Veuilly. 6/2/18 T. J. C Cole From: C. G. 4th Brigade At : Pyramids . How sent: A. D* C 5th Marines. Date: 2d June No. 11 To : Colonel Neville, French consider it very important you get in line at earliest possible moment* and repeat their injunction about watching for filtration through valleys. Cole is sending a II. G. Co* via Lucy-Champ- ilion road to you. Be sure and close gap between you and Turrill. I have had no word at all of any kind from him. Harbord m w ♦ I p A*M. June 3, 1918. 1:00 A.M. , June 3, 1918. The following order received from the French Division. The French troops receive the order ti retake the position that they have just lost. The American troops will maintain at ALL COSTS the line of supnort they oc¬ cupy.--Lois de CLER3M3AUT - TRIANGLE - LUCY-le- LOCAGE, KILL 142, North Corner of Lois de VEUILLY. They will not participate in the counter-attack which will he made to retake the position of the French. Sgd. The General Commanding the French Division. Gen Harbord directs that the necessary steps be taken to hold our positions at all costs . K.Tvl. Smith. 6" Regt. 5" Regt. 6 " M.G. Bn.. (On reverse side: 6" H,G. Ln. P T f L • r.l « From: C.O. 5th Marines. At 1 Carrieres.. Date: June 3/18. Hour 1:30 p.m. No. 17. rp iO : C.O, 4th Feland reports that his reconnaissance shows the right of Wise’s battalion on road in edge of woods at 142 and the two companies properly disposed to hold right of to y line. A Battalion of French troops is on the right of Wise. While Feland was at 142, Scout of Wise’s Ln. re¬ ported in having located left of Shearer’s Ln. just about 1000 meters S.E. of 142. Twelve Mach, guns of 8th II.G. Co. supporting Wise’s left. Eight mach, guns of Summers company and four of Kingman’s Company are supporting Wise’s right, NEVILLE. From Brig At Kq. Date 3 June 18 Hour 1:45 No. X-3 To C.O. 5th Kegt- Please send by return runner your battle position from right to left by Companies, • Notify when any changes occur. Smith. From 4th Erig. At pyramid e Date 3d June Hour 3:08 p.m. No. 3 How Sent To Col. Neville 5th Regt. Aide The French. Division Commander desires that you send out some one to establish the whereaboutsof the right (Cont’d next page) "t t , June 3, 1918. (Cont’ti fron last page) of the 23rd Inf. Bn., which relieved Turrill's Bn. last night; also to report if you are n elbow-to-elbow" with people on the right and left of you. HARBORD From 4th Brigade. At Pyramid e Bate 3d June Hour 3:20 pm Ho 4 To Col. Neville 5th Regt* Following from Catlin for your information: Shear¬ er reports Germans seen 200 meters-south of TORCY: French I52d falling hack from position 1500 meters couth of Church in TORCY. Ke has sent company of engineers to the Wood kilometer north of LtlCY on LUCY-TORCY Road as reinforcements. A few tear gas cases in LUCY. No infan¬ try action. Sibley reports 3 pm a wounded man oi the 15th Co., reports his company as north and west of CHAIvI- PILL0N, Some of the 5th north and east of CHAMPILLON, the French troops ahead with Germans advancing south. This latest verified by the French surgeon of the 133d* Please caution Vise to keep touch with elements on his right. Suggest use your wireless when telephone down, KARE0RB At : P.C, Ramine To : Col. Catlin, Sixth Regt. Send reliable Officer to 142 to find out if Shearer left rests there and report facts to me soon as possible. HARB0RB 3:20 p.m. Sketch shows 3rd Bn. 6th Mar. night 2-3 June lb* Lucy & Champillon shown on sketch. (On reverse side of message: Col Catlin) To Brig Cbmdr. One gas shell in vicinity of P.C, Cole. Sent by runner at 3:30 p.m. e/3/18. T. J, C. From: C.G. 4th Brig. At : Pyramids Bate: 3d June Hour 4:00 p.m. No. 6 How sent: To : Col. Catlin, 6th Regt. nunner Use your own discretion about moving SIBLEY^and report location when you do it; also your own P.o, HARBORD per LAY June 3, 1918. P Col. Brovin to Major Lay. 9:85 F.... The Bat. of 83 infantry which was in reserve goes out to relieve Turrili, Go out and tell Whiting to go out over road Malone marched over last night to relieve Turrili and send Turrili hack to Pyramids. Turrili goes hack in those trucks. To G3 Ho tine indicated. To Brigade Ccmnader. Last night inspected connection with troops of other brigade on our right. Could see no heavy^type machine guns there. Told Lieut, on their left a lank to call on me for guns if he needed them and have placed two guns in rear of junction of their brigade and ours for this purpose. Mould suggest other Brigade machine gun officer look over this point. Cole. Gent bv runner 6/3/18 T • J • 8 s Ro tine indicated. From Cole To 4 B. de Roode reports enemy appears to be concentrating in Cole. 6/3/18 Telephone T, J . C. Ro tine indicated. Report of Harbord: a conversation of Colonel Brown with General There is a probability of a German division march¬ ing along the Paris road. The Corps commander ^wants the battalion at Les PYRAMIDES sent to LA LARGUE FRAME to be placed on the point in the woods just opposite tn J i" in LA. i an sending trucks to take the marines from Colonel Malone at C0UL0M-b8 to report to if53 PYRA¬ MIDES. Will send French officer to LA LARGUE, There is a at MAR1GRY. The ambulances will go KARIGRY. The machine gun companies regiments and of the 29th are march- Montgomery will go to MEAUX to get trucks and will rush them in tonight. (Cont’d next page) report of ambulances to VSUILLY, north of in General Harbord’s ing overland. Major o: P. M. June 3, 1916 (Cont'd from last page.) 14 trucks, with brigade and regimental signal equipment, have arrived. It is on the way now to General Harbord and to General Lewis, but the French do not desire wireless by regiments unless in the front lines, so hold them, down to bare necessities. G-3 16 June 3. A. II. June 4, 1918. Received from, 'th Brigade - Field Ilessage - (19 7) 7.45 A.M., 4 June 18 Signature. 0. II. Hotel Col. Harbord wants a chronometer so as to be able to keep accurate time. U. S. ARITY FILLD luDSSAGE. From: C. G. 4th Brim. At : Pyramide Date: 4th June Hour*. 7:45 am Ho. 1. To : C. of S., 2d Div. I have read the Division Crder taking over the sector very carefully and conclude that the 3d Bn, which has heretofore been Corps Reserve now passes to my command and ceases to be Corps Reserve. I have ordered it to stand by to move and intend moving it to a point more nearly in rear of the left of my line. HARBORD, Col Brown PB Sign 8.40 a.m., June 4. Headquarters Second Division, France, 4 June, 1918. 8- 50 A. II. Commanding General 4th Brigade: Referring to your message Ho. 1, 7-45 A.II., 4 June, 1918, the Division Commander directs me to inform you that your interpretation of Field Order Ho. 7 is correct. Before moving this battalion to the point indicated by you, the Division Commander desires: ( a 1 ! The point to which you intend tc move it. (b) That it be not moved until the battalion of the 9th Infantry assigned as Division reserve is in place, PB PRSSTOH BROWH, Colonel, General Staff, Chief of Staff. Reed 9,09 a.m., 4 June 18 (?? Initials indecipherable) 291 June 4, 1918. 266 P. EK DE EQ, Bosches decending en nasse Entre Courchamps et Licy. (The above intercepted by Div- Radio at 10 P.M. Phoned to both Brigades ) Phoned 10:19 P.M. Message given to Artillery) June 4- Army Corps notified 10:25 P.M* p'. M. June 5, 1916, The morning of June 6th, the 167th French Division will attack between VEUILLY, inclusive, to the brook of CHAMPILLON, exclusive. The 2nd Division will support the attack by the capture of the slopes of CHAMPILLGN, up to and including the brook to the east of the slope and just west of TORCY* V line 174. Intetdiction fire around the zone to be attacked; registration and raking the evening, of June 5th on the objective. At H hour minus 30 minutes, fire of preparation and destruction very intense on the successive targets. H hour will be fixed by the C*G. 21st AiCj>» add communi¬ cated to General Harbord at once.', The infantry will attack by infiltration ratheb than by waves. Interdiction fire will be kept up until the moment the infantry pro¬ gresses. Close liaison to be established between the infantry and artillery. Counter-batteries will go into action in case German batteries open fire. All artillery Of the 2d Division, and attached French units, and all of the 167th Division will take part. Explosive shells to be used,l^l/2 days fire to be had at each piece. The^ objective has been marked on maps MEAUX., 1:20,000.. The ^ advance of Marines to guide on attack of 167th Division, guide left* After Hill 142 is taken, the left of the Marine line to advance as circumstances permit without bringing on another engagement * Position to be entrenched* Respecting relief of the Marine elements west of the brook of CHAMPILLON on the evening of June 5th, the commanding officer of Marines in that district will be instructed to assemble his command and march it to a point designated by General Harbord after the French have passed through and have satisfied themselves of their position. It is desirable that officers meet them and guide them in* Conversation between Gen* Harbord and Col Brown June 5*- 3:00 P»M* 5 June 1918 385 6:25 P» M. pris will The fourth brigade telephones that two german oners are being sent to the rear* One is wounded and (Cont’d next page.) ■J June 5, 1918. (Cont’d fron. last pa^e.) "be sent to Divisional Headquarters at once to He interrogated. An interpreter is requested to He at Headquarters when he arrives. K. St. Gauden C of S Sec. Gen. Staff G-2 G-3 Lieut. Hunt. A. M, June 6, 1918. . Note: 2nd Division. 6- 30 A.M,, June 6. - Adjutant 4th Brigade reports all going smoothly, 7- 10 Adi., June 6 C - Adjutant 4th Brigade reports - reached our ohjectives. We are throwing out strong points and are consolidating our positions. 7-10 A.M., - Phoned in hy Lt . Hunt: French Division on our left has practically obtained all its object** ives, though fighting still continues. About 100 to 150 prisoners. U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. From: Peland, At : P. C. Date: June 6. Hour 7:55 Ho. 2. To : C,G. 4th Brig. ■ Please put down artillery fire of preparation for five minutes on our front. Will then attach. Have asked for French cooperation _ At 9 a.m., June 6th, 1918, General Harbord sent the following to Colonel Beville: "I congratulate you and 1st Bn. and the 3rd Bn, on doing so well what we all knew they would do.” 10-19 A.M. - June 6, 1918. - Telephone message from General Harbord to 2nd Div, prisoners are coming in steadily. The 5th Marines report 65. French Liaison Officer claims that the French say we have taken 300 prisoners. General Harbord does not credit the report regarding the 300 prisoners. General Harbord has seen all of the American wounded. They show a fine spirit and are very cock;/. Most of the wounds are slight - the result of machine gun fire, P. M. June 6, 1918. From: C. 0. 6th At • P, C. Chatel Date: 6*June 18 Hour 3:05 p.m. How sent:. Motorcycle To : B. C. 4th Brigade. Maj. Holcomb requests that his runners now at Brig. Hds. be sent to Plan and that they be instructed there by the runners for Plan N as to their Itinerary. (Cont’d next page.) F. E. Evans, Adjt. for F-l. June 6, 1918. P. Iff. (Cont’d. from last page.) Runners were kept at fan since it was closer. Decided best when F called up the night Major Holcomb went to Brigade Reserve. Robinson, 1st Lt. A.D,C . Hq. 2nd Division, June 6, 1918. 5:40 P. M. Major Lay reports from the 4th Brigade Head¬ quarters that men went over the top in fine shape, proper deployment around the edges of the Eois de Belleau - and no casualties. P.B, From: Lt. Moore. To : 4th Brig. Hdqrs. Date: June 6th, 1918. Time rec'd: 5:54 P. M. Word just received Gatlin has been wounded. Also German reserves advancing into Bouresches 50 strong along road at point 262.2 - 177.3. MESSAGE. From: C.O. 5th, ( from Berry, C.O* 3rd Bn.) To : 4th Brigade Hdqrs. Date: June 6th, 1918. Time rec ! d: 6:10 P, Iff. What is left of battalion is in woods close by. Do not know whether will be able to stand or not. Increase artillery range. From: Captain Gill. To : 4th Brig. Hdqrs, Date: June 6th, 1918. Time rec’d: 6:45 p.m. Colonel Feland sends following message: Send Chauchat ammunition to us as soon as possible. Neeaed badly. Everything is set for successful attack. */• . Kt « A P. M. June 6, 1918. Telephone Message to Lt. Hunt • - June 6, 1918 - 6 • 46 P*- 1 -. Mounted messenger seen going to rear at full speed on road at 7823. Two German prisoners just brought in. Men who brought them in say that German equipment is lying all over the ground and that the Germans are running. Artillery fire called for at 7617 and 7117 against German reserves spotted there very effective. 7:10 P.M. - June 6, 1918, - To Colonel McCloskey from 4th Brig. Attack went very well indeed, - even beyond our^ most sanguinary expectations. Marines have taken TORCY, BOURESCHES, including the railway station. They are on the BELLLAU road. Casualties here have been light. Large bodies of BAche are seen moving north from EOIThLS» Messages come in to the effect that the artillery fire was most successful and delivered exactly at the right time. Division Commander was at Col. McCloskey 1 s station and congratulated Colonel McCloskey himself. Message dronped by avion. To: 4th Brig. Hdo^rs, June 6th, 1918, Time* rec 1 d: 7 :15 P. M, Attack progressing to the right. Your advanced elements numerous in numbers are about 400 meters south¬ west of Bouresches. They are still progressing. They are still fighting in the Bois de Belleau. Machine gun fire going on in the northern part. It is not very rapid. Message from General Harbord to 2nd Div. June 6, 1918 - 7:20P.M. \7e just have definite information that our 83rd Company occupies the railway station at BOURESCHES. From: Lt. Moore, To I 4th. Brier, Hdqrs. Date: June 6th, 1918, Time rec’d: 7:21 P. M. 83rd Co. hold railroad station at Bouresches. 97th was held up slightly by M. G. on the right, Ho further news, 19 prisoners on the way» From: Captain Laspiere, (French officer attached to Colonel Gatlin of 6th) thru Headquarters, 5th To : 4th Brigade Headquarters. Regiment. Date: June 6th, 1918. Time rec'd: 7:34 P. M. "Catlin wounded 5 hours 37 minutes. Have sent runner to Feland to take command. All was going alright when I left to join Colonel Feland as Colonel Catlin told me to do." From: Evans. To : 4th Brig. Hdqrs, Date: June 6th, 1918. Time rec’d: 7 :35 P. K. Regimental Intelligence reports enemy M. G. fire ever active woods H,E. Bouresches 10 or 12 gu^s, at least. He got this dope to the artillery and we are givinv it to the French artillery. .. J P. M. June 6, 1916, Prom; Captain Gill. To : 4th Brig. Hdqrs. Bate: June 6th, 1916. Time rec ! d.: 7:51 P.M. From 3d Bn. 5th: Three platoons 45th Co. v 'ent over. Only a fe w returned. Captain Conachy familiar with the circumstances. Signed hy Captain Larsen (Adjt. 3rd Bn.) From: Feland At : P.C. Bate: June 6 Hour 7-55 Ho - To : C.G. 4th Brig-- Please put down artillery fire of preparation for five minutes on our front. Will then attack. Have asked for French Cooperation against . (Message incomplete; From To Date Colonel Feland. 4th Brigade Hdqrs. June 6th, 1916. Time rec’d: 7:57 P.M, First is a message from Captain Williams (cist Co.): So far as can be observed from here, the French have withdrawn from the hill on our c t\on 6 1 no indication of their activity m that directio . Signed Williams. Note by Feland: hill referred to i slope east of Hill 165. From Feland 6:45 by runner. To C.O. 5th Regt. Williams does not hold small square wood S.S. of Bussiares cross. If attached me ®^ g correct it is hardly possible for his leftwhich is refused to a point in the ravine opposite 165 Hill to progress without being in the air. Am awaitin^ i tions as to progress of first phase since Catlm wounded. Notify Brigade. Signed Feland. From To Date Gen. Harbord. 2nd Div. June, 6, 1916, At 6:07 P.M. From 2. different sources,! get ^ French that they have not taken that little squ; woods' southeast of BOUKESCHES and that they have not taken the rectangle woods below the new posit * the man They do hold, however, that triangle woods. It is apparent no further disposition on hand to make any further advance today. They say they reported they undertook to take the triangle wood hut met with machine gun fire and gave it up. av situation is this: So far as X know, we have the station at BOJRBSCHEb. we nave uu t Lois-de-Belleau and people over on the left ne.r French have not advanced because to advance there leaves a gap in between them and the Frenc.,, au the failure of the French to advance. (Cont’d. next page) June 6, 1918. P.M. (Cont’d from last page) I have 3 companies in brigade in reserve down near LUCY, which in less than one hour could get out there where ray flank is refused. I think my attack could go on and take Hill 106 and connect up my right with the BOIS-de-BELLEAU (far edge of woods). I will have to know in advance whether I can depend on any other source if I get in trouble. General Harbord asked, the direct question whether or not he could get further assistance. Colonel brown replied that we would back him up. From: Major Evans. At : Western edge of woods Lois de Belleau, To ; 4th Brigade Headquarters. Date: June 6 th, 1918. Time rec’d: 8:15 P.M* Machine gun emplacement on the rock plateau on the left of the Lucy Bouresches road. Sibley (3d Bn. 6 th) has it surrounded but has not reduced it. He has asked for Stokes Mortar and I have sent to the rear to rush it up. He also reports right half up, not advanced as far as the left. The 97th Co. has asked for reinforce¬ ments. I got word to Garrett (C.O. 1st Bn. 6 th) who is at the old 2nd Bn. P.C. from which the Colonel started to relay the message to Holcomb (2nd Bn. 6 th) to rein¬ force. He also reported that the Colonel had been wounded in the leg by machine gun, but had not seen him. Sibley, in the absence of further instructions at point designated as objective at beginning of battle. The point is at edge of woods. Have not entirely taken all machine guns. iE s sag: From To Date Commanding General, 4th Brigade. Lt. Colonel Lee. Time sent: 8:55 June €th ( 1918. P.M, £>y: Motorcycle "I am not satisfied with the way you have conducted 3 ^our engagement this afternoon. Your own regimental headquarters and. this office have not had a word oi re¬ port from 3 ’ r ou as to 3 /our orders or your positions. Major Sibley under 3 ^our command is asking your regimen¬ tal adjutant for orders. Major Berry, over whom you should have asserted your authority, is reporting to his own Regimental Commander. I want you to take charge and to push this attcck ■-ith vigor. Carry the attack through the woods from Kill 133 south along the nouies- ches-Torcy Road and send Sible 3 r to take Bouresches. Holcomb is instructed to advance his line to conform to the movement. If necessary you can use the l e ^ of Holcomb’s battalion to assist. if as reported oibley has a small nest of machine guns surrounded m the wood, leave somebody to contain them, .'0 arounb it - with the attack in the second phase. 1 want reports iror vou ever v fifteen minutes, Send them by runner 11 lie< T, essary. Major Sibley has had telephone connection with your regimental headquarters all afternoon. Harbord.” P.M. June 6, 1918. From: Neville. To : 4th Brig. Hdqrs. Date: June 6th, 1918. Time rec’d: 9:35 P-.M. Report from French observation post that the town of Torcv had been occupied by the Americans and that he had seen a rocket fired from MonthjersN.E. of Torcy, but they did not know what it was, but thought that jjerhaps it was a counter-attack* From: Garret. To : 4th Brig. Kdqrs, Date: June 6th, 1918. Time rec’d: 9:45 P.M. Message for Colonel Catlin from Holcomb. Lieutenant Robertson is in ^ouresches with 2-1/2 platoons. Captain Duncan killed. No information about 3d battalion. Have you any orders or information. Hole omb. From: Major Cole. To : 4th Brig. Hdqbs. Date: June 6th, 1918* Time rec’d: 9:45 P.M. Have just come back from the Jaois de Belleau. V/hen I left about sundown the whole outfit was held up in the north edge of the wood by machine gun nest. Major Sibley had just come up and I went up to look at the nest xor him and on the way up I met one of his lieutenants who was coming down to report the circumstances. They were preparing to encircle it and wanted to fill in the gap and they wanted to know where Major Sibley was in order to get more troops to fill in the gap and Major Sibley had a couple of platoons with him down at the east foot of the hill. The machine gun nest had done a lot of damage. Hand grenades were not available. They should be furnished with a trench mortar and hand grenades if possible. Had they been furnished they would have been over it two hours ago. Told him where Major Sibley was and furnished a runner to give liaison with him, (It is thought that the following refers to Lt. Col, Lee), He complained that he had lost liaison with some of his outfit. He had hard time finding Colonel Catlin after he was wounded and that is what caused the delay. They were at the north edge of the woods. Captain Duncan and a couple of Doctors have been killed. There appeared to be quite a few wounded but not as bad as it was this morning. Have 15 or 16 prisoners. Ear/e section of two guns Major Sibley's battalion which I have placed at his disposal for consolidation. I have 12 guns to keep him from being outflanked. That was the situation when I left. Rumor is that they are in Bouresches, Lee is now on the north side of the Bo is de Belleau. From To Late Neville. 4th Brig. Hdqrs. June 6th, 1918. Time rec'd: 9:50 P.M. Just heard from Larsen on the end of the 3rd Bn. (Cont'd next page) P. M. June 6, 1918 (Cont'd from last page.) line. Last seen of Berry was when he went up with 4 runners to find out where his line was. The Battalion started to advance across the open square. The line advanced about half way across. Machine Guns got Busy. Larsen says he does not think many of then left, Nothing has Been seen or heard of Berry since that incid ent. He is trying to locate the 47th Co, which was the right company and they did not have to go across. The objective was not rained and he doubted whether they got to the edge of the woods and without further support they must attempt to withdraw what few of then there are out there. Had no report for the 47th Co. Datel 6 June. To : Major Holcomb, Sellers has been wounded in Groin, most of his platoon is gassed pretty badly. Relief of platoon is necessary, Adams platoon also has a good deal of gas. Let me know what can be done. HE’S SEP. SMITH Rec’d, 10:05 p.m. Runner could not find him. 78th -Co. Transmitted, to Gen. Karbord - lOilO P. M. By Evans who stated! "Message was sent from Messersmith 78th Co. to Holcomb but he could not find him and brought it back here." 10!10 P. M. Headquarters, 6th Regiment, Marine Corps, A.E.E. 6 June 18. 10!10 P. M. Prom! Commanding General, 4th Brigade. To : Colonel Lee. Two (2) Companies Engineers due to arrive in Lucy about now wi-th tools. General desires you to use those Engineers to consolidate position now attained. Make no further attempt to advance to-night, Jive me report of conditions at daylight or before if you can form reliable opinion. Direct Sibley to try to get in touch along east edve of Bois de Belleau with Berry’s battalion. Stokes Mortars are due to arrive shartly and effort will be made to get grenades. Pile - Conies to - Holcomb Sibley Lee in addition to ones in book. p .-ul. June 6 , 1918. From: C.O. 6th Regt. At: 61.4-75.2 How sent Date: 6 June 18 Hour 9:15 p.m. Ho. 4 Runner. To: C.O. 4th Brigade. Sibley reports unable to advance Infantry because of strong ^.G. position and artillery. Has heavy losses. Ordered his back position at far edges of Bois de Belleau. 47th Co. 3rd Bn. 5th reorganizing to go forward at this point„ Cont T d. 83rd Co. also reorganizing at this point. Seems impossible to take hostile m»G. position without artillery. Request instructions. LEE Rec’d 10:10 p,m. From: ^ajor Evans. To: 4th Brig. Hdqrs. Date: June 6th, 1918. Time rec’d. 10:25 P.iiii, 2-1/2 platoons are in Bouresches, hold the. town and have heard that it was being shelled when this message was received. Can hold that town if they get Some reinforcements. June 6tn, 1918. 10:25 p./d. General Harbord sent following message to Colonel Feland by Lieutenant Robinson, A.3.C. "Barrage was put down at your request about 8 ;30. Your later request, through Lt. Robinson, for barrage can¬ not be honored because of ignorance of your whereabouts. If you have not advanced from your position on receiot of this, consolidate it tonight and be prepared to hold it tomorrow morning, using Wise (2d Bn. 5th) to connect up from your right to the left of the Berry Battalion, presumed to be near 133, and north end of Bois de Belleau. Send Robinson back to me tonight with report of your holding as nearly as you can give it, including Wise’s Battalion. Harbord. Evans. 4th Brig. Hdqrs. June 6th, 1913. Time rec’d. 10:50 P.m. Am sending in German prisoner who says his forces have withdrawn from town of Bouresches and are entrenching along the railway. Am sending Zane and one remaining platoon into town to reinforce Robinson 261.4 - 175.2. Puts him on a straight line between Lucy and 169, two thirds of the way out. From: To: Date : I p.m. June 6, 1918. prom: At: Date: To : C.0. 6th Regt. 61.2 - 75.6 Sent by June 6-18 Hour 11:35 p.m. No. 5 Runner. C.0. 4th Brigade. Reported by runner Holcomb to Sibley says one of Holcomb’s companies is in B0URESCHE5 and he wants reinforcements. Authorized Sibley use reorganized 82nd & 83rd cos. for this. Holding the reorganized 47th and 20th Cos. to care for hostile u.G. position located to tne north west edge of Bois de Belleau. Need grenades and 37 mm guns. LEE. From: C.O. 6th marines. o ^ At; Lucy-le-Bocage . Sent L ' y Date: 6 June 18. Hour: 11:59 p.m. No.6 Runner To: C.O. 4th Brigade. 2 platoons of 16th Co. fallen back to original position 45th Co. Nine men retired west 174.7 - 262.3 20th Co. little more than one platoon reorganized at 61.2- 75,6 gan left in center 47th Co. reorganizing at 61.2- 7 5.6 left of right wing very weak from movement from norm LEE • Rec'd 1:15 a.m. Runner tried short cut & got lost. Road being shelled. No time indicated. June 6, 1918 To Brigadier General JAmES G. HADBCRD : An order was received this afternoon from the 21st Army Corps which explained an or J er ^ ie , 8th \ Tiay Army Corps. It announced, to be brief, taa.t the - y Corps was going to advance at an hour o f * THI^R^Y and occupy Hill 204, immediately west of CHAi_.Au Tam^ u U! 4 - harraee along the road from aocut the They were to put on a t the black line indicating railroad crossing north of VALX t. the Liac xx the limits of CHATEAU THIERRY. Tney a “ A .'riUit so advance their left, the 9th Infantry advance its ri 1 , as to let it rest at a point midway between VAJX an iviONNEAUX at the foot of the brook whicn runo r BOUP.EELIN. Thev further stated that officers should be sent to these headquarters to make all Not one of them has shown up. on got ^ communi- has telephoned that he had been o ' - nis right and cation with the 53rd portunately, the details was prepared to move iorwara. i Lev;iB a nd Upton personallyk^Th^hour^isHbout°9^00 o'clock although I personally, i- tn , hour accurately, have been unable to get trie Congratulations on the day } C* work. preston Brown, Colonel, General Staff, Chief of Staff • 9 1 l . June 7, 1913. Date: 7 June 13 Hour 13.55 A.-*. Eec’d. Hq. 4th Brig. To Regt Adjutant. 12,04 A.^» June 7,13. 6th marines. This message received at midnight I called Sibley and he informs me he sent one company in at 11.50 P.—. That his troops are still advancing but final objective not yet reached I have notified Holcomb by runner. Garrett. From: 2nd Bn. Date: 6 June Hour: 11:28 p.m. Sent by runner. To: Reg. Comdr or Brigade Commander. Lieut. Robertson with part of 96th Co. holds E. edge of Enemy holds station and railroad. I have sent in one platoon as reinforcements. Robertson says Bo is de Belleau is held by enemy, unless Sibley can do something in the way of taking left part of objective, vve are in a hole. We also need reinforcements to hold our line of resistance . Send me Some word. HOLCOmB. Rec'd 12:20 A. m . by Brig . Comdr. FIELD MESSAGE. From: Holcomb. x . . , A , , To: 4th Brigade. By: Runner. Dated l.ou A.m Date: June 7th, 1918. Time rec'd. 2:00 A.m. Am holding Bouresches with 2-1/2 platoons 96 Co. and 1 platoon 79th. They are connected up with ^essersmitn on right who now holds line running due soutn from Bouresches to Triangle Farm. He is digging in and Bourescnes is digging in, Have just sent out order to 30th Co. ( Coffenb. b ) go into Bouresches and connect up with Sibley on left . ^bd infantry asked me to advance line to Eouresches-Vaux * which I declined to do, as it meant moving ^ ^ and giving up their strong line. P.C. 263.., - J-' - • • Holcomb. From: To : Date : be at 167th infantry Division, (French) 4th Brigade Kdqrs. June 7th, 1918. Time rec’d. 2:01 Hour of attack for the operation A. m. tomorrow 3:47 a.m. will From: moore. At: P.C. of 6th. . To: 4th Brig. Hdqrs. Time rec d. 2 \ 10 A • • Date: June 7th, 1918. Rations for 2nd and 3rd Bns. 97th and part of 96th Companies at Bourescnes. 1 V • -*»■ % June 7, 1913. Prom: Gill. To: 4th Brig, Hdqrs. Date: June 7th, 1913. Time rec’d: 2:15 A*-^. message froia Larsen to Seville - Following inform¬ ation available reference position oi companies; 2 platoons 47th Co. reformed and attempting to protect left flank oi adjoining organization on right. 20th Co. reforming on similar mission. 9 men only reported reformed from 3 platoons of 45th who went over the top. Yowell has two platoons of 16th Co. with him to IT.7/. Have no report from him. other two platoons hold sector and covering machine Gun positions there. Western edge of Bo is de Belleau filled with enemy machine guns, making advance over open impossible without further preparation. Be c.'d. Hq . 4th Brig. 2:20 A.m. thru uoore . Headquarters, 6th Regiment, mar j ne Corps, A.E.P.> 7 June iQ. Received 2:15 a.m. per W.II.S. Verbal message by foot runner from ^ajor Sibley. Three (3) platoons 96th Company, all 97th and 79th hold BOURSSCHES. 84th Company on our right flank. 78th Company on right of 84th. 82nd Company on left flank. 83rd Company on left of 82nd. Ho communication with 3rd Bn. of 5tn Regiment. From: To : Date : Larsen. 4th Brig. Hdqrs. June 7th, 1913. Time rec’d: 3:00 A.m. 1st Sergeant 16th Co. reports woods back of old position. Front line gun barrage. Request artillery fire^on Bois de Belle&u, from 262 to point loo. of old position cut off. heavy shelling in under neavv machine western edge of It seems front line Larsen From: Larsen. To: 4th Brig. Hdqrs. Date: June 7th, 1918. Time rec’d: 5:10 A.^. Front only under machine gun barrage. Larsen. From : To : Date : Neville. 4th Brig. Hdqrs. June 7th, 1918. 1 ime rec'd: 5:40 A.m Wise and Feland in touch. A • —i • June 7, 1913. uiES-' From: To : Date lee . 4th Brig. June 7th, Ildars 1913 . Time ree’d: 6:50 The situation looks Better this occupies Bouresches with the 96th Co. His and consolidated from Bouresches to Triangle morning. Holcomb line is organized Farm. ie i! in close touch with Sisley on his left and 23rd Infantry on his right. The 96th Co. took Bouresches alone after a splendid fight with heavy losses. The 79th Co. has about one effective platoon left. The 78th Company about eight casualties. The 80th Co. have few if any. HolcoHb reports that ne has olenty of ammunition but needs rations and requests they be Bouresches by truck. liCtC' sent to i^ee. From Col. Lee to Brigade Hdqrs 8:00 A.m. June 7, 191'--. 3 Bus. occupying eastern and southern edge of Bois de Belleau. They are not in touch with Wise who is supnosed to be on left. machine Gun nest in centei o Bois de Belleau. 3rd Bn. 6 th marines has 4 companies all with it. From: Lee. To: 4th Brig. Hdqrs. Date: June 7th, 1913. Time rec’d. 8:30 A.a. Nothing to report. From: Brigade. Hour 10:10 To: ^ajor Evans. With reference Holcomb’s report of occupation of Bouresches, tell him to strengthen his line from ^ourescne straight south to Triangle Farm and consolidate on xm. line extending from the left from Bourescnes , 0 Sibley, who has companies on the Luc y-B o a re s cne ^ - little ways east of Bourescnes . From: To : Date : FIELD -jLSSAGH . Commanding General, 4th Brigade. _ _ _ Colonel Commanding French 167th Division.^ June 7th, 1918. Time sent: 10:45 A.m. run . I request that you take the little about 1 hilometer south of Bussiares and hold it uar de-oend upon connection there witn my left, nnic 200 ueters east of the little square wood. This vood supposed to be occupied by Germans. o w - - " 9^3 0 Play be located by the following co-orainates 17o... - -- Harbord. p June 7, 1918. • L*A • From: Commanding General, 4th Brigade. To: C.O., 8th marines. Date: June 7th, 1918. Time sent: 12:30 If the remnant of the 3rd Bn. your regiment, has not already been directed on the wood between ...arigny and here, please direct it on mon Blanche, S.W. of Lucy about one kilometer H.E. of La Ferme Paris. It will be easier supplied at that point, equally safe, and more accessible if needed again. The point designated this morning is now outside of Division Area. Once it clears Lucy it can go up the stream Gobert without being under observation from the enemy. Ilarbord. From: Commanding General, 4th Brigade. To: Commanding General, 2nd Division. Date: June 7th, 1913. Time sent: 3:00 " n ,m. 1. Following is present line of this Brigade from right to left from point 100 meters N.E. of easternmost building in Triangle Farm to eastern edge Bouresches; south of Bouresches station to the west, with interval to the "U" in Belleau; thence south inside edge of woods to "E" in Lucy-le-Eocage; interval from edge of woods 250 meters south of "169"; II. V. along edge of timber to point 174.5-262.5; interval to edge of timber 100 meters west; thence to stream; north along wooded stream to point one kilometer S.W. of Torcy; thence along country road to Champillon brouk; thence S.W. along Champillon brook to 173.3-263.5. 2. It is the intention to endeavor to straighten out the line north of Lucy at the end oi some artillery pre- paration just mow going on. There is on 174.1-to 26c,.6 a small rectangular wood which is occupied by Germans.^ this is a rectangular wood about 200 yards in depth and a^out 400 yards long as described. Artillery playing on it now and when it is considered advisable attempt will be made to straighten the line a little here. 3. We hold the tom of Bouresches with a lew more men than I consider necessary. I will endeavor to with¬ draw a company or two when night comes to enable me to get a little echelon in depth;something which is now lack-^ ing with the length of line held. The artillery is olajing on the Bois de Belleau. There are understood to be 13 machine guns and some infantry in the wood. It is now under a very heavy fire. If conditions permit the line will be straightened here. . 4. Some of the German prisoners sent in last ni; rt from the right of my Brigade belong to the 461st Regiment which occupied the Bois de Eelleau. I request that these men be interrogated with a view to ascertaining as accurately as possible what is now in the Bois de Belleau. Harbord,. Telephone message from 4th Brigade - 3:15 P.m., June 7, 1918, to Hq., 2nd Division. Captain Larsen, 3rd Batta,lion, 5th marines, at 2-45 P .M. reports to Commanding Officer, 5th marine "Regiment, German shells bursting in our front line pouring a black smoke. Heavy stream of black smoke also behind the Geiman line . p . -<1 . June 7, 1918. From: Gill. To: 4th Brig. Hdqrs. Bate: June 7th, 1913. Tim^e rec ' d : 3:45 P.m. Observers report a 4 star rocket from the German lines Bois de Belleau. From; Walker, (Signal Officer, 6th Reg.) To: 4th Brigade Hdqrs . Bate: June 7t'n, 1918. Time rec’d: 3:55 P.m. 79th Company reports parties of enemy advancing towards ravine which runs vj.IT.E. of our advance. t P. H. June 7, 1918, Telephone ’ T 6ssa?e from Gas Officer, 4th Brigade, 4-20 P. !•!., June 7, 1918 to 2nd Div. Enemy cloud gas attack reported by Brigade opposite LUCY-le-BOCAGE. Upon investigation found to be smoke screen. Gas attack expected to follow. From: H.Q,., Cth. To : 4th Brig. Hdqrs. Date: June 7th, 1918. Time rec’d: 4:35 P. M. Enemy shelling Bouresclies heavily. Small parties of enemy seen advancing down ravine N.E. S/7, of Bouresches. From: Adj. 5th Marines To : 4th Brig. Hdqrs. Date: June 7th, 1918. Time rec’d: 5:23 P. Har assing fire on the woods east of Turrill is sufficient for the present and Feland is coming in person to report to Harbord. He is on his way down. Shuler. 7:00 P. M. - June 7. From Comdg. General, 4th Brigade to 2nd Div. The left of our line west of BCURESCHES shelled with Minenwerfers. 50 shells have been dropped on it. Artillery notified. From.: General Harbord, To : C.O., 5th Regiment. Date: June 7th, 1918. Time sent: 8:40 P, H. 1. Please make the following changes in force that has been operating under Colonel Feland southwest of Torcy; 1st, withdraw company of your 2d battalion as your Regimental support to some place convenient for the purpose. 2nd, send the company of the 3d Bn. to Hon Blanche to join the remainder of the battalion. 3rd, withdraw the engineers and send them to tne Brigade Reserve at Hon Blanche. Harbord. 8:45 P, H. - June 7, 1918. To 2nd Div. General Harbord reports at 8:45 P.H., that Colonel FLLAKD, who was to take the woods south of TORCY, carried his line without appreciable resistance. He is consolidating the position and everything i3 all right. iiy headqrs. is being gassed with an occasional shell. s * p *T, If June 7, 1918 11J00 P.M, - June 7, 1918. - Phone message from Hq. 4th Brigade to 2nd Biv. The following approximate casualties of the 4th Brigade in the combats of 5:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M., June 6, 1918, are given: Officers killed ... 11 Wounded ... 15 fen killed . 40 Wounded . , ,350 iTo accurate data has yet been received. Some of the Units are still in position on the battlefield, are still scattered, and a check of the command was not practicable. Accurate figures will be submitted as scon as practicable. TBLEpHOEE MESSAGE. Prom: Headquarters, 2d Division, To : 4th Brigade Headouarters. Date: June 7th, 1918. "Time Rec T d: 11:25 p. M. The 167th Division in liaison with the 73rd Division will push forward this evening and tonight to drive the enemy back from the bank south of Clignon to west of stream descending from Champillon. This for the information and guidance of the C,G., 4th Brigade with instruction to keep in close liaison with the French on our left. A. M. June 8, 1918. Prom: C. 0. 6th. To : 4th Brig. Hdqrs. Date: June 8th, 1918. Time rec’d: 12:35 A. M. Heavy fire at Bouresches. Ho communication with 2d or 3d Battalions, 1:25 A. M, - June 8, 1918. ’Phone message from Gen, Harbord to 2nd Div, German attack with machine gun and rifle fire, accompanied by artillery, against BOURESCHES. That part of the line strengthened earlier in the evening with additional machine guns. Latest reports indicate that the attack is making no progress and that everything is all right. From: Moore. To : 4th Brig, Hdqrs. Date: June 8th, 1918. Time rec’d: 2:00 A. M, There was a predetermined fire attack on town and machine guns arrived just before it started. Hot as many as supposed to be. Line held beautifully. Ho German advance. Captain Zane and Robinson every¬ thing well organized. I A - i » iVA June 6, 1918. From: Moore. To : 4til Brig. Hdqrs; Bate: June 8th, 1918. Tine rec’d: 2:30 A. M. Hew gas used between Bouresches and Lucy. Hot mustard. Headache, burned throat. High explosive. Heavy and tickled nose. Signed: Gas Officer.. From: Heville. To : 4th Brig. Hdqrs. Date: June 8th, 1918. Tine rec’di 5:00 A. M. Williams not relieved due to shelling but coming out now. From C, 0. 23rd Inf* to 6th Marines* - 4*45 A.Mi, June 8, All quiet on our front except for har assing artillery fire. Malone, Colonel. Rec’d by 4th Bgde. fro-" Adjt. 6th Marines, 5:10 A«M. From: Adjt. 6th. To : 4th Brig. Hdqrs, Date: June 8th, 1918. Time rec’d: 5:20 A* M. C. 0. 3rd Bn. 6th says action has commenced, 01 herwis e quiet. From: Adjt. 6th. To : 4th Brig. Hdqrs. Date: June 8th, 1918. Time rec’d: 5:30 A. M. No further report. From: Evans. To : 4th Brig. Hdqrs. Date: June 8th, 1918. Time rec’d: 5:45 A. M. Message from C. 0. 3d Bn. 6th: Some machine guns out of action. Mowing our men down pretty fast. 83rd Co. reports many machine guns delaying advance. Good progress in some points. This information from wounded♦ A. M. June 8, 1918. From: Evans. To : -4th Brig, Kdqrs, Date: June 8th, 1918. Time rec'd: 5:50 A. M. Holcomb is supporting Sibley’s right by fire. 0. fire in the Bois de Belleau not heavy. Losses Bouresches not as heavy as estimated. Defense very well handled by Captain Zane, From.* C. 0. 3d Bn, To : 4th Brig, Hdqrs, Date: June 8th, 1918. Time rec'd: 5:55 A. M. 82nd Co. reports advance with slight M. G. fire in front. Have taken two. One platoon 80th Co. to support of 82nd, Take Lieutenant Roberts place who is wounded. Asking for some barrage. Laying out four wires to your P. C. At present not connected. From.: C. 0. 6th, To : 4th Brig. Hdars, Date: June 8th, 1918. Time rec’d: 6:10 A. M. Sibley 1 s advance has been checked at points and they are finding many more M. G’s. than expected and. may be necessary to employ part or all of one of the support companies. Telephonic Report from 4th Brigade to 2nd Div. 6:25 A. M,, June 8th. Advance going very well but they have been held up in certain points by machine guns . We think it will be all right. From: C. 0. 6th. To : 4th Brig. Hdqrs. Date: June 8th, 1918. Time rec'd: 6:40 A. M. At 5:30 Captain Smith reported v/ounded. Best of machine guns on his left. Captured two and are going on. At 5:50 83rd Co. reports two captured and surrounding the others. At 6 o’clock the advance held up. 84th and 83rd mixed together finding new emplacements everywhere. 82nd asking for reinforce¬ ments, 2 platoons. Engineers standing by waiting orders of C. 0. 3rd Bn. Runners sent out to advise him of situation. Are holding where held up and will advance when situation permits. One Lieutenant of 80th Company wounded. Ho ore June 8, 1918# From I Major Evans. To : 4th Brig. Hdqrs. Date: June 8th, 1918. Time rec T d: 6:58 A. M* Captain Zane at Bouresches saj^s that a wounded man from 82nd Co. in town and said Major Sibley had all hut one machine gun and thinks he has that one now. Could hear man crying from woods: ’’Get that S of a B," has no liaison hut thinks it O.K. From*. C.C. 6th. To : 4th Brig c Iidqrs. Date: June 8th, 1918, Time rec'd: 6:58 A, M. It was reported hy Moore enemy reserves coming in from north of wood. Another call for barrage as originally fired this morning. Phone cell from Adjutant, 4th Brigade to 2nd Div« 8:12 A.M.* June Bth. General Harhord is putting SHEARER in command of the 3rd Battalion, 5th Marines, vice BERRY wounded. From: Gill. To : 4th Brig. Hdqrs, Date: June 8th, 1918. Time rec’di 9:10 A. M. Relief complete. From: C. 0. 6th. To : 4th Brig. Hdqrs. Date: June 8th, 1918. Time rec’d: 11:30 A. M, nothing to report. p, M. June 8, 1918. From: Evans relayed from Sibley thru Holcomb. To : 4th Brig. Hdqrs. Date: June 8th, 1918. Time rec’d at 4th Brig. Hdqrs.. 12:05 p. M. Engineer lieutenant from Sibley in Bouresches reports only partial success. Has taken three guns. 1 gun corner woods nearest Bouresches very trouble¬ some. Have remaining guns practically surrounded. Heavy casualties. Consider junction dry stream bed at point 261.3-176.8 Vital for communication. Will post 10 Engineers there. Have posted 20 engineers at point midway between Bouresches and Messersmith*s left. Will soon have liaison on left flank also. ) June 8, 1918* P. ? ,T M - From: Colonel Neville. To : 4th Brig, Hdqrs, Date: June 8th, 1918. Time rec’d: 12:30 p. m. Observation Post reports 100 men seen marching north on road 265.9 - 174.9 and also 32 men in squads carrying gun on road 265.5 - 173.8. 20 men camou¬ flaged in Lucy Farm. Artillery notified. From! C, G., 4th Brigade. To : Major Sibley, C. 0., 3rd Bn. 6th Marines. Date: June 8th ; 1918. Time sent: 12:30 P» M. Get cover for your men in the ravine (gully) at south edge of woods. Let your men rest. I will have artillery play on the wood. Any further orders will be given you later for other movement by you. Send reply by the runner who brings this as to the hour at which you will be in your gully. Harbord, From: Major Evans. To : Major Lay, Brigade Adjutant. By runner. Date: June 8th, 1918, Time sent: 12:55 P. M« Am arranging best I can with Moore and Conroy to work out some rations to Sibley by carrying parties. Rations received here at midnight and road Lucy- Bouresches heavily shelled about 12:20 a.m. to i:20 a.m. mostly machine guns. Wagons had to put back Lucy and rations were dumped for Holcomb at point indicated by his guide but they could not be worked in. This looks to me like a big emergency. Arranging for tonight’s delivery by wagon to point on Lucy- Bouresches road. If you can put it through to get a truck tonight I am game to try to take it into Bour- esches and can find volunteers. Its worth the try for I am sick thinking about it. Can also take water out to Sibley and drop it on road and hustle it down ravine, Evans, From: Major Sibley. To : C. G., 4th Brigade. Date: June 8th, 1918, Time sent: 1:55 P. M. Will have men under cover for artillery fire south edge of woods (within 125 yards of edge) by 3:00 p.m. Regret to report officers and men too much exhausted for further attack on strong resistance until after several hours rest. Enemy shelling our position now. Damage not serious at present. Sibley, Time rec’d at 4th Brig. Hdqrs... 2:30 P. M. P, M. June 8, 1918, From: C. G. 4 th Brig. At : P. C. 3:00 PM. June 8. To : C. G. 2nd Div. The following quotation from 6th Marines report furnished for your information: "Man from 73d Co., M.G., reported that prisoner taken this morning stated the German troops have orders to hold the lines of R. R. north of BOURBSCHBS, at all costs. HARBORD. 3:05 P. M., 8 June. French Array Corps Headquarters telephones that a German message has "been intercepted which directed that all the roads leading to BOURESCHES from the north, west and south be. placed under heavy artill¬ ery and machine gun fire* This may indicate an attempt to isolate the American garrison and an attack and attempt to capture it* Telephoned to 3rd and 4th Brigade. Rec T d 4th Brig* Kq., 3:15 p. m. Telephone message from 4th Brigade to 2nd Div., o : 20 P. H., 8 June , German prisoner captured this morning in the BO IS-de-BELLB.AU, stated that the German troops had ^ orders to hold the railroad line north of BOURESCHES at all costs in case of an enemy attack. / P v • ili t June 6, 1918. From 2nd Div., 4:05 p, M., June 8. phoned General Harbord that the Corps Commander approved exchange of marine battalions (Corps reserve to go in line to he replaced by another battalion) Total loss in Berry*s battalion included: 2 officers - killed. 3 " - wounded. Q,ui te 68 men 19 0 men 30 men sure they are not killed. wounded. missi ng. captured . was 288: That t ITZ CCA riTT O O rvjfSii From: Commanding General, 4th Brigade. To : C. 0., 1st Bn. 6th. Date: June 8th, 1918, Time sent: 6:20 P. H. By authority of the Corps Commander your batt¬ alion is relieved from duty as Corps Reserve and will proceed tonight to a point S.E. of Lucy to relieve the 3d Bn, of the Regiment. The Regimental Commander has arranged to have guides meet you at the bridge cross¬ ing over the Gobert brook. It is desired that you start at such hour that your march will not be apparent to balloon observation of the enemy. You should be amply provided with ammunition, rations, etc. Karbord. ? MESSAGE. From: Commanding General, 4th Brigade. To : C. 0., 6th Regiment. Date: June 8th, 1918. Time sent: 6:22 P. M« The 1st Bn. of your Regiment has been relieved as Corps Reserve and directed to proceed to relieve the 3d Bn. Please order Major Sibley when relieved to proceed with his battalion to a point 1-1/2 kilo¬ meters S.W. of Marigny in the woods at 170.0-259.5, Harbord. From: Commanding General, 4th Brigade. To : C. 0., 2d Engineers, in Reserve near Mon Blanche. Date: June 8th, 1918. Time sent: 8:10 P. M. You will the companies that you have now in reserve and after drawing rations tonight you will move your command to a point in the woods Em ee quarters of a kilometer south of the Paris-Metz road in the Bois Gros Jean. You will then receive orders from the Colonel of your Regiment, passing from under our command , p, J l June 3, 1916. '-3 S3 AGE. From: Commanding General, 4th Brigade. To : Kaj or Holcomb. Date: June 6th, 1918. Tine sent: 9:15 P. M. Much to ny regret I an unable to relieve your battalion in its turn from its present place. The holdinv o^ that town is too important for ne to risk a change at this time. It will be done just as soon as conditions permit. You and your battalion have done fine work and it is much appreciated by the Division Commander and myself. I want to advise you that I have taken out the Sibley battalion tonight and a~> not replacing it. About 50 batteries will play on that wood all day tomorrow and we will prob¬ ably occupy the far edme in the afternoon. Instruct¬ ions have bten given in the case of any demonstration in your vicinity to cover all the approaches towards your town by artillery fire on the enemy’s approaches and a fire will be laid down tonight in the same manner to prevent any surprise of you in force. Harbord. To C. 0, 5th marines, 9:30 P. M., June 8. Confirming orders already given you by telephone, please cause the C.C. 2nd Bn. your regiment to move to the west of the Lucy-Torcy road any part of his battalion now to the east of that road. This in order to facilitate a complete artillery preparation of the whole o^ the Bois de Belleau tomorrow'. Harbord, MESSAGE, From: Commanding General, 4th Brigade, To : C.0,, 1st Bn., 6th Karines. Date: June 8th, 1918. Time sent: 9:40 p. M. Confirming my verbal instructions already given to you, I desire you to reconnoiter tonight the wood directly S.E. of Lucy vhere the 80th Co. is stationed. After reconnaissance of that wood, put in there tonight as many of your companies as you think safe, at least one. Those companies for which, there is no room there will be put in the north-eastern end of Mon Blanche Mood S.W, of Lucy. You should have your own p.C. with the portion of tne battalion that is in the v r ood S.L, of Lucy. It is understood that Colonel Lee has withdrawn the 80th Co. to the wood S.E. of Lucy. Harbord ' . . ' . ■ - - ■ • P. M. June 8,. 1518. MESSAGE• From: Commanding General, 4th Brigade. To : C.O., 6th Regiment. Date: June 8th, 1918. Time cent: 9:45 P.M. The plan for relieving Iiajor Sibley by Major Hughes battalion has been changed. Major Sibley is to be withdrawn tonight after dark with any engineers that may be with him. The 80th Co. which it is under¬ stood has been moved to the woods S.E. of Lucy remains in thjse woods. Major Hughes will put there tonight one company of his battalion and as many more as the wood will safely hold. The remainder ol his battalion to be in the wood S;\7. of Lucy4 His P.C, to be in the wood S.E. of Lucy. At dawn tomorrow morning an artillery preparation will begin on the .do is de Bel-- eau which by the late afternoon is expected to^ oblit¬ erate any enemy organizations in that wood. word . been sent to Major Holcomb in the matter. The O, . 5th Marines has been also notified. Karbord. LESS AGS. From: Commanding General, 4th brigade, To : Major Shearer. Date: June 8th, 1518. Time sent: 5:52 ?. M I desire you to go over early tomorrow morning and familiarize yourself with the line he is holding, including the town of Bouresches. It is the present intention that your battalion will reiieve hrs_tomorxow night and I want you to be familiar with the_situation as the town of Bouresches and the line to Tnangi Farm is considered to be very important. As soon as you have familiarized yourself with it, jom^your battalion and the other orders for the relic; wil made later, Harbord. A. June 5, 1518, From: 1st Batt. At : P. C. Date To e-5-18 Hour 1:15 Capt. Hamilton. An sending at the men and 2 machine guns to west of our left (i/mans, this A,M. I am sending to have you send me another arrangement, to help the a request of the French 100 hold the square woods north The 50 men you sent me * lines. Also X would like to 50. Tliis is a temporary Fr ench out. .LAPMDI i d. A • r . • June 9, 1916. 8:35 A.K. - June 9, 1916. Second Section, G. S. Telephone Reports fron I.O.’s 4th Bri~., 9th and 23rd Inf. Rej:ort everything quiet on the their organizations fronts held by Cx-2. From: 1st £att, Date: e/o/lf. Hour: 10:15. A To : Capt. Winans. has Lieut. Eendfr reported with 50 nen yet. TURKILL. p. M. June 9, 1918. HESSAGP. Prom: Colonel Lee. To : 4th Brig. Hdqrs. Date: June 9th, 1918, Time sent: 12:15 P. M. Major Hushes’ Battalion (1st, 6th) is located in the woods just West of point 205 on North side of road La Voie du Chatel-Lucy le Bocage. Hughes has just reported here with this information and I am waiting for the side-car. to send him to you to explain the results of his reconnaissance of the woods occupied by the Regimental reserve. Lee . MESSAGE. Prom.: C.G., 4th Brigade. To : C . 0 . , 1st Bn. 6th Marines. Date: June 9th, 1918. Time sent: 2:40 P. M. As soon as dark tonight be prepared to move y our battalion into a position for an attach which will be outlined in field orders which you will receive later today. Barbord. MESSAGE. From: C.G. 4th Brigade. To : C.O. 3rd Bn. 5th Marines. Date: June 9th, 1916. Time sent: 2:42 P. M. As soon as it is dark tonight send one company of your battalion to the wood S.E. of Lucy as regiment¬ al support for the 6th Marines. Take the other three companies and relieve the three companies o - ^ the 2d Bn. 6th Regiment now holding Bouresches-Triangle Farm. Harbord. * ■ / ■ • ■ . I June 9, 1918. ; LEGbAGH. From: C. G. 4th Brigade. To : C.O. 2d Bn. 6th Karines. Date: June 9th, 1918. Tine sent: 2:43 P, Iv. when relieved tonight by the 3d Bn. 5th Karines, inarch 37 our battalion to the east edge of the wood S.W. of Lucj' south of the stream Gobert. Harbord. From: C.O. 5th Regt* At : P.C, IHville Date: June 9, 19i8. Hour 6 P. M. Ho. 323 To : C.O, 1st Bn. The enclosed order explains itself. Make necessary reconnaissance and change your dispositions so that in case of alert you can occupy this entire C.R. as extended. Feland. Returned enclosed order. MESSAGE from Lt. Hunt: June 9, 1918 - 10-10 P. M. A Lorraine prisoner stated that there would be a relief in front of the 2nd Division tonight, and that a regiment of the 109th Guard Badoise would go into the BOIS-de-BELLBAU. G-2 says thejr usually make their relief sometime between 11:00 and 12:00. This regiment belongs to the 28th Division, which is going to make the relief. The prisoner states also that the rumor runs that as soon as the reliefs have all been terminated they are going to attack but not right away -- ^in two or three days and thejr are going to use lots of gas. He will have it copied and send the whole thing up. This seems to be confirmed by the other prisoner. June 9, 1918 - 10:16 P. M» Telephone message from 2nd Division, Radio, At 10:11 PLI Radio liaison now established at new division headquarters and will be in operation throughout the night. Telephone message from 4th Brigade Kdqrs. to 2nd Div 11:10 P. M,, June 9, 1918. Considerable shelling of our brigade front at the present tine. At about 10:00 P.M. an enemy shell hit a small arms ammunition dump and blew up about u0,uuu rounds of Calibre .30. I Lo time indicated. I 1918. June 9 Bourmont, June 9, 1918. Brig. Gen. HarBord:- Following telegram signed BATHES received from PARI3. "I hear everywhere expressed pride and enthus¬ iasm over the wonderful Battle qualities of you and your Brigade. Me are all proud of you. ;l ARE. STROP G C.G. 4th Brigade. C. of S» In charge, Bourmont. Memorandum from Adjutant, 6th Regiment to 4th Brigade Kdqrs. June 9th, 1918^ Lieutenant Leonard, Inf. USR, attached to 79th Company, reported in this morning from the town of Bouresches with the following information: Bouresches is occupied By aBout 100 men of the 96th Company, all of the 79th Company, amounting to aBout 9 0 men and 17.5 men of the 2d Engineers. The Boche still hold the R.R. station. Just outside of town on the right flank Lieutenant Perkinson has 20 men of the 84th Company. This force is in touch on the right with the 78th Company which completes the line of the Triangle Farm. 44 men of the 73rd Company under Lieutenant Duncan and Lieutenant Hart with detachments from the 6th Machine Gun Battalion are in the toY/n. He estimated there were Between 12 and 14 machine guns which were Being added to. One machine gun v/as captured in the town of Bour¬ esches. \7ater supply is good. Men were served with hot rations and coffee last night. They can cook there at night and have had chickens and killed a hog and cow. Ammunition is plentiful. aBout 15,000 rounds caliBer .30. 7,000 rounds caliBer .30 in reserve. Estimated numBer of Chauchat guns a/bout 25 with adequate suppljf of ammunition. The trench mortar in town is a Cannon d*Infanterie, 85 mm* The shell is steel with corrugated wooden stem. Smooth Bore. It is not a Brandt mortar. There is no powder for cha.rging the gun. (Signed) F. S, Evans. A. 11. June 10, 1918. From: Adjutant, 6th Regiment. To : 4th Brig. Hdqrs. Date: June 10th, 1918. Time rec’d: 1:40 A. H. Hea.vy gun fire v/hich has Been repeatedly reported all night at Bouresches is still falling there. 1 have had the artillery liaison officer on the joB and he has gone all through the American and French artillery up to and including Corps artillery and they assure me that it is not our side firing. ( $i o t im e indicated. f 1918. June 9 Bourmont, June 9, 1918, Brig. Gen. Harbord:- Fo11owing telegram signed DAVIES received from PARI8. "I hear everywhere expressed pride and enthus¬ iasm over the wonderful battle qualities of you and your brigade. Me are all proud of you. ;l AK..8TR01\G C.G. 4th Brigade. C. of 8* In charge, Bourmont. Memorandum fron Adjutant, 6th Regiment to 4th Brigade Kdqrs. June 9 th, 19184- Lieutenant Leonard, Inf. UBR, attached to 79th Company, reported in this morning from the town of Bouresches with the following information: Bouresches is occupied by about 100 men of the 96th Company, all of the 79th Company, amounting to about 9 0 men a.nd 17.5 men of the 2d Engineers. The Boche still hold the R.R. station. Just outside of town on the right flank Lieutenant Perkinson has 20 men of the 84th Company. This force is in touch on the right with the 78th Company which completes the line of the Triangle Farm. 44 men of the 73rd Company under Lieutenant Duncan and Lieutenant Hart with detachments from the 6th Machine Gun Battalion are in the town. He estimated there were between 12 and 14 machine guns which were being added to. One machine gun was captured in the town of Bour¬ esches. Water supply is good. Men were served with hot rations and coffee last night. They can cook there at night and have had chickens and killed a hog and cow. Ammunition is plentiful, about 15,000 rounds caliber .30. 7,000 rounds caliber .30 in reserve. Estimated number of Chauchat guns about 25 with adequate supply of ammunition. The trench mortar in town is a Cannon d*Infanterie, 85 mm. The shell is steel with corrugated wooden stem. Smooth bore. It is not a Brandt mortar. There is no powder for charging the gun. (Signed) F. E, Evans. A. it. June 10, 1918. From: Adjutant, 6th Regiment. To : 4th Brig. Hdqrs. Date: June 10th, 1918. Time rec’d: 1:40 A. H. Heavy gun fire which has been repeatedly reptrted all night at Bouresches is still falling there. I have had the artillery liaison officer on the job and he has gone all through the American and French artillery up to and including Corps artillery and they assure me that it is not our side firing. . s . . : 1 • • June 10, 1918 From: To : Date: From To Date A. la » C, 0. 6th, 4th Brig. Ildqrs. June 10th, 1918. Time rec’d: 2:25 A, M. Everything quiet. C. 0, 2nd Bn. 6th. 4th Brig, Hdqrs. U une 10th, 1918. Time rec’d: 2:30 A. M, Everything quiet. • •• f June 10, 1918. A.M. From: C.O. 1st Bn. 6th. To : 4th Brig. Hdqrs. Date : June 10th, 1918. In position. Time rec’d; 2:45 A.isi. From: 6th Regiment. To: 4th Brig. Hdqrs. Time rec’d. 3:50 A.m. Date: June 10th, 1918. Hughes reports 0.1 [, in position and ready to carry out any orders. Prom: 6th Regiment. To : 4th Brig. Hdqrs. Time rec'd: 4:22 A.m. Date : June 10th, 1918. Enemy is shelling Lucy every 30 seconds. Prom; Lt. uoore, At: P.C. Cole. Time rec'd: 4:29 A.m. Date : June 10th , 1918. major Cole has gone forward and will keep me informed of the situation. Nothing as yet to report. prom: C.O. 1st Bn. 6th. To: 4th Brig. Hdqrs. Date: June 10th, 1910. Time rec'd: 4-51 Aa. Artillery barrage working beaut ifully. 3 or 4 casualties in 74th Co . oomi.ig in. otherwise.all O.K. Kindly have artillery fire on machine guns firing down the line we have to cross. Hughes Prom: C.O. 6th, ( Intelligence Officer speaking for C.O. 6th.) To: 4th Brigade Headquarters. Date: June 10th, 1918. Time rec’d. 5:20 A.m. Action in woods deemed finished. Our barrage on woods is continued. Guns ere fjring on enemy’s batteries and towns. Only few short bursts of machine gun fire noted during advance. Two red .rockets observed from woo<- s Prom: Date : To : C.O. 6th Regt. 10 June 18 Hour 5:40 a.m. C.0. 4th Brigade. Hovi sent Ho. 2 Runner All quiet in Bois de Belleau, Our shells falling further to the north and east. Occasional rifle li.. e -om Bo is de Belleau. Ho m.G. fire there now. Only ,w.w, lire that can be heard is east of Bouresches. 5:45 a.m. Capt. Platt, 20th Co. reports that he thinks the Bois de Belleau has been cleared of m.G. A • m « June 10, 1918 5:47 A.m. » june 10, 1918, Severe bursts of m.G. fire from center of Bo is de Belleau, E. of Hill 181. Our artillery is shelling road that runs S.E. of Cnateau de Belleau. ho Infantry action discernible. 5:50 A.m. Volley of ^.G. lire from center of Bois de Belleau. Lee . 5:50 A.m. - June 10, - From Adjutant 4th Brigade, to Div. Telephone message just received at 4th Brigade Hdqrs. that everything is quiet in the woods - BOIS de BELLEAU. Erora: At: Bate : To: C.O. 6th Regt. Lucy 3 0 June 18 hour 5:50 a.m. CiO. 4th Brigade. opposition One trench C.O . The line advanced obtaining objective without . At present engaged in consolidating position, mortar taken quite intact; will try to iind the LEE (Perrin) From; 6th Reg. To: 4th Brig. Hdqrs. Bate: June 10th, 1918. Time rec’d. 6:10 A.m. There are several sharp bursts of m.G. fire from center of the Bois de Belleau east of Hill 131. Our artillery from Chateau Belleau. ho is shelling road that runs S.E. from Cna' Infantry movement discernible. At 5:47 machine gun fire from center of the Bois there was From: 6th Reg. To : 4th Brig , Hdqrs. Bate: June 10th, 1918. Time rec’d: 6:20 A.m. Lessage from Lt. Perrin, Liaison Officer sent to Hughes: The line advanced obtaining objective without opposition. One trench mortar quite intact. V'ill try '-o find the C.O. Signed Perrin. 6:30 A.L. - June 10 - Phone message from General Karbord himself. To 2nd Div, The liaison officer with ^ajor Hughes reports that they have obtained their objectives and are consolidating their positions. From: 6th Reg. To: 4th Brig. Hdqrs. Bate: June 10th, 1918. Time rec'd. 6:^0 A.m. The trench mortar ref-erred to in the message is a large yinnenwerfer mounted on wheels with 45 rounds oi ammunition. June 10th, 1918. Adj . 6th marines to 4th Brigade, 6:35 A > June 10, 1918. At 6:19 A.m. , 8 or 10 men seen walking down south along west edge of Bo is de Belleau from Hill 181. ITo further inform¬ ation about action. Impossible to distinguish whether men. were ours or the enemy. Rifle fire south of hill 181; about a dozen shots. Came in from Observation Post, Scout Officer and runner still out. From: 6th Reg. To: 4th Brig. Hdqrs. Date: June 10th, 1918. Time rec’d. 6:40 Amvl, Tnink it advisable to try and get the minnenwerfer out of the woods, but we have no transportation. From: To . Date : Lieutenant ^oore. 4th Brig. Hdqrs'. June 10th, 1918. Time rec’d: 6:50 A#m. message received over phone from major Hughes that Captain Fuller-, 75th Company, reports that at 5:12 a.m. he had reached his objective. Ho indication of the enemy. From: jioore. To: 4th Brig. Hdqrs. Date: June 10th, 1918, Time rec’d. 6:58 A.m. message from forward group by runner, into nest of 3 machine guns approximately 176.1 Fuller is cleaning them out with help from Cole Have run - 262.3, Hughes From: Date : To : F. I, 10.June 18 Hour 6:40 a.m. Ho. 3 C.Q. 4th Brigade. Lt. Conroy and 25 fer and ammunition. men sent to bring out minnenwer- 7:00 a.m. iv: inner we rf er located at point 200 yds East of Hill 181. Three H.G’s, active at point 100 yds Hoithof second "E" in word Belleau in the woods. Hughes is making dispos¬ ition for their capture. From: Colonel Lee. To: 4th Brig. Hdqrs. Date: June 10th, 1918, Time rec’d: 7:10 A.m. 3 machine guns still active at point 100 yards north of second ”e” in word "Belleau," Hughes making dispositions foi' their capture. Also one company going up from Regi¬ me ntal Reserve. June 10, 1918. A.. From: C.O. 6tn Regt. Date: 10 June 18 Hour 7:15 a.m. To : • C.O. 4th Prig. minnenwerf er Cal. 7" brought in by Lt. Conroy and merou and twenty-five men to ?.C. Ammunition on. way. Party fired on while returning. Lee From: maj. Hughes. To: 4th Brig. Date: 10 June 1918 Hour 7:12 A.m. Everything going nicely. Ho losses coming across. Have received no word from companies, but there is prac¬ tically no firing. Artillery has blown the Bois de Belleau to mince meat. 7-15 A.-'i. - June 10.- Phone message from General Harbord - to 2nd Divn. message from major Hughes stating that all goes well The Artillery blew the wood all to hell. Ho losses known yet. Very large "minnenwerfer" on wheels taken. Ho connection yet wi til c ompa.nle s . From: To : Date : mF.SSAGE major Hughes. 4th Prig. Kdqrs. June 10th, 1918. Time rec’d: 7:54 A.m. "tars Everything O.KH now except nest of machine Guns previously mentioned. Am sending Fuller two Stokes mo. and have instructed him to await tneir arrival before attempting to take them. 2 privates of the 75th.Co. killed. Have identified two oi three dead marines found in trenches. One is 2nd Lieutenant Clarence Dennis and the other private pobert A. Kirk, 3rd one blown to pieces. From: To : Date : 6t.,h Reg. 4th Brig. Hdqrs. June 10th, 1910. Time rec’d: message from Hughes: ,.iajor machine gun fire in face and hand, battalion dressing station. Have not reserves. Brought un 74th Company. Cole badly wounded by s on his way to the called on regimental From: To : Date : Colonel Lee. 4th Brig . Hdqrs. June 10th, 1918. Time rec’d: 8:06 A.m. 'That disposition shall I make Have it and accessories at the P.C. all About 45 rounds of ammunition for it on de Belleau. of the minnenwerfer? in good condition, west edge of Bois A t m • June 10, 1913. ^SCAGj From: Lee. To: 4th Brig. Kdqrs. Date t June 10th, 1918. Time rec’d: 8:55 A.m. Shiner at work from east Hill 169 in front of thk 5th Regiment. Am sending out Captain Stowell and 25 men to bring in another .ainnenwerf er. From: C.O. 23rd infantry. To: Colonel Lee. Date: June 10th, 1918. Time rec»d at 4th Brig. Hdqrs 9 ; 30 Ami. Hearty congratulations on work of last night. ^alone. Adjutant of 6th forwarded this message for the inform¬ ation of the Brigade Commander. From: To : Date: djutant 6th Regiment ii 4th Brigade Hdqrs June 10th, 1918. By runner. 'ime rec ’ d : 10 :00 Ct • < Zane and Robertson say two Stokes mortars^ and ammunition would be a great addition to defense of Bouresches. They urge its careful consideration. They also believe more men needed. Engineers were used on posts and organised lor counter-attack. Posts now taken care of but counter-attacking force needed. V/e have 182 replacements in woods nere. Tnere are 10 non-commissioned officers in this number. Zane thinks 100 ii n i mum needed. Evans. FIELD MESSAGE. From: To Date: C. G. 4th Brigade. Major Hughes, C.O. 1st June 10 th, 1918. Time Bn, 6th Marines, sent: 10;02 A.M. ■p. Motorcycle Very important that you give me your judgement on what is north of you in the Bois de Belleau. Push your reconnaissance and let me know at the eailim¬ possible moment whether you think it possible to take part of the wood north of your present position. Let me know: yQu think it will be practicable to take the part of the Bois de Belleau north of your present position with your force ao it stands. How much further artillery preparation should there be on that part of the wood. If you think your forces are not equal o it with artillery preparation, give me your opinion on the forces necesoaiy. 1st: 2nd: 3rd: Hi Uil -- - ~ . the assumption that machine gun fir- tnis on trie .. . , . , , along the railroad will he lcept down hy our artillery and that Wise can advance on the left of t. Belleau. Harbord. t A June 10, 1918. From: C.G. 4th Brigade. (^ecd 10:50 A.-ui.) At: F.C. Date: June 10th. '.lour 10.05 A.-** Bo.2. To: Chief of Staff, 2nd Division. Witn reference your note of June 10 regarding withdrawal of the Regiment of French Field Artillery. I am hurrying all I can the reconnaissance in the north end of the 30IS de BSLLEAU. I nave not Been able to get anything definite yet. _y judgment is that the action of the artillery has very effectually silenced seiious opposition in tnat part of the wood. it am of the opinion that I will want to attack the north end of the BOIS de 3ELLEAU either today, tonight or tomorrow morning and request that the Corps not move this regiment of field artillery within 24 hours. HARBOKD. From: C.O. 6th. To: 4th Brig. Hdqrs. Date: June 10th, 1918. Time rec'd: 10:20 A.m. Between 9:10 and 9:30 a.m. 20 shells of 150 calibre dropped near Observation post. Occasional shrapnel burst over the 3ois. P .Jjii ♦ Dote: 10 June 18 Hour 1:20 P.., + . To: Regt. Commander. Enemy one pounder probably located at Ft. 175.2 - 262.2 has been firing into 43rd Co. sector all morning, \Yk. R. iviATIIEWS 1st. Lt. U.S.m.C. 1.0. 2nd Bn. 5th marines. By direction. Telephone message from 4th Brigade. Received by 2nd Divn. at 2:44 P #i a. , June 10, 1918. The attack started at 4:30 A.m. after a artillery preparation. The objective was reacmed A.m. and since that hour is being consolidated. 2 known no prisoners were taken, but two large .-inne were captured. Our losses slignt. thorough by 5:10 o far as nwerfers MESSAGE• From: C.G. 4th Brigade, To : C.O. 6th marines. Date: June 10th, 1918. Time sent 6:20 Pmi. east of of Lucy 174.8 - portion a guide Order the 20th Co. now in support in woods soutn- Bucy to proceed at dark and occupy the line north running in irregular line from 174.4 - 2.6 t' VjU .. 1 ,. A. Lw June 11, 1918. Message from 4th Brigade to 2nd Div. Hour 8:42 A. M., June 11, 1918. The 4th Brigade reports 135 German prisoners on hand at Headquarters and more are coming'in. Request that sufficient M. P's he sent there to take them hack as they cannot he kept there for any length of time. From: Wise thro C.O, 5th. To : 4th Brig. Hdqrs. Bate: June lith., 1918. Time sent: 8:55 A.11. o * Barrage needed in front of us, point 176.1- 262.5 - 176.7-262.7 as it is reported that the Germans are massing in front. Captain 'williams wounded. . Casualties quite heavy as the barrage did not clean things up. We have the situation in hand hut the 6th has not cone up on right. The barrage is badly needed and artillery officer could he used as we have spotted a nest of enemy artillery. Time rec’d: 9:45 A. M. From: C. 0. 55th Company. To : 4th Brig. Kdqrs. By telephone. Date: June 11th, 1918. Time rec’d: 10:15 A.M. All companies have obtained their objectives and losses ha/ve been so heavy that we are only able to hold one line. We need barrage at once. Cook. From: 5th Reg. To : 4th Brig. Kdqrs. By telephone. Date: June 11th, 1918. Time rec'd: 10:15 A. M. % From Wise at 9:25 a.m. This is our position from report sketch we are sending down. Four machine runs are in and the machine gun officer is sending ■four more. FI ease send prisoner chasers as i am short handed. The 6th Regiment is not up on our right All reports full of confidence. Artillery barrage and officer badly needed. From: Colonel Keville. To : 4th Prig, Kdqrs, Date: June 11th, 1918. Time rec’d: 10:30 a.m. Request two companies engineers to help dig in that position as losses are reported heavy. About 150 more prisoners on the way. A. M. June 11, 1918. From: C, of S., 2nd Div. At Hdqrs. 4th Brigade Date June 11, Hour 10:40 A.M. To Commanding Officer, 2nd Engineers. The Division Commander directs that tv/o companies of engineers those longest out of the line, he reported at once to the C. G. 4th Brigade for temporary duty. Trucks will he in readiness at these Headquarters to transport them to their destination. They should take tools. Gee that their belts are filled. Report action. BRO wU. From: Vise. To : 4th Brig. Hdqrs. By telephone. Date: June 11th, 1918. Time rec’d: 10:45 A. M, Counter battery work is needed as well as a barrage as we are being shelled regularly and it is coming from those guns on my map. In touch with 6th Regiment. If I can get the artillery I am satisfied. From: Captain ¥ass, 18th Co. Thro Wise. To : 4th Brig. Hdqrs. Date: June 11th, 1918. Time rec’d: 10:45 A. h. Have obtained our objective. The enemy are preparing counter-attack on our left flank. we need- barrage immediately along Bouresches-Belleau Road, the northwest along our front. From: Neville. To : 4th Brig. Hdqrs . By telephone. Date: June 11th, 1918. Time rec’d: 11:00 A. M. Do not need any more companies now. Everything O.K. Believe our casualties 'slight. From Ravine all way to Wise’s flank 0, E. From: C, G, 4th Brigade. At : P. C. Date: 11 June. Hour: 11:45 A.M. To : Lt . Col. Wise - (Through C.O. 5 th). 1. The Division Commander is at Brigade Head quarters and sends hearty congratulations to you and your gallant men. He says the task could not have Deen performed any better. The objectives of the Brigade have been attained everywhere after days of fighting which the Division Cowimander has never known to be excelled. To this I add my warm personal greetings and congratulations. K AR->0 RD . • ■ • F. M. June 11, 1918. From: Colonel Wise 10:55 a.m. (delayed) To : 4th Brigade Hdqrs. Date: June 11th, 1918. Tine rec’d: 12:50 P.M* Artillery officer arrived and will be a great help. Positions are now organized; in perfect touch with the 6th. I will shortly inspect and can then give an idea of losses. Think we can get nore prison¬ ers as lots of them are hiding afraid to give up, so with German speaking men we are going to comb them out. We have lost quite a few officers. From: Colonel Ne\*ille to be communicated to 12th Field Artillery. To : 4th Brigade Headquarters. By telephone. Date: June 11th, 1918. * Time rec’d: 12:55 P. M. The telephone man has just phoned in from Lucy that heavy enemy shells are coining from the north or a little east of the north. His position at that time was on the northern side of Lucy about the center. My artillery officer went down to Lucy to locate them. From: Captain Shuler, Adjutant 5th Reg. To : 4th Brigade Hdqrs. By telephone. Date: June 11th, 1918. Time rec’d: 1:00 P. H. Enemy entering woods north of Bouresches 177.4- 262.2. Estimated two companies. From: Wise. To : 4th Brig. Hdqrs. Time sent: 11:25 A.M. Date: June 11th, 1918. Time rec’d: 1:18 P.M. I think my left flank is rather weak. The german s are massing in our front. I can hardly spare any men. They could very easily filter through tonight for counter-attack, nothing new to report except increased artillery activity. From: Adjutant 5th. To : 4th Brig. Hdqrs. .. Time rec’d: 1:40 P. M. Date: June 11th, 1918. By telephone. At 12:02 p.m. troops still reported massing on our front in the direction of Belleau and Torcy and think counter-attack is on foot. Companies 43rd, 51st and 18th have about 30 men each lost and 55th about 83. I hardly believe the latter. Increased shelling. From: Colonel Lee. To : 4th Brig. Hdqrs. By telephone. Date: June 11th, 1918. Time rec'd: 1:48 P. M. Phoning message received from Hughes: 0\ T erton just beat off Boche counter-attack. Just sent two platoons to Vise as he said enemy were on his left, have men in good spirits. p. 1 l « June 11, 1910. Prom: W r ise. To : 4 th Brig. Hdqrs. By telephone. Date: June 11th, 1918. Time rec’d: 1:50 P, M, Prisoner states a Division at Belleau. Prom: C.G, 4th Brigade. At : P.C. Date: June 11th - Hour: 2:00 P.M. Bo. 4* To : Lt« Col. Vise- artillery very watchful on your left flank, you need have no fear for it. Use your engineers to consolidateyour front as rapidly as possible. Refuse your left flank slightly, along ravine or higher up along edge of woods. Let us know your losses as accur¬ ately as you can give them, what are your capture of machine guns. Your affair today was certainly well handled and is the biggest thing in prisoners that the A.E.F. has yet pulled off. We are delighted, Approxinalely 1000 replacements arriving for the Brigade today. HARBORD. MBSSAGE. Prom: C.G* 4th Brigade. To : Major Hughes. Date: June 11th, 1918. Time sent: 2:05 P.M. Was the nest of Machine guns which Lieutenant Overton cleaned out the main one? Are there any nov/ to prevent your line from straightening out on the east edge of the x>ois ae Belleau? In liaison with Shearer on right and Wise on left? If not, what is your exact position now? If machine gun nest still there suggest some German speaking marine call to them that over 400 of their comrades have surrendered this morning in the north end of the 3ois, and. are nov/ safe and well fed, and ask them to surrender. If nest of machine guns is still there, is it possible to connect your line up on the east edge, with them behind you? What are your losses? What are your captures? Approximately 1000 replacements arriving for the Brigade this p.m. Harbord. MESSAGE, Prom To Date Adjutant, 6th Regiment. 4th Brig. Hdors. Time sent: 2:10 P.M,^ June 11th, 1918. Time rec’d: 2:40 P. M. Intelligence runner town being heavily shelled 150’s and 210's at rate of ive fire, especially heavy Lee between 7 a.m» and 12 mostly German prisoners, hit, killing two marines a complain of scarcity of fo officer complained that th Canadians and British but bit worse. from Lucy reports that from direction Bussiares, 10 per minute and destruct- vicinity P*C. of Colonel noon. About 70 casualties, Dressing station 3d Bn. 5th nd 3 Germans. The prisoners od for three days. German ey had been up against that they had found us a Evans. / P. M. June 11, 19IB. From: C, G. 4th Brigade. At : P.C. June 11. Hour: 6:00 p.M. No: 7. To : C.O, 5rd Bn, 6th Marines. Your Battalion is relieved as Corps Reserve and detailed as the Brigade reserve. It will proceed at dark tonight to the woods just northwest of Lucy- le-Bocage. 174.0-261.5. (Signed) Harbord. 11th of June 6:30 P.M. From Interpreter Verry to Major Turrill. The position of the 2nd Batt., 174 I. are the same as those given yesterday evening. The troops are getting organized on these positions. LT. VERRY. No time indicated. June 11, 1918. From: C.G. 4th Brigade. To : C.O. 2d Bn. 6th Marines (Thru C.O. 6th) Date: June 11th, 1918. Your battalion is designated as Corps Reserve and will proceed at dark tonight to the woods 170,0- 259,5 and a?/ait orders. Harbord. A. M. June 12, 1918. From: Intelligence Officer 5th. To : H.Q,. 5th. Date: June 12th, 1918, Time sent: 4:00 A.U. "Shelling continuous. Much H.E. and gas. Some shrapnel. Casualties unknown. No rifle fire. Replacements joining Company now. Signed Sibley. Time rec’d 4:20 A, M. From: F-l. At : Lucy Date: 12 June, 18. Hour To : C. 0. 4th Brigade. Eight or ten men seen walking south along west edge of Bo is de Belleau. Bo further information about action. Impossible to distinguish whether the men seen were ours or the enemy. 6:21 A.M. Rifle fire south of Hill 181. About a dozen shots. LEE. . • ' ; . . ' A. M. June 12, 1918. From: Col. Wise. Date: June 12, 1918. 10:00 A.LI, To : 4th Brig. Men in fine shape and line is holding hut getting thinner. Heavy shelling and some gas. About out of officers. Request barrage immediately. Are getting hell shelled out of us now. MESSAGE. From: C. 0. 23rd Infantry, To : 4th Brig. Hdqrs, Date: June 12th, 1918. Time rec’d: 2:30 P. M. Hearty congratulations of the splendid work of your Brigade. It will inspire all Americans. I got a little slice myself but only a little. Am in hopes that the opportunity will soon come again. We rejoice in your victory. Signed, Malone. U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. From: C.O. 4th Brig At : . P. C. 131 Date: 12 June Hour: 3 p.m. How sent; motorcycle. My dear Malone: Many thanks for your much appreciated message. The Marine Brigade is certainly a superb lot of officers and men. As for yourself and the 23rd, all you need is the opportunity which I hope you may soon get. Yours Harbord. File From Wise to Colonel Neville. Rec'd at 4th Brigade Hdqrs., 4:30 p.m., June 12th, 1918. The artillery officer states that barrage was entirely too light and from 3:30 to 3:40 it entirely stopped and then the Germans pushed up their guns expecting U3 to come across. X request that it be increased and kept up for another hour. The artilleiy officer could do very little spotting. X am afraid we are going to have a bit of trouble. Area to be looked out for entirely too large for the number of guns assigned to us. P. M. June 12, 1918. Prom: Colonel Neville. To : 4th Prig. Hdqrs. Date: June 12th, 1918, Time rec’d: 6:15 P.M. So far no reports, but machine gun fire has now ceased. We intended to use V. P’s. if held up. Trench mortars were in woods also. I am positive that everything is going along alright. There is heavy artillery fire on our entire position. Signed Wise. Telephone message from 4th brigade June 12, 1918. Rec’d 6:30 P.M. A Boche plane with French colors dropped a bomb between LUCY and LA VOIE DU CHATEL about 6:00 o’clock. Moscou 2 saw this and made the report to Moscou 7. A. L. CONGER, Lieut. Col. General Staff, A. C. of S,, G - 2. Promt 5th Reg. To : 4th Lrig. Hdqrs. By telephone. Date: June 12th, 1918. Time rec’d: 6:45 P.M. From Vise: Think all objectives have been reached but expect a counter-attack. Lost a lot of men and think the line rather lightly held. No reports except from walking wounded. From: Lt. Minler (43rd Co. ) •To : Colonel Wise. Date: June 12th, 1918. Time sent: 7:30 p.m, Xle reached our objective and returned from the cross-roads to the left at 175.8-262.5. Ve are in touch with the 55th Co. on our left but have not gotten in touch with the 18th Co. Captain Dunbeck wounded at the start but not serious. Losses were heavy. Rec’d at 4th Brig. Hdqrs... 10:55 p.m. From: Captain Vass, To : Lt. Col. Wise. Date: June 12th, 1918. Time sent: 7:35 p.m. Have part l/2 platoon of the 55th Co. and this line has now about 2 squads of 18th company. Line is thi.i and we should get more men right away. Also a machine gun and Chauchat machine gun ammunition. Request barrage immediately, also Very pistols, signals Are getting hell shelled out of us now, Rec’d at 4th Brig. Hdqrs... 11:02 p. m. P. M. June 12, 1918 From: Colonel Neville. To : 4th Brig. Hdqrs. By telephone. Date: June 12th, 1918. Time rec’d: 7:35 P.M. Request counter-battery work. The Boche are shelling our position in the Bois de Belleau and we request counter-battery work. From: Colonel Wise. To : 4th Brig. Hdqrs. Time sent: 6:15 P. M. Date: June 12th, 1918, Time rec’d: 7:38 P, M. (delayed) All objectives reached and we are consolidating. From prisoners we hear that one battalion of 500 men were in there. Dunbeck and Jackson wounded. Very short of men. Quite a heavy bombardment on P. C. and the Whole woods. Still think the line rather thin as our losses are heavy. Enclosed is Vass’ report. Gas dropped also. Enclosed .Vass 1 report, but when Engineers arrive the line will be in better shape: From Captain Vass to Colonel Vise: Have reached my objective and am holding it. No connection on left yet. Am trying to connect with 51st and machine guns on right. Need guns and send men to fill gap between me and 51st. I think other companies are too far to N.E* From: Vise. To : 4th Brig, Hdqrs, Date: June 12th, 1918. Time rec’d: 7:45 P.M. The two prisoners that we have came from 1st Company, 2d Bn. 461st Regiment, They were on outpost and came and gave up when fire came down; thus confirm¬ ing order of battle. Signed Vise. From: C, 0. 1st 3n. 6th. To : C. 0. 6th Reg, Date: June 12th, 1918. Am being shelled. Front line companies support and reserves on the job. Am attempting to relieve Y/ise’s 51st Company, on the line, as he needs the men. Hughes. Rec’d at 4th Brig. Hdqrs... 8:00 P. M. From; C.O. 6th Regt. At : P. C. Regt. Date: 12 June 18 Hour: 8.30 p.m. No, 46. How sent: To : C. 0. 4th Brigade. Runner. Enemy shelling all our front especially heavy at B0URESCHE3 - apparently using some gas. All lines out. This by runner from O. P. LEE. . . t F. M. June 12, 1918 From: Wise. To : Seville. Date: June 12th, 1918. I know positively all positions attained and linked up. We have only two wounded Germans as they got away. Lost a great many men. We are getting a devil of a shelling, and quite accurate. Q,uite a few machine guns captured. They should he dug in well before dark. Everything running smooth and men in fine shape, but as I put in ray report I am afraid of the reaction, P. S. - This is a different outfit from the one ox yesterday. Rec’d at 4th Brig, Hdqrs... 8:40 P. M. From: Hughes. To : Wise, Date: June 12th, 1918. Time sent: 8 p.m. Am relieving that company on the right but that leaves me only our one company in support and Golano Lee’s orders are that I keep that. Rec’d at 4th Brig* Kdqrs... 10:45 p.m. Message from 4th Brigade to 2nd Div. June 12, 1915 at 10:45 P. M. 1 German Captain and 18 other German prisoners taken by the 5th Marines are enroute to these head¬ quarters and will be sent to Division headquarters as soon as possible. Please send o military po German captain is being sent alone - not with the other prisoners. From: Wise, To : Colonel Neville, Date: June 12th, 1918. Time sent: 9:15 p.m. German officer captured states that they intended to attack. Rec’d at 4th Brig. Hdqrs... 10:50 p.m. Time rec’d: 11:00 p rii From: Colonel Wise, To : 4th Brig. Hdqrs. Date: June 12th, 1918. Hughes sent me notice at 8 p.m. that he was pc ng to take over the rear line. Captain Oi An 0 Corps just reported that he has not. to use find out. Things Known hut no support as 1 had everybody. Shelling has been very heavy. '/ery hard to get up supplies. About out of oilicers. I P • M * June 12, 1918, From: Colonel ./ice. To : C. 0. 5th. Date: June 12th, 1918, Time sent: 8:15 p.m. Line holding but getting thinner. Heavy shell¬ ing and some gas. Think I an entirely too weak. Do not expect any trouble before dark. Hen in fine shape Rec T d at 4th brig Hdqrs... 11:05 p.m. From: Lieutenant Hi lner. To : Colonel Wise* Date: June 12th, 1518, A prisoner says that a Division was going to attack us tonight from, the north. why cannot we have a barfage put in front of us tonight? Rec‘d at 4th Brig Hdqrs... 11:05 P. M. From: Colonel Wise, To : 4th Brig. Hdqrs. Date: June 12th, 1318. Tine rec’d: 11:07 Pi M. A dying German officer states that a fresh •Division is in and the plan was to attack tonight. Would like artillery up on my front during night. We are in full spirits. Have not 350 old men left and 7 officers. They are shelling very heavy. From: Lieutenant Colonel Feland. To : 4th Brigade Hdqrs. Date: June 12th, 1918. Tine rec’d: 11:10 P. M. In view of the statements of the dying officer that a fresh Division is coning up through Belleau, have fired heavy artillery on Belleau and the Chateau and Torcy, especially on the southern outlets to Belleau and then on the cross-roads just on the southern edge of Belleau and in the ravines about the cross of 174,9. Fired 75’s and the heavies on Belleau 75's on the roads. Some more 75’s at once in the ravine, A. Id. June 13, 1918. From : C, G. 4th Br igade. To : C. 0 . 2d Battalion, 6th Marines, Date: June 13th, 1918. Tine sent: 12:15 A. M. "Information received of a possible attack on the Lois de Belleau from north and northwest tonight. Please march your battalion to the wood northwest of Lucy to arrive by 3:50' a, M. Hold it in reserve in the woods there pending further orders. Harbord." > ■ > i\ X V. <• A. M June 13, 19 IB Prom: Hughes. To : 4th Brig. Hdqrs. Time sent: 12:50 A.M. Date: June 13th, 1S18. Time Rec’d: 3:15 A.M., All holding. Nothing definite for you as yet No idea of losses. Prom Lieutenant Moore, To 4th Brig, Hdqrs. Time rec’d: 3:23 A. M. Date June 13th, 19IB, Bombardment in front of us. Prom 23rd Infantry. To 4th Brig. Hdqrs. Time rec’d: 3:28 A. M. Date June 13th, 1918. Bombardment on our front. Prom 6th M. G. Bn. Hq. To 4th Brig, Hdqrs. Time rec’d: 3:30 A, M. Date June- 13th, 1918. Heavy barrage on whole front, Prom Divisional Headquarters. To 4th Brigade Headquarters. Date June 13th, 1918. Time rec’d: 3:40 A, M. Our artillery is being put down over by you. Prom Lt. Moore. To 4th Brig. Hdqrs. Time rec’d: 3:50 A.M. Date June 13th, 1918. German artillery quiet. Little machine gun f ire Looks quiet. Prom Hq. 6th M.G. In, To 4th Brig. Hdqrs. Time rec’d: 3:54 A.M, Date June 13th, 1918, Gur machine guns still firing. Prom : Lt. Colonel Peland. To : 4th Brig. Hdqrs. Time rec’d: 3:58 A.M. Dat e : June 13th, 1918, .Enemy artillery died down considerably. . fr-- A. M. June 13, 1918. Telephone message fro;: the 4th Brigade to 2nd Div. 4; 15 A, LI. , 13 June 18. Corpe advised 4:17 A, H. Me have a runner from the south end of my line near B0URE8CKES stating that the Germans are attacking all along the line; that Major Hughes has been under a tremendous strain for a long time, but I don’t feel like crediting that information as very reliable. From: Lt. Moore. To : 4th brig. Hdqrs. Date: June 13th, 1918. Time rec’d: 4:15 a.m. Message received from Major Hughes: attacking along line with fresh troops. From Intelligence Officer 5th by telephone to H.Q,. 5th at 4:00 a.m., June 13th, 1918, “Shelling continuous. Much H.E. and gas. Some shrapnel. Casualties unknown. No rifle fire. Replacements joining Company now. Signed Sibley." Rec’d at 4th Trig, Hdqrs... 4:20 a.m. From General Harbord to 2nd Div. 13 June, ’18., 4:24. Up at Torcy there has been a heavy bombardment but no signs of an infantry attack. Dated June 13 3:45 A. M. FROM GENERAL HARBORD: To 2nd Div. 13 June , 18 - 4:48 A. M. Me have a runner in from the battalion on my right stating that the enemy has taken I3GURESCHSS. From: C, 0. 1st Bn. 6th To : Colonel Neville. Relayed Rec’d at 4th Brig. Date: June 13th, 1918, Hdqrs. at 5:04 A M. Have had terrific bombardment and attack. I have every man except a few odd ones in low now. V/e have not broken contact and have held. Request two companies at least for myself and two companies for Colonel Vise. From: Division Headquarters. To : 4th Brig, Hdqrs. Date: June 13th, 1918. Time rec’d: 5:05 A. M. Lieutenant Villmuth who is with 1st Bn. 23rd Infantry reported Germans have taken Bouresches. Have asked artillery fire on town. Immediately after trans mitting that message to n< tlie 3rd Brigade repeated a ' Gent"d next page.) A, M, June 13, 1918, (Cont’d from last page). pressing message from 1st Bn. 23rd asking that the request for artillery fire be cancelled as Bouresches was still in our hands. From: Lt. Colonel Vise. (relayed by Colonel Neville.) To : 4th Brig. Hdqrs. Time sent: 4:30 A, M. Date: June 13th f 1918, Time rec’d: 5:10 A. M. The lines appear to be holding. Terrific barrage from my P.C. forward. And it was a real barrage. Losses must be very heavy. So far no counter attack. If reinforcements are available they could be used. Irritating gas giving a lot of trouble. Detail requested to bring our rations as all of mine are fighting. So far have been very hard up to get runners through. Some have never returned. Morale excellent but everybody about all in. From General Harbord: To 2nd Div. 13 June, 5:10 A,M. Sent two companies of the reserve to go over to the valley southwest of Lucy and be prepared to counter attack. He has a message from the Regimental Dressing Station stating that Captain McConahy came in there wounded, and stated that the Germans were in the town of BOURESCHES between 2:30 and 3:00 A. M. He was wounded in ten minutes and got out. Ke heard nothing from Bouresches for hours after that. ME SSAGE FROM GENERAL HARBORD: To 2nd Div. June 13, 1918 - 5:28 A.M, I have a message, received at 5:25 from my Major in BOURESCHES that we still hold it. Message from Gen. Harbord: To 2nd Div. 13 June, 18 5,30 a.ra. Marine brigade still holds Bouresches. Major Shearer's command post is back some little distance up out of the town. He has had a line from Triangle Farm down and a Lieutenant of the replacements, who joined yesterday, got stampeded in the town and ran up to - and stated the town was taken. The statement is now made to me that there is nothing but U. S. Marines in the town of BOURESCHES. Message from Gen. Harbord: To 2nd Div. 13 June, 18 5:35 a.m. I have this from Wise, north end of the Bois-de- Belleau, 4:30 A.M.: Line appears to be holding. Terrific barrage my P.C. Forward, and it (our) barrage was a real barrage. Loss (German) must be very heavy. (Cont’d next page,; A • Ivt • June 13, 1910. (Cont’d from last page). So far no counter attack* If reinforcements are avail¬ able they could he used. Irritating gas giving a lot of trouble. Details requested to put in our rations. All of mine are fighting. So far has been very hard to get runners through. Some have never returned. Morale -- EXCELLENT, but everybody about all in. Prom: Adjutant, 5th Regiment. To : 4th Brig. Hdqrs. Date: June loth, 1910. Time rec’d: .5:45. a.m. "Shearerin Bouresches. Has not given up one inch of ground." Casualties: Captain Burns, 74th Company, wounded in both legs. Lieutenant Poe, severe wound in back. Captain Fuller, 75th Company, killed. Prom: Major Hughes. To : 4th Brig. ^dqrs. by runner dated 5:05 a*m. Date: June 13th, 1910. Time rec’d: 5:50 a.m. Everything O.K. now Men digging in. Trenches badly ruined by shell fire. Casualties under 20j shelling LA VOIE DU CHATEL is now going on. p.M. June 17 *^ 1918 ’ 4:00 p June 17, 1918. phone message from 4th Brigade to 2nd Division. Supposed to be machine Guns or One-pounders at these co-ordinates 174.44 - 262.75 - 174.20 - 2o^.7o (Artillery notified.) 9:55 P.m., June 17, 1913. To 2nd Divn. Hdqrs. 4th Brigade reports: Everything quiet. 3 1 : 30 p.i*., June 17, 1918. Telephone message from 4tn Brigade Headquarters to 2nd Divn. \7e just heard that at about 8:00 P*^.. gun fire v..s opened on the northern border against some of our platoons which. nr. eUW ^°?he by that fire The ««s appear‘'°"£ a t only communication is dj, ruimm . 0 company as yet has been received. A. la.. June 18, 1918. 6:05 A,ji. , June 13, 1918. Telephone message from 4th Brigade to 2nd Division. Everything quiet. It is believed that an enemy plane came over about 4:35 A.m. The Commanding Officer, 1st Bn. 5th marines reported at 5:00 A.M. that the relief was completed satisfactorily. 7:43 A.M., June 18, 1918. Telephone message from 4th Brigade to 2nd Division. Ho trucks at MOHTREUIL• men relieved last night are waiting at mONTREUIL. Where are the trucks? 10:16 A ,M. , June 18, 1918. Telephone message from. 4th Brigade to 2nd Divn. Ho written reports have yet been received about the machine gun fire against the northern edge of the BOIS de BELLEAU at 8:00 o’clock last night. Verbal reports indicate that it probably was simply a raid by a strong German patrol, which was easily repulsed. LA V0IE DU CHATEL is being heavily bombarded at the present time. There has been very marked enemy air activity since aayiignx p.M. June 18 * 1918 ‘ 8:28 P.m,, June 18, 1918. phone message from Chief of Staff to 4th Brigade: Our Observation Post reports column of about 600 men moving south into GIVRY. movement observed at present moment, 4th. Brigade should be on its guard tonight. Also telephoned to 3rd Brigade. 9:05 p.M., June 18, 1918. Telephoned from Division MARCHAND: Report from an observation post one (1) Km. to the- south of CHATEAU THIERRY: An important movement of Germans in region BOIS DES ROCHETS, BOIS DES BRULITS and BOIS VIHCELL E S and other movements in the course of theday in the regio to the south of BEZU- STE. GERMAIH. Likev.-ise in are regio Telephoned immediately to 3rd and 4th Brigade^. 11:25 P.M. June 18, 1918. Prom 167 Div. (French) __ _ that 167th Division (French) on our left, i , This information was telepnoned to tne 4th Brigade, the Telephone message from Captain Gauthie restates^ ghelled ^ gas No time indicated. June 18, 1918. From: Headquarters, 2C, Division, Am. E.F. To: 4th Brigade Headquarters. Date: June 18th, 1918. 1. The Division Commander desires to efiect a relief of one of your machine gun companies, substituting a company from the divisional machine gun battalion. Later on, at your discretion, another company of the divisional machine gun battalion can be put into line* marine companies so relieved to pass temporarily to the division reserve and occupy the present station of the 4th machine Gun Battalion. 2k The Commanding Officer, 4th machine Gun Battalion has been directed to confer with you and arrange all necessary details. Date and hour of relief, and arrival at new billets of relieved units, to be furnished these headquarters,. Preston Brown, Colonel, General Staff Chief of Staff. A.m. June 19, 1918. 12:37 A.iu., June 19, 1918. Telephone message from 4th Erigade headquarters: To 2nd Divn. Everything quiet on, our front. There has been a little shelling but nothing uncommon. SOi.±e shelling heard on the extreme left of our brigade in front o me French Division, but appears not unusual. 11:15 A.m., June 19, 1918. telephone message from the 4th Brigade: To 2nd Divn. The entire night was very quiet, so far during the forenoon. So far a.-s on our left, the 167th French was not our brigade sector . Nothing has happene known, the gassing extended over into d 2 :15 To of P.m., June 2nd Divn. P .m. 19, 1918. message June 19, 1918, received from 4th Brigade. From 7:00 10, 12 and as o’clock on constant stream of men in groups oq wnwi nr? vpt from woods 7 a • y o — high as 28 moving we s' 65.50 to ravine 73.60 - 64.60. movement still d Evidently a relief. Artillery and diet Irencii A.C. . 9:55 P„m., June 19, 1913. to 2nd Divn. Telephone message from 4th Brigade flank to fi There seems to be a heavy barrage on or of the brigade. Have had no reports, a nd out from 5th marines what this barrag near the left nd am trying e mean s . June 19, 1918. TJ 10:55 June 19,1918. Telephone message from 4th Brigade to 2nd Rivn. Everything quiet in our brigade sector. The heavy firing going on. is on our left and outside of the brigade sector. It does not touch us. 11:50 June 19, 1918, From: C.O. 4th Brigade. To : C.G. 2nd Div. US The French Colonel whose regiment was to relieve the_ 2d Batt. 5th Reg.(Keyser) has made reconnaissance and liaison on our left and found that the French had advanced this afternoon and occupied a line to the North, and East oi Keyser’s position and were connected up with tne left of the 6th Reg. 2. This makes Keyser occupy practically a second line and the French Colonel, Wild, 6th Tirailleur, says that it is unnecessary to relieve Keyser by his troops. The Colonel has just left here for Beaurepaire Farm to report to ais C.O. for change in the order. 3. If agreeable to you, Y/ill direct Keyser to withdraw his battalion. Kindly telephone Yes- Neville . (Reverse) C.G., 2nd Division. 11:55 p.M., 19 June, 1918. Telephone message from 4th Brigade to .2nd Division. Ev e ry t h i ng qu iet . No time indicated. 19, June, 1918. From: Chief of Staff. To: C.G., 4th Brigade. Subject: Relief of 7th Infantry. France 19 June, 1918. 1. The Division Commander directs me to inform you that in the relief of the 7th infantry due to begin tomorrow night, June 20-21, no trucks will be available for trans¬ portation of troons. He desires that the marine hat a io be marched in small groups to the rendezvous appointed lor the relief, and that the 7th infantry be a similar manner. The officers concerned must be enjoined to take every precaution to avoid aerial observation. PRESTON BROWN. Colonel, General Staff , Chief of Staff. a June 20, 1918. • • 5:30 A.iu , June 20, 1913. To 2nd Divn. 4th Brigade reports everytning quiet. A • m. , June 20 1918 . From: C.G. 4th Brigade. To: C.O., 3rd Bn. 7th Infantry, (thru C.O. 8th Marines.) Date: June 20th, 1918. Time sent: 9:50 A.M. Congratulate you on your good work in occupying the ravine to the crossroads without loss. Be on the look¬ out in this foggy weather for a surprise counter attack. Find out if the French on your left have Occupied the fringe of woods to your left running northwest-southeast astride the Y line 174. If they have, send out some small patrols and ascertain if the enemy occupy the line along the road half a kilometer south of Hill 126, and in what force if any. If not occupied by the enemy, I desire you to send a company through the woods to the left and take it as you did the ravine, and bring another company to the ravine at the Crossroads as support. Of course these moveuients must be under cover of woods and not across the open. If your patrols find the line occupied, give Colonel Neville a report on it before attempt¬ ing to send a company in there* Harbord. No time indicated. June 4 20, 1918. MESSAGE. From: C*G. 4th Brigade. To: C.O. 5th Regiment. Date: June 20th, 1918. The French are to make an attack on your left the night of the 20th to 21st of June at an hour not communicated to us. They'intend to capture and occupy the ho is-en-Groissant. The 409th Regiment will advance its front line to tne noi edge of the woods to the north of Clignon, to the west oi Bussiares-Hautevesnes road. The 73rd Division, at the moment oi occupy, facing to the north and facing to the little woods situated between Bois-de-la-mere northern extremety of the Bois-en-Groissant« the attack, will east, all the Victoire and Harbord. the From: To: Date: Lt. Col. Adams. 4th Brig. Hdqrs June 2.0th, 1918 at will make attack It is V.B. delivered Co, A» Lieut. Helm commanding 3:15 tomorrow from position on map marked xxxxxx. absolutely necessary to have 1000 hand and this evening early to give to this company. Stokes will opi.n fire at 1 a.m. and fire until 3 a.m. Request art ill y barrage on north and east of woods from 3 a.m. to signal cease by rocket. If possible would like to ge^ ... here before 11 p.m. that the company may have suppe_ before beginning fight. Adams , Lt. Colonel. Accompa: nying this was the following confidential message: attack "P.2. confidential. Orders have been issued for r.n tomorrow morning. Information has reacne east 15 a G mans have filtered through and nave in place at least 15 m.G (Cont’ d . next. page.) No time indicated. June 20 , 199.3 . (Cont’d. from last page.) in and around Belleau Woods. They are now firing into rear of Cos. D and C and have moved two guns up toward right flank of Co. B« Under the conditions noted 1 do not believe any attack without a heavy artillery fire preceding can. move the guns from the woods. They are all emplaced and strongly held. The woods is almost a thicket and thethrowing of troops into the woods is filtering away men with nothing gained. Recommend that Cos. D and C be drawn back to line occupied by Co. B. That a heavy artillery fire be placed on the woods and an advance made afterwards. I can assure you that the orders to attack will stand as given, but it cannot succeed. This is only my individual expression and has not reached the ears of any one else. Further: The line held by Co. B. can be crushed at any time and it leaves the woods open. Please consider this. It is serious and requires immediate action, for I can assure you tnat it is only made after careful con¬ sideration, and earnest thought . Let me hear by return messenger. Adams. . . Tne two Stokes won’t even worry the German uacrane C-uns. A. MESSAGE. Prom; C.G. 4th Brigade. To: c.0. 1st Bn. 7th Infantry,(Thru C.G. 5th marines) Date: June 20th, 1913. 1. *our battalion will be relieved tomorrow night. Tomorrow morning is its only chance to redeem the failure made this morning. If you clear the.northern half of the Bois de Belleau the credit will belong to tne 1st Battalion, 7th Infantry and will be freely given. The Battalion cannot afford to fail again. Harbord. A. M. June 21, 1918. From: Lt. Col. Adams, Comdr. 1st Bn., 7th Inf. To : 4th Lrigade Headquarters. Date: June 21st, 1918. Time rec’d: 7:00 a.m. Everything is not going we 11. From: C.O. 3rd Bn. (Gaston). To : 4th Brigade Hqrs. Date: June 21st, 1918. Time rec’d: 8:20 a.m. All shot to pieces. Rec’d: By 4th Brigade. June 21st, 1918. 9:00 a.m. Report that attack made this a.m. was unsuccess¬ ful. Company reached Co. B. position v/hen enemy barrage of great intensity stopped the advance^ ^ifhen it lifted the advance again started. Machine guns again stopped the advance and caused the men to fall back. Our losses 170 men and officers. Company C and D now occupy our former line. 10:45 A. M., June 21, 1918. Message received from 4th Brigade Headquarters to 2nd Div. ITo reports yet from the 7th Infantry in regard to their attempt to take the German machine gun nest in the northern part of the BOIS-de-BELLEAU. Uothing else happened during the night, everything being very quiet. From: Lt. Col. Adams, (thru Bn. Comdr. 3rd Bn. 5th Marines). To : 4th Brigade Headquarters. Date: June 21st, 1918. Time rec’d: 11:25 Attack this morning failed. At the hour of attack the enemy put down a barrage of great intensity on line of Co.B. (Approx, east and west on X line 262.) V/hen the barrage lifted the attack again started but M. G. fire stopped further advance. Losses 170 officers and men. Cos. C and D occupy former positions. P. M. June 21, 1918. MESSAGE. From: Commanding General, 4th Brigade. C. 0. 3d Bn. 5th Marines. To : C. 0. 2d Bn. 7th Infantry. C. 0. 3d Bn. 7th Infantry. Date: June 21st, 1918. Time sent: 2:45 P. M. Push out patrols in front of your positions each night and secure identifications if possible of live or dead Germans. This is most important for your (Cont’d next page). V f i 1". M. June 21, 1918 (Cont*d from last page.) safety against surprise and to give information on which action of higher authority can he based. Stealthy patrols of two or three men are what is desired. Harbord. Message from 1. 0. 4th Brigade. June 21, 1918. Rec * d 7:50 P. M. 30 truck loads of Germans seen detrucking at LICY and marching toward BELLEAU. G - 2. From: Colonel Wise To : C. 0. 5th. Date: June 21st, 1918. Line holding but getting thinner. Heavy shell¬ ing and some gas. Think I am entirely too weak. Do not expect any trouble before d.ark. Men in fine shape. Rac’d. at 4th Brig. Hdqrs. . . 8:15 P.M. From: Colonel Wise. To : 4th Brig. Hdnrs. Date: June 21st, 1918. Time rec’d: 11:00 P. M. Hughes sent me notice at 8 p.m. that he was going to take over the rear line. Captain of Engineer Corps just reported that he has not. Sent out again to find out. Things known but no. support as I had to use everybody. Shelling has been very heavy. 1ery hard to get up supplies. About out of ofiicers. No time indicated. June 21, 1918. From: C.O. 3rd Bn., Major Gaston. To : 4th Brigade Hqrs. Date: June 21st, 1918. The Germans have broken through. ihere is fighting going on to the right rear ox M. Co. A. M. June 22, 1918. 3:25 A.M., June 22, 1918. Message from 4th Brigade H. Q. To 2nd Div. C.O. of 3rd Battalion, 7th Inf. reports that the move of Co. ,: L ! ’ was successfully completed about 2:00 A.M. The battalion has not gone quite as xar it was expected to go. _ The artillery fire is uo the left oi our sector. t P o t irr e indie a ted. June 22 , 19IB. MESSAGE. From: C.G. 4th brigade. To : C.O. 3rd Bn. 6th Marines, (thru C.O. 5th Date: June 22nd, 191B. Marines.) 1. As soon as you are established in the hois de Belleau hurry the completion of the wiring on the east side. 2. Start details to cutting some paths from east to went through the 3ois, so your supports can get through to your front line. 3. Establish communication with the 23rd Infantry in Leuresches. 4. Push patrols out from several places in your line to locate the enemy. If possible get in some live or dead Germans for identifications. The location of the enemy is most important for you, and the identifications are necessary. The space between you and the Germans belongs to us. Take possession with night patrols. Harbord. Message from C.G. Brigade to C.O. 3d 3n. 7th Inf¬ antry thru C.O. 5th Marines. June 22nd, 1918. 1. Your company commander’s sketch seems to indicate that you did not take the right of your line to about 175.2-262.5 last night. 2. Extend your line to the right tonight until it touches the road just west of the Bo is de belleau; the road with the double row of trees; carrying your right forward will shorten your line, 3. Push patrols out at several places in your line tonight and find out what is in front of you and just where the enemy is. Select men who will do what they are fold and whose reports can be relied upon, and if possible get some positive identifications, dead or alive, It should not be necessary to emphasise the importance of the safety of your line to mow where the enemy is, and to you and the whole Division to know what German organisations are in your front. Harbord. A. Id. June 23, 1918. 6:42 A. M. , June 23, 1918. Message from 4th brigade: To 2nd Div. Nothing unusual during the night. P. M. June 23, 1918. From At Put e To Lt Col 2nd Engineers Montreuil 2 3/6/18 H our: 18.30 Adjutant 5th Marines On June 18 P' ,r of Blaine Ballard and Pennington (Coni’d next page.) J P. M June 23, 1918. (Cont'd from last page,) Co "E" 2nd Engineers were detached from their company by verbal order to accompany a "signal detachment" with 1st Bn 5th Marines to Hill 142. They have not been heard from since. If still with 5th Marines will you please return them to report to this headquarters. If not with you please give me any information you can a3 to their whereabouts. Brown. From: Shearer. To ; 4th Brig. Hdqrs. Date: June 25rd, 1918. 8:00 p.m. Making progress slowly. Little shelling on front line companies. From Sibley to 4th -Brig. Hdqrs. June 23rd, 1918. 8:15 p.m. Will get wire up after dark and cut paths through woods and make disposition in depth. 8:15 P. M.. June 23. 1918. Telephone message from 4th Brigade Hdqrs to 2nd Div. The attack against the machine gun nests in the northern part of the BOIS-de—uELLEATJ is making pro- gress. 10:05 P. M., June 23, 1918. Message from General Harbord: To 2nd Div. Me have captured 5 machine guns and made satis factory progress. Have suffered some losses. From To Date Headquarters, 5th Regiment. 4th Brigade Headquarters. June 23rd, 1918. Time rec’d: 10:5o P.M. 5 or six red rockets reported at intervals from Bois de Belleau. 20 minutes ago fairly heavy shell fire on Bois de Belleau. tfe have no single red rockets so signal must be Boche. 11:10 P.M. - June 23, 1918. Message from General Harbordj_ To 2nd Div Observer German rockets on west edge Bois de Belleau reports going up and moderate barrage going (Cont'd next page .) down. I Juno 23, 1918. (Cont'd from last page). Thinks his men so close to the Germans that the "barr¬ age will pass over. An officer who has been through the Bois de Belleau reports great quantity of stuff to be salvaged - German rifles, ammunition, clothing, food - estimated at about CO wagon loads - includes white sugar and soap. Vill make effort to get it out on first quiet day. Prom: Colonel Neville. To : 4th Brigade Hdqrs, By phone. Bate: June 23rd, 1918. Tine rec’d. 11:20 p.m. Attack is held up for the night and will continue in the morning. 11:55 P. M., June 23, 1918. Telephone Message from Headquarters, 4th Brigade: To 2nd Div. Latest report from the front received at 11:20 states that further advance was held up at that hour on account of darkness, and that the troops are digging in. Reports indicate an advance of from 400 to 500 meters. A. M. June 24, 1918. Prom Colonel Neville to 4th Brig. Hdqrs. June 24th, 1918. 1:05 a.m. Things are rather bad. One company almost wiped out. Prom: Adjutant 5th Regiment. To : 4th Brigade Hqrs. Bate: June 24th, 1918. Time rec'd: 1:31 a.m. Platt’s losses were light. Ke was held where he was but would take another crack in the morning. Prom: Adjutant 5th Regiment To: 4th Prig. Hdqrs. June 24th, 1918. Tims rec’d: 1:40 a.m. 2d Bn. 5th reports O.K. in position. Message from Major Turrill to 4th Brig, hdqrs. 24th, 1918. Rec’d at 2:35 a.m. In place in woods Gros Jean. Jun e A. M. June 24, 1918. U. Q O • ARMY YIELD MESSAGE. From: At : B-l. P.C. File. Date: 24 June ’18 Hour: 10:45 No. 3 To : Colonel General Neville and Harbord, How sent: Runner Again my hearty congratulations on your splendid work. Good luck in all your future efforts. Malone Colonel. p. M. • June 24, 1918. From: C. G. 4 th Brigade. At : P. c. Date: 24 June Hour: 12:00 noon. No. 1. To : c. 0. 2nd Bn. 5th Marines. (Through Cannes .) 0. 6 th 1. The position turned over to your battalion is not exactly as reported by the 3rd En. 7th Inf., in that it does not run out to 175 . 2 - 262.6 where their right was supposed to be. They occupied a line of individual pits, of which there are believed to be two rows near each other. I desire your line to be advanced tonight to the road with the double row of trees which runs just west of the Lois de Lelleau, and dug in, so as to conform approximately to sketch sent you herewith. This will very greatly facilitate operations in the LOIS. 2. You are cautioned that two companies are considered enough for your entire front line, and that your support ( 2 Cos. ) should be back in the woods where it will be well in hand near your L.C., if needed. 3. It is expected that you will push patrols out tonight and get some identifications of what is in front of you if enemy is still there. Send picked men in groups of two or three and find out definitely where the enemy’s lines'are. The artillery will not fire west of the double-row of trees on road near Lois nor south of TORCY unless requested by you. Copy for C. 0. 5th. C. 0. 6th. HAR-^OAD. 3:50 P. M., June 24, 1918. Renort from 4th Brian To 2nd Div. At 5:30 A. M., the Intelligence Officer 5th Marines saw the missing plane flying low. P. M June 24, 1918. From: C. G. 4th Brigade. At : P. C. Date: June 24. Hour: 8:10 p.m. Ho. 2. To : Commanding Officers, 5th and 6th Regiments. 1. For the greater conveniences of handling the sectors of which you are in charge, you will exchange P»C. , s J the change to take effect tomorrow morning. HARBORD. Copies to: C.G. 2nd Div. C.G. 2nd Art. Brig. C.O. 12th F.A. A.P.M., 2nd Div. C.O. 5th Marines. C.O. 6th Marines M« G. Bn. 11:30 P.M. - June 24, 1918, ’Phone message from 4th Brigade: To 2nd Div. A little while ago a machine gun barrage was put. down on the northern part of the EOIS-de-l'ELLEAU. It did not last very long. Everything quiet now. No time indicated. June 24, 1918. MESSAGE. From: Major Ralph S. Keyser, Commanding 2d Bn. To : 4th Brigade Headquarters. 5th Regt. Date: June 24th, 1918. Battalion carried out relief at 12:45 a.m. without incident. 1 casualty. Unless otherwise instructed by you will have 55th Co. patrol to north until contact with enemy is obtained and the same for 18th Co, to the N.E. tonight. The 51st Co. will also reconnoitre the field and woods to the front of its present position. Have plenty of new 1/50,000 maps of Bois de Belleau but only one of our sector. Keyser. A. M. June 25, 1918. To: C.O. 2nd Bn, 5th Marines. Through C.O. 6th Marines. 25 June 1:45 a.m. Your message of 10:20 p.m. received. The clump of trees mentioned as containing machine guns was occupied by the 7th Infantry night before last and visited yesterday. It is in your right rear according to our understanding of your position, and should have been under the observation of your line ever since (Cont’d next page). 4 * T r \ A, M. June £5, 1918. (Cont’d from last page). you went in. I do not credit the theory of the motion of the wheat being seen hundreds of yards at night by the light of flares if enemy has been able to reoccupy that clump cf trees under eyes of your line. Make it certain that it is now occupied by machine guns by sending oux patrol that will go close enough to be sure. If it is occupied we v/ill clean it out by artillery today. It is already too late for you to carry out your orders tonight. I want your patrols to dominate that whole region, de.y and night, and it ought not to be necessary to specify the separate clumps of woods, or even to tell you to keen patrols out. That is elementary. Give me an accurate statement of where the right of your line ends, and an estimate of the time needed to extend it by digging to the road mentioned in your orders today, an case you cannot extend it in any other way. Let me reiterate that your occupation includes necessary patrolling to the enemy in your front, and flanks and that the small clump of woods ought certainly to have been included without spec¬ ification from here which if done would not have lost us this whole night as matters now are. Harbord, From: C.O. 2nd Bn. 5th Marines, At : 43 Co. P.C. Ho. 9. How sent: Date: 25 June 18, Hour: 2:30 a.m. To : C.G. 4th Brig. M arines. Runner. My line is now held continuosly from the French ( 174 Reg) on hill 142 to double row of trees, road opposite bald spot in Bois de Belleau with the except¬ ion of about 75 yds. running from right of strong point at cross roads of LUCY-TORCY road. I am not in^ touch with Shearer and have nothing to indicate position of his left in BELLEAU woods. I have sent one platoon to connect up with the left of 16 Co, Rec’d 3:50 a.m. F.E.E. KEYSER. From: C,0. 6th. At : F.C. Date: 6/25/18 Hour: 9:00 a.m. How sent: Motorcycle. To : 0.0. 4th Brigade, The enclosed received, from A -1 at 7:30 this a,m. would indicate that proper reconnaissance nad not been made previous to his last report. At 8:55 a.m. I obtained from him the following "Y/e are not occupying the woods but our lines as turned over to us is within 100 yds of it and the platoon commander has investigated woods and no enemy can get into it except at night. I will see that our woods are protected at night. I believe we have nothing to fear from that wood 11 . LEE. > * . • r A* M. June 25, 191B. 10:20 A. M. , June 25, 1018. Telephone Message from 4th, Brigade Hdqrs. To 2nd Div. Two ammunition wagons have just been reported entering LELLEAU by the road to the right of HILL 182. p. IJ. June 25, 1918. 1:30 P.M. - June 25, 1918, Message from 4th Brigade. To 2nd Div. Message received from C.O. 2nd Bn. 5th Marines: The Adjutant said, that when he last saw the plane (German aeroplane) it was descending in flames at an angle of about 45 degrees in the direction oi the road running north of the road which runs east and west through LUCY. This plane was being closely foll¬ owed by a second plane which, however, flew away, This second plane was closely followed by a third plane, presumably a French machine. Message from C.O. 5th Marines: About an hour a £° an enemy airplane shot down, apparently by French aviator, at point 75.80-62.70, northeastern part o BELLEAU. Burst into flames just before striking ground, probably landing within enemy lines. From At Date To c.o. eth. 25 June 18. Hour: 2:25 p.m. No. 7. How sent: C. 0. 4th Brig. Motorcycle. Enclosed message from A-l received at 2: p Lee. m. From At Date To C. G. 4th Brigade. B. C. 25th June Hour: 3:45 p.m. No. C. O. 2d Ln, 5th Marines (Thru C. 1 . O, Cth Marines) 1, With reference to your 7, the artillery ^ have been requested to fire on the edges of the ® Lelleau in the part where you think there may he machine guns between the double tree road and the hois. a short tine before dark I will have artillery fire put on the old line of German trenches which tuns out slig ly to the H.W. from the I30IS de rhLLEAJ, and after dar believe you will have no trouble in advancing y studv according to our conversation this morning, ^on a study of the ground from the trenches of the acid Co., n the clunp of woods that you had reconnoitered last night, it appears to me that the wale in wnioh you have^ your other two companies from youi 1 • > tree road roe . and extends up near enough to the douo so that if your line followed that it would beon the^ reverse side of a slope almost to the unless and not open to anything but an indirect fii-e, unless, „ on cv Urres t there are some machine guns alon L edge of the woods. If Major Shearer occupies the north ed--e as we expect this evening, he will reiu.,. hio flank along the edge of the woods pending your li - coming up approximately abreas f G °nt'dAext page.) V K ‘ P* M. June 25, 1918. (Cont’d from last page). believe that when he has accomplished this and the artillery has played on the edge of the wood for the afternoon that there will be any machine guns there, but you are authorized to send a platoon around to your right when you make your advance to cover the ground between the road, and the edge of the Bois, if 3 rou still deem it necessary. If you have not already thought of it, I suggest you should take with you the Officers who are to go forward on your right, and go to the position to which Captain Murray took me this morning, near the little clump of woods, so that you can indicate to them in daylight the probable point which will mark their advance. V/hen you do that you will notice that the swale referred to curves around between the clump of woods and the double-tree road. Bor C. 0. 6th* HARBORD, From: C.G. 4th Brigade. 256 At : P.C. Date: 25th June 1918. Hour: 5:40 P.M. Ho. 3. To : C. 0. 23rd Infantry. 1. The Third Battalion, 6th. Marines, will have natrols out tonight in the space bounded by the BOiS DE BELLEAU, X line 262 and the RAILROAD. The artillery has been asked not to fire in this space Please warn your troops in D OURS8CHSS. Copy for C.G-., 3rd Brigade. HARBORD. J.G.K. Red 6.35 P. M. Date: 25 June Hour: 5:50 p.m. Ho. 1. To : C.G. 4th Brig. How sent: Motorcycle. From: plan A-l. Cook, 55th Co., reports heavy artillery shelling French on our left at 173.9-263,4. They pay no atten¬ tion to light signals. Artillery should lengthen its fire at least 400 yds making petit post untenable. From: M-7 At : Moscow. Date: 25 June 18. Hour: 6:15 p.m. How sent: Phone To : Evans. Has - newspaper correspondent been with 6th Regt., and if so was he wounded on our front about two (2) weeks ago. Was with 5th on June 6th. Replied to Brig. 8:30 p. m. Lee. ♦ t P. M. June 25, 1S18. 6:50 p» M. June 25th, 1918. Message from 4th. brig¬ ade Hdqrs. To 2nd Div. At 5:2 d P. M. five Germans were seen running out of the Northwestern corner of the LOIS-DE-LELLEAU, V/e opened up on them with rifle and machine guns, killing four and drove the fifth one baDk, Nothing else to report. Prom Waller to 4th Prig, Hdqrs* June 25th, 1918. Rec T d 7:45 p. m. Enemy is being reinforced by driblets from build ings N*W. of Hois de Delleau by way of road running from the buildings to the N.W, corner of the J3ois. MESSAGE. Prom: Captain Shuler. To : 4th Brigade Hdqrs. Date: June 25th, 1918. Time rec’d: 7:55 P. M. 5:55 p. m. from Shearer: Attack started O.K. at 5 p.m, Heavy firing on us just before v/e jumped off. Several casualties. Very little machine gun fire. Telephone line out. Runner reported 7 prisoners and one captain also prisoner .carrying back wounded. The two left platoons 16th Company reported grenades and sniper working on them. No report from companies yet. Will go through if humanly possible. 8:15 P. M. June 25th, 1918. Telephone message from General Harbord. To 2nd Div. Things are going O.K. The filtering into^the woods of Germans is believed to have been stopped. Some prisoners have been captured, A German captain and six or seven other prisoners are reported to be on their way back together with some wounded. 8:50 P. M. June 25th, 1918. Telephone message from General Harbord. To 2nd Div. We have a report from Shearer, 7:00 P. M., that two of his companies have reached their objectives; that lie has an estimated number of one hundred ana iiity prisoners; that more prisoners are coming m now too fast to be counted; and that one of his companies is still meeting with some resistance. From: Colonel Neville. To : 4th Erig. Hdqrs. Date: June 25th, 1918. Time rec’d: 8*. 37 P. M. Report from prisoners that they have been supplied coming down the road as they went into Lois. Among the prisoners which I’m sending you Alfred Fifer who is inclined to talk. the is m ii ’ •. i.. i • : «■: i . <• ■ . : : v • - ; •' .• "V ;‘i.; t,- : 0 - / l ;t;; > 'V; rJJ ■ jV ' V "t V i. ‘ . *. t i : .'j r, i/.v r: ;'i i* 1 •• >**.• < • : ■ • i - - ' •- ; J J i ■; 3 t. [0 .Of,) -■ It ;; ' y i. v-. > V « J l . ,rv: f ‘ ■ X~:i 1 .r. '7-:r V ? 1 t c •; r •: ' L‘ : j ■:’> i i t.- •: L ■ fit J t:;. :.-C t ’; ■ 4 ;'X0 ; :v? 'f : 1 i •X i l '. •'i* ‘Si-. . 1. va ?■ •; fi'io J .' : ■iUii- t rie ,0 -V - 1 >< / > j-' :0- I ?. •'!. 0 <;• . . ' ■ :< t ; ■'!). , • ; ■ . f : i • • : \ ; f. ! ■ ; ■■ >. . > J ■:; •• ’ ■ j ■ i.-rir. ■ i: j ^ • + . i , ft! ; ,, , U *> ;■ -fV . 0 t ' 7 '• • fi i .i \j ■ ' .»: •r* fi i . t , ! " . , • ! ■ i .1. , r i)-;.' "i ' 0 v i ;;; i> •;u; .v . ■ ■ I' ' • i , ■? i , j * : : . - ! - ; ; v , "i ? ... • : .1 1 •: L ■i *« : i -::;-. ; f ■ • Y : *■ '»';; , t < i • >": f * - • > > ■ i •. ■ j. ‘i ■ : • f j no - ■; *, riC bt’ii r-r . ?• .■ •i■ ; <; - ; f:";r ■■•.n '■ tt ;• v .',;->0 ' > • : ■:’><: v ■' r 'i:: ' ..'i ■■(■■■ /. !: • v . • • - V ' ■ ... s i. . '•. : j ' J ■ • 1 . • *• r • , ‘ . u r i -r . r. ! V 1 , ' v ; .. ! • : , ■ ■ ■ • lii ' -x. '• ' . ;. ot .• ■. i ' ■ V : : i • ..' - ; • ■ . ■ ■ • , ;; r *: j . ■ . £ % ■ . i v ; . • , ;r.. : ; r ;i • • f > . ■ ' • ’• * ' *• » •. • ;• : . c. . •: > . : •• i ... r t ■ V • . . P. M. June 25, 1918. From: Shearer at 7 p. n. To : 4th Brig. Htiqrs. Bate: June 25th, 1918. Time rac’d; 8:40 F. M. 47th Co. gained objective - 20th and 47th digging in. 45th still in reserve hut will occupy positions just as soon as things settle. 16th still working into position. Estimated 150 prisoners, by 20 and 47th companies. Ko report of 16th as to pris¬ oners, More prisoners just corning in too numerous to count. I am making prisoners dig and carry wounded. Everyone doing fine work. Yowell, 16th, meeting resist¬ ance. Will send him help. Will need all my company to hold new line. Can’t Keyser send me two platoons. Just reported counter-attack on 47th. Am sending two platoons 45th to help. Report capture of some of the 47th Co, Our casualties will make help necessary. Please keep artillery ard machine guns going to stop reinforcements of enemy. 8:50 P.M. - June 25, 1918. Message from Adjutant, 4th Brigade. To 2nd Biv. Two companies have reached their objectives - just a little held up on left flank. That was an hour and a half ago. Small counter-attack made and repulsed. 10:15 P. M. - June 25, 1918. Message phoned by Chief of Staff to C, G. 4th Brigade: The artillery have just stated that no artillery fire be put in the northern part of the BOIS-de-iiELL- EAU -that you are sending patrols in there. Just want to get the matter straight. We'have information from prisoners that the reserves of the companies are in cellars in the BOX’S-de-BELLEAU, If that is the case it might be advisable to pound the cellars with some 155’s. Answer from C. G. 4th Brigade: The only place I told the artillery not to fire is south of X line 262 and east of LOIS-de-uiBLEAU as far as the railroad, and I sent word to the 3rd Brigade telling them that I was sending patrols in there and asked them to refrain from firing on then. The prisoners state that the reserves are in caves oy the' Chateau where- the artillery can’t reach them. From: Shearer. To : 4th Brig, Hdqrs. . Bate: June 25th, 1918. Time rec’d: 10:45 P. M. Holding. The 16th Co. still meeting resistance. 47th and 20th have got objectives and dug in. The 47th Co, so.y they have about 100 Germans trying to give themselves up but their own people fire on then when they try to do so. Need reinforcements badly. Have got to have reinforcements to hold on. Counter attack will be bad. ■ ■ ' . June 25, 1918. P. M. From: C.G. 4th Prig. At : P.C. 25 June 18. 11:10 p. m. No. 7. To : C.O. 2nd Bn. 5th ( Thru C.O. 6th ) In moving your line forward it is important that you send a platoon to clean up in the edge of the hois, parallel to the double tree road. The 16th Co. in trying to come out to position on that side of the road is meeting some resistance. Send your platoon by your right rear to come up now on the left and help clean it out. I do not believe the remainder of your line will meet with much resistance. J. G. Harbord. Sent out by runner at 11:35 p. m. MESSAGE. From: Shearer (thru Colonel Neville.) To : 4th Prig, Hdqrs. Time sent: 9:30 P.M. Date: June 25th, 1918. Time rec’d: 11:12 P.M. 20th and 47th are in position. 47th apparently too far east but am trying to rectify the same. 16th has not made position yet and reports machine guns still in their front. They are forward of last advanc position held during last attack. They are still trying to work forward to objective. Reported about 100 enemy on 47th Co. left who want to surrender but Boche machine gun shoots them as they try to come out. Company's may have passed some enemy. Our casualties so heavy can't spare men to patrol to rear. Any counter attack by enemy would be fatal to us in present condition. Can't some force come in east and west line advancing north and clean up woods and thicken our lines? Y/e must not lose what we have now. Enemy shelling woods continually. Please get heavy counter battery work on them . Estimate 150 prisoners. Impossible estimate enemy casualties. Heavy though. Sending prisoners back to Sibley to send in. Had to use Reserve Co. in line so Sibley is filling up gap on right of 20th Co. east side woods and Sibley’s left. Me have taken •practically all of woods but do. need help to clean it up and hold it. Do we get it? Shearer. MESSAGE. From: Commanding General, 4th Brigade. To : C. 0. 5th Regiment. Date: June 25th, 1218. Time sent: 11:20 P. M. Your Shearer battalion has done splendid work. I have no fear of a counter attack by the Germans tonight. You are in charge of the Bo is de ^elleau and can divert such part of Major Sioley's battalion as you think best. His front is practically wired in. In connection with the movement of Keyser’s battalion to connect up with the West side oi Bois de ^elleau, I have ordered him to send up a platoon by his right rear to come up on the left of the 16th Co. and nelp (Cont’d next page.) I June 25, 1918. P. M. (Cont’d from last page.) clean that edge of the woods. It is very important that Shearer be told of this in order that the 16th Company may not in the dark confuse that platoon with the enemy. Harbord. 11:25 p, m,, June 25, 1918. Prom the Staff, 3rd Army Corps, (French) to the Staff, 2d Division, U.S. The Commanding General, 3d Army Corps send to the Commanding General, 2d Division, U.S, his compli¬ ments for the very fine success won by the Commanding General, 4th Brigade. Ke begs him to transmit them to the infantry troops and artillerymen who cooperated in this splendid success. To the C.G* 4th Brigade, with the compliments of the Division Commander. No time indicated. MESSAGE. June 25, 1918. From: C.G. 4th Brigade. To : C.O. 5th Regiment. Date: June 25th, 1918. Contingent upon Major Shearer obtaining his objective orders v/ere this afternoon sent Major Keyser to advance his line tonight and bring the right of the line on the double tree road just west of Bois de Belleau. This will begin shortly after dark. Please notify Major Shearer that the movement is going to take place so that in the dark he will not confuse it with a possible counter attack. Keyser’s movement will be prece ded by consider¬ able artillery firing on the old trenches which run north west from Bois de Belleau. Harbord. MESSAGE. C.G. 4th Brigade. C.O. 3d Bn. 6th Marines, (through C.O. 5th June 25th, 1918. Marines.) I have asked the artillery to not put any shells tonight east of Bois de Belleau, south of X line 262 west of the railroad unless you request it. This is to give you an opportunity to send patrols out in this region and secure prisoners. Please caution patrols that rank, regimental insignia and papers must be brought in from bodies of any dead Germans encountered. jrom To Date Harbord. A. M. June 26, 1918. 1:40 A. M. June 26, 1918. Phone message from Kq. 4th Brigade: G 3 A message from the front lines by runner issued at 12:55 stated the action so far as the Americans is concerned, is over. The artillery activity is all American. No German artillery activity or machine gun fire. 86 prisoners have passed through these headquarters so far, and there are more coming in. At the present moment there is some enemy artillery fire on our back area. From Adjutant 5th Regiment to 4th Brigade Headquarters. June 26th, 1918. Rec’d: 3:10 a.m. Regimental Aid Station states that all patients are from Shearer and none from Keyser. About 90 being treated. From: P.C. 6th Regt. (per Churchman Tel watch ) At : P.C. Chatel de la Voie. Date: 26 June 18. Hour: 4:40 a.m. No. 1. How sent: To : C.G. 4th Brigade Marines. Motorcycle. The following rec’d from A-7 by phone at 4:3b a.m. "Mr, Cook says: Either the artillery must lengthen its barrage or I will have to withdraw outposts. Barrage has not come closer than 100 yds south of LUCY-TORCY-BELLEAU road in sector 174 485" "One of our patrols exchanged shots with enemy, no casualties." Not in touch with Shearer. - runners sent from him have not reported. C. J. Chur chman. 5:05 A.M. -- June 26, 1918, Phone message from Head¬ quarters 4th Brigade: To 2nd Div. 56 prisoners are on the way down to Division Headauarters. A little later we will send down about X. 70 more and 4 officers. From: C.G. 4th Brig. Date: 26 June 1918. Hour: 8:30 a.m, lo : C.O. 1st Bn. 6th Marines. At dark tonight move your battalion to the woods north-west of Lucy as Brigade Reserve, lour battalion will furnish a detail, daily or nightly, of approximately 200 men for work on the support, trenches in that sector. Harbord. P. M. June 26, 1918. From: C.O. 6th. At : 1 -.C, Date: 26 June 18. Hour: 1:15 p. m. How sent: To : C.O. 4th Brigade. Motorcycle. Enclosing sketch and two (2) reports just received from A-l. A-l reports liaison established "between his right and Shearer's left. LEE. From: C.G, 4th Brigade. At : P.C. Date: 26th June 1918. Hour: 2:05 p.m. Ho. 2. To : C.O. 2nd Bn. 5th Marines (Through C.O. 6th Marines). Make your preparations and as soon as possible after dark tonight swing your line forward so that it will run approximately straight from the cross-roads south of Torcy (174.75-263*1) to the double-tree road at 175.4-262.7. I will have the artillery keep down any fire from the trenches running northwest from the BOIS de BELLEAU, between 10 and 12 P.M. HARBORD. Copy to Major Shearer through C.O. 5th Marines. Delivered to A-l at 3:00 p.m. by runner. P. M. June 27, 1918. 8:15 P. M., June 27th. Message from 4th. Brigade. To 2nd Div. Four German sausages have just been brought down in flames north of the P.C. of the 6th, Marines. The last one was brought down at 8:05. Ho time indicated. June 27, 1918. From: Commanding General, 4th Brigade. To : C.O. 2d Bn. 5th Marines, (thru C.O. 6th Regt.j Date: June 27th, 1918. Orders have been given Major Holcomb to direct two Platoons of the 51st Company to return to their Battalion after dark. I am very much pleased with the success in advancing your line in the way you did last night. Please let" Captain Mass and your other officers know that it was a good piece of work. Harbord. \ Jt\ . LI a June 28, 1918. From: C.O. 6th Regt. At : PoC. Date: 28 June 18. Hour: 11:15 a.m. Ho. To : C.O. 4th Brig. Enclosed herewith report from A-l. How sent Runner. Think it advisable to make relief suggested by him under covering detachments, and request your approval a It seems that his patrols have about located the enemy and are correct as to the work he has under way. O.F. will try to verify patrols’ reports and note anything else during day. LEii. P, m, June 28, 1918. From: C.G, 4th Brigade. To : C.0. 5th Marines, 6th Marines, C.O. 3d Bn. Marines. Date: June 28th, 1918. C.O. 6th Marines, C.O,1st Bn. 6th Marines, C.O. 1st Bn. 5th Time sent: 10:00 P.M. The 1st Bn. 6th Marines will relieve the 3d Bn. 6th Marines in the Bois de Belleau as soon as practic¬ able after dark, night of June 29-30. Reconnaissance by Battalion and Company Commanders during the day June 29th. 3d Bn. 6th Marines to Bois Gros Jean South of Metz-Paris Road as Division Reserve. lst^rn. 5th Marines to woods N.W. of Lucy night of June - ctS Brigade Reserve. HARBORD. A. M. June 29, 1918, 5:45 A.M., June 29, 1918. Message from 4th Brigade. To 2nd Div. Everything quiet, Nothing to report. June 29, 1918. From: C.O. 6th. At : Date: P.G. 29 June 18. Hour: 2:30 p.m. No. To : C.O. 4th Brigade. Inclosing sketch of position with 1 O JL <3 , How sent Motorcycle of 2nd Bn. 5th received from A-l. A-l wil. location of right of unit on his leit very which I will forward. shortly, r. m. June 29, 1918. From At Date To C, 0. 6 th . 1. C. 29 June 18 Hour: 4:50 p.m. No. 13, How sent: C.G. 4th Brigade.* Motorcycle. I wish to inform you of my intention(in accord¬ ance with your order)to send a strong patrol to the North in front of this sector. It will push out probably to the north of BUS'S I ARES - TORCY - BELLEAU road. The point of departure will be approximately 174.6- 263.2, Time of departure 10:00 p.m. Return before daylight. It is requested that the artillery be notified. Adjoining sectors have been notified. LEE. Sent to 174 Inf-French and 5th Regt. 5:00 P.M. June 29th, 1918. Telephone message from 4th Brigade. To 2nd Div. Everything quiet in this sector. Nothing special to report. Report from 6th Marines. Rec’d 7:20 P. M., June 29th, 1918. States that gas shells have just begun to drop on Hill 142, and to the east and southeast. The bomb¬ ardment has not become heavy as yet. A. M. June 30, 1918. 3:30 A.M,, June 30th, 1918. Message from 4th Brigade. To 2nd Div. The 4th Brigade had received no information con¬ cerning the firing then going on in the BOIS-de- BELLEAL, From: C.G. 4th Brigade, To : C.O. 5th Marines, C.O. 6th Marines, C,0. lot Bn, 5th, C.O. 2d Bn. 5th, Date: June 30th, 1918. Time sent: 11:00 A.M. The 2d Battalion 5th Marines will be relieved as soon as possible after dark tonight by the 1st Battalion, 5th Marines. Reconnaissance by Battalion p.nd Company Commanders during the day of June oOth. The 2d Battalion 5th Marines will take station in woods Northwest of Lucy. HARBORD. < June 30, 1918 r. jl. From: C.G. 4th Brigade. To : 0.0. 3d on. 5th Marines and C.O. 3d in. 6th Marines. Date: June 30th, 1918. Time sent: 12:00 hoon. In accordance with Field Orders No. 9, Head¬ quarters 2d Division, 30 June, 1918 (Note: this order ^ has to do with a contemplated attack by the 3d Brigade. 1 the 3d Battalion 5th Marines and 3d Battalion 6th Marines, are placed at the disposal of the Division Commander. These Battalions will remain in the Do is Gros Jean until further oiders and maintain a liaison officer at Division Headquarters from and after the receipt of this order. Karbord. HEADQUARTERS SECOND DIVISION (REGULAR) AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES. FRANCE, 50th June, 1918, CONFIDENTIAL MEMORANDUM: For: C.G. , C.G. , C. G. , C»0 • , C, 0. , C. 0 . , C.O. , C.O. , C.O. , 3rd Brigade: 4th Brigade: 2nd F.A. Brigade: 2nd Engineers: 9 th Inf ant ry: 23rd Infantry: 5th Marines: 6th Marines: 4th M.G. Ln: Division Signal Officer: Division Surgeon: A. P * M. n J ,! day, ’’H" hour, referred to in Field Orders No. 9, these Headquarters, June 30, 1918, is 6:00 T.M._ X July 1, at which hour the attack ordered in the Field Order will he given. LY COMMAND OF MAJOR GENERAL BUNDY: 1:21 P.M. June 30/18. N.L.E, 9th PRESTON BROWN, Colonel, General Staff, Chief of Staff. I nf . NL . E. From: C.G. 4th Brigade. To : C.O. 5th Marines, C.O. 6th Marines, C.O. 6th Machine Gun Ln. , C.O. 1st Bn. 6tli Marines and C.O. 2d Bn. 6th Marines. Date: June 30th, 1918. Time sent: 4:40 P.M. When the 2d Bn. 6th Marines is withdrawn from the Lois de Belleau it will not he replaced. The 1st Bn. 6th Marines will hold the Bois alone 0 The wiring must he conroleted without delay. Positions selected as strong points should have the rille pits connected (Cont*d next page.) P. K. June 30, 1918 (Cont f d from last page.) for occujja+ion by squads or platoons according to their location, field of fire, etc. The C.O. 1st Bn. 6th Marines will consult with the C.O. 3th Marines and the C. r ' ; . 6th Machine Gun Bn. m making the pic.ns for taking over the defense of the entire hois, The present intent¬ ion is to relieve the 2d Bn. on the night of the 2d~3d of July. Harbord. P. M, July 1, 1918* 7:50 P.M. - July 1, 1918. Message from Col. Herbst, To 4t.h Brig. C,0. 2nd Ln. 9th Inf. reports "E” Co. in position at 6:40 P.Mr and consolidating. They are in liaison with the Frdnch on the right. 1 German officer and 25 men taken prisoner. Have not yet arrived at message center. Reports Bn. Scout officer in position in center of VAUX at 6:22, and line pushing forward. 8:17 P.M, - July 1, 1918. Message from Colonel Herbst. To 4th Brig. C.O. 2nd Bn. 9th Inf. reports left company reached objectives 6:40 P.M. La Roche woods taken without resistance. Also states 23rd Inf. held up on left. 16 additional prisoners taken, jointly by 9th and 23rd Infantry, arrived here. Total prisoners received here 18 . A. M. July 2, 1918. 3:20 A.M., - July 2, 1918. Message from 0. P. 3. (Observation Post in .Fourth Brigade Sector.) Our own guns have quieted dov/n. The Germans seem to be laying down a barrage apparently from south of the Bo is de Belleau to Chateau Thierry. (The above message was immediately phoned by the officer on night service at Headquarters to the Third Brigade. He was informed that as far as the Brigade knew everything was quiet.) From: C.O. 6th. At : P.C. Date: 2 July 18 Hour: 10:15 a.n. Bo. 19. How sent: To : C.O. 4th Brigade. Motorcycle. Am enclosing message from L-l which is self- explanatory. Salvage party 50 sent to Lois de Belleau last night. They were able to obtain only small amount salvage. All that has been collected during the day was moved to the rear by the ration carts. Holcomb and Garrett say they are pretty well cleaned up, as remaining salvage can only be gotten together by daylight (Cont’d next page). A, M. July 1918, (Cont’d from last page,) Hesitate to send large party in there by daylight, but can send them in morning to perform their work tomorrow. Wyman, Engineer Officer, went to Montreuil last night. Have located him there and directed him to report here. Will then send him over to you. Am getting from A-l and L-l a sketch of all digging and ether defenses erected in the sector front lines. Of about three wagon loads of small arms ammun¬ ition located in woods point 73,6-62.8, one R & B wagon load taken to post supply company in rear. Shall I send salvage party to Belleau woods before daylight in morning to work tomorrow? The abri at Division Observation Post at Pyramids completed last night and turned over to O.P. party. LEE. P, M. July 2, 1918. From: C.O. 6th. At ; P.C. Date: 2 July 18 Hour: 2:30 p.m. No. 22. How sent: To : C.G. 4th Brigade. Motorcycle. I am enclosing you sketch scale 1-20,000 showing disposition of 1st Bn., 5th, this sector. This obtained from information submitted from P.C. of that organization. LEE. From: C.O, 6th Regt. At : P.C. Date: 2 July, 18. Hour 2.35 P.M. No, 23 How sent: To : C.O. 4th Brigade, Officer. Will send (BO) eighty men Hdq. Dt» to 1st Bn, 6th to make good withdrawals for parade at dusk tonight. This may interfere with full salvage party in morning, though will do our best in that. Have ordered 20 from each company, 1 Sgt., 2 cpls., 17 Pvts ten (10) from Hdqrs, Co., Capt. Voeth, Lts. Mason, Overton, J.W., Church, Overton, M.C., Maack and Timmerman Adj,, ourgeon Farwell and 3 H. appr. Lt. Per in is br inging this and he has some drawings for the General. will you let im see the General to present them, with explanation. Lee, « n) / July ~2 , 1918 . P • ±*1 « From: G.O. 6th. At: p.C. How sent Date: 2 July 18 Hour: 2:53 p.rn. No. 24 .motorcycle. To: C.G. 4th Brigade. The completion of wiring woods by 2nd Bn. of the 6th was reported this morning. In view of the withdrawal of that Bn. tonight request information as to its new station. Understand it will relieve 1st Bn. of 5th. Can you let me have details? LBS. U.S. ATLjY FIELD mESSAGE. B-l P.C. How sent 2 July 18 Hour 10:10 P.m. No. 2 Runner. General Harbord. I am glad to be in position at last to merit your congratulations. I am well satisfied and hope that we will never again be compelled to remain on a passive defensive. Prom: At: Date : To : Cordi £1 ny t malone. No time indicated. July 2, 1918. Colonel malone, 23rd Infantry. Headquarters, 4th Brigade. marine Corps, Am. E.F. July 2nd, 1918. Dear malone: my congratulations on the good work of your Reg¬ iment yesterday. We are all pleased in this Brigade. major Elliott was once a private in tne troop in which I was captain. Please extend my greetings to him. HARBORD JGII P • Lh. » July 4, 1913. From: C.O. 6th At: P.C. How sent Date : 4 July 18. Hour 12:55 p.m. No.29 motorcycle. To : m-7, Brigade. Upon investigation I find all quarters St. David For this reason reque; Aulde. Find suitable occupied by supply Co. and French, authority establish new P.C. at St house for the Ildq there. 1st Bn. 104th Infantry, in woods northwest Lucy seem impatient for orders. I think they should be making reconnaissance Bois de Brigade marine before dark. I uon * t wish to interfere in this matter, but inquiries irom that or¬ ganization are reaching my office, and feci that I have not the authority to act. LEE . s 12:30 A. A.i/i July 5, 1918. G-3 July 5, 1 Q 18. Telephone report from 4th Brigade announcing capture of two prisoners from 360th Reg’t (4 Ers. Div.) prisoners were called for and interrogatory is attached. 8:30 A.iii. i July 5, 1918. Report from Major Lay; to 2nd Divn. O.P. reports at 8:15 A.m. a Balloon went up at SOHNELAIS and O.P. "Y" at 8:40 reported an aeroplane coming down in flames. IU of COURCHON. Six of our machines went up that way and six returned. 9:15 A »m. , July 5, 1913. Supplemental Report: To 2'nd^pivn. Adjutant 4th Brigade reports that O.P. "Y"in talking with one of the experienced French observers was assured by the latter that the two planes which came down were Boche machines and not American machines as previously reported. From: C.O. 6th * At: P. C. Date: 5 July 18. Hour 10:00 a.m. No* 31 How sent To: C.O. 4th Brigade. motorcycle. The 2nd Bns. 103 and 104 Inf, took position in woods northwest of Lucy well before daylight. The 2nd of 6th relieved by 2nd of 103, retired to Bois Gros Jean. Ildq. of 103rd Regt. did not arrive. LEE. A. • jjtL • July 6, 1913 3:55 A .id, » July 6, 1918. message from 4th Brigade: to 2nd Divn. All quiet. 8 :15 A.m., NAHTEUIL. July 6, 1918. message from C.O. 4th Brigade, To 2nd Divn. Fifth regiment French guides, 2nd Bn. battalion in reserve i concealed with grass not think it advisable or do v/ork in them v/he aissance by battalion Request that Division out number of picks, s and distribute same. Will submit sketch of received. arrived in rear of position, led by on right, 3rd Battalion on left, 1st n woods in rear. Trenches are well and are about three feet deep. Do to occupy trenches during day time n observation is possible. Reconn- commanders with French officers, engineer officer be instructed to find hovels and axes that will be required Have had no report from 6th Regiment, position as soon as reports are Neville. July 6, 1918. A 9:00 A.jui. , July 6, 1918* 3rd Bn. 4th Brig. Report on position of 6th marines Occupy trenches from 73:00 - 54:00 to point directly north of BEZU. Trenches well constructed and dug to a depth of four feet. Second battalion, 6th .marines, in liaison v/ith 5th marines on the right. Third battalion, 6th marines, on left of 2nd Battalion, 6th marines. Trenches to the left of the 3rd battalion 6th marines, UNOCCUPIED AG PAP AS THE PARIS mETZ ROAD. Have no informa¬ tion as to the occupation of trenches west of PARIS mETZ road. Prom: At: Date : To : o.O Vm P.C . 6 July 18 C.O. 4th 6th Rgt. Hour 11:45 a.m. No. 31 Brigade How sent Runner. Copy of message from or Holcomb. Hour 9 -j Ct • li-I • No. 11. Runner. Agreed on limits of my C.R. this morning in con¬ sultation. v/ith Lt . Col. Herbst, Capt. Larsen (Commanding C.R. Ohio) and French Captain sent for that purpose. The right limit is the roint where the v/estern edge ol the Bois de Villiers intersects the BEZU-VILLIERS road. ^ The left _ limit is the bend in the trenches where Sibley has establishe his right. I have two companies in line, tne 80th on tne right and the 78th on left. The 79th and 96th are in re¬ serve in woods H.77, of Cote 199. Each line company has two platoons in first line and two as security garrison of second line. Reconnaissance complete and occupation at dusk. The two.1ine companies will move at dusk tonight to of BEZU-CROUTTES road near road fork at :zu. Will assign two platoons of each small woods just 3. end of BOIS DE - --- . , reserve company as security garrison of third line and tne other two in Third line as counter attack troops. All companies will remain in woods during day and will occupy trenches, dig and wire at night. I have liaison with Sibley and have sent runners to Larsen. Rolling kitchens in place and hot meals being served. I need one Eng. Ofi . arr 4 N.C.O’s. to supervise work. I also need maps. 31st mC-. company has reported and is reconnoitenng position, may move reserve companies and I .0. to norta one of woods tonight. Till report promptly. Holcomb. recom_.cnd that the above dispositions be personnel and material asked for o e I strongly approved granted, and tne 4:10 p.m., July 6, to 2nd Division. i- .1.1. ‘ Tul ^ 6 ' 1918 • 1918. Telephone message irom 4th mrigade 1 reported officer, 6th .marines - seriously wounded. No - 1 man -- 5th .marines particulars received. » P.M. July 6, 1918. 4:45 P.m., July 6, 1918. message from 4th Brigade Hq . to 2nd Divn. Two enlisted men slightly wounded. Enemy raping marine woods with fire. Barrage asked for and given. Casualties from shell fire. 9:55 P.M., July 6, 1918. message from. 4t'n Brigade, to 2nd Divn. This battalion is in position and is in liaison with the 51st Brigade on its left and the French on its right. Request 300 shovels and 150 picks. A.M. July 7, 1918. 9:00 A.ivi.t July 7, 1918. message from 3rd Battalion, 6th Regiment,To 4th Brig. In accordance with instructions from Regimental Head¬ quarters your Headquarters were informed by phone at 6:30^ A.m. this day that this battalion has been unable to establish liaison with any part of the 51st Brigade, which is supposed to connect with our left. Patrols have examined the country for a kilometer or more to left and found no troops except small group French engineers. p.m, July 7, 1918. 4:45 P.m., July 7, 1918. message from 4th Brigade to. 2nd Divn. Everything going ’'Q.K.” 9:45 P.m., July 7, 1918. Report from Fourth Brigade, to 2nd Divn. Everything O.K. p.ul. July 8 i 1913* From: C.G. 4th Brigade, marines. At: P.C. Date: 8th July 1918. Hour 2:10 p.m. #1 To: C.O. 6th Regiment, 1. You will extend your left to include the Bois des ESSERUS connecting with the 1st Bn., 23rd Infantry, wnich will go into position the night of 8tn-9th July, 1918, wnich battalion will relieve the Battalion of the 102nd Infantry now in that position. You will move vour right over to the westward to the west edge of Bois de VILLIERS, Vhen youi right moves over the C.O, of the 5th Regiment has ordeis o establish liaison with you. 2. Report to. this office when the movement has been finished, • By Command of Brigadier General Harbord. H. LAY _ major, Adjutant. ( * ..) *' P .m. Jul y 8, 1918. From: C.G. 4th Brigade marines. At: P • C . Date: Oth July, 1918. Hour 2:15 P.m. #2 To: C.0. 5th Regt. 1. You will extend your left over to the westward to include the west edge of Bois de VILLIERS• The C.0.» 6th Regt., has been ordered to move his right to the westward to that point and you will keep in liaison with him. 2, Report to this office when the move has been finished. By Command of Brigadier General Karbord. H. Lay major, Adjutant. 4:45 P.m., July 8, 1918* message from 4th Brigade, to 2nd Divn. All qdiet. Nothing to report. 9:fe5 p.m., July 8, 1918. message from 4th Brigade Hq.» to 2nd Divn. Everything quiet. Nothing to report. A • j&i • July 9, 1918 « 7:10 A.M., July 9, 1918. Fourth Brigade. Everything quiet. Some rather heavy gun firing up to the northeast aroun 4:00 A*m. 11:40 A.M., July 9, 1918. message from G-3, 4th Brigade. Reports everything going fine except one man accidently wounded. From: At: To : C.G. P.C. C.O. 4th Brigade, marines. Date 9th July 1913 Hour 5:30 Pid #3 5th Regiment. 1. You will extend your left to the north-westward one thousand yards from its present position. The commanding Officer of the 6th marines has been ordered to extend nm left to HALOUP, north of mONTREUIL-aux^LlONS, (inclusi e). His right will form liaison with you on your le t. 2. Report to this office when the move has been made. By Command of Brigadier General Karbord. (Sgd) H. Lay major, Adjutant. ♦ «*. I K ... > *»• W M * A* •»» »• '' "4 'V, , . • J j » « # *r/.# # * •.» -*. ^ ■•« «\ ** *•,/■• }■ ; f 4* *r- ? v V .*•••■■.•; ■• v i< ’ ■: r c ^ • .i r t •' O J. • July 12, 1918. F 9:45 p.m., July 12, 1913. Telephone message from A.C. of S., G-3, to 4th Brigade: Beginning July 13th, the 4th Brigade will commence work on the 2nd position. This work is in charge of the Division Engineer officer, who will call 'on the 4th Brigade for the necessary working parties. Necessary tools, etc., to be furnished by the engineers. A,a. July 14, 1918. 1:20 A*m,, July 14, 1918. FROa Adjutant 4th BRIGADE, to 2nd Divn. rec'd 1.20 A. a. A bombardment of NANTFUIL with 150's is now going on. Between 20 and 30 shells have already fallen. There seems o be an aeroplane overhead, adjusting fire possibly. There^ ao been considerable noise of enemy planes in vicinity during me night, FROa 4th BRIGADE, to 2nd Divn. Rec'd. 5:30 A .a., July 14, 1918 . There is some shelling near this town but it does not touch us. The bombardment of NANTEUIL stopped about 1:40 A. a. this morning. a.a. July 15 * 1918 • Telegram addressed to ^ajor General J.G. Harbord, ~nd Divn. In accordance with telegraphic instructions received today from Headquarters American E.F. you will upon being relieved command of the marine Brigade by General Lejeune take command of the Second Division, relieving General Bundy, 9:47 A.A. BULLARD. Note: Gen. Ely takes command of the 3rd Brigade , Gen. Lewi. 3 going to the 30th Div. Gen. Bundy goes to trie 6th Corps. 10:10 A.m., July 15, 1913. Brigade: Received at 10:10 The enemy is dropping intervals. Telephone message A , a . 210*6 on LS TILLST G-3 . f ro..i 4tn at 10 minute P « A • July 15, 1918. TELEPHONE mSSSAGE FRO— 4th BRIGADE, to 2nd Divn. 11:17 P.A., July 15, 1913. About 15 minutes ago one two star rocket end one five star rocket was fired from the ground v/nile at - e -ame u an enemy plane was up. G-2. < 7 :55 A.iii. , A .-.XjU July 18, 1918. July 18«, 1918. message from Colonel Heville. States that he has been informed by the French that the 1st Division has undoubtedly reached its final objective; that the ^oroccan division is well on toward its final objective; that the French cavalry is moving forward to the zone of advance of the ^oroccan division; that he has no information from the 4th Brigade but thinks they are very near to their final objective. Had a message at 6:00 A.m., from the French that our infantry had reached their 1st objective passing beyond and going strongly. 7:58 A.m., July 18, 1918. message from Colonel Neville. Feland has not heard anything from the battalion commanders but from the walking wounded he understands everythin thing is going on nicely.Prisoners have begun to come in -• 4 are now there — 50 heard of and a lot more coding. 9:14 A, July 18, 1918. Telephone message from 4th Brigade Hdqrs•, to 2nd Divn. Deport just received states that the marine Brigade has advanced seven (7) kilometers. 23 prisonersunder several men cf the 1st Division who got lost and fought with tne 2nd Division are enroute to 2nd Division Headquarters. 10:00 A. m t p July 18, 1918 From 4th Brigade Hdqrs. Lay Turrill, 1st Bn. of 5th marines, has established his P.C. at the east end of LAIE-du-TRANSLON, in a German dugout, in the east of the large woods. His troops have_advanced to the north and south line at point 172.4 where it cuts east and west at 389.0 and mAUBE’jGE. Several tanks are west ol the point shown above. Others are operating back ol our lines. All my companies on J'.s-. immediate supply of Springfield and CHAUCHATS ammunx uxo..* LE T.iAi was cleared at 7:50 A.M. TURRILL- 11:30 A.m., July 18, 1918. 2nd Division. message from 4th Brigade, to Luajor Keyser, 2nd battalion, marines. We need water and ambulances badly. If you send them they can goint the field in front of my P.C. and pick up wounue and safety. Can you have an ammunition dump locat e ' 4g hot food for men at noon today. Tney will na e f . f hours without anything hot. 51st Company has called lor reinforcements and I have asked the 3rd battalion for two platoons. No positive news yet from Companies. ^ . His P.C. at LA VSRTE PEUILLE EERmE._ •y P. M. July 10, 19IB 1:55 p. II., July 18, 1918. Telephone message from the 4th Brigade. Repeating a message from the 5th marines. Paris- Metz road has a whole lot of trees, chopped off and laid across it where the old German line used to be. I think it would be a good thing if they were cleaned up so that the road could be used. Peland. With the request that the message be transmitted to the division. From: Brig. Comdr. 4 Brig. At : P.C. Vauxcastille Bate: 18 July Hour: 8:50 pm Ho. 4. How sent; To : Corndg Gen. 2d Div. Motor Cycle VIERZY only, partially ours. We are now attacking with tanks and Infantry - Have established my P.C. at Vauxcastille on road to VIERZY. NEVILLE Per Lay, A. iVi • July 19, 1918. From: C.O. 6th, At: Railway Station, VIERZY. Date: July 19th, 1918 -- 6:46 A. M» To : C, 0 . 4 th Br igade. Am here with three (3) bns. 6th - 73rd and 81st M. G. Cos. Am told by Col, Mitchell that entire regiment engineers and 4th M. G. Bn. are in line. Will advance to line and. wait orders. Tanks are here. JLiiiiiii From: .orig Comdr. 4 Lrig, At : P.C. at VI HR BY" Date: 19 July Hour: 9:15 A.M. Ho. 2. How sent: To : C.O. 6th Marines, Motorcycle. If you Have any messages to send to Div. Hdqrs or anything to report I will send it through ior you. We are in telephonic communication with Div. Hdqrs. "Would like to know where you have your P.C. and how. far you are advanced with each Ln. The Liaison ofiicer of the 38 Div French will talk to you. NEVILLE per Lay. From: C.O. 6th Marines At: P.C. Road Fork 200 yds, North of Cross Road 112 S.E. of VIERZY. Date: July 19, 1918. Hour: 10:10 A. M. To : C. 0, 4th Brigade. Last reports were about to take TIGHT, (Cont'd next page.) A. M July 10, 1918 (Cont’d from last page.) Advancing nicely - casualties normal. Heavy M. G. fire at TIGHT, Thanks for offer to send messages to Div, V/ill take advantage of it. By motor cyclist to 4th brigade. 10:10 A. If, July 19/1918. From C*0. 6th Marines. At: P.C. Read fork 200 yards N. of cross road 112 S.E. VIERZY. About to take TIG1JY* advancing nicely. Casualties normal. Heavy M. G* fire at TIGHT* Prom: C. 0. 4th Brigade. P.C. VIERZY. Date: July 10, 1918. Hour 11:25 A. M. To : C.G. 2nd Division. The enclosed have just come in from Holcomb and Hughes and the French tanks. Have forwarded originals to Lee, His P.C. is now at cross roads 178.2-286, Me Closky gave orders sometime ago for artillery fire on TIGHT, I don’t believe the Moroccans have advanced. NEVILLE. P T.T i '.l • July 19, 1918. 12:35 pm 19 July ’18. Germans entering Parcy Tigny in strong numbers. Think they will counter-attack. Hughes. Would like to have this verified. V/e are trying to verify it. HEVILLE-per Lay. To: C.O. 1st Bn, P.C. now at Road Fork 200 yds South of point 8160, _ W.H. Litz. Cant, Inf. Coor. 178 - 286.2 Bits. Capt. Inf. From: C. 0. 4th Brigade. 12.40 p.m. To : Chief of Staff 19 July 18. Request copies of all these v/e need ammunition and ambulances. orders you Lay. get Ho time to copy. P. M» July 19, 19IB. Prom: C. 0. 1st Ln. At: P. C. Date: July 19, 1918. Hour - 1:25 P. M. To : C, 0. 5th Regt. Have only about 20 men of 49 th Co. £; Kdqrs. Detachment of 1st Bn. Also there are Capt. Yowell with 70 men of 16th Co,, Capt. Platt with 40 men of 20th Co., Capt. Quigley with about 35 men of 47th Co. The above less 45th & 47th Cos. were my support before I cane here. Total men here is about 200 plus Kdqrs. - 235. TURKILL. Have notified Gen. Ely of above. NEVILLE - by Lay. 11:35 P. M., July 19, 19IB, From: C. 0. 4th brigade. To ; C. C-. , 2nd Div, U. S. The French Colonel, whose regiment was to relieve the 2nd Bn. 5th Regt. (Keyser) has made a reconnaissance and liaison on our left and found that the French had advanced this afternoon and occupied a line to the North and East of Heyeer ! s position and ware connected up with the left of the 6th Regt, 2. This makes Keyser occupjr practically a second line and the French Colonel Wild, 6th Tiralleur, says that it is unnecessary to relieve Keyser by his troops. The Colonel has just left here for LEAUREPAIRB PARK to report to his C.O. for change in the order, 3. If agreeable to you, will direct ICeyser to withdraw his battalion. Kindly telephone "Yes". NEVIL1 TT\ -5 ♦ No time indicated. July 19, 191B. From: Lay, At: P.C, VIERZY, July 19, 14IB. To : Col. Lrown, Send one truck of chauchat and one truck machine gun ammunition to this P.C, at once. Need it badly. Motor cyclist will show trucks way here. Note: No ambulances here. i LAY. Wounded man 79th Co. brings in veroa.1 message that 79th Co. is pretty we11 knocked out, that^they are heavily attacked on the left, though the Loche are on the run on the right. The Moroccans have not come up nor made Lied, son on- the. left. Neville. 19 July ’IB. 19 July ’ IB. 79 wiped out. No liaison with Moroccans. Col. Neville. The I.I or oceans not up on the left - the left is being wiped out. 1 « lVl. July 20, 1918. July 20, 1918 - 8:40 P.M. Prom: C.O. 4th ~rigade. To : C. 0. 2nd Division, U, 8. The P.C. of the 4th brigade has "been moved from LE JARDIN to the P.C. 5th marines, as neither LE JARDIN or 8T PIERRE 1’AIGLE offered any shelter what¬ ever. The P.C. of the 4th brigade is on CARAEFOUR- de- ttORNEAU, 1600 meters, Vest of VERTE FEU ILLS EERIE - 170*4 - 288» V/. C, NEVILLE. P, M. July 21, 1918, U, S i ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. From: At : Date: To : C, 0. 4 brigade I J , C, at (5th Regt) Cross roads 2 Kil South of LE JARDI1T 170.4 - 288.2 21 July Hour: 1,30 p.m. No. 4. How sent: C. G. 2d DIV., PIERREFONDS. Motor cycle. Strength - 5th Regt. 81 officers, 2150 men; 6th Regt - officers 2000 men; 6th M. G, Ln. 27 officers, 611 men; P. C, 5th Regt as above. 6 Regt l/2 mile to westward; 6 M. G, Ln. 100 yards North Jest of cross roads conservateur, 168.7 - 288.5, Supply trains near Regiments. Drawing rations today. NEVILLE. VCN No time indicated. July 21, 1918. HEADQUARTERS, SECOND DIVISION, AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES, FRANCE, July 21, 1918* ■ MEMORANDUM for the Commanding General, Fourth brigade: The Commanding General, Fourth brigade, will cause a detail to be made of two (2) officers, five (5) non¬ commissioned officers and forty(40) men from each of the infantry regiments of his brigade for the purpose of- salvaging material on the battlefield and in the area that has been occupied by the troops of this division. The details will be organised and ready to entruck at the respective regimental headquarters at 7:00 A r .M* , July 22. Trucks will report at the regimental headquarters for this service. Details will carry rations for the day, by command of Major General Harbord PRESTON IRO’./N, Colonel, General Staff, Chief of Staff. „ . ■ • • . • # « . , ■ ■ . . . • „• . ITo time indicated. Aug. 4, 1918. Headquarters, 4th brigade, Marine Corps, Am. E. F. France, August 4, 1918. MEMORANDUM for G-3, 2d Division, Am. E, F. 1. One battalion and one machine gun company from the 5th and. 6th Regiments, Marines, moved in accordance with instructions contained in Field Order No. 20, 2d Division, Am. E. F. The 1st Batt¬ alion and the 8th Machine Gun Company moved from the 5th Marines and the 1st Battalion and 73d Machine Gun Company moved from the 6th Marines, C. R. Dietrich, 2d Lt., for and in the absence of H. LAY Maj or, Adjutant. No time indicated. Aug. 6, 1918. Headquarters, Second Division (Regular) American Expeditionary Forces, France, 6 August, 1918. From: Chief of Staff. To : C. G. 4th Brigade. Subject: Barrage Position. 1. The Battalion of the 23rd Infantry, stationed at Liyerdun ana the Battalion of the 6th Marines, stationed at Sexev-le-Bois, on completion of the move¬ ment of the division to the Marbache sector will occupy the barrage position. The senior battalion commander oi the two battalions will command the troops occupying this barrage position. 2. Please direct Major Sibley, 6th Marines, Commanding Officer of the battalion at Sexey-le-Bois, to call on and confer with Colonel Jacques, 145th Territorial Infantry (French) at Sexey-le-Bois, with the least practicable delay and obtain full inform¬ ation and instructions about the position, By Command of Major General Lejeun PRESTON BROW, Colonel, General Staff, Chief of Staff. Headquarters Second Division (Regular) American Expeditionary Forces, France, 6 August, 1918. From: Chief of Staff. To : Commanding General, 4th Brigade. Subject: Station of Troops. 1, The Division Commander directs me to transmit to you the following instructions: Under orders from Headquarters, 3Pnd Army Coxp^, (French) the battalion of the 6th Marines, ordered to (Cont'd next page;. ITo time indicated, Ac>;. 6, IS 18. (Cont’d from last page.) proceed to SHXEY^le-Dois-AIHGRHY, on August 7th, for station will instead proceed to LIVERDUN for station. The battalion will march via SEXEY-le-Lois- in time to arrive at LIVERDUN not earlier than 1 1. LI., August 7, 1918. pkESTON LRO'./N, Colonel, General Staff, Chief of Staff. Ho time indicated. Sept. 10, l t; 18. Headquarters, 4th brigade, Marines, American E, E. 10th September ’18. Memorandum for G- 3, 2nd Division:- I have to report that 4th brigade P. C. was established in billet #11, town of MAHOHVILLE at 8:00 P.M., 9th September, 5th Aegiraent P.C. is located in billet #32, Regiment P.C. in Lillet #28, both in town of MAHOHVILLE. EARL H. ELLIS, Lieut. Col,, USMC. E/s Adjutant. ii'i i Sept 12, 1918, Erom: 6th Marines At : P. C. Date: 12 Sept. Hour: 12:^5 am Ho. 1. To : C. G. 4th Lrig P.C, established at junction of I Lironville-Limey road, coordinates Troops not yet in place. How sent: Runn er Metras with -232.98. Lee. Rec 2 45 a m E/s At : P. C. (365.22-232.98) Erom: 6th Marines Date: 12 Sept Hour: 1.27 am No. 2 How sent. To : C, G. 4th brigade. Runner Third (3d) bn, in position at report from 2nd bn. yet. one A. M ♦ Lee. No Sent at 3:50 am A. M Sept. 12, 1918 U. S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. From Sister At P. C. Date 12 S ep t. Ko ur: 4; 50 No. 1. How sent: To Surprise Runner 4 th Lriga. de in po sit i on. Neville Rec’d 5,45 A.M. JLii Sept. 12, 1918, (On reverse side of m ess age - Surprise) U. S, ARMY FIE LD MESSAGE. From 4 Lrigade • At P. C. Thi auc ourt Date 12 S ep t J8 Ho ur: 5 : 10 How sent: Aide To Chief of Sta if. The 6th is well closed is prepared to form guard for is being quickly gotten into 6th requires rations soon as 6 th P. C’s. in Thiaucourt. up in rear of 23rd and left flank. The fifth proper position. The possible. 4th Prig and Neville. From: Sister At : P. C. 12 Sept Hour 5.20 Ho. 2. How sent: Runner 6th. C.K. - could not find 5th P. C. but saw troops going into position Ellis for Neville. Reed. .5,45 A.M. Lee, (On back of message) "Site". From: C, 0. 6 th At : P. c. Date: 12 Sept. 18 Hour: To 0 . G. 4th Brig. 11 move forward 6 36b.07-234,07 Boyau Ansonc at 5:50 - enclosing map o 6:05 A. M. No. 5 How sent Runner .30 A. M. to next P. C. at ourt. Front line started i axis of liaison. Lee. 7:10 A.M. September 12, 1918. Field message from 4th Lrigade at P.C. to 2nd Division received by runner at 7:57. 1st line battalions 4th Lrigade advancing. All 0. K. Neville. A. M Sept. 12, 1918. From At Date To C. 0. 6th Reft. P. C. 365.07-234.07 12 Sept 18 Hour: 8:40 A. II. G. G. 4th Prig Ho. 6 How sent Runner. Am moving forward on axis of liaison enemy front line just East of ANSONCOURT FARM Lee. U . S. AN MY FIELD MESSAGE. Received by CCG Time 9.22 A.M. S ept 12. CCG From: SISTER At : P. C. How sent: Date; 12 Sept. Hour: 8:40 Ho. 7 To : Surprise Courier. p, C. moved to Liney All 0. K. V* rx x kV 1" _\ K_ □ - X " \ \xxxxx A" (On back of message -- 2 Division) Heville From At Date To SISTER P. C. 12 Sept Hour: 8:40 No. 8 How sent: Courier 6th Regt P C moved to LIMEY ■■ .... ' /k>: K.&// (Sketch) P j £_ 1 txx'xxx'x Neville Rec’d 10 A. M. Sept. 12. 9:15 A,LI. , September 12, To 2nd Div. 1918. 4th Brigade ( Courier Nothing to report. Advancing as per schedule, Neville. U. s, 1 FIELD MESSAGj From: Sister At P. C. Limey Date: 12 Sept. Hour: 9:30 a.m. Ho To : Surprise Nothing to report - Advancing Rec 1 d 9.45 A.M., Sept 12. CCG to G-3. 9 How sent: Courier a.s per schedule. Heville A, M. Gept * 12, 1918. From: Sister At : P. C. Limey Pate: 12 Sept Hour: 9:40 Ho. 11 How sent: Courier To : C. 0. 5th. Send position report immediately via Liaison Officer Neville From: C. 0, oth Marines At : P. C. Pate: Sept 12/18 Hour: 10:15 No. 5 How sent: To : 0. G. 4th Bgd. Runner The 3rd Pn is in position about on X line 235. 1st Pn about on X line 2 34.7. The 2nd Bn about on Line 2 34,4, As soon as can get all Pns & Cos, in some kind of order we will take up advance and close up nearer the 3rd Bgd. Will remain in this P. C. 365,7 23a.7 for the present. Feland U. s, ARMY FIELD MSS SAGS From: Pate: To : Sister Sept 12/18 Surprise Hour: 11:10 A. M. How sent: Courier An sending herewith position report of 5 Reg. at 10:15 A. M. The 6 Reg. is approximately abreast of 5 Reg. No definite report received. C. 0. 5 Reg. reports that he will close up on 3 brigade shortly. Sister. Rec 11.30 a.m. ( On back of message) 2nd Division, From 4th Prig, to Hdq. 3rd brigade. 9/12/18. 11:25 A.M. This is from Surprise 3. He desires that I inform you that the 5 Division has reached the Army Objective. Also that about 2000 enemy troops are debussing on the CHARSY-POI.PIARTIN Road. Signed Sister. Sept. 12, 1910 A ¥ * From: Sister. At : IIow sent Date: Sept 12/lS Hour 11:40 A.m. Runner To: C.0. 6 Reg. The 5 Div. has reached the Army objective. The 3rd Brigade has completed the 1st phase and is advancing from the 1st phase as per schedule. It is reported 2000 enemy troops debus sing on C HARRY- DOiwilARTIN road. Send position report immediately. Neville. 11:42 A.iii. > Sept. 12, 1918. From 4th Brigade by Courier, to 2nd Divn. Am sending herewith position report of 5th Regiment at 10:15 A.iu The 6th Regiment is approximately abreast by 5th Regiment, No definite report received. CtO. 15th Regiment reports that he will close up on 3rd Brigade shortly. From: At : Date: To : Sister Sept. 12/18 Hour 11:55 A.m. C.0. 5 Reg . How sent Runner 4 Brig. P.C. moved to Hagimont trench 365.0 -234,7. Neville. From; Sister At • Date : Sept• 12/l3 Hour 11 To : C.0. 6 Reg. 4 Brig P.C. moved to How sent :55 A.m. Runner Hagimont trench 365,3-234.7. Neville. From; Sister At: Date: -Sept 12/18 Hour 11:55 A.^. To; Surprise How sent Courier. 4 Brig n • V-/ • xioved to Hagimont trench 365,3-234.7 Neville From: C.O. 5th marines At I P.C. How sent Date : Sent. 12/18 Hour 11:40 No. 6 Runner .To : C.O. 4th Bgd. 0 Tne 3rd Bn is about on X line 235 ,8. 1st Bn line 235,5 & the 2nd Bn is just passing thru Remenauville covering tne Regimental sector. Feland. Rec 12 Noon _ P . m . Sent. 12, 1910. Fro in: Sister At: How sent Date: Sept 12/18 Hour 12: Noon Telephone To: Surprise 5 Peg. reports leading Batt. at 235.8 at 11:40 A.m. Neville 12:00 Noon, Sept. 12, 1918. To General Neville 4th Brigade. The division commander.directs that you close your brigade up on the 3rd Brigade to approximately 1 kilometer, guarding its left flank. The 3rd has left the 1st Phase line at 11:00 A,m. advancing on the First Day’s Objective. Enemy is re¬ ported by an observation post as evacuating THIAUCOURT and retiring over fields in squad columns toward XAmmES • '"The 5th Division has reached the Army Objective. Send a runner to General Ely with this information and direc r to establish liaison with it, with the least practicable delay. . . Please send, by wireless, a report of tne situation and ask General Ely to do the same. Preston Brown, Brigadier General, General Staff, Chief oi Staff From: C .0. 5th marines At: P.C. Date: Sept 12/10 Hour To : C.G. 4th Bgd. The Pns have orde they are a f ew hundred me I sha .11 move this P.C. fo their advane e which are v 12:02 P I Xtll 1 liO . 8 How sent Runner to continue advance until ; of rear elements of ord Bgd.. -d as I receive reports of Feland From: C.O. 5th _,.a- ines At: P.C . Date: Sent. 12/18 Hour 12:22 P To : C.G. 4th Bgr. On the pt. 855.6-82 5.4 How sent ru nner. The rear of tne reft now. The right I think is a follow along road leading n touch & can have no permanent of Regt just passing this little further advanced, orth from here to keep in F.C. until we are closed 3rd Bgd. pt . Shall up on FBLAKD. p Sept. 12, 1918« ir • lVi • 2nd Division, 2nd Sect* Sept. 12, 1918. Message from 4th Brigade p. 4th Brigade P. C. 234.7. G. at Kagimont. Hour 12*35 PM. moved to Hagimont Trench 365.8- NEVILLE 5th Regt. reports leading battalion at 235.8 - tirne 11:40 AM. 0-2 C. of S, Art, Brig. From: Sixth Marines At : Logs Mangin Date: 12 Sept Hour 12:35 p.m. No. 11 How sent: Runner To *. C. G. 4th Brigade. Moving P. G. to Thiaucourt* Front line appears to be attacking XAMMES, 4th Brigade* Lee (TH.) From: Sister At : Date: Sept 12/18 Hour 12:40 To : C. 0. 5 Reg. 4 Brig p. C. moving to du Four Via Remenauvilie. P.M. Runner south west corner of Bois Neville, From: Sister At : Date: Sept. 12/l6 Hour 12:40 P. M. To : C. 0, 6 Reg. 4 Brig, P, C, moving to South west corner of Bois du Four Via REMENAUVILLL. Neville, From: Sister At : Date: Sept 12/18 Hour 12:40 P.M. How sent: Courier To : Surprise. 4 Brigade moving to south west corner of BOIS-DU- Four via REMENAUVILLE. 4 Brig, advancing in position, NEVILLE. P.-i. Sept. 12, 1918. 1:10 P.^., Sept. 12, 1918. From General Neville to 2nd Divn . 4th Brigade moving to Fourth - S.W. corner of Bo is du FOUR via Reiaenauville. 4th Brigade advancing in position. From: 4 Brig At: p.C. Southwest corner BOIS-DU-FOUR Date: Sept 12/18 To: 3 Brig. Tine 1:30 P.K. Will you please give ^e your present P.C. location, and the position of your leading Battalions. Neville. From: At: Date : To ; Siste-r 9/ 12/18 Hour 1:35 p.„x. C•0. 6 Reg. How sent Runner please send position report at once, officer and 2 runners. Also liaison Neville. U.S. AP-iuY FIELD HESS AG] From: Sister At ; P.C. Date: 9/12/18 To: Surpris 4 Brig. P.C. moving to THIAUCOURT via REGNIEVILLE- THIAUCOURT Road. Brigade close in rear of 3 Brig.^ Lee reports front line 3 Brig, appears to oe attacking Xammes. Hour 2 P.-i. Rec’d. 2:55 P.. How sent Courier Sept 12, C.C.G. to G-3 :e . Neville % ■ r ''« s '' ' • - - -. m .- ■ . p .id. Sept. 12, 1910. From: Sister At: P.C. How sent Date : 9/12/18 Hour 2:05 P.m. Runner To : C.O. 5 Reg . 4 Brig. P.C. moving to Thiaucourt via Thiaucourt- Regnieville road. 6 Reg. P.C. moving to THIAUCOURT also. Lee reports front line 3 Brig appears to be attacking Xammes. Send me some runners and a liaison officer. Neville » 3:00 P.m., Sept. 12, 191C. From General Neville, 4th Brigade by courier, to 2nd Divn. 4th Brigade P.C. moving to THIAUCOURT via REGNIEVILLB- THIAUCOURT Road, brigade close in rear of 3rd Brigade. Lee renorts front line, 3rd Brigade appears to be attacking XAmmES. From; P.C. 4 Brigade At : Near Bridge THIAUCOURT Date: 12 Sept Hour 4 Pm To: 5 and 6 Regts. Send position report at once. Neville. From: C.O. 5th marines / ■ t * P.C. Date: Sept. 12/18 Hour 4:05 Pm No. 16 To : C.G. 4th Bgd. Enclosed copy of order sent to Bns. Vvill do all possible to get them closed up and as soon as possiole wi. let you know dispositions from the new P.C. Feland. How sent Runner. From: 3rd Bn 6th marines At: P.C. Date: 12 Sept. Hour 4:20 Pm No. 5 To: C.G. 4th Brigade This battalion is now all together north COURT, but is somewhat out of position. Efforts to place them correctly. 23rd Ini is generally by about 800 yds. \Ye need rations if oossible. of THIAU- being made ahead of us Lee C •p Jr % «L»i » Sept. 12 , 1913 . From: C.O. 5th Regt, USLuC * T' "> • Date: Sept. 12, 1918 Hour 5:25 pm To: Coudg. G. nth Brigade In view of Turrill’s report that the 9th Inf. occupy the BOIS DU FEY and are digging in, I have oidered tiie 3rd Battl. to occupy ravine just on south edge of that woods. The 1st Batt. in ravine on X line 2u0.6. The 2nd Batt in ravine on X line 240.15. -iy P.C. will be in s-iall German barracks about 36**7 2u0.6 on south slope ol ravine Feland. Regi.ient beginning to cone up to these positions. From: C.O. oth marines At : 'P.C. 100 meters east Date: Sept 12/18 Hour 5:4 to : C.G. 4th Bgd. Am moving forward to new p.c , will be in the 2nd center of Regtl sector. ■> T r * hO . o How sent p.unne r (Sgd) Feland From: 6th marines At : Thiaucourt How sent Date : 12 Sept Hour 6:50 pn Ho . 12 R.unne r To : C.G. 4th Brig. Second Bn. (williams) has been ordered to take up a flank po sition running S.W. about 800 yds. fro,.. 362.4 - 242.6. * i ^ jp Third bn. (Sibley) holds position to no. uu ox Thiaucourt, 1000 yards in rear of 23d Inf,. e details later. What is Barker’s status? _ Our P.G. will be established at 7:30 pm m ^ayoio house. II. Lee (T .11.) Fr ou: £ 4* * Date : To : C.O. 5 th Regt. USxuC P. C» Sent. 12, 1913 Hour 8:15 p. Comdg. General 4th Brigade. T vo companies of the 3rd Batt have been sent the Colonel of tne 83rd Inf who had just requested tnea g „.ajor Shearer, These were the two co..,nani'_s - had in ravine south of BOIS DU FEY / Feland Frou: ' + • i n O' • Date : To : C.O. 5th Regiment US-nC v n _i » h' « Sept, 12, 1913 Hour COi.xdg. General 4th brigade. :40 on Ho. hi o w ;ent (Cont’d. next page.) Sept. 12, 1918. .1' • m. (cont»d. f rom last page .) I enclose .-i? re with message just received from major Shearer v-hich corrects my message in regard to supporting the Infantry with two companies. Shearer has sent all that he has with him south of BOIS DU FEY. Feland. 7row: C.0. 5th marines. At ; P.G. How sent Bate: Sent. 12/18 hour 3:40 P.m. Ho. 19 runner To: sistei. Liaison Officer of Artillery has reported. 2nd Batt had had five men slightly wounded by our Artillery falling short. Leland. From: At: Date : To : 6th marines P.C. (mayors House, Thiaucourt) 12 Sent. Hour 8:55 Pm Ho. 15 C.G. 4th Brig. How sent Funner (3d bn) imately and two Williams (2nd bn) P.G. at 362.7 - it 362 »3-241.5 . Our casualti P. 241 .3 today Sibley's a onrox- c . 1JUW * W I ~ . . V 30, including one officer (Capt. Black, SothOo) men killed. Pockets, flares & hand grenade; needed. Our trains, less B & P. wagon are at I.,oge mangm. Lee (TH.) (Peverse) n fL 4th Brigade U.S APmY FIELD HESSAG' From: Sister n, t • P.C. Date: 12 Sept. 18 Hour 9:25 pm No. 12 To: Surprise. 6th Regiment renorts that casualties today total 30 of which Captain Black 95th Co. and 2 men killed. Pockets, flares and hand grenades needed. Their trains, ration an baggage wagons at Loge man/in. Levilie . U.S. APmY I I iliD m/jSoAGlj From* At: Date : To : Sister P.C . 12 Sent. Hour 9:?0 Ho 12 Surprise:C.0. 5th reports that his leading ^utt-. TO: , iJi pi x t> t- ; 1 , . u . i ^ a. w - ^ , , _ n n Qfp alion - the 3rd. - has at the urgent request ol t ) • * Infantry, sent two companies and machine gun company (Cont'd. next page.) Sept . 12, 1918 * P « ii/i • (Cont’d. from last, page.) to support left flan): of 9th. His other two companies are not definitely located at present time. Neville. Prom: C.O. 5th marines At: P.G. How sent Date: Sept. 12/18 Hour No.4 Runner To : C G 4th Egd P.C. at 566.7 - 234.7 Apparently Bus. have not advanced this far and am sending officers to rear in. endeavor to bring them up & get them in order. Peland. A.iiiu Sept. 13, 1918. pxom. Sister At: Thiaucourt Date: 13 Sept Hour 7 Aid No. 14 To: C 0 5 & 6 Regts 4 la G Batn. Send in correct position report soon as possible. Submit total number killed and wounded on 12 Sept. C.O. Regts report Brigade P.C. at 10 A,^. today to discuss methods of taking over line tonight relieving 3rd Brigade. Neville. Prom: Sister At: P.C. Date: 13 Sept Hour 3:30 To : CO 5-6-4 m G Bosche are attacking 5th Division (on our right flank) all along the line. Neville ■ Prom: 6th marines At: P.C. Date : 13 Sept Hour 10:05 Am To : C,G. 4th Brig . How sent Runn er position report 1st Bn. Thiaucourt-Ben^y Road P.C. R.R. Station N.W. of Thiaucourt 2nd Bn. West of Thiaucourt in rear of right oi 39 Div. P.C. at 362.8-241.5 3rd Bn. North of Thiaucourt 241.5 to P.C. 362.8-221,5 Be e TH 241,6. P.M. Sept . 13 , 1918 . From: Sister At: P.C. Date: 13 Sept. Hour 2 PH To: C * 0 . 5 and C.0. 6 please detail 4 Officers and 1 platoon (Suitable for military police duty) to report to Lt. Col. J.A. Hughes U.S.M.C. at P.C. 23rd Infantry (100 yards East Old rail road station) immediately, platoon will remain witn organizations until after officers report. Neville G.A. Plambeck. Proin: SISTEP At: P.C. THIAUCOURT. Date: 13 Sept. 3:10 P.LI. No. 16 To: C.0, 6th Regt. The fact that the 3rd Brigade was disposed each regi¬ ment with two or more battalions in the front line was no known to the Brigade Commander, 4th Brigade, _when le u ' #10 was issued. In effecting the relief _Regimental Com. i may use their own discretion as to tne disnosi ion battalions within Regimental Sectors. NEVILLE. From: C.O. 5th Regt. USMC At : P.C. Date: Sept. 13, 1S1Q Hour 7:00 pm To: C.G. 4th Brigade. i ■?x'• r\ + v. Tin -f ^ -i 11 ct received "word that Commanding Officer 9th Ini. has ju-r - _ his front line has had to withdraw to the sou n o , account of the town being shelled by our artil ery» i that this information be given to the artillery, - that artillery officer be sent here for liaison. about 300 meters N.E. of ANE NOULIH• W P.C. is Peland. From: Sister At: P.C, Date: 13 Sept. Hour 7:45 pm To: C.O. 5th. General Bowley has been informed of the ^tents of your message. The liaison officer of tne. n ^ + 0 that to you and General Bowley wishes you to give effect if necessary. Neville. ? Sept. 13, 1918. From: Sister At : p . C . Date: 13 Sept. Hour: 8:30 p.M. To: c.O. 6th - 5th-4 M.G. Bosche are attacking the 5th Division (on our right) all along the line . Neville. 8:35 p.M., Sept. 13, 1918. From C. of S. 2nd Div. to Gen. Neville. 5th Div. our people stand Gen. Ely. being attacked along its entire front, h^ve by and notify those at front. Also tell From: C.O. 5th Marines. • p Q How sent Date: Sept. 13/18 Hour 8:40 P.M. Ho. 19 Runner. To: Sister Liaison officer of artillery has reported. 2nd Batt. has had five men slightly wounded ~by our artillery falling short. FELAND• 9:05 P.M., Sept. 13, 1918. Message from General Neville, to 2nd Divn. The Boche have to be about 150's. know right away. put six shells over Thiaucourt. Seems Seem to have about 2 guns. I will let you From: C.O. 5th Regt. USMC At: P.C. Date: Sept 13, 18 Hour 9:10 pm To: comdg Gen. 4th Brigade . The 2nd Batt. on support line reports our artillery still falling short on their right which he gives at obom 241.5. Artillery liaison officer here believes this me is from the artillery of the 5th Div. peland. From: C.O. 6th Marines At: P.C. Thiaucourt Date: 13 Sept 18 Hour: 11-10 P.M. To: C *G. 4th Brigade. How sent Runner The 1st Bn. of this Regt. has completed its relief of the 3rd Bn. 23 inf. at 8:00 p.m. this date on the support line along the Beney- Thiaucourt Road 561.9 - o • (Contid. next page.) p .id Sent. 13, 1910. (Cont'd. fro ill next page.) except three (3) platoons of 74th Co. which are 400 yds. North of road-order of Cos' from right to left 74th 76th Co. 75th and 96 Cos. in rear of 74th and 76- South of road 3n. p.C. at By. Station 362,8-241.4. The 2nd Bn. completed the relief of the 2nd Bn. 23rd Inf at 7:00 Pdisposed as follows: Right to left- 78th 79th. 80th and 96th Cos. P.C. located at point 242.1-363.4.^ The 3rd Bn. is relieving the 1st Bn of tne 23rd Inf. in the front lines and reoort will he made to you on completion Lee From: 6 th marines At: Thiaucourt Bate: 13th Sept Hour 11:12 pm No 21 To: 311is Have just seen Reeves. He was ordered to hold line from 361 .15-244.05 to N.S. house in XAim.ES, 362 *65-243.54. He w r as holding a. line slightly in rear of this, but ordered his people to move out and occupy this line. Sibley will patrol between our left and his right. Reeves is very anxious to have us move our line forward to connect up. Holcomb. How sent wunner Reverse Col. Ellis From: Sister At: *o r * V/ « Bate : 13 Sept. To : 0 . 0 . 6 th. Bid you r and Am u. unit ion et phone and will ru i t ems and the amo Hour 11:20 B if so how much. I nave them on tele- it if you will give information as to s ’ Neville From: At : Bate : To : Commanding Officer 5th Regiment. 364.5-240^6 HoVv £erlt 13 Sept 18 Hour 11:50 _ Runner Companding General 4th Brigade. 1st Battalion and 8 id.G. Company is located in ravine at 364.5 - 240.6. . 2nd Battalion and 23 Id. G» Company is located m ravine at 364.9-240.2 3rd Battalion 16th and 20th Co inn any s all at 060 , 6 - 242.3 near point 277.7,77 M.G. Company is with the 16th and 20th Companies at 363.6-242.3. m lie 45th and 49th Companies have not been located. Feland. 3b'pt* 14, 1918. A. M. From: SISTER. At : P. C. Date: 14 Sept. Hour 12:10 A. M. To : 5th Regt.-- The information from Malone gives present situation. The 6th Regt. Infantry is digging in, left flank south edge REMLERCOURT. You will establish outpost on general line north end of Lois de HAILLAT- north-east corner of Lois de la MONTAGNE and establish liaison with combat patrols with the 6th Infantry on your right and the 6th Marines on your left. Move such troops forward in support as may be necessary. NEVILLE. From: Sister At : P. C. Date: 14 S ep t. K o ur: 12:20 A • M. How sent: Runner To : C. 0. 5th Division instructions officer tele- phoned regarding some stokes mortars (50?) and othe.L ^ items required for by one of the regiments. tie states that they are supplied. If the 5th will let me know what they want I will __ to have it-- tua l is delivered in 24 hours ( That station ) Neville E. Reverse: ___ _ ^ Sector taken over 12 midnight 13-14 Sept. 9-^a- ' reported complete but not 5th 1:15 g- 3 reported explosion in Jaulny Instructed to send out patrol to investigate a report- From: Sister At : P. C. Date: 14 Sept. To : 6 th Regt Malone ( Hour: 12:30 AM left flank at south edge of Rembercourt. _ xhe^5th Marines have been ordered to establish line oi_ou P on general line north edge of Bois de Haiioat-^ois la Montagne establish liaison with combat patroloai 6 th Infantry on right and 6th Marines^on leit. 89th Division has been ordered forward. . You will establish outposts on a general line north edge of Bois de la Montagne and north edge of woods lying between Xammes and Charey and establi combat liaison with the 5th Marines on fright and the 89th Division on your left Move such troop.-, ward in support as may be necessary: Red 12.45 A. M. Lee. Neville A • M. Sept. 14, 1918 From: Sister At : P. c. Date: 14 Sept. Hour: 1:15 A To : C. 0. 5th Regt A large explosion has Send out patrol, investigate possible. been reported in Jaulny. and report as soon as Neville. From: At : Date: To : C. 0. 5th Marines -Slap #1 P. C* Sept 14. Hours 6:30 A.M. No. 21 Sister How sent: Hunner Relief completed at 4t30 A.M., Sketch of positions will be forwarded Sept 4 14 th. later. Peland. 7:40 A. M. f - September 14, 1918.. - From Adjutant 4th Brigade. To 2nd Div. Reports explosion reported in JAULNY - to the north east of THIAUCGURT and was probably an old Loche dump. Sverything quiet. 8:10 A. M., Sept. 14th. To C. G. 4th Brig. How sent: Runner. The inclosed just received from Williams and Martin. Please note and return. Artillery wants to fire on Mon Plaisir Farm. Lee From Slap At P. C. Date 14 Sept. 18 Hour: 8:15 Ail How sent: To Sister Foot Messenger Patrol sent out as per orders. report no explos ions in vicinity of town. Dunbeck reports Ammunition dump in 6 th Regt Marines Sector exploded at 2:00 A.M. Feland. 8 51 A. M, - September 14, 1918. - From G-2, 4th Brigade A man our car dr the road a They went half. The him he had out at one walk the r the follow blond. Wo in American off ivers about 8:15 ways.” The dri east on the vail driver discover no authority to e saying hurried est of the way." ina description: uld suf, est noti icers uniform went to one of AM., and said: "Take me _ down ver thought it was Lt. Mirk, ey road about a mile and a ed it was not Kirk and told carry him. The man jumped ly: "That’s all right - I'll Probably a German. Answers 6 feet 1 inch medium weight, fyinr 5th Division. ti . .* ? A. M. Sept. 14, 1918 From: 6th Marines Hq. At : Hq P. C 0 Date: Sept. 14 Hour: 6:30 A.M. How sent; Courier. To : 4 Brigade P. C. The 3rd Eatt. completed the relief of 1st Eatt. 23rd Inf. at 1=45 ajn. Disposition as follows from right to left: 82nd Co., 83 Co. Lee Rec'd 9:10 A.M. By direction 9:35 A. M., September 14, 1918 - From Adjutant 4th Brigade. To 2nd Div. Lt. Col. Ellis reports that there has been more or less shelling during the night on the railroad north¬ east of Thiaucourt. That is what caused that dump to go up. From: SISTER At : P. C. Date: 14 Sept, Hour: 10 A. M. To : SLAP 1. Send report immediately regarding conditions on your right flank. Have you established liaison with 5th Division. Want information at once. NEVILLE. p. C., 4th Brigade, Marines, American E. F. 14 September, ’18. 10:45 A.M. Memo for Chief of Staff, 2nd Division. 1. Attached hereto is position report of 4th Brigade on September 14th, 1918 at 8:00 A. M. The green line denotes the Front Line ol the Third Brigade, when relieved by the 4th brigade on night of 13-14th, September. The 4th Brigade immediately established an outpost (marked in blue) to the eastward of XAMMES. The 6th Regiment now has patrols out f rom the front line up to this outpost. If reports of the reconnaissance are satisfactory this line will probaoly be advanced up to the outpost. By command of Brigadier General Neville. EARL K. ELLI s, Lieut. Col., USL1C E/s G-2. Adjutant. Send tracing paper to 4th Brigade by bearer. Elli A * i.i . Sept. 14, 1918. 11:00 A. M. , September 14, 1918 - Y/ith Commanding General 4th Brigade. To 2nd Div. Neville is also very anxious to get that position well echeloned - way back in depth. In other words it has got to be done in accordance with that corps plan. What about Ely’s brigade? His brigade ought to come back now. The General is coming right up to Thiaucourt right now. I will do it right now. 11:36 A. M., September 14, 1918 - Telephone message from C. G. 4th Brigade to G-3, Second Division, The 4th Brigade through the 5th Marines is in perfect liaison with the 6th Infantry on its right at the south¬ west corner of the Bo is de Bonvaux. Colonel Malone, commanding 10th Brigade, 5th Division, apparently is not in good liaison with his own regimental commanders because this brigade is in perfect liaison and commun¬ ication with the 6th Infantry on its right. Also the 6 th Marines is in liaison with the 89th Division on our left. They have actual contact. P. M. Sept. 14, 1918. SLAP P„ C. Sept, 1**, 1918 Hour: 12:00 Noon How sent: Sister Runner Have received information from 6th Inf that 3rd Batt 6th Inf and a Batt of the 11th Inf advance at 1:00 pm to-day to line with left at REMBERCOURT and right at farm SOULEUVRE ( 369.6-242.0) rrom At Date To Eel and 12:10 P. M., September 14, 1918. - From C. G. 4th Brigade to G-3, 2nd Div, It is reported that there is a. suspected mine about 50 yards north of the 4th Brigade Headquarters in Thiaucourt. Request that the Engineers be sent here to investigate. From: C. 0, 5th Marines At : P. C. Date: Sept. 14/18 Hour: 12:22 P. M. No. 10 How sent To : C. G. 4th Bgd. Runner On the pt. 635.6 - 236.4, The rear of the left of Regt. just passing this pt. now. The right I think is a little further advanced. Shall follow along road leading north from here to keep in touch & can have no permanent P. C. until we are closed up on 3rd Bgd. Feland. P. M. Sept. 14, 19IS Headquarters, 2nd Division. September 14th, 1918. 1:42 P. M. From: Chief of Staff. To : Commanding General, 4th Brigade. Subject; Reconnaissance. 1. The Division Commander directs that you push strong reconnaissance towards the approximate line REMBERCOURT *• CHAREY to determine the enemy's main line. 2. It is of the utmost importance that his main point cf resistance be determined with the least practicable delay. PRESTON BROWN. Brigadier General, General Staff. Chief of Staff. 1st Indorsement. The above forwarded for your compliance. The 5th and 89th Divisions oh our right and left, respectively, also have instructions to the same effect. Liaison will be maintained. By command of Brigadier General Neville. EARL H. ELLIS, Lieut. Cel,, USMC. E/s Adjutant. From: C. 0. 5th Regt. USMC At : P. C. Date: Sept. 14. 1918 Hour: 2:00 p.m. To : Brigade Int. Request that you send us some tracing paper if possible, Feland D 6:05 P. M., September 14, 1918. Message received from Colonel Ellis. (To Div) I have an order from the 89th Division on our left; 77th Inf. Brigade, stating that they v-ill make a raid by one battalion on CHAREY this evening to ascertain that the position is held and in what force. The troops to be in position by 7 P. M. The oarrage will fall on the enemies front line from 11:37 to 11:40 and a rolling barrage continuing from 11:40 to 11:55 and then the troops return to their own lines. Sept. 14, 1916. P. M 6:20 P. li. , September 14, 1916 - Message from General Neville. To 2nd DiV. My liaison officer has just returned from Malone. He says Malone got orders at 5:45 to advance to the Hindenourg line at 5:00 that he put down an artillery In compliance with orders I have sent out strong patrols on the front of both regiments to reconn- oiter and search for the enemy and to establish a line of outposts in front about 2 kilometers if too much resistance is net encountered. From: C. 0. 10th Brigade. At : P. G. Date: 14 Sept 16 Hour: 6:10 P. M. By: Runner. To : C. G. 4th Brigade. Our reconnaissance developed very strong resistance along south edge of Bo is Hanido. 9:15 P. M., September 14, 1516. General Brown called up Lt, Cel. Ellis, Adjutant 4th Brigade, and asked him for reports from the patrols and he had none. U. S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. From: C. C. 10 Brigade At : Brigade- P. C. Dat e: 9/14 Hour 22 H 40 How sent: Runner To : C. G. 4th Brigade Information from a prisoner of 174th Regiment 31st Division tells us that ihe enemy holds thinly the Hindenburg line - they have rushed a division from 15 kilometers away to hold the line. Our regiments have reached their objectives & am digging in. An outpost line extends from Souleu re Farm on the right to pt. near Rembercourt on the leit, 0”' r information is that the Marines' (Message incomplete) 11:00 P. M., September 14, 1916. Telephone message from Chief of Staff, 2nd Division to C. G., 4th Brigade. The Corps has just telephoned up that Malone's left, that is of his patrols you know, Malone's left patrol is in the southern edge of the Rembercourt and his right is over near S0LLSUVRE FARM. Malone's left is just at the southern edge of Rembercourt. You had better get this down Neville. His right is over at St. S0ULEUVRE -farm. The Corps Commander desires or directs that you send out a strong patrol in rear of Malone’s left, northeast oi JAULNY toward Rembercourt. Rave you got a patrol over there in that country. Two kilometers north ot JAULnY, They must be almost at Rembercourt themselves. I ordered them to patrol to the northern edge of the Bo is de HAILEAT, If Malone is at the southern edge of Rembercourt you have a patrol at the northern edge of the bo is de (Cont’d next page.) \. *. k f (Cont'd fro vrl last page.) P. M. Sept. 14, 1918. HAILBAT. Now do you mean the general northern edge or .just a few yards north of Rembercourt. The general northern edge. That is about a kilometer south of Rember- court. You say that the northern edge is right up to the northern edge near Rembercourt. So your patrol has orders to patrol up to the north end of the woods. Nov; what post? How many men in that patrol? How many men? Two companies? You have got two companies in the patrol and two companies supporting them; so you have got a patrol out there have you? Now, can you get Peland, that is on the right side of the river, to get an officer and the necessary runners to warn them of that counter¬ attack. Will you verify and see if Feland has done that and tell Feland exactly where Malone is and tell Feland to support Malone’s Withdrawal and tell Malone the Corps commander directs him to withdraw* That the Corps commander directs that he fall back. That a wireless message has been intercepted stating that he will be attacked at one o’clock there tonight. Have your patrol support him. Yes, sir, Malone’s up there by God with those patrols. Yes and how about your patrol on his left they had orders to come back did it not? Have those people reported to you at all. Then they may sort of confuse the idea. How far out are your outposts, General? Yes, I am looking at the map and trying to get it straight. Yes, General Neville wants to know if he wants those patrols of ours that went out to withdraw. He ordered this patrol supported by two companies to patrol out there and establish outposts. Now you don't want them to remain out there do you. General Lejeunei We don’t want them to get too far out. Col. Brown: The General says to maintain the line of outposts out there but not out too far, not out of supporting distance of his lines. You had better send word back to withdraw to a distance not exceeding one kilometer. Will you do that right away, sir? I don’t think there is much time to lose either. Exactly. All right. From: Sister At : P. C. Bate: 14 Sept. Hour: 11:20 p» M, How sent: M, C. Malone has reached the southern edge of REMBERCOURT. Send an officer with a patrol to get in touch with Malone (who has gone forward with his troops )and inform him that it is the Corps Commander’s order that he fall back to his original lines immediately. You v/ill support his withdrawal and withdraw your patrols to your original lines. Neville From: Sister At : P. C. Bate: 14 Sept. Hour: 11:25 P« M. To : Site (6th Rest) Malone (right flank) has reached the southern edge of Rembercourt. He has been ordered to withdraw and Feland has been ordered to sup^port his withdrawal. (Cont'd next page.) • \ t> % : x ■' r . .a . Sspt . 14, IS 18 . (Gont'd. from last page.) You will withdraw your patrols and establish a line of outposts (within supporting distance) approximately on the Army Objective or about one (1) kilometer in advance of your present front, connecting up with regiments on your left flank, Seville. U.S. ARl'iY FIELD LIE SS AGE • From: C.G. 177th Brigade At: Boullionviile How sent Date: 14 Sept 13 Hour 23,50 Courier To: C.G, 4th Brigade, 2nd Div. "A message intercepted from the Germans states they will counter attack at midnight near REMBERCOURT. Winn Comdg . xto time indicated Sept. 14 , 1918. From: P.C. - 6th .M.G.B. At: TKIAUCOURT How sent Date : Sept. 14 - 18 Runner. To : Comdg. Gen . 4th Brigade. At 17,20- German aviator brought down French aviator behind our lines - vicinity of 34b -241- following him down- Frencli aviator killed. German flew low over our lines was fired on by one platoon 77th Co and one platoon 23rd Company and brought down - German aviator captured - wounded and tak¬ en to dressing station . Both companies claim plane - probably hit by both. Each was using armour piercing and tracer ammunition. Have ordered plane left intact for examination by our aviators German firing on plane to destroy it. Waller. Headquarters, 2nd Division. September 14th, 1918. Memorandum for Commanding General, 4th Brigade. 1 . to the strong The Corps Commander desires further information as position and strength of tne enemy on our front. The Divisions of the, 1st Corps will send forward reconnaissance at 5:00 P.M. today to obtain tnis information. (Cont’d. next page.) . . . ■ Mo tine indicated. September 14, 1913. (Cont'd, from last page.) 2. The 3rd Infantry Brigade will send out strong patrols of two companies to reconnoitre the terrain in front of the Army Objective to a distance of about two kilometers in order to advance their line of observation, make the Army Objective line more secure and to determine what enemy strength is in our immediate front. 3. (a) Our artillery v/ill not be used except it is called for by the Brigade Commander. (b) The troops making the reconnaissance should be warned that there may be artillery fire from the Division on our right. (c) The outpost line will be advanced and a system of advance posts established in front of our present line. Liaison v/ill be maintained to the right and left and the left flank covered in case the Division of the 4th Corps on our left does not send out reconnaissance. By order of Major General Lejeune. Colonel. From: C.Q. 6th Marines, At: P.C. Date: 14 Sept. IS To: Brigade Adjutant. Inclosed postal cards were found in Austrian gun position northwest of this town. W.H. Sitz Adjutant. \ M A • iVI < Sentember 15, 1918 12:01 A „M. , Sept. 15. General Brown to Gen. Neville, Hello Nevillei then the trouble begins. Malone is diP’ginm in by God. Drum called up the army and the army seems to think that we ought to connect up with Malone on his left. How have you sent that order out. You could not probably catch that officer could you? See if you coulc catch that officer and strike out that part whicn orders him to withdraw. Well, can you get to Feland. They ought to establish combat liaison by means of that patrol. sen an officer and establish liaison and cover Malone s leit. Exactly, establish combat liaison with Malone’s left and cancel that cart which orders iialone to withdraw. ^sta..lis liaison with Iialone and cover ms left by combat Patrol. I, that perfectly clear Seville 3en ; Seville repeats to me Stoo th order to Malone to withdraw. Order Feland to_keep outposts out where it is established and estaolisn liaison with ;[alone and protect his left. Cancel -ie jd t er to withdraw and have Lee establisn liaison Aatn^ advance natrol and with the 89th on his left, it is & & (Cont’d. next page.) (’ . ■■;r i ! ( l t . * r f:. .i A.Li. September 15, 1918. (Cont’d, from lust rage.) tonight some time. That is perfectly clear is it. Do you think you had better have a lew troops working up that way or not? That is another. He has got two companies patrol and two companies supporting him. He will carry orders to hold everything, We would like to get tne front line of those outposts marked so we can put the artillery down on it. I got Neville and Neville does the following, he cancels the order to withdraw. He holds his outpost where it is and establishes liaison with .^alone’s left and covers it. lie holds the left patrol in position and establishes liaison with that of 89th Division if he can find it. All remain in place. Is that satisfactory? I think tnat is reasonable. From: Sister At: P . C . Date: 15 Sept Hour 1:15 A.II. To : Site. C.O. 5th Regt. says that it might be convenient for one of his patrol companies to pass to your command owing to tne river dividing his area and that the Company Commander (ifosely) would if circumstances rendered it desirable, re¬ ceive orders from this Commander of your advanced Force, enclosed herewith is message from Malone . Please return it by bearer. Neville. Rec'd. 1:45 A.A. Lee. 2 :05 3ept. 15, 1918. Telephone message from Intelligence Officer, 4th Brig, in substance: To 2nd Division. lies sage from 10th Brig to C *G-. i 4th Brig . states that he is holding^the line from SOULEUVRE Fe. on the right to a point near REM3ERCOURT on his left and is in liaison with.tne 5th Marines. A prisoner from the 174th 'Regt. 31st Division states that the Hindenburg line in his front is thinly meld and that a division was rushed up from 15 K. m the rear to reinforce the line, his regt. nad 3 companies per Ln. an. 70 men per co. Each Bn. held 600 meters of front with 2 companies in first line and 1 company in support._ iis^uivis- ion\;as weak in arty, as most of it was captures m tins offensive by the Americans. . The 4th Brig, has no reports from its own.units, as to the liaison, only this report from the 10th Brig‘Jut Wat their front is quiet and everything seems to oe all Tight. U, S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. From: C. 0. 5th Regt. US Marines Date: Sept’IB, 1918 Hour 2:30 am To : Comdg. General 4th Brigade Bn to The . and Col forward enclosed messages . Turrill expla..n reports as fast as from C.O. 45th Company ord themselves. A ill continue received here. Feland •' t A .11. Sept. 15, 1918. 3:10 a.M.» Sept. 15, 1918. Telephone message from Intell¬ igence Officer, 4th Brigade. At 11:45 P.M. 5th Marines were at point 2963 in Bois de Hailbat and were continuing the advance and were in liaison with 6th Marines on the left. One company had done that. Turrill adds, no enemy activity at 1:20 A.M. Some shelling at 1:00 A.M. 3:25 A.M.i Sept. 15, 1918. Telephone message from 1.0. 4th Brig., to 2nd Divn. 6th Marines is half way towards his objective, and has encountered no resistance. He has located some German . artillery at about 363.4 - 244.9. He is continuing the reconnaissance. 3:42 A.M*, 15 Sept., Tel. to 4th Brigade by G-3. 4th Brigade states that there is very little shelling of THTVMJCOURT • An occasional shell drops near R.R. station. Nothing unusual in valley toward M.E. Everything seems to be 0*K. 6:30 A.M., Sept. 15, 1918. Telephone message from C.G. 4th Brig., to 2nd Divn. Everything in our front is all right. Have not heard irom front lines but believe everything is O.K. 8:10 A.M. f Brigade to Sept . 15, 1918. Phone message from Adjutant 4th 2nd Divn . Following message from 6th Marines dated 7:35 A.M. We are in position approximately 244.5 - 363.5 to 244.5- 365, Enemy has engaged us while going into position and we have practically cleared the de la Montagne but cannot advance further without artillery preparation. Mon Plaisir Ferme. Lee wants fire on this farm. (Taken up with our artillery.) re ceived. Marines has li companies rest (in woods). Message just Williams 6th -- - Immediately came under severe artillery and mac nine a un i^e Advanced to save our line and are now along lines indicated on map as well as I can tell. instruct.ions Enemy just on ridge in front luO yards. Am getting machine gun fire from N.E. but am safe here digging m. casualties. No artillery now. Few (Sgnd.) Martin, C ap t. From: Sister At: P.C. Dat e : 15 Sept. Hour To : 6th Regt.-No. Please send me force giving formation Cmdg, Messages do not 8.45 A.M. 2 . and names .1 I have Ellis. advanced of Officers the dope. A.M. September 15, 1°13. 9:50 A.II., Sept. 15, 1918. Telephone message from Adjutant 4th Brigade to C--3. Fifth Marines, one company along east and west ridge 365 - east 236.6 - 243.5. One cormany in support posit¬ ion 365 - 243.3. Woods patrolled, no enemy found. Out¬ post line along line directed will be immediately estab¬ lished. One company at 2:00 A.M. reported woods clear and liaison established with 6th Marines. I have liaison with my combat platoon on right. It has lost touch with 6th Infantry but expects to regain same this A.M. Telephone line being established. Two platoons hold outpost position now held by one company. Exact location of out-posts will be Gent in when established, (that was of the 5th Marines and those companies?) In the 6th Marines sector the support battalion occupies a line roughly along parallel 244.5 starting in on the right from a point just forward of the quarries on Height 278.7 (just to the west of Rembercourt) to the small woods about 400 meters to the southwest of Height 221.8, or a point near our sector boundary. The.- e is one company of that battalion which was reported to be with its right about. 400 yards to the north of Rembercourt and extending to the left of about Height 29.2,0. (right at the cross roads to the right north of quarries) (This is the outfit of the 6th Marines). The patrols of the 6th Marines are forward of that line. Exact location not known, at present. q i , of course that is with reference to that point north of Rembercourt. You are not sure about that. A* ho. 0, • Kindly verify that as quickly as possible. Three officers wounded in the 6th. nothing known about the casualties. _ General Wright of the 89th Division is in liaison with General Neville and the liaison on the left is being fixed up. Just of course what they are going to do he did not know. One batch of eight prisoners captured. C-3. Copy for 1st A.C. W. Thornton-J.B. U i s ARMY FIELD MESSAGE From: Sister Ellis At: P.0. Date: 15 Sent Hour 9:55 AM To: Lt. Col. Hughes Loge Mangin (2 Div. Hdq.) prisoners now - is Clearing point for HI is U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE- From: C.G. 4th Brigade At: P.C. Thiaucourt Date: 15 Sept Hour To: C.O. 10 Brigade How sent 1C:45 AH Courier (Cont'd. next nage.) A.M. September 15, 1918. (Cont'd. from last page.) Outpost line of 5th Marines at 6 am. shown on attached sketch. Ho enemy found in Bois de Hailbat at that time. Moving forward to establish line of outposts along line North end of those woods - quarries near heights 278.7 to westward. CO 5th Marines has combat patrol endeavoring to gain contact with your left - and wi11 probably do so soon. Neville. U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. From: P,C. 6th M.G.B. How Sent:Runner At: Thiaucourt. Date: 9-15-18 Hour 11:15 am To: Comdg. Gen. 4th Brigade. 81 Co. advanced with 2d Bn. of 6th this morning, ad¬ vance of one platoon apparently reached point about 363.5 - 244.5 where resistance was met, platoon shot up and retreat¬ ed suffering casualties extent not known. Portion of platoon caught in depression by artillery - still there. No reports received from company - information (above) received from men sent back with wounded. Have 5 runners out for informa¬ tion now. Location of rest of company and company P.C. not known. Lieut. Hart commanding 81st Co. wounded and evacuated Lt. Norwood now commanding. Total casualties to date. 2 officers wounded. 4-men killed. About 30 wounded and sick. 81st Co. Casualties not known. Waller. 11:15 A.M., Sept. 15, 1918. phone message received from Adj . 4th Brig., to 2nd Divn. About 10 A.M. the patrols from support battalion of 6th Marines were counter attacked on left flank by Germans and were driven back on support line. Heavy barrage but seemingly few infantry. Also German airplanes fired on our infantry. Two of our platoons have moved up to counter attack the Bosche. some of our patrols were in neighbor¬ hood of Mon Plaisir Fe. early this morning. 11:30 A.M.» Sent. 15, 1918. Phone message from Ajt. 4th Brig., to 2nd Divn. One Bn 6th Marines holds Bois de la Montagne and are in close contact with the Germans in the Exercise trenches about 500 m. S,V. of M. Plaisir Fe. One battalion 6th Marine in west edge Bois Montagne and woods westward between Char ey- Xamines. They have patrols in northern edge of woods and developed Germans in Exercise Trench, A.M. Sept. 15, 1918 . From: Sister At: P . C . Bate: 15 Sept. Hour 11:40 a.m. To : 6th p.egt. The C.Q. of Regt. is here to make reconnaissance of sector. The General says to dig in and have line well established so that there may be no delay in. relief- The 89th advances this P.M. Ellis. 11:45 A.M. , Sept. 15, 1918. Phone message from Gen. Neville to 2nd Bivn. I got that about Boche making a little counter attack there. We are taking care of that I think. Two Colonels from the 78th piv. over there? Who are they? John Morgan and --. One of their brigades relieves you tonight. They have got to take it over just as you have got it. Tell them that is the order. The Gen, has just sent his aide down there to tell you to send some officers out from those regiments to stallitise that line. Have them indicate it so that they can be properly relieved. I knew you would do it but you want to be dead certain of it. Exactly. No, they are coming up. They are going to come up this afternoon. That is that Exercise trench. Now on the left the Germans are on tnat Exercise trench there too. They are very strong are tney? He says the Germans are very strong in that Exercise Trench. He says you see the ravine in between two woods. Yes, Bo you want some artillery down in there? Bowley is right here and he can put some artillery on that Exercise - If you will give Bowley the coordinates of the point you want him to fire on he will put it right down. Well the colonels had better go out and make their reconnaissance. Well, assign them one to one, we can’t wait for those people. You assign them one to relieve Feland and one to relieve Lee, and put them to work. Better make the reconnaissance. p*M. Sept. 15, 1918, U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE- From: Sister At : P , C . Date: 15 Sept. Hour 1:30 pm To : 5th Regt. The General says to establish your lines as well as possible and dig in so that there may be no excuse for not carrying out the proposed relief tonight. As to tue division of the sector between regiments do you want Col» Lee or Holcomb to see you about it. I could send Holcomb over in side car. Ellis i «... . o n • » - ;v P.M. Sept. 15 , 1918. Prom: Sister At: P.C. How sent Date: Sept 15 Hour 1:40 P.M. Runner To: Slap 11 Your rations are waiting for you at Sister P.C. please send for them. French trucks will enter Jaulny this evening to carry off civilians. Please notify troops in Jaulny to expect them. Si1is , Headquarters, 4th Brigade, Marines, American S.F. 15 September, ’18. 1:40 P.M. Memo for C.O. 5th Marines. C.O. 6th Marines C.O. 6th M.G. Bn. 1* Send to Brigade Headquarters as soon as possible, a plan of disposition of your troops in order that the undersigned may have more definite information at hand in turning over the sector to relief. By command df Brigadier General Neville . E/s EARL H. ELLIS Lieut. Col. USMC Adjt. 1:50 p*M. » Sept. 15, 1918. Phone message from C. of S. 2nd Div. to Adj, 4th Brig. Have you heard anything more. Have you got your lines fixed. Have you heard from the 5th. Could you give me those lines; Let me have it as soon as you can. Have you connected up with Malone? It is quite essential that they hook up with Malone- I have tried to get it through Malone back to the Corps. It is a long ways up but I have got it pretty well plotted up from your last message. You nave not heard anything about the operation against that machine gun 3 have you? Are you making much of it? We would to get that tning fixed so that relief can be properly tonight you know. Very swiftly. Make a clean cut Remember that those people are not much on to you. I send G-2 sqme more maps, I will send you some more . What else can I do for you? You get out your own nest 29 like made job . will maps relief order. U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE• From: Slap At: P.C« Date: Sept. 15, 1918. Hour 4:15 pm To: SISTER (Cont’d. next page.) Sept. 15, 1918. P.M. (Cont’d. from last page.) LIAISON ESTABLISHED WITH 6th INF. Ill NORTHERN PART OF BOIS DE B01JVAUX AND OUR 3 rd Bn. COMPLETED AT 2:25 P.M. Beland. From: At : Date : To ; Sister U Q « ARMY FIELD MESSAGI P.C 15 2nd Sept Hour 5:10 pm Division Munitions Officer 5th Regt. soon as possible. wants an assortment of pyrotechnics as Their combat wagons have not shown up - Neville U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. From: Sister At : Date: 15 Sept Hour 6:30 pm To : Surprise Thiaucourt has just been shelled by 150’s - near bridge below sister P.C, Bridge damaged but still passaolo. Request counter battery work. Neville. From: At: Date : To : sister U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE P.C. 15 Sept Hour 6:40 pm Slap, Site & 6 TIG. please send number of casualties and prisoners taken today. Neville, U ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. From: C.O. 10 Brig, At: Brig. P.C. ^ ow se Date: 9/15 Hour 9 H 15 Runner To: C.G. 4th Brig. C .0. holding line Farm has no tnat strong flank k that 6th inf. report that our reconnaissance patrols 600 meters south of Rembercourt to soulcuyre contact on the left with the Marines. Request patrol be sent to gain contact v.ith our left * we be notified when this has been accomplished. Malone Colonel. ■ Sept. 15, 1918. P.M. 10:15 P.M., Sept. 15, 1918. Phone message from Adj. 4th Brig., to 2nd Divn. he has no definite data on the subject of captured guns and material but will endeavor to have same by tomorrow morning. Everything is very quiet on the front and the relief seems to be going off all right. Ho time indicated. Sept. 15, 1°18. Headquarters, 4th Brigade, Marines, Sept. 15, 1918. Memo, for Colonel Feland:- 1. The 6tn was attached tonight by the Boone about 6:30 and were, it is believed, completely repulsed by rifle fire. In the advance of the 39th Division today on our left, they met with a somewhat stiff resistance. I understand that the Division on our right is shifting Brigades tonight. EARL Ii * ELLIS Lieut. Col. USL1C Adjutant A • M. Sept . 16 , 1918. 2:50 A.M. * September 16, 1918 to 4th Brigade. Telephone message G-3 In reply to inquiry, Adj thing in their front is quiet communication and the relief utant 4th Brigade states . That he has forwarded is going on satisfactoril c very- U.S. AR1!Y FIELD LESS AGE From: At: Dat e: To: C.o. 6th Marines P. C. 16 Sep 18 Hour 7:40 A C.G. 4th Brigade. How sent :. Ho. 1 Runner Relief of this regim this morning. Troops except bivouaced in Bo is D r Iieiche to new station. ?nt completed at five (5 few of 2nd Battalion en . v/ith permission, will Lee route, proceed Battn Received by units of same Ho A.M. 1 Sept. 16, 1918. 9:30 A.M. , 16 Sept. '18. From: Salvage Officer, 5th Marines. To: C.G., 4th Brigade. 1. The order dated 15 Sept. '18, concerning salvage, has been complied with. The regimental sector was divided into battalion areas for salvaging. All material which could be moved, has been collected in dumps by roads, or trails. 2. (a) Capture d cannon 7-77 field guns 8 - heavy howitzers 15 Total (b) 2 Lewis guns (c) No Stokes Mortars (d) No anti-tank guns (e) Rifles about 200 (f) Not much ammunition 3. Chateau in Jaulny marked with a large cross, and surrounding buildings contains blankets, cots and medical stores and supplies. 4. Many wagons, forges, etc. 5. Equipment of all kinds including railroad stock in and around Jaulny. J.S. Turrill Lt. Col. 5th Marines. P 4 M. Sept. 16, 1918. U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE- From: SLAP At: P.C. Date: 16 SEPT '18 5:45 P.M. TO : SISTER 3rd BN. RELIEVED EY 2nd BN. OF 309th INF. 1 st ? ' N * RELIEVED BY 3rd BN. OF 309th INF. 2 nd BN. IN BOIS P ! HEICHE FELAND 2si o t i me indie at e d . Sent. 17, 1918. Headquarters, 4th Brigade Marines, American E.F. 17 September 1 10 . MEMORANDUM #59: To C.Q., 5th Marines. C.0., 6th Marines . C.O., 6th M.G. Bn. Reference: Memorandum #73, 2nd Division dated September 16th. 1. Organizations will please forward copy of their operations report , with list of prisoners captured, as soon aS possible to this office. 2. Th* salvage officer of the 6th Regiment will also forward copy of his salvage report to these Headquarters today. By command of Brigadier General Neville: EARL H. ELLIS Lieut. Col . , USMC A dj ut an t. P.Li. Sept. 30, 1918. U.S. AR1.LT field message. Prom: C.O. 5th Regiment At : P,C * Date: 30 Sept 18 Hour 7:30 P.M. To: C.G. 4th Brigade. Ho . 3 How sent motorcycle In obedience to your memo, of this date Lieut Col. Turrill made a reconnaissance of the northern part of the area assigned this regiment. This reconnaissance was necessarily hurried on account of the lateness at which the order was received. However it appears that except in the extreme northern part of the area, tnere are no woods and such trenches as exist are occupied by tne better part by. French troops. If the men were moved into this area tonight, they would be deprived of the little shelte?' and cover, they now have. Also-as the greater part of the activity on tne front is rather to the westward moving tne troops to the north would perhaps not greatly diminish the distance from the front. 'Also as the SUIPPES-SOUAIN-SOMME.PY road runs for tne greater part of tne way thru, open country, troops could march on either side of the road and fioa our present location, could reach the front to the northward before morn¬ ing, unless the order to move is received very late in tne evening* Prom the reconnaissance made it appears that the regiment would be more scattered if moved northward tnan a present. For all these reasons, it is recommended that tne regiment remain where located for the present. Pele.nd . A.11. U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. Prom: C.O. 6th Reg. At: P.C. 78-59 Date: Oct. 2ND Hour 1:45 A.11. H • O To : C.G. 4th Brigade. {Cont Oct. 2, 1913 How sent Runner: ' • . i . ■ • f . ■ . c A.M. Oct. 1913 . (Cont'd. from last page.) Reached here and established P.C. 2nd BN. (1st Line) now relieving two (2) Bns, of the 264th Regt. Have phone connections with you. Will let you know as relief pro¬ gresses with others. Lee 264 - 6th Rec’d. at 2:45 a.m. 219) 265) 5th From: sister. At: P.C; How sent Date: 2 Oct. Hour 4 A.M* No. Runner To: Slap and Site. The following orders received from Division: "You will relieve with 2 Battalions in front, 2 in support and 2 in reserve.- Left limit - Boy. de Bromberg which includes a battalion of a division west of the 61st. The Stokes Mortars of the 3rd Brigade may be used if desired- to be brought up via road East of Souain SQmine-Py-Road" It is understood that:- (a) Zero hour for the attack today (2nd October) is 11:50 A.M. (b) Artillery will oegin at 11*30 A.M* But attack orders will come later. Neville. Sent by Martin. From: 170th Div* French. At: P.C. How sent Date: Oct. 2. Hour 5:45 Runner To: Headquarters 4th Brig. Marines. There is no change in the disposition of the troops of 170th Div. French on your right. The P.C. at 270.1 - 277.8 is that of the 10th Battalion of Chasseurs and not as given this morning. Martin. Reverse: Col. Ellis. 4th Brig. Headquarters . From: C.O. 6th Regt. HS.M.C. At : P.C. Date: 2 Oct. 18 Hour 6:35 To : C.O. 4th Brig. How sent Runner The Bns are in the positions as shown you by the Regtl. Int. Officer of this Regt. The 3rd Bn is * n * n !L trench DUSSELDORF. The Co's from West to East are .. The disposition of the remaining soon as received. 97 Co . 83 Co’s will Co be and 84 Co. sent you as Reed 7 Am EHE II. Lee by H.P.K. A M * 1 .. 4 Oct. 2, 1918. U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. From: Sister At: p.C, Date: 2 Oct. Hour 7:40 A. Li. To: Surprise. Attached is position sketch of 4th Brigade. The relief of western sub-sector was reported complete at 5:26 A.M. The C.O. 5th has not yet reported relief complete but his 3rd Battalion is known to be in position and he has reported that he had liaison with all except it. The relief was effected without trouble. Both our regiments and French report good liaison on right and left flanks - have sen 1 Liaison Officers to Flank Brgs. to verify. How sent Runner Rec♦d. 9:45 , Neville. From: C.O. 6th Regiment At: P.C. 78 - 59,1 How sent Date: 2 Oct 1918 Hour 8:30 a.m. Runner To: C.G. 4th Brigade. 1st Bn. reported at 4:45 a.m. in position as follows. Against railroad bank from 268.5 - 276,8 to 267.3 - 276.6, Order of companies left to right 75th, 74th 76th and 95th. The 2nd Bn. in trench KREFELD. Left to right 78th, 80th, 79th I think 96th is on extreme left, though they are reported in trench PACHA. This must be mistake. The 3rd Bn, has already been reported. Major commanding 2nd Bn. 23rd reported here about 5:30 a.m. Said his troops were back, near your P.C. Urged him to get in position before daylight. Have not heard from him since. I feel we must have that flank protection, Any orders? Lee , From: C.O. 6th Marines. At: P.C. 73-59 How sent Date: 2 Oct. 1918 Hour 8:50 A.M. Runner To: C»G. 4th Brigade. Enclosure message from Hdq. 2nd Bn. 23rd does not appear to me as though tnat left flank guard would be furnished. Can you arrange anything in the matter .nee. From: Sister At : P.C. Date: 2 Oct. Hour 9:45 A.M. To: Site How sent Liaison Off . Attack is postponed for 24 hours. Get in touch with C.O. 2nd Btn. 23rd" Infand have him go into proper position to move up tonight. Neville. A » M • Oct 4 n ^ » 1918 * U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. From: Sister How sent: Runner At: P. C. Date: 2 Oct. Hour 10:15 All To : Site - 2nd Division. The 157 HI holding the line on your left is to attack "by infiltration today and expect to take possession of trenches L T ELBS-and d’ESSEN. You will aid them in every way possible by flank fire, especially with machine guns, one pdrs. etc. The liaison officer (the bearer) of the 21 ID will explain the situation. Copy for Division Neville. Note for C.O. 2nd Bn; Please lend your cooperation as directed in the above, consulting with commanding French Officer, through your liaison on your left. Govern yourself by the instruc¬ tions above contained. 12 :00 M. Lee. LEE From: C.O. 5th Reg. Marines. At: P.C. 299.4 - 277.2 How sent Date; 2 Oct. 18 Hour 10:20 AM No. 15 Runner To: Brigade C.O. Corn'd Officer 1st Batt. reports enemy have vacated ESSEN trench all along sector of this Regiment. Col. of French Artillery with whom I am in close liaison reports that Chasseurs of Div. on our right have not penetrated BOIS de la VIPERE nor KAISERTREU WOOD , but will attack later if we attack. Feland, ' , ' . ■ A. II. Oct. 2, 1918 From: C. 0. 6th Marines At : P. C. 78-59 Date: 2 Oct. ’18 Hour: 10:30 a.m. To : C« G. 4th Brigade. Acknowledge receipt your message time 4:00 a.m. have not received attack order . Have tried to get you on phone- no luck. Would like know something definite projected movement, also left flank protection. Time grows short. T Hr j Void Lee. From: SISTLR At : p. Ck Date: 2 Oct. Hour! 10:50 A, M. Ho?; sent: Runner To : SITE The 2nd Batn of 23rd Inf. is filtering in Ly crowds. Get touch with then and have the movement carried out properly- Hevilie. From: Sister At : P. C. Date: 2 Oct. Hour: 11.20 A, If. How sent: Runner To : Slap 2nd Division states that a. Company of Chasseurs ordered to maintain liaison between our sector and that on right was supposed to have been relieved last night. It has not evidently having gotten lost and if you can get in touch with them you may give order for them to go out proceeding East and South, Devilie. From: Sister At : 1'. c. Date: 2 Oct. Hour: 11:30 A. M. How sent: Runner. To : Site (from G.O. 1st Batn) Slap reports that Trench Essen has been vacated by enemy along entire front of his sector. Also that the Chasseurs did not penetrate Bois de la Vipere and Kaisertreu woods as stated. It is possible that the enemy may have vacated his entire trench system directly in our front. Heville. To C. 0. 2nd Bn. Have you positive evidence that the enemy ^till holds trench Essen in your immediate front? C, 0. 6th Regt. A. II Oct, 2, 1918 From: C.O, 5th Reg, Tlarines, At : P. C . 299 .4 - 277.2 Date: 2 Oct. 18, Hour 10:00 a.m. No. 15. How sent: To : Brigade Corn'd. Runner. Con’d Officer 1st Batt. reports enemy have veacated ESSEN trench all along sector of this Regiment. Col. of French Artillery with whom I am in close liaison reports that Chasseurs of Div, on our right have not penetrated BGI3 de la VIPERE, nor KAISERTREC WOOD, hut will attack later if we attack. Reed 11:45 am. E. Feland, From: SISTER At : P, C. Date: 2 Oct. Hour: 11.45 A.M. To : Site The C, 0, 2nd Division is on his way to P. C. of Sister . He wishes to see the C,0-s, of 5th and 6th at P.C. Sister, I\ T evi lie. P. M. Oct. 2, 1918. From: P.C, 6 II, 0. B. At : Near Somme-Py» Date: 2 Oct. 18, Hour 12- Noon. No, 1. To 1 Comdg Gen. 4th Brigade, P.C. is located at ( 269 .1 - 276.3 about { k) one half Kilo, S,E. of Somme-Py, Have not gotten in touch with all companies. 77th Co. at 268,4 - 275,5 in reserve having relieved 5th Co. 219 Regt. (French), Runners out now to get dope. Have you any information you can let me have, W al 1 e r, 12:58 p. M., Oct, 2. From 4th Brigade. To 2nd Div. The 3rd Brigade line is down and 3rd Brigade is working on it and it will be fixed in a few minutes. 1:00 P. M. Adjutant, 4th Brigade. The French Division on the right of our brigade reports that there are a series of heavy explosions taking place north of SOI 1 DIE PY, some little distance, _ but south of the ridge -- Black smoke they see going in the air 100 feet or so. They just reported.that and they didn't know what it was. If you can give any inform¬ ation as to what it is, I would be glad to let tnen know. p. T JT i'-.L • Oct. 2, 1918 . U. S. ARMY FIELD ' r L33A0E. Froni C.O. 6th Marines. At : P, C . Date: 2 Oct. 18. Hour: 2:45 P.M. How sent: Runner. To : C.O, 2nd Battalion. You will arrange to occupy and hold the trenches now in yoUr immediate front. "PACHA" "ALEE" and "ESShH" as jumping off place for your two (2) leading companies in the coming action. If you cannot complete arrange¬ ments with the division on your left to dc this while he is making his effort this afternoon you must arrange to seize and hold, with your own men assisted in some way hy the element on your right, who has "been directed to cover the woods to his front and the ground in front of you. He has also been directed to assist you if necessary with some grenades. I would advise you to be careful, Co over in small waves with plenty of grenades and if you think it expedient use your one pounders. The distance to go is not great and the element of surprise coupled with speed may be all that is necessary. However, if you are quite sure that they are not held or only lightly held infiltration may be surest expedient. It is of the utmost importance that these trenches bemused as our jumping off point very soon, and they must oe secured if possible this afternoon. iri. L^-X < Colonel, U.S.M.C. Commanding. Copy to C.C. 4th Brigade. For your information. From: Adjutant, 6th Regiment. At P.C. sent: Runner, Date: 2 Oct. 18. Hour 4:50 P.M. How To : Adj. 4th Brig, Orders were issued by Col. Lee about two P.M. for this Regiment to advance to the height soutn Etienne and send patrol forward into St. Etienne . i j-* deliver you positions memo. 15 today as soon as possible. Mason. From: Liaison Officer. At •* P.C. 5th Regt. Date: 2 Oct. 18, Hour: 5:45 p.m. How sent: Runner. To : 4th Brig. C.O. 1st Bn reports that 2 Oemans were seen emerging from the Bois de la Viper e, marching S,» down the ravine. He had previously reported 6 uermans witn packs emerging from the same woods, marching north. Parsons. j P. H. Oct. 2, 1918• October 2, 1918 - 8:45 P. M. Memorandum for Generals Ely and Neville: The Corps order changes the situation as explained to you, in the following particulars; The artillery preparation starts 15 minutes earlier. The infantry attack starts 40 minutes earlier. General Neville will provide a battalion, charged with the duty of watching the hook in the trenches on his left and, if necessary, to use it to assist in his advance. If not necessary to use it in attacking the hook on his left, it will advance as a left flank gu ar d. General Ely to report by bearer whether or not his units are in place, and, if not, if he is in communication with them. The French report they have penetrated the trench ESSEN between General Neville’s left and the hook, and expect to infiltrate into the hook during the night. General Neville should keep himself informed of the situation in this regard. J. Ci RHEA, Colonel, General Staff, Chief of Staff. From.*. P.C. 6 - M.G.B. At : 269 .1 - 276.5. Date: 2 Oct. 18. Hour 9 p.m. How sent: Runner. To : Sister. 81 Company put down 4 .gun barrage at 6:30 p.m., covering advance of infantry to take position in Tr. d’Essen from cross roads east of number 89 to junction of Tr. d’Essen and Boy de Bromberg. 2 guns on left and guns on right will advance with infantry. Waller. No 1 No time indicated. Oct. 2, 1918♦ Sent by time Received by time W.H. 5:30 Sister 11 5:30 Check 7 From: Site 1 . At : P. C. (A.II. or P.M. - not indicated) Date: 2 Oct. 18 Hour: 5.26 No. 2 How sent: Telephone To : Sister # 1 Code number 64. 790, 454. Site t fl. A. M. Oct. 3, 1918. Message received by phone at liessage Center from. Surprise 56 at 3.20 a.n., Oct. 3, ’18. Message for Surprise 0-3 CPB - MPV What is zero hour Sister 5 o50 is VNG zero hour zero hour CSA 5 CPS AGO' decimal point 50 xas ms artillery begin 5.45 Artillery begins. POA CPS DLV 5 Decimal pt 45 Col* Ellis. 4:30 a*m», 3 Oct. 18. Major Keyset phoned and wanted me to find out from Site location of captured cannon and gunS. I phoned Col* Holcomb and he said he knew of nonev 1 then called Keyser again and asked him where he got his inform¬ ation and it seems he got it from the German Major. He also Says that some of our tanks were put out and there¬ fore there must have been anti-tank Artillery. He had no definite information however. He said to find out what we could as Gen. Bowley was very anxious to use any captured Boche guns against the enemy. C, B. Dietrich. 3-4 Oct. From: Old. Regt P.C. At : Date: 3 Oct. 1918. Hour 5:20 Ho. 1. To : C.O. 4# Brig. Begt. Has moved P.C. forward to Grand Bois de Somme-Py. Left at 4:50. with telephone. S.E. Corner of I am left here Fiske. Message reported to the Major Roberts. Liaison 3,' 1918. 2nd Division Headquarters oy Officer from 2nd Division. Oct. Arrived October 3rd. P.C. 4th Brigade at 5:25 A.M. 7‘.55 A.M., October 3 transmitting Message To Div. Also received f 1918. Message to C.9., 4th Brigad just received from C.G. 3rd Brigade rom Major Roberts, Liaison Agent, 4th Brigade. Prom Barker, Regimental P.C. 1st Bn. 6th Marines, by runner to (Cont’d next paqe.) A. M Oct. 3, 1918. (Cont'd from last page.) ’’One battalion, 6th Marines has passed'over second ridge. They are encountering heavy machine gun fire on their left,” About 60 prisoners; among them a 1st Lieutenant is coming back. Liaison Officer of the 12th F. A. reports that barr¬ age has been lengthened once by request of rockets. 8:15 A. M,, October 3, 1918, Message from Major Roberts, Liaison Agent with Marine Brigade, Telephone conversation from 6th Regiment P. G, 8115. A wounded man from 1st Bn r . 6th Marines states that the leading battalion was at 8:10 A.M., crossing last line of trenches and was going fine. Still encountering heavy machine gun fire on the left, but he saw a body of troops on his left which he thought were the 5 th Marines flank guards. Know nothing of any French operations on the West. Tel. message rec G-3 office 8:30 A.M., Oct. 3rd from 4th Brigade. The Marines would like to know when the planes require the marking of the front line. Can you give us any information as to whether the Aeroplanes found the lines marked as they were at 8:00 A.Me? Message to C, of S. from 4th Brig 8:35 A.M., Oct. 2, 1918. In regard to the situation beyond Mont Blanc the objective was reached at 8t30 AM. since objective was reached the 1st Bn immediately started to consolidate their position and sent outposts and M. G’s ahead to e position about 1000 meters from, here. The Barrage was beautiful. In regard to Lssen trench. One platoon 01 one company of 5th Marines is engaged in cooperation witn the French and Tanks- in capturing this strong point. The company Com. states that we are striking stiff resistance but are progressing and will get it in t e end. U. 3. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE, No, Sent by Received by Time 177X AH A B 9,26 a.m. From: Lt. Underwood At : Sister Date: Oct 3-18 Hour: 3:40 a.m. How sent To : Col Myers 9 Latest reports very favorable for all phases communication perfect. Lt Underwood 9,26 a.m. Check 13 0FM Radio» A. M. Oct. 3, 1918. 8145 A. M«, Oct. 3rd* Message reed, by G-3 office from Ad j • 4th Brig. Neither the 5th or 6th Regiment know of any oper¬ ation on the left of flank. At 7*.25 A. M. the left of the 97th Co. was held up by M. G’s. The tanks were moving forward with our front line. Don’t know where the front line was on schedule time. 8150 A. !!., 3 Oct. 18. From: Oh. Off. 6th Leading Bn 6th, Williams - advancing half way up hill Mont Blanc, easily without-trouble. Tanks operating with him. French Art. liaison Off. with' 6th is preparing to lay down flank barrage in case of enemy counter attack on our left. Site. From: C. 0. 6th Marines At : P. C. Date: 3 Oct. 1918 Hour: 8.55 a.m. How sent: Runner To : C. 0. 4th Brigade, The personal effects of a French soldier who was killed in action are forwarded herewith. Our liaison officer advises that these effects will be taken care of by the Brigade liaison officer. Lee . A, II. 1918. Oct Telephone message. P«C. 4th Brig, 9 :20 A, Oct. 3rd. How are you progressing? Are you up on your object¬ ive? What do you"think about it? It has not been reported yet but think they are on the objective and also the 2nd Bn. which is in its proper place. After I told you the French had controlled the L 3 SLIT trench we have a report that at 8:00 A.M. the rear Bn., of the 6 th Thar ines was held up on the left by machine gun fire in Trench LSS.LT, We have a report now fron our liaison agent with tne French division on our left that the French have been thrown out of the elbow of the L3SLIT trench by German counter-attack. They are now fighting to retake it. The General directs that Gen* Seville have Feland ret in touch with the French and see ne can do co nelp x i> reporting any action taken to you. Telephone nessaae received from 4th Brig, at 9 ^40 A. H., Oct/ 3rd. To 2nd Div. '"'eland commanding a Battalion of the 5th Marine 0 . - -rm _ _ _ 1. , A- ^ i i r> has received the Germans their attack retreating - Guns. Prisoners co t Occasionally shells falli orders were A.M. left he why they did let me know orders to co-operate with French to oust _ out of LSSLIf trench. The 4th Brigade received orders at 8145 AM. German r i:st line advance O.X. - tanks cleaned out Machine ’inn ^ack in batches of 20 to 100. shell of large calibre falling. very few ng at all. Casualties are light. T he se sent to you by your own messenger at 2.Oi re for that purpo se . I do not understand not reach you sooner. Investigate it and what the trouble was? 9:40 A.M., Oct. 3, 1918. From C.G. to Adjutant, 4th Brigade. That message that came from Colonel Myers a s '“ rt while ago, about assisting the Frencn on our left id wiix-lc -+V, r ?,qvp oust received a message irorn orco^rH^u^L^hat are sending in the 170th au, local action there hut just protect his own lla ^‘ Vv :e e will be in readiness m case this report mat.ri - to advance further. _ c0iriin .o- up from tbs rear is in^reserv^and’ coming up m rear. this*morning . It has been that one , 25 in! 5vanc*'furthsr*io ^ »^«[e5l- 0 Tii*t^i8 ,,Ce * I^pSon- -sMn poStioMo^chedule^ime^^th^ division- extreme rl o n ^ taken O^FEUIL’, so that beyond the one on .ny right oh salient, there is a salient U P t » - U r left has done nothing, and a deep pocket. Q fe outfit on^our left^r^ ^ ^ get hut was thrown out of tnei 170+h mixed up in that scrap. Let the 170tn . , * ' # ■ ' ■ . ■ ■ . . . ■ . A. M. Oct. 3, 1918. Field Message received 9**45 A.M., October 3rd, from 4th Brig.. To 2nd Div* Attached is position sketch of 4th Brigade. The relief of western sub-sector was reported complete at 5:26 A,M. The C*0» 5th has not yet reported relief complete but his 3rd battalion is known to be in position and he has reported that he had liaison with all except it. The relief was effected without trouble, Both our regiments and French report good liaison on right and left flanks- have sent liaison officers to flank Brigades to verify. Neville, Message reported to 2nd Division headquarters by Major Roberts. Liaison Officer from 2nd Division. Oct, 3, 1918. 10 A. M. Ob, Of. with 2nd line Bn 6th reports that at 8:50 A.M. Y.illiams Bn leading Bn of 6th was advancing about halfway up west of Mont'Blanc easily without trouble, Tanks operating with him. Fr. Art. liaison officer with 6th is preparing a flank barrage in case of evening counter-attack on our left. Flank Bns on both sides have been retarded by M*G. fire. Flank guard Bn, of 5th is cleaning up Essen Hook withill pounders. 2 M. G. have beer, knocked all ready. This is being done as a necessary protection for our flank. Artillery is going ahead Phoned 10 A.M* Field Message reed by G-3 office, 10:10 A, M., Oct. 3rd from Maj. Roberts, Liaison Agent 4th Brig. Observer with 2nd line of 6th Marines reports at 8:50 A.M. the leading Bn of the 6th Marines was advancing half way up to the crest of Mont Blanc easily and without trouble. Tanks operating with him. French Art. Liaison officer with the 6tli is preparing to lay a flank barrage in case of an enemy counter attack on our left. Flank Bns. on both sideshave been retarded slightly by M. G. fire ♦ Message reported to the 2nd Division Headquarters bg Maj or Roberts. Liaison Officer from 2nd Division. Oct 3, 1918., 10.20 A. M, Report to General Lejeune that leading Bn 6th Regiment occupies objective on schedule time close to barrage. 2nd Line Bn. is 1000 yds in rear and 3rd line xm m proner position. The 5th doing quick work m cleaning ur dangerous nests, harassing flank. The leading Bn of otn in high spirits casualties very light. As example one company 3 K 11 W. Phoned 0 of S 10.5 Oct. 3, 1918. From: Liaison Officer "between Brigades. At : I.D. 21st Division ( French ). Date: Oct. 3, 1918. Hour: 11:41 a. m. Ho. 1. To : C.O. Brigade. The French "battalion in the "boyau de PAS3AU is advancing to the North and attacking toward the West. The French have recaptured E3SLN trench, and have sone elements in the trench de la RUHR. There are some Boche in MINDEN trench and a French "battalion will attack it with tanks, 2nd Lieut. Harding. P. M. Oct. 5, 1918. 12:30 P,M., Oct. 3rd Message to G-3 office from Maj. Roberts Liaison agent with 4th Brigade. Trench Essen now cleared, and the French line extends from Z. 80 in a southwesterly direction around the Essen Hook.. Marinos detachments have returned to their Organ¬ izations. G-3 tell Gen. Neville that Gen. Lejeune wants to see him at Somme-Py at 1:00 P.M. and if he will be on the road opposite the P,C. he will pick him up or if it is more convenient to pick him up at Somme-Py we will pick him up there. 12:58 P.M., 3 Oct, From 4th Brigade. To 2nd Div. The 3rd Brigade line is down and 3rd Brigade is working on it and it will be fixed in a few minutes. 1:00 P.M,, Oct. 3. Adjutant, 4th Brigade To 2nd Div. The French Division on the right of our brigade reports that there are a series of heavy explosions taking place north of 8 01 TAB PY, some little distance, but south of the ridge-- Black smoke they see going in the air 100 feet or so. They just reported that and they didn’t know what it was. If you can give any information as to what it is, I would be vlad to let them know. From: C.C. 4th M.G. Bn. At : P.C. Intersection GRENZ WEG and Tr. PACHA Date: 3 Oct. 18. Hour 14:40. No. 1. How sent: Runner. To : Adjutant 4th Brigade Thru Liaison Off. Attached sketch shows position of 4th H.G, Bn. Co. A. left back to execute covering fire on left flank in case of counter-attack. Did not get here sooner as some elements of 4th Brigade had not cleared here until after 13 oclock. Am sending same message to Div¬ ision. Please forward any orders from Div. of attack etc thru Lt. MeComas. Rever se: Lt. McComas. to Adjt. 4th Erig. Bruce, Capt. . ■ ; ■ . . P, H. Oct. 3, 1918, 4:30 P.M., October 3, 1918. Telephone message from Major Roberts, Liaison Officer with 4th Brigade. To 2nd Div, The C.O, of the French tanks reported C.G. 4th Brigade at 4 P.M., that his tanks were all parked south of SOMME-PY. That will leave then out of the attack today. C.G. ordered these tanks back in the eventuality of an attack tomorrow. 4:35 ?*M., October 3, 1918. Message from General Neville. To 2nd Div. Reports there is a great deal of artillery coming in to ST. ETIENNE and going out toward the ridge on our left flank. The 73rd Division (French) is coming in now, marching in on all small roads. They are going to clean out that area to our left. That is, they will do that tomorrow. The 170th is due in tonight. Just going over on the left flank. There are 2 divisions going in on the right and the 124th going in our right, in rear of the other division, Marshall Foch just telegraphed and complimented the corps and all divisions on the work they did., saying this work must not be stopped but exploitation continued immediately. They are coming into your area. They will enter it and attack from our left. They are not coming from behind. They will attack across the front. They will pass through it tomorrow morning. They are right behind your line. They will be spread out in your area there. If you get in touch with that General you can perhaps get help from him if you get in trouble tonight. Which road is that, do you know? Is the road leading around to' the westward of our lines-- ST. ETIENNE and coming out of ST. ETIENNE leading southwest. Message rec'd by G-3 office from Liaison Officer of 12th F.A. with Marine Brigade at 6:00 P.M., Oct. 3rd, 1918. French still in Kaisertreu woods under present art. scheme the woods will be fired on tomorrow morning. Request necessary action to have these men removed. Called up Livingston and his Gen. promised to do this. 6:50 P.M., October 3, 1918. Telephone message to Gen. Neville. General Lejeune just came back from the Coips Headquarters and is getting things in shape. A* 16 , division commander of this division is coming up in ^ your sector and ordered to report to him for orders m a few minutes. Will you please ask Ellis to come down and bring his dispositions on the map, and get your idea as to where he is to go in, tonight. The road is crowded to the guards. . (Cont’d next page.) P. M* Oct. 3, 1918 (Cont’d from last pare.) Foch, I understand, in his telegram, congratulated the Corps and the 2nd Division,, 7100 P, M., Oct. 3rd. Message to General Neville. ( Colonel Myers). Can you tell me what happened on your right this afternoon? Are they with you. I know it, hut they had an order from their division commander to do the same thing to move out. They had orders to do that and said that they were going to, and those fellows were doing good business. They have been advancing. What do you hear frcm our left? How about the left of the other people? I am going to suggest that you and the other fellow keep in close touch and work this thing together. Colonel Rhea, The General has just been over to Corps headquarters and this division that is coming in behind on our left rear is ordered to vo in tonight and the division commander is ordered to report here for orders. That is, he is to report and the General tells him wherehe wants him to go in, so I suppose the situation on our left will be relieved a little bit, so you will feel things will be a little better. Some indications of trouble on our left-- probably it may be that we might have to call on you during the night to help out a bit. Another thing: Be ready to go forward in the morn¬ ing and we will try to get the orders to you. I will get. some messengers out to you. From! SLAP. At : S.E. corner SOMME-PY North of A 97 NWA 93. Date: 3 Oct. 18. Hour 7:40 P.M. No. 30. To : SISTER. Regiment started to advance thru 6th Regiment at 7:30 P.M. at 7:15. Will pass Feland, From: P.C. 6th M. G. B. At : 269 .1 - 276.5 Date: 3 Oct. 18. Hour: 7:45 P.M. How sent: Runner. To : Coradg Gen. 4th Brig. B Company (with 2nd Bn 6th ) is on road which was objective; between Parc de Genie then south to tue "C u in Blanc-Mont where the 2nd Bn. 5 th joins and is now in liaison with French unit reported at 266.05-260.1. C. Co has 10 guns on this line - with two in reserve (McCann’s report) ( No time given). D Company occupying line 267,2 - 281.2 to 266,05 - 280.91. One platoon with 5th Regiment (3:20 p,m.) . A comnany on general line 267.5 - 280.3 to 2c6.9 280.1 ( 11*. 15 a.m.). C. Company not heard from. Casualties to date; 2 Officers sick or hurt. 1 man killed and 22 wounded or missing. Ammunition and food going forward now. Rever se: 4th Brigade. Waller. ;.:p .V o- ; • cO :,;t tv/.*".;, n > .<-* Xrriaaoft •/.:T i. '? ' • > i , l..,..... j j 0 ; ft 5 £ C ; ' XiO : ' ■ : - . .< : "i ■; *r : T . ■ i r.5 r , r f • '•> .- 3 :i J ( .1 ' • .* -* i a • >. • J l :D . .: j; *■ :■ ■; r ;• ■ - r. ■ ■ 0 i i* ix4 o i ■ i •* ■; i) ■ ,. i o.;t .r o ■ • i t * o Os.i L'T -f.' i;..; >/ 05 vv> i: ior. - ■ :i i' IX . T r 3 j .j : -?d of:j if r - ’ i’i’i-.. sv/ .'.0 ,c~; av :l i i..; ". /•/. ii'-TOS . ? jif 'V .TO : * U0% -;.t TTObTc ,j 1 . f, * - I V X%S i., * «\*» v. o .t t ;uo e At $ •: •:? >r re, T 0 , w ;yx«^ 7 s i"'OC-; ■'ZiTiZu ’ i 0 4 . /V-’ 04: v *£.UoK > 0 J » j Ov . Yi -;. ■. ; ' 1 : C 4s ten* ;■/' of bo —r .to .TV- 0: ? ;;.o vr.T>.ri:r jv’ * : e■ iT'.t ; « \ : ' :'0 .. ot { •s "» ...v •. } , •••■ •; .. t ■ •< : o .: • - j . / . I ; •. / ' ■ ■ V f ; V , * i ■X bo 0 - 4 i.T • q r . 1 • • ... * - . 4 "', ; ' ho - ■ rq * v ;? inti . 0 .'.' n ■. • :• .- ti owj •.. ;• t : ^ . ... .o * . • X. ■ j ! •. v , ;: 4 ' ;. • - •’■••• X. r ; Oq •-*'v,* -X s V•••.:) , I r :V.,v 00 . ' UToqo .i. r . r ■ or*. 0 > 4 : # « . : ; V i.., .•v« k ;■ • • * ; ‘ ► \ ‘ : •' ,0 r'qv w •.. * ' \0 ;; : ■ v: « / . * > b .o. .?r.i l .‘ r - . : ■ . r;nx ' : 0 : . o OX ) t.f. o . .. .. r * T T... ' 0 0 . .C 4 vO'.-.i V. ; ; r :■ - C. ; /‘V, • ; ; ■ ;■. v • bo ' l • ; 'J ’ «x » "it.;./:/ X T : o : v 3 ' *■; ' ’ ; ■ . • ' <: < ;■ v; • L f r * ’ .* > ‘ •. •• : . : ■ ■ F. M. Oct. 3, 1918, Message from Adj , 4th Brig, to G-3 office 12:00 Midnight Oct. 3rd, 1918, Keep us informed and keep in Liaison with the elements of our outfits on your right. Make them do that all the time. The 22nd Div. French is advancing to the west Behind you. Unless they get clear away keep in Liaison with them and know where their nearest elements are. It is important Before the time we have set to have our line established at the .jumping off place and 3rd Brig, should rectify over there and get in shape to Be ready. That is more important than anything else that he Be there extended fully to the east and on the line at the time, But he must put that flank at the place it should Be - a road fork. There is nc doubt in anybodys mind where that road fork is. The order limits the place clearly. I don’t want to tell you over the telephone. That is located in 2 different orders. We want to know and would Be reassured if we had information from, you and the 3rd Brig. Before that time, that things are where they sould Be Before the jumping off time. When it is there we want to know it as soon as it. is there get word to us. You can do it By wire¬ less. Well, you may not know from there, But some of your people in the front can get that info. Back. Make them do that, will you please' No time indicated, Oct. 3, 1918. Message reported to the 2nd Division Headquarters By Major Roberts, Liaison Officer from. 2nd Division, Oct. 3, 1918. Hamilton 1 Comp, at Tr. Essen engaged in cooperation with Inf and tanks in reducing strong points. Co. Commanders states that they are striking stiff places But are progressing But will get it in the end 11:30. Message reported to the 2nd Division Headquarters By Major Roberts, Liaison Officer from 2nd Division, Oct. 3, 1918. ROLL Held up By M. G, at 8:00 at 266.6 - 277.9. Am in Tr. Essen. Tanks gone ahead I understand, 3rd Bn 6th abreast my left. Right is advancing forward. Message reported to the 2nd Division Headquarters By Hajor Roberts, Liaison Officer from 2nd Division. Oct. 3, 1918. Message from o/6 97th Co. held up on left at 7:00 97th Co. going fine at 7:40. 1st Line now 1500 yards ahead of jumping off place sent 7:28 to BPC. ' ■ , ■ ’ •„ . . No tine indicated. Sister 1 is Speaking to Col. Feland. Oct. 3, 1918 1 s Sen, L. says that Col. F. must hold on where he Gen. L, has talked with Gen. E, who says that he has withdrawn a part of the 23rd Inf. which was IT. of F f s. position, L ? s line now runs generally alone* 1 the narrow gauge road to apt. about 2/3 Kilo, n* of Med'eah Farm to s *e . F 2 K 1 s IT* of farm M-Weiche that he has some men in the trenches and 267 and 282. Orders will be given to the 6th Regt to support Feland. You should endeavor to get in touch with the 3d Brig on your right. Artillery fire will be put on m.g. nests." Feland should let us know regarding the accuracy of Artil fire. The 5th Marines must hold. Neville Message reported to the 2nd Division Headquarters by Major Roberts, Liaison Officer from 2nd Division. Oct. 3, 1918. Attack orders and maps for 3rd and 4th Brigades recei^ at 4th Brigade at 8 115. Runner s-wam says he left at 2:30, Recommend one officer and 2 privates be attached to Brigade P.C. f s to get location before attack. Officer to remain, act as liaison. 2 other men sent upon men reporting back with one of them as guides to send as runner. Officer who remains will see that signs or guides are placed. Message reported to the 2nd Division Headquarters by Major Roberts, Liaison Officer from 2nd Division. Oct. 3, 1918. From Shuler 3/6 My scout officer reports that my scouts are on heels of 1st Bn which is in the woods. McFarlane and 97th Co reports 3 tanks working on my left. 97 casualties 2 K 3 W« Message reported to the 2nd Division Headquarters by Major Roberts, Liaison Officer from 2nd Division. Oct. 3, 1918. Phone message by Col. Ellis to Marines shows all well - barrage started soon after 5150. A.M. Oct. 4, 1918. Headquarters, 6th Regiment, Marine Corps, American F.F., France, 4 Oct. * 18. Hour 12:05 A.M. SUPPLEMENTARY FIELD ORDER . 1. The artillery preparation for the attack on the ELA1TC MONT machine gun nest will end with the bombardment of the prescribed area between 5:15 an l 6:15 A.M. The (Cont’d. next page.) ' • ■ . . * • ■ . ‘ . ■ ' • ; . % . .. . . ‘ , A. M. Oct. 4, 1918. (Cont’d. from last page.) woods to the north will not be raked. Rec 1 d. 1:30 A.LI. Copy to C .G. 4th Brig. C.O. 1st Bn. C .0. 2nd Bn. C .0. 3rd Bn. LEE • 3:22A.M., Oct. 4, 1918. Message ion Headquarters by Major Roberts 2nd Division. reported to the 2nd £>i v;Ls " Liaison Offi cer f r0!T1 A prisoner captured by 3rd Bn 6th states that Boche division will attach on our left flank. a fresh 3:22 A.M., Oct. 4, 1918. Message reported to the ion Headquarters by Major Roberts. Liaison A 2nd Division. 2nd Divis- er from A fresh Reported by left flank. Boche Division w Adjutant of 3rd ill attack tonight at 4: A.Mi. Bn 6th. Attach to be made on Rrom: At : Date : To : Lt. Johnson, 51st Co. 267 .3 - 282. Communication ^renc-i. Oct. 4. Hour 7:20 A.M. Reg. Coinmanaer . How sent Runner Capt. Keeley and Lt. Palme command of company. 55th and ^si. do not know where Capt. peck is. instructions. r are killed. I am are in same trencn. Cornell is returning in We for Lt. Johnson. Reptd. 2nd Division, A.E.F. 4, October, 1918. 10-05 A.M. 4th Brig. MEMORANDUM FOR G-3: The tion is of that Adjutant, 4th Brigade I^to^ocation Brigade^s*fronMline and P.C. that it be communicated to him. ' . ' . . . A. M. Oct. 4, 1913. Telephone message received. 10140 A*M., Oct. 4th from 4th Brigade. P.C. leading Battalion 5th co-ordinates 266.1 - 282.1 8:25 A.M., 4th Oct. Heavy artillery from the N.'vV. short range. Machine gun fire from the flanks. Liaison on left flank with 3rd Brigade. Has liaison with 23rd Infantry. Do you know whether Felands rear Battalion got up or not? It is up. FroVnl Liaison with I.D. 21. At : Brigade Headquarters ID 21. Date t Oct* 4. Hour: 11:08 a.m* iTo. 2. To I C.O, 4 Brigade. The French are advancing with very little difficulty in a N,W, direction. Only a few Machine G-uns in front of them* They have not located their lines as yet. hut think they have reached 265-279.50 and still advancing. 2nd Lt. Harding. p 4 M. Oct. 4, 1918. Oct, 4, 1918. 12:30 P.M. Message to General Neville. From Div. I just got in touch with Ely and set "H” hour at 2:30. He says he thinks he got it rectified now. It ran clear across the area and hack on the right and he said he thinks you people are getting up there now - probably pretty well straightened out. Probably will see about it himself. I think they got on those roads leading up to the left. How did it get where it is? That is about where I supposed you were. Has to go through your outpost. Leading element of the 5th is Parallel 282.5, or a little beyond. The rear element of the 5th is about 281.5. The rear elements being subjected to machine gun fire from both flanks and rear. Will you have time to get it there now. The attack on the right and left seems to be coming up fairly well; on the left they are up - this was some little time ago and they were just starting on our boundary just opposite where Somme py and the Grand Bois. de Somme Py- just over to the left of "E" in SOMME and then ran about straight to the Decauville railroad and to the left and then down through the Bois St. Souplet and north of Fourmilier and attacking Four- milier Hill, between Eois du Fourmilier and Bois Souplet, with the people on the right are coming up pretty well. I shouldn’t be surprised but what they were even witn_ you on the right. They are l/2kilometer north of ORFEUIL and the line runs southwest -- a little ahead of that. You oughtn’t to. There is a gap in between them and the 23rd, and they are encountering lots of machine guns just south of the .. Chateau. See those woods in there. There is a ridge in there, or ravine. They are getting lots of machine guns in those woods there. By the time we get started they should be pretty well up to us. I don’t care as long as they are pretty well along. The attack will help us. (Cont’d next page.) . . , * • • , • . ( . . i • . . . • • • - P.M. Oct. 4, 1918 . (Cont’d* from last page,) We are. going to establish an advance message center at cross roads near PYLONE near our yesterday ocjective where the Schwabenkonig trench -- looks like Gowhenk- i Schwabenkonig - Draw a line from Mont Blanc across to ea * About l/2 way is a cross road there. See that cross rocu * road. The cross road on that line across it. There some huts or little dots just above that. These are du S° ut M,fT hp shacks, etc. We are going in. there as soon as we Cc,r\ * wire in, and then we will move our P.C. up in this a _ very probably. Well get busy. We are going to P u ^ a ™ ' center as soon as we get the wire in. They ought by this time, Get started and go to it. From: At: Date : To : Sister P.C , 4 Oct. 13 Site Hour 12 :45 p.m Reed, by phone Rear element of 5th Regiment is approxi.c flank and and is being subjected to heavy M.G. ^ ire a '° m . t relieve right and left rear. Advance your leading e ®‘ prisade has this and keep other two elements in place.. - ^ Been also met heavy machine gun fire from its right ^ 2 ‘ ;3 0. crow T ded over on to our sector .hi 12:45 P♦Mv, Oct« 4, 1913. Adjutant 4th Brigade. all informed and keep in liaison wi th all the the elements time . Keep ctJL-L. iuiu —-x- , , of outfit on your right. Make them do tha ~ est Behind The 22nd Division (French) is advancing to th ? you. Unless they get clear away from you ke p with them and know where their nearest ele - in liaison are to you the time we have set to have cur off place and 3rd Brigade snape to oe reau.,y That he be there at the time, but It is important before line established at the jumping should rectify over there and get m is more important than anything e se tne U k, extended fully to the east ana on n ,-h 0U id be- a road fork , , . _.x. -p-t 0 + f.V ip nLace it snou-Lu. must put that flank at the pl ace .2:50 P T\->ay they ai e ready. No but they are going through there. I was going to say they will clear that out. He has been getting fire from his left rear and then we will put artillery on these other points you gave me. I can do that. (Cont'd. next page.) Oct. 4, 1918. p vr -1 • ItfX • (Cont’d. From last page.) Supoo l ? you read me those points and let me check them absolutely so I won’t shoot them in on our own people: 265.2 - 281.3 264.8 - 282.5 About 266.5 - 283. Coordinates of Feland’s line: 265.3 - 281.6 - northeast, 266.22 - 282.1, then turns back southeast. I will see v/hat the General thinks about it, sir? To the Adjutant, 4th Brigade. General Neville says that colonel Feland must hold on where he is, That General Lejeune was talking to General Ely while I was talking to General Neville a moment ago. General Ely says”That he has withdrawn part of the 23rd Infantry, which were in front, north of Feland’s positions. Ely’s line runs generally along the Decauville railroad from a point about 2.3 of a kilometer north of iledeah Farm to iledeah 'Weiche, and he has some men in the trenches at 267. - 282. General Neville should send men from the other regiment to support Feland if he thinks necessary. If Feland should withdraw to Blanc Mont, the Boche would follow him up and he would suffer more heavily and leave Ely’s flank in the air. He should endeavor to get in' touch with Ely on his right and reorganize- his command during the night. Artillery fire will be put on the macnine gun nest referred to. Feland should let us know by phone, or General Neville, of the accuracy of our fire. That is, if he thinks the artillery is putting it on the point where he wants it. We are going to get it started right away. The General insists that Feland holds his position. From: C.O. 5th Marines. At: P.C. Date: 4 Oct. 18. Hour 8:00 p.m. To: Brigade Commander 4th. No. 56 How sent: Rec'd. 9:50 p.m. I enclose sketch made by Captain Hamilton which snows our front lines and enemy positions. Only (1) company of tne 6th Regt, has been reported up and in position to protect flank and other companies were being sent for. it is report¬ ed that some comoanies- of the 1st and 2nd Bn 6 oh Marines ave not left their position of last night. We have asked for protective barrage^in our front and fire of heavies on machine gun nests at h64.8 & 282.5. Please help us get it. All our companies are intermingled in the one position. , . , _ Enemy machine gun fire and artillery fire particula_- ly of heavy caliber continues very heavy. Have repellea wo counter attacks, possibly tnree. We need all the artillery n-otection we can get. Can the division have our a\ions locate enemy’s batteries so that counter battery work may be done)" Our men are digging in and doing all that men can do to hold, hut something must be done to keep &a\n -y fire. Our losses are about 20%. more among officers and sergeants. Logan Feland . P.M. Oct. 4, 1918. 11:15 p,M., Oct. 4, 1918. Message received from Col. Holcomb. v/as talking ’with Barker and he says that the two companies are in support of Feland’s left. Had sent posit¬ ion in message which has not yet reached us. Colonel Lee has just sent him instructions to carry out the orders which hr received from Brigade and to report his position. Y/e will let you know when we hear anything. Holcomb . Headquarters, 6th Regiment. Marine Corps, American E.F. prance, 4 Oct. 18. Memorandum for the Brigade Commander. Copy of order for attack on machine gun nest en¬ closed. The artillery liaison officer at this P.C. has oeen requested to arrange for the artillery preparation and will ask that it be as concentrated as possible. LEE • A«M. Oct. 5, 1918. 7:45 A.M.» Oct. 5, 1918. (sister 29 talking) Message from 81. The French 62nd Regiment who were shelled from St. Etienne yesterday have recaptured and hold the town to the north limit. It was done yesterday at 7:00 P.M. do other dope. . ■ A.M. Oct. 5, 1918. 7:50 A.M. > Oct. 5, IS18. Col. MVers call Major Hall, 3rd Brigade, notifying him of location of engineer tools. Major Hall stated he knew all about it. From: Shuler -"V ^ % P.C. Hov. sent Date : 5 Oct. 18 Hour 8:05 a.m. Phone To : SITE The 97th Co. have gained their objective and connected up with the 82 Co. on the left and the 2nd Bn. on the right. Shuler Phoned to Brigade 8:07 a.m. 8:05 A.M. , Oct.. 5, 1918. Prom: 4th Brigade, to 2nd Divn. 6th Marines reports so far 4 officers, 209 prisoners. 84th Company reached objective and is digging in. The Co. on the right and the reserve company have not yet been heard from. 8:11 A.M., Oct. 5, 1918. Message from Col. Ellis, 4th Erigade to 2nd Division. 97th Co. reached objective in touch with 82nd Company and line linked up throughout with 22nd French division. From: Sister-1 yt: P.C. How sent Date: 5*Oct. 18 Hour 8:25 A.M. Phone To: Site 1. Congratulations on your good work. Have you heard anything from the 5th. Lee: Ho, but i can get you some¬ thing very soon and will let you know as soon as I get it. 9:15 a.M., Oct. 5, 1918. From Ellis, Adjutant 4th nrigade, to 2nd Divn. Have the following from Feland: 9:05 A.M. The 5th regiment got along all right last night. 1 have been unable to get a check on the strength of the companies but reports, say they are very badly depleted and disorganised. The 3rd battalion reports they have a liaison with the 3rd brigade. The 2 companies of the 6th regiment sent out. to sup¬ port him last night are on his left flank. The effective strength of the regiment is very small, but the 5th Marines does not wish to make an estimate until battalion commanders report. (Feland). From: Ellis. Orders have been given regarding the 6tn Regi¬ ment passing through the 5th, and 5th becoming 2nd line of the advance. I A.M. Oct, . 5 , 1913 • TT ° U i u ARMY YIELD MESS AG] Prom: At: Date : To : 5 P 0. 6 11, G .B 269.1 - 275 5 Oct. 18. Hour 9:20 a.m, Corndg. Gen. 4th Brig. How sent Runner 81 Company reports (5.00 a.m.) all quiet - Ammuni-. ^ tion on hand 10 guns on line - two destroyed. Have sufi icier, men to man 10 guns. Total casualties of company to a ~* two officers and 22 men. Position of company same as lasu report by sketch. Waller. 10:20 AM Reed. Prom: Site At: P.C. Date: 5 Oct. 1913 Hour 9.50 am To: SISTER How sent Phone Shuler reports at 9.25 as follows: 75 light and heavy machine guns in all, traction truck, apparently kinds of ammunition also. Hot many Boche dead. They captured by our men before mortars, and a good condition taken. All a number oi in 0 - — Machine guns in. good condition, were in their dugouts, and were coming out. 9:34 A.M. 2nd Divn. Oct. 5, 1918. Message from 4 th Brigade to Following message from 6th Marines at 7:30 A.M. Prisoners captured, 4 officers - 209 men. Sauler r^por 75 light and heavy machine guns captured, a number trench mortars, and a tractor truck apparently m good working order. A few dead Germans in tne v , +d pv in the dugouts and were captured by our men beior y got out. Shuler has no casualties as far as ne kno. - . 10:00 A.M., Oct. 5, 1918. FromC.O. 6th Marines to C.G. 4th Brig. Subject: Report of operations and p,.esen« position. 1. inclosed herewith sketch of positi regiment, the approximate position oi the „ rignt and the22nd Div. French on our lef t , witn b , which organizations we are inliaison, tne latte ^ our left' rear from the fact that tne enemy occupy tn_. eastern portions of the town. 2. Our operations agai_ the enemy in our front in their 11.G. nests began at 6^0 a.m. on time, and have been highly successful. Our object- - tos been attained, consolidated and lengthened wrtn out- nosts to the front. The number of guns and prisoner will be communicated later. Casualties in ae ^ 1 * ox _ v/hich so successfully executed this thi , 7a riprrpnt 3. Two days m succession tnio splendid battalion has demonstrated its thorough efficiency in dealing with machine gun nests. (Sgd.) LEE. A.M. Oct. 1918. 10.30 A.M., Oct. 5, 1918. Telephone message received; 4th Brigade Adjt., to 2nd Divn. f' +Vl ;Fe re P 0r ts that Col. Feland has already knocked out two + • ma ^ line / gun nestc in the elbow of the ESSEN TRENCH nis 7 m/m guns and is continuing the work. This in order to protect his left. 11.05 A.M. , Oct. 5, 1918. To 4*ch Brigade, from C. of S. The General and I are going up to see General Ely, and we + ^t General Neville to meet us out on the road and go wi h us. We are going to start right away. Ask General ; evi H e to be out on the main road there and we will pick him up. „ , Hdqrs., Received at 11:10 A.M., Oct. 5th. From Captain Larsen, reporting from 5th p 4th Brigade, C. Marines. At 10:20 the French Division on nis left was advancing with apparently little opposition. He is keeping liaison with the 16th Co. He has sent patrols to the front and at the present time there is M.G. fire to the north along road on which his P.C. is located and some M.G. sniping in the neighborhood of this (5th) P.C. Sniping is reported by men all about this back area but Slap thinks it may be stray bullets. 11.30 A.M. , Oct. 5, 1918. Message from Colonel Ellis, Adj. 4th Brigade, to 2nd Divn. 5th Marines reports at his left was advancing with He is keeping liaison, with patrols to the front and at gun fire to the north on ro cated. The 5th Marines is commander, and some machine of Slap*s (5th Marines) p.c men all about this back are may be stray bullets. We 10:20: The French Division on apparently little opposition, he 15th Company. He has sent the present time there is machine ad along which nis P.C. is lo- talking for Lars e n, the battalion- gun sniping in the neighborhood . Sniping is reported by the a, but the 5th Marines think it received no hour to advance. Are the French in line with our leading elements. We will hold a little while more but we will probably have to advance very soon. I imagine they are doing everything they can to clean its rear elements of sniping. That is what is causing all the trouble. Suggest that if some of the 20/ of our held out, or if some of the French troops, might clean up those woods to good advantage. I told him I would see what I could do about it. From: Sister 6 At: How sent Date: 5 Oct. 18 Hour 11:35 A.M. Phone. To: C.O. 6th Marines. (Cont'd. next page.) A .M. Oct. 5, 1918. (Cont'd. from last page.) Capt. Larsen reported at 10:20. The French Division on his left was advancing with apparently little opposition, lie is keeping liaison wi»th the 16th Co. He has sent patrols to the front and at present time there is M.G. fire to the north along road on which his P.C. is located and some M.G. sniping in the neighborhood of the 5th P.C. Sniping is reported by the men all about the back area but Slap thinks it may be stray bullets. 11:55 A.M., Oct. 5, 1918. - Adjutant, 4th Erigade. Your liaison officer with the French on our left says that they have passed beyond the St. Pierre-St. Etienne road, and that St. Etienne is in flames. The 3rd Brigade is waiting on the French on the right tQ some extent but you had better pass your 6th through now. Get them through there and have that liaison kept and tell them to keep with the 3rd Erigade on the right and don't get away from it. P.M. Oct. 5, 1918. From: C.O. 6th Marines At: P.C. How sent Date: 5 Oct. 18 Hour 12:05 P.M. phone To: Battalion commanders through C.O. 3rd Bn. The French Division on our left has advanced to the ST. PIERRE-STE. ETIENNE road and have met little opposition. This regiment will advance at once conforming to the French Division on our left and in liaison with them and with the 3rd Brigade on our right. The advance of the 3rd Brigade may be delayed by the division on their right. Tnis regiment will halt when there is danger of liaison losing with tne 3rd Brigade on our right and will inform the Frencn Division on our left of their action. LEE. Message was received from Brigade and transmitted to the Battalions through the C>0. 3rd Bn. Oct. 5, 1918. 12:30 P.M. - Message from Major Roberts, Liaison Officer, to 2nd Divn. T) :hat the extends from Essen hook. Trench Z80 in The marines Essen is now cleared, and the French line a southwesterly direction around the UU VVt- tJ owo- - detachments have returned to the. organization. Tell General Neville that Geneial at SOMME-PY at 1:00 o'clock, and.ii ne opposite the P.C. we will pick him up, venient to pick him up at SOMME—Pi, Lejeune wants to see him will be on the road or if it is more con- will pick him up at SOMME-PY. c+-C. J. Oct. 5, 1918. From: P.C. 6 M.9.E. At: 269.1 - 276.5 Date: 5 Oct, 13 Hour 1:45. To: Comdg, Gen. 4th Brig, Co reports being able only to man seven (7) guns ior advance if ordered owing to lack of men. Other companies short can’t fill 23d up from them. Total casualties to^date- 11 enlisted 4 officers. Ho./ sent Runner Waller, ^:05 P.M., Oct. 5, 1918. Telephone message to Lt. Col. Ellis; col. Myers. Me want to get you people over to the right of your sector. Ely’s people are waiting for you. There is a machine gun nest in tne east end of those trenches just south of ST. ETIENNE on iront of your objective, where it strikes that tig road, then north of that point and a little east there are some "lachine guns which have been firing into the rear of the Erench and at Aviators going over.. The French are in ST. ETIENNE and north of the ' town in the cemetery. The General wants you to put some small advance elements in St. Etienne. From: Adjutant 6th Regt. At: p.c. Date: 5 Oct 18 Hour 4:50 To: Adjutant 4th Brigade. How sent Runner Orders were issue this regiment to advance and send patrols forward your operations Memo #15 d by Col. Lee about two P.M. for to the Heights south of St. Etienne into St. Etienne. Will deliver to Col. Lee as soon as possible. Mason. 7:00 P.M. i Oct. 5, 1918 - Adjt. 4th Brigade, 4th Brigade P.C. has changed to 267.8 - 275.9. 8 :30 P.M., Oct. 5, 1918. My dear General: (Lejeune) Lee telephoned that the losses have been enormous and Feland the same. Lee says the men are exnausted and though still willing are physically about all in. He says that something must be done as regards relief. As Lee is not an alarmist I thought I had better let you know. Feland ust reports his total of effectives about 900. According o our estimates the total of the brigade is around 1900. Neville. P.M Oct. 5, 1918. 8:45 P.M., Oct. 5, 1918. Telephone message received from 4th Brigade; to 2nd Divn. They received following message from the C.Q. 6th Karines Leading Bn. of the 6th Karines (79th Go.) at 5:15 P.M. were held up By wire and from heavy machine gun fire. Commanding Officer killed, losses heavy. Major of 23rd Inf. ordered us to halt here. Heavy barrage required. At least 8 machine guns in nest. 40 of the 79th and 45 of 96th with me. Will hold here as it is needless to sacrifice men. Digging in. Waiting o rde rs. Message received from the 2nd Bn. of tne 6th at 5:50 P.M. Report 80 men of 79th and 96th companies combined held up by wire, from my position impossible to flank them. Major of the23rd Inf. ordered us to halt here. 8 machine guns and lots of wire in woods. Liaison with 23rd on right nothing on left. Also report at 5:40 P.M. Battalion Commander right held up by machine guns in the woods. 266.65 - 282.73 266.8 - 282.8 266.95 - 232.70 267.13 - 282.7 Trenches in center of co-ordinates 265-266 283-284 and extend 267.13 - 282.8. Trenches filled with enemy. Heavy machine gun fire from right and left. We have re-, quested artillery fire on 3 nests on right. Request artill¬ ery fire on trenches to the left. Holding this position. The combat effect of these two regiments is about 1,800 or 1,900. General Ely said 3 men were killed by our fire. Whose was it do you know. It was Boche shrapnel. Does Ely know that. Yes. I wish you would make notes now of all you know about them because he called up Bowley and raised hell he re. 11:00 P.M. , Oct. 5, 1918. 4th Brigade to 2nd Divn. Mitchell suggested that this fellow move up the road to that crossroad on the middle of the ridge and catch you there. Can you not have a guide on the road waiting for.him I will send word to Mitchell to have a platoon witn 17 wire cutters to beat it up tnere and Mitchell seems to express a little doubt about him finding it. And you will stop him on the ridge? 11:03 P.M. , Oct. 5, 1918. Message to Adjutant, 4th Brigade; to 2nd Divn. The General says tomorrow morning have a patrol go into ST. ETTEHEE and shake hands with the Erench there, and take the town over from them, and after the little party put an outfit there to connect up. The Prench say they have a battalion in ST. ETIEHHE, and want to turn it over, to us as soon as they can take it. The General said have it occupie in the morning - early in the morning send a patrol at least, and when the party is over move a company there at least, and take it over from tne Erench. Send a patrol in (Cont’d. next page.) P. M. Oct. 5, 1918. (Cont’d. from last page.) first, early, to connect up with them and find out where they are. They got a battalion in town and as soon as you can alter the party, have at least a company get in the town. Take it over. Relieve the battalion of the French so they can go home. Connect up with them. The General has already been talking to the Corps Commander about it, but we haven't got connection with the French in ST. ETIENNE. From: P.C. 6th M.G.B. At: 267.4 - 279.6 Date: 5 Oct. 18. To: Comdg. Gen. 4th Brig, How Sent: Runner Have located new P.C. at above coordinates. Have had no reports from companies since early morning. Every¬ thing quiet . Waller. No time indicated. Oct. 5, 1918. Headquarters 4th Brigade. Marines, Am. E.F. 5th Oct . '18 . 79th held up by wire and very heavy M.G, West killed. Losses heavy. Major of 23rd Inf, ordered us to halt here. Heavy barrage required. At least eight machine guns in nests. 40 men of 79th and 45 from 96th with me. Will hold here as it is needless to sacrifice men to take nests. Digging in. Awaiting orders. 2nd Bn of the 6th 5:50 P.M. Cates reports 80 men of 79th and 96 Companies combined held up by wire. From my position impossible to flank them. Major of the 23rd Inf. ordered us to halt here. 8 M.G. and lots of wire in woods. Digging in. Liaison with 23rd on right, none on left. Cates 6:00 P,M. Numerous wounded in woods - two machine gun nests. West alive but wounded. -Will we shell woods under these circum¬ stances. impossible to get wounded out. It is the same nests that shot up the 23rd yesterday. Major of the 23rd forbids me attacking. Will hold here, will take men and heavy barrage to clean out the nests. 3rd Bn. of the 6th, 2nd Line. 6:00 P.M. Our position is 265.6 - 282.1. Arrived here 5:30 P.M. and halted. -2nd Bn. held up by M.G. fire right front. Williams 2nd Bn of the 6th. 5:40 P.M. Right held up. Machine guns in woods at 266.65 - 262.8 - 282.8. 266.95 - 282.70. 267.13 - 282.7. Trenches are center of coordinates 255.-266. 283-284 and extends 267.13 - 282.8. (Cont’d. next page.) Ho time indicated. Oct. 5, 1918. (Cont'd. from last page.) i renches , tiling with enemy coming up from the rear bringing machine guns. Heavy machine gun fire from rignt and left, we have requested artillery fire on three nests on right. Request artillery on trenches to the left of above coordinates. Holding this position. Oates 5:15 P.M. Site requested artillery fire at 6:45 P.M. P.Co of the 6th 266.8 - 281.0 Above messages received from C.O. 6th Regt. Notice that ll.G. nests are those which nave delayed our advance for two days. The enclosed tracing of 3rd Brig, nositions must be in error. E. A.M. Oct. 6» 1918. 9:35 A.M., Oct. 6, 1918. Telephone message received from Major Roberts-; to 2nd Divn. Just got reports from Prench on our left that they have advanced to CAUROY and they are going ahead again at 10:00 A.M. They are going to include Mt . St. REMY and to exclude VILLE-sur-RETOURHE on the left from there in a northeasterly direction. i ii • 4-4 Oct. 6, 1913. 9:40 A.II. , Oct. 6, 1918. Telephone message received from 4th Brigade. To 2nd Divn. Holcomb says the French are in tne western part of ST. ETIEDUE and the Boche are in the eastern -part of it . Shuler is very confident he has a fine position and his forces are still organized. Holcomb said they asked for a special barrage giving co-ordinates and it was put over in 3 min¬ utes, It was excellent and put over just vine re they wanted it. They ha,ve got tne whole business and are cleaning up the nests now. Conversation interrupted. From: P.C. 6 H.G. B. At: 267.4 - 279.6 How sent Date: 6 Oct. 18. Hour 10 a.m. Runner. To: Comdg. Gen. 4th Brigade, A-(10) Company now advancing with 3rd Bn, 6th Regt. B-(23) Company remained in place. French reported to be in front of 3t. Ftienne. 3rd Brigade is also advanc¬ ing now. (3:45 a.m.) B. Co. manning 9 guns now instead of 7 previously reported. C (77) Co remained in position. Heavy artillery fire on practically all our front (both 77 and 23d Cos) . Yesterday 77th borrowed - one pounder and knocked out D.G. positions. 81-(D) Co . advanced with 2d Bn 6th to position just south of St. Etienne at 4 p.n. - 5 Oct. Returned to 267 - 281 this morning, D. Co has 10 guns completely manned, and has lost (4) four officers. I am sending Fagan out to command. Casualties to date officers - 8 v/ounded. Hen 17 killed - 86 wounded.-13 missing - 16 sick. Companies have about 120 effectives. Waller. FIELD LIES sag: From: C.O, 6th marines f t • PC. Date: 6 Oct 1913. Hour 10:00 a.m. Sent by (motorcycle) ^o : C.G. 4th Brigade. Subject: Report of operations and present position. 1. Inclosed herewith sketch cf position regiment, the approximate position of tne 23 right and 22nd Div. French on our left, with organizations we are in liaison, the latter rear from the fact that the enemy occupy the portions of the town. of tais rd Inf. on our both of which around our left eastern 2. Our operat their ,G. nests b highly successful, solidated and stre number of guns and 1at er. Casualtie s fully executed thi cent . 3, Two days i demonstrated its t machine gun nests. ions against the enemy in our front in egan at 6:30 a.m., on time, and have been Our objective has been attained, con- ngthened with outposts to trie front. Tne .■)t isoners taken will be communiccxted in. the 3rd Battalion which so success- b attack amount to approximately 30 per¬ il succession this splendid battalion aas ho-'ough efficiency in dealing with LE E. Oct . 6 , 1918 . '10:25 A...:., Oct. 6, 1918. 4th Brigade to 2nd Divn. You have a message from the 6th.- We have completely obtained our objective at 9:29 A.M. It is a very strong position. We are in perfect liaison with the 23rd Infantry on our right. We have also obtained their objective. The barrage we believe broke up a counter attack which was about to be launched. Casualties 30^. This means that the place is completely cleaned up to tneir objective. No machine gun nests in our rear anymore. About St. Etienne. St. Etienne is being very heavily shelled by the Boche, and the French have probably evacuated it.temporarily« There is nothing to keep us going into St. Etienne, as far as you know, except the artillery fire. ^ The General doesn’t want to go any farther than St. Etienne. That objective runs from St. Etienne along that road leading over toward ORFEUIL. 11:10 A.M., Oct. 6 , 1918. memorandum received from 4th Brigade by g-3. Attached hereto is a report of operations from tne C.O. 6th Regiment and a position showing present disposition of troops of the 4th Brigade. 4th Brigade has completely attained the objective ordered in F.O. #38, 2nd Division 5th October, From: Liaison Officer on left. At : 22 I D Headquarters Date: Oct 6, 1918. Hour 1:20. No. 1 To : C.O. 4TH Brigade. The 62nd Regt. is in St. ETIENNE - The 118th is in the first, or Southern tre.nch of the trench de MARRE - The 19th is about 700 meters north of ST. PIERRE. The 151st Division has been relieved by the 61st Division. They are in the TRANCHEE de BRAS ( a continuation to the West of the tranchee de MARRE ) . No attack was made at 10 :00 a.m. as the 22nd I D was being furiously shelled by the enemy. There are probably some enemy machine guns in the cemetery in ST. ETIENNE. The 22nd I.D. is getting Machine Gun Fire from tne EAST and NORTH-EAST of ST. ETIENNE and vigorous shelling from the NEUVILLE-CAUROY road and eastward toward MACHAULT. They will attempt to push the left wing forward then the center, and then the right. The position which was given me this morning - that is - on the NEUVILLE - CAUROY road, was entirely erroneous. The division had been ordered to ad¬ vance to this position, but found it impossible to do so. This division (22nd) is very tired, and it is feared that should the enemy launch a strong counter-attack they would have to fall back a little. Harding. (They think the Boche brought up new divisions & artillery during the night.) ' • P .M. Oct. 6, 1918. From: C.O. 12th F.A. At: P.C . Date: 5 Oct. 18. Hour 7:30 pm. To: Adj 4 Inf. bgde . Funner from your hdqrs carrying plan of attack for tomorrow reported here after losing his way. 6th Marines are sending side car to get him to their hdqrs. Received 9 p.m. EDE Tibbets. Ad j t , 8:o5 P.M., Oct, 6, 1918. Message from Sister 11 (Adjutant 4th Brig,) Do you know whether the French have gotten the entire town of ST. ETIEKNE or not. I don't think they have either. The Boche are still in there, you think. I 'would warn those people aoout that left flank, of course, they know more about it than we do. They are closer than here. The general said you better keep your eye on it. 8:45 P.M,, Oct. 6, 1918 - Adjutant, 4th Brigade. The order seems to say that they will come back, but tne General says leave them there. just as you and I talked it over. They have received that order, haven't they. You had better tell them to do that. The General is afraid there might be something happening on your flank, don't you see, I don’t think they will get up there by daylight, anyhow. 8:54 P*M.» Oct, 6, 1918, Adjutant, 4th Brigade, I told you one thing and the order states a little different, I told you to leave 1 - 2 - 3 - and the order apparently changes that. The General wants you to leave it as I told you. All right, you are doing that already. 8:57 P,M.» Oct * 6 S 1918. Adjutant, 4th Brigade. Where did you send those guides. I know, but Matthews gave instructions for that. Directed them to go to the church. Wait just a minute. Here is Matthews. Matthews said he gave instructions over and over again, to go to church. The guides came back to this P.C. Those v/ere his instructions over and over again, I didn’t hear Matthews give the order but I heard him tell them .. If we can get them we will send them, back to you, Matthews said how do you know they came here. Mr. Watson said he saw the order? The truck driver had no writ ten o rde r, A.H Oct. 7, 1918 Headquarters, 6th Regiment, marine Corps, American L.F. France, 7 October, 18. Hour 8:15 A.LI. From: Regimental Commander, To: Commanding General, 4th Brigade. 1. I am enclosing you sketch of position of 142nd Regiment. They were in position at 6 P.H. The Supply Company and Headquarters Company are located between here and Somme-Py and if the present low visibility continues, will be installed in the 3rd line shortly. U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE♦ From: P.C. -6- L.G.R. At : 267.-4 - 279.6. How sent Date : 7 Oct. 18. Hour 8;45 Runner. To : Condg. Gen. 4th Brigade. Tanks are passing this P.C. going North. Looks as though there might be an attack in the morning. Your orders 21 say for machine guns to remain in place until specialists troops of relieving regiment join - Division order 39 says to remain in place for 24 hours then, unless orders are received to the contrary, the machine guns are to be with¬ drawn. The new machine gun major was here todaj-, but did not know what disposition was to be made of his companies. Apparently that was up to Regimental Commanders. I have three companies in support positions and one in the front line position w r ith the 3d of the 6th Regt. Think this company will have a 11.G. company report to it tonight but have no defin¬ ite information. In the event of an attack by the 71st. Brigade, do we remain in place and become support troops, or do we ac¬ company the attack. Waller. There are two Y.G. Companies at least of the new brigade now in position, but I do not know with what battalions. Waller •»; Oct. 7, 1926. A 4 Li. Headquarters at SOMME-PY, October 7, 1918. 10:15 A.M. , Oct. 7, 1910, Message from Major Roberts, Liaison with 4th Brigade; to 2nd Division, Colonel Lee at 8:40 a.m. reports they have captured 11 prisoners near ST. ETIENNE this morning* They state they belong to the 18th Division - this may mean the 18th Regi¬ ment. Prisoners stated they intended to attack this morn¬ ing. When asked why they didn't, said they did not know. Colonel Lee states that our front line battalion reports ST. ETIENNE in the hands of the Boche. He has just received word that the French occupy it. lie will endeavor to find out exactly who does hold the town. Taken near ST. ETIENNE* He does not report anything but what is contained above. From: Liaison on left. At: Headquarters 22 I.D.- How sent Date: Oct 7 Hour 10:20. No. 1 Foot Messenger. To: C.O. 4th Brigade, At 5:45 a.m. the enemy took ST. ETIENNE but the French have now retaken it and hold the entire town; they also hold the cemetery N.E. of the town and nave some troops at the cross-roads at 264.80-284.5 where the two main roads cross. They will attack some time today, advancing the left wing first. Their objective is the line of small trenches running east and west through 262,0 - 28 5.5H263.0 - 285.7 263.6 - 285,8. The Western limit of this sector seems now to 5e about 261,8. The 61st Division on the left of the 22 attacks at 11:30 a.m. Later in day the artillery of both divisions will be concentrated on the front of the 22nd Division for the 22nd’s attack. The liaison between our left and their right is excellent at present; they suggest, however, that an officer be detailed for liaison between our left regiment and their right regiment. The 22nd ID will be relieved this evening by the 7th I.D. Harding. The French line at present is the same as yesterday. Harding. Message received from Lt. Colonel Holcomb at 10:55 a,in., Oct 7', 1918. Date: (?) Message received at 10:30 a.m. 3 French soldiers belonging to reserve Battalion of 62nd Regiment which is right regiment of the 22nd Division, have just come to my P.C. and say tnere are no Germans in ST* ETIENNE. They have one company in front of town and one in rear. Their regiment is advancing on the left of the town. Shuler has sent an officer and enlisted man who can speak French to the right Battalion of the 62nd Regiment . The Officer will come back and man will remain as liaison. SHULER, weport perfect liaison rignt and left. •• • r v 4- i Oct. 7, 1918. h A M 9 i*l 9 11:50 A*M. i Oct. 7, 1918. Telephone message received from 4th Brig. Hq., to 2nd Division. Commanding officer of 6th has sent a patrol to ST. ETIENNE to see whether or not French occuoy the town.. The patrol reports they were fired upon from the Cemetery and from the west end of the town. They are confident that they received Boche fire from the west end of the town. The officer commanding the patrol and the second in command were "both wounded "by that fire. The patrol remained, in place in the gap between our left and the French. The French may occupy most of the town out the Boche are in the we stern part and in the cemetery. As to occupying the town or advancing to connect up with the French in the left it is not recommend¬ ed to make a special operation of this. It should be done as a part of operations attended by a general advance with some preparation fire at H hour. We know where the Boche are in front of our lines and we are covering our sector. This covers everything you asked this morning. Prom: C.O. 3rd Bn. 6th Regiment* At: P,C. How sent Date: 7 Oct. 18. Hour 6:45 P.K. By runner* To: C*0. 6th Regiment. Sent two scouts to report on stream north of ST. ETIENNE. They did not reach stream as enemy are between French and stream. French told them that water is less than two feet deep, not over five or six wide and that there are several foot bridges. It can be crossed by foot troops any¬ where, The French are in the west end of town only. They are not in the east or north part. I have informed Barker of this. SHULER Copy for C.G., 4th Brigade. No time indicated. Oct. 7, 1918. Monday 7/18. { . -Ptv . East; Oo-lO Medeah (exclus) West : Boy Broriberp, Blanc Mont. 3rd Brig. left Along 9 3.97. Cross rds 73.11. A. I, Oct. 8, 1918 From: C.O, 6th. At : P,C, Date. 8 Oct. 18, Hour: 4:15 a.m. How sent: Runner. -i-O : C.G. 4th Brigade. Sixth Regiment in position indicated and ready. LEE • From At Date To CsO. 1st Bn. Copy for Drip-. P.C. 8 Oct. 18, Hour: 6:15 a.n. How sent: Runner. Site, ^ small tanks on left of road motionless south of town. kjix tanks advancing through cemetery. Being sniped at continually by machine 'gun on right, flank. Large fire about 8C0 yds. N.E, of town, U.S. infantry entering woods on hill to our extreme right in very thin lines. iwo platoons of 76th Co. advancing on left of town. M.G. platoon following. Some of our infantry coming over behind us. Have seen no prisoners. Seems to be very little opposition on the left. Right going well. Very little German shell fire. Troops seem to be about half way up slope of hill beyond tie town. Copy for C.G, 4th Brig. ARKER. Telephone message received 11:55 A.M., Oct. 8. from Artj t, 4th Brig. To 2nd Div. 2o men from. 24th Regiment 19 5th Division, and 54th Regiment of same, and 149th Regiment and 213th Regiment Jaeger- in line 2 days. They say American artillery is terrific and has caused many casualties. They have no word about their relief. Taken in vicinity of woods Northeast of ST. ETIENNE. P. M. Oct. 8,, 1918, U. S. ARvIY FIELD tjtv q a nz : From: C,0. 5rd Bn. At : P.C. B 14 Date: 8 Oct. 18 Hour: 1:25 p.m. i'l 0 • 1 • How sent: To : C.O. 6th Regiment. Runner. The men of this battalion are getting in very bad shape physically. Their spirit is good and I have not heard a complaint, but the fact remains that they have been through hell and are under constant shell fire now and no let up, I believe the inachine gun nests that have worried our lines so much are now wiped out. I am getting in liaison with whatever units are on my right and left. SHULER From: C.G. 4th Brigade To? C.G. 2nd Div. Would recommend withdrawal of Shuler, but I think the 141st was pretty well shot up and until we Piet definite knowledge of their position and condition, will keep Shuler where he is. W.C.N. (On back of message) Gen, LeJeune 4th Brim. , •- * * ■ • P, M Oct. 8, 1918. 6«j 5 P.M., Oct« 8, 1916, Adjutant, 4th Brigade* We have news from the French on our left and also from the Corps Commander on the left, through our Corps commander saying the French division on cur left-- its ^ihht rests near those trenches 1 kilometer north of St. Etienne, and they report them unoccupied, and send orders to connect up with them and occupy those trenches, I called up Lay a while ago, and when this battalion of engineers gets down there to St, Etienne-.- he says he olds that... says they are going to send cut patrols owards those trenches there, See if they are occupying them and, if not, they will connect up with the French. 9.06 P«M,, October 8, 1918, Adjutant*. 4th Brigade, n . , ^ ave ^ ou an Y news from your front out there? hi. they go back to the town or stay out. You didn’t near whether our people went back to the town or not? *^hought you said they did leave. How about that party that went around to the advance trench, 800 meuers to t e north? Did you hear what became of the engineers out there? Up on that advanced trench. You didn’t hear where they went. Did you hear anything from Barker. Do you know if the engineers got caught in that barrage. o° U ^ ear ? You cion 1 1 think they got out there before that. Shuler’s outfit was caught in it. Colonel Drury was out there and Doctor Boone, and they said it was pretty hot . Drury met them coming back,’ He was out theie, Dllis, did you hear anything about, the other brigade, the 71st? Where are they? They dropped back to the parallel of departure. Yes, we got a battalion of engineers over there. Our advance elements there. Those engineers are probably helping them out, How we have, I suppose you know it. we have 2 battalions of the <~rd Brigade on that parallel of departure. I sent them down there to stiffen out those fellows* We hear they are mixed up and so on. From: At : Lt, Col, Strong* P.C, Site 1. A. M, Oct, 9, 1918. Date : 9 Oct, 18. Hour* 5:25 AM* No, 1♦ How sent: To : Site 1, Runner, Our troops and Marines are located as shown on map. Having liaison with French on left. Patrol trying to make liaison on right. Hot yet back, 3 platoons held near line in support trenches, We secured 3 machine guns from Site 1, Messages. STRONG♦ + Col ♦ Copy for C.G. 4th Brig. 6:4 5 A.M. Lee. From: C.0, 6th. At : P.C, Date: 9 Oct. 18, Hour: 6. How sent: Runner c To : C.G, 4th Brigade, Report the relief 3:30 hours this date. EKE of this Regiment completed LEE by H.P.M. at Oct. g, 1918. A. M. Headquarters, 4th Brigade, Mar1nes, Arnerican S. F. 9th October '18, 8:25 A« M. . emo . for C. 0. 6 th Regiment: Your position sketch of 6:00 A.M., October 9tb received. I do not understand it and Surprise 7 soys he cannot make it out either. We want the location/ of all troops, Engineers and Marines, on the line. ' : ' 1 ' 1 Y° u please get this information to me as soon as possible? ho we actually occupy ST. ETIEMJLS. If so, what strength? What organization (Engineers)? EARL H. ELLIS. Lieut. Col. USMC. Adjutant. P 1'To . 6 . Sent by: RD Time: Check 160FM From: Sixth Marines At : Date: Oct. 9-18. Hour: 6 To : Sister„ here On 1 gA IiJ y o 1 M. Oct. 9, 1918. 6.10 pm Received by: By 6 6.08 p.m. COL guides FEV At three thirty P.M. Lee . A M • xu ♦ Oct. 25, 1918. From: Sister At: P.C. Camp Cabaud How sent Date: 25 Oct .Hour 11:30 All No. 5 Courier To: CO 5-6-6 -IlG The Brigade will march to the area south of Exer- mont on the afternoon 26 Oct unless otherwise ordered. 3rd Brig, will occupy same area night 25-26. The 3rd Brigade now in Camp Cabaud marches to the above area on 25 Oct at 2 pm via route (proposed) Chemin Romains Tranche (running through Argonne Forest) - Varennes-North to Route National- 200 yards along that route-thence north to Charpentry-Baulnj/- to area. The 3rd Brigade marches at 2 pm so as to arrive at edge of forest near Varennes at dusk. A portion of the route may be found difficult or impracticable for troops or trains, and should be reconnoitered first. Organization Commanders will send reconnoitering parties with the 3rd Brigade-5th Regt. with 9th Inf, 6th Regt. with 23rd Inf, to reconnoitre the road and the new area, parties will report back before noon 26 Oct, The 6 li G Batn will send a party also with the Infantry of the 3rd Brigade to report back in the same manner By command of Brig, Gen. Neville Ellis Adjt. From: C.O. 4th Brigade At: Camp Cabaud Now sent Date: 26 Oct. Hour 11:30 A.M* No.6 Courier To: C.O. 5th Regt. Do not march accordance with Brigade F.O. #31 until the word to proceed is given. There may be a further change by 2nd Division. Neville From: C.O. 4th Brigade. At: P.C. How sent Date: 26 Oct Hour 12:35 No, 7 Courier To: C.O. 5th Regt You will begin march at once in accordance with F.O. #31 4th Brigade. Neville. From: C.O. 83d Infantry Brigade. At: P.C, How sent Date: Oct 30 Hour 18:50 Runner To: Comdg. Gen'l. 4th Brigade. I :y 166th Inf. accordance seem to be understanding of the orders was remained in place, as this seem with your understanding & wishes correct as they are. Henry J that the s to be matters . Reilly C.O. in wo ul d Col. F.A. Comdg.83rd Inf. Brigade Comd'g. Gen'l. 4th Brigade. P .HE. Oct . 31, 1913 . From: C.O. 6th Marines At; P.C. How sent Date: 31 Oct. 18 Hour 3:15 P.K.. Funner To: C.O. 4th Brigade. 1. The P.C. of the 6th Regiment is now located at the old P.C. of the 166th Inf. LEE From: Sister At : P.C. How sent Date: 31 Oct, Hour 3:35 P.M. No. 8 Courier To : C.O. 6th Pegt. You will detail two (.2) officers suitable, for duty as liaison officers between the 2nd Division and 3 and 4 Brigades, to report at 2nd Division Message center Exer- mont at 6 P.M. this date. Neville. From: Sister At: P.C. How sent Date: 31 Oct. Hour 8:30 P.M. No. 10 Runner To: C.0. 6th Regt. Please deliver the enclosed orders, etc., to Major Stowell C.C. Left flank liaison force. Forwarded 9:55 P.M. Lee Neville From: C.O. 6th M.G.E. At: 301.4-283.3 Date: 31 Oct. 18 Hour 9:20 P.M. To: Memorandum for Brigade Ad jutant- Battalion P.C. established at 9:15 P.M. at 301.4- 383.3 in barracks south side road leading N.E. from Fleville 700 meters south of Hill 196. Kingman (per I.RL) A.1.1. Nov. 1, 1918. ' Telephone message received 3:25 A.M. from C.G. 4th Brigade by G-3, Nov. 1st. 4th Brigade in place. . % •' ' A.II. iJov. 1, 1918. At 5:15 A.LI. Nov. 1st, the commanders of the 3rd and 4th'' Brigades both reported by telephone that taeir wires to the front were out: that the advance seemed to be going all right; that there was so much smoke in the barrage that nothing could be seen, but except for some machine gun fire, just after "H" hour, there seemed to be very little fire coining from the Boche . From: Francis (Illustrious) At: p.c. Winn 177 How sent Bate: 11/1/18 Hour 6:25 Ho. 1 Funner To: Sister Intermediate objective gained hour 6:18 3 Pris of 426 Regt. 75 Pri of 31, 157 and 353 Pegts. man from 157 Regt. is recruit and just came in line, all pris very hungry, fire very heavy bat 105 just east of north Hew P.C. Winn established at la Dhuy Farm. Col. Ellis. Francis Telephone message from Adjutant 4th Brigade 7:10 A.lJi. t Hov, 1, received by G-3. 5th Marines report everything going well, about 50 prisoners coining in. Very few wounded - -mostly from H.E. 6th Marines, reports everything going well. About 20 prisoners coming. 7:35 A-M.» Hov. 1, 18. Telephone message from Col. Ellis received by c-3. 6th Marines report that they have 4 prisoners at the P.C. from the 169th Regt. They are holding 40 more in SOMMERAHCE as stretcher bearers and there are several hundred more prisoners coming in. These 4 prisoners are being sent to G-2, 2nd Div. Hov . 1, 1918 . From: Martin To : 4th Brig Marines 8:00 AM.I. 9th Regt. leading units advancing beyond La Fontaine au Croncq Fme-La Champy Haut Hoad. Eas;y goint-. P.C. 3rd Brig* at Second message center. Martin. A M A « 1 ,A • Nov , 1, 1918. 8:20 A.LI. , Nov. 1, 1918, Telephone message from Adj . 4th Brigade, received by Lt. Parsons, G-3. The rear battalion of the 5th Marines passed the parallel of departure at 6:50 A.LI., and has reported every thing going well forward. Prisoners contin.ually coming in This indicates the rear battalion of the 6th Marines passed the parallel of departure on schedule time . From: Francis Illustrious At: P.C. Winn. How sent Date; 11/1/18 Hour 8:40 No. 2 Runner To: Sister 353 has taken pris from 31, 157 and 426 Regt.s, Pris from 157 says 38th Div. came into line from Woevre two days ago, now holding with 3 Pegts in line, There is a Div in rear of 88th formed in depth. Number of prisoners passed in right of this P.C. 500 . Col. Ellis Francis 4th Brigade. 9:15 A.M. , Nov, 1, 1918. Telephone message received by G-3 from Adjt. 4th Brigade. 6th Marines report that at 9:00 A.Li. , leading battalion of the 6th Marines was leap-frogged by the 3rd. Everything is going well. Reports indicate that leading battalion closely following the barrage. 9:55 A.M., Nov. 1, 1918. Telephone message from Adj. 4th Brigade to G-3. 6th Marines report they received a message from the leading battalion at 8:14 A.M. » stating that the two leading companies were just to the south of the objective with the support companies occupying the heights. That everything was 'oing well; that they were ready to proceed with the barrage. Few casualties. 10:10 A.M., Nov. 1, 1918. Telephone message received by G-3 from Gen. Neville. Message received 10:00 A.M. from 5th Marines - Prisoner gives name of town, in which his -division P.C. is located - Sommauthe and it was on his map. General Neville says our 1st battalion gained objective on specified time and is following barrage. 10:10 A.M., Nov. 1, 1918. From Site to C.G., 4th Brigade (From C.O., 1st Bn.) Reached objective at 8:00 A.M., position sketch attached. Had following casualties (Cont’d. next page.) Nov. 1, 1918. A (Cont’d. from last page.) 75th Company 74th Company 76th Company 73rd M.G. Co. 1 Officer wounded 1 Officer wounded 2 Officer wounded 1 Officer killed 1 Officer wounded 8 Snl wounded 45 snl wounded 60 Snl wounded Captain Overton) 30 Enl wounded Total : Captured 1 Off, killed 5 wounded 143 Snl wounded 200 prisoners LASKER , C " l v , eL a " t: i 13^25 A.M. , Nov.. 1, 1918. from Surprise A-l Brigade, 9:50 AM The 87th F.A. liaison icer reports first intermediate objective taken 100 d^n 6 i £ rs returning Among them one girl in uniform reported taken in all. Unable to give identification oi prisoners. Am sending girl to Headquarters. 2nd Division. ' 10.2o A.ji. , Nov. 1, 1913. Telephonic message from Col. Ellis, received by G-3. p.rm a 7 !! 6 6th Marines r eport they took 1st objective at 0 H JU ^.M. Casualties 1 officer killed - 5 wounded; 143 enlisted men wounded; captured 200 prisoners. 10:25 A.M., Nov. Liaison Battalio in liaison with has reached 1st 1, 1918, Received from Major Stowell- n arrived in IMECOURT at 8:00 A.M. Am both 2nd and 80th Divisions. 80th Division objective. Casualties slight. STOWELL 11:50 A.M., Nov. 1, 1913. 5th Regiment reports battery of 77’s captured at 301-289 P»M. Nov, 1, x918. 12.10 p.M., Nov, 1, 1918. Slap reports that latest reports rom front line states that their leading elements were entering the Arbre De REMONVILLE at 11:45 A.M. U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE Erom: C.O. 6th M.G.B. At: 301.4 - 283.3 Date: Nov. 1, 1918 Hour 12:15 P.M. No. 5 To: Memorandum for Brigade Adjutant. (Cont’d. next page.) p • i.i. (Cont’d. from last page.) Nov. 1, 1918. P.C. 6th M.G.B. moves to ST. this date. Information desired as Brigade moves. C'3ORGiiiS at 1 :00 P.M, to when and where Kingman (per LRL) 12:25 P♦K., Nov. 1, 1918. 6th le:10 P.M. the 6th obtained its ^as closing up to pass through. Regiment reports that at objective and the 2nd Bn. 12:32 P.M., Nov. 1 1918. to G-3, 2nd Div. Message f rom Adj. 4th Brigade 5th Marines reports that about were entering the Arbre de Remonvill 6th Marines reports, at 12:10 objective, and the 2nd battalion was through . 11:40 leading element e. that they obtained its closing up to pass 5th Marines they reached the 6th Marines reports capturing a battery of 1st objective. reports 200 prisoners captured 77 f s before At 12:55 P.M. Site is moving P.C. to ST. GEORGES. P*i.i.» Nov. 1, 1918, Slap reports that he is quite At lc, m. m certain that he ha are that everything is going fine. obtained his 2nd objective. .all reports he liaison on his xght has been very good Reports states that losses are sma , For instance, Hainiltons battalion suffered about 5 losses m gaining 1st objective. It is very difficult to make an estimate of the number of prisoners captured, It is reported that Hamilton captured about 500 before reach¬ ing t m 1st oojective. They began coming in as we came in Nov. 1, 1918. Sian reports that his signal ? + + V/n ° is , front line, reported that the leading oattaiion of the 5th passed BAYQNVILLE ET CHSNNF7Y on scheuule time and that the 5th Regiment was passing the 2nd objective as scheduled. 1 ' 25 2.I.I. , Nov, 1, 1918, Telephone message received from Col. Ellis by G-3, The 5th Marines report the leading battalion has * passed BAYONVILLE et CHENNERY on schedule time, and were passing ^nd objective as per schedule. This was reported by tneir Signal Officer who was tnere. I don ? t believe tneir friends on the left were advancing very rapidly. The element which was operating on tne left of 50 have reformed and is going ahead in support. P.M. Nov. 1, 1918. 1:55 P,M.. Nov. 1, 1918. Telephone message received from Col. Ellis, by G-3. C.O. officer 6th Marines reports at 12:50 hours, left of leading battalion held up by our own artillery fire, pattal ion Commander passing line through as they are. From; Francis illustrious At: P,0. Winn how sent Date: 11/1/18 Hour: 17 No. 3 Runner To : Sister Major Hunt on our immediate left in woods 2 K north of Remonville. P.C, in woods (42) Casualties slight. Col. Ellis 4th Brig. From: sister At: P.C, Bayonville et chennery How sent Date: 1 Nov, 18 Hour: 5:15 p.M. No, 12 courier To: site. Your message to col. Van Horn just read. Your action is good, we must make -every effort to hold the woods to the front and left flank - so that the work will not have to be done again. Send out strong patrols with that end in vigw. The Boche may attempt to filter in. Good work today, Neville 5th Regt. P.C. at Landreville. From: C.O. 6th M.G.B. At: Fme. d«en dela ST. GEORGES How sent Date: Nov. 1, 1918 Hour; 5:15 P.M. No. S Runner Memorandum for Brigade Adjutant. P.C. 6th M.G.B. at Fme. d'en dela, St. Georges (next to last house) on east side of town, will move to Bayonville et Chennery Nov. 2nd, 6:00 A.M. in touch with companies, which are assisting in consolidating positions. Kingman DHL From: Sister At: P.C. Bayonville et chennery How sent Date: 1 Nov 18 Hour: 5:20 pm No. 12 Runner To: Slap Good work today. Send out strong patrols to the exploitation line. The edges of the wood to the nortn should be strongly patrolled to prevent Bosche from filtering in and undoing the work of today. Lee has been given similar instructions . C.O. 5th Regt. Neville. } . ✓ p.m. Nov. 1, 1918. From: Site 2 At ' P.C. C HENNERY How sent Date : 1 Nov* 18 Hour 6 :00 P. T i. Runner To : C.G. 4th Brig. Williams is on his objective. His front line Cos. are adjusting line and sending exploiting parties ahead. He has liaison with one company of Stowell’s on his left and with 5th^Reginent on his right. There hre some machine guns in the woods to his front which lie has not yet taken, also a battery in the direction of FOSSE, about 1 kilometer from William’s line* Williams telephone wire is in Bayon- ville and will soon be here. We expect to be wired to Div¬ isional axis any minute. Williams is using Stowell to hold that part of the 3rd objective between Feme de Parades and the point where the 3rd objective crosses National Route No. 47, v/illians will send in position sketch as soon as he stabilizes after exploitation. Holcomb. From: Slap At: p.c. Date: 1 Nov 18 Hour 6:15 PM No. 19 To: sis te r Strong patrols have been sent out to the exploitation line. Will send patrols to the edge of woods to the north as per your instructions. Feland. Site 2 P.C. How sent 1 Nov. 18. Hour 7:35 p.m. Runner C.G. 4th Brigade. Stowell reports that he is in liaison with two Cos. of the 80th Division and that more of that Div, are ex¬ pected up to-night. Williams companies are digging in. His patrols not yet back. Have ordered him to clear the Bois De la FOBIE of the enemy unless he meets strong resistance and to prevent enemy infiltration during the night. Holcomb. From: At: Date : To : From: 4th Brigade Liaison Officer with 150th Brigade At; Sommerance Date: 1-11-18 Time 8:15 P.M. Via: Runner To: Brigade Adjutant - 4th Brigade. 1. On own initiative have requested 160th Brigade for location of their present divisional line and have been handed the accompanying copy of message from 80th Div. Liaison officer to Divisional Hdq’rs, 2. Commanding General - 160th Brigade has instructed his command to continue to advance throughout night. (Cont’d. next page.) P .M. Nov. 1, 1918. (Cont’d. from last page.) 3. 80th Div. Liaison officer reports that at noon today 77tli Division on their left (80th) were still south of Champigneulle. 4. 80th Div. Liaison officer (Lt. Col. Bayne) affirms that "an artillery officer reported to him as "Gossip" that 78th Division has occupied the Bois des Loges - 95.88. 160th Brigade has nothing of especial interest to communicate to you. Location remains unchanged. Have you any instructions? C al1an . About 9:00 P.M., Nov. 1, 1918, from Larsen - Captured 89 prisoners, 2 officers, and some of them say that enemy is massing for counter attach. The patrols that he sent out he has had no report from as yet. He is in touch with the 89th Division on his right. DOUGLAS Sister’s p.C. Bayonville. 1 November, 1918 Hour 22;05 C.0., 15th p.A. Herewith sketch showing dispositions of 6th Marines. However, Division has ordered exploiting parties pushed for¬ ward, so sister 7 is of opinion that no barrages should be fired except with specific autnorization of regimental commanders. They claim to have contact with division on our left but have no definite information as to its present line. Prom: A 4* • id. ^ • Date : To : DOUGLAS From: Slap At: Landreville . Date: 1 Nov. 18. To; Sister . The 3rd Battalion reached 3rd objective at 2:30 P.M. Larsen is pushing strong patrols to exploitation line. He captured 6 pieces of artillery and 100 prisoners. He reports that 6th and 89th Div. advanced up with him. C.O. let Bn. reports digging in on ridge just north of ravine 02.8 -92.9. C.O. 2nd Bn. reports taking 130 prisoners. 2nd Bn. is lo¬ cated 302.3 - 294.6 - 303.8 - 294.5. Col. Turrill counted 14 - 77’s enemy guns in our area. No time indicated. Nov. 1, 1918. At: P.C. 7/inn To; col. Ellis- 1 Nov. 18. At request of p C commander will continue on duty representing 3rd Brig, up to Exploitation line. Francis. 353 Regt just captured batt 77 and train. Line out of order. Col. Ellis. ■ , . M No time indicated. Nov. 1, 1918. U.s. aRMY field message- .,ov. 1 , 1918 . Brigade, 23rd Inf. ha\ r ing accomplished primary oinh now. just north of Land re vi lie and moving*', someone in Landreville to direct. mission P.C. Will be Request that have none. all going well one or two runners be sent Apparently all objectives to re for reached on duty as I time and Gen. Neville 4th Brig. Martin. A.M. Nov. 2, 1918. Sister How sent P-C. Bayonville et CHENNERY Runner 2 Nov. 18 4:50 A.M. No. 14 Site: N Aou will continue your exploitation operations begun yesterday (1 Nov. 18) today - up to the line of exploitation shown on map, moving rear battalions up in support as the advance progresses. The town of FOSSE may be included within tne area covered. Special artillery support is being arranged lor and our Artillery Liaison Officer will report to you this morning. From: At: Date : To : Neville. From: Sister How sent At: P.C. Bayonville-et-Chennery Runner Date. 2 Nos. Lour 5 AM No. 14 To: Slap You will continue your exploitations up to "Exploi¬ tation Line" (shown, on map) today. Site is receiving the same instructions. An Artillery Liaison Officer (Or Col. Davis) will confer with you as to Artillery support for your operations. Move support battalions up in support as you consider advisable - as the advance progresses. Neville Cancelled by ’phone at 5:25 A.M. Nov. 2 JT C.0. 5th Regt. 5:30 A.M.i Nov. 2, 1918. Telephone message from G-3, 2nd Div. to C.G., 4th Brigade. Your brigade carries out its original mission. The Buzancy Operation is called off. You understand, do you, that you are to go out and sit down on the line according to your original mission, sending patrols out to the front? Yes, sir. ■ . . • ' • ' Nov. 2, 1918. • l.l * From: Sister At: P.C. How sent Date: 2 Nov, Hour 5:45 A.M. No. 1.4 Runner To: G.0. 6th Regt, Disregard Field message just sent you. Carry out (with the exception of Par. 1) the orders contained in operations memo, #26, 1 Nov. Send guides for 23rd Inf, to "SAME" P.C, Neville Please connect up by telephone. E. From: Sister At: P.C. How sent Date: 2 Nov. Hour 6:45 A.M. No. 15 Runner To : c.0. 6th Regt. In carrying out provisions of par-4 operations memo #26, 1 Nov., do not advance patrols to westward beyond ie western limits of 2nd Division Sector. The 80th Division is attacking this AM. Neville. Reed. 7:10 A.M. Lee . U S ARMY FIELD MESSAGE From: At: Date : To : C.O. 6th Marines P .C . ° Nov. Chennery c nuv. 18 Hour All concerned (I Stowell) ist 6:45 am 2nd, How sent Runne r 3rd Bn.. Brig 23rd Inf The 23rd inf, will relieve the_ 5 th and oth Marines an hour November 2, 1918, to be designate* a n a * » How s e at Date : 5 Nov. Hour 11 am No. 23 Runner To : Slap and Site 5th Marines will move • forward, effect a guarded ing of the Meuse at pouilly and seise the heights to Northeast of Pouilly, heights west of Autreville and heights in Bois d' Alma Gisors pushing forward strong patrols to keep in contact with the enemy. The 6th Marines will follow in close support, via Beaumont. P.C. 4th Brigade - in place and then to Pouilly via^ Beaumont if crossing is effected. C.O. 5th Marines. Neville. Addenda under F.M. No. 23, 5 Nov. 18, Hour 11:00 A.M. Col, Peland. If crossing of iMuse can be effected carry out the attached order. NRVILLB < . * ivi» Nov. 5, 1918. From: Sister Reed 12 Noon 11/5/18 At: P.C , Date: 5 Nov, Hour 11:10 A * M * No. 24 To: Site . How sent Runner If a crossing of the Meuse can be effected at pouilly the following orders v/ill be carried out:- 5th Marines will move forward, effect a guarded cross¬ ing of the Meuse at Pouilly and seize the heignts to the north¬ east ot Pouilly, heights west of Autreville and heights Pois d' Alma Gisors pushing forward strong patrols to keep in contact with the enemy. The 6th Marines will follow in The P.C. 4th Brigade in place and then to Pouilly if crossing is effected. Nevilie P.M. Nov. 5, 1913. 3:45 P.M., Nov. 5, 1918. Message from Adj . 4th Prig, to G-3. The Lt, Col, of the 5th Regt., at the forward P.C. reported at 2:50 P.M* that the leading battalion of the 5th was preceding in a northeasterly direction through Bois de Jaulny- - the line extending from 309.3 - 306.6 in a south¬ easterly direction covering sector. Patrols to points mentioned in field order in advance from which no reports have been received as yet. He states commander of advance battalion thoroughly understands situation and is pushing ahead. From: C.O. Co. F (W) Engrs. At: Beaufort - Billet #83 Date.: 11/5/18 Hour 18 To : C.O. 178 Brig, Bridge at Pouilly is blown out completely in two sections & the 3rd or last King appears to be blockaded or else wrecked in such a way as to give that appearance. Repairs could be made only at expense, of considerable expense of time owing to our very limited equipment 3c difficulty oi securing materials - Pontoons from Army park appear the best solution as I view it. Officer who made Inor Sc Luzy Martin court reconnaiss¬ ances has not yet- - ' (Message incomplete) Col. Ellis to Col. Beebe. tov. 5, 1918. 2nd Battalion, 5th Marines: P.C. 310,3 -312.45- don't know line. 1st Bn. Line: 310.50 -311.70 to 310 . 45 -.: 11 .7 ! , tuen to 310.40 - 311.5. 309.95 - 312, - 309.95 - 311.80, then to 310. 311,6. ^ ^ 1 Bn. 89th Div. 309.3 - 311.3, along timber 30u.^5- 310.70. 7 . Advance element leads up above parallel 31u,0O. 3rd Bn. south end woods Flavier, _ _ 6th Marines: Road extending 308, - 311.3-307.7 - oil. Inis message transmitted to Corps at 7:c0 i ,o. > A.M. Nov. 6, 1918. 9:00 A.M., Nov. 6, 1918. Tel. Mes. from Gen. Neville to g-3. The following message received from c.O. 5th Marines. The patrol crossed the canal on the lock. Bridge destroyed. The bridge over the wide part of the river is so that a man can just crawl across it. The bridge over the narrow part of the river is so a man has to have assistance to get across. We figure it will take one hour for a platoon to get across . They had flares in the town during the night. There is an 89th patrol on this island at the same time but none crossed over to the town. The Lieutenant of the 89th said he saw 2 Germans across the little creek and he fired at the Boche and thought he got them. The main part of the machine gun activity is from the heights back and around the town. Larsen has patrolled all through the forest de jauiny clear around to the point on the Meuse. From: Francis At: P.C. Hansen Beauclair How sent: Date: 11/6/18 Hour: 9 No. 12 Funner To: Sister 11 (W) 89 Divisions area extends from N.W. (northwestern edge of Foret de Jauiny- S.E. (Southeastern) edge of Laneu- ville. Francis 10:25 A.M.* Nov. 6, 1918. Telephone message from col. Ellis to G-3. Referring to the message just received - request that steps be taken to have troops of 89th Division withdrawn from their positions opposite bridge head at pouilly, and from our sector, in order that our crossing, if it can be effected, may be properly supported by our machine guns and artillery fire. That is that we may control movement of all troops adjacent to our probable crossing. Also that we be furnished with information as to the situation in the area to the westward of the Bo is d’ Alma - Gisors on the west bank of the Meuse. Also the situation in regard to the area Luzy, cesse and Laneuville, as to the possibility of procur¬ ing a limited number of pontoons for a crossing. Also the area of exploitation in case the crossing is effected. From: R.I.O. 6th Marines At: Regt. P.C. Date: Nov. 6 Hour 12 To: Brigade int Officer It requested that we be furnished small quantity paper for the making of reports. Broderick. Nov . 6, 1913. P ♦ M. 6:00 P.M., Nov. 6, 1918. Message from Adj . 4th Brigade to Chief of Staff. The 5th Marines are assembled in Squares 74 and 84 in preparation to marching to Beaumont by way of the road leaving the valley Farm la Belle Tour. The 6th Marines are assembled within 1,000 yards of figure 73 in preparation to marching to Beaumont by the road leaving the valley 300 yards northeast of the figure 64. No time indicated. Nov, 6, 1918. HEADQUARTERS SECOND DIVISION (REGULAR) AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES - France, 6 November, 1918 Message to 3rd and 4th Brigades. Reports indicate that the enemy has withdrawn from the east bank of the MEUSE in our front, or at least his positions there are very weakly held. The Division Commander directs that you take immediate steps to ascertain the truth in re¬ spect to this matter, making prompt report about his lines. You will take advantage of any opportunity to establish bridge¬ heads, and seizing position on the other side of the river. HU B. MYERS Colonel, General Staff, Chief of Staff. A .M. Nov. 7, 1918. From: C.O, Cth M.G.B. At: Belval How sent Date: 7 Nov. 18 Hour 10:00 A.M. No. 17 Runner Memo for Brigade Adjutant- P.C. 6th M.G.B., moves to FLABA at 10:15 A.M. this date. Kingman LRL p„M„ Nov. 7, 1918. From: C.O. 6th M.G.B. At: Belval How sent Date: 7 Nov. 13 Hour 4:25 P.M. No. 18 Runner To: Memo for Brigade Adjutant. Rations required by this battalion to fill train are 1 day’s field and 2 day’s reserve. Kingman LRL ■ _ m ; ; P L . — «i p 140 V . 7 , 1918 , Date: 7 Nov. Hour 10:15 P,H, Dear Ellis: We have only one day's rations on hand, the Col. says, You know our strength. Turrill. A • id * Nov. 9, 1913 . Prom: C.O, 6th M.G.3* At: Lelval Date: S Nov. '18 Hour 9:00 A.M. How sent Runner lie mo for Brigade Adjutant: The replacements necessary to fill this battalion to authorized strength are as follows: 6 Officers (lieutenants) 240 Enlisted 70 170 Kingman Does this include the men loaned to other LRL M*G« Battn's? Ellis From: C.O. 6th M.G.B. At: Belval Date: 9 Nov Hour 9:15 No. 20 To: Bgd, Adjutant* Lien loaned to otner organizations were not- considered in this requisition. V.e gave 70 men to 4th & 5th li. G.-d.'s and we have no record of casualties among them. After de¬ taching these 70 men the battalion was at autxiorized strengt . Kingman From: Sister At: P.C. #106 - Date: 9 Nov. 13 To : Col. Feland It looks as though there will be no_ party tonight. I called ut) the 39th just now and they said it was supposed o be postponed. If you will have C&pt. Dunbeck wait at your P.C. I vill try to get hold of the Engineers interested and get then together - to talk the matter over. The - - - no plan as yet but expect to have one tomorrov. C .0 . 5th ^egt« P * M. Nov. 9 1918 Rue Haas, Beaumont Hour 5:55 pm No. How sent Runner Ellis P.M. Nov. 9, 1918. From: C.O. 6th Marines At: P.c. YONCQ How sent Date: 9 Nov. 1G Hour 6:30 P.M. Phone To: C.G. 4th Brigade. First and Second Battalions in position Bois LI MON» Third battalion will arrive there in about four hours. Will have reconnaissance parties in vicinity MOUZON at daylight. Phoned 7:30 p*m. LEE P.M* Nov. 10, 1918.. 11:10 P.M.i Nov. 10th, 1918. Telephone message received by C.G,, 2nd Div., from 4th Brigade. 4th Brigade have report from officer who had been down to the crossing that they were all across except 1 company and everything looked fine. That was east of the BOIS de l r Hospice, by two bridges about 400 yards apart; about artillery salvo distance. We heard in a round about way from the people up above the report was that part of the forces hat crossed over at RQUFFY. Boche were evidently on to it as the; had laid down a barrage across the aviation ground. That was the upper crossing. The 89th detachment is crossing with us. 11:25 P.M«> Nov. 10, 1918. Telephone message from Adjutant 4th Brigade to C.of S., 2nd Div. The combined detachment reports they all got across the river. They had few casualties. One Marine Captain wounded. 11:35 P.M., Nov. 10, 1918. Telephone message from Adjutant 4th Brigade to C. of S», They had forced a crossing near MOUZON. Reports that one of their columns were across and had very little difficulty. There is no report from the other columns. The tv/o were only a few hundred yards apart. The telephone line up the vicin¬ ity of MOUZON has been out for about 2 hours. It ought to be fixed very soon now. A.M. Nov. 11, 1918. 2:45 A.M., Nov. 11, 1918. Telephone message from Adj. 4th Brig, received by C. of S. Lt.called up from SARTELLE FARM and said the 80th Division was held up along the edge of the woods and could go no further without re-enforcement, He sent out strong patrols through the woods, but he got machine gun fire very heavy. He does not think the 89th Division’s battalion has entirely crossed as they became somewhat scattered by the shell fire. They are sending 1 prisoner in. A . 1 . 1 . Nov. 11, 1918. 2 ; 50 Nov. 11, 1918. Telephone message from Adjt. 4th Brigade, received by c. of S. Message from Shuler at the railroad station where they were assembled for crossing. Shuler said they arrived at this point at 10:30 P.M. , was held up for half an hour be¬ cause of heavy shelling from POURRON. One battalion commander was there and two others were not. 6: P) 0 A. I., Nov. 11, 1918. Message from Combat Liaison Commander to C.O., 4th Brig. 1st and 2nd bns. of the 5th Marines did not complete crossing of Meuse until 11:30 p.m. last night due to heavy_ shelling, a break in upper bridge and confusion of moving in dark. The Bn. from the 89th Division got lost at the start and at 6:00 A.M. this date had only gathered together some 300 men. Major Hanna was here but has disappeared now. Crossing made under heavy m.G. and Art. fire. The 1st Bn. on the right, ran into a machine gun nest immediately after cross¬ ing and had great trouble keeping the men together. Tne en¬ tire bn., numbering approximately 100 men, is now combined as a company and under command of Captain Hunt. The 2nd bn. ad¬ vanced to the north through Bois des Flaviers but had to hold up movement until daybreak on account of machine gun nests and heavy underbrush. This morning at 6:30 a.m. the 2nd Bn. on the left and the Bn. from the 89th on righf advanced to¬ ward objective. Sniping and machine guns overcome and ad¬ vance going smoothly at present. Enemy Artillery fire heavy. On account of the very small number of men it is going to be difficult to organize this position in depth. Urge that another battalion be sent across river to reinforce us. Message just received from Captain Dunbeck states that advance progressing satisfactory and that he is taking many machine guns. I will connect with the 6th Marines and 89th Division at earliest possible moment. Headquarters 4th Brigade, Marines, American E.F., 11th November '18 -8:40 A.M. Peace Memorandum No. 1. The following telephone message received from Surprise 1 at 8:35 a.m. this morning forwarded for compliance. 8:40 A.M. message from 5th Corps; Armistice signed and takes effect a/t 11 this morning. Accurate map showing lo¬ cations of front line elements, including patrols and de¬ tachments, will be sent to these Headquarters without delay. From: Brigadier General Neville, Com’dg. 4th Brigade. At: p.C. Date: 11 Nov. 18 Hour 9:00 a.m,. How sent: phone. To: C.0. 6th Marines. (Cont’d. next page.) . • ™ . ' . Nov. 11, 1913. (Cont’d. from last page.) The following telephone message received from Surprise One, 8:3d A.LI, , this morning, forwarded for compliance. 3:30 a.m., Fifth Corps - Armistice signed and takes effect at 11:00 A»kl« this morning. Accurate map showing locations of front line elements including pp^trols and detachments will be sent to these headquarters without delay. NEVILLE. lor your information and compliance as regards location of your organization. LEE. From: C.O, Combat Liaison Force. At: 307.95-311.3 (PHONE LOCATED HERE) How sent Date: H/ll/18 Hour 9 a.m. No. 16 Runner To: C.O. 4th Brigade. Advancing without much resistance. 1st Bn of 9th arrived 8:15 A.M. and are in support along road at this point. Sent half a company to POUILLY to make sure it nas been vacated. Other battalion is working north towards objective. Am moving my p.c. to Senegal Farm. Hamilton. P.M. Nov. 11, 1913. Headquarters, 4th Brigade, Marines, American E.F. 11th November ’18. 12:45 P.M. Operations Memorandum for C.O., 5th Marines. When your present line east of the MEUSE has been established you will relieve the 1st Battalion of the 9th Infantry now attached to your command, with the 3rd Battalion of your Regiment. The former battalion will then rejoin the 9th Infantry. The lines established at 11:00 A.M. this date will not be crossed until further orders. By command of Brigadier General Neville: E/S EARL II. ELLIS Lieut . Col. , USMC. Adjutant. Nov. 11, 1918. Colonel Ellis to Colonel Beebe. 2nd Battalion, 5th Marines: P.C. 310.3-312.45. Don’t know line. (Cont’d. next page.) : .. ' •• * ■ Nov. 11, 1918. (Cont'd. from last page.) let Bn. line: 310.50-311.70, to 310.45-311.70, then to 310.40-311.5. 309.95-312.- 309.95-311.80, then to 310-311.6. 1 Bn. 89th Div. 309.3-311.3, along timber 309.25-310.70. Advance element leads up above parallel 313.00. 3rd Bn. south end woods Flavier, 6th Marines : Road extending 308, - 311.5 --- 307.7-311. This message transmitted to Corps at 7:30 P.M. 6:50 P.M. , Nov. 11, 1913. The following telephone message sent to C.G., 4th Brigade and C.O. 3rd Brigade, in compliance with Corps Order. (Also to C.O. 2nd P.A. Brigade). The Commanding General directs that you send an officer out to your front lines to stop ail firing that may be going on. He wants that done irrespective of how many officers have been sent out before. Reports are coming in from Marshal Poch that shooting is going on in our front. 11:10 P.M. , Nov. 11, 1918. Tel. Message received from 4th Brig, by C.G. 2nd Div. 4th Brigade have report from officer who has been down to the crossing that they were all across except 1 company and everything looked fine. That was east of the Bois de L’Hospice, by two bridges about 400 yards apart; about artillery salvo distance. We heard in a round about way from the people up above the report was that part of the forces had crossed over at ROUFFY. Boche were evidently on to it as they ha*d laid down a barrage across tne aviation ground. That was the upper crossing. The 89th detachment is crossing with us . 11:36 P.M. , Nov. 11, 1918. Tel. Message from Adj . 4th Brig, to C . of S. They had forced a crossing near MOUZON. Reports that one 5f their columns were across and had very little difficulty. There is no report from the other columns. The two were only a few hundred yards apart. The telephone line up the vicinity of MOUZON has been out for about 2 hours. It ought to be fixed very soon now. Note: It is evident that the last two messages should have been dated November 10, 1918 . However, the messages were copied exactly as they appeared in Report of Operations, Second Division, .November 1-11, 1918, incl., on file in the World Wdr Records Division, Adjutant General’ Office, Wasnington, D.C. . •• . . . ; • I P.M. Nov. 12, 1918. 2:00 P.M., Nov. 12, 1918. Telephone message received from Adj . 4th Brigade. Crossed the river - 1 Battalion, 1 company at Fme de ‘Alma - 1 company at Vigneron Fme - 1 company at Senegal Fme - 1 company at Belle Fontaine Fme - 1 company in support Sartelle Fme. The other three companies at Letanne, Reserve Battalion in Beaumont - 5th. The sector limits Between regiments run from our left flank on the river to a point where the river crosses meridian 308, thence west to the Villemontry road, thence south to the Sartelle Fme, then southwest to the end of the road at height 302 (-§- kilometer west of Sartelle Fme) thence southwest down the road La ThiBaudine Fme. 6th Regiment had 2 companies in Villemontry, 2 companies (1st Bn. in La FauBourg, 3rd Battalion in Peronne forming along river down to Yoncq. Rear Battalion in Yoncq. J.S. TURRILL, Lt. Col, (Marines) G,S. A.C . of S., G-3. P.M. Nov, 13, 1918. From: C.O. Sixth Marines At: P.C, Villemontry Date: 13 Nov, 18 Hour 4:35 P.M. To: C.G. 4th Brigade. Regimental P.C, now located in Villemontry. First Battalion- Bois du Fond de Limon, Second Battalion- La Be sace Third battalion - Two companies - Villemontry Two companies La FauBourg. Memo, for G-3 Change in location of troops - 6 M.G. Battn. at Margut. 7:45 p,m, 17 Nov. * 18 Nov. 17, 1918. 4th Brigade Marines- Ellis Lt. Col. Adjt . P.M. Nov. 19, 1918. The 4th Brigade report that b% of their men have bad feet practically all due to the new Eng shoe just issued. Repo rt By telephone 18:00 hours 19 Nov - Taken By Sgt. Webster. 11:55 P.M., Nov. 19, 1918. Telephone message. The 2nd Div., will march at 7:30 hours, 20th Nov. 1918. Column No. 1 via VIRTON -ARLON - ElSCHEN. Column No. 2 via ETALLE - ARLON - OBERPALLEN. Column No, 3 Follows column No. 1 at 1 kilometer distanc (Coat'd, next page.) . P.M Nov. 19, 1918. (Cont'd. from last page.) Touch will be maintained with divisions on either flank, by flank guards marching via THIAUMONT - TONTELANGE - SIGNEULX - HALANZY - WOLKRANGE• The line GRENDEL - AUTELBAS will not be crossed until further orders. Outpost line of resistance will be estab¬ lished at end of the days march on the general line TONTELANGE - BONNERT - AUTELKAUT • A. mixed post of one company will be established at AUTELHAUT. Column No. 1, will billet south of an east and west line through ARLON and east of Y line 356. Column. No. 2 will billet north of Column No. 1. column No. 3 will billet west of column No, 1 and east of Y line 352, Divisional Trains to ST. LEGER and vicinity. Same orders regarding security of depth, "liaison, etc. P.C. f s of Division and columns No. 1 and 2 at ARLON by 20:00 hours. P.C. column No. 3 at CHATILEON• Division Billeting officer will supervise billeting m Arlon . Repeated by phone to 3 Brig 4 Brig 2 Engs, for c.O. 3d Col. A.M. Nov. 20, 1918. U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. From: At: Date : To : Sister P.C. Beliefontaine. 20 Nov. Hour 10:50 A.M. No. 7 G-3 - 2nd Division. How sent Courier Advance Elements Column #2 on Etalle - Arlon Road at Meridian 356 at 11 A.M. Telephone down. Neville. U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. How sent Motorcycle Leading elements Column #2 at Krautseneid at 3 p.m. Everything O.K. People of country quiet and troops received in towns without comment one way or another. Women and children seem pleased. From: Sister At: P.C. Neuerburg :,t Date: 1 Dec. 18. Hour 2:15 p.m. To: Surprise - 7. Neville. ' . Dec . 3 , 191G . P.M. T J. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. From: Sister At : P.C. - Court House - Room #4 Prum How sent Date : 3 Dec . Hour 5 p.m. Runner To : G-3 - 2nd Div. Established P.C. in Court House, Room #4 Ground Floor - Prum - Neville E P.M. Lee. 8, 1918. Report from C.O. Troop I Cav, thru Sister 6. (phoned Corps (19 :00 hours ( Steck Reconnoitered south along river from F.emagen, R.R. Bridg over Rhine at Remagen blocked with coal & stone (on cars?) and can’t be used. A guard for night of Dec. 8th put on this bridge. Road for autos is good. Only one bridge at Remagen, No liaison with British. The C.O. Co. I Cav. does not believe the British moved today. 8 Dec 1918 - 17 ;00 hours - Sgt Webster HEADQUARTERS SECOND FIELD ARTILLERY BRIGADE •w- * W4 >, A.M. June 2, 1918. U.S. ARMY FIELD r?o c \ dp OiUw'AU 1» From: C.G. At: Arty. Brig. Hqrs. cocherel how sent Date: 2 June 18. Hour: 11:33 A.M. Courier. To: Chief of Staff. The munitions officers of the 3rd & 4th Brigades (infty) have not reported. it is requested that they he sent here without delay. Chamberlaine J.C. A.M. Tune 3, 1918. U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE- From; Commanding General 2nd F.A. Brigade At: Montreuil How sent Date: 3 June Hour 2:42 Lt. Carey To : g- 3, 2nd Div. 12th F.A. is on the road at Montreuil moving east to battery positions. The 1st Bn. 17th F.A. is in positions as follows: Bn. Hqrs. 11-87 - Baty . "a" 18-86'. Baty. T, B 11 17-91. Battery positions of 12th F.A. will be reported as soon as occupied. Chamberlaine J.C . From: C.G. At : 8 F.A. Brig. MONTREUIL How sent Date : 3 June, *13. Hour 8 :35 A.M. Self To : Col. DAVIS, *15 pec’d. 8;45 A.M. J. P .D Get in touch with Gen*l . Lewis, select positions for batteries of your regiment and bring them up to those positions as soon as possible. submit to these headquarters a sketch, showing location of each battery, its letters and position of rear e chelon. Advise these headquarters with progress of the movement and when you are in position. CHAMBERLAINE p.M. June 3, 1918. U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE• From: C.G. 2nd F.A. Brigade At: Montreuil How sent Date: 3 June 18. Hour 5:37 P.M. No, 22- Self To: Lieut. Hyde, Operations Section Brigade One (1) Regt. of French Field Arty. (12th) will be withdrawn from the American sector with the 43rd Division. Three (3) Groups of the 37th Regt. and the First and second Groups of the 232nd Regt . The First Group of the 236t,h Regt . will remain in the Sector. Rec'd . 6:00 P.M. Capt, Gauthier Officer de Liaison 2nd Div. No time indicated. June 3, 1918. U.S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE- From: c.G. At: Arty. Brig. Hq. (Montreuil) Date : 3 June How sent To 2 G-3 Operations. Courier. One Battalion 155's 17th Regt. Battery's A & E Lt. Colonel Quinn Commanding left Cocherel 9:45 to take position in woods 1 Km. N.E. of La Loge. You will be advised of progress of movement. Cnamberlaine J.C . G-3 ,M. June 4, 1918. EK DE EQ. Bosches decending en masse Entre (The above intercepted by Div, Phoned to both Brigades ) Message given to Artillery ) Courchamps ET LICY • Radio at 10 P.M. phoned 10; 19 P.M. June 4 - Army Corps notified 10:25 P.M. A.M. June 8, 1918. Following change of positions of batteries just reported by 12th F.A. B. Btry to E* 20.93 E . Btry. to E« 26.78 A.G. Carey Operations. 1st Groupe 37th Reported as transferred from 2nd Division, Carey. No time indicated. June 8, 1918. Headquarters, 2nd F.A. Brigade. A.E.F., France, 8th June, 1918. Memorandum: To COMMANDING OFFICERS, 12th, 15th and 17th F.A. 1: The Commanding Officers of the 12th, 15th and 17th Regiments will take immediate steps to camouflage tneir rear echelons by placing all vehicles, horses and supplies in the woods and not on the edges. as soon as this has been effected, they will have an ofiicer insnect and report to these Headquarters, By Command of Brigadier General chamberlshne: W.C. POTTER, Lt. col. Field Artillery, Adjutant. To Div. 8:40 A.M. - captured in June 10, 1918. June 10 - Gen. Chamberlaine in person reported: Major cole of M.G. Bn. wounded. Seven inch (7") Minenwerfer with ammunition BO IS de BSLLEAU. P.M. June 10, 1918. Hdqrs. 2nd piv. , 2nd Sec., G.S. Message from 2d Art. Brig. 10 June. Received 5:00 P.M. Pive companies of infantry have just "been observed moving south into the town of COURCHAKPS from the north. Heavy concentrations of troops at present are observed in the following towns: LICY-CLIGNON. TORCY, BELLEAU and BUSSIARES. 1 A.L. Conger, Lieut. Col., General Staff, In charge of office, G-2. 9:00 P.M. , June 10, 18. Message from 23rd infantry via 2nd p, A . Brigade. Reed. 9:00 P.M. Concentrations of troops in TORCY, COURCHAMPS, BUSSIARES and BELLEAU- Not determined whether they are for relief or attack. A.L. CONGER, Lieut. Col . G.S., A.C. of S. , G-2. No time indicated. June 11, 1918. Memorandum for chief of Staff from the C.G., 2nd F.A. Brig. At 5:55 A.M. June 11th an enemy battalion was observed forming for attack in the ravine north of BOURSSCHES• This was observed by the liaison officer of the 2nd Battalion, 12th pield Artillery, This information was immediately ior- ward-ed to the Commanding Officer, 2nd Battalion, 12th pield Artillery, who ordered a concentration on this point . Fire was opened immediately, and the first volley fell in. the midst of the enemy, causing them to retreat in great dis¬ order. The range of fire was increased. The enemy was pursued by the fire of the 2nd Battalion, 12th Field. Artillery, and the machine guns of the infantry. While thus retreating in great disorder they ran into a oarrage of 155*6 ordered from the Artillery Brigade as a result of trie same information being transmitted promptly, which completely dispersed them. This shows the great importance of close liaison between, the infantry and tne supporting artillery. in order that this close cooperation may be maintained, it is suggested that the infantry assist in maintaining the artillery liaison when impossible to lay their parallel lines to the artillery. 10:00 p.M., June 12, 1913. Message from 2nd Field Artillery Brigade. To Div. The Commanding Officer of the 2nd Battalion of the loth Field Artillery was regulating certain of his batteries for interdiction fire during the afternoon of June 12th. Luring the course of registration a large group of mounted Germans, approximately 400, came into view near the wood south of. ETREPILLY. The officer immediately regulated fire on tnis group and stated that the effect of the fire has caused tne unit to be broken up and completely dispersed and that tneie had been a good many casualties. No tine indicated. June 15, 1918. HEADQUARTERS, SECOND DIVISION (REGULAR) AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES, France, June 15, 1918. Memorandum for the Commanding General 3rd Brigade: The following message has just been received from the Commanding Officer 15th Field Artillery. "Commanding General, 2nd Field Artillery Brigade. Tne C.O. 9th Infantry has a plan for tonight. This plan could not be communicated by telephone, but in connec¬ tion with the plan he desires that if possible, ha rassing ii^e of 155's or other heavy calibre, be executed on VAUX Irom 10:00 to 11:00 p.M. (22:00) to 23:00 o’clock) this date june 15. i have undertaken to transmit the request, peque leply so I may let C.O. 9th Infantry kjiow, VAUX was trans¬ mitted to me by an area code furnished C.O. 9th infantry by me,” J.R. DAVIS. ^ The Division Commander, in view of the fact that two reliefs are m progress tonight within the limits of the 4th Brigade, does not desire any action taken by the 9th Infantry which might tend to artillery reprisals on the part of the enemy. He also points out the fact that with the proximity of the 9th Infantry line to the village of VAUX. that ha rassing fire or any other fire by 155* s uncontrolled by accurate observation, would be extremely dangerous to our troops unless they are withdrawn at least 500 yards from the limits of VAUX. PRESTON BROWN, Colonel, General Staff, Chief of Staff. P.M. June 18, 1918. ^.'cO P.M,, June 18, 1918, Message from Artillery. Report of enemy traffic on road from LS CHARNE to SPAUX 3EZU• Large column of troops on road, impossible to tell which direction it w r as moving. Heavy artillery notified, g-2. P.M, June 21, 1918, 10:00 P.M., June 21. 1918, Telephone message from 2nd F,A. Brigade : 2nd F,A. Brigade reports that in response to an inquiry they have made inquiries of artillery O.P's, who state that there is no enemy artillery activity; that the only artillery fire at the present time is our own artillery concentration on the area TORCY-BELLEAU (Town) . G~2 , P.M. June 22, 1918. 5:30 P.M., June 22, 1918. Message from 2nd Artillery Brigade to 2nd Divn. Enemy wireless message intercepted by the French states that enemy fire is being adjusted on same objectives as yesterday. The French believe that these objectives will be CHARLY and NANTEUIL• (4th Brigade & 6th Marines notified.) $ l.X • June 24, 1918. 9:55 A.M.i June 24, 1918. Message from Artillery Brigade, to 2nd Divn. Enemy artillery fire has been carefully adjusted by means of hostile aeroplanes on the emplacements of "A" Battery, 12th F.A. Fire for destruction has begun. The battery per¬ sonnel has been withdrawn. counter battery work under way. P.M. June 24, 1918. From: C.G. 4th Brigade. At; P.C. Date: June 24, Hour 8:10 P.M. No. 2 To: Commanding Officers, 5th and 6th ■Regiments . 1. For the greater conveniences of handling the sectors of which you are in charge, you will exchange P.C.’s, the change to take effect tomorrow morning. Copies to: C.G. A *P.M., 2nd Divn. M.G. Bn. HARBORD- 2nd Div. C.G. 2nd Art. Brig. C.O. 12th C.O. 5th Marines C.O. 6th Marines F.A. To Div. , _ r-n Message from 2nd Artillery Brigade: Rec’d. 8;5U Beginning about 9:15 p.M., D and E batteries Field Artillery were bombarded with 210’s and 150’s Destructive fire. P.M. June 24 of the 15th p,M. June 25, 1918 . 7:05 P.M. , June 25th, 1918. Message from 2nd Artillery Brigade: to 2nd Divn. O.P.T. 1 reports heavy German fire on the BOIS-DE-BELLEAU during the last hour and a half. " O.P.T. 2 reports Germans filtering in northern portion of BOIS-DE-BELLEAU- ' . , 12th Field Artillery reports that our artillery is i concentrating on this point. p^l^ June 27tn , 1918 . 2:2.5 p.M. , June 27, 1918. Message from G*2. Message from 2nd Field Artillery brigade states^tnat^ tne shelling now going on is directed against the BEZU-ST. AULDE road just outside of BEZU with remarkably good range, ^ -t^ e shells used are 150’s long, at intervals oi about 6 minuses. SIGNAL COBPS, UNITED STATES ARMY* TELEGBAM- Received at 64 A BW 42 OB G Hq AEF June 27 18 Commanding General 2nd Field Artillery Brigade US APO No 710 Custer. C of A number 552 request you furnish this office yitn a list of surplus second Lieutenants in the 2nd F A Brigade . Hinds _ 910 pm. -p June 28, 1913. 6:40 P.M. , June 28, 1918. Message from 2nd Artillery Brigade, to Divn. Flash Ranging Section reports 200 men just seen enteung the Bois de Bonnes at the point K 89.95. June 23, 1918. liesfage from 2nd Artillery 10:45 P.M., June 28, 1918. Brigade. There is a heavy bombardment of the division on our left going on. They state they require no artillery assistance from this division. G-2 P *M. June 30, 1913. HEADQUARTERS SECOND DIVISION (REGULAR) AUERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES. CONFIDENTIAL MEMORANDUM: For: N»L,E♦ 9th inf. FRANCEi 30th June, 1918. C.G. 3rd Brigade, C,G. 4th Brigade. C ,G . , 2nd F.A. Brigade. 0,0. , 2nd Engineers. C.O. 9th Infantry. C.O., 23rd infantry. C.0., 5th Marines. C.O. 6th Marines. C .0. 4th M.G. Bn. Division Signal officer. Division Surgeon. A.P.M. 11 J" hay, "H" hour, referred to in Field orders No. 9, these Headquarters, June 30, 1918, is 6:00 p,M.» July 1, at which hour the attack ordered in the Field Order will be given. BY COMMAND OF MAJOR GENERAL BUNDY: NLE PRESTON BROWN, Colonel, General Staff, 1:21 p.M., Chief of Staff. June 30/18 . P.M. July 1, 1918. MEMORANDUM: 1 July 1918. Hdqrs. 2nd F.A. Brigade. C.O. 3rd Brigade reports destruction progressing satis¬ factorily in VAUX. Railroad station destroyed and-many buildings in ruin. Received 3 :40 p,M. P.M. July 2, 1918. 4:40 P.M. i July 2, 1918. Message received from 2nd F.A. Brigade, to Divn, 50 men coming out of BOIS-DE-BONNES at K 96,84. 8:50 P.M., July 2, 1918. Message from 2nd F.A. Brigade. The French report that American aviators have observed a large concentration of enemy troops north of CHATEAU-THIERRY at MOUSSEAUX. The French believe it to be a relief. Artill¬ ery fire now on the way. G-2.J A.M. July 3, 1918. 12:30 A.M., July 3, 1918, Message from 2nd Art. Brigade, to Divn, Enemy firing practically stopped. P.Mi JULY 3rd 1918, 3:10 P.M, - July 3, 1918 - Message frcm 2nd Art, Brigade, Since about 3 p.M, this afternoon columns of infantry, trucksand wagons have been observed on the road south from EPAUX passing 79.53 - 65.75. All artillery units concerned have o^en notified and heavy fire nas been begun, G-2 . 9:15 - July 3, 1918 - Message from 2nd Art, Brigade, Message from French batteriesin t le vicinity of AZY (attached 2nd Div) states that enemy aeroplane which was adjusting enemy fire on these batteries has just been, brought down by French aviator. G- 8 :25 p . v, - July The buildings to our artillery 4, 1918 - Message from 2nd Art. Brigade, of LES BPUSSES FEBliE am now in flames due f ire . G-2 1 r\ u- J T T ' _vl « - July 4, 1918,- Message fron 2nd Artillery Brigade During the last ten minutes more than 100 men have passed a point 78.80 - 67,00, north of Hill 201 and west of LA VALLEYS. G-2. 10:0 o p, m , Heavy ha DE~ BELLEAU - July 4, 1918 - Message from 2nd Art, Brigade, rassing fire (77|s) has been put down on BOIS- G-2 9:15 A.M. July 5, 1918 - Message from 2nd Art. Brigade. Flash ranging section reports: 8:45 A. Li. plane, identity un Inown, fell in flames just east of HAUTEVSSNXS. 8:46 Add. plane, identity unknown , fell just ncrtn of COUPCHAMPS. G-2. . . . July 5, 1918. 2* CO P.M. July 5, n 918. Message from 2nd Artillery Brigade* There in very In eavy circulation of trucks and wag- one rrovinr south on the BONNES-BOIS de BONNES and the TARTRE“• EfAU a rc ad s. G- 2 B:2C P,y, July 5, 1918. Message from 2nd Artillery Brigade, Heavy concentration of all calibers has been put dovn on VAUX and IIILL 204, Apparently offensive prepare- t.i.ons 0 Cur C c Q.P. is under way. All Artillery notified, G-2 P.M. July 6, 1918. 1:15 P*M, Message from 2nd Art, Brigade to 2nd Division. Two German planes have just attacked our balloon, forcing the two observers to dosee:\d in parachutes. They did not destroy the balloon, and ascensions will be re¬ sumed at cnce. Balloon further reports a fire in BOIS des ROCHETS, A.Id. July 7, 1918. 9:55 A.M, July 7. 1918, Message from 2nd Artillery Brigade to 2nd Division. 0.P.3, 1, reports several scuads of men have entered the woods southeast of PETRET EEFME. P T\T July 7, 1918. ^:C5 P,M« July 7, 1918. Message from 2nd Artillery Brigade to 2nd Division, 150 men just left the northern edge of the woods ’vest cf LE TAR TEE at 78,70 «* 57,09 and went to the small woods east cf BONNES 78,70 « 67,73, 4:95 P.M. July 7, 1918. Message from -2nd Artillery Brigade to 2nd Division. Heavy firinr on HILL 204, No actual barrage has as yet been reported although the firing is very heavy, 8.29 P,M. July 7, 1918, Message from 2nd Artillery Brigade to 2nd Division. fJurinp the hour heavy traffic BONNES to COUECHAMIS troops and wagons » passing point 76.09 - 60.72. . ' - ■ July 8, 113. 9:30 A.11. July 8, 1910. J. A. brigade. Hencrandun to G-3 from Kdq. 2nd £ batteries of southern portion of VILLERS. the lOfnd F. A. are bivouac rod in the the POIS de V'LLERo between UEFU and £ batteries of the 15th F. A. are still entirely in position. 1 battery of the 17th F. A. is still entirely in position. 1 battery of the l£th F. A. is stil] entire"! v in position. . ■*' Pis i-oon of all remaining Gu tteries have been relieved oy 1 platoon of batteries of the olst F. A. brigade and -rose platoons have taken up position in the rear of the army line. F. M. July 13, 1918. ^‘ July 8, 1918. Message from 2nd Artillery 2nd Division. Small groups of men from MONTHIFRS to TORCY (by 2 and 3’s) have been observed during the last half hour. G J ’** • P. M. July 14, 1918. 3:50 Jul y 14 > 1918. to Div. T f e c - °- Ammunition Train phones at 2:35 stating teat the three details sent to three different ammunition dumps arriyed as follows: ho. 1, 5 : 30 P.M. July 13 No. £, same hour No. 3, 6 ; 30 P.M, -that he had been trying to get this information to us since this morning but the wires were out of order. A. M, July 18, 1918. 5:55 A. M. July 18, 1918. __,„ .. Ip * i eld. Artillery reports tanks havina reached iiiAUREPAI RE f arm . Artillery reports the troops went over the top on schedule tine preceded by tanks and disappeared into gloom. • , ■ . . A .M. July 18, 1918. 6:45 A.M..- July 18. Message from 15th F. A. Received report from Colonel Upton that barrage very satisfactory. 7:30 A.M. - July 18, 1918 - commanding Officer 15th F.A. reports one battalion of the 15th moving forward to BEAUREPAIRE FARM. Regi¬ mental P,C. moving forward* Communication by runners to present P,C< 8:00 A.M. - July 18, 1918. Headquarters 15th F.A. moving to CHAVIGUY FARM. At Verte Feuille Ferme. 10:10 A.M. July 18/18, To Commanding General, 2nd F.A, Brigad e. 2nd Bn. 15th reported in position East of here. Lt. Col. Bailey has not seen them at all. All officers & men report woods west of here com¬ pletely cleared. Horse Bn, Amm. Train passed ^heaa) at 9:5C at Cr. du Sant du Cerf. 12th F.A* Combat Train going west with Amm about Cr„ du Montgobert? Lt=, in charge reports. Ho batteries had moved to his knowledge. I have seen no other 12th Units. _ ^ Passed 15D mm (Schneider) French Battery (133 ? Reg.) at 1 kilometer west here.. Sergeant said going into position about Le Translon & HUE. of it» Reports entire Regiment will occupy that region-. Major Kelmick told Lt. Lemarche (?). Our Infantry held up between Vauxcastille-Viergy, and in front of works South-East of Chandun, Not verified. Advanced Amm* Dump moved from Cr. du Montgobert to this point. Col. Bailey reports Col. Malone asked for concen¬ tration east of Vieray 9 :45 & thinks Infantry appar^ ently captured the town. Col. Davis informs me 10:40 considerable German Fire in Valley South«-Eas‘c of Beaurepaire. Col, Davis reports 1 BH in position around here. His P.C. is at Ferme Chavigny. Lt. M,A. Hyde. Sent 11:00 A.M. li:05 A.M. - July 18, 1918. Report from Brigade Artillery 0.P. Enemy artillery activity practically none. Few enemy aeroplanes came over about half past ten flying high. 2 enemy balloons visible at a very low alti¬ tude , Friendly tanks have disappeared entirely.- email groups of our Infantry all through the fields. J? .M. July IS, 1318 Verte Feuille Fmc. 3 i Co p ,M. July 18/18. O.G. 2nd Div, Pr 1 rr . Gen, A, J . Bowley . I v.?g Gen* Ely going ic your Hdqrs * Told him of your change of Kdqrs, & difficulty of traffic. Also told him xhat you would probably order advance of Infan¬ try to road South from SOISSGUS. Told him liaison of- f:.eer to Moroccan Division stated that Div - was attach- To : Frorn: ir.g VILLE1I0HT0IRE & lat !. O t Div. was on hills c At this place I met Col. Mitchell c., Reserves. 1 have ordered 4th Machine Gun Bat 1:1. (Div lo ol> ' Div. o C.C. ing o0.'.ob0. S» s, Reserve) to proceed to 7 ALRX AST IDLE & to report 2erd or 9th Inf, To send listson officer ahead & to make right flank sure.* Engineers are near here, P.G. 2nd Bad bi. Leu Marines 8c 1'. th P.A. here. Am putting 1'/th i .A, in position here & 12th F .A. on Forth and South line half way "between BE AT JEEP AIRE FJEE. & VAUX- CASTIDLE, 12th is here & is starting to new sta ion, The 2E P They her e no is £ *A. French are ordered to BEAUREPAiRE EME. passed here yet. A French Cavalry Brigade sing thru here new they a , i, v Oj .. .i. EDO H and • o tne tsour h East beyond. This maces ■ T 1 toward e-OUATRE & VILLERS. cuir right flank sale. Their orders take them to VI. IE.LOjMUBLAH ZY and south-east. Other Cavalry expect to come from 1st Div, front south on SO 133 OHS-- • CHATEAU THIERRY road. 4 th Machine Gun Baft]., now moving forward • Strong¬ ly recommend advance to new objective designated by corps. A.J. Bowley. B.G. He complained of lack of water etc. 3:50 P.M. P.S. C.O, 2nd Battl. 5th Marines states normal line of our objective is lightly held by French Moroccans (2:00 P.M,) from our Forth Division line to point south east edge of VIERZY. C.O. 2nd Battl. 5th saw this himself at 2 P.M. He put 100 men into this line & ordered 50 more to west line. From point 65,74 - (300 meters west of 149) 18th & 28 & 23rd Inf, have built line of rifle pits extending north east for a distance of 1 Kilometer, (saw only one company.) VIERZY is not occupied by Boche, A few Moroccans or Colonials were in VIERZY. Saw Americans (heard they were Marines h 9th Inf.) (confirmed later) in line just South of VIERZY in combat grou _ o skirmish line stand ing up. (About 2 P.M.) Heard some machine guns fire south of VIERZY 2 P 7-/T C.O. 2nd Battl. 5th Marines says tnere will be little opposition in an advance to S0IS3CFS- CHATeAU-THIERRY road especially if tanks precede them. These tanks were 3 kilometers southeast of VIERZY 2 P.M. 3 :55 Some tanks ( abcut 10) are here now. South East across field. A.J. Bowley. B.G. Some reported headed A.J .!■* From.* C.C. 12 F.A. At : VIERZY. Kow sent. Date: 18 July 16. Hour: 9:45 PM. Ho. 5 Auto. To : C .G, 2nd F . A. Brig. Arrived here 9 P.M. with Gen. Ely. Our infantry is reported at road crossing lV Km. northeast of here. Te have been shelled constantly x fairly heavily for the past half hour, A.M. July 19, 1910. From: At : Date : To : Capt . S, Knopf - 12 F.a. Adj . Beaurenaire. July 19. Hour 10:10 All General p owley. 1st pn. How sent tanner No more troops on Hill soatii of CHAREY-TIGNY and North and West of Villemontoire. Heavy shelling G f road south of these two points & running e. & \v. Enemy using time shell & shrapnel. Knopf . No time indicated. July 19, 1918. Ferme BEAUREPAIRP. Lt. Kane reports at 11:15: Tanks and men entering VIERZY. "A" Battery, 15th F.A. now firing east of VIERZY. 11:45, "B" Battery 15th F.A. in position here - 11:45. Lt. Kane reports 9th, 23rd line at -- 61.30 - 63,80 to 68 .67 . Machine gun fire s,nd snipers apparently between VAUX- CASTILLE and VIERZY (12:15). Seen^from VAUXCASTILLE• HYDE. P.M. July 19, IS 18. From: C.O. 12 F.A. At: VIERZY. No.5 How sent Date: 19 July 18. Hour 12:30 P.M. Lt. Durr. To : 2 D A C Our infantry shown on sketch. Marine advance was checked with 30 or 40 per cent losses, I sent message to you at 11:15 by Marine officer asking for heavy fire on TIGNY and PAROY-TIGNY: also counter battery work. Fire of 105 and 77 has been constant on VIERZY all day, I intercepted cole's battalion and put it back in old position. Mb Closky. July 19, 1916. From: Gant. s. Knopf. 12:30 P.M. Adj. 1st Bn. 12 F.A. ^o : General Bowley. 4 Ho change observed save an increase in activity of artillery all long line . The Chateau-Thierry Road is being shelled with all calibres botn time fuse R percussion being employed. Tne road south of CIIAREY-TIGMY continues to be sneiled. Many small groups of men have been observed on Hill ii '•* of villemontci re headed in this direction. Knopf . P,M. 1913 . July 19, From: At : Date : To : C.0. 12 F»A. VIERZY• 19 July 18. Hour 12:50 2 D.A.C. How sent Ho. 6. Lt. Durr Your 11:45 a M just received, There is no French liaison ofiicer with Gen. Ely who received an unconfirmed report that PARCY-TIGHY is held by French. MC Closky. Hdqrs, 2nd F.A. Brigade. -- BEAUREPAIRE• 1:30 P,M.. July 20th. From: C .G. 2nd F.A, Brigade. 70: C.G., 2nd Division. gubject: Receipt of Army orders directing 2nd F.A, to remain on duty with 58th Division, !• Attached hereto copy of orders directing this Brigade to remain in place. The adjutant oi the 2nd F.A, Brigade, So. ol RIVIERES. lie will make all arrangements for return of Brigade to this point, 12th F.A. and Batteries E & F 17th F.A. are in place. Other organizations should be ordered to return here immediately. All artillery ammunition trucks and wagons should be held for the exclusive use of hauling ammunition. if the infantry of Division is moved away tne mobile Repair Shop should be kept in this vicinity. Request necessary orders covering above points at once. A, J. BOWLEY •' Brig, Gen. H.A, Kq. 2nd F.A. Brigade, July 20, 1918 - 4:10 P.M. From: Commanding General, 2nd F.A. Brigade, To: Chief of Staff, 2nd Division, Am. E.F. Subject: Return of rule Am balances. 1. Request that all mule ambulances of the 2nd F.A. Brigade, which were loaned temporarily to the medical corps, be sent back immediately to their organizations. 2. Ambulances which have not been returned should report to these headquarters at Beaurepaire for instructions as to how they shall reach their units. A.J- BOWLEY* Botes: Hospitals at TAILLEFOHTAIHE Also informed of na ny wounded at CREPY without mddical attention. lies sage delivered to col, Hanna at TAILLEFONTAIHE 'at 6:55 P.T.L HERB ST , Ho time indicated. July 22, 1918. Telephone conversation - Hq. 20th Corps - C.G. 2nd F.A. Brigade - night July 22-23. Hq. 20th Corps. "General Bowley? You will be relieved tonight General Bowley - "Impossible, question of honor. I have here 6000 obus belonging to the Boches that must be sent back before we leave... besides that I am in very good form to support the attack ordered for tomorrow. P Sept. 11, 1918. 6:00 P,M. , September 11, 1918. Information received from C.O. 2nd Ammunition Train on the preparations for small Arms Ammunition supply. Wagon co . Calibre .30 . 846,000 Calibre ,45 . .... 86,000 30 Trucks . 4 trucks Pyrotechnics, 8 trucks Stokes 3" (3579) 2 trucks 37 n/m (5,214 Cast, (1,023 Steel, ( 648 H.E. 1 truck - 2,000 C.F. -2,400 F-l. 1 truck V.B. ........ 5,150 2 trucks Hotchkiss strips - 115,974, 11 trucks Chauchat .. - 734,250 29 1 truck - To fill with cal, ,30. unless needed lo pyrotechnics. A»iil • From: C ,0 . 15 th At : P.C . m Boi Date : 12 S ept, 19 To : C.G. 2 F • A. Ify F , G . is 236,0 (about 700 me Sept. 12, 1918. How sent i. Runner: ho. J.R. Davis Lt> Col . From our O.P. at 6:40 A.LI, our infantry in column of fours was seen entering the southern edge of BQIS da FOUR. - U.S. ARMY FIELD I'ESS AGE • From: C.0, 15th F,a. At; P.C. How sent Date: 12 Sept. 1918, Hour 11:05 a.M. Runner To: C G 2nd F .A . Brigade. Condition of road from old 15th F.A. position near Bridge on HSTZ road to REITOHVILLE poor with many improvised trench crossings, J.R. DAVIS Lt, Col. P, M. >ept 12 .913 U. S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE• From: C.O. 15th F.A, At: p.C. How sent Date: 12 Sept, 1918, Hour 13:10 Runner To: C.G. 2nd F,A . Brigade. (Cont'd. next page.) P . M Cept. 12, 1913. (Cont’d, from last pa^e,) Polling "barrage between completed, 1st Bn 15th p.A. on the southern slope of the of the BOIS d« HEICHE. 2nd Bn laid on standing awaits orders. My P.C. now moves to 36 1st PHASE and 1st DAY line is now en route to a position East and West ridge just north barrage in front of 1st DAY 1.8 - 240,45. J.R. DAVIS, Lt. Col. Prom: C.G. 2nd f.A. Brig, At: Loge Mangin Date: 12 Sent. 18, Hour; 6:35 p»M. To: c.O. 15th F.A. Yours of 2:50 P.M* just received. Move 2nd Battl to vicinity of 365.5 - 240,5. Ammunition dump is at Limey make every effort to get up ammunition. Our infantry holds the Army Line, Bosches are probably occupying Hindenburg line. Arrange with Infantry for barrage protection tonight. Keep in touch with me here. Bowley. Sept, 12 , 1918. Prom: Intell, Officer 15th p.A, 19 h. To: Brigade Commander 2nd p.A, Thi aucourt Infantry is being counter attacked on line 1st day. bill probably need barrage during night. Must have telephone line to this position at once via Thiaucourt and must have barrage when called for during night. Blinkers needed also. Urgent, Douglas. Heed Heavy barrage. U.S. ARMY FIELD IVIES SAGS Adj , ('-P.A , Bgde » LOGE MAH GUT How sent Sent, 12 Hour 11:45 p ,M. No, 3 Lt. Goodenough, Gapt. Davis, Genl. Bov/ley directs you get in communication with Col, Chaplin, corps Arty, and request he move a 105 Btry with as much ammunition as possible to the front - to do interdiction % ha rassing on extreme rear areas. If necessary see col, Ray and have him get some action in order to make the corps Arty move that battery with speed. 12th - 10 Bn has received 16 caissons, its own combat train, but is shooting it up pretty fast, Boche Arty pretty active on front line. Many fires to left flank in hills. Enemy counter-attacked 9th Inf, tnis evening - with not much success, p.c. 3rd & 4th Bgde at Thiaucourt. Genl. Bowley has requested you % rest of outfit rove early tomorrow less An, detail. Show tnis to Col. Ray for his info. Burr. requests rockets, flares & Amin. From: At : Date : To : Inftry. No time indicated. Sept 12, 1918. From C.O. At N e ar Date Sept To C.G. We had 0 f t r ench a front of 91 attac k. We P.C. 9 th, P,C. Work 15th F.A, TH I ... . ! . 12, 18. 2d F.A. Brig difficulties getting 'OSS «L raaz 8 nd wire, There has been great activity in h Inf. this afternoon including small coante: have liaison with 'both battalions and Regt, flso we are laying 2 telephone lines to -L'xl o the The telephone personnel Infantry line but we IN to the utmost. that we will expedi here is laying P the line to LOSE ’ ,re will put down the raking barrage on southern edge .bOIS DU HURT at once and will send a liaison officer to 23rd Inf. J.R. DAVIS, Lt* Col. F.A. A.M. Sept. 15, 1918. September 13th, 1 918. #*'1. Received 12:02 A.M. September 13. 1918. The following message was sent by phone to Surprise "A 1 ' Relay Wire, to be transmitted to either Generals Lejeune or Ely; General Ely was heavily counter attacked at 11 o’clock. I am out of touch with the 75" s, Ely says: "Must have barrage," Am calling on all army and corps artillery that I can reach, Ely has no signal rockets. Am sending an aeroplane to give barrage signal along his front. Brigade of the 78 th Division and machine gun Battalion ordered to his support. Should arrive about 3 A.M. Am¬ munition coming up - artillery and rifle, Army says: "St * Hihiel is won provided Ely holds." Get barrage down for him. Answer, Rhea. 1‘25 AoM, Sept. 13, 1918. - From 2nd F.A. Brigade. Colonel Rhea: Everything going 0.K, Hostile fire practically noth¬ ing. We have 2 Bns 75’s and 1 Bn. 155 ; s executing sweep¬ ing and harassing fires. No (Message incomplete) From: C.O. 15th F.A. At : P. C. Date: 13 Sept. 1918, Hour: 5:35 A.M. No. 10 How sent To 5 C.G. 2nd F.A. Brigade. Runner, The 2nd Bn, 15th F.A, is now in position Southwest of BOIS D : HEICHE at 365.3 - 238.8. J.R. DAVIS, Eg. Col. Sept. 13, 1918, 7:10 A.M. C.O, 15 F.A. The C.G, 2nd Brigade F.A. directs that the Colonel support the 5th Infantry only from now until further or¬ ders. The 12th is now suoportirg the 23rd. 7:55 A.M. 13 Sept. 1918. Lt . Stevens / A. M. September 13, 1918. From: C. G. 2nd F. A. Bede. At : LOGE MANGIN (430 or 7:30 A.M. Time doubtful) Bate: Sept. 13, Hour: 7:30 A.M. No:6. How Sent: io ; Col. Davis, Liaison Officer. C.G. 2nd Division extremely anxious to know present state of affairs on our Infantry front line. Request info, from 23rd & 9th as soon as pobbible and expedite these Hdqrs . C.G. desires to learn whether Infantry is still on its last night lines & any info re any counter attacks etc. U. E. Burr. P. M. September 13, 1918. From: Adj, 2nd F, A. Brig. At : p, C. Date: Sept. 13. Hour: 6:30 P;M. Liaison To : C. 0. 15th F. A. 89th Div. on our right is putting down 15 minute barrage at 11:40 tonight to protect reconnaissance. This for information, V. E, Burr. U. S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE From: C. 0. 15 th F A. At : t. c. Date: 13 Sept. 18. Hour. 7:00 P,M To : C. G. 2nd F. A. Brig. 1. Day passed quietly on front of Division. Reports indicate very few if any enemy in our immediate front. 9th Infantry has pushed its outposts forward to line shown on tracing herewith. Front line of Div. on sketch herewith. 2. Large quantity of HE shell fired into our lines beginning at 1:50 A.M, by a battery of 20th F. A. located at 386.25-231,55. I personally verified laying and there is no question as to the firing having been done by the battery qt that point. J, R. Davis, Lt. Col. F, A. P. d . September 15, 1918. f u S. ARMY FIELD MESSAGE. Received 9:50 P.M Prom: C.O. 2nd Bn. 9th Inf. At : JAULNY Date: 13 Sept. 18. H o ur: 8:15 P. To : C.'0. Art. Stop firing that G_ D__ Artillery. I have been sustaining heavy losses from American Artillery since 11:00 A..I, yesterday. I have had to withdraw my lines on account of American Artillery. Geo. C. Bowen, Maj. 9th Inf. C.O. 15th F.A. P. C. How Sent: 13 Sept. ISIS. Hour: 21.27 Runner. C. G. 2nd P.A. Brigade. 9th Infantry reports their lines as follows: 366.1 - 241.95 365.6 - 242.4 365.3 - 242.5 365.4 - 242.8 365.3 - 243.2 Straight across R. R. thence S. V. 300 yards. J. R. Davis, Lt. Col. A. M . Sep t ember 14, IS 18. U, S. ARMY PIELD MESSAGE From: Surprise A. Rec’d. by Boyd Date: 14 Sept. Hour: 1:33 Phone To ; Sla^rer A Enemy Battery in. front slayer shooting an our front line. Request information of probable area in which these Batteries are located. Signed Surprise "A". P. M. September 14, 1918. C. 0, 15th P. A, P. C. 14 Sept. Hour: 14:20 How Sent: Runner 0. G. 2nd P. A. Brigade. m enemy shells caliber 77-88 were fired into ravine 364.7 - 239.7 falling on our forward echelon at 14.10. Direction of fire Forth East, (Lur casualties were as follows: 1 Sgt. Maj. and 2 privates slightly wounded, 2 privates seriously wounded, 4 horses killed - 1 horse slightly wounded, and 1 mule killed and 3 mules wounded. J. R * Dav i s, Lt. Col, i r on : At : Da t e : To : m Amt Da t e To I- i.I, Jentembej .4, 1918. From C.O. 15th F,A. At T.C. Date 14 Sept 1918. Hoar 6:10 F.IJ. Ho7/ sent: Runner To C,G. 2nd F.A. Brigade. Following men of this command wounded in line of duty near C. roads 364.8 - 239.3 - at 17 : 50 Tvts, Chas L. Smith, Jr. mattery "C" Fvt. Erwin F, Erhardt Battery "0" At 15:20 Wagoner Casper Caldwell'. AH slightly wounded - all evacuated. J. R. Davis. Lt. Col. From At. Date To: C.O. loth F.A. R.C. 14 Sept 1918. Hour 18:10 C,G. 2nd F.A, Brigade. H o w s ent Run n er, Tne following message received at 18:10 from our Li airs on Officer with the 5 th liar in es. "The 5th llarines are sending out patrols at 18:30 who are to reconnoiter along the RUTT de HAD about 2 kilometers several hundred yards beyond m01S de la HOKTAOfrE. If successful ouuposts will be established, There will be no artillery fire until you receive orders by telephone or messenger from me. From At Date To Shop 6. I< C. Slap 7, Sept. 14, 1918, Hour Surprise 6 (2nd F.A.B. ) L O W sent Oh.30 By mounted courier. Increased enemy artillery fire on Slap sector since harassing and interdiction fire continuous from 16 h to 19_h._ Desultory fire only from 19 h to 20 h 30. A; nfi J; ade ldrs on valley and slopes between JAULTY and iniAUCOuRi, from an enemy battery apparently located, north east oi REkBERCOURT. Assume that adjustment is made by enemy balloon in same neighborhood. Talloon has excellent view of locality mentioned. Enemy fire is opened quickly when persons pass through s^id sector. Eeavy harassing fire also on right of Slap sector from dc ^ c0 --8^h 30, Enemy plane brought down within our lines on rim t of Slap Sector at about 17 h by machine gun fire from tne ground. Aviator wounded. Shops normal bnrrame was suspended art 18:30 on order of^Slap 7 until ordered resumed by Slap 1. Slap is sending oa patrols along Rbl I de TAD, to advance approximately as far as east and west line running thru northern point of oe la cIOiTTAGLE. In absence of resistance supports will £01 1 be sent and line organized. There is a captured ene:. v battery ox 6 in howitzers (3 pieces) in LOIS du FEY at 364.7 - 241.7 parts to fire about artillery mater Sights missing bu' and 24 rds one piece ia.l this sector souvenirs. optical instruments etc. other ,: msethere are enough of ammunition. liuch fine cattered aroun which should be salvaged, being looted Lalcolm Douglas 1st Lt. P. M. September Id, 1018. 1:10 P.k. September 15, lcl8. Message from adjutant 2nd P* A, Brig, dated at 1 p. M. 15th P. A. reports that 5th Marines reports: "Their troops have not advanced further than the northern edge of LOIS de la MONTAGUE. \7. E. Burr, Maj. P. A. adjt. Headquarters 2nd P. A. Brigade, 2nd Div. 15th Sept. 1918. 6:30 P.M. Memorandum to C. 0. 12th and 15th P. A. German counter attack expected, be on the alert. By Command' Brigadier General Bov/ley, Y7. E. Burr, Major Pield Artillery, Adjutant. Received 6:o5 P.M. Sept. 15, 1918. No time indicated. September 15, 1918. I* But in line to Col. Bowley at LOGE MANGIN thru central at THIAUCOURT or direct. II. Conserve ammunition. III. Must get ammunition. No time indicated. September 16, 1918. Headquarters, 2nd P. A. Brigade. 2nd Division. 16th September 1918. Memorandum: To C. 0. 12th 15th and 17th P. A. 1. Arrangements have been made at the Ammunition Dump at LIMEY for expediting the loading of your caissons as you pass thru. Commanding Officer, Ammunition Train will post guides to direct caissons. Request you inform your battalion and Battery commanders in order to prevent confusion. By Command of Brigadier General -Bowley, .7. E. Burr. P. M, September 17, 1918. September 17, 1918. 16 h 00. At : P. C. Pabric. Prom: Shop 6. To : Shop 1. Attached sketch shows present disposition of Pabric as certified to by Pabric 6 and Pabric 7 at this moment. Douglas. 1918. No tine indicated. October 2, Kdqrs. 2nd F. A. brigade, October 2, 1918. C. 0. 15th F. a. 1 Caisson Co. has been ordered to report to you not letter than hour H to acconpany moving battalion. It will make onetrip as at LIMEY and then return to command of 2nd 0. B. Houckreger, 1st Lt. E. A. A. M. October 3, 1918. 8:e2 A. H. c c tober 3, 1918. 1IH From 2nd F. ^. brigade to 2nd Division. Liaison Oiiicer of the 15th F, A. with 3rd brigade reports infantry has obtained objective and many prisoners taken. 8:35 A. 1.1. To: C. 0. 15th F. A. 11:30 A.M. C. G. 2nd F. -A. Edge, dmrects that the movement of the Ln. in rear, just ordered forward, be suspended, until the n that moved forward first has rotten in place and is rea.dy to fire. On reverse side. C.O. 15th F.A. Rush. il. E. burr, Maj. F. A. Adj. Oct. 3, 1918. Rec. 12:47. Oct.3 1918 F.M. October 3, 1918. 12:11 P ,M. Message from Adj. 2nd F.A. brigade to G-3 office, Oct. 3, 1918. . n German officer reports that there is no line of resistance on which the Germans could make a stand up to 20 kilos, north of SOMME-PY. that the reserves at oresent are north of ST. ETIENNE. Above statement made to the Int. Off. 12th F. A. 12:25 P,M, October 3, 1918. Message fr Major burr, Adj. 2nd F. A. brig, to 2nd Div. It is reported by Colonel Davis says that the 3rd brigade is apparently on its objective and is digging in; that the C. 0, 23rd Infantry has sent one battalion forward for reconnaissance of combat patrol. Unable to locate the C.O. 9th Infantry, but was informed that the 9th was digging in on its objective. Enemy artillery very active and aviation very active. October 3rd, 10:35 P.M. Major burr reports to G-3 office that in 15 minutes he will have the heavies fire on two of the M.G. nests re¬ ported by Feland. The third, the one on Felands right front, we are afraid to fire on at present on account of the reported nearness of Ely’s troops to that point. P ,M. October 3, 1910. Message received from Liaison officer 12th F.A. with Marine Brigade, dated 6:00 V .11. Oct. 3, 1910. "French still inKAI SERTREU Woods." Under present artillery scheme this woods will be fired on tomorrow morning. Request necessary action to have these men removed. For g-3 11 P.M. Called up Lt. Livingston, general promised to attend to A«J. Bowley, Brig. Oen. F.A. Per m.A. Hyde 1st Lt. F.A. Time 10:50 p,M. Liaison 21" Division & his this. Rhea. A.3M• . October 5, 1918. Memorandum in conjunction with telephone conversation with Gen. Neville. Rec'd. by c. of s. from 2nd F.A. Bgde. Oct. 5, 1918. 1. 3rd battalion 6th Marines attacks machine guns west in following rectangles after preparation by artillery:- 265.79 -281.0 266.04 - 281.12 265.9 - 280 .3 266.2 - 280.4 2. 12th F.A. 6th Battery - executes fire on rectangle from 5:15 a.M. to 6:15 A.M. Expenditure - 600 rounds. 3. 17th F.A. One battalion will execute fire on same rectangles from 5:00 A.M. until 6:15 a.M. Expenditure of ammunition 200 rounds. 4. infantry- requested to withdraw 500 to 600 meters from edges of rectangle. W.E. Burr Ilaj , F.A. Headquarters 2nd F.A. Brig. Oct. 5, 1913. 1:30 a.M. 11:45 A.M. Oct. 5, 1913. Message from 2nd F.A. Brig to G-3. Slight firing around 1st objective. Large concentrations of enemy observed four kilometers due west of MACHAULT • At the request of the Inf, a barrage was fired at 12:01,A.M. on the line 485.48 - 52,47 which was reported very effective and drove out the Boche. Immediately afterwards more fire on line par¬ allel to that end and 500 meters northeast. Trenches at 254. - 285.9 full of Germans, 1:00 P.M. October 5, 1913, Message from 2nd F.A. Brigade. Colonel Holabird reports that his liaison officer with the marines has reported that the marines are just south of ST, ETIENNE. General Bowley has. ordered his battalion of the 12th F.A. forward to support their advance. 2:55 P.M. October 5, 1910. - Message from 15th F.A. thru 2nd F.A, Brigade to 2nd Division, An officer from the 3rd Group of the 259th French artillery which is supporting the infantry attack on our right, states that the attack has failed owing to intense hostile machine gun fire, and that no advance was realized. A new attack will be launched this afternoon. r.M. October 5, 1918. °’Oo I.M. October o, 1918. Message from Gen, Ely to Artillery thru 0.0, 15th F.A. ord Brigade line extends from 1 kilometer south¬ east of ST. ETiSNEE. southeast to MBDEAH Earn (Railroad, 5:3cgI.H. Oct. 5, 1918. (Mess. reed, from Art. Hq. by G~ 3, ) Art. Liaison Officer (15th F.A.) reports 7 or 8 shots 1 pounder on C.O. 2ord Inf. P.C. at 145 (6.2- 2.5; from direction G.S.31. 7:25 p.M, Oct. 5, 1918. Firing again on P.C. 23rd. Gen 7 l Bov/ley notified personally by C-en'l Ely. None cf the above firing was done by 15th Art. or attached troops. 9:20 P,M. October 5, 1918, Thru General Bowley. Reports that when Colonel Quinton was in cur 1st lines this P,M, he located a strong point of resistance wmch contained one German company with numerous machine guns, which he saw firing on our troops. This point is at 06,36 and is isolated - there being no Germans to the left cf it. Colonel Quentin was in our lines on the ST, ETIE31NE* ST,. PIERRE road when he located this point. Reo'd. by Gen. Bowl ey at 9:10 P .M. Rec-’d. 22; 00 HEADQUARTERS., 2nd F 5 Oct. 1918. SECOND DIVISION, 5t MEMORANDUM: To C.O.’s 12th and 15th F.A. and wound ini i our BRI GADE. ; t • 1918. „ 5 P.M. two men by ,ny f IT 2 Hr ep e r t r e- :ral , 2nd suit of investigations to the Commanding General, 2nd F.A P Brigade, without delay, determining if possible, the responsibility. By Command of Brigadier General Bowley, Vo. E, BURR. Major, Field Ariillsry, Adjatant. A,M. October 6, 1918. 9:30 A.M. Oct. 6, 1918. From 2nd F.A. Brigadie (Thru Col. Sparks. 17th F.A.) (To 2nd Div.) 17th Field Artillery captured: 2-77’s„ 7000 rounds of Munition which they are now using on the Boche. No tine indicated. October 6, 1918. Memorandum: At 6:15 A.M. General Bowley called up and said that arrangements for the attack on M.G. nests to S.E. of ST. ETIENNE having been made by Col. Lee and C.O, of the 25rd and final plan approved and put .into effect by the artillery. When the artillery opened fire at 5:30 the C.O. of the 5th requested that the fire be stopped as a line of red rockets (which means "Artillery is falling short"), had been sent up by our front line and that men of the 6th were running back through his line. Surprise A called up but could not get C.O. of the 6th but he did get the 3rd Brigade who said that the rockets were Boche. he continued the artillery fire and called up General Neville to report. The Adjutant 4th Brigade called up the Adjutant of the 5th Marines who did not seem to have much information on the subject and then tried to call up the C.O. 6th but telephone was out of order. It would seem from the line of the attack and prepared map giving route of proposed barrage that everything is O.K. If any Marines were running back from the front line it was because they did not withdraw to required 500 yards dis¬ tance from barrage line, the distance was agreed upon as the safety line to our troops when artillery is using heavy calibre high explosive shells. Attempt is being made to get further information on tne subject. The C.O. 3rd Bn. of the 5th who made origi¬ nal report cannot be had on telephone as line is cut out. From Fey: Seven minutes to seven. Slap 2 phoned in that runners had reported to him that shells were fall¬ ing to their right rear of the 18 th Co. about 45$, Thir¬ teen minutes after 7, well to the right front, green rockets went up which is supposed to be "heavy artillery falling short." t). A. M. October 0, 1010. C.O. 15th F.A. H= 5:15 A.M. October 0, 1910. w. S, burr. O.bO A.ii. October Oth. Message from liaison - b • ^ ri G- with 3rd Lrig. to G-3 office. officer of 2nd ,, The artillery is now holding a standing barrage on tre f inn.1 ^ o bjective. The Infantry on the right and left ave a - their first objective. Don’t know how they are on the final objective. Have not anything from the lef battalion which went out as combat liaison. That is, we have nt received any report from the combat liaison. 9:00 A.II, October 0, 1910. D. A.) To 2nd Division. From General Bowley (From loth -krt the Colonel said he had received word from the 2 colonels of infantry: one on the left said he had been neid up, but did not say where he had been held up: one on the right progressing. th e Hq. av i s accompanying artillery, is moving forward with the 3rd Brigade Commander, With each battalion an artillery officer with 4 runners is with the battalion commander. Liaison reported o«Ki P* M. November 3, 1918. Hq, 2nd F.A. Brigade. 2:0 5 p,M, Nov* 3, 1918. Arrived at p. c, in POSSE 2:05 p,M* Hq. 2nd F.A. Brigade. 4:30 P.M, Nov. 3, 1918. v Moved to BELLEVUE FME and established p.c. No time indicated. Nov, 3, 1918. Hq. 2nd F,A. Brigade, Nov, 3♦ To; C.O. 9th Inf, Artillery will keep fire on your immediate front until 14:30 hours at which time each regiment w r ill pass a batt¬ alion thru and advance via rtads thru forest to high ground on north edge of woods. Formations will go on road in broken columns, a battery of artillery will follow leading battalion. Artillery will support the advance by a rolling barrage covering the roads and 200 yards on each side . Machine gun ammunition is coming up, - also motorized 4th Machine Gun Battalion, When you reach objective reach out and connect with Stoners left and dig in, sending patrols to the front of woods toward BEAUMONT. The marines follow/ closely. Your limits are marked on map. Congratulations, Rhea, Substance of above transmitted to surprise and relayed by them to Sister. a. II. November u, 1918. Hq. 2nd F. A. brigade. About 10:20 A. M. Nov. 4th. Arrived at P. C. LA FORGE HIE. Notified Surprise that LEaUHONT w&l captured night of 3/4 and mopped up in morning. o 1. Davis instructed to put harassing fire on our front 9:3^ co 11:30 November 4th, avain from 12 to 2:00. No vember 5, 1918. Hq. 2nd F. A, Brigade. 12:00 Noon. Nov. 5th. Nov. 5th,' 1918. Arrived at P. C. in BEAU3EJOUR FME. P. M. November 5, 1918. Hq,. 2nd F. A. Brigade. 4:40 p. M. Nov. 5th. Received F. 0. from Division directing a reconnaiss¬ ance on front and continued advance with a view to crossing the river. Hq, 2nd F, A. Brigade. 5:30 P. M. Ncv. 5th. .Man brought forty prisoners by. From information gleaned think are on objective. Phone Surprise to that effect. Reserve battalion 23rd in position. From (Adj. 23rd Inf) Hq. 2nd F. A, brigade. About 6:30 p. M. Nov. 5, 1918. Telephoned Surprise 3, and Col. Davis reference to large German convoy leaving M0UZ0N, Huns in barn at cross roads one kilometer south of I.IOUZON. (received above infor¬ mation by aeroplane) Gave the status of 3rd Brigade to Col. Beebe - status as of Nov, 5th? Hq. 2nd F. A. brigade. 10:30 P. II. Nov, 5th. Received order from Division that 3rd Brigade moved to the woods above SARTELLE HIE and seises the bridges reported previously near that point. The 1st Division will advance from the rear of the 3rd urigade to MGUZON and after pass¬ ing 3rd Brigade, the 3rd Brigade will follow the 1st Div¬ ision, protecting its right flank. The 4t. rrigade will oe ordered i.p and will relieve the 3rd Brigade at the first opportunity. Asked Surprise 7 for some maps asking G-2 to start them out tonight as we must have them by morning. . P .M. November 5, 1918. Pq. 2nd P.A. Brig. 11J20 P.M. Nov. 5, 1918. Gave operations officer 320th P.A. order to get word to his Commander of Artillery not to fire short of 314 . Hq. 2nd P.A. Brig. 11:45 P.M. Nov. 5, 1918, Asked Colonel Davis to move his rear batteries forward if possible starting immediately. Col. Davis moving 1 En, up. Hq. 2nd P.A. Brigade. 11:48 P.M. Nov. 5, 1918. Col. Rhea gave Col. Van Horn verbal orders cover- mg the advance, also giving him Col, Stone’s instruc¬ tions, Do not occupy B0I3 RUPT until 1st Division gets up to help in the fight. Hq. 2nd P.A. Brigade, 11155 P.M. Nov. 5, 1918. .Col. Van Horn is sending Regiment up thru BEAUMONT putting some companies on ridge and telling them to dig m. Hq. 2nd P.A. Brigade. Nov. 5, 1918. 12:00 Midnight. Sink 1 phoned Surprise 1 it is already to move and going good. A.M. Nov. 6, 1918. Hq, 2nd F• A, Brigade. .0 3 hours Nov. 6, 1918, Gave orders (or asked) C.O. Bn, 317th Artillery not to shoot where our troops will pass thru. Hq. 2nd P.A, Brigade. 00.40 Hours Nov. 6th, Battalion Commanders 9th Inf, arrived at P.C. Situation was explained to them in detail and necessary orders given Col, Van Korn instructed them each verbally also. Col, Rhea said if not too big a fight to take VILLEMONTRY. Hq. 9th Inf. Snow 1 from Snow 11, 6:10 A.M, Nov. 6, 1918, Rear of leading element 1 kilometer north of BEAU¬ MONT . No resistance. Hq. 2nd P.A. Brigade. 11:20. Nov. 6, 1918. Arrived c.u P.C. in BEAUMONT. P.C. was established there at 10:00 A.M. but detachment arrived at 11:20 A.M. 13:45 P.H., Nov. 6, 1913 F.A. to 2nd v .a . Brigade Nov. 6, 1913. :a;:e by telephone from 13th I have beer oat. to th thing seems to be quiet. v/e nave forward positions e front looking things over. Every¬ one battery in action; that was all prepared for an eventual rove. Mq., 2nd F.A. Brigade - 5:30 p, .., Nov. 6, 1513. to hii 2ol . Rhea asked Colonels Stone and Van. Horn to come ’. llJ ^oference to Field Orders No. 56, - explaining that we go. into liOUZOil without resistance, v/e are to go to SEDAN (a. out 30 kilometers) . Have no details as yet but a re'"to ^ o °vv ^arines . Told col. Van Horn, to leave one platoon on nj.ll ana two platoons a little further up. Col, Van Horn , at YONCQ, Col. Stone to assemble at BEAUHONT • Artillery to follow in command. Infantry of 3rd Brigade dj , Brainard Hq., 2nd F.A. Brigade - 3:15 P.E., Nov. 6, 1913. Called Shop 11 and told him nerhaps not moving till in trie morning. Would let him know. No tine indicated. .Hq. r 2nd F.A, Brigade. Nov. 6 1 1918. Orders received to be following the 4th Brigade Prepared to move to SEDAN tonight, , which will follow the 1st Division. A.M. . da., 2nd F.A. Brigade. 1:40 A.'h , Division. Order received to extend front move p.c. to YOHCQ,. Nov. 7, 1918 . Nov, 7, 1913. From 2nd to include UOUZON and to Hq., 2nd F.A. Brigade - 1:45 a.H Col. Van Horn instructed to I.I0NTRY and one company to UOUZON ., Nov. 7, 1918. send one c o inp any to occupy those to VILLE- places , A M November 7, 1918. Iiq « 2nd F.A. Br i gad e . 8:40 A*M ♦ Ncv , 7 , 19 18 *nd Division extends further north, 3rd burprise Sector of Brigade organized and holds the line of the MEUSE from LETANNE to M0UZ0.N both inclusive and reconnoiter River crossing, Patrols will gain contact east of the MEUSE. The 4th Brigade moves to EOIS d* YONCQ,. Troops in vi¬ cinity of BEAUMONT will move in small detachments to observation* 4th Brigade will not move through BoiAUMOnT» Liaison detachments: 89th Div* have agreed to send one platoon and two machine guns to a point 500 yards south of BEAUMONT to combine with a similar detach¬ ment from the 3rd Brigade* November 7th. P.C. 2nd Division to P.C. 3rd Brigade - YONCQ,. Will get them by 8:00 A.M. be announced later. P.C- 4th Brigade - FLABA. Hq. 2nd F.A. Brigade. 10:40 A.II. Nov. 7, 1918. CaHed Surprise and told them M0UZ0N not yet cleaned out, ,:e are cleaning out now. Hq. 2nd F.A. Brigade. 10:45 A.M, Nov. 7, 1918. „ . Called Colonels Stone and Van Horn and ashed them to ”sit tight.” 7/e received word from Surprise not to move P.C, or troops. Hq, 2nd F.A, Brigade. About 11:00 A.M. Nov, 7, 1918. Asked artillery put a good concentration on ST-, REMY Fifx:,,, tonight as much B0SCHE circulation noted there, per¬ haps P.C, Hq. 2nd F.A. Brigade. 4:43 P.M. Nov. 7, 1918. From: Surprise. 1st Division is cut of line. 77th Division holds from near MOUZON to PETIT REMILLY along the MEUSE. Ob¬ tained liaison with 77th Division. Report situation, snipers and machine gunners near MOUZGN. Hq. 2nd F.A. Brigade. 8:50 P.M. Nov. 7, 1918, Surprise 7 called Sink 1 and. said: Pursuant to Corps orders, the Division Commander directs that you push, strong patrols across the MEUSE and maintain contact with enemy. Told them no bridges in our area. We are in contact now. Sent two men last night and looked it over personally and can 5 1 cross. Are we to hold other side? Will lose any patrols sent over. Divi¬ sion said send strong patrols across river and gain con¬ tact with the enemy. Col Rhea answered: We have contact now. We have been shooting at them all day and they at us. We will either have to call that contact or wait until tomorrow night and cross in force if we have place to cross. Could cross at POUILLY (Con’td next page) P.M. November 7, 1918, (Con’td. from last page) but out of our area. Could put strong force across at nirht, crossing at POUILLY but foolish put patrols across ^as will lose them, \Je saw their relief tonivht. About fifty machine gunners in shell holes, etc. Have ordered artillery fire on point they concentrated at. No time indicated. Nov. 7, 1918. Pq. Pnd F.A. Brigade, November 7, 1918. Commanding General directed Lt. Col. Corey to be rtturned to 23rd Inf. and we are to write a letter reference to Lt. Col, Zane’s reclassification. Hq, 2nd F.A. Brigade, November 7, 1918. Told Surprise we have had men up and down this side of river and find that enemy holding with Machine Guns and^ trench mortars. Trench mortars firing on locks. Lacnine Gun nests open up whenever we expose ourselves. Can’t cross river to make patrols on other side. Col. artillery to put concentrations on SENEGAL irnm, , , FME, ST. REMY and FME, VIGNERON which were P.C.’s or other important enemy points. The concentration to start at night and intermittently during the nivht, (6:00 P.M, artillery opened up on SENEGAL EME. A.M. November 8, 1918. From: C.0. 12th F.A. At : P.C. YONCQ,. Date: 8 Nov. 18. Hour : 10.00. To : Ad jutant, 2nd F.A. Brigade. Regimental and Btn P.C.’S in YONCQ,. 1st Btn in po¬ sition 304.2 -312.7. 2nd Btn 303,6 - 318.4 ready to fire. Suggest proper authority be sent to look into ques¬ tion of civilians in this town, evacuated from MQUZON, Approx. 500 in the vicinity evacuated from MOUZON, almost wholly without rations. Brig. P.C-. to be here but not yet arrived , Marched yesterday evening via BEAUMONT » very little shell fire - no casualties - good road. Tibbets, Adjutant» YONCQ, ( 500) - FLABA ( 300) - LA BBS ACE (200) Hq. 2nd F.A. Brigade. 11:35 A.M., Nov. 8, 1918. Was notified that 8C0Q rations had come in and that 5000 has been issued this morning. Nov . 8 , 1913 , P . M • . Hq. , 2nd F.A, Brigade - 12:20 P.H., Nov. 3, 1913. Asked colonel ii had any news. Asked him to make it clear to corps and Surprise 1. it is a question that needs consideration (referring to crossing the MEUSE) and couldn't "be accomplished by having the corns call us up 3:00 A.11. and "Cross the River". its a good day’s work and requires some the River". say organization. it is necessary to give us advance information HR., 2nd F.A. Brigade - 12:30 P.M., Nov, 8 , 1918. Called Lakewood 3 (corps) and colonel Rhea told Lakewood 3; Situation and that MOUZON held by enemy machine gun fire and artillery fire. That we could cross there if they wanted us to but couldn’t very well in any other part of the sector. If wanted us to cross tell us and not wait until 6:00 A.M. If we cross we should hold what we got which means cleaning up Machine Gun nests which would fill up again . if we did cross at MOUZON it was possible for the bridge to be repaired behind us and a large force go through CARIGNGN tonight. Lakewood 3 said it was not intention to cross with large force now but we should hold heights on otner side of river. Hq., 2nd F.A. Brigade - 1:15 P.11,, Nov. 8, 1918. Called Same and snow asking for number of replacements they needed in officers and men. Hq., 2nd F.A. Brigade* - 1:15 P.M., Nov, 8, 1913. Called up Same 1 (col. stone) and asked him come over to P.C. as wanted to speak to him in reference to fixing bridge at. LET ANNS * Col. Rhea said to col. Stone that bridge was blown up in center and ends kind of falling in. stone said could fix it for foot troops but not for wagons. col. Rhea said get the pioneer platoon busy and see what they could do. col. stone said would do so immediately. Hq., 2nd F.A. Brigade, 1:30 P.M., Nov, 8, 1918. Major Martin called up and said Division had given Marines the mission of crossing the river. Said was sure would get definite information soon. Hq., 2nd F.A. Brigade, 1:45 P.M., Nov. 8, 1918. Had Maj. - Brainard report at P.C. in BEAUMONT and ordered that artillery be moved forward. Major Brainard did not have sufficient time to get in position, as dark at 4:30, Said did not have any "longs" that could cover heights in front of MOUZON. Told Maj. Brainard to send some one up to reconnoiter the positions anyhow, Maj. Brainard had "dope" that we wouldn’t move and told his artillery so. Hq,, 2nd F.A. Brigade, 1:50 P.M., Nov. 8, 1918. Surprise said Sister was the unit to cross. Asked have Surprise 3 call up and let us know as soon as possible what Sink is to do, (Think we stand "pat.") P.M» ITov. 8, 191b Hq. , 2nd F.A. Brigade - 6:00 1JB , Hot, 8, 1918. 9th Infantry reports enemy activity about one mile northeast of MOUZON and around BELLEFORTE FEE. Close liaison with 77th (305 Inf.) from MOUZON up to OUTRECOURT. They hold VILLER8-de-EOUZON, one platoon on one side of River and one platoon on other side, guarding a bridge. He hears they are in AI13U 110ITT but does nor believe be true. Ho tine indicated. Nov. 8, 1918, Hq., 2nd E.A. Brigade, Nov. 8, 1918, BE a j, Wall er came to P.G. and said Sister was going to cross at 'dark. Following ridaes and push in so as ro leave 32nd Division cone through. Ma j. Lewis tc put Ma¬ chine Gun Companies in temporarily. Only orders to push over and secure a crossing until such crossing is needed. Hq. 2nd F.A. Brigade. Nov. 8, 1918, Col. Rhea told Surprise 7 we want to mop up MOUZON, I think you will spoil the plan with artillery, etc., as just crossing is best. Would like to cross at EOUZON to¬ night, if no objections. Corps said "sit tight." Burtt said better cross tonight. Asked what objections to go- ing tonight as will be stronger tomorrow. Orders were to "sit 'eight" Ma j. Bru.ce ordered by Surprise 7 thru Ma j. Waller to get his guns in position tonight, ready to fire if they cross tonight. Hq. 2nd F.A. Brigade. Nov. 8, 1918. Oapt. Fagan iBrig. Sig. Officer) said wire question was getting serious and Chief Signal Officer said would’nt move until sure. Understand Sister going to string the wire. A. i I • Nov. Q 1918. Hq. 2nd F.A. Brigade. 10:15 A.M. Nov. 9, 1918. The Colonel of the Army Artillery (large guns) came to P.G. and after talking with Colonel Rhea agreed to drop seme ”big calibre" in CARIGNCN. Is at PETITE FORET FEE; about two kilometers away, and we are considering string- ing a wire to his battery there and maintain communication with him to enable Colonel Rhea to give him any targets he might get. Hq. 2nd F.A. rrigade, 10:30 A.M,, Nov. 9, 1918, Meeting of Colonels Rhea, Stone and Van Horn in P.C. Told Col. Stone pull his outfit up in BCIS de P0URP.01T as soon as they have had chow. Then asked 77th Division if can cross their bridge (the one the 305th Inf. is hold¬ ing.) If get across.let leading Bn. mop up MOUZON and es¬ tablish a bridgehead,. Clean out the Machine Guns and as soon as you ha to cleaned them out, the engineers will re¬ pair the bridge. Other two Bns. ; to occupy high ridge north of MOUZON. Might have to mop up woods in front and then dig in. Machine Guns go with you and will get more tc play on « also artillery. Understand hour coming from Corps. Send some one up to VILLE-c..„~MGUZQN bridge to re- connoiter as don’t know how good a bridge it is and let us have a report on it. Told Col. Van Horn to relieve the (Contd. next page) (Con'td. from last page) liaison detachment of the 23rd Infantry, which is work¬ ing with the 89th Division liaison Dex. An officer from the 7 7th said "bridge at VILLER-de-MOU20 N has "been "blown up. rf q. 2nd E.A,Brigade, 12:00 Noon, Nov. 9, 1918. Called up Shop and asked Ma j . Burr to harass some Machine Guns along the road and hill which were re¬ ported to "be fairly active. P.M. Nov. 9 1 1918. Hq. 2nd F A, Brigade. 12:15 P.M. Nov. 9, 1918. Colonel Rhea gave instrucxions to Engineers in refer¬ ence to repairing "bridge. No time indicated. Nov, 10, 1918. Hq. 2nd E,a. Brigade, Nov. 10, 1918. Marine Brigade is to cross the fiver tonight. We were ordered to support them by fire. G&H Co,* 9th Inf. assigned to pull bridgeSacross, A.M. Nov. 11, 1918, telephone Message from Major Burr, ERA. Brig. 12:20 mid¬ night to G. 3, Nov. 11, 1918. Message from Capt, Davis, 4th Brigade, said they, had crossed at two places. At the northern one they had considerable difficulty due to fire but that they are across there now so apparently a crossing has been made. The Infantry has requested that there be no more firing tonight except on two towns which they had designated and that the fire on those towns cease at 1:00 o'clock. Hq. 2nd P.A, Brigade, 2:30 A.M., -Nov.11, 1918. Col. Ellis called up and requested that 1 Bn., be sent across the MEUSE to support the Marines who had effected a crossing. This battalion was sent and cross ing completed before daybreak. Tel Message to C.0. 2nd E.A. Brigade by G-3. 6:55 A.M. Nov, 11, 1918. The 89th Division wants to know if they can put ar¬ tillery fire on the town of MOULIN, Are you firing on it? I think they can fire on it all right. Hq, 2nd E.A. brigade, 11:00 A.M. Nov. 11, 1918. Armstice was signed - firing ceased. P.M, Nov. 11, 1918. November 11, 1918 - 8;50 P.M., The following telephone message sent to C.G., 4th Brigade and C.0. 3rd Brigade in compliance with Corps Order. (Also to C.0. 2nd E.A. Brigade.) The Commanding General directs that you send an of¬ ficer out to your front lines to stop all firing that may be goins? on. He wants that done irrespective of how many officers have been sent out before. Reports are coming in from Marshal Eoch that shooting is going on in our front.