rr <3L 4v*£Z&- 1 ' - v "h CL*» 4~ r rrfUf ; A COMPENDIOUS VIEW OP THE REMARKABLE FACTS RECENT DISCOVERIES ELECTRO-MAGNETISM MAGNETO -ELECTRICITY. BY FREDERICK A. P. BARNARD, A. M. I' NEW- YORK : GEORGE^EARBORN AND CO. * NO. 38 GOLD STREET. Scatchcrd and Adams, Printers. 1837 . B,us. { T Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates https://archive.org/details/compendiousviewoOObarn ( ELECTRO-MAGNETISM What, in the entire range of nature and nature’s works, is so wonderful as electricity ? What, rather, in the circle of natural phenomena, is not, in one way or other, directly or indirectly, con- nected with this mysterious, all-pervading, and fearfully energetic principle 1 Above, around, beneath — nay, even within our very selves — we find it ever present, ever active. Whether we contem- plate its sublimely splendid coruscations blazing along the heavens, or its more quiet, and often more gorgeous magnificence as it streams upward from the pole, or its hidden agency in quickening to life, and clothing with beauty the whole animal and vegetable world, or regulating, in the deep caverns of the earth, the labora- tories of nature — the ceaseless decompositions and recompositions of matter ; whether we regard it in its power, and clothed in its robe of terrors, speaking in thunders, shivering in splinters the stoutest monarchs of the forest, and prostrating in the dust the proudest fabrics of human art, or in its beauty and beneficence, breathing vitality into all the myriad forms of sentient existence, and scattering around them sources of enjoyment varied to infinity ; in whatever light we view this wonderful emanation of creative power — the handmaid of creation itself — new marvels ceaselessly dawn - upon us, and our imaginations are borne away in loftier and loftier flights, till we grow even giddy with our elevation, and almost shudder as we gaze through the wide expanse it has revealed to us. Nor is it among the least of our wonders, to reflect that we are even yet upon the threshold of discovery. The science of elec- tricity, stupendous as it is, is but an infant science still. A half century has not yet passed away since the first detection of galvanic currents. Never, perhaps, before nor since, was there made a dis- covery productive to science of consequences so vast, so splendid. 2 and so rapidly succeeding one another, as those which have flowed from this. First in order came electro-chemistry, unlocking all the secrets of matter, dissolving nature’s most curious compounds, and reducing all things to their original elements — a science which has more recently unravelled the laws of the composition, as well as of the separation of elements, and revealed to us, doubtless, the agent first employed by creative energy, to bring order and beauty out of the primeval chaotic ocean. To this have succeeded electro-dyna- mics, electro-magnetism, thermo-electricity, magneto-electricity, and (if the term has not been used it should be) electro-physiology — all new ramifications of a single science, growing up together, and each unfolding to us its own peculiar catalogue of wonders. Of the first two of these, and of magneto-electricity, we shall have occasion to speak at large. The curious discovery by Professor Seebeck, of the generation of electricity by heat, with the more re- cent inquiries of Becquerel, Nobili, and Melloni, Cumming, Faraday, and Andrews, renders it more than probable that we shall yet be compelled to strike caloric, as we have done magnetism already, from the list of distinct imponderable agents. Light, too, if the observations of Morichini and Mrs. Somerville should be confirmed, may yet be forced to add another braneh to electrical science, which some future philosopher may denominate Photo-Electricity. The wonderful discoveries of Becquerel, in animal and vegetable electricity, are possibly about to throw a flood of illumination upon the science of pathology, and the healing art, as well as upon the culture of plants, to subserve the purposes, or to gratify the taste of man. Should the identity of light and heat with electricity be esta- blished, what then of our imponderable agents will remain ? Gravi- tation stands alone — and who shall say that even this, like the rest, will not be ultimately swallowed up by electricity ; leaving but a single essence in the universe, too ethereal to be matter, yet too passive and too inert, if not too gross, to be spirit ? To this opi- nion we confess ourselves inclined. Its correctness is a question, which, if settled at all, will probably be settled in another age. However fertile and animating a theme for speculation and de- clamation is afforded us by the wonderful discoveries at which we have just been glancing, we propose, in the present article, to re* 3 strict ourselves to a series of simple statements of fact. The sci- ence of electro-magnetism — a science of not yet twenty years* growth, and one which has only acquired its importance within less than ten, has become, in consequence of its practical applications, a subject of general interest to mankind. Few have leisure for the perusal of scientific treatises ; and, were it otherwise, they would seek in vain for one which would exhibit to them the science under consideration in its present state. The last five or six years have added a world to the sum of preceding discoveries ; and the sub- stance of this is still scattered through the scientific transactions and journals. There are very many persons, nevertheless, who would be gratified even with such a hasty outline of the subject, as a few pages of a magazine devoted to literature will admit. They wish to think of something more than a name, when the title of this much talked of, but little understood, science, falls upon their ears. To such, the following sketch will, without doubt, prove ac- ceptable. The first indication of the positive relation existing between electricity and the magnetic power, was observed in 1819, by Pro- fessor CErsted, of Copenhagen. This philosopher ascertained that an electric current, passing along the wire used to connect the ex- tremities of a galvanic battery, possesses power to deflect the mag- netic needle in a remarkable manner. If this wire, conveying a positive electric current from north to south, be placed horizontally over the needle, and therefore parallel to it, the north pole of the needle is turned toward the east. If it be placed in like manner below, the same pole is carried toward the west. If it be removed to the east side, the pole is depressed ; if the west, it is elevated. The effects produced by a similar current on a south magnetic pole, are precisely the reverse. Accordingly, since in the rotation of a needle suspended by its centre, the two ends move always in opposite directions, both forces conspire to increase the effect pro- duced upon it by a single electric current. These appearances, at first view, seem to be singularly anoma- lous. They are dependent, nevertheless, on a simple law, which may be illustrated by the following artifice. Suppose that, upon the wire placed north and south as before, a small serrated wheel is made to revolve constantly in the direction in which the sun passes 4 over — that is, from east to west ; the lower part of this wheel will, of course, return from west to east. If we bring down the wire from above to the needle, so that the teeth of the wheel may strike the north pole, that pole will be carried along with them to the east. But if the wire be brought upward from below, then the teeth of the wheel, moving in the direction of the sun, will carry the pole toward the west. As the teeth descend on the left, and ascend on the right, (we suppose ourselves facing the north,) the elevation or depression of the pole, according as the wire is on the west or the east side of the needle, admit of explanation with equal facility. The phenomena are, therefore, precisely such as would be produced by a rotary or circular force, referred to the wire as an axis. As the magnetic pole, acted on by this force, is moved in a tangent to the circle, the force has itself been called tangential . Professor CErsted’s discovery at once aroused the curiosity, and stimulated to activity the ingenuity, of the whole philosophic world. M. Arago and Sir Humphrey Davy soon discovered that the con. necting wire of the battery, beside exerting this singular and ap- parently repulsive power upon a magnetic pole, exhibited also, dur- ing the passage of the current, the ordinary magnetic attraction upon unmagnetized iron and steel, in a high degree. Thus, it would sustain a mass of iron-filings of a dozen times its own diameter : but these instantly fell away, on the cessation of the current. The philosopher last mentioned found, moreover, that steel needles, placed near the current transversely, or at right angles to its course, became instantaneously and permanently magnetic ; while other needles, placed parallel to the current, exhibited the same magnetic properties as the conducting wire, but lost them, in like manner, when the current ceased. The induction of magnetism by elec- tricity was thus early demonstrated. In its practical consequences, this discovery bids fair to rank among the first in importance, ever made in philosophy. From a consideration of the law of tangential force explained above, it seemed obvious that a magnetic pole, free to move in any direction, and prevented, at the same time, from so far obeying the centrifugal force as to be thrown beyond the influence of the elec- tric current, ought to revolve in a circle about the conducting wire. This inference, first drawn by Dr. Wollaston, was practically con- 6 firmed by Mr. Faraday, with the aid of a very simple apparatus. One end of a bar magnet was attached by a thread to the bottom of a vessel of mercury, in which the magnet floated almost upright. An electrical current was then introduced into the centre of the mercury, by means of a terminated wire, and carried off below by another wire, passing through the bottom of the vessel. The mag- net instantly began to revolve, and continued its motion while the current lasted. Action and re-action in mechanics being equal, it followed, of course, that the conducting wire might be made to re- volve about a magnet. This effect was produced by an arrangement nearly similar to the former, the magnet being fixed, and the wire provided with a joint. By rendering both the magnet and the wire moveable in the same apparatus, both phenomena were exhibited at once. Fluid conductors, like mercury and water, contained be- tween concentric glass cylinders, were also made to revolve about a magnetic pole. Magnets and conductors were made to revolve on their own axes ; and, finally, the galvanic battery employed to generate the electric current, having been constructed very light and suspended with delicacy, was itself forced to make the circuit. This battery being composed of hollow cylinders with the magnet in the centre, it was even found possible to produce, at the same time, independent rotations of the zinc and copper plates, in con- trary directions. It must be observed of all these rotations, that their directions were reversed, by reversing that in which the elec- tric current passed. These phenomena are all curious and interesting. They demon- strate a relation to exist between the principles of magnetism and electricity ; but they afford little evidence of similarity — much less of absolute identity — between them. It is otherwise with those we are about to describe. Let a piece of copper wire be bent into a circle of about an inch in diameter, the extremities not being allowed to meet, but being again bent so as to pass off a little distance in parallel lines, and terminate in hooks. Through the wire suspended by these hooks in the manner usually practised by experimenters in Volta-electri- city, let an electric current be transmitted. The pole of a magnet being then presented to the centre of the circle, an attraction will be manifested on one side and a repulsion on the other. That is, 6 the circle will approach the magnet so as to surround it, in the first instance ; and will recede from it, in the second. If the other pole of the magnet be presented, the effects will be severally reversed. An explanation of this phenomenon may easily be found in the law of tangential force. For, if we suppose this force to be visibly re- presented by a number of toothed wheels revolving round the wire’ we shall perceive that their effect on one side will be, to draw the magnet into the circle ; and, on the other, to drive it out. These phenomena of attraction and repulsion, correspond exactly with those of magnetic polarity. And, indeed, the circle may be considered to represent a magnet, having considerable breadth and an exceedingly short axis. Various devices have been contrived to render the resemblance » thus discovered, to a common magnet, more striking. M. A. De La Rive attached a circle like that just described, to narrow slips of zinc and copper, passing through a cork of sufficient buoyancy to float the whole in an acid or saline bath. These slips of metal thus immersed, constituted the battery : while the lightness of the apparatus and its perfect freedom of motion, well adapted it to the purpose intended. The power of this little apparatus was increased, by causing the wire to make several complete circles, before at- taching it to the battery ; the wire having been itself first insulated by winding with silk, in order to force the electricity to traverse its entire length. A still nearer approach to the magnet is made, by separating to a little distance from each other laterally, the coils of wire in this improved apparatus of Mr. De La Rive, so as to produce a spiral cylinder, or helix . The number of turns may be increased at plea- sure. The ends of the coiled wire are carried back along the axis of the helix, till they meet half-way ; and afterward at right angles downward to the floating battery. This elongation of the coil se- parates the poles, one being found at each end of the helix. The whole, if constructed with delicacy, will obey the magnetic influence of the earth, and settle itself with the axis of the helix in the mag- netic meridian. When this position has been spontaneously assumed, positive electricity, if the helix be wound like the thread of a screw, will be moving from south to north ; and, consequently, in the upper half of 7 each coil of the spiral, from west to east : but, in a helix wound in the opposite direction, the current will be from north to south ; that is, in the several coils of the spiral, from west to east still. If, then, instead of the helix, we had but a single circle of wire, in the cir- cuit, theory would require that this should assume a position, under the influence of terrestrial magnetism, at right angles to the mag- netic meridian. Experiment with a circle of some size, delicately suspended, confirms this inference. And not only that, but, with suitable arrangements, a similar circle will be brought by the pow- er of the earth’s magnetism, to stand with its plane precisely at right angles to the line of the dip. Helices constructed as above described, exhibit all the phenomena of ordinary magnetism. Their similar poles repel each other, and repel those of steel magnets ; and their dissimilar poles exert reci- procal attraction, and attract the dissimilar poles of magnets. We should be warranted, even here, in concluding the phenomena of ordinary magnetism to be simple manifestations of electric energy. On this supposition, the common magnet must be encircled by cur- rents of electricity moving at right angles to its axis ; and the earth itself must be traversed by similar currents, passing round it from east to west. That the effect of such currents upon the mag- netic needle, would be precisely such as we see to be actually produc- ed by the influence of terrestrial magnetism, was experimentally de- monstrated by Mr. Barlow, in 1831, by means of an artificial globe. We may add, furthermore, that experiments made by Mr. Robert Were Fox in the mines of Cornwall, seem to prove the actual ex- istence of such currents in the earth. The power of magnetic induction, that is, of exciting magnetism in unmagnetized bodies, has already been mentioned as remarkably belonging to electricity moving in currents. This power is won- derfully increased by causing the current to pass through a heliacal conductor, and placing the bar to be magnetized within the coil. Hardly an instant is necessary to produce the effect. In soft iron, the magnetism, as when excited by the common methods, is but temporary : in steel, it is permanent. The power developed by winding large bars of soft iron with copper wire covered with silk or cotton, is in the highest degree astonishing. In 1829 or 30, Professor Moll of Utrecht produced a 8 horse-shoe magnet of this description, capable of sustaining more than one hundred and fifty pounds. But Professor Henry and Dr. Ten Eyck of our own country, who were carrying on a simultaneous and independent series of experiments, accomplished wonders im- mensely greater. Their most powerful magnets sustained about a ton. In the construction of magnets of this description, it is found that the power acquired is not in exact proportion to the number of coils made by the surrounding wire. Were it so, nothing could impede the attainment of any proposed power, even with a battery of mode- rate size, by the mere multiplication of the number of coils. The current appears to become enfeebled in traversing a long circuit. Thus, Professor Henry found that, after having wound his great magnet in such a manner that he could, at pleasure, either send the electricity in a single current through the whole length of the en- circling wire, or in divided portions, passing each through a part of the wire disconnected from the rest, the power of the magnet was immensely greater in the latter case than in the former, though the battery remained unchanged. From a consideration of such phenomena, it appeared probable to Professor Emmet of Virginia, that the power of an electro-mag- net could not be dependent on the number of circuits made by the electric fluid around the bar, but rather upon the collected volume of the whole. By inference, therefore, there is no necessity for using wire in the construction of these magnets ; but, in its stead, we may employ metallic sheets in which to roll the iron to be mag- netized — these sheets being, of course, insulated from the iron and from their own convolutions, by interposed silk. His experiments seemed to corroborate the truth of his supposition, very powerful electro-magnets having been constructed by him, by the use of sheet copper. The length of the magnetized bar seems to have much to do with the power attained. From some experiments detailed to the Royal Society in 1833, by Dr. Ritchie, it would appear that short bars, with a given quantity of enveloping wire, have much the advantage. Of two horse-shoe magnets, having lengths as one to four, wound with the same quantity of wire each, and magnetized by the same battery, the result was in favor of the short one in the ratio of two 9 to one. Having afterward, as he says, prepared a horse-shoe mag- net with great pains, according to the American method, and found its power to be about one hundred and forty pounds, he simply rolled twelve feet of copper ribbon about the lifter, (the piece of iron laid across the poles of a horse-shoe magnet) and, employing that as the magnet, made the horse-shoe itself serve as a lifter in turn. The lifter proved the more powerful magnet of the two. “ All that is necessary, then,’’ he says, “ to make a powerful electro- magnet, is simply to roll a ribbon of copper about a short bar of iron, and use a horse-shoe lifter.” Wonderful as the immense power thus instantaneously called into action, by means the most simple, appears to us, our astonishment becomes still greater, when we consider, not only that it may just as instantaneously be reduced to nothing, but, that what was just now attraction, may be converted, in the twinkling of an eye, into the most powerful repulsion. This arises from the fact that the direc- tion of the induced magnetic poles depends on that of the electric current. This current may be reversed in a space of time too mi- nute even for conception, and the poles are reversed along with it. In late years, more than one experimenter has essayed to turn this principle to account for the generation of motion. Professor Henry, of this country, succeeded, so early as the year 18.31, in producing a reciprocating motion in a horizontal electro-magnetic bar. Early in 1833, Dr. Ritchie, of London, obtained a rapid rotation of a si- milar bar, at first under the influence of a horse-shoe magnet wide between the poles, and afterward by the power of terrestrial mag- netism alone. The account of this invention was read to the Royal Society on the 21st of March, 1833, and published in their Trans- actions for that year. From the paper referred to, we extract the following : — “ But the most beautiful result I have obtained from changing the poles of an electro-magnet, is the rapid rotation of such a magnet about its centre. The following short description of the first actu- ally constructed, will be sufficient to show how others of greater power may easily be formed.” [The description being connected with a diagram, we alter its phraseology so far as is necessary to render it independently in- telligible.] 2 10 “ A circular sole of wood is taken, having a groove turned in it for the purpose of holding mercury. The groove is divided into two compartments by thin slips of wood. These divisions are to be connected with the poles of a battery. An electro-magnet is form- ed by a piece of soft iron wound with copper wire, and so balanced on its centre, that the ends of the wire shall touch the mercury in the two divisions of the groove. These ends are so adjusted as to clear the two small divisions of wood, the surface of the mercury rising a little above the divisions. If a horse-shoe magnet having a considerable distance between the poles, be "placed above the tempo- rary magnet, the poles of the permanent magnet being directly above the slips of wood which divide the groove into two compart- ments, whilst the soft iron is converted into a magnet by means of the battery, a powerful and rapid rotation of the electro-magnet will take place ; for the electro-magnet being put in motion by the at- traction of the poles of the other, will have its poles reversed the moment the wires pass the two divisions. At that moment attrac- tion will be changed into repulsion, &c. * * * “By a slight modification of the apparatus, horse-shoe magnets may be made to revolve with considerable force. I have fitted up a revolving apparatus of this kind, which has a power sufficient to raise several ounces over a pulley. When the apparatus is placed so that the change of poles of the electro-magnet may take place in the magnetic meridian, the action of the earth is sufficient to make the magnet revolve, without the aid of exterior magnets. By fitting it up so as to revolve in the plane of the magnetic meridian, and to change its poles at the point to which the needle dips, a dip- ping needle might be made to revolve in a vertical plane.” In July, 1834, our countryman, Mr. Davenport, with no know- ledge of Dr. Ritchie’s previous success, obtained a rotary motion upon identically the same principle. Since that time he has de- voted himself perseveringly to the perfection of his machine, till at length his triumphant results seem about to produce an entire revo- lution in mechanics. As Americans, we are proud of the man, who, under the weight of a thousand disheartening embarrassments, has at last demonstrated to the world the practicability of employing the tremendous energy of electro-magnetism, as a moving power. Mr. Davenport has associated his name imperishably with the his- tory of the science he has espoused, and with the progress of im- provement in the entire range of the arts ; to which his labors will be found hereafter to have contributed in a thousand ways. To him also is no doubt due all the credit of having independently devised the mode of producing rotary motion, on which, as recently pub- lished, the history of his machine informs us, his patent rests. But let us not on this account indulge ourselves too freely in ex* 11 elusive laudation of American ingenuity, nor decry in too wholesale terms the importance of attending to the past labors of scientific men. After all, as a Persian would say, the philosophers are some- body. We are quite too apt in this country to make ourselves ri- diculous in the eyes of foreigners, by our extravagant and some- times ignorant self-complacency. Mr. Davenport was, no doubt, an original discoverer, but he was not the first discoverer of the princi- ple of his machine. We have for some months been looking for the circumstantial statement of this fact in the English journals. In the mean time, we have seen, in our own, commendations lavished upon our ingenious fellow-citizen, strictly for his inattention to the writings of the great discoverers in this department of science ; on the ground, forsooth, that, by reading, he might have bound down his genius for ever to the less aspiring notions of the philosophers, or have been led away wandering, in the hopeless mazes in which they had lost themselves. Had Mr. Davenport read, however, he would have found that the rotary motion he was seeking for, had been pro- duced, in precisely the manner in which he has since produced it, even before the period when, as we are informed, he “ saw a galva- nic magnet for the first time.” We have no wish to detract from the credit justly due to perseverance and successful ingenuity. But, first or last, Dr. Ritchie will claim the priority of this discovery, and the world will admit the justice of his claim. Mr. Davenport him- self, we are confident, on a comparison of dates, would not hesitate to do the same. Beside the attempts already noticed, to turn the power of electro- magnetism to practical account, there have been one or two others deserving of a passing mention. Mr. Sturgeon, of Woolwich, con- structed a machine of considerable power, by means of two magnetic steel bars revolving horizontally, surrounded by four fixed upright electro-magnets. Mr. McGauly, of Ireland, a year or two since, reported an electro-magnetic machine to the British Association ; but the volume of reports containing his statements is not at hand at present, and we can give no account of the form of his machine. We have heard, moreover, of one or two recent inventions in this country, but are not aware that they rest on any new prin- ciple. In the preceding pages, we have given a cursory outline of the 12 most important facts in the science of electro-magnetism. This term, electro-magnetism, so long as the phenomena of magnetism and electricity were supposed to be dependent on distinct invisible agents, possessed a significancy, which it has now in a measure lost. Magnetism, which, for such a length of time, has occupied an inde- pendent rank among the physical sciences, is, by common consent, transferred to a subordinate place in the more comprehensive sci- ence of electricity ; and its phenomena, with those of the particu- lar branch we are considering, are to be referred to the laws of that division of the general subject, denominated Electro-Dynamics . This term is opposed to Electro-Statics ; the one science treating of electricity in motion through conductors, and the reciprocal action of its currents ; and the other, of common electricity, called by Faraday electricity of tension, or electricity in equilibrio. The phenomena characteristic of these two states are widely different, as will be evident from the consideration, that two bodies charged with similar electricity of tension repel each other, and with dis- similar electricity, attract ; while, on the other hand, two con- ductors carrying similar currents in the same direction, attract, and carrying dissimilar, repel. This last-mentioned fact is at the basis of the science of electro-dynamics. It was a discovery of Am- pere, a celebrated French philosopher, made soon after the publica- tion of (Ersted’s experiments. For our present purpose, it will be sufficient to show in what manner this simple law may serve, instead of the supposition of a tangential force, to explain the phenomena of electro-magnetism. Let us suppose two small floating batteries, like the apparatus of De La Rive already described, to be brought near to each other, with the zinc ends in the same direction. It is not to be supposed that an apparatus of so little power and so great comparative inertia, would actually manifest the phenomena we are about to infer ; but its construction is favorable to the illustration of the theory. In the situation described, similar electrical cur- rents will be passing in the same direction in both the parallel circles, and the two should accordingly approach each other. Let one be turned half a revolution ; then, as the currents will be mov- ing in contrary directions, separation ought to take place. If each circle be extended as above described, into a helix, (an electro- dynamic cylinder, in the language of M. Ampere) their extremities 13 will severally manifest contrary polarities, attracting and repelling one another, according as the cylinders are so arranged that the cur- rents move similarly in both, or the contrary. From this rude method of illustration, we are not, it is true, at liberty to conclude, at once, that these cylinders will manifest all the phenomena of ordinary magnetism ; nor even that they will con- tinue to attract and repel each other in all positions, precisely as magnets would do. But it would here be out of place to adduce the mathematical reasoning by which all the observed magnetic pheno- mena are legitimately derived from the one fundamental law of electro-dynamics. As general rules, we may say that the effect, according to this law, of the mutual action of electric cross cur- rents, is to create a tendency to parallelism ; and that, when cur- rents inclined to each other, are both approaching toward, or both receding from, the angle of their inclination, they exert a reciprocal attraction ; but, when otherwise, repel. The application of these principles, and of some others which it is unnecessary to state, is sufficient to account for the attraction and repulsion of electro-dynamic cylinders, and for rotations per- formed by them, and by conductors in their vicinity, like those produced by the use of magnets ; as well as for additional pheno- mena somewhat similar. But all this will not enable us to explain the phenomena of electro-magnetism without supposing the exist- ence of a tangential force, unless, with M. Ampere, we regard the common magnet as an electro-dynamic instrument. Indeed, in view of all the wonderful developements of modern science, we can hardly escape from the conclusion, that the polarity of the needle is owing to the circulation of electric currents in its substance. M. Ampere supposes each particle of a magnetic bar to be encircled by such a current. All these currents moving in the same direction, (that is, from west to east on the upper surface, when the bar assumes the position to which it is impelled by the action of terrestrial magnetism) those in the interior will counteract one another’s effects ; precisely as the two wheels on the same side of a carriage, would, if in immediate contact, obstruct each other’s motion. There is nothing, however, to oppose the exterior cur- rents, and these must exert an influence on bodies around them, equivalent to that of a single current encircling the entire magnet. 14 This is, in few words, M. Ampere’s electro-dynamic theory of mag- netism. Not only has it the merit of simplifying a hitherto myste- rious class of phenomena, but it explains, much more satisfactorily, many of the remarkable rotations we have described, than the sup- position of the singular force denominated tangential, could possibly do ; to say nothing of the contradiction to all the analogies of na- ture, implied in the supposition of a force so altogether unique. But notwithstanding the general disposition to admit Ampere’s solution of the mystery of magnetism, it was felt that the production of some phenomenon decidedly electric, by the agency of magnetism alone, would be an important corroboration of the theory. To Mr. Faraday must be ascribed the honor due to the accomplishment of an object so desirable, and the developement of a new series of won- ders in the world of science. Toward the close of the year 1831, after a very laborious series of experiments, that philosopher suc- ceeded in producing momentary electrical effects from a common magnet. He found that when a helix of copper wire is brought near the poles of a powerful magnet, electrical currents are excited in it. These are increased by the presence of a bar of soft iron within the helix. Similar currents are generated by the introduc- tion of a bar already magnetised, within the helix, or by removing it after it has been so introduced. These are observed to continue only during the motion of the bar or helix ; and cease with the ces- sation of the motion, though the parts of the apparatus maintain their relative situations. The first indication of their existence was afforded by the galvanometer ; but they became subsequently much more obvious, producing convulsions in the limbs of a frog, and magnetising steel needles. With the new light thus afforded him, Mr. Faraday next directed his attention to a class of phenomena previously altogether inexpli- cable. M. Arago had observed something very like magnetic at- traction to take place between disks of various substances in rapid rotation, and magnets in their vicinity. Sir John Herschell and Mr. Babbage had attributed this to a temporary magnetism induced in the disks by the magnet. But it was remarkable, that, with the cessation of the motion, the magnetism, if it had existed, was wholly lost. Mr. Faraday did not hesitate to ascribe it to electrical cur- rents produced by magnetism ; since his previous experiments had 15 proved motion to be essential to their developement. To determine the correctness of his supposition, he caused a disk of copper to re- volve, with its edge between the poles of a horse-shoe magnet. Conductors of electricity having been applied to the centre and cir- cumference of the disk, and connected with a galvanometer, his con- jecture was completely corroborated. Mr. Faraday soon demonstrated that the circular form of the moving body was by no means an essential condition. Even a sin- gle wire, moved in the vicinity of a magnetic pole, was sufficient to deflect the needle of the galvanometer. He ascertained the general fact, that any conductor of electricity so moved as to cut the mag- netic curves, (curves into which iron filings are observed to arrange themselves, under the influence of a magnet) was invariably tra- versed by electrical currents at right angles to the line of its own motion. Proceeding in the career of discovery, he found that terrestrial magnetism alone was sufficient to excite similar currents. “ It is a consequence,” says he, “ which appears very extraordinary to the mind, that scarcely any piece of metal can be moved in contact with others, either at rest, or in motion with different velocities, or in other directions, without currents of electricity existing within them.” Mr. Faraday further ascertained, that, when a body itself magnetic is made to rotate, electrical currents are excited on its own surface ; and that these are independent of the currents, which, 4 according to M. Ampere’s theory, give it polarity. A copper disk rotating in any direction, in which its plane did not pass through the line of the dip, was found to constitute an elec- * trical machine, capable of sustaining a constant current, passing through conductors connecting its centre and circumference. The effect was greatest at right angles to the dip. Currents occurred in a brass globe, in whatever direction rotated. The axis of the globe being made parallel to the dipping needle, and the revolution caused to take place from west to east, the effects of the earth’s diurnal motion, in producing electrical currents within itself, were exem- plified. These currents were found to proceed from the equator to- ward both poles. There is not a little plausibility in the theory respecting the Aurora Borealis, which he thus modestly sug- gests : — 16 “ I hardly dare, even in the most hypothetical form, to ask whe- ther the Aurora Borealis and Australis may not be the discharge of electricity thus urged toward the poles of the earth, from whence it is endeavoring to return, by natural and appointed means, above the earth to the equatorial regions. The non-occurrence of it in very high latitudes is not at all against this supposition ; and it is re- markable, that Mr. Fox, who observed the deflection of the needle at Falmouth, gives that direction of it which perfectly agrees with the present view.” To the new department thus added by Mr. Faraday to the science of Electricity, he has given the name of Magneto* Elec- tricity. The progressive manner in which he approached these brilliant discoveries, is worthy of attention. Though stimulated, doubtless, by the hope of ultimately obtaining electricity from ordinary mag- netism, his first experiments were instituted simply with a design to ascertain the inductive effect of electric currents ; the effect, in other words, if any such existed, of one current already in motion, to excite another in a neighboring conductor of electricity. Upon a wooden cylinder, he wound twelve helices, containing on an average twenty- seven feet of copper wire each, one above another, and insulated by calico interposed. By soldering corresponding ends of the wires, the first, third, fifth, seventh, ninth, and eleventh of these helices were combined into a single helix ; and the alternate ones, in like manner, into another. The two compound helices, of about one hundred and sixty feet each in length, were thus interlocked through- out, and brought into close vicinity in every part of their course. Through one of them Mr. Faraday caused a current of electricity to pass, while the extremities of the other were connected with a galvanometer. The effect anticipated was, that the current from the battery circulating through one helix, would occasion another current in the other ; but no indication of such an effect could be detected. In order to obtain a nearer approach to contact, a new double helix was formed, by winding two hundred and three feet of wire upon a wooden cylinder, and the same quantity again between the coils of the first, twine being interposed between. A much more powerful battery being now used to transmit a current through one of the spirals, while the other was connected with the galva- nometer, a momentary and very slight effect was perceptible at the instant of either making or breaking the connexion with the bat- 17 tery ; these two effects being of contrary kinds. But during the passage of the battery current, however long continued or intense, nothing like an induced current could be perceived in the other wire, but the galvanometer needle, from its momentary disturbance in the beginning, returned quietly to its ordinary position, where it remained at rest till the moment when the voltaic current was sus- pended. Then occurred the other momentary disturbance, in a direction contrary to the former. These momentary currents produced by induction, were in a di- rection contrary to that of the inducing current, when the battery contact was made ; and in the same direction, when this contact was broken. They were found sufficiently energetic, when passed through spiral conductors, to magnetise steel needles ; but the suc- cessive currents, being in opposite directions, produced in such needles contrary polarities. The same needle being allowed, there- fore, to remain in the helix during the first passage and subsequent return of the induced current, was found scarcely magnetised at all ; but when subjected to the single action of either, exhibited de- cided polarity. To avoid the possibility of error from any unobserved peculiarity of circumstances attendant upon making or breaking contact with the battery, the induction was then produced in a different mode. Upon two separate boards, two similar zig-zags of wire were fas- tened, so that they could be brought into mutual contact in every part, except that a sheet of paper was interposed between. Being separated, one of the zig-zags was connected with the battery, and the other with the galvanometer. They were then made to approach t each other, and at this moment the galvanometer indicated elec- tricity. On being again separated, electricity of the opposite kind was developed. With the cessation of the motion, these currents ceased. The fact of Yolta-electric induction having been thus demon- strated in the case of conductors contiguous to a current of elec- tricity, Mr. Faraday proceeded to ascertain whether the same effect would be produced at a greater distance, provided a communication were formed by means of iron rendered magnetic by the current. Two helices of insulated copper wire were wound upon the opposite semicircles of an iron ring of about six inches in external diameter. 3 18 An electric current having been passed through one of these, the other was traversed by momentary currents, precisely as with the former arrangement, but much more powerful. When passed through dry charcoal points, they exhibited a faint spark. Two helices were then intertwined with each other upon a hol- low pasteboard cylinder, into which was introduced a bar of iron. The presence of the iron added remarkably to the energy of the induced currents : but this arrangement was inferior in power to that of the ring. A copper cylinder, substituted for the iron, pro- duced no effect ; but a single iron wire materially increased the power of the apparatus. The Voltaic battery was then entirely disused, and the iron cy- linder in the helix, magnetised, by applying to its extremities the contrary poles of two common bar magnets, each two feet in length, brought together at the other extremities, in imitation of a horse- shoe magnet. Currents were still excited in the helix, precisely as when the battery was used. Their first direction, or that which occurred on making contact, was contrary to the direction of the currents supposed, by M. Ampere’s theory, to exist in the magne- tised cylinder ; but their returning direction, of course, corresponded with that of these. Instead of the soft iron cylinder, a bar, already magnetised, was then employed alone. W T hen introduced into the helix, it excited currents opposite to those supposed to exist within itself ; and when withdrawn, it produced others, corresponding with the same. It was a matter of no consequence, as it regarded these directions, at which end of the helix the magnet was first inserted, nor, of course, which pole first entered, nor which way it was moved ; provided the same ends of the magnet and helix continued to cor- respond in direction — that is, provided they were not relatively reversed. Experiments were then made with a soft iron cylinder, and a compound steel magnet, of such power, that, when the cylinder was laid across the poles, nearly one hundred pounds were required to break the contact. When this cylinder, surrounded by the helix, was applied to the poles, the needle of the galvanometer was caused to spin violently jound : but it returned at length to its quiescent state, if the parts of the apparatus were kept motionless, though 19 the contact still continued. But when this contact was broken, a disturbance quite as violent took place in the other direction. The amount of effect produced, seemed much to depend upon the sudden- ness of making or breaking contact. When the separation was accomplished by a blow, the currents were most remarkably de- veloped. Mr. Faraday had not yet obtained the electric spark from a permanent steel magnet alone, when he announced his discoveries, in a private letter, to M. Hachette of Paris. Imperfect statements of them were soon made public ; and the experiments were, conse- quently, at once repeated and varied by numerous individuals. Messrs. Nobili and Antenori of Florence, by a simple arrangement, elicited sparks from magnets of a comparatively low power. A coil of insulated wire was wound upon the middle of the lifter (or keeper ) of a horse-shoe magnet, the ends resting upon the poles of the horse-shoe beyond the extremities of the lifter, which was made short for the purpose. On suddenly breaking contact with the poles, sparks made their appearance at the extremities of the wire. Professor Emmet, of Virginia, has essentially improved this appa- ratus. In March, 1832, Mr. J. D. Forbes obtained the electric spark from a natural magnet, or loadstone, of great power ; the loadstone being capable of sustaining one hundred and seventy pounds. His mode of exciting the currents was similar to that of Faraday, with the large compound steel magnet above-mentioned. In October of the same year, Mr. Faraday contrived a mode of eliciting the spark, without the aid of the soft iron cylinder, or lifter, intervening between the magnet itself and the conductor carrying the induced current, which had hitherto been found necessary to produce that phenomenon. He fixed a helix horizontally to a firm support, and bent the two ends of the wire to meet, one of them passing before the end of the helix, or crossing the line of its axis continued. This end pressed with a spring against a little disk soldered to the other. It was, of course, impossible for a solid body to pass through the helix without striking the wire which crossed its axis, and thus breaking the contact of that wire with the disk. If the solid body were a magnet, an electric current would be ex- 20 cited in the helix by its passage, and the interruption of the contact as above, would cause the spark to appear. By a particular arrangement, the electrical shock may be obtained even more directly from the permanent magnet, than the spark, as just described. It is known that if a steel ring be magnetised in the ordinary way, by carrying round it repeatedly one of the poles of a common bar-magnet, it will, while it remains whole, exhibit no polarity. If, then, an insulated wire be wound on a part of the ring, and the latter be suddenly fractured, a momentary current will, at the moment of the fracture, be induced in the wire, of suf- ficient intensity to produce a sensible shock. This is accounted for, by supposing that the electricity of the magnet is obliged to seek a new distribution, when the continuity of the ring is inter- rupted. The first successful experiment of effecting chemical decompo- sition by magneto-electricity, was communicated anonymously to Mr. Faraday, in July, 1832. It was accomplished by means of an ingenious magneto-electric machine, contrived for the double pur- pose of rendering available the joint power of many comparatively feeble horse-shoe magnets, and of increasing the facility of produc- ing the spark, by a sudden reversal of poles. The horse-shoe mag- nets were fixed equidistant in the circumference of a revolving wheel, so that their poles should be even with the surface of its plane, and stand severally in the lines of its radii. They were placed with their north and south poles alternately outward, or at the extreme edge. A number of lifters equal to that of the mag- nets, were fixed in like manner in another disk of wood of equal size, placed motionless, in full contact, surface to surface, with the wheel. Thus all the magnets were, at the same time, in contact with their respective lifters. A single long wire was wound round the middle of each lifter, sucessively, alternately from left to right and from right to left, in order that the magneto-electric currents excited by the whole might be in the same direction, though the poles of the magnets succeeded each other in contrary order. In passing from lifter to lifter, the wire was wound round an iron ring on the outside of the fixed disk ; this being found to increase the power. Let us call one of the magnets A, and its next neighbor 21 B. If, then, A has its north pole outward, B will have its south pole outward at the same time. The magnet A produces a cer- tain polarity in its lifters ; but, as the wheel turns, B takes the place of A over the same lifter, and reverses that polarity, because its poles stand in a contrary direction. A similar change, from a simi- lar cause, occurs, of course, throughout the whole apparatus at the same moment. Thus, if the wheel turns rapidly, a rapid succes- sion of changes is constantly going on. If a little projection be placed over each magnet, to break, by a suitable arrangement, the continuity of the circuit formed by the wire, at the exact moment of the change of poles, the spark becomes visible. The currents thus excited are found sufficient to decompose water ; and this, ac- cording to Mr. Faraday, was the first arrangement by which that object was accomplished. In October of the same year, Professor Botto, of Turin, succeeded in effecting many decompositions, and in producing the spark, with the aid of a magnet capable of lifting no more than six pounds. Water, sulphate of copper, and acetate of lead, were among the sub- stances decomposed. His magnet was placed in a box, with a soft iron cylinder wound with wire fixed before its poles. By means of a handle, contact between the poles and the cylinder could be very quickly made and broken, and a current of electricity, almost constant, kept up. Professor Dal Negro, of Padua, contrived, early in 1832, a very ingenious magneto-electrical battery. A series of parallel spirals, wound alternately from right to left and from left to right, and formed all of one wire, were placed opposite to the poles of a num- ber of horse-shoe magnets fixed to a little carriage, which was so constructed, that, in moving, the poles should be made to pass se- verally within the spirals. All the currents thus generated would conspire to move in the same general direction along the wire, and by the facility with which the carriage could be advanced or with- drawn, they could be kept up as long as desired. ^ But a magneto-electrical machine, much more efficient than any that had been previously constructed, was that invented in 1833 by our countryman, Mr. Joseph Saxton, resident in London, and denominated by him a revolving-keeper-magnet. A simple drawing would serve to convey a better idea of its construction 22 than many words. We will, nevertheless, attempt a brief descrip, tion. A horse-shoe magnet is fixed firmly in a horizontal position. Through the upper part, or curve, of the horse-shoe, a horizontal axis passes longitudinally to the keeper, which last is wound with a quantity of wire. Beyond the keeper, on the same axis, is a ver- tical and parallel disk of copper, and farther still, a light cross- bar, all insulated from each other, and the disk and cross-bar dip- ping, as the whole revolves, into a basin of mercury. One end of the wire coiled upon the keeper, touches the copper disk, and the other is carried along the middle of the wooden axis, through the centre of the disk, without touching, to the cross-bar. Rapid rota- tion is then given to the axis, carrying the keeper, the disk, and the cross-bar, by means of a wheel and band ; and as often as the point of the cross-bar leaves the surface of the mercury, a spark ap- pears. By placing other conductors in contact with the disk and cross-bar, the circuit may be lengthened, and made to include an apparatus for the purpose of effecting decompositions. Soon after the announcement of Mr. Saxton’s invention, the great magnet belonging to the Philadelphia Museum, capable of sustaining a weight of 134 pounds, was fitted up into a magneto-electrical machine by Mr. Isaiah Lukens of that city. The “ Journal of the Franklin Institute,” vol. 13, contains an account of some experi- ments made with that apparatus, by Professor Green of Jefferson Medical College. Professor Green remarks, that the effects produced were by no means proportional to the power of the magnet ; but it is probable that the quantity of enveloping wire, used to surround the keeper, was altogether too small, since it was not more than one third as much in length as is now employed by Mr. Saxton, with magnets of greatly inferior power. In his experiments on the spark, Professor Green dispensed with the use of the basin of mer- cury, substituting strips of different metals, bent into the form of an arc, so as to present flat surfaces to the wheel and the cross- bar, or a second wheel substituted in its place. When a steel arc was employed, brilliant coruscations and scintillations were pro- duced, resembling those of the same metal burning in oxygen gas. By sending the current through a helix surrounding a bar of iron, electro-magnetic effects were also produced, but less powerful than had been anticipated. 23 A contrivance somewhat similar in principle to that of Mr. Sax- ton, but much simpler in construction, and less powerful, was in- vented by M. Pixii, of Paris. In this, the magnet was made to rotate, poles downward, over a fixed keeper. In the year 1836, an account was published by Mr. E. M. Clarke of London, of a magneto-electrical machine constructed by him, possessing, as he claimed, important advantages over that of Mr. Saxton, and, indeed, every other. In principle, however, it seemed to differ so little from the contrivance of our ingenious countryman, that the latter, not without a show of justice, complained of the appropriation of his labors. In the apparatus of Mr. Clark, the mag- net employed is fixed perpendicularly, poles downward ; and the keeper revolves against its lateral surface. The vessel of mercury is inclosed in a box, the wheel and cross-bar are dispensed with, and the communication is made by means of wires proceeding from the box, and pressing on the revolving axis with a spring. In the construction of his later machines, Mr. Clarke has dispensed, moreover, entirely with the use of the mercury — a part of the ap- paratus which is always troublesome, and not at all essential to the production of the effects. Mr. Clarke states that the intensity of the magneto-electric shock is increased by employing a very long and fine enveloping wire ; but that the spark is more brilliant when the wire is of less length and greater diameter. Few persons, he says, can endure the intense agony produced by his machine, when a small wire is used, fifteen hundred feet in length : but the brightness of the spark is vastly superior, when only one hundred and twenty feet of a coarse wire are substituted in its place. In regard to the magneto-electrical spark, Mr. Faraday has made a curious observation ; that when a very long wire is employed, the brilliancy is greater on breaking than on making contact, while no difference is perceived when the wire is short. He con- siders this circumstance to be, not improbably, due to the inductive action of the current upon itself ; that is, of each portion of the current upon the rest ; an action which, very naturally, takes place when the fluid is passing through the parallel coils of an extended helix, and not impossibly, when the conductor is perfectly straight. The effect must, of course, be proportional to the length of the cir- 24 cuit, and may become imperceptible when the circuit is short. There are many phenomena analogous to this, observable in elec- tricity and magnetism. We know, for example, that when, by ex- periment, the weight which a single pole of a magnet will sustain has been determined, the application of a bar of unmagnetized iron to the other pole, will so increase the power of the first, that a much greater weight may be suspended from it than before. This can only be accounted for by supposing that the induced magnetism of the iron bar re-acts, by an opposite induction, upon the inducing magnet itself, to increase its magnetic energy. The magneto- electrical machines of Messrs. Saxton and Clarke, operate, it will be observed, by a change of polarity at every semi- revolution of the keeper. The direction of the induced electric current is, of course, reversed just as often. An ingenious con- trivance of Dr. Ritchie is described in the Philosophical Transac- tions for 1833, for producing an almost uninterrupted flow of mag- neto-electricity in the same direction. A horse-shoe magnet is fixed firmly, poles upright, beneath a wooden axis having four arms like those of a wind-mill, the ends of which, as the axis revolves, pass by the poles of the magnet. To the end of each arm is fixed transversely a soft iron cylinder, wound in the usual manner with wire. The extremities of each wire are carried along the arm, to the axis, and so to one of the fixed supports in which the axis turns. To the inside and the outside of this support are fixed metallic disks, or portions of disks, the axis passing through the centres of both. Against the inside disk one end of each wire presses, so as to remain in contact while the revolution goes on. The other end passes along the interior of the axis to the outside of the support, and is there re-curved so as to press, in like manner, on the outside disk. The disks are connected severally with wires, which pass off to form a circuit for the ordinary purposes. As the revolution proceeds, and each bar with its coil approaches the magnet, a flow of electricity commences from it, which, as it declines in one coil, is renewed in that which succeeds, and so on indefinitely. We have already observed that a flow of electricity, perfectly continuous, is excited by the magnetic action of the earth upon a circular metallic plate, revolving at right angles to the line of the dip. Mr. Faraday, in 1832, suggested the construction of a mag- 25 neto-electrical machine of considerable power, on this simple prin- ciple alone. When the rotation of the plate is made to correspond in direction with that of the earth, that is from west to east, the electrical currents excited, tend toward the axis, from the circum- ference ; and the reverse, when the direction of rotation is reversed. Mr. Faraday would, accordingly, have had a number of parallel disks to revolve about a common axis of motion, and in contact with one another only at the centres and circumferences alternately, the alternate disks revolving in contrary directions. The effect of such an arrangement will be obvious to a little thought. If we suppose the currents to be proceeding outward, on the surface of the first disk, they will, on arriving at the circumference, pass to the next disk, where the currents are at the same time flowing in- ward ; making the volume of those inward currents two-fold. On reaching the centre, they will pass to the third disk, and flow outward again, with a volume a second time augmented. The electricity will thus continue to accumulate to the end of the series. We are not aware that any machine has ever been actually con- structed on this principle. In making the suggestion, Mr, Faraday remarks, as a reason for not having carried it out in practice, that he has chosen rather to busy himself in seeking for new modes of evolving this mysterious agent, than in endeavoring, by improved mechanical arrangements, which must follow of course in due time, to render more striking the effects of those already known. Such seems to have been the spirit by which all the great discoverers in this novel and brilliant department of natural science have been actuated. New and beautiful facts have been coming to light in so rapid succession, within the past ten years, that every philosophic investigator has felt himself excited to emulation by the hope of being first to announce to the world each additional extraordinary discovery ; and of thus more surely linking his name forever to the history of the science. This may, in part, account for the comparatively little attention which the philosophers have given to the subject of employing electro-magnetism as a moving power. Motion, they have from time to time produced, with feeble apparatus ; but they have, in very few instances, applied themselves to the task of testing, in practice, how great might be the possible energy of more perfect arrangements. Dr. Ritchie, it is true, in some of his 4 26 later publications, has pronounced his rotating invention to be practically useless ; assigning its inutility as a reason for having laid it aside : but he has never devoted that patient industry to its improvement, which he has been ever ready to contribute to the advancement of science. Mr. Sturgeon also laid aside his ma- chine, but only because he thought it might be improved ; yet no gentleman has been more indefatigable than he in the field of phi- losophical inquiry. Having proposed to ourselves merely a popular sketch of this interesting science, we must here draw our remarks to a close. It is proper to observe, however, that the question, long esteemed doubtful, whether electricity, under all the various forms in which it manifests itself to us, or by whatever mode excited from its latent state, is in fact, or not, always identically the same, is admitted to have been set at rest by the masterly investigations of Mr. Faraday. The various forms alluded to, are Volta-Electricity, Magneto-Elec- tricity, Thermo-Electricity, Animal Electricity, and common Elec- tricity of tension. Since Mr. Faraday’s experiments on this subject, the march of ^science has furnished additional corroborations of his conclusions. Among these may be mentioned the production of the electric spark from the torpedo, and from thermo-electrical apparatus. It would be aside from our purpose, however, to follow out in detail the interesting discoveries made, in late years, in any other department of electrical science, than that to which we have given particular consideration in this cursory view. That alone is full of wonders ; and of these, if we have succeeded in imperfectly describ- ing some of the most remarkable, our object is accomplished. NOTE. Since the commencement of the present sketch was put in type as an article in the American Monthly Magazine, the October number of Professor Silliman’s Journal of Science has made its appearance, containing an account of an Electro-Magnetic machine, constructed by Dr. Benjamin Rush McConnell, of Mauch Chunk, Pennsylvania. This machine is, in principle, entirely different from any previous contrivance of the kind ; and yet it can hardly be called a new invention, since it is only a copy, on a large scale, of an electro-magnetic trifle long known to experimenters. That it may be understood, it will be necessary to recal the phenomena 27 of the rotation of conductors around magnetic poles, mentioned in the beginning of this outline. Suppose a magnet to be fixed in a basin of mercury, the south pole upward, and a jointed wire to con- vey a current of electricity downward to the mercury. The wire will immediate^ commence a rotation in what is called the unscrew direction : that is, from right to left. If a north pole be employed, the rotation will take place in the opposite, or screw direction ; that is, from left to right. If then, a horse-shoe magnet, with both poles upward, be employed, the wire descending between the poles will, in the first instant, be impelled by both in the same direction ; but, immediately afterward, will be urged by one to deviate to the right, and by the other, to the left ; so that, between the two, it will pro. ceed in a straight line till it is carried out of the mercury. If the wire be replaced by a wheel, the edge just touching the mercury, it is obvious that the wheel will revolve, so long as the current con- tinues. A current going upward from the mercury, the position of the magnet remaining the same, will reverse the motion of the wheel. This motion may also be reversed by causing the poles of the magnet to exchange places. The little apparatus alluded to above, consists of two disks, turning in separate channels of mercury, and attached to the ends of a common metallic axis. The channels of mercury severally communicate witn the opposite ends of a vol- taic battery. Thus a current of electricity passes upward in one wheel, then along the axis, and finally downward in 4he other. Two horse-shoe magnets are laid, one to embrace each ^eel, in such a manner that they may act unitedly to produce rotati^l in the same direction. ^ This piece of apparatus is the model of Mr. McConnell’s ma- chine. He takes advantage of no change of poles, but derives his available force wholly from an enlargement of the disks, and an in- crease in the energy of the magnets (electro-magnets) employed. He dispenses, also, with the use of the mercury. He employs hollow electro-magnets, and says he has succeeded equally well with them, whether made of bar iron, tinned iron, or copper. Their diameter is one inch ; their length five and a half inches ; distance between the poles, one and a half inches ; quantity of wire (iron wire) surrounding each, one hundred and fifty feet. His battery is an external copper cube of seven inches ; the zinc, six and a half inches edge, by seven deep, with another interior copper surface ; entire galvanic surface of zinc, about two square feet. The copper disks are nine inches each in diameter ; and, on the middle of the axis, is a band-wheel to communicate motion to machinery, sixteen inches in diameter. The shaft is of iron, three-eighths of an inch in diameter, by five inches long. The machine moves a car- riage on which it is fixed. When not attached to its load, it makes two hundred revolutions per minute. Loaded with forty pounds, it revolves seventy times per minute, and moves over a space of two hundred and eighty feet in the same time. It has been in opera- tion more than a year. Dr. McConnell has not constructed any other similar machine on a larger scale ; his professional duties in- terfering, as he says, with the prosecution of his experiments. 28 3 0112 072884932 We have been more particular in the description of this machine, because its performances, as stated, astonish us, when we consider that the power employed is only that of a single current of electri- city, re-acting, by its tangential force, upon the poles of magnets ; the parts of the apparatus not being, either, in very close juxtapo- sition. It is to be desired that a careful series of experiments should be instituted, to ascertain how far this principle may be use- ful. Electro-magnetic machines are coming into existence every- where. We hear that Professor Dal Negro, of Padua, has produc- ed an invention of the kind ; and that the same power has been suc- cessfully applied so far off as Calcutta. It is more than eighteen months since we heard of a magnetic loco-motive, set in operation by M. Lemaire of Brussels. M. Lemaire was probably less suc- cessful than he had hoped to be, for he has been already forgotten. The Emperor of Russia is said to have directed a grand series of experiments to be instituted, for the sake of settling the question how far electro-magnetism can be employed as a moving power. Our countrymen, Messrs. Davenport and Cooke, are preparing to set in operation a Napier press, with a working wheel of thirty inches diameter, and two oriiree horse power. In the mean time, there ajre not wanting sceptics, who expect to see these laudable enterprises abandoned for want of success. They expect, ail most, onljf that electro-magnetism will be applied to those opera^&ns in the arts which require but a trifling motive power ; whiljReam is, in their opinion, destined for ever to perform, without a ri/*al, those gigantic labors, which have already wrought so complete a social, mechanical, and commercial revolution throughout the civilized world. No great improvement in science or the arts w r as ever yet received with hearty welcome or regarded with undoubting confidence in the outset, by those whom it was destined to benefit. Such things must f rce their own way to cele- brity. Prejudice must be demolished, distrust overthrown, ridi- cule rendered ridiculous, and opposition cc^ifounded, by the straight- forward logic of facts. Let the humble but sagacious experimen- ter, in the solitude of his laboratory, estimate at what it is worth, the profundity that would demonstrate iq advance the folly of his undertaking, or the shallowness that would pretend to pity or des- pise, because incapable of comprehending ; he knows that in the hour in which he shall announce his triumph, the reasoners and the sneerers will alike be put to silence, by an argument to which they must, as it is the only argument to which tihey ever will, submit. It is a very just remark of a German writer, that, “ though it requires but little wit to be of an opinion now, which all the world arrived at twenty years ago ; it bespeaks no slight superiority of mind to entertain already an opinion, in which all the world will not be prepared to concur for twenty years to come.”