" KAILWAY CLEAKING HOUSE. Iliii III: JANUARY, 1857. !i ill III liji lili illiii GENERAL 5 Hi! CLASSIFICATION OF GOODS in!!' ii BT MERCHANDISE TRAINS ON RAILWAYS. LONDON: PRINTED BY M‘CORQUODALE & Co., 18, CARDINGTON STREET. WORKS, NEWTON. f r i T ^ \^3 CLEARING HOUSE. i JANUARY, 1857. f GENERAL CLASSIFICATION OF GOODS il BY MERCHANDISE TRAINS UPON RAILWAYS. MINERAL CLASS.— [Station to Station only.] Beino- Loaded and Unloaded by OWNERS, and conveyed at ° THEIR RISK in full Loads. Slag Slates, common Stone, in the rough state^ building^ pitching^ paving^ kerb or flags Bricks, common Dross Manure, in bulk Materials for Road i Fire Bricks &Clay 1 Flags Repairs Peat I Gvamte, undressed i Pyrites t Iron Ore Salt,* rock and Iron, Pig unmanufactured Iron Stone Salt, in bidk Sand Lime &Limestone* Scoria o Cannel* Chromate Ores Cinders Clay Coal* Coke* Compost Coprolites, for manure Culm * These articles are carried at special nates in wwners When loaded in Company’s Wagons, to be unloaded within Twenty-four hours, or Demurrage at the rate of 3s. per Wagon per diem will be charged. Tiles Turf Zinc ore SPECIAL CLASS.— [Station to Station only.] Carried in Full Loads of not less than One Ton, otherwise chargeable at first class rates. Alabaster Alkali Anchors Asphaltum L 2J. per ton per mile Baggage, Military, Barley Barytes Baywood Beans Bones, { Bran Brimstone Burr Stones t«m., Jor size •» manur9 Cabbages, loose Cannon Balls Deals, ‘“'i Carrots, loose Draff, or Brewers’i Cement and Distillers’ Cement Stone Grains Chains, large foose Chain Cabies Drain Pipes Chalk Emery Stone Charcoal, packed Chimney Pots i Farina at Owner' e riek. Flints 1 China Clay Flour ! Clog M\ocks^rough Founder’s Dust CoalDust,fw bgs, ^ Fuller’s Earth casks Fustic Copper Ore Corn Gas&Water Pipes Manures Gypsum Hominy Horn and Bone| Waste, in truclc^ loads of not less\ than 3 tons Iron Boiler Plates, | Bars, & other un- damageableIron| Iron Pipes I Iron Rails &Chairs1 \> 41390 GENERAL CLASSIFICATION OF GOODS. Iron, Scrap Lathwood Lead Ore Lead, pig Linseed, in loads Logwood SPECIAL CLASS , — Continued. full Malt & Meal Mahogany Manganese Mangel Wiirsel Nitrate of Soda Ochre Oil Cake Peas Pelts, wet Pipe Clay Plaster Postwood, Potatoes, old Pot Barley Pozzolano Propwood, {“5;, Retorts, clay Retorts, iron Salt, manufactured Salt Cake Sanitary Tubes Sharps Shelling Shot, cannon Sleepers Soda Ash Soot Spetches, wet Spikes, Railway Staves Stone Troughs, Sinks, Window Sills, or luhen Oats Salt, in bags roughly wrot. up\ FIRST CLASS. Acetate of Lime, Catsup, in casks Furniture Woods 1 m casks Cedar Acetate of Soda Chicory Root Galvanised Iron Ale and Porter, in Cider, in casks Gambier Alum \_casks Clog Soles, dressed Gasometer Sheets Anvils Cobalt Ore Girders, iron^ not 1 Apples and Pears, Cocoa Nut Oil exceed. 20feetlong \ Argols [pommon Cod Oil Grease ! Arm and Share Copperas Greaves 1 Moulds Cotton Wool Grindstones t Ashes, pot ^ pearl Creosote, in casks Groats \ Crowbars Gurdgeons \ Barilla Gullet 1 Bark, Tanners', packed Cutch Hides, salted^ or 1 Blacking in bales 1 Bleaching Powder Divi Divi Hoofs and Horns, 1 Blubber Dyewoods, not else in casks 1 Boilers, smalls un- where specified Hoops, wooc? ^ iron ij der four tons^ Dyewoods,^7’OM?2c? Horn and Bone 1 (S. to S.) Waste, if in less 1 Bottles, Black and Earthenw. Bottles quantities than 3 Green, or Com- Earthenware, loose tons^ S. to S. 1 mon Glass (at owner's risk) Horn Tips, packed 1 Boxwood Ebony i Epsom Salts, in Ice, packed Canada Plates casks Iron Tubing Cannon Iron, Hoop, Sheet, Castings, undam- Felloes or other dam- ageable Flummery ageable Tares Timber, not round Timber, round {see scale ) Turnips Vegetables, loose Vent Linings, at Owner's risk Vetches Wheat Wheels 8c Axles, Railway Whiting Iron, corrugated Iron Buoys, Buck- ets, & Cisterns Iron Staples Iron Studs Iron Turntables, in parts Iron Wire, not damageable Jute Ketchup in casks Kips, in bales Laths, in bundles Lead Ashes, in bags Lead, sheet and piping Lead, red white Lignumvitse Linseed Meal Litharge Maple Marble, and Po- lished & Dressed Granite, blocks GENERAL CLASSIFICATION OF GOODS. 3 FIRST CLAS s. — Continued. Metals, sheathing^ Pitch Sheep Skins Sulphate of Soda S^c, Pollard (foreign) in his. Sulphate of Zinc Millboards Potatoes, neio Shudes Note . — New Potatoes when Shumac Tallow Nails, Iron carried loose in full loads, are to be charged as Old Potatoes "Pnmipo r»np» Silicate of Soda Tar Nicaragua Wood Size, liquid Terra Japonica Nickel Ore Putty Skins, in casks Tin, in blocks ^ Oils : — Cocoa Nut Slate Slabs, in ingots Quercitron Bark cases Tin, in boxes Cod Snakewood Train Oil Palm Rags Soap Tulip Wood Pine Railway Pins and Soda Train Springs Spelter Valonia Whale Rivets Spikes, iron Vegetables {com- Onions Ropes, old Split Peas moil) in crates Osiers, green ^ wet Rosewood Spokes Vinegar Rosin Stannite of Soda Vitriol Stone Palm Oil Rotten-Stone Stearine Paper, coarse or Steel, scrap Walnut Wood brown, blue, and intended for wrap- ping goods, or printing newspapers Saltpetre Satinwood Stone, carved for building purposes Whale Oil Woad Seal Skins, wet Sugar, in casks bags Wood acid, in Pasteboard and salted^ full loads Pegs Sheathing Sulphate of Alu- Perry, in casks Sheep Skins, in min a Zebra Wood Pine Oil casks. Sulphate ofCopper Zinc, ingots, 8fC. SECOND CLASS. Alanzarine Bladders, in casks Camata Clod Crushers Alkanet Root Boilers, above 4 df Camatina Cockles and Mus- j Annatto under 6 Tons, Candles sels, at Owners' Archil S. to S, Candlewick risk Arrow Root Bone Flats Canes, packed Cocoa Arsenic Bones, loose Canvas Cocoa Nuts Assafcetida Boracic Acid Cardamoms Codilla Borax Carpeting Coffee Bacon Brass Carriage Spring.s, Colour.s Bagging Brass Wire Axles, & Steps Copper Balsam Copaiba Bread Chains & Traces, Cordage l^ark, loose Bricks, Bath or in casks Cotton Waste Bass Mats Flanders Cheese, packed Cotton Yarn Bedsteads {com- Bristles Cheese Presses Cowries won), Wood Broom Heads Chicory, prepared Cranberries Beef and Pork, in Brushes Chimney Pots Cream of Tartar Bi chrome Buckles, iron {earthenware ) at Companies risk Crematino Biscuit Butter, in casks Cudbear Black Lead Buttons [boxes Chocolate Currants, grocers' 3 GENERAL CLASSIFICATION OF GOODS. — — - BJjCOMD CLAS S — Continued, Dregs plasterers' Madders Retorts, glass Drugs, in casks Hammer Heads Malt Crushers Rice Drysalteries, in Hams Marble, and Po- Ropes, new casks Hardware lished & Dressed Earthenware and Hay, pressed packed Granite, in cases Sad Irons Hemp Mastic Safes, iron I China, in casks Flemp Seed Matchetts Safety Boxes 1 and crates 1 Edge Tools Herrings, salt Hinges, iron Mats and Matting Meat, cured Safflower Sago 1 Eggs, crates ^ Hoes Millstones Salammoniac 1 Emery [boxes Holloware, Iron, in hogsheads Molasses Sarsaparilla Empty Packages Mop and Broom Sash Weights 1 Empties returned Honey Handles Sassafras 1 ( see scale J Hoofs, Cow and Moss, in bales Munjeet Saws \ Engines, Steam Ox, loose Screw Jacks 1 {^Portable') when Horns, Cow and Mustard Seed Screws, iron weighing 3 tons Ox, loose Horn Tips, loose Scrows and upwards Naphtha, in casks Scythe Stones Horse Shoes Nuts Seeds, Clover, and Agricultural Felspar Hurdles Felt Oakum Senna Field Seeds Ice, loose Oils, in casks^ ex- Shell Lac Figs India Rubber cept those 1st cl. Shoddy Files Iron Bedsteads Old Clothes Shot, small, bags Fish, salt, casks ^ Flax [dried Iron Liquor Oranges & Lemons Shovels Iron Wire, bright Orchilla Weed Silk Waste Jb'lax Straw, at Osnaburgs Simovi Owners' risk^ Japan Ware, in Oxalic Acid Sink Traps S, to S, casks or cases Sizing » 1 Flocks Juniper Berries | Paints Slate Pencils I Fry Pans Palisades Slates, writing Kelp Palm Leaves Smalts Galls ■ V Paper Hangings Soda Water Garancine Lac, all sorts Pearl Barley Soldiers’ Clothing Glass, crown, tn\ 4 Lamp Black Pearl Shells Spades boxes ^ cratch I * Lard , L ^ Pelts, dry Spetches Glass, flint | Lasts, in hampers Piassava r;iv. 1 Spoons, iron Sprats Glass, window,! 1 Leath er, undressed Picker Bends « ? rough plates- ) < Lemon Juice Pins, metal, m Starch .-.in-. • | Ginger • Lime Salt boxes i- ■-> t Steel, andbtindleS'\ 1 Glue and Glue Linseed, small lots j Potatoes, preserved Sugar Mills ' 1 pieces - Liquorice Paste 1 Provisions, Sugar, refinedQump^ Grindery ' Locks 'i • .1 1 Sugar of i^ead. ) i Gums of all sorts Locomotive ‘Tubes Rabbit Skins, un- Sugar Moulds, and! ; Gun Barrels, «li'. i:; ' ^ dressed 1‘Pans u: I ^ rough Maohi nery, heavy Raisins u , L Sj^rup :Gun Stocks, Machines, weigh- Refiners’^ Sweeps ? ■ • • • ' ' ' j :Gutta Perclia ii ing, large ings varOJj.'. TarpaulingS : [ ; ■4 GENERAL CLASSIFICATION OF GOODS. SECOND CL AS %—CGnthmed. Tartaric Acid Trenails Vent Linings, at Wood acid,^?^cf^5/kv Terra Cotta Casts Turmeric Companies' risk in small lots Tin Ware, in casks Turpentine Verdigris Wool ' or cases Twigs, brown Vices Tincal Twist, cotton Yarn, Linen and Tips, iron Washers Cotton Tobacco, leaf Umbrella Stretch- Waste, cotton and Yeast, casks, full Tous-les-mois ers woollen loads rri low Weft, cotton Yellow Berries | Treacle Varnish, in casks Whetstones j Trees and Plants, in mats, heavy Vegetable Wax Window Blinds Zinc, sheets, ^c. | Wire, bright Acetic Acid, in ! THIED Calicoes ’ C L A S S. Fire Irons, in Japan Ware, in casks Ale & Porter, both Angelica Root Asparagus Bales, Boxes, Cases, Packs, &Trusses of Manchester and Barnsley Manufactures, Scotch Cotton Goods, & Irish Linens | Bark, Peruvian j Bees’ W ax j Bellows ! Black Beer ! Blankets I Blowing Engines ' Bobbins I Boilers, above 6 under 8 Tons, j S. to S. \ Boilers, copper 1 Books [in casks] Boots and Shoes, Boots and Shoes, in cases, for shipment Butter, in cools and tubs Canada Stoves Candy Sugar Cards Cassia Lignea Castor Oil Cast Iron Pots, loose [able Castings, damage- Cheese, loose Cider, bottled Clocks, American and Dutch Cochineal Cockles & Mussels Combs, in boxes Confectionery Copper Boilers Copper Rollers Cork Wood Counterpanes Crucibles Cutlery j Drugs, boxes or hampers Engines, Steam {Portable) weigh ing less than 3 Tons F enders, cast-iron bundles Flannel Floor Cloth, not exceeding 1 0 feet long Fruit, ripe Gas Metres Girders, Iron, ex- ceeding 20 feet in length Glass, flint, and rough plate Goods, heavy, not specified Grapes, owners'^ risk Grates, common Guns and Pistols Hair, Upholsterers' Hatters’ Stuff Hides, dry, loose Hides, green or market Hooks and Eyes Hops Horns, Stag Hosiery Indigo Iron Fencing, If? fre hampers^ crates Juice Leather, dressed Limpets Linen Thread Linens Lint Liquorice Maccaroni jMuskets, in cases Mustard Nails, copper and | brass | Nux Vomica Ovens, common ^ Oysters | Packs and Bales Paper, tine,or writ- ing, blottingJ tissue, fancv',i and envelopes | Pepper Periodicals Periwinkles | Perry, bottled « Pickles I i 5 6 GENERAL CLASSIFICATION OF GOODS. Pimento THIRD CL. Sheep Skins, green A S S — Continued. Tacks Vermicelli Plumbago Sheep Skins, loose Tapes Shoes, in casks Tapioca Wadding Rabbit Skins, Sickles Tea Warps ( cotton ), dressed Smallwares Tin Ware, in hampers ^ crates in bundles 1 Railway Tickets Snuff Whalebone I and Cards Spade-trees Tobacco, manu- Wheels, wood 1 Rattans Spermaceti, in bxs. factured Whelks, 1 Rushes, packed Sponge, m bales Trays, ii'on Window Frames, [ Stags’ Horns Twigs, white cast iron Saddlery Saddlers’ Iron- Stationery, Wine and Spirits, Steel Toys Umbrellas in casks mongery Scale Beams Stoves, common Sugar Candy Vegetables, in Yarn, woollen ^ Scythes Sweets and Cor- baskets worsted. Seal Skins, dry dials Veneer FOUETH CLASS. A-cetic Acid, car- Cornice Poles Lamps Poultry, dead | boys Light Goods, not Powder, blue | Agricultural Imp. Drapery specified Printers’' Ink | Almonds Looms ^ Puncheons, new. Almond Oil Floor Cloth, ex- Luggage, Trunks, empty Aloes ■ ceeding 10 feet ^c. Quicksilver Amber long, not carried Anchovies uncased Machinery, light Quills Aniseed Garden Plants, in Machines, weigh- Rabbits pots, and Seeds ing, small Reeds and Rushes, Balsams Garden Seats, Magnesia English Baskets Gig Shafts Marble, and Po- Boilers, above 8 Glass, crown lished & Dressed Salmon, in boxes Tons 55 Bran . . . 10 Rye ... 5 if 55 Pollard . . 10 55 55 Tares ... 5 it 55 Flour . . . 8 Sacks or Bags 5 , Barley , . 6 a 55 Shelling . . 10 Loads orPacks „ IRON. DAMAGEABLE. Hoops Sheets Canada Plates Tin in Boxes Horse Kail Bods Bundles of Strips Galvanized Iron Corrugated Iron Bundles of Bars, under inch All Iron liable to damage or de predation bj moisture or break age I The following shall be considered Half a TYagon Load of Cattle, &c. : — ' 3 Head of Cattle 15 Sheep ‘ 9 Bacon Pigs 12 Pork Pigs 12 Calves Or under. UKHAMAGEABLE. Bars Boiler Plates Railway Chairs, Wheels, and Axles Scrap Iron Chains loose, and Chain Cables Anchors Wire Iron (common) Rods do. Nail Sheets Bundles of Bars, in. or upwards Iron Retorts Gas and Water Pipes Cannon Balls GENERAL CLASSIFICATION OF GOODS. EMPTIES. Returned Empty Packngep. — Carriage must be prepaid (unless there is a special arrangement with Consignees,) at the following rates, viz. : — d. Not exceeding 300 Miles 1 6 per cwt. 400 „ 1 9 500 „ 2 0 600 „ 23 .V. (i. Not exceeding 50 Miles 0 3 per cwt. 100 „ 0 6 150 „ 0 9 200 •„ 1 0 250 „ 1 3 3? )3 35 33 53 53 33 33 3 3 33 33 33 3 ? 33 Returned Empty Packages under 56 lbs. are carried at half-price, provided that the charge be in no case less than threepence each. The usual exceptions are allowed, viz. : — boards in Bumlles. Meat, Fruit, Hosiery, and Butter Hampers. "W rappers and Sheets. Cloths, Milk Cans and Milk Casks. Graiu and Flour Sacks. In consequence of the numerous claims for the loss of Shoes, and until parties were induced to provide jiroper Packages with locks, for tlie conveyance of them, it was thought desirable to charge for returned Empty Hampers . — {Goods Man. Min. 2 1st June, 1855. 6‘99.) Returned Empty Crates, containing Straw, are to be charged for at Fourth Class Rates, carriage prc-paid. Scale of charges for Empty Vinegar Casks for. Hill, Evans, and Co,, Worcester, charged forward : — 6d. each for ca?ks. Is. each for pipes. Seale Rate for Carriage of Returned Empty Ale Casks to Burton, charged forward : — Miles. Kilderkins. Barrels and Hogsheads. Butts. under 50..., ,..0s. 4id. each Os. 6d. each O.S. 9d. each 50 and under 100... , ...Os. 6d. Os. 9d. „ Is. Od. 100 and under 150.. . ..Os. 7^d. Is. Od. „ Is. 3d. >> 150 and under 200.... ..Os. 104d. Is. 3d. „ Is. 6d. yy 200 and over Od. Is. 6d. „ Is. 9d. yy WAGONS. STATION to STATION RATES for CONTRACTORS’ WAGONS and MATERIALS, and LOCOMOTIVE ENGINES and TENDERS on their OWN WFIEELS. Contractors’ Wagons and To .50 Miles inclusive ...3d. per Ton per Mile Materials, excepting Iron ^ 51 to 75 „ ... 12s. 6d. per Ton Bails and Chairs (Above 75 ...2d. per Ton per Mile Lo'-omotivc Engines and f To Tenders on their own < VNlicels (Above 133 100 Miles inclusive.. .2d. per Ton per Mile) 101 to 133 „ ...16s. 8d. per Ton > ...1 jd.pei Tun per Mile) No "ess cliar«(! tlian .5s. per ton. No 10.--6 cliaige tlu:n .''S. per ton. N.B. — Engines and Tenders on tlicir own Wheels, Contractors’ Wagons and Mate.ials, to be pi epaid. New Bdilway Wagons, on their own Wheels, if under 3 Tons weight, to he carried at 3d. per Wagon per mile; if above that weight, at 4d. per Wagon per mile. No less charge than 5s. to be made. If conveyed beyond 50 miles, the cliaige fur Wagt)ns of all weights to he 3d. per Wagon per mile. — {Goods Man. Mm., 3rd May, 1855. 680.) 10 GENERAL CLASSIFICATION OF GOODS. TIMBER. Timber and Deals will be computed as under: — Oak, Mahogany, Teak, Beech, or Ash, and Round Timber, 40 feet per ton. Pine, Dantzic, Riga, Fir, Memel, and any other Timber 1 not mentioned above i *.../ ” Tons. CAvts. Qrs. Lbs. Deals 2 10 0 0 per Standard Hundred. ROUND TIMBER. STATION to STATION RATES for ROUND TIMBER, between TVV'O or MORE COMPANIES. Miles. Amount per Ton. Miles. Amount per Ton. Miles. Amount per Ton. S. d. 5. d. S. d. 1 to 17 5 0 44 to 45 10 10 90 to 92 16 8 18 J5 19 5 5 46 35 47 11 3 93 35 94 17 1 20 5> 21 5 10 48 33 49 11 8 95 55 97 17 6 22 3J 23 6 3 50 33 64 12 1 98 53 99 17 11 24 25 6 8 65 33 67 12 6 100 33 102 18 4 26 33 27 7 1 68 33 69 12 11 103 35 104 18 9 28 35 29 7 6 70 33 72 13 4 105 33 107 19 2 30 33 31 7 11 73 33 74 13 9 108 35 109 19 7 32 33 33 8 4 75 33 77 14 2 110 33 il2 20 0 34 33 35 8 9 78 53 79 14 7 113 33 114 20 5 36 33 37 9 2 80 3? 82 15 0 115 53 117 20 10 38 33 39 9 7 83 33 84 15 5 118 35 119 21 3 40 53 41 10 0 85 53 87 15 10 120^ 21 8 42 33 43 10 5 88 33 89 16 3 * And all above 120 miles, 2d. per ton per mile, and Is. 6d. added. Cljariitg JANUARY, 1857. GENEKAL CLASSIFICATION OF GOODS BY MERCHANDISE TRAINS ON KAIL WAYS. Goods marked are in the Mineral Class, Station to Station only, being loaded and unloaded by Owners, and conveyed at their risk in full loads. When loaded in Company’s Wagons, to be unloaded in twenty-four hours, or Demurrage at the rate of 3s. per wagon per diem will be charged. Goods marked S are in the Special Class, Station to Station only, carried in full loads, of not less than one ton, otherwise chargeable at First Class Rates. Goods marked thus * are carried at Special Rates in Owners’ Wagons. % LONDON: PRINTED BY M‘CORQUODALE & Co., 18, CARDIXGTON STREET. WORKS, NEWTON. 11 RAILWAY CLEARING HOUSE. JANUARY, 1S57. GENERAL CLASSIFICATION OF GOODS BY MERCHANDISE TRAINS UPON ' RAILWAYS. ARTJCLE. 3!) 3] ARTICLE. cn 1 « % w 1 ARTICLE Acetate of Lime, Bales, Boxes, Cases, ^ Boilers, cooper casks 3 1 Packs,& Trus3es,ofj Bone Flats Acetate of Soda 1 M’che.ster& Barns- Q Bones, common for\ Acetic Acid, carboys 4 ley Manufactures, size or manure .../ do. in casks... 3 Scotch Cotton Gds. do. loose Agricultural Implts. 4 & Irish Linens. / Bonnets Alaba.st.er S Balsams 4 Books Alanzarine 2 Balsam Copaiba 1 2 Boots & Shoes, in\ Ale & Porter, bottled 3 [Barilla 1 1 casks j do. in casks 1 Bark, Tanners\ pkd. 1 Boots & Shoes, cases Alkali S do. loose 2 for shipment Alkanet Root 2 do. Peruvian 3 do. in bxs c}' hmprs. Almonds 4 Barley S Boracic Acid Almond Oil 4 Barytes s Borax Aloes 4 Baskets 4 Bottles, blk. 8^ green Alum ] Bass Mats 2 or common glass 3 Amber 4 Bay wood ,».... S Bottles, Glass, white. Anchors s Beans s Boxwood Anchovies 4 Bedsteads, com. wood 2 Bran Angelica Root 3 Beef & Pork, in casks 2 Brass Aniseed 4 Bees Wax 3 Brass IVire . - . . , , , Annatto 2 Bellows 3 Bread Anvils 1 Bichrorae 2 Bricks, com.mnn. Apples & Pears, com. 1 Biscuit 2 do.Bath or Flanders Archil 2 Black Beer 3 Brimstone ,,, Argols 1 Blackiu" 1 Bristles Arm & Share Moulds 1 O Black Lead 2 Broom ITea.ds Arrow Root 2 Bladders, in casks ... 2 Brooms Arsenic 2 Blankets 3 Brushes Ashes, pot and pearl 1 Bleaching Powder., 1 Buckles, iron A.sparagus 3 Blowinsr Engines ... 3 Burr Stones ...... Asphaltum S Blubber 1 Butter, in csks. ^ bxs Assafuetida 2 Bobbins 3 Butter, in cools Sf tubs Boilers, small, under) 1 do. in crocks 4 tons, S.to S. ...j Buttons Bacon 2 above 4 and under) o Baggage, Military, 1 a 6 tons, S. to S.J Cabbages, loose 2d. per ton per mile / o above 6 and under) Q Cabinet Ware BaKiiinc: 2 8 tons, S. to S./ o Calenders oo o ••••••••••••••• above 8 ton.s,S. toS. 4 Calicoes tOrf!>.COtOGC!tOt04i-tOtOC/itOgtOtCl'Oi75»-i4i. tOtO4^C0 CO COOitO C/2 tOCO Class. 4 GENERAL CLASSIFICATION OF GOODS. ARTICI.E. Camata Camatina Canada Plates Canada Stoves Candles Candlewick ......... Candy Sugar Canes, loose do. packed Cannel* Cannon Cannon Balls Canvas CarboysNewEmptyl Glass / Cardamoms Cards Carpeting Carriage Springs, 1 Axles, & Steps .../ Carrots, loose Cassia Lignea Castings, undamghle do. damageable Cast Iron Pots, loose Castor Oil Catsup, in bottles ... do. in casks Cedar Cement Cement Stone Chain Cables Chains and Traces, in casks j Chains, large, loose... Chairs Chalk Chandeliers Charcoal, packed ... Cheese, loose do. packed Cheese Presses Chicory, prepared... Chicory Root China, in boxes China Clay Class. ARTICLE. OD cn z ARTICLE. 2 Chocolate 2 Cotton \\^qste 2 Chromate Ores M Cotton ^Tool 1 Cider, bottled 3 Cotton Yarn 3 do. in casks 1 Counterpanes. 2 Cigars 5 Cowries 2 Cinders M 1 Cranberries 3 ChimneyPots(ear^/i-i Crape 4 emvare)?! 0 wn ers’ [ S Cream of T artar . . . 2 risk J Crematine M do. do. at\ 9 Creosote, in casks ... 1 Companies’ risk../ Crowbars S Cinnamon 5 Crucibles 2 Clay M Cudbear 4 Clock S,y4mer^ca?7^i)M^cA 3 Cullet do. English ^ French 5 Culm 2 Clod Crushers 2 Currants, grocers’ .. 3 Clog Blocks, rovgh... S Cutch 2 Clog Soles, dressed... 1 Cutlery 2 Coal*...., ... \casks Coal Dust, in bags ^ M S Deals, 2^ tons, per) S Cobalt 4 standard j 3 Cobalt Ore... 1 Divi Divi 1 Cochineal 3 Draff, or Brewers’ & 1 3 Cockle.« ^nd Mussels 3 Distillers’ Grains/ 3 do. at owners' risk 2 Drain Pipes 3 Cocoa 2 Drapery 4 CoL-'a Nut Oil 1 Dregs 1 Cocoa Nuts 2 Dross 1 Codilla 2 Drugs, bxs. or hmprs. S Cod Oil 1 Drugs, in casks s Coffee 2 Drysalteries, in casks s Coke* M Dyewoods, not else-\ 9 Colours 2 where specified .../ Combs, in boxes Compost... 3 Dyewoods, ground... s M 5 Confectionery 3 Earthenware&China) s Copper 2 in casks and crates) 4 Copperas 1 Earthenware, loose,/ S Copper Ore S at Owners’ risk.../ 3 Copper Boilers 3 Earthenware Bottles 2 Copper Rollers 3 Eau-de-Cologne 2 Coprolites for manure M Ebony 2 Cordage 2 Edge Tools 1 Corkwood 3 Eggs, in crates^ boxes Elephants’ Teeth ... 5 Corn S S j Cornice Poles 4 Embroidery 14 OiCntOtOi-iOit-* I— < to ^ tOtOCO^tO^s^CO fZJ I—* GO OOH- >t0^i— ‘boooi— ‘H-itOtOOitOtOCOtOf—tO Class, GENERAL CLASSIFICATION OF GOODS. ARTICLE. Emery Emery Stone F^mpty Packages ... Empties, returned. see scale Engines, Steam, j (portable) weigh- ^ ing 3 Tom up- i wards ■) do. weighing | less than 3 Tons ) Epsom Salts, in csks. Essences Essential Oils Farina F'eathers Felloes Felspar Felt Fenders, cast iron ... Field Seeds Figs Files Fire Bricks and Clay Fire Irons, in bundles fresh Fish, salt,cshs.^dried Flags Flannel Flax FlaxStraw,«^OM;;2- ) ers risk, S, to S . ) Flints Flocks Floor Cloth, not ex-\ , ceeding \ 0 fL long\ FloorCloth, exceed/- ) ing lOy/. long, not ^ carried uncased ) Flour F'lummery Founders’ Dust Fullers’ Earth Furniture, when\ packed in eases ^ | frames ] 2 S 2 2 3 1 5 5 S 5 1 2 2 3 2 2 2 M 3 5 2 M O O ARTICLE. s 1 s s Furniture, when packed in mats or sent loose, 20 per cent, extra, unless the Oivners undertake in writing, or hy special con- signment note, to re- lieve the Companies from all damage, in luhich case the Fifth Class Rate to be charged. Furniture Woods .. Furs Fustic Fruit, ripe Fry Pans Galls Galvanised Iron Gambler Game j 5 Garancine j 2 Garden Plants, in\ pots, and Seeds.../ Garden Seats, light. Gas & Water Pipes. Gas Meters Gasometer Sheets .. Gig Shafts Ginger Girders, iron, riot ceeding 20 feet in length^ do. iron, exceeding^ 20 feet in length . . . | Glass, Crown, inf boxes &) crates...\f do. Flint J do. Window, 1| Rough Plates... p Glass, Flint and| Rough Plate .. do. Crown... Glass, stained, platef ^ shades, at owners' risk)] Gloves ; 5 Glue & Glue Pieces..! 2 Goods,heavy,r,otspecifed\ 3 do. light, not specified 4 ■1 ARTICLE. Grain Granite, undressed... Grapes, owners' risk.. Grates, common Grease Greaves Grindery Grindstones Groats Guano and packed) Manures J Gums of all sorts ... Gun Barrels, rough.. Gun Stocks, rough... Guns and Pistols ... Gurdgeons Gutta Percha Gypsum Hair, plasterers' do. upholsterers' ... Hammer Heads...... Hams Handmills Hardware Hats Hatters’ Stuff. Ha}' and Straw Hay, pressed packed Hay Rakes,m bundles Hemp Hemp Seed Herrings, Salt .... Hides, dry, loose.... do. green or market do. sailed or in bales Hinges, iron Hoes Hollo ware. Iron, inhhd. Hominy Honey Hoofs&Horns, in cks. Hoofs, Cow and} Ox, loose / Hooks and Eyes ... Hoops, wood 4" iron. S M 3 3 1 1 2 1 1 S 2 2 2 3 1 2 S 2 3 2 2 4 2 5 3 4 2 4 2 2 2 3 3 1 2 2 2 5 2 1 3 1 15 GENERAL CLASSIFICATION OF GOODS. ARTICLE. ' Hops Horns, Cow and Ox, loose do. Stag Horn and Bone Waste, in Truck Loads of not less than 3 Tons ... do. if in less quan- tities^ S. to S, ' Horn Tips, loose ... do. packed.,. Horse Shoes Hosiery Hurdles Ice, loose .... do. packed . India Rubber. Indigo Ink Iron Bedsteads .. do. Boiler Plates, ) Bars, & other un- damageable iron do. Buoys, Buckets and ('isterns ... do. Corrugated do. Fencing, wire... do. Hoop, Sheet, or| other damageable / do. Liquor Iron Ore do. Pig do. Pipes .. do. Scrap do. Staples do. Stone do. Studs do. Tubing Iron Turntables.VnjDte do. Wire, bright ... do. Wire, not da- mageable Isinglass Ivory Black .... } 4 4 Class. ARTICLE. Class.j ARTICLE. 3 Japan & Tin Ware) Locomotive Tubes... 2 in casks or cases.. . j 2 Logwood o O Japan Ware, in\ O Looms s hampers ^ crates J Joiners’ Work JlllC.P. o 4 3 Luggage, trunks.^ ^c. Maccaroni Juniper Berries 2 Machinery, heavy ... Jute 1 Machinery, light ... Kelp 2 Machines, Weighing,)^ Inrnp. 1 1 Ketchup, in bottles... 4 do., small 2 do. in casks ... 1 Madders 3 Kips, in bales 1 2 Maorip.sin. 2 Lac, of all sorts Mahogany Malt Crushers 2 Lace 5 Malt &u Merd 1 Lamp Black 2 Mano’anese 2 Lamps 4 IManorpl Wiirzel 3 Lard 2 Manure, in hulk 4 Lasts, in hampers ... 2 Maple 2 Laths, in bundles ... 1 Marble, and Po- ) Lath wood S lished & Dressed '> Granite, in blocks ^ s Lead Ashes, in bags 1 do. Ore s do. do. in cases 1 do. Sheet Sf Piping 1 do. do. slabs ... do. Pig s Mastic 1 do. Red & White 1 lyiatchetts 3 Leather, dressed...... 3 Materials for Roadl 1 do. undressed 2 Repairs / 1 Lemon J uice 2 Mats and Matting ... 2 Light Goods, not\ A Meats, cured M sperifed. ) 4 do. fresh M Lignum Vitce 1 Metal, sheathing., ^c. S l ame, and Limestone* M Millboards S s 1 Tame Salt, 2 Millinery I dm pets 3 Millstones Tdnen Thread 3 Molasses M IJnens 3 Mop&Broom Handles 1 Linseed, m full loads S IMoss, in bales 1 do. in small lots 2 Munjeet 1 Linseed Meal 1 Musical Instrument:^ 2 Lint 3 Muskets, in cases ... Liquorice . do. Paste Litharge, Locks 3 2 1 2 Mustard Mustard Seed., Nails, iron do. copper ^ brast 2 S 4 4 3 2 4 4 2 4 5 2 S s s M 1 1 2 4 2 2 M 2 2 - 4 1 1 5 2 2 2 2 2 5 3 3 2 1 3 16 GENERAL CLASSIFICATION OF GOODS. i i ARTICLE. Naphtha, in casks ... 2 ! Papier Mache do. in tins ... 4 Parchment Needles, in boxes... 4 Pasteboard.. Nicaragua Wood ... 1 Pearl Barley "Miplrpl Ore ......... 1 I Pp.f) 7 'l Shells Nitrate of Soda S Peas Nntmeo’S 4 Pea t Nuts 2 Peas Nnv Vnmiea ......... 3 Pelts, dm Onknm 2 do. ivet Oflta ,, S Penner Oe.hre S Perfumery Oil Oake s Periodicals Oil • Oneria. Nut 1 Pp.ri winklps Cod 1 Perry, bottled. Palm Pine 1 1 Perry, in casks Pianos and Organs. . . Train 1 Piassava. TV^halft 1 Picker Bends ■Oil. in cans 4 Pickles Oils, in casks, except { Picture Frames ' those class ... j Pictures Oils, in jars ^ boxes 4 Pimento Old Cloth e.a 2 Pine Oil Onions 1 Pins, Metal, in boxes Oranges and Lemons 2 Pipe Clay Orchilla Weed 2 Pipes, Smoking Osiers , and wet 1 Pitch Oanahure'S 2 i Plaster Ovens, common 3 Plated Goods Oyalie Aoid 2 Plnmbao'o Ovsters 3 Pollard Packs and Bales ... 3 Postwood, Machine\ Weight j Paints 2 Potatoes, new T^iiHftnrlps 2 do. old. Palm Leaves 2 do. joreserved... Palm Oil Paper, coarse, or brown, blue, and intended for 1 Note. — Potatoes New, when car- ried loose in full loads, to be ^ 1 charged as Old Potatoes. wrapping Goods, or i Pot Barley printing Newspapers . . ) Poultry, alive i\o.Jijie, or IV riling, ^ 1 blotting, tissue, do. dead 3 Powder, Blue \ fancy, 4' en velopes Pozzolano 1 Paper Hangings .. el— .... Iiin.,, . 2 Printers’ Ink 1 2 S 3 5 3 3 3 1 5 2 2 3 4 5 3 1 2 S 4 1 5 4 3 1 ABTHCL.E, ■i 1 s 2 S T) 4 4 5 Propwood, Machine ( Weight Provisions, Salt Pumice Stone... Puncheons, new emptu Putty P)H'ites Quercitron Bark Quicksilver .... Quills Rabbits Rabbit Skins, dressed do. undressed Rags R’wayPins & Springs do.. Tickets & Cards Raisins Rattans . Reeds&Rushes English Refiners’ Sweepings.. Retorts, clay Retorts, glass Retorts, Iron Rice Rivets Ropes, new do. old Rosewood Rosin Rotten Stone Rushes, packed Saddler’s Ironmngry. Saddlery Sad Irons Safes, iron Safety Boxes .... Safflower Sago Salammoniac .... Salmon, in boxes Salt, in bags .... Salt, manufactured.,, do. in bulk Salt*roc/c ^ unmnfcd Salt Cake .. S 2 1 1 M 1 4 4 4 3 2 1 1 3 2 3 4 2 5 2 S 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 5 S M M. S 17 •t 8 GENERAL CLASSIFICATION OF GOODS. ARTICLE. Saltpetre Sand Sanitary Tubes .. Sarsaparilla Sash Weights Sassafras Salinwood Saws Scale Beams Scoria Screw Jacks Screws, iron Screws Scythes Scythe Stones Seal Skins, dry .. do. wet and salted Seeds, Aniseed, Ca-'^ I nary, Carraway, Coriander, Croton, Cummin, Garden, Lettuce,Lint, Niger, Parsley, Poppy ... Seeds, Clover, and[ Agricultural j Senna Sharps Sheathing Sheep Skins, in casks do. loose . SheepSkins(foreign in bales Sheep Skins, Shelling Shell Lac Shoddy Shoes, in casks .. ^o.in hampers l^bxs. Shot, cannon do. small.) in bags.. Shovels do., wooden ^ Shudes Shumac Sickles Silicate of Soda. 1 M S 2 2 2 1 2 3 M 2 2 2 3 2 3 1 ARTICLE. ARTICLE. Silk, manufactured do. raw do. waste Silver Ore Simovi Sink Traps 2 S 1 1 3 3 S 2 2 3 4 5 2 2 4 1 1 3 1 Sizing Size, liquid Skins, in casks Slag Slates, common Slates, writing Slate Pencils Slate, Slabs, in cases Sleepers Small wares Smalts Snake wood Snuff Soap Soda Soda Ash Soda Water Soldiers’ Clothing ... Soot Spades Spade Trees Spermaceti, in boxes.. Spelter 1 do. Copper... Spetches 2 do. Soda ... do. wet S do. Zinc ... Spikes, iron Spikes, railway Split Peas Spokes Spoons, iron Sponge, in bales Sponge, Turkey,^V^ ca. Sprats Stags’ Horns Stannite of Soda ... Starch Stationery, general... Statuary, as per agreement only. Staves 5 5 2 5 2 2 2 1 1 J\I M 2 2 1 S 3 2 1 3 1 1 S 2 2 S 2 3 3 Stearine Steel Bars & Bundles Steel Toys Steel, scrap Sticks and Stalls Stone, in the rough state, Building, Pitching, Paving, Kerb, or Flags do. Troughs, Sinks, Window Sills, or when roughly wrought up do. (Jarred, for Building pur- poses Stoves and Grates, | polished Stoves, common..... Straw Plait Sugar Candy Sugar, in casks ^ bags do. Refined ( lump ) Sugar Mills do. Moulds & Pans Sugar of Lead Sulphate of Alumina 1 S 1 1 2 3 5 2 3 1 2 3 S Sweets and Cordials. Syrup Tacks Tallow Tamarinds Tapes Tapioca Tar Tares Tarpaulings Tartaric Acid Tea Teazles Terra Cotta Casts ... 18 GENERAL CLASSIFICATION OF GOODS. 9 , ARTICLE. X X C W ARTICLE. X X 3 1 ARTICLE. X ac « w Tp.rra .Tflnnnip.n 1 Twio^s, white .3 W^heels and Axles,| Tiles. -T M Twist, cotton 2 railway f S Timber-, tiot vouTid^m* S Tvpe 4 IVheels, wood Q Timber, round(see scale) Whelks o 3 I’in, in blocks ^ ingots 1 Umbrellas 3 Whetstones 2 do. in hnxfi.s 1 Umbrella Stretchers. 2 Whitino" S Tin cal 2 O VTndow Blinds 2 Tin Ware, in casks\ o Valonia 1 do. Yrsimes^cast iron 3 or cases / z V arnish, in casks . . . 2 Wine& Spirits, 4 do. in hampers) q Varnish, in tins 4 do. in casks 3 and crates / Vegetables (com-1 Wines and Spirits, ^ do. loose o mon), m crates .../ i in Bottles Jars.^ [ Tips, iron 2 Vegetables , baskets 3 containing vp~ | 5 Tobacco, leaf 2 do. loose S wards (fZ gallons ' do. manufactrd 3 Vegetable Wax 2 Wire, bright 2 Tongues, animal 4 Veneers O o Woad 1 Tortoise Shell 4 Vent Linings, at] c Wood Acid, in casks\ o Ton s-lps-m ni s 2 Owners^ risk ( o in small lots j 2 Tow 2 Vent Linings, at) 9 do. in fall loads... 1 '“iPoys 5 Companies risk.,.) Wool 2 Train Oil 1 Verdigris 2 Woollen& Worsted I Travellers’ Patterns 4 Vermicelli 3 Goods not else- > 4 "Jrays, iron 3 Vetches S where specified... ) do. paper 4 Vices 2 Treacle. 2 Vinegar 1 Yarn, Linen&Cotton 2 Trees and "Plants, inl Vitriol Stone 1 do. W^ oollen& W^ orsted q mats, heavy / 2 Wadding 3 Yeast, load k) 2 T renails 2 Walnut Wood 1 do. English. lots 4 T ubing, brass 4 Warps,Cotton,fwi )) J5 3 > 5) 5) 3) Oats . . Malt . Bran . Pollard Flour 7 Quarters to the Ton. 8 10- 10 33 33 33 33 •33 33 8 Sachs or Bags X: lUUl • • • O k3dL.l\3 Ui yy Shelling. . 10 Loads or Packs „ I R 0 R. UNDAMAGE^^BLE. Bars Boiler Plates Railway Chairs, Wheels, and Axles Scrap Iron Chains loose, and Chain Cables Anchors Wire Iron (common) Rods do. Nail Sheets Bundles of Bars | in. or upwards Iron Retorts Gas and Water Pipes Cannon Balls DAMAGEABLE. Hoop Sheets Canada Plates Tin in Boxes Horse Nail Rods Bundles of Strips Galvanized Iron Corrugated Iron Bundles of Bars under | inch All Iron liable to damage or depreciation by moisture or breakage. The following shall be considered Half a Waggn Load of Cattle, &c. 3 Head of Cattle ) 1 5 Sheep | 9 Bacon Pigs • under. 12 Pork Pigs 12 Calves EMPTIES. Eeturned Empty Packages.— Carriage must be prepaid (unless there is a special arrangement with Consignees) at the following rates, viz. s. d. Not exceeding .50 Miles 0 3 per cwt. 100 „ 06 150 „ 09 200 ,, 1 0 250 ., I 3 jy yy yy 5) yy yy s. d. Not exceeding 300 Miles 1 G per cwt. 400 1 9 „ 500 „ 20 600 2 3 yy yy yy ;> Returned Empty Packages under 56 lbs. are canied at half-price, provided that the charge be in no case less than three pence each. ' ' ' * ' • The usual exceptions are allowed, viz, : Boards in Bundles' Wrappers and Sheets. Grain and Flour Sacks, Meat, Fruit, Hosiery and Butter Hampers. Cloths, Milk Cans, and Milk Casks. 21 12 GENERAL CLASSIFICATION OF GOODS, In consequence of the numerous Claims for the loss of Shoes, and until Parties were induced to provide proper Packages, with Locks, for the conveyance of them, it was thought desirable to charge for returned Empty Hampers . — {Goods Man. Min., 21st June, 1855. 699.) Returned Empty Crates, containing Straw, are to be charged for at Fourth Class Rates, carriage pre-paid. Scale of charges for Empty Vinegar Casks for Hill, Evans, and Co., Worcester, charged forward: — 6d. each for casks. Is. each for pipes. Scale Rate for Carriage of Returned Empty Ale Casks to Burton charged forward : — Miles. Kilderkins. Barrels and Hogheads. Butts. Under 50.. 4.H. each Os. 6d. each Os. 9d. each. 50 and under 100.. 61. Os. 9d. „ Is. Od. 99 100 and under 150.. 7^d. ?> Is. Od. „ Is. 3d. 99 150 and under 200., ....Os. loXd. Is. 3d. ,, Is. 6d. 99 200 and over Od. Is. 6d. „ Is, 9d. 99 WAGONS. STATION to STATION KATES for CONTRACTORS’ WAGONS and MATERIALS and LOCOMOTIVE ENGINES and TENDERS on their OWN WHEELS. Contractors’ Wagons and fTo 50 Miles inclusive ...3d. per Ton per Mile^ less Materials, excepting Iron 51 to 75 „ ...12s. 6d. per ton > Rails and Chairs (Above 75 ...2d. per Ton per Mile) person! Locomotive Engines and f To 100 Miles inclusive, ..2d per Ton per Mile) No less Tenders on their own -< 101 to 133 ...16s. 8d. per Ton. C oharge Wheels C Above 133 ... l^d. per Ton per Mile ) per’ton' N.B. — Engines and Tenders on their own Wheels, Contractors’ Wagons and Materials, to he prepaid. New Railway Wagons, on their own Wheels, if under 3 Tons weight, to be carried at 3d. per Wagon per Mile; if above that weight, 4d. per Wagon per mile. No less charge than 5s. to be made. If conveyed beyond 50 miles, the charge for Wagons of all weights to be 3d. per Waggon per mile. — (Goods Man. Min.., 3rd May, 1855. 680. GENERAL CLASSIFICATION OF GOODS. 13 TIMBER. Timber and Deals will be computed as under ; — Oak, Mahogany, Teak, Beech, or Ash, and Round Timber, 40 feet per ton. Pine, Dantzic, Riga, Fir, Memel, and any other Timber, not } mentioned above 3 ” Tons. Cwts. Qrs. Lbs. " Deals 2 10 0 0 per Standard Hundred. ROUND TIMBER. STATION to STATION RATES for ROUND TIMBER between TWO or MORE COMPANIES. Miles. Amount per Ton. Miles. Amount per Ton. Miles. Amount per Ton. s. d. S. d. S. d. 1 to 17 O 0 44 to 45 10 10 90 to 92 16 8 18 19 5 5 46 55 47 n 3 93 55 94 17 I 20 21 5 10 48 55 49 11 8 95 55 97 17 6 22 jj 23 6 3 50 55 64 12 1 98 55 99 17 11 24 J5 2o 6 8 65 55 67 12 6 100 55 102 18 4 26 27 1 1 68 55 69 12 il 103 55 104 1 18 9 28 29 7 6 70 55 72 13 4 105 55 107 1 19 2 30 5> 31 / 11 73 55 74 13 9 108 55 109 1 19 7 32 55 33 8 4 75 55 77 14 2 110 55 112 20 0 34 55 35 8 9 78 55 79 14 7 113 J5 114 I 20 5 36 55 37 9 2 80 5» 82 15 0 115 55 117 ' 20 10 38 55 39 9 7 83 55 84 15 5 118 55 119 i 21 3 40 55 41 10 0 8.5 55 87 15 10 120'^ 1 21 8 42 55 43 10 5 88 55 89 16 3 1 i * And all above 120 miles, 2d. per Ton per mile, and Is. Cd. added. k 51‘Corquodalc & Co., Printers, Loudon. — Works, Newton. 23 SfL'tK * & i: