U'lbiaSd i DOCUMENTS, ACCOMPANYING A BILL, MAKING CERTAIN partial Appropriations?, TOR THE YEAR ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND TWO, PRESENTED THE 5th FEBRUARY, 1802 . WASHINGTON CITY: PRINTED BY WILLIAM DUANE. 1802 . • >■ 4 it v ^ * ■ . ■ ' ! ■■■’ r* ■ *»•*# *dm» Mh -a ■% '.v . <• »- j *. ....Mi * • ' ' f f« v t A . . J +* Su ,.-\s . r* •.< < / . . <' W- - /». » ,v* rv , * •?» i ; :t • H H Kdra a wctwhsbshr# No. I. DOCUMENTS, &e. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, January 28 th . 1802 . Sir, THE secretary of war informs me, that in order to make timely provision for the pay of the ar¬ my, it is necessary to place in the hands of the pay¬ master general, funds, exceeding by sixty thousand « dollars, the unexpended balance of appropriation for that object. As it is probable that the appropriation law, for the support of the military establishment, may not, on account of the alterations adopted by the house of representatives, be prepared for some time, permit me to suggest the necessity of passing, in the mean while, a short law, making an appropriation on ac¬ count, to the amount, and for the object above stated. Should that mode be adopted, two small appropria¬ tions, also on account, might be introduced in the same bill, for the contingent expences of the house of representatives, and of the treasury department? ( 4 .) respectively, for the present year; the appropria- tioils'for those two objects, being exhausted. I have the honor to be, 4 Very respectfully. Sir, < •* f J - Your obedient servant, ALBERT GALLATIN. The hon, John Randolph, Jun. Chairman of the Committee of JVays and Means . No. II. Sir, The register of the treasury, under whose control the contingent expences of the department, and those attending the printing of the public accounts have al¬ ways been placed, informs, that an appropriation of 1,613 to 7 t 5 is wanted to make good deficiencies in rela¬ tion to the first object, and another of $1,400 also to \ make good deficiencies in relation to the last object. It will appear by the enclosed report of the auditor, that $ 1,361H* are actually due to Mr. Nourse, for his advances on account of the contingent expences. The $352f£o, which, together with that sum, make up the whole deficiency of $1,613? £7 are due for station¬ ary. The register informs, that the reason why the expences have exceeded the appropriation, must be ( * ) ascribed to our situation here, which is on many accounts more expensive than formerly, and to sundry articles of furniture, &c, incident to completing the building. The deficiency in the other article is explained in the enclosed letter and statement of the register. The act of 2d March 1799, has fixed the aggregate salaries of the clerks in each office. It seems to have been intended by the legislature at their last session, to make an allowance for additional clerks or compen¬ sation in the offices of the accountant of the navy, of the purveyor of public supplies, of the superin- tendant of stamps, and of the commissioner of loans of Pennsylvania; and an appropriation was accord¬ ingly made. But the words of the appropriation clauses do not specify that it is made for additional clerks, or for additional compensation, as is the case in the clause which gives 15 per cent.additional in the four departments and in the office of the post-master general. Of course the appropriation applies only to the expence authorized by the act of 2d March 1799; and although larger than necessary to defray that expence, does not authorize the additional in¬ tended compensation; in the same manner as an ap¬ propriation of 30,000 dollars for the compensation of the president, would not alone authorize the pay¬ ment of a larger sum than his salary as fixed by law. It is, indeed, understood, that an appropriation by law may,as in the case of the 15 per cent, authorize the expence; but then it must be so expressly stated in the law. In this instance, the comptroller has not thought himself justified in passing the accounts in the four offices above mentioned, although the ex¬ pence had actually been incurred ; and a law is ne¬ cessary in order to carry into effect the intention of the legislature. The sums rejected in the accounts V 6 ) for that reason are stated in the enclosed memo* randum, r-K I have the honour to be, Respectfully, Sir, - » Your obedient servant, ALBERT GALLATIN. » » ■ ?• Tk easury Department, Jan. 25tb, 1802. » .. John Randolph, Esq. Chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means . f •.' iff ; ^ No. III. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Register’s Office, 22d January, 1802, Sir, FROM an examination of the appropria¬ tions of monies for printing the public accounts, it appears by a statement, to which I beg leave to refer, that there is a deficiency in former appropriations,and that the sum of one thousand four hundred dollars, remains to be estimated for the year 1801, and also ( 7 ) ^6 make good certain deficiencies which have arisen, in six annual former appropriations for this object,, I have the honor to be, Sir, * / Your most obedient, And most humble servant^ JOSEPH NOURSE, Hon.. Albert Gallatin, Secretary of the Treasury* ( 8 ) u k-1 a p g. p a a^ o grc; n> n> p P o o o o P P n o a a P- a o sr 0> Cfl CO © O 0 ^ >_i M. ^a. P CO CO & O O O i M O «D W v> ^ ^ S’ a • » i a a 23 !->• O' » o o? 10 vj o h-k o co N) *$ bo 8 0 k-k o o o • • r O ►-*> sr >—> • w t)U» v-* t— • a *—f- <—h ►—{ r-k r+ H O O P >» >» i-f tr n> -1 rt> * '» a o> 3 p 1 * a CO sr a> Sr § P- co O *■*> a* Ct> P Ot? o» a to k-k k-k s* 'bi to k-k 6 £ o o o ct CD ✓ P- cp Cf» n »—• O' a o f ►P «s* O ^ ^ 00 00 lO N 03 ^ Pi CO *-* P rt O a a ST o o o **-> I—k k-k M- CO B0 S O o CO k-k Q <£) • • * a £L P CO 00 o Oi M- k-k M> k-k l-k M 00 00 00 *^r •k* o o to k-k • • 8 • CO CO • CO 00 • CO • ' g.op^vj^§^gcr to ox £ J° J" 1 ^ co ^ o k-k ~ <7iO 00 s * g p o u o a o o a 3 a a* a* a* a* (-• a. a. a. p SoSoSo 8 So na> S> *-i o o a—* f—•* P *-* CO O s* o> « i i • • * i i i i i i i • * ■ i i < ^ Q O Co oo co oo O Q O c® O O o oo O O M* 0*^0 to Pc «a CO KSO CO 05 O "a *-* o -a >-s fnm • P r*k H • © p S’ •“1 00 00 *'j -sT ** O Q O lO CO CO CO CO 00 V> M ^ ^ ■ till* I I I I I I I I I ■ I I I I I I I I V V W W M o C OOQC 0 o © © «* •t *§• "t *>»• Si Ok *>»• o a co s> sr ^ ^ 9 i- a *> CO ^3 ss <-3» Q> c-a of the offices of the Treasury the United States , Cr. Dols. Cts. s expenditures from the r, 1801, to the 14th Jan- )r the contingent expon¬ ent offices of the Trea- cretary of the Treasury, salary of the translator, iguages, for the quarter .st December, 1801, 84 )mptroiler - - 23 55 uditor, - - - 5 53 mmissioner of theReve- 248 50 gister, - 308 59 es, sreneral to the De- 1,619 17 Dollars, 2,289 34 1 6th, 1802, FERRAL. No, V. Dr. Joseph Nourse , agent for pay mg the contingent expences of the offices of the Treasury Department . In account current with the United States , Cr. To balance due by him, per report No. 12,875, - Balance due Joseph Nourse, Dols. Cts. 928 17 1361 17 Dollars, 2,289 34 Dols. Cts. By amount of his expenditures from the 1st of October, 1801, to the 14th Jan¬ uary, 1802, for the contingent expen¬ ces of the different offices of the Trea¬ sury, viz. Office of the Secretary of the Treasury, including the salary of the translator, of foreign languages, for the quarter 84 Ditto, of the Comptroller - 23 55 Ditto, of the Auditor, m «■ w* 5 53 Ditto, of the Commissioner of the Reve- nue, - Ditto of the Register, ■» 9 £> 248 50 - 308 59 Sundry expences, general to the De- partment, 1,619 17 Dollars, 2,289 34 AUDITOR’S OFFICE, January 16 th, 1802, P. FERRAL* ( n ) No. VI. The following are the offices in which the ex¬ penditures for Clerk-hire, ff'or the year 1801, appear to have exceeded the sums allowed by law for that purpose. Accountant of the navy, Purveyor of public supplies, Superintendant of stamps. Commissioner of loans, Pen. excess, 1,900 31 do. 700 do. 377 78 do. 1,500 In respect to all those offices however, the appro¬ priations were ample, though by reason of the limita¬ tion contained in the act of the 2d March 1799, they could not be applied to the objects for which they were apparently designed. / # t 'fmf w- ^ lUfc'V ■ • - v :. ; tf- m 1 " r >;*/' • «* « < • • * ■ ■ > ‘ • , v - v‘; K TUM . A •;■ * ■ ?} 04 W: ';£,** .: y V i 1 •} " •'• . r. . \ v * ■ * . . ^ ^ v . - . r 1 v ' ; s f -r- / * •.> ** ■ : . r I:c "b-ro ->• oh ,, . ,£■ £UA>« a o 7 tyrnirxt!r H - : ' . 5 . ?.* ’ > ' :■ . ■'. -- '■ ' ‘ •■■ ■• '■ ■ ? ' ... \ f I •’ i ’ :li" ' *&n * h ’ <, -.j ,:, ?r h -4'. • at •i * ■ < .V ■■ T' •' ^ ‘ •. - :r *f. *>• >* >■ *• * •I i ■ , ;i . : ► l f