EXAMINATION FOR REFERENCE LIBRARIAN EXAMINATION FOR REFERENCE LIBRARIAN CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION . Evanston, Ills. Sept. 25th, 1897 Four general questions which enter into the aetemi nation of el lpibili ty , but will not be considered in determining the *»er- \ cunta/'e of qualification. 1. From what high school or col.lei ye did you graduate, and. when? 2. What coi.rse of study did. you take? b. ’"hat library school die, you attend, and. how long? 4, What practical experience have you had in library work, where, and how long? Library Economy . 7, 'hat is the object of classification? I lame several systems of classification, state which you consider 2 preferable, and. why. Which of the various systems of charging books in circulation uo you consider the beet, and why? (a) Name five or more guides to the best reading for adults? (b) Name three or more guides to children's reading? Wnat important work has been accomplished by the A.L.A. publishing section?. Cataloguing. j / 1. 2 2 . 3 o. ^ * 1 2 3 4 - & 5. L 7 ? 1. (a) How are the accession numbers of a set of several volumes written if the numbers are not consecutive? (b) Now for subsequent editions? (c) How are accession numbers indicated for periodicals? 2. Punctuate, capitalize and arrange the following for entry in a n card catalogue; john^ktuart *ill essays on some unsettled questions of polit- ical economy 1877 ed 3 L 6bl+lf>4p o 3. How are entries made for books written conjointly by two or more authors? "2 ? 'L'l 2 f /O. // / 2 . o /5 /L ' 7 n 4. State the difference between a "shelf list" and a dictionary card catalogued 5. When do you use "See" and when "See aleo"? Reference . 1. Give the names of the first. 25 reference books and bibliographic aids that you would consider essential for the reference department of the Evanston Eroo Public Library; also indicate along what lines this list should be extended until the department would have a good working reference library! 2. Name the reference books and aids that would be required for the children! 3. Give names of annual indexes ana state the special fe atures of each! 4. Name and describe the most important monthly index; also give names of other monthly indexes! o. (a) Give the names of trie most important American and English dictionaries. (b) Give names and characteristics of the most important American and English cyclopedias'; (yrWetX UfliW 6. (a) Who^stands at the head of English writers of fiction, quality and quantity considered? (b) Whose writings are at the summit of the worldls literature^ 7. State wnat books you would consult and in what order jrou would Yv