LAWRENCE J. GUTTER Collection of Chicogoono THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT CHICAGO The University Library THE RAILROAD CHAPEL. MANUAL OF THE OF CHICAGO, - - ILLINOIS. Compiled and Published by the Members. MARCH, 1887. CHICAGO : THE HANSCOM PRINTING COMPANY, 184 & 186 MONROE STREET. 1887. - THE RAILROAD CHAPEL CHARLES M. MORTON, PASTOR. CHARLES S. LEE, SUPERINTENDENT. RELIGIOUS SERVICES. SABBATH SCHOOL Every Sunday afternoon at 3. PREACHING Every Sunday evening at 7:45. YOUNG PEOPLE'S TEMPERANCE UNION Tuesday evening at 8. MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION Wednesday evening at 7:45. MITE SOCIETY Thursday evening at 8. GENERAL PRAYER MEETING Friday evening at 7:45. CHOIR MEETING Saturday evening at 8. BAND OF HOPE Tuesday afternoon at 4. GIRLS' INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL Saturday morning at 9:30. KINDERGARTEN SCHOOL Weekday mornings, 9 to 12. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper is administered on the second Sunday evening in January, April, July and October. The meeting for the examination of those per- sons who may desire to unite with this Church is always on the Friday evening before the Communion Sunday, in the Prayer Meeting room of the Chapel. Every seat in this large and pleasant Church is free. THE RAILROAD CHAPEL. THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. The Railroad Chapel is a Church whose government is by Presbyters (Elders). These officers, chosen by the people, are charged with the watch, and care, and govern- ment of the Church. They are of two classes those who rule and those who both rule and teach. The former are called ruling elders; the latter, pastors or ministers. THE SESSION. "The Church Session consists of the pastor, or pastors, and ruling elders of a particular congre- gation." Duties: To receive members into the Church; to ad- monish and rebuke, to suspend or exclude, in the exercise of a wise and tender discipline; to "support the weak"; and, in general, to take loving and watchful heed " to all the flock over the which the Holy Ghost hath made them overseers." The following are the names of the gentlemen who com- prise the Session which has charge of the spiritual interests of the Railroad Chapel, as well as those of the First Pres- byterian Church, of Chicago. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. REV. J. H. BARROWS, D. D. CHARLES S. LEE. REV. C. M. MORTON. SOLVA BRINTNALL. WM. H. SWIFT. O. D. RANNEY. H. D. PENFIELD. H. W. DUDLEY. JAMES HOLLINGSWORTH. F. V. CHAMBERLAIN. GEORGE F. BISSELL. SAMUEL FAULKNER. D. W. IRWIN. CHAS. W. LILLEY, Clerk. THE RAILROAD CHAPEL. Young People's Mission Association. C. M. HENDERSON, President. CARYL YOUNG and H. M. BACON, Vice-Presidents. CHAS. S. FROST, Recording Secretary. CHAS. T. OTIS, Treasurer. N. D. PRATT, O. P. CURRAN, SAMUEL BAKER, JOHN ALLING and ADDISON BALLARD, Trustees. Messrs. BALLARD, YOUNG and CURRAN, Committee on Building. Messrs. BAKER and FROST, Committee on Missions. Messrs. OTIS, ALLING and PRATT, Committee on Finance. OUR FINANCES. This Church is free, none of the seats being rented. The yearly cost of carrying on the work is about seven thousand dollars. The fol- lowing are God's directions as to how Christians should give: " Upon the first day of the week let every one of~!you lay by him in store as God hath prospered him." I Cor. 16:2. " Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give, not grudgingly or of necessity, for God loveth a cheerful giver." 2 Cor. 9 :'j. " Honor the Lord with thy substance, and with the first fruits of all thine increase." Prov. 11:2-5. "Freely ye have received, freely give." Matt. 10:8. " Give and it shall be given unto you, good measure pressed down and shaken together, and running over shall men give unto you." Luke, 6:38. HISTORICAL SKETCH. The Rev. BRAINERD KENT, who founded the Sunday School of the Railroad Chapel in a Lake Shore Railway passenger car, on Sunday, May 10, 1857, is still living, but so venerable and feeble as to be unable to leave his residence. He was with the School from the beginning to November, 1884, when his strength failed him. He is respected and loved by thousands in Chicago. The first Chapel building stood on a lot given by the Railroad Company, on Griswold street, south of Van Buren, and was dedicated on the 4th of July, 1858, a little more than a year after the School was born. This building accommo- dated about three hundred scholars, and was soon uncomfortably crowded. Then a second building, of brick, was erected on Griswold THE RAILROAD CHAPEL. street, seating fully one thousand persons, and costing $21,000. It was dedicated on March 27, 1864, and was used until the great fire of October 9, 1871, when it, and all of its furniture, was destroyed. For nearly a year and a half, after the fire, the Railroad Chapel Congregation and Sabbath School met in the Jewish Synagogue, corner of Wabash Avenue and Peck Court, and its attend- ance constantly increased. In the meantime, the First Presbyterian Church had purchased a lot on State street, just south of Fourteenth, for $24,000, and erected a fine, large, brick building for the Chapel's use, which, with its furniture and large pipe organ, cost about $46,000 more. The Rev. DONALD FLETCHER was the first pastor in the new building and continued his work for a year or more. Then the Rev. Dr. MITCHELL, the pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, preached at the Chapel on Sunday evenings, for nearly three years. During this time, little pastoral work was done among the Chapel congregation, and there was a painful falling off, in all the departments of its work. IO THE RAILROAD CHAPEL. On October i, 1880, Mr. CHARLES M. MORTON was called to the pastorate of the Chapel, and still continues this relation. His first sermon was preached to about thirty people, and his first Prayer Meeting was attended by seven men, women and children. He began to spend his time in the homes of the community, and it was not long before the result of his work began to be apparent. A fine class of people came to his assistance, and the blessing of God was poured out upon the congregation in large measure. The five Communion Services of the last year (from January, 1886, to January, 1887) have added one hundred and forty-one valuable mem- bers to this Church. Mr. MORTON has been highly favored with competent and willing helpers, of both sexes, and their name is legion, for they are many. Probably all of them would unite in giving place to Mr. CHARLES S. LEE, who from the beginning of Mr. MORTON'S pastorate, has given most valuable time and services to this work. He has his reward in the affections of the people, who, from the oldest man to the youngest child, THE RAILROAD CHAPEL. II most heartily appreciate the encouragement and comfort they have received from Mr. LEE. To one and all who have labored so faithfully here, the thanks of the Church are due. The record of their work and their reward are in heaven. o!j3o QUALIFICATIONS FOR MEMBERSHIP. Every person desiring to unite with the mem- bership of this Church must give creditable evi- dence of regeneration and devotion to the service of the Lord Jesus Christ, and should be able to accept heartily the following doc- trines of the confession of faith. THE DOCTRINES OF OUR CONFESSION OF FAITH. I. ONE GOD; infinite, eternal and unchangeable in his being, wisdom, power, holiness, justice, goodness and truth, subsisting in mysterious and eternal trinity Father, Son and Holy Ghost. II. ONE WORD; the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, all given by inspiration of God, and our only infallible rule of faith and practice. III. ONE CONDEMNATION; there being no difference, for all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God, because the carnal mind is enmity against God. IV. ONE SAVIOUR; the Lord Jesus Christ, God mani- fest in the flesh, the power unto salvation from sin and endless death, by atoning expiatory sacrifice, through faith. V. ONE ATONEMENT FOR SIN ; made by Jesus Christ in his obedience unto death, sufficient unto all, adapted to all, taking every legal obstacle out of the way of all, and on these grounds to be offered to all. THE RAILROAD CHAPEL. 13 VI. ONE SPIRIT; God, the Holy Ghost, through whose sovereign agency in regeneration, the soul, dead in sin, is made alive in Christ, and through whose sovereign agency in sanctification, the soul is changed more and more into the divine image, from glory to glory. VII. ONE LIFE; the life hid with Christ in God -the life eternal ; begun when a sinner believes, and assured forever thereafter by the effectual and sovereign grace of God ; so that once given this eternal life, no believer shall ever perish. VIII. ONE CHURCH ; which is Christ's body, all the members of which God hath from the beginning chosen to salvation through sanctihcation of the Spirit and belief of the Truth. IX. Two SACRAMENTS ; and only two, as ordained by Christ Baptism and the Lord's Supper. Baptism being a Sacrament wherein we have "sign and seal of ingrafting into Christ, of remission of sins by His blood, and regener- ation by His Spirit"; and the Lord's Supper being a Sacra- ment wherein "the Lord's death is shown forth," and the worthy receivers are, by faith, "made partakers of His body and blood, to their spiritual nourishment and growth in grace." X. ONE JUDGMENT; when the dead, small and great, shall stand before God, and every man shall be judged according to his works ; and the wicked shall go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous unto life eternal. 14 THE RAILROAD CHAPEL. FORM FOR RECEIVING NEW MEMBERS. I. OF BAPTISED PERSONS ADMITTED TO FULL COMMUNION. The following persons born within the pale of the visible Church, and dedicated to God in baptism, having been ex- amined as to their knowledge and Christian experience, and approved by the Session, will now present themselves, as their names are called, publicly to confirm their baptis- mal obligations. [ T"he candidates, having presented themselves, are ad- dressed by the pastor in the following words:} BELOVED: Grace be unto you and peace from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ. This is the word of faith which we preach: " If thou shall confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved." By virtue of your connection with the visible Church, you received the sacrament of baptism, in infancy, accord- ing to Scriptural warrant. You have been instructed in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments. You have been taught to abhor sin, to fear God, and obey the Lord Jesus Christ. Humbly trusting that you have been chosen of God to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth, and regarding it to be your duty and privilege to come to the Lord's Supper, do you now, with your whole heart, ratify the vows of your baptism that bind you to consecrate yourselves to God, and to live godly and obedi- ent lives? [Here each shall audibly answer:} I do. THE RAILROAD CHAPEL. We thankfully^recognize the seal of God thus set to His promise, which is unto us and to our children. We rejoice in your obedience to our common Master, who said to His disciples, " This do in remembrance of me." Henceforth, then, let your conversation be as becometh the Gospel of Christ; and may you adorn the doctrine of God our Sav- iour in all things. II. OF UNBAPTISED 'PERSONS ADMITTED TO CHURCH MEMBERSHIP ON PROFESSION OF THEIR FAITH. The following persons, having given satisfaction with respect to their knowledge and Christian experience, and having been received into the Church by the Session, are now to make a public profession of their faith, and there- upon to be baptised. [Here the candidates -will come forward, as their names are called, and be addressed as follows :] BELOVED IN THE LORD: In accordance with our Sav- iour's words, " Whosoever shall confess Me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven," you here and now, confessing and repenting of your sins, and trusting that they are pardoned solely through the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ our Lord, do publicly profess your faith in Jesus Christ and your accept- ance of Him as your Saviour and King, whose life is your supreme example, whose death is your only ground of hope, whose commandment is your supreme law, and whose perpetual and prevailing intercession is your ever- more blessed assurance of salvation to the uttermost. Henceforth avoiding that worldly conformity which is forbidden in the Scriptures, and seeking fellowship with the people of God, you do engage to keep covenant with 16 THE RAILROAD CHAPEL. them, and with Him, in the faithful and diligent observ- ance of all the commandments and ordinances of our Lord, and Saviour Jesus Christ. Do you thus believe and promise? [Here each shall audibly answer:} I do. [Here baptism is administered.} You have now witnessed a good confession. Solemn as the transaction is in its nature, precious in its privileges, and impressive in its obligations, you may, nevertheless, with confidence in the strength of Divine grace, thus un- alterably commit yourselves to Him whom you have be- lieved. Be persuaded, therefore, that He is able to keep that which you have committed unto Him against that day. III. OF MEMBERS RECEIVED BY CERTIFICATE. The following persons have presented letters of dismis- sion and recommendation to this Church, which have been accepted by the Session. They will rise in their places as their names are called. [And be addressed as follows:} DEARLY BELOVED: Having heretofore made a public profession of your faith, and having been commended to us by the respective churches of which you were members, you do now jointly covenant with this Church that you will walk in its order and submit to its discipline, seek its peace and welfare, and treat its members with that tender- ness and fidelity which becomes the disciples of Christ, and brethren of the same household. THE RAILROAD CHAPEL. 17 IV. WELCOME BY THE CHURCH. [Here the members of this Church are to rise.] We, the officers and members of this Church, earnestly welcome you to our communion, to share with us the labors and privileges, the trials and the rewards, of Chris- tian discipleship. Let us together " confess that we are pilgrims on the earth," and "declare plainly that we seek a country "; " looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appear- ing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ." "We are persuaded of you things that accompany salva- tion." Living and dying may you be the Lord's; and at last, may you and we, faithful unto death, and more than conquerors through Him that loved us, stand holy and un- reprovable in His sight, to the praise of the glory of His grace, being entered into that blessed heavenly fellowship, where our communion shall be forever perfect and our joy forever full. "The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious unto you. The Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace." " And unto Him who is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy, to the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and forever. Amen." BAPTISM OF CHILDREN. " Infants descending from their parents, either both or but one of them professing faith in Christ, and obedience to Him, are, in that respect, within the covenant, and are to be baptized." l8 THE RAILROAD CHAPEL. " Baptism is not to be unnecessarily delayed; nor to be administered by any private person." " It is usually to be administered in the church, in the presence of the congregation." FORM OF BAPTISMAL SERVICE. [Before baptism, parents presenting their children may be addressed as follows:} BELOVED IN THE LORD: In thus presenting your children for baptism, you renew your profession of faith in Jesus Christ, as Redeemer and King, and your adoption of His Word as the law of your household. You remember with grateful love the comforting words of the Lord, who took the little children in His arms, and put His hands on them and blessed them, declaring that of such is the kingdom of heaven. Humbly believing that you are Christ's, and therefore Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise, and on this Scriptural ground believing that the God of Abraham will be your God and the God of your children after you, you do here, in this solemn and precious rite, publicly ex- press that faith of your hearts, in which you do now give these children to God, trusting them to that covenant- keeping One who has said: " I will pour my Spirit upon thy seed and my blessing upon thine offspring." And you do now promise to pray with and for these children, to diligently instruct them in the doctrines and duties of the Christian religion, and to do what in you lies to bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. [Here the rite of baptism will be administered, followed by prayer. ] .. - ' : : LIST OF MEMBERS. LIST OF MEMBERS. ABEL, GEORGE, ABEL, MRS. GEORGE, ABELL, FRANCIS H., ADAMS, WM. R., ALLEN, JOHN, ALLEN, MRS. JOHN, ARMSTRONG, WILLIAM, - ARMSTRONG, MRS. WILLIAM, ATKINSON, R. W., ATKINSON, MRS. PHEBE, BAKER, JOHN, BARRON, MRS. E. G., BARNETT, Miss MAY, BEHM, MRS. JACOB, BEHM, JOHN, BEHRENS, Miss ANNA E., BEHRENS, Miss ANNA G., BEISER, Miss MARGARET, BEISER, Miss ANNIE, BEISER, Miss CARRIE P., BELWAY, EUGENE, BELWAY, MRS. EUGENE, BELL, Miss KATIE, BIELSTEIN, MRS. E. THEODORE, BIELSTEIN, Miss SOPHIA, BIELSTEIN, Miss MAGGIE, BIELSTEIN, Miss MATILDA, BINGHAM, MRS. SARAH, BlNGHAM, MISS LO-UISA M., 1934 La Salle Street 1934 La Salle Street 510 State Street 35 Twenty-fifth Street 3133 Butterfield Street 3133 Butterfield Street 1730 State Street 1730 State Street 1615 Wabash Avenue 342 State Street 1404 Michigan Avenue 1928 Archer Avenue 178 Twenty third Street 1722 Dearborn Street 1722 Dearborn Street 1613 State Street 1613 State Street 1209 Michigan Avenue 2223 Prairie Avenue 2512 Indiana Avenue 3839 State Street 3839 State Street 1209 State Street 2912 Emerald Avenue 2912 Emerald Avenue 2912 Emerald Avenue 2912 Emerald Avenue 1903 South Clark Street 1903 South Clark Street THE RAILROAD CHAPEL. BIRCH, MRS. SARAH, BIRCH, Miss MARY, BIRCH, MRS. SAMUEL, BOOTH, MRS. ANNA, BOOTH, ALBERT P., BOYCE, Miss LOUISA, BROOKBANKS, JOHN, BROOKBANKS, MRS. JOHN, BROOKBANKS, Miss ELIZABETH, BROWN, MRS. C. E., BROWN, OWEN, BROWN, Miss HELEN P., BURNELL, MRS. GEORGE W., BURNETT, RICHARD, BURNETT, MRS. RICHARD, - 1209 Wabash Avenue 1209 Wabash Avenue 2531 Wentworth Avenue 1537 Indiana Avenue 1537 Indiana Avenue 1412 Wabash Avenue 2933 Fifth Avenue 2933 Fifth Avenue 2933 Fifth Avenue 365 Warren Avenue Aldine Place, near 39th Aldine Place, near 3gth 2953 Parnell Avenue 752 Forty-third Street 752 Forty-third Street CALLAN, DAVID H., CALLAN, MRS. JOSIE, CAMPBELL, GEORGE W., CHUDOBA, Miss ANNIE, CHURCHILL, MATTHEW, CLARKE, MRS. MARY E., COE, WALTON W., COE, MRS. WALTON W., COLE, AMOS W., COLONDRO, MRS. B. M., CONLEY, JOHN C., CONLEY, MRS. JOHN C., COOK, JOHN, COOK, MRS. JOHN, COPPOCK, Miss CARRIE M., COPPOCK, Miss AMANDA, CORNUE, WM. J., 3639 Cottage Grove Ave. 3639 Cottage Grove Ave. 1445 State Street 2646 Calumet Avenue 412 South Clark Street 203 Twenty -fourth Place 2401 Hanover Street 2401 Hanover Street 503 West Madison Street 3018 Dearborn Street 1437 Wabash Avenue 1437 Wabash Avenue 36 Fourteenth Street 36 Fourteenth Street 1529 State Street 1529 State Street 175 Twenty-sixth Street THE RAILROAD CHAPEL. 2 7 CORNUE, MRS. WM. J., CORNUE, WM., Cox, Miss VICTORIA, COYLE, MRS. MARY, CROSS, MRS. MARY, 175 Twenty-sixth Street 175 Twenty-sixth Street 2214 Dearborn Street 3203 Dearborn Street 1209 State Street DAKERS, ANDREW W., DA Looz, GERHARD, DA Looz, MRS. JOHANNA H., DA Looz, Miss AGNES, DA Looz, Miss CARRIE, DAVIS, Louis, DAVIS, MRS. SARAH, DAVIS, SAMUEL HENRY, DELANEY, Miss MARY, - DEMLING, MRS. AMELIA, DOONAN, ROBERT, DOONAN, WILLIAM, - DOONAN, JAMES, DOONAN, ARMOR, DOONAN, MRS. ARMOR, - DOONAN, MRS. WM., DRAKE, HOLMES P., DRAKE, MRS. HOLMES P., DUNNICAN, PETER F., DUNNICAN, MRS. PETER F., 2236 Indiana Avenue 1447 State Street 1447 State Street 1447 State Street 1447 State Street 3009 Fifth Avenue 317 State Street no Madison Street 80 West Taylor Street 1835 South Clark Street 2967 State Street 3022 Archer Avenue 2967 State Street 2967 State Street 2967 State Street 1704 South Clark Street 192 Michigan Avenue 192 Michigan Avenue 1724 Dearborn Street 1724 Dearborn Street EI.PHINSTONE, JOHN C., - ELPHINSTONE, MRS. JOHN C., EMERY, WM. K., EMERY, MRS. WM. K., EMERY, EDWARD H., EMERY, MRS. FLORENCE G., Bandow P. O. Bandow P. O. 1615 Wabash Avenue 1615 Wabash Avenue 1615 Wabash Avenue 369 Twenty- fifth Street THE RAILROAD CHAPEL. EPPINGER, MRS. SOPHIA C., 68 Finnell Street EPPINGER, Miss MARY ANNA, 68 Finnell Street EPPINGER, Miss IDA MARY, 68 Finnell Street EPPINGER, CHARLOTTE SOPHIA, 68 Finnell Street FAIRCHILD, JAMES B., FITCH, Miss JENNIE E., FORDEN, JAMES, FORDEN, MRS. JAMES, FORDEN, THOMAS, FORDEN, MRS. THOMAS, FOSTER, DAVID M., FOSTER, MRS. DAVID M., FRENCH, MRS. ANNA L., 537 Wabash Avenue 2260 Dearborn Street 2303 La Salle Street 2303 La Salle Street 125 Bushnell Street 125 Bushnell Street 201 Erie Street 201 Erie Street 1725 Butterfield Street GERARD, Miss IZETTA, GILLETT, Miss HARRIETT, GOSSMAN, MRS. IRENE EMMA, GOLDSMITH, MRS. MARY, GRAHAM, JOSEPH, GRAFF, JOHN, GRAFFAM, Miss LETA, GREIG, GEORGE, GREIG, MRS. GEORGE., GREENWOOD, MRS. MARY A., GREEN, MRS. JEANNETTE, - GRIFFIN, CHRISTOPHER C., GRIFFIN, MRS. ADA, 346 State Street 3018 Dearborn Street 178 Twenty-third Street 205 Twenty-first Street 125 Twenty-third Place 1946 Archer Avenue 3639 Cottage Grove Ave. 2848 Butler Street 2848 Butler Street 242 Sherman Street 2707 Portland Avenue 2735 Cottage Grove Ave. 2735 Cottage Grove Ave. HAHN, Miss ELIZABETH, HAHN, Miss KATIE, HALL, JAMES, HAMILTON, JOHN, 1900 Calumet Avenue 1900 Calumet Avenue 317 Thirty-first Street 1900 South Clark Street THE RAILROAD CHAPEL. HAMILTON, MRS. JOHN, - HARGAN, GEORGE B., HARGAN, MRS. GEO. B., HAUF, RALPH C., HAUF, MRS. CARRIE, HAY, JAMES J., HAY, MRS. JAMES J., HENDERSON, JOHN SIMPSON, HELFRICH, Miss MARY, - HILL, ALEXANDER, - HILL, Miss ELIZA JANE, HOLMES, HENRY, HOGAN, Miss ALICE, HOGAN, Miss EMMA, HOGAN, Miss MARY A., - HOUSEHOLDER, JACKSON F., HOWARD, MRS. GLENN IE, HUBBS, WM. R., HUBBELL, DAVID S., HUGHES, WM., HUGHES, Miss CATHERINE, HUNT, CHARLES G., 1900 South Clark Street 315 West Taylor Street 315 West Taylor Street 341 West Erie Street 341 West Erie Street 2928 Shields Avenue 2928 Shields Avenue 1250 Indiana Avenue 29 Harmon Court 2935 Fifth Avenue 2935 Fifth Avenue 3033 Vernon Avenue 1236 Wabash Avenue 1236 Wabash Avenue 59 Rush Street 3022 Wentworth Avenue 1619 South Clark Street 1445 State Street 349 South Morgan Street 523 Twenty-eighth Street 523 Twenty-eighth Street 553 Thirty-seventh Street IDDINGS, RICHARD M., - IDDINGS, MRS. RICHARD M., INMAN, Miss EDNA, 113 East Indiana Street 113 East Indiana Street 3315 Dearborn Street JACKSON, MRS. MATTIE A., JACOBS, SAMUEL T., JACOBS, MRS. SAMUEL T., JAMES, FRANK, JAMES, MRS. KATIE, JOHNSON, MRS. JENNIE, 195 Twenty second Street 1601 Prairie Avenue 1601 Prairie Avenue 2260 Dearborn Street 518 West Madison Street 1613 State Street THE RAILROAD CHAPEL. 33 JOHNSON, PETER, JOHNSON, MRS. BERTHA, JONES, Miss MAGGIE, JONES, MRS. MARY, JONES, JOSEPH W., - JONES, MRS. JOSEPH W., JONES, HENRY, JONES, MRS. AMANDA, JORDAN, MRS. AUGUSTA, 2442 La Salle Street 2442 La Salle Street 70 Thirteenth Street 1445 State Street 191 South Jefferson Street 191 South Jefferson Street 3846 Cottage Grove Ave. 492 State Street 1611 State Street KAHN, MRS. SAMUEL, KELBLE, MRS. ELIZABETH, KEMENER, Miss AUGUSTA, KEMENER, Miss MARY, KEENE, THOMAS J., KEENE, MRS. THOMAS J., KEPNER, JOHN H., KEPNER, MRS. JOHN H., KIENCKE, GEORGE, - KIENCKE, Miss HELEN, - KNAPP, Miss ANGELINE E. KNEISLEY, JOHN L., 346 State Street 99 Ewing Street 1911 Wabash Avenue 3001 Wabash Avenue 4017 Wabash Avenue 4017 Wabash Avenue 1419 State Street 1419 State Street 1911 Wabash Avenue 1911 Wabash Avenue M. D., 8 Eldridge Court 32 Lake Street LABER, Miss MATILDA, LABREY, MRS. MARTHA, LAING, Miss MARTHA, LAKE, CHARLES C., LAMBIE, MRS. MARY D., LANE, MRS. LENA, - LARSON, Miss MARY, LARGE, Miss JEANNETTE, LAZARUS, MRS. EUNICE, LATTIMORE, WALTER O., 1501 Wabash Avenue 3130 Dearborn Street 3138 Michigan Avenue 167 South Halsted Street 1300 Indiana Avenue 624^ Canal Street 300 Illinois Street 3130 Dearborn Street 40 Walton Place 241 Clybourn Avenue THE RAILROAD CHAPEL. 35 LEMON, MRS. MARY, LESCH, EDWARD J., - LESCH, MRS. EDWARD J., LEONARD, MRS. MAHALA, LIEBE, Miss ANNIE, LIEBE, Miss JOHANNA, LIEBE, AUGUSTUS, LINES, JOHN, LINES, MRS. JOHN, LIPHARDT, MATILDA, LOMAN, MRS. LUCY, LOY, BENJAMIN, LYONS, CHARLES J., LYONS, MRS. MARY, 81 Thirteenth Street 5349 School Street 5349 School Street 283 Twenty-fifth Street 1441 State Street 1441 State Street 1441 State Street 3152 Wentworth Avenue 3152 Wentworth Avenue 367 Twenty-fifth Street 2711 State Street 496 Warren Avenue 1354 State Street 1354 State Street McCuLLocH, JOHN M., - McCuLLOCH, MRS. HATTIE N. McCuRDY, MRS. ISABELLA J., MCCURDY, Miss ELIZABETH, MCDOWELL, MRS. ANN E., MCDONALD, Miss MABEL B., McKiE, MRS. ANNA G., - MCLEAN, ROBERT S. D., MCLEAN, MRS. ROBERT S. D. MCLEAN, HECTOR, - MCLEAN, MRS. HECTOR, McNALLY, M. J., MCNEILL, MALCOLM, McPHERSON, ISABELLE M., McPHERSON, MRS. ANNIE, MANZUR, ALPHONZO, MANZUR, MRS. ALPHONZO, MARSHALL, MRS. THOMAS, - 1438 State Street , 1438 State Street 433 Twenty -fourth Street 433 Twenty-fourth Street 410 Twenty-fifth Street 1427 State Street 1303 Michigan Avenue 3829 Wentworth Avenue , 3829 Wentworth Avenue 87 Swift Place 87 Swift Place 1905 South Clark Street 149 Twenty-third Place 2 East Washington Street 2 East Washington Street 242 Clinton Street 242 Clinton Street 76 Fourteenth Street THE RAILROAD CHAPEL. 37 MARSHALL, HENRY, MARSHALL, MRS. HENRY, MARSHALL, LAVINIA K., METCALF, THOMAS, - MEEH, MRS. JOHN, MEEH, CHRISTINE, - MEEH, MARY, MEYER, MRS. ANNIE, MEYER, Miss LAURA, MITCHELL, ADOLPH, MONROE, HARRY, MORSE, CHARLES J., MORSE, GEORGE C., MORSE, MRS. GEORGE C., MOUNTS, Miss NANCY L., MURDOCK, JOSHUA, - MURDOCK, MRS. JOSHUA, MURRAY, MRS. JAMES, 17 Finnell Street 17 Finnell Street 17 Finnell Street 3627 La Salle Street 510 Thirty-first Street 510 Thirty-first Street 510 Thirty-first Street 1824 South Clark Street 1824 South Clark Street 2200 Archer Avenue 3108 State Street 1234 Wabash Avenue 1905 Clark Street 1905 Clark Street 694 West Chicago Avenue 1450 Indiana Avenue 1450 Indiana Avenue 70 Twenty-fifth Place NELSON, MRS. MARY, NELSON, Miss MARY A., NELSON, JOHN F., NEWELL, THOMAS, - NEWELL, MRS. THOMAS, NORTON, MRS. LUCINDA, 3108 State Street 3108 State Street 1514 Michigan Avenue 4319 Calumet Avenue 4319 Calumet Avenue 1223 State Street OLIVER, MRS. M. C., O'NEii., MRS. JOHN, 2104 State Street 687 South Jefferson Street PAES, Miss MINNIE, PAINTER, MRS. JENNIE, PARKE, MRS. CATHERINE, PARKE, Miss EMMA, 2550 Prairie Avenue 1412 Wabash Avenue 93 Judd Street 93 Judd Street THE RAILROAD CHAPEL. 39 PARKE, Miss MARY, PELTIER, MRS. JOSEPHINE, - PELTIER, Miss GERTRUDE, PERKINS, WM. S., POOLE, MRS. ISABELLA, - PORTER, Miss FLORENCE, PORTER, Miss EDNA, PORTFR, JOSEPH, PORTER, MRS. JOSEPH, PREDMORE, MRS. WM., PRYOR, JOSEPH H., 93 Judcl Street 2334 Archer Avenue 2334 Archer Avenue 553 Thirty seventh Street 317 State Street 2711 Portland Avenue 2711 Portland Avenue 102 Van Buren Street 102 Van Buren Street 40 Walton Place Waverley House QUACKENBUSH, Miss MYRA E., 1916 Dearborn Street RAY, MRS. DEMA, REARDON, WM. JOHN, REINHARD, HERBERT W., REINHARD, WM. H., REINHARD, MRS. FREDERICA, REINHARD, Miss MINNIE, REINHARD, CHARLES, REED, WM. H., REED, MRS. WM. H., REED, JAMES R., REMOND, MRS. PETER, - REESE, LEWIS, REISENWEBER, Miss OTTILLIE, RIBELL, MRS. MARY H., RICE, ALVIN B., - RICE, MRS. ALVIN B., RICKETTS, MRS. MARY A., ROBINETT, CHARLES L., ROBINETT, MRS. CHARLES L., 2260 Dearborn Street 3108 State Street 1516 Wabash Avenue 1516 Wabash Avenue 1516 Wabash Avenue 1516 Wabash Avenue 1516 Wabash Avenue 2483 Archer Avenue 2483 Archer Avenue 155 Eighteenth Street 4729 State Street 300 South Clark Street 2702 Wentworth Avenue 3255 Wentworth Avenue 226 South Morgan Street 226 South Morgan Street 421 State Street 2247 Wentworth Avenue 2247 Wentworth Avenue THE RAILROAD CHAPEL. ROBERTSON, Miss MARGARET, ROOP, MRS. ELIZABETH, ROOP, GEORGE,- ROOP, MRS. GEORGE, ROAT, MRS. JENNIE, ROGERS, MRS. MARYE., ROWLAND, Miss MARGARET, ROSEMAN, RICHARD B., - ROSEMAN, MRS. RICHARD B., ROSENTHAL, ISAAC, ROTH, HENRY, ROTH, MRS. MAGGIE, ROTH, Miss MARY, - RUCK, MARTIN, - RUCK, MRS. MARTIN, RUCK, FRED. M., RUSING, BELLA, RYLEY, AMOS, RYLEY, MRS. BERTHA E., - 88 Thirty-first Street 2828 Slate Street 2828 State Street 2828 State Street 1619 South Clark Street 253 1 Wentvvorlh Avenue 2837 Michigan Avenue 3025 Shields Avenue 3025 Shields Avenue 68 East Polk Street 242 Forty -fifth Court 242 Forty -fifth Court 1615 Wabash Avenue 484 Thirtieth Street 484 Thirtieth Street 484 Thirtieth Street 389 State Street 77 Thirteenth Street 77 Thirteenth Street SANDERS, THOMAS A., 2306 State Street SAWYER, HENRY C., - 1436 Michigan Avenue SCHARNHURST, MRS. CHRISTIAN, 1912 Archer Avenue SCHMIDT, CHARLES W., SCHMIDT, AI.PHONZO, SEYBERLICH, GUSTAV B., SEYBERLICH, MRS. LUCY, SEELEY, Miss CLARA M., SH ADDERS, MRS. R. B., SHARP, J. LINTON, SHEPHERD, MRS. ANNIE, SHERRY, WALTER, SHERRY, MRS. WALTER, 2401 Hanover Street 141 Twentieth Street 104 West Polk Street 104 West Polk Street 2609 Fifth Avenue 2104 State Street 278 Dearborn Street 125 Twenty-fourth Street 358 Clinton Street 358 Clinton Street THE RAILROAD CHAPEL. SIMONS, WARREN A., SIMONS, MRS. WARREN A., SIMPSON, Miss SARAH P., SIMPSON, Miss AMELIA C., SMITH, MRS. ISABEL, SPARR, MRS. ANNIE, SPELICY, JOHN, SPELICY, MRS. JOHN, STARR, MRS. MARIE, STAKER, Miss LIZZIE, STEURTZEL, MRS. ELIZABETH, STEPHENS, MRS. ANNA F., 2495 Archer Avenue 2495 Archer Avenue . 1617 Indiana Avenue 1842 Indiana Avenue 492 State Street 2711 Portland Avenue 411 State Street 411 State Street 1521 Wabash Avenue 2351 Michigan Avenue 293 Third Avenue 369 Wabash Avenue i()ii l /2 South Clark Street STONE, MRS. MARY, STONE, Miss BETTIE ELIZABETH, 1911^ South Clark St. SULLIVAN, MRS. EMMA I., - 2233 Cottage Grove Ave. SVVISSHEIMER, Miss ANNIE, 51 Barber Street TAYLOR, TAYLOR, TAYLOR, TAYLOR, TAYLOR, TAYLOR, THOMAS, THOMAS, THOREY, THOREY, TURNER, Miss ANNIE, Miss MARY J., EDWIN, MRS. EDWIN, Miss EMILY E. MRS. ANNA, MRS. FANNY, CHARLES, JOHN H., - MRS. JOHN H. MRS. JOHN> 413 Oak Street 413 Oak Street 413 State Street 413 State Street 413 State Street 1946 Archer Avenue 1205 State Street 1205 State Street 1615 Wabash Avenue 1615 Wabash Avenue 263 Twenty fifth Street VAN BUSKIRK, EUGENE, 285 Michigan Avenue WALKER, MRS. CHRISTINA, WALKER, FRANK, 2133 Dearborn Street 2133 Dearborn Street THE RAILROAD CHAPEL. 45 WARNOCK, ROBERT, WARNOCK, MRS. ROBERT, WASHINGTON, MRS. THOMAS, WENDNAGEL, EUGENE, - WENDNAGEL, WILLIAM, WHEATON, Miss SARAH, WHEATLEY, Miss SARAH, - WHEELER, MRS. CYNTHIA, WHITE, JOHN, WHITE, MRS. JOHN, WILL, MRS. CHRISTIAN, WILLARD, HARLOW H., WILLARD, MRS. F. A., WORTH, J. ALONZO, WORTH, MRS. LYDIA M., WOODARD, MRS. ANNA L., WUNDERLICH, MRS. MYRA, 115 Ewing Street 115 Ewing Street 1519 State Street 1419 State Street 1419 State Street 39 Peck Court 2104 State Street 2831 Wentworth Avenue 1445 State Street 1445 State Street 1946 Archer Avenue 1555 W abash Avenue 2012 W T abash Avenue 508 State Street 508 State Street 1519 State Street 264 Twenty-first Street YATES, MRS. MINNIE F., 201 Erie Street ZUEDICK, MRS. VOLTAIRE, - 2805 Dearborn Street MEMBERS DISMISSED To Other Churches During Mr. C. M. Morton's Pastorate. BUSCH, JACOB PETER, BUSCH, Miss GERTRUDE M., BUSCH, Miss SOPHIA E., To Hyde Park Presbyterian Church. CRAVEN, BENJAMIN, F., CRAVEN, MRS. BENJAMIN F., To first Presbyterian Church, Cliampaign, III. EVANS, MRS. LIZZIE S., To Calvary Presbyterian Church, Peoria, III. FARQUHAR, DOUGLAS, FARQUHAR, MRS. DOUGLAS, To Scotch Presbyterian Church, IVest Chicago. GORE, JOHN J., To Asbury M. E. Church, Chicago. INNES, THOMAS, To Scotch Presbyterian Church, West Chicago. KETCHAM, WM. L., To Presbyterian Church, Galveston, Tex. 48 THE RAILROAD CHAPEL. MOORE, MRS. ALMA C., To Congregational Church, Cleveland, Ohio, NEWELL, Miss ANNIE, To first Congregational Church, Oak Park, III. ROOP, BENEDICT, ROOP, MRS. BENEDICT, To First Presbyterian Church, Normal Park, III. TAMMLER, MRS. MARTHA, To Immanuel Baptist Church, Chicago, III. TUTTLE, MRS. H. F., To Congregational Church, Kalamazoo, Mich. RESERVED LIST. [The " RESERVED LIST " is composed of such of our members as have been very irregular in their Church at- tendance or who have left the city without leaving their address with the pastor.] BARRY, JOHN J. BAUMANN, BERNARD BAUMANN, MRS. BERNARD BECKWITH, EUGENE BELL, MRS. MARY J. BLAISDELL, MRS. CHARLES BRANCH, MRS. TEMPERANCE BRONSON, Miss LIZZIE CLIFFORD, MRS. CLARENCE DAY, HENRY V. ENOS, GEORGE W. EDMONDS, HARRY F. FISHER, MRS. JENNIE JEFFORDS FRANCIS, Miss ANDRENA GLEASON, MRS. ANNA GATES, ERASTUS GATES, MRS. ERASTUS GERDELL, MRS. N. GRIDLEY, OLIVER H. GRIDI.EY, MRS. OLIVER H. HAINES, CHARLES HAINES, Miss ANNA L. HENDERSON, W. S. 5O THE RAILROAD CHAPEL. LUDFORD, WM. LUDFORD, MRS. WM. LORIMER, WM. MCCORMICK, RICHARD T. MOONEY, Miss KATE NOSTROMP, Miss SOPHIA PITCAIRN, ARTHUR H. PFANNER, MRS. JOSIE PECK, JAMES SCHELLHAUSE, MlSS LOUISA TEACHOUT, CHARLES H. TEACHOUT, MRS. CHARLES H. TINGSTEAD, NICHOLAS WENDNAGEL, Louis L. W T ILLIAMS, ALEXANDER L. WOOD, CHARLES D. NON-RESIDENT MEMBERS. We give, as nearly as possible, the addresses of our members who have left Chicago without taking a letter of dismission from Railroad Chapel. ARNOLD, MRS. MARY, Peru, 111. ARNOLD, DAVID S., Normal Park, 111. ARNOLD, MRS. D. S., Normal Park, 111. BEISER, Miss DORA, San Francisco, Cal. BILLINGS, W. W., - Atchison, Kan. BILLINGS, MRS. W. W., Atchison, Kan. CARROLL, MRS. ANNIE, Hurley, Wis. CASEY, Miss ALICE, Centralia, 111. CASSIDY, Miss MARY J., San Francisco, Cal. COCHRANE, JAMES E., Kansas. DANNECKER, MRS. WM., - Louisville, Ky. ENGELHARDT, MRS. LENA FIEDLER, Hebron, Dakota. FALK, Miss NELLIE, Englewood, 111. FORD, MRS. KATE DUTNELL, London, Can. GERARD, AUGUSTUS, Logansport, Ind. HARTLEY, MRS. MARY E., Streator, 111. HARRINGTON, MRS. EMMA, Toledo, Ohio. HARRIS, Miss ELLA, - Portsmouth, Ohio. HAWLEY, FREDERICK, - Terre Haute, Ind. KING, ADOLPH, Cincinnati, Ohio. LIDDY, WM. J., Humboldt Park, 111. McCRONE, THOMAS T., - Pullman, 111. THE RAILROAD CHAPEL. MORTON, MARCUS, PEARSON, MRS. CORA F., PERLEWITZ, MRS. A. E., PRATT, MRS. H. B., PRICE, JOHN D., PRICE, MRS. JOHN D , ROOM, ROBERT, ROOM, MRS. ROBERT, SIMMONS, MRS. ARTHUR, SMITH, MRS. BARBARA, TAITT, ADAM, VAN WIRT, Miss ANNIE, WILLIAMSON, JOHN, WILLIAMSON, MRS. JOHN, WINTERS, Miss JANE, WINTERS, Miss MARY E. Brooklyn, N. Y. Paulding, Ohio. Englewood, 111. Michigan. Loda, 111. Loda, 111. Normal Park, 111. Normal Park, 111. Englewood, 111. Ottawa, 111. Evanston, 111. Elgin, 111. Edinburgh, Scotland. Edinburgh, Scotland. Collingwood, Canada. Collingwood, Canada. BX