* *f& aJfc? in** Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://archive.org/details/illinoisheartofn01dunn :';:■;.: % ILLINOIS THE HEART OF THE NATION BY HON. EDWARD F. DUNNE FORMER JUDGE, MAYOR, AND GOVERNOR Author and Editor ILLINOIS BIOGRAPHY Gratuitously Published By Special Staff of Writers Issued in Five Volumes VOLUME I ILLUSTRATED THE LEWIS PUBLISHING COMPANY CHICAGO AND NEW YORK 1933 Copyright, 1933 The Lewis Publishing Company FOREWORD Since my retirement from public office in 1917 it has been frequently suggested to me that a book containing a record of my personal reminiscences and contacts while in public life would be interesting to many people. I had given the suggestion favorable consideration and was about to respond to the sug- gestion by recording my personal experience and contacts in a book which I vaguely determined to entitle The Last Half Cen- tury in Chicago, At this juncture, in the spring of 1929, the Lewis Publishing Company suggested that I undertake for it the writing of a history of Illinois. This furnished me the opportun- ity of undertaking a work of wider scope and extent. As I had been chief executive of the great State of Illinois as well as chief executive of the great City of Chicago, I had made personal con- tacts with men and measures throughout the state as well as in the City of Chicago ; it did not seem inappropriate for me to take upon myself the writing of a history in which I could incorporate my personal experiences and contacts in both of these exalted offices. Under contract with this publishing firm I undertook the work which has occupied my time for nearly eighteen months, and which I now submit to the people of Illinois for their kindly (I hope) consideration. I am much indebted in the preparation for and the writing of this work to the Newberry Library for the many courtesies extended to me by its competent officials. I am also indebted to the Secretary of State of Illinois and his predecessor, Governor Emmerson for the blue books of Illinois and other books placed at my disposal by them. Hon- orable Fred J. Kern, of Belleville, a great bibliophile and stu- dent of Illinois history, has also earned my gratitude by both books and suggestions. I am above all indebted to my friend, William L. Sullivan, Esq., for the valuable assistance he has given me in compiling these volumes. He was my trusted stenographer when I was mayor of Chicago and my official secre- tary when' governor, and his wonderfully acute memory and his iii iv FOREWORD indefatigable industry have been of vital assistance to me in my historical labors. I have devoted myself in composing this work principally to the political history of the state rather than its industrial, agricultural and mechanical development, which latter features are so well known as to dispense with recapitulation by figures. I have been more familiar with the political life of the state than with its industrial or educational life, and other writers have treated the industrial, educational and agricultural life of the state with much more thoroughness than I could. When I have stated facts and events I have tried to be ac- curate and truthful. When I have expressed opinions they are my own. The publishers have placed no restrictions of any character upon my writings. I am indebted to them for their courteous and honorable dealings with me during the writing of this history and for the prompt and cordial approval of my work. Edward F. Dunne. CONTENTS VOLUME I I El Dorado — A Wondrous Location for a New Common- wealth 1 II The One Hundred Percent American In His Happy Hunting Ground and His Passing 10 III The French Discoverers and Settlers 21 IV Marquette and Joliet Discover the Mississippi 26 V The French Missionaries 36 VI Character and Customs of the French Habitants in the Country of the Illinois 47 VII La Salle, the Daring and Unfortunate 55 VIII Final Results of the Struggle Between the British and French for the Mississippi Valley 85 IX Illinois Under the British Flag 96 X Part Played By Illinois In the Revolutionary War 107 XI George Rogers Clark Captures Kaskaskia and Vin- cennes 116 XII Illinois County, Virginia, Under the Rule of the Old Dominion 134 XIII Anarchy In Illinois 143 XIV Struggle In Congress Over Western Land Titles 152 v vi CONTENTS XV The U. S. Ordinance of 1787 Creating the Northwest Territory 160 XVI The Law's Delay and Struggle for Land 166 XVII Illinois Under Northwest Territorial Government 173 XVIII Slavery and Indentured Servants — Territory of Illi- nois Created 188 XIX Illinois Territory First Class 197 XX Tecumseh and Tippecanoe 203 XXI The Decline and Ultimate Disposition of the Fur Trade 209 XXII Illinois In the War of 1812 212 XXIII Illinois a Territory of the Second Class — and Soon Becomes a State 227 XXIV A Picture of the Infant State In 1818 242 XXV The Fight For Slavery 259 XXVI The Rapid Development of the New State 283 XXVII Politics In Illinois During the First Decade 290 XXVIII National Politics Enters Illinois 303 XXIX The Administration of John Reynolds As Governor 316 XXX Black Hawk and the Last Stand of the Indians 320 XXXI Administration of Joseph Duncan As Governor 344 CONTENTS vii XXXII Springfield Becomes the State Capital and Lincoln and Douglas Appear In Public Life 354 XXXIII The Illinois and Michigan Canal 362 XXXIV Thomas Carlin, Governor 375 XXXV Politics On the Bench 380 XXXVI Governor Thomas Ford___ 386 XXXVII The State Adopts a New Constitution In 1848 408 XXXVIII Administration of Governor French 412 XXXIX Illinois Becomes Prominent In the Politics of the Nation 415 XL The Constitution and Laws of the U. S. On Slavery When Douglas Became Senator In 1847 421 XLI Douglas, the Compromise of 1850 and the Kansas- Nebraska Law 431 XLII Douglas Breaks With the Democratic Party and Presi- dent, and Opposes the Lecompton Constitution In Kansas 446 XLIII Governor Matteson's Administration 454 XLIV Administration of Governor Bissell 456 XLV The Birth of the Republican Party In Illinois 459 XLVI Douglas Opens His Campaign for Reelection To the Senate 465 XLVII The Lincoln-Douglas Joint Debate 481 INDEX Abbott, Katherine L., Ill, 403 Abels, Henry, V, 107 Abingdon Public Library, V, 247 Abolitionists, I, 440 Academy of Our Lady, Peoria, III, 73 Acker, John, III, 142 Acorn, Henry O., IV, 132 Adair, J. Leroy, V, 141 Adamkiewicz, Stanley, III, 445 Adams, Alfred, V, 188 Adams, Francis, II, 203 Adams, Glenn R., V, 412 Adams, Minnie F., V, 189 Addams, Jane, II, 293, 501; III, 8 Adkins, John, V, 219 Adkins, Walter, V, 220 Administration Building, Century of Progress, II, 551 Aeby, Richard, V, 379 Agriculture, in French regime, I, 49 Akin, Guy W., V, 401 Alba, Chester N., V, 366 Albright, Charles H., IV, 458 Aldis, Arthur T., Ill, 47 Aldstadt, David A., Ill, 173 Alexander, Alonzo M., V, 360 Alexander, John W., Ill, 159 Alexander, Samuel, I, 366 Algonquin race of Indians, I, 12 Allegretti, Francis B., IV, 494 Allen, Frank G., V, 78 Allen, Frank O., V, 346 Allen, James C, II, 47, 83 Allen, Lawrence T., V, 393 Allen, William J., II, 83; V, 485 Allen & Dalbey, IV, 462 Allen law, II, 221 Allerton, Robert, V, 481 Allerton, Samuel W., V, 481 Allerton Public Library, Monticello, V, 368 Allison, Robert H., IV, 247 Allouez, Father, I, 24, 37 Allstorm, Oliver, V, 380 Allstrand, H. P., IV, 196 "Alma Mater," University of Illinois, II, 465 Alpeter, John J., I, 373 Alschuler, Samuel, II, 192, 312, 461; IV, 9 Altgeld, John P., elected governor, II, 136, 137; career of, 138; and an- archists, 141 ; after anarchists pardon, 144; protest against Federal troops in Illinois, 148, 156; silver question, 160, 192; administration, and ninety- nine year franchises, 213; V, 25 Altgeld and Yerkes' bills, II, 146 Alto Pass Community High School, V, 222 Alton, I, 253, 351; railway center, 357, 405; II, 56 Alton Schools, IV, 306 Alton State Hospital, II, 351, 359 Alvarez, Russell J., IV, 257 Amell, J. Bruce, III, 453 American Legion, Emery Whistler Post No. 607, V, 257 American Bottom, I, 3, 49 American Bottom and Old French Vil- lages, map, I, 86 American Fur Company, I, 211 American Protective League, II, 400 Americans, native, in 1830, I, 251 Anarchist case, II, 97; and Governor Altgeld, 140 Anarchist, trial of, II, 520 Andersen, Arthur E., IV, 170 Anderson, Albert C, IV, 70 Anderson, Benjamin F. (Charleston), IV, 70 Anderson, Benjamin F. (Golconda), V, 319 Anderson, Cyrus H., Ill, 211 Anderson, Gustaf A., V, 398 Anderson, Herbert S., IV, 71 Anderson, Joe E., IV, 406 Anderson, John O., IV, 266 Anderson, Joseph M., V, 321 Anderson, Norman K., V, 334 Anderson, Sumner S., V, 5 Andrew, John E., V, 79 Angsten, Peter J., IV, 208 Anna-Jonesboro Community High School III, 451 Anna State Hospital for Insane, II, 360; V, 206 Anthony, Elliott, II, 83; V, 462 Anti-Monopolist party, II, 90, 130, 136 Apt, Christian S., IV, 159 Arbogast, Kenneth G., Ill, 421 Arch, Henry C, V, 229 Archer, William R., II, 83 Armour, J. Ogden, II, 391 Armour, Philip D., II, 73; III, 19 Armour family, II, 549 Armstrong, James W., IV, 460 Arnold, Bion J., Ill, 43 Arnold, Isaac N., II, 51; V, 9 Arnold, James, V, 455 Arnold, Jennie, V, 456 Arnold, J. Ross, III, 196 Arnston, Otto A., Ill, 433 Aronson, J. Henry, V, 62 IX INDEX Arp, A. Henry, IV, 377 Arp, Louis C, IV, 377 Arthur, Delia, V, 432 Arthur, Hildreth, V, 432 Arthur, John J., 14, 118 Arthur, Joseph, V, 432 Articles of Confederation, I, 152 Arzinger, Katharine L., IV, 398 Ash, Harry A., IV, 162 Astor, John Jacob, I, 209 Atkinson, Henry, I, 328, 342 Augusta Public Library, V, 38 Austin, Edwin C, IV, 270 Australian ballot law, II, 109 Automobile tax, II, 331 Avery, Sewell L., Ill, 10 Axley, James, I, 254 Aye, Vintcen, IV, 72 Ayer, Edward E., V, 40 Ayer Public Library, Delavan, III, 194 Ayers, Frank D., Ill, 490 Babb, John H., IV, 492 Babcock, F. D. E., V, 356 Baber, Fred, V, 92 Baccus, Clyde F., Ill, 86 Bacon, Asa S., Ill, 493 Badgley, John A., IV, 182 Bagnall, Loyal B., Ill, 440 Bailee, Harry L., IV, 256 Bailey, Albert E., IV, 191 Bailey, Richard H., V, 182 Baird, Waldo B., IV, 314 Baker, David J., Ill, 25 Baker, Edward D., I, 405; V, 27 Baker, Harold G., V, 152 Baker, Jehu, I, 459; III, 492 Baker, L. E., IV, 97 Baker, Monroe S., IV, 384 Baker, Ralph N., Jr., IV, 100 Baldridge, Balcolm C, V, 292 Baldridge, Roy T., V, 282 Baldwin, Eugene F., Ill, 70 Balliet, Josiah R., V, 105 Balsinger, William E., Ill, 503 Baltz, Harold, V, 167 Baltz, William N., IV, 242 Bank of Illinois, I, 314 Banking currency, I, 286 Banks, in 1818, I, 255; State, 284; growth of State, 291; early, 307, 346; in 1842, 386; private, abolished, II, 402 Baptist church, I, 255 Barbau, Jean Baptiste, lieutenant-gov- ernor, I, 148 Barber, Harry H., V, 402 Bareis, Edward F., IV, 244 Bargh, George H., V, 281 Bargren, August E., Ill, 108 Barnes, Carey E., IV, 185 Barnes, Clifford W., V, 42 Barnes, John S., Ill, 108 Barnes, Roy R., V, 302 Barnett, Calvin O., IV, 348 Barr, George A., II, 426 Barr, Oliver M., V, 180 Barr, Richard J., II, 373 Barrett, John E., V, 335 Bartelmay, Robert A., Ill, 368 Bartelme, Mary M., V, 44 Bartholf, Herbert B., V, 125 Bartlett, Paul, II, 521 Barton, James M., Ill, 67 Basinski, Stanislaus E., IV, 345 Bass, Mrs. George, II, 432 Bassett, Jane W., IV, 215 Bastian, Frederick K., V, 61 Batavia Herald, IV, 405 Batavia Fublic Library, III, 444 Bateman, Newton, II, 78; V, 477 Bathrick, Donald U., Ill, 485 Bauer, John T., Ill, 208 Baum, Martin J., V, 115 Baum, Nettie R., V, 115 Baxter, George E., IV, 268 Beall, Charles W., Ill, 287 Beall, E. H., IV, 305 Beardstown Public Library, V, 200 Beasley, Louis, V, 421 Beatty, Henry G., V, 358 Beatty, Hobert R., V, 358 Beatty, H. G. & Company, V, 359 Beatty, Samuel F., V, 316 Beauchamp, Virgil G., Ill, 168 Beauty spots in Illinois, II, 212, 425, 437 Becker, Albert V., Ill, 320 Becker, Arthur C, III, 381 Becker, A. G., Ill, 170 Becker, Benjamin V., IV, 203 Becker, James H., Ill, 170 Becker, Oscar L., V, 164 Beckers, John H., V, 350 Beckett, Catherine M., IV, 138 Beckett, John B., IV, 137 Beckman, William F., IV, 393 Beckman, William H., IV, 85 Beckwith, Hiram W., IV, 488 Bedel, Anselm L., V, 365 Bedel, John A., V, 364 Bederman, Edwin B., Ill, 55 Beecher, Leon F., Ill, 195 Beedy, M. Elizabeth, III, 301 Beedy, Verner E., Ill, 300 Beggs, Charles E., V, 149 Beggs, Nelle, V, 149 Beilschmidt, Henry W., Ill, 168 Bell, Benjamin S., Ill, 206 Bell, George, II, 389 Bellefontaine, I, 146, 212 Belleville, I, 8, 250; Old Mansion House, II, 186 Belleville Public Library, IV, 240 Belleville Township High School, V, 269 Belt, Rufus F., IV, 360 Bendix, Vincent, V, 41 Benedict, George M., II, 183 Benedict, Joseph, IV, 158 Beneze, Henry P., IV, 234 Benjamin, Reuben M., II, 83, 87 INDEX XI Benner, William J., IV, 301 Bennett, Henry S., Ill, 209 Bennett, John C, I, 378 Benninger, Fred, IV, 165 Benson, Arnold P., IV, 405 Benson, Charles, V, 488 Benson, Emil J., V, 389 Bentley, Arthur A., IV, 108 Bentley, Richard, IV, 171 Berbling, Peyton, V, 195 Best, Charles L., V, 127 Best, J. Donald, IV, 448 Bestold, Fred, III, 444 Bevan, Arthur D., Ill, 11 Beveridge, John L., as governor, II, 90, 91; V, 25 Beynon, William J., IV, 142 Bicek, Frank H., V, 77 Biggs, William, I, 187 Bill of Rights, in 1787, I, 162 Billings, Frank, III, 14 Bird, Lewis E., V, 129 Birkbeck, Morris, I, 250, 264, 274, 282; V, 4 Birks, Abraham C, IV, 131 Bishopp, Olive B., V, 474 Bishopp, William F., V, 473 Bissell, William H., I, 405; first Re- publican governor, 456, 457; V, 28 Bjorseth, Conrad M., V, 467 Black, John C, II, 104 Black, W. P., II, 104 Black Hawk, Chief, I, 321 Black Hawk Trail, near Dixon, II, 428 Black Hawk War, I, 307, 310, 320; first stepping stone for eminent careers, 342 Black Partridge, Chief, I, 219 Blackman, Lee R., Ill, 206 Blackstone, Timothy B., V, 27 Blackwell, David, I, 274 Blair, Chauncey B., V, 15 Blair, Francis G., IV, 13 Blair, Henry A., V, 51 Blakemore, Fannie, III, 326 Bland, Eugene, IV, 67 Blaney, James V., V, 36 Blatchford, Carter, III, 222 Blatt, Maurice L., IV, 273 Bliss, Charles W., Ill, 279 Blodgett, Pliny R., V, 490 Bloompott, Dietrick J., Ill, 190 Bloomquist, Ernest C, III, 285 Bloxam, Arthur M., IV, 96 Board of Education, Chicago, II, 293, 304, 472 Board of Health, II, 95 Board of Pharmacy, II, 95 Boddy, John, III, 158 Boeschenstein, Charles, V, 420 Boggs, Berthold L., V, 278 Bohmker, John C, IV, 404 Bohn, John C, III, 418 Bohrer, Florence F., Ill, 457 Boisbriant, Lieutenant, IV, 45 Boldenweck, William, I, 373 Bolin, Paul L., Ill, 184 Bond, Shadrach, I, 185, 187, 190, 229, 232, 241, 243, 262, 273, 294; adminis- tration, 301; IV, 25 Bond County, I, 233 Bonfield, "Black Jack," II, 101 Bonfield, Paul H., Ill, 175 Bonk, Harry A., Ill, 180 Bonk, John, IV, 484 Booth, Alfred, V, 124 Bootleggers, II, 526 Borders, Grover C, IV, 249 Borders, William F., V, 159 Bourland, Robert C, III, 360 Boutell, Francis L., IV, 75 Bovik, Leslie E., Ill, 442 Bowden, George K., IV, 467 Bowen, Esco N., V, 319 Bowen, Mrs. F. P., IV, 380 Bowerman, H. E., Ill, 400 Bowler, James B., IV, 494 Bowley, William, III, 103 Bowton, Anne, V, 248 Bowton, William W., Ill, 368 Boyer, Lewis L., IV, 358 Boyes, Walter F., Ill, 370 Boyle, George M., Ill, 428 Boyles, John L., IV, 425 Braddock's defeat, I, 90 Bradford Public Library, III, 450 Bradley Polytechnic Institute, III, 64 Bradt, Samuel E., Ill, 398 Bragg, Lena, V, 368 Bragg, Thomas, V, 140 Brainard, Daniel, V, 36 Brake, Buell, IV, 71 Brandenburger, Edward C, IV, 146 Brandon, Rodney H., II, 426; IV, 25 Bratton, Luther B., V, 395 Braun, Joseph H., Ill, 439 Breakstone, Benjamin H., Ill, 340 Breed, Donald L., Ill, 92 Breen, James W., V, 159 Breese, Sidney, I, 342, 385, 414, 440, 459, 471; III, 29 Bremer, Jesse C, III, 329 Brennan, George E., II, 420, 427, 464, 490, 491, 510 Brennan, John, II, 506 Brentano, Theodore, III, 47 Brian, Floid B., IV, 419 Brick-making, I, 252 Brickey, Emily J., Ill, 310 Brickey, Franklin M., Ill, 309 Bridgeport High School, IV, 298 Bridges, Harry T., Ill, 351 Briggs, Clare A., II, 191 Brinkerhoff, George M., V, 102 Brinkerhoff, John H., V, 102 Briszko, Anthony, III, 425 British expedition, of 1686, I, 83 British law, I, 143 Britt, Hugh F., V, 214 Britton, Ernest R., IV, 336 Britton, J. Hays, III, 216 Brockman, George, IV, 359 Xll INDEX Brooks, Edwin B., V, 228 Brooks, Hiram A., V, 128 Brooks, Oscar E., Ill, 497 Brown, Carl, III, 186 Brown, Erastus, I, 366 Brown, George W., IV, 474 Brown, Grover C., Ill, 300 Brown, Harold, IV, 314 Brown, Harry E., IV, 255 Brown, John J., Ill, 365 Brown, Louis W., V, 222 Brown, Martha D., IV, 256 Brown, Phillip M., Ill, 382 Brown, Scott, III, 441 Brown, Thomas C., I, 232, 266, 294 Brown, William D., V, 350 Brown, William H., I, 275 Brown's Business College, IV, 229 Browne, Ada S., IV, 355 Browne, H. Kingsbury, V, 160 Browne, Thomas C, V, 11 Browning, Earl W., Ill, 67 Browning, Orville H., I, 342; II, 12, 83; V, 27 Browning, Robert M., Ill, 131 Brownsville, Old, Last house in, I, 384 Brubaker, Benjamin F., Ill, 393 Brundage, Edward J., II, 404, 479; IV, 45 Bruning, Ralph H., IV, 84 Brust, Edmund G., V, 486 Bryan, Annie C, V, 134 Bryan, Silas L., II, 83 Bryan, Thomas B., II, 520 Bryan, William J., career of, II, 156; committed to free silver, 162, 165; cross of gold speech, 166, 511 Bryant family, V, 419 Buchanan, Mary R., Ill, 263 Buchanan, Nettie J., Ill, 263 Buchanan, Robert O., Ill, 263 Buckingham, George T., V, 307 Buckles, Derias, IV, 141 Buckley, Homer J., Ill, 133 Buckley, Jeremiah J., V, 313 Budd, Britton I., V, 477 Budd, Harry R., Ill, 375 Budget, State, II, 339 Buechler, Joseph N., V, 156 Buehler,Ernest, IV, 383 Buffington, Eugene J., V, 37 Buford, Napoleon B., II, 39 Bugele, Guy G., V, 193 Building laws, enforcement of, II, 292 Building stone, I, 9 Bukowski, Peter I., IV, 363 Bulpitt, B. Earl, IV, 106 Bunch, Lawrence D., V, 176 Bunker, Elizabeth J., Ill, 307 Bunker, Francis M., Ill, 306 Bunn, Jacob, Jr., V, 41 Bunn, Mildred J., V, 41 Bureau of Labor Statistics, II, 95, 334 Burgess, Hampton S., IV, 306 Burgess, Kenneth F., IV, 490 Burgess, Lucian A., IV, 148 Burke, Edmund, III, 240 Burke, John, V, 134 Burke, Robert E., II, 517 Burnham, Daniel H., II, 520; III, 34 Burnham plan, II, 522 Burns, Robert F., V, 484 Burris, John R., Ill, 466 Burry, William, IV, 213 Burst, Edward M., Ill, 53 Burtle, Edward A., V, 399 Burton, Charles S., Ill, 401 Burton, Frank W., IV, 451 Busse, Fred A., II, 298, 306, 478 Butler, Edward B., II, 520 Butler, Rush C, V, 184 Butterfield, Justin, I, 389 Byrne, John M., V, 279 Cable cars, II, 203 Cable, Ransom R., IV, 478 Cadwell, George, I, 192 Cahokia, missions at, I, 40, 108, 113; capture of, 124; defeat of British in 1780, 137, 149; self government, 150, 181, 182 Cahokia Courthouse, I, 210 Cahokia tribe, I, 18 Cahokias, I, 12 Cain, Noble, V, 461 Cairo Bank at Kaskaskia, I, 306 Cairo- Vandalia Highway near Cobden, II, 412 Caldwell, Ben F., II, 312 Caldwell, Clifford D., IV, 192 Calhoun, Emery E., V, 277 Calhoun, William J., V, 15 Califf, J. Paul, III, 244 Callahan, George B., Ill, 424 Callahan, Martin L., Ill, 140 Cameron, John M., Ill, 329 Camp, Harold M., Ill, 437 Camp, Lester M., IV, 357 Camp Butler, II, 56 Camp Douglas, II, 54; conspiracy, 56 Camp Grant, Rockford, II, 391 Camp Logan, II, 389 Campbell, Bruce A., V, 376 Campbell, Charles O., IV, 174 Campbell, Herbert J., V, 100 Campbell, J. A., Ill, 279 Canaday, Stephen D., II, 374 Canal, sanitary, I, 372 Canal commissioners, I, 366 Canal Scrip Bill, I, 416 Canals, I, 357 Cannon, H. Floyd, IV, 420 Cannon, John H., IV, 447 Cannon, Joseph G., II, 181 Cantrall, Carlyle A., Ill, 131 CanWell, Robert E., Jr., Ill, 244 Canty, Thomas A., IV, 402 Caplan, Oscar S., IV, 371 Caplinger, Benjamin F., Ill, 217 Capraro, Alexander V., V, 89 Caraker, Oscar, IV, 305 Carey, Peter B., IV, 379 INDEX xm Carey, Raymond A., V, 460 Carlin, John H., Ill, 152 Carlin, Thomas, Governor, I, 342, 375, 376; V, 16 Carlin, William L., V, 93 Carlin, William P., II, 39 Carlisle, Jonas W., V, 225 Carlisle, Vera, V, 228 Carlson, Oscar E., II, 426 Carlstrom, Oscar E., V, 484 Carmody, Edward J., Ill, 500 Carpenter, Benjamin, III, 36 Carpenter, George B., Ill, 36 Carpenter, John A., Ill, 36 Carpenter, Richard V., IV, 287 Carpentier, Charles F., V, 109 Carr, Robert F., V, 293 Carr, Wilton A., Ill, 261 Carriel, Henry F., IV, 490 Carrier, Lee W., IV, 52 Carrington, John W., V, 171 Carrington, Orville F., Ill, 432 Carrington, William E., V, 333 Carroll, John E., Ill, 356 Carroll, William M., V, 123 Carson, Oliver E., IV, 310 Carter, Carl W., Ill, 176 Carter, Charles D., IV, 187 Carter, Charles E., Ill, 363 Carter, Garrett P., Ill, 176 Carter, Orrin N., I, 372; II, 426 Carter, Ralph R., Ill, 363 Cartwright, Peter, I, 192, 254, 342; V, 486 Cary, Norman J., V, 361 Case, Charles C, III, 165 Casey, Charles P., IV, 211 Casey, Zadoc, I, 318, 343, 411; IV, 44 Cassels, Edwin H., Ill, 278 Cassidy, Holland M., V, 61 Casteel, Lowry M., IV, 361 Castetter, Luther L., V, 344 Castle, Charles S., Ill, 253 Castle, John B., Ill, 51 Castle, Mollie L., Ill, 51 Castruccio, Giuseppe, III, 413 Catholic church, I, 255 Caton, John D., V, 27 Caughlan, C. W., V, 71 Caulfield, Bernard, II, 474 Caylor, August C, V, 147 Celeron expedition, I, 88 Cement, I, 9 Census, first State, I, 263 Centennial Memorial Building, Spring- field, II, 394 Century of Progress Exposition, II, 512 Cepak, A. William, V, 482 Cermak, Anton J., II, 516, 525; V, 11 Cerny, Joseph G., IV, 460 Cerre, Gabriel, I, 145 Cervenka, John A., V, 336 Chamberlain, Henry T., V, 412 Chamberlin, Henry B., Ill, 272 Champaign, first schoolhouse, I, 426 Champaign County, I, 311 Champlain, (Gov. of New France), I, 22 Champion, Julia E., Ill, 180 Champion, Merle C, V, 386 Chancellor, Justus, V, 49 Chapel, University of Chicago, II, 523 Chapman, William D., V, 331 Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary, II, 351 Charitable institutions, humanization of, II, 349 Chase, Harry W., Ill, 16 Chase, Philander, III, 501 Chatfield, Edwin K., IV, 353 Chesnut, Mrs. Garnet D., IV, 87 Chester, penitentiary, II, 356 Chester State Hospital, IV, 373 Chicago, incorporated, I, 310, 339; in 1831, 363; in 1836, 367; Sanitary Dis- trict canal, 372, 454; Lake Front, II, 72; Constitution of 1870, 87; storm center of labor discontent, 99; Yerkes deals, 146; police force, 172; consoli- dation of offices, 173; reforms during Deneen administration, 179; Mayor Dunne's administration, 188; in 1863, 199; Humphrey bills, 219; municipal ownership issue, 224; election of 1904, 246; mayoralty campaign of 1905, 256; election of 1905, 266; gas and electric light rates, 290; police and fire departments, 291; home rule for, 322; park consolidation, 348; German population in 1916, 386; central mar- ket, 392; during World War, 395; Constitution of 1922, 430; under Mayor Dever, 463; the Wonder City, 469; in 1830, 470; in 1833, 470; mul- tiform governments, 472; political parties, 473; mayors, 474; Columbian Exposition, 476; Thompson regime, 483; crime wave of 1928, 485; expert fees, 489; development of light and power companies, 493; its non-official leaders, 498; influence of Press, 518; its good and ill repute, 519; fire of 1871, 519; architecture, 520; parks and boulevards, 524; spiritual and moral history, 526; public debt, 528; re- view of transportation problem, 532; manufacturing city, 550 Chicago Bar Association, III, 270 Chicago Board of Trade, II, 392 Chicago Federation of Labor, II, 429 Chicago fire, of 1871, II, 75, 519 Chicago Heights Star, V, 381 Chicago Law Institute, V, 444 Chicago newspapers, attitude of, II, 298 Chicago plan, II, 521 Chicago Plan Commission, II, 522 Chicago portage, I, 32 Chicago River, mission at, I, 39; II, 525 Chicago State Hospital, II, 360 Chicago street railway companies, record of, II, 195 XIV INDEX Chicago Teachers' Federation, II, 499 Chicago Temple, II, 507 Chicago Times, II, 50 Chicago traction companies, II, 419 Chicago Transit Acts, II, 530 Chicago Tribune, II, 304, 404; suit against Thompson, 486 Chicago Union Traction Company, II, 223 Child labor, II, 136 Childers, Raymond F., V, 221 Chippewa Indians, I, 11 Chones, Isaac B., IV, 194 Chones, William, IV, 194 Christy, William H., I, 459 Chritton, George A., Ill, 322 Church, in politics, I, 318 Church, Friend L., IV, 209 Church, Thomas, V, 11 Church, William T., IV, 200 Churches, pioneer, I, 253 Churchill, George, I, 274 Cirese, Helen M., IV, 364 Civil service laws, II, 179, 293; state, 361 Civil War, secession of South, II, 22; arbitrary arrests, 50; draft act, 53 Clark, David W., IV, 344 Clark, Fannie M., Ill, 372 Clark, George Rogers, expedition of 1778, I, 115, 116, 117; after conquest, 134; campaign of 1780, 137, 142, 143; expe- dition of 1787, I, 148, 238 Clark, John S., Ill, 496 Clark, Lincoln R., Ill, 318 Clark, Roy, III, 345 Clark, William, I, 222 Clarke, Philip R., V, 468 Clarke, Robert, V, 436 Clarke, William F., Ill, 397 Clarkson, E. Belle, IV, 332 Clarkson, H. S., IV, 332 Clausen, Morton, III, 107 Clavin, Alva M., Ill, 129 Clay, Henry, I, 291, 434 Clay products, I, 8 Clayton, Bert A., IV, 332 Clayton, E. P., IV, 289 Clayton, J. Paul, V, 15 Cleaveland, Harry H., V, 279 Clear, James W., Ill, 469 Cleland, McKenzie, II, 432 Clemensen, Peter C., V, 441 Clendenin, George M., V, 264 Clendenin, Henry W., V, 262 Cleveland, Chester E., II, 432 Climate, I, 5 Clinch, Duncan L., V, 337 Clinch, Richard F., V, 337 Clinnin, John B., II, 402 Coal, beds, I, 5; early mining, 8, 251; production, II, 136; mines, legislation, 336 Coale, John W., IV, 106 Coburn, John J., V, 201 Cochran, Oscar F., V, 139 Cochran, William G., V, 139 Cochrane, David K., V, 76 Code, Julia F., Ill, 450 Coffey, Daniel D., Ill, 308 Cohen, Archie H., Ill, 81 Cohen, Barney, IV, 175 Cohlmeyer, Ada A., V, 459 Cohlmeyer, Augustus H., V, 459 Coinage of silver, free, II, 111 Cole, Hermon H., V, 173 Cole, Philip E., Ill, 482 Coleman, John, V, 308 Coles, Edward, I, 262; and slavery, 266, 267, 273, 282; administration, 301; V, 9 Collins, Dennis J., IV, 129 Collinsville, II, 400 Collinsville Memorial Library, IV, 246 Collinsville Township High School, IV, 244 Colony for Epileptics, II, 351 Columbian Exposition, II, 474, 519, 520 Combs, Cornelia E., IV, 309 Combs, Thornton, IV, 309 Comiskey, Charles A., Ill, 501 Comiskey, J. Louis, III, 502 Commerce, in 1818, I, 246 Commonwealth Edison Company, II, 497 Compensation Law for Accidental In- juries, II, 332 Compromise of 1850, I, 431, 439 Compton, Edward F., Ill, 331 Compton, Levi, IV, 38 Compulsory education act, II, 140 Conard, Solon E., IV, 58 Condon, James G., Ill, 35 Conerton, Edward P., IV, 315 Conklin, Grace A., V, 440 Conklin, Jay B., V, 439 Conklin, Winfred E., IV, 240 Conkling, James C, V, 134 Connelly, Bernard D., V, 384 Connery, John T., II, 306 Connett, Ada P., IV, 264 Connett, James E., IV, 263 Connolly, Philip M., IV, 96 Connor, Charles M., V, 347 Connor, Victor O., V, 228 Constitution of 1818, I, 239; framers of, 241; facsimile of, 261; defects and lim- itations, 408 Constitution of 1848, I, 408; II, 65, 80 Constitution of 1870, II, 80; framers of, 83, 424 Constitutional convention of 1869, I, 368; of 1862, II, 82; of 1920, 426 Constitutional convention of 1862, II, 82; of 1869, I, 368; of 1920, II, 468 Convention system, I, 311 Cook, Burton C, II, 29; V, 25 Cook, Daniel Pope, I, 231, 274, 280, 294, 297, 304; IV, 49 Cook, Francis M., V, 345 Cook, Ralph, IV, 250 Cook, Rex H., V, 270 Cook, Samantha, V, 345 INDEX xv Cook County, I, 311; tax muddle, II, 415; in Constitution of 1922, 427; in 1830, 470; disfranchised in Legislature, 546; apportionment, 555 Cook County Courthouse, Second, II, 24 Cooke, George A., Ill, 148 Cooke, John D., IV, 351 Cooley, George H., IV, 378 Cooley, Lyman E., I, 373; II, 458 Coolidge, Walter F., V, 181 Coolley, Elmer B., IV, 439 Copley, Ira C, IV, 337 Copp, Herbert G., V, 199 Copp, Louisa, V, 200 "Copperheads," II, 51 Corcoran, Francis V., V, 437 Corporation acts in 1865, II, 65 Corporations, II, 88 Correll, Charles D., Ill, 103 Correll, Violet J., Ill, 104 Corrupt practices act, II, 348 Costabile, Michael, IV, 415 Cottingham, Mark L., V, 151 Couch, Gilbert S., V, 298 Coughlin, John, II, 506 Counties, in 1818, I, 233, 249; II, 88 County Hospital, Chicago, II, 472 County officials, under Constitution of 1848, II, 82 Coureurs de bois, I, 36, 46, 48 Courier Herald Company, IV, 253 Courter, Edward H., Ill, 371 Courter, Lucy K., Ill, 371 Courts, and laws of Northwest Territory, I, 173; territorial, 181; justice, system abolished, II, 179 Coventry, Sarah, IV, 225 Covey, Frank R., Ill, 307 Cowdin, Frederick P., V, 117 Cowdrey, Elmer E., V, 491 Cozby, Harry G., IV, 349 Craig, Alfred M., II, 83, 130 Crain, Berdie F., V, 273 Crane, Richard T., V, 5 Crapo, Charles H., IV, 491 Cratz, Bert A., Ill, 159 Crawford, Charles C, V, 414 Crawford, Harry A., Ill, 426 Crawford, Sadie M., IV, 222 Crawford County, I, 233 Creamer, Ben M., Ill, 273 Cregier, DeWitte C, II, 474 Creole, French, I, 246 Crerar, John, V, 31 Cress, Jeannette, V, 241 Crews, Halbert O., Ill, 229 Crimes, I, 244 Criminal code, in 1827, I, 300 Criminal statistics, II, 526 Croghan, George, I, 102 Cromley, Roy D., Ill, 471 Cronson, Berthold A., V, 76 Crowder, J. R. Stanley, IV, 67 Crowe, Robert E., II, 484, 485; III, 237 Crowley, Joseph B., V, 16 Cruzat, Roscoe M., IV, 298 Cudahy, Edward A., V, 42 Cudahy, Edward A., Jr., V, 43 Cudahy family, II, 549 Culhane, Andrew B., Ill, 93 Culhane, Thomas H., Ill, 104 Cullin, Faith P., Ill, 205 Cullom, Shelby M., II, 92; as governor, 93, 94, 133, 366; IV, 39 Cultra, A. J., IV, 383 Cultra, Harry B., IV, 382 Culver, Rollin P., IV, 179 Cummings, Walter J., Ill, 324 Cummings, William C, II, 183 Cummins, George F., Ill, 348 Cummins, Oscar O., V, 266 Currency reform, in 1876, II, 132 Curry, Elizabeth, IV, 233 Curtis, Chester E., IV, 164 Curtis, Edward C, II, 409; III, 296 Curtis, Harry K., IV, 266 Curtis, Hugh E., IV, 395 Curtis, Vernon, II, 409 Curtis, Wilbur R., IV, 306 Cussen, Joseph F., Ill, 485 Cuthbertson, Andrew S., Ill, 299 Cutler, Henry E., V, 187 Cutler, Manassa, I, 157 Cutting, Charles S., II, 426; III, 20 Czarnecki, Anthony, II, 57 Dadant, C. P., V, 240 Dady, Ralph J., Ill, 458 Dahlberg, Gotthard A., Ill, 209 Dahn, Herman, IV, 351 Dailey, Oscar S., Ill, 335 Dalbey, Everett L., IV, 462 Dale, Alonzo S., IV, 357 Daley, Edward A., Jr., IV, 247 Daley, Edward A., Sr., IV, 246 Dallas City Enterprise, III, 353 Dalrymple, Roy M., V, 233 Dames, Gerald S., Ill, 390 Darche, Harrison A., V, 374 Darrow, Clarence S., II, 143, 192, 266, 278, 292, 427, 432, 464, 476, 504; III, 40 Dauberman, Clarence L., IV, 392 Dauberman, George T., IV, 398 Dauberman, John W., IV, 416 Davenport, Oliver F., Ill, 249 David, Lawrence, IV, 281 Davidson, Charles E., Ill, 332 Davidson, Henry B., V, 121 Davis, Abel, II, 426, 517 Davis, Anna L., Ill, 327 Davis, Charles G., IV, 321 Davis, Cyrus M., IV, 290 Davis, David, I, 411; II, 12, 124; IV, 42 Davis, Emil C, V, 424 Davis, Jefferson, I, 342 Davis, Levi, IV, 47 Davis, Nathan S., Ill, 302 Davis, Nathan S. Ill, III, 303 Davis, Philip R., V, 65 Davis, Ralph E., IV, 169 Davis, R. E., Ill, 467 XVI INDEX Davis, Thomas B., IV, 3 Davison, Charles, V, 289 Dawes, Charles G., II, 402, 511; III, 11 Dawes, Henry M., V, 187 Dawes, Rufus C, II, 426; III, 19 Dawes, William R., II, 513; III, 21 Dawson, John, I, 357 Day, Leslie D., IV, 311 Day, Owen L., Ill, 360 Day, Stephen A., V, 435 Day, Walter A., IV, 311 Dean, John, V, 75 Debs, Eugene, II, 148; injunction against, 150 Debts, repudiation of, I, 387 Declaration of Independence, I, 108 Deere, John, V, 31 Defrees, Donald, III, 277 Defrees, Joseph H., Ill, 276 De La Salle, Sieur, I, 26 De La Salle institute, IV, 281 De Laval, Bishop, I, 23 Dell 'Era, Joseph L., V, 369 De Luca, Alphonse, V, 447 Dement, John, I, 411; II, 83; III, 505 DeMoro, Alfred P., V, 426 Democratic convention of 1856, I, 463 Democratic convention, of 1896, II, 160 Democratic National Convention of 1876, II, 133; of 3896, 161 Democratic party (see also Politics), I, 311; and aliens, 383; in 1859, 516; con- ventions of 1860, II, 14; in Civil war, 48; in 1864, 63; 1872-92, 113; in 1868, 120; farmers' movement, 129; in Chi- cago, 477 Democratic platform of 1905, II, 256 Democrats, Anti-Nebraska, I, 459 Deneen, Charles S., I, 374; elected Gov- ernor, II, 176, 177, 191, 308, 422, 478, 479, 485; V, 456 Denkmann, Anna C, IV, 6 Denkmann, Frederick C, IV, 6 Denkmann, Frederick C. A., IV, 5 Dennison, Franklin A., II, 402 Dent, Louis L., Ill, 61 Denton, Helen G., Ill, 346 Denton, R. D., Ill, 117 Department of Agriculture, II, 402 Department of Factory Inspection, II, 335 Department of Finance, II, 402 Department of Labor, II, 402 Department of Mines, II, 402 Department of Public Health, II, 402 Department of Public Welfare, II, 402 Department of Public Works and Build- ings, II, 402 Department of Registration and Educa- tion, II, 402 Department of Trade and Commerce, II, 402 DePaul University, IV, 228 De Rosa, Rocco, V, 241 Derr, Charles E., Ill, 426 Desplaines River, I, 2 de Tissandier, Leon, III, 80 Deuell, Howard L., Ill, 241 Dever, William E., mayor, II, 463, 490, 545 Dever Traction Ordinance of 1925, II, 463 DeVera, Isidoro L. P., IV, 78 De Villard, Jean P., V, 390 de Villiers, Neyon, I, 101 Devine, Edward P., V, 99 Devine, Miles J., V, 65 Dewey, George F., Ill, 293 DeYoung, Frederick R., II, 426 Dickinson, William F., IV, 280 Dickson, Frank S., II, 362, 389, 396; III, 51 Diel, Homer F., Ill, 291 Dienst, R. Carl, IV, 487 Dieterich, William H., Ill, 4 Diffenderfer, Ralph E., V, 388 Dignan, John F., Ill, 116 Dignan, Mary, III, 117 Dillman, Howard B., V, 286 Dillon, Owen O., V, 180 Dimick, Fred G., Ill, 226 Dixon, I, 329 Dixon, Arthur, II, 520; III, 25 Dixon, George W., Ill, 26 Dixon, Louis M., V, 108 Dixon, Robert, I, 219 Dixon, Winfield S., V, 324 Doak, John W., IV, 54 Doak, Nelle M., IV, 54 Dobbs, Thomas W., Ill, 185 Doberstein, Stanislaus M., Ill, 473 Docks and terminal facilities, II, 179 Dodd, Walter F., Ill, 53 Dodge, John, tyrant of Kaskaskia, I, 146 Dolder, Fred D., IV, 111 Dolder, Helena U., IV, 111 Doman, Louis A., V, 453 Dombrowski, Edward F., IV, 427 Donavan, Robert J., IV, 90 Dondanville, Martin S., Ill, 210 Donley, Walter W., Jr., Ill, 249 Donovan, John H., V, 51 Donovan, Raymond, III, 443 Donovan, Thomas P., IV, 476 Doty, Elmer, V, 359 Dougherty, Thomas S., IV, 76 Douglas, Stephen A., early career, I. 354, 359, 385, 415, 420; as senator, 421, 431; spokesman of the West, 434; political career of, 435; framer of Territorial bills, 438; Kansas - Nebraska bill, 440; breaks with Democratic party, 446; on Lecompton Constitution,. 450; campaign of 1858, 465; Bloomington speech, 476; early life, 489, 494; birthplace of, 500; elected senator in 1859, 515; in 1858, II, 5; and custom of candidates not making campaign speeches, 19; against secession, 29; death of, 33 Dowdall, Ray L., IV, 265 INDEX xvi 1 Downing, Earl E., Ill, 225 Doyle, Michael, III, 456 Doyle, William A., IV, 210 Draft, in Civil War, II, 53 Drainage Canal, II, 552 Drake, Tracy C, III, 21 Drallmeier, W. H., IV, 253 Dred Scott decision, I, 470 Drexler, Mrs. Louis, IV, 262 Drzewiecki, John, IV, 449 DuBois, Jesse K., II, 12, 78 Duer, William, I, 158 Duffy, Hugh J., V, 421 Dugan, Richard D., V, 179 Dugger, Jesse W., V, 120 Dumoulin, Jean, I, 186 Duncan, Joseph, I, 294, 299, 342; gov- ernor, 344, 348; IV, 481 Duncan, Robert C, V, 423 Dunham, Robert J., IV, 495 Dunn, Charles, I, 366 Dunn, Frank K., IV, 328 Dunne, Edmund M., Ill, 284 Dunne, Edward F., candidate for mayor, I, 265; elected mayor, II, 188; Tulley's letter, 247; reply to, 255; elected mayor, 266; plans for traction settle- ment, 268; misrepresentation of, 274; Werno letter, 278; candidate for sec- ond term as mayor, 280; veto of trac- tion settlement ordinances, 281; de- feated in 1907, 295; candidate for governor, 308; and family, at time of inauguration as governor, 310; and Woodrow Wilson, on campaign tour, 313; candidate for second term as governor, 368; relations with legislature, 371, 432; views on traction settlement, 539; V, 492 Dunne, Peter Finley, II, 130 Dupo Community High School, IV, 242 Duquesne, Governor, I, 89 Durso, Michael R., V, 351 Dutton, George E., IV, 15 Dutton, Harry A. R., IV, 56 Dutton, Jane W., IV, 16 Dvorak, Frank, III, 431 Dyer, Arthur E., V, 457 Dyroff, Louis J., Ill, 283 Eagleton, Leander O., Ill, 73 Earlville Community High School, III, 153 East Peoria Community High School, V, 75 East Peoria Public Schools, III, 184 East St. Louis High School, IV, 245 East St. Louis Public Library, IV, 249 Easter, Irving H., Ill, 292 Eastern Illinois State Normal School, II, 360 Eastman, Sam G., Ill, 102 Easton, Edward, IV, 473 Easton Community High School, IV, 96 Eaton, Clyde D., IV, 87 Eberly, Wade L., IV, 264 Echols, Mrs. Webster, IV, 246 Eckert, Robert P., Ill, 115 Eckert, Walter H., IV, 435 Eckhardt, B. A., I, 373 Eddy, Henry, I, 275, 342 Eden, John R., II, 70; V, 24 Edgar, John, I, 148, 176, 185, 198; IV, 7 Edgar, Louis L., V, 420 Edler, George, III, 105 Edmondson, Edward E., V, 309 Education, I, 237; in frontier State, 252, 318; compulsory, II, 109, 358 Edwards, Arthur, III, 500 Edwards, Claire C, V, 413 Edwards, Cyrus, IV, 491 Edwards, Ninian, Territorial governor, I, 197, 223, 232, 257, 265; political ca- reer, 292, 299; administration, 302, 357; IV, 43 Edwards, Richard, III, 487 Edwards County, I, 233 Edwardsville, I, 255 Edwardsville Bank, I, 296 Edwardsville Free Public Library, IV, 223 Edwardsville Schools, IV, 221 Eekhoff, Andrew J., V, 287 Efficiency and Economy Commission, II, 337 Eggleston, Edgar A., V, 81 Egolf, John F., IV, 457 Ehrler, John, III, 136 Eighteenth amendment, II, 504, 526 "Eight-hour" day, II, 99, 104, 136 Eilers, Gabriel, IV, 411 Eisenbacher, George, IV, 275 Eisenmayer, Herman A., V, 44 Ekman, Carl J., V, 417 Eldred, Charles D., Ill, 373 Election, of 1804, I, 186; of 1818, 295; of 1824, 297; of 1826, 299; of 1830, 305; of 1834, 344; of 1840, 355; of 1854, 462; of 1856, 463; of 1860, II, 21; of 1862, 35, 47; of 1864, 64; of 1872, 78; of 1876, 93; of 1888, 106; of 1890, 111; of 1867, 119; of 1872, 126; of 1873, 130; of 1890, 138; of 1892, 139; of 1930, 175; mayoralty in 1905, 266; of 1907, 288; primary, in 1912, 314; of 1912, 316; of 1916, 368, 380; of 1920, 404; of 1928, 530 Election laws, reform in, II, 109 Elections, popular, I, 410; primary, II, 178; cost of, 556 Elective franchise, II, 84 Electric light and power, development, II, 493 Electric light rates, II, 291 Elevation, above sea level, I, 3 Elgin Academy, III, 412 Elgin-Courier-News Publishing Company, V, 376 Elimination of corrupt lobby, II, 340 Elkin, W. F., I, 357 Elkins, Homer J., IV, 317 Ellis & Ellis, V, 203 XV111 INDEX Ellis, Ira W., V, 202 Ellis, John W., V, 57 Elwood, Erwin P., V, 74 Emancipation Proclamation, II, 35 Emerson, Frank N., Ill, 81 Emerson, Ralph, V, 8 Emery Whisler Post No. 607, American Legion, V, 257 Emigh, Dwight K., V, 404 Emmerson, Louis L., II, 485; as gov- ernor, 530, 531, 547; III, 18 Emmit, John, I, 268 Employees' compensation act, II, 332 Employers' liability, II, 136 Enabling act, I, 237 England, Lewis A., IV, 88 English colonist, character of, I, 85 English, immigrants, I, 250 Engstrand, Juanita, III, 76 Epstein, Benjamin P., V, 103 Erdmann, Arthur G., V, 492 Erickson, Erick T., V, 297 Ericsson, John E., IV, 89 Essington, Arthur V., Ill, 78 Essington, Thurlow G., IV, 21 Etherton, Lewis E., V, 196 Ettelson, Samuel, II, 484, 491, 496, 510 Etter, Samuel M., II, 90, 131 Evans, Emmet A., V, 405 Evans, Evan, V, 337 Evans, Frank N., V, 106 Evans, Michael P., V, 404 Evans, Woodford W., Ill, 389 Everett, Samuel J. T., V, 86 Everhart, Arthur M., IV, 461 Eversull, Frank L., IV, 245 Ewers, Joseph D., Ill, 410 Ewing, Clinton L., IV, 158 Ewing, T. N., II, 378 Ewing, William L. D., lieutenant-gov- ernor, I, 315, 342; governor, 345; III, 497 Executive Mansion, Springfield, I, 460 Factory inspection, II, 136, 140 Fager, Emma C, IV, 90 Faherty, Michael J., II, 486 Fairbank, Nathaniel K., V, 14 Fairhall, Joseph, Jr., IV, 464 Falder, Everett L., Ill, 120 Faletti, Anthony L., Ill, 437 Faletti, Michael J., Ill, 137 Faltz, Charles, IV, 329 Fanyo, Archie H., IV, 430 Fardy, James F., IV, 487 Farmer, Allen R., Ill, 181 Farmer, William M., Ill, 413 Farmers, and tariff, II, 106 Farmers' Alliance, II, 111, 136 Farmers' movement, II, 130, 134 Farmers' Mutual Benefit Association, II, 111 Farming, by French, I, 49, 251 Farnsworth, John F., V, 12 Farnsworth, Ward, V, 64 Farrar, Eugene H., Ill, 281 Farrell, Clayton S., Ill, 372 Farris, George K., Ill, 414 Farwell, Charles B., II, 111 Farwell, John V., V, 19 Farwell, John V., Jr., II, 522 Farwell family, II, 550 Faulkin, Fredreka, III, 222 Faulkner, Charles J., Jr., IV, 9 Faulkner, George E., IV, 384 Fay, Herbert W., V, 475 Federal Building, Chicago, II, 488 Federal power, broadening of, I, 284 Fedou, R. Eaton, V, 376 Feehan, Patrick A., IV, 492 Fekete, Thomas L., V, 177 Fell, Jesse W., II, 11 Felt, Anna E., Ill, 130 Fenwick, Herbert F., Ill, 389 Fergus, John B., II, 546 Ferguson, Charles W., Ill, 77 Ferguson, Fred D., Ill, 235 Ferrara, Vincent E., IV, 198 Ferris, Henry L., V, 371 Festin, Carl, IV, 150 Ficklin, Joseph C, IV, 119 Ficklin, Orlando B., Ill, 496 Fidelity Life Association, IV, 108 Field, A. P., I, 380 Field, Eugene, V, 24 Field, Marshall, II, 68, 498, 520; V, 18 Field family, II, 549 Fifer, Joseph W., as Governor, II, 106, 107, 426; III, 456 Fine Arts Building, World's Columbian Exposition, II, 190 Finn, Walter L., V, 300 Finney, May B., Ill, 70 Fiore, Joseph M., V, 63 Fire department, Chicago, II, 291 Fire of 1871, II, 519 First, Warren R., Ill, 333 First log courthouse, Quincy, I, 350 First schoolhouse in Champaign, I, 426 Fischer, Oscar H., V, 175 Fiscus, Albert T., IV, 466 Fish, J. F., Ill, 166 Fisher, A. M., IV, 433 Fisher, George, I, 187, 227; IV, 40 Fisher, Harry M., Ill, 499 Fisher, Walter L., II, 278 Fish and Game Department, II, 339 Fishing industry, II, 340 Fishwick, Harry, IV, 177 Fitch, William E., Ill, 185 FitzGerald, Bert L., IV, 452 Fitzgerald, Edwin W., Ill, 246 Fitzpatrick, John, II, 505 Fitzsimmons, Frank T., II, 432 FitzSimmons, Michael J., V, 236 Flanagan, John J., V, 356 Fleming, Joseph B., V, 55 Fletcher, Job, I, 357 Fletcher, Robert V., V, 17 Flick, Pius P., IV, 192 Flint, Oliver, V, 403 Flint, Theodore, V, 378 INDEX xix Floods, in 1913, II, 363 Flora, Ray W., V, 340 Flower, George, I, 250 Fluorspar, I, 9 •Flynn, Michael J., V, 320 Fogg, Raymond W., IV, 455 Foley, John D., IV, 431 Foley, Julia, V, 86 Foley, Maurice V., V, 315 Foley, William M., Ill, 269 Folsom, Richard S., V, 50 Foltz, Ira W., IV, 224 Food administration, United States, II, 393 Food conservation, World War, II, 393 Foot and mouth disease, II, 364 Foote, Peter, II, 543 Ford, Charles F., IV, 221 Ford, Frank L., IV, 219 Ford, Thomas. I, 342, 385; as governor, 386, 388 Fordyce, Alexander W., IV, 423 Foreman, Ferris, I, 405 Foreman, Milton J., II, 402, 517; III, 23 Forest preserves, II, 525 Forestry in Illinois, II, 445, 457 Forests, I, 3, 9 Forman, Leslie H., Ill, 259 Forquer, George, I, 232, 275; III, 30 Fort, Greenbury L., Ill, 491 Fort Armstrong, I, 248, 328, 340 Fort de Chartres, I, 41, 94; occupied by British, 99; powder magazine of, 101, 113 Fort Clark, I, 147, 222, 248 Fort Creve-Couer, I, 65; destroyed, 66, 75 Fort Dearborn, I, 213; replica of, 215; massacre, 216, 248, 339; II, 470 Fort Duquesne, I, 90 Fort Edwards, I, 222, 248 Fort LaMotte, I, 212 Fort Massac, I, 123, 212 Fort Russell, I, 212, 220 Fort Sackville, capture of, I, 130 Fort St. Louis, I, 75; siege of, 78; after La Salle's death, 82 Fort Sheridan, II, 75, 391 Fort, in War of 1812, I, 212 Foss, George E., II, 180, 401; IV, 254 Foss, Josephus F., Ill, 428 Foster, John Q., Ill, 107 Foster, Roy B., Ill, 169 Foutch, William W., Ill, 441 Fowler, Henry, III, 402 Fraga, Sam, IV, 212 Franchise extension ordinances, defeated, II, 277 Franchises, street railway, II, 199 Franciscan Fathers, III, 284 Frank, Jacob, II, 363; IV, 373 Frankel, Harry A., Ill, 85 Franklin County, I, 233 Frazier, Donald P., IV, 470 Freeh, William, V, 176 Frederickson, Frederick O., V, 465 Free employment offices, II, 333 Free silver movement, II, 154 Free speech, right of, II, 400 Freedom of press, II, 193 Freeland, John E., IV, 421 Freeman, Thomas O., IV, 59 Freeport Public Library, IV, 289 Freeport Public Schools, III, 95 Freeto, George L., IV, 144 Fremont, John C, II, 44, 61 French, Augustus C, administration of, I, 412,413; V, 23 French, Daniel C, II, 521 French and Indian War, I, 90 French colonist, character of, I, 85 French discoveries, I, 21 French habitants in Illinois, I, 47: after 1765, 103, 245, 253 French land claims, I, 199 French law, I, 143 French missionaries, I, 36 Frick, Grant M., IV, 325 Friedman, Herbert J., II, 432 Friel, Thomas F., Ill, 457 Friend, Hugo, II, 486 Frontenac, Count de, I, 43 Frontier line, in 1812, I, 214 Frye, Fred S., Ill, 220 Fucik, E. James, III, 218 Fucik, Frank, III, 218 Fuel Administration, World War, II, 395 Fugitive slave law, I, 439 Fullenwider, H. Ernest, IV, 173 Fullenwider, W. Truman, IV, 145 Fuller, Melville W., II, 115; V, 23 Fuller, Miles A., II, 83 Fullerton, Leslie F., V, 57 Fullerton, Ray A., IV, 59 Fulton, William J., IV, 221 Funk, Clarence S., II, 183 Funk, Frank H., II, 316, 329 Funk, Isaac, V, 20 Funk, Joseph M., V, 142 Fuqua, Okel S., IV, 433 Fur-bearing animals, I, 3 Fur trade, I, 87, 181; decline of, 209, 242 Fur traders, I, 42 Fur trading privileges, I, 45 Furch, Frank, IV, 489 Furrer, Earl V., IV, 92 Fyffe, Colvin C. H., II, 432 Fyke, Edgar E., II, 426 Gabbrants, John, III, 222 Gabriel, James Z., IV, 209 Gaffner, Charles P., Ill, 461 Gage, Albert E., V, 135 Gage, Lyman J., II, 520; V, 32 Gahagan, Henry J., V, 428 Gahlman, F., Ill, 239 Gail Borden Public Library, Elgin, III, 403 Gaines, Duane, IV, 341 Galena, I, 253, 311; site of Old Palisade Fort, 371; Grant's home before the War, II, 36 XX INDEX Galena levee, 1844, I, 396 Galena Public Library, III, 130 Galesburg Public Library, IV, 403 Galesburg Young Men's Christian Asso- ciation, IV, 152 Galvin, Lester J., IV, 408 Gamble, George W., Ill, 198 Game and Fish Conservation Depart- ment, II, 340 Gano, Henry A., V, 101 Gard, Jed, V, 362 Gardner, Roy F., IV, 94 Garland, James M., Ill, 255 Garrett, John E., IV, 352 Garrison, Don, V, 103 Garrity, J. A., Ill, 355 Garvey, Harold T., V, 242 Garwood, Frank S., IV, 444 Gary, Elbert H., I, 272; V, 4 Gary, Joseph E., in anarchist trial, II, 102, 513; V, 4 Gas and electricity rates, II, 179 Gas companies, consolidation of, II, 191 Gas rates, II, 290 Gash, Abram D., II, 331; IV, 29 Gasoline tax, II, 414 Gaston, Percy D., Ill, 139 Gault, Robert H., V, 474 Gauschon, William, II, 426 Gauss, Louis J., Ill, 69 Gaw, George D., V, 21 Gaylord, Aymer F., V, 187 Geier, George C, V, 372 Gemmill, William N., Ill, 24 Geneseo Township Public Library, IV, 398 Geography, I, 1 Geology, I, 4 German, Thomas P., V, 321 Germans, colonists, I, 250; and Kansas- Nebraska bill, 444; in Civil War, II, 40; population, in 1910, 386 Gettys, Arthur L., IV, 257 Getz, Jacob H., Ill, 193 Gibault, Father, I, 124, 125; memorial of, 177 Giberson, Oria O., IV, 271 Gilbert, Allan T., Ill, 314 Gilbert, Fred, III, 155 Gilbert, Miles S., Ill, 305 Gilbreath, Frank A., Ill, 378 Gill, Ralph W., IV, 99 Gillan, Walter H., Ill, 201 Gillespie, George B., V, 249 Gillespie, Joseph, III, 32 Gillham, Daniel B., Ill, 482 Gillham, John F., IV, 215 Gillis, Hudson B., Ill, 286 Gilman, Harold B., IV, 141 Gilmore, P., I, 373 Glacial age, I, 6 Glackin, Anna F., Ill, 32 Glackin, Edward J., Ill, 31 Gladhill, Mary E., V, 201 Gleason, William, V, 85 Glenn, Lawrence A., V, 201 Glenn, Otis F., Ill, 5 Glessner, John J., IV, 46 Goff, Edwin C, IV, 359 Gold, George, III, 500 Gold standard, II, 155 Goldenstein, Tonyes J., V, 252 Golding, William L., Ill, 164 Good, John L., V, 267 Goodell, William S., V, 469 Goodknecht, Albert, V, 411 Goodman, George A., V, 77 Goodspeed, Charles T. B., Ill, 143 Goodwin, Clarence N., Ill, 62 Gordon, Harold H., V, 218 Gordon, James W., Ill, 83 Gore, David, II, 90 Gore, Ed B., V, 209 Gorham, Sidney S., Ill, 61 Governor, office of, I, 240; time of elec- tion, 414 Graham, Andrew J., II, 506 Graham, Paul J., IV, 192 Graham, Ray, IV, 105 Graham, Richey V., V, 236 Graham, William H., V, 385 Grammar, John, I, 268 Grand Chain Schools, III, 345 Granger movement, II, 111, 126; organ- ization of, 127, 136 Granite City High School, V, 181 Granite City Public Library, IV, 228 Grant, Elizabeth R., V, 98 Grant, U. S., in 1861, II, 34; home before the War, Galena, 36, 38, 41, 42, 45; Lieutenant-General, 61, 67; martial law at Chicago, 75, 119, 135 Graves, Mrs. L. D., Ill, 429 Graves, William C, III, 491 Gravier, Father, I, 39 Gray, Frank S., Ill, 348 Gray, Howard E., Ill, 450 Gray, Maud, V, 341 Great Lakes Naval Training Station, II, 391 Great Lakes, navies on, I, 225 Green, Dwight H., V, 383 Green, Dwight P., V, 261 Green, Henry L, II, 426 Green, William H., IV, 451 Green Valley Community High School, III, 185 Greenback party, II, 90, 131, 136 Greenbacks, II, 154 Greene, William B., V, 375 Greenview High School, IV, 92 Greenville College, Bond County, V, 248 Greenville treaty, I, 199 Greenwood, Charles H., IV, 350 Gregg, Howard, III, 199 Gregory, Clifford V., Ill, 49 Gregory. Stephen S., II, 476; IV, 401 Gregory, Tappan, IV, 401 Gresham, Walter Q., IV, 49 Grieve, Ivan J., V, 170 Griffin, Emmett P., Ill, 265 Griffith, Cora B., Ill, 127 INDEX xxi Griffith. William M., Ill, 127 Grimm, William, III, 200 Grinnell, Julius S., II, 517 Grochowski, Leon, IV, 189 Grossberg, Jacob G., IV, 65 Grosscup, Peter S., II, 226 Grossmann, Edgar C., V, 158 Groves, John L., IV, 414 Groves, William H., Ill, 466 Gruey, Constant I., V, 367 Gruey Memorial Library, V, 368 Grundy, Harry B., IV, 316 Gualano, Alberto N., Ill, 237 Guerin, John, II, 293 Guilliams, John R., V, 197 Guinn, Francis M., IV, 294 Gulick, Bernard M., IV, 112 Gulick, Frank 0., IV, 111 Gullett, Wesley C., V, 85 Gullion, C. H., IV, 238 Gumbart, L. F., Ill, 122 Gund, Joseph A., Ill, 96 Gunning, Thomas P., IV, 459 Gunter, George T., II, 378 Gustin, Robert V., Ill, 391 Gutknecht, John, IV, 16 Haag, Albert R., Ill, 66 Haag, George A., Ill, 66 Haag Brothers Co., Ill, 66 Haagenson, Helmer T., IV, 77 Haas, Joseph, II, 478 Hackman, Edward G., IV, 287 Hackman, Elizabeth, IV, 287 Hagan, Henry M„ IV, 333 Hagebush, Oscar J., V, 206 Hager, George C, IV, 262 Hahn, John F., V, 457 Hale, Raleigh, IV, 181 Haley, Margaret, II, 499 Hall, Albert L., V, 402 Hall, Alonzo J., Ill, 353 Hall, Charles E„ V, 257 Hall, Edred B., V, 224 Hall, Hal O., Jr., IV, 92 Hall, James W., IV, 198 Hall, Thomas W., V, 298 Hall, Wendell W., Ill, 484 Hall of Science, Century of Progress Exposition, II, 553 Hallett, Hiram D., V, 447 Hallgren, Carl A., V, 357 Hallstrom, John H., V, 111 Hamann, Fred, V, 148 Hamblin, Henry W., IV, 334 Hamill, Charles H., II, 426 Hamilton, John M., lieutenant-governor, II, 95, 96; III, 490 Hamilton, John R., IV, 65 Hamilton, Richard J., V, 491 Hamilton, William S., V, 32 Hamilton Public Library, V, 241 Hammer, A. Howard, III, 171 Hammer, George T., V, 461 Hamrick, Daniel F., V, 341 Hancock, John L., IV, 11 Hancock, Joseph L., IV, 12 Hancock County, I, 400 Handlin, John H., Ill, 256 Handy, Moses P., Ill, 488 Hanecy, Elbridge, II, 191 Haney, Eugene T., Ill, 294 Hanks, John I., Ill, 254 Hanks, Martha G., IV, 122 Hanks, Samuel J., IV, 122 Hanlon, Samuel F., V, 449 Hanna, Reuben S., Ill, 251 Hannah, Harry I., Ill, 392 Hansen, Nicholas, I, 269 Hanson, Harry C, III, 402 Hanson, Martin W., IV, 79 Hardesty, Paul L., V, 256 Hardin, John, V, 24 Harding, George F., II, 486, 492 Harding, John P., IV, 16 Hardinger, Ralph W., Ill, 219 Hardisty, Guy, III, 126 Harlan, John M., II, 221, 256, 298, 502 Harlan report, II, 221 Harmel, Estella L., IV, 243 Harmon, Charles F., Ill, 264 Harms, Frank R., Ill, 106 Harnit, Abbie D., V, 407 Harnit, Samuel L., V, 407 Harper, Alfred J., Ill, 380 Harper, Francis A., V, 451 Harper, William R., IV, 48 Harrington, Cornelius J., IV, 69 Harris, Clifford M., V, 170 Harris, Evan, III, 471 Harris, Thomas L., I, 461 Harrison, Carter H., elder, II, 101, 203; message of 1883, 204, 474; assassina- tion of, 476 Harrison, Carter H., younger, II, 179, 221, 280, 480, 543, 545; III, 48 Harrison, Edith O., Ill, 48 Harrison, Guy R., IV, 113 Harrison, John Q., V, 137 Harrison, William Henry, I, 184 Harsin, John J., I, 405 Hart, Cora O., Ill, 447 Hart, Dwight, V, 452 Hart, Eugene E., Ill, 447 Hart, Lester L., V, 143 Hart, Ezra, V, 272 Hart, Green B., V, 272 Hart, Thomas B., Ill, 462 Hartley, Arthur J., Ill, 72 Hartman, Stanley, III, 449 Hartman, William, V, 174 Hartsell, William W., IV, 300 Harvey, Beauchamp A., Ill, 349 Harvey, George C, III, 350 Harvey, John P., IV, 468 Harwood, Clarence H., IV, 63 Hastings, J. Barnard, IV, 307 Hastings, Samuel M., IV, 56 Hatcher, Carrie E. B., Ill, 183 Hatcher, Charles C, III, 182 Hattan, Albert H., Ill, 415 Haughton, Edward J., Ill, 213 XX11 INDEX Havana, II, 552 Havill, Rene, III, 345 Hawkins, John J., Ill, 470 Hawkins, William B., Ill, 464 Hawthorn, Paul D., IV, 91 Hay, John, I, 187; IV, 48 Hay, Logan, III, 256 Hay, Marion L., Ill, 341 Hay, Milton, II, 83 Hayes, Lambert K., V, 433 Hayes, S. Snowden, II, 83 Haymarket riot, II, 97, 101, 140, 519 Hayner Library, IV, 214 Hays, Frank, IV, 114 Hays, George R., V, 164 Head, Franklin H., Ill, 487 Headley, Stephen L, IV, 55 Headrick, Samuel P., V, 126 Heald, Captain, I, 216 Heald, Jesse M., Ill, 468 Healey, Frank F., V, 314 Healy, John J., II, 304, 478 Heard, Oscar E., IV, 13 Hearst, William R,, II, 191 Heath, Lawrence S., V, 294 Heath, Monroe, II, 474 Heckel, Irven J., IV, 140 Heckel, Roy A., Ill, 416 Heckman, George A., V, 395 Hefferan, William H., V, 300 Hegeler, Edward C., V, 450 Hegeler, Julius W., V, 450 Heilig, George N., IV, 321 Heintz, Edward L., IV, 229 Heinz, Nicholas G., Ill, 395 Heirich, Bruneau E., Ill, 145 Heiser, Daniel C., IV, 288 Heiser, Elton R., IV, 288 Hemenway, William F., IV, 184 Hemmer, Nicholas, V, 161 Hendee, Lew A., IV, 428 Henderson, Euell B., IV, 298 Henderson, James P., V, 311 Henderson, Thomas J., Ill, 487 Hendricks, Raymond B., V, 169 Henkel, Leo P., IV, 57 Hennepin, Louis, I, 65 Henry, Patrick, first governor of Illi- nois, I, 134 Henry, William S., V, 220 Hensley, William S., V, 137 Hereford, Arthur L„ IV, 98 Herman, John E., V, 213 Herndon, Archer G., I, 357 Herndon, William H., II, 12; V, 23 Herr, Vincent A., Ill, 260 Herrick, G. Wirt, III, 383 Herrick, Lott R., V, 363 Herron, Simon A., Ill, 125 Herten, Arthur D., IV, 143 Hertz, Benjamin F., Ill, 355 Hertz, Henry, II, 478 Hertz, John D., V, 43 Hetherington, B. William, IV, 8 Hetler, Harry, IV, 469 Hetman, Wencel F., IV, 493 Hextell, Martin N., IV, 408 Heydecker, Coral T., IV, 409 Heywood, Oliver C, V, 63 Hicks, Girth N., V, 389 Hieronymus, Robert E., Ill, 13 Higdon, W. D., V, 365 Highland High School, IV, 222 Highways (see Roads), II, 316 Higinbotham, Harlow N., II, 520; IV, 44 Hildrup, Jesse S., II, 83 Hileman, Philetus E., IV, 311 Hill, Louis D., V, 304 Hilliev, Albert W., V, 113 Hillmer, Henry A., Ill, 115 Hillsboro Public Library, III, 330 Hinchliff, Ralph, V, 9 Hinchliff, William E., V, 6 Hines, Edward, II, 183 Hinkle, Charles M., Ill, 121 Hinton, Ralph T., V, 374 Hinze, William J., IV, 381 Hirsch, Emil G., II, 517 Hirschi, Christian G., Ill, 377 Hitchcock, Charles, II, 83 Hitchings, Robert C, V, 338 Hoadley, Clara, IV, 163 Hobart, Karl E., V, 330 Hoechster, Harold J., IV, 325 Hoeltmann, Louis T., Ill, 269 Hoffman, Francis, I, 444 Hoffmeier, Fred L., V, 212 Hoffstadt, John P., IV, 445 Hogendobler, Ernest C, V, 215 Hogland, Frank G., IV, 175 Holabird, William, II, 520 Holabird and Roche, II, 521 Holahan, Jerome T., IV, 154 Holden, Charles R., II, 192; IV, 272 Hole, Berton W., V, 122 Holladay, William T., IV, 470 Hollinger, Albert L., IV, 223 Holly, William H., II, 432 Holmes, Charles M., Ill, 483 Holmes, Grover E., Ill, 421 Holmes, Maurice F., Ill, 222 Holmes, Nellie F., V, 71 Holmes, Zealy M., V, 71 Holten, Julius A., V, 166 Holy Family Parish, IV, 489 Holz, Charles, III, 369 Home Insurance Building, II, 520 Home rule for Chicago, II, 322 Honey, Victor H., V, 183 Hood, James J., Ill, 240 Hooper, Frank L., V, 422 Hoover, Walter K., IV, 73 Hopkins, Albert J., II, 180, 480, 482 Hopkins, John P., II, 159, 478 Horner, Henry, III, 3 "Horse and Dummy Act," II, 202 Horwitz, Sandor, III, 272 Hostettler, Tony C, V, 230 Hotz, Joseph, IV, 216 Hough, Charles F., V, 327 House of Correction, Chicago, II, 472 INDEX xxm Houser, Edwin J., Ill, 252 Houston, Mrs. D. E., V, 81 Hovey, Charles E., II, 39; III, 498 Howard, Benjamin, I, 222 Howell, Albert S., IV, 459 Howell, Fred W., IV, 209 Howk, Lewis, III, 140 Hoyne, Thomas, II, 471; IV, 39 Hruby, Allan J., IV, 400 Hubbard, Adolphus F., IV, 48 Hubbard, Gordon, I, 343 Hubbard, Warren, IV, 179 Hubeny, Maximilian J., V, 313 Huber, Albert, III, 213 Huff, Thomas D., V, 13 Huggett, William W., IV, 35 Hughart, Samuel A., IV, 64 Hughes, Caroline B., IV, 288 Hughes, Pingree C, V, 440 Hughes, Ruth P., IV, 289 Hughitt, Marvin, V, 27 Hulett, E. Lee, IV, 81 Hulick, Charles H., Ill, 157 Hull, Morton D., II, 426 Hull, William, I, 214 Hull, William E., Ill, 28 Hullinger, Will, IV, 163 Hulse, Minard E., V, 481 Humphrey bills, II, 219 Hunter, David, Jr., Ill, 448 Hunziker, Otto F., Ill, 242 Hurd, Harry B., Ill, 241 Hurlburt, Stephen A., Ill, 507 Hurley, Edward N., Ill, 32 Hurst, William C, IV, 167 Hurt, Emil B., Ill, 438 Huschle, Rudolph H., IV, 361 Huskinson, George, V, 354 Huskinson, William, V, 352 Hussey, Jerry E., V, 451 Hutchings, John A., Ill, 228 Hutchins, Robert M., Ill, 17 Hutchins, Harry, III, 411 Hutchinson, Luzetta, III, 397 Hutton, John W., V, 228 Huxley, Henry M., Ill, 234 Hyland, James, IV, 422 Hylton, Walker L., V, 143 Hynes, William J., I, 385 Ickes, Harold L., II, 432, 508, 543; V, 35 Ida Public Library, IV, 288 Igoe, Michael L., II, 347, 460; IV, 22 lies, Elijah, V, 33 Illinois, French habitants, I, 47; in strug- gle between the British and French, 85; results of French and Indian War, 92; ceded to England, 94; under the British flag, 96; in Revolu- tionary War, 107; Quebec Act, 109 code of laws, 111; first governor, 134 Spanish expedition of 1781, 139 Treaty of 1783, 140; anarchy after 1763, 143; Virginia sovereignty and law, 150; struggle over land titles, 166; under Northwest Territorial gov- ernment, 173; in 1790, 176; territorial judges, 181; in 1798, 182; in 1800, 186; rise of slavery issue, 188; terri- tory created, 194; boundaries, 197; laws of Territory, 198; Territory of second class, 202, 227; in war of 1812, 212; northern boundary, 233; in 1812, map, 234; consti- tution of 1818, 239; in 1818, 242; in 1818, map, 247; racial origins, 250; fight for slavery, 259; a free State, 277; slavery in, 278; development after 1818, 283; State politics in first dec- ade, 290; and National politics, 303; economic conditions in 1830, 307; Dun- can administration, 344; capital at Springfield, 354; internal improve- ments in 1837, 357; Carlin adminis- tration, 375; Supreme Court and poli- tics, 380; Ford administration, 386; in War with Mexico, 402; Constitu- tion of 1848, 408; under Governor French, 412; in politics of the Nation, 415; slavery issue in 1847, 421; 1853- 57, 454; Bissell administration, 456; organization of Republican party, 459; Lincoln's nomination for president, II, 5; military record, 38; in Civil War, 27; women in Civil War, 40; cam- paign of 1864, 58; Oglesby adminis- tration, 65; Palmer's administration, 70; Constitution of 1870, 80; map showing organization and population of counties, 86; Cullom administra- tion, 93; Oglesby's third administra- tion, 97; Fifer's administration, 106; Third parties, 113; an industrial state, 136; strikes of 1894, 148; in Free Sil- ver movement, 154; Tanner adminis- tration, 170; in administration of Gov. Yates the younger, 173; Governor Deneen's administration, 176; political conditions in 1912, 308; legislation, 1913-17, 318; roads in 1913, 331; mo- bilization for Mexican border, 363; Lowden administration, 380; in the World War, 380; financial contribu- tions to World War, 401; departmental reorganization, 402; Small administra- tion, 404; Constitution of 1922, 424; development of public utilities, 493; Emmerson's administration, 530; de- mand for reapportionment, 546; prog- ress and prospects, 549 Illinois and Michigan Canal, I, 318, 360; history of, 362; in Constitution of 1870, 370, 386; II, 83, 455, 470 Illinois and Wabash Land Company, I, 158 Illinois bar, eminent members, II, 81 Illinois Bottom, I, 47 Illinois Central Railroad, land grant, I, 414; II, 87 Illinois College, II, 537 Illinois Commerce Commission, II, 419; 496 XXIV INDEX Illinois Country, without law, I, 103; in closing- years of Revolution, 138; land titles in, 152 Illinois County, Virginia, created, I, 127, 134, 150 Illinois Free Employment offices, II, 334 Illinois Historical Library, IV, 94 Illinois Indians, I, 17; work of mission- aries, 41; in French regime, 52 Illinois missions, I, 37 Illinois monuments, II, 49 Illinois National Guard, II, 362, 389 Illinois Naval Battalion, World War, II, 389 Illinois Odd Fellows Orphans Home, V, 84 Illinois River, I, 1; Marquette and Joliet on, 32; view from Prospect Heights, Peoria, II, 198; in waterway scheme, 458 Illinois State Farmers Association, II, 128 Illinois State Journal, IV, 337 Illinois State Normal University, II, 360 Illinois State School for the Blind, II, 360 Illinois State Labor Association, II, 108 Illinois State Register, V, 262 Illinois State Soldiers' and Sailors' Home, II, 360 Illinois tribe, Iroquois massacres, I, 69 Illinois Valley expeditions, War of 1812, I, 221 Illinois waterway, I, 374; II, 455, 554 Illinois Waterway Commission, II, 461 Immigration, I, 250 Impeachment, I, 240 Income tax, II, 111, 442 Independent Order Odd Fellows Orphans Home, V, 84 Indian allies, at Starved Rock, I, 77 Indian lands, cession of, I, 159 Indian mounds, I, 18 Indian titles, I, 171 Indian treaties, after War of 1812, I, 201 Indian villages, I, 325 Indian warfare, in War of Revolution, I, 118 Indiana Territory created, I, 185 Indians of Illinois (see also tribal names), I, 10; at home and at war, 15; religious ceremonies, 16; evils of liquor trade, 45 ; organized by La Salle, 71; under British regime, 96; title to land, 166; rights to land, 179; land cessions, 198; proposed buffer state, 224, 248; last stand, 320 Industrial welfare laws, II, 336 Ingersoll, Robert G., II, 141; V, 18 Initiative and referendum, II, 342 Insane, care of, II, 179 Insull, Samuel, II, 391, 421, 493, 509, 545; IV, 478 Insull corporations, II, 494 Internal improvement craze, I, 375 International Association of Lions Clubs, V, 387 Intoxicating liquor (see liquor), I, 254 Irish settlers, I, 250; in Civil War, II, 40 Iroquois invasion, I, 69 Iroquois tribe, I, 12, 14 Irwin, Harry C, III, 460 Isaacs, Alfred A., V, 291 Isaacs, Thomas R., IV, 83 Isley, Albert E., V, 301 Isley, William E., V, 302 Jack, Charles E., V, 49 Jackpot government, II, 309 "Jack Pot Legislature," II, 187 Jackson, Andrew, character of, I, 304 Jackson, Charles A., V, 192 Jackson, James R., Sr., V. 255 Jackson, Lewis L., V, 205 Jackson, William A., IV, 368 Jackson County, I, 233 Jacksonian Democracy, I, 305 Jacksonville State Hospital, II, 360 Jacobs, Robert H., Ill, 323 Jacobsen, Lars P., IV, 274 Jacobson, Don L., Ill, 487 James, William R., Ill, 453 Janda, Joseph J., IV, 277 Jarecki, Edmund K., II, 517; III, 25 Jarman, Lewis A., II, 426 Jarroh, Nicholas, I, 186 Jarvin, John H., V, 261 Jasper, Frank A., V, 149 Jay Treaty, I, 180 Jayne, Gershon, I, 366 Jeffers, James E., Ill, 249 Jefferson, Thomas, I, 156 Jenkins, Alexander M., IV, 483 Jenning, G. A., Ill, 365 Jennings, Everett, V, 245 Jennings, George T., V, 434 Jennings, Grattan G., IV, 338 Jennings, John W., Jr., V. 274 Jenny, W. L. B., II, 520 Jensen, Anker C, III, 396 Jesuit missionaries, I, 22 Jesuit priests, in Illinois country, I, 39 Jesuits, and New France, I, 44 Jeter, Charles E., V, 398 Jimison, William H., V, 360 Jirka, Harold W., IV, 335 Joannides, Minas, IV, 271 Job, Joseph A., IV, 411 Johns, Charles E., V, 258 Johns, Robert E., V, 165 Johnson, Abraham, III, 172 Johnson, Bert R., V, 211 Johnson, George W., IV, 14 Johnson, Gustaf J., IV, 471 Johnson, Jean T., V, 211 Johnson, L. Ross, III, 194 Johnson, Robert W., V, 104 Johnson, Roy H., V, 84 Johnson, T. Arthur, V, 115 Johnson, William A., V, 401 INDEX XXV Johnson, William R., IV, 17 Johnston, Albert Sidney, I, 342 Johnston, Joseph E., I, 342 Johnston, Thomas R., V, 370 Joliet, Louis, I, 16, 26, 27, 28 Joliet penitentiary, II, 356 Jonas, Edgar A., II, 432 Jones, Alfred H., V, 290 Jones, George H., Ill, 58 Jones, Harry P., V, 111 Jones, James B., V, 212 Jones, John Rice, I, 148, 191, 193; IV, 33 Jones, J. Edward, V, 257 Jones, Melvin, V, 387 Jones, Michael, I, 232 Jones, Norman L., II, 404 Jones, Obadiah, I, 197 Jones, Paul F., IV, 417 Jones, Vernie A., V, 235 Jones, Walter C, II, 312 Jones, William C, IV, 376 Jones, W. W., II, 108 Joppa Community High School, III, 400 Jordan, Myron, II, 432 Jorgensen, Frederick A., IV, 438 Judd, Norman B., II, 12; V, 20 Judge, Thomas F., I, 372 Judges, selection of, after 1848, I, 410 Judiciary, in Chicago and Cook County, I, 87; Municipal courts, II, 179 Juengel, Oscar H., V, 179 Justice courts, system abolished, II, 179 Kabella, Edward C, III, 499 Kaburick, Edward C, V, 259 Kalb, Charles E., V, 118 Kankakee Daily Republican, IV, 418 Kane, Elias Kent, I, 232, 272, 282, 294; V, 5 Kankakee Republican-News, IV, 418 Kankakee River, I, 2 Kankakee State Hospital, II, 360 Kansas-Nebraska Law, I, 431 Karnak Community High School, IV, 307 Karch, Charles A., IV, 318 Karns, John M., IV, 293 Karzas, Andrew, V, 467 Kaskaskia, I, 104, 108, 113; captured by General Clark, 123, 143; without court of law, 146; lawlessness in, 149; 181, 182; land offices, 229, 253 Kaskaskia Indians, I, 12, 18, 198 Kaskaskia Mission, I, 39 Kasper, Frank J., V, 470 Kauffman, Harlan B., IV, 435 Kavanagh, Marcus A., Ill, 27 Kavanagh, Maurice F., V, 466 Kay, Wendell P., IV, 437 Keating, Henry E., Ill, 482 Keehn, Roy D, III, 87 Keeler, Fred C, III, 94 Keeler, Leonarde, V, 479 Kehoe, Francis B., IV, 233 Keiser, Frank M., V, 265 Kelker, Rudolph F., Jr., V, 275 Keller, Nicholas M., Ill, 481 Kelley, Florence, II, 140 Kelley, Robert M., Ill, 401 Kelley, William C, IV, 150 Kellogg Grove Monument, Black Hawk War, I, 337 Kelly, Edward A., IV, 22 Kelly, Edward J., II, 458, 461; III, 295 Kelly, Thomas, I, 373 Kemp, George W., V, 62 Kendall, A. Fred, V, 373 Kenna, Hinky Dink, II, 506 Kennedy, Archie G., IV, 53 Kennedy, George L., Ill, 143 Kennedy, Millard B., Ill, 156 Kent, Laurence E., IV, 157 Kenworthy, Samuel R., Ill, 214 Kentucky settlements, in Revolutionary War, I, 119 Keokuk, Chief, I, 323 Kern, Fred. J., (Foreword), I, 305; II, 349, 432, 454; III, 38 Kern, Jacob J., II, 477, 478 Kerner, Otto, IV, 286 Kewanee Boiler Company, IV, 236 Kewanee Public Library, IV, 233 Kickapoo Indians, I, 11, 246 Kilpatrick, Harry M., V, 53 Kilpatrick, S. Elizabeth, V, 54 Kilpatrick, Thomas L., I, 412 Kimbark, John R., Ill, 399 Kinahan, Simon P., V, 125 Kincaid, John T., IV, 68 King, Erman A., Ill, 335 King, John E., IV, 304 King, John H. (Allendale), III, 372 King, John H. (Edinburg), III, 459 King, Roy L., Ill, 176 Kinley, David, III, 40 Kinney, William, I, 232, 273, 295, 311, 316 Kinsella, William J., V, 47 Kinzie, John, I, 217 Kiolbassa, Peter, II, 517 Kirby, James J., IV, 268 Kirkland, Weymouth, III, 318 Klein, William P., V, 162 Klenha, Joseph Z., V, 56 Klimes, Frank E., Ill, 312 Kline, Edward C, IV, 164 Kline, Eugene P., V, 162 Klonowski, Louis J., Ill, 140 Knapp, Kemper K., V, 205 Knaus, Vincent L., Ill, 454 Knight, William D., IV, 343 Knights of Labor, II, 111 Knights of the Golden Circle, II, 54 Know Nothing party, I, 462 Know Nothing riots, I, 483 Koch, Louis, IV, 216 Koeper, John J., IV, 258 Koepke, Charles A., IV, 147 Koerner, Gustavus, I, 444; II, 12, 29, 59, 78* V 19 Kohlbeck, Valentine, IV, 441 Kohlsaat, Christian C, III, 419 XXVI INDEX Kohlsaat, Edward C, III, 420 Kohlsaat, Herman H., II, 182; V, 432 Rokenes, Peter G., IV, 195 Koonce, Ivan E., V, 371 Rosier, Albert H., IV, 472 Rough, Benjamin J., V, 73 Rrahl, William F., IV, 475 Rral, Joseph S., IV, 207 Rramer, Dale D., Ill, 427 Rramer, Verle V., Ill, 352 Rraus, Adolf, II, 192 Rrause, Harry R., Ill, 233 Rrebs, Wilbur E., V, 167 Rreiling, Christian H., IV, 107 Rreitner, Eugene W., IV, 363 Rrempp, John, Jr., Ill, 231 Rreshel, Julius J., IV, 223 Rreuscher, Philip H., Ill, 492 Rroehler, Clarence B., V, 347 Rruse, Robert I., V, 473 Ruechler, Frederick W., V, 234 Labor, convict, II, 173 Labor agitation, II, 106 Labor organizations, II, 99 Labor party, II, 108 Labor troubles, II, 97; in 1894, 148 LaBuy, Joseph S., V, 227 Lackey, Edward J., IV, 313 Lackey, George W., IV, 291 La Clede, Pierre, I, 104 Laflin, Matthew, IV, 43 Lake, Lewis F., Ill, 311 Lake Chicago, I, 6 Lake Michigan, I, 1; Illinois River waterway, 35 Lake Peoria, I, 11 Lakes to Gulf waterways, I, 370; II, 180, 414, 455 Lalumier, Edward L., V, 488 Lamborn, Josiah, IV, 50 Lamkin, James A., Ill, 343 Lamont, Robert P., Ill, 18 Land cessions by Indians, I, 203 Land office, I, 199; Raskaskia, Shawnee- town, 229, 249 Land sales, I, 198, 249 Land speculators, I, 171 Land survey plans, I, 158; 170 Land titles, I, 166, 178 Lands, surveys and titles, I, 248; saline, 300; squatter and preemption rights, 324 Landis, Renesaw M., Ill, 504 Landis, Reed G., IV, 56 Landise, Thomas H., Ill, 141 Landmesser, Frank H., V, 243 Lane, Josiah B., IV, 63 Langner, Henry, III, 320 Lansden, Halac, IV, 147 Lantry, Thomas B., Ill, 82 LaPorte, Charles W., Ill, 75 Larkin, Daniel H., Ill, 228 Larson, John A., Ill, 486 Larson, Jonas W., Ill, 187 La Salle, Sieur de, I, 26; career of, 55, 56; grant of authority over New France 58, 59; on Illinois River, 62, 64; on Lower Mississippi, 71, 76; death of, 79; monument to, 81 LaSalle, II, 552 (City) LaSalle County, I, 311; first Catholic Church in, 432 Lasker, Albert D., Ill, 35 Lathrop, Bryan, IV, 43 Lathrop, Julia C, V, 40 Latimer, Marion M., V, 265 Latter, Cameron, V, 453 Lauder, John E., IV, 458 Laughlin, Edward E., Ill, 114 Lauher, Paul B., V, 10 Law, Daniel, V, 320 Law, after Clark's conquest, I, 150 Law department, Chicago, II, 292 Lawler, Joseph B., Ill, 334 Lawler, Michael R., II, 39 Lawrence, Charles B., II, 128 Lawrence, Randal L., Ill, 337 Laws, first code in Northwest Territory, I, 173; private, II, 82 Lawson, Victor F., I, 373; V, 28 Lecompton constitution, I, 449 Lee, Charles C, IV, 259 Lee, Fred A., Ill, 113 Lee, Otis H., Ill, 135 Lee, Robert H., Ill, 259 Legge, Alexander, V, 33 Legislative corruption, II, 65, 72 Legislative Reference Bureau, II, 338 Legislature, of 1812, I, 227; in 1836, 355; of 1865, II, 65; and corrupt lob- byist, 341; special session, 1928, 420; session of 1930, 547 Lehr, William V., V, 141 Leighty, Mack, IV, 301 Leiser, William H., IV, 78 Leitch, Olive A., Ill, 230 Leiter, Levi Z., IV, 44 Lelivelt, Joseph J., Ill, 238 Lenington, Norman G., Ill, 238 Leonard, Charles L., Ill, 93 Leonard, James G., IV, 127 Lesch, Roy, IV, 375 Lesemann, Ralph F., V, 153 Lewe, John C, III, 334 Lewis, Aquilla C, III, 434 Lewis, A. Austin, IV, 328 Lewis, Byron R., Ill, 474 Lewis, C. M., Ill, 474 Lewis, Hugo S., Ill, 473 Lewis, James Hamilton, II, 266, 278, 292; elected senator, 366, 395, 464, 503; III, 3 Lewis Institute, V, 328 L'Hote, Eugene, III, 357 "Liberal Republican" party, II, 78 Liberal-Republican revolt, II, 122 Liberty bonds, II, 391 Libonati, Elliodor M., Ill, 64 Libonati, Roland V., Ill, 63 INDEX XXVll Licht, Fred W., Ill, 324 Lieb, Charles, I, 468 Ligman, Thadeus S., Ill, 438 Lill, Arlington E., IV, 360 Lincoln, Abraham, I, 342; early careers, 354, 357; facsimile of bill in handwrit- ing of, 403; 420; as a Whig, 437; let- ter, 462; senatorial candidate, 466; criticism of U. S. Supreme Court, 470; Tremont Hotel speech, 472; on Su- preme Court conspiracy, 478; bio- graphies of, 481; "lost speech," 484; aspirations for the Presidency, 502; re- sults of joint debates, 518; frontis- piece nominated and elected president, II, 5; speeches in East, 9; Cooper In- stitute speech, 11; facsimile of letter to Yates, 31; emancipation of slaves, 45; war policy criticised, 47; reelected in 1864, 58 Lincoln, Nancy Hanks, grave of, I, 503 Lincoln-Douglas, campaign of 1858, I, 468; joint debates, 479, 481; at Otta- wa, 493; at Freeport, 499; at Gales- burg, 514 Lincoln Evening Courier, IV, 253 Lincoln High School, East St. Louis, V, 168 Lincoln Home at Springfield, II, 10 Lincoln Park, Chicago, II, 524 Lincoln Park Board, Chicago, II, 472 Lincoln State School, II, 361 Lincoln telegram, "You are Nominated," II, 20 Lincoln Tomb, Springfield, II, 121 Linder, Usher F., V, 25 Lindheimer, Benjamin F., V, 488 Lindley, Fleetwood H., V, 307 Lindley, Cicero J., II, 426 Lindner, F. George, III, 175 Lindsay, Edward E., IV, 345 Lindsey, Albert, III, 118 Lingle, Willis E., V, 204 ■ Link, Joseph J., Ill, 262 Linscott, Charles H., Ill, 85 Lions International, V, 387 Lippert, Fred, V, 173 Lippincott, Thomas, I, 274 Lipshulch, George U., V, 439 Lipsky, Harry A., IV, 411 Liquor, intoxicating, in early Illinois, I, 254 Liquor law, of 1855, I, 454 Litchfield Carnegie Public Library, III, 326 Litsinger, Edward R., II, 490 Little, George E., V, 280 Little, Richard H., V, 333 "Little Bull Law," I, 319 Lloyd, F. E. J., V, 29 Locke, George D., IV, 488 Lockie, George D., V, 112 Lockport Township Public Library, IV, 355 Lockwood, Samuel D., I, 274, 411; V, 14 Loeffler, William, II, 295 Lofgren, Emil, IV, 372 Logan, Frank G., IV, 10 Logan, Dr. John, II, 39 Logan, John A., I, 342; II, 38; Civil War record, 39; 52; home in Benton, Frank- lin County, 55; 119; V, 29 Logan, John J., V, 90 Logan, Stephen T., I, 411; II, 29; III, 501 Lohmann, Martin B., Ill, 172 Londrigan, Joseph A., IV, 193 Lonergan, Joseph M., Ill, 119 Long, John W., V, 292 "Long Knives," I, 135 Longcor, Willard H., IV, 429 Lorenzen, Anton F., IV, 211 Lorimer, William, elected senator, II, 181; investigation, 182, 478, 479; III, 36 Louisiana Purchase, I, 193 Love, Guy N., V, 364 Love, Mason, V, 265 Lovejoy, Elijah P., assassination of, I, 351; IV, 30 Lovejoy, Owen, I, 409; IV, 30 Lovejoy School, St. Clair County, V, 246 Lovett, Robert M., II, 397 Lowden, Frank O., II, 375; administra- tion of, 380, 381; candidate for presi- dent, 398; III, 27 Lowe, Leo H., IV, 160 Lowe, Walter H., Ill, 310 Loy, Ealem S., Ill, 197 Loyda, Fred J., IV, 166 Loyola University, Michael Cudahy Sci- ence Hall, II, 248; V, 486 Lucas, Peter P., V, 449 Lucey, Patrick J., Ill, 223 Lucia, M., IV, 355 Lueder, Arthur C, V, 480 Luedke, Bert P., V, 130 Luker, George H., Ill, 326 Lunde, Theodore, II, 396 Luster, Max, IV, 82 Lustfield, Joseph, V, 58 Lutz, Cora C, III, 245 Lutz, John, III, 245 Lyerla, Lois, III, 330 Lyford, Will H., Ill, 137 Lyman, J. Frank, III, 13 Lyman, William H., Ill, 13 Lyman ordinance, II, 223 Lynch, John A., Ill, 340 Lynch, John I., IV, 346 Lynch, William J., IV, 76 Lyon, John B., Ill, 317 Lyon, Vernon, III, 183 Lyons, James H., IV, 391 Lytton, George, III, 313 Lytton, Henry C, IV, 18 MacChesney, Nathan W., IV, 19 Macomb Public Library, III, 121 MacDonald, Robert B., V, 72 Mackey, Albert N., Ill, 95 Mackey, Ralph A., Ill, 90 XXV111 INDEX Mackinaw Township High School, III, 198 MacLeish, Andrew, V, 43 MacMonnies, Frederick, II, 521 MacVeagh, Franklin, II, 520; III, 16 Madden, Claude P., V, 406 Madding, Jasper D., IV, 284 Madison Public Library, IV, 222 Madlener, Albert F., V, 320 Magill, Hugh S., II, 421; IV, 205 Maguire, Albert E., Ill, 120 Maguire, Thomas A., V, 97 Maher, Edward, V, 445 "Maine law," I, 454, 483 Major, James E., V, 397 Malcor, Gustave C, III, 416 Malloy, Charles F., V, 316 Malloy, John "Mique," IV, 403 Maloney, David B., V, 76 Malson, Edward J., V, 452 Mamer, Christopher, II, 478 Mandel family, II, 549 Mangam, Edward M., IV, 378 Mangum, Ray J., IV, 341 Manierre, George, II, 475; V, 28 Mann, Louis L., Ill, 16 Mann, Oliver D., Ill, 422 Manny, Walter I., II, 338 Manufacturing, I, 252; II, 108, 550 Markham, Charles H., V, 425 Markman, Samuel K., Ill, 334 Marquard Henry F., Ill, 232 Marquette, Father James, I, 24, 26, 27, 28; at Chicago, 32, 33; death of, 34, 36; and Indian Chief, 38 Marshall, John R., V, 485 Marshall, Robert B., Ill, 154 Marshall, Robert F., V, 485 Marshall, Samuel S., IV, 493 Marshall, William H., IV, 446 Marstiller, Francis M., Ill, 465 Marston, Leslie R., V, 249 Martin, Alice, III, 150 Martin, Charles H., IV, 304 Martin, Mellen C, V, 237 Martin, Ralph H., IV, 174 Marysvale, excitement over discovery of copper ore, I, 437 Mascoutah Community High School, IV, 297 Mason, Edward G., Ill, 499 Mason, Orris W., Ill, 155 Mason, Parker N., Ill, 156 Mason, William E., II, 180, 395, 396 Mason City Community High School, IV, 85 Mason City Library, IV, 86 Masonic Temple, II, 521 Massacre, at Fort Dearborn, I, 216 Massman, Frederick H., V, 442 Matheny, W. R., V, 60 Mather, Archie J., IV, 232 Mather, Thomas, I, 274 Matter, Michael, IV, 222 Matteson, Joel A., as governor, I, 454, 455; III, 502 Mattheessen, Rudolph J., Ill, 178 Matthews, Stewart B., V, 59 Maxon, Jesse G., Ill, 91 Maxwell, Thomas R., V, 132 May, Sheffie R., IV, 129 Mayer, Levy, II, 426 Mayer, Oscar F., Ill, 330 Mayhew, John A., V, 350 Mayoralty campaign of 1903, II, 225 Mayoralty campaign of 1907, Chicago, II, 306 McAdams, Mary C, III, 431 McAllister, William K., II, 513 McAndrews, James, V, 437 McCahey, James B., V, 243 McCauley, William R., IV, 296 McClain, Burnie, III, 147 McCarty, Chevalier, I, 92, 100 McClernand, John A., I, 342, 380, 459; II, 39; V, 21 McCloskey, Robert E., IV, 294 McClure, Donald C, IV, 220 McConachie, John, V, 198 McConihe Family, III, 163 McConnell, Murray, I, 342 McConnell, Samuel P., II, 143, 147 McCord, Thomas C, IV, 241 McCormick, Andrew, I, 357 McCormick, Cyrus H., I, 448; V, 36 McCormick, James I., IV, 274 McCormick, John V., V, 64 McCormick, Medill, II, 395, 401 McCormick, Robert P., Ill, 288 McCormick, Ruth Hanna, II, 175, 504 McCormick, R. R., V, 424 McCormick Family, II, 549 McCormick Reaper Company, II, 100 McCorvie, Archie E., IV, 146 McCoy, John H., Ill, 448 McCrary, William M., Ill, 465 McCreery, W. Harold, IV, 109 McCulloch, Catharine W., V, 34 McDermaid, William H., Ill, 111 McDowell, Mary E., IV, 23 McElvain, Robert J., Ill, 387 McEwen, Harry W., V, 185 McGah, William J., V, 99 McGarry, John A., V, 215 McGaughey, John E., IV, 296 McGinnis, Edwin, V, 354 McGinnis, John P., Jr., IV, 312 McGlynn, Dan, IV, 279 McGlynn, Daniel F., IV, 280 McGlynn, Joseph B., IV, 279 McGlynn, Patterson S., IV, 178 McGlynn, Robert E., IV, 280 McGlynn & McGlynn, IV, 279 McGrath, Arthur R., Ill, 321 McGrath, James W., V, 417 McGregor, James, V, 284 McHose, Helen, III, 196 McHose, James D., Ill, 195 Mcintosh, Loy N., V, 480 McKeague, Robert I., Ill, 167 McKee, Grace, V, 110 McKendree, William, V, 491 INDEX XXIX McKendree College, I, 382 McKenna, James J., IV, 415 McKenzie, Edgar A., V, 197 McKinley, William, II, 317, 371 McKinley, William B., II, 420 McKinnon, Earl, III, 136 McKnight, Clark W., IV, 260 McLean, John, I, 232, 241, 273, 294; IV, 9 McMahon, John J., V, 104 McNemer, George H., Ill, 442 McNulty, Thomas J., IV, 66 McRoberts, Samuel, V, 15 McShane, James C, V, 375 McWilliams, Seymour, III, 283 Meccia, John B., V, 77 Mecherle, George J., IV, 436 Medical practice, laws regulation, II, 95 Medill, Joseph, I, 492; II, 12, 78, 83, 122; V, 36 Mehan, Thomas N., Ill, 199 Meier, David E., Ill, 336 Melahn, Frank, V, 387 Melton, Lloyd H., V, 318 Memorial Stadium, University of Illi- nois, II, 418 Menard, Pierre, I, 186, 187, 190, 227, 232, 241; IV, 22 Mendota Reporter, IV, 78 Merrier, Father, I, 40 Mercy Hospital, Chicago, V, 188 Merit system, II, 362 Merkle, John L., IV, 356 Merkle Broom Company, IV, 356 Merriam, Charles E., II, 432, 506, 543 Merriam, Henry M., V, 144 Merriman, Arthur K., IV, 71 Merritt, Wesley, III, 503 Messer, Adelbert B., IV, 324 Metcalf, Howard L., V, 97 Methodist church, in 1824, I, 254 Metropolis Community High School, III, 341 Meurin, Father, I, 36 Mexican War, I, 402 Mexican War soldier, I, 441 Meyer, Carrie B., Ill, 172 Meyer, George L., Ill, 328 Meyer, Henry A., Ill, 327 Meyer, John G., Ill, 91 Meyer, John W. H., Ill, 171 Meyer, Walter W. L., V, 466 Meyercord, George R., IV, 101 Meyers, Joseph L., V, 383 Miami tribe, I, 11 Michael, Oscar J., IV, 394 Michael, William H., V, 276 Michalopoulos, Demetrios G., Ill, 235 Michigameas, I, 12, 18 Michigan Boulevard, II, 500 Mikes, James, IV, 370 Milar, Karl A., IV, 423 Miley, George M., V, 269 Milford Township High School, V, 349 Miller, Amos C, IV, 97 Miller, Andrew D., Ill, 177 Miller, Benjamin H., IV, 429 Miller, Carl S., V, 217 Miller, Charles A., IV, 137 Miller, Clarence E., IV, 312 Miller, Frank T., Ill, 67 Miller, George W., Ill, 178 Miller, Henry L., IV, 432 Miller, Herbert L., V, 384 Miller, Hobart G., Ill, 248 Miller, James A., V, 448 Miller, John H., IV, 124 Miller, John S., Ill, 461 Miller, Theodore W., IV, 421 Miller, Thomas W., IV, 275 Miller, Victor C, IV, 69 Millhouse, John G., Ill, 248 Mills, Edgar W., IV, 414 Mills, Louis S., Ill, 71 Mills, Luther L., V, 30 Mills, Wiley W., II, 293, 543 Milnes, William D., IV, 121 Mine Examining Board Law, II, 336 Minier Community High School, V, 230 Mining disaster, Braidwood, II, 95 Mink, William J., V, 260 Minor, F. Grant, III, 88 Minority representation, II, 85 Minton, James I., Ill, 386 Mississippi, discovery of, I, 26 Mississippi Valley in 1801, map, I, 189 Missouri Compromise, I, 431 Mitchell, James E., V, 306 Mitchell, John M., Ill, 339 Mitchell, William H., V, 12 Moberg, Vern H., Ill, 125 Modern Woodmen of America, III, 361 Moinguenas, I, 12 Mollman, Arthur J., V, 153 Monbreun, Sieur de, I, 147 Money, in 1818, I, 257 Moneypenny, David T., IV, 277 Monroe, James O., IV, 289 Monroe County, I, 233 Montgomery, Ettie M., V, 110 Montgomery, Harry C, V, 79 Montgomery, William M., V, 110 Monticello Bulletin, III, 427; V, 366 Moody, Dwight L., V, 186 Moody, Lloyd C, IV, 93 Moody, Walter D., II, 522 Moody Bible Institute of Chicago, V, 186 Moore, Asa B., V, 129 Moore, Byron R., V, 75 Moore, Daniel B., V, 157 Moore, Ella A. D., V, 193 Moore, Enoch, IV, 9 Moore, George H., Ill, 128 Moore, Hiram C, III, 390 Moore, James B., I, 266 Moore, Jesse C, III, 192 Moore, Michael F., IV, 236 Moore, Pearl L., IV, 358 Moore, Risdon, I, 268 Moore, Theodore C, V, 256 Mooseheart, III, 429 XXX INDEX Moran, Frank T., Ill, 300 Moran, Thomas A., II, 513 Morford, Marcus L., IV, 340 Morgan, Ambert D., Ill, 395 Morgan, Howe V., V, 195 Morgan, James D., II, 38 Morische, Frank, V, 316 Mormon Church, in Illinois, I, 401 Mormon Temple, Nauvoo, I, 391 Mormon War, I, 377, 390 Mormons, exodus, I, 401 Moroney, Edward J., V, 427 Morris, David J., V, 399 Morris, Edward H., II, 426 Morris, Freeman P., Ill, 376 Morris, Lyell H., Ill, 469 Morris (City), I, 2 Morris Daily Herald, V, 408 Morris Public Library, The, III, 397 Morrison, James L. D., V, 484 Morrison, Joseph P., V, 382 Morrison, Robert, I, 190 Morrison, William, IV, 46 Morrison, W. P., II, 39 Morton, Joy, V, 3 Morton, Sterling, IV, 12 Morton Public Library, IV, 262 Morton Township High School, III, 193 Moseley, Douglas, V, 351 Moseley, Louise J., V, 352 Moss, Harry C, V, 276 Mossberger, Charles H., IV, 303 Motsinger, Ernest L., IV, 340 Moulton, Benjamin W., IV, 347 Mound City Community High Schools, IV, 336 Mount Vernon, Old Supreme Court Building, I, 422 Mounted rangers, in War of 1812, I, 222 Mounts, William L., Ill, 505 Mowat, Robert A., V, 328 Mud Lake, I, 362 Mudd, Ray F., IV, 492 Mueller law, II, 173, 225, 241; vote on adoption, 246; certificates, 277 Mulac, Louis E., IV, 194 Mullen, Timothy F., Ill, 497 Mulligan, James A., II, 40; III, 503 Mummart, Cletus B., IV, 347 Mundelein, George W., Ill, 17 Municipal courts, II, 179 Municipal harbors, II, 179 Municipal ownership, of street railways, II, 173, 224; of public utilities, 227; Dunne's views, 227; plans for secur- ing, 268; hostility of city council, 273; vote on, 277, 463, 518, 545 Municipal Railway Board, I, 466 Munn, Loyal L,, IV, 424 Murdock, John, I, 190 Murphy, Daniel F., Ill, 221 Murphy, John B., V, 30 Murphysboro, following tornado of 1925, II, 359 Murphysboro Township Union High School, V, 279 Musselman, James T., IV, 237 Meyer, Samuel I., Ill, 325 Myers, Leonard F., Ill, 271 Myers, Walter O., Ill, 86 Myers, William H., V 312 Nabholz, Otto C, IV, 371 Naghten, James I., V, 330 Nash, Patrick A., Ill, 501 Nash, William H., Ill, 129 National Security League, II, 401 Naumer, Oliver V., Ill, 315 Nauvoo, I, 377 Nauvoo Charter, I, 392 Neary, Michael J., V, 430 Neddermann, John E., Ill, 189 Needham, Lewis H., V, 209 Neely, Robert E., Ill, 479 Nelson, Edward A., Ill, 452 Nelson Frithiof, III, 144 Nelson, Oscar, IV, 312 Nelson, Oscar F., II, 335, 505; III, 233 Nelson, Oscar W., IV, 183 Nelson, Permil, IV, 164 Nelson, Victor W., Ill, 483 Nelson, William L., IV, 320 Nesbit, Calvin, V, 155 Nesbitt, George W., IV, 190 Nestor, Agnes, II, 505 Nettelhorst, Louis, IV, 251 New Design, I, 212 New France, Illinois in, I, 43 Newberry, Walter L., V, 37 Newberry Library, IV, 362 Newcomer, Rosa A., Ill, 423 Newlin, E. E., V, 231 Newlin, Thomas J., V, 231 Newspapers, in Civil War, II, 50 Newton Community High School, V, 238 Nicholas, Albert, V, 279 Nicolay, John G., V, 458 Ninety-nine year act, II, 200, 226; Su- preme Court decision, 277 Ninety-nine year grant, II, 482 Nisbet, George W., Ill, 164 Nisley, George W., V, 91 Nixon, William P., V, 45 Noble, Charles F., IV, 327 Nockles, Ed, II, 505 Noonan, Edward J., IV, 217 Noonan, Herbert C, IV, 490 Nordmeyer, Martin W., Ill, 373 Normal School, first building, Normal, II, 129 Norrix, Loy, III, 450 Northern Illinois Normal School, II, 360 Northup, John E., V, 25 Northwest Territory, I, 154; plans for organization, 156; map, 163; boun- daries after War of 1812, 224 Northwestern University, Buildings on McKinlock Campus, II, 299; IV, 386 Norton, Jesse O., IV, 495 Nortrup, Emil, III, 286 Notre Dame Church, Chicago, IV, 452 INDEX XXXI Nott, Fred A., V, 409 Novak, Charles W., IV, 266 Novak, Frank J., V, 427 Novotny, Frank, IV, 481 Nyden, John A., V, 483 Oakes, Lannes P., Ill, 400 O'Brien, Frank J., V, 58 O'Brien, John J., IV, 74 O'Brien, L. Frederick, IV, 153 O'Brien, Martin J., II, 426, 427 O'Brien, Quin, II, 266, 517 Obrock, Clarence C, III, 423 O'Bryan, Edward M., V, 336 Ochsner, Emil A., Ill, 105 Ochsner, Ernest E., Ill, 89 O'Connell, William L., II, 293, 316, 328, 432, 501; V, 180 O'Connor, Charles A., Ill, 414 O'Connor, Jeffrey, III, 508 O'Connor, Thomas, III, 278 Octigan, Thomes P., Ill, 271 Odell, Valentine, V, 343 O'Donnell, John S., V, 110 O'Donnell, Patrick H., Ill, 101 Oekel, Alvin S., V, 322 Oekel, Fred, V, 322 Officers training camps, World War, II, 391 Ogden, William B., V, 13 Ogden Gas Bill ordinance, II, 478 Oglesby, John G., II, 69 Oglesby, Richard J., II, 34, 38; elected governor, 65, 66 ; three times governor, 69; third administration, 97, 201, 545; IV, 31. O'Hair, Frank T., Ill, 147 O'Hair, Karl R., IV, 139 O'Hara, Daniel, II, 78 Ohio Company, I, 88 Ohio Company of Associates, I, 157 Ohio Land Company, I, 110 Ohio Valley, English in, I, 88 Ohlweiler, Oscar, IV, 180 Ohnemus, C. T., V, 147 Olander, Victor, II, 391, 432, 505 Old Brownsville, I, 384 Old Kelly Tavern, St. Joseph, I, 516 Old New Salem, Where Lincoln clerked, I, 356 Old State House, Springfield, II, 6 Olejniczak, John J., Ill, 406 Olsen, Thomas F., V, 181 Olson, Harry, II, 478, 483 O'Meara, Thomas J., IV, 61 O'Melveny, Samuel, I, 250 O'Neill, Schaefer, IV, 306 Orators, great, I, 385 Ordinance of 1784, I, 170 Ordinance of 1787, I, 157; provisions of, 160; on slavery, 188 O'Reilly, Charles A., IV, 223 O'Reilly, Patrick J., IV, 232 Orr, Pence B., V, 416 Orvis, Elmer V., Ill, 476 Osborne, Georgia L., IV, 94 O'Shaughnessy, Francis, II, 266 Ostermeier, John H. F., IV, 139 Otis, Frank J., Ill, 203 Otis, Joseph E., Ill, 451 O'Toole, William R., Ill, 323 Ottawa, I, 367; II, 552 Ottawa Indians, I, 11 Otten, Harry, IV, 97 Outten, George C, IV, 135 Ovitz, John W., IV, 183 Ozark Mountains, I, 3 Pace, Vincent P., Ill, 238 Pacifists, II, 395 Packard, George, V, 68 Padden, Frank M., V, 394 Page, Joseph M., IV, 200 Palmer, Ernest, IV, 257 Palmer, John M., I, 411 459; II, 12, 38; elected as governor, 70; 71; protests martial law in Chicago, 75; record of, 79; in 1888 campaign, 108; elected senator, 112; III, 27 Palmer, Potter, II, 68; V, 453 Palmer, Roy A., IV, 135 Palmer, William C, IV, 203 Palmer family, II, 550 Panic of 1819, I, 285 Panic of 1837, I, 351 Panic of 1873, II, 92 Panic of 1893, II, 159 Pantelis, Athanasius A., IV, 264 Park, Harriet, II, 396 Park systems, in Dunne administration, II, 349 Parker, Harry S., V, 294 Parker, Joseph, I, 148 Parkinson, Etta C, IV, 284 Parkinson, Francis B., IV, 282 Parkinson, Laura V., IV 282 Parkinson, Robert, IV, 283 Parkman, L. Macy, IV, 188 Parks, Lawson A., V, 35 Parks, Samuel C, II, 83 Parlier, John W., IV, 118 Parlin Public Library, V, 80 Parrish, Bruce D., Ill, 301 Parrish, John R., V, 273 Patterson, George J., V, 91 Patterson Joseph Medill, II, 266, 292; as Commissioner of Public Works, 300, 502 Patton, Robert H., V, 95 Paul, Daniel F., Ill, 216 Paxton, J. Hays, IV, 77 Payne, James, III, 472 Peabody, F. Stuyvesant, V, 32 Peabody family, II, 550 Peak, George J., IV, 429 Pearson, Irving F., Ill, 82 Pearson, Richard, V, 222 Pearsons Daniel K., Ill, 481 Peck, Ferd W., I, 520 Peck, John Mason, I, 253, 255, 274; V, 6 Peek, Burton F., V, 429 XXX11 INDEX Peel, Charles E., V, 400 Peers, George W., V, 119 Pefferle, Leslie G., Ill, 246 Peffers, John M., IV, 404 Pegram, Natalie H., IV, 62 Pekin, II, 552 Pekin Public Library, III, 76 Pelletier, Alphonse, IV, 453 Peltz, Ralph C, III, 385 Penal reforms, II, 352 Penewitt, Alexander H., V, 113 Penitentiary, first, Alton, I, 207; estab- lishment of, 300, 318; II, 61; at Ches- ter, 95; convict labor, 173; 353; re- forms, 356 Pennock, Irving D., IV, 153 Peona, John, V, 393 "People's Council," II, 396 Peoples Gas Light and Coke Company, II, 191 People's party, II, 161 People's Protective League, address of, II, 432 Peoria, I, 32, 39; LaSalle at, 63; fur trading center, 211; in 1812, 221; 249, 311; II, 552 Peoria Journal-Transcript, III, 68 Peoria Public Library, III, 66 Peoria Star, The, III, 70 Peoria Star Company, III, 70 Peoria State Hospital, II, 360 Peorias, I, 11, 12 Perkins, Charles M., Ill, 374 Perkins, Harry M., Ill, 110 Perkins, Joseph B., V, 120 Perrey, Jean Francois, I, 186, 190 Perrin, J. Nick, IV, 248 Perrin, Laura J., V, 390 Perrin, Levi, V, 390 Perrow, Arthur, V, 66 Perry, Joseph S., Ill, 488 Peschel, Joseph F., V, 477 Peters, Anna M., Ill, 472 Peterson, Charles S., IV, 286 Peterson, G. Leander, V, 296 Peterson, John W., Ill, 384 Peterson, Roy G., IV, 238 Peterson, Waino M., V, 415 Petrie, Claude L., III, 477 Petrie, Marion J., Ill, 478 Petroleum deposits, I, 8 Pfeiffenberger, Mather, IV, 308 Pfeiler, Raymond P., IV, 166 Phelps, Harvey J., Ill, 181 Phillips, David L., II, 78; V, 114 Phillips, Jesse J., Ill, 485 Phillips, Joseph, I, 266, 273; V, 13 Phoenix, Henry L., Ill, 229 Piasa Rock, I, 31 Piggott, James, I, 176 Pindell, Henry M., Ill, 68 Pine, Harry E., Ill, 296 Pinkerton, Harry B., Ill, 77 "Pinkertons," II, 108 Pintozzi, Carmen J., V, 207 Pioneer Quincy home, II, 103 Pittsfield Public Library, V, 69 Pittsford, Edith M., Ill, 194 Plamondon, Charles A., II, 382 Pleasant View Luther College, IV, 77 Plemon, Thomas H., II, V, 216 Plumb, Glenn E., II, 292 Plunkett, William J., Ill, 498 Police and fire departments, Chicago, II, 291 Polish National Catholic Church, IV, 188 Political parties, first, I, 294 ; in Chi- cago, II, 473 Politics, during the first decade, I, 290; National issues, 303 ; beginning of con- vention system, 311; Whig Party, 311; Democratic party, 311; and public im- provements, 359; in Sanitary Canal, 373; on the Bench, 380; in 1850, 415; beginning of Republican party, 459; convention of 1862, II, 35; corruption in Grant administration, 77; in 1874, 90; in 1876, 93; campaign of 1888, 108; third parties, 113; free silver, 158; conditions in 1912, 308; in Chi- cago, 528 Poll tax, I, 230 Pond, William L., Ill, 298 Pontiac, I, 98 Pontiac Reformatory, II, 353 Pontiac's war, I, 97 Pontius, Miller H., V, 52 Poorman, Andrew J., IV, 309 Pope, Nathaniel, I, 197; and statehood, 233; and Northern boundary, 238; 293, 294; IV, 14 Popular government in 1818, I, 283 Population, in 1805, I, 187; in 1810, 195; in 1810, 230; in 1820, 230; 236; in 1820, 250; in 1840, 289; in 1850, 408; in 1930, II, 547; 549 Porikos, George S., Ill, 52 Porter, Chauncey H., IV, 62 Porter, Harry H., V, 260 Porter, May, V, 355 Post, Frank M., IV, 442 Post, Louis F., II, 266 Poston, Emmett V., V, 110 Posvick, Frank, V, 51 Pottawatomies, I, 11, 248; treaty of 1816, 365 Potter, H. Melville, IV, 486 Pourre, Eugenio, I, 139 Poust, Cassius, IV, 186 Powers, Elmer W., IV, 412 Praeger, Robert P., II, 400 Prairie du Rocher, I, 108, 181 Prairie Farmer, II, 127; III, 49 Prairies, I, 3 Prante, Gilbert L., V, 288 Pratt, Thurlow H., Ill, 158 Preemption, I, 32 i Preemption law, of 1813, I, 229 Preihs, Carl H., IV, 114 Prendergast, Richard, I, 372; II, 477 Prentice, Henry W., IV, 172 INDEX XXXlll Prentiss, Benjamin M., Ill, 480 Presbyterian church, I, 255 Presbyterian Hospital, Chicago, III, 494 Press, freedom of, II, 193 Preston, S. P., IV, 434 Price, Sharon H., Ill, 347 Primary, preferential, II, 314 Primary election law, direct, II, 178 Prime, George H., V, 234 Primitive grain mill, I, 174 Primm, Howard B., IV, 210 Prindable, Dennis A., V, 160 Prindiville, Edward A., V, 487 Prison administration, II, 352 Process Verbal, at mouth of Mississippi, I, 72 Proclamation Line of 1763, I, 111 Progressive party, II, 316 (see also politics) Prophetstown, I, 329 Propper, William F., IV, 115 Protective tariff, I, 287 Protective tariff policy, I, 291 Public Library Board. Chicago, II, 472 Public officials, salaries of, I, 411 Public ownership act, II, 330 Public policy act, II, 224 Public utility act, II, 318 Public Utility Commission, II, 495 Public utility corporations, regulation of, II, 87 Public Utility Law, II, 129 Public works department, II, 293 Puente, Julius L, IV, 457 Pugh, Jonathan H., I, 275 Pullman, George M., II, 159; IV, 31 Pullman Company, strike of 1894, II, 148 Purcell, Theodore V., V, 317 Purl, Ruthford K., IV, 242 Pusey, William A., V, 470 Puterbaugh, Sabin D., V, 17 Putnam County, I, 311 Quan, James E., II, 328 Quebec Act, I, 109, 113 Querrey, Eri, IV, 116 Quincy, pioneer home, II, 103 Quincy House, II, 98 Quincy No. 1, Rough and Ready, I, 232 Quinlan, George A., Ill, 332 Quinn, Frank J., Ill, 69 Quinn, James R., V, 375 Racketeers, II, 485 Rail fence, I, 436 Railroad Act of 1871, II, 128 Railroad and Warehouse Commission, II, 128 Railroad corporations, II, 72 Railroad law of 1873, JI, 129 Railroads, I, 357; original system planned, 358; building in '50s, 454; in Constitution of 1870, II, 85; legis- lation of 1871, 95; and farmers, 126; control of rates, 127; abolition of passes, 128; safety legislation, 337; and waterways, 455 Railway strike, 1871, II, 99 Radeke, August C, III, 358 Ralston, Harris P., Ill, 56 Rambo, Manuel G., Ill, 126 Rammelkamp, Charles H., Ill, 14 Randolph, Isham, II, 517 Randolph, James M., I, 459 Randolph County, I, 182 Rantoul, II, 391 Rathbun, Charles F., V, 340 Raum, John, I, 342 Rawlins, John A., IV, 47 Ray, Edward J., Ill, 265 Ray, Joseph G., Ill, 362 Raymond, Charles W., Ill, 425 Read, Francis A, III, 100 Reapportionment, of senatorial and con- gressional districts, II, 348; demand for, 546 Red Cross, II, 391 Red Light district, II, 292 Redell, John M., Ill, 446 Redman, Benjamin H., IV, 61 Redpath, Robert W., V, 174 Reed, Clark S., V, 88 Reeda, William, III, 455 Reedy, William H., I, 7 Rees, Thomas, I, 390; V, 262 Reese, Leal W., IV, 110 Reeve, Austin B., Ill, 160 Reeve, Sarah L. B., Ill, 160 Reeve Family, III, 160 Reeves, Walter, IV, 40 Reformatories, changes in management of, II, 353 Reichert, Edwin F., Ill, 152 Reilly, Thomas P., V, 172 Reisner, Farrish A., V, 271 Religion, in frontier state, I, 252 Religious fanaticism, I, 399; II, 483 Rennick, Frederick W., V, 227 Rennick, Percival G., Ill, 64 Rentner, Otto C, IV, 207 Republican League, National Progress- ive, II, 308 Republican National Convention, of 1860, II, 12; of 1912, 315; in 1920, 398 Republican party, (See also Politics), I, 456; birth of, 459; in 1871, II, 77; 1872-92, 113; in 1868, 119; Liberal, in 1872, 126; and farmers' alliance, 129; and free silver, 159; in Chicago, 478 Repudiation of debts, I, 387 Resa, Alexander J., IV, 125 Reuling, Clarence W., Ill, 74 Reum, Reinhold F., Ill, 113 Revell, A. H., II, 520 Revenue reform, II, 346 Revenues, in 1850, I, 414 Revolutionary War, conquest of North- west, I, 108 XXXIV INDEX Reynolds, George M., V, 146 Reynolds, John, I, 8; quoted, 52, 176, 221, 273, 295; elected governor, 305; ad- ministration of, 316, 317, 342; IV, 35 Reynolds, Myron B., IV, 368 Reynolds, Robert, I, 190 Reynolds, Thomas, I, 273, 295 Rhymer, Lloyd S., IV, 342 Rhymer, Wesley J., V, 210 Rice, Edward Y., II, 83 Rice, Lawrence A., IV, 76 Richards, James R., V, 169 Richardson, Tyrrell A., V, 460 Richardson, William A., I, 456; II, 48; V, 35 Richberg, Donald, II, 543 Richert, John C, V, 233 Rickelman, Harry J., IV, 333 Riddle, Henry C, V, 117 Riegel, Ralph C, V, 268 Riffey, James H., IV, 448 Rigdon, Sidney, I, 399 Riley, Jesse, IV, 117 Ripley, Edward P., V, 24 Risinger, C. Frederick, V. 304 Risley, Harry R., Ill, 338 Risley, Theodore G., IV, 330 Ritter, Emil W., IV, 218 River Forest, I, 7 Rivers, I, 1 Road building, progress, to October, 1921, II, 388; $60,000,000 bond issue authorized, 402; progress of, 410; $100,000,000 bond issue, 411 Road camps, II, 356 Road improvement, in Dunne admini- stration, II, 330 Roads, I, 237, in 1912, II, 316; convict labor, 356 Robbins, Chauncey W., IV, 388 Robbins, Henry S., IV, 226 Roberts, Charlotte W., Ill, 338 Roberts, Dewey M., IV, 220 Roberts, Edward, I, 366 Roberts, Harry C, IV, 332 Roberts, Harry E., IV, 133 Roberts, Philip F., Ill, 337 Roberts, Robert M., Ill, 141 Roberts, Robert P., Ill, 379 Roberts, Thomas E., Ill, 263 Roberts, Warren R., Ill, 507 Roberts, William J., V. 419 Robertson, Alexander P., IV, 267 Robertson, John D., V, 33 Robertson, Thomas S., V, 34 Robins, Raymond, II, 293, 368, 502 Robinson, Edward H., Ill, 454 Robinson, Emma F., Ill, 404 Robinson, George W., Ill, 404 Robinson, Harrison, V, 361 Robinson, James C., Ill, 35 Robinson, John M., V, 35 Robinson, Luther F., Ill, 409 Robinson Carnegie Public Library, V, 227 Roche, John A., II, 474 Roche, John P., V, 68 Roche, Patrick F., IV, 495 Rock, David L, V, 409 Rock Island, battle at, I, 222, 248; II, 56 Rock Island County, I, 311 Rock Island Public Library, IV, 268 Rock River, I, 320 Rock Springs Seminary, I, 287 Rockford, Camp Grant, II, 391 Rogers, Egbert I., V, 169 Rogers, Frank D., V, 430 Rogers, George T., V, 391 Rogers, John, I, 138 Rogers, John G., II, 474 Romberg, Edwin, III, 139 Rominger, William E., IV, 322 Roodhouse Public Library, V, 256 Rooney, George A., V, 95 Root, Charles B., Ill, 224 Rork, Curtis W., V, 413 Roselle, Ernest N., Ill, 430 Rosenfield, Walter A., Ill, 221 Rosenheim, David, II, 266, 543 Rosenwald, Julius, II, 514; III, 12 Rosenwald, Lessing J., Ill, 13 Ross, Lewis W., II, 83 Ross, Walter, V, 195 Ross Family, Cass County, V, 195 Rosson, James K., IV, 329 Rostenkowski, Joseph P., IV, 253 Rotermann, Bernard, Jr., IV, 252 Roth, Jesse H., V, 346 Rouland, Adolph E., V, 100 Ruegg, William A., Ill, 244 Rummel, Edward, II, 78 Runion, Osborne A., V, 238 Runyard, Eugene M., IV, 434 Rushville, I, 311 Russell, Paul S., V, 259 Russell, William H., I, 373 Ryan, Andrew J., Ill, 62 Ryan, Frank, V, 478 Ryan, Michael F., IV, 178 Ryan, O'Neill, Jr., Ill, 478 Ryden, Otto G., IV, 393 Ryder, William, V, 138 Sabath, A. J., II, 517 Sackett, Loren B., V, 408 Sadler, Lena K., Ill, 30 Sadler, William S., Ill, 30 Safety devises, II, 136 St. Angela's Academy, Morris, IV, 354 St. Anthony's Church, Rockford, V, 356 St. Augustine Parish and High School, V, 468 St. Charles School for Boys, II, 361 St. Clair, Arthur, first governor of Northwest Territory, I, 159; 161; ad- ministration of, 176; defeat, 179; on slavery, 190 St. Clair County, I, 176, 181 St. Gaudens, Augustus, II, 521 St. Ignatius College, Chicago, III, 354; IV, 490 St. John, Elzer, IV, 274 INDEX XXXV St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Peoria, III, 239 St. Lawrence waterway, II, 554 St. Mary of the Angels Parish, Chicago, III, 438 St. Michael Parish and High School, Chicago, IV, 364 St. Philip Neri Parish, V, 47 St. Procopius College, IV, 441 St. Vitus Parish, Chicago, III, 266 St. Xavier's College for Women, IV, 278 Salaries of public officials, I, 411 Saloon licenses, increase of, II, 277; 291 Salt-making, I, 252 Salt mines, I, 198 Salzenstein, Emanuel, III, 309 Samios, Harry, IV, 332 Sanborn, Joseph B., II, 402 Sanders, Tom, V, 308 Sangamon County, I, 250 Sanitary District of Chicago, I, 372; II, 462, 472 San Jose High School, IV, 162 Sappington, Clarence 0., V, 472 Sargent, Fred W., Ill, 12 Sauk and Fox Indians, I, 11, 198, 248 Saukenuk, I, 327 Sault Ste. Marie, I, 28 Saunders, Eugene, III, 112 Saunders, Neill M., V, 87 Savage, Joseph P., IV, 399 Savanna Public Library, IV, 380 Sawbridge, Arthur U., Ill, 481 Sawmills, I, 9, 251 Sawyer, William I., IV, 467 Scammon, J. Young, II, 481; V, 87 Scanlon, William M., II, 426 Scarborough, Henry F., V, 283 Scates, Walter B., I, 385, 411; V, 30 Schaefer, Edwin M., Ill, 386 Schafer, L. A., IV, 297 Scharton, John F., IV, 454 Scheffler, Edward S., Ill, 502 Schilling, Henry, III, 304 Schlaeger, Edward, I, 444 Schlaeger, Victor L., Ill, 480 Schlueter, Charles, V, 469 Schmidt, Anthony J., IV, 52 Schmidt, Henry G., V, 268 Schmidt, Herman, III, 463 Schmidt, Oscar W., Ill, 166 Schmidt, Otto L., Ill, 15 Schmulbach, Sam C, III, 319 Schneider, Frederick F., Ill, 418 Schneider, George, I, 444 Schneider, George A., IV, 276 Schoeneweiss, William F., V, 163 Schofield, John, II, 83 Schofield, John M., IV, 50 School lands, I, 199 School law, Free, of 1855, I, 454 Schools, in 1818, I, 244; pioneer, 252; free, 298; laws, 109; reading of the Bible, II, 88; laws, 139 Schoonover, Herbert E., Ill, 29 Schott, Albert H., V, 178 Schott, Charles, IV, 226 Schriver, Harry M., V, 252 Schroeder, Werner W., V, 67 Schroeppel, G. H. R., IV, 452 Schuler, George T., V, 216 Schupp, Robert W., V, 333 Schuwerk, William M., V, 203 Schwab, Charles H., II, 520 Schwartz, Charles K., Ill, 481 Schwartz, Charles P., Ill, 385 Schwartz, William A., V, 325 Schwarz, B. Leo, III, 220 Schweitzer, Edmund O., IV, 485 Scofield, Charles J. (Carthage), III, 21 Scofield, Charles J. (Chicago), V, 472 Scofield, Rose S., Ill, 23 Scofield, Timothy J., V, 471 Scollin, Walter J., Ill, 455 Scolnik, Avern B., IV, 171 Scott, Frank H., IV, 162 Scott, Frederick D., IV, 295 Scott, George C, V, 410 Scott, Gerry D., V, 379 Scott, Hale C, V, 89 Scott, Hugh, IV, 390 Scott, John M., IV, 32 Scott, Melvin O., Ill, 260 Scott, Winneld, I, 339, 342; III, 493 Scott Field, II, 391 Scranton, Harry R., Ill, 79 Scranton, Hiram L., Ill, 163 Scrimger, Schuyler C, III, 179 Scroggin, Carter R., IV, 128 Scroggin, Nancy, IV, 128 Seaman, George G., IV, 102 Searle, Charles J., IV, 24 Searle, J. Clinton, IV, 456 Seaton, Gordon E., Ill, 458 Second Cook County Courthouse, II, 24 Secretary of State, I, 241 Seever, Charles W., Ill, 388 Selby, Paul, I, 486; III, 40 Semple, James, I, 342; V, 32 Senatorial and congressional districts, reapportionment, II, 348 Senatorial deadlock, of 1909, II, 180; of 1913, 366 Sentel, George A., IV, 33 Sergei, Charles H., II, 432 Sewell, John S., IV, 197 Seymour, Henry M., V, 82 Shabbona, Chief, I, 330 Shadel, Helen S., V, 69 Shafer, Benjamin F., Ill, 95 Shaffer, William C, V, 124 Shallberg, Gustavus A., IV, 187 Shanahan, David E., II, 371, 375, 391, 426; V, 458 Shannon, Frederick F., Ill, 31 Shantz, Joseph E., IV, 34 Shaw, Benjamin F., V, 407 Shaw, George B., V, 407 Shaw, Walter A., II, 328, 458; III, 316 Shawnees, I, 12 tiawneetown, 1; marshal's residence, 378 XXXVI INDEX Shea, Francis J., IV, 453 Shedd, John G., V, 30 Sheehe, Norman L., Ill, 84 Sheets, Robert W., IV, 143 Sheets Company, The, IV, 143 Sheldon, Salmon M., IV, 443 Sheldon, Warren M., IV, 443 Shelton, Roy, IV, 307 Shepherd, Eber D., IV, 75 Sheridan, Philip, II, 75 Sherman, Lawrence Y., elected senator, II, 366, 368 Sherman, LeRoy K., II, 458; IV, 227 Sherman, Robert T., V, 72 Sherman law, of 1890, II, 158 Sherwood, Charles S., IV, 391 Shields. Balford Q., IV, 57 Shields; James, I, 406, 414, 423, 482; IV, 41 Shipton, A. W., IV, 338 Shirley, Eliza J., IV, 476 Shirley, George B., IV, 476 Shoop, Frederick W., Ill, 241 Shope, Simeon F., II, 192 Short, William T., Ill, 459 Siebel, August F. W., IV, 196 Siedenburg, Frederic, IV, 37 Sihler, George A., V, 286 Silver (See Free Silver), II, 154 Silverman, Lazarus, III, 138 Simonds, William E., IV, 402 Simons, J. W., Ill, 479 Simpson, James, III, 15 Sims, Delbert E., Ill, 331 Sims, Ira W., Ill, 253 Singleton, James W., I, 459; III, 505 Sinnett, Thomas P., Ill, 207 Sisters of Mercy, Chicago, V, 188 Skarda, Edward, V, 405 Skinner, Charles P., Ill, 212 Skinner, Charles S., Ill, 145 Skinner, Mark, IV, 40 Skinner, Onias C, II, 83 Slade, Charles, I, 319; V, 487 Sladek, Edward, III, 266 Slane, Carl P., Ill, 69 Slane, Merle, III, 69 Slattery, Patrick J., IV, 250 Slavery, and indentured servants, I, 188; convention of 1802, 190; in 1817, 232; 240; issue, 259; convention struggle, 272; question in 1850, 415; in Consti- tution and laws, 421; as Civil War is- sue, II, 43 Slavery article in Ordinance of 1787, I, 186 Sleezer, Gladys, III, 405 Sloo, Thomas, I, 366 Small, Len, II, 312; administration of, 404, 405; III, 33 Small, Leslie C, IV, 418 Smietanka, A. M., Ill, 55 Smietanka, Julius, II, 517 Smith, Adna J., Ill, 462 Smith, Alfred R., IV, 86 Smith, Arthur M., II, 426; III, 134 Smith, Ben L., Ill, 174 Smith, Buren H., Ill, 341 Smith, Cecil C, IV, 213 Smith, Clayton F., Ill, 435 Smith, Clement L., Ill, 336 Smith, Elbert S., IV, 157 Smith, Frank L., elected as U. S. Sena- tor, II, 420; 495, 510 Smith, Fred A., Ill, 88 Smith, George P., IV, 355 Smith, George W., IV, 473 Smith, Horace G., Ill, 31 Smith, John T., V, 226 Smith, Joseph, I, 390; martyrdom of, 395 Smith, Orson, V, 31 Smith, Sidney, II, 517 Smith, Theophilus W., I, 273, 366; III, 25 Smoke nuisance, II, 293 Smull, Oscar, III, 432 Smulski, John F., II, 508, 517 Sneed, William J., II, 426 Snethen, Edwin S., Ill, 417 Snively, John R., IV, 334 Snodgrass, J. F., IV, 244 Snook, Albert M., Ill, 448 Snyder, Adam W., I, 342, 387; V, 40 Snyder, Ralph M., V, 251 Snyder, William H., II, 83 Social conditions, in 1818, I, 245 Soderlin, Carl W., Ill, 325 Soderstrom, Ruben G., V, 10 Sohner, Ezra H., Ill, 214 Soil, I, 1 Sommer, William H., Ill, 275 Sons of Liberty, II, 54 Sonsteby, John J., II, 293; V, 191 Souders, John C, V, 192 Soule, Earle A., V, 489 South Park Board, Chicago, II, 472 Southern Illinois Penitentiary, V, 190 Southern Illinois State Normal School, II, 359 Soverhill, Wilber R., V, 223 Sowers, Charles M., V, 237 Spaeth, Alonzo M., Ill, 342 Spalding, Albert G., V, 28 Spalding Institute, IV, 223 Spanish-American War, II, 170 Sparr, H. A., Ill, 332 Spaulding, John L., Ill, 284 Spaulding, Willis J., II, 432 Speakman, John W., IV, 416 Speaks, Pearly E., V, 283 Speer, John M., Ill, 135 Spencer, Charles C, V, 243 Spiller, Edward M., Ill, 436 Spitler, George B., IV, 134 Spitler, Ida B., IV, 134 Sponsler, William A., IV, 136 Sprague, Albert A., Ill, 5 Spreckelmeyer, Arthur L., IV, 124 Springer, William M., V, 21 Springfield, becomes State capital, I, 354 "Squatter" claims, I, 229 "Squatter sovereignty," I, 447 "Squatters," I, 323 INDEX XXXVll Stagg, Amos A., IV, 384 Staley, Edward E., V, 116 Stallings, Olive B., IV, 228 Staples, Joseph W., Ill, 227 Starkes, James L., V, 213 Starved Rock, I, 13-62; fortified, 67, 75; lock and dam, II, 413 State Administrative code, II, 338 State bank, I, 302, 308, 410 State bank law, I, 346 State Board of Administration, II, 349 State Board of Equalization, II, 346; abolished, 403 State bonds, for system of public im- provements, I, 358 State budget, II, 339 State Bureau of Labor, II, 334 State Capitol at Vandalia, I, 256 State Capitol, Springfield, II, 74; remod- eling of 361 State civil service law, II, 361 State Colony for Epileptics, II, 359 State Council of Defense, II, 391 State debt, I, 360, 386; limitation of, 410; debt, funded, 412 State Factory Inspector, II, 335 State Federation of Labor, II, 454 State Highway Commission, II, 331 State Highway Department, II, 332 State House at Kaskaskia, I, 196 State house, II, 67 State Institutions, reforms, II, 349 State militia, in 1861, II, 29 State Public Utilities Act, first commis- sioners, II, 328 State Public Utilities Commission, II, 322 State Register, V, 262 State Soldiers' Orphans' Home, II, 360 State Tax Commission, Cook County re- assessment, 415 State treasurer, responsibilities and du- ties of, II, 406 Statehood, agitation for, I, 231 Staunton Public Library, III, 332 Staver, Elery H., Ill, 133 Stead, William T., II, 317 Steamboats, I, 230, 242, 284 Steck, Mae C, III, 409 Steck, Stephen A., Ill, 409 Stedman, Seymour, II, 396, 397, 432 Steele, Charles N. Ill, 473 Steele, Roy F., V, 349 Steidley, Arthur J., Sr., Ill, 282 Stelzer, Erwin, V, 178 Stephens, Cassie W., Ill, 444 Stephenson, Benjamin, IV, 42 Stepina, James F., II, 432 Sterling, Fred E., IV, 26 Sterling, Thomas, I, 103 Steuernagel, Bella, IV, 240 Stevens, Frank E., Ill, 367 Stevens, Riley E., IV, 418 Stevens Family, III, 161 Stevenson, Adlai E., Vice President U. S., II, 151; III, 59 Stevenson, Adlai E., Jr., Ill, 60 Steward, Lewis, II, 133 Stewart, George B., Ill, 132 Stewart, L. J., Ill, 158 Stewart, William W., Ill, 223 Stickelmaier, Henry C, V, 443 Stiehl, Clarence G., V, 158 Stierwalt, Paris A., IV, 310 Stillman, Isaiah, I, 329; defeat of, 330 "Stillman's Run," I, 332 Stock, Frederick A., V, 42 Stockyards strike, 1880, II, 99 Stoll, John O., V, 281 Stolle, Erwin F., V, 62 Stone, Claudius U., Ill, 227 Stone, Dan, I, 357 Stone, George L., Ill, 331 Stone, Melville E., I, 372 Stookey, Marshall C, IV, 126 Storey, Wilbur F., V, 49 Storm, Arthur B., V, 52 Storm, Isaac S., IV, 149 Storrs, Emery A., great orator, I, 385; V, 32 Stotts, Arthur F., V, 325 Stouffer, Karl J., Ill, 412 Stout, Ray D., Ill, 117 Strain, Ross H., Ill, 88 Strange, Alexander T., V, 244 Strawn, Silas H., II, 517; III, 19 Streator Public Library, IV, 163 Streator Township High School, IV, 161 Street car companies, record of, II, 195 Street car franchises, II, 195 Street car strike, 1885, II, 99 Street car system, under Yerkes, II, 211; defects of, 267 Street railways, municipal ownership of, II, 173 Streeter, A. J., II, 112 Strever, Horatio M., Ill, 258 Strike of teamsters, II, 268 Stringer, Lawrence B., II, 176; III, 250 Strotz, Harold C, III, 152 Strotz, Sidney N., IV, 49 Struble, Henry, III, 321 Stuart, Alexander, I, 197 Stuart, Graeme, II, 225 Stuart, John T., I, 343, 377; III, 33 Stubblefield, Frank A., IV, 372 Studebaker, Oscar W., IV, 323 Stump, Walter E., V, 260 Sturgis, Isaac A., V, 208 Sturtevant, Julian M., V, 50 Sturtz, Charles E., IV, 444 Suffrage, territorial qualifications, I, 230; right of aliens, 381; II, 82, 84; for women, 337 Sullivan, Boetius H., Ill, 275 Sullivan, Harold P., V, 386 Sullivan, Henry D., Jr., IV, 455 Sullivan, Louis H., V, 36 Sullivan, Roger C, II, 159, 367, 477, 482, 510; III, 274 Sullivan, Thomas J., V, 232 Sullivan, William L. (Foreword) XXXV111 INDEX Sullivan, William P., V, 121 Summers, Pauline D., IV, 285 Supreme Court, judges of, I, 241 ; in 1840, 381; bill for reorganization of, 383; Lincoln's criticism of, 470; decision on Small case, II, 409, 435 Supreme Court Building, II, 408 Supreme Court Building, Old, Mount Vernon, I, 422 Sutherland, T. M., IV, 320 Suverkrup, Bernard, IV, 222 Swan, Dot D., V, 69 Swanson, Ann E., V., 38 Swanson, David I., Ill, 157 Swanson, H. G., V, 329 Swanson, John A., II, 460, 485 Swanson, Luella A., V, 38 Swanson, Minnie M., V, 38 Swanson, Swan G., V, 37 Sweatshop law, II, 140 Sweet, B. J., II, 56 Sweitzer, Robert M., II, 483; IV, 29 Swett, Leonard, IV, 38 Swift, Hardy M., Ill, 463 Swift, Louis F., V, 39 Swift family, II, 549 Swinney, John J., V, 342 Swope, Willis G., IV, 229 Symonds, Nathaniel G., V, 54 Szymczak, M. S., V, 239 Tacoma Building, II, 521 Taft, Justin, V, 133 Taft, Lorado, II, 521 Taft, Richard H., V, 128 Tamaroas, I, 12-18 Tambling, Emma E. S., IV, 231 Tamblmg, Myron E., IV, 231 Tanner, John R., II, 160; Governor, 170, 171; V, 48 Taphorn, Henry, V, 295 Tariff laws, I, 286; and labor, II, 108; protective, 126 Tarrent, Michael A., Ill, 493 Tax commission, II, 346, 403 Tax revenues, I, 307 Tax revolt, II, 485 Taxable values, in 1850, I, 414 Taxation, Territorial, I, 228; equitable, II, 88; inequality of, 414; and revenue, in proposed Constitution, 440; burdens, 548; 556 Taylor, Albert C, IV, 230 Taylor, Albert J., V, 136 Taylor, Benjamin F., V, 31 Taylor, Clarence C, III, 136 Taylor, Edward Henson, V, 433 Taylor, Edward Hyde, V, 136 Taylor, Ella H., IV, 447 Taylor, Elmer A., Ill, 433 Taylor, E. D., I, 459 Taylor, Frank G., Ill, 153 Taylor, Harry O., V, 208 Taylor, Percy L., V, 108 Taylor, Ralph, V, 303 Taylor, Richard F., IV, 323 Taylor, Warren E., Ill, 215 Taylor, Will, V, 167 Taylor, William L., IV, 338 Taylor, Zachary, I, 222, 342; III, 34 Taylorville Public Library, III, 205 Tebeau, Lewis, III, 374 Teachers' Federation, Chicago, II, 454 Tecumseh, I, 201; and Tippecanoe, 203; 204; death of, 207 Teed, Frank B., IV, 207 Telephone service rates, II, 291 Telford, Elbridge W., V, 189 Terdina, Frank, III, 344 Terminal facilities, II, 179 Terra cotta, I, 9 Terrell, Thomas J., Ill, 402 Terrell, William J., Ill, 236 Territorial government, classes of I, 183 Teter, Lucius, V, 42 Thady, Emory, III, 151 Thielen, Frank, V, 443 Thirteenth amendment, II, 65 Thirty-Third Division, World War, II, 389 Thomas, Charles B., Ill, 257 Thomas, Edward B., V, 410 Thomas, Jesse B., I, 194, 197, 232, 273, 294; IV, 34 Thomas, John T., V, 106 Thomason, Allison, IV, 252 Thomason, Chester A., IV, 253 Thompson, Charles W., IV, 316 Thompson, Alice H., II, 432 Thompson, Carl, II, 543 Thompson, Floyd E., II, 530; III, 224 Thompson, John R., II, 508; III, 41 Thompson, J. M., II, 111 Thompson, Owen P., II, 328 Thompson, Theodore, IV, 73 Thompson, William Hale, II, 395; candi- date for U. S. Senator, 401; 480; elected mayor, 483; 490, 496, 538, 545 Thompson, William O., II, 192 Thompson machine, II, 484 Thompson Republicans, II 398 Thomson, Norman B., V, 438 Thomson, Thomas L., V, 175 Thornton, Anthony, I, 411; IV, 482 Thornton, Charles S., IV, 479 Thornton, Earl L., IV, 269 Thorp, Boyd, V, 275 Throop, Addison J., Ill, 287 Tice Road Law, II, 331, 410 Tiernan, Robert W., V, 166 Tierney, Joseph, IV, 468 Tiffany, Lester, IV, 426 Tilden, Edward, II, 183 Tilley, Ronald U., III, 99 Tippecanoe, battle of, I, 207 Tipsword, Miles A., V, 131 Titcomb, Kate, IV, 369 Tivnen, Bryan R., Ill, 304 Tobin, Patrick J., Ill, 188 Todd, Harry M., Ill, 357 INDEX XXXIX Todd, John, lieutenant governor of Illi- nois County, I, 132; 139; resigns, 145 Tohill, Noah M., IV, 292 Tolman, Edgar B., II, 391, 505 Toman, John, V, 324 Tomkins, William J., V, 285 Tonti, Henry de, I, 61; experiences of, 67, 68; at Fort St. Louis, 81 Topography, I, 2 Township High School Building, typical, II, 399 Traction history, II, 195; companies, un- der Allen law, 222; situation in 1905, 257; settlement ordinances, vetoed, 280; question in 1907, 294; settlement ordinances, approved, 295; fares in Chicago, 419; Dever administration, 463; during Harrison regime, 482; question in 1928, 491; settlement of 1930, 492; settlement of 1930, 530 Traeger, John E., II, 266, 398, 426 Trager, John W., Ill, 229 Trainer, J. Milton, III, 489 Trainer, William O., V, 471 Trainor, Mary A. R., (Mrs. Charles J.,) IV, 72 Transportation, pioneer, I, 188 Traub, William F., IV, 82 Travel and Transport Building, Century of Progress Exposition, II, 544 Traylor, Melvin A., II, 517; III, 7 Treat, Samuel H., I, 385; II, 54; V, 29 Treaty of Greenville, I, 180 Treaty of 1783, I, 140 Trego, Solomon H., Ill, 122 Tripp, Ernest, V, 246 Trumbull, Lyman, I, 440, 459, 461; Sena- tor, 462; 467; II, 44, 78, 124; vote in President Johnson impeachment, 118; IV, 38 Tucker, Irwin S., II, 396 Tuley, Murray F., II, 191; proposes Judge Dunne for mayor, 247; 513 Tuohy, William J., V, 41 Turnbaugh, John D., Ill, 124 Turner, Jonathan B., II, 145; V, 479 Turner, Oliver S., V, 54 Turner, Thomas, II, 29 Turner, Judge, resigns, I, 182 Tweed, Moses H., Ill, 128 Tygett, Glenn J., IV, 51 Tym, Charles F., Ill, 146 Ubben, Louis, IV, 485 Ubben, Sarah, IV, 485 Ubben, Theodore H., IV, 484 Ubben, Ubbo A., IV, 483 Underwood, George W., V, 445 Underwood, Scott, IV, 26 Underwood, William H., II, 83 Union County, I, 233 Union Depot, Chicago, II, 525 Union Traction Company receivership, II, 226 United States Bank, I, 284, 291 United States senators, direct election of, II, 365; cost of election, 556 University Club of Chicago, V, 445 University of Chicago, Chapel, II, 523 University of Illinois, II, 67, 140, 358, 360; "Alma Mater," 465 Upham, Fred W., II, 391 Uran, Benjamin F., IV, 369 Urbana, hotel where Lincoln stopped, I, 509; big elm where Lincoln made fa- mous speech, 513 Urch, Leslie L., V, 448 Utica, I, 32, 67 Utley, George B., IV, 362 Utz, John V., V, 154 Valentine, Leslie K., V, 96 Van Doren, Ray N., V, 55 Van Hoe, Albert A., IV, 212 Van Sellar, Frank C, IV, 51 Vance, Stanley M., Ill, 98 Vandalia, State Capitol at, I, 256, 301, 357 Vanderhorst, Arie, V, 299 Vaughan, Edward D., IV, 344 Vaughn, John B., IV, 204 Vawter, J. H., V, 289 Veech, Everett R., Ill, 476 Veech, Gaines R., IV, 405 Veech, Otis, III, 408 Venice High School, IV, 328 Verbrugghen, Adrian, V, 462 Versluis, Gaston, III, 295 Vertrees, Herbert H., Ill, 149 Vickers, Samuel L., IV, 52 Vien, H. Grady, IV, 349 Vigo, Francis, I, 128, 144, 145, 242 Vincennes, Clark's expedition against, I, 128 Violet, Charles A., Ill, 304 Virgin, John W., V, 145 Virginia, and Western Lands, I, 154 Virnich, Peter J., Ill, 351 Viterna, Jerry J., Ill, 357 Vittum, Harriet E., II, 432 Voegtle, Henry C, IV, 222 Vogelpohl, George T., V., 174 Vogelsang, Clifford J., IV, 98 Vogt, H. E. ("Stony"), V, 296 Volini, Italo F., IV, 263 Volk, Leonard W., V, 455 Volunteer enlistments, in World War, II, 390 Vopicka, Charles J., II, 517; III, 445 Voter, qualifications of, I, 227 Voyageurs, I, 46 Vrooman, Carl S., II, 432 Vuc, John, IV, 412 Wacker, Charles H., II, 391, 520, 522; IV, 27 Wacker, Frederick G., IV, 29 Wage loan corporations, II, 336 Wagner, Arthur, IV, 356 Walden, Charles, V, 315 xl INDEX Waldrip, William D., IV, 161 Wales, Henry W., V, 156 Wales, Henry W., Sr., V, 155 Walker, Charles L., Ill, 102 Walker, Edwin K., Ill, 317 Walker, Francis W., II, 477, 517 Walker, Frank, III, 202 Walker, Harry A., IV, 354 Walker, Jesse, I, 254 Walker, John H., II, 391 Wallace, James W., Ill, 126 Wallace, Ross S., IV, 318 Wallace, W. H. L., II, 38 Walley, Edwin C, III, 460 Walsh, Edward J., Ill, 135 Walter, John E., IV, 420 Walter, William E., V, 168 Walters, Arthur E., V, 119 Wanless, Fred W., Ill, 443 War of 1812, I, 201; Illinois Valley expe- ditions, 221 Ward, Clifton T., Ill, 291 Ward, Delos E., Ill, 57 Ward, Frank N., IV, 319 Ward, Mary E., Ill, 98 Wardein, Vincent, IV, 214 Warehouse Law, II, 335 Warnock, William W., Ill, 123 Warren, Franklin, III, 177 Warren, Hooper, I, 274; III, 500 Warterfield, J. Soule, IV, 41 Washburne, Elihu B., IV, 50 Washburn, William E., IV, 235 Washington County, I, 233 Water power, I, 252 Water service, reorganized, II, 290 Water transportation, I, 242 Waters, Philip S., IV, 60 Watertown State Hospital, II, 360 Waterway, Lockport and Utica, II, 402 Waterway bond issue, II, 180, 456 Waterway construction, II, 413 Waterway development, early, I, 362 Waterways, I, 235 Watseka Community High School, IV, 412 Watson, Robert L., IV, 160 Watson, Royal L., Ill, 382 Watterson, Walter H., IV, 36 Wayman, John E. W., II, 312 Wayne, Anthony, campaign of 1795, I, 179, 200 Wear, James M., Ill, 123 Weber, Anne L., V, 253 Weber, Evelyn E., Ill, 424 Webster, W. G., II, 180 Wedig, J. Harrison, V, 254 Weeks, Glenn W., V. 93 Wegener, Edward H., V, 184 Weil, Joseph A., Ill, 239 Weiller, Jean J. Rene, V, 452 Weiss, John W., IV, 151 Welch, Gilford N., V, 280 Welch, Ninian H., IV, 208 Welch, Thomas J., IV, 234 Weldon, Lawrence, II, 78; V, 466 Wells, E. Roy, V, 431 Wells, Franklin N., V, 73 Wells, Henry W., II, 83 Wells, William, I, 218 Welsch, Robert T., V, 396 Welsh, Vernon M., V, 474 Wendt Brothers, V, 339 Wendt, Chris C, III, 406 Wendt, Earl E., V, 339 Wendt, Robert H., V, 339 Wengierski, A. S., IV, 272 Wenter, Frank, I, 372, 373 Wentworth, Edward N., V, 45 Wentworth, John, I, 438, 440, 459, 462, 477; II, 78, 125; V, 12 Werckle, Augustus C, V, 133 Wermuth, William C, IV, 109 "Werno letter," II, 278 Wernsing, Harry J., Ill, 359 Wert, Martha L., IV, 123 Wert, Jacob, IV, 123 Wessel, Perry H., IV, 176 West, Arthur D., Ill, 207 West, Emanuel J., I, 366 West, John G., V, 485 West, Roy O., II, 510 West, W. J., IV, 442 West Park Board, Chicago, II, 472 Westerman, Emil H., Ill, 191 Western Illinois State Normal School, II, 360 Western Intelligencer, I, 231 Westervelt, O. Palmer, IV, 235 Weston, Hugh S., Ill, 71 Whalen, Homer, V, 83 Wheelan, Charles W., Ill, 268 Wheelan Funeral Home, Inc., Ill, 268 Wheeland, Cyrus E., IV, 138 Wheeland, Olive B., IV, 139 Wheeler, Charles C, IV, 144 Wheeler, Charles N., IV, 477 Wheeler, Frederick K., V, 218 Whig party (see also Politics), I, 311; and Mormons, 377; in 1852, 440 Whipple, Walter B., Ill, 237 Whipple, Warner F., V, 94 White, Horace, II, 78, 122; V, 492 White, James A., V, 190 White, John C, IV, 104 White, Mark H., Ill, 405 White, Milburn J., V, 224 White County, I, 233 Whiteside, Samuel, I, 329, 342 Whiteman, John Y., Ill, 127 Whiting, Edward S., IV, 237 Whiting, Fred T., Ill, 324 Whiting, Morse C, V, 198 Whitley, Homer, IV, 218 Whitmore, George E., IV, 87 Whitney, Fred B., Ill, 407 Wick, Paul R., Ill, 52 "Wiggins' Loan," I, 319 Wigmore, John H., V, 39 Wigwam, The, II, 13, 15 Wild game, I, 4 INDEX xli Wiles, Russell, V, 322 Wilcox, Harry L., Ill, 281 Wilkey, Adam H., Ill, 97 Will, Conrad, IV, 33 Willard, Frances E., II, 110; IV, 36 Willey, Frank, Jr., V, 446 Williams, Charles A., II, 432 Williams, Dixon C, III, 289 Williams, Gaar, V, 442 Williams, King, V, 382 Williams, Luella A., IV, 92 Williams, Ralph C, IV, 434 Williams, Thomas P., V, 378 Williams, Walter W., V, 150 Williams, William E., V, 381 Williamson, Kenney E., Ill, 74 Williamson, William S., IV, 199 Williamson County, vendetta war, II, 90 Willis, Omer M., Ill, 333 Willock, Ray A., IV, 100 Wilmot proviso, I, 439 Wilson, Frank B., V, 463 Wilson, Glenn, IV, 290 Wilson, Harrison, I, 342 Wilson, James P., V, 463 Wilson, Jay P., V, 464 Wilson, J. Emmett, V, 144 Wilson, Louis A., IV, 189 Wilson, Rayburn H., Ill, 435 Wilson, Robert J., Ill, 344 Wilson, Robert L,, I, 357 Wilson, Robert T., Ill, 231 Wilson, William, IV, 212 Wilson, William W., V, 305 Wiltse, Charles, III, 305 Wiman, Charles D., Ill, 364 Windsor, Byron L., Ill, 204 Wineland, Ben F., V, 287 Winnebago Indians, I, 11, 14, 248 Winnemac, Chief, I, 217 Winstanley, Thomas, I, 250 Winston, Fred E., Ill, 285 Winston, Richard, successor to Gov. Todd, I, 136, 146 Winters, Claude, V, 226 Wirz, Adolph G., Ill, 403 Wise, Lewis W., V, 369 Witte, Albert, V, 303 Witte, Edward W., Ill, 169 Witte, Henry F., Ill, 168 Witte, William H., Jr., Ill, 154 Woelfle, James E., V. 204 Woiciechowski, Martin, V, 183 Wolf, George D., V, 332 Wolf, Harry H., IV, 394 Wolff, Oscar, II, 426 Wolschlag, Stephen, III, 226 Woman's Suffrage Act, II, 337 Women, eight hour day, II, 140 Women's Societies, in Civil War, II, 40 Womick, William H., V, 206 Wood, John, I, 342; Lieutenant-gover- nor, 458, 491; II, 29; V, 19 Wood, John H., V, 222 Woodmansee, Robert E., Ill, 247 Woodruff, Edward N., Ill, 62 Woodruff, J. Lyon, IV, 249 Woodruff, Sam, IV, 361 Woods, Edward G., IV, 463 Woods, Elisha, V, 207 Woods, William F., IV, 465 Woodward, Cornelius C, IV, 353 Woodworth, James H., I, 461 Woolley, Dale A., Ill, 468 World War, II, 380, 385; Illinois enlist- ments, 390; price fixing, 392; lynch law, 400 World's Columbian Exposition, II, 474 Worrell, Charles C, V, 482 Worrell, Francis E., V, 206 Wright, Burton, IV, 299 Wright, Clark C, IV, 389 Wright, Hulda C, IV, 300 Wright, Jeannette S., Ill, 396 Wright, Rodney A., IV, 181 Wright, Warren, III, 79 Wrigley Building, Chicago, II, 515 Wyatt, Raleigh E., V, 247 Wylie, Arthur J., V, 148 Wynant, Wilbur, III, 452 Wyoming Public Library, III, 429 Wys, Godfrey, V, 81 Wys, Mary M., V, 82 Yardley, Oscar R., IV, 79 Yates, Richard, Sr., I, 461; II, 12; war governor, 27; 28 Yates, Richard, the Second, administra- tion of, II, 173, 174, 312, 329; III, 37 Yerkes, Charles T., II, 146; arrives in Chicago, 210; 514, 520 Yerkes, monopoly bills, II, 170 Yetter, Jacob J., Ill, 427 York, Frederick W., Jr., IV, 239 Young, Brigham, I, 399 Young, Richard M., I, 273; IV, 9 Young, Wayne E., V, 281 Younker, R. Earl, IV, 449 Yount, Lozier D., IV, 298 Yunker, Stanley O., Ill, 236 ) : Zane, John M., IV, 155 Zeigler, W. K., IV, 443 Zellers, Frank W., IV, 414 Zeuch, Lucius H., Ill, 391 Zibble, Walter H., IV, 407 Zimmer, Michael, IV, 45 Zimmerman, Edward A., Ill, 347 Zink, Samuel H., V, 392 Zintak, Frank V., IV, 275 Zweig, Fred, III, 297 History of Illinois CHAPTER I EL DORADO— A WONDROUS LOCATION FOR A NEW COMMONWEALTH If in the latter part of the seventeenth century, a committee of the Caucasian race were searching- the world for a location within which to lay the foundations of a young commonwealth of white men, no place on earth could have been found more suitable for that foundation than that territory of land now known as the State of Illinois. Take a map of the United States and lay it before you. Note, that almost in the center of the Mississippi Valley (now concededly the richest valley in the world), the waters of three mighty rivers, the Missouri, Mississippi and Ohio, meet at the City of Cairo, the extreme southern tip of the State of Illinois. Down these three mighty rivers there had been washed for cen- turies the silt and alluvial soil of that great fertile valley. For almost 700 miles of the total 1,160 miles boundaries of the state, these mighty rivers had been dashing their waters and depositing their drifting silt and soil against lands of Illinois bordering on these rivers, making the bottom lands along the rivers as fertile as those in the far-famed Valley of the Nile. At the northeast corner of the state and bordering the state for fifty-one miles, was and is the great inland fresh-water sea, Lake Michigan. That lake, strange to say, is shaped like a great index finger, the top of the finger resting, where now is located the fourth greatest city in the world. The march of years have proved it was a finger of destiny. Across the breast of that state, there flowed then, as now, diagonally from the northeast to southwest, like a cordon of the Legion of Honor, the great Illinois River. 2 ILLINOIS Then as now, in its upper course, near what is now the City of Morris, the Illinois River is forked, the upper tine of which (the Desplaines River) lies to the north a few miles west of Chicago. The other tine of this fork (the Kankakee) trends to the north and east toward the St. Joe River in the State of Michigan. Then as now, the sources of the Desplaines River and the Kankakee were but a few miles from Lake Michigan. Then as now, a slight elevation of ground or ridge located within a few miles of Lake Michigan constituted the dividing line between the St. Lawrence Basin and the Mississippi Valley, whose waters empty in the Gulf of Mexico. In and north of the Village of Ridgeland, in Oak Park, about seven miles west of Chicago, that ridge or elevation is only about twenty feet above the water level of Lake Michigan, and there are houses in that village where rain drops falling on the west eave of the roofs ultimately reach the Gulf of Mexico through the Des Plaines, Illinois, and Mississippi, while the rain drops falling on the east eaves of the roofs ultimately reach the Gulf of St. Lawrence through the Great Lakes. The importance of this slight elevation dividing the basins of the Gulf of Mexico and the Gulf of St. Lawrence will be developed and dwelt upon in later chapters of this history. Then as now, the slope of the surface of the soil of the present State of Illinois was from a height of about 800 feet above sea-level in the northern portion of the state and around Chicago, to about 300 feet above sea-level at Cairo. The grade of descent from about 800 feet to about 300 feet being gradual most of the way. The Illinois River then, as now, was navigable for light draft vessels from its mouth to what is now Utica. At that place there exists a strata of rocks between Utica and what is now Lockport. This rocky formation renders the Illinois unnavigable for about sixty miles. The fall in the river between Lockport and Utica is about 132 feet. Not only was the north- eastern, central and central western portions of this territory copiously watered and fertilized by the broad Illinois River, but the western portion was equally blessed with the waters of the Fox and Rock rivers. The southeastern portion was well cared ILLINOIS 3 for in like manner by the Wabash, Little Wabash, Saline, Embar- rass and their tributaries. The extreme south of the state was equally fortunate in having its soil copiously watered by the converging of the mighty streams, the Mississippi and Ohio, and by the Kaskaskia, Vermilion, Big Muddy, Saline, Little Wabash and their tributaries. The whole of this splendid rich territory consisted of rich rolling prairie land, such as we know and so highly valued today, except the portions of the same close to the rivers, which were covered, then as now, with forests and undergrowth valu- able for fuel and housebuilding and furniture, and also excepting the rocky ridge crossing the Illinois River between Lockport and Utica and also excepting a spur of the Ozark Mountains, lowering these mountains of Missouri into hills of considerable size in the present State of Illinois. The rocky untillable portion of the surface of the soil constituted but an inconsiderable part of the whole territory. The Illinois plain is, in fact, the bottom of a huge basin composed of the states of Indiana, whose elevation is 700 feet above sea-level, Michigan, 900 feet above sea-level, Wisconsin 1,050 feet above sea-level, Iowa 1,100 feet above, and Missouri 800 feet above. The mean level of Illinois is about 600 feet above sea-level. The richest and most productive soil first discovered was located along the American Bottom or low lands along the banks of the Mississippi between the mouth of the Kaskaskia River and what is now St. Louis. Beaver and other valuable fur and meat producing wild animals were abundant all over the territory, and edible fish were plentiful in all the rivers of the state. For man in a state of nature, ignorant of the arts and weapons of civilized man, this territory at that time was an Elysium. All he needed was to chip an arrow head or a spear head from a stone, cut a hickory tree for a bow, string it with untanned hide, fashion his arrow from a twig, his spear from a bough, attach his chipped stone heads, and kill his game from among the wild animals that roved in great numbers all around him. 4 ILLINOIS It was such a huuting ground as the untutored savage pic- tured to himself in his dreams of his future heaven. Deer, elk, bears, wolves, foxes, opossums, racoons, squirrels and rabbits were plentiful not only then, but for years after the white man had dispossessed the Indians. Wild turkeys and prairie chickens and quail were very plentiful. Prodigious flocks of wild geese, herons and swans haunted the headwaters of the Illinois and the small lakes. The lakes and rivers were alive with edible fish, such as black bass, pickerel, muskalonge, lake trout, white fish, cat fish and red horse. High bearded grass covered most of the open prairies, through which grew most luxuriantly wild flowers such as sun flowers, daffodils, prairie dock, ox eye, iron-weed, asters, milk weed, orange lilies, and wild roses. Blue phlox and blue bells were to be found in moist ground. Wild garlic was also abun- dant. Wild strawberries and blackberries and wild grapes were also very plentiful, and fields often glowed with the glory of golden rod. The spiritual beauties of natural scenery were thus added to the material riches of wild animals, wild birds, and swift swimming fishes, to attract a proposed settler, and those material and spiritual attractions could not be long resisted by the white man. The gradual slope of the surface of the soil from 800 feet above sea level in the northern part of the state to about 300 feet in the south of the state, is accounted for by Alvord in his splendid Volume I. of the Centennial History of Illinois, from which I quote pp. 17 et seq. During this period of the formation of the known rock layers of Illinois, was created the state's wealth in minerals, the most important of which deserves mention, if for no other reason than to bring forcibly to the mind the long reaches of time hurriedly passed in review. During one or more of the geologic periods, Illinois changed repeatedly from a coastal swamp to a shallow sea, depending on the unwarping and sinking of the plane. The flora of this swamp land was luxuriant, its forms unlike those of today ; there flourished huge fern trees fifty feet high, softwood evergreens, tall and slender, and among these were smaller ILLINOIS 5 rank-growing plants. The dominant color of these forests was green, unbroken by bright flowers. Such forests grew to maturity, died and were changed by chemical and other forces into peat and then into coal. It is estimated that the territory of the state during this coal making period passed through this sequence of processes, turning forests into coal, at least six different times. After the coal beds had been formed, the territory of the state experienced one of those continually recurring internal disturbances, that on this occasion raised the whole surface and warped the edges, the southern portion in particular being radically changed. Here rocks were cracked and pushed or pressed upward, forming the Ozark dome that stretches through southern Missouri. Since then, the surface of the state has never been inundated by the sea, but for an indefinitely long period, the rock layers were subjected to the persistent forces of erosion. The winds, the frost, and the rain crumbled their surfaces, cutting down the warped edges and carving the Ozark hills into their present shape. The rivers wore their way through the stony beds ; and out of the debris of erosion was formed a new soil, wherein trees and plants took root. The resulting territory, warped by pressure from beneath and eroded by wind and water, resembled the bowl of a shallow spoon, or rather of a series of spoons placed one on the other, each representing a stratified layer of rock that during some previous eon had been deposited in the form of particles and transformed into stone. Since the erosion was greater at the edges, the lower layers extended beyond those above. Over all, there lay strewn a soil of decayed stone, similar in kind to that of present-day New England. On the whole, the landscape was not so very strange, though the surface was more broken by hills than it is today; the Mississippi rolled placidly, probably more placidly than it does now, along its course, and its branches, such as the Illinois, occupied approximately the same positions in the water system of the great valley that they do at the present time. The northern part of the state was, however, almost unrecog- nizable. There were no Great Lakes. The climate throughout the early geologic periods was generally mild, even warmer than it is today, for palms grew here, and evidences of an early coral reef have been found near Chicago. The trees, shrubs and plants presented 6 ILLINOIS an unfamiliar scene, wherein unrecognizable species pre- dominated. The earliest forms have long since become extinct, but as the modern era approached, the flora assumed a more present-day aspect The surface of the Illinois country was destined to undergo one more radical change before it should be the scene of human activities. All forms of life were for a long period of time to be driven from its surface. From causes not satisfactorily explained, there took place a change of temperature. The mild, almost tropical climate of the previous ages gave way to one of an extreme cold. From Labrador as a center, there slowly traveled, moving a few feet a day, great ice sheets, so thick that mountains delayed, but did not stop their progress. Four or five of these massive visitants in succession reached the territory of the state; one that covered its entire area, except the extreme south and northwest, has been named in its honor, "Illinoians." In their passage, the glaciers deposited over almost all the surface a layer of drift or boulder clay from five to five hundred feet thick, composed of soil, gravel and boulders. In many places where the edge of the glaciers remained practically stationary due to an equilibrium between movement and melting, they formed those low, rolling hills or moraines so conspicuous in the northern part of the state By the advent of the glaciers, valleys that had been conspicuous landmarks during the older geologic time, were blotted out, smaller rivers were forced to change their beds and courses, and even the "Father of Waters" was obliged in places to yield to the power of these northern invaders. The topography of the northern part of Illinois under- went the most important changes. As the glaciers receded, their progress merged the bodies of water that in time developed into the Great Lakes. First there appeared the parent of Lake Michigan, called by geologists Lake Chicago. It was a large sheet, pouring its water through an outlet into the Illinois River. Only in the post glacial period was this outlet closed; the level of the lake was lowered by drainage on the east, and the shores of the present lake were built up by the slow process of the depositing of sand. These visitants from the north left to the state a price- less gift, a most fertile soil. In most places, the glacial drift has been covered by a layer of loess, varying from ILLINOIS 7 two feet to one hundred, blown by the wind or carried by water since the recession of the glaciers, and over this, in turn, decaying vegetable matter has laid a surface cover- ing of black earth. Beneath these and over the pre-glacial rocks lie the deposit of the glaciers, the boulder clay a respository of plant food unsurpassed in the world. In the southern part of the state, the Illinoian glacier alone has been responsible for this subsoil, but in the northern counties there may be distinguished layer upon layer of drift deposited by a succession of ice fields. Continuing further, Alvord states that, The climax of the Illinoian glacier, which covered most of the state, occurred somewhere between 70,000 and 540,- 000 years ago. Alvord backs up these statements by referring to Flagg, The Far West in Thwaite's Early Western Travels; Leverett, The Illinois Glacial Lobe; Hopkins and Pettitt, The Fertility in Illinois Soils; Chamberlain and Salisbury, Geology. Little as I know of geology, I can only say that I have found, and the reader can find, in the many boulders composed of material altogether different from the surrounding soil, that we still find on the surface of Illinois lands, some evidence that these great glacial periods may have existed and probably did exist in the State of Illinois. I know of personal knowledge that a friend of mine 1 collected enough of these boulders in the vicinity of River Forest, a short distance west of Chicago, to build him a beautiful home in that suburb of Chicago. How these boulders, some of them of immense size, could have been so generously distributed over the surface of Illinois lands, unless it was by glaciers, I cannot understand. If such glacial inundation did occur, as described by Alvord, it would have undoubtedly have done what he claims it has done — enormously enriched the soil of Illinois. So much for the surface soil of this wondrous land, and of the flora and fauna that were found above it and upon it. These were but a part of the abundance of wealth with which a bountiful Creator richly endowed it. i William H. Reedy, Esq., of River Forest, Illinois. 8 ILLINOIS The sub-soil of this land now demands some attention. In searching for copper and silver mines along the banks of the Illinois River, the Italian-French explorer, Tonti, ran into a vein of rich bituminous coal, near Peoria. When a boy in Peoria, I saw a vein of such coal outcropping on the side of a hill south of that city. At the present time, we know that rich bituminous coal de- posits underlie in the neighborhood of two-thirds of the surface soil of the State of Illinois in seams of from ten to twelve in number at varying depths from the surface, ranging from a few feet to several hundred feet. These seams are not of uni- form thickness, but vary in some places from a few inches to other places where these veins are eight or nine feet in width. The French settlers seem not to have availed themselves of these coal mine discoveries, but early in the nineteenth century, the English or American settlers began to open them and work them commercially with rich results. The Mount Carmel Coal Company was chartered by the Legislature in 1835. This mine was located on the Big Muddy in the southern part of the state. Shortly thereafter, Governor John Reynolds developed a mine near Belleville, building a railroad from the mine at Belleville to the Mississippi just below East St. Louis of about seven or eight miles in length, the roadbed of which is still in use. The development of coal has grown from these small begin- nings to a point where the production of coal in the state an- nually is approximately one hundred million tons. It was found early in the twentieth century that there were also valuable petroleum deposits in the southeastern part of the state. In 1917, the State of Illinois produced eighteen mil- lion barrels, valued at $2 a barrel. Clay products of much value are also found under the soil of this state, the most important being found in Union County, called kaolin, which is formed from the decomposition of feldspar. Fire clay in the state has also been found in plentiful quan- tities, likewise clay suitable for drain tile and for sewer pipe. Clay for pottery has also been found in extensive quantities. In many portions of the state, the common clay, from which ILLINOIS 9 building brick is manufactured, can be found in almost inex- haustible quantities. Terra cotta is also manufactured from deposits found in the soil in the northern part of the state. Large quantities of building stone are found in the Illinois soil. The lime stones, however, are not of a very high quality for building purposes, but still great quantities are utilized for road making, for concrete work, and for energizing the acid condition of the soil. Cement is manufactured from a kind of shale and limestone found in the state. Millions of barrels of cement are manufactured every year in the State of Illinois. In the matter of road-building, the State of Illinois has an un- limited amount of materials suitable for cement road work. About three-fourths of all of the fluorspar produced in the United States comes from the State of Illinois. At the time of the French discoveries, nearly one-fourth of the surface of the state was covered with forests, particularly the southern part of the state, and along the water ways of the state. The pioneer farmers of the state, however, were almost criminally reckless in their treatment of these timbered areas. A survey of the forests of the state made about 1880 disclosed the fact that only 15 per cent of the state was at that time cov- ered with timber. These pioneers established sawmills near all these woodlands, and cut up and sawed for firewood fine oaks, hickories, maples, walnuts, ash, and other less important woods. Other settlers in the lowlands made a practice of cutting deep rings around the trunks of large trees with axes, and allow- ing them to die. This was done generally for the purpose of clearing the woodland and enabling it to be cultivated for corn. It goes without saying that these large resources, heretofore referred to on the surface and under the surface, vegetable, animal and mineral, were of enormous value, and made this country when it was first discovered by the French pioneers, one of the most attractive, if not the most attractive strip of land in the whole Mississippi Valley. The rivers were alive with fish, and the land was covered with wild game of all descriptions. CHAPTER II THE ONE HUNDRED PER CENT AMERICAN IN HIS HAPPY HUNTING GROUND AND HIS PASSING Upon the rich rolling prairies and along the mighty rivers described in the last chapter, there dwelt and ranged and hunted in perfect happiness and contentment in 1673 and for centuries before that, the real one-hundred-per-cent American, the North American Indian. His occupancy of this land flowing with wild "milk and honey" for centuries, has never been questioned. How these red-skinned descendants of Adam and Eve reached these happy hunting grounds, we may never know. They never made a written record of their origin, or their antecedents or progen- itors in history, song or story. Whether the Almighty created, unknown to the writers of Biblical history and profane history, a red skinned Adam and Eve in the Western Continent, or whether the ancestors of these vigorous men and women were the descendants of the Biblical Adam and Eve, we may never know. We do not know now after three centuries of investigation and theorizing. Brave and crafty in physical conflict, they never seem to have been en- dowed with mental strength or shrewdness. They have never shown in North America any capacity for coordination or concert of action. So far as I have read, they had not intelligence enough to create an alphabet as the basis of a written language. This is true not only of the tribes who occupied the Territory of Illinois, but is also true of all North American Indians. When hunting was rich and productive, when they had food sufficient to satisfy their animal appetites from game and fish, and clothing enough from the skins of wild animals, to keep warm, they were contented and had no desire for the luxuries created by civilization. 10 ILLINOIS 11 Their women at times tilled the soil, in a scratchily hap- hazard manner, to coax from it a little more of the wild grain and fruit that grew wildly around them. They formed among themselves families and clans of kin- dred blood that sometimes grew into tribes, but nationhood, as known to the white, brown and yellow races, was beyond their conception and accomplishment. The so-called "Confederation of Five Nations" was never more than a more or less temporary confederation of the five tribes. The combinations effected by Pontiac and Tecumseh were temporary and ineffective. They were a brave but primitive people, utterly unable to deal intel- ligently or capably with men of the white race. In 1673 when the first white men set foot on the soil of Illinois, several tribes were in occupancy of different portions of the future state. In the center and southwest portion of the state was located the "Illinois," of which the Peorias and the Kickapoos were branches or first cousins. I lived in Peoria in my boyhood and know that it gets its name from the tribe or sub-tribe that dwelt on the banks of the Illinois at Lake Peoria. I know further that the Kickapoo Creek near Peoria, in which I often bathed when a boy, gets its name from the Indian tribe or sub-tribe that dwelt along its banks in 1673. The Miami tribe occupied at the same time the eastern por- tion of Illinois and the western part of Indiana along the Wabash River. The Pottawatomies occupied the northeastern portion of the state along Lake Michigan from Southern Wisconsin to North- ern Indiana. The Sauk and Fox, Winnebago, Ottawa and Chippewa were also frequently found fighting and marauding in the northern part of the state. Southern Wisconsin and Northern Illinois seemed to be their favorite hunting grounds. There was not, however, any close and lasting confederation or concert of action between these different tribes, and often they or some of them were found in conflict with each other. The Winnebago and the Illinois carried on a bitter war for a time, the former having entrapped and killed five hundred of the foe. The Illinois re- 12 ILLINOIS taliated and almost totally destroyed the Winnebago, reducing 150 of the survivors to slavery. All these tribes were descendants of the super-tribe or race known as the Algonquin. This super-tribe, the Algonquin, prob- ably had its origin in the North Atlantic region. Its subsidiary tribes located themselves all the way from Canada, from Hud- son Bay to Alberta on the west, into the United States, from Maine to North Carolina, from the Upper Great Lakes through the states of Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky and Tennessee. The most formidable foe of this Algonquin super-tribe were the Iroquois tribe, located around Lake Ontario and Lake Erie in the Mohawk Valley. The most southerly of these sub-tribes of the Algonquin race were the Shawnees, who were located in Kentucky and Ten- nessee. The Shawnees were probably the vanguard of the Al- gonquin tribe in the incursions of that tribe into Illinois and the states south of the Great Lakes. Belonging to the Algonquin tribe were also the Sauks, Foxes, Winnebagoes, Pottawatomi, Kickapoos, Mascoutans, Miami, and the Illinois. At the time of the discovery of the state by the French explorers, the Illinois were first in importance and power, although at the time they were visited by Marquette and Joliet, they had probably passed the zenith of their strength. They formed at first one great tribe. As their numbers increased, subdivisions or sub-tribes were given more particular names. To the great Illinois tribe belonged the Kaskaskias, Peorias, Cahokias, Tamaroas, Moinguenas and Michigameas. These dif- ferent bands of the Illinois tribe for some time continued to act in coordination against their common enemies, that alliance based on kinship rather than any formal treaty. The Illinois tribe occupied most of Illinois and the southern parts of Wis- consin and Iowa. The main body of the Illinois tribe for some years were located in the Valley of the Illinois River, and along its banks had been their principal villages prior to the seven- teenth century. The Miami tribe was located in Western Indiana and East- ern Illinois, and was of near kin to the Illinois. Rumors reached the early French settlers in 1657, or thereabout, that they had Starved Rock 14 ILLINOIS sixty villages in Central Illinois, and a population of 20,000 human beings, though this is no doubt an exaggeration. The Illinois tribes were not, even before the advent of the Pale Face, permitted to enjoy without disturbance the large, rich hunting grounds occupied by them. A belligerent tribe lo- cated to the west in Southern Minnesota and Northern Iowa, known as the Sioux, were always more or less in conflict with the Illinois. The Winnebagoes, a branch of the Sioux tribe, were guilty of a great act of treachery in murdering many warriors of the Illinois tribe who had been sent to them with peaceable intentions. While the Illinois tribe was engaged in dancing, the Winnebago cut the bow strings of their bows, flung themselves upon the Illinois men and massacred them, not sparing a man, in retaliation for which the Illinois attacked the Winnebago, surrounding them and putting most of them to death. Nor were the Illinois tribe free from assaults from the east. Five great Iroquois tribes, the Mohawk, Oneida, Onondages, Cayugas and Senecas were at all times hostile to the Algonquin race. These five tribes, sometimes called the Five Nations, en- tered into a confederation among themselves, attacked the Miami tribe, drove them westward and northward into the region of modern Wisconsin, and in 1655 a band of these Five Nations attacked the villages of the Illinois and killed many women and children. This war, commenced in 1655, lasted until 1667, and during the war the Illinois tribe was so weakened that they were obliged to abandon their ancient locations along the Illinois River and seek safety west of the Mississippi. Surrounded as they were by the profusion of nature, the abundance of game and fish in the rivers, the Illinois Indians were rather disposed to indolence. They relied for sustenance almost exclusively upon hunting and fishing. What little maize, or corn, was raised by them was the result of the labor of their squaws, who culti- vated crudely and unscientifically some little corn, beans and other vegetables. In summertime, after their little crops were planted, and in winter after they had stored the proceeds of their planting and hunting, the whole group would move to a wilder part of the country and set up a hunting camp. ILLINOIS 15 Their weapons were very crude, a bow and arrow, clubs and knives made of flint or bone, or sometimes of the shank of a deer. In their permanent villages, they built substantial oblong cabins, sufficient to house from six to twelve families each, the framework being made by saplings bent together and latched at the top, which were then covered with layers of mats or woven rushes. These cabins had a door at each end, and an open place in the roof for the escape of smoke. The earth floor was sometimes covered with mats. As many as fifty or sixty human beings often occupied these cabins. The men of the tribe owned as their exclusive property their hunting implements and weapons of warfare. The women claimed as their own the household equipment and any imple- ments that they had used in tilling the soil. There was no such thing as individual ownership of land. Land occupied by them in and around their villages was regarded as the property of the tribe. They believed that the tribe owned the land, and that the tribe only could part with title to the same. The In- dian tribe was, in fact, but a large family made up of relatives tracing descent from a common ancestor. Marriage was not permitted within their own clan. Matters relating to the fam- ily were settled in family councils. Matters relating to the clan were settled by a council of all the families within the group, and tribal matters were decided in a council attended by the heads of the different clans, Declarations of war, strange to say, however, were not always made upon conference between the friendly tribes. A single warrior having some grievance against a warrior of another tribe could declare war himself and gather around him such allies as were willing to join in the fight. Extensive campaigns were an exception in Indian warfare. An early Jesuit writer states, Ordinarily their party consists of only twenty, thirty, or forty men; sometimes these parties are of only six or seven persons, and these are most to be feared. As their entire skill lies in surprising their enemy, the small num- ber facilitates the pains that they take to conceal them- selves in order that they may more securely strike the 16 ILLINOIS blow which they are planning Their method is to follow on the trail of their enemy and to kill some one of them while he is asleep, — or rather to lie in ambush in the vicinity of the villages and to split the head of the first one who comes forth, and taking off his scalp, to display it as a trophy among their countrymen. The first Indians met by Joliet and Pere Marquette were rather of a peace-loving character, as testified to by these French explorers. The French missionaries believed that their success in converting the Indians to Christianity rose out of the fact that the Indians believed in a Great Manitou or Great Spirit. Father Allouez in 1665 wrote, I have learned that the Illinouck, the Outagami, (Foxes) and other savages toward the south, hold that there is a great and excellent genius, master of all the rest, who made heaven and earth, and who dwells, they say, in the east towards the country of the French. Most important of their religious ceremonies was the Calu- met dance, performed sometimes to strengthen peace or to unite themselves for some great war, at other times for public rejoic- ing or to honor a visitor. The Calumet was a ceremonial tobacco pipe of polished red stone, fitted into a stem or stick about two feet long, and bored through the middle. "Less honor," says Marquette, "is paid to the crowns and scepters of kings, than the savages bestow on this. It seems to be the God of peace or war, the arbiter of life and of death. It has but to be carried upon one's person and displayed, to enable one to walk safely through the midst of enemies, who in the hottest of the fight lay down their arms when it is shown. There is a calumet for peace, and one for war, which are distinguished solely by the color of the feathers with which they are adorned. Red is the sign of war. They also use it to put an end to disputes, to strengthen their alliances, and to speak to strangers. They have a great regard for it, because they look upon it as the calumet of the sun, and in fact, they offer it to the latter to smoke when they wish to obtain calm or rain or fine weather." ILLINOIS 17 The Illinois, like other Algonquin tribes, believed in an after- world. They were very poorly advanced in art, not as far ad- vanced as their predecessors, the southern tribes. Most of their bowls were made of wood, which accounts for the very few which have survived in museums. They made cups and spoons and scrapers also out of fresh water shells. According to the Jesuit Fathers, the women always dressed modestly, but the men went entirely nude, save for a breech cloth. In summing up their mode of life, Alvord, in his excellent history, declares, Hard as their life seems to have been, viewed by mod- ern eyes, the Illinois fared better than many of their race, and were by no means wholly without leisure and means of recreation. Between the strenuous demands of hunting and fighting, the men relaxed completely and spent their time in a great variety of games of skill, such as ball, or guessing games or games of chance played with instru- ments comparable to dice. Even with their more contin- uous labor, the women found opportunity to gossip among themselves and to play games. Like most Indians, the Illinois were inveterate gamblers, and men and women alike would often stake everything they owned on a throw of the dice. Many of the games had a religious significance and were played only in connection with some formal ceremony. Socially, they were talkative, good natured, and fond of a joke, although their extreme dignity of bearing on public occasions often gave observers the impression that they were morose and silent by nature. The ease and persist- ency with which the French came to intermarry with them, certainly suggests that both in disposition and mode of life, there was no wide gulf between the two races, at least as they encountered each other in seventeenth century Illi- nois. On the whole, the Illinois tribe of Indians were a brave but simple people. They lacked shrewdness in dealing as individ- uals or as tribes. They were over-reached on every occasion that they attempted to bargain with the white man, whether that white man was French, British or American. As a result of their guileless nature and lack of organizing intelligence, the great Illinois tribe, which, it was said, at one time counted twenty thousand souls along the Illinois River, is today prac- 18 ILLINOIS tically extinct, and in the state named after them not a single living Illinois Indian now survives. What was the ultimate history, so far as known, of the sev- eral tribes comprising the super-tribe of Indians known as the Illinois ? They were located, at or about the time of the advent of Joliet and Pere Marquette, on the Illinois River at or near what is now known as Starved Rock, by the Indians called Kaskaskia and afterwards called the Mission of the Immaculate Conception. About the year 1700, the branch of the Kaskaskia Indians migrated down the Illinois River and down the Missis- sippi to the mouth of the Kaskaskia River. They remained at the latter place for a century or more, and were then placed upon a reservation on the Big Muddy, from which they were removed to the Indian Territory on or before 1860. The Cahokia tribe was located in Illinois almost opposite the present City of St. Louis. Their principal village became the county seat of the first county organized in Illinois. They rapidly decreased in numbers, however, and the remnant eventu- ally amalgamated with the Kaskaskia. The Michigameas, who gave their name to Lake Michigan, were located on the borders of that lake. From thence they were driven south by the Iroquois. This tribe was afterward annihilated by their enemies from the north. The Tamaroas, when first found, lived on the upper Illinois, and afterward moved to St. Clair County, where they were closely associated with the Cahokias. About 1680, while at war with the Iroquois, seven hundred of them were killed or carried into captivity. They were finally exterminated by the Shawnees. When Marquette and Joliet passed up the Illinois River in 1673, the Peorias were located near the present site of the City of Peoria. They were afterward driven to the south and joined the Kaskaskias, in the latter part of the eighteenth century. In connection with these Indians found in the latter part of the seventeenth century on the banks of the Illinois, the Missouri and other rivers in and around the State of Illinois, it may be well to discuss briefly the origin and existence of certain peculiar Indian mounds found in the State of Illinois. It was contended by some theorists for a time that these mounds ILLINOIS 19 were evidence that the Indians found by the French discoverers were not the first race of Indians that dwelt where these mounds were erected; that a race of very different character and of great genius and ability occupied the prairies of Illinois and constructed, in their day, these strange artificial earth mounds. Some excavations have been made in these mounds, but it is not believed that in any of these excavations any satisfactory proof has been found that these mounds were created by a dif- ferent race than the tribes discovered and dealt with in 1673. Indeed, mounds in the course of construction have been seen by European explorers and in some of them they have found products of European manufacture, which would seem to dis- pose of effectually the theory that these mounds were created by a superior, or more intelligent race. There are quite a number of these mounds in the lower valley of the Illinois River and along the lowlands of the Missis- sippi. Some are in pyramidal shape, square or circular. Some of them are very small, while the Cahokia mound rises to a height of 100 feet and covers an area of probably seventeen acres. So far, the building of these mounds has not been conclu- sively shown to have been the work of any prehistoric race of Indians. The implements found in them are generally hoes and implements shaped out of flint or other hard stone, and some pottery, the latter being similar to the pottery unearthed from mounds among the Natchez tribes of Indians. Whoever built these mounds certainly did not leave within these tumuli any evidence that the builders were of superior intelligence or marked intellectual ability. The mounds were probably used as the Egyptians used their pyramids, for the deposit of the bodies of the important dead. A great change came over the Indians as the result of the advent of the white trader, not only in his, the Indian's, habits, but also, to a degree in his character. Before the coming of the white trader, he had been by training and his experiences with the wild animals and wild men, self-reliant in his struggle for a livelihood. The wild animals of the woods and prairies furnished him both food and raiment. The fish in the lakes 20 ILLINOIS and rivers were abundant as were the beasts in the forest. The flesh of these were supplemented at times with wild maize, wild berries, and wild vegetables, and grains scantily wrung from the soil by the labor of their squaws. To secure his food and clothing, the primitive, untutored Indian relied upon his flint-headed arrows and spears and his rude traps and seines, but mainly he relied upon his own courage and cunning to wring from nature a continuance of life. With the coming of the white trader, this self-reliance ceased. The trader had far-reaching, accurate firing guns and ex- plosive ammunition, steel knives and other steel weapons for hunting and for warfare. With such implements and weapons in his possession, the Indian knew he could hunt, trap and fish with much less risk and labor and with much greater profit. When he saw and once used these modern weapons, the Indian lost his spirit of self-reliance and independence. In procuring these implements, he became the serf of the trader. For a little rum and a rifle, the poor Indian was ready to sell his soul. The white traders, hundreds of miles away from governmental su- pervision, were the only persons who could supply these weapons, powder, bullets, pots, pans, blankets and other necessities of life to the Indians. Traders, under such circumstances became rob- bers without violence. CHAPTER III THE FRENCH DISCOVERERS AND SETTLERS No white man disturbed the Indian tribes in Illinois or con- tested their right to use that territory for their hunting grounds until the latter part of the seventeenth century. Disputes as to the rights of occupancy of these hunting grounds did arise between the different tribes, as we have seen, but these disputes were settled Indian fashion with the tomahawk and scalping knife. Rum and written treaties had not as yet been introduced into negotiations by the pale face. The Spaniard Hernando de Soto had sailed up the Mississippi, but never reached the Illinois country. For over one hundred years after De Soto's discovery of the Mississippi, neither the French nor English made any per- manent settlements in America. The French settlements were in Canada and Acadia, now called Nova Scotia. The English settlements were mainly in Massachusetts and Virginia. All these settlements were on the Atlantic sea coast. For a long time the advance inward from the English settlements was retarded by the Appalachian moun- tains and the formidable barrier made by the Iroquois confed- eracy of Indians. It is quite certain that no Englishman put foot upon the territory of Illinois before the eighteenth century, because of the dangers and difficulties of travel westward from the English settlements. The French pioneers in Canada were much better situated for travel inward from the Atlantic than the English. The St. Lawrence River, the Great Lakes and their tributary and con- necting rivers furnished easy water transportation with few portages to the Mississippi. The English settlements, however, 21 22 ILLINOIS were all along the seashore and east of the Alleghany Moun- tains, over which, at that time, there were no trails that were not extremely hazardous. The occupation of the Mississippi Valley by the French started a century earlier, and was much more rapid than the westward trek of the English over the mountains. Three great incentives moved the French hunters, explorers and missionaries. The northern regions of the west about the Great Lakes abounded in valuable fur-bearing ani- mals, beaver, minks, lynxes, muskrats, foxes and other animals of that character. The acquisition of these furs from the In- dians at low prices and the selling of them in Europe at high prices, was a great incentive to the French traders and hunters. This was the lure of wealth. Missionary zeal was another great incentive. Never was the cause of Christianity served with greater zeal and devotion and fearlessness than by Marquette and the other disciples of Ignatius Loyola in the Mississippi Valley. They endured untold hardships in their work among the Indians, not only without complaint, but with enjoyment, and seemed ever ready to suffer cruel torture and even death rather than to abandon the work that they had devoted themselves to. The third motive actuating these Frenchmen was love of coun- try, and the desire to spread throughout the western hemisphere the glory and material advancement of the French kingdom. At that period Louis XIV, the grand monarch, was on the throne of the French, and the fame of France among Christian nations was at its peak. Every Frenchman detailed by that great mon- arch to represent him on the western continent was aflame with the desire of spreading the fame of France throughout North America. The first westward movement was inaugurated by Champlain, the governor of New France, who was intensely interested in the exploration of the western country. He, him- self, went as far as Lake Huron, and he placed young French- men in the Indian villages to learn their languages. At the inception of their efforts of exploration in the west, he was for some time obstructed by the hostilities of the Iroquois Confed- eracy, who were at all times inimical to the French, because of the belief of these Indians that the French were allied with ILLINOIS 23 their enemies, the Algonquin tribe. These hostilities between the French and Iroquois Confederacy continued down to 1667. Although the French pioneers had discovered Newfoundland and the St. Lawrence River and made settlements and estab- lished fisheries in their neighborhood as early as 1504, no seri- ous attempt was made by the French discoverers permanently to locate under the flag of the French king any territory in Illinois, or immediately surrounding it, until the latter part of the seven- teenth century. Champlain was made governor of New France, being the title by which the French possessions in America were then known, and held this position until he died in 1635. During the seven years that he acted as governor, he was consistently furthering the interests of his monarch and the Catholic re- ligion. Reports coming to him of a great river in the West and of regions rich with fur-bearing animals, he sent to the West as explorers and for the purpose of laying claim to the country several young Frenchmen and among them a young friend, named Jean Nicollett, who had lived with the Indians, and be- came acquainted with their language and acted as an interpreter. Nicollett discovered Lake Michigan in 1634, and visited the Indians at Green Bay. Two Jesuit missionaries visited the River St. Mary on the south side of Lake Superior about 1634, and the following year as many as fifteen Jesuit priests were in the region of the Great Lakes. Their movements were watched and bitterly opposed by the Iroquois Indians, who refused to allow them to make use of the St. Lawrence or Lake Ontario and Lake Erie. In 1655, however, a sort of peace was agreed upon between the French and the Iroquois, and after this the French pushed their explorations both west and southwest. In 1659 the first Bishop of New France, Francis Xavier De Laval, landed at Montreal from France, bringing more clergy- men with him devoted to the propagation of the Catholic faith. Most of these early clergymen were of the Franciscan order, but ultimately were supplanted by the Jesuits, who were the main supports of the Church in the new world. In 1664, the Valley of the Hudson became British property by transfer from the Dutch, and this ended any influence for 24 ILLINOIS peace that the French had with the Iroquois. The Algonquin of the West were always at war with the Iroquois, and they then sought to ally themselves with the French, a power which seemed to be growing rapidly in the new world. In 1660, three hundred Algonquin in sixty canoes, loaded with furs, accompanied the French traders on their return to Quebec from the West, and this deputation of Algonquins made clear to the French authorities the necessity of an alliance be- tween the French and the Indians of the West. In 1669, Father Allouez, S. J., after spending two years on the south shore of Lake Superior, returned to Quebec and urged upon the governor the necessity of establishing permanent mis- sions and trading stations in the West. About this time, Father James Marquette, S. J., recently arrived from France, visited Quebec and was detailed, with Father Dablau to found a mission at Sault Ste. Marie. During his travels, Father Marquette heard wonderful stories of the Mississippi River, and in 1669 he began to study the Illinois language. Up to that time, the French government itself had done but little to establish missions, forts or trading stations in the West. As the Algonquin tribes and the French became more friendly and as commercial intercourse between them in the way of purchase and sale of furs developed, it finally became interesting to the French government, and Colbert, minister of finance of France, became much interested in extending the power of France westward in America. Under his inspiration, Simon Francois Daumont Sieur de St. Lusson was authorized to hold a congress of the Indian tribes at St. Mary's at the out- let of Lake Superior in the summer of 1671. The government of France sent into the region about St. Mary, Nicholas Pierrot, to invite the Indian tribes to assemble at St. Mary's for the proposed congress, and fourteen tribes responded to the invita- tion. On June 4, 1671, St. Lusson, with Father Allouez, and surrounded by a retinue of French officers, opened the congress and brought it out to the assembled Indian delegates that it was the purpose of the great king of France to take the tribes in the western part of New France under his care. The assembled Indians were much impressed with the display of power and ILLINOIS 25 authority, and reached the conclusion that the French govern- ment and its soldiers were the only power to protect them from the persecutions and calamities that they had hitherto suffered from the Iroquois. At the conclusion of the ceremony, a great cedar cross was erected on the banks of the great Lake Superior, and by the side of the cross, another cedar column was erected, which bore the lilies of France. From this time on, the French government began to display some interest in the settlement of the far West. About this time, Father James Marquette, heretofore men- tioned, had gathered about him the remnants of an Indian tribe and founded a mission near what is now known as the Strait of Mackinac. His mission was called St. Ignace, in honor of St. Ignatius, the Jesuit. There he preached the Gospel to the Hurons and members of other tribes, and while there, he heard of the great river in the West. I quote his own language : When the Illinois come to the point (St. Esprit), they pass a great river which is almost a league in width. It flows from north to south, and to so great a distance that the Illinois, who know nothing of the use of the canoe, have never as yet heard of its mouth. He then ventured the hope that means would be found to "visit the nations who dwell along its shores in order to open the way to the many of our fathers who were awaiting so great an opportunity." CHAPTER IV MARQUETTE AND JOLIET DISCOVER THE MISSISSIPPI The first serious attempt made by the French monarchy to colonize its discoveries in New France was made by Jean Bap- tiste Colbert, the greatest of French ministers under Louis XIV, the grand monarch of France. His first venture was pater- nalistic and monopolistic. He had created a great corporation, the West India Company, to which was given wide monopolistic power of trading and development in and over all the over-sea territory of France in America. Although governmentally aided and fostered, wars and financial catastrophes, caused its col- lapse and in 1672 it had ceased to function. Canada then became a royal province. For some eight or ten years prior to this date, a real beginning of exploration of the West occurred. A complete civil government had been established in New France. Jean Talon was then the intendant, one of the ablest if not the greatest of France's civil officials ever stationed in New France. Talon and Colbert, the great French minister, had identical views with reference to the estab- lishment of a great French empire in America. Soon after his appearance in Canada, Talon organized expeditions to discover the territory which might become a Greater France. In 1669, he had sent an expedition to Lake Superior under the leader- ship of Louis Joliet, who made a successful mission to Lake Superior and returned by the route of Lake Erie. He was probably the first white discoverer of that lake. During the fol- lowing year, at the instigation of Talon, Robert Cavalier Sieur de La Salle made another exploration south of the Lakes. An- other expedition was undertaken by Simon Francois Daumont Sieur de St. Luson to the same lakes region. Luson had been delegated by the French government to bring about an immense meeting with the Indian tribes and to carry out the significant 26 Marquette />; JOLIET 28 ILLINOIS ceremony at Sault Ste. Marie. This place was selected because of its convenient location, uniting the territory around Lake Superior and Lake Winnebago with the territory around Lake Michigan and the Mississippi Valley. In June, 1671, repre- sentatives of fourteen Indian tribes met at Sault Ste. Marie as hereinbefore stated, and witnessed a ceremony of great pomp, both religious and nationalistic. Father Calude Ailouez in a stately address pointed out to the Indians the power of the great French king, and declared that all of the country sur- rounding Sault Ste. Marie was then in the possession of the Great Monarch Louis XIV, and that all nations must forbear from trespassing upon its confines. At the conclusion of the ceremony, they erected a great cross, and a pillar to which the arms of France were attached, with great solemnity. The incentive to this solemn ceremony and the further de- velopment of the territory around the Great Lakes and to the West was the desire to explore and discover if the Indian's ac- counts relating to a great western river which flowed to the sea, were authentic. Talon had made up his mind to find this river and to discover its outlet to salt water. He aimed to select for this mission a competent and experienced man, and finally selected Louis Joliet, who was not only an experienced explorer, but a capable and successful leader of men. He showed great sagacity in his selection. Joliet was born in Quebec on or about 1645, and was educated in a Jesuit school in the village in which he was born. He remained in the school until he was educated in the higher branches, including surveying and map- making. He was by birth a natural musician, and often played the organ of the Cathedral of Quebec. He intended to become a priest, but finally concluded to abandon that calling and to follow the life of a fur trader and explorer. In his youth he was friendly with the Jesuits, and that friendship continued throughout his whole life. The Jesuits on their part were al- ways friendly with him, and regarded him as their representa- tive in his trips of discovery. Before he was selected to under- take the discovery of the Mississippi, he had twice visited Sault Ste. Marie, and had earned not only the confidence of his civilian ILLINOIS 29 superiors, but that of the Jesuits and Indians with whom he came in contact. It was the policy of the French authorities then and before that time, to attach to any mission of discovery which they or- ganized a French missionary, preferably a Jesuit, because of the fact that these missionaries had been successful in obtaining the confidence of the Indians and had secured their friendship wherever they met. Accordingly, Talon and the leaders of the Jesuit order conferred with reference to the selection of a Jesuit missionary to accompany Joliet in his quest for the wonderful river of the West. Both finally agreed upon the selection of Jacques Marquette of the Jesuit order. In 1673, Father Mar- quette was about thirty-six years of age. His birthplace was Laon, France. He entered the Jesuit order in 1654 and arrived in Canada in 1666. He succeeded Father Allouez in the mission of Chequamegon Bay, and about 1671 he built the mission of St. Ignace at Mackinac. At the time of his selection as the com- panion of Joliet, he was quietly and unostentatiously performing his sacred duties in a little chapel that he had built at St. Ignace, surrounded by a few poor savages and a few French fur traders. In his dreams for several years, this quiet, patient, saintly man had been dreaming of just such a mission, excited thereto by the tales that he had heard from the Indians, of the wonder- ful river of the West. His ambition in life was to gather into the fold of the true believers in the divinity of Jesus Christ, the simple, untutored red-skinned inhabitants of the western prai- ries, who had never heard of the Son of God and His gospels of love. Talon had arranged for this mission of discovery by Joliet and Pere Marquette, but it did not fall to his lot to give the final commission into their hands. Comte de Frontenac came to Canada as Governor in 1672. He adopted the program pre- pared by Talon, made no change in the personnel of the leaders of this mission of discovery, and finally authorized Joliet and Marquette to start upon their undertaking. In the winter of 1672-73, at Mackinac on the Point St. Ig- nace, which is in its immediate neighborhood, Louis Joliet and Pere Marquette made their preparations for their mission. It 30 ILLINOIS is astounding how simple these arrangements were. Although they contemplated a journey by land and water which would cover hundreds of miles in the wilderness, and might cover a thousand miles in their wanderings, the only provision made for this extraordinary exploration was a small stock of Indian corn and smoked meat. They had ascertained from the Indians the general direction of their route, and had traced out, upon such information, tentative maps, of where they intended to go. With their guns and this small stock of food, they started on May 17, 1673 with five men and two canoes for this long voyage of mys- terious end. Keeping to the west shore of Lake Michigan from Mackinac to Green Bay, they entered the Bay and paddled their canoes down the same until they reached the Fox River. Up to this point, they were familiar with the route. Beyond that point, the route was a mystery. The Indians on the banks of the Fox River attempted to dissuade them from further adventure. They pictured to Joliet and Pere Marquette a country beyond, filled with Indians of a merciless disposition, and described the river as dangerous of ascent or descent. None the less, the discoverers remained steadfast to their original aim, and shortly thereafter crossed the portage between the upper Fox River and the Wis- consin River, guided by Miami Indians. On June 17th, just one month after leaving Mackinac, they entered the Mississippi River. En route from Lake Michigan to the Wisconsin River, they had come across a great cross erected evidently by white men at or near the portage between the Fox River and the Wisconsin River, but thereafter neither down the Wisconsin nor down the Mississippi did they discover any evidence that a white man had ever traveled upon the water of these rivers, until they reached the mouth of the Arkansas River. Marquette is quoted as saying, I put the expedition under the protection of the Blessed Virgin Immaculate, promising her that if she did us the grace to discover the great river, I would give it the name of 'Conception/ and I also would give that name to the first mission among these new nations, as I have actually ILLINOIS 31 done among the Illinois. (Smith's History of Illinois, p. 73.) A few days after embarking upon the Mississippi River after leaving the Wisconsin River, they discovered footprints in the vicinity of what is now the City of Keokuk, Iowa. Fol- lowing these footprints, Marquette and Joliet, leaving their canoes, went into the prairie and soon came in contact with a village of Indians. These Indians, carrying tobacco pipes, came out to welcome them. Marquette, who spoke several Indian dialects, addressed them and they told him that they were Illi- nois, and presented the pipe of peace. These Illinois Indians gave them a feast of which both Marquette and Joliet partook, save and except a dish which consisted of dog meat. At the invitation of these Illinois Indians, they remained overnight, and on the following day were accompanied to their boats by a crowd of Indians, who wished them good luck. After leaving these Indians, Marquette and Joliet continued on their journey down the Mississippi, passing the mysterious Piasa Rock and the mouth of the Ohio. They kept on their journey to about the latitude of the Arkansas River. At this point, they met some Indians, who had guns and axes, hoes and other modern implements. Although Father Marquette spoke six Indian dialects, he did not understand what any of them said, until an old man who spoke a little of the Illinois language was found, and through him, Marquette was able to understand a little of what he said. These Indians were located in the neigh- borhood of the mouth of the Arkansas River. All these different Indians had so far treated them kindly. At this point, Mar- quette and Joliet had a conference, and determined that the Mississippi River did not empty into the Pacific nor into the Atlantic, but that it flowed southward to the Gulf of Mexico. They also reached the conclusion that there would be danger of meeting warlike Indians further south, and made up their minds to return northward along the Mississippi River. The journey homeward commenced on the 17th of July, two months, exactly, from the date that they had departed from St. Ignace. They found the northward journey much more 32 ILLINOIS difficult, and when near the mouth of the Illinois River, were informed that the distance to Lake Michigan was much shorter by the Illinois River than by the Wisconsin and Fox rivers. Relying upon this information, they started northeasterly from the Mississippi through the Illinois River. At a point along this river where the city of Peoria is now located, they went ashore and found a village of Illinois Indians. They were kindly received, and spent several days with these Indians, during which Father Marquette preached to the Indians in the town. After leaving Peoria, they came to a village of Kaskaskia Indi- ans, located at what is now known as Utica. In this village there were seventy-four cabins, and as the Indians frequently housed six families in each cabin, and as the Indian family usually averaged five, there must have been quite an Indian population at this point. These Indians also received Father Marquette and his party in a friendly, generous way. They listened to his preaching and became interested in his story of the Gospel. They exacted from him his promise to return and preach to them at greater length, and furnished an escort of a chief and several young men to accompany Father Marquette and his party when they were leaving, which guard accompanied them to the Chicago portage. From Chicago, they made their way in a leisurely manner to the mission of Green Bay, arriving there in September, 1673. Father Marquette and Joliet spent the winter of 1673-74 and the summer of 1674 at the mission of St. Francis Xavier at the head of Green Bay. Late in the summer of 1674, Joliet left the mission of St. Francis, and in August reported to the governor of New France at Quebec, verbally. He traveled by water, and unfortunately when near Quebec, his boat was upset and he lost his maps, notes and specimens taken on the voyage of discovery. Only the maps left in the West remained. These were afterward identified. After reporting to the governor of New France, Joliet sailed to France, where he was received with great honor and afterward sent on a mission to Central America. Father Marquette, in the fall of 1674, remembering his promise to the Kaskaskia Indians to return and preach to them ILLINOIS 33 again about the Savior of Mankind, started on his journey to Kaskaskia, and on October 27, 1674 with two French laymen he left the mission of St. Francis Xavier and journeyed south- ward towards the Kaskaskia Village. On November 21, 1674, Father Marquette was taken sick, it being a return of an old malady, dysentery. Notwithstanding his sickness, he reached Chicago on December 4, 1674. There his companions built some rude cabins and attempted to make him comfortable. That winter in Chicago was a long, severe, cold winter and he suffered extremely from exposure and improper food and lack of nursing care, although his attendants did everything that was possible in their rude way for his comfort. Many Indians called upon him, and some few Frenchmen paid him comforting visits. He then heard that the Indians at Kaskaskia were on the point of starvation on account of the severe winter. A French physician visited him about this time and brought food and otherwise administered to him. On February 9th, 1675 Father Marquette wrote that he was feeling better and expected to complete his journey to the Kaskaskia Indians when the weather improved. On March 30th, the ice began to break and on or about this day Marquette and a little band of companions started for the Kaskaskia village. Their route was up the southern branch of the Chicago River, across the portage sometimes known as Mud Lake to the Des Plaines River. On March 30th they crossed the portage, and reached the village on April 8, 1675. The Indians at Kas- kaskia were as overjoyed upon his return as if an angel from heaven had visited them. The chiefs and elders of the tribe surrounded him in a circle, and in the inner and outer circle there were at least fifteen hundred men, women and children. He preached with intense religious feeling, and seemed to be extremely happy. On the 11th of April, he established a mission there, and gave it the name of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin. After remaining a few days at Kaskaskia, he started back with the expectation of reaching St. Ignace. A large number of chiefs and couriers of the Kaskaskia tribe accompanied him to the Chicago Portage and to Lake Michigan, carrying his baggage 34 ILLINOIS and rendering him every possible assistance. It was the intention of Father Marquette on leaving Chicago, en route to St. Ignace, to travel by canoe along the southerly shore of Lake Michigan and along its easterly side. He started upon this trip upon Lake Michigan accompanied only by two Frenchmen, Pierre and Jacques. His strength failing him, he begged these two young men to carry him ashore, that he might die quietly on land and escape the great storm then gathering on the lake. The exact spot where this occurred is disputed, but the best evidence is that it was near the City of Ludington on an inlet from Lake Michigan known as Pere Marquette Lake. Following Father Marquette's instructions, the two young Frenchmen buried him at this spot, and after erecting a cross over his grave, they continued their journey to St. Ignace, and there gave the sad news of the death of its beloved founder. Joliet christened the great river that he and Father Mar- quette had discovered "Buade," this being the family name of the Count de Frontenac, and later on re-christened it the "Colbert" after the great French minister. On the other hand, Father Marquette in his devotion to the Virgin Mother of God, named it in commemoration of the Immaculate Conception; but nonetheless, the name by which the Indians christened this great stream, "The Mississippi" is still the name by which it is now known, and will be known in the centuries yet to come. One translation of the Indian name, "Mississippi" is The Great Water. Another writer claims that the name is derived from "Mechah" (Big) and "Seebee" (River) in the Ojibwa language. Joliet, the seasoned traveler in the wilderness, the trained explorer of lakes and rivers, was more than delighted when he crossed the portage from the Des Plaines River to the southern branch of the Chicago River, to discover the ease of navigation from the Great Lakes to the Mississippi. He saw in this ease of transfer from the Great Lakes to the Mississippi the realiza- tion of his dream of a great prosperous colony. "A bark," said he, "could be sailed from Lake Erie through the lakes to Lake Michigan, where a canal through half a league of prairie would admit the vessel to the water system of the great valley." (Alvord, P. 65). ILLINOIS 35 This vision of Joliet has been since his day the vision of every great statesman in Illinois down to the present day, but to Joliet belongs the unquestioned honor of first proposing it and originating the project of a waterway connecting Lake Michigan and the Illinois River. It was my ambition and hope, when I was governor, to be able to open the gates that would pour navigable waters from Lake Michigan into the Illinois River. But, sad to relate, that ambition was not achieved, and as I write, the Illinois waterway is still unopened for commerce. CHAPTER V THE FRENCH MISSIONARIES The hardy and adventurous coureurs de bois of Canada were undoubtedly the first white men to plant their feet on the western territory now comprising the states of Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin and Minnesota. They were the first to learn that this territory was rich in fur bearing wild animals and that their skins could be purchased cheaply from the Indian hunters and sold at great profit. They were illiterate men who left no record of their wanderings or discoveries. They undoubtedly preceded the Jesuits around Lake Superior and were found at Green Bay by the first missionary that visited that body of water. Father Marquette found them on the upper Illinois River in 1674. But the zealous French missionaries were not long behind them. In 1669, Father Claude Jean Allouez visited Green Bay, and on Lake Ontario, the Sulpician missionaries from Montreal established a mission and sent two of their number up the Detroit River to explore Lake Erie. From that time down to the day when the French flag was lowered over Fort Chartres and Kaskaskia, these zealous, devoted men were always found on the outskirts of civilization, preaching to the Red Men and French Traders the doctrines of Jesus Christ, visiting and consoling the sick, giving spiritual consolation to the dying, enduring untold hardships, sickness and even death with a courage that was never surpassed in the field of battle. Alvord in his history The Illinois Country, 1673-1818 in writing of these devoted men declares, Page 102 : From the first one, Father Marquette, to the last, Father Meurin, these learned men of religion, with little thought of worldly wealth or desire of self-advancement, 36 ILLINOIS 37 gave the best of their lives to the conversion of the Illinois Indians. As we have heretofore seen, the gentle souled Pere Marquette was the first of these holy men who came in contact with the Indians of Illinois. He so impressed them, as he addressed them in their Indian dialect, that, on his departure from them, after a short stay in 1673, they escorted him to Chicago and secured from him a promise to return to them for future instruc- tion. That promise Marquette redeemed at the cost of his life. His delicate physical frame gave way on the return from that trip and he died a martyr to his zeal for conversions to Christianity. Father Claude Jean Allouez, S. J., was his immediate suc- cessor in the Illinois mission. Prior to his arrival in Illinois, Father Allouez had been at a mission on the shore of Lake Superior and there met some Illinois Indians who visited that mission. Soon after associating himself with the Illinois, he wrote an account of them which was the first written document on that subject. For twenty-four years he was actively engaged in founding and maintaining missions among the Indians of the Northwest. After Marquette's death, Father Allouez appeared as his successor at the Illinois mission. On the approach of La Salle, however, he deemed it prudent to retire from that mission, there being a feeling of hostility towards the Jesuits on the part of La Salle and his followers. In 1684, however, he was again acting as Marquette's successor at the Illinois missions, and was not disturbed in any wise by Tonti, who was La Salle's lieutenant. His death took place in 1689. Kellogg, in his Early Narrative of the Northwest, page 96, as quoted by Alvord, page 103, states: In 1689 this devoted servant of the Cross (Allouez) died at the Miami village on the St. Joseph River. A second St. Francis Xavier, Allouez is said during his twenty-four years of service to have instructed 120,000 Western savages and baptized at least 10,000. Marquette and Indian Chief ILLINOIS 39 Following Allouez came Father Jacques Gravier. He acted as missionary priest to the Illinois until 1705, when Tonti and Le Forest left Fort St. Louis at Starved Rock to go to Peoria. Father Gravier followed them and built a new church near the new fort. He is reported to have converted the chief of the Peoria tribe, and thereafter his influence among the Peoria and Kaskaskia Indians was greatly increased. Later on, Father Pinet came to the Illinois tribe from Mackinac, where he had been serving as a missionary for two years. Father Pinet founded the mission of the Guardian Angel near the mouth of the Chicago River among the Wea tribe, a branch of the Miamis. His conduct in so doing gave affront to Governor Frontenac, who ordered the mission closed in 1697. Against the governor's conduct, Father Gravier protested in a strong letter written to the Bishop of Quebec. The Bishop took the matter up with the authorities in Quebec and succeeded in re-establishing the mission, but for some reason or other the mission was again closed or abandoned in 1700. A little church had been erected by the Jesuits in the Village of the Kaskaskia early in the century, but in 1753 this building which had been rather hastily and rudely constructed, was replaced by a church which is said to have been 104 feet long and 40 feet wide. This new church was erected by the efforts of three successive priests attached to the Kaskaskia mission, Father Tartarin, Father Watrin and Father Aubert. They succeeded in erecting this new church out of contributions made by the parishioners and their own fees and offerings. A com- plete list of the Jesuit priests who served in the Illinois country contains the names of the following clergymen: Marquette, Father Jacques (James), 1673-1675. Allouez, Father Claude Jean, 1674-1688. Gravier, Father Jacques, 1688-1695, 1698-1706. Rale, Father Sebastian, 1691-1693. Binneteau, Father Julien, 1696-1699. Pinet, Father Pierre Francois, 1696-1697, 1700-1704. Marest, Father Pierre Gabriel, 1698-1714. Alexandre, Brother, 1699. Limoges, Father Joseph de, 1699-1700. Gillet, Brother, 1702. 40 ILLINOIS Guibert, Brother Jean Francois, 1702-1712. Le Boullenger, Father Jean Antoine (Jean Baptiste), 1703- 1741. Mermet, Father Jean, 1704-1716. Ville, Father Jean Marie de, 1707-1720. Guymonneau, Father Jean Charles (Gabriel), 1716-1736. Beaubois, Father Nicholas Ignace de, 1720-1724. Kereben, Father Joseph Francois de, 1725-1728. Dumas, Father Jean, 1727-1740. Outreleau, Father Etienne d', 1727-1728. Tartarin, Father Rene, 1727-1730. Senat, Father Antoine, 1734-1756. Meurin, Father Sebastian Louis, 1742-1763, 1763-1777. Magendie, Brother Charles, 1747-1756. Watrin, Father Philibert, 1747-1764. Fourre, Father Joseph Julien, 1749-1756. Guyenne, Father Alexis (Alexandre) Xavier de, 1732-1756. Vivier, Father Louis, 1739-1753. Pernelle, Brother Julien, 1755-1764. La Mornnie, Father Jean Baptiste de, 1760 (or 1761-) 1764. Salleneuve, Father Jean Baptiste (Francois) de, 1761-1764. Duvernai, Father Julien, 1763-1764. With reference to the conduct of these priests, Alvord states in his history, page 198, In all accounts that have been preserved, the praise of the Jesuits and the performance of their duties to their parishioners is almost universal, only an occasional voice being raised against their strictness. Besides the regularly recurring functions of their calling, the Fathers gave daily instructions, for the most part religious, to the French settlers, thus becoming the first school teachers of the Illinois country. There were other missionaries, however, than the Jesuits. At Cahokia, the Seminary of Foreign Missions stationed one of their clergymen, by name Father Dominique Marie Varlet, who administered to the French inhabitants and the Indians around Cahokia from 1712 to 1718. He was succeeded in the same place by three other members of the same order, Father Thau- man de La Source, Father Calvarin, and Father Mercier. Father Mercier had quite a long career at Cahokia, where he died March 30, 1753. It is said that he passed forty-five years in missionary work, and was always respected by the Indians with ILLINOIS 41 whom he came in contact. The Seminary priests also sent out a missionary to the Missouri Indians, and served the church of St. Anne, at Fort de Chartres, which provoked a short but well tempered dispute between the Seminary priests and the Jesuits. These missionary priests were supposed to have received salaries from the Provincial Government. The Company of the West Indies paid 600 livres a year to each of the Jesuits, and 200 livres extra for five years to cover the expenses of installing a new mission. A livre was worth about twenty cents. The government continued paying these salaries until the parishes grew in prosperity, and then their payment ceased. The sal- aries of these missionary clergymen were often unpaid. The religious bodies, however, sometimes received grants of land from the government. The Jesuits received a large grant in Kaskaskia as early as 1716, and the Seminary of Foreign Mis- sions received a cession of four leagues square at or near the village of Cahokia. The Jesuit missionaries were quite san- guine about the result of their work as missionaries among the Illinois Indians, who were a friendly and gentle race and listened gratefully to the teachings of the priests. By 1712 it was as- serted by the missionaries and other persons who were cognizant of the facts ; that all of the Illinois Indians had accepted Chris- tianity. This was sometimes disputed by others, but it is un- questioned that they attended mass and vespers regularly and seemed to enjoy the religious services. They joined in the hymns with the French, the Illinois Indians singing a couplet of a psalm or hymn in their own language, and the French following it in the Latin services of the church. It is said that they were so fond of instruction and confession that they wearied the Fathers with their insistence. Their habits were altered in many ways as the result of the instruction that they received from those priests. Most of the Indian medicine men were driven out of the tribe by the Kaskaskias and Cahokias. They abandoned torture in warfare. Under the instruction of the priests, they learned the use of the plow, and the women learned to make cloth from the hair of the buffalo. The Indian women dressed modestly. They had dressing gowns which reached to 42 ILLINOIS the neck, upon which they sewed a cap or a hat. Underneath the gown, they wore a petticoat and a bodice. They covered their bosoms with deer skin. The men, however, wore only girdles, the rest of their body being wholly bare. The association of the Jesuits and the daring, hardy fur traders doing business on an individualistic basis, free from monopolistic control, at the start was mutually advantageous. The missionary priests had secured the good will of the In- dian tribes both by their gentle humanizing conduct and by their preaching of the pure unselfish doctrines of the Christian Church. To their missions wherever established the Indians flocked in great numbers. Around these missions surmounted by the cross, the Indians erected their tepees and cabins. Nat- urally, these were the places where the coureurs-de-bois and the fur traders would most easily come in contact with the Indian hunters returning with their skins from the hunting grounds. The traders, naturally, would help the missionaries in the erection of their chapels, and homes, and in the acquisi- tion of food, clothing and the other necessities and comforts of life in the wilderness. Naturally, the missionaries, in return, would help these traders as interpreters and otherwise. Cheat- ing and over-reaching of the Indians by the traders, however, frequently occurred; as in most of the dealings between white men of all nationalities and the Indian. Because of these oc- currences, to the credit of the Jesuit missionaries, be it said, they, the missionaries, "worked persistently for an order from the court prohibiting fur traders from going to the West." (Alvord, Vol. I, Centennial History of Illinois, p. 70.) "They, the Jesuits, protested ever more strenuously against the sale of liquor to the Indians." (Idem.) These fur traders, while allowed to wander at will, could and did frequently close an unfair trade with the simple-minded Indian not under the eye of a French official or missionary priest, but in the secrecy usual in dishonest transactions. The missionaries in the remote western settlements were of the opinion that the traders should be prevented from enter- ing the territory, and that for the purpose of trade, the Indians ILLINOIS 43 would transport their furs to the white settlements, where op- portunity would be given to supervise all transactions. The leaders of the Jesuit order had a more ambitious pro- gram. It was the establishment in the heart of the Mississippi Valley of a great Christian state in which the red man, con- verted to Christianity, would retain his hunting grounds under the tutelage of the Jesuits, free from the cupidity and avarice of the dishonest trader. Neither the views of the resident mis- sionaries nor the aspirations of the Jesuit leaders were ever realized. At this juncture, Frontenac appears upon the scene; the man who was to establish the future policy of the dealings of the Frenchman with the Aborigine ; but who was also to initiate and press to the front with vigor the magnificent program of welding together the Province of Canada with the Province of Louisiana, — both held by the French, by building French forts and establishing French garrisons and settlements across the present states of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama and Louisiana and laying the foundations of a New France in America which in time would be greater, richer, and more powerful than the mother country. Louis Baude, Comte de Frontenac, was appointed governor of New France about 1674 after Joliet and Pere Marquette had discovered the Mississippi. The white skinned population of New France at that time was less than seven thousand. With consummate enterprise and daring, Frontenac embarked upon the gigantic scheme of occupying the whole Mississippi Valley north of the Ohio and east of the Mississippi River and below the junction of the Ohio and Mississippi, with French forts and settlements. He seemed to be the first of the governors of New France who had the breadth of vision to foresee that the nation that was in actual formidable possession of this rich territory with sufficient strength to establish continuous contact of forts and settlements could unite New France and Louisiana and lay the foundation for a great white skinned nation in the Missis- sippi Valley. His ambition in this direction was actuated not only by patriotic love for France and her aggrandizement, but by a 44 ILLINOIS selfish motive. He saw in the rich fur trade of that territory financial riches for himself and his intimates. If he or his friends could procure from the French sovereign a monopoly of this trade, his fortune was made, while his country was being aggrandized. Before the arrival of Frontenac in New France, the Jesuits had been granted special rights in the conduct of missions among the Indians around the Great Lakes and the only missions then in existence were those established by the Jesuits. These mis- sions around which the Indians gathered became magnets for the assemblage of the fur traders, and particularly for those traders that were or could become on friendly terms with the missionaries. Friendship between these traders and the missionaries in these outskirts of civilization sprang up naturally. It was for the mutual advantage of both. Behind these traders and the missionaries in these outposts on the frontier of the new world, were many of the leading merchants of New France. These leading merchants were doubtless the brokers and financial sup- porters of the traders in the outposts and missions. These great merchants and financiers were as desirous of monopolizing the trading privileges as were Frontenac and his friends. When Frontenac disclosed his gigantic scheme of uniting New France with Louisiana by a string of forts and missions from the Great Lakes to the Mississippi and down the Missis- sippi to the Gulf of Mexico, with monopoly rights of fur trading in Frontenac and his friends, bitter opposition developed be- tween the established traders on the one side and Frontenac and his friends on the other side. The Jesuits, naturally, sided with their friends and intimates, the traders, as against the ambitions of the proposed new monopoly. Both the traders and the priests hoped and wished to broaden their operations around the lakes and to extend the rights and privileges which they had been enjoying in the North to the rich country north of the Ohio and east of the Mississippi, which extended to the Mississippi over what is now Ohio, Indi- ana, Michigan, Illinois, and Wisconsin, and down the Missis- sippi to New Orleans. ILLINOIS 45 With that end in view, Joliet (probably aided by the Jesuits) petitioned the French authorities for the right to found a colony of twenty in the Illinois country as the first step in that direc- tion. Governor Frontenac saw in the scheme a plan to deprive his friends of a coveted monopoly, and reported that "it was necessary to multiply the inhabitants of Canada before thinking of other lands," and the petition of Joliet was rejected. The main object of the priests, as shown by their zeal for religion and the endurance of all kinds of privations, was the spread of the Gospel of Christ; but the plain object of the merchants was the exclusive enjoyment of the profits of the fur trade and both objects ran upon parallel lines, so that the sup- port of either helped to obtain the aims of both. When the missionaries pointed to the demoralizing effects of French brandy, the governor's party, seeking the monopoly of trade, answered that French brandy was no more demoraliz- ing than English rum, obtainable at Albany from the British traders. That intoxicating liquor was conducive toward the quick and often scandalously unfair consummation of trade be- tween the white man and the red man, whether the white man spoke English, French, Dutch or Spanish, seems to have been an undeniable fact. It facilitated trade and robbed the red man. Alvord in his history cites a case where an Indian sold three thousand dollars worth of skins to a white man for a cask of brandy worth forty dollars. (P. 72, Alvord.) The French authorities exercising supervision over the In- dians and white colonists, sought to correct these evils. In 1673, white men were prohibited from going into the woods for over twenty-four hours without a special permit. Shortly after- ward, all permits to trade were prohibited by the governor. The result of these prohibitions was the driving of the French traders and coureurs de bois from Montreal and Fort Frontenac to Albany for all purchases and sales. It made outlaws out of these Frenchmen, and made them expedite barters with the Indians with British rum instead of French brandy. Abolition of all rights of barter having failed, the French authorities then tried a limitation of all trading permits to twenty-five royal conges or trading permits. These conges were 46 ILLINOIS issued only to members of noble families or persons to whom the government was desirous of granting special consideration. This plan, however, failed, as did all the other plans devised for the purpose of putting a stop to unconscionable trading. The voyageurs and coureurs de bois or runners in the woods who were engaged in fur trading with the Indians, were a hardy, happy-go-lucky, rule-defying lot. In the early spring and early fall of each year, they were wont to leave Montreal in large fleets of canoes with their guns, scanty subsistence and trading goods, including French brandy for the Great Lakes. With three men in a canoe, they relied upon their guns and Ashing tackle almost solely for food. They endured all kinds of risks and hardships while paddling their canoes in the lakes and rivers and carrying them over the port- ages in the wilderness. At the Great Lakes they separated, each following the trail with which they were familiar, until they reached the Indian settlements. There in the solitude of the woods, far from the eye and arm of the government, they did their trading with the simple Indian upon such terms as they believed would be a recompense for risks and dangers and ardu- ous labor they had endured. Rules and regulations of a mighty monarch of France were to them, under the circumstances sur- rounding them, only so many jokes. CHAPTER VI CHARACTER AND CUSTOMS OF THE FRENCH HAB- ITANTS IN THE COUNTRY OF THE ILLINOIS The country of the Illinois as frequently mentioned in this narrative, and in all the French documents between 1673 when Marquette and Joliet discovered the Mississippi and 1763 when by the Treaty of Paris the British obtained sovereignty of the French possessions in the North American continent, was by no means co-terminous with the present State of Illinois. The term Illinois Country, as used by the French officials, extended from Western New York, north of the Ohio River to Eastern Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas, although the Spanish govern- ment claimed title to all that portion of the same west of the Mississippi River. The French coureurs de bois and traders in their travels cared not for the claims of far distant kings in the hunt for furs. These happy-go-lucky traders were found wherever there was trade in the territory we have set out above. In all this wide expanse of territory, there were no English colonists who tilled the soil, no Spanish except around St. Louis, and but few French colonists who had established permanent homes and relied upon agriculture for a living. The French habitants, except along the Illinois Bottom for about seventy miles between Kaskaskia and East St. Louis, were either coureurs de bois, traders, or French soldiers, and naval and military officers stationed in and around the forts or posts at Frontenac, Mackinac, Green Bay, Fort Miami, Peoria, Vin- cennes and Chicago and Detroit. French tillers of the soil were few and far between, except in the Illinois Bottom, whose great fertility attracted many of them and made them permanent colonists. Outside of the French settlers gathered around De- 47 P.N^tl*' Le Coureur de Bois ILLINOIS 49 troit and Fort Frontenac, there were probably not over three thousand Frenchmen who were actual colonists in all this ex- tensive territory, and about two thousand of these were located in the Illinois Bottom. Many writers have discussed the habits and characteristics of the French settlers in the Illinois Bot- tom, and if we gather from them a knowledge of these men and their families in that locality, we can get a fair idea of the habits of the French Colonial settlers, sparsely scattered over this extensive territory. In the American Bottom, the French inhabitants consisted of two classes. One well born, of fairly comfortable circum- stances who in Great Britain would be called the gentry. These were comparatively few and comprised the officers of the gar- rison and the rich merchants and land-holders. The others, a more numerous class, called habitants, were small holders of land, small merchants, small traders, coureurs de bois, servants and laborers. The holders of small tracts of land took title and cultivated their small holdings in a manner peculiar to the French in their native land. The American farmer, as we all know, as a rule takes title to and cultivates a farm in square lots of ten, forty, one hundred and sixty, or six hundred and forty acres. The French settler in the American Bottom used a large unfenced common open to all for grazing purposes, and for tillage took title to, and plowed long strips of sometimes a mile in length but very narrow in width. No fence or barrier separated these separate holdings from each other, but a common fence or bar- rier enclosed the ends of these long strips of land and the owner of each strip was required to maintain that portion of the end fence which was opposite his own strip of land. They did not live, or build their houses on these strips of land which they cultivated, but in a village close by their plantings, where they could live in more intimate contact with each other. It had one advantage over the modern farming methods. There was not such isolation of farming families as made the American farmer's life, before the coming of the auto, radio and telephone, almost unendurable. They were a pleasure loving, good natured lot, fond of frolics, dancing and card playing, as are 50 ILLINOIS most illiterate and many well educated people. As a rule, they seemed more concerned about having a happy, rather than a luxurious life. They drank as a rule with moderation, but on occasions went too far, as most frontiersmen of other national- ities were wont to do. So far as the records show, they were singularly free from felonious crimes, and settled most of their disputes by referring them to the civil or military authorities, and in many cases by submitting them to their clergymen. Concubinage with squaws, and marriage to squaws, were quite common. The latter was urged by the priests in substitu- tion of concubinage, although these marriages were frowned on by the civil authorities ; because of the belief that such mar- riages degraded the white man to the level of the savage and produced a progeny that had the vices of both races. At times, these marriages were absolutely interdicted by the civil au- thorities. On Sundays and holidays, after attending church, they in- dulged themselves in games and other recreations, after the manner of most European countries. Mardi Gras and New Year's day were celebrated with en- thusiasm. Good natured charivaris and pancake flappings were frequent, and dancing was at all times considered the height of enjoyment. Their social intercourse with the Indians was on the whole much more friendly than the association of the English settler with the red man. The English settler made no disguise of the fact that he wanted the land upon which the Indian hunted, and frequently appropriated to himself that land by force; without attempting to acquire the tribal rights of the Indian to the same. The French settler was more concerned in acquiring the furs of the hunter, which he was willing to buy, and when he did acquire the land itself, it was obtained in some peaceful method rather than by force of arms. Under the French system, theoretically, the French inhab- itant had no voice in the laws or ordinances, by which he was governed. There was no law governing him, except such laws and rules as were proclaimed by the King of France and by the governor of New France under royal authority. The New ILLINOIS 51 England township government was unknown. The French sub- jects in New France were never consulted about the laws and rules proclaimed. These laws and rules were handed to them ready made, and had to be obeyed. None the less, these little villages like Kaskaskia, Cahokia, and New Chartres did of their own volition establish certain customs that by unanimous agreement were treated, obeyed and binding upon their in- habitants. Assemblies of the people were held after mass in front of the church. Syndics or quasi-mayors were there elected. When matters relating to the church arose, the priest presided. When civil or commercial matters were under consideration, the syndic took charge. Auctions were held there. The times of plowing or harvest- ing were settled. Repairs on churches, roads or public build- ings were determined there. Records were kept by the judge or a clerk, or notary, of all transactions at said assemblies, and the syndic of the village was required to see that all orders made at such meetings were duly carried out. Military duty was compulsory upon all male inhabitants of these French villages, for the purpose of protecting them from Indian aggression or other disorder. The captain of the com- pany, in each village, was selected by the French mayor or com- mandant to organize the company and control it thereafter. The captain of the militia in each village was a citizen of much importance. He represented the major commandant and represented the royal government in all work performed by the villagers for the government, or on the roads. He represented the judge, and carried out and put into execution his judgments. He was to all intents and purposes a man clothed with the au- thority and performing the function of an English justice of the peace. At times disputes arose between the villagers and the Indians, which the captain of the militia took charge of and assuaged or settled in some manner. When the white men first settled among these Indians, there were no disputes as to titles to the land. Both the Indians and the white men were interested in hunting and in the fur trade, rather than in the soil, but as the settlers began to show a disposition to possess LIBRART UNIVERSmr OF «LUN0» 52 ILLINOIS themselves of land, then trouble arose between them and the Indians. The close association of these inhabitants and the Indians was probably disadvantageous to both. Intoxicating liquor and disease spread rapidly among the Indians, and these Illinois Indians that were formerly able to hold their own even against the ferocious Iroquois tribes, became degenerate, and their tribes were reduced in number to between three to three thou- sand five hundred men, women and children, the males of which seemed to have degenerated from fearless warriors into lazy and indolent idlers. They rapidly became converts and responded to the teach- ings of the missionaries. They attended church with great regularity and participated in all the ceremonies of the Catholic religion. John Reynolds, who was elected governor in 1830, lived among the French habitants for many years and had prob- ably the best opportunity of any English writer to become ac- quainted with their character and customs and in his history of Illinois entitled My Own Times, 1 he describes them in the fol- lowing language: The immigrants of the French villages being from different sections of the continent, made some difference in the population. Kaskaskia and Prairie du Rocher were mostly colonized from Mobile and New Orleans, and Caho- kia from Canada. The language possessed a shade of dif- ference, as well as their habits. In the first-named village, the inhabitants partook of the Sunny South, more than those who settled in Cakohia from Canada. A shade more of relaxation, gaiety, hilarity, and dancing, prevailed in Kaskaskia and Prairie du Rocher than in Cahokia. It may be, the immigrants from France to the north and south of the continent of North America, may have been from different provinces of the mother-country, which made the difference above mentioned in the early French pioneers of Illinois. The masses of the French were an innocent and happy people. They were devoutly attached to the Roman Cath- i Reynolds (My Own Times), first and second sections, p. 37, and second section, p. 38 and last three sections, p. 39. ILLINOIS 53 olic Church, and had lived for many generations in strict obedience to the Christian principles taught by that church. They were removed from the corruption of large cities, and enjoyed an isolated position in the interior of North America. In a century before 1800, they were enabled to solve the problem: that neither wealth, nor splendid pos- sessions, nor an extraordinary degree of ambition, nor energy, ever made a people happy. These people resided more than a thousand miles from any other colony, and were strangers to wealth or poverty; but the Christian virtues governed their hearts, and they were happy. One virtue among others was held in high estimation, and re- ligiously observed. Chastity with the Creoles was a sine quo non, and a spurious offspring was almost unknown among them. It is the immutable decree to man from the Throne itself, that in proportion to the introduction of sin and guilt into the heart, in the same proportion happiness abandons the person. "The French generally, and the early Creoles particu- larly, were passionately fond of dancing. The gay and merry disposition of the French, adopted the mode of so- cial amusement. To enjoy the dancing-salon was almost a passion among the French, and for the enjoyment of which they made many efforts. No people ever conducted the ballroom with more propriety than they did. Decorum and punctilious manners were enforced by public opinion. No liquor, cigars, or loud blustering remarks were tolerated in their dancing assemblies. All classes, ages, and degrees assembled together, and made one large family in these ballrooms. The aged would at times dance; but they per- formed a higher duty. The discreet and aged females kept an eye sharp and searching over the giddy youth. Frequently the priest attended the early part of the evening in the balls, and saw that the innocent and proper observ- ance of just principles be the order of the party. "The habits of labor and energy with the French were moderate. Their energy or ambition never urged them to more than an humble and competent support. To hoard up wealth was not found written in their hearts, and very few practiced it. They were a temperate, moral people. They very seldom indulged in drinking liquor. They were at times rather intemperate in smoking and dancing; but seldom indulged in either to excess at the same time or place. 54 ILLINOIS "All classes observed a strict morality against hunting or fishing on the Sabbath ; but they played cards for amuse- ment often on the Sabbath. This they considered one of the innocent pastimes that was not prohibited to a Chris- tian. "They had no taste for either horse-racing or foot- racing, wrestling, jumping, or the like; and did not often indulge in these sports. Shooting fowls on the wing, and breaking wild horses afforded the French considerable amusement." CHAPTER VII LA SALLE, THE DARING AND UNFORTUNATE The most picturesque and romantic figure among the French explorers was Robert Cavalier Sieur de La Salle. Brave, in- domitably persevering, brilliant in conception and vigorous in execution, he attained more for France, and less for himself than any of the men connected with the settlement of New France and the Illinois Country, excepting Frontenac who vi- sioned what La Salle nearly succeeded in accomplishing, — the creation of a great empire under the standard of the lilies of France, extending from Quebec to New Orleans. He was a member of an aristocratic family located near Rouen, France, was born in that city November 22, 1643, and received an excellent education in a Jesuit school in which he remained until he was twenty-three years of age. He probably originally intended to become a member of that order, but changed his mind at the age just mentioned. When he left the Jesuits in 1666, he had a brother, Abbe Jean Cavalier, living in Montreal and left France to meet his brother in the new world. On arriving in Montreal, he started into the business of trading in furs, and acquired a small estate called Lachine. By reason of his excellent family connections and his own dignified bearing and superior education, he secured the confi- dence and respect of Jean Talon, the French intendant, who was at that time setting on foot exploring expeditions into the western country. Before receiving any official recognition from Talon, he had started exploring on his own account. His brother was a Sul- pician priest, and through him La Salle had come in contact with two other members of the Sulpician order, the Abbes Gal- lince and Casson who were about to go to the southerly shore of Lake Ontario with the design of establishing religious mis- 55 56 ILLINOIS sions. La Salle accompanied them, but for some reason they separated and La Salle returned without making any progress or gaining any prestige. Talon the next year after his return gave him official recog- nition and commissioned him to explore, over the same territory. As no records seem to have been preserved, it was probably abortive of results. These trips of La Salle, however, were utilized by Talon and his friends, when properly exaggerated, Kobert Cavalier Sieur de LaSalle to give prestige to La Salle when he became an applicant for royal authority to explore and colonize the West. At this stage of the history, it becomes manifest both by his association with the Sulpicians, and his intimacy with, and rec- ognition by, Talon that La Salle had severed his affiliations with his former teachers, the Jesuits, and allied himself with the intendant Talon and the governor, Frontenac, who were then seeking a monopoly of the fur trade and exclusive control of the location of the religious missions. The struggle was on between the Jesuits who were then in control of the missions and the Frontenac-Talon-La Salle interests who desired to sup- plant them. ILLINOIS 57 Under then existing conditions, the individual fur trader could make his own living and his own profit. Under the newly- proposed monopoly, backed by the governor and intendant, he, the trader, must work for the monopoly, on monopoly's terms. The success of Marquette and Joliet in discovering the Mis- sissippi, and the success of the Jesuit missionaries in estab- lishing relations of confidence and friendship with the Indians at their numerous missions were a matter of chagrin to the Frontenac-Talon party, who were backing La Salle. To counter- balance these successes, the friends of La Salle resorted to every possible expedient to exaggerate the exploits of La Salle at Court in France. La Salle's excursions among the Indians did enable him to learn the Iroquois language, and acquire a thorough knowledge of their habits of life and inured him to the labors and fatigues and dangers of a life of exploration. He had a fine physical presence, a vigorous constitution, and great charm of manner which could and did captivate even a royal court. On or about 1673, the then governor of New France, Fron- tenac, had constructed, at his own expense a hastily constructed wooden fort at a point where Lake Ontario poured its waters into the St. Lawrence River, a site now occupied by the modern City of Kingston. This fort had been constructed without the authority of the French court. Frontenac realized the strategic strength of the place, and knew it to be a point from which he could control the western fur trade, and from which he could rule over all, and keep in control the Iroquois confederacy to the south. This confederacy had been the connecting link be- tween the western Indians and the British traders at Albany. The government in France had raised objections to these pre- mature acts of Frontenac. By this time La Salle, who had become thoroughly conversant with the Iroquois language and who had, in his intercourse with the Iroquois gained their confidence and respect, was sent by Frontenac to France to lay the case of the governor before Colbert, the minister of Louis XIV. Alvord in his history quotes the letter from Frontenac to Colbert as follows : 58 ILLINOIS I cannot but recommend to you Msr. Sieur de La Salle, who is about to go to France and who is a man of intelli- gence and ability, the most competent of anyone I know here to accomplish every enterprise and discovery which may be entrusted to him, as he has the most perfect knowl- edge of the state of the country, as you will see if you are disposed to give him a few moments audience. Notwithstanding the objection of the Jesuit party, La Salle was well received at court. He petitioned that court for a patent of nobility and for the seigniory of Fort Frontenac, prom- ising to build a fort of stone and develop a village around it at considerable expense; to repay Count Frontenac for the cost of the fort, and to make grants of land to the settlers who came there to live, to attract the Indians to his place and grant them lands and instruct them in trades and labor, and to build a church and maintain priests to administer the same. With his patent of nobility and this grant, he returned promptly to New France, where he built the fort, made grants to the Indians, and reared great flocks and herds, and resumed his relations with the Iroquois tribe. While La Salle was at Frontenac engaged in this work, the explorer Joliet on his return from the Mississippi River dropped in at Fort Frontenac, visited La Salle and doubtless made a full report of his discovery. The Iroquois warriors made the same reports with relation to the existence of the Mississippi. Upon hearing said reports, La Salle decided to make a journey into the Illinois country and place the flag of France over the terri- tory between the Lakes and the Gulf of Mexico. He designed a scheme of building a chain of forts reaching from St. Louis to the mouth of the Mississippi. In pursuance of this design, in 1678 he again went to France, having behind him Courselles, the then governor, and Talon. He had no trouble in securing an audience with Colbert at the French court, and on the 12th of May, 1678, procured Letters Patent, which I quote from Smith's History of Illinois, Vol. I, page 83, as follows : Letters Patent "Granted by the King of France to the Sieur de La Salle on the 12th of May, 1678." 60 ILLINOIS Translation "Louis, by the grace of God, King of France and of Navarre. To our dear and well-beloved Robert Cavalier, Sieur de La Salle, greeting. "We have received with favor the very humble petition, which has been presented to us in your name, to permit you to endeavor to discover the Western part of our coun- try of New France ; and we have consented to this proposal the more willingly, because there is nothing we have more at heart than the discovery of this country, through which it is probable that a passage may be found to Mexico ; and because your diligence in clearing the lands which we granted to you by decree of our council of the 13th of May, 1675, and, by Letters Patent of the same date, to form habitations upon the said lands, and to put Fort Frontenac in good state of defense, the seigniory and Government whereof we likewise granted to you, affords us every rea- son to hope that you will succeed to our satisfaction, and to the advantage of our subjects of said country. "For these reasons, and others thereunto moving us, we have permitted, and do hereby permit you, by these presents, signed by our hand, to endeavor to discover the Western part of our country of New France, and for the execution of this enterprise, to construct forts wherever you shall deem it necessary; which it is our will you shall hold on the same terms and conditions as Fort Frontenac, agreeably and conformably to our said Letters Patent of the 13th of May, 1675, which we have confirmed, as far as is needful, and hereby confirm by these presents. And it is our pleasure that they be executed according to their form and tenor. "To accomplish this, and everything above mentioned, we give you full powers; on condition, however, that you shall finish this enterprise within five years, in default of which these presents shall be void and of none effect; that you carry on no trade whatever with the savages called Outauoacs, and others who bring their beaver skins and other peltries to Montreal ; and that the whole shall be done at your expense, and that of your company, to which we have granted the privilege of trade in buffalo-skins. And we call on Sieur de Frontenac, our governor and lieutenant general, and on the Sieur de Chesneau, intendant of justice, police and finance, and on the officers who compose the su- preme council in the said country, to affix their signatures ILLINOIS 61 to these presents; for such is our pleasure. Given at St. Germain en Laye, this 12th day of May, 1678, and of our reign the thirty-fifth. "(Signed) Louis." And lower down, by the king. And sealed with the great seal of yellow wax, Colbert. Having secured this patent, which gave him tremendous prestige and absolute authority in the western portion of New France covering the Illinois district, La Salle undertook to raise finances for the purpose of carrying out this great enterprise. By strenuous exertion, he succeeded in raising from his friends and relatives the sum of 500,000 livres, or about $100,000. In this enterprise he was assisted by Colbert, whose friendship he secured, and Colbert's son, Marquis Seignley, and the Prince de Conte, prominent in military circles in France. Among oth- ers that he met in France at this time was Henry de Tonti, an Italian officer who was an intimate of the Prince de Conte. He induced de Tonti to join him in his enterprise, and with his assistance they gathered in France, carpenters, shipwrights, sailors, blacksmiths and common laborers, and purchased ma- terial for the construction of ships. With Tonti and his party, La Salle sailed from Rochelle July 15, 1678, and reached Quebec the September following. After paying his respects to Gov- ernor Frontenac, La Salle and his expedition a few days there- after sailed from Quebec to Fort Frontenac. Within a few days afterwards, they proceeded to Niagara Falls, hoping to secure a suitable location for the building of a boat to sail on the upper lakes. They finally selected Tonawanda Creek near Niagara Falls, and built a ship of sixty-two tons burden, which he chris- tened The Griffon. During the construction of the ship, La Salle had sent some of his adherents to Mackinac with money and goods manufactured in Europe, with orders to purchase furs from the Indians and have them ready when the ship should reach Mackinac. The vessel arrived at Mackinac on the 27th of August, having taken on board Tonti as they passed Detroit. When they arrived at this point, La Salle discovered that some of his men who had been sent forward to purchase furs, had been dissuaded from the work which they had been commissioned to 62 ILLINOIS do. Tonti was immediately sent by La Salle to hunt these men up and secure their return, and La Salle himself with the Griffon went on to Green Bay, arriving there on the 10th of September. Here he disposed of large quantities of his trading goods in exchange for furs, at a large profit. The ship, with its cargo of furs, was sent back to Niagara, while La Salle himself and fourteen of the company proceeded southward in small boats to the St. Joe River, which they reached on November 1, 1679. Here it was agreed between Tonti and La Salle that Tonti should report to La Salle concerning the deserters. Twenty days there- after Tonti appeared with some, but with not all of these de- serters. Tonti failed to secure the return of all of these men, but joined La Salle and ascended the St. Joe River to the Kan- kakee portage. Before leaving St. Joe and the ascent of that river, La Salle caused a storehouse to be built at St. Joe, in the expectation that the Griffon, after it discharged its load at Ni- agara, would return with goods and supplies from Niagara. The fort that he constructed at St. Joe he called Fort Miami. With a company of thirty-eight in eight canoes, he left Fort Miami on the 3rd of December, rowing up the St. Joe River to the portage between the St. Joe River and the Kankakee, which was located somewhere in the neighborhood of South Bend, Indiana. The portage was five miles wide, and the ground around it very swampy. They soon, however, came to a current flowing westerly, and soon thereafter reached the Illinois River. Going down the Illinois, they found game very abundant, and passed the site of the present city of Ottawa and Buffalo Rock on the right. On the left bank of the river they passed the now famous Starved Rock. Opposite Starved Rock was an Indian village occupied by the Kaskaskias, near the present site of Utica. This was where Marquette had preached to the Indians on his return from the Mississippi and where Marquette reported that the number of Indian cabins was seventy-four. In 1677 Father Allouez visited this same place after Marquette had established a mission there, and he reports that there were then four hun- dred and fifty lodges. When La Salle and his company reached this point on the Illinois River, they were practically out of food and game was scarce. They found a cache of corn in a sort of ILLINOIS 63 cellar left there by the Indians who were away on a winter hunt. Driven by necessity, La Salle was compelled to appropriate some of this corn, as there was no one from whom he could purchase. He knew that according to the Indian custom, it was a great crime to take these supplies without the consent of the owner, but he determined in the interests of the lives of his company, to take the chance of taking it in the absence of the Indians and pay for it thereafter. A few days afterwards in sailing down the Illinois, they reached a place where now is located the City of Peoria, where they discovered the smoke of numerous camp fires arising from the Indian camps which were on both sides of the river. Their appearance caused great consternation at first, but one of the Indian chiefs having produced a peace pipe, a conference was arranged and confidence was soon restored. Fathers Membre and Hennepin were in La Salle's party and went among the people and explained fully the cause of their coming. At the request of La Salle, the Indians called a conference, and La Salle, after making them presents of tobacco and hatchets, ex- plained that he was compelled to take their corn at the Kas- kaskia village, and was willing to restore it all, or pay for it as the Indians desired. The Indians answered that he was wel- come to what he had, and they offered him more in addition. Friendly relations were soon established between the Indians and La Salle's party. He told them that if he was to remain with them, he must be permitted to build a fort; that he could not join them in an attack upon the Iroquois, since they, the Iroquois, were subject to the king of France. He assured them, however, that if the Iroquois attacked them, the Illinois Indians then at Peoria, he would defend them and render them every possible assistance. He spoke to them further of his desire of exploring the Mississippi and ascertaining into what body of water the Mississippi emptied. During his stay at Peoria, six of his band deserted, and it is said that an effort was made to poison him by giving him poisoned food. In the middle of January, 1680, when the ice in the Illinois River loosened, La Salle selected near Peoria and about two miles below the Indian village, a place for the erection of a fort. f ct V-' De La Salle on the Illinois River ILLINOIS 65 It was a hill two hundred yards from the bank of the river, with a ravine on each side and low marshy ground in front. On the other side they dug a trench, surrounding the fort with water. Around this they built a palisade, which they believed would be secure against any Indian attack either from the Illinois or the Iroquois. The name he gave it was the Fort of Creve-Couer, or Broken-Heart, which name was probably sug- gested to him by his recent misfortunes. La Salle at this point had been expecting a return of the Griffon from Niagara with supplies and necessities. He ex- pected that she would bring him implements with which to construct a ship to sail on the Illinois and lower Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico. Such materials he had left at Fort Fron- tenac. It was then four months since he had dispatched the Griffon from Green Bay to Niagara. He felt certain that the ship was lost, which it was, in fact, whether by accident or treachery, we do not know. The fact that he had named the fort Creve-Couer indicates the desperate condition of his mind. Here he was in the West, with some of his followers already deserters, a thousand miles from Quebec, surrounded by Indian tribes upon whose friendship he could not rely, and having with him only Tonti and a few more loyal white men; but he was possessed of an indomitable spirit and in the depth of his misfortunes at Creve-Couer, he began to construct a boat of considerable size for the trip on the Mississippi and to the Gulf of Mexico. It was forty-two feet long and twelve feet wide, built of lumber which was sawed from the trees which grew around. He lacked, however, cordage and sails and certain pieces of iron necessary for the completion of the boat, and he finally determined to go back to Fort Frontenac to secure these necessary supplies. Before leaving, however, he arranged to send a delegation up the Mississippi River, and selected Father Louis Hennepin and two Frenchmen, Michael Acco and An- toine Anguel to accompany him. He furnished the party with a few articles of European manufacture with which they could trade with the Indians. Father Hennepin and his companions left Fort Creve-Couer on the 29th of February, 1680, and reached the mouth of the Illinois River on the 8th of March, 66 ILLINOIS and then proceeded up the Mississippi to the Falls of St. An- thony, now located between Minneapolis and St. Paul. Here Father Hennepin erected a cross and the arms of France. A few days later, on the 10th of April, they were captured by some Sioux Indians, who robbed the Frenchmen and kept them prisoners during the summer. Daniel Gray Solon due L'hut, a French trader, rescued them in the fall. Father Hennepin in due day returned and gave a long account of his experiences on the trip. After dispatching Father Hennepin up the Mississippi, La Salle on the very next day, March 1st, 1680, started from Fort Creve-Couer to New France, with six of his best French fol- lowers in two birchbark canoes which were loaded with blankets, clothing, gunpowder, lead, skins, and moccasins. A Mohegan hunter accompanied them as their guide. He left Tonti in charge of Fort Creve-Coeur, giving him full instructions as to the course to pursue. The Illinois River at this time was full of ice, and La Salle and his companions suffered fearfully from cold weather. They were compelled to pull their boats on sledges for miles and miles. On the 10th of March, they reached the Kaskaskia vil- lage where they had taken the corn a few months before. They were visited here by one of the chiefs of the Illinois Indians, named Chassogoac (Chicago), who became very friendly with La Salle and furnished him a canoe full of corn. He eventually, after suffering many hardships, reached Fort Frontenac for the purpose of securing supplies and settling his financial affairs which were then in great distress. The sinking of the Griffon had caused La Salle the loss of forty thousand livres, and his finances were in a desperate condition. On the point of returning to the Illinois country from Fort Frontenac, additional bad news reached him from the Illinois country. On July 22nd, two messengers from Fort Creve-Couer reached Fort Frontenac, and informed La Salle that while Tonti with a small party of his followers were inspecting Starved Rock as a possible location for a fort, that all the other men left by Tonti at Fort Creve-Couer had plundered and destroyed the fort and deserted, and that they had also robbed the fort ILLINOIS 67 at St. Joe and that at Niagara. "Unmerciful disaster followed fast and followed faster." Another man would have sunk be- neath these loads of misfortune. Not so with La Salle. Pos- sessed of an indomitable spirit, he took steps at once to emerge from these monstrous troubles. Quickly collecting his equipment, on August 1, 1680, La Salle started westward to rescue Tonti, and the few faithful adher- ents who still remained loyal to him. His party consisted of twenty-five men and his lieutenant, Le Forest, most of them being artisans. On November 4th he had reached the mouth of the St. Joe River, pushed over the portage from the St. Joe to the Kaskaskia with only six Frenchmen and an Indian. When he reached the old Kaskaskia near the site of modern Utica, he was shocked to find that the village had been destroyed and the fields laid waste, and he found the corpses of men lying about that had been murdered by the Iroquois Indians. No trace was found here of Tonti. Leaving three men behind him to warn the rest of his party to follow, he and a few men paddled their canoes down the Illinois River, seeing in many places indications of the flight of the Illinois before their implacable foes, the Iroquois. He continued down the Illinois until he reached the Mississippi, with no trace of Tonti. He then returned, canoeing northward to the Des Plaines River, ascended the Des Plaines a short dis- tance and found evidence of the passage of white men. He finally reached Fort Miami on the St. Joe River, where they found the rest of his party under LeForest. Here is what happened to Tonti. Both at Mackinac in Au- gust, 1678, and at Fort Miami (St. Joseph) afterward, many of La Salle's followers had shown an insubordinate disposition, and some of them had deserted. This feeling of dissatisfaction still rankled in the minds of those who had been left with Tonti at Creve-Couer when La Salle left them to get supplies at Ni- agara and Fort Frontenac. Shortly after La Salle left Creve-Coeur for Frontenac, he dispatched a letter to Tonti from Fort Miami by the hands of two Frenchmen, La Chapelle and Leblanc, instructing Tonti to fortify Starved Rock near the Kaskaskia village. Following 68 ILLINOIS instructions, the ever faithful Tonti took four men from the Creve-Coeur garrison of fifteen men and canoed up the Illinois River to Starved Rock and started upon the fortification of the rock. Within a few days after he left Creve-Coeur, all ex- cept two of the Frenchmen remaining in Creve-Coeur revolted, looted the fort and started back to Canada. The only two men who remained faithful, at Creve-Coeur promptly left that fort, and reported to Tonti at Starved Rock what had taken place at Creve-Coeur. Tonti It appears that the two messengers sent by La Salle from Miami to Creve-Coeur with a letter of instructions to Tonti, told the men in the garrison that the Griffon had been lost and that La Salle was bankrupt. The garrison had not been paid for some time and this discouraging news was the cause of the desertion of the men and the looting of the fort in Tonti's ab- sence at Starved Rock. However, Tonti's misery and misfortunes were just begin- ning. He promptly dispatched two of the six men then with him from Starved Rock to La Salle, informing him of the col- lapse of affairs at Creve-Coeur, ana turned to face a greater ILLINOIS 69 disaster. As we have heretofore seen in this narrative, the Algonquin and Iroquois tribes were deadly enemies. They had been sanguinary foes since before the advent of the white man, by reason of each of these tribes trespassing upon the hunting grounds claimed by the other. The arrival of the white man had simply intensified their enmities. The white men began buying their pelts and sold them guns, ammunition, blankets, iron, implements, rum and brandy. The Iroquois claimed that all the territory south of the Great Lakes rightfully belonged to them and that the Algonquins of the North (to which the Illinois Indians belonged) were trespassers on their demesne. La Salle, owing to the fact that the Jesuits in New France as well as the mother country were opposed to monopolization of the trading by the Frontenac-Talon-La Salle syndicate, believed that the Jesuits were instigating the Iroquois to attack the west- ern tribes in the Illinois country. The fact was that it was ordinary commercialism that caused the incursions of the Iro- quois Indians into the Illinois territory. They were business rivals in the killing of fur-bearing animals and the sale of their skins. A careful reading of history covering the relations be- tween the western Indians and the Jesuits, particularly the Indians at Kaskaskia, shows that the Jesuits were on such inti- mate friendly terms with the Illinois Indians as to make it in- credible that the Jesuits would compass the Indians' destruction. The Iroquois believed that the French government, through Frontenac and La Salle, had entered into a combination with the Algonquin Indians dwelling in the Illinois country, to deprive them of their rightfully owned hunting grounds south of the Great Lakes and the profits resulting therefrom, and because of this they attacked the Illinois Indians at Kaskaskia while Tonti was at Kaskaskia living with that tribe. Five hundred Iroquois, assisted by some renegade Miami, were reported to the Kaskaskias to be within a few miles of the Kaskaskia village. Scouts sent out by the Kaskaskias reported that a Frenchman was with the Iroquois. A suspicion devel- oped among the Kaskaskias that the Frenchman was, in fact, La Salle himself, and that Tonti and his French companions in the village were traitors and in league with the Iroquois. Only 70 ILLINOIS by the exercise of the utmost tact and diplomacy was Tonti able to convince them to the contrary. The women and children were hastily removed from the village down the river before the battle began, but the Iroquois at the outset of the conflict sacked and destroyed the Kaskaskia village. The Kaskaskias succeeded for a time in keeping the Iro- quois on the other side of the river, but the Iroquois attacks continued. The Kaskaskia warriors soon began to lose heart and scattered, and the Iroquois overtook women and children and slaughtered seven hundred of them near the mouth of the Illinois. The surviving Kaskaskia warriors abandoned their old home on the Illinois some time afterwards and located near the mouth of the Kaskaskia River in Southwestern Illinois. Tonti, Father Membre and a few other Frenchmen managed in the face of almost insuperable obstacles to escape and took shelter with the Pottawatomi tribe near the shore of Lake Michigan. When La Salle returned from Frontenac in the fall of 1680, this was the desperate state of affairs that he found in the Illinois country. Any other man would have abandoned the en- terprise in despair. Harrassed by his creditors in Canada, de- serted by most of his followers, surrounded by savage Indian enemies, his loyal chief of staff, Tonti, either dead or in cap- tivity, opposed at every turn by the Jesuits both in France and at the missions, with his fortunes at the lowest ebb, his situation at this stage seemed hopeless. Here, however, is where his full stature as a great man became manifest, and enabled him to leave a name imperishable in American history. Up to this time, La Salle had been endeavoring to keep on good terms with the Iroquois tribes. He had spent considerable time among them and had learned their language. His aim had been to develop the remunerative fur trade, not only with the Algon- quins north of the Great Lakes and in the Illinois valley, but also with the Iroquois. He now found this to be impossible, owing to the enmity of the Iroquois toward the Illinois tribes which they believed were trespassers upon their (the Iroquois') hunting grounds. ILLINOIS 71 The massacre of the Kaskaskias by the Iroquois along the Illinois River determined his future course. Undaunted by re- cent disasters, he began to organize a confederacy of the western Algonquin tribes to oppose and overcome the Iroquois. Before the following spring, he had accomplished his purpose. With wonderful activity and the keenest diplomacy, he and his agents succeeded in confederating the Illinois, Miami, Shawnee, Abucki and Mohegan tribes into one group where the sole aim was to overcome and if possible destroy the Iroquois. Emboldened by this success, La Salle conceived and promptly embarked upon a greater project than the immediate acquisi- tion of a monopoly of the fur trade. The commercial aims could be delayed until the greater project was achieved, and would inevitably follow the success of the greater achievement. Joliet and the gentle Marquette had, it is true, discovered and traveled up the great Mississippi and had reported their success. In La Salle's view, that discovery was half-baked and unfinished. They had never found the mouth of that great water course. No one knew whether it emptied into the At- lantic or Pacific. Above all, Joliet and La Salle had personal not national missions. Joliet was developing the fur trade. Mar- quette was attempting to Christianize the savage. Neither was speading the power and glory of La Belle France. He, La Salle, would complete the unfinished work, trace this river to its mouth, and in the most solemn and impressive manner dedi- cate this great stream and the rich country through which it flowed to the honor and glory of France and emblazon her rich acquisition of territory to the whole world. After being apprised by Tonti's message from Kaskaskia of the disaster at Creve-Coeur and Kaskaskia, La Salle, undaunted, hurried back to Fort Frontenac and nothwithstanding the fact that his bills for rebuilding that fort were still unpaid, with the assistance of Governor Frontenac and by pledging part of his monopoly rights, he succeeded in getting together and fit- ting out a rather impressive expedition for the realization of his glorious dream of exploring the Mississippi to its mouth and solemnly dedicating the great western country along its banks from the Great Lakes to the ocean as a colony of the 72 ILLINOIS French monarchy. Getting together twenty-three Frenchmen and eighteen warriors of the Abuaki and Mohegan tribes with ten squaws and some children, he made his way from Mackinac to Fort Miami. The ever faithful Tonti, having given the Pot- tawatomi the slip, joined him at Mackinac and went with him to Fort Miami. From there in canoes they paddled the way to Chicago in the depth of winter. From Chicago, probably because of the Chicago and Des Plaines rivers being frozen over, they journeyed overland to the Illinois River. Having reached the Illinois River, they again took to their canoes and floated down that river to the Mississippi. Among the Frenchmen gathered by La Salle at Fort Fronte- nac for this expedition was one selected for a specific purpose. Jacques De La Metairie was a notary holding a commission from the French government. He was selected by La Salle to record the events that occurred and the acts that were done on this expedition and certify as a public official the correctness thereof. De La Metairie performed this duty punctiliously. La Salle and his companions made the journey down the Mississippi from the Illinois to the Gulf of Mexico safely and on April 9th, 1682, La Salle, at or near one of the mouths of the great river collected his companions around him on a high bank and erected a column. To this he solemnly attached the Royal Arms of France made from a copper kettle and this in- scription, Loyis Le Grand Roy de France et de Navarre le Neu~ Heme le que April 1682, and with much solemnity declared that he took possession of the river and all the land that it drained in the name of the King of France. Nor was the religious cere- mony lacking. A large cross was attached to one of the trees and at the foot of the tree was buried a leaden plate on which was inscribed in Latin a short account of the discovery of the river to its mouth by La Salle and his company as the first white men to do so. After these preliminaries, De La Metairie, the notary, pro- duced a document called the Process Verbal, signed by himself, La Salle, Tonti, Father Zenobe, the surgeon Jean Michael, and nine others, which written document translated from the French reads as follows : ILLINOIS 73 i PROCESS VERBAL "Of the taking possession of Louisiana, at the Mouth of the Missis- sippi, by the Sieur De La Salle, on the 9th of April, 1682. "Jacques De La Metairie, Notary of Fort Frontenac, in New France, commissioned to exercise the said function of notary during the voyage to Louisiana, in North America, by M. de la Salle, Governor of Fort Frontenac for the King, and commandant of the said discovery by the commission of his Majesty given at St. Germain, on the 12th day of May, 1678. "To all those to whom these presents shall come, greetings: Know, that having been requested by the said Sieur de la Salle, to deliver to him an act, signed by us and by the witnesses therein named, of posses- sion by him taken of the country of Louisiana, near the three mouths of the River Colbert, in the Gulf of Mexico, on the 9th of April, 1682. "In the name of the most high, mighty, invincible and victorious Prince, Louis, the Great, by the Grace of God, king of France and of Navarre Fourteenth of that name, and of his heirs, and the successor of his crown, we, the aforesaid notary, have delivered the said act to the said Sieur de la Salle, the tenor whereof follows: "We came to the Village of Maheouala, lately destroyed, and contain- ing dead bodies and marks of blood. Two leagues below this place we camped. We continued our voyage till the 6th, when we discovered three channels by which the River Colbert discharges itself into the sea. We landed on the bank of the most western channel, about three leagues from its mouth. On the 7th, M. de la Salle went to reconnoitre the shores of the neighboring sea, and M. de Tonti likewise examined the middle chan- nel. They found these two outlets beautiful, large and deep. On the 8th, we re-ascended the river, a little above its confluence with the sea, to find a dry place, beyond the reach of inundations. The elevation of the north Pole was here about 27 degrees. Here we prepared a column and a cross, and to the said column were affixed the arms of France, with this inscrip- tion: " 'Louis Le Grand Roi De France Et De Navarre, Regne : Le Neu- vieme, April 1682.' "The whole party, under arms, chanted the Te Deum, the Exaudiat, the Domine salvum fac Regem; and then after a salute of firearms and cries of Vive Le Roi, the column was erected by M. de la Salle, who standing near it said, with a loud voice, in French: 'In the name of the most high, mighty, invincible, and victorious Prince, Louis the Great, by the Grace of God, King of France and of Navarre, Fourteenth of that name, this ninth day of April, one thousand six hundred and eighty two, I, in virtue of the commission of his Majesty which I hold in my hand, and which may be seen by all whom it may concern, have taken and do now take, in the name of his Majesty and of his successors to the crown, possession of this country of Louisiana, the seas, harbours, ports, bays, adjacent straits; 74 ILLINOIS and all the nations, people, provinces, cities, towns, villages, mines, min- erals, fisheries, streams and rivers comprised in the extent of the said Louisiana, from the mouth of the great river St. Louis on the eastern side, otherwise called Ohio, Alighin, Sipore, or Chickachas, and this with the consent of the Cahouanons, Chickachas and ot?ier people dwelling therein, with whom we have made alliance; as also along the River Col- bert, or Mississippi, and rivers which discharge themselves therein, from its source beyond the country of the Kious or Nadauessious, and this with their consent, and with the consent of the Motantees, Illinois, Mesigameas, Natches, Koroas, which are the most considerable nations dwelling there- in, with whom also we have made alliance, either by ourselves or by others in our behalf; as far as its mouth at the sea, or Gulf of Mexico, about the 27th degree of elevation of the North Pole, and also to the mouth of the River of Palms; upon the assurance which we have received from all these nations, that we are the first Europeans who have descended or ascended the said River Colbert; hereby protesting against all those who may in future undertake to invade any or all of these countries, peoples or lands, above described, to the prejudice of the right of his Majesty, acquired by the consent of the nations herein named. Of which, and of all that can be needed, I hereby take to witness those who hear me, and demand an act of the Notary, as required by law.' "To which the whole assembly responded with shouts of Vive le Roi, and with salutes of firearms. Moreover, the said Sieur de la Salle caused to be buried at the foot of the tree, to which the cross was attached a leaden plate, on one side of which were engraved the arms of France, and latin inscription: "After which the Sieur de la Salle said, that his Majesty, as eldest son of the Church, would annex no country to his crown, without making it his chief care to establish the Christian religion therein, and that its symbol must now be planted; which was accordingly done at once by erecting a cross, before which the Vexilla and the Domine salvum fac Regem were sung. Whereupon the ceremony was concluded with cries of Vive le Roi. "Of all and every of the above, the said Sieur de la Salle having required of us an instrument, we have delivered to him the same, signed by us, and the undersigned witnesses, this ninth day of April, one thousand six hundred and eighty-two. "La Metairie, "Notary. "De La Salle "Jacques Cauchois "P. Zenobe, Recollect Missionary "Pierre You "Henry De Tonti "Gilles Meucret "Francois de Boisrondet "Jean Michel, Surgeon "Tonti "Jean Dulignon "Jean Bourdon "Nocolas de la Salle." "Sieur d'Autry ILLINOIS 75 After these solemn preliminaries, La Salle and his party- prepared to return along the Mississippi to the North. La Salle, accompanied by a few of the party, went ahead to be followed by the remainder of the party. On reaching Fort Prudhomme in the Chickasaw country, now in the State of Mississippi, he was seized with a high fever, which compelled him to remain for forty days at that fort. A surgeon was sent for, who was in the second section of his companies and he hastened to apply such remedies as he thought wise. La Salle was so seriously ill, however, that it was determined that Tonti, with the greater part of the company, should proceed to Mackinac, leaving La Salle to be nursed to health at Fort Prudhomme. Tonti arrived at Mackinac in July 1682, after overcoming many obstacles on the journey. Father Zenobe and Membre remained with La Salle and succeeded in bringing back some little strength and health. With Father Membre, La Salle, after a delay of forty days, left Fort Prudhomme and arrived at Fort Creve-Coeur. Leaving some of his men to hold that place, he arrived at Fort Miami some time in August, and shortly there- after reached Mackinac. La Salle was more than anxious to report in person to the King of France what he had succeeded in doing, but owing to his weak state of health, he was unable to do so. He, however, sent Father Membre to France, who gave to the French authorities a full report of La Salle's successes. At this point in his career, La Salle seemed to be on the verge of success. His colony in Illinois was established. The Indian tribes had been confederated together by him, and he had secured for the French government a southern port of entry, perennially free from ice; which the government could fortify and surround with colonists. He probably visioned himself at this time, as the colonial governor of a mighty empire stretching from what is now New Orleans to the Great Lakes. He next proceeded promptly, to fortify the place, that he and Tonti had selected for a fort at Starved Rock, which rises perpendicularly from the waters of the Illinois River 125 feet. This fort he called Fort St. Louis, and La Salle at once began to give grants of land around this fort to several Frenchmen who had been Traditional Landing Place of La Salle ILLINOIS 77 living there for years. These grants caused some dissatisfaction, for the grantees happened to be young Frenchmen who had married Indian squaws and were taking life easy. After the fort was completed on the top of Starved Rock, the Indian allies that he had gotten together, began to gather. They included the Illinois, the Wea tribe, the Piankashaw, Shawnee, Abnacki, and Miami tribes to the number of 3,880 warriors, according to data obtained from La Salle himself. As there were nearly 4,000 warriors, the Indian population probably amounted to nearly 20,000. Notwithstanding the fact that he was a failure in bringing about and preserving loyalty and obedience among his white followers, he had remarkable success with the Indians. Alvord in his excellent history declares that, "Few white men have equaled his (La Salle's) success in the leadership of the Aborigines of the American wilderness. ,, To hasten the transportation of supplies from Canada to Fort St. Louis, La Salle next sent two of his men to the Chicago portage to build a smaller post. However, while La Salle was engaged in these great undertakings, his enemies were not idle. They succeeded by their manoeuvering in France in having Governor Frontenac, La Salle's great and loyal friend, recalled. His successor, Governor de La Barre, proved himself early unfriendly to La Salle and his projects. He was opposed to La Salle's monopoly. Calling upon de La Barre, La Salle pre- sented his case forcefully to him; pointed out that his losses amounted to 40,000 livres, but that he was now on the road to success and would be able to pay his creditors. He reported his great achievement in collecting the Indian tribes around Fort St. Louis, and requested that his traders whom he was then sending to Quebec for supplies should be fairly treated and protected. Governor de La Barre, however, was surrounded by merchant rivals of La Salle, who were anxious to supplant him. The governor, influenced by these men, stated to La Salle that his efforts were involving the Winnebago Indians in a warfare with the Iroquois ; that the Iroquois would destroy them. The governor made these representations to the French govern- ment at Versailles, and succeeded in turning the French author- ities against him. The governor probably had some basis for 78 ILLINOIS these fears ; for the Iroquois tribes, notwithstanding their success against the Kaskaskia in 1680 were still bitterly hostile to the Illinois tribes. They were still determined to crush these West- ern tribes, and in that determination they were ably abetted and seconded by the English and Dutch traders at Albany, and by Col. Thomas Dongan, the British governor of New York. Governor de La Barre, in the effort to avoid war between the Iroquois and the Illinois Indians, arranged for a deputation of Iroquois Indians to meet him at Montreal. Forty-three of them attended and informed the governor that the Illinois Indians must be exterminated; and made complaint to the governor about La Salle's operations, referring, no doubt, to his confed- eration of the Western tribes, De La Barre, weakly, promised these Iroquois Indians to punish La Salle. Finding that he could not obtain supplies from Canada, La Salle was now threatened with ruin, and started for Quebec. On the way he met Chevalier De Baugy, who had been deputized by the governor to assume command of the Illinois Indians and to summon La Salle to Quebec. La Salle promptly notified Tonti, then in command at Fort St. Louis, to surrender the fort to De Baugy. On taking possession of the fort, De Baugy found himself facing trouble. A flotilla of canoes, licensed by de La Barre to trade, was attacked and plundered by the Iroquois, and De Baugy and Tonti in Fort St. Louis were besieged by the same band of Indians from March 21st to March 27, 1684. The fort, however, made a successful resistance. Finding that he was without friendship or support in the governor's council at Quebec, La Salle made up his mind to return to France and present his case to the French court. Upon his arrival there, he found that the report of his wonderful discoveries and other acts had preceded him, and that he was a famous man. That fame secured for him the honor of a personal interview with the Grand Monarch, upon whom he made a most favorable impression. At that time, France was at war with Spain, and La Salle was able to convince both the monarch and his ministers that a fort built at the mouth of the Mississippi would make it possible to capture the Spanish pos- ILLINOIS 79 sessions on the Gulf of Mexico; and would promote French trade in all that region and up and down the Mississippi. The French government promptly ordered Governor de La Barre to re-instate La Salle in all his possessions in New France. When departing for France, Tonti was left in charge of Fort St. Louis with twenty Frenchmen to whom La Salle had granted lands. La Salle while in France succeeded in persuading the French ministry to establish a fort at the mouth of the Mississippi, and four vessels were loaded for the expedition. One hundred soldiers were aboard, and a number of mechanics, laborers, volunteers, and some gentlemen of distinction. Among them were several married women, as also some young unmarried women that had an eye upon matrimony. Three priests accom- panied the expedition, and three recollects. One of the vessels carried thirty-six guns, another six guns. Altogether there were 400 men aboard these vessels. A naval commander, Beau- jeu, accompanied La Salle upon this expedition. Unfortunately, he and La Salle quarreled when these vessels were but a short distance out of port; and that quarrel continued all the way across the Atlantic. La Salle was taken sick with the old fever, and while he was sick, the naval commander had things his own way. They reached the Gulf of Mexico safely, but were unable, for some reason, to find the mouth of the Mississippi, which they passed by without recognizing it. They arrived at Matagorda Bay, considerably west of the Mississippi, in the spring of 1685. One ship was captured by the Spanish, and another wrecked in the Bay. They landed, however, in Matagorda Bay, and began to make a settlement. Fatal sickness, however, fell upon the party, and before fall, thirty were dead. The Indians sur- rounding them were exceedingly hostile. La Salle led many exploring expeditions from Matagorda Bay, but having failed to find the Mississippi River, he made up his mind to travel overland to Canada. Taking sixteen men with him, he left the remainder to keep the fort at Matagorda Bay, in the spring of 1687. Shortly afterward, finding some difficulty in traveling, insubordination arose among the men, and La Salle was assas- sinated. The conspirators returned to the fort, over-awed the garrison, and had things their own way. Some twenty of these 80 ILLINOIS people survived, some finding their way to France, and others to the Illinois country. Such was the ignominious end of a great man, the tragic close of a romantic career. In the grandeur of his conceptions, in the indomitable energy he displayed in attempting their accomplishment, and in the heartbreaking obstacles he found in his path, his career is without a parallel in French colonial history. Even his failure was of enormous benefit to his country and his King, for the time being, for it pointed out a way for France to acquire an empire in the New World. If France had supported his enterprising plans in his lifetime, or carried them out after his death with men, money and colonists worthy of the prize that La Salle was dangling before French statesmen at the end of the seventeenth century; there was a possibility that the tricolor of France might have been waving over the Mississippi Valley in the twentieth century. The very hugeness of the enterprise doomed it to failure, without adequate govern- mental backing. This support La Salle never had. He did have the steady, loyal and continuous aid of Frontenac, and Talon in Canada, but they were the puppets of a vacillating government in France, desperately impoverished by European wars, which was free-handed with paper privileges and titles of nobility, but with no disposition or power to back these paper titles with men and cannon. Like most great men, La Salle had his minor weaknesses that to some degree contributed to his want of success. By his lofty dignified presence and culture, he favorably impressed both great and obscure men, with whom he but infrequently came in contact. He so impressed the greatest monarch of his time and his great ministers and also the simple untutored red men in the wilderness. His success in confederating these tribes around Starved Rock was marvelous. But with the humble Frenchmen immediately under his orders, whom he met day after day, he had no such success. Over and over again we read of their insubordination and desertion at critical times. Tonti, Le Forest and his own relatives were the only persons with whom he was in daily contact who remained loyal to him in his undertakings, and these were probably participants in ILLINOIS 81 the expected profits that were to be secured in the monopoly granted them by the King. A high temper and quick and emphatic manner of speech probably prevented his followers from acquiring the love and loyalty that the faithful Tonti always had for his chief. La Salle has left an enduring impress upon the history of Illinois and the Northwest. He has given his name to the Wall Street of the West, to one of the richest counties in the state, and to a beautiful city on the Illinois. Even the children of our high schools can tell the inquirer who La Salle was and what his accomplishments were. An artistic bronze monument in Lincoln Park near one of our busiest thoroughfares, recalls to us the glorious record of this man of mark in the seventeenth century. It will be remembered that when leaving for France, La Salle left Tonti in charge of Fort St. Louis. While under De Baugy's control, differences arose between the Illinois tribes and the Miami. Tonti, by the exercise of utmost skill and tact, suc- ceeded in settling these troubles at a cost, however, to himself of a thousand dollars. In the fall of 1665 disturbing rumors reached Tonti at Fort St. Louis relating to the fate of the expe- dition from France to the mouth of the Mississippi. He went immediately to Mackinac, hoping to obtain reliable information. He learned at Mackinac that La Salle had sailed from France, but he had no news of the outcome. He did, however, hear that Governor de La Barre had been recalled and was to be succeeded as governor by the Marquis de Nonville. He then sent some Indians to the mouth of the Mississippi to ascertain news of La Salle, but they returned in February 1686 with no definite word about him. He then decided to go to the Gulf of Mexico himself in search of his chief. He reached the mouth of the Mississippi, but found no trace of La Salle, but did find the column holding the Coat of Arms of France and another column upon which a cross was placed, being the monuments erected by La Salle when he first discovered the mouth of the Mississippi. Returning from the Gulf of Mexico to Fort St. Louis, he found arrangements being made for a joint attack by the French and Indians upon the Iroquois. De Nonville, 82 ILLINOIS the new governor, agreed to furnish two to three thousand soldiers, and called upon Tonti to join him with the warriors around the fort. Tonti was able to enlist some four to five hundred Indians, and other French volunteers, and Indians came from Green Bay and Mackinac. These forces met on Lake Ontario on July 10, 1687, their number amounting to 3,000 men. With this force, Tonti attacked the Senecas, drove them from their homes and laid the surrounding territory waste. Upon returning from this battle to Fort St. Louis about the middle of September, Tonti met five men there who were sur- vivors of the French expedition to the mouth of the Mississippi. These men were Abbe Jean Cavelier, La Salle's brother, Father Douay, his nephew, a Recollect, Tessier, a seaman and Henri J. Joutel, historian. These were all that were left of the band who escaped assassination at the hands of the conspirators who had killed La Salle. They agreed among themselves that they would not report the death of La Salle at Fort St. Louis, feeling that the knowledge of his death might impair the property rights of his estate. These five men spent the winter of 1687- 1688 with Tonti at Fort St. Louis, but kept secret the death of La Salle. Cavelier was fearful lest the death of La Salle should be known. Father Allouez was anxious to go to France. Late in the fall of that year, Tonti finally learned of the death of La Salle. He immediately started for Matagorda Bay in the effort to rescue the remnant of La Salle's party. In an Indian village somewhere in Louisiana, the native Indians told him the true story of the death of La Salle at the hands of the conspirators. They also told him that the conspirators them- selves were killed by the Indians. Tonti then returned from near the mouth of the river to Fort St. Louis. The governor of Canada made unfavorable reports to the king as to Tonti's claims to Fort St. Louis, but the king in 1690 granted Fort St. Louis to Tonti and Le Forest, formerly the lieutenant of La Salle. These two men carried on a fur trade for several years, which at times was remuner- ative. Le Forest carried on his operations at a place which is now Chicago, while Tonti carried on his at the fort. Governor de La Barre, shortly after his arrival in New France foolishly ILLINOIS 83 notified the British government at New York that he thought it necessary to lead a punitive expedition against the Five Nations. Governor Dongan, immediately upon receipt of this information, strengthened his friendship with the Iroquois Indians by informing them of the governor's intentions, and promised the Iroquois Indians that he would assist them if they were attacked. The French governor's expedition resulted in a fiasco. He had assembled but few troops, and many of these fell ill. He concluded a rather disgraceful treaty with the Iroquois, which resulted in his being summoned home. He was succeeded by the Marquis de Nonville, a much abler and more forceful and vigorous man. De La Barre's blunders were the main cause of the hostility of the Iroquois tribes toward both the French and their Indian allies in the Illinois country. Governor Dongan, the British governor of New York, was much interested in furthering the Western fur trade through the Iroquois Indians, and he caused to be sent eleven canoes under the command of one Rooseboona into the lake regions to trade. This was supposedly French territory. The expedition was successful, both politically and financially. The French government became very indignant, and sent troops to arrest the British, but failed to find them. In the fall of 1686, however, a much larger British expedition, consisting of 58 white men, was organized by the Albany merchants and backed by Governor Dongan. Again the French government sent troops to make arrests, who were successful this time. Because of these incur- sions, De Nonville in 1687 got ready to attack the Iroquois. De Nonville led an army of 2,000 men to Fort Frontenac. He learned that his three western lieutenants had gathered a large army of coureurs de bois and Indians some of whom were commanded by Tonti, and were coming to his aid. The first success of the campaign was won by the Western troops, they being the troops who captured the British traders sent out from Albany. The whole army then advanced against the Sen- ecas, where a battle was fought and won by the French. This battle, however, seemed not to have utterly crushed the Iroquois Indians, for shortly thereafter they massacred a number of the French colonists in Lachine. Other incursions into Canada 84 ILLINOIS were made frequently by the Iroquois Indians, and finally De Nonville ordered Fort Frontenac to be destroyed and abandoned, and de Nonville was recalled to France. He was replaced by the Comte de Frontenac, then in his seventieth year. The situation of the French at this time was certainly crit- ical. Many of the Indian tribes around the Great Lakes upon the abandonment of the French forts by the French government transferred their allegiance from the French to the Iroquois. CHAPTER VIII FINAL RESULTS OF THE STRUGGLE BETWEEN THE BRITISH AND FRENCH FOR THE MISSISSIPPI VALLEY By the middle of the eighteenth century, it became apparent that war between the French and English for the possession of the Mississippi Valley would be inevitable. Although the French settlements in Nova Scotia and Canada ante-dated the English settlements at Jamestown and Plymouth Rock, the first did not grow or develop with the rapidity that characterized the English colonies. One reason for this probably was the climate. Settlers in Massachusetts and Virginia found the soil and climate more congenial to agriculture than were those of the North. Moreover, the English settlers brought wives and children, with the plain determination of remaining if the soil was fertile. The French colonist was more concerned with fishing and hunting and trafficking in furs. The English colonist when he found soil that suited him, began to dig, and plan and erect a home. The Frenchman ranged the woods and fields for game, paying little regard to the soil over which he ranged. As the English settler soon found good soil, his numbers increased rapidly, but the territory he occupied and farmed, widened slowly. As the French hunter soon found abundant game and more abundant the further he explored, his numbers increased slowly, but the territory he covered in his search for game spread rapidly. Thus the French colonists became the greater explorers and discoverers, while the English became the better and more successful tillers of the soil. Pursuing the policy of exploration and discovery, the Frenchmen aided by the navigable lakes and rivers that extended from Quebec to what is now Duluth and Lake Superior and Chicago on Lake Michigan, and 85 Map of American Bottom and Old French Villages ILLINOIS 87 by the Mississippi River from the Gulf of Mexico to St. Paul and Minneapolis, explored the whole Mississippi Valley, and erected forts or trading stations at Frontenac, Detroit, Green Bay, Peoria, Chicago, Kaskaskia, Mackinac, Miami, Vincennes, Prarie du Chien and other points on and near the Great Lakes and on the Mississippi near the Arkansas River. They had also built a formidable fort on the Ohio at what is now Pittsburg. Thus in the first half of the eighteenth century, the French through the daring of their traders, and the holy zeal of their missionaries, for the conversion of the Indians to Christianity, were in possession of a string of forts and small settlements all the way from Quebec over the territory of the Illinois and down the Mississippi to New Orleans. The British colonists along the sea-board from Maine to Georgia, infected with land hunger rather than fur fever, slowly but steadily pressed their holdings from the sea westward to the mountains. They had few streams to help them. They had to travel overland. It took them many years to reach the Alleghanies that were almost impassable. They had learned, however, of the fertility of the great valley beyond the mountains and were quick to see that investments in this western territory would rapidly increase enormously in value. Toward the middle of the century, land hunger and a craze for speculation impelled the English colonists in New York, Pennsylvania and Virginia, the Carolinas and Maryland to cross the mountains and stake out claims north and south of the Ohio River. They cared not whether this was French or English territory, and waited for no wars or treaties to decide sovereignty. The fur traders of New York had been for years attempting to reach the Great Lakes through the Mohawk Valley in the prosecution of their fur trade. The settlers in the Carolinas in the South were also circling around the southern end of the Appalachians, in the effort to drive the French from the southern valley. Both the French and the English settlers, however, had covetous eyes upon the Upper Ohio Valley. The western end of this valley was occupied by the French with some forts and settlements, but the eastern portion near Pittsburg was wholly unoccupied by either the French or the British. The French 88 ILLINOIS claimed it all by virtue of previous discovery and partial occu- pancy, and when the British settlers or colonists from across the Alleghanies began to appear in the Ohio Valley, the French government drove them out and gave them notice that they were trespassers. Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Virginia had charters under which they claimed title to the land from the Atlantic to the Pacific and some of the colonies or the col- onists had claims as a result of treaties with the Iroquois, but none of them had made any actual effort to take possession until about 1750. The first incomers into the Ohio Valley were from the colonists of Pennsylvania, Virginia and Maryland. The colonists east of the Alleghanies, the English, Scotch, Irish and Germans, had gradually forced their settlements westward to the foot-hills of the Alleghanies. These lands had grown valu- able, and the lands beyond and to the west of the mountains began to look attractive to them. Speculation was widespread, particularly in Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania. In 1744, representatives from these three colonies met the chieftain of the Iroquois tribes and obtained from them a cession of the land extending from the banks of the Virginia to the Ohio River. Afterward, the Ohio Company was organized, which had among its members men of means and political strength in England and America. That company ultimately received a large grant of the Ohio Valley, upon terms requiring the company to built a fort and establish a settlement. Other com- panies followed their example. In 1750, the Ohio Company sent a surveyor to survey their grant. This man made a favor- able report and among other things stated that he found the Indians well affected toward the English. These English adven- turers established a trading post at Logstown on the Ohio, and another at the Miami Town of Pickawillany. Alarmed by these movements of the English colonists, the French governor, Galissoniere, dispatched a force of French troops under the command of Chevalier Louis Celeron de Blain- ville to take possession of the Ohio Valley and to drive the British traders both from Logstown and Pickawillany. Celeron was successful in his mission. He spent the summer and fall in the Mississippi Valley, notified the British to leave, and buried metal ILLINOIS 89 plates on which were inscribed notices that the territory was French and that all trespassers would be removed. Celeron also found upon his mission that the Indians were friendly disposed towards the English and bitterly disposed towards the French. The situation was getting critical for the French, and Governor Galissoniere promptly notified the home government that there would be danger to the French colonies if the British should succeed in breaking into the Ohio Valley and cutting their com- munications which had been established between the French in Canada and the French in New Orleans. To this message, however, the governor did not receive a heartening answer from the French ministry. He was instructed from France to defend the rights of the French king in the contested region, if necessary by occupying it, but to keep the expenses down as much as possible and avoid giving the British just reason for complaint. Instead of following promptly the wise counsel of the governor, the French ministry seemed at this time to hesitate and falter. Later on, however, on May 15, 1752, he was instructed by the French ministry as follows: 1. To make every possible effort to drive the English away from our lands in that region, and to prevent their coming there to trade by seizing their goods and destroying their posts. 2. To make our subjects understand at the same time that we have nothing against them and that they are at liberty to trade with them in the latter country, but we will not allow them to receive them on our lands. At this juncture, unfortunately for the French, the able Galissoniere was removed from his position as governor. He was succeeded by La Jonqueire, who was both inefficient and dishonest, and afterwards by Vaudreuil, a weak man who was transferred from Louisiana to Canada. Associated with these men was Francois Bigot, who was willing to sell any power or privilege or dignity under his control. Probably nothing con- tributed so much at this time to the misfortunes which the French government faced, as the removal of the honest and efficient La Galissoniere and supplanting him with such weak men as the men we have mentioned. Later on, a more efficient and capable governor was appointed, Duquesne. This man, 90 ILLINOIS who was both vigorous and efficient, promptly after his appoint- ment succeeded in expelling the British traders from Pickawil- lany and making prisoners of the British traders captured at that point. He then built Fort Presque Isle on Lake Erie, and two other forts for the purpose of protecting the water route to the Allegheney region from Lake Erie. When news of Duquesne's activities in the Ohio country reached the British colonies, it caused some excitement. Governor Dinwiddie of Virginia and the Ohio Company insisted upon prompt action to neutralize the French activities. Dinwiddie in 1752 appealed to the British government for aid. He hoped to establish forts on the Ohio River, an,d sent Col. William Trent with a company of men to select a ground suitable for the location of a fort near the juncture of the Alleghany and Monongahela rivers. They actually commenced to build a fort, but the French troops appeared upon the schene, captured the unfinished fort and replaced it by a French fort that they named Fort Duquesne. Col. George Washington, afterward President of the United States, was commissioned by the governor of Virginia to explore the territory. British regulars finally appeared upon the scene with General Braddock at their head, and together they marched against Fort Duquesne then held by the French at the head of the Ohio. Braddock crossed the mountains in June, his force aggregating about 2,000 men, Colonel Washington being his aide de camp. He was ambushed by 250 Frenchmen with a large party of Indians, and after making an attempt to defend himself, was totally routed. Braddock himself was killed in this battle, and more than half of his troops were either killed or wounded. Other expeditions planned by the British ministry and the colonists had but little success, excepting the one against Acadia, now Nova Scotia. That French colony was easily reduced, and 7,000 of its inhabitants were placed upon ship- board and transported to English colonies, where they were treated as paupers. All of these skirmishes took place, however, while the French and British were nominally at peace, but war now become inevitable. In December, 1752, Governor Dinwiddie, colonial governor of Virginia, had appealed to the British government for assist- ILLINOIS 91 ance to enable him to establish forts on the Ohio River to protect the Virginia colonists who were settling on that river from French assaults. During the following year Dinwiddie had sent Col. William Trent with a body of men to build a fort at the junction of the Alleghany and Monongahela Rivers. While it was in course of construction, it was captured by the French, much strengthened in its character, and renamed Fort Duquesne, and kept well garrisoned and commissioned by the French so as to dominate and control that portion of the Ohio Valley which both the French and British were desirous of holding. Even before war was formally declared, while Col. George Washington was building a fort called by him Fort Necessity, near Fort Duquesne, he and his party were attacked by the French and compelled to surrender the fort and retreat. Even before war was formally declared, General Braddock, command- ing a formidable body of British and colonial troops, with George Washington as his aide, while attempting to capture Fort Duquesne, was surprised by a force of French and Indians and completely routed with tremendous loss of life and equipment. English and colonial land speculators kept constantly at work along the territory claimed by the French, north of the Ohio, between what is now Illinois and what is now the State of New York, endeavoring to procure by hook or crook titles from the Indian tribes and win them away from their friendly rela- tions with the French. To expel these intruders, the governor of Canada in 1749, as hereinbefore stated, sent Chevalier Louis Celeron with a body of Canadian soldiers to nail the arms of France to trees at what is now Pittsburgh, at the mouth of the Muskingum River, at the great Kanawha and other streams. In the previous year the Ohio Company, in which many men of means in England and Virginia, including George Washington and his two brothers, had obtained from the Crown a grant of land of 500,000 acres in what is now West Virginia, was organ- ized. Other land companies had also been formed which laid claim to 3,000,000 acres of land claimed by the French under the assertion of discovery and occupancy. Soon after Celeron's expedition the French erected and garrisoned a fort at Presque 92 ILLINOIS Isle, now the City of Erie, Fort Loboeuf, twenty miles south of Presque Isle, and at Fort Venango, near the head waters of the Alleghany River, and planned another fort at French Creek, on the Alleghany River. After Washington's surrender at Fort Necessity, not a Brit- ish flag waved west of the Alleghanies. In 1754, or thereabout, war was formally declared between Great Britain and France. In Europe it was known as the "Seven Years' War ;" in America it was called the "French and Indian War." As between Great Britain and France, it was the most important and decisive war ever waged on the Western Continent. A full account of this important conflict would and should occupy a great many pages in any history of America, cover many glorious episodes and encounters and a few disgraceful happenings such as the abduction, deportation and practical extermination of the Aca- dian people by the British and the massacre of the British pris- oners by the Indian allies of the French under Montcalm. That history belongs, however, to the history of the United States rather than to the history of Illinois. In the limited space at my disposal I have not room for a full review of that great and momentous war. It can be found in any popular history of the United States. None of the conflicts of that great struggle took place on what is now the soil of Illinois. The Chevalier McCarty, French commandant at Kaskaskia, did despatch small bodies of French troops from Kaskaskia and did despatch supplies and provisions to Fort Duquesne to help the French garrison in that fort when it was beleaguered by the British. We have adverted to this elsewhere herein; but this was the only connection that Illinois or its residents had with the war. I will content myself with stating that during the first two years of the war the British were worsted by the French at Fort Duquesne and Fort Niagara, but succeeded in capturing Crown Point from the French. Montcalm, the French commander, captured a British fort at Oswago and 1,600 prisoners and 100 pieces of artillery. In 1757 the British were less successful. General Loudon, the British commander, attempted to reduce the French fort at Louisburg, on Cape Breton Island, with 10,000 to 12,000 men ILLINOIS 93 and sixteen vessels, but abandoned the effort without show of fight. Montcalm captured from the British Fort William Henry and several hundred prisoners, some of whom were massacred by the Indian allies of the French, in spite of the orders and commands of Montcalm. Incapacity of leadership and general- ship was now charged by the British people against both the cabinet ministers and their generals in the field. Their cabinet was ousted and William Pitt, the Great Commoner, was called by the king to take the helm of the ship of state. An alliance with the king of Prussia against France and Austria now kept France busy in Europe and Pitt devoted his attention to the conflict in America. He was the first Englishman to fully appreciate the great value of the prize at stake in Canada and the Mississippi Valley. He backed Frederick the Great, the Prussian king, in Europe principally with money and supplies and assistance on the high seas. Frederick began to win victory after victory in Europe, and kept the French so engrossed that they could not or did not give proper support to their gallant and capable generals in America. Pitt now changed commanders in America, and, recognizing that one of the richest empires in the world lay in the Mississippi Valley and could be won by an adequate supply of money, men and arms, devoted his whole energy to achieving success in America. Men, money and arms were soon forthcoming. Early in 1758 he sent a fleet of forty vessels and 11,000 troops to capture Louisburg under Admiral Boscawen. Two able generals, Jeffrey Amherst and James Wolfe, commanded the troops. Early in June the siege of the fort was commenced. Before the end of July the most impregnable fortress in America surrendered to the Brit- ish, with 5,700 prisoners, 240 cannon and a large quantity of ammunition and stores. The British were not so successful in their effort to capture Fort Ticonderoga. It was defended by Montcalm and 4,000 Frenchmen, and attacked by 6,300 British regulars and 9,000 provincial troops under Abercrombie and Lord Howe. The latter was killed in a preliminary skirmish. Abercrombie proved to be most incapable of leadership, directed his operations from a safe distance, left 2,000 of his troops dead or dying on the 94 ILLINOIS battlefield, and retreated southward from the fort with his shattered army. From this time on, however, victory smiled upon the British arms. They soon captured Oswego, Fort Fron- tenac and Fort Duquesne. The last was abandoned by its fam- ishing garrison without a struggle. In 1758 the British were still more successful. Fort Niagara fell early in the year, soon to be followed by the French forts between Niagara and Pittsburgh. Ticonderoga was now the only fort in what is now the United States still flying the French flag. An army of 10,000 men flying the British flag soon approached the fortress, only to find that it had been abandoned. In 1759 fell Quebec. Both Montcalm, the French commander, and Wolfe, the British commander, lost their lives in the des- perate fighting on the "Plains of Abraham/' near the city. This was the total collapse of French dominance on the American continent. It but remained to draw up the treaty under the terms of which the British flag would displace the French colors wherever they had hitherto appeared on the North American continent. In February, 1763, the famous and fateful Treaty of Paris was signed, under the terms of which all Canada, Nova Scotia, Cape Breton, the Ohio Valley and that part of Louisiana east of the Mississippi and north of the River Iberville and Lake Ponchartrain were ceded by France to Great Britain. In exchange for the cession of Florida by Spain to Great Britain, the latter nation restored to Spain Cuba and the Philippines, which had been captured by the British during the war. To compensate Spain for the loss of Florida, the French ceded to her ally, Spain, what was left of Louisiana, which was all of Louisiana west of the Mississippi and all of it south of the River Iberville and east of the Mississippi, including the Town of New Orleans. Thus ended for France her design to colonize and hold under French dominion what is now the Dominion of Canada and the Mississippi Valley, now teeming with 50,000,000 inhabitants and containing untold agricultural, mineral and manufacturing wealth. On October 10, 1765, over two and one-half years after the Treaty of Paris was signed, a British governor had finally arrived at Fort Chartres, the last fort in America flying the French flag. The French gar- ILLINOIS 95 rison lowered the colors of France and the cross of St. George was raised with due formality. The little French garrison marched to St. Louis and the last vestige of French power and authority disappeared from the North American continent. Within a score of years however, France had her revenge. In the darkest hour of the American Revolution, Franklin, the American ambassador, applied to the French king for succor and assistance. France placed at his disposal a powerful French fleet and an army of trained soldiers and sailors who joined Washington and the Revolutionary army and helped them most materially to corner and subjugate Cornwallis and the British army at Yorktown, compelled them to surrender and thus end the Revolutionary war by a treaty which gave to the thirteen Revolutionary colonies every foot of soil which the French were compelled by the Treaty of Paris to cede to the British Crown. CHAPTER IX ILLINOIS UNDER THE BRITISH FLAG The treaty of peace between Great Britain and France under which France ceded to the former practically all her possessions on the North American continent was signed February 10, 1763. Within three months thereafter the Indian tribes belonging to the Algonquin race were in open revolt, under the leadership of Chief Pontiac, against British rule. Resentment toward the British government and the English speaking colonists had been developing among the Indians for several years. This resentment was caused by the trickery, dishonesty and, at times, by the high handed proceedings of English speaking officials, traders and prospectors. They not only resorted to trickery, fraud, and misrepre- sentation to deprive the Indian of his property, but when these failed, they seized their lands and pelts by main force. The French trader was by no means an angel, and frequently over reached the Indian and defrauded him when French officials and the missionaries were absent ; but the French trader almost invariably traded with the Indian, by actually or pretendedly, recognizing that the red man had property rights in his furs and hunting grounds. Moreover, in nine cases out of ten the French trader was after the Indian's furs and not his land while the English- speaking trader wanted his land rather than his pelts. Again the French trader placed himself more nearly on the same plane of humanity as the Indian. He fraternized with the Indian, took part in his games and frolics, and at times took an Indian wife and raised a family of half breeds. The English-speaking official or trader in comparison was cold, sel- fish, insolent and dishonest. 96 ILLINOIS 97 The Algonquin tribes had watched with misgivings and dread the slow but steady advance westward along the south shore of Lake Ontario and the Ohio River of the English-speaking settler and speculator. They noted that he always seized and held possession of any land he stepped upon, without bargaining with the Indian or asking his consent. These abuses as well as the flagrant use of intoxicating liquor in dealing with the Indians, were notorious. Sir William Johnson, the Indian Com- missioner, appointed by the British government had pointed out these evils in his reports to his superiors, but no attempt had been made to put an end to them. Thus Indian resentment and hatred combined to fester and ferment through all of the Algonquin tribes. Dissatisfaction developed into revolt, and the revolt found for its leader and mouthpiece — Pontiac. While the antipathy against the British was wide-spread, it required concentration and coordination. Both were given to it by the remarkably able Indian who now took control of the revolt. During 1761 and 1762 he had been visiting and sending his messengers, to all members of the Algonquin race and to the Senecas of the Iroquois tribe, and had finally succeeded in getting them into a grand confederacy of revolt. Pontiac for years had been the absolute chief and master of the Ottawa tribe and Pottawatomies, and was actuated in this movement both by Indian patriotism and personal ambition. He had noted for years the fruitless resistance offered by the separate and disunited tribes to the aggressions of the white man. He saw the white man gather his soldiers into compact armies, well armed and equipped, and saw these compact bodies overwhelm single Indian tribes and scatter them like leaves before the wind. Among the first of his race he concluded that the Indians were doomed, unless united, and preached the gospel of unity throughout the whole Indian population. He dreamed of and sought to create a great Indian nation that would present a united front to British invaders and secure to the Indian the retention of part if not all of his hunting grounds, and per- petuity as a nation, in the land of his ancestors. Pontiac, Ottawa Chief and Leader of Pontiac Conspiracy of 1763 ILLINOIS 99 Taking into consideration the known weaknesses of the Indian character as shown in the past — jealousies and rivalries between local tribes — Pontiac was wonderfully successful. With con- summate skill he arranged for the almost simultaneous attack by the Indians upon all the forts and ports held by the British in what had been New France. These attacks commenced in May 1763 and within the next sixty days, the Indians had gained possession of St. Joe, Miami, Mackinac, Sandusky, Ouiatenon and the small forts and ports. All forts west of Detroit fell into the hands of the Indians. The British retained only Detroit, Niagara and Fort Pitt, strong, well garrisoned forts. But the confederation even though it had able leadership lacked the reserve forces of ammunition and deadly weapons which civilization and the British soldiers always had in reserve. During the war between the French and English in 1761 and 1762 Pontiac had doubtless been able to buy from the French traders and French authorities, such ammunition as he desired, but when peace was signed in February of 1763 this resource was withdrawn. In vain did Pontiac appeal to Commandant de Villiers at Kaskaskia for assistance. That French officer refused to compromise his government, by assisting the Indian revolt however much he might have been disposed to do so. . Two formidable, well-equipped British expeditions were organized in 1764 and sent into the heart of the disaffected district. The first reached and reconditioned the British gar- rison at Detroit. The second marched from Fort Pitt into Ohio, engaged the Indians under Pontiac and thoroughly defeated them. The Indians lacked ammunition. Bows and arrows as against muskets and cannon had long become obsolete. Pontiac's defeat practically ended the war although it was months before the Indians made final admission of defeat. Because of the fact that the Indian submission was not com- plete or whole-hearted, it became important for the British authorities to take possession of Fort Chartres near Kaskaskia. When the treaty of Paris between the French and English was signed that fort was occupied by a French garrison under a French commandant and it remained under the French flag 100 ILLINOIS for about two years thereafter. The still existing Indian dis- affection made it difficult for the British to send from Detroit or Fort Pitt a garrison and take formal possession from the French commandant. That officer's position was anything but an agree- able one. The French flag floated above him and he was sur- rounded by French inhabitants, half-breeds and Indians, all of whom feared and hated the British. Across the Mississippi, at St. Louis under the Spanish flag was La Clede and other prosperous French merchants who were successfully developing a fur trade on both sides of the river and selling their wares to the French settlers at Kaskaskia, Cahokia and other settle- ments. Pontiac and his followers were soliciting his aid and the French traders were secretly helping the Indians. De Villiers, the commandant, nevertheless remained stead- fastly loyal to the terms of the treaty, but finally with the consent of the government of Louisiana resigned his command in June 15, 1764 leaving only forty men in Fort Chartres under command of Louis St. Ange de Bellerive who had been called from post Vincennes to take command at Fort Chartres. The British made several attempts to reach and take possession of Fort Chartres which was at that time one of the most formidable, well-constructed forts west of Detroit and Pittsburgh. This fort was constructed under the supervision of a very able and efficient French officer with a double-barrelled Irish name, Chevalier de McCarty McTigue. He was a descendant of one of the "Irish Wild Geese" who fled from Ireland to France after the siege and capture of Limerick and had risen to the rank of major of engineers in the French army. With skillful French engineers between 1753 and 1760 he had erected this fort across the river from, and near, Kaskaskia in such a substantial manner as to resist attack both from Indians and from European soldiers. It was capable of housing 400 soldiers. An English officer afterwards declared that "It is generally allowed that this is the most commodious and well built fort in North America." From this fort between 1753 and 1758 McCarty (Makarty) dispatched several expeditions with men and supplies to Fort Duquesne, most of which were successful. One of these expe- ILLINOIS 101 ditions sent out by Major McCarty from Fort Chartres was commanded by Capt. Neyon de Villiers, a gallant officer serving under Major McCarty (Makarty) . He was one of three brothers all of whom were in the French service in the New World. One of them, Coulon de Villiers, was in command at Fort Duquesne. He sent a detachment of French soldiers from Fort Duquesne under command of his brother, Capt. Jumonville de Villiers to meet Washington at Little Meadow where he was killed. Coulon sent word of the death of his brother Jumonville Powder Magazine of Old Fort Chartres to his brother Neyon at Fort Chartres and at the request of both living brothers Chevalier de McCarty despatched Captain Neyon with his company from Fort Chartres to Fort Duquesne. Upon arrival of Neyon and his company at the latter fort both brothers and their commands attacked Colonel Washington at Fort Necessity and compelled its surrender on July 5, 1754. Thus both brothers avenged the death of their deceased brother by capturing in battle the soldier who was responsible for that death; and the man who afterwards became the first President of the United States. This same Neyon de Villiers afterwards commanded an escort of provisions sent by Chevalier de McCarty to Fort Duquesne, succeeded Major McCarty in command of Fort Chartres, crossed 102 ILLINOIS the Alleghanies with his company and captured Fort Granville on the Juaniata. Captain Aubrey, another French officer, was sent from Fort Chartres with 400 men to the assistance of Fort Duquesne. He and his men met the British commander Major Grant and his highlanders and signally defeated them and surprised an English camp some forty miles from Fort Duquesne, captured a lot of horses and rode them back into the French fort. In May 1760 the able French Irishman, McCarty, was called by the French governor at New Orleans to assist him at that place. He died in New Orleans in 1764. Nine different attempts were made by the British to reach and take formal possession of Fort Chartres after the treaty of Paris signed in 1763 before they were successful. Seven of them were made by commissioners or embassies unaccom- panied by armed forces. Three of these embassies reached Kaskaskia but were threatened by the Indians and though protected by the French Commandant and even by Pontiac accomplished nothing. By this time Chief Pontiac as the result of the British successes in the field and the refusal of the French Commandant at Fort Chartres and also the refusal of the French government at New Orleans to give him aid had reached the conclusion that the Indian struggle was hopeless and that his followers must accept inevitable defeat. As he counseled sub- mission, the time was ripe for negotiating for peace. Another Irishman now appeared upon the scene, this time on the British side. George Croghan had been a successful trader. At this juncture, 1765, Croghan was the British deputy agent under Sir William Johnson. He was a genial, popular fellow and described as a "born diplomat. ,, He was charged by his superiors with the duty of meeting Pontiac and the Indian chiefs and arranging terms of peace. On May 15, 1765, with several white companies and some Shawnee Indians he left Fort Pitt after sending messengers to several of the Indian tribes to meet him at the mouth of the Scioto River. The Indian tribes to whom the messages were addressed complied and delivered into their hands several dis- ILLINOIS 103 affected French traders whom Croghan compelled to take the oath of allegiance to King George or leave the country. His company was attacked by the Mascoutens and Kickapoos at the mouth of the Wabash and two of his white companions and several Shawnee were killed. The Indians afterwards explained that the attack was a mistake but nevertheless they plundered his stock of supplies and carried Croghan and his party to Vincennes. At this place delegates of all the tribes surrounding that post waited upon Croghan, asked for peace and offered to take him to the Illinois country to meet Chief Pontiac. He accepted their offer and a few days later started west to meet Pontiac under their escort. Pontiac agreeably surprised him by meeting him half way. With Pontiac he returned to the Fort Ouiatenon where a large council of the Indians was assembled. There in the presence of his allied chiefs the great heart-broken and humiliated chief declared that he and his allies were willing to make a lasting peace. Croghan therefore reported his success to Fort Pitt, abandoned his journey to Fort Chartres, and hastened to Detroit where he arranged for another conference at which a general peace was consummated with all of the western tribes, thus ending the Pontiac war. Upon receiving word of Croghan's great successes at Ouiatenon and Detroit, Capt. Thomas Sterling left Fort Pitt with 100 men of the Black Watch on August 24, 1765 and arrived at Fort Chartres on October 9. Next day St. Ange the French commanding officer and his garrison were released from duty. The French flag was lowered and the Cross of St. George was raised for the first time over Fort Chartres. This was the surrender of the last French fort in the West. Upon surrender of the fort the French inhabitants of the American Bottom found themselves in a strange predicament. The French government having surrendered its sovereignty in February 1763, there was no French law in existence for them. The British government had enacted law for Canada promptly after the French surrender but had failed to proclaim any kind of civil or criminal law to govern the Illinois Country. 104 ILLINOIS They were in number less than 3,000 of whom 900 were negroes, and in a state of nature, without any law or ordinances of any character. Upon it becoming known to these French inhabitants in 1763 and 1764 that New France had been ceded to Great Britain, a general exodus of the most responsible of these people took place, most of them crossing the Mississippi to what is now St. Louis. Pierre La Clede had landed in Kas- kaskia about that time with a large stock of trading goods from New Orleans. He represented some rich merchants in the latter city who intended opening up for them a large fur trading establishment in Kaskaskia. After storing his goods in the French fort, consulting with Neyon de Villiers, the commandant, and looking the ground over, he concluded that it would be unprofitable if not disastrous to attempt to do business under the British flag. He therefore transferred his goods over the Mississippi to St. Louis and built up a large and profitable business from that point under the Spanish flag. Many others followed his example. While the French flag continued to wave over Fort Chartres many of the inhabitants hesitated as to their course awaiting results. When Captain Sterling raised the British flag on October 10, 1765, he followed the ceremonial of flag raising by publishing the following proclamation. Whereas, by the peace concluded at Paris, the 10th of February, 1763, the country of the Illinois has been ceded to his Britannic Majesty, and the taking possession of the said country of the Illinois, by the troops of his Majesty, though delayed, has been determined upon; we have found it good to make known to the inhabitants — That his majesty grants to the inhabitants of the Illinois, the liberty of the Catholic religion, as it has already been granted to his subjects in Canada. He has conse- quently given the most precise and effective orders, to the end that his new Roman Catholic subjects of the Illinois may exercise the worship of their religion, according to the rites of the Romish church, in the same manner as in Canada. ILLINOIS 105 That his majesty, moreover, agrees that the French inhabitants or others, who have been subjects of the most Christian King (the King of France), may retire in full safety and freedom wherever they please, even to New Orleans, or any other part of Louisiana ; although it should happen that the Spaniards take possession of it in the name of his Catholic majesty (the King of Spain), and they may sell their estates, provided it be to subjects of his majesty, and transport their effects as well as their persons, without restraint upon their emigration, under any pretense whatever, except in consequence of debts, or of criminal processes. That those who choose to retain their lands and become subjects of his majesty shall enjoy the same rights and privileges, the same security of their persons and effects, and the liberty of trade, as the old subjects of the King. That they are commanded by these presents, to take the oath of fidelity and obedience to his majesty, in presence of Sieur Stirling, captain of the Highland regiment, the bearer hereof, and furnished with our full powers for this purpose. That they act in concert with his majesty's officers, so that his troops may take peaceable possession of all the forts, and order kept in the country. By this means alone they will spare his majesty the necessity of recurring to force of arms, and will find themselves saved from the scourge of a bloody war, and all the evils which the march of an enemy into their country would draw after it. We direct that these presents be read, published, and posted up in the usual places. Done and given at headquarters. New York — signed with our hand — sealed with our seal at arms, and counter- signed by our secretary, this 30th day of December, 1764. Thomas Gage. After the publication of this proclamation St. Ange de Belle- rive the French commandant with twenty-one faithful, sad faced French soldiers marched out of Kaskaskia to a new village across the Mississippi from Cahokia, now known by the name of St. Louis. About one-third of the French population left Illinois within a short time thereafter for St. Louis, St. Marys, Cape Girardeau or New Orleans. 106 ILLINOIS Captain Neyon de Villiers, the last surviving of seven brothers who had given their lives for France, had left for New Orleans about a year before the English took possession. Incidentally after the signing of the treaty of Paris in 1763 the British government was confronted with the problem of how to manage and control its newly acquired property in the Northwest or Mississippi Valley east of the great river. The French had lost out in the game of war. The Indian tribes were in possession of most of the western forts and trading posts and besieging the three forts still garrisoned by British troops; Virginia, Massachusetts and the English colonies were claiming territorial rights to the western lands under their original charters; and the colonists and speculators from New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia and other colonies were crossing the Alleghanies and reckless of the sovereign rights of nations were claiming squatter rights, rights obtained from Indian tribes and rights obtained from Colonial governors to the lands north of the Ohio and east of the Mississippi. CHAPTER X PART PLAYED BY ILLINOIS IN THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR It does not seem to be generally understood that Illinois played quite an important part in bringing" about the War of the Revolution, but also a very important part in framing the terms of the treaty of peace between Great Britain and the American colonies. By this I do not mean that the soldiers of Illinois participated in the winning battles of the Revolution or that the statesmen or diplomats of Illinois participated in the conferences which framed the terms of the peace treaty. I mean that the Illinois Country, by reason of its location, by reason of its past association with New France or Canada and Louisiana, by reason of the fact that its white inhabitants were of French blood, by reason of the fact that these inhabitants were bitterly opposed to British rule and on friendly terms with the Indians who were also bitter enemies of the English, and above all by reason of its laws and government or rather lack of law and government, immediately before the outbreak of the revolution, made it one of the causes of the Revolution and made it one of the most material elements to be considered in drawing up the terms of the treaty of peace. Ask the ordinary American citizen today what brought about the American revolt against British rule, and he will answer, "Taxation without representation.'' The answer is correct, if it be stated as the main cause. But it is incorrect if it be claimed as the sole cause. If it was the sole cause, the triumphant col- onists in framing the treaty of peace would have been concerned only about themselves and their territory. The colonies held no legal title to any land north of the Ohio and west of Penn- sylvania. France had held possession of, and according to international policy had title to, all this territory by right of discovery and 107 108 ILLINOIS occupancy for over 100 years, until by the treaty of Paris in 1763, she ceded the same to Great Britain. The Declaration of Independence itself recognizes that the country north of the Ohio was a British province and makes no claim that it belonged to the colonies, but complains that the British king was "abolish- ing the free system of English laws in a neighboring province, establishing therein an arbitrary government, and enlarging its boundaries so as to render it at once an example and fit instrument for introducing the same absolute rule into these colonies. " (Declaration of Independence, 1776.) The war at its inception was a war for independence of the thirteen colonies, and not a war of conquest. A remarkable occurrence which took place in the French settlements in Illinois, two years after the declaration of independence, changed the whole nature of the war. It was an episode during the War of the Revolution par- ticipated in by 153 men without firing a shot or shedding a drop of blood, which at the time attracted little attention; but which was pregnant with more tremendous results than most of the great battles of history. Let us go back and examine the situ- ation in Southern Illinois as it existed in the spring of 1778. There were living at that time in the villages of Kaskaskia, Cahokia, Prairie du Rocher, and a few smaller settlements, between 2,000 and 3,000 men, women and children of French parentage and language, of whom a considerable number were the half breed children of a French father and an Indian mother. French law which they understood and obeyed, had been abol- ished with French sovereignty in 1763. British officers with British garrisons in Fort Chartres and Fort Gage, without any civil law being enacted or proclaimed, had for ten or twelve years over-awed and abused them. They were without a remedy for any injury done them. They had petitioned for the estab- lishment of some sort of civil government and had sent delegates to General Gage to secure same, without avail. The British government had, after the treaty of Paris, when it took pos- session of the French territory, created three provinces, one called Quebec, covering Canada, and two others, covering East and West Florida; and had formulated and proclaimed certain laws and ordinances for those provinces. The French villages ILLINOIS 109 of Southern Illinois were so obscure, or deemed of so little importance, that the lawmaking body of Great Britain failed to enact or promulgate any kind of law, civil or criminal, to govern these law-forgotten subjects of the British crown. This was the situation down to 1774 or 1775 when the law makers of Great Britain formulated and proclaimed, with other acts relating to the American colonies, the so-called Quebec Act. This act extended for the first time the laws governing the Province of Quebec to the Illinois country and made that country a part of the Province of Quebec. The act governing Canada and the Illinois country, provided among other things, that the governor should have a council of not less than seventeen, nor more than twenty-three persons. The governor and the council were the law-making power so far as law-making was permitted. All laws or ordinances passed by the governor and council had to be submitted to and approved of by the king. This law making body was not per- mitted to levy any taxes or make any law concerning religion. The British government in the organic law establishing the Province of Quebec had guaranteed the "enjoyment of the Religion of the Church of Rome, subject to the King's Suprem- acy^ and enacted that the British criminal law should be the supreme law of the province. The inhabitants who professed the Catholic religion, — as nearly all of them did, — were not required to take the oath of religious supremacy, but were required to swear allegiance to the British king. Now the passage of some sort of British law, or ordinance to govern, guide and protect these French speaking subjects in the Illinois country, had been under con- sideration by the British authorities in London for some years prior to that time. Whether the Royal territory north of the Ohio acquired by the British crown from the French by the Treaty of Paris in 1763 should; by reason of Indian hostilities displayed in the Pontiac war, and the bitterness still rankling in Indian breasts, be reserved in whole, or in part for Indian hunting grounds, or be thrown open to settlers, or whether a mediary policy should be adopted, reserving part for settlement and part for Indian 110 ILLINOIS occupation; with a no-mans-land between to keep the settlers and savages apart, had never been definitely determined by the law-making Moguls in London. Many influential persons both in England and the colonies, including the Earl of Dunmore, the last of the British governors of Virginia, favored the throwing open of these rich lands to settlers and speculators. Lord Dunmore had the temerity to issue warrants granting lands north of the Ohio to certain grantees without any authority from Great Britain so to do. He was notoriously using his office unlawfully for self enrichment. As early as 1748, Thomas Lee, a member of the King's Council in Virginia and a Mr. Hamburg, a rich and powerful merchant in London, organized the Ohio Land Company, com- posed of fourteen to sixteen persons including Governor Din- widdie and Lawrence and Augustus Washington, brothers of George Washington, and secured from the king a grant of half a million acres along the Ohio, and the exclusive right of trading with the Indians in the Ohio district. This company established trading stations on the Alleghany, north of what is now Pitts- burgh and Logstown on the Ohio, eighteen miles south of Pittsburgh. In 1750, Governor Hamilton of Pennsylvania received a letter from Louis Celeron, agent of the Canadian governor dated from "a camp on the river Ohio at an old Shawnee village" in which he expressed his surprise, at finding English traders from Penn- sylvania in a country to which England had never made any claim, and requesting Governor Hamilton to advise his people to refrain from trespassing on the territory of France. About this time, the Canadian governor wrote letters to the governors of New York and Pennsylvania, warning them that English traders in the Ohio district would be arrested and held as trespassers. Later on, after the English had taken possession of the Ohio Valley from the French, the British king, George III., himself took notice of the unlawful settlements in the valley in a letter he wrote to John Penn, Lieutenant Governer of Penn- sylvania, dated October 24, 1765, which reads as follows: ILLINOIS 111 Whereas it hath been represented unto us that several persons from Pennsylvania and the back settlements of Virginia have migrated westward of the Alleghany moun- tains, and these have seated themselves on lands contiguous to the River Ohio, in express disobedience to our Royal Proclamation of October, 1763, it is therefore our will and pleasure, and you are hereby strictly enjoined and required to use your best endeavors to suppress such unwarrantable proceedings, and to put a stop to these and other like encroachments for the future, by causing all persons belong- ing to the province under your government who have thus irregularly seated themselves on lands to the westward of the Alleghanies immediately to evacuate those settlements, and that you do enforce as far as you are able, a more strict obedience to our commands signified in Our Said Royal Proclamation, and provide against any future viola- tion thereof. While many influential men and interests favored the throw- ing open of these lands to settlers, other influential advisers of the King favored appeasing and pacifying the Indians, by re- serving part or all of the territory north of the Ohio and east of the Mississippi as hunting grounds for the Indians, subject to their tribal customs and regulations and the King's sovereignty. As the result of these conflicting counsels, the law- making powers of Great Britain arrived at no conclusion; and proclaimed no law for this territory until 1774 or 1775, when they passed the Quebec Act. This act gave the French settlers in Southern Illinois the first code of laws that they had since 1763. This law was passed solely for the purpose of creating some sort of a code of government and civil and criminal law that would apply to these French residents of Illinois who were living in a state of anarchy. It neither expressly declared for Indian reservations, nor for colonial settlement, leaving the matter open for future con- sideration. But by passing any kind of a law for the territory, it again affirmed the sovereignty of the Crown over the district. But, unfortunately for the British crown, this rather anaemic law was promulgated with, and about the same time that, four other very tyrannical and unjust laws directly applicable to 112 ILLINOIS the thirteen colonies and Massachusetts in particular were pro- claimed. These four laws were popularly called : 1st. The Boston Port Bill. 2nd. The Regulating Act. 3rd. The Transportation Act. 4th. The Quartering Act. A short statement of the effect of these laws will enable us to understand why the American colonists were filled with rage and indignation, and why the Quebec Act coming at the same time was believed to be inspired by hatred of, and tyranny towards, the colonists. The Boston Port Bill closed the port of Boston to all com- merce and removed the seat of government to Salem until that city indemnified the owners for £15,000 worth of tea, thrown overboard in Boston harbor, and indemnified the government custom officials for damages done by mobs in 1773 and 1774. It further made Marblehead the port of entry, in place of Boston. The Regulating Act annulled the liberal charter then held by Massachusetts and practically abolished self-government. It provided that the executive council should be appointed by the Crown instead of by the Assembly, empowered the governor to appoint and remove all judges and administrative officers; made the judges* salaries payable by the Crown instead of the Legislature, prohibited all town meetings except those approved by the governor and vested the selection of juries in sheriffs in- stead of the people. The Transportation Act provided for the removal to Eng- land for trial of any case against a royal official (including soldiers) charged with crime, which would have enabled any British official to commit any crime, no matter how murderous, and laugh at prosecution. The Quartering Act made it obligatory upon Massachusetts to furnish at all times quarters for British troops. Upon the promulgation of these four acts, and the Quebec Act, Boston was aflame and the fire soon spread to all the thirteen colonies. ILLINOIS 113 Because it accompanied these other tyrannical acts, the peo- ple argued it was but another act of like nature. It gave an oligarchical, undemocratic law to a neighboring province and it recognized and legalized the exercise of the Catholic religion. Now, in and around Boston there were many descendants and friends of the original Puritans who landed at Plymouth. Their hardy ancestors regarded Catholics with hatred and contempt and prohibited them from entering Massachusetts. The habits, feelings and fanaticism of the sires, had descended to many of their sons and grandsons. The official recognition in the Quebec Act of the Roman Catholic religion was a shock to these inherited antipathies. The tyrant George III, using this as a precedent, they argued, might soon force toleration of Roman Catholics upon them and their children. This interpretation of the Quebec Act was soon spread abroad through the colony and other colonies. The Quebec Act, though passed to affect only persons outside of the thirteen colonies, was to be used as a precedent for royal acts of tyranny against the American col- onies. It might be used as a precedent for the toleration by law of Catholics in colonies where they were not wanted. In the Declaration of Independence, hereinbefore quoted, the passage of the Quebec Act (not by name, but by inference) is mentioned as one of the tyrannical acts of the British King justifying revolt and the Declaration of Independence. In other words, the promulgation of this act, which directly affected only the French habitants in the French villages in Southern Illinois and in the Illinois country in connection with four other grossly tyrannical laws at an inopportune time, caused it to be construed, — and it was so construed, — as a ground for revolution. Let us now see what effect, if any, the people in the Illinois country had upon the terms of peace. These French villages in southern Illinois were about half- way on the route then traveled in going from Quebec to New Orleans. Fort Chartres, near Kaskaskia, was about the middle link in a chain of forts between these two cities, all in posses- sion of British troops. Kaskaskia and Cahokia were the largest and busiest settlements between Detroit and New Orleans. They 114 ILLINOIS were occupied almost exclusively by Frenchmen, their wives and children. English speaking visitors were few and far between. Traders from Philadelphia and the East occasionally dropped in, but not to take permanent residence. They were sojourners merely for business purposes. Whatever nation or power held possession with military force of these villages and their pro- tecting forts, Fort Chartres or Fort Gage, could prevent the passage of both military and trading expeditions between Can- ada and Louisiana. Both troops and traders in that age used the waterways for purposes of travel. With the exception of a portage at Niagara and another at Chicago, there was a continuous waterway for the canoes and barges then in use, from Quebec to the Gulf of Mexico. There were no roadways or other thoroughfares through the trackless woods and prairies. The era of paved roads, autos, railroads and flying machines had not yet arrived. All traffic had to and did take to the waterways. Because of the existence of this splendid course of water- ways covering approximately three thousand miles from Quebec to New Orleans, the French had been able to discover, and dot with little trading posts and forts all this Mississippi Valley for over one hundred years before the English trod foot upon the same. The colonists along the Atlantic had no waterway flow- ing westward. Instead of favoring waterways, they found their way towards the West blocked by formidable mountains. The possession of these waterways made it easy for the French to anticipate both the British government and the colonist in tak- ing possession of the Mississippi Valley. Whichever party to the struggle between Great Britain and the thirteen colonies took possession of Kaskaskia and Cahokia and their protecting forts, Fort Chartres and Fort Gage, and held them impregnably against all attack until the end of the war, would be able, by using the waterways northward and southward from Kaskaskia, to attack and reduce hostile forces stationed anywhere along these three thousand miles of waterways. Moreover, the party in possession of these forts and villages at the end of the war would be in a position to dictate the terms of permanent occu- ILLINOIS 115 pation and sovereignty of all the Mississippi Valley east of the great river. The first man to recognize the importance of the possession of these French villages and forts in Southern Illinois and to conceive a plan for securing their possession for the thirteen colonies was a man then almost unknown to fame, but whose daring accomplishment on July 4th, 1778 has made his name imperishable in American history. We will devote a separate chapter (the next) to a recital of the dreams, trials, labors and glorious achievements of this remarkably able and daring man, George Rogers Clark. CHAPTER XI GEORGE ROGERS CLARK CAPTURES KASKASKIA AND VINCENNES Some short time before the outbreak of the Revolutionary war, many of the colonial settlers, particularly from Pennsyl- vania and Virginia, had been scaling the Alleghany Mountains, built up a village in what is now Pittsburgh, and pushed down the Ohio River into Kentucky. For a time they paused at the Great Kanawha, the limit to settlement set by orders from Lon- don. But soon the barrier was overstepped, and by 1773 Ameri- can settlements were springing up in Western Kentucky and the ground platted for the future City of Louisville. These settlements were largely prompted by land speculators claiming under illegal grants from Lord Dunmore and Indian tribes. Across the Ohio River from these Kentucky settlements was the territory which by the Quebec Act was declared to be part of the Quebec Province. The colonies could make no valid claim to this territory, and but very few American colonists had set- tled therein. Without any disturbance from white settlers or speculators, the Indian tribes roamed and hunted throughout these lands at will, trading with French habitants at Kaskaskia, Cahokia, Peo- ria, Mackinac and Detroit rather than with English speaking traders at Pittsburgh. The flourishing Village of Detroit, how- ever, was occupied by a formidable British garrison under the command of Lieutenant Governor Henry Hamilton. From this point, early in the Revolutionary war, a plan was seriously con- sidered to attack with British troops and Indian allies, the Americans at Pittsburgh, and if successful there, to join forces with Lord Dunmore and his forces at Alexandria. This scheme failed of accomplishment for lack of British troops in the West. The Indians north of the Ohio, however, were greatly incensed 116 General George Rogers Clark 118 ILLINOIS at the conduct of the American settlers in Kentucky south of the Ohio. They saw these settlers in defiance of royal decrees and the treaties made by the Indians with the British authori- ties, appropriating the lands claimed by them, without leave or license. Lieutenant Governor Hamilton knew of these feelings of resentment among the Indians. He nursed these bitter feelings, loaded the Indian chiefs with presents, and incited them to resent their wrongs by ambuscades and night attacks upon the American settlements south of the Ohio, in the manner usual to Indian warfare. He is charged, and probably truthfully, with offering rewards to the Indians for the scalps of white men brought to him in Detroit. His memory is perpetuated in history under the name of "Hamilton, the hair-buyer." Housed into action by the wrongs that they had been suffer- ing at the hands of these American settlers in Kentucky, and undoubtedly furnished with guns, ammunition, knives and other implements of warfare by Hamilton, the Indians opened hostili- ties south of the Ohio. The murder of a friendly Shawnee chief named Cornstalk by some Kentucky settlers at Fort Ran- dolph, was the immediate incentive to these attacks. The Shaw- nee tribe, which up to that time was neutral, upon the murder of their chief, led the assaults upon the white settlers, spreading terror and bloodshed throughout Kentucky. George Rogers Clark now appears upon the scene. At this juncture, June, 1776, he was at Harrodsburg, Kentucky, in at- tendance at a meeting of settlers called to organize the people both for protection from exploitation by land adventurers and assaults from the Indians. He was then about twenty-six years of age, and was possessed of great courage and a commanding presence. It is claimed that he bore a remarkable likeness to George Washington and was very proud of the resemblance. His portrait as painted by Jonett, a photograph of which is published in Alvord's History of Illinois, page 324, bears out the claim of resemblance between Washington and Clark. He had been engaged in vigorous pioneering for some years prior to this time, and had considerable experience as a surveyor. He had explored the country as far west as the Great Kanawha in 1772, ILLINOIS 119 served in the war against the Shawnees, and in the Dunmore war against the Iroquois. At this Harrodsburg meeting, he was appointed one of the two commissioners to present to the Virginia Legislature a peti- tion from the Kentucky settlers for protection from the Indian attacks. When he reached the Virginia State capitol, the Legis- lature had adjourned. In no way discouraged, Clark found out that the governor, Patrick Henry, was sick at home in Han- over, and Clark sought out and secured an interview with him. Governor Henry from his sick bed referred the matter to his council, which ordered that five hundred pounds of powder be sent by the State of Virginia to Fort Pitt and thence down the Ohio to places convenient for the settlers in Kentucky. When the Legislature re-convened, Clark and his colleague attended same and were favorably treated by that body. The Legislature, at their request, passed a law declaring Kentucky to be a county of Virginia, and making provision for the govern- ment of the County of Kentucky. When Clark returned to Kentucky in the spring of 1776, he was thoroughly convinced that the Indian assaults upon the Kentucky settlers were instigated by the British commanders in Detroit, Vincennes, Kaskaskia and other forts in the Quebec Province. He had information to that effect from a man named Bentley, living in Kaskaskia. To gain further reliable infor- mation, he sent two men he trusted implicitly to Kaskaskia. They promptly on their return reported to Clark, in the fall of 1776, in substance as follows : First. That the commanding officers of the British forts in the Northwest were largely responsible for the Indian attacks upon the people in Kentucky. Second. That the French inhabitants of all the French vil- lages were, on the whole, quite friendly and sympathetic with the American cause. Third. That in most of the French villages along the Wa- bash and the Mississippi rivers, there were well organized and well trained militiamen. After hearing these reports confirming the information he had obtained from Bentley, Clark left Kentucky to call upon 120 ILLINOIS the governor of Virginia. His design was to procure a com- mission as an officer of the Virginia army and to organize an army of several hundred men to invade the Illinois country for the purpose of overcoming the British garrisons in Kas- kaskia, Cahokia, Vincennes, and probably other English forts in that territory. He laid his plans before Governor Patrick Henry, who at first was undecided. The governor finally authorized him, after many secret conferences with his council, to raise and equip seven companies of soldiers of fifty men in each company. The conferences and the authorization were secret and were not submitted to the Legislature for its approval, lest it should become public. The governor and his council further agreed to provide six thousand pounds British money for the financing of the enterprise, and promised that the Legislature would after- wards be asked to grant each soldier who volunteered and took part in the campaign three hundred acres of land in the new territory, and that the soldiers should receive even greater compensation. In pursuance of this plan, the governor handed to Clark two letters of authorization. One of these letters de- clared that the purpose of the campaign was to provide for the defense of the Kentucky people against Indian outrages. The other letter, which was to be kept secret, showed the real pur- pose of the campaign. The public letter, as contained in Smith's very able and industrious history, is as follows: Lieutenant Colonel George Rogers Clark: You are to proceed, without loss of time, to enlist seven companies of men, officered in the usual manner, to act as a militia under your orders. They are to proceed to Kentucky, and there to obey such orders and directions as you shall give them, for three months after their arrival at that place; but to receive pay, etc., in case they remain on duty a longer time. You are empowered to raise these men in any county in the commonwealth; and the county lieutenants, respec- tively, are requested to give you all possible assistance in that business. Given under my hand at Williamsburg, January 2nd, 1788. P. Henry. ILLINOIS 121 Private Instructions. Virginia in Council, Williamsburg, January 2d, 1778. Lieutenant Colonel George Rogers Clark : You are to pro- ceed with all convenient speed to raise seven companies of soldiers, to consist of fifty men each, officered in the usual manner, and armed most properly for the enterprise; and with this force attack the British fort at Kaskaskia. It is conjectured there are many pieces of cannon and stores of considerable amount, at that place, the taking and preservation of which would be a valuable acquisition to the state. If you are so fortunate, therefore, as to succeed in your expedition, you will take every possible measure to secure the artillery and stores, and whatever may ad- vantage the state. For the transportation of the troops, provisions, etc., down the Ohio, you are to apply to the commanding officer at Fort Pitt for boats; and during the whole transaction you are to take especial care to keep the true destination of your force secret, — its success depends upon this. Orders are therefore given to secure the two men from Kaskaskia. Similar conduct will be proper in similar cases. It is earnestly desired that you show humanity to such British subjects and other persons as fall in your hands. If the white inhabitants of that post and the neighborhood will give undoubted evidence of their attachment to this state (for it is certain they live within its limits), by taking the test prescribed by law, and by every other way and means in their power, let them be treated as fellow cit- izens, and their person and property duly secured. Assist- ance and protection against all enemies whatever, shall be afforded them, and the Commonwealth of Virginia is pledged to accomplish it. But if these people will not ac- cede to these reasonable demands, they must feel the mis- eries of war, under the direction of that humanity that has hitherto distinguished Americans, and which it is expected you will ever consider the rule of your conduct, and from which you are in no instance to depart. The corps you are to command are to receive the pay and allowance of militia and to act under the laws and regulations of this state now in force, as militia. The in- habitants of this post will be informed by you, that in case they acceded to the offers of becoming citizens of this commonwealth, a proper garrison will be maintained among them, and every attention bestowed to render their com- 122 ILLINOIS merce beneficial, the fairest prospects being opened to the dominions of France and Spain. It is in contemplation to establish a post near the mouth of the Ohio. Cannon will be wanted to fortify it. Part of those at Kaskaskia will be easily brought thither, or otherwise secured, as circumstances will make necessary. You are to apply to General Hand for powder and lead necessary for this expedition. If he can't supply it, the person who has that brought from Orleans can. Lead was sent to Hampshire, by my orders, and that may be delivered to you. Wishing you succeed, I am, Sir, Your humble servant, P. Henry. Upon receipt of these two letters of authorization, Clark proceeded to recruit his troops. Two officers that he appointed were instructed to bring their recruits to Fort Pitt. Others were directed to meet him on the Ohio River in Kentucky. Going to Fort Pitt, he gathered together the men there assembled, and obtained boats, provisions, ammunition and fire-arms. Finding some opposition to his enterprise at that fort, he did not at- tempt there to do more than secure the supplies which were ordered to be given him by Governor Henry. He sent word to all the recruits to meet him at Corn Island, opposite the present City of Louisville. When the troops were gathered at that place, a conference was held betwen himself and his officers, and it was agreed that the settlements in Kentucky should not be left unprotected and some of the troops were ordered to return to these settlements to protect them. Finally, 153 men were assembled, ready for the descent on the Ohio to Illinois. Clark then explained to these men the final purpose of the expedition. He appointed four captains, Bowman, Helm, Har- rod and Montgomery, to take command of each of the four com- panies. They left Corn Island on the 24th of June, 1778, and were shortly afterward overtaken by a message from the com- mander at Fort Pitt, who brought most agreeable news, to-wit, that France had entered into a treaty of alliance with the United States and had agreed to send money, men and ships ILLINOIS 123 to assist the colonists. At first Clark was undecided as to whether he should attack the fort at Vincennes or Kaskaskia. Vincennes was a larger fort and had more troops, which made it more difficult of capture. In addition, if he were defeated, he would have a hard time to retreat in safety. He finally reached the conclusion that the Illinois settlements were more scattered and could be overcome one at a time more easily, and that in case of failure he would be able to retreat across the Mississippi into Spanish territory in St. Louis. At the mouth of the Tennessee River, Clark met a hunter named John Duff, who reported to him that he had been re- cently in Kaskaskia, and that there were no British soldiers at either Kaskaskia or Vincennes. He further reported that a Frenchman, Chevalier de Rocheblanc, was the commander at Kaskaskia; that he had no troops excepting the militia. Duff and his companions offered to accompany Clark and act as guides. With these guides, Clark moved down the Ohio to Fort Massac. Here he hid his boats and on June 29, 1778, began the journey overland from that point one hundred and twenty miles to Kaskaskia. His men carried four days' rations. On the morn- ing of the 4th of July, they arrived at a point within twelve miles of Kaskaskia. They were utterly without provisions, and dared not kill game, lest they should be discovered. On the 4th of July at night they arrived within a few miles of Kas- kaskia. There they learned that the residents a few days be- fore were under arms but had disbanded; that the Indians had left Kaskaskia and that all was quiet in the village. That night Clark secured boats and transported his little army across the Kaskaskia River to the west side of that river. Disembarking on the west side of the river, he marched his little army to the edge of the town, where he divided it into two parts. With one, he marched to the south side of the town, where the com- mander, Rocheblanc, was quartered. He was in a building surrounded by a stockade, but it was in bad need of repairs and the Kentuckians had no trouble in entering. After entering the stockade, they seized Rocheblanc and the rest of the army went into the streets and directed the townspeople to remain within their homes. The next morning the people were dis- 124 ILLINOIS armed. Father Gibault, the Catholic priest in charge of the villages at Kaskaskia and Vincennes, was left in Kaskaskia, and with a few of the most prominent citizens of the town he called upon Clark to ask if they might have religious services in the church. Clark consented, and at the close of the services, Father Gibault again called upon Clark and asked that the prisoners might be treated leniently and allowed to retain their personal belongings. To him Clark explained that the King of France had entered into a treaty of alliance with the American colonies, and that it would be entirely just and proper for the French colonists in the Illinois country to ally themselves with the allies of the French king. He further explained that in order to prove that he was speaking the truth, that he would release all the French prisoners, whereupon there was great demonstration of joy and happiness among those who feared the worst. The church bell was rung, and thanks were given to God for the happy deliverance. Clark then issued a proclamation which was to be read in the village. Father Gibault was very instrumental in persuad- ing the French inhabitants to become friendly to the American cause. The commander, Rocheblanc, however, was made pris- oner and sent to Williamsburg, Virginia, as a prisoner of war. After administering the oath of allegiance to the inhab- itants of Kaskaskia, Clark took steps to capture Cahokia. Many French inhabitants of Kaskaskia volunteered to assist him, and he ordered that the guns and ammunition should be returned to the friendly French citizens. A company of French volun- teers was organized, which was accepted by him as a part of the force sent to capture Cahokia. On their arrival at Cahokia, they found little trouble in persuading the French inhabitants to become friendly to the American cause. The post surrendered without a struggle, and the oath of allegiance to Virginia was administered to all its citizens. At the time that Clark took possession of Kaskaskia, the wealthiest citizen was a Frenchman named Cere, who was sus- pected of having assisted the English officers in instigating the Indian attacks upon the Kentucky settlements. Cere was at that time temporarily in St. Louis. However, he voluntarily Father Gibault French priest at Kaskaskia and Vincennes at time of George Rogers Clark's Conquest From a crayon owned by Col. R. T. Durret, of Louisville 126 ILLINOIS crossed the river and had an interview with Colonel Clark, the result of which was that Clark became convinced of his inno- cence. Cere voluntarily became an American citizen, and took the oath of allegiance and pledged loyalty to the American cause. After he had taken possession of Cahokia, Clark sent for Father Gibault, and talked with him about the projected capture of Vincennes. Father Gibault had recently been in Vincennes, and knew the situation at that point. He explained to Clark that Governor Abbott of Canada had left Vincennes, and that there were no British troops there, and that only the local mi- litia were in charge of the fort and its supplies. He, Father Gibault, promised to go to Vincennes, and advise the citizens to transfer their allegiance from the British government to Virginia, whereupon Clark sent Father Gibault, accompanied with two reliable friends of Clark, to Vincennes to ascertain what could be done in the way of its capture. This was easily accomplished. Father Gibault advised the French residents of Vincennes to become American citizens, and to transfer their allegiance from the British government to Virginia. Under his persuasion, they all gathered in the village and the oath of al- legiance to Virginia was administered to all the citizens. There- upon the British flag was hauled down, and the flag of Virginia hoisted in its place. The Indians were advised that the French king had come back to life, and that he was advising his Indian friends to be friendly to the Americans. Up to this point, Colonel Clark had wonderful success, largely through the friendship of the French habitants, but now his troubles began. The volunteers recruited by him had only enlisted for three months, and many of them sought to return to their homes. Finally, he succeeded in getting a hun- dred of the Kentuckians to re-enlist, and the rest were mustered out. He then opened the enlistment to French citizens, many of whom accepted the invitation, and these new recruits were drilled and trained as American soldiers. Colonel Clark ap- pointed over each French company French officers. He sta- tioned Captain Bowman at Cahokia and Captain Williams at Kaskaskia. Shortly thereafter, he arranged for conferences ILLINOIS 127 with Indians, and held counsel with them at Cahokia, where the chiefs of many tribes appeared, smoked the pipe of peace, and made treaties favorable to the Americans. Shortly after his successes at Kaskaskia, Cahokia and Vin- cennes, Clark reported the same to Governor Henry and the Legislature, and the Legislature of that colony in October, 1778, passed a law creating the County of Illinois in the State of Virginia in the following language : All of the citizens of the Commonwealth of Virginia who are already settled or who shall hereafter settle on the western side of the Ohio, shall be included in a distinct county which shall be called Illinois County; and the Gov- ernor of this Commonwealth, with the advice of counsel, may appoint a county-lieutenant or commander in chief, during pleasure, who shall appoint and commission as many deputy commandants, militia officers, and commissioners as he shall think proper in the different districts, during pleasure; all of whom, before they enter into office, shall take the oath of fidelity to this commonwealth and the oath of office, according to the form of their own religion. And all civil officers to which the inhabitants have been accustomed necessary for the preservation of the peace, and the administration of justice, shall be chosen by a ma- jority of the citizens in their respective districts to be convened for that purpose by the county-lieutenant or com- mandant, or his deputy, and shall be commissioned by the said county-lieutenant or commander-in-chief. At the same time, the House of Delegates expressed their thanks to Clark and his companions for their wonderful success, as follows : In The House of Delegates Monday the 23d, Nov., 1778. Whereas authentic information has been received that Lieut.-Col. George Rogers Clark, with a body of Virginia militia, has reduced the British posts in the Western parts of this commonwealth on the Mississippi and its branches, whereby great advantage may accrue to the common cause of America, as well as to this commonwealth in particular : Resolved That the thanks of this House are justly due to the said Colonel Clark and the brave officers and men 128 ILLINOIS under his command, for their extraordinary resolution and perseverance in so hazardous an enterprise, and for their important services to their country. E. C. Randolph, C. H. D. But now Clark's troubles began to gather. Henry Ham- ilton, governor of Detroit, upon learning that Clark had invaded Illinois and was in possession of Fort Vincennes, raised a force consisting of thirty regular troops, of fifty Canadians, and 500 Indians and started for headquarters on the Wabash. As he neared the village of Vincennes, Captain Helm, who was in charge of the fort, it is said, with only one assistant, a soldier named Henry, decided upon a grotesque and daring expedient to obtain terms of surrender. When Hamilton came within hearing distance, Helm cried out, "Halt!" Hamilton then demanded the surrender of the fort, to which Helm re- plied, "No man shall enter until I know the terms." Governor Hamilton then replied that the force in the fort should be permitted to march out with the honors of war. These terms were accepted by Helm, and he and Private Henry marched out of the fort, Helm carrying the flag and Henry beating a drum. However this may be, the fort in fact, was surrendered to Governor Hamilton. After the surrender of the fort to Lieutenant Governor Ham- ilton, Captain Helm, who had surrendered, was unable to com- municate from Vincennes with Colonel Clark at Kaskaskia, and Clark for a long time was in ignorance of the capture. On January 29, 1779, Col. Francis Vigo, an Italian friend of Clark's, returned to Kaskaskia from Vincennes, and reported to him the surrender of the fort to the British and the weakness of the British garrison therein. He at once started to organize an expedition for the recapture of the fort, and ordered Captain Bowman to assist him in organizing the expedition. He first ordered a galley built, which was to be sent down the Missis- sippi and up the Ohio and the Wabash to await near Vincennes the coming of other troops which would travel overland. Upon this galley two four-pound guns were mounted, and four large swivels, and provisions and ammunition were placed aboard the ILLINOIS 129 boat, which was under charge of Captain John Rogers, who had forty-six men under his command. He left Kaskaskia on the 4th of February, 1779. Captain Rogers then organized two militia companies, one from Cahokia and the other from Kaskaskia. The company from Cahokia was commanded by Captain McCarthy, and the one from Kaskaskia by Captain Charleville. In addition to these two companies of militia, he had three companies of Americans commanded by Captains Bowman, Williams and Worthington. In all, they mustered 170 men. After preparing for provisions and stores, the ex- pedition was ready, and started on the 5th of February from Kaskaskia after receiving absolution from Father Gibault. The expedition experienced but little trouble until they reached Zenia in Clay County, as they killed plenty of game and had plenty of firewood. The rains were falling, however, and the streams filled their banks. When they reached the Little Wabash, they found the land between the Little Wabash and the Big Muddy three miles east covered with water. Here they built a boat for the purpose of carrying them over the deeper parts. Pack horses were compelled to swim the river. The men were compelled frequently to trudge across the ice and water, where the water was from three to five feet deep. They were compelled to carry guns with powder on top of their heads to keep them dry. On the 18th, they reached the Wabash, and spent three days building rafts and digging ca- noes, and had nothing to eat for two days. It must be remem- bered that this expedition was in the depth of winter in Feb- ruary, and the hardships that the men were compelled to under- go were frightful. When almost famished for want of food, they spied a canoe in which were some Indian squaws and forced it to land, and by the greatest of good luck, they found in the canoe a fourth of a buffalo, some corn, tallow, kettles, etc. Broth was made immediately, and served to the soldiers, some of whom were so famished as to be unable to walk. On reaching the immediate neighborhood of Vincennes, Clark issued the following proclamation, which he had distrib- uted among the inhabitants: 130 ILLINOIS To the Inhabitants of Post Vincennes: Gentlemen : Being now within two miles of your village, with my army, determined to take your fort this night, and not being willing to surprise you, I take this method to request such of you as are true citizens and willing to enjoy the liberty I bring you, to remain still in your houses ; and those, if any there be, that are friends to the king, will instantly repair to the fort and join the hair-buyer general, and fight like men. And if such as do not go to the fort shall be discovered afterwards, they may depend on severe punishment. On the contrary, those who are true friends to liberty may depend on being well treated; and I once more request them to keep out of the streets. For every one I find in arms on my arrival, I shall treat him as an enemy. (Signed) G. K. Clark. In the afternoon of the 23rd of February, 1779, Clark began to march toward the village. He maneouvered his men behind the cover of certain hills so as to make it appear to the village and to those in the fort that his numbers were two or three times as large as they really were. On reaching the village, he promptly opened fire on the fort, which fire was vigorously answered from the fort. Clark's forces were but scantily pro- vided with ammunition, which was almost exhausted when the residents of the town sent word that he could have their ammu- nition. After receiving this welcome addition to his equipment, he resumed the attack upon the fort. On the morning of the 24th, he demanded its surrender, on the following terms; addressed to Colonel Hamilton: Sir: In order to save yourself from the impending storm that now threatens you, I order you immediately to surrender yourself, with all your garrison, stores, etc., etc. For if I am obliged to storm, you may depend on such treatment as is justly due to a murderer. Beware of destroying stores of any kind, or any papers or letters that are in your possession, or hurting one house in town — for, by Heavens ! if you do, there shall be no mercy shown you. (Signed) G. R. Clark. ILLINOIS 131 To this haughty demand, Colonel Hamilton replied : Lieutenant Governor Hamilton begs leave to acquaint Colonel Clark, that he and his garrison are not disposed to be awed into any action unworthy of British subjects. After this exchange of compliments, the fighting was resumed on both sides. Later in the day, however, Lieutenant Governor Hamilton proposed a truce of three days, which Colonel Clark refused. Later on, however, at a conference between Hamilton and Clark, they agreed upon terms of surrender as follows : 1. Lieutenant Governor Hamilton engages to deliver up to Colonel Clark, Fort Sackville, as it is at present, with all the stores, etc. 2. The garrison are to deliver themselves as prisoners of war ; and march out with their arms and accoutrements, etc. 3. The garrison to be delivered up at 10 o'clock tomorrow. 4. Three days time to be allowed the garrison to settle their accounts with the inhabitants and traders of this place. 5. The officers of the garrison to be allowed their necessary baggage, etc. Signed at Post St. Vincent, 24th February, 1779. Agreed for the following reasons: The remoteness from succor; the state and quantity of provisions, etc.; unanimity of officers and men in its expediency ; the honorable terms allowed ; and lastly, the confidence in a generous enemy. Henry Hamilton, Lt. Gov. and Superintendent. Three days thereafter, the boat Willing which had been sent from Kaskaskia with supplies and men, arrived. Governor Hamilton and Major Hay were sent to Williamsburg as prisoners of war. The soldiers were detained for a time and then paroled. Shortly after the surrender of Fort Sackville, Clark learned that several canoes loaded with provisions and supplies intended for the fort were on the way to Vincennes. He detailed a com- pany of men under Captain Helm, and found the vessels con- taining these provisions near the mouth of the Vermilion River. All the boats were captured by Captain Helm, who returned to 132 ILLINOIS Vincennes with a large store of provisions to be used for the soldiers. We have seen that the territory north and west of the Ohio was by the act of the Legislature of Virginia created a county of Virginia. The act provided that the governor of Virginia should appoint county lieutenants, and that these officers shall appoint a com- mission of deputy commandants, police officers, and other needed assistants. It also provided that civil officers were to be elected by the voters in their respective districts. In pursuance of this law, Governor Henry of Virginia, after due and careful delib- eration, selected John Todd, a judge of the Kentucky court at Harrodsburg, as the lieutenant governor of the county. Todd was a native of Pennsylvania, educated in Virginia, and had moved into Kentucky in 1775. He was a member of the first House of Delegates of Kentucky, and also a representative in the Virginia Legislature. He was one of the men who accom- panied Clark in the campaign for the capture of Kaskaskia, and it is said that he was the first man to enter the building where Rocheblanc was sleeping, and the man that arrested him on the 4th of July, 1778. Upon his appointment, Governor Henry wrote out himself the instructions to the county-lieuten- ant, which are in words as follows: The grand objects which are disclosed to the view of your countrymen will prove beneficial, or otherwise, accord- ing to the value and abilities of those who are called to direct the affairs of that remote country. The present crisis rendered favorable by the good disposition of the French and Indians, may be improved to great purposes, but, if, unhappily, it should be lost, a return of the same attach- ments to us may never happen. Considering, therefore, that early prejudices are so hard to wear out, you will take care to cultivate and conciliate the affections of the French and Indians. Lieutenant Governor Todd was further instructed by the governor to consult and advise with the most intelligent and upright persons who might fall in his way. He was directed also to cooperate with the military authorities; to take charge of the militia, which should be placed under the control of the ILLINOIS 133 military only at the command of the civil authority. He was ordered also to punish every attempt to violate the property of the Indians, particularly their land, and cultivate friendly relations with the Spanish commandant at St. Louis. Todd appeared in Kaskaskia in May, 1779, and accepted the office and trust imposed in him. The French inhabitants and the officers and Indians gathered in front of the village on the 12th of that month. Clark made a speech to those assembled, praising the faithfulness of the people of Kaskaskia and the neighboring villages, and asking their participation in civil affairs in the republican form of government now to be estab- lished in Illinois, and then introduced the county lieutenant, John Todd. Mr. Todd then gave a short address, and the assembled citizens voted for the election of judges, nine of whom were selected from Kaskaskia. The military commissions for the District of Kaskaskia were made out May 14, 1779. The names of all the officers indicate that except Richard Winston, the commandant, all were Frenchmen. On June 15, 1779, Colonel Todd issued a proclamation, for- bidding the further settling of the flat lands adjacent to the Mississippi, Ohio, Illinois and Wabash rivers, and declaring that in order to establish titles to lands claimed from grants previously made by the governments in control of the region, it would be necessary for any inhabitants who claimed lands, to present for record the source of their present titles. His career as a public officer, however, was very short. The finances of the newly established county were at the lowest ebb. Food was scarce, and what there was, was high priced. On August 9th, he wrote a letter to the commandants at Ste. Gene- vieve and St. Louis, offering help in case they were attacked by the British, and on the 13th of August the same year he condemned a vacant lot and proclaimed it to be the property of the commonwealth. He was a delegate to the Virginia Legis- lature in 1780, and married while in Williamsburg, Virginia, and returned with his wife in 1781 to Lexington, Kentucky, so that the chances are that Governor Todd must have left the Illinois country and his official duties some time the latter part of 1779 or in 1780. CHAPTER XII ILLINOIS COUNTY, VIRGINIA, UNDER THE RULE OF THE OLD DOMINION Back of the desk of the governor of Illinois, in his inner office in the state capitol at Springfield, there hangs an oil paint- ing of a distinguished looking man with a white "choker," in a scarlet cloak with black velvet trimmings. When at Spring- field I was often asked by my visitors, of whom that painting was a portrait, and as often answered: "The first Governor of Illinois." My answer to most of these inquiries seemed unsatisfactory. Very few could tell the name of the first gov- ernor of Illinois. Sic transit gloria mundi! But occasionally a well-informed person would ask: "Ninian Edwards or Shad- rach Bond?" When I told them it was a portrait of Patrick Henry, the first governor of Illinois, they would argue that he was governor of Virginia and not of Illinois. The Legislatures and public officials of this state have recognized the right of Patrick Henry to the title of first governor of Illinois by placing his portrait first among all the portraits of the governors of Illinois in the chief executive's office in the statehouse. That he was the first de facto American governor of Illinois will be conclusively shown by what follows. Upon taking possession of Kaskaskia, Cahokia and the other French settlements of Illinois and of the British fort at Vin- cennes as heretofore narrated, George Rogers Clark promptly notified Governor Henry of Virginia of his signal successes. The news was received by Governor Henry with rapturous delight, as he quickly recognized that the capture of these places from the British, laid the foundation for claiming all of this rich country in the final terms of the peace treaty when the time came for drafting same. The governor communicated the 134 ILLINOIS 135 good news to the Legislature, which quickly enacted the law creating the Illinois country, a county of Virginia. Clark's program, secretly backed by Governor Henry and his council, was to gain possession of Kaskaskia, Cahokia, Vincennes and as many more of the British forts and trading posts as possible and hold possession of the same for the benefit of Virginia until the end of the Revolutionary war. The first part of the program as to these three posts had been carried out with bril- liant success. The second and equally essential part of the pro- gram — the retaining possession of the same — had now to be faced by Clark, and he found this to be a more difficult matter. As we have seen, the British Colonel Hamilton soon recaptured Vincennes, and it was only by the exercise of extraordinary daring, and the endurance of extreme suffering and almost starvation on the part of Clark and his hardy followers; that he forced the surrender of Hamilton and his British garrison, in Fort Sackville, near Vincennes. Clark now found himself without supplies and without money. The support he expected from Virginia failed to arrive. The continental money he had brought with him was negotiable only at the rate of 12 cents on the dollar, and this depreciated money was soon exhausted. Drafts drawn by Clark on the agent of Virginia at New Orleans were dishonored. The friendly feeling and harmony which prevailed between the French inhab- itants and the "Long Knives," as Clark's soldiers were called, immediately after the capture of Kaskaskia and Cahokia by Clark, and at the time of the expedition against Vincennes and at the inauguration of Governor Todd, soon began to disappear. This was largely the result of violent and unjust actions of the "Long Knives." These latter were rough, wild, bellicose pioneers recruited from the outposts of civilization in Virginia and Ken- tucky, hard-fighting and hard-drinking men, ready to settle all disputes either with their fists or any other handy weapons, and of many different nationalities. They were mostly of English, Irish, German, Dutch and Scotch-Irish origin. Few were Cath- olics in religion, while all of the French settlers professed that faith. The latter lived on good terms with the Indians, while the "Long Knives" and Indians were always at daggers-points. 136 ILLINOIS The French were, as a rule, respectful of law and obedient toward their judges and other civil officers. The "Long Knives" usually settled their disputes with both white men and Indians without resort to the courts and in defiance of laws and regulations. The justices elected under the Todd civil administration in a memorial to Governor Todd, May 24, 1779, complained that the soldiers at Fort Clark killed their domestic animals, seized supplies from them without payment, sold liquor to the Indians and traded with the slaves. Clark shouldered these complaints over to Governor Todd and the civil authorities. He was getting no money or supplies from Virginia, and even when he was attempting to organize an expedition for the capture of Detroit, he was compelled to allow his unruly and hungry soldiers to get their food in their own violent way. These soldiers and other reckless settlers, in defiance of British law and the Vir- ginia law which forbade all settlement north of the Ohio River, entered lands after the "custom of the tomahawk claims," and this outraged both the Indians and the French. Governor Todd attempted to regulate these matters by proclamation, with but little success. Affairs at this stage were rapidly developing towards, and finally culminated into complete anarchy. Governor Todd, evidently at his wits end and despairing of being able to enforce respect for law, soon left the Illinois country after appointing, with doubtful authority, Richard Winston, deputy county lieutenant, to represent and enforce Virginia law. Under Winston, matters continued to grow worse. He was generally believed by all who knew him to be dishonest. Instead of attempting to allay the bitterness between the French inhab- itants and the Virginians, all his official acts tended to intensify it. He antagonized most, if not all, of the French leaders and many of those friendly to the American cause. At this juncture, Clark found himself and his troops in a desperate condition. He had been attempting to gather forces in such number as would justify him in making an attack upon the British fort at Detroit, but was unable to secure money, supplies or troops from Virginia to augment his hungry and ill-equipped forces at Kaskaskia. Virginia could give no aid ILLINOIS 137 because she herself was seriously threatened in the East by British troops. The southern colonies along the sea-coast were being successfully invaded by British armies who were threat- ening to invade the Old Dominion. Word reached Clark that Pittsburgh and the surrounding country were about to fall into British hands as the result of treachery and intrigue. He could secure no aid from that quarter. Finding himself unable in this situation to assume an offensive, he abandoned his hopes of attacking Detroit and took steps to prepare himself for defense in anticipation of a British attack from that city. He had not long to wait. While he was preparing to concentrate his troops at Fort Jefferson, in Kentucky, a few miles south of Cairo, withdrawing his troops from Vincennes and leaving but small detachments at Kaskaskia and Cahokia, news reached him that a formidable force of British soldiers and Indians was marching towards the Illinois country. Spain having joined France in war upon Great Britain, orders were given the British generals to attack the Spanish settlements along the Mississippi, both from the south and the north, in order to cut off any assistance that these settlements might give the colonies during the war. The British attack from the south failed, owing to the skill and energy displayed by the Spanish commander, Governor Bernado de Galvez of New Orleans, who anticipated the British attack in that quarter and successfully assailed all the British forts in the Gulf of Mexico. The British attack from the north got under way in February, 1780. It was surrounded with great secrecy, but the Indians at Cahokia in some way got wind of the impending danger and sent word to Clark, who was then at Fort Jefferson. The Spanish commander at St. Louis and Captain Montgomery at Kaskaskia both confirmed the Cahokia message and called for assistance. Clark hastened to Cahokia and arrived just in time to assist Montgomery in the defense of that village, defeating the British there and also saving Kaskaskia. The Spanish in St. Louis were equally successful. Clark owed his success on this occasion as on previous occasions to the assist- ance given him by the French inhabitants. The British forces were compelled to retreat northward and were followed by Mont- 138 ILLINOIS gomery and his troops. The British succeeded in eluding Mont- gomery, but he was successful with the assistance of the Spanish and the French Militia in making reprisals from the Indians allied with the British at Prairie du Chien and around Rock River. This was the second if not the third occasion when the French in Illinois enabled Clark with their assistance to extricate himself and his troops from desperate situations. The repulse of the British at Cahokia and St. Louis resulted, however, in saving the Illinois country from British occupation and retain- ing it by the Americans at a time when Clark was practically at the end of his resources. It was a close call with mighty consequences involved. In the years 1779 and 1780 the cause of Virginia and the colonies in the Illinois country, notwithstanding the brilliant leadership of Clark, seemed in desperate shape. Its heartbeat was at its lowest ebb. Because of the lack of food and clothing the "Long Knives" were looting the French at Kaskaskia. In despair, these unfortunates, to escape robbery and violence, were fleeing across the river to St. Louis. The Indians were constantly threatening the settlers in Kentucky as well as in Illinois. During these two years Clark was contemplating the withdrawal of the Virginia troops from Kaskaskia, Cahokia and Vincennes for concentration at Fort Jefferson. This had been interrupted by the British invasion from Detroit. This danger having passed, in 1781 Clark carried out most of his plan. The troops had already been taken from Vincennes, and all the Virginians were taken from Kaskaskia and Cahokia except a small body to act as an outpost at Kaskaskia under Capt. John Rogers. Thus Rogers, as military commander and Winston, as deputy lieutenant-governor of Illinois, continued to represent Virginia in Illinois, while Clark himself represented the Dominion at Fort Jefferson. For four years Clark and his Virginians (recruited in Virginia itself and in Kentucky) had managed to retain a desperate hold upon the Illinois country. Even as late as Novem- ber, 1782, Clark was compelled to wage war against the Indian allies of the British to retain his hold in the country. In that month the Indians north of the Ohio, in formidable numbers, ILLINOIS 139 raided the Kentucky settlements, and in the effort to expel them, John Todd, the former lieutenant-governor of Illinois County, appointed by Patrick Henry, was killed. General Clark mustered his troops and quickly avenged his death by invading and laying waste the Indian villages along the Miami River and slaying many of these savages in battle. But the agony was soon to be ended. While the Virginians under Clark and the British at Detroit were exhausted and incapable of effective offensive war- fare against each other, preliminary peace treaties were signed by the combatants at Paris, November 30, 1782, while the British were in control of Detroit and Canada, the Americans in control of Kaskaskia, Cahokia and Vincennes, and the Span- iards in control of the right bank of the Mississippi River and New Orleans. Before the signing of this treaty, however, an episode took place which should not be overlooked in any history of Illinois. A short way back in this narrative we noted an unsuccessful attack of a British and Indian expedition from Detroit upon the Spanish settlement at St. Louis. Shortly thereafter the Spanish commander at St. Louis organized an expedition to attack the British post at St. Joseph. Its commander was Don Eugenio Pourre, and it consisted of sixty-five white soldiers and sixty-five Indians. About half of the white men were Frenchmen recruited at Cahokia. The party left St. Louis early in January, 1781, and traveled across the prairies of Illinois the 400 miles between St. Louis and St. Joseph in the depth of winter, each of the men carrying his own provisions and weapons. They gathered some additional Indian recruits en route, and succeeded without much trouble in surprising and capturing the fort at St. Joseph. The Spanish commander ordered the lowering of the British flag, ran up the Spanish flag, took possession of the country in the name of the Spanish king, distributed the supplies in the fort among his friendly Indians, wrapped up the British flag and brought it back in triumph to St. Louis. What was the real object and motive of this Spanish march across the State of Illinois? Writers differ in their findings of the motive. Some say, simply revenge for the attack on St. 140 ILLINOIS Louis. One writer, and a very painstaking one, argues that the real cause was an order from the Spanish court. He points out that Spain as well as England, was at that time an ambitious colonizing nation; that in June, 1779, Spain allied herself with France in war upon Great Britain; had taken steps to regain East and West Florida, lost by her in a former war. He further points out the capture of British forts in the Gulf of Mexico, including Pensacola and Mobile, and the cooperation of Spanish and Americans at St. Louis and Cahokia in repulsing the British ; and argues from these facts that the order emanated from Madrid. There seems to be some force in the argument. With the signing of the preliminary treaty of peace, hos- tilities in America ceased. Negotiations between the diplomats and statesmen of the colonies, Great Britain, France and Spain then commenced in the effort to fix the terms of the final treaty of peace, which was finally signed September 3, 1783. What actually took place in the par parlours and secret conferences of the representatives can only be surmised and guessed at, on the basis of information secretly given and not of record. Presi- dent Wilson's ideal of above-board covenants openly arrived at was not then in operation among diplomats, as it is not now, and may never be. Negotiations between diplomats and treaty- makers before consummation of compacts have always been under cover, and many think always will be. What took place in these secret conferences can only be intelligently surmised from the terms of the final treaty. That instrument, after months of diplomatic wrangling and controversy, handed over all of the territory east of the Mississippi, with the exception of New Orleans, to the American Colonies. Why? There are many reasons which we can see nearly 150 years after the event that forced this disposition of that great territory, and these reasons existed then and must have influenced the very able men who discussed the situation at the time and formulated the terms of the final treaty. France could not with decency claim, with a hope to acquire, this territory by the treaty. She had discovered and held possession of the same for a century and had failed to colonize it. By the terms of her treaty of alliance with the colonies she bound herself not to claim this ILLINOIS 141 territory. While she held it there was a constant drain upon the Royal treasury. The fur traders made money and the Royal appointees of France in all probability participated secretly, in the profits of the fur trade; but the Royal treasury always showed a deficit rather than a profit from New France. More- over, France was exhausted by reason of almost constant European wars and the rumblings of the approaching "Reign of Terror" were heard in the streets of Paris. She was not in a position to regarrison and rebuild forts and trading posts between 3,000 and 5,000 miles away, surrounded as they would be by treacherous savages and menaced by the onward sweep of civilization and settlement from the American colonies. France at this time could not have accepted the Illinois country as a gift. She probably would have preferred to have this great territory handed over to Spain by the terms of the treaty, rather than have it regained by Great Britain or secured by the thirteen colonies. But Spain was in no better position to accept this great trust, at that time, than was France. She had made some settlements and built some forts at St. Augustine and Pensacola, in Florida, and at Mobile, St. Louis and New Orleans, and had been successful in the War of the Revolution in driving the British army away from the same. But these settlements were not thriving nor was their population increasing. They were mere trading posts. A few adventurous French and Spanish traders had ventured up along the Mississippi and established locations at Natchez, Ste. Genevieve and St. Louis, but these men were interested in the fur trade and not in the land and were inconsiderable in numbers. They could not have maintained themselves without assistance from Spain either as against unfriendly Indians, or the surge of the advancing waves of colonists crossing the Alleghanies from the seaboard. Spain, since the destruction of the great Armada by Nelson, had become a decaying power. She was a successful colonist in South America, but a flat failure in the northern continent. Great Britain was in no better position than France or Spain. With the assistance of the two latter countries, the American colonists had beaten her to her knees in America. Burgoyne had sur- rendered at Saratoga and Cornwallis at Yorktown. France 142 ILLINOIS had secured her revenge for the loss of this land to Great Britain in the treaty of Paris in 1763, but that revenge would not be complete unless this great, rich territory was taken from Great Britain and handed over to her ally, the Confederation of Amer- ican Colonies. These colonies were in active possession of the territory south of the Ohio, and as a result of the daring achieve- ments of George Rogers Clark were in possession of most of all the forts and settlements in the Northwest, excepting Detroit. Moreover, the American commissioners negotiating for peace terms, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and John Jay, were not only men of sagacity and intelligence, but had come fresh from that part of the world adjacent to the territory in question, where the approaching value of this land was better understood and appreciated than it was or could be by the commissioners of the European nations. They knew that the inevitable march of civilization westward would in a few years force the colonists to absorb this territory by peaceful or forceful means, and that then was the time, when all three of these nations were not in a position to hold and defend it, to insist upon its immediate surrender to the colonies. The logic of events was with the Americans, and the able American commissioners, by argument, persuasion and politely-phrased demands, succeeded in writing into the final treaty terms that handed over to the American colonies all the territory east of the Mississippi, excepting New Orleans and the Floridas which were returned to Spain upon the insistence of the French commissioners. The dash of George Rogers Clark into the British Northwest and the capture of Kaskaskia, Cahokia and Vincennes, was a material factor in adding to the American commonwealth in 1783 the great Mississippi Valley, now teeming with millions of prosperous American citizens, and of almost incomputable wealth, but which at that time contained only a few thousand souls who were suffering from both want of the necessities of life and of civilized government. CHAPTER XIII ANARCHY IN ILLINOIS At the time of the surrender of French sovereignty to the British in 1763, the French villages of Southern Illinois were at the height of their prosperity. When it became known to the French inhabitants that the territory had been ceded to the British, a decline of prosperity, industry and population set in. Pittman, who visited this part of the country in 1766, wrote that there were over 2,000 white people in these Illinois settle- ments, and this number kept rapidly falling. Shortly after the British officers took control there were as many negroes as white persons, but both were heavily outnumbered by the Indians. In the absence of the priests who had for a time fled with the more influential and financially responsible French leaders to St. Louis, church attendance was neglected, and concubinage without church sanction quite prevalent. Morality and society had sunk to a low level. The situation was worse in Kaskaskia than any other village. During the incumbency of the British officials, French law, as we have heretofore shown, was abrogated and British law had not been proclaimed until the Quebec Act was promulgated in 1774. The arbitrary will of the British commander, enforced at the point of a bayonet, was the sole substitute for law and ordinances, and these arbitrary exercises of power were invariably offensive to the French inhabitants and deprived them of the rights and privileges they had enjoyed under French rule. With the advent of George Rogers Clark and the appointment of John Todd as lieutenant-governor of the County of Illinois by Virginia, hope succeeded despair. Among the French villages the Virginians were acclaimed as the apostles of Liberty and Democracy. The French hailed them as deliverers, organized companies of militia, took the oath of allegiance to Virginia, 143 Francis Vigo ILLINOIS 145 welcomed Governor Todd with enthusiasm and held elections for their judges and officials as prescribed by the laws and ordinances of Virginia. Further than that, they volunteered to help him to take possession of Cahokia and Vincennes and followed him in the depth of winter across the swamps and ice- coated rivers of Illinois, helping him recapture Vincennes from the British troops under Hamilton. Many of them, who had fled from British misrule to St. Louis, including Gabriel Cerre, the richest and ablest of the French settlers, came back to Kaskaskia and advanced money and sold on credit to Clark to enable him to feed and clothe his troops. Colonel Vigo, the Italian, at this juncture advanced over $10,000 to Colonel Clark for the same purpose. Under the terms of the proclamation of Governor Todd, framed by Patrick Henry, they were promised liberty, religious equality, citizenship and full participation in a democracy wherein the people elected their rulers and lawmakers. Great was their joy, but that joy was short-lived. Governor Todd arrived in Kaskaskia in May, 1779. He left Illinois and aban- doned his charge and office within a few months after his inaugu- ration, either in 1779 or 1780. Almost conclusive evidence points to the year 1779. Smith, in his very valuable history, quotes a letter from Todd to Governor Patrick Henry, dated August 18, 1779, as follows : I expected to have been prepared to present to your excellency some amendments upon the form of government of Illinois, but the present will be attended with no great inconvenience till the spring session, when I beg your per- mission to attend and get a discharge from an office with an unwholesome air, a distance from my connections, a language not familiar to me, arid an impossibility of pro- curing many of the conveniences of life suitable. Again, on December 23, 1779, he wrote Thomas Jefferson from the falls of the Ohio, stating his intention of resigning. He was probably at that point, en route to the capital of Vir- ginia for the purpose of presenting his resignation in person to Jefferson, who was then governor of Virginia. He was a 146 ILLINOIS delegate to the Virginia Legislature in 1880, took to himself a wife in the capital city, and is found with his wife in Lexington, Kentucky, early in 1781. Before leaving Illinois, as we have heretofore noted, he appointed Richard Winston his deputy and sheriff of the county. This appointment was a most unfortunate one, but what was worse, he, Winston, was left without means to maintain his official position or enforce law and order. He lacked tact and was frequently antagonizing not only the French but the native Americans. Clark's troops were ill-clad, ill-fed and without pay, and lived by pillaging and despoiling the already impoverished French habitants. While this situation existed and while the French were highly incensed by their mistreatment, new complications for Winston arose with the appearance of one John Dodge. A colony of English-speaking Americans had settled in a village near Kaskaskia called Bellefontaine. The inhabitants of this village had by petition secured from the French-speaking judges of the court established by Governor Todd, the right to elect a Justice of the Peace. Not satisfied with this, the Bellefontaine villagers held the French-speaking court and all the French villages in contempt. They regarded the French as aliens and their inferiors. Dodge made himself the leader and mouthpiece of these malcontents in an effort to abolish the court established under Virginia law by the Virginian, Lieutenant-Governor Todd. The court thus attacked had, of course, to defend its rights. It rallied to its support the great majority of French inhabitants and nominally the support of Winston. Dodge, with consummate audacity, sued out a writ from the court charging Winston, the deputy lieutenant-governor and the highest representative of the State of Virginia, with the utterance of "treasonable expres- sions." The court, evidently in remembrance of some of Win- ston's past official acts and omissions, refused him bail, kept him in jail for sixteen days and then acquitted him. Winston, after his acquittal, nursed his resentment towards the court that had allowed his imprisonment, and waited until his authority as deputy lieutenant-governor had been re-established, and then, in November, 1782, issued an official order abolishing the court, thus leaving the distracted citizens of Kaskaskia without any ILLINOIS 147 tribunal for the redress of grievances. That remained their condition until the arrival of Governor St. Clair in 1790. Early in 1783 Winston left Illinois for Virginia to collect loans that he had made to Virginia in the effort to establish his authority. He had impoverished himself in so doing, failed to collect in Virginia, and died soon after in great poverty. Before leaving Illinois he had attempted to transfer what little shred of author- ity he had to another man, by appointing or attempting to appoint a Frenchman named Jaques Timothy Boucher Sieur de Monbreun as his successor. Monbreun was a man of good standing, well born, and had the respect of his fellowmen, but his lack of legal authority and the fact that there was no court to decide disputed questions, and the further fact that he was without means or soldiers to enforce his findings, led him to temporize with all parties and satisfy none. He addressed a memorial to Virginia explaining his predicament, which reads as follows: Without troops to oppose the hostile designs of the savages, without any coercive means to keep under sub- jection a country where a number of restless spirits were exciting commotions and troubles, the greater circumspec- tion and management became necessary, and the Command- ant was induced to temporize with all parties in order to preserve tranquility, peace and harmony in the Country. Taking advantage of Monbreun's predicament, Dodge rallied the English-speaking inhabitants and had the colossal impudence to seize the old French fort in Kaskaskia and two cannon from Fort Clark; fortified the old French fort, and set at defiance all law and authority. By main force he ruled the village as a tyrant. Anarchy was enthroned and Dodge was its mouthpiece. The harrowed and insulted French sought to communicate their woes to Congress and appointed a messenger to carry their complaint, but this messenger, they claimed, was killed en route by Dodge's order. His tyrannical acts over the cowed and helpless French continued without cessation until 1786. During that year, George Rogers Clark, who had been absent from Illi- nois for some time, but who had acquainted himself with the 148 ILLINOIS wretched condition of the French under Dodge's tyrannical treat- ment, advised the French inhabitants to reconstitute and reestab- lish the French court created by Governor Todd. Joseph Parker, a land speculator whose interests were antagonistic to Dodge and the other land speculators headed by the latter, assisted the harassed Frenchmen in getting a memorial from them pre- sented to Congress when it was considering other appeals for stable government. Emboldened by the advice of Clark and the support of Parker, the French finally started to display a spirit of rebellion against Dodge and his crowd. They forced the resignation of de Monbreun who was friendly to Dodge, and had a citizen of St. Phillipe appointed civil and criminal judge, and Jean Bap- tiste Barbau designated as deputy lieutenant-governor in place of Monbreun. This occurred August 14, 1786, and in 1787 Parker returned from Virginia with a message of hope from the Virginia Legislature. In the fall of the same year General Clark, who still retained the respect and friendship of the French inhabitants, marched a force of Kentucky militiamen into the Illinois country to attack the marauding Indians. He began to purchase provisions to enable him to garrison Vincennes. His agent for that purpose, John Rice Jones, was well received at Kaskaskia, and payment for the purchases he made there were guaranteed by John Edgar, a prominent and wealthy American merchant, who was on friendly terms with both Clark and the French inhabitants. Now Clark in these military moves was act- ing without any legal authority from Congress or Virginia. His only justification was that of the Roman leader under like cir- cumstances, Salus populi suprema lex est. The only safety for the Kentuckians was war upon the Indians. Dodge, however, know- ing that Clark was acting illegally, attempted to prevent Clark's agent from collecting his provisions in Kaskaskia. It was a case of outlaw against outlaw, and the outlaw with the largest and heaviest club won. Dodge for a time stopped the delivery of the supplies. Jones returned to Vincennes and brought back with him to Kaskaskia a small force of Kentucky militiamen, who took possession of the fort at Kaskaskia and collected the supplies wanted by Clark. ILLINOIS 149 This ended Dodge's reign of terror. He soon collected all of his property available for transportation and retired to St. Louis. Still there was no form of legal government for the unfortunate Kaskaskians. The chief anarchist had fled, but anarchy remained. Congress failed in the way of establishing American law and judication for the newly acquired territory north of the Ohio and east of the Mississippi, largely because of the conflict of claims of Massachusetts, New York, Connecticut and Virginia as to ownership of the land. These claims will be discussed hereafter, but the final settlement thereof was not effected until all of the claimants had transferred their claims to the United States at the end of 1784, and the final ordinance placing the territory under the law of the United States was not passed until July, 1787. This terrible condition of lawlessness in and around Kas- kaskia naturally ruined the future prospects of that village. It had been the largest and most prosperous village west of Detroit under French rule, had deteriorated under British rule, but sank to its lowest level under anarchy. When George Rogers Clark occupied it in 1778 it had about 500 white inhabitants. In 1790, when Governor St. Clair took office under the ordi- nance of 1787, there were only forty-four heads of families in the place. The population had decreased nearly eighty per cent. All the influential people of substance had gone, and all those that remained in all probability had not the means to enable them to travel. A different picture, however, is presented when we look at Cahokia. There the population was almost exclu- sively French. They were at all times submissive to law from whence-so-ever it came, and respectful to officials no matter whence they derived their authority. Animosities did not arise between the English-speaking Americans and French in Cahokia as they did in Kaskaskia. The Virginia troops under Clark left Cahokia in 1780. It is said that at that time there were only four English-speaking men in Cahokia and three of them had married French wives and spoke French fluently. A Frenchman was the commander of the militia from 1778 to 1790. Their justices were elected annually by the people pursuant to the regulations established by Lieutenant-Governor Todd. When the ordinance 150 ILLINOIS of 1787 was passed they ceased holding these elections, await- ing the coming of the United States officials, but allowed the incumbents of these positions to hold over until that time ar- rived. Cahokia furnishes us, a remarkable and unique example in modern history of civilized white men, subject to no law that was binding upon them, submitting themselves to and obeying the orders of a committee of their own selection with the full knowledge that the orders of that committee could not be legally enforced and were in law null and void. French law ceased to bind them after the treaty of Paris in 1763; British law was never proclaimed over them, and British military officials van- ished when George Rogers Clark captured Kaskaskia July 4, 1778. Although they cheerfully submitted to them, the laws of Virginia were not binding upon them. Mere physical occu- pation of territory in time of war and before treaties of peace are signed under international comity, does not transfer sover- eignty. Until the treaty of peace between Great Britain and the American Confederation of Colonies was signed, the former still retained sovereignty of this territory under international polity. Moreover, the dubious title of Virginia ended January 5, 1782. The law of Virginia attempting to create the County of Illinois was passed December 9, 1778, and was renewed in May, 1780. The renewal act contained a provision that the law should continue for one year and until the end of the next Legis- lature, which ended January 5, 1782. Even Virginia itself ceased to make any claim of sovereignty over the territory on that date. Upon this state of the record we have the right to conclude that the Illinois district had no law or ordinance binding legally its inhabitants from February 10, 1763, when the treaty of peace was signed between France and Great Britain at Paris, until 1775, when the Quebec Act was proclaimed; that this latter act ceased to be physically enforceable July 4, 1778, when George Rogers Clark captured Kaskaskia and Cahokia; that from July 4, 1778, to December 9, 1778, when the Legislature of Virginia asserted title, the only law was the law of the bayonet and of physical occupation ; that from December 9, 1778, to January 5, 1782, Virginia held only a dubious title acquired ILLINOIS 151 by capture in time of war, not cognizable by the unwritten polity sometimes called the law of nations; and that thereafter there was no law or ordinance enforceable upon its residents until Governor St. Clair and the territorial officials created by the ordinance of 1789 appeared in Illinois and proclaimed territorial laws and regulations for the territory. Yet during all this time the peaceful French in Cahokia maintained to their lasting credit, peace and order, supported a citizen militia, defended themselves against anarchy and Indians, and gracefully and gladly submitted themselves to the laws of the United States and to the rule of United States officials when they presented themselves in 1790. With the flags of three different nations floating from time to time above them, but without valid laws binding them, for twenty- seven years they maintained peace and order while anarchy was rampant in a neighboring village, grew in numbers and pros- perity and handed over a happy, prosperous and peaceful com- munity to the Government of the United States in 1790. We have had in the history of our country frequent instances of the organization of vigilantes among our pioneer settlers provoked by robberies and murders which but too often were followed by lynch law, but in the case of Cahokia we read of no such provocations or avenging crimes. There seemed to have been no hot blood in the Cahokia settlement, but a cold-blooded de- termination to live peacefully and honestly without the enforced action of written law. CHAPTER XIV STRUGGLE IN CONGRESS OVER WESTERN LAND TITLES All of the Illinois country was covered and included in the grants by the British Crown made in 1609 while the French were in actual occupation of that territory. As the war for inde- pendence began to make successful progress towards independ- ence, the states that had claims to western lands derived from the British Crown and Parliament began to renew their claims in Congress. They expected by so doing to be able to sell these lands and reimburse themselves for the cost of the Revolutionary war. The Articles of Confederation between the different col- onies were presented to Congress in the summer of 1776, and were finally endorsed by Congress in the fall of 1777. There- upon they were sent to the different states for ratification. The articles of confederation provided that they must be ratified by all the colonies, before they could go into effect. In the spring of 1781, all of the states had ratified excepting Maryland. Maryland refused to ratify until some arrangement was made between the different states as to the western lands. The rep- resentatives of Maryland pointed out that the states without claims for western lands were at a distinct disadvantage in the way of paying their volunteer soldiers. They argued that all of the soldiers of each and all of the colonies were fighting equally for independence; that they were equally risking their lives and their limbs and their futures, and that all of these soldiers should be equally rewarded. Some of the states recognized the justice of this claim put forward by Maryland, but others, being those that had claim to western territory, were selfish and re- fused to acknowledge the force of this contention. 152 ILLINOIS 153 Finally all of the colonies, excepting Maryland, ratified the Articles of Confederation, but Maryland still stoutly contended that she would not do so until these western lands were ceded to the Federal Government for the benefit of all. The latter state, Maryland, on December 15, 1778, went of record by pass- ing a resolution in her Legislature, refusing to enter the con- federation unless "an article or articles be added thereto, giving full power to the United States in Congress assembled to ascer- tain and fix the western limits of the states claiming to extend to the Mississippi or South Sea, and expressly reserving or securing to the United States a right in common, in and to, all the lands lying to the westward of the boundaries as afore- said, not granted to, surveyed for or purchased by individuals at the commencement of the present war in such manner that the lands be sold out, or otherwise disposed of, for the common benefit of all the states." There were a number of prominent and influential men in Maryland. Within a year afterwards, on December 14, 1779, the Legislature of the State of Virginia passed a resolution pointing out that in the previous May the Legislature of that state had forbidden settlements north of the River Ohio, and in the same resolution the State of Virginia protested against the consideration by the Continental Congress of the claims of land companies acquired in violation of this restriction. The Legislature of Virginia also pointed out that the claims of the Vandalia and Indiana land companies were contrary to Vir- ginia's rights under the confederation, and that in the Illinois and Wabash land company there were "several men of great influence in some of the neighboring states." When the matter was brought up in Congress, that body found itself somewhat distressed by the stubborn attitude of the two leaders in the fight, the State of Virginia and the State of Maryland. On September 6, 1780, Congress determined "that it appears more advisable to press upon those states which can remove the em- barrassment respecting the western country, a liberal surrender of a portion of their territorial claims, since they cannot be preserved entirely without endangering the stability of the general confederacy." 154 ILLINOIS New York readily gave up its claim. Virginia soon recog- nized the strength of the opposition that was developing against her effort to maintain her claim and received in rather a kindly manner the intimation for the necessity of a settlement thrown out by Congress. On January 2, 1781, the Virginia Legislature adopted a resolution providing for the cession of its claims to Congress, with eight conditions added to the terms of the ces- sion, which eight conditions are about as follows : 1. That the territory should be formed into states, each containing from 100 to 150 miles square. 2. That Virginia should be reimbursed for the expenses it had incurred within the territory. 3. That the French and Canadian settlers should be pro- tected in their persons and property. 4. That the promises of land conveyances made to George Rogers Clark and his men should be fulfilled, and that in case the land southeast of the Ohio reserved for the Virginia troops should be insufficient, that enough land should be reserved on the northwest side of the river to take care of these claims. 5. That the old Northwest Territory thus ceded to the United States should be considered a common fund for the nation. 6. That the territory remaining in Virginia should be guar- anteed. 7. That all purchases made by private persons from the Indians should be declared void. With these concessions made by Virginia, Maryland felt herself no longer to be justified in continuing the fight, lest it should be construed that she was fighting for the land com- panies and private interests. On February 2, 1781, the Legis- lature of Maryland authorized its delegates to sign the articles. This action of Virginia and Maryland ratified the confederation of the states, but before the ceding of all of Virginia's rights to the United States took place, there was still a struggle over the reservations made by Virginia in the resolution passed by that state on January 2, 1781. The fight over these reservations in Congress was quite vigorous. The matter of the acceptance of Virginia's cession coupled with the reservations was referred ILLINOIS 155 to the committee considering the cessions from Virginia, New York and Connecticut. That committee declared on June 24, 1781, that it was inexpedient for Congress to accept any of the state's cessions as they stood and containing the reservations as stated. The committee recommended that Congress determine the western limits beyond which it could not extend its guaranty to the particular states, and recommended that when these had been determined, that a committee be appointed to prepare a plan for dividing and disposing of the territory in such a way as to discharge the obligations of the United States. This report of the committee on October 2, 1781, was referred to a new committee composed of delegates from states with definite western boundaries. That committee called upon Virginia to defend the position of the commonwealth. The Virginia dele- gates refused so to do, declaring that Congress had no juris- diction in an issue between a commonwealth and private citi- zens. The committee then recommended that the cession of New York be accepted and that of Virginia rejected. That commit- tee also reported on the claims of the different land companies that had filed petitions in Congress, and denied the claims of the Illinois and Wabash Land Company because of the fact that its purchases had been made contrary to law. No action appears to have been taken on this report, but on October 29, 1782, Con- gress voted on the motion of Maryland to accept the cession made by New York. The proposed cession of Virginia soon thereafter was referred again to a committee composed of dif- ferent members than the former committee. This committee on June 20, 1783, made a report favoring acceptance of the pro- posed Virginia cession, providing that certain conditions there- in were modified. In particular it recommended that the clause annulling the Indian purchases should not be insisted upon be- cause it was covered by some of the other conditions. The report was finally approved by Congress. The desired modifications were made by the Legislature of Virginia in 1783, and the cession of Virginia was completed on March 1, 1784. After the approval of the Virginia cession, Massachusetts waived its claim. In 1786, the cession of Connecticut reserving the territory afterward known as the Western Reserve was completed, and 156 ILLINOIS by this act of Connecticut the whole Northwest Territory was cleared of state claims, excepting the small reservation made by Connecticut. Soon thereafter the Congress of the United States appointed a committee for the purpose of preparing ordi- nances for the government of this territory. Thomas Jefferson was the chairman of this committee. He drew up an ordinance providing for the division of the territory into sixteen states. The plan, when submitted to Congress, was referred back to the same committee for re-consideration. That committee re- vised its plan and proposed the immediate formation of seven states in the territory bounded by parallels of latitude and me- ridian lines, but leaving the extreme Northwest undivided. Under this plan, the government was to be organized by the settlers themselves under the authority of Congress, and the Territorial Government might adopt with alterations such laws of other states as suited its purpose. It was provided that when the population reached 20,000 the territory could establish a permanent government upon republican principles, and that when the population equaled that of the smallest of the original states, it might apply to Congress for admission into the Union. This act was passed April 23, 1784. It never went into effect, however. The Indians were still in possession of the land and there were practically no settlers in the territory to organize the government except the French settlers in Illinois, who were neither vigorous enough, nor numerous enough, to bring about its organization. About this time, Thomas Jefferson was sent to Paris, where he remained several years, and his plan of organization was not pushed forward for enforcement. James Monroe took his place in Congress, and he made a visit to the Northwest Terri- tory and became convinced that the limitation of the states to an area of 150 miles square, which was provided in the cession of Virginia, was impractical. Monroe recommended that Vir- ginia revise her act of cession so as to provide that not more than five nor less than three states should be formed out of the territory of the old Northwest. Monroe's views prevailed, and they resulted in a succession of reports and resolutions in the Legislature of Virginia and in Congress between May 10, 1786, ILLINOIS 157 and April 26, 1787, when a new ordinance was formulated and put up for passage. This act was the famous Ordinance of April 26, 1787, providing for the creation of the Northwest Territory. From the foregoing statement we can learn why the North- west Territory was unprovided with laws or ordinances from the time of the signing of the treaty of peace in 1783 until the year 1787. Let us now discuss the conflicting claims between private interests and public interests which occasioned most of this delay. The soldiers who fought in the Revolutionary war were not given cash when they were paid off at the close of the war. There was no cash with which to pay them. They received in- stead of cash, paper money or "certificates of indebtedness." These certificates of indebtedness were not legal tender, nor could they be exchanged for cash except at a frightful discount. As soon as the Ordinance of 1787 was adopted, the people began to hear of the rich lands in the new Northwest Territory and they saw a way to utilize these certificates of indebtedness of the Continental Congress, and there was soon a demand for these certificates, which could be utilized for the payment of the small prices fixed upon the land when offered for sale by the Federal Government. Many of the officers of the Revolutionary army after their discharge became interested in acquiring these certificates. Among these was Gen. Benjamin Tupper and Gen. Samuel Holden Parsons. These officers associated themselves with the other influential men and the Ohio Company of Asso- ciates was formed, on March 3, 1786, in Boston. This company acquired a very large amount of these soldiers' certificates, and the directors of the company sent General Parsons to Congress to propose the purchase of lands west of the Ohio for that com- pany. The Rev. Manassa Cutler, a Congregational minister, also became interested in the company. Doctor Cutler was a clergy- man of considerable note, a scientist, and a man of great influ- ence. Both General Parsons and Doctor Cutler visited Washing- ton and called upon members of Congress for the purpose of negotiating a purchase of a tract of land on the Ohio River for 158 ILLINOIS the Ohio Company of Associates. The company at that time had on hand one million dollars worth of these certificates. Prior to that time, another group of men had formed the Indiana Land Company and the Vandalia Land Company, both of which companies were composed of many men of political strength and acumen. Another company, known as the Illinois and Wabash Land Company was organized for the purpose of acquiring lands in what are now Indiana and Illinois. All of these companies now united in the effort to secure land in the Northwest Territory. Thomas Jefferson in Congress and a group of powerful leaders were opposed to the policy of granting large concessions to incorporated companies, and held to the belief that the land should be thrown open to actual settlers. They had an ordinance passed, providing for the surveying of the lands in rectangular sections, providing for townships, sections and quarter sections of land, and they vigorously opposed the whole- sale granting of enormous tracts to speculating companies, and attempted in Congress to preserve these lands from sale except as to actual settlers who would settle thereon and pay a nom- inal price therefor. The leading spirits on behalf of the cor- porations were Gen. Rufus Putnam, Gen. Samuel Parsons, Win- throp Sargent and the Rev. Manassa Cutler representing the Ohio Company; Col. William Duer representing the Sciota Com- pany, John Cleve Symmes representing New Jersey interests. In addition to these men representing these companies, two men named Royal Flint and Joseph Parker on October 18, 1787, filed a petition for a large tract of land between the Great and Little Miami rivers. Another petition asking for leave to buy land came from the New Jersey Land Company organized by George Morgan, who asked for two million acres situated on the Miami south of the Flint and Parker tracts. All of these different interests finally gathered their influ- ences together behind Col. William Duer, a very shrewd and capable business man who had made considerable money through contracts for furnishing the Revolutionary army during the war, and by speculation in government securities. He was intimately connected with most of the financial powers of the United States and with many of those in Europe. Doctor Cutler had offered to ILLINOIS 159 buy a large tract of land to be immediately occupied by men from the northern states, which had brought to the support of these companies influential men from the North who had hith- erto been lukewarm. After the passage of the ordinance on July 13, 1787, the sale of lands was next taken up for consideration. The first terms of sale submitted to the Ohio company were not acceptable to that company. Doctor Cutler, who represented the company, was thereupon called upon by some of the leading speculators to whom he had letters of introduction. The leader of this band of speculators was Duer. Duer suggested the formation of an- other and a larger company that would purchase through Cutler and his associates 5,000,000 acres of land over and above the million and a half sought by the Ohio Company. Colonel Duer is stated by Alvord in his history to have been at that time secre- tary of the Confederacy Board of Treasury, and had authority to make sales of land. Doctor Cutler and Colonel Duer quickly came to an agreement, one of the terms of which was that Gen. Arthur St. Clair should be made the first governor of the North- west Territory. Colonel Duer now organized the Sciota Com- pany and began the struggle to secure land from the Government. On October 23, 1787, a resolution was passed, authorizing the Board of the Treasury to enter into contracts "in behalf of the United States with any person or persons for any quantity of land in the Northwest Territory, the Indian rights whereon having been extinguished, not less than one million of acres in one body, upon the same terms as respected price, payment and surveying, with those directed in the contract with Mr. Cutler and W. Sargent." Jefferson's effort to reserve all the land in the Northwest Territory was in part defeated. These great speculating companies had sufficient influence to secure a mod- ification of the ordinance so as to permit purchases by them in large quantities. Nonetheless, great tracts of fertile lands were opened up to actual settlers who were already at the time of the passage of the ordinance crossing the Alleghanies with the hon- est desire of establishing homesteads in the great Northwest. CHAPTER XV THE UNITED STATES ORDINANCE OF 1787 CREATING THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY The following in substance are the provisions of this famous ordinance : 1. The territory northwest of the Ohio River shall for the purposes of government be considered one district, but may be divided into two if found expedient. 2. The estates of persons dying intestate shall descend to the children of said person in equal parts. If there are no chil- dren, then to nearest of kin. 3. Estates may be bequeathed by wills in writing, and real estate may be transferred by deeds, signed, sealed, and delivered. 4. The laws for the descent of property in Kaskaskia, St. Vincennes and other French villages shall remain unchanged by this ordinance. 5. For purposes of government Congress shall from time to time appoint a governor who shall serve three years and shall reside in the said territory. There shall be a secretary who shall serve four years ; he also must reside in the said terri- tory. The duties of the secretary shall be such as devolve upon similar officials in like situations. The Congress shall appoint a court consisting of three judges who shall live in the territory. Their appointments shall run during good behavior. 6. The governor and judges shall adopt and publish such laws of the original states, criminal and civil, as may be neces- sary and suited to the needs of the district. These laws must be reported to Congress from time to time. 7. The governor shall be commander-in-chief of the militia, appoint and commission all officers in the militia. 8. The governor for the time being shall appoint civil of- ficers for the counties, townships, etc. 160 (From portrait by Charles Willson Peak) Arthur St. Clair First Governor of Northwest Territory 162 ILLINOIS 9. After territorial Legislatures are organized, these shall make laws for appointments to civil offices in the counties, etc. 10. The laws adopted shall be in force in all parts of the district. The governor shall lay out and organize counties for the more convenient execution of law and the preservation of order. 11. When the population has reached 5,000 free male in- habitants twenty-one years of age, there shall be organized a Territorial Legislature made up of representatives elected from the several counties or other units. The appointment being one representative for every 500 free male inhabitants. There were property and residence qualifications for both electors and rep- resentatives. Vacancies in the representation should be filled by election. 12. There should be a legislative council made up of five members holding office for five years. These five councilors were to be selected by Congress from a list of ten nominated by the Legislature. 13. The legislative functions of government shall be exer- cised by the governor, the council and the representatives. Bills passing both houses of the Legislature, and being signed by the governor, become laws. The governor had the power to con- vene, prorogue and dissolve the Legislature. 14. The two houses of the Legislature in joint session shall elect a delegate to Congress who shall have all rights of members except voting. 15. "For the purpose of extending the fundamental princi- ples of civil and religious liberty which form the basis of these republics; and to fix and establish those principles as the basis of all laws, constitutions and governments which forever here- after shall be formed in the said territory; to provide, also for the establishment of states and permanent governments therein ; and for their admission to a share in the federal councils on an equal footing with the original states, Be it ordained, etc." Following the foregoing provisions there were six articles which constitute a sort of fundamental Bill of Rights such as are found in the constitutions of most of the states today. The ordinance of 1787 declared that the articles which are given Northwest Territory 164 ILLINOIS below were "articles of compact between the original states and the people and states in the said territory, and forever re- main unalterable unless by common consent." Bill of Rights. Art. 1. No person, demeaning himself in a peaceable and orderly manner, shall ever be molested on account of his mode of worship or religious sentiments, in the said territory. Art. 2. The inhabitants shall always be entitled to the bene- fits of the writ of habeas corpus, and of trial by jury. They shall be entitled to proportionate representation in the Legislature, and of judicial proceedings. All persons shall be entitled to bail except in capital cases. All fines shall be moderate, and cruel and unusual punishments shall never be inflicted. No man shall be deprived of his liberty or property, but by the judgment of his peers, or the law of the land. No law shall ever be made which shall interfere with con- tracts previously entered into, if bona fide and without fraud. Art. 3. Religion, morality and knowledge, being necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of education shall forever be encouraged. Good faith towards the Indians shall be observed, and their property rights and liberty shall not be invaded unless in just wars authorized by Congress. Art. 4. The said territory, and the states which may be formed therein, shall forever remain a part of this confederacy of the United States of America. The inhabitants and settlers in said territory shall be subject to pay a part of the Federal debt, contracted or to be contracted. The legislatures of these districts, or new states, shall never interfere with the primary disposal of the soil by the United States in Congress assembled, nor with any regulations Congress may find necessary for securing the title in such soil, to the bona fide purchasers. Art. 5. There shall be formed in the said territory not less than three, nor more than five states, with boundaries as follows : The state farthest west shall be bound by the Mississippi, the Ohio, and the Wabash and the meridian of Vincennes, and on ILLINOIS 165 the north by Canada. The middle state by the meridian of Vincennes, the Wabash, the Ohio and the meridian of the mouth of the Great Miami River, and on the north by Canada. The eastern state shall be bounded by the meridian on the mouth of the Great Miami, the Ohio, and Pennsylvania, and on the north by Canada. But Congress may run an east and west line through the southerly bend of Lake Michigan and form two states out of the territory north of this line. When any one of these states shall have 60,000 free inhab- itants it may be admitted as a state into the Union, on equal footing with the old thirteen states. Art. 6. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude shall exist in the said territory except as a punishment for crime, whereof the party shall have been duly convicted. Slaves or involuntary servants escaping into said territory shall be delivered up to the ones to whom such labor, or service, is due. CHAPTER XVI THE LAW'S DELAY AND STRUGGLE FOR LAND The treaty of Paris established the United States of America as a nation September 3, 1783. It was nearly four years there- after before the Congress of the United States passed the ordi- nance of July, 1787, which finally went into effect and gave law to the Illinois country. What were the causes that delayed giving relief and lawful government to the people of the North- west who were clamoring for the same ? There were two causes which we will discuss at length: First — Conflict between New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Virginia and the United States, and the conflict of these four states with each other and the other states of the United States as to the ownership of the territory; and second — a bitter contest between public and pri- vate interests as to the terms of the fundamental law for the new territory as it affected private ownership of the land. We will now discuss the first cause of the delay or the con- flict of the several states with each other and the United States, as to the ownership of the land in the Northwest country ac- quired from Great Britain by the treaty of Paris in 1783. The real and best title to this territory was in the Indian tribes that for over a century after its discovery by white men had occupied it and claimed it as their hunting-grounds. These tribes had in all probability been in ownership and occupation of same for centuries before any European had set foot upon the territory. The white man, however, whether he was French, English, Spanish or American ; whether he was a coureur de hois, a British trader or a Kentucky backwoodsman, a diplomat or a statesman, knew that the half-naked, illiterate Indians, with their tomahawks and bows and arrows, were helpless to main- tain their titles either by diplomacy or by warfare. They knew that in nearly every instance where, in the eastern colonies, the 166 ILLINOIS 167 white man wanted possession of the Indian lands, he secured them, either by over-reaching" or swindling the Indians in so- called treaties, which were signed by the chiefs soaked in the white man's rum and loaded with the white man's worthless baubles ; or by open violence and the crack of rifles. They knew that all Caucasian nations without exception had, in their deal- ings with black, brown, yellow or red uncivilized men throughout all past history, treated the titles of savage men to the lands they occupied as a temporary obstacle to be removed by blandishment or bloodshed. The diplomats of Great Britain, France and the United States, when they signed the Treaty of Peace in 1783, all acted on this understanding and conveyed the land occupied and right- fully-owned by the Algonquin tribes of Indians, which after- wards became the Northwest Territory to the United States of America, thus leaving the latter nation in a position in which it could dispose of the Indian titles in the usual white man's way. Let us then only discuss the title of the American nation and of its several states to the land in question. The title to all this land by discovery and occupation was in France until she ceded her title to Great Britain by the treaty of 1763. Under British law, which was also the law of the British colonies, the title of all lands within the nation was held by the Crown under the feudal system. All grants made by the Crown reserved the fee simple title in the Crown, quali- fied by the grants or concessions made to grantees by charter of other royal instrument of conveyance. Often a nominal quit rent was specified, but more often material returns of income or service were required annually from the grantees. The title in fee of the Crown to these lands .was never passed to any chartered colony or any proprietor until it was conveyed abso- lutely by the Treaty of Peace in 1763. To what nation or state did the title pass by that treaty? There can be but little doubt that the title of the British Crown passed to the United States of America. The American commissioners appointed to settle the terms of that treaty represented no single state separately, but all of the thirteen states jointly. Great Britain would not have recognized or dealt with them if they had not represented 168 ILLINOIS them jointly. So far as Great Britain was concerned, the United States of America sprang into national life and became a sover- eign nation for the first time when that treaty was signed. In the eyes of Great Britain, before the signature of the treaty they were only thirteen revolting colonies in America and not a sovereign nation. When the Congress of the United States took up for consid- eration the question of establishing a government for the newly acquired territory, it had the lawful right to it as a part of the national domain and the right to legislate for its government, and some of the states advocated this policy. But opposition promptly arose as to the expediency of so doing, chiefly from Virginia, Massachusetts, Connecticut and New York. It was vigorously claimed by the delegates from these states that they had rights antedating the title of the United States and valid under international comity. They pointed out that a resolution of the Continental Congress, introduced by Richard Henry Lee, and passed by that body in 1776, read as follows : "Resolved, that these united colonies are and of right ought to be free and independent states ;" that the same words appear in the Declaration of Independence, of July 4, 1776, and that these words are followed in that memorable document by the following: ". . . . and that as free and independent states they have full power to levy war, etc." These pregnant words in this nation-erecting instrument, they argued, made each of the separate states a sovereign state, and that each of these sover- eign states became, by this Declaration of Independence and the terms of the treaty of 1783, the owners of the land which each colony claimed prior to the Declaration of Independence. All the four states mentioned united in this contention, but differed among themselves as to priority of their several respective rights. This requires us to consider the joint contention of the four states and determine whether this contention had legal weight, and then take up the question of priority rights as between the four claimant states. Let us then consider the claims of each and ascertain whether they were well founded, and if so, which had priority rights. ILLINOIS 169 The claim of New York can be quickly disposed of. That state did not claim under any charter or grant from the Crown. It was based solely upon alleged treaty rights obtained from the Iroquois tribe of Indians, or the so-called Five Nations. These tribes were not in occupancy of this territory during the 120 years that it was claimed by France and Great Britain. During the whole of that period it had been occupied by differ- ent branches of the Algonquin race of Indians with whom the Iroquois were often in deadly conflict. Occasionally the Iro- quois made a foray into Algonquin territory as the Algonquins made forays into Iroquois territory. But permanent Iroquois occupancy of land was always confined within the limits of New York State. The claim of New York was a mere shadow and seems to have been recognized as such by its own delegates, for their state was the first to surrender its claims and to convey its interests to the nation. The claim of Massachusetts was based upon a charter ob- tained in 1628 or 1629 which comprised "a strip of territory between the Merrimac and Charles rivers with three miles on the farther side of each and extended westward to the Pacific Ocean." This strip could have extended over the north portion of the State of Illinois. Connecticut claimed under a charter granted by Charles II, in 1662, in which the colony was given all the land south of the south line of Massachusetts reaching to the latitude of New York and "westward to the South Sea." This would have crossed the north portion of the present State of Illinois immediately south of and adjoining the Massachusetts claim. Virginia claimed under a charter of James I, dated 1607 and amended in 1609, which granted land by two lines, one run- ning west commencing 200 miles south of Old Point Comfort, and one running northwest from a point 200 miles north of Old Point Comfort. These claims had been made and discussed even before the treaty of peace was signed in 1783. All these claims, however, were, as we have seen, finally compromised and settled by conveyance from all of the claimant states to the United States. 170 ILLINOIS Some curious reader of history may inquire why it was that the United States ordinance of April 23, 1784, creating the Northwest Territory, did not go into effect. The ordinance un- questionably was passed legally by Congress and became a part of the law of the land; yet it was never proclaimed, nor were any officers appointed by the President or Congress to put it into execution. There are several reasons that will naturally occur to an inquiring mind if it examines the ordinance itself and the circumstances existing immediately before and after its passage. Thomas Jefferson, who framed the ordinance of 1784, left America for France and remained abroad for several years thereafter. He was compelled to leave his legislative child to the care of Madison and others who lacked the keen interest of paternity. In his desire to throw open the western lands to actual settlers who would buy in small quantities and improve the land with home and tillage, Jefferson had inserted in the ordinance a provision for the immediate foundation of at least seven small states, rectangular in shape. The survey ordinance of May 20, 1785, then provided that each state should be subdi- vided by survey into rectangular townships six miles square, each township to contain thirty-six sections of land. The ordi- nance of 1784 further provided that the government for these states was to be organized by the settlers themselves under au- thority of Congress, and that the territorial government, pending the birth of the states, could adopt with or without alteration such laws of the other states as suited its purpose. In 1784 and 1785 the Indians were still in undisturbed pos- session of these lands, excepting a few French settlements at Detroit, Peoria, St. Joe, Vincennes, Mackinac and in Southern Illinois, not numbering in all over 2,500 souls. These latter were neither numerous enough nor sufficiently acquainted with the English language, or self-assertive enough, to take a single step towards the foundation of a territorial government. Ex- cept the French, the few white men in the Northwest Territory at that time were insignificant in number. Another reason why there was no attempt to create a govern- ment under the 1784 ordinance was that the United States Gov- ILLINOIS 171 ernment had made no provision for giving title of the land to settlers. The Indian titles had not been procured and no price had been fixed, or the terms of purchase provided for, by law or ordinance. Moreover, there was no great inrush of actual settlers yet in evidence north of the Ohio. The land speculator had not yet gotten in his deadly work upon the unpaid dis- charged soldiers of the Revolution, who had received with their discharge papers not cash but "certificates of indebtedness of the United States." The discharged veteran could not exchange these certificates for cash, food or clothing, except at a heavy discount. The land speculators soon saw their opportunity, but it took a couple of years after peace was signed in 1783 to organize, advertise and merchandise these certificates at a heavy discount. When this work was done, the "Ohio Company of As- sociates" became active and appeared before Congress March 3, 1786, having been organized at Boston for the purpose of dealing in land. That company succeeded in buying 1,500,000 acres, and then came the Scioto Company asking 5,000,000 acres, and other companies asking other millions of acres, all under the terms of sale given to the Ohio Company. The resolution of Congress under which the large sales of land in bulk were made was passed October 23, 1787, and au- thorized the United States Board of Treasury to enter into con- tracts "in behalf of the United States with any person or per- sons for any quantity of land in the western territory, the In- dian rights wherein have been extinguished, not less than one million acres in one body, upon the same terms, as it respects price, payment and surveying, with these directed in the con- tract with M. Cutler and W. Sargent." The M. Cutler and W. Sargent therein mentioned were undoubtedly the Rev. Manassa Cutler and Winthrop Sargent, who were the leading spirits and lobbyists of the Ohio Company of Associates, and who are men- tioned in a former chapter. A consideration of the above matters will explain why it was no territorial government was proclaimed or officered under the territorial ordinance of 1784 and 1785. The sales made under the ordinance of 1787, at or about this time, however, whether made in bulk or to actual settlers, did not affect the 172 ILLINOIS lands of the present State of Illinois. That ordinance did pro- tect or attempt to protect the rights of the French settlers in Illinois, but these simple people had in many cases bartered away their rights for inadequate and often trifling considera- tion to the ever-present crafty land speculator. The Indian titles to land in Illinois were not extinguished until some years afterwards, and the Illinois lands were not thrown open to settlers for purchase until the Indian titles were by hook or crook acquired. CHAPTER XVII ILLINOIS UNDER NORTHWEST TERRITORIAL GOVERNMENT On October 5, 1787, Gen. Arthur St. Clair was selected as governor of the Northwest Territory and Winthrop Sargent was appointed secretary. Soon thereafter, James M. Varnum, Sam- uel H. Parsons and John C. Symmes were appointed judges. They were all prominent citizens and most of them were in- terested in the large land grants heretofore mentioned. These gentlemen, by virtue of the provisions of the 1787 ordinance, became the law-making body of the territory and enacted a set of laws, an abstract of which is, according to Dillon in his His- toric Notes: 1. The first law was one providing for the establishment of a militia system in the territory of the United States. 2. A law providing for Courts of Quarter Sessions, County Courts of Common Pleas, and a law providing for the office of sheriff, and for the appointment of sheriffs. 3. Another law providing for the establishment of court of probate. 4. A law providing for the sitting of the general court in the territory to hear general cases beyond the adjudication of the courts of the counties. This court was to be held by the three judges or by any two of them. They were to be held four times a year in such counties as. suits the pleasure of the judges. This general court shall have civil and criminal juris- diction. The law provided for adjournment of sessions and for continuance of processes. 5. A law was enacted providing for oaths of office for the several officials in the several counties. 6. A law respecting crimes and the punishments thereof. Treason, murder, and arson, if death results, are punishable by 173 ^ Primitive Grain Mill ILLINOIS 175 death. Burglary and robbery, by whipping, fines and imprison- ment. Minor offenses were punishable by fines, whippings, dis- franchisement, or the pillory. Offenders who could not pay their fines were sold by the sheriff for limited terms according to the offense. Children or servants who were disobedient to the commands of their parents or masters might be sent to a house of correc- tion by the courts. Drunken persons were to be fined for the first offense five dimes, for the second offense ten dimes and for the third they could be sent to the stocks. "Whereas, idle, vain and obscene conversation, profane curs- ing and swearing, and more especially the irreverently mention, ing, calling upon, or invoking the Sacred and Supreme Being, by any of the divine characters in which he hath graciously conde- scended to reveal his infinitely beneficent purposes to mankind, are repugnant to every moral sentiment, subversive of every civil obligation, inconsistent with the ornaments of polished life, and abhorrent to the principles of the most benevolent religion. It is expected, therefore, if crimes of this kind should exist, they will not find encouragement, countenance, or approbation in this territory. It is strictly enjoined upon all officers and ministers of justice, upon parents and others, heads of fam- ilies, and upon others of every description, that they abstain from practices so vile and irrational; and that by example and precept, to the utmost of their power they present the necessity of adopting and publishing laws, with penalties upon their head. And it is hereby declared that the Government will consider as unworthy its confidence all those who may obstinately violate these in junctions." This quotation has been made at length to enable the reader to obtain some insight into the notions that the people of that time held relative to profanity. In an additional paragraph the governor and judges lay down the rule governing labor and acts of charity upon the Lord's day or the first day of the week. 7. A law regulating marriages. Marriage contracts cannot be consummated unless the intention of the parties to the con- tract is published at least fifteen days before the marriage. The 176 ILLINOIS means of publicity was announcement in the place of worship three different Sundays or holy days, or by publishing through a written statement acknowledged before a justice of the peace, etc. 8. This was a supplementary law pertaining to Act 1 rela- tive to the organization of the militia. 9. A law providing for the exercise of authority by the coroner. 10. A limitation of the time of commencing civil and crim- inal actions. Governor St. Clair did not make his appearance in Illinois until some time in March, 1790, when he visited Kaskaskia. The white population then, in what is now the State of Illinois, did not exceed 2,500. John Reynolds, afterwards governor, who landed in Illinois in 1800, and who had an excellent oppor- tunity of estimating the population at that time and before, states that were there were only 2,000 white people in the state in 1790, of whom 1,200 were French. He also states that in 1800 those who spoke English were between 800 and 1,000. It is certain that the French population did not increase between 1790 and 1800. The discomforts and annoyances which they had been suffering under American rule since Clark's invasion had been reducing rather than increasing their numbers. The people were poor and ignorant of American laws and customs. Their holdings had never been surveyed or platted, but had been occu- pied and utilized under unquestioned claims of ownership for many years. The governor promptly proceeded to lay off a county, and with becoming modesty called it St. Clair. The Illinois and Mississippi rivers were its western borders and the Ohio River its southern boundary. The northeasterly boundary was a line drawn from the Illinois River at the mouth of Mackinac Creek to Fort Massac on the Ohio River. The governor then appointed some twenty-eight county officials, twenty of whom were French. The most important and capable of the new appointees were John Edgar and James Piggott. The former of these was ap- pointed to three offices, captain of militia, judge of Common ILLINOIS 177 Pleas and judge of Quarter Sessions. The latter was appointed captain of militia and justice of the peace. After appointing these officials, the governor issued a proc- lamation requiring all persons claiming title to land to come to his office and present their titles. Pursuant to this order, many claimants proved up their titles, but as the governor also re- quired them to have their lands surveyed, many of the poor claimants were in such destitution that they were unable to pay for surveys. The governor reported to Congress that many surveys were made and recorded but that a part of the surveys were not returned because the people objected to paying the surveyor and that it was too true that they "are ill able to pay." He further reported that the people in the settlements in Illi- nois on the Wabash were in great distress and had been since they came under the rule of General Clark. The people in Kas- kaskia and other towns had furnished supplies to Clark's troops and had given Clark everything they could spare, and had been paid in Virginia certificates that were without value, and when these certificates were presented to Virginia they were rejected. In this plight and in fear of losing their properties held for many years, the people appealed to Father Gibault, who prepared a heart-moving memorial and gave it to the governor. It reads as follows : St Clair County, June 9th, 1790. To His Excellency Arthur St. Clair, Governor and Commander-in-chief, Of the Territory of the United States Northwest of the Kiver Ohio. The memorial humbly showeth. that by an act of Con- gress of June 20, 1788, it was declared that the lands here- tofore possessed by the said inhabitants should be surveyed at their expense; and that this cause appears to them neither necessary nor adapted to quiet the minds of the people. It does not appear necessary, because from the establishment of the colony to this day, they have enjoyed their property and possessions without disputes or lawsuits on the subject of their limits; that the surveys of them were made at the time the concessions were obtained from their ancient Kings, Lords and Commandants; and each 178 ILLINOIS of them knew what belonged to him without attempting an encroachment on his neighbor, or fearing that his neigh- bor would encroach on him. It does not appear adapted to pacify them, because, instead of assuring them the peace- able possessions of their ancient inheritance, as they have enjoyed it till now, that clause obliges them to bear expenses which, in their present situation, they are absolutely in- capable of paying, and for the failure of which they must be deprived of their lands. Your Excellency is an eye witness of the poverty to which the inhabitants are reduced, and of the total want of provision to subsist on. Not knowing where to find a morsel of bread to nourish their families, by what means can they support the expense of a survey which has not been sought for on their parts, and for which, it is con- ceived by them, there is no necessity ? Loaded with misery, and groaning under the weight of misfortunes accumulated since the Virginia troops entered their country, the un- happy inhabitants throw themselves under the protection of your Excellency, and take the liberty to solicit you to lay their deplorable situation before the Congress; and, as it may be interesting for the United States to know exactly the extent and limits of their ancient possessions in order to ascertain the lands which are yet at the disposal of Con- gress, it appears to them, in their humble opinion, that the expense of the survey ought more properly to be borne by Congress, for whom alone it is useful, than by them who do not feel the necessity of it. Besides, this is no object for the United States, but it is great, too great, for a few unhappy beings who, your Excellency sees yourself, are scarcely able to support their pitiful existence. Signed, Fr. P. Gibault, and Eighty-seven Others. Before leaving Kaskaskia Governor St. Clair deputized Win- throp Sargent to complete the task of making records of titles to lands on the Mississippi and Wabash rivers. Up to this time (1790) so far as immigration was concerned, the situation in Illinois was one of complete stagnation. Lack of laws under which settlers could obtain title to land was one cause, but the greater cause was the hostility and depredations of the Indians. These red men had the audacity to insist that the white men of America should observe and carry out the terms of a solemn ILLINOIS 179 treaty that the white men had made with them under British rule. They pointed to the treaty of Fort Stanwix, signed in 1768, wherein the white men of Great Britain obligated their country to respect the title of the Indians to all the land in the Northwest which lay west of a line drawn from about where the City of Lorain, Ohio, is located on the south shore of Lake Erie, south to the mouth of the Great Kanawha River. With both good logic and argument they contended that when the United States of America acquired the British title in 1783, it did so subject to the treaty rights of the Indians secured to them by the treaty of Fort Stanwix. The contention would have been good in any impartial-minded court. As usual in any contro- versy between a Caucasian and a black, brown, yellow or red man, the argument fell on deaf ears. War was the result. Bands of Indians from the Muskingum to the Mississippi seized their guns and went on the war-path. President Washington ordered Governor St. Clair to gather an army and attack the Indians. In the fall of 1791 the American army under St. Clair was surprised as Braddock was surprised. On the banks of the Wabash the Indians sprung their surprise and administered the most humiliating and crushing defeats suffered by white men from Indians in history. The command of the American army was then given to "Mad Anthony" Wayne, of Revolutionary fame. The Indians had been sympathized with and encouraged, if not actually instigated, by the British officers at Detroit. Anthony's first act after his appointment to the command was a politic and peaceful one. He negotiated a peace with the Pottawatomie tribe in Northern Illinois, and this de- prived the fighting tribes in Indiana and Ohio of the assistance and support they had been receiving from the tribes in the West. He then began vigorously training the freshly-recruited troops placed in his charge, and after they had been thoroughly disci- plined he attacked the Indians at Fallen Timbers, where they were encamped in the shadow of a British fort, and routed them most thoroughly. The Indians were expecting British support, but to their consternation and surprise this was not forthcoming. The British commander of the fort even refused them refuge when they were beaten, and they were compelled to 180 ILLINOIS scatter in all directions. This battle broke the Indian power for the time being and enabled General Wayne to conclude the treaty of Greenville on most favorable terms, August 4, 1795. This treaty opened up for settlement the eastern and south- ern parts of Ohio and provided that the United States might hold reservations in Indian territory for forts, also establishing a new Indian boundary line. Among the locations for forts were three in the present State of Illinois, one at Chicago, one at Peoria and one at the junction of the Illinois and Mississippi rivers. Fifteen years of peace followed the signing of the treaty of Greenville. That treaty established the policy of the United States to be followed thereafter in dealing with Indian claims; the policy of recognizing Indian titles and of acquiring same by treaty. Pursuing that policy while the strength of the Indian for resistance was constantly and rapidly diminishing, the United States was enabled by successive treaties to divest the Indians of all their titles in the Northwest Territory and then offer the lands so acquired to settlers. That the consideration paid to the Indians often was inconsiderable may be true, but such is the lot of those who are vanquished in battle. Vae victis. The officials of the United States at that time always con- tended that the antagonism of the Indians to the Americans was constantly fomented and encouraged by the British officials in Canada. They did, undoubtedly, furnish the Indians with pow- der, guns and other weapons, and encouraged them to exchange their pelts for British merchandise. They openly sympathized with the Indians, but probably were careful not to involve Great Britain by overt acts of actual warfare. The British govern- ment still maintained garrisons at Mackinac, Detroit and Buf- falo. The treaty of 1783 left several issues undisposed of, which the diplomats agreed could be settled in a future commercial treaty between Great Britain and the United States. The re- tention of British garrisons at the points above and the exist- ence of trading posts in their vicinity where the Indians could procure arms and ammunition was a source of much concern to the Americans, and caused President Washington to send John Jay to London to bring about a treaty that would compel the British to remove their forts from American soil. Jay was ILLINOIS 181 successful and such a treaty was signed November 19, 1794, and ratified by the Senate in 1795. Pursuant to the terms thereof the British surrendered their forts and trading posts on American soil to the United States. The fur trade, then in the hands of the British traders, was a very lucrative one, and when the British abandoned American soil they transferred their trade to Maiden, at the mouth of the Detroit River, and to St. Joseph's Island, in the channel connecting Lake Superior with Lake Huron. There they continued their trading with much success for years afterward. These Indian troubles to the east of what is now Illinois seriously retarded settlements in Ohio and, in connection with the unjust and unfortunate treatment which the French settle- ments in Illinois had received for years from both British and American officials, absolutely stagnated all increase of popula- tion in the latter territory. A few Americans visited Kaskaskia, but almost without exception they were land speculators and not bona fide settlers. The delayed appearance of Governor St. Clair and his establishment of American courts did but little to improve the situation. He had divided the newly-created St. Clair County into three districts, Cahokia, Kaskaskia and Prairie du Rocher. In Cahokia the judges performed their functions in a satisfactory manner, as they had always done in the past, under all administrations; but in Kaskaskia and Prairie du Rocher it was otherwise. After the brief and belated visit of Governor St. Clair to Kaskaskia in 1790, he created St. Clair County and appointed county officials, and then shook the dust of Southern Illinois from his shoes and appointed and sent Territorial Judge Turner to Illinois to administer justice and straighten out its tangled affairs. Governor St. Clair and the territorial judges who were the law-making body of the new territory, in enacting and proclaim- ing laws for the territory, had exceeded their powers in so doing. They had framed and attempted to enact laws of their own inspiration instead of adopting laws already in force in some of the American states. The three judges assumed additional functions and made the court one of both original and appellate 182 ILLINOIS jurisdiction from whose decisions there was no appeal. Nearly- all of its sessions were held at Marietta or Cincinnati, Ohio. No sessions had been held in Illinois from 1790 to 1794. The Federal Government had rebuked the governor and judges for blunders in law-making and the governor ordered the holding of a court in Illinois. Acting under the governor's order, Judge Turner reached Kaskaskia in October, 1794, and at once pro- ceeded to act in an insolent and tyrannical manner. The records of the county courts had been kept in Cahokia in the custody of the prothonotary and clerk, William St. Clair, a relative of Governor St. Clair. Judge Turner ordered them removed to Kaskaskia and when the clerk protested the Judge took forcible possession of them, whereupon St. Clair resigned. The judge, by other violent and tactless proceedings, so enraged the people of Kaskaskia and Cahokia that they prepared a petition to Congress asking redress of their grievances. Rather than face the issue thus raised, Judge Turner resigned or fled the county to escape indictment or congressional investigation. When Governor St. Clair heard of the conduct of Judge Turner he sternly rebuked him, restored Clerk St. Clair to his former position, and started for Kaskaskia with Territorial Judge John C. Symmes. On arrival at his destination he found that a bitter rivalry had been developed between Cahokia and Kaskaskia which could not be assuaged. In order to remove the bitterness or the dispute as to whether Cahokia or Kaskaskia was the county seat, the governor created the new county of Randolph, covering the south part of the present state, in which Kaskaskia would be the principal town and county seat, but leaving Cahokia in St. Clair County as its county* seat. The governor's proclamation was issued October 5, 1795. Let us now turn to the year 1798, when it was first ascer- tained that the Northwest country had a population of something over 5,000 white male inhabitants. This was fifteen years after the territory had been ceded by Great Britain to the United States, eleven years after it had been legally created a territory by Congress and eleven years after a territorial government had been installed. It took all these years to attract 2,500 white men to settle in one of the most fertile valleys of the world. ILLINOIS 183 I say 2,500 and not 5,000, because there were 2,500 white men in Illinois in and about the year 1750, and according to the United States Census of 1800 there were about the same number In the same territory. During the gfteen years which had elapsed from the time it became American territory, white men had been trickling into the region at the rate of only 166 men per year. In these modern days when we read of thousands of eager men massed in crowds awaiting the signal gun which opens Government reservations to settlement, we cannot be blamed for wondering at the hesitation and deliberation dis- played by the inhabitants of the Eastern states in the latter part of the eighteenth century. The 2,500 men that, during these fifteen years did settle in the Northwest territory, did not settle in Illinois. The Ohio Company, the Scioto Company and the other colonizing companies had lands in Ohio and Indi- ana, but none in Illinois. The few white settlers that did come here did not add to its population. They merely replaced French settlers who had become dissatisfied and left for St. Louis or Canada. Illinois was static from 1763 until 1795. In 1795 it was found that in the Northwest territory there were between 5,000 and 6,000 white male inhabitants. The ordinance of 1787, it will be recalled, made provision for two classes of territorial government. In the initial or primary territorial government, all executive, legislative and judicial powers were exercised by Federal appointees. The secondary form arose when the territory had a "population of 5,000 free male inhabitants over twenty-one years of age." It provided that a Legislature should then be elected, one representative for each 500 free male inhabitants, that the Legislature so elected should select ten names for members of the territorial council from which Congress should elect five members of the council, and that the governor, the council and the representatives should become the law-making power of the territory with power to make all civil appointments to office. It having been duly ascertained that the territory had the necessary population of 5,000, Governor St. Clair called the election of representatives to meet in Cincinnati. The procla- mation called for the election of twenty-two (some writers say William Henry Harrison First Governor of Indiana Territory (including Illinois) ILLINOIS 185 twenty-three) representatives. There must have been a sudden and very large influx of inhabitants between the time when it was ascertained that there was a population of about 5,000 and the issuance of the proclamation, or the discovery of the neces- sary legal population was belated, or, further, that the governor may have been guided by his conviction that before the election the population would have increased to 11,000. The call for the election of twenty-two representatives was based upon an estimate of 11,000 inhabitants, because the ordinance provided for one representative for each 500 inhabitants. If there was a sudden increase in population it was in Ohio and not in Illinois. In the Legislature elected pursuant to the call of the governor in 1799, Illinois had only two representatives, Shadrach Bond from St. Clair County and John Edgar from Randolph County. The residents of the western part of the territory and particu- larly those in Illinois, were by no means satisfied with their lot under the secondary form of territorial government. The Legis- lature met at a remote distance from them, the judges held but few and infrequent sessions of court in their vicinity, and the expenses of the new government were largely increased. Their representation in the Legislature, two for 2,500 inhabitants, seemed clearly unfair. They saw, too, that the eastern portion of the territory, which was constantly increasing in population, would soon become a territory of the first class and eventually a state. This would revert them into a territory of the first class. To escape from the remoteness of government and the increased expense of maintaining same, in 1800 they petitioned Congress to separate them from the eastern population. The committee in Congress to which this petition was referred found that "in the western counties there has been but one court having cognizance of crimes in five years/' and that the immunity given to criminals by the want of such courts was attracting criminals and deterring settlers from locating. Con- gress acted promptly. On May 7, 1800, a law created the Indiana Territory, bounded on the east by a line starting on the Ohio opposite the Kentucky River and running north to the Canadian border. William Henry Harrison was appointed 186 ILLINOIS governor and appeared at the capital of the new territory Jan- uary 10, 1801. The newly-created Indiana Territory comprised all of Illinois and most of the present State of Indiana and con- tained a population of less than 6,000. All of Illinois except the land on and surrounding the French villages owned and occupied by the French, was an Indian reservation recognized by American law. In Illinois at that time the white population was about 2,500, of which 1,500 were French. Most of the latter were wretchedly poor and ignorant and exerted but little influence. There were, however, a few very able and financially responsible leaders of that nationality, Pierre Menard, who held many responsible offices in both territory and state and was finally elected lieutenant-governor of Illinois; and Nicholas Jar- roh, Jean Dumoulin and Jean Francois Perrey, all of whom played an important part in the history of the state. In 1801 most of the people of Illinois wanted to change the form of their territorial government from the first to the second class, but were opposed by Governor Harrison and his appointees. They, the people, believed that the change would enable them to have a voice in the making of their laws and the selection of their officials. The change would also enable them to send a delegate to Congress who could express their views in that important body. One of the living issues of that day was the modification of the sixth article in the ordinance of 1787, which prohibited slavery in the territory. The governor, who first opposed the change, finally consented to issue a call for an election upon the question as to whether there should be a change from first class to the second class. On August 4, 1804, this call was issued, the governor directing that the election should be held September 11, 1804 or on the thirty-eighth day thereafter. In view of the limited means of conveying infor- mation, and of travel existing at that time, the time given was inadequate and unfair. Partly because of the brevity of the notice and partly because of ignorance and indifference on the part of the voters, only 360 voters cast their ballots, 260 of which were for the change and 100 against it. Wayne County, which then comprised what is now all of Southern Michigan, did not hear of the call for election and did not cast a single ILLINOIS 187 vote. On December 5, 1804, the governor proclaimed that the territory had "passed into the second or representative grade of government." At the election for representatives held in January, 1805, Shadrach Bond and William Biggs were chosen by St. Clair County and George Fisher by Randolph County. When the elected representatives chose ten names for submission to the President for members of the territorial council, he selected John Hay from St. Clair County and Pierre Menard from Randolph County. At this time the population of Illinois proper was probably between 6,000 and 7,000. According to the Federal Census of 1800 there were 5,641 people in the territory, divided as follows : Indiana proper, 2517; Illinois proper, 2458; Michigan proper 551, and Wisconsin proper, 115. CHAPTER XVIII SLAVERY AND INDENTURED SERVANTS— TERRITORY OF ILLINOIS CREATED Early in the history of the Indiana Territory arose a question which mightily absorbed the attention of the settlers and pioneers then living in the territory, and which continued to excite and keenly interest them and their descendants and subsequently arriving settlers for many years thereafter. Article six of the Bill of Rights contained in the ordinance of 1787 provided : Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude shall exist in the said territory except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted. At the time of the passage of the ordinance there were slaves in Illinois. Under French rule early in the eighteenth century slaves had been imported and held in bondage during all the French, British and American administrations. Slavery had been and was recognized and tolerated by the Federal Constitution of the United States. The French habitants were accustomed to it and acquiesced in it. The American settlers, almost without exception, had come from Kentucky, Tennessee or other slave-holding states, and some of these American set- tlers had brought slaves into the territory from Southern states. Public sentiment in Southern Illinois and Indiana was largely favorable towards the retention of the system. The central and northern part of the territory then had no white population. Pioneer transportation was almost wholly by water, because it was less arduous, less dangerous and cheaper than overland travel through trackless forests and prairies. Waterway facili- ties were at hand for the Kentuckians, Tennesseeans and Virgi- nians, but not for the northern colonists, while the Great Lakes 188 Mississippi Valley in 1801 190 ILLINOIS were in British or French control. Thus the early settlers were from the South, where they had acquired pro-slavery convictions. Such being the condition of public sentiment both among the American and French settlers, they were speedily confronted with the problem of what to do with reference to Article Six. When Governor St. Clair arrived in Kaskaskia in 1790 he was called upon to decide the question as to whether the slaves then owned in the territory became freemen by virtue of the article mentioned, or remained in slavery. In a public statement, after giving careful consideration to the matter, he declared that the ordinance did not free the slaves then in the territory, but that it prohibited the bringing of other slaves into the territory. This quieted the fears of the slave-owners for a time but did not wholly satisfy the largely preponderant pro-slavery views of the people. A petition from Kaskaskia was presented to Congress, Janu- ary 12, 1796, asking that body to repeal Article Six, but the prayer of the petition was denied. Some old Revolutionary soldiers in 1799 presented a petition to the territorial Legis- lature, asking leave to bring their slaves with them, and per- mission to live with their slaves on the military tract north of the Ohio, reserved by Virginia. This was also denied because the Legislature believed that it would conflict with the ordinance. Another petition from Kaskaskia was presented to Congress January 23, 1801, asking permission to introduce slavery into Indiana Territory, containing a clause for gradual emancipation. No disposition of this petition was ever made. Notwithstanding all their failures to secure modification or repeal of Article Six, another effort was made in 1802. While Governor Harrison was on a visit to Kaskaskia in the fall of that year, he was petitioned to call a convention for the purpose of devising the best way to secure the admission of slavery by law into the territory. This petition was granted and the governor called the convention November 22, 1802, the delegates elected from Illinois being Jean Francois Perrey, Shad- rach Bond and John Murdock from St. Clair County and Pierre Menard, Robert Morrison and Robert Reynolds from Randolph County. The convention, which was presided over by Governor Hi yf-^vw, ^■■^■'■•■■■^'^r.v*:;.f-^r-V^«':^ llttlllll First practicing lawyer in Illinois. H ^ ffi c3 O O ILLINOIS 257 business. This bank, however, ceased doing business a short time after the state was admitted into the Union. The other bank, at Edwardsville, although sponsored by Governor Ninian Edwards, was backed by men of doubtful financial responsibility. Most of its $300,000 stock was held by Kentuckians and only one-tenth of its stock was paid into its treasury. In 1821 it failed disastrously while largely in debt to the United Staes for deposits made to the credit of the Federal treasury. The currency in use in the fledgling state for all commercial transactions was of a most grotesque and ridiculous character. The notes of the Edwardsville Bank were regarded with well- founded suspicion, and the notes of the Bank of Illinois were limited in number and hard to And. All kinds of bank notes from all kinds of banks were peddled about, at all kinds of dis- counts. Some were issued by solvent banks, some by specie- paying banks, some by banks that had already failed, some by banks that were about to fail, some were counterfeits and some were purported to be issued by banks that never existed. In this situation the doors were thrown open for swindling and deception. In payment for the lands sold to settlers, the United States would accept the notes only of solvent eastern banks or of the United States Bank, so that all the bank notes of value were drained into the United States Treasury. Nearly all the grain, Mississippi to New Orleans and sold in a glutted market where there was no facility for exchanging credits with the eastern stock, and other products of the farms, were shipped down the states. Clothes, shoes and house furnishings, all of which were manufactured in the East, and all of which were needed by the people in Illinois, could not be purchased because of the want of a reliable currency and the almost universal indebtedness of the Illinois settlers. Such was the gloomy condition of financial affairs when the young State of Illinois started on a financial career which has recently landed her as the second richest state in the United States. In June, 1929, the State of Illinois paid to the Federal Government the second largest income tax paid by the states of the Union. 258 ILLINOIS In the last few pages we have attempted to envisage social, commercial, manufacturing and financial conditions of the young state and its inhabitants at its birth. If strict truth be told, we cannot boast that it was a lusty, vigorous infant. Its popula- tion was in fact less than that required by the Federal ordi- nances relating to the Northwest Territory. Its constitution was rather restrictive of popular power and somewhat hazy and cryptic with relation to human servitude. The great body of the people, while brave, energetic and earnestly striving for the opportunity to acquire land and build up homes, were as a rule wretchedly poor and unused to the methods of self-government. Education, except among a few who had acquired advanced education in other states and countries, was often of the most rudimentary character. Religion was at low ebb except among the old French habitants. And yet no young state was ever born in the United States at a time and under circumstances so propitious for the rapid growth and extraordinary development into a great common- wealth, as we will be able to demonstrate in the next chapter. Its location in the United States, with its waterway connections both toward the North and East, as well as to the South and West, made it the heart of the nation and the nerve-center of the United States of America, soon to become the richest and most powerful republic in the whole world. CHAPTER XXV THE FIGHT FOR SLAVERY To the student of history in the twentieth century, it seems incredible that at any time in the history of Illinois a consid- erable number of its citizens were in favor of establishing slav- ery of human beings as a part of the policy and law of the state ; and yet such is the historical fact. It must be remembered that human slavery had been installed within the borders of what is now Illinois by the early French colonizers in the eighteenth century and that it had never been legally abolished either under French, British or American ad- ministrations. Indeed, under American territorial administra- tion, slaves had been brought into Illinois by some of the most prominent officials of the territory and state, and remained as slaves in the territory until and after the admission of the state into the Union. It also must be remembered that the great majority of the residents of the state in 1818 had come from the slave-holding states south of the Ohio River. They had been accustomed to and were satisfied with the conditions of the "institution," as it was called in the southern states. It gave them no shock to find slaves in Illinois. There was no concerted move to abolish slavery in Illinois before its admission as a state. It was favored and encouraged by many and quietly tolerated by others. It had not, during territorial days, become a vital question or a subject for controversy. When its people applied for admission as a state they were confronted with the United States Ordinance of 1787, creating the Northwest Territory, which read as follows : The following articles shall be considered as articles of compact between the original states and the people and states in said territory and forever remain unalterable. 259 260 ILLINOIS Article 6: There shall be neither slavery nor involuntary servitude in the said territory, otherwise than in punish- ment of crimes whereof the party shall have been duly convicted. The pro-slavery members of the constitutional convention evidently were in control of the same and were as anxious for creation of the state as those who were opposed to slavery. All members favored statehood. Unless some declaration against slavery were incorporated into the constitution, they knew the proposed constitution would be rejected by Congress and state- hood refused. In this extremity the pro-slavery people skil- fully and adroitly drafted a provision against slavery which satisfied the anti-slavery element in the convention and by its weasel words finally secured the approval of Congress, while its anti-slavery members were asleep or mystified by its language. These were the words which were so cleverly inserted con- cerning slavery in the first Constitution of Illinois: "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude shall hereafter be introduced into this state otherwise than for the punishment of crimes/' etc. Slavery had already been introduced into the state. Slaves and indentured servants, who were in almost as abject a con- dition of service as slaves, were numerous in Illinois at the time this constitution was adopted and noting the word "here- after" in the constitution there was a rush to have indentured articles approved before the constitution went into effect. In considering the peculiar phraseology of the constitutional provisions of Illinois in 1818, let us compare it with the consti- tutional provisions of the states of Ohio and Indiana, both of which states were carved out of the same Northwest Territory as was Illinois. All of these three states when admitted to statehood were subject to the terms and conditions of the Ordi- nance of 1787 which created the Northwest Territory. When the State of Ohio adopted its constitution for admission to the Union it prohibited slavery, but it did not pledge the state or its people not to amend the constitution in the future, and its rep- resentative in Congress, Mr. Harrison, claimed afterwards that the state had a right to amend its constitution on the subject mitjtvith tin (imMiUdu'it &jf tty 9ti i)uy ijUMviUi to MiC'maeiWv t wui ikwu ju^ti-iA U i , ^0 (m iiwv jown iktfKidfrii kiieicfAtt' (vnrt indUfututf+U Matt-ty the hwrnie^Uta ■§?t&t* if r\ iittoi£. And ikuL do iwidm /icttiiu tin Jheu/ttdaxm apiatttd iv j/u/t Midi ln\ tki act A t-otiaxtld id&M&airt-ittAudi asu a* $(>&&*#&, tv tvii : — '■^CftitttUtltt at tiu mvutit ijtiuW(d*advnw of- Andimux to tki* nmtiuout vet net v[ Ait'uL Hati \ tfunci taM, unik thi Mm of (At &&/mv. ttcdt Jc tAw/mid- fill d Utkt Mick iaajH; *, fhiwa rteuM, ait\n\ lite mxUUih s^ooJal iaiu- it titxlii latiUidi "f&JUtXw ds/^*^> u^ai ihi/Uu /)ni*ttUi$^tnwi «/ mat t« t*u AnuAjSJJi tfjf. L,(-u .< Miipty-M*(u''JiAAH*i' ; yurni iAiimu/ di tiicfWM, d*£ vnivUifa &{ iJtat jU^m-v id <-U etufftaxue foitJi tk& 0ftU __ ^ J Facsimile of Constitution (From Illinois Blue Book.) 262 ILLINOIS of slavery at any time it saw fit to do so. The State of Indiana, when it was admitted to the Union, adopted a constitutional provision against slavery and bound its people for all time not to amend its constitution so as to legalize or permit slavery within its borders. The State of Illinois, it will be noted in the provisions of its constitution, neither abolishes slavery at once nor contains any pledge not to amend its constitution on that subject at any time thereafter. Its failure to adopt the pro- visions of either of the Ohio or Indiana constitutions on the subject of slavery is specially significant in view of the fact that both of these constitutions had been adopted by these states before that of Illinois, and the members of the Illinois Consti- tutional Convention must have had the constitutions of these other states before them when they framed the Constitution of Illinois. The inference is conclusive that the Constitution of Illinois was drafted by pro-slavery penmen in the convention deliberately, so as to preserve the rights of existing slave-holders and those having indentured servants, and to permit the re- opening of the issue of slavery after the admission of the state into the Union by an amendment to the Constitution of 1818, or by a new constitution thereafter to be adopted. To have framed a constitution favoring slavery, or one making no declaration on the subject, would have invited a denial by Congress of the application for statehood. Therefore, some declaration against slavery was necessary, and a cleverly-worded declaration against slavery, but reserving a method of reopening the question, was devised and carried in the convention, and secured both state- hood and the opportunity of further discussion and amendment. That opportunity soon arose and was promptly seized by the pro- slavery element in the state. Governor Shadrach Bond was elected in 1818; his term of office expired in 1822. As under the constitution he was in- eligible for reelection at that time. Edward Coles announced his candidacy for governor in October, 1821. He was a cultured, college-bred gentleman, the son of a colonel in the Revolutionary war. His family was on terms of intimacy with Jefferson, Pat- rick Henry, James Madison and other prominent men in Vir- ginia. He became by heritage the owner of a considerable estate /a ' :< a / ■'/■-///<* ,./ £«*»? <*f -i< vV Q 1 aw^tt^ c*> 1^^ /. \ i ■ \k >/<■<&■*. / / ■^^kZUZkL. /<*«//«« |/^ r 2E2 iL-C- "&3&i#n / X tf^Mjf,. First State Census (From Illinois Blue Book.) 7 t> i Y2 264 ILLINOIS and a score or more of slaves. He acted as private secretary to President Madison from 1809 until 1815. In 1814 he addressed a letter to ex-President Jefferson, asking the latter to exercise his power as a statesman to bring about the emancipation of the slaves of the United States, which evoked from that great man the following response : "The hour of emancipation is ad- vancing in the march of time. It will come. This enterprise (emancipation) shall have all my prayers, and these are the only weapons of an old man." Mr. Coles was appointed by President Madison special ambassador to Russia and had trav- eled extensively in Europe, visiting Russia, France and Great Britain. He spent some time in France, where he met General LaFayette and other distinguished Frenchmen. While travel- ing through England he met Morris Birkbeck, a very intelligent and successful tenant farmer in Wiltshire, near Oxford, and told him of the very rich and undeveloped agricultural land in Illinois. His description of the Illinois country so interested Birkbeck that the latter soon afterward came to Illinois to inves- tigate conditions. Birkbeck was so favorably impressed with what he saw here that he speedily returned to England and quickly organized a colony of English farmers and farm hands, brought them to Illinois, and established a large and flourishing colony of Englishmen at or near Albion, in Edwards County. After his return from Europe, Coles again visited Illinois in 1818 and was present in Kaskaskia when the first consti- tutional convention was in session. He had then been offered by President Madison the position of registrar of the land office at Edwardsville. This position had a good salary attached and moreover was a most advantageous one, in that it offered a splendid opportunity for developing a wide acquaintance with the general public. Coles was politically ambitious and clearly saw the gates of future advancement opening before him. He promptly selected Edwardsville as his future home, and, being a man of some means, secured a considerable amount of land there for his farm development. Returning to his Virginia estate in 1819, Coles arranged for its future care, packed such personal property as he needed in Illinois in wagons, and with horses, wagons and about twenty slaves that he owned traveled ILLINOIS 265 overland and by water to Illinois. At Brownsville, Pennsylvania, he secured two large flatboats and floated down to Pittsburgh and thence down the Ohio. While on the Ohio one day he ordered the boats pulled to shore, and after surrounding himself with his slaves he announced their main mission. He then told them he was going to locate in Illinois and described to them its rich fields and their future opportunities if they would locate with him. He promised them each emancipation from slavery, and 160 acres of land and help for farming, and they, of course, joyfully accepted their freedom and every one of them agreed to accompany him to Edwardsville. Before landing in Illinois Coles gave each of his slaves a written certificate of freedom and all settled around his home near Edwardsville. Upon his arrival there Coles commenced his work as land registrar and rapidly made a wide acquaintance, and by his agreeable man- ners made friends of these acquaintances. In October, 1821, or about two years afterwards, he announced his candidacy for governor and was elected to that office in 1822. To move into a state a stranger and become its governor at the very next election, and all within three years after appear- ance in the state was an exhibition of what a politician of this day would call "fast work/' which has not often been equalled. I myself however unwittingly approximated 00168' record of expedition in securing election to prominent office in 1905. For several years before that year I had been living in River Forest outside of Chicago's corporate limits in Cook County and sitting as judge in the Circuit Court of Cook County. My family was growing rapidly, my eleventh and twelfth children (twins) being born in 1901. Our home in River Forest became too small to accommodate our family and we sold that home in River Forest in 1902. We found a residence in Chicago more suitable to our family needs. Within three years thereafter I was elected mayor of Chicago. When I made the move in 1902 I had not the slightest idea of becoming a candidate for mayor of Chicago. Only a citizen of Chicago was eligible for the posi- tion. So far as we can learn there was not a single man in Illi- nois of political prominence who backed his candidacy. Governor Ninian Edwards, who was probably the most active politician 266 ILLINOIS and most indefatigable political writer of his day, does not in any of his published letters mention Coles' name. Coles' com- petitors in the race were three: Chief Justice Phillips of the Supreme Bench, Associate Justice Thomas C. Brown of Shaw- neetown and Gen. James B. Moore. Of the four candidates, Coles and Moore were opposed to slavery, while Phillips and Brown were known to be in favor thereof. The result of the election must have been a surprise and keen disappointment to the pro-slavery element, for, while it demonstrated that the pro-slavery party had the most votes, the anti-slavery party had more political sagacity and success. The vote according to different accounts was as follows: Coles, 2810 or 2854; Phillips, 2760 or 2687; Brown, 2543 or 2443; Moore, 522 or 622. If we add the votes cast for Phillips and Brown together we find that the pro-slavery candidates had 5303 votes, while the anti- slavery candidates, Coles and Moore, received only 3,332 votes in the aggregate. In other words, the pro-slavery element divided their votes almost equally between the two pro-slavery candidates, while the anti-slavery element cast the immense preponderance of their votes for Coles. A plurality of fifty or 167 votes had elected an anti-slavery governor in what was then a pro-slavery state! What a narrow escape had Illinois from starting out on a career of advocacy of slavery in 1822! Immediately after his inauguration as governor, Coles forced the slavery issue to the front. In his inaugural address he dis- cussed four subjects of prime public importance, — finances, agri- culture, canal and slavery. The last of these subjects, however, turned out to be the first in public interest. Governor Coles recommended the emancipation of the slaves then in Illinois. Now the question of slavery in Illinois was not a new one. It had been discussed under British, French and American terri- torial administrations in the past. There were many in the community that favored the gradual extinction of slavery in the future, but no one before Governor Coles had ever openly advocated the instant abolition thereof and the immediate manu- mission of slaves. This part of the governor's message acted as a bomb-shell thrown into the Legislature with a lighted fuse. Edward Coles, Governor 1822-26 268 ILLINOIS The governor's message was delivered before the joint assem- bly of the Senate and House of Representatives and therefore a joint committee of the Senate and House was appointed to take action thereon. This committee was composed of eight men, five from the Senate and three from the House. The five senators were Beard, Boon, Kinney, Ladd and White and the three representatives were Moore, Emmit and Will. The report made by the senators was unanimous and read as follows : "Your committee are clearly of the opinion that the people of Illinois have now the same right to alter their constitution as the people of Virginia, or any other of the original states, and may make any disposition of negro slaves they choose without breach of faith, or violation of compact, ordinance or act of Congress. " This was the position taken by Harrison, the repre- sentative of Ohio in Congress long before, and it was the contention of all the pro-slavery people in Illinois. It was generally understood at this time, both in the Legislature and by the people that if a constitutional convention were called to amend the constitution, that the pro-slavery sentiment was so strong that it would force an amendment through that would establish slavery in Illinois. This was the belief of the senate committee, for after passing the resolution heretofore reported, it adopted the following resolution : "Resolved, that the General Assembly of the State of Illinois (two-thirds thereof concurring therein) do recommend to the electors, at the next election for members to the General Assembly, to vote for or against a convention, agreeable to the Seventh Article of the Consti- tution." Risdon Moore and John Emmit of the House reported adversely to the majority report and recommended the abolition of slavery, but Moore was the only one of the eight who finally voted against the convention. The pro-slavery people were in a strong majority in both House and Senate, but a call for a constitutional convention under the provisions of the funda- mental law of the state required a two-thirds vote in both houses of the Legislature. The pro-slavery members of the Senate were two-thirds in number when all were present, but John Grammar, one of their number, was absent, and they could not ILLINOIS 269 call for a vote until he returned. On February 7, 1823, Grammar returned and a vote on the convention resolution was taken in the Senate, February 10. The resolution passed, twelve to six, and the Senate resolution was transmitted to the House. A test vote had been taken on the same subject in the House a few days before, resulting in a vote of twenty-two for the convention and fourteen against. Two of the adverse votes were cast by McFatridge and Rattan. McFatridge voted against it from conviction; Rattan voted adversely so that he could move afterward for a no-consideration. Subsequently, however, McFatridge had been converted to vote for the convention by promises made to him that the Legislature would pass a bill changing the county seat in his county. When the Senate resolution was voted upon in the House, February 11, all thirty- six members of the House were present and voted, but on the tally the vote was found to be twenty-three affirmed and thirteen negative. Lacking one vote of a two-thirds majority, the reso- lution was lost, and it was discovered that Nicholas Hansen, the representative from Pike County, who had before that time voted for the convention, had changed his mind, and on February 11 had voted against it. Great was the excitement thereat! Hansen was denounced as a traitor and a pledge-breaker and his life made boisterous and unpleasant. That night a vociferous meeting was held in the State House and various emphatic and uncomplimentary remarks and views expressed about Hansen. After the meeting tumultuous crowds with tin pans and horns visited the lodgings of the anti-convention members and Hansen was hung in effigy. Plans were made immediately for his political punishment. When he first appeared in the Legislature his election had been con- tested by John Shaw, his opponent in the election. The dispute in the election arose out of the fact that in one precinct Shaw had received eighty-three votes at a polling place set up by the electors, while Hansen had received only twelve votes in a polling place presided over by the regular judges of election. The returns for Shaw had been rejected by the judges, but Shaw had filed a notice of contest before the Legislature. At Hansen's request Shaw let the matter lie over for a few days 270 ILLINOIS and did not refile the notice until the legal time had expired. The house committee had seated Hansen, it is said, because it was believed he would vote against Edwards and for Thomas as United States Senator. The committee, however, threw out Shaw's contest because it was filed too late, although the delay- was caused at Hansen's request. The equity of the action is doubtful. Hansen's betrayal of the conventionists, however, changed the sentiments theretofore existing in his favor, and the House proceeded in a high-handed manner to set aside their formal disposal of the election contest. On February 12 (Lincoln's birthday, afterward in Illinois to be made a legal holiday and now observed as a day sacred to human freedom) the House by a vote of twenty-one to thirteen ordered a reconsideration of its action in the Shaw- Hansen contest, considered certain documents and affidavits, held a debate on the same, and finally, by a vote of twenty-one to fourteen, the name of Shaw was substituted for the name of Hansen as a sitting, legally-elected member of that body. After the vote was declared Shaw took Hansen's seat as a member of the House. Representative Turney then moved to reconsider an appeal from the decision of the chair on a motion for a reconsideration of the convention resolution. The decision was reversed, the reconsideration was ordered, and the resolution for the convention was then passed in the House by a vote of twenty-four for and twelve against. Further punishment for Hansen seemed necessary. On motion of Representative Field, Hansen's name as one of the canal commissioners was stricken from the list. The battle for and against the convention was now on before the people and lasted for eighteen months. It was prosecuted with great bitterness and intensity on each side. On February 15 the pro-conven- tionists met and appointed a committee to prepare an address to the people, giving reasons why the convention should be held and the constitution amended, but wholly ignoring the slavery question. A few days later the anti-conventionists met and adopted an address charging that the main object of the conventionists was to establish and retain slavery in Illinois. ILLINOIS 271 This was probably the truth, but it was never openly admitted by the conventionists. Before the passage of the convention resolution in the Legis- lature the sentiment in favor of slavery was largely prepon- derant in Illinois. This assertion we can establish in several ways. First, it was apparent from the anemic phraseology of the article on slavery in the Constitution of 1818. The con- vention that framed that article would have flatly favored slavery if it had not feared that Congress would undoubtedly reject a constitution of that character, flying in the face of the Ordinance of 1787. That convention knew that some declaration against slavery would have to be inserted in the constitution or Illinois would not be admitted into the Union. The milk-and-water article against slavery was therefore adopted to secure statehood and it accomplished the purpose. Secondly, the election for governor in 1822 showed that five-eighths of the voters cast their ballots for pro-slavery candidates instead of the candidates who were opposed to slavery. Thirdly, the composition of the Legis- lature of 1822 showed that nearly, if not quite, two-thirds of both houses were in favor of slavery. While the pro-slavery sentiment of the people of the state was largely preponderant when the resolution for the convention was passed, that sentiment began to lose ground soon afterwards. The high-handed, arbitrary and unfair methods pursued by the House in evicting Hansen and securing thereby a two-thirds vote for the convention, disgusted many fair-minded citizens who had been tolerant of slavery. An unbiased reading of the events of that day as commented upon by different writers of history leads one to believe that the real object sought by the proponents of the convention was the amendment of the consti- tution of the state so as to legalize slavery. The conventionists never openly admitted this and their lack of candor in this regard must have prejudiced many fair-minded men. A masked movement in political life is feared as much as a masked man is dreaded in private life. The anti-conventionists, on the other hand, kept pulling the masks off of their opponents and continued to denounce the horrors of human slavery. Many good men and women in Illinois had grown up from infancy in the slave states 272 ILLINOIS and had their consciences and sense of justice so benumbed by- constant association with slavery, that they became tolerant of it. And yet, when the anti-conventionists opened fire upon slavery and kept pounding against the atrocity and inhumanity of the thing, many of these benumbed people from the South began to find that they had consciences that were troubling them and began to regard slavery as a crime against both God and man. Early in the campaign, the anti-conventionists and anti- slavery people, through fifteen of the eighteen men who in the Legislature voted against the convention, issued an impassioned appeal to the voters of the state, from which we quote : "Consider the spectacle that would be presented to the civilized world, of the people of Illinois, innocent of this great national sin, and in the full enjoyment of all the blessings of free government, sitting down in solemn convention to deliberate and determine whether they should introduce among them a portion of their fellow-beings, to be cut off from these blessings, to be loaded with chains of bondage and unable to leave any other legacy to their posterity than the inheritance of their own bondage. The wise and the good of all nations would blush at our political depravity." Such appeals had their effect even among those who all their lives had been surrounded by slaves. It is proper and interesting to look back and consider the names and standing of the prom- inent men of that day and ascertain how they stood in the great crisis of the state's history and the national history. Those favoring the convention were : (1) Elias Kent Kane, one of the ablest men of that day, who was a graduate of Yale and a successful lawyer. He had been a member of the first Constitutional Convention, Secretary of State under Governor Bond, United States Senator, and was a member of an excellent family. He had also been a United States Territorial Judge before the admission of the state to the Union. During the campaign for the convention he managed and controlled the Republican Advocate, which paper strongly supported the conventionists. ILLINOIS 273 (2) Thomas Reynolds was a lawyer of considerable stand- ing and was for a time chief justice of the Supreme Court of Illinois and afterwards became governor of Missouri. He also supported the conventionists and assisted Kane in managing the Republican Advocate. (3) Theophilus W. Smith had also been a member of the Supreme Bench, was very prominent in politics and aggressively supported the call for the convention. (4) Shadrach Bond, the first governor of the State of Illinois. (5) Joseph Phillips, then Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, who had been prior to that time Secretary of the Illinois Territory when Illinois became a state. He was a pro-slavery candidate for governor against Coles and received the second highest vote for that office, and also was an ardent advocate of the convention. Supporting these five prominent leaders in politics were grouped, (6) Richard M. Young, who had been a member of the Second Assembly, a Judge and a Senator of the United States; (7) John McLean, a fine orator, a Member of the Assembly, who had been a Member of Congress from Illinois and in 1824 was elected United States Senator to succeed Ninian Edwards; (8) Jesse B. Thomas, who had been a Territorial Judge, president of the Constitutional Convention and one of the first United States Senators from Illinois; (9) John Reynolds, who had been on the Supreme Bench of Illinois, a Member of the State Legislature and a Member of Congress, and who was afterwards elected the fourth Governor of Illinois ; and (10) William Kinney, a Baptist preacher and politician, an excellent public speaker and a member of the Legislature; all actively and ardently supported the movement for the convention. The leaders of the opposition who worked and talked and wrote against the holding of the convention were all ardent anti-slavery men, and will now be enumerated: (1) Edward Coles, then Governor, whose public career has been heretofore summarized. 274 ILLINOIS (2) Morris Birkbeck, a very intelligent, well-educated Eng- lish settler, who had established a large English colony at or near Albion. Though not a public speaker he was a fluent and able controversial writer. He was a vigorous assailant of slavery and in the Illinois Gazette he published very able and convincing arguments against slavery and the holding of the convention. (3) Daniel P. Cook, the son-in-law of Ninian Edwards, who started the movement for the admission of Illinois to statehood and was mainly instrumental in securing its success. He was a brilliant writer and campaigner and an ardent enemy of slavery, and part owner of the Illinois Intelligencer, in which paper he fulminated most of his vigorous arguments against slavery and the convention. He held many prominent positions, including membership in Congress. (4) David Blackwell, a lawyer, a member of the Legis- lature, and, in 1823, secretary of state. He bought the Intelli- gencer during the campaign while it was advocating a conven- tion, and made it an anti-convention paper. (5) Samuel D. Lockwood, attorney-general in 1821 and a loyal supporter of Governor Coles and his policies. He was afterwards placed upon the Supreme bench of Illinois. (6) John M. Peck, a Baptist clergyman along missionary lines, who in 1820 had settled at Rock Springs, near Belleville. He organized an anti-convention society in St. Clair County early in the campaign, and other societies in other counties were organized on its inspiration. He was a very able organizer and gave great strength to the anti-convention movement. In 1826 he founded the Rock Springs Seminary. (7) Thomas Lippincott, a minister of the Gospel, who also ably supported the anti-colivention movement. (8) Thomas Mather, a prominent merchant. (9) Hooper Warren, a journalist and newspaper owner, who was a bitter opponent of slavery in any and every form. In his paper, the Spectator, at Vandalia, he vigorously assailed slavery and the conventionists. (10) George Churchill, a journalist-farmer and a warm friend of Hooper Warren, and a constant contributor to Warren's ILLINOIS 275 paper, the Spectator. He was a member of the Legislature and highly esteemed by the men of his day. (11) Jonathan H. Pugh, who was also a member of the Legislature, from Bond County, and took an active part in opposing the calling of the convention. (12) George Forquer, a half-brother of Governor Ford, was another prominent man who opposed the holding of the convention. At different times he held the positions of secretary of state, attorney-general, representative in the Legislature and registrar of the land office at Springfield. (13) William H. Brown was part-owner of the Intelligencer during the unseating of Nicholas Hansen. He wrote a critical editorial and gave a detailed account of that transaction in the first issue of the paper published after the event. Whereupon the Legislature, to punish Brown, gave the contract for public printing to his partners, William Berry and Robert Blackwell. This compelled Brown to surrender his partnership to Blackwell and Berry, and Robert Blackwell made it a pro-convention paper for a year until Governor Coles and his anti-convention friends purchased the paper and placed David Blackwell, brother of Robert, in charge as editor. The paper under the last manage- ment became an open and earnest opponent of slavery. The public printing at this time was often substantially the sole source of a paper's revenue. Many newspapers then, as they do now, allowed their advertisers to control their policies and editorial columns. The foregoing names were the names of the men most prom- inent in Illinois at the time of the struggle for and against the holding of the Constitutional Convention. So far as holding official positions in public life is to be considered, the weight of authority was with the pro-conventionists. The anti-conven- tionists, however, had the governor and all of his friends with them. Moreover, they had the better end of the argument and the more righteous cause, and in the end righteousness and liberty won and injustice and slavery went down to defeat. Henry Eddy, editor of the Illinois Gazette, is claimed by some writers to have been opposed to the convention. Others claim he was not. While his paper threw its columns open to 276 ILLINOIS both sides, the better opinion seems to be that he quietly if not violently, favored the convention. The Kaskaskia Republican- Advocate and the Illinois Republican at Edwardsville supported the convention. The Illinois Intelligencer, as we have seen, wobbled and finally opposed the convention. The Edwardsville Spectator also wobbled, but finally, by promises of financial aid, was won over by the anti-con ventionists. The motives that guided most of the newspaper owners of the day were not of the most ideal character. They either favored slavery or were induced to oppose it by financial rewards. After a campaign of exceeding violence, lasting about eigh- teen months, the people went to the polls and the pro-slavery element found itself routed. The vote for the convention was 4,972; that opposed to the convention was 6,640. Most of the southern counties voted majorities in favor of the convention by large percentages, as follows: Gallatin 82 per cent, Pope 69 per cent, Alexander 60 per cent, Jackson 66 per cent, Jefferson 70 per cent, Hamilton 67 per cent and Franklin 60 per cent. In the south the conventionists lost only one county, Union. In the north central counties they were badly beaten by large percentages. Pike County gave the anti-conventionists 90 per cent, Fulton 92, Morgan 91, Sangamon 83, Clark 79 and Edgar 99. In the eleven counties south of St. Clair, Washington, Marion, Wayne and White, 3,788 votes were cast, 62 per cent of which were for the convention and slavery. In the nineteen counties north of that line, 7,814 votes were cast, of which only 33 per cent were for the convention and slavery. The full significance of this election and its importance to the state and nation cannot be appreciated by the student of history unless he widens his vision beyond the borders of Illinois and casts his inquiring eyes over the whole of the United States. At the time of the formation of the Republic of the United States, it was composed, as we all know, of the thirteen original states of the Union. In six of these states human slavery existed as an institution, recognized by law. The laws of these states made black human beings within their borders chattels that could be bought and sold as cattle or sheep. These states were Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Maryland ILLINOIS 277 and Delaware. The other seven states, New Hampshire, Massa- chusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, were free states. From the date of the adoption of the Constitution by the original thirteen states and the creation of the American Republic, slavery was a vital question upon the admission of any new state into the Union of States. Up to the beginning of the nineteenth century only three new states had been admitted into the Union. Vermont, Kentucky and Tennessee were admitted into the Union in the eighteenth century. The last of these three states to be admitted was Tennessee, in 1796. At the opening of the nineteenth century the United States of America consisted of sixteen states, eight of which were slave states and eight free states. In the nineteenth century states were admitted to the Union in the following order: Ohio, in 1802, a free state; Louisiana, in 1812, a slave state; Indiana, in 1816, a free state; Mississippi, in 1817, a slave state; Illinois, in 1818, a free state; Alabama, in 1819, a slave state; Maine, in 1820, a free state; Missouri, in 1821, a slave state. At the time this heated campaign was being carried on in Illinois for a constitutional convention in the years 1823 and 1824, there were twelve free states (inclusive of Illinois) and twelve slave states. If Illinois had amended its constitution in the proposed convention called to meet in 1824 and declared for slavery, there would then have been in the Union thirteen slave and only eleven free states. In other words, if Illinois amended its constitution so as to favor slavery, it would have changed its position from among twelve free states to a position among thirteen slave states. As each state was entitled to two senators in the United States Senate, the thirteen slave states would have had twenty-six votes as against twenty-two senators from the eleven free states and no law thereafter could have been passed by Congress limiting or restricting slavery in the United States. If any new territory, north or south, applied for admis- 278 ILLINOIS sion to the Union and presented a constitution to Congress pro- hibiting slavery within its boundaries, the twenty-six senators in the Senate could prevent its admission. If the conventionists had succeeded at this election in calling the convention, they undoubtedly would have been powerful enough to have amended the constitution so as to provide for slavery in Illinois and the effect upon the future of the United States would have been tremendous. The thirteen slave-holding states would have been all-powerful for a decade at least in permitting slave-holding territories to be admitted to the Union and in denying state- hood to free soil territories. Even if they were unable in the lower house of Congress to pass laws extending slavery, they could, by their decisive majority in the Senate, have prevented the passage of any laws limiting or restricting slavery. The call for the constitutional convention in 1824 in Illinois brought on a great crisis in American history that affected both the nation and the state. If Illinois had become a slave state in 1824, the whole future history of the United States possibly and probably would have been materially changed. And yet the national aspect of the fight in Illinois does not seem to have been stressed in the campaign. The first edition of Governor Reynolds' history, published by N. A. Randall, at Belleville in 1852 (now exceedingly rare and valuable), makes no mention of the national aspect of the campaign. In his history, "My Own Times," published by the Chicago Historical Society in 1879, he devotes two short chapters to slavery in Illinois. He was in the midst of the struggle and his comments upon the same, years afterwards, are worthy of consideration. Governor Reynolds writes : It is well known that the first introduction of slavery into Illinois was by Philip Francis Renault, in the year 1720. On his passage from Europe to America he procured from San Domingo five hundred slaves to work the mines in Illinois, and these negroes are the ancestors of the French slaves in this state. The descendants of those slaves, who reside in Illinois, are now free, and are located mostly in and around Prairie du Rocher, in Randolph County. When Virginia conquered the country, and the same was annexed to that State, the right of property to their ILLINOIS 279 slaves was guaranteed to the inhabitants, as well as their other property. In the act of cession of the country from Virginia to the General Government, the right of property, slaves among the rest, was secured to the inhabitants of Illinois. The act of Congress known as the "Ordinance," which was passed in the year 1787, and by which the North- western Territory was organized as a government, pro- hibited, positively, the introduction of slavery into the Ter- ritory, and Illinois, at that time, formed a part of the Territory. This Ordinance was construed to operate prospectively, and not to operate on the French slaves in the Territory at the time. This act of Congress was the great sheet-anchor that secured the States of Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois from slavery. I never had any doubt but slavery would now exist in Illinois if it had not been prevented by this famous Ordinance. Soon after the organization of the Indiana Territory, of which Illinois formed a part, laws were enacted by the Territorial legislature permitting slaves to be introduced as "Indentured Servants;" and under this law many were admitted into the Territory. The owner might go with his slaves before the clerk of the court of common pleas, and make an agreement with his negroes to serve the master a certain number of years, and then become free. The children were to serve their masters — the males until they were thirty-five years old, and the females to thirty-two years. This agreement was to be done within thirty days after the slave entered the Territory, and if the slaves would not consent tothe agree- ment, they might be removed out of the Territory within sixty days. This agreement was made a record binding on the parties. Although this proceeding was intended by the legis- lature to introduce a species of slavery, yet I knew many slaves and their families who were manumitted by the operation, and are now free. This act of the legislature operated as a kind of gradual emancipation of slavery in the Territory. Both constitutions of the State expressly prohibited the introduction of slavery, the first had no intention to manumit the French slaves, but the supreme court of the State, in 1845, decided that slavery, French or any other, For Whom Cook County Was Named ILLINOIS 281 could not exist in the State. This decision liberated all the French slaves in the country. Public opinion, being strong in this State against slavery, reached the bench, as well as it does every other department of the government, and what was right twenty years before was wrong in 1845, in relation to slavery. In 1810, one hundred and sixty-eight slaves are said to have been in the Territory. In 1820, they increased to nine hundred and seventeen; and in 1830, they decreased to seven hundred and forty-six. The Missouri question, so called at that day, 1823, more of a political character than the public lands, agitated little Illinois to the very center. The State had then not many more than fifty thousand inhabitants, but the subject of slavery was discussed in the court yards, sometimes in the pulpits, and at all gatherings of the people, as well as in the presses, and on the stump throughout the State. In the elections of this year, this question was the prominent ele- ment. At that day, there was no question of Democracy or Whiggery. John McLean, the member then in Congress, voted on the Missouri side of the question, which beat him at the election. Daniel P. Cook took the other side, and was elected. The discussion of this subject was bitter and acrimo- nious. This subject has always engendered bitter feelings among the people, and has a tendency to array one section of the Union against the other. The people in Illinois, in 1820, were ready almost to commit violence on one another, and in fact the whole Union was so agitated that, like an earthquake, no one knew when it would subside, and all friends of the integrity of the Union were alarmed and shuddered at the fearful consequences of the agitation, and the sectional feelings produced on the occasion. The public agitation of the subject of slavery, and particularly in the halls of Congress, should be avoided as much as possible. Governor Reynolds' statement that the "whole Union was so agitated" is the only reference to national interest in the elec- tion that I can find in his writings. Governor Ford in his his- tory published in 1854 in no place indicates that there was national interest in the election at the time it was held. Smith in his history, however, does state that "the press of the South as well as the papers of St. Louis, which had a considerable circulation in Illinois at that time, ably supported the conven- 282 ILLINOIS tion." He also states that Henry Biddle, Roberts Vaux and other rich Quakers in Philadelphia aided the anti-conventionists, prin- cipally with literature. Still, I do not find that the effect of the election upon the nation at large was stressed at the time of the contest by the speakers and writers engaged therein. Before leaving this very interesting subject it is proper to make comment upon the unfortunate and undeserved result of this election upon the future prospects of the two most able and devoted friends of human freedom. Governor Coles and Morris Birkbeck did more than any other two men in the state to prevent it becoming tainted with the curse of slavery. Gov- ernor Coles' nominations to office were all rejected by the pro- slavery Senate and his recommendations to the Legislature were ignored. As a candidate for the United States Senate he was defeated, the Legislature electing Elias Kent Kane over him. Soon after he was sued by the State to recover $200 for each slave that he brought into the state and freed without giving bond of $200 for the good behavior of each freed slave. The State actually recovered judgment against him for $2,000, which hung over his head for some years. To add to his misfortunes all of the buildings and improvements on his farm near Edwards- ville were destroyed by an incendiary fire. Birkbeck was nominated by Governor Coles as secretary of state, but the nomination was rejected by the Senate. His farm- ing investments brought but poor returns ; he lost many friends ; was charged with being an infidel; was hanged in effigy and forced to flee for his life and drowned while crossing a river. The misfortunes suffered by these two able, upright and cou- rageous men offer but another instance of the proverbial "in- gratitude of republics." Well might Governor Coles have cried, in the words of Cardinal Wolsey : "Had I but served my God with half the zeal I served my State, He would not in mine age Have left me naked to my enemies." CHAPTER XXVI THE RAPID DEVELOPMENT OF THE NEW STATE When Illinois became a state in the United States of America, December 3, 1818, it did so under exceptionally fortunate cir- cumstances for early growth and development of a democratic form of government. Up to that date its inhabitants had little, if any, experience in self-government. Such government as had been imposed upon them during most of the time from the French occupation in 1673 to 1763, when France surrendered to Great Britain ; from 1763 under British domination until George Rogers Clark's forceful invasion in 1778, and then down to Gov- ernor St. Clair's appearance with United States credentials in 1790, was wholly autocratic or oligarchical. They were never consulted as to its form or conditions, and never had an oppor- tunity to voice their desires at the ballot box. Even under United States Territorial rule from 1790 down to 1818, as part of the Northwest Territory, the Indiana Territory or the Illinois Territory, their participation in the making of laws or selecting their own officials even when they were in territories of the second class, was so limited by the qualifications thrown around those who were entitled to vote, that self rule was a shadow or a sham. They were so accustomed to oligarchical rule and so timid in asserting state sovereignty when they framed the Con- stitution of 1818, that in that instrument they provided that the people could elect only the governor, lieutenant-governor, sheriff, coroner and members of the Senate and House of Repre- sentatives. Under that instrument all other officials, including judges, were to be selected by the governor or the Legislature, or both. A jump from absolute oligarchy to full democracy seemed to the men of that day too hazardous a risk. The time for development, however, political, industrial and commercial, was propitious. 283 284 ILLINOIS The War of 1812 had settled forever all fear of British aggression from Canada and had paralyzed the fighting spirit of the Indians. The Government of the United States had secured title to the Indian lands and was just beginning to throw these lands upon the market. Steamboats were appear- ing on the Ohio and Mississippi, displacing the keelboats and flatboats hitherto used for navigation. The Erie Canal was being dug between Albany and Buffalo, and financiers were planning to construct another canal from the Delaware River to the Ohio. Above all, the confederated states of the United States had sensed their existence and power as a nation, both internally and externally, in dealing with each other and with foreign nations. The Congress of the United States, in enacting laws, was broadening the Federal power. The Supreme Court of the United States was construing each stretch of Congress for power as within its right; and the United States Government was enacting laws which would develop its commerce on the high seas, and into foreign lands, and limiting the importation of foreign products into and through American ports. Let us note a few of these matters, so that we can see their importance in the development of the United States and the newly-created State of Illinois. In 1816, on the recommendation of President Madison, Congress chartered the second United States Bank with a capital of $35,000,000, one-fifth of which was contributed by the United States, the United States Govern- ment electing one-fifth of its directors. At this time there were about 300 state banks in existence, but very few of which were on a specie payment basis. The law creating the United States Bank required that after the creation of this bank, it would become a depository of United States funds, and that any state bank that did not operate on a specie paying basis could not become a United States depository. This law was attacked by the State of Maryland as unconstitutional, but the Supreme Court of the United States declared through Chief Justice Mar- shall that "a national bank is an appropriate means to carry out some of the implied power conferred on the National Gov- ernment by the Constitution. If the end is within the scope of ILLINOIS 285 the Constitution, all means which are adapted to that end, and which are consistent with the spirit of the organic law, are con- stitutional." The epochal decision was rendered in 1819, during which year a widespread financial panic swept over the country, caus- ing the failure of many state banks and mercantile establish- ments. The causes of this panic were several. During the second administration of President Jefferson, 1804 to 1808, the Napoleonic war between France and Great Britain was con- ducted on the high seas with a total disregard of the rights of neutral nations. American ships, which before the outbreak of that war were carrying on a large and lucrative business, were halted on the ocean by armored cruisers of both belligerents, but mostly by the British, their cargoes seized, and their seamen arrested, and impressed into the British service. These acts practically destroyed American commerce and would have justi- fied a declaration of war by the United States against either or both of the belligerent nations. Jefferson, however, was averse to war, and both he and his Secretary of State, Madison (after- wards President), were lovers of peace. Instead of resorting to war in a wholly unprepared condition for same, either from a military or financial standpoint, Jefferson resorted to retalia- tory legislation in Congress. At his request Congress enacted a law ordering all British vessels out of American harbors ; and another law, called the Embargo Act, compelling American vessels to refrain from carrying on foreign commerce; and still another non-intercourse act, prohibiting all commerce with Great Britain. These laws, enacted for the purpose of crippling the English, however, turned out to be more effective in destroy- ing American commerce and paralyzing the shipping trade of the United States. The continued confiscation of American property and ships, and the impressment of American seamen into the British service, however, so inflamed the American people that finally in 1812, under President Madison, war was declared by Congress against Great Britain. The destruction of American shipping during the Napoleonic war, and the finan- cial burdens imposed upon the young nation by the expense of the war, was one of the causes of the panic of 1819. The war 286 ILLINOIS had cost the nation by 1814 over $100,000,000 and over 30,000 human lives and the destruction of the nation's trade and com- merce. Another cause of the financial panic of 1819 was the almost total absence of reliable banking currency and bills of exchange. The charter of the first United States Bank had expired in 1811. It had furnished an excellent currency, which was now with- drawn. Its place was taken in 1811 by state bank currency, which proved disastrous. These state banks sprung into exist- ence like mushrooms between 1811 and 1816. Some authorities number them at 300; others between 250 and 300. Very few of them where on a specie paying basis, and many of them could be negotiated only at enormous discounts. How a war could be carried on successfully with such a currency system in vogue was a mystery. By 1816 the Jeffersonian Republican party, then in power, which had opposed the creation of the first United States Bank, reversed its policy and declared in favor of the creation of the second United States Bank. President Madison surmounted the prejudices of a lifetime, it is said, and cheerfully signed the bill. Henry Clay disregarded his former views of hostility towards a national bank, and actively advocated and voted for the bill. While the law creating the bank was enacted in 1816, the attack upon its constitutionality by the State of Maryland delayed the going into effect of its wholesome provisions until Chief Justice Marshall declared it constitutional in 1819. The law creating this bank compelled the state banks to become specie payment banks or cease to become government depositories. This drove the weak banks into liquidation, and created widespread distress among the manufacturing interests, but in a few short years it established a state currency, and restored public confidence and encouraged trade and industry. Another class of laws enacted by Congress about this time which gave enormous impetus to the development of the nation and its manufacturing interests were the protective tariff laws. Great Britain had been furnishing the young republic, from the day of its birth to the days of Madison, with all the manufac- tured products in use among its people. The Embargo and ILLINOIS 287 Non-Intercourse policies of Jefferson and the decrees and orders of the British Council had worked a change in the economic life of the American people. When they were unable to procure manufactured articles they needed from abroad, they began in a crude but energetic way to manufacture substitutes therefor in American shops and homes. These substitutes may not have been as elegant and polished as the foreign articles, but they were useful and in demand. When peace was declared in 1814, Rock Springs Seminary Built by the Rev. John Peck in 1826. the foreign-made articles again appeared in the American mar- ket, and as they were more finished in appearance and more cheaply manufactured, they threatened the growth of American manufactures. The infant industries of the Americans were being impaired by foreign competition. This situation gave birth to the American doctrine of a "protective tariff." Prior to the Napoleonic war, the American people had been content to ship abroad, and particularly to England, their raw products, lumber, cotton, tobacco, fish, hides, wool, pig-iron and cereals, and to purchase all manufactured articles, such as tools, machinery, furniture, leather, woolens, cotton goods, clothing, 288 ILLINOIS iron and steel goods, jewelry, silks, coffees, teas, carpets and other manufactured necessities and luxuries from England and France. When trade in these articles was cut off by the Na- poleonic wars, the British orders in Council and the American Embargo and Non-Intercourse laws, the need of such manufac- tured articles brought about the creation of the incipient manu- facturers of America, and when these young industries were threatened with extinction by foreign competition, Congress acted promptly. In 1816 it passed a protective tariff law and this law and other tariff laws of like character, subsequently passed, saved the "infant industries" of the nation and started the manufacturing industries of the United States on a career which enables them today to sell their products in all the seven seas of the world in competition with all the great manufactur- ing countries on earth. Some of these "infant industries" in modern times have grown so enormously that laws passed for their further nourishment are and will be regarded as extor- tionate rather than protective legislation. From a consideration of the foregoing pregnant occurrences which took place within a few years of the admission of Illinois to the Union, it can be easily seen why the time was propitious for an early and tremendous development of the nation and the infant state. Let us summarize these occurrences chronologically : In 1814 a treaty of peace had been signed with Great Britain which ended a costly war forced upon the United States, when it was poor and unprepared for war, by the arrogant and inde- fensible conduct of Great Britain upon the high seas. Under the terms of that treaty the British evacuated Detroit and other posts in the United States held by them, and left the United States free to deal with their Indian allies who were not made parties to the treaty. This abandonment of their Indian allies by Great Britain placed the Indian tribes at the mercy of the Americans. In 1816 Congress commenced its policy of develop- ing American manufactures, and weakening the sale of British goods in America, by enacting protective tariff laws. In 1816 Congress established the United States Bank which would secure to the people reliable currency and bills of exchange and restore public confidence in the Government and in all commercial trans- ILLINOIS 289 actions. In 1818 Illinois was admitted to statehood. In 1819 the Supreme Court sustained the constitutionality of the United States Bank law, thus confirming in the people the possession and use of a currency system which was both reliable and im- pregnable. The last of these occurrences took place at a time when, owing to an absurd if not grotesque system of state banks established under unscientific and inadequate state laws, had created a financial panic throughout the nation. Within a few short years after the passage of the foregoing Federal laws, the nation had recovered from its financial dis- tress, and the young State of Illinois began its march to great- ness, but not until it, too, had suffered from the vagaries of inefficient and unskilful banking laws. As manufacturing began to develop in the North and East, which occurred after the passage of protective tariff laws, the demand for farm products in the West began to increase, and in the '20s and '30s of the eighteenth century, immigrants began to pour into Illinois. In 1830 the population had increased to 157,000, and in 1840 it was 476,000. CHAPTER XXVII POLITICS IN ILLINOIS DURING THE FIRST DECADE When Illinois became a state, James Monroe was President of the United States. Monroe was the successor of James Madison, under whom he had served as Secretary of State, just as Madison was the successor of and had been the Secretary of State under Jefferson. Both had been trained in and were devoted to the principles of Jeffersonian Democracy, which had enunciated and upheld the following principles : Equal and exact justice to all, peace and friendship with all nations, alliances with none, the preservation of the rights of the national government, free elections, free speech, free press, reliance upon a disciplined militia, public economy, encourage- ment to agriculture and commerce, trial by jury, the habeas corpus and the exercise of persuasion before resorting to force. Jefferson, Madison and Monroe all were members of the party then called Republican. The Federalist party, that was in the ascendancy under President John Adams, had been routed and was in a hopeless condition of decline and public disfavor. John Quincy Adams, Secretary of State under Monroe, had abandoned the Federalist party of his father and joined the Republicans, temporarily, at least. The commerce and shipping of the Republic had been shot to pieces by the Orders in Council of Great Britain, the Napole- onic wars, and the Embargo acts of the American Congress prior to and during the War of 1812 with Great Britain. During the war, from 1812 until 1814, the country was compelled to incur great indebtedness and its commerce was destroyed. When the treaty of peace was signed in 1814, its business was pros- trated, and in 1819 a financial panic swept the country largely as a result of its destroyed business, its blunders in banking 290 ILLINOIS 291 and its lack of a reliable medium of exchange, sometimes called currency. The charter of the United States Bank, created by Hamilton, had expired in 1811. Its petition for a new charter had been denied by a majority of one in the Senate and one in the House. When its charter expired a mushroom growth of state banks sprang into existence. In 1816 there were 246 of these state banks. The deluge of bank notes put into circulation as the result was disastrous. These notes could not be redeemed in specie, and there were no legal remedies for the refusal to redeem. Under the stress of the embargo and non-intercourse policies pursued by Congress, and the constant refusal to redeem in specie, these bank notes rapidly depreciated in value. During the war most of the banks suspended specie payments, causing great financial losses and general economic distress. At this junction the Republicans, who in the past had opposed granting an extension of the charter of the United States Bank, recognized the dangerous condition of the finances and the trade of the country, and changed their policy with reference to the establishment of a United States Bank, whose paper would pass current as redeemable in specie. In 1816 the United States Bank was chartered by a Congress composed of members, a great majority of whom were identified with the Republican party. Henry Clay, who was largely instrumental in defeating the recharter of the former United States Bank in 1811, left the speaker's chair to advocate the passage of the law creating the new bank in 1816, and President Madison signed the bill cheerfully and promptly. It took some time, however, after the creation of this Federal bank before specie payment was resumed. The new bank was patterned along the same lines as the old one, but the capital was $35,000,000, while that of the old bank was only $10,000,000. The Government held one- fifth of the stock and appointed five out of the twenty-five directors. Another new departure in politics occurred at this time in the powerful Republican party which afterwards became known as the protective tariff policy. Before the War of 1812 most manufactured articles in common use among the people were 292 ILLINOIS imported from abroad, mostly from England. The war shut off these importations and the Americans began in a feeble and inexpert way to manufacture all the necessities and some of the luxuries of modern life. After the treaty of peace was signed in 1814, the country was soon flooded with British manu- factured goods which could be made and sold much more cheaply in the low-wage factories of England. They were underselling and ruining American manufacturers. There were then in truth and in fact many real "infant industries" that were suffering from the competition, and the Republican party of Jefferson, Madison and Monroe recognized the necessity of pro- tecting these young industries by compelling foreign importers to pay an import duty sufficiently high to enable the home indus- tries to prosper and develop. The adoption of this policy and the creation of a stable currency soon brought to the whole country an era of prosperity. The Federal party disappeared. Political animosities died out for a time and a situation developed which was called at that date "The Era of Good Feeling." This was the political situation from a national standpoint at the time of the admission of Illinois into the Union and it continued until the election of John Quincy Adams to the Presidency in 1825. There was no political difference on public questions in Illinois up to that time except upon slavery. All other contests were contests of personality. It was simply a succession of struggles between men, as to whom should hold office until Adams was chosen as President by Congress over Andrew Jackson. In this struggle of personalities for office in Illinois before 1825, one man was so pre-eminent, and for a time so dominant and successful, as to give his name to one of these conflicting forces. Ninian Edwards, before he moved to Illinois, was a prominent and influential citizen of Kentucky, a member of the Supreme Court of that state, and a cultured, well-educated gentle- man. Through the influence of Henry Clay and other powerful friends, he had been appointed Territorial Governor of Illinois and had occupied that position for nine consecutive years. Upon admission of Illinois into the Union he was promptly elected to the United States Senate and remained in that exalted body Nathaniel Pope Territorial Delegate to Congress in 1818. 294 ILLINOIS for six years. Afterwards, in December, 1826, he was inaugu- rated governor of the State of Illinois. By reason of his high character, his influential connections, his culture and his long continuance in public office, he easily secured the leadership of the office-seeking coterie which was called the "Edwards party." Those who opposed him and his coterie of friends had no such a pre-eminent leader as Edwards, although they did have among their members some very able men. The opponents of the name to their combination and consequently were known as the "Anti-Edwards party." Attached to the Edwardsites were the following men: Nathaniel Pope, former territorial delegate from Illinois to Congress, who had succeeded in moving the northern line of Illinois fifty-one miles northward and securing the admission of Illinois to statehood. He had, however, been made a Federal Judge, which prevented his open and active participation in politics. He was a cousin of Edwards and helped him in all his struggles. Another ardent supporter of Edwards was Judge Pope's nephew, Daniel Pope Cook, a very able and popular young man who married Governor Edwards' daughter. Judge Thomas C. Brown, chosen for the Supreme bench of Illinois, was also one of the Edwards party. Attached to the Edwards' interests also were Benjamin Stephenson, Wil- liam Kinney, Richard M. Johnson and James Johnson, all of whom were interested financially with Governor Edwards in the Edwardsville Bank and real estate ventures. Among the prominent and influential men who formed the "anti-Edwards" party may be mentioned the following: Elias Kent Kane was the leading spirit in the first Constitutional Convention and more actively participated in the writing of that instrument than any other one man. He was elected to the United States Senate from Illinois and served two terms in that body. John McLean, who was defeated by Cook for Congress, but was elected United States senator to succeed Governor Edwards. Jesse B. Thomas, the leader of the anti-Edwards party. He had been successively Territorial Judge, president of the Con- stitutional Convention and United States Senator from 1818 until 1829. Shadrach Bond, the first state governor of Illinois, was also a member of the anti-Edwards party. Joseph Duncan, ILLINOIS 295 originally not identified with either party, was taken up by the anti-Edwards party and nominated by it for Congress against Congressman David Pope Cook, theretofore unbeatable, and succeeded in winning over that formidable antagonist. He was afterwards elected governor of Illinois. John Reynolds was also one of the anti-Edwards party. He had as a private served in the War of 1812, and was elected judge of the Supreme Court from 1818 to 1824. Towards the end of Governor Edwards' term, however, Reynolds entered into an alliance with Governor Edwards, and was himself elected governor of the state in 1830. Governor Reynolds wrote an interesting history of the Territory of Illinois up to its admission into the Union, which was pub- lished in 1852, and another historical work entitled "My Own Times," published (or republished) in 1879. He must be dis- tinguished from Thomas Reynolds, his uncle, who was also a distinguished citizen and official in early Illinois history. He, Thomas, was a member of the Supreme Court at the same time that his nephew, John Reynolds, was a member of that body. Rev. William Kinney, a Baptist preacher, was originally one of the anti-Edwards party, and was elected lieutenant-governor over the Rev. S. M. Thompson, who was Edwards' running mate in 1826. At the first election for governor, in 1818, both factions were agreed in supporting Shadrach Bond; but in the election for senators, Edwards, while successful, was compelled to sit in the Senate with his rival, Judge Jesse B. Thomas. The rivalry and antagonism between these two able men widened and deep- ened during their joint senatorial careers. Thomas succeeded in procuring from William H. Crawford, Secretary of the Treas- ury, the appointment of himself to the lucrative position of United States examiner of western land offices. Cook, the member of Congress from Illinois, and son-in-law of Edwards, attacked Crawford vigorously and persistently for so doing, charging improper conduct against both Crawford and Thomas, but both were exonerated in the congressional committee report. At this time both Crawford and John C. Calhoun were candidates for the Presidency and Calhoun's friends in Congress doubtless supported Cook in his charges against Crawford and Thomas, 296 ILLINOIS hoping thus to discredit Crawford and weaken his prospects for a Presidential nomination. Edwards himself became badly involved in the controversy. He attacked Crawford's policy in reference to the western banks in the Senate, using certain material which Cook had dug up in the House, in his demand for the production of official documents in Crawford's office which he believed would discredit Crawford. The latter retorted by showing Edwards' connection with the Edwardsville Bank, which had failed owing the United States Treasury some $50,000. Both Edwards and his friends were stockholders in this bank. Edwards rejoined that he, Edwards, had in a letter warned the United States Treasury of the weak financial condi- tion of the bank before it failed. This Crawford denied and the controversy simmered down to a question of personal veracity between Edwards and Crawford without sufficient corroboration on Edwards' part, and Crawford secured a vindication from Congress. The publication of letters attacking Crawford, signed A. B., was traced to Edwards and his failure to maintain the charges made therein brought discredit upon the writer and discouragement to him and his friends at a time when they were endeavoring to prevent Thomas' reelection to the Senate. About the same time Edwards became badly embarrassed finan- cially and weakened in health. During the senatorial session of 1822-1823 he rarely appeared in his seat in the Senate and finally sought from the President the appointment for himself as minister to Mexico. Cook's energy and influence secured this appointment, but when he failed to substantiate the charges made by him against Crawford under the nom de plume of "A. B." he was compelled to resign this appointment. Prior to so doing, he had resigned his senatorship in order to accept the Presidential appointment and he was thus returned for a time to private life. His son-in-law, Cook, however, was still successful in upholding the Edwards flag and in retaining his place in Congress. He had defeated McLean in 1817 and 1822, Kane in 1820 and Bond in 1824 when they sought election to Congress. He had developed a tremendous personal popularity which car- ried him again and again to success. His intimacy with Edwards and his identification with him and his policies had not as yet ILLINOIS 297 weakened his hold on the people. A time was now approaching when that popularity was to be put to the test with disastrous results. During the presidential election of 1824, Cook had pledged himself to cast his vote in Congress, if the choice for President came before that body, for the candidate whom a majority of popular vote indicated to be the popular choice. There were four candidates for the Presidency in the field, Jackson, Adams, Clay and Crawford. In the state at large, Jackson received 1,272 votes ; Adams, 1,542 ; Clay, 1,047, and Crawford, 219. In this computation, however, there were excluded 629 votes cast for Turney as presidential elector. Turney had pledged himself to vote for either Jackson or Clay. If the votes for Turney were added to those given either to Jackson or to Clay, Jackson would be credited with 1,901 or Clay would have been credited with 1,676. In either event Jackson or Clay would have received more votes than Adams. If given to Jackson he would have had an enormous majority over Adams. This was the situation when the election of the President was thrown into the House of Representatives, by reason of the fact that none of the four candidates had received a majority of the electoral vote. That electoral vote had been cast as follows: Jackson had received ninety-nine votes, Adams eighty- four, Crawford forty-one and Clay thirty-seven. Jackson had received a plurality of the popular vote. Under the Constitution there was no election and the same Constitution required that the House of Representatives should select the President from among the three candidates that had received the largest number of electoral votes. This eliminated Henry Clay, then Speaker of the House. Crawford's chances of selection were shattered by a stroke of paralysis, leaving only Jackson and Adams as real contenders. In this junction, the situation in which Cook, the Illinois Congressman, was placed was powerful as well as critical. As the vote for the Presidency in the House was taken by states and the successful candidate must secure a majority of the states, a single congressman of the state which had only one congressman, or a majority of the congressmen in a state, could determine the vote of that state for the Presidency. Cook Providing for the' establishment -of Free Schools* To enjoy our rights and liberties, we must understand them: their security and protectioa ought to be % foe first object of a free people; and ft is a welle#al4ijd»ed,&^ 3 in the enjoyment of civil and political freedom, which w,as not both * irtuous and enlightened : and believ* 4 lag that the advancement of literature always has been, and ever will be,- the means of developing more; 5 fully the rights of manj that the mind of every citbsea in a republic is the common property of society, u ami constitutes the basis of its strength and happinessr it is therefore considered the peculiar duty of a 7 free government like ours, to encourage and extend the improvement and cultivation of the intellectual $ energies of -the whole; Therefore, Sac. 1. Be it malted foj the People of ike SMe of JUlm>\$ represented in the General Jls$embhj, That S there shall be established a common school or schools In each of the counties of this state, which shall »: he of en and free to every class of white citizens between the ages of five aad eighteen years, Szc, 2. Bi U further enacted, That the county commissioners' courts shall, from time to time, form t school districts la their respective counties, whenever a petition may be presented for that purpose, by 5 a majority of the qualified voters resident within such contemplated district: Prottded, That ail Safeb 4 districts, when laid off, shall, respectively, contain not less tbaaiblr'ry families. Sec. 3, Be U further mscttd, That the legal voters in each district to be established as aforesaid, &'. may have a meeting at any time thereafter, by giving ten days previous notice of the time and place of 8 holding the same; at which meeting they may proceed by ballot to elect three trustees, one clerk, one 4 treasurer, one assessor, and.oae collector, who shall respectively take an oath of office faithfully to Governor 1838-42 (Courtesy Illinois State Historical Library.) ILLINOIS 377 further development. By the winter of 1839-40 he had reached the conclusion that the works projected were too pretentious and would prove too costly and that credit could not be obtained for their further prosecution. He called a special session of the Legislature to meet at Springfield (the new capital) Sep- tember 9, 1839, to take action on the cessation of work on the public improvements and the state indebtedness. In his message he stated that "the ruinous policy of simultaneously commencing all the works and constructing them in detached parcels was alike at variance with the principles of sound economy, destruc- tive to the interests of the state and to the system in all its parts." The last part of Carlin's administration was devoted to schemes for keeping up the payment of interest on the public debt and trimming the sails and jettisoning the public improve- ments cargo of the waterlogged ship of state. No doubt, Governor Carlin surrendered the ship to his successor, Governor Ford, with a sigh of relief in 1842 when the latter was inaugurated. He managed, however, to keep the interest paid on all indebted- ness of the state up to and including the year 1841. During Carlin's administration in 1839 and 1840 the peculiar and aggressive sect of religious fanatics known as the Mormons moved into Illinois from Missouri. In the latter state they had gotten into bitter controversies with their non-Mormon neigh- bors, as well as with the state authorities, and were compelled both by public sentiment and the action of the governor of Missouri, and the threat of criminal proceedings in the courts of that state, to move out of its territory and jurisdiction. They chose Illinois as their place of refuge and many thousands of them began the building up of a large city and the erection of an impressive temple at Nauvoo, in Hancock County. In Missouri the Mormons had been supporting the Democratic party at all elections. But when a Democratic governor of that Democratic state drove them out, they became embittered against the Democrats and when they moved into Illinois began to vote for and support the Whig party. Henry Clay and John T. Stuart, a member of the House of Representatives of the United States from Illinois, both of them Whigs, introduced 378 ILLINOIS in Congress and supported Mormon memorials protesting against their treatment in Missouri. According to Governor Ford's history, p. 262, "in August, 1840, they voted unanimously for the Whig candidates for the Senate and Assembly. In the November following they voted for the Whig candidate for President, and in August, 1841, they voted for John T. Stuart, the Whig candidate for Congress in their district." This alarmed the Democrats, as the Mormons were rapidly increasing in members, and it seemed likely that they would soon hold the balance of voting power in the state. Both parties thereupon began to be solicitous over the Mormon f _ ^SBfc # -V- Jt, HL W iiiMirif^ ': : ..f* Li i ,..■ *..^ - -'..,. if •4< ' -:-v-:-V^|| i i-' ■HHI John Marshall's Residence in Shawneetown vote, and sought to curry favor with the Mormon leaders. At this juncture the Mormon leaders appeared before the Leg- islature of 1840-41, seeking certain charters for the rapidly- growing City of Nauvoo. Dr. John C. Bennett, their spokes- man and main lobbyist, presented the draft of the proposed charter to Mr. Little, the Whig senator from Hancock County and to Mr. Douglas, the Democratic secretary of state. Both of these gentlemen were anxious to do favors for the Mormons with the view of securing the Mormon vote, and helped Bennett ILLINOIS 379 in getting the matter before the Legislature. Little, the Whig, presented the Mormon bills in the Senate and had them referred to the judiciary committee headed by Snyder, a Democrat. The proposed charters were reported upon favorably and the bills passed in the Senate without a protesting vote. In the same way, shortly afterwards, the bills were passed in the House without objection. Both parties were equally participants in the passage of these laws, which were the basis of the Mormon Rebellion, which occurred under Governor Ford and which brought about the killing of the Mormon leaders and the expul- sion of the cult from Illinois. CHAPTER XXXV POLITICS ON THE BENCH In the year 1838 Thomas Carlin, a Democrat, was as stated in the last chapter inaugurated governor. He found in the office of secretary of state, A. P. Field, who had been appointed by Governor Edwards when he was an "original Jackson man" and allowed to remain in office for ten years by two succeeding Democratic governors. Field in the meantime had changed his politics and for some time before 1838 had become an ardent and aggressive Whig. He was not in sympathy with the Demo- cratic state administration placed in power by popular vote and attempted to obstruct its measures when he possibly could do so. The office of secretary of state was an appointive one, the appointment being placed in the governor by the constitution. Governor Carlin, desiring a secretary in sympathy with his administration, appointed John A. McClernand secretary of state. Field was of a pugnacious disposition and succeeded in getting the Whig Senate to stand by him and refused to sur- render his office to McClernand. After the adjournment of the Legislature the governor again appointed McClernand to the office and the latter demanded possession of Field. Field again refused to surrender his office and McClernand appealed to the Supreme Court for relief. Field's contention before that court was that the constitution failed to fix the term of office of secretary of state, and that a person once appointed to the office held it without limit as to time unless removed for cause upon trial. The McClernand contention was that the office, being an appointive one and the appointment being vested in the governor, that the governor alone had the right to determine the length of tenure; that the power to appoint in the absence 380 ILLINOIS 381 of a constitutional tenure carried the power to remove as a necessary corollary. The Supreme Court, as then constituted, was composed of three Whigs, Wilson, Brown and Lockwood, and one Democrat, Smith. Two of the Whigs on the bench, Wilson and Lockwood, decided against McClernand. Smith, the Democrat, decided in his favor. The other occupant of the bench, Brown, being related to McClernand, with decent propriety refrained from rendering any decision. The decisions of the two Whig judges, under the circumstances, became the decision of the Court binding upon the litigants. In effect the decision held that a constitution which in no place expressly fixed the tenure of any office for life or during good behavior inferentially by its failure to fix a definite tenure for an appointive office, made that office one for life or during good behavior, regardless of the wishes and intent of the appointive power. So strained a construction of the state constitution which would create offices for life shocked the conscience of the community and roused the Legislature to action. Another case decided by the same court about the same time still further aroused the public and elicited widespread criticism and doubts of the integrity of the court. A test case made up (according to Governor Ford) by two Whigs acting in collusion, was called for trial before a Whig judge sitting in the Circuit Court, in the Galena district. It involved the right of aliens to vote at elections in Illinois. The constitution of 1818, then in force on this subject, declared: "In all elections, all white male inhabitants above the age of twenty-one years having resided in the state six months pre- ceding the election shall enjoy the right of an elector." This provision of the constitution was adopted by the pioneer con- stitution builders with the express purpose of inducing immigra- tion into the sparsely settled state and giving the new arrivals into the state the right of participating promptly in the elec- tions and governmental policies of the state. This right given by the constitution to "inhabitants" for "six months" had been exercised by the newcomers without question or objection for over twenty years. When the state began to build the Illinois and Michigan Canal in 1837 there was a great influx of laborers ' ** H m Jmk Wm «f «a BnM$$ jm ?M 1 Wjk * IWL4 /> V Kill %3&»W H O H o ILLINOIS 383 from Europe, and particularly from Ireland, to Chicago and along the canal to obtain employment. These laborers had fled from tyrannical, monarchical rule and were naturally imbued with a love of democracy. The name of the Democratic party as well as the principles it at the time proclaimed attracted them to the party. Overwhelming numbers of these laborers, many of whom soon became farmers along the canal, voted the Democratic ticket. The Galena collusive law suit was designed to disfranchise these foreign-born "six months inhabitants" of Illinois. The circuit judge at Galena promptly ruled that the word "inhabitant" in the constitution did not mean ''inhabitant" but "citizen," and the case was taken to the Supreme Court on appeal. The Supreme Court was constituted as it was in the McClernand case, three Whigs and one Democrat. The Democrats, largely as the result of the McClernand decision, were tremendously excited and alarmed. It was currently reported upon respectable authority that the decision was to be a three-to-one finding in favor of the Whig contention that the six months inhabitants must be six months citizens. Through a flaw in the record, Stephen A. Douglas and other Democratic lawyers obtained continuances until December, 1840. In the meantime, however, the Democrats in the Legislature, fully convinced of the political bias of the court, and that it would defy decency and fair construction of words in order to help the Whig party, introduced in the State House, December 10, 1840, a bill for the reorganization of the judiciary. It passed the Senate after a long and bitter debate by a vote of twenty to seventeen, and was adopted by the House by a vote of forty- five to forty, February 1, 1841. On February 8 the council of revision (consisting of the governor and the judges of # the Supreme Court) returned the bill with rejection, signed only by members of the Supreme Court. The Whigs attempted a fillibuster in the Senate but it failed and the bill passed over the veto by a vote of twenty-three to sixteen in the Senate and forty-six to forty-three in the House. The law as passed, provided for the appointment of five additional judges of the Supreme Court and required the newly- appointed five and the four sitting judges to perform the duties 384 ILLINOIS of circuit judges in the nine circuits, and all as appellate judges in the Supreme Court. The five new judges appointed were all Democrats and thus the Democrats secured a majority on the Supreme bench. The sitting judges took alarm at the intro- duction of the bill December 10, 1840, and at the December term handed down a decision reversing the Galena Circuit Court, and Justice Smith's opinion squarely upheld the right of a six . v? ' The Last Remaining House in Old Brownsville The first county seat of Jackson County. Built about 1830. month's inhabitant to vote. The two Whig judges, Lockwood and Wilson, concurred in the reversal, but rather obscurely, on the ground that the clerk had no legal power to ask the voter if he were an alien. The decision, however, settled the right of resident aliens to vote until the adoption of the second constitution of 1848. The spectacle presented by these transactions in the Supreme Court and in the Legislature is not one on which the state can pride itself. That confidence in the fairness and integrity of the highest judicial tribunal of the state should be so shattered as it was in 1840, and that the highest legislative and executive ILLINOIS 385 bodies in the state should take such drastic action in reference to its judiciary is not a pleasant chapter to read in considering the history of any state. The five men placed upon the Supreme bench pursuant to the law reorganizing the courts were all Democrats. Their names were Sidney Breese; Thomas Ford, afterwards governor of Illinois ; Stephen A. Douglas, afterwards United States senator and Democratic candidate for the Presidency; S. H. Treat and Walter B. Scates. All were men of ability and of excellent character. I became well acquainted with the last of these, Scates. He was the senior member of the law firm of Scates, Hynes & Dunne, of which I was the junior member when I began practicing law at Chicago about the year 1880. He was a fine old gentleman of the highest integrity, an excellent lawyer, and was at that time carrying on a litigation for and advising with some members of the old and at one time powerful tribe of the Pottawatomie Indians. William J. Hynes, the other member of the firm, had been a member of Congress and was the ablest jury lawyer at the Chicago bar during the '80s and '90s of the nineteenth century. I have listened to many eloquent men in my day, and I doubt if I ever heard more eloquent speeches than those that fell from the lips of William J. Hynes. The four great orators of my time were Bourke Cochran, W. J. Bryan, Emory A. Storrs and William J. Hynes, all of whom have gone to their Great Reward. No orator now living, in my judgment, could equal any one of these great masters of words and emotions. Hynes, like Storrs, was as witty as he was eloquent. CHAPTER XXXVI GOVERNOR THOMAS FORD He Completes the Illinois and Michigan Canal, Funds the State's Indebtedness, Salvages the Credit of the State, Prevents Repudiation and Becomes In- volved in the Mormon and Mexican War No governor of Illinois faced a more serious and critical condition of state affairs than did Governor Thomas Ford in 1842 when he was inducted into office. According to Moses, in his History of Illinois, the state at that time was indebted as follows: To Banks for Stock $ 2,665,000 For Internal Improvement Bonds 6,014,749 For Canal Debts (Bonds) 4,504,160 For State House at Springfield 121,000 To School, College and Seminary Fund Bor- rowed by the State 808,084 To Banks (Borrowed) 664,188 To Interest Due January 1, 1843 880,769 Total Debt Due January 1, 1843 $15,657,950 Substantially the only valuable asset which the state could show as against this enormous liability was the Illinois and Michigan Canal, which in the end proved remunerative to the state. The other projected internal improvements were known at the time to be wild and visionary and conceded to be "upon the rocks." The banks in which the state held stock to the extent of $2,665,000 had suspended payment and were expected to be wound up in the courts for insolvency or bankruptcy. The credit 386 ILLINOIS 387 of the state had, for the time being, been ruined by its wild ad- ventures into banking- and building enterprises, and no more money could be borrowed. This is the financial situation that Governor Ford was compelled to face. The cry of state repudia- tion of its debts was being heard both in the Legislature and among the people. Now Governor Ford before his election as governor was not prominently identified with the politics of the state. He was not regarded as one of the eminent leaders of his party. When selected by the Democratic party as its candidate for governor he was a member of the Supreme Court and was holding Circuit Court in the northern part of the state. He was regarded as an upright, honorable, painstaking and just judge. He had the esteem and respect of his fellow men in that position. His selection as candidate was accidental and resulted from the fact that the candidate for governor selected by the Democratic party in convention assembled in December, 1841, Adam W. Snyder, died during the campaign, in May, 1842. Compelled by the circumstances to act quickly, the Democrats, looking around for a new candidate, finally selected Ford, as a man of clean character and an upright judge, and placed him before the people as their candidate for the highest office in the state. According to Governor Ford, the nomination was tendered him without solicitation on his part. When the new governor faced the gloomy financial situation which he found after his inauguration, and sought its solution, the choice his party and the people had made proved a most admirable one. Although having had no great experience as a banker or comptroller, he had the moral sense and courage to recognize the folly and financial enormity of a great and growing sovereign state repudiating its debts. His message to the Legislature was a wise and able document. Its keynote was framed in the following sentence: "Let it be known in the first place that no oppressive or exterminating taxation is to be resorted to ; in the second, we must convince our cred- itors and the world that the disgrace of repudiation is not countenanced among us, that we are honest and mean to pay as soon as we are able." In the message he pointed out two Governor 1842-46 (Courtesy Illinois State Historical Library.) ILLINOIS 389 reasons why the state in recent years had not increased appre- ciably in population. One reason was that the people of other states and nations feared to settle in Illinois lest they be saddled with exorbitant taxes to pay state debts. The other reason was that people outside of Illinois had acquired a contempt for the public men of Illinois, because of their lack of ability to conduct public affairs wisely and economically, and feared that as the result of reckless government the people would declare for repudiation of public debts. The first thing to demand Ford's attention was the completion of the unfinished Illinois and Michigan Canal. This Ford wisely determined must be completed, and, with the assistance of Justin Butterfield, a Chicago lawyer, he succeeded in devising a financial scheme under which the capitalists who held unpaid canal bonds, would advance sufficient money to complete same, provided the state would convey to them all the canal property in trust to secure the new loan and all the old canal debt; and would obligate the state to raise money by moderate taxation, to liquidate gradually, but surely, the state's whole indebtedness. In this way the money was raised to complete the canal and it was put in operation in 1848. Governor Ford next turned his attention to the banks in which the state held stock which was quoted as worth about 50 cents on the dollar. He succeeded in arranging with these banks the surrender of the state bonds which these banks held in payment for the state's stock in exchange for the state stock in the banks, dollar for dollar, and thus reduced the state's debts over $3,000,000. He succeeded in getting the Legislature, which was originally in favor of cancelling their charters and throwing them into bankruptcy, to approve his scheme of surrendering the state's stock in the two banks in exchange for the state's bonds held by the banks. The bills providing for this exchange, framed by the governor, finally passed the House by a vote of 107 to 4, and afterwards were passed by a decisive vote in the Senate. By these two bills a debt of $2,306,000 of the state was cancelled and the future credit of the state enormously strengthened in the money marts of the world. 390 ILLINOIS Governor Ford was next called upon officially to dispose of the bitter and bloody controversy that arose between the Mormons at Nauvoo and the Christian Gentiles that surrounded them in Hancock County and the western part of the state. Thomas Rees, the able editor of the Springfield Register, has recently published in the Journal of the Illinois Historical Soci- ety, a review of this interesting affair, which is so lucid and condensed that with his kind permission I will adopt and appro- priate it as part of this history. Rees writes as follows : Inception of the Mormon Movement. Now let us consider the beginning and the progress of the Mormon church as represented by these new arrivals in Nauvoo. Joseph Smith was born December 23, 1805, in Windsor, Vermont, the son of a farmer. He moved with his family when ten years of age to Palmyra, New York, and when fourteen years old they moved to Manchester. He claimed to have been converted at a revival. He determined, how- ever, to investigate the subject of religion more fully. He relates the following story: "I retired to a secret place in a grove where I became enwrapped in a heavenly vision and where I saw two glorious personages. They warned me against the churches and I received a promise that the true gospel should be revealed to me at a later date." When he was about eighteen years of age, he said, a messenger visited him in another vision and proclaiming himself as an angel of God informed him that he was chosen to be an instrument in the hands of God to bring about a glorious dispensation. He further said he was told at that time of the location of a certain set of plates that were buried in the ground. There were a thousand of these plates and they seemed like gold and were of a thickness equal to thin tin, each plate being beautifully engraved. The plates were about 6x8 inches in size and the whole package was about six inches in thickness. Smith claimed that he showed these plates to ten men, all of whom declared they had seen them and testified positively as follows: "Joseph Smith showed the plates to us, that we did handle them with our hands, that we saw the engravings thereon, and that we had seen and 'hefted' ILLINOIS 391 them and that we knew of a surety that said Smith had got the plates." These plates were placed in the hands of one of these men, Oliver Cowdery, who translated them, and the teach- ings thereon as translated were used as the foundation of the Mormon doctrine. In 1830 the Mormon church was started in Fayette, New York. Then Sidney Rigdon, one of Smith's principal adherents, went over to Kirtland, Ohio, and after a great Mormon Temple, Nauvoo revival established the church there and then they began the building of a temple there. In connection with this religious movement Smith had organized a bank at Kirtland, but the bank failed and Smith and his brother became very unpopular. They were ridden on a rail through the town, tarred and feathered and ordered to leave the community. But they were not dismayed and removing the tar and feathers they presented their doctrines at the same place on Sunday, the day following. Smith then claimed to have received a new revelation to go to Independence, in Jackson County, Missouri, a short distance east of Kansas City and there to establish 392 ILLINOIS a new Zion. So they moved again, the church continued and the foundation for another temple was laid at Independence. The Mormons remained there until they were compelled to evacuate and seek some other location. This brought them up to the time of their removal to Quincy and their arrival in Nauvoo On their arrival in Nauvoo, in the winter of 1838 to '39, Joseph Smith not only continued to hold the position of head of the church, but after the city was organized he soon be- came, either by his own appointment or election, the mayor of Nauvoo. Immediately on their arrival in Illinois the Mormons began to take an interest in politics and they soon became a mighty political power. They elected their own representatives to the Legislature. From the liberal legislature of Illinois they demanded much and received a great deal. They secured from the legislature — through the efforts of their first representative, one Dr. John C. Bennett — three of the most remarkable charters ever granted by the State of Illinois to any community The three charters which they secured in the legislative session of 1840-41 were: one for the incorporation of the city of Nauvoo, one for the founding of the University of Nauvoo, and the third for the organization of a military legion. The success in securing these charters was made easy by the fact that both political parties at that time were vieing with each other for the good will and support of the Mormons. The three charters were all contained in one act of the legislature and embraced among other provisions a city council, a board of trustees and a court martial. Each of these branches, supreme in their way, were invested with legislative, judicial and executive powers. The rights were to enact, establish, ordain any and enact all laws and ordi- nances not in conflict with the constitution of the United States or of the State of Illinois. There were no provisions, however, in the act guarding against infringement of or the ignoring of any or all the laws either of the State of Illinois or of the United States. The intention of the three charters seemed to be to establish at Nauvoo a government of the Mormons, by the Mormons and for the Mormons, independent of control either by the state or the United States. The third charter created a military legion, an army to uphold such acts or ILLINOIS 393 laws as the Mormons wished to enforce. It is said that this military legion at one time numbered six thousand men, and was entirely at the command of Joseph Smith as lieutenant-general and as leader and prophet of the Mormons. In addition to this legion there was a sort of secret organization known as the Danites or the sons of Dan, whose work was done secretly and who could be depended upon at any time under the directions of the prophet to remove characters objectionable or obnoxious to the author- ities of the church. Joseph Smith being head of the church, mayor of Nau- voo, and general-in-chief of the Nauvoo legion, his authority was unquestioned. Not satified with being the head of everything in his kingdom he even aspired to become presi- dent of the United States. On the third of February, 1841, the city of Nauvoo was organized under its charter, with Dr. Bennett who had secured the charter, as its first mayor, but he was soon succeeded by Joseph Smith. The legion and the university were organized about the same time but the university never seemed to have made much progress. However, Joseph Smith's big asset and office was lieutenant-general of the legion. One of the first acts of the city council was to pass a vote of thanks to the state government for favors conferred, and to the citizens of Quincy for the kindness shown them when driven from Missouri and when they found refuge in Illinois. This appears to be the only thanks ever extended by the Mormons. The legion was furnished with state arms through Gen- eral Bennett, who had not only secured the charters alluded to but who had also been appointed quartermaster-general of Illinois one year before by Governor Carlin. On May 24, 1841, Joseph Smith sent out a notice that all Mormons in the state must locate in the county of Hancock, in which the city of Nauvoo was situated, and the one particular part of the county where he proposed to reign supreme and govern all the people thereof in the name of the Lord. About this time as usual, Joseph Smith and the Mormon church began to have all kinds of trouble, both internal and external. Smith was arrested on several requisitions sent over from Missouri for crimes said to have been committed while he was there. But with the wonderful charters he 394 ILLINOIS possessed and his control of the courts, each time he was promptly released by writs of habeas corpus or other means. The progress of the Mormon church continued, however, and on the 6th of April in the year 1841, the corner-stone of the third Mormon temple was laid at Nauvoo. History records that there were ten thousand people present at this ceremony and the temple which was to be erected at a cost of one million dollars — a good deal of money in those days — was intended to be and when completed was, with- out doubt, the finest structure of any kind in this western country. Notwithstanding the fact that Nauvoo, under Mormon rule, had become a hotbed of crime and the hiding place of criminals who sought and secured refuge there after committing crimes in or near that section, the city as a growing metropolis still seemed to be in a flourishing con- dition. Both political parties, the Whigs and the Democrats, were continually making overtures to the Mormons. Stephen A. Douglas of the democratic party was popular with them, while John T. Stuart, Lincoln's law instructor and after- wards his first law partner, ran for congress on the Whig ticket and secured almost the solid vote of the Mormons in Hancock County. The Mormons however were not the only people in Nauvoo. Naturally such a flourishing city in the new west attracted many people and of those who came there many were just about as bad if not worse than the Mormons. In addition to enmities existing between the Mormons and other religious sects, the Mormons also differed among themselves and a violent quarrel broke out between Joseph Smith and his principal military aid, General Bennett. The Fatal Tragedy, New churches with regular or nondescript doctrines were organized in Nauvoo and an anti-Mormon newspaper, called the Expositor, was started in the city, but only one edition thereof was ever issued. This paper was immedi- ately suppressed by Joseph Smith, and by his orders the press and material were immediately destroyed. This cre- ated a great furore The non-Mormons in Nauvoo met in convention and passed resolutions demanding the immediate expulsion from Illinois of Smith and his associates. Smith had not imagined that the breaking up of this little printing office and the suppression of this little newspaper would create so great an excitement. ILLINOIS 395 Things became so threatening that he ordered out his military legion to defend himself and save his church. In the meantime the governor, recognizing the seriousness of the situation, ordered out the militia of the several counties in the vicinity of Nauvoo and started a march on the city. He met the legion and engaged in battle at rather long range. There were a few casualties, perhaps, but not many fatalities. However, the cloud of war hung over the city. An armistice was arranged and a compromise effected. Joseph Smith and his brother, Hyrum, agreed to surrender themselves under a warrant that was issued against them, and for their own safety and the good of the community they agreed to be incarcerated in the jail at Carthage, the county seat, twelve miles away. They were promised pro- tection by Thomas Ford, who was then governor of Illinois. In connection with this agreement the governor required Joseph Smith to turn back to the state the arms, consisting of guns and cannons, which had been placed in his custody for the use of his legion. Had the governor carried out his agreement and taken the proper precautions to guard the Smiths in the jail, the state of Illinois would have escaped a serious blot that has rested upon its escutcheon ever since. Instead of fulfilling the agreement, by inexcusable neglect he allowed a mob to march on the jail, make an assault thereon and shoot and kill Joseph Smith and his brother, Hyrum, in cold blood. Joseph Smith at the time he was killed was only 41 years old, but in that short span had led a busy life. He was survived by three sons. Governor Ford, however, failed or was unable to keep his part of the agreement after the Smiths had surrendered them- selves into the custody of the state officials on the 23rd and 24th day of June, 1845. The Mormons had prior to that date surrendered to the state authorities the three cannon and 220 stands of arms, out of the 250 stands that they had been fur- nished by the state to equip their militia. On June 27, 1845, when Governor Ford was in Nauvoo with some of the militia, a mob composed of disbanded militiamen with blackened faces made arrangement with eight men belonging to the militia com- pany guarding the prisoners, called the Carthage Grays, to load their guns with blank cartridges and fire these blank cartridges m c3 C ILLINOIS 397 when the militiamen with blackened faces appeared to kill the prisoners. Under this nefarious scheme the disbanding militia- men broke into the jail and assassinated both Joseph Smith and his brother in cold blood. It was the blackest and foulest crime ever committed in Illinois and has brought more disgrace unto the state and upon its officials than anything that has ever occurred in the history of the state. Governor Ford and his staff have been bitterly criticized for acts and omissions in connection with the disgraceful affair. A state that will give through its governor assurance of life and protection to a person who surrenders himself to the governor of such a state upon such an assurance and fails to keep its solemn pledge of safety must necessarily fall very low in public estimation. Governor Ford has left in his history his explanation of the matter which is by no means a satisfactory one. He lays the blame upon his treacherous and cowardly subordinates, but it shows lack of firmness, decision and energy on his part. In justice to him who did much good for the state in other matters, it is but just to give his version of the matter, which extenuates but does not wholly relieve him from all responsibility. Governor Ford in his History gives in substance this version of the unfortunate affair: On June 27, two or three days after the surrender of the Smith brothers, Governor Ford attended a council of war at Carthage to determine whether or not the State Militia, numbering some 1,700 men under arms, should march into the City of Nauvoo to search for counterfeit money and to strike terror into the Mormons. The governor had already agreed with his officers to take this course. He had intended to take the prisoners along with him and his troops into Nauvoo, but was dissuaded by his officers from so doing. At the conference with his officers on the morning of June 27, the governor had changed his mind with reference to march- ing his troops into Nauvoo. He had only 1,700 men and only two days' provisions and he was reliably informed that the Mormons in Nauvoo could muster 2,000 well-armed men in case of conflict. A majority of his officers at the conference on June 27 advised him to adhere to the original plan and march the entire body of the state militia there assembled on to Nauvoo. 398 ILLINOIS The governor overruled them and as commander-in-chief or- dered all the troops but three companies disbanded on that day. He ordered two companies, one of them the Carthage Grays, to remain on duty and guard the jail at Carthage where the Smiths were confined, and the other company, commanded by Captain Dunn he retained with him to escort him to Nauvoo. He says: "Although I knew that the company (the Carthage Grays) were the enemies of the Smiths, yet I had confidence in their loyalty and integrity." (P. 343.) He also admits that this company had been mutinous a few days before and "had behaved badly towards the brigadier-general in command." (Idem., p. 343.) Leaving Brigadier Deming in charge of the two companies at Carthage guarding the prisoners, and Captain Smith in charge of the Carthage Grays, on June 27 Governor Ford, escorted by Captain Dunn's dragoons, and by Colonel Buck- master, quartermaster-general, left for Nauvoo. When only four miles from Carthage, "Colonel Buckmaster intimated to me a suspicion that an attack would be made upon the jail." (Idem., p. 345.) Uninfluenced by this communication the governor and his escort continued on the way to Nauvoo. A contingent of the Warsaw militia, on the way to their appointed rendezvous, received the governor's orders to disband. Disap- pointed and enraged thereby, about 200 of these soldiers black- ened their faces and started towards Carthage, where they en- camped. Here they learned that one of the companies left in Carthage to guard the prisoners had disbanded and returned to their homes. The other company, the Carthage Grays, was encamped on the public square of Carthage a few hundred yards away from the jail. Only eight soldiers were left in or about the jail to guard the prisoners. These eight were in a conspiracy with the black-faced militiamen to permit the killing of the prisoners by firing blank cartridges at the assailing mob. As the result of cowardice or connivance, Brigadier-General Dement was out of town, and Captain Smith of the Carthage Grays nowhere to be found. Governor Ford did much that entitles him to the gratitude of the state in sustaining her honor and integrity in a great ILLINOIS 399 financial crisis, in averting from her the disgrace of repudiation of her debts, and in dragging her out of the morass of weird and wild speculative adventure, and in nobly responding to the call of the nation in the Mexican war, but he lost much prestige by his handling of the Mormon outbreak. He was sur- rounded by traitors and incompetents and his personal presence on the scene failed to instill into them any sense of duty to him as their governor and leader, or of loyalty or respect for their state. The only rational explanation of the whole disgraceful affair is that the entire atmosphere of that part of the state at that time was charged with the malignancy of religious fanaticism and hatred, such as in other times and at other places have disgraced some of the most progressive nations of the world; such as recently brought humiliation and disgrace upon Great Britain in Palestine ; and such as at times humiliate the decent, fair-minded citizens of our own country when hooded and masked men attempt by violence to deprive American cit- izens of their lives and liberty or their constitutional and polit- ical rights in the United States of America. After the tragic death of Joseph Smith and Hyrum Smith, bitter controversy arose in the Mormon Church as to the lead- ership of the cult. In the earliest days the church was under the presidency of Joseph Smith, Hyrum Smith and Sidney Rig- don who controlled the management of the church. Joseph Smith and Hyrum Smith being dead Rigdon proposed that the church abandon Nauvoo and remove to Pittsburg. He par- ticularly desired all the wealthy Mormons to move in that city and claimed that he had a revelation to that effect and that it must be obeyed. While he was making this contention apostles engaged in missionary journeys in the different states and coun- tries in the world began to return to Nauvoo and proposed that the apostles from this time on should control the church as they did after the death of Christ. Brigham Young, one of the shrewdest and ablest of the apostles, now put forth the claim that he was the Peter of the twelve apostles. His contention prevailed and missionaries were sent to the four corners of the world to tell of the death of the martyred Joseph. They carried out this purpose with such 400 ILLINOIS zeal that it was shortly contended that there were between a quarter and a half million people adhering to the Mormon faith. While the conflict between Rigdon and his friends on one side, and the twelve apostles upon the other side, was continued, there was constant signs of disintegration. After Rigdon was defeated by the apostles, the wife of Joseph made claims of primacy in behalf of her young son, Joseph Smith, and her claims were supported by William Smith, a younger brother of the deceased prophet. Brigham Young and his friends, how- ever, finally prevailed and William Smith was excluded from membership in the church. The question of removal from Illinois now arose among the apostles, some favoring Texas, others Oregon and others the borders of Mexico. The apostles now claimed that a revelation had been made to them under which they were not permitted to leave Nauvoo until the temple was completed. The Gentiles of Hancock County and the surrounding terri- tory, in the meantime, were becoming very impatient over the dilatory movements of the Mormons. New converts began to arrive in Nauvoo and the city had a population of from eighteen to twenty thousand inhabitants. The Mormons appealed to the governor to bring the murderers of the Smiths to trial. The Gentiles kept clamoring for the expulsion of the Mormons. An election took place in 1844 and the Mormons voted solidly for the Democratic candidates. This greatly annoyed the Whigs and the Whig leaders sent out an invitation to the militia cap- tains of Hancock County and adjoining counties requesting them to report in the neighborhood of Nauvoo to carry on a great "wolf hunt." The wolf hunters began assembling in Hancock County for the purpose of attacking the Mormon wolves and the situation became critical. Governor Ford ordered Brigadier- General Hardin, Colonel Baker, Merriman and Weatherford to raise 500 troops and hold themselves in readiness to proceed to Hancock County. The governor himself went into Hancock County and took command, whereupon many of the anti-Mor- mon wolf hunters, including the Carthage Grays, left Hancock County. Some of those charged with the murder of the Smiths returned to Hancock County and offered to stand trial. They ILLINOIS 401 were placed on trial but declared not guilty. The alleged trial was a mere farce. All persons friendly to the Mormons were excluded from the court and neighborhood. Several hundred armed men filled the courtyard and the courtroom. The judge and governor were both powerless to enforce the law. In the fall of 1845 the homes of many Mormons in Han- cock County were burned and the occupants forced from their homes. The governor saw that it was impossible to execute the law in Hancock County and knowing that the Mormons were contemplating moving to a new location, advised the Mormon leaders to act promptly and withdraw from the state. The gov- ernor left General Hardin in Nauvoo as his representative and he, General Hardin, finally reached an agreement with the Mor- mons, which provided that the state would cease prosecutions of the Mormons if the Mormons would leave the state on or before the spring of 1846. In February, 1846, between 2,000 or 3,000 crossed from Nauvoo to the Iowa side of the Mississippi on the ice and started westward. In the course of the following summer 16,000 had crossed the Mississippi into Iowa. All of the Mormons had departed except a thousand people who had come to Nauvoo but recently who were not able to dispose of their property. Not withholding this hegira an armed conflict between 250 Mormon soldiers and 800 well armed citizens took place during the year 1846. The engagement, however, was by artillery at long range, which continued for a day or two. A compromise was finally reached under which the Mor- mons agreed to lay down their arms and leave the city for the Iowa side of the river. The temple was completed in the fall of 1846. There had been some sort of a revelation that the saints should not leave Nauvoo until the temple was completed. It fell to the lot of a few Mormons under this alleged revelation to hold at bay the belligerent Gentiles until the temple was finished. Thus came to an end the stormy political, religious and re- bellious career of the Mormon Church in the State of Illinois. While its claim for inspiration from on High through Joseph Smith and its oft-asserted revelations from the Deity to Smith 402 ILLINOIS appeared to the ordinary, sane citizen not only improbable but dishonest and self-serving; it nonetheless attracted the atten- tion and secured the belief of many honest, hard-working men and women who obeyed its sacerdotal orders implicitly. Its management and discipline were of such a character, however, as always to incur the dislike and ultimately the hatred of all their Gentile neighbors. This was the case in Ohio, where they first located ; in Missouri, where they settled after leaving Ohio ; in Illinois during their stay in that state, and in Utah for a considerable time after they located in that then-distant terri- tory. It was their aim in Illinois, as elsewhere, to establish within its civil boundaries and civil and criminal law an Imperium in imperio. Their ambition was to secure within the boundaries of their own property and city "a law unto themselves. ,, It was their aim to administer within their own territory all laws, civil, criminal and ecclesiastical, not only as between members of their church, but as between members of their church and Gentiles, and as between Gentiles and other Gentiles residing in a Mormon town or city; to elect their own judges, city offi- cials, police and even their own militia. This necessarily and inevitably brought on a contest with the laws of the state and conflict with the officials of the state, and eventually resulted in their expulsion from Illinois. Their experience in Ohio, Mis- souri and Illinois induced them after leaving the last-named state to abate most of their inordinate aims for civic sovereignty and to become content to live and labor subject to the civil and criminal laws of the state within which they wished to reside. On May 11, 1846, during Governor Ford's administration, the Congress of the United States, at the request of President Polk, declared war on Mexico. The English-speaking people of Texas in 1836, then a component part of the Republic of Mex- ico, had revolted from Mexican rule, and by heroic fighting against much more numerous armies of Mexicans in the battles at Gonzales, San Antonio and San Jacinto had succeeded in establishing the Republic of Texas. Shortly afterwards, the inhabitants of this new republic agitated for the annexation of Texas to the United States. The demand for annexation was /J. 95L: ^ I '/klU&^A f^i ri.>t-joJL <^Vrs rx ^ Zi2j:*.„. ^.«j?< ^. „s**ui*. .w 4^-^J «l< /?,jt, jt.JL" ' £?*- <3-o *$~&-»~*s C^ 'V'- 2 t#-i^cjTi?*-"~ -^-' Jtr»t / J 1 I . , 1 - /»• *!?-&C^ilA-. «-£,■» >*-€>■*»«. .£2*1 «y. ^2T *fe y- ./**.*<■ jt/^LiU., &<~ 4a<. " / *<_- <£4L*i i-^^u. x^iL> ■^/.^t //: ,/ /' / «fe^, 7' ~~"~ />,£',./ &?$&}?., /h &*&&&%#* Facsimile of Bill in Handwriting of Abraham Lincoln (From Illinois Blue Book.) 404 ILLINOIS overwhelming in Texas, but public opinion in the United States was, for a time, divided upon the expediency thereof. The Texans claimed the Rio Grande River as the southerly dividing line between their country and Mexico, while Mexico claimed all property south of the Nueces River. The Mexican government by proclamation stated that it would regard the annexation of Texas by the United States as an act of hostility. The Demo- crats, particularly those in the South, were almost unanimous for annexation. Polk, then candidate for the presidency in 1844, having been successful over Clay, the Whig idol, and Tyler, the Whig President whose term of office was about to expire, con- strued the election as a popular mandate for annexation and made haste to recommend to Congress that Texas be annexed by a joint resolution of Congress or through a treaty. Con- gress passed the joint resolution, but many senators expressed their preference for a treaty and it was believed that Polk, when inaugurated, would negotiate a treaty with Texas. President Tyler, however, decided that his administration should not be deprived of the honor of adding so great a territory to the domain of the United States and before his term expired he forwarded the joint resolution of Congress to the Congress of Texas, which was promptly approved by the Texans and July 4, 1845 the Republic of Texas became a part of the United States. Shortly after the adoption of the joint resolution by the United States Congress, the Mexican minister demanded his passports, and not long thereafter the American minister left Mexico and war betwen the countries became inevitable. War having been declared, Congress authorized the President (Polk) to call for 50,000 volunteers and appropriated $10,000,000 for the prosecution of the war. The 50,000 troops were apportioned among the states, but were mostly drawn from the South and West. Illinois was authorized to mobilize three regiments, or 3,000 men. Governor Ford issued his general order as com- mander-in-chief in Illinois, calling for 3,000 volunteers. Dur- ing the Mormon trouble the militia had become badly disor- ganized. The governor directed the sheriffs to convene the old militia organization in each county and add to the number those who responded the names of all volunteers in each county, an- ILLINOIS 405 nouncing at the same time that the first companies assembling eighty men to the company would be accepted and enrolled in the order of their reports until the state's quota was completed. Within ten days more than the state's quota reported to the governor and by June 15 forty companies over the Illinois quota were offered for enrollment. Alton was selected as the place of rendezvous and all of the companies reported there for duty and assignment. Three regiments were promptly organized, the first commanded by Col. John J. Hardin, the second by Col. William H. Bissell (afterwards governor of Illinois) and the third by Col. Ferris Foreman. Although only three regiments were called by the President from Illinois, a fourth was ready and waiting for enrollment. Largely by the insistence of Con- gressman Edward D. Baker, the fourth regiment was accepted and enrolled, and he, Baker, was commissioned as its colonel. The people of Illinois had become well acquainted with many of the generals and other commanding officers who led them during the war with Mexico, in the Black Hawk war. Among them were Gen. Zachary Taylor, Col. Jefferson Davis, Gen. W. S. Harney, General Twiggs, E. D. Baker, Albert Sidney Johnston and Joseph E. Johnston. All of them had seen service in the Black Hawk war, most of them as junior officers. The First and Second regiments of Illinois troops left Alton July 17, 18 and 19 and reached San Antonio about August 23, where they remained until September 26, under command of General Wool. Later on they crossed the Rio Grande into Mexico and reached Saltillo, Mexico, where they were joined by General Taylor's army of 4,000 men. Near that point, at Buena Vista, February 22, 1847, was fought the celebrated battle of that name. The Americans engaged numbered about 5,000, while the Mexicans were three or four times their number. The Illinois troops, first and second regiments, distinguished themselves in that battle and contributed most materially to the great Ameri- can victory. The total loss on the American side was killed 264, wounded 482. The Mexican loss was about 2,500. The first regiment lost, including Hardin, twenty-nine killed and sixteen wounded; the second regiment lost in killed sixty-two, and wounded sixty-nine. 406 ILLINOIS The Third and Fourth regiments of Illinois troops left in July, and via New Orleans reached Camargo, on the Rio Grande, in time to meet Gen. Winfield Scott and his army at that place. Here the commanding general made the Third and Fourth Illi- nois regiments and one New York regiment into a brigade and placed Gen. James Shields of Illinois in command. General Worth arrived at Cerro Gordo and joined the forces under General Twiggs and General Patterson. At this place they met General Santa Anna commanding 15,000 seasoned troops who had arrived from Buena Vista. General Scott deemed the position occupied by Santa Anna almost impregnable, and or- dered a cutting of a road in the rear of the Mexican position. This duty was assigned to the Illinois troops and the work was accomplished with great skill. It required the carrying of batteries across a deep chasm and the placing of these batteries on hills commanding the enemy's position. The duty was as- signed to Gen. James Shields' brigade composed of the Third Illi- nois, Col. Ferris Foreman commanding, Fourth Illinois, Col. E. D. Baker commanding, and a regiment from New York. Under the direction of General Shields the brigade lowered the cannon down on the rear side of the gorge by strong ropes and pulled them up on the farther side. During the night time the Illinois troops under Shields succeeded in placing the batteries in posi- tion to command the rear of Santa Anna's entrenchments. On the following day the battle was won and the Mexicans were in full retreat. In the midst of the battle General Shields was wounded with a grape-shot through his lungs. The wound was so severe that he was reported dead and his obituary was printed in several papers. Almost by a miracle he survived the serious wound, to become afterwards judge of the Supreme Court of Illinois and United States senator from three different states, Illinois, Missouri and Minnesota. The American loss in the battle of Cerro Gordo was 417, 64 being killed and 353 wounded. General Twiggs in his report of the battle of Cerro Gordo declares: "The gallant troops of Illinois shared to no inconsiderable extent in the dangers, toils, and hardships as their large ratio of losses attest, and their ILLINOIS 407 heroic deeds have reflected imperishable honor and glory upon our state." The Fifth and Sixth regiments from Illinois were organized and sent to the front but were unfortunate in not being able to participate in any of the active battles of the campaign al- though always ready and eager so to do. In the Mexican war Illinois furnished 6,123 volunteers and suffered a loss of 80 killed, 12 died of wounds and 160 wounded. CHAPTER XXXVII THE STATE ADOPTS A NEW CONSTITUTION IN 1848 In the two decades between 1830 and 1850 the population of Illinois was growing by leaps and bounds. In 1820 it had within its borders only 55,162 souls. In 1830 it had 157,445, in 1840 it had 476,183 and in 1850, 851,470. With commensurate rapidity it was developing its agriculture, commerce, industry and education. Frontier life, with its homespun clothes and home-made implements and vehicles, and its uneducated chil- dren, was being replaced by a more comfortably-clothed and better-equipped mode of life, where children were receiving at least a rudimentary education. Thousands of well-educated men and women were moving into the state and bringing with them some of the comforts and atmosphere of civilized life. The Constitution of 1818 was adopted hastily and hastily approved by Congress, and without prescience of future growth and requirements. It was not submitted to the people of the territory for their approval. By 1840 its defects and limita- tions began to be felt, and agitation started for a constitutional convention which would frame a new fundamental law more in accordance with the needs and requirements of the day. The first effort to secure such a convention in 1842 was a failure, the popular vote having failed to respond to the call. In 1846, however, the public voted decisively for a new constitution and elected 162 delegates to the same. By occupation these dele- gates were fairly representative of the people of the state at that time. Seventy-six of them were farmers, and strange to say there were only fifty-four of them lawyers. Most of the dele- gates were Democrats, but on the whole the constitution of 1848 was so free from political bias that it was supported at the election called for adoption by the great body of the people, both Whig and Democratic. Only six small and uninfluential papers 408 Owen Lovejoy Abolitionist leader and brother of the martyr, Elijah P. Lovejoy. 410 ILLINOIS in the state opposed the adoption of the proposed constitution and these papers were supported only by the judges in office and a few of their friends and appointees. The constitutional convention was in session for about three months and the con- stitution as framed was adopted by the people by an over- whelming majority. Tried by experience, there were several defects in the constitution of 1818 which inspired and brought about the holding of a constitutional convention. One of these defects was the method of the selection of the judges of the state. Under the Constitution of 1818 the judges were selected by the Legislature and not by the people. This method had, in the judgment of the people, injected politics and political bias into the decisions of the courts and in reprisal for same had injected politics into the selection of judges into the Legislature. The McClernand-Field case and the attempt of the Whig judges to disfranchise legal voters were still fresh in the minds of the people when they ordered a constitutional convention and their delegates in that convention made the judiciary of the state elective by popular vote so that in the future a judge evincing political bias on the bench could be punished by the people by driving him from the bench at the next election. The convention went further to insure control of all officials by the people at the ballot box. The new constitution made all state and county officials elective by popular vote. Having before them the calam- itous internal improvement and bank laws recently passed by the Legislature, which had bogged the state in a morass of enormous indebtedness, the constitutional convention prohib- ited the state from incurring any indebtedness exceeding "$50,- 000 to meet casual deficits or failure in revenues." It pro- vided further that all appropriations must be made by the Legis- lature for the ordinary and contingent expenses — the aggre- gate amount of which shall not exceed the amount of revenue authorized by law to be raised during the period for which the appropriations were made. To prevent the revival or extension of the charter for the state bank or any other bank then in the state, the constitution contained a provision expressly prohib- iting same. To further clinch matters of that character the constitution declared "the credit of the state shall not in any ILLINOIS 411 manner be given to or in aid of any individuals, association or corporations. " To prevent the raising of the cry of "repudiation" in the future, the constitution provided for a two-mill tax, the proceeds of which were to be used exclusively for the payment of the state indebtedness. Appalled, evidently, by the enormous ex- travagance of legislation in the past, the convention in its strenuous urge for economy in the future went to a ridiculous extreme in fixing the salaries of public officials. It fixed sal- aries as follows: For the governor, $1,500 per annum; state auditor, $1,000; state treasurer, $800; judges of the Supreme Court, $1,200; and Circuit Court, $1,000. The number of the members of the Legislature was cut to 100, or twenty-five sen- ators and seventy-five representatives, who were to be paid $2 per day while in session for forty-two days and $1 per day if the session lasted over forty-two days. How the State of Illinois under the Constitution of 1848 was able to secure able and honest public officials to accept office and perform intelligently and effectively their official duties is a mystery. The Constitution of 1848 was adopted by the people by a vote of 49,060 affirmative against 20,883 negative. The delegates to the Constitutional Convention numbered 162, of whom ninety-two were Democrats and seventy were Whigs. The convention met at Springfield on. June 7, 1847. Its most prominent members were : John M. Palmer, lawyer and soldier, afterwards elected governor and United States senator from Illinois; Zadoc Casey, afterwards elected lieutenant-gov- ernor and member of Congress from Illinois; Walter B. Scates, judge of the Circuit Court and the Supreme Court of Illinois; David Davis, afterwards justice of the United States Supreme Court and United States senator from Illinois; John Dement, soldier in the Black Hawk war who served in three constitutional conventions in 1847, 1862 and 1870; Anthony Thornton, after- wards member of Congress and judge of the Supreme Court of Illinois; Samuel D. Lockwood, attorney-general of Illinois and member of the Supreme Court of the same state ; and Stephen T. Logan, eminent lawyer and partner of Abraham Lincoln. CHAPTER XXXVIII ADMINISTRATION OF GOVERNOR FRENCH Augustus C. French was elected governor on the Democratic ticket in 1846 over his Whig competitor, Thomas L. Kilpatrick, by a vote of 67,453 to 58,700 and gave a wise and business-like administration to the state. He was a man of high character, who was left an orphan before he was twenty years old, with the responsibility of educating and caring for four younger brothers, which burden he cheerfully assumed and splendidly carried out. He was admitted to the bar and became a very successful lawyer, served with credit in the Illinois Legislature, and was appointed receiver of public monies by the Land Office at Palestine. He enjoyed the friendship of Douglas, which doubtless helped him to his nomination and election. Upon his induction into office he found the state heavily indebted as a result of the disastrous experiments with "general internal im- provements" made by the Legislature during former adminis- trations. This indebtedness amounted to many millions, and four years' interest thereon, amounting to about another million dollars. Under his administration the new Constitution of 1848 was adopted, and in this constitution there was a provision for the levying of a two-mill tax to be applied to the principal of this great debt. He wisely recommended to the Legislature the fund- ing of the debt, and as there was a widespread belief that there were many counterfeit bonds afloat, he recommended the calling in and verification of all the state's bonds, their cancellation, and the issuance of new bonds to replace those found to be valid. The old bonds had not been registered and the new bonds were registered and numbered. Both principal and accrued interest on the old valid bonds were funded into the new issue. In 1850 412 Courtesy H. W. Fay, Springfield. Augustus C. French, Governor 1846-53 414 ILLINOIS Governor French stated that the total indebtedness was $16,627,- 509, and that most of it had then been funded. The war with Mexico continued during Governor French's term. With much energy and zeal he responded to the Govern- ment's call for troops and forwarded the ardent volunteers to the battle front with commendable celerity. So efficient and satisfactory did Governor French's administration prove to be, that when the provision of the new Constitution of 1848 legis- lated him out of office, the people demanded his reelection. Prac- tically without opposition, he was nominated and reelected for a four-year term, commencing January, 1849, and ending Jan- uary, 1853. In 1849, under French's administration, Sidney Breese's term in the United States Senate expired, and a contest arose in the Legislature as to whom would succeed him. Breese was a candidate for reelection. His competitors were John A. Mc- Clernand and Gen. James Shields, the hero from Illinois des- perately wounded in the Mexican war. Shields was successful and elected by the Legislature, but a question arose as to his eligibility because of his being a native of Ireland. A special session of the Legislature was called and his ineligibility was removed by law, and he was then again elected to the United States Senate from Illinois. In 1850 the revenues of the state for the first time in many years exceeded the expenditures. This was the result of increase in revenue from the two-mill tax under the new constitution, the one and one-quarter-mill tax under the old constitution, legis- lation in Congress making all lands in the state conveyed to private owners amenable to state taxation, and the tremendous increase of the value of land during the preceding five years. The taxable value of property in the state in 1850 was over $100,000,000. Under French's administration in 1850, the con- gressional land grant to the Illinois Central Railroad was passed and the railroad was incorporated, though it was not built until six years afterwards. Governor French was the first governor of the State of Illinois to succeed himself in that office. Since the adoption of the Constitution of 1848 all governors of Illinois have been elected in November and inaugurated in January. CHAPTER XXXIX ILLINOIS BECOMES PROMINENT IN THE POLITICS OF THE NATION In the history of Illinois we now come to the year 1850, a year pregnant with a political issue which at first affrighted the nation, but which was soon amicably disposed of, for a time at least, by a compromise suggested by a great patriot and revered leader of the Whig party, Henry Clay, heartily approved of by the greatest statesman of his day, Daniel Webster, and launched into law by the brilliant and patriotic leader of the Democratic party, Stephen A. Douglas. From that year of 1850 and for ten years thereafter, Illinois furnished the stage upon which the politics of the nation were enacted, and fur- nished the two leading actors in the political drama of that decade. The history of Illinois for the next ten to fifteen years becomes the history of the United States. The question of the extension or restriction of slavery ap- peared in the United States in formidable and belligerent shape in the year 1850, when California applied for admission to statehood, and the people resident in the far Southwest applied for the organization of Utah and New Mexico into United. States territories. All of this wide domain had been acquired by treaty from Mexico but recently, and its residents demanded some sort of Federal law for their protection and government. California was rich, prosperous and ready for statehood, and part of California and New Mexico, and all of Utah, were north of the Missouri Compromise parallel. When their applications for membership came before Congress the representatives from the Northern states demanded that any law admitting California to statehood or organizing Utah and New Mexico into terri- torial government should provide that slavery should never be 415 416 ILLINOIS permitted within their boundaries. Congressmen from South- ern states forcibly protested, and thus, in 1850, the subject of slavery was raised to exorcise and torment the nation and to embitter the North and South against each other. As we have heretofore seen, when the confederacy of the thirteen colonies was formed to wage the War of the Revolu- tion, slavery existed in more or less degree in all of them. The slave trade was in full blast, under the approval of the British king and was carried on between Africa and the colonies by the vessels and mariners of New England, and was very profit- able. When the confederation of colonies developed into the A One Hundred Dollar Canal Scrip Bill nation of the United States of America and adopted a constitu- tion, six of the thirteen states had laws which recognized, en- couraged and legalized slavery, and the Constitution of the United States was so framed as to confirm these laws in these states and in any other state that would enact slavery, and so as to prevent the general Government from interfering with these slave laws. When the confederacy of the colonies was formed in 1778 and the constitution of the nation was adopted in 1787 slavery had existed very generally throughout the civ- ilized world and had flourished for two centuries in the New World. In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries the slave trade was carried on very extensively by British, French, Dutch, Danish and Portuguese ship-owners. The Encyclopedia Bri- tannica states that "about 1790, negro slaves were exported from Africa annually as follows: By British, 38,000; by the French ILLINOIS 417 20,000 ; by the Dutch 4,000 ; by the Danes, 2,000 ; by the Portu- guese 10,000; total 74,000. More than half the trade was in British hands." Most of these slaves went to the American col- onies and the West Indies. One-sixth of the population of the colonies at the outbreak of the Revolutionary war was com- posed of black slaves. In the eighteenth century "there grew up a direct traffic from Africa to the North American colonies in colonial vessels, chiefly owned in New England and New York. Newport and Bristol, Rhode Island, were the noted cen- ters of the trade." (Ency. America, Vol. XV, in chapter on United States slavery.) Eleventh Edition, 1911. In constructing a nation out of the confederated colonies, the Revolutionary fathers and founders of the nation were com- pelled to recognize that human slavery was in existence in most of the thirteen colonies to a smaller or greater degree, and that its perpetuation and preservation was demanded by at least six of the thirteen colonies as one of the essential elements of the nation's fundamental law. To the men and women of our day, living in the atmosphere of the twentieth century, when human slavery not only in the United States but in the whole civilized world has been destroyed, and when it is regarded by all sane men and women as shocking and a crime against both God and man, it seems at first glance that these nation-builders of 1787 were lacking not only in the instincts of humanity and justice, but in constructive skill and far-seeing wisdom, in consenting to incorporate into the constitution of the nation, provision for the perpetuation of slavery, which would inevitably, sooner or later, sap its foundation and wreck the whole political structure. That a nation so built could not for long endure, we know. Traf- fic in human flesh and the ownership of human bodies could not long withstand the savage onslaught of outraged thinkers and humanitarians. But the men who in 1787, were gathering together the weak, war-worn and heavily indebted thirteen colonies, and attempt- ing to unite them in one great nation, and were confronted by facts and a situation which prevented them from building a po- litical structure of white marble. Nearly one-half of their build- ing stone was black, brown or yellow. The structure had to be 418 ILLINOIS built or the colonies would be homeless. So they took the mate- rials they had and placed the black and off-colored stones in the foundation, so that they would be out of sight. In phrasing the constitution they perpetuated and preserved the institution of slavery in the states, but soothed their qualms of conscience by avoiding the use of the specific words "Slave" or "Slavery" in the instrument. They placed the black and discolored stones in the basement, where they soon began to rot and disintegrate. Re- member, reader, when you attempt to criticise Washington, Jef- ferson, Adams, Monroe, Hamilton, Franklin, Hancock and the other great men of that day, who participated in, or were con- sulted in, framing the Constitution of the United States, that these men had been living all their lives in communities where human slavery had existed legally for over two centuries, and at a time when the most civilized and progressive nations in the world were trafficking in human beings ; that they had just suc- ceeded in extricating themselves from the tyranny of a king who had forced the Southern colonies to invest their savings in human beings ; and that no nation could be founded unless the property rights so acquired by the colonists would be recognized and pro- tected. The framers of the Constitution of 1787 were con- fronted with this situation. The thirteen colonies could not con- tinue to exist as thirteen separate nation entities. Most of them were too weak in both population and resources. It re- quired the united action of the thirteen, with the assistance of France, then the most powerful rival of Great Britain, to achieve their independence. Unless the thirteen could be united on some basis, two confederations or nations on the North American con- tinent were inevitable. The six colonies from Maryland to Georgia, inclusive, whose wealth mainly consisted of human beings in bondage, would form a confederation or nation which would secure property rights in their slaves and thus perpetuate slavery; and the other seven colonies, in some of which slavery existed in slight form, might or might not confederate or become a nation excluding slaves within their borders. The statesmen of 1787 were philosophers and nation-builders, and taking into consideration their surroundings and the stub- born facts confronting them, they acted with great wisdom ILLINOIS 419 and patriotism, and built up the foundations for the greatest and grandest republic yet seen in the world. Nonetheless the nation so builded had in its fundamental law the seed of rebel- lion or decay. With the march of modern progress and the advancement of civilization, no nation could long maintain peace within its borders while human beings within its laws had only the legal status of hogs and horses. The revolt of most of man- kind against human slavery had been slow in coming, but by 1830, had come fast and furious throughout the civilized world. As early as 1462 the Papacy had denounced slavery as "a great crime" (magnus scelus) and in 1815 Pius VII demanded of the Congress of Vienna the suppression of the slave trade. In the same year Napoleon, during the 100 days return from Elba, abolished the slave trade by French vessels. The government of Buenos Aires abolished slavery for all born after January, 1813, and the Republic of Colombia did the same thing in 1821. The French Government, under the Restoration, June 1, 1819, abolished slavery in the French colonies, the Swedish govern- ment stopped the slave trade in 1813, and the Dutch in 1814. In 1798 the Congress of the United States forbade the impor- tation of slaves into the United States after 1808. Denmark was the first European nation to abolish slavery. The royal decree was issued in 1792 to take effect in 1802. In 1833, Great Britain abolished slavery in its colonies and voted 20,000,000 pounds as compensation to the owners of the slaves. Many of the Spanish-American republics upon achieving their independ- ence abolished slavery within their territories. In 1850 x when California applied for admission to the Union as a free state, and Utah and New Mexico applied for organization into terri- tories, most of the civilized nations of the world had either to- tally abolished slavery or taken steps for its early extinction. By this time the conscience of the civilized world, outside of the United States, Brazil and a few other obscure countries, had revolted against the further continuance or legal recognition of human slavery, and in the United States the cry of the Aboli- tionist was shrill, strident and far-reaching throughout the land. At this juncture the State of Illinois appears upon the stage of national politics and from thence on furnished to the nation, 420 ILLINOIS and to history, in the persons of her sons and statesmen two of American history's most brilliant and powerful characters from the year 1850 until the year 1865, Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas. The extension or restriction of slavery in the United States was the issue and Lincoln and Douglas were the leading characters who would discuss and settle for the nation that great issue — Douglas in the Senate of the United States, and Lincoln and Douglas upon the hustings of the great State of Illinois. CHAPTER XL THE CONSTITUTION AND LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES ON SLAVERY WHEN DOUGLAS BECAME SENATOR IN 1847 When last we had to refer to Stephen A. Douglas as one of the men engaged in making the history of Illinois, we found him and his great compeer, Abraham Lincoln, in the Legislature of the State of Illinois. Both of them were there engaged in re- sponse to an almost unanimous popular demand in passing laws providing for a general system of internal public improvements, which involved the state to the extent of many millions of dollars and which eventually proved disastrous to the Illinois Common- wealth. All this occurred under the administration of Governor Duncan. Soon thereafter we find Douglas and Lincoln, when not at- tending to their duties as members of the Legislature, both of them engaged in a large and growing law practice. Douglas conducted the litigation in the Supreme Court between McCler- nand and Field relating to the right of the governor to appoint a secretary of state and a representative of Illinois in the lower house of Congress. He was an eloquent, forceful and per- suasive pleader in the courts. Soon thereafter we find him upon the Supreme bench of the state. In 1847 he was elected United States senator for six years. In 1853 he was again elected to the same honorable position. While holding the position of United States senator in 1849 and 1850 a political question which not only concerned the people of the State of Illinois, but the people of the whole United States, arose for determination in the Congress of the United States. The war with Mexico had been concluded and in 1848 a treaty of peace had been signed between the Republic of 421 The Old Supreme Court Building in Mount Vernon ILLINOIS 423 Mexico and the United States of America under which enormous territory, formerly a component part of the Mexican Republic, including Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Nevada and Cali- fornia were transferred and surrendered to the United States of America by the Mexican Republic. Shortly after the signing of this treaty California applied for admission to the Union as a state and the territories of Mexico and Utah applied for organization into territories in 1849. At this juncture the people of the Northern states were determined to prevent the spread of the hated institution of slavery to any of the Western territory. The people of the Southern states seemed desirous to insist upon the right of the people of the Western territories to determine their status, if admitted as states, on the question of slavery. Douglas was then a senator of the United States. He and his Democratic friend and admirer, Gen. James Shields, represented Illinois in the United States Senate. A bitter controversy arose on the question as to whether or not slavery should be excluded from or tolerated in these West- ern territories and Lincoln and Shields in the United States Senate and McClernand in the lower house, all Democrats, were called upon to act officially upon this momentous question. Before discussing in detail the specific political questions presented to Douglas and his colleagues and their action thereon it will be necessary and appropriate to go back in history and ascertain the status of slavery under the constitution and laws of the United States of America. At the outbreak of the Revolutionary war against Great Britain negro slavery existed in all of the thirteen colonies, there being comparatively few, however, of these unfortunates in the Northern states. The negroes were illy adapted to the rigors of the Northern climate and were intensely ignorant and inefficient as laborers on small farms such as were cultivated in the Northern states. In the South large plantations were conducted where the staple crops were cotton, tobacco and rice. In the North slave labor was less profitable and negroes were not generally used except for domestic occupations. In the man- ufacturing industries they were found to be unintelligent and 424 ILLINOIS inefficient. In the South, owing to the increase in large cotton and sugar plantations their labor was quite profitable and was regarded as an economic necessity. In the Declaration of Independence, preceding the Revolu- tionary war, certain enunciations were made with reference to the rights of man and the equality of man under the law. Men engaged in a life and death struggle for liberty, it was generally understood, ought not deny to their fellow human beings equality under the law because of the color of his skin. The slave trade had been in existence for a number of years prior to the Revolutionary war and over 300,000 black men and women had been imported into the colonies. Before the Dec- laration of Independence the black population constituted one- fifth of the whole. The Continental Congress in 1774 took the first step towards the extinction of slavery. It recommended the non-importation of slaves thereafter into the thirteen col- onies. Some years before the Revolution the colonies had mani- fested a desire to prohibit the importation of negro slaves, but they had been prevented from so doing by the greed of English merchants and had been prevented from stopping the slave trade by the avarice of the British sovereigns themselves, who were stockholders in the Royal African Company, then engaged in the slave trade in supplying negro slaves to the American colonies. To prevent legislation in the colonies against the slave trade a circular was addressed to the colonial governors, ap- pointed by the Crown, warning them against presuming to countenance legislation against the slave trade. When Thomas Jefferson drew up his first draft of the Dec- laration of Independence it contained this charge against the King of England : "He has prostituted his negative for suppress- ing every legislative attempt to prohibit or restrain this execra- ble commerce and has waged cruel war against human nature itself violating its most sacred rights in the person of a distant people who had never offended him." This original draft was afterwards stricken out at the request of some of the Southern members of the convention and for the additional reason, as Jefferson stated, that "our Northern brethren felt a little tender under these censures, for, though their people had very few ILLINOIS 425 slaves themselves, yet they had been pretty considerable carriers of them to others." Shortly thereafter laws were passed by all the states, except Georgia and South Carolina, either prohibiting the further im- portation of negroes or discouraging the traffic by the imposition of a heavy duty. The Northern states went further and passed acts for the abolition or the gradual extinction of slavery. Mas- sachusetts became the first free state of the confederation. Ver- mont took like action and it was followed shortly thereafter by New Hampshire in 1783 and Connecticut and Rhode Island in 1784. At the time of the adoption of the Federal Constitution slavery had been either abolished or put in a process of extinc- tion in all of the Northern states excepting New York and New Hampshire. The Southern states, however, took no legislative action, although many of their eminent men expressed them- selves personally as antagonistic to slavery. Jefferson declared in 1774 that the "abolition of slavery is the great object of desire in the colonies," and again in 1787 he declared, "I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just and that His justice cannot sleep forever." Washington in a letter to LaFayette in 1783 congratulated him on purchasing an estate in Cayenne with a view to emanci- pating the slaves on it, and said, "Would to God a like spirit might diffuse itself in the minds of the people of this country." Indeed, it is probable that even in the Southern states there would have been a gradual emancipation of the slaves but for the invention of the cotton gin. In 1793 this invention created an industrial revolution in the South and made negro slavery immensely profitable. Many in the South regarded slavery thereafter as an economic necessity. The capacity of the slave was by this invention increased one hundred fold. Within a few years the exportation of cotton mounted from a few thou- sand pounds to thirty-five million pounds. It made cotton the chief industry of the South. Thereafter there was a demand for more negro help and all thought of emancipation was for- gotten. :■■ : '■■■■..■ The First Schoolhouse in Champaign ILLINOIS 427 At the time of the adoption of the Constitution of the United States, slavery existed pursuant to law in six Southern States and slavery had been abolished and rendered illegal in seven other states or colonies. Shortly thereafter Vermont was ad- mitted to the Union as a free soil state. Kentucky and Tennessee soon applied for admission to the Union and as these territories before their admission to the Union were a component part of Virginia and North Carolina and were ceded by these states to the United States upon the understanding that slavery should not be prohibited within their borders, these territories, to-wit: Kentucky and Tennessee were admitted to the Union as slave states. Upon their admission to the Union there were eight free states and eight slave states, each entitled to two senators in the Senate of the United States, and thereafter for many years, the Southern states were able to prevent the admission of any new territory into the Union as a state unless equality was maintained on the question of slavery. That is, the South- ern states had sufficient power, after they became equal in num- ber to the free states, to prevent the admission of any territory as a free state unless at the same time another territory was admitted as a slave state. About the admission of Vermont, Kentucky and Tennessee to statehood, there was little or no conflict. However, before the adoption of the Federal Constitution, the United States had acquired a large domain of territory in the Northwest as a result of cessions from states which had laid claim thereto, and when Congress came to organize a government for this new territory, it was agreed that negro slavery should not be permitted therein, even the Southern members conceding that point. When Con- gress was organizing the Northwest Territory the constitutional convention sitting at Philadelphia was endeavoring to determine the question of what recognition should be given to the institu- tion of slavery in the organic law of the Republic. Southern and Northern members both agreed that the slaves should not be accorded any political rights but the Southern members insisted that the slave should nevertheless be counted in determining the distribution of representatives in Congress. A compromise was finally adopted which gave the Southern states a substan- 428 ILLINOIS tial advantage in the form of increased representation based on slavery. The constitutional convention made another concession to the slaveholders, in that it deprived Congress of the power to interfere with the slave trade before the year 1808. A third concession was given to the slaveholding states, in that it gave slavery the stamp of a property right by requiring that persons "held to labor or service" in any one state escaping from their masters in any state, should upon demand be delivered up to the person from whom they escaped. Under this concession, the Fugitive Slave Law of 1793 was passed, providing that any slaveholder might pursue his escap- ing slave into any state in the Union, and upon making proof of ownership, could reclaim and transport him to the state from which he fled. With these provisions in the constitution, the Republic of the United States in 1789 entered upon the beginning of its career as a nation. It had at that time a population of about four million of which seven hundred thousand belonged to the class described in the constitution as persons "held to service or to labor.'' There were, however, not over fifty thousand of this class in the Northern states. In 1790 Congress accepted from the State of North Carolina the cession of territory now embraced in Tennessee upon the express agreement that slavery should not be forbidden therein by Congress. In 1802 it accepted a cession embracing a large part of what is now Mississippi and Alabama from Georgia, under similar conditions. In 1803 Louisiana was acquired from France by treaty. The Territory of Louisiana almost doubled the area of the republic and in it under French and Spanish rule slavery had existed. When the United States organized a territorial government for the southern portion of Louisiana it legalized slavery therein and in 1812 admitted this territory to the Union as a state with a constitution allowing slavery. The upper part of Louisiana was organized shortly thereafter as the Territory of Missouri and Congress authorized legalized slavery therein, and when the Territory of Missouri applied for admission to the Union as a ILLINOIS 429 state in 1818, it had a constitution allowing slavery. This was permitted by Congress, however, only after an acrimonious and protracted debate. A compromise was agreed upon between the friends and foes of slavery upon the admission of Missouri as a state under which it was agreed that all of the territory of the Louisiana Purchase lying to the north of thirty-six degree thirty minutes, except Missouri, should be ever thereafter free soil territory. In 1848 after the Mexican war, a large amount of territory was acquired by the treaty of peace from Mexico. The South- erners by that time had reached the conclusion that unless slavery was extended to the territories and new slave states organized therefrom, the South would in time be left in the minority and at the mercy of the North, which was already showing a disposition to encroach upon the rights of slavehold- ers in the South. The people of the Northern states, on the other hand, had come to the conclusion that slavery was a na- tional evil and should be restricted and that the only effective way of restricting it was to prevent slavery in the territories, thereby insuring the erection of free states therein. Up to 1820 it was generally conceded that the plenary power of Congress to make rules and regulations for the government of the terri- tories also included the power to define what should be consid- ered private property within any territory. After the admission of Missouri the Southerners contended that Congress had no power to determine what should constitute private property in the territories belonging to the United States and asserted that it was the duty of Congress to protect slavery therein and all slaves held as property. The Southerners argued that the territories were the com- mon possession of the people of all the states acquired by com- mon sacrifices and common burdens and if the people of the Southern states were denied the right to emigrate into these territories with their slave property, it could be said that they were deprived of equal participation with their brethren of the North in the territorial benefits. This is a fair statement of the controversy between the pro- slavery people of the South and the anti-slavery people of the 430 ILLINOIS North when Douglas and Shields in the Senate of the United States, representing the State of Illinois, were called upon to speak, vote and act upon the admission of the Territory of Cali- fornia to statehood, and the application of the territories of Utah and New Mexico for organization into territories of the Union. CHAPTER XLI DOUGLAS, THE COMPROMISE OF 1850 AND THE KANSAS-NEBRASKA LAW When Stephen A. Douglas first took his seat in the Senate of the United States from the State of Illinois in 1847; and began his participation in the national affairs of the United States, he was confronted with a conflict of several years' dura- tion between the senators and representatives of the Southern states and those from the Northern states on the question of the extension of slavery into the territories of the nation. It devel- oped for the first time prominently when the Territory of Mis- souri was pressing its application for admission into the Union as a state in 1819. The Southerners demanded that it be ad- mitted as a state legally authorizing slavery within its borders. The Northerners were equally insistent that it must not be admitted unless it prohibited slavery. As a result Congress was unable to take action on admission of the territory to statehood until 1820, when the Territory of Maine applied for admission as a free-soil state. The Southerners opposed this as the North- erners opposed the admission of Missouri as a slave state, and this forced a compromise under which it was agreed that Maine would be admitted as a free-soil state and Missouri as a slave state, upon the expressed agreement in the acts of admission that in all the rest of the Louisiana territory acquired from France north of the north parallel thirty-six degree, thirty min- utes, on or about the south line of the State of Missouri, slavery never should be permitted. This solution, called the Missouri Compromise, had been respected and carried out by both parties until Kansas and Nebraska applied for admission in 1853. Bitterness had been developing between the pro-slavery states of the South and the 431 O 06 ILLINOIS 433 anti-slavery states of the North in reference to the annexation of the Republic of Texas in 1846. It was known that Texas, if annexed, would be a slave state, but the southern states were able to take advantage of the fever for territorial expansion and annex the tremendous territory of that young republic to the United States even though it involved the latter in a war with Mexico. There was very strong and bitter opposition in the North both to the annexation and to the war with Mexico. But the war fever which makes the people of nearly every race or nation at war declare "My country, right or wrong" prevailed and as the result of the war territory vast in extent and enor- mously rich, and adjoining the Southern states, became by treaty with Mexico a part of the territory of the United States. The acquisition of this immense territory, to the South, further ex- cited the anti-slavery people of the North and rekindled the embers of the fire that had been banked, but not extinguished, by the Missouri Compromise. After the conclusion of the peace with Mexico (or about 1849) California applied for admission as a state, and Oregon, Utah and New Mexico for organization as territories. Because of the fact that Oregon was north of the thirty-six degree thirty- minute parallel of latitude, no trouble arose in Congress over its organization as a free-soil territory. The votes of the Illinois delegation in Congress were cast for its organization as a free- soil territory because that delegation believed that they were morally bound to do so by virtue of the Missouri Compromise. The partisans of the North and the South, in the meantime, had become more obstinate and belligerent in their attitude towards each other ; while they were considering the cases of California, Utah and New Mexico, all of whom were applying for admis- sion as states or organization as territories. The Northerners announced that not another inch of American soil would be contaminated by the touch of slavery. The Southerners, believ- ing that they were being pushed to the wall; and would lose their equality of representation in the Senate, and thus their power in the nation, announced defiantly, that if their claims were denied they would withdraw from the Union and defend their rights, if necessary, with the sword. The Illinois delega- 434 ILLINOIS tion and many others in Congress from the North, by reason of these threats, became convinced that the South was seriously considering dissolution of the Union. At this juncture Henry Clay, recently elected to the Senate, stood forth as peacemaker and savior of the Union. He had, however, been out of active political life, but in his retirement had retained the respect and admiration of the Whigs and con- servative people of the country, who were convinced of his patriotism, and ready to accept his advice on important matters relating to the well-being of the nation. Clay consulted and advised with the extremists on both sides of the controversy, as well as with the moderates in both parties. As a result he devised a compromise bill which, in one piece of legislation, provided simultaneously, first for the admission of California to statehood as a free-soil state; secondly, the creation of the territories of Utah and New Mexico, without any reference to slavery, so as to permit the people of these two territories to determine the character of their government '(called at the time "squatter sovereignty") ; third, the prohibition of the slave trade in the District of Columbia; fourth, the enactment of a more efficient fugitive slave law. Daniel Webster vigorously advocated the adoption of the measure suggested by Clay. Presi- dent Taylor was favorable, although inclined to defer acting upon the matter until the people in the territories took action. California had already acted and declared itself decisively to be in favor of being a free-soil state. Douglas and Gen. James Shields were then both sitting in the Senate of the United States from the State of Illinois. While the representatives in Congress from the South, on the one side, and those from the northern and eastern states on the other, were hurling invectives and threats against each other and threatening dissolution of the Union, Douglas declared: "There is a power in this nation greater than either the North or South — that will be able to speak the law of this nation and to execute the law as spoken. That power is the country known as the Great West, the Valley of the Mississippi, one and indivisible from the gulf to the Great Lakes, from the Alle- ghanies to the Rocky Mountains. There, sir, is the hope of ILLINOIS 435 this nation, the resting-place of the power that is not only to control, but to save the Union." No more prophetic words were ever spoken. Were it not for the leaders and men, statesmen, warriors and privates in the ranks that the Mississippi Valley sent to the White House, Congress and the battlefields of the great Civil war between 1861 and 1865, the nation might have been split in twain and deprived of what it now holds — the primacy among all the nations of the world. The compromise bill of Clay, supported though it was by the President, Webster and many other leaders both in the Whig and Democratic parties, did not become a law as originally framed. It consolidated too many problems in one instrument. The pro-slavery people refused to vote for its anti-slavery pro- visions and the anti-slavery people voted against its pro-slavery sections. As it was a mosaic, its different pieces were badly battered and the whole plate broken. When the Clay bill was beaten, Douglas commended the patriotic course of Clay and Webster and declared: "The Union will not be put in peril; California will be admitted, governments for the territories must be established, and thus controversy will end, and I trust forever." He made this statement with the utmost confidence immediately after the defeat of the Clay bill, because he believed that he had found a solution of the slavery question which would appeal to the sense of fair play, the good judgment and the patriotism of the whole country. Part of his prophetic statement proved to be well founded. California was admitted and governments for the territories were established, but the slavery controversy did not end. Let us consider, now, Douglas the man, his history, his surroundings and his career, when he made this important declaration. We find the name of Stephen A. Douglas rising above the political horizon under Governor Duncan's adminis- tration (1837 to 1841.) He was then in the Legislature of Illinois as a Jeffersonian and Jacksonian Democrat, engaged with Abraham Lincoln in pushing forward the general system of internal public improvements demanded almost unanimously at that time by the people of Illinois. Both Douglas, aged twenty- three, and Lincoln, aged twenty-seven, were then young and The Old Rail Fence ILLINOIS 437 ambitious lawyers with a successful and growing practice. Doug- las was soon found conducting important cases in the Supreme Court of Illinois, among them the McClernand-Field case and the case involving the right of six-month residents to vote. In 1841 he was selected as one of the judges of the Supreme Court. In 1843 he was elected Congressman and in 1848 United States Senator from the State of Illinois. His eloquence, tact and able mentality had won for him a career of almost unparal- leled success in political life. When first elected to the United States Senate in 1847 he was a little over thirty years of age, and he held that exalted position until his death. During this period (1838 to 1847) his great political antagonist, Lincoln, was laboriously serving as a member of the lower House of the Illinois Legislature (1836 to 1842) and in the lower House of Congress (1846 to 1848.) The party of Jefferson and Jackson dominated the politics of Illinois from the time of its admission to the Union in 1818 until the election of Bissell as governor, a Republican but formerly a Democrat, in 1856. Even after that, in 1858, the doctrines of the Democratic party as promul- gated by Douglas prevailed in Illinois, and he was elected a third time to the Senate in 1858. The dominance of his party in Illinois without doubt contributed largely to the rapid advance- ment of Douglas to his station in the councils of his state and nation, as did the weakness of Lincoln's party (the Whig) contribute to the tardiness of Lincoln's advancement in his political career. Douglas' native ability and force of character, however, did more to make him early in his career a national character. In 1849-50 the bills for the admission of California to state- hood and the formation of territories for Utah and New Mexico were pending before Congress, and it was then that Stephen A. Douglas, now a commanding force in the Senate and a mag- netic leader in the Democratic party, made the optimistic and comforting statement that: "The Union will not be put in peril; California will be admitted; governments for the territories must be established, and thus the controversy will end, I trust forever." He believed he had found a solution of the whole exasperating and dangerous controversy. It was "popular sov- 438 ILLINOIS ereignty" both for the territories as well as for the states to be admitted thereafter. He was on the ground in Washington where he could and did interview all the leaders of divers dif- ferent parties and policies. After the defeat of the Clay compro- mise bill, he must have interviewed these different leaders, laid before them his "popular sovereignty" program, and convinced them of its logic and reasonableness. That he did so is shown by the action of Congress in 1850 and 1854. He argued to the men he approached along this line, the solution of the slavery question must come from "the laws of nature, of climate and production," recognized and ratified by the people of each terri- tory and state and not by Congress. True democracy, he claimed, was to allow each community to determine and regulate its own local affairs in its own way. It must have been as a result of these interviews in and around Congress in Washington, and these arguments and the responses he received thereto, that he made his confident announcement. Five separate and distinct bills framed by Douglas along the lines of the Clay bill were presented by him in the Senate and by Congressman McClernand, a Democratic congressman in the House. They were discussed seriatim and passed in both House and Senate. The Utah bill was taken up first and passed. Then came the New Mexico bill with the same result. The California admission bill was enacted and then came the fugitive slave bill and the abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia measure, all of which were enacted into laws in 1850. "The Compromise of 1850" had been accomplished and Douglas and Clay were hailed as the "saviors of the Union." The Illinois representatives in Congress all voted for the California and District slavery bills. "Long" John Wentworth, the Democratic congressman from the Chicago district, and Congressman Baker opposed the Utah, New Mexico and fugitive slave bills, but the rest of the delegation supported them. Douglas and Shields in the Senate voted for all of the bills, except the fugitive slave bill. Both were absent when this bill came to a vote. The Whig vote was divided, some favoring Clay's compromise and others favoring no action. Douglas' statements as to the passage of the bills proved accurate. His prediction that "the Union will ILLINOIS 439 not be put in peril" was also true for the time being. That peril, however, was only postponed for eleven years. The passage of these laws in 1850, however, effectually disposed of the Wilmot proviso which had given rise to so many bitter controversies since the Mexican war. Congressman Wilmot, in 1848, had attached to the bill providing for an appropriation to the President of $2,000,000 to enable him to negotiate a peace with Mexico, which would provide for a cession to this country of a large amount of territory then owned by Mexico, a proviso that in the territory so acquired slavery should never be tol- erated. Even the Whig party that had contended for this prin- ciple seemed satisfied to abandon the claims of the Wilmot proviso when the "Compromise of 1850" was crystallized into law. After the passage of the laws covering California, Utah, New Mexico, the slave trade and fugitive slave laws, Douglas returned to Illinois and became in this state the acclaimed Democratic candidate for the Presidency. The Compromise of 1850 seemed to grow in favor for some time and Douglas grew in popular favor. Daniel Webster had opposed the annex- ation of Texas and the Mexican war, but lent his powerful aid to the adoption of the compromise. He declared that slave labor would not be successful in New Mexico and that the anti- slavery people need have no fears over the extension of slavery to that territory. The laws of nature, he maintained, had decreed against slavery. The Illinois Legislature, which in 1849 had favored the Wilmot proviso, repealed its resolution in 1851. The vote stood in the Senate twenty-two for repeal and two against. In the House the vote for repeal was forty-nine to eleven against. Party lines between the Whigs and Democrats were broken down and there seemed to be a "union of hearts" among the politicians in Illinois and the nation. The Democrats nominated Franklin Pierce for the Presidency in 1852 against Gen. Winfield Scott, the Whig candidate, and carried the election handsomely both in the State of Illinois and the nation. The fourth of the laws passed as part of the Compromise of 1850, the fugitive slave law, soon began to give trouble to 440 ILLINOIS the compromisers. It gave but little material aid to the slave- holders, as a very small fraction of the slave population had in the past been able to escape from bondage. On the other hand, the passage of this law gave great offense to the many- thousands of people who revolted against the idea of the nation using its machinery to enforce human slavery, particularly in the states which prohibited this infamy. Rumblings of dis- content began to be heard in the North, not only from Whigs and Abolitionists, but from men who had been voting the Demo- cratic ticket all their lives. "Long" John Wentworth, Democratic congressman and newspaper proprietor, and leader of that party in and around Chicago, was one of these. So was Lyman Trumbull and likewise Judge Sidney Breese. The Democrats of Illinois, however, presented Douglas' name to the National Democratic Convention of 1852 as their choice for the Presi- dency. For a few ballots he led the field, but was finally beaten by Pierce and took his defeat quite gracefully. After the Demo- cratic triumph in 1852, Whiggery became anaemic and a break in the solidity of the Democratic party began to develop. The fraternization of the leaders of the Whig and Democratic parties on the subject of slavery, resulting in the Compromise of 1850, was not relished by many of the rank and file of both parties. The fugitive slave law was the main cause of dissatisfaction in the North, both among Whigs and many Democrats, although both parties had through their leaders agreed upon the Com- promise of 1850. Into this atmosphere of party disorganization came the appli- cation of Kansas and Nebraska to be opened up for settlement and organization as territories, in 1853. Both of these territories were north of the thirty-six degree thirty-minute line. To permit by act of Congress slavery to exist in these territories would violate the Missouri Compromise law of 1820. To make them free-soil territories was impossible by reason of the stubborn attitude of the representatives of the southern states. Douglas was at this time chairman of the Senate committee on territories, was the acknowledged father of the Compromise of 1850, was the universally-accepted leader of his party in Illinois, and frequently mentioned throughout the nation as a possible can- Mexican War Soldier (Courtesy Chicago Historical Society.) 442 ILLINOIS didate for the Presidency. He was zealously advocating the building of a trans-continental railway from coast to coast and was desirous of having the lands to the west of Illinois, Missouri and Iowa thrown open to settlement and railroad development. When the bills for the organization of Kansas and Nebraska were referred to his committee he again brought forward his plan of popular sovereignty as a solution of the whole problem and had the bills so drafted as to permit the people in each territory to decide for themselves the character of their govern- ment on the subject of slavery. The Missouri Compromise of 1820, he contended, had been repealed by the Compromise of 1850 ; that the Utah and New Mexico laws had established prac- tically by universal consent the principle of popular sovereignty, and had established a precedent to be followed in the organization of territories. Above all, he claimed and honestly believed that "people's sovereignty" was the foundation of real democracy; that the Revolutionary war was fought in assertion of that principle; that that principle was conceded to the states in the Federal Constitution, and that that principle should be conceded to the people in each territory applying for admission to the Union, as any state so admitted must have rights equal to the original thirteen states of the Union. From the standpoint of logic, law and constitutionality his argument was effective. The bills were reported to the House and Senate in such form as to establish the right of the people in each and both of these territories to decide for themselves whether they should have slavery or no slavery within their borders. In other words the bills as framed and passed, recognized and established in 1854 the doctrine of government tritely and forcefully expressed in popular vernacular as "squatter sovereignty." The Kansas-Nebraska Bill became law May 29, 1854. It proved to be not only a constitutional law of the United States framed under a compromise between the Whig and Democratic parties but a political bomb-shell which, when it fell among the people, exploded and killed the Whig party and seriously wounded the Democratic party. Hundreds of thousands, aye millions, of good men and women in both the old parties had ILLINOIS 443 come to the conclusion that commercial traffic in human flesh and blood was a crime against both God and man and that any law which permitted its extension in the United States was a lex infamis, and, more than that, a faex legis infamis. Not only was it an infamous law, but one dragged out of the lowest dregs of infamy. In a desire to avert secession and prevent the dismemberment of the Union, Douglas and the other leaders of the Democratic and Whig parties in Congress had failed to appreciate and appraise at its proper strength the aversion to slavery which had taken hold of the people of the northern and eastern states. Douglas, in one of his speeches, declared that the Kansas-Nebraska act would be "as popular at the North as at the South, when its principles and provisions shall have been fully developed and become well understood." (Congres- sional Globe 33, Congress 1st Session, Appendix 338.) That he was right from a constitutional and legal standpoint and that his motives were inspired by the highest patriotism cannot be doubted, but he and his followers, who framed and voted for the Kansas-Nebraska Bill, failed to place themselves on that high plane of morals and humanity which rises above all laws which set morality and humanity at defiance. Those who regarded slavery as a crime against both God and man, and there were many thousands of these in both parties, began to take steps towards the organization of a new party. The former great leaders of the Whigs were superan- nuated and retired, and the new leaders were spineless and tol- erant of slavery. The Democratic leaders, being intimidated by the slave-holders of the South, were giving way to the intolerable demands of their Democratic colleagues from the South. A new party was necessary to confront the "negro-hunters and enslavers of the South." In advocating the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Bill, Douglas made a brilliant speech in which he courageously and fairly answered all arguments that had been made by those who opposed it and declared that the principle of popular sov- ereignty enunciated in the bill was "the principle upon which the Colonies separated from the Crown of Great Britain; the principle upon which the battles of the Revolution were fought, 444 ILLINOIS and the principle upon which our republican system was founded." He returned to Illinois after the passage of the bill and with the same courage and ability defended the law even before hostile audiences, and at times succeded in converting a hostile crowd to his views. The Illinois State Register and Quincy Herald promptly endorsed the Kansas-Nebraska Bill and several other Democratic papers followed suit. The Chicago Democrat, "Long" John Wentworth's paper, however, on March 11 declared that "the wall of compromises has been broken down . . . ." "the wind has been sown" and "it may be that the sowers shall reap the whirlwind." The Legislature of Illinois was strongly Democratic in both houses and passed resolutions endorsing the Kansas-Nebraska Bill, but with the loss of some Democratic votes, among them those of James M. Campbell, B. C. Cook, N. B. Judd, Uri Osgood and John M. Palmer. Many of the Germans of Illinois who had been voting the Democratic ticket broke out in open expressions of revolt, largely because the Clayton amendment to the Kansas-Nebraska Bill denied to foreigners all political rights in the new territories. George Schneider, editor of the Illinois Staats Zeitung; Edward Schlaeger, Francis Hoffman and Lieutenant-Governor Koerner were among the most prominent of these men. Douglas promptly and energetically traversed the state from city to city, explaining to the people his doctrine of popular sovereignty and his efforts to save the Union from the secession which was threatened by the southern states, and from this time forward the eyes of the whole nation were centered upon Douglas and the fight he was making, using the slogans of "People's Sovereignty" and "Save the Union." Up to this time Douglas had been acting in harmony with the Democratic President and the Democratic party. Now, however, arose a situation which compelled Douglas, as an honest, conscientious man, to take issue with President Pierce and the great majority of the Democratic party. He had, by the year 1856, convinced the people of his own state of the patriotism and wisdom of his course in relation to the Com- promise of 1850 and the Kansas-Nebraska law, and was in a fair way to convince the great majority of the voters of the ILLINOIS 445 nation to the same effect, when, in 1857, the poeple of Kansas applied for admission to statehood in the Union after a pro- slavery Legislature had adopted therein a constitution which was popularly called the Lecompton Constitution. This name had been given to it by reason of the fact that it was framed in a town in Kansas so named. It had not been fairly submitted to the people of Kansas for adoption or rejection by referendum vote and its framers refused the demand of the free-soil voters for an honest referendum. Douglas refused to favor or vote for the admission of Kansas to statehood bound by such a con- stitution, and thus broke with the President and the great major- ity of the Democratic party. CHAPTER XLII DOUGLAS BREAKS WITH THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY AND . PRESIDENT, AND OPPOSES THE LECOMPTON CONSTITUTION IN KANSAS While Douglas was waging an apparently winning fight for "people's sovereignty" and against the cry for dissolution being made by the secessionists of the South and the rabid abolitionists of the North, in Illinois, and with strong hopes of success throughout the nation, in 1857 the people of Kansas applied for admission to the Union as a state and presented to Congress for consideration in connection with their application, a constitution adopted by a convention claiming to have been legally called and elected. This convention was almost composed of pro-slavery men. After the constitution was framed a strong fight in the convention was made for a provision requiring its submission to the people for a referendum vote thereon. This proposal was de- feated by one vote. (Beveridge Life of Lincoln, Vol. II, p. 528.) Another bitter struggle then occurred and the convention adopted a compromise measure by a majority of two votes. "By this compromise the single question of slavery or no-slavery was to be submitted to the people at an election to be held December 21, 1857; but on no other part of proposed constitution were the people to vote. One clause thus kept from popular consid- eration provided that the property rights of the few slave- holders then in Kansas should not be taken away by any further legislation of the new state." (Idem, same page.) The constitutional convention which framed the document which preserved forever the rights of the slaveholders in the proposed state was elected under the following circumstances, As soon as the Kansas-Nebraska Law was passed in 1854, a horde of intending settlers which had camped on the western 446 ILLINOIS 447 borders of Missouri and Iowa, rushed into the new territory- opened up for settlement by the Kansas-Nebraska Law, to locate homesteads and pre-emptions on the rich soil of this section of the country. Many of these were actuated solely by economical and not political motives. They yearned for the land with or without slavery. However, as soon as it was learned that the lands of Kansas and Nebraska were soon to be opened to settle- ment under "squatter sovereignty," the politicians of the nation, particularly those who felt intensely, pro or con, on the slavery question, became active in encouraging settlement in the new land by those who agreed with them on that question. Some abolitionists in the East organized a $5,000,000 society to aid and equip settlers from that section. They equipped and for- warded long caravans of these settlers and armed them with rifles and other deadly weapons, as well as furnishing them with provisions and farming implements. A goodly company of young Southerners was organized by a young slavery enthusi- ast named Buford, who marched them from the Southland into Kansas. The greatest number of those who came from Kansas, however, came from Missouri, and most of these were ardent pro-slavery men. It is claimed, and with much show of truth, that some 5,000 men from Missouri crossed into Kansas a short time before the holding of the constitutional convention and voted at that election, and that many of them, soon after the election, returned to Missouri. Because of this belief the free- soil people of Kansas repudiated and denounced the constitutional convention "and all its works and pomps." They refused to vote on the question of "slave or free" submitted to popular vote by this repudiated constitutional convention and allowed it to be confirmed by those who voted for confirmation. Only two weeks later, however, they elected a Legislature which was strongly anti-slavery and thus assumed control of the law-making power of the state. When these facts became known to Douglas, and the appli- cation for statehood with this constitution framed in this manner was presented to the Senate, he called on President Pierce and announced that his conscience and sense of duty to his country, and his own self-respect, would prevent him from voting for Cyrus McCormick Who perfected his first reaping machine in Virginia in 1831, and in 1847 moved his manufacturing and sales offices to Chicago. ILLINOIS 449 and advocating the admission of Kansas to the Union, burdened with such a constitution framed under such circumstances of fraud and imposture. The President was then nearly sixty-eight years of age and had been aggravated and annoyed by the frequent and violent controversies over the slavery question. He wished to get rid of that troublesome question, and wanted it settled forever during his administration so that he could turn his attention to other domestic and foreign matters then awaiting solution. As the constitutional convention in Kansas had provided for the submission of that vexed question of free soil or slavery to popular vote, he deemed that was and should be the proper solution of the issue in Kansas. His cabinet agreed with him unanimously and he concluded that he would endorse the application of Kansas and the Lecompton Constitution and make it a party measure of his administration. The President and Douglas failed to agree upon this procedure and Douglas informed him he would oppose the President's program on the floor of the Senate. Just before the end of the interview the President rose from his seat and said : "Now, Douglas, I desire you to remember that no Democrat ever differed with an admin- istration of his own choice without being crushed. Beware of the fate of Talmadge and Rives," two men whom Jackson had broken for party insurgency. To which Douglas answered: "Mr. President, I wish you to understand that General Jackson is dead." (Beveridge, Vol. II, p. 538.) Shortly after this emphatic and belligerent interview with President Pierce, Douglas courageously imperiled his political life, when he arose in the Senate and assailed in eloquent and vigorous language the Lecompton Constitution. He was impelled thereto not only by the iniquity of the constitution itself; but also by the violence and corruption of its conception. In the bitterness of the conflict between the slavery and anti-slavery parties in Kansas, both parties had armed themselves with rifles and other deadly weapons. Formidable bodies of men so equipped met and exchanged shots with deadly effect. Defense- less men were often murdered in cold blood because of their political affiliations. As the result "Bleeding Kansas" became the shibboleth of the Free Soil party even though some of the 450 ILLINOIS blood-letting was done by the free-soilers themselves. Douglas became convinced by reliable reports made to him by Democratic friends located in the midst of this turmoil, among them notably John Calhoun, the Democratic president of the constitutional convention, that the Lecompton Constitution was secured by a combination of violence, fraud and political corruption, and that the real voice of the people had not been heard. He believed that people's sovereignty had been outraged by the events that led up to the formation of the constitution, and as an honest advocate of popular sovereignty he refused to condone the robbery. On December 9, 1857, the President's message to the Senate recommended the admittance of Kansas to the Union subject to the conditions of the pro-slavery Lecompton Constitution. On the same day, taking his political life in his hands, Douglas arose in the Senate and began his fight for political honesty and decency and the preservation of real people's sovereignty. Before an audience as great and as distinguished as ever greeted Daniel Webster, he assailed the constitution both as to its form at birth and as to the method of its conception. Under the doctrine of popular sovereignty, which he again lauded and proclaimed, the people had the irrevocable right to vote by referendum upon each and every clause of the constitution. They were denied that right. They were given the empty right to vote for "the constitution with slavery or the constitution without slavery," while the constitution itself had a clause therein recog- nizing the rights of slaveholders to own slaves and prohibiting forever the enactment of legislation interfering with such rights. He argued that Congress had no right to force a slave state constitution or a free-soil constitution upon the people of Kansas. They alone had the right to determine the character of their constitution at an honestly-conducted election. He finished one of the most able and eloquent speeches of his life with these brave and dramatic words: "Neither the frowns of power nor the influence of patronage will change my action or drive me from my principles. I prefer private life, preserving my own self-respect and manhood, to abject and servile submission to executive will." (Beveridge's Lincoln, Vol. II, p. 543.) ILLINOIS 451 At the time that Douglas made this manly and memorable speech in the Senate of the United States he well knew what would be the inevitable consequence — political ostracism by the President of the United States and all of the other great leaders of the party with which Douglas had affiliated all of his life and which had elevated him to a position of almost unquestioned leadership. At the time he made this statement of his position to the Senate he knew that his name was on the tongues of thousands of the most influential leaders of his party as "the candidate" of the party for the Presidency, and that that party was then dominant in the land. He knew, too, the peril of party recreancy and insubordination. He had been, as we have seen, warned by the President in person of what would follow. He knew that but few of the Democratic Senators and Congress- men would dare to risk their patronage and political lives by following him into his war with the Democratic administration. The course he was pursuing he knew could only give comfort to the Abolitionists, Whigs, Know-Nothings and other enemies of the Democratic party. Nothing but the noblest sense of righteousness and public duty and self-respect could have impelled him to take this perilous political course. It was one of the finest exhibitions of moral courage in the history of the United States. Up to this time, while still in the prime of life, he had had unparalleled success in all his undertakings. His rare combination of tact and talent enabled him to win in law, love and statesmanship. His eloquence and mental agility made him a successful lawyer at a bound. After a few years of practice he was elected to the Supreme Court of Illinois, subse- quently elected to Congress, and then to the Senate of the United States when only thirty-three years of age. In 1857 he had just married his second wife, a young and beautiful woman who has often been described as "the reigning belle of Wash- ington/' In the South he was the unquestioned leader of his party and outside of the South he was the acclaimed orator and leader of the same party. In the midst of such unlimited success, in the hey-day of such prosperity, only the urge of a noble conscience and the 452 ILLINOIS possession of the highest moral courage enabled him to take this momentous step. Douglas' onslaught on the Lecompton Constitution resulted in killing the bill for the admission of Kansas as a slave state. It failed to pass both houses and for a time Kansas was left without statehood. The Senate and House being deadlocked, the matter was referred to a committee of conference between the two houses. Here a compromise was agreed upon and the bill was offered to the House by William H. English of Indiana. This bill, thereafter called the English Bill, provided that the Lecompton Constitution should be again submitted to the whole people of Kansas. If they ratified it the State of Kansas should be at once admitted to the Union. If they rejected it Kansas should not be admitted to statehood until her population entitled her to one representative in Congress. Fervent and insistent pleas were made to Douglas to accept and vote for the com- promise. The President favored it. The outstanding majority of the Democratic members of Congress wanted it. Even Doug- las' ardent friends at Springfield in and among the Illinois State Register office were anxious to have Douglas accept it. But Douglas answered "No! The English Bill is a trick and a fraud — sheer bribery in fact." Unless the people accepted the constitution, they were to be kept out of the Union until they became three times more numerous than they now were. In the State of Kansas, a population big enough to make it a slave state was big enough to make it a free state. (Beveridge's Lincoln, Vol. II., p. 561.) The defeat of the Kansas bill, however, left Douglas outside the breastworks of the Democratic administration and compelled him to fight against enormous odds the greatest battle of his political life. In 1858 the election of members of the Legislature of Illinois was approached. The hold-over members of the Senate and the senators and representatives elected in November, 1858, would elect the United States senator who would succeed Douglas, whose term expired in 1859. After the Kansas bill was beaten in Congress, Douglas returned to Illinois to commence his campaign for reelection to the Senate. A few high-minded and courageous Democrats in both houses of Congress and ILLINOIS 453 throughout the nation had followed Douglas and approved his course. Many Democrats in the northern states became his ardent supporters and advocates. In the southern states he at once lost caste and found but few and feeble defenders. Not only did northern Democrats who were independent of political patronage support him, but many free-soilers and Whigs began to praise his patriotism and his devotion to a high sense of public duty. Several Republican senators, such as Seward and Sumner, spoke in praise of his conduct, as did Horace Greeley and the New York Tribune. In Illinois, however, Douglas now found he had "the fight of his life." Word came from the Democratic administration at Washington that Douglas must be beaten. Every federal office-holder in Illinois was ordered to line up his friends against Douglas and those who refused were discharged. With his usual courage and energy Douglas promptly com- menced his campaign for reelection to the Senate. CHAPTER XLIII GOVERNOR MATTESON'S ADMINISTRATION— THE DECADE OF WONDROUS GROWTH Joel A. Matteson was elected governor of the state on the Democratic ticket in 1852 and served efficiently in that position for four years, from 1853 until 1857. During that four years took place a tremendous development in the population, com- merce, agriculture and manufacturing of the state. The popu- lation of Chicago nearly doubled during the four years, and its commerce increased four-fold. The population of the state was doubled and passed the million mark. Illinois became the fourth most populous state during this administration. It was also a period of intense railroad building. Railroad mileage during the quadrennial increased from about 400 miles to nearly 3,000 miles. Before his election Matteson was a successful business man and contractor, and he was naturally favorable to railway and industrial expansion. The wealth of the state during his four years' incumbency nearly trebled, increasing from about $138,- 000,000 in 1851 to $350,000,000 in 1856. Under his adminis- tration an attempt was made to pass a prohibitory liquor law, then called the "Maine law." The law was passed by the Legis- lature in 1855, and was submitted to the people for a referendum vote, but was decisively beaten by popular vote. The indebtedness of the state was reduced under Governor Matteson's administration from $17,398,985 to $12,843,144. Dur- ing his administration, in 1855 was enacted a Free School law, which contained most of the essential requirements of our pres- ent Public School law. This law was found to be exceedingly effective in reducing, if not abolishing entirely, illiteracy in Illinois. 454 Governor 1853-57 (Courtesy Illinois State Historical Library.) CHAPTER XLIV ADMINISTRATION OF GOVERNOR BISSELL William H. Bissell, elected governor in 1856 over Col. William A. Richardson, the Democratic nominee, leader of the Illinois Democrats in Congress, and the friend and ardent supporter of Stephen A. Douglas, has the honor of being the first Repub- lican governor ever elected in the State of Illinois. Before his nomination for governor he had been an ardent Jeffersonian Democrat and had represented his party as Congressman from the Alton district. Owing to the undisguised attempts of the southern Democrats between 1850 and 1854 to extend slavery into the territories of the North and the truculent threats of these same men to dismember the Union, Colonel Bissell severed his connection with the Democratic party and with Palmer, Trumbull and other former Democrats allied himself with the new-born Republican party. While Buchanan, the Democratic candidate for the Presi- dency, carried the State of Illinois in 1856, Bissell, for the first time in history, carried the state by a plurality of about 5,000 and led his whole ticket. His courage in Congress when he baited Jefferson Davis and accepted a challenge from that gentleman which was only averted by the intervention of friends of both parties, made him exceedingly popular. His determined oppo- sition to the extension of slavery brought to his support (not- withstanding he was a Catholic) even the nativists and the Know-Nothings, as well as many thousands of his old Democratic friends and admirers who agreed with his views and admired his courage. When seated in the governor's chair he found himself confronted with a Democratic Legislature opposed to Republican policies. He was elected on a platform which pledged him against the extension of slavery and he determined to carry out that 456 ILLINOIS 457 pledge. The Republican party had been charged during the campaign as being tainted with Know-Nothingism and he decided upon a liberal policy towards his naturalized fellow-citizens. The redistricting of the state according to the population as required by the Constitution had been ignored by the Legislature Governor 1857-61 (Courtesy Illinois State Historical Library.) and he determined to remind it of its constitutional duty. On January 5, 1859, Governor Bissell sent a message to the Legis- lature, reviewing the state affairs and requesting a reapportion- ment of the legislative and congressional districts in accordance with the actual population of the state. 458 ILLINOIS The Democrats were still in a majority in the Legislature, and without conferring with the Republican members, the Demo- crats drafted and presented a reapportionment bill, which the Republicans pronounced a gerrymander which was unfair to them. The Republican minority fought it savagely on the floor of the House and Senate and resorted to every conceivable fili- bustering device to prevent the passage of the bill. The Demo- crats, however, succeeded in passing this reapportionment bill in both houses notwithstanding the bitterness with which it was fought. When the bill reached the governor he held it for several days, during which he prepared a savage veto mes- sage. After Governor Bissell vetoed the bill the Democrats attempted to pass the bill over his veto, but the Republicans induced enough of their members to absent themselves from the sessions of both houses of the Legislature, so as to prevent a quorum. The Republican members persisted in this rather revolutionary course and the Democrats were unable to pass the bill over the governor's veto and it failed to become a law. The abstention of the Republicans from the legislative sittings forced the adjournment of the session without action on many appropriation bills and several hundred other bills pending before the Legislature. Governor Bissell died in March, 1860, during his incumbency of the office of governor, and was succeeded in office by John Wood, the lieutenant-governor of the state. It was during Governor Bissell's term as governor of the state that the cele- brated debates between Lincoln and Douglas took place, which gained for Douglas his reelection to the Senate and for Lincoln a place in the political life of the nation which entitled him and eventually secured for him election to the highest position in the gift of the nation — the Presidency of the United States. CHAPTER XLV THE BIRTH OF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY IN ILLINOIS The Kansas-Nebraska Act produced great disorganization in the Democratic ranks in the State of Illinois. Several of the Democratic papers openly repudiated the action of Senator Douglas and Congress in passing this law. The Rock River Democrat declared: "We forbear an expression of our deep indignation, and shall choke the utterance of our abhorrence of the men who have insanely given us as a Democratic party to the contempt of the world." John Wentworth's paper — The Chicago Democrat, wrote editorially "Throughout the North .... there is opposition to a great measure which has just been consummated, the respon- sibility of which the Democratic party of the nation will be compelled to bear." Wentworth and his paper, however, were not yet ready to abandon the Democratic party and afterwards declared that "we must beat the enemy handsomely; carry the State gloriously and thus continue the ascendancy of Democratic principles in our councils." The Anti-Nebraska Democrats pleaded against the adoption by the Democratic convention of the new test of democracy to wit: endorsement of the Kansas-Nebraska Act, but Douglas and his followers were able to keep the Democratic county conven- tions in line and have them endorse the Kansas-Nebraska Act. The younger Democratic leaders, such as Lyman Trumbull, John M. Palmer, Col. E. D. Taylor, John A. McClernand and Jehu Baker took much offense at Douglas' conduct in securing the passage of the act. Sidney Breese vigorously took the same position. There was a division also in the Whig ranks. The Whig assemblymen, James W. Singleton, William H. Christy and James M. Randolph had voted for the Nebraska resolutions 459 g o cq m -5 u Q X ILLINOIS 461 and the Illinois Journal, the Whig organ, promptly read them out of the Whig party and classed them with abolitionists, and many of them left the Whig party to join the Douglas Democrats. As early as March 28th, 1854 a mass meeting was held at Rockford, which passed a resolution that 'The free states should blot out all former distinction by uniting themselves into one great Northern party." The Illinois Journal protested against the Whigs abandoning their party to join any new anti-slavery party. Later on conventions were held in LaSalle, Will, Putnam and other counties under the name of Republicans. A Republican state convention was called to meet in Springfield on the 4th and 5th of October, 1854, but the Whigs failed to attend the same. Some twenty-six anti-slavery men appeared in the con- vention but they were all so-called Abolitionists, and Abraham Lincoln failing to connect himself with that label ; adroitly remained away from the meeting, although he made a vigorous anti-Nebraska speech at Springfield about the time that the convention was held. Although this convention was attended by so few; a number of men all of whom were radicals on the anti-slavery question, the convention adopted a platform. Lin- coln, however, absented himself from the city in order not to be identified with that element. Later on he repudiated the use of his name by that gathering. The Democrats at the same time were at each others throats in different parts of the state. James H. Woodworth, a free soil Democrat, and former mayor of Chicago, was nominated for Congress on the anti- Kansas-Nebraska ticket and was elected. In the Alton district there was also trouble for the Democrats. Lyman Trumbull came out in bold defiance of Douglas and the Kansas-Nebraska Act was nominated for Congress and won out as against Philip B. Fouke, a Nebraska Democrat. In the Springfield district Democrats nominated Thomas L. Harris, a supporter of Douglas as against Richard Yates. Yates was supported by the anti-Nebraska forces, both Whigs and Democrats, and Harris won over Yates by a very narrow majority. I have a letter in my possession given to me by Former Governor Richard Yates, the younger, written by Abraham 462 ILLINOIS Lincoln, giving advice in that campaign to Richard Yates, the father of the younger Governor Yates, as to how to manage the campaign, particularly with reference to the "Know nothing" element in the district, on the back of which Governor Yates endorsed the statement, that he had failed to follow Lincoln's advice and lost his election by only 200 votes. He alleged also in this endorsement that he was beaten because of a false affi- davit charging him with having been seen in a "Know nothing" lodge. Strange to say, the nativistic prejudice at that time was against the English and Germans living in Illinois. The election held in November, 1854 in the State of Illinois resulted in a Democratic defeat. Members of the Legislature then elected, showed a majority of anti-Nebraskites. The Con- gressional elections also went against them; as they only were able to elect four of the nine members of Congress. Another blow was given to the Democratic party in 1854 when Shields' reelection to the Senate was at issue. Lyman Trumbull, an anti-Nebraska Democrat, was placed in nomination and was elected by the Legislature over Shields. The Know Nothing party made its appearance during this campaign and it is claimed that one of the reasons for Shields' defeat was that he professed the Roman Catholic religion. The influence of this element in Illinois politics, however, did not last very long. Religious fanaticism did not seem to flourish for any length of time on the prairies of Illinois. Shortly thereafter, William H. Bissell in 1856, though a Roman Catholic, was nominated for governor on the Republican ticket, and triumphantly elected to that office. In 1856, as another evidence of the weakening power of the Democratic party in the Northern part of the state, John Went- worth in his paper declared, "The North is all split to pieces upon matters of minor moment compared with the great ques- tion at issue. Now we think the North should unite as well as the South. If slavery can unite the South, certainly freedom should unite the North." In that portion of the state there was a perfection of local organizations under the name of "Republicans" during that year, and they were quite successful in some of their local elec- ILLINOIS 463 tions. In the summer of that year Douglas took the platform and appealed to his followers to rally for Democracy and to be- ware of Know Nothingism and Maine-lawism lurking behind the Republican party. In 1856 the Republicans had carried elections in the neigh- boring states of Michigan and Wisconsin and many Whigs, Democrats and Know Nothings expressed their willingness to unite under the name of the Republican party. Wentworth, William H. Bissell, Gustave Koerner, Lyman Trumbull and many other anti-Nebraska Democrats had not yet formally seceded from the party, but had made up their mind that if the Demo- cratic party in its convention, made a test of Democracy the support of the Kansas-Nebraska Act, they would quit their for- mer affiliations and join the new party. The Democratic convention met on the first of July, 1856, and rallying behind Douglas, adopted an aggressive Nebraska platform as a test of party loyalty and nominated for governor, Colonel Richardson, the Democratic congressman in the House, who had ably assisted Douglas in procuring the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act. This act of the Democratic convention drove John M. Palmer, William H. Bissell, Gustave Koerner, Lyman Trumbull and hundreds of other anti-Nebraska Demo- crats out of the party. From that time on, they enthusiastically supported the Re- publican party which was born in Illinois in the month of July, 1856, after the adjournment of the Democratic convention, at which William H. Bissell, a former prominent Democrat but a bitter opponent of the Kansas-Nebraska Act, was nominated for governor and triumphantly elected in the following Novem- ber over Richardson, the Douglas Democratic candidate. National conventions of both the Republican and Democratic parties were held that year. The Republican party met at Phila- delphia and nominated John C. Fremont for President and Wil- liam L. Dayton as the anti-slavery candidates. Prior to that time on June 2nd, the Democrats had placed in nomination for President, James Buchanan on a "squatter sovereignty" plat- form. This was the first year that a candidate labeled "Repub- lican" was placed in nomination at a national convention for 464 ILLINOIS election as President of the United States. At this election Trumbull, Koerner, Bissell, John Wentworth and John M. Palmer voted for and advocated the election of a Republican ticket, all of them having been former Democrats. They ap- peared on the stump in this election with Lincoln, Owen Love- joy and Richard Yates, former Whigs, all of them being now labeled "Republicans." Thus came into being in the year 1856 in the State of Illi- nois the Republican party, which ever since that time, with two quadrennial exceptions, has controlled and dominated poli- tics of the State of Illinois. The result of the presidential election in that year in the State of Illinois was still favorable to the Democratic party. Buchanan received the electoral vote of Illinois, but Colonel Richardson, the Democratic candidate for governor, went down before Bissell and his associates. Bissell developed remarkable strength. He was found to be popular to an extraordinary de- gree, both with his former Democratic associates and with the Whigs, who had helped him to a seat in Congress in 1852. Strange to say, he was also popular with the foreign voters and with the nativists in spite of the fact that he was of the Roman Catholic faith. Upon assuming office as governor, however, he found him- self confronted by a Democratic Legislature. He succeeded, however, by pointing out the injustice of the existing electoral districts to bring about a re-districting of the state in accord- ance with the population shown by the census of 1855. CHAPTER XLVI DOUGLAS OPENS HIS CAMPAIGN FOR REELECTION TO THE SENATE Early in the year 1858, Douglas returned to Illinois to open his campaign for reelection to the United States Senate. He found that the enmity and hostility of the Democratic adminis- tration had preceded him. The postmaster at Chicago, who had been appointed at the request of Douglas, had been removed and his place given to a man who was a bitter enemy of Doug- las, the removed postmaster having lost his position on charges of defalcation. The new postmaster, Cook, and the United States marshals in Illinois managed the war of the administration Democrats against Douglas, and all of the Federal office-holders in the state were massed in one solid league against him. Doug- las soon found that he had to fight not only the Republican and Free Soil parties, but all the Democratic office-holders in the state. Conferences between the Republican managers and the Democratic office-holding league were frequent and friendly. On June 9, 1858, the administration Democrats held their state convention at Springfield. Douglas was roundly denounced in its resolutions and his defeat demanded. He and his followers were called rebels and enemies of Democracy, and the President lauded as able and patriotic. This convention also placed in nomination for state offices men who were in opposition to those nominated in the Douglas Democratic convention. Never did a man in Illinois face a more formidable array of bitter enemies and conspirators against his success than did Stephen A. Douglas in that campaign. By his high-minded in- sistence upon fair play by his party in Kansas, and by his cour- ageous attack upon trickery which had been practiced by the pro-slavery element of his party in framing the weasel-worded 465 466 ILLINOIS Lecompton Constitution and refusing to submit it to popular referendum, he had brought upon himself and his candidacy the bitter hostility of the Democratic President and all his ap- pointees in Illinois. That his motives in so doing were actuated by the purest patriotism and disregard of selfish aims cannot be seriously questioned. He had nothing to gain and everything to lose politically by doing things that would enable Kansas to come into the Union as a free-soil state. Notwithstanding the words of praise that were given him by Greeley and Seward, Douglas had plenty of experience in the working of party poli- tics and knew from that practical experience that no party in politics would accept an insurrectionist from the opposite party and give him its leadership. It might reward him with verbal nosegays, or give him some subordinate job because of services rendered, but nothing more. His own party had already placed him in the highest position, short of the presidency, and at the time of his break there was no man in the Democratic party who was so likely as Douglas to be nominated and elected to succeed the Democratic incumbent of the position. His only mo- tive could have been, and was, to preserve his own self-respect and sense of justice and fair play and establish a record of honesty and consistency in public life. Above all he was actu- ated by the patriotic desire to avert the dissolution of the Union threatened by the fanatical slaveholders of the South and the frenzied abolitionists of the North. Those of the North could not bring it about, because they were in a small minority in that section; while the extremists of the South were backed by the almost unanimous views of that part of the United States. His motto midst this tumult of treasonable threats was: Fiat jus- ticia, ruat coelum. When Lincoln's partner, Herndon, went from Springfield to New York to remonstrate with Horace Greeley because of his praise of Douglas and the course he was pursuing in the Kansas case, the great Republican editor hotly answered : "Douglas is a brave man. Forget the past and sustain the righteous." Before leaving Washington for Illinois, Douglas was informed that Lincoln had been nominated for the Senate by the Repub- lican convention at Springfield, June 16, 1858. Speaking to •Lyman Trumbull 468 ILLINOIS his friend, John W. Forney, Douglas said: "I shall have my hands full. He is the strong man of his party — full of wit, facts, dates — and the best stump-speaker, with his droll ways and dry jokes, in the West. He is as honest as he is shrewd, and if I beat him my victory will be hardly won." He thus realized the seriousness of the contest even before he found on his return to Illinois the bitter opposition he was to encounter in his own party. He had scarcely arrived in the state when he discovered that James Ward, special United States agent of the post office department and superintendent of mails, postmasters and route agents in Illinois, had been removed by the President because he would not desert Douglas in his fight ; and Dr. Charles Lieb had been appointed in his place. Lieb promptly wired the secretary of state of Illinois that he had been appointed. Traveling on railroad passes, Lieb traversed the state, indus- triously threatening removals of Democratic office-holders and giving promises of appointments, and doing everything in his power to win votes away from Douglas. He also acted as a liaison officer between the so-called "regular" Democrats and the Republican leaders and brought about co-ordination between them to ruin Douglas. Commenting on this situation, the New York Times of July 13, 1858, declared: "Mr. Douglas has tre- mendous odds against him. If he shall succeed in detaching from the administration Democrats enough to elect him, it will be the most brilliant triumph of his life." His entry into Chi- cago was a great triumph. So large was the crowd assembled to meet him that he hardly could find room for his carriage to move towards the hotel where he made his first speech July 9, 1858. In this, the opening speech of this most remarkable cam- paign, he first thanked his audience for their endorsement of his course in relation to the Lecompton Constitution and the situation in Kansas as evidenced by their turning out in such tremendous numbers to greet him. He claimed that their pres- ence in such huge numbers evidenced their "devotion to the great principle of self-government to which my life for many years past, and in the whole future will be devoted." He declared that he had fought the Lecompton Constitution because it vio- ILLINOIS 469 lated that principle and with the assistance of others in Con- gress had forced the resubmission of that instrument to the people of Kansas to be voted on by them in the following August. In the Senate he had fought for the principle of popular self- government against opposition from the North and more re- cently against opposition from the South. He had fought the Lecompton Constitution because that document did not provide for the submission of the whole instrument to the popular vote of the people. "I deny," he declared, "the right of Congress to enforce upon a people a code of laws they are unwilling to receive." He then complimented Lincoln, who was present in the hotel and within hearing, saying that he had known him for about a quarter of a century and knew him to be a kind, amiable and intelligent gentleman, a good citizen and an honorable opponent, and that the issue between Lincoln and himself was not in personalities but in principles. He then attacked Lin- coln's assertion that "the nation could not endure half-slave and half-free." That assertnon, Douglas declared, meant uni- formity of local laws and domestic institutions of all the states. This would invite ceaseless conflict until slavery was estab- lished in all the states or abolished in all of them, a war of sec- tions, a war of the North against the South, or the free states against the slave states, a war of extermination until one or the other of the combatants should be subdued. Such uniformity was neither possible nor wise. The builders of the Constitution foresaw that what policies, laws and legislation would suit one state might not suit another and for this reason they wisely provided in that instrument that each state should be sovereign in its domestic affairs, and that the Federal Government should exercise only such specific powers as were given it, and that these were general and national in their character. Uniformity of legislation in politics, in religion, in industry and in social relations is the parent of despotism the world over. How could such uniformity be had in the United States? he asked. Only by merging the rights and sovereignty of the states into one consolidated empire, and giving Congress the unlimited power to enact all police regulations and domestic laws for the whole republic whether they were suitable or unsuitable to local 470 ILLINOIS conditions and whether they were beneficial or injurious to cer- tain localities. Variety in local regulations and domestic insti- tutions was essential to liberty. The sovereignty of the states in local matters and police regulations must be maintained if freedom is to be preserved. Douglas next criticized Lincoln for his attack upon the Su- preme Court of the United States. That court had recently decided the celebrated Dred Scott case, holding by a majority of seven to two that a negro slave residing in free-soil territory for some time, was not emancipated and did not become thereby a citizen of the United States, and dismissed his case because he was not a "citizen of the United States" and therefore the court had no jurisdiction. The logic and merits of this notable decision will be more fully discussed hereafter. It suffices now to call attention to the fact that the decision had been but recently rendered and that Lincoln, among others, had been attacking the same. In discussing Lincoln's attack upon the Dred Scott decision, Douglas declared that under the American Constitution and system of government, it was the duty of the court to expound and interpret the Constitution and construe the laws and when the decision of a case was enunciated, all citizens must yield to it. Upon that principle, he declared, all our rights, our liberty and our property depend. No appeal lies from a decision of a Supreme Court to a "noisy town meeting, or to a Republican caucus sitting in the country." He concluded this part of his speech by insisting that the people should and must "maintain the Constitution, obey the laws and uphold the courts." He next contended that the framers of the Constitution never for a moment intended to place the black man on the same plane as a white man ; that when that great document was being devised and while its adoption was being considered with great deliberation by the states, that hundreds of thousands of black men were held in bondage in most of the states; that the white men who discussed and framed the provisions of that in- strument intended it to apply to white men alone and not to negroes in chains or orientals. Members of inferior races, he contended, ought to have all the rights they could use "consist- ent with the safety of society," and that each state must decide By Courtesy c[ The Northwestern University School of Law, First reporter of Illinois Supreme Court. Judge of Supreme Court, pro- found jurist and no one did more to perfect the judicial system of Illinois. 472 ILLINOIS for itself the nature and extent of these rights. Illinois, he said, had decided that negroes should be neither slaves nor voters. Maine gave negroes the right to vote. Neither state has the right to complain of the other. Virginia has the same right to protect slavery that Illinois has to banish it from her borders. "I do not concede that the states must all be free or must all be slave. I do not acknowledge that the negro must have civil and political rights everywhere or nowhere, or that California must give the Chinese the same privileges that Illinois might grant them. The issues between Mr. Lincoln and myself as candidates for the United States are direct and irreconcilable. He goes for uniformity in our domestic institutions, for a war of sections until one or the other is subdued. I go for the prin- ciple of the Kansas-Nebraska Bill — the right of the people to decide for themselves. ,, The following night, July 10, Abraham Lincoln addressed an enormous audience at the same place, the Tremont Hotel, Chicago. After thanking Douglas for procuring him a con- venient and comfortable seat on the preceding night and for his reference to him, Lincoln, as kind, amiable and intelligent, he proceeded to discuss Douglas' pregnant reference to popular sovereignty. "What is popular sovereignty? Why it is the sovereignty of the people. But the Dred Scott decision said that if a man took slaves to a territory, the people could not keep them out. When they made a state constitution they could exclude slavery, but during the preceding territorial govern- ment slaves could be taken in. They would be there when the territory became a state. Thus they would have to tolerate slavery." There was nothing new, said Lincoln, in the state- ment that the people could form a state constitution. That had always been so. Nobody, certainly no Republican, opposed that. ' 'Douglas thinks he has invented that idea. Douglas will soon claim that he is the inventor of the idea that people should govern themselves." After quoting that clause of the Declara- tion of Independence on the equality of man, Lincoln said: "There is the origin of popular sovereignty." Lincoln then denied that Douglas deserved the credit of beating the Lecomp- ton Constitution. "He did right in fighting it," he said, "but ILLINOIS 473 all the Republicans in the nation opposed it." He agreed with Douglas that the defeat of the Lecompton Constitution was a good thing and then asked: "Who defeated it?" The audience answered: "Judge Douglas !" Lincoln went on to show that Douglas only controlled three Democratic votes against that constitution in the Senate and only twenty Democratic votes in the House, while the Republicans gave twenty votes in the Sen- ate and ninety in the House. He claimed that the Republican party and not Douglas and his Democratic followers were en- titled to claim the honor of beating the Lecompton Constitution. He then asked again his audience: "Now, who was it that did the work?" Again the response was: "Douglas!" Lincoln then contended that Douglas should not be supported against him, Lincoln, simply because he opposed the Lecompton Constitu- tion, but the crowd in front of him interrupted him with cries of "Who killed the bill? Douglas!" until Lincoln almost lost his temper. He was more fortunate in discussing his house-divided- against-itself theory. While on this theme the audience cried: "Good! Good!" Douglas had drawn wrong inferences from his language on this matter. Lincoln had stated merely on that subject what would happen, and not what he, Lincoln, thought ought to happen. In that speech of his which Douglas so strongly criticized, he did not say that he wished slavery to be put in course of ultimate extinction. "I do say so now, however !" he stated. He then admitted, as Douglas charged, that the speech in which he used the words "a home divided against itself must fall" was carefully prepared by him. "I am. not a master of language," he said. "I have not a fine education, but what I said will not bear any such construction as Douglas puts upon it. At least I knew what I meant," said Lincoln. "Of course the Government had endured eighty-two years half slave and half free, but it had lasted so long because the public be- lieved that slavery would finally die out." ("Good!" and ap- plause.) Lincoln then stated that he had always hated slavery but had kept quiet about it until this new era of the introduction of the Nebraska bill began. "I always believed," he said, "that 474 ILLINOIS everybody was against it and that it was in course of ultimate extinction. So thought the framers of the Constitution when they excluded slavery from new territory, where it had not already gone, and when they put a period to the African slave trade. People of the free states had no right to meddle with slavery in the slave states and ought not to want to do it." He had said that a hundred times. Douglas' charge that he wanted to interfere with that institution where it existed, was unwar- ranted. If he ever had said anything from which such an infer- ence could be drawn, "I now correct it." Lincoln then declared that he did not advocate "general con- solidation of all the local institutions of the various states." He was for the principle of local self-government, but Douglas mis- applied it. Each state could do as it liked with all local matters "that interfere with the right of no other state" and the gen- eral Government could do nothing that did not "concern the whole." But a "vast portion of the American people" did not regard it as a trifling matter to be regulated under the police power, but believed it to be "a vast moral evil." Nonetheless, under the United States Constitution in the state where it exists "we have no right to interfere with it." Lincoln then took up and discussed the Dred Scott decision and said : "I do not resist it All I am doing is refusing to obey it as a political rule. If I were in Congress I would vote to prohibit slavery in a new territory in spite of the Dred Scott decision. I sub- mit to it as far as it concerns Dred Scott, but we mean to reverse it peaceably. We mean to do what we can to have the court hereafter decide the other way." The Dred Scott decision was contrary to former decisions of the same court, was based upon falsehood, and was a "new wonder of the world." Douglas had approved the course of General Jackson when the latter declared that the Supreme Court could not lay down a rule to govern a coordinate branch of the Government. So "what has now become of his tirade about resistance to the Supreme Court?" In Douglas' speech delivered on the night preceding, he, Douglas, had denounced the Republican leaders in Illinois for entering into a conspiracy with the administration Democrats to beat him as an unholy alliance and unworthy of men claim- ing to be actuated only by high principles. Answering this ILLINOIS 475 charge, Lincoln denied that he or his friends had entered into any such conspiracy and warned his Republican friends not to be weaned from their loyalty to free-soil Republican principles because of their commendation of Douglas' course in fighting the Lecompton Constitution. Answering Douglas' argument that the United States Constitution was drawn by white men for white men and that they never intended that the black man should be placed on an equality with white men politically and otherwise, Lincoln declared that no one wanted to deny that the Government was made for white men in the form that Douglas put it, but Douglas "was again drawing inferences that are not warranted." He said he never favored social equality between the blacks and whites, and read from a speech he had made a year before in which he had stated his position to that effect. Lincoln then quoted from one of Douglas' speeches in which while demanding the submission of the Lecompton Constitution to popular vote he had said: "I don't care if slavery is voted up or down." He rang the changes on these words over and over again without giving the context and argued that the Re- publicans should not vote for a man who did not care for free soil in Kansas. In closing his address, Lincoln said: "Let the principle that all men were created equal be as nearly reached as we can. If we cannot give freedom to every creature, let us do nothing that will impose slavery upon any other creature. Let us turn this Government back into the channel in which the framers of the Constitution originally placed it. Douglas pro- poses, not intentionally, working in the traces that tend to make this one universal slave nation. As such I resist him." The foregoing pages contain a condensed, but, I believe, a fair summary of the opening speeches of these two great men in the memorable campaign of 1858 for election in Illinois to the United States Senate, and known in history as the Lincoln- Douglas campaign. I have summarized their addresses so that the reader may be able to understand the issues made in the campaign by the able and eloquent men who were appealing to the people of Illinois for their verdict. The issues made in these speeches were not hastily drawn. While Douglas spoke 476 ILLINOIS ex tempore, he had, on the floor of the United States Senate, been presenting them to that body and the nation in an able, eloquent and elaborate form for several months before he ad- dressed his Chicago audience. Lincoln had been reading, di- gesting and analyzing Douglas' speeches in the Senate for at least two years with great care. He had watched and noted also Douglas' courageous stand on the Lecompton Constitution which placed himself outside the trenches of his own party, and was thoroughly prepared to meet Douglas upon the new situa- tion, as well as his acts and utterances when he was in harmony with his party. The issues made in these opening addresses were the issues presented in all of their subsequent speeches with more or less elaboration, variety of language and develop- ment of theme. For a time thereafter they conducted their campaigns and delivered their subsequent speeches from differ- ent platforms and on different days. In one respect, however, Lincoln departed from the method of his first speech. It will be noted in the foregoing summaries of their speeches that Lincoln assumed a defensive attitude. Most of hi's speech was devoted to answering charges made by Douglas against him. Judd, the Republican chairman of the state, noticed this, and wrote to Senator Trumbull, July 16, 1858 : "Lincoln has commenced gallantly. The only trouble will be (as I told him) he will allow Douglas to put him on the defensive." (Trumbull Mss.) Douglas made his next speech at Bloomington, where he de- veloped one new point which he had forgotten or overlooked at Chicago. It was a point that he had advanced many times dur- ing the preceding ten years. The point that he formulated in his Bloomington speech was that slavery could not exist in any locality where the people did not want it. It was the creature of municipal law and police regulations were essential for its existence and protection. Even with police protection it could not be forced upon an unwilling people. "Look at Kansas. Under the laws of the 'bogus' Legislature slavery was well guarded, but it had been decreasing there all the time." He argued: "Let the principle of popular sovereignty be fairly carried out and slavery shall never exist one day, or one hour, John Wentworth Resident of Chicago 1836 to 1888. Editor and congressman, dominating force in politics. 478 ILLINOIS in any territory, against the unfriendly legislation of an un- friendly people." That was the practical result, he said, no matter "how the Dred Scott decision may have settled the ab- stract question." At Bloomington Douglas concluded his speech by telling his hearers to vote for Lincoln if they thought he could do more to promote the Union and advance the prosperity and honor of Illinois than he, Douglas, could. Lincoln had been given a seat on the platform where Douglas spoke, and when called upon declined to speak because "the meeting was called by the friends of Judge Douglas and it would be improper for me to address it. He promised, however, soon to visit them and make a speech. Before the campaign had proceeded much further, Lincoln, admonished by his partner, Herndon, and probably by Judd, the chairman of the Republican State Committee, became less de- fensive and more aggressive in his addresses. He took the offensive in the Dred Scott decision and boldly charged that that decision was the result of a conspiracy between the judges of the Supreme Court, President Pierce, President Buchanan and Douglas. He cited neither direct nor hearsay evidence of this bold charge, but based it upon groupings and dates of the parties charged, from which he argued ingeniously, but not convincingly, that such a conspiracy existed and that these emi- nent judges and public officials were the conspirators. At first Douglas treated the charge with contempt, declaring that if Mr. Lincoln "deems me a conspirator of that kind, all I have to say is that / do not think so badly of the President of of the United States and the Supreme Court of the United States." Upon its repetition thereafter he denounced it as an infamous falsehood. While the campaign was in prog- ress the office-holding Democrats and their relatives and subor- dinates were working vigorously against Douglas and in har- mony with the Republican organization. The general manager of the office-holders , brigade, Post Office Inspector Lieb, al- though repudiated by Senator Trumbull, reported to him: "I am in correspondence with a number of gentlemen who are now openly with us, men who, like myself, will fight him (Doug- las) to the bitter end." With the administration Democrats ILLINOIS 479 fighting him on one side and the Republicans assailing him on the other, the conservative, well-informed New York papers could see no hope for Douglas. The New York Herald of July 27, 1858, declared: "Had he (Douglas) sustained the President upon that (the Kansas) issue, it would have placed him foremost in the front rank of his party for the presidential succession. " Greeley, in the New York Tribune of July 12, 1858, asserted that since Douglas had made popular sovereignty his battle cry, "he cannot fail to be beaten." Neither disheartened nor discouraged, Douglas assumed the offensive and forced the fighting. Through the chairman of his state campaign committee he made up a schedule of speeches he intended to make throughout the state and published it. This schedule covered a great part of the state and included every day for many weeks ahead. Lincoln's campaign manager thereupon made up a schedule for Lincoln, covering the same territory, the same day and place in which Douglas was to speak, and in other cases the day following. Senator Trumbull, the Democratic colleague of Douglas in the Senate, now entered the state and began his assault upon his fellow-senator, and the Republican press in the East gave more notice to Trumbull than to Lincoln, as Douglas in his latest speeches was attacking Trumbull more vigorously than he was Lincoln. Douglas was taking the initiative and waging offensive war against both. Lincoln's adherents opposed the defensive attitude of Lincoln and insisted that he be more vigorous and challenge Douglas to a joint debate. This was first suggested by Horace Greeley. This was forcibly seconded by the Chicago Press and Tribune. "Let Mr. Douglas and Mr. Lincoln agree to canvass the state together in the usual western style." Lincoln went to Chicago and consulted with his newspaper friends and managers, and finally, one week after Douglas' Springfield speech heretofore mentioned, through Mr. Judd, his campaign com- mittee chairman, he presented Douglas with a letter asking him : "Will it be agreeable to you to make an arrangement for you and myself to divide time and address the same audiences in the present canvass?" Before answering same, Douglas said to a confidential friend: "Between you and me, I do not feel that I want to go into this debate. The whole country knows me and 480 ILLINOIS has me measured. Lincoln, as regards myself, is comparatively- unknown, and if he gets the best of this debate — and he is the ablest man the Republicans have got — I shall lose everything. Should I win I shall gain but little." Douglas soon answered. He pointed out that arrangements had already been made and published for his meetings, at which he and the Democratic candidates for state offices were to speak. Still he would take responsibility so far as he could to accom- modate Mr. Lincoln. So let a place in each congressional dis- trict, except the two in which he and Lincoln had already spoken, be agreed upon between them. Douglas suggested the following places as most convenient : Freeport, Ottawa, Galesburg, Quincy, Alton and Jonesboro. These suggestions made by Douglas were agreed to by Lincoln shortly afterward, and the hours and divi- sion of time at each place of speaking were arranged between them. Thus was initiated the celebrated campaign of joint debates between Abraham Lincoln, the Republican leader, and Stephen A. Douglas, the Democratic champion, which has gone down in history as the most important and interesting oratorical duel in American history. CHAPTER XLVII THE LINCOLN-DOUGLAS JOINT DEBATE Before discusing the incidents, issues and surroundings of the celebrated intellectual duel, let us consider the past history of the two remarkable contestants. More biographies, treatises and other literature of a his- torical character have been written about and in reference to Abraham Lincoln than any other man in American history, and hardly a year passes but some new Life of Lincoln or brochure upon his character and career appears. I have been told by a well-informed bibliophile that Napoleon Bonaparte is the only name in history that exceeds that of Lincoln in the number of books that have been written about him. To incorporate in this work even a brief biography of Lincoln worthy of this great man is unnecessary. To my readers who may desire a more inti- mate acquaintance with the details of his birth, early life, man- hood struggles, disappointments, triumphs and martyr's death, I recommend the splendid, painstaking, brilliantly-written and impartial biography of Abraham Lincoln, 1809-1858, written by Senator Albert J. Beveridge, and published in 1928. It is a matter of widespread regret that this brilliant biographer of Lincoln died in the midst of his labors on this great book and that his untimely death has deprived the world of the fruit which his brilliant brain would have garnered during the last and most glorious years of Lincoln's life and the more glorious but tragic hours of his death. A few but brief references to Lincoln's life before he partici- pated in the remarkable debate with Douglas are necessary, however, to a full understanding of some of the features of that contest. He was born February 12, 1809, in Hardin County, Kentucky, of humble and obscure parentage. His mother was of strong character and unusual industry. His father was an 481 482 ILLINOIS ignorant, shiftless man, classed by the Southerners as among the "poor white trash." He gave his son no education and from early boyhood Abraham was constantly engaged in the most heart-breaking manual labor incident to a penniless pioneer life. His entire schooling, stolen from hours of manual labor, did not exceed six months. Between hours of labor or at night he taught himself to read and then devoured every book he could lay his hands upon. He once worked three days to pay for the damage to a book he had borrowed and left out in the rain. He hired himself out as a farm hand and a deck hand on a flat- boat. About the time he became of age his father had located with his family at or near Salem, a little town on the bank of the Sangamon River, near Springfield. Here he helped his father clear timber land for a farm, and split rails to fence it. Next he became clerk in a general country store which sold dry goods, wet goods and hardware, and established a reputation as a good story-teller and an excellent boxer and wrestler. He never quite overcame the manners, habits, language and methods of living of those early rough-and-ready days. He was, however, an incessant reader, and early in life manifested an ambition to rise above his humble and coarse surroundings. At that time he in- dulged in the dubious humor of lampooning his associates with anonymous doggerel, which habit afterwards landed him into an ugly controversy with Gen. James Shields, which was by no means creditable to him. About 1830 Lincoln volunteered in the Black Hawk war and was elected captain of a company the following year. In 1834 he was elected to the Lower House of the Illinois Legislature as a Whig from Sangamon County and was reelected in 1836 and became a member of the "Long Nine" from that county. As a member of that vigilant and efficient coterie he helped to locate the capital of the state at Springfield. When twenty-eight he moved to Springfield, which he had helped to make the capital, and was again elected to the Legislature. In 1845 he was elected to Congress as a Whig and served one term in that body. Dur- ing that term he made a speech supporting a resolution he offered, which denounced the Mexican war as unjust and un- constitutional, afterwards called the "spot" speech, which greatly ILLINOIS 483 weakened him in public estimation and probably caused his temporary retirement from public office. After the expiration of his two-year term in Congress, he resumed his law practice, which was laborious but not very remunerative. He remained in political retirement until the agitation over the Kansas-Ne- braska Bill became violent in 1854. In that year he reentered politics when there was a split in the Democratic party over the reelection of Senator James Shields to the United States Senate, to become a candidate for that office. During all of his life he had been affiliated with the Whig party up to 1856. In 1852, when he was a candidate for the United States Senate to succeed Shields, he was still a Whig, having refused to join the Republican party, and to support its presidential candidate. In 1854, owing to the split in the Democratic party between the Douglas Democrats and the Administration Democrats, Lincoln hoped to be elected to the Senate to succeed Shields, but while the Democrats were divided, largely owing to Know-Nothing voters in that party who refused to vote for Shields because he was Irish born and a Roman Catholic in religion, they would not vote for a Whig and held out until Trumbull, a Democratic enemy of Douglas, received enough votes to elect him. After his defeat for the Senate in 1854, Lincoln again retired to private life and resumed the practice of the law until May 29, 1856. By that time he had become convinced that the Whig party was in a dying condition and that the only hope of suc- cess against the Democratic party lay in the ranks of the newly- formed Republican party, born in 1852, strong and rapidly devel- oping in 1856 by the accession to its ranks of abolitionists, Whigs, Know-Nothings and Prohibitionists and all other ele- ments dissatisfied with the Democratic party. In 1855 a bitter campaign was being waged in Illinois over the question of prohibition and the enactment of the "Maine Law" against the sale of intoxicating liquor. Lincoln never opened his mouth upon the question. In the same year violent Know-Nothing riots against Catholics were convulsing the coun- try. Lincoln never uttered a word in condemnation or com- mendation thereof. He was a private citizen in private life, practicing law, and though fond of public speaking was shrewd 484 ILLINOIS and cautious not to make any public statement upon any ques- tion until he sounded public sentiment thereon, and determined for himself that public sentiment would be behind him in any statement he might make. In 1856, however, the hour arrived when Lincoln reached the conclusion that it would be safe and propitious for him to take the platform, reenter politics and discuss the vital issue of the day. The Kansas-Nebraska Bill had reopened the question of slavery, supposed to have been settled by the Compromise of 1850, agreed to by both great political parties. Blood was flowing freely in Kansas. As that territory was opened for settlement armed mobs of slavery men and free- soilers were killing each other and destroying each other's prop- erty. "Bleeding Kansas" and "the border ruffians" were the subjects on nearly every tongue. The Lecompton Constitution was framed and passed by the pro-slavery men in Kansas and repudiated and scoffed at by the free-soilers. Senator Sumner had been assaulted in the United States Senate by Brooks, a pro-slavery congressman from South Carolina, because in a free-soil speech he had insulted his relative, Senator Butler, and the State of South Carolina. Condemnation of the assault had been universal throughout the Northern states. This was the situation when Abraham Lincoln, on May 29, 1856, arose to address a convention of anti-Douglas Democrats, Whigs, Know-Nothings and Republicans who had not as yet assumed the name of Republicans. Although he expected to be called upon, he had not prepared, as he usually did, a written speech. There was no stenographer present, and because of that it has historically been referred to as Lincoln's "lost speech." It was the speech, however, that "found" the man behind whom the new Republican party could mass all the heterogeneous ele- ments which now rushed to the standards of that party. The man had struck the note and voiced the principle upon which they all could agree — opposition to the further extension of slavery within the United States and its territories. Lincoln, in this great "lost speech," did not advocate the abolition of slavery, yet he satisfied the Abolitionists in that convention and throughout the nation. He did not advocate nor defend Know- Nothingness, yet he satisfied the Know-Nothings. He did not ILLINOIS 485 advocate or oppose prohibition, and yet he satisfied the Prohi- bitionists and the liberals opposed to slavery. Above all, he did not have a kind word for any element of the Democratic party, even the free-soil element, and yet he satisfied Trumbull, Palmer, Bissell and a number of other old-line Democrats because he struck the dominant keynote of opposition to the further exten- sion of slavery to which they were opposed, in deadly earnest. He had, he said in the famous speech, become impressed with the wrongs done to the free-state men in Kansas, but "we must not promise what we ought not, lest we be called on to perform what we cannot." The ballot was a better weapon than the rifle. Public opinion must be enunciated promptly and em- phatically. Unless a halt was called to what was taking place in Kansas "blood will flow and brother's hand will be raised against brother." A great principle was involved — that of the extension of slavery. The Missouri Compromise must be re- stored and thus Kansas will be free. "Let our practical work here be limited to that one object." Lincoln then said that they might differ on other matters, but they should all act on one common ground, that slavery must be kept out of Kansas. Revo- lutions, he declared, did not go backward. Jefferson had written "all men were created equal." Douglas had injected the adjec- tive "white" before the noun "men." Lincoln went on to de- nounce the assault on Senator Sumner in Washington by a Southern congressman. Said he: "The fearless Sumner was beaten into insensibility and is now slowly dying, while senators claiming to be gentlemen and Christians stood by countenancing the act." Even Douglas saw it all and was within helping dis- tance, yet did nothing to stop it. At the very time Sumner was being murdered, the City of Lawrence was being destroyed for the crime of Freedom. Slavery had been made legal in Kansas, the same way that a gang of Missouri horse-thieves could come into Illinois and declare horse stealing was legal in our state. He then declared that the Anti-Nebraska men (the name which the members of this convention called themselves instead of Republicans) did not intend to interfere with slavery in the slave states. Even the Republicans did not propose that. "Our platform says just the contrary. That position is required by y Paul Selby Editor, one of founders of Republican party in Illinois. (Courtesy Illinois State Historical Library.) ILLINOIS 487 the necessities of our Union. The South must have a reasonable and efficient fugitive slave law." "No," cried someone in the convention. "I say yes," answered Lincoln, "it is a part of the bargain, but I go no further." (Cheers.) "The fathers of the republic," said Lincoln, "agreed to slavery where it existed and to a fugitive slave law. That contract must be kept. But they were against extending slavery. It is wise and right to do just as they did." "Our troubles," he said, "are all due to this man Douglas." He was more guilty than the Joneses and String- fellows — the violent leaders of the pro-slavery crowd. It was folly, said Lincoln, to use force against violence, as so many wished to do, at least now. The Government and, as yet, a majority of the people, are still against us. He advised his hearers not to insist upon extreme measures. Moderation would make converts to their cause. The violence of the other side would cause desertions from the Democratic ranks. Slavery was wrong and although we were forced to temporize with it "as sure as God reigns and school children read, that foul, black lie can never be consecrated into God's hallowed truth." "We see the fruits of the repeal of the sacred Missouri Com- promise," he dramatically exclaimed, "in the dying bed of Sum- ner ; the ruins of the Free State hotel ; in the smoking embers of the Herald of Freedom; in the free-state governor of Kansas chained to a stake on freedom's soil like a horse-thief, for the cause of freedom. Nevertheless, retaliation in kind is not the way to victory. Let the legions of slavery use bullets; let us wait until November and fire ballots at them in return. It was by this means that Illinois was made free and will ever remain free. "Those who deny freedom to others," he declared, "deserve it not for themselves, and under a just God cannot long retain it. If this thing (slavery in the territories) is allowed to con- tinue, it will be but one step further to impress it upon Illinois." "The time must come," said Lincoln, "when only local law instead of the Constitution can shield a slave-holder." Lincoln then took up the subject of disunion, threatened by the extremists both of the North and the South, and denounced the idea in unmeasured terms. He denied that the new party 488 ILLINOIS with which he was then affiliated favored sectionalism or that it would endanger the integrity of the nation. Loyalty to the Constitution and the Flag of the Union was vital, no matter what might happen. Even if Kansas should come in as a slave state, on the one hand, or the Missouri Compromise should be restored, on the other hand, in either case "we will say to the southern disunionists : 'We wont go out of the Union and you shant!' Elect the gallant Bissell your governor, who bravely defended the honor of his nation both on the battle-fields of Mexico and in the halls of Congress and defied in the latter place the Hotspur of the South (Jefferson Davis.) His election would have a greater moral effect than all the border ruffians can accomplish in all their raids in Kansas." He concluded his able and remarkable speech by counseling his hearers to make a calm and reasonable appeal to public opinion. In all probability, he continued, such an appeal would make a resort to force unnecessary. "Our moderation, then, will stand us in good stead when, if ever, we must make an appeal to battle and the God of Hosts.' ' This was the substance and general trend of this remarkable oration of Lincoln. It is essential for the reader to know the trend of that speech and the time and circumstances of its delivery to understand how it was that this somewhat obscure and hitherto unsuccessful politician was able to mount from political obscurity and ill success in the Whig party into such a position of prominence as to suddenly become the candidate of the Republican party two years after making this speech, and a national figure throughout the land. This speech, made May 29, 1856, to a collection of heterogenous elements which had not as yet summoned up sufficient courage to call itself "Republican/' raised the unsuccessful local leader of the Whig party in Illinois within two years into the foremost place in the young, vigorous and valiant Republican party in 1858 ; and made him its candidate for the United States Senate against the ablest and most successful Democrat in the nation. It did more. The elaboration and further development of the utterances and arguments of this speech, when reiterated in the joint debate between him and Senator Douglas, made him first the ILLINOIS 489 candidate of the Republican party for President, and secondly- elevated that hitherto unsuccessful local Whig leader to the highest position in the nation, the Presidency of the American Republic. Let us now take up and consider for a time the man who was to contest with Lincoln the race for the United States Senate, his character, antecedents and surroundings. Stephen A. Douglas was a son of Vermont, born at Brandon in that state, April 23, 1813. He was the son of a doctor who died within a few months after Stephen's birth, leaving his widow and child in destitute circumstances. For a short time, at the age of fifteen, he was apprenticed to a cabinet-maker, but his mother having again married, he was able to secure a good education at an excellent academy, and began the study of the law at Canandaigua, New York. In 1833, when twenty years of age, he left the latter city to seek a career in the West. He soon appeared at Jacksonville, Illinois, without friends or money, and there secured a position as clerk and school-teacher during the winter months. In 1834 he was admitted to the Illinois bar. Thenceforward his advancement in his profession and in public affairs, was extraordinary and without precedent even in the young West where opportunities for advancement were many. He was small in body, but great and powerful in brain, and possessed a charming personality, which attributes earned for him the sobriquet of the "Little Giant," which clung to him until his death. In about a year after his arrival at Jacksonville, he became prosecuting attorney. Within two years he was elected to the Legislature, where he became a colleague of his great competitor, Abraham Lincoln. In 1837, when only twenty-four years of age, he was appointed United States Registrar of Public Lands by President Pierce. He then moved to Springfield, and in 1838, when only twenty-five years of age, became Democratic candidate for Congress in this strong Whig district and was beaten by only five votes. In 1841 he was appointed judge of the Illinois Supreme Court, but evidently that dignified but somnolent place had no charms for his ambition and energetic spirit. He resigned his position on the bench in 1843 and was 490 ILLINOIS elected to Congress when thirty years of age. He was again elected to Congress two years afterwards and was made Chair- man of the Committee on Territories, a position that brought him into great prominence. In 1845 he was elected to the United States Senate and occupied that eminent position unin- terruptedly until his death, June 3, 1861. In the Senate his tremendous intellectual force, his suavity, his genius for the despatch of business and his extraordinary eloquence soon placed him in the leadership of his party. Due to his Scottish-inherited sagacity for business, he had acquired a respectable competence for that day, and shortly before the great debate with Lincoln had happily married a second time and secured for a wife a beautiful, young and accomplished woman, who before her mar- riage to Douglas was conceded to be the "Belle of Washington society.' ' Thus up to the year 1858, when the Lincoln-Douglas debates were held, the career of Douglas in business affairs, love, law and statesmanship had been one of uninterrupted and extraor- dinary success. As Chairman of the Senate Committee on Territories he had charge of the Kansas-Nebraska bills, and before that, in 1850, the bills for the admission of California, Oregon, Utah and Mexico. He had while in that position ably seconded Henry Clay in advancing the Compromise of 1850, and in harmony with the Democratic administration had man- aged and put through the Senate all of the bills relating to these territories, until he broke with Buchanan on the subject of the Lecompton Constitution for Kansas. The methods used by the pro-slavery party in Kansas and Missouri in securing the formulation and alleged popular endorsement of that dubious and much-discussed document, were so violent and corrupt in his opinion that he courageously refused to follow the leadership of the Democratic President and the Democratic party in Congress. This course brought down on him the bitter hostility of the President, nearly all of the impor- tant men his own party, and the solid opposition of all the Federal office-holders and their friends and retainers in the State of Illinois, when he sought reelection to the United States Senate against Lincoln in 1858. (?/£^ edfa ^-zmL Governor 1860-61 (Courtesy Illinois State Historical Library.) 492 ILLINOIS As we have seen heretofore, Douglas returned to Illinois to open his campaign for reelection, had made a great speech at Chicago advocating popular sovereignty, as a solution of the slavery controversy in connection with the organization of new territories, and had made another such speech at Bloom- ington. He had then gone to Springfield and had arranged and published a schedule of Democratic meetings throughout the state. At this juncture Lincoln, following the advice of his closest and most valued political counsellors, Joseph Medill of the Chicago Tribune; Judd, the chairman of his campaign, and probably Senator Trumbull, challenged Douglas to joint debate as heretofore mentioned and the schedule of joint meetings in seven different cities, was agreed upon. To give in detail a full, fair summary of all these fourteen addresses and detailed discussions of each of them, would be beyond the compass of this history and involve useless reiteration of both the arguments of the speakers and discussions thereon. The points made and arguments advanced were repeated with more or less elaboration in all these speeches. By most writers the Freeport speeches have been deemed the most vital and important, both intrinsically and in their influence and results. The first of the joint debates was set for August 21, 1858, at the City of Ottawa. Douglas, however, kept to the schedule of the Democratic meetings which he had arranged before accepting Lincoln's challenge. With characteristic courage and vim, he had taken the offensive in his Chicago and Bloomington speeches, and he determined to keep the Republicans and their allies, the Buchanan Democrats, on the defensive during the campaign. Lincoln and his managers, however, resolved to checkmate his plan and immediately arranged a schedule of meetings for Lincoln at every place where Douglas spoke, on the evening of the same day or on the day following the Douglas speeches. Douglas in all these speeches assailed Lincoln's asser- tion that "a house divided against itself cannot stand — that the nation half slave and half free could not endure." He pointed out that the fathers had framed the structure half slave and half free and that it had endured up to the present time; and claimed that with the doctrine of popular sovereignty applied to the new territories that it could and would endure. He boldly charged as unholy the alliance between the Republican and Buchanan Democratic parties, and charged that it was instigated ILLINOIS 493 and fostered by the Republicans to destroy the Democratic party in Illinois and to overthrow the right of the people to select their own form of Republican government. Lincoln kept fol- lowing him assiduously from city to city answering all of his arguments and often attending his meetings to keep informed of his methods and speeches and noting the effect upon the audi- ences. The prodigious amount of work done by Douglas in this campaign is evidenced by the fact that he made fifty-nine set speeches of from one to two hours in length in fifty-seven dif- ferent counties ; made seventeen responses from twenty to forty minutes each to serenades; and made thirty-seven replies to addresses of welcome and congratulation. He traveled 5,227 miles in the state on highways and by rail and covered the whole western border of the state by steamboats. The first joint debate was held at Ottawa August 21. Douglas had the opening and close, and with characteristic vim took the offensive. He charged Lincoln with being a party to deal with Senator Trumbull, a Democrat, in 1854 to dissolve the Whig party, and split the Democratic party under which Trum- bull was to succeed Shields, the Democratic United States Sen- ator, and Lincoln was to succeed Douglas in the Senate. He then read a platform which he said was adopted by the Repub- lican party state convention in 1854. This platform pledged the Republican party to a repeal of the fugitive slave law, to the prevention of the admission of slave states to the Union, and to the abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia, and to prevent the acquisition of more territory unless slavery was forever barred therein. Douglas then asked Lincoln seven ques- tions, based upon the declarations made in this platform.. The tenor of all of these questions was as to how Lincoln stood with reference to these platform declarations today. Did Lincoln today favor a repeal of the fugitive slave law? Would he today vote against the admission of slave states into the Union? Did he now favor the abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia? Did he now oppose the acquistion of any more territory by the United States unless slavery was forever excluded therefrom ? He meant nothing disrespectful to Lincoln, he said, in asking these questions. He and Lincoln were long mutual acquaint- ances. "I was a school-teacher at Winchester and he was a Stephen A. Douglas ILLINOIS 495 flourishing store-keeper (all grocery men then sold wet goods) in Salem. We both went to the Legislature. He could ruin more liquor than all the boys of the town together and the dignity and impartiality with which he presided at a horse-race or a fist-fight was the praise of everyone that was present." Douglas then went on to tell how Lincoln had dropped out of sight after he left the Legislature "until he turned up as a member of Congress. In Congress he distinguished himself by opposing the Mexican war and when he came back to his constituents he found that their indignation followed him everywhere and he was compelled to retire to private life and was forgotten. He now emerges to help make the abolition platform." Douglas then assailed Lincoln's "house-divided" speech in his usual vig- orous style. In his reply, Lincoln first denied that he and Senator Trum- bull had made any deal. He then declared that he had nothing to do with the Republican platform which Douglas had read. "True, Lovejoy, who is here upon the stand, tried to get me into it and I would not go in. I went away from Springfield when the convention was in session." The remarkable and laughable thing about the matter was that both Douglas and Lincoln believed that the platform read by Douglas and re- pudiated by Lincoln was the platform adopted by the Abolition Convention attended by thirty-six men, held at Springfield in 1854. After the Ottawa meeting both Douglas and Lin- coln discovered that the platform read by Douglas was one adopted in Kane County, and not at Springfield, and by a Republican County Committee and not by a State Committee. Lincoln, in the belief that Douglas was reading (as Douglas believed he was reading) the abolition platform adopted by Lovejoy and his twenty-five associates at Springfield after listen- ing to Lincoln's speech at Springfield before the adoption of the platform, repudiated any connection with the platform, but he did not that day answer the seven questions based upon the declarations made in that platform, and Douglas in his closing speech gleefully pointed out his failure so to do and charged that Lincoln was afraid to answer them. 496 ILLINOIS Lincoln then took up that part of Douglas' speech charging him with being an Abolitionist and favoring equality between the black and white races. He quoted from his own speech made at Peoria, in 1854, in which he clearly stated his position on that subject. He was, he said, as much for white supremacy as was Douglas, whenever the necessity of choice arose. "There is a physical difference between the races, which in my judgment will probably prevent them from living together on terms of perfect equality." But the negro was entitled to the natural rights stated in the Declaration of Independence. "He is not my equal in many respects. But in the right to eat the bread, without anyone's leave, which his own hands have earned, he is my equal and the equal of Judge Douglas." He then said that Douglas was mistaken about his (Lincoln's) having been a grocery-keeper. He never kept a grocery anywhere. It was true that he, Lincoln, did work the latter part of one winter in a little still-house up at the head of a hollow. (Great laughter.) With reference to the Mexican war, he said, he was an old-time Whig and when the Democrats tried to get him to vote that the war had been righteously commenced by the President, he refused to do it; but when it came to vote for monies to prosecute it, or for land warrants to pay the soldiers, he voted just as Judge Douglas voted. He then answered Judge Douglas' attacks upon his "house divided" statements. In his "house divided" argument, he had no thought or aim to bring about a war between the slave states and the free states. He, Lincoln, had charged a conspiracy between the Democratic Presidents, Pierce and Buchanan, the judges of the Supreme Court and the Democratic leaders, including Douglas, to declare the Missouri Compromise unconstitutional, in the decision of the Dred Scott case; and if the evidence of that conspiracy presented by him, Lincoln, proved the existence of that conspiracy "does his (Doug- las') broad answer, denying all knowledge, information and belief, disturb that fact? It only shows that he (Douglas) was used by the conspirators, and was not a leader of them." "I do not say that I know such a conspiracy to exist, but I believe it." Lincoln then called attention to the fact that the admin- ILLINOIS 497 istration paper published in Washington had violently attacked Douglas for opposing the Lecompton Constitution, and called him a renegade, a deserter and a traitor; and that Douglas, in answering the paper's attack upon him had quoted an editorial in which the editor asserted that state laws prohibiting slavery- were unconstitutional, and that Douglas in criticising the edi- torial had declared that such a doctrine was a fatal blow to the sovereignty of the states. Lincoln contended that Douglas in making this charge against the official organ of the Democratic administration at Washington was inferentially making the same charge against the Democratic administration, that he, Lincoln, had made against Douglas. This charge of Lincoln against Douglas was very cleverly and adroitly made, because at the time the administration Democrats in Illinois were bitterly assailing Douglas, and the quoting of Douglas' attack upon the administration would be likely to widen the breach between the two Democratic factions and intensify the antagonism between them. Lincoln then took up the threats of Secession and resort to the sword made by many southerners, and said there was no danger to be apprehended of such, a war. He claimed that Douglas by his course of action was preparing the people for complete nationalization of slavery and for another Dred Scott decision that would make it legal in all the states of the Union. Lincoln did not consume the full time allotted to him in this speech and finished fifteen minutes before his time was up. The crowd at Ottawa, present at these addresses, was over- whelmingly Republican, and largely and emphatically Aboli- tionist. When Douglas arose to commence his speech of rejoinder, he had much difficulty in getting a hearing; and when Douglas commented upon the fact that Codding and many other aboli- tionists were present when Lincoln delivered his speech at Springfield on the day of the abolitionists held their convention in that city, and that Codding at the end of Lincoln's speech asked the audience to adjourn to the Senate chamber to hold their convention, the crowd became unruly. The chairman of the Republican committee and Lincoln himself felt called upon to rebuke them. 498 ILLINOIS Douglas then charged that the set of resolutions that he had read in his opening speech expressed Lincoln's sentiments. This had been charged in the press against Lincoln, again and again, and he, Lincoln, had never denied the charge. Lincoln's denial that he had acted upon the committee that framed the resolutions was a miserable quibble, to avoid the main issue, declared Douglas. "He eludes the main question. I asked him was he for the repeal of the fugitive slave law. He answerd: 'I was not on the committee that framed the resolution.' I asked him if elected to the Senate would he vote against the admission of a slave state? He answers: 'I was not on that committee.' I asked him would he vote to abolish slavery in the District of Columbia? He gives no answer. I asked him would he vote against acquiring territory unless slavery were excluded from it? He gives no answer. These are vital and important questions relating to the issues of the day. He gives no excuse for not answering these questions, and sat down before his time was up." Lincoln had charged corruption and conspiracy against him, Douglas, the Supreme Court of the nation, and two Presidents of the United States. This was a terrible charge. How does Lincoln evade responsibility for making such a terrible accusa- tion? By declaring that Douglas had not denied it. He admits that he does not know that it was true, but that he believed it to be true. Because he, Douglas, had not denied it, Lincoln was ready to charge it to be a fact. In order that Lincoln would have no excuse for repeating hereafter that terrible charge, he, Douglas, would now denounce it "in all its bearings as an infamous lie." ("Three cheers for Douglas," came from the crowd.) "I know it to be false," said Douglas, "and nobody else knows it to be true I will say that it is a lie, and let him prove it to be true Mr. Lincoln has not character enough for integrity and truth, merely on his own ipse dixit, to arraign President Buchanan, President Pierce and nine judges of the Supreme Court, not one of whom would be complimented to be put on an equal plane with him." ILLINOIS 499 After explaining his reasons for voting against the Chase amendment, the Kansas-Nebraska Law, because, as he claimed, the Chase amendment was a redundancy and offered by Chase not in good faith but as a political trick, Douglas next took up Lincoln's house-divided doctrine, which he, Douglas, claimed would inevitably bring about the dissolution of the Union, but had to stop, in the middle of his argument because he had reached the limit of his time. Six days elapsed between the debate at Ottawa and the next meeting betwen the debaters, which took place at Freeport. It will be noted that Lincoln did not categorically answer at Ottawa the questions put to him by Douglas. He contented himself at Ottawa with denying that he participated in the framing, or being bound by the platform or set of resolutions read by Lincoln. His failure to answer directly the questions asked him by Douglas had been noted and commented upon even by some of his friends. Within the six days which elapsed between the Ottawa and Freeport meetings, however, he carefully and deliberately prepared written answers to Douglas' interro- gations, and as we will soon see read his answers with much impressiveness at Freeport. Lincoln had also made up his mind during the same six-day interval to prepare and propound certain counter questions which he would ask Douglas to answer. Of these questions, so prepared by Lincoln, the most pregnant and by far the most important, was the second : "Can the people of a United States territory, in any lawful way, against any citizen of the United States, exclude slavery from its limits, prior to the formation of a state constitution?" On the way to the Freeport meeting Lincoln met Joseph Medill, his friend and supporter and the editor of the ablest Republican paper published in Chicago; and submitted these questions to him for his consideration and advice. Medill advised against the second question, claiming that it would let Douglas get out of the tight place he was in on the slavery question. The Republican state chairman, Norman B. Judd, and, it is said, Elihu B. Wash- burne, the Republican candidate for Congress in the Freeport district, also advised Lincoln not to propound this question. But Lincoln was obdurate and insisted that the question should Birthplace of Stephen A. Douglas (Courtesy Illinois State Historical Library.) ILLINOIS 501 be asked. Lincoln, as well as thousands of others, knew what answer Douglas would make to this question. Douglas had over and over again stated that as a practical matter slavery could not exist in any territory where the local laws and police regulations were unfriendly to the system. At this time, however, the fire-eating southerners were loudly proclaiming that local laws and regulations in any state or territory were powerless to deprive the slaveholder of his prop- erty or property rights. Lincoln knew that if Douglas answered this question as he had frequently answered it before, that it would further embitter the administration Democrats in Illinois against him and still further imperil his chances of reelection to the Senate and thus improve Lincoln's chances of election. That this was the way in which Lincoln viewed the matter is shown conclusively by Lincoln's letter to his friend, Henry Asbury, written on the very day that he closed with Douglas the arrangement for the debates, July 31, 1858. This letter Senator Beveridge quotes in his Life of Lincoln, Vol. II, p. 657. In it he writes to Asbury: "I think you labor under a mistake when you say no one cares how he answers. This implies that it is equal with him whether he is injured here or at the South. He cares nothing for the South; he knows he is already dead there. He only leans Southward more to keep the Buchanan party from growing in Illinois. You will have hard work to get him directly to the point, whether a territorial legislature has or has not the power to exclude slavery. But if you succeed in bringing him to it — though he will be compelled to say that it has no such power — He will instantly take the ground that slavery cannot actually exist in the territories unless the people desire it and so give it protection by territorial legislation. If this offends the South he will let it offend them, as at all events he intends to hold on to his chances in Illinois Yours Very Truly, A. Lincoln." It has been contended by some writers of history that Lincoln, in framing this question to Douglas and in his consideration of the answer that Douglas would make thereto, had in mind the effect of Douglas' answer to the question on the presidential campaign of 1860 rather than its effect upon the senatorial 502 ILLINOIS contest between him and Douglas in 1858. They intimate that he, Lincoln, was consciously and deliberately gunning for bigger game for himself, to wit, the Presidency in 1861, rather than the senatorship in 1859. As I read this letter of Lincoln's it shows conclusively that Lincoln was looking to the effect of the question and answer in the senatorial campaign, and not in any future campaign. He believed that Douglas was "dead" in the South and therefore unavailable as a Democratic candidate for the Presidency; and the Democratic party in Illinois was divided into two camps, one of which was backing Douglas enthusiastically for reelection to the Senate; and the other of which, comprising all of the Democrat officers of the state, was bitterly opposing his reelection. He believed that the putting of this question to Douglas and the answer he would give, would further tear open the wounds in the party in the State of Illinois, lose Douglas many old-time Democratic votes, and thus secure his, Lincoln's, election to the Senate. That Lincoln at the time he wrote the letter had even remote aspirations for the Presi- dency, I do not believe. He had, we must remember, up to 1858 a rather unsuccessful political career. He was about four years older than Douglas when they both first appeared in political life in the lower house of the Illinois Legislature, in 1834-36. He had been thrice reelected to that rather unimportant place, but was defeated twice when a candidate for Speaker of the House. In 1846 he was elected to Congress and made a speech in that body on the Mexican war (dubbed the "Spot" speech) which rendered him unpopular thereafter in his own district. He sought no reelection to Congress and since 1849 had been in private life, having been defeated as a candidate for the United States Senate to succeed Gen. James Shields only two years before his present campaign against Douglas. Before the joint debates between him and Douglas he was politically a novus homo outside of the State of Illinois. That he had any aspirations for the Presidency at the time he wrote the letter to Asbury, July 31, 1858, I do not believe. When he wrote this letter he was gunning for the game in sight of his gun and not for game that neither he nor anyone else could see at that time. Grave of Nancy Hanks Lincoln, Mother of Abraham Lincoln, Spencer County, Indiana 504 ILLINOIS At the Freeport meeting, Lincoln had the opening and close. In his opening he made answer to the questions Douglas had asked him at Ottawa in writing. He was exceedingly cautious and careful in so doing. He would read Douglas' questions first and then read his answers prepared with great care and delib- eration since the Ottawa meetings. In all of them but one (the sixth) he answered he was not "pledged" to any course, and then made further answer. As to the question about the fugitive slave law, he answered that under the Constitution the southern states are entitled to a fugitive slave law. The existing law had some defects, but why talk about it? No one was urging its amendment or repeal. As to the question about the admission of more slave states, Lincoln said he would be exceedingly sorry ever to be put in a position of having to pass upon that question ; he would be "exceedingly glad" if none were ever brought into the Union; but if slavery were kept out of a territory until it applied for statehood, then if the people of that territory should "do such an extraordinary thing as to adopt a slave constitution, I see no alternative .... but to admit them into the Union." As to the abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia, he would be exceedingly glad to see it abolished there, but within these conditions: First, the abolition should be gradual; second, that it should be pursuant to a vote of a majority of the qualified voters of the District; and third, that compensation should be made to unwilling owners. This was Lincoln's formula for the abolition of slavery in the District when he was in Congress ten years before this date. It is evidence of the care and caution which he always displayed in making any announcement of his views on public questions and of the tenacity with which he held to his position when he believed he was right and made such an announcement. With reference to the question of Douglas as to his, Lincoln's, position on the abolition of the slave trade between different states, he was equally cautious and conservative. "I am pledged to nothing about it," he declared. "It is a subject to which I have not given mature consideration." Even if he believed that Congress had' the constitutional power to abolish it, he would still not favor its exercise "unless upon sane conservative prin- ILLINOIS 505 ciples .... akin to what I have said in relation to its abolition in the District of Columbia." He then declared he was for the exclusion of slavery from all the territories. It was the right and duty of Congress to prohibit it in them. In reference to new territory "I am not generally opposed to the honest acquisition of territory; and, in any given case, I would not oppose such acquisition accordingly as I might think such acquisi- tion would or would not aggravate the slavery question among ourselves." Having answered all of Douglas' questions to him, he now asked Douglas his four counter questions. (1) Would Douglas vote to admit Kansas, if its people would adopt a state constitution before they were as numerous as required by the English bill? (2) The Question with reference to the right of the people in a territory to exclude slavery before admission to statehood, heretofore quoted verbatim. (3) If the Supreme Court should decree that the states themselves could not exclude slavery, would Douglas acquiesce in such a decision as a rule of political action? (4) Would Douglas favor acquisition of new territory regardless of how it would affect the nation on the slavery question ? After propounding these questions to Douglas, Lincoln pro- ceeded with much cleverness to expose the mistake which Douglas had made in his Ottawa speech in quoting a platform or set of resolutions as made by Republicans or Abolitionists in Spring- field in 1854; when, in fact, the platform which he read was adopted by a county convention (not a state convention) held in Kane County. He pointed out that Douglas, a United States senator for twelve years, "of world-wide renown," had made a charge which "the slightest investigation would have shown him to be wholly false." His exposure of Douglas' mistake was greeted with roars of cheers and laughter. Douglas was the man who had charged Trumbull and Lincoln with falsehood. Could Douglas find in anything that Trumbull or Lincoln had said "a justification at all compared with what we have in this instance, for that sort of vulgarity?" 506 ILLINOIS Lincoln then reverted to his favorite and oft-repeated charge that the Democrats in Congress, including Douglas, had voted against the Chase amendment to leave room for the Dred Scott decision. Douglas had denounced him, Lincoln, because Lincoln had upon his own ipse dixit charged a conspiracy against two Presidents, the Supreme Court and a majority of Congress, and had dwelt upon the enormity of such a charge. Lincoln declared that he had made this charge not upon his own ipse dixit, but had marshalled or "arrayed the evidence to prove it." He then asserted that Douglas had made the same charge against the Democratic administration for supporting the Lecompton Constitution, and while on this topic his time expired and he stopped. Douglas then addressed the audience. He was glad, he said, that Lincoln had decided to answer his, Douglas', question. He had not done so at Ottawa, although he had ample time to do so. The questions put by him to Lincoln were based upon the Republican platform. The questions put to him, Douglas, by Lincoln had never received the sanction of the party "with which I am acting." They are asked simply to satisfy Lincoln's curiosity. But he would answer them. What would he do about admitting Kansas with unsufficient population? Why, as Con- gress seems to believe that Kansas has sufficient population for admission as a slave state, "I answer as she (Kansas) has population enough to constitute a slave state, she has people enough for a free state." (Cheers.) Why did not Lincoln say what he would do about Kansas with unsufficient population ? Trumbull, Lincoln's ardent supporter, had voted against admit- ting Oregon during the whole of the last session of Congress because it had insufficient population. Was Lincoln fighting his supporter on that issue? Next, Douglas took up Lincoln's celebrated second question and made his equally celebrated reply. "I answer emphatically as Lincoln has heard me answer a hundred times from every stump in Illinois, that in my opinion a people in a territory can, by lawful means, exclude slavery from their limits prior to the formation of a state constitution. (Great applause.) Mr. Lincoln knew that I had answered that question over and over again .... he has no excuse for pre- ILLINOIS 507 tending to be in doubt as to my position on that question. It matters not what way the Supreme Court may hereafter decide as to the abstract question, whether slavery may or may not go into a territory under the Constitution, the people have the lawful means to introduce it or exclude it as they please, for the reason that slavery cannot exist a day or an hour anywhere, unless it is supported by local police regulations. These police regulations can only be established by the local legislature; and if the people are opposed to slavery they will elect representatives to that body who will by unfriendly legislation effectually pre- vent the introduction of it into their midst .... Hence, no matter what the decision of the Supreme Court may be on that abstract question, still the right of the people to make a slave territory or a free territory is perfect and complete under the Nebraska bill." Lincoln, in getting this answer from Douglas, succeeded in accomplishing what he desired. He had again reopened the wounds in the ranks of the divided Democrats which Douglas had been endeavoring to heal. The administration Democrats were again incited to war against Douglas. As to Lincoln's third question, if the Supreme Court should decide that a state could not exclude slavery within its own limits, would Douglas submit to the decisions? Douglas declared that he was amazed that Lincoln should ask such a question. Lincoln knew, he said, that there was only one man in America claiming any degree of intelligence or decency, who ever for one moment pretended such a thing — the editor of the Washington Union. When that man in his paper made that assertion, he, Douglas, had promptly denounced it in the Senate, while Lincoln's friends, Trumbull and Seward and the whole "Black Republican" side of the Senate sat silent. Senator Toombs had at the same time and place declared "that there was not one man, woman or child south of the Potomac, in any slave state, who did not repudiate any such pretention." "Lincoln might just as well have asked me if he, Lincoln, stole a horse, would I sanction it?" It was unthinkable ! He, Lincoln, discredits the Supreme Court by imputing that it would violate the constitution of the United States. "I tell Mr. Lincoln such a thing is impossible. It would 508 ILLINOIS be an act of moral treason for the Court to render any such decision, and there is no man on that bench who would descend to such an infamy. Douglas then took up Lincoln's last question and said it was "ingeniously and cunningly put." Would Lincoln oppose the acquistion of new territory under any circumstances? The "Black Republican creed" made that pledge; did Lincoln stand by that pledge? "Lincoln don't answer that question, but, Yankee fashion, he asks me the same question in a different form. But I won't dodge. I answer that when it becomes necessary, in our growth and progress, to acquire more territory, that I am in favor of it, without reference to the slavery ques- tion; and when we have acquired it I will leave the people free to do as they please, either to make it slave or free territory, as they prefer. Douglas then made his oft-repeated and vig- orous argument in favor of territorial expansion for the further development of the nation. He then turned to Lincoln and asked him facetiously if he had any more questions to ask him. "As soon as he is able to hold council with his advisers, Lovejoy, Farnsworth and Fred Douglass (all well-known abolitionists and the last a negro) he will frame and ask other questions." Here an episode took place showing how quick mentally Douglas was while on his feet. In his speech he used the words "Black Republican," which were greeted by abolition cries in the crowd of "White! white!" Whereupon Douglas exclaimed: "I have reason to recollect that some people in this country think that Fred Douglass is a very good man. The last time I came here to make a speech .... I saw a carriage — a mag- nificent one — drive up and take up a position on the outside of the crowd. A beautiful young lady was sitting on the box seat, whilst Fred Douglass and her mother reclined inside and the owner of the carriage acted as driver." (Cries of "right; what have you to say against it?") Douglas again stated: "I saw this in your own town." "What of it?" To which Douglas retorted: "All I have to say is this; that if you 'Black Repub- icans' think that the negroes ought to be on a social equality with your wives and daughters and ride in a carriage with your wife, whilst you drive the team, you have a perfect right to do so." Hotel Where Lincoln Stopped in Urbana 510 ILLINOIS Douglas then took up the subject of the resolutions that he had read at Ottawa the week before, and about which he had asked Lincoln certain questions. He explained fully how he had gotten possession of the resolutions and how he was informed and believed that they were adopted by the Republican- Abolition Convention which was held in Springfield on the same day that Lincoln had made a speech in that city. He pointed out that at Ottawa both Lincoln and himself believed that the resolutions Douglas read were the ones adopted at Springfield that day and that Lincoln's only disclaimer of responsibility made at Ottawa was that he, Lincoln, did not attend the con- vention after his speech, did not participate in drawing the resolutions, and left Springfield before the resolutions were adopted. Since the Ottawa meeting, Douglas argued, Lincoln had found out that the resolutions in question were not adopted, as both he and Douglas believed, at Springfield, but at a Repub- lican convention held in another city of the state. He says nothing about his own ignorance of the subject at Ottawa, but because I was also ignorant on the subject at Ottawa, he charges me with forgery. Lincoln claims the resolutions were not adopted on the "right spot." Lincoln and his political friends are great on "spots." When in Congress Lincoln declared the Mexican war to be unjust because American blood was not shed on American soil "in the right spot." Now he cannot answer the questions I asked him in Ottawa because the resolutions I read were not adopted on the "right spot." Douglas then declared that these very resolutions were adopted in nearly all the north- ern counties and congressional districts that gave Republican majorities at the elections of that year. He then argued that Lincoln, in declining to state whether or not he ratified or stood by these resolutions wherever they were adopted, was quibbling and evading the real issue. Douglas then read the resolutions adopted by the Rockford Republican Convention (Freeport Dis- trict) which nominated Washburne in 1854 which was almost identical with the resolution he, Douglas, read at Ottawa, and said: "When I get into the next district, I will show that the same platform was adopted there, and so on through the state ILLINOIS 511 until I nail the responsibility of it upon the Black Republican party throughout the state." Here Thomas J. Turner, Speaker of the House when Trum- bull was elected to the United States Senate over Lincoln, inter- rupted Douglas and declared that he, Turner, had drawn the Rockford resolutions. Then cried Douglas he, Turner, would not deny that they were the Republican creed. Mr. Turner: "They are our creed exactly." Mr. Douglas: "And yet Lincoln denies that he stands on them." ("Good, good," and laughter.) Douglas then took up the alliance between Senator Trumbull and Lincoln in this campaign and charged that when Trumbull (a former Democrat) was elected over Lincoln to succeed Sen- ator Shields two years before, much bitterness had developed between them and that this ill feeling had been patched up by Trumbull and his friends, agreeing with Lincoln and his friends to elect Lincoln this time to the Senate. "Lincoln could be silenced in no other way." Douglas then read the Republican resolutions offered by Lovejoy to the Legislature the day before Trumbull was elected. These resolutions con- tained the same propositions which were in the Aurora resolu- tions read by Douglas in Ottawa. He then declared with a tri- umphant gesture that every man in the Legislature but two, who had voted for the Lovejoy resolutions, voted next day for Lincoln for United States senator. Turning to Speaker Turner, who was on the platform near him, who had voted for the Lovejoy resolution and also for Lincoln, he asked him: "Did you violate your pledge in voting for Lincoln, or did he commit himself to your platform (the Lovejoy resolution) before you cast your vote for him?" At this juncture Lincoln called to Turner : "Don't answer, Turner. You have no right to answer." Turner obeyed and did not answer Douglas' question. Douglas then criticised the answers that Lincoln had made to his ques- tions because of their vagueness and qualifications. Although Lincoln believed that the admission of other slave states might dissolve the Union, yet he would state that he would vote against bringing another slave state into the Union. "Is that fair dealing?" he asked. 512 ILLINOIS "Show me that it is my duty to do a particular act in order to save the Union and I will do it, if the Constitution does not prohibit it. Lincoln says that 'this Union cannot continue to endure with slave states in it' and yet he will not state what he would do about admitting more of them." He then took up Lincoln's charge that he, Douglas, had assailed the organ of the administration in Washington as corrupt and said : ' 'Suppose I did, when it was true? Does that justify Lincoln in charging two Presidents of the United States, the judges of the Supreme Court and other with corruption, when it was false? Lincoln's charge was historically false!" Before, during and after the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska act, Buchanan was in London, England, acting as minister to Great Britain, so it was impossible for him to have been in Lincoln's ''imaginary conspiracy." The Dred Scott case was not even on the docket of the Supreme Court when the law was passed. The high character of Presi- dent Pierce as a man of honor and integrity was enough to vindicate him from such a foul charge. "As to myself, I pro- nounce the charge an infamous lie whenever and wherever made and by whomsoever made I brand it as it deserves." Douglas then discussed Lincoln's tactics in endeavoring to divide the Democratic vote. Why, he asked, was the attempt being made to show that he, Douglas, was still at war with President Buchanan. "When I differed with the President, I spoke out so all of you could hear me." He would do it again if it were necessary. The question between him and the Presi- dent had "passed away" when the President in his message to Congress stated that hereafter all state constitutions ought to be submitted to the people. "I know Mr. Lincoln's object; he wants to divide the Democrats, in order that he may defeat me and get into the Senate." Here Douglas was told that his time had expired and he ceased speaking. When Lincoln arose to make his rejoinder, he was greeted with great cheers. Adverting to Douglas' statement that the crowd had interrupted him, Douglas, with vulgarity and black- guardism, Lincoln said that he, Lincoln, had used no vulgarity or blackguardism when the crowd was listening. He then declared that the Republican resolutions of 1854, which Douglas Under Big Elm Tree, Urbana (East of Big Four Shops) Lincoln Made Famous Speech 514 ILLINOIS had cited, were local and did not bind the party throughout the state. "We at last met together in 1856 from all parts of the state, and we agreed upon a common platform' 5 so all the Republicans of the state were bound "as a party to that platform." "If Douglas could find one member of the Legis- lature that voted for him in 1855 who will tell him anything inconsistent from what I say now .... I will retire from the race and give him no more trouble." He, Lincoln, had made no secret pledges and would say or do nothing in Washington that he did not avow and declare on the stump. "I'll tell you what he, Douglas, is afraid of. He is afraid we will all pull together." He said he had answered Douglas' questions fully and fairly. The admission of a single slave state would not "permanently .... establish this as a universal slave nation." Douglas' charge against the editor of the Washington Union were really charges against the Democratic President, Lincoln contended. "At that time," said Lincoln, "Douglas had an eye further north than he has today, but now he is looking toward the South. His hope is to make 'the great Black Republican party' .... the tail to his new kite." But now he was crawling back to his old camp and would soon be found in full fellowship with those with whom he now pretended to be at variance. The foregoing rather full summary of the speeches made by Lincoln and Douglas in the cities of Ottawa and Freeport during this campaign, memorable in American history, has been given so that the reader may be fairly informed of the great issues involved and get some insight into the methods and characteristics of the two great debaters. It is not within the scope of this history nor the opportunities of the writer to follow in the same detail the other joint debates in which these great men participated. In the subsequent debates the same points were made and the same arguments brought by the orators with more or less elaboration and dissertation. In Galesburg, October 7, however, Lincoln presented one new and powerful issue which he had overlooked or but faintly referred to at Ottawa and Freeport. That issue was that slavery was fundamentally wrong. To use his own language, slavery was "a moral, social and political evil." With due regard to ILLINOIS 515 Constitutional limitations he demanded "a policy that looked to the prevention of it as a wrong/' and looked forward to a time "when as a wrong it may come to an end." He then declared that "Douglas discards the idea that there is anything wrong in slavery." To him there was no difference between slavery and liberty. If Douglas believed there was any differ- ence, he could not declare, as he had done, that he "don't care whether slavery is voted up or down." This was the great vital moral issue of the campaign and as presented by Lincoln at Galesburg and elsewhere towards the end of the joint debates would have won for him decisively in Illinois or in any northern state in the latter half of the nineteenth century. On this great moral issue, Douglas was placed in a most disadvantageous position. His shibboleth of "Let the people rule," his doctrine of popular sovereignty, while they were popular and appealing to all men favoring a republican form of government, were not a complete answer to Lincoln's claim that slavery was "morally wrong" and that "a policy that looks to the prevention of it as a wrong" must prevail. He could not and did not answer that "the people could do no wrong" because the people of the southern states had been doing "wrong" in maintaining and fostering slavery for over a century. He wisely refrained from claiming that the people of a state or county were always omnis- cient, immaculate and incapable of injustice or misrule. This great moral thrust of Lincoln pierced the shield of Douglas and wounded him, but still left him fighting and vic- torious in the struggle for the senatorial toga. Every school- child in America knows the electoral result of that contest. Enough Douglas Democrats were elected to the Legislature to give Douglas, with the hold-over Democrats in the State Senate, a large majority over Lincoln when the Legislature selected the successor in the United States Senate. The vote in the Legis- lature was: Douglas 54; Lincoln 41. At that time senators were not elected by popular vote. The law providing for the election of United States senators by popular vote was passed in Illinois for the first time during my administration as governor and at my special instance and request. 516 ILLINOIS This extraordinary series of debates between these two remarkable men attracted the attention of every state in the Union and made Illinois a pivotal state in the destinies of the nation from that time to the present. From 1818, when Illinois was admitted to statehood, down to 1858, it had cast its presi- dential vote regularly for Democratic Presidents. At this election it first gave substantial evidence that Illinois was prepared to quit the Democratic ranks because of the policy of that party Old Kelly Tavern, St. Joseph, One of Lincoln's Stopping Places in regard to slavery. The debates between Lincoln and Douglas clearly disclosed to the voters of Illinois and the other northern states that the Democratic party was willing to aid the slave- holding states in permitting the spread of slavery into the northern territory. They were further convinced that the Buchanan or administration Democrats, along with all of the Democrats in the slave states, were attempting by foul means and unfair and corrupt elections to place Kansas and Nebraska into the Union as slave states. They became satisfied that Douglas and his followers would not tolerate corrupt measures, or debauchery and violence at the polls in getting a vote favor- able to slavery in their territories, but that even Douglas and ILLINOIS 517 the Douglas Democrats were willing to have slavery installed in these northern territories, if the voters in these territories desired it. To tolerate slavery in the states where the Consti- tution of the United States authorized and secured it, was one thing. To permit its extension into other territory of the United States, was another thing. The people of Illinois and the other northern states were waking up to the fact, that human slavery was a great moral wrong or crime and that its further spread into northern territories must be stopped at all hazards. If the slave-holding states of the South had been content to rest upon their constitutional rights to own and sell slaves within their own borders; and refrained from endeavoring to spread slavery into the northern territories and states, the Democratic party might and probably would have retained its supremacy in the nation for many years or decades. Its tenets, framed by Thomas Jefferson, and sustained and carried out by every Democratic national administration, were strongly favorable to states rights in all police and social legislation and were popular with the rank and file of the common people. Jeifer- sonian and Jacksonian Democracy was uniformly triumphant in Illinois down to the time of the passage of the Kansas- Nebraska law. The method of the passage of the Lecompton Constitution in Kansas revolted Douglas and a great mass of the Democrats of Illinois. Douglas protested to Buchanan and voted and spoke in the Senate against the administration policies in connection with the Kansas-Nebraska bill ; and brought down upon his head in the senatorial campaign the hatred and bitter opposition of all the Federal appointees in Illinois and the enmity of all the slave-holding states. His high-mindedness and courage in so doing gained him universal respect and admiration in the North; but lost him forever any prospect of being nom- inated for the Presidency of the United States by a united Democratic party. . The Democrats of the South were wedded to the infamous "institution" and had the mistaken hardiness to scheme for its introduction and spread into the North. Their course in so doing brought to the ranks of the new-born Repub- lican party, which Lincoln had but recently joined, not only the old Whigs, Free-Soilers and Know-Nothings, but thousands of 518 ILLINOIS old-line Democrats in the northern states who refused to be a party to the extension of slavery in the North. In view of the fact that the influence of the whole Democratic administration was thrown against him, and the further fact that on the great moral issue of the campaign — the prevention of the extension of slavery — he was on the wrong side of that issue, the wonder is that Douglas succeeded against such obstacles in winning the election and retaining his position in the United States Senate. His personal magnetism, his winning ways, as well as his eloquence and courage in the presentation of his cause, enabled him to win over the keen, logical arguments of his great high-minded competitor and overcome the superior moral position held by his rival. It was a defeat, however, in which both, strange to say, won a victory. Douglas won his seat in the Senate, but Lincoln won a world-wide reputation as the peerless champion of the deliverance of the human race from the bondage that had dis- graced the whole world from the beginning of time. Lincoln's exposure of man's inhumanity towards his fellow man in the black skin, was heard around the world. It sounded the death- knell of human slavery in the near future and placed him in such a position that his election to the Presidency of the United States was almost certain. The care and caution he displayed in keeping all his arguments within the limits of a constitution which enthroned and preserved slavery in the slave states; and with which he demonstrated that within the limits of that same constitution it could be prevented entering new states and terri- tories, gained for him the reputation not only of being a foe to human slavery, but that of a shrewd constitutional lawyer, who could if placed in executive position carry out a plan within the constitution which would at once stop the spread of slavery and ultimately bring about its abolition without confiscation or injury to property rights, or without imperiling in any way the perpetuity of the Union. Lincoln was no wild-eyed impractical radical in his presen- tation of his views on slavery. He repeatedly stated in public that under the United States Constitution slaveholders had prop- erty rights in their slaves, and that slaveholders were entitled ILLINOIS 519 to a fugitive slave law. He cautiously kept apart from the Abolitionists and often asserted that black men were not and should not be the equal of white men, socially or politically. His aim was to stop the spread of slavery immediately and abolish it eventually within the Constitution and without confis- cation. His caution and conservatism eventually made him the leader of his party and placed him in the Presidential chair. While Seward of New York and Chase of Ohio were preach- ing that there was "an irrepressible conflict" on hand which meant war and a "higher law" above the Constitution, which meant treason, Lincoln refused to become emotional and con- stantly advised compliance with the laws and the Constitution. Both Lincoln and Douglas were thoroughly honest men. Both were patriots. Douglas feared dissolution of the Union unless some compromise were made between the North and South on the slavery question. Lincoln did not. Douglas rightly fore- saw rebellion. Lincoln believed it inconceivable. When rebellion came, however, both confronted it, side by side, Lincoln in the White House, Douglas in the Senate. Douglas died in- the midst of the conflict, but sustained his great Republican adversary loyally to the end. What Lincoln did thereafter belongs to another chapter. %4 ■ i a* V / 1 .•.-s V & %**■■