LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN «aoA*3-444 l« es , Date staApX,"™ " bef ° re the £^r;-.r rsv.-r • rt-e University. mqy re »>" in dismissal f rom ^S^lJ^NOIS HBRARY AT UR8AN4 r L161— O-1096 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 /O- * r ~ta / Report No. khk ■J L- a- /Tl'LtJ, COO-1U69-0181 WEED A WONDERFUL EQUATION ELIMINATION DEVICE by CELSO JOHN FRAZAO GUIMARAES June 1971 Report No. UUU WEED A WONDERFUL EQUATION ELIMINATION DEVICE* by CELSO JOHN FRAZAO GUIMARAES June 1971 Department of Computer Science University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois 6l801 This report vas supported in part by the Department of Computer Science and in part by the Atomic Energy Commission under grant US AEC AT( ll-l)lU69» and submitted to the graduate college in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Computer Science. ERRATA TO REPORT NO. khk COO-lU69-Ol8l WEED A WONDERFUL EQUATION ELIMINATION DEVICE by CELSO JOHN FRAZAO GUIMARAES June 1971 List of Corrections p. U, line 3 I ± = I *sin( *T) should be I = I *sin(7T*T; p. 18, line 5 E C = should be E *C = p. 18, line 6 C E = should be C*E = p. 18, line 7 E E = should be E 1 **E 2 = p. 18, line 8 E +E = should be E +E = p. 18, line 8 -E should be +E p. 18, line 9 E E should be E *E p. 18, line 10 E 2 E should be E 2 *E 3 p. 18, line 11 E E, = E E should be E *E^ = E *E p. 19, lines 15, 19, and 21 Change the 5.3's and 5.1 to 6.3's and 6.1, p. 22, line 7 or '1' should be or '-!' Ill ACKNOWLEDGMENT I am indebted to the following people whose assistance was most invaluable in the preparation of this thesis. To Professor C. W. Gear for suggesting the topic and for his enlightening guidance in times of panic. To Miss Barbara Hurdle for her unmatched patience and talent in typing the manuscript. To the Graphics Group (Al Whaley, Marty Michel, Roger Haskin, John Nickolls, and Sally Wilkins) for the fruitful "rap" sessions. And to the Department of Computer Science in general for so kindly providing all the necessary facilities. IV PREFACE This thesis is a description of WEED, an algorithm r simplifying systems of equations symbolically and classifying variables r further numerical >. It J iphics- Oriented Simulation and I-bdeling System currently being developed at the University of Illinois. Through a consistent method of elimination, WEED produces a condensed system of equations and an Equivalence Table for variables, which allow for a more efficient compilation and numerical integration than would otherwise be possible. V TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1. THE MODELING SYSTEM 1 2. PK. ARIES AND OVERVIEW OF THE ALGORITHM 3 3. INPUT SPECIFICATIONS 6 k. OUTPUT REQUIREMENTS 10 5. EQUATION CLASSIFICATION Ik 5.1 Variable = Constant 16 5.2 Variable = Variable ( - 5.3 Variable = Expression IT 5.U Expression = Expression 18 6. THE PROCESS ROUTINE 19 6.1 Constant 19 6.2 Global Variable or TIME 19 6.3 Other Variable 19 6.U Binary Operation 20 6.5 Unary Operation 22 6.6 User-Defined Function 23 7. THE FINAL STAGES: NAME REASSIGNMENTS , EQUATION RESTRUCTURING AND OUTPUT 2k BIBLIOGRAPHY 26 APPENDICES 27 1 1. THE MODI. YSTEM The Geno Lon and Modeling System currently being developed at the University of Illinois has as its primary objective "to pr a tool which he can (graphically) construct models of a proposed system and analyze them for static, dynamic and oscillatory behavior. The user will have the capability to define elements which are models of individual items of his system (e.g. diodes, motors, water pumps) and specify their behavior by means of differential and algebraic equations. The elements will have terminals (e.g. wires, mechanical links, pipes) through which certain variables may be transmitted (e.g. voltage, current, torque, displacement, pressure, flow). The terminals from several elements can be connected together at nodes (connection points) to form a network . " A network may be used as an element of a larger network, and hence in a recursive fashion fairly complex networks can be constructed quite easily. The overall network is then the model of the proposed system, and is equivalent to the system of differential and algebraic equations derived from each element and node of the model. Thus the model can be completely analyzed by solving this equivalent system of equations. The user interacts with the Modeling System through a drawing program which builds data structures representing each element and network. From these, Item and Global Analyses create new data structures which no longer contain graphical information. The equations are parsed into tree structures, assigned values are substituted in the equations, and all external names are replaced with new internal pointers. WEED then simplifies the equations, classifies them according to the types of operations and variables they contain, and weeds out those which are no 2 longer needed. Variables are organized in an Equivalence Table according to their original definition, and placed into different sets depending on how they are used in the equations. New internal names are then assigned to all the variables, and *„he equations are updated and restructured into a compact format. The final stage then compiles the condensed system of equations, and solves for transient, steady-state or oscillatory response. 3 2. PRELIMINARIES AND OVERVIEW OF TOE ALGORITHM Variables contained in the system of equations are not all of the same nature. Some refer to terminals in the network, and are identified as I -variables (e.g. electrical current). Others are associated with nodes and are classed as E-variables (e.g. voltage). iOcai variables (also called internal variables) are those which are specific to an instance of element in the network. Global variables , on the other hand, are common to groups of elements (e.g. ambient temperature). The special global variable TIME is permanently assigned. Finally, parameters are those variables associated with a given type of element, whose value is specified with each instance of that element in the network (e.g. resistance of a resistor). In addition to keeping track of the above categories, WEED places all variables into four mutually exclusive sets , according to their usage in the equations : a. Set S — all global variables and variables defined by S - equations (of the form V = function (globals and constants only)). b. Set S„ — variables defined by S -equations (of the form V = function (globals, constants, and time)), and the special variable TIME. c. Set L — variables involved only in linear expressions. d. Set M — variables involved in non-linear or differential expressions. As an example, given the equations E Q = 3*E 1 * G *(E 2 +E 3 ) - 1/E^ + (E 5 +2)»T - E g «E +££ h " 3 - V 2 l x = I *sin( *T) h - • | 1 IE **£o 22* 2U 1 2 n E o = " sin(P *T) address in memory 0000 0028 i h 0007 000A 00 OE A 000U 0000 E 0011 0012 12 0012 0006 0018 18 000A 001E 0022 IE 0002 0008 22 0000 0000 28 0000 002H 2C 0007 000A OOOE 32 0005 0003 36 0008 OOlU 0018 3C 0006 0008 UO 0001 0008 _ Figure 2. Equation Format ■•- ' 0p_ Time X ' 1 1 ' Global Variable 1 Parameter 2 Internal Variable 3 E-Variable It I -Variable 5 Constant 6 Equals (=) 7 Addition (+) 8 Subtraction (-) 9 Multiplication ( *) A Division (/) B Assignment (-«- ) C Power ( **) D Max E Min F Differentiation 10 Unary 11 Function 12 User-spec fn 13 Table 1. Int Operands Halfwords X'0 f 2 Displ. in Global Name Table 2 Displ. in Parm Name Table 2 Displ. in Int. Var. Name Table 2 Numeric Name 2 Numeric Name 2 Displ. in Constant Table 2 Left-pointer; Right-pointer 3 L-ptr; R-ptr 3 L-ptr; R-ptr 3 L-ptr; R-ptr 3 L-ptr; R-ptr 3 L-ptr ; R-ptr 3 L-ptr; R-ptr 3 L-ptr; R-ptr 3 L-ptr; R-ptr 3 Operand-ptr 2 Operand-ptr 2 Fn ID#; Operand-ptr 3 Fn ID# ; /^-operands ;operand-ptrs >_ 3 Internal Codes for Equation Nodes 10 • • OUTPUT REQUIREMENTS The output consists of a Table Block and an Equation Block, iepicted Li ; ;re 3. The Table Block consists of the Constant Tab. ig possl- litions create: - le WEED step), the input • use i. 3-referencing and diagnostics), and the . le (E'v, . ich contains all the variables ordered according to network type, with their respective new internal names (variables found to be equivalent will, of course, have the same assigned name). The Table Block also contains other necessary data, such as rs to the various tables and to the Equation Block. Upon entry to WEED, the variables are arranged in the EQV in order of ascending numeric names for each field in the table, as shown in Figure k. As the equations are processed, different types are assigned to the variables, and appropriate pointers are set for those which are found to be equivalent to other variables or to constants. During internal name reassignment, all variables are marked 'assigned' (except for those equivalent to constants), so that upon output, only three types will be present in the EQV: assigned (+V), assigned (-V), and constants. 11 12 TYPICAL CONFIGURATION TYPE VALUE EQV TYPE REPRESENTATION 1st HW 2nd HW Unused X'OO' x'00' s i 01 00 : 2 02 00 L 03 00 M oU 00 Displ. Const. in Table Assigned ( Assigned ( +v) -v) Al AF new name new name Constant CI pointer to const, table + Variable Fl ptr. to var in EQV Displ. in Table -Variable FF ptr. to var in EQV GL0BALS ( nsra VARIABLES parameters/ - I-VARS <« .alfword-*.-«Halfword-». Figure k. Equivalence Table The Equation Block consists of three sub-blocks corresponding to the three different sets of equations. The equations take a form similar to the input equations, with two differences: 1. Operation nodes incorporate operands which are variables, their pointer fields being replaced by the corresponding new variable names. The remaining pointers to other nodes take on a negative value, in order to differentiate from variable names. 13 General equations are put in the form = expression, and the is replaced by a new variable of the set DY, where the DY's are numbered starting at n c + n^ + n + n S l S 2 L . -gure 5 illustrates the modifications performed on the example of Figure 2. M" '6 B = l DYfji^« | A ^ ^C E + 1 En 1^- 1 10 * Sfr lU p. 1 sin /• | 16 * -l8 1A 1 * IP-.IT j next general equation DY = E + sin(P *T) A next S -equation I G-i | 10* 12 I 6 | 8 | I. = 1 + G. Address In Memory 0000 001C k 0007 0123 FFF6 A 0008 0069 FFF0 10 0012 0006 FFEA 16 000A 0033 0017 ASSUMING var new name DY o 123 E o 69 p l 33 T 17 X 3 269 G l 1 Address h A 10 In Memory 0000 001^ 0007 0269 fff6 0008 FFF0 0001 0006 0008 Figure 5- Output Equations Ill >. EQUATION CLASSIFICATION For this and the following sections, the flow charts provided in the Appendices should be useful as an aid to understanding the ..m. Upon entry, 3 goes through an initialization phase, in which s an area for the output Table Block, copies the Name Tables and Constant Table from the input area, sets pointers to the different tables, and zeroes out the Equivalence Table. It is then ready for the Equation Classification stage. WEED takes each equation in turn, replaces the '=' in the first node by a '-', and calls upon the PROCESS Routine (described in section 6 ) to determine the types of expressions on the left and righthand sides of the equation. PROCESS travels recursively down the tree, performing simplifications as it goes along, and returns two pairs of numbers representing the left and right expression types. Every expression has two numbers associated with it: one (referred to in the program as EXPTP, LX or RX) which gives an indication of the structure and complexity of the expression; and another (referred to as S1S2EXP, S1S2LX, or S1S2RX) which indicates whether the expression is type S , S , or neither. Table 2 lists the possible types and respective codes. 15 (EXPTP, LX, RX) (S1S2EXP, S1S2LX, S1S2RX) constant '0* (S1S2EXP=1) Neither S nor S -expression 1 other constant =l) 1 ression (single consts. included) single variable 2 S -expression 3 constant +_ variable h variable + variable 5 general expression Table 2. Expression Types Once WEED receives the left and right expression types from PROCESS, it restores the '=' and tries to put the equation in a standard format, according to the following priorities: 1. S or S -expressions on the right side. (if the left side is also an S or S -expression an error is indicated, the equation is eliminated and the next equation is fetched. ) 2. Single variable on the left side. 3. Doublet (C+V or +V +V) on the left side. After the appropriate switches are made, if a doublet (or any expression of the form E+E) is found on the left, it is split up, the left branch of the doublet being transposed to the right side of the equation. At this stage, the equation will necessarily be in one of the following forms : Any constants in a doublet are always kept on the left. Hence in a split-up, the constant always gets moved to the right side of the equation, Lable = + ole variable = expresc i - We scribe th . each case. 5-1 Variable = Const Set variable type to 'constant' (X'Cl') in the EQV. Place a pointer to the constant (as a displacement from the beginning of the Constant Table) in the EQV value field of the variable. Eliminate the equation, and set to 1, indicating a change made to the EQV. p. 2 Variable = Variable The two variable types determine the action to be taken, according to the following table: Variable^ Variable - L C + 7 S l S 2 L +V -V E E £ -*• E 1 _3k _^ E E ^- ^- i 1 E 1 1 T— OK OK OK OK ok| OK OK OK OK — OK OK OK OK E ~1- _i E 1 I — "> ^ ~^- N ^ ^ . '% i- _i "> j _ ♦ ' IT E: Error. Relay message to the user and delete the equation. 4^: Switch the variables, so that variable becomes variable and vice versa. Refer to the table. 2 ^ : Follow the pointer (or chain of pc ■ ;) beginning at ■iable, . The last variable in the chain becomes the new variable . Return to the table. OK: Set the type of variable to +V or -V according to the equation which defines it. If variable,, points to another d. 2 variable, follow the pointer chain. Place a pointer to 3 the new variable in the value field of variable . Eliminate the equation and set EQVFLAG to 1. 5 . 3 Variable = Expression If the expression is neither a S-nor S -expression, go to section 5.*+ (Expression = Expression). Set the variable type to S or S accordingly. If the equation has already been placed in the proper equation set, proceed to the next equation. Otherwise, mark : equation by placing a 1 or 2 in the first byte of its link field, and set EQVFLAG to 1. . order to avoid following long chains in future searches through the EQV, a direct pointer is set from the variable being traced to the last variable in the chain. - - . the case where variable^ points to a cor.. * n1 , variable is made to point to the same constant (or its complement) and its type is set to 'constant.' 18 j . k expression = Expression If the equation is in any of the following forms, simplify it, retest it for further simplifications and reprocess it: V E 2 " -> E l — E X C = -> E l = for C 4 CE 1 * ->■ E l = for C i E l V -> E l = E li E 2 = °3 -> E l = " E 2 E l /E 2 = E 3 ->■ E l = E 2 E 3 E 3 * E l /E 2 ->■ E l = E 2 E 3 E l /E 2 " E 3 /E ^ " E l \- E 2 E 3 If from the first test it is found that the equation fits none of the above categories, place it in the set of general equations (by putting a 3 in the first byte of its link field) and proceed to the next equation. 19 6. THE PROCESS ROUTINE Given a pointer to the top node of an expression, PROCESS will simplify the expression and determine its type. The types of lower level expressions (i.e. operand expressions) are used in determining the type of the current expression. Thus pairs of numbers (EXPTP ,S1S2EXP) representing each lower level expression are transmitted recursively, from the bottom up. The top node of each expression determines the subsequent steps to be taken, as follows: 6 .1 .. -. ;.-. Determine whether the constant is zero or non-zero, and set EXPTP to or 1 accordingly. Set S1S2EXP to 1. Return. 6.2 Global Variable or TIME Set EQV type to S if node is a global, or to S if it is TIME. Go to 5.3. 6 . 3 Other Variable If unused so far, make the variable type L. If type L or M, set S1S2EXP to 0. If type S or S set S1S2EXP to 1 or 2, respectively. If type +V or -V, follow pointer chain and repeat 5.3. If type 'constant,' replace node in tree with a corresponding constant node, and go to 5.1. Set EXPTP to 2 (single variable) and return. 20 Binary Operation Process the left and right expressions, remembering their respective types. S1S2EXP for the current expression is determined from the following table : S1S2RX (right) S1S2EXP 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 S1S2LX (left) Simplify unary minuses according to the rules of algebra, placing any remaining unary minus above the current node (in most cases, unary minuses can be successively bubbled up in this manner, so that upon reaching the top of the equation at most one unary minus remains). If the operation is addition or subtraction , eliminate any zeros on either side of the expression. Add or subtract constants appearing in constant nodes or doublet expressions (C+V), keeping the resultant constant on the left branch (either of the current node or of the left doublet). Determine EXPTP from the left and right expression types according to the table below, and return. 1 If the top node of the equation is being processed (with ' = ' replaced by '-♦) zeros are preserved. 21 RX DC EXPTP (+/-) 1 2 3 1* 5 1 2 3 It 5 1 1 1 3 3 5 5 2 2 "3 i *5 5 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 U it 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 If the operation is multiplication or division , eliminate any l's or -l's on either side of the expression. If either side is 0, make 2 the current node a 0. If both sides are constants, evaluate the expression. From S1S2LX and S1S2RX determine whether the expression is non-linear under multiplication or division, as follows: S1S2RX CALL NONLIN 2 *,/ •■/ 1 / 2 *,/ S1S2LX If it is non-linear, call NONLIN (a routine which sets all L-type variables in the subtree to M-type and marks the top node of the expression as non-linear by making its op-code negative. This way, if a higher level expression is also found to be non-linear, the present subtree will not have to be rescanned) . Finally, determine EXPTP from the table below, and return. Division by zero causes an error message and automatic elimination of the equation. 22 RX LX EXPTP 1 o ■ -- ■ i 3 k 5 (*,/) •1' or '-1' other 1 '1* or '1' u ]_ 1 2 3 1+ 5 other 1 1 5 5 5 5 2 2 5 5 5 5 5 3 3 5 5 5 5 5 U Q It 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 For the case of a power operation, if both operands are constants, perform the exponentiation (C **C evaluated as e ^ l) s and set EXPTP to or 1 depending on the result. Perform the following simplifications if possible: E**0 -»■ 1 (EXPTP <- 1) E**l ■> E (EXPTP *■ LX) 0**E + (EXPTP «- 0) 1**E ■+ 1 (EXPTP ♦■ 1) If no simplification is possible, call NONLIN and set EXPTP to 5 (general expression). Return. If the operation is max or min evaluate the expression if both operands are constants. Otherwise, call NONLIN and make EXPTP = 5- Return. 6 .5 Unary Operation Process the left operand. S1S2EXP is passed from operand to operator unchanged (i.e. 31S2EXP «- S1S2LX) . 23 If the operation is differentiation , move any unary minus upwards. If the operand is an S -expression, replace the current expression with the constant '0' and set EXPTP to 0. Otherwise, call NONLIN and make EXPTP = 5. Return. For a unary minus operation, if the operand starts with a unary minus, delete both unary minuses. If the operand is a constant, complement it and delete the unary minus. Copy EXPTP from the operand (i.e. EXPTP «- LX) and return. If the operation is function , evaluate it if the operand is a constant, replacing the expression with the result, and setting EXPTP to or 1. Otherwise, call NONLIN and set EXPTP to 5. Return. 6.6 User-Defined Function Process all the operand subexpressions, call NONLIN, set S1S2EXP to and EXPTP to 5- Return. 2k 1. THE FINAL STAGES: NAME REASSIGNMENTS , EQUATION RESTRUCTURING AND OUTPUT Having processed the entire system of equations, WEED counts the numbers of independent S , S , L and M variables in the EQV and --.ializes each of four registers with the first numeric name to be assigned to variables in each of the four sets. As the EQV is scanned, each time a new variable is encountered its value field is overwritten with the contents of its associated register, its type set to ' assigned(+V) and the register incremented by 1. Whenever a variable type +V or -V is encountered, the new name of its equivalent variable is copied in its value field, and its type set to ' assigned(+V) ' or 'assigned(-V) ' , accordingly. 'Constant' type variables remain unchanged. As a final result, all variables will have been numbered sequentially, with all S -variables first, S_-variables next, and so on. At this point, the equations are modified so that the new variable names are contained within operation nodes. As the equations are processed, a cumulative byte count is kept for each of the three equation sets , so that an appropriate amount of core can be later requested for the output Equation Block. Each tree is traversed recursively by means of the TRAVEL Routine (MODFORM mode). As each variable is detected, it is incorporated in its parent node by over- writing the respective pointer field. An exception if made for the case where the variable is ' assigned(-V) ' , in which case the old variable is transformed into a unary- node whose operand field contains the new variable name. Constants are not incorporated in parent nodes, and all remaining node-pointer values are made negative. 25 Once all the equations have been reformatted, WEED issues a GETMAIN for the output Equation Block and calls upon the PUTOUT Routine to supervise the output operation. PUTOUT looks only at S - equations to begin with, and passes them one by one to TRAVEL (TRANSFER mode), which recursively moves individual nodes to consecutive memory locations in the output area. Since the equations are squeezed into a compact form, the displacement relationships between the nodes are altered, and hence new pointer values must be set as the nodes are moved. New link pointers to the next equation can be set as soon as each equation transfer is completed. PUTOUT repeats this process for S and General Equations, and returns to WEED after setting pointers to the three sets of equations in the Table Block. Finally, the entire input area is FREEMAINed, the compiler is called, and WE ARE DONE. 26 BIBLIOGRAPHY Gear, C. W. , Hyde, C. , Levin, H. , Michel, M. J., Ratliff, K. , and Wilkins , S., "The Simulation and Modeling System — A Snapshot View," Department of Computer Science File No. 82U, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois (1970). .■stem/360 Operating System: Assembler Language," IBM Systems Reference Library File No. S360-21 form GC28-651U-6. "IBM System/360 Operating System: Linkage Editor," IBM Systems Reference Library File No. S360-31 form C28-6538-6. "IBM System/360 Operating System: Supervisor and Data Management Macro Instructions," IBM Systems Reference Library File No. S360-36 form GC28-66U7-3. 27 APPENDICES 28 I GIT SPACE TOR OUTPUT TABLE BLOCK, COPY CONSTANT I NAME TABLES, 3ET POINTERS , ZERO OUT EQUIVALENCE TABLE CYCLES - CYCLES * CYCLES ♦ 1 EQVTLAG - GET INPUT EQUATION PTR GET NEXT EQUATION, CLASSIFY IT OR ELIMINATE IT EQVFLAG - 1 SCAN EQV AND COUNT #S1, S2, L1H VARS ASSIGN NEV INTERNAL NAMES SUBSTITUTE VARIABLE NAMES IN ALL EQUATIONS k MODIFY FORMAT FOR OUTPUT GET SPACE FOR OUTPUT EQUATION BLOCK. MOVE 31-EQHS to SI BLOCK S2-EQNS TO S2 BLOCK GEN EQNS TO GEN BLOCK SET PTRS IN TABLE BLOCK FREEMAIN INPUT AREA SET ALL SI i S2 VARS (EXCEPT GLOBALS i TIME) AND ALL M VARIABLES TO TYPE L IN EQV Y N THE WEED ALGORITHM 29 -jui ai • an t I -■ -•/wnocau V- nuitrow to • (un^ - tin. UM, • 1JML - IXP« VU TYPE » CO»STMT 3ET PT» TO COISTA»T TABLE VAP TYPE - S, OR S, ZQ)I TYPE - S, OB S EQUATION CLASSIFICATION '-' PVt •suiTTof ;i CON TYPE * J (CEXEHAL) DELETE OUOKIHATOP. Of* EXPONENT MODTPY E8UATI0H TO HAKE OP - • 30 :■ mCBS LEFT I RI»T DPIMNOE crawcm SLS2IXP FROM US2LX 4 S1S2KX ■P - 1 Binary Opirotlon SL32EXP * 2 S1S2EXPT * EXPTP * 5 CALL II ON LIN REPLACE VARIABLE IN TREE BY CONSTANT VARIABLE TYPE * L S1S2EXP * _(J RETURN Unary Operation 3IS2EXP* 1 PROCESS LEPT OPERAND SLS2EXP ♦ S1S2LX THE PROCESS ROUTINE 31 1 Y r ADD COKSTAXTS RESULT TO L OB (L.R) UPDATE CONSTANT TABU DEISTS COHSTAIIT ON P OR (L,Ri RODE DETERMINE EXPJ .''BOH LX AND RX CALL NONLIN EXPTP * 5 EVALUATE EXPR UPDATE OONST TABLE REPLACE EXPR WITH RESULT EXPTP » OR 1 REPLACE EXPRESSION WITH CONSTANT '1' EXPTP - 1 DELETE RIGHT NO IE EXPTP * LX EVALUATE EXPR AND REPLACE WITH RESUUT EXPTP - OR 1 CALL NONLIN EXPTT « 5 PROCESS ROUTINE (BINARY OPERATIONS) 32 PROCESS ROUTINE (MULT/DIV) MULTDIV I BUBBLE UNABY-'i ' ' OP = /? ^ j£n CALL NONLIH N^ ■^S -EXPR ^V. ^ ON LEFT? ^S *I EXPTP - 5 RETURN 14 33 :. tast 'O 1 EVALUATE FUNCTION REPLACE EXPR WITH RESULT. UPDATE CONST. TABLE EXPTP * OH 1 BUBBLE UNARY- (IF ANY) DELETE BOTH UNARY-' s COMPLEMENT CONST UPDATE CONST TABLE DELETE UNARY - :a^i NONLIN ' - 5 PROCESS ROUTINE (UNARY OPERATIONS) AEC-427 16/68) -*l M 1201 U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION UNIVERSITY-TYPE CONTRACTOR'S RECOMMENDATION FOR DISPOSITION OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL DOCUMENT I See Instructions on Reverse Side ) i C .aPORT NO COO-1U69-0181 TITLE WEED A WONDERFUL EQUATION ELIMINATION DEVICE 3 TYPE OF DOCUMENT (Check one) Scientific and technical report I I b Conference paper not to be published in a journal Title of conference Date of conference Exact location of conference Sponsoring organization c. Other (Specify) Th^gJS 4 RECOMMENDED ANNOUNCEMENT AND DISTRIBUTION (Check one): r-1 a AEC's normal announcement and distribution procedures may be followed. 1] b. Make available only within AEC and to AEC contractors and other U.S. Government agencies and their contractors. I I c. Make no announcement or distrubution. 5 REASON FOR RECOMMENDED RESTRICTIONS: 6 SUBMITTED BY NAME AND POSITION (Please print or type) C. W. Gear Professor and Principal Investigator Organization Department of Computer Science University of Illinois ana, Illinois 6l801 Signature u. Date June 1971 FOR AEC USE ONLY '""' AEC CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS, IF ANY, ON ABOVE ANNOUNCEMENT AND DISTRIBUTION RECOMMENDATION: PATENT CLEARANCE II a. AEC patent clearance has been granted by responsible AEC patent group. 21 b Report has been sent to responsible AEC patent group for clearance. I I c. Patent clearance not required. N* N ^ V