L I B RAR.Y OF THE U N I VE.R.SITY OF ILLI NOIS 9733 BB3r Cop. £. lltHiOIS iSTBRfCAl SURVEY Wmmt HI ST0RV GURVCY #6 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://www.archive.org/details/revolutionarywarOObrum 'Revolutionary War Records VOLUME I, VIRGINIA > c o PQ REVOLUTIONARY WAR RECORDS VOLUME I, VIRGINIA VIRGINIA ARMY AND NAVY FORCES WITH BOUNTY LAND WARRANTS FOR VIRGINIA MILITARY DISTRICT OF OHIO, AND VIRGINIA MILITARY SCRIP; FROM FEDERAL AND STATE ARCHIVES By GAIUS MARCUS BRUMBAUGH M.D., M.S., LITT.D. WASHINGTON, D.C. 1936 Copyright, 1936 BY Gaius Marcus Brumbaugh Edition 500 Copies LANCASTER PRESS, INC. LANCASTER, PA. III. v PREFACE THE official archives herein presented have been carefully copied or photo- stated through the cooperation and approval of the Virginia State Library, Department of Archives, and of the United States Departments: The Navy (Naval Records and Library), The War (Adjutant General's Office), The State, The Interior (General Land Office), The Pension Office, The Veteran's Administration, and also The Library of Congress. Cordial thanks are hereby extended to the assisting officials and to the many friends who have also aided me in locating and securing copies of important records. Section I will be found to contain a mass of information concerning the Virginia State Navy, hitherto inaccessible, and of wide general interest. (3 ) illustrates an extensive collection of data concerning the State and National vessels and sailors, and soldiers, engaged in the Revolutionary war; planned to be later published in Volume II. Section II contains an extensive collection of authoritative official information \ of great importance to all who may be interested in each Bounty Land Warrant record therein presented. Searchers for information on the Illinois Regiment, Crockett's Regiment, the Western Army under command of General George Rogers o Clarke, Captain Francis Charloville' s Volunteers, Armand's Corps, etc. (1779), will N be particularly delighted in studying these pages (see under, "Organizations, ^Military "), which, I am authoritatively advised, contain the most extensive data available concerning the said forces. A similar opinion has been given concerning the bulk of this volume. I hope its contents may prove widely useful. (19), pp. 280-318, give the U. S. Treasury report on the officers and soldiers ^of the Virginia State Line and Navy and Continental Line, who were entitled to \^Land Scrip (satisfied and unsatisfied) for Revolutionary war services. With this exception "(2)" of Section I and all of Section II, "(4)" to "(18)," include all the various official reports available at the time of publishing this volume, as made by John H. Smith, Commissioner (See his numerous reports) "to examine Revolutionary documents (composed of a huge and chaotic mass scattered ^ throughout the offices) and to report to the Executive a list of names of persons entitled to unsatisfied claims on Va. for Bounty Land, etc." (see p. 85). Section III, (20) and (21), contains the extensive Lists of Bounty Land Warrants issued by Virginia with the cooperation of the Federal Land Office for v> location in the Virginia Military District of Ohio, indicating many thousands of the Revolutionary war soldiers, sailors and marines, and heirs and assigns. These important transcripts were made from the original lists secured by the Federal ^k Land Office from Richmond, and copied under special Federal official authority by Mrs. Julia E. C. Brush, Danbury, Conn. These copies became the property '-. of the late Miss Minnie F. Mickley, of Pa., who willed the same to the National ^ Genealogical Society ; the latter recently formally authorized publication in con- iii iv Revolutionary War Records, Virginia nection with extensive manuscripts of the author of this volume. Missing portions of the said copies were recently copied from the Federal Land Office records by Mrs. Maria E. B. Smith, of Washington, D. C. To the above men- tioned Society and its prominent assistants cordial thanks are hereby extended. Comparison of the similar records in the various sections and of various spellings of names will often furnish important additional information concerning each individual, service, organization, etc. The comprehensive index will materially aid and simplify research and greatly assist in extending family history and personal membership in the various National Patriotic Societies. The warrant numbers will make possible verification of individual service, dates, etc., obtainable at Washington or Richmond. Special attention is directed to the following letter concerning Military Bounty Land Warrants and Scrip from Antoinette Funk, Assistant Commis- sioner, General Land Office (U. S.) : UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, GENERAL LAND OFFICE WASHINGTON August 14, 1935. Dr. G. M. Brumbaugh, 905 Massachusetts Avenue N.W. Washington, D. C. Subject: Military bounty land warrants My dear Sir: Complying with your request of August 7, 1935, there is incorporated herein a copy of office letter "K" of December 27, 1934 (1577141), with permission to use same in an editorial, etc. "I have received your letter of November 19, requesting information concerning lands granted to veterans of various wars by both the Federal and State Governments. "The records of this office pertain to the public domain and the dis- position thereof. Therefore, this office has no records or information con- cerning military bounty land warrants issued to soldiers by any State except of certain military bounty land warrants issued by the Common- wealth of Virginia to her Revolutionary War soldiers, that were located within the Virginia Military District, Ohio. "Bounty land warrants for services in the Revolutionary War were issued by the States of Massachusetts, Maine, New York, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Pennsylvania. Informa- tion concerning such warrants may be procured from the proper State officials. "In regard to Virginia Military Bounty lands, your attention is in- vited to a report communicated to the first Congress on July 31, 1789, found in American State papers, Gales and Seaton edition, Vol. I, page 1, wherein it was reported : Preface 'That the Legislature of Virginia, by their act of the 2d of Janu- ary, 1 78 1, resolved that they would yield to the Congress of the United States, for the benefit of the said States, all right, title, and claim, which the said Commonwealth had to the northwest of the river Ohio, upon condition (among others in the said act expressed) that, in case the quantity of good lands on the southeast side of the Ohio, upon the waters of Cumberland river, and between the Green river and Tennessee river, which have been reserved by law for the Virginia troops upon continental establishment, should, from the North Carolina line, bearing in further upon the Cumber- land lands than was expected, prove insufficient for the legal bounties, the deficiencies should be made up to the troops in good lands, to be laid off between the rivers Scioto and Little Miami, on the northwest side of the river Ohio, in such proportions as have been engaged to them by the laws of Virginia. 'That Congress, by their act of the 13th of September, 1783, agreed to accept the said cession, on the condition above mentioned.' "This office has no information as to the number of Virginia military bounty land warrants that were located on lands in the States of Virginia and Kentucky. Such information may be procured from the Register of the Land Office at Richmond, Virginia, or the Auditor for State at Frank- fort, Kentucky. "The Virginia Military District records show that 8,888 of such war- rants were issued, practically all of which were surrendered to this office for location within said district in Ohio. These warrants were assignable. "This district embraces Clermont, Brown, Adams, Highland, Clinton, Fayette, Madison, Union and portions of Warren, Greene, Clark, Cham- paign, Logan, Hardin, Marion, Delaware, Franklin, Pickaway, Ross, Pike and Scioto Counties, Ohio. "These warrants ranged in area from 100 acres for a warrant issued to a private who served three years to 1100 acres to a general who served three years. Additional warrants were issued to soldiers who served for longer periods. "The Colonial Congress by a resolution passed September 16, 1776, made grants to the officers and soldiers who should engage in the service and continue therein to the close of the war, or until discharged by Con- gress, or to the representatives of such officers and soldiers as should be slain by the enemy. "Such lands were to be provided by the United States and the ex- pense in procuring them was to be borne by the States, as other expenses of the war; for a colonel 500 acres; for a lieutenant colonel 450 acres; for a major 400 acres; for a captain 300 acres; for a lieutenant 200 acres; for an ensign 150 acres; to each non-commissioned officer and soldier 100 acres. "August 12, 1780, the Continental Congress resolved that the land resolution of September 16, 1776, be extended so as to give a major general 1 1 00 acres, and a brigadier general 850 acres. vi Revolutionary War Records, Virginia "June I, 1796, Congress set apart a tract of land for bounty in the 'Northwestern Territory,'' now in the State of Ohio, for the officers and soldiers serving upon their establishment in the Revolutionary War, known as the ' United States Military District,' Ohio, of about 4,000 square miles, or 2,560,000 acres, embracing within its limits, in full or in part, the counties of Tuscarawas, Guernsey, Muskingum, Monroe, Coshocton, Holmes, Knox, Licking, Franklin, Delaware, Noble and Lake. "Fourteen thousand, two hundred and twenty U. S. Military bounty land warrants ranging in area from 100 to 1 100 acres were issued for loca- tion on lands within said U. S. Military District, Ohio. "The land warrants granted by the United States under the act above mentioned were restricted to and located exclusively in this military dis- trict until after the passage of the scrip act of May 30, 1830, by which the Revolutionary warrants issued either by the general Government or by the Commonwealth of Virginia, could be exchanged for scrip and the same located either in Ohio, Indiana or Illinois. " United States military warrants could also be located in the said dis- tricts up to July 3, 1832, when it was provided by an act of Congress that all the vacant lands therein should be made subject to private sale and the same were disposed of accordingly and went into private hands. ' ' After that time these U.S. warrants could either be converted into scrip under the said act of May 30, 1830, or the same could be located upon any of the public lands subject to sale at private entry, as the parties in interest might prefer. Scrip applications filed totaled 4,878. "Warrants can not now be located on the public lands. The locating privilege was denied except in the State of Missouri after the passage of the act of March 2, 1889 (25 Stat. 854). While there are a few scattered tracts in that State shown by our records to be vacant, such tracts may be occupied and improved and therefore not subject to entry by others. "A warrant for bounty lands may be used as cash in commuted home- stead, desert land, timber and stone entries, and for lands sold at public auction except ceded Indian lands in payment or part payment for lands that are subject to such entry. "The act of Congress of December 24, 181 1 (2 Stat. 669), entitled 'An Act for completing the existing Military Establishment,' provided that non- commissioned officers and soldiers of the War of 181 2, when discharged, should have 160 acres of land and additional bounty in cash, such land to be designated, surveyed, and laid off at the public expense in such manner and upon such terms and conditions as might be provided by law. ' ' The act of May 6, 1 8 1 2 (2 Stat. 728) , set apart six million acres of lands in Michigan, Illinois and Louisiana Territories for the purpose of satis- fying the bounties of 160 acres promised to said non-commissioned officers and soldiers of the War of 1812, by the act of December 24, 1811, supra, as well as by the act of January 11, 1812 (2 Stat. 671). The records show 28,085 160-acre warrants and 1101 320-acre warrants were surrendered for location in said States. Preface vii "Numerous acts were subsequently passed providing for the issuance and the location of military bounty land warrants on any public lands of the United States subject to appropriation. The principal ones are the acts of February n, 1847 (9 Stat. 123), September 28, 1850 (9 Stat. 520), March 22, 1852 (10 Stat. 3), and March 3, 1855 (10 Stat. 701). "The authority to issue warrants under said acts vests in the Director of Pensions, Veterans' Administration. The duties of this office pertain to the location and satisfaction of the warrants, including passing on the validity of the assignments thereof. "The acreage comprised in the warrants issued under these acts varied from 40 to 160 acres, depending upon the condition of service of the soldier. "The records show 7,585 40-acre warrants, and 80,689 160-acre war- rants issued under said act of February 11, 1847; that 103,978 40-acre warrants, 57,718 80-acre warrants and 27,450 160-acre warrants issued under said act of September 28, 1850; that 9,070 40-acre warrants, 1,699 80-acre warrants and 1,222 160-acre warrants issued under said act of March 22, 1852, and that 542 40-acre warrants, 359 60-acre warrants, 52,000 80-acre warrants, 100,000 120-acre warrants and 115,785 160-acre warrants issued under the act of March 3, 1855, supra. "No bounty land warrants issued for services in the Civil War inasmuch as bounties for services in that war were paid in cash. In fact no bounty land warrants have been issued for services in wars or battles occurring since March 3, 1855. "It is obvious from the above that it would be impracticable for this office to give you the total amount of land granted to soldiers subdivided by the various wars, the amount received by each soldier, or the approxi- mate value of the land at the time of the issuance of the warrants or the present value of the lands on which such warrants were located. The minimum price of public lands has long been $1 .25 per acre and outstanding military bounty land warrants are received as cash at the rate of $1.25 per acre as above stated, in making certain entries. "The records of this office are open to inspection by the public and may be examined by you if you desire further data regarding military bounty land warrant locations." Your attention is called to the fact that since the withdrawal of all unreserved unappropriated public land in 24 States by Executive orders of November 26, 1934 and February 5, 1935, military bounty land warrants can only be accepted as cash on entries that were made prior to said withdrawals. Very respectfully, (Signed) Antoinette Funk Assistant Commissioner. The originals of the warrant, deeds, etc., used as illustrations in this volume are owned by W. B. Lowdermilk & Co., book dealers, Washington, D. C. They kindly loaned my selections from their extensive stock of rare documents and viii Revolutionary War Records, Virginia their cooperation is much appreciated. Plate 4 containing the "Majority of Trustees for Town to be laid off on the Miss. River — Act of Present Assembly and Deputation of Officers for Va. and Continental and State Lines" appointing Gen. Geo. Rogers Clarke, Lt. Col. Charles Dabney, Lt. Col. Richard [C] Ander- son, Maj. Wm. Croghan and Capt. John Rogers, or any three of them to act, 17 Dec. 1783, is made from one of these originals and the subject is worthy of later study. Commander E. F. Leiper, U. S. Navy, Retired, Areola, Pa., kindly photo- graphed the original certificate from American Officers, prisoners in Philadelphia, testifying to the "unwearied attention of Mrs. Martha Gray." This hangs upon the walls of his library and the unusual document is reproduced in Plate 2. Dr. Jean Stephenson and Mr. Frank J. Metcalf, both of Washington, D. C, have also materially assisted, the latter discovered and abstracted the Half Pay Claims (pp. 538-590), the existence of which records was previously unknown and their publication here is done through much appreciated official permission. These records were probably overlooked in the War Department when the then existing pension records were transferred to the Pension Office. Section IV (24) "Bird-Samuels Papers": Original Records of Old Dunmore County, Va. — Census & Rev. War Rolls of 1775 (pp. 590-609) are part of a very important recent discovery of original records, some of which are reproduced in facsimile, through the combined cooperation and courtesy of Rev. W. Twyman Williams, of Hampden-Sydney, Va., and of Dr. Bernard Samuels, of New York City. Cordial thanks are hereby extended to them. The letter from Col. Benjamin Wilson to Col. Peter Muhlenburg and the obituary notice of the former, together with copies of other original documents to be later used, are furnished by Mr. C. J. Maxwell, a descendant, of Dallas, Texas, and by Miss Virginia Chevalier Cork, of Charleston, W. Va. Cordial thanks are extended to all these assistants and also to the Lancaster Press, Inc., printers, from which firm I have received the fullest cooperation in all details of the production of this volume. The full index adds materially to the practical value of the records. Names were often phonetically recorded and some readers may think some of the variants might have been omitted. The volume is submitted as a contribution to increase the knowledge concerning numerous patriotic Virginia services in the Revolu- tionary war, participants coming from Va., Mass., Pa., Md. and many other states — ancestors of loyal Americans scattered throughout the U. S. The results should largely extend the usefulness and strengthen the life and activities of all the National Patriotic Societies. Gaius Marcus Brumbaugh. Washington, D. C. June 30, 1936. CONTENTS Preface iii List of Illustrations xiii Section I Virginia State Navy Pages (i) Vessels (34), Officers and Seamen, Virginia State Navy with 49 Rolls of Vessels (Virginia Archives) 1-54 [Document No. 33 — "List No. 5"] (2) List of Officers of the State Navy (269) and of State Marines (30), Who Have Received Lands for Revolutionary Services, and of those Who Have Not Received Such Lands 54-66 (3) List of Non-Commissioned Officers, Seamen and Marines (483) Who are Entitled to lands for a Revolutionary War Service of Three Years 66-72 (3 ) Pension Abstracts, Virginia Sea Service 72-82 Section II [Document No. 30 — "No. 1"] (4) List of Officers of the Army and Navy Who Have received Lands from Virginia for Revolutionary Services, the Quantity and When Received; the Time of Service, etc., to September 1, 1833 (1350).. 85-122 [Document No. 31 — "No. 2"] (5) List of Officers of the Virginia Continental and State Lines and State Navy Whose Names Appear on the Army Register, Who Have Not Received Land for Revolutionary Services, etc. (356). . 123-144 (6) List of Officers in the State Line, State Continental and State Navy, etc. Prepared by order of Gov. John Floyd from Army Register in Auditor's Office (705) I45 _I 53 [Document No. 32 — "List No. 4"] (7) List of Officers of the Illinois Regiment (31), and of Crockett's Regi- ment (17) Who Have Received Land for Their Services. Legal Report, John H. Smith, Richmond, 19 Aug. 1833 154-164 (8) List of Officers of the Illinois Regiment Who Have Not Received Lands for Revolutionary Service (18) 164-165 ix x Revolutionary War Records, Virginia (9) List of Non-Commissioned Officers and Soldiers of the Illinois Regiment, and the Western Army Under Command of General George Rogers Clarke, Who are Entitled to Bounty in Land (600). 165-18 1 (10) List of Captain Francis Charloville's Volunteers Entitled to Two Hundred Acres of Land Each (28) 182 [Document No. 34 — "List. No. <5"] (11) List of that Portion of Armand's Corps (1779), Which was credited to Virginia as part of her quota, entitled to land from the United States, from Virginia (136), etc 182-186 (12) List of Soldiers (Virginians), Who were reported to the Senate of the United States as not having claimed the warrants for Bounty Land, which remained on file in the Bounty Land Office after January 16th, 1828 (7) 186 (13) List of Soldiers (of the Invalid Regiment, and Part of the Quota of Virginia) Who were reported to the Senate of the United States on 18th January, 1828, entitled to Bounty Land from the U. S. (9). 186 (14) List of Officers and Soldiers of the Virginia Continental Line, Who were reported in the Senate of the United States, entitled to Bounty Land from the U. S. (See Senate Docs. 1827-28), (322). . 186-190 (15) List of Officers and Soldiers, Who have been allowed Bounty Land by the Executive of Va. and who have not received warrants therefor (171) 190-194 (16) List of Non-Commissioned Officers and Soldiers reported to the Executive (in No. 3) as entitled to Bounty Land for Va. (88) 195-196 [Document No. 43, Richmond, i83S~\ (17) List of Non-Commissioned Officers and Soldiers of the Virginia State Line and Non-Commissioned Officers, Seamen and Marines of the State Navy, Whose Names are on the Army Register and Who have not received Bounty Land for Revolutionary Services; Richmond, 1835, John H. Smith, Comr. etc. (Army and Navy separated.) 197-218 [Document No. 44, Richmond, 1833^ (18) List of Non-Commissioned Officers and Soldiers of the Virginia Line on Continental Establishment, Whose names appear on the Army Register, and who have not received Bounty Land 219-279 \_23d Congress, 2d Session, 1834^ (19) Report from The Secretary of The Treasury In Obedience to a Resolution of The Senate of the 16th of June last, with statements showing the amount of Land Scrip issued (satisfied and unsatis- fied) to the Officers and Soldiers of the Virginia Line and Navy, and of the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War 280-318 Contents xi Section III (20) Virginia Military Land Warrants, Virginia Military District of Ohio, Granted for Revolutionary War Service; State Line and State Navy, Beginning February 14, 1782. (United States Land Office Records.) 321-386 (21) Virginia Military Land Warrants, Virginia Military District of Ohio, Granted for Revolutionary War Service; Continental State Line. (United States Land Office Records.) 387-525 Section IV (22) "Virginia State Troups on Virginia State Line" (Copied from Documents in the State Department" U. S. and Filed in N. R. and L.) 529-538 (23) Virginia and Other Half Pay Claims. (U. S. Adjutant General's Office, War Department.) See Section II, (7 to 10) 538-590 (24) "Bird-Samuels Papers": Original Records of Old Dunmore County, Va. — Census & Revolutionary War Rolls of 1775 590-609 (25) List of the Names of Those Persons Who Entered and Located Lands in the Virginia Military District in Ohio on Continental Establishment (Virginia State Archives) 609-617 Full Index 619 ILLUSTRATIONS Numbers 1. Bounty Land Warrant, Lewis Jones, Lieut. State Navy, 26 June, 1783 Frontispiece 2. Certificate from American Officers, Prisoners in Phila- delphia, Commending Mrs. Martha Gray, 29 January, 1778 facing page 24 3. Virginia Deed, 19 March, 1788, to Wm. Croghan, Assignee of John Pleet, State Line, Va. Military District of Ohio " " 92 4. Trustees, "Town to be laid off on the Mississippi river and the waters thereof," Va. Continental and State Lines, 17 December, 1783 " " 154 5. Deed from Commissioners Virginia Military District of Ohio for Abraham Chapline's Revolutionary War services, 18 July, 1788 " " 164 6. Captain John Denton's Census List, Dunmore County, November, 1775 " " 596 7. Henry Nelson, Junior's Census List, Dunmore County, November, 1775 " " 598 8-9. John Netherton's Census List, Dunmore County, No- vember, 1775 " " 600 10-12. Muster Roll, Alexander Machir's Company, Strasburg District " " 608 13. Letter from Colonel Benjamin Wilson to Colonel Peter Muehlenburg, 23 January, 1776 " " 608 SECTION I VIRGINIA STATE NAVY (,) to ( 3 a) Vessels (38), Officers and Seamen, Virginia State Navy The following authentic rolls (50) of the State Navy are reproduced from photostatic copies of official records furnished by the Virginia State Librarian and State Archivist and the U.S. Naval Records and Library. Accomac, Oct., 1777 Accomac, Sept., 1778 Adventure, 1776 American Congress, 1776 Caswell, 1776 Defiance, 1776 Diligence, 1777 & 1780 Dragon, 1776 Dragon, Sept. 2, 1779 Dragon, Oct. 7, 1779 Dragon Fly Gloucester Greyhound (Trade) Henry "Before Apr. 8, 1778" Hero, 1776 Hornet (Liberty) Dec, 1776 Jefferson, 1779, 1780 Lewis (Row Galley), 1776 Lewis (Galley), 1778 Lewis (Schooner — Trade), 1779 Liberty (Brig), 1776 Liberty (Sloop — Hornet) Liberty, Nov., 1779 Manley Note: The above numbers apparently refer to guns, as given in the records of the Virginia State Library. See also "Introduction" and pages 35, 39, 52 and numerous other pages in this volume. G. M. B. 65 Manley, 1779 30 9 Manley, Sept., 1779 15 3 Musquitto — see Henry (19) 13 7 Nicholson 3 6 Norfolk Revenge, 1776 9 6 Northampton, "90 or 100" 39 24 Page (2d Row Galley), 1776 8 32 Patriot, 1777 7 108 Peace & Plenty 4 21 Protector, 1776, 1777 33 139 Raliegh, 1776 5 7 Revenge, 1776 9 30 Row Galley 1st & 2d — 2 Safeguard, 1777 83 7i Scorpion, 1777 8 63 Tartar, 1776 14 2 Tartar, Sept., 1778 6 40 Tartar, 1779, 14; 1780 17 12 Tartar, 1779-80 (Navy Dept.) 17 3 Tempest, Sept., 1778 4 39 Tempest, Dec. 7, 1779 89 16 Tempest, 1779, "A," 12; "B" 13 — Virginia (Trade) 1 22 4 Washington (Trade), 1777 3 Rolls of Vessels of the Virginia State Navy (i) "Accomac" Galley, Officers and Men, October, 1777 Virginia State Navy (Virginia State Archives) Underhill, William, Capt. comd. & resigned 24(?)th July, 1779. Milliner, Ro., 1st Lieut, resigned 20th Aug. 1778, see Journal Navy Bd. Andrews, Ishmael, 2d Lieut, discharged from ye service Feb. 10th, 1779. 1. Harris, John, Lt. 26. 2. Marshall, Jenepher, Master 27. 3. Murray, David, Master Mate 28. 4. Howard or Hayward, Thos., Mid- 29. ship (*) 30. 5. White, William, Surgeon's Mate 31. 6. Webb, Ro., Pilot 32. 7. Field, John, Stew'd. & Clk. 33. 8. Cropper, John, Carpenter 34. 9. Wilson (Melson?), Levin, Cop. 35. Mate 36. 10. Johnson, Joshua, Boatswain (*) 37. 11. Taylor, Jabez, B. Mate (*) 38. 12. Broadwater, John, Gunner 39. 13. Waters, Isaac, G. Mate 40. 14. Simpson, William, Cook 41. 15. Mear (?), Bartholomew, Qr. M. 42. 16. Tunnells, William, Q. M. 43. 17. Tennells, Joseph, Private 44. 18. Rogers, Henry, Private 45. 19. Collins, Stephen, Private (*) 46. 20. Collins, James, Private (*) 47. 21. Broadwater, Covington, Private 48. 22. Andrews, William, Private 59. 23. Taylor, Daniel, Private (*) 50. 24. Chance, Shadrack, Private (*) 51. 25. Johnston, Isaiah, Private "N.B. The persons whose names are marked (*) in black ink have been reported to the executive in the case of Wm. Tennells and 23 others desiring Warrington, James, Private Taylor, Severn (Levern?), Private Taylor, Ayres, Private (*) Moore, Stephen, Private Simpson, Elisha, Private Simpson, Hancock, Private Warrington, Stephen, Private Bloxsom George, Private Bloxsom, Stephen, Private Johnson, John, Private Darby, Ayres, Private Taylor, Thomas, Private (*) Paradise, Merit, Private (*) Walker, James, Private Riggs, William, Private (*) Joynes, Edwd., Private Macklin, Edwd., Private Kingston, Negro, Private Towsand, Tho., Private Button, Michael, Private Tobey, Tho., Private Stewart, Geo., Private Harris, John, Midship. 1 Bloxsum, Scarborough, Midship. 2 Pitts, John, Surgeon 3 Hays, William * I to 4 see 1st Vol. Navy Papers, 1779. 1 Appointed January 26, 1778 (48). 2 Appointed August 28, 1777 (49). 3 Appointed October 6, 1777 (50). Virginia State Navy, Vessels, etc. 5 land bounty as entitled, etc., also Geo. B. Riggs, Laban Marriner, Wm. Miles, Elisha Madrid, Miles Worthan, Elijah Ross, Geo. Beckett, Spencer Wartens, John White, Tho. Hartins, Daniel Lewis, Jacob Philips, James Tunnells & Jos. Webb." Officers on Board the "Accomac" in September, 1778 "A copy of a Memo, on the back of loose sheets of the Navy Board in the 1st Auditor's Office," Richmond, Va. [Underbill, William, Capt. ; Aug. 6, 1777; date of comm. (5,333!).* Milliner, Ro., 1st Lieut., Aug. 18, 1777 (4,000). Andrews, Ishmael, 2d Lieut., Aug. 10, 1777. Marshall, Jenniphir, Master, Aug. 14, 1777 (2,666f). Murray, David, Master's Mate, Dec. 20, 1777. Pitts, John, Surgeon, Oct. 6, 1777 (6,000 3 yrs.). White, William, Surgeon's Mate, Oct. 6, 1777. Bloxsum, Scarborough, Mid., Aug. 28, 1777. Harris, John, Mid., Jan. 20, 1778. "Adventure" Schooner — Virginia State Navy Saunders, Wm., Capt.; appointed by Comm. of Safety, 1st Mate, Apr. 1, 1776; Capt. by Comm. of S., June 6, 1776; received commission from the Governor July 20, 1776. Lightburn, Richard, Lieut. Lawson, "Caswell" Galley — Virginia State Navy Wilson, Willis, Capt. ; appointed Sept. 7, 1776; appointed to command of Jefferson Dec. 1, 1780. Herbert, Argyle, 1st Lieut., Dec. 5, 1776. Blaws, Ro., 2d Lieut., Apr. 26, 1777; resigned July 22, 1777. Bourk, Chas. Jaynes, Lieut.; turned over to Caswell Aug. 30, 1777. Bell, Wm. (Lucilto?) (Scoville?), Surgeon, Sept. n, 1776. Peaton, Solomon. "Congress" Sloop — Virginia State Navy Skinner, William, Capt., Nov. 26, 1776; vice Boucher resigned. Cabell, Absalm, 1st Lieut.; vice Skinner pro. Jan. 7, 1777. Crawford, Brannon, John, Qmr. Marines on board March, 1/76 Allison, John, Capt. Payne, Wm., Lieut. Moody, James, 2d Lieut. * Figures in "( )" refer to acres, Bounty Land Warrants. Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Officers on board, 1776 John Boucher, Commd. Daniel Triplett, Midship. William Skinner, 1st Lieut. John Richards, Gunner John Thomas, 2d Lieut. Robert Cary, Boatswain George Hunter, Doctor John Dunlevy, Clerk Charles L. Broadwater, Midship. Joseph Catherines, Steward Marines on board, 1776 John Allison, Capt. James Bolton, Sergt. Robert Winsor Brown, 1st Lieut. John Adams, Corp. James Moody, 2d Lieut. John Huey, Corp. John Buffin, Sergt., Adjt. Henry Rhodes, Corp. John Philips, Sergt. Vollantine Pears, Corp. John Stone, Sergt. (This certified list is filed in N. R. & L., case of Capt. William Skinner. See the latter for various affidavits of much interest from and concerning officers, etc. See Vol. 2. G.M.B.) "Defiance" Sloop — Virginia State Navy Callender, Elazer, Capt.; appointed by Comm. of Safety; comm. July 20, 1776. Green, William, 1st. Lieut.; comm. July 20, 1776; comm. Capt. vice Callender Dec. 6, 1776, and John Crew 1st Lieut, vice Green pro. Jones, Lewis, 2d Lieut., July 20, 1776. Green, Wm., Capt., Dec, 1776. Johnston, Dr. Wm., Surgeon. "There is on file in this office a memo, book in the handwriting of Jno. H. Smith, late Commissioner for the examination of Revolutionary accounts in which is found an entry of which the foregoing is a true copy." From certificate at- tached to a copy of the above entry, the Sloop Defiance, per Mr. Vincent, July 28, 1851. "Diligence" Galley — Virginia State Navy, October, 1777 Watson, Johannes, Capt.; comm. resigned July 24, 1779 Parker, Richard, 1st Lieut.; comm. Carmon, Jesse, 2d Lieut.; comm. Stewart, George (rank illegible) ; comm. Bouswell (?), Thos., Midship. Byrd, Levin, Pilot Carmon, Luke, Midship. Beech, Benja., Mr. Mate Lowell, Thos., Steward White, Jacobus, Carpenter Bailey, Laban, Mr. at Arms Philips, Jacob, Boatswain 1 Roily, James, Gunner's Mate. 2 Simpson, Sclattul, Master at Arms Romas (Pomas?), Adam, Capt. Mate Powell, Solomon, Quartermaster Stevens, Simon, Cook Phillips, William, Seaman Bailey, Southey, Seaman Amis, Levi, Seaman Hornby, John, Seaman Hammond, Tyson, Seaman Roberts, James, Seaman Fisher, Isaac, Seaman 1 See Navy Papers, Vol. I, Oct. and Dec, 1779 (8 names). 2 See Navy Papers, Vol. I, May, 1780 (all below). Virginia State Navy, Vessels, etc. Jan. 20, 1779, Dr. Gait was ordered to — — board the Diligence. (See Navy Journal, 584.) up for 60 men on "Dragon" Ship — Virginia State Navy 1. Callender, Eliezer, Capt.; appointed by Comm. of Safety Apr. 1, 1776; Capt. 2d Cruiser on Rappahannock July 20, 1776; his officers received comms. from the Governor as officers of the Defiance (the Courier? being given that name). Dec. 19, 1776 he was appointed to superintend building of the Dragon at Fredericksburg. Oct. 9, 1777 recommended as Capt. of Hornet, which vessel he commanded until middle of July, 1779. 2. Lurtey, John, 1st Lieut. ; his comm. of 1st Lieut. Page delivered to him Aug. 2, 1776; recommended 1st Lieut. Dragon Oct. 9, 1777; recommended Capt. in the Navy Apr. 9, 1778 and commanded Northampton and Tartar at different times. 3. Hamilton, Jno. (3 years), 2d Lieut.; recommended as Lieut, in the Navy Apr. 4, 1778. 4. Montague, Richd., Lieut.; recommended as Lieut, in the Navy, Feb. 9, 1779. 5. Brown, Dr., Surgeon 6. Henderson, David, Midship. 7. Anderson, David, Midship. 8. Hall, Jonathan, Midship. 9. Page, Wm. 10. Fry, Thos. 11. Mayhorn, Geo. 12. Crowder, Joshua 13. Massey, Peter 14. Moore, Lott 15. Humphries, James 16. Webb, Francis 17. Wills, Henry, Midship. 18. Frost, Carter 19. Thorp, 20. Kent, Joshua (p. 470, N. J.) 21. Downton, Wm. (drew land) 22. Brown, Jonathan 23. Taylor, Jessee 24. West, James 25. Dudley, John 26. Lewis, Wyatt 27. Coates, Wm. 28. Curtis, James 29. "Chiles," John 30. Barns, Griffin 31. Gaskins, Thos. 32. Bingham, Philip "It is probable Capt. Callender had his full number of men. The foregoing list, however, contains all that I have been able to find belonging to him, except those whose names are in the following Returns taken from Vol. I Navy Papers." Taken from Navy Papers, Vol. I, and Council Journal and Navy Journal and Proc. of Comm. of Safety. (Originals, Va. Archives, Richmond, Va., p. 13.) Sept. 8, 1778, Capt. was authorized by the Navy Board to receive 6 men from the Manly and as many as he wanted from the Page galley. "A List of Men of the "Dragon" wanting provns. for 30 Days Endorsed Sept. 2, 1779 (names only retained). 1. Markham, James (6,501) Capt. 2. Singleton, Joshua, Lieut. (2,666|) 3. Swope, John (6,000), Surgen 4. Moore, John, Master 5. Saunders, Jos., Mr. Mate 6. Smart, Richard, Mr. Mate Revolutionary War Records, Virginia 7- Eskridge, Edwin, Midship. 53. Tate, Jessee, Private 8. Webb, Francis, Midship. 54. Coats, Samuel (100), Private 9. Dawson, Thos., Midship. 55- Powers, Jacob, Private 10. Kinzer, Howson, Midship. 56. Hinton, Lewis, Private 11. Mittall, Iresoon, Midship. 57- Edwards, Wm. (100), Private 12. McWilliams, Joshua, Midship. 58. Fisher, Wm., Private 13- Nail, Presley, Midship. 59- Haw, Wm., Private 14. Booth, Wm., Pilot 60. Chiles, John, Private 15- Hughs, Wm., Gunner 61. Ranger, Joseph, Private 16. Allen, Thos. Boatswain 62. Woods, Thos., Private 17- Mitchell, Thos., Steward 63. Balson, Thos. (100), Private 18. Sandall, Arman, Private 64. Lee, James, Private 19. Hays, Alexander, Private 65- Dudley, John, Private 20. Evans, Philip, Private 66. Schofield, Ro., Private 21. Manghon (?), Geo., Private 67. Ammley (?) Saml., Private 22. Dorton, Wm., Private 68. Carter, Francis, Private 23- Hall, John, Private 69. Skinner, Elisha, Private 24. Brown, Harry, Private 70. Swift, Philip, Private 25- West, Wm., Private 71. Coats, John, Private 26. Bevear, Wiatt, Private 72. Temple, Alexander (100), Private 27. Brown, Jonathan, Private 73- Brown, John (100), Private 28. Brown, Joseph, Private 74- Gibbs (Gible?), James, Private 29. Humphries, Saml., Private 75- Coats, Jesse, Private 30. Cassey, J as., Private 76. Tapscott, John (100), Private 31. Vassey, Peter, Private 77- Whale, John, Private 32. Hubbard, Chas., Private 78. Richard, Lewis, Private 33- Nellims, Meredith, Private 79- Beatty, Ralph (100), Private 34- Morgan, James, Private 80. Sewings (?), Lawrence, Private 35- Fleetwood Isaac, Private 81. Kenner, Rhodum (100), Private 36. Reaves, James, Private 82. Ashburn, Lott, Private 37- Wilder, Geo. (100), Private 83- Tulley, Mathew, Private 38. Davis, John (100), Private 84. Daniel, Thos. (100), Private 39- Jones, Charles, Private 85- Lewis, Ambrose, Private 40. Wilder, Jas. (100), Private 86. Davis, Daniel, Private 41. Norman, Wm. (100), Private 87. Price, Edward, Private 42. White, John (100), Private 88. Bailiff, Peter, Private 43- Mortimer, James, Private 89. Wicking (Nicking?), Jas. (100), 44. Tarlick, John, Private Private 45- Coats, Wm., Private 90. Williams, Moses (100), Private 46. Tosscot, Ezekiel (100), Private 91. "Cudbirth or Cuthbert," Gill, 47- Loury, Wm. (100), Private Private 48. Procure, Thos., Private 92. Tapley, Wm., Private 49- Glenendy, Geo., Private 93- Brent, John, Private 50. Lewis, Chas., Private 94. Prosser, John, Private 5i- Latcher, Wm., Private 95- Hulbard, Jesse, Private 52. Marks, Anthony, Private 96. Jennings, James, Private Virginia State Navy, Vessels, etc. 97. Pope, Thos., Private 98. Coats, Edwey, Private 99. Nut, Thomas (100), Private 100. Carr, John, Private 101. Hart, Darby, Private 102. Bingham, Philip, Private 103. Coats, Thos., Private 104. Blindle, Seth, Private 105. Browne, Dr. Daniel, Surgeon 106. Henderson, David (2,666§), Midship. Signed by Jos. Saunders. Countersigned by Jas. James, P. Bd. War. Officers on Board the "Dragon," October 7, 1779 James Markham, Capt. Joshua Singleton, Lieut. Lieut. Fields, John Swope, Doctor John Moor, Mastr. Edwin Eskridge Frad. Webb Joshua McWilliams (This list is contained in the P. B., R 98, case of Dr. John Swope, Vol. 2.) A Return of Sugar and Coffee to be Drawn for the Officers on Board the "Dragon" (Names only entered). Oct. 7, 1779 (Va. Library). 1. Markham, James, Capt. 2. Singleton, Joshua, Lieut., " signed in 1777." 3. Fields, Theophilus, Lieut. 4. Swope, John, Lieut. 5. Moore, John, Master 6. Eskridge, Edwin, Midship. 7. Webb, Francis, Midship. 8. McWilliams, Joshua, Midship. 9. Nuttall, Ireson, Midship. 10. Dawson, Thos., Midship. 11. Kenner, Howsen, Midship, re- 12. "Weil" (or Neil?), Priesly, Mid- ship. 13. Saunders, Jos., Master Mate 14. Smart, Richd., Master Mate 15. Booth, Wm., Pilot 16. Hughs, Wm., Gunner 17. Allen, Thos., Boatswain 18. Evans, Philip, Carpenter 19. Mitchell, Thos., Steward For August and Sept., 1779. Thomas Mitchell, Steward, gave his receipt for the articles. (Signed) Joshua Singleton James Barron A Return of Sugar and Coffee to be Drawn for the Officers on Board the "Dragon;" Oct. 7, 1779. (N. D.) Markham, James, Capt. Singleton, Joshua, Lieut. Fields, Lieut. Swope, John, Doctor Moor, John, Master Eskridge, Edwin, Midship. Webb, Fras, Midship. McWilliams, Joshua, Midship. Coffee 4; B. Sugar 12; Loaf Sugar 6. 4 12 4 12 4 12 4 12 2 10 2 10 2 10 10 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Nuttall, Iverson, Midship. Dawson, Thos., Midship. Kenner, Howsen, Midship. Neil, Presley, Midship. Sanders, Joseph, Master Mate Smart, Richard, Master Mate Both, William, Pilot Hues, William, Gunner Allen, Thomas, Boatswain Evans, Phillip, Carpenter Mitchell, Thomas, Steward Reed. Oct. 7, 1779, of William Armisted, the above 48 pds. Coffee and 200 pds. Sugar for which I am to acct. and pay for. Thomas Mitchell The above is a true copy of a paper to be found in 1st Vol. of papers concerning the State Navy given under my hand at the Auditor's Office, Richmond, this 8th day of Jan., 1846. Jas. E. Heath, Auditor P. Acct. 2 10 2 IO 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 IO 2 IO 2 IO 2 10 2 10 2 10 Joshua Singleton Jas. Barron "A List of Officers and Seamen of the [Virginia] State Navy belong- ing to the "Dragon"; Captain Eleaser Callender." * Names W 1. Almond, John 2. Allen, Thomas 3. Ajoring, Peter 4. Angel, Joseph 5. Brown, David, Surgeon 6. Bennett, Charles, Sails Mast 7. Bertrange, John 8. Beshan, Presley 9. Bowen.John 10. Bowing, Joshua 11. Brown, John 12. Biggs, Thomas 13. Ball, John 14. Callender, Eleaser, Capt. 15. Cheesman, Thomas 16. Curvell James 17. Crowder, Robert en ente red service When discharged or paid Feb. IhI777 Feb. n, 1777, "deserted" Apr. 22, 1777 Jan. 20, 1779 Jan. 20, I778 Aug. 19, "deserted" Mar. 30, I778 Jan. 20, 1779 July 21,1777 May 13,1778 Mar. 17,1777 Jan. 20, 1779 Mar. 17,1777 Jan. 20, 1779 Mar. 16, I777 May 13, 1778 Mar. 3. 1777 Nov. 27, 1778, "died" July 8, 1777 Mar. 1, 1778, "exchanged" Mar. 30, 1778 Jan. 20, 1779 June 15. 1778 Jan. 20, 1779 Jan. 20, 1779 Dec. 13. 1776 Jan. 20, 1779 June 8,1777 Jan. 20, 1779 Feb. 7,1777 Feb. 17,1777 Jan. 20, 1779 * Pages 37 to 40 in "Papers Concerning the State Navy," Va. Archives. Virginia State Navy, Vessels, etc. 11 Names 1 8. Crowder, Joshua 19. Coats, Edney 20. Craghill, Nathaniel, Midship 21. Coats, Jesse 22. Coats, Thomas 23. Coats, Raleigh 24. Carter, Anthony 25. Carions, Peter 26. Crow, Anthony 27. Carter, Francis 28. Chaldron, Francisway 29. Coats, Samuel 30. Daniel, Thomas 31. Davis, John 32. Dickinson, George 33. Davis, Alexander, 2d Mr. 34. Dearing, James 35. Douglass, William 36. Downton, William, Gunner's Mate 37. Dudley, John 38. Dawson, Thomas, Midship. 39. Edge, John 40. Evan, Philip 41. Frost, Carter 42. Foyle, Robert 43. Fisher, William 44. Ford, Joseph 45. Fry, Thomas 46. Fleetwood, Isaac 47. George, Jesse 48. Garrings, Laurence 49. Glendenny, George 50. Granberry, John, S. Master 51. Hunton, Thomas 52. Henderson, David, Midship. 53. Hanney, Spencer 54. Hall, John, Cook 55. Hill, Martin 56. Heister, Ezekiel 57. Hubbard, Charles 58. Hinton, William 59. Hart, Darby 60. Hays, Alexander 61. Hudgens, Ridgnell When entered service When discharged or paid Feb. 18, 1777 Jan. 20, 1779 May 17, 1777 Jan. 20 1779 p. June 6, 1777 July 24 1777 Oct. 8, 1777 Jan. 20 -1779 Oct. 8, 1777 Jan. 20 -1779 Oct. 8, 1777 Jan. 20 -1779 Oct. 28, 1777 Dec. 16 "deserted" Nov. 7, 1778 Nov. 23 "deserted" Jan. 20, 1778 Aug. 19 "deserted" Nov. 5, 1777 Jan. 20 Jan. 20 1779 1779 Mar. 30, 1778 Jan. 20 .1779 Jan. 25, 1777 Jan. 20 1779 Jan. 30, 1777 Jan. 20 1779 Jan. 22, 1777 Sept. 23 1777 Aug. 10, 1777 May 13 1778 Sept. 16, 1777 Nov. 21 "died" Oct. 22, 1777 Dec. 16 Jan. 20 Jan. 20 "deserted" 1779 1779 Sept. 12, 1778 Jan. 20 1779 Sept. 1,1777 May 13 1778, "deserted" Feb. 9, 1778 Jan. 20 Jan. 20 1779 1779 Jan. 8, 1778 Mar., 1778, "deserted" Mar. 15, 1778 May 20 1779 Feb. 27, 1777 July 4 "deserted" Apr. 17, 1777 Jan. 20 1779 Jan. 16, 1778 Jan. 20 1779 Oct. 12, 1777 May 3 1778 Nov. 5, 1778 Jan. 20 1779 Sept. 5.1777 Jan. 20 1779 Jan. 24, 1778 May 13 "discharged" June 5, 1777 Sept. 1 1 777, " discharged " . Apr. 1, 1777 Jan. 20 1779 Mar. 4, 1777 Nov. — 1777 Mar. 29, 1777 Jan. 20 1779 Feb. 16, 1777 Aug. 13 "died" Mar. 4, 1777 June 28 "died" Mar. 15, 1777 Jan. 20 1779 Mar. 17, 1777 Jan. 20 1779 Apr. 29, 1777 Jan. 20 1779 Sept. 17, 1777 Jan. 20 1779 June 15, 1777 Feb. 4 1778, "died" 12 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Names When entered service When discharged or paid 62. Hoggan, Henry July 23,1777 Jan. 20,1779 63. Hall, Jonathan Jan. 20, I779 64. Humphries (?) — see " Umphries" 65. Jennings, James Sept. 10, 1777 Jan. 20, I779 66. Knowles, John, Capt . Mate Feb. 26, Jan. 2,1779 67. Kent, Wm. Jan. 20, 1779 68. Lurty, John, Lieut. Apr. 17, 1777 May 3, 1778 69. Laws, John, Boatswains Mate Jan. 29, 1777 Jan. 20, 1779 70. Laws, Charles Apr. 15, 1778 Jan. 20, I779 7i- Lewis, Charles Apr. 15, 1778 Jan. 20, 1779 72. Lucas, John Sept. 10, 1777 Jan. 20, I779 73- Lee, James Sept. 4,1777 Jan. 20, I779 74- Lane, John Jan. 8, 1778 Mar. . 1778, "deserted" 75- Longwash, Joseph Jan. 20, 1778 Aug. > > "deserted" 76. Lewis, Ambrose Mar. 30, 1778 Jan. 20, I779 77- Lovell, Morris Jan. 20, I778 78. Lowry, William Jan. 20, I778 79- Mahorn, George Feb. 14, 1777 Jan. 20, 1779 80. Mahorn, John Feb. 22, 1777 Jan. 20, I779 81. Moore, Limeford Mar. 4, 1777 Sept. .23, I778 82. McDaniel, James May 3, 1777 Nov. 23. 1778, "deserted" 83. McArvoy, Stephen May 3, 1777 Nov. 23. 1778, "deserted" 84. Montague Richard, Midship. July 7, 1777 Jan. 20, I779 85. Mitchell, Thomas Nov. 5, 1778 Jan. 20, I779 86. Mitchell, Peter Nov. 5, 1778 Jan. 20, 1779 87. Mark, Anthony Nov. 5, 1778 Jan. 20, I779 88. 89. Mil van, Mathew Nuttall, John Mar. 10, 1779 Feb. 22, 1777 Jan. 20, I779 90. Nuttall, Iverson Feb. 22, 1777 Jan. 20, I779 91. Neil, John May 3, 1777 Mar. 19. 1778, "deserted" 92. Nickelburn, John Newbell, Zachariah Jan. 20, 1778 Aug. Jan. i 1 20, I779 "deserted" 93- 94. "Owens", Evan Sept. 12, 1777 Nov. 30- 1777,' 'discharged" 95- "Owen", Ephraim Sept. 16, 1777 Dec. 3-1777.' 'discharged" 96. Overthrow, Samuel Dec. 12, 1777 Mar. 10, 1778 97- "Owens," Willam Jan. 20, 1779 98. Powers, Jacob Jan. 22, 1777 Jan. 20, 1779 99- Philipion, John Feb. 23, 1777 Oct. 29,1778 100. "Playl,"John Feb. 18, 1777 Aug. 18,1778, "deserted, paid Jan. 20, 1779" IOI. Pope, Thomas Sept. 10, 1777 Jan. 20, 1779 102. Procure, Thomas Sept. 10, 1777 Jan. 20, 1779 103. Rambourg (Ramburg?), John 1 Mar. 17, 1777 Mar. 30, "deserted" Virginia State Navy, Vessels, etc. 13 Names When entered service When discharged or paid 104. Reives, James Feb. 8,1777 Jan. 20, I779 105. Richards, Lewis Nov. 5.1778 Jan. 20, I779 106. Rust, Benjamin, Midship. June 9, 1777 Jan. 20, I779 107. Russell, John July 15.1777 Jan. 20, 1779 108. Roberts, Philip Aug. 4. 1777 Feb. 18, 1778, "deserted" 109. Revears(?) (Rivier?), Wiatt (Wyatt) Jan. 0/"\ T *7*7rf"V 20, 1779 no. Saunders, Joseph Mar. 4.1777 Jan. 20, 1779 III. Swift, Philip May 3.1777 Jan. 20, I779 112. Steele, Thomas Dec. 1,1778 Dec. 21, I778 113- Sullivan, John June 15.1778 Jan. 20, I779 114. Skinner, Elisha Aug. 12, 1778 Jan. 20, I779 ii5- "Turlie(Turlick),"John Feb. 7. 1777 Jan. 20, I779 116. Tully, Matthew Feb. 7. 1777 Jan. 20, I779 117. Tapscott, Ezekiel Mar. 19, 1777 Jan. 20, I779 118. Tapscott, John Mar. 19, 1777 Jan. 20, I779 119. Tutt, James June 25,1777 Jan. 24, 1778, "discharged by Navy Bd." 120. Temple, Alexander July 3LI777 Jan. 20, 1779 121. Tate, Jesse Sept. 10, 1777 Jan. 20, 1779 122. Thatcher, William Mar. 30, 1778 Jan. 20, 1779 T •"> "? Taylor, Jesse Jan. 20, 1779 123. 124. " Umphries," James May 12,1777 Nov. 24, 1778, "died" 125- "Umphreys," Samuel Aug. 12,1777 Jan. 20, 1779 126. Vasey, Peter Apr. 29, 1777 Jan. 20, 1779 127. West, James Jan. •*>tf"\ T *7*7rv 20, I779 128. Watson, Thomas, 2d Mr. Mar. 2i,i777 Sept . 2, 1777, "died" 129. Wood, Thomas Apr. 21,1778 Jan. 20, 1779 130. Wilder, George Mar. 30, 1778 Jan. 20, 1779 131- Wilder, James Mar. 1. 1777 Jan. 20, 1779 132. Whitt, Richard May 20, 1777 June 4, " discharged for bad behavior" 133- Webb, Francis, Midship. Mar. 1,1778 Jan. 20, 1779 134- Wilson, Alvin, Midship. Mar. 1,1778 Jan. 20, 1779 135- Whale, John Mar. 30, 1778 Jan. 20, 1779 136. Wood, Allen Jan. OC\ T *71C\ 20, 1779 137- Willis, Henry Sept. 6, 1778 138. Playl(Wayl?),John Feb. 18,1777 Aug. 18, 1778, "deserted, paid Jan. 20, 1779" "This list was copied from a list (the original paper) in the hands of David Henderson, Esq., of Fredericksburg." (Written upon page 40 of the original record in the Virginia Archives, Richmond, Va.) 14 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Boat "Fly," Virginia State Navy Chamberlayne, Lt. Com'd. Jennings, John, S. Mast. 2,666f Lowe, T. Kent, Joshua Clarke, Wm. Pate, Mathew Butler, Henry Parker, William Livingston, Dr. 6,000 Aug. 10, 1779, Capt. Saunders ordered to furnish men for Boat Fly, etc. Ship "Glocester," Virginia State Navy 1. Lilly, Tho., Capt. 2. Christian, Wm., Lieut. 3. Archer, 2d Lieut. 1 4. Christie, Dr., Surgeon 5. Brown, George, Midship. 6. Epperson, Richard, Midship. 7. Bosworth, Obediah 8. " Dawsey or Dorsey," Lawrence 9. Morrison, Anthony 10. Nicken, Edward 11. Nicken, James 12. Bateman, James 13. Haynes, Peter 14. Jones, Ro. 15. George, Samuel (*) 16. Gill, Thomas (*) 17. Partridge Samuel (*) 18. Dowling, John (*) 19. Nicken, Hezekiah (*) 20. Haws (or Howe?), Wm. (*) 21. Hubbard, James (*) 22. Summerson, Gavin f 23. Dove, James f 24. Pope, William f 25. Hinton, Spence f 26. Moore, John f 2"]. Smart, Richd.f 28. Cooke, John \ 29. Stott, Wm. 2 1 30. Cooke, Dawson 3 July 5. 1779 The Ship "G/os/er" ordered to be dismantled ; her crew and stores transferred, etc., and her hull, etc., sold. "Greyhound" Brigantine (Employed in Trade) Woneycutt, Edward, Capt., Dec. 4, 1776 Rogers, George, Mate, Feb. 22, 1777 (3,533a) "Henry" Galley, Officers and Men, Virginia State Navy 1. Tompkins, Ro. Capt. 4 2. Singleton, Joshua, 1st Lieut. 5 3. Tompkins, Christo. 2d Lieut. 6 4. Read, Francis, 1st Mate * 8 to 21 see Navy Jour., p. 310. f 22 to 29 see Navy Jour., p. 488. 1 Recommended Aug. 27, 1777 (3). 2 Drew as Lieut. 26665 ( 2 9)- 3 Midship. 26661; Navy Jour., p. 362 (30). 4 Capt. of a galley in York river before July 6, 1776; comm. Nov. 28, 1776 (1). 6 1st Lieut. Manley galley before July, 1776; comm. vice Chamberlayne and sent to brig Musquitto (resigned comm. Dec. 16, 1779) (2). 6 2d Lieut; comm. Apr. 3, 1777 (resigned comm. Jan. 14, 1779) (3). Virginia State Navy, Vessels, etc. 15 5. Dobson, Ro., Midship. 34. 6. Dunford, William, Master 35. 7. Hall, Ro., Mr. Mate 36. 8. Swope, John, Surgeon 37. 9. Arnando, Ambrose, Gunner 38. 10. Moss, Starkey, Carp. 39. 11. Norton (Worton?), John, Boatswain 40. 12. Foster, Peter, Carp. Mate 41. 13. Wollage (Nollage?), Edward, 42. Boatswain's Mate 43. 14. Horn, Francis, Sailmaker 44. 15. Brown, Francis, Steward 45. 16. Lucas, William, Clerk 46. 17. Moss, Francis, Mariner 47. 18. Willis, James, 2d Master 48. 19. Dodd, Newcomb, 2d Master 49. 20. Lucas, William, Master at Arms 50. 21. Revell, John, Seaman 51. 22. Minter, James, Seaman 52. 23. Bander, John, Seaman 53. 24. Jarvis, William, Seaman 54. 25. Moore, Dunford, Seaman 55. 26. Saunders, Richd. Seaman 56. 27. Brumlay, Philip, Seaman 57. 28. Pippen, William, Seaman 58. 29. Cleveriess (?), John, Seaman 59. 30. Wilson, John, Seaman 60. 31. Moore, Edward, Seaman 61. 32. Peters, James, Seaman 62. 33. Donovan, Michael, Seaman Hall, Spencer, Seaman Donohow, Henry, Seaman Bingham, Hugh Boatswain Malone, Jerry, Seaman Cunningham, Michael, Seaman Welsh, Patrick, Seaman Cavener, Saml., Seaman Williams, James, Seaman Clark, John, Seaman Edwards, Enoch, Seaman Prosser, John, Seaman Fitzhugh, John, Seaman Hall, George, Seaman Darby, Ayers, Seaman Herman, Curtis, Seaman White, John, Seaman Lucas, Charles, Seaman Wilkinson, Stephen, Seaman Lucas, James, Seaman Edwards, Geo., Seaman Byrd, Fred, Seaman Williams, Wm., Seaman Pippen, Banister, Seaman Foster, Voss, Seaman Scarborough, Nicholas, Seaman Brumley, William, Seaman Foster, Voss (deserted), Seaman Brown, Geo., Midship. 1 Stoll, Wm., Boatswain. 2 The above is an abstract of a payroll signed by Wm. Stoll, Boatswain. 2 There is no date to it, but the payroll must have been made out before Apr. 8, 1778, then Lieut. Singleton took command pro tern. Lieut. Singleton (Joshua) took command of the Henry Galley, April 8, 1778; and a short time after Capt. Wright Westcott commanded her. The following 9 first-named men belonged to the Henry Galley until Nov. 21, 1776, when they were by the order of the Navy Board turned over to the Mus- quitto, Capt. Harris (See Navy Journal 113), viz: 1. Bleanford, John 2. Edwards, George 3. Freeman, John 4. Leland, Ellis 1 Navy Jour., p. 282 (61). 2 Died early in 1776 (62). 16 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia 5. Run (?), Mathew 6. Sorrell, Charles 7. Wilkins, John 8. Wilkinson, Stephen — Jarvis, Wm. 9. Massenburg, John l 10. Glenn, Tho. 2 11. Hubbard, John, Midship. (Drew land as Midshipman) 12. Harcum, Lott, Midship. (See Jour- nal Navy Bd. 441) 2,666|A 13. Heywood, Richd. (Navy Jour. p. 208) 14. Dorsey, Lawrence (Navy Jour. p. 481) 15. Wilson, John (Navy Jour. p. 308) 16. Garney Priceley (Navy Jour. p. 470) 17. Brumley (?) John, Ship Carp. 18. Harcum, Henry, Midship. 3 19. Haws, Bannister, Master, [90 men] Hero" Galley, Officers and Men, Virginia State Navy No. 2. 3- Names Rank Remarks Muter, George Captain Appointed by Comm. of Safety Mar. 16, 1776; comm. by Governor July 19, 1776 (Resigned July 2, 1777). (Orig- inal, page 10, Va. Archives.) Pollard, Benjamin 1st Lieut. Afterward of the Marines. Appointed by Comm. of Safety Mar. 29, 1776. Stratton, Tho. 2d Lieut. Appointed by Comm. of Safety Sept. 7, 1776; comm. by Governor Mar. 4, (?), 1777; 1st Lieut. July 31, 1777. Resigned Aug. 26, 1778. Former Lieut. Jones was aboard this vessel. Chamberlayne, Phil. 1st Mate Appointed by Comm. of Safety Mar. 27, 1776; comm. as Capt. July 15, 1777. Resigned Dec. 5, 1777. 5. Kuntzman, John, Midship. No. 1 6. Morris, Christopher 7. Jennings, Michael 8. Tarpley, William 9. Tarpley, Thos. 10. Lalkin (or Lalkie?) 11. McCrowdy, John 12. Kough, Timothy 13. Lewis, Rowland 14. Hay (or Hoy?), Charles 15. Williams, John 16. Surton (Gurton (?)) (Furton (?)), John 17. Williams, Meridith 18. Mclntyre, Charles 19. Walker, John 20. Bassford, John 21. Jackson, John 1 See Navy Jour., p. 326 (9). 2 See Navy Jour., p. 383 (10). 3 See Navy Jour., p. 441 (18). 22. Reed, John 23. Browne (or Brown), Joseph 24. Hurt (or Hart?), Michael 25. Fleming, John 26. Mason, John 27. Cornelius, Wm. 28. Nicholas, James 29. Nichols, Richard 30. Pureley, Tho. 31. Webb, James 32. Nichols, Nathan 33. Spriggs, Nathan 34. Hill, John 35. Davis, Zedick 34. "Tapore," (or Zapore?), John 35. Docket, Earl 36. Negro, Pluto 37. Jack Virginia State Navy, Vessels, etc. 17 38. Bachus 39. Boston 40. Will 41. George (Nos. 5 to 41, See Navy Journal, p. 309) 42. Morris, Charles, Pilot 43. Crandle, William 44. Doggett, Elmer 45. Roberts, Wm. 46. Fleming, John 47. Davis, John 48. Nichols, James 49. Bachus, Charles 50. Hart, Isaac 51. Lyons, John, Surgeon 52. Pipenholt, Geo. 53. Lewis, John, Midshipman 54. Wilson, John, Midshipman 55. Powell, Francis, Midshipman 56. Herbert, Charles 57. Herbert, William 58. Stratton, Henry, Lt. comd. 14 Sept. 1777 59. Hanson, Dr. Valentine, Surgeon 60. Lyons, Dr. John, Surgeon's Mate 1778. Lieut. John Barrett recommended as Capt. Dec. 12, 1777. Capt Barrett resigned Sept. 3, Lieut. James Gray took command of the Hero about Dec. 15 (5?), 1777. Lieut. Richd. Sightburn was in this galley from about the 1st. or middle of Oct., 1778. Lieut. David Larkin was on board this vessel. He resigned Nov. 18, 1778. July 5, 1779, the Hero ordered to be dismantled; her crew and stores trans- ferred, etc., and her hull, etc., sold. "Warrant Officers on Board the 'Hero' Galley Sept., 1778" "Copy of a memo, on the back of loose sheets of the Navy Board in the 1st Auditor's Office," Richmond, Va. Kuntzman, John, Midship. — as Lieut. Sept. 2, 1777, date of comm. (2,666f) Wilson, John, Midship., Feb. 7, 1778 Powell, Francis, Midship., May 4, 1778. (See also page 18, No. 40.) Schooner "Hornet" (Formerly the "Liberty" which see) Virginia State Navy Taylor, Richard (Capt.). Appointed by Comm. of Safety, commissioned (re- newed? or recommended?) by the Gov. Dec. 1776. Wonneycutt, Edward (1st Mate) Brig "Jefferson," Officers and Men; Virginia State Navy "Extract from an a/c in Vol. 11, Navy Papers and from Dec. 20, 1779 to Jan. 20, 1780." (Page 18, Original, Va. Archives, Richmond, Va.) 1. Barron, Philip, Capt. 2. Chamberlayn, Geo., Lieut. 3. Hall, Ro., Master 4. Grant, Thos., Midship. 5. Jennings, Michael, Boatsn. 6. Willett, Danl. P., Steward 7. Chowning, Geo., Seaman 8. Simmonds, Jerry, Seaman 9. Boyd, (?) urt, Seaman 10. Askins, Jno., Seaman 11. Taylor, Thos., Seaman 12. Griggs (Les?), Seaman 18 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia 13. Cocknical (?), Jno., Seaman 30. Smith, Wm. (100), Seaman 14. Blundall, Wm., Seaman 31. Webb, Jephey, Seaman 15. Day, Thos. (100), Seaman 32. 0. Daniel, John, Seaman 16. Figg, Thos., Seaman 33. Peaton, Solomon, Seaman 17. Chowning, Chatma. (100), Seaman 34. Tumblin, Wm., Seaman 18. Price, Ebenezer (2666§), Q. M. 35. Tompson, Ambrose, Seaman 19. Anderson, Luke, Seaman 36. George, Benja., Seaman 20. Frary, Jno., Seaman 37. Boush, James, Seaman 21. Wallace, Wilson, Seaman 38. Brent, Hugh, Seaman 22. Brumley, Wilson, Seaman (Signed by) Geo. Chamberlayne, 23. Bunns (?), Saml., Seaman Lieut. 24. Roberts, Abraham, Seaman James, James 25. Russell, Thos., Seaman Nelson, Wm. 26. Edwards, Enock (100), Seaman 39. Harcum, Rhodham (2,666|), Mid- 27. Marley, James, Seaman ship. 28. James, Christo., Seaman 40. Powell, Francis, Midship. 29. Neal, Presley, Seaman N. B. The Board of War ordered Aug. — , 1779: 50 Chex shirts, 50 Caps for the crew of the Jefferson. Sept. 10, 1779, Lieut. Chamberlayne was ordered to take comm. of the Jefferson, Navy Papers Vol. 1. Dec. I, 1780, Capt. Willis Wilson informed by letter of his appointment to Capt. of the Jefferson. "Lewis Galley" (a First "Row Galley"), Virginia State Navy Saunders, Celey, Capt., appointed by Comm. of Safety, 1776. Lighthouse, Stafford, 1st Lieut., appointed June 17, 1776, recommanded July 20, 1776. Lieut. Stafford Lighthouse resigned his comm. May 11, 1778. Healy, Samuel, 2d Lieut. Summerson, Geo. "Geo." Jesse, 2d Lieut., Jan. 7, 1777 Sandje (?), Richard Jones (?), Lewis, Lieut. Comm., May, Pope, Wm. 1778 Hinton, Spencer Newton, John, Cook Johnson, Hendrick, Boatswain Furguson, Ro., Surg. Mate Eight men from Capt. Markham and nine from the Protector were ordered on board the Lewis in July, 1778. "Warrant Officers on Board the 'Lewis Galley' in Sept., 1778" "A copy of a Memo, on the back of loose sheets of the Navy Board in the 1st Auditor's Office," Richmond, Va. Summerson, Gavin, Midship., Apr. 1, 1778 (2,666f). Virginia State Navy, Vessels, etc. 19 Dove, James, Midship., Apr. 2, 1778. Pope, William, Midship., Apr. 11, 1778. Lewis Schooner, Capt. Stevens, Trade July 4, 1779. The Lewis ordered to be dismantled, her crew and stores to be transferred, etc., and her hull, etc., sold. Account of Officers and Seamen Belonging to Brig Liberty from May 18 until July 30, 1776* 1. Lilly, Thomas, Capt. 2. Herbert, Thomas, 1st Lieut. 3. Rogers, George, 2d Lieut.* 4. Massenburg, Alexr., Master 5. Wheeler, Joseph, Master's Mate 6. Goodwin, Joseph, Midship. (June 12) 7. Bingham, John, Midship. (June 6) 8. Taylor, Timothy, Midship. (June 27) 9. Cook, Dawson, Midship. (May 18) 10. Culley, Robert, Carpenter 11. Mercer, Saml. Boatsn. Mate (May 16) 12. Chick, John, Gunner (May 18) 13. Baxter, Andrew, Gunner's Mate (May 18) 14. Laws, John, Sail Maker (July 16) 15. Coleman, Thomas, Pilot (July 31) 16. Conner, Michael, Qr. Master (May 18) 17. Douglas, James, Master at Arms 18. Christian, Thos., Doctor (June 10) 19. Morrison, Joseph, Doctor's Mate 20. Roystor, John, Steward (July 20) Another pay roll (copy) of the Brig Liberty, same period, repeats many of the above names adding: Wilson, Joseph, Master's Mate Douglas, Samuel, Master at Arms (July 13) Harrison, Joseph, Doctor's Mate (June 20) Ronald, John, Cook Seamen, May 18: Killis, Wm. Wilson, James Twig, Thomas Coff , John McAlister, Wm. Woo ton, Wm. Frank, Mulatto Charles, Mulatto Maloney, Jeremiah (July 6) Doyle, Thomas Robinson, James (July 13) Mackner, Michael (May 18) Dorman, John (a lad) Clarkson, Jesse (a lad) Cane, Thomas (a lad) I certify that I loaned the Book or Journal herein referred to, to Mr. Mayo, that the list of officers and crew of the Brig Liberty was in the hand writing of * Filed in Bounty Land application of heirs of Capt. George Rogers, Courtesy of Office of Naval Records and Library, U. S. Navy Department. 20 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Capt. Thomas Lilly. And I further certify that in a conversation with Warren Ashly, a Midshipman on board of the Brig Liberty and who was afterwards trans- ferred to the Gloucester (as he told me) that the said Brig carried eighteen guns and I also understood from others that she rated eighteen guns. John Darby * Richmond, June 13, 1833. Richmond Jan. 26, 1851. James Murdaugh certifies to the authenticity of the foregoing list copied from the original book filed by Mr. Mayo in Lieut. Joseph Goodwin's land claim. — said book is amongst the papers of said Joseph Goodwin in the Executive Dept. at Richmond. James Murdaugh Executive Department Richmond, Va. June 24, 1851. I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true extract from a paper filed in this Department, among the papers in which the heirs of Capt. George Rogers were allowed land bounty on April 15, 1833, for his services in the State Navy. Wm. H. Richardson, Secy. Com. Joseph Goodwin was employed during the whole of that war whenever the condition of the Navy required his services. This affiant became acquainted with the said Joseph Goodwin when the affiant entered the State service of Vir- ginia as a Midshipman about the year 1779 (now Capt. in U. S. Navy), and that subsequently and to the end of the said war, the said Joseph Goodwin served as a Lieut, in the said Navy. the said Joseph Goodwin neither resigned nor left the naval service of Virginia until the termination of the revolutionary war. And the said affiant further states that the said Joseph Goodwin was a gentleman of property, and after the war resided on Nansemond river in Va. until his death. (Signed) James Barron Affidavit executed Dec. 6, 1837, before Tazewell Taylor, N. P. of Norfolk, Va. Brig "Liberty," Virginia State Navy 1. Lilly, Thomas, Capt., appointed, by Comm. of Safety, Mar. 26, 1776, Comm. by the Gov. Aug. 31, 1776. 2. Herbert, Thomas, 1st Lieut., appointed by Comm. of Safety, Mar. 26, 1776, Comm. by the Gov. Aug. 31, 1776. 3. Rogers, Geo., 2d Lieut., comm. at the same time, Aug. 31, 1776. 4. Merriwether, Thomas, Lieut, of 7. Massenburg, Alexander, Midship. Marines 8. Wilson, Joseph, Midship. 5. Christie, Dr. Tho. 9. Click, John, Gunner 6. Griffin, Dr. Corbin 10. Coleman, Tho., Pilot * John Darby married a daughter of Capt. Lilly of the Navy, as I think I was informed by himself. I was well acquainted with her. J. E. H. Virginia State Navy, Vessels, etc. 21 11. Bailey, Thos. — . Christie, Dr. Wm. 12. Royston, John, Steward 14. Clarke, Z. 13. Douglass, James 15. Powell, Ben — . Riddle, Dr. Geo., Surg. Mate 16. Powell, S. Sloop "Liberty," Virginia State Navy Taylor, Richard, Capt., changed to the Hornet which was before July 26, 1776. ("Richard Taylor was appointed first by the Comm. of Safety, Capt. of the "armed vessel fitted by Col. Lewis.") (Edward Mounequest (?) his 1st Mate) (James Gray, 2d Mate) (James Blows, Midship.) (Harry Lightburn, Pilot) (Additional line is torn and illegible.) Jeffries, Aaron, of the Schooner Revenge appointed to the command of Sloop Liberty, Nov., 1776; resigned his comm. of 1st Lt. Schooner Revenge May 21, 1777- Brooke, Walter, Capt., Dec, 1776. Ivey, William, Capt., Jan. 7, 1777, vice W. Brooke. Swope, Dr. John, Surgeon. Boat "Liberty," Virginia State Navy, November, 1779 "Wanted for the use of the Boat Liberty, rations of rum for the following men:" I. Bulley, Edward (200) , Boatswain 14. Smith, Tho. 2. 3- 4- 5- Taylor, Jesse Bulley, Jno. (2,666f), Bulley, Tho. (100) Waller, James Boatswain 15- 16. 17- 18. Dykes, Hen. (100) Reed, John Morgan, Wm. Dodd, Able 6. 7- 8. 9- Curtis, Henry Bulley, Jno. (100) Johnston, Wm. (100) Lewis, Mathew 19. Temple, Saml. (Signed) Theophilus Field James James William Nelson 10. Biscoe, James (200), '. Boatswain James Barron 11. Almand, John (100) 20. Britton (or Britain), Jno., Master 12. Rudd, John 21. Hall, Jno. (100) 13. Moore, Wm. 22. Johnson, Wm. March 29, 1777, James Barron Recomd. as Capt. and Richd. "Sowant" (?) or Sewant (?), 1st Lieut. "Sept. 23, 1779. The Board of War issued an order for liquor for 30 men of the Boat Liberty for 30 days." (See Vol. 11, Navy Papers.) 22 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Pay Roll for State Boat "Liberty," mander (Nav. Arch.). Entry Men's Names Stations Day I784 Aug. 3 Oct. 5 Oct. 5 Oct. 12 Oct. 20 Oct. 20 Oct. 20 Nov. 1 Nov. 13 Lieut. Michael James, Com- Oct. 12 Men's Names Michael James John Ewing Stephen Denton John Pickett William Rogers Michael Dixon Matthew Cook Benjamin Rudd Edward Bully William Bush P. Bartlett Stations Commander Pilot Seaman Seaman Seaman Seaman Boy Seaman Boatswain Public negro Surgeon for both Boats 8/ 4/ £ 3 2.8.0 2.14 1. 16 1. 10 3-o 4.0 5.0.0 Paid to 12 Jan. 1785 12 Jan. 1785 12 Jan. 1785 12 Jan. 1785 12 Jan. 1785 12 Jan. 1785 12 Jan. 1785 12 Jan. 1785 12 Jan. 1785 Amts. £64.16 19.16 9.I4 7-4 7-7 4.18.3^ 4.2 7-4 7.17.4 12 Jan. 1785 15.0.0 £147.18.75 Mos. Days 162 99 7 23 23 23 12 3 — Given under my hand at the Auditor's office. E. E. Jas. Barron Richmond this 3d day of December, 1844. James E. Heath, Auditor. Pay Roll for the State Boat "Liberty," Lieut. Michael James, Commander Time of Entry Mos. Days 1784 Aug. 3 James, Michael, Comdt. Aug. 5 Ewing, John, Pilot Aug. 5 Dunton, Stephen, Seaman Aug. 12 Pickett, John, Seaman Aug. 20 Rogers, William, Seaman Aug. 20 Dixon, Michael, Seaman Aug. 20 Cook, Mattw., Boy Nov. 1 Rudd, Benj., Seaman Nov. 13 Bully, Edward, Boatswain Nov. 13 Bush, William, Public Negro Oct. 12 Bartlett, P., Surgeon for both boats 3 mo. time up to Jan. 12, 1785. Richmond, Apr. 8, 1845. "Pay Roll of the State Boat "Liberty" July 15, 1785, Lieut. Michael James, Comndg." — See Calendar of State Papers, Palmer, Vol. 4, p. 42, "The Schooner Liberty." See "The Researcher," Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 123-126 and "The History of Virginia's Navy of The Revolution — Stewart. See Hornet, formerly Liberty. See also "Officers of Brig Liberty" under Joseph Godwin, p. 20. 162 99 3 7 3 2 23 2 23 2 23 2 12 Virginia State Navy, Vessels, etc. 23 "Manley" Galley, Officers and Men, Virginia State Navy, (See page 24) 1. Cocke, James, Captain 2. Sturdivant Joel, 1st Lieut. 3. Chamberlayne, Geo. 2d Lieut. 1. Sturdivant, Joel, Capt.* 2. Boiling, Ro., 1st Lieut. (1 & 2 Jan. 28, 1777) — . Blaws, Ro. 2d Lt., Feb. 6, 1777 (See Navy Journal, 164, 172). 3. Sturdivant, Jno. Lt., comd. Sept. 8, 1777 4. Russell, Dr. and — . Griffin, Dr. Corbin also 5. Sharpless, Dr., Surgeon 6. Richardson, Daniel, Midship. (363 Navy Journal) — . Crump, Abner, Lt. at one time ks, John Both acted as Surgeon. 7- 8. 9- 10. Williams, John Harford, John Maynes, Wm. 11. Burton, John 12. Pomeroy, Isaac 13. Scott, John (7 to 13 Navy Journal, pp. 101, 108, 3ii) 14. Smith, Wm. (Navy Journal 311) 15. Scott, John (Navy Journal 311) 16. Turpin, John 17. Drake, Augt. (482) 18. Green, James 19. Tupman, Jake 20. Jobbs, Moses 21. North, Boiling 22. Scott, Thos. 23. Carmin, Lebanor 24. Chase, John 25. Scott, John 26. Davis, Alexr. (18 to 26, Navy Journal, p. 488) 27. Boneywell, Tho. (489) 28. Ferguson, (515) 30. Comer, These officers (1 to 3) were comd. Dec. 4, 1776. Commanded a short time by Capt. Travis and afterwards by (Aug. 3, 1776) Edward Travis, Capt. John Harris and Joshua Singleton, Lieutenants. Joel Sturdivant served as Capt. Jan. 28, 1777, vice Cocke resigned. Geo. Chamberlayne transferred to Musquitto Brig, May 5, 1777, Wm. Saunders was recommended Capt. vice Sturdivant deceased; he continued in comd. until about Aug., 1779, and then ted the Jefferson. Ro. Blaws recommended as Lieut, in 1777. Lt. Richardson resigned July, 1779. Ro. Boiling and Sturdivant received land as Lt. in C Line. July 5, 1779. The Manley was ordered to be dismantled; her crew and stores delivered over to other vessels and her hull, etc., sold. A Return of Officers belonging to the "Manley" Galley Sept. ii, 1779 1. Muse (?), Jesse, Comr. 2. Sharpless, John, Comr. 3. Johnson, Ro., Steward 4. Brannan (?), Jno., 2d (?) 5. Penn, Jno. Cook 6. Jett, John (100) 7. Solomon, Saml. 8. Case, John 9- 10. 11. Wilkerson Carmine, Levin Browne, Richd. 12. Scott, Tho. 13. Sturdivant Lewis — . Scott, Tho. — . Richardson, 24 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia James Barron gave orders for spirits for these men, which Jesse Muse (?) gave a receipt for. "Warrant Officers on Board the "Manly" Galley in Sept., 1778" "Copy of a Memo, on the back of loose sheets of the Navy Board in the 1st Auditor's Office," Richmond, Va. Richardson, Daniel, June 15, 1776 Washington, , (4,000) Boush (?), Wm, Feb. 1, 1777. Turpin, John, Mar. 8, 1777 Brig "Musquitto," Virginia State Navy Younghusband, I. or J., Captain. Chamberlayne, Byrd, appointed 1st Lieut., Nov. 25, 1776. Chamberlayne, Geo., 2d Lieut, (vice Boiling made 1st Lieut. Manley Galley) Jan. 28, 1777. Harris, John, Captain (vice Youngblood resigned Nov. 1, 1776 — 5,333^ acres). 4. Branford, John 9. Scovell, Charles 5. Edwards, Geo. 10. Williams, John 6. Freeman, John 11. Wilkinson, Stephen 7. Leland, Ellis 12. Jarvis, Wm. 8. Run (?), Mathew Captain Dick with his company of marines ordered on board the Musquitto Feb. 6, 1777. (See Pay Roll of the Henry for list of men turned over to Capt. Harris of the Mosquitto, by order of the Navy Board, G. M. B.) Prisoners Taken by the British from the "Muskito" The Va. Gazette, Williamsburg, Nov. 27, 1778.* A list of men that were taken prisoners by the British, belonging to the 1st Va. regiment taken on board the Muskito, and part of whom we pressed on board King's ships: William Graves and William Coleman, Serjeants. William Mitchell and William Dishman, Corporals. John Dodd, drummer. Henry Raines Thomas Chandler Larkin Ball Daniel Dean Vincent Landman Jeffe Vaughan Larkin Farish Ralph Horn Francis Secket Charles Spalding Brutan Sullivance John Parlane George Spilman George Ruffell John Dishman William Thorp Henry Butridge John Landrum Moses Stanley William Moore James Emmerson and James Dishman. These men were under Alex. Dick. * Published in National Genealogical Society Quarterly, Vol. 10, Nos. 1 and 2, pp. 8o, 85. Plate 2 «s WsfiU A / Q / y /' / a/ / / $& /■ ■- ' oJ?/£n jf/w&tt&n . rrft/J? - &/ ■^-mru^ Certificate from American Officers, Prisoners in Philadelphia, Commending Mrs. Martha Gray, 29 January, 1778. Virginia State Navy, Vessels, etc. 25 Boat "Nicholson" Speeke, Jos. Lieut. Mercer, Isaac, Lieut, commandg. Stewart, I. "Norfolk Revenge" Galley, Virginia State Navy i. Calvert, John, Capt. Appointed by Comm. of Safety Feb. 8, 1776; resigned his Comm. Sept. 8, 1777. 2. Herbert, Argyle, 1st Lieut. Comd. and appointed July 12, 1776. 3. Elam, Ro., 2d Lieut. Comd. and appointed July 12, 1776. 4. Tennant, James, Master. Appointed 2d Lieut. Oct. 24, 1776, and 1st Lieut. Feb. 3, 1777, vice Pollard who accepted a 2d Lieutenancy. -. Pollard, Tho. Comd. 1st Lieut, vice A. Herbert appointed to the Caswell Galley May 29, 1777. Tho. Pollard resigned Dec. 10, 1777. 5. Pell, Dr. Simon, Surgeon. July 29, 1776. -. Boush, Charles. Recommissioned Aug. 30, 1777, 2d Lieut, and afterwards transferred to the Caswell. -. Ross, John. Recommissioned 2d Lieut. Nov. 1, 1777. 6. Frakar (?) Nicholas. 7. Dawes, John ("Davis, Jno." follows indistinctly written). 8. Randel, Ben. died in service, 1776. The Norfolk Revenge was sunk May 29, 1778, in Nansemond River. 4. Livingston, Dr. Julius, Surgeon 5. Christian, Wm. 1st Lt. Mar. Brig "Northampton," Officers and Men; Virginia State Navy (Page 19, Original record, Va. Archives, Richmond, Va.) 1. Bright, Francis, Captain. Apr. 1, 1776, appointed by the Comm. of Safety Capt. of the 1st Cruiser E. Shore; resigned his comm. May 12, 1778. John Lurty, Capt., succeeded Capt. Bright. 2. James, Michael, Lieut. 3. Jones, Lewis, 2d Lt. Resigned his Comm. July 6, 1779. 16. Malone, Terry 17. Cooke, Wm. (2,666§) 18. Short, John (Ordered from "Glos- ter") 19. Cunningham, Michael 20. Howlett, Wm., Midship. 21. Bryant, Henry 22. Bell, James 23. Bassil, John 24. Trounworger (?) Geo. 25. Crabb, John 26. Mitchell, Joseph 27. Rogers, Melvin 28. Metcalf Gordon, Q. M. Marines, dis- charged, Navy, served their time 6. Scott, John 7. Comer (Corner?) Michl. 8. Richardson, Wm.. 9. Chandler, Tho. (4,000) 10. Cutler, Wm. 11. Bounwell, Tho. (Land in part) 12. Bounwell, Geo. 13. Gibbins, Tho. 14. Griggs, John 15. Christian, Wm. (Ordered from on bd. the" Gloster") 26 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia 29. Metcalf, Walter 34- Rose, Wm. 30. Merry, John 35- Fitzhugh, John 31. Bidson, Andrew 36. Groden, Charles 32. Jones, Robin 37- White, John 33- Dougwood Clem "Doggit, Clement 100" 38. Janey, P. Nos. 21 to 32, see Navy Journal, page 469. Men were ordered from the Lewis and Page Galleys on board the North- ampton. (See Navy Journal, p. 471.) There was a Company of Marines under the C and of Capt. Lurty. Wm. Christian, 1st Lieut. Marines resigned Feb. 2, 1779. It is probable there were nearly or quite 90 or 100 men on board the Northampton. "Page" Galley, Virginia State Navy ("Name given to 2d Row Galley in Rappa.") Markham, James, Captain. Appointed by Comm. of Safety Capt. 2d Row Galley on Rappahannock April, 1776. Lurty, John, 1st Lieut. Comd. Aug. 2, 1776, date July 25. Lightburne, Henry, 2d Lieut. June 11, 1776; resigned his Comm. May 12, 1778. Jones, Lewis. Recomd. 1st Lieut. Aug. 22, 1776; resigned July 6, 1777 (2,6665). Muse, Jesse, Midship. (2,6663). Richards, John, Steward 100. Cooke, I. N. Currell, James July 5, 1779. The "Page" was ordered to be dismantled, her crew and stores delivered over to others and sold, and her hull, etc., sold. Boat "Patriot," Virginia State Navy Barron, Richard, Captain. (Before 1776 appointed by Comm. of Safety and recomd. to the Gov. as Capt. Mar. 29, 1777.) Jones, Charles, 1st Lieut. Mar. 29, 1777. Pinot (?), Benjamin, Lieut. (4,000). Almand, Wm. (2,666f). Johnston, Wm. (100). Briteia, or Britain, John, S. Mast, (2,666f). Thos Chandler was Lieut, in this vessel when he was taken and he died a prisoner of war in Norfolk after having been in service in the Navy upwards of four years. (James Barron, Capt.) "Peace and Plenty" (Employed in Trade) Guthrie, Alexander, Captain. Boiling, Ro. Lieut., Oct. 1776. Virginia State Navy, Vessels, etc. 27 Williams, John (to take charge), Dec. 5, 1776. Darnes, John. "Protector" Galley, Virginia State Navy 1. Conway, Ro., Capt. Appointed by Comm. of Safety, June, 1776. 2. Thomas, John, 1st Lieut, (vice Tuille resigned) Dec. 4, 1776, and afterward Captain. 3. George, Jesse, Lt. as Midship, for 3 yrs. service, 4. Jones, Lewis, Lt. ; resigned July 6, 2,666| acres) 1779 18. Taylor, Theodore 5. Reynolds, Dr. John, Surgeon 19. Dameron, Thomas 6. Harcum, Lott, Cadet 20. Daggett, Clem. (100) 7. Hughes, William, Gunner 21. Lattimore, Senica 8. Eckridge, Edwin, Midship. 22. Eskridge, Saml. Midship. (2,666§) 9. Kermer (Kumer?), Rhodam (100) 23. Dykes, John 10. Booth, William 24. Day, Tho. (100) 11. Nightingale, M. (200) Boatswain 25. Poplar, Hack. (100) 12. Waddy, Sharpley, Cadet (2,666f) 26. Cockrell, Littleton (100) 13. Branham, Seth, Cadet 27. Hammentree, John (100) 14. Flint, John, Carp. (2,766!) 28. Blundall, Wm. (100) ("Win. Blun- 15. Dameron, Joshua don") in pencil 16. Johnson, Ro. 29. Dykes, Henry (100) 17. Harcum, Rhodam, Midship. (Drew 30. Corbell, Clem. "Officers on Board the 'Protector,' in Sept., 1778" "Copy of a Memo, on the back of loose sheets of the Navy Board in the 1st Auditor's Office." Dougherty, James, Midship., Jan. 19, 1777, (2,666f). Harcumia (?), Rhodham (?), Midship. Jan. 20, 1777, (2,666|). Eskridge, Edwin, Midship. Jan. I, 1777, (2,666f). Brig "Raleigh," Virginia State Navy Cocke, James, Capt. On the Oct. 24, 1776, Capt. Edward Travis took command. Barrett, John, 1st Lieut. Comd. July 12, 1776. Sturdivant, Joel, 2d Lieut. Comd. July 12, 1776. Gray, Ro., 2d Lieut. Nov. 1, 1776. Ballentine, Andrew, Surgn. July 29, 1776. "Revenge" Galley, Virginia State Navy Deane, Wm. Capt. Received his Comm. July 21, 1776. Jeffries, Aaron, 1st Lieut. Received his Comm. July 21, 1776; resigned May 21, 1777. 28 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Towles, Saml. 2d Lieut, vice 1776, Towles, Saml., Capt. Nov. 25, 1777, vice Deane; appointed Supt. Shipbuilding. Morton, Edward, 1st Lieut, vice Jeffries sent to command Liberty. Griffin, Dr. Corbin. Harris, Dr. Simon, Surgeon. Williams, John, Pilot. Hart, John. "Safeguard" Galley, Virginia State Navy "Officers and men. Taken from Capt. Elliott's pay roll (from March 1, to June 16, 1777) in the 1st Vol. Navy Papers and from Navy Journal)." (Page 11, original, Va. Archives.) 1. Elliott, George, Capt., (4,000). 2. Sprake, Joseph, 1st Lieut. Recommended to Govr. Mar. 19, 1777. 3. Payne, Merriman, 2d Lieut. Recommended Mar. 5, 1777 (4,000) 4. Mercer, Isaac, Master 31. 5. Chapin, Benja., Carp. (6,000) 6. Crain, James, Pilot 32. 7. Larkin, David, Midship. 33. 8. Elliott, Alexander, Midship. 34. 9. Bingham, Hugh, Boatswain 35. 10. Elder, Charles, Gunner 36. 11. King, Edwd., Steward and Capt's. 37. Clerk 38. 12. Cox, John, Carpenter 39. 13. Rankin, Wm. Capt's. Mate 40. 14. Thomas, James, Boatswain's Mate 41. 15. Loyd, Morris, Gunner's Mate 42. 16. Hunt, Tho., Armourer 43. 17. Malone, Jerry, 2d "Mr." 44. 18. Reilly, Barney, Cook 45. 19. Townsend, Jacob, Cooper 46. 20. Hughlett, John, Landsman 47. 21. "Trout (or Frost)," Carter, Lands- man 48. 22. Ewing, John, Landsman 49. 23. Harman, Tho., Landsman 50. 24. Ferguson, Ro., Landsman 51. 25. Standley, Wm., Landsman 52. 26. Cunningham, Michael, Landsman 53. 27. Martain, Edwd., Landsman 54. 28. Welch, Pat, Landsman 55. 29. Galloway, Jonathn, Landsman 56. 30. Ball, John, Landsman 57. "Nessor (or Vessor)," Ephraim, Landsman Lindsey, John, Landsman Binn, Whittier, Landsman McClure, James, Landsman Tobey, Ro., Landsman McClaine, Francis, Landsman Price, Edward, Landsman Pipenhalst, Geo., Landsman McLaughlin, Daniel, Landsman Whitehead, John, Landsman Welton, James, Landsman Covington, Saml., Landsman Askins, John, Landsman Drummond, David, Landsman Bakehous, Jos., Landsman Robertson, Jas., Landsman "Clerk (or Clark)," John, Lands- man Cervill, John, Landsman Haskins, Edwd., Landsman Roberts, Godfrey, Landsman Murphy, Pat., Landsman Grigs, John, Landsman Wilson, Saml., Landsman Orders, John, Landsman Mullok, Wm., Landsman McGraw, James, Landsman Hamilton, Ro., Landsman Virginia State Navy, Vessels, etc. 29 71. Hemphill, Edward, Private (Recomd. 2d Lieut. Jan. 6, 1778) 72. King, Tho., Private 73. Chapin, Plato, Private 74. Hamilton, John, Private 75. Hart, Darby, Private, May 9, 1777, turned over on board the Dragon 76. Triplett, Daniel, Private 77. Jarvis, Tho., Private 78. Archibald, Bartholw., 2,666f as Midship. 77 and 78, see Navy Journal, pp. 136, 435, 436 79. Owen, Wm. 80. Hulett, John, (2,666|, see Navy Journal, 443 and 458) 81. Stoll, Wm. 82. Thorp, 83. Hunt, John In Jan., 1777, Capt. Elliott was ordered to turn over all the men of the Safeguard, except six to the Hero Galley and with these six bring the Safeguard to (indistinct) Creek. (See Navy Journal, p. 353, 45.) On the May 18, 1779, 35 men were ordered by the Navy Board from the Tempest to the Safeguard. July 5, 1779. The Manley, Safeguard, Hero, Lewis and Page Galleys and Ship Glocester ordered to be dismantled and their men, stores, etc., transferred to other vessels of war. "Deserted: John Griggs, Ro. Yates, Daniel Reed." 58. 59- 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65- 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. "Yeats or Yates," Ro., Landsman Williams, James, Landsman Grumbly (Grimbly?) Tho., Lands- man Terrell, Wm., Landsman Newhouse, Anthony, Landsman (Removed to Brig. Northampton) Coney (or Coneg?), Stephen, Landsman (Removed to Northampton) Davis, Geo. Landsman (Removed to Northampton) Jackson, Wilson, Private Reed, David, Private Elliott, Richard, Private Cox, James, Private Sprakes, Leonard, Private Boyd, Walter, Private 'Safe Guard" Galley 1777 Commonwealth of Va. to George Elliott Dr. To 16 Names Officers Days Per Day Total June, 1777. Elliott, George Capt. Mar. 1 108 8/ £43-l8 8/over tax rations Speake, Joseph 1st Lieut. Mar. 19 90 6/ £27.0 Payne, Merryman 2d Lieut. Mar. 1 108 4/6 £24.6 Mercer, Isaac Master Mar. 1 108 6/ £32.14 6/over Chapin, Benjamin Surgeon Mar. 1 108 8/ £43-12 8/over The above is truly extracted from a Roll now on file in this Office. To be found in the 1st. Vol. of papers concerning the State Navy. Richmond Aug. 13, 1846 Jas. E. Heath Audr." Sloop "Scorpion," Virginia State Navy Westcott, Wright, Captain. Goffagan, Laban, 1st Lieut. Payne, Wm., Lieut. Marines. 30 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Ivey, William, 2d Lieut. Archer, John, 2d Lieut.; recommended vice Ivey promoted on board the Liberty June y. 2, 1777. Livingston, Dr. James, Henry, Steward. Richards, John, Steward (100). James, Edward. Ship "Tartar," Officers and Men, Virginia State Navy "Taken from Vol. 1 Navy Papers and from Navy Journal." (Original, page 12, Va. Archives, Richmond, Va.) 1. Taylor, Richard, Capt. Appointed, Mar. 14, 1776, by Comm. of Safety; in 1779 and '80 Captains Lurty and Saunders, commanded the Tartar. 2. Payne, Merriman, 1st Lieut. Aug. 12, 1778 (4,000). 3. Richards, Wm., 2d Lieut. Apr. 15, 1778. -. Messeures, Francis, Lieut. Aug. 22, 1777; resigned Feb. 13, 1778. -. Taylor, John, Lieut. Aug. 26, 1778; resigned Oct. 27, 1778. 4. Grant, Thomas, Midship. Sept. 5, 1777. 5. Parker, William, Midship. Sept. 22, 1777. 6. Taylor, Benj., Midship. Oct. 10, 1777. 7. Summerson, Gavin, Midship. (See Jour, of Navy Bd. p. 588.) 8. Fleet, Henry, Private. (See Navy Jour. 545) (2,666^). 9. Curreli, James, Private (2,666^). 10 Livingston, Dr. or Dr. Reynolds, Surgeons (6,000). 11 Hall, R., Private (2,666^). 12. Lovell, Tho. 13. Lovell, Wm. 14. McPherson, . There were two orders of the Navy Bd. each directing 10 men to be delivered to Capt. Taylor from the Protector — see pp. 368, 462; also an order directing the Coxs., offr. of the Lewis Galley to deliver to Capt. Taylor as many men as he wanted for the "Tartar" — see p. 465 of the Journal) (See pages 18, 26 and be- low for Officers). In 1780 Jan. 1, and for sometime previous, the officers of the Tartar (as ap- pears by orders for their supplies, in the 1st Vol. Navy papers) were: Officers on Board the "Tartar," Sept., 1778 Copy of a Memo, on the back of loose sheets of the Navy Board in 1st Auditor's Office. Payne, Maynard, 1st Lieut. Aug. 12, 1777 (4,000 3 yrs). Richards, Wm., 2d Lieut. Apr. 15, 1778. Taylor, John, Midship. Aug. 15, 1777. Grant (?), Tho., Midship. Sept. 5, 1777. Parker, Wm., Midship. Sept. 22, 1777. Taylor, Benj., Midship. Oct. 10, 1777. Virginia State Navy, Vessels, etc. 31 Ship "Tartar" Officers From Nov. 25, 1779 to Jan i, 1780: 1. Saunders, William, Captain 2. Parker, William, Lieut. 3. Sharpless, John, Surgeon 4. Turpin, John, Master 5. Wilson, Saml., Master 6. Darly, Darman, Pilot 7. Redmond, John, Gunner 8. Smith, Wra., Boatswain 9. "Mays," Wm., Carpenter 10. Green, James, Midship. 11. Spearman, Martin, Midship. 12. Taylor, Benjamin, Midship. 13. Summerson, Gavin, Midship. 14. "Furguson," Ro., Surgns. Mate and Clerk 15. Chowning, Wm., Surgns., Mate 16. Carson, Ro., Steward 17. Carter, J no., Steward "A List of necessaries wanting at the public store for the Officers on board the Ship Tartar for two months from Nov. 25, 1779, to Jan. 25, 1780. From Sept. 28, to Nov. 28, 1779; 1. Saunders, Wm., Captain 2. Parker, Wm., Lieut. 3. Livingston, Justice, Surgeon 4. Topman, John, Master 5. "Furguesson," Ro., Mate 6. Darly, Darman, Pilot 7. Redman, John, Gunner 8. Smith, Wm. Boatswain 9. "May," Wm., Carpenter 10. Green, James, Midship. 11. Spearman, Martin, Midship. 12. Taylor, Benja., Midship. 13. Summerson, Gavin, Midship. 14. Wilson, Saml., Midship. 1. William Saunders, Captain 2. Parker, William, Lieut. 3. Sharpless, John, Surgeon. (No amts. car- ried out in original.) 4. Topman, John, Master 5. Wilson, Samuel, Master 6. Darley, Darmin, Pilot 7. Rydman, John, Gunner 8. Smith, William, Boatswain 9. Mays, William, Carpenter 10. Green, James, Midship. 11. Spearman, Martin, Midship. 12. Taylor, Benjn., Midship. 13. Summerson, Gavin, Midship. 14. Ferguson, Robert, Surgeon's Mate and Clerk 15. Chewning, William, Surgeon's Mate 16. Carson, Robert, Steward 17. Carter, John, Steward Tea I lb 1 2 Coffee 4 lbs. Brown Sugar 24 lbs. 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 Rum 5i 5h 5h 3h 3l 3h 31 3i 32- 32- 31 32" 3* 32" 3* Totals »f 34 204 Jas. James Wm. Nelson Geo. Syne (?)„ Courtesy of Office of United States Naval Records and Library. 66 Wm. Saunders. 32 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia "Officers on Board the "Tempest" in Sept., 1778" "Copy of a Memo, on the back of loose sheets of the Navy Board in the 1st Auditor's Office." Muse, Jesse, Midship., June 16, 1776, (2,666§) Masterson, Tho., Midship., Feb. 6, 1778. Marshall, James, Midship., Feb., 12, 1778. Triplett, Reuben, Midship., Feb. 16, 1778. "A Return of Spirit for the Ship 'Tempest,' Dec. 7, 1779, (quantities of spirit omitted)," Virginia State Navy, (Original, Va. Archives, p. 15). I. Saunders, Celey 35- Doggett, Elmer 2. James, Michael 36. Nickins, Nathl. 3- Steele, Wm. 37- (Negro), George 4- McNickal, John 38. (Negro), Charles 5- Wilson, John 39- Webb, Tarpley 6. Michell, Richd. 40. Taylor, Michael 7- Gordon, Churchill 41. Nickins, Richd. 8. Lundrum, Tho. 42. Dobey, Robert 9- Wood, William 43- Lefavours, Nathl. 10. Wray, Geo. 44. Dowling, John 11. Robins, Jno. 45- Garner, Presley 12. Laws, Timothy 46. Lowe, John 13- Christian, Nicholas 47- Jones, Robert 14. Gouge, Richd. 48. Stubbs, John 15- Wilkerson, Wm. 49. Long, Isaac 16. Deane, Danl. 50. Achison, Wm. 17- Spriggs, Nathl. 5i- George, Benj'n. 18. Houchings, Saml. 52. Fodrow, John 19. Fleming, John 53- Aschew, Thomas 20. Brown, Thomas 54- Jones, Wm. 21. Dameron (Dawson?), Tho. 55- Boyd, Jno. 22. Fortune, Gabriel 56. Edwards, Rodham 23- Burders, Andrew 57- Wood, James 24. Creed, Simon 58. Smith, Wm. 25- Roberts, Wm. 59- Elliott, John 26. Cannady, John 60. Dyke, John 27 Hauth, Wm. 61. Dameron, Joshua 28. Peters, Saml. 62. Hammontree, John 29. Hauth, John 63- Angel, Baker 30. Peay, George 64. 0. Darnel, John 31. George, Saml. 65. Scott, Richd. 32. Sibery, Geo. 66. "Wall (or Well)," Jos, 33- Mott, James 67. Kent, Joshua — . Si bony, George 68. (Negro), Emanuel 34- Pope, Joseph 69. Longwith, John Virginia State Navy, Vessels, etc. 33 70. Brent, Hugh 71. Mitchell, Joseph 72. Lane, John 73. Thomas, Frank 74. Caroll, John 75. James, Christopher 76. Marlow, James yj. Tumblin, Wm. 78. Peaton, Solomon 79. (Negro), James 80. Rogers, Melvin 81. Lattimore, Seneca 82. Miller, Wm. 83. Webb, James 84. Tompson, Ambrose 85. Neale, Presley 86. Brown, Wm., Midship. 87. Curtis, James Signed Celey Saunders C. T. 88. George, Wm. 89. Masterson, Mr. James Innis Wm. Nelson Geo. Lynn Va. Archives list gives "Carmody"; U. S. Navy Dept. document, certified list gives "Cannady," The latter list after 41 gives: Green, Williams; Nickens, Hezkh. G. M. B. " James Marshall was Midshipman in the Tempest in 1778." "Received Dec. 8, 1779, of William Armistead, the above 3265 gallons rum for the use of the Ship Tempest. Celey Saunders" John H. Smith, Comr. Rev. Claims of the State of Va., certifies to the genuineness of the copy in YS. of Navy Dept. taken from the original in Vol. 1, Navy Papers, now on file in this office. Dec. 5, 1835. "Necessaries for the Officers on Board Ship "Tempest" "Memorandum of Sugar and Tea for Officers of " Tempest" for one month. "To the Corny, of Stores" A. Dec. jo, 1779 B. Sept. 8, 1779 I. Saunders, Celey, Capt. 1. Mitchell, Ro., Master 2. James, Michael, Lieut. 2. Pierce, Jno., Midship. 3- Steele, William, Lieut. 3- Robins, Jno., Midship. 4- McMickal, John, Surgeon 4- Mitchell, Richd., Midship. 5- Lendrum, Tho., Sr. Mate 5- Wilson, Jno., Midship. 6. Robins, John, Midship. 6. Tyler, Henry, Midship. 7- Wilson, John, Midship. 7- Wray, Geo., actg., Midship. 8. Mitchell, Richd., Midship. 8. Stubbs, John, Midship. 9- Gordon, Churchill, Midship. 9- Lane, Jno., Midship. 10. Woods, Wm., Pilot 10. Lendrum, Thos., Surgns. Mate 11. Christian, Nicholas, Steward 11. Wood, Wm., Pilot 12. Law, Timothy, Gunner (For 60 12. McPherson, Mark, Steward days) 13- Triplett, Reuben, Bos. Mid. & Clk. Signed by: James James James Barron George Lyn Signed by: James Barron Receipted by Mark McPherson, Steward 34 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia ("See Vol. I, Navy Papers") "Memo: (i) "Celey Saunders appointed Apr. I, 1776, Capt. of " 1st Row Galley on Rap- pahannock river, by Comm. of Safety, Comd. by the Govr. Capt. (also his subalterns) July 20, 1776 {Lewis Galley). Sometime in the first part of the year 1778 he took charge of the Tempest." (Original does not indicate to whom this refers:) "Resigned his Comm. Aug. 21, 1778 (See Navy Journal)." (3) Wm. Steele appointed Lieut, of the Tempest Feb. 21, 1778. Sloop "Virginia" (Employed in Trade) (No details are given in the originals.) Ship "Virginia" (Built in 1778 and 1779) Barron, James, Captain (7,777! and 4,3505) Ship "Washington," Virginia State Navy Boush, Goodrich, Captain, Feb. 3, 1777. Boush, William Davenport, John Captain Willis Willis and John Stewart, Ship "Washington" (Supplies) (Act of Va. General Assembly, Dec. 22, 1792 ; Va. Archives, H. R. Mcllwaine, State Librarian, Richmond, Va.) [Richmond, Va.], Dec. 22, 1792. Be it enacted by the General Assembly that the Auditor of public accounts shall be and he is hereby directed, on application to him made, to issue to John Stewart a certificate for the sum of 33£, 12s and 9d for certain supplies, furnished the ship Washington, Capt. Willis Wilson, who being on a cruise in the year 1779, with a full complement of Men, was compelled for the want thereof to put into port, and having received the same was thereby enabled to pursue the objects of his cruise. The Act shall commence in force from and after the passage thereof. A true copy from the Enrolled bill in the office of the General Assembly. (Teste) Charles Hay Reed, warrant for the above John Stewart (Dec. 27, 1792, read 1st time.) Board for Condemnation of State Navy Vessels In Council, Mar. 22, 1781. The Governor having laid before the Board a resolution of Assembly of Mar. 13, 15, 1781, concerning the Accomack and Diligence rallies. Whereupon they advise that James Henry, Thos. Bailey and Jas. Arbuckle, or any two of them, be empowered to have the said vessels examined by skilful persons and on their Virginia State Navy, Vessels, etc. 35 report and their own judgment determine whether it be most for the public advantage to repair the same, to sell them, or to apply their materials to other uses, and to proceed to sell the same if that be best, or if not to employ persons at the public expense to repair them, or to save their materials. That they further proceed to enquire into the damage the said Galleys have sustained by robbery or plunder and into the authors thereof and to make report to the Executive of their whole proceedings herein. (Copy) Archd. Blair C. C. I hereby certify that the above is a true copy of a paper to be found in 1st Vol. of papers concerning the State Navy — it appears in the same book that the Diligence Galley was sold on May 19, 1781 and the Accomack on July 16, 1781. Auditor's Office, Richmond, Va., May 12, 1846. Jas. E. Heath, Aud. (Office of Naval Records and Library U. S. Navy Department) State Fleet at Turkey Island, Mar. 22, 1781 (Calendar of Va. State Papers, Palmer, Vol. 1, p. 588) Ship Renoun, Capt. William Lewis, mounting 16 6-pounders and 22 men. Brig William Lass, Capt. Williams, mounting 12 4-pounders and 20 men. Brig Marrs, Capt. Thomas, mounting 8 4-pounders and 10 men. Brig Morning Star, Capt. Beary, mounting 2 4-pounders and 13 men. Schooner, Hero, Capt. Howell, mounting 3 swivels and 13 men. Sloope Eminence, Capt. Westcoat, mounting 1 howitzer and 8 men. Brig Wilkes, Capt. Cunningham, mounting 123- and 4-pounders and 20 men. One Duck g. and one open River "Craft" belonging to Jno. Cooke of Peters- burg, with 5 negroes on board. One Duck g. " Crafte," the property of Capt. Murry, with 3 men on board. "Return," Robt. Mitchell ioth Henning, May, 1780, p. 297. (Nav. Arch.) "And whereas it is indispensably necessary that there should be a marine force for the protection of the Sea Coast of this State and of the Chesapeake Bay and its depending Rivers within the Commonwealth. Be it enacted that the Governour with the advice of Council be empowered to direct the Commissioner of the Navy to order the Ships Thetis, Tempest, Dragon, together with the Brig Jefferson to be immediately repaired, manned and made ready for the defence of the Bay and Sea Coast; and that the Henry Galley be in like manner immediately repaired, manned and made ready for the purpose of defending Hampton, Hampton Road and the adjacent waters." [Chap, xv, Nov. 1781, p. 458] "Proceedings of a Board of Officers late of the State line and Navy that sat at Richmond, in consequence of a requisition of the Supreme Executive on Thursday the 13TH May, 1784." (N. A. and Va. Lib.). Present: Commodore Barron Colonel Meriwether and Colonel Muter Captain Lilly. 36 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia The Board examined the list of Officers of the Navy, and find from the best evidence they can procure, that it is agreeable to the arrangement of the Officers of the Navy next preceding the fall Session of Assembly in 1781. And that the Officers, that are now alive, whose names are included in the said list, have always behaved themselves, in such a manner, as to be justly entitled to all the emolu- ments given by law to the Officers of the State Navy. The Board however are informed that Lieut. Gray in his life time, and while he commanded the Cormor- ant, behaved much amiss in making away with stores intrusted to his care, this happened in the year 1780. "List of Officers of the State Navy Agreeable to the Arrangemant Next Preceding the Fall Session of Assembly in 1781" Barron, James, Commodore, commissioned July 3, 1780. Barron, Richard, Captain, commissioned Jan 6, 1776. Lilly, Thomas, Captain, commissioned Jan. 14, 1776. Taylor, Richard, Captain, when comd. not known. Saunders, , Captain, when comd. not known. Since dead. Travis, Edward, Captain, when comd. not known. Since dead. Wilson, Willis, Captain, when comd. not known. Markham, James, Captain, when comd. not known. Since dead. Waistcott, Wright, Captain, when comd. not known. Elliott, , Captain, when comd. not known. Harris, John, Captain, when comd. not known. Since dead. Saunders, William, Captain, when comd. not known. James, Mich'l, Lieutenant, when comd. not known. Gray, , Lieutenant, when comd. not known. Since dead. Chandler, Thos., Lieutenant, when comd. not known. Since dead. Steel, Wm., Lieutenant, when comd. not known. Parker, Wm. H., Lieutenant, when comd. not known. In Council, May 27, 1784, James Barron, Presd't. Benj. Harrison." "List of Officers of Revolutionary War in Virginia State Line with a Few Officers of the State Navy; Claims for Half Pay, etc." (N. R. and L. — undated). "Banks, James, Sailing Master Brig Liberty. Barron, James, Commodore, Commander-in-Chief, Va. State Navy during Rev. War. Barron, Richard, Capt., Va. State Navy. Barron, Samuel, Lieut., Va. State Navy. Bartlett, Philip, Surgeon, Brig Liberty. Bayly, Laban, Sailing Master, Diligence. Bennett, William, Sailing Master, Diligence. Bonewell, Thomas, Sailing Master, Diligence. Virginia State Navy, Vessels, etc. 37 Booth, William, Sailing Master, Va. State Navy. Boush, Charles S., Lieut., Va. State Navy. Britain, John, Sailing Master, Patriot and Liberty. Brooke, Walter, Commodore, Va. Navy, April, 1777-Sept., 1778. Cannon, Jesse, Lieut., Diligence Galley. Cannon, Luke, Midship., Diligence Galley. Cartett, George, Lieut. Marines, Brig Mosquito. Chamberlain, George, Lieut., Brig Mosquito. Chandler, Thomas, Lieut., Va. State Navy. Cox, John, Captain, Sally Morton. Crew, John, Lieut., Defiance. Dekay, Charles, Sailing Master, Mosquito. Dobson, Robert, Sailing Master, Galley Henry. Dougherty, James, Lieut., Protector and Dragon. Elliot, George, Capt., Safeguard. Field, Theophilus, Lieut., Va. State Navy. George, Jesse, Lieut., Ship Dragon, Ship Protector, Galley Lewis. Gibson, John, Sailing Master, Liberty. Godwin, Joseph, Lieut., Liberty. Goffaghan, Laban, Lieut., Cruiser Potomac, Sloop Scorpion. Gooseley, George, Captain, Thetis. Graves, William, Lieut., Va. State Navy. Gray, James, Lieut., Ship Cormorant. Griffin, Corbin, Hospital Surgeon, Manley. Hall, Robert, Sailing Master, Galley Henry, Brig Jefferson, Boat Liberty. Hardyman, John, Capt. of Marines, Cormorant. Harris, John, Capt., Privateer Mosquito, Galley Accomac. Healy, Samuel, Lieut., Galley Lewis. Herbert, Pascow, Lieut., Liberty. Humphlett, Thomas, Lieut., Schooner Patriot. James, Michael, Lieut., Ship Tempest. Jennings, John, Sailing Master, Fly and Patriot. Johnston, William, Surgeon, Defiance and Nicholson. Jones, Charles, Lieut., Patriot and Liberty. Kautzman, John V., Lieut., Tempest. Landrum, Thomas, Surgeon, Mate, Tempest. Lyon, John, Surgeon, Mate, Ship Hero. Livingston, Justice, Surgeon, Sloop Scorpion, Brig Northampton, Ship Tartar, Va. State Navy, 1 775-1 783. Monickle, John, Surgeon, Tempest. Malcom, James, Capt., Tempest. Marshall, Jenifer, Sailing Master, Accomac. Marshall, Joseph, Sailing Master, Schooner Scorpion. Massenburg, Alexander, Sailing Master, Brig Liberty, Galley Henry, Schooner Nicholson. Maxwell, James, Capt., Cormorant. 38 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Moore, John, Sailing Master, Galley Lewis. Parker, Richard, Lieut., Galley Diligence. Parker, Wm. H., Lieut., Tartar. Pasteur, John, Capt., Molly. Reynolds, John, Surgeon, Galley Protector, Ship Tartar. Rodgers, John, Capt., Va. State Navy. Roe, Wm., Surg. Mate, Va. State Navy. Saunders, Joseph, Galley Lewis, Brig Jefferson. Saunders, Wm., Capt., Ship Tartar. Skinner, Wm., Capt., Congress. Speak, Joseph, Lieut., Galley Safeguard, Sloop Washington. Steele, Wm., Lieut., Tempest. Swope, John, Surgeon, Sloop Liberty, Galley Henry. Taylor, Richard, Capt., Ship Dragon. Travis, Edward, Capt., Va. State Navy. Tripman, John, Sailing Master, Manley and Tartar. Westcott, Wright, Capt., Cruiser Potomac, Sloop Scorpion. White, Wm., S., Surgeon's Mate, Galley Accomac. Wilson, James, Capt., Va. State Navy. Worreycott, Edward, Lieut, and Capt., Schooner Hornet, Brig Greyhound. "Surgeons, Navy, Allowed Half Pay. (N. R. and L.) Applewhaite, John, Surgeon Reynolds, John, Surgeon Bartlett, Philip, Surgeon Snead, Robert, Surgeon Livingston, Justice, Surgeon Swope, John, Surgeon McNickle, John, Surgeon The above Seven Surgeons of the Navy are all that have received half pay for Naval services. Corbin Griffin was originally in the Navy but transferred to the Naval Hospital as Hospital Surgeon. There were forty armed vessels in the Va. Navy and of these over twenty were in service in 1780 and 1 781, or after these years, so that at least twenty odd Surgeons were enlisted, several of these how- ever appear to have died from 1783 to 1785. Vespasian Ellis." "Pension Office, April 27, 1852. (N. R. and L.) Sir: Will you do me the favor to send me by bearer the papers in the following cases of Officers whose representatives have received half pay under Act of July 5, 1832, to wit: Nos. 3,791 Applewhaite, John, Surgeon, Petn., paid Aug. 16, 1838. 2,506 Bartlett, Philip, Surgeon, Petn., paid July 16, 1846. !9»735 Fonschee, William, Surgeon, Petn., paid Feb. 25, 1845. 8,263 Grier, Charles, Surgeon, Petn., paid Oct. 13, 1849, and Jan. 4, 1850, No. 8,600. Virginia State Navy, Vessels, etc. 39 4,024 Lyon, John, Surgeon's Mate, paid Feb. 20, 1836. 3,315 Livingston, Justice, as Surgeon, paid Mar. 18, 1847. 4,061 McNickle, John, as Surgeon, paid Mar. 9, 1836. 1,614 Nicholson, Robert, Surgeon, paid Apr. 11, 1846. 7,015 Roe, William as Surgeon's Mate, paid Feb. 9, 1849. Very respectfully yr. obt. servt. J. E. Heath, Comr. Pensions John L. Gallaher, 3d Auditor." "Officers of the Navy and Marines, 1 776-1 778 By Comm. of Safety and the Council, Virginia * Allison, John, Mar. 16, 1776., Capt. "1 Comm. of Safety, Marines of the Payne, Wm., Mar. 16, 1776, 1st Lieut. V Sloops American Congress, Moody, James, Mar. 16, 1776, 2d Lieut. J Potomac, appointed this day. Arell, John, Dec. 19, 1777. Capt. Marines, vice Valentine Peirs res. By Comm. Hamilton, Thos., Dec. 19, 1777. 1st Lieut., Marines, vice Arrell, promoted. By order of Council. Jessee George, Jan. 7, 1778. 2d Lieut. Lewis Galley Comd. by Council. Barron, James, Captain, Mar. 6, 1776. Bt. Liberty, (Comm. of Safety). Barron, Richard, Capt., Mar. 14, 1776. Bt. Patriot, (Comm. of Safety). Blaws, James, Midship., Mar. 27, 1776. Capt. R. Taylor's report not received, Comm. of Safety. Bright, Francis, Capt., Apr. 1, 1776. 1st Cruiser, E. Shore. Appointed this day, Comm. of Safety. Boush, Charles, 1st Lieut., June 1, 1776. Of Marines lately commanded by Capt. Marsden (C. S.). Barret, John, 1st Lieut., July 12, 1776. Brig Raleigh. Received comm. this day. Blankhead, James, appointed 2d Lieut., Sept. 30, 1776. Capt. Dicks, Marines, vice Charles Thompson resigned (C. S.). Boush, Goodrich, Capt., Feb. 3, 1777. Washington Galley. Comd. (Council). Blaws, Robert, appointed 2d Lieut., Feb. 6, 1777. Manley Galley, Vice Cham- berlayne sent to the Musquito. Boiling, Robt., 1st Lieut., Mar. 21, 1777. Manley Galley, Vice Sturdivant pro. 2 1st (Council). Brooke, Walter, Commodore State Navy, Apr. 8, 1777. Comd. (Council). Blaws, Ro., 2d Lieut., Apr. 26, 1777. Caswell Galley, Apptd. C. Brown, Windsor, 1st Lieut., June 18, 1777. Marines, Saunders Cruiser, C. Calvert, John, Feb. 8, 1776. Capt., Row Galley on James River (C. S.). Chamberlayne, Phil., Feb. 8, 1776. 1st Master, Capt. Muters Cruiser (C. S.). Callender, Eleazer, Apr. 1, 1776. Capt., 2d Cruiser or Rappahannock (C. S.). Green, Capt. Wm., Apr. 1, 1776. 1st Mate, 2d Cruiser on Rappahannock. Appointed this day. * From the Virginia State Archives, Richmond, Va. 40 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Cooke, Ro., Apr. 29, 1776. Capt., 2d Cruiser, E. Shore. Appointed this day (C. S.). Cocke, James, May 6, 1776. Capt., Cruiser, Outfit. Appointed this day. (C. S.). Calvert, Christopher, June 6, 1776. Capt. Appointed to superintend the building of the Row Galley (C. S.). Conway, Robert, June 18, 1776. Master, 1st Galley on the Potomac River, Geo. Gooseley resigned (C. S.). Cocke, James, July 12, 1776. Capt., Brig Raleigh ~) (Council) received Barret, John, July 12, 1776. 1st Lieut., Brig Raleigh i- their comms. Sturdivant, Joel, July 12, 1776. 2d Lieut., Brig Raleigh J this day. Calvert, John, July 12, 1776. Capt., Sloop Nor. Re. ] (Council) re- Herbert, Argyle, July 12, 1776. 1st Lieut., Sloop Nor. Re. ceived their Elam, Robert, July 12, 1776. 2d Lieut., Sloope Nor. Re. commissions Tennant, James, July 12, 1776. Master, Sloop Nor. Re. J this day. Callender, Eleazer, July 20, 1776. Capt., Sloop Defiance, Council. Green, William, July 20, 1776. 1st Lieut., Sloop Defiance, Council. Jones, Lewis, July 20, 1776. 2d Lieut., Sloop Defiance, Council. Chamberlayne, Philip, Aug. 19, 1776. Lieut., Sloop Defiance. Reed. Comm. 19, Council. Cocke, John Catesby, Aug. 29, 1776. Capt., Mannis. Reed. Comm. 29, Council. Carr, Samuel, Nov. 18, 1776. Capt., Mannis, Council. "Rank from July 22, 1776." Chamberlayne, Byrd. Appointed Nov. 25, 1776. 1st Lieut., Brig Mosquito, Capt. Harris, (Council). Cocke, John C, Nov. 25, 1776. Capt., Mannis, (Council). Cocke, James, Dec. 4, 1776. Capt., Manley Galley, (Council). Sturdivant, Joel, Dec. 4, 1776. 1st Lieut., Manley Galley, (Council), Comd. Chamberlayne, Geo., Dec. 4, 1776. 2d Lieut., Manley Galley, (Council), Comd. Crew, John, Dec. 17, 1776. 1st Lieut., Sloop Defiance, Capt. Green, (Council). Cabell, Absolom, Jan. 9, 1777. 1st Lieut., Sloop Congress, vice Skinner pro. do. Chamberlayne, Geo., Feb. 3, 1777. 2d Lieut., Brig Mosquito, vice Boiling removed, do. Carr, Samuel, Apr. 26, 1777. Capt., Mannis, to take rank from July 22, 1776, (Council). Davies, John, June 1, 1776. 3d Lieut., of Marines, lately commanded by Capt. Marsden (C. S.). Dick, Alexander, July 24, 1776. Capt., Marines, order respecting him (Council). Deane, Wra,, Aug. 21, 1776. Capt., Schooner Rev[enge]do. (Council). Jeffries, Aaron, Aug. 21, 1776. 1st Lieut., Schooner Rev[enge]do., reed, comm. (Council). Davis, James, Nov. 1, 1776. 3d Lieut., Marines, Capt. Jas. Foster's Co., (Council). Elain, Robert, July 12, 1776. 2d Lieut., Sloop Nor. Revenge. Comd. July 12, 1776 (Council). Virginia State Navy, Vessels, etc. 41 Foster, James, May 14, 1776. Lieut. Marines, in Capt. Marsden's Co. (C. S.). Foster, James, June I, 1776. Capt., of Marines lately commanded by Capt. Marsden (C. S.). Boush, E., June I, 1776. 1st Lieut., of Marines lately commanded by Capt. Marsden (C. S.). Valentine, Jacob, June 1, 1776. 2d Lieut., of Marines lately commanded by Capt. Marsden (C. S.). Davies, John, June 1, 1776. 3d Lieut., of Marines lately commanded by Capt. Marsden (C. S.). f belonging to the Com. Gooseley, George, Feb. 26, 1776. Capt., Brig Liberty \ to Mr. Ronaldo, Green, William, Mar. 16, 1776. Master, Row Galley Rappahannock river (C. S.). Gray, James, Mar. 27, 1776. 2d Master, Capt., R. Taylor's vessel not named. Appointed on the recommendation of Capt. Taylor (C. S.). Green, Wm. Capt., Apr. 1, 1776. 1st Mate, 2d Cruiser on Rappahannock (C. S.). Graves, Rd. C, May 14, 1776. Marine service (C. S.). "Goffagan, Labn," June 18, 1776. 1st Mate, Capt. Westcott's Cruiser on Potomac (C. S.). Green, Wm., July 21, 1776. 1st Lieut., Sloop Defiance (Council). Gray, Robt., Nov. 1, 1776. 2d Lieut., Bg. Raleigh, lately commanded by Jas. Cocke (Council). Green, Wm., Dec. 6, 1776. Capt., Sloop Defiance, vice Collender (Council). George, Jessee, Jan. 7, 1777. 2d Lieut., Lewis Galley, Comd. Jan. 7 (Council). Hamilton, Thomas, Mar. 14, 1776. Lieut., Marines, apptd. (C. S.). Hanway, Samuel, May 5, 1776. Capt., Marines, recruiting (C. S.). Hog, Richard, May 5, 1776. Marine service, recruiting (C. S.). Healey, Samuel, June 17, 1776. 2d Mate of Galley commanded by Capt. C. Saunders (C. S.). Herbert, Argyle, July 12, 1776. 1st Lieut., Sloop No. Revenge, (Council). Healey, Samuel, July 21, 1776. 2d Lieut., 1st Row Galley (Council). Harris, John, Aug. 3, 1776. 1st Lieut., Manley Galley. Received his comm. (Council). Herbert, Thomas, 1st Lieut., Bg. Liberty (Council). Herbert, Charles, Aug. 11, 1776 of Hero Galley (No rank given) (Council). Herbert, William, Aug. 11, 1776 of Hero Galley (No rank given) (Council). Hogg, Richard, Aug. 11, 1776. Lieut., Marines Nor. Revenge Galley (Council). Harris, John, Nov. 1, 1776. Capt., Brig Mosquito, vice Younghusband resigned. Herbert, Argyle, Dec. 5, 1776. 1st Lieut., Caswell Galley (Council). Hamilton, Thomas, Jan. 7, 1777. 1st Lieut., Marines, vice Arell promoted (Council). Hamilton, Thomas, Mar. 17, 1777. Capt., Marines, vice Arell resigned (Council). Healy, Samuel, Apr. 23, 1777. Capt., Schooner Hornet, Trading Dept. 23d (Council). Irey, William, Jan. 7, 1777. Capt., Sloop Liberty, vice Walter Brooke, (Council). 42 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Jones, Lewis, July 21, 1776. 2d Lieut., Sloop Defiance (Council). Jeffries, Aron, Aug. 21, 1776. 1st Lieut., Schooner Revenge. Received his comm. (Council). K (none). Lilly, Thomas, Mar. 26, 1776. Capt., Brig Liberty (C. S.). Lightburn, Henry, Mar. 26, 1776. Pilot, Capt., R. Taylor's vessel (not named) (Comm. Safety). Lightburn, Stafford, June 17, 1776. 1st Mate of Galley commanded by Capt. C. Saunders (C. S.). Lightburn, Henry, June 17, 1776. 2d Mate of Capt. Markham's vessel (C. S.). Lightburn, Richard, June 18, 1776. Mate of Capt. Wm. Saunder's Cruiser (C.S.). Lightburn, Stafford, June 20, 1776. 1st Lieut., 1st Row Galley, received comm. (C. S.). Lurty, John, June 20, 1776. 1st Lieut., 2d Row Galley (Council). Lightburn, Henry, June 20, 1776. 2d Lieut., 2d Row Galley, received comm. July 20 (Council). Lightburn, Richard, June 20, 1776. Lieut., Schr. Adventure, received comm. (Council). Lee, John, June 20, 1776. Capt., Marine (C. S.). Lilly, Thomas, Aug. 3, 1776. Capt., Brig Liberty, received comm. Aug. 3 (Council). Lee, John, Dec. 18, 1776. Capt., Marines (Council). Lattimore, Edwd., Feb. 3, 1777. 1st Lieut., Pilot, Boat Molly, Feb. 3, 1777. (Council). Muter, George, Mar. 14, 1776. Master, Row Galley to be built on James River (C. S.). Moody, James, Mar. 16, 1776. 2d Lieut., Marines, Sloop American Congress (C. S.). Meriwether, Thomas, Mar. 29, 1776. 1st Lieut., Marine Sloop Potomac (C. S.). Markham, James, Apr. 1, 1776. Capt., Commd. by Capt. Lilly. York River (C. S.). Mitchell Wm., May 1, 1776. Capt., Marines remembering money paid him (C. S.). Markham, James, July 20, 1776. Capt., 2 Row Galley, received comm. July 20 (Council). John, John, July 20, 1776. 1st Lieut., 2 Row Galley, received comm. July 20 (Council). Lightburn, Henry, July 20, 1776. 2d Lieut., 2 Row Galley, received comm. July 20 (Council). Mitchell, Wm., July 26, 1776. Capt., Marines, order respecting him July 26 (Council). Muter, Geo., Aug. 19, 1776. Capt., Hero Galley, received comm. Aug. 19 (Council). Chamberlayne, Bird, Aug. 19, 1776. Lieut., Hero Galley, received comm. Aug. 19 (Council). Virginia State Navy, Vessels, etc. 43 Herbert, Charles, Aug. 19, 1776. , Hero Galley, received comm. Aug. 19 (Council). Herbert, William, Aug. 19, 1776. , Hero Galley, received comm. Aug. 19 (Council). Madison, Gabrail, Oct. 19, 1776. , Marines, Comd. this day (Council). Meriwether, Thomas, Nov. 25, 1776. Capt., Marines, vice Wm. Mitchell, res. (Council). Morton, Edward, Nov. 26, 1776. 1st Lieut., Schr. Revenge, vice Aron Jeffries appointed to command of Sloop Liberty (Council). Meriwether, James, Mar. 28, 1776. 2d Lieut., Marines, Capt. Thos. Meriwether's Co. (Council). N (none) , O (none) . Payne, William, Mar. 16, 1776. 1st Lieut., Marines of the Sloop American Congress (C. S.). Pollard, Benjamin, Mar. 29, 1776. 1st Lieut., in Capt. Muter's Row Galley (C. S.). Peers, Valentine, June 18, 1776. Capt., Marines, vice Stunenbarger ("Stein- bar"?), who failed to recruit. (Council). Portear, , Aug. 8, 1776. Capt. in the Trading Department (Council). Pollard, Benjamin, Aug. 19, 1776. Lieut., Marines. Pollard, Benjamin, Dec. 14, 1776. Appointed Capt., Marines, vice Saml. Harway resigned. Payne, Merriman, Mar. 4, 1777. 2d Lieut., Safeguard Galley (C. S.). Stratton, Thos., Mar. 4, 1777. 2d Lieut., Hero Galley (C. S.). Pollard, Benjamin, Mar. 22, 1777. 2d Lieut. Pollard, Thomas, May 29, 1777. 1st Lieut., Nor. Re. Galley, vice Argyle Herbert appointed to Caswell Galley (Council). Pasteur, John, Feb. 3, 1777. Capt., Pilot Boat Molly. Quarles, James, June 8, 1776. Lieut., Capt. Cocke Marines, warrant, to him (C. S.). Quarles, James, Aug. 3, 1776. 1st Lieut., Marines under Capt. Cocke (Council). Rogers, George, Aug. 3, 1776. 1st Lieut. Brig Liberty, Aug. 3, received comm. (Council). Rootes, Daniel, Aug. 21, 1776. 1st Lieut., Schr. Speedwell, Capt. Cooke Trading dept. (Council). Reynolds, John, Dec. 2, 1776. 3d Lieut., vice Waller promoted (Council). Saunders, Celey, Apr. 1, 1776. Capt., one Row Galley in Rappahannock River (C. S.). Saunders, Wm., Apr. 1, 1776. 1st Lieut., one Row Galley in Rappahannock River(C. S.). Stratton, Henry, May 6, 1776. Lieut., Marines, recruiting expenses pd. (C. S.). Saunders, Wm., June 8, 1776. Master, Adventure, Cruiser Rappa. (C. S.). 44 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Saunders, Celey, July 20, 1776. Capt., 1 Row Galley (Council). Singleton, Joshua, Aug. 3, 1776. 2d Master, Adventure (Council). Stratton, Henry, Sept. 14, 1776. Lieut., Hero Galley (Council). Sandford, [Laurence], Oct. 18, 1776. Capt., Brig Adventure (Comm. Council). Shields, John, Nov. 25, 1776. 1st Lieut., Marines, vice Meriwether promoted (Council). Singleton, Joshua, Nov. 26, 1776. Comd. 1st Lieut. Henry Galley, vice B. Chamberlayne removed to the Mosquito (Council). Skinner, Wm., Nov. 26, 1776. Capt., Sloop Congress, vice Boacher resigned (Council). Sturdivant, Joel, Dec. 4, 1776. Appointed 2d Lieut., Brig Raleigh, received his comm. July 12, 1776, 1st Lieut. Manley Galley (Council). Sturdivant, Joel, Feb. 5, 1777. Appointed Capt. Manley Galley, vice Ja. Cocke resigned (Council). Stratton, Thomas, Mar. 4, 1777. 2d Lieut., Hero Galley (appointed by C. S.). Sprake, Joseph, Mar. 19, 1777, 1st Lieut., Safeguard (Council). Saunders, Wm., May 5, 1777. Capt., Manley Galley, vice Joel Sturdivant deceased (Council). Stratton, Thomas, Jan. 3, 1777. 2d Lieut., Hero (appointed by C. S.). Taylor, Richard (Caroline), Mar. 14, 1776. Capt., Armed vessel fitted by Col. Lewis (C. S.). Tompkins, Ro., June 6, 1776. Capt., Galley in York River 2 18-pounders (C. S.). Tennant, James, July 12, 1776. Master, Sloop Norfolk Revenge (Council). Towles, Samuel, July 23, 1776. 2d Lieut., Cruiser Revenge vice Richd Marsh res. (Council). Taylor, Richd., July 26, 1776. Capt., Schr. Liberty, order respecting him July 26 (Council). Travis, Edward, Aug. 3, 1776. Capt., Manley Galley (Council). Taylor, Richard, Aug. 14, 1776. Capt., Schr. Hornet (Council). Tennant, James, Oct. 24, 1776. Appointed 2d Lieut., Norfolk Revenge Galley (Council). Travis, Edward, Nov. 1, 1776. Appointed Capt., Brig Raleigh lately com- manded by Ja. Cocke. Towles, Saml., Nov. 25, 1776. Appointed Capt., Schr. Revenge, vice Dean, appointed Supt. Ship Building (Council). Tompkins, Ro., Nov. 28, 1776. Capt., Henry Galley Comd. Nov. 28, 1776 (Council). Taylor, Richard, Dec. 2, 1776. Capt., Schr. Hornet. His comm. (Council) granted by C. S. received and signed by Governor (Council). Thomas, John, Dec. 7, 1776. 1st Lieut., Protector Galley, Capt. Conway (Council). Tompkins, Christopher, Apr. 3, 1777. 2d Lieut., Henry Galley, vice Geo. Chamberlayne promoted. Tennant, James, July 3, 1777. 1st Lieut., Norfolk Revenge Galley (Council). Taylor, Richard, July 21, 1777. Capt., appointed to superintend the building and fitting of trading vessels (Council). Virginia State Navy, Vessels, etc. 45 U (none). Valentine, Jacob, June I, 1776. 2d Lieut, of Marines lately commanded by Capt. Marsden, Oct. 17, 1776 (C. S.). Wonneycutt, Edward, Mar. 27, 1776. 1st Mate, Capt. R. Taylor's vessel (not named — see Hornet) appointed on recommendation of Capt. Taylor (C. S.). Wilson, Willis, Sept. 7, 1776. Appointed Capt., Caswell Galley (Council). Waller, Edmund, Oct. 30, 1776. 3d Lieut., Caswell Galley (Council). Waller, Edmund, Dec. 2, 1776. 2d Lieut., Capt. Dick's Co. Marines, vice Blankhead resigned (Council). Wonneycutt, Edwd., Mar. 27, 1776. 1st Mate] Capt. R. Taylor's vessel (not Gray, James, Mar. 27, 1776. 2d Mate >■ named). — Appointed on rec- Blaws, James, Mar. 27, 1776. Midship. J ommendation Capt. Taylor. Lightburn, Henry, Mar. 27, 1776. Pilot Chamberlayne, Phil, Mar. 27, 1776. 1st Mate, Capt. Muter's Cruisers. Merriwether, Tho., Mar. 29, 1776. 1st Lieut., Marines in Sloop comd. by Capt. Lilly, York River, appointed this day. Pollard, Benj., Mar. 29, 1776. 1st Lieut., Capt. Muter's Row Galley, appointed this day. Callender, Eleazer, Apr. 1, 1776. Capt., 2d Cruiser on Rappahannock. Green, Capt. Wm., Apr. 1, 1776. 1st Mate, 2d Cruiser on Rappahannock. Saunders, Celey, Apr. 1, 1776. Capt., One Row Galley on Rappahannock River. Saunders, Wm., Apr. 1, 1776. 1st Lieut., One Row Galley on Rappahannock River. Markham, James, Apr. 1, 1776. Capt., 2d Row Galley on Rappahannock River. Bright, Francis, Apr. 1, 1776. Capt., 1st Cruiser E. Shore. Cooke, Ro., Apr. 2, 1776. Capt., 1st Cruiser E. Shore. Mitchell, Wm., May 1, 1776. Capt., Marines, recruiting money pd. him. Hanway, Samuel, May 5, 1776. Capt., Marines, recruiting. Cocke, James, May 6, 1776. Capt., Cruiser outfit, etc. Hog, Richd., May 6, 1776. Marine service, recruiting. Stratton, Henry, May 6, 1776. Lieut. Marines, recruiting expenses pd. Foster, James, May 6, 1776. Lieut. Marines, Capt. Marsden's Co. Graves, Rd. C, May 14, 1776. Marine service. Foster, James, June 1, 1776. Capt. of Marines lately comd. by Capt. Marsden. Boush, Charles, June 1, 1776. 1st Lieut., Marines lately comd. by Capt. Marsden. Valentine, Jacob, June 1, 1776. 2d Lieut., Marines lately comd. by Capt. Marsden. Davies, John, June I, 1776. 3d Lieut., Marines lately comd. by Capt. Marsden. Calvert, Christopher, June 6, 1776. Capt. Appointed to superintend the building of Row Galley. Tompkins, Ro., June 6, 1776. Capt., Galley in York River, 2 18-pounders ordered for her. Quarles, James, June 8, 1776. Lieut., Capt. Cocke's Marines — a warrant to him. Saunders, Wm., June 8, 1776. Master, Adventure, Cruiser Rappahannock. 46 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Lightburn, Stafford, June 17, 1776. 1st Mate Galley comd. by Capt. C. Saunders. Healey, Saml., June 17, 1776. 2d Mate, Galley comd. by Capt. C. Saunders. Lightburn, Henry, June 17, 1776. 2d Mate, Capt. Markham's vessel. Lightburn, Richd., June 17, 1776. Mate of Capt. Win. Saunders' Cruiser. Lee, John, June 18, 1776. Capt., Marines L „ Brown, Windsor, June 18, 1776. 1st Lieut., Marines/ p y ' Goffeygan, Labon, June 18, 1776. 1st Mate, Capt. "Wintcoll" Cruiser on Potomac. Peers, Valentine, June 18, 1776. Capt. Marines, appointed vice "Steenbar" (see p. — ) who failed to recruit. Conway, Ro., June 18, 1776. Master, 1st Galley on the Potomac, vice Geo. Goosey resigned. "Officers of the Navy and Marines — Memo, from Journals of Council for Part of 1776-7" Cocke, James, July 12, 1776. Capt., Brig Raleigh. Received Comm. this day. Barrett, John, July 12, 1776. 1st Lieut., Brig Raleigh. Received Comm. this day. Sturdivant, Joel, July 12, 1776. 2d Lieut., Brig Raleigh. Received Comm. this day. Calvert, John, July 12, 1776. Capt., Sloop Nor. Revenge. Received their Comm. this day. Herbert, Argyle, July 12, 1776. 1st Lieut., Sloop Nor. Revenge. Received their Comm. this day. Elain, Ro., July 12, 1776. 2d Lieut., Sloop Nor. Revenge. Received their Comm. this day. Tennant, James, July 12, 1776. Master, Sloop Nor. Revenge. Received their Comm. this day. Callender, Eleazer, July 20, 1776. Capt., Sloop Defiance. Received their Comm. 20th. Green, William, July 20, 1776. 1st Lieut., Sloop Defiance. Received their Comm. 20th. Jones, Lewis, July 20, 1776. 2d Lieut., Sloop Defiance. Received their Comm. 20th. Saunders, Celey, July 20, 1776. Capt., 1st Row Galley. Received their Comm. 20th. Lightburn, Stafford, July 20, 1776. 1st Lieut., 1st Row Galley. Received theit Comm. 20th. Healey, Samuel, July 20, 1776. 2d Lieut., 1st Row Galley. Received their Comm. 20th. Markham, James, July 20, 1776. Capt. 2d Row Galley. Received their Comm. 20th. Lurty, John, July 20, 1776. 1st Lieut., 2d Row Galley. Received their Comm. 20th. Virginia State Navy, Vessels, etc. 47 Lightburn, Henry, July 20, 1776. 2d Lieut., 2d Row Galley. Received their Comm. 20th. Saunders, Wm., July 20, 1776. Capt., Schr. Adventure. Received their Comm. 20th. Lightburn, Richd., July 12, 1776. 1st Lieut., Schr. Adventure. Received their Comm. 20th. Towles, Samuel, July 23, 1776. 2d Lieut., Cruiser Revenge, vice Richd. Marsh resigned. Dick, Alexander, July 24, 1776. Capt., Marines, order respg. him. Mitchell, William, July 26, 1776. Capt., Marines, order respg. him. Taylor, Richard, July 26, 1776. Capt., Schr. Liberty, order respg. him. Travis, Edward, Aug. 3, 1776. Capt., Manley Galley. Received their Comm. Harris, John, Aug. 3, 1776. 1st Lieut., Manley Galley. Received their Comm. Singleton, Joshua, Aug. 3, 1776. 2d Lieut., Manley Galley. Received their Comm. Lilly, Tho., Aug. 3, 1776. Capt., Brig Liberty. Received their Comm. Herbert, Tho., Aug. 3, 1776. 1st Lieut., Brig Liberty. Received their Comm. Rogers, Geo., Aug. 3, 1776. 2d Lieut., Brig Liberty. Received their Comm. Quarles, James, Aug. 3, 1776. 1st Lieut., Marines under Capt. Cocke. Pasteur, , Aug. 8, 1776. Capt. in the Trading Dept. Muter, George, Aug. 19, 1776. Capt., Hero Galley. Received their Comm. Chamberlayne, Philip, Aug. 19, 1776. Lieut., Hero Galley. Received their Comm. Herbert, Charles, Aug. 19, 1776. Lieut., Hero Galley. Received their Comm. Herbert, William, Aug. 19, 1776. Lieut., Hero Galley. Received their Comm. Hogg, Richd., Aug. 19, 1776. Lieut. Marines, Nor. Revenge Galley. Pollard, Benj., Aug. 19, 1776. Lieut. Marines. Taylor, Richard, Aug. 19, 1776. Capt., Schr. Hornet. Deane, William, Aug. 21, 1776. Capt. Schr. Revenge. Received Comm. Jeffries, Aaron, Aug. 21, 1776. 1st Lieut., Schr. Revenge. Received Comm. Towles, S., Aug. 21, 1776. Lieut., Schr. Revenge. Rootes, Daniel, Aug. 21, 1776. 1st Lieut., Schr. Speedwell, Capt. Cooke (Trading Dept.). Cocke, John Catesby, Aug. 29, 1776. Capt. Marines. Schr. Revenge. Received Comm. Wilson, Willis, Sept. 7, 1776. Appointed Capt. Caswell Galley. Stratton, Henry, Sept. 14, 1776. Lieut. Hero Galley. Sandford, Laurence, Oct. 18, 1776. Capt. Brig Adventure. Received Comm. Tennant, James, Oct. 24, 1776. Appointed 2d Lieut. N. Revenge Galley. Madison, Gabrael, Oct. 19, 1776. Marines, Comm. this day. Blankhead, James, Oct. 30, 1776. Appointed 2d Lieut. Capt. Dick's Marines, vice Chas. Tompson resigned. Waller, Edmund, Oct. 30, 3d Lieut. Capt. Dick's Marines, vice Chas Tompson resigned. Harris, John, Nov. 1, 1776. Appointed Capt. Brig Musquito vice Younghusband resigned. 48 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Travis, Edwd., Nov. I, 1776. Appointed Capt. Brig Raleigh, lately comd. by Ja. Cocke. Gray, Ro., Nov. 1, 1776. 2d Lieut. Brig Raleigh, lately comd. by Ja. Cocke. Davis, James, Nov. 1, 1776. 3d Lieut. Marines, Capt. Jas. Foster's Co. Carr, Saml., Nov. 18, 1776. Capt. Marines. Chamberlayne, Byrd, Nov. 25, 1776. 1st Lieut. Brig Musquito, Capt. Harris. Merriwether, Thomas, Nov. 25, 1776. Capt. Marines, vice Wm. Mitchell resigned. Shields, John, Nov. 25, 1st Lieut. Marines, vice Meriwether promoted. Towles, Saml., Nov. 25, 1776. Appointed Capt. Schr. Revenge, vice Deane appointed Superintendent Ship bldg. Morton, Edward, Nov. 25, 1776. 1st Lieut. Schr. Revenge, vice Aaron Jeffries appointed to command of Sloop Liberty. Singleton, Joshua, Nov. 26, 1776. 1st Lieut. Henry Galley, vice B. Chamber- layne removed to the Musquito. Skinner, Wm., Nov. 26, 1776. Capt. Sloop Congress, vice Boucher resigned. Meriwether, James, Nov. 28, 1776. 2d Lieut. Marines, Capt. Meriwether's Co. Tompkins, Ro., Nov. 28, 1776. Capt. Henry Galley. Commissioned. Waller, Ed., Dec. 2, 1776. 2d Lieut., Capt. Dick's Co. Marines, vice Blankhead resigned. Reynolds, John, Dec. 2, 1776. 3d Lieut., vice Waller promoted. Taylor, Richd., Dec. 2, 1776. Capt. Schr. Hornet, his commission granted by Comm. of Safety. Received and signed by the Gov. Cocke, John C, Dec. 2, 1776. Capt. Marines. Cocke, James, Dec. 4, 1776. Capt. Manley Galley. Commissioned. Sturdivant, Joel, Dec. 4, 1776. 1st Lieut. Manley Galley. Commissioned. Chamberlayne, Geo., Dec. 4, 1776. 2d Lieut. Manley Galley. Commissioned. Pollard, Benj., Dec. 4, 1776. Appointed Capt. Marines, vice Saml. Hanway resigned. Herbert, Argyle, Dec. 5, 1776. 1st Lieut. Caswell Galley. Commissioned. Green, Wm., Dec. 6, 1776. Capt. Sloop Defiance, vice Callender. Thomas, John, Dec. 7, 1776. 1st Lieut. Protector Galley (Capt. Conway vice Terrell (?) resigned). Crew, John, Dec. 17, 1776. Appointed 1st Lieut. Sloop Defiance, Capt. Green. Lee, John, Dec. 18, 1776. Capt. Marines. Arell, John, Dec. 19, 1776. Capt. Marines, vice Val. Peers resigned. Hamilton, Thomas, Jan. 7, 1777. 1st Lieut. Marines, vice Arell promoted. George, Jasper, Jan. 7, 1777. 2d Lieut. Lewis Galley. Commissioned. Irey, Wm., Jan. 7, 1777. Capt. Sloop Liberty, vice Walter Brooke. Cabell. Absalom, Jan. 7, 1777. 1st Lieut. Sloop Congress, vice Skinner promoted. Chamberlayne, Geo., Feb. 3, 1777. 2d Lieut. Brig Musquitto, vice Boiling removed as 1st Lieut. Manley Galley. Pasteur, John, Feb. 3, 1777. Capt. Pilot Bt. Molly. Boush, Goodrich, Feb. 3, 1777. Capt., Washington Galley. Commissioned. Tennant, James, Feb. 3, 1777. 1st Lieut., Nor. Revenge Galley. Lattimore, Edwd., Feb. 3, 1777. 1st Lieut., Pilot Bt. Molly. Virginia State Navy, Vessels, etc. 49 Sturdivant, Joel, Feb. 5, 1777. Appointed Capt., Manley Galley, vice Ja. Cocke resigned. Blaws, Ro., Feb. 6, 1777. 2d Lieut., Manley Galley, vice Chamberlayne sent to the Musquitto. Westcott, Wright, Feb. 6, 1777. Capt., Scorpion. Taylor, Richd., Feb. 21, 1777. Capt. Appointed to superintend the building and fitting of trading vessels. Payne, Merriman, Mar. 4, 1777. 2d Lieut., Safeguard Galley. Appointed by Comm. of Safety. Stratton, Thomas (Strutton?), Mar. 4, 1777. 2d Lieut., Hero Galley. Ap- pointed by Comm. of Safety and commissioned. Hamilton, Tho., Mar. 17, 1777. Capt. Marines, vice Arell resigned. Sprake, Joseph, Mar. 19, 1777. 1st Lieut., Safeguard Galley. Commissioned. Boiling, Ro., Mar. 21, 1777. 1st Lieut., Manley Galley, vice Lurdivant promoted. Pollard, Benja., Mar. 22, 1777. Comd. date Dec. 14, 1776, agreeable to his Marine comm. Tompkins, Christo., Apr. 3, 1777. 2d Lieut., Henry Galley, vice Geo. Chamber- layne promoted. Brooke, Walter, Apr. 8, 1777. Commodore State Navy. Commissioned. Healey, Saml., Apr. 22, 1777. Capt., Schr. Hornet, Trading Dept. Carr, Saml., Apr. 26, 1777. Capt. Marines, to take rank from July 22, 1776. Blaws, Ro., Apr. 26, 1777. 2d Lieut., Caswell Galley, Appointed. Saunders, Wm., May 5, 1777. Capt., Manley Galley, vice Joel Sturdivant deceased. Pollard, Tho., May 29, 1777. Comd. 1st Lieut., Nor. Revenge Galley, vice Argyle Herbert appointed to the Caswell Galley. "The Following is a Copy of the Entry in the Minutes of the Navy Board, from March 6th, 1776 to August 23D, 1779, in the ist Auditor's Office." (Original, Va. State Archives, page 34) Captains in the Virginia Navy Markham, James, 1776 (6,591) Saunders, Celey, 1776 (4,666|) Lieutenants in the Virginia Navy Gray, James, Mar. 16, 1776, recommended 1st Lieut. Morton, Edmund, Mar. 25, 1777, recommended ist Lieut. Singleton, Joshua, Mar. 26, 1777, recommended. Resigned (2,666f = 1334 dol.) Herbert, Argyle, Dec. 5, 1777, recommended. Resigned. Chamberlayne, George, Aug. 12, 1777, recommended (4,000) Payne, Merryman, Aug. 12, 1777, recommended (4,000) Jones, Lewis, Aug. 22, 1777, recommended. Resigned (2,666|) Boush, Charles Say re, Aug. 30, 1777, recommended Sturdivant, Jno., Sept. 8, 1777, recommended. Resigned 50. Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Parker, Richard, Oct. 16, 1777, recommended (4,000) Carmon, Jessee, Oct. 16, 1777, recommended (4,000) Hamilton, John, Apr. 4, 1778. Resigned Richards, Wm., Apr. 14, 1778. Resigned Throll, Jno., May 2, 1778. Resigned (4,000) Dougherty, James, Aug. 27, 1778 (4,000) Cheshire, John, Sept. 2, 1778. Resigned Pettygrew, John, Sept. 22, 1778 (4,000) Rust, Benja., Oct. 23, 1778. Resigned (4,000) Richardson, David, Nov. 17, 1778. Resigned (4,000) Chandler, Thomas, Nov. 20, 1778. Died a prisoner of war after having served about five years (4,000) Montague, Richard, Jan. 28, 1779. Resigned (2,666f) Parker, William, Jan. 29, 1779 (4,000) Harris, Jno., Feb. 6, 1779 Field, Theophilus James, Michael, Northampton County, Eastern Shore Virginia Marines, 1776 Dick, Alexander, Capt. before Feb. 8, 1776 Allison, John, Capt., Feb. 16, 1776 Payne, William, 1st Lieut., Feb. 16, 1776 Moody, James, 2d Lieut., Feb. 16, 1776 Hamilton, Thos., 1st Lieut., Mar. 14, 1776 Meriwether, Tho., 1st Lieut., Mar. 29, 1776 Mitchell, William, Capt., May 5, 1776 Hanway, Samuel, Capt., May 5, 1776 Hay, Richard, Lieut., May 6, 1776 Stratton, Henry, Lieut., May 6, 1776 Foster, James, Lieut., May 6, 1776 ("14" elsewhere, G.M.B.) Graves, R. C, Marine Service, May 14, 1776 Foster, James, Capt., June I, 1776, marines lately com. by Capt. Marsden. Boush, Charles, 1st Lieut., June I, 1776, marines lately com. by Capt. Marsden. Valentine, Jacob, 2d Lieut., June 1, 1776, marines lately com. by Capt. Marsden. Davis, John, 3d Lieut., June 1, 1776, marines lately com. by Capt. Marsden. Lee, John, Capt., June 18, 1776 Brown, Windsor, 1st Lieut., June 18, 1776 Peers, Valentine, Capt., June 18, 1776 Quarles, James, Lieut., Aug. 3, 1776 Pollard, Benj., Lieut., Aug. 3, 1776 Madison, Gabrail, Sept. 19, 1776 (Rank not given) Cocke, John Catesby, Capt., Sept. 29, 1776 Quarles, James, 1st Lieut., Aug. 3, 1776 Pollard, Benj., Lieut., Aug. 3, 1776 Blankhead, James, 2d Lieut., Sept. 30, 1776 Virginia State Navy, Vessels, etc. 51 Waller, Edmund, 3d Lieut., Sept. 30, 1776 Reynolds, John, 3d Lieut, (vice Waller made 2d Lieut. Dec. 2d) Merriwether, Tho., Capt., Nov. 25, 1776 (vice Mitchell resigned) Mitchell, John, 1st Lieut., Nov. 25, 1776 Merriwether, James, 2d Lieut., Nov. 25, 1776 Pollard, Benj., Capt. (vice H resigned Dec. 5, 1776) Arell, John, Capt. (vice Peers resigned Dec. 19, 1776) Hamilton, Tho., 1st Lieut, (vice Arell promoted Dec. 19, 1776) Hamilton, Tho., Capt. (vice Arell resigned Mar. 19, 1777) Davis, John R., Lieut., Mar. 19, 1777 Hogg, Richard, Lieut., Mar. 19, 1777 Jones, Gabrail, Capt., Mar. 19, 1777 Shields, John, 1st Lieut., Mar. 19, 1776 (com'd. vice T. Merriwether promoted Nov. 25, 1776) Navy, Appointed by Comm. of Safety, 1776 Dougherty, James, Lieut., recommended Aug. 27, 1778 (4,000)* Gooseley, George, Capt., 1st Galley, resigned June, 1776 (5,000) Cocke, James, Capt., Cruiser, resigned before Jan. 28, 1777 "Goffagan, Labon," 1st Mate, June, Capt. Westcott's Cruiser Sandford, Laurence, Brig Adventure, comm. Oct. 18, 1776 Reynolds, John, 3d Lieut., Dec. 2, 1776 Pollard, Benj., Capt., Marines, vice Hanway, resigned Dec. 5, 1776 (4,000) Lattimore, Edward, 1st Lieut., Brig Molly Blaws, Ro., 2d Lieut., Caswell, June, 1777; resigned July, 1777 Archer, John, 2d Lieut., Scorpion, Jan. 2, 1777, 2d Lieut., Gloucester, Aug. 27, 1777 (4,000) Arell, Samuel, Lieut., Marines, early 1776; recommended Capt. Dec. 13, 1776, vice Piers resigned Barrett, John, Capt., Hero; Lieut., 1776; recommended Capt. Dec. 12, 1776, resigned his comm. Sept. 3, 1778 Blaws, Ro., 2d Lieut. ( ?) and Manley, resigned comm. July 22, 1777 Bloxsum, Scarborough, Midship. (2,666f ) Boucher, Comr. resigned Nov. 26, 1776 Boush, Goodrich, Capt., Washington Galley, Jan. 31, 1777 (5,333^) Boush, Ro., Comg. Naval Sta. and Supt. Genl. Naval Mag., Feb. 26, 1779 (2,666|) Browne, Jno., Clk. and Paymr. Chicka. Ship Yard, — — — — 26, 1777 Calvert, Capt. Chris., Supt. Ship Yard at So. Quay, July, 1776 and continued until after March, 1779 Carter, Dr. Wm. Chamberlayne, Boyd, 1st Lieut., Brig Musketto, resigned his comm. Aug., 1778 (4,000) James, Michael, Lieut., comm. Aug., 1778 (2,6663) * The "4000," etc., apparently refer to land warrants for acres mentioned. G.M.B. WS ~~ UNiVERSfW OIF UUN0H 52 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Chamberlayne, Edwd., Midship., Brig Musquitto, Nov. 21, 1776 Chandler, Tho., Lieut., Navy, Nov. 20, 1778 (4,000) Cheesman, Dr. Tho. [Surgeon's Mate] Cheshire, John, Lieut., Navy, recommended, Sept. 2, 1778 Cooke, Ro., Capt., Speedwell Trade, D. R. Hall, 1st Lieut. Dawson, Tho., Midship., Lieut. Ro. Elane, resigned Aug. 30, 1776 Dove, James, Midship., Edwin Eskridge, Midship. Healey, Saml., Lieut., comm. delivered Aug. 2, 1776 Richardson, Daniel, Lieut, in Navy, resigned July 1, 1777 (4,000) Richardson, Wm., Lieut, in Navy, resigned Jan. 1, 1777 Ross, John, 2d Lieut., Nor. Revenge Galley, recommended Nov. I, 1777 Rush, Benj., Lieut., recommended Oct. 23, 1778, resigned July 3, 1779 (4,000) Lightburn, Richd., Lieut., resigned comm. July 3, 1779 (2,666|) Throll, John, Lieut, (drew 4,000 acres) Pascho, Herbert, Lieut, (drew 2,666f acres) Pollard (?), John, Lieut, (drew 4,000 acres) Officers of the Navy and Marines By Committee of Safety Calvert, John, Capt., Row Galley on James River, Feb. 8, 1776, appointed this day Younghusband, Isaac, Capt., Feb. 21, 1776 Gooseley, George, Capt., Brig Liberty, Feb. 26, 1776, f this belonging to the Commonwealth, \ to Mr. Rowlet, Trader Barron, James, Capt., Brig Liberty, Pd. &c, Mar. 6, 1776 Barron, Philip, Capt., Brig Patriot Pd. &c, Mar. 6, 1776 Taylor, Richard (Caroline), Capt. Armed vessel fitted by Col. Lewis (apptd), Mar. 14, 1776 Hamilton, Thos., Lieut., Marines (apptd.), Mar. 14, 1776 Muter, George, Master, Row Galley to be built on James River, Mar. 14, 1776 (apptd. this day) Green, William, Master, Row Galley (Rappahannock), Mar. 16, 1776 Allison, John, Capt., Marines, Sloop American Congress, Potomac, appointed this day, Mar. 16, 1776 Payne, Wm. 1st Lieut., American Congress, Potomac, appointed this day, Mar. 16, 1776 Moody, James, 2d Lieut., American Congress, Potomac, appointed this day, Mar. 16, 1776 Lilly, Tho., Capt., Brig Liberty, Mar. 26, 1776 "Virginia Fleet" "Virginia Marine" (Library of Congress) "A List of the Navy of the Commonwealth of Virginia now fit for Duty, Apr. 24, 1777. Brig Raleigh, 10 4-pounders, 60 men (under cruising orders) Brig Northampton, 10 3- and 4 4-pounders, 50 men Virginia State Navy, Vessels, etc. 53 Galley Henry, 218- and 6 6-pounders, 60 men Galley Hero, 2 12-pounders, 50 men Galley Revenge, 2 18-pounders, 50 men Galley Manley, 2 12-pounders, 40 men Galley Protector, 1 18-pounder, 45 men Galley Safeguard, 1 18-pounder, 45 men Galley Page, 1 12-pounder, 35 men Galley Lewis, 1 12-pounder, 35 men Sloop Scorpion, 8 3-pounders, 20 men April 24, 1777 (Signed)— Tho. Whiting, Comr." "Extract from a Payroll of Marines and Seamen Belonging to the Navy of the State of Virginia Commanded by Commodore James Barron." 1. Peterson, John, Midship, and Clk., Entered Jan. 16, 1783 2. Ragsdale, Godfrey, Sergt., Entered Jan. 16, 1783 3. Dyhouse, Edwd., Armourer, Entered Jan. 16, 1783 4. Reynolds, James, Sergt., Entered Jan. 20, 1783 5. McAlley, James, Musician, Entered Jan. 20, 1783 6. Spencer, Abraham, Carpenter, Entered Jan. 16, 1783 7. Cox, Tho., Seaman, Entered Jan. 16, 1783 8. Nicholson, Wm., Seaman, Entered Jan. 16, 1783 9. Lane, John, Seaman, Entered Jan. 16, 1783 10. Hunt, Henry, Marine, Entered Jan. 16, 1783 11. Boston, Adam, Marine, Entered Jan. 16, 1783 12. Colbert, John, Marine, Entered Jan. 16, 1783 13. Lock, William, Marine, Entered Jan. 16, 1783 14. Butler, Edmund, Marine, Entered Jan. 16, 1783 15. Deewey, Benj., Marine, Entered Jan. 16, 1783 16. Miller, James, Marine, Entered Jan. 16, 1783 17. White, William, Marine, Entered Jan. 16, 1783 18. Davis, Aquila, Marine, Entered Jan. 20, 1783 19. Cole, William, Seaman, Entered Jan. 20, 1783 20. Hopkins, Tho., Marine, Entered Jan. 20, 1783 21. Cooley, Tho., Marine, Entered Jan. 20, 1783 22. Dunton (?), Stephen, Seaman, Entered Jan. 20, 1783 23. Watkins, William, Marine, Entered Jan. 20, 1783 24. Taylor, Major, Marine, Entered Jan. 20, 1783 25. White, James, Marine, Entered Jan. 20, 1783 26. Young, John, Seaman, Entered Mar. 24, 1783 27. Hardaway, Joseph, Marine, Entered Jan. 20, 1783 28. Bartlett, John, Marine, Entered Jan. 25, 1783 29. Dagnell (?), Stephen, Marine, Entered Jan. 25, 1783 30. Bryant, Daniel, Marine, Entered Jan. 31, 1783 William Grove, Lieut, of Marines came before me, one of the Justices of the Peace for the County of Norfolk and made oath on the Holy Evangelists of 54 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Almighty God, that the above is a true payroll of the non-comd. officers, seamen and marines enlisted out of the State Legion. Given under my hand this 5th day of April, 1783. (Signature is torn off) List of Officers of the State Navy agreeably to the arrangement May 13, 1784: (Pension Bureau), No. 89, Papers of Capt. William Saunders). Barron, James, Commod. Commissioned July 3, 1780. Barron, Richard, Capt. Commissioned Jan. — , 1776. Lilly, Thomas, Capt. Commissioned Jan. — , 1776. Taylor, Richard, Capt. Saunders, Celery, Capt., dead. Travis, Edward, Capt., dead. Wilson, Willis, Capt. Markham, James, Capt. Westcott, Wright, Capt., dead Elliott, , Capt. Harris, John, Capt., dead. Saunders, William, Capt. James, Michael, Lieut. Gray, , Lieut., dead, black list. Chandler, Thomas, Lieut., dead. Steel, William, Lieut. Parker, William H., Lieut. The above is a true copy of a paper found in 1st volume of Papers concerning the State Navy, certified to by Jas. E. Heath, Auditor, in the Auditor's Office, Richmond, Va., Feb. 5, 1850. [DOC. No. 33.— No. 5.] (2) LIST OF OFFICERS OF THE STATE NAVY, Who have received Land for Revolutionary Services, and of those who have not received Lands for the same Services, &c. LIST OF OFFICERS OF MARINES, Who have received Lands for Revolutionary Services, and of those who have not received Lands for the same Services, &fc. (3) LIST OF NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS, AND SEAMEN AND MARINES, Who are entitled to Lands for a Service of three years in the State Navy, during the Revolutionary War. Virginia State Navy, Bounty Land Warrants 55 (2) LIST OF OFFICERS OF THE NAVY, WHO HAVE RECEIVED LANDS FOR REVOLUTIONARY SERVICES, Also of those whose Names are on the Army Register, and in the Journals of the Navy Board, who have not received Lands, with remarks distinguishing those who are believed to be entitled to Lands, from such as resigned their commissions, or are, for other reasons, thought to be not entitled to Lands. NOTE. The midshipmen, surgeons and surgeons' mates, and other non-commissioned officers of the navy, were generally appointed by the captains of vessels. The books and papers of no one vessel belonging to the navy have been preserved. These officers were not chargeable with the loss or destruction of these documents, and ought not to suffer in consequence thereof. The dates of the appointments of these officers can rarely be ascertained. Their claims to bounty land have been, under these circumstances, viewed with a favorable eye; and where they have been found enrolled as officers, and the journals of the navy board do not shew that they resigned or retired from the service, a favorable report has been made of their claims. With the exception of the surgeons and surgeons' mates, they were generally taken from among the seamen who enlisted for three years. There were very few, and almost no deser- tions from the navy, and the presumption of service for three years, or for the war, is therefore very strong. No. I. 2. 3- 4- 5- Names Arnando, Ambrose Ashby, Benjamin Archer, (or Asher), John Allen, Thomas Allman, William 6. Anderson, David 7. Ballard, William 8. Barron, James Barron, James 9. Barron, Richard Barron, Richard 10. Brooke, Walter Brooke, Walter 11. Brittain, John 12. Banks, James 13. Blundon, Seth 14. Boush, Charles 15. Barnett, Artax's 16. Boush, Goodrich Rank No. 0} Acres Remarks Gunner 2666% Midship. 2666% Lieutenant 4000 — 2666% Gunner 2666% Midship. — Entitled to land for a serv ice of three years. Pilot 2666^ Commodore 7777H Commodore 435oH Captain 5333H Captain im% Commodore 6666H Commodore 3333H Master 2666H Master 2666M Midship. 2666^ Lieutenant 4000 Gunner 2666M Captain 5333^ 56 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia No. Names Rank No. of Acres Remarks 17- Bloxsom Scarbro'h Midship. 2666% 18. Broadwater, John Gunner 2666% 19- Byrd, Levin Pilot 2666% 20. Bailey, Laben Q. Master 2666% 21. Broadwater, James Q. Master 2666% 22. Bennett William Master 2666% 23- Burk, James Gunner 2666% 24. Burk, John Carpenter 2666% 2.S. Broadwater Covington Midship. 2666% 26. Barnett, Jonathan Lieutenant 4000 27. Bright, Francis Captain 5333M 28. Barron, Samuel Lieutenant 4000 29. Butler Thomas Pilot 2666% 30. Bully, John Boatswain 2666% 31. Barron, William Lieutenant 4000 32. Bonnewell, Thomas Master 162914 In part. 33- Blaws, Robert Lieutenant — Resigned July 22, 1777. 34- Barrett, John 1776; resigned Sept. Captain 3. 1778. — Commissioned July 12, 35- Boucher, Commodore — Resigned Nov. 26, 1776. 36. Brown, George Midship. — Entitled to land for a serv- 37- 38. 39- Brown, David Doctor Jan., 1779, in the Dragon, and Entitled to land for three years service Brown, William Midship. ice of three years. — Appears in service down to probably was in service three years. — Entitled to bounty land for a service of three years. Bell, William Smith Surgeon — Sept. 11, 1776, recom- mended by navy board to Capt. Willis Wilson, as surgeon of the Caswell galley; but it does not appear that he was appointed surgeon and served so long as to entitle him to land. 40. Boush, William 41. Callender, Eliezer 42. Chamberlayne George 43. Cunningham William 44. Cotrell William 45. Chandler, Thomas 46. Cook, William 47. Currell, James 48. Carr, Samuel 49. Chapin, Benjamin 50. Cook, Dawson 51. Christian, William 52. Cropper John Midship. Entitled to land for a serv- ice of three years. Captain 5333K Lieutenant 4000 Lieutenant 4000 Midship. 2666% Lieutenant 4000 Gunner 2666% Midship. 2666% Captain 4666% Surgeon 6000 Midship. 2666% Lieutenant 4000 Carpenter 2666% Virginia State Navy, Bounty Land Warrants 57 No. Names Rank No. of Acres Remarks 53. Copes, Beverley Midship. 2666^ 54. Chamberlayne, Philip Lieutenant 4000 55. Chamberlayne, Byrd Lieutenant 4000 The allowance to the heirs of Byrd Chamberlayne has been stopped at Washington, and their petition for land is under the re-consideration of the executive. 56. Corbin, William Master 2666% 57- Cannon Jessee Lieutenant 4000 58. Cannon, Luke Midship. 2666% 59- Calvert, John Captain — 60. Cocke, James Captain — 61. Cheshire, John Lieutenant — Resigned Sept. 8, 1777. Resigned Jan. 28, 1777. Resigned, and not entitled to land. 62. Chowning, William Surg. M. N. — Surgeon's mate on board the Tartar 1779 and 1780, and was in service at the time of the reduction of the officers in 1781; after which he was probably supernumerary. He ought to be allowed land for the war. 63. Curtis, James Midship. — Entitled to land for a serv- ice of three years. 64. Christie, William Doctor — He appears to have been a surgeon in the navy, but does not appear to have been in service long enough to entitle him to bounty land. 65. Crew, John Lieutenant — Recommended Dec. 1 1, 1776, first lieutenant of the Defiance; but it does not appear that he was commissioned or served long enough to be entitled to land. 66. Conway, Robert Captain — Robert Conway was ap- pointed June 8, 1776, master of the first galley on the Potomac. In Oct., 1776, he was captain of the Protector. He received pay for seven days, Dec. 7, 1776, and does not appear afterwards to have had any command in the navy. His title to land is not proved. 67. Cabell, Absalom Lieutenant — ■ Recommended by the navy board January 8, 1777, as first lieutenant of the sloop Congress; but it does not appear that he was commissioned or served long enough to entitle him to land. 68. Calvert, Christopher Captain — Superintendent of the ship- yard at South Quay, and held no commission in the navy. He is not considered entitled to bounty land. 69. Carter, William Doctor — William Carter, senior sur- geon continental line, received land for seven years and five months: perhaps he was the Doct. Carter here named. If he was not, Doct. Wm. Carter, surgeon of the navy, does not appear to have served long enough to be entitled to land for that service. Chamberlayne, Edward Midship. — 70 7i- Cooke, Robert Captain department, and is not entitled to land. Entitled to land for a serv- ice of three years. Belonged to the trading 58 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia No. Names Rank No. of Acres Remarks 72. Cheeseman, Thomas Doctor — It does not appear that he is entitled to land. (See report of this case among claims referred to the agent by the executive, and reported on.) 73- Dodson, Robert S. M. 2666% 74- Daugherty, James Lieutenant 40OO 75- Dale, Richard Lieutenant 4000 76. Dawson, Thomas Midship. — Entitled to land for a serv- ice of three years. 77- Dove, James Midship. — Entitled to land for a serv- ice of three years. 78. Deane, William Captain — Appointed superintendent of ship building Nov. 1776, and seems to have given up his command in the navy. Not entitled to bounty land. 79- Eskridge, Edwin Midship. 2666^ 80. Eskridge, Samuel Midship. 2666^ 81. Evans, Philip Carpenter 2666% 82. Elliott, Alexander Midship. 2666% S3- Elliott, George Captain 4000 84. Epperson, Richard Midship. — ■ Entitled to bounty land for a service of three years. 85- Elam, Robert Lieutenant — Resigned Aug. 30, 1776 and is not entitled to land. 86. Fleet, Henry Midship. 2666M 87. Ferguson, Robert Midship. 2666% 88. Fields, John Steward 2666% 89. Flynt, John Carpenter 2666% 90. Fields, Theophilus Lieutenant — Entitled to land for the 91. Foster, Peter Midship. — war. Entitled to bounty land for a service of three years. 92. Gibson, John S. M. 2666% 93- Green, William Gunner 2666% 94- Green, William Carpenter 2666% 95- Grear, Charles Surgeon 6000 96. Gibson, James Gunner 2666% 97- Goffigon, Peter Pilot 2666 % 98. Gibson, John Gunner 2666% 99- Grant, Thomas Midship. — Entitled to land for a serv- ice of three years. 100. Green, James Midship. — Entitled to land for a serv- ice of three years. IOI. Gordon, Churchill Midship. — Entitled to land for a serv- ice of three years. 102. Griffin, Corbin Surgeon — Does not appear to be en- titled to land. Virginia State Navy, Bounty Land Warrants 59 No. 103. 104. 105. 106. Names Gray, Robert Rank No. of Acres Remarks Lieutenant — Does not appear to be en- titled to land. Goffogan, Laben Lieutenant — Does not appear to have been long enough in service to be entitled to land. Guthrie, Alexander Captain — Employed in trade, and not entitled to bounty land. Gray, James Lieutenant — Entitled to land for the war. Served more than seven years. (See list No. 2.) 107. George, Jessee 108. 109. no. in. 112. "3- 114. ii5- 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125- Henderson, David Harcum Roodham (or Rodham) Harris, John Lieutenant — Midship. 2666H Entitled to land for the war. (See list No. 2.) Midship. 2666% Captain 5333M bounty for a service from Aug. 3, 1776, to the end of the war. Harris, John Lieutenant 4000 Herbert, Thomas Captain 4000 between 4000 acres and a major's bounty. Entitled to additional Entitled to the difference Hamilton, John Hall, Robert Hubbard, John Harcum, Lott Hughlett, John Herbert, Pascow Hunter. George House, William Holt, Henry Humphlett, Thomas Hansford, Cary Harcum, Henry Howard, (or Hayward) Thomas Hall, Jonathan Hughlett, William Healy, Samuel 126. 127. 128. 129. Harris, Simon Lieutenant M. Midship. Midship. Midship. Midship. Surgeon Gunner Midship. Lieutenant S. M. Midship. Midship. Midship. Midship. Lieutenant Surgeon 4000 2666H 2666% 2666% 2666% 2666% 6000 2666^ 2666% 4000 4000 Entitled to land for a serv- ice of three years. Entitled to land for a serv- ice of three years. Entitled to land for a serv- ice of three years. Entitled to land for a serv- ice of three years. Entitled to land for a serv- ice of three years. Received pay Nov. 23, 130. 1776, for his services on board the schooner Revenge; but does not appear to have served long enough to be entitled to land. Herbert, Argyle Lieutenant — - Commissioned first lieu- tenant sloop Norfolk Revenge, July 12, 1776; resigned Apr. 29, 1779; Lieutenant 2666^ M. M. 2666^ S. M. 2666% Lieutenant 2666% Lieutenant — Resigned May 21, 1777. Captain — Was captain Jan. 7, 1777 60 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia No. Names Rank No. of Acres Remarks 2 years 9 months and a half. Probably in service before he was made first lieutenant in the navy, and if he had served two and a half months, he completed his three years of service before he resigned. Ought to be allowed land for a service of three years. 131. Jones, Lewis, Jr. 132. Jones, Lewis 133. Jennings, John 134. James, Michael J 35- Jeffries, Aaron 136. Ivey, William Does not appear to have served long enough to be entitled to land. 137. Johnston, William Doctor — Does not appear to be en- titled to land. 138. Jones, Charles Lieutenant — Was recommended first lieutenant of the Patriot in Mar., 1777. It does not appear that he was commissioned, or that he served long enough to be entitled to land. 139. Kautzman, John Lieutenant 2666^ 140. Kennon, Hawson Midship. 2666^ 141. Kent, Jessee Midship. 2666% 142. Lightburne, Richard Lieutenant 2666% 143. Livingston, Justice Surgeon 6000 144. Lurty, John Captain 4000 145. Longwith, Burgess Gunner 2666^3 146. Lilley Thomas Captain 5333/13 Entitled to additional bounty for a service from Jan. 14, 1776, to the end of the war. 147. Loyd Morris Gunner 2666^ 148. Lumber, William Gunner 2666^ 149. Lang, Alexander Boatswain 2666% 150. Lumber, Thomas G. M. 2666^ 151. Lightburne, Stafford — — Resigned May 12, 1778. 152. Lightburne, Henry — — Resigned May 12, 1778. 153. Lyon, John Surgeon — Entitled to land for a serv- ice of three years. The evidence of documents, taken together with the evidence of a living witness, (used before the executive,) supports this claim. 154. Landrum, Thomas Surg. Mate Received 100 acres of land as private. Entitled to land as surgeon's mate for three years service. (See list No. 2.) 155. Lane, John Midship. — Entitled to land for a serv- ice of three years. 156. Lattimore, Edward Lieutenant — Recommended to the gov- ernor first lieutenant pilot boat Molly Jan. 31, 1777; was commissioned Feb. 3, 1777; but does not appear to have served long enough to be entitled to land. The pilot boat Molly is believed to have been em- ployed in the trading department. Virginia State Navy, Bounty Land Warrants 61 No. Names Rank No. of Acrei r Remarks 157- Moore, Alexander Midship. 2000 158. M 'Williams, Joshua Midship. 2666% 159- Montague, Richard Lieutenant 2666% 160. Moore, John Master 2666% 161. Markham, James Captain 6591 162. Muier, John Midship. 2666% 163. M'Clurg, Walter Surgeon 6000 164. Mercer, Isaac Master 2666% 165. Muse, Jessee Midship. 2666% 166. March, William Midship. 2666% 167. Millener, Robert Lieutenant 4000 168. Marshall, Janifer S. M. 2666H 169. Melson, Levin C. M. 2666% 170. Murray, David S. M. 2666% 171. Moss, Starke Carpenter 2666% 172. Messeures, Francis Lieutenant — Resigned Jan. 13, 1778. 173- M'Nichal, John Surg. Doctor — Entitled to land for a serv- ice of three years. 174. Mitchell, Richard Midship. — Entitled to land for a serv- ice of three years. 175- Masterson, Thomas Midship. — Entitled to land for a serv- ice of three years. 176. Massenburg, Alexander Midship. — Entitled to land for a serv- ice of three years. 177. Marshall, James Midship. " Entitled to land for a serv- ice of three years. 178. Morton, Edward Lieutenant — Lieutenant Nov. 26, 1776; prisoner May 20, 1778, and in service afterwards, but how long does not appear. Did not resign, and is believed to have served at least three years, and to be entitled to land. 179. Nuttall, Iverson Midship. 2666% 180. Neil, Priesley Midship. ■ — ■ Entitled to land for a serv- ice of three years. 181. Parker, William H. Captain 4000 182. Parker, Richard Lieutenant 4000 183. Pettigrew, John Lieutenant 4000 184. Price, Ebenezer Q. Master 2666^ 185. Phillips, Jacob Boatswain 2666% 186. Pierce, John Midship. 2666% 187. Pitt, John Surgeon 6000 188. Payne, Merryman Lieutenant 40OO 189. Pollard, Thomas Lieutenant — Resigned Dec. 17, 1777. 190. Parker, Thomas Midship. — Entitled to land for a serv- ice of three years. 62 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia No. 191. 192. 193. 194. 195- 196. 197. 198. 199. 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. 212. 213. 214. 215- 216. Names Powell, Francis Pell, Simon Pasture, John Molly, em Pope, William Patterson, John Rank No. of Acres Remarks Midship. — Entitled to land for a serv- ice of three years. Doctor — Does not appear to be en- titled to land. — Captain of the pilot boat Molly, employed in trade, and is not entitled to land. — Entitled to land for a serv- ice of three years. Captain rade, and Midship. Midship. Rydman, John Rust, Benjamin Richardson, Daniel Roe, William Revell, John Rogers, John Read, Francis Richards, John Reynolds, John Robins, John Russell, James Gunner Lieutenant Lieutenant S. M. Gun. M. Captain Midship. Lieutenant Surg. Doctor Midship. 2666% 4000 4000 2666% 2666^ 5333M Entitled to land for a serv- ice of three years. Entitled to land for a serv- ice of three years. Does not appear to be en- titled to land. Entitled to land for a serv- ice of three years. Entitled to land for a serv- ice of three years. Surgeon — Mentioned only once in the navy journal, viz: in July, 1776, as surgeon of the Manley galley. Does not appear to be entitled to land. Surgeon — Riddle, George Ross, John Lieutenant — Richardson, William Lieutenant Does not appear to be en- titled to land. Does not appear to be en- titled to land. Resigned Jan. 12, 1779, Does not appear to be en- and does not appear to be entitled to land. Reynold, John Lt. Marines — titled to land. A John Reynolds, ensign, continental, received land for three years service. Singleton, Joshua Lieutenant 4000 Saunders, William Captain 4666% Entitled as major, and also to additional bounty for a service from Apr. 1, 1776, to the end of the war. Smart, Richard M. M. 2666^ Summerson, Gavin Midship. 2666% Steele, William Lieutenant 2666% Saunders, Joseph Lieutenant 2666% Virginia State Navy, Bounty Land Warrants 63 No. 217. 218. 219. 220. 221. 222. 223. 224. 225. 226. 227. 228. 229. Names Shearman, Martin Saunders, Richard Stott, William Swoope, John Saunders, Celey Rank Midship. Midship. Lieutenant Surgeon Captain also to additional bounty for of the war. Sharpless, John Servant, Richard Simpson, Hancock Sneed, Robert Saulsberry, Moses Strother, Benjamin Skinner, William Stubbs, John 230. Sturdivant, Joel Surgeon Lieutenant Coxswain Surgeon Armorer Midship. Captain Midship. Captain No. of Acres 2666^ 2666^ 2666% 6000 4666^ Entitled service from Apr. 1, 6000 4000 2666% 6000 2666% 2666^ 5333H Remarks as major, and 1776, to the end Entitled to land for a service of three years. Entitled to land for three 231. 232. 233- 234- 235- 236. 237- 238. 239- 240. 241. 242. 243- 244. 245- 246. years. (See Sturdivant's case among those referred by the executive, and the report thereon.) Stephens, Captain — Employed in trade, and not entitled to land. Speake, Joseph Lieutenant — Recommended as lieuten- ant of the Safeguard, Mar. 19, 1777; was probably in service on board the Safeguard until she was dismantled, soon after July 5, 1779, and then supernumerary. Entitled to land for three years service ; perhaps for the war. Sandford, Lawrence Tompkins, Christopher Tompkins, Robert Taylor, Benjamin Travis, Edward Tupman, John Thomas, John Thrall, John Tucker, Silas Terrant, Ceaser Tutt, James Taylor, Richard Taylor, John Tyler, Henry Captain Lieutenant Captain Midship. Captain Master Captain Lieutenant Paymaster Pilot Midship. Captain Employed in trade, and not entitled to land. 4000 4000 2666% 5333H 2666% 5333H 5333H 2666^ 2666^ 2666% Entitled as major land service. in the Lieutenant — Midship. Entitled to land for the war. (See list No. 2.) Resigned Oct. 27, 1778, and not entitled to land. Entitled to land for a service of three years. 64 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia No. Nantes Rank No. of Acres Remarks 247. Triplett, Reuben Act. Mid. and Clerk. ■ — Entitled to land for a service of three years. 248. Towles, Samuel Captain Appointed second lieuten- ant of the cruizer Revenge, July, 1776. Appointed captain of the schooner Revenge, Nov. 1776. There is no proof of his resignation, nor any of his title to bounty land. A captain in the navy could not have served three years without being oftener named in the navy jour- nals than this officer was. 249. Turpin, John Midship. — Entitled to land for service of three years 250. Underhill, William Captain 5333% 251- Wright, Westcott Captain 4000 Entitled as major in t 252. the land service; also to additional bounty from early in 1776, to the end of the war. Willis, Wilson Captain 5333% Entitled to additional bounty for a service from early in 1776, to the end of the war. 253- 254- 255- 256. 257- 258. 259- 260. Waddy, Shapleigh Watkins, James Webb, Robert Walters, Isaac White, Jacobus White, William Williamson, John Wonicutt, Edward Midship. Lieutenant Pilot Boatswain Carpenter S. M. Pilot Lieutenant 2666% 4000 2666% 2666% 2666% 4000 2666% 4000 261. 262. Watson, Johannus Wilson, John Captain Midship. 5333H 263. Wilson, Samuel Midship. — 264. Willis, Henry Midship. — 265. Webb, Francis Midship. — 266. Wray, George Act. Mid. — 267. Wilson, Joseph Midship. — 268. iA/or*ViiTlrr^"/~^Ti - Midship. vv dsmngton, 269. Younghusband Isaac Captain — This claim has been stop- ped at Washington. Entitled to land for a service of three years. Entitled to land for a service of three years. Entitled to land for a service of three years. Entitled to land for a service of three years. Entitled to land for a service of three years. Entitled to land for a service of three years. Does not appear to be en- titled to land. Resigned Oct. 31, 1776, and not entitled to land. Virginia State Navy, Bounty Land Warrants 65 LIST OF OFFICERS OF MARINES, WHO HAVE RECEIVED LAND, And also those whose Names appear on the Army Register, who have not received Land for Revolutionary Services, with remarks respecting them. No. I. 2. 3- 4- 5- 6. 7- 8. 9- 10. ii. 12. 13- 14. 15- 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23- 24. 25- 26. 27. 28. Names Allison, John Boush, Charles Brown, Windsor Carr, Samuel Dick, Alexander Foster, James Lee, John Moody, James Merewether, Thomas Merewether, James Payne, William Peers, Valentine Pollard, Benjamin Quarles, James Reynolds, John Sheilds, John Valentine, Jacob Arell, John Burkhead (or Bankhead), James Cock, John Catesby Rank Captain Lieutenant Lieutenant Captain Captain Captain Captain Lieutenant Captain Lieutenant Lieutenant Captain Captain Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant Captain Lieutenant Captain No. of Acres 6000 4000 4666% 4666% 5333H 4000 5333M 4000 5333H 2666^ 4000 5333H 40OO 5333^ 2666^ 4000 4000 Remarks As major As major. Resigned in 1777. Resigned Dec. 2, 1776. Commissioned captain of marines Aug. 29, 1776. Does not appear to have resigned his com- mission. It is doubtful whether he is entitled to bounty land or not. Davis, John R. Lieutenant — Does not appear to be en- titled to land. Graves, R'd. C. Lieutenant — Was in the minute service early in 1776, but does not appear to be entitled to land. Captain — Captain — Lieutenant — of Hanway, Samuel Hamilton, Thomas Hogg, Richard Jones, Gabriel Captain entitled to more land than he has received, viz: 4000 acres. Mitchell, William Captain — Resigned Nov. 25, 1776. Afterwards acted as quarter master at York, and does not appear to be entitled to bounty land. Madison, Gabriel — — Does not appear to be entitled to land. Resigned Dec. 3, 1776. Received 4000 acres land as captain. Does not appear that he is entitled to land. Does not appear to be 66 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia No. 29. 30. Names Rank No. of Acres Remarks Stratton, Henry Lieutenant — Not considered entitled to land. Seems to have quitted the navy at an early period, and to have commanded a vessel employed in trade. (See report of claims referred by the executive to the agent.) Waller, Edmund Lieutenant — Received land as major in the land service, and probably was the officer here named. (3) LIST OF NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS, SEAMEN AND MARINES, IN THE STATE NAVY, Who are entitled to Bounty Land for a service of three years, during the Revo- lutionary War. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15- 16. 17- 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23- 24. 25- 26. 27. Amis, Levi, Seaman Archibald, Bartholomew, Seaman Askins (or Asker), John, Seaman Ashburn, Lott, Seaman Achison, William, Seaman Askew, Thomas, Seaman Arkins, John, Seaman Anderson, Luke, Seaman Beech, Benjamin, Master Me- chanic Brown, Francis, Steward Bingham, Hugh, Boatswain Burnley, John, Carpenter Brannan, John, Quarter Master and Seaman Britton (or Britain), John, Master Bloxum, Stephen, Seaman Reported among claims referred to the agent by the executive. Button, Michael, Seaman Bailey, Southey, Seaman Bauder, John, Seaman Brumley, Philip, Seaman Byrd, Frederick, Seaman Brumley, William, Seaman Bleauford, John, Seaman Blassford, John, Seaman Browne, Joseph, Seaman Bachus, Charles, Seaman Ball, John, Seaman Benn, Whitten, Seaman 28. Bakehouse, Joseph, Seaman 29. Boyd, Walter, Seaman 30. Barnes, Griffin, Seaman 31. Bingham, Philip, Seaman 32. Brown, Harry, Seaman 33. Brown, Jonathan, Seaman 34. Banger, Joseph, Seaman 35. Brumley, Samuel, Seaman 36. Bailiff, Peter, Seaman 37. Brent, John, Seaman 38. Blundle, Seth, Seaman 39. Brown, Thomas, Seaman 40. Burders, Anthony, Seaman 41. Boyd, John, Seaman 42. Brent, Hugh, Seaman 43. Burton, John, Seaman 44. Brown, Richard, Seaman 45. Boyd, Gust., Seaman 46. Blundall, William, Seaman 47. Burnley, William, Seaman 48. Burnes, Samuel, Seaman 49. Boush, James, Seaman 50. Bonnewell, George, Seaman 51. Bryant, Henry, Seaman 52. Bell, James, Seaman 53. Bassill, John, Seaman 54. Bidson, Andrew, Seaman 55. Bailey, Thomas, Seaman 56. Bosworth, Obediah, Seaman 57. Bateman, James, Seaman 58. Booth, William, Seaman Virginia State Navy, Bounty Land Warrants 67 59. 60, 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 7i- 72. 73- 74- 75- 76. 77- 78. 79- 80. 81. 82. 83- 84. 85- 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. Branham, Seth, Seaman 93. Boush, William, Seaman 94. Butler, Henry, Seaman Branford, John, Seaman Bryant, Daniel, Marine Beckett, George, Seaman 95. Reported among the claims re- 96. ferred by the executive to the 97. agent. 98. Bully, Thomas, Seaman 99. Reported among the claims re- 100. ferred by the executive to the 101. agent. 102. Crain, James, Pilot Cox, John, Carpenter Carson, Robert, Steward Chick, John, Gunner 103. Coleman, Thomas, Pilot 104. Collins, Stephen, Seaman 105. Reported among cases referred by 106. the executive to the agent. 107. Collins, James, Seaman 108. Reported among cases referred by 109. the executive to the agent. no. Chance, Shadrack, Seaman in. Has been allowed 100 acres of 112. land. 113. Cleverius, John, Seaman Cunningham, Michael, Seaman Cavener, Samuel, Seaman Clark, John, Seaman Crandle, William, Seaman 114. Cerrill, John, Seaman 115. Cavengha, Samuel, Seaman Coney, Stephen, Seaman 116. Cox, James, Seaman Chapin, Plato, Seaman 117. Coates, William, Seaman 118. Curtis, James, Seaman 119. Chiles, John, Seaman 120. Carter, Francis, Seaman 121. Coates, John, Seaman 122. Coates, Jessee, Seaman 123. Coates, Edney, Seaman 124. Coates, Thomas, Seaman 125. Carr, John, Seaman 126. Creed, Simon, Seaman Cannady, John, Seaman Reported entitled, among cases referred by the executive to the agent, and reported upon. Carroll, John, Seaman Carmines, Lebanon, Seaman Chase, John, Seaman Carmines, Levin, Seaman Curtis, Henry, Seaman Cockrical, John, Seaman Cutler, William, Seaman Crabb, John, Seaman Reported entitled as gunner, among claims referred by execu- tive to agent. Clarke, Z., Seaman Cooke, John, Seaman Cooke, J. N., Seaman Currell, James, Seaman Coobell, Clem., Seaman Clarke, William, Seaman Crawford, , Seaman Cox, Thomas, Seaman Comer, Michael, Marine Cooley, Thomas, Marine Christian, John, Marine See report on claims referred by the executive to the agent, where the claim is said not to be allow- able. Dunford, William, Master Dodd, Newcomb, Seaman and Quarter Master Darly, Dawson (or Darmoa), Pilot Darby, Ayres, Seaman Donahow, Henry, Seaman Donoran, Michael, Seaman Dorsey, Lawrence, Seaman Davis, Zedick, Seaman Doggett, Elmer, Seaman Davis, John, Seaman Docket, Earl, Seaman Dobey, Robert, Seaman Drummond, David, Seaman 68 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia 127. Davis, George, Seaman 172. 128. Dudley, John, Seaman 173. 129. Davis, Daniel, Seaman 174. 130. Deane, Daniel, Seaman 175. 131. Dawson, Thomas, Seaman 176. 132. Dowling, John, Seaman 177. 133. Dyke, John, Seaman 178. 134. Dameron, Joshua, Seaman 179. 135. Drake, Aug'e, Seaman 180. 136. Davis, Alexander, Seaman 181. 137. Dodd, Able, Seaman 182. 138. Dougwood, Clem., Seaman 183. 139. Douglas, James, Seaman 184. 140. Dove, James, Seaman 185. 141. Dames, John, Seaman 186. 142. Dameron, Thomas, Seaman 187. 143. Davenport, John, Seaman 144. Elder, Charles, Gunner 145. Ewing, John, Seaman 146. Elliott, Richard, Seaman 188. 147. Elliott, John, Seaman 189. 148. Fisher, Isaac, Seaman 190. 149. Fitzhugh, John, Seaman 191. 150. Freeman, Edward, Seaman 192. 151. Fleming, John, Seaman 193. 152. Frost, Carter, Seaman 194. J 53- Fry, Thomas, Seaman 195. 154. Fisher, William, Seaman 196. 155. Fortune, Gabriel, Seaman 197. 156. Fodron, John, Seaman 198. 157. Franks, John, Seaman 199. 158. Ferguson, .Seaman 200. !59- Figg, Thomas, Seaman 201. 160. Frary, John, Seaman 202. 161. Freeman, John, Seaman 203. 162. Glenn, Thomas, Seaman 204. 163. Gurton, John, Seaman 205. 164. Galloway, Jonathan, Seaman 206. 165. Grumbly, Thomas, Seaman 207. 166. Gaskins, Thomas, Seaman 208. 167. Glenendy, George, Seaman 209. 168. Gibbs, James, Seaman 210. 169. Gerrings, Lawrence, Seaman 211. 170. Gill, Cudbreth (or Cuthbert), 212. Seaman 213. 171. George, Richard, Seaman 214. George, Samuel, Seaman Garner, Presley, Seaman George, William, Seaman Green, James, Seaman Griggs, Lee, Seaman George, Benjamin, Seaman Gibbins, Thomas, Seaman Griggs, John, Seaman Groden, Charles, Seaman Gill, Thomas, Seaman Gaudge, Richard, Seaman Horn, Francis, Sailing Master Howe, Banister, Master Hunt, Thomas, Armorer Hughes, William, Gunner Hays, William, Seaman Reported entitled, among claims referred to the agent by the executive, and reported on. Hammond, Tyson, Seaman Hall, Spencer, Seaman Harman, Curtis, Seaman Hoy, Charles, Seaman Hart, Michael, Seaman Hart, Isaac, Seaman Herbert, Charles, Seaman Herbert, William, Seaman Hill, John, Seaman Harman, Thomas, Seaman Haskins, Edward, Seaman Hamilton, Robert, Seaman Humphill, Edward, Seaman Hamilton, John, Seaman Hart, Darby, Seaman Hunt, John, Seaman Humphries, James, Seaman Hays, Alexander, Seaman Hall, John, Seaman Humphries, Samuel, Seaman Hinton, Lewis, Seaman Haw, William, Seaman Hulbard, Jessee, Seaman Houchings, Samuel, Seaman Hauth, John, Seaman Hauth, William, Seaman Harford, John, Seaman Virginia State Navy, Bounty Land Warrants 69 215- 216. 217. 218. 219. 220. 221. 222. 223. 224. 225. 226. 227. 228. 229. 230. 231. 232. 233- 234- 235- 236. 237- 238. 239- 240. 241. 242. 243. 244. 245. 246, 247. 248, 249. 250. 251- Haynes (or Hanie), Peter, Seaman Hubbard, James, Seaman Hinton, Spencer, Seaman Hart, John, Seaman Hunt, Henry, Marine Hastens, Thomas, Seaman Reported among claims referred by the executive to the agent. Johnson, Joshua, Boatswain Reported among claims referred by the executive to the agent. Johnson, Robert, Steward James, Henry, Steward Johnson, Hendrick, Boatswain Johnston, Josiah, Seaman Johnson, John, Seaman Jarvis, William, Seaman Reported among claims referred to the agent by the executive, and reported upon by him. Jennings, Michael, Seaman Jackson, John, Seaman Jackson, Wilson, Seaman Jones, Charles, Seaman Jennings, James, Seaman Jones, Robert, Seaman Jones, William, Seaman James, Christopher, Seaman Jobbs, Moses, Seaman Ironmonger, George, Seaman Jones, Robin, Seaman Janey, P., Seaman James, Edward, Seaman Johnson, Robert, Seaman King, Edward, Steward and Clerk Kough, Timothy, Seaman King, Thomas, Seaman Kent, Joshua, Seaman Lowell, Thomas, Steward Reported among claims referred to the agent by the executive. Lucas, William, Clerk Laws, Timothy, Gunner Lucas, Charles, Seaman Lucas, James, Seaman Leeland, Ellis, Seaman 252. Lewis, Rowland, Seaman 253. Lewis, John, Seaman 254. Lindsay, John, Seaman 255. Lovell, William, Seaman 256. Lewis, Wyatt, Seaman 257. Lewis, Charles, Seaman 258. Lee, James, Seaman 259. Lewis, Ambrose, Seaman 260. Lefavours, Nathaniel, Seaman 261. Lowe, John, Seaman 262. Long, Isaac, Seaman 263. Lane, John, Seaman 264. Lattimore, Seneca, Seaman 265. Lewis, Matthew, Seaman 266. Lawson, , Seaman 267. Lowe, Thomas, Seaman 268. Loorell, Charles, Seaman 269. Lewis, Daniel, Seaman Reported among cases referred by the executive to the agent. 270. Moss, Francis, Armorer 271. Morris, Charles, Pilot 272. M'Pherson, Mark, Steward 273. Mays, William, Carpenter 274. Mitchell, Robert, Master 275. Moore, Stephen, Seaman Reported among claims referred by the executive to the agent. 276. Macklin, Edward, Seaman 277. Minter, James, Seaman 278. Moore, Edward, Seaman 279. Malone, Jerry (or Terry), Seaman 280. Moore, Dunford, Seaman 281. Massenburg, John, Seaman 282. M'Crewley, John, Seaman 283. M'Intire, Charles, Seaman 284. Mason, John, Seaman 285. Martain, Edward, Seaman 286. M'Clure, James, Seaman 287. M'Claine, Francis, Seaman 288. M'Laughlin, Daniel, Seaman 289. Murphey, Pat., Seaman 290. Mullok, William, Seaman 291. M'Graw, James, Seaman 292. Maborn, George, Seaman 293. Massey, Peter, Seaman 70 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia 294 295. 296. 297. 298. 299. 300. 301. 302. 303- 304. 305- 306. 307- 308. 309- 310. 3ii- 312. 313- 314- 315- 316. 317- 318. 319- 320. 321. 322. 323- 324- 325- 326. 327- 328. 329- 330. 33i- 332. 333- 334- Moore, Lott, Seaman Maughan, George, Seaman Morgan, James, Seaman Mortimer, James, Seaman Marks, Anthony, Seaman Mott, James, Seaman Mitchell, Joseph, Seaman Miller, William, Seaman Marlow, James, Seaman Maynes, William, Seaman Moon, William, Seaman Morgan, William, Seaman Marley, James, Seaman Merry, John, Seaman Morrison, Anthony, Seaman Marriner, Laban, Seaman Miles, William, Seaman Madrid, Elisha, Seaman Marriner, Levin, Seaman Reported among claims referred to the agent by the executive. Newton, John, Cook Norris, Christopher, Seaman Nicholas, James, Seaman Nichols, Richard, Seaman Nichols, Nathan, Seaman Nichols, James, Seaman Nessell (or Vessell), Ephraim, Sea- man. Newhouse, Anthony, Seaman Nickins, Nathaniel, Seaman North, Boiling, Seaman Nickins, James, Seaman Nicken, Hezekiah, Seaman Negro Kingston, Seaman Negro, Pluto, Seaman Negro, Jack, Seaman Negro, Backus, Seaman Negro, Boston, Seaman Negro, Will, Seaman Negro, George, Seaman Negro, Charles, Seaman Negro, Emanuel, Seaman Negro, James, Seaman The ten negroes here named, have been found regularly enrolled as 335 336, 337. 338. 339- 340. 341- 342. 343- 344- 345- 346. 347- 348. 349- 350. 35i- 352. 353- 354- 355- 356. 357- 358. 359- 360. 361. 362. 363- 364- 365. seamen, belonging to different vessels in the navy of the state. They were freemen, and were en- titled to land as seamen. They, or their heirs, are believed to be entitled to the bounty in land, offered by the legislature to sea- men in the state navy. Northam, Miles, Seaman Reported among claims referred by the executive to the agent. Orders, John, Seaman O'Daniel, John, Seaman Parker, Robert, Seaman Reported among claims referred by the executive to the agent. Paradice, Merit, Seaman Pippen, William, Seaman Prosser, John, Seaman Purcley, Thomas, Seaman Pipenholt, George, Seaman Pierce, Edward, Seaman Page, William, Seaman Procure, Thomas, Seaman Powers, Jacob, Seaman Price, Edward, Seaman Pope, Thomas, Seaman Peters, Samuel, Seaman Pea, George, Seaman Pope, Joseph, Seaman Peaton, Solomon, Seaman Pomeroy, Isaac, Seaman Partridge, Samuel, Seaman Pope, William, Seaman Pate, Matthew, Seaman Parker, William, Seaman Philips, Jacob, Seaman Payne, John, Sailing Master Pools, John, Seaman Reported among claims referred by the executive to the agent. Roily, James, "Gen's" Mate Romas, Adam, Carpenter's Mate Rankin, William, Carpenter's Mate Reilly, Barney, Cook Virginia State Navy, Bounty Land Warrants 71 366. 367- 368. 369- 37o. 37i. 372. 373- 374- 375- 376. 377- 378. 379- 380. 381. 382. 383- 384- 385- 386. 387- 388. 389- 390. 39i- 392- 393- 394- 395- 396. 397- 398. 399. 400. Royston, John, Steward Riggs, William, Seaman Reported by the executive among cases referred to the agent. Roberts, James, Seaman Run, Matthew, Seaman Read, John, Seaman Robertson, James, Seaman Roberts, Godfrey, Seaman Revear, Wyatt, Seaman Richards, Lewis, Seaman Reaves, James, Seaman Robins, John, Seaman Rogers, Melvin, Seaman Rudd, John, Seaman Roberts, Abraham, Seaman Russell, Thomas, Seaman Rose, William, Seaman Randall, Ben., Seaman Richardson, William, Marine Ragsdale, Godfrey, Marine Riggs, George B., Seaman Ross, Elijah, Seaman Reported among claims referred by the executive to the agent. Simpson, William, Cook Stewart, George, Master M. and Paymaster Saunders, Joseph, Master M. Simpson, Salatheal, Master at Arms Entitled to land for three years service. His claim has been re- ported on among the claims re- ferred by the executive to the agent of the state. Scarborough, Nicholas, Seaman Sorrell, Charles, Seaman Salkie, John, Seaman Standley, William, Seaman Speakes, Leonard, Seaman Sandall, Arman, Seaman Satcher, William, Seaman Schofield, Robert, Seaman Skinner, Elisha, Seaman Swift, Philip, Seaman 401. 402. 403- 404. 405- 406. 407. 408. 409. 410. 411. 412. 413- 414. 415- 416. 417. 418. 419. 420. 421. 422. 423- 424. 425- 426. 427. 428. 429. 430. 431- 432. 433- 434- 435- 436. 437- 438. Spriggs, Nathaniel, Seaman Sibery, George, Seaman Stubbs, John, Seaman Scott, Richard, Seaman Scott, Thomas, Seaman Solomon, Samuel, Seaman Sturdivant, Lewis, Seaman Smith, Thomas, Seaman Simmonds, Jerry, Seaman Short, John, Seaman Summerson, George, Seaman Stewart, J., Seaman Scott, John, Marine Stott, William, Boatswain Stanback Littleberry, Seaman Taylor, Jabez, Boatswain Mate See report to the executive on claims referred to the agent, &c. Tunnells, William, Seaman and Quarter Master Reported on among cases referred by the executive to the agent. Thomas, James, Boatswain Mate Towensend, Jacob, Cooper Turpin, John, Master Tennant, James, Master Tunnells, Joseph, Seaman Taylor, Daniel, Seaman Taylor, Severn, Seaman Taylor, Ayers, Seaman Taylor, Thomas, Seaman Reported among claims referred by the executive to the agent. (422 to 426) Tobey, Thomas, Seaman Townsend, Thomas, Seaman Tarply, William, Seaman Tarply, Thomas, Seaman Tapore, John, Seaman Terrell, William, Seaman Triplett, Daniel, Seaman Taylor, Jessee, Seaman Tulley, Matthew, Seaman Tarlick, John, Seaman Tate, Jessee, Seaman Tapley, William, Seaman 72 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Taylor, Michael, Seaman Thomas, Frank, Seaman Tompson, Ambrose, Seaman Tumblin, William, Seaman Temple, Samuel, Seaman Traker, Nicholas, Seaman Tunnells, James, Seaman Reported among cases referred to the agent by the executive. Vassey, Peter, Seaman Warton, John, Boatswain Wallage, Edward, Boatswain Mate Willis, James, Seaman and Quar- ter Master Wilson, Samuel, Master Wood, William, Pilot Williams, John, Pilot 453. Willitt, Daniel P., Steward 454. Warrington, James, Seaman Reported among claims referred by the executive to the agent. 455. Warrington, Stephen, Seaman 456. Welch, Patrick, Seaman 457. Williams, James, Seaman 458. Wilkinson, Stephen, Seaman 459. Williams, William, Seaman 460. Wilson, John, Seaman 461. Wilkins, John, Seaman 439- 440. 441. 442. 443- 444. 445- 446. 447- 448. 449. 450. 45i- 452. 462. Williams, John, Seaman 463. Williams, Meredith, Seaman 464. Walker, John, Seaman 465. Welton, James, Seaman 466. Wilson, Samuel, Seaman 467. Williams, James, Seaman 468. Webb, Francis, Seaman 469. West, James, Seaman 470. Woods, Thomas, Seaman 471. Whale, John, Seaman 472. Wray, George, Seaman 473. Wilkerson, William, Seaman 474. Webb, James, Seaman 475. Webb, Tarpley, Seaman 476. Wood, James, Seaman 477. Wall (or Wells), Joseph, Seaman 478. Waller, James, Seaman 479. Wallace, Wilson, Seaman 480. White, William, Marine 481. Webb, Joseph, Seaman 482. White, John, Seaman 483. Wartens, Spencer, Seaman Reported among claims referred to the agent by the executive. (481 to 483) Note: See the extensive Navy war- rants scattered throughout the follow- ing lists. G. M. B. (3 a ) Pension Abstracts, Virginia Sea Service f Elkanah Andrews. (U. S. Pension Bureau; Va. sea service, Va. Agcy. ; 6,507; Cert. 2,136, issued Nov. 20, 1832, Act of June 7, 1832, at $96.00 per an. from Mar. 4, 1831.) This seaman applied for pension Aug. 1832, then residing in Accomac Parish, Accomack Co., Va., age 67 and born in that Co. He enlisted in 1777 and served on the Accomac Galley, commanded by Capt. William Underbill, as a seaman or sailor until the winter of 1780 or 1781 when the ship was dismantled and her crew discharged. This galley was built for the defence of the counties of Accomac and Northampton; cruised the greater part of the time in Chesapeake Bay, on the sea side of the peninsula, in the waters of the said counties; was never in battle. t A few pension application abstracts have been taken from the manuscript of "Revolu- tionary War Records, Vol. II" which includes unpublished records from all States (Archives) and all branches of the Revolutionary War. Advance subscriptions will be appreciated. G. M. B. Virginia State Navy, Pension Application Abstracts 73 He received bounty land for said services from Va., for 3 years service as a seaman in the State Navy of Va. June 26, 1824, the deposition of William Andrews, aged about 63 yrs., de- clares that he served on board the Galley Accomac, Capt. Underhill, in the fleet of Commodore Barron, from the year 1777 to 1780; that he knows that Elkanah Andrews served on board said Galley as a common seaman from 1777 to 1779. June 3, 1824, Elkanah Andrews writes that he is age 57 yrs., resident of Ac- comac Co., Va. ; his wife, Hetty, aged about 40 yrs.; 3 children: Robert, aged 20 yrs., Richard, aged 11 yrs., and Samuel, aged 8 years. John Applewhaite Surgeon Liberty Boat, Virginia State Navy (U. S. Navy Archives, File 87,260). Mentioned : Dr. John Ramsay, Surgeon ; Va. State Troops of Rev. fame. Dr. Johnathon Colvert — Mr. Orr and Dr. Applewhaite, his mates. William Jennings, a pilot and a Captain during the War; Pay Roll of the State Boat Liberty: Lieut. Michael James; Commodore James Barron; Dr. Miles C. Selden; Markham of the land service, Capt. Lilly of the Navy. Mar. 28, 1838, Judith Cary Applewhaite, administratrix, daughter and sole heir of Dr. John Applewhaite, says that he was a Surgeon in the Va. State Navy in the Rev. War, and served until its end. The administratrix claimed commuta- tion of five years' full pay, with interest, pursuant to the Act of July 5, 1832. She was allowed $1,825., from Apr. 22, 1783 to Feb. 5, 1850, $3,077.00 having been paid Aug. 16, 1838, by the United States as half pay for life; the amount was paid to Otway B. Barrand, her attorney in fact. Sarah Gilbert, daughter of Dr. John Ramsay, of Revolutionary fame, deposed that Dr. Applewhaite was the Mate of deponent's father, as early as 1776. William Jennings, a pilot and a Captain during said War, deposed that Dr. Applewhaite was a Surgeon and actively employed as such at Hampton, after the surrender of York Town, and continued to serve to the end of said War. It appears from the papers of the State Boat Liberty, under command of Lieut. James, that Dr. Applewhaite was a Surgeon on board that ship in 1785 and 1786. Borough of Norfolk, State of Va. Personally appeared before me Wm. G. Camp, Alderman of the Borough afore sd Com. James Barron, U. S. Navy, who being first duly sworn, says: I was well acquainted with Dr. P. Bartlett, remember well when he came from New England to Va. and was a Surgeon in the Navy of Va. about the same time with Dr. John Applewhaite to the best of my recollection. He, Dr. Bartlett, served to the end of the war, I remember distinctly his serving with the State Navy afore 8d under the command of my Father. [See p. 38, 73, 74] James Barron Subscribed and sworn to before me, Alderman as afore sd at the Borough afore sd this Nov. 27, 1844. Wm. G. Camp, Alderman I hereby certify that I was well acquainted with Dr. P. Bartlett during the Rev. War. The said Bartlett came to Hampton, Va. from one of the New 74 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia England States and settled himself in the said town of Hampton as a practicing Physician during said war and somewhere about the year 1780 or 1781 was appointed by my father Commodore James Barron, a Surgeon in the Va. State Navy — served in that capacity until the end of the war. I was intimately acquainted with the late Dr. Applewhaite, and know that Dr. Bartlett was in the service with him, I further know that after the war aforesaid terminated, he Dr. Bartlett was retained in the Naval Service of Va. and was the Surgeon of the Armed Schooner Liberty commanded by Capt. Michael James of Va., which vessel with the Schooner Patriot, remained in the Va. Marine Service until the adoption of the Federal Constitution, Norfolk, Va., Apr. 4, 1846. James Barron John Applewhaite, Surgeon. (U. S. Pension Bureau R 12,129.) Otway B. Barrand, atty. for Miss J. C. Applewhaite, on Jan. 11, 1850, called the attention of the Bureau to the adjustment of her claim as administratrix and sole heiress of Dr. John Applewhaite, for commutation and interest, for his services as a Surgeon in the Va. State Navy in the Rev. War to the end of the same. The claim of the deceased for half pay was adjusted by this Department about 1 833-1 834 by the petitioner as said attorney. Dr. Applewhaite was one of the only two Surgeons retained in the service until after the close of the War. From an examination of the records of this Office and that of the Third Auditor, it appears that $3,077.00 (awarded by the Superior Court of Va., Mar. 25, 1833), was paid Aug. 16, 1838, under the Act of July 5, 1832, as half pay during life, from Apr. 22, 1783 to Mar. 1, 1800, the date of death accepted. A further claim under said Act for commutation of five years full pay, was filed in 1850, and allowed by the Secretary of the Interior, under the opinion of the Attorney Gen- eral, amounting to $9,138.70, less $3,077.00 formerly paid. The date of death of Dr. John Applewhaite is given as Apr. 23, 1800. The payment of $6,061.70, made Feb. 6, 1850, exhausted the claim before this Office and under this Act. James Barron, Commodore, for services as Commander-in-Chief of Va. State Navy during the Rev. War. (U. S. Navy Archives, File Nos. 8,583 and 8,613.) The Secretary of the Interior, after obtaining the opinion of the Attorney General, decided that the representatives of the late Commodore James Barron, who was Commander in chief of the Virginia State Navy during the Revolutionary war, were entitled to commutation and interest under the Acts of July 5, 1832 and Mar. 3, 1835, in lieu of half pay for life which was paid by Va. on Dec. 15, 1823. Under an order of said Secretary the Commissioner of Pensions certifies that commutation and interest are due; the commutation amounts to $4,258.3 1^, to which will be added interest at 6% from Apr. 22, 1783 to Dec. 15, 1823, adding the amount of the interest up to Dec. 15, 1823, to the commutation and deducting from the total $2,008.52 paid in Dec, 1823, and upon the balance struck calculate interest from that time to the present time, Jan. 2, 1850. The amount was payable to James Lyon, of Richmond, Virginia, as atty. of George N. Camp admr. of said James Barron. Virginia State Navy, Pension Application Abstracts 75 A letter of James Barron, son of Commodore James Barron, deceased, sets forth that his father never made a will. On Dec. 31, 1849, the Secretary above named allowed the claim for com- mutation and half pay. James Barron, Midshipman, Va. State Navy. (U. S. Navy Archives.) "Executive Dept. Richmond, Dec. 21, 1833. James Barron is allowed Land Bounty for his services as a Midshipman in the State Navy for three years, if not heretofore drawn. The Register will issue a warrant accordingly. James Barron appears to have been an Aid-de-camp to Commodore James Barron, Commander in Chief of the Navy of Virginia. John Floyd Teste, LB. Richardson A copy from the Records of the Va. Land Office. Teste, S. H. Parker, Reg. L. Office." James Barron and Mary A. B. Barron. (U. S. Pension Bureau, File No. W 12,264; Cert. No. 23,375, Issued Jan. 14, 1834, Act of June 7, 1832, at $144.00 per annum from Mar. 4, 1831. Applied for Pension Jan. 14, 1834, age 65, then living in Philadelphia, Pa.; Pa. Agcy. ; Service Va. sea and U. S. Navy, Va. half pay, Navy, midshipman.) James Barron entered the Navy in 1780, and served in the Va. State Navy to the close of the Rev. war in 1783. Served as an Aide-de-camp to his father, the late Commodore James Barron who was Commander in Chief of the Va. Navy, whose rank was equal to Brigadier General in the Land Office. A Land Warrant was granted by the State of Virginia to James Barron, for his three years service as midshipman, No. 7,421, for 2,666% acres, dated Dec. 28, 1833- Mary A. B. Barron applied for a pension as the widow of James Barron, Dec. 20, 1853. She was a resident of Portsmouth, Norfolk Co., Va. ; her husband, the said James Barron, died April 21, 1851. Her claim was allowed, Cert. No. 5,017, Va. Agcy., at $144.00 per annum, commencing Feb. 3, 1853 ; issued Mar. 10, 1855- John Cox, of Portsmouth, Apr. 7, 1833, declared that he held a private com- mission in the Va. service as a Captain, and commenced service in 1777, and commanded for two years thereafter many private armed vessels engaged in transportation of munitions of war from the West Indies to the United States. His public duties frequently required him to receive the commands and instruc- tions of Commodore James Barron, Commander in Chief of the Va. Naval forces and remembers having seen on several of these occasions young James Barron, son of said commodore (and the present Commodore in the United States Navy), as an officer performing duties in the naval service, etc. William Jennings of the Norfolk district, Va. Apr. 8, 1833, declared that he served as a mariner during the Rev. War in the Va. State Navy, and that he was well acquainted with Midshipman James Barron (now Commodore) who served 76 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia three years as midshipman until the peace of 1783, principally in the Schooner Liberty and as an aide to his father, visiting the various vessels composing the fleet. Richard Barron and Elizabeth Barron. Captain, for services in the Va. State Navy (Act of July 5, 1832, $11,215.78. U. S. Navy Archives, No. 8,613). At Elizabeth City County Court, Oct. 22, 1818, on motion of Ann Barron the younger, widow of Richard Barron the younger (son of Richard Barron the elder, deceased), it was ordered that the letters of administration issued to Re- becca Barron, executrix of said Richard Barron the elder, be revoked, and letters of administration with the will annexed on the estate of said Richard Barron the elder were granted to said Ann Barron, and never revoked. Mrs. Elizabeth Barron had qualified on the estate of her husband Richard Barron, but her powers were revoked by the Co. Court of Elizabeth City Co., and Mrs. Anna Barron, the widow and devisee of Richard Barron the younger quali- fied as admx. de bonis c. t. a. She, afterwards, married James Hubbard, who died leaving his wife to survive him. The Commissioner of Pensions on Jan. 8, 1850, states that the Secretary of the Interior decided in this case, after taking the opinion of the Attorney General, that said admx. was entitled, under the Acts of July 5, 1832, and Mar. 3, 1835, to the commutation of five years' full pay and interest, on account of services in the Va. State Navy. Under this decision Ann Hubbard (formerly Ann Barron) admx. was entitled to $2,509.30, being five years full pay and interest at 6% from Apr. 22, 1783, to said date, but the sum of $1,338 paid by Va. on Mar. 2, 1833, was to be deducted, and the amount to be paid to Frederick Vincent of Philadelphia, attorney for the said admx. A statement is filed that Ann Hubbard of Gloucester Co., Va., was the widow of James Hubbard, deceased, and admx. of Capt. Richard Barron of Elizabeth City Co., Va. That she was formerly Ann Barron, widow and devisee of Richard Barron the younger, son of Captain Richard Barron. She married James B. Balfour in 1824. From her marriage to Capt. Richard Barron she had several sons: Thomas Cary, James and Richard. She had several children from her marriage to James Balfour. Will of Richard Barron (Abstract): I, Richard Barron, — of Hampton — give: In primus — I lend the use of house and lott where I live to wife during her life — at her death, executors to sell at 12 mos.' credit, resulting money to be equally divided between my sons: Thomas Cary Barron, Miles Selden Barron and Richard Barron — if any die their share to be divided, etc. Item: Executor sell on 12 mos.' credit my plantation on James River, purchased of William Jennings, to pay debts, etc. Item: I give to my daughter Elizabeth Jones one thousand acres of my land in Western County, given by the State of Va., etc. Item: I give to my daughter Mary Graves one thousand acres of my land in Western County, etc. Item: My executors shall sell at best price the remainder of my land given to me by the State for my services — resulting money paid to wife and my three sons. Virginia State Navy, Pension Application Abstracts 77 Item: I give my household and kitchen furniture, with my negroes, to my wife during her life for support of three sons and at wife's death I give the negroes with their increase and furniture to be equally divided between my sons, etc. Item: My sloop to be sold for payment of my debts. Item: My military certificates shall be kept together so long as my creditors will allow and the interest to pay my debts. After latter are paid remainder of estate of what kind soever be equally divided between my wife and three sons forever, etc. Item: I appoint my wife, my executrix and Miles King my executor, etc. June 26, 1787. (Signed) Richard Barron (Seal) Witnesses: William Johnstone, Ann Harper, Henry Dunn. Produced in Elizabeth City County Court Jan. 24, 1788, and proved by Win. Johnstone and Henry Dunn. Apr. 24, 1788, in same Court, the will was probated — executor and executrix, together with their securities Wm. Armistead and Wm. C. Selden, Gent, entered into and acknowledged bond in penalty of fifteen hundred pounds, etc. Test. Johnson Tabb, C. E. C. Samuel S. Howard, Clerk of Elizabeth City Co. Court, certifies to the manuscript Jan. 2, 1850. Samuel Barron, Lieut. Liberty and Patriot Schooners; Captain and Com- modore, U. S. N., Va. Sea Service. (U. S. Naval Archives, Nos. 8,952 and 19.548.) Mentioned in 8,952 : Midshipman James Barron, Aide-de-camp to Commodore James Barron; 1781 Arnold or Gen. Phillips; Capt. Lilly; William Jennings; Thomas Jennings, Sr. on Schooner Patriot in his 16th year; Miles King com- manded a Vidette company during the Revolution; Captain Richard Taylor, Brig Augusta; Obituary sketch of Commo. Samuel Barron by Thos. Boughton, Nov. 2, 1810. Order of Commo. Rogers (same period). Order from Paul Hamilton, Sec. of Navy Nov. 9, 1810. Claim of Samuel Barron of the U. S. Navy, as admr. of the estate of his deceased father, the late Commodore Samuel Barron of said Navy, for services as Capt. in the Va. State Navy in the Rev. war. No. 8,952, Samuel Barron, deceased, 5 years' full pay and interest as Lieut, in the Va. State Navy. Act of July 5, 1832, $1,083.77; died in 1810. The evidence upon which Lieut. Samuel Barron drew his land bounty consisted of an affidavit of Commodore James Barron, stating that he was the brother of Commodore Samuel Barron of the United States Navy, who died in Nov. 1 8 10. The said Samuel Barron entered said Va. State Navy about two years before the siege of Yorktown, and being promoted to a lieutenancy, was entrusted with the command of several vessels of said State Navy, amongst whom were the schooner Liberty and Patriot. That Samuel Barron was in actual service until the end of the war in 1783. Statement from Norfolk Borough, Mar. 26, 1833, that Commodore Samuel Barron died Oct. 29, 1810, intestate, leaving an only son, Samuel, now a Lieut, in the U. S. Navy, and a daughter, Jane, who married Gill Armistead. Both of the last named are deceased, but left an only child, Elizabeth B. Armistead, their only surviving heir at law. Commodore Barron, after concluding his education at the William and Mary University, took his station in the Virginia squadron, and remained in it until disbanded at the conclusion of the War. He filled a respectable command in private service for several years, and later commanded the brig Augusta, fitted by the Norfolk inhabitants for the defence of their coast during the depredations of the French in 1798, and later 78 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia the U. S. Government conferred on him the rank that he has occupied, command- ing a squadron in the West Indies, then, on orders of his government, he assumed command in the Mediterranean, as successor to Preble, and returned after con- cluding a treaty with the enemy on the Barbary Coast. The Norfolk and Portsmotuh Herald of Feb. 14, 1810, Nov. 14, 1810 and Feb. 6, 181 1 have obituaries and notices relating to him. Samuel Barron. (Pension Bureau, R 6, Va. Half Pay; Va. Sea Service.) Samuel Barron of the U. S. Navy, Admr. of his father, the late Commodore Samuel Barron, appoints Frederick Vincent his attorney, etc. Letter of Samuel Barron, dated Feb. 17, 1850, U. S. Ship Pennsylvania, stating that some years ago he received half pay for his father (the late Commo- dore Samuel Barron) for services as a Capt. in the Va. State Navy during the Rev. war, through which entire period of time he served. That the Attorney General has decided that the naval officers are entitled to the commutation pay for five years, with interest, as well as officers in land service. Asks for settlement of father's account upon the principle of commutation. James Barron of the U. S. Navy certifies that his brother, the late Commodore Samuel Barron U. S. Navy, served in the Va. State Navy in the Rev. war in the grades of Midshipman and Lieut, until the surrender of Lord Cornwallis at Yorktown in 1781. After this, he commanded the schooner Patriot of 10 guns and was promoted to the rank of Capt. and so continued until the disbandment of the Va. State Navy. Commodore Samuel Barron died in Nov. 18 10, leaving a son and a daughter. Philip Bartlett. (U. S. Naval Archives, Va. State Navy; Surgeon, for services on Brig Liberty, Schooner Patriot, close of war, and Galley Henry.) Papers in this case mention Surgeon William Johnston, Commodore James Barron, U. S. N., Dr. Applewhaite, Ensign John Kay, under Gen. Thomas Mathews at Fort Nelson; Later entered the marine service on armed Galley Henry. Captain Michael James, 1780 or 1781; Lieut. Wm. Graves, Cuffy, a faithful slave, Pilot of the vessel died of injuries received in service; Samuel Reid, company of Continentals; Captain Robert Thilaball; Order of Commissioners in reference to ships Thetis, Tempest, Dragon, Brig Jefferson, Henry, and other documents; Pay roll of Liberty. (For latter see p. 19, et seq.) Philip Bartlett was a resident of Elizabeth City Co., Va. when he enlisted at Norfolk Borough. The administrator claimed commutation with interest pursuant to the Act of July 5, 1832. Administrator was allowed $4,374.80 balance from Apr. 22, 1783 to Mar. 29, 1850, including interest. (5 years' half pay was $1,825.00.) Surgeon Philip Bartlett d. July 1, 1809. (U. S. Pension Bureau, R 7; Philip Bartlett, Surgeon, Va. Sea Service; entitled to and granted half pay.) [See p. 38, 73, etc.] John Kay. (Naval Archives papers of Philip Bartlett; Ensign in Va. Army, later in Marine service on Armed Galley Henry, Va. State Navy.) Virginia State Navy, Pension Application Abstracts 79 Norfolk, Va. June 14, 1844. Jonathan Kay, before W. D. Delany, Mayor, declares that John Kay, his father was an Ensign under Gen. Samuel Thomas Matthews at Fort Nelson. He was later transferred to the Va. Marine service and in 1781 was attached to the State armed galley Henry under Capt. Michael James. Dr. Philip Bartlett served as her surgeon, etc. Laban Bayly, Sailing Master, Diligence Galley, Va. State Navy, Commanded by Lieut. Richard Parker. (State Dept. Nos. 5,224 and 2,702 in U. S. Naval Archives.) Mentioned: Elkanah Andrews, seaman; Lieut. Col. John Cropper; Thos. Cropper; and Custis Bull; Capt. Michael Parker; Jacob White, Carpenter; Mid- shipman Beverly Coops; Levin Bird, Pilot; Lieut. John Pettigrew or Pettigraw; John Fields, steward; Solomon Powell, quartermaster; Return of sundries for officers of Diligence. Daniel and Lewis Story, soldiers discharged by Capt. Taylor; Pay roll of John Teackle or John Teagle, paymaster of galleys Diligence and Accomac 1780; Robert Webb, Pilot; James Broadwater, held office on her; William Littleton; Hancock Simpson, coxswain; Lieut. Jesse Cannon; Master Thomas Bonewell; James Henry; Thomas Bailey; James Arbuckle, Board in council, Mar. 22, 1781; Archibald Blair. John Bayly, Sr. nephew of Laban Bayly, age 70, files deposition Apr. 18, 1836 as one of the heirs, etc. — witness Tully R. Wise. John I. Bayly, Admr. age 46, files a similar deposition Apr. 25, 1836, power of atty. etc. and the Court certifies as to character and that Laban Bayly was alive May 21, 1799. Thos. Cropper Sr. Oct. 8, 1838, age 75, makes affidavit that during the Rev. War he lived in Accomac Co. Va. on Folly Creek, "on a farm belonging to my Bro. Gen. Jno. Cropper who was at that time Lieut. Col. in the Army and sta- tioned at the North." The Galley Diligence, Va. State Navy, was stationed within a few hundred yards of the house where I resided, — there remained until the Bd. of Commissioners reported that she should be sold— Almost daily saw crew and officers and Laban Bayly continued to be its Sailing Master until the Diligence was sold and all became supernumerary. John C. Wise, J. P. certifies etc. Henry A. Wise certifies that Thos. Cropper Sr. has been J. P. Sheriff, Atty., etc. Custis Bull, Nov. 14, 1835, age 77, deposes that he lived on Folly Creek, well knew Laban Bayly, etc. Elkanah Andrews, age 76, deposes that he served over 3 yrs. with Laban Bayly, Sailing Master, of Diligence, etc. Henry Fletcher, J. P. certifies to the reliability, service, etc. of Elkanah Andrews. Wm. Lilleston, age 75 in Jan. 1830, Dec. 30, 1830, deposes that he well knew the officers and crews of the Accomac and Diligence, toward the end of the Rev. Of the latter he knew Beverly Coopes, Midshipman; Jacobus White, Carpenter, "who continued in service until she was laid up"; Levin Bird, Pilot; Laban Bailey, Quartermaster, etc. That John Pettigrew was Lieut, of the Accomac and John Fields was Steward; that Robert Webb was Pilot; John Cropper was Carpenter; James Broadwater was on bd. but he does not know in what office; that "Pilot Webb died about the time the galley was laid up." 80 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Capt. Michael Parker, age 87, Jan. 15, 1837, deposes that he "pursued the water for more than 20 yrs. a greater part of which he was Capt. and commanded his own vessel." He well knew Laban Bailey, Sailing Master ("my neighbor") and Richard Parker ("my cousin"), "who was Lieut, on bd. sd. Galley Diligence, etc. Capt. Michael Parker, Mar. 9, 1837 further deposes that he is about 87, defines duties of officers; Capt. Richard Parker (his cousin) commanded the Diligence and "one Powell" was Quartermaster; testifies further as to Laban Bayly. Levin S. Joynes, Sr. J. P. and Wm. Lee testify concerning Capt. M. Parker, who is a Baptist, crippled by rheumatism and must make his mark, etc. Mary West, Dec. 21, 1838, deposes that she well knew Labin Bayly, of Accomac Co. Va. at the time of her marriage to Labin Powell, her former husband May 21, 1794 (Bible record) and "during the fall of sd. yr. he went to sea and never returned and has not been heard from." Elkanah Andrews, Dec. 28, 1838, deposes as above, and that she m (1) Labin Powell and (2) John West, records and facts are correct. Wm. Lee, Dec. 6, 1835, deposes that the heirs of Laben Bayly, a Rev. officer etc. all reside in Accomac Co. and are John I. Bayly, Peggy Bayly, Susan West and Avery Melvin who m. Catherine Bayly. Levin L. Joynes, J. P. certifies that Wm. Lee is a minister of M. E. Ch. and that the heirs are as stated. J. E. Edwards, Comr. of Pensions Feb. 14, 1839, certifies that Laban Bayly was Sailing Master etc. — went to sea in fall of 1794 and has never since been heard from — under Act of July 5, 1832 he be allowed at rate of $152.08 per an. from Apr. 22, 1783, termination of war to Sept. I, 1794, etc. 11 yr. and 133 ds. at $152.08, or $1,728.29 was pd. Feb. 21, 1839. I yr. 338 ds. or $292.91, from May 19, 1781 to Apr. 22, 1783 was also pd. Oct. 31, 1846. (P. B. R 1, Laban Bayly; Sailing Master, boat Diligence; Va. State Navy.) It appears from the papers of Laban Bayly that John Tapman and Sam Wilson, were both Sailing masters on board the ship Tarter from Nov., 1779, to Jan., 1780, they therefore certify that half pay from May 19, 1781 to Apr. 22, 1783 is still due and is payable to Francis A. Dickins, substitute for Samuel C. White, attorney of John Bayly, administrator of Laban Bayly, deceased. William Booth, Pilot and Sailing Master, for Services in Va. State Navy $4,549.48. (U. S. Navy Archives, No. 4,314.) William Booth was a sailing master in the Va. State Navy from Feb. 1, 1780 to 1810, when he died. He served on Galley Protector, Capt. John Thomas. Carter Crafford was admr. of his estate. There appears a Land Office Military Warrant, No. 8,232, addressed to the principal surveyor of the lands set apart for the officers and soldiers of the Com- monwealth of Virginia, to survey and lay off for Thomas Booth, brother and only heir at law of William Booth, deceased, his heirs or assigns, 2,466% acres of land, due unto said heir, in consideration of the services of said William Booth for three Virginia State Navy, Pension Application Abstracts 81 years in the Va. State Navy, agreeable to a certificate from the Governor and Council. Dated Aug. 20, 1835. Certificate of the Commissioner of Pensions, dated Sept. 8, 1847, setting forth the examination of the claim of the admr. of William Booth, deceased, claiming half pay under the Act of July 5, 1832, and the finding that the decedent served as a sailing master in the Va. State Navy up to the first day of Feb. 1780; that half pay was due said admr. from Feb. 1, 1780, when decedent left the service, to Jan. 1, 1810, in which year it appears that he d.; the amount at the rate of $152.80 per annum is payable to Francis A. Dickens, atty. for Carter Crafford of Warwick Co. Va., admr. of said William Booth, deceased. Booth, William, Virginia Sea Service (U. S. Pension Bureau, II). Oct. 30, 1841, John Smith Kesterson, of Northumberland Co. Va., declares that he was personally acquainted with William Booth and that the latter served on board the Protector Galley, commanded by Capt. John Thomas, in the Rev. War; that said galley was fitted out by the State of Va., and that he knew him while he was on duty on board said galley. William Booth served as Sailing Master and Pilot; after his discharge he lived in Northumberland County, Va., and died Sept. 1789; left no direct heirs but deponent has heard him speak of a bro. Thomas Booth, of Somerset Co., Md. He enlisted Feb., 1777, and served three years as Master and Pilot; dis- charged Feb. 1, 1780; was paid to Jan. 1, 1810, the year it appears that he died, and that the amount at the rate of $152.08 per annum is payable to Francis A. Dickins, attorney of Carter Crafford, of Warwick Co., Va., admr. of said William Booth, deceased. Charles Sayer Boush. (U. S. Navy Archives, State Dept. No. 355 ; Boush, Charles S. 2d Lieut. Revenge, 1777; 1st Lieut. Caswell, 1778 and Washington, 1779; for service in Va. State Navy.) Mentioned (355): Dabney's Legion; Nelson's Corps State Cav. ; Major George Walls; Captain George Bailey and Chaplin's Companies; Commo. James Barron to bring cannon from Cormdrant; 2 letters of James Barron to Gov. of Va. July, 1782 and Jan. 1783. Ship New York overhauled by French frigate Seable (Sibyl), Sloop Good Intent, Capt. Alsene; Mr. H. Ross, Capt. Hart., Lieut. Joseph Saunders, Brig Jefferson. J. Barron Comdr. 1780; Gen. Cornwallis; Board James Innis, P. B. W. William Nelson and Samuel Griffin; Manley, Safeguard, Hero, Lewis and Page, gallies; Ship Gloucester; J. Ambler, D. Rose: Ships, Dragon and Tartar, Henry, Galley Thomas Jefferson 1780; Dudley Digges; Lieut. Lewis Jones Sloop Defiance, Capt. Eleyer (Emager) Callender 1776; Payroll of Safeguard 1777; Board of War: Mr. Travis, Whiting, Archer, George Lyne, Bernard Webb, Foster Webb, Jr.; Paymaster and Muster Master, 1778; John Webb appointed Paymaster 1779; List of officers of Safeguard, galley; Issac Mercer, Master of brig Jefferson Christopher Calvert; Capt. Willis Wilson of ship Caswell. Norfolk Borough. At a Hastings Court held Sept. 26, 1831. Ordered that it be entered of record that it has been made to appear to the satisfaction of the 82 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Court by the oath of Ann Pusey, that Anne Wythe Mallory and Martha F. S. Parks, the wife of Marshall Parks, are the only heirs of Lieut. Charles S. Boush who was an Officer in the Va. State Navy during the Revolutionary War and that the said Chas. S. Boush died intestate, Feb., 1809. John Williams, C. C. Lieut. Charles Boush was appointed and served from the Borough of Norfolk, Va. Pension issued July, 1845, in pursuance of the Act of July 5, 1832. Boush, Charles S., Va. Half pay; U. S. Pension Bureau, R 12. He was commissioned in 1777 as Lieut, in Va. State Navy and served until 1781, and d. in Feb., 1809. A claim of half pay was allowed to William B. Lamb of Norfolk, Va., admr. of said Lieut. Charles S. Boush. William Johnston. (Naval Archives, Va. State Navy, Surgeon, for Services on Defiance and Nicholson.) No. 952, William Johnston, deed. July 5, 1832, $4,795.50. Reported Mar. II, 1852; returned Mar. 12, 1852; reed. Mar. 12, 1852, of 3d Auditor, Regt. No. 1698, d. this day for $4,795.50. William Johnston d. in Elizabeth City Co., Va., Aug. 1809, intestate; and Robert Tompkins, resident of said Co., Christopher Tompkins of Norfolk, Julia, wife of John D. Moreland, and James Tompkins are the surviving heirs and next of kin of said William Johnston, deed., claiming as such under their grandmother Anna Tompkins, deed., nee Anna Johnston of York Co., niece and only surviving heir of said Dr. William Johnston. Revolutionary War Virginia Naval Pensioners. (State Papers 16th Cong., 1st Session. Act of Mar. 18, 1818 to Dec. 20, 1819.) Gatlin, Edward, Mariner, Ranger Ship Kilby, John, Mariner, Good Richard Pegan, Andrew, Marine, Montgomery Ship Stanley, Moses, Seaman, Musquito Brig SECTION II ARMY AND NAVY BOUNTY LAND WARRANTS (4) TO (19) Section II (4), [Document No. 30 — List No. 1] (4) List of Officers of the Army and Navy, Who Have Received Lands from Virginia for Revolutionary Services; the Quantity Received, the Time of Service for Which Each Officer Received Land, &c. Down to September, 18334 U. S. Naval Archives and Library has a letter from which the following ex- tract is taken : "Mr. [John H.] Smith was appointed Commissioner (in pursuance of a Resolution of General Assembly of Virginia passed Feb. 7, 1833) to examine Revolutionary documents (composed of a huge and chaotic mass scattered throughout the offices) and to report to the Executive a list of names of persons entitled to unsatisfied claims on Va. for Bounty Land, etc. Vide Doc. No. 8 Smith's Report. Before Commissioner Smith had completed his labours the Va. Legislature, during Session of 1834-5, abolished his office. The Executive of Va. allowed Land Bounty to the following officers, among numerous claims, whose names are not mentioned in any of Mr. Smith's lists: Captain John Rogers Lieut. Edward Wade Captain John Cox Captain John Jones" No. acres When warrant obtained Time of service, etc. 6000 Dec. 1,1782 Mar. 6, 1777 to May 12, 1780 1000 Nov. 19, 1794 7th year 833^ Nov. 21, 1808 10 months 2666% Dec. 14, 1782 1776 till his death, Dec. 14, 1782 2666% Dec. 14, 1782 1779 to date of war- rant 4000 Dec. 28, 1782 Aug. 1776 to May 2i, 1782 6000 Feb. 11, 1783 Apr. 18, 1776 to Feb. 6, 1781 2666% July 10, 1783 Mar. 1777 to date of warrant Cont'l. 2666% Nov. 22, 1783 3 years 2666% Dec. 22, 1783 3 years t The Bounty Land Lists are republished without arranging alphabetically, following the originals, except (17), page 197. The full index makes all names available where the name and service are exactly duplicated it apparently means that Land Warrants were issued for service of over three years or to correct a deficiency in the Warrant. G. M. B. 85 Officers' Names Rank Line Anderson, Rich'd C. Colonel Cont'l. Anderson, Rich'd C. Colonel Cont'l. Anderson, Rich'd C. Colonel Cont'l. Archer, Joseph Lieutenant Cont'l. Archer, Peter F. Lieutenant Cont'l. Armstead, Thomas Captain State Allison, John Lieut. Col. State Allen, David Lieutenant Cont'l. Allen, Edward Lieutenant Cont'l. Ashley, Benjamin Lieutenant Cont'l. 86 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Officers' Names Anderson, Nathaniel Anderson, John Anderson, John Armstead, William Archer, Richard Austace, John Alexander, Geo. D. Ashby, Stephen Allen, John Arrel, David Amands, Ambrose Ashly, Warren Armstrong, James Arbuckle, Matthew Apperson, Richard Arnold, Samuel Aylett, William Arthur, Barnabas Avery, William Haly Alexander, Arch'd Armstrong, Edward Asher, William Archer, John or (Asher) Allen, Thomas Allman, William Andrews, Robert Blair, John Rank Lieutenant Captain Captain Captain Lieutenant Lieutenant Surgeon Captain Captain Captain Gunner Midship. Captain Captain Captain Lieutenant Colonel Lieutenant Captain Surgeon Lieutenant Ensign Lieutenant Lieutenant Gunner Chaplain Line Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. State Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. State State Navy Navy Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. State Navy Navy Navy State No. acres 2666% 4666% 555 4000 2666% 2666% 6000 4000 4000 4000 2666% 2666% 4000 4000 4666 % 2666% 6665 2666% 4000 6000 2666% 2666% 4000 2666% 2566% 6000 When warrant obtained Jan. 12, 1784 Feb. 2, 1784 Sept. 19, 1809 Feb. 3, 1784 Feb. 24, 1784 Feb. 26, 1784 June 10, 1784 Dec. 21, 1784 Dec. 21, 1784 Apr. 12, 1785 July 17, 1788 July 14, 1794 Aug. 11, 1795 Dec. 19, 1799 Jan. 27, 1807 Feb. 1, 1808 Apr. 7, 1809 Nov. 7, 1811 Sept. 11, 1818 July 26, 1824 July 28, 1830 Mar. 29, 1 83 1 Nov. 8, 1832 Nov. 12, 1832 Nov. 13, 1832 May 17, 1833 Captain Cont'l. 4000 Dec. 12, 1782 Mar. 30, 1798 Dec. 14, 1782 June 10, 1783 Aug. 14, 1807 Dec. 20, 1782 Dec. 3, 1795 Dec. 24, 1782 Nov. 29, 1808 Jan. 11, 1783 Jan. 30, 1783 Jan. 29, 1784 Feb. 1, 1783 Nov. 24, 1782 Mar. 7, 1783 Mar. 25, 1784 Blair, John Captain Cont'l. 4000 Bentley, William Captain Cont'l. 4000 Bentley, William Captain Cont'l. 666% Bentley, William Captain Cont'l. 555 Bowne, Thomas Captain Cont'l. 4000 Bowne, Thomas Captain Cont'l. 666% Booker, Samuel Captain Cont'l. 4000 Booker, Samuel Captain Cont'l. 1222 Boswell, Macken Captain State 4000 Baylor, George Colonel Cont'l. 6666% Baylor, George Colonel Cont'l. 2222 Brodie, Lodovick Surgeon State 6000 Ballard, William Pilot Navy 2666% Ballard, William Lieutenant State 2666% Browne, Windsor Captain State 4666% Time of service, etc. 3 years 7 years 10 months 3 years End of war End of war 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years For the war For the war 3 years 7 years 3 years 3 years 3 years During war During war During war During war 3 years 3 years 3 years Jan. 1777 to Aug. 18, 1780 End of war Jan. 1776 to date of warrant 7th year 10 months May 1777 to date of warrant 7th year Nov. 1776 to date of warrant 22 months 3 years ending Feb. 6, 1781 Jan. 1777 to date of warrant 7th and 8th years Aug. 15, 1778 to Aug. 2, 1782 3 years 3 years Mar. i776todate,&c. Army and Navy Bounty Land Warrants, Revolutionary War 87 Officers' Names Rank Line No. acres When warrant obtained Time of service, etc. Beale, Robert Captain Cont'l. 4666% Mar. 26, 1784 Feb. 10, 1776 to date, &c. Beale, Robert Captain Cont'l. 555 Sept. 27, 1808 10 months Bland, Theodorick Colonel Cont'l. 6666% Mar. 28, 1783 June 1776 to Jan. 1780 Dec. 2, 1776 to date Butler, Lawrence Captain Cont'l. 4000 Mar. 26, 1783 Butler, Lawrence Captain Cont'l. 666% July 21, 1807 7th year Biggs, Benjamin Captain Cont'l. 4000 Apr. 1, 1783 3 years, ending Dec. 27. 1779 Biggs, Benjamin Captain Cont'l. 666% Nov. 1 , 1793 7th year Barbee, Thomas Captain Cont'l. 4000 Apr. 1, 1783 3 years Barbee, Thomas Captain Cont'l. 1 1 1 1 Feb. 12, 1808 20 months Bohannon Ambrose Capt. Lieut. Cont'l. 4666% Apr. 3, 1783 Feb. 1 776 to Mar. 25, 1783 Bohannon, Ambrose Capt. Lieut. Cont'l. 500 Oct. 9, 1807 9 months Balmain, Alexander Chaplain Cont'l. 6666% Apr. 3, 1783 Feb. 20, 1777 to Mar. 25, 1783 Balmain, Alexander Chaplain Cont'l. 833 Dec. 9, 1807 9 months Baldwin, Cornelius Surgeon Cont'l. 6000 Apr. 4, 1783 3 years Baldwin, Cornelius Surgeon Cont'l. 5do Sept. 14, 1807 6 months Bedinger, Henry Captain Cont'l. 4000 Apr. 5, 1783 Summer 1775 to Nov. 1783 Bedinger, Henry Captain Cont'l. I333H Oct. 29, 1793 Summer 1 775 to Nov. 1783 Bell, Thomas Captain Cont'l. 4000 Apr. 8, 1783 3 years Blackwell, Jos. Captain Cont'l. 4000 Apr. 14, 1783 Feb. 1776 to Jan. 1783 Blackwell, Jos. Captain Cont'l. I333H Aug. 11, 1806 7th and 8th years Bradford, Sam'l K. Captain Cont'l. 4000 Apr. 17, 1783 3 years Blackwell, John Captain Cont'l. 4666% May 16, 1783 7 years Blackwell, John Captain Cont'l. 500 Feb. 12, 1808 9 months Brackenridge, Alex'r Captain Cont'l. 4000 May 22, 1783 3 years Baylor, Walker Captain Cont'l. 4000 May 23, 1783 3 years Baylor, Walker Captain Cont'l. 500 May 20, 1828 9 months Browne, Jacob Lieutenant Cont'l. 3"o% May 23, 1783 7 years Baskerville, Sam'l Lieutenant Cont'l. 3"o% May 23, 1783 7 years Baskerville, Sam'l Lieutenant Cont'l. 333% Apr. 7, 1808 9 months Bowyer, Thomas Captain Cont'l. 4000 May 27, 1783 3 years Bowyer, Thomas Captain Cont'l. 666% June 1, 1805 7th year Buford, Abraham Colonel Cont'l. 6666% May 29, 1783 3 years Buford, Abraham Colonel Cont'l. mi June 1, 1805 7th year Buford, Abraham Colonel Cont'l. 833 Sept. 16, 1807 10 months Brownlee, William Capt. Lieut. Cont'l. 4000 May 30, 1783 3 years Brent, William Colonel State 6666% May 31, 1783 3 years Barron, James Commodore Navy 7777% June 2, 1783 Dec. 25, 1775 to Apr. 7, 1783 Brown, William Surgeon Cont'l. 6000 June 2, 1783 3 years Barron, James Br. General State 4350% Apr. 8, 1831 Dec. 25, 1775 to Apr. 7, 1783 Barron, Richard Captain Navy 5333% June 3, 1783 3 years 88 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Officers' Names Rank Line No. acres When warrant obtained Time of service, etc. Barron, Richard Captain Navy 1111% July 30. 1832 15 months Bowen, John Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% June 5, 1783 May 1, 1777 to date Bowen, John Lieutenant Cont'l. 555 July 7, 1808 15 months Bernard, William Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% June 10, 1783 3 years Beck, John Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% June 17, 1783 3 years Beck, John Lieutenant Cont'l. 444% June 7, 1807 7th year Beale, Robert Captain Cont'l. 4000 June 17, 1783 3 years Beale, Robert Captain Cont'l. 1055^ Apr. 27, 1809 19 months Ball, Burgess Lieut. Col. Cont'l. imYz June 20, 1783 Feb. 10, 1776 to May 1783 Ball, Burgess Lieut. Col. Cont'l. 648 Jan. 24, 1810 7 months Brooke, Walter Commodore Navy 6666% June 21, 1783 3 years Barbour, James Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% June 25, 1783 3 years Burton, Hutchens Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% June 28, 1783 3 years Burfoot, Thomas Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% July 17, 1783 3 years Britain, John S. M. Navy 2666% Aug. 4, 1783 3 years Banks, James S. M. Navy 2666% Aug. 5, 1783 3 years Baytop, James Captain Cont'l. 4000 Aug. 13, 1783 3 years Baytop, John Lieutenant State 2666% Aug. 13, 1783 3 years Bowyer, Henry Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Aug. 23, 1783 3 years Bowyer, Henry Lieutenant Cont'l. 444% June 1, 1805 7th year Breckenridge, Robt. Lieutenant Cont'l. 3"0% Aug. 23, 1783 7 years Blackwell, Thomas Captain Cont'l. 4000 Sept. 30, 1783 3 years Blackwell, Thomas Captain Cont'l. I333H Aug. 6, 1806 7th and 8th years Blackmore, Geo. Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Oct. 7, 1782 3 years Blackwell, Samuel Captain State 4000 Oct. 15, 1782 3 years Berry, George Captain Cont'l. 4000 Oct. 31, 1782 3 years Belfield, John Major Cont'l. 5333% Nov. 1 , 1782 3 years Belfield, John Major Cont'l. 888% Nov. 23, 1798 7th year Belfield, John Major Cont'l. 370 Feb. 3, 1808 5 months Blundon, Seth Midship. Navy 2666% Dec. 10, 1782 3 years Boush, Charles Lieutenant Navy 2666% Apr. 27, 1784 3 years Boush, Charles Lieutenant Navy 1333% Nov. 4, 1823 3 years Baytop, Thomas Captain Cont'l. 4000 May 25, 1784 3 years Baylis, William Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% June 17, 1784 3 years Bullock Rice Sub. Cont'l. 2666% June 19, 1784 3 years Barksdale, John Sub. Cont'l. 2666% June 25, 1784 3 years Bowyer, Michael Captain Cont'l. 4000 June 28, 1784 3 years Bowyer, Michael Captain Cont'l. 833 Apr. 20, 1809 Aug. 2, 1776 to Nov. 15. 1783 Brown, Robert Lieutenant State 2666% Apr. 21, 1784 3 years Burwell, Nath'l Captain Cont'l. 4666% Dec. 15, 1783 7 years Burwell, Nath'l Captain Cont'l. 722 Nov. 24, 1807 13 months Bruin, Peter B. Major Cont'l. 5333% Dec. 20, 1783 3 years Bedinger, Daniel Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Dec. 23, 1783 3 years Barret, William Captain Cont'l. 4000 Jan. 1, 1784 3 years Barret, William Captain Cont'l. 444 Aug. 29, 1809 8 months Barret, Chiswell Captain Cont'l. 4000 Jan. 21, 1784 3 years Bell, Henry Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Jan. 21, 1784 3 years Bell, Henry Lieutenant Cont'l. 666 Aug. 6, 1810 18 months Army and Navy Bounty Land Warrants, Revolutionary War 89 Officers' Names Rank Line No. acres When warrant obtained Time of service, etc. Brooke, Francis Lieutenant Cont'I. 2666% Jan. 21 1784 End of war Brooke, John Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Jan. 21, 1784 End of war Buckner, Thomas Captain Cont'I. 4666% Jan. 23. 1784 7 years Booker, Lewis Captain Cont'l. 4OOO Jan. 3i. 1784 7 years Booker, Lewis Captain Cont'I. 666% Jan. 3i. 1784 7th year Booker, Lewis Captain Cont'l. 555 Feb. 12, 1808 10 months Butler, Samuel Lieutenant State 2666% Feb. 3. 1784 7 years Broadus, James Ensign Cont'l. 2666% Feb. 19. 1784 3 years Broadus, William Sub. State 2666% Feb. 19. 1784 3 years Brooke, Edmund Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Feb. 19- 1784 End of war Bradley, James Captain State 4000 Feb. 2, 1784 3 years Ball, Daniel Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Mar. 2, 1784 3 years Brashear, Rich'd Captain State 4000 Mar. 3. 1784 3 years Bailey, John Captain State 4000 Mar. 3, 1784 3 years Baynham, John Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Mar. 19, 1784 3 years Ballard, Robert Lieut. Col. Cont'I. 6000 July 1, 1784 3 years Byrd, Otway Lieut. Col. Cont'l. 6000 July 30, 1784 3 years — Resolution of H. D. Boush, Robert Sub. State 2666% Aug. 25. 1784 7 years — entitled to additional Bradley, Chris'r Sub. State 2666% Oct. 19. 1784 3 years Bartis, Henry Sub. State 2666% Nov. 30, 1784 End of war Boyce, William Sub. State 2666% Jan. 5. 1785 3 years Boyce, William Sub. State 778 July 7. 1807 21 months Berwick, James Lieutenant State 2666% Dec. 15. 1785 Resolution of H. D. Bell, John Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Nov. 24. 1783 3 years Brownley, John S. M. Cont'l. 2666% Dec. 13. 1783 3 years Buchannon, John Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Mar. 29. 1787 3 years Barnett, Artax's Gunner Navy 2666% Oct. 22, 1788 3 years Bradford, Charles Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Oct. 5. 1789 3 years Boush, Goodrich Captain Navy 5333 % Mar. 1, 1791 End of war Bumberry, William Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Nov. 20, 1798 3 years Briscoe, Reuben Captain Cont'l. 4000 Apr. 26, 1800 For the war Briscoe, Reuben Captain Cont'l. I333M Feb. "1 180,8 2 years Browning, Isaac Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Jan. 3i. 1805 3 years Bunting, Wm. B. Ensign Cont'l. 2666% June 16, 1807 For the war Barnett, James Lieutenant Cont'l. 3444 Apr. 15. 1809 7 years Bowman, Abraham Colonel Cont'l. 7591% Oct. 1, 1810 6 years 10 months Boulding, Wood Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Oct. I, 1810 3 years Boykin, Francis Major Cont'l. 5333 % Oct. 6, 1810 3 years Baldwin, John Captain Cont'l. 4000 June 22, 1812 3 years Berry, William Ensign Cont'l. 2666% Dec. 5, 1812 3 years Burton, James Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Jan. 13, 1813 3 years Boiling, Robert Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% June 14, 1817 For the war Beeson, Edward Ensign Cont'l. 2666% Aug. 2, 1819 For the war Britton, Joseph Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% July 17- 1820 For the war Bowen, Rees Ensign Cont'l. 2666% May 9. 1821 For the war Beall, Isaac Major Cont'l. 5333H July 12, 1823 For the war Brownlee, Alex'r Ensign Cont'l. 2666% Nov. 6, 1824 For the war Backus, George Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Dec. 9, 1824 For the war 90 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Officers' Names Rank Line No. acres Vken warrant obtained Time of service, etc. Bressic, Thomas Captain State 4666% July 24, 1830 7 years Bloxom, Scarboro* Midship. Navy 2666% Dec. 15. 1830 3 years Bowman, Joseph Major State 5333H Dec. 21, 1830 For the war Broadwater, John Gunner Navy 2666% Feb. 26, 1831 3 years Bird, Levin Pilot Navy 2666% Feb. 26, 1831 3 years Bailey, Laben Q. M. Navy 2666% Feb. 26, 1831 3 years Broadwater, James Q.M. Navy 2666% Mar. 1, 1831 3 years Bert, John Lieutenant State 2666% Mar. 16, 1831 3 years Bennet, William Master Navy 2666% Mar. 26, 1831 3 years Burk, James Gunner Navy 2566% Apr. 1, 1831 3 years Burk, John Carpenter Navy 2666% Apr. 4. 1831 3 years Broadwater Coving- ton Midship. Navy 2666% Apr. 8, 1831 3 years Brooke, Walter Commodore S.Navy 3333M Apr. 20, 1831 3 years — Additional allowance Blackwell, William Captain Cont'l. 4000 Sept. 26, 1831 3 years — Additional allowance Brady, Christopher Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Dec. 17- 1831 For the war Brady, William Captain Cont'l. 4000 Dec. 17. 1831 For the war Braidfoote, John Chaplain State 6000 June 11, 1832 3 years Bullett, Thomas Colonel Cont'l. 2592 % June 13, 1832 In part Bullett, Thomas Colonel Cont'l. 2223 Aug. 16, 1832 In part Bullett, Thomas Colonel Cont'l. 740% July 16, 1832 In part Bullett, Thomas Colonel Cont'l. 555% Oct. 18, 1833 Barnett, Jonathan Lieutenant Navy 4000 Oct. 11, 1832 For the war Bright, Francis Captain Navy 5333H Oct. 12, 1832 For the war Barron, Samuel Lieutenant Navy 4000 Oct. 12, 1832 3 years Butler, Thomas Pilot Navy 2666% Oct. 23, 1832 3 years Bully, John Boatswain Navy 2666% Oct. 24- 1832 3 years Barron, William Lieutenant Navy 4000 Oct. 4, 1832 For the war Bennet, Caleb P. Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Nov. 9. 1832 3 years Bonnewell, Thomas Master Navy I333H Nov. 16, 1832 3 years Bonnewell, Thomas Master Navy 296 Nov. 16, 1832 3 years Bressic, William Captain State 4000 May 2, 1832 3 years Brent, George P. Lieutenant State 1777% Mar. 30, 1833 3 years Brent, George P. Lieutenant State 888% Apr. 4- 1833 3 years Cabell, Sam'l J. Lieut. Col. Cont'l. 6000 Sept 30, 1782 Mar. 4, 1776 Cabell, Sam'l J. Lieut. Col. Cont'l. 1000 June 25. 1783 7th year Cabell, Sam'l J. Lieut. Col. Cont'l. 833% Oct. 3, 1807 10 months Campbell, Wm. Captain State 4000 Oct. 15. 1782 3 yrs. — Entitled to add'l allowance Campbell, Wm. General Cont'l. 5000 Dec. 23. 1783 Resolution of H. D. — Additional Campbell, Samuel Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Nov. 13, 1782 Sept. 1777 to his death, Aug. 1778 Carrington, Mayo Captain Cont'l. 4000 Nov. 29, 1782 Feb. 1776 to date Carrington, Mayo Captain Cont'l. 666% May 10, 1783 7th year Carrington, Mayo Captain Cont'l. 555 Feb. 11, 1808 10 months Croghan, Wm. Major Cont'l. 5333% Nov. 29, 1782 Feb. 1776 to date Army and Navy Bounty Land Warrants, Revolutionary War 91 Officers' Names Rank Line No. acres When warrai it obtained Time of service, etc. Croghan, Wm. Major Cont'l. 888% Nov. 21, 1783 7th year Croghan, Wm. Major Cont'l. 6420 Nov. 21, 1783 Resolution of H. D. Croghan, Wm. Major Cont'l. 740 Mar. 3, 1809 10 months Clay, Matthew Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Dec. 14- I782 Jan. 1776 to date Clay, Matthew Lieutenant Cont'l. 814 Oct. 22, 1807 22 months Callender, Eliezer Captain Navy 5333H Jan. 30, 1783 3 years Coleman, Samuel Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Mar. 4- 1783 Jan. 13, 1775 to Feb. 15- 1783 Coleman, Samuel Lieutenant Cont'l. 444^ Mar. 27- I796 7th year Coleman, Samuel Lieutenant Cont'l. 370 June 10, 1807 10 months Cowne, Robert Lieutenant State 4000 Mar. 7. 1783 3 years Cowne, Augustine Lieutenant State 2666% Mar. 7. 1783 3 years Crocket, Joseph Lieut. Col. State 6666% Mar. 9> 1783 Sept. 1775 to Feb. 6, 1781 2 years 9 months Crocket, Joseph Lieut. Col. State 2443 % Jan. 9, I8I0 Clarke, Jonathan Lieut. Col. Cont'l. 7000 Mar. 10, 1783 Mar. 4, 1776 to date Clarke, Jonathan Lieut. Col. Cont'l. 666% June 30, 1807 8 months Cowherd, Francis Captain Cont'l. 4000 Mar. 11, 1783 May 8, 1776 to date Cowherd, Francis Captain Cont'l. 1444 June 1, 1808 2 years 2 months Craddock, Robert Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Mar. 20, 1783 Jan. 1, 1776 to date Craddock, Robert Lieutenant Cont'l. 555 Feb. 12, I808 10 months Crute, John Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Mar. 20, 1783 3 years Crute, John Lieutenant Cont'l. 407 Apr. 30, 1808 11 months Coleman, Jacob Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Apr. 1, 1783 3 years Coleman, Jacob Lieutenant Cont'l. 444% June 8, 1807 7th year Carter, John C. Captain Cont'l. 4666% Apr. 8, 1783 7 years Carter, John C. Captain Cont'l. 555 May 24. 1808 10 months Clarke, John Captain Cont'l. 4000 Apr. 8, 1783 3 years Crawford, John Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Apr. 9, 1783 3 years Crawford, John Lieutenant Cont'l. 444 Feb. 20, I784 7th year Crawford, John Lieutenant Cont'l. 444% Apr. 28, I807 8th year Calmes, Marquis Captain Cont'l. 4000 Apr. 12, 1783 3 years Curry, James Captain Cont'l. 4000 Apr. 15. 1783 3 years Curry, James Captain Cont'l. 333% Dec. 9. I808 6 months Crump, Abner Captain State 4000 May 1, 1783 3 years Cannon, Luke Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% May 31, 1783 3 years Cannon, Luke Lieutenant Cont'l. 148 Feb. 12, 1808 4 months Clements, Mace Surgeon Cont'l. 7000 June 4. 1783 7 years Casey, Benjamin Captain Cont'l. 4000 June 5. 1783 3 years Chamberlayne, Geo. Lieutenant Navy 4000 June 5, 1783 3 years Cunningham, Wm. Major Cont'l. 5333 June 10, 1783 3 years Cunningham, Wm. Major Cont'l. 1924 May 24, 1809 2 years 2 months Cunningham, Wm. Major Cont'l. 1924 Mar. 23. I8IO 2 years 2 months Cunningham, Wm. Lieutenant Navy 4000 Jan. 19- 183I 3 years Chapman, John Captain State 4000 June 12, 1783 3 years Clayton, Philip Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% June 12, 1783 3 years — Dup. nth 1833 7th year Clayton, Philip Lieutenant Cont'l. 444H Nov. 27, 1794 Carney, Martin Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% June 16, 1783 3 years Crawford, William Colonel Cont'l. 6666% June 17- 1783 3 years 92 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Officers, Names Rank Line No. acres When warrant obtained Time of service, etc. Cary, Samuel Lieutenant State 2666% June 21, 1783 3 years Cropper, John Lieut. Col. Cont'l. 6666% June 21, 1783 3 years Cropper, John Lieut. Col. Cont'l. 2222 Sept, 18, 1807 7th and 8th years Crittenden, John Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% June 23- 1783 3 years Crittenden, John Lieutenant Cont'l. I48 July 28, 1810 4 months Coleman, Whitehead Captain Cont'l. 4000 June 26, 1783 3 years Coleman, Whitehead Captain Cont'l. 666% Oct. 18, 1799 7th year Coleman, Whitehead Captain Cont'l. 388% Feb. 12, 1808 7 months Catlett, Thomas Captain Cont'l. 4000 June 26, 1783 3 years Chilton, John Captain Cont'l. 4000 June 27- 1783 3 years Coverly, Thomas Lieutenant Cont'l. 3"0% July 22, 1783 7 years Coverly, Thomas Lieutenant Cont'l. 370 Aug. 18, 1783 10 months Carter, Thomas Surgeon State 6000 Aug. 6, 1783 3 years Cotrill, William Midship. Navy 2666% Aug. 18, 1783 3 years Conway, Joseph Lieutenant Cont'l. 3"o% Aug. 22, 1783 7 years Carrington, Edward Lieut. Col. Cont'l. 7000 Sept. 25. 1783 7 years Carrington, Edward Lieut. Col. Cont'l. 833^ Nov. 24. 1807 10 months Christie, Thomas Surgeon Cont'l. 7000 Oct. 25, 1783 7 years Christie, Thomas Surgeon Cont'l. 629 Nov. 25, 1812 7 months 15 days Carrington, George Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Oct. 31. 1783 3 years Cubbertson, James Captain Cont'l. 4000 Nov. 6, 1783 3 years Cubbertson, James Captain Cont'l. 666% Jan. 5, 1 801 7th year Cherry, William Captain Cont'l. 4000 Nov. 28, 1783 3 years Cherry, William Captain Cont'l. 1000 Mar. 19, 1832 18 months Campbell, Arch'd Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Dec. 5- 1783 3 years Craig, James Captain Cont'l. 4000 Dec. 6, 1783 3 years Craig, James Captain Cont'l. 1 166 July 23. 1810 21 months Craine, James Captain Cont'l. 4000 Dec. 10, 1783 3 years Craine, James Captain Cont'l. 1500 Aug. 12, 1808 2 years 3 months Coleman, John Ensign Cont'l. 2666% Dec. 16, 1783 3 years Carnes, Patrick Captain Cont'l. 4000 Jan. n> 1784 3 years Carrington, Clement Ensign Cont'l. 2666% Jan. 12, 1784 End of war Coleman, Richard Captain Cont'l. 4000 Jan. 12, 1784 3 years Call, Richard Major Cont'l. 5333H Jan. 21, 1784 3 years Call, Richard Major Cont'l. 888% Jan. 5- 1801 7th year Call, Richard Major Cont'l. 370 Aug. 11. 1801 5 months Clay, Thomas Captain State 4000 Jan. 23. 1784 3 years Clarke, George R. Br. General State IOOOO Jan. 26, 1784 3 years Cocke, Colin Captain Cont'l. 4666% Jan. 30, 1784 7 years Cocke, Colin Captain Cont'l. 500 July 2, 1807 9 months Claiborne, Richard Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Jan. 3i. 1784 End of war Claiborne, Richard Lieutenant Cont'l. 888% June 8, 1799 7th and 8th years Clarke, Edmund Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Feb. 2, 1784 3 years Cleverius, James Capt. Lieut. State 4000 Feb. 5. 1784 3 years Coleman, Wyatt Lieutenant State 3"0% Feb. 9, 1784 7 years Calvert, Joseph Lieutenant State 2666% Mar. 3, 1784 3 years Clarke, William Lieutenant State 2666% Mar. 3. 1784 3 years Chaplin, Abraham Lieutenant State 2666% Mar. 3, 1784 3 years Chaplin, Abraham Captain State 1333% Dec. 20, 1793 3 years Clarke, Richard Lieutenant State 2666% Mar. 3- 1784 3 years Plate 3 ' \.'€?j*imi/...< i - «^^lifcirvfor ever. IN WITNESS wheieof, the kid CrfttuuTd li«udrdr , Ao Commonwealth of Virginia, hath hereunto fct his HaflL and cauied the kn«r Seal of the faid Commonwealth to be -afRxetHrrRichnRjnd, onrifrw*Awr>..- '/< ~ D»yc*W&»**/ -^Jo tb^ Yew of our Lord, One Thoofend . 1 idred and Eighty- ^<«/* — and of the Commonwealth the JcoJ/^\^\ ^sm- ! '^ % Virginia Deed, 19 March, 1788, to William Croghan, Assignee of John Pleet, State Line, \ 7 a. Military District of Ohio. Army and Navy Bounty Land Warrants, Revolutionary War 93 Officers' Names Rank Line No. acres When warrant obtained Time of service, etc. Campbell, Richard Colonel Cont'l. 6000 Apr. 2, 1784 3 years Cocke, Pleasant Captain Cont'l. 4000 June 28, 1784 3 years Cooper, Leonard Captain Cont'l. 4666% Oct. 18, 1784 7 years Cooper, Leonard Captain Cont'l. 4666% Dec. 13, 1796 7 years Chandler, Thomas Lieutenant Navy 2666% Feb. 28, 1785 3 years Chandler, Thomas Captain State I333H Apr. 19. 1831 3 years Cooper, Appollus Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Nov. 23. 1787 3 years Cook, William Gunner Navy 2666% Nov. 8, 1787 3 years Currell, James Midship. Navy 2666% Oct. 29. 1789 3 years Carr, Samuel Captain Navy 4666% Dec. 8, 1790 For the war Chaplin, Benjamin Surgeon Navy 6000 Jan. 21, 1792 For the war Carter, William sr. Surgeon Cont'l. 6000 Feb. 7, 1792 For the war Carter, William sr. Surgeon Cont'l. 1416% Apr. 30, 1807 17 months Cook, Dawson Midship. Navy 2666M May 13, 1794 3 years Currell, Nicholas Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Dec. 17. 1794 3 years Cummins Alex'r Captain Cont'l. 4000 Apr. 25. 1797 3 years Calderwood, James Captain Cont'l. 4000 June 6, 1797 For the war Cole, John Captain Cont'l. 4000 May 29, 1803 For the war Courtney, Philip Ensign Cont'l. 2666% Mar. 15. 1806 3 years Claiborne, Buller Captain Cont'l. 5333K Feb. 14- 1807 8 years Cobbs, Samuel Lieutenant Cont'l. 3630 Sept. 1, 1807 8 years Curtis, Thomas Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Sept. 17- 1807 3 years Conway, Henry Captain Cont'l. 4666 % Dec. 7. 1808 7 years Carrel, John Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Nov. 7. 1811 3 years Conner, William Ensign Cont'l. 2666H Feb. 6, 1813 During war Collier, Thomas Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% July 10, 1813 3 years Christian, William Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Nov. 9. 1824 3 years Callis, William 0. Captain Cont'l. 4000 Dec. 3, 1824 During war Carson, James Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Dec. 9. 1824 During war Christian, William Lieutenant Navy 4000 Dec. 10, 1830 During war Cropper, John Carpenter Navy 2666% Feb. 26, 1830 3 years Copes, Beverly Midship. Navy 2666% Feb. 26, 1830 3 years Chamberlayne, Phil. Lieutenant Navy 4000 Feb. 28, 1830 3 years Chamberlayne, Byrd Lieutenant Navy 4000 Mar. 1, 1830 During war. (N. B. — The allowance to Byrd Cham- berlayne's heirs has been stopped at Washington.) Corbin, William Master Navy 2666% Mar. 1, 1830 3 years Crawley, Samuel Captain State 4000 Sept. 15- 1831 Clarke, John Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% July 26, 1831 3 years Craik, James Surgeon Cont'l. 6000 Mar. 12, 1832 During war Cannon, Jessee Lieutenant Navy 4000 Mar. 17- 1832 3 years Cannon, Luke Midship. Navy 2666 % Mar. 17, 1832 3 years Collier, Charles Captain State 4000 Aug. 28, 1832 3 years Calvert, Jonathan S. M. State 2666% Oct. 26, 1832 3 years — In part Carney, Richard Lieutenant State 2666% May 15. 1833 3 years Cameron, Charles Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Feb. 25, 1833 3 years Clarke, John Cor. Cont'l. 2666% Feb. 20, 1833 During war 94 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Officers' Names Rank Line No. acres When warrant obtained Time of service, etc. Chapman, Reuben Captain Cont'l. 4000 Feb. 20 , 1833 3 years Colvert, Jonathan S. M. Cont'l. 1333% 2666% Feb. 2, 1833 In part 4O0O — — In all Drew, Thomas H. Captain Cont'l. 4000 Nov. 25, 1782 4 years Drew, Thomas H. Captain State 4OOO Dec. 14. 1782 Feb. 1777 to Feb 1781 3 years Dudley, Henry Captain State 4000 Nov. 30, 1782 Dabney, Charles Colonel State 6666% Nov. 30, 1782 Dec. 1776 to date Dandridge, John Captain Cont'l. 4000 Dec. 28, 1782 Nov. 1776 to date Dandridge, John Captain Cont'l. 666 % Aug. 19, 1794 For the war Davis, Joseph Surgeon Cont'l. 6000 Dec. 3i. 1782 Apr. 1778 to date Diggs, Dudley Lieutenant State 2666% Feb. 18, 1783 June 1779 to date Dix, Thomas Capt. Lieut. Cont'l. 4000 Feb. 27, 1783 Jan. 13, 1777 to date Dix, Thomas Capt. Lieut. Cont'l. 666% Sept. 28, 1796 7th year Dix, Thomas Capt. Lieut. Cont'l. 555 Dec. 21, 1807 10 months Dickerson, Edmund Major Cont'l. 5333% Mar. 27, 1783 3 years Dawson, Henry Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Apr. 11, 1783 3 years Dawson, Henry Lieutenant Cont'l. 444 Dec. 28, 1810 7th year Duff, Edward Surgeon Cont'l. 6000 May 13, 1783 3 years Denholm, Arch'd Captain Cont'l. 4000 May 24- 1783 3 years Dandridge, Robert Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% June 3. 1783 3 years Darke, William Lieut. Col. Cont'l. 6666% June 13, 1783 Feb. 1776 to Dec. 1782 7th year Darke, William Lieut. Col. Cont'l. niiH Mar. 5, 1790 Darke, William Lieut. Col. Cont'l. 883 Mar. 2, 1810 9 months Draper, George Surgeon Cont'l. 6000 June 21, 1783 3 years Dudley, Robert Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% June 21, 1783 3 years Darby, Nathaniel Lieutenant Cont'l. 3"o% June 30, 1783 7 years Darby, Nathaniel Lieutenant Cont'l. 370 June 10, 1809 10 months Delapline, James Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% July 5, 1783 3 years Dobson, Robert S. M. Navy 2666% Aug. 4, 1783 3 years Dye, Jonathan Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Nov. 26, 1783 3 years Dixon, Anthony F. Surgeon State 5200 Dec. 16, 1783 3 years Dixon, Anthony F. Surgeon State 2000 July 13, 1809 7th and 8th years Drew, John Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Dec. 23. 1783 End of war Dick, Alexander Major State 5333 Jan. 27, 1784 Feb. 1776 to date Dade, Francis Captain Cont'l. 4000 Jan. 29, 1784 3 years Davis, William Colonel Cont'l. 7777% Feb. 11, 1784 7 years Duvall, Daniel Captain Cont'l. 4000 Feb. 13, 1784 3 years Dandridge, Alex. S. Captain Cont'l. 4000 June 26, 1783 3 years Davenport, Opie Lieutenant State 2666% Feb. 5, 1784 End of war Deklawnan, Charles Major State 5333 June 4. 1784 3 years Dent, John Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Aug. 9, 1785 3 years Davenport, William Captain Cont'l. 4000 Dec. 3, 1785 3 years Drake, Thomas Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Nov. 3. 1787 3 years Darvill, William Captain Cont'l. 2666% Jan. 23- 1788 3 years Daring, Henry Ensign State 2666% Nov. 27- 1788 For the war Demin, Brain Tim'y Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Nov. I3> 1791 For the war Army and Navy Bounty Land Warrants, Revolutionary War 95 Officers' Names Rank Line No. acres When warrar it obtained Time of service, etc. De Benneville, Dan'l Surgeon Cont'l. 6000 June 1, 1795 For the war Dunn, Peter Captain Cont'l. 4000 Apr. 4- 1797 For the war Davis, Jesse Captain Cont'l. 4000 Jan. 10, 1804 For the war Drummond, James Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% June 16, 1807 3 years Diggs, Cole Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Dec. 19- 1807 3 years Dillard, James Captain Cont'l. 4000 Feb. 5, I8IO 3 years Davis, James Captain Cont'l. 4000 Aug. 19- 1822 3 years Dorsey, Richard Captain Cont'l. 4000 Nov. 16, 1822 During war Dougherty, James Lieutenant Navy 1666 June 16, 1832 3 years Dougherty, James Lieutenant Navy I333J^ Dec. 3. 1832 Dale, Richard Lieutenant Navy 4000 July II, 1832 3 years Dogget, Richard Captain Cont'l. 4000 Oct. 12, 1832 During war Davis, Thomas Ensign Cont'l. 2666% Nov. 12, 1832 3 years Ewing, Alexander Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Sept. 3, 1782 3 years Edmunds, Thomas Captain State 4000 Dec. 11, 1782 Mar. 18, 1777 to date Edmunds, Thomas Captain State 500 July 8, 1808 9 months Edmunds, Elias Lieut. Col. State 6000 Mar. 9- 1783 1777 to Feb. 1 78 1 Eddins, Samuel Captain Cont'l. 4000 Mar. 27. 1783 Mar. 7, 1776 to Dec. 28, 1782 Eddins, Samuel Captain Cont'l. 666% Sept. 3. 1796 7th year Eddins, Samuel Captain Cont'l. 666% Nov. 17. 1796 8th year Evans, William Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Apr. 2, 1783 3 years Evans, William Lieutenant Cont'l. 407 Sept. 14- 1808 n months Eastin, Rich'd Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Apr. 5- 1783 3 years Eskridge, William Lieutenant Cont'l. 3"0% Apr. 5. 1783 During war Eskridge, William Lieutenant Cont'l. 512 Sept. 29. 1807 14 months Eastin, Philip Lieutenant Cont'l. 3"0% Apr. 8, 1783 During war Ewell, Charles Captain State 4000 May 15. 1783 3 years Eppes, William Capt. Lieut. Cont'l. 4000 May 29- 1783 3 years Eppes, William Capt. Lieut. Cont'l. 4000 Aug. 1, 1783 3 years Edwards, Leroy Captain Cont'l. 4000 Aug. 2, 1783 3 years Edwards, Leroy Captain Cont'l. 666% June 14- 1784 7th year Edwards, Leroy Captain Cont'l. 500 Jan. 28, l8ll 9 months Eustace, John Captain Cont'l. 4000 Dec. 19. 1783 3 years Eustace, John Captain Cont'l. 2666% Feb. 26, 1784 End of war Egleston, William Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Feb. 2, 1784 3 years Evans, George Surgeon Cont'l. 6000 Feb. 10, 1784 3 years Erskine, Charles Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Feb. 17. 1784 3 years Edmundson, Benj'n Lieutenant State 2666% Mar. 6, 1784 3 years Eskridge, Edwin Midship. Navy 2666% Jan. 13, 1786 3 years Eskridge, Samuel Midship. Navy 2666% Mar. 28, 1787 3 years Evans, Philip Carpenter Navy 2666% Nov. 9, 1787 3 years Elliot, Alexander Midship. Navy 2666% June 1, 1788 3 years Elliot, George Captain Navy 4000 June 1, I788 3 years — Entitled to add'l allowance Eliott, Thomas Colonel Cont'l. 6666% Nov. 13, 1794 3 years — Entitled to add'l allowance Eppes, Francis Lieut. Col. Cont'l. 6000 Sept. 7. 1803 For the war Elliot, Robert Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666 Jan. 24- 1806 For the war 96 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Officers' Names Rank Line No. acres When warrat it obtained Time of service, etc Elliot, Robert Lieutenant Cont'l. 259 Feb. 12, 1808 7 months Emmerson, John Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% June 16, I820 During war Eggleston, Joseph Major Cont'l. 5333% July 17. 1783 3 years Finn, Thomas Capt. Lieut. Cont'l. 4OOO Jan. 13, 1783 Jan. 1777 to date Finn, Thomas Capt. Lieut. Cont'l. 666 % Aug. 29, 1798 7th year Fowler, William Captain Cont'l. 4000 Feb. 24, 1783 3 years Fields, Reuben Captain Cont'l. 4000 Apr. 1, 1783 3 years Fields, Reuben Captain Cont'l. "39 June 19, I8I2 20 months Fleet, John Lieutenant State 2666% Apr. 29, 1783 3 years Fox, Thomas Captain Cont'l. 4000 May 20, 1783 3 years Fox, Thomas Captain Cont'l. 666% Aug. i, 1799 7th year Fox, Thomas Captain Cont'l. 222 Feb. 12, I808 4 months Foster, Robert Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% May 23, 1783 3 years Fox, Nathaniel Captain Cont'l. 4000 May 31, 1783 3 years Fox, Nathaniel Captain Cont'l. 666% Feb. 19, I784 7th year Fox, Nathaniel Captain Cont'l. 500 Mar. 30, I808 9 months Fox, Nathaniel Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% May 1, I8IO 3 years Finley, Samuel Major Cont'l. 6222 July 31. 1783 7 years Finley, Samuel Major Cont'l. 1258 Sept. 15, 1807 17 months Fleming, Charles Lieut. Col. Cont'l. 6000 Nov. 8, 1783 3 years Fauntleroy, Henry Captain Cont'l. 4000 Nov. 26, 1783 3 years Fleet, Henry Midship. Navy 2666% Nov. 28, 1783 3 years Febiger, Christian Colonel Cont'l. 7777% Jan. 24, I784 7 years Febiger, Christian Colonel Cont'l. 1570 July 28, I8IO 17 months Fitzgerald, John Captain Cont'l. 4666% Jan. 29, I784 7 years Fitzhugh, William Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Feb. 20, I784 End of war Foster, James Captain Cont'l. 4000 Feb. 25, I784 3 years Fleming, Thomas Colonel Cont'l. 6666% Mar. 1 6, I784 3 years Fleming, John Major Cont'l. 5333 Mar. 16, 1784 3 years Frazer, Falvey Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Mar. 29, I784 3 years Fitzgerald, John Major Cont'l. 5333 Apr. 2, I784 3 years Foster, John Sub. Cont'l. 2666% Feb. 24, I784 End of war Fauntleroy, Griffin Captain Cont'l. 4000 June 26, I784 3 years Ferguson, Robert S. M. Navy 2666 Aug. 20, I784 3 years Fitzhugh, Peregrine Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666 Oct. 6, I784 3 years Fitzhugh, Peregrine Captain Cont'l. 1333% Nov. 25, 1785 3 years Finnie, William Colonel Cont'l. 6666% Nov. 20, 1785 3 years Fuley, Timothy Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% July 29, I786 3 years Fauntleroy, Moore Major Cont'l. 6222% May 25, I79O During war Firer, Charles Captain State 4000 Dec. 16, 1793 For the war Forsyth, Robert Captain Cont'l. 4000 Aug. 11, 1795 3 years Forsyth, Robert Major State 1333% Feb. 28, 1831 End of war Frayser, William Captain Cont'l. 4000 Apr. 1, 1797 3 years Fullerton, Humph'y Surgeon Cont'l. 6000 Mar. 9, I80I For the war Field, Henry Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% May 2, 1804 For the war Foster, Sampson Ensign Cont'l. 2666% Dec. 18, 1806 For the war Foster, John Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% June 24, I807 For the war Faulkner, Ralph Major Cont'l. 5333% Jan. 29, I808 During war Foster, Richard Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Mar. 14, I8I0 3 years Army and ■ Navy Bounty Land Warrants, Revolutionary War 97 Officers' Names Rank Line No. acres When warrant obtained Time of service, etc. Fields, John Steward Navy 2666% Feb. 26, 1831 3 years Foster, Peter Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% May 22, 1832 End of war Fisher, John Ensign Cont'l. 2666% 3 years Field, Benjamin Captain State 4000 Aug. 12, 1832 3 years Flynt, John Carpenter Navy 2666% Dec. 3, 1832 3 years Franklin, James Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Dec. 14, 1832 3 years Franklin, James Lieutenant Cont'l. 250 Dec. 14, 1832 3 years Giles, John Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Dec. 21, 1782 Till his death Green, John Colonel Cont'l. 7777 Feb. 1, 1783 Sept. 4, 1775 to date Green, John Colonel Cont'l. mi June 1, 1805 8th year Green, John Colonel Cont'l. 185 Feb. 12, 1808 2 months Green, John Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Feb. 1, 1783 Till his death Graves, William Cor. State 2666% Feb. 8, 1783 Aug. '79 to date — not ent'ld to more Gist, Nathaniel Colonel Cont'l. 6666% Feb. 25, 1783 Jan. 10, 1777 to date Gist, Nathaniel Colonel Cont'l. 847 Vs Jan. 25, 1812 10 months 5 days Gait, Patrick Surgeon Cont'l. 6000 Mar. 24, 1783 Early in 1776 to date Gibson, John Colonel Cont'l. 6666 Apr. 1, 1783 3 years Gibson, John Colonel Cont'l. 1000 Apr. 8, 1808 7th year Gray, George Captain Cont'l. 4000 Apr. 1, 1783 3 years Gray, William Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666 Apr. 10, 1783 3 years Green, Robert Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Apr. 12, 1783 3 years Green, Robert Lieutenant Cont'l. 889% May 17, 1823 2 years Griffith, David Chaplain Cont'l. 6666% Apr. 17, 1823 3 years service Griffith, David Surgeon Cont'l. 6000 Apr. 19, 1783 3 years Gaines, William F. Capt. Lieut. Cont'l. 4000 Apr. 28, 1783 Jan. 1777 to Jan. 1783 Gaines, William F. Capt. Lieut. Cont'l. 555 Sept. 16, 1807 10 months Griffith, David Chaplain Cont'l. 6666 Apr. 17, 1783 3 years Garland, Peter Captain Cont'l. 4000 May 8, 1783 3 years Garland, Peter Captain Cont'l. 1222 Nov. 20, 1809 22 months Gillison, John Captain Cont'l. 4000 May 16, 1783 3 years Gillison, John Captain Cont'l. 666 June 1, 1805 7th year Gillison, John Captain Cont'l. 555 Feb. 12, 1808 10 months Gibson, John S. M. Navy 2666% June 3, 1783 3 years Graham, Walter Capt. Lieut. State 4000 May 30, 1783 3 years Gaskins, Thomas Lieut. Col. Cont'l. 6000 June 7, 1783 3 years Gaskins, Thomas Lieut. Col. Cont'l. 1000 Feb. 26, 1784 7th year Gaskins, Thomas Lieut. Col. Cont'l. 1832 Aug. 25, 1809 22 months Gilchrist, George Major Cont'l. 5333 June 12, 1783 3 years Gilchrist George Major Cont'l. 888% Mar. 30, 1798 7th year Gilchrist, George Major Cont'l. 666% June 10, 1809 9 months Gates, Horatio M. G. Cont'l. 17500 June 13, 1783 May 1776 to date Grayson, William Colonel Cont'l. 6666 June 23, 1783 3 years Grayson, William Colonel Cont'l. 926 July 26, 1810 10 months Greer, Charles Surgeon Cont'l. 6000 June 24, 1783 3 years Gill, Erasmus Captain Cont'l. 4666% July 4, 1783 7 years Gill, Erasmus Captain Cont'l. 666% Nov. 9, 1796 8th year Gamble, Robert Captain Cont'l. 4000 Aug. 4, 1783 3 years 98 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Officers' Names Rank Line No. acres When warrant obtained ! Time of service, etc. Gamble, Robert Captain Cont'l. 666% Feb. 16, 1797 7th year Gamble, Robert Captain Cont'l. 250 Sept. 15. 1807 4j months Gratten, John Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Aug. 4. 1783 3 years Guthrey, George Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Oct. 18, 1783 3 years Guthrey, George Lieutenant Cont'l. 444 Nov. 12, 1 801 7th year Gray, Francis Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Nov. 28, 1801 3 years Green, Gabriel Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Nov. 31. 1 801 3 years Gibson, John jr. Ensign Cont'l. 2666% Nov. 31. 1 801 3 years George, William Captain Cont'l. 4000 Nov. 28, 1801 3 years Gordon Ambrose Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666 Jan. 21 1784 3 years Gray James Captain Cont'l. 4000 Feb. 21 1784 3 years Gerault John Captain State 4000 Mar. 3 1784 3 years Gordon Arthur Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Mar. II 1784 3 years Glasscock Thomas Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Apr. 17 1784 3 years George, Robert Captain State 4000 Apr. 29. 1784 3 years Gill, Samuel Captain Cont'l. 4000 Apr. 30, 1784 3 years Gibbs, Churchill Lieutenant State 2666% May 26, 1784 3 years Gibbs, Churchill Lieutenant State 444-70 May 30, 1813 1 year Gait, John M. Surgeon Cont'l. 6000 Sept. 2, 1784 Resolution of H. D Green, Samuel B. Ensign Cont'l. 2666% Sept. 25. 1784 3 years Goodwin, Dinwiddie Sub. Cont'l. 2666% Nov. 20, 1784 3 years Grymes, William Captain Cont'l. 4000 Nov. 2, 1785 3 years Gallahue, Charles Captain Cont'l. 4000 Jan. 21, 1786 3 years Green, William Gunner Navy 2666% Jan. 17- 1788 3 years Gibson, George Colonel State 6666% Mar. 4, 1786 3 years Gibson, George Colonel State 2222 July 28, 1830 2 years Glenn, Bernard Lieutenant State 2666% Aug. 10, 1789 3 years — entitled a: captain Gilliam, John Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% June 30, 1791 For the war Gregory, John Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Nov. 19. 1792 For the war Gunn, James Captain Cont'l. 4666% July 17- 1793 7 years Gunn, James Captain Cont'l. 777 Nov. 10, 1808 14 months Grimes, William Captain Cont'l. 4000 Aug. 24. 1797 For the war Grymes, Benjamin Captain Cont'l. 4000 Jan. 29, 1808 For the war Gilmore, James Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Mar. 28, 1807 3 years Green, Berryman Captain Cont'l. 4000 Nov. 19, 1808 For the war Galloway, John Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% May 15. 1809 3 years Grimes, William Major Cont'l. 5333% Jan. 30, 1810 3 years Graves, John Major Cont'l. 5333% Oct. 6, 1810 3 years Garnett, Benjamin Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Jan. 26, 1811 For the war Goodman, Wm. Captain Cont'l. 4000 Mar. 6, 1811 For the war Gregory, William Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Mar. 30, 1812 For the war Gregory, William Captain Cont'l. 1333% Mar. 6, 1833 3 years Greenway, George Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Dec. 17, 1813 During war Gibbs, Harrod Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Dec. 25- 1813 During war Garland, Edward Captain Cont'l. 4000 June 18, 1818 3 years Gist, John Captain Cont'l. 4000 June 15. 1820 During war Green, William Captain Navy 5333% June 25- 1830 During war Grear, Charles Surgeon Navy 6000 Dec. 9- 1830 During war Graves, Ralph Lieutenant State 2666% Jan. 5. 1831 During war Army and Navy Bounty Land Warrants, Revolutionary War 99 Officers' Names Rank Line No. acres When warrant obtained ! Time of service, etc. Gooseley, George Captain State 40O0 Mar. 21, 1831 3 years Gooseley, George Captain State 1333% Apr. 6, 1831 Gibson, James Gunner Navy 2666% Apr. 5. 1831 3 years Griffith, Philemon Captain Cont'l. 4OOO Nov. 4. 183 1 3 years Gay, Samuel Surgeon Cont'l. 6000 June 6, 1832 3 years Goffigon, Peter Pilot Navy 2666% July 23. 1832 3 years Gibson, John Gunner Navy 2666% July 30, 1832 During war Garnett, Henry Captain State 4OOO Feb. 26, 1833 3 years Garden, Alexander Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Dec. 29, 1832 3 years Holmes, Benjamin Captain Cont'l. 40OO Sept. 17. 1782 3 years Holmes, Benjamin Captain Cont'l. 1333% Sept. 15- 1796 7th and 8th years Homes, Thomas C. Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Nov. 4- 1782 3 years Holt, John Hunter Captain State 4000 Dec. 5. 1782 Upwards of 3 years Hogg, Samuel Captain Cont'l. 400O Dec. 24. 1782 June 11, 1777 to date Hill, Thomas Major Cont'l. 5333% Dec. 27. 1782 More than 3 years Hill, Thomas Major Cont'l. I628 Dec. 28, 1809 22 months Hill, Baylor Captain Cont'l. 4000 Jan. 21, 1783 Dec. 17, 1776 to Jan. 15. 1783 Hill, Baylor Captain Cont'l. 666% Sept. 14- 1797 7th year Homer, William Captain State 4000 Feb. 5- 1783 Jan. 9, 1779 to June 1780 Hardyman, John Lieutenant State 2666% Feb. 12, 1783 Sept. 3, 1776 to Feb. 1782 Harrison, John P. Captain Cont'l. 400T) Mar. 10, 1783 3 years Huffman, Philip Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Mar. 13. 1783 3 years Hays, John Major Cont'l. 5333 Mar. 27. 1783 Mar. 6, 1776 to Feb. 1781 Hays, John Major Cont'l. 888% June 4. 1798 7th year Hays, John Major Cont'l. 592 Feb. 9- 1808 8 months Holmes, David Surgeon Cont'l. 6000 Apr. 1, 1783 3 years Harrison, John Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Apr. 1, 1783 3 years Harrison, John Lieutenant Cont'l. 444% Mar. 12, 1800 7th year Harrison, John Lieutenant Cont'l. 407 June 22, 1820 11 months Hite, Abraham Captain Cont'l. 4000 Apr. 7. 1783 3 years Hite, Abraham Captain Cont'l. 611 Nov. 12, 1808 11 months Harper, James Lieutenant State 2666% Apr. 12, 1783 3 years Hackley, John Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% May 20, 1783 3 years Hackley, John Lieutenant Cont'l. 444% Feb. 12, 1808 7th year Hoard, Thomas Captain Cont'l. 4666% May 20, 1783 7 years Hoard, Thomas Captain Cont'l. 555 July 18, 1808 10 months Holt, Thomas Captain Cont'l. 4000 May 24- 1783 3 years Holt, Thomas Captain Cont'l. 666% Aug. 28, 1794 7th year Holt, Thomas Captain Cont'l. 333% Aug. 3i> 1821 6 months Hamilton, James Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% May 30, 1783 3 years Hopkins, Samuel Lieut. Col. Cont'l. 7000 May 30, 1783 7 years Hopkins, Samuel Lieut. Col. Cont'l. 833% Feb. 12, 1808 10 months Hughes, Pratt Lieutenant State 3"o% June 6, 1783 7 years Higgins, Peter Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% July 9, 1783 3 years Hawes, Samuel Lieut. Col. Cont'l. 7000 June 14. 1783 7 years 100 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Officers' Names Rank Line No. acres 1 When warrant obtained Time of service, etc. Hawes, Samuel Lieut. Col. Cont'l. 833H Feb. 16, 1808 10 months Halcomb, John Captain Cont'l. 4000 June 14. 1783 3 years Hudson, John Captain State 4000 July 15- 1783 3 years Hayes, Thomas Lieutenant State 2666% July 22, 1783 3 years Harrison, Valentine Captain Cont'l. 4OOO Aug. 18, 1783 3 years Higgins, Robert Captain Cont'l. 4OOO Aug. 30, 1783 3 years Holmes, Isaac Lieutenant State 2666% Sept. 11. 1783 3 years Holt, James Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Sept. 27, 1783 3 years Holt, James Lieutenant Cont'l. 333% Jan. 18, 1809 9 months Heth, John Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Oct. 4. 1783 3 years Heth, John Lieutenant Cont'l. 370 Aug. 5. 1807 10 months Heth, Henry Captain Cont'l. 4000 Oct. 20, 1783 3 years Heth, William Colonel Cont'l. 7777% Dec. 20, 1784 June 1775 to May 21, 1783 Heth, William Colonel Cont'l. 926 July 10, 1810 10 months Henderson, David Midship. Navy 2266% Nov. 4- 1783 3 years Hockaday, Philip Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Nov. 29. 1783 3 years Harcum, Rhodham Midship. Navy 2666% Dec. 10, 1783 3 years Humphries, John Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Dec. 12, 1783 3 years Hurt, John Chaplain Cont'l. 7000 Jan. 13. 1784 7 years Harris, John Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Jan. 21. 1784 End of war Harrison, Charles Colonel Cont'l. 6666% Feb. 2, 1784 3 years Harrison, Charles Colonel Cont'l. 2036 Jan. 13, 1808 22 months Holland, George Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Feb. 3, 1784 3 years Harris, Jordan Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Feb. 4, 1784 End of war Hawkins, John Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Feb. 19. 1784 3 years Hawkins, John Captain Cont'l. 1333% Apr. 28, 1785 3 years Hughes, John Captain Cont'l. 4666% Mar. 9. 1784 7 years Hughes, Jasper Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Mar. 9. 1784 3 years Hughes, Jasper Lieutenant Cont'l. 444% Nov. 12, 1796 7th year Holman, Christian, or Holmer Major Cont'l. 5333% Mar. 9. 1784 3 years Harris, John Captain Navy 5333% Mar. 20, 1784 3 years Harris, John Captain Navy 4000 Jan. 4. 1805 For the war Haney, Holland Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Mar. 22, 1784 3 years Harrison, James Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Mar. 26, 1784 3 years Harrison, Richard Lieutenant State 2666% Apr. 29, 1784 3 years Harrison, Wm. B. Cor. Cont'l. 2666% Sept. 19. 1783 3 years Harrison, Lawrence Lieutenant Cont'l. 3111 Nov. 28, 1796 7 years Harrison, Battle Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Nov. 28, 1796 For the war Harrison, Benjamin Captain Cont'l. 4000 Apr. 20, 1812 3 years Harrison, Robert H. Colonel Cont'l. 6000 Feb. 3. 1817 During war Harrison, Cuthbert Captain Cont'l. 4000 Dec. 3. 1824 During war Hite, Isaac Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% June 5- 1784 3 years Healey, Martin Captain State 4000 June 17. 1784 3 years Hill, George Sub. Cont'l. 2666% Feb. 24. 1784 End of war Herbert, Thomas Captain Navy 4000 July 5. 1784 3 years Hawkins, Moses Captain Cont'l. 4000 July 17. 1784 3 years Hughes, Henry Sub. Cont'l. 4000 Oct. 27- 1784 3 years Howell, Vincent Sub. Cont'l. 2666% Dec. 27. 1784 3 years — not entl'd to add'l allowance Army and Navy Bounty Land Warrants, Revolutionary War 101 Officers' Names Rank Line No. acres When warrant obtainec I Time of service, etc. Hamilton, John Lieutenant Navy 4000 Jan. 23, 1786 3 years — not entl'd to add'l allowance Hamilton, John Lieutenant Navy 1333% Aug. 29. 1832 Additional Hall, Robert M. Navy 2666% Oct. 6, 1787 3 years Hubbard, John Midship. Navy 2666 % Feb. 6, 1788 3 years Hamilton, Thomas Captain State 4OOO Mar. 4, 1788 3 years Harcum, Lott Midship. Navy 2666% May 1, 1788 3 years Hughlett, John Midship. Navy 2666% Aug. 2, 1788 3 years Hopkins, David Major Cont'l. 5333% July 6, 1792 For the war Hopkins, David Major Cont'l. 2072 Oct. 1, 1808 8 years 4 months Hay, Joseph Surgeon State 6000 Mar. 27. 1792 3 years Herbert, Bascow or Pascow Lieutenant Navy 2666% July 14. 1794 For the war Hoard, James Captain Cont'l. 4000 Sept. 19. 1799 For the war Hoard, James Captain Cont'l. 666% Feb. 9. 1819 1 year Hungerford, Thos. Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Apr. 11, 1800 For the war Hungerford, Thos. Lieutenant Cont'l. 1222 Dec. 31. 1807 22 months Helphinstine, Peter Major Cont'l. 5333H Mar. 29. 1803 For the war Hudson, William Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Sept. 16, 1803 3 years Hockaday, John Captain Cont'l. 4000 Aug. 9- 1808 3 years Handy, George Captain Cont'l. 4000 Oct. 4. 1808 For the war Hobson, Nicholas Captain Cont'l. 4000 June 19. 1809 6 years Hull, Edwin Captain Cont'l. 4000 Jan. 18, 1810 3 years Hite, Joseph Ensign Cont'l. 2666% Feb. 17. 1810 3 years Higginbotham, Wm. Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Nov. 7. 1811 3 years Hooper, Richard Captain Cont'l. 4000 Nov. 7. 1811 3 years Hargus, John Ensign Cont'l. 2666% Sept. 22, 1811 3 years Hopper, Thomas Captain Cont'l. 4000 Dec. 25. 1813 3 years Holt, William Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Oct. 14, 1817 3 years Howard, Vachel D. Captain Cont'l. 4000 July 31. 1820 During war Higgins, James Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Aug. 21, 1821 3 years Hook, James Captain Cont'l. 4000 Feb. 12, 1824 During war Hix, David Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Oct. 12, 1826 During war Holloway, James Lieutenant Cont'l. 3000 Feb. II, 1831 Jan. 6, 1776 to close of war 3 years Hunter, George Surgeon Navy 6000 July 29. 1831 House, William Gunner Navy 2566% Aug. 5- 1831 Additional Holt, Henry Midship. Navy 2666% Mar. 20, 1832 3 years Humphlett, Thomas Lieutenant Navy 4000 Aug. 4, 1832 3 years Harrison, Benjamin P. M. G. Cont'l. 6666% Apr. 6, 1833 3 years Hansford, Cary S. M. Navy 4000 Jan. 28, 1833 3 years Innis, James Colonel Cont'l. 6666% Dec. 27. 1783 3 years Israel, Isaac Captain Cont'l. 4000 Mar. 7- 1807 3 years Irvine, Matthew Surgeon Cont'l. 6000 Apr. 16, 1807 For the war Irvine, Matthew Surgeon Cont'l. 2333% Oct. 3. 1808 8 years 4 months Jones, Samuel Captain Cont'l. 4000 Dec. 19, 1782 1776 to 1781 Jones, Strother Captain Cont'l. 4000 May 3, 1783 May 1777 to Jan. 1781 3 years Jones, Lewis jr. Lieutenant Navy 2666% June 26, 1783 102 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Officers' Names Jones, Lewis Jones, Charles Jones, Charles Jones, Peter Jones, Abridgeton Jones, Abridgeton Jones, Churchill Jones, Churchill Jones, Gabriel Jones, Cadwallader Jones, Lewelling Jones, Wood Jamieson, John Jamieson, John Jamieson, John Jonett, Matthew Johnson, Gideon Johnson, William Johnson, John B. Johnson, John B. Johnson, William Johnson, Peter Johnson, George Johnston, James Jolliff, John Jennings, John Jordan, John Jordan, John Jouett, Robert Joynes, Levin Joynes, Levin Joynes, Levin Joynes, Reuben James, Michael Jeffries, Isaac Jopling, Ralph Jordan, John Jacquett, Peter Rank M. M. Lieutenant Lieutenant Captain Lieutenant Lieutenant Captain Captain Captain Captain Captain Lieutenant Lieut. Col. Lieut. Col. Lieut. Col. Captain Captain Captain Captain Captain Captain Lieutenant Lieut. Col. Major Lieutenant S. M. Captain Captain Lieutenant Lieut. Col. Lieut. Col. Lieut. Col. Lieutenant Lieutenant Ensign Ensign Cornet Captain Line Navy Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. State Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. State Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Navy Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Navy Cont'l. Cont'l. State Cont'l. No. acres 2666% 2666% 444 4000 2666% 741 4000 611 4000 4000 4000 2666% 6000 1000 416% 4000 4000 4000 4000 666% 4666% 2666% 6000 5333% 2666% 2666% 4666% 500 2666% 6000 1000 833 Vz 2666% 2666% 2666% 2666% 2666% 4000 When warrant obtained June 26, 1783 July 31, 1783 Mar. 6, 1784 Oct. 18, 1783 Dec. 15, 1783 Apr. 21, 1807 Jan. 29, 1784 Feb. 12, 1808 Apr. 12, 1784 Feb. 21, 1784 Sept. 8, 1804 Oct. 21, 1824 Mar. 20, 1783 June 19, 1784 Feb. 12, 1808 Apr. 26, 1783 May 29, 1783 Oct. 6, 1783 Dec. 13, 1783 Feb. 3, 1809 Dec. 23, 1783 Feb. 29, 1784 July 20, 1786 Jan. 25, 1810 June 14, 1783 Oct. 15, 1783 Feb. 13, 1784 Mar. 10, 1808 Mar. 2, 1784 Apr. 24, 1784 June 4, 1798 Sept. 9, 1808 Jan. 18, 1808 Aug. 5, 1784 Dec. 12, 1792 May 22, 1827 July 3, 1830 Nov. 8, 1832 Time of service, etc. 3 years 3 years 7th year 3 years 3 years 20 months 3 years 11 months 3 years 3 years 3 years During war June 13, 1778 to date 7th year 5 months 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 7th year 7 years End of war 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 7 years 9 months 3 years 3 years 7th year 10 months 3 years 3 years For the war During war During war 3 years Kennady, James Kelly, Thaddy Kemp, Peter Knight, John Knight, John Kays, Robert Kerney, John Kerney, John Kirk, Robert Kirk, Robert Kirk, Robert Lieutenant Captain Captain S. M. S. M. Lieutenant Captain Captain Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant State State State Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. State State Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. 2666% 4000 4000 4000 444^ 2666% 4000 888% 2666% 444^ 370 Dec. Mar. Mar. Apr. Mar. May June Dec. July Feb. Sept. 20, 1782 io, 1783 20, 1783 11, 1783 12, 1800 7. 1783 24. 1783 16, 1831 17. 1783 27, 1807 16, 1807 To July 1779 3 years 3 years 3 years 7th year 3 years 3 years 16 months 3 years 7th year 10 months Army and Navy Bounty Land Warrants, Revolutionary War 103 Officers' Names Rank Line No. acres When warrant obtained Time of service, etc. King, Elisha Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Nov. H. 1783 3 years King, Elisha Lieutenant Cont'l. 333 Jan. 14. 1820 9 months Knox, James Major Cont'l. 5333M Dec. 6, 1783 3 years Knox, James Major Cont'l. 888% June I, 1805 7th year Knox, James Major Cont'l. 740 Sept. 16, 1807 10 months Kirkpatrick, Abra'm Captain Cont'l. 4666% Dec. 9, 1783 Feb. 19, 1776 to date King, Miles S. M. Cont'l. 2666% Mar. 4. 1784 3 years — (In part) Kinley, Benjamin Captain State 4000 Mar. 5. 1784 3 years — (In part) Kendall, Custis Captain Cont'l. 4666% Apr. 13- 1784 7 years Kemp, James Ensign State 2666% Apr. 15, 1784 3 years Kautzman, John Lieutenant Navy 2666% May 7, 1784 3 years Kennon, John Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% May 11, 1784 3 years Keeth, Isham Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666 y z July 9, 1784 Resolution of H. D. Kellar, Abraham Captain State 4000 July 12, 1785 3 years Kennon, Hawson Midship. Navy 2666H June 21, 1785 3 years Kent, Jesse Midship. Navy 2666% Aug. 9, 1786 3 years Kilty, John Captain Cont'l. 4000 Apr. 11, 1793 For the war Kennon, Richard Captain Cont'l. 4000 May 24, 1800 For the war Kennon, Richard Captain Cont'l. 1166J/6 Oct. 5, 1807 21 months Kirkpatrick, David Captain Cont'l. 4000 July 26, 1824 During war Kieth, Alexander Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Oct. 14- 1831 During war Kirkwood, Robert Captain Cont'l. 4000 Nov. 8, 1832 3 years Kemp, Thomas S. M. State 2666% Dec. 3, 1832 For the war Kemp, Thomas S. M. State 1333H Mar. 10, 1833 Additional Kent, Daniel Ensign State 2666% July 9, 1833 3 years Lewis, William Major Cont'l. 6222 Dec. 24, 1782 Sept. 1775 to date Lewis, William Major Cont'l. 888% Dec. 2, 1806 8 years Lipscomb, Bernard Captain State 4000 Dec. 3i, 1782 Dec. 1778 to Mar. 1782 Jan. 1776 to Oct. 2, Lipscomb, Reuben Captain State 4000 Dec. 3i, 1782 1778 — died Lipscomb, Yancey Capt. Lieut. State 4000 Dec. 3i, 1782 May 1778 to Mar. 1782 3 years Lipscomb, Thomas Ensign Cont'l. 2666% Dec. 3i, 1782 Lovely, William L. Captain Cont'l. 4000 Apr. 4, 1783 Mar. 1776 to date Lind, Arthur Captain Cont'l. 4000 Apr. 15, 1783 Feb. 1776 to Feb. 1781 3 years Lewis, George Captain Cont'l. 4000 Apr. 19, 1783 Lapsley, Samuel Captain Cont'l. 4000 Apr. 23, 1783 3 years Lapsley, John Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Apr. 23, 1783 3 years Lewis, Addison Captain Cont'l. 4000 Apr. 25, 1783 3 years Lee, John Major State 5333M Apr. 29, 1783 3 years Lewis, Andrew Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% June 3, 1783 3 years Long, William Captain State 4000 June 3i 1783 Apr. 16, 1777 to Feb. 6, 1781 From Mar. 1778 Lawson, Benjamin Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% June 6, 1783 Ludeman, Wm. J. Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% June H, 1783 3 years Lindsay, William Captain Cont'l. 4000 June 26, 1783 3 years Lightbume, Rich'd Lieutenant Navy 2666% June 26, 1783 3 years 104 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Officers' Names Rank Line No. acres When warrant obtained Time of service, etc. Langham, Elias Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% July 21, 1783 3 years Langham, Elias Lieutenant Cont'l. 333^2 Aug. 26, 1809 9 months Livingstone, Justice Surgeon Navy 60OO July 22, 1783 3 years Long, Reuben Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Aug. 13, 1783 3 years Lee, Henry Lieut. Col. Cont'l. 7777 2 A Aug. 31, 1783 7 years Lee, Henry Lieut. Col. Cont'l. 462% July 8, 1897 5 months Long, Gabriel Captain Cont'l. 4OOO Dec. 23, 1783 3 years Lurty, John Lieutenant Navy 4000 Jan. 24, 1784 3 years — not entl'd to add'l allowance Linton, John Lieutenant Cont'l. 440 Feb. 6, 1784 7th year Linton, John Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Jan. 28, 1784 3 years Liegh, John Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Feb. 20, 1784 3 years Lawson, Claiborne Captain Cont'l. 4000 Mar. 1, 1784 3 years Longwith, Burgess Gunner Navy 2666% Mar. 25, 1784 3 years Lewis, Stephen Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Apr. 6, 1784 3 years Lilley, Thomas Captain Navy 5333H Apr. 26, 1784 3 years Lee, Philip R. F. Captain Cont'l. 4OOO July 21, 1784 3 years Lawson, Robert B. G. Cont'l. 1 0000 Nov. 21, 1784 3 years Lucas, James Major Cont'l. 5333^ Feb. 20, 1784 3 years Lucas, Nathaniel Captain Cont'l. 4000 June 30, 1784 Resolution of H. D. Lunsford, Wm. Cor. Cont'l. 2666% July i, 1784 3 years Leitch, Andrew Major Cont'l. 5333H June 29, 1784 3 years Lamme, Nathan Captain Cont'l. 4000 Jan. 17, 1786 3 years Lewis, Thomas Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% July 28, 1786 3 years Loyd, Morris Gunner Navy 2666% June 1, 1788 3 years Lovell, Robert Lieutenant State 2666% Nov. 19, 1789 During war Lovell, James Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% June 29, 1795 For the war Lewis, Charles Colonel Cont'l. 6000 July 13, 1796 During war Lewis, Charles Colonel Cont'l. 666% Dec. 3, 1832 For the war Lanier, Thomas Ensign Cont'l. 2666% July 21, 1808 3 years Lucas, Thomas Captain Cont'l. 4000 May 20, 1823 3 years Lambert, George Captain Cont'l. 4000 May 22, 1823 3 years Langbourne, Wm. Major Cont'l. 6224 Nov. 20, 1824 7 years Lumber, William Gunner Navy 2220 Feb. 14, 1831 3 years Lang, Alexander Boatswain Navy 2666% Feb. 26, 1831 3 years Lumber, Thomas G. M. Navy 222 1 H May 6, 1831 3 years Lewis, John Captain Cont'l. 5000 Feb. 8, 1832 Mar. 1776 to end of Lyton, Robert Captain Cont'l. 4000 Jan. 4, 1832 war 3 years Marks, John Captain Cont'l. 4000 Sept. 3, 1782 More than 3 years Morgan, Daniel B. G. Cont'l. 11666% Nov. 24, 1782 June 1775 Morgan, Daniel B. G. Cont'l. 11666% June 21, 1782 8th year — (Appears to be a mistake) Merewether, Thos. Major Cont'l. 5333H Nov. 25, 1782 Mar. 1776 to Feb. 6, 1781 3 years Marshall, John Captain Cont'l. 4000 Nov. 30, 1782 Moody, Edward Captain State 4666% Dec. 10, 1782 Died Mar. 1781 Muter, George Lieut. Col. State 6666% Dec. 12, 1782 Mar. 14, 1776 to date Army and Navy Bounty Land Warrants, Revolutionary War 105 Officers' Names Rank Line No. acres When warrant obtained Time of service, etc. Marshall, Thos. jr. Captain State 4000 Dec. 19. 1782 To Apr. 23, 1780 Marshall, Humphrey Captain State 4000 Dec. 19- 1782 1778 to date Morton, James Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Dec. 26, 1782 Jan. 1, 1776 to Dec. 20, 1782 Morton, James Lieutenant Cont'l. 444M Mar. 18, 1797 7th year Morton, James Lieutenant Cont'l. 370 Nov. 23, 1807 10 months Moseley, Benjamin Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Dec. 26, 1782 Sept. 10, 1778 to date Mallory, Philip Captain Cont'l. 4000 Dec. 3i, 1782 Nov. 22, 1776 to date Mallory, Philip Captain Cont'l. 611 Feb. 4. 1809 11 months Murray, Abraham Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Jan. 3, 1783 Nov. 14, 1776 to Feb. 14, 1781 Moseley, William Major Cont'l. 5333H Feb. 8, 1783 Feb. 5, 1776 to Apr. 18, 1781 Moseley, William Major Cont'l. 888% Nov. 18, 1796 7th year Moseley, William Major Cont'l. 740 Oct. 8, 1807 10 months Mulenburg, Peter B. G. Cont'l. 11666% Mar. 13- 1783 Jan. 1776 to date Mulenburg, Peter B. G. Cont'l. 1528 Feb. 12, 1809 7 months Moore, Alexander Midship. Navy 2000 Feb. 21, 1783 3 years Miller, William Capt. Lieut. Cont'l. 4000 Feb. 27. 1783 Jan. 13, 1777 to date Miller, William Capt. Lieut. Cont'l. 666% Oct. 18, 1799 7th year Miller, William Capt. Lieut. Cont'l. 388% Feb. 12, 1809 7 months Mabin, James Captain Cont'l. 4000 Mar. 25. 1783 3 years Mabin, James Captain Cont'l. 666 Jan. 3i. 1784 7 years Mabin, James Captain Cont'l. 500 July 7- 1807 9 months Mills, John Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Apr. 1, 1783 3 years Miller, David Lieutenant Cont'l. 3"0% Apr. 9- 1783 7 years Mann, David Lieutenant State 2666% Apr. 11, 1783 June 24, 1778 to date Marston, John Lieutenant State 2666% May 1, 1783 3 years Moss, Henry Captain Cont'l. 4000 May 21, 1783 3 years Moss, Henry Captain Cont'l. 666% Dec. 2, 1796 7th year Moss, Henry Captain Cont'l. 555 Aug. 14. 1807 10 months Morrow, Robert Captain Cont'l. 4000 May 26, 1783 3 years Morrow, Robert Captain Cont'l. 666% May 4. 1803 7th year Morrow, Robert Captain Cont'l. 555 Feb. 12, 1809 10 months Morton, Hezekiah Captain Cont'l. 4000 May 27. 1783 Aug. 30, 1776 to date Morton, Hezekiah Captain Cont'l. 500 Apr. 3. 1809 9 months M'llaney, John Captain State 4000 May 29. 1783 Apr. 1777 to May 1780 Nov. 1776 to date Merewether, David Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% May 28, 1783 Merewether, David Lieutenant Cont'l. 444 H July 24- 1803 7th year Minnis, Francis Captain Cont'l. 4666% June 7- 1783 7 years M'Dowell, John Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% June 14. 1783 3 years Mead, Richard K. Lieut. Col. Cont'l. 6000 June 19. 1783 3 years Mercer, Hugh B. G. Cont'l. 1 0000 June 24. 1783 3 years Massey, Thomas Major Cont'l. 5333M June 25. 1783 3 years M'Williams, Joshua Midship. Navy 2666% July 5. 1783 3 years Marshall, Thomas Colonel State 6666% July- 10, 1783 3 years Marshall, Thomas Colonel State 1388% Mar. 28, 1831 15 months 106 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Officers' Names Rank Line No. acres When warrant obtained Time of service, etc. Merewether, James Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% July 17: 1 1783 End of war Montague, Richard Lieutenant Navy 2666% July 27* 1783 3 years Moseley, Benjamin Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Aug. 1, 1783 May 1779 to Mar. 4, 1783 3 years Muir, Francis Captain Cont'l. 4000 Aug. 1, 1783 Moody, James Captain State 4000 Aug. 12, 1783 3 years Monroe, George Surgeon Cont'l. 6000 Aug. 22, 1783 3 years Miller, Javan Lieutenant Cont'l. 3HO% Aug. 23, 1783 7 years Marks, Isaiah Captain Cont'l. 4000 Aug. 30, 1783 3 years Moore, William Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Oct. 4, 1783 3 years M'Mechen, William Surgeon Cont'l. 6000 Oct. 20, 1783 3 years M'Clurg, James Surgeon State 6000 Oct. 21, 1783 Resolution of H. D. Moore, John Master Navy 2666% Nov. 4. 1783 3 years Magill, Charles Major State 5333M Nov. !2, 1783 3 years Magill, Charles Major State 889% Dec. 8, 1830 1 year Matthews, George Colonel Cont'l. nn% Oct. 22, 1783 7 years Matthews, George Colonel Cont'l. 1019 Sept. 15. 1807 11 months Markham, James Captain Navy 6222 Dec. 7. 1783 7 years Markham, James Captain Navy 277% Feb. 7, 1816 5 months Markham, James Captain Navy 91H July 6, 1832 To make up defi- ciency Mercer, John F. Captain Cont'l. 4000 Jan. 5. 1784 3 years Minnis, Holman Captain Cont'l. 4000 Jan. 22, 1784 June 1776 to date Minnis, Holman Captain Cont'l. 666% June 14. 1797 7th year Minnis, Holman Captain Cont'l. 945 Mar. 10, 1809 17 months Minnis, Callohill Captain Cont'l. 4666% Jan. 2, 1788 Feb. 1776 to date Minnis, Callohill Captain Cont'l. 500 Mar. 10, 1809 9 months Middleton, Basset Surgeon Cont'l. 6000 Jan. 23, 1784 3 years Middleton, Basset Surgeon Cont'l. I750 July 7. 1807 21 months Meredith, William Captain Cont'l. 4000 Jan. 30, 1784 3 years Meredith, William Captain Cont'l. 666% June 1, 1805 7th year Merewether, James Lieutenant State 2666% Jan. 3i, 1784 3 year Merewether, James Lieutenant State 2666% Feb. 11, 1784 3 years Martin, Thomas Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Jan. 3i. 1784 3 years Martin, Thomas Captain Cont'l. 444% June 23- 1784 7th year Martin, Thomas Captain Cont'l. 555 Sept. 16, 1807 10 months Monroe, James Major Cont'l. 5333 Vz Feb. 2, 1784 3 years Marshall, James M. Lieutenant State 2666% Feb. 2, 1784 End of war Moore, Peter Lieutenant State 2666% Feb. 13, 1784 3 years Moore, Peter Captain State I333H Jan. 7. 1832 During war M'Guire, William Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Feb. 14, 1784 End of war Morgan, Simon Captain Cont'l. 4666% Feb. 25. 1784 7 years Morgan, Simon Captain Cont'l. 666% Sept. 20, 1806 8th year M 'Adams, Joseph S. M. Cont'l. 2666% Feb. 26, 1784 3 years Montgomery, James Lieutenant State 2666% Mar. 2, 1784 3 years Montgomery, John Lieut. Col. State 6000 Feb. 3> 1784 3 years Muir, John Midship. Navy 2666% Mar. 10, 1784 3 years Morgan, Spencer Ensign Cont'l. 2666% Mar. 3. 1784 3 years Moxley, Rhodam Sub. Cont'l. 2666% Apr. 17. 1784 3 years M'Clurg, Walter Surgeon Navy 6000 Apr. 20, 1784 3 years Army and Navy Bounty Land Warrants, Revolutionary War 107 Officers' Names Rank Line No. acres Vhen warrant obtained Time of service, etc. M'Carty, Richard Captain State 4000 Apr. 22, 1784 3 years Miller, Thomas Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% May 7, 1784 3 years *Mathews, Thomas Lieut. Col. State 6000 May 25. 1784 3 years Mountjoy, William Captain Cont'l. 4000 May 28, 1784 3 years Meade, Everard Major Cont'l. 5333H Feb. 20, 1784 3 years Moore, Cleon Captain Cont'l. 4000 June 29, 1784 Resolution of H. D M 'Adams, John Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% June 29, 1784 Resolution of H. D M'Adams, John Captain Cont'l. 2666% Jan. 18, 1809 7 years 10 months M'Clanahan, Alex'r Colonel Cont'l. 6666% July 1, 1784 Resolution of H. D Mazerett, John Major State 5333% Dec. 23, 1784 3 years Maupin, Gabriel Captain Cont'l. 4000 Mar. 10, 1785 3 years Meade, William Ensign Cont'l. 2666% Apr. 29. 1785 3 years Morgan, John Ensign Cont'l. 2666% May 10, 1785 3 years Morgan, John Ensign Cont'l. 2666% Sept. 26, 1832 3 years Mercer, Isaac Master Navy 2666% Sept. 27. 1786 3 years Minor, Thomas Captain Cont'l. 5333H June 15. 1830 8 years Muse, Jesse Midship. Navy 2666% Nov. 5. 1786 3 years March, William Midship. Navy 2666% Jan. 23. 1788 3 years Myers, Christopher Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Nov. 6, 1788 3 years Massenburg, Nich's Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Dec. 20, 1792 For the war Moore, William Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Apr. 12, 1796 For the war Mountjoy, Alvin Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Oct. 25. 1797 3 years M'Nutt, James Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Dec. 29. 1797 3 years Menzies, George Ensign Cont'l. 2666% May 11, 1799 For the war Mountjoy, John Captain Cont'l. 4000 Apr. 15. 1800 For the war Mountjoy, John Captain Cont'l. 555 Sept. 16, 1807 10 months Minor, Peter Captain Cont'l. 4000 May 13. 1804 3 years Minor, Peter Captain Cont'l. 1221 Apr. 21, 1807 22 months M'Kee, William Captain Cont'l. 4000 Jan. 9, 1807 3 years Mason, David Captain Cont'l. 4000 Feb. 20, 1807 3 years Moore, John Ensign Cont'l. 2666% Apr. 11, 1807 3 years Moore, Andrew Captain Cont'l. 4000 June 23, 1809 3 years Moore, Thomas Captain Cont'l. 4000 Jan. 2, 1811 3 years Moore, Jacob Ensign Cont'l. 2666% Sept. 22, 1812 3 years Manning, Lawrence Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Oct. 3, 1808 For the war Moon, Jacob Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Nov. 5, 1808 For the war Moss, John Major Cont'l. 5333^ Nov. 7, 1808 3 years Meanley, John Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Nov. 19, 1808 3 years Morris, Nath'l G. Captain Cont'l. 5221 Oct. 15, 1809 7 years 10 months Moon, Archibald Captain Cont'l. 4000 June 2, 1809 3 years Munford, Wm. G. Colonel Cont'l. 6666% Sept. 8, 1809 For the war Madison, Rowland Captain Cont'l. 4000 Jan. 19, 1810 3 years M'Kinley, John Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Feb. 21, 1810 3 years Mosby, William Captain Cont'l. 4000 Dec. 4- 1810 3 years Mears, Bartholomew Gunner Navy 2666% July 13, 1811 3 years M'Craw, William Captain Cont'l. 4000 Dec. 17, 1811 During the war M'Carmick, George Captain Cont'l. 4000 June 16, 1820 During the war Morgan, Jeremiah Ensign Cont'l. 2666% Apr. 14, 1821 During the war Born St. Kitts, Barbadoeo. 108 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Officers' Names Rank Line No. acres Vhen warrant obtained Time of service, etc. M'Lane, Allen Major State 1777% Sept. 12, 1820 Additional for 2 years M'Lane, Allen Major State 5333% June 29. 1820 During war Mosby, Littleberry Captain Cont'l. 4000 July 2, 1823 3 years M'Fadden, James Captain Cont'l. 4OOO July 28, 1830 During war Marshall, James Captain State 4666% Dec. 2, 1830 During war Millener, Robert Lieutenant Navy 4000 Feb. 14, 1831 During war Marshall, Janifer S. M. Navy 2666% Dec. 8, 1830 3 years Melson, Levin C. M. Navy 2666% Dec. 10, 1830 3 years Murray, David S. M. Navy 2666% Dec. 10, 1830 3 years Mason, James Captain Cont'l. 4000 Apr. 9. 1831 3 years Mosby, Robert Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% July 26, 1831 3 years M'Gavock, Hugh Lieutenant State 2666% Sept. 21, 1831 3 years Maberry, Robert Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Mar. 26, 1831 3 years Moss, Starke Carpenter Navy 2666% July 12, 1832 3 years Massey, William F. M. Cont'l. 4000 July 24- 1832 During war Mason, Littleberry P. M. Cont'l. 400O Nov. 9- 1832 3 years M'Con, Henry Ensign Cont'l. 2666% Dec. 13. 1832 3 years M 'Reynolds, Thos. Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Mar. 27. 1833 3 years Nevill, Presley Colonel Cont'l. 7000 Nov. 24. 1782 Aug. 1775 to date Norvell, Lipscomb Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Apr. n> 1783 3 years Norvell, Lipscomb Lieutenant Cont'l. I48 Feb. 12, 1804 4 months Nixon, Andrew Captain Cont'l. 4OOO Apr. 19, 1783 3 years Nevill, John Colonel Cont'l. 7777% June 20, 1783 Aug. 1775 to date Nevill, John Colonel Cont'l. 1388^ Aug. 18, 1807 15 months Nuttall, Iverson Midship. Navy 2666% Sept. 2, 1783 3 years Nelson, John Major State 5333^ Sept. 25. 1783 3 years Noland, Pierce Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Oct. 7. 1783 3 years Nelson, William Lieut. Col. Cont'l. 6000 Dec. 27. 1783 3 years Nelson, John Captain Cont'l. 4000 Jan. 12, 1784 3 years Nelson, John Captain Cont'l. 666% Aug. I, 1799 7th year Nelson, John Captain Cont'l. 500 Feb. 12, 1808 9 months Nelson, Roger Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Mar. 29. 1784 During war Nelson, William Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Mar. I, 1797 For the war Neal, James Captain Cont'l. 4000 Dec. 9. 1806 3 years Nicholas, John Ensign Cont'l. 2666% Apr. 29. 1807 3 years Nicholas, John Captain Cont'l. 4000 Dec. 3. 1807 3 years Nevill, George Cor. Cont'l. 2666% Feb. 5. 1810 For the war Oldham, Conway Captain Cont'l. 4000 Nov. II, 1782 Apr. 1777 to date Overton, Thomas Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Dec. 13. 1782 To July 1, 1779 Overton, Thomas Captain Cont'l. 1333% Nov. 19. 1783 3 years Overton, Thomas Captain Cont'l. 666% July 1, 1805 7th year Overton, Thomas Captain Cont'l. 555 Feb. 12, 1808 10 months Overton, John Captain Cont'l. 4000 Feb. 28, 1783 Dec. 1776 to date Overton, John Captain Cont'l. 666% May 5- 1800 7th year Oliver, William Capt. Lieut. State 4000 May 30, 1783 3 years O'Neal, Ferdinand Captain Cont'l. 4000 July 17. 1783 3 years O'Neal, Ferdinand Captain Cont'l. 666% Jan. 7, 1802 7th year Oldham, George Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% June 1 6, 1807 For the war Army and Navy Bounty Land Warrants, Revolutionary War 109 Officers' Names Rank Line No. acres When warrant oblainec Time of service, etc. Owen, Richard M. Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Dec. 25, 1813 3 years Pugh, Willis Ensign Cont'l. 2666% Nov. 9, 1782 Died in service Philips, Samuel Ensign Cont'l. 2666% Nov. 11, 1782 Killed in service Payne, Thomas Captain Cont'l. 4OOO Nov. 17, 1782 June 14, 1776 to date Payne, Thomas Captain Cont'l. 666% June II, 1794 7th year Payne, Thomas Captain Cont'l. 500 Apr. 28, 1809 9 months Peyton, John Captain Cont'l. 4000 Nov. 17, 1782 Jan. 2, 1776 to Oct. 1778— Sup'y Peyton, John Captain Cont'l. 1220 Feb. 12, 1808 22 months Porterfield, Robert Captain Cont'l. 4000 Nov. 18, 1783 Dec. 24, 1776 to date Porterfield, Robert Captain Cont'l. 666% June 1, 1805 7th year Porterfield, Robert Captain Cont'l. 555 Sept. 16, 1807 10 months Porterfield, Chas. R. Lieut. Col. Cont'l. 6000 Nov. 18, 1782 Died in service Pendleton, James Captain Cont'l. 4666% Feb. 7, 1783 Jan. 1776 to date Pendleton, James Captain Cont'l. 555 Feb. 12, 1808 10 months Pendleton, James Captain Cont'l. 555% Jan. 10, 1809 10 months Pryor, John Captain Cont'l. 4000 Feb. 17, 1783 Jan. 13, 1777 to date Pryor, John Captain Cont'l. 555 July 7. 1807 10 months Pointer, William Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Mar. 25, 1783 3 years Posey, Thomas Lieut. Col. Cont'l. 7000 Apr. 1, 1783 7 years Posey, Thomas Lieut. Col. Cont'l. 833M Sept. 16, 1807 10 months Pelham, Charles Major Cont'l. 6222 Apr. 3, 1783 7 years Pelham, Charles Major Cont'l. 666% May 18, 1809 9 months Pemberton, Thomas Captain Cont'l. 4000 Apr. 25, 1783 Dec. 17, 1776 to Jan. 15, 1783 Pemberton, Thomas Captain Cont'l. 666% Nov. 14, 1795 7th year Porter, William Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% May 29, 1783 3 years Porter, William Lieutenant Cont'l. 444% July 25, 1795 7th year Powell, Thomas Lieutenant State 2666% May 29, 1783 Died in service Payne, Tarleton Captain Cont'l. 4666% May 31, 1783 7 years Payne, Tarleton Captain Cont'l. 777H July 4, 1810 14 months Parker, Thomas Captain Cont'l. 4000 June 4, 1783 3 years Parker, Thomas Captain Cont'l. 555 Oct. 23, 1807 10 months Parker, Richard Colonel Cont'l. 6666% June 4, 1783 3 years Parker, Nicholas Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% June 18, 1783 3 years Parker, William H. Lieutenant Navy 2666% June 23, 1783 3 years Parker, William H. Captain Navy 1333% July 12, 1832 Additional Parker, Alexander Captain Cont'l. 5333% July 12, 1783 8 years Parker, Josiah Colonel Cont'l. 6666% Nov. 21, 1783 3 years Parker, Thomas Captain Cont'l. 4666% Apr. 28, 1783 7 years Parker, Thomas Captain Cont'l. 555 Feb. 1, 1809 10 months Parker, Richard Lieutenant Navy 4000 Apr. 4, 1831 3 years Poulson, John Major Cont'l. 6222 June 12, 1783 Jan. 1776 to date Poulson, John Major Cont'l. 740 June 10, 1809 10 months Powell, Robert Captain Cont'l. 4000 June 20, 1783 3 years Powell, Robert Captain Cont'l. 666% Nov. 21, 1818 1 year Powell, Peyton Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% July 22, 1783 3 years Powell, Peyton Lieutenant Cont'l. 444 July 19- 1797 7th year Powell, Peyton Lieutenant Cont'l. 333H Aug. 11, 1807 9 months 110 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Officers' Names Powell, Levin Powell, Levin Pearson, Thomas Pearson, Thomas Pearson, Thomas Peyton, Valentine R. Peyton, Dade Peyton, Henry Peyton, George Peyton, Robert Pendleton, Nath'l Pendleton, Nath'l Perry, John Payne, Joseph Power or Poor, Robt. Poythress, William Pettus, John R. Pierce, William Payne, Josiah Perault, Michael Patterson, Thomas Page, Carter Perkins, Archelaus Porter, William Porter, William Purvis, James Payne, William Penn, William Price, Ebenezer Price, William Price, William Price, William Price, James Petters, Samuel O. Piper, John Pyle, William Parks, James Porterfield, Charles Pelham, William Porter, Benjamin Porter, Thomas Pullen, William Poyner, William Parrot, Joseph Payne, Merryman Pugh, Joseph Purcell, George Parramore, Thomas Peers, Valentine Pollard, Benjamin Rank Lieut. Col. Lieut. Col. Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant Captain Lieutenant Major Ensign Lieutenant Captain Captain Cor. Lieutenant Cor. Capt. Lieut. Capt. Lieut. Captain Sub. Captain Captain Captain Lieutenant Sub. Sub. Captain Captain Lieutenant Q.M. Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant Captain Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant Captain Surgeon Major Captain Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant Captain Major Captain Line Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. State Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Navy Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. State Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Navy Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. No. acres 6000 6O0O 2666% 444% 333 4000 2666% 5333 Yz 2666% 2666% 4666 y z 944 2666 2666 3"0% 4000 4000 4666% 2666% 4000 4000 4000 2666% 2666% 888 4000 4000 2666% 2666% 2666% 740 739 4000 2666% 2666% 2666% 2666% 4000 6000 5333H 4666% 2666% 2666% 2666% 4000 2666% 2666% 4666% 5333 Yz 4000 When warrant obtained Aug. 17, 1784 Aug. 30, 1784 June 20, 1783 June 1, 1805 Feb. 12, 1808 June 28, 1783 June 29, 1784 June 29, 1784 Sept. 10, 1784 Sept. 10, 1784 July 18, 1783 May 23, 1808 Aug. 21, 1783 Aug. 23, 1783 Aug. 19, 1783 Nov. 8, 1783 Jan. 7, 1784 Feb. 9, 1784 Feb. 3, 1784 Mar. 5, 1784 Mar. 8, 1784 June 24, 1784 Feb. 3, 1784 Apr. 6, 1784 Nov. 11, 1813 Dec. 8, 1784 Apr. 18, 1785 Dec. 26, 1785 June 21, 1787 July 13, 1809 Oct. 26, 1809 June 12, 1828 Dec. 29, 1812 Nov. 9, 1792 May 28, 1795 Apr. 4, 1797 Apr. 1, 1798 Feb. 12, 1808 May 24, 1809 Oct. 6, 1810 Oct. 6, 1810 Nov. 7, 181 1 Nov. 7, 181 1 Apr. 10, 1813 Nov. 8, 1832 June 16, 1820 Dec. 6, 1820 Dec. 21, 1822 May 21, 1823 Nov. 24, 1830 Time of service, etc. 3 years Resolution of H. D. 3 years 7th year 9 months 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 7 years 17 months 17 months 17 months 7 years 3 years 3 years 7 years End of war 3 years Died in service Resolution of H. D. End of war 3 years 2 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 20 months 20 months During war For the war 3 years 3 years For the war 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years During war During war 3 years 3 years During war During war During war Army and Navy Bounty Land Warrants, Revolutionary War 111 Officers' Names Rank Line No. acres ■Vhen warrant obtained Time of service, etc. Pettigrew, John Lieutenant Navy 4000 Mar. 1, 1831 3 years Philips, Jacob Boatswain Navy 2666% Mar. 26, 1831 3 years Pitt, John Surgeon Navy 6000 Mar. 30, 1831 3 years Pierce, John Midship. Navy 2666% Aug. 29. 1832 3 years Pope, Matthew Surgeon State 6000 Apr. 8, 1833 End of war Powell, William Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Mar. 8, 1833 3 years Quarks, James Captain State 4OOO Dec. 31. 1782 Apr. 1776 to Nov. 1780 Quarles, James Captain State 1333% Feb. 26, 1783 As a major Quarles, Henry Captain State 4000 May 28, 1783 3 years Quarles, Thomas Lieutenant State 2666% June 13. 1783 3 years Quarles, Robert Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Feb. 3. 1784 End of war Quarles, William P. Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Feb. 21, 1784 End of war Quarles, John Captain State 4000 Feb. 2, 1784 3 years Quarles, John Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Apr. 7- 1784 3 years Quarles, Wharton Lieutenant State 2666% Nov. 29. 1830 During war Quirk, Thomas Major State 5333% July 9- 1783 3 years Russell, John Lieutenant State 2666% Apr. 3. 1783 3 years Russell, Albert Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Apr. 15. 1783 3 years Russell, Albert Lieutenant Cont'l. 407 May 5. 1809 11 months Russell, William Colonel Cont'l. 6666% Dec. 6, 1783 End of war Russell, William Colonel Cont'l. nil June 17. 1807 7th year Russell, Charles Lieutenant State 2666 % Apr. 2, 1783 3 years Russell, Andrew Major Cont'l. 5333% Dec. 29. 1784 3 years Ragsdale, Drury Captain Cont'l. 4000 Apr. 25. 1783 Jan. 13, 1777 to date Ragsdale, Drury Captain Cont'l. 555 Jan. 5. 1808 10 months Robertson, William Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Apr. 26, 1783 3 years Robertson, William Lieutenant Cont'l. 889% Sept. 19. 1807 7th and 8th years Read, Nathan Captain Cont'l. 4000 May 20, 1783 3 years Read, Nathan Captain Cont'l. 555 Sept. 16, 1808 10 months Randolph, Robert Captain Cont'l. 4000 June 13- 1783 3 years Rydman, John Gunner Navy 2666% June 14- 1783 3 years Rice, George Captain Cont'l. 4000 June 17. 1783 3 years Rogers, William Captain Cont'l. 4000 June 18, 1783 3 years Rogers, William Captain Cont'l. IIII Jan. 6, 1808 20 months Rust, Benjamin Lieutenant Navy 2666% July 27. 1783 3 years Rust, Benjamin Lieutenant Navy 1333% Oct. 30, 1832 Rhea, Matthew Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% July 31- 1783 3 years Richeson, Walker Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Aug. 22, 1783 3 years Robertson, James Lieutenant State 2666% Aug. 25, 1783 3 years Roane, Christopher Captain State 4000 Jan. 3. 1783 1777 to date Roane, Christopher Captain State 666% Sept. 30, 1783 7th year Robins, John Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Oct. 11, 1783 3 years Robins, John Lieutenant Cont'l. 444% Sept. 9. 1797 7th year Rose, Robert Surgeon Cont'l. 7000 Nov. 1, 1783 7 years Rose, Robert Surgeon Cont'l. 1000 Sept. 22, 1809 8th year Ridley, Thomas Major Cont'l. 5333% Dec. 15, 1783 3 years Ridley, Thomas Major Cont'l. 888% Dec. 3. 1795 7th year 112 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Officers' Names Ridley, Thomas Robinson, John Roney, John Rickman, Wm. Dr. Richeson, Holt Renner, John Reddick, Jason Riddick, Willis Read, Isaac Read, Edmund Read, Clement Rice, Nathaniel Rucker, Angus Roberts, John Roberts, John Rudder Epaphrod's Rucker, Elliot Rogers, John Roy, Beverley Roy, Beverley Rankins, Robert Rankins, Robert Ransdall, Thomas Ransdall, Thomas Richardson, Dan'l Richardson, Dan'l Roots, John Ralp, Ephraim Rose, Alexander Rose, Alexander Rose, Alexander Roe, William Reynolds, William Robinson, Cole Ruffin, Thomas Ramsey, John Ray, Thomas Royall, William Rudulph, John Rudulph, Michael Reynolds, John Ricketts, Nicholas Rodgers, Andrew Roberts, Benjamin Roberts, William Roberts, William Rank Major Lieutenant Lieutenant Colonel Lieut. Col. Captain Captain Captain Colonel Captain Lieutenant Lieutenant Captain Surgeon Surgeon Lieutenant Lieutenant Captain Captain Captain Lieutenant Lieutenant Captain Captain Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant Captain Captain Captain S. M. Lieutenant Ensign Captain Surgeon Captain Captain Major Captain Ensign Lieutenant Lieutenant Captain Ensign Ensign Line Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. State State State State State State State State State Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Navy Navy Navy Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Navy Cont'l. State Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. State State State No. acres 666% 2666H 6666% 6000 I333H 4000 4000 6666% 4000 2666% 2666% 4000 6000 1500 2666% 2666% 4000 4000 666% 2666% 444 % 4000 944 2666% I333M 3000 2666% 4000 666% 444 2666% 2666% 2666% 4000 6000 4000 4889 5333H 4000 2666% 2666% 2666% 4000 760 II42 16 / 21 When warrant obtained Mar. 31, 1808 Dec. 19, 1783 Jan. 12, 1784 Jan. 13, 1784 Feb. 17, 1784 June 7, 1784 June 10, 1784 June 10, 1784 Dec. 14, 1782 Dec. 16, 1782 Dec. 23, 1782 Jan. 3, 1783 Jan. 21, 1783 Jan. 30, 1783 Aug. 6, 1819 Feb. 13, 1783 Feb. 20, 1783 Feb. 26, 1783 Mar. 3, 1783 Nov. 25, 1796 Mar. 8, 1783 Nov. 23, 1796 Mar. 9, 1783 Feb. 12, 1808 Oct. 7, 1784 Oct. 7, 1 83 1 Feb. 14, 1785 Jan. Nov. Feb. Sept. June Mar. Dec. June Feb. Nov. Jan. Apr. Apr. Oct. Dec. Sept. July May July 25, 1786 11, 1785 20, 1807 1, 1807 22, 1786 25. 1787 9. 1790 7, 1808 6, 1810 4, 1814 21, 1815 26, 1819 26, 1819 29, 1822 7, 1822 20, 1823 28, 1830 16, 1831 13- 1832 Time of service, etc. 9 months 3 years 7 years 3 years 3 years 3 years — (In part) 3 years 3 years Died in service June 2, 1779 to date Died in service Dec. 7, 1788 to date 3 years Jan. 1776 to Mar. 1780 1 year Apr. 1778 to date 3 years 1778 to Feb. 14, 1782 Aug. 1777 to Dec. 1782 7th year July 4, 1779 to Dec. 28, 1782 7th year July 1776 to date 17 months 3 years Additional The king's proclama- tion 3 years 3 years 7th year 8 months 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 7 years 4 months During war During war During war During war 3 years During war 3 years — (In part) 3 years — (In part) Army and Navy Bounty Land Warrants, Revolutionary War 113 Officers' Names Rank Line No. acres When warrant oblaine i Time of service, etc. Riverere, Wyatt Sub. State 2666% Sept. 7. 1831 3 years Roberts, John Major Cont'l. 5333% Dec. 7. 1831 3 years Revell, John G. M. Navy 2666% May 22, 1830 3 years Robinson, Tully Captain State 4000 June 7. 1832 3 years Rogers, George Captain Navy 4000 May 8, 1833 3 years Rogers, George Captain Navy 1333% June 13. 1833 3 years Seth, John Captain Cont'l. 4000 Nov. 30, 1782 1777 to date Shepard, Abraham Captain Cont'l. 4000 Apr. 5. 1783 3 years Shepard, Abraham Captain Cont'l. 1333% Mar. 7. 1807 7th and 8th years Shepard, Abraham Captain Cont'l. 277H Aug. 22, 1807 5 months Swearingen, Jos. Captain Cont'l. 4000 Apr. 15. 1783 3 years Swearingen, Jos. Captain Cont'l. 666% Apr. 19, 1789 7th year Swearingen, Jos. Captain Cont'l. 666% Jan. 23. 1805 8th year Swearingen, Jos. Captain Cont'l. 277 Nov. 19. 1807 5 months Stephenson, David Major Cont'l. 6222 Apr. 16, 1783 7 years Stephenson, David Major Cont'l. 111 Sept. 19. 1807 iOj months Sims, Charles Lieut. Col. Cont'l. 6000 Apr. 17. 1783 3 years Singleton, Joshua Lieutenant Navy 2666% May 12, 1783 3 years Singleton, Joshua Lieutenant Navy 1334 May 20, 1830 Spotswood, John Captain Cont'l. 4000 May 20, 1783 3 years Spotswood, John Captain Cont'l. 666% Feb. 12, 1808 7th year Steele, John Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% May 20, 1783 3 years Steele, John Lieutenant Cont'l. 388% Feb. 12, 1808 7 months Saunders, William Captain Navy 4000 May 20, 1783 3 years Saunders, William Captain Navy 666% June 21, 1786 Smith, Larkin Captain Cont'l. 4000 May 22, 1783 3 years Smith, Obadiah Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% May 30, 1783 3 years Smith, William Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Oct. 10, 1783 3 years Smith, Granville Ensign State 2666% Apr. 15- 1784 3 years Smith, Nathan S. M. Cont'l. 2666% Apr. 19. 1784 End of war — (In part) Smith, Francis Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Dec. 24, 1782 Feb. 1, 1777 to date Smith, Francis Lieutenant Cont'l. 333 Jan. 6, 1808 9 months Smith, Gregory Colonel State 6666% Feb. 13. 1783 3 years Smith, Jonathan Lieutenant State 2666% Feb. 8, 1783 Mar. 1777 to Mar 12, 1783 Smith, Jonathan Lieutenant State 889% May 23- 1829 1 year Smith, William S. Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Feb. 24, 1783 Feb. 1777 to Mar 1783 Smith, William S. Lieutenant Cont'l. 333 Nov. 13. 1807 9 months Smith, Ballard Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Mar. 26, 1783 June 11, 1777 to Mar. 12, 1783 Smith, Ballard Lieutenant Cont'l. 185 May 22, 1811 5 months Smith, William Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Nov. 23- 1787 3 years Smith, Matthew Captain Cont'l. 4000 Apr. 11, 1796 For the war Smith, Samuel Surgeon Cont'l. 6000 Feb. 17. 1801 3 years Smith, Joseph Captain Cont'l. 4666% June 1, 1806 7 years Smith, James Lieutenant Cont'l. 3i"% Feb. 20, 1807 7 years Smith, James Lieutenant Cont'l. 370 Feb. 12, 1808 10 months 114 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Officers' Names Rank Line No. acres When warrant obtained Time of service, etc. Smith, Edward Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Mar. 5, 1808 3 years Smith, Arthur Captain Cont'l. 4000 June 1, 1808 3 years Smith, Joseph S. Cor. Cont'l. 2666 % Nov. 8, 1832 3 years Smith, William Cor. Cont'l. 2566% Nov. 26, 1832 Skinner, Alexander Surgeon Cont'l. 6000 June 4, 1783 3 years Skinner, Alexander Surgeon Cont'l. IOOO June 21, 1784 7th year Skinner, Alexander Surgeon Cont'l. 750 Aug. 12, 1807 9 months Smart, Richard M. M. Navy 2666% June 5, 1783 3 years Stokeley, Charles Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% June 12, 1783 Jan. 22, 1776 to Dec. 28, 1782 Stokeley, Charles Lieutenant Cont'l. 444 Aug. 14, 1783 7th year Stokeley, Charles Lieutenant Cont'l. 370 June 21, 1810 10 months Steed, John Captain Cont'l. 4000 June 14, 1783 3 years Steed, John Captain Cont'l. 666% Dec. 12, 1798 7th year Scott, Charles B. G. Cont'l. 11666% June 14, 1783 Sept. 20, 1775 to date Scott, Charles B. G. Cont'l. 1666% Dec. 5, 1783 8th year Scott, Charles B. G. Cont'l. 1666% July 13. 1809 8th year Scott, Charles B. G. Cont'l. 277% Feb. 12, 1808 2 months Stribling, Sigismund Captain Cont'l. 4666% June 21, 1783 7 years Stribling, Sigismund Captain Cont'l. 833 Oct. 23, 1807 15 months Snead, Smith Major Cont'l. 6222 June 24, 1783 7 years Snead, Smith Major Cont'l. 740 June 10, 1809 10 months Stubblefield, George Ensign Cont'l. 2666% June 25, 1783 3 years Stubblefield, Bev'ly Captain Cont'l. 4000 June 26, 1783 Feb. 10, 1776 to Jan. 1783 Stubblefield, Bev'ly Captain Cont'l. 666% Aug. 1, 1789 7th year Stubblefield, Bev'ly Captain Cont'l. 500 Feb. 12, 1808 9 months Stokes, John Captain Cont'l. 4666% July 19. 1783 7 years Stokes, John Captain Cont'l. 500 Aug. 10, 1810 9 months Summerson, Gavin Midship. Navy 2666% Aug. 18, 1783 3 years Steele, William Lieutenant Navy 2666% Aug. 26, 1783 3 years Saunders, Joseph Lieutenant Navy 2666% Sept. 2, 1783 3 years Shearman, Martin Midship. Navy 2666% Sept. 2, 1783 3 years Stephens, William Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Sept. 25, 1783 3 years Stephens, William Lieutenant Cont'l. 870 Oct. 25, 1824 10 months Scott, Walter Lieutenant State 2666% Sept. 29, 1783 3 years Saunders, Richard Midship. Navy 2666% Oct. 1, 1783 3 years Stith, John Captain Cont'l. 4000 Oct. 13, 1783 3 years Stith, John Captain Cont'l. 666% Nov. 1, 1798 7th year Stith, John Captain Cont'l. 500 Aug. 14, 1807 9 months Scott, John Capt. Lieut. State 4000 Oct. 16, 1783 3 years Scott, Joseph Captain Cont'l. 4000 Oct. 17, 1783 3 years Scott, Joseph Captain Cont'l. m% Sept. 19, 1807 14 months Scott, Joseph Captain Cont'l. 333H Dec. 11, 1820 During war Stevens, Edward B. G. Cont'l. 1 0000 Nov. 21, 1783 3 years Singleton, Anthony Captain Cont'l. 4000 Dec. 13, 1783 3 years Singleton, Anthony Captain Cont'l. 666% Sept. 15, 1792 7th year Singleton, Anthony Captain Cont'l. 222 Feb. 8, 1808 4 months Southall, Stephen Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Jan. 21, 1784 End of war Selden, Samuel Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Jan. 26, 1784 3 years Army and Navy Bounty Land Warrants, Revolutionary War 115 Officers' Names Rank Line No. acres Vhen warrant obtained Time of service, etc. Selden, Samuel Lieutenant Cont'l. 370 May 24. 1809 10 months Stewart, Philip Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Jan. 3i. 1784 End of war Sears, Thomas Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Feb. 6, 1784 End of war Starke, William Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Feb. 9. 1784 3 years Shelton, Clough Captain Cont'l. 4000 Feb. 3. 1783 Mar. 1, 1777 to date Shelton, Clough Captain Cont'l. 666 % Feb. 10, 1784 7th year Scott, Charles Cor. Cont'l. 2666% Feb. 10, 1784 End of war Spencer, William Lieutenant State 2666% Feb. 11, 1784 End of war Slaughter, John Sub. Cont'l. 2666% Feb. 14- 1784 3 years Scott, John Sub. Cont'l. 2666% Feb. 24, 1784 End of war Savage, Joseph S. M. Cont'l. 2666% Feb. 25. 1784 3 years Settle, Strother Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Apr. 2, 1784 End of war Stott, William Lieutenant Navy 2666% Apr. 3. 1784 3 years Stephenson, Hugh Colonel Cont'l. 6666% Apr. 21, 1784 3 years Swan, John Captain Cont'l. 4666 % May 3. 1784 7 years Swan, John Major Cont'l. I555H Feb. 12, 1808 7th year Shield, John Captain State 4000 May 4, 1784 3 years Slaughter, William Lieutenant State 2666% Feb. — , 1783 3 years Slaughter, William Lieutenant State 666% May 12, 1784 7th year Scott, John Sub. Cont'l. 2666% June 25- 1784 3 years Scott, Joseph Captain Cont'l. 4666% Dec. 14. 1782 Sept. 1775 to date Sansum, Philip Captain Cont'l. 4000 Dec. 20, 1782 Mar. 1777 to date Sansum, Philip Captain Cont'l. 666% Sept. 3. 1796 7th year Slaughter, Philip Captain Cont'l. 4000 Dec. 23. 1782 Resigned Feb. 1781 Slaughter, Philip Captain Cont'l. 1000 Aug. 19, 1830 18 months Swoope, John Surgeon Navy 6000 Jan. 2, 1783 May 24, 1776 to Nov. 1 78 1 Spiller, William Captain State 4000 Jan. 21, 1783 3 years Steuben, Baron B. G. State 15000 Jan. 30, 1783 Resolution of H. D. Savage, Nathaniel Lieutenant State 2666% Feb. 8, 1783 July 28, 1779 to date Starke, Richard Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Feb. 20, 1783 Dec. 28, 1776 to date Starke, Richard Lieutenant Cont'l. 444H Mar. 4. 1797 7th year Saunders, Celey Captain Navy 4666% Mar. 12, 1783 3 years Springer, Uriah Captain Cont'l. 4000 Apr. 1, 1783 3 years Springer, Uriah Captain Cont'l. 666% Mar. 12, 1800 7th year Springer, Jacob Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Apr. 1, 1783 3 years Springer, Jacob Lieutenant Cont'l. 444% Mar. 7. 1807 7th year Slaughter, Lawrence Lieutenant State 2666% Apr. i, 1783 3 years Spencer, John Lieutenant State 2666% Mar. 24, 1784 3 years Shackelford, Wm. Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Apr. 19. 1784 3 years Scarborough, John Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Aug. 26, 1784 3 years Scarborough, John Lieutenant Cont'l. 444% June 4, 1798 7th year Slaughter, George Major Cont'l. 5333H Nov. 24. 1784 3 years — entitled as Lieut. Col. Slaughter, Augustine Surgeon Cont'l. 6000 Nov. 24. 1784 Resolution of H. D. Sommers, Simon Captain Cont'l. 4000 Dec. 16, 1784 Resolution of H. D. Sommers, Simon Captain Cont'l. 666% Mar. 1, 1817 1 year Sayers, Robert Captain Cont'l. 4000 Dec. 27. 1784 3 years Sayers, Robert Captain Cont'l. 666% Mar. 18, 1805 7th year Sayers, Robert Captain Cont'l. 555 Sept. 16, 1807 10 months 116 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Officers' Names Rank Line No. acres Vhcn warrant obtained Time of service, etc. Spiller, Benjamin Captain Cont'l. 4000 Mar. 1, 1783 3 years Stephenson, Wm. Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Apr. 5. 1786 3 years Sharpless, John Surgeon Navy 6000 Jan. 2, 1790 3 years Sears, John Lieut. Col. Cont'l. 60OO Sept. 4. 1790 3 years Spottswood, Alex'r Lieut. Col. Cont'l. 60OO Dec. 1, 1795 During war Seigle, Frederick Surgeon Cont'l. 6000 June 26, 1797 During war Snowden, Jonathan Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Dec. 13, 1800 During war Scott, David Captain Cont'l. 40OO Mar. 3. 1806 3 years Steele, David Captain Cont'l. 4000 Dec. 9. 1806 3 years Sanford, William Captain Cont'l. 5222 Feb. 3, 1808 7 years 10 months Snead, Thomas Major Cont'l. 5333 H June 23. 1808 3 years Spitfathom, John Ensign Cont'l. 2666 y z July 6, 1809 3 years Spitfathom, John Ensign Cont'l. 518 Dec. 14. 1809 14 months Scruggs, Gross Major Cont'l. 5333H May 2, 1811 3 years Scott, John E. Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Nov. 21. 1811 During war Settle, Strother G. Captain Cont'l. 4000 May 15- 1812 During war Slaughter, Robert Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Nov. 20, 1818 3 years Stewart, Charles Ensign Cont'l. 2666% Apr. IO, 1819 3 years Sturdivant, John jr. Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Aug. 14. 1819 3 years Stephenson, John Major Cont'l. 3555H Apr. 20, 1821 During war Stephenson, John Major Cont'l. 1777% Apr. 20, 1821 During war Snead, Charles Captain Cont'l. 4666% May 3. 1823 7 years Spencer, Joseph Captain Cont'l. 4000 Sept. 18, 1823 3 years Spencer, William Lieutenant Cont'l. I333H July 26, 1824 3 years Spencer, William Lieutenant Cont'l. 888% July 26, 1824 3 years Scott, William Captain Cont'l. 4000 Nov. 19. 1824 During war Saunders, Joseph Lieutenant State 2666% July 28, 1830 During war Servant, Richard Lieutenant Navy 4000 Nov. 19, 1830 During war Simpson, Hancock Cox. Navy 2666% Dec. 8, 1830 3 years Snead, Robert Surgeon Navy 6000 Feb. 14. 1831 During war Saulsberry, Moses Arm. Navy 2666% Mar. 26, 1831 3 years Strother, Benjamin Midship. Navy 2666% Dec. 8, 1831 3 years Saunders, Robert H. Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Nov. 8, 1832 3 years Skinner, William Captain Navy 5333M Nov. 8, 1832 3 years Skarratt, Clement Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666M Nov. 9. 1832 During war Selden, Joseph Lieutenant State 2666% Mar. 8, 1833 3 years Sutton, John Captain Cont'l. 4000 Mar. 27. 1833 3 years Spencer, Thomas Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Mar. 2, 1833 3 years Spencer, Gideon Lieutenant State 2666% Jan. 11. 1833 3 years Stevens, Richard Captain Cont'l. 3072 W /l3 July 23- 1824 In part Stevens, Richard Captain Cont'l. 1230 July 23- 1824 In part Thompson, William Captain State 4000 Dec. 10, 1782 April 23, 1780 Tabb, Augustine Captain State 4000 Apr. 11. 1783 3 years Tutt, Charles Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666K Apr. 19- 1783 3 years Tompkins, Robert Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Apr. 25. 1783 3 years Tompkins, Henry Ensign Cont'l. 2666% Apr. 25- 1783 3 years Tompkins, Chris. Sub. Cont'l. 2666% Feb. 14. 1784 3 years Tompkins, Dan'l R. Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Mar. 2, 1784 3 years Tompkins, Robert Captain Cont'l. 4000 Nov. I4> 1791 Died in service Army and Navy Bounty Land Warrants, Revolutionary War 117 Officers' Names Tomkins, Christ. Tomkins, Christ. Taliaferro, Benj. Trent, Lawrence Thornton, Presley Thornton, Presley Taliaferro, Nicholas Taliaferro, Nicholas Taylor, Benjamin Taylor, Reuben Taylor, Richard Taylor, Richard Taylor, Richard Taylor, Richard Taylor, Francis Taylor, Francis Taylor, Francis Taylor, Isaac Taylor, William Taylor, William Taylor, William Taylor, Thornton Taylor, John Taylor, John Taylor, Richard Towles, Oliver Towles, Oliver Towles, Oliver Tibbs, Thomas Taliaferro, Wm. R. Townes, John Tinsley, Samuel Trezvant, John Turner, John Temple, Benja. Temple, Benja. Temple, Benja. Thompson, George Trabue, John Todd, Robert Terry, Nathaniel Terry, Nathaniel Tatem, Zachariah Travis, Edward Thomas, Lewis Rank Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant Captain Captain Lieutenant Lieutenant Midship. Captain Lieut. Col. Lieut. Col. Lieut. Col. Lieut. Col. Major Major Major Captain Major Major Major Lieutenant Lieutenant Major Lieutenant Lieut. Col. Lieut. Col. Lieut. Col. Captain Lieut. Col. Lieutenant Cor. Surgeon Lieutenant Lieut. Col. Lieut. Col. Lieut. Col. Lieutenant Lieutenant Captain Captain Captain Sub. Captain Captain Line Navy Navy Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Navy Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. State Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. Cont'l. No. acres When warrant obtained 2666% Nov. 14, 1 791 1333% Aug. — , 1831 4666% May 8, 1783 4000 May 28, 1783 4000 June 17, 1783 666% Mar. 30, 1796 2666% June 17, 1783 370 2666% 4000 6000 1000 1000 166% 5333H 888% 888% 4000 5333M May June Nov. Sept. Apr. Aug. Feb. Nov. Oct. Feb. Mar. Feb. 18, 1809 23. 1783 22, 1783 8, 1783 20, 1799 I. 1799 12, 1808 27. 1783 1, 1800 12, 1808 3, 1784 17. 1783 Cont'l. 1000 Cont'l. 750 Cont'l. 4000 Cont'l. 6000 Cont'l. 2666% State 2666% Cont'l. 6000 State 2666% Cont'l. 6000 Cont'l. 1000 Cont'l. 555H State 2666% Cont'l. 2666% State 4000 Stare 4666% State 500 State 2666% Navy 5333H Cont'l. 4000 889% Apr. 15, 1800 888% Feb. 12, 1808 2666% Sept. 20, 1784 2666% Nov. 13, 1832 5333 Aug. 9, 1799 2666% June 14, 181 1 6000 June 17, 1783 Aug. 9, 1799 Sept. 16, 1807 July 5, 1783 Nov. 25, 1783 Nov. 28, 1783 Dec. 5, 1783 Feb. 3, 1784 Feb. 5, 1784 Feb. 6, 1784 Dec. 8, 1795 Feb. 10, 1808 Feb. 12, 1784 Feb. 18, 1784 Feb. 21, 1784 Feb. 23, 1784 Dec. 23, 1809 Feb. 28, 1784 Feb. 28, 1784 Mar. 11, 1784 Time of service, etc. 3 years 7 years 3 years 3 years 7th year Nov. 1776 to Jan. 1, 1783 10 months 3 years 3 years 3 years 7th year 8th year 2 months 3 years 7th year 8th year 3 years Jan. 29, 1776 to Feb. 10, 1781 7th year 8th year 3 years, not entitled to additional al- lowance End of war 3 years For the war Feb. 1776 to Jan. 1, 1783 7th year 9 months 3 years 3 years 3 years End of war End of war 3 years 3 years 7th year 6 months 3 years End of war 3 years 7 years 9 months 3 years 3 years 6 years 118 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Officers' Names Rank Line No. acres When warrant obtained Time of service, etc. Throckmorton, Alb'n. Sub. Cont'l. 2666% June 24, 1784 End of war Thruston, Robert Lieutenant State 2666% July 10, 1833 3 years Thweat, Thomas Captain Cont'l. 4OOO Feb. 27, 1783 Feb. 24, 1777 to May 4, 1782 Tupman, John Master Navy 2666% Apr. 1, 1783 3 years Tannehill, Josiah Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Apr. 1, 1783 3 years Triplet, George Lieutenant State 2666% Apr. 1, 1783 3 years Tyler, John Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% July 1. 1784 3 years Thomas, John Captain Navy 4OOO Jan. 13. 1786 3 years — Entitled as major in land ser- vice Triplet, William Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Jan. 28, 1786 3 years Thrall, John Lieutenant Navy 2666% Aug. 9, 1786 3 years Thrall, John Lieutenant Navy 1333^ Dec. 3. 1832 3 years Tipton, Abraham Captain State 4OOO May 18, 1789 3 years Triplett, Roger Lieutenant State 2666% July 21, 1791 3 years Teagle, Severn Captain Cont'l. 4000 June 4, 1792 3 years Teagle, Severn Captain Cont'l. 1221 Jan. 18, 1808 22 months Tibbs, John Lieutenant Cont'l. 3III Apr. 15. 1800 7 years Tibbs, John Lieutenant Cont'l. 370 Feb. 12, 1808 10 months Tucker, Silas P. M. Navy 2666% Feb. 11. 1796 3 years Thompson, James Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Feb. 17. 1801 3 years Tatum, Henry Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Dec. 24, 1802 For the war Tatum, Henry Lieutenant Cont'l. 444H Jan. 8, 1807 7th year Tatum, Henry Lieutenant Cont'l. 296 Feb. 10, 1808 8 months Turberville, Geo. L. Captain Cont'l. 461 1 Jan. 20, 1810 For the war Triplett, William Captain Cont'l. 4666% Oct. 6, 1810 For the war Triplett, William Captain Cont'l. 666% Feb. 12, 1812 1 year Terrill, Henry Major Cont'l. 5333 Aug. 7. 1817 3 years Thelabell, Robert Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Oct. 21, 1811 3 years Triplett, Thomas Captain Cont'l. 4666 % Oct. 14. 1817 During war Triplett, Hedgman Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% June 16, 1820 6 years Terrill, William Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Nov. 4. 1822 3 years Teakle, Arthur Lieutenant Cont'l. 3"i 17 /ioo May 3. 1822 7 years Thomas, John Captain Cont'l. 4000 Nov. 3. 1830 During war Thruston, John Cor. State 2666% Aug. 22, 1831 During war Thomas, Mark Captain State 4000 May 3i. 1832 3 years Thomas, Mark Captain State 1333^ June 8, 1832 3 years Teas, William Cor. Cont'l. 2666% Dec. 17. 1832 3 years Thornton, John Lieut. Col. Cont'l. 6000 Apr. 24, 1833 3 years Terrant, Caesar Pilot Navy 2666% Mar. 14- 1833 3 years Tutt, James Midship. Navy 2666% Mar. 15, 1833 3 years Upshaw, Thomas Captain State 4000 Apr. 15. 1783 3 years Upshaw, James Captain State 4000 July 1, 1804 3 years — and resolu- tion H. D. Underhill, William Captain Navy 5333% Dec. 8, 1830 During war Vogluson, Armand Captain State 4000 Nov. 25. 1782 3 years — See letter A Vanmeter, Joseph Ensign Cont'l. 2666% June 5. 1782 3 years Army and Navy Bounty Land Warrants, Revolutionary War 119 Officers.' Names Rank Line No. acres 1 Vhen warrant obtained ! Time of service, etc. Vance, Robert Captain Cont'l. 4000 June 17- 1782 3 years Vance, Robert Captain Cont'l. 666% Feb. 20, 1807 7th year Vaughan, Claiborne S. M. Cont'l. 2666% Feb. 20, 1784 3 years Vaughan, John Lieutenant State 2666% Feb. 21, 1784 3 years Valentine, Edward Captain State 4OOO Mar. 12, 1784 3 years Vawter, William Lieutenant State 2666% Jan. 21, 1783 Vandervall, Marks Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Feb. 21, 1783 Jan. 11, 1777 to Dec, 13. 1782 Vandervall, Marks Lieutenant Cont'l. 222 Sept. 7. 1809 6 months Vowles, Charles Lieutenant State 2666% Mar. 7. 1783 3 years Vowles, Henry Capt. Lieut. State 4OOO Mar. 7. 1783 3 years Vowles, Henry Capt. Lieut. State 666% Aug. 21, 1798 7th year Vowles, Walter Captain State 4666% Mar. 7. 1783 Died in service Valentine, Jacob Captain State 4000 Mar. 14. 1783 3 years Vause, William Captain Cont'l. 4000 Dec. 6, 1784 3 years Vowles, Henry Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Aug. 21, 1798 3 years Valentine, Josiah Lieutenant State 2666% July 24. 1830 During war Wilson, Willis Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Aug. 15. 1782 3 years Wilson, Willis Lieutenant Cont'l. 333% Dec. 14. 1808 9 months Wood, James Colonel Cont'l. 6666% Apr. 7. 1783 Nov. 1776 to date Wood, James Colonel Cont'l. mi June 11. 1785 Additional White, Robert Captain Cont'l. 4000 Apr. 8, 1783 3 years White, Robert Captain Cont'l. 1333H Nov. 15. 1799 7th and 8th years Wright, Westcot Captain Navy 4000 Apr. 10, 1783 3 years Winston, Benj. Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Apr. 24. 1783 3 years Welch, Nathaniel Captain State 4000 Apr. 26, 1783 3 years Welch, Nathaniel Captain State 888% Dec. 7. 1832 End of war Woodson, Frederick Captain State 4000 Apr. 28, 1783 3 years Williams, James Captain Cont'l. 4666% Apr. 20, 1783 7 years Williams, James Captain Cont'l. 388 Nov. 12, 1814 7 months Winston, John Captain Cont'l. 4000 Apr. 20, 1783 Dec. 6, 1776 to Feb. 13. 1781 Warman, Thomas Captain Cont'l. 4000 Apr. 22, 1783 3 years Warman, Thomas Captain Cont'l. 777H Oct. 18, 1832 14 months Williams, Edward Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% June 5. 1783 3 years White, John Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Apr. 27> 1783 Died in service White, John Lieutenant Cont'l. 444 Jan. i3> 1784 7th year White, John Lieutenant Cont'l. 333% May 4. 1807 9 months Wallace, Wm. B. Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% May 3i. 1783 3 years Wallace, Wm. B. Lieutenant Cont'l. 889 Nov. 16, 1796 7th and 8th years Wallace, Wm. B Lieutenant Cont'l. 74 Feb. 12, 1808 2 months 8 days Willis, John Major Cont'l. 622? June 6, 1783 7 years Willis, John W. Major Cont'l. 888% Aug. 1, 1799 8th year Willis, John W. Major Cont'l. I44H Feb. 12, 1808 2 months Weedon, George B. G. Cont'l. 1 0000 Jan. 3. 1783 1776 to present day Weedon, George B. G. Cont'l. 1666% June 13. 1783 7th year Weedon, George B. G. Cont'l. 1 666% Aug. 6, 1806 8th year Walker, Jacob Captain Cont'l. 4000 June 14. 1783 3 years Warneck, Fred'k Lieut. Col. State 6000 June 14. 1783 3 years 120 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Officers' Names Rank Line No. acres When warrant obtained Time of service, etc. Williams, David Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% June 18, 1783 3 years Williams, David Lieutenant Cont'l. 3073 Sept, .26, 1809 6 years 1 1 months Waggoner, Andrew Major Cont'l. 6222 Apr. 21, 1783 July 1775 to May 1783 Waggoner, Andrew Major Cont'l. II85 Nov. 20, 1807 16 months Wallace, James Surgeon Cont'l. 6000 June 23. 1783 3 years Wallace, James Surgeon Cont'l. I916 Feb. 12, 1808 23 months Willis, Henry Captain Cont'l. 4OOO June 25. 1783 3 years Waters, Richard Capt. Lieut. Cont'l. 4OOO July 5. 1783 3 years Waters, Richard Capt. Lieut. Cont'l. 666% July 7. 1784 7th year Waters, Richard Capt. Lieut. Cont'l. 555^ Jan. 27. 1810 10 months White, Tarpley Captain Cont'l. 4000 July 15. 1783 1776 to Jan. 1781 White, Tarpley Captain Cont'l. 666% June 1, 1805 7th year White, John Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% July 15, 1783 Dec. 28, 1786 to date White, William Captain Cont'l. 4000 Aug. 15. 1783 3 years White, William Captain Cont'l. 666% Feb. 17. 1784 7th year Woodford, William B. G. Cont'l. 1 0000 Aug. 10, 1783 3 years Winston, William Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Aug. 27. 1783 3 years Woodson, Hughes Captain Cont'l. 4000 Sept. 11, 1783 3 years Walker, David Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Oct. 18, 1783 3 years Woodson, Tarleton Major Cont'l. 5333H Oct. 28, 1783 3 years Woodson, Tarleton Major Cont'l. 177734 Dec. 30, 1808 7th and 8th years Watts, John Captain Cont'l. 4666% Oct. 3i. 1783 7 years Watts, John Captain Cont'l. 277 Aug. 17. 1807 5 months Whitaker, William Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Dec. 13. 1783 During war Webb, Isaac Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Jan. 13. 1784 3 years Washington, Wm. Lieut. Col. Cont'l. 7000 Jan. 21, 1784 7 years Washington, Wm. Lieut. Col. Cont'l. 463 Nov. 24, 1824 5 months White, Thomas Lieutenant State 2666% Jan. 30, 1784 3 years Whiting, Henry Captain Cont'l. 4000 Jan. 31, 1784 3 years Walker, Levin Lieutenant State 2666% Feb. 3. 1784 3 years Worsham, John Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Feb. 27, 1784 3 years Williams, Jarrett Lieutenant State 2666% Mar. 3, 1784 3 years Wright, James Captain Cont'l. 4666% Mar. 9, 1784 7 years Walker, Levin Lieutenant State 2666% Mar. 30, 1784 3 years Wilson, Willis Captain Navy 5333H Apr. 3, 1784 3 years Wallace, James Ensign Cont'l. 2666% June 23, 1784 3 years Wallace, Adam Captain Cont'l. 4000 June 23, 1784 3 years Wallace, Andrew Captain Cont'l. 4000 June 23- 1784 3 years Wallace, Gustavus B. Lieut. Col. Cont'l. 7000 Jan. 30, 1783 7 years Wallace, Gustavus B. Lieut. Col. Cont'l. 960 Feb. 12, 1808 10 months 7 days Wallace, David Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Dec. 19- 1810 3 years Wallace, Thomas Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Oct. 22, 1790 3 years Wright, Patrick Captain State 4000 Dec. 12, 1782 Till 1780, and re- signed White, William Sub. State 2666% Jan. 2, 1783 Feb. 1777 to Feb. 1781 Feb. 5, 1776 to Feb. 1781 Dec. 6, 1778 to date Webb, John Lieut. Col. Cont'l. 6000 Feb. 8, 1783 Wyatt, Cary Capt. Lieut. State 4000 Feb. 8, 1783 Army and Navy Bounty Land Warrants, Revolutionary War 121 Officers' Names Rank Line No. acres 1 When warrant obtaine d Time of service, etc. Whiting, Francis Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Feb. 19, 1783 3 years Whiting, Francis Lieutenant Cont'l. 333 Feb. 3, 1808 9 months Washington, Geo. Lieutenant Cont'l. 266621 Feb. 20, 1783 Feb. 16, 1780 to date Washington, Geo. Lieutenant Cont'l. 3000 Feb. 14. 1785 Proclamation White, William Captain Cont'l. 4000 Mar. 11, 1783 May 8, 1776 to date White, William Captain Cont'l. 1444 Nov. 5, 1808 2 years and 2 months Williams, John Captain State 4000 Mar. 3, 1783 Aug. 1777 to Feb. 6, 1781 Jan. 29, to Mar. 10, Woodson, Robert Captain Cont'l. 4666 % Mar. 15, 1783 1783 Woodson, Robert Captain Cont'l. 555 Jan. 8, 1810 10 months Worsham, Richard Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Mar. 3, 1783 Nov. 20, 1776 to Mar. 3, 1781 Worsham, Richard Lieutenant Cont'l. 703M Jan. 18, 1822 19 months Winlock, Joseph Lieutenant Cont'l. 444H Mar. 12, 1800 7th year Winlock, Joseph Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Apr. I, 1783 3 years West, Charles Major Cont'l. 5333^ June 29, 1784 3 years Waddy, Shapleigh Midship. Navy 2666% July 1, 1784 3 years Walls, George Major State 7110M July 3, 1784 8 years Worsham, William Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Nov. 22, 1784 3 years Waller, Edward Major State 5333H Apr. 12, 1784 3 years Warring, Henry Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% June 29. 1786 3 years White, Anthony W. Lieut. Col. Cont'l. 6666% Jan. 29, 1787 3 years Wilson, John Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Sept. 22, 1787 3 years Walker, Thomas Captain Cont'l. 4000 June 26, 1833 For the war Wilson, Thomas Lieutenant State 2666% Nov. 11, 1791 3 years Williams, John Captain State 4000 Dec. 20, I79i 3 years Waller, Allen Ensign Cont'l. 2666 % Feb. 5, 1798 During war Wills, Thomas Captain Cont'l. 4000 Mar. 5, 1801 3 years Whiting, Beverley Ensign Cont'l. 2666% Nov. 15, 1806 3 years West, Thomas Captain Cont'l. 4000 Apr. 1, 1807 During war, not en- titled to additional allowance Waples, Samuel Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% June 16, 1807 3 years Woodson, Joseph Captain Cont'l. 4000 May 25, 1809 3 years Walker, John Ensign Cont'l. 2666% Oct. 16, 1809 3 years Wishart, Thomas Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Dec. 10, 1810 3 years Wills, Edward Captain Cont'l. 4000 Nov. 7, 1811 3 years Woolfolk, William Cor. Cont'l. 2466% Nov. 14, 1821 3 years Winchester, George Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Feb. 22, 1822 During war Wilmot, Robert Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666K Mar. 19, 1822 During war Waller, Allen Ensign Cont'l. 2666 June 15, 1822 During war Wilkerson, Young Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Nov. 16, 1822 During war Withers, William Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666M Feb. 18, 1823 During war Wilkins, Nathaniel Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Jan. 15- 1824 3 years Wilkins, Nathaniel Lieutenant Cont'l. fi333Hl \ 222 J July 2, 10, 1833 Woodson, William Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666 Nov. 26, 1824 During war Woodson, Obadiah Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666 July 24. 1824 During war Watkins, James Lieutenant Navy 2200 Aug. 22, 1831 3 years 122 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Officers' Names Rank Line No. acres When warrant obtained Time of service, etc. Watkins, James Lieutenant Navy 1800 July 13. 1832 Additional Walls, Thomas Lieutenant State 2666% Jan. 31, 1831 For the war Webb, Robert Pilot Navy 2666% Feb. 26, 1831 3 years Walters, Isaac Boatswain Navy 2666% Feb. 26, 1831 3 years White, Jacobus Carpenter Navy 2666% Mar. 10, 1831 3 years White, William S. M. Navy 4000 Sept. 14. 1831 3 years Williamson, John Pilot Navy 2666% July 25. 1832 3 years Watkins, Robert Ensign Cont'l. 2666% July 3i, 1832 3 years Washington, John Captain Cont'l. 4000 Aug. 10, 1832 3 years Wren, Nathan Ensign Cont'l. 2666% Nov. 9. 1832 3 years Walker, Samuel Captain Cont'l. 4000 Nov. 29. 1832 3 years Wilson, George Lieut. Col. State 2250 July 17, 1832 3 years Wilson, George Lieut. Col. State 750 Nov. 6, 1832 3 years Wilson, George Lieut. Col. State 75° Mar. 21. 1833 3 years Wonicutt, Edward Lieutenant Navy 4000 Apr. 16, 1833 3 years — Claim sus- pended or stop'd White, Elisha Captain Cont'l. 4000 Apr. 16, 1833 Withers, James or Weathers Lieutenant State 2666% Apr. 18, 1833 Watson, Johannes Captain Navy 5333H July 30, 1831 Young, Henry Captain Cont'l. 4000 May 21, 1783 3 years Young, Henry Captain Cont'l. 666 % June 10, 1795 7th year Young, Henry Captain Cont'l. 500 Feb. 24. 1808 9 months Yarborough, Charles Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Sept. 8, 1783 3 years Yancey, Leighton Captain Cont'l. 2666% Apr. 12, 1784 3 years Yancey, Leighton Captain Cont'l. I334H May 22, 1799 Resolution of H. D. Yancey, Leighton Captain Cont'l. 333M Mar. 25. 1813 6 months Yancey, Robert Captain Cont'l. 4000 Mar. 26, 1783 Mar. 1779 to Jan. 15, 1783 Yancey, Robert Captain Cont'l. 666% June 5. 1784 7th year Yates, John Lieutenant State 2666% Jan. 18, 1786 3 years Yates, George S. M. Cont'l. 2666% Oct. 26, 1787 During war Young, Thomas Captain State 4000 Feb. 4. 1788 Aug. 1 779 to Dec. 21, 1781 During war Yates, Bartholomew Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% Nov. 18, 1795 Young, Robert Lieutenant Cont'l. 3555 Sept. 11, 1807 8 years Yancey, John Q.M. Cont'l. 2666% Dec. 3i. 1811 3 years Army and Navy Bounty Land Warrants, Revolutionary War 123 Section II, (5), [Document No. 31 — List No. 2] (5) List of Officers of the Virginia Continental and State Sines and State Navy, Whose Names Appear on the Army Register, and Who Have Not Received Land for Revolutionary Services, or Not in the Characters in Which They There Appear. They who are entitled to Land are distinguished from those whose claims to Bounty Land are Not Satisfactorily Proved by Documents on file in the Public Offices of the State of Virginia. No. Names Rank Line Remarks 1. Ashby, John Captain Cont'l. Captain 3d regiment July 22, 1776; settled his accounts as continental officer from Jan. 1, 1777, to Nov. 1, same year. On list of invalids late in 1781. He is, if living, otherwise his heirs are, entitled to bounty land for a service of more than three years. 2. Ashby, Nathaniel 3. Vogluson, Armand 4. Berry, Thomas 7- Lieutenant Cont'l. No proof of his title to bounty land. Lieutenant Cont'l. Received land as an officer of the state line. Lieutenant Cont'l. No proof of his title to land. Lieutenant Cont'l. Received land as captain. Surgeon Cont'l. No proof of his title to 10. II. Blackwell, Joseph Brown, Daniel bounty land. Was surgeon to the 14th Virginia regiment, and received pay from June 8, to Sept. 26, 1778. Does not appear to have served long enough to be entitled to land. Burroughs, George Q. M. Cont'l. Not entitled to bounty land. Burnley, Garland Captain Cont'l. Appears to have been in service, with exception of time when in minute service (which, under the circumstances, should not be taken into the estimate), from Jan. 18, 1779, to June 15, 1781. No proof of his having served three years, and therefore he does not appear to be entitled to land. It is probable other evidence may hereafter supply the deficiency of the evidence of public documents. Bernard, Peter Captain Cont'l. His settled accounts show a service from Jan. 1, 1777, to Sept. 1, 1779 (two years and eight months), and no longer. Not appear to have been longer in service, and is not proved to be entitled to land. It is probable other evidence is in the possession of those interested, which may supply the deficiency of evi- dence of public documents. Bell, Samuel Lieutenant Cont'l. Pay from Mar. 8, 1777, to Mar. 31, 1779. No proof of his having been in service more than about two years, and is not entitled to land. Baldwin, Francis Lieutenant Cont'l. Appears to have served from February 1, 1777 (as ensign and lieutenant), till May 22, 1778, and no longer, and is not entitled to land. 124 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia No. Names Rank Line Remarks 12. Brock, John Lieutenant Cont'l. Not entitled to land. 13. Butler, Reuben Lieutenant Cont'l. Seems to have been in service about a year and seven months, and is not entitled to land. 14. Beale, Tavener Q. M. Cont'l. Not entitled to land. 15. Ball, William Ensign Cont'l. Received pay from Dec. 17, 1780. No proof of his title to land : reported as resigned by Chester- field board in 1781. 16. Buxton, James Lieutenant Cont'l. No proof of his title to land. See report on claims referred by the executive to the agent. 17. Baskerville, William Lieutenant Cont'l. Appears to have been but a short time in service, and is not entitled to land. 18. Barnes, John Lt. and Q. M. Cont'l. Entitled to land, for serv- ice of three years. 19. Barrett, Robert Captain Cont'l. Received pay as captain regiment of guards, from Jan. 13, 1779, to Sept. 10, 1779. No proof of his title to land. 20. Barnes, Parker Ensign Cont'l. Not entitled to land. 21. Baylor, John Lt. Cavalry Cont'l. Settled accounts prove a service of two years and ten months: from Feb. 1, 1777, to Dec. 1, 1779. Probably served longer, but no proof of it; nor is there proof of his resignation. If in service 60 days before or after he settled his accounts, he served long enough to entitle him to land. Under these circum- stances, perhaps, he should be allowed land for three years service, and is reported entitled to land for the same. 22. Byrne, John Lieutenant Cont'l. Not entitled to land. 23. Brown, Joseph Surgeon Cont'l. Appears to have been in service about one year and nine months. Not entitled to land. 24. Booker, Richard Captain State Heirs are entitled to bounty land for three years services. 25. Bullock, Rice Ensign State Received land as lieu- tenant for a service of three years, does not appear to be entitled to more. 26. Broadus, William Lieutenant State Reported, in 1782, en- titled to half pay. Entitled to land for the war, if he has not received it. A Wm. Broadus, subaltern of the state line, has received land. 27. Buckner, William Master Navy Been allowed 2,666f acres of land by the executive. The warrant has not been called for. Ought not to receive more than a non-commissioned officer in the land service. 28. Barrett, John Captain Navy Resigned commission in Sept., 1778, and not entitled to bounty land. 29. Bond, Hance Captain State No proof of his title to 30. Ballard, Bland Sgt. and Q. M. State Entitled to land, as ser- bounty land. ntitled to Ian geant, for the war. 34- Calvert, Jonathan Surg. Mate Cont'l 35- Calmees, George Lieutenant Cont'l 36. Carrington, George Cornet Cont'l 37- Camp, William Lieutenant Cont'l. Army and Navy Bounty Land Warrants, Revolutionary War 125 No. Names Rank Line Remarks 31. Clements, Mace Ensign Cont'l. Received land, as a sur- geon, for a service of seven years, and does not appear to be entitled to more. 32. Crockett, Joseph Captain Cont'l. Received land as lieu- tenant colonel of the state line. 33. Cordell (or Cordle), Capt. and John Chpln. — As captain in the cont'l. line, received pay from Jan. 1, 1777, to Jan. 1, 1779. As state officer (chaplain), was in service down to Feb. 10, 1781. Then received £ 4,000 advanced to him for the use of the army. Was probably in service longer. Served upwards of four years, and is entitled to the bounty in land, for a service of three years, as chaplain, that being his last rank. Received land as an officer of the state line. No proof of his title to land. Lieutenant in Lee's legion, received land. Received pay as lieuten- ant and adjutant, from Dec. 1, 1777, to June 30, 1778, and as lieutenant, from July 1, 1778, to Sept. 30, following. Entitled to land for a service of three years. (See report of his claim to the executive, among claims referred, &c.) 38. Carter, Thomas Serg. Major Cont'l. Received land as an officer of the state line. 39. Cochran, James Ensign Cont'l. No proof of his title to land. Appears to have been in service but a short time. 40. Carney (or Kerney), James Captain Cont'l. Appears that he was in service from Jan. 24, 1777, to Mar. 1, 1779; but there is no proof of his title to land. 41. Collier, Thomas Lt. and Q. M. Cont'l. Received land, as lieu- tenant in the state line, for a service of three years. 42. Culp, Daniel Lieutenant Cont'l. No proof of his title to land. 43. Conner, Edward Cornet Cont'l. Does not appear that he is entitled to land. 44. Christian, William Lieutenant Cont'l. Does not appear that he is entitled to land. A William Christian of the state line, subaltern, has received land. 45. Craig, Adam M. M. State Not entitled to land. 46. Crittenden, John B. Major State Received land as lieuten- ant, for a service of six years and four months, and is not entitled to an allowance as brigade major. 126 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia No. Names Rank Line Remarks 47. Crump, Richard Captain State Not entitled to land. 48. Cherry, William Captain State Received land as captain in the continental line, for service of seven years and six months. 49. Chew, Robert B. Lieutenant State Chew (it does not appear what was his christian name), was in the minute service Sept. 1776. Robert B. Chew received pay as lieutenant, and his name is on the army register; but does not appear to be entitled to land. 50. Campbell, William Ensign State Received 4,000 acres of land as captain. Served the whole war, from latter part of 1775, to the close of it. Entitled to an additional allowance. (See report of cases referred to the agent by the executive.) 51. Crockett, Anthony Lieutenant State land, for service of three years. 52. Catlett, George Lieutenant State 53. Cahett, James 59- 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. Lieutenant State 54. Collins, Bartlett 55. Cocke, Nathaniel Lt. Col. Entitled to bounty in Does not appear that he is entitled to land. Does not appear that he is entitled to bounty land. Does not appear that he is entitled to bounty land. His commission as captain State bore date May 7, 1776. Received pay of lieutenant colonel, and was in the service, probably, to last of 1781. Entitled to land for a service of three years. Captain Navy not entitled to land. 56. Calvert, John Sept. 8, 1777, 57. Davis, Peter 58. Dixon, Anthony Q. M. Surgeon Captain short time. Major Resigned his commission to bounty Cont'l. Not entitled land. Cont'l. Received land as an officer of the state line. Cont'l. Received pay as captain Does not appear that he is entitled to Denny, Samuel of artillery for bounty land. Dickerson, Ed. B. Major Cont'l. Edmund Dickerson re- ceived land as major. Probably the person here named. Day, Benjamin Adjutant Cont'l. No proof of his title to land. (See report of cases referred by the executive to the agent.) Davies, John R. Dudley, Ambrose Downton, William Lieutenant State Captain State No proof of his title to bounty land. No proof of his title to land. Has been allowed 200 Gun M. Navy acres of land the law does not authorize any greater allowance to him. (See report of this case, among claims referred by the executive to the agent, and reported on by him.) Army and Navy Bounty Land Warrants, Revolutionary War 127 No. 65- 66. 6 7 . 68. 69. 70. 71- 72. 73- 74- 75- 76. 77- 78. 79- 80. 81. 82. Names Rank Line Remarks Diggs, Edward Captain State Entitled to land for a service of three years. (See report of claims referred by the executive to the agent, &c.) State Delaporte, Decrime Dandridge, Robert Dal ton, Thomas Val. Donno, John Eggleston, Joseph Eskridge, George Ewell, Thomas Captain Lieutenant State Lieutenant State C. M. S. Captain State Cont'l. Lieutenant Cont'l. State No proof of his title to bounty land. Received land as a con- tinental officer. Entitled to bounty land for the war. Not entitled to land bounty. Received land as major of Lee's legion. No proof of his title to land. Captain in Jan. 1777. In Entitled to land Captain 1782, was reported entitled to half pay and in service for the war. Evans, Jessee Captain State Entitled to land for a service of three years. Farish, Robert S. M. Cont'l. The settled accounts for his services, show that he was surgeon's mate from May, 1780, to Dec, 1 78 1. Does not appear to be entitled to land. Fowkes, Chandler Foster, Simon Fitzpatrick, John Flournoy, Gideon the service from Jan. 1777, to June, 1778. Foreman, Robert Fowke, John Foster, Achilles Fauntleroy, Robert 83. Field, Theophilus Adjutant Cont'l. Not entitled to land. Ensign Cont'l. Does not appear to be entitled to land. Q. M. Cont'l. Not entitled to land. Ensign Cont'l. Appears to have been in Not entitled to land. P. Master Cont'l. Not entitled to land. Adjutant Cont'l. Not entitled to land. Q. Master Cont'l. Not entitled to land. Ensign Cont'l. Does not appear that he is entitled to land. Lieutenant S. N. Commissioned lieutenant S. N. in Aug. 1779; did not resign his commission, but was in actual service, and supernumerary, to the end of the war. Entitled to land for the war. 84. Foster, Richard Q. M. State Received land, as lieu- tenant, in the continental line. 85. Field, Stephen Lieutenant State Commissioned 1st lieu- tenant May 12, 1777. No proof of his title to bounty land. 86. Foster, William A. C. State Received land, as captain, in the continental line. 128 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia No. Names Rank Line Remarks 87. Green, James Ensign Cont'l. Does not appear to be entitled to land. 88. Grant, Peter Captain Cont'l. Appears to have been in the service in Col. Grayson's regiment, as lieutenant and captain, from Feb. 11, 1777, to Apr. 2, 1778; does not appear to be entitled to land. 89. Guerrant, John jr. Lieutenant Cont'l. Does not appear to be entitled to land. (See report of cases referred to the agent by the executive.) 90. Gibson, George Major Cont'l. Allowed land, as colonel of the state line, for a service of eight years. 91. Greenup, Christopher Lieutenant Cont'l. Does not appear to have been in service more than about one year, and is not entitled to land. 92. Green, Willis Lieutenant Cont'l. There is proof of his having been in service from Jan. 1777, to Apr. 1, 1778, and no longer. Does not appear to be entitled to land. 93. Goodall, John Ensign Cont'l. Appears to have been in the service but a few months, as a continental officer, and is not entitled to land. 94. Gould, David Sen. Surg. Cont'l. Entitled to land for a service of three years. 95. Gould, David Sen. Surg. State Probably the person who was senior surgeon in the continental line, and who is above reported entitled to bounty land, for a service of three years. 96. Green, Charles Surgeon State Doubtful. Charles Greer, who is believed to be the person here meant, received land, as surgeon, for the war. 97. Green, Robert Ensign State Ensign 6th regiment, Oct. 11, 1780: lieutenant, July 11, 1782, and probably to the end of the war. A Robert Green, of the continental line, received land for a service of eight years, and received five years full pay in lieu of half pay for life. The officer here named was of the state line, and the dates of commissions and promotions, show that these were different officers. Robert Green, of the state line, is therefore considered entitled to land for the war. 98. George, Jessee Lieutenant Navy Commissioned 2d lieuten- ant, Lewis's galley, Dec. 28, 1776. Continued in service, probably, to end of the war; certainly, to the time of arrangement or reduction of officers of the navy, made at or after the fall session of Assembly in 1781, and was then supernumerary. Entitled to land, as lieutenant, for the war. 99. Gray, James Lieutenant Navy Reported as lieutenant, in a list of officers of the navy entitled to half pay, made by a board of officers in 1784. Commanded the Gloucester prison ship, was called captain Gray. In service from Feb. 27, 1776, till his death, in the latter part of the year 1783. His heirs are entitled to land for a service of more than seven years, to the end of the war. Army and Navy Bounty Land Warrants, Revolutionary War 129 No. Names Rank Line Remarks ioo. Harrison (or Har- mon), Charles Lieutenant Cont'l. Charles Harrison, lieuten- ant, does not appear to be entitled to land. No officer named Harmon appears to be entitled to land. ioi. Hughes, Thomas P. M. Cont'l. Not entitled to bounty land. 102. Henderson, William Captain Cont'l. Appears to have been in the service, as lieutenant and captain, from Jan. i, 1777, to May 30, 1778, does not appear to be entitled to land. 103. Hite, Mathias Captain Cont'l. Officer in July, 1776, and received pay to May, 1778 ; but it does not appear that he was in service long enough to be entitled to bounty land. 104. Hamilton, John Lieutenant Cont'l. His settled accounts show that he was lieutenant from Jan. 1, 1777, to Nov. 28, 1778. There is no proof of his having been in service long enough to entitle him to bounty land. 105. Heth, Andrew Q. M. and State and Lieut. Cont'l. Received pay as lieuten- ant, continental line, from Aug. 27, 1777, to Feb. 11, 1780. Soon after this last date, was in service in the western army under general G. R. Clark, as assistant commissary or quarter master, continued to act in that capacity until end of the war. (One of the claims which has been referred to the agent by the executive.) Gen. Porterfield's affidavit, which accompanies the petition, is sustained by evidence of documents, and proves a service to the end of the war. Entitled to land for the war. 106. Helm, Thomas Captain Cont'l. No satisfactory proof of his title to bounty land. (See report of claims referred by the executive to the agent.) 107. Hobson, Joseph Lieutenant Cont'l. No satisfactory proof of his title to land. 108. Holt, Joseph Lieutenant Cont'l. No satisfactory proof of his title to land. 109. Hubbard, Thomas Q. M. Cont'l. Not entitled to land. no. Harris, James Captain Cont'l. Received pay as captain, from Jan. 1, 1777, to Mar. 10, 1778, does not appear to have been long enough in service to entitle him to bounty land. in. Hill, Richard Lieut. Art. Cont'l. The settled accounts of this officer prove that he was in service from Jan. 13, 1777, to May, 1779, about two years and four months. Does not appear that he served long enough to be entitled to bounty land. 112. Hite, George Lieut. Art. Cont'l. His settled accounts show a service from Sept., 1780, to Nov., 1783, as lieutenant and ensign. Re- ceived his five years full pay, in lieu of half pay for life. He should receive land for the war. 130 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia No. Names Rank Line Remarks 113. Herndon, Edward Capt. and A. C. G. — Received pay, as lieuten- ant and captain, from Jan. 14, 1779, to Feb. 27, 1780; afterwards was assistant commissary of issues, or assistant commissary general, at Fredericksburg station, for year 1780; was probably in service to the close of the war. Entitled to land for the war, if he, who was captain Jan., 1779, is the same Edward Herndon who was in service at Fredericks- burg station. 114. Henley, Henry Q. M. Cont'l. Not entitled to land. 115. Hollinback, Daniel Ensign Cont'l. Received pay, as ensign, from Jan. 1, 1777, to Oct. 1, 1778, one year and nine months; but does not appear to be entitled to land. 116. Hembrough (or Hans- brough), James Q. M. Cont'l. Not entitled to land. 117. Holliday, Joseph Lieutenant Cont'l. Appears to have been in service but a short time, not entitled to bounty land. 118. Hawkins, Reuben Ensign Cont'l. Appears to have been in service but a short time, not entitled to bounty land. 119. Hopkins, Daniel (or David) Major Cont'l. David Hopkins, major light dragoons, received land for service of eight years and four months. No proof that Daniel Hopkins is entitled to land. 120. Hendricks, James Colonel Cont'l. Commissioned officer Feb. 13, 1776; he settled his accounts for pay, as lieutenant colonel, from Jan. 1, 1777, to Mar. 2, 1778. There is reason to believe he afterwards resigned his commission. Mentioned as resigned, in the "list of resigned and supernumerary officers," before spoken of in this report. Con- sidered entitled to land. Served certainly upwards of two years, to Mar., 1778, and the first account of his resignation was in 1781 or 1782. There is a strong presumption, that he was in the service at least to Mar., 1779; and is entitled to land for three years. 121. Hamm, Valentine Surgeon State No satisfactory proof of his title to land. 122. House, Lawrence Captain State Entitled to land for a service of three years. (See petition of the heirs and evidence accom- panying it. This is one of the claims which has been referred to the agent by the executive, and reported upon by him.) 123. Hogg, Richard Lieutenant State Does not appear to be en- titled to land. 124. Johnston, John Capt. and P. M. Cont'l. John B. Johnston, of the continental line, received land for service of seven years. Captain John Johnston does not appear to be entitled to bounty land. 125. Jones, Samuel Q. M. Cont'l. Received land as captain, in the continental line. Army and Navy Bounty Land Warrants, Revolutionary War 131 No. Names Rank Line Remarks 126. Jones, Binns Lieutenant Cont'l. Is entitled to land for service of three years. 127. Jenkins, William Lieutenant Cont'l. Received pay for the years 1777 and 1778; does not appear to be entitled to bounty land. 128. Jackson, David Q. M. Cont'l. Not entitled to land. 129. Johnston, William S. M. Cont'l. Received pay from Apr., 1778, to Jan., 1780; does not appear to be entitled to land. 130. Jones, Thomas Lieutenant Cont'l. Does not appear to be entitled to land. 131. Jennings, William Captain State Commissioned Aug. 5, 1777; received pay as lieutenant and captain down to Dec. 15, 1779; believed to have been in service down to the winter of 1781, and perhaps longer. Is entitled to land for service of three years at least. 132. Kelly, Thaddy Lieutenant Cont'l. Received 4,000 acres of land as captain, for a service of three years, does not appear to be en- titled to more. 133. Kay, John Ensign Cont'l. Received pay from Feb., 1777, to Apr., 1778; but does not appear to be entitled to land. 134. Kincaid, William Lieutenant and Adj. Cont'l. Received pay for more than eighteen months, Jan. 1, 1777, to July 21, 1778; does not appear to be entitled to land. 135. Kinley, Benjamin Ensign Cont'l. Received land as an officer of the state line. 136. Kennedy, William Ensign Cont'l. Received pay for twelve months, as an officer of the regiment of guards; does not appear to be entitled to land. 137. Kemp, James Comm'y Cont'l. Received land as ensign in the state line. 138. De Klawman, Charles Captain State Received land as major, appears to have been an officer but a short time, not entitled to more land. 139. Lyne, George Major Cont'l. Captain in the minute service Mar. 8, 1776; major, Feb. 12, 1777, in service until he became a member of the house of delegates, in 1778-9, and 1780. Member of the board of war. His accounts show but a short service. Was not in service long enough to entitle him to bounty land. 140. Lucas, John Lieutenant Cont'l. Does not appear to be entitled to land. 141. Lawson, William Lieutenant Cont'l. Appears to have been in the service as lieutenant, from Jan. 1, 1777, to Sept. 15, 1778, not long enough to be entitled to bounty land. 142. Laird, David Captain Cont'l. His settled accounts for pay, show him in service, as captain, only about one year; he does not appear to be entitled to bounty land. 132 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia No. Names Rank Line Remarks 143. Lemon, John Captain Cont'l. Appears to have been in the service, as captain, only about ten months, has no title to bounty land. 144. Leete, Daniel B.M.Q. M. and P.M. Cont'l. Not entitled to land. 145. Langdon, Jonathan Captain Cont'l. No proof of his title to land. 146. Linton, William Ensign Cont'l. Appears to have been but a short time in service, and not to be entitled to land. 147. Lewis, John Captain State A captain John Lewis, of the continental line, received land ; and a captain John Lewis (of Augusta county), whose commission bore date Nov. 1, 1777, was reported in the list of "resigned and supernumerary officers" (several times before mentioned), as resigned. The claim of John Lewis, mentioned here, is therefore doubtful. 148. Lightburne, Henry Lieutenant Navy f Both resigned their com- 149. Lightburne, Stafford Lieutenant Navy \ missions before they had served three years, not entitled to land. 150. Lipscomb Daniel Lieutenant State Does not appear to have been in service long enough to entitle him to land. 151. Landrum, Thomas S. M. Navy An allowance of land has been made to Thomas Landrum, as a soldier of the continental line, for a service of three years. After expiration of his term of service as soldier, appears to have entered the navy, and in Sept., Oct., Nov. and Dec, 1779, to have been surgeon's mate on board the Tempest. Probably acted in that capacity until reduction of officers of the navy in 1781, ought to be allowed land, as surgeon's mate, for a service of three years. 152. Larkins, David Lieutenant Navy Resigned commission Nov. 18, 1778, is not entitled to land. 153. Lyons, John S. M. Navy Appears to be entitled to land for service of three years. A report unfavourable to this claim has already been made to the executive. A further and fuller examination of it, causes me now to report favourably of it. The evidence of docu- ments seems to support the testimony in its favour, on which the execu- tive has acted. (See report of claims referred to the agent by the executive.) 154. Martin, Hudson Lieutenant and P.M. Cont'l. His settled accounts as lieutenant, have been misplaced or lost; he received at one time £ 82.10. He settled his accounts as paymaster, from which it appears, that he was in service from Jan. 22, 1779, to Aug. 1, 1781, upwards of two years and six months. No reason to believe he resigned his commission as lieu- tenant; and if he was in service, as lieutenant, for six months (which the amount of pay to him renders probable), before he acted as paymaster, Army and Navy Bounty Land Warrants, Revolutionary War 133 No. Names Rank Line Remarks he is entitled to land. Under the circumstances, he ought to be reported entitled to land for three years. 155. Micheaux, Joseph Captain Cont'l. Was appointed captain 6th regiment Feb. 24, 1777. There is no proof of his title to bounty land. 156. Meguire, John Captain Cont'l. Does not appear that he is entitled to bounty land. 157. Mathews, Thomas Captain Cont'l. Received land, as lieu- tenant colonel, in the state line. 158. Madison, Ambrose Capt. and P. M. Cont'l. Journals of the council show him in service as lieutenant Culpeper battalion, Oct., 1776. Affidavit of D. Jamieson (accompanying the petition for Ambrose Madison's bounty land, which has been referred to the agent by the executive), says that he was in the minute service early in the fall of 1775. His settled accounts show him as paymaster 2d Va. regiment, from Feb. 1, 1777, to Aug. I, 1778, and captain from Jan. 18, 1779, to Sept. 23, 1779. No certain proof of his title to land. The practice which prevailed in the army, of making the staff appointments from the line, justifies belief that he did not resign his commission of lieutenant before or whilst he acted as paymaster. It is probable his service was a continued service from Sept., in 1775, down to Sept. 23, 1779. Entitled to land for a service of three years. 159. Muse, Richard — — His settled accounts show a service of about two years and four months; does not appear that he is entitled to land. 160. Martin, Hugh S. M. Cont'l. The settled accounts of Doct. Martin show a service, as surgeon's mate, in the 12th Virginia regiment, from Apr. 19, 1778, to Mar. 7, 1780, nearly two years. Does not appear that he is entitled to land. 161. Moore Cato Lieutenant Cont'l. Does not appear to have been in service long enough to entitle him to land. 162. M'llhaney, James Captain Cont'l. Received pay as lieuten- ant and captain from Jan. 1, 1777, to June 18, 1778; does not appear to be entitled to land. 163. Mitchell, Joseph Captain Cont'l. No proof of his title to bounty land. 164. Moore, John Q. M. Cont'l. Received land as ensign. 165. M'Gill, Charles Lieutenant Cont'l. Received land, as major in the state line, for a service of seven years. 166. Meade, John Ensign Cont'l. Does not appear that he is entitled to land. 167. M 'Roberts, Alexander F. C. M. Stores Cont'l. Not entitled to land. 168. Meriwether, Nicholas Ensign Cont'l. His settled accounts show a service of more than a year and ten months; does not appear to be entitled to land. 134 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia No. Names Rank Line Remarks 169. Murray, William Capt. Art. Cont'l. Received pay as captain of artillery from Jan., 1777, to Mar., 1778; does not appear to be entitled to land. 170. Moore, Archelaus Lieutenant Cont'l. Seems to have been in service a very short time, and is not entitled to land. 171. Morton, John Captain Cont'l. No proof of his title to land. 172. Macky, Robert Surgeon Cont'l. In 1783, he settled his account for pay as surgeon, only for a part of the year 1777, and seems not to be entitled to land. 173. Miller, John Captain State Captain in Colonel Crock- ett's regiment, was commissioned 1779; resigned his commission 1780, and is not entitled to bounty land. 174. Moore, Alexander Lieutenant State Does not appear to be en- titled to bounty land, although he seems to have been both state and continental officer. 175. Mahon, John Lieutenant Cont'l. Appears to have been in service as lieutenant, from Jan. 1, 1777, to Sept. 23, 1778, a year and nearly nine months; there is no proof of his title to bounty land. 176. Mason, David Colonel Cont'l. Captain David Mason re- ceived 4000 acres of land. Colonel David Mason (who seems to have been a different person) , probably did not continue in service long enough to be entitled to land. M. Cont'l. Not entitled to land. be be entitled to land. 180. Monbruin, Timothy B. Lieutenant State Received land for a ser- vice of three years, no proof of his title to more. 181. Nicholas, George Lt. Col. Cont'l. George Nicholas was com- missioned captain 2d regiment Jan. 28, 1776 (by the committee of safety); was commissioned major Nov. 13, 1776; was lieutenant colonel probably in 1779, and received pay as such for a time which is not ascertained. In "list of resigned and supernumerary officers" (which document contains the first and only notice of his resignation), is mentioned as "resigned." This list bears marks of having been made the last of 1781, or first of 1782; and reports as "resigned" many officers who served long enough to be entitled to land. If Colonel Nicholas was in service to Jan. 28, 1779, he was entitled to bounty land. There is no reason to believe he resigned as soon as that time, and he is reported entitled to land for a service of three years. 182. Neal Ferdinand Captain Cont'l. There is no proof of the claim of Ferdinand Neal to bounty land. Ferdinand O'Neal has re- ceived land for a service of seven years. 177. Mann, Henry Q. M. Cont'l. Not entitled to land. 178. Malcom, James Captain Cont'l. Does not appear to entitled to land. 179. Morgan, Haynes Colonel State Does not appear to entitled to land. Army and Navy Bounty Land Warrants, Revolutionary War 135 No. Names Rank Line Remarks 183. Nicholson, Henry Cornet State Does not appear (from the evidence of public documents), to be entitled to bounty land. 184. Norris, Martin Lieutenant State No proof of his title to bounty land. 185. Oglesby, John Captain Cont'l. It appears that he was in the service as lieutenant and captain from Jan. 1, 1777, to Feb. 15, 1778; but there is no proof of his title to bounty land. 186. Oliver, Drury Lieutenant Cont'l. He received pay as lieu- tenant from Jan. 1, 1777, to May 15, 1779, two years and about four months. He may be entitled to land; but is not satisfactorily proved to be entitled. 187. Perkins, Archibald (or Archelaus) Ensign and Adj. Cont'l. Archelaus Perkins served to the end of the war, received five years full pay, and 2,666§ acres of land, for service of three years. Archibald Perkins does not appear to be entitled to land. 188. Parker, Thomas Adjutant Cont'l. Not entitled to land. Thomas Parker, captain, received land for service of seven years and ten months. 189. Pitts (or Pettes), Samuel Lieutenant Cont'l. Samuel O. Pettes received land, and, perhaps, was the individual here mentioned or intended. 190. Pope, John Ensign Cont'l. No proof of his title to land. 191. Pride, William Lieutenant Cont'l. Received pay as lieuten- ant and quarter master, from May, 1777, to Jan., 1779; but there is no proof of his title to bounty land. 192. Pettyjohn, James Lieutenant Cont'l. His settled accounts have been mislaid or lost, no proof of his title to bounty land. 193. Parker, Alexander Q. M. Cont'l. Received land, as captain of the continental line, for a service of eight years. 194. Paulett, Jesse Ensign and Q. M. Cont'l. Received pay, as ensign and quarter master, from Oct., 1779, to June, 1781 ; does not appear to be entitled to bounty land. 195. Pratt, Shuball Surgeon Cont'l. No proof that he is en- titled to bounty land. 196. Perkins, Harden Lieutenant Cont'l. Proved to have been in the service from Jan. 1, 1777, to Apr. 26, 1778; but there is no proof of his title to land. 197. Purvis, James Ensign Cont'l. Received, as captain, 4,000 acres of land. 198. Pritchard, Rees Ensign Cont'l. Does not appear to be en- titled to bounty land. 136 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia No. Names Rank Line Remarks 199. Peyton, Valentine Surgeon Cont'l. Received land, as captain, for service of three years, does not appear to have been entitled as surgeon. 200. Peyton, Henry Captain Cont'l. Received land as major of Lee's legion. 201. Pannill, David Captain State Captain Pannill was in service 1778 and 1779, and probably in 1780; but proof is not satisfactory of his title to land. This may be one of the cases in which other evidence may supply the deficiency of evidence of public documents. 202. Porter, William Capt. Lieut. State Two officers of this name have received land as subalterns of the continental line. This, probably, was one of them. 203. Powell, Robert Major State Robert Powell, of the continental line, received land as captain. If same individual, he is entitled to the difference between the allowance to a major and that to a captain. If they were different individuals, Robert Powell, major of the state line, does not appear to be entitled to land. 204. Peyton, John C. General State Not entitled to land as commissary general; but received his bounty in land, as captain in the continental line, for seven years and ten months. 205. Pell, Joseph S. Surgeon Navy Was some time in service as surgeon in the navy; but does not appear to have been in service long enough to be entitled to bounty land. 206. Quarles, Henry Captain Cont'l. Received land as an officer in the state line. 207. Quirk, Thomas Lieutenant Received land as major in the state line, for service of three years. Resigned his continental commission before he entered the service of the state. 208. Quinlan, Joseph Surgeon Cont'l. His settled accounts as surgeon and surgeon's mate, prove a service from Oct., 1778, to June 6, 1779. No evidence of documents proving a longer service, and he does not appear to be entitled to land. 209. Quarles, James P. M. State Not entitled as pay- master, and James Quarles received land as major in the state line. 210. Reins, Giles Lieutenant Cont'l. Was commissioned Jan. 9, 1777. Appears to have been in service but a short time, and not to be entitled to land. 211. Rice, Holman Captain Cont'l. His settled accounts prove a service of only about seven months in the regiment of guards, and he is not entitled to land. 212. Robert, Cyrus L. Captain Cont'l. In service from Jan. 1, 1777, supernumerary in 1781 or 1782, entitled to land for the war. 213. Randolph, Harrison P.M. Cont'l. Not entitled to land. Army and Navy Bounty Land Warrants, Revolutionary War 137 No. 214. 215. 2l6. 217. 218. 219. 220. 221. 222. 223. 224. 225. 226. 227. Names Rank Line Remarks Roult, Richard Lieutenant Cont'l. Appears to have been in service as ensign and lieutenant from Jan. 1, 1777, to Sept. 1, 1778, one year and eight months; does not appear to be entitled to land. Rigger, Anthony Ensign Cont'l. His settled accounts have been lost or mislaid. Does not appear that he is entitled to land. Lieutenant Cont'l. No proof of his title to bounty land. Sen. Surg. Hospital Cont'l. Received pay as senior surgeon from Mar. 12, 1778, to Mar. 12, 1780, two years, and probably was longer in the service; does not appear that he is entitled to bounty land. Q. M. State P. M. State Lieutenant State Reagan, Daniel Rumney, William Rogers, John Russell, Thomas Ramsey, Joseph Robert, William Received land as captain. Not entitled to land. Entitled to land for a service of three years. Received land in part. Ensign State His heirs are entitled to the remainder of his allowance. Rose, Philip Ensign State No proof of his title to land. Roberts, John Lieutenant State Received land as major in the continental line for a service of three years. Rogers David Colonel State No proof of his title to land. Ray, Andre Dr. Surgeon State In service in the western army more than three years. Member of the society of the Cincinnati, who admitted as members those officers of the state line only, who had served three years. Entitled to land as a surgeon for three years. Stephens, Richard Captain Cont'l. Received land in part, and is entitled to the balance of his portion. Slaughter, George Captain Cont'l. Received land as major for three years, and was entitled as lieutenant colonel. 228. Smith, John 229. 230. 231. 232. 233- Smith, Frederick Sandridge, Austin Stephens, Adam Lieutenant and Adj. Ensign Q. M. M. G. Cont'l. Does not appear to be en- titled to bounty land. Cont'l. Does not appear to be en- titled to bounty land. Cont'l. Not entitled to bounty land. Cont'l. Does not appear to have been in service long enough to be entitled to bounty land. Slaughter, William Ensign Cont'l. Received land as lieuten- ant for a service of seven years. Slaughter, John Ensign Cont'l. Received land as subal- tern in the continental line, for a service of three years. 138 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia No. Names Rank Line Remarks 234. Sprig, Edward B. Q. M. Cont'l. Not entitled to bounty- land. 235. Symme, John Captain Cont'l. Appears to have received pay as captain from Jan. 1, 1777, to Jan. n, 1778; but there is no proof of his title to land. 236. Steenberger, William Q. M. Cont'l. Not entitled to land. 237. Scott, John Lieutenant State Received land as an officer of the continental line. 238. Selden, Wilson C. Surgeon State Entitled to bounty land for the war. (See report to the executive of cases referred to the agent.) 239. Slaughter, James Lieutenant State Entitled to bounty land for a service of three years. 240. Slaughter, Joseph Lieutenant State Entitled to bounty land for a service of three years. 241. Smith, Lawrence P. M. State Not entitled to bounty land. It does not appear that he was a commissioned officer. 242. Slaughter, Thomas Q. M. State Not entitled to bounty land as quarter master. A petition has been presented to the executive for an allowance of this claim, and referred to the agent. The evidence accompanying it (although respectable), does not prove a service as lieutenant for three years. 243. Scott, William Lieutenant State Commissioned ensign July 4, 1779, received pay as ensign to Dec. 31, 1781; in 1781, enrolled as ensign in the 4th Virginia regiment. Afterwards received pay as lieu- tenant, and was in service at least three years. A Wm. Scott, captain continental line, received 4,000 acres of land. Lieutenant William Scott was probably a different man, and is entitled to land for a service of three years. 244. Tyler, Charles Surgeon Cont'l. Bounty land for 3 years. 245. Tibbs, Willowby Lieutenant Cont'l. Received pay, as ensign and lieutenant, from Mar. 5, 1777, to Sept. 28, 1778; does not appear to be entitled to land. 246. Timberlake, Benjamin Captain Cont'l. Does not appear to be en- titled to land. 247. Taylor, Francis Colonel Cont'l. Received land as major for eight years service. He was entitled as colonel. His heirs are now entitled to the difference between the bounty to a major and that to a colonel. 248. Thomas, Thomas Ensign Cont'l. Received pay from Jan. 1, 1777, to June 1, 1778; but does not appear to be entitled to land. 249. Thweat, William Lieutenant Cont'l. Appears to have been in service but a short time, and not to be entitled to land. 250. Tyree, James Lieutenant Cont'l. No proof of his title to bounty land. Army and Navy Bounty Land Warrants, Revolutionary War 139 No. Names Rank Line Remarks 251. Taylor, Charles Surgeon Cont'l. Surgeon's mate, 2d regi- ment, July 19, 1776. Was surgeon, and received pay as such to May 15, 1780. Entitled to land for a service of three years as surgeon. 252. Turpin, Horatio Ensign Cont'l. Seems to have been in service but a short time, and not to be entitled to bounty land. 253. Thompson, William Captain Cont'l. Captain in the state line, received 4,000 acres of land. Reported supernumerary and entitled to half pay, by a board of officers which sat in Richmond in Feb. and Apr., 1782. Commissioned in Aug., 1777, and is not entitled to more land. His accounts as a continental officer embrace the time from Mar. 15, 1781, to July 15, 1781. If the continental officer is the same who received land as a state officer, he does not appear to be entitled to more; if a different individual, he does not appear to be entitled to land. 254. Thompson, Anderson Lieutenant Cont'l. Resigned, and not entitled to bounty land. 255. Turner, Hezekiah P. M. Cont'l. Not entitled to land. 256. Thompson, Robert Adjutant Cont'l. Not entitled to land. 257. Thruston, Charles M. Colonel Cont'l. The evidence in support of Colonel Thruston's claim to bounty land, is not perfectly satisfactory; yet it is thought he ought to receive land for the war. (See report to the executive on claims referred to the agent.) 258. Taylor, Richard Captain State Received land as colonel in the continental line. 259. Taylor, Richard Captain Navy Captain of an armed ves- sel (appointed by the committee of safety), Mar. 14, 1776, and continued in service to the end of the war. Entitled to land for the war as major in the land service. It does not appear to be a matter of record in any of the public offices of this government, that he has ever received bounty land. 260. Taylor, John Midship. Navy Appointed midshipman Aug. 15, 1777; is on a list of officers of the Tartar in Sept., 1778; was recommended lieutenant Aug., 1778, resigned his commission Oct. 27, 1778. Not entitled to land. 261. Taliaferro, Philip Captain State Does not appear to be entitled to land. (See report to the executive on referred claims.) 262. Taylor, James Lieutenant State No proof of his title to bounty land. 263. Turnbull, Stephen Captain State No satisfactory proof of his title to bounty land. (See report to the executive on cases referred, &c.) 264. Timpson, Samuel Captain State Commissioned Aug., 1777, captain artillery; received pay to Sept. 20, 1779, and was probably in service long enough to be entitled to land; but there is no satisfactory proof that he was. 140 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia No. Names Rank Line Remarks 265. Victor, John Adjutant Cont'l. The evidence of public documents in the offices of this government, does not prove his title to bounty land. His settled accounts show a service as adjutant from Mar., 1777, to July, 1778. This claim has been referred to the agent by the executive. The evidence thus brought before him, added to the fore- going causes him to report the claim good for a service of three years as lieutenant. 266. Warran, Thomas 267. Woolfolk, Francis 269. 270. 271 272 273- 274. 275- Captain Q. M. Captain Cont'l. Cont'l. No proof of his title to land. Not entitled to bounty land. 268. Westfall, Abell Captain Cont'l. Captain 8th regiment be- fore May 5, 1776. Received pay from Jan. 1, 1777, to Nov. 22, 1777. Probably in service too short a time to be entitled to land. Woodson, Samuel Captain Cont'l. The proof in regard to him is, that he was in service too short a time to be entitled to land. White, Richard P. Lieutenant Cont'l. Appears to have been in service from Jan. 13, 1779, to June 10, 1781, as lieutenant and captain of the regiment of guards; does not appear to be entitled to bounty land. If the officers of that regiment were supernumerary when it was dis- charged, he is entitled to land. It is believed they were not. Woodrow, Andrew B. Q. M. Cont'l. Not entitled to land. Winston, John Ensign Cont'l. Captain John Winston re- ceived 4,000 acres of land. Ensign John Winston does not appear to be entitled to land. Watkins, John Hospital Steward Cont'l. Not entitled to land. Wood, Bouldin Lieutenant Cont'l. His settled accounts have been lost or mislaid. It does not appear that he is entitled to land. Lieutenant Bouldin Wood has received 2,666f acres of land; the warrant for which was dated Oct. 1, 1810. Westfall, Cornelius Ensign Cont'l. He appears to have been in service as ensign about twelve months, and is not entitled to bounty land. 276. Wood roof, John Lieutenant Cont'l. No proof of his title to land. 277. Weathers, Enoch K. Ensign Cont'l. No proof of his title to bounty land. 278. Weeden, George Adjutant Cont'l. Received land as brigadier general. 279. Weed, Robert P. M. Cont'l. Not entitled to bounty land. 280. Worthington, Edward Captain State Entitled to land for a service of three years. There is numerary at the end of the war. a doubt whether he was not super- Army and Navy Bounty Land Warrants, Revolutionary War 141 No. Names Rank Line Remarks 281. Wadlington, John Lieutenant State No proof on record of his being entitled to land bounty. He belonged to the regiment of state artillery; was paid in 1779, by law. Smith, paymaster, was commis- sioned Aug., 1777. He was not reported in Feb. and Apr., 1782, super- numerary. The testimony (referred to the agent by the executive), says that he left the army as supernumerary after Gates's defeat in 1780. The claim is doubtful; but the proof offered by the claimant is respectable. 282. Yarbrough, Charles Lieutenant State He received land as a continental officer. ERRATA IN LIST NUMBER TWO In list No. 2, Charles Taylor is said to be entitled to bounty land for three years, "as major in the land service"; it should have been for three years, as surgeon. Richard Taylor is said to be entitled "for the war"; the words "as major in the land service," should be added. OFFICERS REPORTED IN THE FOREGOING LIST ENTITLED TO BOUNTY LAND No. Names Rank Line Remarks i. Ashby, John 2. Barnes, John Captain Lieut, and Cont'l. Entitled to land for a service of three years. 3. Baylor, John 4. Booker, Richard For three years. For three years. For three years. (Re- Q. M. Cont'l. Lt. Cavalry Cont'l. Captain State ported to the executive among claims referred, &c.) Lieutenant State For three years (if he has not received it). Master S. Navy 5. Broadus, William 6. Buckner, William 7. Ballard, Bland Sgt. and Q. M. listed before April, 1781). 8. Cordell (or Cordle), Capt. and John Chpln. 9. Camp, William 10. Crockett, Anthony Lieutenant Lieutenant and Adj. State State and Cont'l. Cont'l. State For three years (if he has not received it). For the war (having en- For three years, as chap- plain. For three years, as chap- lain. For three years as chap- lain. 142 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia No. Names 11. Cocke, Nathaniel 12. Diggs, Edward 13. Dalton.Tho. Valentine 14. Ewell, Thomas 15. Evans, Jessee 16. Field, Theophilus 17. Gould, David 18. Green, Robert 19. George, Jessee 20. Gray, James 21. Hite, George 22. Heth, Andrew 23. Herndon, Edward 24. 25- 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 3i- 32. 33- 34- 35- 36. 37- 38. 39- Rank Line Remarks Lt. Col. State For three years as chap- lain. For three years as chap- lain. Captain State Hendricks, James House, Lawrence Jones, Binns Jennings, William Leudrum, Thomas Lyons, John Lieutenant Captain Captain Lieutenant Sen. Surg. Ensign Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant Capt. and A. C. G. Colonel Captain Lieutenant Captain Surg. Mate Surg. Mate State For the war. State For the war. State For three years. S. Navy For the war. Cont'l. For three years. State For the war. S. Navy For the war. S. Navy For seven years, end of the war. Cont'l. For the war. State and Cont'l. For the war. Cont'l. For the war. Cont'l. For three years. State For three years. Cont'l. For three years. State For three years. S. Navy For three years. S. Navy For three years. to the (A re- port, unfavourable to this claim, has been made to the executive. A further and fuller consideration of it has caused the agent to report favourably on it now.) Martin, Hudson Madison, Ambrose Nicholas, George Powell, Robert Lieut, and P. M. Capt. and P. M. Lt. Col. Major Cont'l. For three years. For three years. For three years. To the difference between Cont'l. Cont'l. State the allowance to a captain and that to a major, he has received land as captain. Roberts, Cyrus L. Captain Cont'l. For the war. Ramsay, Joseph Lieutenant State For three years. Roberts, William Ensign State Entitled to the remainder of an ensign's bounty, he having received part thereof. Ray, Andree Dr. Surgeon State Stephens, Richard Captain Cont'l. Slaughter, George Lt. Col. State entitled as lieutenant colonel. For three years. Received land in part; entitled to the balance. Received land as major; Army and Navy Bounty Land Warrants, Revolutionary War 143 No. Names Rank Line Remarks 40. Selden, Wilson C. Surgeon State For the war. 41. Slaughter, Joseph Lieutenant State For three years. 42. Scott, William Lieutenant State For three years. 43- Taylor, Francis Colonel Cont'l. Received land as major for eight years service; was entitled as colonel. 44. Taylor, Charles Surgeon Cont'l. For three years as major in the land service. 45- Taylor, Richard Captain S. Navy For the war. 46. Worthington, Edward Captain S. Navy For three years. 47- Gregory, John Captain Cont'l. Entitled to land for a serv- ice of three years. (This claim was not reported in the foregoing list, as all the others in this list were ; but was reported to the executive among claims referred by them to the agent.) 48. Victor, John Lieutenant and Adj. Cont'l. Entitled to land for a service of three years as lieutenant. 49. Campbell, William Captain Cont'l. Received 4,000 acres of land for a service of three years. His heirs are entitled to the additional bounty, for a service from the latter part of 1775, to the close of the war. 50. Slaughter, James Lieutenant State Entitled to land for a service of three years. SUPPLEMENTAL LIST OF OFFICERS NOT INCLUDED IN THE FOREGOING LISTS No. Names Rank Line Remarks 1. Baker, James Ensign Cont'l. Entitled to land for a service of three years. Killed at Stoney Point. (Reported among claims referred by the executive to the agent.) 2. Crabb, John Gunner S. Navy For three years. (Re- ported among claims referred by the executive to the agent.) 3. Davenport, Joseph Sgt. Major Cont'l. For three years. (Re- ported among claims referred by the executive to the agent.) 4. Donooan, Mathew Major Cont'l. For three years. (Re- ported among claims referred by the executive to the agent.) 5. Graham, Stephen Hosp. Mate Cont'l. For three years. (Re- ported among claims referred by the executive to the agent.) 6. Helm, Leonard Captain State For three years. (Re- ported among claims referred by the executive to the agent.) 7. Julian, John Surgeon Cont'l. For the war. (Reported among claims referred by the executive to the agent.) 8. Johnston, Joshua Btswn's Mate Navy For three years. (Re- ported among claims referred by the executive to the agent.) 144 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia No. Names Rank Line Remarks 9. Mitchell, Nathaniel Major Cont'l. For three years. (Re- ported among claims referred by the executive to the agent.) 10. Migginson, William Captain Cont'l. For three years. (Re- ported among claims referred by the executive to the agent.) 11. Parsons, Thomas Lieutenant State For three years. (Re- ported among claims referred by the executive to the agent.) 12. Payne, John Sailing Master Navy For three years. (Re- ported among claims referred by the executive to the agent.) 13. Ravenscroft, Thomas Lieutenant State For the war. (Reported in Illinois list.) 14. Sturdivant, Joel Captain S. Navy (Died in service) ; for three years. (Reported among claims referred by the executive to the agent.) 15. Stott, William Btswn's Mate S. Navy For three years. (Re- ported among claims referred by the executive to the agent.) 16. Simpson, Salathel Master at Arms S. Navy For three years. (Re- ported among claims referred by the executive to the agent.) 17. Thayer, William Sgt. Major Cont'l. For the war. (Reported among claims referred by the executive to the agent.) 18. Thurmond, William Sgt. Major Cont'l. For the war. (Reported among claims referred by the executive to the agent.) 19. Taylor, Jabez Btswn's Mate Navy For three years. (Re- ported among claims referred by the executive to the agent.) 20. Elliott, Robert Lieutenant Cont'l. For the war. 21. Hackley, James Lieutenant Cont'l. For the war. 22. Nelson, Thomas Captain Cont'l. Captain continental regu- lars Feb. 22, 1776; received commission of captain 1st regiment July 1, 1776, and continued in service long enough to be entitled to land for three years. 23. Moody, James Captain State Entitled to land for a service from Apr. 13, 1776, to the end of the war. Received 4,000 acres of land. (See report of claims referred to the agent by the executive.) 24. Elliott, George Captain S. Navy (Received 4,000 acres of land.) Entitled to 5,333!, his original bounty. Captain in the navy before July, 1776, and continued in service to the end of the war, and is entitled to an additional allowance of gth of all former bounties, for every year over six years service. (See report of claims referred to the agent by the executive.) Army and Navy Bounty Land Warrants, Revolutionary War 145 (6) Governor John Floyd's List of Officers [Part of List No. i, p. 85] "A List of persons stated to have been Officers in the State Line Army, the State-line on Continental establishment, including also the Officers of the State Navy, with the Rank, line of Regiment in which they respectively served, desig- nated where it could be ascertained, with a note of Sources of information in each case." (Courtesy of U. S. Naval Archives and Library.) "Prepared by order of Governor Floyd, from various documents," from "Army Register in Auditor's Office." "Officers' Names — Rank — Line-Regiment— How ascertained." Armstrong, Wm., Capt. Cav., State Armistead, Thomas,* Capt. Inf., State Allen, John, Capt. Art., State Allison, John, Lt. Col. Inf., State Allen, John, Capt. Art., State Allen, John, , State Asher, William, Ens., State Armstead, Thomas, Capt. Inf., State Archer, John, Lieut. Navy Anderson, Richard C, Col. Inf., Cont'l. Allen, David, Lieut. Inf., Cont'l. Anderson, John, Capt. Inf., Cont'l. Archer, Peter F., Lieut. Inf., Cont'l. Archer, Richard, Ens. Inf., Cont'l. Anderson, Nathaniel, Lieut. Inf., Cont'l. Ashby, John, Capt. Inf., Cont'l. Anderson, Richard C, Col. Inf., Cont'l. Ashby, Nathl., Lieut. Inf., Cont'l. Apperson, Rich., Capt. Inf., Cont'l. Andrews, Robert, Chaplain, Cont'l. Ashby, Stephen, Capt. Inf., Cont'l. Ashby, Benjamin, Lieut. Inf., Cont'l. Allen, Edward, Lieut. Inf., Cont'l. Avery, H. Billey, Capt. Inf., Cont'l. Alexander, George, Sur., Inf. Arell, David, Capt. Inf., Cont'l. Armonds, Vogluson, Lieut. Art., Cont'l. Ashby, Benjamin, Qr. Master, Cont'l. Arbreck, Mathew, Capt., Cont'l. Ashby, Benjamin, Paymr., Cont'l. Ashby, Stephen, f Capt., State Boush, Robert, Ens. Inf., State Brown, Windsor, Capt. Inf., State Brown, Lodowick, Sur., State Bullard, William, Lieut. Inf., State Boswell, Machen, Capt. Inf., State Brodie, Lodowick, Sur. Inf., State Brown, Windsor, Capt. Inf., State Baytop, John, Lieut. Inf., State Blackwell, Saml., Capt. Art., State Butler, Saml., Lieut. Art., State Brent, William, Col. Inf., State Bullock, Rice, Ens. Inf., State Booker, Richard, Capt. Art., State Buckner, William, Master Navy, State Barron, James, Capt. Comdr., State Barron, Richard, Capt. Navy, State Broadus, William, Lieut. Inf., State Bush, Charles, Lieut. Navy, State Bradley, James, Capt. Inf., State Browning, Isaac, Capt. Inf., State Brent, George, Lieut. Cav., State Brown, Robert, Lieut. Art., State Bailey, John, Capt., State Bullock, Rice, Asst. Qr. Mr., State Brasheers, Richard, Capt. Inf., State Brooke, Walter, Commodore, State Bright, Francis, Capt. Navy Boush, Robert, Ens., State Barrett, John, Capt. Navy Ballard, William, Lieut. Art., State Bond, Hance, Capt., State Bush, Goodrich, Capt., State * "D, 1835-6; 6, 77"; Va. State Library, t Supernumerary, Journal H. D. p. 64. 146 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Berry, Enoch, Ens., State Bailey, Labon, (?) Qr. Mr. Navy Brown, Windsor, Pay Master Brashear, Richard, Capt. Bland, Ballard, Qr. Mr., State Brook, Francis, Lieut. Art., Cont'l. Brook, John, Lieut. Art., Cont'l. Buckner, Thomas, Capt. Inf., State Booker, Lewis, Capt. Art., State Bohannon, Ambrose, Capt. Art., State Breckenridge, Robert, Lieut. Inf., State Barbour, James, Ens. Inf., State Baylor, George, Col. Cav., State Bedings, Henry, Lieut. Inf., State Bedings, Daniel, Ens. Inf., State Barber (Barbee?), Thomas, Capt. Inf., Cont'l. Belfield, John, Capt. Cav., Cont'l. Bentley, William, Capt. Inf., Cont'l. Backerville, Saml., Lieut. Inf., Cont'l. Booker, Samuel, Capt. Inf., Cont'l. Butler, Lawrence, Capt. Inf., Cont'l. Barrett, William, Capt. Cav., Cont'l. Burrell, Nathl, Capt. Art., Cont'l. Ball, Burgess, Lieut. Col. Inf., Cont'l. Blackwell, Joseph, Lieut. Inf., Cont'l. Brown, Jacob, Lieut. Inf., Cont'l. Browne, Thomas, Lieut. Inf., Cont'l. Balmain, Alexander, Chapn, Cont'l. Bowen, John, Lieut. Inf., Cont'l. Brownley, John, Sur. Mate, Cont'l. Blackmore, George, Ens. Inf., Cont'l. Blackwell, John, Capt. Inf., Cont'l. Bradford, R. Saml., Capt. Lieut. Art., Cont'l. Beck, John, Lieut. Inf., Cont'l. Beal, Robert, Capt. Inf., Cont'l. Baylor (Bayles?), Henry, Ens. Inf., Cont'l. Bowyer, Henry, Lieut. Cav., Cont'l. Ball, Daniel, Ens. Inf., Cont'l. Benjamin, Biggs, Capt. Inf., Cont'l. Bowyer, Thomas, Capt. Inf., Cont'l. Blair, John, , Cont'l. Briscoe, Ruben, Capt., Cont'l. Brywood, Thomas, (?), State — Resigned See Journal H. D. June, 1786 page 63 Byrd, Otway, Lieut. Col., Dragons Journal H. D. June 18, 1784, p. 64 Bullett, Thomas, Col. and Adj. Gen. Journal H. D. June 18, 1784 p. 64 Coleman, Wyatt, ? Inf., State Crump, Abner, Capt. Inf., State Carter, Thomas, Sur. Inf., State Cherry, Win., Capt. Inf., State Craig, Adam, Qr. Mr., State Campbell, William, Capt. Inf., State Crump, Abner, Capt. Inf., State Cowne, Robert, Capt. Lieut. Art., State Crockett, Joseph, Lieut. Col., State Coleman, Wyatt, Lieut. Inf., State Camp, John, Lieut. Inf., State Cary, Samuel, Lieut, and Adj., State Crittenden, John, Brig. Maj., State Crawley, Samuel, Lieut, and Capt. Inf., State Chamberlayne, George, Lieut. Navy, State Cannon, Jefsee, Lieut. Navy, State Crump, Richard, Capt. Art., State Cleverous, James, Lieut. Art., State Cherry, William, Capt. Inf., State Cowne, Augustine, Lieut. Art., State Clay, Thomas, Capt., State Clark, George, R. Gen., State Chapman, John, Capt. Inf., State Callender, Eliezer, Capt. Navy, State Chew, Robert B., Lieut. Inf., State Collier, Thomas, Lieut. Inf., State Clark, Richard, Lieut. Inf., State Calvert, Jonathan, Sur. Mate, State Campbell, William, Ens., State Clark, William, Lieut. Inf., State Chapline, Abram, Capt., State Crockett, Anthony, Lieut., State Chandler, Thomas, Lieut., State Catlett, George, Lieut. Inf., State Cannon, Jefsee, Lieut. Navy, State Collier, Thomas, Lieut. Mr., State Army and Navy Bounty Land Warrants, Revolutionary War 147 Chamberlayne, Byrd, Lieut., State Christian, William, Lieut., State Christian, William, Lieut., State Chaplin, Abraham, Lieut., State Cooley, Samuel, Sur., State Calvert, James, Lieut., State Collins, Bartlett, Lieut. Inf., State Cocke, Collin, Capt. Inf., Cont'l. Cocke, Nathaniel, Lieut. Col., State Calvert, John, Capt. Navy, State Coleman, Saml., Lieut. Art., Cont'l. Carrington, Mayo, Capt. Inf., Cont'l. Crane, James, Capt. Inf., Cont'l. Cannon, Luke, Lieut. Inf., Cont'L Craddock, Robert, Lieut. Inf., Cont'l. Conway, Joseph, Lieut. Inf., Cont'l. Christie, Thos., Sur. Art., Cont'l. Clements, Mace (?), Sur. Inf., Cont'l. Clay, Mathew, Lieut. Inf., Cont'l. Crawford, John, Lieut. Inf., Cont'l. Coleman, Whitehead, Capt. Art., Cont'l. Clarke, Jonathan, Lieut. Col. Inf., Cont'l. Clarke, Edmunds, Ens. Inf., Cont'l. Cabell, I. Saml., Lieut. Col. Inf., Cont'l. Cabell, Samuel, Sub Inspr., Cont'l. Calbertson, James, Capt. Inf., Cont'l. Cowherd, Francis, Capt. Inf., Cont'l. Carrington, Edward, Lieut. Col. Art., Cont'l. Carter, John, Capt. Art., Cont'l. Campbell, Archd., Ens. Art., Cont'l. Coverley, , Lieut. Inf., Cont'l. Croghn, William, Maj. Inf., Cont'l. Clayton, Philip, Lieut. Inf., Cont'l. Call, Richard, Maj. Cav., Cont'l. Coleman, Jacob, Ens. Inf., Cont'l. Couts, John, Lieut. Inf., Cont'l. Cams, Patrick, Capt. Inf., Cont'l. Digges, Dudley, Lieut. Cav., State Dabney, Charles, Lieut. Inf., State Dabney, Charles, Lieut. Col., State Dudley, Henry, Capt. Inf., State Dicks, Alexr., Maj. Inf., State Davis, John R., Lieut. Inf., State Dick, Alexander, Maj., State Dixon, Anthony, Sur., State Dudley, Henry, Capt., State Dudley, Ambrose, Capt., State Downton, Wm., Gunner's Mate Digges, Edward, Capt. Inf., State Delaporte, Durome (?), Capt. Art., State Davenport, Opie, Lieut., State Dandridge, Robert, Lieut. Art., State Dal ton, Thos. Val., Lieut., State Donne, John, Conduct M. Stores Dearing, Henry, Ensign, State Digges, Dudley, Lieut. Cav., State Daugherty, James, Lieut. Navy, State Drew, Thomas H., Capt. and Cloth., State Darby, Nathaniel, Lieut. Inf., Cont'l. Dix, Thomas, Capt. Lieut. Art., Cont'l. Dandridge, John, Capt. Art., Cont'l. Davis, William, Col. Inf., Cont'l. Drew, John, Lieut. Art., Cont'l. Davis, Joseph, Sur. Inf., Cont'l. Dark, William, Lieut. Col., Cont'l. Dade, Francis, Lieut. Cav., Cont'l. Dawson, Henry, Ens. Inf., Cont'l. Edmonds, Elias, Lieut. Col. Art., State Edmonds, Thomas, Capt. Inf., Cont'l. Edmondson, Benjamin, Lieut. Inf., State Evans, Jessee, Capt. Inf., State Eliott, George, Capt. Navy, State Eskridge, William, Lieut. Inf., Cont'l. Evans, William, Lieut. Inf., Cont'l. Edwards, Leroy, Capt. Inf., Cont'l. Eddin, Samuel, Capt. Art., Cont'l. Eggleston, Joseph, Capt. Cav., Cont'l. Eustace, John, Lieut., Cont'l. Ewell, Charles, Capt. Inf., State Ewell, Thomas, Capt. Inf., State Fleet, John, Lieut. Inf., State Finne, William, Qr. Mr. Gen., State 148 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia French, Saml., Lieut. Inf., State Fleet, John, Lieut. Inf., State Finne, Wm., Qr. Mr. Gen., State Field, Benj., Ens., State Field, Stephen, Lieut. Inf., State Field, Theod., Lieut. Navy, State Foster, Richard, Qr. Mr. Cav., State Fearer, Charles, Capt. Cav., State Fowler, William, Asst. Cloth., State Febiger, Christian, Col., Cont'l. Finley, Samuel, Capt. Inf., Cont'l. Fitzgerald, John, Capt. Inf., Cont'l. Finn, Thomas, Capt. Lieut. Art., Cont'l. Fox, Thomas, Lieut. Inf., Cont'l. Gibbs, Churchill,* Lieut. Inf., State Grayham, Walton, Lieut. Cav., State Graves, William, Cornet, State Gait, John, M., Sur., State Graves, Wm., Qr. Mr., State Green, Charles, Sur. Inf., State Green, Gabriel, Ens. Inf., Cont'l. Green, John, Col. Inf., Cont'l. Green, Robert, Ens. Inf., Cont'l. Green, Robert, Ens., State Green, Samuel B., Lieut. Inf., State Graves, Ralph, Cornet, State George, Robert, Capt. Art., State Gerrault (Genault?), John, Capt. Art., State Glenn, Bernard, Lieut. Inf., State Garnett, Henry, Capt. Inf., State Gibson, George, Col. Inf., State Gray, James, Lieut., State Gould, David, Sur., State Gaines, Wm. Fleming, Capt. Lieut., Cont'l. Gist, Nathaniel, Col. Inf., Cont'l. Glazebrook, Thomas, Lieut. Cav., Cont'l. Gray, William, Lieut. Cav., Cont'l. Gillison, John, Capt. Inf., Cont'l. Gaskins, Thomas, Lieut. Col. Inf., Cont'l. Gray, Francis, Ens., Cont'l. Gates, Horatin, Map Gen., Cont'l. Gorden, Ambrose, Lieut, and P. Mr., Cont'l. Gamble, Robert, Capt. Inf., Cont'l. Gibson, John Jr., Ens. Inf., Cont'l. Hamilton, James, Lieut. Col. Inf., Cont'l. Hamilton, John, Lieut. Col., State Hamilton, Thomas, Capt. Inf., State Harper, James, Lieut. Inf., State Holmes, Isaac, Lieut. Inf., State Hughes, Pratt, Lieut. Inf., State Hay, Joseph, Sur., State Hoffler, William, Capt. Inf., State Hardyman, John, Lieut. Inf., State Hughes, Pratt, Lieut. Inf., State Hansford, Cary H., Sur. Mate., State Harris, John, Lieut. Navy, State Hardiman, John, Lieut. Inf., State House, Lawrence, Capt. Inf., State Hogg, Richard, Lieut. Navy, State Hogg, Samuel, Lieut. Inf., Cont'l. Herbert, Thomas, Capt. Navy, State Herbert, Thomas, Lieut., State Herbert, Pafsion, Lieut., State Higgins, Peter, Lieut. Inf., Cont'l. Harrison, Charles, Col. Art., Cont'l. Holmes, Christian, Map (?) Art., Cont'l. Hill, Baylor, Capt. Cav., Cont'l. Hart, John, Chaplain, Cont'l. Holt, Thomas, Capt. Inf., Cont'l. Holt, James, Lieut. Inf., Cont'l. Harrison, Charles, Lieut. Art., Cont'l. Hite, Abraham, Capt. Inf., Cont'l. Heth, William, Col. Inf., Cont'l. Hughs, Henry, Ens. Inf., Cont'l. Hite, Isaac, Ens. Inf., Cont'l. Hoard, Thomas, Capt. Inf., Cont'l. Hopkins, Samuel, Lieut. Col. Inf., Cont'l. Hockley, John, Lieut. Inf., Cont'l. Hawes, Samuel, Lieut. Col. Inf., Cont'l. * Appears three times — entire roll follows the photostatic copy. G. M. B. Army and Navy Bounty Land Warrants, Revolutionary War 149 Hanson, Lawrence, Lieut. Col. Inf., Cont'l. Howell, Vincent, Lieut. Cav., Cont'l. Harris, John, Lieut. Cav., Cont'l. Hughs, John, Capt. Cav., Cont'l. Holmes, David, Sur. Cav., Cont'l. Harrison, John, Lieut. Cav., Cont'l. Harrison, Charles, Lieut. Col. Art., Cont'l. Johnson, Gideon, Capt. and Qr. Mr., State Jones, Lewis, Lieut. Navy, State Jinnins, William, Capt., State James, Michael, Lieut. Navy, State Jones, Charles, Lieut. Inf., Cont'l. Jordan, John, Lieut. Inf., Cont'l. Jouett, Robert, Lieut. Inf., Cont'l. Jameson, John, Lieut. Col. Cav., Cont'l. Jones, Churchill, Capt. Cav., Cont'l. Johnson, John, Capt. Inf., Cont'l. Johnson, William, Capt. Inf., Cont'l. Jones, Binns, Pay Master, (Journal H. D. June 18, 1784) Klanman, Dr. Charles, Capt. Art., State Kelley, Thaddy, Capt. Art., State Kemp, James, Ens. Inf., State Kemp, Peter, Capt. Art., State Kenney, John, Capt. Art., State Kenley, Benjamin, Capt. Art., State Kautzman, John N., , State Kent, Daniel, Ens. Inf., State Keller, Abram, Capt. Inf., State Kennedy, James, Lieut, and Adj., State Kempe, Thomas, Sur. Mate, State Kinkaid, Jos'h, Ens., State Kendall, Curtis, Capt. Inf., Cont'l. Keys, Robert, Lieut. Inf., Cont'l. Kirkpatrick, A., Capt. Inf., Cont'l. Knight, John, Sur. Mate., Cont'l. Long, William, Capt. Inf., State Lipscomb, Bernard, Capt. Lieut. Inf., State Lipscombe, Daniel, Lieut. Art., State Lipscombe, Yancey, Capt. Lieut., State Lee, John, Major, State Leburn, Richard, Lieut. Navy, State Livingston, Justice, Sur. Navy, State Lewis, John, Capt. Inf., State Lightburn, Henry, Lieut. Navy, State Lightburn, Stafford, Lieut. Navy, State Lilly, Thomas, Capt. Navy, State Landrum, Thomas, Sur. Mate, State Lurty, John, Lieut. Navy, State Larkin, David, Lieut, and Midship., State Lyon, John, Sur. Mate, State Lovely, Lewis, Lieut. Inf., Cont'l. Lewis, William, Maj. Inf., Cont'l. Lind, Arthur, Sur. Inf., Cont'l. Lumme, Nathl., Capt. Inf., Cont'l. Ludeman, John Wm., Ens. Inf., Cont'l. Lucas, Nathaniel, Capt., Cont'l., 4th Regt. (Journal D. H. June 18, 1784, p. 64.) Moore, Peter, Lieut. Inf., Line Meriwether, James, Lieut. Inf., Line Montague, Richard, Lieut. Navy, Line Moody, James, Capt. Inf., Line Maupin, Gabriel, K. P. Mag., Line Marshall, Thomas, P. M. Art., Line Miller, John, Capt. Inf., Line Moore, Alexr. Lieut. Inf., Line Minor, Thomas, Capt. Inf., Line Montgomery, James, Lieut. Inf., Line Mann, Henry, Qr. Mr., Line Malcolm, James, Capt. Navy, Line Marshall, James, Lieut., Line McClurg, Walter, Sur., Line McCarty, Richard, Capt., Line McGavock, Hugh, Lieut. Inf., Line Morgan, Haines, Col. Inf., Line Montgomery, John, Lieut. Col. Inf., State Milliner, Robert, Lieut. Navy, State Mann, Henry, Qr. Mr., State Markham, James, Capt. Navy, State Markham, ("omitted"), Capt. Navy, State 150 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Monburn, B. Timothy, Lieut. , State Meriwether, David, Lieut. Inf., Cont'l. Meriwether, James, Lieut. Cav., Cont'l. Martin, Thomas, Lieut. Inf., State Mofs, Henry, Lieut. Inf., Cont'l. Mabon, James, Lieut. Inf., Cont'l. Millar, Javan, Ens. Inf., Cont'l. Minnis, Holman, Capt. Inf., Cont'l. Miller, Thomas, Lieut. Inf., Cont'l. Minnifs, Calchill, Capt. Inf., Cont'l. Moseley, Benjamin, Lieut. Inf., Cont'l. Mallory, Phillip, Capt., Inf., Cont'l. Moseley, Benjamin, Lieut. Art., Cont'l. Monro, George, Sur., Cont'l. Meredith, William, Capt. Art., Cont'l. Miller, David, Lieut. Inf., Cont'l. McGuire, William, Ens. Inf., Cont'l. Matthew, George, Col. Inf., Cont'l. Morton, James, Lieut. Inf., Cont'l. Morton, Hezekiah, Lieut. Inf., Cont'l. Minnifs, Francis, Capt. Inf., Cont'l. Morgan, Daniel,* Brig. Gen., Cont'l. Miller, William, Capt. Lieut. Art., Cont'l. Morgan, Simon, Capt. Inf., Cont'l. Muhlenberg, Peter,* Brig. Gen., Cont'l. Middleton, Basil, Sur., Cont'l. Morgan, Daniel, Brig. Gen., Cont'l. Marston, John, Lieut. Inf., Line Mann, David, Lieut. Inf., Line Montgomery, John, Lieut. Cav., Line Marshall, Thos., Col. Art., Line Marshall, Humphy, Capt. Lieut. Art., Line Muter, George, Col. G. R., Line Magill, Charles, Maj. G. R., Line Meriwether, Thos., Maj. G. R., Line Marshall, James, Lieut. Art., Line Mann, David, Lieut. Inf., Line Moore, Alexr., Midship. Navy, Line McClurg, James, Phy. and D. Genl. Mazaratt, John, Maj. Art., Line Magill, Charles, Maj. Inf., Line Marshall, Thomas, Capt. Art., Line Marston, John, Lieut. Inf., Line * Duplicated. Mcllhany, John, Capt. Inf., Line Mathews, Thomas, Capt. Inf., Line Moody, Edward, Capt. Inf., Line Marks, Josiah, Capt., Cont'l. Mills, John, Ens. Inf., Cont'l. Moore, Cleon, Capt., Cont'l., (Journal H. D. June 18, 1784 p. 64) McGuire, Wm., 1st Art., (Jour- nal H. D. June 18, 1784 p. 65) Nelson, John, Maj. Cav., State Nicholas, John, Capt., State Nicholson, Henry, Cornet Cav., State Nicholson, Henry, Qr. Mr. Cav., State Norris, Martin, Lieut., State Nelson, John, Capt. Inf., Cont'l. Norvell, Lipscomb, Lieut. Inf., Cont'l. Nixon, Andrew, Capt. Cav., Cont'l. Nevill, John, Col. Inf., Cont'l. Norvell (Nowell?), Priesley, Lieut. Col. Inf., Cont'l. Neal, Ferdinand, Capt. Cav., Cont'l. Oliver, William, Capt. Lieut. Art., State Overton, John, Capt. Inf., Cont'l. Overton, Thomas, Lieut. Inf., Cont'l. Pope, Mathew, Sur. Art., State Powell, Thos., deed., Lieut. Art., State Pannell, David, Capt. Art., State Payne, Merryman, Lieut. Navy, State Payne, Wm., Capt. Inf., State Parker, Wm. H., Lieut. Navy, State Porter, William, Capt. Lieut. Art., State Powell, Robert, Maj. Inf., State Porterfield, Charles, , State Porterfield, Robert, Capt. Inf., Cont'l. Peyton, John, Cloth Gen., State Piper, John, Lieut. Inf., State Perault, Michael, Lieut., State Perrault, Muhall, Lieut. Inf., State Pettegrew, John, Lieut. Navy, State Pitt, John, Sur. Navy, State Parker, Richard, Lieut. Navy, State Pell, Joseph, Sur., State Army and Navy Bounty Land Warrants, Revolutionary War 151 Parker, Alexander, Capt. Inf., Cont'l. Parker, Thomas, Lieut. Inf., Cont'l. Pierce, William, Capt. Art., Cont'l. Pryer, John, Capt. Lieut. Art., Cont'l. Posey, Thomas, Maj. Inf., Cont'l. Pemberton, Thomas, Capt. Cav., Cont'l. Parker, Thomas, Capt. Inf., Cont'l. Pierce, William, Capt. Art. Cont'l. Pryer, John, Capt. Lieut. Art., Cont'l. Posey, Thomas, Maj. Inf., Cont'l. Pemberton, Thomas, Capt. Cav., Cont'l. Porterfield, Robert, Capt. Inf., Cont'l. Parker, Thomas, Capt. Inf., Cont'l. Poulson, John, Maj. Inf., Cont'l. Pendleton, James, Capt. Art., Cont'l. Perkins, Archd., Ens. Inf., Cont'l. Payne, Joseph, Ens. Inf., Cont'l. Payne, Thomas, Lieut. Inf., Cont'l. Payne, Tarlton, Capt. Inf., Cont'l. Pelham, Charles, Maj. Inf., Cont'l. Powell, Peyton, Ens. Inf., Cont'l. Parsons, William, Capt. Cav., Cont'l. Powell, Sever, Lieut. Col., Cont'l., (Journal H. D. June 18, 1784, p. 64) Quarles ("Quales"), James, Capt. Inf., Line Quarles ("Quales"), James, Maj. Inf., Line Quarles, Thomas, Lieut. Inf., Line Quarles, Henry, Capt. Art., Line Quarles, Wharton, Lieut. Qr. Mr., Line Quarles, John, Lieut. Art., Line Quarles, James, Pay Master, Line Quarles, William, Lieut. Inf., Cont'l. Quarles, Robert, Ens. Inf., Cont'l. Quirk, Thomas, Maj. Inf., Line Quick, Thomas, Maj. Inf., Line Rice, Nathaniel, Lieut. Art., State Roan, Christopher, Capt. Art., State Read, Edward, Capt. Art., State Rufsell, Charles, Lieut., State Rucker, Angus, Capt. Inf., State Rucker, Elliott, Lieut. Inf., State Rudder, Epapheroditus, Lieut. Inf., State Rogers, John, Capt. Cav., State Rogers, John, Capt., State Rogers, John, Qr. Mr., State Ronore, Christopher, Capt. Art., State Rice, Nathaniel, Lieut. Art., State Russell, Charles, Lieut., P. M. and Clo. Mr. Reynolds, Wm., Cond. M. Stores Ramsey, John, Sur., State Rust, Benjamin, Lieut. Navy, State Russell, Thomas, P. M., State Ramsay, Joseph, Lieut. 111., State Roberts, Benjamin, Capt. Inf., State Robert, Will (or Wells?) Ens., State Read, Clements, Lieut., State Read, Edmond, Capt. Robinson, James, Esta. Lieut. 111. Reg. Russell, John, Lieut., State Richardson, Daniel, Lieut., State Rose, Philip, Ens., State Roberts, John, Lieut. 111. Rey, Andre, Doctor, State Rey, Anderson, Sur. Rogers, David, Col. Admx. Mr. Dew? (for public services performed per Reg. Jan. 9, 1787) Reynolds, William, Cond. Mil. Stores Rhea, Matthew, Lieut. Inf., Cont'l. Roy, Beverley, Lieut. Inf., Cont'l. Robins, John, Lieut. Inf., Cont'l. Ragsdale, Drury, Capt. Art., Cont'l. Rose, Robert, Sur. Cav., Cont'l. Reed, Nathan, Capt. Inf., Cont'l. Rudder, Ep., Lieut. Cav., Cont'l. Russell, William, Col. Inf., Cont'l. Russell, Albert, Lieut. Inf., Cont'l. Robertson, John, Lieut. Inf., Cont'l. Robertson, William, Lieut. Inf., Cont'l. Ransdell, Thomas, Lieut. Inf., Cont'l. Rankins, Robert, Lieut. Inf., Cont'l. Savage, Nathaniel, Lieut. Cav., State Savage, Nathl. L., Lieut. Cav., State Scott, Walter, Lieut. Art., State Spencer, Williams, Cornet Cav., State Shields, John, Capt. Inf., State Selden, Joseph, Lieut. Inf., State 152 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Spiller, William, Capt. Art., State Smith, Granville, Ens. Inf., State Scott, John, Lieut. Art., State Swope, John, Sur. Navy Slaughter, George, Major, State Slaughter, James, Lieut. Inf., State Slaughter, Joseph, Lieut. Inf., State Slaughter, Lawrence, Lieut. Inf., State Slaughter, Win., Lieut. Inf., State Singleton, Joshua, Lieut. Navy Spiller, Benjamin, Capt. Inf., State Smith, Gregory, Col. Inf., State Sharpless, John, Sur. Navy Scott, Walter, Lieut. Art. Saunders, Joseph, Lieut. Inf., State Saunders, Joseph, Lieut. Navy Saunders, Richardson, Midship. Saunders, Robert H., Lieut. Inf. Saunders, Celey, Capt. Navy Saunders, William, Capt. Navy Steel, William, Lieut. Navy Selden, Wilson Cary, Sur. Art., State Scott, John, Ens. Inf., State Servant, Richard, Lieut. Navy Spencer, John, Lieut., State Sneed, Robert, Sur. Navy Smith, Lawrence, P. Mr., State Slaughter, Thomas, Qr. Mr., State Scott, William, Lieut., State Smith, Granville, Qr. Mr., State Scott, Joseph, Capt. Inf., Cont'l. Singleton, Anthony, Capt. Art., Cont'l. Stith, John, Capt. Inf., Cont'l. Stokes, John, Capt. Inf., Cont'l. Shelton, Clough, Capt. Inf., Cont'l. Scott, Charles, Brig. Gen., Cont'l. Scott, Charles, "(Cornet)," Cont'l. Scott, John, Lieut. Cav., Cont'l. Scott, John, Ens. Inf., Cont'l. Snead, Smith, Maj. Inf., Cont'l. Scott, Charles, Brig. Gen., Cont'l. Sansum, Phillip, Lieut. Inf., Cont'l. Savage, Joseph, Sur., Cont'l. Selden, Samuel, Lieut. Inf., Cont'l. Southall, Stephen, Capt. Lieut. Art., Cont'l. * Two entries, separate warrants, t Duplicated in the original record. Stoakley, Charles, Lieut. Inf., Cont'l. Scarborough, John, Lieut. Inf., Cont'l. Smith, Larkin, Capt. Cav., Cont'l. Skinner, Alexander, Sur., Cont'l. Stribbling, Segermund, Lieut., Cont'l. Settles, Strother, Ens. Inf., Cont'l. Starke, Richard, Lieut. Inf., Cont'l. Smith, Francis, Inf., Cont'l. Stubblefield, Beverly, Lieut. Inf., Cont'l. Steel, John, Lieut. Inf., Cont'l. Stewall, Thomas, Capt. Inf., Cont'l. Smith, Wm. S., Lieut. Inf., Cont'l. Smith, Jonathan, Lieut. Inf., Cont'l. Swan, John, Maj. Cav., Cont'l. Smith, Ballard, Lieut. Inf., Cont'l. Swearingen, V. Jos., Capt. Inf., Cont'l. Springer, Jacob, Ens. Inf., Cont'l. Springer, Uriah, Capt. Inf., Cont'l. Taliaferro, Benj., Capt. Inf. Taliaferro, Philip, Capt. Inf. Travis, Edward, Capt. Navy Tabb, Augustine, Capt. Inf. Taylor, Richard,* Capt. Navy Taylor, John, Midship. Clerk Turner, John, Lieut. Art. Tompson, William, Capt. Art. Tabb, Augustine, Capt. Inf. Tupinan, John, Mar. Navy Tinsley, Samuel, Cornet, Navy Taylor, James, Lieut. Inf. Thurston, John, Cornet Cav. Upshaw, Thos., Capt. Inf., State Undrill, William, Capt. Navy Vaglerson, Armond.f Capt. Cav., State Valentine, Edward, Lieut. Art., State Valentine, Jacob, Capt. Inf., State Valentine, Josiah, Lieut. Vawter, William, Lieut. Inf., State Voglerson, Armond,* Capt., State Vowles, Charles, Lieut. Art., State Vowles, Henry, Lieut. Art., State Vowles, Henry, Adj., State Vowles, Walter, Capt. Inf., State Army and Navy Bounty Land Warrants, Revolutionary War 153 Vandewall, Marks, Lieut. Inf., Cont'l. Vaughn, Claiborne, Sur. M. Cav., Cont'l. Vaughan, John, Lieut. Inf., State Wyatt, Cary, Lieut. Art. Woodson, Frederick, Lieut. Inf. Walls, GeOrge, Maj. Inf. Warwick, Frederick, Chief Eng. White, William, Lieut. Inf. Williams, John, Capt. Art. Wright, Patrick, Capt. Art. Westcott, Wright, Capt. Wilson, Willis, Capt. Navy Wyatt, Cary, Capt. Lieut. Woodson, Fredk., Lieut, and Adj. Welch, Nathl., Capt. Inf. Walls, Thomas, Lieut. Inf. Williams, John, Capt. Inf. White, Thomas, Lieut. Inf. Walker, Leven, Lieut. Inf. Walls, George, Maj. Inf. Worthington, Edward, Capt. Inf. Williams, Jared, Lieut. Inf. Wadlington, John, Lieut. Inf. Weathers, James, Lieut. Inf. Waller, Edward, Maj. Inf. Watson, Johannes, Capt. Navy Wilson, Thomas, Lieut. 111. Regt. Warren, Thomas, Capt. Inf., Cont'l. Waters, Richard, Capt. Lieut. Art., Cont'l. Wallace, B. Gustavus, Lieut. Col. Inf., Cont'l. Walls, John, Capt. Cav., Cont'l. Wallace, James, Sur., Cont'l. Worsham, Richard, Lieut. Inf., Cont'l. Wood, James, Col. Inf., Cont'l. White, John, Lieut. Inf., Cont'l. Williams, James, Capt. Inf., Cont'l. Wilson, Willis, Lieut. Inf., Cont'l. Wallace, Wm, Lieut. Art., Cont'l. Wallace, Thomas, Lieut. Inf., Cont'l. Woodson, Robert, Capt. Inf., Cont'l. Willis, John, Maj. Inf., Cont'l. Walker, David, Lieut. Inf., Cont'l. White, Robert, Lieut. Inf., Cont'l. Waggoner, Andrew, Maj. Inf., Cont'l. Weedon, George, Brig. Gen. Inf., Cont'l. White, William, Capt. Inf., Cont'l. Wright, James, Capt. Inf., Cont'l. Weedon, George, Brig. Gen., Cont'l. Williams, David, Lieut. Inf., Cont'l. Washington, George, Lieut. Inf., Cont'l. Winlock, Joseph, Ens. Inf., Cont'l. Winston, William, Lieut. Cav., Cont'l. Webb, John, Pay Mr. and Cloth., State Navy (Journal H. D. June 18, 1786, P- 65) ' Young, Thomas, Capt. Inf., State Yarbrough, Chas., Lieut. Inf., State Yates, John, Lieut., State Young, Henry, Capt. Inf., Cont'l. Yarborough, Chas., Lieut. Cav., Cont'l. Yates, George, Sur. Mate, State Names of Vessels of War No. of Guns Belonging Congress, 14 Six to U. States Sloop of War pound Liberty, Sloop of War Navy Consisting of: 1 Commodore pay 14 /per day £127.15 7 Captains 8/3 per day £73 511. 3 Lieutenants 6/ per day £54.15 164.5 £803. Crocketts Regiment Consisting of: 1 Lieut. Col. Commandant £ 135. 1 Major 90. 3 Captains £72 each 216. 2 Lieutenants £48 each 96. 6 Ensigns £36 each 216. Navy £ 753- 803. £1556. [See Document No. 32, List No. 4, page 163 and Floyd List, p. 85] 154 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Section ii, (7) to (10) [Document No. 32 — List No. 4] Illinois Regiment, Western Regiment and Captain Francis Charlo- villes Volunteers, Bounty Lands. TO THE EXECUTIVE OF VIRGINIA The petition of the heirs of Thomas Taylor for land bounty, who claims as a soldier of the Illinois regiment, has been referred to me by the executive, with a request that I would enquire into "the validity of the Illinois claims, generally, and report at large thereupon." My attention has not been particularly asked to the evidence in support of the claim of Taylor's heirs: but, it is my duty to report it as a claim well sustained by evidence, and which ought to be allowed, if the following views and opinions are correct. A careful examination of the laws, and other legislative proceedings relating to land bounty, and due attention to other matters important to be considered in forming a correct opinion on the subject referred to me, have resulted in the conviction, that the surviving officers and soldiers of the Illinois regiment, and the heirs of those who are dead, are entitled to the benefit of the general land bounty laws of Virginia; and that the reservation of 150,000 acres of land, made after the revolutionary war, for their benefit, has not deprived them of their rights under the land bounty laws. The laws and other legislative proceedings, having a bearing on this ques- tion, will be noticed in chronological order; and are, "An act concerning officers, soldiers, sailors and marines," passed May, 1779 (See Hen. Stat. 10, 23, &c), which provides, that every able bodied freeman who shall enlist, or who having enlisted to serve a particular period of time unexpired, shall re-enlist, to serve during the continuance of the present war, among the troops of this commonwealth, either at home or in the continental army, as he shall be directed, or as a sailor or marine on board of the armed vessels of this common- wealth, shall at the end of the war be entitled to a grant of one hundred acres of any unappropriated land within this commonwealth; and every of the officers commanding the said soldiers, sailors or marines, shall be entitled to a grant of the like quantity of lands as is allowed to officers of the same rank in the Virginia regiments on continental establishment." The said act further provides — "That every soldier who enlisted in the corps of volunteers commanded by colonel Geo. Rogers Clarke, and continued therein until the taking of the several British posts in the Illinois country, shall at the end of the war be entitled to a grant of two hundred acres of any unappropriated land within this commonwealth," &c. "And every able-bodied freeman, who shall enlist, or who having enlisted for a period of time unexpired, shall re-enlist, to serve during the war, among the troops ordered for the protection and defence of the country of Illinois, shall be entitled to a grant of one hundred acres of land, on the terms herein before declared." Plate 4 a^~a ii : « 'j -*t x v *n s:^ i ^^ .a 4] > 3 I> ?4 p Illinois Regiment, Bounty Land Warrants 165 No 5- 6. Remarks Entitled to land for 3 years. Names Rank Evans, Jessee (see list No. 2) Captain Green, Robert (reported in list No. 2, entitled) Ensign He was commissioned Dec. 1779, resigned 1780. In Oct. 1780 he was ensign in the 6th Va. regiment. In July 1781 he was lieutenant, and was in service in May 1782, and probably to the end of the war. He is entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for a serv- ice of 3 years. Indian Agt. Entitled to land for a serv- ice of 3 years. (This claim was among those referred by the executive to the agent, and reported on.) 16. Harrison, Richard Captain Entitled to the difference between a lieutenant's and captain's bounty. He has received a lieu- tenant's bounty, for a service of 3 years. 17. Slaughter, George Lieut. Colo. He received 5333§ acres of land as major. He is entitled as lieutenant colonel. 18. Roberts, William Lieutenant Entitled to the difference between 1882 acres, which he has received, and a lieutenant's bounty for 3 years. 7. Kincaid, Joseph Ensign 8. Ravenscroft, Thomas Lieutenant 9- Ramsay, Joseph Lieutenant 10. Roberts, John Lieutenant 11. Slaughter, Joseph Lieutenant 12. Worthington, Edward Captain 13- Slaughter, James Lieutenant 14. Ray, Andre Dr. (reported in list No. 2) Surgeon 15- Helm, Leonard Capt. and (9) List of Non-Commissioned Officers and Soldiers of the Illinois Regiment, and the Western Army, under Command of General G. R. Clarke, Who are Entitled to Bounty in Land. Remarks Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for 3 years. Deserted in 1781. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. Vo. Names Rank I. 2. 3- 4- 5- 6. 7- Allery, Joseph Allen, John sen. Allen, John jr. Ash, John Abbott, William sen. Abbott, William jr. Anderson, John Private Private Private Private Private Private Private 8. 9. 0. Allen, Samuel Apperson, Richard Allen, David Sergeant Private Private 166 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia No. Names Rank II. Asher, Bartlett Private 12. Allen, Isaac Private 13- Alonton, Jacob Private 14. Adams, Francis Private 15. Andree, Jean Sergeant 16. Antier, Francis Private 17- Bell, William Private 18. Ballinger, Larkin Private 19- Blair, John Private 20. Bailey, David Private 21. Breeden, Richard Private 22. Brown, James Sergeant 23- Berry, William Private 24. Bentley, James Private 25- Bentley, John Private 26. Brazer, Peter Private 27. Bush, John Private 28. Bush, Drewry Private 29. Brown, James Private 30. Boston, William Private 31- Boston, Travis Private 32. Baxter, James Corporal 33- Brown, Low Private 34- Brown, John Private 35- Butler, John Private 36. Biron, J. B. Sergeant 37- Brown, Colin Private 38. Barry, William Private 39- Berard, Private 40. Blancher, Pierre Private 41. Blein, Pierre Corporal 42. Brossard, Pierre Sergeant 43- Bouche, John Private 44. Benton or Bernton, Thomas Private Remarks Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. (Has received 200 acres of land.) Entitled to land for service during the war. Entitled to land for 3 years service. Entitled to land for 3 years service. Entitled to land for 3 years service. Entitled to land for 3 years service. Entitled to land for 3 years service. Entitled to land for 3 years service. Entitled to land for 3 years service. Entitled to land for 3 years service. Entitled to land for 3 years service. Illinois Regiment, Bounty Land Warrants 167 No. Names Rank 45. Bressie, Richard Private 46. Breeden, John Sergeant 47. Bird, Samuel Private 48. Butcher, Gasper Private 49. Back, John Private 50. Ballard, Bland Sergeant 51. Ballard, Proctor Sergeant 52. Ballard, James Corporal 53. Bowen, William Corporal 54. Bush, Thomas Private 55. Ballard, Bland William Private 56. Barber, John Private 57. Burnett, Robert (died) Private 58. Blankenship, Henry Private 59. Bryant, James Private 60. Bowman, Christian Private 61. Burk, George Private 62. Binkley, William Private 63. Ballinger, James Private 64. Burris, John Private 65. Bender, Robert Private 66. Burbridge, John (died) Private 67. Burbridge, William (died) Private 68. Butts, William (prisoner) Private 69. Bender, Lewis (died) Private 70. Beckley, William Private 71. Buskey, Francis Private 72. Boyles, John Private 73. Bowing, Ebenezer Private 74. Brown, Asher Private 75. Bingoman, Adam Private 76. Bass, David Private 77. Blackford, Samuel Private 78. Burney, Simon Private 79. Brown, Lewis Private 80. Begraw, Alexander Private 81. Bland, Shadrach Sergeant Remarks Entitled to land for 3 years service. Entitled to land for 3 years service. Entitled to land for 3 years service. Entitled to land for 3 years service. Entitled to land for 3 years service. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for a serv- ice of 3 years. Entitled to land for a serv- ice of 3 years. Illinois volunteers, entitled to 400 acres of land. 168 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Remarks Illinois volunteers, entitled to 200 acres of land. Entitled to land for a serv- ice of 3 years. Entitled to land for a serv- ice of 3 years. Illinois volunteers, entitled to 200 acres of land. He, after serving as a volunteer, enlisted in the Illinois regiment and deserted. Nevertheless, he is entitled to the bounty promised to the Illinois volunteers. No. Names Rank 82. Blearn, David Private 83- Brown, Collin Private 84. Burne, Pierre Private 85- Bolton, Daniel Private 86. Bush, William — Ballard, Bland Wms. 87. Clarke, Andrew 88. Crump, William 89. Creze (or Cruze or Craze), Noah 90. Cohen, Dennis 91. Chapman, Richard 92. Chick, William (killed) 93. Corneilla, Patrick 94. Chapman, Edward 95. Chapman, William 96. Crossley, William 97. Cowan (or Cowin), John 98. Camp, Reuben 99. Camper, Tillman 100. Cogar, Peter 101. Cogar, Jacob 102. Clifton, Thomas 103. Clarke, John 104. Cannon (or Canore), Andrew 105. Cabbage, Joseph 106. Curry, James 107. Conroy, Patrick 108. Cure, Jean Baptiste 109. Corns, John 1 10. Crawley, John 111. Cooper, Joseph 112. Cooper, Ramsay 113. Coste, J. B. de 114. Clairmont, Michael 115. Cabbassie, B. Private Reported a deserter. Private Entitled to land for the war. Sergeant Entitled to land for the war. Sergeant Entitled to land for 3 years. Private Entitled to land for the war. Private Entitled to land for the war. Private Entitled to land for 3 years. Private Entitled to land for 3 years. Private Entitled to land for 3 years. Private Entitled to land for 3 years. Private Entitled to land for 3 years. Private Entitled to land for 3 years. Private Entitled to land for 3 years. Private Entitled to land for the war. Private Entitled to land for 3 years. Private Entitled to land for 3 years. Private Entitled to land for a serv- ice of 3 years. Private Entitled to land for a serv- ice of 3 years. Private Entitled to land for a serv- ice of 3 years. Private Entitled to land for the war. Private Entitled to land for 3 years. Private Entitled to land for 3 years. Private Entitled to land for 3 years. Private Entitled to land for 3 years. Private Entitled to land for 3 years. Private Entitled to land for 3 years. Private Entitled to land for 3 years. Private Entitled to land for 3 years. Private Entitled to land for 3 years. Private Entitled to land for 3 years. Private Entitled to land for 3 years. Illinois Regiment, Bounty Land Warrants 169 No. Names 1 1 6. Coffee, Samuel 117. Conolly, Thomas 118. Conn, John 119. Campo, Lewis 120. Campo, Michael 121. Campbell, George 122. Cowdry, John 123. Cowan, Andrew 124. Cowan, Mason 125. Calvin, Daniel Rank Private Fifer Private Private Private Sergeant Private Private Private Private 126. Corder (or Corden), James Private 127. Campbell, John Private 128. Curtis, Rice Private 129. Chambers, Ellick Private 130. Cockran, Edward Private 131- Cockran, George Private 132. Coheron, Dennis Private 133- Carbine, Henry Sergeant 134- Cameron, James Corporal 135- Cowgill, Daniel Private 136. Crutcher, Henry Volunteer and Q. M 137. Crane, John St. Private 138. Certain, Page Private 139. Compera, Lewis Private 140. Convance, Paul Private 141. Contraw, Francis Private 142. Compera, Francis Private 143- Coontz, Christopher Private 144. Cox, James Private 145- Coeles, Andrew Private 146. Damewood, Boston Private Remarks Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for a serv- ice of 3 years. Entitled to land for a serv- ice of 3 years. Entitled to land for a serv- ice of 3 years. Entitled to land for a serv- ice of 3 years. Entitled to land for a serv- ice of 3 years. Entitled to land for a serv- ice of 3 years. Entitled to land for a serv- ice of 3 years. Entitled to land for a serv- ice of 3 years. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for a serv- ice of 3 years. Entitled to land for a serv- ice of 3 years. Entitled to land for a serv- ice of 3 years. Entitled to land for a serv- ice of 3 years. Entitled to land for a serv- ice of 3 years. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for the war. 170 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia No. Names 147. Dewett, Henry 148. Donovan, John 149. Davis, Robert 150. Darnell, Cornelius 151. Dawson, James 152. Detering, Jacob 153. Doherty, John 154. Durst, Daniel 155. Decker, Jacob (died) 156. Davis, James 157. De Coste J. B. (noticed above under letter C) 158. Dulhoneau, Pierre 159. Decrand, P. 160. Dusablong, B. 161. Duselle, Mons. 162. Dardy, John 163. Dardy, Baptiste 164. Dolphin, Peter 165. Day, William Rank Sergeant Private Private Private Private Private Private Sergt. Maj Sergt. Maj Sergeant Corporal Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private or or 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. 173- 174. 175- 176. Durrett, James Private Doherty, Frederick (died) Private Doherty, Edward Private Dawson, James Private A James Dawson has received 200 acres another person. Deneichelle, Lewis Private Denton, Thomas Sergeant 400 acres received by a sergeant of this Duncan (or Duncom), Nimrod Private Duncan (or Duncom), Benjamin Private Doyle, John Private Duncan (or Duncom), Samuel Private Duncan (or Duncom), Archibald Remarks Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for 3 years. He received 200 acres of land. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for a serv- ice of 3 years. Entitled to land for a serv- ice of 3 years. Entitled to land for a serv- ice of 3 years. Entitled to land for a serv- ice of 3 years. Entitled to land for a serv- ice for 3 years. Entitled to land for a serv- ice of 3 years. Entitled to land for a serv- ice of 3 years. Entitled to land for a serv- ice of 3 years. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. of land ; supposed to have been Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for the war. name. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Private Entitled to land for 3 years. Illinois Regiment, Bounty Land Warrants 171 No. 177. 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 189. 190. Names Rank Duncan (or Duncom), Charles Private Duncan (or Duncom), Jose ;ph Private Dudley, Armistead Private Dond, Roger Private Duff, John Private Donow, Joseph Private Worthington's cavalry, and entitled to Drumgold, James Sergeant Duncan, David Private Dean, James (died) Private Darnell, Cornelius Private Davis, Joseph Private Remarks Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. A volunteer in captain ) acres of land. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for a serv- ice of 3 years. Elms, William Sergeant Entitled to land for the war. He received 200 acres of land, and is now entitled to 200 acres. Evans, Charles Private Entitled to land for the war. He received 100 acres of land, and is now entitled to 200. Elms, James Private Entitled to land for the war. He also received 100 acres of land and is entitled to 200 more. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for 3 years, bly re-enlisted and deserted. e of 3 years. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for a serv- ice of 3 years. Entitled to land for a serv- ice of 3 years. Entitled to land for a serv- ice of 3 years. Entitled to land for a serv- ice of 3 years. Entitled to land for a serv- ice of 3 years. Entitled to land for a serv- ice of 3 years. Entitled to land for a serv- ice of 3 years. 191. Elms, John (died) Private 192. English, Robert Private 193- Evans, Stanhope Private 194. Estis, James Private 195- Frazer, Abraham Sergeant He served 3 years, afterwards he pi He should have land for his faithful se 196. Favers, John Sergeant 197. Flandegan, Dominick Sergeant 198. Floyd, I sham Sergeant 199. Freeman, William Sergeant 200. Fair, Edmund Sergeant 201. Fever, William Sergeant 202. Funk, Henry Private 203. Fache, Louis Private 204. Field, Lewis (prisoner) Private 205. Field, Daniel (died) Private 206. Freeman, Peter Private 207. Foster, Henry Private 208. Frost, Stephen Private 172 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia No. Names Rank 209. Godfrey, Francis Private 210. Gagnia, Lewis Private 211. Grimes, John Private 212. Grolet, Francis sen. Private 213. Grolet, Francis jr. Private 214. Gaskins, Thomas Private 215. Guion, S. Frederick Private 216. Germain, J. B. Private 217. Grimshire, John Private 218. Gagnia, Jacque Private 219. Gallagan, Owen Private 220. Gavuldon (or Gauchdon), Baptiste Private 221. Gagnia, Pierre Private 222. Goodwin (or Goodam), William Private 223. Goodloe, Henry Sergeant 224. Glass, Michael Private 225. Gwin, William (died) Private 226. Goodwin, Edward Private 227. Goodwin, Amos Private 228. Greenwood, Daniel Private 229. Gaines (or Garner), William Private 230. Gordon, John Private 231. George, John Private 232. Gomier (or Gaunia), Abraham Private 233. Green, John Sergeant 234. Garrett, John Sergeant 235. Gibbons, Samuel Private 236. Glenn, David Private 237. Graham, James Private 238. Guess, John Private 239. Gratiott, Jean Private 240. Green, James (died) Private 241. Gaines, John Private 242. Hardin, Francis Private 243. Horn, Christopher Private 244. Hooper, Thomas (died) Private 245. Houndsler, Charles Private 246. Hollis, Joshua Private 247. Huffman, Jacob Private 248. Harrison, Richard Private 249. Hazard, John Sergeant He deserted after having served 3 years. Entitled Entitled Entitled Entitled Entitled Entitled Entitled Entitled Entitled Entitled Entitled Remarks to land for to land for to land for to land for to land for to land for to land for to land for to land for to land for to land for the war. the war. the war. the war. the war. the war. the war. 3 years. 3 years. 3 years. 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. Illinois volunteers. Enti- tled to 200 acres of land. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Illinois Regiment, Bounty Land Warrants 173 No. Names Rank 250. Humphries, Samuel Private Ent 251. Holmes, James Private Ent 252. Hupp, Philip Matross Ent 253. Hopkins, Richard Matross Ent 254. Haut, Henry (killed) Sergeant Ent 255. Hite, George Private Ent 256. Horn, Jeremiah Private Ent 257. Harrison, James Gunner Ent 258. Hays, Thomas Private Ent 259. Huin, William Corporal Ent 260. Hammett, James (died) Private Ent 261. Higgins, Barney Private Ent 262. Hart, Miles Private Ent 263. Hays, James Private Ent 264. Haller, Francis Private Ent Remarks 265. Hicks, Mordecai (died) Private Ent 266. Hawkins, Samuel Corporal Ent 267. Horton, Adin Private Ent 268. Hawley, Richard Private Ent 269. Hicks, David Sergeant Ent 270. Hall, William Private Ent 271. Howell, Peter Private Ent 272. Heywood, Berry Private Ent 273. Hendrix, Andrew Private Ent 274. House, Andrew Private Ent 275. Head, James Private Ent 276. Heldebrand, James Private Ent 277. Hobbs, James Private Ent 278. Hico, Peter sen. Private Ent 279. Hico, Peter jr. Private Ent 280. Hatten, Christopher Private Ent 281. Hatcher (or Hacker), John Private Ent 282. Johnston, John Private Ent 283. Jewell, John Private Ent 284. Jarrell, James Private Ent 285. Johnston, Edward Private Ent 286. Jones, Edward Private Ent 287. Jones (or Johuns), Mathew Private Ent 288. Jewell, Charles Private Ent 289. Jamieson, Thomas Sergeant Ent 290. Jones, John Private Ent 291. Jones, David Private Ent 292. Johnston, Samuel Private Ent 293. Isaacs, John Private Ent ice of 3 years tied to tied to tied to tied to tied to tied to tied to tied to tied to tied to tied to tied to tied to tied to tied to and for 3 years, and for 3 years, and for 3 years, and for 3 years, and for 3 years, and for 3 years, and for 3 years, and for 3 years. and for 3 years, and for 3 years. and for the war. and for the war. and for 3 years, and for 3 years, land for a serv- tled to tied to tied to tied to tied to tied to tied to tied to tied to tied to tied to tied to tied to tied to tied to tied to tied to tied to tied to tied to tied to tied to tied to tied to tied to tied to tied to tied to tied to land for 3 years, and for the war. and for 3 years, and for 3 years, and for 3 years, and for 3 years, and for 3 years, and for 3 years, and for 3 years. and for 3 years, and for 3 years, and for 3 years, and for 3 years, and for 3 years, and for 3 years, and for the war. and for the war. and for the war. and for the war. and for the war. and for the war. and for the war. and for the war. and for 3 years, and for the war. and for the war. and for the war. and for the war. and for the war. 174 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia No. Names 294. Joines, John 295. Irby, David 296. Kellar, Isaac 297. King, George 298. Kennedy, David 299. King, Nicholas A Nicholas King has 300. Kincaid, James 301. Kendall, William 302. Kirkley, James 303. Kirk, Thomas 304. Kerr, William 305. Kidd, Robert 306. Key, George 307. Key, Thomas 308. Kemp, Reuben 309. Kina, Christopher 310. Lunsford, Anthony 311. Lunsford, Mason 312. Lunsford, George 313. Lasley, John 314. Laughlin, Peter 315. Lovell, Richard 316. Levinston, George 317. Luzader, Abraham 318. Lenay, Thomas (killed) 319. Lewis, Benjamin (killed) 320. Larose, Francis 321. Laventure, J. 322. Laflour, Pierre 323. Lamarch, Lewis 324. Lamarch, J. B. 325. Laviolette, Baptiste 326. Lamarch, Beauvard 327. Leney, Thomas 328. L'Enfant, Francis 329. Laform, John 330. Lavigne, Joseph 331. Laviolette, Louis 332. La Bell, Charles 333. Leney, John Rank Sergeant Private Sergeant Private Private Private received 200 acres of Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Drummer Private Private Private Private Private Sergeant Private Private Private Private Private Gunner Private Private Private Private Private Private Remarks Entitled to land for the war. Received 100 acres. Illinois volunteer, entitled to 200 acres of land. Ent Ent Ent Ent land. Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent tied to land for the war. tied to land for 3 years, tied to land for 3 years, tied to land for the war. tied to land for 3 years, tied to land for the war. tied to land for 3 years, tied to land for 3 years, tied to land for 3 years, tied to land for 3 years, tied to land for the war. tied to land for the war. tied to land for the war. tied to land for the war. tied to land for the war. tied to land for the war. tied to land for the war. tied to land for the war. tied to land for the war. tied to land for the war. tied to land for the war. tied to land for the war. tied to land for the war. tied to land for the war. tied to land for 3 years, tied to land for 3 years, tied to land for 3 years, tied to land for 3 years, tied to land for 3 years, tied to land for 3 years, tied to land for 3 years, tied to land for 3 years, tied to land for 3 years, tied to land for 3 years, tied to land for 3 years, tied to land for a serv- ice of 3 years. tied to land for a serv- ice of 3 years. Entitled to land for a serv- ice of 3 years. Illinois Regiment, Bounty Land Warrants 175 No. Names Rank Remarks 334- Lyon, Jacob Private Entitled to land for a serv- ice of 3 years. 335- Long, William Private Entitled to land for a serv- ice of 3 years. 336. Lyons, John Private Entitled to land for a serv- ice of 3 years. 337- Lockhert (or Locket), Pleasant Private Entitled to land for a serv- ice of 3 years. 338. Lockhart, Archibald Private Entitled to land for a serv- ice of 3 years. 339- Laubran, Private Entitled to land for a serv- ice of 3 years. 340. Lasout, Joseph Private Entitled to land for a serv- ice of 3 years. 341. La Paint, Louis Private Entitled to land for a serv- ice of 3 years. 342. La Casse, Jacque Private Entitled to land for a serv- ice of 3 years. 343- Lafaro, Francis Private Entitled to land for a serv- ice of 3 years. 344- Lafarton, Francis Private Illinois volunteer. Entitled to 200 acres of land. 345- Logan, Hugh Private Entitled to land for 3 years service. 346. Lewis, James Private Entitled to land for 3 years service. 347- Missie, Bernard Private Entitled to land for the war. 348. Murray, Edward Private Entitled to land for the war. 349- Montgomery, John Private Entitled to land for the war. 350. M'Dermott, Francis Private Entitled to land for the war. 351. May field, Micajah Private Entitled to land for the war. He received 100 acres of land, and is entitled to 200 acres more. 352. May field, James Private Entitled to land for the war. 353- Mayfield, Isaac Private Entitled to land for the war. 354- Morris, Jacob Private Entitled to land for the war. 355- Maid, Ebenezer (killed) Private Entitled to land for the war. 356. Mayfield, Elijah Private Entitled to land for 3 years. 357- Moore, John Sergeant Entitled to land for the war. He received 200 acres of land, and is entitled to 200 acres. 358. M'Mickle, John Private Entitled to land for the war. 359- Morris, James (died) Private Entitled to land for the war. 360. Miller, Abraham (killed) Corporal Entitled to land for the war. 361. Montgomery, William Private Entitled to land for the war. 362. Montgomery, John Private Entitled to land for the war. 363- M'Lockland, Charles Private Entitled to land for the war. 364- Marsh, John Private Entitled to land for the war. 176 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia No. Names 365. Mathews, Edward 366. Morgan, Charles 367. M'Guire, John 368. M'Intosh, James 369. Maisonville, Monr. de 370. Monet, J. B. 371. Mailone, J. B. 372. Maurisette, M. 373. Mason, Charles 374. Mulby, William 375. Marr, Patrick 376. 377- 378. 379- 380. 381. 382. 383- 384. 385. 386. 387- 388. 389- 390. 39i- 392. 393- 394- M'Michaels, John M'Mullen, James Mustach, Mallroof, Joseph Moran (or Mauron), Peter M'Clure, Patrick Merriwether, William Miller, John Martin, Charles M' Donald, David Murshen, Nathaniel (died) Murphy, John Meadows, Josiah Murray, Thomas Milton (or Wilton), Daniel M'Clain, Thomas Munrony, William Munrony, Sylvester M'Quiddy, Thomas 395. M 'Daniel, Thomas 396. M'Donald, James 397. Martin, Elijah 398. Mummilly, Joseph 399. Munam, Joseph 400. M'Kin, James 401. Martin, Solomon 402. Malbeff, Joseph 403. M 'Kinney, John 404. Moore, John Rank Sergeant Sergt. and Gunner Private Private Private Private Private Private Sergeant Gunner Corporal and Sergeant Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Sergeant Private Private Sergeant Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Remarks Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land Entitled to land Entitled to land Entitled to land Entitled to land Entitled to land Entitled to land Entitled to land Entitled to land ice of 3 years. for the war. for the war. for 3 years. for 3 years. for 3 years, for 3 years, for 3 years, for 3 years, for a serv- Entitled to land for a serv- ice of 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for a serv- ice of 3 years. Entitled to land for a serv- ice of 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. Illinois Regiment, Bounty Land Warrants 177 No. Names 405. Martin, Pierre 406. Morris, William 407. Moore, Thomas 408. Marshall, William 409. M' Donald, Thomas 410. M'Gann, John 411. Newton, Peter 412. Nelson, Enock 413. Nelson, Moses 414. Nelson, John 415. Nash, Francis 416. Neal, John 417. Nare, Conrad 418. Nobbs, Mark 419. Onslow, Charles 420. Oakley, John 421. Oliver, John 422. Oharro, Michael 423. Oater, Samuel 424. Oliver, Lewis 425. Owditt (or Odett), Lewis 426. Ofin, James 427. Oliver, Turner 428. Ozburn (or Ozborn), Ebenezer 429. Parker, Edward 430. Portwood, Page 431. Perie, William 432. Patterson, John titled to 200 acres of land, 433. Potter, James 434. Patterson, William Rank Private Private Private Private Private Gunner Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Gunner Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Private by law. Private Private 435. Pulford, John Private 436. Payne, Adam Private 437. Priest, Peter Private 438. Pritchett (or Pritcher), William Corporal 439. Penett (or Penit), Joshua Private 440. Pittman, Buckner Sergeant He received 200 acres of land. 441. Purcell (or Pursley), William Private 442. Pupin, M. Private Remarks These were Illinois volun- teers; who are by law entitled to 200 acres of land each. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for a serv- ice of 3 years. Entitled to land for a serv- ice of 3 years. Entitled to land for a serv- ice of 3 years. Entitled to land for a serv- ice of 3 years. Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent tied to land for the war. tied to land for the war. tied to land for 3 years, tied to land for the war. tied to land for 3 years, tied to land for 3 years, tied to land for the war. tied to land for 3 years. tied to land for 3 years, tied to land for 3 years, tied to land for the war. tied to land for 3 years, tied to land for 3 years. Illinois volunteer, and en- Entitled to land for a serv- ice of 3 years. Entitled to land for a serv- ice of 3 years. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. 178 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia No. 443- 444. 445- 446. 447- 448. 449- 450. 45i. 452. 453- 454- 455- 456. 457- 458. 459- 460. 461. 462. 463- 464. 465- 466. 467. 468. Names Panther, Joseph Pellot, Charles Parisienne, Baptiste Pepin, John (killed) Penir, Jessee (killed) Puncrass, Joseph Puncrass, Francis Peltier, Joseph Paguin, Francis Powell, Micajah Payne, William Pagan, David Porter, Ebenezer Potter, William Peaters, John Philips, Henry Paroult, Peter Pickens, Samuel 470. 471. 472. 473- 474- 475- 476. 477- 478. Remarks Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Deserted. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Illinois volunteer, and en- Illinois volunteer, and en- Entitled to land for a serv- ice of 3 years. Ross, John Sergeant Entitled to land for the war. He has received 200 acres of land, he is entitled to 200 acres more. Ryan, Andrew Sergeant He deserted, rejoined the regiment and served his time, and is entitled to land for 3 years. Rubido, Francis (died) Sergeant Entitled to land for the war. Ruddell (or Riddell) Cornelius Sergeant Entitled to land for 3 years. Ryan, Lazarus Sergeant Entitled to land for the war. Ramsay, James Sergeant Entitled to land for the war. He received 100 acres of land and is entitled to 200 more. Rank Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private titled to 200 acres of land, by law. Petter, Joseph Private titled to 200 acres of land, by law. Poores, Archer Fifer 469. Rector, John Roy, Julien Ranger, J. B. Robertson, John Ross, James Rice, John Rogers, David Rogers, Joseph Rutherford, Larkin Richards, Lewis Sergeant Entitled to land for 3 years service. Sergeant Entitled to land for 3 years. Sergeant Entitled to land for 3 years. Sergeant Entitled to land for 3 years. Sergeant Entitled to land for 3 years. Sergeant Entitled to land for 3 years. Sergeant Entitled to land for 3 years. Private Entitled to land for a serv- ice of 3 years. Private Entitled to land for a serv- ice of 3 years. Sergeant Entitled to land for a serv- ice of 3 years. Illinois Regiment, Bounty Land Warrants 179 No. Names Rank 479. Richards, Dick Private 480. Robinson, Richard Private 481. Ross, Joseph Corporal 482. Roberts, Benjamin Sergeant 483. Roberts, Eliab Private 484. Russell, Benjamin Private 485. Randal, Robert Private 486. Roberts, Joseph Private 487. Russhare, Francis Private 488. Rabey, Cader Private 489. Riley, Patrick Private 490. Rubido, James Private 491. Rollison, William (died) Private 492. Shepherd, Peter Corporal 493. Shepherd, George Private 494. Smith, William Private 495. Slaughter, John Sergeant 496. Shoemaker, Leonard Private 497. Smith, Joseph Private 498. Setzer, John Private 499. Slack, William Private 500. Snellock, Thomas Private 501. Smithers (or Smothers), John Private 502. Smith, George Private 503. Smith, Josiah Gunner 504. Shank, John Private 505. Shank, Jacob Private 506. Sills, Samuel Corporal 507. Smith, David Private 508. Smith, Randal Private 509. Spencer, John Private 510. Searay, John Private 511. Smock, Henry Private 512. Ship, William Private 513. Snow, George Private 514. Seare, William Private 515. Siburn, Christopher Private 516. Sennitt, Richard Private 517. Scates, David Private 518. Savage, Bryan Private 519. Stoball, Thomas Private 520. Sowers, Frederick Private 521. Slaughter, George Private Remarks Entitled to land for a serv- ice of 3 years. Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent ice Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent ice Ent Ent Ent led to land for the war. led to land for the war. led to land for 3 years. led to land for 3 years, led to land for 3 years. led to land for 3 years, led to land for 3 years, led to land for 3 years, led to land for 3 years, led to land for 3 years, led to land for 3 years. led to land for the war. led to land for the war. led to land for the war. led to land for the war. led to land for 3 years, led to land for 3 years, led to land for 3 years. led to land for 3 years, led to land for a serv- of 3 years. led to land for the war. led to land for the war. led to land for the war. led to land for the war. led to land for 3 years, led to land for 3 years, led to land for 3 years, led to land for 3 years, led to land for 3 years, led to land for 3 years, led to land for 3 years, led to land for 3 years, led to land for 3 years, led to land for the war. led to land for the war. led to land for 3 years, led to land for 3 years, led to land for 3 years, led to land for a serv- of 3 years. led to land for the war. led to land for the war. tied to land for 3 years. 180 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia No. 522. 523- 524- 525- 526. 527- 528. 529- 53o. 53i. 532. 533- 534- 535- 536. 537- 538. 539- 540. 54i- 542. 543- 544- 545- 546. 547- 548. 549- 550. 55i- 552. 553- 554- 555- 556. 557- 558. 559- 560. 561. 562. 563. Names Shannon, William Stephenson, John Stephenson, Samuel Savage, Dominick Soverims, Ebenezer St. Michaels, St. Mary, Baptiste Sigonier, Francis Sworden, Jonathan Severidge, John Sharlock, James Spillman, James Trent, Beverley Tuttle, Nicholas Tygard, Daniel Trantham, Martin Taylor, James He has received 100 acres of Turpin, Richard (killed) Tompson, James Triplett, Pettis Tillis, Griffin Taliaferro, Richard C. Thomas, Edward Taylor, Edward Taylor, Benjamin Tolley, John Tyler, William Tolly, Daniel Taylor, Abraham Thoornigton, Joseph Thompson, William He received 200 acres of land his former allowances. Taylor, Thomas Voushiner, Thomas Villiers, Francis (killed) Underhill, James Villard, Isaac Veale, Peter Whitehead, William Whitehead, Robert White, Randal Whit, Robert Wei ton, Daniel Rank Private Sergeant Private Private Sergeant Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Sergeant Private Private Private Private land, and is Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Corporal , and is enti Soldier Private Sergeant Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Remarks Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for 3 years. Entitled to land for the war. Entitled to land for the war. 1 Illinois volunteers, and are V entitled by law to 200 J acres of land each. tied to land for the war. tied to land for the war. tied to land for the war. tied to land for the war. tied to land for 3 years. tied to land for the war. entitled to 200 in addition. Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent Ent tied to land for the war. tied to land for the war. tied to land for 3 years, tied to land for 3 years, tied to land for 3 years, tied to land for 3 years, tied to land for 3 years, tied to land for 3 years, tied to land for 3 years, tied to land for 3 years, tied to land for 3 years, tied to land for 3 years, tied to land for the war. tied to land for the war. tied to 200 acres in addition to Entitled (300.) Entitled Entitled Entitled Entitled Entitled Entitled Entitled Entitled Entitled Entitled to land for the war. to land to land to land to land to land to land to land to land to land to land for the war. for the war. for 3 years. for 3 years. for 3 years, for the war. for the war. for the war. for the war. for the war. Illinois Regiment, Bounty Land Warrants 181 No. 564- 565. 566. 567. 568. Names Rank Remarks Whitten, Daniel Private Entitled to land for the war. Ward, Thomas Private Entitled to land for the war. He received 100 acres of land and is entitled to 200 additional. Watlers, Lewis Private Entitled to land for the war. Watkins, Samuel Private Entitled to land for the war. A Samuel Watkins has received 200 acres of land, possibly this individual. Williams, John Private Ent A John Williams has received 200 acres of land, 569- Waters, Barney Private Enti 570. Walker, John Sergeant Enti 57i- Wheat, Jacob Private Enti 572. Wallace, David Private Enti 573- Whitacre, David Private Enti 574- White, William Private Enti 575- Waggoner, Peter (died) Private Enti 576. Wood, Charles Private Enti 577- Wheel, Jacob Private Enti 578. Wilkerson, William Private Enti 579- Wray, Thomas Private Enti 580. Ward, Lewis Private Enti 581. Williams, George Private Enti 582. Winsor, Christopher Private Enti 583. Wheeler, John Private Enti 584- Waddington, John Private Enti 585. Wright, William Private Enti 586. Wethers, Benjamin Private Enti 587. West, John Private Enti 588. White, Randolph Sergeant Enti 589. White, John Private Enti 590. Workman, Conrad Sergeant Enti 59i. Wemate, J. B. Private Enti 592. White, Laden Private Enti 593- Williams, Zachariah Private Ent 594- Williams, Daniel Private Ent 595- Wilson, John Sergeant Enti 596. Wray, Thomas Private Enti 597- Yates, Isaac Private Enti 598. Young, John Sergeant Enti 599- Zuckledz, William Private Ent 600. Zimmerman, Frederick Private Ent tied to land for the war. perhaps this individual, tied to land for the war. tied to land for the war. tied to land for the war. tied to land for the war. tied to land for the war. tied to land for the war. tied to land for the war. tied to land for 3 years, tied to land for 3 years, tied to land for 3 years. tied to land for 3 years, tied to land for 3 years, tied to land for 3 years, tied to land for 3 years, tied to land for the war. tied to land for the war. tied to land for 3 years, tied to land for 3 years, tied to land for 3 years, tied to land for 3 years. tied to land for 3 years. tied to land for 3 years, tied to land for 3 years, tied to land for 3 years, tied to land for the war. tied to land for the war. tied to land for 3 years, tied to land for 3 years, tied to land for the war. tied to land for 3 years, tied to land for the war. tied to land for the war. In list No. 4, the names of John Anderson, William Bush and William Payne, should have been erased or omitted. They deserted, and were not entitled to land. William Bland Ballard has been twice reported entitled to land. His name should appear only once on the list. 182 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia (io) List of Captain Francis Charloville's Volunteers, Entitled to Two Hundred Acres of Land Each No. Names I. Francis, Charloville 2. Joneast, Antyear 3. Bateast, Joneast 4. Derwar, - 5. Papin, 6. Bazelle, Allere 7. Michell, Antere 8. Gerom, Daney 9. Joseph, Daney 10. Michael, Daney 11. Alexander, Sanlade 12. Gaiot, Chaney 13. Daett, Frey 14. Perde, Ganey 15. , Toulouse 16. Nicholas, Lackhouse 17. Gero, Matean 18. Anthoney, Lavan 19. Polle, Roamma 20. Gau, Drow 21. , Normomstea 22. Bres, Tow 23. , Levea 24. Joseph, Richar 25. Aury, Richar 26. , Montrauye 27. Daniel, Blouen 28. Beauvennue Rank Remarks Captain The act of assembly allowing bounty land to the Illinois volunteers, made no special provision for the officers. They are therefore only entitled as privates to 200 acres. Lieutenant do Ensign do Sergt. Major do Sergeant do Private do Private do Private do Private do Private do Private do Private do Private do Private do Private do Private do Private do Private do Private do Private do Private do Private do Private do Private do Private do Private do Private do Private do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Section ii, (ii) to (16) [Document No. 34 — List No. 6] (11) Armand's Corps Resolutions of Congress Relative to Armand's Corps IN CONGRESS, February, 18, 1779. Resolved, That all the men, inhabitants of these United States, who shall be recruited in the corps of colonel Armand in any of the United States, shall be credited to the quota of the state in which they shall be enlisted, they not being inhabitants of any other of the United States. Armand's Corps, Bounty Land Warrants 183 Resolved, That colonel Armand make return to the board of war of the recruits he shall enlist; and in such returns, the places of nativity and settlement, and state where they were enlisted, shall be particularly mentioned: and the board is hereby directed to transmit to the respective states the names and number of such persons, inhabitants thereof, as shall be enlisted. War Office — A true copy from the journals of congress. (Signed) JOSEPH CARLTON, Secretary. Pursuant to the foregoing resolutions, the following return was made to Virginia, to wit: A return of men belonging to the state of Virginia, who served in the first partizan legion commanded by brigadier general Armand, marquis de la Roucrie, discharged November 15, 1783. Memorandum. — All the men whose names are in this return (except the drafted men), are entitled to 200 acres of land from Virginia — and all whose names are followed by the letter e, are entitled to 100 acres of land from the United States, and were so reported to congress at its session of i827-*28. They whose names are not marked as above, are also believed to be entitled to land from the United States, if they have not already received it. 1. Bawcul, (or Bowcolt), Wm., e, Sergeant, 1779, r 2. Hilf, Jacob, e, Sergeant, 1781 400 acres due him from Virginia. 3. Nunnally, John, e, Sergeant, 1 78 1, r Drafted. 4. Wartzleak, Frederick, e, Sergeant, 1782 400 acres due him from Virginia. 5. Holdorfer, Michael, e, Corporal, 1782 400 acres due him from Virginia. 6. Davis, Thomas, e, Corporal, 1782, r 7. Tawbert, Christopher, e, Corporal, 1782 400 acres due him from Virginia. 8. Holl, Adam, e, Corporal, 1782 400 acres due him from Virginia. 9. Farmer, Jesse, e, Corporal, 1781, r 10. Piles, Richard, e, Corporal, 1782, r 11. Brown, John, e, Trumpeter, . J78I, r 12. Summerville, Thomas, Trumpeter, 1782, r 13. Thompson, William, e, Private, 1782, r 14. Smith, John, e, Private, 1782, r 15. Walker, Peter, e, Private, 1782 16. Liveley, Goodwill, e, Private, 1782, r 17. Brewer, (or Bruyer), Henry, e, Private, 1781, r 18. Bellerose, (or Belleoure), Lewis, e, Private, 1782 19. Lawrence, William, e, Private, 1782 20. Slatham, (or Slathen), Ro., e, Private, 1782 21. Bornside, (or Boinside), Jonathan, e, Private, 1782 22. Lindsey, (or Lindley), Michael, e, Private, 1782 23. M 'Williams, James, e, Private, 1782 24. Troller, (or Trotter) , Christopher, e, Private, 1782 25. Hixon, Elijah, e, Private, 1782 Congressional documents Elisha. 26. Harris, William, e, Private, 1782 27. Piles, Benjamin, Private, 1782 28. Moore, Michael, e, Private, 1782, r 29. Marlet, Abraham, e, Private, 1782, r 184 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia 30. 3i- 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37- 38. 39- 40. 41. 42. 43- 44. 45- 46. 47- 48. 49. 50. 5i- 52. 53- 54- 55- 56. 57- 58. 59- 60. Gray, Joseph, e, Private, 1782 Collins, John, e, Private, 1782, r Griffin, James, e, Private, 1782, r Alexander, Solomon, e, Private, 1782 Wells, Samuel, e, Private, 1782 Rock, John, Private, 1781, r Drafted. (James), T. Obican, Private, 1782, r Butts, William, e, Private, 1782 Davies, Van, e, Private, 1782 Furn, Stephen, e, Private, 1782 Shaw, Mathias, e, Private, 1782 Congressional documents Mathew Shaw. Joseph, Marsh, e, Private, 1782 Congressional documents Joseph Marshall. Shrieve, William, e, Private, 1782 Congressional documents Shreever. Wells, Nathan, Private, 1782 Johnston, Zachariah, e, Private, 1782 Wells, John, Private, 1782, r Line, Henry, e, Private, 1782 M'Intosh, Peter, e, Private, 1782 Dixon, William, Private, 1782 Curtis, Boiling, e, Private, 1781 Drafted. Beesly, James, Private, 1781, r Thomson, John, e, Private, 1781, r Ramsay, James, e, Private, 1782, r Congressional documents James Rawsey. Wash, James, e, Private, 1781 Farmer, Nathan, e, Private, 1782 Howard, Henry, e, Private, 1782 Moore, Alexander, e, Private, 1783 Walls, John, e, Private, 1782, r Congressional documents John Watts. Collins, Thomas, e, Private, 1782, r Horton, Joseph, e, Private, 1782 Millholland, Jonathan, e, Private, 1782 Congressional documents John M'Holland. 61. Oliver, John, e, Private, 1782 62. Frost, Joseph, e, Private, 1782 63. Wright, John, e, Private, 1782, r 64. Johnston, Mathew, e, Private, 1782, r 65. Martin, Mathias, Private, 1782 Congressional documents Mathias Mayer. 66. Conner, John, e, Private, 1782 67. Shaffer, Frederick, e, Private, 1782 68. Wannenmaker, John, e, Private, 1782 69. Schleker, Frederick, e, Private, 1782 Congressional documents Fred- erick, Sliker. 70. Millings, Charles, e, Private, 1782 71. Heutser, Frederick, e, Private, 1782 Congressional documents Fred- erick Hubner. 72. Bawmgartner, Henry, e, Private, 1782, r 73. Odoffer, John, e, Private, 1782 74. la Barr, John Baptiste, e, Private, 1782 75. Shelle, Andrew, e, Private, 1782 76. Lockner, Henry, e, Private, 1782 77. Barr, John, e, Private, 1782, r 78. Bawmgartel, Leonard, e, Private, 1782 Perhaps Bawmgartner. 79. Burith, John, e, Private, 1782 Congressional documents John Bareith. 80. Crammer, David, e, Private, 1782 81. Saile, John, e, Private, 1782 82. Geiseusieder, Martin, e, Private, 1782 83. Steengle, Conrad, e, Private, 1782 Congressional documents Conrad Steagle 84. Leares, Peter, Private, 1782 Armand's Corps, Bounty Land Warrants 185 85. Clasby, Nathan, e, Private, 1782 106. Congressional documents Nathan 107. Clawby. 86. Spencer, William, e, Private, 1782, r 87. Young, Duncan, e, Private, 1782, r 108. 88. Bowyer, Henry, e, Private, 1782 Congressional documents, Henry Bough er. 109. 89. Wash, John, Private, 1782 no. 90. Bading, Conrad, e, Private, 1782 Congressional documents Conradt III. Buding. 91. Jacob, Henry, e, Private, 1782 92. Tollman, Benjamin, e, Private, 112. 1782 Congressional documents Benja- min Totman. 93. Engle, Wendel, e, Private, 1782, r 113. 94. Heuseger, John, e, Private, 1782 Congressional documents John 1 14. Heusengaer. 115. 95. Oil, Frederick, Private, 1782 116. Printed Frederick Ott. 96. Burgell, Michael, e, Private, 1782 Printed M. Bar gat. 117. 97. Palm, Christian, e, Private, 1782 118. 98. Grinder, Jacob, e, Private, 1782 99. Shrauls, Peter, e, Private, 1782 119. Congressional documents Peter Shrawtz. 120. 100. Pope, John, e, Private, 1782 121. 101. Pillen, Henry, e, Private, 1781 Congressional documents Henry Pilon. 122. 102. Luckner, John Simon, e, Private, 1782, r Congressional documents Leckner. 123. 103. Bresh, George, e, Private, 1782 124. Printed Breech. 125. 104. Sholls, Godfried, e, Private, 1782 126. Congressional documents Godfield 127. Scholtz. 128. 105. Goldhammer, Peter, e, Private, 1782 Geyer, John, e, Private, 1782 Mierheffer, Michael, e, Private 1782 Congressional documents Michael Mayerhoffer. Lansgine, Lewis, e, Private, 1782 Congressional documents Lewis Laurguen. Ville, John, e, Private, 1782 la Rochelle, Michael, e, Private, 1782 Deacon, Joseph, e, Private, 1782 Congressional documents Joseph Ducowen. Laroux, Anthony, e, Private, 1782, r Congressional documents Anthony Larour. Brian, (or Bryan), John, e, Pri- vate, 1782 Carr, William, e, Private, 1782 Miles, John, e, Private, 1782 la Rejouseance, Reve, e, Private, 1782 Congressional documents la Re- jouesfrank. Conner, John, e, Private, 1782 Brusselloby, Charles, Private, 1782 Dove, Thomas, e, Private, 1782, r 100 acres of land. Newton, Edward, e, Private, 1782 Callighan, John, e, Private, 1782 Congressional documents John Calluhan. Bourdoin, John, e, Private, 1782 Congressional documents John Bardoe. Torrent, Henry, Private, 1782 Davis, William, e, Private, 1782, r Conner, Barney, e, Private, 1782 Marshall, William, e, Private, 1782 Brown, William, e, Private, 1782 Strictland, James, e, Private, 1782 Congressional documents Simon Strickland. 186 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia 129. Dean, John, e, Private, 1782 135. Rane, Thomas, Private, 1782 130. Pope, William, e, Private, 1782 Congressional documents Thomas 131. Marshall, Joseph, Private, 1782 Rand. 132. Wheatley, William, Private, 1782 136. Dealing, William, Private, 1782 133. Marks, John, Private, 1782 Congressional documents William 134. Kelly, Timothy, Private, 1782 Dowling. N. B. All in the above list whose names are marked r, have received their land from Virginia. They whose names are not so marked, are entitled to 200 acres of land each from Virginia, over and above the 100 acres due them from the United States. (12) List of Soldiers (Virginians), Who Were Reported to the Senate of the United States, as not Having Claimed Their Warrants. If the Warrants Have Not Since Been Drawn, They Can Now Be Claimed, Viz: for Bounty Land, Which Remained on File in the Bounty Land Office January 16, 1828. (If The Warrants Have Not Since Been Drawn, They Can Now Be Claimed.) (If the warrants for these several portions of land have not been drawn since January 16, 1828, they can now be claimed.) Buher, Jacob, Private, 100 acres Lockhart, John, Private, 100 acres Bacon, Robert, Private, 100 acres M 'Carney, Peter, Private, 100 acres Craig, Thomas, Private, 100 acres Walker, Edward, Private, 100 acres Haney, Michael, Private, 100 acres [See Senate documents, 1st session 20th congress, vol. 2d, doc. 42, p. 8.] (13) List of Soldiers (of the Invalid Regiment, and Part of the Quota of Virginia), Who Were Reported to the Senate of the United States, on January 18, 1828, Entitled to Bounty Land from the United States. Drake, Michael, Private, 100 acres Robnett (or Robinett), Joseph, Private, Dickey, Alexander, Private, 100 acres 100 acres Collins, Peter, Private, 100 acres Wilson, John, Private, 100 acres Clark, Robert, Private, 100 acres Lawson, Henry, Private, 100 acres M'Gomery (or Montgomery), Corne- Smith, John, Private, 100 acres lius, Private, 100 acres (If the warrants for these several portions of land have not been drawn since January 16, 1828, they can now be claimed.) [See Senate documents, 1st session 20th congress, vol. 2, doc. 42, pp. 91, 92, 93-] (14) List of Officers and Soldiers of the Virginia Continental Line, Revolutionary Army, Who Are Entitled to Lands from the United States, Whose Warrants Are on File in the Bounty Land Office, and Who Have Not Yet Applied Therefor — Reported to the Senate of the Bounty Land Warrants 187 United States January 16, 1828. [See Senate Documents, ist Session 20TH Congress, Vol. 2, Doc. 42, &c. 1827-28.] 1. Bruin, Peter B., Major 43 2. Bradford, Samuel K., Lieutenant 44. 3. Bradford, Charles, Lieutenant 45. 4. Brown, Jacob B., Lieutenant 46. 5. Ball, James, Lieutenant 47. 6. Carnes, Patrick, Lieutenant 48. 7. Erskine, Charles, Lieutenant 8. Gist, Nathaniel, Colonel 49. 9. Gray, William, Lieutenant 50. 10. Holmes, Christian, Major 51. 11. Harris, John, Lieutenant 52. 12. Hudson, William, Lieutenant 53. 13. Holloway, James, Lieutenant 54. 14. Hawkins, Moses, Captain 55. 15. Kennon, Richard, Captain 56. 16. Ludiman, John W., Lieutenant 57. 17. Linton, John, Lieutenant 58. 18. Lind, Arthur, Lieutenant 59. 19. Marks, Isaiah, Captian 60. 20. Moseley, Benjamin, Lieutenant 61. 21. Moseley, Benjamin, Lieutenant 62. 22. Miller, David, Lieutenant 63. 23. Miller, Javan, Lieutenant 64. 24. Massey, John, Cornet 65. 25. Nixon, Andrew, Captain 66. 26. Perry, John, Cornet 67. 27. Rudder, Epaphroditus, Lieutenant 68. 28. Rea, Mathew, Lieutenant 69. 29. Rankins, Robert, Lieutenant 70. 30. Settle, Strother, Ensign 71. 31. Trant, Lawrence, Captain 72. 32. Tatum, Zachariah, Ensign 73. 33. Warman, Thomas, Captain 74. 34. Washington, George A., Lieuten- 75. ant 76. 35. Wallace, James, Lieutenant 77. 36. Yarborough, Charles, Lieutenant 78. 37. Atchison, David, Private 79. 38. Applegate, William, Private 80. 39. Anderson, James, r, Private 81. 40. Absalom, Edward, Private 82. 41. Andrews, Ephraim, r, Private 83. 42. Altop, Thomas, r, Private 84. Alexander, John, Private Armstrong, Jesse, Private Avery, Samuel, Private Begeant, William, Private Bowser, James, Private Brooks, James, r (100 acres), Private Beumagern, William, r, Private Brazier, William, r, Private Buit, Thomas, r, Private Bigby, William, r, Private Boyland, Mathew, r, Private Burnett, John, r, Private Brasford, William, r, Private Botts, Leonard, r, Private Birmingham, Patrick, Private Brady, Michael, Private Baker, Richard, r, Private Bumngton, David, r, Private Buck, William, r, Private Ball, William, r, Private Brown, Joseph, Private Brame, Andrew, r, Private Brock, Uriah, Private Boyles, Charles, r, Private Boyles, David, r, Private Biggs, John, r, Private Brown, Samuel, r, Private Bevins, Jeremiah, Private Brayson, Robert, r, Private Crummy, Joseph, Private Coker, Joseph, Private Coxen, William, Private Crawford, Robert, r, Private Carter, Richard, r, Private Carter, Nicholas, r, Private Cunningham, James, r, Private Craig, William, r, Private Cloyd, William, r, Private Connelly, William, r, Private Cyrus, Bartholomew, r, Private Cunady, John, Private Crewson, Benjamin, r, Private 188 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia 85. Cose, William, r, Private 131. 86. Curie, Richard, r, Private 132. 87. Curie, Jacob, Private 133. 88. Charity, Charles, r, Private 134. 89. Cavender, Joseph, r, Private 135. 90. Carter, Robert, r, Private 136. 91. Couts, Jacob, Private 137. 92. Clung, Henry, Private 138. 93. Coppinger, Higgins, r, Private 139. 94. Cruise, William, Private 140. 95. Chapman, Thomas, r, Private 141. 96. Clayton, Joseph, r, Private 142. 97. Cook, William, r, Private 143. 98. Drummond, John, r, Private 144. 99. Durosett, Samuel, r, Private 145. 100. Dickson, James, r, Private 146. 101. Dougherty, John, r, Private 147. 102. Denniston, Joseph, r, Private 148. 103. Dennis, William, r, Private 149. 104. Denny, Henry, r, Private 150. 105. Deinor, Jacob, r, Private 151. 106. Dell, Joseph, r, Private 152. 107. Dennis, Henry, r, Private 153. 108. Davidson, David, r, Private 154. 109. Dicks, George, r, Private 155. no. Dillard, John, Private 156. in. Dickerson, Robert, Private 157. 112. Dailey, John, r, Private 158. 113. Dobbins, Charles, r, Private 159. 114. Drewry, Mathew, Private 160. 115. Day, John, r, Private 161. 116. Ewbywine, Daniel, r, Private 162. 117. Evans, Stephen, r, Private 163. 118. Etter, John, r, Private 164. 119. Edwards, John, r, Private 165. 120. Emanuel, Henry, r, Private 166. 121. English, Charles, r, Private 167. 122. Ewell, Thomas, r, Private 168. 123. Elliott, James, r, Private 169. 124. Fortune, Nathan, r, Private 170. 125. Fowler, Joseph, r, Private 126. Frazier, Alexander, r, Private 171. 127. Fengler, William, r, Private 172. 128. Fengan, John, r, Private 173. 129. Fisher, Thomas, r, Private 174. 130. Filby, George, r, Private 175. Faithall, Edward, r, Private Fromageot, Romain, r, Private Floyd, Perry, Private Fitzgerald, James, r, Private Fleace, John, Private Friskin, Robert, Private Francher, Isaac, Private Freeman, Isaac, Private Foster, William, r, Private Fear, Jacob, r, Private Freeman, Stephen, Private Gore, Jacob, r, Private Gowran, Bryan, r, Private Gossett, John, r, Private Gunwill, William, r, Private Gillen, Hugle, r, Private Green, William, r, Private Glass, Isaac, r, Private Goatley, John, r, Private Gray, James, r, Private Groves, Thomas, r, Private Gilbert, Joseph, r, Private Graves, William, r, Private Green, John, r, Private Grimes, George, r, Private Holmes, Bartlett, r, Private Hinds, John, r, Private Haley, Thomas, r, Private Herbert, William, r, Private Hawthorn, Philip, r, Private Hasling, James, r, Private Hunt, William, r, Private Harris, William, r, Private Humphries, George, Private Hadon, Anthony, r, Private Hawkins, James, r, Private Hudson, Rush, r, Private Haley, William, r, Private Haines, Griffith, r, Private Hopingstock, Christopher, r, Pri- vate Hubbard, James, r, Private Hipkinstall, James, r, Private Hancock, Bennett, r, Private Hanson, Shadrach, r, Private Haden, Jeremiah, Private Bounty Land Warrants 189 176. Harrison, Alexander, Private 222, 177. Holderby, William, r, Private 223. 178. Holbert, William, r, Private 224. 179. Hull, Beechum, r, Private 225. 180. Harman, George, r, Private 226. 181. Hines, George, r, Private 227. 182. Hobbs, Frederick, r, Private 228. 183. Hodges, William, r, Private 229. 184. Hackett, James, r, Private 230. 185. Hughes, Joseph, r, Private 231. 186. Hutts, Jacob, r, Private 232. 187. Hoyden, Mathew, Private 233. 188. Hughes, John, r, Private 234. 189. Hill, Thomas, r, Private 235. 190. Hulls, Leonard, r, Private 236. 191. Hillard, Joseph, r, Private 237. 192. Holdman, Fundy, r, Private 238. 193. Haynes, Dunston, Private 239. 194. Harris, John, r, Private 240. 195. Halley, Rawley, Private 241. 196. Havert, William, Private 242. 197. Jackson, Thomas, r, Private 243. 198. Johnson, James, r, Private 244. 199. Jones, Thomas, r, Private 245. 200. Jones, Samuel, r, Private 246. 201. Jenkins, John, r, Private 247. 202. Jackson, John, r, Private 248. 203. Jones, Samuel, r, Private 249. 204. Kelly, William, r, Private 250. 205. Kenton, Mark, r, Private 251. 206. Kenny, Richard, r, Private 252. 207. Kempin, William, r, Private 253. 208. King, Francis, r, Private 254. 209. Lovell, Henry, r, Private 255. 210. Langsden, Daniel, r, Private 256. 211. Littlepage, John, r, Private 257. 212. Langford, Peter, r, Private 258. 213. Lambright, Nicholas, Private 259. 214. Lawrence, John, r, Private 260. 215. Lattimore, Henry, r, Private 261. 216. Linn, Jacob, Private 262. 217. Murray, Daniel, r, Private 263. 218. Moxley, George, r, Private 264. 219. M'Dowell, John, r, Private 265. 220. M'Lane, Laughlin, r, Private 266. 221. M'Cartney, Peter, r, Private 267. Morrison, John, r, Private Murphy, Michael, r, Private M'Kee, Richard, r, Private Meacom, Thomas, Private Martin, Thomas, r, Private Menter, Barker, r, Private M'Laughlin, Thomas, Private M'Clure, William, r, Private Moore, Nicholas, r, Private Michell, Reaps, r, Private M'Randall, Daniel, Private M'Dorman, Daniel, r, Private M 'Cargo, Stephen, r, Private Middleton, John, r, Private Murphey, Patrick, r, Private Morgan, David, r, Private Martin, William, r, Private M'Lemare, Timothy, Private M'Kenley, John, Private M'Chanahan, Elijah, r, Private M'Mahon, Daniel, Private Mosby, William, r, Private M'Cawley, John, r, Private Neil, Nicholas, r, Private Newland, Mathew, r, Private Nichols, John, r, Private Overline, William, r, Private Oliver, Moses, r, Private Philips, John, r, Private Parlor, James, r, Private Powell, Eleven, r, Private Pritchard, Thomas, r, Private Parker, Warren, r, Private Pair, George, r, Private Powell, Benjamin, r, Private Pace, Williamson, Private Price, Ebenezer, Private Pearman, Grief, Private Prior, Jacob, Private Quarles, Moses, r, Private Rogers, John, r, Private Rodgers, John, Private Ritchney, John, Private Ready, Dennis, r, Private Ross, John, r, Private Robertson, Green, r, Private 190 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia 268. Renn, Alexander, Private 303. 269. Rice, Basbel, r, Private 304. 270. Rice, George, r, Private 305. 271. Rust, Jeremiah, Private 306. 272. Ross, Valentine, r, Private 307. 273. Ryland, John, r, Private 308. 274. Rodden, John, r, Private 309. 275. Rock, John, r, Private 310. 276. Son, Anthony, r, Private 311. 277. Smith, Samuel, r, Private 312. 278. Saveall, James, r, Private 313. 279. Skinner, Henry, r, Private 314. 280. Shepard, Edward, r, Private 315. 281. Simpkins, Reuben, r, Private 316. 282. Suddoth, John, r, Private 317. 283. Stratton, Seth, r, Private 318. 284. Self, Larkin, r, Private 319. 285. Smith, William, r, Private 320. 286. Shannon, William, r, Private 321. 287. Smithers, Stephen, r, Private 322. 288. Smith, Charles, r, Private 323. 289. Simmons, Joshua, r, Private 324. 290. Scott, William, r, Private 325. 291. Simms, Isaac, r, Private 326. 292. Simmons, Williamson, r, Private 327. 293. Simmons, James, r, Private 328. 294. Stokes, Robert, r, Private 329. 295. Smith, James, r, Private 330. 296. Spung, David, r, Private 331. 297. Shires, Nicholas, r, Private 332. 298. Sutherland, William, Private 333. 299. Stewart, James, r, Private 334. 300. Timberlake, Joseph, r, Private 335. 301. Trotter, John, r, Private 336. 302. Tannehill, Thomas, r, Private Memorandum. — Probably about one hundred of the officers and men named in this last List, have received the portions of land to which they were entitled from the United States since January, 1828. They who have not received their land, will receive it on proper application. All the privates on this List, whose names are marked with the letter r, have received land from Virginia. They whose names are not so marked, are entitled each to two hundred acres of land from Virginia, over and above the one hundred acres due from the United States. (15) List of Officers and Soldiers, Who Have Been Allowed Bounty Land by the Executive of Virginia, and Who Have Not Received War- rants. The Orders for the Same Remain on File in the Land Office. Townsend, John, r, Private Tarrant, Manlove, r, Private Tillery, John, r, Private Tool, Joseph, r, Private Tinsley, Jonathan, r, Private Travice, George, r, Private Thompson, Robert, r, Private Timm, John, Private Taylor, Archibald, r, Private Turner, Richard, r, Private Tate, James, r, Private Thompson, Flanders, Private Violet, John, r, Private Vaden, Braddock, r, Private Ullum, Joseph, Private Vincent, John, r, Private Verony, Joseph, r, Private Willis, George, Private Winters, Stephen, r, Private Waterfield, John, r, Private Weaver, John, r, Private Walker, Richard, Private Walker, John, r, Private Wright, Thomas, r, Private Welch, Robert, r, Private Wilkin, Thomas, r, Private Wilson, Stacy, r, Private White, Caleb, r, Private Wood, Alexander, Private Warmock, William, Private Wood, Benjamin, Private Walls, Martin, r, Private Wilkins, Thomas, r, Private Wooten, Thomas, r, Private Bounty Land Warrants 191 No. Names Rank Line Number of Acres, &c. I. Aiken, Joel Private State IOO 2. Abner, Paul Private Cont'l. IOO 3- Ball, Larkin Private Cont'l. IOO 4- Brooks, Reuben Private Cont'l. 100 5- Ashby, James Sergeant Cont'l. 200 6. Atkinson, Reuben Private Cont'l. IOO 7- Bailey, Robert Seaman S. Navy IOO 8. Bayley, Robert Seaman S. Navy IOO 9- Bloxon, Stephen Seaman S. Navy IOO IO. Buckner, William Master S. Navy 2666% ii. Barker, William Private Cont'l. IOO 12. Butler, Lawrence Captain Cont'l. Additional allowance for 1 1 months. 13- Crawford, William Colonel Cont'l. 6666% 14. Chandler, Thomas Private Cont'l. 100 15. Cannon, John Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% 16. Challis (or Callis), William Private Cont'l. 100 17- Curl, Thomas Private Cont'l. 100 18. Chance, Shadrach Seaman S. Navy 100 19. Champe, John Sergeant Cont'l. 400 20. Castle, William Private Cont'l. IOO 21. Dishman, James Private Cont'l. 200 22. Dishman, William Private Cont'l. IOO 23- Daniel, John Private Cont'l. IOO 24. Dean, Daniel Private Cont'l. IOO 25- Dodd, John Private Cont'l. IOO 26. Davis, Nicholas Private Cont'l. IOO 27. Davis, Charles Private Cont'l. IOO 28. Dawson, Thomas B. Seaman S. N. IOO 29. Deane, Ellis Private Cont'l. IOO 30. Diggs, Edward 3i- Eskridge, Edwin Midship. S. N. 32. Field, Abraham Private Cont'l. IOO 33- Flynt, John Marine S. Navy IOO 34- Faris, Larkin Private Cont'l. IOO 35- Fancher, Isaac Private Cont'l. 200 36. Fleece, John Corporal Cont'l. 200 37- Griffith, Joseph Private Cont'l. IOO 38. Groomes, Levi Lieutenant Cont'l. 2666% 39- Graham, Stephen Hosp. M. Cont'l. 40. Hamilton, James Lieutenant Cont'l. Additional for 1 year and 10 months. 41. Harris, Walter Private Cont'l. 100 42. Harris, William Private Cont'l. 100 43- Hankins, Joseph Private Cont'l. 200 192 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia No. Names Rank Line Number of Acres, &c. 44- Hogg, Samuel Captain Cont'l. Additional for 18 months. 45- Hammentree, Harris Private Cont'l. 200 46. Hill, James Private State 200 47- Hankins, Moses Captain Cont'l. 4000 48. Heath, Henry Sergeant Cont'l. 200 49. Harrison, James Private Cont'l. 100 50- Harrison, Robert Private Cont'l. 100 5i- Harrison, John Private Cont'l. 100 52. Hogan, Thomas Private Cont'l. 200 53- Howell, Heath Private Cont'l. 100 54- Irving, James Private Cont'l. 100 55- Jones, James Private Cont'l. 100 56. Johnson, John Seaman S. N. 100 57- Kidd, Benjamin Private Cont'l. 100 58. Lansman, Vincent Private Cont'l. 100 59- Langley, William Private Cont'l. 100 60. Lane, Larkin Private Cont'l. 200 61. Landrum, Thomas Private Cont'l. 100 62. Lewis, Mathew Carp. M. Navy 200 63. Lynn, John Private State 100 64. Lynn, James Private State 100 65. Leach, George Private State 100 66. Long, William Captain State 4000 In List No 1, Wm. Long appears to have received 4000 acres of land. 67. Miller, David Lieutenant Cont'l. Additional for IO months. 68. M'Coy, Samuel Private Cont'l. 100 69. Malbone, Solomon Private Cont'l. 200 70. Murphy, Gabriel Private Cont'l. 100 71. Miller, Robert Private Cont'l. 100 72. Mason, James Sergeant Cont'l. 200 73- Michael, Chaney Private Cont'l. 100 74- M'Clenner, Thomas Private Cont'l. 100 75- M'Claren, Daniel Private State 100 76. Mahon, John Marine S. N. 100 77- Miller, James Private Cont'l. 100 78. Mahon, George Marine S. N. 100 79- Moore, William Private Cont'l. 100 80. Neal, Charles Private Cont'l. 100 81. Nunn, James Private Cont'l. 100 82. Nunn, Richard Private Cont'l. 100 83. Newton, William Sergeant State 400 84. O'Neal, Ferdinand Captain Cont'l. Additional for 10 months. Bounty Land Warrants 193 No. Names Rank Line Number of A ores, &c. 85. Oliver, John Private Cont'l. IOO 86. Oberry, Henry Private Cont'l. IOO 87. Pickett, Francis Private Cont'l. IOO 88. Pitts, William Private Cont'l. IOO 89. Parrott, John Private Cont'l. IOO 90. Payne, John Seaman S. N. IOO 91. Pope, Thomas Private Cont'l. 200 92. Pemberton, Bennett Private Cont'l. IOO 93. Perkins, Joshua Seaman S. N. IOO 94. Rawlins, Thomas Private Cont'l. IOO 95. Read, Henry Private Cont'l. IOO 96. Reddy, Dennis Sergeant Cont'l. 400 97. Reynold, Jesse Private Cont'l. IOO 98. Riggs, William Seaman S. N. IOO 99. Revelle, Holliday Private Cont'l. IOO 100. Rinker, Edward Private Cont'l. IOO 101. Spillman, George Private Cont'l. IOO 102. Spalden, Charles Private Cont'l. IOO 103. Smith, Littleberry Private Cont'l. IOO 104. Spiller, William Captain State 666 2ij — One year additional. 105. Scruggs, James Private Cont'l. IOO 106. Scruggs, John Private Cont'l. IOO 107. Smith, Charles Private Cont'l. IOO 108. Smith, John Private Cont'l. 200 109. Slate, John Private Cont'l. IOO no. Stark, Robert Private Cont'l. IOO in. Simmons, Spratley Sergeant Cont'l. 200 112. Spiceley, James Private Cont'l. 200 113. Simpson, William Seaman S. N. IOO 114. Speed, John Private Cont'l. IOO 115. Snale, Thomas Lieutenant S. N. 2666^ 116. Sturdivant, Joel Captain S. N. For three years service. 117. Spencer, Joseph Captain Cont'l. 4000 118. Turner, George Private Cont'l. IOO 119. Turner, Simon Private Cont'l. IOO 120. Tool, Richard Gunner S. N. 200 121. Travis, James Private Cont'l. IOO 122. Taylor, Daniel Seaman S. Navy IOO 123. Turner, William Private State IOO 124. Vaughan, Jesse Private Cont'l. IOO 125. Waters, Isaac Private Cont'l. IOO 126. Wall, George Private Cont'l. IOO 127. Walker, David Lieutenant Cont'l. Additional for seventh year. 194 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia No. Names 128. Wale, William 129. Wood, Timothy 130. Wooster, John 131. West, Randolph 132. Willoughby, James 133- Wooden, Mathias 134. Ward, James 135. Willard, John 136. Willoughby, William 137. Winbro, Elin, [Eben] Rank Line Number of Acres, &c Private Cont'l. IOO Private Cont'l. 200 Private Cont'l. 200 Private Cont'l. IOO Sergeant Cont'l. 200 Fifer Cont'l. 100 Private Cont'l. IOO Private Cont'l. IOO Private Cont'l. 200 Seaman S. N. IOO The following is a List of Claims allowed by the Executive of Virginia, for which the certificates remain on file in the Executive Department. The warrants can be obtained on proper application therefor No. Names 138. Ashby, Bailey 139. Ashby, John 140. Alinton, John 141. Arrance, James 142. Benjamin, Joseph 143. Bird, Isaac 144. Chevis, William 145. Froman, Temple 146. Hannah, John 147. Holt, Reuben 148. Holt, Claiborne 149. Hay, John 150. Hatover, Michael 151. Hall, Caleb 152. Key, George 153. Laws, John 154. Levy, Judas 155. Leonard, Joseph 156. Leonard, Coleman 157. Leonard, John 158. Miller, Robert 159. M'Intosh, Thomas 160. Peebles, Andrew 161. Pennybaker, Conrad 162. Pitt, William 163. Roberts, Mourning 164. Redmon, Aaron 165. Saunders, Thomas 166. Spickard, James 167. Spickard, George 168. True, William 169. Thomas, John J. 170. Van Sickle, Ab'm 171. Wall, William Rank Line Term of Service When Allowed Private Cont'l 3 years May 20, 1823. Private Cont'l 3 years May 20, 1823. Private Cont'l For war May 20, 1823. Private Cont'l For war May 20, 1823. Trumpeter Cont'l 3 years October 10, 1821. Private Cont'l For war January 14, 1824. Gunner Cont'l 3 years January, 31, 1821. Private Cont'l 3 years July 15, 1818. Private Cont'l 3 years July 21, 1824. Private Cont'l For war May 20, 1829. Private Cont'l 3 years May 20, 1829. Private Cont'l 3 years December 18, 1827. Private Cont'l 3 years December 18, 1818. Sergeant Cont'l 3 years February 19, 1818. Private Cont'l 3 years May 20, 1829. Private Cont'l 3 years May 30, 1 82 1. Private Cont'l For war July 23, 1824. Private Cont'l For war May 20, 1829. Private Cont'l For war May 20, 1829. Private Cont'l For war May 20, 1829. Private Cont'l For war January 25, 1817. Private Cont'l 3 years April 13, 1822. Private Cont'l 3 years July 28, 1824. Fife Major Cont'l For war March 26, 1826. Private Cont'l 3 years February 19, 1818. Private Cont'l 3 years June 8, 1824. Private Cont'l 3 years May 20, 1829. Private Cont'l 3 years March 2, 1821. Private Cont'l 3 years July 22, 1824. Private Cont'l 3 years July 22, 1824. Private State 3 years November, 18, 1822. Private Cont'l For war April 18, 1823. Private Cont'l 3 years February 5, 1820. Private Cont'l 3 years July 23, 1824. Bounty Land Warrants 195 (16) List of Non-Commissioned Officers and Privates, Reported to the Executive as Entitled to Land in List No. 3, Who Will Receive the Same, if the Executive Shall Agree with the Agent in Opinion. No. Names 1. Addison, John 2. Arrington, Wickliffe 3. Broach, Charles 4. Brantum, Timothy 5. Bates, James 6. Bowers, Thomas 7. Bowers, Morris 8. Bowers, Philemon 9. Bowers, James 10. Bowers, George 11. Batcheldor, Henry 12. Bowden, Thomas 13. Broadfield, Charles 14. Bell, Thomas 15. Bailey, Lacker 16. Buffin, John 17. Bailey, Southey 18. Case, William 19. Campbell, Charles 20. Campbell, David 21. Croxton, Carter 22. Cox, William 23. Corbell, Joel 24. Casey, William 25. Colgan, William 26. Cardwell, William 27. Davenport, Joseph 28. Drewry, James 29. Davis, William 30. Diggs, Western 31. Didlake, William 32. Everett, Henry 33. Everett, William 34. Ellerson, David 35. Ferguson, William 36. Fishback, Jacob 37. Fowler, John 38. Grimes, William 39. Gates, William 40. Gibbs, John 41. Hinman, Benedict 42. Hendley, Charles 43. Hedgworth, Moses 44. Holland, Willis 45. Holland, Joseph 46. Henderson, John Rank Line Service Private Cont'l. 3 years Private Cont'l. 3 years Private Cont'l. 3 years Private Cont'l. 3 years Private Cont'l. 3 years Private Cont'l. For war Private Cont'l. For war Private Cont'l. For war Private Cont'l. For war Private Cont'l. For war Private State 3 years Private Cont'l. 3 years Private 3 years Sergeant 3 years Private Cont'l. For war Private Cont'l. 3 years Private Private Private Cont'l. 3 years Private Cont'l. 3 years Sergeant 3 years Private Cont'l. 3 years Private State Private Cont'l. 3 years Private Cont'l. 3 years Private Cont'l. For war Sgt. Major Private 3 years Private 3 years Private Cont'l. 3 years Private Cont'l. For war Private Cont'l. 3 years Private Cont'l. 3 years Private Cont'l. 3 years Wagoner For war Private Cont'l. For war Private Cont'l. 3 years Private Cont'l. 3 years Private Cont'l. 3 years Private Cont'l. 3 years Private Private Cont'l. 3 years Private 3 years Private 3 years Private 3 years Private Cont'l. 3 years Remarks Additional allowance for the war. Additional allowance for the war. 196 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia No. Names Rank Line Service 47. Hill, James Private For war land, the warrants for which remain on file in the land 48. Irby, David Private State 49. Joines, John (received 100 acres) Sergeant State For war 50. Jones, Frederick Private Cont'l. 3 years 51- Jones, Britton Private Cont'l. 3 years 52. Jenkins, John Private Cont'l. For war 53- Knewitt, Taylor Private For war 54- Kidd, William Private For war 55- Langston (or Sangs- ton), Timothy Private Cont'l. For war 56. Lawrence, William Private Cont'l. 3 years 57- Lawrence, John Private Cont'l. 3 years 58. Lasseter, Benjamin Private Cont'l. 3 years 59- Lasseter, Dempsey Private Cont'l. 3 years 60. March, John Private Cont'l. For war 61. Motley, David Private Cont'l. 3 years 62. Moses, Benjamin Private Cont'l. 3 years 63. M'Coy, Samuel Private Cont'l. 3 years 64. Murphey, Samuel Private 3 years 65- Maffitt, William Private Cont'l. For war 66. Morgan, William Private Cont'l. For war 67. M'Doeman, Daniel Mattross Cont'l. For war 68. Newcomb, James Private Cont'l. For war 69. Parker, Robert Private 3 years 70. Penden, Henry Sergeant Cont'l. 3 years 7i- Parish, William Sgt. Major 3 years 72. Parnell, Joseph Private Cont'l. 3 years 73- Radford, William Private 74- Redman, Martin Private Cont'l. 3 years 75- Richey, John Private Cont'l. For war 76. Ramsay, James Private Armand' legion s For war 77- Stanley, Joshua Private Cont'l. 78. Selby, Taylor Private For war 79- Strickling, Alexander Private 3 years 80. Thorp, Jonathan Private For war 81. Thayer, William Sgt. Major For war 82. Wissells, John Private 83- Watkinson, James Private Cont'l. 84. Watkinson, William Private Cont'l. 85. Warrington, John Private Cont'l. For war 86. Wilber, James Private State 87. White, Ambrose Private Cont'l. For war 88. Wayne, Benjamin Private Cont'l. For war Remarks See list of executive allowances of office. Reported in Illinois list as a vol. entitled to 200 acres of land. Reported in Illinois list. Additional land, he having re- ceived a part of his claim. Bounty Land Warrants 197 Section ii (17) [Document No. 43] (17) A List of Non-Commissioned Officers and Soldiers of The Vir- ginia State Line, and Non-Commissioned Officers and Seamen and Marines of The State Navy, Whose Names are on the Army Register, and who have not Received Bounty Land for Revolutionary Services, Richmond, 1835. John H. Smith, Comr, &c. [The names in this Document have been rearranged alphabetically, separating the Navy — G. M. B.] To his Excellency L. W. Tazewell, 1 Governor of Virginia. J SIR, I have been required by law to examine certain revolutionary documents, and to report to the governor a list of the names of all such persons as may be entitled to claims on Virginia for bounty land on account of services rendered in the war of the revolution — and such other information touching revolutionary services as may be deemed important. In November last, I had the honor of reporting to his excellency John Floyd, then governor of the commonwealth, a list of the officers of the army, both of the continental and state lines, and also of the navy of Virginia, whose names appear on the army registers of Virginia, and who had not received bounty land for revolutionary services. I reported also to governor Floyd other lists, which, together with that last mentioned, were communicated by him to the general assembly. I now report to your excellency a list of the non-commissioned officers and soldiers of the state line, and of the non-commissioned officers, seamen and marines of the stale navy, whose names appear on the army register of Virginia, and who have not received bounty land for revolutionary services. A similar list of the non-commissioned officers and soldiers of the Virginia continental line will be hereafter reported. I could not prepare these lists without having complete copies made of the army registers and of one of the military land warrant books belonging to the land office. The making of these copies has occupied the time of my assistant or clerk for several months; and it was impossible to complete them until within a few weeks past. The list which I now report contains all the information (except such as has been heretofore reported to the governor) in relation to claims of non-commis- sioned officers, seamen and marines of the state navy, and non-commissioned officers and soldiers of the state line, which I am able to communicate, in con- formity with the declared wishes of the general assembly The same name frequently appears more than once, and sometimes very often, on the army registers. I had supposed that each name was that of a different individual. They whose names are on the army registers, received certificates for the balance of pay due for their services, agreeably to the act of assembly passed November session, 1781. If there was but one balance of pay due the soldier, his name would generally appear once only on the army register, 198 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia this was not always the case: The same individual may have had a balance of pay due him in different characters — For example, for services as a private, as a sergeant or corporal, and as a commissioned officer. Therefore, the name of the same individual may sometimes be found more than once on the army registers. This creates some uncertainty in regard to claims. Names may be found on the list now reported, which are the same with those of non-commissioned officers and soldiers, &c. who have received bounty land. It may generally be presumed that there were as many different persons of the same name as there were times of the occurrence of the name on the army register ; but this will not always be the real state of fact, for the reason before given. A list of the non-commissioned officers and soldiers of the Virginia continental line, whose names are on the army register of Virginia, and who have not received bounty land, will be reported as soon as it shall be completed. Respectfully submitted. Richmond, November 25, 1834. JOHN H. SMITH, ConCr fire. Abbott, Daniel, Sgt., Inf. , Roger, Sgt., Inf. , William, , , William, Jr., Ackerel, Abraham, Soldier, Inf. Adams, Richard, Soldier, Art. , William, Soldier, Inf. Ag(?)ey, Peter, Soldier, Inf. Akis, John, Soldier, Inf. Alden, Thomas, Soldier, Art. Alexander, James, Soldier, Art. , James, Soldier, Inf. Allen, Henry, Soldier, Inf. , Henry, Sgt., Cav. , Isaac, Soldier, Inf. -, Isaac, Soldier, Inf. — , John, Sen., — , , John, Younger, , John, Soldier, Inf. , Samuel, Soldier, Inf. , Samuel, Sgt., Inf. , Saunders, Soldier, Inf. Allison, John, Soldier, Inf. Anderson, John, Matross, Art. ■ — , Joseph, Soldier, Inf. , Joseph, Soldier, Inf. , Ralph, Soldier, Art. , Richard, Soldier, Inf. Andrews, John, Soldier, Inf. Andrews, John, Sgt., Inf. Anedell, William, Soldier, Art. Archer, Charles, -, William, Soldier, Inf. Armstrong, George, Soldier, Art. , Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Ash, John, Soldier, Inf. Ashby, John, Soldier, Inf. Asher, Bartlett, Soldier, Inf. Askridge, Malachi, Soldier, Art. Atkinson, Elias, Soldier, Inf. , Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Auldry, Seth, Soldier, Cav. Baber, Daniel, Matross, Art. Back, John, Soldier, Inf. Bailey, Jacob, Soldier, Inf. Baily, William, Soldier, Inf. Baird, Thomas, Soldier, Cav. Baker, James, Sgt., Inf. , John, Soldier, Inf. Baldwin, Benjamin, Corp., Inf. Ballance, Henry, Sgt., Inf. — , Willis, Corp., Inf. Ballard, John, Corp., Inf. , Proctor, Sgt., Art. , William, Sgt., Art. Ballinger, James, Soldier, Inf. Balsinger, Valentine, Soldier, Bander, John, Soldier, Inf. Bane, Humphrey, Soldier, Inf. Bounty Land Warrants 199 Bank, John, Soldier, Art. Baonett, Robert, Soldier, Cav. Barbee, John, Soldier, Art. Barbee, John, Soldier, Inf. Bardin; William, Soldier, Art. Barlow, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. , Thomas, Soldier, Inf. -, William, Artificer, Barnes, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Barnett, Richard, Soldier, Art. Barry, William, Soldier, Art. Bartholomew, William, Soldier, Inf. Bartholomew, William, Soldier, Inf. Bartle, William, Artificer, Art. Bass, David, Soldier, Inf. Baxter, James, Soldier, Inf. Bay ley, David, Soldier, Inf. Beavers, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Been, William, Soldier, Inf. Begeant, William, Soldier, Cav. Begraw, Alexander, Matross, Art. Belface, Peter, Soldier, Art. Bell, James, Soldier, Inf. , Peter, Sgt., Art. , William, Soldier, Inf. , William, Soldier, Inf. Bellinger, Larkin, Soldier, Inf. Belvin, William, Q. M. Sgt., Inf. Benani, Fielding, Soldier, Inf. Bennett, John, Soldier, Inf. Benoit, Francis, Soldier, Inf. Benson, John, Soldier, Inf. , Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Benston, Matthew, Soldier, Inf. Berryman, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Best, Malachi, Private, Beverly, Sylvester, , Bingley, Lewis, Soldier, Inf. Bingoman, Adam, Soldier, Inf. Bird, Baylor, Soldier, Cav. , John, Sgt., , , Samuel, , Bisco, James, ■ , Blair, John, Soldier, Inf. Blakey, John, Soldier, Inf. Blankenship, Abel, Soldier, Inf. , Daniel, Soldier, Art. , William, Gunner, Art. Blanks, David, Artificer, Blazengan, William, Soldier, Art. Bleton, William, Soldier, Inf. Block, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Bodin, William, Soldier, Inf. Bofare, Peter, Soldier, Art. Boils, John, Soldier, Inf. Boiling, Winn, Artificer, Art. Bollinger, Larkin, Soldier, Inf. Bolton, Daniel, Soldier, Inf. Bolton, Daniel, Corp., Art. Booker, Richard, Soldier, Art. Booth, Isaac, Soldier, Inf. Booton, Travis, Soldier, Cav. , Travis, Soldier, Cav. , William, Soldier, Cav. , William, Soldier, Cav. Boswell, Owen, Soldier, Art. Bourince, Malachi, Artificer Boush, William, Soldier, Inf. Bowday (Bowdry?), John, Soldier, Art. Bowen, William, Corp., Inf. Bowers, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Bowler, Obadiah, , Bishop, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Blackwell, James, Soldier, Inf. Blain, Peter, Soldier, Inf. , Silas, Soldier, , — Bowles, Peter, Soldier, Inf. Bowling, William, Soldier, Inf. Bowman, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. , Mackness, Gunner, Art. Brady, John, Soldier, Inf. Bragg, John, Soldier, Cav. Brand, John, Soldier, Inf. Brandon, Rhode, Soldier, Inf. Branley, William, Soldier, Inf. Branson, Larkin, Soldier, Inf. Brawley, William, Soldier, Inf. Breeding, John, Sgt., Inf. , Richard, Soldier, Inf. Breese, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Brent, Daniel, Sgt., Cav. Brewer, Henry, Soldier, Inf. 200 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Bright, John, Soldier, Inf. Brinkley, William, Soldier, Inf. Briscoe, William, Soldier, Inf. Bristor, Saunders, Soldier, Art. Britton, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Broadus, William, Sgt., Inf. Brooke, Reuben, Soldier, Inf. Brown, Colin, Soldier, Inf. , Daniel, Soldier, Art. , Edmond, Soldier, Inf. , Francis, Steward, , James, Sgt., Art. , John, Sgt., Inf. , John, Soldier, Inf. , Lewis, Soldier, Art. , Low, Soldier, Inf. , Peyton, Soldier, Inf. •, Reuben, Soldier, Inf. Butcher, Casper, Soldier, Inf. Butler, John, Soldier, Inf. , John, Soldier, Inf. , Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Butts, William, Soldier, Brownlee, William, Matross, Art. Bryan, Daniel, Soldier, Cav. Bryant, James, Soldier, Inf. -, James, Soldier, Inf. , John, Soldier, Art. ■ — -, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Buchannan, William, Drummer, Art. Buckhannan, William, Soldier, Inf. Buckley, Daniel, Soldier, Inf. — -, Joshua, Soldier, Cav. Buils, Francis, Corp., Cav. Bullett, George, Soldier, Art. Bullitin, James, Soldier, Cav. Bultin, John, Soldier, Inf. Buns, John, Soldier, Inf. Burbage, John, Wm., Soldier, Inf. Burge, Woodon, Soldier, Inf. Burgess, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Burk, Charles, Matross, Art. Burkett, Samuel, Soldier, Art. Burkhouse, George, Sgt., Art. Burns, John, Soldier, Cav. Burroughs, John, Corp., Inf. Burton, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Bush, Drewry, Matross, Inf. ■ , John, Matross, Art. ■ , Thomas, Soldier, Art. , William, Soldier, Inf. Byrns, John, Soldier, Inf. Calvert, John, Soldier, Cav. Cammin, James, Soldier, Inf. Camp, James, Soldier, Inf. , Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Camper, Tilmon, Soldier, Inf. Campbell, George, Sgt., Inf. , John, Sgt., Inf. , John, Sgt., Inf. Carbige, Isaac, Soldier, Inf. Carbine, Henry, Soldier, Cav. Cardwell, Frederick, Soldier, Cav. -, Lewis, Gunner, Art. Carey, James, Soldier, Inf. Carlton, William, Soldier, Cav. Carmill, Patrick, Soldier, Inf. Carney, John, Soldier, Art. Carpenter, Joseph, Soldier, Art. Carr, William, Soldier, Inf. Carr, William, Soldier, Inf. Carter, Peter, Soldier, Art. , Thomas, Soldier, Art. , Thomas, Soldier, Art. , William, Corp., Inf. Cartwright, Jesse, Soldier, Inf. Casey, John, Soldier, Inf. Casey, John, Soldier, Inf. Cassady, James, Sgt., Inf. Cave, Reuben, Soldier, Inf. Cellars, William, Soldier, Inf. Chambers, Ellick, Soldier, Cav. Champers, John, Soldier, Inf. Chandler, Thomas, Soldier, Chapman, Edward, Soldier, Inf. , James, Soldier, Cav. , Richard, Soldier, Inf. ■ , Richard, Soldier, Inf. , William, Soldier, Inf. , William, Soldier, — Chappell, John, Soldier, Inf. Bounty Land Warrants 201 Charles, Philip, Soldier, Inf. , Samuel, Sgt., Inf. , Thomas, Soldier, Cav. Chick, William, Soldier, Inf. Chilton, Stephen, Soldier, Chisholm, James, Soldier, Inf. Chiswell, Peter, Soldier, Inf. Christian, James, Soldier, Art. , James, Soldier, Art. — -, William, , Art. Christy, James, Soldier, Cav. , James, Soldier, Cav. Clack, Andrew, Armourer Clarinon, Michael, Soldier, Inf. Clarke, Andrew, Soldier, Inf. ■, Andrew, Soldier, Inf. , Andrew, Matross, Art. , James, Fifer, Art. , John, Matross, Art. , John, Soldier, Inf. , Richard, Soldier, Inf. , Stephen, Soldier, Inf. Clements, Barnard, Soldier, Cav. , Benjamin, Soldier, Cav. , John, Soldier, Inf. Cleverine, James, Soldier, Inf. Click, William, Soldier, Inf. , William, Corp. Inf. Close, Jacob, Soldier, Inf. Clouders (Cloudas?), Abram, Soldier, Inf. Cockran, Dennis, Soldier, Inf. , Edward, Soldier, Inf. , George, Soldier, Inf. ■, Henry, Soldier, Inf. -, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Cogwall, Frederick, Soldier, Inf. Cohall, James, Soldier, Art. Coleman, Levy, Soldier, Inf. , Thomas, Soldier, Inf. , William, Soldier, , Wyatt, Sgt., Inf. , Wyatt, Sgt., Inf. Collier, Thomas, Sgt., Inf. Collins, Bartlett, Sgt., , John, Soldier, Art. Colter, William, Soldier, Inf. Colvin, Daniel, Soldier, Inf. — , Mason, Soldier, Inf. Comber, Isham, Soldier, Art. Comer, James, Soldier, , John, Soldier, Inf. Congel, Daniel, Soldier, Inf. Cook, Henry, Soldier, Inf. ■ — ■ — — -, Henry, Soldier, , John, Soldier, ■ — , Yancy, Soldier, Cooke, Adam, Soldier, Inf. , Daniel, Soldier, Inf. , Randolph, Soldier, Inf. , William, Soldier, Art. Cooker, James, Soldier, Art. Cookers, Michael, Soldier, Cav. Cooley, Thomas, Soldier, Cav. Cooper, Barnus, Soldier, Inf. , Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Coperd, Francis, Soldier, Inf. Corder, James, Soldier, Cav. Corkindal, George, Soldier, Inf. Corns, John, Soldier, Inf. Cornwall, Daniel, Soldier, Art. Cornwell, Daniel, Soldier, Inf. Corsin, John, Soldier, Inf. Cosgrove, James, Soldier, Inf. Courtney, Thomas, Soldier, Covenance, Paul, Soldier, Inf. Cowdray, John, Soldier, Inf. Cowen, Andrew, Soldier, Inf. , John, Soldier, Inf. Cowley, Thomas, Soldier, Cav. Cox, Abraham, Soldier, Inf. , Abraham, Soldier, Inf. , Benjamin, Soldier, Art. , James, Soldier, Inf. , Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Coyen, Nathaniel, , Inf. Craft, John, Soldier, Inf. Craighead, Peter, Sgt., Inf. Craine, Ebenezer, Soldier, Inf. Crawford, John, Sgt., Inf. Crawley, John, Soldier, Inf. , William, Sgt., Art. 202 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Craze, Noah, Soldier, Inf. Creedle, Benjamin, Sgt., Art. , William, Sgt., Art. Croaker, William, Drum Major, — Crossley, William, Soldier, Inf. Crostick, Edward, Soldier, Art. Crouch, William, Soldier, Inf. Croucher, Charles, Soldier, Inf. Crowders, William, Soldier, Cav. Croxton, Charles, Soldier, Art. , John, Soldier, Art. Cromp, William, Sgt., Inf. Crumel, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Crump, Augustine, Soldier, Inf. , Benjamin, Sgt., Inf. , Leonard, Sgt., Art. , William, Sgt., Crutcher, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Crutchfield, John, Q. Master, Cav. , John, Q. Master, Cav. , Ralph, Soldier, Cav. Cue, William, Soldier, Inf. Cullen, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. , John, ■ — -, Inf. Cumbo, Stephen, Soldier, Inf. Currell, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. Curry, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Curtain, Page, Soldier, Inf. Curtice, Rice, Soldier, Inf. Curtis, Charles, Soldier, Inf. , Robert, Soldier, Cav. , Robert, Sgt., Art. Dailey, Hamner, Soldier, Inf. Daily, Zadock, Sgt., Damewood, Boston, Soldier, Dangerfield, John, Drummer, Art. , William, Soldier, Inf. Davenport, Joseph, Sgt., Inf. , Opie, Art. , William, Sgt., Art. Davis, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Day, William, Soldier, Inf. Denby, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Desmond, James, Soldier, Inf. Deweese, Paul, Soldier, Inf. Deyall, John, Soldier, Inf. Diehard, Jacob, Soldier, Inf. Dismakes, James, Soldier, Inf. Dolphin, Peter, Soldier, Inf. Dodd, John, Soldier, Dougherty, Edward, Soldier, Inf. Dowell, Elisha, Soldier, Inf. Dozey, Lavin, Soldier, Inf. Dragoon, Ephraim, Soldier, Inf. Drinkwater, William, Soldier, Inf. Duff, John, Soldier, Inf. Duly, Philip, Soldier, Inf. Dungie, William, Matross, Art. Dunnavon, John, Soldier, Inf. Dupee, Francis, Soldier, Inf. Durfey, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Durst, Daniel, Sgt., Inf. Eagle, Hammon, Soldier, Inf. Edington, Alman, Soldier, Inf. Edward, William, Soldier, Inf. Edwards, John, Soldier, Inf. , Thomas, Soldier, Inf. , William, Soldier, Inf. Efford, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Egan, John, Soldier, Inf. Egmon, John, Soldier, Inf. Egmond, James, Soldier, Inf. Elam, Alexander, Soldier, Inf. Ellins, John, Soldier, Inf. Ellis, Edward, Soldier, Inf. , John, Soldier, Art. Elmore (Elinore?), George, Sgt., Art. Elms, John, Soldier, Enerville, Aquilla, Sgt., Inf. English, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Eppes, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Estis, James, Soldier, Inf. Evans, Charles, Soldier, Inf. , Littleberry, Sgt., Art. , Matthew, Soldier, Inf. , Stanhope, Soldier, Inf. Fair, Edmond, Matross, Art. , Thomas, Soldier, Cav. Fannen, David, Soldier, Inf. Bounty Land Warrants 203 Fare, Edmond, Soldier, Inf. Farmer, Seth, Soldier, Farris, Martin, Soldier, Inf. Fauguson, Larkin, Soldier, Inf. Favors, John, Soldier, Inf. Feltz, Nathan, Soldier, Inf. Ferrell, Edmond, Soldier, , Thomas, Soldier, — Fever, William, Matross, Art. Fevers, John, Soldier, Cav. Field, Daniel, Matross, Inf. — , John, Soldier, Inf. -, Lewis, Soldier, Fielding, Benoni, Bombadier, Art. Fields, Edward, Soldier, Art. Fitzhugh, John, Matross, Art. Flack, George, Soldier, Inf. , John, Soldier, Inf. ■ — , Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Flanagan, Dominick, Soldier, Inf. Flax, John, Soldier, Inf. Fleming, Barnard, Soldier, Art. , William, Soldier, Inf. Fleshman, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Fletcher, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Flournoy, Samuel, Sgt., Inf. Floyd, Isham, Soldier, Inf. Folley, Daniel, Soldier, Inf. ■ , Mark, Soldier, Inf. , Mark, Matross, Art. Foreman, William, Soldier, Inf. Forrester, James, Soldier, Inf. Forster, Henry, Soldier, Inf. , William, Soldier, Cav. , William, Soldier, Cav. Foster, William, Soldier, Cav. Fox, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. Frazier, Abram, Sgt., Inf. Freeman, Elijah, Soldier, Art. , Peter, Soldier, Inf. , William, Matross, Art. Froman, Elijah, Soldier, Inf. , Elijah, Soldier, Art. Fuglar, William, Soldier, Inf. Fuller, Cabel, Soldier, Art. , John, Soldier, Inf. Fuqua, John, Sgt., Cav. Gadbury, William, Soldier, Inf. Gaddy, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Gagney, Lewis, Soldier, Inf. Gaines, William, Soldier, Inf. Galloway, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. Gamble, David, Sgt., Art. Gammon, James, Soldier, Inf. Ganned, Abram, Soldier, Inf. Garrell, Solomon, Sgt., Inf. Gaskins, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Gates, Casper, Soldier, Cav. Gawey, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Gentry, Nicholas, Soldier, Art. George, Jeduthan, Sgt., Inf. , Reuben, Artificer, Art. Gibbons, Thomas, Soldier, Gibbs, Churchill, Sgt., Inf. Gibson, John, Soldier, Inf. Gideon, Ishmael, Artificer, Art. Gill, Alexander, Soldier, Art. , John, Soldier, Art. Gilligan, Luke, Soldier, Inf. Gilmour, George, Soldier, Inf. Gisborn, John, Soldier, Inf. Giss, John, Soldier, Inf. Glass, Michael, Soldier, Cav. Gleason, Patrick, Soldier, Art. Glover, Thomas, Q. M. Gen., Art. Goatley, John, Soldier, Inf. Godfrey, Francis, Soldier, Inf. Golden, Isham, Soldier, Inf. Golding, Simon, Soldier, Inf. Goodall, John, Sgt., Cav. Goode, John, Soldier, Goodell, Augustine, Soldier, Inf. Goodloe, Henry, Sgt., Cav. Goodman, Charles, Soldier, Inf. Goodwin, Edward, Sgt., , William, Soldier, Inf. Gordon, John, Soldier, Inf. Goss, James, Corp., Inf. Graham, Lowry, Soldier, Inf. Granger, Stephen, Soldier, Inf. Graves, Francis, Sgt., Inf. 204 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia , Francis, Sgt., Inf. Gratiott, Jean, Soldier, Inf. Gray, William, Sgt., Inf. Green, Ambrose, Soldier, Inf. , Christopher, Corp., Art. , Elijah, Soldier, Inf. , James, Soldier, Inf. , John, Sgt., Inf. , William Prior, Soldier, - Gregory, William, Sgt., Inf. Greenwood, Daniel, Soldier, Gresham, Daniel, Soldier, Art. , John, Soldier, Inf. Griffin, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Griffith, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. , Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Grigg, Abner, Artificer, Art. Griggs, William, Q. Master, Grimshaw, John, Soldier, Inf. Grimsley, James, Soldier, Inf. Grolet, Francis, Soldier, Inf. , Francis, Sen., Soldier, Inf. Gross, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Grymes, George, Soldier, Inf. , George, Sgt., Inf. , John, Soldier, Inf. , Thomas, Sgt., Art. Gunnell, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Guttery, David, Soldier, Inf. Guttry, William, Soldier, Inf. Gwin, Jacob, Soldier, Inf. , Jacob, Snr. Frederick, Sgt., Art. Gwinn, James, Soldier, Inf. , James, Soldier, Inf. , John, Soldier, Art. Hacocks (Hawks?), John, Soldier, Inf. Hair, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Haley, John, Soldier, Cav. Hall, Daniel, Soldier, Inf. , Jesse, Soldier, Art. , John, Soldier, Inf. , Mark, Soldier, Inf. , Robert, Soldier, Inf. , Thomas, Soldier, Inf. , William, Soldier, Hamfley, John, Matross, Art. Hant, Henry, Matross, Art. Harbron, William, Gunner, Inf. Hardin, Francis, Soldier, Inf. Hargis, John, Soldier, Inf. Harmontrei, Harris, Soldier, Inf. Harper, James, Sgt., Inf. Harrington, Charles, Soldier, Inf. Harris, Francis, Soldier, Inf. , Micajah, Soldier, Inf. Harrison, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Hart, John, Soldier, Inf. , Miles, Soldier, Inf. Hartwell, Isham, Soldier, Inf. Harwood, James, Jr., Sgt., Cav. , William, Soldier, Cav. Hatton, Christopher, Soldier, Inf. , Solomon, Soldier, Inf. Hawkins, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Hawks, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Hay, John, Soldier, Inf. Hayes, James, Soldier, Inf. , Thomas, Soldier, Inf. , Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Hays, James, Soldier, Inf. Hazard, John, Soldier, Inf. Heely, Martin, Sgt., Inf. Helbrand, James, Soldier, Inf. Helmick, Nicholas, Soldier, Inf. Hernia, Andrew, Soldier, Inf. Hendricks, Andrew, Soldier, Inf. Henley, John, Sgt., Inf. Henson, William, Soldier, Inf. Herrin, William, Soldier, Inf. Hesler, Ezekiel, Soldier, Inf. Hicks, David, Sgt., Inf. , John, Soldier, Art. , Mordecai, Soldier, Inf. Higdon, Richard, Soldier, Art. Higgins, Burnley, Soldier, Cav. , Williams, Soldier, Art. Hill, John, Soldier, Inf. , John, Soldier, Inf. , Miles, Soldier, Inf. Hilling, James, Soldier, Inf. Bounty Land Warrants 205 Hilt, Peter, Soldier, Inf. Hipkinstall, James, Soldier, Inf. Hite, Jacob, Soldier, Inf. Hobday, Richard, Artificer, Holdhand, James, Soldier, Inf. Hollings, John, Soldier, Inf. Hollis, Joshua, Soldier- Inf. Holloway, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. , Thomas, Sgt., Inf. Holmes, Thomas C, Sgt., Inf. Holt, Thompson, Soldier, Inf. Hood, Charles, Soldier, Art. Hoomes, James, Soldier, Inf. Hooper, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Hopkins, Richards, Matross, Art. Hopson, John, Soldier, Inf. Horn, Christopher, Soldier, Inf. , Jeremiah, Matross, Art. Horton, Odin, Matross, Art. Hoseck, Alexander, Soldier, Inf. Hoseck, Alexander, Soldier, Inf. Hounsler, Charles, Soldier, Inf. House, Anthony, Soldier, Inf. Howell, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. , Lewis, Soldier, 111. Regt. , Peter, Soldier, Inf. , Peter, Soldier, Inf. , Philison, Soldier, Inf. , Stephen, Soldier, Inf. , Wiatt, Sgt., Inf. , Wyatt, Sgt., Inf. , William, Soldier, Inf. Hoyt, George, Soldier, Inf. Hudgins, Joshua, Hudson, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Huffman, Jacob, Soldier, Inf. Huggins, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Hughes, John, Soldier, Inf. , Pratt, Sgt., Inf. Humphreys, Reuben, Soldier, Inf. Hunt, Henry, Soldier, Inf. — , Henry, Soldier, Cav. -, John, B. Artificer, Hupp, Philip, Matross, Art. Hutcheson, Charles, Soldier, Inf. , Michael, Matross, Art. Hutson, Charles, Soldier, Art. , Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Ingraham, William, Soldier, Inf. Inrufto, Edward, Soldier, Inf. Isbell, Benjamin, Soldier, Art. Iverson, Edward, Soldier, Inf. Jackson, Ambrose, Artificer, Inf. , Jacob, Soldier, Cav. , Josiah, Soldier, Cav. , Richardson, Soldier, Inf. James, Edward, Soldier, Inf. , Walter, Soldier, Inf. Jamieson, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Jarrell, James, Soldier, Inf. Jasper, Edward, , Inf. , John, , Art. Jeffries, Going, Soldier, Art. , Mourning, Soldier, Art. Jelt, Thomas, Soldier, Art. Jenkins, Harman, Soldier, Inf. , Timothy, Soldier, Inf. Jennings, John, Soldier, Inf. , Thomas, Soldier, Inf. , William, Soldier, Inf. Johnson, Alexander, Soldier, Inf. , Andrew, Soldier, Inf. , Benjamin, Sgt., Inf. , Edward, Soldier, Inf., , Jacob, Soldier, Inf. , James, Soldier, Art. , James, Soldier, Cav. , John, Soldier, Inf. , John, Sgt., Inf. , Joseph, Soldier, Art. , Malcomb, Soldier, Cav. , Samuel, Soldier, Inf. , Thomas, Soldier, Art. , William, Soldier, Art. Johnston, George (twice), Soldier, Cav. Jones, "David and wife, orderly and nurse to hospital" ■, Edward, Soldier, Inf. , James, Gunner, Art. , Jesse, Soldier, Cav. 206 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia , John, Soldier, Cav. -, John, Soldier, Inf. , Matthew, Soldier, Art. , Roland, Soldier, Inf. , William, Soldier, Inf. , Willis, Soldier, Jordan, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Joynes, Erasmus, Soldier, Inf. ■ , John, Soldier, Inf. Jude, Frederick, Soldier, Inf. Judy, John, Soldier, Art. Kaylor, Matthew, Soldier, Inf. Kelly, James, Soldier, Art. , Joshua, Soldier, Inf. Kemp, John, Soldier, Inf. , Reuben, Soldier, Inf. Kendall, William, Soldier, Cav. Kennar, Rodham, Gunner, Art. Kennedy, David, Matross, Art. , Jonathan, Soldier, Art. Kent, Daniel, Sgt., , Daniel received bounty land as ensign in the State Line. , William, Bombadier, — , William, Soldier, Art. -, William, Soldier, Inf. Kerr, William, Soldier, Inf. Kersey, John, Soldier, Cav. Key, George, Soldier, Art. , John, Soldier, Cav. ■ — , Thomas, Sgt., Cav. Ki(?), Christopher, Soldier, Inf. Kidd, John, Soldier, Inf. , Moses, Soldier, Inf. , Robert, Soldier, Inf. Kiho, Peter, Sen., Soldier, Inf. , Peter, Soldier, Inf. Kildron, George, Soldier, Inf. Kincaid, James, Q. M. Sgt. King, George, Soldier, Inf. , Henry, Soldier, Inf. Kinley, John, Soldier, Inf. Kirby, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Kirk, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Kirtley, James, Soldier, Inf. , James, Sgt., Inf. Kirtly, James, Soldier, Inf. Knapper, James, Sgt., Art. Koons, Chisley, Soldier, Inf. Kuman, Laurence, Soldier, Inf. Lacase, Jacque, Soldier, Inf. Lacy, John, Soldier, Inf. Ladd, James, Soldier, Inf. Lafarro, Francis, Soldier, Inf. Lamarini, John, Soldier, Inf. Lambeth, Charles, Soldier, Inf. Lamon, Dedrick, Soldier, Inf. Lampkin, William, Laney, Thomas, Matross, Art. Larishardy, Alexis, Matross, Art. Larose, Francis, Matross, Inf. Lasley, John, Matross, Art. Lasont, James, Matross, Inf. Lassenbury, Edmund, Sgt., Cav. Laughlin, Peter, Soldier, Inf. Laviolette, Lewis, Soldier, Inf. Lawrence, Absalom, Soldier, Lawson, Eppa, Soldier, Inf. Leach, George, Soldier, Art. Lear, William, Soldier, Cav. Lee, Peter, Soldier, Art. Leech, Valentine, Sgt., Leigh, Richard, Soldier, Cav. Lewis, Benjamin, Matross, Art. , Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. , James, Soldier, Inf. , John, Soldier, Inf. , Warner, Soldier, Art. Lightholder, Christopher, Soldier, Inf. Ligonier, Francis, Soldier, Inf. Lindsay, John, Soldier, Art. Lindsey, Michael, Soldier, Inf. Liplong, Joseph, Corp., Cav. Lipscomb, Henry, Soldier, Inf. , Jesse, Soldier, Inf. Litchfield, John, Soldier, Art. Little, Francis, Matross, Art. Lively, Edward, Soldier, Inf. - — , William, Soldier, Inf. Liviston, George, Soldier, Inf. Bounty Land Warrants 207 Lockhart, Archibald, Soldier, Inf. Logan, Hugh, Soldier, Inf. Long, John, Soldier, Inf. , Philip, Matross, Inf. , Richard (twice), Soldier, Inf. , Reuben, Soldier, Inf. , William, Soldier, Inf. Looewell, Elias, Soldier, Inf. Lorde, Robertson, Soldier, Art. Loveing, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Lovenburg, Philip, Soldier, Inf. Loverback, Christopher, Soldier, Inf. Loving, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Lowry, William, Matross, Art. Loyd, James, Soldier, Inf. Luger, William, Soldier, Art. Lunsford, Anthony, Soldier, Inf. , George, Soldier, Inf. Lusander, Abram, Soldier, Inf. Lynes, John, Soldier, Inf. Lyon, Jacob, Soldier, Inf. , William, Soldier, Inf. McBinn, John V., Soldier, Inf. McCall, Henry, Drum Major, McCarter, John, Soldier, McCaulley, Patrick, Matross, Art. McClain, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. McClure, Robert, Soldier, Art. , Robert, Sgt., Inf. McCormick, James, Soldier, Inf. McCoy, Enos, Corp., McDade, Richard, Soldier, Inf. McDaniel, George, Sgt., Inf. , Thomas, Soldier, Inf. McDonald, Daniel, Soldier, Inf. , David, Soldier, Cav. ■, James, Matross, Art. — ■, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. McDurmey, Daniel, Soldier, McElmore, John, Soldier, Inf. McFargin, Abram, Soldier, Inf. McFarlin, Elisha, Soldier, Art. McGan, John, Soldier, Inf. McGinness, Christian, Soldier, Inf. McGuire, John, Matross, Art. , Joseph, Soldier, Inf. McKevis, John, Soldier, Inf. McKine, James, Soldier, Inf. McKinney, John, Soldier, Inf. , John, Soldier, Art. , Merdick, Soldier, Inf. , Robert, Soldier, Art. — , William, Soldier, Inf. McLaughlin, Charles, Matross, Art. McLillard, Daniel, Soldier, McMichen, Joseph, Drum Maj. McMichie, John, Soldier, Inf. McMullen, James, Matross, Art. McPherson, William, Soldier, Inf. McQuiddy, James, Soldier, Inf. McRoberts, Alexander, Soldier, Inf. McVay, John, Matross, Art. Maddox, Alexander, Soldier, Madison, William, Soldier, Inf. Mahone, Dudley, Soldier, Inf. Mahooney, Peter, Soldier, Art. Mail, Ebenezer, Matross, Art. Mairs, Patricks, Soldier, Inf. Major, Harry, Soldier, — , Jeremiah M., Soldier, Inf. Malcolm, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Mankin, James, Soldier, Inf. Manning, Jesse, Soldier, Inf. Manning, Jesse, Soldier, Inf. Marey, Lt. B., Soldier, Inf. Marsh, John, Matross, Art. Marshall, James, Soldier, Inf. , Joseph, Soldier, Art. , Richard, Soldier, Inf. , William, Soldier, Inf. Mark, Andrew, Soldier, Inf. Martain, George, Soldier, Inf. Martin, Charles, Soldier, Inf. , James, Soldier, Inf. ■ , John, Soldier, Cav. ■ , Pierce, Soldier, Inf. ■ , Solomon, Soldier, Inf. , Williams, Soldier, Inf. Matthews, Edward, Sgt., Mankins, James, Soldier, Inf. May, James, Soldier, Art. 208 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia , William, Soldier, Inf. Mayden, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Mayfield, Elijah, Matross, Art. , Elisha, Matross, Art. , Isaac, Matross, Art. , James, Matross, Art. , James, Matross, Inf. , Lewis, Matross, Inf. Maynard, Ambrose, Soldier, Inf. Meadows, Isham, Soldier, Inf. , Joel, Soldier, Inf. , John, Soldier, Inf. , Josiah, Soldier, Inf. , Thomas, Soldier, Inf. , William, Soldier, Inf. Melburne, Daniel, Soldier, Inf. Merphew, James, Sgt., Inf. Merriwether, William, Soldier, Inf. Michael, Louis D., Soldier, Inf. , Miles, Sgt., , Stephen, Soldier, Inf. Millbank, William, Sgt., Art. Miller, Abram (twice), Soldier, Inf. , Abram, Matross, Art. , David, Soldier, Inf. , Francis, Soldier, Inf. , James, Soldier, Inf. , John, Soldier, Inf. Mills, Anthony, Sgt., Inf. , Southard, Soldier, Inf. Missie, Bernard, Soldier, Inf. Mitchell, John, Soldier, Inf. , Thomas, Soldier, Art. , William (twice), Soldier, Inf. ■ , Wyatt, Soldier, Inf. Molineux, Archibald, Soldier, Inf. Momuel, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Monrony, Sylvester, Soldier, Inf. , William, Sgt., Inf. Montgomery, James, Soldier, Inf. , William, Soldier, Inf. Moody, Josiah, Q. M. Sgt., Moore, Bernard, Soldier, Art. , George, Soldier, Inf. , Henley, Sgt., , John, Soldier, Inf. , John, Soldier, Art. , Joseph, Soldier, Inf. , Patrick, Gunner, Art. , Peter, Sgt., Art. , Samuel, Soldier, Inf. , Thomas, Soldier, Inf. , Thomas, Soldier, Art. Morgan, Charles, Soldier, Inf. , William, Soldier, Inf. Morris, Claiborne, Soldier, Art. , Groves, Soldier, Inf. , Henry (twice), Soldier, Inf. , James (twice), Soldier, Inf. , James, Soldier, Art. , John, Soldier, Inf. , John, Sgt., Soldier, Inf. , Saunders, Soldier, Inf. Morton, Thomas, Soldier, , William, Q. M. Sgt., Art. Moss, John, Soldier, Inf. Moutroy, Anthony, Soldier, Inf. , Anthony, Matross, Art. Moxley, George, , Muir, James, Soldier, Inf. Mullen, Samuel, Corp., Inf. Mullens, Stephen, Soldier, Cav. Murphey, Martin, Soldier, Inf. Murray, Edward, Soldier, Inf. , James, Soldier, Inf. , James, Matross, Art. , Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Mushor, Nathaniel, Soldier, Cav. Nash, Francis, Soldier, Inf. , James, Soldier, Art. , John, Soldier, Art. •, Reuben, Soldier, Art. Nave, Conrod, Soldier, Inf. Neal, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Neil, John, Soldier, Inf. Nelson, Elijah, Soldier, Art. , Enoch, Soldier, Inf. , John, Soldier, Inf. , Moses, Soldier, Inf. Newby, Leroy, Sgt., Inf. , Thomas, Soldier, Art. Bounty Land Warrants 209 Newman, Edward, Artificer, Newton, Peter, Soldier, Inf. , William, Sgt., Inf. Nicholas, Valentine, Soldier, Inf. Nixon, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Noble, Mark, Soldier, Inf. Nocks, George, Soldier, Inf. Noel, Achilles, Soldier, Inf. Norman, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Northam, Miles, Soldier, Inf. O 1, James, Soldier, Inf. Oakley, John, Soldier, 111. Oast, George, Soldier, Inf. Obrian, John, Matross, Inf. Odell, Lewis, Soldier, Inf. Oharro, Michael, Soldier, Cav. Oldham, Isaac, Soldier, Art. Olive, David, Soldier, Inf. , John, Soldier, Inf. Oliver, John, Soldier, Inf. , Lewis, Soldier, Inf. , Turner, Soldier, Inf. Oneal, John, Soldier, Inf. , William, Soldier, Inf. Onslow, Charles, Soldier, Inf. Orbin, Philip, Soldier, Inf. , Philip, Matross, Art. Orpwood, John, Sgt., Art. Orr, James, Soldier, Inf. Orton, John, Soldier, Art. Ousley, Charles, Soldier, Inf. Owen, John (twice), Soldier, Inf. Oxter, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Packet, William, Soldier, Art. Pagan, David, Soldier, Cav. Paint, Louis Lo., Soldier, Inf. Palmer, Benjamin, Corp., Art. , Benjamin, Corp., Inf. Pancrass, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Panter, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Parker, Edward, Sgt., Inf. Parmer, John, Soldier, Art. Paroult, Peter, Soldier, Inf. Parrett, George, Soldier, Inf. Parsons, Abijah, Soldier, Inf. Patmon, William, Soldier, Art. Patron, Jonathan, Soldier, Inf. Patterson, John, Soldier, Inf. 111. Regt. -, Tilman, Soldier, Cav. , William, Soldier, Inf., 111. Regt. Paylor, John, Matross, Art. Payne, Adam, Matross, Art. — , Samuel, Soldier, Inf. — , William, Soldier, Inf. Payton, John, Soldier, Inf. Pemberton, William, Soldier, Inf. Pepin, John, Soldier, Inf. , Peter, Soldier, Inf. Philips, William (twice), Soldier, Inf. Phillips, Henry (twice), Soldier, Inf. -, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Pierce, Levall, Sgt., Inf. — -, William, Soldier, Inf., 111. Regt. Pigg, John, Soldier, Art. Pinchback, Thomas, Sgt., Cav. Piner, Jesse (twice), Soldier, Inf. Pines, Lewis (twice), Soldier, Inf. Piper, Benjamin, Soldier, Pitcher, William, Soldier, Inf. Plant, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Plummer, Robert, Sgt., Inf. Pollard, Braxton, Soldier, Cav. , Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Polter, William, Soldier, Inf. Pope, William, Soldier, Inf. Porter, Ebenezer, Soldier, Inf. , John, Soldier, Art. , William, Sgt., Art. Poston, William, Gunner, Art. Postwood, Page, Sgt., Inf. Potter, James, Soldier, Inf., 111. Regt. Poullison, Cornelius, Soldier, Inf. Pow, John, Soldier, Inf. Powell, Laurence, Sgt., Inf. , Micajah, Soldier, Inf. Powers, Lewis, Soldier, Inf. , Richard, Soldier, Cav. , William, Soldier, Inf. Primm, Joseph, Corpl., Inf. Prock, Matthias, Soldier, Inf. 210 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Pruit, Peter, Soldier, Inf. Pruitt, Joseph, Matross, Art. Pulford, John, Soldier, Inf. Purcason, Larry, Soldier, Inf. Purcell, Charles, Soldier, Inf. , William, Soldier, Inf. Purkinson, Neil, Soldier, Art. Quarles, James G., Soldier, Inf. Quibo, Paul, Matross, Art. Ragsdale, Godfrey, Sgt., Cav. Railey, Jacob, Soldier, Inf. Ramsay, James, Soldier, Art. Ransom, James, Corp., Inf., and Sgt., Cav. Raper, Henry, Matross, Art. Rappa, Baptist, Soldier, Inf. Read, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Reading, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Reaves, William, Drummer, Inf. Rector, James, Soldier, , Jesse, Soldier, Reddings, William Soldier, Inf. Reid, John, Soldier, Inf. Rein, Alexander, Soldier, Inf. , Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Reubido, Francis (twice), Soldier, Inf. , James, Soldier, Inf. Reynolds, John, Soldier, Inf. — , Robert, Soldier, Inf. , William, Soldier, Inf. , William, Sgt., Rhoades, William, Soldier, Rice, James, Soldier, 111. Regt. , Nathaniel, Sgt., Art. , Thomas, Soldier, Inf. , William, Soldier, Art. Richards, Boswell, Soldier, , Dick, Soldier, Cav. ■ , Lewis, Sgt. (twice), Inf. Rickman, John, Soldier, Art. Riddle, Cornelius, Soldier, Inf. Riggs, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Riley, John, Gunner, Art. Ringod, Burtis, Soldier, Inf. Ritter, John, Soldier, Inf. Roane, John, Soldier, Cav. , William, Artificer, Art. Robert, Ben., Sgt., Inf. , John, Matross, Art. Roberts, Eliab, Soldier, Inf. ■ -, Godfrey, Soldier, Art. , Hezekiah, Soldier, Inf. , John, Soldier, Art. , Joseph, Soldier, Inf. , Matthew, Soldier, Inf. Robertson, Benjamin, Soldier, Art. , George, Soldier, Inf. Robinson, John, Soldier, Inf. — , Mark, Soldier, Art. Richard, Soldier, Rodgers, William, Soldier, Inf. Rogers, David, Soldier, Inf. , Jeremiah, Soldier, Inf. , Joseph, Soldier, Inf. , Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Rolleson, William, Soldier, Inf. Rose, Archibald, Sgt., Cav. , James, Soldier, Inf. , John, Soldier, Inf. , John, Sgt., Cav. Ross, Elijah, soldier, Inf. , John, Sgt., Cav. , Joseph, Soldier, , Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Roundtree, John, Soldier, Inf. , Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Rowe, George, Soldier, Inf. , Jasper, Q. M. Sgt., — Royster, Conquest, Soldier, Inf. Russell, David, Soldier, Inf. , James, Sgt., Art. , John, Sgt., Inf. , John, Soldier, Inf. , Thomas, Soldier, Cav. , William, Soldier, Inf. Rutherford, Larkin, soldier, Inf. Rutledge, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Rutter, John, Soldier, Inf. Ryan, Lazarus, Gunner, Art. Bounty Land Warrants 211 Sadler, Robert, Soldier, Saggott, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Sampson, William, Soldier, Inf. Samuel, William, Soldier, Inf. Sandy, William, Q. M. Sgt., Cav. Santive, John, Matross, Art., 111. Regt. Saunders, Almand, Soldier, Art. , Jackson, Soldier, Inf. , Joseph, Soldier, 111. Regt. , Robert, Sgt., Savage, Ruble, Soldier, Inf. Savay, John, Soldier, Inf. Scales, David, Soldier, Inf., 111. Regt. Schinn, David, Soldier, Scipper, William, Soldier, Inf., 111. Regt. Scott, Andrew, Soldier, Inf. , Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. , Benjamin, Soldier, Art. , Edward, Soldier, Inf. , Jesse, Soldier, Inf. , John, Soldier, Inf. — , Obadiah, Soldier, Inf. -, Walter, Sgt., Art. Seay, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. Seeder, John, Matross, Art., 111. Regt. Shackleford, Richard, Corp., Inf. Shafiin, David, Soldier, Inf., 111. Regt. Shank, John, Soldier, , 111. Regt. Shaw, Samuel, Soldier, Cav. Shearer, John, Soldier, Inf. Shepherd, George, Inf., 111. Regt. , Peter, Soldier, Inf. , Reuben, Soldier, Inf. , Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Shields, John Wm., Soldier, Cav. Shilling, Enoch, Soldier, Inf. Ship, William, Soldier, Inf., 111. Regt. Shirkey, Patrick, Soldier, Inf., 111. Regt. Shoemaker, Leonard, Soldier, 111. Regt. Shokeny, Edward, Soldier, Inf. Shulocke, James J., Indian Interpreter Siburn, Christopher, Soldier, Inf., 111. .. Regt - Simms, Cuthbert, Soldier, Inf. Sincray, John, Soldier, Inf., 111. Regt. Sindars, Michael, Matross, Art., 111. Regt. Sisson, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Skinner, John, Soldier, Inf. Skipper, William, Soldier, Inf., 111. ^ Regt. Slaughter, George, Soldier, Inf. , George S., Soldier, Inf. , John, Matross, Art., 111. Regt. , Laurence, Soldier, Inf., 111. Regt. , Thomas, Soldier, Inf. -, William, Sgt., Inf. Sled, Dedman, Soldier, Art. Sledd, Seaton, Fifer, Inf. Small, Henry, Soldier, John, Soldier, Smiley Smith, Regt Regt Regt James, Soldier, Inf. Austin, Corp., Inf. David, Soldier, Inf. Enoch, Gunner, Art. Garnett, Soldier, George, Soldier, Cav. George, Matross, Art., 111. George, soldier, Inf., 111. Regt John, Soldier, Inf. Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Joseph, Matross, Art Nathaniel, Soldier, Inf. Robert, Matross, Art. 111. 111. Seymour, Soldier, Art. Thomas (twice), Soldier, Inf. William, Soldier, Inf. William, Soldier, Art. William, Soldier, Inf., 111. Regt. Smithers, John, Soldier, 111. Regt. Smithey, Benjamin, Soldier, Cav. Smock, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Snail, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Snellock, Joseph, Soldier, Inf., 111. Regt. , Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Snow, George, Soldier, Cav. Sorrell, Edward, Soldier, Inf. 212 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia , Thomas, Soldier, Cav. Southworth, John, Sgt., Inf. Souverens, Ebenezer, Sgt., Inf., 111. Regt. Sowers, Frederick, Soldier, Inf. Spalding, Charles, Soldier, Inf. Spear, John, Soldier, Inf. Spencer, Elisha, Soldier, Inf. , John, Sgt., Art. Spillman, Francis, Sgt., Cav. , James, Soldier, Inf. , William, Soldier, Inf. Spinner, Jesse, Soldier, Art. Spyce, James, Soldier, Inf. Stackner, George, Soldier, Inf., 111. Regt. Stanford, William, Soldier, Inf. Stannup, Lewis, Soldier, Inf. Statham, Charles, Soldier, Cav. Staves, William, Soldier, Inf. Steglier, David, Soldier, Inf. Stigler, David, Soldier, Inf. Steptoe, John, Soldier, Stevens, John (twice), Soldier, Inf. Stewart, Alexander, Soldier, Inf. , Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. , Solomon, Soldier, Inf. Stigle, Henry, Soldier, Inf., 111. Regt. Stillman, George, Soldier, Inf. Stokes, George, Soldier, Inf. Stone, John, Soldier, Inf. Strange, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. Street, John, Soldier, Inf. Stripes, John, Soldier, Strother, James, Sgt., Inf. Styth, Hardyman, Soldier, Inf. Suffroy, Charles, Matross, Art., 111. Regt. Sullivan, Craven, Soldier, Inf. , Harrison, Soldier, Cav. Summilt, Richard, Soldier, Inf., 111. ^ Regt. Sutton, Joseph, Soldier, Art. Sweeny, John, Soldier, Inf. Sworders, Jonathan, Soldier, Inf., 111. Regt. Sykes, Dempsey, Soldier, Inf. Tabb, William, Soldier, Cav. Taliaferro, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Tankersley, Charles, Soldier, Taylor, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. , David, Soldier, Inf. , Edward, Soldier, Inf. , John, Soldier, Inf. , Robert, Corp. Cav. , William, Soldier, Inf. , Zachariah, soldier, Inf. Tewell, John, Soldier, Inf. Thacker, James, Soldier, Inf. Thomas, Amos, Soldier, Inf. , Daniel, Soldier, Inf. -, Edward, Soldier, Thompson, James (twice), Soldier, Inf. , William, Soldier, Inf. Thornburn, John, Soldier, Inf. Thornton, John, Soldier, Inf. , Reuben, Soldier, Inf. Thorp, Charles, Soldier, Inf. , Thomas, Jr., Soldier, Inf. , William, Soldier, Inf. Thorrington, James, Soldier, Inf. Thurman, Charles, Soldier, Inf. Thwates, William, Soldier, Inf. Tigard, Daniel, Soldier, Inf. Tillis, Griffin, Soldier, Inf. Tinsley, John, Soldier, Cav. Tomlinson, George, Soldier, Inf. Tommerson, Aaron, Soldier, Art. Towler, William, Corp., Art. Townley, Robert, Soldier, Townsend, George, Soldier, Cav. Trantham, Martin, Soldier, Travillion, John, Soldier, Art. Treakle, William, Soldier, Inf. Trent, Beverley, Sgt., Inf. — , Thomas, Corp., Inf. Tricker, John, Soldier, Cav. Triplett, Nathaniel, Soldier, Inf. , Peter, Soldier, , Peter H., Soldier, Inf. Trotter, Christopher, Soldier, Inf. Bounty Land Warrants 213 Trover, John, Soldier, Inf. Truly, James, Soldier, Inf. Tucker, Daniel, Soldier, Inf. , Martin, Soldier, Inf. , Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Turner, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Turpin, Nathaniel, Soldier, Inf. , Richard, Soldier, Inf. Turrell, Michael, Soldier, Inf. Tutt, John, Soldier, Inf. Tuttle, Nicholas, Soldier, Inf. Underwood, Richard, Corp., Inf. Vaiden, Herod, Soldier, Inf. Valentine, John, Bombadier, Art. Vanshine, George, Soldier, Inf. Vass, John, Soldier, Inf. , Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Vassey, Peter, Q. Master, Vaughan, Absalom, Soldier, Inf. , Jesse, Corp., Inf. , John, Soldier, Inf. , Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Vawter, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. , John, Soldier, Inf. , William, Sgt., Inf. Vegar, John, Matross, Art. Via, Gideon, Soldier, Inf. Villier, Francis, Sgt., Inf. Voss, Vincent, Soldier, Inf. Waddle, William, Soldier, Art. Wadlington, John, Soldier, Inf. Waggoner, Peter, Matross, Art. Walden, John, Soldier, Inf. , Zachariah, Corp., Inf. Walker, Andrew, Corp., Inf. , Edward, Soldier, Inf. , Elijah, Soldier, Inf. , James, Soldier, ■, John, Sgt., Inf. , John, Soldier, Inf. , Nicholas, Matross, Art. , Peter, Matross, Inf. , Peter, Corp., , Samuel, Soldier, Inf. , Shadrach, Soldier, Inf. , William, Soldier, Inf. Wall, Charles, Soldier, Inf. Wallace, David, Soldier, Inf. , David, Matross, Art. Walls, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. , Charles, Soldier, Cav. Walters, Lewis, Soldier, 111. Regt. Walthall, William, Sgt., Inf. Ward, Lewis, Soldier, Inf. Ware, Edward, Soldier, Art. , George, Soldier, Inf. Warrington, Stephen, Q. Master Washer, John, Artificer, Waterfield, John, Soldier, Inf. Waters, Samuel, Sgt., Art. Watkins, William, Soldier, Inf. Watt, Mason, Soldier, Art. Watts, Bennett, Soldier, Art. , Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Weathers, John, Soldier, Inf. Weaver, Elijah, Soldier, Art. , Frederick, Soldier, Art. , John, Soldier, Inf. , Richard, Soldier, Webb, James, Soldier, Inf. , William, Soldier, Inf. Webber, William, Soldier, Inf. Weblin, William, Soldier, Inf. Weedon, Joel, Soldier, Art. Wempy, Thomas, Matross, Art. West, John, Soldier, Inf. Westmoreland, James, Soldier, Inf. Wharton, Reuben, Soldier, Inf. Wheat, Jacob, Soldier, Inf. Wheeler, John, Corp., Cav. Whirley, Peter, Soldier, Inf. Whitaker, Daniel, Matross, Art. White, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. , John, Soldier, Inf. , John, Gunner, -, Ladin, Soldier, Inf. -, Randolph, Soldier, Inf. -, Thomas, Sgt., Inf. -, William, Soldier, Inf. 214 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia , William, Soldier, Cav. Whitecotton, James, Soldier, Inf. Whitehead, Robert (twice), Soldier, Inf. , Williams, Soldier, Inf. Whiteman, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Whitlock, James, Soldier, Inf. Whitlow, John, Soldier, Inf. Whitney, William, Soldier, Inf. Widewelt, John, Trumpeter, Cav. Wilcocks, John, Soldier, Inf. Wilkerson, James, Soldier, Inf. Wilkinson, John, Soldier, Art. Wilks, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. Williams, George (twice), Soldier, Inf. , Daniel (twice), Soldier, Inf. , John (twice), Soldier, Inf. , Mathew, Soldier, Inf. , Richard, Soldier, Inf. , Roland, Soldier, Inf. , Zachariah, Soldier, Inf. Williamson, Charles, Soldier, Inf. , William, Soldier, Inf. Willis, Jacob, Soldier, Inf. Wilson, John (twice), Soldier, Inf. , Thomas, Soldier, Inf. , William, Soldier, Inf. , William, Soldier, Art. Winberry, William, Soldier, Winn, Boiling, Artificer, Art. Winston, Christopher, Soldier, Inf. Wismate, John B., Soldier, Inf. Withers, Benjamin, Corp., Inf. Witt, Robert, Soldier, Inf. , Robert, Soldier, 111. Regt. Wood, Charles, Soldier, Inf. — , Lewis, Soldier, - -, William, Fifer, Woodham, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Woods, John, Soldier, Inf. Woodward, Jacob, Soldier, Inf. , James, Soldier, Inf. Woody, Micajah, Soldier, Inf. Workman, Conrod, Sgt., Inf. Worsham, John, Soldier, Art. Wrenn, James, Artificer, Wright, William, Soldier, Wyatt, John, Soldier, Inf. Wyndham, Jesse, Soldier, Inf. Yates, Isaac, Soldier, Inf. , John, Sgt., Art. Yaydon, Joseph, Drummer, Inf. Young, Hugh (twice), Soldier, Inf. , James, Soldier, Inf. , John (twice), Sgt., Inf. Zimmerman, Frederick (twice), Soldier, Inf. Virginia State Navy [Document No. 43]. Abram, a negro, Seaman Alexander, George, Seaman Anderson, Luke, Seaman Anderson, Nathaniel, Seaman Andrews, William, Seaman Apperson, Richard, Seaman Ashburn, Thomas, Seaman Ashley, William, Mas. Mate Badger, Jesse, Seaman Bailey, James, Seaman Bailey, John, Steward Bailey, Robert, Seaman Bailey, Southey, Seaman Bailey, Thomas, Seaman Banks, James, Seaman Barker, John, Seaman Bartee, Samuel, Carp. Mate Bartee, William, Seaman Bennett, Elias, Seaman Bess, John, Seaman Bishop, Joshua, Seaman Bloxom, Stephen, Seaman Bond, James, Seaman Boston, A negro, Seaman Boston, Thomas, Seaman Bottom, John, Seaman Boush, Daniel, Seaman Bounty Land Warrants 215 Boush, George, Seaman Boush, Jack, Seaman Boush, James, Seaman Boush, Wilson, Seaman Bowen, John, Seaman Bowing, Joshua, Seaman Bowman, Christopher, Seaman Boyd, Augustine, Seaman Brent, Hugh, Seaman Brent, John, Seaman Brent, Richard, Seaman Brown, John, Seaman Brown, William, Seaman Brumley, Philip, Seaman Budd, Thomas, Seaman Burns, Christopher, Seaman Bush, Samuel, Seaman Byrd, Frederick, Seaman Carter, George, Seaman Carter, Philip, Seaman Caser, Terrance, Seaman Cassety, John, Seaman Casity, William, Seaman Chandler, Thomas, Seaman Chanie, Shadrach, Q. Master Channing, William, Seaman Charles, Moore, Able Seaman Cheshire, John, Master Chiles, John, Boatswain Claiborne, Nathaniel, Ord'y Seaman Claiborne, Thomas, Able Seaman Claverius, John, Seaman Clements, John, Boatswain Clements, Thomas, Boatswain Coats, Edney, Seaman Coats, Jesse, Seaman Coats, John, Seaman Coats, Raleigh, Seaman Coats, Thomas, Seaman Coats, William, Seaman Coleman, John, Seaman Cooke, William, Seaman Cooper, Henry, Seaman Cooper, James, Seaman Cooper, William, Jr., Able Seaman Corbell, Clem, Ord'y Seaman Corbell, Fleet, Seaman Corbell, William, Seaman Cottrell, Thomas, Seaman Cox, Anthony, Seaman Cox, Edward, Seaman Crane, James, Master Cropper, John, Carpenter Crowder, Joshua, Seaman Currell, George, Midshipman Currell, James, Seaman Currell, Spencer, Seaman Currell, Thomas, Seaman Daniel, Negro, Seaman Dawson, Thomas, Midship. Denby, William, Seaman Denby, Willis, Seaman Dicks, Henry, Seaman Dobson, Robert, Seaman Doggett, Elmore, Seaman Doggett, George, Carpenter Doggett or Doghead, Reuben, Seaman Dogherty, James, Midship. Dougherty, John, Clerk in Navy Dougherty, Toulson, Marine Drake, Augustine, Seaman Driver, John, Seaman Dudley, John, Seaman Dunford, William, Mate Dunton, Severn, Seaman Dykes, Richard, Seaman Dykes, John, Seaman Edgecomb, Thomas, Able Seaman Edward, Ellis, Seaman Elliston, John, Master Eskridge, William, Midship. Evans, John, Seaman Evans, William, Boatswain Faudry, John, Seaman Fendla, John, Seaman Ferguson, Robert,* Steward * Received as Midshipman 26665 acres of land. 216 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Fisher, Isaac, Seaman Fisher, William, Seaman Flint, Thomas, Seaman Forest, William, Seaman Fortune, Gabriel, Able Seaman Fortune, James, Seaman Frazier, Thomas, Ck. and St'wd. Freshwater, William E., Seaman Gaskins, Thomas, Seaman Gaston, Benjamin, Seaman George, Brister, Seaman George, Daniel, Seaman George, Samuel, Seaman George, Samuel, Seaman George, William, Seaman Gibbs, James, Seaman Gill, Cuthbert, Seaman Glass, Thomas, Seaman Grant, Thomas, Mas. Mate Grant, Thomas, Seaman Groton, Charles, Seaman Grymes, James, Ord'y Seaman Gunter, John, Seaman Hail, Edward, Seaman Hamminson, William, Seaman Harcum, Elisha, Able Seaman Harman, Curtis, Seaman Harris, John,* Midship. Haw, Peter, Seaman Hayward, Richard, Seaman Haywood, Thomas, Seaman Hearn, Francis, Seaman Herbert, Thomas, Carpenter Hill, John, Seaman Hinton, Spencer, Steward Hobday, Francis, Seaman Hodges, Joseph, Seaman Hogdon, Matthew, Seaman Hubbard, Amos, Seaman Hubbard, Jesse, Seaman Hughlett, Garrett, Steward Humphreys, Janes, Seaman Hunt, John, Seaman Hunter, Thomas, Seaman Hutcheson, William, Seaman Innis, Levy, Seaman James, Christopher, Seaman James, Walter, Seaman Jenkins, Richard, Seaman Jennings, James, Seaman Jennings, Michael, Boatswain Jeter, Clem, Seaman Joab, Moses, Seaman Johnson, Isiah, Seaman Johnson, Joshua, Seaman Johnson, William, Seaman Jones, Charles, Seaman Jones, Robert, Seaman Kent, Edwin, Midship. Kent, Joshua, Seaman Lacy, Edmund, M'r at Arms Lacy, Richard, Midship. Lane, Thomas, Seaman Lavis, Matthew, Carp. Mate Lee, James, Seaman Lewis, Charles, Seaman Lewis, Daniel, Seaman Litchfield, Thomas, Seaman Lovewell, William, Steward Lowell, Thomas, Steward Lucas, James, Seaman Lucas, William, Clerk Mailey, James, Able Seaman Mairs, Thomas, Seaman Malone, Jeremiah, Seaman Maltimore, James, Seaman Marriner, Jeoffrey, Seaman Marriner, Levin, Seaman Marshall, James, Midship. Marshall, Joseph, Master Marshall, Kingston, Seaman Mason, Abel, Seaman Mason, John, Seaman John Harris received bounty land as Lieut, in the Navy. Bounty Land Warrants 217 Mason, William, Seaman M'Coy, Caleb, Seaman Miles, William, Seaman Mills, John, Seaman Minter, James, Seaman Mitchell, Richard, Seaman Mitchell, Thomas, Seaman Moore, Charles, Seaman Moore, Lott, Seaman Moore, William, Seaman Moss, Francis, Seaman Mott, James, Seaman Murden, Edward, Seaman Murray, David, Mas. Mate Nelms, Mendeth, Seaman Nicholson, John, Seaman Nicken, Edward, Able Seaman Nicken, Hezekiah, Seaman Northup, Joseph, Seaman Northup, Stephen, Seaman Nutall, John, Seaman Oats, William, Seaman Oldham, Samuel, Seaman Opie, George H., Clerk in Navy Overstreet, John, Seaman Owen, John, Seaman Palmer, Thomas, Seaman Paradise, Merrit, Seaman Parker, George, Seaman Parrish, John, Pilot Peatons, Solomon, Able Seaman Peter (negro), Able Seaman Pettigrew, Abel, Seaman Pettigrew, Edward, Seaman Pettigrew, Richard, Seaman Piper, William, Seaman Pluto, , Seaman Pope, Joseph, Seaman Pope, Thomas, Seaman Pope, Thomas, Seaman Pope, William, Midship. Powell, Samuel, Seaman * Received land as Lieut, in State Navy. Powers, Jacob, Seaman Pritchett, George, Seaman Procure, Thomas, Seaman Prosser, John, Seaman Purcell, Charles, Seaman Pumroy, Esau, Seaman Railey, James, Seaman Ransom, Augustine, Seaman Ransom, Thomas, Seaman Rawley, James, Seaman Richardson, Daniel,* Midship. Richardson, Solomon, Seaman Richardson, William, Seaman Riggs, William, Seaman Roberts, George, Seaman Romas, Adam, Seaman Rudd, James, Seaman Rudd, John, Seaman Saunders, Joseph,* Seaman and Master Saunders, Richard, Midshipman Schofield, Robert, Seaman Schofield, William, Seaman Scott, John,* Seaman Scott, William, Seaman Sheerman, Martin, Seaman Shepherd, John, Seaman Skinner, Elisha, Seaman Smith, James, Able Seaman Spann, Thomas, Seaman Spratt, James, Able Seaman Stanback, Littleberry, Able Seaman Stephens, Joseph, Seaman Stephens, William, Seaman Stott, William, Midship. Stuart, Francis, Able Seaman Sympson, Hammock, Seaman Sympson, Salathial, Seaman Tankersley, Benjamin, Seaman Tankersley, John, Seaman Tate, Jesse, Seaman Tatum, Thomas, Carp. Mate Taylor, Airs, Seaman 218 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Taylor, Daniel, Seaman Taylor, Daniel, Seaman Taylor, Jesse, Sailor Taylor, Jabez, Boatswain Taylor, Thomas, Seaman Taylor, Thomas, Seaman Thatcher, William, Seaman Thatcher, William, Seaman Thomas, Humphrey, Seaman . Thomas, James, Seaman Thompson, James, Seaman Throll, John,* Lieut. Throll, John, Midship. Tom (negro), Ord'y Seaman Tomlinson, John, Seaman Tomlinson, William, Seaman Tully, Matthew, Seaman Tunnell, James, Seaman Tunnell, William, Seaman Turlington, Laban, Seaman Walker, John, Seaman Wallace, Roger, Ord'y Seaman Ward, John Wyatt, Able Seaman Warrington, James, Seaman Waterman, James, Seaman Watkins, James, Able Seaman Watson, Castillo, Seaman Weaver, Elijah Wea, Seaman Welch, Patrick, Seaman White, Gillen, Seaman White, John, Seaman White, John, Able Seaman White, Robert, Midship. Whitehurst, Samuel, Able Seaman Whorton, John, Boatswain Wilders, James, Seaman Wiles, Reuben, Seaman Will (negro), Able Seaman Williams, John, Pilot Willis, James, Seaman Willis, William, Seaman Wilson, Alvin, Midship. Wilson, Henry, Ord'y Seaman Wilson, John, Seaman Wilson, Samuel, Ord'y Seaman Winbrough, Eburn, Seaman Wood, John, Seaman Wood, Philip, Seaman Wood, Thomas, Seaman Section ii (18) [Document No. 44] (18) List of Non-Commissioned Officers and Soldiers of the Virginia Line on Continental Establishment, Whose Names Appear on the Army Register and Who Have Not Received Bounty Land, Richmond, 1835. A List of Such Warrants as Have Been Issued for Officers and Soldiers of the Revolutionary Army, That Remain on the Files of the Bounty Land Office Unclaimed. No. Names Rank Line Acres When Issued "-893 Buher, Jacob Private Virginia 100 Nov. 5, 1789 1 1 ,900 Bacon, Robert Private Virginia 100 Nov. 5, 1789 ",993 Craig, Thos. Private Virginia 100 Nov. 5, 1789 12,183 Haney, Michael Private Virginia 100 Nov. 5, 1789 12,306 Lockhart, John Private Virginia 100 Nov. 5, 1789 12,344 McCartney, Peter Private Virginia 100 Nov. 5. 1789 12,651 Walker, Edward Private Virginia 100 Nov. 5, 1789 12,745 Bowman, John Sergt. Van Herr's Dragoons 100 Nov. 5, 1789 * John Throll received bounty land as Lieut, in the State Navy. Bounty Land Warrants 219 No. Names Rank Line Acres When Issued 13,232 Hampton, John Private Art. Artificres 100 Nov. 1, 1791 13.823 Thompson, Edwd. Private Hazen's Regt. 100 Mar. 26, 1790 13.843 Tully, James Private Art. Artificers 100 July 9, 1789 249 Hartman, George Private Hazen's Regt. 100 Apr. 18, 1806 [See 28th Congress 1st Session, House of Representatives War Dept., Doc. No. 57, p. 3.] To his Excellency the Governor. SIR, In obedience to an act and resolution of the general assembly, I herewith report to you a list of the non-commissioned officers and soldiers of the Virginia line upon continental establishment, whose names are on the army register, and who have not received bounty land for their services in the war of the revolution. It is believed that this list, and that which was lately reported, of the non- commissioned officers and soldiers of the state line, &c. are as nearly correct as the imperfect state of the public records would admit of their being made. I beg leave to make a single remark upon the contents of these two lists: It is this — The list of non-commissioned officers and soldiers of the state line contains names of some individuals, who have received bounty land as belonging to the continental line: and the list of non-commissioned officers and soldiers of the continental line may contain the names of individuals, who have received bounty land for services in the state line. No list of individuals so circumstanced has yet been prepared. Respectfully, JOHN H. SMITH, Com'r &c. Commissioner's Office, 1 Richmond, January 7, 1835. J Alexander, William, Soldier, Inf. Austin, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Anderson, Charles, Soldier, Inf. Allen, William, Soldier, Inf. Asque, James, Soldier, Inf. Alfield, William, Soldier, Inf. Alloway, Isaac, Soldier, Inf. Abel, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Allen, Isham, Soldier, Inf. Asselin, Thomas, Sergeant, Inf. Anderson, Amos, Corporal Adams, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Atkisson, Emory, Soldier, Inf. Ash, Jesse, Soldier, Inf. Artist, Burwell, Soldier, Inf. Allen, Vincent, Soldier, Inf. Anderson, Abraham, Soldier, Inf. Atkins, William, Soldier, Inf. Abbott, Elijah, Soldier, Inf. Anderson, David, Soldier, Inf. Anderson, John, Soldier, Inf. Allen, Samuel, Soldier, Cav. Allen, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Allen, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Allen, Moses, Soldier, Inf. Allen, Moses, Sergeant, Inf. Allen, John, Sergeant, Inf. Allen, Joshua, Soldier, Inf. Alfred, William, Soldier, Inf. Alsop, Benjamin, Sergeant, Inf. Adams, John, Soldier, Inf. Adams, Littleton, Soldier, Inf. Abrams, John, Soldier, Inf. Acre, William, Soldier, Inf. 220 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Alexander, William, Soldier, Cav. Austin, Walter, Corpal, Inf. Alvis, Jesse, Soldier, Inf. Anderson, George, Drummer, Art. Austin, Isaac, Soldier, Inf. Arrington, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Atkisson, Boling, Soldier, Inf. Angel, George, Soldier, Inf. Ailsworth, George, Soldier, Inf. Armstrong, Joseph, Sergeant, Inf. Airs, John, Artificer, Inf. Arnold, Francis, Soldier, Inf. Anderson, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Anderson, Henry, Corporal, Inf. Andrews, Thomas, Soldier, Cav. Adams, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. Anderson, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Anderson, Richard, Soldier, Cav. Anderson, Adam, Soldier, Cav. Adams, George, Soldier, Inf. Allen, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Abner, Paul, Soldier, Inf. Atkins, James, Soldier, Inf. Allen, Erasmus, Soldier, Inf. Alloway, Moses, Soldier, Inf. Armistead, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Allena, David, Soldier, Inf. Applewhite, John, Soldier, Inf. Allgood, William, Soldier, Inf. Allen, Matthew, Corporal, Art. Alvis, John, Corporal, Inf. Adcock, Simon, Soldier, Inf. Asbury, George, Soldier, Inf. Ammonite, John, Soldier, Inf. Agee, James, Soldier, Inf. Arnold, William, Soldier, Inf. Alexander, John, Soldier, Inf. Ashby, John, Soldier, Cav. Atkins, Edward, Soldier, Inf. Atkins, John, Soldier, Inf. Angel, John, Soldier, Inf. Allen, William, Soldier, Inf. Atkinson, William, Soldier, Inf. Ashby, Stephen, Soldier, Inf. Allen, Benjamin, Soldier, Guards Aslin, John, Sergeant, Cav. Allen, Thomas H., Soldier Inf. Almond, John, Soldier, Inf. Aichart, John, Soldier, Inf. Allgood, Spencer, Soldier, Inf. Avery, Charles, Soldier, Inf. Aries, Brown, Corporal, Inf. Asberry, William, Soldier, Inf. Ashby, George, Soldier, Inf. Andrew, William, Soldier, Inf. Abbott, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Archer, Evan, Soldier, Inf. Alexander, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. Anderson, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Arnold, John, Sergeant, Inf. Akin, John, Soldier, Inf. Allen, William, Soldier, Inf. Anderson, John, Soldier, Inf. Adcock, William, Soldier, Inf. Archy, Levi, Soldier, Inf. Ashby, John, Soldier, Inf. Allen, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Adams, William, Soldier, Inf. Anderson, Robert, Soldier, Art. Alvis, Elijah, Soldier, Inf. Allen, John, Soldier, Inf. Allen, Thomas, Sergeant, Inf. Abbott, George, Soldier, Inf. Adams, Simon, Soldier, Inf. Ayres, John, Soldier, Art. Athey, John, Soldier, Inf. Adams, John, Soldier, Cav. Allen, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Adcock, John, Soldier, Inf. Adamson, Andrew, Soldier, Inf. Abner, William, Soldier, Inf. Abbott, John, Soldier, Inf. Anderson, John, Drummer, Inf. Athel, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. Arnold, John, Soldier, Inf. Ayres, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Arnold, Samuel, Sergeant Arrowsmith, James, Soldier, Inf. Adams, William, Soldier, Inf. Asbury, Joseph, Soldier, Cav. Andrews, John, Soldier, Inf. Abbott, George, Soldier, Inf. Bounty Land Warrants 221 Augustine, Amos, Soldier, Inf. Andrews, William, Soldier, Inf. Abdell, Hezekiah, Soldier, Inf. Abel, John, Soldier, Inf. Adams, John, Soldier, Inf. Anderson, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Allen, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Andrews, William, Soldier, Inf. Ayres, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Addison, Caleb, Soldier, Inf. Armstrong, David, Soldier, Inf. Askew, Obadiah, Soldier, Inf. Ashby, Bladen, Soldier, Inf. Ampy, William, Soldier, Inf. Austin, William, Soldier, Inf. Austin, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Amery, William, Corporal, Inf. Alexander, John, Soldier, Inf. Allgood, John, Soldier, Inf. Alexander, Philip, Soldier, Inf. Alexander, Elisha, Soldier, Inf. Able, John, Soldier, Inf. Alvey, John, Soldier, Inf. Anderson, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Akins, Gabriel, Soldier, Inf. Abbott, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. Anderson, James, Soldier, Inf. Ayres, William, Soldier, Inf. Allen, John, Sergeant, Inf. Abrams, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Allen, William, Soldier, Inf. Allen, David, Soldier, Inf. Andrew, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Angel, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Anyen, Reuben, Soldier, Inf. Akin, William, Soldier, Inf. Alexander, John, Soldier, Inf. Adson, Charles, Soldier, Inf. Atwood, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. Andrews, Grief, Soldier, Inf. Boyce, Abram, Soldier, Inf. Bowler, Obadiah, Drummer, Inf. Bradshaw, Jeremiah, Sergeant, Inf. Burnsides, Bartlett Bruendine, Armistead Baker, James, Soldier, Inf. Buckhannan, John, Soldier, Inf. Boon, Jacob, Soldier, Inf. Boon, William, Soldier, Inf. Beagle, Christian, Soldier, Inf. Bowman, William, Soldier, Inf. Bawney, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Bostick, Taliaferro, Soldier, Inf. Barksdale, Daniel, Soldier, Inf. Banks, Josiah, Soldier, Inf. Bryant, Alexander, Soldier, Inf. Ballenger, William, Soldier, Inf. Brooks, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Baughan, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Bowers, Philip, Corporal, Art. Bailes, John, Soldier, Inf. Bain, Lewis, Soldier, Inf. Butler, James, Soldier, Inf. Blake, William, Soldier, Inf. Belcher, Burwell, Soldier, Inf. Branham, Spencer, Soldier, Inf. Branham, William, Corporal, Inf. Blunton, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Barbee, Elias, Soldier, Inf. Brown, James, Soldier, Inf. Butler, John, Soldier, Inf. Ball, Nicholas, Soldier, Inf. Butler, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Barr, William, Soldier, Inf. Buhar, Jacob, Soldier, Inf. Bellinger, John, Soldier, Inf. Balance, Isaiah, Soldier, Inf. Bazell, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Burnsides, Jonathan, Soldier, Inf. Beard, Daniel, Soldier, Inf. Beard, Baker, Soldier, Inf. Beard, John, Soldier, Inf. Boeeman, William, Soldier, Inf. Bickett, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. Branham, Malachi, Soldier, Inf. Brown, John, Soldier, Inf. Brown, Charles, Soldier, Inf. Browning, Daniel, Soldier, Inf. Bush, William, Corporal, Art. Broach, Charles, Corporal, Art. Brown, William, Corporal, Inf. 222 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Booth, William, Corporal, Inf. Barker, Charles, Corporal, Inf. Bidsil, John, Soldier, Cav. Byrd, Ambrose, Soldier, Inf. Bragg, Elijah, Soldier, Inf. Beut (or Burt), Moody, Sergeant, Inf. Bates, Reuben, Soldier, Inf. Batgil, John, Soldier, Inf. Barksdale, Samuel, Sergeant, Inf. Brown, William, Soldier, Inf. Burt, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Brown, Garfield, Soldier, Inf. Bowles, Tompkins, Soldier, Inf. Bynam, N. Cordall, Soldier, Inf. Bryan, Barrack, Soldier, Inf. Benson, Christopher, Soldier, Inf. Brown, Isaac, Soldier, Inf. Brown, Absalom, Soldier, Inf. Bawl, James, Soldier, Inf. Bicks, Christopher, Soldier, Inf. Burdock, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Bell, John, Soldier, Inf. Brown, John, Soldier, Cav. Brown, John, Sergeant, Art. Bagley, John, Sergeant, Art. Barcraft, Lodowick, Soldier, Art. Brown, Neil, Soldier, Art. Beavers, John, Soldier, Inf. Bowles, Zachariah, Soldier, Art. Braddy, Hezekiah, Sergeant, Inf. Bettersworth, Charles, Soldier, Inf. Batson, Mordecai, Soldier, Inf. Booker, Jacob, Soldier, Cav. Banks, Matthew, Soldier, Art. Biggs, John, Soldier, Inf. Burton, Marshall, Soldier, Art. Burton, William A., Soldier, Inf. Ballew, William, Sergeant, Inf. Butewell, Anderson, Soldier, Inf. Berry, David, Soldier, Inf. Battershall, Freeman, Soldier, Inf. Blake, Charles, Soldier, Art. Beckett, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Bilbby, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Beck, John, Sergeant, Inf. Burnett, Bond, Soldier, Inf. Burlet, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Butt, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Bagby, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Burroughs, George, Sergeant, Inf. Breedlove, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Buzan, John, Soldier, Inf. Bailey, John, Soldier, Inf. Blakney, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Bostick, Steven, Soldier, Inf. Branner, Daniel, Soldier, Inf. Brest, John, Soldier, Inf. Bowe, William, Sergeant, Inf. Bullin, Isaac, Soldier, Inf. Brady, Paragan, Sergeant, Inf. Bragg, Benjamin, Corporal, Cav. Branch, Benjamin, Sergeant, Inf. Bennett, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Blankinbucker, Nicholas, Soldier, Inf. Baker, Nicholas, Soldier, Inf. Bradshaw, John, Soldier, Inf. Best, Lewis, Soldier, Inf. Burks, William, Soldier, Inf. Boush, Stephen, Soldier, Inf. Badjet, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Britt, Obadiah, Sergeant, Inf. Ball, John, Soldier, Inf. Blankinship, Benjamin, Corporal, Art. Booker, Richard, Sergeant, Inf. Bowles, Ishmael, Soldier, Art. Burfoot, Thomas, Sergeant, Inf. Blackwell, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Bybee, Pleasant, Soldier, Inf. Barnes, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Barnett, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Brooks, George, Soldier, Inf. Beazeley, James, Soldier, Inf. Bevins, Jacob, Soldier, Inf. Bryan, Jesse, Soldier, Inf. Bearcroft, Lott, Soldier, Inf. Butler, John, Soldier, Cav. Briant, James, Soldier, Inf. Brent, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Belcher, Edward, Soldier, Inf. Belcher, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Belcher, Joel, Soldier, Inf. Bowen, John, Soldier, Inf. Bounty Land Warrants 223 Burch, William, Soldier, Inf. Bowles, Huse, Soldier, Inf. Bradley, Daniel, Soldier, Inf. Burton, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Ball, Aaron, Sergeant, Art. Bybee, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Bogg, John, Soldier, Inf. Brooks, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Bradford, William, Soldier, Inf. Bowsen, Obadiah, Soldier, Inf. Bates, James, Soldier, Inf. Bates, James, Soldier, Inf. Bailey, Moses, Soldier, Inf. Bland, James, Soldier, Cav. Brown, John, Soldier, Inf. Blankinship, Archer, Soldier, Inf. Boils, Charles, Soldier, Art. Baker, Overton, Corporal, Inf. Bryant, Charles, Soldier, Inf. Bundy, William, Soldier, Inf. Buscher, Daniel, Soldier, Inf. Boyle, George, Soldier, Inf. Bradshaw, Jeremiah, Sergeant, Cav. Brown, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Brooks, Peter, Soldier, Inf. Burcher, Daniel, Soldier, Inf. Boon, John, Sergeant, — Boxwell, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Boxwell, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Burt, William, Soldier, Inf. Burton, John, Sergeant, Inf. Blackmore, Edward, Sergeant, Inf. Ballard, William, Soldier, Inf. Brown, Duncan, Soldier, Inf. Brown, John, Soldier, Art. Brooks, David, Soldier, Inf. Buzan, Philip, Soldier, Inf. Brown, Jacob R., Sergeant, Inf. Brown, Moses, Soldier, Inf. Brown, Samuel, Soldier, Art. Barber, Thomas, Sergeant, Inf. Broomley, Joseph, Corporal, Inf. Boyles, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Barnes, Frederick, Soldier, Inf. Blackmore, George, Sergeant, Inf. Butler, James, Soldier, Inf. Bell, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Branham, Ebenezer, Sergeant, Inf. Brisindine, Armstead, Soldier, Inf. Boyd, Augustine, Soldier, Inf. Blackhead, Anthony, Soldier, Inf. Bogle, William, Soldier, Inf. Berry, William, Soldier, Inf. Burton, William, Soldier, Inf. Byers, James, Soldier, Inf. Bibee, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Bussy, Cornelius, Soldier, Cav. Baughn, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Bushong, Jacob, Soldier, Inf. Below, Abram, Soldier, Inf. Bybee, Cornelius, Soldier, Inf. Battles, Noel, Soldier, Inf. Barnes, John, Soldier, Inf. Banks, John, Soldier, Inf. Beard, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Brizentine, Reuben, Soldier, Inf. Berry, James, Soldier, Inf. Broadus, James, Sergeant, Inf. Bleck, James, Soldier, Inf. Belew, Solomon, Soldier, Inf. Bromfield, John, Soleier, Inf. Briggs, William, Soldier, Cav. Brown, Stephen, Soldier, Inf. Bates, Thomas, Soldier, Cav. Bald, Nicholas, Soldier, Cav. Burton, John, Sergeant, Inf. Bethill, James, Soldier, Inf. Bowles, Charles, Soldier, Inf. Brown, Abram, Soldier, Inf. Ball, David, Soldier, Inf. Burnett, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Ball, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Broach, Benoni, Soldier, Inf. Bishop, Thornton, Soldier, Inf. Belsher, William, Soldier, Inf. Burk, William, Soldier, Inf. Barnes, James, Gunner, Art. Balding, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Bean, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Bourn, Mills, Soldier, Inf. Beatley, James, Soldier, Inf. Burgess, John, Soldier, Inf. 224 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Brown, Joshua, Soldier, Inf. Banks, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Ballance, Isaiah, Soldier, Inf. Barrough, Dobson, Soldier, Inf. Bass, Hardy, Soldier, Inf. Banks, Josiah, Soldier, Inf. Blair, Jno. Neal, Soldier, Inf. Batter, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. Beavers, John, Soldier, Inf. Bartle, John, Soldier, Inf. Berry, Augustine, Soldier, Inf. Burk, Thomas, Soldier, Cav. Bradshaw, Robert, Soldier Blackburn, James, Soldier, Inf. Brent, George, Sergeant, Inf. Burras, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Bellinger, James, Soldier, Inf. Barby, John, Soldier, Inf. Boutwell, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Bredsecoste, Dolby, Soldier, Inf. Barrence, Jacob, Soldier, Inf. Barthe, John, Soldier, Inf. Badget, John, Soldier, Inf. Barham, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. Barker, William, Sergeant, Inf. Bibb, William, Soldier, Art. Booker, Edward, Soldier, Inf. Barlow, Ambrose, Soldier, Inf. Berry, James, Soldier, Inf. Baily, John, Soldier, Inf. Brook, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Broachman, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Baker, Christopher, Soldier, Inf. Bridges, Richard, Sergeant, Inf. Blake, John, Soldier, Inf. Barger, John, Soldier, Inf. Bazil, John, Soldier, Inf. Brown, James, Soldier, Inf. Brown, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Biswell, John, Soldier, Inf. Brooks, John, Soldier, Inf. Bonnell, Alexander, Soldier, Inf. Boyer, Jacob, Soldier, Inf. Bland, Roily, Soldier, Inf. Brimmit, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Bailey, Charles, Soldier, Inf. Brewer, John, Soldier, Inf. Belvin, Aaron, Soldier, Inf. Browner, John, Soldier, Cav. Barnes, John, Sergeant, Cav. Bartley, James, Soldier, Art. Barlow, Ephraim, Soldier Bonner, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Beard, Archer, Soldier, Inf. Blakey, George, Soldier, Inf. Bell, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Brooks, William, Soldier, Inf. Brown, Starke, Soldier, Inf. Bowler, William, Soldier, Cav. Ball, Joseph, Sergeant, Art. Blackerby, Jeduthan, Soldier, Inf. Burfoot, William, Soldier, Inf. Bright, John, Soldier, Inf. Blain, James, Soldier, Inf. Bourn, Reuben, Soldier, Inf. Boot, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Blackwell, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Burbrige, Linsford Booker, Andrew, Soldier, Inf. Booker, Andrew, Soldier, Inf. Bryant, Reuben, Soldier, Inf. Baker, Moses, Soldier, Inf. Burwell, John, Soldier, Inf. Borills, John, Soldier, Art. Bonwell, James, Soldier, Inf. Burt, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Brummill, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Bryant, James, Soldier, Inf. Burks, Isham, Soldier, Inf. Bogan, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. Boaz, Abednego, Soldier, Inf. Booker, George, Soldier, Inf. Bailey, John, Soldier, Inf. Billups, Joseph, Sergeant, Inf. Bass, Dennis, Soldier, Inf. Burk, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Brown, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Blakey, William, Soldier, Inf. Bain, Lewis, Soldier, Art. Brumfield, Elijah, Soldier, Inf. Burton, William, Soldier, Inf. Bailey, Daniel, Soldier, Inf. Bounty Land Warrants 225 Burch, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Barnett, Edward, Soldier, Inf. Ban, Philip, Soldier, Inf. Bowles, Mark, Soldier, Inf. Burgher, Nicholas, Soldier, Inf. Bugg, Cannon William, Soldier, Inf. Brand, Jeremiah, Soldier, Inf. Blake, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. Brown, Charles, Soldier, Inf. Byrne, James, Soldier, Inf. Burgess, William, Soldier, Cav. Breedlove, William, Soldier Inf. Burchett, Edward, Soldier, Inf. Beck, Jesse, Soldier, Inf. Bowers, Robert, Sergeant, Inf. Bradshaw, John, Soldier, Inf. Blunt, Nathaniel, Soldier, Inf. Billings, John, Soldier, Inf. Billups, George, Soldier, Inf. Burnley, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Bradley, John, Soldier, Inf. Bradley, William, Soldier, Inf. Bell, Robert, Sergeant, Inf. Bradshaw, Claiborne, Soldier, Inf. Bradshaw, Larner, Soldier, Inf. Bobbett, John, Soldier, Inf. Burton, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Bailey, William, Soldier, Inf. Bailey, James, Soldier, Inf. Black, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Barnes, Armistead, Soldier, Inf. Borah, Jacob, Soldier, Inf. Barnes, George, Soldier, Inf. Batterton, John, Soldier, Inf. Brown, William, Soldier, Inf. Bryant, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Ball, Nicholas, Soldier, Inf. Burk, Mitchell, Soldier, Cav. Bibey, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Barber, Willis, Sergeant, Inf. Baber, Ambrose, Soldier, Inf. Butler, John, Soldier, Inf. Browning, George, Soldier, Inf. Barnes, Thomas, Inf. and Cav. Bowers, Philip, Soldier, Inf. Bowles, Peter, Soldier, Cav. Butt, Simon, Corporal, Cav. Bloxom, John, Soldier, Cav. Bell, Henry, Soldier, Cav. Blankinship, Barnett, Soldier, Cav. Blankinship, George, Soldier, Cav. Bridges, Ranson, Soldier, Cav. Bradley, David, Soldier, Cav. Bristol, John, Soldier, Cav. Baker, John, Soldier, Inf. Butler, Zachariah, Soldier, Inf. Butler, James, Soldier, Inf. Baine, Lewis, Soldier, Art. Boys, Jacob, Soldier, Inf. Broadwater, Covington, Drummer, Inf. Bray, Winter, Soldier, Inf. Bailey, William, Soldier, Inf. Beavins, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Benston, Selby, Soldier, Inf. Bays, David, Soldier, Inf. Bailey, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. Baistitch, Pierce, Soldier, Inf. Brann, Joseph, Soldier, Cav. Barnes, John, Corporal, Cav. Barker, Christopher, jr., Soldier, Cav. Burke, Thomas, Soldier, Cav. Beale, John, Soldier, Cav. Burchett, James, Soldier, Cav. Bowles, Stubblefield, Soldier, Cav. Bigers, William, Fifer, Cav. Brooks, Robert, Soldier, Cav. Bradshaw, William, Corporal Cav. Bell, James, Sergeant, Cav. Barlow, Lewis, Soldier, Cav. Ballow, Thomas, Soldier, Cav. Barr, Isaac, Soldier, Cav. Baughn, William, Soldier, Art. Bull, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Boyd, Daniel, Soldier, Inf. Baskerville, George, Soldier, Inf. Burk, Michael, Soldier, Inf. Blake, John, Soldier, Inf. Bolton, William, Soldier, Inf. Bull, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Benham, Peter, Soldier, Inf. Baldwin, Caleb, Soldier, Inf. Barlow, Richard, Soldier, Inf. 226 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Benthnell (or Bethnel), Daniel, Soldier, Inf. Bush, Michael, Soldier, Inf. Bryant, Charles, Soldier, Inf. Browne, Robert, Matross, Art. Burge, Henry, Sergeant, Inf. Barker, Henry, Soldier Bell, Nathaniel, Soldier, Cav. Brown, Philip, Soldier, Inf. Bolin, Edward, Soldier, Inf. Blakey, John, Soldier, Inf. Bailey, William, Soldier, Inf. Bell, William, Soldier, Inf. Benston, George, Soldier, Inf. Bundick, Levin, Soldier, Inf. Buck, John, Soldier, Inf. Bunting, William, Soldier, Inf. Barcroft, William, Soldier, Inf. Blake, William, Soldier, Inf. Brimore, William, Soldier, Inf. Benthall, Daniel, Soldier, Inf. Barnes, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Benston, John, Soldier, Inf. Brittingham, Shadrach, Soldier, Inf. Brittingham, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Bradford, Abel, Soldier, Inf. Bisick, George, Soldier, Inf. Bell, George, Soldier, Inf. Binge, Lewis, Soldier, Cav. Burns, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Bird, William, Soldier, Inf. Ball, James, Soldier, Inf. Boyce, Daniel, Soldier, Inf. Bendure, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Bowcock, Richard, Soldier, Cav. Boyd, James, Soldier, Inf. Byrum, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Brown, William, Soldier, Inf. Bolton, Boiling, Soldier, Inf. Barrow, Peter, Soldier, Inf. Bowyer, Daniel, Soldier, Inf. Burk, William, Soldier, Inf. Burchett, Daniel, Soldier, Inf. Belote, Ismey, Soldier, Inf. Bullock, John, Sergeant, Inf. Barnett, John, Fifer, Inf. Brailey, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Bates, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Bonnewell, Reuben, Soldier, Inf. Bartlett, John, Soldier, Inf. Blunt, William, Soldier, Inf. Bloxom, Ezekiel, jr., Soldier, Inf. Boggs, Abel, Soldier, Inf. Burton, John, Soldier, Inf. Buckhannan, Ezekiel, Soldier, Inf. Bloxom, Thomas, jr., Soldier, Inf. Bradford, George, Soldier, Inf. Bunting, Charles, Soldier, Inf. Bentley, William, Soldier, Inf. Brown, Bazil, Soldier, Inf. Belm, Abraham, Soldier, Inf. Butridge, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Brickie, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Bell, John, Soldier, Inf. Brown, Berryman, Soldier, Inf. Bashaw, Presley, Soldier, Inf. Burton, John, Soldier, Inf. Brislow, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. Burton, William, Soldier, Inf. Brumley, Daniel, Soldier, Inf. Beale, John, Soldier, Inf. Brundage, Solomon, Soldier, Inf. Brown, Charles, Soldier, Inf. Bagwell, John, Soldier, Inf. Benton, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Beach, Harman, Soldier, Inf. Barns, Halt, Soldier, Inf. Baber, Elisha, Soldier, Inf. Banks, William, Soldier, Inf. Blades, Jesse, Soldier, Inf. Brock, Uriah, Fifer, Cav. Bevers, James, Soldier, Art. Bailes, Adin, Soldier, Inf. Bailey, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Bethel, William, Soldier Brumley, John, Soldier Byrns, Bryan, Soldier Berry, Enoch, Soldier, Cav. Boyce, Daniel, Sergeant Bailis, Joseph, Soldier Baker, Caleb, Sergeant Barham, Hartwell, Soldier Bounty Land Warrants 227 Blackwell, William, Soldier Beasley, John, Soldier Butts, Solomon, Soldier Browder, Harrison, Soldier Browder, Frederick, Soldier Ballard, Thomas, jr., Soldier Burner, Abraham, Soldier Benthall, Azel, Soldier Burton, Caleb, Soldier Budd, Babel, Soldier Burton, Ezekiel, Soldier Brooks, Thomas, Soldier Bonny, Edward, Soldier Boyer, Elias, Bombardier Baker, David, Corporal Beale, Richard Eustace, Soldier Boyer, Jacob, Soldier Boiles, Charles, Soldier Bradshaw, Edward, Soldier Brooks, William, Sergeant, Cav. Brown, Francis, Soldier, Inf. Broadway, John, Soldier Bennet, Nathaniel, Soldier Bland, Thomas, Soldier Burgess, William, Soldier Byrnes, Christopher, Soldier Breedlove, William, Soldier Blair, William, Soldier Bray, James, Soldier, Art. Banks, William, Soldier Blundon, William, Soldier Bowman, John, Soldier Beaty, John, Soldier Burk, John, Soldier Brownlee, James, Soldier Boot, Joseph, Soldier Branham, Benjamin, Soldier Burgan, James, Soldier Barnett, Edward, Soldier Brown, William, Soldier Bell, John, Soldier Bell, James, Sergeant Bland, Jesse, Soldier Burgan, John, Soldier Bright, Willis, Soldier Bowman, John, Soldier, Inf. Buford, George, Soldier, Inf. Bailey, Tapley, Soldier, Inf. Bean, Gilbert, Soldier, Inf. Binn, Daniel, Soldier, Inf. Bell, John, Soldier, Inf. Benn, Daniel, Soldier, Cav. Burns, Barneby, Soldier, Inf. Boush, Edward, Soldier, Inf. Brown, Isham, Soldier, Inf. Bourne, John, Soldier, Inf. Browning, Williamson, Soldier, Inf. Baker, Glover, Soldier, Inf. Biggers, William, Sergeant, Inf. Bezant, Randolph, Soldier, Inf. Buzzell, William, Soldier, Inf. Blundle, Elijah, Soldier, Inf. Butler, Shadrach, Soldier, Inf. Barber, John, Soldier, Inf. Bucklar, William, Soldier, Inf. Breedlove, James, Soldier, Inf. Benson, John, Soldier, Inf. Brown, James, Soldier, Inf. Bowles, James, Soldier, Inf. Barbey, Jesse, Soldier, Inf. Bayles, Christopher, Soldier, Inf. Buckhannan, James, Soldier, Inf. Burton, Allen, Soldier, Inf. Brazier, James, Soldier, Inf. Browning, Enos, Soldier, Inf. Bird, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Berry, William, Soldier, Inf. Collin, John, Soldier, Inf. Carter, William, Soldier Cheatham, Stephen, Soldier Crow, William, Soldier Crow, Isham, Soldier Crump, Jesse, Q. M. Serg., Cav. Croxton, John, Art. Clack, John, Soldier, Inf. Christian, John, Sergeant, Inf. Carrell, Samuel, Soldier Cunningham, John, Soldier Collins, John, Corporal, Cav. Colvin, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Cowell, Ralph, Soldier, Inf. 228 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Cooke, William, Soldier, Inf. Chaver, William, Soldier, Inf. Colwell, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Collier, John, Soldier, Inf. Coatney, William, Soldier, Inf. Chavos, Anthony, Soldier, Inf. Clarke, Robert, Sergeant, Inf. Clarke, Rodham, Soldier, Inf. Clarke, Spencer, Soldier, Inf. Cutain, James, Soldier, Inf. Chandler, William, Soldier, Inf. Cox, George, Soldier, Inf. Collins, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. Cruckshanks, John, Soldier, Inf. Coffey, Osborne, Sergeant, Inf. Cannon, Ellis, Soldier, Inf. Campbell, John, Soldier, Inf. Candler, William, Soldier, Inf. Cobbs, William, Soldier, Inf. Carter, John, Soldier, Cav. Cannaday, William, Soldier Coatney, William, Soldier, Inf. Camp, John, Soldier, Inf. Craddock, Henry, Sergeant, Inf. Craddock, Robert, Inf. Cox, Daniel, Soldier, Inf. Cosby, Thomas, Soldier, Cav. Coxen, William, Fifer, Inf. Chavers, Anthony, Soldier, Inf. Carter, Christopher, Soldier, Inf. Carrell, John, Soldier, Inf. Courtney, Philip, Soldier, Inf. Crain, William, Soldier, Inf. Clutz, John, Soldier, Inf. Casey, William, Soldier, Inf. Caswell, William, Soldier, Inf. Collins, Charles, Soldier, Inf. Chavos, Anthony, Soldier, Inf. Cocks, Thomas, Soldier, Cav. Coats, William, Sergeant, Cav. Callis, James, Soldier, Cav. Corn, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Christopher, James, Sergeant, Inf. Chankley, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Crowder, Sterling, Soldier, Inf. Christian, George, Soldier, Inf. Carter, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Corbin, William, Soldier, Inf. Clarke, Joseph, Soldier, Art. Carpenter, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Cottle, William, Soldier, Inf. Cruise, Johnson, Soldier, Inf. Cox Henry, Soldier, Inf. Claytor, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Cogdell, John, Soldier, Inf. Chambers, Alexander, Soldier, Inf. Commack, George, Soldier, Inf. Commack, William, Soldier, Inf. Commack, Francis, Soldier, Inf. Camp, William, Sergeant, Art. Cozens, Francis, Soldier, Inf. Corbin, Charles, Soldier, Inf. Crute, John, Sergeant, Inf. Cocke, Enoch, Sergeant, Inf. Cole, William, Sergeant, Inf. Coleman, William, Soldier, Inf. Crookshanks, John, Soldier, Inf. Clay, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Cunningham, Jacob, Soldier, Inf. Coleman, Patrick, Soldier, Inf. Chappie, Robert, Sergeant, Inf. Chapman, Jacob, Soldier, Inf. Conner (or Comer), Julius, Bombardier, Art. Collins, Mason, Soldier, Inf. Clarke, Jeremiah, Soldier, Art. Chambers, Thomas, Sergeant, Inf. Coil, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Collins, John, Soldier, Inf. Carney, Martin, Sergeant, Inf. Collett, John, Sergeant, Inf. Cole, Robert, Sergeant, Inf. Chinworth, John, Sergeant, Inf. Collins, James, Sergeant, Inf. Cole, Joseph, Sergeant, Inf. Cole, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Combs, Francis, Soldier, Inf. Collins, James, Soldier, Inf. Carden, Leonard, Soldier, Inf. Cannon, John, Soldier, Inf. Clong, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Coats, John, Soldier, Inf. Bounty Land Warrants 229 Cain, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Cash, Archdell, Sergeant, Inf. Crow, James, Soldier, Cav. Cross, Harris, Soldier, Inf. Carlton, William, Soldier, Inf. Chapin, John, Soldier, Inf. Cunningham, John, Soldier, Inf. Cartwright, Lesto, Sergeant Carrell, John, Soldier, Inf. Caslin, John, Soldier, Inf. Coloahin, James, Soldier, Inf. Carpenter, Nathaniel, Soldier, Inf. Clemens, Benjamin, Soldier, Dragoons Cheatham, Josiah, Sergeant, Inf. Collins, Charles, Soldier, Cav. Clarke, John, Soldier, Inf. Craddock, Henry, Sergeant, Inf. Clarke, John, Soldier, Inf. Campbell, William, Soldier, Inf. Cook, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Crawford, Oliver, Soldier, Cav. Crain, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Crain, Aaron, Soldier, Inf. Crump, Jesse, Soldier, Inf. Charles, John, Soldier, Inf. Cosby, James, Corporal, Cav. Croucher, James Crawley, James Creighton, Daniel, Sergeant, Inf. Chitwood, John, Soldier, Inf. Coleman, Joel, Soldier, Inf. Charfey, Charles, Sergeant, Inf. Cannafox, John, Soldier, Inf. Craws, John, Soldier, Inf. Chasley, Charles, Soldier, Inf. Conner, Daniel, Soldier, Inf. Chambers, Alexander, Soldier, Inf. Canicks, Patrick, Soldier, Inf. Chapman, George, Soldier, Inf. Crowder, Anthony, Soldier, Inf. Chancier, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Cross, John, Soldier, Inf. Clarke, Laurence, Soldier, Cav. Christian, Walter, Soldier, Inf. Carrell, Batt, Soldier, Inf. Carter, James, Soldier, Inf. Chatham, John, Soldier, Inf. Copland, James, Soldier, Inf. Childers, William, Soldier, Inf. Cockrell, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Cosby, Higgerson, Sergeant, Inf. Crews, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Cannon, William, Soldier, Inf. Chenault, James, Soldier, Inf. Clements, Charles, Soldier, Inf. Carter, John, Soldier, Inf. Cox, Presley, Soldier, Inf. Chiles, James, Soldier, Inf. Cook, Peter, Soldier, Inf. Collin, Daniel, Soldier, Inf. Cole, George, Soldier, Inf. Cullip, Abram, Soldier, Inf. Crawford, David, Soldier, Inf. Coel, David, Fifer, Inf. Cornelius, Rowland, Soldier, Inf. Chapman, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Charley, George, Soldier, Inf. Crummey, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Chapman, Micajah, Soldier, Inf. Colquit, John, Soldier, Inf. Casey, James, Soldier, Inf. Carder, John, Soldier, Inf. Callaway, Dudley, Soldier, Inf. Coghill, James, Soldier, Inf. Corbin, Lewis, Soldier, Inf. Coleman, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Cook, John, Corporal, Inf. Crouch, Jacob, Soldier, Inf. Clarke, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Cearns, John, Soldier, Cav. Cobb, Howell, Soldier, Inf. Coohers, Michael, Soldier, Cav. Crumpton, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Coffee, Reuben, Soldier, Inf. Childress, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Cate, John, Soldier, Inf. Coleman, James, Soldier, Inf. Cloud, Daniel, Soldier, Inf. Combs, William, Soldier, Inf. Cocke, Anderson, Soldier, Inf. Chaffin, Isham, Soldier, Inf. Caron, John, Sergeant, Inf. 230 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Craig, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Cave, James, Soldier, Inf. Clarke, Sterling, Sergeant, Inf. Clarke, Isham, Soldier, Inf. Chewing, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Commea, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Crow, John, Soldier, Inf. Crow, Dennis, Soldier, Inf. Carley, Austin, Soldier, Inf. Coats, Willis, Soldier, Inf. Cahill, Barnady, Soldier, Inf. Clorus (or Clours), George, Inf. Cockran, John, Soldier, Inf. Cooper, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Cornelius, Charles, Soldier, Inf. Christian, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Cockrell, William, Soldier, Inf. Chisero, John, Soldier, Inf. Chumley, Daniel, Soldier, Inf. Conner, Laurence, Soldier, Inf. Cummings, John, Soldier, Inf. Coleman, Thomas, Soldier, Art. Cunningham, Vaul, Soldier, Inf. Coffer, George, Soldier, Inf. Cawthorn, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Cobbs, Jesse, Soldier, Inf. Connell, Patrick, Soldier, Inf. Chewning, Harding, Soldier, Inf. Chewning, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Childress, Goldsby, Soldier, Inf. Cooper, William, Soldier, Inf. Castill, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Collins, John, Soldier, Inf. Chapman, Micajah, Soldier, Cav. Compton, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Christian, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Collins, Thomas, Sergeant, Inf. Comer, Charles, Soldier, Inf. Childress, John, Sergeant, Inf. Chase, James, Soldier, Inf. Colwell, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Clayton, Philip, Soldier, Cav. Chewing, Christopher, Soldier, Inf. Cox, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. Carter, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Cole, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Crawford, Aaron, Soldier, Inf. Carroll, John, Soldier, Cav. Chandler, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Currell, George, Midshipman Clack, Moses, Soldier, Inf. Crews, James, Soldier, Inf. Crews, Gideon, Soldier, Inf. Cox, Edward, Soldier, Inf. Creasy, George, Soldier, Inf. Carter, Edward, Soldier, Inf. Cawthorn, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Cawthorn, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Cawthorn, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Cawthorn, Robert, jr., Soldier, Inf. Cloms, George, Soldier, Inf. Cody, John, Soldier, Inf. Cameron, Hugh, Soldier, Inf. Crutchfield, Lewis, Soldier, Inf. Cosby, Edward, Soldier, Inf. Chew, Peter, Soldier, Inf. Challis, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Challis, William, Soldier, Inf. Chineworth, Jonathan, Soldier, Inf. Carter, Thomas, Soldier, Art. Clarke, Edmund, Sergeant, Inf. Casely, John, Soldier, Inf. Comber, Augustine, Soldier, Inf. Cooper, Leighton, Soldier, Inf. Cannon, Reuben, Soldier, Inf. Covington, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Crutchfield, William, Soldier, Inf. Crawford, Andrew, Soldier, Inf. Cashon, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Clay, Matthew, Soldier, Inf. Clardy, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Cline, John, Soldier, Inf. Curry, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Collins, Robert, Sergeant, Inf. Conway, James, Soldier, Inf. Chance, James, Soldier, Inf. Collier, William, Soldier, Inf. Cosby, Edward, Sergeant, Inf. Carter, Samuel, Corporal, Inf. Clarke, John, Soldier, Inf. Christy, James, Soldier, Inf. Cole, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Bounty Land Warrants 231 Coleman, John, Corporal, Inf. Cooke, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Clarke, John, Soldier, Inf. Cogwill, Frederick, Sergeant, Inf. Conner, Timothy, Soldier, Inf. Coleman, Peter, Soldier, Inf. Cureton, James Croucher, Hugh, Soldier, Inf. Cocke, John, Soldier, Inf. Carter, John, Soldier, Cav. Croxton, John, Soldier, Inf. Collins, Major, Soldier, Inf. Chamberlayne, Leonard, Soldier, Cav. Carnes, Peter, Sergeant, Inf. Chansley, Julius, Soldier, Inf. Chapman, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Caines, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Crippin, John, Soldier, Inf. Cox, Jeremiah, Drummer, Inf. Clay, Jno. Moore, Soldier, Inf. Carter, John, Soldier, Inf. Caldwell, William, Soldier, Inf. Cason, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Cox, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. Cox, Philip, Soldier, Inf. Covington, William, Soldier, Inf. Collins, John, Soldier, Cav. Cobb, William, Soldier, Inf. Cooper, Jesse, Sergeant, Inf. Curd, John, Sergeant, Inf. Chisley, Henry, Sergeant, Inf. Creal, John, Sergeant, Inf. Chisholm, John, Sergeant, Inf. Crutcher, John, Sergeant, Inf. Campbell, George, Sergeant, Inf. Chambers, John, Sergeant, Inf. Coatney, William, Sergeant, Inf. Crutchfield, John, Sergeant, Inf. Crutchfield, Richard, Sergeant, Inf. Cumbo, Michael, Sergeant, Inf. Copis, Southey, Sergeant, Inf. Carney, William, Sergeant, Inf. Cryder, John, Sergeant, Cav. Carpenter, John, Sergeant, Inf. Cooper, Hillery, Sergeant, Inf. Charles, Philip, Sergeant, Cav. Crosby, William, Sergeant, Cav. Cropper, Levin, Sergeant, Cav. Cropper, Elsee, Sergeant, Cav. Crawford, Archibald, Sergeant, Cav. Campbell, John, Sergeant, Cav. Cameron, John, Sergeant, Cav. Cannon, James, Soldier, Cav. Campbell, John, Soldier, Cav. Chavos, Edward, Soldier, Cav. Cour, William, Soldier, Cav. Cooper, Levin, Soldier, Inf. Campbell, John, Soldier, Inf. Clawson, Garrett, Soldier, Inf. Crutchlow, Edward, Soldier, Inf. Camp, William, Soldier, Cav. Crow, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Cannon, John, Soldier, Inf. Chatteen, James, Soldier, Inf. Cocke, John, Soldier, Inf. Chambers, William, Sergeant, Inf. Clemance, Gillihan, Soldier, Inf. Cumpton, Reuben, Soldier, Inf. Collins, George, Soldier, Inf. Clements, William, Soldier, Inf. Campbell, Archibald, Soldier, Inf. Coleman, William, Soldier, Inf. Cain, John, Soldier, Inf. Carter, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Chapman, John, Soldier, Inf. Conoy, Sydnor, Sergeant, Cav. Clebeck, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Cosby, Michael, Soldier, Inf. Clarke, William, Soldier, Inf. Compton, Augustine, Soldier, Inf. Colley, William, Soldier, Inf. Carder, Sandford, Soldier, Cav. Clarke, Rodham, Soldier, Cav. Creedle, James, Soldier, Cav. Carter, Jesse, Soldier, Cav. Cain, Cornelius, Soldier, Cav. Crafton, James, Soldier, Cav. Chavos, Shadrach, Soldier, Cav. Chappie, James, Soldier, Cav. Crossen, H'n John, Soldier, Cav. Cole, Andrew, Soldier, Cav. Cole, Andrew, Soldier, Cav. 232 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Closse, Hugh, Soldier, Cav. Cowan, Benjamin, Corporal Coleman, Patrick, Sergeant Creage, John, Soldier, Cav. Carper, John, Soldier, Inf. Clark, Turner, Soldier, Inf. Cumberford, James, Soldier, Inf. Chewning, Richard, Soldier, Cav. Cole, Edward, Sergeant, Inf. Clez, Peter, Soldier, Inf. Carey, Obadiah, Soldier, Inf. Coloney, Southey, Soldier, Inf. Carter, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Cassedy, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Cross, John, Soldier, Inf. Catridge, John, Soldier, Inf. Cunningham, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Coffield, James, Soldier, Inf. Calloway, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Cobbett, John, Soldier, Inf. Cooper, John, Soldier, Art. Cyrus, Nicholas, Soldier, Inf. Cumbo, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Chapman, Thomas, Sergeant, Inf. Chapman, Isaac, Soldier, Cav. Carter, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Cosby, Sydnor, Sergeant, Inf. Cameron, Hugh, Soldier Cooper, Peter, Soldier, Inf. Carterman, David, Soldier, Inf. Cooney, Matthew, Soldier, Inf. Castle, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. Cowley, Selby, Soldier, Inf. Caldwell, John, Soldier, Inf. Clarke, Micajah, Soldier, Inf. Caldwell, David, Soldier, Inf. Copes, Solomon, Corporal, Inf. Cooper, Peter, Soldier, Inf. Colemy, Timothy, Soldier, Inf. Cosby, Peter, Soldier, Inf. Collins alias Burtwell, John, Soldier, Inf. Champe, John, Soldier, Inf. Crews, Obadiah, Soldier, Inf. Copes, Parker, Soldier, Inf. Crall, David, Soldier, Inf. Criffe, William, Soldier, Inf. Carter, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Caldwell, William, Soldier, Inf. Curtin, William, Soldier, Inf. Cheatham, Josiah, Soldier, Inf. Church, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Callis, William, Sergeant, Inf. Cole, Edmund, Soldier, Inf. Chambers, Jonathan, Soldier, Inf. Collins, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Cole, Francis, Soldier, Inf. Chappie, William, Soldier, Inf. Chiles, William, Soldier, Inf. Crutchfield, William, Soldier, Inf. Clarke, Jesse, Soldier, Inf. Clarke, David, Soldier, Inf. Combs, George, Soldier, Inf. Charlton, William, Soldier, Inf. Clopton, David, Soldier, Inf. Cannon, John, Soldier, Inf. Cannon, William, Soldier, Inf. Cleman, Humphrey, Soldier, Inf. Cooper, Wilmore, Soldier, Inf. Childress, Allen, Soldier, Inf. Corn, Peter, Soldier, Inf. Coon, Jesse, Soldier, Inf. Clarke, Spencer, Soldier, Inf. Connell, Jeremiah, Soldier, Inf. Cole, William, Soldier, Inf. Clarke, John, Corporal, Inf. Conner, Owen, Soldier, Inf. Currell, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Cady, James, Soldier, Inf. Cragwell, James, Soldier, Inf. Coleman, Isham, Soldier, Inf. Carter, Towns, Sergeant, Inf. Clayton, Philip, dec'd., Soldier, Inf. Clements, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Cromwell, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Clay, John, Soldier, Inf. Cawthorn, Ludy, Soldier, Inf. Clarke, John, Soldier, Inf. Chappie, David, Soldier, Inf. Clarke, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Cassey, John, Soldier, Inf. Cunningham, John, Soldier, Inf. Bounty Land Warrants 233 Cragwell, John, Soldier, Inf. Carpenter, John, Soldier, Inf. Cheely, John, Soldier, Inf. Cray, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Courtney, Michael, Soldier, Inf. Cooper, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Cabbage, Adam, Soldier, Inf. Carens, James, Soldier, Inf. Croaker, William, Drummer, Inf. Cooper, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Clarke, Jesse, Soldier, Inf. Carpenter, John, Soldier, Inf. Cake, Lewis, Soldier, Inf. Cake, Jeremiah, Soldier, Cav. Clarke, Edward, Soldier', Cav. Conway, Amos, Soldier, Inf. Chowning, John, Soldier, Cav. Carter, James, Soldier, Cav. Cavender, John, Soldier, Cav. Campbell, George, Soldier, Cav. Coppage, John, Soldier, Cav. Crenshaw, Daniel, Soldier, Cav. Crenshaw, Nathaniel, Soldier, Cav. Conway, William, Soldier, Cav. Cardwell, Thomas, Soldier, Cav. Clements, Stephen, Soldier, Cav. Cross, John, Steward Cheatham, William, Soldier Clarke, Benjamin, Soldier Diddleston, Thomas, Corporal, Inf. Davis, Enoch, Soldier, Inf. Davis, Jacob, Soldier, Inf. Dugmon, John, Corporal, Inf. Davis, William Henry, Soldier, Cav. Delany, Joseph, Soldier, Cav. Davis, William, Soldier, Inf. Daniel, James, Soldier, Inf. Donakin, Daniel Driskill, Timothy Dudley, Robert, Soldier, Cav. Doherty, John, Soldier, Inf. Devour, Isaac, Soldier, Inf. Delany, Zachariah, Soldier, Inf. Dolton, William, Soldier, Inf. Drake, Jonathan, Soldier, Inf. Davis, James, Sergeant, Inf. Duringer, Edward, Soldier, Inf. Duncan, John, Soldier, Inf. Davis, John, Soldier, Inf. Dowdy, Ambrose, Soldier, Inf. Donnoho, Dennis, Soldier, Inf. Daley, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Davis, Anthony, Soldier, Inf. Day, William, Soldier, Inf. Duffey, James, Soldier, Inf. Davenport, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Dawson, Benjamin, Soldier, Cav. Davis, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Drone, John, Soldier, Inf. Dickinson, Elisha, Soldier, Cav. Deavir, William, Soldier, Inf. Disnoly, Francis, Soldier, Inf. Dagnaf, Stephen, Soldier, Inf. Day, James, Soldier, Inf. Duke, Hardin, Sergeant, Inf. Dudley, John, Soldier, Inf. Dunkin, Luke, Soldier, Inf. Dinwoody, John, Soldier, Inf. Dennis, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Douthat, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Dawson, Henry, Sergeant, Inf. Dunton, William Soldier, Inf. Dean, John, Soldier, Inf. Debitz, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Driver, Edward, Soldier, Inf. Downey, Michael, Soldier, Inf. Darner, John, Soldier, Inf. Duke, Cleverius, Soldier, Inf. Davenport, James, Soldier, Inf. Durham, Samuel, Soldier, Cav. Davis, John, Soldier, Inf. Depriest, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Dickinson, James, Soldier, Inf. Devaughn, Peter, Sergeant, Inf. Davenport, Martin, Soldier, Inf. Davis, Isaac, Soldier, Inf. Duncan, Charles, Soldier, Inf. Drake, Joel, Soldier, Inf. Dunnavant, Daniel, Soldier, Inf. Davidson, Edward, Soldier, Inf. Davidson, William, Soldier, Inf. 234 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Dean, John, Soldier, Inf. Drummond, John, Soldier, Inf. Dougherty, Patrick, Soldier, Inf. Deadman, Richmond, Soldier, Inf. Davis, John, Soldier, Inf. Defoe, Zachariah, Soldier, Inf. Depriest, Reuben, Soldier, Inf. Dix, Joel, Soldier, Cav. Dickinson, William, Corporal Inf. Douglas, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Dunger, William, Soldier, Inf. Dean, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Dounton, George, Soldier, Inf. Davis, Enoch, Soldier, Inf. Devir, John, Corporal, Inf. Dangerfield, John, Soldier, Inf. Davidson, Philip, Soldier, Inf. Dorrington, Elisha, Soldier, Inf. Davis, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Deal, John, Soldier, Inf. Dawson, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Dawson, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. Day, George, Soldier, Inf. Davie, John, Soldier, Inf. Dillard, William, Soldier, Inf. Davenport, William, Soldier, Inf. Dufif, Abden Darwin, John, Soldier, Inf. Dickey, Alexander, Soldier, Inf. Davis, William, Soldier, Inf. Davis, Dolphin, Soldier, Inf. Dunnaven, Charles (or Chris.), Cor- poral, Inf. Darnold, Adam, Soldier, Inf. Duncan, James, Sergeant, Inf. Dennis, John, Soldier, Inf. Dykes, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Denton, John, Soldier, Inf. Darville, William Sergeant, Art. Danstall, Almond, Soldier, Inf. Davenport, John, Soldier, Inf. Durham, William, Soldier, Inf. Davis, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Drabsey, Jacob, Sergeant, Inf. Dowling, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Dixon, George, Soldier, Inf. Davis, William, Soldier, Inf. Denton, David, Soldier, Inf. Dolby, Peter, Soldier, Inf. Douglas, William, Soldier, Inf. Dragoo, William, Soldier, Inf. Duggin, Alexander, Soldier, Inf. Dyer, Charles, Soldier, Inf. Dunn, William, Soldier, Inf. Davis, James, Soldier, Inf. Drain, John, Soldier, Inf. Davenport, John, Soldier, Cav. Depriest, John, Soldier, Inf. Davis, Joseph, Soldier, Cav. Delancy, James, Soldier, Inf. Dameron, Jesse, Sergeant, Inf. Davis, John, Soldier, Inf. Drothidy, Patrick Duvall, Michael, Soldier, Inf. Duling, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Davidson, David, Soldier, Art. Downer, Thomas, Sergeant, Inf. Dorsey, Bates, Sergeant, Inf. Doe, William, Soldier, Inf. Daniely, William, Soldier, Inf. Douglas, John, Soldier, Inf. Dickinson, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Dawson, James, Soldier, Cav. Dunn, Vincent, Soldier, Inf. Davis, John, Soldier, Inf. Daniel, Oliver, Soldier, Inf. Davis, William, Soldier, Inf. Donafin, William, Soldier, Inf. Dickinson, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Dillard, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Dobbins, William, Soldier, Inf. Day, William, Soldier, Inf. Denton, William, Soldier, Inf. Dulaney, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Dickinson, William, Soldier, Inf. Doleman, Thomas, Soldier, Art. Daniel, Walter, Soldier, Inf. Drew, John, Soldier, Inf. Davis, Humphrey, Soldier, Inf. Daley, Dennis, Trumpeter, Cav. Dyson, William, Soldier, Inf. Dove, James, Soldier, Inf. Bounty Land Warrants 235 Davidson, David, Soldier, Inf. Downs, John, Soldier, Inf. Downs, John, Soldier, Inf. Dodd, William, Soldier, Inf. Dogans, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Dicks, Isaac, Soldier, Inf. Dourrough, John, Soldier, Inf. Dale, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Dehavin, Isaac, Soldier, Inf. Delastatius Severn, Sergeant, Inf. Delastatius Selby, Soldier, Inf. Duncan, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Dispaine, Peter, Soldier, Inf. Durham, John, Soldier, Inf. Dickinson, Nathaniel, Sergeant, Inf. Davis, William Henry, Sergeant, Inf. Day, William, Corporal, Inf. Dallis, John, Soldier, Inf. Dent, John, Sergeant, Inf. Duncan, James, Sergeant, Inf. Dixon, William, Sergeant, Inf. Davis, Lewis, Sergeant, Inf. Davis, John, Sergeant, Inf. Davidson, James, Sergeant, Cav. Douty, Addison, Soldier, Inf. Dickerson John, Soldier, Inf. Deaton, John, Soldier, Inf. Davis, William, Soldier, Inf. Day, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Davis, William Soldier, Art. Delancey, Anthony, Soldier, Inf. Didman, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Dameron, George, Soldier, Inf. Dunn, Billington, Soldier, Cav. Duprey, Haley, Soldier, Inf. Davis, Towler, Soldier, Inf. Davis, Samuel, Soldier, Cav. Devil, Henry, Soldier Davidson, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Dye, Richard, Corporal Davis, Charles, Soldier, Inf. Devin, William, Sergeant, Inf. Dunnaway, John, Soldier, Inf. Ducker, John, Soldier, Inf. Davis, Aquilla, Soldier, Inf. Dixon, John, Soldier, Inf. Davis, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Denny, Samuel, Soldier, Art. Doswell, James, Sergeant, Inf. Davis, John, Soldier, Inf. Dix, William, Soldier, Inf. Dix, Isaac, Soldier, Inf. Davis, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Doe, William, Soldier, Inf. Dodd, William, Soldier, Inf. Davidson, Edward, Soldier, Inf. Dunn, William, Soldier, Inf. Downey, Cornelius, Soldier, Inf. Davis, Jesse, Soldier, Inf. Davis, John, Soldier, Inf. Daulton, Jesse, Soldier, Inf. Dugmore, John, Corporal Dawson, William, Soldier, Inf. Duncan, John, Soldier, Inf. Davis, William, Soldier, Cav. Dolby, William, Soldier, Inf. Dolby, Upsher, Soldier, Inf. Davis, Edmund, Soldier, Inf. Dunsford, John, Soldier, Inf. Dolby, John, Soldier, Inf. Dear, Jeremiah, Soldier, Inf. Dolby, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. Dickinson, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Dunton, Joab, Soldier, Inf. Dillon, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Davidson, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Davis, Abraham, Soldier, Inf. Death, Randolph, Soldier, Inf. Drone, William, Soldier, Cav. Davis, John, Soldier, Inf. Dickinson, William, Soldier, Inf. Davidson, Lewis, Soldier, Inf. Denon, Peter, Soldier, Inf. Davis, Christopher, Soldier, Inf. Dailey, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Dickinson, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Dunn, John, Soldier, Inf. Daniel, , Soldier, Inf. Dangerfield, William, Drummer, Inf. Dykes, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Davis, William, Soldier, Inf. Deaton, Jabe, Soldier, Inf. 236 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Darsinger, John, Soldier, Inf. Dahart, William, Soldier, Inf. Davis, Charles, Soldier, Cav. Davis, John, Soldier, Inf. Dyson, Stephen, Soldier, Inf. Davis, John, Soldier, Inf. Dunnavant, Leonard, Soldier, Inf. Deathridge, Philip, Soldier, Inf. Davenport, Francis, Soldier, Inf. Day, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Day, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Dennis, Alexander, Soldier, Inf. Davis, James, Soldier, Inf. Davis, George, Soldier, Inf. Delany, Isham, Soldier, Inf. Davis, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Davidson, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Davis, John, Soldier, Inf. Dowling, James Dolby, William Dunnavant, Philip Durritt, Claiborne, Soldier, Inf. Dean, Joshua, Soldier, Inf. Davis, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Dawson, Robert, Sergeant, Inf. Dickinson, W T illiam, Sergeant, Inf. Douglas, George, Soldier, Inf. Demony, Frederick, Soldier, Inf. Delastatius, Severn, Soldier, Inf. Dolby, Moses, Soldier, Inf. Elam, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Evans, Philip, Sergeant, Art. Elmore, Thomas, Corporal Evans, James Elkins, Nathaniel, Corporal Earlywine, Daniel, Soldier, Inf. Earl, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Engle, John, Sergeant, Inf. Ethal, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Edwards, Chs. (or Christ.), Soldier, Inf. Edwards, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. Elmore, Thomas, Soldier, Cav. Emmon, William, Sergeant, Inf. Eubank, John, Soldier, Inf. Eaves, John, Soldier, Inf. Earl, William, Soldier, Inf. Erskine, Charles, Q. M. Serg. Elam, Josiah, Soldier, Inf. Evans, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Edwards, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Evans, Robert, Soldier, Inf. East, David, Soldier, Art. Eastridge, Robert, Sergeant, Inf. Everett, John, Soldier, Inf. Ealy, John, Sergeant, Inf. Eubanks, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Edwards, James, Soldier, Inf. Eastin, Achilles, Soldier, Inf. Eastis, Elisha, Sergeant, Inf. Edwards, Newell, Soldier, Inf. Edwards, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Elvin, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Eason, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Ewin, William, Sergeant, Inf. Ellis, Dudley, Soldier, Inf. Elsey, Joshua, Soldier, Inf. Elam, William, Soldier, Inf. Ellinton, John, Soldier, Inf. Edmunds, William, Soldier, Inf. Eastis, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Elmore, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Edwards, Edmund, Sergeant, Inf. Eastham, Reuben, Soldier, Inf. Ervil, Simon, Soldier, Inf. Erwin, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Eastman, Edward, Soldier, Inf. Edwards, Andrew, Soldier, Inf. Eldridge, Howell, Soldier, Inf. Elder, Claiborne, Soldier, Inf. Edis, Charles, Soldier, Inf. Ewing, Charles, Soldier, Inf. Erwin, William, Soldier, Inf. Edward, Peter, Soldier, Inf. Ealy, John, Soldier, Inf. Elam, Solomon, Soldier, Inf. Edgar, John, Soldier, Inf. Ennis, Micajah, Soldier, Inf. Estis, George, Soldier, Inf. Elsey, John, Soldier, Inf. Ears, John, Soldier, Inf. Erwin, Andrew, Soldier, Inf. Bounty Land Warrants 237 Exlim, John, Soldier, Inf. Eidson, Shelton, Soldier, Inf. Evans, William, Sergeant, Inf. Earl, Samuel, Sergeant, Cav. Ealey, Thomas, Soldier, Cav. Ealey, William, Soldier, Cav. English, Robert, Soldier, Cav. Easley, Daniel, Soldier, Cav. Edwards, Andrew, Soldier, Cav. Eager, John, Soldier, Cav. Elliott, Martin, Soldier, Cav. Edmonston, John, Soldier, Cav. Ellis, Robert, Soldier, Cav. Edwards, Thomas, Soldier, Cav. Edmundson, Edmund, Corporal, Cav. Ellis, William, Soldier, Inf. Everett, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Eppes, Peter, Soldier, Inf. Everett, Simon, Soldier, Inf. Elliott, James, Soldier, Art. Elms, Leonard, Soldier, Inf. Eubank, John, Soldier, Inf. Elliott, William, Soldier, Inf. English, Andrew, Soldier, Inf. Evans, Covington, Soldier, Inf. Eaton, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Eggleston, Joseph, For his servant John Edwards, William, Soldier Erby, William, Soldier Eastice, William, Soldier Edwards, Elisha, Soldier Eggleston, Wm. Carey, Soldier Edmundson, William, Soldier, Cav. Elder, Newman, Soldier, Inf. Eubank, William, Soldier, Inf. Erwine, James, Soldier, Inf. Eastis, John, Soldier, Inf. Eastis, Abraham, Soldier, Inf. Ellis, Jesse, Soldier, Inf. Ellis, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Edmunds, John, Soldier, Inf. Flournoy, John, Inf. Faringhall, David Fitzgerald, George Farrar, William Foster, Henry Flesheet, John, Soldier, Inf. Freeman, Temple, Soldier, Inf. Farmer, Jesse, Soldier, Inf. Ferguson, James, Soldier, Inf. Fitzpatrick, Hugh, Soldier, Inf. Foster, Job, Soldier, Inf. Finch, William, Soldier, Inf. Ferguson, Lewis, Soldier, Conv'n G'ds Farrow, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. Farrow, John, Soldier, Inf. Franks, Nehemiah, Soldier, Inf. Foster, Cosby, Soldier, Cav. French, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. French, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. Farish, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Ferryman, Stephen, Soldier, Inf. Farganson, George, Soldier, Inf. Frisby, William, Soldier, Inf. Flint, John, Soldier, Inf. Froman, Temple, Soldier, Inf. Fenn, James, Corporal, Cav. Franklin, James, Soldier, Inf. Flinn, William, Soldier, Inf. Fletcher, Simon, Sergeant, Inf. Fields, Simon, Soldier, Inf. Ferguson, David, Sergeant, Inf. Fortune, John, Sergeant, Cav. Franklin, Thomas Frazier, John, Soldier, Inf. Flowers, James, Soldier, Inf. Ferrill, William, Corporal, Art. Francis, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Farror, Barrett, Soldier, Inf. Furnish, Jacob, Soldier, Inf. Foster, Joel, Soldier, Inf. Foster, Achilles, Soldier, Inf. Fargason, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Foster, Peter, Sergeant, Inf. Fox, Joshua, Corporal, Inf. Fears, Francis, Corporal, Inf. Foushee, Thornton, Soldier, Inf. Fagins, John, Soldier, Inf. Freeman, Stephen, Soldier, Inf. Freeman, Isaac, Soldier, Inf. Fry, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. • 238 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Fisher, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Farmby, Nathan, Soldier, Inf. Fisher, William, Soldier, Inf. Ford, Dabney, Soldier, Inf. Farguson, Abram, Soldier, Inf. Fleet, Edward, Soldier, Cav. Fitzgerald, William, Soldier, Inf. Foe, William, Sergeant, Inf. Fisher, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. Fry, George, Soldier, Inf. Fry, Gabriel, Soldier, Inf. Fulcher, William, Soldier, Inf. Freeman, Isaac, Drummer, Art. Fulcher, Philip, Soldier, Inf. Flinn, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Flack, George, Soldier, Inf. Fox, James, Soldier, Inf. Fowler, Moses, Soldier, Inf. Flecher, John, Soldier, Inf. Felkins, John, Soldier, Inf. Franks, Moses, Soldier, Inf. Forbes, Alexander, Soldier, Inf. Freeman, Hezekiah Fillman, John, Soldier, Inf. Fryer, John, Soldier, Inf. Fender, Frederick, Soldier, Inf. Foster, John, Sergeant, Cav. Frazier, Michael, Sergeant, Inf. Ferguson, George, Sergeant, Inf. Fare, John, Sergeant, Inf. Fukeway, Joseph (or Jas.), Corporal Inf. Floyd, William, Soldier, Inf. Fleece, John, Corporal, Inf. Foltz, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Fretwell, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Flincham, William, Soldier, Inf. Freeman, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Fagius, Edward, Soldier, Inf. Fuller, William, Soldier, Inf. Forsythe, Daniel, Soldier, Inf. Findley, John, Soldier, Inf. Fulder, Abraham, Soldier, Inf. Fitzer, Joakins, Soldier, Inf. Frost, Joshua, Soldier, Inf. Freeman, Temple, Soldier, Inf. Ferguson, David, Soldier, Inf. Foster, Joel, Soldier, Inf. Francis, Malachi, Soldier, Inf. Fitz, Valentine, Soldier, Inf. Feagle, John, Soldier, Inf. Flood, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Fowler, Martin, Soldier, Inf. Fennell, John, Soldier, Cav. Fawcett, Obadiah, Soldier, Inf. Franklin, Reuben, Soldier, Inf. Francis, Julius, Soldier, Inf. Francis, Reuben, Soldier, Inf. Flowers, John, Soldier, Inf. Fishwater, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Frazier, John, Soldier, Inf. Foster, Simpson W., Sergeant, Inf. Fram, John, Soldier, Inf. Finney, William, Soldier, Inf. Foster, Job, Soldier, Inf. Faithful, Edward, Soldier, Inf. Fisher, Edward, Soldier, Inf. Freeman, Temple, Soldier, Inf. Franklin, James, Soldier, Inf. Faucett, Rice, Soldier, Inf. Finney, James, Soldier, Cav. France, John, Soldier, Inf. Fundemore, Frederick, Soldier, Inf. Fundemore, John, Soldier, Inf. Fisher, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Fisher, William, Soldier, Inf. Fulgar, John, Sergeant Ferguson, Lewis, Sergeant, Inf. Fisher, William, Soldier, Inf. Fielding, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Florence, William, Soldier, Inf. Fletcher, Nathan, Soldier, Inf. Fleaman, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Forque, William, Soldier, Inf. Fife, William, Soldier, Inf. Freehold, William, Soldier, Inf. Fortune, Zachariah, Soldier, Inf. Falconberry, Frederick, Soldier, Inf. Fisher, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Fielding, James, Soldier, Inf. Fowler, Alexander, Sergeant, Inf. Foster, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Bounty Land Warrants 239 Fisher, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Fambrough, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Ferguson, John, Corporal, Inf. Furrell, William, Corporal, Art. Fisher, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Figam, John, Soldier, Inf. Flinn, William, Soldier, Inf. Freeman, Ely Strange, Soldier, Inf. Fowke, Chandler, Sergeant, Inf. Farmer, Jesse, Corporal, Cav. Feaque, Jacob, Soldier, Inf. Ferryman, Stephen, Soldier Floyd, Perry, Soldier, Cav. Frost, Josiah, Soldier, Inf. Fling, John, Soldier, Inf. Florrence, George, Soldier, Inf. Fellows, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Fitzgerald, Shadrach, Soldier, Inf. Frost, Reuben, Soldier, Inf. Frost, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Freshwater, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Finnie, William, Soldier, Inf. Fortune, Lewis, Soldier, Inf. Fore, Francis, Soldier, Inf. Fosick, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Frith, John, Soldier, Inf. Freshwater, Thomas, Drummer, Inf. Fisher, John, Sergeant, Inf. Ford, James, Soldier, Inf. Fares, James, Soldier, Inf. Fywell, John, Soldier, Inf. Freeman, Richard, Soldier, Art. Frooms, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Fox, Balser, Soldier, Inf. Fisher, Shadrach, Soldier, Inf. Fitchew, William, Soldier, Inf. Ferguson, William, Soldier, Inf. Foster, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Fryer, Jabez, Soldier, Inf. Farrell, John, Soldier, Inf. Fudrell, Charles, Soldier, Inf. Ferguson, William, Soldier Foster, Josiah, Soldier Freeman, John, Soldier Freeman, Matthew, Soldier Finestaff, Andrew, Soldier Farrow, James, Soldier Farrow, Micajah, Corporal Fagg, John, Soldier Flippin, Robert Soldier Fluellen, Jonathan, Soldier Floyd, Perry, Soldier Fitzgerald, John, Soldier, Inf. Fear, James, Corporal Franklin, Archibald, Soldier, Inf. Floyd, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Foster, James, Soldier, Inf. Flitter, Ephraim, Soldier, Inf. Ferguson, James, Soldier, Inf. Ford, James, Soldier, Inf. Foster, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Flemming, John, Gunr's Mate Finely, William, Soldier, Inf. Freeman, Christopher, Soldier, Inf. Glymph, Abraham J., Soldier, Inf. Gordon, William, Soldier, Inf. Gray, Gabriel, Sergeant Godfrey, Matthew, Inf. Graves, Daniel, Inf. Grisby, Jonathan, Sergeant, Inf. Gammon, John, Soldier, Inf. Gough, William, Soldier, Inf. Gumbo, William, Soldier, Inf. Griffin, John, Soldier, Inf. Grady, William, Soldier, Inf. Garrett, Reuben, Soldier, Inf. Green, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Gough, William, Soldier, Inf. Garland, James, Soldier, Inf. Graves, Ralph, Soldier, Inf. Gaines, William, Soldier, Inf. Gordon, Albin, Q. M. Serg., Cav. Gordon, Alexander, Q. M. Serg. Gaines, Richard, Sergeant, Inf. Gill, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Goff, Moses, Soldier, Inf. Groves, Abraham, Soldier, Inf. Gardiner, Jeremiah, Soldier, Inf. Glass, Elijah, Soldier, Inf. Green, John, Soldier, Inf. Gike, Randol, Soldier, Inf. 240 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Gray, James, Soldier, Inf. Grigsby, Jonathan, Sergeant, Inf. Grinstead, John, Soldier, Inf. Gifhn (or Griffin), Peyton, Soldier, Inf. Grimsley, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Grace, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Gordon, William, Sergeant, Inf. Guy, William, Soldier, Inf. Gray, William, Soldier, Inf. George, Aaron, Soldier, Inf. Gardiner, Joseph, Sergeant, Inf. Galloway, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. Green, Jesse, Soldier, Cav. Gordon, William, Sergeant, Cav. Goleman, Edward, Soldier, Cav. Goodins, Lewis, Soldier, Cav. Gibson, William, Soldier, Inf. Gleason, John, Soldier, Inf. Garvin, Isaac, Soldier, Inf. Grigg, Matthew, Soldier, Inf. George, John, Soldier, Cav. Greenwood, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Gravins, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Garnett, Jesse, Soldier, Inf. George, John, Soldier, Inf. Gibbons, Walter, Soldier, Inf. Gilmond, John, Soldier, Inf. Green, William, Soldier, Art. Groom, John, Soldier, Inf. Gibbs, Miles, Sergeant, Inf. Gibbs, Edward, Soldier, Inf. Gornig, Shirod, Soldier, Inf. Garrett, Nicholas, Soldier, Inf. Greening, Nehemiah, Soldier, Inf. Green, Josias, Soldier, Art. George, William, Soldier, Inf. Galloway, Terry, Soldier, Inf. Galloway, Terry, Soldier, Inf. Garrett, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Grigg, Peter, Soldier, Cav. Gregory, Walter, Soldier, Inf. Gwyn, Humphrey, Soldier, Cav. Giddy, David, Fifer, Inf. Garrison, James, Soldier, Inf. Gafford, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Griffith, William, Sergeant Griffin, William, Sergeant, Inf. Gravit, John, Sergeant, Inf. Griffy, Martin, Soldier, Inf. Gurrand, John, Soldier, Inf. Gaines, James, Soldier, Inf. Gimber, William, Soldier, Inf. Guthrey, George, Sergeant, Cav. Grant, Daniel, Sergeant, Inf. Garland, Edward, Soldier, Inf. Gilmore, David, Soldier, Inf. Good Peter, Soldier, Inf. Gibbons, Jonathan, Corporal, Inf. Griffith, James, Soldier, Inf. Goodman, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Goodman, William, Soldier, Inf. Goodin, William, Soldier, Art. Goodrich, Edward, Soldier, Inf. Goldin, John, Sergeant, Inf. Gravin, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Gates, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Gardner, Henson, Soldier, Inf. Gray, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Godfrey, John, Soldier, Inf. Griggs, Charles, Soldier, Inf. Grayson, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Gee, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Greeneltch, Edward, Soldier, Inf. Gunter, John, Soldier, Inf. Gordon, William, Sergeant, Inf. Grimsley, John, Soldier, Inf. Graves, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Green, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Gray, William, Q. M. Serg. Green, Samuel, Corporal, Inf. Goodall, James, Soldier, Inf. Gill, William, Soldier, Inf. Garrett, William, Soldier, Inf. Glass, Frederick, Soldier, Inf. Gray, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Glover, Edward, Soldier, Inf. Garland, Christopher, Soldier, Cav. Gown, Alexander, Soldier, Inf. Garret, Daniel, Soldier Inf. Goldsbury, John, Soldier, Inf. Ganin, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. Gallin, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Bounty Land Warrants 241 Gwinn, John, Corporal, Inf. Grady, Edmund, Soldier, Inf. Gilbert, John, Soldier, Inf. Guffy, John, Soldier, Inf. Goody, John, Soldier, Cav. Gray, Francis, Soldier, Cav. Goodsey, William, Soldier, Inf. Goodsey, Austin, Soldier, Inf. Gilliam, Archibald, Soldier, Inf. Gregory, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. George, John, Soldier, Inf. Golden, Julius, Soldier, Inf. Grinage, Joshua, Soldier, Inf. Gray, John, Soldier, Art. Grimsley, John, Soldier, Art. Green, Samuel, Soldier, Cav. George, John, Soldier, Inf. Gillaspie, William, Soldier, Inf. Glover, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Godley, George, Soldier, Inf. Going, Daniel, Soldier, Inf. Green, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Garrett, Bartlett, Soldier, Inf. Gibson, Reuben, Soldier, Inf. Govern, James, Soldier, Inf. Gray, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Gresham, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Gordon, Daniel, Soldier, Inf. Goalson, Frederick, Soldier, Inf. Gordon, Charles, Corporal, Inf. Gresham, Machem, Soldier, Inf. Going, William, Soldier, Inf. Graves, Rice, Soldier, Inf. Gates, William, Soldier, Inf. Goode, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Gibbs, William, Sergeant, Inf. Green, Andrew, Soldier, Inf. Grills, William, Soldier, Inf. Garland, James, Soldier, Art. Griffin, Sherwood, Soldier, Inf. Graves, Jonas, Soldier, Inf. Gilmore, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Green, Robert, Corporal, Cav. Garland, Andrew, Soldier, Inf. Gaines, Rowland, Corporal, Inf. Gafford, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Griggs, Philip, Soldier, Inf. Groves, Jacob, Soldier, Inf. Griffin, Buckner, Soldier, Inf. Garrett, Elisha, Soldier, Inf. Geddings, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Grattage, John, Soldier, Inf. Gray, James, Soldier, Inf. Guffey, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Greening, John, Soldier, Inf. Gilmor, John, Soldier, Inf. Gordon, Abner, Drummer Gough, Philip, Musician Gennett, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Gallaher, David, Soldier, Inf. Gillinwater, John, Soldier, Inf. Gwin, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Gehagan, Michael, Soldier, Inf. Griggs, John, Soldier, Inf. Gaines, William, Soldier, Inf. Green, John, Soldier, Inf. Grymes, James, Soldier, Inf. Grady, John, Soldier, Cav. Gregory, George, Soldier, Inf. Grant, Moses, Corporal, Inf. Geddins, Irmay, Soldier, Inf. Grotton, John, Soldier, Inf. Green, John, Soldier, Inf. Gillisby, William, Soldier, Inf. Garner, Charles, Soldier, Inf. Garner, George, Soldier, Inf. Gillenwater, James, Soldier, Inf. Goolsby, Charles, Corporal, Inf. Goolsby, James, Corporal, Inf. Gillisby, William, Corporal, Inf. Goldsmith, John, Corporal, Inf. Gaskins, Job, Corporal, Inf. Gum, Abraham, Corporal, Inf. Gawey, Henry, Corporal, Inf. Gilasby, Daniel, Corporal, Inf. Gross, Jacob, Corporal, Inf. Going, Joseph, Corporal, Inf. Geddings, Custis, Corporal, Inf. Garrett, Thomas, Corporal, Inf. Gill, Thomas, Corporal, Inf. Gilliam, John, Corporal, Inf. Grant, James, Corporal, Inf. 242 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Grim, Peter, Soldier, Inf. Goldman, Francis, Soldier, Inf. Guffey, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Gaylor, Edward, Soldier, Inf. Gibson, John, Soldier, Inf. Goff, Abraham, Soldier, Inf. Grinolds, Southey, Soldier, Inf. Grubbs, John, Soldier, Inf. Gamble, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Gates, William, Soldier, Inf. Gill, Isham, Soldier, Inf. Gentry, John, Soldier, Inf. Gordon, Peyton, Soldier, Inf. Gregory, Jeremiah, Soldier, Cav. Gregory, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Gresham, Ambrose, Sergeant, Inf. Gaskins, Job, Soldier, Inf. Green, Simon, Soldier, Inf. Geffries (or Jeffries), William, Soldier, Cav. Gordon, John, Soldier, Inf. Gray, William, Soldier, Inf. Grymes, George, Soldier, Art. Gouldman, William, Soldier, Inf. Greenwood, Bartlett, Soldier, Inf. Gee, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Gibson, Billingsby, Soldier, Inf. Gore, John, Soldier, Cav. Grinage, Joshua, Soldier, Inf. Gamble, John, Soldier, Inf. Glenn, James, Soldier, Inf. Greenway, George, Soldier, Inf. Goff, John, Soldier, Inf. Hurt, West, Soldier, Inf. Hall, William, Sergeant, Inf. Hill, Humphrey, Soldier, Inf. Harris, Elmore, Soldier, Inf. Hurt, James, Soldier, Inf. Henry, John, Soldier, Inf. Hickey, Daniel, Soldier, Inf. Howard, Ambrose, Soldier, Inf. Harris, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Hicks, William, Corporal, Inf. Humphrey, Haines Hull, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Hodges, Abednego, Soldier, Inf. Hutchinson, Joseph, Sergeant, Inf. Hill, Clement, Soldier, Inf. Hunter, David, Sergeant, Inf. Henderson, Edward, Soldier, Inf. Hill, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Hubbard, Eppa, Inf. Harris, John, Soldier, Cav. Howell, Isaac, Soldier, Inf. Hardy, William, Soldier, Inf. Hudson, David, Corporal, Inf. Holliday, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. Hill, Shadrach, Soldier, Inf. Hendricks, Elijah, Sergeant, Inf. Harris, John, Soldier, Inf. Houchings, John, Soldier, Cav. Hoy, Sabrot, Soldier, Inf. Hampton, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Holley, Bod'y, Soldier, Art. Headen, Jeremiah, Soldier, Art. Hill, Simon, Soldier, Inf. Hankins, George, Soldier, Inf. Holmes, Edward, Soldier, Inf. Harrison, Burdett, Soldier, Inf. Hill, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Holland, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Hudson, William, Soldier, Inf. Hartshorn, Joshua, Corporal, Inf. Harris, Nathaniel Hawkins, Edward, Soldier Hughes, Reuben, Bombardier, Art. Hawkins, William, Soldier, Inf. Hackney, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Hudson, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. Holday, Charles, Soldier, Inf. Huffman, Ambrose, Soldier, Inf. Howard, John, Soldier, Inf. Hunt, Richard, Sergeant, Inf. Hackley, John, Sergeant, Inf. Hartley, Daniel, Sergeant, Inf. Harper, Jesse, Soldier, Cav. Hanner, Edward, Drummer, Inf. Harris, John, Soldier, Art. Haley, James, Sergeant, Inf. Hayes, Gabriel, Sergeant, Inf. Hunt, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Bounty Land Warrants 243 Hardyman, James, Soldier, Inf. Hicks, William, Trumpeter, Cav. Hicks, William, Soldier, Inf. Hamilton, James, Sergeant, Inf. Hines, James, Corporal, Art. Holliday, Joseph, Sergeant, Inf. Harris, Richard, Sergeant, Inf. Haggerty, James, Soldier, Inf. Hart, Anthony, Soldier, Inf. Henley, John, Soldier, Inf. Hogan, James, Soldier, Inf. Howard, James, Soldier, Inf. Hatcher, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Haggerty, James, Fifer, Inf. Hatcher, John, Soldier, Inf. Hendrick Elijah, Sergeant, Inf. Hodges, Williamson, Soldier, Inf. Holloway, Charles, Soldier, Inf. Hyden, Daniel, Soldier, Inf. Hodges, James, Soldier, Inf. Hendrake, Alexander, Soldier, Inf. Harris, Thomas, Corporal, Inf. Hood, John, Drummer, Inf. Hughes, John, Soldier, Inf. Healdroft, Edward, Soldier, Inf. Hunt, Julius, Soldier, Inf. Hill, William, Soldier, Inf. Hobson, William, Soldier, Inf. Hobson, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. Hill, John, Soldier, Cav. Hatcher, Daniel, Sergeant, Inf. Hatcher, Daniel, Sergeant, Inf. Hudson, Benjamin (Estate), Corporal, Art. Hain, Stephen, Soldier, Inf. Hampton, Thomas, Sergeant, Inf. Howard, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Harriss, James, Soldier, Cav. Hood, Joshua, Soldier, Inf. Hood, John, Soldier, Inf. Hilman, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Hughes, John, Q. M. Serg., Cav. Harrison, Joel, Soldier, Art. Holderby, William, Soldier, Inf. Harvey, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Hartley, Walter, Soldier, Inf. Hatford, Robert, Sergeant, Inf. Henshaw, William, Soldier, Inf. Hail, William, Soldier, Inf. Haines, Michael, Soldier, Inf. Henderson, William, Corporal, Inf. Hubbard, John, Soldier, Inf. Haley, George, Soldier, Cav. Hayes, William, Soldier, Cav. Howell, Matthew, Soldier, Inf. Hamrick, Paul, Soldier, Inf. Hardin, Charles, Soldier, Inf. Hill, Samuel, Corporal, Inf. Harlow, Joel, Soldier, Inf. Haines, Griffith, Soldier, Art. Hazlih, Spencer, Soldier, Inf. Harrison, William H., Sergeant, P. Legion Hundley, Anthony, Sergeant, Inf. Hudson, Peter, Soldier, Cav. Harris, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Holt, Moses, Soldier, Cav. Hundley, William, Soldier, Cav. Harris, David, Soldier, Cav. Harper, Francis, Sol. & Cor. Harvey, William, Soldier, Inf. Harvey, Randolph, Soldier, Inf. Hill, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Hall, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Haines, William, Soldier, Inf. Harris, John G., Soldier, Art. Haney, James Hoge, William, Soldier, Inf. Hobday, Richard, Sergeant, Cav. Holloway, Barnes, Soldier, Inf. Hughlett, William, Sergeant, Inf. Harris, James, Soldier, Inf. Harrison, Nathaniel, Soldier, Inf. Holmes, John, Soldier, Inf. Hamilton, James, Soldier, Inf. Howard, Robert, Sergeant, Inf. Howell, Charles, Soldier, Inf. Harris, John, Sergeant, Cav. Harrisson, Shadrach, Corporal, Cav. Hutcheson, William, Soldier, Inf. Hill, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Harriss, William, Soldier, Inf. 244 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Harrup, Arthur, Soldier, Inf. Harvey, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Harding, Thomas, Sergeant, Inf. Humphreys, John, Soldier, Inf. Hincher, William, Soldier, Inf. Hughes, Ralph, Soldier, Inf. Hughes, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Hicks, Daniel, Corporal, Inf. Harris, Cyrus, Soldier, Inf. Harris, Nathaniel, Soldier, Inf. Hutton, Richard, Soldier, Art. Hagan, Charles, Soldier, Inf. Hite, Thomas J., Soldier, Inf. Head, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. Harriss, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Hiplinstall, Caleb, Soldier, Inf. Hubbard, Thomas, Sergeant, Inf. Harrison, William, Soldier, Inf. Hayden, William, Soldier, Inf. Harrison, Hartwell, Soldier, Inf. Haynee, William, Soldier, Inf. Huffman, Reuben, Soldier, Inf. Howlett, Isaac, Soldier, Cav. Hight, George, Soldier, Cav. Hughes, Edward, Soldier, Inf. Hungerford, James, Soldier, Inf. Hayes, Leonard, Soldier, Inf. Hill, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Heath, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Holdway, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Hilley, Daniel, Soldier, Inf. Hawkins, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. Harper, Daniel, Soldier, Inf. Harcum, James, Soldier, Inf. Henson, William, Soldier, Inf. Hammock, William, Soldier, Inf. Hubbard, Elias, Soldier, Inf. Huffman, Peter, Soldier, Inf. Hobbs, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. Hix, William, Soldier, Inf. Horn, Simon, Sergeant, Inf. Horsly, John, Corporal, Inf. Hill, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Harrup, Arthur, Soldier, Inf. Hinds, Michael, Soldier, Inf. Hayden, Soldier, Inf. Huffman, John, Soldier, Inf. Hicks, Moses, Sergeant, Inf. Holloway, William, Soldier, Inf. Hays, William, Soldier, Inf. Hailey, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Hall, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Hickman, William, Soldier, Inf. Harper, John, Soldier, Inf. Hall, William, Soldier, Inf. Hales, John, Soldier, Inf. Hardy, Williamson, Soldier, Cav. Hutchins, Boswell, Soldier, Inf. Hill, James, Corporal, Inf. Howe, Edward, Soldier, Inf. Hogg, John, Soldier, Inf. Haines, Abraham, Soldier, Inf. Hanes, Zappaniah, Sergeant, Cav. Harris, John, Drummer, Inf. Hunt, Presley, Soldier, Inf. Huffman, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Hensley, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Hudson, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Hunt, Berry, Soldier, Inf. Hartley, Walter, Soldier, Inf. Hicks, William, Corporal, Inf. Hunt, William, Soldier, Inf. Hornbeck, James, Soldier, Inf. Harper, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Hister, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Hearing, George, Soldier, Inf. Hogan, William jr., Soldier, Inf. Hill, James, Soldier, Inf. Hutcheson, William, Soldier, Inf. Histe, Frederick, Soldier, Inf. Histe, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. Hickman, Joel, Soldier, Inf. Hutcheson, Reuben, Soldier, Inf. Huffman, John, Soldier, Inf. Hill, John, Soldier, Inf. Hinman, Zadock, Soldier, Inf. Halfield, John, Soldier, Inf. Hix, John jr., Soldier, Inf. Humphries, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Hunt, James, Sergeant, Inf. Hardin, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Huddle, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Bounty Land Warrants 245 Hinsley, Archibald, Soldier, Inf. Haile, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Hearn, George, Soldier, Inf. Hall, David, Soldier, Inf. Hobbs, Elisha, Soldier, Inf. Hobbs, Frederick, Soldier, Inf. Henry, Francis, Soldier, Inf. Hackworth, George, Soldier, Inf. Hutcheson, Walter, Soldier, Inf. Hart, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Harcum, William W., Soldier, Cav. Heath, Henry, Sergeant, Cav. Hawkins, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. Henman, Bailey, Soldier, Cav. Hunt, William, Soldier, Inf. Hickman, James, Soldier, Inf. Heath, William, Soldier, Inf. Henry, Laurence, Soldier, Inf. Hall, William, Corporal, Inf. Hughes, Francis A., Sergeant, Inf. Howard, Nehemiah, Soldier, Inf. Houson, Davis, Corporal, Inf. Hausman, Casper, Soldier, Inf. Hoskins, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Hodges, William, Soldier, Inf. Humphreys, George, Soldier, Cav. Hazlewood, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Hodges, Williamson, Soldier, Inf. Horton, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Henry, Samuel, Sergeant, Inf. Hobbs, Drewry, Corporal, Cav. Henderson, Edward, Soldier, Inf. Hackley, Thomas, Soldier, Art. Hatcher, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. Henson, William, Soldier, Cav. Hoskins, Samuel, Sergeant, Inf. Hall, James, Soldier, Cav. Hyslop, Custis, Corporal, Inf. Henry, James, Soldier, Inf. Hinman, Ralph, Soldier, Inf. Hickman, Major, Soldier, Inf. Hickman, Edward, Soldier, Inf. Harper, John, Soldier, Cav. Heath, Joshua, Soldier, Inf. Hansbrough, James, Sergeant, Inf. Hogden, Nehemiah, Soldier, Inf. Harper, Griffin, Soldier, Inf. Hoyman, Absalom, Soldier, Inf. Holmes, John, Soldier, Inf. Hardy, William, Soldier, Inf. Holmes, William, Soldier, Inf. Hollett, Solomon, Soldier, Inf. Hoskins, Arch's, Soldier, Inf. Heam, Durham, Soldier, Inf. Hackett, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. Hastings, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Hutchinson, Stephen, Soldier, Inf. Hays, John, Soldier, Inf. Hoppinstock, Christopher, Soldier Cav. Howerton, John, Soldier, Inf. Howard, Ambrose, Soldier, Inf. Hunt, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Henderson, John, Soldier, Inf. Ham, George, Soldier, Inf. Humphreys, Elijah, Soldier, Inf. Hill, William, Soldier, Inf. Haslop, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Harris, John, Soldier, Inf. Hamilton, James, Soldier, Inf. Hughes, Hugh, Soldier, Inf. Howell, Daniel, Soldier, Inf. Hutchinson, Peter, Soldier, Cav. Hughes, Jasper, Soldier, Cav. Harris, Henry, Soldier, Cav. Harris, John, Soldier, Cav. Harrell, Simon, Soldier, Inf. Hinley, Leonard, Q. M. Serg., Cav. Harris, William, Sergeant, Inf. Harris, John, Soldier, Inf. Holloway, William, Soldier, Inf. Howell, Abner, Soldier, Inf. Harrison, John, Soldier, Art. Hines, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Horn, Christopher, Soldier, Cav. Houseley, James, Soldier, Cav. Holmes, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. Hogg, John, Soldier, Inf. Hogg, William, Soldier, Inf. Harmontree, John, Soldier, Inf. Hawkins, Laban, Soldier, Inf. Howman, Abraham, Soldier, Inf. Herriford, James, Soldier, Inf. 246 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Hommer, William, Soldier, Inf. Hough, William, Soldier, Inf. Hawkins, Elisha, Soldier, Inf. Henwood, John, Soldier, Inf. Hite, William, Soldier, Inf. Haddox, John, Soldier, Inf. Hammons, John, Soldier, Inf. Hayborne, William, Soldier, Inf. Hickle, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Harvie, Edward, Soldier, Inf. Heathersley, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Hudson, Peter, Soldier, Inf. Hansborough, Peter, Soldier, Inf. Hickman, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Howard, Ezekiel, Soldier, Inf. Hinman, Zadock, Soldier, Inf. Hickman, Joshua, Soldier, Inf. Heath, Levin, Soldier, Inf. Halloway, William, Soldier, Inf. Hill, George, Soldier, Inf. Hutchinson, John, Soldier, Inf. Harman, Sacker, Soldier, Inf. Hinman, Ralph, Soldier, Inf. Hill, Peter, Soldier, Inf. Harding, William, Soldier, Inf. Hudson, James, Soldier, Inf. Hart, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Hampton, Lewis, Soldier, Inf. Hooper, Mansfield, Soldier, Inf. Highwarden, John, Soldier, Inf. Hampton, John, Soldier, Inf. Howard, George, Soldier, Inf. Hobbs, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Harrison, Alexander, Soldier, Inf. Hobbs, Alexander, Soldier, Inf. Hancock, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Hall, John, Soldier, Inf. Heath, Eburn, Soldier, Inf. Harrison, Alexander, Soldier, Inf. Henry, John, Soldier, Inf. Harman, George, Soldier, Inf. Hornsby, Zorobabel, Soldier, Inf. Haslip, Smith, Soldier, Inf. Henley, Lewis, Fifer, Inf. Holt, Dudley, Soldier, Inf. Horton, Samuel, Soldier, Cav. Humphries, John, Soldier, Inf. Hulet, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Home, Christopher, Soldier, Inf. Hastings, William, Soldier, Inf. Hackett, Peter, Soldier, Inf. Hill, John, Soldier, Inf. Hinton, Christopher, Soldier, Inf. Hinman, Bundick, Soldier, Inf. Hicks, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Hall, Beacham, Soldier, Cav. Hayes, William, Soldier, Cav. Hurley, Christopher, Soldier, Inf. Haslip, Smith, Soldier, Inf. Hoskins, James, Soldier, Inf. Haley, Anthony, Soldier, Inf. Halley, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Hall, John, Soldier, Inf. Harrington, John, Soldier, Inf. Hughes, James, Soldier, Inf. Hughes, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Hewlett, Austin, Soldier, Cav. Holt, Michael (or Micajah), Corporal, Inf. Holmes, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. Hamilton, William, Soldier Hill, Michael, Soldier Henson, Daniel, Soldier Holderby, William, Soldier Hawkins, John, Soldier Halev, William, Soldier Hill, William, Soldier Hernsby, Ezekiel, Soldier Hall, Dickson, Soldier Henley, John, Soldier Howard, Alexander, Soldier Hendricks, Zachariah, Soldier Howell, Spicer, Soldier Howell, George, Soldier Hill, William, Soldier Herndon, James, Soldier Haines, John, Corporal Hamlet, James, Soldier, Cav. Horton, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Harrison, Abner, Soldier Hughes, William, Soldier Howell, William, Soldier Bounty Land Warrants 247 Hanlan, James, Soldier Hutchinson, Andrew, Corporal Hubbard, James, Soldier Hurt, Philemon, Soldier Hylton, Edward, Soldier Hammon, Philip, Soldier Hardin, John, Sergeant Hundley, Philip, Soldier Haley, Thomas, Soldier Howard, James, Soldier Howard, Henry, Soldier Howard, William, Soldier Herndon, Reuben, Soldier Holt, Ethelard, Soldier Hearn, Charles, Soldier Hill, George, Soldier Harrison, James, Soldier Harrison, John, Soldier Hall, Peter, Soldier Holeman, Henry, Soldier Henry, William, Soldier Handley, Anthony, Soldier Hodges, Isaac, Soldier Harding, Henry, Soldier Hill, John, Soldier Hazard, Barker, Soldier, Inf. Harris, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Hughes, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Huff, Charles, Soldier, Inf. Hayes, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Hazlegrove, John, Soldier, Inf. Henry, William, Soldier, Inf. Herrington, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Harris, Joshua, Soldier, Inf. Hensley, William, Soldier, Inf. Hayes, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Hunt, James, Soldier, Inf. Heath, Ambrose, Soldier, Inf. Haggard, James, Soldier, Inf. Haggard, Daniel, Soldier, Inf. Hill, Henry, Corporal, Cav. Holt, William, Soldier, Inf. Inge, John, Soldier Inglis, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Inglis, William, Soldier, Inf. Inglish, John, Soldier, Inf. Ingraham, Jesse, Corporal, Inf. Ingry, David, Soldier Inman, Isham, Sergeant, Inf. Innis, James, Soldier Innis, Levi, Soldier, Inf. Innis, Robert, Soldier Ironmonger, Daniel, Soldier Ironmonger, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Ironmonger, William, Soldier Irvey, Peterson, Soldier, Inf. Irvin, James, Corporal, Inf. Isaac, Benjamin, Soldier Isbell, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Isdell, John, Soldier Isdell, Mark, Soldier Isdell, William, Soldier Ivey, Aaron, Corporal, Inf. Ivey, Absalom, Soldier, Inf. Ivey, Public, Corporal, Inf. Jourden, Solomon, Soldier, Inf. Johnson, John, Sergeant, Inf. Jones, Berry, Soldier, Inf. Jenkins, Aquilla, Soldier, Inf. Joynes, John, Sergeant, Inf. Jones, Alexander, Soldier, Inf. Jones, John, Sergeant, Inf. Jackson, George, Corporal, Inf. Johnson, Peter, Soldier, Inf. Jiles (or Giles), James, Soldier, Inf. Jeffs, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Jacobs, William, Soldier, Inf. Jones, Christian, Sergeant, Art. Jones, John, Sergeant, Art. Johnson, David, Sergeant, Art. Jones, John, Sergeant Jackson, William, Soldier, Inf. Jackson, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Johnson, William, Soldier, Cav. Jones, Moses, Soldier Jackson, David, Sergeant Johnson, Samuel, Corporal, Art. Johnson, Daniel, Soldier, Inf. Jones, Ephraim, Corporal, Inf. Jackson, Obadiah, Corporal, Inf. 248 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Jones, John Johnson, Martin, Soldier, Inf. Jones, William, Soldier, Inf. Johnson, Isham, Sergeant, Inf. Jones, Zebulon, Soldier, Inf. Jenkins, Charles, Soldier, Inf. Jones, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Johnson, Nicholas, Sergeant, Inf. James, Stephen, Corporal, Inf. Jones, William, Soldier, Inf. Jenkins, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Jackson, Jonathan, Soldier, Inf. Jeter, Fielding, Soldier, Inf. James, William, Corporal, Inf. Jennings, Baylor, Soldier, Inf. Johnson, George, Soldier, Inf. Johnson, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. James, Michael, Sergeant, Inf. Jones, Lewis, Sergeant, Inf. Jones, Isham, Soldier, Inf. Johnson, William, Soldier, Inf. Jones, George, Soldier, Inf. Johnson, Richard, Corporal, Cav. Johnson, Giles, Soldier, Inf. Jones, Robert, Sergeant, Inf. Jones, Reuben, Soldier, Inf. Jones, William, Soldier, Inf. Jackson, William, Soldier, Inf. Jones, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Jordan, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Jones, Lane, Soldier, Inf. Jett, William, Soldier, Inf. Jamieson, John, Soldier, Inf. Johnson, William, Soldier, Inf. Jones, Lewellen, Soldier, Inf. Jones, Godfrey, Soldier, Cav. Jenkins, John, Soldier, Cav. Johnson, Ishmael, Corporal, Inf. Jackson, William, Soldier, Inf. Jones, William, Soldier, Inf. James, Catlett, Soldier, Inf. Jackson, Burwell, Corporal, Cav. Jones, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Johnson, Jeremiah, Sergeant, Inf. Johnson, Silas, Soldier, Inf. Jennings, John, Soldier, Inf. Johnson, Elijah, Soldier, Inf. Jett, Peter, Soldier, Inf. Johnson, Martin, Soldier, Inf. Josling, John, Soldier, Inf. Johns, William, Soldier, Inf. Johns, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Jones, Joel, Soldier, Inf. Jones, Charles, Sergeant, Inf. Judkins, Jesse, Soldier, Cav. Jacobs, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Jaybox, Rolson, Corporal, Inf. Jackson, Reuben, Corporal, Inf. Jackson, Peter, Corporal, Inf. Johnson, Willis, Corporal, Inf. Jones, Joseph, Corporal, Inf. Jackson, John, Corporal, Inf. Johnson, Thomas, Corporal, Inf. Johnson, Joseph, Sergeant, Inf. Johnson, George, Sergeant, Inf. Jackson, James, Soldier, Inf. Jennings, Caleb S., Soldier, Inf. Jones, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Jackson, Christopher, Soldier, Inf. Jean, William, Soldier, Inf. Jennett, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Jones, William, Q. M. Serg., Inf. Jackson, Drewry, Soldier, Inf. Johnson, William, Soldier, Inf. Johnson, William, Soldier, Inf. Joynes, John, Soldier, Inf. Johnson, William, Sergeant, Inf. Johnson, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Johnson, John, Soldier, Inf. Johnson, William, Soldier, Inf. Judkins, John, Sergeant, Inf. James, Richard, Sergeant, Inf. Johnson, William, Soldier, Inf. Joynes, John, Soldier, Inf. Jarvis, James, Soldier, Inf. Johnson, James, Soldier, Cav. Jaquess, Isaac, Soldier, Inf. Jasper, Anthony, Soldier, Inf. Johnson, James, Soldier, Inf. Jarrell, Joshua, Soldier, Inf. Johnson, Joseph, Soldier, Cav. Johnson, Isaiah, Soldier, Inf. Bounty Land Warrants 249 Jonas, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Johnson, John, Soldier, Inf. Johnson, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Johnson, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Johnson, Archibald, Soldier, Inf. Jones, William, Soldier, Inf. Jett, John, Soldier, Inf. Jones, Hord, Soldier, Inf. Jones, Newman, Sergeant, Inf. Jones, William, Soldier, Inf. Johnson, James, Soldier, Inf. Jones, George, Soldier, Inf. Johnson, Daniel, Soldier, Inf. Johnson, William, Soldier, Cav. Johnson, Richard, Soldier, Cav. Jones, Richard, Soldier, Cav. Johnson, Larkin, Soldier, Cav. Johnson, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. Johnson, William, Soldier, Inf. Johnson, Menoah, Soldier Johnson, Chs., Soldier Johnson, Peter, Soldier Joines, John, Soldier Johnson, William, Soldier Jennings, Augustus, Soldier Johnson, Samuel, Soldier Jenkins, John, Soldier Jones, John, Soldier Johnson, James, Soldier Jordan, William, Soldier Johnson, Patrick, Soldier Joines, Rice, Soldier Justice, Elijah, Soldier Johnson, Benjamin, Soldier Jackson, Isaac, Soldier Joynes, Charles, Soldier Jones, William, Soldier Johnson, Benjamin, Soldier Jenkins, Josiah, Soldier Jones, Major, Soldier Johnson, John, Soldier Junal, William, Soldier Jones, Thomas, Corp'l and Q. M. Serg. Javin, James, Soldier, Inf. Jeter, Amasa, Soldier Jones, John, Soldier Joynes, Edward, Soldier Johnson, John, Soldier Jarman, Henry, Soldier Jones, William, Sergeant Jones, George, Sergeant Jones, William, Soldier Jordan, William, Corporal, Cav. Jackson, William, Soldier, Inf. Johnson, Ezekiel, Soldier Jones, Samuel, Corporal Jones, Godfrey, jr., Soldier James, John, Soldier Johnson, John, Soldier Jarrott, John, Soldier Johnson, William, Soldier Joynes, Thomas, Soldier Jackson, John, Soldier Jarvis, Thomas, Soldier Kirby, William, Soldier, Inf. Kelly, Jesse, Soldier, Inf. Kew, David, Soldier, Inf. Kidd, William, Soldier, Inf. Kisuton, John, Soldier, Inf. Kelly, John, Soldier, Inf. Kelly, James, Soldier, Inf. Kay, James, Soldier, Inf. Keeton, James, Soldier, Inf. Keen, Jonathan, Soldier, Inf. Keys, Robert, Sergeant, Inf. Kinnily, Charles, Soldier, Inf. Key, John, Soldier, Inf. Key, Landon, Soldier, Inf. Kendrick, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. Kennyor (or Kerney), John, Sergeant, Inf. Kernir, Michael, Soldier, Inf. Kerr, David, Soldier, Inf. Kerr, John, Soldier, Inf. Knight, John, Sergeant, Inf. Kemm, John, Soldier, Inf. Kersey, Alexander, Soldier, Art. King, John, Soldier, Inf. Kernes, Barney, Soldier, Inf. Kinnely, John, Soldier, Inf. Kimbrough, Benjamin, Sergeant, Inf. 250 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Kelly, Jacob, Soldier, Inf. Kellum, Spencer, Soldier, Inf. King, George, Soldier, Inf. Kendrick, William, Soldier, Inf. Kendrick, Benoni, Soldier, Inf. Kenedy, Charles, Corporal, Inf. Knighton, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Kelly, James, Inf. Kennady, William, Sergeant, Inf. Kerchwall, Benjamin, Sergeant, Inf. Kenadys, David, Soldier, Inf. King, Sibret, Soldier, Inf. King, Julian, Soldier, Cav. King, Philip, Corporal, Inf. Kidd, John, Soldier, Inf. King, John, Sergeant, Inf. King, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Knight, John, Soldier, Inf. King, Sabril, Soldier, Inf. Kelly, James, Soldier, Inf. King, Elisha, Sergeant, Inf. Kibble, William, Soldier, Inf. Key, Henry, Soldier, Inf. King, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Kendrick, Christopher, Soldier, Inf. Kenny, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Kooper, Davis, Soldier, Inf. Kerby, Andrew, Soldier, Inf. Kinnard, David, Soldier, Inf. Kenagan, Patrick, Soldier, Inf. Kindred, William, Soldier, Inf. Kensal, Lewis, Soldier, Inf. Key, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Key, George, Soldier, Inf. Kenney, John, Soldier, Inf. Kelly, James, Soldier, Inf. King, James, Soldier, Cav. Kise, John, Soldier, Inf. Kelley, Edward, Soldier, Inf. King, Daniel, Soldier, Inf. Kinton, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. Kelley, Thomas, Soldier, Cav. King, Charles, Soldier, Cav. King, Charles, Soldier, Inf. Kendall, Francis, Soldier, Inf. Kendrick, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Kilbreath, John, Soldier, Inf. Kernes, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Kirk, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Kenale, William, Soldier, Inf. Kircheval, John, Soldier, Inf. Kough, John, Soldier, Inf. Kirk, John, Soldier, Inf. Kennady, William, Soldier, Inf. Kruizer, Isaac, Soldier, Inf. Kelly, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Kindred, Bartholomew, Soldier, Inf. Kelly, William, Soldier, Inf. Kelly, Ephraim, Soldier, Inf. Kelly, Obadiah, Soldier, Inf. Kelley, Jesse, Soldier, Inf. Kelley, John, Soldier, Inf. Kimble, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Kahoe, James, Soldier, Inf. Kelly, William, Soldier, Inf. Kelley, Alexander, Soldier, Inf. Knapp, John, Soldier, Inf. Kendall, William, Soldier, Inf. Keslow, Jacob, Soldier, Inf. King, William, Soldier, Inf. Kelley, William, Soldier, Inf. King, John, Soldier, Inf. King, Valentine, Soldier, Inf. Keeling, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Kamvall, Edw'd, Jackson, Soldier, Inf. Knowles, William, Soldier, Inf. Kelley, John, Soldier, Inf. Kippens, John, Soldier King, John, Soldier Kirby, Lewis, Soldier Kirk, William, Soldier Kiger, Andrew, Soldier Kerr, John, Soldier Kendall, Peter, Soldier Kidd, Henry, Soldier Kiplinger, Philip, Soldier Kenner, John, Butler, Soldier Knox, Charles, Soldier, Art. Kelly, William, Soldier, Inf. Keath, William, Soldier, Inf. Kee, Charles, Soldier, Inf. Kipsolvin, James, Soldier, Inf. Bounty Land Warrants 251 Kidd, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Lockhart, Benjamin, Sergeant, Art. Lafon, Nicholas, Art. Lafon, Richard Lafon, Thomas Leak, William, Corporal Locke, Jesse, Sergeant, Cav. Long, Armstead, Sergeant, Inf. Long, John, Gunner, Art. Lyall, William, Sergeant, Inf. Leigh, John, Soldier Lyon, Jacob, Soldier, Cav. Lewis, Taliaferro, Soldier, Cav. Lipscomb, Jesse, Soldier, Inf. Land, Moses, Sergeant, Inf. Long, John, Soldier, Inf. Lyon, John, Soldier, Inf. Loyd, Joseph, Soldier, Cav. Lemon, Dederick, Soldier, Inf. Lewis, Feabris, Soldier, Inf. Love, Charles, Soldier, Inf. Lesley, William, Soldier, Inf. Loving, Christopher, Soldier, Cav. Lipscomb, John, Matross, Art. Locke, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. League, James, Soldier, Inf. Loney, Daniel, Soldier, Inf. Lee, Philip, Soldier, Cav. Litterell, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Lipscomb, Harding, Soldier, Inf. Lyon, Abraham, Soldier, Inf. Love, William, Soldier, Inf. Lee, Peter, Soldier, Inf. Lindsey, Hezekiah, Soldier, Inf. Lewis, Arthur, Soldier, Inf. Lewis, Jesse, Soldier, Inf. Lewis, Jesse, Soldier, Inf. Lewis, Joseph, Q. Master & Comm'y Lewis, William, Soldier, Inf. Lilborne, Andrew, Soldier, Inf. Loyd, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Lucas, Francis, Soldier, Inf. Lockherd, Philip, Soldier, Inf. Lenox, Charles, Soldier, Inf. Lee, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Leach, Andrew, Soldier, Inf. Landers, Kimbrough, Soldier, Inf. Lockado, Isaac, Soldier, Inf. Lacy, Archibald, Soldier, Inf. Leneive, Samuel, Sergeant, Inf. Langham, James, Soldier, Inf. Lockett, Royal, Soldier, Inf. Lipscomb, John, Soldier, Inf. Loden, William, Soldier, Inf. Langham, James, Soldier, Inf. Leather, Paul, Sergeant, Inf. Leake, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Lankins, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Lynch, Elijah, Soldier, Inf. Layne, John, Soldier, Inf. Lumly, William, Soldier, Inf. Lutchworth, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. Lutchwitch, John, Soldier, Inf. Lewis, Anthony, Sergeant, Inf. Laughlin, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Locket, John, Soldier, Inf. Lewis, James, Serg. Maj. Lush, Sabastian, Soldier, Inf. Lucas, Zachariah, Soldier, Inf. Lewis, John, Soldier, Inf. Lawson, Anthony, Sergeant, Inf. Lenier, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Lewis, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Lanford, Francis, Sergeant, Cav. Laurence, Absalom, Soldier, Inf. Lor ton, Robert, Sergeant, Inf. Lenaugh, Philip, Soldier, Inf. Lamphin, Peter, Soldier, Inf. Leneive, Samuel, Corporal, Inf. Long, John, Soldier, Inf. Lucas, Francis, Soldier, Inf. Loots, Jonas, Corporal, Inf. Loyd, George, Sergeant, Inf. Livingston, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Lewis, William, Soldier, Cav. Loake, William, Soldier, Inf. Lowe, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Lester, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. Leneive, George, Soldier, Inf. Long, Nicholas, Sergeant, Inf. Lenox, Charles, Soldier, Inf. 252 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Lanter, Peter, Soldier, Inf. Lemmon, James, Soldier, Inf. Lawler, John, Soldier, Inf. Laurence, James, Soldier, Inf. Lockett, James, Soldier, Inf. Lindsey, Peter, Soldier, Inf. Livingston, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Lumb, John, Soldier, Inf. Lowrey, Lewis, Soldier, Inf. Lyne, James, Matross, Art. Long, Laurence, Sergeant, Inf. Layne, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Leech, Andrew, Soldier, Inf. Lewis, Stephen, Q. M. Serg. Loafman, John, Soldier, Inf. Ligon, Blacmon, Sergeant, Inf. Lavender, Charles, Soldier, Inf. Leitch, Andrew, Soldier, Inf. Lelbetter, Drury, Soldier, Inf. Logan, James, Soldier, Inf. Lewis, James, Soldier, Cav. Long, Andrew, Soldier, Inf. Layne, John, Soldier, Inf. Long, John, Soldier, Cav. Landrum, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Lowe, Jesse, Soldier, Inf. Lowe, Daniel, Soldier, Inf. Lipscomb, William, Soldier, Inf. Lucas, Ambrose, Soldier, Inf. Lamb, Archibald, Soldier, Inf. Lee, John (18 months), Soldier, Inf. Loggins, Martin, Corporal, Inf. Lightfoot, Tarpley, Inf. Lee, John (estate), Soldier, Inf. Long, John, Soldier, Inf. Lair, William, Soldier, Inf. Lair, Nathaniel, Soldier, Inf. Lindsey, James, Sergeant, Inf. Leonard, William, Soldier, Inf. Long, Lazarus, Soldier, Inf. Larkin, James, Soldier, Inf. Lunsford, William, Sergeant, Cav. Lee, David, Soldier, Cav. Legrange, Simon, Soldier, Inf. Loving, Randolph, Soldier, Inf. Leonard, James, Soldier, Inf. Lipscomb, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Lumpkin, Wilson, Soldier, Inf. Lester, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. Long, Jeremiah, Soldier, Inf. Love, William, Soldier, Cav. Lucas, Charles, Soldier, Inf. Landrum, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Lemay, John, Soldier, Inf. Lafon, John, Drummer, Inf. Lafon, John, Drummer, Inf. Lonnon, Owen, Drummer, Inf. Lavender, William, Drummer, Guards Lillard, Thomas, Sergeant, Inf. Langston, Timothy, Soldier, Inf. Liggon, Jeremiah, Soldier, Inf. Leonard, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Leathers, George, Soldier, Inf. Long, James, Soldier, Inf. Lee, Reuben, Corporal, Inf. Liscallect, John, Soldier, Inf. Loury, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Loughlin, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Little, John, Soldier, Inf. Linton, Lewis, Soldier, Inf. Long, John, Soldier, Inf. Lane, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Lerow, Abraham, Soldier, Inf. Larrow, Peter, Soldier, Inf. Linn, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Love, Samuel, Sergeant, Inf. Laurence, Henry, Soldier Lewis, William, Soldier, Cav. Langston, Charles, Soldier, Cav. Lovesay, Josiah, Soldier, Cav. Lovesay, Shadrach, Soldier, Inf. Lenigan, John, Soldier, Inf. Leyton, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. Landers, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Levi, Judah, Soldier, Inf. Lane, John, Soldier, Inf. Langham, Elias, Soldier, Art. Lane, Nathaniel, Soldier, Inf. Lancaster, William, Soldier, Inf. Leibz, Christian, Soldier, Inf. Lumsden, John, Soldier, Inf. Lovell, John, Soldier, Inf. Bounty Land Warrants 253 Loflin, Morgan, Soldier, Inf. Lyner, Philip, Soldier, Art. Lenox, Charles, Soldier, Inf. Lewis, Isaac, Soldier, Inf. Lewis, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Lefler, George, Soldier, Inf. Lish, John, Soldier, Inf. Lee, Lewis, Soldier, Inf. Lark, James, Sergeant, Inf. Leath, Stephen, Soldier, Cav. Lilliston, Jacob, Soldier, Inf. Lester, William, Soldier, Inf. Lewis, Ambrose, Soldier, Inf. Linton, Elijah, Soldier, Inf. Lunderman, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Leday, William, Soldier, Cav. Langford, Peter, Soldier, Inf. Lightfoot, Philip, Soldier, Inf. Lilley, Stephen, Soldier, Inf. Lively, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Luke, William, Soldier, Cav. Lyne, Barnabas, Soldier, Inf. Lucas, James, Soldier Linton, Lewis, Soldier Lester, John, Sergeant Lacey, Elkanah, Corporal Lefong, John, Drummer Lundy, James, Soldier Lewis, Francis, Soldier Lashow (or Lawhen), Thomas, Soldier Laurence, James, Soldier Lyon, William, Soldier Lane, Larkin, Soldier, Cav. Lee, William, Soldier, Cav. Laurence, Ishmael Lewis, Taliaferro Lamn, James, Soldier Lambert, George, Soldier Lemmons, George, Soldier Lowry, William, Soldier Long, John, Soldier Ledbetter, William, Soldier, Inf. Lawless, John, Soldier, Inf. Larry, William, Soldier, Inf. Leprade, John, Soldier, Inf. Lunsford, Rodham, Soldier, Inf. Lackey, William, Soldier, Inf. Litchfield, Francis, Soldier, Inf. Lee, Archibald, Soldier, Inf. Lee, William, Soldier, Inf. Linsey, Edmund, Soldier, Inf. Meeks, John, Soldier, Inf. Matthews, George, Soldier, Inf. Moore, George, Soldier, Inf. Morriss, Francis, Soldier, Inf. Monk, Joseph, Sergeant, Inf. Moore, Fleming, Corporal, Inf. Minton, John, Corporal, Inf. Mallory, John Morton, Joseph, Sergeant, Inf. Marshall, Thomas Murphey, Gabriel, Soldier, Inf. Maskill, Thomas Moore, Jeremiah, Corporal, Inf. Moore, William, Soldier, Inf. Melton, Charles, Soldier, Inf. Mitchell, Ralph, Corporal, Inf. Mitchell, Edmund, Soldier, Inf. M'Gehee, John, Soldier, Inf. M'Mickin, Joseph, Drum Maj. M'Gloughlin, Hugh, Corporal, Inf. Milligan, John, Soldier, Inf. M'Way, William, Soldier, Inf. Morriss, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Mynick, Owen, Soldier, Inf. Mitchell, John, Soldier, Inf. Marshall, William, Soldier, Inf. Mattocks, Jacob, Soldier, Inf. Menely, John, Soldier, Inf. Minor, Jacob, Soldier, Inf. Minor, Larkin, Soldier, Inf. Morriss, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Morriss, Francis, Soldier, Inf. Miller, John, Sergeant, Inf. M'Donald, Duncan, Soldier, Inf. Meade, John, Soldier, Inf. M'Guire, John, Soldier, Inf. Meachem, Barnett, Corporal, Inf. M'Caul, John, Sergeant, Inf. Martin, George, Soldier, Inf. M'Laughlin, Hugh, Soldier, Inf. 254 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Miller, Nathaniel, Soldier, Inf. M'Kenny, Dennis Matthews, Robert F., Soldier, Inf. Madison, Thomas, Soldier, Cav. Mackerell, James, Soldier, Inf. Martin, William, Soldier, Inf. Million, Christopher, Soldier, Inf. Madison, Ambrose, Soldier, Cav. Mattingby, John, Soldier, Inf. Martin, James, Soldier, Inf. M'Cray, John, Soldier, Inf. Mithias, Henry, Soldier, Inf. M'Kinley, Daniel, Sergeant, Inf. Merritt, Samuel, Sergeant, Inf. Miller, Jacob, Soldier, Inf. Massey, Jacob, Soldier, Inf. Miller, Nathaniel, Sergeant, Inf. Miles, John, Soldier, Inf. Morriss, John, Soldier, Cav. Maynard, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. M'Cartey, Jeremiah, Soldier, Inf. M'Cune, Peter, Soldier, Inf. Mills, John, Soldier, Inf. M'Donald, James, Sergeant, Inf. M'Gill, Robert, Sergeant, Inf. Mooney, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Moseley, James, Sergeant, Inf. Merritt, Tarpley, Sergeant, Inf. Muse, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. M'Gray, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. Matthews, William, Soldier, Inf. Moss, Amos, Soldier, Inf. Moore, Stephen, Soldier, Inf. Merritt, Archelaus, Soldier, Inf. Murphey, James, Soldier, Inf. Munday, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Murphy, Ch's, Soldier, Inf. Mitchell, Oliver, Soldier, Inf. M'Intyre, William, Soldier, Inf. Moore, Peter, Soldier, Inf. Moreland, John, Soldier, Inf. Mitchell, George, Soldier, Inf. M'Coy, John, Corporal, Inf. Moseley, Abram, Corporal, Inf. Maupin, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Morgan, Spencer, Soldier, Inf. Morgan, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Muse, George, Soldier, Inf. Morris, James, Soldier, Inf. Moore, William, Soldier, Inf. Mills, Nathan, Soldier, Inf. Musick, John, Soldier, Inf. Moss, John, Soldier, Inf. Mann, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. Molin, Nicholas, Soldier, Inf. Montgomery, Alexander, Sergeant, Inf. Mush, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Miller, Nathaniel, Corporal, Inf. Morris, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Mitchell, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Mallory, John, Soldier, Inf. Moore, David, Soldier, Cav. Miller, Arthur, Soldier, Inf. Monday, Edward, Soldier, Inf. Mayes, William, Soldier, Inf. Morriss, Micajah, Soldier, Inf. Munday, Jeremiah, Soldier, Inf. Mosby, Joseph, Sergeant, Inf. M'Minniss, Henry, Soldier, Inf. M'Minniss, Charles, Soldier, Inf. Mead, William, Soldier, Inf. Moree, George, Soldier, Inf. M'Haney, James, Soldier, Inf. Madon, John, Soldier, Inf. Moses, Ezekiel, Soldier, Inf. Monday, Edward, Soldier, Inf. M'Donald, Frederick, Soldier, Inf. M'Intosh, William, Soldier, Inf. Murphey, James, Soldier, Inf. Moore, William, Soldier, Inf. Mogan (or Morgan), Charles, Soldier, Art. Machum, John, Soldier, Art. M'Kennish, John, Soldier, Art. Manin, Lewis, Soldier, Inf. Miller, Javan, Sergeant, Inf. Marshall, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Martin, John, Soldier, Inf. Murphey, Martin, Sergeant, Inf. Murphey, Leander, Soldier, Inf. Miller, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Morriss, John, Soldier, Inf. Bounty Land Warrants 255 M'Allister, John, Sergeant, Inf. M'Intye, John, Corporal, Inf. Morriss, Andrew, Soldier, Inf. M'Niss, James, Soldier, Inf. Madison, William, Soldier, Inf. Moss, Joshua, Sergeant, Inf. Moore, Isaac, Sergeant, Inf. Moseley, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. M'Cargo, Stephen, Soldier, Inf. Marshall, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. M 'Kenny, Richard, Soldier, Inf. M 'Kenny, John, Drummer, Inf. M'Cowne, John, Soldier, Inf. M'Clannahan, William, Soldier, Inf. Marshall, Isaac, Sergeant, Inf. Murphy, James, Soldier, Inf. Moss, James, Soldier, Inf. Mahoney, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. Mitchell, Henry, Soldier, Inf. M'Pherson, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Moseley, William, Soldier, Art. M'Korkett, Robert, Sergeant, Inf. Mitchell, George, Corporal, Inf. Maddox, Jacob, Soldier, Inf. Martin, Scott, Soldier, Inf. Mansfield, Robert, Soldier, Inf. M'Guire, Laurence, Soldier, Inf. Milton, William, Soldier, Inf. May, David, Soldier, Inf. Murphy, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Maddox, William, Soldier, Inf. M'Craw, Andrew, Soldier, Inf. Morris, Lester, Soldier, Inf. Murray, Michael, Soldier, Inf. Maddox, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. M'Clelon, John, Soldier, Inf. Moore, John, Soldier, Inf. Mills, James, Soldier, Inf. Murphy, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. M'Glaston, John, Soldier, Inf. Monroe, Peter, Soldier, Inf. Morrison, John, Soldier, Inf. Morrison, William, Soldier, Inf. Mays, Matthew, Soldier, Inf. Myers, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Moore, Simon, Soldier, Inf. Morrison, James, Soldier, Inf. Mays, James, Soldier, Inf. Morriss, Ishmael, Corporal, Inf. Miller, Marks, Soldier, Inf. Mitchell, William, Drummer, Inf. Marshall, George, Soldier, Inf. M 'Kenny, John, Soldier, Inf. Masters, John, Soldier, Inf. Mash, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Martial, John, Soldier, Inf. Massey, John, Soldier, Inf. Moulton, William, Soldier, Inf. Moulson, John, Sergeant, Inf. M'Kee, John, Sergeant, Inf. Mitchell, William, Soldier, Inf. M'Nutt, James, Sergeant, Inf. Morris, William, Soldier, Inf. Mason, Christopher, Sergeant, Inf. Massey, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Methany, Daniel, Soldier, Inf. Matthew, William, Soldier, Inf. Mardin, James, Soldier, Inf. Micou, Thomas, Soldier, Cav. M'Coy, Daniel, Soldier, Inf. Midgiah, John, Soldier, Inf. Moore, Jesse, Soldier, Inf. M'Mann, John, Soldier, Inf. Morris, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Murray, Michael, Soldier, Inf. M'Donald, Peter, Soldier, Inf. Molly, James, Soldier, Inf. Merriwether, Nicholas, Soldier, Inf. Mahon, John, Soldier, Inf. M'Hannimy, John, Soldier, Inf. M'Dowell, James, Soldier, Inf. M'Allister, George, Soldier, Inf. M'Mullin, John, Soldier, Inf. Moody, Andrew, Soldier, Inf. Mitchell, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. M'Donald, Ronald (or Roland), Soldier, Inf. Meade, Minor, Soldier, Inf. Moore, Peter, Soldier, Inf. Montague, Peter, Soldier, Inf. Morton, William H., Sergeant, Inf. Miller, Joshua, Soldier, Inf. 256 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Mussin, James, Soldier, Inf. M'Gee, John, Soldier, Inf. Mundin, James, Soldier, Inf. Moore, George, Soldier, Inf. Manly, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Moore, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Middleton, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Masters, Thomas, Drummer, Inf. Morgan, Charles, Soldier, Inf. M'Donald, John, Soldier, Inf. Moore, Mark, Soldier, Inf. M'Laughlin, Thomas, Sergeant, Cav. M'Donohoe, James, Soldier, Inf. May, John, Corporal, Art. Murphey, Gabriel, Soldier, Inf. Miller, John, Soldier, Inf. Mattox, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Meachem, William, Soldier, Inf. M'Commack, John, Soldier, Inf. Montgomery, William, Soldier, Inf. Mitchell, Stephen, Sergeant, Inf. Marsh, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Mooring, Christopher, Soldier, Inf. Mallory, Francis, Sergeant, Inf. M'Pherson, Duncan, Soldier, Inf. Martin, Josiah, Soldier, Inf. M 'Kenny, Alexander, Sergeant, Cav. Mazingo, George, Soldier, Inf. Murphy, Butler, Soldier, Inf. M'Clane, James, Soldier, Inf. Murphy, George, Soldier, Inf. M'Kinsey, John, Soldier, Inf. Mitchell, Henry, Soldier, Inf. M'Affee, Daniel, Soldier, Inf. Maddox, Matthew, Soldier, Inf. Masey, Toliver (or Taliaferro), Sol- dier, Inf. Mills, Charles, Soldier, Inf. M'Heuny, Tully, Soldier, Inf. M 'Kinney, Edward, Soldier, Inf. Martin, Williamson, Soldier, Inf. Martin, Francis, Sergeant, Inf. Milone, Lewis, Soldier, Inf. M'Kee, John, Soldier, Inf. Mattock, Zachariah, Soldier, Inf. Milner, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Monroe, George, Soldier, Inf. M'Dugal, Alexander, Soldier, Inf. M'Coy, William, Soldier, Inf. M'Corkle, George, Soldier, Inf. M'Donald, James, Soldier, Inf. Miller, Haney, Soldier, Inf. M'Neal, William, Soldier, Cav. Millions, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Mars, John, Soldier, Inf. Miller, John, Soldier, Inf. Mann, Millington, Soldier, Inf. M'Canlis, John, Soldier, Cav. M'Allister, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Massey, Anthony, Soldier, Inf. Mosby, John, Sergeant, Inf. Martin, William, Soldier, Inf. Mooney, Nicholas, Soldier, Inf. Merrit, Ramsey, Soldier, Inf. M'Quiddy, William, Soldier, Inf. M 'Culler, James, Soldier, Inf. Monks, John, Soldier, Inf. M'Dowell, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Millihorn, Thomas, Soldier, Cav. Meador, Vincent, Soldier, Inf. M 'Kenny, Dennis, Soldier Mitchell, Jesse, Soldier, Cav. M'Cowne, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Mayfield, William, Soldier, Inf. Massie, Peter, Soldier, Inf. Meacon, Thomas, Soldier, Cav. Mayhorn, Robertson, Soldier, Inf. Milner, William, Soldier, Inf. M'Callum, William, Soldier, Inf. M'Callum, John, Soldier, Inf. M'Callum, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Morrison, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Murray, William, Soldier, Art. M'Cashlin, John, Soldier, Art. M 'Carter, Edward, Soldier, Inf. Mills, Wyat, Soldier, Inf. Meredith, David, Soldier, Inf. Muse, George, Soldier, Inf. Matthews, William, Soldier, Inf. Morris, William, Soldier, Inf. Murray, Gabriel, Soldier, Inf. Mussey, Thomas, Soldier, Cav. Bounty Land Warrants 257 Meane, William, Soldier, Inf. M'Arthe, James, Soldier, Cav. Medley, William, Soldier, Inf. Matthews, William, Soldier, Inf. M'Arthur, James, Soldier, Inf. M'Elvaine, James, Sergeant, Inf. Madder, Martin, Soldier, Inf. M'Quinn, Joshua, Sergeant, Inf. M 'Kinney, John, Soldier, Inf. M'Daniel, Randolph, Soldier, Cav. Mayhorn, John, Soldier, Inf. Moore, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. M'Korkle, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Morlaud, William, Soldier, Inf. M'Tully, John, Soldier, Inf. Moody, Blanks, Soldier, Inf. M'Aboy, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Millon, Elisha, Soldier, Cav. M'Fation, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Marr, John, Bablist, Soldier, Inf. M'Clain, John, Soldier, Inf. Mace, Mattox, Soldier, Inf. Mills, Southey, Soldier, Inf. Moxley, Rodham, Sergeant, Inf. M'Vay, James, Soldier, Inf. Moore, Matthew, Soldier, Inf. Miller, Dudley, Soldier, Inf. M'Guireman, Duncan, Soldier, Inf. Madison, Ambrose, Soldier, Inf. Maynard, William, Sergeant, Inf. M'Gehee, William, Soldier M'Cullough, William, Soldier M 'Night, Michael, Soldier Malhouson, Abram, Soldier Murphy, Lewis, Soldier Montgomery, Humphrey, Soldier Matthews, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Midcalf, John, Soldier, Inf. Mears, Coventon, Soldier, Inf. Martin, John, Soldier, Inf. Marines, Laban, Soldier, Inf. M'Clinstock, William, Soldier, Inf. Moore, Stephen, Soldier, Inf. Matthews, Meshick, Soldier, Inf. Maupin, David, Soldier, Inf. Martin, Rawlings, Soldier, Inf. M'Mahan, Peter, Soldier, Inf. Malone, John, Soldier, Inf. Morrison, John, Soldier, Inf. M'Kenny, James, Soldier, Inf. Main, John, Soldier, Inf. M'Farten, Daniel, Soldier, Inf. Morrison, John, Soldier, Inf. Moss, John, Soldier, Inf. Mahoney, Luke, Soldier, Inf. Miller, Edward, Soldier, Inf. Morriss, William, Soldier, Inf. Morgan, Charles, Soldier, Inf. Meadows, James, Soldier, Inf. Morris, John, Soldier, Cav. M'Quinn, John, Soldier, Inf. M'Cartey, Campbell, Soldier, Inf. Morris, James, Sergeant, Inf. Martin, James, Soldier, Inf. Moore, John, Soldier, Inf. Martin, Caleb, Soldier, Inf. Meers, Littleton, Soldier, Inf. Martin, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Morris, John, Soldier, Inf. Marshall, Jno. R., Soldier, Inf. M'Ginness, Andrew, Soldier, Inf. Mendum, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Mason, John, Soldier, Inf. Milam, John, Soldier, Cav. May, Jesse, Soldier, Inf. M'Gregor, Markham, Soldier, Inf. Murphy, Anthony, Soldier, Inf. Milone, John, Soldier, Inf. Millow, John, Soldier, Inf. M'Cinnie, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Menifie, Henry, Soldier, Inf. M'Cord, William, Soldier, Inf. Mead, John, Soldier, Inf. M'Laughlin, Thomas, Soldier, Cav. Murrah, Ambrose, Soldier, Inf. Miller, James, Soldier, Inf. Marshall, William, Soldier, Inf. Manly, Archibald, Soldier, Inf. M'Colley, Edward, Soldier, Inf. Moore, William, Soldier, Inf. M'Commick, James, Soldier, Inf. Miller, John, Soldier, Inf. 258 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia M'Glasson, James, Soldier, Inf. Matthews, Edward, jr., Soldier, Inf. Malton, Charles, Soldier, Inf. Moxley, John, Soldier, Inf. Motley, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Meamley, William, Soldier, Inf. Martin, John, Soldier, Inf. M'Dermonrol, James, Soldier, Inf. M'Nemar, James, Soldier, Inf. Moss, Charles, Soldier, Inf. Moss, James, Soldier, Inf. Moody, Jeremiah, Soldier, Inf. M'Aboy, James, Soldier, Inf. M'Graw, Bernard (or Barnabas), Sol- dier May, Edmund, Soldier Mann, William, Soldier Moore, James, Soldier Mullins, William, Soldier Moore, David, Soldier Mathaney, William, Soldier Morris, James, Soldier M'Cartey, Daniel, Soldier Morgan, Richard, Soldier Mayho, Stephen, Soldier Murray, James, Soldier M'Cutchon, John, Soldier Merrick, John, Soldier Moore, John, Soldier Moffit, John, Soldier Matthews, Barnabas, Soldier Moles, Jacob, Soldier M'Coun, Malcolm, Sergeant M 'Adams, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Mann, Ebenezer, Soldier, Inf. Minor, John, Soldier M'Affee, Neal, Soldier Musteen, William, Soldier M'Mullin, John, Soldier Martin, William, Soldier Manly, James, Soldier M'Dade, James, Soldier Mann, Robert, Soldier Mangum, David, Soldier Miles, John, Soldier Mackrell, James, Soldier Milton, John, Soldier Morris, Edmund, Soldier Miles, James, Soldier M'Gee, George, Soldier M'Mullins, Alexander, Soldier M'Ginness, Edward, Soldier, Inf. Mann, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Mann, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Merrit, Peter, Soldier, Inf. Marshall, William, Soldier, Inf. M'Guin, Edward, Sergeant, Inf. Moore, Jesse, Soldier, Inf. Murrell, William, Soldier, Inf. Nash, John, Soldier, Inf. Newby, Jesse, Sergeant, Inf. Nighton, William, Soldier, Inf. Needham, Isaac, Soldier, Inf. Nunnally, Edward, Sergeant, Inf. Nunnally, Alexander, Corporal, Inf. Newsom, James, Soldier, Cav. Newsom, Crawford, Soldier, Cav. Nunimaker, Lewis, Soldier, Inf. Nay, Jacob, Soldier, Inf. New, Thomas, Soldier, Cav. Nunnally, John, Soldier, Inf. Norvell, Holdicraft H., Sergeant, Inf. Nash, Philip, Soldier, Inf. Norris, William, Soldier, Inf. Neale, Nicholas, Sergeant, Inf. Neil, Daniel, Soldier, Inf. Norman, William, Soldier, Inf. Newcomb, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Newman, John, Sergeant, Inf. Norton, William, Soldier, Inf. Newman, William, Soldier, Cav. Newell, John, Soldier, Inf. Neil, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Norvell, Simon, Soldier, Inf. Nixs (or Nixon), George, Soldier, Inf. Nicholas, Daniel, Soldier, Inf. Neale, Micajah, Soldier, Inf. Nixon, John, Soldier, Inf. Nunn, James, Soldier, Inf. Nunn, Moses, Soldier, Inf. Night, Andrew, Soldier, Inf. Bounty Land Warrants 259 Night, Andrew, Soldier, Inf. Neale, Zappaniah, Soldier, Inf. Nuce, William, Soldier, Inf. Nicholas, John, Soldier, Inf. Nicholson, John, Soldier, Inf. Newcomb, Julius, Soldier, Inf. Newman, Edmund, Sergeant, Inf. Napper, Moses, Soldier, Inf. Nevis, Daniel, Sergeant, Inf. Nixon, John, Soldier, Inf. Newton, Joseph, Sergeant, Inf. Newton, George, Soldier, Inf. Northcott, Francis, Soldier, Inf. Neale, William, Soldier, Inf. Nevills, George, Soldier, Inf. Nightingale, Matthew, Soldier, Inf. Nettles, William, Soldier, Inf. Nettles, Vicanus, Soldier, Inf. Nelson, Johnson, Sergeant, Inf. Norman, William, Soldier, Inf. Nicholas, William, Soldier, Inf. Norris, Bezeliel, Soldier, Cav. Nelson, Provost, Soldier, Inf. Neaves, Daniel, Soldier, Inf. New, Jacob, Soldier, Inf. Nock, George, Soldier, Inf. Newcomb, Charles, Soldier, Inf. Newsum, Crawford, Soldier, Inf. Newsum, James, Soldier, Inf. Nickens, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Nevis, Daniel, Drummer Newsum, Carter, Soldier, Inf. Newsum, Daniel, Soldier, Inf. Norman, William, Soldier, Inf. Northup, Major, Soldier, Inf. Newman, Francis, Soldier, Inf. Newman, Walter, Soldier, Inf. Norton, Thomas, Corporal, Inf. Nelson, Alexander, Soldier, Inf. Nelson, James, Soldier, Inf. Northam, Custis, Soldier, Inf. Niper, George, Soldier, Inf. Newman, John, Soldier, Inf. Niblet, Abel, Soldier, Inf. Nuttles, Matthias, Soldier, Inf. Nixon, John, Soldier, Cav. Nicholson, Thomas, Soldier, Cav. Norris, William, Soldier, Inf. Nelson, Alexander, Soldier, Inf. Neale, William, Soldier, Inf. Northam, Custis, Soldier, Inf. Orrill, Gregory, Soldier, Inf. Orrill, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Overstreet, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Ore, Samuel, Sergeant, Inf. Ore, James, Soldier, Inf. Oram, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Oglisby, John, Soldier, Cav. Osgrifhn, William, Soldier, Inf. Oats, William, Soldier, Inf. Oneal, Patrick, Sergeant, Inf. Orange, Joshua, Soldier, Inf. Owen, Charles, Soldier, Inf. Overton, Clough, Soldier, Inf. Oliver, William, Soldier, Inf. Oneal, John, Soldier, Inf. Owens, Raleigh, Soldier, Inf. Oliver, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Overton, William, Sergeant, Inf. Oneal, Ferrell, Soldier, Inf. Oliver, John, Soldier, Inf. Owens, John, Soldier, Inf. Obanion, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. Olbridge, James, Soldier, Inf. OfHin, Thomas, Matross, Art. Organ, David, Soldier, Inf. Oneal, George, Soldier, Inf. Onions, William, Soldier, Inf. Otly, William, Soldier, Inf. Oliver, James, Soldier, Inf. Oliver, John, Corporal, Art. Oliver, William, Soldier, Inf. Owens, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Only, Major, Soldier, Inf. Oats, William, Soldier, Inf. Orr, William, Soldier, Inf. Owens, William, Soldier, Inf. Omohundro, James, Soldier, Inf. Onions, John, Soldier, Inf. Oliver, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Overton, James, Sergeant, Inf. 260 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Ore, William, Soldier, Inf. Orange, Lewis, Soldier, Inf. Owens, Joshua, Corporal, Inf. Owens, William, Soldier, Inf. Ogle, James, Sergeant, Inf. Obannion, Aaron, Soldier, Inf. Oliver, James, Soldier, Art. Orr, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Pruett, William, Soldier, Inf. Pittman, Isaac, Soldier, Inf. Pettis, John, Soldier, Inf. Patillo, William, Soldier, Inf. Pickett, George, Soldier, Inf. Plunket, Thomas Patillo, James, Sergeant, Inf. Price, Zachariah, Soldier, Inf. Pearman, Jesse, Soldier, Inf. Palmer, Martin, Sergeant, Inf. Petre, Alexander, Soldier, Art. Pindall, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Peace, John, Soldier, Inf. Pebbles, Andrew, Soldier, Inf. Peters, James, Soldier, Inf. Piercehouse, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Perrin, Joseph, Soldier, Cav. Patrick, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Paul, Aaron, Soldier, Inf. Potter, William, Soldier, Inf. Puller, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Parks, Daniel, Soldier, Inf. Price, William, Soldier, Inf. Pucket, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Purrell, William, Sergeant, Inf. Plummer, George, Sergeant, Inf. Parson, Woodson, Soldier, Inf. Pope, Brittain, Sergeant, Inf. Pritchett, George, Soldier, Inf. Purdon, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Pediford, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Pilkinson, Drewry, Soldier, Inf. Parker, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Prewett, Reuben, Soldier, Inf. Patton, George, Soldier, Inf. Perry, Gregory, Soldier, Inf. Parchment, Peter, Soldier, Inf. Philips, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Pemberton, William, Soldier, Inf. Poole, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Poole, Micajah, Sergeant, Inf. Philips, Samuel (estate), Sergeant, Inf. Pendrey, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Pettus, George, Soldier, Inf. Pettus, Samuel Overton, Soldier, Inf. Poindexter, Richard, Soldier, Cav. Powell, Peyton, Sergeant, Inf. Page, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Plummer, Robert, Serg. & Sol. Perry, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Poole, Dudley, Soldier, Inf. Page, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Payne, Joshua, Soldier, Inf. Power, Bernard, Soldier, Inf. Peters, Jesse, Soldier, Inf. Pollard, Ambrose, Soldier, Inf. Plowman, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Philips, Ephraim, Soldier, Inf. Poindexter, Lovel, Soldier, Inf. Peck, George, Soldier, Inf. Perry, John, Serg. Maj., Cav. Pell, John, Soldier, Inf. Payne, William, Soldier, Cav. Pearman, John, Soldier, Inf. Pace, Jesse, Soldier, Inf. Plummer, John, Sergeant, Cav. Patticrew, Matthew, Soldier, Inf. Poindexter, Jonathan, Sergeant, Inf. Pines, Lewis, Soldier, Inf. Pell, John, Soldier, Inf. Power, Robert, Sergeant, Cav. Poindexter, Gabriel, Soldier, Inf. Pierce, Francis, Soldier, Inf. Peters, John, Soldier, Art. Peyton, George, Soldier, Art. Price, Ebenezer, Soldier, Art. Pride, Thomas, Soldier, Art. Pearson, Thomas, Soldier, Art. Powers, Joshua, Soldier, Art. Pilkington, William, Sergeant, Art. Price, Richard M., Sergeant, Art. Parrish, James, Sergeant, Art. Pegrin, Baker, Soldier, Art. Bounty Land Warrants 261 Peninger, Christian, Soldier, Art. Powers, William, Soldier, Art. Pitman, Isaac, Sergeant, Art. Price, Joseph, Soldier, Art. Pearson, Joel, Sergeant, Art. Pemberton, Henry, Corporal, Art. Page, Leonard, Soldier, Art. Pinkerton, Shadrach, Soldier, Art. Porter, John, Sergeant, Art. Poindexter, Jacob, Sergeant, Art. Parr, James, Soldier, Art. Pinicar, William, Soldier, Art. Perkins, Elias, Soldier, Art. Peyton, Robert, Soldier, Art. Poindexter, John, Soldier, Cav. Payne, George, Soldier, Inf. Plant, Williamson, Soldier, Inf. Parker, William, Soldier, Inf. Pigott, Abraham, Soldier, Art. Parker, Thomas, Sergeant, Inf. Preston, David, Soldier, Inf. Preston, Moses, Soldier, Inf. Purcell, Peter, Sergeant, Inf. Palmer, John, Soldier, Inf. Pines, John, Soldier, Inf. Purcell, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Priest, William, Soldier, Inf. Perry, Gregory, Corporal, Inf. Patterson, Jacob, Soldier, Inf. Pinlow, Samuel, Sergeant, Inf. Potts, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Payne, Richard, Soldier, Cav. Patmon, Watson, Fifer, Cav. Penn, Simon, Soldier, Cav. Porter, John, Soldier, Inf. Purcell, Nathaniel, Soldier, Inf. Pullen, Everard, Soldier, Inf. Porter, David, Soldier, Inf. Pettyjohn, James, Soldier, Inf. Porter, Ely, Soldier, Inf. Powell, William, Soldier, Inf. Perkinson, Ezekiel, Soldier, Inf. Perkins, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Pearson, William, Corporal, Inf. Peters, Samuel, Fifer, Inf. Prior, William, Soldier, Inf. Pemberton, David, Sergeant, Inf. Philips, Richard (estate), Sergeant, Art. Philips, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Payne, Anthony, Soldier, Inf. Priest, Jeremiah, Soldier, Inf. Priest, William, Soldier, Inf. Patterson, Tilmon, Soldier, Inf. Patterson, Littleberry, Soldier, Inf. Pitman, Fortunatus, Soldier, Inf. Pearson, William, Soldier, Cav. Pierce, Jethro, Soldier, Inf. Postwood, Loyd, Soldier, Inf. Parrish, Nathaniel, Soldier, Inf. Parrish, William, Soldier, Inf. Powers, Julius, Soldier, Inf. Peace, John, Sergeant, Inf. Postwood, Loyd, Soldier, Inf. Porter, John, Soldier, Inf. Pilkpool, Colwell, Soldier, Inf. Pillow, Jasper, Soldier, Inf. Purcell, James, Soldier, Inf. Purkin, Christopher, Soldier, Inf. Pancake, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Payne, Josias, Soldier, Inf. Painter, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Porter, William, Sergeant, Inf. Perkinson, James, Soldier, Inf. Pilkington, William, Soldier, Inf. Perkins, Achilles, Sergeant, Inf. Price, William, Soldier, Inf. Pillion, John, Soldier, Inf. Pugh, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Paulett, Jesse, Sergeant, Inf. Patterson, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Peace, John, Soldier, Inf. Pope, William, Soldier, Inf. Plant, William, Soldier, Inf. Priston, Stephen, Soldier, Inf. Pinkard, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Powell, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Petteel, George, Soldier, Inf. Powell, William, Soldier, Inf. Philips, Benjamin, Corporal, Inf. Powers, Daniel, Soldier, Inf. Parker, David, Soldier, Inf. 262 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Pace, Newsum, Sergeant, Inf. Peterson, Conrad, Soldier, Inf. Peters, Jonas, Soldier, Inf. Pickett, Womack, Soldier, Inf. Pierce, John, Soldier, Inf. Price, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Parker, Edward, Soldier, Inf. Pitts, Major, Soldier, Inf. Parker, Charles, Soldier, Inf. Poor, Thomas, Sergeant, Cav. Parvery, Herbert, Soldier, Cav. Powell, John, Soldier, Cav. Powell, Nathaniel, Soldier, Cav. Preston, Joel, Soldier, Cav. Patterson, Philip, Soldier, Cav. Perry, Peter, Soldier, Cav. Powell, Eleven, Soldier, Cav. Prewett, Southey, Soldier, Inf. Paylor, Davis, Soldier, Inf. Pritchard, Thomas, Soldier, Cav. Pierce, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Powell, Caleb, Soldier, Inf. Pickett, Charles, Soldier, Inf. Pickett, Charles, Soldier, Cav. Puryear, John (deceased), Soldier, Inf. Palmer, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Proby, Menson, Sergeant, Cav. Paggett, Frederick, Soldier, Inf. Primm, James, Q. M. Serg. Prewitt, John, Soldier, Inf. Powell, William, Soldier, Inf. Peele, Coleburn, Soldier, Inf. Perry, John, Soldier, Inf. Pye (or Tye), John, Sergeant Proctor, Christopher, Soldier, Inf. Peacocke, Joshua, Soldier, Inf. Peake, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Pullock, James, Soldier, Inf. Pigott, William, Sergeant, Inf. Pummel, Francis, Soldier, Inf. Piers, Francis, Corporal, Inf. Pride, William, Sergeant, Inf. Pickett, Charles, Soldier, Cav. Pearman, Grief, Fifer, Inf. Pennington, John, Soldier, Inf. Penningstant, John, Soldier, Inf. Pratt, Zorobabel, Soldier, Inf. Prewett, John, Soldier, Inf. Parker, Anderson, Soldier, Inf. Parsons, James, Soldier, Inf. Powell, William, Soldier, Inf. Prickett, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Pratt, William, Soldier, Inf. Pollard, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Payne, Nathaniel, Soldier, Inf. Parrish, William, Soldier, Inf. Philbert, Obadiah, Soldier, Inf. Parrish, William, Soldier, Inf. Parrish, Waddle, Soldier, Inf. Patterson, James, Soldier, Inf. Perget, Frederick, Soldier, Inf. Powell, John, Soldier, Inf. Poore, John, Sergeant, Inf. Peers, William, Drummer Pierce, Pennuel, Soldier Payne, William, Soldier Poore, John, Soldier Price, Thomas, Soldier Parker, Thomas, Soldier Peyton, John, Soldier Peyton, William, Soldier Philips, Philip, Soldier Petteet, Peter, Soldier Petteet, William, Soldier Peebles, Andrew, Soldier Prewet, Byrd, Soldier Peterson, John, Soldier Patteson, Edward, Soldier Philips, Charles, Soldier Pulley, Frederick, Soldier Prior, William, sen., Soldier Peid, Andrew, Soldier, Inf. Poole, Robert, Soldier Pace, Joel, Soldier Prewett, John, Soldier Purcell, Henry, Soldier, Art. Peed, William, Soldier, Inf. Prior, John, Soldier, Inf. Pace, Leonard, Soldier, Inf. Philips, Levi, Soldier, Inf. Pertilla, David, Soldier, Cav. Pelleet, George, Soldier, Inf. Bounty Land Warrants 263 Peasley, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Proctor, John, Sergeant, Inf. Philips, George, Soldier, Inf. Queen, John, Soldier, Inf. Quinn, James, Corporal, Inf. Quinn, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Quarles, James, Soldier, Inf. Quale, John, Soldier, Inf. Quail, John, Soldier, Inf. Quigg, Daniel, Soldier, Inf. Quinn, James, Soldier, Inf. Robertson, William, Soldier, Inf. Roberts, Anthony, Soldier, Inf. Rhea, John Read, Andrew Ragsdale, Peter, Corporal Row, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Rowsey, James, Soldier, Inf. Robertson, Zachariah, Soldier, Inf. Reynolds, Arthur, Corporal, Inf. Reily, Edward, Sergeant, Inf. Russell, John, Soldier, Inf. Richardson, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Radford, Milner, Soldier Rankins, Robert, Sergeant, Inf. Rough, Lewis, Soldier, Inf. Roach, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Robinson, John, Soldier, Inf. Reiley, John, Soldier, Inf. Rolls, John, Soldier, Inf. Rawson, Enoch, Soldier, Inf. Regan, Bartholomew, Soldier, Inf. Rolin, Elias, Soldier, Inf. Redman, Aaron, Soldier, Inf. Reaves, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Robinson, John, Soldier, Inf. Redman, Jeremiah, Sergeant, Inf. Raines, James, Soldier, Inf. Raines, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Rice, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Regan, John, Soldier, Inf. Read, John, Soldier, Inf. Ragsdale, William, Soldier, Inf. Ramsbottom, Isaac, Soldier, Inf. Row, Anthony, Soldier, Inf. Rialls, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Roberts, George, Sergeant, Inf. Regan, Daniel, Sergeant, Inf. Rouce, William, Soldier, Inf. Ross, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Robertson, John, Soldier, Inf. Russell, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Rankin, William, Soldier, Inf. Read, James, Soldier, Inf. Ragland, John, Soldier, Inf. Rice, Bailey, Soldier, Inf. Royster, John, Sergeant, Inf. Robinson, Dixon, Soldier, Inf. Robertson, John, Sergeant, Inf. Ragan, William, Soldier, Inf. Roads, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Railey, John, Soldier, Inf. Roy, Jacob, Soldier, Inf. Rogers, Edward, Soldier, Inf. Roberts, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Rawlings, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Rice, Robert, Sergeant, Inf. Ramsay, William, Soldier, Inf. Robinett, David, Soldier, Inf. Richardson, Godfrey, Soldier, Inf. Raines, James, Soldier, Inf. Redd, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Rice, Holmer, Soldier, Cav. Russell, Moses, Soldier, Inf. Radford, Milner, Soldier, Inf. Roberts, Wilson, Soldier, Inf. Roach, Absalom, Soldier, Art. Roach, Jonathan, Soldier, Art. Ruffin, John, Soldier, Art. Roberts, Evan, Soldier, Art. Riddle, Archer, Soldier, Art. Rux, Benjamin, Corporal, Art. Russ, Jeremiah, Soldier, Inf. Rucker, Julius, Sergeant, Inf. Reagan, Philip, Soldier, Inf. Rust, Peter, Sergeant, Inf. Rodden, Benjamin, Corporal, Inf. Rice, Joel, Sergeant, Inf. Ragland, Pettus, Corporal, Inf. Rand, Walter, Soldier, Inf. 264 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Ruse, Aaron, Soldier, Inf. Rose, William, Soldier, Inf. Robertson, Mordecai, Soldier, Inf. Rheam, Sherwood, Soldier, Inf. Rhea, Philips, Soldier, Inf. Read, Allen, Soldier, Inf. Read, William, Soldier, Inf. Raines, Nathaniel, Soldier, Inf. Raines, Thomas, Sergeant, Inf. Rutherford, Absalom, Soldier, Inf. Rossin, Joseph, Sergeant, Inf. Ramsey, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Rogers, Shadrach, Soldier, Inf. Rogers, Hosea, Soldier, Inf. Roney, John, Serg. Maj., Inf. Read, John, Serg. Maj., Inf. Roberts, William, Soldier, Inf. Ronalds, Jesse, Soldier, Inf. Russell, John, Soldier, Inf. Robinson, John, Soldier, Inf. Rucker, Ephraim, Soldier, Inf. Roach, David, Soldier, Inf. Riley, John, Soldier, Inf. Rosson, John, Soldier, Inf. Rosson, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Rodden, John, Soldier, Inf. Reed, Sharner D., Soldier, Inf. Richmond, John, Soldier, Inf. Rollin, John, Soldier, Inf. Rosegrant, Alexander, Soldier, Inf. Rucker, Edward, Soldier, Inf. Ruffey, George, Soldier, Inf. Robertson, William, Soldier, Inf. Rolls, John, Soldier, Inf. Randolph, William, Soldier, Inf. Rosson, John, Soldier, Art. Rowe, John, Soldier, Inf. Robertson, James, Soldier, Inf. Rowsell, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Rolson, Timothy, Sergeant, Inf. Riding, Alexander, Soldier, Art. Robinson, Mark, Soldier, Inf. Rollin, James, Soldier, Inf. Rose, Isaac, Soldier, Inf. Rogers, Stephen, Soldier, Inf. Ramsey, John, Soldier, Inf. Robinson, John, Soldier, Inf. Rust, Matthew, Sergeant, Inf. Ragland, Dudley, Corporal, Inf. Ringo, John, Soldier, Inf. Russey, James, Soldier, Inf. Roux, John, Soldier, Cav. Rand, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Rhodes, John, Fifer, Inf. Ragsdale, John, Soldier, Inf. Robinson, William, Soldier, Inf. Rawley, William, Soldier, Inf. Ronemus, Lewis, Soldier, Inf. Ross, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Ross, William, Soldier, Inf. Restall, George, Soldier, Inf. Roach, William, Sergeant, Inf. Robinson, John, Soldier, Inf. Redmond, John, Soldier, Cav. Rodgers, William, Soldier, Cav. Ross, Charles, Soldier, Inf. Ryley, John, Soldier, Inf. Ross, Adam, Soldier, Inf. Rudd, Hezekiah, Soldier, Inf. Richards, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Reason, John, Soldier, Inf. Ross, William, Soldier, Inf. Real, Gasper, Soldier, Inf. Russell, John, Soldier, Cav. Ross, Jonathan, Fifer, Inf. Reardon, John, Soldier, Inf. Rose, Philip, Sergeant, Inf. Reynolds, John, Soldier, Inf. Ryan, John, Soldier, Inf. Rucker, Lemuel, Soldier, Inf. Robertson, John, Soldier, Inf. Ransdale, Edward, Soldier, Inf. Russell, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Russell, Ignatius, Soldier, Inf. Robertson, Stephen, Soldier, Inf. Rose, Richard, Soldier, Cav. Rose, Robert, Sergeant, Inf. Rodding, James, Soldier, Inf. Ragland, John, Soldier, Inf. Ralston, John, Sergeant, Inf. Russell, Robert, Sergeant, Inf. Rucker, Elsey, Sergeant, Inf. Bounty Land Warrants 265 Rice, William, Sergeant, Inf. Raines, Bailey, Sergeant, Inf. Randolph, James, Sergeant, Inf. Roberts, John, Sergeant, Inf. Rafferty, Richard, Corporal, Inf. Ross, John, Soldier, Inf. Rankin, William, Soldier, Inf. Rhodes, Jacob, Soldier, Inf. Reardon, Daniel, Soldier, Inf. Redmon, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Rodgers, Richard, Gunner, Art. Rolf, Daniel, Soldier, Inf. Robins, William, Soldier, Inf. Rawley, John, Soldier, Inf. Rutherford, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Robertson, Isaac, Soldier, Inf. Ragland, Edmund, Soldier, Inf. Riddle, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Riddle, Millenden, Soldier, Inf. Reynolds, Wartman (or Waterman), Soldier, Inf. Ritacre, Titus, Soldier, Inf. Rhodes, Michael, Soldier, Inf. Roberts, Ezra, Corporal, Inf. Rogers, Ezekiel, Soldier, Cav. Rolling, William, Soldier, Inf. Russell, John, Soldier, Inf. Ryley, Edward, Soldier, Inf. Richardson, Daniel, Soldier, Inf. Ramille, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Roberts, Obadiah, Soldier, Inf. Riley, James, Soldier, Inf. Robert, Moses, Soldier, Inf. Rager, Leonard, Soldier, Inf. Rose, William, Sergeant, Inf. Roundtree, William, Sergeant, Inf. Ryan, Edward, Soldier, Inf. Rowzell, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Roberts, William, Soldier, Inf. Roberts, Richards, Soldier, Inf. Rucker, Lemuel, Soldier, Inf. Roach, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Roach, James, Soldier, Inf. Raynard, John, Soldier, Inf. Rogers, John, Soldier, Inf. Roberts, Edward, Soldier, Inf. Relf, Ephraim, Soldier, Inf. Roney, Patrick, Soldier, Inf. Rogers, Boiling, Soldier, Inf. Ross, James, Soldier, Cav. Roberts, Alexander, Soldier, Inf. Rowland, Isaac, Soldier, Inf. Roller, Conrad, Soldier, Inf. Riley, William, Soldier, Inf. Ramille, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Ridley, John, Q. M. Serg., Cav. Roads, George, jr., Sergeant, Inf. Rutherford, Archibald, Soldier, Inf. Read, George, Soldier, Inf. Roberts, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Ramsey, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Rollings, Charles, Soldier, Inf. Russell, Elisha, Soldier, Inf. Roberts, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. Rippon, John, Soldier, Inf. Rogers, Solomon, Soldier, Inf. Rowser, James, Soldier, Inf. Rush, David, Soldier, Inf. Rippen, Nathaniel, Soldier, Inf. Roberts, Spencer, Soldier, Inf. Robertson, Nathaniel, Soldier, Inf. Rowe, Lewis, Soldier, Inf. Riggs, Jacob, Soldier, Inf. Richardson, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Rose, James, Soldier, Inf. Russell, William, Soldier, Art. Rider, John, Soldier, Inf. Rawlings, Howell, Soldier, Inf. Rogers, William, Soldier, Inf. Riley, Edward, Soldier, Inf. Rogers, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Russell, John, Soldier, Inf. Richardson, Daniel, Soldier, Inf. Riddle, George, Soldier, Inf. Ryan, Cornelius, Soldier, Inf. Roberts, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Rice, John, Soldier, Inf. Reel, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Ross, John, Soldier, Inf. Richardson, James, Soldier, Inf. Russell, Elijah, Soldier, Inf. Riggs, James, Soldier, Inf. 266 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Rose, George, Soldier, Inf. Rodden, John, Soldier, Art. Rutledge, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Ridley, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Randolph, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Rush, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. Roberts, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Roobey, Reuben, Soldier, Cav. Roberts, Bernard, Soldier, Inf. Reedy, Shadrach, Soldier, Inf. Reed, Lewis, Soldier, Inf. Short, John, Soldier, Inf. Still, John, Sergeant, Inf. Snelling, John, Soldier, Inf. Smith, Jesse, Soldier Stephens, Ephraim Shurlds, Benjamin, Sergeant, Art. Samuel, Andrew, Corporal, Art. Shootz, John, Soldier, Inf. Sampson, George Seabrough, Moses Smith, Lawther, Soldier, Inf. Sladen, John Sharp, Richard Smith, Aaron, Soldier, Inf. Samuel, James, Soldier, Inf. Shields, Charles Snead, John Smith, Samuel Simms, George Saunders, Sylvester Saunders, Richard Smith, James Smith, Frederick Sherrald, James, Soldier, Inf. Shaw, John, Soldier, Inf. Shields, Charles, Soldier, Inf. Smith, Aaron, Soldier, Inf. Snow, John, Soldier, Inf. Snow, John, Soldier, Inf. Stapp, Achilles (or Archelaus), Soldier, Inf. Smith, Nathaniel, Soldier, Inf. Sturdevant, William, Soldier, Inf. Sparrow, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Saveall, James, Soldier, Inf. Sackpole, James, Soldier, Inf. Simpson, Alexander, Soldier, Inf. Sandford, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Shout, Reuben, Soldier, Inf. Standen, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Smith, George, Soldier, Inf. Sincheson, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Shea, Michael, Soldier, Inf. Simpson, Samuel, Sergeant, Inf. Stanley, Thomas, Soldier Shickard, John, Soldier, Cav. Steward, Edward, Soldier, Art. Sutherland, William, Drummer, Art. Stadner, John, Drummer, Inf. Stoker, William, Corporal, Inf. Shackleford, James, Soldier, Inf. Shipman, Stephen, Soldier, Inf. Seal, John, Soldier, Inf. Smith, Francis, Sergeant, Inf. Smith, Peter, Soldier, Inf. Shearman, Patrick, Soldier, Inf. Sandridge, Larkin, Soldier, Inf. Spratley, Richard, Corporal, Art. Snead, John, Fifer, Art. Sandford, Edward, Soldier, Inf. Suttle, Francis, Soldier, Inf. Shelton, Godfrey, Soldier, Inf. Shepherd, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Smith, Charles, Soldier, Inf. Snowden, John, Soldier, Inf. Seagrass, James, Soldier, Inf. Smith, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Siddle, Stephen, Soldier, Inf. Shackleford, Roger, Sergeant, Inf. Smithey, Robert, Soldier, Art. Smith, James A., Soldier, Inf. Saunderson, William, Soldier, Inf. Slaughter, Cadwallader, Soldier, Inf. Sage, John, Soldier, Inf. Shields, James, Soldier, Inf. Shields, James, Soldier, Cav. Spencer, William, Sergeant, Inf. Sissell, Isaac, Soldier, Inf. Springer, Jacob, Soldier, Inf. Smith, Drury, Soldier, Inf. Bounty Land Warrants 267 Stiles, William, Soldier, Inf. Southerland, Philemon, Soldier, Inf. Snead, John, Sergeant, Inf. Steward, Edward, Soldier, Inf. Strother, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. Standard, John, Soldier, Inf. Scott, William, Soldier, Inf. Shaw, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Shannon, Patrick, Sergeant, Inf. Shelton, Med'y. Soldier, Inf. Silvey, Stephen, Soldier, Inf. Shepherd, William, Soldier, Inf. Starke, Robert, Soldier, Cav. Slater, William, Soldier, Inf. Seah, James, Soldier, Inf. Swan, Ralph, Soldier, Inf. Saint, John Lewis, Bombardier, Art. Spencer, John, Soldier, Inf. Sadler, James, Soldier, Inf. Starling, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Smiley, James, Soldier, Inf. Spitman, George, Soldier, Inf. Smith, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Skinner, John, Soldier, Inf. Smith, William, Sergeant, Inf. Stoakes, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Smith, Isaac, Soldier, Inf. Smith, Aaron, Soldier, Inf. Sutherland, Philip, Soldier, Inf. Slayden, Daniel, Soldier, Cav. Smith, Israel, Corporal, Inf. Sprowl, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Shannon, William, Drummer, Art. Sizer, John, Soldier, Inf. Starke, William, Soldier, Inf. Shers, Michael, Soldier, Inf. Summerson, James, Soldier, Inf. Strickers, John, Soldier, Inf. Shelton, Stephen, Soldier, Inf. Spicely, James, Trumpeter, Cav. Shees, Frederick, Soldier, Inf. Simms, John, Soldier, Inf. Starkey, Isaac, Soldier, Inf. Syme, John, Soldier, Inf. Shearman, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Shelton, Joseph, Sergeant, Inf. Stiver, Peter, Soldier, Inf. Sutherland, George, Soldier, Inf. Saunders, Jesse, Soldier, Inf. Spratt, James, Soldier, Inf. Smith, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Sheetz, Adam, Soldier, Inf. Slater, John, Soldier, Cav. Shores, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Spilman, George, Soldier, Inf. Servant, William, Soldier, Inf. Sledd, John, Soldier, Inf. Salmond, John, Soldier, Inf. Shoemates, William, Soldier, Inf. Stubbs, John S., Matross, Art. Snowden, Charles, Soldier, Inf. Syder (or Snyder), Peter, Soldier, Inf. Summers, John, Sergeant, Inf. Saunders, William, Soldier, Inf. Saunders, John, Soldier, Cav. Sadler, John, Soldier, Inf. Smith, Reuben, Corporal, Inf. Salmons, Francis, Soldier, Inf. Sacrey, Isaac, Soldier, Inf. Stephens, Isaac, Soldier, Inf. Strawley, Andrew, Soldier, Inf. Saunders, David, Sergeant, Inf. Sacray, James, Soldier, Inf. Surringer, John, Soldier, Inf. Stiff, Jacob, Soldier, Inf. Shackleford, John, Soldier, Inf. Shingleton (or Singleton), Will'm, Sol- dier, Inf. Stafford, David, Soldier, Inf. Scott, George, Soldier, Inf. Spitman, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Shearman, George, Soldier, Cav. Smalling, Solomon, Soldier, Inf. Slizler, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Small, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Spiers, William, Soldier, Inf. Scott, John, Soldier, Inf. Sansom, William, Sergeant, Inf. Sandridge, Joseph (or Ja's), Corporal, Inf. Sandridge, Austin, Sergeant, Inf. Snead, Claiborne, Soldier, Inf. 268 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Sidebottom, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Stainback, Ch's (or Christopher), Sol- dier, Inf. Sansom, William, Q. M. Serg. Shea, Daniel, Soldier, Inf. Smith, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Slaughter, William, Soldier, Inf. Scott, Francis, Soldier, Inf. Snipe, Nathaniel, Soldier, Inf. Sadler, William, Soldier, Inf. Smith, Austin, Corporal, Inf. Scantlin, Jeremiah, Soldier, Inf. Slaughter, Francis, Corporal, Inf. Simms, William, Soldier, Inf. Sullivant, James, Soldier, Inf. Smith, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Smith, Austin, Soldier, Inf. Seay, Jacob, Soldier, Inf. Sample, Elias, Soldier, Inf. Sydnor, Cosby, Sergeant, Cav. Stephens, William, Soldier, Inf. Stephens, John, Soldier, Inf. Sergeant, Jeremiah, Soldier, Inf. Sammons, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Snead, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Smith, William, Sergeant, Inf. Stepkin, John, Soldier, Inf. Scarborough, Brittain, Soldier, Inf. Smith, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Spencer, John, Soldier, Inf. Shoemaker, Zedekiah, Corporal, Inf. Statton, James, Soldier, Inf. Sullivan, John, Soldier, Inf. Stringfellow, John, Soldier, Inf. Slaughter, Charles, Soldier, Cav. Smith, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Sykes, Hubbard, Soldier, Inf. Stiff, James, Soldier, Inf. Steagall, James, Soldier, Inf. Scandland, John, Soldier, Inf. Stafford, David, Soldier, Inf. Stewart, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Swann, John, Soldier, Inf. Spicey, John, Soldier, Inf. Scott, Matthew, Soldier, Inf. Smith, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Shatteen, Jesse, Soldier, Inf. Scott, William, Sergeant, Inf. Spann, James, Soldier, Inf. Starkey, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Shackleford, Dudley, Soldier, Inf. Smith, John, Soldier, Inf. Smith, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Susong, John, Soldier, Inf. Smith, John, Sergeant, Inf. Singleton, Charles, Soldier, Inf. Steward, George, Soldier, Inf. Sweeny, John, Soldier, Inf. Solomon, James, Soldier, Inf. Stephens, George, Soldier, Inf. Shaw, James, Soldier, Inf. Sweeny, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. Swift, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Sherwood, Richard, Soldier, Art. Smith, John, Soldier, Inf. Stevens, Charles, Soldier, Inf. Saint, John Isaac, Sergeant, Inf. Stratton, Isaac, Soldier, Inf. Scott, William, Soldier, Inf. Simpkins, William, Soldier, Inf. Studison, John, Soldier, Inf. Shackleford, Leonard, Corporal, Inf. Stephens, John, Corporal, Inf. Strong, John, Corporal, Inf. Scott, Andrew, Corporal, Inf. Spencer, Thomas, Corporal, Inf. Smith, Peter, Corporal, Inf. Smith, Ambrose, Corporal, Inf. Sandford, Richard, Corporal, Art. Savage, Caleb, Soldier, Inf. Samms, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Slayton, Joseph, Soldier, Cav. Smith, Redman, Soldier, Cav. Simmons, Thomas, Soldier, Cav. Smith, Robert, Soldier, Cav. Staples, John, Soldier, Cav. Shelton, Henry, Soldier, Cav. Sharpe, Benjamin, Soldier, Cav. Simms, Richard, Soldier, Cav. Sadler, John, Soldier, Inf. Sturdivant Ch's Wm., Soldier, Art. Sturdivant, Wm., Soldier, Art. Bounty Land Warrants 269 Smith, Robert, Soldier, Art. Smith, John, Soldier, Art. Sandford, William, Sergeant, Inf. Sykes, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Sleyden, Daniel, Soldier, Inf. Saunders, John, Soldier, Inf. Stoakes, John, Soldier, Inf. Scarborough, Isaac, Soldier, Inf. Seayres, Reuben, Soldier, Inf. Strutton, Absalom, Soldier, Inf. Smith, Charles, Soldier, Inf. Swann, Charles, Soldier, Cav. Scott, John, Soldier, Cav. Shaw, Thomas, Soldier, Cav. Smith, John, Corporal, Inf. Simpson, Spencer, Soldier, Cav. Seaburn, Jacob, Soldier, Cav. Steward, John, Soldier, Inf. Smeet, Joseph, Soldier, Cav. Scofield, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Spencer, Francis, Soldier, Inf. Sledd, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Scott, Severn, Soldier, Inf. Shoemaker, George, Soldier, Inf. Satterwhite, William, Soldier, Inf. Smith, William, Sergeant, Inf. Smith, Johnson, Soldier, Inf. Spencer, Moses, Soldier, Inf. Simms, Jonathan, Soldier, Inf. Shelton, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Shepherd, Edward, Soldier, Inf. Satchell, George, Soldier, Inf. Satchell, William, Soldier, Inf. Sappington, John, Sergeant, Inf. Springer, John, Soldier, Inf. Smith, John, Soldier, Inf. Simmons, Isaac, Soldier, Inf. Starkey, John, Corporal, Inf. Seward, Carter, Soldier, Inf. Stone, Hezekiah, Soldier, Inf. Shearmon, Maston D., Soldier, Inf. Shields, Berry, Soldier, Inf. Short, Joshua, Soldier, Inf. Shenault, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. Shavin, John, Soldier, Inf. Slatcht, Cornelius, Soldier, Inf. Spencer, George, Soldier, Inf. Stripe, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Simpson, Greenbury, Soldier, Inf. Simpson, Alexander, Soldier, Inf. Simpson, John, Soldier, Inf. Spikeard, George, Soldier, Inf. Strong, John, Soldier, Inf. Southard, George, Soldier, Inf. Shields, Nicholas, Soldier, Inf. Scott, Sacker, Soldier, Inf. Simpson, Salathiel, Soldier, Inf. Saunders, William, Soldier, Inf. Scott, George Southard, James, Soldier, Inf. Shores, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Stewart, James, Soldier, Inf. Simpson, Salathiel, Soldier, Inf. Smith, John, Soldier, Inf. Scott, James, Soldier, Inf. Scott, James, Soldier, Inf. Saint, Laurence Patrick, Serg. Mag. Scott, John, Soldier Shaw, James, Soldier Slaughter, Laurence, Soldier Stubbs, John, Soldier, Cav. Spinner, John, Soldier, Inf. Sadler, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. Shields, James, Soldier, Cav. Samuel, Day, Soldier, Inf. Simms, Thomas (estate), Sergeant, Inf. Settle, Strother, Soldier, Inf. Shoemaker, George, Soldier, Inf. Scott, George, Soldier, Inf. Stevens, Charles, Sergeant, Inf. Sills, William, Soldier, Inf. Strouse, Jacob, Soldier, Inf. Simpson, Peter, Soldier, Inf. Steward, William, Soldier, Inf. Snead, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Sprouse, Absalom, Soldier, Inf. Salisbury, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Sage, James, Soldier, Inf. Seemster, John, Soldier, Inf. Sturman, William, Soldier, Inf. Sullivant, Clement, Soldier, Inf. Sullivant, Nathaniel, Soldier, Inf. 270 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Speakman, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Scott, Cadwallader, Soldier, Inf. Strange, Archibald A., Soldier, Inf. Spencer, William, Soldier, Inf. Smaw, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Sullivant, John, Soldier, Inf. Smith, James, Corporal, Inf. Siney, John, Soldier, Inf. Simpson, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Sills, Grey, Soldier, Inf. Simpson, William, Soldier, Inf. Stannings, William, Soldier, Inf. Spears, John, Soldier, Inf. Spencer, Abraham, Soldier, Inf. Scott, James, Sergeant, Inf. Stannage, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Schiltz, Matthias, Soldier, Inf. Smith, Peter, Soldier, Inf. Sterling, James, Soldier, Inf. Samuel, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Simmons, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Smith, William, Soldier, Inf. Shipe, Peter, Soldier, Inf. Smith, Bernard, Soldier, Inf. Stratton, Seth, Soldier, Inf. Snead, John, Soldier, Inf. Sullivant, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Skinner, Alex. Dr. (for a servant) Smith, Elijah, Soldier Stilwell, John, Soldier Simpson, Salathiel, Soldier Shepherd, John, Soldier Sammons, Thomas, Soldier Sammons, Reuben, Soldier Shackleford, George, Soldier Sorrell, William, Soldier Sykes, Thomas, Soldier Smith, Austin, Soldier Shively, George, Soldier Samuel, James, Soldier Ship, Samuel, Soldier Stowers, Lewis, Soldier Spencer, Griffith, Soldier Shelton, Joel, Soldier Shields, Berry, Soldier, Cav. Stoakes, Allen, Soldier, Inf. Simms, John, Soldier, Inf. Sutton, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Samsum, John, Soldier, Inf. Smith, William, Soldier, Inf. Swinney, Moses, Soldier, Inf. Scantland, William, Soldier, Inf. Stubble, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. Smith, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Smith, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Stubbs, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. Sparkes, John, Soldier, Inf. Shell, John, Soldier, Inf. Stearman, William Walker, Soldier, Inf. Sasseen, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Sebastion, Martin, Sergeant, Inf. Stotts, Isaac, Soldier, Inf. Slaughter, Martin, Soldier, Inf. Smith, Larkin, Soldier, Inf. Stewart, William, Soldier, Inf. Scotland, James, Soldier, Inf. Shepherd, John, Soldier, Inf. Sicks, John, Soldier, Inf. Sammons, John, Soldier, Inf. Scott, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Smith, John, Soldier, Inf. Spencer, Jesse, Soldier, Inf. Sadler, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Sherwood, Allen, Soldier, Inf. Southard, James, Soldier, Inf. Singleton, Philip, Soldier, Inf. Singleton, Israel, Soldier, Inf. Sooter, Charles, Soldier, Inf. Singleton, Edmund, Soldier, Cav. Simmons, James, Soldier, Inf. Seay, Hezekiah, Soldier, Inf. Seevely, John, Soldier, Inf. Scarborough, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Sharp, Moses, Soldier, Inf. Slagle, Frederick, Soldier, Inf. Southwell, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Stokes, Nathaniel, Soldier, Inf. Scofield, Elias, Soldier, Inf. Scofield, William, Soldier, Inf. Shumate, Nathaniel, Soldier, Inf. Sample, Nathaniel, Soldier, Inf. Sword, Michael, Soldier, Inf. Bounty Land Warrants 271 Scott, George, Soldier, Inf. Sutton, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. Saunders, George Scott, John, Soldier, Inf. Styne, Lewis Berger, Soldier, Inf. Toler, Charles Tapin, James Tuckwell, James Taylor, Edward Tharp, Jonathan, Soldier, Inf. Tench, William, Sergeant Thredgill, Randolph, Sergeant Templeman, James, Soldier Tindsley, John, Soldier Tucker, Daniel, Soldier Tapp, William, Soldier Tutt, Thomas, Soldier, Art. Tomlin, William, Soldier Taley (or Tally), Henry, Soldier, Inf. Thomas, John, Soldier, Inf. Thomas, John, Soldier, Inf. Taylor, Thomas, Soldier, Art. Talbert, James, Soldier, Inf. Thomas, William, Soldier, Inf. Trice, James, Soldier, Inf. Taff, Peter, Soldier, Inf. Traylor, William, Soldier, Inf. Timberlake, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. Turner, John, Soldier, Inf. Tribble, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Tyree, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Triplett, William, Sergeant, Inf. Timberlake, Benjamin, Soldier, Cav. Toney, John, Soldier, Inf. Thornton, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Terry, Gideon, Soldier, Inf. Terry, Vincent, Soldier, Inf. Taylor, Thornton, Sergeant, Inf. Thompson, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Taliaferro, Nicholas, Soldier, Inf. Turner, Zachariah, Soldier, Inf. Tanner, Peter, Soldier, Inf. Trotman, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Thornhill, Reuben, Soldier, Inf. Temple, Herbert, Soldier, Inf. Tully, Alexander, Soldier, Inf. Toyer, Peter, Soldier, Inf. Turner, James, Soldier, Inf. Turner, Lewis, Soldier, Inf. Thompson, Waddey, Sergeant, Inf. Trice, John, Soldier, Inf. Towers, John, Soldier, Inf. Tankersley, Samuel, Soldier, Cav. Thomas, Arthur, Soldier, Inf. Thompson, James, Soldier, Inf. Tucker, William, Soldier, Inf. Taylor, William, Soldier, Inf. Thorp, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Tucker, John, Soldier, Inf. Tyler, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Tuckle, Joshua, Soldier, Inf. Townly, Robert, Sergeant, Inf. Taylor, James, Soldier, Inf. Tandy, Holman, Soldier, Inf. Timberlake, John, Soldier, Inf. Thomason, George, Soldier, Inf. Talbott, Isham, Soldier, Inf. Thacker, William, Soldier, Inf. Tomlin, William, Soldier, Inf. Thurmon, Moses, Sergeant, Inf. Thurston, Bachelor, Soldier, Inf. Thompson, John, Soldier, Inf. Tankersley, Joseph, Soldier, Cav. Tyler, George, Soldier, Inf. Tribble, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Taylor, Elijah, Soldier, Inf. Tunnell, George, Soldier, Inf. Thackum, Thomas, Fifer, Inf. Taliaferro, Francis, Sergeant, Art. Terry, Stephen, Sergeant, Art. Trotter, Isaac, Corporal Taylor, George, Soldier, Inf. Tate, Matthew, Soldier, Inf. Temple, David, Soldier, Inf. Trotter, James, Sergeant, Inf. Thompson, John, Soldier, Inf. Thomason, Byars, Soldier, Inf. Thacker, Charles, Soldier, Inf. Thomas, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Travillion, Kindley, Soldier, Inf. Tharp, David, Soldier, Inf. 272 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Towles, Roger, Soldier, Inf. Thornhill, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Turner, Taines, Soldier, Inf. Tatum, Peter, Soldier, Inf. Thornton, Jeremiah, Soldier, Inf. Thomas, Matthew, Soldier, Inf. Taylor, James, Sergeant, Inf. Talbert, Jacob, Sergeant, Inf. Thomas, Robert, Corporal, Inf. Turner, John, Soldier, Inf. Turpin, Lisby, Soldier, Inf. Trigg, John, Soldier, Inf. Talley, Joshua, Soldier, Inf. Turner (or Trinor), James, Soldier, Inf. Tuggle, Charles, Soldier, Inf. Tyler, James, Soldier, Inf. Tasker, James, Soldier, Inf. Thornton, Presley, Soldier, Inf. Toney, Vinson, Soldier, Inf. Thomas, Job, Soldier, Inf. Thomas, Jesse, Soldier, Inf. Taylor, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Thackston, William, Soldier, Inf. Thomas, Spencer, Soldier, Inf. Taylor, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Tuggle, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Thomas, Buckner, Soldier, Inf. Tudor, John, Soldier, Inf. Turner, Nathaniel, Soldier, Inf. Thomas, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Taylor, Edward, Soldier, Inf. Thomas, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Thompson, John, Soldier, Inf. Triplett, Adam, Soldier, Inf. Thacker, John, Soldier, Inf. Turner, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Terry, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Thornton, Jesse, Soldier, Inf. Tyler, Daniel, Soldier, Inf. Thompson, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. Timberlake, John, Sol. & Serg., Cav. Thomas, William, Soldier, Cav. Tracey, William, Soldier, Cav. Timmons, Peter, Soldier, Cav. Thomas, Woodliffe, Sergeant, Cav. Taliaferro, Davis, Soldier, Cav. Tanner, Paul, Soldier, Cav. Tate, David, Sergeant, Inf. Taylor, Timothy, Soldier, Inf. Tranham, Joshua, Soldier, Inf. Tillery, William, Soldier, Inf. Taylor, Peter, Soldier, Inf. Turner, Jesse, Soldier, Inf. Thomas, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Talbott, Charles, Sergeant, Inf. Turner, John, Soldier, Inf. Teltz, Isham, Soldier, Inf. Tittle, James, Soldier, Inf. Trent, John, Soldier, Inf. Teffee, James, Soldier, Inf. Taylor, Archibald, Soldier, Inf. Tiller, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Thompson, Brothers, Soldier, Inf. Turner, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Thompson, James, Soldier, Inf. Thomas, Edward, Soldier, Inf. Tyree, James, Soldier, Cav. Thompson, George, Sergeant, Inf. Tyree, John, Soldier, Inf. Towell, John, Soldier, Inf. Taylor, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Totty, Oliver, Soldier, Inf. Tulley, James, Soldier, Inf. Tally, Nathan, Sergeant, Inf. Thompson, Waddy, Sergeant, Inf. Thorn, Richard, Sergeant, Inf. Temple, Frederick, Sergeant, Inf. Thompkins, James, Soldier, Inf. Tatum, David, Soldier, Inf. Thompson, Benjamin, Corporal, Inf. Toome, Argalon, Soldier, Inf. Tate, James, Soldier, Art. Thornton, William, Soldier, Inf. Tharp, Jonathan, Soldier, Inf. Taylor, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. Toddison, Philip, Soldier, Inf. Turner, Smith, Soldier, Inf. Taylor, William, Soldier, Inf. Tucker, Reuben, Soldier, Inf. Taylor, James, Sergeant, Inf. Tapping, Garrott, Corporal, Inf. Turner, Elnance, Soldier, Inf. Bounty Land Warrants 273 Taylor, Stephen, Soldier, Inf. Thornton, Boyd, Soldier, Cav. Townley, James, Soldier, Inf. Turner, Daniel, Soldier, Inf. Tosh, Andrew, Soldier, Inf. Tyler, Nathaniel, Sergeant, Inf. Thurmon, William, Soldier, Inf. Taylor, John, Soldier, Inf. Taylor, Giles, Soldier, Inf. Thomas, George, Soldier, Inf. Tuggle, William, Soldier, Inf. Templeton, Nathaniel, Soldier, Inf. Tuggle, John, Soldier, Inf. Tennill, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. Tinsley, John, Soldier, Inf. Trow, Martin, Soldier, Inf. Temple, Laban, Soldier, Inf. Thomas, Evan, Soldier, Inf. Thomas, Levi, Soldier, Inf. Toner, James, Soldier, Inf. Thurman, John, Soldier, Inf. Trigg, James, Sergeant, Inf. Taylor, Charles, Soldier, Inf. Tellor, John, Soldier, Inf. Teapford, John, Soldier, Inf. Todison, Philip, Soldier, Inf. Turlington, Charles, Soldier, Inf. Tyree, John, Soldier, Inf. Taylor, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. Tucker, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. Trinkle, Christopher, Soldier, Inf. Thomas, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Tracey, John, Soldier, Inf. Thomas, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Tacker, David, Soldier, Inf. Talf, John, Soldier, Inf. Thompson, Stephen M., Soldier, Inf. Timberlake, Henry, Sergeant, Inf. Tate, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Taylor, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Thompson, Smith, Soldier, Inf. Thomas, Palsey (or Paisley), Soldier, Inf. Taffey, James, Soldier, Inf. Taylor, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Taylor, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Turner, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Turpin, Martin, Soldier, Inf. Twiford, George, Soldier, Inf. Tunnell, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Taylor, William, Soldier, Inf. Tignor, Major, Soldier, Inf. Taylor, Arthur, Soldier, Inf. Taylor, Robeson, Soldier, Inf. Talbott, John, Soldier, Inf. Taylor, John, Soldier, Inf. Taylor, John, Soldier, Inf. Taylor, Bartholomew, Soldier, Inf. Taylor, Levin, Soldier, Inf. Thomas, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Turner, Maddox, Soldier, Inf. Tumey, John, Soldier, Inf. Tray, John, Soldier, Inf. Thompson, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Talghman, James, Soldier, Inf. Thomas, John, Sergeant, Inf. Thomas, Harrison, Sergeant, Inf. Tunnell, William, Sergeant, Inf. Taylor, William, Corporal, Inf. Troop, James, Soldier Twiford, James, Soldier Toney, Jesse, Soldier Turner, Thomas, Soldier Tutwiler, John, Soldier Tipton, William, Soldier Taylor, Samuel, Soldier Taylor, Peter, Soldier Tankersley, Fountain, Soldier Turrell, Edmund, Soldier Tarpley, Thomas, Soldier Thomas, Thompson, Soldier Thomas, Moses, Soldier Terry, John, Soldier Tyler, Arthur, Soldier Thomas, James, Soldier Tally, Billy, Soldier Tucker, Robert, Soldier Turner, John, Soldier Titcomb, Michael, Corporal, Cav. Taylor, James, Soldier, Inf. Tyler, James, Soldier, Inf. Thomas, Absalom, Sergeant, Inf. 274 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Underhill, Howell, Soldier, Inf. Umphries, John, Soldier, Inf. Underwood, James, Soldier Inf. Underwood, John, Soldier, Inf. Vawter, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Vaughn, Jesse, Sergeant, Inf. Vaults, Valentine, Soldier, Inf. Vanmeter, Joseph, Sergeant, Inf. Vaughn, John, Soldier, Inf. Vasser (or Veser), George, Soldier, Inf. Valentine, Edward, Sergeant, Art. Via, Gideon, Soldier, Inf. Via, John, Soldier, Inf. Vardince, Stephen, Corporal, Inf. Via, William, Soldier, Inf. Vasser (or Veser), Isham, Corporal, Inf. Vanpelt, Peter, Soldier, Inf. Vernon, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Vaughn, James, Soldier, Inf. Vaughn, William, Sergeant, Inf. Vowles, James, Soldier, Inf. Via, John, Soldier, Inf. Vertner, Jacob, Soldier, Inf. Vaughn, Enoch, Soldier, Inf. Victory, John, Soldier, Inf. Vernon, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Vanmickler, Abram, Soldier, Inf. Vessells, John, Soldier, Inf. Violett, Sampson, Soldier, Inf. Vowles, James, Soldier, Inf. Vaughn, Sherwood, Sergeant, Inf. Vance, Joseph, Soldier Vancamp, Laurence, Soldier Vius, Benjamin, Wagoner Vandiliffe, John, Soldier, Inf. Wilkinson, James, Soldier, Inf. Weaver, James, Soldier, Inf. Williams, Vincent, Soldier, Cav. Wares, John, Soldier, Cav. Warren, John, Soldier, Inf. Wallace, James, Soldier, Inf. Watts, John, Soldier, Inf. Whitmore, Christopher, Matross, Art. Whitten, John Waller, George Wyckoff, Abram Waddill, John, Sergeant Wooden, John Willoughby, Henry Wright, John, Soldier Woodson, Charles Webb, John Soldier, Inf. Woods, Zachariah, Soldier, Inf. Wilkerson, Nathaniel, Soldier, Inf. Wilson, James, Soldier, Inf. Wenn, John Webb, James, Soldier Wilcox, William, Soldier Willoughby, Walker, Soldier White, William, Corporal Wilson, James, Soldier Woodrow, Charles Warren, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Wright, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Williams, Pierson, Soldier, Cav. Woods, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Ward, William, Sergeant, Inf. Winn, Clarke, Soldier, Inf. Webb, William, Soldier, Inf. Wright, William, Soldier, Inf. Williams, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. Williams, Zachariah, Soldier, Inf. Watson, William, Sergeant, Inf. Williams, Rolling, Soldier, Inf. Walls, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Williams, Roger, Soldier, Inf. West, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Ware, James, Soldier, Cav. Williams, David, Soldier, Inf. Watts, John, Soldier, Inf. Welch, James, Serg. Maj., Inf. Waters, Joseph, Sergeant, Inf. Witten, William, Soldier, Art. Williams, David, Soldier, Inf. Wilkerson, Nathaniel, Soldier, Inf. Willis, William, Soldier, Inf. Wash, William, Soldier, Inf. White, John, Soldier, Inf. Webber, William, Soldier, Inf. Wilkerson, Weedon, Sergeant, Inf. Bounty Land Warrants 275 Wayne, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. Wyat, Pitman, Soldier, Inf. Wise, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Wright, George, Soldier, Cav. Winfree, John, Soldier, Cav. Watson, George, Soldier, Cav. Williams, Edward, Sergeant, Cav. Wood, Timothy, Corporal, Inf. Wilson, Shelton, Soldier, Inf. Wade, William, Corporal, Inf. Wade, William, Soldier, Inf. Washam, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. White, John, Soldier, Inf. Winfree, Austin, Soldier, Inf. Wright, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Wills, Lewis, Soldier, Inf. Wine, Jacob, Soldier, Inf. Willeroy, James, Sergeant, Inf. Whitman, John, Soldier, Inf. White, John, Soldier, Inf. Williams, Robert, Sergeant, Inf. Wiser, Henry, Sergeant, Inf. Whipple, William, Sergeant, Inf. Whitman, William, Sergeant, Inf. Watkins, Joseph, Sergeant, Inf. Wilkinson, William, Soldier, Cav. Wilhert, Gabriel, Soldier, Inf. Waggoner, Reuben, Soldier, Inf. White, Rhodam, Soldier, Inf. Wallace, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Williams, Elisha, Soldier, Inf. White, John, Soldier, Cav. Wash, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Wyatt, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Webby, John, Sergeant, Inf. Wade, William, Soldier, Inf. Webb, Cobbs (estate), Soldier, Inf. Wildy, George, Soldier, Inf. Webb, Hugh, Soldier, Inf. Wright, Starke, Soldier, Inf. Wright, Charles, Soldier, Inf. Willis, Bartlett, Soldier, Inf. Willis, William, Soldier, Inf. Waddle, James, Soldier, Inf. White, John S., Sergeant, Inf. Warwick, Ab., Soldier, Inf. Wilkins, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Wilson, David, Soldier, Inf. Woodall, David, Soldier, Inf. Wright, William, Soldier, Inf. Wade, Simon, Soldier, Inf. Wilkerson, Benjamin, Corporal, Inf. Willey, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Walls, Martin, Soldier, Inf. Walden, Jerry, Soldier, Inf. Willis, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Watkins, Abner, Soldier, Inf. Walls, Gideon, Soldier, Cav. Waldron, John, Soldier, Inf. Winston, William, Sergeant, Inf. Wallace, John, Soldier, Inf. Whitlocke, John, Soldier, Convention Word, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. West, William, Corporal, Inf. Watkins, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Wade, Hood, Soldier, Inf. Williams, Francis, Soldier, Inf. Wingfield, John, Soldier, Inf. Wilkerson, Samuel, Corporal Walker, Richard, Soldier, Cav. Wildy, John, Soldier, Inf. Willoughby, William, Soldier, Inf. Weaver, John, Soldier, Inf. Watkins, Simon, Soldier, Inf. Washburn, John, Soldier, Inf. Wabbleton, John, Soldier, Inf. Woosley, William, Soldier, Inf. West, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Wade, William, Soldier, Inf. Wells, Jeremiah, Soldier, Inf. Wyat, Lewis, Corporal, Inf. Wheeler, James, Soldier, Cav. Whitlock, Wm. Adams, Sergeant, Inf. Watkins, William, Soldier, Inf. Wooten, Thomas, Drummer, Art. Williams, Clarke, Soldier, Inf. White, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Wells, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Wickliff, David, Soldier, Inf. Winiford, David, Sergeant, Inf. Whitehorn, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Wade, Obadiah, Soldier, Inf. 276 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Wilkins, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. White, Armistead, Sergeant, Inf. Wall, William, Soldier, Inf. Woodson, Absalom, Soldier, Inf. Whiting, William, Soldier, Inf. Wash, George, Soldier, Inf. Watts, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Wilkinson, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. White, James, Soldier, Inf. Winn, Richard, Sergeant Ware, Samuel, Corporal, Inf. William, Arthur, Soldier, Inf. Winston, John, Sergeant, Inf. Whitley, Ishmael, Soldier, Inf. Waldrope, James, Soldier, Inf. Witherfoord, William, Soldier, Inf. West, Nathaniel, Soldier, Inf. Witcher, William, Soldier, Inf. Walkhill, William, Sergeant, Inf. Wakefield, James, Sergeant, Inf. White, John, Sergeant, Inf. Wooldridge, John, Corporal, Inf. Woodruff, Huden, Soldier, Inf. Windlebury, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Wallace, William, Soldier, Inf. Westfall, John, Soldier, Inf. Winlock, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Wright, William, Sergeant, Inf. Wilson, John, Soldier, Inf. Wilson, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Wallace, Oliver, Soldier, Inf. Waller, Thomas, Sergeant, Inf. Woodson, John, Sergeant, Inf. Wise, Clarke Wax, Benjamin Wilson, John Whise, Rhoder, Soldier, Inf. Williamson, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Washburn, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. Wood, John, Soldier, Inf. Willhite, Jesse, Soldier, Inf. Walton, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Walden, Elijah, Soldier, Inf. Winnings, John, Soldier, Inf. West, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Wheatley, Shadrach, Soldier, Inf. Wallace, David, Soldier, Inf. Wilkinson, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Wager, David, Soldier, Inf. Watkins, Moses, Soldier, Inf. Wingo, Joshua, Soldier, Inf. Waddy, Jesse, Soldier, Inf. Wease, Michael, Soldier, Inf. Wease, Michael, Soldier, Inf. Wright, James, Soldier, Inf. Wright, James, Soldier, Inf. Wolf, Michael, Soldier, Inf. Walter, William, Soldier, Inf. Wade, Ambrose, Soldier, Inf. Wilson, Peter, Soldier, Inf. Waddle, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Woodruff, Jesse, Soldier, Inf. Whitacar, John, Soldier, Inf. Winfree, Major, Soldier, Cav. Walker, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Welch, George, Soldier, Cav. Wilson, Edward, Soldier, Cav. Wallace, David, Sergeant, Cav. West, Reuben, Soldier, Cav. Wade, Jeremiah, sen., Soldier, Cav. Williams, James, Soldier, Cav. Walker, William, Soldier, Cav. Williams, Redman, Soldier, Cav. Wills, Labin, Soldier, Cav. Williams, William, Soldier, Cav. Welch, Joseph, Soldier, Cav. Willis, Henry, Soldier, Cav. Wilhite, Lewis, Soldier, Cav. Wash, Benjamin, Soldier, Cav. Webb, Claiborne, Soldier, Cav. Williams, William, Soldier, Cav. Wisely, John, Soldier, Cav. Westfall, Jacob, Soldier, Inf. Wright, Reuben (18 months), Soldier, Inf. Wyat, Francis, Corporal, Cav. Whitecar, John, Soldier, Inf. Wingo, William, Soldier, Inf. Walker, Tandy, Soldier, Inf. Walthell, William, Soldier, Inf. Woodward, William, Soldier, Inf. Watson, Shadrach, Soldier, Inf. Bounty Land Warrants 277 Williams, William, Soldier, Inf. Welbourne, William, Soldier, Inf. Warren, William, Soldier, Inf. Wheeler, John, Soldier, Inf. Willet, Nathan, Soldier, Inf. Wheeler, Edward, Soldier, Inf. Wilson, Archer, Soldier, Inf. Wait, John, Soldier, Inf. Wright, Richard, Soldier, Cav. Wilkins, Peter, Soldier, Inf. Weymouth, John, Soldier, Inf. Warford, Job, Soldier, Inf. Woodward, Micajah, Soldier, Inf. Wallace, William, Soldier, Inf. Wigliff, Benjamin, Corporal, Inf. Wigginton, John, Soldier, Inf. Wickliffe, Moses, Soldier, Inf. Winfrey, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Wilson, James, Soldier, Inf. Waller, John, Soldier, Inf. Whitfield, William, Soldier, Inf. Wood, David, Soldier, Inf. Wilson, Cornelius, Soldier, Inf. Wright, Ro. B., Soldier, Inf. Wharton, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Williams, Joshua, Soldier, Inf. Watson, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Wilcox, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Worsham, William, Sergeant, Inf. Wigley, Job, Soldier, Inf. Walker, Solomon, Soldier, Inf. Wright, Parson, Soldier, Inf. Wilkinson, Mark, Soldier, Inf. Waters, James, Soldier, Inf. White, Galen, Soldier, Inf. Westfall, Jacob, Soldier, Inf. Wade, Jacob, Soldier, Inf. Williams, Bennett, Soldier, Inf. Whipple, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Wilkinson, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Williamson, Thomas, Sergeant, Inf. Wildy, George, Soldier, Inf. Wade, Jeremiah, Soldier, Inf. West, James, Soldier, Inf. Walker, Jeremiah, Soldier, Cav. Ward, Hopper, Soldier, Inf. White, Obadiah, Soldier, Inf. West, Major, Soldier, Inf. Wright, William, Soldier, Inf. West, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Watts, Aaron, Soldier, Inf. Welch, James, Sergeant, Inf. Westfall, Cornelius, Soldier, Inf. Wixler, Michael, Soldier, Inf. Ward, Stephen, Soldier, Inf. Wilson, Daniel, Sergeant, Inf. Winn, James, Corporal, Inf. Wilson, James, Soldier, Inf. Wilkerson, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. White, Dudley, Soldier, Inf. Williams, Walter, Soldier, Inf. Williams, Edward, Soldier, Inf. Wright, John, Soldier, Inf. Wale, George, Soldier, Inf. Weirs, James, Soldier, Inf. Waters, Spencer, Soldier, Inf. Wilkerson, John, Soldier, Cav. Willet, Waitman, Soldier, Inf. Webb, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Waters, Spencer, Soldier, Inf. Watson, Learner, Soldier, Inf. Watkins, William, Soldier, Inf. Williamson, Vincent, Soldier, Inf. Wales, Jeremiah, Soldier, Inf. Williams, Seth, Soldier, Inf. Webb, John, Soldier, Art. Warren, John, Soldier, Cav. White, Nathan, Soldier, Inf. Whale, William, Soldier, Inf. White, Robert, Sergeant, Inf. Watson, Ephraim, Soldier, Inf. Williams, Shadrach, Soldier, Inf. Wise, John, Corporal, Inf. White, William, Soldier, Inf. Wood, John, Soldier, Inf. Whaley, James, Soldier, Inf. Wheely, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Williams, Roger, Sergeant, Inf. Walker, Shadrach, Soldier, Inf. Williams, Pearson, Soldier, Inf. Woodward, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. Wills, Edward, Soldier, Inf. 278 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Wyat, John, Soldier, Inf. Waters, Thomas, Sergeant, Inf. Weeks, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. White, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Worley, Zachariah, Soldier, Inf. Wilburne, William, Soldier, Inf. Walker, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Wharton, John, Soldier, Inf. Weldy, William, Soldier, Inf. Wilson, James, Soldier, Inf. White, Levin, Soldier, Inf. Wood, Matthew, Fifer, Inf. Wyatt, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Wright, Thomas, Soldier, Cav. Waters, Peter, Soldier, Inf. Williams, Jonathan, Soldier, Inf. Wharton, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. White, John, Soldier, Inf. Ward, William, Soldier, Inf. Warren, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Wallace, James, Soldier, Inf. White, Southey, Soldier, Inf. Watson, John, Soldier, Inf. Webb, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Wise, Spencer, Soldier, Inf. Watkins, James, Soldier, Inf. Window, William, Soldier, Inf. Warrington, William, Soldier, Inf. Wilkerson, James, Soldier, Inf. Wilson, John, Soldier, Inf. Webb, Tarpley, Soldier, Inf. Webber, Christopher, Soldier, Inf. Watts, Aaron, Soldier, Inf. Wright, John, Soldier, Inf. Watts, Benjamin, Soldier, Inf. Walters, Isaac, Soldier, Inf. Watkins, William, Soldier, Inf. Woodward, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. West, Randolph, Soldier, Inf. White, Hezekiah, Soldier, Inf. Webster, William, Soldier, Inf. Waldrope, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Wray, Philip, Soldier, Inf. Wingfield, John, Soldier, Inf. Williams, William, Soldier, Inf. Wartillo, J. B. John, Soldier, Inf. Williams, Pierson, Soldier, Cav. Wade, Isaac, Soldier, Inf. Wilson, Ephraim, Soldier, Inf. Webb, Robert, Sergeant, Inf. Williams, John, Drummer, Inf. Williams, Lewis, Soldier, Inf. West, Reuben, Soldier, Inf. Wilson, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Watson, David, R., Soldier, Inf. Wilman, Jacob, Soldier, Inf. Watson, Levi, Soldier, Inf. White, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Welch, John, Soldier, Inf. Whitehead, John, Soldier, Cav. Williams, William, Soldier, Cav. Winston, William, Corporal, Cav. Williams, Peter, Soldier, Inf. Walker, John, Soldier, Inf. Wheeler, John, Soldier, Inf. White, John, Soldier, Inf. Welch, Sampson, Soldier, Inf. Wise, Tully, Soldier, Inf. White, John, Soldier, Inf. West, William, Soldier, Inf. Willis, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Ward, William, Soldier, Inf. Wharton, Robert, Soldier, Inf. Weelman, William, Soldier, Inf. Whitehurst, John, Soldier, Cav. Whitehead, John, Soldier, Inf. Weavers, John, Soldier, Inf. Weston, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Worsham, Henry, Soldier, Inf. White, Solomon, Soldier, Inf. Wood, William, Corporal, Art. Wright, Obadiah, Soldier, Inf. Wiggins, Wilson, Soldier, Inf. Winfrey, Reuben, Soldier, Inf. Wilburn, Richard, Soldier, Inf. West, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Warren, Gabriel, Sergeant, Inf. Waddell, Thomas, Soldier Webb, James, Soldier Westerhouse, Thomas, Soldier Wiles, George, Soldier Welsh, Joshua, Soldier Bounty Land Warrants 279 Walker, William, Soldier Watts, Arthur, Soldier Williams, Lewis, Soldier Wright, Thomas, Soldier Wilkins, William, Soldier Wells, Zachariah, Sergeant, Cav. Watkins, William, Fifer Worsham, Joseph, Soldier Williams, Samuel, Soldier Wade, Hampton, Sergeant, Inf. Woot (or Wood), Edmund, Soldier, Inf. Winkler, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Whitlocke, Thomas, Sergeant Wade, Joseph, Soldier Wilson, John, Soldier Walker, Henry, Soldier Williams, Henry, Soldier, Cav. Williams, Thomas, Soldier, Cav. Wroe, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Wroe, William, Soldier Walker, Thomas, Soldier Wheely, George, Soldier Winston, Wilmore, Soldier Williams, William, Soldier Wilson, Edward, Soldier Watkins, John, Soldier Wood, John, Soldier Willoughby, James, Soldier Withers, Enoch, Sergeant, Inf. Wilson, William, Soldier, Art. Wallace, Zebedee, Soldier, Inf. Ward, Hopper, Soldier, Inf. Williams, Thomas, Soldier, Inf. Williams, Arthur, Soldier, Inf. Webster, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Williams, John, Soldier, Inf. Waldron, John, Soldier, Inf. White, Halloway, Soldier, Inf. White, John, Soldier, Inf. Williamson, George, Soldier, Inf. Whitfield, William, Soldier, Inf. Womack, David, Soldier, Inf. Winfree, Austin, Sergeant, Inf. Woodhouse, John, Soldier, Inf. Watkins, David, Soldier, Inf. Walker, William, Soldier, Inf. Woodson, James, Soldier, Inf. Watts, Benjamin, Soldier Westfall, Abram, Soldier, Inf. Williams, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Yarborough, Joel, Soldier, Inf. Young, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Young, Lewis, Sergeant, Inf. Yarrington, Philip, Soldier, Inf. Young, James, Soldier, Inf. Young, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Yarborough, Joseph, Soldier, Inf. Young, Walter, Soldier, Inf. Young, William, Soldier, Inf. Yager, Samuel, Soldier, Inf. Young, John, Soldier, Inf. Yager, Henry, Soldier, Inf. Yarborough, Richard, Soldier, Inf. Young, Tinsley, Soldier, Inf. Yarrington, John, Soldier, Inf. Yopp, John, Soldier, Inf. Young, Stephen, Soldier, Inf. Zachary, John, Soldier, Cav. Zephaniah, Posey, Soldier, Inf. Zachary, John, Soldier, Cav. Zimmerman, Christopher, Soldier, Inf. 280 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Virginia Land Scrip Issued During the Revolutionary War, &c. 23d Congress, 2d Session. (19) Report from the Secretary of the Treasury, In obedience to a resolution of the Senate of June 16 last, with statements showing the amount of land scrip issued (satisfied and unsatisfied), to the officers and soldiers of the Virginia line and navy, and of the continental army, during the Revolu- tionary War. December 8, 1834. Read, and ordered to be printed with the documents. General Land Office, November 15, 1834. Sir: In obedience to the resolution of the Senate bearing date June 16 last, and which is in the following words, viz: "Resolved, That the Secretary of the Treasury be directed to report to the Senate, at its next session, the total quantity of certificates or scrip issued under the act entitled 'An act for the relief of certain officers and soldiers of the Virginia line and navy, and of the continental army, during the revolutionary war,' and under the subsequent acts containing appropriations of land to the same object, also the number of certificates, the quantity in each, and to whom granted, dis- tinguishing the line or service to which the officer or soldier belonged, to whom or to whose representatives the same was granted; and likewise the names of the several agents who presented the warrants and obtained the certificates of scrip, and stating the respective amounts of certificates of scrip granted on duplicate and original warrants. And the said Secretary is further directed to report a similar statement in respect to all warrants which have been filed or officially pre- sented, but upon which certificates of scrip have not yet been issued." I have the honor to submit, herewith, three statements, marked A, B, and C, which contain the information required. The statement A contains all the information in relation to warrants granted by the State of Virginia for military services rendered in her State line and navy. The statement B contains all the information in relation to warrants granted by the same State, for military services rendered in her continental line, and The statement C contains all the information in relation to warrants filed or officially presented, upon which certificates of scrip have not yet been issued, there being no appropriation. No statement has been prepared as respects the warrants issued by the United States, they not being considered as embraced in the resolution, because the 6th section of the act of May 30, 1830, provides for the satisfaction of warrants issued by the United States without any limitation as to the quantity of land, and Bounty Land Warrants 281 further because the act entitled "an act for the sale of the unlocated lots in the fifty quarter townships in the United States military district in the State of Ohio, reserved to satisfy warrants granted to individuals for their military services"; approved July 3, 1832, disposed of the land heretofore specially set apart for satisfying them. The number of warrants of this discription which have been satisfied by scrip since May 30, 1830, up to this day, amount to 648, embracing a quantity of land of 97,750 acres, which, at the rate of one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre, amounts to 122,187 dollars 50 cents. The number of certificates issued on those warrants amount to 1,641. All which is respectfully submitted. ELIJAH HAYWARD. Treasury Department, December 6, 1834. Sir: In obedience to a resolution of the Senate, of June 16 last, directing a report from this department of "the total quantity of certificates or scrip issued under the act entitled 'An act for the relief of certain officers and soldiers of the Virginia line and navy, and of the continental army during the revolutionary war,' and under subsequent acts, containing appropriations of land to the same object, also the number of certificates, the quantity in each, and to whom granted, dis- tinguishing the line or service to which the officer or soldier belonged, to whom or to whose representatives the same was granted: and likewise the names of the several agents who presented the warrants, and obtained the certificates of scrip granted on duplicate and original warrants," and directing "a similar report in respect to all warrants which have been filed or officially presented, but upon which certificates of scrip have not yet been issued"; I have the honor to transmit, herewith, a report from the Commissioner of the General Land Office, to whom the resolution was referred. It appears that under the different acts on the subject, scrip has issued on warrants, for services in the Virginia State line to the amount of 525,502-nrV acres, and there are filed in the office of the Com- missioner of the General Land Office warrants for 483,722 acres, issued for services in the revolutionary war, by the State of Virginia, and for satisfying which, no provision has been made. I have the honor to be, Sir, very respectfully, Your obedient servant, LEVI WOODBURY, Hon. Martin Van Buren, Vice President of the United States, and President of the Senate- Secretary of the Treasury. 282 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia (19) U. S. Treasury Report, Revolutionary Land Scrip Statement exhibiting the amount of Military Land Scrip issued to the officers and soldiers of the Virginia State line and navy {under the "Act for the relief of certain officers and soldiers of the Virginia line and navy, and of the Continental army, during the revolutionary war," and under the subsequent acts containing appropriations of land to the same object), showing the name of the person who performed the service; rank; No. of warrant; amount of acres; acres due on the warrant *; number of certificates or scrip of eighty acres each *; together with the amount of acres embraced in the fractional certificate issued on each warrant *; acres for which scrip has been issued; name of the person or persons to whom it was issued; and the name of the agent to whom the same was delivered. Abbreviations for the Various Columns A = Warrantee. B = Person who performed Revolutionary War service. C = Kind of service. D = No. of warrant. E = Amount of acres. F = Name of person or persons to whom the scrip was issued. G = Name of agent to whom the scrip was delivered. The names of those performing Revolutionary War service (A-B) are indexed in (19) A-B C D E William Green Captain 6,736 5.333% Benjamin Roberts Captain 6,745 4,000 Thomas Bressie Captain 6,742 4,666% Joseph Saunders Lieut. 6,744 2,666% David Ross Private 4,750 100 William Mutlow Private 4.759 100 Emanuel Olivis Private 4-749 100 James Hughes Private 4.758 100 Henry Brian Private 4,766 100 Anthony Peters Private 4,760 200 David Kinnaird Private 4.683 100 Humphrey Marshall Captain 62 4,000 Benjamin Chapin Surgeon 4.565 6,000 Dawson Cook * Midshipman 4.636 2,666% Gideon Underwood * Sergeant 590 200 Warren Ashby * Midshipman C4.637 2,666% William Holloway Soldier 4,910 100 James Thorp Boat'n'smate 4.941 200 Thomas Sundy Private 4.707 100 Henry Vowles Captain 4,864 666% Thomas Marshall Colonel 1.349 6,666% Josiah Valentine Lieut. 6,740 1.333% Josiah Valentine Lieut. 6,741 1.333% Silas Tucker Prize master 4,689 2,666% F John W. Green Benjamin Roberts Elizabeth Bressie Joseph Saunders Joseph Duncan, assignee Joseph Duncan, assignee Joseph Duncan, assignee Joseph Duncan, assignee Joseph Duncan, assignee Joseph Duncan, assignee David Kinnaird Humphrey Marshall Charles Chapin, assignee of Dawson, Henry and Silas Cook, devisees of Nathaniel Sawyer, assignee David Campbell, assignee James Taylor, assignee Cadwallader Wallace, assignee Thomas P. Massie Maria, Daniel, Mary Briggs and others, heirs of John J. Marshall and T. Alex. Marshall Mary Eliza Calvert Mary Eliza Calvert Thomas Green, assignee Thomas Green Col. James Watson J. W. Murdaugh Thomas Green Joseph Duncan Joseph Duncan Joseph Duncan Joseph Duncan Joseph Duncan Joseph Duncan Hon. John S. Barbour Hon. R. P. Letcher Charles Chapin William Lambert Suspended John Campbell James Taylor Cadwallader Wallace James Taylor James Taylor H. Marshall J. W. Murdaugh J. W. Murdaugh William Lambert * Omitted in this reprinting, but published in the original document. U. S. Treasury Report, Revolutionary Land Scrip 283 A -B C D E William Musgrove Corporal 988 200 Thomas Pritchett Private 4,708 100 William Humplett Seaman 1.959 100 William Butler Soldier 3,458 100 James Gloucester Soldier i,i75 200 John Crump Sergeant 5i6 400 John Wheat Soldier 441 200 George Gibson Colonel 6,747 2,222 Edward Johnson Soldier 4,290 100 John Hutchinson Soldier 4,281 100 William Miller Soldier 4,277 100 Benjamin Garton Soldier 4,233 100 Samuel Boulware Soldier 4,280 100 William Strong Corporal 3,935 200 James Cason * Soldier 0,807 100 William Cason * Soldier Ci,8o6 100 John Penny Soldier 479 100 William Munroe Soldier 3,148 100 George Reardon Sergeant 489 400 Robert Clod Corporal 663 200 Thomas Gaines Private 6,424 100 Wharton Quarles Lieut. 6,766 2,666% James Marshall Captain 6,767 1,000 James Marshall Captain 6,767 2,000 James Marshall Captain 6,768 333 M James Marshall Captain 6,771 1,000 James Marshall Captain 6,772 166% James Marshall Captain 6,770 166M Ephraim Beasley Private 6,328 200 Bascow Herbert Lieutenant 4,638 2,666% James Biscoe * Boatswain Ci,953 200 Charles Owen Soldier 566 200 James Russell Sergeant 1,009 200 Obadiah Boulware Soldier 457 100 Drury Petteford Soldier 3,537 100 Edward Lindsey Soldier 3,466 100 William Vickers Soldier 3,36i 100 John Monroe Soldier 4,400 100 William Smith Boatswain 3,507 100 William Musgrove Thomas Pritchett Robert Alexander, heir to the assignee Jonas Stanberry, assignee Henry Asbury, assignee Henry Asbury, assignee Henry Asbury, assignee Francis, George and John Bannister Gibson Cadwallader Wallace, ass'ge Cadwallader Wallace, ass'ge Cadwallader Wallace, ass'ge Cadwallader Wallace, ass'ge Cadwallader Wallace, ass'ge Cadwallader Wallace, ass'ge James Cason William Cason Henery Asbury, assignee Henery Asbury, assignee Samuel Brents, assignee Samuel Brents, assignee Samuel Brents, assignee Jane Clements, alias Serah Jane Clements Thos. S. Young and Frances, his wife Ann Armstead Collier Ann Armstead Collier Thomas Haughton Thomas Haughton Thomas S. Young and Frances, his wife Robert S. Noel, assignee Henry Wilkins, John Ridout, John G. Rogers, and Sam'l B. Owings Henry Wingate Matthew Rhea Robert Craddock Robert Craddock Robert Craddock Robert Craddock Edmond Rogers and Thomas Rogers Edmond Rogers and Thomas Rogers Edmond Rogers and Thomas Rogers James Taylor James Taylor Matthew St. C. Clarke Jonas Stanberry Henry Asbury Henry Asbury Henry Asbury George Gibson Cadwallader Wallace Cadwallader Wallace Cadwallader Wallace Cadwallader Wallace Cadwallader Wallace Cadwallader Wallace James Cason William Cason Henry Asbury Henry Asbury Samuel Brents Samuel Brents Samuel Brents Y. J. Clements Gustavus A. Myers Gustavus A. Myers Gustavus A. Myers Gustavus A. Myers Gustavus A. Myers Gustavus A. Myers Robert S. Noel Samuel Ridout Henry Wingate Matthew Rhea Robert Craddock Robert Craddock Robert Craddock Robert Craddock Edmond Rogers Edmond Rogers Edmond Rogers 284 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia A-B C D E Michael Jourdon Soldier 525 200 William Deshazo Soldier 4,597 100 William Underhill Captain 6,773 I.333H William Underhill Captain 6,774 1,333% William Lumber Gunner 6,775 444% William Lumber Gunner 6,776 444% David Murry Sailingmaster 6,786 2,666% James Wallace Soldier I.53I 100 Johannis Watson Captain 6,930 5,333 % William Christain Lieutenant 6,787 2,000 William Christain Lieutenant 6,788 2,000 Levin Melson Carpt'rs mate 6,923 166% Levin Melson Carpt'rs mate 6,922 166% Levin Melson Carpt'rs mate 6,921 166% Levin Melson Carpt'rs mate 6,920 166% Levin Melson Carpt'rs mate 6,919 666% Levin Melson Carpt'rs mate 6,918 666% Levin Melson Carpt'rs mate 6,917 666% Richard Servant Lieutenant 6,799 800 Richard Servant Lieutenant 6,798 800 Richard Servant Lieutenant 6,797 800 Richard Servant Lieutenant 6,796 800 Richard Servant Lieutenant 6,795 800 Scarborough Bloxam Midshipman 6,800 2,666% Charles Magill Major 6,793 888 8 / 9 Richard Loving Private 6,802 200 Jacob Bowman Major 6,803 5,333% James Pettit Private 6,619 100 John Hinds Private 6,536 100 Joseph Woodbridge Private 4,552 100 Maxy Stewart Private 6,671 100 Thomas Mitchell Sailor 4,382 100 Isaac Rice Soldier 4,38o 100 Matthew Block Soldier 4,38i 100 Florence Mahoney Soldier 4,220 200 Robert Tate Sailor 4,383 100 William Thomas Soldier 541 200 George Mechea Sergeant 3J99 200 Jedethan Elliot Carpenter 2,924 100 William Slaughter Lieut. 3,o75 666% Edmond Rogers and Thomas Rogers William Deshazo Thos. Underhill, co-heir with Elizabeth Trader Thos. Underhill, co-heir with Elizabeth Trader Martha Melson And. Lee and Nancy, his wife John Murry James Richey Rosey Bloxom, Asbury Bloxom, Peggy Bloxom, and Sally Dix William Christian Richard and Margaret Ames Henry, Casey, Samuel, and Thomas Melson Nancy White Levin Lewis James Melson Henry, Samuel, Thomas and Casey Melson Nancy White Levin Lewis Ann W. Servant Eliza Servant Robert Servant Samuel B. Servant Richard B. Servant Scarborough Bloxom Archibald and Jno. S. Magill Richard Loving Jacob Bowman James Pettit Robert Allen, assignee Allen Latham, assignee Allen Latham, assignee Edmund H. Taylor Edmund H. Taylor Edmund H. Taylor Edmund H. Taylor Edmund H. Taylor Robert Campbell, assignee Robert Campbell, assignee Robert Campbell, assignee Edmund H. Taylor & Austin P. Cox Edmond Rogers Nath'l H. Claiborne Thomas R. Joynes Thomas R. Joynes P. P. Mayo P. P. Mayo P. P. Mayo J. Richey P. M. Tabb Thomas R. Joynes Thomas R. Joynes Thomas R. Joynes Thomas R. Joynes Thomas R. Joynes Thomas R. Joynes Thomas R. Joynes Thomas R. Joynes Thomas R. Joynes Thomas Green Thomas Green Thomas Green Thomas Green Thomas Green Mw. St. C. Clarke Wm. A. Bradley R. Loving Chas. A. Wickliffe William F. Gordon Hon. R. Desha Allen Latham Allen Latham Edmund H. Taylor Edmund H. Taylor Edmund H. Taylor Edmund H. Taylor Edmund H. Taylor Robert Campbell Robert Campbell Robert Campbell E.H.Taylor and A. P. Cox U. S. Treasury Report, Revolutionary Land Scrip 285 A-B C D E William Slaughter Lieut. 212 2,666% Frederick Warnick Lt. Col. 829 5,000 John Thruston Cornet 6,936 296M John Thruston Cornet 6,937 296H John Thruston Cornet 6,939 296M John Thruston Cornet 6,940 296 H John Thruston Cornet 6,941 296 % John Thruston Cornet 6,942 296 % John Thruston Cornet 6,943 296 % John Thruston Cornet 6,944 98 H John Thruston Cornet 6,945 9 8H John Thruston Cornet 6,946 9 8H Bernard Glenn Lieut. 4,462 2,666% Thomas Inloe Soldier 4,571 100 Jenifer Marshall Sailingmaster 6,784 2,666% Hancock Simpson Coxswain 6,785 2,666% Thomas Litchfield Sailor 6,786 100 Bartholomew Mears Gunner 5.923 1,333% William Underhill Captain 6,835 2,666% William Beatley Sailor 3,270 100 Levin Bird Pilot 6,835 2,666% Robert Webb Pilot John Broadwater Gunner Alexander Lang Boatswain Frederick Warneck * Lt. Col. Frederick Warneck * Lt. Col. Frederick Warneck * Lt. Col. Frederick Warneck * Lt. Col. 6,834 2,666% 6,833 2,666% 6,832 2,666% C 830 200 C 831 200 C 832 200 C 833 200 Edmund H. Taylor & Austin P. Cox Edmund H. Taylor & Austin P. Cox Charles M. Thruston Alfred Thruston Algernon Sydney Thruston Mary B. January Elizabeth T. Pope Catharine Lucket Francis B. Trigg Eliza Conway Mountjoy Thruston Sally Thruston Bernard Glenn Bernard Glenn, assignee Samuel Watson and Eupha- mia Watson Leah Cameron Seymore Litchfield Thomas M. Bailey, assignee Elizabeth Trader co-heir with T. Underhill William Kendall, assignee Sally W. Ames, Betsey B. Hornesley, Anna Ames, Wash. H. Ames, Mary R. Ames, Richard T. Ames, and Anathey Ames Betsey, Jonathan, Thorogood and Sarah A. Young Sally Beavans, Elizabeth, William, and Rebecca Broadwater Sarah Lang Edmund H. Taylor and A. P. Cox Edmund H. Taylor and A. P. Cox Edmund H. Taylor and A. P. Cox Edmund H. Taylor and A. P. Cox E. H. Taylor and A. P. Cox E. H. Taylor and A. P. Cox Thomas Green Thomas Green Thomas Green Thomas Green Thomas Green Thomas Green Henry Northup Thomas Green Thomas Green Thomas Green Hon. W. S. Nuckolls Hon. W. S. Nuckolls Thomas R. Joynes Thomas R. Joynes Thomas R. Joynes Thomas M. Bailey Richard Smith Thomas M. Bailey Thomas M. Bailey Thomas M. Bailey Thomas M. Bailey Austin P. Cox & E. H. Taylor Austin P. Cox & E. H. Taylor Austin P. Cox & E. H. Taylor Austin P. Cox & E. H. Taylor 286 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia A-B C D E F G Frederick Warneck * Lt.Col. C834 200 Edmund H. Taylor and A. P Cox Austin P. Cox & E. H. Taylor William Lumber Gunner 6,826 444 James Lumber Richard Smith William Lumber Gunner 6,827 444 William Lumber Richard Smith William Lumber Gunner 6,828 444 Jane, Samuel, William, and Thomas Lumber Richard Smith Laban Bailey Quartermaster 6,846 1,333% John Bailey Thomas M. Bailey Laban Bailey Quartermaster 6,847 i,333% John J. Bailey Thomas M. Bailey Beverly Copes Midshipman 6,842 533 Hetty Copes Thomas M. Bailey Beverly Copes Midshipman 6,841 530 Barshaba Martin Thomas M. Bailey Beverly Copes Midshipman 6,840 533 Nancy Merrill Thomas M. Bailey Beverly Copes Midshipman 6,839 530 Beverly Copes Thomas M. Bailey Beverly Copes Midshipman 6,838 533 Parker Copes Thomas M. Bailey Isaac Waters Boatswain 6,837 2,666% Patty, Thomas & Sally Waters Thomas M . Bailey Ralph Graves Cornet 6,804 2,666% John M., Letetia P., and William R. Gregory John M. Gregory John Piper Lieut. 4.658 2,666% Cadwallader Wallace Cadwallader Wallace Edward Travis * Captain 2,653 5,333% Thomas Green, assignee Thomas Green Edward Dybby Sailor 3,508 100 Edmund H.Taylor and Austi: n P. Cox Taylor and Cox Samuel Demovill Seaman 3,219 100 Edmund H. Taylor and Austin P. Cox Taylor and Cox John Cropper Carpenter 6,845 2,666% John and James Lilleston and James Hickman John G. Joynes and T. M. Bailey William S. White Surgeons' mate 6,958 2,000 Littleton White Thomas M. Bailey William S. White Surgeons' mate 6,957 1,000 Littleton White Thomas M. Bailey William S. White Surgeons' mate 6,956 1,000 Elizabeth White Thomas M. Bailey Nimrod Perkins Drummer 6,959 100 Nimrod Perkins Thomas M. Bailey Thomas Fletcher Soldier 373 200 Thomas Fletcher Hon. Thos. Davenport John Fields Steward 6,843 1,333% William B. Fields John D. Fields John Fields Steward 6,844 1,333% John D. Fields John D. Fields John Pettigrew Lieut. 6,963 2,000 Ann T. Greer, co-heir with Leah Millichops Thomas M. Bailey John Pettigrew Lieut. 6,964 250 Ann T. Greer, co-heir with Matilda Millichops Thomas M. Bailey John Pettigrew Lieut. 6,965 250 Ann P. Millichops Thomas M. Bailey John Pettigrew Lieut. 6,966 250 Mary Millichops Thomas M. Bailey John Pettigrew Lieut. 6,967 250 Lavinia Millichops Thomas M. Bailey John Pettigrew Lieut. 6,969 250 James H. Millichops Thomas M . Bailey John Pettigrew Lieut. 6,968 250 Clara Millichops Thomas M. Bailey John Pettigrew Lieut. 6,970 250 Margaret T. Naudain Thomas M. Bailey John Pettigrew Lieut. 6,97i 250 Sarah G. Cowgill Thomas M. Bailey John Best Lieut. 6,863 666% Lydia Adams J. W. Murdaugh John Best Lieut. 6,864 666% William Bruce Philo Hale John Best Lieut. 6,866 666% Nancy Airs J. W. Murdaugh John Best Lieut. 6,865 666% Polly Arrengton J. W. Murdaugh U. S. Treasury Report, Revolutionary Land Scrip 287 A-B Abraham Chapline William Corbin William Corbin William Corbin William Corbin Garvin Pettigrew C Captain D C4.634 Master at arms 6,973 Master at arms 6,974 Master at arms 6,975 Master at arms 6,976 Seaman 6,855 E 1,333% 666% 666 % 666% 666% 100 Isaac Chapline, Jacob Rogers Chapline, William B. Har- rison, Abraham Chapline, Willis Chapline and Ann M. Chapline John Corbin Ann Corbin Elizabeth Waters Harriot Bevans Ann T. Greer, Matilda, Ann P.. Mary, Lanna, Clara, and James H. Millichops, Margaret Naudain, and Sara P. Cowgill R. M. Johnson Thomas M. Bailey Thomas M. Bailey Thomas M. Bailey Thomas M. Bailey Thomas M. Bailey James Burk * Gunner 1,958 100 James Burk Matthew St. C. Clarke James Burk * Gunner 6,884 2,566% James Burk Matthew St. C. Clarke William Phillips Seaman 6,872 100 Jacob Phillips John G. Joynes William Wallace Sailor 6,879 100 William Wallace, Cary Wal- lace, Joseph Wallace, Lu- cretia Willey, and Rebecca Garret William Wallace Solomon Powell Seaman 6,985 100 Elizabeth Phillips John G. Joynes George Gooseley Captain 6,867 1,333*6 Sarah C. Gooseley Sarah C. Gooseley George Gooseley Captain 6,869 1,333% Francis Brown James Brown, jr. George Gooseley Captain 6,868 1,333% Ann H. Brown Edmund Brown Jacob Phillips Boatswain 6,873 2,666% Eliza. Margaret, and John P. Walker John G. Joynes William Campbell Brig. Gen. 2,200 5,000 Francis Preston, and Sarah B., his wife Francis Preston Hancock Chambers Seaman 6,882 100 Harriet Savage and E. W. Chambers John G. Joynes Richard Parker Lieutenant 6,883 i.ooo Mary Ann Chambers, Edm'd Chandler, Henry Stokes, and James Stokes John G. Joynes Moses Saulsbury Armorer 6,987 i77 77 Ao( 1 Peggy Bovellur Thos. M. Bailey, and John G. Joynes Moses Saulsbury Armorer 6,988 I77 7 7i<» j Wm. Damoral, Wm. Topping, M. A. and T. Topping Thos. M. Bailey, and John G. Joynes Moses Saulsbury Armorer 6,989 i77 7 7i« ) Jno. and Colburn Saulsbury, Caty Mister, and Nancy Savage Thos. M. Bailey, and John G. Joynes Moses Saulsbury Armorer 6,991 222 22 /ioo John Saulsbury Thos. M. Bailey, and John G. Joynes Moses Saulsbury Armorer 6,992 222 22 /ioo Emlin Saulsbury Thos. M. Bailey, and John G. Joynes Moses Saulsbury Armorer 6,993 1 1 i u Aoo James Saulsbury Thos. M. Bailey, and John G. Joynes 288 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia A-B Moses Saulsbury Moses Saulsbury Moses Saulsbury Moses Saulsbury Moses Saulsbury Jacobus White Jacobus White Will Will Will Will Will Phil Will Will Will Will Will am Bennett am Bennett am Bennett am Bennett am Bennett p Chamberlayne am Cunningham am Cunningham am Cunningham am Cunningham am Cunningham John Burk Richard Montague Thomas Marshall James Gibson George Gooseley Richard Parker Richard Parker Richard Parker George Slaughter George Slaughter Thomas Chandler Thomas Chandler John Thomas * James Broadwaters James Broadwaters James Broadwaters James Broadwaters James Broadwaters James Broadwaters John Crowley C Armorer Armorer Armorer Armorer Armorer Carpenter Carpenter Master Master Master Master Master Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant Carpenter Lieutenant Colonel Gunner Captain Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant Major Major Lieutenant D 6,994 6,995 6,996 6,986 6,997 7.003 7,004 7.005 7,006 7,007 7,008 7,009 6,849 6,811 6,812 6,813 6,814 6,815 6,886 1.432 6,880 6,888 6,890 7,"3 7."4 7,"5 3,538 3,540 3,763 E F iii u /ioo Betsey Saulsbury 222 22 /ioo Elisha Saulsbury 444 4 Vioo Abram Somers, sen. i77 77 /ioo George Saulsbury 444 44 /ioo Abram Somers, jr. 1,333 J* 1,333^ 533^ 533 Vz 533 Vz 533 H 533 H 4,000 800 800 800 800 800 2,666% 2,666% 1,388% 2,666% 1.333% 1,000 1,000 1,000 2,500 1,8.33% 1,466% Lieutenant 3,764 1,200 Captain C4,07i 4,000 Quartermaster 41 666 66 /ioo Quartermaster 42 666 66 /ioo Quartermaster 43 666 66 /ioo Quartermaster 44 222 22 /ioo Quartermaster 45 222 22 / !0 o Quartermaster 46 222 22 /ioo Captain 6,915 2,000 Margaret Ann Evans Catharine H. Evans Coventon Bennett Rowland Bennett Samuel Bennett Littleton Bennett Polly Bennett Richard H. Chamberlayne James B. Cunningham Robert B. Cunningham Mary Wilson Elizabeth Gatewood Philemon, Elizabeth A., and William C. Gatewood James Burk Richard D. Montague, P. H. Montague, Jane Montague, and Augustus F. Montague Humphry Marshall Jenny Trail Susan Campbell Levin Parker John Parker Peter Parker Joseph Watson, assignee Joseph Watson, assignee John P. Burton, and Sarah P., his wife John P. Burton, and Sarah P., his wife Wm. Thomas, Thos. Thomas, and Alice Wills Cavington Broadwater Thomas J. W. Broadwaters Leven J. M. Broadwaters James Dryden Mary M. Droden John Dryden Elizabeth T. Mountcastle Thos. M. Bailey, and John G. Joynes Thos. M. Bailey, and John G. Joynes Thos. M. Bailey, and John G. Joynes Thos. M. Bailey, and John G. Joynes Thos. M. Bailey, and John G. Joynes Thomas Ewing J. W. Murdaugh Charles Stanberry Charles Stanberry Charles Stanberry Charles Stanberry Charles Stanberry J. F. Brett Matthew St. C. Clarke Matthew St. C. Clarke Matthew St. C. Clarke Matthew St. C. Clarke Matthew St. C. Clarke Matthew St. C. Clarke Charles Stanberry William Lambert Thomas Green William Nekervis Thomas M. Bailey Thomas M. Bailey Thomas Ewing Joseph Watson Joseph Watson Hon. T. Ewing Hon. T. Ewing Matthew St. C. Clarke Thomas M. Bailey Thomas M. Bailey Thomas M. Bailey Teagle Townsend Teagle Townsend Teagle Townsend William Lambert U. S. Treasury Report, Revolutionary Land Scrip 289 A-B C D E Charles Boush Lieutenant C3,023* 2,666% Thomas Walls Lieutenant 6,810 2,666% John Pitt Surgeon 6,876 6,000 William Asher 6,881 2,666% William Jackson Sergeant 4.674 400 George Hunter Surgeon 38 2,000 James Barron Commodore 6,891 i,io7 33 /ioo James Barron Commodore 6,892 i,io7 33 /ioo James Barron Commodore 6,893 2,2I4 66 /ioo John Rydman Gunner 819 2,666% John Harris Captain 5-068 4,000 James Claverius Captain 2,410 4,000 William Robins Private 3,100 100 James Parrot Private 3.428 100 Daniel Richardson Lieutenant 6,978 1.333% Hugh McGavock Lieutenant 42 100 Hugh McGavock Lieutenant 41 500 John Williams Captain 4,56i 4,000 John Williams Captain 4.561 4,000 Willis Wilson * Captain C2.869 5,333% William H. Parker Lieutenant 1,013 2,666% Bartholomew Mears Gunner 7,211 222% Bartholomew Mears Gunner 7,212 222% Bartholomew Mears Gunner 7,213 222% Bartholomew Mears Gunner 7,214 222% Bartholomew Mears Gunner 7,215 222% Coventon Broadwater Midshipman 6,894 2,666% George Hall Sailor 4,184 100 William Maxwell Soldier 411 200 Patrick Carrick Soldier I,l8l 200 William Ballard Pilot 1,960 2,666% Robert Sneed Surgeon 6,823 4,500 Robert Sneed Surgeon 6,824 1,500 Thomas Chandler Lieutenant 6,898 1,333% Jeremiah Elliott Soldier 534 200 William Roberts Ensign 6,909 38o 2 % William Roberts Ensign 6,910 38o 2 % Ann W. Mallory and Martha F. S. Parks Polly H. Harris Ann H. P. Hall Bartlett Asher Thomas Green, assignee John C. Hunter Elizabeth B. Armistead Samuel Barron James Barron Robert Stanard Thomas M. Bailey Robert Stanard George Herbst George Herbst Elizabeth Richardson Hugh McGavock Hugh McGavock Edm. Rogers and Th. Rogers Jno. Williams, Frances Selser, Jas. Rozette, Robert Cole, and Mary Cole James Cornick and Elizabeth, his wife, Richard Holstead and Jacomine, his wife Richard E. Parker, F. A. Parker, Wm. C. Parker, and Juliet O. Dangerfield Elizabeth Silverthorn Samuel Mears Jonathan Mears Henry Mears Wm., David M., Mary, and Comfort Shrieves Thomas Lilleston, Ann Lil- leston, Edmund Lilleston, Samuel Nock, Sally Bowen, and Polly Nock George Hall David Wood, assignee David Wood, assignee Sarah Langley and Mary Ann Rodgers John W. Sneek John W. Sneek Sarah P. Burton Charles Baird Benjamin Roberts Nancy Toole Thomas Green William Lambert Doctor Hall Henry Northup Thomas Green Thomas Green Mat. St. C. Clarke Mat. St. C. Clarke Mat. St. C. Clarke Philo Hale Thomas M. Bailey Philo Hale R. Green R. Green Philo Hale Philo Hale Philo Hale E. and T. Rogers William Gerault John W. Murdaugh Philo Hale Thomas M. Bailey Thomas M. Bailey Thomas M. Bailey Thomas M. Bailey Thomas M. Bailey Thomas M. Bailey Mr. Mayo N. D. Coleman N. D. Coleman Matthew St. C. Clarke Matthew St. C. Clarke Matthew St. C. Clarke Thomas M. Bailey C. Baird Henry Northup Henry Northup 290 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia A-B C D E William Nash Soldier 3.934 100 Walter Brooke Commodore 6,899 3.332 )4 John L. Wood James Watkins James Watkins James Watkins Soldier Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant 4.157 100 6.952 600 6.953 600 6.954 1,000 George Hunter George Hunter John Hutt Francis Royall Charles Boush Charles Boush Charles Boush Charles Boush Abraham Dunavant Rodham Luttrell Charles Fierer William Oliver Charles Vowles Benjamin Strother Benjamin Strother Benjamin Strother Benjamin Strother Benjamin Strother Benjamin Strother Benjamin Strother Christopher Tompkins Hugh McGavock James Wright John Revell Surgeon 6,929 1,000 Surgeon Exc. 37 3.000 Private 6,977 100 Soldier 873 100 Lieutenant 50 273H Lieutenant 51 160 Lieutenant 49 400 Lieutenant 48 500 Soldier 3,062 100 Seaman 6,948 100 Captain 4.632 2,000 Capt. Lt. 8 2,000 Lieut. 5 1,400 Midshipman 7.015 533 H Midshipman 7,014 533 H Midshipman 7,019 533 K Midshipman 7,016 533 H Midshipman 7,018 I77H Midshipman 7,017 I77H Midshipman 7,124 I77H Lieutenant 6,936 I.333M Lieut. 43 66% Private 5.052 100 Gunner's mate 7,145 2,222^ John Revell Brawson, Dalby Tully Robinson John Braidefoote Gunner's mate 7,146 444H Seaman Captain Chaplain 7,150 100 7,149 4,000 Robert Craddock, assignee Ann Graiff, Mary C.Brooke, Walter T. Brooke, Lucy A. Brooke, Sarah V. Brooke, and Benj. E. Brooke George Blakeley Howard Watkins Mary Thomas Marg't Saunders, Mary Thomas, Ann Hope, and H. Watkins, and Mary Servent John C. Hunter John C. Hunter John Hutt Frances Royall Ann W. Mallory, and Martha F. S. Parks Ann W. Mallory, and Martha F. S. Parks Ann W. Mallory, and Martha F. S. Parks Ann W. Mallory, and Martha F. S. Parks Abraham Dunavant Rodham Luttrell Jacob Bowman, assignee Charles Baird, assignee Charles Baird, assignee Mary S. Duffield Margaret Moore Catharine Craine John W. Strother James W. Pendleton Catharine T. Nicklin Benjamin S. Pendleton Ann D. Shirley Hugh McGavock Nicholas McCarty Wm. Revell, John B. Revell, James Revell, Sally Revell and Elizabeth R. Guy Nathaniel F., Catherine and Margaret Revell Ann Dalby & Susan Johnson Benjamin K. Johnson 7,160 6,000 Margaret Collins Robert Craddock Henry S. Handy and Philo Hale George Blakeley Thomas Green Thomas Green Henry Stanberry Philo Hale John Hutt Frances Royall Thomas Green Thomas Green Thomas Green Thomas Green W. S. Archer John Lamuel T. M. T. McKennon Thomas D. Baird Thomas D. Baird Philo Hale Philo Hale Philo Hale Philo Hale J. Strother J. Strother Susp'd in the office Thomas Green Thomas Green Nicholas McCarty Thomas R. Joynes Thomas R. Joynes P. P. Mayo P. M. Tabb, and H. L. Brooke John W. Murdaugh U. S. Treasury Report, Revolutionary Land Scrip 291 A-B C D E F G Jonathan Barret Lieutenant 7,161 4,000 Mary Dunbar John W. Murdaugh Richard Dale Lieutenant 7,162 1,000 John M. Dale Edward C. Dale Richard Dale Lieutenant 7.163 1,000 Edward C. Dale Edward C. Dale Richard Dale Lieutenant 7,164 1,000 Sarah B. Pettit Edward C. Dale Richard Dale Lieutenant 7.165 1,000 Elizabeth Reed Edward C. Dale Levin Walker Lieutenant 2,849 2,666% Ann T. Walker Thomas R. Joynes Thomas Hamilton Captain 60 L333M Hans Roulston Susp'd in the office Thomas Hamilton Captain 61 I.333H John Woods Cadwallader Wallace Thomas Hamilton Captain 62 I.333J4 William Woods Cadwallader Wallace Francis Bright Captain 7,168 2,666% Susan H. Bright J. W. Murdaugh Francis Bright Captain 7,168 533 H Elizabeth Edloe J. W. Murdaugh Francis Bright Captain 7.167 533 H Susan H. Moore J. W. Murdaugh Francis Bright Captain 7.169 533 M Virginia F. Travis J. W. Murdaugh Francis Bright Captain 7.170 533 M Julia S. Travis J. W. Murdaugh Francis Bright Captain 7.I7I 533 Vz Catharine M. Travis J. W. Murdaugh William House Gunner 6,935 320 William House Thomas Green William House Gunner 6,931 1,283% Elijah Kane Thomas Green William House Gunner 6,933 320 6 /» Henry House Thomas Green William House Gunner 6,934 320V6 Mary Ann House Thomas Green William House Gunner 6,932 320 6 /c Barbara Hicks Thomas Green Stark Moss Carpenter 7.178 371% George B. Hubbard Archibald M. Green William H. Parker Lieutenant 7,172 1,333% Richard E. Parker, Foshal A. Parker, Wm. C. Parker, and J. 0. Dangerfield Thomas Green Stark Moss Carpenter 7.177 444V9 Mary Livesay Thomas Green Stark Moss Carpenter 7,181 172% Sarah Hatton, Mary Hatton and John Hatton Thomas Green Stark Moss Carpenter 7,176 222 s /» Josiah A. Denson Lewellen Jones Stark Moss Carpenter 7.175 222 2 / 9 Mary Ann Jones Lewellen Jones Stark Moss Carpenter 7,174 444 4 /9 Sally Moss Archibald M. Green Stark Moss Carpenter 7.173 444V9 John Moss Archibald M. Green Stark Moss Carpenter 7.179 I72H Thomas Hatton Archibald M. Green Stark Moss Carpenter 7,180 172^ Mary Amiss Archibald M. Green William Roberts Lieutenant 6,984 38o 2 %i Henry Roberts, Polly Chad- dock, Elizabeth Redding, Polly Johnston, ', Margaret Perry, William R. Roberts, Catharine Roberts , and Jas. R. Roberts, Elizabeth Clif- ton, Jos. Clifton, Polly Hill, Catharine Clifton, Tabitha Clifton, Geo. Clifton, Caro- line Clifton, Wm. B. Clif- ton, Emerine Clifton, and John Clifton Henry Northup William Roberts Lieutenant 7,010 76 4 /« Augustine Roberts Henry Northup William Roberts Lieutenant 6,983 76V2. Sally Hughes Henry Northup William Roberts Lieutenant 6,982 76V21 Elizabeth Gregory Henry Northup William Roberts Lieutenant 6,981 76V« Willis Roberts Henry Northup 292 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia A -B C D E William Roberts Lieutenant 6,980 76V2. John Thomas Captain 7,150 1,333% Wyatt Reviere Armorer 6,955 2,566% Samuel Barron Lieutenant 7,182 2,000 Samuel Barron Lieutenant 7,i83 2,000 James M. Carter Soldier 3,512 100 Thomas Pierce Sailor 2,179 100 William Banks Sailor 1,505 100 Robert Hendren Soldier 3,880 100 William Toler Corporal 1,180 200 Southy East Seaman 7,196 100 Thomas Bonnewell Master 7,210 148 Thomas Bonnewell Master 7,211 148 George Picket Drummer 491 200 Duke George Sailor 4,643 100 Jones Deane Private 6,436 100 Thomas Butler Pilot 7,216 2,666% John Bulley Boatswain 7,221 888*/ 9 John Bulley Boatswain 7,220 888»/» John Bulley Boatswain 7,222 8887„ John Williams Pilot 7,231 2,666% Henry Holt Midshipman 7,135 2,666% Joshua Singleton Lieutenant 6,911 1,333% Samuel Crawley Captain 7,235 1,000 John Carr, sen. Private 7,139 100 John Carr, jr. Private 7,121 100 John Brown Private 4,869 100 Elcany Andrews Seaman 7,i3i 100 Thomas Moth Sailor 6,701 100 Martin Norris Sergeant 7,156 200 Benjamin Field Captain 7,238 4,000 Hugh McGavock Lieutenant 6,961 2,000 Levin Rundick Private 7,243 100 Samuel Crawley Captain 7,244 500 Charles Collier Captain 7,245 4,000 John Pierce Midshipman 7,247 2,666% John Hamilton Lieutenant 7,246 i,333H James Daughety Lieutenant 7,157 2,666% Fire Hammons Private 7,252 100 Stephen Harmon Seaman 7,251 100 William Barron Lieutenant 7,254 4,000 Luke Cannon Midshipman 7,209 222 Luke Cannon Midshipman 7,204 889 John Roberts Wm. Thomas, Thos. Thomas, and Alice Thomas Lee Ann Ruddle, and Corde- lia Charlton Samuel Barron Elizabeth R. Armistead John H. Warder John H. Warder John H. Warder John H. Warder John H. Warder Southy W. East, Severn East, and Mary Bloxom Sophia Gardner Sally Gunter John H. Warder Jonathan Kenyon John Deane Mary Edwards John Bulley Thomas Bulley Elizabeth Sherrard Mary Binford William Holt Joshua Singleton William S. Ware, and Samuel C. Ware John Carr, jr. John Carr, jr. Cadwallader Wallace Elcany Andrews Thomas Moth Polly Dozier and Nancy Raines Benjamin Field Hugh McGavock Edward Rundick Elizabeth C. Ware Wm. Collier and Polly Collier Lovell Pierce and Nancy Carter Patsy Row James B. Daughety and Jane Wildy Fanny Harmon or Hammons Fanny Harmon or Hammons Ann M. Barron Stephen Drummond Keturah Weston Henry Northup Philo Hale Thomas Thomas Thomas Michael Michael Michael Michael Michael F. Foster Green Green Nourse Nourse Nourse Nourse Nourse P. P. Mayo John G. Joynes John G. Joynes Michael Nourse Suspended (in the of- fice) J. W. Nash Joseph Segar Joseph Segar Henry Stanberry Henry Stanberry Joseph Segar William S. Nicholls William S. Scott Charles Hatcher Joseph Watson Joseph Watson Cadwallader Wallace John P. Drummond Thomas H. Harvey Thomas H. Harvey Richard Elliott Thomas J. Boyd Vespasian Ellis John Coke Hon. Thomas Ewing Richard Smith Thomas Green Thomas H. Harvey Vespasian Ellis Vespasian Ellis J. W. Murdaugh John G. Joynes John G. Joynes U. S. Treasury Report, Revolutionary Land Scrip 293 A-B C D E F G Luke Cannon Midshipman 7,205 444% Keturah Weston John G. Joynes Luke Cannon Midshipman 7,206 444 % Cary Drummond John G. Joynes Luke Cannon Midshipman 7,207 222 Cary Drummond John G. Joynes Luke Cannon Midshipman 7,208 444 % Stephen Drummond John G. Joynes Richard Barron Captain 7.233 Hi 1 /. Mary Barron, James Granes, Ann Balfour, &c. G. A. Myers Jesse Cannon Lieutenant 7,201 333% Stephen Drummond John G. Joynes Jesse Cannon Lieutenant 7,200 666% Stephen Drummond John G. Joynes Jesse Cannon Lieutenant 7,202 666V2 Cary Drummond John G. Joynes Jesse Cannon Lieutenant 7-203 333% Cary Drummond John G. Joynes Jesse Cannon Lieutenant 7,198 1,333% Keturah Weston John G. Joynes Jesse Cannon Lieutenant 7,199 666% Keturah Weston John G. Joynes John Gibson Gunner 7,232 2,666% Jenney Trail Thomas Green Samuel Timpson Chaplain 64 i.ooo Ann Garnett & R. T. Brooker Henry Stanberry Samuel Timpson Chaplain 65 1,000 Clarissa Drewry Charles Hatcher Samuel Timpson Chaplain 66 1,000 Peyton T. Henley and B. Henley Ann Charles Hatcher Thomas Armistead Captain 36 750 Joseph Mayo Henry Stanberry Thomas Armistead Captain 53 1,000 Martha B. Toler Henry Stanberry James Watkins Lieutenant 7,184 1,800 Margaret Saunders, Mary Servant, Mary Thomas, Ann Hope and H. Watkins Thomas Green Thomas Lumber Gunner's mate 66^ 2,666% W. Shrieves, Nancy Shrieves, 1 Rachel Shrieves, John 1 Shrieves, Abram Shrieves, and Sally Shrieves Thomas R. Joynes Thomas Humplett Lieutenant 7,236 4,000 Rebecca Cooper Willis Morgan George Wilson Lt. Col. 7,190 375 William G. Gibson Thomas McKennon George Wilson Lt. Col. 7,192 375 Jane Wilson Thomas McKennon George Wilson Lt. Col. 7,193 375 Jane Wilson Thomas McKennon George Wilson Lt. Col. 7,194 375 Sarah Wilson Thomas McKennon Jonathan Calvert Sur. mate 7,257 2,666% Newton C. King and Charles King Philo Hale George Wilson Lt. Col. 7,262 187% Matilda McDowell Thomas McKennon George Wilson Lt. Col. 7,261 187% Matilda McDowell Thomas McKennon George Wilson Lt. Col. 7,260 375 George W. Humphreys Thomas McKennon George Wilson Lt. Col. 7,259 375 George W. Humphreys Thomas McKennon Benjamin Rush Lieutenant 7,258 1,333% Lettice S. Smith Philo Hale Samuel Timpson Captain 68 333% Peyton T. Henley and B. Henley Ann Philo Hale Samuel Timpson Captain 67 333% Peyton T. Henley and B. Henley Ann Philo Hale Samuel Timpson Captain 69 333% Ann Garnett & R. T. Booker Henry Stanberry George Chamberlaine Lieutenant 751 4,000 Lydall Wilkinson Lydall Wilkinson James Markham Captain 7,151 9i% Mary Ann Seal Joseph D. Barker John Kearney Captain 7."7 888% Jane Blue, Eliz. Minor, Susan St. Aubern, Mahala Blue, Elliott Keerny, T. Keerny, Henry Seebert, Jno. See- bert, William Seebert, Eliz. Seebert, & Eldegert Keerny John Keerney 294 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia A-B C D E Peter Goffinger Pilot 7,217 I.333H Peter Goffinger Pilot 7,218 1.33^ George Glendenny Sailor 4.431 100 James Markham Captain 6,174 277M William Roberts Ensign 72 3H 15 /2i William Roberts Ensign 73 54% William Roberts Ensign 74 95 5 /2i William Roberts Ensign 75 69V21 William Roberts Ensign 76 27I 2 %1 William Roberts Ensign 77 28 5 16 /*i George Cummins Soldier 3.748 100 Moses Saulsbury Armourer 90 29 6s /ioo Moses Saulsbury Armourer 9i 29 63 /ioo Moses Saulsbury Armourer 92 29 63 /ioo Moses Saulsbury Armourer 93 29 6 7ioo Moses Saulsbury Armourer 94 29 6S /ioo Moses Saulsbury Armourer 95 29 63 /ioo William Skinner Captain 7,270 5.333H Merryman Payne Lieutenant 7,271 4,000 Milly Spady Emeline Jones Henry Asbury Joseph D. Barker, Mary Ann S. Barker, Edmond B. Bar- ker, Simon W. Barker, Catharine Barker & Maria Barker William Roberts, Henry Ro- berts, Jos. Roberts, Philip T. Roberts, Carella Roberts, Elizabeth Roberts, Hannah Roberts, Polly Gibson, and Fanny Roberts William Clifton, Emily Clif- ton, Magdalin Clifton, and Henrietta Clifton Ann Brown, Lucinda Brown, Henrietta Brown, James Brown, Charles Gideon Brown & Sarah W. Brown Thomas Roberts and Mildred O'Bannon George Clifton, Charlotte Davis, Catharine Bright, Charles Clifton & William B. Clifton James T. Brown, C. R. Crig- ler and Eliz. Hughes Joseph Watson, assignee Mary Saulsbury Eliza Saulsbury George Saulsbury Cassy Saulsbury William Saulsbury Robert Saulsbury Thomas Sands, Jenny Jarvis, Thos. Dobbins, John Dob- bins, Wm. Dobbins, Polly Dobbins, Peggy Green, Thomas Skinner, jr., Wm. Skinner, John Skinner, Samuel Skinner, Thomas Skinner, sen., and James Skinner Mary Payne, Judith Payne, Emily Payne, George W. Payne, Henrietta Parker, and Alexander Parker Henry Stanberry Joseph Segar Henry Asbury Joseph D. Barker Thomas Green Henry Northup Henry Northup Henry Northup Henry Northup Henry Northup Joseph Watson Thomas M. Bailey Thomas M. Bailey Thomas M. Bailey Thomas M. Bailey Thomas M. Bailey Susp'd in the office Joseph Segar Thomas Green U. S. Treasury Report, Revolutionary Land Scrip 295 A-B C D E William Wamsley Private 7,159 200 William Alman Gunner 7,282 2,566% Thomas Bonwell Master 7.283 444 4 /9 Thomas Bonwell Master 7.284 444 4 /9 Thomas Bonnewell Master 7,285 444V. William Smith Boatswain 7,287 2,566% Robert Turk Soldier 1,242 100 George Cofer Corporal 47 200 George Wilson Lt. Col. 95 250 George Wilson Lt. Col. 96 125 William Roberts Ensign 89 53 16 Ai William Moore * Sergeant 530 400 Philip Ballard * Soldier 6,870 100 William Wall * Soldier 6,896 100 Robert Lovell * Lieutenant 4.477 2,666% Francis Witlow Soldier 134 100 John Flynt Carpenter 7.285 2,566% Thomas Allen Boatswain 97 493 % Thomas Allen Boatswain IOI 493% Thomas Allen Boatswain 99 493 % Thomas Allen Boatswain 100 493 % Thomas Allen Boatswain 98 493% John Thrall Lieutenant 7,286 1,333% Charles Magill Major 1,888 Charles Magill Major 1,889 Charles Magill Major 1,890 George Wilson Lt. Col. 7.195 George Wilson Lt. Col. 7,191 Absalom Jones Private 6,908 Absalom Jones Private 6,907 Thomas Kemp Surgeon' smate 7,287 Cary Hansford Surgeon' smate 7.302 1,000 1,000 1,000 375 375 33% 33% 2,666% 4,000 William Walmsley John Bulley, Thomas Bulley, Elizabeth Sherrard, Ann Walker, and John Alman Levin Bonnell and Anna Sneed John P. Crippen and Narcissa Crippen Betsey Bull, Sally Bonnell, Bet- sey Wise, Clement, Harriet, Tabitha, Sally and Leah Bonwell, Betsey East, James, Robert and Elijah Bonnewell Louisa T. Smith Thomas Turk Francis Collins John Daily and Wm. Wilson Daily Andrew W. Daily Elizabeth McKinney Cadwallader Wallace Philip Ballard William Wall John Lovell Robert Baugh Emily Moore, Catharine Ro- binson and Eliz. Robinson Mary Lively Frances Wood William Lewis Frances Wood Martha, alias Patsy Ayler John Thrall, Lucy H. Reeves, Ann C. George, Lilly T. Blackmore, Elizabeth H. James, Mary Carter, Geo. Carter and Ralph Carter G. F. Norton G. F. Norton G. F. Norton Sarah Wilson William G. Wilson Hester Ann Isabella and Eli Jones Absalom Jones James Kemp and Sarah T. Williams Maria T. Hansford and Wm. P. Hansford Daniel Wilkinson Joseph Segar Vespasian Ellis Vespasian Ellis Vespasian Ellis Joseph Segar Hon. N. Gaither William Simmes William G. Hawkins William G. Hawkins Henry Northup Cadwallader Wallace Anthony Lawson Coleman C. Beckham Coleman C. Beckham Hon. G. Moore Philo Hale Joseph Segar Joseph Segar Joseph Segar Joseph Segar Joseph Segar Thomas H. Harvey Austin P. Cox Austin P. Cox Austin P. Cox Hon. Wm. Russell Hon. Wm. Russell H. A. Claiborne H. A. Claiborne John A. Chandler Robert B. Taylor 296 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia A -B C D E Severn Taylor Seaman 7,292 100 James McValley Private 519 200 Alexander Wren Soldier 1.933 100 William Sanlee Soldier 2,132 100 Joseph Hay Hosp. surg. 4.596 6,000 Thomas Kemp Surgeon's mate 7.323 I.333M James Tutt Midshipman 7.326 2,666% Charles Yeatnan * Private 6,031 200 Jonathan Calvert Surgeon's mate 7.306 400 Jonathan Calvert Surgeon's mate 7,305 533 H Jonathan Calvert Surgeon's mate 7.307 400 Charles Hudson Private 7,327 100 Caesar Tenant Pilot 7,325 2,666% George Brent Lieutenant 7,332 I.777K William Newby Marine 7,333 100 Henry Rogers Seaman 7,329 100 Stephen Collins Seaman 7,294 IOO James Collins Seaman 7,334 IOO George Brent Lieutenant 7,338 888% Dempsey Eastwood Corporal 7,324 400 Michael James Lieutenant 123 597* Michael James Lieutenant 104 148V9 Michael James Lieutenant 105 148V9 Michael James Lieutenant 106 I48V» Michael James Lieutenant 107 42V7 Michael James Lieutenant 108 42 2 /r Michael James Lieutenant 109 42V7 Michael James Lieutenant no 42V7 Michael James Lieutenant III 42V7 Michael James Lieutenant 112 42V7 Michael James Lieutenant 113 42V7 Michael James Lieutenant 114 1487* Michael James Lieutenant 115 14879 Michael James Lieutenant Il6 14879 Michael James Lieutenant 117 148V9 Michael James Lieutenant Il8 597* William C. Taylor Martin Hardin, assignee Lydall Wilkinson, assignee Lydall Wilkinson, assignee George Hancock Jas. Kemp and Sarah Wilkins Mary Hickerson, Alexander H. Spilman, Mary J. Miller, Eliza Chandler, and Mil- dred T. Reeser Philo Hale, assignee N. C. King and Charles King N.C. King and Charles King N. C. King and Charles King Charles Hudson Nancy Tenant Catharine P. Po'.lard and Francis Brent Nancy Rains Curtis Hargis, Sally Hirgis, John Hargis, Thos. Hargis, Margaret Hargis, Nancy Hargis, Geo. Hargis, Sophia Hargis, and William Hargis Starling Collins Skinner Collins, Thomas Col- lins, Sophia Collins, and Rachael Smelling George P. Brent Wright Eastwood Thomas James Susanna Waistcoat Michael Savage Robert, James, Edward, and Jane Rodgers Margaret James Peggy Savage Ann Jacob Robert James Rosey Johnson Cassandria Mapp Elizabeth Poulson John C. Mapp William W. Mapp Alfred N. H. Mapp Robert H. Mapp R. C. James, A. James, S. Dowty, and Maria Scott William S. Nicholls Charles A. Wickliffe Lydall Wilkinson Lydall Wilkinson Philo Hale Philo Hale Alexander H. Spilman Philo Hale Philo Hale Philo Hale Philo Hale William Spragains Keeran and W. S. Nicholls Philo Hale Philo Hale Vespasian Ellis Vespasian Ellis Vespasian Ellis Thomas H. Harvey Charles Hatcher Suspended (in office) Thomas R. Joynes Thomas R. Joynes Thomas R. Thomas R. Thomas R. Thomas R. Thomas R. Thomas R. Thomas R. Thomas R. Thomas R. Thomas R. Thomas R. Thomas R. Joynes Joynes Joynes Joynes Joynes Joynes Joynes Joynes Joynes Joynes Joynes Joynes Thomas R. Joynes U. S. Treasury Report, Revolutionary Land Scrip 297 A-B C D E Michael James Lieutenant 119 59V. Michael James Lieutenant 120 59 l A Michael James Lieutenant 121 59 1 /. Michael James Lieutenant 127 296*/. Michael James Lieutenant 122 148V9 Michael James Lieutenant 124 98% Michael James Lieutenant 125 98% Michael James Lieutenant 126 296*/. Joseph Selden Lieutenant 84 296 Joseph Selden Lieutenant 86 296 Joseph Selden Lieutenant 88 296 Joseph Selden Lieutenant 85 296 Joseph Selden Lieutenant 29 267 % F and Willie Joseph Selden Joseph Selden Lieutenant Lieutenant 102 444% 103 444% James Withers Lieutenant 7,350 2,666% Matthew Pope Surgeon 10,341 6,000 John Archer Lieutenant 130 666% John Archer Lieutenant 132 666% John Archer Lieutenant 131 666% John Archer Lieutenant 129 2,000 William Bressie Captain 7.348 4,000 Gideon Spencer Lieutenant 7,300 2,666% George Rogers Captain 7,352 4,000 Stephen Bloxum Seaman 7,336 100 William Andrews Seaman 7,335 100 William Barnes Robert Andrews Soldier Chaplain 4,151 100 7,356 1,500 Elizabeth J. Addison William Oague Ainesly Dennis Elizabeth Savage John and George Savage Elizabeth Bunting William Addison Victor Ewing Joseph Selden Charles Selden William Selden Mary Elizabeth Adams Cary Selden, James M. Sel- den, John A. Selden, Miles C. Selden, William A. Sel- den, Elizabeth Miller, and Martha Selden Robert S. Rose William Macon, Miles Macon, Selden C. Macon, Elizabeth Ann Heath, Thos. Macon, and Lucy Temple James Withers Hugh Nelson Robert Archer Eliza Tally Susan Valentine Robert Archer Elizabeth Webb Clement M. Spencer, Pitman C. Spencer, Sion G. Spen- cer, Thomas F. Spencer, Nancy C. Price, Harriet P. Price, Edwin J. Spencer, Isaac P. Spencer, Caroline M. Spencer, Ann E. Spen- cer, Maria S. Spencer, and Julia F. Spencer John Rogers, and Elizabeth D. McCowen Betsey, Rosey, and Rachel Bloxum Elkanah Andrews, Jacob An- drews, Southy Row, Caty Hinman, and Isaac and Joice Andrews Demas Adams Elizabeth Andrews Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas William William William William R. Joynes R. Joynes R. Joynes R. Joynes R. Joynes R. Joynes R. Joynes R. Joynes S. Scott Selden S. Scott S. Scott William S. Scott James E. Heath Philo Hale John S. Barbour A. Buckingham & Co. Thomas Keeran Thomas Keeran Thomas Keeran Thomas Keeran J. W. Murdaugh A. Buckingham, & Co. A. Buckingham, & Co. Vespasian Ellis Vespasian Ellis Demas Adams Philo Hale 298 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia A-B C D E Robert Andrews Chaplain 7,354 1,500 Robert Andrews Chaplain 7.355 1,500 Robert Andrews Chaplain 7,357 1,500 Edward Jones Soldier 1,230 200 George Rogers Captain 7,362 i,333H Edward Woneycut Lieutenant 7,347 4,000 William Vawter Lieutenant 97 2,666% George Wilson Lt. Col. 133 555 64 /ioo George Wilson Lt. Col. 134 2I4 46 /l00 James Daugherty Lieutenant 7,284 I.333M Henry Garnett Captain 136 400 Henry Garnett Captain 137 2,000 Henry Garnett Captain 138 400 Henry Garnett Captain 139 400 Henry Garnett Captain 140 400 Henry Garnett Captain 141 400 Ambrose Lewis Sailor 1,847 100 Rodham Kenner Sailor 3,78o 100 James Rogers Soldier 150 100 Christopher Henry Soldier 548 200 James Martin Corporal 459 400 Robert Thruston Lieutenant 7,384 2,666% Frederick Barnes Soldier 7,372 100 Frederick Barnes Soldier 7,382 100 Daniel Kent Ensign 7,386 2,666% Catharine Wilkinson John Andrews Robert Randolph, and Catha- rine Taylor Richard W. Shipp, assignee John Rogers and Elizabeth Rogers George Enslow William Bufort, assignee Geo. W. Kindake, Elizabeth Pottenger, Phcebe Potten- ger, Nancy Orr, and Aley Miller Jane W. McCallister, and Mary A. Patterson Wm. Daugherty, Samuel B. Daugherty, Jas. B. Daugh- erty, and Jane Wildy Henry G., and Drusilla M. Segar Elizabeth Tunstall, Maria W. Brooke, and Lucy G. Hill Jas. Munroe, and Augustine Munroe Wm. Duling, and Augustine Duling Plinney, Nefrow, Smedley, Candis, Roenna, Lyra, Lucy, Nancy, Henry, William, & Betsey Garnett, heirs of Ann M. Right, and J. H. Gar- nett Phcebe Dillon, Cynthia Lewis, Sally, Ely, & Nancy Chew Phcebe Dillon, Cynthia Lewis, Sally, Ely, & Nancy Chew Martha Bonnewell, Richard Rogers, and Elizabeth Wil- ley Wm. H. Todd, assignee Wm. H. Todd, assignee Edmund J. Thruston, John F. Thruston, and Francis B. New Margaret Bumbuger L. R. Cameron, and Leah Monday Judith Currell, F. A. Ed- munds, J. N. K. Edmunds, and Daniel Kent Philo Hale Philo Hale Philo Hale R. M. Johnson A. Buckingham, & Co. Suspended Austin P. Cox A. Buckingham, & Co. A. Buckingham, & Co. Thomas H. Harvey Robert Hord Robert Hord Robert Hord Robert Hord Robert Hord Robert Hord Suspended Suspended Richard D. Webb William H. Todd William H. Todd Henry L. Brooke Charles Hatcher Vespasian Ellis Vespasian Ellis U. S. Treasury Report, Revolutionary Land Scrip 299 A-B William Garner Artax. Bennitt Peter Moore Peter Moore Joseph Selden Joseph Selden Joseph Selden C Private Gunner Captain Captain Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant Grand total D 164 E 100 William Garner, George Gar- ner, Hezek. Garner, Theo- docia Beach, and Elizabeth Mills 4,437 2,666% Daniel Call William Prout Daniel Call 165 166 7,658 7,771 7,562 666% George Moore, Peter Moore, Jane McClanahan, Mary Barton, and Thos. L. Moore Charles J. Faulkner 666% Wm. S. Moore, Rob't Moore, and Martha Moore Charles J. Faulkner 89V9 Thomas J. Leigh John F. Heath 178% Thomas and Richard WatkinsWilliam Selden 148 Thomas and Richard WatkinsSuspended 557,6i 7 39 Aoo Recapitulation of scrip issued on copies, or duplicate warrants, as designated by asterisks (*) in the foregoing statement 35, 166% General Land Office, November 15, 1834 Elijah Hayward, Commissioner. Remarks There was appropriated by the act of May 30, 1830, for the Virginia Navy, State, and Continental line, 310,000 acres; viz. For the State line, including the Navy For the Continental line The act of July 13, 1832, appropriated for both establish- ments The act of March 2, 1833, appropriated for the same Acres Total appropriation Agreeably to the foregoing statement A, scrip has been issued on warrants for the State, Line, and Navy, amounting to 525,502 6l /ioo Agreeably to statement B, for the Continental line 27i,3i8 61 /ioo Leaving a balance of Acres 260,000 50,000 300,000 200,000 810,000 796,82 1 12 /ioo i3,i78 88 Aoo This balance is covered by warrants, but the title to which has not yet been completed, for various causes. General Land Office, October 25, 1834. Elijah Hayward, Commissioner. 300 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Statement B, Exhibiting Amount of Military Land Scrip Issued to Officers and Soldiers of Virginia Continental Line Statement exhibiting the amount of Military Land Scrip issued to the officers and soldiers of the Virginia Con- tinental line (under the "Act for the relief of certain officers and soldiers of the army and navy, and of the Continental army, during the revolutionary war," and under the subsequent acts containing appropriations of land to the same object), showing the name of the person who performed the service; rank; No. of warrant; amount of acres; acres due on the warrant; number of certificates or scrip of eighty acres each; together with the amount of acres embraced in the fractional certificate issued on each warrant; acres for which scrip has been issued; name of the person or persons to whom it was issued; and the name of the agent to whom the same was delivered. Abbreviations for the Various Columns A = Warrantee. B = Person who performed Revolutionary War service. C = Kind of service. D = No. of warrant. E = Amount of acres. F = Name of person or persons to whom the scrip was issued. G = Name of agent to whom the scrip was delivered. A-B C D I Samuel Waddy Sergeant 6,731 200 William Pound Private 6,728 50 James McFaden Captain 6,746 4,000 Edward Armstrong Lieutenant 6,743 2,666% Thomas Minor Captain 6,735 5.333 Casper Myers Private 6,506 50 John Jordan Cornet in Lee's legior 1 6,739 2,666% Hugh Davis Sergeant 6,139 200 Philip Slaughter Captain 6,748 1,000 Thomas Ray Captain 6,160 1,000 Barnabas Arthur Lieutenant 5,963 666% John Moss Major 5-545 5,333% William Aylett Colonel 5,606 1,333% Calohill Minis Captain 5.473 500 William Collins Private 6,150 200 William Price Lieutenant 6,721 2467m Jesse Brightwell Private 6,75i 100 William Brightwell Private 6,752 100 David Kirkpatrick Captain 6,623 2,000 William Johnson Captain 2,199 4,666% Cuthbert Harrison Captain 6,660 2,000 Cuthbert Harrison Captain 6,661 2,000 James Carson Lieutenant 6,666 2,666% James Raburn Soldier 2,896 200 William Nelson, jr. Archibald M. Green, assignee John McFaden Rebecca Armstrong, Sarah Arm- strong, Robert Armstrong, Will- iam Armstrong, Edward Arm- strong, and Thos. Armstrong Thomas Minor Joseph Watson, assignee Sarah Easton Thomas J. Hodgson Philip Slaughter Hellen Massie Hellen Massie Hellen Massie Hellen Massie Hellen Massie William Collins James Southgate Lucy Powers Lucy Powers Thomas Green, assignee Allen Latham Cadwallader Wallace, assignee Cadwallader Wallace, assignee Cadwallader Wallace, assignee Cadwallader Wallace, assignee William Nelson, jr. A. M. Green William Lambert, jr. E. B. Armstrong Archibald M. Green Joseph Watson Sarah Easton Thomas I. Hodgson Philip Slaughter Matthew Bonner Matthew Bonner Matthew Bonner Matthew Bonner Matthew Bonner William Collins James Southgate Lucy Powers Lucy Powers Thomas Green Allen Latham Cadwallader Wallace Cadwallader Wallace Cadwallader Wallace Cadwallader Wallace U. S. Treasury Report, Revolutionary Land Scrip 301 A-B C D E John Overstreet Soldier 3.890 100 Robert Dallis Soldier 3.891 roo Nathan Preston Soldier 3.892 100 William Scott Captain 6,650 1,000 Patrick Carnes Captain 2,223 4,000 William Woolfolk Cornet 6,473 1,266% Alexander Brownlee Ensign 6,645 2,666% William Spencer Lieutenant 6,629 888 8 /„ George Lear Soldier 3.546 200 John Meanley Lieutenant 5.551 1,333% John Stevenson Major 6,440 3.555 Henry Small Soldier 2,085 100 Matthew Cummings Soldier 6,480 200 Archibald Alexander Surgeon 6,627 2,000 Archibald Alexander Surgeon 6,626 2,000 Archibald Alexander Surgeon 6,625 2,000 George Hite Subaltern 2,608 2,666% John Mullikin Private 6,621 100 Joseph Newcomb Private 6,738 66% James Micure Private 6,737 100 James Thompson Soldier 939 100 Jacob Smock Sergeant 1,022 200 Samuel Johnson Drum majoi • 6,485 400 William Sandford Captain 5.40I 746 Christopher Daniel Private 6,528 100 Allen McLane Major 6,401 250 Allen McLane Major 6,405 250 Allen McLane Major 6,407 250 Allen McLane Major 6,408 250 Allen McLane Major 6,409 250 Allen McLane Major 6,410 250 Allen McLane Major 6,413 250 Allen McLane Major 6,414 250 George Bruce Corporal 2,378 200 Allen McLane Major 6,416 33% Allen McLane Major 6,419 1.777% Richard Stevens Captain 6,679 307 6 %oo Richard Stevens Captain 6,672 307 60 /ioo Richard Stevens Captain 6,673 307 60 Aoo Richard Stevens Captain 6,680 307 60 Aoo Richard Stevens Captain 6,674 307 6 %oo Charles Snead Captain 6,545 4,666% John Cooke Private 6,565 100 Abraham Nettles Private 4,786 100 Nathaniel Morris Private 4,767 200 Cadwallader Wallace, assignee Cadwallader Wallace, assignee Cadwallader Wallace, assignee Cadwallader Wallace, assignee Cadwallader Wallace, assignee William Woolfolk, Francis Wool- folk, James M. Woolfolk, and Amos Kendall Allen Latham, assignee Allen Latham, assignee Allen Latham, assignee Allen Latham, assignee Allen Latham, assignee Allen Latham, assignee Allen Latham, assignee Allen Latham, assignee Allen Latham, assignee Allen Latham, assignee Palmer H. Winchester, William E. Starr, James W. Stephenson, and Benjamin Stephenson John Mullikin Henry Cooke Henry Cooke Allen Latham, assignee Allen Latham, assignee Allen Latham, assignee Allen Latham, assignee Allen Latham, assignee Louis McLane, assignee Louis McLane, assignee Louis McLane, assignee Louis McLane, assignee Louis McLane, assignee Louis McLane, assignee Louis McLane, assignee Louis McLane Henry Asbury Dr. Allen McLane Dr. Allen McLane Allen Latham Allen Latham Allen Latham Allen Latham Allen Latham Cadwallader Wallace James Cook, assignee William Price, assignee William Price, assignee Cadwallader Wallace Cadwallader Wallace Cadwallader Wallace Cadwallader Wallace Cadwallader Wallace Amos Kendall Allen Latham Allen Latham Allen Latham Allen Latham Allen Latham Allen Latham Allen Latham Allen Latham Allen Latham Allen Latham Henry Starr Henry Asbury Henry Stanbery Henry Stanbery Allen Lathan Allen Latham Allen Latham Allen Latham Allen Latham Louis McLane Louis McLane Louis McLane Louis McLane Louis McLane Louis McLane Louis McLane Louis McLane Henry Asbury Allen Latham Allen Latham Allen Latham Allen Latham Allen Latham Allen Latham Allen Latham Cadwallader Wallace Suspended Suspended Suspended 302 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia A-B Solomon Woolford Samuel I. Cabell C Private Lt. Col. D E 4,788 100 1,177 1,000 Peter Faulkner Sergeant 6,552 400 Richard Basye Private 6,631 100 Henry Brock Qm. Sgt. 6,709 200 Jonathan Smith Lieutenant 6,730 889^ Robert Forsyth Captain 7,126 I.333M Thomas Armistead Captain 52 2,250 William Hebb Private 6,595 100 Obadiah Woodson Lieutenant 6,700 222 William Scantling Sergeant 4.5io 200 Stephen Lewis Lieutenant 2,898 2,666% John Duncan Soldier 4.441 100 James Hook Captain 6,608-1; ' 200f Richard Sevens Captain 6,675 307 Thomas Wilkinson Private 6,753 IOO John Masters Private 6,749 200 James Hook Captain 6,602- 7 200f Edline Willoughby Private 6,731 IOO John Laine Private 6,043 IOO James Holloway Lieutenant 6,816 448 James Holloway Lieutenant 6,817 448 James Holloway Lieutenant 6,818 448 James Holloway Lieutenant 6,819 448 James Holloway Lieutenant 6,822 448 James Holloway Lieutenant 6,820 448 James Holloway Lieutenant 6,821 448 William Gunyon Private 6,135 IOO Richard Stevens Captain 148 i,093"/ioo William Price, assignee Suspended Samuel I. Cabell, Patrick H. Ca- bell, George W. Cabell, Emeline Scruggs, Peggy Higginbothom, and Martha Green, Sarah V. Green, Lucy Ann Green, Henry Cartwright, Sarah Whitlock Allen Latham Rachel Faulkner, James Faulkner, Peter Faulkner, Sally Ann Mc Coy, Daniel Faulkner, John Faulkner, Robert S. Faulkner, Margaret Door, and Morgan Faulkner Richard Basye Henry Brock Jonathan Smith John Forsyth Catharine Pierce William Hebb David W. Carson, assignee Cadwallader Wallace, assignee Cadwallader Wallace, assignee Cadwallader Wallace, assignee Cadwallader Wallace, assignee Cadwallader Wallace, assignee Thomas Wilkinson John Masters James Hook, jr. Matthew St. C. Clarke Cadwallader Wallace Martha Clarke, William Hollo- way, James Halloway, Eliza- beth Holloway, and Jane Holloway Mary Crutcher Julia Rucher John Holloway Samuel Holloway Patsey Flournoy Spencer Halloway Cadwallader Wallace Lucy Stevens, Robert C. Stevens, Judith Cimbrew, Richd. Ste- vens, Hiram Stevens, Horace Stevens, and Lewis B. Stevens, and Robert and Julia Ann Winston Dr. James Lawrie H. Asbury (suspended) H. Asbury (suspended) Allen Trimble John Forsyth Catharine Pierce E. C. Wilson David W. Carson Cadwallader Wallace Cadwallader Wallace Cadwallader Wallace Cadwallader Wallace Cadwallader Wallace Mark Alexander Suspended Enos Hook Matthew St. C. Clarke Cadwallader Wallace Cadwallader Wallace Samuel Holloway Samuel Holloway Samuel Holloway Samuel Holloway Samuel Holloway Samuel Holloway Cadwallader Wallace Lewis B. Stevens t 200 acres in each of 17 warrants and scrip. U. S. Treasury Report, Revolutionary Land Scrip 303 A-B C L » 1 John Thomas Captain 6,755 4.000 George Jordon Sergeant 6,622 100 George Jordon Sergeant 6,663 100 Joseph Varner Private 6,888 100 Sterling Cooper Private 7."9 50 Sterling Cooper Private 7,120 50 William Brady Chapline 7,118 4,000 Christopher Brady Lieutenant 7."9 2,666% John Roberts Major 7,112 5.333% Phileman Griffeth Captain 7,000 2,000 Phileman Griffeth Captain 7,001 2,000 Benjamin Pollard Captain 6,763 1,000 Benjamin Pollard Captain 6,762 1,000 Benjamin Pollard Captain 6,764 1,000 Benjamin Pollard Captain 6,765 1,000 John Lewis Captain 7.025 4.495 John Lewis Captain 7,026 H2 1 / 6 Reuben George Private 7,n6 100 Rawleigh C. Christian Private 6,848 200 John Lewis Captain 7.125 449 6 /9 James Craik Surgeon 7.127 3,000 James Craik Surgeon 7,128 1,000 James Craik Surgeon 7.I30 1,000 James Craik Surgeon 7,129 1,000 David Wilson Corporal 6,632 400 Richard C. Taylor Private 6,725 100 William Blackwell Captain 6,972 4,000 John Gudrum Private 6,850 100 Robert Mabry Lieutenant 6,985 2,666% James Mason Captain 7,i87 1,333% James Mason Captain 7,188 1,333% James Mason Captain 7,189 1.333% Nathaniel Wilkins Lieutenant 38 444% Nathaniel Wilkins Lieutenant 39 222% Nathaniel Wilkins Lieutenant 40 444 Vz Obadiah Woodson Lieutenant 6,692 222 Obadiah Woodson Lieutenant 6,694 224% John Thomas George Jordon George Jordon Joseph Varner Joseph Startling Joseph Startling James and Davis Clemson James and Davis Clemson John Roberts Phileman Griffeth Phileman Griffeth Margaret and Benjamin Pollard Margaret and Benjamin Pollard Margaret and Benjamin Pollard Margaret and Benjamin Pollard James L. Woodville, and Mary, his wife, Jno. H. & Ann M. Peyton, John and Margaret L. Cockran, William S. Lewis, Sarah E., John B., Thomas and Polly Dozer Lewis Mary P. Pleasants Reuben George Catharine C. Rice, Elizabeth Booth, William Christian, and Ann R. Armstrong Frank Stanley, Sarah C. Stanley, Henry Massie, jr., Eugenia Massie and Thomas Massie James Craik (devisee) James Craik (devisee) James Craik (devisee) James Craik (devisee) John Vawter Richard C. Taylor Elizabeth Scott John Gudrum George Mason Edmund Mason George Mason Jane Mason Catharine Wilkins Margaret S. Wilkins Thos. K. Floyd, Samuel L. Floyd, Eliza A. Floyd, and T. L. Kendall John Hampton and Judith, his wife David Woodson Carson, assignee Henry Stanberry Col. R. M. Johnson Col. R. M. Johnson Nathaniel Claiborne Nathaniel Claiborne Nathaniel Claiborne Charles J. Faulkner Charles J. Faulkner John S. Barbour William Lambert William Lambert Thomas Green Thomas Green Thomas Green Thomas Green John H. Peyton Thomas Green William McCoy Hon. J. W. Chinn John H. Peyton William Lambert William Lambert William Lambert William Lambert Hon. Wm. Hendricks A. H. Shepherd Philo Hale John Y. Mayson John Y. Mayson John Y. Mayson John Y. Mayson John Y. Mayson P. P. Mayo P. P. Mayo P. P. Mayo John Hampton David Woodson Carson 304 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia A-B Obadiah Woodson Obadiah Woodson Obadiah Woodson Obadiah Woodson Obadiah Woodson James Bullifant Alexander Keith Thomas Bass James Grinstead Thomas Bullett Thomas Bullett Thomas Bullett Robert Layton Nathaniel Wilkins Nathaniel Wilkins Nathaniel Wilkins Peter Foster Harry Terrell Thomas Bullitt Nehemiah Walker John Clarke John Clarke John Clarke John Clarke Hezekiah Robinson Henry Lipford Rice Ennis C Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant Soldier Lieutenant Soldier Private Colonel Colonel Colonel Captain Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant Major Colonel Private Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant Private Private Private D E 6,699 222 6,698 222 6.701 222 6.702 222 6.703 222 6,912 100 6,979 2,666% 7,027 100 7,141 100 7.153 555 7.152 555^ 7.154 1,481% 7,121 4,000 35 444% 36 444^ 37 444 % 7,144 2,666% 6,100 444% 7,186 740% 7,197 100 52 666% 53 666% 54 666% 55 666% 6,759 100 6,757 100 6,807 100 David Woodson Carson, assignee David Woodson Carson David Woodson Carson, assignee David Woodson Carson David Woodson Carson, assignee David Woodson Carson David Woodson Carson, assignee David Woodson Carson William G. Woodson Hon. John Tyler William G. Woodson, assignee James Bullifant Kitty Bradford, Charles F. Keith, Isham Keith, and Maria G. Nash Francis Bass, Drury Bass, and R. Birdsong James and William Grinstead Ellen Earnest Sophia W. Guathmey Ann Huie, Helen J. King, Ann E. W. King, Luby F. King, and R. W. King Robert Layton Mary Ann Stratton, Susan Gor- don, Sarah Stratton, Eliza and Louisiana Waddy Juliet Mason and Anna Ward John W. Hall, Robert Hall, Wil- liam Hall, and Eliza Hall Peter Foster Edward G. Terrell James B. Huie S. W. East, Severn East, and Mary Bloxom Frances Clark, jr. Sally Mumford Patsey Clarke Eliza Clarke John Robinson Henry Lipford Frances Ennis, Elizabeth Cosby, John Ennis, and Alexander T. Boatwright Hon. James Standifer Mark Alexander Hon. C. Tompkins Hon. William Wilkins George C. Gwathmey John King Philo Hale Vespasian Ellis Vespasian Ellis Vespasian Ellis Philo Hale Hon. W. R. King John King P. P. Mayo Jno. W. Nash and William S. Scott Jno. W. Nash and William S. Scott Jno. W. Nash and William S. Scott Jno. W. Nash and William S. Scott Jno. W. Nash and William S. Scott Jno. W. Nash and William S. Scott Jno. W. Nash and William S. Scott U. S. Treasury Report, Revolutionary Land Scrip 305 A-B Jesse Parker Erasmus Oakley Charles Mosby John Fisher John Fisher John Fisher John Fisher John Fisher John Fisher John Fisher John Fisher William Dennis Robert Watkins Robert Watkins Robert Watkins John Washington George Hood John Washington Richard Shackleford William Massie John Belvin John Washington John Washington William P. Hamlet Thorton Meade Thomas Bullett Reuben Griffis Joseph Spencer Wm. Hogan Wm. Johnson Samuel Bell John Taylor Anderson Brightwell James Hooper Samuel Mosby Robert Mosby Robert Mosby C Private D E 6,756 100 Sergeant 6,760 200 Private Ensign Ensign Ensign Ensign Ensign Ensign Ensign Ensign Private Ensign Ensign Ensign Captain Private Captain Private Fife major Private Captain Captain Private Private Colonel Corporal Captain Private Corporal Captain Private Private Private Sergeant Lieutenant Lieutenant 7,028 100 7.230 7,229 7,228 7,227 7,226 7.225 7,224 7.223 7,011 7.236 7,234 7.235 7,237 6,734 7,238 7,136 7,219 7,237 7,240 7,239 7,158 7,155 7,241 7,248 6,569 7J37 6,801 7,250 7,253 6,511 6,727 63 266% 266% 266% 266% 266% 555 5 /9 444 4 /9 333% 200 8888/9 888»/t 888 8 /s 2,000 200 666% 100 400 100 666 % 666% 200 100 370 % 200 1,000 200 200 666% 200 200 200 200 58 1,732% 59 934 Jesse Parker Rhoda Oakley, John Oakley, Thos. Oakley, Martha Alder- son, Mary A. Crews, John Ty- ree, Emily Tyree, Martha Ty- ree, and Catharine Miles Susanna Mosby, Clarissa Mosby, Susanna Allan Edwin Fisher Myers W. Fisher Margaret Susan Fisher Susan Hopkins John Fisher Thomas Fisher Sally Nelson William Nottingham William Dennis Howard Watkins Ann Hope Mary Thomas Lund Washington Allen Latham Robert T. Thompson Richard Shackleford Sally Tull, Henrietta Britting- ham, John Massie, and Eliza- beth Massie Meade Belvin Elizabeth Lund Thompson Catharine F. Thompson William P. Hamlet Thornton Meade William C. Raines Reuben Griffis Samuel Winston Mary, Elizab. and Frances Hogan William Johnson Joseph and Sarah Bell James Taylor Thomas Graham Levi Barber Charles W. Mosby, Clarissa Mosby, Susanna Allan Charles W. Mosby, Clarissa Mosby, Susanna Allan Charles W. Mosby, Clarissa Mosby, Susanna Allan Jno. W. Nash and William S. Scott John W. Nash John W. Nash Joseph Segar Joseph Segar Joseph Segar Joseph Segar Joseph Segar Joseph Segar Joseph Segar Joseph Segar Philo Hale Thomas Green Thomas Green Thomas Green Lund Washington Allen Latham William S. Nicholls R. Shackleford Vespasian Ellis Meade Belvin W. S. Nicholls W. S. Nicholls Mark Alexander William S. Scott Bernard Hooe Benjamin F. Michie Samuel Winston William S. Scott T. W. Johnson Willis Faucett Vespasian Ellis Thomas Graham Levi Rarber William S. Scott William S. Scott William S. Scott 306 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia A-B C D E Thomas Warman Captain 7,256 7777» Joseph Mitchell Captain 6.752 144 Charles Morgan Ensign 65 2,666% Reaps Mitchell Sergeant 6,338 466% Richard Doggett Captain Ex. 64 4,000 Wm. Knight Private 6,999 100 Robert Belvin Private 7.265 IOO William Belvin Thomas Belvin Private Private 7,267 100 7,266 100 Peter Jacquett Captain 7,273 4,000 Caleb P. Bennett Lieutenant 7,276 2,666% James Hook Captain 6,597 200 James Hook Captain 6,597 200 James Hook Captain 6,598 200 John Waide Corporal 6,644 200 Alexander Garden Lieutenant 7,298 2,666% Alexander Garden Lieutenant 7,298 2,666% Thomas Bullett Colonel 78 370% Thomas Bullett Colonel 79 37oH Thomas Bullett Colonel 80 370% Thomas Bullett Colonel 81 370% Thomas Bullett Colonel 82 370% Peter Goffinger Pilot 7,217 i,333% Peter Goffinger Pilot 7,2i8 1,333% Robert H. Saunders Lieutenant 7,268 2,666% Littleberry Mason Paymaster 7,277 4,000 Nathan Wren Ensign 7,302 888 8 / 9 Nathan Wren Ensign 7,303 74o 2 %7 Nathan Wren Ensign 7.304 148V27 F G Thomas F. W. Vincent, Elizabeth Belt, Matilda Shirley, Ann Mc- Cormick, and Harriet Wallace A. M. Green Nathaniel Sawyer James P. Drake Gabriel Moore Willis Morgan G. W. Minor Charles S. and Rebecca Bibb William Morgan Benjamin Turner (executor) Thomas Doggett William Knight Martha Wright, Robert Belvin, John Belvin, James Belvin, Jas. Dianna, Wm. and Mahala Stroud, Mary, William and Elizabeth Belvin John M. Gregory Martha Wright, Robert, John and James Belvin, James, Dianna, William and Mahala Stroud, Mary, William and Elizabeth Belvin John M. Gregory Martha Wright, Robert, John and James Belvin, James Dianna, William and Mahala Stroud, Mary, William, Thomas and Elizabeth Belvin John M. Gregory Peter Jacquett William Lambert Caleb P. Bennett William Lambert Stephen Hook T. M. T. McKennon Stephen Hook T. M. T. McKennon Stephen Hook T. M. T. McKennon Ann Waide, Peggy Waide, Alice Drummond, Susan A. Fennis, James Waide, Sarah H. Waide, and Delia Ann Clayton Allester Garden Allester Garden Helen M. Barnes Thomas B. Barnes Catharine A. Thomas Elizabeth L. Thomas Alexander B. Barnes Milly Spady Emiline Jones R. H. Saunders Henry Mason, William B. Mason, Nathaniel Mason, Mary Spen- cer, Mary Louisa and Eliza Jane Mason Molly Weathers Isaac Bendall, Jesse Bendall, Bar- bara Jones, Judith Adams and Sally Anderson Polly and Lucy Zilles Matthew St. C. Clarke Joseph Watson Joseph Watson William C. Barnes William C. Barnes Addison N. Thomas Addison N. Thomas William C. Barnes Henry Stanberry Joseph Segar Thomas Keeran Joseph Segar Joseph Segar Joseph Segar Joseph Segar U. S. Treasury Report, Revolutionary Land Scrip 307 A-B C D E Nathan Wren Ensign 7,305 444 4 /» Nathan Wren Ensign 7,306 449 4 /» John Taylor Minson Proby John King Richard Stevens Lieutenant Sergeant Soldier Captain 7,283 2,666% 7,281 200 3,387 200 148 t,093 4S /,oo William Cherry William Cherry James Hook James Hook James Hook George Johnson Daniel Miller * William Eppes * James McDorman Samuel Walker Thomas Doggett Thomas Davis William Teas James Franklin Captain Captain Captain Captain Captain Private Private Lieutenant Soldier Captain Private Ensign Cornet Captain 158 333 % 159 666% 6,598 200 6,601 200 Madison, Minerva and Benjamin Green Edwin Adams, James Adams, William Adams, Susanna Adams, Albert Adams, and Benj. Adams John M. Taylor (in trust) George T. Massenburg Elias Barbee Lucy Stevens, Robert C. Stevens, Judith Cimbrew, Richard, Hiram, Horace and Lewis B. Stevens, and Robert and Julia Ann Winston William Cherry William and John Cherry Daniel Hook Daniel Hook 6,603 200 Daniel Hook James Franklin Captain William Cruckerman Private Henry Macon Ensign 6,359 100 6,682 100 1,475 4,ooo 7.283 200 7,282 4,000 7.284 100 7,279 2,666% 7.289 2,666% 7.290 3,750 7.291 250 6,055 100 7,289 2,666% John Nelson Private 6,112 100 John Hart Private 7,301 100 Major Topping Private 7,298 200 Jacob Chance Private 7,293 100 Enoch Hartsook Daniel Miller John S. and Robert F. Eppes, and Mary P. Bland Elizabeth Harrison Jane P. McKaney, John M. and J.H.Walker Thomas Doggett Thomas Davis and John Davis Eleanor Penon Ann C. Davis, Sarah W. Davis, and Elizabeth H. Franklin Nancy Franklin E. P. Kendrick Ann Maria, John H. Mungo, R. & Eleanor Macon, Elizabeth B. Reynolds, T. D. and T. Macon, William and Ann M. Frank, and Jane Rodman Rodman Foster, assignee Leonard Hart Sally Topping Tinney Bell, Sally Scott, Nancy Harrison, Susan Harrison, John Moore, Nancy Harmond, Wil Ham Chance, Elijah Chance, John Chance, Thomas Chance, and Margaret Chance Joseph Segar Joseph Segar J. C. Taylor Joseph Segar Hon. N. Gaither Lewis B. Stevens Susp'd (in the office) Charles James Faulkner Hon. T. M. T. Mc- Kennon Hon. T. M. T. Mc- Kennon Hon. T. M. T. Mc- Kennon Hon. Mr. Lucas John Floyd Thomas Green Philo Hale E. P. Thomas Willis Morgan Hon. J. Y. Mayson Philo Hale Philo Hale Philo Hale E. P. Kendrick John Metcalf James Foster A. N. Thomas Vespasian Ellis Vespasian Ellis 308 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia A-B C D ' E Alexander Harrison Private 7.299 200 George Coloney Private 7,297 200 Jacob Keslow Private 7,296 100 Samuel Owens Private 7.295 200 John Clark Cornet 7,309 2,666% John Reins Private 6,6oo 100 Charles Cameron Lieutenant 7,310 2,666% Andrew Leitch Private 6,914 100 William Powell Lieutenant 7.322 2,666% Thomas McReynolds Lieutenant 7,330 2,666% Isaac Sterling Private 7,337 100 William Coloney Private 7,339 200 John Sutton Captain 7,328 4,000 William Bennett Private 7,343 200 Benjamin Harrison Paymas. Gei 1-7,340 6,666% John Joynes Sergeant 7,344 400 Jacob Rodgers Private 7,342 200 Griffeth Dickerson, sr . Corporal 7-304 200 William Bauswell Private 6,683 100 James Oast Private 7,147 100 Elisha White Captain 7,346 4,000 John Chaves Private 6,300 200 Richard Carney Lieutenant 7,353 2,666% Daniel Edmonds Soldier 7,331 200 Daniel Haley Private 7,361 200 William Eskridge Lieutenant 295 1,000 Charles Booth, S. Scarburg, Mel- son and T. Snead James Coloney, Samuel and Polly Hickman Margaret Chum Jesse, Mary, Sally, Elizabeth, Milcah, Ann and Marg't Wilk- inson John Clarke Nicholas McCarty Andrew W. Cameron Elizabeth Craig, Nancy Leitch, Sarah Stanley, Mary Balinda Leitch, Algeliza Leitch, and Emeline Virginia Leitch Wm. Powell, Nathaniel R. Po- well, Lucas Powell, and Court- ney Powell John D. McReynolds Elizabeth Rayfield and Sally Ma- hollerns James Coloney, Samuel and Polly Hickman John Sutton Peggy Elliott and Sinah Bennett Benjamin Harrison Wm. Joynes and Edward Collins Nancy Richardson Griffeth Dickerson, jr. John Mauks, assignee James Oast Susan Cornick Jno. Chs. and Randolph Chaves Charlotte Worthington, Mary L. Gardner, Eliza N. Neblett, Christopher W. Carney, James W. Carney, Edward L. Carney, and Stephen W. Carney Daniel Edmunds David Haley, Joseph Haley, An- thony Haley, Abner Haley, and Phebe Haley Wm. D. Young, Mary C. Young, M. Martin Jas. Martin Amer- ica Martin, Anthony Jackson Bartlett, James S. Jackson, Lucy E. Jackson, J. H. Jackson, Richard G. Jackson, Alice M. Ashmon, John Ashmon, David Nelson Ashmon, Cordelia Jack- son Vespasian Ellis Vespasian Ellis Vespasian Ellis Vespasian Ellis Robert Hord Nicholas McCarty A. Buckingham, & Co. Delivered to claimants Philo Hale C. S. Morgan Vespasian Ellis Vespasian Ellis Thomas Green Vespasian Ellis Philo Hale Vespasian Ellis J. S. Barbour Hon. Wm. Davenport Susp'd (in the office) Philo Hale J. W. Murdaugh Vespasian Ellis Thomas Green Philo Hale Philo Hale U. S. Treasury Report, Revolutionary Land Scrip 309 A-B C D Edward Richards Soldier 7,290 200 Norment Harvey Private 6,913 100 Elijah Boston Soldier 7,358 50 Elijah Boston Soldier 7.359 50 Elijah Boston Soldier 7.36o 50 Elijah Boston Soldier 7,36i 50 Abram Cole Captain 7,363 4 ,000 Nathaniel Welch Captain 135 888% Reuben Chapman Captain 142 4447* Reuben Chapman Captain 143 2,222 2 /9 Reuben Chapman Charles Lewis George Walker Captain Colonel Matross 144 145 147 888 8 /9 666% IOO John Thornton Lt. Col. 146 6,000 William Gregory Captain 149 I.333H Thomas Walker Captain 7,363 4,000 Clement Skerrett Lieutenant 151 2,666% William Berry Q. Mast. Sergt. 169 200 Nathaniel Wilkins Lieutenant 7,364 66% Nathaniel Wilkins Lieutenant 7,365 66% Nathaniel Wilkins Lieutenant 7,366 66% Nathaniel Wilkins Lieutenant 7,367 66% Nathaniel Wilkins Lieutenant 7,368 66% Edward Richards Norment Harvey Martha Henderson Mary Jackson Nancy Taylor Sally Taylor Esther Mahan, Charlotte Jones, Christian Dukes, Dumpsey Byrd, Benton Byrd, Abraham Byrd, Herman Savage, Mar- garet Harrell, and Esther Har- rell Oliver and N. J. Welch and Me- linda Mallory Nancy Hillyard, Maria Hillyard, Moses Hillyard, Matilda Hill- yard, James Hillyard, Jos. Hill- yard, and Reuben Hillyard Robert Chapman, Alexander Chapman, Matilda Faulkner, Sophia Craxton, & Margaret Pemberton Samuel and Reuben Chapman Howel Lewis Winder Walker, L. Webb, Ahira Sebrill, and Dandridge Davis Isaac Winston, Mary F. Thorn- ton, Matilda A. S. Thornton, Eliz. Thornton, Alfred A. Thornton, Caroline H. Thorn- ton, George W. Thornton, Isaac H. Thornton, and Jane W. Thornton Jno. M. Gregory, Wm. R. Gre- gory, and Letitia P. Ware John Walker, Henry B. Walker, Sarah Cappes, H. B. C. Walker, and James Walker Harriet Bennet and Eliza Griffeth William Kinney R. Hord A. Buckingham & Co. A. Buckingham & Co. A. Buckingham & Co. A. Buckingham & Co. Richard D. Webb N. J. Welch Robert Hord Thomas Green Thomas Keeran Archibald M. Green Thomas H. Harvey Winston and Walden Philo Hale Henry L. Brooke William Lambert Alex. Scott Private 7,369 200 Wm. and Elizabeth Berry, Wash- ington, Benjamin, Ann, Imo- gene, and Eleanor Berry R. George F. Wilkins A. Catharine Wilkins A. Margaret S. Wilkins A. Susan, Ann, & Thomas L. Kendall A. Thos. K. Samuel L. and Elizabeth A. Hoy A. Alexander Scott T. Wallace P. Upshaw, susp'd P. Upshaw, susp'd P. Upshaw, susp'd P. Upshaw, susp'd P. Upshaw, susp'd P. Thompson 310 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia A-B C D E F G Provost Nelson Soldier 7,379 200 Sally Gunnison and L. Beall Vespasian Ellis David Ashley Soldier 7,380 200 William Means Vespasian Ellis Samuel Gay Surgeon 162 1,500 Peter Gay Charles J. Faulkner Samuel Gay Surgeon 161 2,000 Catharine Dunavan Peter Gay Samuel Gay Surgeon 163 500 Peter Gay Peter Gay Samuel Gay Surgeon 160 2,000 Samuel Gay Peter Gay James Upshaw * Captain Rev'n 3,276 4,000 James W. Upshaw, Maria Haw- kins, L. Upshaw, Harriet Cock- erill, Eliza J. Harwood, Martha F. Edwards, Sarah Massie, Mason T. B. Upshaw, and Arthur M. M. Upshaw Suspended Thomas Carr Private 5.928 66% Elisha Long, assignee Hon. B. Peyton James Holloway Lieutenant 7,314 81 Mary Crutcher, Julia Rucher, Martha Clark, William Hollo- way, James Holloway, Eliz. Holloway, Jane Holloway, Pat- sey Flourney, Spencer Hollo- way, and Samuel Holloway Samuel Holloway Joseph Kirkwood Joseph Kirkwood Mary K. Bowyer J. M. Clayton Reuben Pound J. M. Patton George V. C. Payne, Richard Cornelius, and Joseph Payne, Eliz. Armstrong, Lavinia Ho- well, Rt. Payne, Nancy John- son, Mahala D. P. Williams, Matilda D. Williams, Martha B. Williams, Marcus Williams, R. P. Williams, O. S. Williams, M. P. Williams Suspended Reuben Chapman Captain 170 444V9 Ann M. Keese Zachariah Cook Soldier 4,1 44 100 Zachariah Cook Suspended Grand total Robert Kirkwood Captain 70 2,000 Robert Kirkwood Captain 71 2,000 William Pound Private 6,728 50 Joseph Payne Lieutenant 1,656 666% 3i2,746 35 /ioo Recapitulation of scrip issued on copies, or duplicate warrants, as designated by asterisks (*) in the foregoing statement 8,100 General Land Office, November is, 1834. Elijah Hayward, Commissioner. U. S. Treasury Report, Revolutionary Land Scrip 311 Remarks Acres Acres There was appropriated by the act of May 30, 1830, for the Virginia State and Continental line 310,000 acres, viz: For the Continental line 50,000 For the State line, including the navy 260,000 The act of July 13, 1832, appropriated for both establish- ments 300,000 The act of March 2, 1833, appropriated for the same 200,000 Total appropriation 810,000 Agreeably to the foregoing statement B, scrip has been issued on warrants for the Continental line 27l,3i8 B1 /ioo Agreeably to statement A, for the State line and navy 525,502 61 /ioo 796,82i l8 /ioo Balance i3,i78 88 /ioo This balance is covered by warrants, but the title has not yet been completed for various causes. General Land Office, November 15, 1834. Elijah Hayward, Commissioner. 312 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Statement showing the No. of the warrants surrendered for the issue of scrip {in anticipation of an appropriation) for military services performed in the Virginia line and navy, and the Virginia continental line; the quantity of land in each; to whom issued; the rank of the officer or soldier; the line in which he served, and the name of the person who surrendered the warrant. Abbreviations for the Various Columns A = Warrantee. B = Person who performed Revolutionary War service C = Kind of service: (i) = Continental Line; (2) = State Line; (3) D = No. of warrant. E = Amount of acres. F = Name of person who surrendered the warrant. State Navy. A-B C D E F Daniel Tyler Private (1) 6,712 100 Allen Latham Joseph Selman Soldier (2) 4,202 100 J. H. Causten Charles Bullifant Soldier (1) 7,387 100 J. Dandrige for A. Christian Francis Bullifant, heir of Soldier (1) 7,388 100 J. Dandrige for A. Christian Benjamin Warburton Soldier (1) 7,389 100 J. Dandrige for A. Christian David Creighon, heirs of Soldier (1) 7,390 100 J. Dandrige for A. Christian William Jones heir of Seaman (3) 10,311 100 John Metcalf James Nickers Private (1) 7.391 200 John Metcalf John Lamkin Soldier (2) 4-340 100 William H. Todd Mathias Maughan Soldier (2) 3,577* 100 Philip Sale Richard Booker, heirs of Captain (2) 7,397 2,000 Richard Booker Thomas Vaughan Soldier (2) 2,301 100 William H. Todd Mark Thomas, heirs of Captain (2) 7,142 3,000 Benjamin Johnson Mark Thomas, heirs of Captain (2) 153 125 Benjamin Johnson Mark Thomas, heirs of Captain (2) to each Benjamin Johnson Mark Thomas, heirs of Captain (2) 160 Benjamin Johnson Robert Milner, heirs of Private (1) 7,392 200 Thomas Williams John Jordan Captain (1) 5,472 500 T. W. Gilmer John Cannon, heirs of Lieutenant (1) 7,399 888% Hon. Nath'l Claiborne John Cannon, heirs of Lieutenant (1) 7,400 888% Hon. Nath'l Claiborne John Cannon, heirs of Lieutenant (1) 7,40i 888% Hon. Nath'l Claiborne Edward Baber Private (2) 6,589* 100 Hon. Nath'l Claiborne John Canaday Seaman (3) 7,407 100 A. M. Green Chas. M. Thruston, heirs of Colonel (1) 7,406 6,666% J. Thruston John Love Sergeant (2) 420 400 William H. Todd Edward Stewart Soldier (2) 3,366 100 William H. Todd John Oliver Private (1) 7,4io 100 William H. Todd James Whitaker Soldier (2) 496 200 William H. Todd Bennet Pemberton Soldier (1) 7,408 100 William H. Todd James Travis Soldier (1) 7-409 100 William H. Todd Jesse Golden Soldier (2) 4,384 100 William H. Todd James Christie Soldier (2) 309 200 William H. Todd Martin Lawless Soldier (1) 4,252 100 William H. Todd William Vause, heirs of Captain (1) 7.413 666% John B. White Thomas Hutchinson Corporal (2) 3,248 200 S. J. Tabbs Charles Fierer Captain (2) 4,633 2,000 Thomas A. Marshall U. S. Treasury Report, Revolutionary Land Scrip 313 A-B John Hoy Thomas Bullit William S. Spiller William S. Spiller Moses Hawkins Henry Clayton William Cole Charles Thurman John Jenkins William Cardwell Humphrey May Thomas Bell Ambrose White William Morgan James Barron Wilson C. Selden Wilson C. Selden Wilson C. Selden Levi Groomes, heirs of William Thurmond Wm. Megginson, heirs of Stephen Stephens, heirs of James Walker, heir of John Hornsby, heirs of Edward Joynes, heir of Nathaniel Wilkins, heirs of Nathaniel Wilkins, heirs of Thos. Patterson, heirs of Thomas West, heirs of Richard Booker, heirs of William Martin Thos. McReynolds, heir of Binns Jones, heirs of James Bowers, heirs of Thomas Bowers, heirs of Morris Bowers, heirs of Philemon Bowers, heirs of George Bowers, heirs of Thomas Hogan, heirs of George Catlett, heirs of John Gregory, heirs of Ambrose Madison William Christie, heirs of William Everett, heirs of Frederic Jones, heirs of John March, heirs of Samuel Hosier, heirs of Britton Jones, heirs of C D E F Private (i) 6,726 100 J. J. Allen Colonel (1) 7,398 555 P. H. Pope Captain (2) 7,403 222^ H. A. Claiborne Captain (2) 7,402 222^ H. A. Claiborne Captain (1) 7,418 666% William H. Todd Soldier (2) 3,165 100 William H. Todd Soldier (2) 4,239 100 William H. Todd Sergeant (1) 7,417 400 William H. Todd Private (1) 7.449 200 William H. Todd Sergeant (1) 7,448 400 William H. Todd Sergeant (1) 7,450 200 William H. Todd Sergeant (1) 7,447 400 William H. Todd Private (1) 7,446 200 William H. Todd Private (1) 7,451 200 William H. Todd Midshipman (3) 7,421 2,666% James Barron Surgeon (2) 7,443 2,000 William Selden Surgeon (2) 7,445 2,000 William Selden Surgeon (2) 7,444 2,000 William Selden Lieutenant(l) 7,442 2,666% R. M. Johnson Serg't Major (1) 7,453 342 John Thompson Captain (1) 7,452 3,500 John Thompson Seaman (3) 7,376-7 100 Vespasian Ellis Seaman (3) 7,378 100 Vespasian Ellis Seaman (3) 7,381 100 Vespasian Ellis Seaman (3) 7,383 100 Vespasian Ellis Lieutenant (1) Seaman (3) 7,373 ill Vespasian Ellis Lieutenant (1) 7,374~5 m Vespasian Ellis Captain (1) 7,455 1,000 William H. Todd Captain (1) 170-6 5,333 l A Charles Allen Captain (2) 7,568 2,000 William Selden Private (1) 7,569 100 W. P. Goff Captain (1) 7,454 1,333% C.S.Morgan Lieutenant (1) 7,570 2,666% Thomas Green Sergeant (2) 7,457 400 T. Q. Kinningham Sergeant (2) 7,458 400 T. Q. Kinningham Musician (2) 7,559 200 T. Q. Kinningham Private (2) 7,560 200 T. Q. Kinningham Private (2) 5,561 200 T. Q. Kinningham Sergeant (1) 7,563 400 J. W. Chinn Lieutenant (3) 7,572 2,666% Thomas Green Captain (1) 7,57i 4,000 R. D. Webb Captain (1) 7,574 4,000 Thomas Green Surgeon (3) 7,575 6,000 0. B. Barrand Private (1) 7,582 100 R. D. Webb Private (1) 7,581 100 R. D. Webb Private (1) 7,580 200 R. D. Webb Private (1) 7,579 100 R. D. Webb Private (1) 7,577 100 R. D. Webb 314 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia A-B C D E F Henry Everett, heirs of Private (i) 7,578 100 R. D. Webb Edward Allen, heirs of Lieutenant (i) 7,576 703 R. D. Webb Jonathan Tharps, heirs of Private (i) 7,583 200 Vesp. Ellis Knevit Taylor, heirs of Private (i) 7,585 200 Vesp. Ellis Sacker Bayley, heirs of Private (i) 7,586 200 Vesp. Ellis Selby Taylor, heir of Private (i) 7,584 200 Vesp. Ellis Shadrach Chances Private (2) 7,587 100 Vesp. Ellis Samuel Denny, heirs of Captain (1) 7,575 4,000 Vesp. Ellis John Julian, heirs of Surgeon (1) 7,590 6,833% Thomas Green James Maxwell, heirs of Captain (3) 7,4" 5.333% William Maxwell James Knight Private (1) *928 100 William McComas Thomas Helm, heirs of Captain (1) 7,59i 4,000 William Helm George Elliott, heris of 7.592 1,333% J. M. Robinson Edw. Worthington, heirs of Captain (2) 7,566 666% J. Pope John Richy Private (1) 7,599 300 Vesp. Ellis William Maffit Private (1) 7,598 300 Vesp. Ellis Thomas Johnson, heirs of Captain (1) 7,573 2,666% John Metcalf John Dixon, heirs of Private (1) 7,6oi 100 Vesp. Ellis Peter Griffith, heirs of Private (1) 7,600 100 Vesp. Ellis John Gregory, heirs of Captain (2) 7,602 4,000 B. Crump Edw. Worthington, heirs of Captain (2) 7,609 666% William H. Todd Thomas Fitzsimmons Private (1) 7,6io 200 William H. Todd William Merriwether Lieutenant (2) 7,608 2,666% William H. Todd Richard Paulett Lieutenant (1) 7,612 2,666% Thos. Green William Fontaine Lt. Colonel 7,6i3 6,000 Thos. Green Heirs of Charles Lee Major Gen. (1) 7,6i8 2,8l2% Wm. S. Scott Heirs of Charles Lee Major Gen. (1) 7,6i9 2,812^ Wm. S. Scott Heirs of Charles Lee Major Gen. (1) 7,6i7 1,875 Wm. S. Scott Heirs of Charles Lee Major Gen. (1) 7,6i5 1,875 Wm. S. Scott Heirs of Charles Lee Major Gen. (1) 7,616 1,875 Wm. S. Scott Heirs of Charles Lee Major Gen. (1) 7,614 3,750 Wm. S. Scott Jesse Brightwell, heirs of Private (1) 7,395 200 Wm. S. Scott William Steele Lieutenant (3) 1,672 I.OOO Wm. H. Todd William Steele Lieutenant (3) i,673 1,666% Wm. H. Todd Daniel Hix, heir of Private (1) 7,620 100 N. Tyree Hugh Mercer, heirs of Brig. Gen. (1) 7,622 1.873 Wm. H. Todd Garland Burnley Captain (1) 7,621 4,000 Thos. Green Samuel Crawley, heir of Captain (2) 7,623 500 Leigh Ware Richard Taliaferro, heirs of Captain (1) 7,624 4,000 John Thompson Martin Norris, heirs of Lieutenant (2) 7,628 2,466% H. H. Harvey Joseph Ramsey Lieutenant (2) 7,627 2,666% S. H. Price Morgan Alexander, heirs of Colonel (1) 7,597 6,666% S. M. Lucas Christopher Blackburn Lieutenant (1) 7,629 2,666% Thos. Green James Browser, heirs of Private (1) 7,630 200 Vesp. Ellis Carter Croxton Sergeant (1) 7,635 200 Thos. Green Richard Crump, heirs of Captain (2) 7,631 3,ooo Genl. Crump Richard Crump, heirs of Captain (2) 7,632 1,000 Genl. Crump John Gregory, heirs of Lieutenant (1) 7,633 555 Wm. Selden William Gregory Captain (1) 7,634 833 Wm. Selden U. S. Treasury Report, Revolutionary Land Scrip 315 A-B John Robbins, heir of Thomas Pollard, heirs of Martin Redman, heirs of Solomon Malbone, heirs of Laurence House, heirs of Thomas Hutchinson, heir of William Connor heir of William Mcintosh heirs of Douglas Connor, heirs of William Dowell, heir of Joseph Mitchell, heirs of Jesse Paulett, heir of John Applewhaite, heir of Henry Pullen, heir of John Jester, heirs of John Hall, heirs of Stephen Moore, heirs of James Burton, devisees of Stephen Graham, heirs of William Saunders, heirs of James Drewry, heirs of Wm. Purser, heirs of Chas. Hendley, heirs of Holeman Rice Moses Rawlings Bland W. Ballard William Ivy, heirs of Wm. Slaughter, heirs of John Payne, heirs of William Camp, heirs of Robert Tompkins, heirs of John Johnson, heirs of Thomas V. Dalton, heirs of John Pasture, heirs of John Davis, heir of Richard Taylor, heir of Henry Nicholson, heirs of Andrew Heth, devisee of Lemuel Murphy, heirs of Lemuel Murphy, heirs of William Fouchee, devisees of Alex. Spottswood, devisees of William Davis Timothy Wood Leonard Helms, heirs of John Doherty Bernard Clements John Chilton, heirs of John Chilton, heirs of c D E F Midshipman (3) 7,636 2,466% Thos. Green Captain (2) 7.638 4,000 H. H. Harvey 7,629 100 R. D. Webb Private (1) 7-639 200 John Cornick Captain (2) 7,646 4,000 Colonel J. Armistead Sergeant (2) 7.645 200 Colonel Huxton Private (1) 7,640 100 Colonel Huxton Private (2) 7.644 100 Colonel Huxton Private (1) 7.641 100 Colonel Huxton Private (1) 7,642 100 Colonel Huxton Captain (1) 7.603-: ; 1,000 Lyddal Wilkerson Ensign (1) 7,649 2,666% Thomas Green Surgeon (3) 7,647 6,000 0. B. Barrand Private (1) 7,626 200 J.W. Chinn Seaman (3) 7,651 100 J. G. Mosby Seaman (3) 7,652 100 J. G. Mosby Seaman (3) 7,653 100 J. G. Mosby Captain (1) 7,650 2,055% Thomas Green Surg, mate (1) 7,656 4,000 J. W. Murdaugh Captain (3) 7,657 944 Thomas Green Private (2) 7.594 200 Charles Hatcher Private (2) 7,393 100 Charles Hatcher Private (1) 7,593 100 Charles Hatcher Captain (1) 7,565 400 Thomas Green Colonel (1) 7,648 9,055 G. W. McCulloch Private (2) 7,650 200 Wm. H. Todd Captain (3) 7,659 4,000 J. W. Murdaugh Ensign (1) 7,414 2,666% J. M. Patton Master (3) 7,596 2,666% Henry L. Brooke Lieutenant (1) 7,595 2,666% Henry L. Brooke Captain (3) 7,660 1,333% Thomas Green Seaman (3) 7,659 100 William Selden Lieutenant (2) 7,667 2,666% William Lambert Captain (3) 7,670 5,333% William Selden Private (1) 7,37i 100 J. G. Bryce Captain (1) 7,628 2,000 R D.Webb Cornet (2) 7,674 2,666% G. W. Mosby Lieutenant (1) 7,671 2,666% G. W. Mosby Private (1) 7.364 25 Charles Hatcher Private (1) 7.363 25 Charles Hatcher Doctor (2) 7,673 6,000 William Lambert Brig. Gen. (2) 7,672 6,777 % William Lambert Private (1) 7.657 100 Joseph Stratton Private (1) 7,66i 200 P. M. Tabb Captain (1) 7,567 4,000 S. H. Causten Private (2) 7.658 200 William H. Todd Private (1) 7.664 100 William H. Todd Captain (2) 7,666 2,358 William H. Todd Captain (2) 7.665 2,358 William H. Todd 316 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia A-B C D E F Holeman Rice Captain (i) 7,564 3,6oo Thomas Triplett George Muters, devisee of Colonel (2) 7,676 1,810 Thomas Green John Allison, heir of Lieut. Col. (2) 7.675 i,oi3M Thomas Green Benjamin Smith Private (1) 6,566 100 J. H. Fulton Thomas Dunn, heir of Sergeant (1) 6,897 200 William Hendricks Michael Holt, heir of Captain (1) 7.577 4,000 R. D. Webb Timothy Langston, heirs of Private (1) 7.579 200 R. D. Webb Joseph Holland, heirs of Private (1) 7.582 100 R. D. Webb William Laurence, heir of Private (1) 7,58o 100 R. D. Webb Moses Hedgbeth, heir of Private (1) 7,585 100 R. D. Webb Benjamin Lapeter, heirs of Private (1) 7.578 100 R. D. Webb Dempsey Lapeter, heirs of Private (1) 7.584 100 R. D. Webb Willis Holland, heirs of Private (1) 7,583 100 R. D. Webb Timothy Brantum, heirs of Private (1) 7,58i 100 R. D. Webb Lewis Webb Captain (1) 7,588 4,444 William H. Todd Bland, Ballard, heirs of Sergeant (2) 7,590 400 William H. Todd Richard Parker, heirs of Colonel (2) 7.587 678 William H. Todd John Bond Private (1) 7,586 200 William H. Todd Thomas Hunt Soldier (2) 3,52i 200 William H. Todd James McWilliams Private (1) 7,639 200 A. C. Bryan John Rogers, heir of Captain (3) 7,592 i,333M John Mosby John Lyon, heir of Surg, mate (3) 7,585 I.333H Charles Hatcher Stephen Turnbull, heirs of Captain (2) 7,696 4,000 Thomas Green James Hendricks, heir of Lieut. Col. (1) 7,695 6,000 Thomas Green Amos Goodwin Private (1) 7,699 200 William H. Todd Levi Todd, heirs of Lieutenant (2) 7,697 2,666% William H. Todd William Roberts, heirs of Ensign (2) 7,698 1,056 William H. Todd William Woodford, heirs of Brig. Gen. (1) 7,698 1,750 William H. Todd James Thomas Private (2) 6,706 100 Thomas Davenport Argyle Herbert, heirs of Lieutenant (3) 7,701 4,000 William Selden William Harris Private (1) 7,662 100 William Helm Charles Dabney, heirs of Lieut. Col. (3) 7,721 1,533 Thomas Green Edmund Beasley, heirs of Private (1) 7,702 200 Vespasian Ellis Major Budd, heirs of Private (1) 7,713 100 Vespasian Ellis Daniel McAllister, heirs of Private (1) 7,703 200 Vespasian Ellis Teakle Elliott, heirs of Private (1) 7,7i8 100 Vespasian Ellis John Britnoms. heirs of Private (1) 7,714 100 Vespasian Ellis James Nelson, heir of Private (1) 7,708 100 Vespasian Ellis Solomon Bunting, heirs of Private (1) 7,709 200 Vespasian Ellis Andrew Lee, heir of Private (1) 7,705 100 Vespasian Ellis George Clark, heir of Private (1) 7.707 100 Vespasian Ellis Toby Bull, heir of Private (1) 7,704 100 Vespasian Ellis Wm. Simpson, heirs of Seaman (3) 7,710 100 Vespasian Ellis Edward Wise, heirs of Private (1) 7,712 100 Vespasian Ellis Thomas Franklin Private (2) 1,534 100 J. B. Anthony Saml. Haleys, heirs of Lieutenant (3) 7,593 533 Vz Thomas Jones Saml. Haleys, heirs of Lieutenant (3) 7,592 533 Thomas Jones Ephraim Hall, heirs of Seaman (3) 7.723 100 Vesp. Ellis Wm. Delastation, heirs of Private (1) 7,724 100 Vesp. Ellis U. S. Treasury Report, Revolutionary Land Scrip 317 A-B D E Thomas Powell, heirs of Surgeon (i) 7,722 4,800 Vesp. Ellis Wm. Campbell, heir of Brig. Gen. (i) 7,591 13,056 Wm. C. Preston Saml. Haleys Lieutenant (3) 7.725 533 G. A. Myers George Wilson, heir of Colonel (2) 7,706 750 C. S. Morgan James Hord Ensign (1) 7,728 1,333% Thos. Green James Hord, heirs of Ensign (1) 7,727 1,333% Thos. Green Wm. Taliaferro, heirs of Lieut. Col. (1) 7,728 1,500 Wm. H. Todd Joseph Mitchells' heirs of Captain (1) 7,606 856 Lyddal Wilkinson Thomas Ravenscroft, heirs of Lieutenant (2) 7,729 1,333% J. B. Floyd Joseph Quinlan, heir of Surgeon (1) 7,700 6,000 T. C. Quinlan John T. Brooke, heirs of Brig. Maj. (1) 7,730 2,666% H. L. Brooke Francis Smith Private (2) 892 100 W. H. Todd Wm. Kidd, heir of Private (2) 7,636 100 T. Q. Kinningham Hy. Batchelor, heirs of Private (2) 7,637 100 T. Q. Kinningham R. E. Crunden, heirs of Surg. Mate (1) 7,417 4,000 Jno. M. Patton John Webb, heirs of Lieut. Col. (1) 7,737 404 J. Jackson John Nail Sergeant (1) 7,735 400 C. S. Morgan Robert Watkins, heirs of Ensign (1) 7,732 2,666% C. S. Morgan John Goggin, heirs of Lieutenant (1) 7.733 2,666% C. S. Morgan Joseph Davenport, heirs of Sergt. Maj. (2) 7,73i 200 C. S. Morgan Richard K. Meade Private (1) 7.734 200 C. S. Morgan Robert Adams Private (1) 7-736 200 C. S. Morgan Alexander Strickling Private (1) 7,748 200 Thos. Green Charles Tompkins, heirs of Captain (1) 7,749 1,166% Thos. Green Charles Tompkins, heirs of Captain (1) 7.750 583% Thos. Green Reuben Triplett, heirs of Midshipman (3) 7.738-47 242f Thos. Green Swan Blundon Sailor (3) 2,071 100 L. Wilkerson Jesse Kent, heirs of Midshipman (3) 4,194 2,666% L. Wilkerson Seth Blundon Midshipman (3) 2,095 2,666% L. Wilkerson John Jones, heirs of Sergeant (1) 7,594 200 Wm. Selden Thos. C. Nelson, heir of Captain (1) 7,753 4,000 Wm. Selden Wm. Buckner, heirs of Master (3) 7,611 2,666% H. A. Wise Nathl. Mitchell, heirs of Major (1) 7,751 5,333% T. and A. Mitchell Elias Edmonds Lieut. Col. (2) 166* 6,000 W. Wallace Andrew Ray, heirs of Surgeon (2) 7,752 1,800 Chas. Hatcher Robert Legate, heir of Lieutenant (3) 7,758 4,000 J. D. Vincent Rich. Mitchell, heirs of Midshipman (3) 7,757 1,333% W. P. Taylor Andrew Ray, heirs of Surgeon (2) 7.76o 3,ooo Chas. Hatcher Richd. Mitchell, heirs Midshipman (3) 7.754 1,333% John Borum Wm. Jarvis, heirs of Seaman (3) 7,756 100 John Borum Diggs Weston, heirs Private (1) 7,755 200 John Borum Robert Hall, assignee of Master (3) 4,3"* 2,666% Philip Sale Celey Saunders, heirs of Captain (3) 7,767 1,601 Thos. Green Benj. Beach, heirs of Master (3) 7,767 2,666% Vesp. Ellis Andrew Ray, heirs of Surgeon (2) 7,760 1,200 Charles Hatcher James Ward, heirs of Private (1) 7,765 100 Charles Hatcher John Willard Private (1) 7,769 100 J. G. Mosby t 242 acres in each of 10 warrants and scrip. 318 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia A-B James Mcllhany, heirs of John Logan, heir of John Lawrence, heirs of William Logan, heirs of John Addison, heirs of Salathiel Milby, heirs of Robert Rogers, heirs of Charles Joynes, heirs of Caleb Spiers, heirs of John Emerson John Curie, heirs of Jacob Curie, heirs of William Betote, heirs of Thomas Howard, heirs of Robert Nicholson, heirs of James Ashby, heirs of John Ellicott, heirs of Wm, Watkinson, heirs of Tully Clark, heirs of James Watkinson, heirs of Jos. Delastation, heirs of Peter Delastation, heirs of John Victor, heirs of Robert Ferguson David Irby Cyrus L. Roberts, heir of John Webb, heirs of Robert Conway, heirs of Mason Lunsford Hezekiah Freeman George Wilson, heirs of George Wilson, heirs of Bennet McKey Ed. P. Chamberlayne, heirs of Thomas Spencer, heirs of Robert Preston, heirs of Richard Vernon Thomas Bryant, heirs of Garrett Tunnison John Richardson John Richardson Jesse Bayse, heirs of Joseph S. Pell, heirs of Willis Wilson, heirs of Charles Tompkins, heir of Philip Evans John Mohen, heirs of Gideon Hamlett, heir of Francis Powell, heirs of C D E F Captain (i) 7,770 4,000 James Mcllhany Private (1) 7.762 200 R. D. Webb Private (1) 7,764 100 R.D.Webb Private (1) 7,761 100 R. D. Webb Private (1) 7, 71 5 100 Vespasian Ellis Private (1) 7,71 1 100 Vespasian Ellis Private (1) 7, 71 7 100 Vespasian Ellis Private (1) 7. 716 100 Vespasian Ellis Private (1) 7,719 100 Vespasian Ellis Lieutenant (1) 7,759 166 J. D. Bull Private (1) 7,772 100 J. G. Mosby Private (1) 7,773 200 J. G. Mosby Private (1) 7,780 200 Vespasian Ellis Midshipman (3) 7,783 2,666% Vespasian Ellis Surgeon (2) 7,774 6,000 Vespasian Ellis Sergeant (1) 7,782 200 Vespasian Ellis Private (1) 7,781 100 Vespasian Ellis Private (1) 7,777 100 Vespasian Ellis Private (1) 7,779 200 Vespasian Ellis Private (1) 7,778 100 Vespasian Ellis Private (1) 7,776 100 Vespasian Ellis Private (1) 7,775 200 Vespasian Ellis Lieutenant (2) 7,786 2,666% Vespasian Ellis Private (1) 7,789 200 Vespasian Ellis Private (2) 7,788 200 Vespasian Ellis Captain (1) 7,787 4,207 Vespasian Ellis Lieut. Col. (2) 7,784 808% Vespasian Ellis Lieutenant (1) 7, 791 2,666% Vespasian Ellis Private (2) 7,794 1 00 Thomas Green Soldier (2) 2,492 100 Linn Bancks Colonel (2) 178 187^ Charles S. Morgan Colonel (2) 179 562^ Charles S. Morgan Private (1) 6,960 200 J. W. Chinn Lieutenant (3) 7,795 4,000 Lewis Chamberlayne Lieutenant (1) 7, 315 2,666% James W. Bouldin Private (1) 7,790 200 Rob. Allison Private (1) 7,792 100 James W. Bouldin Lieutenant (2) 7,797 2,666% Thomas Green Surgeon (1) 7,796 6,000 C. J. Faulkner Private (1) 7,625 200 T. M. Mcllhany Private (1) 7,738 100 T. M. Mcllhany Private (1) 6,805 100 T. M. T. McKennan Surgeon (3) 7,998 7,045 J. W. Murdaugh Captain (3) 8,000 943 J. W. Murdaugh Captain (1) 8,001 i,i66J^ William Selden Private (1) 1,406* 100 R. S. Chew Marine (3) 7,999 100 Phil. Sale Soldier (1) 8,003 100 C. L. Pendleton Midshipman (3) 8,013 2,666% R. D. Webb U. S. Treasury Report, Revolutionary Land Scrip 319 A-B C D E F Thomas Herbert, heirs of Captain (3) 8,006 1,333% Charles Hatcher John Connor, heir of Soldier (1) 8,007 200 Charles Hatcher Charles Tomkins, heir of Captain (1) 8,012 583 H Thomas Green Jesse George, heirs of Lieutenant (3) 8,011 4,000 Thomas Green George Brooke, heirs of Colonel (2) 8,005 6,666% H. L. Brooke Alexander Dick, heir of Major (2) 8,009 344 James M. Garnett Alexander Dick, heir of Major (2) 8,008 344 James M. Garnett Alexander Dick, heir of Major (2) 8,017 34i B. T. Taliaferro John McKinley Private (1) 1.439 233 Walter Dun Bannister Howe, heir of Sail. Master (3) 8,016 666% J. A. Chandler Bannister Howe, heir of Sail. Master (3) 8,015 2,000 J. A. Chandler Anthony Crockett Lieutenant (1) 8,020 2,666% Wm. H. Todd Godfrey Smith Private (1) 8,019 200 Thomas Green William Casey, heir of Private (1) 8,022 100 R. D. Webb John Fowler, heirs of Private (1) 8,025 100 R. D. Webb Henry Pruden, heirs of Sergeant (1) 8,023 200 R. D. Webb Saml. McCoy, heir of Private (1) 8,024 100 R. D. Webb John Gibbs, heirs of Private (1) 8,024 100 R. D. Webb Ambrose Bohannon Captain (1) 280 1,000 W. H. Todd John Murphy Captain (1) Private (2) 8,028 100 J. G. Mosby Ambrose Day, heir of Soldier (1) 7.793 100 J. Armstead Daniel Thomas, heirs of 8,030 100 J. Armstead James Gray, heirs of Lieutenant (3) 8,026 4.677 B. H. Saunders William Spiller, heirs of Captain (2) 7,588 222}4 G. A. Myers Isaac Bird Private (1) 8,031 200 Thos. Green Samuel Haley, heirs of Lieutenant (3) 8,018 1,066 Thos. Jones John Rogers, heirs of Captain (3) 7.593 1,333% F. Vincent James Ballard Corporal (3) 8,044 400 J. G. Mosby Thomas Parker, heirs of Midshipman (3) 8,037 2,666% Vesp. Ellis Alexander Moore Private (2) 8,036 200 Vesp. Ellis Spillsby Gregory Sergeant (2) 8,085 400 T. H. Ellis John Yager, heirs of Soldier (2) 7.362 200 Thos. Yager Joseph Gray, heirs of Private (1) 8,033 200 J- B. Ogg Notley Maddon Sergeant (1) 8,043 400 Chas. Hatcher Recapitulation of the quantity of lands in warrants surrendered in anticipation of an appropriation. Total quantity of acres 483,722 The total amount of acres includes 9,366% acres in duplicate warrants, as designated by asterisks. General Land Office, November 75, 1834. Elijah Hayward, Commissioner. SECTION III VIRGINIA MILITARY BOUNTY LAND WARRANTS FROM UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE RECORDS (20) Virginia State Line and State Navy (21) State Continental Line (20) Virginia Military Land Warrants Virginia Military District of Ohio, Granted for Revolutinary War Services State and Navy, Beginning February 14, 1782 Note: The dates of issuance were unfortunately not copied for Section (hi), (20) and (2l), and i have decided not to hold up publication to secure these dates. see the numerous dates in section ii. g. h. b. Person Who Performed Number Warrantee (A) the Service (B) Kind of Service (C) 50 Archer, Peter Field (See 35 and 36) Archer, Peter Field State Line 78 Armstead, Thomas Armstead, Thomas State Line 122 Allison, John Allison, John State Line I 7 8 Anderson, Isaac Anderson, Isaac State Line 251 Andrews, Robert Woodward, Charles State Line 252 Andrews, Robert Stuart, Solomon State Line 253 Andrews, Robert English, Charles State Line 254 Andrews, Robert Townshend, George State Line 255 Andrews, Robert Ridden, Robert State Line 256 Andrews, Robert Mansfield, Thomas State Line 257 Andrews, Robert Canick, Patrick State Line 258 Andrews, Robert Bevens, Frederick State Line 259 Andrews, Robert Williams, Zebediah State Line 260 Andrews, Robert Williams, Thomas State Line 26l Andrews, Robert Creelman, William State Line 262 Andrews, Robert Williams, Williams State Line 263 Andrews, Robert McDan, Daniel State Line 264 Andrews, Robert McClanachan, Elijah State Navy 265 Alexander, Elias Alexander, Elias State Line 461 Atkinson, Thomas Atkinson, Thomas State Artillery 529 Angel, John Angel, John State Line 558 Anderson, Isaac Anderson, Isaac State Line 801 Abbett, Robert Abbett, Robert State Line 848 Allen, Joseph Allen, Joseph State Line 1207 Arrington, Wm. Arrington, Wm. State Line I561 Angel, Wm. Angel, Wm. State Line 1685 Andrew, Benjamin Andrew, Benjamin State Line 1712 Anderson, John Anderson, John State Line 1713 Anderson, Isaac Anderson, Isaac 323 State Line 324 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Person Who Performed Number Warrantee (A) the Service (B) Kind of Service (C) 1748 Angel, Wm. Angel, Wm. State Navy 1780 Armstrong, John Armstrong, John State Line 1939 Alman, Wm. Alman, Wm. State Navy 1952 Armistead, Wm. Armistead, Wm. State Line 1993 Ashburn, Luke Ashburn, Luke State Navy 2020 Angel, Baker Angel, Baker State Navy 2168 Almond, John Almond, John State Navy 2283 Ashlock, Richard Ashlock, Richard State Line 2375 Armistead, Wm. Armistead, Wm. State Line 2431 Allan, Thomas Allan, Thomas State Navy 2583 Arnold, Isaac, heir Arnold, Isaac State Line 2712 Asseline, Thomas Asseline, Thomas State Line 2736 Aitstock, Wm. Aitstock, Wm. State Artillery 3027 Armonile, John, Rep. Armonile, Daniel State Line 3420 Armistead, Adam Armistead, Adam State Line 3591 Ashby, Stephen Ashby, Stephen Line Unknwon 3597 Allen, John Allen, John State Line 3789 Armstrong, Bennett, heir Armstrong, James State Line 3800 Anell, David Anell, David Line Unknown 4145 Allegree, Giles, heir Allegree, William State Line 4496 Anderson, Wm., assnr. Anderson, Richard State Line 4637 Ashby, Warren Ashby, Warren State Navy 4748 Allen, Jones, assnee. Redcross, John State Line 4749 Allen, Jones, assnee. Emanuel Olves (?) State Line 3598 Allen, John Allen, John State Line 475o Allen, Jones, assnee. Ross, David State Line 4758 Allen, Jones, assnr. Hughes, James State Line 4759 Mutlow, Wm. Mutlow, Wm. State Line 4760 Peters, Anthony Peters, Anthony State Line 6743 Rebecca, Sarah and Armstrong, Edward Continental Line Wm., Roberts, Edward and Thomas Armstrong, heirs of Edward Armstrong 6788 Ames, Richd. and Margaret Christian, Wm. 6835 Ames, Sally W., et al. Bird, Levin State Navy 6863 Adams, Lidia Best, John State Line 6865 Arrengton (?), Polly Best, John State Line 6866 Avis, Nancy Best, John State Line 6881 Asher, Bartlett Asher, William State Line 6891 Armstead, Elizabeth P. Barron, James State Line 7131 Andrews, Eleary Andrews, Eleary State Navy 7180 Amiss, Mary Starks, Moss State Navy 7183 Armistead, Elizabeth B. Barrow, Samuel State Navy 7269 Archer, Robert Archer, Robert State Navy 7280 Allen, Thomas, heirs Allen, Thomas State Navy State and Navy Land Warrants, Military District of Ohio 325 Person Who Performed Number Warrantee (A) the Service {B) Kind of Service (C) 7282 Allman, Wm., heirs Allman, William State Navy 7335 Andrews, Wm. Andrews' heirs and devises Andrews, William State Navy 7354 Andrews, Robert State Navy Ex.85 Adams, Mary Elizabeth Selden, Joseph State Navy 97 to 10) : Allen, Thomas, heirs of (Exchanged for No. 7280) Allen Thomas State Navy 7396 Armstrong, John Armstrong, John State Line 7414 Ashly and others Oranden, R. C. State Line 7647 Applewhaite, Judith Applewhaite, John Surgeon Navy 7675 Allison, Rebecca C. Allison, John State Line 7745 Anderson, Malinda Triplett, Reuben State Navy 129 Archer, Robert Archer, Robert State Navy 130 Archer, Robert Archer, Robert State Navy 131 Valentine, Susan Archer, Robert State Navy 132 Tally, Eliza Archer, Robert State Navy 8063 Armstrong, George Armstrong, Jesse State Line 8117 Ashby, Mary E. and others Ashby, John State Navy 8i34 Ashby, Clarkson Ashby, John State Navy 8i54 Armstrong, George Armstrong, Jesse State Line 8146 Alexander, Walter D. Alexander, George D. State Line 203 Addison, Mary Michael, James State Line 6357 Ashburn, Lott, heir of Ashburn, Lott State Navy 8063 Armstrong, George Armstrong, Jesse State Line 93 Boswell, Machen Boswell, Machen State Line 98 Bucker, Angus Bucker, Angus Infantry 106 Brodie, Lodowick Brodie, L. State Line 160 Ballam, William Ballam, Wm. Artillery 195 Brown, Windsor Brown, Windsor State Line 208 Boughan, Aris Boughan, Aris State Line 281 Bland, James Bland, James State Line 286 Baldwin, Alexander Baldwin, Alexr. State Line 318 Boston, Adam Boston, Adam State Cavalry 321 Bartlett, John Bartlett, John State Cavalry 322 Brown, John L. Brown, John L. State Cavalry 359 Brinimer, Isaac Brinimer, Isaac State Line 406 Brown, John Brown, John State Line 457 Bowlwase, Obadiah Bowlwase, Obadiah State Artillery 464 Butler, John Butler, John State Artillery 47i Belim, William Belim, Wm. State Line 476 Baker, James Baker, James State Line 480 Bradlow, Wm. B. Bradlow, Wm. B. State Line 486 Bozwell, Robert Boswell, Robert State Line 326 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Person Who Performed Number Warrantee (A) the Service (B) Kind of Sendee (C) 494 Bailey, Michael Bailey, Michael State Line 504 Brooks, John Brooks, John State Line 532 Buller, Joseph Buller, Joseph State Line 536 Booth, James Booth, James State Line 57i Blankenship, Womack Blankenship, W. State Line 585 Blakez, John Blakez, John State Line 617 Breckenridge, Alexr. Breckenridge, Alexr. State Line 650 Burton, James Burton, James State Line 672 Brown, Henry Brown, Henry State Line 698 Brent, William Brent, William State Line 711 Barron, James Barron, James State Navy 712 Brown, William Brown, Wm. State Navy 722 Barron, Richard Barron, Richard State Navy 740 Beaver, Samuel Beaver, Samuel State Line 764 Brown, Benjamin Brown, Benjamin State Navy 774 Brown, Francis Brown, Francis State Line 773 Beasley, Richard Beasley, Richard State Line 813 Blake, Charles Blake, Charles State Artillery 9i5 Ball, Burgess Ball, Burgess Line Unknown 991 Brooks, Walter Brooks, Walter State Navy 1034 Brough, Wm. Brough, Wm. State Navy 1220 Britt, John Britt, John State Line 1309 Baker, Thomas Baker, Thomas State Artillery 1355 Boyle, Charles Boyle, Charles State Line 1385 Bristow, Saunders Bristow, Saunders State Line 1502 Bulley, John Bulley, John State Navy 1504 Banks, James Banks, James State Navy 1505 Banks, Wm. Banks, Wm. State Navy 1534 Bridgman, Franklin Bridgman, Franklin State Line 1556 Baylis, Wm. Baylis, Wm. State Line 1565 Baytop, John Baytop, John State Line 1612 Buck, John Buck, John State Line 1670 Barbour, Philip, heirs Robertson, James State Line 1700 Beavers, Benjamin Beavers, Benjamin State Line 1340 Balock, Zachariah Balock, Z. State Artillery 1682 Bailey, Wm. Newby, heir Bailey, Edward State Line 1739 Bowling, Thornbury Bowling, Thornbury State Line 1824 Bayley, Noah Bayley, Noah State Line 1823 Bridgman, Hezekiah Bridgman, Hezekiah State Line 1871 Blackwell, John, heir Blackwell, Samuel State Line 1874 Brown, Robert Brown, Robert State Line 1898 Ballance, Willis Ballance, Willis State Line 1899 Ballance, Henry Ballance, Henry State Line 1846 Brown, Jonathan Brown, Jonathan Line Unknown State and Navy Land Warrants, Military District of Ohio 327 Person Who Performed Number Warrantee (A) the Service (B) Kind of Service (C) I86l Basham, Moody Basham, Moody State Line I9H Briscoe, John Briscoe, John State Navy 1953 Briscoe, James Briscoe, James State Navy 1955 Buck, John Smith Smith, John State Navy 1957 Bully, Thomas Bully, Thomas State Navy 1958 Buck, James Buck, James State Navy i960 Ballard, Wm. Ballard, Wm. State Navy 1992 Brown, John Brown, John State Navy 2013 Bailey, Anselm Bailey, Anselm State Navy 202I Baylie, Peter Baylie, Peter State Navy 2071 Blundon, Swann Blundon, Swann State Navy 2070 Blundon, William Blundon, Wm. State Navy 2095 Blundon, Seth Blundon, Seth State Navy 2113 Bailey, Thomas Bailey, Thomas State Line 2167 Buck, Elias Buck, Elias State Line 2172 Been, John Been, John State Navy 2175 Butler, Edward Butler, Edward State Navy 2l8o Bennett, William Bennett, William State Line 2l8l Bully, Edward Bully, Edward State Line 2221 Buns, John Buns, John State Line 2289 Bird, John Bird, John State Line 2304 Berry, Nathaniel Berry Nathaniel State Line 2379 Butler, Samuel Butler, Samuel State Line 2478 Bailey, Price Assee. Ragan, Daniel State Line 2537 Broaddus, William Broaddus, Wm. State Line 2546 Bowles, Thomas Bowles, Thomas State Line 2575 Bragg, Wm. Bragg, Wm. State Line 2573 Brown, Thomas, rep. Brown, James State Line 2538 Broaddus, Wm. Broaddus, Wm. State Line 2665 Bradley, James Bradley, James State Line 2687 Brasheer, Richard Brasheer, Richard State Line 2688 Bailey, John Bailey, John State Line 2711 Berry, Benjamin, heir Kirsley (?), Benj. State Line 2779 Bronn, Duncan Bronn, Duncan State Line 2784 Bailey, James Bailey, James State Line 2822 Burns, John Burns, John State Line 2935 Bayler, Richard, Assee. Morris, Moses State Line 2937 Bland, John Bland, John State Line 3021 Bailey, William Bailey, William State Line 3023 Boush, Charles Boush, Charles State Navy 3063 Burton, Eliza, rep. Burton, Richard State Line 3084 Brown, Aries (Anis?) Brown, Aries State Line 3224 Bowyer, Michael Bowyer, Michael Line Unknown 3I7I-2 Bullock, Rice Bullock Rice State Line 328 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Person Who Performed Number Warrantee {A) the Service (B) Kind of Service (C) 3268-9 Blackwell, Samuel Blackwell, Samuel State Navy 3271-2 Blackwell, Samuel Blackwell, Samuel State Navy 3280 Blackwell, Samuel Edward, Ellis State Navy 3270 Beatley, William Beatley, Wm. State Navy 3282 Beatley, Ralph Beatley, Ralph State Navy 3283 Blackwell, Samuel Moses, William State Navy 3284 Booth, William Booth, William State Navy 3341 Buck, Nicholas Buck, Nicholas State Line 3343 Briant, James Bryant, James State Line 3345 Broadhead, Daniel Whitten, Daniel State Line 3367 Bird, Otway Bird, Otway State Line 3377 Bell, Thomas Bell, Thomas State Line 3393 Broadhead, Daniel Broadhead, Daniel State Line 3400 Bailey, Jessee Bailey, Jessee State Navy 3403 Bledsve, Miller Bledsoe, Miller State Line 3405 Bartley, William Bartley, Alexander State Line 341 1-3 Bousch, Robert Boush, Robert State Line 3458 Butler, William Butler, William State Line 3569 Baylor, Richard, Assnee. Woraling, John State Line 3638 Berry, John Berry, John State Artillery 3641 Berry, Thomas Berry, Thomas State Artillery 3669 Boyle, Walter Boyle, Walter State Navy 3671 Boyce, William Boyce, William Line Unknown 3715 Bailey, James Bailey, James State Line 3830 Bigger, Wm., Assee. Major, John State Line 3859 Bunting, Sacker Bunting, Sacker State Line 395o Bryant, Thomas Bryant, Thomas State Line 4020 Brown, George Brown, George State Line 4036 Berwick, James Berwick, James Line Unknown 4065 Barksdale, David Barksdale, David State Line 4079 Bromfield, Robert, heir Bromfield, Robert State Line 4107-8 Bell, John Bell, John Va. Regiment 4151 Barns, William Barns, William State Line 4280 Boulware, Samuel Boulware, Samuel State Line 4337 Browning, John Browning, Wm. State Line 4363 Bailey, Parker Davis, William State Line 4379 Bigger, Wm. Bigger, Wm. State Navy 4437 Bennet, Artaxs Bennett, Artaxs State Navy 4627 Bedinger, Henry Bedinger, Henry Line Unknown 4657 Bigger, Wm., Assee. Pippin, Bannister State Navy 4766 Bryant, Henry Bryant, Henry State Navy 4869 Brown, John Brown, John State Line 4957 Bush, James, Rep. of Bush, James State Line 4967 Brown, Reuben, Rep. of Brown, Reuben State Line State and Navy Land Warrants, Military District of Ohio 329 Number Warrantee (A) 6328 Beasley, Ephraim 6361 Beddoe, Laurence 6437 Baskerville, John 6589 Baber, Edward 6742 Bressie, Thomas, heir 6519 Boush, Goodrich 6752 Bibb, Charles and Rebecca 6800 Bloxsum, Scarborough 6803 Bowman, Jacob 6833 Beavens and others 6846 Bailey, John 6847 Bailey, John I. 6864 Brilee, William 6868 Brown, Ann H. 6869 Brown, Frances 6870 Ballard, Philip 6884 Burk, James 6886 Burk, James 6892-3 Baron, James 6894 Broadwater, Covington 6899 Brooks, Walter, heirs 6976 Bevans, Harriot 6987 Bouwell, Peggy 7005 Bennet, Covington 7006 Bennet, Rowland 7007 Bennet, Samuel 7008 Bennet, Littleton 7009 Bennet, Polly 41 Broadwater, Covington 42 Broadwater, Thos. J. W. 43 Broadwater, Levin J. M. 6870 Ballard, Philip 48 Boush, heirs of 49-51 Boush, heirs of 7166 Bright, Susan H. 7182 Barron, Samuel 7220 Bully, Thomas 7221 Bully, John 7230 Binford, May 7235 Barron, Richard, heirs of 7285 Bull, Betsey and others 71 Bowyer, Eliza K. 7336 Bloxom, Stephen, heirs 7338 Brents, heirs and devises of Person Who Performed the Service (B) Beasley, Ephraim Beddoe, Laurence Baskerville, John Baber, Edward Bressie, Thomas Boush, Goodrich Mitchell, Joseph Bloxsom, S. Bowman, Joseph Broadwater, John Bailey, Laban Bailey, Laban Best, John Gooseley, George Goosley, George Ballard, Philip (Lost) Burk, James Burk, John Baron, James Broadwater, Covington Brooks, Walter Corbin, Wm. Saulsbury, Moses Saulsbury, Moses Saulsbury, Moses Bennet, Wm. Bennet, Wm. Bennet, Wm. Broadwater, James Broadwater, James Broadwater, James Broadwater, James Boush, Charles S. Boush, Charles Bright, Francis Barron, Samuel Bully, John Bully, John Williams, John Barron, Richard Boerwell, Thomas Kirkwood, Robert Bloxom, Stephen Brents, George Kind of Service (C) State Line State Line State Line State Line State Line State Navy Continental Line State Navy State Line State Navy State Navy State Navy State Line State Navy State Navy State Line State Navy State Navy State Line State Navy State Navy State Navy State Navy State Navy State Navy State Navy State Navy State Navy State Navy State Navy State Navy State Navy State Navy State Navy State Navy State Navy State Navy State Navy State Navy State Navy State Navy State Line State Navy State Line 330 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Number Warrantee (A) 7343 Bennet, Wm., heirs of 7348 Bressie, William 7283-4 Bonwell, Thos., heirs of 7332 Brent, George, heirs of 7372 Barnes, Fred, heirs of 7397 Booker, Richard 150 Bonnewell, Martha and others 156 Bird, Mary 6589 Baber, William 7421 Barron, James 771 1 Berry, Benjamin 761 1 Buckner, Wm., heirs of 7637 Batchelder, Harriet and Hannah 7650 Ballard, Bland W. 7997 Bryant, Frances and others 8014 Boulware, Elizabeth 8044 Ballard, James 8060 Brown, Lou 8064 Budd, Lou and others 8701 Brown, John, heirs of 8702 (See letter to heirs, 1839) 8130 Preston, Elizabeth A. 8 13 1 Willy, Elizabeth 8144 Bezeant, William 8200 Burroughs, Sarah 8208 Brown, Joshua G. 8209 Brown, Benjamin and others 8228 Brown, Judith 8230 Brook, Lydia 8232 Booth, Thomas 8252 Bloxom, Agnes and others 8249 Bonwell, M. Keel &c. 8251 Boone, Eliz. and others 8334 Bully, heirs of 8321 Ball, Spencer, &c. 8322 Ball, Rob 8335 Ball, George 8341 Baily, Robert, heir of 8350 Baily, Southey, heir of 8375 Batts, Wm., heirs of 8064 Budd, Zorsbabell and others Person Who Performed the Service {B) Kind of Service (C) Bennet, Wm. Continental Bressie, Wm. State Line Bonwell, Thomas State Navy Brent, George State Line Barnes, Fred State Line Booker, Richard State Line Rogers, James State Line Thomas, Mark State Line Baber, Wm. State Line Barron, James State Navy Kneesly, Benjamin Buckner, Wm. State Navy Batchelder, Henry State Line Ballard, Bland W. State Line Bryant, Thomas State Line Worthington, Edward State Line Ballard, James State Line Brown, Lou State Line Budd, Thomas State Navy Brown, Francis State Navy Brown, Francis State Navy Barnard, Peter State Navy Barnard, Peter State Navy Bezeant, Wm. State Line Burriss, John State Line Brown, George State Navy Brown, George State Navy Brown, Will State Navy Cardwell, Willm. State Line Booth, Willm. State Line Bloxom, George State Navy Bonwell, Thos. State Navy McDonald, David State Line Bully, Edward State Navy Ball, James State Navy Ball, James State Navy Ball, James State Navy Baily, Rob State Navy Bailey, Southey State Navy Batts, Wm. State Line Budd, Thomas State Navy State and Navy Land Warrants, Military District of Ohio 331 Person Who Performed Number Warrantee (A) the Service (B) Kind of Service (C) 8049 Buchan, Nicholas Hinton, Spencer State Navy 8393 Beckley, William Beckley William I. W. Regt. Ex. 272 Bailey Ladock Bailey, Southey State Navy 8463 Burket, Patsey Burket, Sam State Line 9 Cabell, Samuel I. Cabell, Saml. I. Line Unknown 10 Campbell, William Campbell, Wm. Line Unknown 52 Clay, Mathew Clay, Mathew State 53 Connor, John Connor, John State 103 Callender, Eleazer Callender, Eleazer State Navy 109 Clark, Daniel Hall, William State 158 Coune, Robert Coune, Robert State Artillery 159 Coune, Augustine Coune, Augustine State 168 Crockett, Joseph Crockett, Joseph State 309 Custic, James Custic, James State 319 Cole, William Cole, Wm. State Artillery 353 Carrol, Edward Carrol, Edward State Line 410 Cambarn, John Cambarn, John State Line 434 Carroll, John Carroll, John State Line 450 Colden, James Colden, James State Line 453 Crowler, Charles Crowler, Charles State Line 478 Coggin, Herbert Coggin, Herbert State Line 482 Courtney, Thomas Courtney, Thomas State Line 483 Cutts, William Cutts, Wm. State Line 484 Cutts, Shadrack Cutts, Shadrack State Line 498 Carter, James Carter, James Line Unknown 505 Crump, Abner Crump, Abner State Line 575 Carorr, Laurance Carorr, Laurince State Line 5i6 Crump, Benjamin Crump, Benjamin State Line 527 Corder, James Corder, James State Line 533 Cole, Thomas Cole, Thomas State Line 530 Cavander, James Cavender, James State Line 542 Crocker, Wm. Crocker, Wm. State Line 549 Carnes, Daniel Carnes, Daniel State Line 557 Conner, John Conner, John State Line 589 Caffer, George Caffer, George State Line 645 Crump, Jesse Crump, Jesse State Line 663 Clod, Robert Clod, Robert State Line 691 Carter, John Carter, John State Artillery 693 Clarke, James Clarke, James State Line 723 Colbert, John Colbert, John State Line 729 Casey, Archibald Casey, Archibald State Line 745 Casey, Peter Casey, Benjamin State Line 75i Chamberlane, George Chamberlane, George State Navy 775 Carter, Charles Carter, Charles State Line 332 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Person Who Performed Number Warrantee (A) the Service {B) Kind of Service (C) 789 Chapman, Joseph Chapman, John State Line 990 Cary, Samuel Cary, Samuel State Line 994 Casey, Robert Casey, Robert State Artillery 1181 Carrick, Patrick Carrick, Patrick State Line 1214 Carr, William Carr, William State Line 1223 Collin, George Collin, George State Line 1249 Chilton, Thomas (heir) Chilton, John Captain 1302 Chapin, John Chapin, John State Line 1308 Cooper, William Cooper, William State Line 1317 Carter, William Carter, William State Line 1318 Carrol, Joseph Carrol, Joseph State Line 1373 Chilton, Newman Chilton, Newman State Line 1428 Carpenter, John Carpenter, John State Line 1506 Carter, Thomas Carter, Thomas State Line 1536 Clark, William Clark, William State Line 1537 Crump, Thomas Crump, Thomas State Line 1577 Coterell, William Cotterell, William State Navy 1683 Carter, John Carter, John State Navy 1728 Carroll, Henry Carroll, Henry State Line 1746 Corbell, Peter Corbell, Peter State Line 1796 Colman, Samuel (Assgee) Carrol, Thomas State Line 1805 Cason, John Cason, John State Line 1806 Cason, William Cason, William State Line 1807 Cason, James Cason, James State Line 1850 Charles, William Charles, William State Line 1922 Cogwell, Zachariah (heir) Cogwell, Frederick State Line 1923 Croghan, Wm. Croghan, Wm. State Line 1989 Crowder, Robert Crowder, Robert State Navy 2069 Cansey, James Cansey, James State Navy 2124 Chapman, John Chapman, John State Line 2200 Campbell, Charles Campbell, Charles Line Unknown 2278 Clay, Thomas Clay, Thomas State Line 2284 Crittenden, Wm. Crittenden, Wm. State Line 2286 Clark, Thomas Clark, Thomas State Line 2292 Clarke, Geo. R. Clarke, Geo. R. State Line 2432 Cornelius, William Cornelius, William State Navy 2435 Coleman, Wyatt Coleman, Wyatt State Line 2574 Chiram, James Chiram, James State Line 2660 Costick, Edward Costick, Edward State Artillery 2681 Clarke, William Clark, Wm. State Line 2683 Chaplin, Abraham Chaplin, Abraham State Line 2684 Clarke, Richard Clarke, Richard State Line 2836 Carter, John Carter, John State Line 2909 Coleman, Richard Coleman, Richard State Line State and Navy Land Warrants, Military District of Ohio 333 Person Who Performed Number Warrantee (A) the Service (B) Kind of Service (C) 2966 Christian, Nicholas Christian, Nicholas State Navy 2410 Cheiverins, Benjamin Cheiverins, Benj. State Line 2679 Calvert, Joseph Calvert, Joseph State Line 3000 Clark, Daniel (Admr.) McCarty, Richard State Line 3205 Collins, Thomas (heir) Collins, Richard State Line 3138 Clarke, John Clarke, John State Line 3156 Carpenter, John (Reps.) Carpenter, George State Line 3165 Clayton, Henry Clayton, Henry State Line 3278 Curtice, Henry Curtice, Henry State Navy 3334 Canore, Andrew Canore, Andrew State Line 3336 Coldwater, John Coldwater, John State Line 3355 Clary, Thomas Sullivan, Frederick State Line 3439 Couch, Samuel, Assignee Jones, Elisha State Line 35i6 Clary, Thomas, Assignee Blankinship, Daniel State Line 3575 Carter, George Carter, George State Line 3599 Captis, Obediah Captis, Obediah State Line 3609 Cook, William Cook, William State Line 3621 Clarke, Robert Clarke, Robert State Line 3748 Cummins, George Cummins, George State Line 3763 Chandler, Michael (Heir) Chandler, Thomas State Navy 378i Carnes, Joshua Carnes, Joshua State Line 4223 Carrell, Jacob Carrell, Jacob State Navy 4224 Cornelius, William Cornelius, William State Navy 4230 Coats, John (Heir) Coates, Samuel State Navy 4235 Calloway, John (Assignee) Turley, James State Line 4239 Cole, William Cole, William State Line 4339 Cook, William Cook, William State Navy 4342 Carr, William Carr, William State Line 4357 Crossen, Gustavus Crossen, Gustavus State Line 4431 Clendeny, George Clendeny, George State Navy 4455 Carter, John (Assn) Lyon, Thomas State Line 4456 Carter, John (Assn) Hutchinson, Joseph State Line 4457 Carter, John (Assn) Holt, Samuel State Line 4473 Carrell, James Carrell, James Commonwealth of Va. 4474 Carrell, James Carrell, James Commonwealth of Va. 45" Carr, Peter (Heir) Carr, Samuel Line Unknown 4520 Campbell, John Campbell, John State Line 3979 Campbell, David Campbell, David State Line 4565 Chapin, Hiram and other heirs Chapin, Benjamin State Navy 4634 Chaplan, Abraham Chaplan, Abraham State Line 4636 Cooke, Dawson Cook, Dawson State Navy 334 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Person Who Performed Number Warrantee {A) the Service (B) Kind of Service (C) 4655 Chiming, George Chuning, George State Navy 4656 Chiming, Chatwin Chuning, Chatwin State Navy 6031 Coalden, James (Rep.) Yeatman, Charles State Line 6738 Cook, Henry, Devisee anc 1 Assignee Newcomb, Joseph Continental Line 6737 Cook, Henry, Devisee anc I Assignee Muire, James Continental Line 4636 Cook, Dawson Cook, Dawson State Navy 4862 Cook, Roger, Rep. of Cook, Roger State Line 6766 Clements, Sarah Jane (Heir) Quarles, Wharton State Line 6767-8 Collier, Ann Armistead Marshall, James State Line 6780 Cary, Saml. S. and Susanna his wife Milliner, Robert State Navy 6785 Cameron, Leah Simpson, Hancock State Navy 6787 Christian, William Christian, William State Navy 68ll Cunningham, James B. Cunningham, Wm. State Line 6812 Cunningham, Robt. B. Cunningham, Wm. State Line 6838 Copes, Parker Copes, Beverley State Navy 6839 Copes, Beverley Copes, Beverley State Navy 6842 Copes, Kitty Copes, Beverley State Navy 6849 Chamberlayne, Richard Chamberlayne, Philip State Navy 6852 Chamberlayne, Bird Chamberlayne, Bird State Navy 6883 Chandler, Mary (Heir) Parker, Richard State Navy 6890 Campbell, Sarah Gorsaley, George State Navy 6898 Chandler, Thomas (Heirs of) Chandler, Thomas State Line 6944 Conway, Eliza Thurston, John State Line 6971 Cowgell, Sarah G. Pettigrew, John State Navy 6974 Corbin, Ann, wife of Corbin, William State Navy 6973 Corbin, John Corbin, William State Navy 7132 Cannon, Jesse, Heir of Cannon, Jesse State Navy 7133 Cannon, Luke, Heir of Cannon, Luke State Navy 54 Cheroning, Elizabeth Lilly, Thomas State Navy 7142 Clayborne, S. and Thomai ; » Judith Thomas, Mark State Line 7160 Collins, Margaret Braidfoote, John State Line 7245 Collier, Wm. and Polly Collier, Thomas State Line 7257 Calvert, Jonathan (Heirs of) Calvert, Jonathan State Line 7294 Collins, Sterling Collins, Stephen State Line 7305 Calvert, Jonathan (Heirs of) Calvert, Jonathan State Line 7334 Collins, Heirs and [?] Collins, James State Navy State and Navy Land Warrants, Military District of Ohio 335 Person Who Performed Number Warrantee (A) the Service (B) Kind of Service (C) 7339 Collony, William Collony, William Continental 787 Chapman, John (Heirs of) Chapman, John State Line 7407 Canady, John Canady, John State Navy 157 Cherry, William Cherry, William State Navy 309 Christy, James Christy, James Duplicate 7572 Catlett, Geo. T. and others Catlett, George State Navy 7631-2 Crump, John C. Crump, Richard Capt. State 7664 Clement, Bernard Clement, Bernard Capt. State 7696 Cunningham, Peggy Turnbull, Stephen Capt. State 7721 Campbell, Susa and others Campbell, William Capt. State 7795 Chamberlay, William B. Chamberlayne, Edwd. P. Lt. State Navy 8089 Chowning, Lorimer Chowning, Wm. State Navy 8090 Dawson, Harriot Chowning, Wm. State Navy 8106 Cox, Elizabeth and others Cox, John State Navy 8201 Canady, John Canady, David State Navy 8129 Coston, Elizabeth Toole, Richard State Navy 185 Chamberlayne, W. B. Chamberlayne, E. P. State Navy 191 Chamberlayne, W. Chamberlayne, E. P. State Navy 198 Cocke, Louisa Maxwell, James State Navy 8317 Corning, Harriott Worthington, Edward State Navy 8331 Cornelius W. (Heirs of) Cornelius, W. State Navy 8373 Cocke, Presley T. Cocke, John C. State Navy 8374 Currell, Geo., Heirs of Currell, George State Navy 8376 Collins, Mason, Heirs of Collins, Mason State Line 8378 Criglee, Cath. R. Roberts, William State Line 8020 Crockett, Anthony Crockett, Anthony State Navy 216 Ruffin, James E. Chamberlayne, Edwd. P. State Navy 232 Cocke, Presley T. Cocke, John C. State Navy 233 Tenison, Catharine Cocke, John C. State Navy 234 Edmonds, John F. Cocke, John C. State Navy 235 Fitzhugh, Will Cocke, John C. State Navy 236-7 Cocke, Petter P. Cocke, John C. State Navy 238 Edmonds, John F. Cocke, John C. State Navy 248 A. and S. Hidnals Currell, George State Navy 265 Cornelius, James C. Cornelius, Wm. State Navy 8450 Colvin, James Colvin, David State Line 279 Colvin, James Colvin, Mason State Line 27 Dudley, Henry Dudley, Henry State Line 28 Dabney, Charles Dabney, Charles State Line 130 Diggs, Dudley Diggs, Dudley State Line 142 Driver, Francis Driver, Francis State Line 330 Davis, John Davis, John State Cavalry 346 Duel, Henry Duel, Henry State Cavalry 336 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Person Who Performed Number Warrantee (A) the Service (B) Kind of Sendee (C) 357 Dean, John Dean, John State Calvary 39i Dun ton, Stephen Dun ton, Stephen State Cavalry 417 Davis, Lewis C. Davis, Lewis C. State Line 426 Davis, Joseph Davis, Joseph State Line 444 Davis, William Davis, William State Line 472 Drury, Benjamin Drury, Benjamin State Line 507 Dunn, John Dunn, John State Line 713 Dognell, Stephen Dognell, Stephen State Cavalry 730 Depriest, John Depriest, John State Artillery 993 Dodd, William Dodd, William State Line 618 Dihouse, Edward Dihouse, Edward State Navy 1212 Dulany, Thomas Dulany, Thomas State Line 1228 Daniel, John Daniel, John State Line 1246 Dean, John Dean, John State Artillery 1290 Dollins, William Dollins, William State Line 1313 Davis, John Davis, John State Line 1320 Dunneth, John Dunneth, John State Line 1335 Dawson, Thomas Dawson, Thomas State Line 1399 Downey, John Downey, John State Artillery i486 Dobson, Robert Dobson, Robert State Navy 1560 Depriest, William Depriest, William State Line 1686 Dixon, James Dixon, James State Line 1719 Dykes, Robert Dykes, Robert State Navy 1768 Dugmore, John Dugmore, John State Line 1916 Davier, John Davier, John State Line 1931 Denton, John Denton, John State Line 2097 Day, George Day, George State Navy 2137-8 Dixon, Anthony F. Dixon, Anthony F. State Line 2171 Davis, James Davis, James State Line 2254 Dyer, Samuel (Assignee) Seay, Reuben State Line 2285 Dungie, James Dungie, James State Line 2302 Dick, Alexander Dick, Alexander State Line 2335 Depriest, John Depriest, John State Line 2413 Depriest, John (Assignee) Stephens, Richard State Line 2414 Depriest, John (Assignee) Richardson, Robt. State Line 2516 Downey, Michael Downey, Michael State Line 2591 Dayle, John Dayle, John State Navy 2654 Driskill, Dennis Driskill, Dennis State Line 2819 Down ton, William Downton, William State Navy 2848 Dunston, Warren Dunston, Warren State Line 3062 Dunnavent, Abraham Dunnavent, Abraham State Line 2415 Davenport, Opie Davenport, Opie State Line 3192 Die, John Die, John State Line 3219 Demovill, Samuel Demovill, Samuel State Line State and Navy Land Warrants, Military District of Ohio 337 Person Who Performed Number Warrantee (A) the Service (5) Kind of Service (C) 3"7 DeKlauman, Christian C. Warrantee, - State Line 3157 Delph, Michl., Rep. of Delph, David (or Daniel?) State Line 3160 Darby, Darmon Darby, Darmon State Navy 3190 Daniel, George Daniel, George State Navy 3191 Daniel, Thomas Daniel, Thomas State Navy 3279 Doggett, Clement Doggett, Clement State Navy 3374 Davis, John Davis, John State Line 3471 Dunn, Joseph (Heir) Dun, James State Line 3507-8 Demon vill, Samuel Demon vill, Samuel State Navy 3572 Down ton, George Down ton, George State Line 3603 Davis, Acquilla Davis, Acquilla State Line 3640 Davis, John Davis, John State Line 3776 Dixon, Edward Dixon, Edward State Line 4231 Davis, Dorether (Heirs) Davis, Jeduthen State Navy 4441 Duncan, William (Heir) Duncan, Jacob State Navy 4507 Daring, Henry Daring, Henry State Line 4508 Denton, Thomas Denton, Thomas Col. Crockitt ^ Regt. 4534 Dor an, Patrick (Assignee) White, Randolph State Line 4559 DeMonbrown, Timothy DeMonbrown, Timothy State Line 4597 Deshago, William Deshago, William State Line 4745 Deboard, Elijah (Heir) Deboard, James State Line 4942 Doby, Robert Doby, Robert State Line 4968 Duncan, John, Representative Duncan, John State Line 5053 Davis, Jesse Davis, Jesse Line Unknown 6436 Dean, John (Heir) Dean, John State Line 6783 Drummond, James Milliner, Robert State Navy 6783 Richard, Catherine Milliner, Robert State Navy 6783 Henry and Tabatha Milliner, Robert State Navy 6829 Denton, William Milliner, Robert State Navy 6862 Denton, John (Heirs) Milliner, Robert State Navy 6988 Damorall, William Saulsbury, Inaro State Navy 7121 Davis, Hugh (Assignee) Carr, John, Jr. State Line 44 Dryden, James Broadwater, James State Navy 45 Dryden, Mary W. Broadwater, James State Navy 46 Dryden, John Broadwater, James State Navy 7139 Davis, Hugh (Assignee) Carr, John, Snr. State Line i75o Dalby, Ann and Susan Johnson Dalby, Branson State Navy 7156 Dozier, Nelly Norris, Martin State Navy 7157 Doughity, J. B. and J. Wildy Doughity, James State Navy 7161 Dunbar, Mary Barrett, Jonathan State Navy 338 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Person Who Performed Number Warrantee (A) the Service (5) Kind of Service (C) 7162 Dale, John M. Dale, Richard State Navy 7163 Dale, Edward Dale, Richard State Navy 7176 Denson, Josiah A. Moss, Stark State Navy 7200 Drummond, Stephen Cannon, Jesse State Navy 7202 Drummond, Cary Cannon, Jesse State Navy 7208 Drummond, Stephen Cannon, Luke State Navy (Exc.) 67 Dreury, Clarissa Timpson (?), Samuel State Line 139 Duling, Wm. and Augustus Garnett, Henry State Line 7563 Douglas, Fanny and others Hagan, Thomas State Line 7628 Dozier, Nelly and Nelly Raines Martin, M. State Line 7667 Daulton, T. V. Daulton, T. V. State Line 7721 Dabney, Elizabeth and others Dabney, Charles State Line 7775 Delastalion (?), Peter (Heir of) Dabney, Charles State Line ? Davis, Elizabeth Conner, Iolen Private 7284 Dougherty, Wm. B and others Dougherty, James State Navy 8065 Darby, Samuel Darby, Ayres State Navy 8152 Deane, Thomas Dean, John Legion 8187 Dameron, Dennis Dameron, Thomas State Navy 192 Doyle, Gabrella W. Passery, Thomas State Navy 8233 Dawson, Ann Dawson, Thomas B. State Navy 8325 Debram, Ann Foster, Peter State Navy 8258 Dawson, Ann Dawson, Thomas B. State Navy 8026 Dammerell, Elizabeth and others Gray, James State Navy 8404 Dixon, William Dixon, Wm. State Navy 166 Edmonds, Elias Edmonds, Elias State Line 339 Emery, Thomas Emery, Thomas State Line 412 Evans, Thomas Evans, Thomas State Line 5i8 Edwards, Benjamin Edwards, Benj. State Line 554 Elmore, William Elmore, Daniel State Line 570 Elmore, William Elmore, Wm. State Line 575 Elzy, Edward Elzy, Edward State Line 585 Ewell, Charles Ewell, Charles State Line 648 Edwards, Thomas Edwards, Wm. State Navy 703 Elzey, Edward Elzey, William State Line 747 Evans, Charles Evans, Charles State Navy 78i Elliott, William Elliott, William State Line 1269 Easton, William Easton, William State Line 1292 English, Charles English, Charles State Line State and Navy Land Warrants, Military District of Ohio 339 Person Who Performed Number Warrantee (A) the Service (B) Kind of Service (C) 1573 Edwards, John Edwards, John State Line 1818 Elam, Lodowick Elam, Lodowick State Line 1329 Ewell, Thomas Ewell, Thomas State Line 1940 Edwards, Enoch Edward, Enoch State Navy 2022 Edwards, William Edwards, Wm. State Navy 2096 Edwards, Rodham Edwards, Rodham State Navy 2420 Ellis, James Ellis, James State Navy 2723 Edmondson, Benjamin Edmondson, Benj. State Line 3344 Elms, James Elms, James State Line 3399 Evans, Thomas Evans, Thomas State Line 4280 Eskridge, George (Heir) Eskridge, Samuel State Navy 4402 Elliott, Alexander Elliott, Alexander State Navy 4331 Evans, Philip Evans, Philip State Navy 4403 Elliott, George Elliott, George State Navy 4539 Elms, James Elms, James State Line 4540 Elms, William Elms, William State Line 4681 Edwards, Thomas (Heir) Edwards, Charles State Line 6178 Easton, Sarah and Dorothy Storer Hanson, Robt. Harrison Line Unknown 6739 Evans, John A. Howard, Vachel D. Lee's Legion 534 Elliott, Jeremiah Elliott, Jeremiah State Line 7003 Evans, Margaret A. White, Jacob State Navy 7004 Evans, Catherine H. White, Jacob State Navy 1475 Epps, William Epps, William Continental 7168 Edloe, Elizabeth Bright, Francis State Navy 7216 Edwards, Mary Butler, Thomas State Navy 7196 East, Southy W. and Severn and Mary Blox- com East, Southey State Navy 7324 Eastwood, Wright Eastwood, Dempsey State Line 7592 Elliott, Alexander and others Elliott, George State Navy 7747 Edson, Elizabeth Triplett, Reuben State Navy 181 Enalow, Isaac Woneycutt, Edward State Navy 8115 Emmons, John Emmons, John State Line Elliott, Alexander Elliott, George State Navy Elliott, John Elliott, George State Navy 8207 Evans, Jesse Evans, Jesse State Line 8214 Ewell, Nancy Taylor, Eyrie State Navy 284 Fortune, Gardiner Fortune, Gardiner State Line 313 Fabl, Augustine Fabl, Augustine State Line 373 Fletcher, Thomas Fletcher, Thomas State Line 438 Fate, Adam Fate, Adam State Line 340 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Person Who Performed Number Warrantee (A) the Service (B) Kind of Service (C) 456 Fleming, William Fleming, William State Artillery 468 Feagan, John Feagan, John State Line 469 Fleet, John Fleet, John State Line 493 Frogett, William Froggett, Wm. State Line 5io Farrows, Robert Farrows, Robert State Line 522 Fear, James Sheffield, Peter State Cavalry 550 Flax, John Flax, John State Line 656 Fisher, John Fisher, John State Line 696 Flourney, Jacob Flourney, Jacob State Artillery 867 Floyd, Thomas Floyd, Thomas State Artillery 1358 Fitzgerald, James Fitzgerald, James State Line 1377 Foster, John Foster, John State Line 1440 Foster, Peter Foster, Peter State Line 1442 Fall, Henry Fall, Henry State Line 1701 Flatford, Robert Flatford, Robert State Line 1758 Fleming, John Fleming, John State Line 1988 Fleet, Henry Fleet, Henry State Navy 2210 Foster, Peter Foster, Peter State Navy 2253 French, Richard French, Richard State Line 2430 Fleetwood, Isaac Fleetwood, Isaac State Navy 2470 Feagan, Daniel (Assignee) White, Thomas State Line 2475 Feagan, Daniel (Assignee) Higgins, John State Line 2477 Feagan, Daniel (Assignee) Kebble, William State Line 2492 Freeman, Hezekiah Freeman, Hezekiah State Line 2614 Flowererrer, Daniel (Assignee) Kanard, Joshua State Line 2615 Flowererrer, Daniel (Assignee) Kanard, James State Line 2617 Flowererrer, Daniel (Assignee) Strange, Wm. State Line 2619 Flowererrer, Daniel (Assignee) Benson, Wm. State Line 2622 Flowererrer, Daniel (Assignee) Hammond, John State Line 2623 Flowererrer, Daniel (Assignee) Smith, Andrew State Line 2624 Flowererrer, Daniel (Assignee) Drummond, Joshua State Line 2626 Flowererrer, Daniel (Assignee) Gibson, Jacob State Line 2645 Fraser, Roderick Fraser, Roderick State Line 2727 Finch, Hennrich (Assnee) Kemp, Peter State Line 2733 Furguson, Moses (Heir) Ferguson, John State Artillery 2840 Furguson, Larkin Ferguson, Larkin State Line State and Navy Land Warrants, Military District of Ohio 341 Person Who Performed Number Warrantee {A) the Service (B) Kind of Service (C) 3012 Fleming, Barnard Fleming, Barnard State Navy _ Furguson, John State Line 3° 2 5 r urgusoii, 3060 Fair, James (Assignee) Frainham, David State Line 3090 Franklin, Henry Franklin, Henry State Line 3385 Fardinean, Peter Fardinean, Peter 111. Regt. 3395 Farguson, William Farguson, Wm. State Line 3404 Ferguson, Robert Ferguson, Robert State Navy 4037 Foley, Enoch Folley, Enoch State Line 4078 Fossil, Christopher Fossil, Christopher State Navy 4632 Frerer, Charles Frerer, Charles State Line 6319 Fradford, Thomas Fradford, Thos. State Line 520 Fears, Thomas Fears, Thomas State Cavalry 2288 Forman, Elijah Forman, Elijah State Artillery 3386 Fardinean, Peter Moore, John 111. Regt. 4308 Froud, James Froud, James State Line 4556 Fardinean, Peter (Assinee) Ramsey, James State Line 485 Falvey, Patrick Falvey, Patrick State Line 1859 Fear, Hamner Fear, Hamner State Navy 2067 Flint, John Flint, John State Navy 6843 Fields, William B. Copes, Beverly State Navy 6844 Fields, John D. Copes, Beverly State Navy 41 Floyd, T. K., S. L. and E Wilkins, Nath. Continental 7126 Forsyth, John Forsyth, Robert State Line 59 Fowler, Martha B. Armstead, Thomas State Line 1305 Field, John Armstead, Thomas State Line 7238 Field, Benjamin Field, Benjamin State Line 155 Floyd, Lucinder Mark, Thomas State Line 801 1 Frances, Sally and others George, Jesse State Navy 8012 Fauntleroy, M. A. G. Tompkins, Charles Captain 8018 Face, Elizabeth Haley, Samuel State Navy 8205 Faris, Martin Faris, Martin State Line 269 Foster, Richard Foster, Peter State Navy 85 Gary, John Gary, John State Line 107 Green, John Green, John State Line 108 Green, William Green, John Line Unknown 119 Graves, William Graves, William State Cavalry 194 Gait, James Gait, Patrick Surgeon 243 Gray, William Gray, William State Line 349 Graham, Arthur Graham, Arthur State Line 370 Goldman, Daniel Goldman, Daniel State Line 400 Gaskey, Richard Gaskey, Richard State Line 342 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Number Warrantee (A) 428 Granger, William 475 Garrett, Mark 501 Gardner, George 503 Gallon, Casper 545 Gunnett, Joseph 565 Graves, William 690 Graham, Walter 706 Guthrie, James 705 Guthrie, John 724 Gibson, John 778 Gibson, Robert 802 Gates, Horatio 861 Gonott, Devereux 1 164 Greer, Charles 1 1 75 Gloucester, James 1368 Grymes, William 1388 Grinstead, James 1433 Gilbert, Joseph 1 49 1 Grafton, John 1590 Gary, John 1725 Griffin, Robert 1752 Grigg, Abner 1794 Garner, Presley 1853 Grant, Daniel 1872 Gaines, John 1905 Goulding, Jesse 2055 Griffin, Samuel (Assnee) 2056 Griffin, Samuel (Assnee) 2057 Griffin, Samuel (Assnee) 2058 Griffin, Samuel (Assnee) 2059 Griffin, Samuel (Assnee) 2060 Griffin, Samuel (Assnee) 2061 Griffin, Samuel (Assnee) 2062 Griffin, Samuel (Assnee) 2063 Griffin, Samuel (Assnee) 2064 Griffin, Samuel (Assignee) 2065 Griffin, Samuel (Assignee) 2209 Griffin, Thomas 2494 Granis, Francis (Assignee) 2496 Granis, Francis (Assignee) 2587 Granis, Francis (Assignee) 2590 Granis, Francis (Assignee) 2678 Gerault, John 2704 Granis, Francis (Assignee) 2967 Gilmore, Robert Person Who Performed the Service (B) Granger, William Garrett, Mark Gardner, George Gallon, Casper Gunnett, Joseph Graves, William Graham, Walter Guthrie, James Guthrie, John Gibson, John Gibson, Robert Gates, Horatio Gonott, Devereux Greer, Charles Gloucester, James Grymes, William Grinstead, James Gilbert, Joseph Grafton, John Gary, John Griffin, Robert Grigg, Abner Garner, Presley Grant, Daniel Gaines, John Goulding, Jesse Lucas, Samuel Taylor, Charles Little, Moses Thomas, William Robinson, Mordicai Boswell, Robert Bird, Thomas Huey, John Lank, John Graham, Arthur Dixon, James Griffin, Thomas Codell, Thomas , Josiah Parsons, Willeby Grimes, William Gerault, John Williams, Charles Gilmore, Robert Kind of Service (C) State Line State Line State Line State Line State Line State Line State Artillery State Line State Line State Navy State Navy State Line State Line State Line State Line State Line State Artillery State Line State Line State Line State Line State Line State Line State Navy State Navy State Line State Line State Line State Line State Line State Line State Line State Line State Line State Line State Line State Line State Line State Line State Line State Line State Line State Line State Line State Line State and Navy Land Warrants, Military District of Ohio 343 Person Who Performed Number Warrantee (A) the Service (B) Kind of Service (C) 30IO Granis, Francis (Assnee) Armstrong, Ambrose State Line 3032 George, Robert George, Robert State Line 3I03 Gibbs, Churchill Gibbs, Churchill State Line 3318 Granis, Francis (Assnee) Topscott, Job State Navy 3319 Granis, Francis (Assnee) Topscott, Ezekiel State Navy 3331 Gagney, Lewis Gagney, Lewis State Line 3574 Garner, William Garner, William State Line 3587 Gardner, Thomas Gardner, Thomas State Line 3645 Granis, Major , James State Line 3860 Gester, John Gester, John State Navy 4ii5 Gibson, George Gibson, George State Line 4233 Gar ton, Benjamin Garton, Benjamin State Navy 4244 Galbreath, Robert Galbreath, Robert State Line 4334 Golden Abraham (Rep. of) Golden, James State Line 4325 Guthrie, James (Rep. of) Riggan, Wm. State Line 4438 Gwynn, Sarah (Heir) Gwynn, Jacob State Navy 4462 Glenn, Bernard Glenn, Bernard Col. Crockett Regt. 4523 Granes, Francis (Assignee) Booth, George State Line 4587 Granes, Francis (Assignee ) Lee, Bartlett Continental 4600 Granes, Francis (Assignee ) Pemberton, Reuben State Line 4643 George, Duke George, Duke State Navy 4687 Geareell, John Geareel, John State Line 5027 Grymes, Benjamin Grymes, Benjamin Line Unknown 6048 Garrett, Reuben, Eliza- beth, etc. Garrett, John State Line 6239 Ghalson, Ann (wid. &c.) Yeats, William Line Unknown 6424 Gaines, Thomas Gaines, Thomas State Line 6736 Green , John W. (Only heir^ Green, William Gibson, George, deceased George, Francis 6747 Bannister, John Gibson heirs of Ann Gibson i- Gibson, George State Line 6794 Grear, William Grear, Charles State Navy 6804 Granes, Ralph (Heir) Granes, Ralph State Line 6818 Gatewood, Win., Philimoi i and Eliza. Cunningham, Wm. State Line 6814 Gatewood, Elizabeth Cunningham, Wm. State Line 6850 Goodrum, John Goodrum, John Continental 6867 Gooseley, Sarah C. Gooseley, George State Line 6963 Greer, Ann T. (Co-heir), Milhichops (?), L. Pettigrew, John State Navy 6982 Gregory, Elizabeth Roberts, William State Navy 344 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Person Who Performed Number Warrantee (A) the Service (B) Kind of Service (C) 72IO Gardner, Tophea Bonnawell, Thomas Master (Navy) 7271 Gunter, Sally Bonnawell, Thomas Master (Navy) 69 Garrett, Ann and Booker, Richard T. Tompson, Samuel State Line 7321 Garner, William (Heir of) Garner, William State Line 140 Garnett, Plinny and others Garnett, Henry State Line 7398 Gerrard, C. B. Cullett, Thomas State Line 7636 Gardner, Francis and Kidd, Sally Kidd, William State Navy 8015-6 Goodwin, Mariah Howe, Bannister Sailing Master Navy 8008 Garnett, Theodore S. Dick, Alexr. State Line 164 Garner, Wm. and others Garner, Wm. State Line 8139 Gibbs, James Gibbs, James State Navy 8149 Green, James Green, James State Navy 8246 Gassom, Fanny Maddox, Alexander State Line 8352 Gasking, Tho. (Heirs of) Gasking, Tho. State Line 8369 Gagnia, Lewis (Heir) Gagnia, Lewis State Line 8379 Gagnia, Pierre (Heir) Gagnia, Paine State Line 8045 Gregory, Spellsby Gregory, Spellsby State Line 8397 Gordon, James A. Gordon, Churchill State Navy 26 Henderson, David Henderson, David State Navy 34 Holt, Hunter John Holt, Hunter John State Line 37 Hunter, John C. Hunter, George State Navy 38 Hall, John Hall, John State Artillery 112 Homer, William Homer, William State Line 123 Hardy man, John Hardyman, John State Line 186 Humphreys, Reuben Humphreys, Reuben State Cavalry 3i6 Harper, James Harper, James State Line 338 Hebron, John Hebron, John State Line 355 Howell, Philison Howell, Philison State Line 356 Highlan, William Highlan, William State Line 358 Hobbs, Thomas Hobbs, Thomas State Line 36i Hendren, Ephriam Hendren, Ephriam State Line 362 Hill, Nancy Hill, Amos State Line 394 Hughes, Nathaniel Hughes, Nathaniel State Line 402 Highland, Robert Highland, Robert State Line 407 Hadly, Isaac Hadly, Isaac State Line 451 Hays, Joseph Hays, Joseph State Line 487 Hail, Leonard Hail, Leonard State Line 490 Hodgins, Joseph Hodgins, Joseph State Line 508 Huddleston, John Huddleston, John State Line 524 Haywood, Hall John Haywood, Hall John State Line State and Navy Land Warrants, Military District of Ohio 345 Person Who Performed Number Warrantee (A) the Service (B) Kind of Service (C) 539 Hill, James Hill, James State Line 548 Henry, Christopher Henry, Christopher State Line 552 Hardy, Rhodeus Hardy, Rhodeus State Line 58i Hardyman, John Hardyman, John State Line 595 Harwood, Littlebury Harwood, Littlebury State Line 640 Hardaway, Joseph Hardaway, Joseph State Navy 652 Hix, William Hix, William State Navy 716 Harper, John Harper, John State Navy 759 Hegden, John Hegden, John State Navy 760 Hughes, Pratt Hughes, Pratt State Navy 1378 Hudson, John Hudson, John State Line 1417 Haynes, Thomas Haynes, Thomas State Line 1503 Ham, William Ham, William State Navy 1538 Hill, John Hill, John State Artillery 1709 Hewell, Thomas Hewell, Thomas State Line 1740 Hughes, James Hughes, James State Line I750 Holmes, Isaac Holmes, Isaac State Line 1776 Hooper, John Hooper, John State Line 1777 Holday, William Holday, Wm. State Line 1842 Hampton, Thomas Hampton, Thomas State Line 1885 Hoffman, John Hoffman, John State Line 1886 Hoffman, Reuben Hoffman, Reuben State Line 1875 Hopkins, Patrick Hopkins, Patrick State Navy 1932 Hazelwood, Wm. Hazelwood, Wm. State Line 1959 Humplett, Wm. Humplett, Wm. State Navy 2068 House, Wm. House, Wm. State Navy 2098 Harcum, Rodham Harcum, Rodham State Navy 2148 Hudson, John Hudson, John State Line 2177 Henry, James Henry, James State Line 2353 Hawkins, Martin (Assnee' ) Treade, Wm. State Line 2428 Hinton, Wm. Hinton, Wm. State Navy 2511 Hawkins, James (Assnee) Cogay, John State Artillery 2512 Hawkins, James (Assnee) King, Zachariah State Artillery 2513 Hawkins, James (Assnee) Cauthoun, Wm. State Artillery 2834 Horn, Robert Horn, Robert State Line 2519 Healey, James Healey, James State Line 2517 Hart, Thomas Hart, Thomas State Line 2973 Haley, Peter Haley, Peter State Line 3031 Harrison, Richard Harrison, Richard State Line 3059 Humphreys, Robert Humphreys, Robert State Line 3208 Hopkins, Thomas Hopkins, Thomas State Cavalry 3153 Humphries, Thomas Humphries, Thomas State Line 3169 Healey, Martin Healey, Martin State Line 3248 Hutchinson, Thomas Hutchinson, Thomas State Line 346 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Person Who Performed Number Warrantee (A) the Service (B) Kind of Service (C) 3316 Herbert, Thomas Herbert, Thomas State Navy 3325 Hendricks, Bird Hendricks, Bird State Line 3372 Haley, Peter Haley, Peter State Line 3452 Harper, David Harper, David State Line 3460 Hubbard, Charles Hubbard, Charles State Navy 3521 Hunt, Thomas Hunt, Thomas State Line 3596 Henage, George Henage, George State Line 3627 Hatton, Samuel Hatton, Samuel State Line 3651 Haynie, William Haynie, William State Line 3687 Hoskins, Joseph Hoskins, Joseph State Line 3777 Hardy, John Hardy, John State Line 3880 Hendren, Robert Hendren, Robert State Line 4070 Halks, James Halks, James State Line 4072 Hobson, Thos. (Heir) Eskridge, Edwin State Navy 4080 Hughes, Thomas Fulton, William State Line 4090 Hamilton, Patsy (Heir) Hamilton, John State Navy 4184 Hall, George Hall, George State Navy 4399 Harcum, Lot Harcum, Lot State Navy 4434 Hicks, William Hicks, William State Cavalry 45io Humer, John Scan tl in, Wm. State Garrison 4596 Hay, Joseph Hay, Joseph State Line 4638 Herbert, Bascow Herbert, Bascow State Navy 5068 Harris, John (Rep. of) Harris, John State Navy 6078 Huffman, Reuben Huffman, Reuben State Line 6536 Hinds, John Hinds, John State Line 6771 Houghton, Thomas Marshall, James State Line 6781 Hurst, Thomas and Susanna his wife [\ T . 1 1 1 n nn*. State Navy lVlllilllcbS, 6810 Harris, Polly (Heirs) Walls, Thomas State Line 6809 Howell, Nancy and other heirs Stevens, Richard State Line 6876 Hall, An. H. P. Pitt, John State Navy 4281 Hutchinson, John Hutchinson, John State Line 6929 Hunter, John C. Hunter, George State Navy 6932 Hicks, Barbara House, William State Navy 6933 House, Henry House, William State Navy 6934 House, Mary Ann House, William State Navy 6935 House, William House, William State Navy 6977 Hutt, John Hutt, John State Line 6983 Hughes, Sally Roberts, William State Navy 7135 Holt, Henry (Heir of) Holt, Henry State Navy 7137 Hogan, Wm. (Heirs of) Hogan, Wm. State Navy 7158 Hamlett, W. P. Hamlett, Wm. P. Continental 7178 Hubbard, Geo. H. Stark, Moss State Navy State and Navy Land Warrants, Military District of Ohio 347 Person Who Performed Number Warrantee (A) the Service (B) Kind of Service (C) 7179 Hatton, Thomas F. Stark, Moss State Navy 7181 Hatton, Sarah, Mary and John Stark, Moss State Navy 7236 Humplett, Thos. (Heirs of) Humplett, Thomas State Navy 7251 Harmon, Fanny Harmon, Stephen State Navy 7252 Harmon, Fanny Harmon, Tire State Navy 7259 Humphries, Geo. W. Wilson, George State Line 68 Henley, P. and A. (Heirs of) Timpson, Samuel State Line 7302 Hansford, T. and W. P. Hansford, Cary State Navy 7327 Hudson, Charles Hudson, Charles State Line 7326 Hickerson, Mary Tutt, James State Line 7329 Hargis, Curtis and others Rogers, Henry State Navy 738i Hornsby, John (Heirs of) Hornsby, John State Navy 154 Hoomes, Lewis Thomas, Mark State Line 7644 Hamet, Eliza Mcintosh, Wm. State Line 7645 Hutchinson, Thompson Hutchinson, Thomas State Line 7646 House, Mary and others House, Lawrence State Line 7652 Hall, John C. and others Hall, John State Navy 7665 Handell, Lucy and others Chilton, John State Line 7670 Hod son, Mary Pasture, John State Navy 7677 Holt, Sarah and others Holt, Michael Capt. Cont'l. 7723 Hall, John C. and others Hall, Ephraim State Navy 8000 Holstead, Jacomine A. Wilson, Willis State Navy 8006 Herbert, Frances C. Herbert, Thomas State Navy 8093 Hill, Thomas and others Hill, James State Line 8111 Humphreys, Samuel Humphreys, Samuel State Line 8118 Jarrett, Susanna Hicks, Mordici Vol. under Gen Clark 8123 Hinton, Lewis Hinton, Lewis State Navy 8141 Holmes, Edward Holmes, James State Line 8239 Hart, Elizabeth Fisher, Isaac State Navy 8299 Hastings, Miomi Hastings, Thomas State Navy 8314 Hughes, Thomas Hughes, Will State Navy 8359 Hepburn, Wm. (Heirs) Hepburn, Wm. State Line 8406 Horn, Robert B. Horn, Ralph State Navy 242 Face, Elizabeth Hadley, Samuel State Navy 366 Hepburn, Ellen and Sarah Hepburn, Wm. State Line 390 Jones, William Jones, William State Line 416 Jeffries, Thomas Jeffries, Thomas State Line 463 Jouitt, John Jouitt, Mathew State Line 499 Johnson, Joseph Johnson, Joseph State Line 348 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Person Who Performed Number Warrantee (A) the Service (B) Kind of Service (C) 525 Jourdon, Michael Jourdon, Michael State Line 658 Johnson, Edward Johnson, Edward State Line 669 Johnson, Gideon Johnson, Gideon State Line 680 Jett, John Jett, John State Navy 766 James, Alexander James, Alexander State Line I 200- I Jones, Lewis Jones, Lewis State Line 123O Jones, Edward Jones, Edward State Line 1318 James, Elisha James, Elisha State Line 1327 James, Peter James, Peter State Line 1853 Jerow, Jacob Jerow, Jacob State Line 1877 Jennings, John Jennings, John State Navy 1948 Jennings, Thomas Jennings, Thomas State Navy 2173 Jackson, Samuel Jackson, Samuel State Line 1949 Jennings, Wm. Jennings, Wm. State Navy 2178 Johnston, William Johnston, William State Navy 2303 Jarrall, Solomon Jarrall, Solomon State Navy 2920 Jones, Gabriel Jones, Gabriel State Navy 301 1 Ireson, George Ireson, George State Navy 3173 Jacobs, Samuel Jacobs, Samuel State Line 3329 Johnson, Edward Johnson, Edward State Line 3340 Joines, John Joines, John State Line 3376 James, William James, William State Line 3983 Johnston, John W. (Heirs) Hubbard, Isaac State Line 4029 Jackson, William Jackson, Wm. State Line 4168 Jordon, Fleming (Heirs) Jordon, James State Line 4290 Johnston, Daniel (Heirs) Johnston, Edward State Line 4293 Isaac, John (Heir) Isaac, John State Line 4476 Johnston, Elias Johnston, Elias State Line 4488 Johnston, John W. (Assnee ) Alden, James State Line 4489 Johnston, John W. (Assnee ) Alden, Samuel State Line 4543 Jones, James Jones, James State Artillery 4571 Inloc, Thomas Inloc, Thomas State Line 4674 Jackson, James (Heir) Jackson, Wm. State Line 481 1 Jones, Richard Jones, Richard Line Unknown 6907 Jones, Absalom and Elisha . Jones, Absalom State Line 6908 Jones, Hester, Ann, Isabella and Eli Jones, Absalom State Line 7H9 Johnson, Benj. K. Tully, Robinson State Line 7175 Jones, Mary Ann Stark, Moss State Navy 7218 Jones, Emeline Goffegon, Peter State Navy 10311 Jones, Staunton Jones, William State Navy 7383 Joynes, Edward (Heir of) Joynes, Edward State Navy 104 James, Michael (Heir) James, Michael State Navy 153 Johnson, Benj. Jr. Mark, Thomas State Line State and Navy Land Warrants, Military District of Ohio 349 Person Who Performed Number Warrantee (A) the Service (B) Kind of Service (C) 157 Johnson, Gabriel J. Mark, Thomas State Line 158 Johnson, G. W. Mark, Thomas State Line 159 Johnson, John M. Mark, Thomas State Line 160 Johnson, Caroline Mark, Thomas State Line 7449 Jenkins, John Jenkins, John Continental 7567 Jenkins, Molly Helm, L. State Line 7570 Jones, Binn Jones, Binn State Line 7651 Jester, James and others Jester, John State Navy 7659 Ivy, Wm. N. Ivy, William State Navy 7659 Johnson, Jack and others Johnson, John State Navy 7787 Irby, David Irby, David State Line 8129 Romney, Ann R. and others Ivy, William State Line 8346 Johnson, Joshua (Heir of) Johnson, Joshua State Line 8403 Johnson, John Johnson, John State Line 8405 Jones, James Jeffries, Mourning State Line 66 Kennedy, James Kennedy, James State Garrison 70 Kirkwood, Jos. R. Kirkwood, Robert State Line 133 Kinkade, George W. Wilson, George State Line 170 Kelly, Thaddy Kelly, Thaddy State Line 191 Kemp, Peter Kemp, Peter State Artillery 280 Kelly, John Kelly, John State Line 397 Kelly, Benjamin Kelly, Benjamin State Line 421 Kennedy, Moses Kennedy, Moses State Line 528 Kendoll, George Kendoll, George State Line 1161 Kenney, John Kenney, John State Line 1381 Kay, John (Assignee of) Hutchings, Charles State Line 1424 Knight, John Knight, John State Line 1929 King, Francis King, Francis State Line 2933 Kemp, James Kemp, James State Line 2769 King, William King, William State Line 3043 Kenner, Rodham Kenner, Rodham State Line 3054 Kautzman, John Kautzman, John State Navy 3152 Kerteller, Abraham Kerteller, Abraham State Line 3320 Keeth, Isham Keeth, Isham State Line 3221 Kellar, Mary Kellar, Abraham State Line 3330 King, Nicholas King, Nicholas State Line 3782 Kay, George Kay, George State Line 3564 Knight, James Knight, James State Line 3644 Keston, John Keston, William Line Unknown 3780 Kenner, Rodham Kenner, Rodham State Line 1783 Kenner, Hanson Kenner, Hanson State Navy 4194 Kent, Thomas (Heir) Kent, Jesse State Navy 350 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Person Who Performed Number Warrantee {A) the Service (B) Kind of Service (C) 4232 Kent, Thomas Kent, Thomas State Navy 4234 Kent, William Kent, William State Navy 4683 Kennaird, David Kennaird, David State Line 3074 Key son, William Keyson, William State Line 6931 Kane, Elijah House, William State Navy 7117 Kerney, Elliott and Thomas Kerney, John State Line 7287 Kemp, Jos. Kemp, Thomas State Line 7326 Kinkade, Elizabeth Wilson, George State Line 7386 Kent, David (Heirs of) Kent, David State Line 928 Knight, James Knight, James State Line 7585 Keeling, John Lyons, John State Navy 7744 Keen, Harriet Triplett, Reuben State Navy 8186 Kent, Charles Kent, Joshua State Navy 8416 Kiled, Richard Kiled, Richard State Line 25 Lightburn, Richard Lightburn, Richard State Navy 65 Linton, Michael Linton, Michael State Regt. 80 Lipscomb, Bernard Lipscomb, Bernard Line Unknown 82 Lipscomb, Yancey Lipscomb, Yancey State Line 320 Lock, William Lock, William State Cavalry 324 Leplong, Joseph Leplong, Joseph State Cavalry 372 Loden, Jesse Lodon, Jesse State Line 387 Lastly, Samuel Lastly, Samuel State Line 420 Love, John Love, John State Line 439 Lee, Edward Lee, Edward State Line 454 Lambert, John Lambert, John State Line 474 Lee, John Lee, John State Line 477 Lynch, Timothy Lynch, Timothy State Line 513 Lucas, Samuel Lucas, Samuel State Line 408 Lyon, Thomas Lyon, Thomas State Line 521 Lorde, John Lorde, John State Line 55i Lucas, Thomas Lucas, Thomas State Line 634 Longford, Euclia Longford, Euclia State Line 656 Landrum, Thomas Landrum, Thomas State Line 704 Lykes, George Lykes, George State Line 73i Long, William Long, William State Artillery 746 Lord, Roberson Lord, Roberson State Line IOII Lawson, Andrew Lawson, Andrew State Line 1221 London, William London, William State Line 1285 Layne, John Layne, John State Line 1408 Livingston, Justice Livingston, Justice State Navy 1525 Loden, William Loden, William State Line 1603 Lee, James Lee, James State Line State and Navy Land Warrants, Military District of Ohio 351 Person Who Performed Number Warrantee (A) the Service {B) Kind of Service (C) 1908 Lee, Richeson Lee, Richeson State Line 2837 Lyon, John (Representa- tive) Lyon, James State Liiie 1847 Lewis, Andrew- Lewis, Andrew State Navy 1897 Lee, Randolph Lee, Randolph State Line 1942 Lane, Zachariah Lane, Zachariah State Line 1946 Lewis, Mathew Lewis, Mathew State Navy 1951 Leonard, William Leonard, William State Navy 2066 Lovell, James Lovell, James State Navy 2Il6 Lipscomb, Archabald Lipscomb, Archibald State Line 2282 Larty, John Larty, John State Navy 2438 Lyon, William Lyon, William State Line 2487 Longnith, John Longnith, John State Navy 28l8 Longnith, Burgess Longnith, Burgess State Navy 29IO Lucas, William Lucas, William State Line 3OI9 Lilly, Thomas Lilly, Thomas State Line 3255 Long, Richard Long, Richard State Line 3285 Lowry, William Lowry, William State Navy 3294 Lee, Jesse Lee, Jesse State Line 3327 Lovell, Richard Lovell, Richard State Line 3387 Lockhart, Jacob and C. Kersnew King, John Va. Continental 3466 Linsey, Edward Linsey, Edward State Line 4212 Lanim, Samuel (Assignee) Heyden, Charles State Line 4213 Lanim, Samuel (Assignee) Sims, John State Line 4214 Lanim, Samuel (Assignee) Rollins, Daniel State Line 4215 Lanim, Samuel (Assignee) Satterwhite, Wm. State Line 4247 Leitch, George Leitch, George State Line 4340 Lampkin, John Lampkin, John State Line 4397 Loyd, James (Repre- sentative) Loyd, George State Line 4401 Loyd, Morris Loyd, Morris State Navy 4452 Lipscomb, James Lipscomb, James State Line 4477 Lovell, John (Heir) Lovell, Robert State Line 4502 Lee, Peter Lee, Peter State Line 4810 Lockett, Benjamin Lockett, Benjamin Line Unknown 5040 Lilley, John Lilley, Job State Line 3263 Lucas, Nathaniel Lucas, Nathaniel Line Unknown 2488 Lunceford, Elias Lunceford, Elias State Navy 6776 Lee, Andrew and Mary his wife Lumber, William State Navy 6786 Litchfield, Seymore Litchfield, Thomas State Navy 6802 Loving, Richard Loving, R. State Navy 6826 Lumber, James Lumber, William State Navy 352 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Number Warrantee (A) 6827 Lumber, William 6828 Lumber, Jane, Wm., Saml., and Thos. 6832 Long, Sarah 6845 Lilliston, John and others 6906 Lumber, Thomas 6901 Lee, Nancy 6903 Lumber, James 6904 Lumber, Thomas 6905 Lumber, Ann, Samuel and Thomas 6906 Lumber, William 6921 Lewis, Levin 6942 Luckett, Catherine 6948 Lutrell, Rodham 7177 Liveslay, Mary 4477 Lovell, John 7402 Locke, Isaac 4252 Lawless, Austin 7636 Lewis, Ann C. and others 7658 Leigh, Thomas, I 7794 Lundsford, Mason 8082 Lewis, Fanny and Hannah 8083 Lewis, Fanny and others 8097 Leach, George 8098 Landrum, Thos. W. and others 8237 Lewis, John I. 8248 Layne, William 8247 Lewis, John 8357 Lipscomb, David (Heir of) 8365 Lamarche, Lewis (Heir of) 8366 Lamarche, Beauvard 8367 Lamarche, John B. (Heirs of) 8057 Lacy, David R. 8058 Lacy, John P. and others 223 Courtney, Brough 239 Lipscomb, George Wiley 267 Lewis, William 8468 Casey, Susan Ex. 297 Marshall, George 298 Marshall, Reuben Person Who Performed the Service (B) Kind of Service (C) Lumber, William State Navy Lumber, William State Navy Long, Alexander State Navy Copper, John State Navy Lumber, William State Navy Lumber, Thomas State Navy Lumber, Thomas State Navy Lumber, Thomas State Navy Lumber, Thomas State Navy Lumber, Thomas State Navy Melson, Levin State Navy Thurston, John State Line Lutrell, Rodham State Navy Stark, Moss State Navy Lovell, Robert State Line Spiller, William State Line Lawless, Austin State Line Robins, John Midshipman Selden, Joseph Lieut. Col. Lundsford, Mason State Line Lewis, Ambrose State Navy Lewis, Charles State Navy Leach, George State Line Landrum, Thomas State Navy Lewis, Daniel State Navy Layne, John State Navy Lewis, Matthew State Navy Lipscomb, David State Line Lamarche, Lewis State Line Lamarche, Beauvard State Line Lamarche, John B. State Line Pannill, David State Line Pannill, David State Line Layne, John State Navy Lipscomb, Daniel State Line Lewis, Mathew State Navy Lamere, Samuel State Line Marshall, Benjamin State Navy Marshall, Benjamin State Navy State and Navy Land Warrants, Military District of Ohio 353 Person Who Performed Number Warrantee (A) the Service (B) Kind of Service (C) 299 Marshall, Nancy Marshall, Benjamin State Navy 300 Smith, Sarah Marshall, Benjamin State Navy 301 Marshall, Robert Marshall, Benjamin State Navy 302 Marshall, Caroline Marshall, Benjamin State Navy 303 Marshall, Henry Marshall, Benjamin State Navy 304 Marshall, John Marshall, Benjamin State Navy 305 Marshall, Adrian, son of Ad. M. Marshall, Benjamin State Navy 306 Marshall, Elizabeth Marshall, Benjamin State Navy 307 Marshall, William Marshall, Benjamin State Navy 308 Marshall, Peggy Marshall, Benjamin State Navy 309 Fitzgerald, Ann Marshall, Benjamin State Navy 310 Riggen, Hetty Marshall, Benjamin State Navy 311 Lankford, Getty Marshall, Benjamin State Navy 312 Langford, Polly Marshall, Benjamin State Navy 313 Langford, Thomas Marshall, Benjamin State Navy 314 Swift, John Marshall, Benjamin State Navy 315 Swift, William Marshall, Benjamin State Navy 316 Swift, Nelly Marshall, Benjamin State Navy 317 Pitcher, Robert Marshall, Benjamin State Navy 318 Pitcher, Eleanor Marshall, Benjamin State Navy 319 Swift, Henry Marshall, Benjamin State Navy 320 Swift, Stephen Marshall, Benjamin State Navy 321 Swift, Jane Marshall, Benjamin State Navy 322 Swift, Milly Marshall, Benjamin State Navy 332 Marshall, James Marshall, Benjamin State Navy 333 Marshall, Sally Marshall, Benjamin State Navy 334 Marshall, Ephraim Marshall, Benjamin State Navy 8388 Jones, Mary Ann Moss, Francis Armorer 230 Williams, Hellen McDonald, David State Line 280 Moss, John Moss, Francis Armorer 281 Moss, Sally Moss, Francis Armorer 282 Leurons, Josiah A. Moss, Francis Armorer 283 Jones, Majora Moss, Francis Armorer 284 Levery, Mary Moss, Francis Armorer 285 Hubbard, Geo. B. Moss, Francis Armorer 286 Anis, Mary Moss, Francis Armorer 287 Hatton, Sarah Moss, Francis Armorer Hatton, T. D. F. Moss, Francis Armorer 22 Meriwether, Thomas Meriwether, Thomas State Line 30 Marshall, John Marshall, John Line Unknown 36 Mayo, Joseph Armsstead, Thomas State Line 4i Muter, George Muter, George State Regt. 37 Moody, Elizabeth Moody, Edward State Artillery 354 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Person Who Performed Number Warrantee (A) the Service (B) Kind of Service (C) 61 Marshall, Thos., Jr. Marshall, Thomas State Artillery 62 Marshall, Humphrey Marshall, Humphrey State Artillery 114 Moore, Thomas Moore, Thomas State Line 141 Moore, Alexander Moore, Alexander State Navy 210 Moulder, Thomas Moulder, Thomas State Line 265 McClurg, James Colden, James State Line 266 McClurg, James Thompson, Littlebury State Line 267 McClurg, James Hampton, William State Line 268 McClurg, James King, Francis State Line 269 McClurg, James Ware, David State Line 270 McClurg, James Bagley, Lewis State Line 7295 Moore, Emily and others Flint, John State Navy 271 McClurg, James Heaken, William State Line 272 McClurg, James McHans, John State Line 273 McClurg, James Dunn, Richard State Line 274 McClurg, James Ricketts, William State Line 276 McClurg, James McDougal, John State Line 277 McClurg, James Austin, John W. State Line 3H Mann, David Mann, David State Artillery 317 Miller, James Miller, James State Cavalry 344 Massey, Frederick Massey, Frederick State Line 365 Morris, John Morris, John State Line 380 McCarty, Charles McCarty, Charles State Line 409 Master), Alexander Masten, Alexander State Line 411 Maxwell, William Maxwell, William State Line 415 Moses, John Moses, John State Line 418 Manning, Samuel Manning, Samuel State Line 427 Moore, Lewis (Heirs) Moore, Lewis State Line 429 Miles, James Miles, James State Line 437 Mansfield, Thomas Mansfield, Thomas State Line 452 Murray, Francis Murray, Francis State Line 459 Martin, James Martin, James State Line 488 Messan, Joseph Messan, Joseph State Line 495 Michael, James Michael, James State Line 506 Maston, John Maston, John State Line 519 McValley, James McValley, James State Line 590 Moon, William Moon, William State Line 594 Manning, Jesse Manning, Jesse State Line 627 Murray, Duncan Murray, Duncan State Navy 637 Mills, Nicholas Mills, Nicholas State Navy 643 Martingly, John Martingly, John State Navy 661 Mcllhany, John Mcllhany, John State Line 647 Martin, John Martin, John . State Line 7H McMeekin, Joseph McMeekin, Joseph State Artillery State and Navy Land Warrants, Military District of Ohio 355 Number Warrantee (A) 734 Morris, John 742 Mars, Barnabus 788 Morris, Robert 876 Mead, Richard K. 988 Musgrove, William 1 1 59 Mercer, William (Heir) 1 185 Merritt, Archelaus 1204 Mitchell, Reaps 12 17 Murray, William 1 25 1 Murray, George 1295 Macomber, George 1 30 1 McCune, Patrick 1334 McWilliams, Joshua 1349 Marshall, Thomas 1365 Mcintosh, William 1366 Mone, William 1 37 1 Murden, Peter 1432 Montague, Richard 1439 McKinley, John 1480 Major, Ironmonger 1522 Mahanes, Tapley 1535 Madison, William 1557-8 Moody, James !559 McSwain, Edward 1576 Marshall, David 1724 Melton, Hardy 1745 Morgan, Andrew 1833 Mathews, William 1854 Moore, John 1883 Mason, William (Heir) 1900 McClurg, James 1887 Magill, Charles 1926 Melton, Isham 1928 Melton, John 1 99 1 Maughon, George 2005 Mclntire, William 21 14 Melton, James 2136 Maden, Robert 2215 Markham, James 2220 Marshall, John 2244 Meals, Samuel 2315 Moore, William 2326 Meriwether, James 2380 Marshall, James Person Who Performed the Service {B) Morris, John Mars, Barnabus Morris, Robert Mead, Richard K. Musgrove, William Mercer, Hugh Merritt, Archelaus Mitchell, Reaps Murray, William Murray, George Macomber, George McCune, Patrick McWilliams, Joshua Marshall, Thomas Mcintosh, Wm. Mone, William Murden, Peter Montague, Richard McKinley, John Major, Ironmonger Mahanes, Tapley Madison, William Moody, James McSwain, Edward Marshall, David Melton, Hardy Morgan, Andrew Mathews, William Moore, John Mason, Thomas McClurg, James Magill, James Melton, Isham Melton, John Maughon, George Mclntire, William Melton, James Maden, Robert Markham, James Marshall, John Meals, Samuel Moore, William Meriwether, James Marshall, James Kind of Service (C) State Line State Line State Line State Line State Line State Line State Line State Line State Line State Artillery State Line State Line State Navy State Line State Line State Line State Line State Navy State Line State Line State Line State Line State Line State Line State Line State Line State Line State Line State Navy State Navy Line Unknown State Line State Line State Line State Navy State Navy State Line State Line State Navy State Navy State Navy State Line State Line State Line 356 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Number Warrantee (A) 2468 Meriwether, James 2469 Mayward, Nathaniel 2485 Moore, Peter 2677 Mongomery, James 2685 Mongomery, John 2698 Mallory, John 2745 Muir, John 2972 McClung, B. V. (Heir) 2975 McCannon, Christopher 3210 Mathews, Thomas 3217 Marks, John 3222 Mountjoy, William 3124 McDonald, Reuben 3148 Monroe, William 3183 Massey, Taliaferio 3184 Massey, Taliaferio 3199 Mecheda, George 3243 Moore, Cleon 3289 McClanahan, Alex 3333 Mayfield, Micajah 3415 Muller, John (Heir at law) 3432 Minson, John 3488 Marshall, Benjamin 3512 McCarter, James 3519 McKinley, Alexander 3573 Mott, Thomas 3577 Maughan, Matthew 3580 Mains, Thomas 3688 Moody, William 3610 Moore, John 361 1 Mazarett, John 3730 Marlin, William 3773 Maupin, Gabriel 3791 McMahm, Andrew 4018 Moore, Sarah (Legal wife) 4044 Metcalf, Gordon 4045 Madrid, Elisha 4092 McDermot, Francis 4183 Metcalf, Walter 4186 McCarty, Charles 4220 Mahony, Florena 4226 Muse, Jeremiah 4277 Miller, William 4286 Miskell, John 4287 Miskell, Jonathan Person Who Performed the Service (B) Meriwether, James Mayward, Nathaniel Moore, Peter Mongomery, James Mongomery, John Mallory, John Muir, John McClung, Walter McCannon, Christopher Mathews, Thomas Marks, John Mountjoy, William McDonald, R. Monroe, William Massey, T. Massey, Dade Mechea, George Moore, Cleon, Capt. McClanahan, Alex Mayfield, M. Muller, John Minson, John Marshall, Benjamin McCarter, James McKinley, Alexander Mott, Thomas Maughan, Matthew Mains, Thomas Moody, William Moor, John Mazarett, John Marlin, William Maupin, Gabriel McMahm, Andrew Moore, James Metcalf, Gordon Madrid, Elisha McDermot, Francis Metcalf, Walter McCarty, Timothy Mahony, Florena Muse, Jesse Miller, William Miskell, John Miskell, Jonathan Kind of Service (C) State Line State Line Crocket's Regt. State Line State Line State Line Line Unknown State Navy State Line State Line State Navy Line Unknown State Line State Line State Line State Line State Line Line Unknown Line Unknown State Line State Line Line Unknown State Navy State Line State Line State Navy State Line State Navy State Line State Line State Line State Line Line Unknown State Line State Line State Navy State Line State Line State Navy State Line State Line State Navy State Line State Line State Line State and Navy Land Warrants, Military District of Ohio 357 Number Warrantee (A) 4299 Moore, John 4400 Monrow, John 4422 Munday, Jeremiah (Assignee) 4445 Mitchel, Edward (Heir) 4446 Moore, Samuel (Heir) 4461 McLocklin, John 4518 Mills, Anthony 4591 McCannon, Christopher 4622 Mason, Wm. (Rep. of) 4642 Massie, Nathaniel (Assignee) 4699 Montgomery Alex. (Assignee) 5109 Means, Robert (Assignee) 5923 Means, Bartholomew 6746 McFaden, J'ne (Heir) 6749 Masters, John 6775 Mellson, Martha 6777 Milliner, Smith 6778 Milliner, John 6779 Milliner, Southy 6782 Milliner, Nancy 6786 Murray, David (Heirs) 6789 Melson, James 6790 Melson, Lewis 6792 Melson, Henry, Carsey, Samuel and Thomas 6793 Magill, Archibald and John S. 6830 Milliner, Tabithia and Anna M. 6831 Milliner, Thomas 6840 [Morrell], Nancy 6841 Martin, Barsheba 6880 Marshall, Humphrey, Esq. 6895 Mason, James (Heirs) 530 Moore, William 6902 Melson, Martha 6920 Melson, James 6964 Milliehoss, Matel, Co-heir with Greer, Annie T. 6966 Milliehoss, Mary and Lavina; Milliehoss James H. and Clara Person Who Performed the Service (B) Moore, John Monrow, John Green, William Moore, Henly Moore, Henly McLocklin, John Mills, Anthony McCannon, Christopher Mason, William Payne, Thomas Saunders, Zachariah Weedon, George Means, Barth McFaden, James Masters, John Lumber, William Milliner, Robert Milliner, Robert Milliner, Robert Milliner, Robert Murray, David Melson, Levin Melson, Levin Melson, Levin Magill, Charles Milliner, Robert Milliner, Robert Caper, Beverly Caper, Beverly Marshall, Thomas Mason, James Moore, William Lumber, Thomas Melson, Levine Pettigrew, John Kind of Service (C) State Line State Line State Navy State Line State Line State Line State Line State Line State Navy Line Unknown State Line Line Unknown State Navy Continental Line Continental Line State Navy State Navy State Navy State Navy State Navy State Navy State Navy State Navy State Navy State Line State Line State Line State Line State Line State Line Continental Pettigrew, John State Navy State Navy State Navy State Navy 358 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Person Who Performed Number Warrantee (A) the Service (B) Kind of Service (C) 6915 Mount, Casselle Eliza T. Crawley, Samuel State Line 6960 McRay, Bennet McRay, Bennett Continental 6961 McGarock, Hugh McGarock, Hugh State Line 7155 Mead, Thornton Mead, Thornton Continental 7167 Moore, Susan H. Bright, Francis State Navy 7173 Moss, John Moss, Stark State Navy 7174 Moss, Sally Mason, Edmonds, Geo. Moss, Stark State Navy and Jane Mason, James Continental 7192 Minor, Jane Wilson, George Continental 72IO Mears, David, Samuel, Jonathan and Henry Mears, Bartholomew Continental 6701 Moth, Thomas Moth, Thomas Continental 7261 McDowell, Matilda Wilson, George State Line 7277 Mason, Littlebery (Heirs of) Mason, Littlebery Continental 7281 Messenbury, G. T. Proby, Minson State Line 7285 Moore, Emily Flynt, John State Line 103 Macon, William Selden, Joseph State Line 138 Monroe, James and Augustus Garnett, Henry State Line 741 1 Maxwell, James and others Maxwell, James State Navy 7569 Martin, William Martin, William State Line 166 Moore, George and others Moore, Peter State Line 7608 Merriwether, William Merriwether, William State Line 7039 McWilliams, James McWilliams, James State Line 7653 Moore, Levi and others Moore, Stephen State Navy 7657 Murray, Elizabeth Saunders, William State Navy 180 Morrisett, Mary Moneycutt, Edward State Navy 8009 Mercer, C. F. Dick, Alexander State Line 134 McCalister, Jane M. Wilson, George State Line 8036 Moore, Alexander Moore, Alexander State Line 8048 Morrison, Sarah Morrison, Anthony State Navy 8085 Louisine, Francis B. Mitchel, Richard State Navy 8086 Mitchell, William B. Mitchel, Richard State Navy 809I Masterson, Thomas Masterson, Thomas State Navy 8093 Masterson, John Masterson, Thomas State Navy 8188 Mitchell, Elizabeth Campbell, George State Line Montgomery, Jane Elliott, George State Navy 199 Maxwell, James Maxwell, James State Navy 8242 Miles, Nancy Miles, William State Navy 8245 Marriner, Levin Marriner, Lewis State Navy 83OO Marriner, Nancy Marriner, Laban State Navy 8340 Marshall, John (Heirs) Marshall, John Exchange War't State and Navy Land Warrants, Military District of Ohio 359 Person Who Performed Number Warrantee (A) the Service (B) Kind of Service (C) 8353 Miller, John (Heir of) Miller, John State Navy 8359 Marshall, Benjamin Marshall, Benjamin Exchange Wt. 8363 Martin, Pierre (Heir of) Martin, Pierre State Line 8028 Murphy, John Murphy, John 111. Regt. 323 Morris, Robert Marshall, John Boatswain 324 Morris, James Marshall, John State Navy 325 Banks, Betsey Marshall, John State Navy 326 White, Isaac Marshall, John State Navy 327 Bounds, Sally Marshall, John State Navy 328 Marshall, Samuel Marshall, John State Navy 329 Hayman, Elizabeth Marshall, John State Navy 330 Marshall, Henry Marshall, John State Navy 331 Marshall, William Marshall, John State Navy 336 Marshall, Wm., son of Riston M. Marshall, John State Navy 337 Marshall, Geo., son of Elizabeth M. Marshall, John State Navy 338 Marshall, Reuben, son of Elizabeth M. Marshall, John State Navy 339 Marshall, Nancy, dau. Elizabeth M. Marshall, John Boatswain 340 Smith, Sarah, wife of Lewis Marshall, John State Navy 34i Marshall, Robert Marshall, John State Navy 342 Marshall, Caroline Marshall, John State Navy 343 Marshall, Henry Marshall, John State Navy 344 Marshall, John, son of Ad r ion Marshall, John State Navy 345 Marshall, Adrion, son of Adrion Marshall, John State Navy 346 Marshall, Elizabeth Marshall, John State Navy 347 Marshall, James Marshall, John State Navy 349 Marshall, Peggy Marshall, John State Navy 351 Fitzgerald, Ann Marshall, John State Navy 352 Marshall, Ephraim Marshall, John State Navy 353 Riggin, Hetty Marshall, John State Navy 354 Lankford, Gatty Marshall, John State Navy 355 Lankford, Polly Marshall, John State Navy 356 Lankford, Thomas Marshall, John State Navy 357 Swift, John Marshall, John State Navy 358 Swift, William Marshall, John State Navy 359 Swift, Nelly Marshall, John State Navy 360 Ritcher, Robert Marshall, John State Navy 361 Ritcher, Elaner Marshall, John State Navy 360 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Number Warrantee (A) 362 Swift, Henry 363 Swift, Stephen 364 Swift, James 365 Swift, Milly 350 Marshall, Sally 288 Morris, Robert 289 Morris, James 290 Banker, Betsey 291 White, Isaac 292 Bann, Sally, &c. 293 Marshall, Samuel 294 Hayman, Elizabeth 295 Marshall, Henry 296 Marshall, William 224 Nicholson, Geo. and others 225 Nicholson, Robert W. 337 Nickin, William 375 Napier, James 388 Nickelson, William 401 Newman, Thomas 757 Newly, Thomas 1395 Nickelson, And. (Assignee) 1477 Nickins, Richard 1479 Newby, John 1708 Nuttle, Iverson 1 7 16 Nicking, James 1720 Nelms, Meredith 1990 Norman, William 2159 Nunnemaker, Lewis 2427 Nickins, Edward 937 Neville, Burgess 2605 Nunally, Obadiah 3273 Nightingale, Matthew 3275 Nutt, Thomas 3307 Newton, Thomas 3308 Nicholls, Thomas 3586 Newby, John (Heir at law) 3801 Nowell, Lipscomb (Assignee) 3802 Nowell, Lipscomb (Assignee) Person Who Performed the Service (B) Marshall, John Marshall, John Marshall, John Marshall, John Marshall, John Marshall, Benjamin Marshall, Marshall, Marshall, Marshall, Marshall, Marshall, Marshall, Marshall, Benjamin Benjamin Benjamin Benjamin Benjamin Benjamin Benjamin Benjamin Nicholson, Robert Nicholson, Robert Nickin, William Napier, James Nickelson, William Newman, Thomas Newly, Thomas Hardyman, Irby Nickins, Richard Newby, John Nuttle, Iverson Nickins, James Nelms, M. Norman, William Nunnemaker, Lewis Nickins, Edward Neville, Burgess Nunnelly, Obadiah Nightingale, Matthew Nutt, Thomas Newton, Thomas Nicholls, Thomas Newby, Leroy Palmer, Charles Day, Thomas Kind of Service ( C) State Navy State Navy State Navy State Navy State Navy State Navy M. of Arms State Navy State Navy State Navy State Navy State Navy State Navy State Navy State Navy State Line State Line State Line State Line State Line State Line State Artillery State Artillery State Navy State Line State Navy State Navy State Navy State Navy State Line State Navy Line Unknown State Line State Navy State Navy State Navy State Line State Line State Line State Line State and Navy Land Warrants, Military District of Ohio 361 Person Who Performed Number Warrantee {A) the Service (B) Kind of Service (C) 3803 Nowell, Lipscomb (Assignee) Bird, Richard State Line 4148 Nunally, Robert (Assignee) Nunally, Daniel State Line 6024 Newman, Edward Newman, Edward State Line 6970 Nandain, Margaret T. and Grees, Ann T. (Coheirs) Pettigrew, John State Navy 7333 Newby, William (Heir) Newby, William State Line 7594 Nicholas, Jane and others Drewry, James State Line 7674 Nicholson, George and others Nicholson, Henry State Line 8i43 Nuttle, Iverson Nuttall, John State Navy 8515 Nuttle, Iverson Nuttall, John State Navy 8396 Nickins, James and others ; Nickins, Hezekiah State Navy 250 Orr, Samuel Orr, Samuel Line Unknown 302 Oliver, John Oliver, John State Line 506 Owen, Charles Owen, Charles State Line 728 Oliver, William Oliver, William State Artillery 2980 Owen, Vincent Owen, Vincent State Line 3216 Oliver, William Oliver, William State Line 8001 Overton, Fanny Tompkins, Charles State Line 13 Pugh, William Pugh, William Line Unknown 57 Porter field, Robert Porterfield, Robert Line Unknown 58 Porter field, Robert Porterfield, Charles Line Unknown 113 Pendleton, James Pendleton, James State Artillery 283 Phillips, Larkin Phillips, Larkin State Line 374 Porter, Daniel Porter, Daniel State Line 423 Palmer, David Palmer, David State Line 424 Phepps, George Phepps, George State Line 430 Perry, Hildey Perry, Hildey State Line 442 Powell, John Powell, John State Line 448 Porter, David Porter, William State Line 455 Phillips, Benjamin Phillips, Benjamin State Line 481 Pickett, Francis Pickett, Francis State Line 491 Pickett, George Pickett, George State Line 53i Parks, Henry Parks, Henry State Line 479 Penny, John Penny, John State Line 603 Pence, Samuel Pence, Samuel State Line 664 Patterson, John Patterson, John State Line 679 Powell, Sigmore Powell, Sigmore State Line 768 Pate, Matthew Pate, Matthew State Line 779 Powell, Sigmore Powell, Aaron State Artillery 780 Parker, Robert Parker, Robert State Line 362 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Person Who Performed Number Warrantee (A) the Service (B) Kind of Service (C) 800 Parker, Wyatt Parker, Wyatt State Line 840 Perryman, Phillip Perryman, Phillip State Line IOI3 Parker, W. H. Parker, W. H. State Navy 1222 Poe, Thomas Poe, Thomas State Navy 1245 Parkington, William Parkington, William State Artillery 1346 Patman, William Patman, William State Artillery 1353 Peters, Thomas Peters, Thomas State Line I369 Pickerel, Samuel Pickerell, Samuel State Line 1374 Poe, William Poe, William State Line 1726 Packetts, Richard Packetts, Richard State Line 1742 Perm, John Penn, John State Navy 1747 Pope, Fortunatus Pope, Fortunatus State Line 1749 Pullen, William Pullen, William State Line 1933 Pound, William Pound, William State Line 1943 Pasteur, Blint Pasteur, Blint State Navy 1944 Pasley, Joel Pasley, Joel State Line 2169 Pool, Edward Pool, Edward State Line 2179 Pierce, Thomas Pierce, Thomas State Navy 2251 Patterson, Tilman Patterson, Tilman State Line 2448 Price, William (Assignee) Richardson, William State Line 2476 Peyton, Francis (Assignee) Leech, George State Navy 2508 Penchback, Thomas Penchback, Thomas State Line 2689 Peroull, Michael Peroull, Michael State Line 2800 Plume, Wm. (Extr.) Harris, John State Navy 2944 Pursley, Laurence Pursley, Laurence State Line 3057 Pritchett, Peter Pritchett, Peter State Navy 497 Pollard, Braxton Pollard, Braxton State Line 3209 Page, Carter Page, Carter Line Unknown 3297 Pollard, Absalom Pollard, Absalom State Line 3335 Pigne, William Pigne, William State Line 3337 Pitman, Buckner Pitman, Buckner State Line 3429 Powell, Leven Powell, Leven Line Unknown 3536 Parker, Samuel Parker, Samuel State Line 3537 Parker, Samuel Drivy, Petiford State Line 3810 Payne, William Payne, William Line Unknown 3877 Powers, John Powers, John State Line 3999 Pettyjohn, Wm. (Assignee) Chaveons, James State Line 4000 Pettyjohn, Wm. (Assignee) Stuart, John State Line 4658 Piper, John Piper, John State Line 4708 Pritchett, Thomas Pritchet, Thomas State Artillery 6619 Pettit, James Pettit, James State Line 2182 Purcell, Robert Purcell, Robert State Line 547 Pursley, William Pursley, William State Line 1873 Poplar, Hack Poplar, Hack State Navy State and Navy Land Warrants, Military District of Ohio 363 Person Who Performed Number Warrantee {A) the Service (B) Kind of Service (C) 6751 Powers, Lucy (Lives with Anderson Brightwell) Brightwell, Jesse Continental Line 6752 Powers, Lucy (Lives with Anderson Brightwell) Brightwell, Wm. Continental Line 6756 Parker, Jesse Parker, Jesse Continental Line 6855 Pettigrew, Garvin Pettigrew, John State Navy 6872 Phillips, Jacob Phillips, William State Navy 6619 Pettit, James Pettit, James State Line 6941 Pope, Elizabeth T. Thurston, John State Line 6959 Perkins, Nimrod Perkins, Nimrod State Navy 6985 Phillips, Elizabeth Powell, Solomon State Navy 7"3 Parker, Leven Parker, Richard State Navy 7114 Parker, John Parker, Richard State Navy 7115 Parker, Peter Parker, Richard State Navy 7124 Pendleton, Benjamin Strother, Benjamin State Navy 52 Pierce, Catherine Thomas, Armistead State Line 7164 Pettit, Sarah B. Dale, Richard State Navy 7172 Parker, Richard E., Forchall, Wm. C. and Dangerfield, Juliet 0. Parker, William State Navy 7247 Price, Lena and Carter, Nancy Price, John State Navy 4271 Payne, Merryman (Heirs of) Payne, Merryman State Navy 7231 Pollard, Catherine P. Brent, George State Navy 7341 Pope, Matthew (Heirs) Pope, Matthew State Line 7393 Purser, William (Heir of) Purser, Pulham State Navy 7394 Potts, Jane and others Rogers, William Seaman 7587 Phillips, Charlotte and others Chance, S. State Navy 7596 Payne, Richard and others Payne, John Master, Navy 7587 Parker, Henry Parker, Richard "Col. 3L" — Powell, Benjamin Powell, Francis 2d Midshipman 3756 Robertson, John Pannell, David State Line — Proctor, Sarah Elliot, George State Navy 8231 Peake, Richard Grimes, William State Navy 8241 Perkins, Sally Perkins, Joshua State Navy 8316 Price, Betsy, etc. Worthington, Edward State Navy 8364 Pellette, Ch. (Heirs of) Pelletts, Charley State Line 8368 Petter, Joe (Heirs of) Petter, Joseph State Line 8392 Collins, Leah Pettygrew, Richard State Navy 8057 Lucy, D. R. and others Pannell, David State Line 8122 Pannell, Thomas A. Pannell, David State Line 364 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Number 4032 Philips, John Soldier 3 years 4055 Perm, William (George and Gabriel Penn, Executors) Lieut. 3 years 4062 Powell, Benjamin Soldier War 4109 Parish, Henry Sgt. 3 years 4162 Petty, William Soldier 3 years 4170 Parker, Thomas Soldier 3 years 4204 Philips, Isaac Soldier 3 years 4256 Poythress, Francis (Mary Randolph, Representative) Sgt. War 4314 Potter, alias Potts, Nathaniel Soldier 3 years 4323 Piles, William Soldier 3 years 4347 Pilkington, Drury Soldier 3 years 441 1 Punch, Patrick Soldier War 4560 Parker, John (Jacob Parker, heir at law) Soldier War 4592 Pettis, Samuel 0. Lieut. War 4642 Payne, Thomas (Nathl. Massie, ass. of John Tucker atty. in fact) Capt. 7 years 4650 Palmer, Jeffrey (Thomas Moore, assignee) Soldier 3 years 4653 Pippeto, William Sgt. War 4654 Philips, Philip Soldier 3 years 4661 Peers, Thomas Fifer 3 years 4667 Peers, William (Robert Means, assignee of Thos. Pears, Rep.) Drummei • 3 years 4670 Pemberton, Thomas Capt. 7 years 4701 Poe, John Soldier 3 years 4711 Proctor, Isaac Soldier War 4755 Portis, Kirby (Representative) Soldier 3 years 4787 Price, Jacob Soldier War 4808 Powel, Peyton Lieut. 3 years 4809 Porter, William Lieut. 3 years 4827 Pope, Thomas Soldier 3 years 4831 Peak, William Q.M.Sgt .War 4836 Parish, Moses Soldier 3 years 4841 Pollock, Thomas Sgt. 3 years 4844 Philips, Levi Soldier 3 years 4852 Parker, James (Representative) Lieut. War 4883 Popp, John Soldier 3 years 4903 Plunkett, James (Wm. Plunkett, representative) Soldier 3 years 4926 Pigman, Zack (Representative) Sgt. War 4964 Pigman, Mathew Soldier War 4970 Priddy, Richard Sgt. War 5017 Poin, John Soldier 3 years 5020 Purcell, Thomas Soldier War 5057 Plaze, John Private War State and Navy Land Warrants, Military District of Ohio 365 Number 5078 Pearson, Thomas 5085 Porter field, Robert (James Taylor, assignee of) 113 Pendelton, James (Served 7 yrs.) 240 Posey, Thomas 5191 Parker, Solomon (Thos. M. Bayly, assignee) 5210 Philips, Mathias (Thos. M. Bayly, assignee) 5226 Pryor, John (Thos. D. Harris, assignee) 5227 Pryor, John (Thomas D. Harris, assignee of) 5234 Powell, Peyton (John Morris assignee of) 5258 Posey, Thomas (James Taylor, assignee of) 5259 Porterfield, Robert (James Taylor, assignee of) 5269 Parker, Caleb, Thomas M. Bayly, assignee of Lupheny Watson, representative of 5270 Prescot, Thomas (dead) Thos. M. Bayly, assignee of, Patience Prescot, representative of 5276 Pierson, Shadrack, James Taylor, assignee of 5302 Parker, Levin (deed.) Thos. M. Bayly, assignee of, Richard Parker, representative of 5303 Potter, John (deed.) (Thos. M. Bayly, assignee of, Susanna Potter, representative) 5340 Parker, Thomas 5361 Parnel, Joseph 5407 Philip, Chas. (dead) (Thos. M. Bayly, assignee of, Benj. Philip, representative of) 5408 Philip, Elijah (deed.) (Thos. M. Bayly, assignee of, representative of) 5412 Parnell, Benjamin (deed.) The representative of 5424-5 Peyton, John (deed.) (Thos. D. Harris, assignee of, John Quarles, Executor of) 5448 Pearson, Thomas 5455 Porterfield, Charles (deed., Representative of) 5491 Pendleton, Nathaniel (James Taylor, assignee of) Capt. 5515 Philips, Wm. (Joseph Ladd, assignee of) 5569 Pendellon, James 5572 Palmer, William Lieut. 7 years Capt. 7 years Capt. War Lt. Col. 7 years Private War Private 3 years Capt. Lt. 10 months plus 7 years Capt. Lt. 6 years plus 10 months Lieut. 9 months ] plus 7 years Lt. Col. 10 months ; plus 7 years Capt. 10 months plus 7 years Private War Private War Private 3 years Private 3 years Private 3 years Capt. 10 months plus 6 years Private 3 years Private 3 years Private 3 years Private 3 years > Capt. 10 months plus 6 years Lieut. 9 months plus 7 years Capt. 3 years Capt. 1 year 5 month s plus 7 years Private War Capt. 10 months plus 7 years Sgt. 3 years 366 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Number 5587 5642 5646 5659-63 5708 5719-25 5750 5753 5756 5850 5855 5858 5879 5880 5913 5925 5946-50 5951 5964-8 5977 5990-I 6003 6023 6050 6056 6070 6075-6 6079 6108-9 Parker, George, Thos. Parker, son of Capt. 10 months plus 7 years Payne, Thomas (deed.) (Jaries Payne, heir at law) Capt. 1 year 9 months plus 6 years Pelham, Charles (James Taylor, assignee of) Major 9 months plus 7 years Pelham, William Surgeon 3 years Poulson, John (deed.) (Parker Barnes and Geo. Daymell, Executors of) Major 10 months plus 7 years Price William (Benjamin W. Ludd (?), assignee of) Lieut. 3 years Pallett, John Private 3 years Price, William (John Graham, assignee of) Lieut. 1 year 8 months plus 8 years Powers, Lewis (Duplicate issued Feb. 24, 1 8 10) Private 3 years Payne, Tarlton Capt. 1 year 2 months plus 3 years Plodd, John Private War Pierce, Wm. (Wm. L. Pierce only child and sole heir of) Porter, Benjamin (John Holson and Matthew Hobson, assignees of) Porter, Thomas, John Hobson and Matthew Hobson, assignees of Porter, William M. Pea, Thomas (Jane Pea only child and surviving heir of) Pullen, William (John Hobson, assignee of) Penticost Wm. (John Hobson, assignee of) Poynce, Wm. (John and Martha Hobson, assignees) Pritchett, Benjamin (Jane and George, only children) Price, Richard (deed.) (John Price, heir at law of) Private Phillips, Peers, Thomas (deed.) (Susanna, Charles, Thomas, John and Mary Peers, legal representatives of) Private Price, James (The representatives of) Price, Anger Peryear (?), Reuben Pawott, Joseph Pickett, Jeremiah (deed.) (Wm. Pickett oldest brother, heir at law) Porter, William Capt. 4 months plus 7 years Major 3 years Capt. 3 years Private 3 years Private 3 years Lieut. 3 years Private 3 years Lieut. 3 years Private 3 years Private 3 years Private 3 years 3 years Capt. Col. War Lt. Col. 3 years Private 3 years Lt. Col. War Pvt. Col. 3 years Lt. Col. 2 plus 6 years State and Navy Land Warrants, Military District of Ohio 367 Number 6223 Pickett, William (Assignee of Richard Stags) 6275 Poe, Virgil 6279 Pasley, Thomas 6281 Pearson, Mesheck 6286 Powell, Robert Senin (The representatives of) 6306 Pope, John 63 1 1 Poe, John 6312 Pullen, William 6376-7 Pugh, Joseph 6385 Pierson, Charles (The heirs, legal representatives or assignes) 6386 Poe, William (The heirs, legal representatives or assignes) 6425 Purcell, George (His heirs) 6457 Pike, William 6460 Poe, Jesse (Heirs of) 6537-8 Panamore, Thos. (His heirs) ^549 Peery, Valentine 6575 Parker, William (His heirs) 6579 Powell, Richard 1619 Pettit, James 6646 Peele, Jesse, Private of dragoons 6719-21 Price, Wm. (1 yr. 8 mos. in addition to the land previously allowed in the Va. Continental Line as Lieut. — previously Private) 8 months pi 6728 Pound, Reuben (Service of Wm. Pound) 6756 Parker, Jesse 7322 Powell, William (Nathan R. Lucas and others) 7408 Pemberton, Bennet 7455 Patterson, Thomas (Polly Crump) 7595 Pleney ( ?) , Nancy and others, heirs of Wm. Crump 7612 Poulett, Richard 7626 Pullen, Henry, George Pullen and others 7649 Paulett, Jesse, Richard Paulett 7722 Powell, Thomas, Edward Powell 7790 Preston, Robert, Catherine Preston 8023 Pruden, Henry, Henry Pruden and others 7649 Paulett, Jesse, Richard Paulett (Nos. 182 and 183 exchanged for) 81 10 Parsons, Thomas, John W. Parsons 8122 Parmiell, David, Thomas A. Parmiell 8140 Payton, Volentine, Sarah Rector 8142 Prichett, William, William M. Prichett Private War Private 3 years Private War Private 3 years Capt. 7 years Private War Private 3 years Private 3 years Lieut. 3 years Capt. War Private 3 years Lieut. 3 years Sgt. War Private 3 years Capt. 3 years Major War Private War Private 7 years Private 7 years Private War Private 1 year us 8 years in addition Private Part for 3 years Private 3 years Private 3 years Private 3 years Capt. 3 years Lieut. 3 years Ensign 3 years Private 3 years Ensign 3 years Surgeon Private Sgt. Lieut Capt. Sgt. 368 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Number 8206 Pennybacker, Conrod, William Pennybacker 8215 Parker, Anderson, Nancy Kelley 8332 Parrott, John, Heirs generally 8400 Peyton, Valentine, Scynthia Warshaler 8401 Peyton, Valentine, Nancy Mallory 8402 Peyton, Valentine, Valentine Peyton 8408 Pope, Thomas, Nancy Pope and others 8419 Patterson, Phillip, Susan Moran 249 Powell, Thomas, Edward Powell 250 Powell, Thomas, Will T. Powell 251 Powell, Thomas, Ann Johnson 252 Powell, Thomas, Thomas Powell 253 Powell, Thomas, Lucy Powell 254 Powell, Thomas, Mary Powell 255 Powell, Thomas, Harriett Goodman 8450 Portwood Lloyd, Robert Portwood 8478 Porterfield, Charles Fife Major Private Private Private Private Surgeon Surgeon Surgeon Surgeon Surgeon Surgeon Surgeon Private Number Warrantee (A) 84 Quarles, James 150 Quarles, James 799 Quarles, Thomas J 343 Quirk, Thomas 2666 Quarles, John 651 Quarles, Henry 46 Read, Clement 54 Reede, Edmund 68 Read, John 90 Rice, Nathaniel 92 Roane, Christopher 136 Rucker, Elliot 148 Rogers, John 149 Rogers, John 249 Russell, Charles 278 Russell, John 304 Reardon, George 331 Rings, Burtus 354 Rose, George 371 Ryner, John 376 Reynolds, Bernard 435 Rowe, John 446 Randolph, Adam 450 Roberts, Anthony Person Who Performed the Service (B) Quarles, James Quarles, James Quarles, Thomas Quirk, Thomas Quarles, John Quarles, Henry Read, Isaac Reede, Edmund Read, Clement Rice, Nathaniel Roane, Christopher Rucker, Elliot Rogers, John Rogers, John Russell, Charles Russell, John Reardon, George Rings, Burtus Rose, George Ryner, John Reynolds, Bernard Rowe, John Randolph, Adam Roberts, Anthony Kind of Service (C) State Line State Line State Line State Line State Line State Line State Line State Cavalry Line Unknown State Artillery State Artillery State Line State Navy State Line State Line State Line State Line State Cavalry State Line State Line State Line State Line State Line State Line State and Navy Land Warrants, Military District of Ohio 369 Person Who Performed Number Warrantee (A) the Service (B) Kind of Service (C) 460 Rhodes, John Rhodes, John State Line 466 Russell, Thomas Russell, Thomas State Artillery 489 Reardon, George Reardon, George State Line 544 Reynolds, William Rennet, William State Line 625 Ross, John Ross, John State Navy 677 Roberts, Garrad Roberts, Garrad State Line 695 Richeson, James Richeson, James State Line 733 Ranger, Joseph Ranger, Joseph State Navy 762 Russell, William Russell, William State Artillery 811 Randolph, Robert Randolph, Robert Continental Line 819 Redman, John Redman, John State Navy 847 Royal, Grief Royal, Grief State Artillery 873 Royal, Francis Royall, Francis State Artillery 1009 Russell, James Russell, James State Artillery 1211 Roberson (Robison?), Green Robison (?), Green State Line 1291 Roberts, Ambrose Roberts, Ambrose State Line 1304 Rest, Lucker Rest, Lucker State Line 1345 Ridley, John Ridley, John State Artillery 143 1 Rust, Benjamin Rust, Benjamin State Navy I5II Rich, William Rich, William State Line 1591 Roberts, John Roberts, John State Line 1808 Roane, Christopher Roan, Christopher State Line 1816 Rose, Archibald Rose, Archibald State Line 1848 Roysten, John Roysten, John State Line 1849 Robinson, Mordicai Robinson, M. State Line 1862 Robinson, Green Robinson, Green State Line 1864 Rose, William Rose, William State Line 2176 Rudd, Benjamin Rudd, Benjamin State Navy 2290 Reynolds, William Reynolds, William State Line 2336 Reynolds, William (Assignee) Armstrong, Adam State Line 2342 Reynolds, Wm. (Assignee) Davis, William State Line 2345 Reynolds, Wm. (Assignee) Whitehead, John State Navy 2490 Reaves, James Reaves, James State Navy 2572 Richards, John Richards, John State Navy 2593 Reynolds, Wm. (Assignee) Jackson, William State Line 2596 Reynolds, Wm. (Assignee) Jackson, Michael State Line 2731 Reynolds, Wm. (Assignee) Hays, Manning (?) State Line 2732 Rowsel, George (Heir) Rowsel, Thomas State Line 2762 Row, James Row, James State Line 2798 Roans, Alexander Roans, Alexander State Line 2813 Reynolds, Wm. (Assignee) Spencer, John State Line 2924 Reynolds, Wm. (Assignee) Elliot, Jonathan State Line 370 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Person Who Performed Number Warrantee (A) the Service (B) Kind of Service (C) 2925 Reynolds, Wm. (Assignee) Hill, James State Navy 2996 Reynolds, Wm. (Assignee) Brown, Robert State Line 3071 Reynolds, Wm. (Assignee) Wallace, Edward State Line 3072 Reynolds, Wm. (Assignee) Humphrey, Ralph State Line 3083 Reynolds, Wm. (Assignee) Collins, Adam State Line 3IOO Robin, William Robin, William State Line 3122 Reynolds, Wm. (Assignee) Davis, Joseph State Line 3151 Roberts, John Roberts, John State Line 3324 Roth, Frederick Roth, Frederick State Line 3338 Rupert, George Rupert, George State Line 3423 Reynolds, Wm. (Assignee) Davis, John State Line 3424 Reynolds, Wm. (Assignee) Hannan, John State Line 3425 Reynolds, Wm. (Assignee) Green, Moses State Line 3426 Reynolds, Wm. (Assignee) Collins, James State Line 3428 Reynolds, Wm. (Assignee) Parrott, James State Line 3441 Reynolds, Wm. (Assignee) Alexander, James State Line 3457 Richardson, Daniel Richardson, Daniel State Navy 3490 Robins, John Robins, John State Navy 3565 Reynolds, Wm. (Assignee) Trice, Dabney State Line 356o Reynolds, Wm. (Assignee) Trice, William State Line 3687 Reynolds, Wm. (Assignee) Jones, William State Line 3804-5 Reynolds, Wm. (Assignee) Waller, Edwards State Line 3823 Reynolds, Wm. (Assignee) Stand, Lewis State Line 3824 Reynolds, Wm. (Assignee) Temple, Alexander State Navy 3861 Ross, Elijah Ross, Elijah State Line 3907 Reynolds, Wm. (Assignee) Wilkins, James State Line 3928 Reynolds, Wm. (Assignee) Isbill, Thomas State Line 3934 Reynolds, Wm. (Assignee) Nash, William State Line 3955 Reynolds, Wm. (Assignee) Webb, Joseph State Navy 3960 Reynolds, Wm. (Assignee) Hay, John M. State Line 3961 Reynolds, Wm. (Assignee) Terry, James State Line 4137 Reynolds, Wm. (Assignee) Robinson, Andrew State Line 4180 Reynolds, Wm. (Assignee) Roe, William State Navy 4198 Roberts, Margaret (Rep.) Roberts, William State Navy 4210 Reynolds, Wm. (Assignee) Mercer, Isaac State Navy 4211 Reynolds, Wm. (Assignee) Kendall, Jesse State Line 4221 Ranger, Joseph Ranger, Joseph State Navy 4262 Reynolds, Wm. (Assignee) Wallace, Edward State Line 4263 Reynolds, Wm. (Assignee) Bond, John State Line 43io Reynolds, Wm. (Assignee) Newcomb, Thomas State Line 431 1 Reynolds, Wm. (Assignee) Hall, Robert State Navy 4298 Reynolds, Wm. (Assignee) Price, Ebenezer State Navy 4366 Reynolds, Wm. (Assignee) Willis, James State Navy 4365 Reynolds, Wm. (Assignee) Kennedy, Andrew State Line State and Navy Land Warrants, Military District of Ohio 371 Person Who Performed Numbei Warrantee (A) the Service (B) Kind of Service (C) 4367 Reynolds, Wm. (Assignee ) Lockley, Daniel State Line 4368 Reynolds, Wm. (Assignee ) Peters, James State Navy 4369 Reynolds, Wm. (Assignee ) March, William State Navy 4373 Reynolds, Wm. (Assignee ) Childers, Meredith State Line 4374 Reynolds, Wm. (Assignee ) Moss, Julius State Line 4375 Reynolds, Wm. (Assignee' ) Walden, Spencer State Line 4380 Reynolds, Wm. (Assignee' Rice, Isaac State Line 438i Reynolds, Wm. (Assignee ) Black, Matthew State Line 4382 Reynolds, Wm. (Assignee ) Mitchell, Thomas State Navy 4383 Reynolds, Wm. (Assignee' Tate, Robert State Navy 4414 Reynolds, Wm. (Assignee' ) Burnett, Millington State Line 4424 Reynolds, Wm. (Assignee^ ) Stoakes, Christopher State Navy 4468 Reynolds, Wm. (Assignee' ) Nickins, Nathaniel State Navy 4469 Reynolds, Wm. (Assignee' George, Benjamin State Navy 4470 Reynolds, Wm. (Assignee^ ) Jones, Benjamin State Line 4471 Reynolds, Wm. (Assignee^ ) Bowers, George State Line 4472 Reynolds, Wm. (Assignee^ ) Hubbard, William State Navy 4513 Robinson, Cole Robinson, Cole State Line 4538 Rowland, John (Assignee) Lansford, Moses State Line 4745 Riviere, Wyatt Riviere, Wyatt State Navy 6745 Roberts, Benjamin Roberts, Benjamin State Line 6909 Roberts, Benjamin Roberts, William State Line 6953 Ruddle, Lee, Ann Charlton Wyatt, Revier State Navy 6978 Richardson, Elizabeth Richardson, Daniel State Navy 6980 Roberts, John Roberts, William State Navy 6981 Roberts, Willis Roberts, William State Navy 6984 Roberts, Henry and others Roberts, William State Navy 7010 Roberts, Agnatuis Roberts, William State Line 7138 Richardson, John Richardson, John Lee's Legion 7145 Revell, John B., James W., Sally and Elizabeth 1 Gay Revell, John State Navy 7146 Russell, N. F., Catharine and Margaret Revell, John State Navy 7165 Reed, Elizabeth Dale, Richard State Navy 7185 Roberts, Elizabeth Roberts, William State Navy 7243 Rundick, Edward Rundick, Levine State Navy 7246 Row, Patsy Hamilton, John State Navy Exch. 60 Poulston, Hans Hamilton, Thomas State Line 6354 Range, James Range, James State Line 7313 Rogers, James (Heirs of) Rogers, James State Line 7352 Rogers, Geo. (H eirs of) Rogers, George State Navy 372 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Person Who Performed Number Warrantee (A) the Service (B) Kind of Service (C) 7329 Rogers, Henry Rogers, Henry State Navy Ex. 102 Rose, Robert T. Selden, Joseph State Line 6789 Roberts, William (Heir of) Roberts, William State Line Double No. 7575 Rogers, John and others Christian, Wm. (Sgt.) State Navy 7627 Ramsey, Joseph Ramsey, Joseph State Line 7673 Ritchie, Thos. and Arabela and others Foshee, William State Line 7698 Roberts, George and others Roberts, William State Line 7746 Rosell, Kelly Triplett, Reuben State Navy 7362 Roger, John and others Roger, George State Navy 8056 Robey, Cader and others Robey, Cader State Line 8250 Russell, Isiah Bon well, Thomas State Navy 8324 Richards, William Richards, John State Navy 8344 Riggs, William (Heirs of) Riggs, William State Navy 8355 Riggs, Geo. B. (Heirs of) Riggs, George B. State Navy 8377 Russell, John (Heir of) Russell, John State Navy 7380 Reynolds, John (Heir of) Reynolds, John State Navy 8381 Richardson, Wm. (Heir of) Richardson, William State Navy 8049 Reed, Robert and others Reed, Francis State Navy 7729 Ravenscroft, James and Ravenscroft, Thomas others State Line 243 Lane, William Reynolds, John State Navy 8428 Humble, John Ravenscroft, Thomas State Line 270 Rice, Leah Riggs, George B. State Navy 271 Riggs, Betsy Riggs, George B. State Navy 39 Stewart, William Stewart, William State Artillery 45 Slayden, Daniel Slayden, Daniel Line Unknown 70 Smith, Francis Smith, Francis Line Unknown 86 Swope, John Swope, John State Navy 95 Spiller, William Spiller, William State Artillery 104 Steuben, Major General Steuben, Maj. Genl. Special Act of Assembly 118 Savage, Nathaniel Savage, Nathaniel State Cavalry 124 Smith, Gregory Smith, Gregory State Line 175 Saunders, John Saunders, Caley State Navy 212 Slaughter, William Slaughter, William State Line 246 Slaughter, Thomas Slaughter, Samuel State Line 403 Simms, Edward Simms, Edward State Line 413 Smith, William Smith, William State Line 419 Starrs, William Starrs, William State Line State and Navy Land Warrants, Military District of Ohio 373 Person Who Performed Number Warrantee (A) the Service {B) Kind of Service (C) 422 Summers, James Summers, James State Line 500 Sanderford, Samuel Sanderford, Samuel State Line 511 Scott, James Scott, James State Line 5H Seggis, Owen Seggis, Owen State Line 523 Sanford, John Sanford, John State Cavalry 543 Smith, Underwood Smith, Underwood State Line 567 Scott, William Scott, William State Line 569 Simmons, George Simmons, George State Line 572 Singleton, Joshua Singleton, Joshua State Navy 605 Saunders, William Saunders, William State Navy 616 Stubbs, Francis Stubbs, Francis State Navy 752 Smart, Richard Smart, Richard State Navy 815 Scott, Charles Scott, Charles Line Unknown 992 Smith, Francis Smith, Francis State Line 1293 South worth, Thomas Southworth, Thomas State Line 1364 Sullivan, John Sullivan, John State Line 1439 Stur, Thomas Stur, Thomas State Navy 509 Shelton, Thomas Shelton, Thomas State Line 1579 Summerson, Gjarvin] Summerson, G[arvin] State Navy 1648 Smith, James Smith, James State Line 1672-3 Steel, William Steel, William State Navy 1714 Stacy, John Stacy, John State Line 1715 St. Leger, William St. Leger, William State Line 1718 Saunders, Joseph Saunders, Joseph State Navy 1722 Shearman, Martin Shearman, Martin State Navy 1793 Smith, Stephen Smith, Stephen State Line 1798 Scott, Walter Scott, Walter State Line 1813 Saunders, Richard Saunders, Richard State Navy 1865 Singleton, Joshua Singleton, Joshua State Line 1879 Spencer, Abraham Spencer, Abraham Line Unknown 1884 Scott, John Scott, John Line Unknown 1902 Slaven, Cornelius Slaven, Cornelius Line Unknown 2423 Savoy, John Savoy, John State Line 1980 Sears, Thomas Sears, Thomas State Line 2016 Stone, William Stone, William State Line 2076 Sammons, John Sammons, John State Navy 2132 Santee, William Santee, William State Line 2409 Shepherd, James Shepherd, James State Line 2451 Spencer, William Spencer, William State Line 2491 Saunders, Joseph (Assignee) West, William State Navy 2600 Spears, James Spearman, James State Line 2676 Stevens, James Stevens, James State Line 2846 Stockwell, John (Assignee) Anderson, William State Line 374 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Person Who Performed Number Warrantee (A) the Service (B) Kind of Service (C) 2847 Stockwell, John (Assignee) Emmons, David State Line 2870 Stoll, William Stoll, William State Navy 2915 Settle, Benjamin Settle, Benjamin State Line 2932 Smith, Granville Smith, Granville State Line 2956 Street, John Street, John Batal Crockett's State 2979 Sallards, Eliphalet Sallards, E. State Line 304I Shield, John (Heir) Shield, John State Line 3075 Slaughter, William Slaughter, William State Line 3218 Scott, John Scott, John State Navy 3186 Standley, Moses Standley, Moses State Line 3259 Sulivan, Craven Sulivan, Craven State Line 3291 Stanback, Littleberry Stanback, Littleberry State Navy 3328 Smith, William Smith, William State Line 3379 Sheffield, Thomas Sheffield, Thomas State Line 3435 Spinner, Richard Spinner, Richard State Line 3525 Shackleford, Alexr. Shackleford, Alexander State Line 3538-40 Slaughter, George Slaughter, George Line Unknown 3541-2 Slaughter, Agustine Slaughter, Agustine Line Unknown 3547 Stokes, Benjamin (Heir) Stokes, John State Line 3605 Samuel, Gray Samuel, Gray State Line 3366 Stuart, Edward Stuart, Edward State Line 3628 Stevens, Warrington Stevens, Warrington State Line 3778 Stuart, Marks Stuart, Marks State Line 3813 Spaulding, William (Heir ) Spaulding, Charles State Line 3935 Strong, William Strong, William State Line 4178 Saunders, William Saunders, William State Navy 4201 Spencer, Susanna (Rep. of) Spencer, Benjamin State Line 4202 Selman, Joseph Selman, Joseph State Line 4253 Singleton, Joshua Singleton, Frederick State Line 4354 Sprig, Nathan Sprig, Nathan State Navy 4386 Saunders, Joseph Hubbard, John State Navy 4398 Singleton, Grace (Assignee) Edwards, George State Navy 4428 Saunders, Joseph (Assignee) Hughlett, John State Navy 4480 Slaughter, Reuben (Assignee) Scott, Isaac State Line 4487 Sharpless, Courtney (Widow) Sharpies, John State Navy 4707 Sandy, Thomas Sandy, Thomas State Line 6350 Saunders, Alleck Saunders, Alleck State Line 6671 Stuart, Maxey Stuart, Maxey State Line 6744 Saunders, Joseph Saunders, Joseph State Line State and Navy Land Warrants, Military District of Ohio 375 Person Who Performed Number Warrantee (A) the Service (B) Kind of Service (C) 6748 Slaughter, Philip Slaughter, Philip Continental Line 6761 Servant, Richard, Samuel B., Robert, Eliza and Ann W., heirs of law of Richard B. Servant, sole heir of Lieut. Richard Servant, deceased Servant, Richard State Navy 6795 Servant, Richard B. Servant, Richard State Navy 6796 Servant, Samuel B. Servant, Richard State Navy 6797 Servant, Robert Servant, Richard State Navy 6798 Servant, Eliza Servant, Richard State Navy 6799 Servant, Ann W. Servant, Richard State Navy 6823 Sneed, John W. Sneed, Robert State Navy 6882 Savage, Harriet Chambers, Hancock State Navy 691 1 Singleton, Joshua Singleton, Joshua State Navy Double 6936 Shurley, Ann D. Tompkins, Christopher State Navy 6954 Saunders, Margaret and others Watkins, James State Navy 6972 Scott, Elizabeth Blackwell, William Continental 6986 Saulsbery, George Saulsbery, Moses State Navy 6991 Saulsbery, John Saulsbery, Moses State Navy 6992 Saulsbery, Emlen Saulsbery, Moses State Navy 6989 Saulsbery, John Saulsbery, Moses State Navy 6990 Saulsbery, Mary Saulsbery, Moses State Navy 6993 Saulsbery, James Saulsbery, Moses State Navy 6994 Saulsbery, Betsey Saulsbery, Moses State Navy 6995 Saulsbery, Elisha Saulsbery, Moses State Navy 6996 Somers, Abraham, Snr. Saulsbery, Moses State Navy 6997 Somers, Abraham, Jnr. Saulsbery, Moses State Navy 7014 Strother, Benjamin (Heir) Strother, Benjamin State Navy 7184 Saunders, Margaret Watkins, James State Navy 7211 Silverthorn, Elizabeth Mears, Bartholomew State Navy 7215 Shrienes, William, David M., Mary and Comfort Mears, Bartholomew State Navy 7217 Spady, Cully Goffinger, Peter State Navy 7222 Sharrod, Elizabeth Bully, John State Navy 7258 Smith, Lettice S. Rush, Benjamin State Navy 7270 Skinner, William (Heir of) Skinner, William State Navy 7287 Smith, William (Heir of) Smith, William State Navy Ex.66 Shrieve, Wm. and others Lumber, Thomas State Navy 7300 Spencer, Clement M. and others Spencer, Gideon State Navy 7337 Sterling, Isaac (Heir of) Sterling, Isaac State Line 3 76 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Person Who Performed Number Warrantee (A) the Service (B) Kind of Service (C) 7376 Stephens, Simm (Heir) Stephens, Simm State Navy 7376 Stephens, Stephen (Heir of) Stephens, Stephen State Navy 7382 Simpson, Elisha (Heir of) Simpson, Elisha State Navy 84 Selden, Joseph, son of N. Selden Selden, Joseph State Navy 86 Selden, Charles Selden, Joseph State Navy 88 Selden. William Selden, Joseph State Line 90 Saulsbery, Moses (Heirs of) Saulsbery, Moses State Navy 129 Selden, Cary Selden, Joseph State Navy 136 Segar, Henry G. Garnett, Henry State Line 196 Selden, Mary B. Selden, Wilson C. State Line 7403 Spiller, William Spiller, William State Line 7443 Selden, Wilson C. Selden, Wilson C. State Line 7459 Shipper, Polly and others Bowers, Morris State Line 7566 Spraull, Mary Ann Worthington, Edward State Line 7568 Scott, James B. Booker, Richard State Line 7588 Spiller, Collin C. Spiller, William State Line 7638 Slaughter, Elizabeth P. and others Pollard, Thomas State Continental 7666 Smith, Lucy (Nancy?) Chilton, John State Line 7672 Spottswood, A. E. and others Spottswood, Alexander State Line 7697 Stuart, Hannah and others Todd, Levi State Line 7999 Sadler, Elizabeth and others Mahon, John State Navy 7771 Watkins, Thos. and Richard Selden, Joseph State Line 8045 Spillsby, Gregory Spillsby, Gregory State Line 8051 Scott, Sarah Scott, William State Navy 8099 Anderson, Lucy and others Sturdivant, Joel State Navy 8100 Polly, Wm. and others Sturdivant, Joel State Navy 8101 Sturdivant, John Sturdivant, Joel State Navy 8102 Sturdivant, Joel and James Sturdivant, Joel State Navy 8114 Sims, Manlive and others Sturdivant, Joel State Navy 8127 Chum, Elizabeth Speake, Joseph State Navy 8128 Matthews, John A. Speake, Joseph State Navy 8i37 Speake, Henrietta Speake, Joseph State Navy 8138 Cooksey, Joseph L. Speake, Joseph State Navy 7776 Spottswood, George W. Spottswood, Alexander State Navy 7777 Spottswood, A. V. L. Spottswood, Alexander State Navy State and Navy Land Warrants, Military District of Ohio 377 Person Who Performed Number Warrantee (A) the Service (B) Kind of Service (C) 7778 Spottswood, Eliza Ann Spottswood, Alexander State Navy 7779 Spottswood, Alexander Spottswood, Alexander State Navy 8240 Shay, Daniel Miles, Northam State Line 8362 Summer son, Geo. (Heirs of) Summerson, George State Navy 8037 Schoolfield, Rosa and others Parker, Thomas State Navy 8407 Spottswood, Wm. L. and others Spottswood, Alexander State Line 8408 Washington, Henrietta B. Spottswood, Alexander State Line 8409 Spottswood, Alexander E. Spottswood, Alexander State Line 8410 Brooke, John L. Spottswood, Alexander State Line 841 1 Talliaferro, Alex S. and Elizabeth Spottswood, Alexander State Line 248 Brooke, Robert I. Spottswood, Alexander State Line 249 Brooke, I. F. Spottswood, Alexander State Line 8452 Ivy, Wm. A. Snate, Thomas State Line 59 Tunstall, Edward Tunstall, Edward State Artillery 132 Taylor, William Taylor, William State Line 133 Taylor, Richard Taylor, Richard State Navy 203 Terry, Stephen Terry, Stephen State Line 213 Tupman, John Tupman, John State Navy 245 Triplett, George Triplett, George State Line 333 Taylor, Bartholomew Taylor, Barth. State Cavalry 336 Taylor, Major Taylor, Major State Cavalry 364 Tyson, Cornelius Tyson, Cornelius State Line 465 Tinch, James Tinch, James State Line 467 Triplett, Daniel Triplett, Daniel State Line 526 Thomas, William Thomas, William State Line 540 Thomas, Amos Thomas, Amos State Line 54i Thomas, William Thomas, William State Line 615 Tucker, William Tucker, William State Navy 662 Thompson, Daniel Thompson, Daniel State Line 100 Towers, John Towers, John State Line 648 Towers, John Towers, John State Line 666 Treacle, John Treacle, John State Line 667 Treacle, Dawson Treacle, Dawson State Line 668 Taylor, Humphry Taylor, Humphry State Line 676 Treacle, William Treacle, William State Line 737 Triplett, William Triplett, William State Line 1012 Taylor, Benjamin Taylor, Benjamin State Navy 1 180 Toler, William Toler, William State Artillery 1205 Timberlake, Joseph Timberlake, Joseph State Line 378 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Person Who Performed Number Warrantee (A) the Service (B) Kind of Service (C) 1338 Turk, Thomas (Heir) Turk, James State Line 1242 Turk, Thomas (Heir) Turk, Robert State Line 1254 Thomas, Daniel Thomas, Daniel State Line 1321 Thornbeam, John Thornbeam, John State Line 1859 Tyler, William Tyler, William State Line 2017 Tinsley, Samuel Tinsley, Samuel State Line 2128 Tune, William Tune, William State Line 2341 Taylor, James Taylor, James State Line 2407 Turner, John Turner, John State Line 2422 Taylor, James Taylor, James State Line 2469 Taylor, George (Assignee) Oakly, George State Line 2481 Thompson, Lucy, wife of Thompson, George State Line 2580 Todd, Robert Todd, Robert State Line 2649 Trower, Samuel (Assignee' ) Brandon, Benjamin State Line 2653 Travis, Edward Travis, Edward State Navy 2686 Taylor, Isaac Taylor, Isaac State Line 2816 Thompson, John Thompson, John State Line 2958 Turpin, Obadiah Turpin, Obadiah State Line 3193 Thompson, Daniel (Assignee) Vickens, William State Line 2323 Taylor, James Stocker, Zack State Line 3332 Thompson, William Thompson, William State Line 3342 Theel, Levi Theel, Levi State Line 3636 Taylor, Alice (Heir at law) Taylor, William State Line 3721 Thompson, James (Heir) Thompson, Henry State Line 4052 Tayloe, James Tayloe, James State Line 4071 Thomas, John Thomas, John State Navy 4102 Turner, Charles (Heir) Turner, John State Line 4195 Thrall, John Thrall, John State Navy 4447 Tanner, John Tanner, John State Line 4458 Tipton, Samuel (Heir) Tipton, Abraham State Line 4544 Tompkins, Christopher (Rep. of) Tompkins, Christopher State Navy 4545 Tompkins, Robt. (Rep. of) Tompkins, Robert State Navy 4910 Taylor, James (Assignee) Halloway, William State Line 4941 Thorp, James Thorp, James State Navy 6328 Terry, Thomas (Heir) Terry, Thomas State Line 6706 Thomas, James Thomas, James State Line 6754 Thurston, John (Heir) Thurston, John State Line 6755 Thomas, John Thomas, John Continental 4689 Tucker, Silas Tucker, Silas State Navy 6825 Trader, Elizabeth Underhill, William State Navy 6888 Trail, Jenny Gibson, James State Navy State and Navy Land Warrants, Military District of Ohio 379 Person Who Performed Number Warrantee (A) the Service (B) Kind of Service (C) 6910 Toole, Nancy Roberts, William State Line 6936 Thurston, Chas. M. Thurston, John State Line 6937 Thurston, Alfred Thurston, John State Line 6938 Thurston, Lucino, F. Thurston, John State Line 6939 Thurston, Algernon S. Thurston, John State Line 6940 Thurston, Mary B. I. Thurston, John State Line 6943 Trigg, Francis Thurston, John State Line 6945 Thurston, Mountjoy Thurston, John State Line 6946 Thurston, Sally Thurston, John State Line 6953 Thomas, Mary Watkins, John State Navy 7I50 Thomas, Wm. B., Thomas, Alice Thomas, John State Navy 7170 Travis, Catherine M. Bright, Francis State Navy 7171 Travis, Julia S. Bright, Francis State Navy 7219 Tull, Sally, Henrietta Buffmgton, John and Elizabeth Massie Massie, William Fife Major 7232 Trail, Jenny Gibson, John State Navy 7231 Timpson, Samuel Timpson, Samuel State Navy 7238 Thompson, Robert T. Washington, John State Cavalry 7239 Thompson, Catherine T. Washington, John State Cavalry 7240 Thompson, Elizabeth L. Washington, John State Cavalry Ex. 64 Timpson, Samuel (Heirs) Timpson, Samuel State Line 7286 Thrall, James and others Thrall, John State Navy 7292 Taylor, Severn Taylor, Severn State Navy 7303 Truit, William Truit, William State Line 7325 Terrant, Nancy Terrant, Ceaser State Line 7326 Tutt, James, Heirs of Tutt, James State Navy 7384 Thurston, Robt., Heir of Thurston, Robert State Navy 137 Tunstall, Elizabeth and others Garnett, Henry State Line 7404 Turner, John and others Turner, William State Line 7406 Thurston, Chas. M. (Heirs) Thurston, Chas. M. Continental 7660 Tompkins, Ann D. Tompkins, Robert, Capt. State Line 7676 Todd, Lucy B. Muter, George, Col. State Line 7701 Tucker, Sally and others Argyle, Herbert State Navy 7738 Triplett, Felix Triplett, Reuben State Navy 7739 Triplett, William Triplett, Reuben State Navy 7740 Triplett, Roderick Triplett, Reuben State Navy 7741 Triplett, Reuben Triplett, Reuben State Navy 7742 Triplett, John Triplett, Reuben State Navy 7743 Triplett, Fanny Triplett, Reuben State Navy 380 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Person Who Performed Number Warrantee (A) the Service (B) Kind of Service (C) Ex. 178 Turney, George A. Wilson, George State Line 179 Turney, John and others Wilson George State Line 8017 Taliaferro, Benjamin F. Dick, Alexander State Line 8153 Caston, Elizabeth Toole, Richard State Navy 8190 Tompkins, M. B. and E. T. Mosby Patterson, John State Navy 8310 Tyler, Alice I. Tyler, Henry State Navy 8343 Taylor, John (Heir of) Taylor, John State Navy 8347 Tunnell, James (Heir of) Tunnell, James State Navy 8348 Taylor, Thomas Taylor, Thomas State Navy 8349 Tunnell, James (Heirs of) Tunnell, James State Navy 8360 Tunnell, Wm. (Heirs of) Tunnell, William State Navy 8382 Taylor, Daniel (Heir of) Taylor, Daniel State Navy 268 Tunnell, Isaiah Tunnell, William State Navy 273 Milks, Nancy and C. Taylor, Thomas State Navy 234-5 Tannehill, Josiah, two warrants of 333 Y2 acres each Lieut. 3 years 245 Triplett, George, Va. Line Lieut. 3 years 312 Tyree, William Soldier 3 years 334 Taylor, Samuel Soldier 3 years 369 Tutt, James, heir at law and legal representative of of Lieut. Charles Tutt, deceased 404 Tompkins, Wm., heir at law of Robert Tompkins, deceased 405 Tompkins, Wm., heir at law of Henry Tompkins, deceased 559 Taliaferro, Benjamin 649 Trent, Lawrence 846 Thornton, Pressley 854 Taliaferro, Nicholas 855 Towles, Oliver 921 Tapp, Venet 925 Tolin, Elias 939 Thompson, James 964 Tomlin, John 1037 Tannehill, Thomas 1 122 Thornton, Pat 1237 Thompson, Thomas 1238 Turk, Thomas, heir at law of James Turk, deceased 1256 Thomas, Daniel 1276 Taylor, Isaac 1284 Thompson, Robert 1322 Tapp, Vincent 1330 Tibbs, John, heir of Thomas Tibbs, deceased 1389 Townsend, William Lieut. Lieut. 3 years Ensign 3 years Capt. 3 years Capt. 3 years Capt. 3 years Lieut. 3 years Lt. Col. 3 years Soldier 3 years Sgt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Sgt. War Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Sgt. 7 years Soldier War S. toMaj. 3 years Capt. 3 years Soldier War State and Navy Land Warrants, Military District of Ohio 381 Person Who Performed Number Warrantee (A) the Service (B) Kind of Service (C) 1394 Terrill, William Corporal War 1422 Thompson, Clanders Corporal War 1443 Turner, William Soldier 3 years 1448 Tillery, John Soldier War 1496 Taylor, Furguson Fiffer 3 years 1499 Taylor, James Sgt. 3 years 1552 Tucker, James Sgt. 3 years 1602 Taylor, Archibald Soldier War 1630 Tapley, Thomas Soldier War 1634 Tinsley, Jonathan Soldier War 1734 Taylor, Richard Lt. Col. 3 years 1763 Turner, Francis Soldier 3 years 340 Upshaw, Thomas Upshaw, Thomas State Line 590 Underwood, Gideon Underwood, Gideon State Line 1367 Usher, William Usher, William State Line 1913 Utterback, Benjamin Utterback, Benjamin State Line 3276 Upshaw, James Upshaw, James Line Unknown 6773-4 Underhill, Thomas Underhill, Thomas State Navy 21 Vogluson, Armond Vogluson, Arnold Line Unknown 97 Vowter, William Vowter, William State Line 161 Vowles, Charles Vowles, Charles State Line 162 Vowles, Henry Vowles, Henry State Artillery 163 Vowles, Henry Vowles, Henry State Line 179 Valentine, Jacob Valentine, Jacob State Line 739 Vawter, Benjamin Vawter, Benjamin State Line 2301 Vaughan, Thomas Vaughan, Thomas State Line 2568 Vaughan, John Vaughan, John State Line 2761 Valentine, Edward Valentine, Edward State Line 2805 Valentine, Edward, Assignee Stevens, John State Line 2993 Valentine, Edward, Assignee Williams, John State Line 3065 Valentine, Edward, Assignee Dunston, Almond State Line 3066 Valentine, Edward, Assignee Fleming, L. C. State Line 3067 Valentine, Edward, Assignee Wyatt, Tilman State Line 3068 Valentine, Edward, Assignee Lawson, John, Senr. State Line 2802 Valentine, Edward, Assignee Richee, James State Line 382 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Person Who Performed Number Warrantee (A) the Service {B) Kind of Service ( 336l Vickers, William Vickers, William State Line 4228 Vaughn, James Vaughn, James State Line 6740-I Valentine, Josiah Valentine, Jacob State Line 790 Vaiden, John Vaiden, John State Line 4541 Vaughn, John Vaughn, John State Line 436 Vickers, John Vickers, John State Line 4864 Vowels, Henry Vowels, Henry State Line 6888 Varner, Joseph Varner, Joseph Lee's Legion 3577 Vaughn, Mathias Vaughn, Mathias State Line 7786 Victor, John and others Victor, John State Line 42 Wright, Patrick Wright, Patrick State Artillery 99 White, William White, William State Infantry 116 Webb, John Webb, John State Line 117 Wiley, George, Jr. Wiley, George, Jr. State Line 120 Wyatt, Cary Wyatt, Cary State Artillery 134 Whitlow, Francis Whitlow, Francis State Line 143-4 Wilson, John Cottingworth, Edward State Line 155 Williams, John Williams, John State Line 282 Walden, Zachariah Walden, Zachariah State Line 326 Wood, Edward Wood, Edward State Line 363 Williams, John Williams, John State Line 366 Williams, Philemon Williams, Philemon State Line 385 Walker, William Walker, William State Line 393 Willis, John Willis, John State Line 392 Weaver, John Weaver, John State Line 3" Westcott, Wright Westcott, Wright State Navy 399 Webb, Richard Webb, Richard State Line 431 Wood, Robert Wood, Robert State Line 432 Wilson, John Wilson, John State Line 440 Wheller, John Wheller, John State Line 441 Whale, John Whale, John State Line 443 Welch, Nathaniel Welch, Nathaniel State Line 445 Williams, Christopher Williams, Christopher State Line 447 Waller, William Waller, William State Line 462 Welday, George Welday, George State Line 470 Woodson, Frederick Woodson, Frederick State Line 473 Williamson, L. S. Williamson, L. S. State Line 492 Wood, Philip Wood, Philip State Line 496 Whitaker, James Whitaker, James State Line 512 Whitmore, William Whitmore, William State Line 517 Watkins, William Watkins, William State Line 577 Welch, Lucy Welch, Lucy State Line 639 Wheely, John Wheely, John State Line State and Navy Land Warrants, Military District of Ohio 383 Person Who Performed Number Warrantee (A) the Service (B) Kind of Service (C) 725 White, James White, James State Cavalry 758 Worth, William Worth, William State Navy 770 Wallace, John Wallace, John State Line 798 Weeden, George Weeden, George State Line 829 Warrick, Frederick Warrick, Frederick State Line 839 Warrick, William Warrick, William State Artillery 1258 White, Richard White, Richard State Line 1268 Walden, John Walden, John State Line 1271 Walden, George Walden, George State Line 1282 Williams, William Williams, William State Line 13OO Weeden, Agustine Weeden, Agustine State Line 1336 Wright, Richard Wright, Richard State Line 1512 Webb, James Webb, James State Navy 1531 Wallace, James Wallace, James State Line 1743 Webb, Thomas Webb, Thomas State Line 1933 Wren, Alexander Wren, Alexander State Line 1954 Whitfield, Haynes Whitfield, Haynes State Navy 2170 Waters, James Waters, James State Navy 2204 Williams, Rice Williams, Rice State Line 2287 Wilson, Isaac Wilson, Isaac State Line 2320 White, Thomas White, Thomas State Line 2376 Walker, Leven Walker, Leven State Line 2429 Wilder, James Wilder, James State Navy 2434 Warran, Thomas (Assignee) Wollard, John State Line 2489 Wilder, George Wilder, George State Navy 2682 Williams, Jarrett Williams, Jarrett State Line 2725 Wood, John Wood, John State Artillery 2726 Werter, William Werter, William State Line 2728 Wyatt, George Wyatt, George State Artillery 2787 Welch, Donrinick Welch, Donrinick State Line 2814-5 Westmoreland, Jesse Westmoreland, Jesse State Line 2817 Wright, Patrick (Assignee} 1 Farmer, Lodorick State Line 2849 Walker, Levin Walker, Levin State Line 2869 Wilson, Willis Wilson, Willis State Navy 2917 Wilson, Peter Wilson, Peter State Line 3024 Whitfield, John (Assignee) Whitfield, Edward State Line 3058 White, John White, John State Navy 3145 West, Thomas West, Thomas State Line 3159 Waller, Daniel Waller, Daniel State Line 3232 White, James White, James State Line 3242 West, Charles West, Charles, Maj. Line Unknown 3267 Walker, James Walker, James State Navy 3281 Waddy, Shapleigh Waddy, Shapleigh State Navy 384 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Person Who Performed Number Warrantee (A) the Service (B) Kind of Service (C) 3312 Widdows, Robert Widdows, Robert State Line 3315 Walls, George Walls, George State Line 3339 Watkins, Samuel Watkins, Samuel State Line 336o White, Abraham White, Abraham State Line 3548 Wilkerson, Benjamin Wilkerson, Benjamin State Line 3786 Warren, Gabriel Warren, Gabriel State Line 3820 Watts, William Watts, William State Line 3949 Watkins, Jesse Watkins, Jesse State Line 4000 Wren, Robert Wren, Robert State Line 4157 Wood, John L. Wood, John L. State Line 4306 Wright, Jarrott Wright, Jarrott State Line 4426 Wyatt, Wm. (Rep. of) Wyatt, Edward State Line 4491 Walch, David Walch, David Line Unknown 4537 Wilson, Thomas Wilson, Thomas State Line 4586 Winston, Robert Winston, Robert State Line 4552 Wooldridge, Joseph Wooldridge, Joseph State Line 456i Williams, John Williams, John State Line 4879 Waugh, James Waugh, James State Line 5052 Wright, James Wright, James State Line 6250 Watkins, John (Admr., will annexed, of Ben- jamin P. Yates who was one of only 3 heirs Yates, William, Col. Line Unknown Exchg. 33 Whilely, Chas., Assignee oi Henry Asbery, assignee of Geo. Clight, assignee of Price, Jacobs, assignee of Ed. Walker, assignee k of James Thorp, who was of Robert Doby Doby, Robert State Navy 6930 Watson, Johannes (Heir) Watson, Johannes State Line 6753 Wilkinsen, Thomas Wilkinsen, Thomas Continental 6784 Walston, Saml. and Euphamia Marshall, Jenifer State Navy 6791 White, Nancy Melson, Levin State Navy 6813 Wilson, Mary Cunningham, Wm. State Line 6837 Waters, Patty, Thos. and Lucy Waters, Isaac State Navy 6873 Walker, Elizabeth and others Philips, Jacob State Navy 6879 Wallace, Wm. and others Wallace, William State Navy 6896 Wall, William Wall, William State Line 6922 White, Nancy Melson, Levin State Navy 6952 Watkins, Howard Watkins, James State Navy State and Navy Land Warrants, Military District of Ohio 385 Person Who Performed Number Warrantee (A) the Service (B) Kind of Service (C) 6956 White, Elizabeth (daughter) White, William S. State Navy 6957 White, Littleton, etc. White, William S. State Navy 6975 Waters, Elizabeth Corbus, William State Navy 38 Wilkins, Catherine Wilkins, Nathaniel State Navy 39 Wilkins, Margaret T. Wilkins, Nathaniel State Navy 7159 Wamsley, William Wamsley, William State Line 7190 Wilson, William G. Wilson, George State Line 7194 Wilson, George Wilson, George State Line 7198 Weston, Kitters Cannon, Jesse State Line 7204 Weston, Kitters Cannon, Luke State Line 7235 Ware, W. S. and S. C. Crawley, Samuel, Capt. State Navy 7237 Washington, Land Washington, John State Navy 7244 Ware, Elizabeth C. Crawley, Samuel State Navy 61 Woods, John Hamilton, Thomas State Line 62 Woods, William Hamilton, Thomas State Line 7333 Walls, Nancy Newly (Newby?) Wm. State Navy 7350 Withers, James Withers, James State Line 95 Wilson, George (Heirs of) Wilson, George State Line 7378 Walker, James Walker, James State Navy 135 Welch, Oliver Welch, Nathaniel State Line 141 Wright, Ann M. etc. Garnet, Henry State Line 7623 Ware, Leigh Crawley, Samuel State Line 7661 Woods, James and others Woods, Timothy State Line 7998 Willes, Mary and others Pell, Joseph S. State Navy 178 Wilson, George Turney, George A. State Line 179 Wilson, George Turney, John A. and others State Line 181 Morrisett, Ann and others Moneycutt, Edward State Navy 180 Morrison, Mary and others Moneycutt, Edward State Navy 8050 Weaver, Elijah and others Weaver, Elijah State Navy 8112 Williams, Willett and others Williams, Willis State Navy 8116 Davidson, Fanny Wright, Wescott State Navy 42 Wright, Patrick Wright, Patrick State Line 8151 Wood, Mary and others Wilson, James State Navy 8i54 Young, Mary Williams, William State Line 8216 Wimbro, Ezekiel Wimbro, Ebern State Navy 8302 White, Robert White, Robert State Line 8339 Willis, Henry (Heirs of) Willis, Henry State Navy 8345 Warton, Spencer (Heir of) Warton, Spencer State Navy 3435 Peters, Martha Wood, William State Navy 3434 Jones, Mary Wood, William State Navy 3435 Collins, Wm. C. Wood, William State Navy 386 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Person Who Performed Number Warrantee (A) the Service {B) Kind of Service (C) 8441 Culpepper, Rebecca Wood, William, Mar. 22, 1837 State Navy 275 Watters, Rachel Watters, Spencer State Navy 4084 Yates, John Yates, John State Line 4385 Young, Thomas Young, Thomas Line Unknown 4894 Yancey, Leighton Yancey, Leighton Line Unknown 6769-70 Young, Thos. L. and Frances, wife Marshall, James State Line 6834 Young, Betsey, and others Webb, Robert State Navy 6031 Yeatman, Charles, heirs of Yeatman, Charles State Navy 4084 Yates, John Yates, John State Line 8051 Yerby, Elizabeth, and others Wilson, John State Navy (21) Virginia Military Land Warrants Virginia Military District of Ohio, Granted for Revolutionary War Services State Continental Line, Beginning August 8, 1782 Note: The Dates of issuance were unfortunately not copied for Section (hi), (20) and (2l), and i have decided not to hold up publication to secured these dates. see the numerous dates in section 1 1 . g.m.b. Number Warrantees (A-B) Rank & Service (C) I Askew, James Soldier 3 years 35 Anderson, Richard C . (Dec. 9, 1782) Lieut. Col. 3 years 49 Archer, John, heir of Joseph Archer Lieut. 3 years 38i Atkinson, John (State Line) Soldier 3 years 555 Anderson, Charles Sgt. 3 years 580 Anderson, Matthew Soldier 3 years 645 Angel, Robert Soldier 3 years 646 Anderson, Robert Soldier 3 years 649 Alexander, William Soldier 3 years 678 Asseline, Thomas Sgt. 3 years 689 Atkinson, Reuben Soldier 3 years 748 Atkinson, Major Soldier 3 years 871 Archer, Isaac Soldier War 897 Anderson, James Soldier War 898 Anderson, James Soldier 3 years 901 Andrews, Claibourn Soldier 3 years 959 Ashley, Thomas Soldier 3 years 965 Anderson, David Sgt. 3 years 970 Anderson, John Soldier 3 years 102 1 Anderson, Henry Soldier 3 years 1039 Adams, James Corp. War 1129 Abbett, Reubin Soldier War 1 145 Amberson, James Soldier War "53 Adams, Jacob Soldier War 1172 Atkins, Lewis Soldier 7 years 1179 Aaron, William Soldier 3 years 1347-8 Allen, David Lieut. 3 years 1361 Allen, Moses Soldier War 1398 Allen, Reuben Sgt. War 1423 Angel, James Drummer 3 years 1464 Allen, Thomas 387 Soldier 3 years 388 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Number Warrantees (A-B) Rank & Service (C 1471 Aubarry, Thomas Soldier War 1509 Absalom, Edmund Soldier War 1547 Andrews, Jesse Sgt. 3 years 1615 Arnold, John Sgt. 3 years 1635 Altop, Thomas Soldier War 1649 Armstrong, Tobias Soldier War 1697 Archer, Peter (Wm. Vaase, heir at law) Soldier 3 years 1766 Atkinson, William Soldier War 1819 Aspenwall, John Soldier 3 years 1862 Anderson, John Sgt. 3 years 1863 Armond, John Soldier 3 years 1876 Anglen, Isaac Soldier 3 years 1938 Allen, Edward Lieut. 3 years 1976 Arnold, James Soldier 3 years 1979 Arnold, John (heir of Lewis Arnold) Soldier 3 years 2007 Adams, Thomas Soldier 3 years 219I Aldridge, James Soldier 3 years 2193 Alva, Robert Soldier 3 years 2197 Ashley, Benjamin Lieut. 3 years 2235 Anderson, Nathaniel Lieut. 3 years 2237 Andrews, William Sgt. 3 years 2238 Alford, Jacob Soldier 3 years 2327 Anderson, Henry Major 3 years 2335 Anderson, Ralph (John Depriest, assnee.) Soldier 3 years 2336 Armstrong, Adam (Wm. Reynolds, assnee.) Soldier 3 years 2337 Anderson, William (Same assnee.) Soldier 3 years 2348 Aspenwall, John Soldier War 2367 Anderson, John Capt. 7 years 2389 Allen, Francis (Martin Hawkins, assnee.) Corp. 3 years 2441 Arnold, William (Wm. Forbush, assnee.) Corp. 3 years 2457 Aldridge, Richard (Jas. Jenkins, assnee.) Soldier 3 years 2551 Anderson, James Soldier War 2557 Andrews, Adam Soldier 3 years 2607 Archer, Richard Subalt. War 2644 Ashley, John Corp. 3 years 2696 Armistead, Robt. (James Lewis, assnee.) Soldier 3 years 2803 Allen, John Soldier 3 years 2852 Anderson, William Soldier 3 years 2953 Arnold, Lindsay (Edward Valentine, assnee.) Soldier War 2984 Andrews, Henry Soldier 3 years 2997 Adkins, Bartlett (William Jenkins, assnee.) Soldier 3 years 3028 Armstrong, Abel Soldier 3 years 3056 Anthony, John Soldier War 3061 Archer, Robert (Milton Ford, assnee.) Soldier 3 years 3086 Armstrong, Jesse Soldier War Continental Line Warrants, Military District of Ohio 389 Number Warrantees {A-B) 31 15 Allen, David 3142 Alexander, Geo. Dent (Robt. Alexander heir at law) 3245 Athey, Benjamin 3247 Athey, Thomas 3249 Atcheson, David 3310 Allen, John 3346 Arnold, William (Martha Pate, assnee.) 3447 Alford, John 3449 Asher, Leroy 3483 Armstrong, Adam, deed. (Fras. Graves, assnee. of Jerh. Armstrong, assnee.) 3560 Arnold, Elijah (Humphrey Arnold, heir at law) 3589 Allen, Daniel (Nathl. Gray, assnee.) 3591 Ashley, Stephen (Resolution of Assembly) 3685 Ane, Ambrose (Wm. Reynolds, assnee. of Edward Ane who was assnee.) 3714 Aiken, George, deed. (Jas. Aiken, heir at law) 3732 Ammond, Peter 3790 Armstrong, James (Bennett Armstrong, legal rep.) 3800 Anell, David (Resolution of Assembly) 3821 Auby (alias Avery), Samuel 3977 Allen, Thomas (Robt. Allen, assnee. of Jno. Allen, heir at law) 4009 Adams, John, deed. (James Adams, heir at law) 4159 Alexander, James 4171 Andrews, Moses 4238 Autill, Jacob 4271 Aicher, Benjamin 4274 Aldridge, John 4279 Archer, Jeremiah 4362 Adams, Mallory 4419 Abner, Simon (Wm. Reynolds, assnee. of Richd. Burnett, assnee. of the rep.) 4577 Appleby, Saml. (Robt. C. Appleby, heir at law) 4645 Anderson, Richard C. 4652 Anderson, William 4665 Armstrong, James 4753 Adams, Thomas (the rep.) 4790 Alverson, John Rank &• Service (C) Corp. 3 years Surgeon 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 7 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier War Capt. Soldier 3 years Sgt. 3 years Soldier 7 years Soldier 3 years Capt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Sgt. 3 years Soldier War Corp. 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Lieut. Col. 7 years Soldier 3 years Capt. War Soldier 3 years Soldier War 390 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Number 4834 4838 4867 4931 4985 4989 5112 5134 5192 5207 5241 5277 5278 5290 5291 5345 5375 5392 5393-4 54io 5415 5468 5477 5517 5552 5605-9 5745 5796 5820 5821 Warrantees (A-B) Arnold, George (the rep.) Armstrong, John (Robt. Armstrong, rep.) Armstrong, Archibald (the rep.) Arbuckle, Mae (?) (the rep.) Askers, Simon Alsberry, Thomas Aldred, Henry Apperson, Richard Annis, Levi (Thos. M. Bayly, assnee.) Annis, Micajah (Thos. M. Bayly, assnee.) Anthony, Nathan (Thos. D. Harris, assnee.) Airs, Francis (Thos. M. Bayly, assnee. of rep. of) Aleworth, James (Thos. M. Bayly, assnee. of the rep. of.) Andrews, Wm., deed. (Thos. M. Bayly, assnee. of Wm. Andrews rep. of) Annis, James, deed. (Thos. M. Bayly, assnee. of Micajah Annis rep. of) Arbuckle, William Andress, Wm., deed. (Thos. M. Bayly, assnee of Major Andress rep. of) Arnold, Samuel Arnold, Samuel Atkins, Moses, deed, (the rep. of) Atkins, Elisha, deed, (the rep. of) Andrews, Ephraim Austin, William, deed, (the rep. of) Anderson, Wm., deed, (the rep. of) Anderson, C. Richard Aylett, Wm. (In his own right as assnee. of Philip Aylett, Elizabeth Moore (widow of Alexr. Moore, deed.) Andrew, Alexander (and Ann his wife, Jos. B. Lapsley and Rebecca his wife, said Philip, Elizabeth, Wm. Ann and Rebecca being only sur- viving children and distributees of Col. Wm. Aylett, deed.) Anderson, John (deed. Benjamin Anderson, only heir of) Rank & Service (C) Soldier 3 years Sgt. 3 years Ensign War Capt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Private 3 years Capt. War Private War Private 3 years Private 3 years Private 3 years Private 3 years Sgt. 3 years Private 3 years Private 3 years Lieut. 3 years Lieut. 3 years Lieut. 3 years Private 3 years Private 3 years Private 3 years Private War Private Lieut. Col. 10 months plus 7 years Col. Capt. Adams, Richard Private Adams, William, David L. Smith, assnee. of Private Adams, Ellison E., David L. Smith, assnee. of Private 3 years 10 months plus 7 years 3 years 3 years 3 years Continental Line Warrants, Military District of Ohio 391 Number Warrantees (A-B) 5840 Abbott, Jacob, Henry Fox, Nathl. Fox and Polly Abbott, wife of &c. 5883 Allen, William 5961-2 Arthur, Bar, John and Matthew Hobson, assnee. of 5963 Arthur, Bar, assnee. of 6009 Aikin, David, deed., the rep. of 6010 Aikin, David, deed., the rep. of 6072 Allman, William 6073 Almond, John 6152 Alverson, James, Christopher Delgraffinied, assnee. of 6175 Archer, Benjamin, deed., Jeremiah Archer, only heir and legal rep. of 6260-72 Avery, Billy H. (Hubbard Wyatt, exr. of last will and testament of) 6276 Adkins, Alexander 6292 Ayres, Henry 6302 Agnew, John 6322 Anderson, Jordan 6334 Allen, John 6340 Anderson, David 6388 Artis, Isaac 6390 Ashley, Thomas 6495 Armond, Thomas (or Armon) 6551 Allen, David 6587 Abney, William 6625-7 Alexander, Archabald 6644 Austin, John 6662 Athey, Thomas 6743 Armstrong, Edwd. (Rebecca, Sarah, Robert, Wm., Edward and Thomas, heirs of) Ex. 34 Armstrong, Joseph 7380 Ashley, David, heirs of 7576 Allen, Edward, Archibald Allen and others 7715 Addison, John, Sarah Heath and others 7736 Adams, Robert 7782 Ashley, James, Smith Ashley and others 8062 Ashley, John, William Ashley 8062 Alexander, George, Dent, Geo., Dent, Alexander 8067 Ashby, John, Marshall Ashby 8068 Ashby, John, Martha Withers 8069 Ashby, John, John Tutt and others 8070 Ashby, John, Thomas Chancellor Rank & Service (C) Lieut. 3 years Private 3 years Lieut. 3 years Lieut. 3 years Private 3 years Sgt. 3 years Private 3 years Private 3 years Private Sgt. Private Scrip Lieut Private Private Sgt. Capt. Surgeon Capt. Capt. Capt. Capt. 3 years 3 years Capt. War Private 3 years Sgt. 3 years Private 3 years Priavte 3 years Private 3 years Private 3 years Private 3 years Private 3 years Private 3 years Private 3 years Private 3 years 3 years 392 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Number Warrantees (A-B) 8071 Ashby, John (Mary Grantham) 8072 Ashby, John (Turner Ashby) 8073 Ashby, John (Thompson Ashby) 8074 Ashby, John (Jamieson Ashby and others) 8075 Ashby, John (Harriet Adams) 8076 Ashby, John (William Ashby and others) 8077 Ashby, John (Rebecca Ashby) Ashby, John (Robert A. Ashby and others) 189-190 Applewhate, John (Ex. Wt.) Judith Apple- whate, C. Applewhate 7597 Allexander, Morsan, heirs of 8451-6 Arundel, Dohicky, James Stallings Rank & Service (C) Capt. Capt. Capt. Capt. Capt. Capt. Capt. Capt. Scrip 11 Brush, James Sgt. 17 Bay, William Soldier 43 Blair, Archibald (heir at law to John Blair deed.) Capt. 48 Bently, William Capt. 64 Bowne, Thomas Capt. 71 Booker, Samuel Capt. 101 Baylor, George Col. 109 Bunch, Winston (Davis Clark, assnee.) Soldier 182 Brooks, Nathaniel Soldier 198 Beale, Robert Capt. 209 Bland, Theodore Col. 211 Bains (Barns?), Robert Soldier 225-6 Briggs, Benjamin, 2Ws. of 2000 A. each Capt. 241 Barber, Thomas Capt. 285 Bohannan, Ambrose Capt. Lt. 286 Balmain, Revd. Alexander (the establish- ment not mentioned) B. Chapln. 289 Baldwin, Cornelius Surgeon 291 Bedinger, Henry Capt. 292 Bedinger, Daniel Soldier 305 Bell, Thomas Capt. 327 Barnes, William Soldier 329 Blackwell, Joseph Capt. 350 Bradford, Samuel K. (Va. Artillery) Capt. Lt. 563 Blakey, John Soldier 571 Blankinship, Womack Corp. 587 Blackwell, John Capt. 606 Browser, James Soldier 611 Burns, Jeremiah Soldier 617 Brackenridge, Alexander (Va. Line) Capt. 626 Brewer, Henry Soldier 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 7 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 7 years years years years years years years years years years years years War War 3 years 3 years Continental Line Warrants, Military District of Ohio 393 Number Warrantees (A-B) Rank & Service (C) 628-9 Baylor, Maeker (2Ws . of 2000 A. each) Capt. 3 years 630 Brown, Jacob Lieut. 7 years 631 Baskerville, Samuel (in part) Lieut. 7 years 632 Baskerville, Samuel (in part) Lieut. 7 years 650 Brooks, George Soldier 3 years 659 Bowyer, Thomas Capt. 3 years 671 Branham, Eben Sgt. 3 years 673 Buford, Abraham Col. 3 years 681 Brownlee, William Capt. Lt. 3 years 694 Brown, William Soldier 3 years 712 Brown, William (Va. Line) Surgeon 3 years 741 Bowen, John Lieut. 3 years 784 Bently, William (to complete his Bounty as Capt.) Capt. 3 years 785 Bernard, John (heir at law, to William Bernard, deed.) Lieut. 3 years 852 Beck, John Lieut. 3 years 853 Beale, Robert Capt. 3 years 863 Becam, Robert Soldier War 879 Brown, Thomas D. Major 3 years 889 Brent, John Soldier 3 years 905 Ball, Burgess Lieut. Col. 7 years 909 Buckley, Joshua Soldier War 924 Beeks, Christopher Soldier 3 years 927 Bell, John Soldier 3 years 929 Buckley, Abraham Soldier 3 years 931 Brown, Absolom Soldier 3 years 945 Brown, Isaac Soldier 3 years 946 Black, George Soldier 3 years 947 Botts, Archibald Sgt. 3 years 948 Burgott, Cornelius Soldier 3 years 962 Blain, Robert Soldier 3 years 966 Boush, Dennis Soldier 3 years 968 Berkley, William Soldier 3 years 976 Bushop, Soloman Soldier 3 years 1029 Bruce, John Sgt. 3 years 103 1 Bowen, Henry Sgt. 3 years 1049 Barr, William Soldier War 1050 Britain, John Soldier War 1072 Brooks, Charles Soldier War 1089 Brooks, Benjamin Soldier War 1092 Bready, John Soldier War 1093 Brandon, Peter Soldier War IIOO Barnett, John Soldier War 1 103 Brute, Thomas Soldier War 394 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Number Warrantees (A-B) Rank 6* Service (C) IIIO Berry, John Soldier War mi Bacon, Robert Soldier War II2I Beeeham, James (See Rucker, Jacob) Soldier War 1 130 Brazin, William Soldier War 1 133 Brumigham, William Soldier War 1 137 Brean, John Soldier War 1 169 Booker, Richeson Sgt. 3 years "73 Barbour, Mordecai (heir at law to James Barbour, deed.) Lieut. 3 years 1190 Ballinger, John Soldier 3 years 1 194 Button, Harmon Soldier 3 years 1208 Brumley, Robert Soldier 3 years 1209 Barber, John Corp. 3 years 1210 Barber, Thomas Corp. 3 years 1236 Bridgman, Joseph Drummer War 1255 Buckley, Michael (7 years) Soldier War 1259 Burch, Samuel Soldier 3 years 1273 Burton, John (heir at law of Hutchins Burton, deed.) Lieut. 3 years 1324 Bartlett, John (Virginia Cavalry) Sgt. War 1379 Blair, Daniel Soldier War 1384 Burfoot, Thomas Lieut. 3 years 1390 Bohannon, Henry Soldier 3 years 1393 Brayson, Robert Soldier War 1420 Bell, "Ning" (?) Soldier 3 years 1429 Ballew, Charles Sgt. 3 years 1520 Bailey, William Soldier War 1533 Brown, Robert Trump. 3 years 1545 Bowers, Philip Soldier 3 years 1563 Branan, Thomas (7 years) Sgt. War 1564 Baytop, James Capt. 3 years 1583 Ball, Aaron Soldier 3 years 1584 Bridgman, Thomas Soldier War 1585 Bartley, William Soldier 3 years 1594 Bransford, William Soldier War 1595 Boils, David Soldier War 1599 Branham, John Soldier War 1601 Bigbie, William Soldier War 1607 Burk, William Soldier War 1610 Barnett, Ambrose Soldier 3 years 1618 Brown, John Soldier War 1620 Brady, Luke Soldier War 1629 Biggs, John Soldier War 1644 Brunn, Daniel Soldier War 1651 Burk, John Fifer War Continental Line Warrants, Military District of Ohio 395 Number Warrantees (A-B) Rank & Service (C) 1652 Bowyer, Henry Lieut. 3 years 1653 Breckenridge, Robert Lieut. 7 years 1666 Bradley, Mary (rep. of John Bradley, deed.) Sgt. War 1674 Boyling, Matthew Drummer War 1694 Broom, John Sgt. 3 years 1698 Beaver, John (heir at law to Wm. Beaver, deed.) Soldier 3 years I705 Bonner, Richard Sgt. 3 years 1727 Burk, Thomas Soldier 3 years 1755 Bullen, Luke Corp. War 1765 Britt, John Soldier War 1769 Bell, James Sgt. 3 years 1785 Brown, Samuel Soldier War 1788 Bates, John Soldier War 1800 Bishop, Joseph Soldier 3 years l8ll Blackwell, Thomas Capt. 3 years 183I Brady, Michael Corp. 8 years 1832 Blackson, Samuel (son and heir to Prior Blackson, deed.) Soldier War 1834 Blackmore, George Lieut. 3 years 1838 Boyd, Francis Soldier 3 years 1831 Bedworth, William Soldier War 1904 Bentley, Jeremiah Soldier 3 years 1915 Brown, James Soldier 3 years 1918 Brown, George Soldier 3 years 1930 Belvin, George Soldier 3 years 1931 Belvin, Lewis Soldier 3 years 1840 Beery, George (double number) Capt. 3 years 1843 Burnett, John Soldier War 1846 Brown, Jonathan Soldier War 1849 Belfield, John Major 3 years 1857 Belcher, Robert Soldier 3 years 1858 Biswell, John Corp. War 1861 Barham, Moody Soldier 3 years 1877 Beal, William Sgt. War 1893 Bradley, William Sgt. 3 years 1985 Bussell, William (heir at law to Charles Bussell, deed.) Corp. 3 years 2003 Braun, Andrew Soldier War 2033 Beers, James Soldier War 2039 Brabston, William Soldier War 2051 Bond, George Soldier 3 years 2053 Bellew, Boiling Sgt. 3 years 2054 Brooks, Thomas (Sam Griffins, assnee.) Soldier 3 years 2099 Binns, William Soldier War 396 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Number 2113 2133 2139 2149 2153 2155 2156 2163 2183 2211 2227 2229 2230 2243 2255 2256 226l 2265 2267 2273 2294 2296 2298 2317 2322 2325 2331 233 2 2355 2357 2378 2394 24OO 2436 2445 2447 2453 2462 2482 2518 2532 Warrantees (A-B) Bailey, Thomas Burwell, Nathaniel Bryent, John Baldwin, John Barnes, James Bradford, Henry Bailey, Simon Bown, John Bruin, Peter Bryan Bedinger, Daniel Bernard, Thomas Boyd, James Boiling, Jessee Bundy, Francis Bird, Reuben Banett, William Bell, Henry Brooke, Francis Brooke, John Buckner, Thomas Brown, John Brown, Robert Bayley, Southey Baylor, George Baptise, lean Bowman, James, deed. (John Depriest, assnee. of Wm. Bowman, heir at law and legal rep.) Booker, Lewis (in part) Booker, Lewis (in part) Burton, William (Martin Hawkins, assnee.) Baughan, William Bruce, George Briant, William (Martin Hawkins, assnee.) Bly, William (Martin, Hawkins, assnee.) Brandon, Lewis (Lewis Ford, assnee.) Barton, James Bailey, Wm., deed. (Henry Bailey, Jr., heir at law) Barber, Elijah Bowers, Jacob (Danl. Perryman, assnee.) Bradshaw, Robert (Matthew Thompson, assnee.) Broadus, James Bachelor, Peter Rank &" Service (C) Soldier 3 years Capt. 7 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Sgt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Sgt. 3 years Major 3 years Lieut. 3 years Corp. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier War Capt. 3 years Lieut. 3 years Lieut. War Lieut. War Capt. 7 years Sgt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Col. 7th and 8th Soldier War Soldier War Capt. 7 years Capt. 7 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Corp. 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Lgt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Corp. 3 years Ensign 3 years Soldier War Continental Line Warrants, Military District of Ohio 397 Number Warrantees (A-B) 2535 Brocking, Samuel 2536 Brooks, James 2541 Brooke, Edmund 2542 Brown, John 2550 Braughton, William 2552 Brown, John 2571 Bryant, William 2559 Brown, Henry 2604 Bowman, John 2606 Belcher, George 2618 Burgess, Dawson (Danl. Flowerree, assnee.) 2620 Bailey, James 2669 Ball, Daniel 2697 Brayson, Robert 2702 Bragg, Joel (Francis Graves, assnee.) 2705 Bedford, James 2708 Burks, John, deed. (Elizabeth Burks, legal rep.) 2730 Bowman, Mackness 2738 Bridgood, Philip 2749 Bouman, John 2772 Berry, James (James Jenkins, assnee.) 2790 Baynham, John (Anthony New, exr.) 2794 Bishop, Thomas 2832 Brothers, Charles 2853 Bodins, John 2855 Bell, William 2856 Bedinger, Henry 2861 Burdoin, John 2881 Boyd, John, deed. (Wm. Boyd, rep.) 2883 Brownlee, Thomas 2905 Bollington, John (Wm. Reynolds, assnee.) 2914 Brittain, John, deed. (Isham Brittain, heir at law) 2918 Barnett, Michael 2929 Burragee, Charles 2937 Bland, John 2952 Bower, Robert (R. Mitchell et al rep.) 2964 Bryant, William 2968 Barker, Charles 2969 Bruce, William (Robt. C. Bruce, heir at law) 2982 Bacon, Ludwell, deed. (Lewis Ford, assnee. of Burwell Bacon, heir at law) 2983 Bow en, James Rank & Service (C) Corp. 3 years Soldier 3 years Lieut. War Soldier War Sgt. War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Sgt. 3 years Sgt. 3 years Sgt. 3 years Sgt. 3 years Lieut. 3 years Soldier 7 years Soldier 3 years Sgt. War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Lieut. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Sgt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Lieut. 7 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Sgt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Sgt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Sgt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years 398 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Number Warrantees (A-B) 2985 Butt, Zachariah 2989 Bennett, Artox (Wm. Reynolds, assnee.) 2991 Buffington, David 3002 Barker, Edward 3034 Bridgman, Boswell 3048 Braurier, John (Wm. Reynolds, assnee.) 3049 Branham, John 3093 Boiling, Joseph 3097 Burke, William 3099 Baylop, Thomas (Resolution of Assembly) 3128 Bartley, Joshua 3136 Bulford, William 3149 Bland, James 3162 Broadfield, Charles 3167 Bayles, William 3178 Barbee, John 3179 Barbee, Joshua 3180 Barbee, William 318 1 Barbee, Daniel 3198 Brown, John (John Stockdell assnee.) 321 1 Barksdale, John, deed. (Wm. Barksdale, heir at law) 3212 Barker, John 3224 Bowyer, Michael (resolution of Assembly) 3225 Ballerton, Samuel 3227 Brown, Thomas 3250 Browdire, Lewis 3260 Boan, Joseph 3265 Burk, Samuel 3277 Blundel, Samuel 3287 Bachelor, Peter (to complete his bounty as a Sergt.) 3292 Backham, William 3295 Ballard, Robert 3352 Brooks, John 3367 Byrd, Otway (resolution of Assembly) 3378 Burfoot, William 3418 Brauham, William 3434 Bell, William (James Fair, assnee.) 3477 Brady, Christopher (Abm. Shepard, assnee. of the rep.) 3485 Bragg, Benjamin (Francis Graves, assnee.) 3510 Baily, Graddock 3518 Bailey, James 3523 Berry, David Rank &• Service (C) Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier War Corp. War Soldier 3 years Soldier War Capt. 3 years Corp. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Lieut. 3 years Sgt. 3 years Sgt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Sgt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Lieut. 3 years Soldier 3 years Capt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Sgt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Sgt. War Soldier 3 years Lieut. Col. 3 years Soldier War Lieut. Col. Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Subalt. 3 years Soldier War Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Continental Line Warrants, Military District of Ohio 399 Number Warrantees {A-B) 3549 Bailis, Henry 3556 Bray, John (Joseph Van Meter, assnee.) 3578 Botts, Leonard 3593 Bird, Joshua 3642 Bynes, Thomas 3665 Brown, Robert (Henry Banks, assnee.) 3671 Boyce, William (resolution of Assembly) 3676 Broadus, Edward (Richard Broadus, heir at law) 3680 Ball, William (William Reynolds, assnee.) 3683 Broadus, Richard (William Reynolds, assnee.) 3715 Bailey, James 3720 Barnes, Jno. (Margaret Barnes, heir at law) 3729 Barrow, Fielding 3741 Bird, Thomas 3766 Barnes, John 3770 Bridgwater, Levi 3771 Burns, Thomas 3799 Bumback, Peter 3809 Baker, Richard 3835 Barns, Andrew 3846 Beekham, James 3849 Brumagern, Patrick 3870 Burley, Jacob 3873 Blair, Samuel 3905 Buford, John (William Reynolds, assnee.) 3909 Burk, Matthew 3918 Brusely, Charles 3925 Ball, James 3948 Boley, Presley (William Reynolds, assnee.) 3951 Barnwell, James 3954 Bussell, Vincent (Wm. Reynolds, assnee.) 3969 Blackmore, Thomas (George Blackmore, heir at law) 3972 Bowry, Giles (Saml. Couth, assnee.) 3973 Bailey, Pierce (Richard Couch, assnee.) 3998 Bunch, Winslow (Wm. Pellyjohn, assnee. of Joshua Humphreys, assnee.) 4021 Bowers, Morris (Wm. Reynolds, assnee.) 4027 Brittle, Thomas, deed. (George Brittle, rep.) 4031 Barry, Simon 4036 Berwick, James, resolution of Assembly 4061 Bloxam, Arthur (Arthur Bloxam, rep.) 4064 Blackburn, Julius Rank &■ Service (C Lieut. 3 years Soldier 3 years Corp. War Soldier 3 years .Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Lieut 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Corp. War Soldier 3 years Sgt. War Sgt. War Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier War Soldier War Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Corp. War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier War Soldier 3 years Lieut. Soldier War Sgt. 3 years 400 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Number Warrantees (A-B) 4081 Bucknall, James (Jno. Bucknall, heir at law) 4082 Bucknall, Thomas (Jno. Bucknall, heir at law) 4107-8 Bell, John (Res. of Assembly) in part 41 16 Brooks, James 4155 Busby, James 4156 Busby, John (James Busby, heir at law) 4165 Browder, Isham 4173 Browder, Harrison (Fred., Saml. and James Browder, legal reps.) 4197 Bates, John (Catherine Bates, rep.) 4206 Boy, Henry 4240 Brownley, John (in part) 4241-2 Brownley, John (in part) 4257 Basey, William 4258 Basey, William 4260 Bray, James 4265 Brady, Joseph 4267 Buchanan, Jno., Jno. Smith, assnee. (of James Buchanan, heir at law) 4285 Brown, John (Charles Lewis, assnee.) 4296 Bethel, Valentine (William Hilling, heir at law) 4305 Bram, Joseph 4312 Bourne, John (Henry Bourne, heir at law to Jno. Bourne, son) 4330 Brain, William 4333 Bayles, Jesse 4353 Bose, alias Booze, John 4358 Ballard, Dudley 4377 Butler, Wm. (Wm. Reynolds, assnee. of rep.) 4394 Beasley, Larkin (Leroy Beasley, heir at law) 4416 Burge, William (Wm. Reynolds, assnee. of rep.) 4443 Ballenger, William 4460 Brittain, Saml. (Mary Brittain, widow) 4467 Bradford, Charles 4485 Bridges, John 4492 Belvin, Robert 4505 Barton, Henry 4517 Bagnall, Low (James Bagnall, heir at law) 4531 Brent, John 4581 Branson, Jno. (Edw. Davis, assnee. Theo- derick Noel, assnee. of Larkin Branson, heir) Rank & Service (C) Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Lieut. 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Sur. Mate 3 years Sur. Mate 3 years Sgt. War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Corp. 3 years Lieut. Sgt. 3 years Soldier Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Sgt. War Sgt. 3 years Soldier War Lieut. 3 years Soldier War Matross 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier War Fifer War Continental Line Warrants, Military District of Ohio 401 Number Warrantees {A-B) 4610 Baumgartner, Henry 4614 Bozzell, George's rep. 4627 Bedinger, Henry 4628 Briggs, Benjamin 4641 Beazley, Cornelius 4678 Bowne, Thomas 4697 Bawcat, William 4700 Bartlett, Benj. (Aaron Smith, assnee.) 4723 Beverly, Charles (Jane Beverly and Preselab Beverly, sisters and devisees) 4736 Brooks, David 4737 Bailey, William 4738 Bailey, Simon (the rep.) 4751 Brookes, John 4752 Brown, Robert (John Allen, assnee.) 4756 Bates, Thomas (Jones Allen, assnee. of James Bates, heir) 4761 Brumley, Reuben (Jones Allen, assnee.) 4822 Buttery, William 4848 Blair, John (Susanna Armstead, late Christian devisee) 4851 Breeche, George 4871 Bunberry, William 4872 Bellfield, John (the rep.) 4934 Bibee, Samuel 4952 Briscoe, Reuben (in part) 4953~5 Briscoe, Reuben (in part) 4987 Bland, Jesse 5007 Bechett, Humphrey 5049 Barr, John 5067 Bareth, John 5072 Browning, Isaac 5079 Bowyer, Henry (James Taylor, assnee. of) 5080 Bowyer, Thomas (the rep. of) 5082 Buford, Abraham 5087 Borne, Jesse (the rep. of) 5088 Bell, James 199 Butler, Lawrence 553 Broadus, Robert 1326 Berro, John 1767 Bisham, John 21 14 Bowles, Zachariah (James Hawkins, assnee. of) 51 10 Blackwell, Thomas (Robt. Mean, assnee. of) 51 1 1 Blackwell, Joseph (Robt. Mean, assnee. of) Rank & Service (C) Soldier War Soldier War Capt. 8 years Capt. 7 years Soldier 3 years Capt. 7 years Sgt. War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier War Soldier 3 years Capt. War Soldier 3 years Lieut. 3 years Major 7 years Soldier War Capt. War Capt. War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Private War Private War Lieut. 3 years Lieut. 7th year Capt. 7th year Col. 7th year Private 3 years Sgt. 3 years Capt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Capt. 7th&8thyrs, Capt. 7th & 8th yrs, 402 Number 5115 5116 5150 5181 5185 5204 5221 5222 5229 5236 5248 5261 5279 5280 5281 5281 5283 5292 5293 5294 5295 5325 5337 5348 5350 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Rank & Service (C) Warrantees (A-B) Bassett, James (Robt. Means, assnee. of Joseph Blackwell, adm. of estate of) Bassett, James (Robt. Means, assnee. of Jos. Blackwell, adm. of estate of) Beck, John (John Storkely, assnee. of) Barrett, Beetley Bunting, William B. (the rep. of) Bagwell, Isaiah (Thomas M. Bayly, assnee. of) Boyce, William (Thomas D. Harris, assnee. of) Private Private Lieut Boyce, William (Thomas D. Harris, assnee. of) Lieut 3 years Private War Lieut. 7th year Private 3 years Ensign War 3 years Butler, Lawrence Bentley, William Baldwin, Cornelius Buford, Abraham Bloxom, Charles Stuart (Thos. M. Bayley, assnee. of the rep. of) Buntings, Richard (Thos. M. Bayley, assnee. of the rep. of) Buntings, Smith (Thos. M. Bayley, assnee. of John Buntings rep. of Burton, Benjamin, deed. (Thos. M. Bayley, assnee. of Jeffery Burton rep. of) Private Bloxam, Ezekiel, deed. (Thos. M. Bayley, assnee. of Ezekiah Bloxam, rep.) Private Bloxam, Thomas, deed. (Thos. M. Bayley, assnee. of Thos. Kelly, rep. of) Private Bloxom, Woodman (Thos. Bayly, assnee. of Thos. Kelly rep. of) Private Bloxom, John (Thos. M. Bayley, assnee. of Thos. Kelly, rep. of) Private Bloxom, Levi (Thos. M. Bayly, do.) Private Bailey, Southey (Thos. M. Bailey assnee. of) Private Bohannon, Ambl. (Joseph Bohannon, rep. of) Capt. Lt. Burwell, Nathaniel (the rep. of) Capt. Balmaise, Alexr., the Rev. Chapln. of Brigade Lieut. 1 yr. 9 mos. plus 6 yrs. Lieut. 1 yr. 9 mos. plus 6 yrs. Capt. 7 years Capt. 10 mos. plus 7 yrs. Surgeon 6 mos. over 6 yrs. Col. 10 mos. plus 7 yrs. Private 3 years Private 3 years Private 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years I yr. 10 mos. plus 6 yrs. 9 mos. plus 7 yrs. 1 yr. 10 mos. plus 7 yrs. 9 mos. plus 6 yrs. Continental Line Warrants, Military District of Ohio 403 Number Warrantees (A-B) 5360 Bowden, Thomas 5360 Baker, John, deed. (Thomas M. Bayley, assnee. of Levin Bloxom, exr. of) 5371 Benson, George, deed. (Thos. M. Bayly, assnee. of John Benson rep. of) 5372 Bunting, Holloway, deed. (Thos. M. Bayly, assnee. of Jonathan Bunting, rep. of) 5373 Bunting, Sacker, deed. (Thos. M. Bayly, assnee. of Patience Bunting, rep. of) 5386 Bryen, John (Robt. Means, assnee. of) 5397 Belfield, John, deed. (William D. Mien, assnee. of Daniel Carmichael, assnee. of Peter R. Garland, admr. of Winfred B. Belfield, deed, heiress of) 54 1 1 Bowden, John, deed, (the rep. of) 5413 Bowden, Jesse, deed, (the rep. of) 5420 Briscoe, Reuben (John P. Hungerford, assnee. of) 5421 Briscoe, Reuben (John P. Hungerford, assnee. of) 5423 Booker, Lewis 5440 Barber, Joshua (divisee of Thomas Barber, deed., assnee. of James Taylor) 5462 Blackwell, John (James Taylor, assnee. of) 5476 Brown, John 5478 Bridges, Ransom 5481 Barkerville, Samuel 5509 Bowen, John (the rep. of) 5530 Bowden, Thomas 5531 Beal, Robert 5554 Bryant, William 5555 Booker, Saml., deed. (George Booker and Saml. Booker, heirs at law of) Rank & Service (C) Private 3 years Private 3 years Private 3 years Private 3 years 5579 Bagwell, Thomas Private War Private War Major 5 mos. plus 7 yrs. Private 3 years Private 3 years Capt. 2 yrs plus 6 mos. Capt. 2 yrs. plus 6 mos. Capt. 10 mos. plus 7 yrs. Capt. 1 yr. 8 mos. plus 6 yrs. Capt. 9 mos. plus 7 yrs. Private War Private War Leiut. 9 mos. plus 7 yrs. Lieut. 1 yr. 3 mos. plus 6 yrs. Sgt. 3 years Capt. 10 mos. plus 7 yrs. Private 10 mos. plus 7 yrs. Capt. I yr. 10 mos. plus 6 yrs. Sgt. 3 years 404 Number 5583 5585 5586 5590 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Rank & Service (C) Warrantees (A-B) Broadwater, Caleb, deed. (Robt. Broadwater only heir of) Private Bailey, Isme Sgt. Bailey, Zadock Private Bennett, Thomas, deed. (Anthony Matthews, rep. of) 5635-8 Barnett, James (Benjamin W. Ladd, assnee. of) 5639-40 Bowyer, Michael (Thomas D. Harris, assnee. of) 5641 Beal, Robert, deed. (rep. of) 5731 Begent, John 5741 Barrett, William, deed, (the rep. of) 5758 Bridget, James (John Graham, assnee.) 5764 Boyd, Patrick 5768 Blair, Samuel (Aaron Newman and George Wray, heirs and reps, of) 4795 Bohannon, Joseph (double number) 4798 Ball, Burgess, deed. (rep. of) 5806 Bedinger, Daniel 5834 Beal, Nathaniel 5835 Beal, Nathaniel 5842 Bidgood, Philip (Margaret Bidgood, legal rep. of) 5844 Boughton, William (John Richards, assnee. of) 5856 Bullifant, James (Joseph Ladd, assnee.) 5861 Bell, Henry 5866-9 Bowman, Abraham 5870 Bouldin, Johanna (widow and Joseph and Benj. Ladd, assnees. of) 5871-2 Boykin, Aron (late, Devis and Francis M. Boykin and Anne Johnson) 5884 Burge, Wooden 5886 Bonniface, William 5898 Bailey, Anselm Private Lieut. Capt. Capt. Private Capt. Private Private Private Corp. 3 years 3 years 1 yr. 10 mos. plus 6 yrs. 1 yr. 10 mos. plus 6 yrs. I yr. 9 mos. plus 6 yrs. 1 yr. 3 mos. plus 6 yrs. 1 yr. 7 mos. plus 6 yrs. 3 years 8 mos. plus 6 yrs. War 3 years War 3 years Lt. Col. and 7 mos. over Comm. Lieut. Private Private Private 7 ys. I yr. 4 mos. plus 6 yrs. 3 years War War Private 3 years Private 3 years Lieut. 18 mos. plus 6 yrs. Col. 6 yrs. 10 mos. Lieut. 3 years Major 3 years Private 3 years Sgt. War Private 3 years Continental Line Warrants, Military District of Ohio 405 Number 6019-20 602I-2 6025 6033 6041 6045 6053 6066 6lII 6146 6156 6163 6202-8 6209-15 6283 6290 6301 63H 6324 6325 6328 6360 6361 6367 6392 6417 6426 Warrantees (A-B) Baldwin, John Baldwin, John Burgess, John, deed. (Rebecka Burgess only child of) Barns, Annistead Bailey, Ishmael Berry, William (Levi Springer, apee.) Burton, James Bowden, William Bevan, John, deed. (Stacy Bevan, assnee. of Samuel Bevan the oldest brother and heir at law) Blake, James, deed. (William Blake only surviving heir of) Bland, Christopher, deed. (Dawson Cooke, assnee. of John Bland [younger], Sarah Didlake called in the will of Thomas Bland, Sally Didlake, Elizabeth Palmer (widow of George Bowden, deed, who intermarried with Roger Palmer who was formerly Elizabeth Bland and Anna Chapman formerly Ann Bland, children and heirs of Thos. Bland, deed, who was the eldest brother and heir at law of) Brown, Peter Boiling, Robt., deed. (Robt. Boiling, son and devisee of) Boiling, Robt. (John Verell, assnee. of Robt. Boiling, son and devisee of) Brownlee, Thomas Booth, Michael Beeson, Mercer (heirs of) Booth, James Bennett, John Beeson, Edward (Levi Springer, assnee. of Richard Beeson, heir at law) Beasley, Ephraim (service performed in the Virginia State Line) Bennett, Richard Beddoe, Laurence (State Line) Bates, Thomas Bennett, Richard Britten, Joseph, deed. (John Evans, assnee. of Abraham Britton, son and devisee) Boley, Presley Rank &" Service (C) Capt. 3 years Private 3 years Private l's War Private l's 3 years Private l's 3 years Ensign 3 years Lieut. 3 years Private 3 years Private 3 years Satisfied 3 years Drummer 3 years Private 3 years Lieut. War Lieut. War Private 3 years Private 3 years Private 3 years Ensign War Private War Private 3 years Private 3 years Private War Private War Lieut. War Private War 406 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Number 6430 6437 6442-54 6455 6456 6464 6482 6493 6497 651 1 6515 6516 6529 6541 6542 6548 6558-61 6585 6589 6591 6631 6645 6686 6690 6709 6724 6751 6752 6805 6806 6887 6912 6974 7118 7027 7152 7153 7154 Warrantees (A-B) Bishop, Stephen Barkerville, John Bowen, John (heir at law to Rees Bowen) Bowen, John (heir at law to Henry Bowen) Brown, Edmund (John Brown, heir at law of) Battles, Shadrach Bowles, Peter (Dawson Cook, assnee.) Busby, James Best, James Brightwell, Anderson Barnett, Danl. Burley, James Bond, Jos. Brightwell, John Brightwell, Leonard (his heirs) Baylor, Walker Beal, Isaac (his heirs) Bryant, John Barber, Edward Boiling, John Basye, Richard Brownley, Alex, deed, (his heirs) Brantley, James (and Rutha Mason for- merly Rutha Brantley and who are the only surviving children and heirs of Brit- tain Brantley, deed.) Basham, Jeremiah, deed, (heirs and legal reps, or devisees) Brock, Henry Brown, Robert Brightwell, Jessee (Lucy Powers, co-heir with Anderson Brightwell) Brightwell, William (Lucy Powers, co-heir with Anderson Brightwell) Bassyes, Jesse (Basyes Jesse, heirs of) Bassyes, Benjamin, heirs of Belote, Noah (James Belote) Bullifant, James (additional bounty) Blackwell, William (heirs of) Brady, Wm. Bass, Thomas (Francis Bass and others) Bullet, Thomas (Sophia W. Gwathway, heir) Bullet, Thomas (Ellen Earnest, heir at law) Bullet, Thomas (Ann Huie and others, heirs at law) Rank & Service (C) Private 3 years Sgt. 3 years Ensign War Sgt. 3 years Private 3 years Private 3 years Private 3 years Corp. 3 years Private 3 years Private War Private War Private 3 years Private War Private War Private War Capt. 6 yrs. 9 mos Major War Sgt. 3 years Private 3 years Private 3 years Private 3 years Ensign War Private Corp. Q.M.Sgt. Private Private Private Private 3 years War 3 years War War War War Continental Line Warrants, Military District of Ohio 407 Number 7186 7237 7241 7242 7250 7254 7265 7266 7267 7276 7343 7388 7359-61 7370 7388 7447 7457 7458 7460 7461 7586 7621 169 7629 7630 7650 758i 7586 7590 7702 7704 7709 7713 77H 7720 7387 7395 7730 7767 7768 778o Warrantees (A-B) Bullet, Thos., J. B. Huie (heir) Beloin, Jno., Meade Beloin (heir) Bullett, Thomas, William C. (Barnes Rank & Service (C) ") Bullet, Thomas (Catherine A. Thomas and others, heirs of) Bell, Samuel (Nicholas C. Kinney, warrantee) Barron, William (Ann M. Barron heir) Belvin, Robt. (Martha Wright and other heirs) Belvin, Thos. Belvin, William Bennett, Caleb P. Bennett, William (heirs and devisees of) Boston, Elijah (heirs of) Boston, Elijah (heirs of) Byrne, John Bullifant, Francis (heirs of) Bell, Thomas Bowers, James (Polly Shippar and others) Bowers, Thomas Bowers, Phileman Bowers, George Bayley, Sacker (Jacob M. Ross and others) Burnley, Garland (G. B. Taylor and others) Berry, William (Wm. Berry and others) Blackburn, Christopher (Robt. Blackburn and others) Bowser, James (Nat Bowser and others) Burton, James (Elizabeth Burton &c.) Brantum, Timothy (Moses Brantum) Bond, John Ballard, Bland (Bland W. Ballard and others) Beasley, Smith (Edmund Beasley) Bull, Toby (Caly Taylor) Bunting, Lot (Margaret Bunting and others) Budd, Major (Margaret Budd and others) Britnom, John (Caty Beacham and others) Becket, George (Mason Becket and others) Bullifant, Charles (heirs of) Brightwell, Jessee (heirs of) Brooke, John T. (Louisa S. Brooke and others) Beach, Benjamin (Tahtha B. Turlington) Blankenship, Henry Belote, Wm. (Charles Belote and others) Private Private Private Private Private Capt. Q. M. Sgt. Lieut. Private Capt. Private Private Sgt. Private Private Private Private Private Private Brig. Maj. Master Mate Private Private War 408 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Number Warrantees (A-B) 7785 Belote, Noah (James Stevens and others) 8005 Brooke, George (George Brooke and others) 6883 Bouswell, Wm. (John Marks and others) 8029 Barnes, George (Gracy Beagle) 8031 Bird, Isaac (Isaac Bird) 8044 Ballard, James (James Ballard) 8054 Broddfield, Chas. (Mary Jones and others) 8079 Barnes, John (Willis Barnes) 8107 Brent, John (Elizabeth Rodgers and others) 8202 Baker, John (Timothy Baker) 8203 Baker, John (Samuel Selden) 8204 Baker, John (John Selden) 8213 Banks, Joshua (Armistead Stewart and others) 8313 Bryant, Anderson (Jane Bryant and others) 8318 Baylor, John (Elizabeth Taylor) 8319 Baylor, John (S. Robinson and others) 8320 Baylor, John (Polly Williamson and others) 8321 Baylor, John (Patsey Hill and others) 8322 Baylor, John (Robt. Gwathmay and others) 8353 Bernard, Peter (Elizabeth P. Jones and George M. Dudley) 8459 Bernard, Peter (Geo. D. and Mary Iverson, and others) 8460 Bernard, Peter (Geo., Jas. and Elizabeth Booker and others) 8461 Bernard, Peter (Elizbth. Gibbs, Mary Cook and others) 8462 Bernard, Peter (Jno. T. Samuel and Armi- stead Ayres and others) 8464 Barnard, Peter (Elizabeth Wills and Judith Meriwether) 8465 Barnard, Peter (Elizabeth Preston) 8467 Brent, John (Julia Allen) 8456 Brent, John (Joel W. Hannah) 8455 Brent, John (Julia Ann Thomas) 8386 Bullett, Thomas (James Ganard) Ex. 219 Blackburn, Christopher (Christopher Blackburn) Ex. 220 Blackburn, Christopher (Henry S. Parker and others) 256 Ball, James (John Ball and others) 257 Ball, James (Sarah May and others) 250 Ball, James (Jane Ball and others) 260 Ball, James (Spencer Ball and others) Rank & Service (C) Sgt. Col. Private Script Soldier Private Corp. Private Lieut. Capt. Lieut. Lieut. Lieut. Soldier Soldier Lieut. Col. Lieut. Col. Lieut. Col. Lieut. Col. Lieut. Col. Capt. Capt. Capt. Capt. Capt. Capt. Capt. Capt. Capt. Capt. Col. Lieut. Lieut. Lieut. Lieut. Lieut. Lieut. Continental Line Warrants, Military District of Ohio 409 Number Warrantees (A-B) 261 Ball, James (Liby Long and others) 262 Ball, James (Thomas Long and others) 263 Baylor, John (Robt. Temple, H. Brooke and others) 8420 Broach, Charles (Martha Broach) 8432 Belote, Noah (Margaret Aimes) 8451 Bigger, William (Andrew Bigger) 8455 Brent, John (Julia Ann Thompson) 8456 Brent, John (Joel W. Hannah) 8458 Bernard, Peter (Elizabeth T. Jones and others) 8459 Bernard, Peter (Geo. D. Iverson and others) 8460 Bernard, Peter (Geo. Booker and others) 8461 Bernard, Peter (Elizabeth Gibbs and others) 8462 Bernard, Peter (John S. Ayres and others) 8464 Bernard, Peter (Elizabeth Wills and others) 8465 Bernard, Peter (Elizabeth Preston) 369 Ball, James (Sarah Ball) 370 Ball, James (Elizabeth Ball) 371 Ball, James (Nancy May) 8472 Bernard, Peter (Ann B. Johnson) 8473 Bernard, Peter (Herringham Copeland) 8493 Bullett, Thomas 8497-8 Bullett, Thomas 8501 Bullett, Thomas Rank & Service (C) Lieut. Lieut. Lieut. Private Sgt. Sgt. Capt. Capt. Capt. Capt. Capt. Capt. Capt. Capt. Capt. Lieut. Lieut. Capt. 9 Cabell, Samuel I. 16 Campbell, William (heir at law and legal rep. of Saml. Campbell, deed.) 24 Carrington, Mays 25 Croghan, William 31 Coombes, Francis 32 Coonsolver, John 140 Cash, Warren 172 Clark, Jonathan 173 Cowherd, Francis 187 Craddock, Robert 188 Crale, John 189 Craddock, Henry 193 Chavers, John 226-7 Coleman, Jacob 306 Carter, John C. 307 Clark, John 308 Crawford, John 325 Calomes, Marquis Lieut. Col. 3 years Lieut. Capt. Major Soldier Soldier Soldier Lieut. Col. Capt. Lieut. Lieut. Sgt. Soldier Lieut. Capt. Capt. Lieut. Capt. 3 years 3 years 3 years War War 3 years years years years years years years years years years years years 410 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Number 328 348 382 562 564 568 579 641 653 697 701 728 745 75o 783 794 797 816 820 836 838 841 845 851 868 895 902 915 926 932 951 953 994 995 1007 1024 1027 1042 1044 1056 1064 1065 Warrantees (A-B) Clarke, Edward (Va. Artillery) Curry, James Conner, Philip (Philip Daw, assnee.) Cawthorn, Christopher Cany, James Carrington, Mayo (additional bounty) Carter, Joseph Cox, Radiford Crofs, Samuel Cole, Harulin Cannon, Luke Clements, Mace Casey, Peter (Jr., heir of Benjamin Casey [Va. line]) Cratton, William Cunningham, William Clayton, Philip Crutch field, Stapleton Collins, Mafson (Va. Artillery) Cooley, James Colquehon, James Carney, Martin Collins, John Crowley, David Crawford, John (heir at law of Col. Wm. Crawford, deed. See this No. in original return from Va.) Chambers, Alexander Campbell, Archibald Cumbo, Daniel Clavenger, Edward Chapman, Thomas Cassell, William Case, William Crawford, John Casey, Robert Cropper, John Crittendon, John Crawford, John Chinworth, John Coxor, William Crawford, Robert Carter, Richard Con rod, Jacob Carter, Nicholas Rank 6" Sendee (C) Soldier 3 years Capt. 3 years Sgt. 3 years Sgt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Capt. 7 years Soldier 3 years Corp. 3 years Sgt. 3 years Sgt. 3 years Lieut. 3 years Col. 7 years Capt. 3 years Soldier War Major 3 years Lieut. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Lieut. 3 years Sgt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Col. Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Sgt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Lieut. Col. 3 years Lieut. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Fifer War Soldier War Soldier War Soldier War Soldier War Continental Line Warrants, Military District of Ohio 411 Number Warrantees (A-B) Rank & Service (C 1069 Craig, Thomas Soldier War IO76 Carpenter, Christopher Soldier War IO83 Cunningham, James Soldier War 1088 Craig, William Soldier War III9 Cloyd, William Soldier War 1128 Cordones, John Soldier War II32 Connally, William Soldier War 1 143 Clark, David Soldier War 1 147 Cruswell, Samuel Soldier War "54 Crafford, Charles Soldier War "77 Cabell, Samuel I. (7 years service) Lieut. Col. 3 years 1 186 Coleman, Whitehead Capt. 3 years "93 Carter, Henry Soldier 3 years "97 Coons, Frederick Soldier 3 years 1 198 Catlett, John (heir at law to Thomas Catlett, deed.) Capt. 3 years 1232 Cypress, Andrew (7 years) Soldier War 1239 Chambers, David Soldier 3 years 1244 Crawford, David Soldier 3 years 1248 Chrisholm, George Soldier War 1249 Chelton, Thomas (heir at law to John Chelton, deed.) Capt. 3 years 1252 Clifton, Joshua (served 7 years) Soldier War 1264 Canley, Asa Soldier War 1297 Courtney, Samuel (served 7 years) Soldier War I34i Calfrey, Charles Soldier 3 years 1356 Cox, Francis, heir of Wm. Cox, deed. Sgt. 3 years 1392 Cowper, Richard (served 7 years) Soldier War I4I3-4 Coverly, Thomas (two warrants) Lieut. 7 years 1438 Cleman, James Sgt. War 1445 Coram, William Soldier War 1447 Carnal, William Soldier War 1467 Cyrus, Bartholomew Soldier War 1469 Chaffin, Stanley (heir at law to John Chaffin, deed.) Soldier War 1478 Church, John Soldier War 1492 Carrell, Joseph Soldier 3 years 1493 Crawley, James Soldier 3 years 1498 Cooper, Ephraim Sgt. War 1518 Cowherd, Jamea Sgt. 3 years 1523 Copenger, Higgins Soldier War 1543 Cooper, Spencer Corp. War 1549 Cunningham, Nathaniel Sgt. 3 years 1550 Canafax, Edward Soldier 3 years 1614 Clift, William Soldier War 412 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Number Warrantees {A-B) 1622 Camble, Dennis 1627 Conway, Joseph 163 1 Curl, Richard 1660 Carney, Patrick 1661 Cox, William 1 69 1 Chevalier, Anthony 1696 Copland, William 171 1 Cayner, Matthew 1733 Cavender, Joseph 1744 Childress, Mosby 1783 Cook, William 1792 Carrington, Edward 1840 Carrell, John 1857 Clark, Moses 1880 Corbett, John 1882 Collins, Peter 191 2 Christee, Thomas 1919 Case, William 1924 Cogurill, Zachariah (heir at law to Frederick Cogurill, deed.) 1935 Carrington, George 1855 Cox, Presley i860 Charles, Samuel 1868 Culbertson, James 1 88 1 Carter, Armstead 1882 Carter, Robert 1909 Cartwright, Jonathan 1922 Croghan, William (to complete bounty as a major) 1923 Croghan , William (by resolution of Assembly) 1970 Compton, Augustine 1978 Colvin, John (heir at law to Jeremiah Colvin, deed.) 1982-3 Cherry, William (in part) 1998 Cockran, William 201 1 Couaut, (Conant?) John 2014 Campbell, Archibald 2024 Craig, James 2031 Cave, James 2038 Case, William 2084 Cocke, Michael 2089 Craine, James 2091 Cassiday, Michael 2093 Carnahan, John 2101 Cruze, Redman Rank & Service (C) Soldier War Lieut. 7 years Soldier War Soldier War Soldier War Soldier 3 years Corp. 3 years Soldier 3 years Sgt. War Soldier 3 years Sgt. 3 years Lieut. Col. 7 years Sgt. 3 years Soldier War Soldier War Soldier War Surgeon 7 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Lieut. 3 years Soldier 3 years Sgt. 3 years Capt. 3 years Soldier Sgt. Sgt. Major 7 years Major 7 years Soldier 3 years Sgt. 3 years Capt. 3 years Sgt. 3 years Soldier War Lieut. 3 years Capt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Capt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Continental Line Warrants, Military District of Ohio 413 Number Warrantees (A-B) 2105 Canary, William 2129 Cornelius, Josiah 2184 Cook, Thos., heir at law to Joseph Cook, deed. 2196 Childress, Henry 2200 Campbell, Gen. (Wm. Chas. Campbell, son and heir by resolution of the Assembly) 2223 Carnes, Patrick 2239 Carrington, Clement 2240 Coleman, Richard (Francis Coleman, heir at law) 2249 Carr, William 2259 Clarke, William 2260 Call, Richard 2323 Cocke, Colin 2347 Claiborne, Richard 2 359 Clarke, Edmund 2372 Cockron, Samuel 2382 Cockrell, Presley 2 395 Chewning, Thomas (Martin Hawkins, assnee.) 2419 Carter, Robert 2421 Cardwell, John 2543 Conway, Samuel (Francis Graves, assnee.) 2559 Cougill, John 2562 Crauford, John 2 5^3 Camp, John, deed. (Thomas Camp, heir at law) 2588 Callaham, Maj. (Thomas Graves, assnee.) 2592 Creamer, William (Thomas Graves, assnee.) 2616 Cox, Samuel (Dan'l Flowerry, assnee.) 2642 Cowherd, Francis 2652 Cuthbart, William (William Trower, assnee.) 2693 Coleman, Thomas (Martin Hawkins, assnee.) 2719 Coleman, Joseph 2724 Cheserrouns, John 2 737 Coats, George 2782 Clarke, James 2785 Carrick, James 2789 Charity, Charles 2792 Cole, John 2797 Coleman, Thomas 2799 Camp, Thomas, deed. (Wm. Camp, heir at law) 2809 Childress, Meredith 2821 Cooke, William Rank & Service (C) Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years General Capt. 3 years Ensign War Capt. 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Major 3 years Capt. 7 years Lieut. War Lieut. 3 years Sgt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Corp. 3 years Soldier 3 years Lieut. 7th year Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Capt. 7th year Corp. 3 years Sgt. 3 years Sgt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Sgt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Corp. War Soldier 3 years Sgt. War 414 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Number 2833 2884 2888 2901 2902 2904 2940 2970 2978 2999 3001 3042 3050 3051 3055 3077 3079 3161 3185 3189 3200 3201 3 2 23 3229 3237 3246 3251 3266 3305 3322 3351 3376 3384 3391 3417 3442 3456 Warrantees (A-B) Campbell, William Coleman, James Coon, Anthony Cartwright, Jesse Carbine, Henry Chatham, John (John Hart, assnee.) Curtis, James Cleveland, John (Wm. Taylor, assnee.) Conner, John Campbell, Dennis (John Binns, assnee.) Campbell, Richard (Archibald Campbell, heir at law) Collins, John Clemons, John Carlton, William (Edward Valentine, assnee.) Carter, William Cosby, Sydnor Camron, Hugh, deed. (Duncan Camron, heir at law) Clarke, Henry Colbert, Elisha, deed. (Bazil Colbert, heir at law) Chunn, Sylvester Clough, John Chambers, Robert (Jacob Doran, assnee.) Cocke, Pleasant, deed. (Robert Boyd and Martha his wife and Miss Theodocia Cocke, heirs and reps.) Carlton, Lewis (James Lewis, assnee.) Clark, Edmund (Benj. Smith, assnee.) Conner, James Crows, Edward Carter, Thomas (Thomas Pinkard, assnee.) Colbert, John Cary, James Conley, Timothy Croscton, Richard Carter, Abadiah (Saml. McCraw, assnee.) Consolues, Charles (Mary Consolues, legal rep.) Croxton, John Christian, Richard (legal rep. of James Christian, deed., Wm. Reynolds, assnee.) Carney, Anthony (Thos. Kennon, assnee. of Wm. Carney, heir at law) Rank £f Service (C) Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Lieut. Col. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Sgt. War Soldier 3 years Sgt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Sgt. War Sgt. 3 years Capt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Sgt. 3 years Sgt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Sgt. 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Sgt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Corp. War Sgt. War Continental Line Warrants, Military District of Ohio 415 Number Warrantees (A-B) 3459 Carr, Joseph, deed. (Elizabeth Carr, adm.) 3472-6 Cooper, Leonard (in part) 3484 Casey, John (Francis Graves, assnee. of Robt. Broaddus, assnee.) 3493 Craig, John 3497 Carter, John, deed. (Richard Carter, heir at law) 3503 Chavers, Robt. W. 3505 Cosby, Thomas 3513 Casy, John 3582 Carter, Dale 3602 Cross, John (John Bartlett, assnee.) 3637 Crosby, William 3670 Cope, Thomas 3691 Clark, Hezekiah 3692 Custard, George 3701 Custard, John 3713 Childress, Alexander (Wm. Dillen, assnee.) 3717 Chavers, James 3731 Casady, James 3754 Cooper, Charles 3758 Clarke, John 3774 Collins, Thomas 3775 Chenault, John 3788 Conner, Edward (Mary Rodes and Eliza Hitchcock, legal rep.) 3795 Cooper, Reubin 3826 Crowson, John Hanson 3843 Coleman, Samuel 3845 Cralle, Rodham K. 3852 Chafin, Solomon 3857 Creek, Joseph 3862 Cropper, James 3872 Connolly, Philip 3876 Cutright, Peter 3926 Chambers, James 3927 Conard, James 3940 Clarke, Robert 3962 Cardiff, Miles 3968 Conner, Terrance 3971 Casey, James (Sam'l. Couch, assnee.) 3989 Crews, Joseph (Thomas Fair, assnee.) 4003 Chaves, Saml. (Wm. Petty John, assnee. of Josha Humphries, assnee.) 4004 Chrisham, James (Wm. Chrisham, heir at law) Rank & Service (C) Sgt. War Capt. 7 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Sgt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Sgt. 7 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Sgt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Cornet 3 years Sgt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Sgt. 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 7 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years 416 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Number Warrantees (A-B) 4010 Cumberford, Isaac (Henry Banks, assnee.) 4042 Cruidson, Benjamin 4104 Camp, James (Thos. Camp, heir at law) 4127 Camp, Marshall 4129 Carvine, Jeremiah 4144 Cook, Zachariah 4145 Clement, Edward W. 4176 Cook, Benjamin 4216 Campbell, Thomas (Sam'l Lamin, assnee. of Wm. Reynolds, assnee.) 4239 Cole, William 4249 Chambers, James 4255 Collins, Thomas (Bartlet Collins, heir at law) 4276 Covey, Drury 4283 Cooper, Thomas 4294 Carpenter, John (Jas. Carpenter, heir at law) 4316 Caswell, Michael 4332 Colgin, William 4338 Cooper, Apollos (Robt. Cooper, heir at law) 4341 Campbell, John 4344 Chewning, Christ (Chas. Chewning, heir at law) 4351 Cosby, William 4405 Caldwell, William 4413 Cain, Matthias (John Bailey, assnee. of the rep.) 4451 Crop, Richard (Drury Crop, heir at law) 4482 Chandler, Jefse 4532 Creed, Thomas 4533 Cottle, William (Wm. McClung, assnee.) 4535 Curtis, John 4550 Coleman, Samuel 4569 Carter, William, Senr. 4579 Coffin, John, rep. 4580 Coffin, Lemuel 46 1 1 Crawford, Nehemiah 4646 Clayton, Philip 4647 Currell, Nicholas (Joseph Carter, assnee. of Thomas Polland, assnee.) 4651 Carter, Charles 4671 Cosby, Nelson (the rep.) 4692 Coleman, Samuel 4733 Cockrell, Peter Rank & Service (C) Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Lieut. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Sgt. War Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier War Sgt. 7 years Soldier War Soldier War Soldier 3 years Surgeon War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Lieut. 7th year Lieut. 3 years Soldier 3 years Sgt. 3 years Lieut. 7th year Corp. 3 years Continental Line Warrants, Military District of Ohio 417 Number 4744 4746 4772 4775 4795 4796 4799 4823 4835 4843 4853 4856 4861 4862 4882 4895 4896 4922 4935 4965 4974 4975 4982 5005 5010 5021 5041-2 5001 140 156 1337 2141 5ii3 5135 5i7i 5173 5182 5183 5184 Warrantees (A-B) Cooper, Leonard Crowden, Matthew Carrier, Henry (the rep.) Cook, William (Thos. Cook, legal rep.) Cummins, Andrew Cocke, William (the rep.) Caldrewood, James (the rep.) Callinder, Samuel Currell, Nicholas (the heirs) Res. of Assembly Collin, Wyatt Colley, Charles Coats, William Collier, James Cooke, Roger (the rep.) Carlisle, Basel Claiborne, Richard Claiborne, Richard Coleman, Whitehead (the rep.) Cole, Samuel Crook, Henry Call, Richard Culbertson, James (the rep.) Cooper, Simon Cooper, Hillary (Thos. Neuton, assnee. of) Cook, James (the rep.) Charlton, George (the rep.) Cole, John (in part) Courtney, Philip, Wm. Byrd, Junr. assnee. Cash, Warren Coleman, Samuel Clayton, Joseph Coleman, John, deed. (Jas. Coleman, heir law) Copin, John (the rep.) Claiborne, Buller, deed. (James Claiborne, Robt. R. Claiborne, Sterling Claiborne, Lucy Wright, heirs of late Lucy Claiborne) Crawford, John (Robt. Means, attorney of Thos. D. Harris, who was assnee. of) Carter, William (the rep.) Cockran, Simon Coleman, Jacob (James Taylor, assnee. of) Coleman, Samuel Rank & Service (C) Capt. 7 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier War Capt. 3 years Sgt. 3 years Capt. War Soldier 3 years Lieut. Sgt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Sgt. War Sgt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Lieut. 7th year Lieut. 8th year Capt. 7th year Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Major 7th year Capt. 7th year Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Private War Capt. 3 years Ensign Soldier 3 years Lieut. 3 years Soldier War Ensign 3 years Sgt. 3 years Capt. 8 years Lieut 8 years Surgeon 1 yr. 5 mos Sgt. 3 years Lieut. 7th year Lieut. 10 mos. 418 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Number Warrantees (A-B) Rank &• Service (C) 5189 Case, William (the rep.) Private War 5190 Case, John (the rep.) Private War 5194 Cherrion, Arthur (Thos. D. Bayly, assnee. of) Private War 5199 Copes, Southey (Thos. D. Bayly, assnee. of) Sgt. 3 years 5219 Clark, Jonathan Lieut. Col. 8 mos. plus 7 yrs. 5224-5 Cocke, Colin (Thos. D. Harris, assnee. of) Capt. 9 mos. plus 7 ys. 5232 Call, Richard (the rep.) Capt. 5 mos. plus 7 ys. 5233 Coverly, Thomas (John Morris, assnee. of) Lieut. 10 mos. plus 7 yrs. 5244 Cobb, Sam'l., deed. (Thos. D. Harris, assnee of, the rep. of) Lieut. 6 yrs. plus 5245 Cobb, Sam'l., deed. (Robt. Adams, assnee. 2 mos. of Thos. D. Harris, rep. of) Lieut. 8 yrs. plus 5284 Crippin, Wm., deed. (Thos. W. Bayley, 2 mos. 5285 5256 5327 5334 5338 5347 536 5351 5422 5627 5441 5442 5444 5469 5485 5493 5494-5 5524 assnee. of Sophia and John Williams, rep. of) Private Cobb, Shattan, deed. (Thos. M. Bayley, assnee. of William and Lucy Cobb, rep. of) Private Custis, Thomas (Thos. M. Bayly, assnee. of) Lieut. Crapper, John (Thos. M. Bayly, assnee. of) Lieut. Col. Cabell, Samuel J. (James Taylor, assnee. of) Lieut. Col. Clay, Matthew Lieut. Carrington, Edward Lieut. Col. Carss, John, deed. (Thos. M. Bayley, rep. of, Smith, Nelson, rep. of) Private Chesshire, John, deed. (Thos. M. Bayley, rep. of, Jabez Chesshire, rep. of) Private Carrington, Mayo, deed, (the assnee. of) Capt. Coleman, Whitehead (Jas. Taylor, assnee. of Robt. Baylor, rep. of) Capt. Craddock, Robt. (assnee. of James Taylor) Capt. Craddock, Robt. (assnee. of James Penetleton) Capt. Cannon, Luke (assnee. of James Taylor) Lieut. Carter, Charles (the rep. of) Private Crute, John (alias John L. Crute) Lieut. Carter, John C. Capt. Cowherd, Francis Capt. Crain, James (the rep. of) Capt. 3 years 3 years 3 years 7 yrs. 8 mos. 7 yrs. 10 mos. 1 yr. 10 mos. plus 6 yrs. 7 yrs. 10 mos. 3 years 10 mos. to end of war 7 yrs. 10 mos. 7 yrs. 7 mos. 6 yrs. 10 mos. 6 yrs. 10 mos. 6 yrs. 4 mos. War 6 yrs. 18 mos. 7 yrs. 10 mos. 8 yrs. 2 mos. 8 yrs. 2 mos. Continental Line Warrants, Military District of Ohio 419 Number Warrantees (A-B) Rank & Service (C) 5556-60 Conway, Henry, Francis Preston (assnee. of) Capt. 7 yrs. 6 mos. 5561 Conner, I. William, deed. (John Conner, son and heir at law of) Private 3 years 5562 Curry, James Capt. 5 yrs. 6 mos. 5570 Corbin, Isaiah Private 3 years 5576 Crouch, William Private 3 years 5590 Croppers, James Private 1 yr. 10 mos 5 Downs, John Soldier 3 years 23 Drew, Thomas Gaines Capt. 3 years 77 Dandridge, John Capt. 3 years 83 Davis, Doctor Joseph, Tho. Overton (assnee. of) Surgeon 3 years 94 Dillon, Benj., heir at law, J esse Dillon Corp. 3 years 152 Dix, Thomas Capt. Lt. 3 years 157 Dugan, Robert Sgt. 3 years 232-3 Dawson, Henry Lieut. 3 years 586 Duff, Edward Surgeon 3 years 59i Duffey, James Soldier 3 years 635 Denholm, Archibald Capt. 3 years 727 Dandridge, Robt. Lieut. 3 years 787 Dickie, William Soldier 3 years 812 Darke, William Lieut. Col. 3 years 843 Davis, William Soldier War 857 Dowell, William Soldier 3 years 866 Dabney, John (heir at law to John Dabney, deed.) Soldier 3 years 880 Dougherty, Patrick Soldier 3 years 910 Death, William S. Major 3 years 911 Dean, Michael Soldier 3 years 912 Dean, Joseph Soldier 3 years 955 Doller, William Soldier 3 years 960 Dempsey, John Soldier 3 years 967 Drake, Andrew Soldier 3 years 993 Dodd, William Soldier 3 years 1014 Dunbar, James Sgt. 3 years 1070 Duffey, James Soldier War 1113 Docherty, John Soldier War 1 148 Dennison, Joseph Soldier War 1556-8 Draper, George (in part) Surgeon 3 years 1161 Devere, Isaac Soldier War 1 168 Dudley, Ambrose Lieut. 3 years 1213 Dyer, Samuel Soldier 3 years 1215 Drury, Samuel Soldier 3 years 1224-5 Dandridge, Alex. S. (Va. Cavalry, in part) Capt. 3 years 420 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Number Warrantees (A-B) 1227 Dandridge, Alex. S. (Va. Cavalry, in part) 1290 Dollins, — — — - 1299 Darby, Nathaniel 1310 Driver, Edward 1332 Delaplane, James 1372 Davis, James 1380 Dean, Joshua (Frederick Smith, assnee. of) 1446 Davis, Spillsby 1473 Duncan, Charles 1482 Davis, William 1484 Drummond, John (seven years) 1521 Dyllard, John 153° Dailey, James I53 2 Dunn, John 1568 Dobbins, Charles 1586 Davis, John (heir at law to John Davis deed.) 1587 Doe, John 1641 Doyle, Robert 1657 Deiner, Jacob 1667 Deiner, Jacob 1686 Deckson, James 1688 Dennis, Henry (served 7 years) 1762 Daulton, Moses 1779 Dunn, James 1809 Darnold, Aron 1814 Davenport, Claiborne 1836 Dunn, Joshua 1846 Durham, James 1866 Davis, Samuel 1888 Drake, Michael 1921 Dawell, William (to complete his bounty as a) 1904 Dickey, Alex 1965 Dawson, Francis 1968 Dye, Nancy (heir at law to Jonathen Dye deed.) 2010 Doil, Robert 2044 Denny, Henry 21 18 Delozer, Asa 2146 Donnakin, Daniel 2187 Dogan, Henry 2201 Drew, John (in part) 2212 Drew, John (in part) 2218 Dupee, William Rank &* Service (C) Capt. 3 years Soldier War Lieut. 7 years Soldier War Lieut. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Sgt. War Soldier War Sgt. 3 years Sgt. War Soldier War Drummer War Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier War Sgt. War D. Major 3 years Soldier War Soldier War Sgt. 3 years Soldier War Drummer 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Sgt. 3 years Soldier War Sgt. War Lieut. 3 years Soldier War Sgt. War Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Lieut. War Lieut. War Soldier War Continental Line Warrants, Military District of Ohio 421 Number Warrantees {A-B) 2268 Dishman, James 2305 Denton, John 2312 Dade, Francis 2386 Dell, Joseph (Martin Hawkins, assnee.) 2391 Davenport, Joel (Martin Hawkins, assnee.) 2416 Davison, Josiah 2452 Davies, William 2458 Day, John (Henry Banks, assnee.) 2483 Duval, Daniel (resolution of Assembly) 2495 Danby, Jonathan (Francis Graves, assnee.) 2584 Doyle, John (Fairell Oneal, assnee.) 2661 Davidson, Joseph (James Bedford, assnee.) 2703 Dillard, Edward (Francis Graves, assnee.) 2826 Dewitt, Henry 2874 Dennoss, John 2948 Doran, Terance 2 955 Davis, James 3088 Davidson, Ambrose (James Vaugha, assnee.) 3089 Davidson, Joshua (James Vaugha, assnee.) 3092 Deiker, Samuel 31 1 1 Davis, Samuel 3126 Delany, Anthony (Daniel Delany, heir at law) 3231 Dear, Benjamin (James Marnez, assnee.) 3274 Davidson, David 3293 David, Nicholas 3380 Dowdy, Claiborne (James Faire, assnee.) 3383 Deadman, Samuel 3444 Dawson, James 3544 Day, William 355° Dunlap, John, deed. (Saml. Dunlap, heir at law) 3555 Dewitt, Peter (Joseph Vanmeter, assnee.) 3567 Dedman, Robert (John Dedman, heir at law) 3615 Dangerfield, William 3684 Dally, George (Wm. Reynolds, assnee. of Edw. Valentine, who was assnee.) 3709 Decker, Nicholas 3726 Draper, Robert 3739 Drummond, Alexander 3743 Dolland, John 3749 Dunbar, Hamilton (Andrew Dunbar, heir at law) 3847 Dixon, Joseph (William Jackson, assnee.) Rank & Service (C) Soldier War Lieut. 3 years Capt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Col. 7 years Soldier War Capt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Corp. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Sgt. 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Sgt. 3 years Sgt. War Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier War Sgt. 3 years Soldier War 422 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Number Warrantees (A-B) 3881 Dunn, Patrick 3891 Dallis, Robert (Robert Rankins, assnee.) 3910 Dailey, John 3915 Davis, Thomas (George Wikle, assnee.) 3943-4 Dent, John (in part) 3981 Davis, William 4019 Davenport, William 4060 Dennis, William 4073 Dicks, George 4075 Davis, Arthur (Elizabeth Davis, rep.) 4135 Davis, Thompson 4138 Delazier, Richard D. (Dan'l. Delazier, rep.) 4247 Day, Westbrook 4284 Diskin, Daniel 4319 Davis, Henry 4327 Drake, Thomas (Thomas Drake, rep.) 4376 Darvill, William (Wm. Reynolds, assnee. of Jno. Depriest, assnee.) 4432 Diven, William 4433 Diven, Robert 4434 Derassett, Samuel 4486 Dyer, Francis 4490 Dark, William 4493 Daniel, Christopher (Geo. Rice, assnee. of Chas. Lewis, assnee.) 4497 Davenport, Moses (rep.) 4499 Davenport, Moses (Thomas Maurrey assnee.) 4504 Dashper, John (Sam'l. Pawn, assnee. of Ansel George, assnee. Thos. Dashper, heir) 4521 Dolby, William 4575 Didlake, James (Robert Means, assnee.) 4593 Dudley, Robert 4617 Doun, James (Fras. Graves, assnee., Edw. Davis, assnee. of Robt. Nach?) 4639 Dandridge, John 4660 De Bunneville, Daniel 4664 Donaldson, William 4682 Dogan, Tim (Robt. Young, assnee. of Chas. Copland, assnee.) 4712 Dix, Thomas 4718 Dobbs, Nathaniel 4792 Dunn, Peter (Andrew Forborn, heir at law) 4842 Davis, Jeremiah 4847 Davis, Richard Rank & Service (C) Soldier Soldier Soldier Corp. Lieut. Corp. Capt. Soldier Soldier Soldier Soldier Soldier Soldier Soldier Soldier Lieut. Lieut. Sgt. Soldier Soldier Soldier Lieut. Col. Soldier Soldier Soldier Soldier Sgt. Sgt. Soldier Corp. Capt. Surgeon Soldier Soldier Capt. Soldier Capt. Soldier Soldier 3 years 3 years War War 3 years War 3 years War War War War 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years War 3 years 7th year 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years War War 3 years War 7th year War War War War Continental Line Warrants, Military District of Ohio 423 Number Warrantees (A-B) 4893 Dixon, Thomas (the rep.) 4932 Demasters, Edward 4933 Demasters, James 4966 Dunbar, Hambleton (Andrew Dunber, son and heir) 5004 Davis, William (to complete his Bounty as a) 5053-6 Davis, Jesse (in part) 5073 Dawson, Benjamin 121 Davis, John 207 Dickerson, Edmund Major (Robt. Gibbons, heir at law) 682 Davies, Richard 5156 Davis, Richard (John Stokely, assnee. of) 5187 Drummond, David (the rep. of) 5212 Davis, Robert (Thomas M. Bayley, assnee. of) 5296 Dameron, Jacob 5297 Dickerson, Ed. (Thomas M. Bayley, assnee. Elizabeth Dickerson, rep. of) 5298 Darby, Severn (Thos. M. Bayley, assnee. of Tabethia Simpson, rep. of) 5351 Diggs, Cole 5352 Dix, Thomas 5365 Davis, Ishmael (Thomas M. Bailey, assnee. of Robt. Davis, rep. of) 5489 Dove, Thomas 5518 Dowden, Thomas (Thomas Norvell, assnee.) 5525 Dowden, James (Thomas Norvell, assnee. of) 5574 Dunlap, Joseph 5588 Delastatius, John, deed. (Jesse Gladden, rep. of) 5709 Darby, Nathaniel 5727 Dixon, Anthony T. (rep. of) 4797 Degraffenreidt, Ischames 5797-800 Dillard, James (Thomas Norvell, assnee. of William Armistead, attor. in fast for James Dillard) 5823 Dark, William (the rep. of) 5862 Davis, Jacob, deed. (Doly, Judith and Nancy, heirs at law to) Rank & Service (C) Soldier Corp. Soldier War War War Sgt. Soldier Capt. Private Sgt. War 3 years 3 years 3 years Major Sgt. Private Private 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years Private Private 3 years 3 years Private 3 years Private Lieut. Capt. 3 years 3 years 10 mos. plus 7 yrs. Private Private Private Private Private 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years Private 1 yr. and 10 Lieut. mos. plus 6 days 10 mos. plus Surgeon Sgt. 7 ys. 7 yrs. plus 3 years Capt. Col. 3 years 9 mos. plus 7 yrs- Private 3 years 424 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Number Warrantees (A-B) 5863 Davis, Jacob, deed, (deduct 100 acres be- fore received) 5882 Dishman, John 5897 Dawson, Henry 5899 Dayer, Peter 5915 Downing, Francis, deed. (Peggy Meers, only heir to) 5936 Dugar, Robert, (David S. Smith, assnee. of) 5981 Daws, John 6054 Dobbs, Kedar 6097 Daniel, Jacob 6106 Dunn, James, deed. (Joshua Dunn who was the oldest son of John, deed, and heir at law of) 6139 Davis, Hugh 6172 Dudley, Banks, deed. (Dawson Coke, assnee. of Sally Dudley, the widow of Francis Dudley; Elizabeth, William, George and Robert Dudley, the only surviving chil- dren and heirs of) 6199 Davenport, Reuben (David Smith, assnee. of) 6201 Davenport, Abraham 6227 Davenport, Adrian 6259 Drummond, William (Elizabeth Lewis, wife of Curtis Lewis, formerly Elizabeth Drum- mond, Ann T. Drummond, Catherine Drummond and Richard H. Drummond children and devisees of) 6288 Davis, Presley 6289 Dickin, James 6293 Durret, James 6297 Devor, Jeremiah 6356 Duke, Henry 6384 Dodd, John (the heirs, legal representatives or devisees of) 6435 Dean, Peter 6436 Dean, Jones (John Dean son at law) 6512 Davis, James (Nath'l. Sawyer, assignee of) 6524-5 Dorsey, Richard (Sarah [inter.] and others) 6528 Daniel, Christopher 6540 Duke, Clever 6541 Dunn, Thos. (his heirs) 6592 Dix, William (his heirs) 6639 Dooley, Jacob 6705 Dunlap, Samuel Rank & Service (C) Private War Private 3 years Lieut. 7 years Sgt. 3 years Private 3 years Private 3 years Private 3 years Private War Private War Private War Sergt. 3 years Sgt. 3 years Private 3 years Sgt. 3 years Private 3 years Sgt. 3 years Sgt. 3 years Private 3 years Private War Private 3 years Private 3 years Private 3 years Private 3 years Private 3 years Capt. 3 years Capt. 3 years Private War Private War Private War Sgt. 3 years Private 3 years Private War Continental Line Warrants, Military District of Ohio 425 Number Warrantees (A-B) Rank & Service (C) 6797 Dunn, Thomas (heirs of) Continental 701 1 Dennis, William Continental 7255 Doggett, Richard (heirs of) Continental 7279 Davis, Thomas (John and Thomas) Continental Ex. [ ]64 Doggett, Richard (Thomas Doggett, heir of) 7284 Doggett, Benjamin (Thomas Doggett, heir oi ") 7304 Dickinson, Griff eth 7371 Davis, John (heir of) 7575 Denney, Samuel (Nancy Hagney) Capt. 7601 Dixon, John (Margaret Hutchinson) Private 7642 Dowell, William (William D. Dowell and Co.) Private 7657 Davis, William Private 7658 Doherty, John (John Daugherty) Private 7724 Delashation, William Private 7731 Davenport, Joseph (Johanna Davenport and Co.) Sgt. Maj. 7775 Delastations, Peter (William [Walthum] and others) Surgeon 7776 Delastations, Joseph (Peter Delastations and Co.) Private 7793 Day, Ambrose (William Day) Private 12282 Davis, Thomas (William Davis and others) Soldier 8122 Daniel, John (Carter Daniel and others) Private 8132 Dedlick, William (Richard Collins and others) Private 8234 Doe, William Soldier 8303 [Dousdan], Mathew (Richard D. Rollins) Major 240 Dal ton, V. S. (V. T. Dal ton and others) Private 4832 Douglass, John (Thomas Douglass) Private 8445 Dunlap, Francis F. (Christopher F. Robinson) Chaplin 8446 Dunlap, Francis F. (Deborah E. C. Walker) Chaplin 8447 Dunlap, Francis F. (John Robinson) Chaplin 8448 Dunlap, Francis F. (Benj. F. Robinson) Chaplin 8489 Davidson, William 6 Ewing, Alexander Lieut. 3 years 40 Edmunds, Thomas Capt. 3 years 246-7 Evans, William (two Wts. of 1000 and 1666^ acres) Lieut 3 years 294 Easton, Richard Lieut. 3 years 295-6 Eskridge, William (two warrants of 1000 and 2110% acres) Lieut. 7 years 302 Eppes, William Capt. 3 years 426 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Number Warrantees (A-B) 718 Emmins, William 721 Edwards, Richard 837 Estes, Elisha 875 Eubank, Royal 1030 Edmondson, William 108 1 Earlynine, Daniel 1 106 English, John 1303 Eastwood, Demsey 1339 Edwards, John 1386 Eggleston, Joseph 1406 Evans, Philip 1407 Elmore, George 1475 Eppes, William 1476 Edwards, Leroy 148 1 Evans, William 1578 Elder, Ephriam 1675 Emanuel, Henry i860 Eppes, Richard 1864 Eaton, Joseph 1929 Elliot, William 1962 Edmundson, Richard (John Depriest, assnee. of) 2092 Eakin, Samuel 2130 Edwards, Edmund 2157 Eustace, Wm. (heir at law to Capt. John Eustace, deed.) 2198 Evans, John 2293 Edge, John 2366 Egleston, William, deed. (Richard Eggleston, heir at law) 2406 Emmerson, Henry 2450 Evans, George 2473 Elmore, John 2493 Evans, Henry 2505 Erskine, Charles 2561 Ellis, John (Jacob Goulden, assnee.) 2565 Ellis, William (William Reynolds, assnee.) 2585 Elliott, James (Farrell Oneal, assnee.) 2637 Eustice, John 2706 Eppes, Wyatt (John Depriest, assnee. of ye legal reps. Thos. Eppes) 2798 Edwards, James (Alex Roan, assnee.) 2949 Eaton, Micajah (R. Claiborne and J. Hop- kins, assnee.) 3158 Edwards, LeRoy Rank & Service (C) Sgt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Sgt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Sgt. 3 years Soldier War Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier War Major 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Capt. & Lt. , 3 years Capt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier War Sgt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Corp. 3 years Sgt. 3 years Sgt. 3 years Soldier War Corp. 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Lieut. 3 years Sgt. 3 years Surgeon 3 years Sgt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Lieut. 3 years Sgt. 3 years Soldeir 3 years Soldier War Lieut. War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Capt. 7th year Continental Line Warrants, Military District of Ohio 427 Number 3491 350I 3679 3723 3762 3812 3822 3841 3887 3895 3933 3941 3986 3988 4043 4069 4083 4105 4106 4122 4126 4282 4396 4475 4512 4644 4691 4704 4727 4777 4837 4850 5043-8 5099 5094 206 5215 Warrantees (A-B) Eskridge, George Everhart, Lawrence Eaton, William Edwards, Spencer (James Thompson, assnee.) Emmons, John Eubank, John Ethel, Benjamin (Benj. Ethel, assnee.) Everheart, Michael (heir at law to Andio Everheart) Epperson, Samuel (Thomas Richarot, assnee.) Webb, William Eldridge, Christopher (Williams Reynold, assnee.) Evans, William (Philip Evans, legal rep.) Etherington, John Ebbs, John (James Ebbs, legal rep.) Evans, Stephen (Saml. McCraw, assnee.) Ewing, Edward (James Ewing, heir at law) Etter, John Estis, George Estis, Rowland El well, Thomas Ermin, Thomas Eagle, William Ellis, Mathew (Jas. Hine, assnee. of John Sim, assnee. of M. Courtney, assnee. of Thos. Armistead, assnee.) Engle, Windal (Robert Williams assnee.) Evans, Joseph Elliot, Thomas (Temple Elliot, heir at law) Evans, John (William Price, assnee. of) Eddins, Samuel Eddins, Samuel Ellis, Daniel (the rep.) Elliot, Archibald (James Elliot, rep.) Eckhart, Michael Epps, Francis, deed. (Thomas Woodlief, legal rep.) Elliot, Samuel Elliot, Robert (James Taylor, assnee. of) Eddins, Samuel Elliot, Thomas (Thomas M. Bayly, assnee. of) Rank & Service (C) Sgt. 3 years Sgt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Corp. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier War Corp. War Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Corp. War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Sgt. 3 years Col. 7 years Soldier War Capt. 7th year Capt. 8th year Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Lieut. Col. 3 years Private 3 years Lieut. War Capt. 3 years Private 3 years 428 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Number Warrantees (A-B) 5240 Evans, Peter (James Saylor, assnee. of) 5287 Evans, Thomas (Thos. M. Bayly, assnee. of Thos. Evans, rep.) 5332 Eskridge, William 5395 Eager, Robert, deed, (the rep. of) 5436 Elliot, Robert (assnee. of James Taylor) 5504 Evans, John (John Verill, assnee. of) 551 1 Edmunds, Thomas (rep. of) 5528 Evans, William 5707 Edmundson, Edmund 5729 Elliott, Archibald, deed. (James, Elliot, rep. of) 5754 Evans, Jesse (Sally Evans, rep. of) 5902-3 Edwards, Lucy (Elijah Edwards and Richard, devisees) 6132 Engle, William, deed. (Philip Engle, son, the eldest brother and heir at law of) 6358 Emmons, Peter 6374-5 Emmerson, John (David C. Humphrey's, assnee. of) 65 1 1 Estes, Elisha 6666 Evans, John, assnee. of James Carson, son and heir of James Carson, deed. 6667 Evans, John, assnee. of George Backus 6668 Evans, John, assnee. of George Backus 6684 Elmendorf , Wm. Henry, assnee. of Thomas Hosack, Robt. Hosack, Peter McKnight and Elizabeth his wife and Amos Devitt and Jane his wife, said Thomas, Robert, Elizabeth and Jane are children of William Hosack, deed. Rank & Service (C) Private 3 years Private 3 years Lieut. 7 years Private War Lieut. 11 mos. 7 yrs. plus Corp. 3 years Capt. 2 mos. pi 6 yrs. us Lieut. 1 1 mos. 6 yrs. plus Corp. 3 years Corp. 3 years Private 3 years Capt. 9 mos. 7 yrs. plus Private 3 years Private War Lieut. War Private 3 years Lieut. Lieut. War War Lieut. War Private War 145 Fowler, William Capt. 3 years 244 Field, Reuben Capt. 3 years 335 Franklin, James Soldier 3 years 383 Flinn, James (Philip Daw, assnee.) Soldier 3 years 537 Forest, George Soldier 3 years 592 Freekle, John Soldier 3 years 599 Fox, Thomas Capt. 3 years 624 Foster, Robert Lieut. 3 years 686 Fox, Lewis Soldier 3 years Continental Line Warrants, Military District of Ohio 429 Number Warrantees (A-B) Rank & Service (C) 707 Fox, Nathaniel Capt. 3 years 881 French, Thomas Soldier War 885-6 Farrell, John Drummer 3 years 918 Flaugherty, James Sgt. 3 years 944 France, Peter Soldier 3 years 980 France, Lewis Soldier 3 years 982 Fautz, Valentine Soldier 3 years 1047 Finnegan, Patrick Soldier War 1077 Finney, John Soldier War 1096 Frazer, Alexander Sgt. War 1112 Fowler, Joseph Soldier War 1218 Fielding, Barron Soldier War 1257 Fromaget, Daniel Soldier War 1305 Field, William Soldier 3 years 1450 Finley, Samuel Major War 1488 Flippin, Robert Soldier 3 years 1574 Flourney, Samuel Sgt. 3 years 1582 Flemister, Lewis Soldier War 1596 Fisher, Thomas Soldier War 1605 Fletcher, Stephen Soldier War 1650 Fleming, William Corp. War 1659 Fortune, Nathan Soldier War 1731 Farinholtz, David Soldier 3 years 1829 Fitzsimmons, Nicholas Soldier 3 years 1861 Faris, William Soldier 3 years 1863 Foster, William Soldier War 1870 Foster, George Soldier War 1880 Fleming, Charles Lieut. Col. 3 years 1910 Finnell, Reuben Soldier 3 years 1912 Foster, John Soldier 3 years 1935 Fitzgerald, James Soldier War 1967 Fauntleroy, Henry, deed. (William Moore, John Griffin, Joseph and Robert Faunt- leroy, heirs) Capt. 3 years 1994 Foster, William Soldier War 2009 Franklin, Joseph Corp. 3 years 2046 Floyd, William Soldier War 2048 Fear, Jacob Soldier War 2049 Figgins, James Soldier War 2232 Farmer, Jefse Soldier 3 years 2279 Febiger, Christian Col. 7 years 2295 Fathom, Edward Soldier War 2309 Fitzgerald, John Capt. 7 years 2354 Flin, Thomas (Martin Hawkins, assnee.) Soldier 3 years 2397 Fowler, Anderson (Thomas Aslin, assnee.) Soldier 3 years 430 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Number 2437 2545 2547 2558 2602 2610 2633 2699 2713 2764 2767 2795 2831 2839 2851 2931 3038 3113 3144 3221 3455 3465 3468 35H 3526-9 3531 3543 3545 3652 3710 3712 3727 3735 3740 3742 3757 3863 Warrantees (A-B) Forrest, Zachariah (Lewis Ford, assnee.) Fox, Nathaniel Fitzhugh, William Fitzpatrick, James Flowers, John (John Depriest, assnee.) Foster, John Foster, James, deed. (Robert Foster, heir at law) Fry, Joseph, deed. (Geo. Fry, heir at law) Fleming, Thomas, deed. (Warren Lewis and Mary his wife, Addison Lewis and Susanna his wife the legal reps.) Fleming, John, deed. (Warren Lewis and Mary his wife, Addison Lewis and Susanna his wife the legal reps.) Foster, Cosby Fullom, Peter Freeman, Anderson (John Depriest, assnee.) Frazer, Falvery, deed. (Thomas Frazer, heir at law) Fitzgerald, John Foster, John (Edward Valentine, assnee.) Forehand, John Ferrol, John Frazer, James Fauntheroy, Griffin, deed. (Wm. Reynolds, assnee. of John Fauntheroy, heir at law) Fitzhugh, Peregrine Figg, Thomas Francis, Christopher Freeland, Isaac Finnie, William (Resolution of Assembly) in part Fryer, Richard Fleming, John Fitzpatrick, James Farmer, John Finn, Philip Fitzhugh, William Beverly Feagle, Michael Flinn, Osburn Faent, Philip Faent, George Foster, Edmund Filbury, George Rank Sgt. Capt. Lieut. Sgt. Sgt. Subalt. Soldier Soldier Col. & Service (C) 3 years 7th year War War 3 years War 3 years 3 years 3 years Major 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Lt. Maj. 3 years Lieut. 3 years Major 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Sgt. War Capt. 3 years Lieut. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Col. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier War Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Sgt. War Soldier War Soldier 3 years Corp. 3 years Soldier War Continental Line Warrants, Military District of Ohio 431 Number Warrantees (A-B) 3879 Ficklin, Charles (Thomas Ficklin, heir at law) Soldier 3885 Forehand, Darby (John Forehand, legal rep.) 3900 Fisher, William (William Reynolds, assnee.) 3901 Franklin, John (William Reynolds, assnee.) 3914 Foot, Joseph 3939 Fate, James 4008 Fitzhugh, Peregrine (to complete his bounty as a) 4017 Finney, Reuben 4076 Freeman, Coldrop 4086 Foster, Thomas 41 12 Fowler, John (Joseph Fowler, rep.) 4152 Fox, John 4172 Fritts, George 4193 Friskett, George 4222 Four, Edmund (John Overstreet, assnee.) 4371 Freeman, John (William Reynolds, assnee. of the rep.) 4410 Fling, Edward (Thos. Hopkins, assnee. of Jno. Sheppard, rep.) 4427 Feely, Timothy, deed. (Mich'l. Feely, assnee.) 4463 Fielder, George (Patrick Lockhart, assnee.) 4494 Fauntheroy, Moore 4498 Fowler, Robert Martin 4503 Furguson, Robert 4534 Fishback, Jacob 4554 Frails, Charles (William Bigger, assnee. of Sally Frails, rep.) 4578 Feagle, Severn 4666 Forsythe, Robert (Robert and John Forsythe, heirs) 4686 Francisco, Peter 4714 Foster, William 4715 Farrall, Zephaniah 4740 Ford, Elijah (the rep.) 4741 Fielding, Ed. (the rep.) 4791 Frazer, William (Falvey Frazer, rep.) 4865 Fenn, Thomas 4877 Flippe, Joseph 4888 Fielding, Eppa (James Taylor, assnee.) 4906 Fox, Thomas 4930 Fisher, Isaac 4993-9 Fullerton, Humphrey (Ann McKnight, devisee in part) Surgeon War Rank & Service (C) Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier War Soldier War Soldier 3 years Capt. 3 years Soldier War Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier War Lieut. 3 years Soldier 3 years Major War Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier War Soldier 3 years Capt. 3 years Capt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Capt. 3 years Capt. Lt. 7th year Soldier 3 years Soldier War Capt. 7th year Soldier 3 years 432 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Number Warrantees (A-B) 5000 Fullerton, Humphrey (Thos. Underwood, assnee. of A. McK., the devisee) 5058 Field, Henry (the heir of) 125 Fenn, Thomas 145 Fowler, William 546 Fair, James (John Lynn, assnee. of) 5129 Foster, Simpson (the rep. of) 5143 Florey, William (Robt. Means, assnee. of Samuel Marsh, who was assnee. of) 5155 Fulto, Joseph (John Stokley, assnee. of) 5218 Fowke, John (the rep. of Wm. Philips, assnee. of Robert D. Fowke, heir at law) 5250 Finley, Samuel 5288 Fisher, Bars, deed. (Thos. M. Bayley, assnee. of George Christopher and Geo. Wilson rep. of) 5289 Fisher, John, deed. (Thos. M. Bayley, assnee. of Geo. Christopher and Geo. Wilson, rep. of) 5374 Filly, Geo., deed. (Thomas Bayley, assnee. of John Taylor, rep. of) 5387 Falkner, Ralf, deed. (Margaret Bromley, late Margaret Falkner, widow and devisee of) 5388 Falkner, Ralf, deed. (Margaret Bromley, late Margaret Falkner, widow and devisee of) 5428 Fox, Thomas (James Taylor, assnee. of) 5479 Fox, Nathaniel 5566 Ferrell, Dennis 5584 Finney, John, deed. (William R. Finney, only heir of) 5602 Foster, Joshua 5747 Flesher, Henry 5832 Farrell, Edmund 5860 Febiger, Christian (Elizabeth Febiger, assnee. of etc.) 5881 Farrell, Thos., deed. (Edmund Farrell only brother and heir at law) 6017 Field, Reuben Rank & Service (C) Surgeon War Lieut. War Capt. Lt. 3 years Capt. 3 years Sgt. 3 years Ensign War Private 3 years Private 3 years Lieut. War Major 1 yr. 5 mos. plus 7 yrs, Private Private Private Major 3 years 3 years I yr. I mo. plus 6 yrs. War Major War Capt. 4 mos. plus 7 yrs. Capt. 9 mos. plus 7 yrs. Private 3 years Private 3 years Private 3 years Sgt. 3 years Private 3 years Col. 1 yr. 5 mos. plus 7 yrs, Private 3 years Capt. Continental Line Warrants, Military District of Ohio 433 Number Warrantees (A-B) 6046 Freeman, William 6069 Fleming, William 6278 Forrester, John 6319 Fradford, Thomas (service performed in Va state line) 6369 Fitzsimmons, Thomas 6380 Fletcher, James 6438 Fulkerson, William 6469 Forsythe, Abraham 6483 Ferry, Beverly (Dawson E 6552 Faulkner, Peter 6637 Farrell, Isaac 6642 Fletcher, John 7144 Foster, Peter 7290 Franklin, John R. (Ann C. others) 7291 Franklin, John R. (Nancy Franklin) 7610 Fitzsymmons, Thomas 7613 Fountain, William (Edward Fountain and others) 7789 Fergason, Robert 5840 Fox, Nathaniel, heir of 8025 Fowler, John (Martha Mathews and others) 8308 Farish, Robt. (Robt S. Farish) 8312 Fox, Adam (Mathias Fox) 8319 Faucher, Isaac (Isaac Faucher) 8326 Fleece, John (John Fleece) 831 1 Fox, Martin (Mathias, his son) 8389 Fishback, Jacob (John and Roxanna Fishback) 210 Fountaine, William (Edmund Fountaine, Ext.) 212 Fountaine, William (James Fountaine) 213 Fountaine, William (Alex Fountaine) 214 Fountaine, William (Ann Fountaine) 215 Fountaine, William (Sarah F. Rose) 245 Farish, Robert (Robt. B. Johnson) 246 Farish, Robert (T. B. Farish) 247 Farish, Robert (Hazelwood Farish) 368 Farish, Robert (Mary Moss) 8420 Farish, Robert (Lavinia Waugh) 67 Gilis, William, jr., heir at law to Ensign John Giles, deed. 129 Gordon, Abner Rank & Service (C) Private 3 years Priv. Col. 3 years Private 3 years Private 3 years Private War Private War Private 3 years Private War , assnee.) Private 3 years Sgt. War Private War Private 3 years •aris and Private Col. Private Lieut. Private Sgt. Mate Soldier Private Corp. Private 2 Lt. Col. 2 Lt. Col. 3 years Ensign Sgt. 3 years 434 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Number Warrantees (A-B) Rank 6" Service (C) 147 Gist, Nathaniel Col. 3 years 194 Gait, James, heir at law to Patrick Gait, deed. Surgeon 2I8-2I Gibson, John Col. 3 years 242 Gray, George Capt. 3 years 243 Gray, William (Va. line) Lieut. 3 years 287 Guthree, John (Va. line) Fifer 3 years 323 Green, Robert Lieut. 3 years 352 Griffith, the Rev. David B, Chaplin 3 years 377 Griffith, David (Va. line) Surgeon 3 years 428 Granger, William (Va. line) Soldier War 456 Gaines, William Henning (Va. artillery) Capt. Lt. War 560 Garland, Peter Capt. 3 years 56i Gentry, James Corp. 3 years 588 Gillison, John Capt. 3 years 654 Goff, Alexander, heir and legal rep. of Sam'l. Goff, deed. Soldier War 700 Green, Jesse Soldier 3 years 708 Grammells, Nathaniel Sgt. 3 years 765 Gaskins, Thomas Lieut. Col. 3 years 772 Gresham, John Soldier 3 years 791 Gilchrist, George Major 3 years 802-10 Gatis, Horatio (Va. line in part) Gen. 7 years 913 Gassaway, James Soldier 3 years 916 Green, John Soldier 3 years 926 Glass, Hugh Soldier 3 years 959 Gassaway, John Soldier 3 years 963 Grove, Anthony Soldier 3 years 971 Gray, Benjamin Soldier 3 years 975 Ginarman, Henry Soldier 3 years 985 Gibbs, William Soldier 3 years 987 Gilis, James Soldier 3 years 1005 Grayson, William Col. 3 years 1048 Gowian, Bryan Soldier War 1071 Gossett, John Soldier War 1117 Gallcham, Clem Soldier War 1 140 Guthery, John Soldier War 1 164-7 Green, Charles Surgeon 3 years 1 167 Green, Charles (in part) Surgeon 3 years 1182 Guile, John Soldier 3 years 1231 Grig, George Soldier War 1263 George, Francis Soldier War 1288 Groves, Thomas Soldier War I3H Griffin, Reuben Soldier 3 years 1325 Gill, Erasmus (Va. cavalry) Capt. 7 years Continental Line Warrants, Military District of Ohio 435 Number Warrantees (A-B) 1362 Grant, Daniel 1418 Goodall, John 1437 Gregory, William 1444 Goff, Philip 1472 Green, William 1494 Gamble, Robert 1495 Gratton, John (heir at law to John Gratton deed.) 1589 Grymes, George 1600 Green, John 1662 Grissell, John 1702 Galbreath, Robert 1703 Gregory, Walter (heir at law to Wm. Gregory, deed.) 1704 Gregory, Walter (heir at law to Charles Gregory, deed.) 1 74 1 Gray, James I 757 Grant, William 1764 Gardner, John 1 77 1 Gentry, William !855 Grimsley, James 1872 Grey, William 1892 Guthrey, George 1903 Grant, John 1925 Gray, Francis !939 Green, Gabriel 1841 Gibson, John Jnr. 1869 Gray, Daniel 1900 Gold, Michael (7 years) 1903 Gowin, Sherod 1930 Goodram, Thomas 1984 George, William 2004 Griffin, John (heir at law to Thompson Griffin, deed.) 2018 Grissel, Joel 2077 Green, William 2083 Gray, David 2100 Glason, Patrick 21 19 Guilliams, William 2150 Gimbo, William 2166 Gunter, Charles 2174 Gray, George 2226 Galloway, Ferry (Richard Taylor Jr., assnee.) 2262 Gordon, Ambrose Rank & Service (C) Soldier 3 years Sgt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Musician War Soldier War Capt. 3 years Lieut. 3 years Sgt. 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Sgt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Sgt. 3 years Sgt. War Soldier 3 years Sgt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Lieut. 3 years Soldier 3 years Lieut. 3 years Lieut. 3 years Ensign 3 years Soldier War Soldier War Soldier 3 years Corp. 3 years Capt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Sgt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Sgt. 3 years Soldier War Soldier War Sgt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Lieut. 3 years 436 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Number Warrantees (A-B) Ran k & Service (C) 2343 Grubbs, Hensley (William Reynolds, assnee .) Soldier War 2412 Graves, Francis (John Depriest assnee.) Soldier 3 years 2461 Gregory, Obadiah (Lewis Ford, assnee.) Sgt. 3 years 2530 Gaines, Thomas Sgt. 3 years 2631 Gray, James Capt. 3 years 2641 Gaskins, Thomas Lt. Col. 7th year 2646 Gamer, John, alias Gardner Soldier 3 years 2715 Gibson, Aaron (Thomas Asilin, assnee.) Sgt. 3 years 2717 Gray, Robert Soldier 3 years 2718 Graham, Williamson (Francis Graves, assnee.) Soldier 3 years 2743 Grissell, Thomas Soldier 3 years 2752 Gordon, Arthur Lieut. 3 years 2806 Gowdon, William Soldier 3 years 2885 Goodwin, Benjamin Sgt. 3 years 2907 Griffith, Michael (William Mcintosh, assnee.) Soldier War 2938 Glasscock, Thomas Lieut. 3 years 3007 Gillon, Hugh Soldier War 3033 Gill, Samuel Capt. 3 years 3078 Grinter, John Sgt. 3 years 3I02 Griffin, Peter (Wm. Reynolds, assnee.) Soldier War 3104 Golson, William (Francis Graves, assnee.) Sgt. War 3107 Graves, John Soldier War 3HO Gray, John (Thomas McGlenn, rep.) Soldier War 3202 Galaspy, Thomas (John Rice, assnee.) Soldier 3 years 3214 Galley, William Soldier War 3368 Goatley, John Soldier 7 years 3408 Goran, Henry Soldier War 3432 Gait, John Minson Surgeon 3451 Green, Samuel B. Ensign 3 years 3486 Gunnell, William (Lindsey Ornold, assnee.) Soldier War 3494 Gilaspie, George Soldier 3 years 3520 Grigsby, Moses (Francis Graves, assnee.) Soldier 3 years 3530 Goodwin, Dinwiddie (Stephen Goodwin, heir at law) Subalt. 3 years 3562 Garnett, Anthony Soldier 3 years 3571 Graves, William Soldier War 3633 Goff, Adam (Francis Peyton, assnee.) Sgt. 3 years 3635 Green, Thomas (John Green, heir at law) Soldier 3 years 3747 Gesnor, John Soldier War 3768 Guner, James Soldier 3 years 3832 Gibbs, Joseph Soldier War 3853 George, John Soldier 3 years 3868 Gillaspy, William Soldier 3 years 3922 Gold, James Soldier 3 years Continental Line Warrants, Military District of Ohio 437 Number Warrantees (A-B) 3923 Griffin, James 3924 Garrett, John 3966 Gunnell, John 3990 Grimes, William (Nancy Grimes, daughter and rep.) 4077 Grady, Jonathan 4087 Gallahue, Charles (Walter Ashman, devisee) 4095 Gehagan, John (Wm. Gehagan, heir at law) 41 15 Gibson, George 412 1 Gallady, Joseph 4142 Gore, Jacob 4188 Gordon, John 4250 Gist, Thomas 4297 Gray, David 4302 Gully, Richard 4307 Guilder, Daniel 4315 Gardner, Caswell 4345 Grass, Frederick 4346 Garvin, Benjamin 4362 Grey, Salred (John Grey, heir at law) 4370 Glasscock, Robert (Wm. Reynolds, assnee. Jas. Hodges, assnee.) 4390 Griffith, David 4524 Gurin, Willis 4526 Gilliam, John (Hincha Gilliam, heir at law) 4542 Goodman, Thomas 4553 Gabriel, John (Wm. Bigger, assnee. of Jno. Langston and his wife, heirs) 4594 Gregory, John (John M. Gregory, heir at law) 4615 Gray, Wilson 4618 Gunn, James 4648 Green, John 4721 Gill, Erasmus 4754 Garland, James (John Allen, assnee.) 4764 Grubbs, Thomas, (John Allen, assnee.) 4770 Gamble, Robert 4773 Gaskins, Jessee 4779 Gilliam, Harris (the rep.) 4780 Gilliam, Anslem 4817 Grymes, William (cancelled) See warrant No. 3990 and title papers among which this warrant is filed 4849 Gilchrist, Geo. (Jas. Johnson, assnee. of Andrew A. Gilchrist, rep. 4857 Greene, Clement Rat, >.k & Service (C) Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier War Capt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Capt. 3 years Soldier War Col. 3 years Corp. War Sgt. War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Sgt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Corp. War Soldier 3 years Lieut. War Soldier War Soldier Capt. Major Soldier 3 years Lieut. War Soldier 3 years Capt. 7 years Sgt. War Capt. 8th year Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Capt. 7th year Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years War 7th year 3 years 438 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Number Warrantees (A-B) 4929 Garner, Joseph 4939 Glen, Samuel 4951 Gugg, Matthew 5016 Guthry, George (rep. of) 5027-30 Grimes, Benjamin 5081 Gillison, John (James Taylor, assnee. of) 5089 Green, John (the rep. of) 5090 George, James M. (James Taylor, assnee. of) ! 773 Garner, John 5132 Glenn, William (the rep. of) 5 141 Gwin, Thomas (John Stokely, assnee. of) 5142 Gwin, John (John Stokely, assnee. of) 5157 Gilmore, James 5249 Gamble, Robt. 5255 Gaines, William F. (Jas. Taylor, assnee. of) 5299 Gray, Thomas (Thos. M. Bayly, assnee. of Sevin Gray, rep. of) 5362 Ganet, Henry, deed. (Thos. M. Bayly, assnee. of Jno. Bell, rep. of) 5389 Gaeford, Thomas 5429 Green, John (the rep. of) 5432 Gray, Francis 5457 Gillison, John, deed. (rep. of) 5467 Gnathmey, Robert (Henry Young, assnee. of) 5482 Gibson, John 5484 Gowing, Raverly, deed. (Nancy Smith, rep. of) 5547 Gunn, James, deed. (rep. of) 5549 Green, Benjamin 5563 Goode, Edmund 5644 Galloway, John 571 1 Gilchrist, George, deed. (Andrew A. Gil- christ, heir and devisee of) 573 2_ 9 Gaskins, Thomas, deed. (Thomas Gaskins in his own right as one of the reps, and as assnee. of Richard H. Gaskins, Jno. E. Gaskins, David Ball, John G. Hull, John Rank 6" Service (C) Sgt. 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Lieut. 7th year Capt. 7th year Col. 8th year Private 3 years Soldier War Private War Private 3 years Private 3 years Lieut. 3 years Capt. 4 mos. over 7 ys. Capt. Lt. 10 mos. plus 6 yrs. Private 3 years Private 3 years Sgt. 3 years Col. 2 mos. plus 8 yrs. Private 3 years Capt. 10 mos. plus 7 yrs. Capt. 9 mos. plus 7 yrs. Lieut. Col. 7 years Private 3 years Capt. 1 yr. & 2 mos. plus 7 yrs. Capt. War Private 3 years Lieut. 3 years Lieut. 9 mos. plus 7 yrs. Continental Line Warrants, Military District of Ohio 439 Number Warrantees (A-B) Moncure and James Ewell the other legal reps, of T. G., deed.) 5759 Garland, Peter, deed. (Thos. D. Harris, assnee. of David, John, Mary Susanna T. Garland, Joshua, Wooley and Nancy, his wife and Elijah Jordan and Martha Elizabeth, his wife, legal reps, of the said Peter Garland, deed.) 5762 Gading, John (only heir and rep. of John Glading) 5795 Gaines, William, deed. (Rice Haggard and Nancy, his wife being the only child and heir at law of) 5812-9 Goodrich, John, deed. (Elizabeth Hatton, only sister and heir at law of) 5833 Goff , Adam (deducting 200 acres for three years service) 5837 Goff, Zachariah 5845 Guff, Margaret (late and now Margaret Neil, wife of John Neil) 5854 Grayson, William (the rep. of) 5878 Graves, John (John Hobson and Matthew Hobson, assnee. of) 5901 Garnett, Benj., deed. (Ann Garnett, only child and heir at law of) 5905 Gregory, N., deed. (Jos. Gregory, eldest brother and heir at law of) 591 1 Godman Wm. (this warrant issued im- properly and cancelled) 5912 Gordon, Thomas 5994 Gist, Nathaniel, deed, (the rep. of) 6005 Goaby, George 6008 Gregory, Wm., Jr., deed. (Jno. M. Gregory heir at law of) 6048 Garriott, John, deed. (Reuben Garriott, the eldest son and heir at law of) Rank & Service (C) Lieut. Col. 1 yr. and 10 mos. plus 6 yrs. Capt. 1 yr. and 10 mos. plus 6 yrs. Private 7 yrs. 10 mos. to end of war Major 3 years deducting 4000 acres reed, as a . Captain Capt. 3 years Sgt. War Private 3 years Private 3 years Col. 10 mos. plus 7 yrs. Major 3 years Lieut. War Private 3 years Capt. 3 years Private 3 years Col. 3 years Private 3 years Lieut. 3 years Private to 3 years the State 440 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Number 6082 6091 6l 14-6 6129 6135 6143 6145 6224 6234-6 6244 6246-9 6336 6373 6387 6424 6431 6476 6508 6546 6618 6669 Warrantees {A-B) Green, Robert Guthrie, Lewis, deed. (Dawson Cooke, assnee. of Richard Guthrie, sole heir and legal rep. of) Greenway, George Gibbs, Harod (John Hobson and Matthew Hobson, assnee. of) Gunyon, John (deed. William Gunyon, heir at law of) Gramsell, Harry, deed. (Dawson Cooke, assnee. of Lydia Gramsell, only child and sole heir of) Gramsell, John, deed. (Duncan Cooke, assnee. of Lydia Gramsell, only heir of Gramsell, deed., who was the only child and heir of) Goff , Abraham Gholson, Ann (widow of Thos. Gholson, deed, and one of the only heirs of Wm. Gates, deed.) Gibbs, Churchill Garland, Edward (John Garland and Fanny Taylor Garland, heir and legal rep. of John Garland, deed., residuary legatee of) Gawey, Job Gist, John, deed, for services of) Green, Charles Gaines, Thomas Rank & Service (C) (Joshua Gist and others Priv. Col. Priv. Col. Lieut. Lieut. Private Private Private Private Lieut. Col. Lieut. Capt. Private Capt. Private Private 3 years 3 years War War 3 years 3 years years years 3 years 1 yr. plus 6 mos. 3 years 3 years War 3 years 3 years B State Service ugleman 3 years Drum Maj. Private Lieut. Private years years years years Gideon, Jacob Gainer, James (alias Gardner, Andrew Gardner, alias Gardner, heirs of) Gordon, Archd. Green, Robert (his heirs) Gue, John (his heirs) Green, Thomas (assnee. of William Wash- ington, Jane Acrum, formerly Jane Wash- ington, heirs at law of William Wash- ington, deed.) addition to seven years formerly allowed Gaddis, John Jr. (assnee. of John Gaddis, eldest brother and heir at law of Wm. Gaddis, deed.) Private 3 years Col. 5 mos. in Continental Line Warrants, Military District of Ohio 441 Number 6670 6728 6850 700O-I 7116 7141 7228 7286 7298 7304 149 7316 7442 7416 160 161 162-3 7571 7600 7602 7633 7634 7656 7699 7733 8024 8033 8i95 8196 8338 8425 8426 3 8 12 73 76 96 171 Warrantees (A-B) Gaddis, Henry Green, Thos. (assnee. of Reub. Pound, devisee of Wm. Pound) Rank & Service (C) Private Private Goodrum, John Griffith, Philemon George (Reuben) Gruistead, James (heirs of) Private Griffis, Reuben Graham, William Garden, Alex (Alster Garden) Grass, Frederick Issued in lieu of Gregory, William (John M. Gregory and others) Capt. Gromes, Len (Horatio Thornton and others) Lieut. Griffiths, Joseph (Mary Griffiths and others) (double number) Private Gay, Samuel (Samuel Gay, heir) Surgeon Gay, Samuel (Catherine Danavan) Gay, Samuel (Peter Gay, heir of) Gregory, John (James G. Harvey and others) Capt. Griffith, Peter (John Griffith and others) Private Gregory, John (Lucy L. Crump, heir) Capt. Gregory, John (John M. Gregory and others) Lieut. Gregory, William Graham, Stephen (Mary Wright) Goodwin, Amos Goggin, John (Robert Goggin) Gibbs, John (Ralph Gibbs and others) Gray, Joseph (Sarah C. Hall and others) Gould, David (John F. Gould) Gould, David (Peggy Brickee) Gould, David (James Gould) Gordon, Thomas (William and John) Gordon, Thomas (William Gordon) Hendricks, Elijah Hoomes, Benjamin Hoomes, Joseph (heir at law and legal rep. of Thomas Claiborne Hoomes, deed.) Hogg, Samuel Hill, Thomas Hill, Baylor Harrison, John Peyton In part for 3 years Cont. Line Lieut. Hos. Surg. Mate Private Lieut. Private Private Surgeon Surgeon Surgeon Sgt. 3 years Capt. 3 years Lieut. 3 years Capt. 3 years Major 3 years Capt. 3 years Capt. 3 years 442 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Number Warrantees (A-B) Rank & Service (C Huffman, Christian (heir and legal rep. of Lieut. Philip Hoffman, deed.) Lieut. 3 years 214-5 Holmes, David Surgeon 236-7 Harrison, John Lieut. 3 years 300-I Hite, Abraham Capt. 3 years 394 Hughes, Nathan Soldier 3 years 593 Hudgins, Moses Soldier 3 years 596 Hackley, John Lieut. 3 years 600 Hood, Thomas Capt. 7 years 633 Holt, Thomas Capt. 3 years 687 Hamilton, James Lieut. 3 years 688 Hopkins, Samuel Lieut. Col. 7 years 720 Harden, James Soldier 3 years 771 Higgins, Peter Lieut. 3 years 817 Hines, James Corp. 3 years 821 Hawes, Samuel Lieut. Col. 7 years 827 Holcomb, John Capt. 3 years 835 Hunt, James Soldier 3 years 844 Halloby, Thomas Sgt. War 870 Healby, William (Robert Flalford, assnee.) Soldier 3 years 874 Hunney, Calis Soldier 3 years 890 Headen, Anthony Soldier War 906 Halfpenny, John Soldier War 941 Hicks, William Soldier 3 years 942 Hall, Thomas Sgt. 3 years 958 Haines, Peter Soldier 3 years 997 Howart, Robert Soldier 3 years 1008 Hood, John (Va. Artillery) Soldier 3 years 1038 Hosfield, Thomas Sgt. War 1040 Hagerby, Nicholas Corp. War 1043 Hinds, John Fifer War 105 1 Hainey, Michael Soldier 1053 Herbert, William Soldier War 1060 Heuthorne, Philip Soldier War 1079 Hurley, Matthew Soldier War 1080 Hansford, William Soldier War 1090 Huling, James Soldier War 1091 Haley, Thomas Soldier War 1095 Hull, John Sgt. War 1 135 Halfpenny, Isaac Soldier War 1 170 Hackett, John Soldier 7 years 1 184 Hurt, West Soldier 3 years 1191 Hutson, William Soldier 3 years 1254 Haines, George Sgt. War 1272 Hackett, James Soldier War Continental Line Warrants, Military District of Ohio 443 Number Warrantees (A-B) Rank & Service (C) 1275 Hobbs, Frederick (7 years) Soldier War 1277 Hodges, William (7 years) Soldier War 1316 Harden, John Soldier 3 years 1328 Harris, Edward D. Major War 1351 Harrison, Joseph Sgt. 3 years 1354 Hagerty, Patrick Sgt. War 1381 Hutchins, Charles (John Kay, assnee.) Sgt. War 1404 Harris, William D. Major War 1426 Hulls, Leonard Soldier War 1427 Hutts, Jacob Soldier War 1425 Hutt, Read Soldier 3 years 1470 Hodge, James Sgt. 3 years 1517 Hudson, John Soldier War 1540 Hix, Edward Soldier 3 years 1546 Harris, Walter Soldier 3 years 1571 Haley, William (7 years) Soldier War 1580 Harrison, Valentine Capt. 3 years 1597 Hunt, William Soldier War 1604 Hatton, William Soldier War 1608 Haynes, William Soldier War 1643 Hopkustock, Christopher Soldier War 1645 Hill, Thomas Soldier War 1647 Hillard, Joseph Soldier War 1664 Hynes, James Soldier War 1665 Hart, Robert D. Major War 1668 Hart, Robert D. Major 3 years 1678 Holmes, Lewis Soldier 3 years 1693 Higgins, Robert Capt. 3 years 1723 Hundley, Joshua Soldier 3 years 1738 Hull, David Soldier 3 years 1754 Huls, James Soldier 3 years 1760 Hughes, Jesse Soldier 3 years 1774 Harrison, William Butler Cornet 3 years 1797 Holt, James Lieut. 3 years 1802 Hays, John Soldier War 1812 Howard, John Soldier 3 years I 82 1-2 Heth, John Lieut. 3 years I827 Hawley, Rawleigh Soldier War 184I Harriss, John Soldier 3 years I89I Hood, Thomas Sgt. War 1894 Heith, Henry Capt. 3 years 1900 Harrison, William (alias Starke) Drummer 3 years 1902 Harriss, William Soldier 3 years 1913 Hogland, Evert Corp. 3 years 1914 Hughes, Benjamin Soldier 3 years 444 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Number Warrantees (A-B) 1917 Hulse, William 1920 Hutcheson, Thomas 1926 Hudson, Rush !933 Hearn, Daniel 1 87 1 Hinshaw, William 1833 Hannah, Robert 1855 Holey, William (served 7 years) 1898 Hughes, Joseph 1925 Hawkins, James 2000 Hockaday, James (heir at law to Philip Hockaday, deed.) 2029 Humphreys, John 2072 Harrup, Authur 2073 Hancocke, Henry 2082 Hays, Gabriel 2102 Hooper, Walter 2106 Humphries, John (Sarah Humphries, widow and heir) 21 10 Honey, Elias (John Depriest, assnee.) 2161-2 Heth, William 2186 Hogins, Isham 2 191 Hodgings, Samuel (served 7 years) 2192 Holliday, James 2241 Hunt, Samuel (7 years) 2247 Hunt, John 2252 Harris, John 2318 Harris, Thomas 2333 Hubbard, Elias 2346 Hailey, Danl., deed. (Wm. Reynolds, assnee. of John Hailey, rep.) 2351 Haldrop Thomas (Martin Hawkins, assnee.) 2356 Humphries, John (Martin Hawkins, assnee.) 2360 Harrison, Charles 2365 Hall, John 2369 Hazlewood, Richard 2 373 - 4 Holland, George 2384 Holdrop, Thomas (Martin Hawkins, assnee.) 2402 Harris, Jordan 2456 Hancock, Bennit (Robert Bryson, assnee.) 2459 Hill, Gideon (Milton Ford, assnee.) 2474 Hopper, John (Danl. Feagan, assnee.) 2525 Howell, Vincent 2527 Harris, James 2540 Hawkins, John 2565 Harris, Robert (Danl. Penyman, assnee.) Rank & Service (C) Sgt. 3 years Sgt. 3 years Corp. War Sgt. 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Lieut. 3 years Soldier 3 years Sgt. War Soldier 3 years Sgt. 3 years Soldier War Lieut. 3 years Soldier War Col. 7 years Sgt. 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier War Chap. 7 years Lieut. War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Col. 3 years Sgt. 8 years Soldier 3 years Lieut. 3 years Fifer 3 years Lieut. War Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Lieut. 3 years Soldier 3 years Continental Line Warrants, Military District of Ohio 445 Number Warrantees (A-B) Rank & Service (C) 2585 Hubbard, James (Lewis Ford, assnee.) Soldier War 2589 Hines, John Soldier 3 years 2598 Halbert, William Soldier 7 years 2608 Hite, George Subalt. War 6313 Hambrick, David (Danl. Flowerree, assnee.) Corp. 3 years 2691 Head, Benjamin (Martin Hawkins, assnee.) Soldier 3 years 2714 Hendrake, Moses (Thomas Aselin, assnee.) Soldier 3 years 274I Hughes, John Capt. 7 years 2742 Hughes, Joseph Cornet 3 years 2744 Holmes, Christian, deed. (Anthy. Singleton, atty. in fact) Major 3 years 2751 Houragen, Patrick Soldier 3 years 2756 Hood, William Soldier 3 years 2766 Harrell, James Soldier War 2793 Hagard, Baker Soldier War 2804 Haney, Holland Lieut. 3 years 2807 Haynes, Griffith Soldier 3 years 28ll Hughes, Reuben Soldier 3 years 2812 Hubbard, Eppa Sgt. 3 years 2823 Hail, Caleb Soldier 3 years 2829 Harrison, James, deed. (Richard Harrison, legal rep.) Lieut. 3 years 2878 Hagan, Barney, deed. (Authur Hagan, heir at law) Sgt. War 2880 Howard, Peter Soldier War 2887 Hamilton, John Soldier 3 years 2897 Hupp, Phillip Soldier 3 years 2908 Howell, Abner Soldier 3 years 2912 Hendren, William Sgt. War 2961 Hailey, George (Milton Ford, assnee.) Soldier War 2976 Haley, William Soldier 3 years 2992 Howell, David (John Pannell, assnee.) Soldier 3 years 2998 Hawkins, Joseph (Wm. Jenkins, assnee.) Soldier 3 years 3037 Hall, John, deed. (Thos. Hall, heir at law) Corp. 3 years 3047 Hite, Julius Corp. War 3076 Hanson, Thomas Soldier 3 years 3094 Haley, Daniel Soldier 3 years 3096 Hasty, John Soldier 3 years 3123 Hite, Isaac Lieut. 3 years 3125 Harrison, John Soldier 3 years 3135 Hatcher, William (Jas. Fair, assnee.) Corp. War 3213 Hackney, William Soldier 3 years 3215 Hudgins, Samuel Soldier 3 years 3226 Hopewell, Thomas Soldier 3 years 3244 Hogan, Thomas Soldier 3 years 446 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Number Warrantees (A-B) Rank &f Service (C) 3262 Hix, James Soldier 3 years 3244 Hogan, Thomas (crossed off) Soldier 3 years 3264 Harrison, Richard Soldier 3 years 3299 Hight, George Soldier 3 years 3326 Hawkins, Moses (Wm. Strother Hawkins, heir at law) Capt. 3 years 3357 Halloway, George (Edmund Clarke, assnee.. of Elizabeth Dickinson, rep.) Soldier War 3363 Henly, Henry Sgt. 3 years 3370 Harris, James (Henry Pendleton, assnee.) Soldier War 338i Holback, Eddy Soldier 3 years 3409 Holbrook, Jesse (Matthew Pate, assnee.) Soldier 3 years 3419 Hawkins, Benjamin Soldier War 3430 Harvey, Richard Soldier 3 years 346i Holland, Drury Soldier 3 years 3469 Hensley, William (Richeson Hensley, heir at law) Soldier 3 years 3487 Hughes, Henry Lieut. War 3489 Hudnall, Thomas (Eppa Hubbard, assnee.) Soldier War 3496 Hutchinson, James Soldier War 35oo Hiller, John Soldier 3 years 3502 Hough, Thomas Soldier 3 years 3558 Hoffer, Samuel Soldier 3 years 3568 Hughes, George (Charles Lewis, assnee.) Sgt. War 3622 Howell, Vincent, deed. (Lewis Howell, heir at law) Lieut. 3 years 3639 Harrison, John Soldier 3 years 3653 Hopper, John Corp. War 3655 Hawkins, Benjamin Soldier 3 years 3690 Hays, John Sgt. 3 years 3695 Halloway, Thomas Sgt. 3 years 3721 Hins, Henry (James Thompson, assnee.) Soldier 3 years 3744 Hooks, William Soldier 3 years 3755 Henderson, John (David Henderson, heir at law) Soldier 3 years 3772 Hunter, William (Alxr. Macher, assnee.) Soldier 3 years 3784 Hughes, John (George Burrows, assnee.) Soldier War 3825 Hart, William (John Herill, assnee.) Soldier 3 years 3827 Harvey, Edward Soldier 3 years 3828 Hopper, John Corp. War 3829 Hawkins, John (to complete his bounty) Capt. 3 years 3838 Helm, Leonard Soldier War 3882 Hill, Spencer Soldier 3 years 3893 Hunt, Mecacam (Robert Hawkins, assnee.) Soldier 3 years 4025 Hughes, Jacob (William Reynolds, assnee.) Sgt. 3 years Continental Line Warrants, Military District of Ohio 447 Number Warrantees (A-B) 4026 Horsley, James (William Reynolds, assnee.) 4030 Hill, Abraham 4039 Hull, Thomas 4040 Hull, Hopewell 4048 Hagerty, John 4049 Hill, James (Thomas Hill, heir at law) 4057 Hays, William 4059 Hull, Bucham 4068 Henson, Shadrack (Wm. Henson, heir at law) 4125 Howard, Charles (Edward Howard, heir law) 4141 Hoof, James 4164 Hampton, John (Richard Booker, assnee.) 4167 Harris, David 4185 Hoye, Alex (Eliza and Mary Hoye, reps.) 4192 Hackworth, William 4199 Henderson, Sampson 4200 Hamilton, Robert (James Hamilton, heir at law) 4204 Hanson, John 4237 Hagin, John, deed., (John Hagin, heir at law 4268 Howard, James 4273 Harlen, George 4289 Hefferling, John 4300 Hendrick, Benjamin (Zacharh. Hendrick, heir at law) 4304 Halsey, Clem (Philip Poker, alias Boker, assnee.) 4320 Hatcher, William 4364 Harris, Richard 4412 Holmes, Bartlett 4420 Harrison, Robert (Wm. Reynolds, assnee. of John Vaughan, assnee.) 4435 Hicks, William 4436 Holman, Taudy (Wm. Reynolds, assnee. of Richard Burnett, assnee.) 4448 Hill, John 4506 Harris, John 4546 Hollyday, William 4547 Hollyday, Henry's rep. 4549 Hamilton, John 4570 Harris, John 4571 Hines, James 4576 Hunt, John (Chaplain) Rank & Service (C) .) Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier War Soldier War at Soldier War Corp. War Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier War Corp. 3 years Soldier 3 years Sgt. War Soldier 3 years r ) Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Corp. War Sgt. 3 years Soldier War Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier War Soldier 3 years Fifer 3 years Drummer War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Capt. 7th year 448 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Number Warrantees (A-B) 4582 Hill, Caleb (Wm. Bigger, assnee.) 4583 Hopkins, David (Peter Manifold, assnee.) 4588 Hogan, Michael (Hannah Hawkins, rep.) 4589 Harrison, Phillip (Wm. Bigger, assnee. of Wm. Reynolds, assnee. of James Thomas admr.) 4606 Higginbotham, William 4620 Horton, Samuel 4640 Holt, Thomas 4649 Haggard, Danl. (John Penney, assnee. of the rep.) 4668 Hubbard, Samuel (Francis Graves, assnee.) 4680 Haynes, William (the rep.) 4690 Hern, Ephraim (Wm. Price, assnee.) 4705 Hawkins, Bartlett 4706 Hoomes, Benjamin 4713 Harvey, Norman 4722 Hughes, Jasper 4731 Harrison, Lawrence 4732 Harrison, Battle (the rep.) 4739 Hundnell, James (the rep.) 4763 Hays, Daniel (the rep.) 4769 Hall, William 4774 Hill, George 4782 Hearn, Nathaniel (the rep.) 4803 Henesey, William 4812 Hubbard, Mathew (the rep.) 4818 Hubbard, William 4820 Hill, Baylor 4858 Hayes, John 4866 Hankins, Thomas (the rep.) 4880 Higdon, John 4898 Higdon, Joseph 4899 Holloway, Martin (Jas. Taylor, assnee. of Jno. Holloway, heir) 4910 Holloway, Wm. (Jas. Taylor, assnee. of Jno. Holloway, heir) 4916 Howie, Thomas 4918 Hilbert, John 4920-1 Heard, James 4937 Harrison, John 4943~5 Hungerford, Thomas 4979 Hammond, Phillip 4984 Howard, Ignatius 5031-6 Helpenstine, Peter (the rep. of) Rank & Service (C) Soldier 3 years Major War Soldier War Sgt. War Sgt. War Soldier War Capt. 7th year Soldier 3 years Sgt. 8 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier War Capt. 7th and 8th years Soldier 3 years Cornet 7th year Lieut. 7 years Lieut. War Soldier War Soldier 3 years Sgt. 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Sgt. 3 years Capt. 7th year Major 7th year Soldier War Corp. 3 years Corp. War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Trumpeter War Capt. War Lieut. 7th year Lieut. War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Major War Continental Line Warrants, Military District of Ohio 449 Number Warrantees (A-B) Rank & Service (C) 5050 Hickson, James Soldier War State Line Harris, John (the rep. of) 204 Hays, John Major 3 years 582 Hart, James Soldier 3 years 4100 Holderby, William (John Kenney, assnee. of Wm. Reynolds who was asnee. of) Sgt. War 5118 Hughes, John Sgt. Maj. 3 years 5ii9 Harrison, Andrew (Robt. Means, assnee. of 3 years 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier War Soldier War Soldier 3 years Lieut. 6 yrs. plus 10 mos. Lovell Harrison, rep. of) Private 5120 Harrison, Lovell (Robt. Means, assnee. of Danl. Carmichael, atty. in fact for) Sgt. 5124 Harrison, James, deed. (Robt. Means, assnee. of Lovell Harrison, rep. of) 5145 Henning, George 5152 Hupp, Phillip (John Stokely, assnee. of) 5193 Harman, Geo. (Thos. M. Bayly, assnee. of) 5196 Hyslop, Levin (Thos. M. Bayly, assnee. of) 5216 Heath, Josh. (Thos. M. Bayly, assnee. of Susanna Heath, admx. of) 5230 Heth, John 5263 Hudson, William (Tuttle Hudson for one moiety and Thos. Hudson and Wm. Hud- son, adms. of the estate of Irby Hudson, said Tuttle and Irby being the devisees of) 5267 Hyslop, Abner (Thos. M. Bayly, assnee. of) 531 1 Hinman, Elijah, deed. (Thos. M. Bayly, assnee. of Wm. Hinman, rep. of) 5352 Harman, John (Thomas M. Bayly, assnee. of Jacob Kelly, rep. of) 5313 Harman, Levin (Thos. M. Bayly, assnee. of Jacob Kelly, rep. of) 5314 Harman, Ezekiel (Thos. M. Bayly, assnee. of Jacob Kelly, rep. of) 5315 Hogshine, Robert (Thos. M. Bayly, assnee. of Wm. Hogshine, rep. of) 5324 Hucheson, Jno., deed. (Thos. M. Bayly, assnee. of Jno. Hucheson, rep. of) 5354 Hungerford, Thomas, deed. (Jno. P. and Thos. Hungerford, exrs. of) 5367 Harrison, Charles (the rep. of) 5379-80 Hickman, Elijah, deed. (Thos. M. Bayly, assnee. of Nancy Stevens, rep. of) Private 3 years Lieut. Soldier 3 years War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Private 3 years Private 3 years Private 3 years Private 3 years Lieut. Col. 1 yr. 10 mos plus 6 yrs 1 yr. 10 mos plus 6 yrs 450 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Number Warrantees (A-B) Rank & Service (C) 5409 Hays, John Major 8 mos. plus 7 yrs. 5384-5 Harriss, Thos. D. (assnee. of Thos. Taylor, admr. of Jno. McAdam, deed.) Capt. 7 yrs. and 10 mos. 5454 Hopkins, Samuel Lieut. Col. 2 mos. plus 7 yrs. 5456 Hackley, John, deed. (James Taylor and James Williams, assnees. of) 5465 Hawks, Samuel Jr., deed. (James Taylor, assnee. of Richard Haws, one of the exrs. of Saml. Hawks, deed, devisees) 5483 Hiden, William (the rep. of) 5487 Hentze, Frederick 5510 Horde, Thomas (Thos. D. Harris, assnee.) 5512 Hardiman, John 5519 Harris, Thomas (Thos. Nowell, assnee.) 5520-3 Hockaday, Jno., deed. (Robt. S. Ware, exr. Joseph Ladd, assnee. of) 5526 Hamlin, John, deed. (John Moore Verell, assnee. of John Verell, assnee. of Jacob Morgan, Saml. B. Morgan and Spencer Boyd and Martha, his wife (late Martha Morgan) reps, of Henrietta Morgan, deed., who was assnee. of) 5532 Hopkins, David (Peter Manifold, assnee. of) 5544 Hurt, James 5548 Hite, Abraham (in his own right and James Taylor, assnee. of) 5567 Herdon, Edward 5573 Holt, James, deed. (William C. Holt, heir of) 5575 Hawkins, Jos., deed. (Elizabeth Bryant, only sister and heir of) 5581 Harmon, Zorobabel, deed. (Priscilla Harmon, only heir of) 5592 Hart, John, deed. (John Hart, rep. of) 5596 Holt, Samuel, deed. (Thomas Holt, only heir of) 5597 Howell, Robert, deed. (Thomas Howell, heir at law of) 5713-6 Hobson, Nicholas, deed. (Jenny Smith (late Jenny Hobson) John Hobson, Matthew Hobson, Baker Hobson, Christr. Hobson, Francis Hobson, Allen Hobson, Polly B. Lieut. 7th year Lieut. Col. 10 mos. plus 7 yrs. Private 3 years Private 3 years Capt. 7 yrs. 10 mos. Sgt. War Private 3 years Capt. 3 years Q.M.,Sgt. 3 years Major 2 yrs. 4 mos. Private 3 years Capt. 6 yrs. 1 1 mos. Sgt. 3 years Lieut. 6 yrs. 9 mos. Sgt. 3 years Private 3 years Private plus 6 yrs. 1 yr. 10 mos. Private 3 years 3 years Continental Line Warrants, Military District of Ohio 451 Number Warrantees (A-B) Hobson, Agnes G. Hobson and Patsey Hobson, children and co-heirs of Nicholas Hobson, deed.) 5771-7 Hill , Thomas (the rep. of) 5782-7 Hull, Edwin, deed. (John Hullin, his own right and as assnee. of Dabney Hundon and Elizabeth his wife, Brodie S. Hull and Thomas G. Hull which said John Eliza- beth Brodie and Thomas are the children and legal rep. of John Hull, deed., who was heir at law of Edwin Hull, deed.) 5788 Horn, Ralph R. 5805 Hite, Joseph 5822 Higginbotham, William 5852 Heth, Wm., deed. (Edwd. Canington, John Marshall and others, exrs. of) 5865 Henson, Shadrach 5904 Houchings, Benards 5909 Hitherly, Thomas 5914 Hyslop, Smith, deed. (Kendall Hyslop, only heir of) 5941-5 Higginbothan, William (Matthew Hobson, assnee. of) 5952 Hooper, Richard (John and Mathew Hobson, assnee. of) 5995 Hinds, Thomas 6012 Harris, Charles, deed, (the rep. of) 6014 Harrison, Benj., deed, (the rep. of) 6036-8 Hargus, John 6042 Hall, Edward 6078 Huffman, Reuben 6069 Hutchson, John 61 17-24 Hopper, Thomas (Matthew Hobson, assnee. of) 6166 Horn, Henry 6178-97 Harrison, Robert (Hanson Sarah Easton and Dorothy Stover, the daughters and legal reps, of (agreeably to an act of the General assembly) aid and secretary to General George Washington during the Revolu- tionary War) Rank & Service (C) Capt. Major Private Lieut. 6 years 1 yr. 10 mos. plus 6 yrs. Capt. Private 3 years War and 11 Lieut. Sgt. mos. plus 6 yrs. 3 years 6 years Col. 10 mos. plus Private 7 yrs. War Private Private 3 years 3 years Capt. Private Private Capt. Ens. Cond. 3 years Pvt. Col. 3 years Pvt. Lieut. 3 years Pvt. Col. War Capt. 3 years Private 3 years For services as aid and Secretary to Gen. George Washington War 452 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Number 6216 6299 6304 6315 6349 6357 6371 6394-5 Warrantees (A-B) Holt, William (John and Mat Hobson, assnee.) Heard, James Hatdorffer, Michael Hanna, John Heard, James Hornsley, Levi, deed. (Major Lecatte, John Donning, James Hornsley, Molly Tauver, Betsey Brown, Peggy Bittingham, Babel Heath, Edmond Heath and James Heath heirs at law to) Holmes, James Harrison, John Rank Sf Service (C) 6418 and 6428 Howard, U. D. (John Evans, assnee.) 6462 Holt, Thomas 6465-6 6536 6580 6595 6660 6661 6689 6691 6716 6718 6722 6727 6809 6816-22 6913 7158 7299 7301 Higgins, James Hinds, John Holloway, John Hibb, William Hook, James (Warrants from No. 6596 to 6617 inclusive, except Nos. 6600 and 6601) Harrison, Cuthburt Harrison, Cuthburt Holland, Cary, deed, (legal rep. of son, devisee) Hih (?), David Harksheimer, John Harrold, John Howe, John Hooper, James Howell, Raney (and others, heirs of Holloway, James) Clark, Martha and other heirs (Crutcher, Mary, Rucker, Julia, Holloway, John, Flournoy, Patsey, Holloway, Spencer, Holloway, Samuel) Harvy, Norment Hamlett, William P. Harmon, Stephen (Fanny Harmon) Harrison, A. (Charles Booth and others) Hart, John (Leonard Hart) Lieut. Capt. Private Private Sgt. 3 years 7 years War 3 years War Private War Private 3 years Lieut. 3 mos. plus 7 yrs. Capt. War Capt. 6 mos. plus 7 yrs. Lieut. 3 years Private 3 years Private War Private War P. M. War Capt. of War Dragoons War Private War Lieut. War Private 3 years Private 3 years Private 3 years Private War Scrip. State Navy Scrip. Issued Scrip. Issued Continental Line Warrants, Military District of Ohio 453 Number 7314 7340 7361 7361 7418 7452 7579 7591 7593 7620 7671 7577 7852 7583 7585 7592 7593 7675 7727 7728 7725 7783 8005 Double 8003 8038-42 8052 372 8066 8113 8148 8150 8323 8324 8243 8372 7378 8384 Warrantees (A-B) Halloway, James Harrison, Benjamin (heir and devisee of) Hager, John (heirs of) Haley, Daniel (heirs of) Hawkins, Moses (S. Hawkins) Higginson, William (William Higginson and others) Hosier (or Hosed), Samuel (Sampson Hosier) Helms, Thomas (L. Helms and others) Henly, Charles (Moses Flanagan and others) Hix, Daniel (Richard H.) Heth, Andrew (devisees of) Holt, Michael (Sarah Holt and others) Holland, Joseph (also Holland and others) Holland, Willis Hedgebeth, Moses (David Holland) Haley, Samuel (Elizabeth Face) Haley, Samuel (Robert S. Tomkins) Hendricks, James (Elizabeth Hunt) Hord, James (Robert C. Jennings) Hord, James (Lucy N. Fishback) Haley, Samuel (Elizabeth Face and others) Howard, Thomas (Elizabeth Howard and others) Howell, Lewis No. Hamlett, Gideon (Elry Hamlett) Helm, William (William Helm, Erasmus Helm, George Helm, Lucy Jennings, Ann Williams) Hogg, Samuel (Samuel Hogg and others) Hogg, Samuel (one of to hrs. of S. Hogg, deed, an enlargd. Wt. in lieu of pat. of No. 8052 for 1000 A.) Harrison, Edwards (Edward Harrison) Helm, William (John Helm) Helm, Thomas (Seld. Helm and others) Helm, Thomas (Seld. Helm and others) Hinman, Ralph (Galen Hinman and others) Hinman, Baily (Galen Hinman and others) Hinman, Bundick (Mary Mason and others) Harris, Richard (heirs of) Haydon, Jeremiah (heirs of) Hogan, Peter (James Hogan, Lucy Reid and others) Rank & Sendee (C) Scrip. Issued Double No. Private Capt. Private Private Lieut. Capt. Private Private Private Lieut. Col. Ensign. Ensign. Lieut. Midship. Private Private Capt. Private Private Private Private Private Private Private 454 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Number Warrantees (A-B) Rank & Service (C 8383 Hogan, John (Anna Basham and Polly Frazier) Private 208 Heth, Andrew (Robert Potterfield, Jr., and others) Lieut. 8457 Hackley, James (Silas Winsett and others) 372 Hogg, Samuel (Samuel Hogg) 80 Jones, Samuel Capt. 3 years 88 Jones, Strother Capt. 3 years 192 Jamison, John Lieut. Col. 3 years 463 Janitt, John (legal heir to Mathew Jouitt, deed.) Capt. Lt. 3 years 825 Joliff, John (eldest son and heir at law of John Joliff, deed.) Lieut. 3 years 869 Ironmonger, Robert F. Major 3 years 919 Jenkins, William Sgt. 3 years 923 Jacobs, Roby Soldier 3 years 935 Jacob, William Soldier 3 years 956 Johnson, Moses Soldier 3 years 973 Johnson, John Soldier 3 years 1 102 Johnston, James Soldier War 1 126 Jackson, Thomas Soldier War 1 134 Jones, Thomas Soldier War 1178 Jones, Zachariah Soldier 3 years 1233 Jones, Jesse Soldier 3 years 1359 Jones, William Soldier War 1360 Jones, John Soldier War 1451 Jones, Charles Lieut. 3 years 1609 Jones, Richard Sgt. War 1680 Jones, John Soldier War 1706 Jones, Peter Corp. 3 years 1732 Jones, Robert Sgt. 3 years 1815 Jenkins, Richard Sgt. 3 years 1825-6 Johnston, William (two wts.) Capt. 3 years 1867 Jaco, William Soldier 3 years 1889 Jones, Peter Capt. 3 years 1842 Jones, William Corp. War 1867 Jordon, John Soldier 3 years 1895 Jones, Samuel Corp. War 1905 Johnston, Thomas Soldier War I950 Jenkins, Richard Soldier 3 years 2032 Jeffries, Elisha Soldier 3 years 2045 Jackson, Isaac Soldier War 2080 Jackson, John Soldier War 2081 Jones, Godfrey Soldier 3 years Continental Line Warrants, Military District of Ohio 455 Number Warrantees (A-B) 21 1 1 Jones, Soloman 21 17 Johnson, John B. 2125 Johnson, Richard 2126 Jones, Alliridgton 21 35 Johnson, Stephen 2152 Jennings, Miles (heir at law to Soloman Jennings) 2160 Jay, Richard 21 99 Johnson, William 2214 Innis, James 2258 Jones, Richard 2264 Jones, Thomas 2269 Jones, Richard 231 1 Jones, Cherchill 2 3 : 3 Jackson, William (the Revd. Charles Clay, assnee.) 2352 Irwins, William (Martin Hawkins, assnee.) 2408 Jones, John (B) 2467 Jesse, Turner (Lewis Lord, assnee.) 2500 Jones, William 2 5°9 Jordon, John 2576-8 Jones, Cadwalader 2586 Johnston, Peter 2675 Janitt, Robert 2721 Jones, Charles 2 754 Jones, James 2 755 Jones, George 2922 Johnson, John (Nicholas Payne, assnee.) 3003 Jones, Ambrose 3014-7 Jones, Levin 3036 Jones, Thomas 3080 Johnson, William 3174 Jamison, John 3252 Jackson, John 3365 Jones, Joel 3373 Jones, William 3421 Jones, Thomas 3433 Johnston, Thomas 3479 Johnson, Philip 3498 Jackson, James 3524 Jones, Richard 357° Jeffries, James, deed. (Jeffries, heir at law. Duplicate No. 3570 issued to Edward Jeffries, from Dec. 24, 18 19. See Regis- ters letter, Jan. 10, 1818 Rank & Service (C) Soldier War Capt. 3 years Capt. 3 years Lieut. 3 years Soldier War Sgt. 3 years Soldier War Capt. 7 years Col. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Capt. 3 years Soldier War Sgt. 3 years Soldier War Sgt. 3 years Sgt. 3 years Capt. 7 years Capt. 3 years Lieut. War Lieut. 3 years Lieut. 7 years Soldier War Soldier War Soldier 3 years 3 years Lieut. Col. 3 years Soldier 3 years N. C. Offr. 3 years Lieut. Col. 7 years Sgt. 3 years Sgt. War Sgt. War Soldier War Soldier 3 years Sgt. 3 years Sgt. War Soldier 3 years 456 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Number Warrantees (A-B) 3595 Jefferlin, John 3617 Jacobs, John 3662 Johnson, William 3681 Jackson, Nathaniel (William Reynolds, assnee.) 3687 Jones, William (William Reynolds, assnee.) 37°3 Jenkins, William 3716 Johson, Richard 37 7 Johnston, Cornelius 3782 Johnston, James 3818 Johnston, Silas 3848 Jones, Jones 39°3 Jenkins, John (Wm. Reynolds, assnee.) 3953 Jenkins, John 3964 Junial, Anthony 4002 Jeffries, Wm. (Wm. Petty John, assnee. of Joshua Humphreys, assnee.) 4012 Jones, Peter (Henry Banks, assnee.) 4014 Jones, Thomas 4024 Jacobs, Benjamin (Wm. Reynolds, assnee. of Joel Jacobs, rep.) 4053 Jeffcoat, John 41 18 Jones, Samuel 4160 Johson, James 4168 Jordon, James, deed. (Fleming Jordon, heir at law) 4179 Jones, John 4189 Johnston, George (Archd. Johnston, Patrick Moore and wife, devisees) 4237 Jackson, Edward (Jackson Hezekiah, John Scarlett, assnee.) 4292 Irby, William 4349 Jenkins, Abraham (Jeremiah, heir at law) 435° Jenkins, Isaac (Jeremiah, heir at law) 4407 Irwin, John 4450 Jenkins, William (Wm. Reynolds, assnee. of the rep.) 4557 Jones, Charles 4562 Jones, James (John Jones, heir at law) 4563 Jones, Richard (John Jones, heir at law) 4568 Johns, John (Thomas Hopkins, assnee. of John Johns, heir at law) 4598 Jeffries, Isaac (the rep.) 4612 Johnson, Jacob 4613 Johnson, Benjamin, rep. Rank & Service (C) Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Lieut. Col. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Sgt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Ensign War Soldier 3 years Soldier War Continental Line Warrants, Military District of Ohio 457 Number Warrantees (A-B) 47°3 Jackson, Reuben 4747 Jenkins, James 4804 Jenkins, Joshua (the rep. of) 48 1 1 Jones, Richard 4832 Jones, William 4840 Jones, John (Molly Land, late M. Jones, rep.) 4859 Joynes, Levin 4881 Jenkins, Edward 4886 Johnson, Mathew 4900 Johnson, Jacob (Jas. Taylor, assnee. of Wm. Harris, atty. in fact for Silas Johnson, rep.) 4913-4 Jones, John (James Taylor, assnee.) 4983 Jameson, David 4986 Jameson, Samuel 5009 Jones, Holmes (the rep. of) 5063-6 Jones, Lewelling (the rep. of) 5092 Jones, Adam (the rep. of) 5147 Israel, Isaac (John Stokely, assnee.) 5161-8 Irwin, Mathew (Peter Wanefold, assnee.) 5170 Jones, Albrighton (Thomas D. Harris, assnee. of) 5203 Justice, George (Thomas M. Bayley, assnee. of) 5262 Jenkins, William (Duncan McArthur, assnee. of) 5268 Johnston, Major (Thomas M. Bayly, assnee. of Easter Holon) 5310 Jones, Henry, deed. (Thomas M. Bayly, assnee. of) 5353 Jones, John 53 9 Joynes, Reuben, deed. (Thomas M. Bayly, assnee. of William Joyner, rep. of) 5418 Jones, Thomas 5437 Jamison, John 5472 Jordon, John 55 2 7 Joynes, Levin, deed. (rep. of) 5535 Irwin, Mathew (Peter Manifold, rep. of) 5594 Johnson, B. John 5780 Johnson, Samuel 479° Jones, James Rank & Service (C) Soldier War Soldier War Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Lieut. Col. 7 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Sgt. 3 years Capt. 3 years Private 3 years Capt. 3 years Surgeon War Lieut. 1 yr. & 8 mos. plus 6 yrs. Private 3 years Sgt. 3 years Private War Private 3 years Private 3 years Lieut. 3 years Sgt. 3 years Lieut. Col. 5 mos. plus 7 yrs. Capt. 7 mos. plus 7 yrs. Lieut. Col. IO mos. plus 7 yrs. Surgeon 2 yrs. 4 mos. plus 6 yrs. Capt. 7 years Sgt. 3 years Corp. 3 years 458 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Number Warrantees (A-B) Rank 6" Service (C) 5792 Johnston, James (assnee. to W. Dun, July 12, 1815, by John Graham) Major 3 years 5992 Johnson, Randolph, deed. (John Johnson, heir at law) Private War 6004 Johnston, James Private War 6067 Ison, George Corp. 3 years 6140 Johnson, James P. Col. War 6226 Jones, Thomas (heir at law to David Jones' 1 Private 3 years 6228 Jones, Abraham Private 3 years 6231 Jacobs, Benjamin (David L. Smith) Private 3 years 632I Jeffries, Gowin Private 3 years 6345 Jarvis, Francis (John B. Jarvis, Francis Jarvis, Elizabeth Wender and Sarah Jarvis, heirs of) Private 3 years 6352 Johnson, Philip Private 3 years 6359 Johnson, George Private 3 years 6363 Jenell, John (this letter continued on letter K.) " Private 3 years 6485 Johnson, Samuel D. Major War 6501 Johnson, Bailey Sgt. War 6567 Johnson, John Private 3 years 6622 Jordon, George Private 3 years 6658 Jones, Wood, deed. Lieut. War 6663 Jordon, George Sgt. The year Ex. 484 Judge, George, deed, (heirs legal reps, or 6704 devisees) Private War in part of service 6710-1 Irby, Duglass Sgt. War 6713-4 Jossling, James (heir at law of Ralph Jossling) Ensign War 6715 Jones, Nicholas Private 3 years 6810 Johnson, William 6807 Innis, Francis (widow and others) Private 3 years 6428 Jordon, John Easton (Sarah and other heirs) Continenta [ 7273 Jaguett, Peter 7344 Jaynes, John (heir of, script issued) 7449 Jenkins, John 7573 Johnson, Thomas (William G. Johnson and others) Capt. 7577 Jones, Britton (Young B. Howell and others) Private 758i Jones, Frederick (Young B. Jones) Private 759o Julian, John (Charles Julian) Surgeon 7694 Jones, John (William and Ann Jones) Surgeon 7716 Joynes, Charles Private 7726 Jennings, Wm. (R. C. Jennings) Capt. Continental Line Warrants, Military District of Ohio 459 Number Warrantees (A-B) Rank & Service (C) 7756 Jarvis, William Seaman 8002 Jones, James (Joseph J< anes) Private 842I Johnson, James (James Johnson) Private 8450 Jenkins, John (John Jenkins) Private 169 King, John Soldier 3 years 190 Kirby, John Drummer War 2l6 Knight, John (entitled to 2666%) Sgt. Mate 3 years 217 Knight, John Sgt. Mate 3 years 556 Kays, Robert Lieut. 3 years 578 Kelly, Benjamin Soldier 3 years 922 Kelly, John Soldier 3 years 928 Knight, James Soldier 3 years 949 Kingon, William Soldier 3 years 986 Kerford, William Sgt. 3 years 1 146 Kan, James Soldier War 1 188 Kindrick, Daniel Soldier 3 years 1262 Kairns, John Corp. War 1270 Kidd, Benjamin Soldier 3 years 1274 Kein, Thomas (7 years) Soldier War 1278 Kouts, Jacob (7 years) Soldier War 1287 Klung, Henry Soldier War 1298 Keep, James Soldier War 1383 Kirk, Robert Lieut. 3 years 1425 Knight, John Soldier 3 years 1636 Kirkpatrick, James Soldier War 1830 Kinny, Richard Soldier 8 years 1856 Kimble, Robert Soldier 3 years 1910 Kent, Smith Sgt. 3 years 1929 King, Francis Soldier War 1866 Kinton, Mack (served 7 years) Soldier War 1894 Kennedy, William Soldier 3 years 1911 King, Elisha Lieut. 3 years 1915 Kelly, Jessee Soldier War 2025 Knox, James Major 3 years 2056 Kirkpatrick, Abraham Capt. 7 years 2122 Keith, Daniel Soldier War 2143 Kenny, James (heir at law to Joseph Kenny) Soldier 3 years 2145 King, John Soldier 3 years 2154 Knight, Andrew Soldier 3 years 2388 Kelly, Andrew (Martin Hawkins, assnee.) Corp. 3 years 2614 Kanard, Joshua (State Line, Daniel Florence, assnee.) Soldier 3 years 2700 King, Miles S. Mate 3 years 2711 Kinly, Benjamin (Benj. Berry, heir at law) Capt. 3 years 460 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Number Warrantees (A-B) Rank Sf Service (C) 2860 Knox, Thomas Soldier 3 years 2926 Kendal, Custis Capt. 7 years 2990 Kent, Alexander (Win. Reynolds, assnee.) Soldier 3 years 3069 Kemon, John, deed. (William Randolph, rep.) Capt. 3 years 3087 Kennedy, John Soldier War 3133 Kennon, John, deed. (Wm. Randolph, rep.) Capt. 3 years 3204 King, James Sgt. 3 years 3320 Keith, Isham (and resolution of Assembly) Lieut. 3 years 3387 King, John (Jacob Lockhart and Casper Keisnen, assnee.) Soldier War 3392 Kemp, William (Thos. B. Adams, assnee.) Soldier War 3445 Kersey, William Soldier 3 years 35i 1 Kelly, William Soldier War 3534 Keen, John Soldier 3 years 3590 Kearns, John Soldier 3 years 3606 Knight, Wm., deed. (John Knight, heir at law) Soldier 3 years 3644 Keeton, Edward (John Keeton jr., heir at law) Soldier 3 years 3722 Keirns, John (Elizabeth Stadler, heir at law) Soldier War 3725 Kelly, Timothy Soldier 3 years 3759 Kipknistall, James Soldier War 3794 Kardy, John Soldier War 3921 Kullakan, John Soldier War 4336 King, Charles Sgt._ 3 years 4343 Kelly, Jordon Soldier 3 years 4348 Knox, George Soldier 3 years 4391 Kemp, James Soldier 3 years 4609 Kilty, John Capt. War 4807 King, John Soldier 3 years 4825 Kenney, Isaac Soldier 3 years 4887 Koon, Andrew Soldier War 4940 Knight, John Sur. Mate 7 years 4958-63 Kennon, Richard Capt. War 4978 Kitchen, James Soldier 3 years 5086 Knox, James Major 7 years 5H6 Kirk, Robert (James Taylor, assnee. of) Lieut. 7 years 5202 Kermehome, William (Thomas M. Bayly, assnee. of) Private 3 years 5252 Knox, James Major 1 mo. over 7 yrs. 5260 Kirk, Robert (James Taylor, assnee. of) Lieut. 14 mos. plus 7 ys. 5333 Kennon, Richard (the rep. of) Capt. 1 yr. and 9 mos. plus 6 yrs. Continental Line Warrants, Military District of Ohio 461 Number Warrantees (A-B) 5831 Kendall, Jeremiah 5838 Kempin, William (Joseph Ladd, assnee. of Robert B. Armstead, assnee. of) 5833 Kerns, William (Jacob Poe, assnee. of) 5920 Kelly, Peter, deed, (the rep. of) 6002 Keith, Daniel 6059 Kendall, Jeremiah (he having warrant for 100 acres) 6277 Keith, Alexander 6353 King, Elisha 6627 Kirkpatrick, Daniel 6624 Kirkpatrick, Daniel 6633-4 Kenny, Nichols (Capt. and others) 6640 Key, Price (Capt. and others) 6999 Knight, William 7274 Kirkwood, Robert 7296 Kestrons, Jacob (Margaret Churn) 7323 Kemps, Thomas (James Kemps and S. Walker, heirs of) 70 Kirkwood, Robert (Joseph Kirkwood, heir) 71 Kirkwood, Robert (Mary K. Bowyer) 8391 Kriruin, James (Lydia D. Morvin and others) Rank & Service (C) Private 3 years Private War Private 3 years Private Private Sgt. Col. 3 years Sgt. War Lieut. 9 mos. add' Capt. War Capt. War Capt. War Corp. Drags War Scrip. Scrip. Scrip. Scrip. Q. Master Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued 72 Lewis, William Major 7 years 81 Lipscomb, Bernard (heir at law to Capt. Reuben Lipscomb, deed.) Capt. 3 years 288 Lovely, William Capt. 3 years 345 Lind, Arthur Capt. 3 years 367 Lewis, George (Va. Cavalry Capt. 3 years 387 Lapsley, Samuel (Va. Line) Capt. 3 years 389 Lapsley, John Lieut. 3 years 395 Lack, Joseph (Va. Line) Soldier 3 years 396 Lewis, Addison Capt. 3 years 609 Link, John Soldier 3 years 617 Lawrence, Thomas Sgt. 3 years 634 Lanford, Uclid Soldier 3 years 647 Legg, John Soldier 3 years 683 Lipcomb, John Corp. 3 years 728 Lewis, Andrew Lieut. 3 years 761 Lawson, Benjamin Lieut. 3 years 786 Lynch, Patrick Soldier 3 years 818 Ludeman, G. William Lieut. 3 years 961 Lahaw, Jeremiah Soldier 3 years 972 Lahaw, David Soldier 3 years ion Lawson, Andrew (Va. Line) Soldier 3 years 1028 Lindsey, Hezekiah Soldier 3 years 462 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Number Warrantees (A-B) Rank & Service (C) I045 Lockhart, John Soldier War IO46 Lavenear, Garret Soldier War IO94 Lane, James Q.M.Sgt. War IIl6 Lemmon, Samuel Soldier War 1 124 Low, James Soldier War 1 199 Lindsay, William Capt. 3 years 1219 Lyle, Charles Soldier 3 years 1234 Lipcomb, Henry Soldier War 1286 Lewis, John Soldier War 1397 Lynch, James Soldier War 1400 Langham, Elias Lieut. 3 years 1465 Lipscomb, Mourning Soldier 3 years 1466 Lipcomb, Thomas Soldier 3 years 1541 Law, John Soldier 3 years 1542 Lowe, Thomas Sgt. 3 years 1551 Learwood, Josiah Soldier 3 years I570 Long, Reuben Soldier War 1588 League, James Soldier 3 years 1603 Lee, James Soldier 3 years 1669 Lawless, Austin Soldier 3 years 1781 Lefturch, Joel Soldier 3 years 1786 Leich, James Corp. War 1906 Langfitt, Francis Soldier 3 years 191 1 Lee, Richard Soldier War 1937 Lee, Henry Lieut. Col. 7 years 1901 Leonard, Robert Soldier War 1921 Lawson, Robert Brig. Gen. 3 years 1924 Loyd, George Sgt. 3 years 2002 Lewis, William Soldier War 2037 Lindsey, Peter Soldier War 204I Leman, Dedrick Soldier 3 years 2042 Lowe, John Soldier War 2055 Lucas, Samuel (State line, Saml. Griffin, assnee.) Soldier 3 years 2144 Lockhart, James (James Johnson, assnee.) Soldier 3 years 2164 Lewis, John Soldier 3 years 2202 Long, Gabriel Capt. 3 years 2371 Lewis, Zachariah Sgt. 3 years 2385 Lynn, Nabas (Martin Hawkins, assnee.) Soldier 3 years 2392 Lamb, Joseph (Martin Hawkins, assnee.) Soldier War 24I I Linton, John (7th year allowance) Lieut. 7th year 2460 Lemvich, Saml. (Lewis Ford, assnee.) Corp. 3 years 2503 Lacy, Henry R., Ambrose Lewis, assnee. of John Sneed (see letter S) Soldier 3 years 2521 Long, Evans Sgt. 3 years Continental Line Warrants, Military District of Ohio 463 Number Warrantees (A-B) Rank & Service (C) 2522 Long, Nicholas Sgt. 3 years 2533 Loyd, William Soldier 3 years 2553 Lucas, James Major 3 years 2555 Leigh, John (to complete bounty) Lieut. 3 years 2579 Lee Roux, Anthony Soldier War 2655 Lawson, Claiborn (Wm. Lawson, heir at law ) Capt. 3 years 2680 Lawson, John (Edmund Clarke, assnee.) Soldier War 2690 Loyd, Thomas (Martin Hawkins, assnee.) Soldier 3 years 2694 Landwick, William (Martin Hawkins, assnee.) Corp. 3 years 2735 Lewis, John Soldier 3 years 2760 Lawson, Benjamin Soldier 3 years 2777 Lyles, Elijah Soldier 3 years 2801 Lockett, Jacob Soldier 3 years 2854 Lemasters, James Soldier 3 years 2863 Louden, Adam Soldier War 2867 Linsey, David Soldier 3 years 2898 Lewis, Stephen, deed. (Thos. Lewis, legal rep.) Lieut. 3 years 2965 Lipscomb, Benjamin Soldier 3 years 2971 Lay ton, Reuben Soldier 3 years 3009 Lewis, James Soldier War 3035 Lewis, Joseph, deed. (Martha Lewis, legal rep.) Soldier War 3091 Lee, John (Richard Edwards, assnee.) Soldier 3 years 3112 Leftwich, John (James Turner, assnee.) Sgt. 3 years 3129 Long, Daniel Soldier 3 years 3175 Lee, Richard Francis (Richard Lee, heir at law) Capt. 3 years 3233 Loden, Benjamin (John Brent, assnee.) Soldier War 3263 Lucas, Nathaniel (resolution of Assembly) Capt. 3288 Lunsford, Lewis (heir at law to William Lunsford, deed.) Cornet 3 years 3290 Lee, Simmons Soldier 3 years 331 1 Loughmiller, Welcome Soldier 3 years 3390 Lockett, Benjamin Soldier 3 years 3394 Leitch, Andrew (James T. Leitch, legal rep.) Major 3 years 3522 Lovell, Henry (John Thomas, assnee.) Soldier War 3532 Laws, John Soldier 3 years 3546 Lear, George Soldier War 3557 Locke, John Corp. War 3559 Lintner, Edward Soldier 3 years 3588 Lockhart, William (Goodrich Lightfoot, assnee.) Soldier War 3675 Lee, James Soldier 3 years 464 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Number Warrantees (A-B) 3686 Loyal, John (Wm. Reynolds, assnee.) 3708 Lawson, Henry 3761 Layne, William 3839 Letrell, Joseph, deed. (John Letrell, heir at law) 3840 Lettrell, James (John Letrell, heir at law) 3929 Loffey, Shadrack (Wm. Reynolds, assnee.) 3930 Luster, William (Wm. Reynolds, assnee.) 3937 Lyne, John 3965 Lucas, Humphrey (Saml. Lewis, heir at law) 3984 Leath, Peter, deed. (Authur Leath, rep.) 3987 Littlepage, John 4001 Langsdon, Danl. (Wm. Pettijohn, assnee.) 4006 Langsdon, William (Joshua Humphin, assnee.) 4007 Langsdon, Charles (Joshua Humphin, assnee.) 4015 Lockett, Benjamin (to complete his bounty) 4034 Lambert, Charles (John Stockdell, assnee.) 4083 Lannue, Nathan 4089 Lipscomb, Major 4098 Limay, John 4103 Lattimer, Henry (Fras. Graves, assnee.) 4147 Langston, Wm. (Wm. Biggers, assnee. of Geo. Langston, heir at law) 4190-1 Lewis, Thomas (Edward Lewis, heir at law) 4225 Long, Reuben 4229 Long, Levi 4252 Lawless, Austin 4261 Larkin, Edward 4301 Lewis, Daniel 4335 Litchfield, Francis 4395 Loyd, James 4409 La Rochette, Michael 4465 Lee, John 4587 Lee, Bartlett (Frank Graves, of Lewis Lee, rep.) 4602 Long, Armstead 4603 Lattimore, Mathew (John Tate, admr.) 4663 Lovell, James 4688 Lewis, Charles (the rep., resolution of Assembly) 4709 Lipscomb, Wm. (Jacob Valentine, assnee.) 4742 Landrum, Samuel 4776 Long, George 4793 Lyle, William Rank & Service (C) Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Sgt. War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier War Soldier War Soldier War Soldier War Soldier War Capt. 3 years Sgt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Lieut. 3 years Soldier War Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Corp. 3 years Soldier War Sgt. 3 years Lieut. War Col. War Soldier 3 years Sgt. War Soldier 3 years Lieut. 3 years Continental Line Warrants, Military District of Ohio 465 Number Warrantees (A-B) 4802 Lipscomb, Benoni 4810 Lockett, Benjamin (to complete his bounty) 4830 Linn, James 4867 Lee, Philip (Richd. Frances, the rep.) 4876 Longest, James (the rep.) 4973 Lively, Godrell 5071 Lankin, Peter 5096 Lawrence, John 138 Leigh, John 5123 Lewis, Wm. (Francis Lewis, admr. of) 5154 Lazcar, Hyette (John Stokely, assnee.) 5180 Lockett, Archibald (the rep. of) 5214 Lilleston, William (Thos. M. Bayley, assnee.) 5228 Lee, Henry 5316 Lurton, Levin (Thos. M. Bayley, assnee. of John Lurton, rep. of) 5317 Lurton, Wm. (Thos. M. Bayley, assnee.) 5318 Lilleston, John (Thos. M. Bayley, assnee. of Elijah Lilleston, rep.) 5322 Lingo, Robinson (same assnee. of Francis Savage) 55°5~6 Lipscomb, Thomas 5507 Lipscomb, Thomas (Wm. Bird, Jr., assnee. of) 5508 Lipscomb, Danl. (Call devisee in trust un- der the last will and testament of Robt. Means deed, who was assnee. of Wm. Bird, Jr., the assnee. of) 55 x 3 _ 4 Lanier, Thomas (Thos. Bowdee, assnee. of Martha Lanier (widow), Bartholomew Rollins and Lucy Rollins his wife and Mary W. Lanier, said Martha being the widow and Lucy and Mary the children and legal rep. of) 5546 Ladd, James (Ben. W. Ladd, assnee. of Wm. Ladd, son and heir at law of) 5571 Langdon, John 5577 Leach, John, deed. (Ben j. Leach, brother and heir at law of) 5578 Leach, William, deed. (Benj. Leach, brother and heir at law of) Rank & Service (C) Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Capt. War Soldier War Soldier War Sgt. 3 years Private War Sgt. 3 years Major. 8th year Private 3 years Private 3 years Private 3 years Lieut. Col. 5 mos. 7 yrs Com. Private 3 years Private 3 years Private 3 years Private 8 years Ensign 3 years Ensign Ensign 3 years 3 years Ensign 3 years Private Sgt. 3 years 1 yr. 10 mos plus 6 yrs. Private War Private War 466 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Number Warrantees (A-B) 5589 Lingo, Thos., deed. (Agnes Lingo, rep.) 5600 Lowry, Lewis 5740 Laugham, Elias 5982 London, Mo. (Lavender London, heir and only rep. of) 6043 Laine, John, deed. (William Laine, only brother and heir at law of) 6047 Lampkin, William, deed. (John Lampkin, eldest brother and heir at law) 6142 Lamberth, Chas. (Dawson Cook, assnee. of John Richardson, Jr., and Wm. Richard- son, only heirs of) 6144 Le Master, Joseph 6200 Langston, George, deed. (David L. Smith, assnee. of Leah Langston and other legal heirs of) 6230 Leach, Valentine 6245 Landman, Newman 6280 Lent, William 6295 Lezear, Peter 6298 Lozier, Hellenbrand 6316 Levick, Caleb 6500 Lee, James 6547 Lucas, Thomas 6654 Laugborn, Wm., deed, (his heirs) 6665 Langfit, Philip 6757 Lipford, Henry 6762-5 Loyal, Margarett (late Margarett Lollard, heirs of Benj. Ld.) 7 12 1 Lay ton, Robert 7025-6 Lewis, John (James L. Woodville, wife and others, wife and others) 7125 Lewis, John (Mary P., wife and John H. Pleasants, Frank Stanley and wife and others) 7227 Lewis, John (Susan Hopkins, heir) 7223 Lewis, John (William Nottingham, heir) 7224 Lewis, John (Sally Nelson) 7225 Lewis, John (Thomas Fisher) 7226 Lewis, John (John Fisher) 7228 Lewis, John (Margaret ) Rank & Service (C) Private 1 yr. 10 mos plus 6 yrs. Corp. 1 yr. 10 mos plus 6 yrs. Lieut. 9 mos. over 6 yrs. Private 9 mos. over 6 yrs. Contl. 3 years Contl. 3 years Pvt. Contl. 3 years Sgt. Col. 3 years Private 3 years Sgt. 3 years Private 3 years Private 3 years Private 3 years Private 3 years Sgt. War Private 3 years Capt. 3 years Major 7 years Private War & 1 yr. Continental Continental Continental Continental Continental Continental Continental Continental Continental Continental Continental Line Warrants, Military District of Ohio 467 Number Warrantees (A-B) 7229 Lewis, John (Miers Fisher) 7230 Lewis, John (Edwin Fisher) 7284 Lewis, Charles (heirs of Chas. Lewis, crossed off. No. 145 in exchange) 145 Lewis, Charles (Howell Lewis, heir of) 7614 Lee, Charles (Frances A. Townsend) 7615 Lee, Charles (Townsend Maunwarring) 7616 Lee, Charles (Harriett T. Turmslove) 7617 Lee, Charles (Hester Lee Massie) 7618 Lee, Charles (Sydnie Townsend) 7619 Lee, Charles (Arrabella Townsend) 7578 Lassister, Benjamin (Martha Lassister and others) 7579 Langston, Timothy (Dempsey Langston) 7580 Lawrence, William (Christopher Lawrence) 7584 Lassister, Dempsey (Martha Lassister) 7585 Lyons, John (John and Mary Ann Keeling) 7705 Lee, Andrew (William Lee) 7758 Lennis, Francis 7762 Logan, John 7761 Logan, William 7785 Lyon, John (Eliza and Jane Small) 7764 Lawrence, John (Christopher Lawrence and others) 8001 Lyons, John (Eliza and Jane Smane) 8088 Lyons, John (John Keeling and Mary Ann Keeling) 8356 Love, Small (heir of) 8357 Lipscomb, Daniel (heir of) 8469 Loggin, Martin (Dicey Cumby and others) 7470 Lipscomb, Reuben (Reuben Lipscomb) Lipscomb, Reuben (Reuben Lipscomb) 8478 Luckett, Thomas H. 7 Macks, John 19-20 Morgan, Daniel 29 Morgan, John 30 Marshall, John 74 Morton, James 75 Mosley, Benjamin 79 Mallory, Philip 89 Maury, Abraham 115 Moseley, William Rank & Service (C) Continenta 1 Continenta 1 No. 145 in exchange Continenta Continental Script Maj. Gen. Maj. Gen. Script Maj. Gen. Script Maj. Gen. Script Maj. Gen. Script Maj. Gen. Script Private Script Private Script Private Script Private Script Surgeon Script Private Script Lieut. Soldier Soldier Surgeon Soldier Soldier Sgt. Lieut. Capt. Capt. Capt. 3 years Brig. Gen. 7 years Soldier War Capt. 3 years Lieut. 3 years Lieut. 3 years Capt. 3 years Lieut. 3 years Major 3 years 468 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Number Warrantees (A-B) Rank fie Service (C) 151 Miller, William Capt. Lt. 3 years 171 Muhlenburg, Peter Brig. Gen. 7 years 230-I Mills, John (two warrants) Lieut. 3 years 3IO Miller, David Lieut. 7 years 418 Manning, Samuel (Va. line) Soldier War 604 McDorman, James Soldier War 614 Moss, Henry Capt. 3 years 627 Murray, Duncan Soldier War 638 Morrow, Robert Soldier 3 years 646 Maderson, John Soldier 3 years 657 Macrole, James Soldier War 660 Morton, Hezekiah Capt. 3 years 652 Meriweather, David Lieut. 3 years 665 McDonald, Terence Soldier 3 years 719 McCall, Samuel Sgt. 3 years 749 Mills, John Soldier 3 years 754 Munden, Edward Soldier 7 years 769 Minnis, Francis Capt. 7 years 777 Moss, Henry Soldier 3 years 822 Martin, John Soldier 3 years 828 McDowell, John Lieut. 3 years 849 Mitchell, William Corp. 3 years 861 Manley, Deveraux Griott (heir at law to Robert Manley, deed.) Soldier 3 years 862 McDowell, Mathew Soldier 3 years 877 Mead, Richard Kidder (Va. Line) Lieut. Col. 3 years 893 Marshall, Henry Sgt. War 894 Marshall, Henry Sgt. 3 years 896 Mahony, Joseph Soldier War 900 Merryman, Francis Soldier 3 years 920 McNolly, Michael Soldier 3 years 934 Mead, John Soldier 3 years 940 Mardis, William Soldier 3 years 969 Musgrove, William Soldier 3 years 974 Murdock, Joseph Soldier 3 years 977 McKnight, William Soldier 3 years 999 Mitchell, Thomas Soldier 3 years 1000 Morgan, Brig. Gen. Brig. Gen. 7 years 1006 Mallory, John Sgt. 3 years 1015 Murphey, John Soldier 3 years 1017 Murphy, Owen Soldier 3 years 1019 McKenny, John Soldier 3 years 1026 McMeans, William Soldier 3 years 1059 Mcintosh, Alexander Soldier War 1066 McKay, Enas Soldier War Continental Line Warrants, Military District of Ohio 469 Number Warrantees (A-B) Rank & Service (C IO78 McCartney, Peter Soldier War 1082 Maines, Francis Soldier War IO85 McLean, Laughlan Soldier War 1085 McDonald, Edward Soldier War IO87 Moore, Thomas Soldier War IO98 McElwin, Thomas Drummer War II27 Morgan, Charles Soldier War 1 139 Morrison, John Soldier War 1 144 McCord, Samuel Soldier War II5I Martin, William Soldier War 1 152 Murphy, Michael Soldier War 1 159 Mercer, William (heir at law of Hugh Mercer deed.) Brig. Gen. 3 years 1 160 Mead, Smith Major 7 years 1 174 Massie, Thomas Major 3 years II83 McLardey, Alexander Corp. 3 years 1 187 Miles, William Soldier 3 years 1 189 McCue, Henry Soldier 3 years 1 192 Mitchell, Mark Soldier 3 years "95 Miles, John Soldier 3 years 1229 Minnes, John Soldier War 1243 McMasters, Michael Soldier 3 years 1279 Murphey, Patrick (7 years) Soldier War 1283 McGrey, Bennett Soldier War 1289 Morgan, David Soldier War 1307 Martin, William Soldier War 1311 Muse, George Sgt. 3 years 1338 Marshall, Thomas Sgt. Maj. War 1349 Marshall, Thomas Col. 3 years 1350 McClain, Thomas Soldier 3 years 1352 Maclin, James (Virginia Cavalry) Soldier 3 years 1382 Mereweather, James Lieut. War 1402 Murrah, George Soldier 3 years 1412 Mcintosh, William Soldier War 1441 Murphey, Martin Sgt. War 1460 Madder, Notley Soldier War 1468 Mosely, Benjamin Lieut. 3 years 1474 Muir, Francis Capt. Lt. 3 years 1490 McGuire, Andrew Soldier War 1514 Mush, Robert Soldier War 1555 Morgan, William Soldier War 1616 Mullins, Anthony Soldier War 1619 Monroe, George Surgeon 3 years 1621 McCormack, Adam Soldier War 1623 Miller, Javan (7 years) Lieut. War 470 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Number Warrantees (A-B) Rank & Service (C) 1646 McNamara, Timothy Soldier War 1663 Merritt, Samuel Soldier 3 years 1671 Moore, Ralph Corp. War 1676 Monk, Joseph Sgt. 3 years 1690 Murray, Ralph Soldier 3 years 1695 Marks, Josiah Corp. 3 years 1737 Murphy, Michael Soldier War 1756 Murray, Richard Soldier 3 years 1759 Miller, John (heir at law to John Miller, deed.) Soldier War 1804 McClanahan, Elijah Soldier War 1817 Morrison, Hugh Sgt. 3 years 1820 Moore, William Lieut. 3 years 1837 Mitchell, David (P. Duvall and Jno. Davis, assnee.) Soldier 3 years 1844 McQuellen, Robert Soldier War 1869 Mahoney, James Soldier War 1873 Martin, John Soldier War 1893 McMechen, William Surgeon 3 years 1897 Moody, William Soldier War 1922 Motherhead, Nathaniel Sgt. 3 years 1845 McCartney, Peter Soldier War 1884 McGann, James Soldier War 1906 Morris, John Soldier 3 years 1934 Matthews, George Col. 7 years 1969 & 7 1 Morgan, Charles (heir at law to John Morgan, deed.) Sgt. 3 years 1972 Murphey, Charles Soldier 3 years 1981 Moore, John Soldier 3 years 1987 Marshall, Richard Corp. War 1996 McKinney, Daniel Soldier 3 years 200I McMahon, Roger Soldier 3 years 2006 Mclntire, William Sgt. 3 years 2030 Moore, Nicholas Soldier War 2034 McTear, William Sgt. 3 years 2035 McTear, Frizzell Sgt. 3 years 2043 McDonald, Benjamin Soldier War 2047 McConnor, Christopher Sgt. War 2074 Murphey, John Soldier 3 years 2086 Moore, Michael Soldier 3 years 2107 Mosby, William Soldier War 2108 McCraw, Francis (heir at law to John McCraw, deed.) Soldier 3 years 2114 Motton, James Soldier 3 years 2131 Matthews, Benjamin Soldier 3 years Continental Line Warrants, Military District of Ohio 471 Number Warrantees (A-B) 2142 Mitchell, William (heir at law of John Mitchell) 2185 McCant, James 2195 Mead, Malon 2203 Mitchell, George 2217 Morriss, Isaac 2219 Mercer, John F. 2224 Money, Isaac 2271 Minnes, Holmon 2272 Minnes, Callohill 2274 Middleton, Basel 2275 Murray, Daniel 2276 Murray, James 2281 Maddox, John 2299 Martin, Patrick 2300 McDowell, John 2308 Mayfield, Henry (Laurance Muse, assnee.) 2307 Mayfield, John (Laurance Muse, assnee.) 2310 Mallitt, Stephen 2319 Meredith, William 2324 Mabon, James 2328-9 Martin, Thomas 2368 Monroe, James (per resolution of Assembly) 2393 McNeal, David 2440 Mash, Thomas (William Forhish, assnee.) 2449 Mead, John 2464 Minnpower, Nicholas (Danl. Perryman, assnee.) 2465 Miller, Robert (Daniel Perryman, assnee.) 2466 Mason, Daniel (Lewis Ford, assnee.) 2480 Martin, John 2499 McGuire, William 2560 Mead, Everard 2625 Millom, Thomas (Danl. Flowerree, assnee.) 2629 Morgan, Simon 2638 McAdams, John (heir at law of Jos. Mc- Adams, deed.) 2716 Munden, Thomas, deed. (Edmund Munden, heir and others) 2768 Martin, Patrick 2770 McCoun, James (James Jeakins, assnee.) 2824 Maloy, James 2827 Mullins, David 2842 Murphy, Leander (Wm. King, assnee.) 2845 Morgan, Spencer Rank & Service (C) Sgt. War Soldier War Soldier 3 years Sgt. 3 years Soldier War Capt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Capt. 3 years Capt. 7 years Surgeon 3 years Soldier War Soldier War Soldier War Soldier War Soldier War Soldier War Soldier War Soldier 3 years Capt. 3 years Capt. 7th year Lieut. 3 years Major 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Sgt. War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Sgt. 3 years Lieut. War Major 3 years Soldier 3 years Sur. Mate 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Ensign 3 years 472 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Number 2859 2862 2864 2866 2871 2872 2879 2882 2906 2934 2941 2947 2951 2957 2986 3005 3020 3082 3098 3105 3106 3109 3137 3139 3164 3166 3168 3197 3200 3220 3222 3243 3256 3286 3289 3303 Warrantees (A-B) McKnight, Benjamin Melcher, John McCabe, Michael McComeskry, Moses Morshead, Charles McDowell, John McGee, Daniel, deed. (Clara McGee, heir at law) McCune, Peter Minton, John, deed. (Edward Valentine, assnee. of Mary Minton, who was heir at law) Moxley, George Miller, Lodowick Meanes, John Maddin, Thomas (R. Claiborne and I. Hopkins, assnee.) Moxley, Rodham (Wm. Moxley, heir at law) Mount, Matthew Maddison, William (Wm. Bigger, assnee.) McCargo, Stephen (Benj. McDonald, assnee.) May, William, deed. (Benj. May, heir at law) McClure, William (James Fairs, assnee.) Miller, Thomas Moore, Peter, deed. (Sarah Moore, mother and rep.) Martin, Josiah Morris, Reubin (Robt. Pollard, assnee.) Morris, Gibson (Robt. Pollard, assnee.) Murphey, Samuel Meacham, William Mason, John McNeal, Peter Martin, Thomas McKinsey, Alexander Mountjoy, William (per resolution Assembly) Moore, Cleon (per resolution Assembly) Morrison, William, deed. (Robert Coleman, assnee. of Hugh Morrison, heir at law) McAdams, John (per resolution Assembly, term expired, no patent issued) McClanahan, Alexander (per resolution As- sembly, term expired, no patent issued) McCorcle, Andrew (Catherine McCorcle, heir at law) Rank & Service (C) Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Sgt. War Soldier 7 years Soldier War Sgt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Corp. War Soldier 3 years Corp. 3 years Soldier 3 years Subalt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier War Soldier War Lieut. 3 years Soldier War Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Sgt. 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Lieut. 7th year Sgt. War Capt. 3 years Capt. 3 years Sgt. 3 years Lieut. 3 years Col. Soldier 3 years Continental Line Warrants, Military District of Ohio 473 Number Warrantees (A-B) 3302 McCorcle, Saml. (Catherine McCorcle, heir at law) 3317 Milliron, Henry 3348 McCoy, William 3356 Middlebrook, John 3359 Miller, Frances (Edward Valentine, assnee.) 3369 McGannon, Darby (Peter Glasscock, assnee.) 3431 Murphey, John 3443 McCloud, Archibald 3452 Milton, Charles 3492 McKee, Richard 3515 Mcllhany, James 3581 McCawley, John 3583 Mann, Claiborne, deed. (Olive Mann, legal rep.) 3607 McKinney, Dennis 3614 May, Thomas 3616 Marshall, Richard 3618 Martin, Thomas 3619 Murrough, George 3693 McKinley, Charles 3696 Madder, Martin 3697 McMallin, James 3700 Moffott, William 3705 McElroy, William 3718 McGraw, James 3719 Moore, Richard 3728 McMahan, Andrew 3737 Moody, William 3750 Moore, Nichols 3806 Maynor, Henry 3814 Matthias, Griffith 3816 McDonald, Angus (Mary McDonald, heir at law) 3833 Major, James 3836 Micham, John 3842 Mead, William, deed. (John Mead, heir at law) 3844 McDonald, Benjamin (Wm. Jackson, assnee.) 3850 Murlat, Abraham 3869 McKinney, James 3871 McAdams, Alexander 3874 Morgan, John (Chas. Morgan, heir at law) 3878 Mansfield, George Rank 6* Service (C) Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier War Soldier War Sgt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 7 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier War Soldier 3 years Corp. War Soldier War Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Corp. 3 years Sgt. War Soldier War Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Ensign 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Ensign 3 years Soldier War 474 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Number Warrantees (A-B) 3886 Middleton, John (Wm. Logan, assnee.) 3899 Minter, Backer (Wm. Reynolds, assnee.) 3906 McDorman, Daniel (Wm. Reynolds, assnee.) 3913 Malone, John 3920 Moore, Alexander (Wm. Askey, assnee.) 3932 Millohern, Thomas (Wm. Reynolds, assnee.) 3942 McFarley, John 3958 Maddox, Wm. (Wm. Reynolds, assnee.) 4016 Moore, William Danl. 4056 McGinnis, Ambrose 4097 McClain, Thomas (Saml. McClain, heir at law) 41 10 McNutten, Daniel 41 13 McCraw, Francis 41 19 Milligan, John 4120 Milligan, John 4133 Moore, Michael 4136 McDaniel, Andw. (Wm. Reynolds, of the rep.) 4166 Maddox, Claiborne 4174 Mills, Moses 4175 Martin, John 4187 Mitchell, John 4196 McKennon, Martin (Courtney McKennon, rep. of) 4205 Michael, Conrad 4227 McGovern, James (John McGovern, heir at law) 4245 Massey, John (Hugh Donahe, exr.) 4251 Mitchell, James 4269 McGraw, James 4270 Morgan, Jones 4303 McManay, John 4313 McCormack, James (Joseph Henderson and Eliza, his wife, reps.) 4317 Macomber, Zenas 4352 Merrick, John (Wm. Merrick, heir at law) 4360 McCallister, John 4378 McCormack, Wm. (Wm. Bigger, assnee. of rep.) 4339 Maddox, John (Wm. Reynolds, assnee.) 4392 McGowan, Wm. (Wm. Russell, assnee.) 4406 McDade, James (James Arnold, assnee.) 4418 McGraw, James (Wm. Reynolds, assnee.) 4442 Mier, Christopher (Mathias Mier, heir at law) 4464 Millerons, Wm. (Patrick Lockhart, assnee.) Rank & Service (C Soldier War Soldier War Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Sgt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Sgt. War Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Surgeon 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Lieut. 3 years Soldier 3 years Continental Line Warrants, Military District of Ohio 475 Number Warrantees (A-B) Rank & Service (C) 4527 McDorman, David Soldier War 4572 McKannon, Christopher Sgt. War 4601 Messenberg, Nicholas (John Massenburg, rep.) Lieut. War 4621 Morris, Samuel Soldier 3 years 4624 Merritt, Major (Frances Graves, assnee.) Soldier War 4629 Mason, Richard Sgt. 3 years 4630 Macmahan, Patrick Soldier 3 years 4684 Marshall, Thomas Sgt. 3 years 4696 Moore, William (Robt. Moore, heir at law) Lieut. War 4719 McDowell, John (Wm. G. Payne, assnee. of John Evans, heir at law) Soldier War 4720 McDowell, John (Wm. G. Payne, assnee. of John Evans, heir at law) Soldier 3 years 4728 Mosely, William Major 7th year 4735 Moss, Henry Capt. 7th year 5439 Miller, William (rep. of) Capt. Lt. 7 mos. plus 7 yrs. 5460 Morrow, Robert, deed. (Elizabeth Morrow, devisee of David Morrow, deed.) Capt. 11 mos. plus 7 yrs. 5473 Minnis, Callohill Capt. 9 mos. plus 7 yrs. 5474 Minnis, Holmans (the rep. of) Capt. 1 yr. 5 mos. plus 6 yrs. 5475 Minnis, Benjamin Sgt. 3 years 5486 Morton, Hezekiah Lieut. 9 mos. plus 6 yrs. 55i6 Moore, Andrew Capt. 3 years 5534 Manning, Lawrence, deed. (Peter Manifold, assnee. of the admrs. of) Lieut. War 5540-3 Moore, Jacob, deed. (Christopher Moore, only son and heir at law of) Lieut. War 5545 Moss, John Major 3 years 5550-I Meanly, John Lieut. In part for 3 yrs. 5595 McElroy, William Private War 5598 Mitchell, Archelaus Non Com'd Officer 5610-34 Morris, G. Nathaniel (Benj. W. Ladd, assnee. of) Capt. 1 yr. 10 mos. plus 6 yrs. 5703-6 Moon, Archibald, deed. (Robert Price, assnee. Josiah Price and George C. Friend and Martha, his wife, said Josiah P. and Martha being the only children and rep. of said Archibald Moon) Capt. 3 years 476 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Number Warrantees (A-B) Rank & Service (C) 5712 Monroe, John Sgt. 3 years 5730 Merryman, Thomas (Jesse Merryman, assnee. of) Sgt. 3 years 5743 Mumford, William Green (rep. of) Col. War 5789 Madison, Rowland (rep. of) Capt. 3 years 5807-11 McKinley, deed. (Thos. McKinley, only son and heir at law) Lieut. 3 years 5824 Moody, Elijah Private War & 8 mos plus 6 yrs 5830 Middlebrook, John Private 3 years 5848 Mitchell, William Private War 5885 Mosely, Ann (late Ann. W Chamberlayne, only daughter) Capt. 3 years 5889-96 Moore, Thomas Capt. 3 years 5939 Murphy, John Private 3 years 5940 Mallow, George (John Hobson, assnee.) Private 3 years 5983 Mitchell, Thomas Private 3 years 5984 Meadow, Thomas Private 3 years 5987 McCraw, William Dept. Q. M. General 6007 Martin, Robt., deed. (Betsey Gray, the only heir of) Private 3 years 601 1 Moore, Burrus, deed, (the rep. of) Private 3 years 6033-5 Moore, Jacob Ensign 3 years 6058 Morris, John (David L. Smith, assnee.) Pvt. Col. War 6110 May, Coleman (Thos. May, heir at law) Pvt. Col. 3 years 6113 Mitchell, Robt. (Peter Talliman, assnee. of) Drummer 2 yrs. plus 6 yrs. 3 years 6141 Morris, Claiborne (David L. Smith, assnee.) Pvt. Col. 6148 McGeorge, William (David L. Smith, assnee of) Pvt. Col. 3 years 6169 Mines, Peter (James Tilford, assnee. of) Pvt. Col. 3 years 6171 McCarty, Dennis (John Curtis, assnee. of) Pvt. Col. 3 years Markham, James Capt. Sgt. 5 mos. plus 7 yrs. 6225 Monroe, Alexander Sgt. 3 years 4762 Murray, William (Jones Allen, assnee.) Soldier 3 years 4767 Morris, Nathaniel Soldier War 478i Mosely, George (the rep. of) Soldier 3 years 4789 Morton, James Lieut. 7th year 4801 Minnis, Holmon (the rep. of) Capt. 7 years 4824 Maddin, Thos. Soldier 3 years 4868 Montjoy, Alvin Lieut. War 4878 McNutt, James Lieut. 3 years 4884 McDade, Philip Soldier 3 years 4890-2 Menze, George (the rep. of) Ensign War Continental Line Warrants, Military District of Ohio 477 Number Warrantees (A-B) 4923 Miller, William (the rep. of) 4950 Mountjoy, Joy 4977 McCown, Malcolm 5001 Murrey, Matthew 5002 McGochlin, James 5006 McDaniel, James 5012 Meacham, Henry 5015 Morris, Samuel 5018 McDaniel, Enamias (Eliza Lambert, rep.) 5026 Merriweather, David 5037 Murphy, John M. 5039 Morrow, Robert (the rep. of) 5059-62 Minor, Peter (the rep. of) 5074 Morgan, James, deed, (the rep. of) 5077 Martin, Thomas (difference between a Lieut. and a) 5083 Meredith, William (James Taylor, assnee.) 5095 McGuire, James (James Taylor, assnee. of) 196 Mabin, James 4094 Maine, Philip 5102 McCrum, Michael 5 1 14 Morgan, Simon 51 17 McGregor, Malcom (Robt. Means, assnee. of Joseph Blackwell, admr. of estate of) 5 1 31 McKee, William 5136 Mason, David 5137 Mason, David (Thomas D. Harris, assnee. in part) 5151 Montgomery, Hugh 5160 Moore, John 5169 Miner, Peter (Thos. D. Harris, assnee. of admr.) 5205 Massey, Caleb (Thos. M. Bayley, assnee. of) 5209 Moore, Stephin (Thos. M. Bayly, assnee. of) 5220 Mabon, James (the rep. of) 5223 Middleton, Basil (Robt. Means, assnee. of Thos. D. Harris, assnee. of) 5237 Moss, Henry (Wm. Bentley, assnee. of) 5239 Minton, Ebenezer 5251 Matthews, George Rank & Service (C) Capt. Lt. 7th year Capt. War Sgt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Sgt. War Soldier 3 years Lieut. 7 years Private War Capt. 7th year Capt. 3 years Private War Capt. 7 years Capt. 7th year Private 3 years Capt. 3 years Soldier 3 vears Sgt. War Capt. 8th year Private 3 years Capt. 3 years Capt. 3 years Capt. 3 years Private 3 years Ensign 3 years Capt. 1 yr. 10 mos. plus 6 yrs. Private 3 years Private 3 years Capt. 9 mos. plus 7 yrs. Surgeon 1 yr. 9 mos. plus 6 yrs. Capt. 10 mos. plus 7 yrs. Private War Col. 11 mos. plus 7 yrs. 478 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Rank & Service (C) Capt. 10 mos. plus 6 yrs. Capt. 10 mos. plus 7 ys. Private 3 years Private War Number Warrantees (A-B) 5254 Mountjoy, John 5257 Martin, Thomas (James Taylor, assnee. of) 5271 Metcalf, Thomas (Isaac Dix, rep. of Thomas M. Bayly, assnee. of) 5272 Metcalf, Walter (Isaac Dix, rep. of Thomas M. Bayly, assnee. of) 5319 Martin, James (Thomas M. Bayly, assnee. of Edw. Martin, rep. of) Private 3 years 5320 Moore, Levi (Thos. M. Bayly, assnee. of Stephen Moore, rep. of) Private 3 years 5321 Milliner, Henry (rep. of — Thos. M. Bayly, assnee. of Smith Milliner) 5336 Mosely, William 5345 Morton, James 5361 Madrix, Elisha, deed. (Thos. M. Bayly, assnee. of Madrix, rep.) Double No. 5362 Montgomery, Hugh Double No. 5366 McGee, Archibald, deed. (Thos. M. Bayly, assnee. of Nancy McGee, rep. of) 5382 McAdams, John, deed. (Thomas Taylor, admr. of the will annexed of) deducting 2666% reed, as Lieut. 5383 McAdams, John, deed. (Thos. D. Harris, assnee. of Robt. Means, assnee. of Thos. D.Harris) Capt. 7 yrs. 15 mos. deducting 2666% acres, reed, as Lieut. 5384 This warrant No. 5384 issued to Thomas Taylor, admr. of, Jno. McAdams, — see old Vol.) Capt. 7 yrs. 15 mos. deducting 2666% acres, reed, as Lieut. 5385 Taylor, Thomas (assnee. of Jno. McAdams) Capt. 7 yrs. 15 mos. deducting 2666^ acres, reed, as Lieut. 5405 Mallory, Philip 5413 Montgomery, John, deed, (the rep. of) 6329-32 Manlore, John (admr. with the will annexed of John Sturdivant, Jr.) 6274 Miller, Daniel 6338 Mitchell, Reaps (Benj. Turner, excr. of the last will of) 6341 McCoy, Samuel Sgt. Major 3 years 10 mos. plus Lieut. 7 yrs. 10 mos. plus 7 yrs. Private Private 3 years 3 years Private War Capt. 7 yrs. 10 mos. Capt. Private 11 mos. 6 yrs. 3 years plus Lieut. Private 3 years War Sgt. Private 7 years 3 years Continental Line Warrants, Military District of Ohio 479 Number Warrantees (A-B) 6355 McDonald, Alexr. (State Line) 6364 McDonald, Wm. 6365 McCracken, James 6381-2 McCarmick, George (heir legal rep. of division of) 6393 McCandress, John 6396 McLane, Allen 6397-419 McLane, Allen 6429 McDonald, Alexr. 6432 Mcintosh, Peter 6439 Morgan, Jeremiah (heirs of) 6461 May, William (heirs of) 6468 Melton, Thomas 6487 Mill, James (Mill John) 6498 Moonie, Martin 6506-7 Myers, Casper (Stephen, heir at law) 6554 Mosely, Littlebery, his heir 6577 Mills, Francis 6578 McQueen, Joshua 6582 Meadows, Israel 6599 *Meadows, Francis 6621 Mullikin, John 6638 Morris, Thomas 6682 Miller, Daniel (Scrip) 6737 Muire, James (Cook Henry, devisee and assnee. of) 6749 Masters, John 6752 Mitchell, Joseph (Chas. and Rebecca Bibb) 6895 Mason, James (heirs of) 6924-5 Mosby, Susanna (remainder to Chas. W. Mosby and others) 6960 McKey, Bennett 6985 Mabry, Robert (heirs of) 7028 Mosby, Charles (Susan Mosby) 7029 Mosby, Samuel 6746 McFadon (John McFadon, heirs of) 7155 Meade, Thornton 7187 Mason, James (Edmond Mason, heir of) 7188-9 Mason, James (George Mason, heir of) 7247 Melson, Charles (Joel Wright, assnee.) 7249 Morgan, John (heir of) see ex. wt. no. 65 Ex. 65 Morgan, John (Willis Morgan) Ex. 58 Mosby, Robt. (heir of) exchange warrant Rank & Service (C) Sgt. 3 years Private War Private War Capt. War Private War Major War Major War Sgt. 3 years Private 3 years Ensign War Sgt. War Private 3 years Private 3 years Private 3 years Private 3 years Capt. 3 years Sgt. Sgt. War Private 3 years Private 3 years Private 3 years Private 3 years Private 3 years Private 3 years Private 3 years Private 3 years Continental Continental Continental Continental Continental Continental 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years Scrip issued, apptd. No. 3 Scrip issued, apptd. No. 3 Scrip issued, apptd. No. 3 Scrip issued, apptd. No. 3 * This No. appears to have been also granted to I. T. Hooks. 480 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Number Ex. 59 7277 7283 7289 7330 7345 7364 7405 7405 7450 7451 7454 7574 758o 7598 7603 7604 7605 7606 7622 7597 7639 7654 7703 7711 7734 7751 7754 7757 7770 7771 8024 8036 8055 8084 8104 8105 7772 7773 7774 Warrantees (A-B) Mosby, Robt. (heir of) Mason, Littleberry (heir of) (Double No.) McDorman, James (Elizabeth Harrison) Micon, Henry (Ann Maria Micon and others) Scrip issued McReynolds, Thomas (John D. McReynolds) Middleton, Reley Murphy, Lemuel, heir of (double) Murphy, Lemuel, heir of (double) Milner, Robert (heir of) May, Humphrey Sgt. Morgan, William Private McReynolds, Thos. (Thos. and I. D. McReynolds, heirs) Capt. Madison, Ambrose (Nancy T. Willis) Capt. Marsh, John (John A. Marsh and others) Private Moffitt, William Private Mitchell, Joseph (Saml. Mitchell and others) Capt. Mitchell, Joseph (Wm. Lease and Emily, his wife) Capt. Mitchell, Joseph (Chas. Mitchell and others) Capt. Mitchell, Joseph (Joseph Mitchell) Capt. Mercer, Hugh (William Mercer) Brig. Gen. Morgan, Alexdr. (Sarah E. P. Strebling and others) Col. Malbones, Solo (Elizabeth Henly and others) Private Merryman, Thomas Private McCallaster, Daniel Private Milby, Salathal (Betsey Hellam and others) Private Rank & Service (C) 3 years Meade, Richard K. Mitchell, Nathaniel (Alfd. Mitchell) Mitchell, Richard (Nancy Mitchell and others) Mitchell, Richard (William Mitchell) Mcllhaney, James (Additional) Marshall, Thomas (heir of) McCoy, Samuel (Mary Price and others) Moore, Alex (Alex Moore) Metton, James (Ann Bowzer) McDorman, Daniel (Nancy Tate) Motley, David (Joseph Motley and others) McLaughlin, Hugh (Jane Kirkpatrick) Mitchell, Nathaniel (Alfd. Mitchell) Mitchell, Nathaniel (Theodore Mitchell) Mitchell, Nathaniel (Nathl. W. King) Private Major 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years Midshipman Midshipman 3 years Capt. 3 years Surgeon Private Private Private Matross Soldier Private Major Major Major Continental Line Warrants, Military District of Ohio 481 Number Warrantees (A-B) 1775 Mitchell, Nathaniel (Debby M. Langford) 81 12 McDermott, Francis (Britania Becknee and others) 8133 Mcintosh, Thomas (Thos. Mcintosh) 8145 Massey, John (Robt. Massie and others) 8147 Massey, Wm. (D. Massie and others) 8220 Mahorn, Robinson (Benj. Belote and others) 8308 Miller, David (Ann Miller) 8309 Mitchell, Ralph (Thos. Mitchell) 8333 McClannahan, Elijah (Henry Cotman and others) 7405 McClenen, Thos. (Thos. McClenen) 8043 Maddox, Notley (Notley Maddox) 8484-5 Madison, William 18 Nevile, Presley 315 Norvell, Lipscomb 368 Nixon, Andrew (Va. Cavalry) 433 New, Jesse 584 Norvall, Aguilla 796 Norvell, Henry Woldcroft 864 Norwood, Joseph 937 Nevill, John 1 46 1 Neucom, Solomon 1519 Neal, Nicholas (served 7 years) 1592 Nichols, John 1735 Newell, John 1835 Noland, Price 1924 Newman Owen 2213 Nelson, William 2236 Nelson, John 2340 Noell, Richard 2350 Noel, Achilles (Wm. Noel, rep. of) 2398 Newman, Thomas (Thos. Aslin, assnee.) 2403 Nichols, John 2442 Needham, Isaac 2 594 Napper, Moses (Wm. Reynolds, assnee.) 2635 Nunnally, Joseph, deed. (Obadiah Nunnally, heir at law) 2636 Nunnally, John, deed. (Obadiah Nunnally, heir at law) 2656 Nelms, Charles 2673 Neal, Charles 2747 Newman, Joseph 2843-4 Nelson, Roger Rank & Service (C) Major Soldier Private Cornet Cornet Lieut. Soldier Soldier Sgt. Lieut. Col. 7 years Lieut. 3 years Capt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Surgeon 3 years Surgeon 3 years Soldier 3 years Col. 7 years Soldier War Sgt. War Soldier 3 years Sgt. 3 years Lieut. 3 years Sgt. War Lieut. Col. 3 years Capt. 3 years Corp. 3 years Sgt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Sgt. War Sgt. 3 years Sgt. 3 years Soldier War Lieut. War 482 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Number Warrantees (A-B) 291 1 Nicholas, Charles (Danl. Berryman, assnee.) 3008 Nance, Frederick 31 14 Nance, Zachariah (Thos. Warren, assnee.) 31 2 1 Neal, William 3785 Nelson, George 3793 Nunnamaker, John (Lewis Nunnamaker, heir at law) 3904 Newlin, Matthew (Wm. Reynolds, assnee.) 4050 Newman, George (John Posey Newman, heir at law) 4134 Nicholson, Jessee 4150 Newland, John (Chas. Lewis, assnee. of I. Woodward, assnee.) 4481 Newman, Joseph Sr. 4522 Norris, Bazaleel 4551 Nash, Thomas (Thos. Nash, heir at law) 4784 Nelson, Wm. (Benj. Nelson, heir at law) 4786 Nettles, Abraham 4794 Nutt, John 4800 Nichols, Charles 4905 Nelson, John (James Taylor, assnee.) 5125-6 Neal, James (Robt. Means, assnee. of John Stokely, assnee. of) 5175-9 Nicholas, John 5208 Nock, George (Thos. M. Bayly, assnee. of) 5240 Nevill, John deed. (John Stokely, assnee. of Presley Neville, excr. of) 5300 Nelson, Robt. deed. (Thos. M. Bayly, assnee. of James Nelson, rep. of) 5301 Nock, Wm., deed. (Thomas M. Bayly, assnee. of John Nocks, rep. of) 5349 Nicholas, John 5801 Nowell, John, deed. (Reuben Nowell, assnee. of Henry Nowell, the only heir and legal rep. of) 5802 Nowell, George, deed. (Reuben Nowell, assnee. of Henry Nowell the only heir and legal rep. of) 5839 Nowell, William (Isham Nowell, heir at law) 6015 Nicholson, Jessee 6024 Newman, Edward 6024 Newcomb, Richard, deed. (Duncan Cook, assnee. of Mary Newcomb, Joseph New- comb and Fanny Collier, late Fanny Rank &" Service (C) Soldier 3 years Sgt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Sgt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Private War Private 3 years Private 3 years Private War Private 3 years Private War Private War Lieut. War Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier War Capt. 7th year Capt. 3 years Ensign 3 years Private 3 years Col. 15 mos. plus 7yrs. Sgt. 3 years Private 3 years Capt. 3 years Sgt. War Cornet War Private 3 years Private 3 years Sgt. 3 years Continental Line Warrants, Military District of Ohio 483 Number Warrantees (A-B) Newcomb who intermarried with James Collier which said Mary, Joseph and Fanny are the children and heirs of Peter Newcomb, deed., who was eldest brother and heir at law of) 6112 Nelson, John, deed. (Redman Foster, assnee. of James Nelson, heir at law of Wm. Nel- son, surviving brother and heir at law of) 6134 Null, Jacob, deed. (Adam Hamsbarger, assnee. of Henry Null, father and legal rep. of) 6154 Norrell, Hugh (Christopher Delgraffenried, assnee. of) Rank & Service (C) Pvt. Corp. 3 years Scrip issued Pvt. Corp. 3 years Pvt. Corp. 3 years Pvt. Corp. 3 years 6303 Newton, William Sgt. 3 years 6320 Neal, George Private 3 years 6370 Neal, Charles Private War 6738 Newcomb, Joseph (Henry assnee.) Cook, devisee and 7379 Nelson, Provost (heir of) Scrip 739i Nickens, James 7708 Nelson, James (Sally Nelson) Private 7735 Nail, John Private War 7753 Nelson, Thomas (Thos. Casy Nelson) Capt. 8084 Nunn, Richard (William Nunn) Private 8043 Notley Maddox (Maddox Notley) Surgeon 8047 Norris, Thomas (Eppa Norris) Ensign 8089 Nicholas, George (Henry Clay) Lieut. Col. 14 Oldham, Saml. (heir at law of Capt. Conway Oldham, deed.) Capt. 3 years 44 Overton, Thos. Lieut. 3 years 153 Overton, John Capt. 3 years 981 Oram, Henry Soldier 3 years 1068 Osburn, Samuel Soldier War 1099 Overlin, William Soldier War 1 109 Orish, James Soldier War 1387 Oneal, Ferdinand Capt. 3 years 1403 Oust, George Corp. War 1544 Oul, Robert Soldier War 1611 Oneal, Farral Sgt. War 1626 Ogden, Matthew Soldier War 1787 Osburn, Elijah Soldier War 1799 Oneal, William Soldier 3 years 1908 Overton, Thos. (to complete bounty as Capt.) Capt. 3 years 484 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Number Warrantees (A-B) 2314 Oneal, John 2581 Offer, Thomas (Lewis Ford, assnee.) 3013 Overstreet, Benoni 3026 Omenate, John 3154 Owens, Christopher 3371 O'Connor, Timothy 3643 Owens, Ephraim 381 1 Owens, Evans (Mason Owens, legal rep.) 3837 Odell, Reubin 3890 Overstreet, John (Robt. Rankins, assnee.) 3952 Oliver, Moses 3956 Ogan, Thomas (Wm. Reynolds, assnee.) 4038 Olephant, Benj. (Obadiah Oliphant, brother and heir at law) 4153 Oakman, William 4208 Ogilsley, Robert 4219 Obrian, James 4291 O'bannon, Thos. (Wm. Obannon, heir at law) 4514 Ogle, Thomas 4790 Osburn, George (Josiah Osburn, heir at law) 4814 Owen, Robt. (the rep. of) 4821 Organ, Cornelius 4956 Overton, John 5019 Oneal, Ferdinand 5091 Overton, Thomas (Jas. Taylor, assnee. of) 5133 Onions, Selby (the rep. of) 5188 Oldham, George (Thos. M., assnee. of Jno. Custiss, admr. of the estate of) 6130 Owen, Richard M. (Christian Degraffenried and Martha Hobson, assnee.) 6136 Overall, Nathl., deed. (John Overall, heir at law) 6317 Oliver, Nicholas 6463 Ousley, Thomas 6760 Oakly, Rhoda (Rhoda Oakly, widow of John Oakly, Thomas Oakly, Martha Anderson, (late Martha Oakly) Mary Crews (late Mary Ann Oakly) heir of Erasmus Oakly, John, Emily and Martha Tyree and Catherine Miles (late Catherine Tyree) grandchildren of) 7147 Oast, James 7295 Owen, Samuel 7410 Oliver, John 4 Puckett, Wornack Rank &" Service (C) Soldier War Soldier War Sgt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Sgt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Corp. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Sgt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Capt. 7th year Capt. 7th year Capt. 7th year Private War Lieut. War Lieut. Col. 3 years Private 3 years Private War Private War Private Scrip Scrip Soldier War 3 years Continental Line Warrants, Military District of Ohio 485 Number Warrantees (A-B) Rank 6" Service (C) 15 Phillips, Samuel, deed. (Sally Phillips, devisee of) Ensign 3 years 55 Payne, Thomas Capt. 3 years 56 Peyton, John Capt. 3 years 126 Pryor, John Capt. 3 years 197 Pointer, William Lieut. 3 years 279 Pelham, Charly (Wm. Lewis, assnee.) Major 7 years 293 Palmer, William Corp. 3 years 332 Punter, Henry (Va. Artillery) Sgt. 3 years 384 Porter, Colvert (Philip Daw, assnee.) Sgt. 3 years 386 Prithett (Pritchett?), John Sgt. 3 years 398 Pemberton, Thomas Capt. 3 years 574 Palmer, Thomas Soldier 3 years 608 Pair, George Soldier War 670 Porter, William Lieut. 3 years 675 Pool, Robert Soldier 3 years 699 Payne, Tarlton Capt. 7 years 715 Perry, William Drummer 3 years 732 Parker, Thomas Capt. 3 years 735 Parker, Richd., deed. (Alex Parker, heir at law) Col. 3 years 792 Poulson, John Major 7 years 842 Puryear, Thomas Soldier 3 years 858 Parker, Nicholas, deed. (Josiah Parker, heir at law) Lieut. 3 years 903 Powell, Robert Capt. 3 years 904 Pearson, Thomas Lieut. 3 years 984 Pollock, Thomas Soldier 3 years 989 Powle, William Soldier 3 years 1018 Parsons, Thomas Soldier 3 years 1032 Porter, Elisha Soldier 3 years 1055 Phelps, George Soldier War 1061 Paul, Edward Soldier War 1 107 Philips, John Soldier War 1118 Parler, James Soldier War 1 196 Pulham, John Soldier 3 years 1250 Pugh, Lewis Soldier War 1296 Peyton, Valentine, deed. (Timothy Peyton, heir at law) Capt. 3 years 1306 Perry, William Soldier 3 years 1312 Perkins, Joseph Soldier War 1370 Proctor, John Sgt. 3 years I39i Pendleton, Nathaniel Capt. 7 years 1415-6 Powell, Peyton (two warrants) Lieut. 3 years 1462 Penry, Henry Soldier 3 years 486 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Number Warrantees (A-B) Rank &" Service (C) 1500 Pride, William, deed. (John Pride, heir at law of) Lieut. 3 years 1515 Patterson, Israel Soldier War 1548 Parker, Jeremiah Sgt. 3 years 1554 Perryman, Benoni Fifer 3 years 1598 Purcell, John Soldier War 1617 Perry, John Cornet 3 years 1639 Plummer, Armitt(adg) (ending blurred) Soldier 3 years 1642 Price, David Surgeon War 1654-5 Payne, Joseph Lieut. 3 years 1656 Pearman, Harrison Soldier War 1687 Powell, Charles Sgt. 3 years 1699 Plummer, William Sgt. 3 years I7IO Puryear, Jesse Soldier 3 years 1775 Power, Robert Cornet 7 years 1784 Parker, William Sgt. War 1789 Prichard, James Soldier War 1810 Parker, Joseph Corp. 3 years 1828 Peyton, Francis Soldier 3 years 1851 Plunket, Reuben Corp. 3 years 1858 Patillo, John Sgt. 3 years 1868 Perryman, Daniel Soldier 3 years 1895 Pace, William Soldier War 1896 Pickett, John Soldier 3 years I927 Pool, Baxter Soldier 3 years 1852 Parker, Watts Sgt. 3 years 1874 Pitman, Isaac Sgt. 3 years 1878 Poythress, William Capt. Lt. 3 years 1892 Parker, Alexander Capt. 8 years 1920 Parker, Josiah Co. 3 years 1956 Piggott, Abraham Soldier 3 years 1973 Powers, William Soldier 3 years 1975 Parsons, George Soldier 3 years 1995 Pitman, George Sgt. 3 years 2078 Parrish, Peter Sgt. 3 years 2079 Payne, Jacob Sgt. 3 years 2088 Pile, Richard Sgt. 3 years 2104 Potts, John Soldier 3 years 2151 Payne, John Soldier War 2205 Powers, William Soldier 3 years 2225 Petrie, Alexander Sgt. 3 years 2233 Pediford, Edward Soldier 3 years 2297 Peyton, James Soldier 3 years 2321 Parsons, William Capt. 3 years 2383 Perkins, Archelaus Lieut. War Continental Line Warrants, Military District of Ohio 487 Number Warrantees (A-B) 2424-6 Potters, John (Stephen Potters, legal rep.) 2443 Pierce, William 2564 Powers, William (Wm. Reynolds, assnee.) 2567 Paylor, William (Wm. Reynolds, assnee.) 2 595 Pearman, Thomas 2612 Pullam, George (Geo. Pickett, assnee.) 2627 Patten, Alexr. (Danl. Flowerree, assnee.) 2674 Payne, Josiah 2739 Patterson, Thos. deed. (Chas. Patterson, heir at law) 2796 Philips, John 2820 Parish, William (Joseph Hawkins, assnee.) 2891 Parlor, David 2894 Porter, William 2895 Porter, Thomas 2939 Potts, Jonathan 2962 Posey, Zephaniah 2987 Price, Isaac (David Price, heir at law) 3029-30 Parker, Thomas 3040 Phillips, Newton 3053 Plunkett, Thomas 3057 Pritchett, Peter 3143 Phillips, John 3147 Powell, John (Wm. Payne, assnee.) 3203 Price, Thomas 3209 Page, Carter (per resolution of Assembly) 3228 Pew, David (Jas. Brown, heir at law) 3234 Peyton, Henry, deed. (Frs. Peyton, heir at law) 3235 Pay ton, Dade (Francis Peyton, heir at law) 3241 Pully, William 3253 Peterson, Conrad 3396-8 Powell, Levin 3401 Pitts, David, deed. (John Pitts, heir at law) 3402 Pitts, Bradley 34?q Powell, Levin (resolution of Assembly) 3437 Peyton, George (Valentine Peyton, heir at law) 3438 Peyton, Robert (Valentine Peyton, heir at law) 3440 Perkinson, James (Wm. Reynolds, assnee.) 3462 Pamey, Moses 3552 Pough, Michael 3563 Purvis, James (resolution of Assembly) 3594 Payne, Charles Rank & Service (C) Capt. 3 years Capt. 7 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Lieut. War Capt. War Soldier 3 years Sgt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Subalt. 3 years Sgt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Capt. 7 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Sgt. 3 years Corp. 3 years Sgt. War Soldier 3 years Capt. 3 years Soldier War Major 3 years Lieut. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Lieut. Col. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Lieut. Col. Ensign Lieut. Soldier Sgt. Soldier Capt. Soldier 3 years 3 years War 3 years 3 years 3 years 488 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Number Warrantees {A-B) 3646 Peyton, Charles, deed. (Elijah Peyton, heir at law) 3629 Powell, Levene 3660 Philips, John, deed. (Wm. Philips, heir at law) 3663 Price, Burditt 3664 Perrin, John (Wm. Medd, assnee.) 3678 Pool, Peter (Thos. Patterson, assnee.) 3724 Pope, Wm. 3752 Puckett, Josiah 3760 Prichard, Thomas 3810 Payne, William (resolution of Assembly) (no line mentioned) 3815 Pullers, John, deed. (Mary King, rep.) 3819 Patten, William (Wm. Philips, assnee.) 3866 Pyatt, Benjamin 3883 Putten, Henry 3892 Preston, Nathan (Robt. Rankins, assnee.) 3896 Pratt, John (Wm. Reynolds, assnee.) 3912 Penny, Robert 3916 Pile, Richard 3919 Pile, Benjamin (Danl. Buckley, assnee.) 3946 Peary, Thomas (Wm. Reynolds, assnee. of Geo. Peary, rep.) 3947 Peary, Elias (Wm. Reynolds, assnee. of Geo. Peary, rep.) 3963 Pair, George (Wm. Reynolds, assnee.) 3970 Pruder, Henry (Saml. Couch, assnee.) 3975 Powell, Richd. (Thos. Brown, assnee.) 3982 Prichard, James 3995 Paskill, George 3997 Pinkstone, Shadrach 378 Quarles, Nathaniel (Va. Line) 1294 Quarles, Abner !43° Quin, Patrick 2381 Quarles, Robert 2569-70 Quarles, William (In part) 2651 Quinley, Wm. (Samuel Trower, assnee.) 2900 Quarles, John (John Hooper and Ann, his wife and daughter, heirs) 3480 Quarles, John (James Fear, assnee.) 3902 Quarles, Moses (Wm. Reynolds, assnee.) 5159 Quillin, Robert 5565 Quinn, John Rank & Service (C) Soldier War Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier War Capt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Sgt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier War Corp. 3 years Sgt. 3 years Soldier War Sgt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier War Soldier 3 years Sgt. 3 years Soldier War Soldier War Lieut. 3 years Lieut. 3 years Sgt. 3 years Lieut. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier War Soldier 3 years Continental Line Warrants, Military District of Ohio 489 Number Warrantees (A-B) Rank & Service (C 7319 Quinn, John Soldier 3 years 7700 Quinlan, Joseph (Tasker C. Quinlan) Sgt. 33 Reddy, Dennis Sgt. 3 years 46 Read, Isaac, deed. (Clement Read, eldest son and heir of) Col. 3 years 105 Roberts, John Surgeon 3 years 128 Rudder, Epaphroditus Lieut. 3 years 165 Rankins, Robert Lieut. 3 years 167 It inrnilp Capt. ivdnsciciic, 342 Russell, Albert Lieut. 3 years 397 Ragsdale, Drewery Capt. 3 years 414 Robertson, William Lieut. 3 years 601 Reid, Nathan Capt. 3 years 625 Ross, John Soldier War 636 Robertson, George Soldier 3 years 709 Robinson, Cole Sgt. 3 years 710 Robinson, William, deed. (Cole Robinson, heir of) Soldier 3 years 782 Ravenscraft, Thomas Soldier 3 years 811 Randolph, Robert (Va. Cavalry) Capt. 3 years 823 Richards, Thomas Sgt. 3 years 824 Rycroft, Thomas Soldier 3 years 856 Rice, George Capt. 3 years 859 Rogers, William Lieut. 3 years 873 Royall, Francis Soldier 3 years 943 Ray, David Soldier 3 years 978 Rayor, Bartholomew Soldier 3 years 979 Rumage, David Soldier 3 years 1009 Russell, James (Va. Artillery) Soldier 3 years IOIO Routen, Richard Corp. 3 years 1054 Rooch, Richard Soldier War 1058 Reynolds, James Soldier War 1073 Ravine, Michael Soldier War IIOI Riley, John Soldier War 1 105 Rock, John Soldier War 1 108 Robertson, John Soldier War 1114 Rucker, Jacob Soldier War 1131 Robinson, Charles Soldier War 1155 Richeson, John Soldier War 1260 Rooch, William (7 years) Soldier War 1419 Read, William Corp. 3 years 1452 Rhea, Matthew Lieut. 3 years 1454 Rains, John Soldier 3 years 1458 Rice, George Corp. War 490 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Number Warrantees (A-B) Rank & Service (C) 1483 Rankins, William Soldier 3 years 1485 Rankins, Robert Sgt. 3 years 1497 Robertson, Hugh Sgt. 3 years 1501 Rice, William Sgt. 3 years I507 Rodden, John Soldier War 1524 Rhodes, William (served 7 years) Corp. War 1529 Richards, Thomas (to complete his bounty) Sgt. War 1553 Ramble, Samuel Soldier War 1575 Rhoades, William Soldier 3 years 1613 Roberts, Obedience Soldier War 1624 Richeson, Walker Lieut. 3 years 1632 Ross, Valentine Soldier War 1740 Ransone, Robert Soldier 3 years 1707 Rutter, Adam Soldier War 1761 Randolph, John Soldier 3 years I80I Robertson, David Soldier War 1847 Robins, John Lieut. 3 years 1879 Robinett, Joseph Soldier War, 7 years 1916 Russett, Nicholas Soldier 3 years 1844 Rook, John Soldier War 1850 Rose, Robert Surgeon War 1886 Ramsey, Francis Soldier War 1947 Russell, John Soldier 3 years 2023 Russell, William Col. 3 years 2027 Richardson, Richard Soldier War 2028 Robinson, William Sgt. War 2059 Robertson, Mordecai (Samuel Griffin, assnee. of) Soldier 3 years 2103 Reatly, John Soldier War 2127 Redley, Thomas Major 3 years 2158 Robinson, John Lieut. 3 years 2194 Ralls, Nathaniel Sgt. 3 years 2231 Robinson, James Corp. 3 years 2234 Richardson, Robert Soldier 3 years 2242 Roney, John Lieut. 7 years 2245 Richman, William (Elizabeth Richman, widow) Col. 3 years 2266 Robertson, George Soldier 3 years 2339 Rogers, John Soldier War 2358 Ryland, John Corp. War 2463 Ridgley, Alexander (Lewis Ford, assnee.) Soldier 3 years 2471 Roach, John (Daniel Fagan, assnee.) Corp. 3 years 2472 Rankins, Benjamin (Francis Peyton, assnee .) Soldier 3 years 2507 Richeson, Holt Lieut. Col. 3 years 2520 Roe, William Soldier 3 years Continental Line Warrants, Military District of Ohio 491 Number Warrantees (A-B) 2529 Reasons, William 2531 Rogers, Bernard 2632 Redwood, John 2639 Robards, Wm. (Daniel Perryman, assnee.) 2658 Robertson, Joseph 2663 Raphile, Jean 2701 Roper, John 2720 Rock, William 2728 Rice, Bardill (James Jenkins, assnee.) 2825 Robertson, James 2857 Reder, Adam 2896 Riley, Daniel (James Hawkins, assnee.) 2899 Reed, Alexander 2927 Roberts, Thomas 2945 Rose, Isaac 2954 Robinson, Maximilian (Laban Shipman, assnee.) 2959 Rinker, Edward 2974 Ryan, George 2995 Reelor, Maximilian 3052 Rhodes, Elijah 3140 Reddick, Jason, deed. (Thos. Reddick, heir at law) 3141 Reddick, Willis 3188 Roberts, Daniel 3261 Reynolds, Arron 3296 Ray, David (John Ray, heir at law) 3350 Ritchie, John 3427 Russell, Ephriam (Wm. Reynolds, assnee.) 3467 Rock, John (James Davies, assnee.) 3481-2 Rust, Vincent, deed. (Thos. Graves, assnee. of Matt. Rust, heir at law) 3499 Rinker, Jesse 3630-1 Russell, Andrew (Pamelia and Penelope, heirs at law, in part) 3632 Rains, Henry 3648 Rawlings : Moses 3659 Ray, Thomas 3667 Rutherford, Julius 3694 Rankins, James 3698 Ritchie, Abraham 3699 Roberts, William 3702 Richard, Thomas 3706 Ritchee, William 3738 Roberts, John Rank & Service (C) Soldier 3 years Sgt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Sgt. 7 years Sgt. 7 years Corp. 3 years Soldier 3 years Sgt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Capt. 3 years Capt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Corp. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier War Soldier War Soldier 3 years Major 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Sgt. War 492 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Number 3746 3753 3756 3779 3858 3888 3908 391 1 3985 3993-4 4005 4028 4046 4063 4096 4111 4114 4123 4154 4177 4236 4264 4288 4404 4439 45i6 4631 4676 4677 4729 4730 4743 4783 4819 4839 4855 Warrantees (A-B) Rains, Robert Rootes, John (Geo. Washington, Esq., assnee.) Robertson, John Richardson, Mourning Resner, John (Jacob Campbell, assnee.) Randolph, Henry Roberts, Elisha, deed. (William Reynolds, assnee. for Mary McDonald, heir at law) Russell, Thomas Rowe, William Rose, Alexander (in part) Rosson, Wm. deed. (Thos. Rosson, heir at law) Roberts, George Robertson, Benjamin Riggs, Jacob Ralp, Ephriam Russell, William Rogers, Bowling (Wm. Croghan, assnee. of James Fair, assnee.) Richards, Boswell (Geo. Richards, heir at law) Ramsey, James Richards, Clement Redman, Solomon (Jeremiah Bowling, heir at law) Reynolds, William Reason, Reuben (Wm. Reason, heir at law) Ravenscroft, Francis Rastford, Wm. (Wm. Reynolds, assnee. of Fred Pearce, assnee. of John Rastford, rep.) Rajalls, James Ross, William Redley, Thomas Rice, Richard (Alex. Montgomery, assnee. of Thomas Molloy, assnee.) Rankin, Robert Roy, Beverly Raiborne, George Rose, George (the rep.) Robins, John (the rep.) Rowland, Wm. (Wm. Rowland, legal rep.) Rucks, Benjamin Rank & Service (C) Soldier War Soldier Soldier Soldier Corp. Soldier Soldier Soldier Capt. Soldier Sgt. Sgt. Soldier Lieut. Soldier Soldier Soldier Soldier Soldier Soldier Lieut. Soldier Soldier Sgt. Soldier Soldier Major Soldier Lieut. Capt. Soldier Soldier Lieut. Soldier Soldier 3 years 3 years War 3 years War 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years War 3 years 3 years War 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years War War 3 years 7 years 3 years 7 years 7 years War War War War 3 years Continental Line Warrants, Military District of Ohio 493 Number 4860 4902 4919 4981 5038 154 167 1865 4IOI 5138 5153 5195 5197 5198 5200 520I 5211 5243 5273 5274 5275 5329 5330 5356 5355 5376 5577 5378 5390 5 Warrantees (A-B) Roads, William Rose, Reuben (James Taylor, assnee. of Henry Rose, rep.) Roland, Burwell (Nathaniel Rowland, rep.) Richmond, William Ratliff, Francis Roy, Beverley Ransdall, Thomas and Rose, Jesse Rose, Alexander (Thomas D. Harris, assnee. of) Rhine, Lazarus (John Stokely, assnee. of) Richardson, Daniel (Thos. M. Bay ley, assnee. of) Raleigh, William (Thos. M. Bayley, assnee. of) Russell, William (his rep.) Russell, Samuel (Thos. M. Bayley, assnee. of) Russell, Solomon (Thos. M. Bayley, assnee. of) Ross, John (Thos. M. Bayley, assnee. of) Rose, Alexander (Thos. D. Harris, assnee. of) Richardson, Zorobobel (Thos. M. Bayly, assnee. of Daniel , rep.) Richardson, William (Thos. M. Bayly, assnee of Daniel , rep.) Richardson, Charles (Thos. M. Bayly, assnee. of Daniel , rep.) Read, Henry (Jas. Taylor, assnee. of Wm. H. Cabell) Robertson, William (James Taylor, assnee. of) Rogers, William, deed. (James Harmon and John Potts, reps, of) Ragsdale, Drury, deed. (James Harmon and John Potts, rep. of) Richards, Wm., deed. (Thos. M. Bayly, assnee. of Rachel Richards, rep. of) Richards, John, deed. (Thomas M. Bayly) Richards, Preeson.decd. (Thomas M. Bayly, assnee. of Rachel Richards, rep. of) Ridden, James Robinson, James Rank Soldier Soldier Soldier Soldier Corp. Capt. Capt. Soldier Capt. Private Private Capt. Private Private Private & Service (C) War 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 7 years War War Private Private Sgt. War 7 years 3 years Private Private 3 years 3 years Capt. 7 yrs. 8 mos Private War Private 3 years Private 3 years Private War Lieut. 7 years 3 years 3 years 7 yrs. 10 mos. 3 years 3 years 494 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Number Warrantees (A-B) 5 Ransdell, Thomas, deed. (Maria and John C. Ransdell, heirs of Thomas Ransdell, deed, for one moiety and James Taylor, assnee. of Chilton Ransdell, admr. of said Thos. Ransdell, deed, and guardian to his children for the other moiety) 54 Ridley, Thomas 5499 Ruffin, Thomas, deed, (the rep. of) 5529 Reid, Nathan 5604 Rice, David, deed. (John Rice, rep. of) 5643 Russell, Albert 5746 Rose, Albert, deed. (Henry Rose, Wm. Robinson and Laurence Berry, excrs. of John Rose, deed., one of the reps, of Robert Rose, deed., Alexander Rose, another of the reps, of Henry Rose, de- visee of Catherine Rose, another of the reps, of Molly Hodge, remaining rep. of Robert Rose) 5794 Rogers, Tully, deed. (Robert Rogers and Elizabeth, heirs at law of) 5803 Ramsay, John, deed, (the rep. of) 5921 Riddick, Mills (Mary Riddick, wife of) 5922 Rodes, Jacob, deed. (Geo. Rodes, son and heir of) 5938 Rector, Maximilion 6068 Russell, Jeffry 6071 Ryan, George 6133 Reddy, Dennis 6144 Ripley, John (Dawson Cooke, assnee. of) 6157-60 Ray, T. (John and Martha Hobson, assnees. of) 6165 Royal, Wm. (in his own rite for one moiety and Benjamin Ladd, assnee. of said Royal for the other moiety) 6287 Roundtree, Samuel (rep. of) 6310 Rudolph, Michael (heir and rep. of) 6309 Rudolph, John (heirs and reps, of) 6326 Roberts, John 6348 Roth, Philip (heir and rep. of) 6354 Range, James 6434 Rawlins, Thomas (heir of) 6488 Reid, John H. 6518-9 Reynolds, John (heir of) Rank & Service (C) Major Capt. Capt. Sgt. Major Lieut. 7 yrs. 9 mos. 3 years 6 yrs. 10 mos. War 6 yrs. 11 mos. Surgeon 8 years Private Surgeon Lieut. Private Private Private 1st Sgt. 1st Sgt. 1st Sgt. Capt. 7 yrs. 8 mos. to end of War 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years War War War 3 years Capt. 7 yrs. 4 mos Private 3 years Capt. War Major War Reg. Surgn. 6 yrs. 8 mos. Private 3 years Private 3 years Continental Line Warrants, Military District of Ohio 495 Number Warrantees (A-B) Rank 6f Service (C) 6530 Rickets, Nicholas (E. R. Worthington, heir of) Lieut. War 6531-5 Rickets, Nicholas (John B. Evans, assnee. of) Lieut. War 6564 Reid, Alexander Private 3 years 6572-4 Rogers, Andrew Lieut. 3 years 6586 Rose, Jesse Private 3 years 6600 Reins, John Private 3 years 6636 Richards, James Sgt. War 6708 Rose, Uriah (sole heir at law of Thomas Rose) Private War 6758-9 Robinson, John (heir of Nathaniel Richardson) Private War 7112 Roberts, John 7290 Richards, Edward IO318 Rader, Samuel (heir of) 7342 Rodgers, Jacob (heir of) 7564-5 Rice, Holman 7599 Richey, John (Nelson Richey and others) Private 7625 Richardson, John Private 7628 Redman, Martin (Polly Powell and Martha Redman) 7648 Rollings, Moses Col. 7717 Rogers, Robert (Nancy Kelly and others) Private 7752 Ray, Andre (Robert (?)) Surgeon 776o Ray, Andre (John H. (?)) Surgeon 7766 Ray, Andre (Mary Ann and Eliza Habden) Surgeon 7787 Roberts, Cyrus L. (Burwel S. Roberts and others) Capt. 8053 Russell, Robert (Robert Russell) Soldier 8126 Rice, John (John S. Courtney) Soldier 8390 Robinson, John (John Robinson and others) Private 8431 Rhodes, Michael (Anna Rhodes) Private 8436-7 Rout, Richard (Jane Farrow) 8438 Rout, Richard (E. Fagan) 8439 Rout, Richard (C. Knox) 8440 Rout, Richard (David Rout) 8441 Rinkee, Edward Private 5304 Ross, Elijah, deed. (Thomas M. Bayley, assnee. of Danl. Richardson) Private War 5326 Riggs, Joshua (Thomas M. Bayley, assnee.) Private War 26 Steth, John Capt. 3 years 45 Stayden, Daniel Soldier 3 years 5i Scott, Joseph, Jnr. Capt. 7 years 63 Sansom, Philip Capt. 3 years 69 Slaughter, Philip Capt. 3 years 496 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Number Warrantees (A-B) Rank & Service (C) 104 Steuben, Major General (resolution of Assembly) Maj. Gen. III Shelton, Clough Capt. 3 years 137 Stark, Richard Lieut. War 146 Smith, William S. Lieut. 3 years 185 Smith, Aaron Soldier War 222-3 Springer, Uriah Capt. 3 years 228-9 Springer, Jacob Lieut. 3 years 290 Shepard, Abraham Capt. 3 years 341 Swearingen, Joseph Capt. 3 years 347 Stephenson, David Major 7 years 35i Simms, Charles (Va. Line) Lieut. Col. 3 years 535 Spratley, Richard Corp. 3 years 573 Smaw, John Sgt. 3 years 597 Spotswood, John Corp. 3 years 602 Steel, John Lieut. 3 years 619 Smith Larkin Capt. 3 years 623 Sherman, Robert Fifer 3 years 644 Slaughter, John Soldier 3 years 685 Smith, Obadiah Lieut. 3 years 736 Skinner, Alexander Surgeon 3 years 767 Smith, Michael Sgt. 3 years 793 Stokely, Charles Lieut. 3 years 815 Scott, Charles Brig. Gen. 7 years 826 Stead, John Capt. 3 years 865 Shurls, Benjamin Soldier 3 years 878 Spence, Henry Soldier 3 years 899 Sublett, Benjamin Sgt. 3 years 967 Stoke, Robert Soldier War 968 Sparkes, Samuel Soldier War 914 Stratherd, Thomas Soldier 3 years 930 Smith, George Soldier 3 years 933 Stump, Michael Soldier 3 years 950 Sollers, William Soldier 3 years 954 Smith, John Soldier 3 years 996 Stribling, Sigismond Capt. 7 years 998 Solomon, George Soldier 3 years 1002 Simmons, Bryan Soldier 3 years 1022 Smock, Jacob Sgt. 3 years 1023 Shores, Thomas Soldier 3 years 1025 Shannan, Patrick Soldier 3 years 1041 Smith, John Drummer War 1057 Smith, William Soldier War 1062 Smith, Samuel Soldier War 1063 Saveall, James Soldier War Continental Line Warrants, Military District of Ohio 497 Number Warrantees (A-B) Rank &" Service (C) IO74 Sharron, Richard Soldier War I075 Smith, Michael Soldier War IO86 Smith, James Soldier War "15 Shea, John Soldier War 1 136 Stakepate, James Soldier War II41 Shephard, Edward Soldier War 1 142 Skinner, Henry Soldier War II7I Stubblefield, Benjamin (heir of Geo. Stubblefield, deed.) Ensign War II76 Spruce, John Soldier War 1203 Stublefield, Beverley Capt. War 1206 Straughan, John Soldier War 1235 Simmons, Joshua F. Major War 1240 Shields, James Soldier 3 years 1247 Simms, Isaac Soldier War 1253 Simmons, James Soldier War 1265 Sell, George Soldier War 1266 Smithy, Benjamin Soldier 3 years I280 Simmons, William Soldier War I28l Sample, James Soldier War 1315 Scott, William Drummer 7 years 1319 Skinner, Richard Soldier 3 years 1323 Son, Anthony (Va. Cavalry) Sgt. War 1363 Sned, Holman (Va. Artillery) Soldier 3 years 1396 Slokes, John Capt. 7 years 1401 Stoneham, Henry Corp. War I405 Stephens, Thomas Capt. 7 years 1421 Smith, Elijah Soldier 3 years I430 Smith, William Sgt. 3 years 1453 Smith, Jacob Soldier 3 years 1489 Smith, John Soldier War 1508 Slate, James Corp. War I5IO Stewart, Patrick Soldier 3 years 1513 Salterwhite, John Sgt. War 1516 Shay, Dennis Soldier War 1527 Span, Richard Soldier 3 years 1528 Span, James Soldier 3 years 1562 Salmon, George Sgt. War 1566 Stern, Charles Sgt. 3 years 1569 Stokeley, Charles (to complete his bounty) Lieut. 7 years 1593 Swart, James Soldier War 1628 Smithers, Stephen Sgt. 7 years 1635 Scott, John Soldier War 1637 Shayar, William Sgt. Major War 1648 Smith, James Soldier War 498 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Number Warrantees (A-B) Rank i &■ Service (C) 1689 Simpson, John Soldier 3 years 1717 Saunders, Presley Sgt. 3 years 1729 Smith, John Soldier 3 years 1736 Shilton, David Soldier 3 years 1770 Smith, William Drummer War 1778 Scott, Robert Capt. 3 years 1782 Somers, William Capt. 3 years 1791 Stevens, William Lieut. 3 years 1839 Stevens, Joseph (heir at law to John Stevens deed.) Sgt. 3 years 1843 Smith, William Lieut. 3 years 1852 Stith, John Capt. 3 years 1854 Stewart, Benjamin Soldier 7 years 1887 Scott, Joseph Jr. Capt. 3 years 1907 Summerson, George Soldier War 1923 Stranghan, James (heir at law to Presley Stranghan, deed.) Soldier 3 years 1896 Shelton, Thomas, alias Chilton F. Major 8 years 1917-9 Stevens, Edward (in part) B. Gen. 3 years 1941 Sandefer, Samuel Soldier 3 years 1945 Scott, James Soldier 3 years 1999 Smith, Thomas Soldier 3 years 2012 Scott, Charles G. G. 3 years 2015 Stanley, William Soldier 3 years 2036 Stacey, Samson Soldier 3 years 2083 Small, Henry Soldier 3 years 2087 Scott, William Soldier 3 years 2112 Slate, John Corp. 3 years 2I20 Singleton, Anthony Capt. 3 years 2123 Stokes, Christopher (Bowler Clark, assnee.) Sgt. 3 years 2188 Spencer, Simpson Soldier 3 years 2206 Soles, William Soldier 3 years 2207 Shackleford, Mag. Soldier 3 years 2208 Shackleford, Henry Soldier 3 years 2228 Slaughter, Nathl., deed. (John Slaughter, heir at law) Soldier 3 years 2270 Southall, Stephen Lieut. War 2277 Salusberry, Newman Soldier War 2291 Seldon, Samuel Leiut. 3 years 2306 Stape, Thomas Drummer War 2330 Shepard, David (John Depruet, assnee.) Soldier 3 years 2334 Spenar, Beverley Soldier 3 years 2338 Stewart, Philip Lieut. War 2344 Shires, Nicholas (Wm. Reynolds , assnee. of) Soldier War 2362 Sear, John Soldier War Continental Line Warrants, Military District of Ohio 499 Number Warrantees (A-B) 2363 Scott, Drury 2418 Sears, Thomas 2433 Starke, Wm., deed. (Lewis Starke, assnee. of Burwell Starke, legal rep. of) 2444 Scott, Charles 2446 Shelton, Clough 2498 Slaughter, John 2506 Self, Larkin 2510 Snead, John (Ambrose Lipscomb, assnee.) 2524 Sutton, Benjamin 2526 Sutton, Rowland 2534 Strother, William 2544 Smithy, Robert 2548 Scott, John 2549 Scott, Joseph 2609 Scott, John 2628 Savage, Joseph 2643 Stokes, Silvanus 2659 Swillwant, James 2692 Saxton, William (Benoni Berryman, assnee.) 2707 Stacy, Stephen 2722 Sebry, William 2734 Smother, William 2746 Suddoth, William 2750 Stevens, John, deed. (Joshua Stevens, heir at law) 2771 Smith, John (James Jenkins, assnee.) 2773 Saymore, William (James Jenkins, assnee.) 2776 Seay, James (James Jenkins, assnee.) 2786 Smith, Isaac 2791 Smith, Isaac 2810 Stubbs, Allen 2828 Sims, Thomas, deed. (Geo. Sims, legal rep. of) 2835 Sebastian, Benjamin (Lawrence Muse, assnee.) 2838 Sneed, Thomas 2850 Stockdell, John 2858 Settle, Strother 2865 Shanks, James 2889 Simpson, Jeremiah 2919 Smith, John 2928 Slead, Seaton (Wm. Reynolds, assnee.) 2930 Shakleford, Wm., deed. (Wm. Reynolds, assnee. of John Shakleford, rep.) 2960 Smith, Nathan Rank & Service (C) Soldier War Lieut. War Lieut. War Cornett War Capt. 7 years Subalt. 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Corp. 3 years Soldier 3 years Sgt. War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Subalt. War Sur. Mate 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier War Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Sgt. 3 years Soldier War Sgt. 3 years Soldier 7 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Lieut. War Soldier 3 years Sgt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Lieut. 3 years Sur. Mate War 500 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Number Warrantees (A-B) Rank & Service (C) 2988 Stephenson, Hugh (R. Stephenson, heir at law) Col. 3 years 3006 Scott, Littleberry Soldier War 3039 Swann, John Capt. 7 years 3044 Stringfellow, David (Henry Stringfellow, heir at law) Sgt. War 3045 Southerland, William Soldier 7 years 3046 Shirley, James Soldier 3 years 3064 Smith, Francis Soldier 3 years 3073 Suddoth, John (Wm. Reynolds, assnee.) Soldier 3 years 3085 Sydner, Fortunatus Soldier War 3095 Sorrell, Richard, deed. (James Sorrell, heir at law) Soldier 3 years 3IOI Scott, Matthew (Will Scott, assnee.) Sgt. 3 years 3131 Slaughter, Francis Lightfoot Soldier War 3146 Smith, Joseph Soldier 3 weeks 3I50 Saunders, John Soldier War 3155 Salmons, Henry Soldier 3 years 3176 Skinner, Alexander Surgeon 7 years 3182 Smith, William Soldier 3 years 3187 Scott, John Subalt. 3 years 3304 Smith, John Soldier 3 years 3347 Sanderson, Samuel Soldier 3 years 3349 Stevens, Edward Sgt. 3 years 3388 Stevens, Peter (Matt. Pote, assnee. of Robt. Taylor, assnee.) Sgt. 3 years 3389 Sturdivan, John Soldier War 3407 Stubbs, Allen (Samuel Brookings, assnee.) Soldier 3 years 34io Shepard, David Soldier 3 years 34H Scarbrough, John Lieut. 3 years 3436 Suggs (Siggs?), George Soldier 3 years 3478 Stribling, William Sgt. War 3495 Suddoth, William Corp. 3 years 3504 Stackhouse, John Soldier 3 years 3517 Smith, Minor Soldier 3 years 3535 Scott, George Soldier 3 years 3538-40 Slaughter, George (resolution of Assembly, parts) Major 3541-2 Slaughter, Augustine (resolution of Assembly in parts) Surgeon 3551 Saduskie, Jonathan, deed. (Saml. Saduskie, heir at law) Soldier 3 years 3553 Shouse, Samuel Soldier 3 years 356i Sinah, John Soldier 3 years 3585 Sommers, Simon (resolution of Assembly) Adjutant 3 years Continental Line Warrants, Military District of Ohio 501 Number Warrantees (A-B) Rank & Service (C) 3601 Shoup, William (John Bartlett, assnee.) Sgt. War 3604 Sargent, James Soldier 3 years 3613 Stringfellow, Henry Soldier War 3620 Stephens, John Soldier 3 years 2623-6 Sayers, Robert (resolution of Assembly, in parts) Capt. 3634 Smith, Weedon Soldier 3 years 3649 Story, John (Francis Story, heir at law) Soldier 3 years 3650 Sulser, Matthew Soldier 3 years 3658 Staples, Joseph Sgt. 3 years 3666 Saxton, John Soldier 3 years 3668 Smith, Richard (Zacharia Johnson, assnee.) Soldier War 3673 Simkins, James Soldier 3 years 3674 Simkins, Garrett Soldier 3 years 3682 Sandford, Thomas (Wm. Reynolds, assnee.) Soldier War 3707 Sheener, Matthias Sgt. 3 years 3745 Sellers, Michael Soldier War 3751 Spity fa thorn, John Sgt. 3 years 3765 Spitter, Benjamin (resolution of Assembly) Capt. 3 years 3787 Smith, James (John Smith, legal rep.) Soldier 3 years 3807 Sledd, Seaton (to complete his bounty) Sgt. War 3817 Spencer, Moses Soldier 3 years 3831 Smith, William Sgt. 3 years 3834 Stratton, Seth Soldier War 3851 Suseng, Andrew Soldier 3 years 3856 Smith, John Soldier 3 years 3864 Shaver, George Soldier 3 years 3865 Shaver, John Soldier 3 years 3867 Shaw, William Soldier 3 years 3898 Simkins, Reubin (Wm. Reynolds, assnee.) Soldier War 3936 Shaner, George Soldier 3 years 3938 Spang, David Soldier 3 years 3959 Sullins, Wm. (Wm. Reynolds, assnee. of Edward Valentine, assnee. of John Sullins, heir at law) Soldier War 3976 Simpson, Daniel (Thomas Brown, assnee.) Corp. 3 years 398o Sheldon, Peter F. Fifer War 3996 Smither, Benjamin Soldier War 4013 Seburn, Jacob Soldier War 4041 Shacklett, Edward Soldier 3 years 4051 Sewell, Thomas Sgt. 3 years 4054 Smither, Benjamin Soldier 3 years 4066 Sears, Joseph Soldier War 4067 Smith, James Corp. 3 years 4093 Shibler, Frederick Soldier 3 years 502 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Number Warrantees (A-B) 41 17 Smith, Thomas 4130 Shaw, Matthew 4133 Sickner, John Simon 4140 Stevenson, Wm. (Francis Stevenson, heir at law) 4158 Spencer, William 4161 Stonnell, alias Stoner (Richard, Jesse Ewell, assnee.) 4163 Stewart, Robert (Patrick Stewart, assnee.) 418 1 Savage, George (John Savage, heir at law) 4203 Smith, Major (Francis Smith, heir at law) 4207 Smith, William 4217 Smith, Charles 4218 Smith , Richard (Stephen Smith , heir at law) 4272 Smith, John 4275 Stilwell, Joseph 4295 Smith, Stephen (Daniel Smith, heir at law) 4324 Sutton, Martin 4325 Simmons, Jas. (Anne, Eliza, Catherine and Eppa, co-heirs) 4339 Smith, William (Samuel Smith, eldest brother) 4359 Simkins, William 4372 Spencer, Wm. (Wm. Reynolds, assnee. of Richard and Bennett, assnees.) 4387 Slaughter, John 4440 Smith, Isaac (Matt. Walton, assnee. of Edward Thomas, assnee. of Johnson Smith, heir) 4449 Speer, John (Wm. Reynolds, assnee. of Richard Burnett, assnee. of the rep.) 4454 Spencer, John (Wm. Reynolds, assnee. of Wm. Darnall, assnee.) 4459 Sharp, Josiah (Robert Sharp, heir at law) 4478 Swearingen, Joseph 4479 Stephens, Joseph (Geo. Rice, assnee. of Ansel George, assnee.) 4500 Sayers, John (Thos. Sayers, heir at law) 4515 Stevens, John (Richard Smith, assnee. of Ansel George, assnee. of Jos. Stevens, heir at law) 4525 Smith, James 4548 Stewart, Henry (John Stewart, heir at law) 4558 Sampson, George (Wm. Bigger, assnee. of Reubin Sampson, heir) Rank & Service (C) D. Major War Soldier War Soldier War Lieut. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Lieut. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Sgt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Capt. 7 years Sgt. 3 years Lieut. Col. 3 years Soldier War Sgt._ War Soldier War Soldier 3 years Continental Line Warrants, Military District of Ohio 503 Number Warrantees (A-B) Rank & Service (C) 4564 Saulley, James Soldier War 4567 Smith, James (Richard Means and Jas. Vaughn, assnees.) Soldier 3 years 4584 Stern, David Sgt. War 4585 Singleton, Anthony- Capt. 7 years 4604 Scott, Stephen (Wm. Bigger of Wm. Patman 1 assnee. of the rep.) Soldier War 4607 Sanders, Thomas (rep.) Soldier War 4608 Sanders, David (rep.) Soldier War 4616 Sweeny, Thomas (rep.) Soldier War 4623 Stewart, James (Robt. Means, assnee. of Fra's Graves) Soldier War 4625 Shaner, Frederick Soldier War 4635 Smith, John (Wm. Smith, heir at law) Soldier 3 years 4659 Sissin, Robert (Robert Means, assnee. of Friend Graves, assnee.) Sgt. War 4669 Sneed, Christopher Soldier 3 years 4675 Spotswood, Alexander (resolution of Assembly) Col. 4685 Smith, Wyatt Soldier War 4694 Sailor, Martin Sgt. 3 years 4695 Smith, Mat (John Smith, assnee. of Augustir L I. Smith, rep.) Capt. War 4702 Sansum, Philip Capt. War 4710 Smith, Thomas (rep.) Soldier War 4717 Sudthard, John Soldier War 4765 Scott, Abraham Soldier War 4768 Stewart, Charles Soldier 3 years 4778 Stewart, James (rep.) Soldier 3 years 4785 Stark, Richard (Harriet and Morris Stark, reps.) Lieut. 3 years 4797 Setton, William (Hugh Allen, assnee.) Soldier 3 years 4805 Seigle, Frederick (the rep.) Surgeon War 4813 Sammons, Charles (the rep.) Surgeon War 4815 Summwalt, Thomas (the rep.) Surgeon 3 years 4829 Simmons, Spratley (Edwin Long, assnee.) Surgeon War 4833 See, John Surgeon 3 years 4860 Scarbury, John Lieut. 7th year 4870 Stith, John Capt. 7th year 4875 Seaburn, John (Peter Seaburn,admr.) Soldier 3 years 4901 Sanders, Reuben (James Taylor, assnee. of John Sanders, rep.) Sgt. War 4907 Stubblefield, Beverley (James Taylor, assnee.) Capt. 7th year 4917 Steed, John Capt. 7th year 504 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Number Warrantees (A-B) 4924 Sale, John (James Taylor, assnee.) 4928 Sawyers, James 4938 Springer, Uriah 4971-2 Snowden, Jonathan 4980 Shull, John (the rep.) 4988 Smith, Samuel 5008 Stoker, Edward 501 1 Stafford, David 5013 Scoggins, John 5014 Scoggins, Ephriam 5022 Spencer, Amos 5069 Swearingen, Joseph 5084 Sayers, Robert (James Taylor, assnee. of) 5097 Scott, David (also 5098, 5099, 5010 to same) 127 Smith, Jonathan 137 Stark, Richard 200 Smith, Ballard !333 Splann, Thomas 5104-6 Smith, Joseph (Samuel Marsh, assnee.) 5127-8 Steel, David (Robert Means, assnee. of John Steelely, assnee. of) 5139 Smith, James (Robert Means, assnee. of) 5144 Simmons, William (Robert Means, assnee. of Thos. D. Harris) 5148 Shepherd, Abraham (John Stokely, assnee. of) 5149 Springer, Jacob (John Stokely, assnee. of) 5206 Sneed, George (Thos. M. Baylee, assnee. of) 5231 Skinner, Alexander (Henry Lee, assnee. of) 5235 Stith, John 5242 Shepherd, Abraham (John Stokely, assnee. of) 5256 Sayers, Robert (James Taylor, assnee. of) 5305 Simpson, Drummond (Thos. M. Bayly, assnee. of Tabitha Simpson, rep. of) 5306 Simpson, Elisha (Thos. M. Bayly, assnee. of Hancock Simpson) 5307 Scott, Sacker, deed. (Elizabeth Scott, rep. of) 5326 Sterling, Richard, deed. (Thos. M. Bayly, assnee. of Henry Sterling, rep. of) 5328 Scott, Joseph, Senr. 5331 Stephenson, David (James Taylor, assnee. of) 5339 Stribling, Segismond Rank & Service (C) Soldier 3 years Capt. War Capt. 7th year Lieut. War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Private 3 years Capt. 8 years Capt. 7 years Capt. 3 years Lieut. 3 years Lieut. 3 years Lieut. 3 years Soldier 3 years Capt. 7 years Capt. 3 years Capt. 7 years Sgt. 3 years Capt. 7 yrs. 8 mos. Lieut. 7 years Private 3 years Surgeon 7 yrs. 9 mos. Capt. 7 yrs. 9 mos. Capt. 6 yrs. 5 mos. Capt. 7 yrs. 10 mos Private 3 years Private 3 years Private 3 years Private 3 years Capt. 1 yr. 3 mos. and 7 yrs. Major 10 mos. 7 yrs, Capt. 1 yr 3 mos. plus 1 yr. Continental Line Warrants, Military District of Ohio 505 Lieut. Number Warrantees (A-B) 5341 Smith, William S. (rep. of) 5342 Swearingen, Joseph 5349 Smith, Francis (Thos. D. Harris, assnee. of) Lieut 5391 Slavin, John 5398 to 5404 Sanford Wm. deed. (rep. of) 5406 Singleton, Anthony (rep. of) 5434 Swaine, Francis and John Graff (excrs. of Peter Muhlerberg, deed.) 5436 Scott, Charles 5443 Steel, John 5446-7 Spotswood, John (rep. of surviving excr.) 5450 Stubblefield, Beverly 5451 Swan, John (James Taylor, assnee.) 5463 Smith, James 5470 Smith, Edward (John Stokely, assnee. of Robert Means) 5488 Sherman, Duke, deed. (Benj. W. Ladd and John W. Sherman, former assnee. of Sarah Bradley, who with said Sherman are heirs of) 5496-8 Smith, Arthur, deed. (Sally Jordan, late Sally Smith, legal heir) 55 00- 3 Snead, Thos., deed. (John S. Snead, son and heir) 5593 Sterling, Wm., deed. (Henry Sterling, rep. of) 5603 Suddath, William 5647 Seldon, Samuel, deed. (Miles Seldon, heir of G. A. Seldon, deed., who was devisee of) 5710 Snead, Smith, deed. (Charles Snead, heir and devisee of) 5717 Spitfa thorn, John (3 years after deducting 200 acres as a bequest) 5718 Spitfathom, John (Wm. G. Pendleton, assnee. of) 5728 Scott, Charles 5765 Spitfathom, John (Wm. G. Pendleton, assnee. of) Rank & Service (C) Lieut. 9 mos. plus 6 yrs. Capt. 5 mos. plus 8 yrs. Lieut. 9 mos. 6 yrs. Private 3 years Capt. 10 mos. 7 yrs Capt. 4 mos. 7 yrs. Brig. Gen. 1 1 mos. 7 yrs, Brig. Gen. 3 mos. 7 yrs. Lieut. 7 mos. plus 6 yrs. Capt. 7 years Capt. 9 mos. 7 yrs. Major 7 years Lieut. 10 mos. 7 yrs. 3 years Private 3 years Capt. 3 years Major 3 years Private 3 years Sgt. 3 years Lieut. 10 mos. plus 6 yrs. Major 10 mos. plus 7 yrs. Ensign Ensign Brig. Gen. 8 years Ensign 10 mos. plus 6 yrs. 506 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Number Warrantees (A-B) Rank & Service (C) 57 66 Spitfathom, John Ensign 14 mos. plus 6 yrs. 5767 Smaw, John, deed. (Nancy Smaw, Sally Biggs, Charles Biggs, Elizabeth Watson and Geo. Smaw, reps, of) Sgt. War 4794 Snead, Philip Sgt. 3 years 4799 Samuel, Jeremiah (double number) Sgt. 3 years 5804 Shoop, John Sgt. 3 years 5836 Shepherd, Major (Ann Shepherd, only heir of) Private War 5841 Scruggs, Samuel Private 3 years 5846 Stockley, Nehemiah Lieut. 10 mos. plus 6 yrs. 5847 Stanley, Moses (deducting 100 acres already received) Private War 5864 Scott, Henry Sgt. 3 years 5900 Scott, John, deed. (David Scott, heir to) Private 3 years 5907 Savage, Richard (George Savage, heir of) Private War 59io Smith, William (having drawn for 3 years) Private War 59i6 Scruggs, Gross (assnee., etc. to Wm. Daner July 12, 1815 by I. Graham) Major War 59i8 Smith, Ballard, deed. (rep. of) Lieut. War 5929 Spiller, Cage, deed. (Philip Spiller, heir of) Private War 5978-9 Scott, John E. (rep. of) Lieut. War 6000 Simpkins, Moore Private War 6016 Settle, Strother G., deed. (rep. of) Capt. War 6026-30 Stokes, John, deed. (rep. of) Capt. 9 mos. plus 7 y r s- 6049 Story, John, deed. (rep. of) Private War 6137 Shreeves, William Private War 6138 Speak, William Private 3 years 6150 Shell, William Private 3 years 6i53 Stubbs, Benjamin (Christopher Delgraffen- reid, assnee.) Private 3 years 6176 Shephard, Edward, deed. (Daniel S. Smith, assnee. of William Shephard, Elizabeth Shephard, Molly Boone, who was Molly Shephard and Nancy Shephard, heirs of) Private 3 years 6198 Sommers, Simon Capt. 1 year 6228 Stags, Richard (Wm. Pickett, assnee. of) Private War 6231 Smith, David L. (assnee. of Benjamin Jacobs) Private 3 years 6282 Story, John Private 3 years 6285 Slaughter, Robert Lieut. 3 years 6305 Slaughter, John Private 3 years Continental Line Warrants, Military District of Ohio 507 Number Warrantees (A-B) 6308 Stewart, Charles (heirs and legal reps, of) 6325 Springer, Levi (assnee. of Richard Beeson, heir of Edward Beeson, deed.) 6332 Sturdivant, John, Jr. (John Manlove, admr.) 6333 Satterwhite, John 6335 Strother, James, deed. (Jane Ewell, wife of Alfred Ewell, Jane Strother, Nancy, Witten, wife of Thos. Witten, Nancy Strother, Elizabeth Vermilion, wife of Thos. V., Elizabeth Strother and James P. Strother, only heirs of the late) 6350 Saunders, Alleck (State Line) 6357 Stephen, John 6362 Stephens, Edward 6372 Stephens, Gabriel, deed. (Henry Stephens, heir) 6389 Sorrell, Elisha 6391 Sanders, James 6420 Sorrell, Thomas (heir of) 6423 Sharp, William 6427 Scott, Joseph 6433 Sharp, Thomas (Wm. Sharp, heir of) 6440-1 Stephenson, John (Mary Stephenson, widow and admx.) 6458 Stephenson, Joseph 6486 Sergeant, Jeremiah 6491 Scans, Peter (his heirs) 6494 Slaughter, Francis L. 6499 Schooler, William 6545 Snead, Charles (his heirs) 6566 Smith, Benjamin 6567-70 Spencer, Joseph 6576 Sugan, James 6581 Shanks, John 6584 Sidebotham, John 6591-2 Scott, William (his heirs) 6609 Stewart, Maxey 6628-9 Spencer, William (his heirs) 6636 Stevens, William 6643 Stivers, Reuben 6650-3 Scott, William, deed, (heir of) 6672 Stevens, Nancy (formerly, now Nancy Howell) Capt. Rank & Service (C) Ensign 3 years Ensign War Lieut. 3 years Private 3 years Sgt. 3 years Private 3 years Private 3 years Private 3 years Private 3 years Private 3 years Private 3 years Private 3 years Private War Capt. 6 mos. over 6 yrs. Private War Major War Private 3 years Private 3 years Private 3 years Private 3 years Sgt. War Capt. 7 years Private 3 years Capt. 3 years Private 3 years Private War Private 3 years Capt. 3 years Private 3 years Lieut. 3 years Lieut. 10 mos. or more Private War Capt. War War 508 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Number 6673 6674 6675 6676 6677 6678 6679 6680 6723 6730 6748 6998 7136 7268 7278 7328 7320 7369 140 151 7414 77IO 7719 7740 7767 8019 8035 8580 4067 1095 8211 8219 8225 8305 8307 8354 8361 8394 Warrantees {A-B) Stevens, Lucy (one of the heirs) Stevens, Lewis (one of the heirs) Stevens, Robert (one of the heirs) Stevens, Mary (now Mary Winston) Stevens, Judith (now Judith Crimbus) Stevens, Richard (one of the heirs, etc.) Stevens, Hiram (one of the heirs, etc.) Stevens, Horace (one of the heirs, etc.) Serake, Willison Smith, Jonathan Slaughter, Philip Scruggs, Timothy Shackelford, Richard (Continental) Saunders, Robert W. Smith, Joseph (heirs of) Sutton, John Seldon, Joseph (heirs of) Scow, Alexander Stevens, Richard (Lucy Stevens and others) Skarret, Clement (Clement Skarret) Slaughter, William (Wm. Slaughter and others) Simpson, William (Charles Simpson) Spiers, Caleb (Margaret Spiers) Strickling, Alexander Saunders, Neley (Ann B. Taylor) Smith, Godfrey Smith, John (Larkin Smith and others) Stott, William (Susan Stott) Smith, James (Dup. warrant in lieu of original Jan. 1786) Smith, Jesse (Jesse Smith) Satchell, William (Southey Satchell and others) Satchell, George (Southey Satchell and others) Saulsbery, Thomas (Thomas Kellam) Speakman, Henry (Elizabeth Bancroft and others) Satterwhite, Rob (Rob Satterwhite) Scantland, John (John Scantland and S. Parker) Sellers, William (Mary Sellars) Simpson, Alexander (heir of) Solomon, Richard (heir of) Rani '1 & Service (C) Capt. War Capt. War Capt. War Capt. War Capt. War Capt. War Capt. War Capt. War 0. Sgt. War Lieut. 1 yr. addl Lieut. War Lieut. War Lieut. War Lieut. War Lieut. War Lieut. War Lieut. War Scrip Capt. Scrip Ensign Private Private Private Capt. Soldier Soldier Corp. Soldier Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Continental Line Warrants, Military District of Ohio 509 Number Warrantees (A-B) 8395 Solomon, James (heir of) 8399 Speckhard, George (George Speckhard) 8442 Smith, Larkin (John H. Smith) 216 Spencer, Thomas (Eliza Richardson) 217 Spencer, Thomas (Sarah Watkins) 218 Spencer, Thomas (Martha Morton) 219 Spencer, Thomas (Martha H. Allen) 220 Spencer, Thomas (Sion Spencer) 221 Spencer, Thomas (James Thomas Spencer) 222 Spencer, Thomas (William W. Spencer) 266 Slaughter, William (Wm. Slaughter, devisee) 367 Simpson, Alexander (Ann Simpson) 1876 Tunstall, Thomas, Junr. 1932 Tilkins, John 1859 Tear Harman 1870 Taylor, William 1936 Taylor, Reuben !937 Taylor, Francis 1963 Talliaferro, William (heir to Col. Wm. Talliaferro, deed.) 1966 Tenbush (?), William 1974 Terrell, Edmund 1986 Towns, John 2019 Turvey, William 2026 Thornton, William 2050 Triplett Nathaniel 2056 Taylor, Chas. (State Line. Saml. Griffin, assnee.) 2094 Thompson, Patrick 2147 Tuggles, Joshua 2189 Tasker, James 2280 Tharp, Elkanah 2370 Trent, Thomas 2 377 Treziant, John 2396 Toney, Vincent (Thomas Arlin, assnee.) 2 399 Tuggles, Henry (Thomas Arlin, assnee.) 2417 Temples, Benjamin 2439 Thompson, Royall (Wm. Forbush, assnee.) 2467 Turner, Jessee (Lewis Ford, assnee.) 2484 Tomlin, William 2497 Tompkins, Christopher, deed. (Bennett Thompson, legal rep.) 2515 Trabue, John 2 539 Thomas, Massey Rank & Service (C) Private Private Capt. Lieut. Lieut. Lieut. Lieut. Lieut. Lieut. Lieut. Ensign Private S. Major 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Capt. 3 years Major 3 years Lieut. Col. Soldier 3 years Sgt. 3 years Lieut. 3 years Soldier War Soldier War Sgt. War Soldier 3 years Sgt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Sgt. 7 years Sgt. 3 years Surgeon War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Lieut. 3 years Soldier 3 years Sgt. 3 years Sgt. 3 years Lieut. 3 years Lieut. 3 years Soldier 3 years 510 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Number Warrantees (A-B) 2601 Terry, Nathaniel 261 1 Thompson, John (Richard C. Fartane, assnee.) 2648 Taturn, Zachariah 2667-8 Tompkins, Danl. (Jas. Tompkins, legal rep.) 2729 Trabue, William 2 753 Thomas, Lewis 2765 Thomas, Jacob (Edward Valentine, assnee.) 2774 Tunstall, Henry (Jas. Jenkins, assnee.) 2783 Tyler, William 2788 Thompson, Henry (Wm. Thompson, legal rep.) 2875 Trotter, John 2877 Taylor, James (Jas. Taylor, heir at law) 2892 Thomas, Henry 2903 Tanner, William 2940 Thomas, William 2981 Tucker Michael, deed. (Lewis Force, assnee. to Wm. Tucker, who is heir at law) 3004 Thompson, Smith 3018 Tripp, Adam 3134 Tiller, William 3177 Thomas, Joseph 3206-7 Throckmorton, Abbeon, Jr. 3238 Tomlinson, Littlebury (Alex, Tomlinson, heir at law) 3239 Tomlinson, Hasbert (Hamlin Tomlinson heir at law) 3240 Tomlinson, Joseph (Alex. Tomlinson, heir at law) 3 2 57 Turnham, Thomas Temple, John 3301 Tyler, John, deed. (Nathl. Tyler, heir at law) 3364 Taylor, Robert (James Fear, assnee.) 3422 Tennell, George 3446 Taylor, Thornton (resolution of Assembly) 3448 Timmons, John 3450 Turner, Richard 3463 Thomas, Elisha 3464 Thomas, Joseph 3509 Thorn, Richard 3579 Townsend, Ewel 3584 Turant, Manlove 3654 Tyree, John, deed. (Wm. Tyree, heir at law) 3688 Tate, Robert (Wm. Reynolds, assnee.) Rank & Service (C) Capt. 7 years Sgt. 3 years Subalt. 3 years Lieut. 3 years Sgt. 3 years Capt. 6 years Soldier 3 years Sgt. 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Sgt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Sgt. 3 years Corp. 3 years Soldier 3 years Subalt. War Soldier Soldier 3 years 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Lieut. 3 years Sgt. 3 years Soldier War Lieut. 3 years Sgt. 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Corp. 3 years Sgt. War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Continental Line Warrants, Military District of Ohio 511 Number 3796 3797 3798 3854 3884 3931 3974 399i 3992 401 1 4047 4052 4074 4999 4131 4149 4169 4334 4415 4417&21 4429 4483 4484 4555 4574 4626 4679 4693 4716 4724 4798 4889 4897 4904 491 1 4912 4946 4947 4969 4976 Warrantees (A-B) Townsend, John Tally, John, Senr. Tally, John, Junr. Taylor, Robert Tyler, Benjamin Thompson, George (Wm. Reynolds, assnee.) Towles, John (Saml. Cranch, assnee.) Toney, Reuben Toney, Archibald Thurston, Wm. (Henry Banks, assnee.) Taylor, John (Wm. Taylor, heir at law) Taylor, James Taylor, William Triplett, William Times, Peter Travis, Miles Thompson, John Tarlington, Jacob Talley, Thomas (Richard Barnett, assnee. of the rep.) Turner, Wm. (Wm. Reynolds, assnee. of R. Burnett, assnee.) Tucker, Reuben (Turner, Morris, assnee. of Jno. Bailey, assnee. of Edw. Davis, assnee. of B. Burnett, assnee. of the rep.) Turner, Isham Turner, Thomas Turner, George (William Big) Tapscott, John (rep.) Taylor, James Temple, Benjamin Thornton, Presley Thomas, Peter Tomlin, Stephen Throckmorton, William Taylor, Richard Tucker, George Taylor, Richard Taylor, John Towles, Oliver and Jas. Taylor, said Taylor, assnee. of P. Towles Tibbs, John Taylor, William Taylor, Francis Thompson, James Rank & Service (C) Soldier War Soldier War Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years D. Major 3 years Soldier 3 years Lieut. 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 vears Corp. War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Sgt. 3 years Soldier War Lieut. Col. 7th year Capt. 7th year Soldier War Corp. 3 years Soldier 3 years Lieut. Col. 7th year Soldier War Lieut. Col. 8th year Major 3 years Lieut. Col. 7th year Lieut. 7th year Major 7th year Major 7th year Lieut. 3 years 512 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Number Warrantees (A-B) 5003 Thompson, John 5023-5 Tatum, Henry 5070 Toggle, Henry 132 Taylor, William 205 Theocatt, Thomas 5107 Tate, James 5108 Throckmorton, Robert 5130 Tatum, Henry 5213 Thornton, James (Thos. M. Bayley, assnee.) 5253 Towles, Oliver (James Taylor, assnee. of Thos. M. Bayley, assnee. of) 5361 Treakle, Severn, deed. (Lucretia Treakle admr. of) 5382 Taylor, Thomas (admr. with will annexed of John McAdams, deed.) 5417 Temple, Benjamin, deed. (rep. of) 5419 Tatum, Henry 5431 Taylor, James (assnee. of Churchill Jones) 5445 Taylor, Francis (rep. of) 5449 Taylor, James (assnee. of Thos. Overton) 5452 Taylor, Richard 5453 Taylor, William 5461 Tibbs, John, for one moiety and James Taylor, assnee. of Jno. M. Manchett, the other moiety 5466 Timsly, William 5580 Topping, John 5645 Taliaferro, Nicholas (James Taylor, the latter, assnee. of the formers) 5757 Tracey, Solomon 5760 Thorp, Wm. deed. (John Thorp, oldest bro. brother and heir of) 5761 Thorp, John 7763 Thomman, Levin (William Thomman, heir of) 5770 Terry, Nathaniel Rank & Service (C) Soldier 3 years Lieut. War Private 3 years Major 3 years Capt. 3 years Sgt. 3 years Private 3 years Lieut. 7th year Private 3 years Lieut. Col. 9 mos. over 7 yrs. Capt. 1 yr. 1 mos. over 6 yrs, Capt. 7 yrs. 10 mos Col. 6 mos. plus 7 y rs - Lieut. 8 mos. plus 7 ys. Capt. 11 mos. plus 6 yrs. Major 8th year Capt. 10 mos. plus 7 yrs. Lieut. Col. 2 mos. plus 8 yrs. Major 8th year Lieut. 10 mos. plus 7 years Private 3 years Sgt. 3 years Lieut. 1 mo. plus 6 yrs. Private 3 years Private War Private War Private 3 years Capt. 9 mos. plus 7 yrs. Continental Line Warrants, Military District of Ohio 513 Number Warrantees (A-B) 5791 Turberville, George Lee, deed. (Benjamin W. Ladd, assnee. of John Turberville in his own right and as atty. for Reuben Beale, who intermarried with Martha F. Turberville and John, Elizabeth T. and Martha F. Turberville, are the only children and heirs of Geo. Lee Turber- ville, deed., assnee. to W. Pare, July 12, 18 15 by J. Graham) 5875-7 Triplett, William (John Hobson and Matthew Hobson, assnee. of) 5931 Taylor, Cranfield 593 2_ 5 Thelaball, James (Mary T. Warrington and Elizabeth Richardson, only surviving heirs) 5980 Thomas, George 5985 Turner, Thomas 5993 Taylor, George (rep. of whom was eldest brother) 5997 to 6001 Triplett, William (James and Mathew Hobson, assnee. of) 6018 Thompson, Jacob 6032 Triplett, Peter 6067 Tallman, James, deed. (rep. of) 6094 Toomes, William 6095 Thorp, Thomas 6098 Teuell, Harry, deed. (John D. Teuell) 6099 to 6101 Teuell, Geo. M. (Wm. H. Teuell, Elizabeth A. Mosely, who intermarried with David Mosely, formerly Elizabeth A. Teuell the only lives and legal rep. of) 6151 Thornton, Jesse (Wm. B. Thornton, only child and heir at law of) 6155 Thompson, Geo. deed. (David L. Smith assnee. of Basil Thompson, the only child and heir) 6173 Thompson, Francis, deed. (Dolly Tuell, late Dolly Thompson and Sally Tuell, daugh- ter of Robert Tuell and Elizabeth, his late wife who was Elizabeth Thompson, surviving heirs of J Rank & Service (C) Capt. Capt. Private Lieut. Private Private War, 11 mos. over 6 yrs. War Sgt. Capt. Private Private 3 years Private War Private War Major 3 years Fife Maj. War Sgt. Private 3 years 3 years 514 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Number Warrantees (A-B) 6217 Triplett, Thompson (J. and M. Hobson, assnee., warrant should have issued for only 4,000 acres, see remarks of Register of L. O. accompanying the return) 6243 Talley, Rev. Chas. (heir at law and legal rep. of Anthony Talley, deed.) 6273 Thompson, Stephen (James Thompson, only son and heir of) 6291 Thomas, Reuben, the legal heir and rep. of Edward Thomas, Jessee Thomas, Re- becca Thomas (wife of Joseph Thomas) Evy Patterson (wife of John Patterson) late Evy Thomas, half sister to said, Reuben and Polly Tindall, wife of Thomas Tindall, late Polly Thomas, half sister to said, Reuben, in the following proportion, viz. to said, Evy Patterson and Polly Tindall, */g each and to said, Edward Jesse and Rebecca, }/i each. 6294 Turner, David (Mary Walker, sole heir of) 6213 Torry, Thomas (legal heirs of) 6338 Turner, Benjamin (exr. of will of Reaps Mitchell, deed.) 6337 Talbot, Levi 6344 Taylor, Zachariah 6347 Terry, Thomas 6378-9 Triplett, Hedgman (Benj. Temple, heir of Lieut. Col. for the) 6467 Teuell, Presley 6471 Thompson, John 6472 Thomson Wm. (heir of) 6517 Thompson, John 6520-3 Teuell, Wm. (Thos. Green, assnee.) 6544 Teatsh (?), Arthur (his heirs) 6533 Terry, Obadiah 67 1 1 Tyler, Daniel 6726 Tayler, Richard C. 6755 Thomas, John 7253 Taylor, John (James Taylor) 7289 Teas, William (Eleanor Pairon (double)) 7298 Topping, Major (Sally Topping) 7283 Taylor, John (John M. Taylor) 146 Thornton, John, Doctor (James Winston and others) Rank & Service (C) Capt. War Private War Private War Sgt. 3 years Private 3 years Private 3 years Sgt. 7 years Private 3 years Private 3 years Private 3 years Lieut. Col. 6th and 7th year Private War Private War Private War Private 3 years Lieut. 3 years Lieut. 7 years Private 3 years Private 3 years Private War Continental Line Warrants, Military District of Ohio 515 Number Warrantees (A-B) 7406 Thruston, Chas. M. (heirs of) 7409 Teavis, James 7417 Thurman, Charles 7453 Thurman, William (Sally Jones and others) 7583 Tharp, Jonathan (Tannel Thornton) 7584 Taylor, Sally (Hessey Taylor) 7585 Taylor, Knevitt (Hessey Taylor) 7624 Taliaferro, Richard (Elijah Pilcher) 7628 Taylor, Richard (Mary Reddict) (double number) 7728 Taliaferro, Wm. (Wm. Taliaferro and others) 7749 Timpkies, Alexander (Mary D. Jones) 7750 Timpkies, Alexander (Chas. R. Guynn) 7997 Tunison, Garrett 8030 Thomas Daniel (Thomas Thornton and others) 8226 Taylor, Benjamin (Milly Mear and others) 8227 Taylor, Robeson (John Robertson and others) 8235 Tompkies, Ch. (Ann Tompkins) 8244 Taylor, Giles (Bettey Justice) 8306 Tucker, Daniel (William Tucker) 8001 Tompkins, Charles (Fanny Overton) 204-9 Thruston, Chas. M. (Elizabeth Thompson, Alfred S. Conrad, Francis Elizabeth Harding, John M. Norton, Sydnor Harri- son, infants of Chas. M. Norton) 8398 Thayer, William (Geo Thayer and Co.) 1913 Utterback Benjamin 3276 Upshaw, James (resolution of assembly) 139 Vanderwall, Marks 744 Vanmeter, Joseph 850 Vance, Robert 917 Veal, Solomon 938 Vance, Joseph 1067 Vann, Henry 1 104 Violet, John 1856 Vaughan, Richard 2390 Vasser, Isham (Martin Hawkins, assnee.) 2 556 Vaughan, Claiborne 2603 Vasser, Daniel 2634 Verar, Joel, deed. (Danl. Veras, heir) 2780 Veroney, Joseph Rank & Service (C) Private Private Private Capt. Lieut. Col. Capt. Capt. Surgeon Soldier Private Private Private Private Private Capt. Col. Sgt. Major Soldier 3 years Capt. Lieut. 3 years Ensign 3 years Capt. 3 years Sgt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier War Soldier 3 years Corp. 3 years Sur. Mate 3 years Sgt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War 516 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Number Warrantees (A-B) Rank &" Service (C) 2916 Vernan. Thomas Soldier 3 years 3362 Vest, George Soldier 3 years 3506 Vaden, Braddock Soldier War 3554 Vance, William Capt. 3 years 3606 Valentine, Isham Soldier 3 years 3792 Vawter, Beverly, deed. (John Vawter, heir at law) Soldier 3 years 3855 Vaughan, Patrick Soldier 3 years 4124 Vaughan, Sherwood Sgt. 3 years 4466 Vincent, John Corp. 3 years 4590 Valentine, Joseph Soldier 3 years 4725 Vancamp, Lawrence Soldier 3 years 4863 Vowles, Henry Lieut. 3 years 4915 Vawter, Benjamin (James Taylor, assnee. of Jno. Self, rep.) Soldier 3 years 5HO Vance, Robt. (John Stokeley, assnee. of) Capt. 7 years 5742 Vandewall, Marks, deed. (rep. of) Lieut. 6 mos. plus 6 years 6105 Via, Littlebury Private 3 years 6167 Valentine. John Private 3 years 6237-42 Verill, John, assnee. of Ann Gholson, widow of Thomas Gholson, deed., one of the only heirs of William Gates, deed. Lieut. Col. 3 years 6470 Vanmarter, William Private 3 years 7413 Vanse, William Capt. 3 years 7792 Venon, Richard Private 3 years 8390 Van Davies (Nancy Rose) Private 3 years 2 Wilson, Willis Lieut. 3 years 9i Weedon, George Brig. Gen. 3 years 102 Wallace, Gustave B. Lieut. Col. 7 years 116 Webb, John Lieut. Col. War 131 Whiting, Francis Leiut. 3 years 135 Washington, George (Augustus) Lieut. 3 years 174 White, William Capt. 3 years 180 Woodson, Robert Capt. 7 years 181 Woodson, Robert (to complete 7 years pay) Capt. 7 years 183-4 Worsham, Richard Lieut. 3 years 238-9 Winlock, Joseph (to warrant 15) Lieut. 3 years 247-9 Wood, James (3 warrants 15) Col. 3 years 303 White, Robert Capt. 3 years 360 Woodcock, John Soldier 3 years 385 Walker, William Soldier 3 years 425 Winslow, Thomas, heir &c. of Benjamin Winslow, deed.) Ensign 3 years Continental Line Warrants, Military District of Ohio 517 Number Warrantees (A-B) Rank & Service (C) 598 William, James Capt. 7 years 607 Wyatt, Benjamin Soldier War 6lO Winston, John Capt. 3 years 620-2 Waiman, Thomas (3 warrants) Capt. 3 years 642 Winter, George Soldier 3 years 651 White, John (His rep.) Lieut. 3 years 684 Wyatt, John Soldier 3 years 702 Wallace, William B. Lieut. 3 years 726 White, James Soldier 3 years 743 Williams, Edward Ensign 3 years 753 Willis, John Major 7 years 756 Wyatt, William Soldier 3 years 776 Wright, Robert Soldier 3 years 795 Wade, Moses Soldier 3 years 798 Wheeden, George (7 year bounty) B. Gen. 7 years 814 Walker, David (heir and legal rep. Jacob Walker, deed.) of 860 Williams, David Lieut. 3 years 882 Williams, George Soldier War 887 Williams, John Sgt. 3 years 888 William, John Sgt. War 890 Warner, John Musician War 891 Warren, John Musician 3 years 952 Wafield (Warfield ?), George Soldier 3 years 983 Waller, William Soldier 3 years 1003 Waggoner, Andrew Major 7 years 1004 Wallace, James Surgeon 3 years 1016 Wright, Thomas Soldier 3 years 1033 Willis, Henry Capt. 3 years 1035 Wood, Thomas Lt. Major War 1036 William, John Sgt. War 1097 Ware, Moses Sgt. War 1 120 Woods, William Soldier War 1123 Walker, Edward Soldier War 1125 Woodson, John Soldier War 1 138 Winters, Stephen Soldier War 1 149 Welsh, Jonathan Soldier War 1150 Wood, Joseph Soldier War 1241 Wilson, James Soldier 3 years 1258 White, Richard Soldier War 1261 Wilson, Macey Sgt. War 1282 Williams, William Soldier War 1300 Weeden, Augustine Sgt. 3 years 1331 Warters, Richard Capt. 3 years 1357 Ware, William Soldier 3 years 518 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Number Warrantees (A-B) J 375 White, Tarpley 1376 White, John 1449 Wedgbar, William 1456 Willis, William J 457 Wilkins, Thomas 1463 Warren, John 1526 Welch, Robert 1567 Waller, John 1572 White, John (heir to Wm. White, deed.) 1581 Williams, Henry 1606 Woodford, John (heir to Wm. Woodford, deed.) 1625 Wood, James 1633 Wood, Nicholas 1638 Wood, William 1677 Winstone, William 1679 Woolfolk, Thomas 1684 Winphrey, John 1692 Ward, George 1 72 1 Winder, Jesse 1 75 1 Woodson, Hughes 1795 Wood, Jesse 1803 White, Edward 1845 Walker, John 1875 Walker, Henry 1878 Walker, John 1890 Walker, David 1928 Woodson, Tarlton 1936 Watts, John 1938 Walker, Jeremiah 1838 Waters, James 1899 Waters, Thomas 1961 Whitetors, Levi 1997 Wells, James 2008 Watts, Gideon 2040 Wyne, Benjamin 2075 Wilks, Burwell 2090 Wright, John 2109 Wood, John 2 12 1 Whitaker, William 2134 Water field, Peter 2140 Wilson, John 2165 Wallerson, Robert 2222 Waters, Richard (to complete bounty) 2246 Webb, Isaac Rank & Service (C) Capt. 3 years Lieut. 3 years Soldier War Soldier War Drummer War Soldier War Soldier War Sgt. 3 years Capt. 3 years Soldier 3 years B. Gen. 3 years Soldier War Soldier War Corp. War Lieut. 3 years Sgt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Sgt. 3 years Capt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Lieut. 3 years Capt. 7 years Soldier 3 years Sgt. War Soldier War Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier War Sgt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Sgt. 3 years Lieut. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Corp. 3 years Capt. 3 years Lieut. Continental Line Warrants, Military District of Ohio 519 Number Warrantees (A-B) 2248 White, John (to complete bounty) 2250 Wornach, Ephraim Washington, William Woolfolk, William Whiting, Henry Wooten, Thomas Welch, Patrick Woodson, Absalom (Martin Hawkins, assnee.) Willoughby, William (Martin Hawkins, assnee.) Weaver, John Williams, John Waight, Paul (Lewis Ford, assnee.) Woolsey, Moses (Lewis Ford, assnee.) White, Thomas (Danl. Fagan, assnee.) Wite, Samuel Wash, Thomas Wash, Benjamin White, William Woolf, George 2528 Wilhiby, Jesse 2579 Waller, William (James Bedford, assnee.) 2640 Willerson, David (John Price, assnee.) 2647 Worsham, John, deed. (Wm. Winham, heir at law) 2650 Whitlow, Michael (Saml. Tower, assnee.) 2657 Welch, Isaac (issued instead of James Welch) 2662 Webber, Philip 2664 Wilkinson, Drury (Geo. Marple, assnee.) 2670 Woodley, Thomas (Francis Graves, assnee.) 2671 Woosley, Aaron (Francis Graves, assnee.) 2672 Wade, Acra (Wm. Reynolds, assnee.) 2695 Walker, Jeremiah (Martin Hawkins, assnee.) 2709 Wilkerson, Thomas 2710 Wilkinson, Barnabas 2726 Woster, William 2740 Wright, James 2748 Walton, William 2757 Watkins, John 2758 Welch, Sylvester 2759 Welch, Benjamin 2775 Washington, John (James Jenkins, assnee.) 2781 Watts, Martin 2808 Winbish, John Rank &" Service (C) Lieut. Corp. 3 years Lieut. Col. 7 years Sgt. 3 years Capt. 3 years Soldier War Sgt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Sgt._ 3 years Soldier 3 years Capt. 7 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier War Lieut. 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Sgt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier War Soldier War Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Sgt. War Capt. 7 years Sgt. 3 years Sgt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Sgt. 3 years 520 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Number Warrantees (A-B) 2830 Wilson, James 2841 White, George (Wm. King, assnee.) 2873 Wright, James 2886 Walkerhalt, Jacob 2890 White, William White, Wm. (Gideon Johnson, assnee.) 2923 Waldren, Elijah (Nicholas Payne, assnee.) 2936 Wright, Moses 2493 Wolfer (?), John 2950 Wingall, Martin (R. Claiborne and John Hopkins, assnee.) 2963 Wherley, Mathew 2994 Williams, Alexander 3022 White, James (Edward Valentine, assnee.) 3081 Whistler, Seconey 3108 White, Robert 31 16 Wayland, Joshua 3130 Witherall, John 3163 Witt, Randolph 3194 Wallace, James, deed. (Samuel Wallace, heir at law) 3196 Wallace, Andrew, deed. (Samuel Wallace, heir at law) 3195 Wallace, Adam, deed. (Samuel Wallace, heir at law) 3236 Williams, Daniel (Henry Eaton, assnee.) 3242 West, Charles (Resolution of Assembly) 3258 Wood, John 3300 Witson, John Maddox 3309 Watkins, Robert 3313 Ward, Lawrence 3314 Wigley, Job 3353 Welody, William 3354 Whitson, Anthony 3358 Wien, Travis 3406 Warner, John (Saml. Brooking, assnee.) 3454 Waggoner, William 3407 Williams, John (Nathl. Williams, heir at law) 3533 Worsham, William (Peter Talbert, heir at law) 3592 Whitmore, William 3647 Watts, Reuben, deed. (Aaron Wells, heir) 3656 Whealer, John 3657 Wheeler, James 3661 Whirley, Peter Rank Sgt. Soldier Soldier Soldier Soldier Soldier Soldier Soldier Soldier Soldier Soldier Soldier Soldier Soldier Soldier Soldier Soldier Soldier Ensign Capt. & Service (C) 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years War 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years Capt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Major Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Sgt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Sgt. 3 years Sgt. 3 years Soldier War Lieut. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Continental Line Warrants, Military District of Ohio 521 Number Warrantees (A-B) 3672 Williams, Thomas 3689 Wolfenberger, Philip (Wm. Reynolds, assnee.) 3704 Watson, James 371 1 White, William 3733 Word, Hugh 3734 Wolf, Andrew 3736 Welch, John 3769 Whitaker, Thomas 3808 Wright, Thomas 3875 Whitsers, Jacob 3889 Wood, James (an old allowance) 3894 Wilkins, Thomas 3897 Waterfield, John (Wm. Reynolds, assnee.) 3917 Wheatly, William 4022 Wate, Samuel (Wm. Reynolds, assnee.) 4033 White, Jesse 4035 Wilkinson, John (Alex. Wiley, assnee.) 4058 Waddy, Thomas 4085 Ward, William 4088 Wilson, Whitfield (Alex. Wiley, assnee.) 4091 Walker, Thomas 4128 Wilson, James 4139 West, Beriah 4146 White, Benj. (John White, heir) 4182 Waring, Henry, deed. (Thos. Waring, heir) 4236 Winn, Harrison (Henry Hays, assnee.) 4248 Wood, Eswark 4254 White, Anthony M. 4259 Willis, William 4278 Wood, William 4309 Wilson, John (John Wilson, heir) 4318 Webster, Richard 4326 Wood, John (Sarah Wood, heiress) 4328 Walker, John (Mary Walker, widow) 4355 White, James 4356 Wait, James 4361 Williams, Daniel 4375 Walden, Spencer (Wm. Reynolds, assnee. Jerh. Munday, assnee. of, the rep.) 4395 Wells, George 4408 Waller, John 4430 Warren, Drury (Tierice (?) Morris, assnee. of Jas. Bailey, assnee. of Edwd. Davis, assnee. of rep.) Rank Sf Service (C) Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier War Sgt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Col. 3 years Soldier War Soldier War Soldier War Corp. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Corp. 3 years Soldier 3 years Lieut. 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Lieut. Col. 3 years Sgt. 3 years Soldier 3 years Lieut. 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Soldier 3 years Corp. War Soldier 3 years Soldier War Soldier 3 years Soldier War Sgt. 3 years Soldier 3 years 522 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Number Warrantees (A-B) Rank & Service (C) 4453 Watkins, David (Wm. Reynolds, assnee. of Richd. Burnett, assnee. of the rep.) Soldier 3 years 4491 Walch, David Matross 3 years 4619 Wilson, Henry Matross 3 years 4673 White, Caleb Matross War 4726 Wallace, William B. Lieut. 7th & 8th yr 4757 Wilkins, Robert (Jones Allen, assnee.) Soldier War 4771 Woodson, Stephen Soldier War 4788 Woolford, Solomon Soldier 3 years 4816 Wooldridge, Daniel Soldier 3 years 4826 Ward, Thomas Soldier 3 years 4828 Whaley, John (rep. of) Soldier War 4845 Williamson, Joseph Soldier 3 years 4846 Waller, Allen (Simon Morgan, assnee. of the rep.) Ensign War 4854 Williamson, John Soldier 3 years 4872 Worsham, Joshua Soldier War 4874 White, Joseph Soldier 3 years 4908 Willis, John W. (James Taylor, assnee.) Major 8th year 4909 Walden, George Soldier 3 years 4925 Winkfield (?), James, (rep.) Soldier 3 years 4927 White, Robert Capt. 7th & 8th yr. 4936 Winlock, Joseph Lieut. 7th year 4990-2 Wills, Thomas (rep.) Capt. 3 years 5051 Wingate, Elias Private 3 years 5075-6 White, Tarpley (James Taylor, assnee.) Capt. 7th year 5109 Wheedon, George, Brig. Gen. (Robert Means, assnee. of John and Hugh Means, rep. of) Brig. Gen . 8th year 5121 Whiting, Beverly (Thomas D. Harris, assnee. of Robt. Means, who was assnee. of Thos. Baytop, exr. of) Ensign 3 years 5122 Wright, John Sgt. War 5158 West, Thomas (Ann B. West, rep. of Chas. West, deed., rep. of) Capt. War 5172 Williams, Robert Private 3 years 5174 White, John Lieut. 9 mos. plus 5186 5238 5308 5309 Wapley, Samuel (Thomas M. Bayley, assnee. of) Lieut. Watts, John Capt. Windon, Henry, deed. (Thomas M. Bayly, assnee. of Jno. Read, reps, of) Private Watkinson, Levin (Thomas M. Bayly, assnee. of Solonius Watkinson, rep. of) Private 7 yrs. 3 years 5 mos. plus 7 yrs. 3 years 3 years Virginia Bounty Land Warrants 523 Number Warrantees (A-B) Rank & Service (C) 5343 Waggoner, Andrew Major 16 mos. plus 7 yrs. 5363 Wright, Abel, deed. (Thos. M. Bayley, assnee. of Geo. Wright, executor of) Private 3 years 5370 Washington, John (Thomas M. Bayly, assnee. of) Private 7 yrs. 10 mos. to end of war 5396 Whiting, Francis Lieut. 9 mos. plus 6 yrs. 5435 Wallace, William B. 2 mos. plus 8 yrs. 5458 Wallace, Gustarno B., deed. (George 5459 B. Spooner, executor of) Col. Wallace, James, deed. (rep. of James Taylor being assnee. of W. B. Wallace and legatee of said James Wallace, deed.) Ass. Surg. 5464 Willis, John, deed. (rep. of) 5490 Witt, Jesse 5492 Wyatt, John 5538-9 White, William 5553 Wright, John, deed. (rep. of) 5564 Wilson, Willis 5568 Woodson, Tarlton 5582 White, Jedediah, deed. (Margaret Lingo, rep. of) 5601 White, Isham 5664-83 Woodson, Joseph (John A. Brown, assnee. of Wm. Pricie, who was assnee. of) (20 entries) Major Private Private Capt. Private Lieut. Major Private Private Capt. 10 mos. plus 7 yrs. 1 yr. 11 mos. plus 6 yrs. 2 mos. plus 8 yrs. 3 years War 2 yrs. 2 mos. plus 6 yrs. War 9 mos. plus 6 yrs. 7th and 8th years 3 years 3 years 3 years Sir: Virginia Bounty Land Warrants (N. R. & L.) "General Land Office, Apr. 21, 1845. In answer to your letter of the 19th inst. requesting to be informed whether Bounty land Warrants have been issued by the State of Virginia, in favor of certain Officers named. I have to state that it appears from the Abstract of Va. Warrants in this Office that two Warrants were issued for the services of Capt. 524 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia John Rogers, of the State Navy, to wit, nos. 148 and 149 for 4,000 acres, both dated on Feb. 26, 1783. The Warrants which were issued for the Services of Lieut. Edward Wade, Capt. John Cox and Capt. John Jones are on file in this office, and are as follows, to wit: no. 8476 for 3,330% acres, and no. 8477 for 150 acres, in favor of Wash- ington Wade, heir of said Edward Wade, dated Jan. 1, 1838. No. 8545 and 8546 for 5,749% acres, in favor of Ann P. Swift, only child and heir at law of said John Cox, dated Apr. 25, 1838. No. 8956 for 2000 acres, in favor of Ann I. Balfour, heir at law of said John Jones, dated Aug. 25, 1841. I am very Respt. Your obt. Servt. Francis A. Dickens, Esq. Jas. Minks, Commissioner" Washington, D. C. Letter Concerning Military Land Grants Due to Virginia and Maryland Revolutionary War Soldiers, From Otho H. Williams, 1828.* Comr. Gen. Land Office. "Feb. 23, 1828. Sir: The following persons or their heirs have requested me to ask of you in their names respectively if any how much land they are entitled to for their Military services. Some of them belonged to the Continental and others to the Va. line. Most of them are dead and their heirs are ignorant to which of these lines they belonged. I know you generally require to be told to which of their lines the claimant belongs; as it is out of the power of most of them to say and utterly out of mine. It is hoped that you will direct your assistants to take a little more trouble and furnish themselves with the information. Please address me at Welby post office Prince George's County, Maryland. Most Respectfully your obt. svt. (Signed) Otho H. Williams The names are: Geo. Beber or Bever Saml. Barksdale James Clarkson Henry Copeland Adam Drumheller Geo. Drumheller Leonard Drumhiller John Eubank Geo. Eubank James Eubank Castleman Harper Ed. Hughes John Harris John and W. Hudson's heirs Benj. Harris Christopher Hudson Robt. Hawes Geo. Moxley William Sandage David Straenge Christopher Wingfield" Jos. Wingfield Absalem McQuary Spencer Norville James Old Wm. Perry Thomas Perry Thomas Pemberton Wm. Pemberton John Sowell Chas. Wingfield * Copied from Misc. Letters Rec. W, p 208 U. S. General Land Office by Mr. Philip Mack Smith, Washington, D. C. Virginia Bounty Land Warrants 525 List of Supernumerary Officers, Virginia Continental Line who have received bounty lands for revolutionary war service. (this list is found in papers of Theophilus Field.) Lieut. Reuben Briscoe Capt. John McAdams Lieut. William Boyce Capt. Peter Allison Lieut. James Baenott Capt. Nathaniel Maivis Col. Abraham Bowman Capt. John Peyton Maj. Wm. Cunningham Capt. Andrew Rupel Capt. Isaac Craig Capt. William Rogers Lieut. Robert Elliott Capt. John Mountjoy Capt. Nathaniel Fox Capt. Alexander Dare Lt. Col. Ralph Faulkmer Capt. Abraham Shepherd Capt. Peter Garland Capt. Robert Sayers Capt. Benj. Helman Lieut. Henry Latimer Lieut. Thomas Hungerland Capt. George L. Turberville Maj. James Knox Lieut. John Fisher Capt. Richard Thurman Lieut. Robert Young Capt. Nathaniel Lucas Other Bounty Land Warrants: Capt. Thomas Armstead Lieut. Col. John Allison Capt. Richard Gavens Capt. Thomas Brisbee Col. Joseph Crockett Capt. Wm. Chancey Col. Alexander Dick Dr. Anthony F. Dixon Col. George Gibson Capt. John Harvie Capt. John Flourney Col. Wm. Marshall Maj. Alexander McGill Col. George Martin Capt. Thomas Massie Capt. William Saunders Lieut. Henry Cowles Capt. Wright Westcoat Capt. C. Walsh Capt. Willis Wilson SECTION IV VIRGINIA STATE TROOPS ON VIRGINIA STATE LINE Section IV (22) Virginia State Troops on Virginia State Line ("Copied from Documents in the State Department," U. S., and Filed in Naval Records and Library). Allen, John, Capt. Va. State Art. ; Col. Marshall. (No. 3,942.) Mentioned : Maj. Cocke, Paymaster Laurence Smith, Col. George Muter, State Art. Regt. ; P. Henry, Thos. Meriwether. Andrews, Robert, Chaplain Va. State Art.; Col. Marshall. (No. 6,568.) Mentioned: Revs. Alexander Balmain, John Braidfoot, John Cordalle, Francis F. Dunlap, David Griffith, John Hart (Chaplains); Paymaster, Lawrence Smith. Armstead, Robert and Armstead, Thomas, Capt. 1st. Va. State Troops; Col. George Gibson. (No. 815.) Mentioned: Col. George Smith. Armstead, William, Capt. and Paymaster, Col. Chas. Dabney's Legion; Maj. John Nelson's Corps Va. State Cav. ; Capt. Roger's Co. of Dismounted Dragoons. (Nos. 9,551 and 19,734.) Mentioned (1782): His Excellency Benj. Harrison [Gov. of Va.], David Jameson, Geo. Webb, Jaquelin Ambler, Sampson Matthews, Capt. Roan Co. of Artillery; Col. [Charles] Dabney, Lieut. Col., Comm. of Legionary Corps; Thomas Carter, Surgeon; H. Nicholson, Cornet; Nathaniel L. Savage, Adjutant; Fearers, Captain; Armans, Captain. Bailey, John, Capt. 111. Regt. Va. State Line; Col. Clarke. (Nos. 4,071 and 10,967 — "Papers Alex. Dick.") Mentioned: Capt. Benj. Roberts of Slaughter's Corps; Ens. and Capt. Jacob Van Mater of Militia under Col. Geo. Rogers Clarke; Joseph Saunders, Revolutionary Officer; Private Mason Lumford; Ens. Henry Dearing. Baytop, John, 1st Lieut. 2d Regt. Inf., Va. State Line. (No. 15,922.) Mentioned: Col. Wm. Brent, Charles Dabney, Lt. Col. Comm.; Maj. John Lee, Capt. Henry Dudley (William Sewell, May 1782; Mathew Godfrey, Thomas Veal, Thomas Nash, Paul Loyall, James Taylor, Samuel Veal, Gentlemen Justices). Board of Officers (No. 4,071): Capt. John Montgomery, President; Maj. Thomas Quirk, Capts. Robert George, ■ Brashears, J. Pierault (or Girault), members. Ens. Moore promoted to Lieut; Lieut. Kerney promoted to Capt.; Ens. Hugh McGavock promoted to Lieut; Lieut. Magill resigned; Ens. Thomas Walls promoted to Lieut.; Glenn (by Captain Kinley's death) to Capt.; Ens. Rice Bullock promoted to Lieut.; Lieut. Daniel Anderson dismissed; Ens. Daring promoted to Lieut; Lieut. Browning (by death of Capt. Chapman) to Capt.; Ens. Green promoted to Lieut; Lieut. Peter Moore (by death of Capt. Tipton) to Capt. [See Glenn, Bernard, pp. 148, 164, 285.] Boush, Robert, Ens. and Paymaster, Va. State Line, Garrison Regt., Col. Dabney. (Nos. 7,296 and 8,910). Mentioned: James Kennedy, same Regt. Dabney's Legion. 529 530 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Brashears, Richard, Capt. Inf. (111. Regt. Cav., Va. State Line, Col. George R. Clark). (Nos. 1,481 and 62,196). Mentioned: James Montgomery, Richard Harrison, Capt. A. Keller, Lieut. Joseph Calvit, "all of same regiment"; Lieut. Col. John Montgomery, Maj. Thomas Quirk, Capt. Robert Todd, Capt. Isaac Taylor, Capt. John Bayley, Capt. Michael Perrault, Capt. John Williams, Capt. John Gerault, Rev. John Kemp. Bressie {or Bracey), Thomas (Capt., 1776, Maj., 1783), 2d Regt. Va. State Line; Col. Brent, also Maj. (or Col.) Wells. (No. 9,684.) Men- tioned: Page, Fitzhugh, Gen. Weedon, Col. Stephen Wright, Maj. Wyatt, Isaac McDaniel, Stephen Sykes (Sikes), Capt. James Moody, Lawrence Smith, Jr.; Samuel Boush, Col. Dabney, Capt. Crowley. Brown, Robert, Lieut. Va. State Art.; Col. George Muter. (No. 5,958.) Mentioned: "Charles Russell's papers," Col. Thomas Marshall. Brown, Windsor, Capt. and Paymaster. (No. 8,724.) Browning, Isaac, Capt. of Inf. (on death of Capt. Chapman), Lieut. Crockett's Va. Regt. Western Battalion; Lieut. Col. Joseph Crockett, 1781. (Nos. 7,611 and 64,980.) Mentioned: Capt. Peter Moore, Lieut. Hugh McGasock, Lieut. Rice Bullock (both in Col. Crockett's Regt.), Capt. John Chapman, Capt. Bernard Glenn, Capt. Kinley, Capt. Tipton (deceased), Col. John Montgomery, Pres. Board of Officers; Maj. Thomas Quirk, Capt. Robert George, Capt. Brashears, Capt. J. Girault (or Pirault), Ens. Moore, Ens. Walls, Ens. Bullock, Ens. Daring (or Dearing), Ens. Samuel Ball Green, Capt. Kerney, Brig. Gen. George Rogers Clarke, Lieut. Magill, Lieut. Daniel Anderson. Bidlock, Rice, Staff Officer mentioned in case of Capt. Fred Woodson in 1850. (No. 1,429-) Clarke, Richard, Lieut. Inf., 111. Regt.; Maj. Geo. Walls. ("Va. Court Decisions, Item No. 10.") Clarke, William, Lieut. 111. Regt., Va. Line; Col. George R. Clarke. ("Va. Court Decisions, Item No. 6.") Coleman, Wyatt, Lieut, and Adj., State Legion. (No. 8,724, Charles Russell's papers.) Dabney, Charles, Lieut. Col. Comm. 2d Va. State Regt. Troops; Col. Wm. Brent. (Nos. 297 and 9.673-) Dalton, Valentine Thomas, 2d Lieut. Art. Capt. Robert George's Co., 111. Regt., Va. State Troops; Col. Crockett. ("Va. Court Decisions, Item No. 7.") Mentioned: Capt. Robert George and the pay roll of his Co., Art. Va. and 111.; Lieut. Richardson, Gen. Clarke and his general orders, Aug. 1779; muster roll, 1782; return of officers, 111. Regt.; Col. Todd, Col. Trig, et al. Daring (or Dearing), Henry, Lieut. Va. State Troops, Ens. Col. Joseph Crockett's Regt. Inf. (Nos. 7,923 and 14,692.) Mentioned: Col. Crockett, Maj. George Walls, Lieut. Jas. Slaughter, Hugh McGavock, Wm. Roberts, Capt. Abraham Tipton, Thos. Hudson. Dibble, Tompkins, Private, Capt. Herrings (Haring's) Co. 13th Regt., U. S. Inf. ("War of 1812, no number.") Mentioned: H. Beebe, Col. Learned, Lieut. Harrison, Stephen Lee. Virginia State Troops, State Line 531 Dick, Alexander, Maj. Inf., Va. State Line, Lt. Col. Jos. Crockett. ("No. 10,967 Pens Office, Mar., 1853.") Mentioned: Gen. Clarke, Col. Muter, Col. Dabney, Lieut. Col. Meriwether, Capt. Crump, Nelson's Troop of Cav., Dabney's Legion. Digges, Dudley, Lieut, of Cav., Va. State Troops; Maj. John Nelson. (No. 18,889.) Digges, Edward, Capt. Co. of Infy., Va. State Garrison Regt. Va. State Line. (Nos. 10,773 and 11,153.) Mentioned: Laurence Smith's pay roll as Paymaster of the Regt. Va. State Line; Col. David Mason, Col. Porterfield, Col. Morgan, Lieut. Bryant, T. Marshall Galoger (?). Dobson, Robert, Revolutionary services. Edinburgh, Sewell, Seawell, Capt. Va. State Art. (No. 2,879.) Mentioned: James Marshall, Lieut. Va. State Art. Edmundson {Edmonds on?) , Benjamin, 1st Lieut. 2d Va. State Regt. Inf. (Nos. 3,621 and 15,434.) Roll of Officers said Regt.: Col. Wm. Brent, Lt. Col. Chas. Dabney, Maj. John Lee, Capt. Henry Dudley, et al. "Eskridge, , Capt. in Revolution. (Pension Office, May, 1852.") Evans, Jesse, Capt. of Inf. 111. Regt., Va. State Troops, Rev. War. (No. 451.) Pay roll of Co. : Col. Geo. Rogers Clarke, Lieut. Col. John Montgomery, Capt. Jesse Evans, Lieut. Anthony Crockett, Ens. William Campbell, Col. Christian. Evans, Jesse, Capt., Col., Va. State Troops; Col. Geo. R. Clarke, Com. 111. Regt. (Nos. 5,213 and 19,524.) Mentioned: Gen. Clarke, Col. Marshall, Col. Crockett, Levi Todd. Ewell, Charles, Capt. 1st State Regt. Va. State Troops; Col. George Gibson. (No. 19,775-) Ewell, Thomas, Capt. of Inf. 1st Va. Regt., Va. State Troops, 1777; Col. George Gibson. (Court Decisions, Item No. 9, 5,491.) Ewell, Thomas, under order by Colonel Gist; Adj. Cav., 1779; Col. Geo. Gibson, Charles Dabney's Legion (also saw Naval Service). (Court Decisions, Item No. 9, 5,491.) Mentioned: J. Marshall, Col. Dabney, Col. Wm. Lynne, Joseph Baba (or Bobo) Churchill Gibbs, Col. Jesse Ewell, Maj. Charles Ewell. Firer, Charles, Capt. Va. State Line. (No. 10,967, papers of Major Alexander Dick.) Fox, Nathaniel, Capt. 6th Va. Regt., Continental Establishment. (No. 8,724, Chas. Russell's papers.) Mentioned: Ens. Robert Boush; Lt. Col. Comm. Chas. Dabney, Lieut. Adj. W. Coleman. Foster, Henry, Soldier, Capt. Benj. Robert's Co., Jos. Crockett's Regt. (No. 8,706, papers John Roberts.) Gait {or Gault), John Minson, Hospt. Surg., Va. State Line, "State Hospitals of Revolutionary War." (Nos. 74, 7,247 and 8,719, papers of Wm. Spenser.) Gardner, Thomas, Sgt. Maj. 2d State Regt. (No. 7,297, Lt. Col. Chas. Dabney papers.) George, Robert, Capt. Va. State Line, 111. Regt. Art.; Col. G. R. Clarke. (Court Decisions, Item Nos. 13, 14; 4,016 and 9,330, papers V. T. Dalton.) Mentioned: John McClintock, Maj. John Donne, Capt. Joseph Sanders, Capt. Benj. Roberts (pay roll in Dalton's papers). 532 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Gibbs, Churchill, Lieut. 1st Va. State Regt., Patrick Henry, W. Woodford, George Gibson, Continental Regt. (No. 7,244.) Mentioned: Maj. Gen. Peter Muhlenberg, Charles Ewell, Angus Rucker, George Triplett, Frederick Woodson, John Fleet, Humphrey Marshall, Thomas Armstead, James M. Marshall, Dudley Digges, Samuel Tinsley, John Nelson (No. 11,153, Digges, Goodall Lightfoot; good accounts), Christopher Roane, Capt. Wm. Campbell, Capt. John Nickery, Vawter. Glenn, Bernard, Capt. Va. State Line, Col. Crockett's Regt. (No. B 1,217 and 1,366, 65,271.) Mentioned: Maj. Hugh McGavick, Lieut. Magill, Capt. John Spotswood, Litteton Waller Tazewell, of Va. ; Capt. Kinly, Col. Joseph Crockett. "Philip Saunbury, a soldier in Capt. Thomas Young's Co. of the Western Battalion." Board of officers ordered by Gen. Geo. Rogers Clarke for claims of officers in Col. Crockett's Regt.; Col. John Montgomery, Pres. Members: Maj. Thomas Quick, Capt. R. George, Capt. Brashears, Capt. J. Girault, (Ens.) Lieut. Moon, (Lieut.) Capt. Kerney, (Ens.) Lieut. Hugh McGavock, (Lieut.) Magill, (Lieut.) Capt. Glenn, Capt. Kinly, (Ens.) Lieut. Walls, (Ens.) Lieut. Bullock, Lieut. Daniel Anderson, (Lieut.) Capt. Browning, Capt. Chapman, (Lieut.) Capt. Moore, Capt. Tipton, (Ens.) Lieut. Daring; Lieut. (Ens.) Green. [See Board of Officers, No. 4,071, p. 529, 530.] Graves Ralph, Cornet, Maj. John Nelson's Co. Cav. (Court Decisions, Item No. 8.) Graves, William, Cornet and Qmr. Va. State Troops, Cav., Colored; Dabney's State Legion. Green, Samuel B., Lieut. Col. Joseph Crockett's Regt. (No. 7,923, Dearing papers.) Grier, Charles, Surg. Crockett's 111. Regt., Va. State Troops. (Nos. 8,592, 8,600, 8,263; see Walls, Geo.) Mentioned: J. M. Gait, James Barron, William Graves, T. W. Ewell, Maj. Geo. Walls. Harper, James, 2d. Lieut, and Qmr. (No. 8,724, Chas. Russell's papers.) McClurg, James, "Physician and Director General of Hospitals in Va., Jan., 1777." (No. 39, War Dept. Official Business.) McGavock, Hugh, Lieut, and Qmr. 111. Regt. Va. State Troops, Col. Jos. Crockett's Regt. (No. 7,611, papers of Isaac Browning, Nos. 8,892, 17,730, 18,859.) Mentioned: Gen. R. C. Clarke, Gov. Benj. Harrison, Capt. Isaac Browning, Capt. Wm. Cherry. Malcolm, James. (No. 7,089, also Pension Office 1845.) Marshall, Humphrey, Capt. Lieut. Va. State Troops. (No. 19,767.) Marshall, James M. (bro. of Chief Justice), Lieut. Va. State Troops, Art., Marshall's Regt. (Nos. 8,830 and 19,540, Va. Court Decisions, Item No. 1, A 3.) Mentioned: Robert Coune. Marshall, Thomas, Capt. and Pmr. Va. State Art., Col. Marshall's Regt. (No. 9,231.) Mentioned: Paymaster Laurence Smith, Col. E. Edmonds. Marston, Mastin, John, Lieut. 1st Va. State Regt., Col. Geo. Gibson, Col. Brent, Col. Dabney's Legion (Item No. 11, No. 2,716.) Mentioned: Col. Thomas Tawler, "Col. John Davison (or Dawson?)," Lieut. Churchill Gibbs, Virginia State Troops, State Line 533 Wm. Harris, Capt. Angus Rucker, Thos. Meriwether, Benj. Harrison, Lt. Col. Chas. Dabney, R. Meriwether, Turner Christian, Capt. Hamilton, "William Peake, Officer Va. State Line," Samuel Jones, E. D. McCurdy, M. M. Foster, H. and C. Banks, "Thos. Tolan (or Falon)," Capt. Lewis. Mazaret, Mazarett, John, Maj. Art., Va. State Troops; Col. Thos. Marshall, Lt. Col. Charles Edwards; Surgs. Matthew Pope and Wilson Cary Selden. (Nos. 839, 1,416 and 10,967, papers Alex. Dick.) Mentioned: Wm. Payne, John Pasteur, Joseph Speake, Jesse Cannon, Robert Coune, John Spenser, James and Thomas Marshall, Walter Graham, Yancey Lipscomb, Wm. Spiller, Wm. Thomp- son, Henry Vowles, John Turner, Gideon Johnson, Peter Thump. Meriwether, James, of Ky., Lieut. Cav. Capt. John Rogers' Troop of Horse. (Va. Court Decision, Item 4.) Meriwether, James, Lieut. Inf. (No. 8,706, papers of John Roberts.) Montgomery, James, Lieut. Inf. 111. Regt., Va. State Troops; Col. Geo. R. Clarke, Lt. Col. John Montgomery. (Nos. 3,985, 18,804.) Mentioned: Capt. John Williams, Anthony Crockett, Lieut. 111. Regt. ; Andrew Steele, Capt. Robert George, Capt. John Bailey, Abraham Chaplaine, Charles Firer. Moore, Peter, Lieut, (or Capt.) Inf. Adj. Crockett's Regt. Va. State Troops, Western Batt.; Col. Joseph Crockett, 1,782. (No. 9,228, item No. 15; 17,198.) Mentioned: Board of Officers: Col. John Montgomery, Maj. Thos. Quick, Capt. Robert George, Capt. Brashears, Capt. J. Girault, (Lieut.) Capt. Kenny, (Ens.) Lieut. Hugh McGavock, Lieut. James Magill, (Lieut.) Capt. Bernard Glenn., Capt. Benjamin Kinley, (Ens.) Lieut. Geo. Walls, (Ens.) Lieut. Rice Bullock, Lieut. Daniel Anderson, (Lieut.) Capt. Isaac Browning, Capt. John Chapman, Capt. Abraham Tipton, (Ens.) Lieut. Henry Dearing, (Ens.) Lieut. Samuel B. Green, Brig. Gen. G. R. Clarke, Benjamin Harrison, Jr. Colonel Read, Col. Lewis, Capt. Russell, Lieut. Wm. Cherry, Capt. John Millen, Capt. Thomas Young, Capt. John Kerney, Ens. Thos. Walls, Surg. Charles Greer, Armand's Regt.; Surg. Mate James Hamilton, ■ McClanahan. Moore, Peter (Gen. Land Office, Nov., 1849, Pension Office, Feb., 1850). Mentioned: Benj. Kellogg, Jr.; James Kennedy. Nicholson, Robert and Pope, Matthew, Surgs. Va. State Art. (Pension Office, May, 1852.) Pay roll 2d. Va. Regt., Col. Gregory Smith, Lt. Col. Charles Dabney, Maj. John Lee, Capt. James Quarles, Capt. Philip Taliaferro, Capt. Thomas Bressie, Capt. Henry Garnet, Capt. Peter Bernard, Capt. Henry Dudley, Capt. Benjamin Spiller, Capt. John Lewis, 1st Lieut. John K. Davis, 1st Lieut. Thomas Minor, 1st Lieut. John Dudley, 1st Lieut. Augustine Tabb, 1st Lieut. Machen Boswell, 1st Lieut. John Hudson, 1st Lieut. Robert Lovell, 1st Lieut. William Long (Journal of Council, Mar. 19, 1778), 2d Lieut. James Moody, 2d Lieut. Richard Hogg, 2d Lieut. Wm. Lawson, 2d Lieut. Thomas Ransone, 2d Lieut. David Bellew, 2d Lieut. John McElhany, 2d Lieut. Nathaniel Welch, Ens. Thomas Boush, Ens. John Fleet, Ens. Gideon Flournoy, Ens. Isaac Hoomes; Ens. John Hardyman, Ens. John May, Ens. Benjamin Edmondson, Ens. Levin Walker. Peyton, John (1776), Capt. 2d and 3d Va. State Regt., Continental Clothier, 534 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Commissary Military Stores, Supt. Public Works. (Nos. 2,063, 7%7, papers Wm. Reynolds.) Mentioned: Col. White, Tibbs, Gen. Greene, Mayland, Cont. Cloth. Gen. at Philadelphia; Capt. Scott, Capt. Gamble, Ross, Col. Armand, Maj. Forsythe, Rice's Artificers, Mr. Dickerson's Reserves; Wm. Reynolds and Samuel Dyer, Asst. Comms. Stores; Hay, Robertson, Anderson, Maj. Dick, Capt. Morton and Scott, Dist. Comms., Capt. Young, Lieut. Mann (No. 2,063, Pension Office, July, 1853), Col. Chas. Dabney, Comm. Legion at York; Col. Meriwether, Clerk of Council; Benj. Harrison, "County Lieut, of Henrico," Brent's 2d Va. Regt., Lieut. Mann's Legion; ■ Price, Capt. (or Col.) Davies, Richd. Cawthorne, Jesse Saunders, Lilly, Col. Wm. Russell, Col. John Nevill, Col. Wm. Brent, Col. Christopher Febiger, Capt. John Peyton, Capt. Wm. Fowler, Cloth. Gen. Wm. Armstead, Col. Davis, George Stillman, Maj. Elias Langham, successor to Capt. Peyton, 1786; Wm. Reynolds, Capt. Wm. Peyton, Capt. Wm. Brent, "Jesse Wood, Mulatto Revolutionary soldier," Gen. Wayne, Col. White, Maj. Call, Wm. Davies, Capt. Fowler, Capt. Swann. Quarks, Henry, "Officer Continental Army," later Capt. Va. State Art. State Garrison Regt.; Col. Geo. Muter, Laurence Smith, Pmr. (Nos. 9,712, 8,706, papers of John Roberts.) Quarks, James, Maj. 2d Regt. Va. Troops; Col. Wm. Brent, (No. 19,146.) Mentioned: Maj. John Lee, Wm. Graves. Quarks, Wharton, Lieut, and Qmr. 2d Regt. Va. State Troops. (Nos. 666, 8,777.) Mentioned: James Kennedy, Robert Coune, Wm. Graves. Quirk, Thomas, Maj. Va. State Troops. (Nos. 8,706 and 17,739. See "Papers in Turnbull's Claim" and of J. Roberts.) Ravenscroft, Thomas, Lieut. Cav., Capt. Benj. Field's Co. (Corps. Light Dragoons), "Troop of Horse," 111. Regt., Va. State Line; Brig. Gen. Geo. R. Clarke. (Nos. 2,503, 4,648.) Mentioned: Maj. Thos. Quick; Capt. John Gerault, 1777, regular service in Burgess' (?) Regt. (later 8th Regt.); Col. John Gibson, Maj. Richard Taylor, Capt. Robert Bell, Comm. -in-Chief, Col. Henry Han (late Adj. Gen. of Regular Forces of U. S.), Col. John Hinkston, Col. Benja- min Whaley. Rey, Andrea, Surg., Va. State Troops, 111. Regt. (No. 5,708.) Mentioned: Edmund Randolph, Gov. of Va. ; Gen. Clarke. Rey, Andrea, Surg., Va. State Troops, 111. Regt.; Col. Clark. (Nos. 5,708 and 6,044.) Mentioned : Lieut. Land (Sand) Williams, Commodore James Barron, Col. Clarke, Col. Crockett, Lieut. Bullock, Dr. A. T. Dixon. Reynolds, William, Collector at York, 1789; Director State Laboratory, 1783; Officer of Line, Lieut, of Art., Dabney's Legion. (No. 787, Pension Office, July, 1853.) Mentioned: Capt. John Peyton, Old State Regt.; Col. Brent, also in 2d Regt. ; Capt (or Maj.) John Prior, Commy., Gen. ; Thomas Marshall, E. Edmonds, Lieut. Col. U. S. A.; Edm. Randolph, Col. Meriwether, Col. Thos. Bullett, Staff Officer ; A. Bohannan, "Col. William Davis," Marshal's Regt.; Col. Corren, Col. Benj. Flowers, James, McClurg, Va. "Director of Hospitals," Justice Livingston, Surg. Va. State Navy; Capt. Crump, Comm. State Troops at York; Virginia State Troops, State Line 535 Gen. Weedon, Capt. Young, Capt. Barron, Wm. Frazer, "Conductor Military Stores"; Granville Smith, Frederick Woodson, Col. Porterfield, James Kemp, Col. Geo. Gibson, Col. Brent, Col. Dabney, Col. Clark, Col. Crockett, Col. Muter, Maj. Nelson's Corps; Andrew Snyder, trooper in Rev. Col. Rogers' Troop of Cavalry. List of names of Laboratory men, 1782. Roberts, Benjamin, Capt. Va. State Regt. ; Col. Joseph Crockett. (Va. Court Decisions, Item no. 1, A 4.) Mentioned: Robert Cowne. Roberts, John, Lieut. Va. State Troops, 111. Regt. ; Capt. Robt. Todd's Co. of Foot. (No. 8,706, Pension Office, Apr. 1852.) Mentioned: Col. (later Gen.) Geo. R. Clarke, Pay roll Robt. Todd's Co.; Capt. Benj. Roberts, Capt. Abraham Chaplin, Lieut. Anthony Crockett, Lieut. John Roberts, Ens. Wm. Roberts, et al., of 111. Regt.; Gen. G. R. Clark. Entire pay roll of Capt. Robt. Todd's Co., Lt. Col. Montgomery; also Stephen Chilton, "soldier," Col. Joseph Crockett's Regt.; Bland W. Ballard, Wm. Fleming, John Edwards, Thos. Quick, Maj. Inf. James Meriwether, Light Inf. ; Mark Thomas, Capt. of Inf. ; Lieut. Joseph Slaughter, Lieut. James Slaughter, Lieut. Wm. Clarke, Lieut. James Whitecotton, Henry Foster, "soldier." Roberts, William, Ens. (later Lieut.) Major Slaughter's Batt., Va. State Line, Col. Crockett; Capt. Benj. Robert's Co., part of Slaughter's Corps. (Nos. 14,098 and 1,836.) Mentioned: Lieut. James Slaughter, Maj. Walls, Lieut. Joseph Saunders, M. Thomas, Capt. Jas. Markham, Thos. Lilly, Va. State Navy; Ens. Wm. Asher. Rogers, John, Capt. and Qmr. 111. Light Dragoons, Va. State Line; Col. (Gen.) Geo. Rogers Clarke. (No. 256.) Mentioned: Maj. Croghum, Col. R. C. Anderson; Gwathney, Gov. Hamilton, Rawley White, "soldier of cavalry"; Wm. Holt, Geo. Chapman, Maj. Williams, Lieut. James Meriwether, John Thurston, Cornet, Troop of Horse, 111. Regt., Va. State Line; Peter Triplett, Capt. Leonard Helm, Wm. Foggett, James Spillman, Edmund and Thomas Rogers, Capt. J. Rogers, of Dragoons ("Gen. James Semple, U. S. Senator"); P. Will Shannon, Q. M. Gen., War Dept. Rucker, Angus, Capt. (in Geo. Gibson's 1st Va. State Regt., later Continental from 1775 until close of Rev. in place of 9th Va.) (Nos. 18,125 and 19,186.) Rucker, Elliott, Lieut. 1st State Regt. also John Russell, Lieut, same Regt. (No. 8,724, Chas. Russell's papers.) Russell, Charles, Lieut., Pmr. and Cloth. 1st. Va. State Regt. of Continentals; Col. Geo. Gibson. (Nos. 8,724 and 17,941.) Mentioned: Windsor Brown, Thos. Marshall, Col. State Regt. Art.; Col. Geo. Gibson, Va. State Service; Dudley Digges, Lieut. Cav. Legion; Col. Dabney; Col. Thomas Hamilton; Anthony Dixon, Surg. Col. Porterfield's Regt.; Nathaniel Fox, Capt. 6th Va. Regt. Colonial Est.; Ens. Robert Boush, Chas. Magill, Maj. State Garrison Regt.; Jas. M. Marshall, Lieut, of Art.; Thos. Marshall, Jr., Capt. and Pmr. Art., State Regt.; Isaac Holmes, Lieut, and Pmr. 2d Va. Regt.; Humphrey Marshall, Capt. Lieut. State Regt. Arty.; James Kemp and Granville Smith, Ens. State Garrison Regt. List of Officers of Regt. Va. Art.: Col. Thos. Marshall, Lieut. Col. Elias Edmonds, Maj. John Mazarett, Capt. Edward Moody, James Bradley, Thomas 536 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Clay, Gideon Johnston, Qmr.; "Samuel Blackwell, prisoner"; Christopher Roan, Wm. Spiller, John Williams, Wm. Thompson, Peter Kemp, Thos. Marshall, Jr., Pmr. ; John Allen, of Artificers; Capt. Lieuts. Humphrey Marshall, Capt. Lieut. Robert Owne [?], Capt. Lieut. John Quarles, Capt. Lieut. Yaney Lipscomb, Adj. Henry Vowles, Wm. Oliver, Sewell Edinburgh, John Wallington, Bernard Lipscomb, John Scott, James Cluverius, Walter Graham, ist Lieut. Cary Wyatt, 1st Lieut. Nathaniel Rice, ist Lieut. Walter Scott, Laboratory; Robert Brown, James M. Marshall, Augustine Cowne, John Turner, Saml. Butler, Wm. Ballard, John Spencer, John Yeats, Chas. Vowles, "2d Lieut. Josiah Valentine with Capt. Roan." Saunders, Joseph, Lieut. Va. State Line. (Va. Court Decisions, Item no. 1, A 2.) Mentioned: Robert Cowne. Selden, Wilson Cary, Surg. Va. State Art. (18,806, Pension Office, 1852). Slaughter, James, Lieut. 111. Regt. Va. State Troops, Col. Crockett; Capt. Benj. Roberts, Maj. and Col. Geo. Slaughter. (Nos. 2,333, 14.587, 17,341. 1836, papers of Wm. Roberts.) Mentioned: Capt. Richard Roberts; Capt. Lieut. Richard Harrison, Capt. Taylor, Capt. Geo. Bailey; 2d Lieut. Valentine Thomas Dalton, Lieut. Joseph Ramsay, 111. Regt.; Maj. Dick, Capt. Mark Thomas, Ens. Wm. Roberts, Art.; John Allen, John F. Cook, Lieut. Joseph Saunders, Richard Crump, Lieut. James Saunders, Ens. William Asher, Gen. G. R. Clark, Col. Muter, Col. Dabney, Lieut. Col. Meriwether, Capt. Robert, George Ser- geant's Art.; Buckner Pitman, John Moore, William Pritchard, Lieut. Field. Slaughter, William, Lieut. Dabney's Legion, Va. State Troops; Col. Dabney. (No. 9,164.) Mentioned: Joseph Calvert, Lieut. Lawrence Slaughter, Va. State Line; Lieut. Joseph Slaughter, 111. Regt.; Thomas Slaughter, Qmr. Va. State Line; Capt. George Slaughter, Continental Line; Ens. John and Wm. Slaughter, Continental Line; Churchill Gibbs. Spencer, William, Lieut. Dragoons, Cavalry, Va. State Line; Col. Dabney. (3d Aud., 1853, No. 8,719.) Mentioned: Stephen Turnbull, Dr. Minson Gait, Surg. Cont. Hospt., Rev. War, under Dr. Wm. Richman; Gen. Nelson, Gov. Harrison, James James, Dr. John Tankard, Dr. Matthew Pope, Dir. Gen. Va. Hospitals in Surgical Operations; Samuel Tinsley, Cornet, Capt. Armand's Troop of Dragoons; Maj. John Nelson, Col. Wm. Heth, Thomas Meriwether, Col. John Newell. State Regt. of Art : James Kemp, Ens. State Garrison Regt., Thos. Marshall, Col.; Granville Smith, Ens. State Garrison Regt.; Geo. Gibson, Col. Va. State Service; Charles Dabney, Lieut. Col. Comm. ; Wyatt Coleman, Lieut. State Legion and Adj.; Windsor Brown; Lieut, and Qmr. James Harper; Capt. Thos. Hamilton, John Russell, Lieut, ist Va. State Regt.; Wm. Roberts. Stephens, Adams, General. (See No. 1,835, Thomas Minor.) Tabb, Augustine, Capt. 2d Va. State Inf. Troops; Col. Brent. (No. 3,923.) Mentioned: Samuel Cary, John Tabb, Justice of the Peace, Gloucester Co., Va. Thomas, Mark, Capt. Va. State Troops, Slaughter's Corps. Crockett's Regt. and Battn., Va. State Troops; Maj. Geo. Slaughter, Crockett's Regt. (Nos. 1,062, 1,064, 1.065, 2 . °95)- Mentioned, of same Corps or Regt.: Ens. Wm. Roberts, Henry Dearing, Lieut. Hugh McGavock, Lieut. James Slaughter, Virginia State Troops, State Line 537 Lieut. James Montgomery, Richard Harrison, Wm. Drenon, Rev. War; Surg. John McNickol, Lieut. Saunders, Col. Joseph Crockett, Thomas Quirk, James Meriwether, Capt. John Bailey, Capt. Chas. Ferer, Maj. John Mazarett. Tinsley, Samuel, Cornet, Va. State Troops. (No. 19,744.) Triplett, George, 1st Lieut. Va. State Troops, Geo. Gibson's Regt. (No. 19-776.) Mentioned: Capt. Chas. Ewell, Capt. Jesse Evans. Turnbull, Stephen, Capt. 2d Va. Regt. State Art. (No. 1,691, 8,987.) Mentioned: Dabney's Legion, Spottswood's Legion, The Look-out boat Liberty, Samuel Barron, Jeremiah Cane, Comm. Barron, Dr. Wm. "[Wilson]" C. Selden, John Clarke, Officer Va. State Line; Capt. James Harper, Capt. James Marshall, Dr. Robert Nicholson, Chief Justice Marshall, Dr. John M. Gait, James Innis, Dr. John Tankard, Cornet Henry Nicholson, Capt. John Cox, Dr. Bartlett, Capt. Edward Travis, Col. James Innis, "Wyatt Coleman, Lieut, and Adj."; "Isaac Holmes, Lieut, and Pmr."; "Robert Bush (or Buck)"; Dr. R. Nicholson, Smith's Pay roll. Upshur (Upshaw?) , Thomas, Capt. of Inf., Va. State Troops, Garrison Duty. (No. 6,188.) Mentioned: Capt. Thaddy Kelly, Capt. Henry Garnett, Maj. James Ouarles, of State Troops, 1776; Pmr. Lawrence Smith, State Art., i777-'79; Thos. Meriwether, Patrick Henry, Jr., Gov. of Va. ; Adam Craig, "Muster Master to Troops raised for defense of this State " [Va.]. Valentine, Edward, Lieut. Va. State Line, Capt. State Art., Col. Thos. Marshall; Lawrence Smith, Pmr. (No. 10,282.) Mentioned: Capt. Wright, Col. Geo. Muter, David Mason. Valentine, Josiah, 1779 Lieut., State Art., Col. Thos. Marshall; Lieut. Walter Scott. (No. 6,189.) Vawter, William, 1st Lieut. Inf., Va. State Line; Col. Geo. Gibson. (No. 8,686.) Mentioned: Churchill Gibbs. Vowles, Charles, 1st Lieut. Va. State Art.; Lieut. Col. E. P. Edmonds. (No. 5,873.) Mentioned; Capt. Gideon Johnston, Va. State Art.; Capt. Lieut. Walter Grahame, State Art.; Capt. Wm. Ballard, Gen. Moses Green, Revolu- tionary and Adj. Gen., 1812; Peter H. Triplett. Vowles, Henry, Adj. Va. State Art., Capt. Lieut. Col. Thos. Marshall, 7th Va. Regt., Gen. Mercer, 3d Va. 1776. (No. 9,461.) Mentioned: Capt. Lieut. Walter Graham, Va. State Art.; Lieut. Wm. Ballard, Lieut. Chas. Vowles, Capt. Lieut. Cary Wyatt, Lieut. Col. E. Edmonds, State Art.; Gustavus H. Wallace, Lieut. Col., 2d Va. Regt. Walls, George, Major Crockett's 111. Regt., Va. State Troops; Col. Jos. Crockett. (Nos. 8,264 an d 8,592, Item no. 2.) Mentioned: Mima Watts, Gait, Markham, James Barron, Chas. Grier. Walls, Thomas, Lieut. Major Crockett's 111. Regt., Va. State Troops; Col. Jos. Crockett. (Item no. 12, Va. Court Decisions.) White, Thomas, Lieut. 1st Va. State Regt. of Inf. (No. 3,514.) Mentioned: "Alva Oliver, soldier of the Revolution" ; Col. Thos. Marshall, Capt. Chas. Ewell, 1st Va. Regt.; John Sullivan, soldier; Ens. Wm. Brendeless, "John Gill, soldier in Rev."; "James White, soldier or Sergeant, Rev, War." Whitecotton, James (U. S. Pensioner). 111. Regt.; Col. Geo. Rogers Clarke. (No. 8,706 C. Papers of John Roberts.) 538 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Wilson, Thomas, Lieut., Capt. Thos. Quirk's Co., 3d Regt. 111. Regt. Gen. Geo. R. Clark, Lt. Col. John Montgomery, Capt. John Watlington Va. State Line. (Nos. 2,195 an d 3.104.) Mentioned: Martin Carney, Qmr., 111. Regt. Ft. Jefferson; Col. Anthony Crockett, Rev. John Rice, "soldier in Capt. Quirk's Co."; Capt. James Shelly, names of men serving on "Expedition to 111. Dec. 29, 1779"; "No. 3, No. 4, Pay account at Ft. Patrick Henry from Feb. 1780." Williams, "Gerard, Jarrett," Lieut., 111. Regt.; Col. Geo. R. Clark. (See No. 8,264, papers Geo. Walls, Item 5.) Williams, John, Capt. Va. State Art., 111. Regt. Troops; Col. Geo. Rogers Clark. (No. 166.) Mentioned: Capt. Thos. Mark, Maj. Thos Quirk, Col. Thos. Marshall. Woodson, Charles Joh. (Pension Office, May, 1831). Woodson, Frederick, Lieut, and Adj. 1st State Regt.; Col. G. Gibson, Capt. State Legion, Col. Dabney, 1783. (No. 1,429.) Yeates, John, 1st Lieut. Va. State Art.; Col. Thos. Marshall's Regt. (Nos. 1,372, 2,996, 3,258, 6,256, 18,851, 19,788.) Mentioned: Lieut. Elliott Rucker. Young, Thomas, Capt. Va. State Regt.; Col. Joseph Crockett. (Va. Court Decisions, Item no. 1, A 5.) Mentioned: Robert Corone. (23) Abstracts from Pension Applications and Half Pay Claims, Virginia and Other States. (Adjutant General's Office, U. S. War Department).* Half Pay Payments Began April 22, 1783! The time at which half pay commences, according to the Act of Congress passed July 5, 1832 is April 22, 1783: A rtillery Infantry Cavalry Col. $100.00 $7500 $93. K Lieut. Col. 75-00 60.00 75.00 Major 62.^ 50.00 60.00 Adams, John (A.G. No. 50,000), Private Mass. Line, d Sept. 30, 1830, leaving widow, Hannah Adams. She resided in Genessee Co., N. Y. ; drew pension $51.44 per an.; d Aug. 22, 1851, at Stafford. They had two children: John Adams and Horace Adams. Allen, John (A.G. 50,001), Capt. Va. State Art. Comm. Apr. 16, 1780, served to Feb., 1782. Resided in Henrico Co., Va.; but soon after war removed to Gloucester, now Camden Co., N. J. ; d 1803, unm. Had a bro., William Allen, whose son Barzillai d leaving two sons: Joseph B. Allen and Asa Allen. Joseph B. Allen adm. his granduncle's estate, and $300.00 per an. from 1782 to 1803 was paid to him. John Allen, the soldier, given two warrants for land by State of Va. one for 1,500 acres, the other for 2,500 acres. Paper dated Feb. 7, 1782, * Additional to those applications found in the United States Pension Bureau. Abstracted by Mr. Frank Johnson Metcalf and published by Official authority, t (Memorandum in Va. Archives, State Library, Richmond, Va.) Virginia State Troops, State Line 539 certifies "that Capt. John Allen was ordered to Hood's in May, 1780, with a detachment of the Artificers * * * to carry on the building barracks, magazines, etc. at that Post." Allerton, John (A.G. 50,002), Private. Received pension of $43.00 per an. payable at Pittsburgh Agency, Ohio. D Apr. 8, 1851 (?), leaving a widow, Mary Allerton. Andrason, Ezekiel (A.G. 50,003), Private, organization not shown. His widow, Hannah, received pension of $80.00 per an. She resided in Sullivan Co., N. Y. ; d Dec. 24, 1849. Children were: Isaac, John, Ann, wife of John Drake; Elizabeth, wife of William Mackey ; Joseph and Margaret. Were all of legal age in 1853- Andrews, Robert (A.G. 50,004), Chaplain in Col. Thomas Marshall's Va. Light Art. Left service Jan. 19, 1780; d Jan. 1, 1804. Armistead, Thomas (A.G. 50,005), Capt., 1st Va. State Troops, Col. George Gibson. Left service May 21, 1782; d Sept. 1, 1809. To his widow, Jane, he left only what law required. At death he was a grocer at Brandywine, King William Co., Va. and was formerly of Richmond. Had five daughters as follows: Abiah Albert, Ann Mitchell, Catherine F. Hall, widow of William Pearce, and later the wife of Everard Hall. To her he gave all claims to lands in "Catucky " and Tenn. Another daughter was Martha B. Towles, and the fifth was called Jane by her father, but Julia Ann by her mother. Thomas Armistead also had a brother Robert. Armistead, William (A.G. 50,006), Paymaster in Major John Nelson's Corps of Va. State Cavalry. Discharged Feb. 8, 1783; d Nov. 23, 1822, in Elizabeth City Co., Va. Date of d is also shown as 1832. Asher, William, Ens., Va. State Line. (See Roberts, William, A.G. 50,145.) Atkins, Edward. (See Piper, John, A.G. 50,132.) Bailey, John (A.G. 50,007), Capt., 111. Regt. Va. Born probably in Ireland; d Oct. 22, 1822, in Nelson Co., Ky., leaving no children, having no known relatives in this country. His widow was Nancy Johnson, formerly Nancy Rogers. The heirs to Capt. John Bailey's estate were the three brothers of his widow after her death : William Rogers, who had children as follows: (1) John Rogers, formerly of Hampshire Co., deceased; his widow Susan later m James Real; (2) Sally, widow of Aaron Jones, she m second Ebenezer Fenley ; (3) William of Bath Co., Ky. who had a son James C. Rogers; (4) Nancy, wife of Richard Parker, Sumner Co., Tenn.; (5) Susan, wife of Thomas Parker, Sumner Co., Tenn.; (6) Mary, wife of Thomas Parker of Ky. ; (7) James, formerly of Hampshire Co., Va. now near Chilicothe, Ohio; (8) Eliza, wife of Nat Davis, 111.; (9) Margaret, wife of Samuel Higgerson, Wilson Co., Tenn. James Rogers, another brother of Nancy. A copy of his will is on file. His children were: (1) Matthew of Davis Co., Ky. later moved to Ohio. He m Jenny who d about 1825 in Nelson Co., Ky. ; (2) William, deceased. See list of his children below; (3) Polly, wife of C. Dunn, Grayson Co., Ky. ; (4) Nancy White, Grayson Co., Ky. ; (5) John Grayson Co., Ky. ; (6) Jonathan, Ohio Co., Ky. ; (7) Evan, Mercer Co., Ky. ; (8) James, Nelson Co., Ky. 540 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Children of William Rogers (2) and grandchildren of James Rogers: (a) James C. Ohio Co., Ky.; (b) Margaret, now called Peggy Henderson, wife of Charles Henderson; (c) Betsey, wife of Mosby James; (d) Nancy, wife of James Hobby; (e) Lewis of Mo.; (f) Jonathan of Ky. ; (g) William Casey Rogers, Ohio Co., Ky. ; (h) Milton, Ohio Co., Ky. ; (i) Thornton, Ohio Co., Ky. ; (j) Evan, deceased, left a widow Kitty, who m Joseph Heck, and also one child, Leuri Rogers; (k) John, deceased, who left one child, Margaret, Ohio Co., Ky. Mathew Rogers, brother of Nancy Rogers had the following children: (1) Nancy, wife of Noah Drury; (2) Asa of Indiana; (3) Joseph, Nelson Co., Ky. ; (4) Jane, wife of Elias Rice, 111.; (5) William, 111.; (6) Mathew, 111.; (7) John, Ind.; (8) Jacob, Harden Co., Ky. Ballard, Bland W., Private Capt. Benjamin Roberts' Co., Col. Slaughter's Corps. (See Worthington, Edward, A.G. 50,197.) Barber, M., Va. service. (See Welch, Nathaniel, A.G. 50,187.) Barnes, James (A.G. 50,008), Capt. Tanneyhill's Co., Md. ; lived in Fayette Co., Pa., for at least five years before d in 1827. M Sarah , in Anne Arundel Co., Md., in 1780; after his death she remained a widow until her death at Wellsburg, Brooke Co., Va., in 1833, at age 76. The surviving children were Ephraim Barnes and Daniel Barnes. Baytop, John (A.G. 50,009), 1st Lieut, 2d Va. State Regt. Native and resident of Gloucester Co., Va. Comm. May 1, 1779; d Jan., 1799, in King and Queen Co., Va. Left as his residuary devisee Philip Taliaferro, who d in 1800, leaving the following children as his heirs: (1) William; (2) James; (3) Mrs. Sarah S. Shackelford; (4) Philip of Gloucester Co., Va. ; (5) Richard, who was dead in 1836; (6) Polly, wife of Mathew Kent; (7) Thomas, who resided in 1836 in Caroline Co., Va. ; (8) John, who was dead in 1836, and (9) George. Becker, Barent (A.G. 50,010), organization not shown. Resided in Middle- burg previous to 1802; in Cherry Valley, Otsego, N. Y., from 1802 to 1820, then in Middleburg, Schoharie Co., until his death, Sept. 30, 1840. Beckwith, William (A.G. 50,011), organization not shown. Enlisted in 1777 for one year, also served later, about two years in all. M Martha Elder at St. Mary's College, Emmettsburg, Md. His wife d at Emmettsburg, Md., with his son moved to Ohio, where the father d Sept. 15, 1839. There were four children; — Tobias, who d prior to 1850; Ellen who also d prior to 1850; Richard, who was not heard from after 181 9, when it was thought he went to sea; and Rebecca, who claimed to be the only heir. Bennett, Thomas (A.G. 50,012), Matross, organization not shown. Resided in Hector, N. Y., then in Newfield, N. Y., for one year; d there, leaving no widow. Mary West was the only child living in 1854. Berry, William (A.G. 50,013), rank and organization not shown. Resident of Mercer Co., Ohio, later of Allen Co., Ind.; d Jan. 17, 1842. Widow not living in 1856, but there were then surviving children as follows: William, George and Jane Manning. Bishop, Benjamin (A.G. 50,014), rank and organization not shown. D in Wayne Co., Ind., Jan. 2, 1848. Left children: Mary Jester and John Bishop. Blair, John (A.G. 50,015), rank and organization not shown. D Apr. 3, Virginia State Troops, State Line 541 1843. Children were Elenor, Joseph, Elizabette, James, Mary, Nancy and Mar- tha. Only surviving child in 1856 was Elizabette Markin, of Adams Co., Ohio. Blakeley, Obed (A.G. 50,016), rank and organization not shown. Resident for two years before his death in Union, Brown Co., N. Y. Previously resided in Cayuga Co., N. Y. ; d Feb. 4, 1825, and John C. Blakeley was the admr. of his est. Boas, Henry (A.G. 50,017), Private, but name of organization is not shown. M 1788, in Baltimore Co., Md., to Dorothy . She d Mar. 12, 1839, he d Mar. 4, 1838, in Jackson Co., Ind. Following children were surviving in 1857: Henry, Peter, Jacob, Elizabeth, wife of James Mitchell, George and Polly, widow of Thomas Carr. Thomas Carr d Mar. 10, 1847. In his will Henry Boas left to each of his children 37^2 cents, except to Polly, who had the residue of his property, and she was to care for her mother. Boush, Robert (A.G. 50,018), Ensign and Paymaster in Col. Dabney's Va. State Garrison Regt. D Oct. 15, 1809, at Norfolk, Va. Boyd, James (A.G. 50,019), rank and organization not shown. D Jan. 14, 1853, in Newton Co., Miss, where resided from 1836. From 1833 to 1836 resided in Kemper Co., that state, and previous to 1833 in Jefferson Co., Ala. His son, George W. Boyd, was his admr. Brashears, Richard (A.G. 50,020), Capt. in Clarke's 111. Regt., Va. State Troops. Stationed at Fort Kaskaskia. Left the service Dec. 31, 1781; d May 27, 1822. M at Fort Kaskaskia to Ann Brocus, daughter of William Brocus, divorced Dec. 28, 1805. In 1830 she, as Nancy Tabor, was living at Fort Gibson, Miss. Richard Brashears and Ann had a daughter, Celest, who m Arthur Caney (or Carney) and had a daughter, Elizabeth Louise Caney, who m Joseph Nicolls. At the death of the soldier, Joseph Nicolls and his wife, then living in La., were his only heirs. Bray, Elisha C. (A.G. 50,021), rank and organization not shown. Removed in 1855 to Roseville, Douglas Co., Ore. Brenton, John (A.G. 50,022), Private, organization not stated. D Mar. 21, 1847, in Clark Co., Ind., where resided for the previous 29 years. Before that lived in Ky. Left no widow, but there were two daughters: Polly, wife of James McClaray, and Ursula West. Bressie, Thomas (A.G. 50,023), Capt. 2d Va. State Troops; comm. May 13, 1776; was Major at close of war. Ordered to Yorktown but proceeded only to Mackie's, now Chuchacutt's Mills in Isle of Wight Co., when ordered home to Portsmouth, on account of the surrender of Cornwallis. Date of death is not shown. Left one child only, Thomas M. Bressie, who m Elizabeth . Thomas M. Bressie d leaving no child, but his widow, Elizabeth, m James Fisher between the years 1830 and 1835. Brophy, Michael (A.G. 50,024), was paid his pension to Mar. 4, 1857, at San Francisco Agency. Brown, John (A.G. 50,025), rank and organization not shown. Resident of Pickaway Co., Ohio; d Feb. 10, 1844, leaving a widow, Ann B., who d prior to 1854, and a son, Richard, who m Sarah A. and d March 1, 1850, leaving several children. J. G. Turner was the admr. of the est. of John Brown. Brown, Robert (A.G. 50,026), Lieut., Va. State Art., comm. Apr. 12, 1780; 542 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia supernumerary Feb. 7, 1781. D 1814. Had two children: Moses, and William, the latter of whom d without issue. Moses d leaving a widow, Keziah, who later m Simeon Smith. The children of Moses and Keziah were: Elizabeth, who m Charles M. Carter; Mary, who m Herling Whitehurst; John, Moses, Keader and James. An affidavit with these papers shows that William Corbel was b near Great Bridge in St. Brides' Parish, where Fordyer fought a battle. Browning, Isaac (A.G. 50,027), Lieut. Crockett's Va. Regt. Comm. Nov. 8, 1779. Promoted Capt. of Inf. in place of John Chapman who was killed in service. M Henrietta who later m Jameson, and d in Hopkins Co., Ky. about 1836. The children of Isaac Browning were: Joel D., Joshua R., and Elizabeth, wife of John Hardeson. Burk, James, Va. service. (See Turnbull, Stephen, A.G. 50,177.) Calvitt, Joseph (A.G. 50,028), Lieut. Clarke's 111. Regt., Va. State Troops. M at Iron Banks to Sidney , settled near Natchez, Miss., about 1785; d Aug., 1819. His widow, Sidney, m Rundell. His children were: John, Thomas, James and Martha, or Patsey, who m Jushua G. Clarke, afterward Chancellor of the State of Miss. In 1830, she was a widow. Cary, Samuel (A.G. 50,029), Lieut, and Adj. in the Regt. of Va. State Troops, commanded by Col. William Brent. Became supernumerary Feb. 6, 1781. Chapline, Abraham (A.G. 50,030), Capt. 111. Regt. Va. State Troops. D Jan. 19, 1824, in Hart Co., Ky., leaving a son, Isaac. Chapman, George, soldier, Va. service. (See Rogers, John, A.G. 50,149.) Chapman, John. See Army, etc. Chelton, Stephen. (See Roberts, John, A.G. 50,144.) Cherry, William (A.G. 50,031), Capt. Col. Crockett's Regt. Va. State Troops. D Feb., 1805. Children : William, m Mary G., who in 1844 was a widow and had a daughter and only child Mary E. Cherry, then living in Winchester, Va. In 1834 there were: two daughters, Sarah Ellen and Mary, both under age; (2) John, who d leaving a son Isaac B. and a daughter Emily, who m Bunce, and left two minor daughters, Adelaide Bunce and Lydia Emily Bunce; (3) Elizabeth, wife of Joseph Wysong; (4) Mary, wife of James Harris; (5) Eleanor, who d without issue and (6) Mathias, who also d without issue. Clower, Daniel (A.G. 50,032), d Sept. 30, 1847, leaving four children: Nancy Still, Jane Witherspoon, Mary Brown and John. Cole, Huldah (A.G. 50,033), name of soldier not shown. D May 10, 1848, and resident of New Ashford, Berkshire Co., Mass.; left four children: Lemuel, Otis, Huldah Weed and Hannah White. Cordill, James (A.G. 50,034), rank and organization not shown. D May 30, 1840, in Perry Co., Ky. His heirs were: William, Isham, Thomas, Sarah, Henry, Sampson and James. Cordill, Stephen (A.G. 50,035), rank and organization not shown. D July 25 1 1839, in Perry Co., Ky. His widow, Sarah, was living in Letcher Co., Ky. in 1843. Cornett, William (A.G. 50,036), Private, organization not shown, Ky. D Nov. 26, 1839, in Perry Co., Ky. Widow was Mary Ann Cornett, and in 1843 she removed to Letcher Co., Ky. Virginia State Troops, State Line 543 Courtney, James (A.G. 50,037), rank and organization not shown. D July 10, 1846, in Simpson Co., Miss. Wife d before him. He had a son named Isaac. Cowen, William (A.G. 50,038), rank and organization not shown. D Oct. 18, 1842, in Clermont Co., Ohio. Left a son, Elijah, who adm. the est. His wife, Margaret, d prior to 1855. Crawley, Samuel (A.G. 50,039), Capt. in Va. State Art. commanded by Col. Thomas Marshall. D at Williamsburg, Va., date not shown, leaving several children. He was at Little York just before the surrender, but was not present at the surrender. The will of his widow, Ann E. Lake, is on file, by which she gives money and furniture to her grand-daughter, Betsey C. Ware. Creed, Colby (A.G. 50,040), rank and organization not shown. Had a son John A. Creed. Crockett, Anthony (A.G. 50,041), Lieut. Va. State Line. D Dec. 6, 1838. His son was Dandridge S. Crockett. (See Wilson, Thomas, A.G. 50,195.) Crockett, Joseph (A.G. 50,042), Lieut. -Col., Va. State Line. D Nov. 7, 1829. G. M. Bower and Daniel B. Price were sons-in law. Crump, Abnerr (A.G. 50,043), Capt. in Gibson's Va. State Regt. D Jan. 20, 1802. Had a bro., Goodrich Crump, to whose son he bequeathed some property. A copy of his will is on file. Dabney, Charles (A.G. 50,044), Lieut. -Col., 2d Va. State Regt. D Dec. 15, 1829. A copy of the Richmond Inquirer with notice of his death and sketch is on file with his papers. His will shows that property was given to Charles Dabney, a nephew residing in Louise, Va. ; to George, a bro., who had several daughters; and to Robert and Samuel, bros. Louise Fontaine is mentioned as a daughter of Elizabeth Pollard. Shares of stock in the Va. and Farmer's Bank in Richmond were given to William Dabney, Catharine Morris, Ann McDowell, daughter of Alexander Stuart, Cheswell Dabney and John D. Andrews. Dalton, Valentine Thomas (A.G. 50,045), Lieut, in Capt. Robert George's Co., Va. Art. Comm. June 4, 1779. In August, 1782, was captured by Indians and carried down Mississippi River. D Feb. 6, 1807, in Baton Rouge, La. In his will, executed in 1805, he refers to his wife and three children: Margaret, Valentine and Julia Ann. In a paper dated in 1807 only two children were living, Margaret probably having d prior to that year. Julia Ann, who went into a convent d prior to 1835, and in that year Valentine was the only heir. (See "George, Robert," this chapter.) Daring, Henry (A.G. 50,046), Lieut., Capt. Abraham Tipton's Co., Col. Joseph Crockett's Regt., Va. State Troops. Saddler by trade, lived at Wood- stock, Va., then moved to Rockingham Co. where he d in the fall of 1805. He m Barbara Hackman, who after the death of her husband, m John Boyer, and in 1833 both of them were still living. Three children of the soldier are mentioned: John, who d in the latter part of the war leaving a daughter Eliza, who was m; Mary and Margaret. Day, James, soldier. (See Reynolds, William, A.G. 50,141.) Deaver, William (A.G. 50,047), rank and organization not shown. D Feb. 9, 1832. His son, William, was then his only heir, the widow and the other children having d before him. 544 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Diall, Daniel (A.G. 50,048), private, organization not shown. Paid on the North Carolina pension roll to Sept. 4, 1834. Date of death is not shown. Dickason, Samuel (A.G. 50,049), rank and organization not shown. Re- sided in Armstrong Co., Pa., and d Apr. 16, 1846, leaving a widow, Elizabeth. Dick, Alexander (A.G. 50,050), Major, Dabney's Legion, Va. State Line. Was of Fredericksburg, Spotsylvania Co., Va. Served to Jan. 1, 1783, and d in 1786. His will was dated in 1785 and mentions his father, Charles Dick. His entire est. was left in trust to his friend, James Mercer. In his will he mentions also a sister, Mary Taliaferro, who afterwards married John Peyton, at whose death she was left a widow; they had a son, but he d while an infant. Charles Champ Taliaferro was the son of Mary Taliaferro, and d Feb., 1832, at the age of about 59 years, leaving his est. to Benjamin F. Taliaferro and Theodore S. Garnett. John Fencer Mercer is named as a nephew of the soldier. The will is witnessed by Mary Wormley, John Wormley and George Lewis. The heirs of the soldier at his death were Theodore S. Garnett, Charles F. Mercer and Ben- jamin F. Taliaferro. Diggs, Dudley (A.G. 50,051), Lieut, in Major John Nelson's Va. State Cavalry, d July 16, 1842. Diggs, Edward (A.G. 50,052), Capt., Va. State Garrison Regiment. D about 1816 in the lunatic asylum in Williamsburg, Va. At a Court held for the County of Louisa, Va., Aug. 10, 1835, it was proven to the satisfaction of the Court that the following were the only heirs and legal representatives of Captain Edward (Digges) deceased, who was an officer in the War of the Revolution, and that he died after the year 1810. William Digges, deceased, of Newport Noose. Edward Digges, deceased, of Fauquier. Mamy Digges, deceased, who m George Fitzhugh, deceased, of Fauquier. Thomas Digges, deceased, of Fauquier. Elizabeth Digges, deceased, who m Dr. Thomas Powell, deceased of Spotsylvania. Sarah Digges, deceased, who m William Fitzhugh of Fauquier. Dudley Digges, deceased, Senr of Louisa. Elizabeth Digges, deceased, who m William Digges, deceased of Newport Noose. Mary Digges, deceased, who m William Hill, deceased of Newport Noose. Cole Digges, deceased, of Hanover. Patsey Digges, who m Nathaniel Benach, deceased of Botetourt. Elizabeth Digges, who m Dr. Robert Nicholson, deceased, of York. Lucy Digges, who m John Walton, deceased, of Northampton. Dudley Digges, Senr of Louisa. Judy Digges, who m Andrew Nicholson, deceased, of Richmond. Dudley Digges, Junr of Louisa. In 1 85 1 at a County Court of Fauquier Co., it was proven that Capt. Edward Digges, whose death had been recorded in court as having occurred in 1800, did not take place prior to the year 1810. Ditto, Francis (A.G. 50,053), rank and organization not shown. Drew a pension of $80.00 per an., payable at the Ohio Agency. D June 16, 1841, leaving a widow who was still living in 1850. He had resided in Northumberland Co., Virginia State Troops, State Line 545 Pa., the place of his nativity, and for thirteen years previous to his death he lived in Seneca Co., O. Doty, Nathaniel (A.G. 50,054), rank and organization not shown. D Mar. 24, 1848, in Derry township, Westmoreland Co., Pa. His widow died between that date and May 27, 1853. Joseph Pound administered his est. Drenon, William, Va. service. (See Thomas, Mark, A.G. 50,172.) Edinburg, Sewell (A.G. 50,055), Capt., Va. State Art. served till Feb. 6, 1782. Visited England after the war, and after his return d near the close of 1801, in Henrico Co., Va. Miss Elizabeth Donaldson was his only heir in this country. Richard A. Barron, of Henrico Co., Va., was his admr. Edmondson, Benjamin (A.G. 50,056), Lieut., 2d Va. State Regt. Served three years and his service terminated Feb. 6, 1782. Fought a duel and killed an officer named Holmes. Granted 2,666 acres of land. M Margaret Harwood, widow of Samuel Harwood, of Weyancah, Charles City Co., Va., whose daughter, Margaret W. m Robert Munford. The latter d prior to 1838. The will of Margaret Edmondson, the soldier's widow, names two daughters: Ann and Margaret Woddrop Harwood. The soldier left a sister, Elizabeth Edmondson, who m Henry Edloe, and had a son William Edloe, who was her only heir. Elder, Ephraim (A.G. 50,057), rank and organization are not shown, nor is the date of his death given. His widow, Martha Moore, d Jan. 5, 1846, in Campbell Co., Va., leaving the following children: Alfred Elder, Lucy Ann Foster, Oliver Elder and Nancy Dowdy. Ellis, Abner S. (A.G. 50,058), private, Co. B, Ga. Volunteers. D Jan. 4, 1848. His widow resided in and d in Stewart Co., Ga., July 8, 1855. She left five children whose ages are shown as follows in an affidavit dated May 5, 1858: Richard, 15; Francis, 13; Mary, 10; Louise, 8 and James, 1^2. (This last age is apparently incorrect, but it is so shown on the affidavit.) Elliott, Bradford W. (A.G. 50,059), organization not shown. D Apr. 15, 1852, in Great Salt Lake Co., Utah, leaving a widow, Ann Elliott. Evans, Andrew (A.G. 50,060), private in the Army of the Rev. Drew pension at Knoxville, Tenn. and d prior to April 1, 1842. Evans, Jesse (A.G. 50,061), Capt. in the 111. Regt., Va. State Troops. At the time of his enlistment he lived in Montgomery Co., since called Wythe Co. He was comm. Capt. Dec. 29, 1778, and served to the end of the war. He left Va. in 1815, and on Oct. 19, 1833, was living in Calloway Co., Mo., being then about 76 years of age. He d July 29, 1843. Evans, Jesse (A.G. 50,062), organization not stated. Pensioner of the Rev. War and had a son Joseph. Ewell, Charles (A.G. 50,063), Capt. in Col. George Gibson's Regt. Va. State Troops. Formerly lived in Milford, Prince William Co., Va., but d in McCracken Co., Ky., Apr. 1, 1830. Maria Dorcas Ewell was his executrix. Ewell, Thomas (A.G. 50,064), Capt., also called Major, Col. George Gibson's Regt., Va. State Inf. Joined May — , 1777, marched to the northward and re- turned to Va. in Jan. 1780, and d about Jan. 1, 1796. In his will dated Jan. 19, 1789, he mentions his wife Frances, his son James, his son Thomas and his son- in-law William Nimmo Dyson; also slaves Africa, Sabina, Kate, Sam, Bridget, 546 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Phillis and Cuffy. In 1796 the widow was dead, James refused to qualify as admr., and John became the admr. In 1834 the three sons: James, Thomas and John, were dead and the heirs were Mary Mills, Thomas Mills, Susan Mills, Hilary Ewell and Sarah Greenwood. There are also with these papers the records of Thomas Winder Ewell, a Capt. in the 1st Va. State Regt. commanded by Col. George Gibson. He was a son of Bertrand Ewell, and d in 1784 at Dumfries, Prince William Co., Va. His est. was transferred to Sarah Ewell and later to her niece, Sarah E. Hayes, who resided in Bototourt Co., Va. Charles Ewell was the admr. of the est. of Sarah Ewell. This Thomas W. Ewell is doubtless a different person from the Thomas Ewell whose papers are also filed under this number. Fierson, Charles (A.G. 50,065), Capt., organization not shown; was allowed half pay in 1836. Fleet, John (A.G. 50,066), Lieut., 2d Va. State Troops, commanded by Col. William Brent. He left the service Feb. 8, 1783. Field, Benjamin (A.G. 50,067), Ensign in Slaughter's Corps, Gen. Clark's Regt. He commanded his company at the Falls of the Ohio. Part of the company under Lieut. Thomas Ravenscroft started for Boone's Station on the Kentucky River, but they were attacked twice by the Indians, and the whole command slain when Field retired. He was commissioned by Thomas Jefferson as Capt. Light Dragoons, 111. Regt. Va. State Troops, May 28, 1781, in the Western Army. He d Jan. 2, 1842, in Daviess Co., Ky., leaving a widow Mildred Field, and a son William Field. Foster, Flenry. (See Roberts, John, A.G. 50,144). Foushee, William (A.G. 50,068), Surgeon, Va. State Troops. His service terminated Sept. 3, 1783. He is referred to as "late of Richmond, Va. and d Aug. 21, 1824. William F. Ritchie was the admr. of his est." Fox, Joseph (A.G. 50,069), private in the Pa. Line, who drew a pension. Frogget, William, private, Va. service. (See Rogers, John, A.G. 50,149.) Gait, John Minson (A.G. 50,070), of Williamsburg, Va., was Brigade Surgeon, Va. State Troops. He entered service July 1, 1776, and was Senior Surgeon in the hospital at Williamsburg from Dec. 1777, until its discontinuance Jan. 19, 1780. His son, Alexander D. Gait was admr. of his est. in 1833. Garberich, John (A.G. 50,071), was b Feb. 7, 1759, and d Sept. 18, 1843, age 84 yrs., 7 mos., 11 ds., and was buried in Walmer's Church cemetery, Lebanon Co., Pa. For fifty years previous to his death he lived in Dauphin Co., and previous to that time in Cumberland Co., Pa. George Bomgardner was his admr. He left no widow but the following twelve children: John, Jacob, Bar- bara, who m Abraham Stine, George, Henry, Elizabeth, who m George Bom- gartner, Rebecca, who m Joseph Bourgner (since deceased), David, Mary, who m Michael Garberich, and now a widow, Sarah, who m John Shardel, Thomas, Lydia, who m David Smith. (This list was made in 1856.) George, Robert (A.G. 50,072), Capt. 111. Regt. Va. State Troops. His will, dated in Clark Co., Apr., 1803, is witnessed by Ezl Jenkins, John Ape and Francis McGuire. It gives land &c. to James Noble Wood, Moses G. Wood (if he does ever return to this country), Nancy Smith during her widowhood, Samuel Hay, Virginia State Troops, State Line 547 John Douthitt, John Ferguson, James Ferguson, Thomas Ferguson, William Ferguson, Francis McGuire, Jr., James Sweeny, Benoni Wood, son of George Wood, Robert G. Ferguson, Nancy Wood, James N. Wood, and Margaret Ferguson, daughter of John Ferguson. The exrs. of the will were James N. Wood, Samuel Hay and James Ferguson. Margaret Wood was admx. for James Noble Wood May 30, 1835. July 8, 1834, the following, claiming to be the heirs of Robert George, ap- pointed an attorney: James Ferguson, James S. Kelley, Mordecai Sweeney, Thomas Dorsey and Margaret his wife, Nathan Haws and Nancy his wife, William Patrick and Martha his wife, James Sweeney, William Sweeney, Mary Sweeney, William Bundell and Nancy his wife, Joseph Perry and Jane his wife, Jane Haynes, George Ross and Margaret his wife and Thomas Ferguson. John Donne made affidavit that he "was in Fort Jefferson in Ky. at the time Capt. George commanded there when the fort was attacked by Colbert with the Chickasaw and Choctaw nations .... Capt. George d in Utica, Ind. about eight miles above Louisville, Ky." George, Robert (A.G. 50,072), Capt. 111. Regt. Va. State Regiment, com- manded by Col. George Rogers Clark, served to the end of the war; d unm Mar. 31, 1804, at Woods Ferry, now in the town of Utica, Clark County, Ind., 8 miles above Louisville. In 1834 the following persons claimed to be his heirs: (1) James Ferguson; (2) James S. Kelley; (3) Mordecai Sweeney; (4) Thomas Dorsey and his wife Margaret; (5) Nathan Haws and Nancy his wife; (6) William Patrick and Martha his wife; (7) James Sweeney; (8) William Sweeney; (9) Mary Sweeney; (10) William Bundell and Nancy his wife; (1) Joseph Perry and Jane his wife; (12) Jane Haynes; (13) George Ross and Margaret his wife; and (14) Thomas Ferguson. Elizabeth Ferguson, wife of Thomas Ferguson, was a sister of Robert George. (See correspondingly numbered names below.) Jane George, sister of Robert George m Thomas Ferguson and had seven children. John Ferguson, d at Charlestown leaving two children ** William Ferguson, who left two children *** (1) James Ferguson Isabella, who m James Sweeney, and had four children **** Margaret Ferguson, who m Hugh Kelley, had children and was living on Oct. 6, 1833. (7) Jane Ferguson, who m James Sweeney as his second wife and had five children as follows: (10) Nancy, m William Brundel or Bundell. (9) Mary (8) William George, master of a steamboat. Jane, all of Utica, Clark Co., Ind. Nancy, who m John Kelley, and had at least two children. Thomas, who d prior to July, 1834. (2) James S. Kelley, who resided in Morgan Co., Ind. (6) Martha, wife of William Patrick. 548 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia (5) Nancy, wife of Nathaniel Haws, living in Clark Co., Ind. and three children of the daughter of the latter, Issabella, who m a Blakley; John Blakley, Noble Blakley, Greenberry Blakley, living in Louisville. Also a son b before her marriage and known as Andrew Ferguson. ** John Ferguson's children: (14) Thomas Ferguson of Louisville. (13) Margaret, who m George Ross, and lived in Charlestown, Clark Co., Ind. *** William Ferguson had two children: Robert (12) Jane, widow of Reason Haynes living in Harrison Co., Ind. **** Isabella Sweeney left four children: (3) Mordecai, Washington Co., Ind. (4) Margaret, wife of Thomas Dorsey, Clark Co., Ind. (11) Jane, wife of Joseph Perry, Robert. All the above children of (7) Jane (George) Ferguson were dead July 8, 1834 except James, who then lived in Washington Co., Ind. R 14,396, Va. Half Pay Robert George Capt. (U. S. Pension Bureau: Cert, issued Feb. 19, 1836, Act. July 5, 1832, at $240.00 per an. from Apr. 11, 1783). Pension Office, Feb. 19, 1836. I hereby certify that from an examination of the claim of the heirs of the late Robert George, deceased, who was a Capt. in the 111. Regt. I am satisfied that he served to the end of the war; that he survived until the latter end of Mar. 1804; that he died without issue; that Andrew Ferguson and the other heirs mentioned in the accompanying papers are entitled as such to the benefits of the Act of July 5, 1832. I do therefore give it as my opinion that the claim should be paid to the heirs from Apr. 11, 1783, the termination of the war up to Mar. 15, 1804, at the rate of $240. per an. I also certify that the Hon. John Carr, M.C. Ind. as atty. for Henry Harrod of Clark Co., Ind., admr. is duly authorized to receive the amt. due. (Signed) J. W. Edwards, Comr. Pensioner (See Payroll of Capt. Robert George in Vol. 11) Gibbs, Churchill (A.G. 50,073), Lieut, in Col. George Gibson's 1st Va. State Regt. He was taken prisoner May 9, 1781, by General Philips and was paroled May 25, 1781, by order of Lord Cornwallis. He d May 30, 1846. (See Welch, Nathaniel, A.G. 50,187.) Gibbs, Harod, (A.G. 50,074), Lieut. His widow Anna resided in Mecklin- burg Co., Va., and later in Warren Co., N. C. (These counties join.) She re- ceiver a pension of $192. per an., and the cert, for it is on file. She d Oct. 13, 1851, leaving William W. Gibbs, her only son and heir. Glenn, Bernard (A.G. 50,075), Lieut, and Capt. in Col. Crockett's Regt. Virginia State Troops, State Line 549 Va. State Troops. When his father moved to S. C, he went with him, and a letter from the former governor of Va., James Barbour, was addressed to him at Wrightsborough, Union District, S. C. In 1829 letters were addressed to him at Goshen Hill, Union District, S. C. He d Aug. 5, 1831, leaving as heirs one sister and eighteen nephews and nieces. The admrs. of his est. were Nathan Coleman and John H. Herndon, and Thomas Green was their atty. Gonsaulis, James (A.G. 50,076), resided in Pa. Moved to Harrison Co., Va., where he resided for 35 yrs., and where he d Jan. 8, 1840. He left no widow; his two surviving daughters were Hannah Moran and Ellen Lingumfetter. Graves, William (A.G. 50,077), Cornet and Q.M., Va. State Troops. Date of death is not shown. He left one daughter, Maria Roberts. His est. was adm. by William B. Lamb. Green, Samuel Ball (A.G. 50,078), promoted to Lieut. Sept. 2, 1781, in Crock- ett's Va. Regt. His wife was Elizabeth Green; he lived in Frederick Co., Va. where he d. He had two children, Samuel B. Green, who adm. the est., and in 1850 was living in St. Louis, Mo. ; and Sarah B. Green, who m John Hollingsworth, and d prior to Sept. 1833. On Aug. 22, 1850 John Hollingsworth was reported as living in Iowa. After the death of the soldier the family moved to Ky. (A.G. 50,079 was omitted.) Grier, Charles (A.G. 50,080), Surgeon, Crockett's Regt., Va. State Troops. The admr. of his est. was Charles James Faulkner. Hamestreel, Isaac (A.G. 50,081), his widow was Mary Hamestreet, who d Mar. 25, 1856; was buried in Lorain, N. Y. Mar. 26, 1856; was said to have resided for 8 yrs. previous to her death in Jefferson Co., N. Y., and previous to that in Wis. The year of her death is also given as 1858, but the daughter later makes affidavit that this was a mistake, and that the correct year was 1856. Mary Hamestreet left only one child at her death, who was Eleanor Miller, and the latter claimed the unpaid pension due her mother. Hamilton, Thomas (A.G. 50,082), Capt. 1st Va. Regt. The admr. of his est. was Andrew M. Hamilton. Hardyman, John (A.G. 50,083), Lieut., 2 Va. State Regt., comm. Sept. 24, 1779. Feb. 12, 1783, a warrant was issued by the State of Va. for 2,666 acres of land. He m Miss Hannah Harrison; and d in 1808, in Elizabeth Co., Va. without issue. He had a bro. Stith Hardyman, who d leaving a son Tyler Hardyman, and the latter d in Ala. leaving children. He also had a sister, who m Peter Eppes, and the following children of this marriage were the only heirs of John Hardyman in 1856: John Eppes, who had two children, George and Lucy, residing in Henrico Co. in 1836; Peter Eppes, who had two children, William and John; Sarah Eppes, residing in Richmond; Marp Eppes; Lucy B. Eppes, who m Richard Williams and resided in Lynchburg in 1836; and Angelina Eppes, who m Sampson Jones, and resided in Richmond in 1836. The first admr. of the est. was Joseph Segar, bond $300.00; and the admr. in 1835 was Benjamin Harrison, under bond of $15,000.00. Harrison, Richard (A.G. 50,086), Lieut, of Art. in Capt. Robert George's Co. Va. State Troops, d Dec. 29, 1799. His son, Philip B. Harrison, was his admr. and he stated that he believed that his father was the oldest bro. of James Harrison, 550 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia who fell in battle in Oct. 1777 (Saratoga). On June 14, 1841, James A. Girauld of Natchez, Miss, was appointed atty. by the following heirs: Philip B. Harrison, Richard Harrison, Hay B. Harrison, James Dunbar and his wife Mabella, formerly Mabella Harrison, Philip B. Dougherty, the only child of Caroline Dougherty, formerly Caroline Harrison. (See "George, Robert," this chapter.) Hay, Joseph (A.G. 50,087), Surgeon in the Va. State Troops, served to Apr. 22, 1783. He served as Surgeon in the State hospital in Richmond seven months in the year 1781, and was discharged in Nov. of that year. He was a Surgeon's mate in the Williamsburg hospital from the commencement of the war up to the time of his appointment as Apothecary, July, 1777, and continued until the dissolution of the General Hospital. He was appointed Surgeon of the Brig "Jefferson" by Capt. Richard Barron but the cruise was prevented by the vessel's being sunk by the ice on the James River, Jan. 1, 1780. This statement was signed by George Chamberlain, Lieut, in the Navy and 1st Lieut, of the said Brig "Jefferson." James Kemp certified June 9, 1791, as clerk to the Continental Hospital in Va. that Dr. Joseph Hay acted as Surgeon's mate under Dr. John Morrison in Williamsburg under the direction of Dr. William Rickman. Hayes, Thomas (A.G. 50,084), 2d Lieut. 2d Va. State Troops. He was comm. Oct. 22, 1778, and joined the army near Norfolk. He was m by Parson Alex- ander to Judith Friar, Mar. 18, 1774, in Notty Pine Church, Hertford Co., N. C, though they were residents of Nancymond Co., Va. which was near the line between the two states. They had three children born in 1775, 1777 and Mary born in 1779. All of them had d prior to 1841. Thomas Hayes d Jan. io, 1810, in Cumberland Co., N. C. and the widow m James Langdon June 12, 1813. The latter d Mar. 2, 1833. Thomas Hayes and his wife removed from Va. to Cumberland Co., N. C, in 1787-1788. The children of Mrs. Judith Langdon were Mary Green, wife of Edward Green and Willis Hayes, a son. These were the only heirs in 1842. In May, 1841, Judith Langdon was in her 84th yr. Among the papers in this case are affidavits made May 20, 1841, by John Adams of Cumberland Co., N. C. then in his 74th yr. ; Daniel Shaw in his 66th yr. ; Mrs. Mildred Barclay, in her 70th yr., who was born in Portsmouth, Va. and removed to N. C. when small ; Daniel Eure in his 84th yr. ; Levi Eure in his 80th yr. and Nancy Eure in her 81st yr., who was m in 1775. Persons named as neighbors were John Vann, cousin of Mrs. Hayes; Charles Powell; Hetty Crawford, age 82, cousin of Mrs. Hayes, and who was m in 1776; Rev. Amos Rayner, age 81, father of Hon. Kenneth Rayner. One Smith is mentioned as having been killed at Gates Defeat. Henty, Joseph (A.G. 50,085), private, organization not shown. In 1850 his widow, Mary Henty had been living for i}4 yrs. in Taney Co., Mo., previous to which time she had lived in Ind. Heth, Col. Will. (See Spencer, William A.G. 50,167.) Holt, William, soldier, Va. service. (See Rogers, John, A.G. 50,149.) Howland, Abraham (A.G. 50,088), pensioner, organization not shown. He resided in Topsham, Maine, for 75 yrs., and d previous to 1855. Abraham Howland, Jr. of Topsham, Maine, was his admr. Humphrey, Merritt (A.G. 50,089), d Dec. 8, 1840. His widow was Mary Humphrey, who lived in Oldham, Ky. Virginia State Troops, State Line 551 Ingraham, Jonathan (A.G. 50,090), d Apr. 19, 1847, in New Ashford, Berk- shire Co., Mass. His six surviving children were: Elihu Ingraham, John In- graham, Abigail Ingraham, David Ingraham, Hepsibeth Campbell and Sally Elliott. Jackson, Samuel (A.G. 50,091), rank and organization not shown. He d May 2, 1836, in Washington Co., Tenn. His children, listed Sept. 2, 1845, were: Henry Jackson, Susan W. (Jackson) Watkins, Adelaide (Jackson) Lyon, Harriet (Jackson) Wall, Carolina (Jackson) Aiken and Alford E. Jackson. Jennings, William (A.G. 50,092), Capt. Va. State Art. commanded by Col. T. Marshall. He d at Hampton, Elizabeth City Co., Va., Oct. 10, 1791, leaving two sons of whom Robert C. Jennings was the only one surviving in 1835. The latter was an atty. in D. C. and served as atty. for the admr. Thomas Clark. James R. Jennings of New Orleans, La., a grandson, was admr. in 1846. The soldier intermarried into the family of James Barron, and had served in the war to Feb. 6, 1781. (See Turnbull, Stephen, A.G. 50,177.) Johnson, Gideon (A.G. 50,093), Brig. Q.M. in the Va. State Art. commanded by Col. Thomas Marshall, and Lieut. -Col. Elias Edmonds, both of Fauquier Co., Va. He enlisted as a private in Richard K. Meade's Co., 2d Va. Regt. ; later was transferred to the Regt. of Va. Art. and comm. Capt. serving to Feb. 6, 1 78 1, when he was rendered supernumerary. His home was in York, Va. but after the surrender of Cornwallis he removed to Fauquier Co. He d Dec. 6, 1825. Jones, David (A.G. 50,094), private and Sergeant. Organization not in- dicated. He resided in Mo. for 25 yrs. and previous to that lived in Ky. Jones, Elias (A.G. 50,095), private, late of Wardsboro, Windham Co., Vt. Organization in which he served is not shown. William Jones was the admr. of his est. and a power of atty. dated July 7, 1842, was witnessed by Roswell R. Evans and Lucy A. Swan. Keller, Abraham (A.G. 50,096), Capt. Va. State Regt. This regt. was dis- banded in Dec. 1781. Keller was killed by Indians in Apr. 1786. In 1833 Col. Benjamin Whaly stated that Abraham Keller was wounded at a place now called "Shipping Post," below the Falls of the Ohio; this he knew because he dressed his wounds with his own hands. On Dec. 13, 1844, William R. Todd of Ark. was appointed admr. Abraham Keller, heir of Capt. Abraham Keller died in Bour- bon Co., Ky. in 1834. His children were Jacob, Elizabeth, who m John Edwards, Sr., Solomon, Rebecca, who m John Snell, Abraham, Minerva, wife of John Keysar, d leaving an only child, Margaret, Margaret (Keller) who m John Ed- wards, Jr., Nancy, who m William H. Thomas, Joseph, Isaac, Noah and John. EXTRACT from a letter from the Western Country to his Excellency the Governor, dated Lincoln Co., Apr. 18 and iq, 1786, and printed in The Independent Gazetteer and Chronicle of Freedom of May, 1786. "The Indians have been very troublesome this spring, and of late have invaded the County of Jefferson, and are almost every day committing depreda- tions there. Our spirited generous hearted Colonel William Christian and Captain Keller have lately fallen a sacrifice to their barbarity, and it is to be feared, if measures are not speedily pursued for the support and defence of 552 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia that part, the county will break up, and of course the people be greatly distressed. The Indians that made Jefferson live on the Wabash, and not more than 150 miles from the Ohio, and might be attacked with success. We are not troubled with the Wabash Indians but with the Chicamagies, a part of which have lately settled over the Ohio, on a creek called Point Creek. They are said to be about 70 warriors, who have stolen almost all the horses from Limestone and Licking settlements. Those on the Tennessee disturb our eastern and southern frontiers, and about ten days since have killed Col. Donaldson on his way to Cumberland from this county. Several settlements are evacuated in this county with the loss of different people. There is a compact between the southern and western Indians and it appears they intend to cut off this country. All the Indians on and about the Wabash are for war, and news is just received that there are several hundred of them at this time out at war which is highly probable, from the circumstances of their being at this time in almost every part of our southern and western frontiers. They have been frequently on bargrass, and Col. Chris- tian, in order to induce others to go in pursuit of them has upon every occasion gone himself, and last week, he with almost 20 men crossed the Ohio and overtook three Indians whom they killed, but his men not rushing upon them altogether as he had ordered, he with three others only came up with them. It is remarkable there were only two guns belonging to the Indians both of which did execution, altho one of the Indians was shot through with three balls, and was at the time of firing his gun at Keller, lying on the ground totally disabled in one arm and unable to rise up." See also the affidavit of William Meriwether, Jan. n, 1833, filed in this case, but considered with the papers of Rogers, John, A.G. 50,149, page 563. Kelly, Thaddy (A.G. 50,097), Capt. Va. State Art. The date of his d is not shown. He was living on Dec. 2, 1788. On Aug. 26, 1780, a Court of Inquiry was held to examine the conduct of Capt. Thaddy Kelly, late a Lieut, in Capt. Henry Heath's Independent Co. in the Western Department, on charges of attempt to defraud the public. The Court declared the charges malicious and by no means supported. Richard Randolph was the admr. of his est. Kemp, James (A.G. 50,098), Ensign and Q. M. in the Va. State Garrison Regt. He d Dec. 15, 1795, unm. His mother lived and d in Europe; one bro. d in Europe, and another d in the West Indies. His sister, Isabella, was his only heir. She m Robert Nesbit, a native of Scotland, and lived in Richmond. They had three sons and two daughters: David, William, Archibald, Jane and Agnes. She survived her husband and made a will naming her son Archibald her exr. He d unm. in 1848 or 1849, leaving a will in which he left his est. to his sister Agnes Bigelow, then a widow, whose son Robert W. Bigelow was appointed admr. Nov. 16, 1849, at the request of Agnes Bigelow, the next of kin. Agnes Kemp m Joseph Bigelow of Richmond, and Jane Kemp m David Mabin, who in 1851 was living in Amelia Co. Va. (See also Reynolds, William, A.G. 50,141.) Kennedy, James (A.G. 50,099), Adjutant, Va. State Garrison Regt. John G. Mosby, Sheriff of Henrico Co. was first appointed admr., then Granville Kennedy, son of the soldier became admr. Knight, Catherine, pensioner, (A.G. 50,100). The name of the soldier is not shown. Pension was paid to her to Dec. 8, 1852. Virginia State Troops, State Line 553 Land, Lewis (A.G. 50,101), of S. C. Obedience Land was his widow and her affidavit is dated Mar. 6, 1857. Her atty. was M. Thompson of Washington, D. C. Laughlin, James (A.G. 50,102). Organization is not shown. He resided for six years prior to 1859 in Roseburg, Douglas Co., Oregon. Prior to that time he lived in Iowa. Lewis, Capt. William (see Welch, Nathaniel, A.G. 50,187). Lipscomb, Yancy (A.G. 50,103), Capt. Va. Light Art. d May 1, 1813. George M. Pendleton adm. his est. Litchfield, Caleb (A.G. 50,104), rank or organization not shown. He received his pension at the Vermont Agency. A son, living in Scituate, Mass., made claim for his pension in 1855. Ludington, Daniel (A.G. 50,105), rank or organization not shown. His widow was named Naomi. A daughter named Naomi, m Eli Danks, and in 1847 was living in Yonkers, N. Y. There were other children not named. Franklin Hall was the atty. Madden, William (A.G. 50,106), private, organization not shown. Jane Madden, his widow was receiving a pension in 1857 and living in Laconia, Harrison Co., Ind. Mallory, John (A.G. 50,107), rank or organization not shown. He d Mar. 16, 1833, in Hanover Co., Va. Elizabeth Mallory d Dec. 1, 1850, in Hanover Co., Va. Children not named. Richard P. Mallory adm. the est. Marshall, Humphrey (A.G. 50,108), Capt. -Lieut. Va. State Regt. d July 3, 1 841, leaving no widow. His two sons, Thomas A. Marshall and John J. Marshall were appointed his exrs. His will is dated June 14, 1839, and he states that he resides near Lexington, and is 79 years old. To Thomas A. Marshall he gave the seat called "Glenwillis" near Frankfort, and to John J. Marshall notes amounting to $12,000 against any claim. His slaves, Sam. Harris, Old Sam and Joe, the son of Hager, were to be set free at his death, but by a codicil "Joe" was to be set free after Jan. 1, 1851. His will is witnessed by Charles S. Marshall, John H. Marshall, H. T. Duncan and Thomas Smith. Marshall, James M. (A.G. 50,109), Lieut, in Marshall's Regt., Va. State Art. He was a bro. of the late Chief Justice. He d Apr. 26, 1848 in Fauquier Co. Va. One half pay was given to him to 1845. His exr. was James Marshall of Frederick Co. Va. Marshall, Thomas (A.G. 50,110), Capt. and Paymaster, succeeding Lawrence Smith as Paymaster Va. State Art. He became supernumerary May 4, 1782, and d Mar. 4, 181 7. His will dated Mar. 4, 181 7 gives his residence as Washing- ton, Mason Co., Va. In it he mentions his wife, Fanny, daughters Elizabeth, Lucy and Mary Keith Marshall, and sons, John, Charles, James and Thomas. He also names thirteen slaves. His will was filed in Mason Co., Ky. and was witnessed by Marshall Key, A. K. Marshall and Lucy A. Marshall. A part of his will reads as follows: "My sword, which was never drawn in civil strife, and was presented to my honored father by the representative of the late Honorable Peyton Randolph, the first President of the Congress of the United States, and by my said father worn throughout the Revolutionary War, and bequeathed to me 554 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia (and I hope never disgraced) I give to my son Thomas Marshall, wholly confiding in his honor and relying on that as the best security and pledge that so holy a relic will not be soiled." Marston, John (A.G. 50,111). Lieut. 1st Va. State Regt. The papers in this case appear to refer to two different men. The affidavit of Elenor Mastin, age 72, widow, made in Logan Co., Ky., states that she m John Marstin a few days before Christman, 1785, in Spottsyl- vania Co., Va., and that he d Oct. 20, 1795. Three children are mentioned; Elizabeth M. McKenney, Catherine S. Pulliam and John W. Marston. In Dec. 1833 a power of atty. given to Christopher Tompkins of the House of Representatives, to draw the money due, was signed by the three children named above, and also by William McKenney, the husband of Elizabeth. Churchill Gibbs states that he served with the soldier as 1st Sergt. and that Marston was "a delicate, spare looking gentleman." Fred Fishback, 84 years old, in 1834, is named in the papers. James Pulliam and later Erasmus Helm adm. the est., and the surities were Richard S. Hyde, Edward Halladay and John C. Pulliam. A copy of the will of John Marston is on file dated in Surrey Co., Va., Oct. 25, 1797, witnessed by James Belches, William Cocke and James Stewart. He made his wife, Susannah, sole executrix. The will of Susannah gives the house at Cabbin Point to "my friend Mrs. John Peter"; to William Lightfoot the negro Edmund, son of Susie; and other property to her niece, Sarah S. Minge or Mingo, of Sandy Point, Va., who had m John Mingo. This will was made Sept. 26, 1816, and was witnessed by Anthony H. Lamb, John R. Pierce and John Mingo, Jr. Thos. John Marston d about 1800 without issue; but he had a sister, Frances, who m Benjamin Mountcastle. The latter was reported dead in 1829, but the widow was alive, and had a number of children. John B. Christian was the admr. of this est. Turner Christian makes affidavit in 1833, being then 76 years old, and in 1834 Hamlin Wilcox, age 69 makes affidavit that John Marston was deputy clerk of Charles City Co., for several years, then moved across the river into Surrey Co., where he d. One record shows that John Marston d in Surrey Co., Va., between Oct. 25, 1797 and Mar. 27, 1798. In May, 1783, a warrant for 2,666 acres of land was issued to the soldier. On December 19, 1835 a deed was signed granting to William Helm of Fauquier Co., for $1,800, a sale of claim to money or lands due for the service of John Marston. This deed is signed by Sarah S. Minge of Charles City Co., Ro. Buckner Boiling, and Sarah Melville Boiling, both the latter being from Petersburg. These parties were Boiling, his wife and his mother-in-law. Martin, William (A.G. 50,112), was paid a pension on the N. H. Pension roll. He d Nov. 18, 1845. His children were William Martin, Nancy Parker, wife of Evan Parker and Harriet Parker, wife of Isaac Parker of Lisbon, Grafton Co., N. H. Mays, Benjamin (A.G. 50,113), of Iredel Co., N. C. He d May 25, 1835, and his son, James claimed his pension. Two children were living in 1852: James Mays and Martha Gay. Mazaret, John (A.G. 50,114), A German who was a Major in the Va. State Virginia State Troops, State Line 555 Art. D in Westmoreland Co., Va., between July 5, 1793 and July 29, 1794. Mary Nelson, widow of Col. William Nelson, refers to his first wife, but does not state her name. He m (2d) Margaret Turnbull who, after his death, m Robert Gibson of Essex Co., Va. ; she d about 1815. John Mazaret lived in Leedstown and his death left no children. His will dated July 5, 1793, and proved in Court July 29, 1794, gives his property to his wife, and appoints her and William Paine, exrs. The will is witnessed by William Tupman, William Paine, Jesse Jett and John Dickie. In 1836 William Paine, age 81, was residing near Leedstown, Westmoreland Co., Va., and William S. Jett, nearly 70 years old, was a Justice of the Peace in the county. Feb. 27, 1837, letters of admn. were granted to Robert Hill, who appointed John Roane his atty. Oct. 4, 1845, Henry Northup was appointed admr. as the soldier, his widow and Robert Hill, the former admr. were then dead. McClurg, James (A.G. 50,115), appointed Physician and Director-General of the Hospitals of Va. Jan. 8, 1777 and served until Jan. 19, 1780. McGavock, Hugh (A.G. 50,116), Lieut. Crockett's Regt. Va. State Troops; left the service Sept. 3, 1783 and d Apr. 2, 1844. His bro. Randal McGavock, was his exr. and Thomas J. Boyd of Wythe Co., Va., was his atty. His will dated Oct. 13, 1836, was witnessed by Mary H. McGavock and Thomas J. Boyd. To the children of his deceased son, James, he gave land on the Harpich River, Tenn. ; to his sons, Joseph and Jacob, land in Lincoln Co., Ky., on the south fork of the Cumberland River and on Scagg's Creek, Waters of Rockcastle; to his son Robert 520 acres where he was then residing in Harden Co., Ky. ; to his son Hugh, a life interest in 1700 acres of land on Salt River and Sinking Creek, on which the son was then living; to his daughter Sally, slaves, horses and cows. His other children, not named, had been provided for. In 1844 Mary H. was Mary H. Crockett. Meriwether, William. See affidavit in Rogers, John (A.G. 50,149, page 563 and further details concerning his bro. James Meriwether on p. 552). William Meriwether, b of Va. (1760-Feb. 10, 1842, m Elizabeth Winslow), cadet in Capt. Benjamin Pollard's Co., Va. State Line, 1776; in 1777 he joined the Continental Army and was at Valley Forge and also in the battle of Monmouth, after which he returned to his home, Charlottesville, Va., as member of a guard for prisoners. In 1779 he was 1st Sgt. 111. Light Dragoons, in which his bro. James was Lieut, and together they went to the Falls of Ohio, headquarters of troops under George Rogers Clark. His bro. James returned to Va. next year and he was ordered to take his place, march his Co. to Logan's Fort and remained there in command until after the surrender of Cornwallis. Full details of the expedition are given in his application for half-pay Jan. 15, 1833, when he was living at Shelbyville, Ky., where he d in 1842.* James Meriwether 6 (1756-1801, see above), Adj. in 1st Va. State Regt. Feb. 1778 to Oct. 1779; was Cornet in 3d Cont. Dragoons in 1780 and Lieut, as above in 1781 ; was retained in Baylor's Consolidated Regt. Dragoons in 1782, and served to the end of the war.* * Courtesy of Natl. Soc. Daughters of Founders and Patriots of America. 556 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia James Meriwether* (June i, 1729-1798) and his 1st wife, Judith Hardenia Burnley were parents of the above bros. Their founder ancestor was Nicholas Meriwether who d 1678. He came with his son Nicholas, 2 Jr. (1647-1744) and they settled in New Kent Co., Va., where the latter was a vestryman in St. Peter's Church from 1688 to 1698. His wife was Elizabeth Crawford.* (See also pages 563, 566, affidavit of Thomas Rogers, etc.) Minor, Thomas (A.G. 50,117), Capt. Va. State Troops, d July 21, 1834. He entered service, then (as Francis T. Brooke testified in 1830) he was Adjutant of Colonel Willis's Regt. of Minute Men below Fredericksburgh under Gen. Mercer in the spring of 1775. Capt. Minor's Co. was raised in Spottsylvania Co., and marched first to the North : he was at the battle of Monmouth, and then returned to Va. to recruit: after his term of service had expired he served as Aid to General Stevens, and was serving in that capacity at the battle of Yorktown. Being in affluent circumstances after the war he made no request for bounty to which he had a claim, but in Feb. 1830, he made claim for land bounty for eight years service. Dec. 18, 1820, he being then 77 years old and residing in Spottsylvania Co., Va., applied to Congress for commutation. William Cason, testified that he enlisted as a soldier in Mar., 1777, under said Minor, and served three years, and we were engaged in the battle of Monmouth. Lieut. Richard Peacock of Fredericksburg, age 78, Apr. 15, 1830, knew Thomas Minor from his youth. Dec. 11, 1829, Abram Maury stated that Minor was in General Weedon's Brigade. William Jackson, residing in Fredericksburg, age 76, knew Thomas Minor both before and after the surrender of Cornwallis. William Allen, age 64, knew Minor from boyhood. Mrs. Elizabeth Minor, who m Thomas Minor before the war, d Dec. 7, 1836. The will of Thomas Minor, made Sept. 21, 1833, and recorded Aug. 4, 1834, mentions five married daughters: Patsey Taylor, Melinda, Elizabeth, Lucy and Sarah Ann; two single daughters; Alice Thomas and Ann Maria; and sons, Hubbard Taylor, Jefferson, Samuel and Thomas; his wife Elizabeth, and a son-in- law, William Jackson, Jr. His exrs. were Hubbard B. Minor and William Jackson, Jr. James Bulloch, nearly 72, Apr. 5, 1832, residing at Fredericksburg, was born and raised in Spottsylvania Co., served several tours of duty and was at the siege of Yorktown. He was for several years overseer for Minor's mother, who was a widow. Montgomery, James (A.G. 50,118), Lieut, in Capt. John Williams' Co. Clark's 111. Regt., Va. State Troops. He was at the capture of Kaskaskia and was drowned in the Miss. River near Iron Banks by the upsetting of his canoe by a bear. He d intestate and without issue. A land warrant for 2,666 acres was granted him. John Montgomery was admr. of his est., and James Harlan, member of Congress, of Harrodsburg, Ky., was his atty. Andrew Crocket, age 79, of Franklin Co., Ky., testified in 1835 that he was raised in the same county (Montgomery Co., Va.) with James Montgomery and was with him in the campaign at Kaskaskia. From the affidavit of Andrew Steel, age 72, made in Oldham Co., Ky., July 7, 1837, the following names of the nine children of Samuel Montgomery (father of the soldier) and living in Franklin Co., Virginia State Troops, State Line 557 Ky., are obtained; Elizabeth, m Frederick Edwards, and had a son John; James (the soldier); William, who d about 1830; Robert; Nancy, m Nathaniel Evans; m Andrew Crockett; Samuel, John and Joseph. All the members of this family were dead in 1837 except John and Joseph. The will of Samuel (the father) of Franklin, Ky., dated June I, 1797, was witnessed by Robert and William Montgomery. The children of William, bro. of James were; Francis G., Samuel C, James H., Jephtha, Margaret, who m William Graham, Louisa, who m John M. Bacon, and Priscilla, who m Archibald S. Bryant. The mother of these children had d prior to 1830. In 1832 Francis G. Montgomery lived in Hopkinsville, Ky., 200 miles from Frankfort, Samuel C. in Gallatin Co., Ky., 50 miles from Frankfort. James H. and Jephtha D. were exrs. of their father's est., he never having made a will. Richard M. Johnson of Scott Co., Ky., was their atty. Moore, Asa (A.G. 50,119), rank or organization not shown. He d Sept. 20, 1834, in Posey Co., Indiana. Elizabeth Moore, widow, living in Hardin Co., Ky., appointed Mar. 6, 1844 Stephen F. J. Trabue of Washington, D. C. her atty. Moore, Peter (A.G. 50,120), Capt. and Lieut, in Crockett's Regt.Va. State Troops. He was promoted Capt. Sept. 2, 1781, and served as Adj. to Dec. 31, 1781. He d in Ky. July — , 1818 and pay was allowed to July 1, 1818. Peter and George Moore were appointed admrs. by the Court in Fayette Co., Ky., and their sureties were William Marcum, William Johnson and John Robinson. May 14, 1832, Charles James Faulkner was appointed admr., with sureties John K. Wilson, Edward Colston, John S. Harrison, Philip C. Pendleton and Conrad Hogmire of Berkley Co., Va. At that time the heirs were Peter, George, Jane, since m to Richard McClanahan, John, since deceased, leaving a daughter Martha, Polly, said to have m John Barton, William S., Robert H., and Thomas. M. Moore, guardian of Robert H., was said to be his mother. On Jan. 4, 1850, in Bourbon Co., Ky., George and Peter Moore appointed Stephen F. J. Trabue their attorney, the witnesses being Nancy H. Moore, Isaac H. Trabue and James H. Shropshire, the last named being a Justice of the Peace. Muhlenberg, General P. (See Welch, Nathaniel, A.G. 50,187.) Muzzy, Robert (A.G. 50,121), rank and organization not shown, d Feb. 9, 1 83 1, age 93, at Sandy Creek, Oswego Co., N. Y., and is buried there. There was no widow surviving. His son, Robert Muzzy, d Feb. 2, 1829, age 59 years, 6 months. Martha Muzzy, widow of Robert Muzzy, d Jan. 11, 1835, age 65 years, 10 months. Nelson Muzzy, son of Robert Muzzy, Jr. and Martha, and grandson of the soldier, was heir. Nallee, William, Va. service. (See Welch, Nathaniel, A.G. 50,187.) Nash, William (A.G. 50,122), his service was in N. C. He d in Sept. 1834 in Dyer Co., Tenn., where he had lived for twelve or thirteen years. He was raised in N. C. ; resided in Davidson Co., Tenn. ; then in Rutherford Co., Tenn., for 18 or 20 years; then moved to Dyer Co. At death he left a widow, Martha, and three children: Sciota Jane, wife of John Jane, William Nash, Jr., and Thomas. The last named was the only child or heir living in 1846. Neighbors, Nathan (A.G. 50,123), rank and organization not shown. He d Oct. 15, 1836, leaving no widow, but there were nine children: Lucy Davidson, 558 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Mary Martin, Jane Foster, Lena Thurston, Frances Heraldson, Solomon D., Jonathan, William and Haden J., the last named being the admr. Nelson, John (A.G. 50,124), Major, Va. State Cavalry, d Feb. 18, 1827. His son, John of Mecklenburg Co., Va., was his exr. Newton, John (A.G. 50,125), private, late of Ind., d Sept. 20, 1839. His widow, Abigail Newton, was living in July 16, 1851. Nicholson, Henry (A.G. 50,126), Cornet and Q. M. of Cavalry in the Va. State Line, d at Williamsburg, Va., Jan. 1, 1797. A warrant for 2,666 acres of land was issued Mar. 31, 1834, to George Nicholson and Elizabeth Lee, widow of Daniel Lee, deceased, who were then the only heirs. George Nicholson was admr. and James F. Patterson of Staunton, Va., was his atty. William Stroud made affi- davit in 1833 that he was 81 years old, and that he was acquainted with Henry Nicholson. Frederick B. Powell, age 71, of Henrico Co., Va., stated that he was born and raised in Williamsburg, Va. ; was a messenger conveying messages from Gloucester Co. to Williamsburg and other points, and knew Henry Nicholson. In 1833 Robert Greenhow swore that at the beginning of the Revolution the youth of Williamsburg formed themselves into a military corps and chose Henry Nicholson as their Capt. ; that on Dunmore's flight from Williamsburg, they repaired to the magazine and armed themselves with the blue painted stock guns kept for the purpose of distributing among the Indians, and equip't. as the minute men volunteers were in military garb, that is to say in hunting shirts, trousers, bucktails, cackades and "Liberty or Death" suspended to their breasts as their motto; that they could and did perform all the evolutions of the manual exercise far better than the soldiers who were daily arriving from the adjacent counties; that their captain, Henry Nicholson, he supposes, was then about 14 years old. He knew him as a cornet in a troop of horse commanded by John Nelson; that Henry Nicholson did serve to the end of the war. He is convinced from the circumstances that after Cornwallis left Williamsburg and quartered himself in York the officers who were then in the environs were in the habit of occasionally visiting their female acquaintances; that he firmly believes that Henry Nicholson was one of those officers. That they would frequently stay until the sound of Tarlton's bugle, a little before day, told them that it was necessary to be off. Nicholson, Robert (A.G. 50,127), of Yorktown, Va., was appointed Surgeon, Va. State Art. May 21, 1779, and the appointment was confirmed July 15, 1779. After the war he went to Scotland to finish his education, and after a year or two returned to Va. ; m Elizabeth and settled in that State. He d Aug. 15, 1796. On July 9, 1834 Elizabeth, widow, was living in Gloucester Co., and the only heirs were Robert Wormley Nicholson; George L. Andrew S., and James M., three orphan children of George D. Nicholson; George W., Robinson, William H. W. and Reginald Heber Nelson, probably the four children of Sarah B. Nichol- son daughter of Dr. Robert Nicholson and wife of Peyton R. Nelson, who was their guardian. In 1835 the admrs. were the widow, Elizabeth, and Robert W. age 23, grandson of the soldier. In 1846 Robinson Nelson was admr. July 2, 1834 Joseph Collier made affidavit that he was a soldier at Gloster Town at the time of the surrender of Cornwallis. Anselm Bayly, age 79, stated that he was a soldier in Captain Abner Crump's Co., was at the battle of Mon- mouth and at the siege of Yorktown. Virginia State Troops, State Line 559 Orton, Darius (A.G. 50,128), of N. Y., private in Capt. Wright's Co., Col. Bradley's Regt., 5th Connecticut. In Mar., 1833 he stated that he once resided in Springfield, Otsego Co., N. Y., and then for thirty years in Williamstown. Palmer, John (A.G. 50,129), d June 26, 1849, leaving as his only surviving heir, Catharine Eckels, daughter of Olive Hill, Belmont Co., Ohio. Partridge, Asa (A.G. 50,130), private, N. Y. d Dec. 30, 1845. A pension was granted him May 28, 1833. Peyton, John (A.G. 50,131), Capt. 2d Va. State Regt., was appointed Jan. 2, 1776; was supernumerary Oct. 1778; served as Commissioner of Military Stores and Supt. of Public Works at Point of Fork from Dec. 21, 1786 to Oct. 9, 1801, at about which time he d. Oct. 9, 1801, when he made his will, he was living with Mrs. Mary Duncan, and his property was given to her, to her three sons, John Duncan, Howard Lewis Langham Duncan and Robert Peyton Duncan; to her four daughters, Nancy, Polly, Sally and Betsy Duncan, and to his nephew John Peyton of Milton. He named as his admrs. John Duncan, John Peyton and John Quarles of Fluvanna. Later Craven Peyton was admr., and upon his d John Timberlake became admr. In Jan., 1807, a warrant for 4,000 acres of land was given to the soldier on account of his services. Sept. 21, 1827 Jesse Wood, a free mulatto, made affidavit that he was a regularly enlisted soldier in the Revolutionary War, was transferred to a detach- ment under Capt. John Peyton in charge of military stores. He joined at Chester- field Court House, marched to Ramsay's Mills on Deep River, N. C. and delivered his stores to General Greene. He then returned to Chesterfield and remained at various points in Va., Staunton, Albemarle Barracks and Point of Fork, and was discharged in the fall of 1783. Piper, John (A.G. 50,132), Lieut, in Col. Gibson's 1st Va. Regt. Served in the early part of the Rev. War as a Midshipman on a man-of-war. He enlisted in the spring of 1777 and served to the end of the war; m after the war Mildred Thomas, who d about 1834. Piper, who resided in Culpeper Co., Va., at the time of the war, removed afterward to Wilks Co., Ga., where he was located in 1795; then removed to Mercer Co., Ky., near Danville, and d May 21, 1814. May 28, 1795 a warrant for 2,666 acres of land was issued to him. Amos Yantis m his daughter, Sarah Piper, and was the admr. of his property. Affidavits were made in 1840 as follows: Samuel Butt of Anderson Co., Ky., age 74, stated that Capt. John Strother m Piper's sister, "Elen," "a very handsome woman." Hellen Strother, sister of John Piper was 72 years old when she made affidavit Feb. 20, 1840; and Churchill Gibbs of Madison Co., Va., was 82 at that time. William Rains of Anderson Co., Ky., Jan. 13, 1840, stated that he was 76 years old, lived in Culpeper Co. at the time of the Revolution and was a neighbor of Edward Atkins, Samuel Butt and John Piper. His oldest bro. John Rains served under Piper. Richard T. Dogget, July 6, 1839, age 51, was guardian of Piper's daughter who m Robert Roberts, and had a child, Emarine, who m Thomas P. Young. Pendleton Thomas, age 56, stated that Piper was in Mercer Co., in 1799, and told him that he served for three years and was at the siege of York. Edward Atkins, age 84, Jan. 31, 1839, was born and raised in Orange Co., Va., 560 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia served one year under Capt. Joseph Spinner and was at the battle of Long Bridge. He reenlisted and served two years under Francis Taylor, marched to the north, and after his service was out he drove team one year under Robert Duwitt; volunteered under George Waugh, and was at the surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown. Polk, Joab (A.G. 50,133), of Cedar Creek Hundred, Sussex Co., Del., d Dec. 6, 1820 leaving a widow and four children. The widow, Jessifi, d Apr. 15, 182 1, and one of the daughters, Mary, d some time after. On Jan. 26, 1850 the heirs were the three children: Josiah Polk, Jennette Pratt, wife of Henry Pratt and Sarah L. Polk. These three children, together with Henry Pratt, signed a power of atty. on the above date appointing Truston P. McColley of Sussex Co., Del., their atty. Pope, Matthew (A.G. 50,134), Surgeon, Va. State Art. In his will dated Oct. 21, 1791, he mentions a bro., John Pope, of Goudhart in Kent, England; a sister Ann, and a sister Elizabeth; also Mary Nelson, second daughter of Gen. Nelson of Yorktown, to whom he gave his dwelling house and furniture; Philip Nelson, third son of Gen. Nelson; Elizabeth Page, wife of Mann Page, Jr., of Gloucester Co.; Dr. Augustine Smith of Yorktown to whom he left his surgical instruments; and his wife, Betsey Pope, who was to be his admr. He asked that he be "buried with only prayers in the church." The will of the widow, Betsey Pope, dated Feb. 29, 1796, names Hugh and Robert Nelson, nephews; Lucy, Sukey and Judy, nieces, daughters of her sister Lucy Nelson; Betsey, daughter of her late sister Molly; Mary Carter, niece; Miss Ann Shackelford, friend; and Philip and Benjamin Grymes, bros. Quarles, Henry (A.G. 50,135), Capt. Va. State Art., was a Lieut, at Fort Pitt Feb. 12, 1777; served three years and d in 1810. Pay was allowed to Sept. 17, 1810. His will dated Sept. 17, 1810, refers to him as of Essex Co., Va. To his son Francis West Quarles he gave part of his Ky. military land, formerly deeded to him and to Foushee G. Tebbs. His other children were Susannah Littlepage Dabney, wife of George Dabney, and Ann Howell Tebbs, wife of Foushee G. Tebbs. The children of his son Francis were: Henry, Ann, Lucy, Francis, Susanna and Sarah. The exrs. of his will were George Dabney, son-in- law, Foushee G. Tebbs, son-in-law, Isaac Quarles, bro., and Francis Smith, friend. Witnesses to the will were William L. Waring, William Jones and Vincent Ramsey. Quarles, James (A.G. 50,136), Major, Col. William Brent's 2d Va. State Troops. Appointed Capt. Apr., 1776 and served to Nov. 1780. Appointed Major Jan. 1, 1779. Granted 4,000 acres of land Dec. 31, 1782, and on Feb. 26, 1783, he was granted an additional 1,333 to equal the allowance granted a Major. Robert B. Bagby of King and Queen Co. administered his est. in 1844, and Francis V. Sutton was his atty. Quarles, Wharton (A.G. 50,137), Q. M., 2d Va. State Troops, became super- numerary Feb. 6, 1781, and d Feb. 22, 1804. The admrs. of his est. were Young I. Clement and Robert Pollard, the latter being the Clerk of the King and Queen Co. Court. Erastus T. Montague was the atty. Quirk, Thomas (A.G. 50,138), Major Va. State Troops. Jacob Kent adm. his est. Virginia State Troops, State Line 561 Ravenscroft, Thomas (A.G. 50,139), Lieut, of Cavalry in Capt. Benjamin Field's Co. of Light Dagoons, 111. Regt. Va., under George Rogers Clark. Benja- min Field was appointed Capt. of Va. Horse May 28, 1781. He was taken prisoner Sept. 12, 1781 and returned on parole Jan. 20, 1783. He m the daughter of Col. John Hinkston, and d May 27, 1827, in Harrison Co., Ky., near Hinkston Station. He also served in the 13th and then in the 8th Va. Regts. as Ensign under Col. John Gibson, Major Richard Taylor and Capt. Robert Bell. His children were: Thomas, Robert, James, William, Polly, who m Aaron Miller; Betsey, who m John Ewatt; Nancy, who m Humphrey Hinkston and Peggy, who m Carnet Humble. In 1827 Peggy and Betsey were dead, leaving infant children, and two of his sons, Samuel and John, were also dead leaving infant children. In his will, dated May 15, 1827, he mentions his wife, Margaret; sons James Thomas, William, Samuel and Robert; Sally Milton, heir of his son John; and Betsey, daughter of John. The will was witnessed by S. W. B. Carnagy and Conard Custer, and the admr. was Humphrey Hinkston, with William H. Todd of Frankford as atty. Rey, Andrea (or Andrew Ray) (A.G. 50,140), served as Surgeon in the 111. Regt. Va. State Troops from Aug. 15, 1778 to Apr. 14, 1783. Charles and William Ray were his bros. While on a visit to these bros., and boarding at the house of Mrs. Elizabeth Jones in Norfolk.Va., he d in the year 1793. Pay was allowed his heirs to Jan. 1, 1793. He was a member of the Society of the Cin- cinnati. In 1834 various tracts of land were issued to the following as his heirs: Robert Timberlake, Aarom Timberlake, Charles Hebden, John Hebden, Charles Ray, Frances Keeling, Mary Ann Carraway, Elizabeth Ray, Mary Ann Hebden, Eliza Hebden and Charles Ring. In 1848 C. O. Newton of Norfolk, Va., stated that his wife was one of the heirs. William W. Carraway of Princess Anne Co. was admr. An affidavit was made in 1848 by William Corbell, age 85. Reynolds, William (A.G. 50,141), Director of the State Laboratory at West- ham, Va., and Lieut, of Art. in the 2d State Regt. commanded by Col. Dabney. In Oct. 1780, he was in the Carolinas and returned to Va. in 1781. His services terminated Apr. 22, 1783. A warrant for 2,666 acres of land was issued to him Mar. 25, 1787. He was appointed by Washington Collector at Yorktown in 1789 and d Oct. 25, 1798. This date of death was approximated in an affidavit of Mrs. Frances Lieper, who stated Jan. 6, 1852, that her husband, Dr. Andrew Lieper, d Oct. 17, 1798, and William Reynolds d about a week later. A will of William Reynolds dated in Henrico Co. Va. July 9, 1798, was witnessed by Elvey W. Gathright, Robert Means and Nathaniel Reynolds, and mentions his wife, Betsey and daughter Nancy. He appointed as his exrs. his wife, Betsey, and William Savage, and in 1850 on motion of Harriet Savage and George N. Reynolds, William S. Peachey was appointed admr. William Reynolds Trent is also mentioned as an admr. Papers in this case show that Frederick Woodson and James Kemp were staff officers under Col. Porterfield, and were at the battle of Camden. Among the papers in this case is a copy of a will of William Reynolds of the town of York, dated Feb. 28, 1800, in which the maker desires to be buried "near my deceased wife," and he gives $20.00 to Salla "for her attention to me 562 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia and my children." The exrs. of this will were Thomas Griffin, William A. Rogers and his son Thomas Reynolds. William Reynolds of York was a delegate to the House of Delegates in 1779. (This will is probably not the will of the soldier.) Other papers on file show that William Reynolds of York was collector of York from Jan. 1, 1795 to Oct. 24, 1802. William Reynolds, D. S. L., under date of Apr. 24, 1783, at Richmond, ad- dressed the following letter to the Governor of Virginia. "Sir: James Day, an employed person in the Laboratory of the Common- wealth, has been in my absence to York accused of transgressing in defrauding a black soldier and through a hasty and unfair hearing was ordered to prison, where he now lies punishing. "The said Day has served in the Labratory 14 or 15 months and I have found him an honest man, and has served 4 or 5 years, I am informed, as a soldier in the service of the Country prior to his engagement in the Labratory, and was discharged under a good character, who now finds himself agrieved and illy treated, and he humbly begs to be relieved. "It is my wish that your Excellency could be pleased to indulge this dis- tressed person with at least another more fair and impartial hearing; meaning ever that all soldiers and other persons employed under my command should be treated as they deserve." Rice, John, Va. soldier. (See Wilson, Thomas, A.G. 50,195.) Ridgeway, Isaac (A.G. 50,142), Sergt., N. Y. His wife, Elizabeth, d Feb. 12, 1829, and he did not remarry. He lived for a while after the death of his wife with his granddaughter, Betsey Bentley, in Troy N. Y., then with his son James at Putnam Valley, Putnam County, N. Y. where he d Mar. 4, 1842. On Aug. 19, 1845, his son, James, was 63 years old. William J. Blake of Cold Spring, Putnam Co., N. Y., was his atty. Several affidavits are signed by Isaac Bennett, Salome Bennett, and Mary Satterlee, the mother of Justice James Bennett. Riley, John (A.G. 50,143), of Ky., private, Ensign and Lieut. No personal record on file. His pension was paid at the Ky. Agency. Roberts, Benjamin, Va. service. (See Worthington, Edward, A.G. 50,197.) Roberts, John (A.G. 50,144), Lieut. 111. Regt. Va. State Troops. He was comm. Lieut, in Capt. Todd's Co. and later entered the 111. Regt. in the spring of 1780 in Ky. He served to Dec. 31, 1781 when the Regt. disbanded. After the war he settled in Montgomery Co. Ky., then went to Shelby Co., same State, and d June, 1819. In 1835 his heirs were Augustus Roberts, Elizabeth Gregory, John Roberts, Willis Roberts and Sally McMakin, wife of Charles McMakin. In 1842 his two daughters, Mrs. Gregory and Mrs. McMachin were living in Shelby Co., Ky. His wife was Sarah Roberts. Several affidavits were made. Bland Ballard, age 83, in 1842, "one of the early adventurers and defenders of Kentucky, a warrior of the most redoubtable courage," was born and raised in Spottsylvania Co., Va., and in 1779 went to Harrodsburg, Ky. He knew the bros., Benjamin, John, William and Joseph Roberts. Benjamin was a Capt.; Joseph a private in the 111. Regt., and John and William Lieuts. in that Regt. In the spring of 1780 they arrived at the Falls of the Ohio, where Louisville now is. James Whitecotton of Marion Co., Ky., made an affidavit June 7, 1844. Virginia State Troops, State Line 563 Henry Foster, Nicholas Co., Ky., stated July 12, 1844, that he was a soldier in Capt. Benjamin Roberts' Co., Col. Joseph Crockett's Regt. under the command of George Rogers Clark. He enlisted in the fall of 1779, lay at Redstone Fort till spring, when he descended the river to the Falls of the Ohio. Stephen Chelton June 29, 1844, of Woodford Co., Ky., was taken prisoner by the Indians and held to the end of the war. After the war he removed from Va. to Ky. Roberts, William (A.G. 50,145), Ensign in Major George Slaughter's Bat- talion, Col. Crockett's Regt. Va. State Line. He was appointed Ensign in place of William Asher, killed by the Indians in the summer of 1780 at the Falls of the Ohio. He was never m. He d in July or Aug., 1818, in Ky. William S. Scott was admr. at one time, and in 1834 William Roberts was admr. Feb. 3, 1834, the following were his heirs: Benjamin Roberts, John Roberts, Joseph Y. Roberts, Henry Roberts, Ann Roberts Toole (wife of Edwin) Mary Roberts Brown, Polly Roberts Clifton, Elizabeth Roberts Redding, Catherine Roberts Clifton and Mary Roberts Maddox. George Roberts had d leaving the following children: Willis, Austin and John, Elizabeth Roberts Gregory and Sally Roberts Hughes. Joseph was deceased, leaving Philip, Fanny, Elizabeth, Joseph, William, Henry and Polly, Corella Roberts Bohon, Hannah Roberts Clifton, Milly Roberts O'Bannon and Polly Roberts Gibson. Robertson, Zachariah (A.G. 50,146), private. His pension was paid at the Lexington, Ky. Agency. Robinson, Charles (A.G. 50,147), private, Md. ; d May 23, 1834, i n Harford County, Md. where he had lived for forty years. His widow was Mephytica Robinson. Robinson, John (A.G. 50,148), private of Infantry and a dragoon, Va. d Sept. 7, 1842. He was reported to be nearly 90 in 1830. His pension was paid at the Ark. Agency. His widow, Abigail Robinson, d Apr. 26, 1846, in Benton County, Ark., where she had lived for the past ten years, and previous to that she had lived in Tenn. They had nine children as follows: John H. Robinson, admr., Jane H. Robinson Morrison, Moses M. Robinson, Robert A. Robinson, Margaret Robinson McKesick, Ann Harriet Robinson Low, Abigail Adaline Robinson Patton, Mary S. Robinson Dickson and James A. Robinson. Rogers, John (A.G. 50,149), Q. M., 111. Light Dragoons, Va. State Line; removed from Halifax Co. Va. between 1783 and 1785 to Person Co., N. C, where hed Feb. 3, 1823. George Clark Rogers and Byrd Rogers were the exrs. of his will, and in 1848 Samuel A. Pugh of Washington, D. C. was their atty. According to his will dated Feb. 19, 1822, he had three sons: George Clark Rogers, Byrd Rogers, and John Rogers. He also had three daughters: Rachel, who m Thomas Black- well; Sally, who m Edmund Martin; and Lucy, who m James Clay. Lucy is not mentioned in the will, as she d about 1813, leaving a son, John H. Clay. The wife of John Rogers was named Jane or Jean. His will is witnessed by Carrie Barnett and William Bailey before Charles Mason, who was then Clerk of the Person Co. Court, N. C. In 1846 Byrd Rogers certified that he was born May 28, 1790, in Person Co., N. C. Sarah Rogers, who m Edmund Martin, d about 1836, and had the following children: John, Marcus D., Alexander, Sidney T., Willia, Nancy, who m Mathew Brooks, Eliza, who m James Long, and Minerva, who m 564 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Abel Boas. Rachel Rogers Blackwell, whose age was 59 in Mar. 1846, testified that John Rogers was Capt. of a troop of Cavalry raised in Halifax Co., Va., which marched into western Va. She heard William Holt say that two soldiers and himself were sent as spies to learn the situation of the enemy. The two soldiers and their horses were killed, and William Holt was made a prisoner by the Indians. He was kept in a cave for nine months and suffered all kinds of abuse because he would not forsake the whites. It was seven years before he could make his escape from the Indians. Among those who testified in this case were William Bailey, Halifax Co., Va., who was 56 in June 22, 1846; William Whitt of Halifax Co., age 88, Nov. 3, 1845; Archibald Warren, Halifax Co., Va., who, in 1833, stated that George Chapman enlisted for 18 months, received $300. bounty, marched to the west, and d in service; Dr. Rawley White, Senr., of Pittsylvania Co., Va., was a soldier of Cavalry in the Revolution, and gave his testimony Nov. 2, 1833. Coalman D. Bennett was Justice of the Peace in Pittsylvania Co., in 1833. Currie Barnett, Person Co., N. C, age 74, July 17, 1846, was physician to John Rogers. Barton Link, age 39, June 22, 1846, was living in Halifax Co., Va. The claim of this John Rogers was once rejected because another John Rogers of Caroline Co., Va., had been paid as the legal claimant. Rogers, John of Caroline County, Virginia The following information was furnished in support of the claim of John Rogers of Caroline Co., Va. He was comm. Capt. of Light Dragoons by Thomas Jefferson Aug. 22, 1779; later received a staff appointment as Q. M. On Jan. 15, 1 791, about to set out on a dangerous journey, he made his father, George, his heir. This instrument was witnessed by Hugh Ray and John Parish. The will of George Rogers, made Sept. 13, 1799, mentions sons, Thomas and Edmund, and daughters, Ann, Frances, Mary and Mildred. This is witnessed by Henry F. Thornton, William Pollard, Joseph Pollard and Hugh Roy. A codicil was made Feb. 23, 1802, on account of the death of Mildred, who left a daughter, Susannah Mildred Harris. An affidavit made in 1849 by Samuel and George C. Gwathmey, records that they are children of Owen and Ann Gwathmey; were born in King William Co., Va., removed to Jefferson Co., Ky., with their parents in the spring of 1797. Their mother was the oldest sister of George Rogers Clark, and their grandmother on their mother's side, was a Miss Rogers, sister of Capt. George Rogers of Caroline Co., Va. The said Capt. George Rogers had children: Edmund, Thomas, John and Frances, the mother of Hon. Joseph R. Underwood, now in the U. S. Senate. Edmund and Thomas Rogers were early settlers in Ky., the former having lived and d in Barron Co., the latter now (1849) a resident of Warren Co., was with George Rogers Clark at Vincennes, and was sent with Governor Hamilton to Va. He d suddenly in Richmond, Va., prior to 1797. (Apr. 16, 1794, appears as date of death in other papers.) Gen. Clark had three sisters who m Major Crogham, Col. R. C. Anderson and the father of Samuel Gwathemey. Nov. 9, 1832, William Frogget, of Barren Co., Ky., testified that he enlisted Sept. 20, 1779, as a private in Capt. John Rogers' Co. of Light Dragoons, and Virginia State Troops, State Line 565 served two years. In the fall of 1783 he started from the home of George Rogers, the father of John Rogers, to go to Ky. In the fall of 1784 he returned with John Rogers to his father in Va. and lived in the family and near George Rogers until 1802 when he removed to Barron Co., and when George Rogers d (1802). John Rogers never m. He had two bros. Edmund of Barron Co., Ky., and Thomas of Warren Co., Ky. ; also four sisters, Ann Farish, Mildred Harriss, who d before her father, George Rogers, leaving a daughter, Susan, now the wife of John Breathitt, Governor of Ky. ; Frances Underwood, now dead; and Mary Alsop, also now dead. One of the children of Frances Underwood is now (1832) living in Barren Co. Four of her children live in Warren Co., Ky., and one is in Va. Capt. John Rogers d suddenly at the Eagle Tavern in Richmond. Va., in 1794. Thomas I. Helms, states about 1820 he removed to Barren Co., Ky., the residence of Edmund Rogers, the military surveyor of that section, and a bro. of John Rogers of the 111. Regt. Edmund had several children, but only one son, whose name was John Thomas Helms. Leonard Helms, a grand-uncle of Thomas Helms was in the same Regt. The latter was a Justice of the Peace, and later Clerk of the Barren Co. Court, and authenticated the papers of William Frogget and James Spellman, members of the Co. of John Rogers. An uncle of Thomas Helms, named John Helms, lived in Louisville. W. Croglan stated in 1849 that he was a nephew of George Rogers Clark "who lived and died under the roof of my father," that his mother was a sister of Gen. Clark, and was a cousin of Capt. John Rogers. Peter Triplett* age 98 years in 1850, served with John Rogers, and brought Gov. Hamilton to Williamsburg. He went from Caroline Co., Va. Lucy Green, makes a long affidavit Feb. 1, 1850, in Clinton Co., Ky., in which she says that she is nearly 77 years old, is the daughter of Donnald Robinson and his wife Rachel, who was Rachel Rogers, daughter of John Rogers. John Rogers had four sons: Giles, John, George, and Bird. George had four sons: Joseph, John, Edmund, and Thomas and daughters as follows: Lucy, who m Robert Pharis, Nancy, who m John Pharis, Frances who m Thomas Underwood and Polly, who m ■ Alsop, and Milly, who m Harris. Hon. Joseph Rogers Underwood, now a member of the U. S. Senate, is the son of the said Thomas and Frances Underwood. He was raised and educated by his uncle Edmund Rogers, who lived and d in Barren Co., and was a rich old bachelor. Lucy Green was intimately acquainted with Capt. John Rogers, who lived in Caroline Co., Va. He never m and was her own cousin, as was also Gen. George Rogers Clark. She further states as follows: "She learned from her mother, the said Rachel Robinson, that John Rogers who was the bro. of the said Rachel and uncle of Capt. John Rogers, moved from Va., to Carolina in an early day, and who at the time of the Rev. must have been a very old man, as he was older than his bro. George, the father of Capt. John Rogers. "Gen. G. Rogers Clark's mother was sister to Capt. John Rogers' father and affiant's mother. This affiant was well acquainted with the Rogers family in Va. from the time she was a small girl, and is well acquainted with the history of the * See Welch, Nathaniel, A. G. 50,187, p. 575, 576. 566 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia family, and she never heard that John Rogers, who moved to Carolina ever was engaged in the War of the Rev. and she supposes from his advanced age that he never was; but, whether he ever served at all, it is certain that the Capt. John Rogers, who served under Gen. Clark, was the son of George Rogers and bro. to Edmund, Thomas and Joseph Rogers and who lived in Caroline Co., Va. Capt. John Rogers' bro. Joseph was taken prisoner by the Indians and kept prisoner several years and was afterwards killed in a battle which Gen. Clark fought not far from the now City of Cincinnati. This is from information derived from Gen. Clark and the family. He was killed while attempting to escape to Gen. Clark's army during the battle. She has heard Gen. Clark and Capt. John Rogers tell of many circumstances which occurred during the war. She has also heard her mother tell of many incidents which occurred in the family. "It will be seen from the foregoing history of the Rogers family that Capt. John Rogers and Hon. Joseph R. Underwood's mother were bro. and sister and that his, the said Capt. Rogers' father was a bro. to affiant's mother. I have often heard my mother say that the Capt. John Rogers of Caroline was a Capt. under Gen. Clark in the War of the Revolution. "From the history which the affiant has ever had of the Rogers family, the family of John Rogers, who moved to N. C, has no just claim to compensation for the services of Capt. John Rogers who served with Gen. Clark. Any claim which they may set up against the Government without doubt is fraudulent. Affiant, when a girl, lived for a while in the family of Owen Gwathny, whose wife was sister to Gen. Clark. Affiant has been twice m. Her first husband was John Walker Semple, by whom she had several children, amongst whom is Gen. James Semple, who was a member some years ago of the U. S. Senate from 111. Her last husband was Mr. Green, father to Gen. Duff Green." Affidavit of Thomas Rogers "I, Thomas Rogers, of Warren Co., Ky., state that as long as I can recollect, I have considered and still consider and believe myself to be the youngest son of George Rogers of Caroline Co., Va., that I had three older bros., Joseph, John and Edmund, that my bro. John was a captain of a troop of light dragoons be- longing to the 111. Regt. commanded by Col., afterwards, Gen. George Rogers Clark, that the said Clark was own cousin to my bros. and myself, that I have often heard, and verily believe that my bro. John was the officer under whose command Gov. Hamilton and other British officers, taken prisoners at Vincennes, were conducted to the seat of government in Va. ; that after the death of my said bro., Capt. John Rogers, admn. of his est. with his will annexed was granted to me by Caroline Co. Court in the year 1794, and that among the old papers of my said bro. John I have found those mentioned in a letter this day from my son-in- law, Rev. A. C. Dickerson to my nephew, I. R. Underwood at the city of Washing- ton, and that I am now in the eighty-fourth year of my age as appears by the family Register, having been born on the 9th of Aug., 1766. I further state that there was assigned to my said bro. John, as an officer in the 111. Regt., a portion of the lands in the 111. Grant, part of which he disposed of in his lifetime, and the Virginia State Troops, State Line 567 balance has been divided among those entitled to his est. since his death. I like- wise state that he was one of the Superintending officers appointed to locate the Va. State Military Lands on the south side of the Tenn. river. William Croghan and Mayo Carrington were two other Superintending officers. Their appoint- ment will appear, I think, by Act of the Va. Assembly soon after the close of the War of the Revolution. Given under my hand this 13th day of Dec, 1849 (Signed) Tho. Rogers." To the Honorable the Speaker and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled John Rogers in behalf of himself, James Meriwether and John Thruston of the State of Va., humbly represents: That in consequence of an Act of Assembly of the said State, passed in Oct., 1777, a corps of volunteers were raised therein under the command of Col., now Gen., Clark, who made a successful expedition against the enemy on the river Miss, and on the northwest side of the Ohio, taking possession of several posts and reducing the inhabitants of an extensive country to become citizens and subjects of these states, so the said General Assembly in Oct., 1778, formed the said terri- tory into a County called 111. and provided for the temporary government of the inhabitants; that your petitioner acted as a Lieut, under Col. Clark and continued therein until Mar., 1779, when on the capture of Governor Hamilton at Ft. St. Vincent your petitioner was sent with those prisoners to the city of Williamsburg where he safely delivered them to government. That the said Assembly in May, 1779, directed a Troop of Horse to be raised in the Co. of 111., promising that the officers thereof should be entitled to the same pay, rations and forage as was allowed to the Cavalry in the Continental service, of which troop your petitioner being appointed Capt., Wm. Meriwether, Lieut, and Wm. Thruston, Cornet, they enlisted the troopers for the war, marched them into the 111. country, and continued in that very disagreeable service to the end of the war. That by an Act of the said Assembly, passed in Oct., 1780, it is declared that the officers of the state in Continental service who should continue therein to the end of the war, should receive half pay during life or until they should again be called into service, under which your petitioner and his officers always conceived themselves included, being put on a footing with their brethren in the Continental Line as to pay by the law under which they were raised. But having, when discharged, applied to the Assembly for the commutation in lieu of the said half pay as stipulated between government and the officers, they were referred to the General Congress, since the Assembly had by their previous act of Oct., 1783, made a cession of all their claim to lands northwest of the river Ohio, including the said 111. Co., to the United States upon certain conditions, among which was "that the necessary and reasonable expenses incurred by the state in subduing any British posts or in maintaining Forts and Garrisons within, and for the defence or in acquiring any part of the territory so ceded or relinquished should be reimbursed by the United States." 568 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia The petition then goes on to lay claim to the same pay and privileges as is granted to the Continental soldiers. This paper is not dated, and is signed John Rogers. Affidavit of William Meriwether, January n, i8jj, in behalf of the heirs of Levi Todd and Robert Todd. (See p. 563.) William Meriwether stated that he joined Capt. John Rogers' Troop of Light Dragoons, which was raised in Spotsylvania and Culpeper Cos., Va., which was to be sent to the Western Country to join Gen. George Rogers Clark's Regt. John Rogers was comm. Capt. of the Co., and marched to the 111. Country to join Gen. Clark's Regt. Shortly after Christmas, 1779 or 1780, the Troop of Dragoons landed at Fort Pitt, then called by that name, where Pittsburgh now stands. The river Ohio then froze up so that the troops were detained there until the Spring of 1780. When the ice broke up, the troop went down the river to the Falls of the Ohio, and from there to Fort Jefferson, a few miles below the mouth of the Ohio on the Mississippi river, where Rogers' Troop of Horse joined for the first time Gen. George Rogers Clark's Regt. When the troops got there Clark's Regt. was on the ground. The Troop together with Clark's Regt. built the fort, called Fort Jefferson. Sometime before this, that is in the winter of 1779, Clark had taken Vincennes and Kaskaskia, and many other places of the British forts in the 111. Country. At Fort Jefferson, or at the Falls of the Ohio, Meriwether stated that he well recollected that Robert Todd and Levi Todd were there in Clark's Regt., and acting commissioned officers in the same. He does not recol- lect their rank, but believed they were bros., and went into the Regt. when it was raised and marched from Va. with the Regt. The country around Fort Jefferson was a wilderness for 400 miles distant. He believes that both Levi and Robert Todd completed the entire expedition in taking the several British posts in 111. In the fall of 1780, Clark's Regt. came from Fort Jefferson to the Falls of the Ohio, while the troop of Rogers, under the command of John Montgomery was taking or destroying other posts of the enemy in the summer of 1780. In the year 1 781, after the surrender of Lord Cornwallis the regiment of Clark was reduced and Robert Todd went to Va. and m in 1782, and Levi Todd remained in Ky., and was in the Blue Lick defeat, fought in Aug., 1782, when Colonel John Todd was slain. William Meriwether was not again required by Gen. Clark to go into service, nor was Robert Todd or Levi Todd. Meriwether was then in his seventy-fifth year, had resided in Jefferson Co. eight miles from the Falls of the Ohio ever since 1805. He was appointed an orderly Sergt. in Capt. John Rogers' Co., and acted as such until the month of Apr., 1781, when he was appointed and acted as Lieut, in the place of James Meriwether, who had resigned and accepted a commission in Col. Charles Dabney's Regt. of Va. on State Establishment. Ross, Lemuel (A.G 50,150), born in Brookfield, Mass. His service is shown by certificate of the Secy, of the Commonwealth of Mass. Private, Capt. John Packard's Co., 9 Continental Troops, commanded by Col. David Brewer. In camp at Roxbury Oct. 7, 1775. From Feb. 7, 1777, to Dec. 31, 1779, he was a private in Capt. Toogood's Co., Col. Nixon's Regt. Jan. 1, to Dec. 31, 1780, Virginia State Troops, State Line 569 private and Corporal in Capt. Heywood's Co., Col. Nixon's Regt. Oct. I, 1818, Persis Osborne, age 72, wife of Isaac Osborne, was his only surviving child and heir. Rosser, Reuben, Va. service. (See Welch, Nathaniel, A.G. 50, 187.) Rouse, Adam, Va. service. (See Welch, Nathaniel, A.G. 50,187.) Rucker, Angus (A.G. 50,151), Capt. Gibson's Va. State Regt. In service from April, 1775, to the end of the war except from Jan. to Mar., 1781. The 1st (Gibson's) Regt. was in Continental service in place of the 9th Va. Regt. which was captured at German town in Oct., 1777. He d Sept. 2, 1836. His will dated in Madison Co., Va. Aug. 1, 1832, leaves his property to his six children: Sally Gaines, Catherine Early and Margaret Blakey, daughters; George A. Rucker, son; Jane, a minor daughter, whose portion was left in trust with William Vawter of Boone Co., Ky. ; and John F. Rucker, son. His exrs. were George A. Rucker, William Early, son-in-law, and James Blakey, son-in-law. Witnesses to the will were Hohn Harrison, Jr. and Linn Banks. Runnels, Jesse (A.G. 50,152), private. His widow, Sarah, received her pension at the Richmond, Va. Agency. She d July 15, 1840. Her children were Martha Baker, widow; Sarah Evans, wife of David Evans; Milly Brown, wife of Winson Brown ; Daniel Runnels of N. C. ; Elizabeth Evans, wife of Champness Evans and Joseph Runnels. Rush, James (A.G. 50,153), who lived in Muskingum Co. Ohio and later in Perry Co., Ohio, d July 1, 1839, leaving no widow, but by will making his daughter, Margaret, his only legatee, having previously made provision for his other chil- dren. His will was witnessed by Samuel Curan and John Sellers. Russell, Charles (A.G. 50,154), Paymaster and clothier, 1st Va. State Regt. d Sept. 27, 1795, leaving a widow and a son Elgin, who was appointed admr. His sureties were Theoderick Bland and Richard B. Batte. Russey, James (A.G. 50,155), private, organization not shown. His widow, Nancy Ayres, received a pension of $96.00 per year. She resided in Ga. previous to removing to Franklin Co., Tenn. where she d June 28, 1858. She left no children. Taz. W. Newman was admr. Sacrey, James (A.G. 50,156), private, Capt. Haws' Co., Col. Woodford's 2d Va. Regt. His pension was paid at the Ky. Agency. On May 13, 1836, John C. Sacrey, admr. requested that the pension of James Sacrey, deceased, be sent to him at Christiansburg, Shelby Co., Ky. Sales, Charles (A.G. 50,157), rank and organization not shown. He d before 1848, at Bayou Maynard, near Fort Gibson, at the house of Richard Natcliff, a Cherokee. Lewis Woodward, of Crawford Co., Ark. stated that he was in the same Co. of the 7th Infantry with Charles Sales. Schoolcraft, Lawrence (A.G. 50,158), private, organization not shown. He resided in Vernon, Oneida Co., N. Y. for 32 years previous to his d, and previous to that time he lived in Guilderland, Albany Co., N. Y. He d June 7, 1840, leaving no widow and no will, but four children. His pension was payable at the albany Agency, N. Y. His son, Henry R. Schoolcraft, was living in 1840 in Detroit, Wayne Co., Mich. Selden, Wilson Cary (A.G. 50,159), Surgeon, Va. State Art., d Mar. 14, 1835. 570 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Mrs. Mary B. Selden was his executrix, and her son, C. A. Alexander, her atty. Severance, Azubah (A.G. 50,160), the name of the soldier is not shown. Azubah Severance d Apr. 10, 1843, in Springfield, Bradford Co., Pa., where she had lived for the 28 years previous to her d. Her only surviving child on Aug. 1 1 , 1856 was Samuel Severance. Shaffer, John (A.G. 50,161), private, organization not shown. He d in Washington Co., Va., Apr. 27, 1848. His son was Samuel Shaffer. Shae or (Shea?), Patrick (A.G. 50,162), it is stated in the papers that he served in the Rev. War; that he was a native of Ireland; lived in S. C. then in Ga., then returned to S. C. where he d Jan. 14, 1853, and was buried in Georgetown, S. C. His widow, as Elizabeth McGee, was m to him in Columbia, S. C. Slaughter, James (A.G. 50,163), Lieut, in Crockett's Regt. Va. State Troops, d Nov. 17, 1833, in Logan Co., Ky. He was appointed Lieut, in 1779 in Capt. Benjamin Roberts' Co., Col. George Slaughter's Corps, Crockett's Regt. In 1780 he went with Gen. Clark on an expedition against the Indians, returned sick, and did not rejoin his command in Ky. He served to Dec, 178 1, when his Regt. disbanded. Towards the close of his life he m Mildred , 30 or 40 years younger than himself, and in 183 1 they were living with his son Arthur. He made a will Aug. 27, 1831, in which he directed that his est. be divided into seven parts, afterward changed by a codicil to eight parts, and that one part be given to the children of each one of his own children, as follows: William H. Slaughter's children; Tabby (Slaughter) Cook's children, she being deceased; Arthur Slaugh- ter's children; Betsey Gatewood's children; Matthew Slaughter's children; Robert F. Slaughter's children, he being deceased ; and Susan Bell's children. To his grandson, John F. Cook, i/8th part; and to his daughter, Patsy Allenwood, $50.00. The exrs. of the est. were Mildred Slaughter, Richard Bibb and Thomas S. Slaughter, but Bibb refused to qualify. Mildred Slaughter, widow of James, was admx. of the will and on July 6, 1837 appointed Francis A. Dickens of Washington, D. C. her atty. On June 5, 1838, Mildred Slaughter, late of Logan Co. Ky., appointed William H. Slaughter, his son, as her atty. to carry out the provisions of the will. May 24, 1839, Mildred Slaughter writes from Oak Grove, Ky. Of the children of James Slaughter, Elizabeth Slaughter m Fleming Gatewood; Robert F. Slaughter m Sophia M. , and their children were Richard H. Slaughter, William S. Slaughter and Harriet Slaughter Long. Tabby Slaughter m Valentine Cook, and their children were Nancy Cook, who m William M. Gwin, later a Member of Congress, and who referred to James Slaughter, Sept. 27, 1837 as "my wife's grandfather," Valentine Cook, Gabriel Cook, William Cook, John Cook, Asbury Cook and Susan Cook. Susan Slaughter m William Bell, and left two children, Mary and Susan Bell, who were living in Texas in 1834. Patsy Weems, one of the heirs, d intestate. William H. Slaughter wrote from Canton, Miss. July 16, 1836. Relative to the service of James Slaughter, John Allen stated that James Slaughter of Culpeper Co., Va. was a Lieut, in Capt. Roberts' Co., Col. George Slaughter's Regt. and served two years. He resided some years in Mercer Co., Ky. near Harrodsburg. Henry Northrup stated to the Commissioner of Pensions Virginia State Troops, State Line 571 that on Jan. 21, 1831, James Slaughter was living with this son, Arthur, and later that he (Northrup) was appointed atty. by Arthur Slaughter of Louisville, Ky., Oct. 19, 1837. Slaughter, William (A.G. 50,164), Lieut, in Dabney's Legion, Va. State Troops, late of Mercer Co., Ky. served to Apr. 23, 1783. In Sept. 1812, his wife, Sarah, was divorced from him in the Court in Mercer Co., Apr. 3, 1832, the children and only heirs were: Elizabeth Braxdell, wife of Frederick R. Braxdell; and Fanny, wife of James Cochran. Katherine H., wife of Matthew Slaughter, testified that her father was late of Va. but now of Casey Co., Ky. Matthew and Katherine laid claim to pay and land due for the services of Lieut. Lawrence Slaughter, Va., Lieut. Joseph Slaughter, Va., 111. Regt., Thomas Slaughter, Q. M. Va. State Line, Capt. George Slaughter Continental Line, Ensign William Slaughter, Continental Line and Ensign John Slaughter, Continental Line. The children of Fanny Cochran were Catharine, Thomas, Jane, Sarah and Davis. Smith, Granville (A.G. 50,165), Ensign and Q. M., Va. State Troops; comm. Ensign Feb., 1780; Q. M., June 1, 1781. He d Feb. 21, 1811. Tarlton B. Smith administered his est. Southworth, William (A.G. 50,166), private, d Jan. 16, 1849, in Springfield, Erie Co. His wife, Charlotte, d Apr. 25, 1848. Nov. 6, 1851, Harvey South- worth testified that he was the son of William Southworth, was then 55 years old, and was living in Camden, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Thomas McKee and his wife Anna McKee were neighbors of William and Charlotte Southworth and saw both of them buried. Spellman, James, Va. soldier. (See Rogers, John, A.G. 50,149.) Spencer, William (A.G. 50,167), Lieut, of Cavalry, Va. State Line. He was also in Capt. Armand's Corps of Dragoons under the command of Maj. John Nelson. He d in Va. in 1783. Jane Spencer, wife of Thomas Spencer, testified that William Spencer was her oldest son, was born in 1757, was wounded at the taking of Stony Point and for his gallantry was promoted to a Cornet of a troop of cavalry. At the close of the war he m a daughter of widow Moredock in Va., and shortly after his marriage was murdered by a malicious neighbor. He enlisted with Col. John Newell near Pittsburg, and John Spencer, now living in Shelby Co., Ky., is the oldest bro. of William. The affidavit of Samuel Tinsley, age 72, dated Dec. 4, 1831, at his residence in Hanover, states that he entered service in Maj. Nelson's Cavalry in 1780, or 1 78 1 ; that he served with Spencer after the siege of York in guarding the British prisoners at Winchester. Col. Will. Jleth testified that Spencer entered service Jan., 1776, was promoted into State Cavalry under Maj. Nelson, Jan., 1781, and continued until that Corps was reduced and consolidated into a Legion under Col. Dabney. The soldier received a warrant for 2,666 acres of land, issued Feb. 11, 1784. James Cox, a cousin of William Spencer, age 64, testified May 22, 1833. The will of John Spencer, dated May 4, 1820, refers to his wife Margaret, and children: William Spencer, Thomas Spencer, John Spencer, James Spencer, Spear and Eliza Harvey, Harrison Emerind and Richard McSperes, all of Shelby Co. John was a bro. of William, and the exrs. of the will of the former were his wife, Margaret, and his son John. 572 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Stone, Rowland (A.G. 50,168), a pensioner at the Ky. Agency, d Nov. 24, 1844, leaving a widow Elizabeth and children named: Lolly, Nancy, James, Mary, Jane, George W. and Charles M. James Stone, his son, living in Nov. 1856, in Callaway Co., Ky., was his admr. Storey, Daniel (A.G. 50,169), had twelve months service; was discharged Apr. 26, 1 78 1, by Capt. John Taylor at White Plains near North River (N. Y.). Lewis Storey served with him, and states: Daniel Storey served a second term and I think a third time. He came to our father's house in Southampton, Va. wounded in his hand, received in battle in Petersburg, Va. Straley, Andrew (A.G. 50,170), d Apr. 17, 1841. James Straley, Giles Co., Va. was the exr. A power of atty. dated Jan. 7, 1842, was witnessed by John Fillinger and David Straley. Tabb, Augustin (A.G. 50,171), Capt. 2d Va. State Infantry commanded by Col. Brent. He left the service Apr. 13, 1782, and resided in Gloucester Co., Va. John R. Cary was the admr. of his est. Taylor, Robert, Va. service. (See Welch, Nathaniel, A.G. 50,187.) Thomas, Mark (A.G. 50,172), Capt. in Crockett's Regt. Va. State Troops. He left the service Dec. 31, 1781; d May, 1813, in St. Louis, Jefferson Co., Mo. William S. Scott administered on his est. in 1845. Among the papers in this case are the proceedings of a Circuit Superior Court of Law and Chancery for Henrico Co. held in Richmond, Aug. 17, 1836, at which the opinion was expressed that Mark Thomas was a Capt. in Maj. George Slaughter's Battalion composing a part of Col. Crockett's Regt. By the Act of May, 1779, two Regts. were ordered to be raised for the defence of the western frontiers; that at the Oct. session of the same year, in lieu of the said two Regts., one Regt. was directed to be raised and completed, and Slaughter's Battalion was directed to be attached thereto, and considered a part thereof. That the said Regt. was raised and commanded by Col. Crockett, and that Slaughter's Battalion was attached thereto as a part thereof. That the said battalion was stationed at the Falls of the Ohio in the year 1780; the residue of Crockett's Regt. in that year rendezvoused at Charlottesville. In the winter of 1780-81, it was marched to Shepherd's Town and in the Spring of 1781 marched to the Falls of the Ohio, where they united with Slaughter's Battalion, and all remained in service till Dec, 1 78 1, when, the period of enlistment having expired, the men were dis- charged and the officers became supernumerary. A deposition made by William Bready Oct. 24, 1837, age about 50, states that he knew Mark Thomas and that Thomas d at his farm in the now County of Jefferson, then St. Louis, on or about the last of May, or the first part of June in the year 1813, and he was with him when he d. William Drenon age about 78, testified on the same date that he knew said Thomas as a Capt. in the Rev. army and also knew him in the state of Mo. long before and at the time of his death, . . . and that he, the said Drenon, was in the battle with said Mark Thomas at the Pickaway Plains in the now state of Ohio, which was fought in the year 1780. Thompson, Sherod (A.G. 50,173), Jesse W. Thompson of Thomas Co., Ga., was his heir at law June 4, 1855. Virginia State Troops, State Line 573 Tinsley, Samuel (A.G. 50,174), Cornet, Va. State Troops, d Oct. 22, 1833. John Brown Tinsley, was admr. (See also page 571; Spencer, William, A.G. 50,167.) Todd, Levi and Robert. See "Rogers, John (A.G. 50,149)." Triplett, George (A.G. 50,175), 1st Lieut. Col. George Gibson's Va. State Troops, d Sept. 15, 1833. His widow, Sarah, was living in Davies Co., Ky., Aug. 24, 1844. Her affidavit was witnessed by A. H. Triplett and C. D. Jackson. Triplett, Peter, Va. soldier. (See Rogers, John, A.G. 50,149.) Turbyfill, John (A.G. 50,176), a resident of Lincoln Co., N. C, d Apr. 6, 1838, leaving no widow, but there were children who were not named in the papers. Turnbull, Stephen (A.G. 50,177), Capt. Va. State Art. After the siege of York he was stationed with his Co. near Williamsburg and served to the end of the war in the spring of 1783. William Anderson of Elizabeth City Co., Va. adm. his est. James Burk and William Jennings were in the service at the same time. U pshaw, Thomas (A.G. 50,178), he was comm. Ensign in State service Jan. 28, 1777; 2d Lieut. Mar. 15, 1777; Capt. Oct. 24, 1778. He became super- numerary Feb. 26, 1780. He was in command of militia at Yorktown. A warrant for 4,000 acres of land was issued Apr. 15, 1783. He d Dec. 26, 1809, in Manchester and in Dec. 16, 1847, Daniel Weisiger testified as to the date of his death. Joshua J. Fry adm. Nancy Sullivan of Essex Co., testified Feb. 10, 1848, at the home of Mrs. Katy Taylor, that she was then over 90 years of age; that she was living with the soldier's mother, his father being dead. After the surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown he returned to his mother's and resided there most of the time until he removed to Chesterfield Co. He never married; had no bro., but there were two sisters: Molly, who m William Fogg, of Essex Co., and Suckey, who m Samuel Taylor, of Essex Co. Valentine, Edward (A.G. 50,179), Lieut, and Capt. in Col. Marshall's Regt. of Va. State Artillery, became supernumerary Feb. 5, 1781, and d in the early part of 1794. He m Miss Sister, by whom he had five children: Richard, Lafay- ette, George, Winny, who m John Brannan, and Nancy, who m Lowry. His bro. Joseph was appointed admr. in 1794, but, after the decease of the latter, Robert Hudgin was appointed admr. about 1847. David Valentine, who was a bro. of Edward, testified in 1847 that he was then 86 years old; that Edward was severely wounded by the British in 1781 in the head and hands, and lay several weeks at Williamsburg before he could be moved. The family moved in the latter part of 1780 to Green Springs, then in 1785 or 1786 to Caroline Co., Va. Valentine, Josiah (A.G. 50,180), Lieut, in the Va. State Art. from 1779, or the early part of 1780. He left the service Feb. 9, 1782. John Petty adm. his est. Vawter, William (A.G. 50,181), 2d Lieut, in Col. George Gibson's 1st Va. State Regt. ; d Nov. 27, 1823, in Boone Co., Ky. His children were William Vaw- ter, Edmund F. Vawter of Boone Co. and George N. Vawter. Vowles, Charles (A.G. 50,182), Lieut. Va. State Art. became supernumerary Oct. 6, 1 78 1, but continued to hold his commission to at least Feb. 28, 1783. He d after Sept. I, 1799. James W. Green of Romney, Hampshire Co., Va. wrote on May 10, 1848, that Charles Vowles was Collector of taxes in that county 574 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia in 1797, and that he was then 40 or 45 years old; that he was alive at the time of the Nov. Court, 1799, but in Jan. 1800, he was dead. At the Sept. Court, 1800, his est. was committed to the Sheriff. Moses Green testified, May 4, 1848, that he was then 79 years old, that he was an Adjutant General in the War of 1812, and that he was a Representative in the Va. Legislature in 1799. Charles Vowles lived in Falmouth and Fredericks- burg, then moved to Stevensburg, Culpeper Co., Va., about 1793-94, and was a clerk in the store of William Lowell. Vowles afterward removed to Springfield, Hampshire Co., Ky. and when Moses Green and William Richards thought to visit him in Sept., 1799, they were told that he was in jail for debt. Charles was said to be the bro. of Henry Vowles. Judith Keith testified in 1848 that Charles Vowles was a merchant in Ste- phansburg, Culpeper Co. ; that he failed, and that her brother-in-law, Col. Stanton, was his security. She had a bro. Zachary, who told her that Charles d near the time of the death of Gen. Washington. Charles was a great beau, tall, slender and very fond of dress. Zachary continued to visit me as long as I was a house- keeper. Peter H. Triplett testified in 1848 that he was then 96 years old, and that Charles Vowles moved to Stevansburg in 1793. George Rothrock testified in 1848 that he was in his 78th year, and had removed from Baltimore to Fredericksburg Aug. 15, 1789. Charles Vowles had a bro. Henry who d about 1807, leaving children: Mary F., who m David Briggs; Maria, who m John M. Daniel; George; Susan, who m William C Beale and Esther J., who m John Moncure. William C. Beale adm. the est. Vowles, Henry (A.G. 50,183), Adjutant, Va. State Art., d Jan. 6, 1803. He enlisted Feb. 3, 1776, in the 3d Va. Regt. commanded by Gen. Mercer. He became supernumerary Feb. 5, 1781. Walls, George (A.G. 50,184), Major in Col. Joseph Crockett's Regt., Va. State Troops. He served to the end of the war. Ward, Elnathan (A.G. 50,185), private. He drew his pay from the Mass. Agency, and later from the Vt. Agency. He d Jan. 26, 1845, leaving no widow and no children. On Sept. 4, 1843, he stated that he had lived for four years at Clarendon, Vt. and that previous to that time he resided at Tinmouth, Vt. Reuben R. Thrall adm. his est. Nov. 11, 1845. Wadlington, John (A.G. 50,186), Capt. Lieut. Va. State Art. He was a Lieut, and Capt. in Col. Marshall Edmonds' Regt.; d Jan. 1812 or 1813. After the battle of Camden, Aug., 1780, he became supernumerary, but he volunteered again in the early part of 1781 and was in the battle of Guilford. He served to Mar. 15, 1781. His father was Col. Armistead Wadlington of Halifax Co. Capt. James Thompson, 89 years old in 1849, testified that his brother William Thompson m a sister of John Wadlington, that after the defeat of Gates in Aug. 1780, his brother William (who d in 1798), John Williams and John Wadlington were rendered supernumerary. Larkin Foster, a resident of Amelia Co., marched with John Wadlington to Camden, S. C. and was discharged soon after. John Bates was an Ensign and says that John Wadlington volunteered Virginia State Troops, State Line 575 under Gen. Greene and was an officer at Guilford. Charles Hudson testified that he was at Camden and served as guard of the public wagons. Paul Wadlington was a brother of John Wadlington and a Capt. in the Southern Army. When he d in 1836 a Masonic funeral was held July 31, 1836, at Halifax Catawba Church, and the sermon was preached by Rev. Dresser. The following were claimed as heirs, Sept. 17, 1833: Susannah Wadlington Haskins, Julius A. Wadlington, Thomas Jeffers and his wife, Keziah Wadlington, Joel Boulton and wife, Elizabeth Wadlington, John Hooper and wife, Mildred Wadlington, Ambrose Bennett and wife, Frances Wadlington, and Hiram S. Wadlington. Feb. 26, 1850, George Reed Finch of Steubenville, King and Queen Co., Va., claimed to be an heir. John K. Linn qualified as admr. Feb. 24, 1812, and later Elisha Barksdale adm. under a bond of $8,000. Welch, Nathaniel (A.G. 50,187), Capt. and Brigade Q. M. 2d Va. State Line, continued in service to April 22, 1783. He was Brigade Q. M. from Oct. 1, 1775. His exrs., Feb. 7, 1850, were Rev. Oliver Welch of Ala. and Col. Nathaniel J. Welch of Madison Co., Va. Churchill Gibbs, age 86, testified that he entered the 1st State Regt. Sept. 22, 1775, as a private, was promoted through the grades to Lieut., and that the Regt. was put into Continental service in the fall or winter of 1777 to replace the Ninth Va. Regt. which was captured at Germantown. About the same time that Gibbs entered the 1st Regt. Nathaniel Welch entered the Second Regt. under Woodford, which marched to the Great Bridge and Norfolk in the fall and winter °f I 775~6- In the year 1777 the Second Regt. marched to the north as well as the First, and joined the grand army under the command of Gen. Washington at which time Welch had risen to the rank of Capt. Gibbs further says that he himself was in Mar., 1781, in service at Richmond, and in the adjoining county and at Petersburg, at which latter place he was captured by the enemy. Daniel Morgan stated that Welch was appointed Lieut. 2d Va. State Line Feb. 4, 1777; Capt. May 1, 1779, and returned as supernumerary Feb. 6, 1781. Capt. William Lewis, age 85, testified Nov. 2, 1849, that in July, 1781, he was in the service at Malvern Hills, below Richmond, where there was an encampment of soldiers and officers; that he was in a Regt. commanded by Col. Elias Edmunds and the said Maj. Welch. Maj. Welch had the duty assigned him of drilling the Militia called out for the defence of the country. General P. Muhlenberg writes under date of Nov. 15, 1782, from Winchester Barracks, that the troops have been removed from Cumberland Court House and are now at this place where I have taken charge of the prisoners and dismissed the militia. Nathaniel J. Welch, of Madison, Orange Co., Va., son of the soldier, testified on Jan. 1, 1844, that his deceased father was engaged after the war of the Revolu- tion in the city of Williamsburg in settling up his accounts and also in the care of some arms and ammunition, and that when so employed in a room in which some cartridges were kept, by some casualty, as he believes on the part of the servant, 576 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia the said cartridges took fire and exploded which injured his father, and destroyed his commission, his sword and belt. Samuel Wood testified that he served a tour of duty for three months, that he knew Welch, and that the latter guarded the prisoners taken at Yorktown and marched to Winchester and a short distance beyond it. M. Barber wrote from Petersburg, Nov. 26, 1843, "I saw Maj. Welch in the military service acting as Maj. in the summer of 178 1. He was an efficient officer, a good disciplinarian, and admirable drill officer, so much so that after the British Forces under Lord Cornwallis crossed the James River at Jamestown and moved to Norfolk, a portion of the militia then in service were stationed at Malborn Hills, when two battalions were put under the command of Maj. Welch and Maj. Hardiman. In the spring and summer of that year I was also in service and passed by Malborn Hills and witnessed the great improvement made in the battalions under the command of Maj. Welch and Maj. Hardiman. They performed the military evolutions with great exactness surpassing anything I had seen of militiamen. ... I well remember his being at the surrender of Corn- wallis and on parade at the ceremony of the British troops marching and delivering up their arms. I received from him a special order on that occasion that I shall never forget. William Nallee stated Jan. 13, 1844 that he saw Nathaniel Welch in the service and left him at the Malborn Hills on July 27, 1781, at which time he, the said Nallee, was discharged. Reuben Rosser stated that he was in the militia service of the state of Va. in the summer and fall of the year 1781 when the Marquis LaFayette was commander of the forces; that he was at Richmond, at Malborn Hills, below Richmond, at Williamsburg, at Green Spring, Hot Water, the neighborhood of Jamestown and at the siege of York, when Cornwallis and the British forces under his command were captured Oct. 19, 1781; that Col. Alcock, Col. Thornton and Maj. Graves at times were in command of the Regt. of militia to which he belonged ; that Maj. Nathaniel Welch was sent to take command in the said Regt. and drill and discipline it, which duty he performed in the best manner. . . . After the British gave up and the prisoners were taken they were marched off in three parcels, one to Winchester, one to Albemarle Barracks and a third somewhere else; said Rosser was part of the guard that marched the prisoners to Winchester. Adam Rouse, Madison Co., Va., 80 years old, was at the siege of York and surrender of Cornwallis and after peace was declared Maj. Welch spent the remainder of his life in the same Co. with him. (Dec. 14, 1843.) Robert Taylor, 1843, Orange Co., Va., 80 years old, was at the siege of York and saw Maj. Nathaniel Welch as a member of Alcock's Regt. He lived in that part of Culpeper Co., which was afterward divided off and called Madison Co. Mr. Taylor and Governor Barbour state that Gen. William Campbell was only a Col. at King's Mountain, but afterwards a Gen. of the State Line. Peter Triplett * testified on Christmas day, 1849: In the year 1775 I entered in the State Line of Va. under Capt. John Lee. I was in service at Williamsburg, Hampton and the tidewater country. The command of the two State Regts. * See Rogers, John, A. G. 50,149, p. 563. Virginia State Troops, State Line 577 was with Col. George Gibson and Col. Brent in 1777, when we were marched to Albemarle and inoculated with small pox. As soon as these two regiments were ready to move we marched to the North and joined Gen. Washington after the battle of Brandywine and before the battle of Germantown. Nathaniel Welch was then a Lieut, or Ensign in Brent's Regt. ; I was in Gibson's Regt. I saw him frequently in service and knew him well. He was a good officer and one of the most active of the officers, and was sometimes Adjutant. . . . He was made Capt. before we came from the northward, and he was both Capt. and Q. M. Maj. Welch managed ammunition, provisions, rations and all that sort of business. I enlisted in the spring of 1781 for the war in the 111. Regt. and marched to the west, and was under George Rogers Clark in Roberts' Co. and Crockett's and Slaughter's Regts. I remained in service to the close of the war in 1783 and then returned home. Capt. Z. Griffin, in his 89th year, testified in 1849 that he was in the militia service just before the siege of York at Malborn Hill. Capt. Richard White, of Greene Co., Va., age 90, stated that he remembered seeing Maj. Welch after the battle of Yorktown on his way from that place with the British Soldiers marching them to the barracks 4 miles from Winchester; that Muhlenburg was the Gen. and Edmunds the Col. Whaly, Col. Benjamin, Va. service (Surgeon). (See Keller, Abraham, A.G. 50,096.) Wheaton, Reuben (A.G. 50,188), organization not shown, d Nov. 6, 1841, 1842 or 1849 (all three years are shown) in Glenville, Schenectady Co., N. Y. where he had lived for 14 years. Previous to that he had lived in the city of Schenectady since he was twelve years old. He left no widow, but the following children: William Wheaton, Sarah Rulefall and Elizabeth Hoffman. These three were evidently living in or near Glenville. One, Thomas Wheaton was living in 111., and one, Jacob Wheaton in Mich., but relationship is not shown. White, Dr. Rawley, Sr., Va. service. (See Rogers, John, A.G. 50,149.) White, Capt. Richard. (See ibid.) White, Thomas (A.G. 50,189), Lieut., 1st Va. State Regt. He was appointed a Sergt. in Nov., 1776, and later was promoted to a Lieut. After the war he resided near Greenwich, Prince William Co., Va., then removed to the southern part of the state to Halifax Co., where he m and where he d Sept. 4, 1827. William Stanfield testified to this date of death. His will made July 27, 1827, mentions his wife, Margaret, and children: Garland, Mary Taylor, Phanny Watkin, Turner D., Patrick, Presley, James H., Nancy R., Thompson and Louise. His exrs. were his sons, Turner D., and James H. The witnesses to his will were Robert Stan- field, William Stanfield, Stephen W. Brerton, Thompson White and Nathan Hesler. Margaret White was the second wife of Thomas White, and was alive as late as Nov. 30, 1833. All the children were by his first wife, and in 1833 Garland White was living in Wilson Co., Tenn. ; Louisa White in Person Co., N. C. ; Mary C. m William Taylor and removed to Tenn., and their minor children in 1834 were Richard W. William I, and Lucinda. Fanny m Joel Watkins and removed to Wilson Co., Tenn. ; Turner D. White resided in Halifax Co. ; Patrick and Presley removed to Ind.; James R. White resided in Milton, N. C. and was 578 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia appointed guardian to Lovicy, who was a person of unsound mind; Nancy R. White m Allen Hasten and removed to Ind. Thompson White was about 18 years old when his father d, and in 1834 was living in Milton, Person Co., N. C; Sarah White testified in 1835 that she m James White, a bro. of Thomas White, and that she was then a widow; Winnifred Esby testified in 1835 that she m Stephen White, the youngest bro. of Thomas White, and her second husband was James Esby. Henrietta White, daughter of Stephen White, who was a bro. of Thomas White, stated that James White was her grandfather. John Gill, in his 71st year July 1, 1833, was a soldier in the Rev. War for 11 months and 4 days. John Sullivan, now (1833) aged 75, was for one year in the 1st Va. State Regt. commanded by Capt. Charles Ewell, Lieut. Thomas White and Ensign William Broaddus. Robert Stanfield was 72 years old in 1835, and William Brandon 86. There is with these papers a license for the marriage of Green Simmons and Frances Taylor, issued by the Clerk of Wilson Co. Court, Sept. 27, 1831. Wilkerson, William (A.G. 50,190), Rev. War soldier and pensioner, d in Brown Co., Ind., July 12, 1842. He lived in that Co. for the 12 years previous to his death, and before that in Laurel Co., Ky. Mar. 31, 1856, when a power of atty. was issued, it was stated that there was no widow, but the following children : Solomon Wilkerson, Valentine Wilkerson, Davis Wilkerson, Hammon Wilkerson, James Wilkerson and Emerine Shipley, formerly Emerine Wilkerson. Wilkinson, Ichabod (A.G. 50,191), d Aug. 12, 1820 in Hamilton Co., Ohio. His wife Anne d Feb. 16, 1847, in Erie Co., Pa. Their children were Joel T., born Dec. 1776; Murwine, born Aug. 1796, and Mary Law, born Apr. 1, 1800. Catherine Barns, Daniel Barns and Charles Strong were neighbors of his for 34 years. The father of Charles Strong was also a Rev. War soldier. Wilkinson, Reuben (A.G. 50,192), his widow, Cynthia, d prior to July 19, 1856. His children were: Horace Wilkinson and Sarah Wilkinson, now Sarah Mclntire. Williams, John (A.G. 50,193), Capt. 111. Regt., Va. State Troops. He served from June 20, 1778, under George Rogers Clark and left the service Dec. 9, 1781. His residence after the war was Adams Co., Miss. James A. Girault of D. C. was Admr., May 21, 1845. Williams, John (A.G. 50,193a), Capt. Col. Thomas Marshall's Regt. 1st Va. State Art., d sometime in Feb., 1796. John R. Williams was his only child and was appointed admr., as a resident of Ray Co., Mo. Williams, Lew (A.G. 50,194), a Rev. War pensioner still living Dec. 18, 1838. Wilson, Thomas (A.G. 50,195), Lieut, in the 111. Regt. Va. State Troops, commanded by George Rogers Clark. He d Feb. 27, 1828, in Harrodsburg, Mercer Co., Ky., leaving a wife but no children. John Montgomery, Lieut. -Col. of his Regt. testified that he served from Apr. 28, 1779 to June 23, 1782. In his will made Feb. 27, 1827, when he was about 76 years of age, he mentions his wife, Mary, Eli Wheat, Archibald Woods of Harrodsburg, Joseph Woods, bro. of Archibald, James Woods, also bro. of Archibald, and of Springfield. To each of these three bros. he gives one third of one thousand dollars. His exrs. were Dr. Virginia State Troops, State Line 579 Phillip Trapnall and Thomas Allen. The will was witnessed by Thomas L. Wheat, John M. Carter and Nancy B. Pratten. Thomas Allen, exr. d in the summer of 1833, of cholera, leaving several children. He had been Clerk of the Co. Court for 40 yrs., and was succeeded by his son. The following witnesses are named: Anthony Crockett, age 78 (in 1835) of Franklin Co., Ky., knew Wilson as a Lieut, in Capt. Thomas Quirk's Co., in Clark's 111. Regt. James Harlan (Mar. 1, 1836), heard Thomas Wilson relate his adventures and campaigns against the Indians in the first settlement of the Western country. John Rice, a minister in Mercer Co., Ky., aged 76 in 1836, was a soldier in the same Co., and often preached at Wilson's house. Archibald Woods, aged 52 in 1836, was of Harrodsburg, Mercer Co., Ky. Margaret Woods, wife of Clelland Woods of Harrodsburg, was 28 years old in 1836 and both testify. Withers, James (A.G. 50,199), Lieut, in Col. Gibson's Va. State Troops, d Oct. 16, 1834. The only heirs were Fanny, daughter of the soldier, Rappahan- nock Co., Va. between 50-60 years of age; Catherine Hillary, of Rappahannock Co., Va. between 40-50 years of age; and Alcey Porter of Fauquier Co., Va. between 40-50 years of age. Fanny Withers was the executrix. Wood, Samuel, Va. service. (See Welch, Nathaniel, A.G. 50,187.) Woodson, Frederick (A.G. 50,196), Capt. 1st Va. State Troops, commanded by Col. George Gibson, d June 25, 1817. In his will dated May 1, 1816, he men- tions his nephews, Charles Clark, George Clark, Charles Vandeveer Woodson, who later removed from the State of Va. ; Charles Friend Woodson, who refused to qualify as one of the exrs. ; nieces Sarah Woodward and Ann Pope, and a sister Caroline Matilda Bates. His son Charles Woodson d before Oct. 7, 1839. The final exr. of the est. was Robert K. Dabney. (See also Reynolds, William, A.G. 50,141-) Woodward, Lewis, soldier. (See Sales, Charles, A.G. 56,157.) Worthington, Edward (A.G. 50,197), Capt. 111. Regt. Va. State Troops, continued in service until the proclamation of peace. He resided in Mercer Co., Ky. Benjamin Roberts of Shelby Co., Ky., was 82 years old on Apr. 15, 1832, and stated in that year that he was with Edward Worthington at the Falls of the Ohio during the war. Bland W. Ballard, a resident of Shelby Co., Ky., a private in Capt. Benjamin Roberts' Co., Col. Slaughter's Corps, continued in service to the end of the war, and was afterward a spy for Gen. G. R. Clark. John M. McCall testified in 1850 that he had known Bland W. Ballard for 38 years, that he was an old Indian fighter, and a soldier in the War of 1812. He (Bland) commanded the advance guard at the battle of Jan. 18, 1813 at the river Raisin. He served in the Ky. Legislature, and a Co. in that State was named for him. In an order from Gov. Thomas Jefferson dated at Williamsburg Jan. 24, 1780, Edward Worthington was directed to recruit men for three years and to provide them with an amount of clothing. They were given a bounty of $750.00; were promised a pension for life and at the close of the war 100 acres of unim- proved land. Worthington was to receive $150.00 for each recruit passed. 580 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Wray, Henry (A.G. 50,198), of Va., a private and a pensioner, d Oct. 20, 1839. His widow was Clarissa Wray. The organization in which he served is net shown. Yeates, John (A.G. 50,200), Lieut, in Col. Thomas Marshall's Regt. Va. State Art., resided in Halifax Co., Va. and d July 14, 1847. Beverly H. Fleming was the admr. of his est. Williams, Jared (A.G. 50,201), Lieut, in Maj. George Wall's Co., 111. Regt. Va. Was in actual service at Fort Nelson, Sept. 1, 1782. Va. Half Pay, etc. Miscellaneous Papers (Naval Records & Library U. S. Navy Dept.) In the matter of the claims of the State of Virginia for $58,148.66 paid for the following commutation claims: Walls, George % 7,144.00 George, Robert 8,070.44 Merriwether, James 4,504.93 Williams, Jasent 5,061.29 Clarke, William 5,454.38 Dalton, V. 1 4,456.89 Graves, Ralph 6,567.40 Clark, Richard 6,757.33 Ewell, Thomas W 10,136.00 The officers of the aforesaid regiments and corps which have not been paid or presented to judgment against the State of Va., and for which state would be bound on the principals of half-pay account, June 1832. J. M. Porter, War Dept. July 27, 1843. Jan. 9, 1844 George, Robert, in Auditors Office. Valentine, John, in Auditors Office. Meriwether, James, in Office of the Treasury. All others paid. Williams, Jasent, in Office of the Treasury. All others paid. Clark, William, in Office of the Treasury. All others paid. Ewell, Thomas, evidence not satisfactory. Graves, Ralph, evidence not sufficient. Walls. George, case not provided for. Clarke, Gen. George R., half-pay for life only allowed by Department. Meriwether, James, half-pay for life only allowed by Department. Virginia State Troops, State Line and Navy 581 Hon. J. M. Porter. Dear Sir: I beg leave to ask your attention to the following Officers pay : Saunders, Joseph $1,168.88 Marshall, J. M 2,200.00 Roberts, Benjamin 1,415.33 Young, Thomas 1,520.00 6,304.21 Thomas Green, Comm. for Va. Petition among papers: Peter Moore, James Kennedy, M. Archer, Thomas Minor, William Graves, John Cox, John Allen, James Malcom. J. L. Edward, Comm. of Pensions. Aug. 29, 1849. Scarborough Bloxon born and raised in Accomac Co., Va., was midshipman on board Gaily "Accomac" Va. State Navy. Capt. Walton and Lieut. Richard Parker were in command. Grier, Charles Pd. Jan. 1850 $ 4,662.75 Walls, George Pd. Jan. 1850 1,403.55 Barron, James 32,382.50 Half Pay to Va. State Navy & State Line since Nov. i, 1850, (N.R. & L., Y.S. & T.A. Miscellaneous File). Statement of the amount of half-pay allowed in the office of the 3rd Auditor since Nov. 1, 1850, to Officers of the Va. State Line and State Navy under the act of Congress, July 5, 1832, for liquidating and paying certain claims of the State of Va. : Rank of Officer in Name of Claimant: the State Line or Navy: When Allowed Amount: Green, Samuel B. Lieut. Crockett's Regt. Nov. 19, 1850 $ 1,336.44 Valentine, Edward Capt. of Art. Nov. 19, 1850 3,952.60 Skinner, William Capt. in the Navy Dec. 18, 1850 6,170.13 Digges, Edward Capt. of Inf. (Garrison Regt.) Mar. 18, 1851 4,460.71 Marshall, Joseph Sailing Master Mar. 18, 1851 4,439.49 Thomas, John Capt. in the Navy Mar. 24, 1851 3,999- n Cherry, William Capt. & Paymaster Apr. 19, 1851 2,730.21 Lipscomb, Yancey Lieut, of Art. Apr. 10, 1851 30.67 Nicholson, Henry W. Cornet & Q.M. Apr. 19,1851 1,232.63 Woodson, Frederick Capt. of Va. Regt. May 28, 1851 2,082.34 Kemp, James Q.M. June 3,1851 1,158.67 Digges, Edward Capt. of Inf. (Garrison) June 12, 1851 3,840.00 Godwin, Joseph Lieut, in State Navy June 26, 1851 6,910.00 Goffigan, Laban Lieut, in State Navy July 7,1851 2,134.56 Haruyman, John Capt. of Marines July 11,1851 1,975-23 Rogers, John Q.M. Aug. 29, 1851 326.88 Total $46,779.61 These payments are for principal, no interest allowed. 582 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia 3rd Auditor's Office, Oct. 23, 1857. U. S. Treasury Department. "A List of Officers of the State Line [Va.] that are entitled to half pay; Field Officers that sat in Richmond on Feb. 2, 1782 and returning such list to the Executive, as were required by Act of Assembly to the Auditors for their guide in issuing warrants to the Officers for half pay." (Naval Records and Library, U. S. Navy Dept.) First State Regt. When ordered to the Northwest June 1, 1777 (R. & File, P. 30). When ordered to Va. Dec. 9, 1779. J no. Cuding (Luding?) non comd. Officers (295), May 1, 1780. (For the war — 195). Gibson, George, Col., Supernumerary. Allison, John, Lieut. Col., Supernumerary. Merriwether, Thomas, Maj., Supernumerary. Ewell, Thomas, Capt., Supernumerary. Hoffler, Wm., Capt., Supernumerary. Brown, Windson, Capt., Service. Hamilton, Thomas, Capt., Service. Crump, Abner, Capt., Service. Armstead, Thomas, Capt., Service. Ewell, Charles, Capt., Service. Holt, John H., Capt., Service. Campbell, Wm., Capt., Service. Rucker, Angus, Capt., Service. Triplett, George, Capt., Service. Woodson, Frederick, Capt., Service. Coleman, Wyatt, Capt., Service. Marston, John, Capt., Service. White, Thomas, Capt., Supernumerary. Broadus, William, Capt., Supernumerary. Harper, James, Capt., Service. Slaughter, William, Capt., Service. Hughes, Pratt, Capt., Supernumerary. White, William, Capt., Supernumerary. Slawter, William, Capt., Supernumerary — 24 officers. "Document No. ii. Navy consisting of: Commodore (pay 14/ per day) £ 127 £ 15 Captains (8/3 per day) At £ 73 £511 Lieutenants (6/1 per day) At £ 54.15 £164 £803 Officers of State Line Entitled to Half Pay 583 Crockett's Regt. consisting of: i Lieut. Col. Commandant I Major 3 Captains £ 72 each 3 Lieuts. £ 48 each 6 Ensigns £ 36 each Navy £ 1,556" Office of Commissioner of Revolutionary Claims of State of Va. Richmond, Oct. 9, 1835. John W. Smith certifies that this is a "true copy from an original document which has been bound up in the 1st vol. of Papers concerning the State Navy which is on file in this office." (N.A. Jan. 25, 1780.) See Section in (6), p. 145, and above, for duplicate of "Document 1 1," (Surnames given first for convenient reference.) £ 135 £ 90 £ 216 £ 96 £ 216 £ 753 £803 "A List of Officers of the State Line that and returning such list to the executive, as Assembly to the Auditors for their guide in Officers for half pay. (N.D.) First Regiment are Entitled to half pay, were required by act of issuing warrants to the State when Strength at different Officers Name Rank Board Sat Periods Gibson, George Col. Supernumerary When ordered to the north- ward June 1, 1777. Allison, John Lieut. Col. Supernumerary When ordered to the north- ward June 1, 1777. Merriwether, Thos. Major Supernumerary When ordered to Va. Dec. 9, 1779 Ewell, Thomas Capt. Service When ordered to Va. Dec. 9, 1779 Hoffler, Wm. Capt. Supernumerary Including non comd. officers 295 Brown, Windson Capt. Service Including non comd. officers 295 Hamilton, Thomas Capt. Service May 1, 1780. For the war, Crump, Abner Capt. Service 195 May 1, 1780. For the war, Armstead, Thomas Capt. Service 195 Ewell, Charles Capt. Service 584 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia State when Strength at different Officers Name Rank Board Sat Periods Holt, John H. Capt. Service Campbell, Wm. Capt. Service Rucker, Angus Capt. Service Triplett, George 1st Lieut. Service Woodson, Frederick 1st Lieut. Service Coleman, Wyatt 1st Lieut. Service Marston, John 1st Lieut. Service White, Thomas 1st Lieut. Service Broaddus, Wm. 1st Lieut. Service Harper, James 1st Lieut. Service Slaughter, Wm. 1st Lieut. Service Hughes, Pratt 1st Lieut. Supernumerary White, William 1st Lieut. Supernumerary Slawter, William 1st Lieut. Supernumerary— -24 Officers." Third Auditor's Office, Apr. 24, 1850, Revolutionary War "Interest has been paid upon decisions of the Comm. of Pensions approved by the Secretary of the Interior in the following cases, which are for five years full pay and Interest thereon, in lieu of Half pay, to which officers were entitled for Services in the State troops, and the State Navy of Va. in the revolutionary war, under the 'Act of liquidating and paying certain claims of the State of Va.' approved July 5, 1832; the settlement of which was transferred to the Secretary of War from and after June 1, 1835, by 'Act to Continue the Office of Comm. of Pensions' approved Mar. 3, 1835. The following sums are the Amounts of Interest included in the several balances paid to the claimants: " Gait, John Minson, Surgeon in Va. State Navy % 7,371.39 Watts, George, Maj. in Va. State Navy 2,448.78 Grier, Charles, Surgeon in Va. State Navy 9,871.72 Graves, William, Cornet & Q.M. in Va. State Navy 12,888.91 Barron, James, Commodore in Va. State Navy 28,124.19 Barron, Richard, Capt. in Va. State Navy 8,706.48 Banks, James, Sailing Master in Va. State Navy 4,213.32 Herbert, Pascorr, Lieut, in Va. State Navy 4,103.50 Spencer, Wm., Lieut, of Cavalry, in Va. State Troops 7,725.91 Applewhaite, Jno., Surgeon in Va. State Navy 4,236.70 Gooseley, George, Capt. in Va. State Navy 5,469.94 Britain, Jno., Sailing Master in Va. State Navy 3,843.44 Travis, Edwd., Capt. in Va. State Navy 8,853.91 Welsh, Nathaniel, Capt. & Brig. Q.M 6,084.16 Worthington, Edward, Capt. in Va. State Troops 4,749.50 Turnbull, Stephen, Capt. in Va. State Troops 6,823.24 Markham, James, Capt. in Va. State Navy 2 99-76 Bartlett, Philip, Surgeon in Va. State Navy 2,549.80 Commonwealth of Va. for Col. Geo. R. Clarke 3,592.14 Total $131,956.79 Virginia State Troops, State Line and Navy 585 "Interest was included in the 'Repayment to Va. of money paid by that State under judgments of her courts against her to Revolutionary officers and soldiers and their representatives for Half pay and commutation of Half pay,' provided for in the Act making appropriations for the civil and diplomatic expenses of Government up to June 30, 1849, approved Aug. 1848. But as the papers of the cases, included in this provision, have never been filed in this Office, a specification of how much of the sum paid ($77,216.28) was for Interest, cannot be ascertained in this Office, Treasury Dept., 3d Auditor's Office Apr. 24, 1850." "Statement of the amount of principal and interest paid under the Act of Congress, July 5, 1832, "for liquidating and paying certain claims of the State of Va., since Nov. 1, 1850: " (N.D. "A 7, Apr. 22, 1783," Y.S.). Rate of pay Names of Rank in per Amount Date of Claimants Line and Navy an. paid Payment Cherry, Wm. Capt. and P.M. 120. 2,730.21 Apr. 19, 1851 Digger, Edwd. Capt. Garrison's Regt. 240. 4,460.71 Mar. 18, 1851 Digger, Edwd. Capt. Garrison's Regt. 240. 3,840.00 June 12, 1851 Godwin, Joseph Lieut. 182.50 6,910.00 June 21, 1851 Goffigan, Laban Lieut. 182.50 2,i34-50 July 7,1851 Green, Samuel B. Lt. Crockett's Regt. &c. — 1,336.44 Nov. 29, 1850 Hardyman, Jno. Capt. Marines 240. 1,975-23 July 11,1851 Kemps, James Q.M. 78. 1,158.67 June 3, 1851 Lipscomb, Yancey Lieut. Art. Error corrected 30.67 Apr. 10, 1851 Marshall, Joseph Sails Master 152.08 4,43949 Mar. 18, 1851 Nicholson, Henry W. Cornet & Q.M. 90. 1,232.63 Apr. 19, 1 85 1 Rogers, John Q.M. 90. 326.88 Aug. 29, 1 85 1 Skinner, William Capt. Navy 250-93 6,170.13 Dec. 18, 1850 Thomas, John Capt. Navy 250.93 3,999-H Mar. 24, 1851 Valentine, Edwd. Capt. Art. 300. 3,952.6o Nov. 29, 1850 Woodson, Fredk. Capt. Va. Regt. 78. 2,082.34 May 28, 1851 Total $46,779.61 Pension Laws 1776 to 1852, Pension Office Army and Navy Pension Laws of the U. S. including Resolves of the Con- gress from 1776 to 1852, executed at the Dept. of the Interior with an appendix containing the opinion of the Attys. Gen. of the U. S. with the decision rules and regulations adopted by different secretaries relative to the execution of those laws, compiled by Robert Mayo, M.D. and Ferdinand Moulton, Esq., Wash. Printed by John T. Towers, 1852 (Laws of the U. S. Vol. 8, p. 653). 586 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Capt. 759. "An Act to provide for liquidating and paying certain claims of the State." 1. Money refunded to Va. for payments to her Rev. officers. 2. Judgements Va. for half pay, to be paid by the U. S. Designations of officers entitled to half pay. 3. Claims not prosecuted to judgement to be paid, approved July 5, 1832. Sec. I. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Reps, of the U. S. A. in Congress assembled, that the proper accounting officers of the Treasury do liqui- date and pay the accounts of the Commonwealth of Va. vs. the U. S. for pay- ment to the officers commanding in the Va. Line in the War of the Rev., on account of the half pay for life promised the officers of that Commonwealth, the sum of $139,543.66. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, that the Sec. of the Treasury be, and he is hereby required and directed to pay to the State of Va. the amount of the judgements which have been rendered vs. the said State, for and on account of the promise contained in an Act passed by the Gen. Assembly of the State of Va. May A.D. 1779, and in favor of the officers, or representatives of officers of the Regts. and Corps hereinafter recited, and not exceeding in the whole the sum of $241,345.00, to wit: First: To the officers, or their legal representatives, of the regiment com- manded by the late Col. George Gibson, the amount of the judgments which they have obtained, and which are now unsatisfied; Second: To the officers, or their legal representatives, of the Regt. de- nominated the 2d State Regt. commanded at times, by Cols. Brenl and Dabney, the amount of the judgments which they have obtained, and which are now unsatisfied ; Third: To the officers, or their legal representatives, of the Regts. of Cols. Clark and Crockett and Capt. Roger's Troop of Cav. who were employed in the 111. service, the amount of the judgments which they have obtained, and which are now unsatisfied; Fourth: To the officers, or their legal representatives, seving in the Regt. of State Art. commanded by the late Col. MarsJiall, and those serving in the State Garrison Regt. commanded by Col. Muter, and serving in the State Cav. com- manded by Maj. Nelson, the amount of the judgments which they have obtained, and which are now unsatisfied; Fifth: To the officers, or their legal representatives, who served in the Navy of Va. during the late War of the Revolution the amount of the judgments which they have obtained, and which are now unsatisfied. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, that the Sec. of the Treasury be and is hereby directed and required to adjust and settle those claims for half pay of the officers of the aforesaid Regts. and Corps which have not been paid or prosecuted to judgments vs. the State of Va. and for which said State would be bound on the principles of the half pay cases already decided in the Supreme Court of Appeals of said State; which several sums of money herein directed to be settled or paid shall be paid out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated by law. Commutation of Interest 587 Statements of Third Auditor's Office, Revolutionary War, Commutation of Interest (n.d.) "Statement of all the payments made, under Act of July 5, 1832 "for liquidating and paying certain claims of the State of Va.," since Mar. 1, 1849: * Rank in In Commutation Names of Va. State of Half Pay 5 yrs. Claimants Troops and Navy Full Pay Gait, John M. Surgeon Troops $3,625.00 Graves, William Cornet and Q.M. 2,500.00 Barron, James Commodore Navy 4,258.31 Barron, Richard Capt. Navy 2,50930 Banks, James Sailing M. Navy 1,520.80 Herbert, Pascow Lieut. Navy 1,825.00 Spencer, William Lieut. Cavalry 2,000.00 Applewhaite, Jno. Surgeon Navy 1,825.00 Gooseley, George Captain Navy 2,50930 Britain, John Sailing M. Navy 1,520.80 Travis, Edward Captain Navy 2,50930 Welsh, Nathaniel Capt. and Q.M. 3, 600. 00 Worthington, Edwd. Capt. Troops 2,400.00 Turnbull, Stephen Capt. Art. 3,000.00 Barron, Samuel Lieut. Navy 1,825.00 Markham, James Capt. Navy 2,509-30 Bartlett, Philip Surgeon Navy 1,825.00 Watlington, John Capt. Lieut. Art. 6,160.00 Gibbs, Churchill Lieut. 1st Regt. 10,449.53 Boush, Robert Ensign 3,177-53 Boush, Robert Paymaster 4,766.25 Dabney, Charles Lieut. Col. 16,792.76 Crump, Abner Capt. Troops 4,476.49 Browning, Isaac Lieut. Troops 6,606.90 Reynolds, John Surgeon Navy 6,528.50 Jones, Charles Lieut. Navy 4,872.00 Glenn, Bernard Capt. Troops 11,908.60 Dearing, Hy. Lieut. Troops 3,78740 Rogers, John Capt. Cavalry 12,327.94 Gibson, John Sailing Master 409.99 Johnson, Gideon Q.M. 4,303-82 Vawter, William Lieut. Troops 6,688.89 Roberts, John Lieut. Troops 5,986.63 Russell, Charles Paymaster 2,454-90 Quarles, Wharton Q.M. 1,797.42 Marshall, John M. Lieut. Troops 672.33 * Interest, amounts deducted for previous payments and balance paid are here omitted. 588 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Names of Claimants McGavock, Hugh Cary, Samuel Smith, Granville Kennedy, James Johnson, Gideon Walls, George Grier, Charles Rank in Va. State Troops and Navy Q.M. Adjutant Ensign and Q.M. Adjutant Capt. and Q.M. In Commutation of Half Pay 5 yrs. Full Pay 4,857.58 1,930.00 2,546.20 3-672.84 1,155.60 Major Difference and Judgment Ct. of Va. &c. ' ' Surgeon (Army) ' ' Difference and J udg- ment Ct. of Va. &c. Minor, Thomas, Capt. Army Refundment of Pension paid to him under Act May 15, 1828, heretofore withheld from half pay $2,400. Dabney, Charles, Lieut. Col. Comdt. Difference between his half pay as Lieut. Col. and Lieut. Col. Comdt., $4,198.20. The Commonwealth of Va. Difference between the half pay and the com- mutation in case of Geo. Rogers Clarke being amt. of a judgment of the Court of Appeals in Va. May 17, 1848; half pay $3,904.54; Interest $3,592.14; Amt. paid $7,496.68. "$277,606.53; amount of payments under Act of July 5, 1832 for liquidating and paying certain claims of the State of Va. since Mar. 1, 1849 to Apr. 20, 1850." List of Field Officers Chosen by the Convention * Williamsburg, Va., Jan. 13, 1776. 1. Col. Henry, William Christian and Francis Eppes. 2. William Woodford, Charles Scott and Alexander Spotswood. 3. Hugh Mercer, George Weeden, and Thomas Marshall. 4. Adam Steven, Isaac Read and Robert Lawson. 5. William Peachy, William Crawford and Josiah Parker. 6. Mordecai Buckner, Thomas Elliot and James Hindricks. 7. William Dangerfield, Alexander McClanahan and Wm. Nelson. 8. Peter Mulenburg, Abraham Bowman and Peter Helvenstone. 9. Thomas Fleming, George Matthews and Matthew Donovan." Officers and Volunteers Exchanged by British (From The Va. Gazette, Feb. 7, 1777, Williamsburg, Newtown, Bucks Co., Jan. 14, 1777.) f The following officers and volunteers, viz: Majors: Meigs and Bigelon. Captains: Lamb, Topham, Thayer, Morgan, Ward, Goodrich and Hanchet. * " The Va. Gazette" Jan. 13, 1776, and National Genealogical Society Quarterly, Vol. X, No. 1, pp. 78 and 80. t National Genealogical Society Quarterly, Vol. X, p. 80. Journals of House of Delegates and Senate 589 Lieutenants: McDougall, Compton, Clarke, Webb, Febiger, Heth, Savage, Brown, Nichols, Bruin and Steel. Ensign: Tifdell. Volunteers: Ofwald, Lockwood, Duncan, McGuire, Porterfield and Henry. These were sent from Canada by Gen. Carlton, are released from their paroles, others of the same rank belonging to the British Army having been exchanged for them. Robert H. Harrison, Sec. to his Excellency General Washington. Extracts from Journal of House of Delegates of Virginia, 1777 * Resolved, as the opinion of this committee, that the petition of John Janet Carter, a soldier in the 5th Va. Regt. of Continental forces, who by hard duty in the service of the United States is rendered incapable at present of getting a livelihood by labour, is reasonable, and that the petitioner ought to be allowed the sum of 15 1. for his present relief. [Journal of House of Delegates of Virginia, 1777, May 16, p. 17.] Resolved, as the opinion of this committee, that the petition of Jonathan Lambert and Christopher Baker, praying to be allowed for their services as soldiers in Capt. Lowther's Co. of Militia, their names being omitted in the pay roll, is reasonable, and that the said Jonathan Lambert ought to be allowed the sum of I 1. 5 s. 6d. the amount of his pay for 17 days, and the said Christopher Baker the sum of 9 1. 18 s. for 132 days. Resolved, as the opinion of this committee, that so much of the petition as relates to Charles Hay, William Johnson, Robert Jlorsley, Merritt Magann, John Woodroof, John Brown, Edmund Pendleton and Pearce Wade, soldiers in the minute service of this state, praying to be reimbursed the expenses of a physician and medicines, which they incurred by being taken sick while on duty in consequence whereof they were ordered home by their commanding officer for the recovery of their health, is reasonable, and that there ought to be paid to Charles Hay 2 1. o s. 9 d., William Johnson 1 1. s. 6 d., Robert Horsley 8 s. 9 d., Merritt Magann 1 1. 12 s. 6 d., John Woodroof 1 1. 17 s. 4 d., John Brown 1 1. o s. 6 d., Edmund Pendleton 1 1. o s. 6 d. and Pearce Wade 1 1. 15 s. 9 d. [Ibid, May 26, 1777, pp. 41-42.] Petition of Capt. Thomas Rowland, in behalf of himself and Company. Your committee find, that the said Rowland received orders from Col. William Fleming, Lieut, of Botetourt Co., to take horses, and proceed with his Company, as speedily as possible, to the protection of the inhabitants on the frontiers of Fincastle Co., who were invaded by the enemy; that the reason of the said Fleming's directing them to go on horseback was to expediate their march, lest they should not otherwise be able to render that timely assistance to the said inhabitants which their distressed situation so earnestly required. Whereupon your committee came to the following resolution: * These extracts are given as examples of the numerous important references to be found in the Virginia House of Delegates and Senate Journals. G. M. B. 590 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Resolved, as the opinion of this committee, that the said petition is reasonable and that the said Thomas Rowland and Company ought, severally, to be allowed for the service of their horses as follows, viz.: £ I. i. 3. Thomas Rowland, for 17 days at 1 s. 3 d. per day. John Robinson, Henry Cartmill, James Alcorn, Martin Baker, George Huchinson, John Wood, Rev. Adam Smith, Thomas Bowyer, William Aslin, James Leatherdale, William Leatherdale, John Crawford, Robert Woods, David Wallace, Edward Guiliford, James Bryant, Josiah Bryant, William Bryant, John McFarrin, Robert Fenley, Jacob Kimerland, Elijah Vinsant, Robert Birdwell, John Moor, Thomas Howell, Thomas Eagnew and Samuel Blair, the same, 1 1. 1 s. 3 d. each 28. 13. 9. Isaac Richardson, David Harbinson, James Nicholas, Jonathan Wood, William Crawford, Joseph Titus, William Kyles, William Ritchey, Martin McFarrin, Joseph Kyles, James Espey, Samuel McClure, and Samuel McFarran, 15 days each, 18 s. 9 d. 12. 3. 9. Patrick Lockhart, George Rutledge, John Mills, Jr., William Colbert, Henry Smith, Edward Carbin, James Gaunt, Samuel McRoberts, Joseph Carrol, Thomas Peage, John Jones, Stephen Hoalston, Henry Walker, William Jlenry, John Burks, George Givens, Thomas Arbuckle, James Cloyd, David Lawrence, Isaac Lawrence, Patrick Lawrence, William Wills, John Fragor, James McCuown, and William Ross, 14 days each, 17 s. 6 d. 21. 17. 6 £ 63. 16. 3 Ordered, that Mr. Lee do carry the resolution to the Senate, and desire their concurrence. [Journal of House of Delegates of Va., June 10, 1777, p. 93.] (24) "The Bird — Samuels Papers:" Original Census and Military (1775) Records of Old Dunmore County, Virginia. These muster rolls of militia, and census lists taken in 1775, eight years prior to the first national census, are part of a collection of documents relating to military affairs in Dunmore County, Va., and recording activities of the County Committee of Safety at the beginning of the Revolution. Dunmore County was formed from Frederick County in 1 772 and named in honor of Lord Dunmore, then Governor of Virginia (1771-1776). His loyalty to England made the name un- acceptable, and it was changed, by Act of the State Legislature in Oct., 1777, to "Shanando." The County originally embraced not only present Shenandoah, but also about two-thirds of Page and half of Warren, and included this territory at the time of the Revolution. Thus the men enrolled under Capt. Michael Reader were from what is now Page County, and those enrolled under Capt. Joseph Bowman were from what is now Warren County. This is evident from a comparison of the names on the muster rolls with the names on the census lists here published and on the lists of the 1785 census published in "A History of Shenandoah County, Va.," by John W. Wayland. Besides these muster rolls and census lists, these records of the Dunmore County Committee of Safety include the minutes of its first meeting following its election on Jan. 10, 1775; a patriotic declaration bearing the names of eighty- "Bird— Samuels Papers," Dunmore County 591 eight "Inhabitants of the County of Dunmore," lists in German script of two hundred and eighteen purchasers of salt apportioned to Dunmore County by the State Committee of Safety, and various other papers and letters. Where there are no dates, the use of the name Dunmore in these documents fixes the date as not later than 1777. These documents were found by the undersigned in 1933 at "Birdwood," Woodstock, Va., when the home was broken up following the death of his parents, William Twyman Williams, Sr., and Sally Madison (Bird) Williams, among papers and letters of Mrs. Williams' father, Judge Mark Bird (1810-1883). They had belonged to Col. Abraham Bird (1731-1820), one of the Dunmore County Committee of Safety, by whom, on his removal to Kentucky in 1803, they had evidently been left with his son, Capt. George Bird (1 763-1 826), and so had come into the possession of Judge Mark Bird, the latter's son. The collection belongs to Bernard Samuels, M. D., New York City, a descendant of Mounce Bird, who was a soldier in Capt. Jacob Holeman's com- pany (see roll), and a brother of Col. Abraham Bird. Dr. Samuels has given permission for the publication of these muster rolls and census lists, the originals of which, with the rest of the documents, he recently presented to the Virginia Historical Society under the name of "The Bird-Samuels Papers," as a memorial to his grandfather, Justice Green Berry Samuels, of the Supreme Court of Virginia, and Judge Mark Bird, who were partners in the practice of law. W. Twyman Williams, D.D. Hampden-Sydney, Va. Jan. 27, 1936. "List of the Number of Persons in Dunmore County, Distinguishing Whether They Be Male or Female, White or Black, and of the Males Whether They Be Above or Under Sixteen Years of Age. Taken by Richard Campbell, Nov. 1775" (A) The first Column contains the Names of the Master or Mistress of each family; (B) the second the number of White Males upwards of Sixteen years of age; (C) the third the number of White Males under Sixteen years of age; (D) the fourth the Number of White Females; (E) the fifth the number of Black Males upwards of Sixteen years of age; (F) the sixth the number of Black Males under Sixteen years of age, and (G) the seventh the number of Black Females. Capt. Richard Campbell was a resident of Woodstock and this list seems to apply to what is Shenandoah Co., Va. A B C D E F Richard Campbell 4 4 2 1 I Morriss Morgan 1 1 3 William Fowler 1 Adam Holker 1 1 2 George Witzell 2 o o Margaret Burriss 2 George Fitzer 2 1 2 Samuel Gay I 4 592 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia A B William Dennison I Christian Miller 2 Andess (?) Grim Jacob Boyer 2 John Kniseley 1 William Kennedy 1 Michael Hommell 1 Anthony Kniseley, Sr 2 James Carnagy 1 William McKay 1 John Crookshanks 1 William Webb 1 Joseph Yeager 1 William Barnet 1 Ulrich Miller 1 Jessee Allison 2 Frederick Woolford 2 George Apler 1 Jacob Miller 1 John Huffman 2 Ann Huffman (Widow) 3 Henry Fravell 2 Henry Ott 3 Frederick Dellinger I Archd. Ruddell 3 William Hober 5 Peter Bowman 2 Christian Houts 1 Charles Deveny 1 Uhlrich Keener 1 David Keener 1 Jacob Bowman 2 Jacob Bowman, Junr 1 John Davis 2 John Clour 5 Adam Karn 1 William Rogers, Senr 3 George Sellars 1 Michael Burner 1 Jacob Burner 1 Adam Funk 4 Alexr. Berry 1 Barnerd Reedy 2 John Steed 1 Michael Barnet 1 c D 1 3 2 1 I 1 4 3 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 1 3 2 1 3 2 4 2 1 5 3 7 5 4 8 2 5 1 6(7?) 1 2 1 1 5 1 3 4 3 5 2 5 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 1 3 4 4 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 'Bird — Samuels Papers," Dunmore County A B C William Price I 3 James Evins Joseph Reynolds Philip Boyer 1 1 Adam Dirting, Junr 1 2 Jery. Caffery I 5 Geo. Mavis Michael Barnet, Sr. (Jr.?) Jno. Funk , Christian Kibler 3 2 David Rotheheffer 1 1 Geo. Borden I 2 Jno. Kingery Ulrich Grattinger Cornod Finter Henry Bowman Danl. Bowman, Jr.(?) 1 1 Geo. Lewis 1 1 Christiana Miller 2 6 George Mour 4 1 Ellis Thomas I 1 Saml. Rotheheffer 1 2 Martin Leonard 1 2 Geo. Hazle 2 1 Jno. Newman 1(2?) 2 Nichs. Bordon 1 1 (Endorsed on back folded, "R. Campbell List.") D 3 3 2 I 2 5 1 1 3 1 1 1 7 3 3 2 4 3 3 5 3 1 1 2 2 593 F Census of Dunmore County, Virginia, 1775 "A List of the Persons in Dunmore County, Distinguishing Whether They Be Male or Female, White or Black, and of the Males, Whether They Be Over or Under Sixteen Years of Age. Taken by Thomas Allen, 1775" t Males upwards of Sixteen Males under Sixteen Women William Miller, Senr., 2W Males 2 2N Boys 2 3W Females 3 iB Female 1 Thomas Allen, 1 Black 2 3W 3 2W 2N 4 William Miller, Junr. iW Servt 2 1 M 1 3W 3 t For the "Fork District " of Warren County, Va. 594 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Males upwards of Sixteen Henry Cloud, 2W 2 Joseph Hopewill 1 William Cloud 1 William Lehew 1 William Carthry, 2W 2 Thomas Ellzey 1 Simon Carson, 2W 2 William Jennings, 2W 2 William Mercer (?) 1 James Jones 1 David Johnston 1 George Megee 1 Randolph Bezant 1 Peter Holley 1 Samuel Bute, 2W 2 Thomas Masterson 1 William Mason 1 Nightingale Mede 1 John Harrell 4 Hew Snelon 1 Mason Jones 1 Jacob Harrell 1 John Fetheringgs I Chanlear Carter 1 Frankey Jones Moses Harrell 5 Ezekel Morgan 1 Whilliam Warren 4 Rubin Harrel 1 William Hurst, Sen 2 William Hurst, Jur 1 John Hurst 1 Thomas Jones 1 Richard Foley 1 George Owens 1 William Owens, Sen 2 Francis Roles 1 John Snellon 1 Whilliam Owens, Jur 1 Edward Way 1 John Way 1 William Hand 1 Edward Wilson 1 Francis Macheney 1 Males under Sixteen Women 2 6W 6 2W 2 4W 2N 6 iW 1 iW 1 3W 3 5W 5 2 Boys 2 2W 2 1 Boy 1 2W 2 3 Boys 3 4W 4 4 Boys 4 5W 5 iW 1 1 Boy 1 2W 2 3 Boys 3 4W 1 (sic) 2 Boys 2 3W 3 2W 2 2W 2 2 Boys 2 3W 3 3 Boys 3 3W 3 4 Boyes 7W iW iN Boy 6W& iN 2 Boyes 3 N Boys 4W& iN 2 Boyes 2M 3W 1 Boye 3W 4W 5 Boyes 3W 2 Boyes 3W 3 Boyes 4W )3 N 3 Boyes 2W 2 Boyes, iN 6W.2N 2 Boyes iW 2\V 1 Boye 3W 4 Boyes 3W 2 Boyes 3W, iN 2 Boyes 4W 1 Boye iW 2 Boyes 4W 2 Boyes iW 3 Boye, iN 4W 1 Boye 2W 1 Boy iW 3 Boys 6W 1 Boy 2W 2W 2W "Bird — Samuels Papers," Dunmore County 595 Males upwards of Sixteen Males under Sixteen David Robertson 3 5 Boys Benjamin Robertson 2 1 Boy William Cheek 1 Lazarus Taylor 3 3 Boys William Howel 3 3(1?) Boy Chapman Roberts 1 I Boy John Mackeney 1 4 Boys James Mayfield 1 1 Boy John Smith 1 Tithable — Boy John Price 1 I, 6W William Sal years 1 2W Francis Brown 1 Robert Hunter 1 iW Samuel Vess 1 2W William Vess 1 2, 7W Ignatus Wright 1 1,4 John Dukes 2 I, iN 1 William Robertson 1 4, iN, 7W Women 4W iW 2W 3W 2W 7W 3W 3W (Endorsed on back folded, "T Allen") "A List of the Persons in Dunmore, Distinguishing Whether They Be Male or Female, White or Black, and of the Males Whether They Be Under or Over 16 Years Old, Taken by Capt. John Denton, Nov. 1775, (Now Page County, Va.) f (All White) Males over 16 Jno. Denton 2W Elijah Odell 4W Caleb Odell 2W Isaac Odell 2W Caleb Odell, Jr Thos. Price Jona. Morrell 2W Wm. Wood 2W Jno. Pargerson 2W Jno. Carrier Martha Morrell Abram. Dilback No. Do. under No. Females No. 2 4 2 2 I 3W 4W 3W 3 4 3 6W 4W 5W 3W 2W 6 4 5 3 2 I iW 1 2W 2 2 iW 1 iW 1 2 2 I 2W 2 5W iW 5 1 2W 2 3W 3 t " W" means "White" and "B" means "Black," appearing in full on originals. 596 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia (All White) Males over 16 Jno. Wollard 2W Jno. Conrod Debo Jacob Goladay Geo. Mooney Henry Walter Geo. Dull Ths. Turn (?) Ths. Roberts Ro. Combs 2W Jas. Obanion Jacob Burner Erheart Burner 5W Ths. Smalling 3W Jno. Crick Timothy Eagle Fred. Oldhair John Dilly Jno. Wright Henry Smith Job Combs 2W Hy. Sumwalt Matthew Plunly 2W Jacob Hiser Conrod Aleshite 2W Geo. Redinore Jacob Lithliter Dedrick Clem Geo. Keller 2W Jacob Nicewanger Jno. McEnturff 3W David Clem 4W Abram Heastan Danl. Heastan Matthias Letner Jemima Carrier No. Do. under No. Females No. 2 6W 6 I 5W 5 3W 3 I 4W 4 6W 6 I 4W 4 5W 5 I iW 1 iW 1 I 2W 2 2W 2 I iW 1 I iW 1 5W 5 2 iW 1 I iW 1 4W 4 I 2W 1 (sic) iW 1 5 2W 2 3W 3 3 2W 2 4W 4 1 iW 1 6W 6 1 3W 3 5 W 5 1 4W 4 3W 3 1 2W 2 3 W 3 1 iW 1 1 3W 3 3W 3 2 2W 2 5W 5 1 2W 2 4W 4 2 iW 1 1 3W 3 2W 2 2 5W 5 iW 1 1 2W 2 1 2W 2 1 2W 2 3W 3 2 3W 3 4W 4 1 3W 3 3W 3 3 2W 2 4W 4 4 iW 1 iW 1 1 3W 3 4W 4 1 3W 3 1 4W 4 iW 1 iW 1 71 79 139 (Endorsed on back folded, "Capt. John Dentons List.") Plate 6 ~"7\£7r?/£./. ft t . i i _. , i i 55. •& .^ ^' '■ ^ #^ * -^ ^i (r« 1 -. * . 1 ; ifr< / •?, l^,..^-«m^-..^ ,a^A fc_3'-. PL t | ///", ^ ^/^ ! 5^/^*- iff j _r^/' /, - t- Captain John Denton's Census List, Dunmore County, November, 1775. "Bird — Samuels Papers," Dunmore County 597 "A List or Number of the Persons Included in the District of Henry Nelson, Junr." (Now Page County, Va.) Family Over Under No. Male Female Sixteen Sixteen Blacks Henry Nelson n 6 5 8 3 5 Samuel Odell 3 2 1 3 1 Samuel Harding 3 2 1 3 David Job 7 3 4 3 4 Alex: Mathes 10 4 6 4 6 3 Barneby Eagan 4 3 1 4 1 George Whitson 6 1 5 3 3 Barneby Eagan, Junr 7 4 3 4 3 Joseph Whitson 5 2 3 3 2 4 Jeremiah Odell 3 2 1 3 1 Charles Whitson 8 5 3 3 5 Ann Hankins 6 2 4 3 3 James Mcneil 2 1 1 2 Zachariah Campbell 9 4 5 2 7 Thos. Sisk 4 2 2 2 2 Moses Job 9 6 3 3 6 Enoch Job 8 3 5 5 3 Fergus Cron 8 4 4 6 2 Israel Morris 7 5 2 3 4 Jonah Cave 6 3 3 2 4 Will Nail 10 4 6 2 8 John Skelton 3 2 1 2 1 John Bailey 5 3 2 2 3 Marion Leeth 6 3 3 4 2 Jonah Denton 5 3 2 3 2 Jonah Morgan 6 4 2 3 3 Joshua Job 5 2 3 3 2 William Penly 11 7 4 4 7 Thos. Jones 2 1 1 2 Spencer Coleman 3 1 2 2 1 Peter Jackson 8 5 3 2 6 George Snider 8 5 3 3 5 John Coleman 7 4 3 4 3 William Fleming 3 1 2 2 1 John Levesque 8 4 4 3 5 Adam Cuningham 5 3 2 4 1 John Pence 6 2 4 3 3 Isom Wood 53223 Benjamin Odell 4 3 1 2 2 John Whitson 5 3 2 2 3 Jeremiah McKay 8 4 4 6 2 598 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Family Over No. Male Female Sixteen William Davis 4 1 3 2 Abram McKay 3 2 1 2 Isaac McKay 6 3 3 3 Jonathan Odell 9 3 6 3 George Conkion 3 2 1 2 Sinnit Young 8 7 1 2 Absalom Hurst 5 2 3 2 James Odell 10 8 2 3 Matthew Maddux 4 2 2 2 Daniel Trygler 6 4 2 2 Abram Strickler 4 1 3 4 Jacob Coleman 2 1 1 2 John Bullington 5 2 3 2 Thos. Hurst 4 2 2 3 John McDaniel 2 1 1 2 Moses Moody 8 4 4 3 Will : Dobson 6 3 3 2 Will : White 10 6 4 3 Will Whitson 10 3 7 6 Thos. Bragg 4 3 1 3 Will Whitson, J 7 3 4 3 John Allen 8 6 2 2 Thos. Dotson 8 2 6 3 Samuel Stover 10 5 5 3 Cunrod Beaver 9 6 3 4 Benjn. Williams 4 2 2 2 Daniel Strickler 7 3 4 2 Joseph Cave 4 3 1 3 (Endorsed on back folded, "Capt. Henry Nelson List.") Under Sixteen 2 I 3 6 1 6 3 7 2 4 Blacks "A List of the Persons in Dunmore County, Certifying Whether They Be Male or Female, White or Black, and of the Males Whether They Be Under or Over Sixteen Years, Taken by John Netherton, 1775." (Now Page and Warren Counties, Va.) % Males 16 Years old Males under 16 Females Abraham Keller, 3W 3 2W 2 3W 3 iB 1 iB 1 John Netherton 1 2W 2 4W iB 5 Charles Reagan, 2W 2 4W 4 3W 3 Henry Calfee 1 iW 1 3W 3 % "W" means "White" and "B" means "Black," appearing in full in the originals. Plate 7 %L t 'trty x Yeijtrx -^ \flf*JC ^J/*.j&S -. - - 6torf» ««,£«; /f/TV • ■ ,£,y/ ^iui/ £c&4C . • • • C/i^xC., f/'~i fieri • . •■ */** ffi^ J v^ r^£ 4- C . . 'X*> Jiti ... - ?//// ^v*^ • Air, J^Mrrx . . ^rvrx -t^*- r5 v em . '("7* /pti*r. . 6 v 7l~r/i." 5 J*. ^ *!o UU£:1fHJx. j /(life \ Nelson Junin's Census List, Dunmore Count y, November, 1775. Bird — Samuels Papers," Dunmore County 599 Males 16 Years old John Roy i Henry Netherton, iN 2 Philip Crume, Jr., 3W 3 John Bentley I Jacob Job, 2W 2 Geo. McCoy 1 Wm. Arterburn 1 Jno. Ramey I Eleazar Birkhead 1 Reubin Padget, Jr 1 Joseph Brown 1 Theophilus Padget 1 Theophilus Miller, 3W 3 John Mathews 1 Ralph Crume, 2W 2 Peter Miller, 2W 2 John Overhall 1 Wm. Overhall 1 Josiah Leith, 3W 3 Wm. Thomas, 2W 2 Ephraim Leith, 3W 3 Henry Netherton, Jr., iB 2 Geo. Harding, iB 2 Henry Harding, Sr., 2W, iB 3 James Mathews 1 David Great 1 Nicholas Harding, iB 2 Thomas Hune, 3W 3 Wm. Marshall, 1 3B 4 Hy. Harding, Jr., 2W 2 David Crafford, 2W 2 John Handcock, iW 1 John Smith, iW 1 Humphry Hopkins, 2W 2 Robert Cuninghame, iW 1 John Reevs, iW 1 Aron Henry, 3W 3 Peter Macknabn, iW 1 David bradford, iW 1 John Bradford, iW 1 Males under 16 Females 3W 3 3W iB 4 iW 1 4W 4 4W 4 4W 4 2W 2 2W 2 iW 1 5 W 5 iB 1 3W 3 4W 4 iW 1 iW 1 2W 2 2B 2 2W 2 3W 3 4W 4 iW 1 2W 2 3W 3 3 W 3 iW 1 2W 2 2W 2 5W 5 iW 1 iW 1 2W 2 5W 5 iW 1 5W 5 3W 3 5W 5 3W 3 6W 6 2B 2 iW 3B iW 1 2W 2 iB 1 iW 7B 8 2W 2 2W 2 3W 3 3W 3 4W 4 2W 2 2B 2 iW 1 4W 4 iW 1 2\V 2 4W 4 2W 2 2W 2 3W 3 iW 1 3W 3 3W 3 5W iW 5 4 B 5 7W 7 W 1 W 2 2W 2 2W 2 3W 3 600 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Males 16 Years old William Gorden, 2W 2 James Roboson, iW John Craford, iW Zachariah North, iW Andrew Cooksey, iW John Cooksey, iW John Smout, iW John Homes, iW Thomas Crockston, iW John Russell, Sr., 2W John Russell, junior, iW Henry Humboy, iW Henry Spelman, iW Filemin Smith, iW Richard Harrell, iW Aron Harrell, iW Alexander Maky, iW Philip Poker, iW William Lashbuck, iW William Shaver, iW Peter Arterburn, iW Richard Foley, 2W Adam Cuninghame, iW Walter Cuninghame, 2W Gilbert Morgan, 2W John Combs, iW William Wilson, iW John Calfee, iW John Cotney, 2W 2 John Graham, iW 1 William Hill, 4W 4 Ruben Padget, 2W 2 Darby McKarty, 2W 2 Laurence Bodkin, 2W 2 Alexander McKintear, iW 1 Nancy Paget Jeremiah Wales, iW 1 David Grate, iW 1 Mary Jones, iW (Note: David Great and David Grate are on the list, in each case as one white male over sixteen. A blot completely hides the first letters of the thirteenth name from the bottom of this list, "William — lson," but as the census of 1785 shows a William Wilson on a list on which are found a number of the names also found here, it is safe to say this name is William Wilson. See Wayland's History of Shenandoah County.) Males under 16 Females w 3 w 3 w 3 w 2 w 4 w 2 w 2 w 4 w 5 w 3 w 3 w 2 w 1 w 2 w 2 w 2 w 1 w I w 2 w I w w 2 2W 2B 4 w I w 4 w 1 w 4 w 1 w 3 w 1 w 4 w 1 w 5 w 3 w 3 w 2 w 5 w 2 w 3 w 7 w 2 w 2(4?) w 1 w 3 w 2 w 2 w 4 w 6 w 1 w 2 w 3 w 4 w 3 w 3 w 2 w 3 w 6 w 3 w 3 w 1 w 1 w 1 w 3 w 1 w 1 w 1 w 2 w 2 w 1 Plate 8 " ^ / ; '<>%* - /, /■ - P ^/#k /^ ^ ' < ' <•'' — *#*- 'fay ^ - " <^> 2 £f* -I •"* J* '■• /*« M" * j 4 1 1 i~ . i i - ://< A- /iis/tit-r.- -X.-Ay /uAm*. ■ ,AAl*A ■ i5 /i/,t . . ^ ~T, ' \ /*£** /C**iS-> /t/ L y JU*A /£* A* », y£, * T-/,/t 1 Ac v. JL. ->£- ' &Al>* &Jru~ /?.'. ?>', '„£;„. v a/«;Uc • - A Aid / y00/a*y yS/ntf-f /<* c itA John Netherton's Census List, Dunmore County, November, 1775. 'Bird — Samuels Papers," Dunmore County 601 Alphabetical List of John Netherton Arterburn, Peter Harding, George Morgan, Gilbert Arterburn, William Harding, Henry Netherton, Henry Bentley, John Harding, Henry, Jr. Netherton, Henry, Jr. Birkhead, Eleazar Harding, Nicholas Netherton, John Bodkin , Laurence Harrell, Aron North, Zachariah Bradford, David Harrell, Richard Overhall, John Bradford, John Henry, Aron Overhall, William Brown, Joseph Hill, William Padget, Reuben, Jr. Calfee, Henry Hopkins, Humphry Padget, Theophilus Calfee, John Homes, John Paget, Reuben Combs, John Humboy, Henry Paget, Nancy Coocksey, Andrew Hume, Thomas Poker, Philip Coocksey, John Job, Jacob Ramey, John Cotney, John Jones, Mary Reagan, Charles Crafford, David Keller, Abraham Reevs, John Craford , John Lashbuck, William Roboson, James Crockston, Thomas Leith, Ephraim Roy, John Crume, Philip, Jr. Leith, Jonah (Josiah?) Russell, John Crume, Ralph Macknabn, Peter Russell, John, Jr. Cuninghame, Adam Maky, Alexander Shaver, William Cuninghame, Robert McCoy, George Smith, Filemin Cuninghame, Walter McKarty, Darby Smith, John Foley, Richard McKintear, Alexander Smout, John Gorden, , William Marshall, William Spelman, Henry Graham i, John Mathews, James Thomas, William Grate, David Mathews, John Wales, Jeremiah Great, David Miller, Peter Wilson, William Handcock, John Miller, Theophilus Military Districts, Old Dunmore County, Va. District Captain Lieutenant Ensign I T. Allen Isaac Miller Wm. Jennings 2 Jno. (?) Buck Ths. Buck Jos. Baker 3 Jno. Netherington Ralph Crume, Jr. Wm. Nelson 4 Henry Nelson, J r. Alexr. Mathes Wm. Thomas 5 Michael Reader Rd. Branham Anthy. Cortner 6 Conrod Painter Fred Coamer David Magert 7 John Denton Caleb Odell Wm. Odell 8 E. Young John Newman John Sehorn 9 G. Harrison John FiltzMiers Jacob Penniwit 10 Jacob Rinker f Reubin Allen Joseph Hawkins ii Michl. Vanbuskirk Darby Downey Saml. Smith, Junr. 12 Rd. Campbell John Steed Adam Dirting, Jr. 13 John Tipton John North John Snapp H Laurence Snapp Saml. Vance Christian Copp 15 Alexander Mach: ir P. Huffman Jacob Yost 16 Joseph Watson Archd. Wilson George Cooper (Sadler) t Later Lieut, in 8th Va. Regiment, A.G.O., U. S. reports that they have none of these mili- tary rolls. G.M.B. 602 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia List of Michael Reader's Company (This roll is not headed like the others, but is decorated with flags, drum, and cannon. The name " M. Reader," written on the back of the roll folded, indicates that this company was under the command of Michael Reader, whom the records of Shenandoah County show to have been Captain and Major of Militia.) Richard Branham, Lieutenant Antheney Cortner, Ensign William Artrip, Sargant James Hord (Herd?), Sargt. David Maggot, Sargt. Thomas Cummins, Corporal (Three names are marked out but legible: Abraham Brubaker, John Hunt, John Overbocker. Three are so well marked out as to be illegible, though the first of these might be "John Stone- barger," a name that is found farther on in the roster.) Adler, Abraham Adwell, John Aleshite, Benedick Aleshite, Conrad Alturf, Anthoy. Alturf, John Artrip, John Bellus, Henery Beveridge, John Breden, Bryant Brinkley, William Bumgardner, Christley Burner, Jacob Burner, John Burton, John Cambel, James Celley, Darby Celley, Edward Celley, Luke Cofman, Christon Cofman, David CofTman, Long David Coffman, Hogspill * David Cofman, Martin Coler, Michel Comer, Michel Cuningham, John Deker, Adam Dial, John Fryermood, Mathias Fugit, Bengeman Fugit, Doonsen Furrey, Christley Gimblet, Andrew Gimblit, Frederick Good, Gasper Grove, Christley Groves, Marks (Mark?) Hammon, George Hammon, Peter Harris, Willam Hay, Alexander Heartsbarger, John Heaston, Jacob Heaston, John Heston, Peter Heyner, John Hite, Andrew Hite, Daniel Hudle (Heedle?), Jacob Judah (?), Jacob Kepliner, Daniel Kibliner, Jacob Kiser, Charles, Juner Kiser, Joseph Kuents, George Lear, John Lee, John Limeback, John Limeback, Peter Long, Philip Magget, Christley * Doubtless Hawksbill Creek, Page County. "Bird — Samuels Papers," Dunmore County 603 Maggot, Bengeman Maggot, John Mauk (Mauks?), Henery Miler, Henery Overbocker, Jacob (jur.) Overboker, Frederick Pebler, Christon Pence, Frederick Pence, Henery Pence, Jacob Pence, John, Jr. Pence, Lewis Perrey, Thomas Pibler, Lewis Pidler, Abraham Piper, Augustine Pitsbarger, Abraham Price, Anger Price, Edward Price, Even Price, Meredeth Price, Meredth, Juner Price, John Price, Thomas Price, Zachrey, Sener Price, Zachrey, Juner Prince (Price?), Philip Profit, David Pyser, Augustine Reap, Michel Rickabecker, Henery Rife, Christley Rinehart, Michel Rode, Michel Rodecap, George Rodecap, Peter Roler, Peter Rufe, Jacob Rufner, Bengeman Rufner, Joseph Shits, George, Sr. Shits, George, Jr. Shits, Matthew Sisinger, Peter Sitse, Andrew Snider, Daniel Snider, John Spitler, Abraham Spitler, Jacob Stonebarger, Frederick Stonebarger, John Stonebarger, Lewis Strickler, Bengeman Strickler, Isack Strickler, Joseph Tisinger, Peter Tyre, William Underwood, George Urdah (?), Jacob Vincent, Joseph Watson, Jonathan Watson, William Whitick, Henery Wiggle, Jacob Williams, John Wingart, Philip Wise, John Wise, Mikehel 604 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia "A List of Men Living in the Lower District Dunmoore County Under the Command of Capt. Joseph Bowman." (This List seems to be the roster of two companies, as a list of officers heads the first page, followed by the names of eighty-six men; and another list of officers heads the second page, fol- lowed by the names of forty-five men.) Thomas Allen, Lieutenant William Jennings, Ensign Mason Jones, Serjeant John Smith, Serjeant George Helms, Corporal John Kophman, Corporal Francis McKenney, Corporal Joseph Denton, Lieutenant John Morrell, Clerk George Mooney, Serjeant Phillip Clem, Serjeant Jonathan Morrell, Corporal Samuel Odell, Corporal (In addition to the first eighty-six names, the first page of this "List" bears three names marked out but legible: Enoch Harrell, Abraham Helms, and James Miller.) Artgeas, Henry Baker, Isaac Baker, Joseph Battey, Patrick Beard, William Bezant, Randolph Brown, Francis Buck, John Bull, Samuel Burner, Abraham Burner, Daniel Burner, Jacob Burner, John Caffey, William Carier, Henry Carier, John Carier, Jonathan Carson, Simon Carson, Thomas Clem, David Clem, Dedrick Clem, Michael Clepple, Michael Cline, Adam Cloud, Daniel Cloud, William Combs, Job Combs, Solomon Counce, Jacob Counce, Michael Creak, John Day, Robert Debo, John Deley, John Denton, John Doctor, Martin ("Martin Doctor") Dukes, John Dull, George Eagle, Timothy Elsey (Elsy?), Thomas Elshite, Coonrod Elsy, John Funk, Henry, Sr. Funk, Henry, Jr. George, Spencer Hall, William H alley, Peter Hannans, Jacob Hand, William Harrell, John Harrell, Rubin Harrell, William Haston, Abraham Helms, Leonard Hogman, Joseph Honeacre, Henry Honeacre, Jacob Hopewell, Joseph (Clerk) 'Bird — Samuels Papers," Dunmore County 605 Horn, John Howel, William Hunter, Robert Jones, James Jones, Thomas Kophman, Andrew Kophman, David Kophman, Nicholas Lehew (Lehen?), Francis Lehew, William Letner, Mathias Mason, William Masterson, Thomas Maxwell, John Mercer, William "S" Miller, Henry Millar, Isaac Millar, James Millar, William, Sr. Miller, William, Jr. Mcanay, Daniel Mcfall, Francis Mcgee, George Mcglamry, John Mckenney, John Mckenturf, Frederick Mckenturf, John Nyswander, Jacob Obanyan, James Odell, Caleb, Sr. Odell, Caleb, Jr. Odell, Elijah Odell, Isaac Odell, Salvanis Odell, Thomkins Odell, William Oldhair, Frederick Oliver, Turner Price, Thomas Proctor, Richard Ramey, Thadeous Ramy, Thomas Reed, John Rice, John Roberts, Chapman Roberts, Jonathan Roberts, Thomas Robertson, Benjamin Robertson, David Robertson, Joseph Robertson, William Robertson, William (Taylor) Roles, Francis Rue?, John Sessy (?), Thomas Smalin, Solomon Smalin, Thomas Smith, Martin Smith, Robert Stockbridge, Harbert Taylor, John Taylor, Lazarus Vess, Samuel Vess, William Wallis, Burr Walter, Henry Watson, Joshua Way, Edward Way, John Weathers, Ralph Whale, George Whitehorn, Barton Williams, William Willson, Edward Wood, William "A List of Alexander Machir's Company in the Strasbg District. "[15th.] Airs, Joseph Anderick, Christian Baker, Michael Balthus, Leonard Baltis, George Beale, Charles Beard, Christian Beard, Martin Beck, Stephen Black, Peter Bowman, Christian Bowman, Isaac 606 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Bowman, John Broback, Adam Browbach, John Cashwyler, Jacob Cashwyler, Joseph Cline, Peter Cline, Philip Colvil, Samuel Conrad, John Cooper, George (Sadler) Cooper, George (Shoemaker) Cooper, Leonard Copenhafer, Jacob Cowman, John Crawford, Strader Cryble, Abraham Cryble, Christian Cryble, Jonas Dedawick, Stephen Dillinger, Jacob Dogherty, Jervis Dogherty, William Draper, Robert Evans, Jeremiah Everly, Jeremiah, Sr. Everly, Jeremiah, Jr. Feckley (Fickley?), George Feltner, Adam Funk, Henry, Jr. Funk, Jacob Funk, John Funk, Samuel Funkhouser, Abraham Funkhouser, Christian Funkhouser, David Funkhouser, Jacob, Sr. Funkhouser, Jacob, Jr. Funkhouser, John Fuzle, John Harr, Simon (Clerk) Hannah, Brice Heapner, Gasper Helver, Jacob Hemp, Christopher Hite, Alexander Hite, Matthias Huddle, David Huddle, George Huddle, Jacob Kellar, Michael Kisner, John Kister, Christopher, Sr. Kister, Christopher Lamb, Joseph Lambert, Christopher Lambert, Jacob Lawn, Rudolph Lezenia, John Lotz, Christian Lotz, Jonas Loughmillar, John Loughmillar, Valentine Millar, Christian Millar, David Millar, Samuel Murdock, James Neighberger, Christian Newman, Conrad Piles, Francis Pitman, Nicholas Pitman, Philip Righer, Michael Roler, Martin Rorer, Daniel Rush, Conrad S , Christian Sea, Philip Setzer, Martin Shaffer, Daniel Shoe, Benjamin Shoe, Jabez Shultzner, Matthias Shy reman, Peter Sitzer, Martin Siver, Bernard Siver, Jacob Slack, John Smith, Philip Smith, Valentine Snapp, Lawrence Snapp, Peter Snapp, Philip Bird — Samuels Papers," Dunmore County 607 Sonner, Philip Spore, Henry Stickley, Benjamin Stickley, Jacob Stitzler, John Stoner, Frederick Stover, Christian, Sr. Stover, Jacob Stover, John Stover, Joseph Stover, Peter Stutzlegar, Alexander Teezle (Tulzle?), John Teezle, Michael Teezle, Sebastian Thomas, Martin Trayeler, Andrew Tryer, Peter Tush, Christopher, Sr. Tush, Christopher, Jr. Walsh, Thomas Walter, Christian Wickman, Conrad Wilson, Robert Wise, Christian Woller, John Yeager, Andrew Yost, Jacob Capt. Machir made the following notation on this roll : "There are Several in this List that never appeared at Musters they Pre- tending to be in Communion with the Menonists as also the Officers Ommited to be inserted at the Beginning Viz. Philip Huffman Lieutenant, Law. Snapp, Junr. Ensign, Alexr. Machir." (On this list is a "Christopher" with no surname given.) "A List of the Men's Names in Dunmore County Militia Under the Command of Capt. Jacob Holeman." Beard, Samuel Beever, Matthias Bird, Abraham Bird, Mounce Bird, Samuel Blessing, Jacob Bouckman, Henry Bouckman, Henry, Jr. Bouckman, John Bowman, Peter Braner, Gasper Braner, John Braner, John, Junr. Brenerman, Abraham Brock, Abraham Brock, Henry Brock, John Bulger, Edward Cage, Henry Cam, Michael Cirkle, Andrew Cirkle, Michael Cirkle, Peter Clark, George Clause, George Coule, Conrad Coule, John Davis, Daniel Dirst, Abraham Dirst, Isaac Dobkin, Evin Dobkin, Jacob Dobkin, Reubin Dotherage, Chulis Dundore, Christley Dundore, John Farmer, Matthew Faucett, Benjamin Fine, Andres Fine, John 608 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Fine, Peter Fine, Philip Fine, Winenot Flin (Fine?), William Fry, John Funk, Peter Giger, Jacob Gore, Henry Grog, Herny Harbine, Thomas (Corporal) Harrison, George Henton, Thomas Henton, Thomas, Jr. (Corporal) Holver, George Holver, John Houser, Henry Hudlon, Andrew Ingram, Francis Jackman, Adam Jackman, Richard Jacovey, Peter James, Abraham James, Joseph Jones, Evin Lewis, Mordica Lewis, Reese Maccoy, Robert Mann, Charles Maul, Jacob More, Reubin Neas, John Neese, Michael Neff, Abraham Neff, Christian Newman, John Newman, Jonathan Newman, Walter O Neill, John (Corporal) O Neill, Robert O Rooke, David Pence, Adam Pence, Michael Penneitt (Pinnett?), John Rader, George Richards, Christian Rinehart, Adam Rouse, Henry Rouse, Jacob Rouse, John, Jr. Rouse, Philip Rowler, John Rudtherford, Archable Russell, Thomas Rutherford, Robert Runnilds, Thomas Seehon, John Seehon, Nicholas Sevely, Joseph Skull, John Skull, William Sword, Gasper Sword, Jacob Sword, John Taylor, Jacob Walters, Daniel Wells, Henry Wells, Robert West', James West, William Williams, Joseph Wislers (Wisler?), Christian Young, Edwin (In addition to the above names, this roll bears ten names marked out but legible: Abner Pender, Cuthbert Harrison, Josiah Allen, Francis Ravenhill (Bownhill (?) Francis, Andrew Cathey (Culky?), John Jones, Robert Young, John Herd, Hard?, Christian Charles (tailor), and Rudolph Brock. It is possible that the name above given as Abraham James should be Abraham Bulger. "Bulger" seems to be marked out — a line runs partly through it; and above it is the word "James," which seems to be in a different handwriting. There is also " Christian". The roll was folded and sealed letter-fashion and addressed: Plate io Q_ 4 -but a/;* 9(1 .m ,,r/*rC //„<-/<;-.'' /c „,„/,<*?> y, < '» /** % U/faJ.6f • 'i i.vTtf-11" *>- ' ft a t fri aA i I f A /« r '/^'rcri K y I, nyju j > A ri ^Jr <*i< o/h fli t {r<\i~ ft r ■ <_//rt-i/-, k S,r?.*.r Jcxc oC ^«/ 7 t .,-j" ■~^'r»i« l rC- %.rf 7c 'i t% L'rpn'f^ C V,/ A „ v ,Obnm<.a*£ ■ , ,1.1 - ' tc An c^ A«,> Jit-stx-h/?* r\ < * ; r ~ II Urn** V (j> A^ c\j f~t «k.t^> — i £ +£ ^£+" •&** *&** ft£&~£~* sfkS)* ^f^^>; - 1 J-- ■ ) /< >srf> O t . • ~~ tyy-ft 6 • ip Letter from Colonel Benjamin Wilson to Colonel Peter Muehlinburg, 2$ January, 1776. "Bird — Samuels Papers," Dunmore County 609 "To Capt. Jacob Holeman Dunmore County" It also has the following note: "By Virtue of the Power and Authority to me given as Lieutenant of the County of Dunmore I do hereby Enlist the within Nam'd Men under the Com- mand of Capt. Jacob Holeman. Given under my hand this 29th day of May 1775- Isaac Zane" Colonel Benjamin Wilson to Colonel Peter Muehlinburg.J Dunmore County, Virginia, January 23d ye 1776. Respected Friend: After my Complyments to you and Wishing you much Joy and Satisfaction, in your New appointment, I come to Request of you Not to Propose me as Lieutenant in a company of those Regular Companys Now to Be Raised for I Will Not Serve In any Station Lower than What I am Already Appointed Except it Be as a Soldier. What Moves me to Write in this Sort Was Mr. Swarin Informing me that you Said If What men I had Raised was Added to Capt. Langdon Company at Woodstock Company compleat, Allowing that I Should Serve as first Lieut. I have about 25 men that has Assumed and Enlisted Together Which may Be Depended upon if they Were to be Regimented Regulers under my Command. I Purpose to Decline Serving as a Minute Man as there is a better Plan Laid Out, I can supply the publick with Five Compleat Rifles and two Smooth Bores that I have Procured. No more at Present But wishing you a good Choice of Officers. From your Assured Friend and Humble, Servant. (Signed) Benj. Wilson § For Col. Peter Muehlinburg. (25) Partial Lists of Those Persons Who Located Bounty Lands in the Virginia Military District in Ohio on Continental Establishment. Jeremiah Hall, lawyer, located at Circleville, Pickaway Co., Ohio, and for years devoted himself to the investigation of land titles in the Virginia Military District in Ohio upon which entry and location of warrants and scrip granted to the Virginia Revolutionary War forces was made, and where many of the tracts were for various reasons sold for taxes. He later died. The author found three incomplete lists of such lands furnished Mar. 10, 1857, by the said Jeremiah Hall to the Virginia State Authorities at Richmond. Copies of these lists were kindly furnished by the late State Librarian. Lists 1 to 3, the latter including surnames beginning "A" to "E" inclusive, are here given, some land entries being made by those who performed the Va. Revolutionary war service and many t Courtesy of Miss Virginia Chevalier Cork, Charleston, W. Va., and Mr. C. J. Maxwell, Dallas, Texas. § Obituary of Colonel Benjamin Wilson; see p. 617. 610 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia by relatives or others to whom the Bounty Land Warrants or Scrip were sold. These serve as "leads" and show the necessity for study of the Ohio Co. land records in following out the many thousand official records given in the pre- ceding pages of this volume. G. M. B. "Persons Whose Ohio Military Lands Have Been Sold for Taxes." Baker, Hance (800 acres) Baldwin, Cornelius (130 a) Beeson, Isaac Beeson and Dacon (320 a) Birchby, Daniel Brown, Daniel. Heirs of: Died near Lon- don, Madison Co., O. Heirs removed to 111. some years ago. Daniel, Elizabeth, wife of Samuel, Samuel, Jonathan, Joseph, Ruth M. (1144 a). Watson, Rachel, wife of Walter Watson Butler, Lawrence (190 a) Castleman, Jacob (511 a) Conaway, James (400 a) Courtney, Dandridge P.: King Williams Co., Va. and others (181 a). Philip, heirs of Crouch, Robert (300 a) Dade, Francis (1120 a) Dawson, John Dawson and Beeson (320 a) Dimmitt, Moses (125 a) Donaghe, Hugh (120 a) Eagers, Robert (200 a) Foggy, John (300 a, no patent) Fox, Henry, of Lewis Co., Va. Nathaniel (300 a). Heirs, Na- thaniel and Henry (760 a) : Polly, wife of Jacob Abbott. Phil'd, wife of Primphrey. Ka- tharine, w of Malore. Elizabeth H., w of James Johnson, of King Williams Co., Va. Fulton, William (60 a) Gibson, Alexander (200 a, valuable, no patent) Goldsberry, James (100 a, valuable) Green and Medly Harrison, Benj. (900 a) Hill, Thomas. Heirs of. All of King Williams Co., Va. Mary Carl- ton, Jane Jones, Pre- silla Courtney, Dand- ridge P. Courtney, Hannah Jeffries, Wm. Thomas, Alexander James, Whiteher and Benj. Campbel Hoffman, George (100 a) John (100 a) Holmes, Benjamin Daniel Hough, Benjamin (1,000 a) Jenkins, James (5,000) Jones, James, Heirs of, live in Giles Co., Tenn. (262 a) Joslin, Jeremiah (100 a) Keron, Alice (1,000 a) McCormack, John, (100 a, valuable) Mason, Stephen S. (1,000 a, valuable) Medley and Green Morgan, Daniel Peebles, Samuel (100 a, valuable) Philips, Williams (100 a) Richardson, Robert (100 a) Sample, Thomas (254 a) Scott, Charles (286 a) Smith, Mary Spencer, Samuel (100 a, valuable) Stannard, William, (460 a). Heirs he named sold ^4 of land. Ann H. Stannard, wife of Joseph Simpson, of Adams Co., Miss., Sally C. Stannard, w of Walter R. Cartel, of Jefferson Co., Ky., Virginia Stannard, w of Samuel Slaughter, Elizabeth Stannard, w of John Thompson, Franklin Stannard, of Culpepper Co., Va., Columbia Stannard, w of John Pratt, of Caro- line Co., Va. Stewart, Archibald __ (630 a) Stringer, Daniel, of Lewis Co., Va. Terry, Patrick (100 a, valuable) White, David (500 a) Robert (1,000 a) William Bounty Land Records, Va. Military District in Ohio 611 Ohio. Original Bounty Land Warrants Located in Virginia Military District in Aaron, William Abbott, Jacob James Nathaniel Samuel William Adams, James W. Robert Thomas and Co. Adkins, Alexander John Adminson, Benjamin Adridge, Tillsbury Adrit, Elias Adrus, Moses Agov, W r illiam Agun, William Aiken, David Aldred, John Alexander, Andrew Archibald Alford, Jacob and Co. Alger, James Allen, Jacob John Nathaniel William Allison, Richard Samuel Ames, Richard Anderson, Benjamin Charles and Co. David Eliza James and Co. John Jordan Larze Nathaniel Richard C. Robert W. Marshall William Andrews, Ephraim James William Annis, William Antrim, Thomas Apperson, Richard Arbuckle, Mathew William Archer, Peter F. Porterfield Richard Armstrong, Alexander James John Joshua Robert Thomas Armund, Peter Arnold and Hugh John Arrendale, John Arthur, Charles Asburg, Henry Ashley, Thomas Ashmore, Walter Askew, James and Co. John Atkinson, Reuben Auld, John Aylett, Austen John William Ayres, Francis John Samuel Bagby, Robert B. Baggess, Robert and Co. Bagless, Henry William Bailor, George Bailston and Laugham Bainbridge, Absolom Baird, John Robert D. Bairere (Bairev ?) George W. Baker, Hance John Joshua Martin Baldwin, Abraham Cornelius Elijah Francis James Jesse John W. J. (I ?) Baldwin and Jones Ball, Burgess David Maria Nathaniel Ballow, Charles Balman, Alexander Bancroft, Elias Baptiste, Jean Baquell (Bagwell ?) Thomas Barbee, Daniel Francis John, John and Co. Joshua Thomas William Barcroft, Elias Baren, Richard C. Baretto, John Barker, Charles Barkerville, Samuel Barksdale, William Barlow, William Barnett, Charles James Richard 612 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Barr, John Barrell, John William William M. William S. Barnes, Evans Ezekiel James Joseph Margaret Mitchel Barres, Andrew Barnett, James Joseph Barron, Fielding Barry, Anisted M. Bartlett, John Barton, John Barttsdale, Wm. Baskeville, Saml. Bates, Thomas Baumgartner, Henry Bawks, Thomas Bayles, Bayless, Henry John T. William Baylor, George James Mathew Robert Walker Bayly, Daniel Isru (?) Samuel Thomas M. Zadock Bayly and Merryman Bayne, William Bayrd, Ottocay (?) Baytop, James Thomas Beach, John Stephen Beacham, Wm. Beal, John Robert Beam, Adam Beard, John John H. Beasly, Mary Beaty, Beatty Henry Joseph Beaver, Henry Samuel Beck, Becks Christian John Stephen Thomas Bedinger, Daniel Henry Beebe, Samuel Beekman, James A. James W. Beeson and Dawson Beeson and Springer Beeson, Isaac Marcus Belard (Bellard?) Robert Belfield, John Bell, Dibney and Holmes Bell, Henry James Nathaniel Samuel Thomas William Benjamin, David Frederick Benner, Christian Christopher John Mathew Bennett, Mary Benneville, Daniel D. Bennewell, Richard Benting, W. B. Beril (?), John Berkly, William Bernard, John Thomas Williams William B. Berryman, Thomas Berwick, James Betty, Henry Bevins, John Bevis, John John A. Bibb, Abraham Lewis Richard Biddle, Clements Bigby, William William and Co. Biggs, Benjamin Billings, John Binting, William Bird, Mary Birt, Abraham Bixler, Michael Black, Daniel William Blackmore, John Blackwell, John Joseph Thomas Blair, Archibald Robert Samuel Blanchard, Horatio Bland (?), Theodrick Blizzard, Barton Silas Bohannon, Ambrose Joseph Boisen, Morrison Boker (Boiler?), Lewis Boling, Jesse Bond, Joseph William Boniface, William Bonnor, Mathew Bounty Land Records, Va. Military District in Ohio 613 Booker, Lewis Samuel Boone, Ezekiel Jacob Jesse Boothe, James Borin, Borne Jesse Thomas Bosham, Jeremiah Bossears, Benj. Charles Bourick (Bonrick?), James Bourne, Sylvanus Bowdie, Thomas Bowdle, Thomas Bowen, John Bowles, Knight Bowman, Ambrose Benjamin John Bowne, Thomas Bowsman, Abraham Thomas Boyce, William Boyd, Andrew John Jonathan Robert William Boyer, Eli A. Henry Michael Thomas Boykin, Francis Boyle, Hugh Boze, John Bradford, Charles David Henry Littleton Moses Samuel William Bradely, Abraham Bradney, Jamesill Bradshaw, John Bragwell, Thos. and Co. Brady, John Joseph Samuel Bragg, Thomas Brautram, Wm. Brant, John Braugher, Frederick Braughton, William Breckenridge, Alexander John Robert Brewer, Amigab Charles Brice, Benjamin Bridewell, David James Oliver Bridges, John and Co. Britain, Isham and Co. Britton, Isham John Mary Broadwater, Robert Broden, Thomas Brodus, James Richard Brook, Francis Nathaniel Brooke, Demarcus Elizabeth Francis George and Co. Humphrey Brooks, Leonard William Browder, James Brown, Daniel George Jacob John John A. Joshua Julia A. Nathan Peter H. Robert Samuel Thomas William Brownbee, Alexander John Samuel William Browning Greenbury Bruce, George Robert C. Brudelove, David John Brush, Henry James John Samuel Bryan, David C. Jeremiah John Joseph Morgan William Brydee, Charles Buck, Charles John Robert Buckly, Michael Buckman, Aaron John Lewis Oliver P. Robert Buckner, Allison Baldwin M. Benjamin P. (R.?) Elizabeth M. Horace B. M. Mary C. Mordicai Philip Sarah A. A. Thomas Buel, Walter 614 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Buford, Abraham Bunting, Wm. William M. Burge, Robertson Burgess, Daniel Dawson Joseph Moses Burgett, Jacob M. J.W. ' Burk, Burke John Michael Michall Burly, John Burr, Samuel Burris, Horatio Matthews Burtly, Thos. Burton, John Burtt, Michael Burwell, Nathaniel Nicholas Burwick, James Busby, James Bussell, Wm. Butler, Lawrence Leonard Buts, Jonathan Button, Harmon Byres (?), Henry William Cabell, Samuel Cabot, Saml. J. Call, Daniel Richard Calmus, Marcus Cameron, Alexander Campbell, John Mary Thomas Cann, Luke Cams, Patrick Carrington, Clements Edward George Joseph Majo Carroll, William Carter, Nicholas William Casby, Nelson Sydnee Casey, Peter Cattell, John Cavin (?), Alexander Chalfant, Robert Chambers, Joseph Cherry, Benjamin William Chilton, Thomas Chisholm, George Christy, Thomas Citty, Noah Claiborne, Butler Richard Clark, George Mary Clay, Mary Claytor, Philip Cleft, Benjamin Clements, Mace Clemser, Clemson James John Clough, Reuben Coats, John Cocke, Colins Theodrick Cockerill, Joseph B. Coil, Gabriel Coleman, Mary Whiteheard Coles, Samuel Collett, Daniel Collier, Thomas Conn, Nolly Thomas Connell, Silas Conser, Salina (Selma?) Conway, E. S. and J. H. Francis Joseph Coon, Michael Cooper, Reuben Robert Samuel Copar, William Copas, Abraham John Jonathan Cordrey, James Courtright, Jesse Cowherd, Francis James Cox, John Martin Nathaniel Cradock, Robert Craig, James Lewis Crain Mary Crawford, John Thomas Crighton, William Crittendon, John Crogan, William Crook, James N. Cross, John Crouch and Winder Crouch, Jarvis Joseph N. Crute, John Culbertson, James Robert Culp, Cornelius Cummons, M. Curry, James Cutler, Charles Cutte, Charles Dade, Francis John Dandridge, Alexander John Robert Bounty Land Records, Va. Military District in Ohio 615 Dawe (Daive?) Philip Samuel Dangerfield, Mary C. Wm. Darby, Massie and Kendrick Nathaniel Dark, John William Darlington, Gabriel Joseph Daugherty, James John Davis and O'Banum Davis, Augustus Boatis Charles David Duncan Edwin H. Isaac James Jeremiah Jesse Presley Richard Samuel Thompson Walter William Davisson, Joseph Dawson and Beeson Day, Mathew Deadman, Samuel Dean, Adam Joseph Death, William DeBenneville, Daniel Decker, Steven Delay (?), Henry Dellenger, Jacob Demasters, Edward James Demmit, John Moses Dempsey, John Denaghe and Hough Denby, John Denning, Jacob Denny, Aaron James Samuel Devenport, Abraham Dewey, Erastus Denlap (Dewlap?) James Diby, Bell and Holmes Dicken, James Dickie, Benjamin M. Dickson, Anthony Joseph Dillon, Benjamin Joseph William Dimmett, Moses Dishman, James Dix, Thomas William Dixon, Anthony Thomas Dobbs, Nathaniel Dobney (?), Mathew Dodds, John B. Dodge, David Dodson, Joshua Doland, Dolland John Donaghe, Hugh Donaldson, Israel John Donikin, Daniel Donnard (?), Jessie Donnett, John Jonathan Dooley, Jacob Doolittle, Ephraim Doren, Florence Terrence Dorham, Jonathan Dorsey, Richard Douglas and Haynes Douglas, James Douthib, John Draggove, Belshazer Drake, Benjamin Joseph Drumgood, Edward Drummond, Alexander Anna T. (?) Catharine David Richard Dudly, Ambrose Robert Duff, Edward Duffield, John W. Dugar, Robert Duke, Henry Dun, Dunn Adam James Lewis Robert Walter Dunbar, Andrew Duncan, David Dungan, James Jesse Dunham, Gideon Dunnin, Abraham Dunlop, Alexander James John Major Dutton, Samuel Duvan, Daniel Dyse, Dythe Frederick Samuel Eager, Robert Eagleston, Joseph Richard Eakin, Samuel William Early, Joseph 616 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Easter, Henry Jacob John Easton, Elisha Joseph Sarah Eaton, Henry William Eddie, David Eddnis (Eddiss?) Samuel Edington, Thomas Edmunton, John Edwards, Hanah Jacob Jesse and Co. Jesse B. John Leroy Richard Thomas Eggleston, Joseph Richard Elliott, James John Temple Thomas William H. Ellis, James John Nathan Ellison, Andrew James John Nathaniel Robert Stuart Thomas William Elnindrof (?), Wm. H. Emmit, John Epple, Andrew Ermine, Thomas Erskin, Charles John Patrick A. Erwin, John William Eskridge, George Estis, Rowland Eustace, John William Evans, Anthony David Elizabeth George Hugh John Joseph Evans Richard Samuel William Evans and Owen Evans and Tiffin Evans and Wallace Evans and Weinder Everhart, Jackson Nathan William Ewell (?), James Ewing, Samuel Ferguson, N. R. Findley, Samuel Findley and McKay Fitzgerald, John H. Foggy, John Fox, Henry Nathaniel Fulton, John William Fulton and Robison Galloway, James Garland, John Gault, James John Gibson, Alexander Gibson and Massie Goulsbury, James Graham, John Gray, George Green, Benjamin Green, Scott and Medly Greenaway, George Hadely, Patton and Thompson Handy, George Harrison, Benjamin John Hays, Benjamin John Heath, William Holmes, James Joseph Holmes, Bell and Diby Hough, Benjamin Hough and Donaghe Huffman, George John James, Richard Thomas Jarvis, Winder and Crouch Jenkins, James Johnston, James Joliff, John Jones, Anthony Charles Richard Strother Thomas Jorden, John Joslin, Jeremiah Keith, Daniel Kelly, Peter Kelly and Wyatt Kendill and Hystop Kendrick, Darby and Massie Kendrick and Massie Kendrick and White Kerr, John Joseph Kinder, Valentine Knight, John Kounes, Moses Ladd, Nevill and others Langham, Elias Bounty Land Records, Va. Military District in Ohio 617 Langham and Wallace Lapsley, Samuel Latham, Allen Anderson Leach, Valentine Lewis, Zadock Lively, Goodville Long, Hugh Reuben McArthur, Duncan McArthur and Mills McCarmack, John McDonald, John McKay, Jesse John McKay and Findley McKay and Winter McKinsley, A. McMahan, W. C. McNeal, Hector McPherson, Saml. Mantle, John Mason, Stephen T. Massie, Henry Massie and Gibson Massie and Kendrick Massie, Darby and Kendrick Matthews, Geo. Mays, P. B. Mays and Withers Means, Robert Means and White Medley, Scott and Green Merrywether, Daniel Mills, John Mills and McArthur Miskinan, James Missenburg, John Moore, Thomas Morgan, Daniel Ralph Morton, James Moss, John Mulenburg, Peter Nevill, John Nevill and Ladd Ogburn, William Overton, Thomas Owens and Evans Patton, Thomas Patton and Hadely Peebles, Samuel Pemberton, Thomas Perkins, John Philip, William Porterfield, Robert Preston, Francis Pugh, Joseph Pugh and Wallace Ray, William Rector, Elias William Reed, Nathaniel Thomas Renick, A. George Riddle, Clement Robinson, William Robinson and Fulton Rose, John Robert Russel, James A. Scott, Medly and Green Seagles, Fred Self, Larkin Sharp, Robert Shearer, John Shelton, Clough Shephard, Adam Simms, Charles Slaughter, Philip Smith, Ballard Samuel Snead, John S. Spencer, Samuel Springer, Uriah Springer and Beeson Steed, John Stewart, Charles Stokes, John Stubblefield, Benj. Swan, John (End of Mr. Jeremiah Hall's Lists) Obituary of Colonel Benjamin Wilson.* Departed this life on the second instant, at his home in Harrison County, Colonel Benjamin Wilson Sr., having two days before completed 80 years of age. A short time before his death he sustained a slight injury on one of his legs, so inconsiderable at first as to produce neither pain nor incon- venience, but the wound soon inflamed and was succeeded by gangrene which terminated his life. The deceased was a native of Shenandoah Co., Va. and served as Lieutenant in the expedi- tion under Lord Dunmore against the Indians and acquired by his zeal and attention to his duty the confidence of his superior officers. He had assigned to him the command of the troops that guarded the Council when the treaty of peace was made by Lord Dunmore with the Indians. On his return from that expedition he settled in what is the county of Randolph, at that time a wilderness. The War of the Revolution ensued. His previous reputation, his zeal in the cause of From Clarksburg (W) Va. Euquirer, Dec. 13, 1827. 618 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia the Revolution, and the known vigor of his character soon made his residence the rallying point of the hardy settlers in that exposed county and Wilson's Fort is still pointed out by many to whom it furnished protection and refuge in the perilous times of the Revolution. The deceased, early in the War, was appointed a Captain in the Virginia Forces and in 1781 was appointed Colonel. During the War he was the organ through which most of the military and civil business of that part of the State in which he resided was transacted. He was a member of the Legislature from the county of Monongahela for several sessions previous to the year 1784, in which year the county of Harrison was established and at the organization of the county became the clerk of the county court. The duties of this office, however, did not withdraw him entirely from the theater of politics. He was selected as a delegate to the Convention in 1 788, which ratified the Constitution of the United States. His excellent understanding and the purity of his character acquired for him great influence and respect among the illustrious men who composed that body. From that period the deceased continued to perform the duties of his clerkship until the year 1814, when he resigned and devoted himself exclusively to the cares of domestic life and although a public man, in times most difficult, he rendered important services to his country. In the various relations of private life he was eminently useful. The conduct of the de- ceased through the whole course of his life was marked by the most undeviating adherence to order and punctuality in business, with habits regulated by industry and prudence. He was bountiful and hospitable; and without any other means than arose from his own industry, he was enabled to educate and provide for the maintenance of a larger family than has developed upon many men in these times. The deceased had by two marriages 30 children, of whom 24 were living at the time of his death and for all of these he was able to make moderate provision. The posterity at his death, besides the 24 children, was 73 grandchildren, 32 great-grandchildren, and one great-great-grand- child, a total of 130. Added to the other virtues of the deceased, he was habitually pious and his religion was practical. His benevolence embraced in its scope the human family and his long life was devoted to a strict regard for its precepts, and, by his example, to the inculcation of them in others. "Not to speak ill of the dead" is a maxim vouchsafed by charity, but if there has been a single act in the life of this excellent man, over which charity would place its mantle, that act has long since been forgotten. "Revolutionary War Records, Volume II" is in manuscript, including British records of numerous American prisoners, extensive pension application abstracts, State Navies, State Troops, Continental Army, all states, etc., etc., forming a mass of authentic, important records not before published or available. Publication, similar to Volume 1, is planned for 1937. Please forward subscriptions (no remittance until duly advised concerning publication data) to Dr. G. M. Brumbaugh, 905 Massachusetts Avenue, N. W. Washington, D. C. INDEX Aaron, William, 387, 611. Abbott, Abbett, Benjamin, 221; Daniel, 198; Elijah, 219; George 220 (2); Jacob, 391, 611; James, 611; John, 220; Joseph, 220; Nathaniel, 611; Reuben, 387; Robert, 323; Roger, 198; Samuel, 61 1 ; William, Sr. and Jr. 165, 198, 611. Abdell, Hezekiah, 221. Abel, Able, Thomas, 219; John, 221 (2). Abner, Paul, 191, 220; Simon, 389; William, 320. Abney, William, 391. Abrams, John, 219; Joseph, 221. Absalom, Edward, 187; Ed- mund, 388. Accomac (vessel), 3, 4, 5, 34, 37 (2), 38, 72, 73. 79. 5»i- Achison, Atcheson, David, 389; Wm. 32, 66. Ackerel, Abraham, 198. Acre, Acrum, Jane, 440; Wm. 219. Adams, Benjamin, 220; Ellison E. 390; Francis, 166; George, 220; Hannah, 538; Horace, 538; Jacob, 387; James, 387, 389; James W. 611; John, 6, 219, 220 (2), 389, 538; Littleton, 219; Mallory, 389; Richard, 198, 390; Robert, 3 x 7t 391. 611; Simon, 220; Thomas, 219, 388; 389; Thomas B. 460; William, 198, 220, 390. Adamson, Andrew, 220. Adcock, John, 220; Simm, 220; Wm. 220. Addison, John, 195, 318, 391; Caleb, 221. Adkins, Alexander, 391, 61 1; Bartlett, 388; John, 611. Adler, Abraham, 602. Adminson, Benjamin, 611. Adridge, Tillsbury, 611. Adrit, Elias, 611. Adrus, Moses, 611. Adson, Charles, 221, Adventure, 3, 5, 42, 43, 44 (2), 45. 47 (2), 51- Ad well, John, 602. Agee, James, 220. Ag(?)ey, Peter, 198. Agnew, John, 391. Agov, Agun, William, 611. Aichart, Aicher, Benjamin, 389; John, 220. Aiken, Aikin, David, 391 , 61 1 ; George, 389; James, 389; Joel, 191. Ailsworth, George, 220. Airs, Francis, 390; John, 220; Joseph, 605. Aitstock, William, 324. Ajoring, Peter, 10. Akis, Akin, Akins, Gabriel, 221; John, 198,220; William, 221. Alabama, Boyd, 541 ; Calvert, 541; Hardyman, 549. Albemarle Barracks, 576, 577. Alcock, Col. 576. Alcom, James, 590. Alden, James and Samuel, 348; Thomas, 198. Aldred, Henry, 390; John, 61 1. Aldridge, James, 388; John, 389; Richard, 388. Aleshite, Benedick, 602; Con- rad, 596, 602. Aleworth, James, 390. Alexander, Allexander, An- drew, 611; Archibald, 86, 301, 391, 61 1; Benjamin, 220; Elias, 323; Elisha, 221; George, 145, 214, 391; George Dent, 86, 325, 389, 391; James, 198, 370, 389; John, 187, 220, 221 (2); Morgan, 314; Morsan, 392; Philip, 221 ; Robert, Sanlade, 182; Solomon, 184; William, 219, 220. Alfield, William, 219. Alford, Alfred, Jacob, 388; Jacob & Co. 611; John, 389; William, 219. Alger, James, 611. Alinton, John, 194. Allegree, William, 324. Allen, Allan, Archibald, 391; Asa, 538; Barzilla, 538; Benjamin, 220; Daniels, 389; David, 85, 86, 145, 165, 221, 389, 391; Edward, 85, 145, 314, 388, 391; Erasmus, 220; Francis, 388; Henry, 198, 220; Hugh, 503; Isaac, 166, 198; Isham, 219; Jacob, 611; John, 145, 198, 219, 220, 221, 324, 388, 389, 391, 437, 529, 536 (2), 538, 570, 581, 592, 6il;JohnSr.andJr. 165, 198, 324; Jones, 476, 522; Joseph, 323; Joseph B. 538; Joshua, 219; Josiah, 608; Mathew, 220; Moses, 219 (3), 387; Nathaniel, 611; Reu- ben, 387, 601; Richard, 220; Robert, 220, 389; Samuel, 165, 198, 219 (2), 221; Saun- ders, 198; Thomas, 8, 9 * Italics in this index indicate vessels of the Virginia State Navy. Figures in parenthesis (3) mean that the name appears that many times on the pages indicated. 619 620 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia io (2), 55, 86, 219, 220, 295, 324. 325. 387. 389, 579. 593, 595, 601, 604; Thomas H. 220; Vincent, 219; William, 219, 220 (2), 221, 391, 538, 556, 611. Allena, David, 220. Allerton, John and Mary, 539- Allery, Joseph, 165. Allgood, John, 221; Spencer, 220; Wm. 220. Allison, Jesse, 592; John, 5, 6, 39, 50, 52, 65, 85, 198, 316, 323, 325, 525, 582, 583; Peter, 525; Richard and Samuel, 611. Allman, Alman, William, 55, 86, 295, 324, 325, 391. Alloway, Isaac, 219; Moses, 220. Almond, Almand, John, 10, 21, 220, 324, 391; William, 26. Alonton, Jacob, 166. Alsberry, Thomas, 390. Alsene, Capt. 81. Alsop, Altop, Benjamin, 219; Thomas, 187, 388. Alturf, Anthony and John, 602. Alva, Alvey, James, 388; John, 221. Alverson, James, 391. Alverton, John, 389. Alvis, Elijah, Jesse and John, 220. Amanda, Ambrose, 86. Amberson, James, 387. Ambler, J. 81; Jaquelin, 529. American Congress, 3, 39, 42, 43, 48, 52 (3-Potomac). Amery, William, 221. Ames, Amis, Levi, 666; Rich- ard, 611. Ammley, Samuel, 8. Ammond, Peter, 389. Ammonite, John, 220. Ampy, William, 220. Anderick, Christian, 605. Anderson, Abraham, 219; Adam, 220; Ann, 539; Ben- jamin, 390, 611; Charles, 387; Charles & Co. 611; C. Richard, 390; Daniel, 529, 530, 532, 533; David, 7, 55, 219, 387, 391, 611; Eliza, 611; Ezekiel and Han- nah, 539; George 220; Henry, 220, 387, 388; Isaac, 323 (2), 539; James, 187, 221, 387; James & Co. 611; John, 86, 145, 165, 181, 198, 219, 220 (2), 323, 387, 388, 390, 539, 611; Jordan, 391; Jo- seph, 198, 220; Larzge, 611; Luke, 18, 66, 214; Matthew, 387; Nathaniel, 86, 145, 214, 388, 611; Ralph, 198, 388; Richard, 220, 221, 324; Richard C. PI. 4, 85, 145, 198, 387, 389, 535, 564, 611; Robert, 220 (2), 221, 387, 611; Thomas, 220; W. Mar- shall, 611; William, 373, 388, 389, 390, 573, 611. Andree, Jean, 166. Andress, William, 390. Andrew, Andrews, Adam, 388; Benjamin, 323; Clai- bourn, 387; Elcary, 292, 324, Elkanah, 79 (2); Ephraim, l &7> 39°, 6n; Grief, 221; Henry, 221, 388; Ishmael, 4, 5; James, 611; Jesse, 388; John, 198, 220; Moses, 389; Robert, 86, 145, 297, 298, 325, 529, 539; Thomas, 220; William, 4, 73, 214, 220, 221 (2), 297, 325, 388, 390, 611. Ane, Ambrose and Edward, 389- Anedell, William, 198. Anell, David, 324, 389. Angel, Baker, 32, 324; George, 220; James, 387; John, 220, 323; Joseph, 10; Robert, 221, 387; William, 323, 324. Anglen, Isaac, 388. Annis, James, Levi, Micajah, 390; William, 611. Anthoney, Anthony, John, 388; Lavan, 182; Nathan, 390. Antier, Francis, 166. Antrim, Thomas, 611. Anyen, Reuben, 221. Apler, George, 592. Apperson, Richard, 86, 145, 214, 390, 611. Appleby, Samuel and Robert C. 389. Applegate, William, 187. Applewhaite, Applewhite, John, 38 (2), 73, 74, 220, 315, 325, 392, 584, 587. Arbreck, Mathew, 145. Arbuckle, James, 34, 79; Mae(?), 390; Matthew, 86, 611; Thomas, 590; William, 390, 611. Archer, Benjamin, 391; Board, 81; Charles, 198; Evan, 220; Isaac, 387; James, 388; Jeremiah, 389, 391; John, 86, 145, 297, 387, 388; Joseph, 85, 387; Lewis, 388; Lieut. 14, 30, 51, 55; Lindsay, 388; M. 581; Peter Field, 85, 145, 323, 388, 611; "Porterfield," 611; Richard, 86, 145, 388, 611; Robert, 324, 325, 388; Wm. 198, 388. Archibald, Bartholomew, 29, 66. Archy, Levi, 220. Arell, David, 145; John, 39, 41, 48 (2), 49, 51,65; Samuel, 51. Aries, Brown, 220. Argyle, Herbert, 379. Arkansas Robinson, 563; Woodward, 569. Arkins, John, 66. Arlin, Thomas, 509. Armand's Corps, 57, 182. Armans, , 529. Armistead, Armstead, Adam, 324; Gill and Jane (Barron), 77; Robert, 388, 529, 539; Robert B. 461; Samuel, 220 ; Index 621 Thomas, 85, 145, 302, 323, 341. 353, 427. 525. 529. 532, Ann & ch. 539, 582, 583; William, 10, 33, 86, 324, 423. 529- 539- Armond, Armonds, John, 388; Thomas, 391; Vogluson, 145. Armonile, Daniel, 324. Armstrong, 391; Abel, 388; Adam, 369, 388, 389; Alex- ander, 611; Ambrose, 343; Archibald, 390; Bennett, 389; David, 221; Edward, 86, 300, 324, 391; George, 198, 325; James, 86, 324, 389, 611; Jermiah, 389; Jesse, 187, 325, 388; John, 324. 325. 390, 611; Joseph, 220, 391; Robert, 390, 391, 611; Thomas, 198, 391, 611; Tobias, 388; William, 145, 391- Armund, Peter, 611. Army Register, 196. Arnando, Ambrose, 15, 55. Arnold, Arnold and Hough, 611; Elijah, 389; Francis, 220; George, 390; Hum- phrey, 389; Isaac, 324; John, 220 (2), 611; Lindsey "Or- nold," 436; Samuel, 86, 220, 390; William, 220, 389. Arrance, James, 194. Arrendale, John, 611. Arrington, Samuel, 220; Wickliffe, 195; William, 323. Arrowsmith, James, 220. Arterburn, Peter, 600, 601; William, 599, 601. Artgeas, Henry, 604. Arthur, Barnabas, 86, 300, 391; Charles, 61 1. Artis, Isaac, 391. Artrip, John and Wm. 602. Arundel, Dohicky, 392. Asberry, Asbury, George, 220 Joseph, 220; William 220. Asburg, Henry, 611 (2). Aschew, Askew, Thomas, 32, 66. Aselin, Thomas, 445. Ash, John, 165, 198. Ashburn, Lott, 8, 325; Luke, 324; Scott, 66; Thomas, 214. Ashby, Bailey, 194; Benjamin, 55, 145 (2); Bladen, 221; George, 220; James, 191, 318; John, 123, 141, 145, 194, 220, 325, 391 (4), 392 (8); National, 123, 186; Stephen, 86, 145, 220, 324; Warren, 282, 324. Asher, Archer, Bartlett, 166, 198; John, 55, 86; Leroy, 389; William, 86, 145, 163, 289, 324. 535. 536, 539. 563- Ashley, Ashly, Benjamin, 85, 388; David, 310, 391 ; James, 391 ; John, 388, 391 ; Stephen, 389; Thomas, 387, 391, 611; Warren, 20, 86; William, 214, 391- Ashlock, Richard, 324. Ashman, Walter, 437. Ashmore, Walter, 611. Askers, Simon, 390. Askew, James, 387; James & Co. 611; John, 611. Askins, Asker, John, 17, 28, 66. Aspinwall, John, 388 (2). Aslin, Asilin, Thomas, 429, 436, 481; William, 590. Ascue, Askew, James, 219; Obadiah, 221. Asselin, Aslin, John, 220, 324; Thomas, 219, 324, 387. Assembly, Cession of lands to U. S. Oct. 1783, 567. Clarke Expedition, O., Act of Oct. 1777, 567. House of Delegates, 589. Atchison, David, 187. Athel, Benjamin, 220. Athey, Benj., 389; John, 220; Thomas, 389, 391. Atkins, Boling, 220; Edward, 220, 539, 559; Elias, 198; Elisha, 390; John, 220, 387; Joseph, 198; Lewis, 387; Major, 387; Moses, 390; Reuben, 191, 387, 61 1; Thomas, 323; William, 220, 338. Atwood, Benjamin, 221. Aubarry, Thomas, 388. Augusta, 77. Augustine, Amos, 221. Auld, John, 611. Auldry, Aury, Richar, 182; Seth, 198. Austace, John, 86. Austin, Isaac, 220; John, 391; John W. 354; Richard, 219; Thomas, 221; Walter, 220; William, 221, 390. Autill, Jacob, 389. Avery, Auby, Charles, 220; H. Billey, 145, 391; Samuel, 187, 389; Wm. Haly, 86. Aylett, Austin and John, 611; William, 86, 300, 390, 61 1, Ayres, Francis, 611; Henry, 221, 391; John, 220, 611; Joseph, 220; Samuel, 611; William, 220. B Baba, Joseph, 531. Baber, Ambrose, 225; Daniel, 198; Edward, 312, 329; Elisha, 226; Wm. 330. Bachelor, Peter, 396, 398. Bachus, Backus, Charles, 66; George, 89. Back, John, 167, 198. Backerville, Samuel, 146. Backham, Wm., 398. Bacon, Burwell and Ludwell, 397; Robert, 186, 218. Badger, Badjet, James, 214; John, 224; Thomas, 222. Bading, Buding, Conrad, 185. Baenott, James, 525. Bagby, Robert B. 560, 611; Thomas, 222. Baggess, Robert & Co. 611. Bagless, Henry and Wm. 611. Bagley, John, 222; Lewis, 354. Bagnall, James and Low, 400. Bagwell, Isaiah, 402; John, 226; Thomas, 403. 622 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Bailes, Adin, 226; John, 221. Bailey, Bayley, etc., Anselm, 327, 404; Benjamin, 225; Charles, 224; Daniel, 224; David, 166, 199; Edward, 326; George, 81, 536; Grad- dock, 398; Henry, Jr. 396; Ishmael, 405; Isme, 404; Jacob, 198; James, 214, 225, 327. 328, 397. 398, 399> 52i; Jesse, 328; John, 89, 145, 163, 214, 222, 224 (2), 327, 329, 416, 511, 529, 533, 537, 539. 597; Laban, 6, 36, 56, 79, 90, 146, 286, 329;Ladock, 331; Lacker, 195; Michael, 326; Moses, 223; Noah, 326; Parker, 328; Pierce, 399; Price, 327; Robert, 191 (2), 214, 330; Sacker, 314; Simon, 396, 401 ; Southey, 6, 66, 214, 330, 331. 402; Tapley, 227; Thomas, 21, 34, 66, 79, 214, 226, 327, 396; Thomas M. 495 (2) ; William, 198, 225 (2), 226, 327, 396, 401, 564; William Newby, 326; Za- dock, 404. Bailiff, Peter, 8, 66. Bailis, Henry, 399; Joseph, 226. Bailor, George, 611. Bailston and Laugham, 611. Bain, Baine, Lewis, 221, 224, 225. Bainbridge, Absolm, 611. Bains, Robert, 392. Baird, John and Robert D. 611; Thomas, 198. Bairere (Bairev?), George W. 611. Baistitch, Pierce, 225. Bakehous, Joseph, 28, 66. Baker, Caleb, 226; Christo- pher, 224, 589; David, 227; Glover, 227; Hance 610, 61 1; Isaac, 604; Jacob, 218; James, 143, 198, 221, 325; John, 198, 225, 403, 408 (3), 610; Joseph, 601, 604; Joshua, 610; Martin, 590, 610; Michael, 605; Moses, 224; Nicholas, 222; Overton, 223; Richard, 187, 399. Balance, Isaiah, 221. Bald, Nicholas, 223. Balding, Thomas, 223. Baldwin, Abraham, 611; Alex- ander, 325; Benjamin, 198; Caleb, 225; Cornelius, 87, 392, 402, 610, 611; Elijah, 611; Frances, 123, 611; James, 611; Jesse, 61 1 ; John, 89, 396, 405. 611; W.J. (I?); Baldwin and Jones, 611. Balfour, Ann I. 524. Ball, Aaron, 223; Burgess, 87, 146, 326, 393, 404, 611; Daniel, 89, 146, 397; David, 223, 438, 611; George, 330; James, 187, 226, 330, 399, 408 (4), 409 (5); John, 10, 28, 66, 222, 408; Joseph, 224; Larkin, 24, 191; Maria, 611; Nathaniel, 611; Nicholas, 221, 225; Samuel, 223; Spen- cer, 330, 408; William, 124, 187, 339- Ballam, William, 325. Ballance, Henry, 198, 326; Isaiah, 224; Willis, 198, 326. Ballard, Bland, 124, 167, 316, 407; Bland Wm. 167, 168, 315. 330, 535. 540, 562, 579; Dudley, 400; James, 167, 3!9, 330, 408; John, 198; Phillip, 295, 329 (2); Proc- tor, 167, 198; Robert, 89, 398; Thomas, Jr. 227; William, 55, 86, 145, 198, 223, 289, 327, 537 (2); Wil- liam Bland, 181. Ballenger, Ballinger, Bel- linger, James, 167, 198; John, 221; Larkin, 166; Wil- liam, 221, 400. Ballentine, Andrew, 27. Ballerton, Samuel, 398. Ballew, William, 222. Ballow, Charles, 611; Thos. 225. Balmain, Balmaise, Alex- ander, 87, 146, 392, 402, 529, 611. Balock, Zachariah, 326. Balsinger, Valentine, 198. Balson, Thomas, 8. Balthus, Leonard, 605. Baltis, George, 605. Bancroft, Elias, 611; Eliza- beth, 508. Bander, Banger, John, 15, 198; Joseph, 66. Bane, Ban, Humphrey, 198; Philip, 225. Banett, William, 396. Bank, Banks, Henry, 415, 416, 421, 456, 511; H. and C. 533; James, 36, 55, 88, 214; 326, 584, 587; John, 199, 223; Josiah, 221, 224; Joshua, 408; Matthew, 222; Thomas, 224; William, 226, 227, 292, 326. Bankhead, Burkhead, James, 65- Baonett, Robert, 199. Baptise, Jean, 396, 611. Baquell (Bagwell?), Thom- as, 611. Barbary Coast, 77. Barbee, Barbey, Barby, Daniel, 398, 611; Elias, 221; Francis, 611; Jesse, 227; John, 199, 228, 398; John, John & Co. 611; Joshua, 398, 611; Thomas, 87, 146, 611; William 398, 611. Barbour, Barber, Edward, 406; Elijah, 396; James, 88, 146; John, 167, 227; Joshua, 403; M. 540, 576; Philip, 326; Thomas, 146, 223, 392, 403; Willis, 225. Barcraft, Barcroft, Elias, 611; Lodowick, 222; Wil- liam, 226. Bardin, William, 199. Baren, Richard C. 611. Bareth, John, 401. Baretto, John, 611. Bargat, Michael, 185. Barkam, Benjamin, 224; Hart- well, 226; Moody, 395. Index 623 Barker, Charles, 222, 397, 611; Christopher, 225; Ed- ward, 398; Henry, 226; John, 214, 224, 398; William, 191, 224. Barkerville, John, 406; Sam- uel, 403, 611. Barksdale, Daniel, 221; David, 328; John, 88, 398; Samuel, 222, 524; William, 611. Barlow, Ambrose and Eph- raim, 224; Lewis, 225; Rich- ard, 225; Samuel, 199; Thomas, 199; William, 199, 611. Barnard, Bernard, Garland, 123; John, 393; Peter, 330, 408 (7), 409 (9— many heirs) ; Thomas, 396; William, 87, 393. Barnes, Barns, Andrew, 399; Armistead, 225, 405; Cath- arine, 578; Daniel, 540, 578; Evans, 612; Ephraim, 540; Ezekiel, 612; Frederick, 223, 2 98, 330; George, 225, 408; Griffin, 7, 66; Halt, 226; James, 223, 396, 540, 612; John, 124, 141, 223, 224, 225, 399, 408; Joseph, 612; Mar- garet, 612; Mitchel, 612; Parker, 124, 366; Robert, 226, 392; Sarah, Daniel and Ephraim, 540; Thomas, 199, 222, 225; William, 297, 328, 392. Barnett, Barnet, Alexander, 89; Artaxis, 55; Charles, 61 1 ; Daniel, 406; Edward, 227; Henry, 222, James, 89, 404, 612; John, 226, 393; Jona- than, 56, 90; Joseph, 612; Michael, 397, 592, 593; Richard, 199, 511, 611; William, 592. Barnwell, James, 399. Barr, Isaac, 225; John, 184, 401, 612; William, 221, 393. Barrell, John, Wm., Wm., M., Wm., S. 612. Barrence, Jacob, 224. Barres, Andrew, 612. Barret, Barrett, Beetley, 402; Chiswell, 88; Edward, 225; Joel, 46; John, Lieut.- Capt., 17, 27, 39, 40, 51, 56, 124, 145; Jonathan, 291, 331; Robert, 124; William, 88, 146, 404. Barron, Ann M. 407; Capt. 535; Commodore, 537; Field- ing, 612; James, 9, 10, 20, 21 (2), 26, 33 (2), 34, 35, 36 (2), 39. 52, 53, 54. 55 (2), 73-5. 81. 87 (2), 145. 289, 313. 324. 326, 329, 330, 532, 537. 551. 58i, 584. 587; Philip, 17, 52, 326; Richard, 26, 36, 39, 54, 55 (2), 76, 87, 88, 145, 329, 550, 584, 587; Samuel, 36, 56, 77, 90, 292, 329, 537, 587; William, 56, 90, 292, 407. Barrough, Barrow, Dobson, 224; Fielding, 399; Peter, 226; Samuel, 324. Barry, Anisted M., 612; Si- mon, 399; Wm. 166, 199. Bartee, Barthe, John, 224; Samuel, 214; Wm. 214. Batholomew, Wm. 199. Bartis, Henry, 89. Bartle, John, 224; Wm. 199. Bartlett, Benjamin, 401; John, 53, 226, 325, 415, 501, 612; Philip, Dr. 22 (2), 36, 38 (2), 73, 537, 584, 587- Bartley, Alexander, 328; James, 224; Joshua, 398. Barton, Henry, 400; James, 396; John, 612. Barttsdale, William, 612. Basey, William, 400. Basham, Bashaw, Anna, 454; Jeremiah, 406; Moody, 327; Presley, 226. Baskerville, George, 225; John, 329; Samuel, 87, 393, 612; William, 124. Bass, David, 167, 199; Dennis, 224; Francis, 406; Hardy, 224; Thomas, 304, 406. Bassett, James, 402. Bassford, John, 16 (2). Bassil, Bassill, John, 25, 66. Basye, Bassyes, Benjamin, Jesse and Richard, 406. Batchelder, Henry, 195, 317, 330. Bateast, Joneast, 182. Bateman, James, 14, 66. Bates, James, 195, 223, 401; John, 395, 400, 574; Reuben, 222; Robert, 226; Thomas, 223, 401, 405, 612. Batgil, John, 222. Batson, Mordecai, 222. Batter, Benjamin, 224. Battershall, Freeman, 222. Batterton, John, 225. Battey, Patrick, 604. Battles, Noel, 223; Shadrach, 406. Batts, William, 330. Bauder, John, 66. Baughan, Richard, 221, 223; William, 225, 396. Baumgartner, Henry, 401, 612. Bauswell, William, 308. Bawcat, William, 401. Bawcul (Bawcolt?), Wm. 183. Bawks, Thomas, 612. Bawl, James, 222. Bawmgartel, Leonard, 184. Bawmgartner, Henry and Leonard, 184. Bawney, Thomas, 221. Baxter, Andrew, 19; James, 166, 199. Bay, William, 392. Bayles, Bayless, Baylis, Christopher, 227; Henry, John T. and William 612; Henry, 146; Jesse, 400; Wm. 88, 326, 398. Bayley, Bayly, Anselm, 558; Daniel and Isru(?), 612; John, 530; Sacker, 407; Samuel 612; Southey, 396; Thomas, 432; Thomas 80, 418, 457; Thomas M. 418, 624 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia 423, 438, 449- 457. 460, 465. 477 (2), 478 (7), 482 (3), 493(n),504. 512 (2), 522 (3), 523, 612; Zadock and Merry- man, 612. Baylor, Bayler, George, 86, 146, 392, 396, 612; Henry, 146; James, 612; John, 124, 141, 408 (5), 409; Maeker, 393; Mathew, 612; Richard, 327, 328; Robert, 418, 612; Walker, 87, 406, 612. Baylop, Thomas, 398. Bayne, William, 612. Baynham, John, 89, 397. Bayrd, Ottocay(?), 612. Bays, Bayse, David, 225; Jesse, 318. Baytop, James, 88 (2), 326, 612; John, 88, 145, 529, 540 (ch); Thomas, 522, 612. Bazelle, Bazil, Allere, 182; John, 224; Thomas, 221. Beach, Bengamin, 317, 407; Harman, 226; John, 612; Stephen, 612. Beacham, Caty, 407; Wm.612. Beagle, Christian, 221. Beal, Beall, Beale, Charles, 605; Isaac, 89, 406; John, 225, 226, 393, 612; Na- thaniel, 404; Reuben, 513; Richard Eustace, 227; Rob- ert, 87, 146, 392, 403, 404, 612; Tavener, 124; William 395- Beam, Bean, Adam, 612; Gilbert, 227; Richard, 223. Bearcroft, Lott, 22. Beard, Archer, 224; Baker, 221; Christian, 605; Daniel, 221; John, 221, 612; Martin, 605; Samuel, 223, 607; Wil- liam, 604; William H. 612. Beary, Captain, 35. Beasley, Beazeley, Edmund, 316, 407; Ephraim, 283, 329, 405; James and John, 222; Larkin and Leroy, 400; Mary, 612; Richard, 326; Smith, 407. Beatley, James, 223; Ralph, 327; William, 285, 328. Beatty, Beaty, Henry, 612; John, 227; Joseph, 612; Ralph, 8. Beaumargern, Wm. 187. Beauvennue, , 182. Beaver, Beavers, Beever, Benjamin, 326; Cunrod, 598; George, 524; Henry, 612; John, 222, 224, 395; Mat- thias, 607; Samuel, 199, 326, 612; William, 395. Beavins, Thomas, 225, 329. Beazley, Cornelius, 401. Becam, Robert, 393. Beck, Becks, Christian, 612; Jesse, 225; John, 87, 146. 222, 393, 402, 612; Stephen, 605, 612; Thomas, 612. Becker, Bareni, 540. Beckett, Bechett, George, 5, 67, 407; Humphrey, 407; Mason, 407; Robert, 222. Beckley, William, 167. Becknee, Britania, 481. Beckwith, William (&ch.), 540. Beddoe, Lawrence, 329, 405. Bedford, James 397, 421, 519. Bedinger, Daniel, 88, 392, 396, 404, 612; Henry, 87, 392, 397. 4 01 . 6l2 - Bedings, Daniel and Henry, 146. Bedlinger, Henry, 328. Bedworth, William, 395. Beebe, H. 530; Samuel, 612. Beech, Benjamin, 6, 66. Beekman, Beekham, James, 399; James A. and James W. 612. Beeks, Christopher, 393. Been, John, 327; William, 199. Beers, James, 395. Beery, George, 395. Beesly, James, 184. Beeson, Edward, 89, 405, 507; Isaac, 610, 612; Marcus, 612; Mercer 405; Richard, 405, 507; Beeson and Dacon, 610; Beeson and Dawson, 612; Beeson and Springer, 612. Begeant, Begent, John, 404; William, 187, 199. Begraw, Alexander, 167, 199. Belard (Bellard?), Robert, 612. Belcher, Burwell, 221; Ed- ward, 222; George, 397; Joel, 222; Robert, 395; Thomas, 222. Belface, Peter, 199. Belfield, Bellfield, John, 88, 146, 395, 401, 403, 612; Winfield B. 403. Belim, William, 325. Bell, 570; George, 226; Henry, 88, 225, 396, 404, 612; James, 25, 66, 199, 225, 227, 395, 401, 612; John, 89, 222, 226, 227, 328, 393,400,438; Lucelto(?), 5; Nathaniel, 226, 612; Peter, 199; Robert, 225, 561; Samuel, 123, 224, 305, 407, 612; Scoville(P), 5; Thomas, 37, 195, 223, 313, 328, 392, 407, 612; William, 5, 166, 199, 226, 397, 398, 570, 612; William Smith, 56. Bellerose, Belloure, Lewis, 183. Bellew, Boiling, 395; David, 533- Bellinger, James, 224; Lar- kin, 199. Bellus, Henry, 602. Belm, Abraham, 226. Beloin, John and Meade, 407. Belote, Benjamin, 481; Charles, 407; Ismay, 226; James, 406; Noah, 406, 407, 409; William, 407. Below, Belew, Abram, 223; Solomon, 223. Belsher, William, 223. Belvin, Aaron, 224; George, 395; John, 305; Lewis, 395; Robert, 306, 400, 407; Thomas, 306, 407; William, 199, 306, 407. Benjamin, Biggs, 146; David Index 625 and Frederick, 612; Joseph, 194. Bemargern, William, 187. Benani, Fielding, 199. Bender, Bendure, Lewis and Robert, 167; Thomas, 226. Benham, Peter, 225. Benn, Daniel, 227; Whitten, 66. Benner, Christian, Christo- pher, John and Mathew, 612. Bennet, Bennett, Artax, 299; 328, 398; Caleb P. 90, 306, 407; Charles, 10; Covington, 329; Elias, 214; John, 199, 405; Littleton, 329; Mary, 612; Nathaniel, 227; Rich- ard, 405 (2); Rowland, and Samuel, 329; Thomas, 222, 404, 540; William, 36, 56, 90, 288, 307, 308, 329, 330, 407, Benneville, Bennewell, Daniel D. and Richard, 612. Benoit, Francis, 199. Benson, Benston, Christo- pher, 222; George, 226, 403; John, 199, 226, 227, 403; Joseph and Matthew, 199; Selby 225; William, 340. Benthnell, Benthall, Azel 227; Daniel, 226 (2). Benting, W. B. 612. Bentley, Bently, James, 166; Jeremiah, 395; John, 166, 599, 601; William, 86, 146, 226, 392, 393, 402, 477. Benton or Bernton, Thomas, 166, 226. Berard, , 166. Beril(?), John, 612. Berkley, William, 393, 612. Bernard, John, 612; Peter, 533; Thomas, Williams, Wil- liam B., 612. Berro, John, 401. Berry, Alexander, 592 ; Augus- tine, 224; Benjamin, 327, 330, 459; David, 222, 398; Enoch, 146, 226; George, 88; James, 223, 224, 397; John, 328; Laurence, 494; Na- thaniel, 327; Thomas, 123, 328; William, 89, 166, 223, 227, 309. 4°5. 4°7. 54o(ch.). Berryman, Benoni, 499; Dan- iel, 482; Thomas, 199, 612. Bert, John, 90. Bertrange, John, 10. Berwick, James, 89, 328, 399, 612. Beshan, Presley, 10. Bess, John, 214. Best, James, 406; John, 286, 324, 329; Lewis, 222; Ma- lachi, 199. Bethel, Bethill, Bethnel, Daniel, 226; James, 223; Valentine, 400; William, 226. Betote, William, 318. Bettersworth, Charles, 222. Betty, Henry, 612. Beut (Burt?), Moody, 222. Bevan, Bevans, Bevens, Bevins, Frederick, 323; Har- riot, 329; John, Samuel, Stacy, 405; Jacob, 222; Jere- miah 187; John, 612. Bevear, Wiatt, 8. Beverly, Charles, 401; Pres- elab and Jane, 401 ; Sylvester, 199. Bevers, James, 226. Beveridge, John, 602. Bevis, John and John A. 612. Bezant, Randolph, 227, 594, 604; William, 330. Bibb, Abraham, 612; Charles, 329; Lewis and Richard, 612; William, 224. Bibee, Bibey, Joseph, 223; Samuel, 401; Thomas, . Bickett, Benjamin, 221. Bicks, Christopher, 222. Biddle, Cements, 612. Bidgood, Margaret and Philip, 404. Bidsil, John, 222. Bidson, Andrew, 26, 66. Big, Bigby, William, 511, 612; William & Co. 612. Bigelow, 552; Major, 588. Bigger, Biggers, Andrew, 409; William, 225, 227, 328 (2), 409, 431, 437, 448, 464, 472, 474, 502, 503. Biggs, Benjamin, 87, 146, 612; Charles, 506; John, 187, 222; Sally, 506; Thomas, 10. Bilbby, Richard, 222. Billings, John, 225, 612. Bnxups, George 225; Joseph, 224. Binge, Lewis, 226. Bingham, Hugh, 15, 28, 66; John, 19; Philip, 7, 9, 66. Bingley, Lewis, 199. Bingoman, Adam, 167, 199. Binkley, William, 167. Binn, Binns, Daniel, 227; John, 414; Whittier, 28; William, 395. Binting, William, 612. Birchby, Daniel, 610. "Bird-Samuels Papers," 590— 609. Bird, Byrd, Abraham, 591, 607; Ambrose, 222; Baylor, 199; Frederick, 15, 66, 215; George, 591; Henry, 227; Isaac, 194, 319, 408; John, 199, 327; Joshua, 399; Levin, 6, 56, 79 (2), 90, 285, 324; Mark, 591; Mary, 330, 612; Mounce, 591, 607; Otway, 89, 146, 328, 398; Reuben, 396; Richard, 361; Samuel, 167, 199, 607; Thomas, 342, 399; William, 226; William, Jr- 417. Birdwell, Robert, 590. Birdhead, Eleazer, 599, 601. Birmingham, Patrick, 187. Biron, J. B. 166. Birt, Abraham, 612. Biscoe, James, 21, 199, 283. Bisham, John, 401. Bishop, Benjamin (ch.) 540; Joseph, 395; Joshua, 214; Richard, 199; Solomon, 393; Stephen, 406; Thomas, 397; Thornton, 223. Bisick, George, 226. Biswell, John, 395, 626 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Bittingham, Peggy, 452. Bixler, Michael, 612. Black, Daniel, 612; George, 393; Matthew, 371; Peter, 605; Robert 225; William, 612. Blackburn, Christopher, 407, 408; James, 224, 314; Julius, 399; Robert, 407. Blackerby, Jeduthan, 224. Blackford, Samuel, 167. Blackhead, Anthony, 223. "Black Lick" defeat, 568. Blackmore, Edward, 223; George, 88, 146, 223, 395; John, 612; Thomas, 399. Blackson, Prior and Samuel, 395- Blackwell, James, 199; John, I4 6 . 326, 39 2 . 4°3. 6l2 ; Joseph, 87, 123, 146, 392, 401, 402, 477, 612.; Robert, 224; Samuel, 88, 145, 326, 328, 536; Thomas, 88, 222, 395, 401, 612; William, 90, 227, 303, 375, 406. Blades, Jesse, 226. Blain, Blair, Archibald, 34, 79, 392, 612; James, 224; John, 86, 146, 166, 199, 392, 401, 54o(Ch.); John Neal, 224; Peter, 199; Robert, 393, 612; Samuel, 399, 404, 590, 612; William, 227. Blake, Benjamin, 225; Charles, 222, 326; James, 405; John, 224, 225; William, 221, 226. Bleakley, Obed, 541. Blakey, Bakez, George, 224; John, 199, 226, 326, 392; William, 224. Blakney, Thomas, 222. Blanchard, Horatio, 612. Bancher, Pierre, 166. Bland, Ballard, 146; Christo- pher, 405; James, 223, 325, 398; Jesse, 227, 401; John, 327, 397, 4°5; Roily, 224; Shadrach, 167; Theodore, 392; Theoderick, 87, 612; Thomas, 227, 405. Blanford, John, 15, 66. Blankenship, Abel, 199; Archer, 223; Barnett, 225; Benjamin, 222; Daniel, 199, 339; George, 225; Henry, 167, 407; William, 199; Wo- mack, 326, 392. Blankhead, James, 39, 45, 47, 48, 50. Blankinbucker, Nicholas, 222, Blanks, David, 199. Blassford, John, 66. Blaws, Blows, James 21, 39, 45; Robert, 5, 23 (2), 39 (2), 49 (2), 51 (2), 56. Blazengan, William, 199. Bleauford, John, 66. Blearn, David, 168. Bleck, James, 223. Bledsoe, Miller, 328. Blein, Pierre, 166. Blessing, Jacob, 607. Bleton, William, 199. Blizzard, BartonandSilas,6i2. Block, Matthew, 284; Thom- as, 199. Bloxam, Bloxum Bloxsum, etc., Arthur, 399; Charles Stuart, 402; Ezekiel, Jr. 226, 402; George, 4, 330; John, 225, 402; Levi, 402; Levin, 403; Scarborough, 4, 5, 51, 56, 90, 284, 329, 581 ; Stephen, 4, 66, 191,214, 297, 329; Thom- as, Jr. 226, 402; Wordman, 402. Blundall, Blundle, Elijah, 227; Samuel, 398; Seth, 66; William, 18, 27, 66. Blundon, Seth, 55, 88, 317; Swan, 317, 327; William, 227, 327. Blunt, Blunton, Nathaniel, 225; Thomas, 221; William, 226. Bly, William, 396. Boan, Joseph, 398. Board, Chesterfield, 124. Condemnation, State Navy Vessels, 34, 79. Council, 79, 81 (2). Officers, May, 1784, 529, 530, 532, 533- War, 81, 131, 139, 183. Western Officers, 159. Boas, Boaz, Abednego, 224; Henry, Dorothy & Ch. 541. Bobbett, John, 225. Bobo, Joseph, 531. Bodin, Bodins, John, 397; Wm. 199. Bodkin, Laurence, 600, 601. Boeeman, William, 221. Boerwell, Thomas, 329. Bofare, Peter, 199. Bogan, Benjamin, 224. Bogg, Boggs, Abel, 226; John, 223. Bogle, William, 223. Bohannon, Ambrose, 87, 146, 319, 392, 402, 534, 612; Joseph, 402, 404, 612. Boiles, Boils, Charles, 223. 227; John, 199. Boisen, Morrison, 612. Boker (Boller, Poker, ?), Lewis, 612, Philip, 447. Boley, Presley, 399, 405. Bolin, Edward, 226. Bolling, Boling, Jesse, 396, 612; John, 406; Joseph, 398; Robert, 23 (2), 24, 26, 39, 40, 48, 49, 89, 405; Winn, 199. Bollinger, Larkin, 199. Bollington, John, 397. Bolton, Bolling, 226; Daniel, 168, 199 (2); James, 6; Wil- liam, 225. Bond, George, 395; Hance, Henry, 124, 145; James, 214; John, 316, 370, 407; Joseph, 406, 612; William, 612. Bonewell, Bonnewell, etc., George, 66; James, 224; Martha, 330; Reuben, 226; Thomas, 23, 36, 56, 79, 90, 292, 295, 330, 344, 372. Boniface, Bonniface, Wil- iam, 404, 612. Index 627 Bonnell, Alexander, 224. Bonner, Bonnor, Joseph, 224; Richard, 395; Matthew, 612. Bonny, Edward, 227. Booker, Andrew, 224; Ed- ward, 224; George, 224, 403; Jacob, 222; Lewis, 89, 146, 396, 403, 613; Richard, 124, 141, 145, 199, 222, 312, 313, 330i 376, 447; Samuel, 86, 146, 392, 403, 613. Boon, Boone, Ezekial, 613; Jacob, 221, 613; Jesse, 613; John, 223; Molly (Shephard) 506; William, 221. Boot, Booth, Boothe, Charles, 452; George, 343; Isaac, 199; James, 326, 405, 613; Joseph, 224, 227; Michael, 405; Thomas, 80, 81; William, 8, 9, 10, 27, 37, 66, 80, 222, 328, 330. Booton, Travis and William 199 (4)- Borah, Jacob, 225. Borden, Goerge and Michs., 593- Borills, John, 224. Bornside, Boinside, Jona- than, 183. Bose, Booze, John, 400. Bosham, Jeremiah, 613. Bossears, Benjamin and Charles, 613. Bostick, Stephen, 222; Tali- aferro, 221. Boston, Adam, 53, 325; Elijah, 309, 407; Thomas, 214; Travis, 166; William, 166. Boswell, Bouswell, Macken, 86, 325. 533; Owen, 199; Robert, 325, 342; Thomas, 6, 145- Bosworth, Obediah, 14, 66. Bottom, Thomas, 214. Botts, Archibald, 393; Leon- ard, 187, 399. Bouche, Boucher, Bougher, Comr, 51 ; Henry, 185; John, 5, 6, 44, 48, 166. Bouckman, Henry Sr. and Jr. 607; John, 607. Boughan, Boughton, Aris, 325; William, 404. Boulding, Johanna, 404; Wood, 89. Boulware, Elizabeth, 330; Obadiah, 283, 325; Samuel, 283, 328. Bounwell, George and Thom- as, 25. Bourdoin, Bardoe, John, 185. Bourick (Bonrick?), James, 613. Bourince, Malachi, 199. Borin, Borne, Bourne, etc., Henry, 400; Jesse, 401, 613; John, 227, 400; Mills, 223; Reuben, 224; Sylvanus, 613; Thomas, 613. Bourk, Charles Jaynes, 5. Boush, Charles, Charles Sayre, 25. 36- 39. 49. 50, 55. 65, 8i, 88, 289, 290, 327, 329; Daniel, 214; Dennis, 393; E. 41; Edward, 227; George, 215; Goodrich, 34, 39, 48, 51, 55 (2), 89, 329; Jack, 215; James, 18, 66, 214; Robert, 51,89, 145 (2), 328, 529, 531, 535. 54i. 587; Samuel, 530; Stephen, 222; Thomas, 533; William, 24; 34, 56, 67, 199; Wilson, 215. Bouswell, Bontwell, Sam- uel, 224; William, 408. Bowcock, Richard, 226. Bowday, Bowdry, John, 199. Bowdee, Bowdie, Thomas, 465. 613. Bowden, Jesse and John, 403; Thomas, 195, 403; William, 405- Bowdle, Thomas, 613. Bowe, Bowen, Bowne, Henry, 393, 406; James, 397; John, 10, 88, 146, 215, 222, 393, 397. 4°3. 4°6. 613; Rees, 89, 406; Thomas, 86; William, 167, 199, 222. Bowers, Bower, George, 195, 313. 371. 4°7; Jacob, 396; James, 195, 313, 407; Morris, 195, 313, 376, 399; Philemon, 195. 313. 407; Philip, 221, 225; Robert, 225, 397; Thomas, 195, 313, 407. Bowing, Ebenezer, 167; Joshua, 10, 215. Bowler, Bowles, Charles and Huse, 223; Ishmael, 222; James, 227; Knight, 613; Mark, 225; Obadiah, 199, 221; Peter, 199, 225, 406; Samuel, 223; Silas, 199; Stubblefield, 225; Thomas, 327; Tompkins, 222; Wil- liam, 224; Zachariah, 222, 401. Bowling, Jeremiah, 492; Thornbury, 326; William, 199. Bowman, Bouman, Abraham, 89, 404, 525, 588; Ambrose, 613; Benjamin, 199, 613; Christian, 167, 605; Christo- pher, 215; Daniel, Jr. 593; Henry, 593; Isaac, 605; Jacob, 284, 329; Jacob, Sr. and Jr. 592 ; James, 396; John, 218, 227(2), 397 (2), 606,613; Joseph, 90, 329, 604; Mack- ness, 199, 397; Peter, 592, 607; William, 221, 396. Bown, Bowne, John, 396; Thomas, 392, 401, 613. Bowry, Giles, 399. Bowser, Bowsen, James, 187, 407; Nat. 407. Bowsman, Abraham and Thomas, 613. Bowyer, Boyer, Daniel, 226; Eli A. 613; Elias, 227; Henry, 88, 146, 185, 395, 401, 613; Jacob, 224, 227, 592; John, 543; Mary K. 461; Michael, 88, 327, 398, 404, 613; Thomas, 87, 146, 393, 401, 501, 613; Philip 593. Bovvzer, Ann. 480. Boxwell, Joseph and Robert, 223. 628 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Boy, Henry, 400. Boyce, Abram, 221; Daniel, 226 (2); William, 89, 328, 399, 402, 525- 613. Boyd, Andrew, 613; Anthony, 66; Augustine, 215, 223; Daniel, 225; Francis, 395; Gust, 66; James, 226, 396, 541; John, 32, 397, 613; Jonathan, 613; Patrick 404; Robert 613; Robert and Martha, 414; Spencer and Martha, 450; Walter, 29, 66; William, 397, 613; — urt, 17. Boykin, Aron and Davis, 404; Francis, 89, 613. Boyland, Mathew, 187. Boyle, Boyles, Charles, 187, 326; David, 187; George, 223; Hugh, 613; John, 167; Walter, 328. Boyling, Matthew, 395. Boys, Boze, Jacob, 225; John, 613. Bozzell, Genge, 401. Brabston, William, 395. Brackenridge, Brecken- ridge, Alexander, PI. 5, 87, 326, 392, 613; John, 613; Robert, 88, 146, 395, 613. Bradford, Abel, 226; Charles, 89, 187, 400, 613; David, 599, 601 ; George, 226; Henry, 396, 613; John, 599, 601; Littletin, 613; Moses, 613; R. Samuel, 146; Samuel, 613; Samuel K. 87, 187, 392; William, 223, 613. Bradley, Abraham, 613; Christopher, 89; Daniel, 223; David, 225; James, 89, 145, 327> 535; John, 225, 395; Sarah, 505; William, 225, 395- Bradlow, William B. 325. Bradney, Jamesill, 613. Bradshaw, Claiborne, 225; Edward, 227; Jeremiah, 221, 223; John, 222, 225, 613; Larner, 225; Robert, 224, 396; William, 225. Brady, Christopher, 90, 303, 398; Hezekiah, 222; John, J 99. 613; Joseph, 400, 613; Michael, 187, 395; Paragan, 222; Samuel, 613; William, 90, 303, 406. Bragg, Benjamin, 222, 398; Elijah, 222; Joel, 397; John, 199; Thomas, 598, 613; Wil- liam, 327. Bragwell, Thomas & Co. 613. Braidfoote, John, 90, 290, 334. 529- Brailey, Samuel, 226. Brain, William, 400. Bram, Brame, Andrew, 187; Joseph, 400, Branch, Benjamin, 222. Brand, Brandon, Benjamin, 378; Jeremiah, 225; John, 199; Lewis, 396; Peter, 393; Rhode, 199. Braner, Gasper, and John, Sr. and Jr. 607. Branford, John, 24, 67. Branham, Benjamin, 227; Eb- enezer, 223, 393; John, 66, 398; Malachi, 221; Richard, 601, 602; Seth, 27, 67; Spencer, 221; William 221, 613. Branley, William, 199. Brann, Braun, Andrew, 395; Joseph, 225. Branner, Brannon, Daniel, 222, John, 5, 23. Branson, John, 400; Larkin, 199, 400. Brant, John, 613. Brantley, Brittain and James, 406. Brantum, Moses, 407; Tim- othy, 195, 316, 407. Brasford, William, 187. Brashear, Brasheer, 529; Capt., 520, 532, 533; Rich- ard, 89, 145, 146, 163, 327, 529, 541 (ch.). Braugher, Frederick, 613. Braughton, William, 397, 613. Braugham, William, 398. Braun, (See Brann). Braurier, John, 397. Brawley, William, 199. Bray, Elisha, 541; John, 399; Joseph, 400; Winter, 225. Brayson, Robert, 187, 397. Brazier, Brazer, James, 227; Peter, 166; William, 187. Bready, John, 393; William, 572. Breathitt, John, Gov. Ky. 565. Breckenridge, (See Brack- enridge). Bredsecoste, Dolby, 224. Breeche, George, 401. Breedon, Breaden, Bryant, 602; John, 167; Richard, 166. Breeding, John and Richard, 199. Breedlove, James, 227; Thomas, 222; William, 225, 227. Brendeless, William, 537. Brenerman, Abraham, 607. Brent, Brents, Col. — see Wm.; Daniel, 199; George, 145, 224, 296, 329, 330; George P. 90, 363; Henry, 222; Hugh, 18, 33, 66, 215; John, 8, 66, 215, 393, 400, 408, 409 (3), 463; William (Col.), 87, 145, 326, 529, 530, 53i, 532, 534. 535. 536, 542, 560, 571, 572, 577- Brenton, John (ch.), 541. Bres, Breese, Richard, 199; Tow, 182. Bresh, Breech, George, 185. Bressie, Bracey, Richard, 167; Thomas, 90, 282, 329, 530, 533. 540; William, 90, 297. 330. Brest, John, 222. Brewer, Bruyer, Amigab, 613; Charles, 613; Henry, 183, 199. 392; John, 224. Brian, Henry, 282. Brice, Benjamin, 613. Brickee, Peggy, 441. Index 629 Brickle, Richard, 226. Bridewell, David, James and Olive, 613. Bridges, Bridget, James, 404; John, 400; John & Co. 613; Ransom, 225, 403; Richard, 224. Bridgman, Boswell, 398; Franklin, 326; Hezekiah,326. Bridgood, Philip, 397, Bridgwater, Levi, 399. Brigade, Weedon's, Gen. 556. Briggs, Benjamin, 392, 401; William, 223. Bright, Francis, 25, 39, 45, 56, 90, 145, 291, 329, 339, 358, 379; Willis, 227. Brightwell, Anderson, 305, 363, 406 (3); Jesse, 300, 314, 363, 406, 407; John, 406; Leonard, 406; Lucy (Powers) 406; William, 300, 363, 406. Brilee, William, 329. Brimmit, Thomas, 224. Brimore, William, 226. Brinkley, William 200, 602. Brisbee, Thomas, 525. Briscoe, James and John, 327; Reuben, 89, 146, 401, 403. 5 2 5; William, 200. Brisindine, Armstead, 223. Brislow, Benjamin, 226. Bristol, John, 225. Bristow, Bkistor, Saunders, 200, 326. Brittain, Britton, etc., Abra- ham, 405; Isham, Isham & Co. 613; John, 21,26, 37, 55, 66, 88, 393, 584, 587, 613; Joseph, 89, 200, 405; Mary, 613. British, Posts reduced, etc. — see Clarke, 111. Regt. etc. 156, 160; Prisoners by, 24; Exchanged by, 588. Britnoms, Britnom, John, 316, 407. Britt, John, 326, 395; Oba- diah, 222. Brittain, Isham and John, 397; Samuel, 400. Brjttingham, Samuel and Shadrach, 226. Brittle, George and Thomas, 399- Brizentine, Reuben, 223. Broach, Benoni, 223; Charles, 195, 221, 409. Broachman, Joseph, 224. Broaddus, Edward, 399; James, 89, 223, 396; Richard, 399; Robert, 401, 414; Wil- liam, 89, 124, 141, 145, 200, 327 (2), 582, 584. Broadfield, Broddfield, Charles, 195, 398, 408. Broadhead, Daniel, 328. Broadwater, Broadwaters, Calib, 404; Charles, L. 6; Coventon, 289; Covington, 4, 56, 90, 225, 329; James, 56, 79 (2), 90, 288, 329, 337 (3); John, 4, 56, 90, 285, 329; Robert, 404, 613. Broadway, John, 227. Brock, Abraham, 607; Henry, 302, 406, 607; John, 124, 607; Rudolph, 608; Uriah, 187, 226. Brocking, Samuel, 397. Broden, Thomas, 613. Brodie, Lodovick, 86, 145, 325- Brodus, James and Richard, 613. Bromfield, John, 223; Robert, 328. Bromley, Margaret (Faulk- ner), 432. Bronn, Duncan, 327. Brook, Brooke, Brooks, Ben- jamin and Charles, 393; David, 223, 401; Damarcus, 613; Edmund, 89, 397; Eliza- beth, 613; Francis, 89, 146, 396, 613; Francis T. 556; George, 222, 319, 393, 408; George & Co. 613; Henry, 221; Humphrey, 613; I. F. 377; James, 187, 397, 400; John, 89, 146, 224, 326, 396, 398, 401; John L. 377; John I. 317, 407; Leonard, 613; Louisa S. 407; Lydia, 330; Nathaniel, 392, 613; Peter, 223; Reuben, 191, 200; Rob- ert, 225; Robert I. 377; Thomas, 223, 224, 227, 395; Walter, 21, 37, 39, 41, 48, 49, 55 (2), 88, 90, 145, 290, 326, 329; William, 224, 227, 613. Brookings, Samuel, 500, 520. Broom, John, 395. Broomley, Joseph, 223. Brophy, Michael, 541. Brossard, Pierre, 166. Brothers, Charles, 397. Brough, William, 326. Browbach, Adam, 606. Browder, Browdire, Fred- erick, 227, 400; Harrison, 227, 400; James, 400, 613; Lewis, 398; Samuel, 400. Brown, Browne, Abram, 223; Absalom, 222, 393; Aries, 327; Asher, 167; Bazil, 226; Benjamin, 326, 330; Berry- man, 226; Betsey, 452; Charles, 221, 225, 226; Colin, 166, 168, 200; Daniel (Dr.), 7, 9, 123, 200, (heirs), 610, 613; David, 10, 56; Duncan, 223; Edmund, 200, 406; Francis, 15, 66, 200, 227, 326, 330, 595, 604; Garfield, 222; George, 14, 15, 56, 328, 330 (2), 395. 613; Harry, 8, 66; Henry, 326, 397; Isaac, 222, 393; Isham, 227; Jacob, 87, 146, 393, 613; Jacob B. 187; Jacob R. 223; James, 166 (2), 200, 221, 224, 227, 327. 395. 487; John, 8, 10, 51, 166, 183, 200 (2), 215, 221, 222 (2), 223 (2), 292, 325. 327. 328, 396, 397. 398, 400, 403, 406, 541 (ch.), 613; John A. 523, 613; John L. 325; Jonathan, 7, 8, 66, 326, 395: Joseph, 8, 16, 66, 124, I 87, 599, 601; Joshua, 224, 613; Joshua G. 330; Julia A. 630 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia 613; Lewis, 167, 200; Lieut. 589; Lodowick, 145; Low, 166, 200; Low, 330; Moses, 223; Nathan, 613; Neil, 222; Peter, 405; Peter H. 613; Peyton, 200; Philip, 226; Reuben, 200, 328; Richard, 23, 66, 224; Robert, 226, 326, 396, 399. 4 0I > 4° 6 . 541 (ch.), 536, 613; Robert Winsor, 6; Samuel, 187, 223, 395; Starke, 224; Stephen, 223; Thomas, 32, 66, 146, 223, 224, 393. 398, 482, 501, 613; William, 33, 56, 87, 185, 215, 221, 222, 225, 226, 227, 326, 330, 393. 613; Windsor, 39, 46, 50, 65, 86, 145 (2), 146, 325, 530, 535. 536, 582, 583- Brownbee, Alexander, John, Samuel and William, 613. Browner, John, 224. Browning, Capt. 532; Daniel, 221; Enos, 227; George, 225; Greenbury, 613; Isaac, 89, 145, 164, 401, 530, 532 (2), 533, 542 (ch.), 587; Lieut. 529; Williamson, 227, 328. Brownlee, Brownley, Alex- ander, 89, 301, 406; James, 227; John, 89, 146, 400; Thomas, 397, 405; William, 87. 200, 393. Browser, James, 314, 392. Brubaker, Abraham, 602. Bruce, George, 301, 396, 613; John, 393; Robert C. 397, 613; William, 397. Brudelove, David and John, 613. Bruendine, Armistead, 221. Bruin, Lieut. 589; Peter Bryan, 88, 187, 396. Brumagern, Patrick, 399. Brumfield, Elijah, 224. Brumlay, Brumley, Daniel, 226, John, 16, 226; Philip, 15, 66, 215; Reuben, 401; Samuel, 66; William, 15, 66; Wilson, 18. Brummill, Thomas, 224. Brundage, Solomon, 226. Brusely, Charles, 399. Brush, James, 392, 613, Henry, John and Samuel, 613; Julia E. C. iii. Brusselloby, Charles, 185. Brute, Thomas, 393. Bryan, Bryen, Brian, Bar- rick, 222; Daniel 200; David C. 613; Jeremiah, 613; Jesse, 222; John, 185, 403, 613; Joseph, Morgan and Wil- liam, 613. Bryant, Alexander, 221; An- derson and Jane, 408; Charles, 223, 226; Daniel, 53, 66; Elizabeth (Hawkins), 450; Henry, 25, 66, 328; James, 167, 200 (2), 222, 224, 328, 590; John, 200, 396, 406; Joseph, 200; Josiah, 590; Lieut. 531; Reuben, 224; Thomas, 225, 318, 328, 330; William, 396, 397 (2), 403. 590- Brydee, Charles, 613. Bryson, Robert, 444. Brywood, Thomas, 146. Buchan, Nicholas, 331. Buchanan, James, 400; John, 89, 221, 400; William, 200 (2). Buck, Charles, 613; Elias and James, 327; John, 226, 326, 601, 604; John Smith, 327, 613; Nicholas, 328; Robert, 613; Thomas, 601. Bucker, Angus, 325. Buckhannan, Ezekiel, 226; James, 227. Bucklar, William, 227. Buckley, Buckly, Abraham, 393; Daniel, 200, 488; Joshua, 200, 393; Michael, 613; William, 331. Buckman, Aaron, John, Lewis, Oliver P. and Robert, 613. Bucknall, James, John and Thomas, 400. Buckner, Allison, Baldwin M., Benjamin P. (R?), Eliza- beth M., Horace B. M., and Mary C. 613; Mordecai, 588 and 613; Philip, Sarah A. A. 613; Thomas, 89, 146, 396, 613; William, 124, 141, 145, 187, 191, 317, 330. Budd, Babel, 227; Major, 316, 407; Margaret, 407; Thomas, 2I 5. 33° (2); Zorsbabell, 330. Buel, Walter, 613. Buffin, John, 6. Buffington, David, 187, 398. Buford, Abraham, 87, 393, 401, 402, 614; George, 227; John, 399. Bugg, Cannon Wm. 225. Buher, Buhar, Jacob, 186, 221. Buils, Francis, 200. Bulford, William, 398. Bulger, Abraham, 608; Ed- ward, 607. Bull, Custis, 79; Robert, 225; Samuel, 225, 604; Toby, 316, 407. Bullard, Bland, 141; Wm. 145- Bullen, Buller, Joseph, 326; Luke, 395. Bullett, Bullitt, George, 200; Thomas, 90, 146, 304, 305. 306, 313, 4° 6 and 407, 408, 409 (3), 534. Bulley, Bully, Edward, 21, 22 (2); John 21 (2), 56, 90, 292, 326; Thomas, 21, 67. Bullifant, Charles and Fran- sis, 312, 407; James, 304, 404, 406. Bullin, Isaac, 222. Bullington, John, 598. Bullitin, Bultin, James and John, 200. Bullock, Ens, 530; James, 556; John, 226; Lieut. 532; Rice, 88, 124, 145 (2), 164, 327. 529, 530, 533- Bully, Edward, 327, 330; John, 329, 375; Thomas, 327, 329- Index 631 BUMBACK, (BRUMBACK?)* Peter, 399. Bumgardner, Christley, 602. Bunberry, William, 89, 401. Bunch, Winslow, 399; Win- ston, 392. Bundick, Levin, 226. Bundy, Francis, 396; William, 223. Bunns, Buns, John, 200, 327; Samuel, 18. Bunock, Rice, 530. Bunting, Buntings, Charles, 226; Halloway, 403; John, 402; Jonathan, 403; Lot, 407; Margaret, 407; Pa- tience, 403; Richard, 402; Sacker, 328, 403; Smith, 402; Solomon, 316; William, 226, 614; William B. 89, 402; William M. 614. Burbridge, Burbage, John, 167, 200; Linsford, 224; William, 167. Burch, Burcher, Daniel, 223; Thomas, 225; William, 223. Burchett, Daniel, 226; Ed- ward and James, 225. Burders, Andrew, 32; An- thony, 66. Burdock, Joseph, 222. Burdoin, John, 397. Bur foot, Thomas, 88, 222; William, 224, 398. Burgan, James and John, 227. Burge, Henry, 226; Robert- son, 614; William, 400; Wooden, 404. Burgell, Michael, 185. Burgess, Daniel, 614; Daw- son, 397, 614; Henry, 200; John, 223, 405; Joseph, 614; Moses, 614; Rebecka, 405; William, 225, 227. Burgett, Burgott, Corne- lius, 393; Jacob W. 614. Burgher, Nicholas, 225. Burith, Bureith, John, 184. Burk, Burke, Charles, 200; George, 167; James, 56, 90, 287, 329- 542, 573; John, 56, 90, 288, 329, 614; Matthew, 399; Michael and Mitchell, 225, 614; Richard, 224; Samuel, 398; Thomas, 224, 225, 395; William, 223, 398. Burks, Isham, 224; John, 227, 397i 59°! William, 222, 226. Burkett, Samuel, 200, 331. Burkhead, Bankhead, James, 65- Burkhouse, George, 200. Burlet, Robert, 222. Burley, Burly, Jacob, 399; James, 406; John, 614. Burne, Pierre, 168. Burner, 227; Abraham and Daniel, 604; Erheart, 596; Jacob, 592, 596, 602, 604; John, 602, 604; Michael, 592. Burnes, Burns, Barneby, 227; Christopher, 215; Henry, 226; Jeremiah, 392; John, 200, 327; Samuel, 66; Thomas, 399. Burnett, Bond, 222; John, l &7> 395; Joseph, 223; Mil- lington, 371; Richard, 447, 502, 522; Robert, 167. Burney, Simon, 167. Burnley, Garland, 123, 314, 407; Henry, 225; John, 66; Judith Hardenia, 556; Wil- liam, 66. Burnsides, Bartlett and Jona- than, 221. Burr, Samuel, 614. Burragee, Charles, 397. Burras, Burris, Horatio, 614; John, 167, 330; Margaret, 591; Matthews, 614; Thom- as, 224. Burroughs, George, 123, 222; John, 200; Sarah, 330. Burt, Burtt, Michael, 614; Robert, 222, 224; Thomas, Wm. 223. Burtly, Thomas, 614. Burton, Allen, 227; Benja- min, 402; Caleb, 227; Eliza- beth, 407; Ezekiel, 227; James, 88, 89, 315, 326, 405, 407; Jeffery, 402; John, 23, 66, 223 (2), 226 (2), 602, 614; Joseph, 200; Marshall, 222; Richard, 327; Samuel, 223; Thomas, 225; William, 223, 224, 226, 396; Wm. A. 222. Burwell, Burtwell, John, 224, 232; Nathaniel, 88, 396, 402, 614; Nicholas, 614. Burwick, James, 614. Busby, James, 400, 406, 614; John, 400. Buscher, Daniel, 223. Bush, Charles, 145; Drewry, 166, 200; Goodrich, 145; James, 328; John, 200; Michael, 226; Robert (Buck?), 537; Samuel, 215; Thomas, 167; William, 168, 181, 200, 221. Bushong, Jacob, 223. Bushop, Solomon, 393. Buskey, Francis, 167. Bussell, Charles, 395; Vin- cent, 399; William, 395, 614. Bussy, Cornelius, 223. Butcher, Gasper, 167, 200. Bute, Samuel, 594. Butewell, Anderson, 222. Butler, Edmund, 53; Ed- ward, 327; Henry, 14, 67; James, 221, 223, 225; John, 166, 200 (2), 221, 222, 225, 325; Lawrence, 87, 146, 191, 401, 402, 610, 614; Leonard, 614; Reuben, 124; Samuel, 89, 145, 200, 327, 614; Shadrach, 227; Thomas, 56, 90, 221, 292, 339; William, 283, 328, 400; Zachariah, 225. Butridge, Henry, 24; Joseph, 226. See "Brumbach Families," Brumbaugh, p. 344-346. 632 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Buttery, William, 401. Button, Harmon, 614; Mi- chael, 4, 66. Buxton, James, 124. Buzan, John, 222; Philip, 223, Buzzell, William, 227. Bybee, Cornelius, 203; Pleas- ant, 222; Samuel, 223. Byers, Byres(?), Henry, 614; James, 223; Wm. 614. Bynam, N. Cordall, 222. Byrd — See Bird. Byrne, Byrns, Bryan, 226; Christopher, 227; James, 225; John, 124, 200, 407; Thomas, 399. Byrum, Henry, 226. Cabbage, Adam, 233; Joseph, 168. Cabassie, B. 18. Cabell, Absalom, 5, 40, 48, 57; Barnady, 230; I. Samuel, 147; Samuel, 147, 614; Sam- uel I. 90, 147, 302, 331, 409, 411, 418; William H. 493. Cabot, Samuel J. 614. Cady, James, 232. Caffer, Caffery, George, 33i; Jery, 593- Cage, Henry, 607. Cahett, James, 126. Cahill, Barnady, 230. Cain, Caines, Cornelius, John and Richard, 231; Matthias, 416; Thomas, 229. Cake, Jeremiah and Lewis, 233- Calbertson, James, 147. Calderwood, Caldrewood, James, 93, 417. Caldwell, David and John, 232; William, 231, 232, 416. Calfee, Calfrey, Caffeey, Charles, 41 1; Henry, 598, 601 ; John, 600, 601 ; William, 604. Call, Daniel, 614; Richard, 92, 147, 413, 417, 418, 614. Callahan, Maj. 413. Callender, 81. Callender, Callander, Elea- zer, 6, 7, 10 (2), 39, 40, 45, 46, 48, 56, 91, 146, 331; Samuel, 417. Callighan, Callukan, John, 185. Callis, James, 228; William, 232; William O. 93. Calloway, Callaway, Dud- ley, 229; John, 333; Samuel, 232. Calmes, Calmus, Calomes, George, 125; Marcus, 614; Marquis, 91, 409. Calvert, Calbert, Chris- topher, 40, 45, 51, 57, 81; James, 147; John, 25, 39, 40, 46, 52, 57, 126, 146, 200; Jonathan, 93, 125, 146, 296, 334 (2) ; Joseph, 92, 333, 536; William, 590. Calvin, Calvit, Daniel, 169; Joseph, 530, 542 (ch.). Cambarn, John, 331. Gamble, Dennis, 412. Cameron, Camron, Alexan- der; Charles, 93, 308; Dun- can, 414; Hugh, 230, 232, 414; James, 169; John, 231; Leah, 334. Camey, Martin, 410, 538. Cammin, James, 200. Camp, Camper, James, 200, 416; John, 146, 228, 413; Marshall, 416; Reuben, 168; Thomas, 200, 413, 416; Tillman, 168; William, 125, 141, 228, 231, 315, 413. Campbell, Cambel, Archi- bald, 92, 147, 231, 410, 412, 414; Charles, 332; David, J 95. 3331 Dennis (Camble), 412, 414; Ed. 601; General, 413; George, 169, 200, 231, 233. 358; Jacob, 492; James, 602; John, PI. 5, 169, 200 (2), 228, 231 (3), 333, 416, 614; Mary, 614; R. 593; Michl. PI. 5; Richard, 93, 414, 591; Samuel, 90, 409; Sarah, 334; Thomas, 416, 614; William, 90, 143, 146, 229, 287, 317, 331. 335, 409. 414. 531, 532, 576, 582, 584; William Charles, 413; Zach- ariah, 597. Campo, Camper, Lewis and Michael, 169; Tilmon, 200. Canada, Exchanged prisoners, 589- Canaday, Cannady, David, 335; John, 32, 33, 67, 312, 335; Wm. 228. Canary, William, 413. Candler, William, 228. Cane, Jeremiah, 537; Thomas, 19- Canicks, Patrick, 229, 323. Canington, Edward, 451. Canley, Asa, 411. Canafax, Cannafox, Ed- ward, 411; John, 229. Cann, Luke, 614. Cannon, Canore, Andrew, l6 8, 333; Ellis, 228; James, 231; Jesse, 37, 57, 79, 93, 146 (2), 334. 338, 385. 533; John, 191, 228, 231, 232, 307; Luke, 37, 57, 91, 93, 147, 292, 334, 385, 410, 418; Reuben, 230; William, 229, 232. Cany, Cansey, James, 332, 410. Caper, Beverly, 357. Captis, Obediah, 333. Carbige, Isaac, 200. Carbin, Carbine, Edward, 590; Henry, 169, 200, 414. Carden, Carder, John, 229; Leonard, 228; Sandford, 231. Cardiff, Miles, 415. Cardwell, Frederick and Lewis, 200; John, 413; Thomas, 233; William, 195, 313. 330. Carens, James, 233. Carey, Cary, James, 200; John, 6; Obadiah, 232; Sam- uel, 92, 146, 332, 542. Carions, Peter, 11. Index 633 Carley, Austin, 230. Carlisle, Basel, 417. Carlton, General (British), 589; Joseph (Secy.), 183; Lewis, 414; William, 200, 229, 414. Carmichael, Daniel, 449. Carmill, Patrick, 200. Carmines, Lebanon and Le- vin, 23, 67. Carmody, Cannady, 33. Carmon, Jesse, 6, 50; Luke, 6. Carn, Michael, 607. Carnahan, John, 412. Carnal, 411. Carnay, James, 592. Carner, Henry, 417. Carnes, Carns, Daniel, 331; Frank, 187; Joshua, 333; Patrick, 92, 147, 301, 413, 614; Peter, 231. Carney, Anthony, 414; James, 125; John, 200; Martin, 91, 228; Patrick, 41 1; Richard, 93, 308; William, 231, 414. Caroll, Carrel, John, 33, 67, 93, 228; Joseph, 332; Samuel, 227. Caron, John, 229. Carpenter, Christopher, 232; George, 333; James, 416; John, 231, 233 (2), 332, 333, 416; Joseph, 200; Nathaniel, 229; Samuel, 228. Carper, John, 232. Carr, Elizabeth and Joseph, 415; John, 9, 67, Sr. and Jr. 292, 337 (2); Peter, 333; Samuel, 40 (2), 48, 49, 56, 65. 93. 333; Thomas, 310; William, 185, 200 (2), 332, 333. 413- Carrier, Henry, 604; Jemima, 596; John, 595, 604; Jon- athan, 604. Carrick, James, 413; Patrick, 289, 332. Carrington, Clement, 92, 413, 614; Edward, PI. 4, 92, 147, 412, 418, 614; George, 92, 125, 412, 614; Joseph, 614; Mayo (Mays?), 90, 147, 409, 410, 418, 614, PI. 4. Carroll, Carrell, Batt. 229; Edward, 331; Henry, 332; Jacob and James, 333; John, 229, 230, 331, 412; Joseph, 411, 590; Thomas, — ; William, — . Carror, Laurance, 331. Carson, James, 93, 300; Rob- ert, 31 (2), 67; Simon, 594, 604; Thomas, 604. "Carss," John, 418. Carter, Abadiah, 414; An- thony, 11; Armstead, 412 Charles, 331, 416, 418; Chan lear, 594; Christopher, 228 Dale, 415; Edward, 230 Francis, 8, 11, 67; George 215, 333; Henry, 228, 231 232 (2), 411; James, 229 233. 33i; James M. 292 Jesse, 231 ; John, 31 (2), 228 229, 231. 331. 332 (2), 333 415; John C. 91, 147, 231 409, 418; John Jarrel, 589 Joseph, 230, 232, 410, 416 Nicholas, 410, 614; Peter 200; Philip, 215; Richard 187, 410, 415; Robert, 188 412, 413; Samuel, 230 Thomas, 92, 125, 146, 200 (2), 230, 332, 414, 529 Towns, 232; William, Dr 51, 57, 200, 414; Wm. Sr 93; William, 227, 232, 417 614. Carterman, David, 232. Cartett, George, 37. Carthry, William, 594. Cartmill, Henry, 590. Cartwright, Jesse, 200, 414; Jonathan, 412; Lesto, 229. Carvine, Jeremiah, 416. Cary, James, 414; Samuel, 536, 588. Casby, Nelson and Sydney, 614. Case, Caser, John, 23, 418; Robert, 410; Terrance, 215; William, 195, 410, 412 (2), 418. Casey, Casy, Cassey, Case- ly, Archibald, 331; Ben- jamin, 91, 331, 410; James, 8, 229, 415; John, 200 (2) 415; Peter, 410, 614; Wm. 195, 228, 319. Cash, Archdell, 229; Warren, 409, 417. Cashon, Cason, James, 283, 332 ; John , 332 ; Thomas, 230, 231; William, 283, 332, 556. Cashwyler, Jacob and Jo- seph, 606. Caslin, John, 229. Cassady, Casady, Cassedy, etc., James, 200, 415; John, 215; Michael, 412; Thomas, 232; William, 215. Castle, Castil, Cassell, Benjamin, 232; Robert, 230; William, 191, 410. Casthman, Jacob, 610. Caswell, 35, 25 (2), 39, 41, 43. 45 (2), 47. 48, 49 (2), 51, 56, 81 (2). Caswell, Michael, 416; Wm. 228. Cate, John, 229. Catherines, Joseph, 6. Cathey (Culky?), Andrew, 608. Catlett, George, 126, 146, 313. 333 1 John, 41 1 ; Thomas, 92,411. Catridge, John, 232. Cattell, John, 614. Cave, James, 230, 412; Jonah, 597; Joseph, 598; Reuben, 200. Ca vender, James, 331; John, 233; Joseph, 188, 412. Cavener, Cavengha, Samuel, 15. 67- Cavin (?), Alexander, 614. Cawthorn, Cauthorn, Chris- topher, 410; Ludy, 232; Richard, 230; Robert, Jr. and Sr. 230; William, 345. Cayner, Matthew, 412. Cearns, John; — See Kernes, Kerns. 634 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Cellars, William, 200. Celley, Darby, Edward, Luke, 602. Census, Dunmore Co., 1775— 1777, 590-601. Certain, Page, 169. Cervill, Cerrill, John, 28, 67. Chafin, Chaffin, Isham, 229; John, 411; Solomon, 415; Stanley, 411. Chaldron, Francisway, 11. Chalfant, Robert, 614. Challis, Callis, Robert, 230; Wm. 191, 230. Chamberlain, Chamber- layne, 44; Ann W. 476; Bird, 42, 48, 334; Byrd, 24, 40, 57, 93, 147; Boyd, 51; Edrod P. 318, 335 (4), Ed- ward, 52, 57; George, 37, 40, 44, 48 (2), 49 (3), 91, 146,331, 550; Leonard, 231; Lieut. 14; Geo. 17, 18 (2), 23 (2), 24, 39- 56; Philip, 16, 39,40, 45- 47, 48, 57, 93, 288, 334; W. and W. B. 335. Chambers, Champers, Alex- ander, 228, 229, 410; David, 411; Ellick, 169, 200; Han- cock, 287, 375; Jacob, 307; James, 230, 415, 416; John, 191, 200, 231, 232; Jonathan, 232; Joseph, 614; Robert, 414; Shadrack, 4, 67, 191, 314; S. 363; Thomas, 228; Wm. 231. Chancey, William, 525. Chancler, Thomas, 229. Chandler, Jesse, — ; Mi- chael, 333; Robert, 230; Thomas, 26 (2), 36, 37, 50, 52, 54, 56, 93, 146, 191, 200, 215, 288, 289, 333, 334; Wil- liam, 228. Chanie, Shadrach, 215. Chankley, Thomas, 228. Channing, William, 215. Chansley, Julius, 231. Chapin, Benjamin, 28, 29, 56, 282, 333; Hiram, 333; John, 229, 331; Plato, 29, 67. Chaplin, Chaplan, Chap- laine, Abraham, PI. 5, 92, 146, 147, 163, 287, 332, 333, 533, 535, 542; Benjamin, 93. Chaplin's Co. 81. Chapman, 91; Capt. 529, 530; John, 530, 532, 533; Ed- ward, 168, 200; George, 229, 535, 542, 564; Isaac, 232; Jacob, 228; James, 200; John, 146, 164, 231, 332 (2), 335, 54 2 (2); Joseph, 331; Micajah, 229, 230; Reuben, 94, 3°9, 3 10 ; Richard, 168, 200 (2); Robert, 229, 231; Thomas, 188, 232, 410; William, 168, 200 (2). Chapple, Chappell, David, 232; James, 231; John, 200; Robert, 228; William, 232. Charity, Charles, 188, 413. Charles, Christian, 608; John, 229; Moore, 215; Philip, 201, 231; Samuel, 201, 412; Thomas, 201; William, 332. Charley, Charles and Geo. 229. Charlottesville — Merry wether, 555- Charloville, Francis, 182; Volunteers, 154. Charlton, George, 417; Wil- liam, 232. Chase, James, 230; John, 23, 67. Chasley, Charles, 229. Chatham, John, 229, 414. Chatteen, James, 231. Chaveons, James, 362. Chaver, Chavers, Chavos etc., Anthony, 228 (3); Ed- ward, 231; James, 415; John, 308, 409; Robert W. and Samuel, 415; Shadrach, 231; William, 228. Cheatham, Josiah, 229, 232; Stephen, 227; Wm. 233. Cheek, William, 595. Cheely, John, 233. Cheesman, Thomas, 10, 52, 58. Cheiverins, Benjamin, 333. Chelton, John, 411; Stephen, 542, 563; Thomas, 411. Chenault, James, 229; John, 415- Cheroning, Elizabeth, 334. Cherrion, Arthur, 418. Cherry, Benjamin, 614; Wil- liam, 92, 126, 146 (2), 164, 307. 335, 412, 532, Lieut. 533, 542 (ch.), 581; Capt. 585, 614. Chesapeake Bay, Defence of, 35, 72. Chesserrouns, John, 413. Cheshire, Chesshire, Jabez, 418; John, 50, 52, 57,215,418. Chevalier, Anthony, 412. Chevis, William, 194. Chew, Peter, 230; Robert B. 126, 146. Chewing, Chewning, etc., Charles, 416; Chatma, 18; Christopher, 230, 416; George, 17; Harding, 230; John, 233; Lorimer, 335; Richard, 230, 232; Thomas, 230, 413; William, 31 (2), 57, 335- Chick, John, 19, 67; Wm. 168, 201. Childers, Meredith, 371 ; Wm. 229. Childress, Alexander, 415; Allen, 232; Goldsby, 230; Henry, 229, 413; John, 230; Meredith, 413; Mosby, 412. "Chiles," James, 229; John, 7, 8, 67, 215; Wm. 232. Chilton, John, 92, 315, 332, 347, 376; Newman, 332; Stephen, 201, 535; Thomas, 332, 498, 614. Chinworth, Chineworth, John, 228, 410; Jonathan, 230. Chiram, James, 332. Chisero, John, 230. Chisholm, Chrisham, George, 411, 614; James, 201; John, 231; William, 415. Index 635 Chisley, Henry, 231. Chiswell, Peter, 201. Chitwood, John, 229. Christian, Col. 531; George, 228; James, 201 (2), 414, 415; John, 67, 227; Joseph, 230; Nicholas, 32, 33, 333; Rawleigh C. 303; Richard, 230, 414; Thomas (Dr.) 19; Turner, 533; Walter, 229; William, 14, 25 (2), 26, 56, 93 (2), 125, 147, 201, 284, 324. 334. 372, 551, 588. Christie, Christy, James, 201 (2), 230, 312, 335; Thom- as (Dr.) 14, 20, 92, 147, 412, 614; William (Dr.) 21, 57, 3i3- Christopher, George, 432; James, 228. Chumley, Daniel, 230. Chuning, Chatwin and George, 334. Chunn, Sylvester, 414. Church, John, 411; Thomas, 232, Halifax Catawba, 575; St. Peters, New Kent Co. 556. Churn, Margaret, 461. Cincinnati, Society of, 137 (Ray), 561. Cirkle, Andrew, Michael and Peter, 607. Citty, Noah, 614. Clack, Andrew, 201; John, 227; Moses, 230. Claiborne, Buller, 93, 417, 614; James, 417; Lucy, 417; Nathaniel, 215; R. 426, 472, 520; Richard, 92, 413, 417, 614; Robert R. 417; Sterling, 417; Thomas, 215. Clairmont, Michael, 168. Clardy, Joseph, 230. Clarinon, Michael, 201. Clark, Clarke, Andrew, 168, 201 (3); Benjamin, 233; Bowler, 498; "Cor," 93; Charles, 579; Daniel, 331; Daniel B. 33; David, 232, 411; Edmund, 92, 147, 230, 413, 414, 446; Edward, 233 410; George, 316, 579, 607 614; George Rogers, 92, 129 146, 154, 163, 164, 529 (2) 530 (2), 531 (4)- 533 (2) 535 (4), 537. 538 (3), 555 561, 563. 564, 565. 567, 568 570, 577, 578, 580, 586 Commissioner, Plates 4, 5 James, 201, 331, 413; Jere- miah, 228; Jesse, 232, 233 John, 15, 28, 67, 91, 93, 168 201 (2), 229 (2), 230, 232 (2) 304, 308, 332, 333, 409, 415 534, 537, 588; Jonathan, 91 147, 409, 418; Joseph, 228 Lawrence, 229; Lieut. 589 Mary, 614; Micajah, 232 Moses, 412; Richard, 92 146, 163, 201, 332, 530, 580 Robert, 186, 228, 333, 415 Rodham, 228, 231; Spencer 228, 232; Stephen, 201 Sterling, 230; Thomas, 229 232, 332; Tully, 318; Turner 232; William, 14, 67, 92, 146 163, 231, 332, 413, 530, 535 Wm. Comr. PI. 5; Z. 21, 67. Clarkson, James, 524; Jesse, 19- Clary, Thomas, 333. Clasby, Clawby, Nathan, 185. Clause, George, 607. Clavenger, Edward, 410. Claverius, James, 289; John, 215- Clawson, Garrett, 231. Clay, Charles, 455; Henry, 483; John, 231, 232; Mary, 614; Mathew, 91, 147, 230, 331, 418; Samuel, 228; Thomas, 92, 332, 536. Clayborne, S. and Thomas, 334- Clayton, Claytor, Henry, 313, 333; Joseph, 188, 417; Philip, 91, 147, 230, 232, 410, 416, 614; Thomas, 228. Clabeck, Henry, 231. Cleft, Benjamin, 614. Clem, David, 596, 604; Ded- rick, 596, 604; Michael and Phillip, 604. Cleman, Clemance, Cle- ments, Clement, etc., Barn- ard and Bernard, 201, 315, 335; Benjamin, 201, 229; Charles, 229; Edward W. 416; Gillihan, 231; Hum- phrey, 232; James, 411; John, 201, 215, 414; Mace, 91, 125, 147, 410, 614; Stephen, 233; Thomas, 215, 232; Wm. 231. Clemson, James and John, 614. Clendeny, George, 333. Clepple, Michael, 604. Cleveland, John, 414. Cleverius, Cleveriess, Cle- verine, James, 92, 146, 201; John, 15, 67. Clez, Peter, 232. Click, John, 20; Wm. 201 (2). Clift, Clifton, Joshua, 411; Thomas, 168; Wm. 411. Cline, Adam, 604; John, 230; Peter and Philip, 606. Clod, Robert, 283, 331. Cloms, George, 230. Clong, Henry, 228. Clopton, David, 232. Clorus, George, 230. Close, Closse, Hugh, 232; Jacob, 201. Clothier, Continental, 533. Cloud, Daniel, 229, 604; Henry, 594; William, 594, 604. Clouders, Cloudas, Abram, 201. Clough, John, 414; Reuben, 614. Clours, George, 230. Clower, Daniel and ch. 542. Cloyd, James, 590; Wm. 187, 411, Clung, Henry, 188. Clutz, John, 228. Cluverius, James, 536. Coalden, James, 334. 636 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Coamer, Fred, 601. COATNEY, Wm. 228 (2), 23I. Coats, Coates, Edney, 9, 10, ii, 67, 215; George, 413; Jesse, 8, II, 67, 215; John, 8, 67, 215, 228, 333, 614; Raleigh, 11, 215; Samuel, 8, 11, 333; Thomas, 9, 11, 67, 215; William, 7, 8, 67, 215, 228, 417; Willis, 230. Cobbett, John, 232. Cobbs, Cobb, Howell, 229; Jesse, 230; Samuel, 93, 418; Shattan, 418; William, 228, 231; Wm. and Lucy, 418. Cochran, Cockran, Dennis, 201 ; Edward and George, 169, 201 ; Fanny, 571 ; Henry, 201; James, 125; John, 230; Samuel, 201; William, 412. Cock, Cocke, Anderson, 229; Colin, 92, 146, 413, 418, 614; Enoch, 228; James, 23 (2), 27, 40 (3), 41, 43, 44 (2), 45 (2), 46, 48 (2), 49, 51, 57; John, 231 (2); John Cotesby, 40 (2), 47, 48, 49, 50, 65; Major, 529; Martha (Boyd), 414; Michael, 412; Na- thaniel, 126, 142, 146; Peter P- 335; Pleasant, 93, 414; Ro. 45; Theodoria, 414; Theodrick, 614; William, 25, 417. Cockmcal, John, 18, 67. Cockran, Cockron, Samuel; Simon, 417. Cockrell, Cockerill, Jo- seph, 229; Joseph B. 614; Littleton, 27; Peter, 416; Presley, 413; Wm. 230. Cocks, Thomas, 228. Codell, Thomas, 342. Cody, John, 230. Coel, Coelus, 6; Andrew, 169; David, 229. Coff, Coffee, John, 19; Os- borne, 228; Reuben, 229; Samuel, 169. Coffer, George, 230, 295. Coffield, James, 232. Coffin, John and Lemuel, 416. Cofman, Coffman, Christian, David, Hogspill David, Long David, Martin, 602. Cogar, Cogay, Jacob, 168; John, 345; Peter, 168. Cogdell, John, 228. Coggin, Herbert, 331. Coghill, James, 229. Cogurill, Frederick and Zach- ariah, 411. Cogwall, Cogwill, Frederick 201, 231, 332; Zachariah, 332. Cohall, James, 201. Cohen, Coheron, Dennis, 168. Coil, Gabriel, 614; Thomas, 228. Coker, Joseph and Wm. 187. Colbert, Bazil and Elisha, 414; John, 53,331, 414. Colden, James, 331, 354. Coldwater, John, 333. Cole, Abram, 309; Andrew, 231 (2); Edmund, Edward and Francis, 232; George, 229; Harulin, 410; Huldah (ch.), 542; John, 93, 413, 417; Joseph, 228; Richard, 230; Robert, 228, 230; Sam- uel, 228, 417; Thomas, 331; William, 53, 228, 232, 313, 331, 333, 416. Coleman, Francis, 413; Isham, 232; Jacob, 91, 147,409,417, 598; James, 229, 414, 417; Joel, 229; John, 92, 215, 231, 417, 517; Joseph, 413; Levy, 201; Mary, 614; Patrick, 228, 232; Peter, 231; Rich- ard, 92, 332, 413; Robert, 472; Samuel, 91, 147, 415, 416 (2), 417 (2); Spencer, 597; Thomas, 19, 20, 67, 201, 229, 230, 413; W. 531; Whitehead, 92, 147, 411, 417, 418, 614; William, 24, 201, 228, 231; Wyatt, 92, 146 (2), 201 (2), 332, 530, 536, 537, 582, 584. Colemy, Timothy, 232. Coler, Coles, Michel, 602; Samuel, 614. Colgan, Colgin, Wm. 195, 416. Collett, Daniel, 614; John, 228. Colley, Charles, 417; Wm. 231. Collier, Charles, 93, 292; Fanny, 482; James, 417; John, 228; Joseph, 483, 558; Thomas, 93, 125, 146 (2), 201 • 334, 6l 4; William, 230, 300, 330. Collin, Collins, Adam, 370; Bartlett, 126, 147, 416; Benjamin, 228; Charles, 228, 229; Daniel, 229; George, 231, 332; James, 4, 67, 228 (2), 296, 334, 370; John, 184, 201, 227 (2), 228, 230, 231, 232, 410, 414; Joseph, 232; Major, 231; Margaret, 334; Mason, 228, 335, 410; Peter, 186, 412; Richard, 333, 425; Robert, 230; Stephen, 4, 67, 296, 334; Thomas, 184, 230, 333, 4!5, 4 l6 ; Wyatt, 417. Coloahin, Colquehon, James, 229, 410. Coloney, Colony, Collony, George, 308; Southey, 232; William, 308, 335. Colquit, John, 229. Colter, William, 201. Col vert, Jonathan, 73, 94. Colvil, Samuel, 606. Colvin, Daniel, 201; David, 335; Henry, 227; James, 335; Jeremiah, 412; John, 412; Mason, 201, 335. Colwell, Robert, 228, 230. Combs, Francis, 228; George, 232; Job, 596, 604; John, 600, 601; Ro. 596; Solomon, 604; Wm. 229. Comer, Comber, , 23; Augustine, 230; Charles, 230; Isham, James, John f Index 637 201; Julius, 228; Michael, 25, 67, 602. Commack, Francis, George, William, 228. Commea, Thomas, 230. Commission, Land, Plates. Commissioner Land Office (U. S.), iv-vii, 280, 281, 523, 524, 525. Pensions, 581. Rev. Claims of Va. 583. Committee of Safety, Dun- more Co. 590. Commutation and half-pay, 538 to 590, 585. Compera, Francis and Lewis, 169. Compton, Augustine, 231, 412; Lieut. 589. Conard, James, 415. Coney, Stephen, 29, 67. Congel, Daniel, 201. Congress, Armand's Corps, 182. Congress, 5, 38, 40, 44, 48 (2), 57- Conkin, George, 598. Conley, Thomas, 414. Conn, John, 169; Nolly and Thomas, 614. Connally, Connelly, Philip, 415; Thomas, 169; Wm. 187, 411. Connell, Jeremiah, 232; Pat- rick, 230; Silas, 614. Connecticut, Bradley, 5th Regt. 559. Conner, Connor, Barney, 185; Daniel, 229; Douglas, 315; Edward, 125, 415; Iolen, 338; I. William, 419; James, 414; John, 184, 185, 319- 331 (2), 4H, 419; Julius, 228; Lawrence, 230; Michael, 19; Owen, 232; Philip, 410; Terrace, 415; Timothy, 231; Wm. 93, 315. Conoy, Conroy, Patrick, 168; Sydnor, 231. Conrad, Alfred S. 515; Con- rod, Jacob, 410; John, 606. Conser, Salina (Selma?) 614. Consoleus, Charles and Mary, 414. Contraw, Francis, 169. Convance, Paul 169. Convention, Field Officers by, 1776, 588. Conway, Conaway, Amos, 233; E. T. & J. N. 614; Eliza, 334; Francis, 614; Henry, 93, 419; James, 230, 610; Joseph, 92, 147, 412, 614; Robert, 27, 40, 44, 46, 48, 57, 318; Samuel, 413; William, 233. Coobell, Clem, 67. Cooker, Cookers, James, 291 ; Michael, 201, 229. Cooksey, Andrew and John, 600, 601. Cooley, James, 410; Samuel, 147; Thomas, 53, 67, 201. Coombes, Francis, 409. Coon, Coons, Anthony, 414; Frederick, 411; Jesse, 232; Michael, 614. Cooney, Matthew, 232. Coonsolver, John, 409. Coontz, Christopher, 169. Cooper, Appollus, 93, 416; Barnus, 201; Charles, 415; Ephraim, 411; George, 601, 606; Henry and James, 215; Hillery, 231, 417; Jesse, 231; John, 232; Joseph, 168, 201; Leighton, 230; Levin, 231; Leonard, 93, 415, 417, 606; Peter, 232 (2); Ramsay, 168; Reuben, 415, 614; Robert, 416, 614; Samuel, 614; Si- mon, 417; Spencer, 411; Sterling, 303; Thomas, 230, 2 33 ( 2 ), 416; William, 230, 232, Wm. Jr. 215; Wilmore, 232, Kooper, Davis, 250. Copas, Copar, Abraham, John, Jonathan and Wm. 614. Copeland, Charles, 422; Henry, 524; James, 229; Wm. 412. Cope, Copes, Coops, Coperd, Beverly, 57, 79 (2), 93, 286, 334, 341; Francis, 201; Parker, 232, 334; Solomon, 232; Southey, 231, 418; Thomas, 415. Copenger, Higgins, 411. Copenhafer, Jacob, 606. Copin, John, 417. Copp, Christian, 601. Coppage, John, 233. Copper, John, 352. Coppinger, Higgins, 188. Coram, William, 411. Corbell, Clem, 27, 215; Fleet, 215; Joel, 195; Peter, 332; Wm. 215, 542. Corbett, John, 412. Corbin, Charles, 228; Isaiah, 419; John, 334; Lewis, 229; Wm. 57, 93, 228, 287, 329, 334- Corbus, William, 385. CORDALLE, CORDELL, CORDILL, John, 125, 141, 529; Stephen and Sarah, 542. Cordones, John, 411. Cordrey, James, 614. Cork, Virginia Chevalier, 609, viii. Corkindal, George, 201. Cormorant, 36, 37 (3), 81. Corn, Corns, John, 168, 201; Peter, 232; Robert, 228. Corneilla, Patrick, 168. Cornelius, Charles, 230; James C. 335; Josiah, 413; Rowland, 229; Wm. 16, 332, 333. 335 (2), 4 J 3- Cornett, Wm. and Mary Ann, 542. Cornwallis, Lord, surrender, 568, 576. Cornwell, Daniel, 201 (2). Corps, — See Organizations — Armand's, 57, etc.; Nelson's (John), 529, 531, 535, 539, 586; Slaughter's, 540, 570, 572. CORREN, Col. 534. Corsin, John, 201. Cortner, Anthony, 601, 602. 638 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Cosby, Edward, 230(2); Hig- gerson, 229; James, 229; Michael, 231; Nelson, 416; Peter, 232; Sydnor, 232, 414; Thomas, 228 (2); Wm. 416. Cose, William, 188. Cosgrove, James, 201. Coste, (de) J. B. 168, 170. Costick, Edward, 332. Cotman, Henry, 481. Cotney, John, 600, 601. COTRELL, COTTERELL, COT- rill, Thomas, 215; Wm. 56, 92, 33?- Cottingworth, Edward, 382. Cottle, William, 228, 416. Couant (Conant?), John, 412. Couch, Samuel, 333, 415, 488. Cougill, John, 413. Coule, Conrad and John, 607. Counce, Jacob and Michael, 604. Coune, Cowne, Augustine, 331; Robert, 331, 532, 533, 536. Counties: Accomack, 72, 80, 581. Amelia, 552, 574. Augusta, 132. Botetourt, 589. Campbell (Edmondson) 545. Caroline, 540, 564, 565, 573, 610. Culpepper, 130, (Madison), 559. 570, 574. 576. 610. Dunmore, 558, 590-609, 617; Census, 1775, 590-601, Military Districts, 6oi, Military Rolls, etc. 590- 609; Obituary, Col. Benj. Wilson, 617, PI. 6 to 13. Elizabeth City, 539, 551. Fauquier, 544, (Diggs), 551, 553, 579- Fincastle, 589. Frederick, 549, 590. Gloucester, 540, 558, 572. Greene, 577. Halifax, 563, 574, 577. Hampshire, 573. Hanover, 553. Harrison, 549, 617. Henrico, 545 (Edinburg), 558, 561, 572. King and Queen, 540, 560. King William, 539, 610. Lewis, 610. Madison, 569, 575, 576. Monongahela, 618. Nancymond, 550. New Kent, 556. Orange, 559, 575. Page, 590, 595, 597, 598; "Hawskill Creek," 602. Pittsylvania, 564. Prince William, 545, 546, 577- Randolph, 617. Rappahannock, 579. Shenandoah, 500, 591, 600, 602, 617. Spottsylvania, 556, 562. Surrey, 554. Warren, 590, "Fork Dis- trict" 593, 598. Washington, 570. Westmoreland, 555. Wythe, (Evans), 545. Cour, William, 231. Courier, 7. Court Decisions, 585; Clarke, Wm. No. 6, 530; Dalton, No. 7, 530; Ewell, No. 9,531; George, No. 13, 14, 531; Graves, No. 8, 532; Marshall, No. 1, A3, 522; Roberts, No. 1. A4, 535; Rogers, No. 4, 535; Saunders, No. 1, A2, 536; Walls, No. 10, 530 and No. 2, 537; Young, No. 1, A5, 538. Repayment to Va. etc. 585. Court of Enquiry, Kelly, Capt. Thaddy, 552. Courtney, Brough, 352; Dandridge, P. 610; Isaac and James, 543; John S. 495; M. 427; Michael, 233; Philip, 93, 228, 417, 610; Samuel, 411; Thomas, 201, 331. Courtright, Jesse, 614. Couts, Jacob, 188; John, 147. COVENANCE, Paul, 201. Coverly, 147; Thomas, 92, 147, 411, 418. Covey, Drury, 416. Covington, Robert, 230; Sam- uel, 28; William, 231. Cowan, Cowin (?), Cowne, Andrew, 169; Augustine, 91, x 4-6, 536; Benjamin, 232; John, 168; Mason, 169; Paul, 201; Robert, 91, 146, 535; Wm. and Margaret, 543. Cowdry, Cowdray, John, 169, 201. Cowell, Ralph, 227. Cowgill, Daniel, 169; Sarah G. 334- Cowherd, Francis, 91, 146, 409, 413, 418, 614; James, 411, 614. Cowles, Henry, 525. Cowley, Selby, 232; Thos. 201. Cowman, John, 606. Cowper, Richard, 411. Cox, Abraham and Anthony, 201 (2); Benjamin, 201, 230, 231; Daniel, 228; Edward, 215, 230; Francis, 411; George and Henry, 228; James, 29, 67, 169, 201, 571; Jeremiah, 231; John, 28, 37, 67, 75. 85, 335. 524. 537. 581, 614; Martin and Na- thaniel 614; Philip, 231; Presley, 229, 412; Radiford, 410; Samuel, 413; Thomas, 53, 67, 201; William, 412. Coxen, Coxor, Wm. 187, 228, 410. Coyen, Nathaniel, 201. Crabb, John, 25, 67, 143. Craddock, Cradock, Henry, 228, 229, 409; Robert, 91, 147, 228, 409, 418, 614. Crafford — See Crawford. Craft, Crafton, James, 231; John, 201. Craghill, Nathaniel, 10, II. Cragwell, James, 232; John, 233- Craig, Craik, Adam, 125, 146, Index 639 537; Isaac, 525; James, 92, 93, 303, 412, 614; John, 415; Lewis, 614; Thomas, 186, 218, 230, 411; Wm. 187, 411, Craighead, Peter, 201. Crain, Craine, Crane, Aaron, 229; Ebenezer, 201; James, 28, 67, 92, 147, 215, 412, 418; Mary, 614; St. John, 169; Thomas, 229; Wm. 208. Crall, Crale, David, 232; John, 409; Rodman K. 415. Crammer, David, 184. Cranch, William, 511. Crandie, William, 17, 67. Crapper, John, 418. Cratton, William, 410. Crawford, Crafford, etc., 5, 67; Aaron, 230; Andrew, 230; Archibald, 231 ; Charles, 411; David, 229, 411, 599, 601; Elizabeth, 556; John, 91, 147, 201, 409, 410 (2), 413, 417, 590, 600, 601, 614; Nehemiah, 416; Oliver, 229; Robert, 187, 410; Strader, 606; Thomas, 614; Wm. 91, 191, 410, 588, 590. Crawley, James, 229, 411; John, 168, 201; Samuel, 93, 146, 292 (2), 314, 358, 385 (2), 543, will etc., Wm. 201. Craws, John, 229. Cray, Thomas, 233. Craze, Noah, 202. Creage, John, 232. Creal, John, 231. Creamer, Wm. 413. Creasy, George, 230. Creed, Colby and John A, 543; Simon, 32, 67; Thomas 416. Creedle, Benjamin, 202 James, 231; Wm. 202. Creek, Creak, Crick, John — Joseph, 415. Creelman, Wm. 323. Creighton, Crighton, Dan iel, 229; David, 312; Wm 614. Crenshaw, Daniel and Wm. 233- Crew, Crews, James, 230; John, 6, 37, 40, 48, 57; Joseph, 229, 415; Gideon, 230; Obadiah, 232. Crewson, Benjamin, 187. Cruise, Cruze, etc., John- son, 228; Noah, 168; Red- man, 412; Wm. 188. Criffe, William, 232. Crimbus, Judith (Stevens), 508. Crippin, John, 231; Wm. 418. Crittenden, John, 92, 125, 146, 164, 410, 614; Wm. 332. Croaker, Crocker, Wm. 202. 233. 33i- Crocket, Crockett, Andrew, 556; Anthony, 126, 141, 146, 164, 319- 335, 531- 533, 538; DandridgeS. 543, 578; Batal, 374; Col. 535 (2); Joseph, 91, 125, 146, 155, 164, 331, 525, 530, 531, 532, 535 (2), 537 (3), 543, 549; Glenn, 343- Crockton, Thomas, 600, 601. Crogham, Crogan, Croghun, Maj. 535, 564; William, 90, 91, 147, 332, 409, 412, 492, 614, Plates 3 to 5. Croglam, W. 565. Cromwell, Joseph, 232. Crone, Cron, Fergus, 597; Robert, 538. Crook, Henry, 417; James N. 614. Crookshanks, John, 228, 592. Crop, Drury and Richard, 416. Cropper, Croppers, Elsee, 231; James, 415, 419; John, 4, 56, 79 (3), 92, 93, 215, 286, 410; Levin, 231; Thom- as, 79. Crosby, William, 231, 415. Croscton, Richard, 414. Cross, Harris, 229; John, 229, 232, 233, 415, 614; Samuel, 410. Crossen, Crowson, Gustavus, 333; H'n John, 231; John Hanson, 415. Crossley, Wm. 168, 202. Crostick, Edward, 202. Crouch, Croucher, Charles, 202; Hugh, 231; Jacob, 299; James, 229; Jarvis, 614; Joseph N. 614; Robert, 610; Wm. 202, 419. Crow, Anthony, 11; Dennis, 230; Isham, 227; James, 229; John, 230; Robert, 231 ; Wm. 227. Crowden, Crowder, Crowd- ers, Anthony, 229; Joshua, 7, 10, 11, 215; Matthew, 417; Robert, 10, 332; Sterling, 228; William, 202. Crowler, Crowley, Charles, 331; Capt. 530; David, 410; John, 288. Crows, Edward, 414. Croxton, Carter, 195, 314; Charles, 202; John, 202, 227, 231, 414. Cruckerman, Wm. 307. Cruckshanks, John, 228. Cruidson, Benjamin, 415, 416. Crume, Philip, Jr. 599, 601; Ralph Sr. 599, 601, Jr. 601. Crumel, Joseph, 202. Crummy, Joseph, 187, 229. Crump, Cromp, Abner, 91, 146 (2), 331, 558, 582, 587, 589; Arthur, 23; Augustine, 202; Benjamin, 202, 331; Goodrich, 543; Jesse, 227, 229, 331; John, 283; John C. 335; Leonard, 202; Lucy L. 441; Richard, 126, 146, 314, 335, 536; Thomas, 332; Wm. 168, 202 (2), 367. Crumpton, Cumpton, Reuben, 231; Thomas, 229. Crunden, R. E. 317, Cruswell, Samuel, 411. Crutcher, Henry, 169, 202; John, 231. Crutchfield, John, 202 (2), 231; Lewis, 230; Ralph, 202; 640 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Richard, 231 ; Stapleton, 410; Wm. 230, 232. Crutchlow, Edward, 231. Crute, John, 91, 228, 418, 614; John L. 418. Cryble, Abraham, Christian, Jones, 606. Cryder, John, 231. Cubbertson, James, 92, 147 (?)• CUDBIRTH, CUTHBERT, CUTH- bart, Gill, 8; Wm. 413. Cuding (Luding?), John, 582. Cue, William, 202. Culbertson, James, 412, 417, 614; Robert, 614. Cullen, Cullett, Benjamin and John, 202; Thomas, 344. Culley, Robert, 19. Cullip, Abram, 229. Culp, Cornelius, 614; Daniel, 125. Cumberford, Isaac, 416; James, 232. Cumberland River, 156, 161. Cumbo, Daniel, 410; Michael, 231; Richard, 232; Stephen, 202. Cumby, Dicey, 467. Cummins, Cummons, Cum- Mings, Alexander, 93; An- drew, 417; George, 294, 333; John, 230; M. 614; Mat- thew, 301; Thomas, 602. Cunady, John, 187. Cunningham, Adam, 597, 600, 601; Jacob, 228; James, 187, 411; James B. 334; John, 227, 229, 232, 602; Michael, 15, 25, 28, 67; Nathaniel, 411; Robert, 599, 601; Rob- ert B. 334; Thomas, 232; Vaul, 230; Walter, 600, 601; William, 56, 91, 288, 334, 343. 384. 4io, 525- Curd, John, 231. Cure, Jean Baptiste, 168. Cureton, James, 231. Curle, Curl, Jacob, 188, 318; John, 318; Richard, 188, 412; Thomas, 191. Curreli, Currell, Benjamin, 202; George, 215, 230, 335 (2); Henry, 232; James, 30, 5 6 > 6 7. 93. 215; Nicholas, 93, 416, 417; Spencer and Thom- as, 215. Curry, James, 91, 168, 410, 419, 614; Richard, 230; Thomas, 202. Curtain, Curtin, James, 228; Page, 202; William, 232. Curtis, Curtice, Boiling, 184; Charles, 202; Henry, 21, 67, 333; James, 7, 33, 57, 67, 414; John, 416, 476; Rice, 169, 202; Robert, 202 (2); Thomas, 93. Curvell, Currell, James, 10, 26 (2). Custard, George and John, 415- Custic, Custiss, James, 331; John, 484; Thomas, 418; Thomas M. 484. Cutler, Charles, 614; Wm. 25- 67. Cutright, Peter, 415. Cutte, Charles, 614. Cutts, Shadrackand Wm. 331. Cypress, Andrew, 411. Cyrus, Bartholomew, 187,411; Nicholas, 232. D Dabney, Charles, 14, 94; Col. 53o, 531. 535 (2), 536— See Organizations, Plate 3. Dade, Francis, 94, 147, 421, 610, 614; John, 614. Daett, Frey, 182. Daggett, Clem, 27. Dagnaf, Stephen, 233. Dagnell, Stephen, 53. Dahart, William, 235. Dailey, Daley, Dally, Den- nis, 234; George, 421; Ham- ner, 202; James, 420; John, 188, 422; Robert, 233; Thomas, 235; Zadock, 202. Dalby, Branson (Brawson?), 290, 337- Dale, Edward and John M. 338; Richard, 58, 95, 291, 338, 363, 37i; Robert, 235. Dallis, John, 235; Robert, 301, 422. Dalton, Daulton, Jesse, 235; Moses, 420; Thomas Valen- tine, 127, 142, 147, 164, 315, 338; Valentine Thomas, 425, 530, 531.536, 543 (ch.); V.I. 580; V. S. 425, 580; Wm. 233. Damer, John, 233. Dameron, George, 235; Jacob, 423; Jesse, 234; Joshua, 32, 68; Thomas, 27, 32, 68, 338. Dames, John, 68. Damewood, Boston, 169, 202. Dammerell, Elizabeth, 338. Danavan, Catherine, 441. Danby, Jonathan, 421. Dandridge, Alex. S. 94, 419, 420, 614; John, 94, 147, 422, 614; Robert, 94, 127, 147, 419, 614. Daner, William, 506. Dangerfield, John, 202, 234; Mary C. 615; William, 202, 235, 421, 588, 615. Daniel, 235; Blouen, 182; Carter, 425; Christopher, 301, 422, 424; George, 337; Jacob, 424; James, 233; John, 191, 336, 425; Oliver, 234; Thomas, 8, 11, 337; Walter, 234. Daniely, William, 234. Danstall, Almond, 234. Darby, Ayers, 15, 67, 338; Darmon, 337; John, 20; Massie and Kendrick, 615; Nathaniel, 94, 147, 420, 423, 615; Severn, 423. Dardy, Baptiste and John, 170. Dare, Alexander, 525. Daring, Ens. 529, 530; Henry, 164, 337. 530, 543 (ch.); Lieut. 532. Dark, Darke, John, 615; William, 94, 147, 419, 422, 423. 615- Index 641 Darley, Darly, Darman, 31 (3); Daroson, 67. Darling, Henry, 94. Darlington, Gabriel and Jos- eph, 615. Darnell, Darnall, Corne- lius, 170, 171; Wm. 502. Darnes, John, 27. Darnold, Adam, 234; Aaron, 420. Darsinger, John, 236. Darvill, Darville, William, 94. 234. 422. Darwin, John, 234. Dashper, John and Thomas, 422. Daugherty, Dougherty, Ed- ward, 202; James, 27, 30, 50, 51,58,95, 147,292,298,337, 338, 615; John, 188, 615; Patrick, 234, 419; Philip B. 550 (See Dogherty). Davenport, Abrian and Adrian, 424; Claiborne, 420; Francis, 236; James, 233; Joel, 421; John, 68, 234 (2); Joseph, 143, 195, 202, 317, 425; Martin, 233; Moses, 422; Opie, 94, 147, 202, 336; Reuben, 424; Thomas, 233; William, 94, 202, 234, 422. David, Nicholas, 421. Davidson, Ambrose, 421; David, 188, 234, 235, 421; Edward, 233, 235; James, 235; Joseph and Joshua, 421 ; Lewis, 235; Philip, 234; Robert, 235; Thomas, 235, 236; William, 233, 425. Davier, Davies, Davie, James, 491; John, 234, 336; John R. 126; Richard, 423; Van, 184, William, 421. Davis, Abraham, 235; Alex- ander, 11, 23, 68; Anthony, 233; Aquilla, 53, 235, 337; Arthur, 422; Augustus, 615; Boatis, 615; Charles, 191, 235, 236, 615; Christopher, 235; Daniel, 8, 68, 607; David, 615; Dolly, Judith and Nancy, 423; Dolphin, 234; Duncan, 615; Edmund, 235; Edward, 511, 512; Enoch, 233, 234; Edwin H. 615; Elizabeth, 422; George, 29, 68, 236; Henry, 235 (2), 422; Hugh, 300, 337, 424; Humphrey, 234; Isaac, 233, 615; Ishmael, 423; Jacob, 233, 423, 424; James, 40, 48, 53, 95. 170, 233, 234, 236, 336, 420, 421, 424, 615; Jeduthen, 337; Jeremiah, 422, 615; Jesse, 95, 235, 337, 422, 615; John, n, 17, 25, 40 (2), 45, 50, 67, 233, 234 (3), 235 (4), 236 (3), 315, 335 (2), 337 (2), 370, 420, 423. 425, 470, 592; John K. 533; John R. 51, 65, 147; Joseph, 94, 147, 171, 234, 23 6 . 33 6 . 370, 4 J 9; Lewis, 235; Lewis C. 336; Nicholas, 191; Peter, 126; Presley, 424, 615; Richard, 422, 423, 615; Robert, 170, 202, 233, 423 (2), Samuel, 234, 235 (2), 420, 421, 615; Spillsby, 420; Thomas, 95, 183, 234, 236, 307, 422, 425 (2); Thompson, 422, 615; Towler, 235; Walter, 615; William, 94, 147, 185, 195, 233, 234 (3), 235 (4), 315. 328, 336, 369, 419, 420, 422 (2), 425 (2), 534. 598, 615; Wm. Henry, 233, 235; Zedick, 16, 67. Davis and O'Bannon, 615. Davison, John, 532; Joseph, 615; Josiah, 421. Daw, Dawe, Philip, 428, 485, 615; Samuel, 615. Dawell, William, 420, Dawes, Daws, John, 25, 424. Dawson and Beeson,6io,6i5. Dawson, Benjamin, 233, 234, 423; Francis, 420; Harriot, 335; Henry, 94, 147, 233, 234, 419, 424; James, 170 (2), 234, 421 ; John, 532, 610; Robert, 236; Thomas, 8, 9, 10, 11, 52, 58, 68, 215, 336; Thomas B. 191, 338 (2); William, 235. Day, Ambrose, 219, 425; Ben- jamin, 126; George, 234, 236; James, 233, 543, 562; John, 188, 421; Mathew, 615; Richard, 236; Robert, 604; Samuel, 235; Thomas, 18, 27, 236, 360; Westbrook, 432; William, 170, 202, 233, 234. 235. 421, 425- Dayer, Peter, 424. Dayle, John, 336. Daymell, George, 366. Deacon, Duncowen, Joseph, 185. Deadman, Richmond, 234; Samuel, 421, 615. Deal, John, 234. Deane, Dean, Adam, 615; Daniel, 24, 32, 68, 191; Ellis, 191; James, 171; John, 186, 233, 234, 336 (2), 337, 338, 424; Jones, 292, 424; Joseph, 234, 419, 615; Joshua, 236, 420; Michael, 419; Peter, 424; William, 27, 28, 40, 47, 48, 58. Dear, Benjamin, 421; Jere- miah, 235. Dearing, 532; Ens. 530; Henry, 147, 529, 530, 533, 536, 587; James, 11. Death, Randolph, 235; Wm. 419, 615. Deathridge, Philip, 236. Deaton, Jabe and John, 235. Deaver, Deavir, Wm. 233, 543- De Benneville, De Bunne- VILLE, Daniel, 95, 422, 615. Debitz, Joseph, 233. Debo, John, 604; John Con- rod, 596. Deboard, Elijah and James, 337- Debram, Ann, 338. Decker, Deker, Adam, 602; Jacob, 170; Nicholas, 421; Steven, 615. 642 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Deckson, James, 420. de Coste, J. B. 168, 170. Decrand, P. 170. Dedawick, Stephen, 606. Dedlick, William, 425. Dedman, John and Robert, 42 1. Deeway, Benjamin, 53. Defiance, 3, 6, 7, 37 (2), 40 (5), 41 (2), 42, 46 (4), 48 (2), 57, 81. Defoe, Zachariah, 234. Degraffenreidt, Deegraff- enried, Christian, 484; Christopher, 483, 506; Isch- ames, 423. Dehavin, Isaac, 235. Deiker, Samuel, 421. Deiner, Deinor, Jacob, 188, 420. Dekay, Charles, 37. Deklawnan, Charles, 94, 131; Christian C. 337. Delany, Delancey, Anthony, 235, 421 ; Daniel, 421 ; Isham, 236; James, 234; Joseph and Zachariah, 233. Delaplane, Delapline, James, 94, 420. Delaporte, Decrine, 127; Du- rome, 147. de la Roucrie, Marquis, 183. Delastation, Delastatius, John, 423; Joseph, 318, 425; Peter, 318, 338, 425; Selby, 235; Severn, 235, 236; Wm. 3i6, 425. Delaware, Polk, 560. Delay (?), Henry, 615. Delazier, Daniel and Richard D. 422. Deley, John, 604. Dell, Joseph, 188, 421. Dellenger, Frederick, 592; Jacob, 615. Delozer, Asa, 420. Delph, David or Daniel and Michl. 337. de Maisonville, Monr. 176. Demasters, Edward and James, 423, 615. Demin, Brain Tim'y, 94. Demmit, John and Moses, 615. De Monbrown, Timothy, 337. Demony, Frederick, 236. Demovill, Demonvill, Sam- uel, 286, 336, 337. Dempsey, John, 419, 615. Denaghe and Hough, 615. Denby, John, 615; Samuel, 202; Wm. 215. Deneichelle, Lewis, 170. Denholm, Archibald, 94, 419. Denlap, (Dewlap?), James, 615. Denning, Jacob, 615. Dennis, Alexander, 236; Henry, 188; James, 420; John, 234; Joseph, 419; Richard, 233; Wm. 188, 305, 422, 425. Dennison, Denniston, Jo- seph, 188; Wm. 592. Dennoss, John, 421. Denny, Denney, Aaron, 615; Henry, 188, 420; James; 615; Samuel, 126, 314, 425, 615. Denon, Peter, 235. Denton, Dunton, David, 234; John, 94, 234, 235, 336, 337, 421, 422, 595, 596, 601, 604; Joseph, 604; Jouch, 597; Stephen, 22 (2); Thomas, 170, 337; Wm. 234, 337. Depriest, John, 234, 336 (5), 388, 422, 426, 430, 436, 444, 498; Reuben, 234; Robert, 283; Wm. 336. Derassett, Samuel, 422. Derwar, , 182. Deshazo, Wm. 284, 337. Desmond, James, 202. Detering, Jacob, 170. Devaughn, Peter, 233. Devenport, Abraham, 615. Deveny, Charles, 592. Devere, Dever, Devour, De- vor, Isaac, 233, 419; Jere- miah, 424; John, 234. Devil, Henry, 235. Deweese, Paul, 202. Dewey, Erastus, 615. Dewitt. Henry and Peter, 421. Deyall, Diall, Dial, Daniel, 544; John, 202, 602. Dibble, Thompkins, 520. Diby, Bell and Holmes, 615. Dichard, Jacob, 202. Dick, Dicks, Alexander, 24 (2), 40, 45, 47 (2), 48, 50, 65, 94- 147, 319. 336, 344. 358, 380, 525, 529. 53i (2), 533, 544, (will etc.); Major, 536. Dickason, Dickerson, Ed- mund, 94, 423; Edmund B. 126, 423; Elizabeth, 423; Griffith, Sr. 308; John, 235; Robert, 188; Samuel and Elizabeth, 544. Dicken, Dickens, Francis A. 524, 570; James, 424, 615. Dickey, Dickie, Alexander, 186, 234, 420; Benjamin M. 615; Wm. 419. Dickinson, Elisha, 233; Eliza- beth, 446; George, II; Grif- fith, 425; Henry, 234: James, 233; Nathaniel, 235; Robert, 234; Thomas, 235 (2); Wm. 234, 235, 236. Dicks (See Dix); Capt. Ma- rines, 39; George, 188, 422; Henry, 215; Isaac, 235. Dickson, Dixon, Anthony, 535. 615; James, 188; Joseph, 615. Diddleston, Thomas, 233. Didlake, James and Robert, 422; William, 195. Didman, Robert, 235. Die, John, 336. Digges, Diggs, etc., Cole, 95, 423; Dudley, 87, 94, 147 (2), 335. 53i. 532, 535, 544; Ed- ward, 127, 142, 147, 191, 531 544 (heirs, etc.), 581 (2), 585; Western, . Dighouse, Edward, 336. Dilback, Abram, 595. Diligence, 3, 6, 7, 34, 35, 36 (4), 37 (2), 38, 79 (4). 80. Dillard, Edward, 421; James, 95. 4 2 3; John, 188; Thomas and Wm. 234. Index 643 Dillinger, Jacob, 606. Dillon, Dillen, Benjamin, 419, 615; Jesse, 419; Joseph, 615; Thomas, 235; Wm. 415, 615. Dilly, John, 596. Dimmitt. Moses, 610, 615. Dinwoody, John, 233. Dirst, Abraham and Isaac, 607. Dirting, Adam, Jr. 593, 601. Dishman, James, 24, 191, 421, 615; John, 24, 424; Wm. 24, 191. Diskin, Daniel, 422. Dismakes, James, 202. Dismantled vessels; Glocester, Hero, Lewis, Manly, Page, Safeguard, 29. Disnoly, Francis, 233. Dispaine, Peter, 235. Ditto, Francis, 544. Diven, Robert and Wm. 422. Dix (See Dicks), Isaac, 235, 478 (2); Joel, 234; Thomas, 94, 147, 419, 422, 423, 615; Wm. 235, 424, 615. Dixon, Anthony F. 94, 126, 147. 336, 423- 525- 615; Edward, 337; George, 234; James, 336, 342; John, 235, 314, 425; Joseph, 421; Michael, 22 (2); Thomas, 423; 615; Wm. 184, 235, 338, 421. Dobbins, Charles, 188, 420; Wm. 234. Dobbs, Kedar, 424; Nathaniel, 422, 615. Dobey, Doby, Robert, 32, 67, 337. 384- Dobkin, Evin, Jacob, Reuben, 607. Dobney (?), Mathew, 615. Dobson, Robert, 15, 37, 94, 215. 336, 53i; Will, 598. Docket (See Doggit), Earl, 16, 67. Doctor, Martin, 604. Dodd, Dodds, Able, 21, 68; John, 24, 191, 424; John B. 615; Newcomb, 15, 67; Wm. 235. 336, 419- Dodge, David, 615. Dodson, Joshua, 615; Robert, 58. Doe, John, 420; Wm. 234, 235, 525- Dogan, Dogans, Henry, 420; Samuel, 235; Tim, 422. Doggett, Benjamin, 425; Clement, , 337; Elmer, 32, 67, 215; George, 215; Reuben, 215; Richard, 95, 306, 425; Richard T. 559; Thomas, 307, 425; Wm. 17. Doghead, Reuben, 215. DOGHERTY, DOHERTY, D0CH- erty (See Daugherty), Ed- ward and Frederick, 170; James, 215; Jervis, 606; John, 170, 215, 315, 333, 419, 425; Toulson, 215; Wm. 606. Dognell, Stephen, 306. Dolby, Benjamin, John and Upshur, 235; Moses, 236; Peter, 234; Wm. 235, 236, 422. Doleman, Thomas, 234. Dolland, Doland, John, 421, 615. Dollar, William, 419. Dollins, William, 336. Dolphin, Peter, 170, 202. Donaphin, William, 234. Donahe, Donaghe, Hugh, 474, 610, 615. Donakin, Donikin, Daniel, 233, 425, 615. Donaldson, Col. 552; Israel and John, 615; Wm. 422. Dond, John, 202; Roger, 171. Donnard (?), Jessie, 615. Donne, Donna, John, 127, H7. 164, 531, 547- Donnett, John and Jonathan, 615. Donning, John, 452. Donohow, Donnoho, Donow, Dennis, 233; Henry, 15, 67; Joseph, 171. Donovan, John, 170; Mathew, 143, 588; Michael, 15, 67. Dooley, Jacob, 424, 615. Doolittle, Ephraim, 615. Doran, Doren, Florence, 615; Jacob, 414; Terrance, 421, 615. Dorham, Jonathan, 615. Dorman, John, 19. Dorrington, Elisha, 234. Dorsey, Bates, 234; Lawrence, 14, 16, 67; Richard W. 95, 424, 615. Dorton, William, 8. Doswell, James, 235. Dotherage, Charles, 607. Dotson, Thomas, 598. Doty, Nathaniel, 545. Dougherty (See Daugherty). Douglass, George, 236; James, 19, 21, 66, 615; John, 234, 425; Samuel, 19; Thomas, 234, 425; Wm. 11, 234; Douglas and Haynes, 615. Dougwood, Clem, 26, 68. Doun, James, 42?. Dourrough, John, 235. Dousdan, Mathew, 425. Douthat, Thomas, 233. Douthib, John, 615. Douty, Addison, 235. Dove, James, 14, 19, 52, 58, 69, 234; John, 185; Thomas, 423. Dowden, James and Thomas, 423- Dowdy, Ambrose, 233; Clai- borne, 421. Dowell, Elisha, 202; Wm. 315, 419, 425; Wm. D. 425. Dowling, Dealing, James, 236; John, 14, 32, 68; Sam- uel, 234; Wm. 186. Downer, Thomas, 234. Downey, Cornelius, 235; Darby, 601; John, 336; Michael, 233, 336. Downing, Francis, 424. Downs, John, 235, 419. Downton, Dounton, George, 234. 337- Doyle, Doil, John, 170, 336, 421; Robert, 420 (2); Thom- as, 19. 644 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Dozey, Lavin, 202. Drabsey, Jacob, 234. Draggove, Belshazar, 615; Wra. 234. Dragon, 3, 7-13, 29, 35, 37 (2), 38, 56, 78, 81. Dragoon, Ephraim, 202. Drain, John, 234. Drake, Andrew, 419; Augus- tine, 23, 68, 215; Benjamin and Joseph, 615; Joel and Jonathan, 233; John and Ann, 539; Michael, 186, 420; Thomas, 94, 422. Draper, George, 94, 419; Robert, 421, 606. Drenon, Wra. 537, 545, 572. Drew, John, 94, 147, 234, 420; Thomas Gaines, 419; Thom- as H. 94, 147. Drewry, Drury, Benjamin, 336; James, 195, 315, 361; Mathew, 188; Samuel, 419. Drinkwater, Wm. 202. Driskell, Dennis, 336; Tim- othy, 233. Driver, Drivy, Edward, 233, 419; Francis, 335; John, 215; Petiford, 362. Drone, John, 233; Wm. 235. Drothjdy, Patrick, 234. Drumgold, Drumgood, Ed- ward, 615; James, 171. Drumheller, Adam, George and Leonard, 524. Drummond, Alexander, 421, 615; Anna F. (?), 615; Cary and Stephen, 338; Cath- arine, 615; David, 28, 67, 423, 615; Elizabeth and others, 424; James, 95, 337; John, 188, 234, 420; Joshua, 340; Richard, 615; Richard H. 424; William, 424. Dryden, heirs, 337. Ducker, John, 235. Dudley, Ambrose, 126, 147, 419, 615; Armistead, 171 ; Banks, Elizabeth, Francis, George and Wm. 424; Henry, 94- 147 (2), 335, 529. 531. 533; John, 7, 8, 11, 68, 215, 233. 533; Robert, 94, 233, 422, 424, 615. Duel, Henry, 335. Duff, Abden, 234; Edward, 94, 419, 615; John, 171, 202. Duffey, James, 233, 419. Duffield, John W. 615. Dugan, Duggin, Alexander, 234; Robert, 419. Dugar, Robert, 424, 615. Dugmon, Dugmore, John, 233. 235. 336. Duke, Dukes, Cleverius, 233, 424; Hardin, 233; Henry, 4 2 4, 6l 5; John, 595, 604. Dulaney, Joseph, 234; Thom- as, 336. Dulhoneau, Pierre, 170. Duling, Joseph, 234. Dull, George, 596, 604. Duly, Philip, 202. Dunavant, Abraham, 290. Dunbar, Andrew, 421, 422, 615; Hambleton, 422; Ham- ilton, 421; James, 419. Duncan, Dunkin, Duncom, Archibald and Benjamin, 170; Charles, 171, 233, 420; David, 171, 615; Jacob, 337; James, 234, 235; John, 233, 235- 302, 337; Joseph, 171, 235; Luke, 233; Mary, etc. 559; Nimrod, 170; Volun- teer, 589; Wm. 337. Dundore, Christley and John, 607. Dunford, Wm. 15, 67, 215. Dungan, Dunger, James and Jesse, 615; Wm. 234. Dungie, James, 336; Wm. 202. Dunham, Gideon, 615. Dunin, Abraham, 615. Dunlap, Alexander, James, John, and Major, 615; Fran- cis F. 425 (4), 529; John, 421; Joseph, 423; Samuel, 421, 424. Dunlevy, John, 6. Dunmore County, 558, 590- 609, 617. Dunmore, Lord, 590. Dunn, Dun, Adam, 615; Bill- ington, 235; James, 337, 420, 424, 615; John, 235, 336, 420, 424; Joseph, 337; Joshua, 420, 424; Lewis, 615; Pat- rick, 422; Peter, 95, 422; Richard, 354; Robert, 615; Thomas, 316, 424; Vincent, 234; W. 458; Walter, 615; Wm. 234, 235. DUNNAVON, DUNNAVANT, Abraham, 336; Daniel, 233; John, 202; Charles (Chris?), 234; Leonard and Philip, 236. Dunnaway, John, 235. Dunneth, John, 336. Dunsford, John, 235. Dunston, Dunton, Almond, 381; Joab, 235; Severn, 215; Stephen, 53, 336; Warren, 336; William, 233. Dupee, Francis, 202; Wm. 420. Duprey, Haley, 235. Durett, James, 170. Durfey, Joseph, 202. Durham, James, 420; John, 235; Samuel, 233, Wm. 234. Duringeji, Edward, 233. Durosett, Samuel, 188. Durrett, Claiborne, 236; James, 424. Durst, Daniel, 170, 202. DUSABLONG, B. I70. Duselle, Mons, 170. Dutton, Samuel, 615. Duvall, Daniel, 94, 421; P. 470; Michael, 234. Duvan, Daniel, 615. Duwitt, Robert, 560. Dybby, Edward, 286. Dye, Jonathan, 94, 420; Nancy, 420; Richard, 235. Dyer, Charles, 234; Francis, 422; Samuel, 336, 419. Dyhouse, Edward, 53. Dykes, Dyke, Henry, 21, 27, 234- 235; John, 27, 32, 68, 215; Richard, 215; Robert, 336- Index 645 Dyllard, John, 420. Dyse, Dythe, Frederick and Samuel, 615. Dyson, Stephen, 236; Wm. 234- Eagan, Barneby, Sr. and Jr. 597- Eager, Eagers, John, 237; Robert, 428, 610, 615. Eagle, Hammon, 202; Timo- thy. 596, 604; Wm. 427. Eagleston, Joseph and Rich- ard, 615. Eagnew, Thomas, 590. Eak, Dawson, 433. Eakin, Samuel, 426, 615; Wm. 615. Ealy, Ealey, John, 236 (2); Thomas and Wm. 237. Earl, Samuel, 236, 237; Wm. 236. Early, Joseph, 615. Earlywine, Daniel, 236, 426. Earnest, Ellen, 406. Ears, John, 236. Easley, Daniel, 237. Eason, Samuel, 236. East, David, 236; Southy, 292, 339- Easter, Henry, Jacob and John, 616. Eastern Shore, 1st. Cruiser, 39. Eastern Shore, 2d. Cruiser, 40. Eastham, Reuben, 236. Eastice, Eastis, Abraham, John and Wm. 237. Eastman, Dempsey, 296; Ed- ward, 236. Eastin, Easton, Achilles, , Philip and Richard, 95; Elisha, Joseph and Sarah, 616; Sarah, 339; Richard, 425; Wm. 338. Eastis, Elisha and Richard, 236. Eastridge, Robert, 236. Eastwood, Dempsey and Wright, 339, 426. Eaton, Henry, 520, 616; Jo- seph, 237, 426; Micajah, 426; Wm. 427, 616. Eaves, John, 236. Ebbs, James and John, 427. Eckhart, Michael, 427. Eddie, David, 616. Eddin, Eddins, Samuel, 95, 147, 427, 616. Edgar, John, 236. Edge, John, 11, 426. Edgecomb, Thomas, 215. Edinburgh, Sewell, Seawill, 53i. 536, 545- Edington, Alman, 202; Thom- as, 616. Edis, Charles, 236. Edloe, Elizabeth, 339, 545. Edmonds, Edmunds, Col. Daniel, 308; E. 532, 534, 577; E. P. 537; Elias, 95, H7, 317. 338, 535, 537, 551, 575; John, 237; Thomas, 95, 147, 425, 428; Wm. 236. Edmondson, Edmundston, etc., Benjamin, 95, 147, 339, 531, 533, 545 (ch. etc.); Edmond, 237; Edmund, 428; John, 237; Richard, 426; Wm. 237, 426. Edmunton, John, 616. Edward, Edwards, Andrew, 236, 237; Benjamin, 236, 338; Charles, 236, 339, 533; Edmund, 236, 426; Elisha, 237; Elijah, 428; Ellis, 215; Enoch, 15, 18, 339; George, 15 (2), 24, 374; J. L. Comr. 581; James, 236 (2), 426; Hanah, Jacob, Jesse & Co.; Jesse B. 616; John, 188, 202, 339, 426, 535, 616; Leroy, 95, 147, 426 (2), 616; Lucy, 428; Newell and Peter, 236; Richard, 426, 428, 616; Rodham, 32, 339; Spencer, 427; Thomas, 202, 236, 237, 33 8 > 339, 6l6 ; William, 8, 202 (2), 237, 338, 339. Efford, Robert, 202. Egan, John, 202. Eggleston, Egleston, John, 237; Joseph, 96, 127, 147, 237, 426, 616; Richard, 426, 616; Wm. 95, 426; Wm. Carey, 237. Egmon, Egmond, John, 202. Eidson, Shelton, 237. Elain, Elam, Alexander, 202; Josiah, 236; Lodowick, 339; Robert, 25, 40 (2), 46, 52, 58; Solomon, Thomas and Wm. 236. Elder, Charles, 28, 68; Clai- borne, 236; Ephraim, 426, 545 (ch. etc.); Newman, 237. Eldridge, Christopher, 427; Howell, 236. Eleyer, (Emager), Capt. 81. Elkins, Nathaniel, 236. Ellerson, David, 195. Ellicott, John, 318. Ellins, John, 202. Ellinton, John, 236. Elliott, Elliot, 54; Alex- ander, 28, 58, 95, 339; Archibald, 427, 428; Brad- ford W. 545; Capt. 36; George, 28, 29, 37, 58, 95 144, 147, 314, 339 (4), 358, 363; James, 188, 237, 426, 427, 428, 616; Jedethan, 284; Jeremiah, 289, 339; John, 32, 68, 616; Jonathan, 369; Richard, 29 (2), 68; Martin, 237; Robert, 95, 96, 427, 428, 525; Samuel, 427; Teakle, 316; Temple, 427, 616; Thomas, 95, 427 (2), 588, 616; Wm. 237, 338, 426; Wm. H. 616. Ellis, Abner (ch.), 545; Dan- iel, 427; Dudley, 236; Ed- ward, 202, 328; James, 339, 616; Jesse, 237; John, 202, 426, 616; Mathew, 427; Nathan, 616; Robert and Samuel, 237; Vespasian, 38; Wm. 237, 426. Ellison, Andrew, James, John, Nathaniel, Robert, Stuart, Thomas, Wm. 616. Elliston, John, 215. 646 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Ellzey, Thomas, 594. Elindrof (?), Wm. H. 616. Elmendorf, Henry and Wm. 428. Elmore, Elinore, Daniel, 338; George, 202, 426; John, 426; Thomas, 236 (3), Wm. 338. Elsey, Elzey, Elzy, Edward, 338; John, 236, 604; Joshua, 236; Thomas, 604; Wm. 338. Elms, James, 171, 339 (2); John, 171, 202; Leonard, 237; Wm. 171, 339. Elshite, Comrod, 604. Elvin, Samuel, 236. Elwell, Thomas, 427. Emanuel, Henry, 188, 426; Olves (?), 324. Emery, Thomas, 338. Emerson, Emmerson, Henry, 426; James, 24; John, 95, 318,428. Emmon, Emmons, Emmins, David, 374; John, 339, 427; Peter, 428; Wm. 236, 426. Emmit, John, 616. Enalow, Isaac, 339. Enerville, Aquilla, 202. Engle, John, 236; Wendel, 185, 427; Wm. 428. English, Andrew, 237; Charles, 188, 323, 338; John, 426; Robert, 171, 202, 237. Ennis, Micajah, 236; Rice, 3°4- Epperson, Richard, 14, 58; Samuel, 427. Eppes, Epps, 549; Francis, 95, 427, 588; Peter, 237; Rich- ard, 202, 426; Thomas, 426; Wm. 95, 307, 339, 425, 426; Wyatt, 426. Epple, Andrew, 616. Erby, William, 237. Ermine, Thomas, 616. Erskine, Charles, 23, 95, 187, 426, 616; John, 616; Patrick A. 616. Ervil, Simon, 236. Erwin, Erwine, Andrew, 236; James, 237; John, 616; Rob- ert, 236; Thomas, 427; Wm. 236, 616. ESKRIDGE, ECKRIDGE, Capt. 531; Edwin, 8, 9 (3), 27 (2), 52, 58, 95- 191. 346; George, 127, 616; Samuel, 27, 58, 95, 339; Wm. 95, 147, 215, 308, 425. 427- Espey, James, 590. Estis, Estes, Elisha, 426, 428; George, 236, 427; James, 171, 202; Rowland, 427, 616. Ethal, Ethel, Benjamin, 427; Joseph, 236. Etherington, John, 427. Etter, John, 188, 427. Eubank, George and James, 524; John, 236, 237, 427, 524; Richard, 236; Royal, 426; Wm. 237. Eustace, John, 95, 147, 426, 616; Wm. 426, 616. Evans, Evins, Andrew, 545; Anthony, 616; Charles, 171, 212, 338; Covington, 237; David and Elizabeth, 616; George, 95, 616; Henry, 426; Hugh, 616; James, 236, 593; Jeremiah, 606; Jesse, 127, 142, 147, 165, 339, 428, 545; John, 215, 426, 427, 428 (3), 452, 475, 616; John B. 495; Joseph, 427, 545, 616; Little- berry and Matthew, 202; Peter, 428; Philip, 8, 9, 10, ",58,95,236,318,339,426, 427, 531 (2), 537; Richard, 236, 463, 616; Robert, 236; Samuel, 616; Stanhope, 171, 202; Stephen, 188, 427; Thomas, 338, 428; Wm. 95, 147, 215, 237, 425-428, 616. Evans and Owen, E. and Tif- fin, E. and Wallace, E.and Weinder, 616. Everett, Henry, 195, 314; John, 236; Robert and Si- mon, 237; Wm. 195, 313. Everhart, Andio, Lawrence and Michael, 427; Jackson, Nathan and Wm. 616. Everly, Jeremiah, Sr. and Jr. 606. Ewbywine, Daniel, 188. Ewell, Alfred, 507; Bertrand, 546; Charles, 95, 147, 338, 531 (2), 532, 537 (2), 545. 582, 583; George, 532; James, 439, 616; Jane, 507; Jesse, 502, 531; Richard, 502; Thomas, 127, 142, 147, 188, 339, 531 (2), 545 (will), 582; Thomas Windsor, 546, 580 (2), 582. Ewin, William, 236. Ewing, Alexander, 95, 425; Charles, 236; John, 22 (2); Edward and James, 427; Samuel, 616. Exlim, John, 237. Fable, Augustine, 339. Face, Fache, Elizabeth, 453; Louis, 171. Faent, George and Philip, 430. Fagan, Daniel, 490, 519; E. 495- Fagg, John, 239. Fagins, Fagius, Edward, 238; John, 237. Fair, Fare, Faire, Edmund, 171; James, 421, 431, 445, 472, 492; John, 238; Thom- as, 202, 415. Faithall, Edward, 188. Faithful, Edward, 238. Falconberry, Frederick, 238. Falkner, Faulkner, Mar- garet, 432; Peter, 302, 433; Ralph, 96, 432, 525. Fall, Henry, 340. Falls of Ohio (Louisville), 555. 562, 563, 568-572, 579- Falon, (Falan?), Thomas, 533- Falvey, Patrick, 341. Fambrough, Thomas, 239. Fancher, Isaac, 191. Fannen, David, 202. Index 647 Fardinean, Peter, 341. Fare, Fares, Edmond, 203; James, 239. Farganson, Farguson, Fer- guson, etc., Abram, 238; George, 237; Larkin, 203; Robert, 433; Thomas, 237. Faringhall, David, 237. Farinholtz, David, 429. Farish, Faris, Hazlewood, 433; Larkin, 24, 191 ; Martin, 203, 341; Richard, 237; Robert, 127, 433 (6), T. B. 433; Wm. 429. Farmby, Nathan, 238. Farmer, Jesse, 183, 237, 239, 429; John, 430; Lodowick, 383; Mathew, 607; Nathan, 184; Seth, 203. Farrar, Farror, Barrett and Wm. 237. Farrell, Farrall, Edmund, 432 (2); Isaac, 433; John, 239, 429; Thomas, 432; Zephaniah, 431. Farrow, Farrows, Benjamin, 237; James, 239; Jane, 495; John, 237; Micajah, 239; Robert, 340. Fartane, Richard C. 510. Fate, Adam, 339; James, 431. Fathorn, Edward, 429. Faucett, Benjamin, 607; Rice, 238. Faucher, Isaac, 433. Faudry, John, 215. Fauntleroy, Griffin, 96, 429, 430; Henry, 96, 429; John, 430; Joseph, 429; Moore, 96, 429, 431; Robert, 127, 429. Fautz, Valentine, 429. Favers, Favors, John, 171, 203. Fawcett, Obadiah, 238. Feagan, Daniel, 444; John, 340. Feagle, John, 238; Michael, 430; Severn, 431. Feaque, Jacob, 239. Fear, Fears, Fearer, Fear- ers, 529; Charles, 148; Francis, 237; Hammer, 341; Jacob, 429; James, 239, 340, 488, 510; Thomas, 341 ; Wm. 188. Febiger, Christian, 96, 148, 429, 432; Elizabeth, 432; Lieut. 589. Feckley, (Fickley?), George, 606. Feely, Michael and Timothy, 431- Felkins, John, 238. Fellows, Joseph, 239. Feltner, 606. Feltz, Nathan, 203. Fender, Frederick, 238. Fendla, John, 215. Fengan, John, 188. Fengler, William, 188. Fengley, Robert, 590. Fenn, James, 237; Thomas, 431 (2). Fennell, John, 238. Ferer, Charles, 537. Ferguson, Furguson, Far- ganson, 23, 68; David, 237, 238; George, 237, 238; James, 237, 239; John, 239, 340, 341 ; Larkin, 340; Lewis, 237, 238; N. R. 616; Robert, 18, 28, 31 (3)i 58, 96. 215, 318, 341; Wm. 195, 239 (2), 341- 342. Ferrell, Ferrill, Ferrol, Dennis, 432; Edmond, 203; John, 430; Thomas, 203; Wm. 237. Ferry, Beverly, 433. Ferryman, Stephen, 237, 239. Fetherings, John, 594. Fever, Fevers, John, 203; Wm. 171, 203. Ficklin, Charles and Thomas, 431. Field, Fields, Abraham, 191; Benjamin, 97, 148, 163, 292, 341, 561; Daniel, 171, 203; Edward, 203; Henry, 96, 432; John, 4, 58, 79 (2), 97, 203, 286; John D. 341; Lewis, 171, 203 (2); Lieut. 9 (2), 536; Reuben, 96, 428, 432; Simon, 237; Stephen, 127, 148; Theophilus, 9, 21, 37. 50, 58. 127, 142, 148, 525; Wm. B. 341, 429. Fielder, George, 431. Fielding, Barron, 429; Be- noni, 203; Ed. and Eppe, 431; James and Joseph, 238. Fierer, Charles, 240, 312. Fife, Fifer, Charles, 531; Wm. 238. Figam, John, 239. Figg, Thomas, 18, 68, 430. Figgins, James, 429. Filby, Filbury, George, 188, 430. Fillman, John, 238. Filly, George, 432. Filtz, Miers, John, 601. Finch, William, 237. Findley, Finley, Finely, John, 238; Samuel, 96, 148, 429, 432, 616; Wm. 239; Findley and McKay, 616. Fine, Andrew and John, 607; Peter, Philip, William (Flin?), Winenot, 608. Finestaff, Andrew, 239. Finn, Finne, Finnie, Finney, James, 238; John, 429, 432; Philip, 430; Reuben, 431; Thomas, 96, 148; Wm. 96, 147, 148, 238, 239, 430; Wm. R. 432. Finnegan, Patrick, 429. Finnell, Reuben, 429. Finter, Conrod, 593. Firer, Charles, 96, 533. First Cruiser Eastern Shore, 25 45 (2). First Row Galley, 3, 26, (Page), 34, 41, 42, 51, 52, 57 (Poto- mac). Fishback, Fred, 554; Jacob, 195- 431. 433; John, 433; Lucy N. 453; Rosanna, 433. Fisher, Bars, 432; Benjamin, 97, 238; Edward, 238; Ed- win, 467; Isaac, 6, 68, 216, 648 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia 347. 43i; John, 305, 340, 432, 466, 525; Joseph, 239 (2); Miers, 467; Richard, 238; Shadrach, 239; Thomas, 188, 238 (2), 239, 429, 466; Win. 8, 11, 68, 216, 238 (3), 431- Fishwater, Thomas, 238. Fitz, Valentine, 238. Fitzer, George, 591; Joshua, 238. Fitzgerald, George, 237; James, 188, 340, 429; John, 96 (2), 148, 239, 429, 430; John H. 616; Shadrach, 239; Wm. 238. Fitzhugh, John, 15, 26, 68, 203; Peregrine, 96, 430, 431; Robert, 96; William, 96, 239 ("Fitchew"), 430; Wm. Beverly, 430. Fitzpatrick, Hugh, 237; James, 430 (2); John, 127. Fitzsimmons, Nicholas, 429; Thomas, 314, 433 (2). Flack, George, 203, 238; John and Thomas, 203. Flalford, Robert, 442. Flanagan, Flandegan, Dom- inick, 171, 203; Moses, 453- Flatford, Robert, 340. Flaugherty, James, 429. Flax, John, 203, 340. Fleace, Fleece, John, 188, 191, 238, 433. Fleaman, Thomas, 238. Fleet, Edward, 238; Henry, 30, 58, 96, 340; John, 96, 148, 340, 532, 533- Fleet, Virginia, 52 — See Ves- sels. Fleetwood, Isaac, 8, 11, 340. Fleming, Barnard, 203, 341; Charles, 96, 429; John, 16, 17, 32, 68, 96, 239, 340, 430 (2); L. C. 381; Thomas, 96, 430, 588; Wm. 203, 340, 429> 433. 535. 589. 597- Flemister, Lewis, 429. Flesheet, John, 237. Flesher, Henry, 432. Fleshman, Samuel, 203. Fletcher, James, 433; John, 2 38, 433; Nathan, 238; Si- mon, 237; Stephen, 429; Thomas, 203, 286, 339. Flincham, William, 238. Fling, Edward, 431; John, 239- Flinn, James, 428; Osborn, 430; Thomas, 238, 429; William, 237, 239. Flint, Flynt, John, 27, 58, 97, 191, 237, 295, 341, 354, 358; Thomas, 216. Flippin, Flippe, Joseph, 431; Robert, 239, 429. Flitter, Ephraim, 239. Flood, Thomas, 238. Florence, Daniel, 459; George, 239; Wm. 238. Florey, William, 432. Flournoy, Gideon, 127, 533; Jacob, 340; John, 237, 525; Samuel, 203, 429. Flowerry, Flowerie, Daniel, 413, 445, 471, 487. Flowers, Benjamin, 534; James, 237; John, 238, 430. Floyd, Henry, PI. 5; Isham, 171, 203; John, 75; John (Gov.), 145, 197; Perry, 188, 239 (2); Robert, 239; Thom- as, 340; Wm. 238, 429. Fluellen, Jonathan, 239. Fb, 3. 14. 37- Fodrow, Fodron, John, 32, 68. Foe, William, 238. Foggett, William, 535. Foggy, John, 610, 616. Folley, Foley, Daniel, 203; Enoch, 341; Mark, 203 (2); Richard, 594, 600, 601. Foltz, Joseph, 238. Fonschee, William, 38. Fontaine, William, 314. Foot, Joseph, 431. Forbes, Alexander, 238. Forborn, Andrew, 422. Forbush, Martin, 388. Force, Lewis, 510. Ford, Dabney, 238; Elijah, 431; James, 239 (2); Joseph, 1 1 ; Lewis, 429, 436, 444, 462, 471, 484, 490, 509, 519; Milton, 388, 444. Fore, Francis, 239. Forehand, Darby, 431; John, 430. Foreman, Robert, 127; Wm. 203. Forest, George, 428; Wm. 216. Forhish, William, 471. Forman, Elijah, 341. Forque, William, 238. Forrest, Zachariah, 430. Forrester, Forster, Henry, James, 203; John, 433; Wm. 203 (2). Forsyth, Forsythe, Abra- ham, 433; Daniel, 238; John, 431; Robert, 96, 302, 341, 431- Fort; Expenses reimbursed by U. S. 567; Jefferson, 538, 568; Kaskaskia, 541, 568; Logan, 555; Nelson, 580; Patrick Henry, 538; Pitt, 568; Redstone, 563; St. Vincent, 567; Wilson, 618. Fortune, Gabriel, 32, 68, 216; Gardiner, 339; James, 216; John, 237; Lewis, 239; Na- than, 188, 429; Zachariah, 238. Foshee, William. Fosick, Henry, 239. Fossil, Christopher, 341. Foster, Achilles, 127, 237; Cosby, 237, 430; Edmund, 430; George, 429; Henry, 171. 237. 531. 535. 545. 563; James, 40, 41 (2), 45 (2), 48, 50 (2), 65, 96, 239, 430, 432; Job and Joel, 237, 238; John, 96 (2), 238, 340, 429; Joseph and Josiah, 239; Larkin, 574; M. M. 533; Peter, 15, 58, 97, 237, 304, 338, 340 (2), 341, 443; Red- man, 239; Richard, 96, 127, Index 649 148, 238 (2); Robert, 96, 428, 430 (2); Sampson, 96, 431; Simon, 127; Simpson W. 283; Thomas, 239, 431; Voss, 15 (2); Wm. 127, 188, 203, 431 (2). Fountaine, Alexander, Ed- mund, Edward, James and Wm. 433. Fouschee, Fouchee, Thorn- ton, 237; Wm. 315, 546. Four, Edmund, 431. Fowkes, Fowke, Chandler, 127. 2 39; John, 127, 432; Robert D. 432. Fowler, Alexander, 238; An- derson, 429; John, 195, 319, 431. 433; Joseph, 188, 249, 431; Martin, 238; Moses, 238; Robert Martin, 431; Wm. 96, 148, 428, 431, 591. Fox, 391; Adam, 433; Balser, 239; Benjamin, 203; Eliza- beth H. 610; Henry and Nathaniel and heirs, 610, 616; James, 238; John, 431; Joseph, 546; Joshua, 237; Katharine, 610; Lewis, 428; Martin and Mathias, 433; Nathaniel, 96, 429, 430, 432, 433. 525, 531, 535. 616; Phil'd and Polly, 610; Thom- as, 96, 148, 428, 431, 432, 433, 525, 531, 616. Foyle, Robert, 11. Fradford, Charles, 341 ; Thomas, 433. Fragor, John, 590. Frails, Charles and Sully, 431. Frainham, David, 341. Frakar, Nicholas, 25. Fram, John, 238. France, John, 238; Lewis and Peter, 429. Francher, Isaac, 188. Francis, Christopher, 430; Julius, Malachai and Reu- ben, 238; Richard, 465; Thomas, 237. Francisco, Peter, 431. Franklin, Archibald, 239; James, 97, 237, 238, 307, 428; John, 431; John R. 433; Joseph, 429; Nancy, 433; Reuben, 238; Thomas, 237, 316. Franks, John, 68; Moses, 238; Nehemiah, 237. Frary, John, 18, 68. Fravell, Henry, 592. Frazer, Frazier, Abraham, 171, 203; Alexander, 188, 429; Conductor, 535; Fal- very, 430; Falvey, 96, 431; James, 430; John, 237, 238; Michael, 238; Persr. 5th Pa. PI. 2; Polly, 454; Roderick, 340; Thomas, 216, 430; Wm. 96, 43i, 535- Fredericksburg, 556; Station, 130. Freehold, William, 238. Freekle, John, 428. Freeland, Isaac, 430. Freeman, Anderson, 430; 431; Elijah, 203; Ely Strange, 239; Hezekiah, 238, 318, 340; Isaac, 188, 237, 238; John, 15, 24, 68, 239, 431; Mathew, 239; Peter, 171, 203; Richard, 239; Stephen, 188, 237; Temple, 237, 238 (2); Thomas, 238; Wm. 171, 203, 433- French, Benjamin, 237; Richard, 340; Samuel, 148, 237; Thomas, 429. Frerer, Charles, 341. Freshwater, Thomas, 239 (2); Wm. E. 216. Frisby, William, 237. Friskett, George, 431. Friskin, Robert, 188. Frith, John, 239. Fritts, George, 431. Froggett, Wm. 340, 546, 564, 565- Fromageot, Fromaget, Dan- iel, 429; Romain, 188. Froman, Elijah, 203 (2); Tem- ple, 194, 237. Frooms, Henry, 239. Frost, Carter, 7, 11, 28, 68; Joseph, 184, 239; Joshua, 238; Josiah, 239; Reuben, 239; Stephen, 171. Froud, James, 341. Fry, Gabriel, 238; George, 238, 430; John, 608; Joseph, 430; Samuel, 237; Thomas, 7, 11, 68. Fryer, Jabez, 239; John, 238; Richard, 430. Fryerwood, Mathias, 602. Fudrell, Charles, 239. Fugit, Benjamin and Doonsen, 602. Fuglar, William, 203. Fukeway, James (Joseph?), 238. Fulcher, Philip and Wm. 238. Fulder, Abraham, 238. Fuley, Timothy, 96. Fulgar, John, 238. Fulkerson, William, 433. Fuller, Cabel and John, 203; Wm. 238. Fullerton, Humphrey, 96, 431. 432. Fullom, Peter, 430. Fulton, John, 616; Joseph, 432; William, 346, 610, 616; Fulton and Robison, 616. Fundemore, Frederick and John, 238. Funk, Adam, 592; Henry, 171; Henry Sr. and Jr. 604; Henry, Jr. 606; Jacob, 606; John, 593, 606; Peter, 608; Samuel, 606, Antoinette, iv- vii. Funkhouser, Abraham, Chris- tian, David, Jacob, Sr. and Jr. John. 606. Fuqua, John, 203. Furguson, Robert, 431. Furn, Jacob, 237; Stephen, 184. Furrell, William, 239. Furrey, Christley, 602. Furton, John, 16. Fuzle, John, 606. Fywell, John, 239. 650 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Gabriel, John, 437. Gadbury, William, 203. Gaddis, Henry, 441; John and John Jr. 440; Wm. 440. Gaddy, Joseph, 203. Gading, John, 439. Gafford, Gaeford, Joseph, 240; Thomas, 241, 438. Gagnia, Gagney, Jacque, 172; Lewis, 172, 203, 343, 344; Paine, 344; Pierre, 172, 344. Gainer, James, 440, (See Gardner). Gaines, James, 240; John, 172, 342; Richard, 239; Rowland, 241; Thomas, 283, 343, 436, 440; Wm. 172, 203, 239, 241; Wm. Fleming, 97, 148, 438, 439- Gaiot, Chaney, 182. Galaspy, Thomas, 436. Galbreath, Robert, 343, 435. Gallady, Joseph, 437. Gallagan, Owen, 172. Gallaher, Gallahue, Charles, 97, 437; David, 241; John, L. 39. Galley, William, 436. Gallin, Gallon, Casper, 342; Samuel, 240. Galloway, Benjamin, 203, 240; Ferry, 435; James, 616; John, 98, 438; Jonathan, 28, 68; Terry, 240 (2). Galoger (?), T. Marshall, 531. Galt, Alexander D. 546; John Minson, 97, 148, 436, 531, 532, 537> 546, 584. 587; Minson, 536; Patrick (Dr.) 7. 97. 34i- Gamble, David, 203; John, 242; Robert, 97, 98, 148, 435, 437; Thomas, 242. Gamer, John, 436. Gammon, James, 203; John, 239- Ganet, Henry, 438. Ganin, Benjamin, 240. Ganned, Abram, 203. Garberich, John, 546 (ch.). Garden, Alexander, 99, 306, 441; Alster, 441. Gardiner, Gardner, Andrew, 440; Caswell, 437; George, 342; Henson, 240; James, 440; Jeremiah, 239; John, 435. 436; Joseph, 240; Thom- as, 343, 531- Garland, Andrew, 241 ; Chris- topher, 240; Edward, 98, 240, 440; Fanny (Taylor), 440; James, 239, 241, 437; John, 440, 616; Peter, 97, 439 (and others), 525. Garner, Charles and George, 241; Henry ("Carner") 417; John and Johnson, 438; Presley, 32, 68, 342; Wm. 172, 299, 343, 344 (2). Garnett, Ann, 439; Anthony, 436; Benjamin, 98, 439; Henry, 99, 148, 298, 338, 344. 358, 376, 379. 385. 533; Jesse, 240; Theodore S. 544. Garney, Priceley, 16. Garrell, Solomon, 203. Garrett, Bartlett, 241 ; Daniel, 240; Elisha, 241; John, 172, 343, 437; Mark, 342; Nich- olas, 240; Reuben, 239; Richard, 240; Thomas, 241; Wm. 240. Garrings, Lawrence, II. Garriott, John and Reuben, 439- Garrison, John, 240. Garton, Benjamin, 283. 343. Garvin, Benjamin, 437; Isaac, 240. Gary, John, 341, 342. Gaskey, Gasking, Richard, 341 ; Thomas, 344. Gaskins, Jesse, 437; Job, 241, 242; John E. 438; Richard H. 438; Thomas, 7, 68, 97, 148, 172, 203, 216, 436, 438. Gaston, Benjamin, 216. Gates, Casper, 203; Horatio, 97, 148, 342; Richard, 240; Wm. 195, 241, 242, 440, 516. Gatewood, Wm., Elizabeth and Philimon, 343. Gatlin, Edward, 82. Gau, Drow, 182. Gauchdon (Gavuldon?), Bap- tiste, 172. Gaudge, Richard, 68. Gault, James and John, 616. Gaunia (Gomier?), Abra- ham, 172. Gaunt, James, 590. Gavens, Richard, 525. Gawey, Henry, 203, 241; Job, 440. Gay, Peter, 441; Samuel, 99, 310, 441 (4), 591. Gaylor, Edward, 242. Geareel, John, 343. Geddings, Custis, Irmay, Thomas, 241. Gee, Henry, 242; Richard, 240. Geffries, William, 242. Gehagan, John, 437; Michael, 241; Wm. 437. Geisensieder, Martin, 184. Gennett, Samuel, 241. Gentry, John, 242; Nicholas, 203; Wm. 435. George, Aaron, 240; Ansel, 422, 502; Benjamin, 18, 32, 68, 371; Brister and Daniel, 216; Duke, 292; James M. 438; Jasper, 48; Jeduthan, 203; Jesse, 11, 18, 27, 37, 39, 4i. 59. 128, 319, 341; John, 172, 240 (2), 241 (2), 436; R. 532; Reuben, 203, 303, 441; Richard, 68; Robert, 97 (2), 148, 163, 343, 529, 530 (3), 531, 533 (2), 543, 546 (will), 547 (ch. etc.), 549, 580; Samuel, 14, 32, 68, 216 (2); Spencer, 604; Wm. 33, 68, 97, 216, 240, 435. Georgia, Ellis, 545; Piper, 559; Russey, 569; Shea, 570; Thompson, 572. Gerault, Gierault, John, 97, 148, 163, 342, 530; J. 529, 530. Germain, J. B. 172. Index 651 Gero, Gerom, Daney and Matean, 182. Gerrings, Lawrence, 68. Gesnor, John, 436. Gester, John, 343. Geyer, John, 185. Gholson, Ann and Thomas, 440, 516. Gibbins, Gibbons, Jonathan, 240; Robert, 423; Samuel, 172; Thomas, 25, 68, 203; Walter, 240. Gibbs, Churchill, 97, 148, 203, 343, 440, 531, 532 (2), 536, 537. 554. 575. 587; Edward, 240; Harrod, 98, 440, 548; James, 8, 68, 216, 344; John, 195. 319. 44i; Joseph, 436; Miles, 240; Ralph, 441; Wm. 241 ; Wm. W. 548. Gible, James, 8. Gibson, Aaron, 436; Alex- ander, 610, 616; Billingsby, 242; George, 97, 98, 128, 148, 283, 343 (2), 437. 525. 529. 531, 532 (2), 535 (2), 536, 537 (2), 538, 539. 543. 579. 582, 583, 586; Jacob, 340; James, 58, 99, 288, 378; John, 37, 58 (2), 97, 99, 203, 242, 379, 438, 587; John, Jr. 97. 148, 342, 435. 56i; Reuben, 241; Robert, 342; Wm. 240; Gibson and Massie, 616. Giddy, David, 240. Gideon, Ishmael, 203; Jacob, 440. Giffin, Peyton, 240. Giger, Jacob, 608. Gike, Randol, 239. Gilasby, Daniel, 241. Gilbert, John, 241; Joseph, 188, 343. Gilchrist, Andrew A. 437, 438; George, 97, 437, 438. Giles, Gilis, James, 247; John, 97, 433; Wm. Jr. 433. Gill, Alexander, 203; Cud- berth, Cuthbert, 68, 216; Erasmus, 97, 437; Isham, 242; John, 203, 537, 578; Samuel, 97, 436; Thomas, 14, 68, 239, 241; Wm. 240. Gillaspie, Gillisby, George, 436; Wm. 241 (3), 436. Gilliam, Gillen, Anselm, 437; Archibald, 241; Harris and Hincha, 437; Hugle, 188; John, 98, 241, 437. Gilligan, Luke, 203. GlLLINWATER, GlLLENWATER, John and James, 241. Gillison, John, 97, 148, 438 (2). Gillon, Hugh, 436. Gilmond, John, 240. Gilmore, Gilmour, David, 240; George, 203; James, 98, 438; John, 241; Robert, 342; Samuel, 241. Gimber, Glmbo, Wm. 240, 435. Gimblet, Andrew and Fred- erick, 602. Girauld, Girault, J. Capt. 532, 533; James A. 550, 578. Gisborn, John, 203. Giss, John, 203. Gist, Col. 531; John, 98, 440; Joshua, 440; Nathaniel, 97, 148, 187, 439, 531; Thomas, 437- Givens, George, 590. Gladden, Jesse, 423. Glason, Patrick, 435. Glass, Elijah, 239; Frederick, 240; Isaac, 188; Michael, 172, 203; Thomas, 216. Glasscock, Peter, 473; Rob- ert, 437; Thomas, 97 (2), 436. Glazebrook, Thomas, 148. Gleason, John, 240; Patrick, 203. Glenendy, Glendenny, George, 8, 11, 68. Glenn, 529; Bernard, 98, 148, 164, 285, 343, 529, 530, 532, 533. 548, 587; Capt. 532; David, 172; James, 242; Samuel, 438; Thomas, 16, 68; Wm. 438. Gloucester, James, 283, 342. Gloucester, 3, 14, 20, 25 (2); Dismantled 29, 51, 81, 128. Glover, Edward, 240; Robert, 241; Thomas, 203. Glymph, Abraham J. 239. Gnathmey, Robert, 438. Goaby, George, 439. Goalson, Frederick, 241. Goatley, John, 188, 203, 436. Godfrey, Francis, 172, 203; John, 240; Matthew, 239, 529- Godley, George, 241. Goff, Abraham, 24, 440; Adam, 436, 439; John, 242; Moses, 239; Philip, 435; Zachariah, 439. Goffinger, Peter, 306, 375. Goffagan, Goffeygan, Goff- ogan, Laban, 29, 37, 41, 46, 5i. 59, 581, 585; Peter, 58, 99. 348. Goggin, John, 317, 441; Rob- ert, 441. Going, Daniel, Joseph and Wm. 241. Goladay, Jacob, 596. Gold, James, 436; Michael, 435- Golden, Goldin, Golding, Isham, 203; James, 343; Jesse, 312; John, 240; Julius, 241; Simon, 203. Goldhammer, Peter, 185. Goldman, Gouldman, Daniel, 341; Francis and Wm. 242. Goldsberry, Golds bury, James, 610; John, 240. Goldsmith, John, 241. Goleman, Edward, 240. Golson, William, 436. Gomer (Gaunia?), Abraham, 172. Gonott, Devereux, 342. Gonsaulis, James, 549. Good, Gasper, 602; Peter, 240. Goodall, Daniel, 435; James, 240; John, 203. Good Intent, 81. Good Richard, 82. 652 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia GOODALL, GOODELL, AugUS- tine, 203; John, 128. Goode, Edmund, 438; John, 203; Thomas, 241. Goodin, Goodins, Lewis and Wm. 240. Goodloe, Henry, 172, 203. Goodman, Charles, 203; Har- riet, 368; Joseph, 240; Thom- as, 437; Wm. 98, 240, 439, (Godman). Goodram, Goodrum, John, 343, 441 ; Thomas, 435. Goodrich, Capt. 588; Edward, 240; John, 439. Goodsly, Austin and Wm. 241. Goodwin, Godwin, Goodam, Amos, 172, 316, 441; Ben- jamin, 436; Dinwiddie, 97, 436; Edward, 172, 203; Henry, 172; Joseph, 20, 22, 37, 58i, 585; Stephen, 436; Wm. 203. Goody, John, 241. Goolsby, Charles and James, 241. Gooseley, Goosey, George, 37,40,41,46,51,52,99,287, 288, 329, 343, 584, 587. Goran, Henry, 436. Gordon, Abner, 241, 433; Albin, 239; Alexander, 239; Ambrose, 97, 148, 433; Arch'd, 440; Arthur, 97, 436; Charles, 241; Churchill, 32, 33. 58, 344; Daniel, 241; John, 172, 203, 242, 437, 441; Peyton, 242; Thomas, 439, 441 (2); Wm. 239, 240 (3), 441, 600, 601. Gore, Henry, 608; Jacob, 188, 437; John, 242. Gornig, Shirod, 240. Gorsaley, George, 334. Goss, James, 203. Gossett, John, 188. Gouge, Gough, Philip, 241; Richard, 32; Robert, 148; Wm. 239 (2). Gould, David, 128, 142, 148, 44 1 (3); James and John F. 441. Goulden, Jacob, 426. Goulding, Jesse, 342. Goulsbury, James, 616. Govern, James, 241. Governor, Barbour, James, 549, 576; Hamilton, Benja- min, 529; Harrison, Benja- min, 529; Henry, Patrick, Jr. 537; Randolph Edmund, PI. 3- Gowden, William, 436. Gowin, Gowing, Gown, Alex- ander, 240; Beverly, 438; Sherod, 435. Gowran, Bryan, 188. Grace, Joseph, 240. Grady, Edmund and John, 241; Jonathan, 437; Wm. 239- Graff, John, 505. Grafton, John, 342. Graham, Grayham, Gra- hame, Arthur, 341, 342; I. 506; James, 172; John, 458, 600, 601, 616; Lowry, 203; Stephen, 143, 191, 315, 441; Walter, 97, 342, 533, 536, 537 (2); Walton, 148; Wm. 441; Williamson, 436. Gramsell, Harry, John, Lyd- ia, 440. Granberry, John, 11. Granes, Ralph, 343. Granger, Stephen, 203; Wm. 342. Grant, Daniel, 240, 342, 435; James, 241; John, 435; Moses, 241; Peter, 128; Thomas, 17, 30 (2), 58, 216; Wm. 435. Grass, Frederick, 437, 441. Grate, Great, David, 599, 600, 601. Gratiott, Jean, 172, 204. Grattage, John, 241. Gratten, Gratton, John, 97, 435- Grattinger, Ulrich, 593. Graves, Daniel, 239; Francis, 203, 204, 413, 421, 436 (3), 448, 464, 475, 519; Frank, 464; John, 436, 439; Jonas, 241; Maj. 576; Ralph, 98, 148, 239, 286, 532, 580 (2); Rice, 241; Rd. 41, 45; Rd. C. 50, 65; Robert, 240; Thomas, 188, 413, 491 (2); Wm. 24, 37, 97. 98, 148, 188, 341, 342, 346, 532 (2), 549, 581, 584. 587. Gravin, Gravins, Thomas, 240 (2). Gravit, John, 240. Gray, 54, Grey, Betsey, 476; Daniel 435; David, 435 (2), 437; Francis, 97, 148, 241, 435. 438; Gabriel, 239; George, 97, 435, 616; James, Lt. 17, 21, 36 (2), 37 (2), 41, 45. 49. 59, 97 (2), 128, 142, 148, 188, 240, 241, 319, 338, 435, 436; John, 241, 436, 437; Joseph, 184, 240, 319, 441; Robert, 27, 41, 48, 59, 436; Salred, 437; Samuel, 240, 241; Sevin (Levin?) 438; Thomas, 438; Wm. (Lieut.) 97, 148, 187, 204, 240 (2), 242, 341, 435; Wilson, 437. Martha, viii and PI. 2. Grayson, Robert, 240; Wm. 97, 439- Grear, Greer, Grier, Charles, 38, 58, 97, 98, 343, 532, 537, 549, 581, 584. 588. Green, Ambrose, 204; An- drew, 241; Benjamin, 438, 616; Berryman, 98; Charles, 128, 148, 440; Christopher, 204; Clement, 437; David, 97; Elijah, 204, 239; Eliza- beth, 549; Ensign, 529; Gabriel, 97, 148, 435; Gen- eral, 575; James, 23, 31 (3), 48 (2), 58, 68, 128, 172, 204, 344; Jesse, 240; John, 97, 148, 172, 188, 204, 241 (2), 341 (2), 435, 436, 437, 438 (2); Joseph, 239; Josias, 240; Index 653 Lieut. 532; Lucy (Robinson), 565; Moses, 370, 537, 574; Robert, 97, 128, 142, 148, 165, 240, 241; Samuel, 240, 241; Samuel Ball, 98, 164, 436, 530, 532, 549 (ch.). 581. 585; Simon, 242; Thomas, 241, 436, 440, 441, 514; William, 6, 39, 40, 41 (4), 45, 46 (2), 52, 58 (2), 97> 98, 188, 204, 240, 282, 341, 343. 357. 435; Willis, 128. Green and Medley, 610; Green, Scott and Medley, 616. Green, River, 156, 161. Greenaway, George, 616. Greeneltch, Edward, 240. Greenhow, Robert, 558. Greening, John, 241; Nehe- miah, 240. Greenup, Christopher, 128. Greenway, George, 98, 242, 440. Greenwood, Bartlett, 242; Daniel, 172, 204; Samuel, 240. Greer, Charles, 128, 164, 342, 533- Gregory, George, 241; Jere- miah, 242; John, 98, 143, 313, 314, 437, 441 (3); John M. 437, 439, 441 (2); Joseph, 439; N. 439; Oba- diah, 426; Spillsby, 319, 344; Thomas, 241, 242; Walter, 240, 435; Wm. 98, 204, 309, 314. 435. 44i (2); Wm. Jr. 439. Gresham, Ambrose, 242; Dan- iel, 204; John, 204; Machem and Thomas, 241. Greyhound, 3, 14, 38. Grier — see Grear. Griffin, Buckner, 241; Cor- bin, 20, 23, 28, 37, 38, 58; James, 184, 437; John, 239, 435; Peter, 436; Peyton, 240; Robert, 342; Samuel, 81, 462, 490, 509; Sherwood, 241; Thomas, 204, 342; Thompson, 435; Wm. 240; Z. 577- Griffis, Reuben, 305, 441. Griffith, Griffiths, David, 97 (2), 437. 529; James, 240; John, 441; Joseph, 191, 204 (2), 441; Mary, 441; Mi- chael, 436; Peter, 314, 441; Philemon, 99, 303, 441; Wm. 240. Griffy, Martin, 240. Griggs, Grigg, Abner, 204, 342; Charles, 240; John, 25, 28, 29, 68, 241; Lee, 17, 68; Matthew, 240; Peter, 240; Philip, 241; Wm. 204. Grigsby, Grjsby, Jonathan, 239, 240; Moses, 436. Grills, William, 241. Grim, Andess (?), 592; Peter, 242. Grimes — see Grymes. Grimshaw, John, 204. Grimshire, John, 172. Grimsley, James, 204, 435; John, 240, 241; Thomas, 240. Grinage, Joshua, 241, 242. Grinder, Jacob, 185. Grindolds, Southey, 242. Grinstead, James, 304, 342; John, 240. Grinter, John, 436. Grissell, Joel and John, 435; Thomas, 436. Grog, Henry, 608. Grolet, Francis, Sr. and Jr. 172, 204. Groom, Groomes, Gromes, John, 240; Leon, 441; Levi, 191. 3I3- Gross, Jacob, 241; Thomas, 204. Groton, Grotton, Groden, Charles, 26, 68, 216; John, 241. Grove, Groves, Abraham, 239; Christy, 602; Jacob, 241; Mark, 602; Thomas, 188; Wm. 53. Grubbs, Hensley, 436; John, 242; Thomas, 437. Grinstead, James, 441. Grumbly (Grimbly?), Thom- as, 29, 68. Grymes, Grimes, Benjamin, 98, 343. 438; George, 188, 204 (2), 242, 435; James, 216, 241; John, 172, 204; Nancy, 437; Thomas, 204; Wm. 97, 98, 195, 342 (2), 363, 437. Gudrum, John, 303. Gue, Guess, John, 172, 440. Guerrant, John, Jr. 128. Guff, Margaret, 439. Guffy, Henry, 241, 242; John, 241. Gugg, Matthew, 438. Guilder, Daniel, 437. Guilford, Edward, 590. Guilliams, William, 435. Guion, Guynn, Charles R. 515; S. Frederick, 172. Gully, Richard, 437. Gum, Abraham, 241. Gumbo, William, 239. Guner, James, 436. Gunn, James, 98, 437, 438. Gunnell, Gunwell, John, 437; Joseph, 204; Wm. 188, 436. Gunnett, Joseph, 342. Gunter, Charles, 435; John, 216, 240. Gunyon, Julia, 440; Wm. 302, 440. Gurin, Willis, 437. Gurrand, John, 240. Gurton, John, 16, 68. Guthrie, Guthrey, Guttery, Alexander, 26, 58; David, 204; George, 97, 240, 435, 438 ; James, James and John, 342; Lewis, 440; Richard, 440; Wm. 204. Guy, William, 240. GWATHNEY, GWATHWAY, 535; Owen, 560; Samuel, 564; Sophia W. 406. Gwin, Gwyn, Humphrey, 240; Jacob, 204 (2), 343; James, 654 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia 204 (2); John, 204, 241, 438; Joseph, 241; Thomas, 438; Wm. 172; Wm. H. 570. H Habden, Eliza and Mary Ann, 495- Hacker, John, 173. Hackett, Benjamin, 245; James, 189, 442; John, 442; Peter, 246. Hackley, James, 454; John, 99, 242, 442, 450; Thomas, 245- Hackney, Samuel, 242; Wm. 445- Hackworth, George, 245; Wm. 446. Hacocks, John, 204. Haddox, John, 246. Hadley, Hadly, Isaac, 344; Samuel, 347. Hadely, Patton and Thomp- son, 616. Hadon, Haden, Anthony and Jeremiah, 188. Hagan, Arthur and Barney, 445; Charles, 244; Thomas, 338. Hager, John, 453. Haggard, Baker, 445; Daniel, 247, 448; James, 247; Rice and Nancy, 439. Haggerty, Hagerty, James, 243 (2); John, 447; Nicholas, 442; Patrick, 443. Hagin, John, 447. Hagney, Nancy, 425. Hail, Caleb, 445; Edward, 216; Leonard, 344; Wm. 243. Hain, Peter, 442; Stephen, 243. Haines, Hanes, Abraham, 244; George, 442; Griffith, 188, 243; John, 246; Mi- chael, 243; Wm. 243; Zap- paniah, 244. Hainey, Michael, 442. Hair, Henry, 204. Hal bert, Wm. 445. Halcomb, John, 100. Haldrop, Thomas, 444. Hales, John, 244. Haley, Halley, Hailey, etc., Anthony, 246; Daniel, 308, 444. 445. 453; George, 243, 445; James, 242; John, 204, 444; Joseph, 244; Peter, 345, 346; Rawley, 189; Samuel, 245, 316, 317, 319, 341, 453; Thomas, 188, 246, 247, 442; Wm. 188, 246, 443, 445. Halfield, John, 244. Half Pay, 36, 38, 159, 580, 581, 582, 585, 586. Clarke, George Rogers, 580. Field Officers, certifying, Feb. 2, 1782, 582. Officers, 1st Regt. State Line, entitled to, 583. Meriwether, James, 580. Payments, 538, 582. State Navy and State Line since Nov. 1, 1850, 581, 582. Troop of Horse, John Rogers, 567. Halfpenny, Isaac and John, 442. Halks, James, 346. Hall, Beacham, 246; Caleb, 194; D. R. 52; Daniel, 204; David, 245; Dickson, 246; Edward, 451; Ephraim, 316, 347; Everard and Catherine, 539; George, 15, 289, 346; James, 245; Jeremiah, 609- 617; Jesse, 204; John, 8, II, 21, 68, 204, 246 (2), 315, 344, 347, 444. 445; Jonathan, 7, 11, 12, 59; Mark, 204; Peter, 247; Robert, 15, 17, 30, 37, 59, 101, 204, 317, 370; Spenser, 15, 68; Thomas, 204, 243, 244, 442, 445; William, 173, 204, 242, 244, 245, 331. 448, 604. Haller, Francis, 173. Halley, Peter, 604. Halloby, Thomas, 442. Halloway, George, 446; James, 453; Thomas, 446; Wm. 246, 378. Halsey, Clem, 447. Ham, George, 245; Wm. 345. Hambrick, David, 445. Hamestreet, Isaac and Mary, 549- Hamfley, John, 204. Hamilton, Capt. 533; Gov. 535; James, 99, 148, 191, 243 (2), 245, 291, 371, 442, 447, 533, 535, 536, 582, 583; John, 7, 29, 50, 59, 68, 101, 129, 148, 292, 346, 371, 445; Paul, Secy. Navy, 77; Robert, 28, 68, 447; Thomas, 39 41 (2), 48, 49, 50 (2), 52, 65, ioi, 148, 291. 371. 385. 535. 536, 582, 583; Wm. 246. Hamlet, Elry, 453; Gideon, 318, 453; James, 24.6; Wm. P- 305. 346. 452. Hamlin, John, 450. Hamm, Valentine, 130. Hamminson, Wm. 216. Hammentree, Hammontree, Harris, 192; John, 27, 32. Hammett, James, 173. Hammock, Wm. 244, Hammon, George and Peter, 602; Philip, 247. Hammond, Ignatius, 448; John, 340; Tyson, 6, 68. Hammons, John, 246; Fire, 292. Hamrick, Paul, 243. Hampton, John, 219, 246, 447; Lewis, 246; Thomas, 242, 243, 345; Wm. 354. Hampton Roads, 35; Va. 576. Hamsbarger, Adam, 483. Hanchet, Capt. 588. Hancock, Bennett, 188, 444; Henry, 444; Samuel, 246. Hand, Wm. 594, 604. Handcock, John, 599, 601. Handley, Anthony, 247. Handy, George, 101, 616. Haney, Hanie, Haynie, Mi- chael, 218; Peter, 69; Wil- liam, 244, 346. Hankins, Ann. 597; Thomas, 448. Index 655 Hanlan, James, 247. Hannah, Hanna, Brice, 606; John, 194, 452; Robert, 444. Hannan, Hannans, Jacob, 604; John, 370. Hanner, Edward, 242. Hanney, Haney, Holland, 100, 445; James, 243; Mi- chael, 186; Spencer, 11. Hansbrough, Hansborough, James, 130, 245; Peter, 246. Hansford, Cary H. 101, 148, 295. 347; Henry, 59; Wm. 442. Hanson, John, 447; Lawrence, 149; Robert Harrison, 330; Shadrach, 188; Thomas, 445; Valentine, 17. Hant, Henry, 204. Hanway, Samuel, 41, 45, 48, 50. 5i. 65. Harbine, Thomas, 608. Harbinson, David, 590. Harbron, William, 204. Harcum, Elisha, 216; Henry, J 6, 59; James, 244; Lott, 16, 27, 59, 101, 346; Rhod- ham, 18, 27 (2), 59, 100, 345; Wm. W. 245. Hardaway, Joseph, 345. Hardin, Harding, Charles, 243; Francis, 172, 204; Fran- cis Elizabeth, 515; George, 599, 601; Henry Sr. and Jr. 599, 601; Henry, 244, 247; James, 442; John, 247, 443; Nicholas, 599, 601; Samuel, 597; Thomas, 244; Wm. 246. Hardy, John, 346; Rhodeus, 345; Wm. 242, 245; William- son, 244. Hardyman, Hardiman, etc., Irby, 360; James, 243; John, 37, 99, 148, 344. 345. 450, 533, 549, 585; Joseph, 53; Major, 576; Stitt, 549; Ty- ler, 549. Harford, John, 23, 68. Hargis, Hargus, John, 101, 204, 451. Harksheimer, John, 452. Harlen, Harlan, George, 447; James M. C. 556. Harlow, Joel, 243. Harman, Harmon, Herman, Charles, 129; Curtis, 15, 68, 216; Ezekiel, 449; Fanny, 452; George, 189, 246, 449; James, 493; Levin, 449; Priscilla, 450; Sacker, 246; Stephen, 292, 347, 452; Thomas, 28, 68; Tire, 347; Zorobabel, 450. Harmontree, Harmontrel, Harris, 204; John, 245, Harper, Castleman, 524; Dan- iel, 244; David, 346; Fran- cis, 243; Griffin, 245; Henry, 244; James, 99, 148, 204, 344, 532, 536, 537, 582, 584; Jesse, 242; John, 244, 245, 345- Harr, Simon, 606. Harrell, Aaron, 600, 601; Enoch, 604; Jacob, 594; James, 445; John, 594, 604; Moses, 594; Richard, 600, 601 ; Rubin, 594, 604; Simon, 245; Wm. 604. Harrington, Charles, 204; John, 246. Harris, Charles, 451; Cyrus, 244; David, 243, 447; Ed- ward, 443; Elmore, 242; Francis, 204; Hartwell, 244; Henry, 245; James, 129, 243 (2), 444, 446; John, 4, 5, 15, 23, 24 (2), 36, 37, 40, 41 (2), 47 (2), 50, 54, 59 (2), 100 (4), 148, 149, 187, 189, 216, 242 (3), 243, 244, 245, 289, 346, 362, 444, 447, 449, 524; John G. 243; Jordan, 100, 444; Joshua, 247; Mi- cajah, 204; Nathaniel, 242, 244; Richard, 242, 243, 447, 453; Robert, 243, 247, 444; Samuel, 244; Simon, 28, 59; Thomas, 243, 444, 450; Thomas D. 417, 418, 450 (2), 457, 477 (3), 493 (2), 504, 522; Walter, 191, 443; Wm. 183, 188, 191, 243, 245, 316, 443 (2), 533, 602. Harrison, A. 452; Abner, 246; Alexander, 189, 246, 308; Andrew, 449; Battle, 100, 448; Benjamin, 36, ioo, 101, 308, 453, 524, 529, 532, 533, 549, 610, 616; Benjamin B. 523; Burdett, 242; Charles, 100 (3), 129, 148 (2), 149, 444, 449; Cuthbert, 100, 300, 452, 608; Edwards, 453; Elizabeth, 480; G. 601; George, 608; Governor, 536; Hartwell, 244; James, 100, 173, 192, 247, 445, 449, 549; Joel, 243; John, 99, 149, 192, 245 (2), 247, 442, 445, 446, 448, 616; John Peyton, 99, 441; Joseph, 19, 443; Law- rence, 100, 448; Lieut. (1812), 530; Lovell, 449; Nathaniel, 243; Philip, 448; Philip B. 549; Richard, 100, 163, 165, 172, 204, 345, 445, 446,530,536,537,549 (ch.); Robert, 192, 447, 451; Rob- ert, H. 100, 589; Shadrach, 243: Sydnor, 515; Valentine, 100, 443; Wm. 244, 443; Wm. Butler, 100, 443; Wm. H. 243. Harrold, John, 452. Harrup, Arthur, 244 (2), 444. Hart, Anthony, 243; Capt. 81; Darby, 9, 11, 29, 68; Isaac, 17, 68; James, 449; John, 28, 69, 148, 204, 307, 414, 450, 452, 529; Joseph, 245; Leonard, 452; Michael, 16, 68; Miles, 173, 204; Robert, 443; Thomas, 246, 345; Wm. 446. Hartins, Thomas, 5. Hartley, Daniel, 242; Walter, 243, 244- Hartman, George, 219. Hartshorn, Joshua, 242. Hartwell, Isham, 204. Haruyman, John, 581. Harvey, Edward, 246, 446; 656 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia James G. 441; John, 525; Joseph, 243; Norman, 448; Norment, 309, 452; Ran- dolph, 243; Richard, 244, 446; Wm. 243. Harway, Samuel, 43. Harwood, James, 204; Little- bury, 345; Wm. 204. Haskins, Edward, 28, 68. Haslings, James, 188. Haslop, Haslip, Smith, 246; Thomas, 245. Hastings, Hastens, Thomas, 68, 245, 347; Wm. 246. Haston, Abraham, 604. Hasty, John, 445. Hatcher, Benjamin, 245; Daniel, 243 (2), Henry, 243; John, 173, 243 ;Wm. 445, 447. Hatdorfer, Michael, 452. Hatford, Robert, 243. Hatover, Michael, 194. Hatton, Hatten, 353; Chris- topher, 173, 204; Elizabeth, 439; John, Mary, Sarah, 347; Samuel, 346; Solomon, 204; Thomas F. ; Wm. 443- Hausman, Casper, 245. Haut, Hauth, George, 173; John and Wm. 32, 68. Havert, Wm. 189. Haw, Haws, Hawes, Ban- nister, 16; Peter, 216; Rich- ard, 450; Robert, 524; Sam- uel, 99, 100, 148, 442; Wm. 8, 14, 68. Hawkins, Bartlett, 448; Ben- jamin, 244, 245, 446 (2); Edward, 242; Elisha, 246; Hannah, 448; James, 188, 444, 491; John, 100 (2), 246, 444. 446; Joseph, 445, 450, 487, 601; Laban, 245; Mar- tin, 388, 413, 421 (2), 429, 444, 445, 462, 519; Moses, 100, 187, 313, 446, 453; Reuben, 130; Robert, 446; S. 453; Samuel, 173, 204; Thomas, 100; Wm. 242; Wm. Strother, 446. Hawkes, John and Thomas, 204; Samuel, 450. "Hawksbill Creek," Va. 602. Hawley, Rawleigh, 443; Rich- ard, 173. Hawthorn, Philip, 188. Hay, Hoy, Alexander, 602; Charles, 16, 34, 589; John, 204; John M. 370; Joseph, 101, 148, 296, 346, 550; Richard, 50. Hayborne, Wm. 246. Hayden, 244; Haydon, Jere- miah, 453; Wm. 244. Hayes, Hays, Alexander, 8, 11, 68; Benjamin, 616; Dan- iel, 448; Gabriel, 242; Henry, 247, 521; James, 173, 204 (2); John, 99, 245, 443, 446, 448-450, 616; Joseph, 247, 344; Leonard, 244; Manning, 369; Thomas, 100, 173, 204 (2), 550 (wife Frier, ch.); Wm. 4, 68, 243, 244, 246, 447- Hayne, etc. -see Hanee. Haynes, Dunston, 189; Grif- fith, 445; Peter, 14, 69; Thomas, 345; Wm, 443, 448. Hayward, Elijah, Comr. L. 0. 280, 319; Hall, John, 344; Richard, 216; Thomas, 4, 59. Haywood, Thomas, 216. — See Heywood. Hazard, Barker, 247; John, 172, 204. Hazle, George, 593. Hazlegrove, John, 247. Hazlewood, Richard, 245, 444; Wm. 345. Hazlih, Spencer, 243. Head, Benjamin, 244, 445; James, 173. Headen, Anthony, 442; Jere- miah, 242. Heaken, Wm. 354. Healby, Wm. 442. Healy, Heely, etc., James, 345; Martin, 100, 204, 305; Samuel, 18, 37, 41 (3), 46 (2), 49, 52, 59- Heam, Durham, 245. Heapner, Gasper, 606. Heard, James, 448, 452. Hearing, George, 244. Hearn, Charles, 247; Daniel, 444; Francis, 216; George, 245; Nathaniel, 448. Heartsbarger, John, 602. Heaston, Heastan, Daniel, 596; Jacob, John and Peter, 602. Heath, Heth, Ambrose, 247; Babel, 452; Eburn, 246; Edmond and James, 452; Henry, 192, 245, 452; James E. 10, 29, 35, 39, 54; John, 440; Joshua, 245, 449; Levin, 246; Susanna, 449; Thomas, 244; Wm. 245, 616. Heathersley, Thomas, 246. Hebb, William, 302. Hebron, John, 344. Hedgebeth, Moses, 316, 453. Hedgworth, Moses, 195. Hefferling, John, 447. Hegden, John, 345. Heister, Ezekiel, 11. Helbrand, Heldebrand, James, 173, 204. Hellam, Betsey, 480. Helm, Helms, Abraham, 604; Erasmus, 453; George, 453, 604; Gideon, 453; John, 453, 565; Leonard, PI. 5, 143, 165, 3i5> 349. 446, 535. 565. 604; L. and Thomas, 453; Seld. 453; Thomas, 129, 314, 453. 565; Wm. 453. Helms, Abraham, George, Leonard, 604; L. and Thom- as, 453- Helman, Benjamin, 525. Helmick, Nicholas, 204. Helphenstine, Helven- stone, Peter, 101, 448, 588. Helver, Jacob, 606. Hembrough, James, 130. Hemia, Andrew, 204. Hemp, Christopher, 606. Hemphill, Edward, 29. Henage, George, 346. Index 657 Henderson, David, 7, 9, 11, 13, 59, 100, 344, 446; Ed- ward, 242, 245; Eliza and Joseph, 474; John, 195, 245, 446; Sampson, 447; Wm. 129, 243. Hendley, Charles, 195. Hendrake, Alexander, 243; Moses, 445. Hendren, Ephraim, 344; Rob- ert, 292, 346; Wm. 445. Hendrick, Hendricks, Hen- drix, Hindricks, Andrew, 173, 204; Benjamin, 447; Bird, 346; Elijah, 242, 243, 441; James, 130, 142, 316, 453. 588; Zachariah, 246, 447- Henesey, William, 448. Henley, Charles, 315, 453; Elizabeth, 480; Henry, 130, 446; John, 204, 243, 246; Lewis, 246. Henman, Bailey, 245. Henning, George, 449; Sta- tutes, 35, 154, 155. Henry, Aron, 599, 601; Chris- topher, 298, 345; Colonel, 588; Cook, 479; Francis, 245; Henry, 247; James, 34, 79, 245, 345; John, 242, 246; Laurence, 245; P. 529, 532; Patrick, Jr. 537; Samuel, 245; Volunteer, 589; Wm. 247. 590. Henry, 3, 14, 24, 35, 37 (3), 38, 44 (2), 48 (2), 49, 53, 78, 81. Henshaw, Hinshaw, William, 243, 444- Hensley, Joseph, 244; Rich- ard, 446; Wm. 247, 446. Henson, Daniel, 246; Shad- rack, 447, 451; Wm. 204, 244, 447- Henton, Thomas, Sr. and Jr. 608. Henty, Joseph and Mary, 550. Hentze, Frederick, 450. Henwood, John, 246. Hepburn, William, 347 (2). Herbert, Argyle, 5, 25 (2), 41 (2), 43, 46, 48, 49 (2), 59, Bascow, 283, 346, Pascow, 37. 58, 101, 584, 587; Charles, 17, 41, 43, 47, 68; James, 316; Passion, 148; Thomas, 19, 20, 41, 47, 59, 100, 148, 216, 319, 346, 347; Wm. 17, 41, 43, 47, 68, 188, 442. Herdon, Herndon, Edward, 130, 142, 450; James, 246; Reuben, 247. Herman — see Harman. Herd (Hard?), John, 608. Hern, Ephraim, 448. Hernsby, Ezekiel, 246. Hero, 3, 16, 17 (dismantled), 29 (2) dismantled, 37, 41 (2), 42 (2), 43 (3). 44 (3). 47 (5). 49, 53, 81. Herriford, James, 245. Herrill, John, 446. Herring, Haring, Herrin, Captain's Co. 530; Wm. 204. Herrington, Thomas, 247. Hesler, Ezekiel, 204. Heth, Andrew, PI. 5, 139, 142, 315. 453. 454; Henry, 100; John, 100, 443; Lieut. 589; Wm. 100, 148, 444, 451, 536, 550, 57 1- Heuseger, Heusengaer, John, 185. Heuthorne, Philip, 442. Heutser, Frederick, 184. Hewlet, Austin, 246. Heyden, Charles, 351. Heyner, John, 602. Heywood, Haywood, Berry, 173; Captain's Co., Mass. 569; Richard, 16; Thomas, 216. Hibb, William, 452. Hickey, Daniel, 242. Hickxe, Samuel, 246. Hickman, Edward and James, 245; Elijah, 449; Joel, 244; Joshua, 246; Major, 245; Richard, 246; Wm. 244. Hicks, Hix, Daniel, 244, 314, 453; David, 101, 173, 204; Edward, 443; James, 446; John, 204; John, Jr. 244; Joseph, 246; Mordecai, 173, 204, 347; Moses, 244; Rich- ard H. 453; Wm. 242, 243 (2), 244 (2), 345, 346, 422, 447- Hickson, Hixon, Elijah (Elisha), 183; James, 449. Hico, Peter, Sr. and Jr. 173. Hiden, Higdon, John and Joseph, 448; Richard, 204; Wm. 450. HlGGINBOTHAM, Wm. 101, 448, 451. Higgins, Barney, 173; Burn- ley, 204; James, 101, 452; John, 340; Peter, 99, 148, 442; Robert, 100, 443; Wil- liams, 204. Higginson, William, 453. Highland, Robert and Wm. 344- Hight, George, 244, 446. High warden, John, 246. Hih (?), David, 452. Hilbert, John, 448. Hilf, Jacob, 183. Hill, Abraham, 447; Amos, 344; Baylor, 99, 148, 441, 448; Caleb, 448; Clement, 242; George, 100, 246, 247, 448; Gideon, 444; Henry, 242 (2), 247; Humphrey, 242; James, 192, 196, 244 (2), 345. 347. 370, 447; John, 16, 68, 204 (2), 216, 243, 244, 246, 247, 345, 447; Martin, 1 1 ; Michael, 246; Miles, 204; Olive, 559; Peter, 246; Rich- ard, 129; Robert, 243; Sam- uel, 243; Shadrach and Sim- on, 242; Spencer, 446; Thom- as, 99, 189, 243, 244 (2), 345, 441, 443, 447, 451; Thomas, Heirs of, King Wm. Co., Va. 610; Wm. 243, 245, 246 (2), 600, 601. Hillard, Joseph, 189, 443. Hiller, John, 446. 658 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Hilley, Daniel, 244. Hilling, James, 204; Wm. 400. Hilman, Joseph, 243. Hilt, Peter, 205. Hincher, William, 244. Hinds, Hines, George, 189; Henry, 245; James, 243, 442, 447; John, 188, 284, 346, 442, 445, 452; Michael, 244; Thomas, 451. Hinkston, John (Col.), 561. Hinkley, Leonard, 245. Hinman, Bailey, 453; Bene- dict, 195; Bundick, 246, 453; Elijah, 449; Galen, 453; Ralph, 245, 246, 453; Rich- ard, 246; Wm. 449; Zadock, 244, 246. Hins, Henry, 446. Hinsley, Archibald, 245. Hinton, Christopher, 246; Lewis, 8, 68, 347; Spencer, 14, 18, 69, 216, 331; Wm. 11, 345- Hipkinstall, Caleb, 244; James, 188, 205. Hiser, Jacob, 596. Histe, Mister, Benjamin, Frederick and Joseph, 244. "History of Va.'s Navy of the Rev." — Stewart, 22. Hitchcock, Eliza, 415. Hite, Abraham, 99, 148, 442, 450; Alexander, 606; An- drew, 602; Daniel, 602; George, 129, 142, 173, 301, 445; Isaac, 100, 148, 445; Jacob, 205; Joseph, 101,451; Julius, 445; Matthias, 129, 606; Thomas J. 244; Wm. 246. Hitherly, Thomas, 451. Hix — see Hicks, Hixon and Hickson. Hoalston, Stephen, 590. Hoard, James, 101; Thomas, 99, 148. Hobbs, Alexander, 246; Ben- jamin, 244; Drewry, 245; Elisha, 245; Frederick, 189, 245- 4431 James, 173; Rich- ard, 246; Thomas, 344. Hobday, Francis, 216; Rich- ard, 205, 243. Hober, William, 592. Hobson (450, many); Agnes C. ; Benjamin, 243; James, 513, 514; John (Hop- son) 205; John, 439, 440, 450, 451, 452, 476, 494, 513; Joseph, 129; Martha, 484, 494; Matthew, 439, 440, 450, 451 ( 2 ), 452, 513, 514; Nich- olas, 101, 450. Hockaday, James, 444; John, 101, 450; Philip, 100, 444. Hockley, John, 148. Hodges, Hodge, Abednego, 242; Isaac, 247; James, 243, 437, 443! Joseph, 216; Molly (Rose), 494; William, 189, 245, 443; Williamson, 243, 245- Hodgins, Hodgings, Joseph, 344; Samuel, 444. Hoffer, Hoffler, Samuel, 446; Wm. 99, 148, 344, 582, 583. Hoffman, George, 610; John, 345, 610; Philip, 442; Reu- ben, 345. (See Huffman.) Hogan, Henry, 11, 12; James, 243, 453; John, 454; Michael, 448; Peter, 453; Thomas, 192, 313, 445, 446; Wm. 305, 346; Wm., Jr. 244. Hogden, Hogdon, Matthew, 216; Nehemiah, 245. Hoge, William, 243. Hogg, John, 244, 245; Richard, 41 (2), 45, 47, 51, 65, 130, H8, 533; Samuel, 99, 148, 192, 441, 453, 454; Wm. 245. Hogins, Isham, 444. Hogland, Evert, 443. Hogshine, Robert, 449. Hogman, Joseph, 604. Holback, Eddy, 446. Holbert, William, 189. Holbrook, Jesse, 446. Holcomb, John, 442. Holderby, Wm. 189, 243, 246 449. Holdhand, James, 205. Holdman, Fundy, 189. Holdorfer, Michael, 183. Holdrop, Thomas, 444. Holdway, Henry, 244. Holeman, Henry, 247; Jacob, 591, 607, 609. Holey, William, 444. Holker, Adam, 591; John, PI. 5- Holl, Adam, 183. Holland, Cary, 452; David, 453; Drury, 446; George, 100, 444; Joseph, 195, 316, 453; Thomas, 242; Willis, 195, 3i6, 453- Hollett, Solomon, 245. Holley, Bod'y, 242 ; Peter, 594. Holliday, Hollyday, Benja- min and Charles (Holday), 242; Henry, 447; James, 444; Joseph, 130, 243; Wm. 345, 447- Hollinback, Daniel, 130. Hollings, John, 205. Hollis, Joshua, 172, 205. Hollow ay, 452 (many); Barnes and Charles, 243; James, 101, 187, 302, 310, 452; John, 448, 452; Joseph, 205; Martin, 448; Thomas, 205; Wm. 244, 245, 282, 448. Holman, Holmer, Christian and Major, 100; Taudy, 447. Holmes, Homes, Bartlett, 188; Benjamin, 99, 245, 246, 610; Christian, 148, 187, 445; Daniel, 610; David, 99, 149, 442; Edward, 242; Isaac, 100, 148, 345, 535, 537; James, 173, 347, 452, 616; John, 243, 245, 600, 601; Joseph, 616; Lewis, 443; Thomas C. 99, 205; Wm. 245; Holmes, Bell and Diby, 616. Holt, Claiborne, 194; Dudley, 246; Ethelard, 247; George, 344; Henry, 59, 101, 292, Index 659 346; James, 100, 148, 443, 450; John C. 344; John Hunter, 99, 344, 582, 584; Joseph, 129; Michael, 246, 316, 347, 453; Moses, 243; Reuben, 193; Samuel, 333, 450; Sarah, 453; Thomas, 99, 148, 442, 448, 450, 452; Thompson, 205; Wm. 101, 247 (2), 452, 535, 564; Wm. C. 450. Holver, George and John, 608. Hommer, Michael, 592; Wm. 246. Honeacre, Henry and Jacob, 604. Honey, Elias, 444. Hood, Charles, 205; George, 305; John, 243 (2), 442; Joshua, 243; Thomas, 442, 443; Wm. 445. Hoods, Va. 539. Hoof, James, 447. Hook, Hooks, I. T. 479; James, 101, 302 (2), 306, 307, 452; Wm. 446. Hoomes, Benjamin, 441, 448; Isaac, 533; James, 205; Joseph, 441; Thomas Clai- borne, 441. Hooper, Hopper, James, 305, 452; John, 345, 444, 446 (2); John and Ann, 488; Mans- field, 246; Richard, 101, 451; Thomas, 101, 172, 205; Walter, 444. Hopewell, Joseph, 594, 604; Thomas, 445. Hopingstock, Christopher, 188. Hopkins, Daniel, 130; David, 101, 130, 448, 450; Hum- phrey, 599, 601; I. 472; J. 426; John, 520; Patrick, 345; Richard, 173, 205; Samuel, 99, 148, 442, 450; Susan, 466; Thomas, 53, 345, 431, 456. HOPKUSTOCK, HOPPINSTOCK, Christopher, 245, 443. Hopper, Thomas, 451. Hord, Horde, James, 317, 453; John, 602; Thomas, 450. Horn, Horne, Christopher, 172, 205, 245, 246; Francis, 15, 68; Henry, 451; Jere- miah, 173, 205; John, 605; Ralph, 24, 347; Ralph R. 451; Robert, 345; Simon, 244. Hornbeck, James, 244. Hornby, Hornsby, John, 6, 313; Zorobabel, 246. Hornet, 3, 7, 17 (formerly Liberty, 22), 38, 41, 44 (3), 47, 48, 49. Hornsby, John, 347. HORSLY, HORSLEY, HORNSLEY, James, 447, 452; John, 244; Levi, 452; Robert, 589. Horton, Adin, 173, 205; Jo- seph, 184; Samuel, 246 (2), 448; Thomas, 245. Hosack, 428, Hoseck, Alex- ander, 205; Robert, Thomas and Wm. 428. Hosfield, Thomas, 442. Hosier, Sampson, 453; Sam- uel, 313. Hoskins, Arch's, 245; Jacob, 346; James, 246; Samuel, 245; Thomas, 245. Hospitals, 532, 534, 546; Con- tinental, 536, 550; Director General, 534, 536 (McClurg) 555, Richmond, 550, Wil- liamsburg, 550. Houchings, Benards, 451; John, 242; Samuel, 32, 68. Hough, Benjamin, 610, 616; Thomas, 446; Wm. 246; Hough and Donaghe, 616. Houghton, Thomas, 346. Houndsler, Hounsler, Charles, 172, 205. Houragen, Patrick, 445. House, Andrew, 173; An- thony, 205; Lawrence, 130, 142, 148, 315, 347; Wm. 59, 101, 291, 345, 346 (4), 350. House of Delegates, 589. Houseley, James, 245. House r, Henry, 608. Houson, Davis, 245. Houts, Christian, 592. Howard, Alexander, 246; Am- brose, 242, 245; Charles, 447; Edward, 447; Eliza- beth, 453; Ezekiel, 246; George, 246; Henry, 184, 243, 247; Ignatius, 448; James, 243, 247, 447; John, 242, 443; Nehemiah, 245; Peter, 445; Robert, 243, 542; Thomas, 4, 59, 318, 453; U. D. 452; Vachel D. 101 339; Wm. 247. Howe, Bannister, 68, 319, 344; Edward, 244; John, 452; Wm. 14. Howell, Abner, 245, 445; Captain, 35; Charles, 243; Daniel, 245; David, 445; George, 246; Heath, 192; Isaac, 242; Joseph, 205; Lewis, 205, 446, 453; Mat- thew, 243; Nancy (Stevens) 507; Peter, 173, 205 (2); Philison, 205, 344; Raney, 452; Robert, 450; Spicer, 246; Stephen, 205; Thomas, 45«, 590, (Hewell) 345, 448 (Howie); Vincent, 100, 149, 444, 446; Wyatt, 205 (2); William, 205, 246, 605; Young B. 458. Howerton, John, 245. Howland, Abraham, 550. Howlett, Isaac, 244; Wm. 25. Howman, Abraham, 245. Hoy, Hoye, Alexander, Eliza and Mary, 447; Charles, 68; John, 313; Sabrot, 242. Hoyden, Mathew, 189. Hoyt, George, 205. Hubbard, Amos, 216; Charles, 8, 11, 346; Elias, 244, 444; Eppa, 242, 445, 446; Isaac, 348; James, 14, 69, 188, 247, 445; Jesse, 216; John, 16, 59, 101, 243, 374; Mathew, 448; Samuel, 448; Thomas, 129, 244; Wm. 371, 448. 660 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Hubner, Frederick, 184. Huddleston, John, 344. Hudgens, Hudgins, Joshua, 205; Moses, 442; Ridgnell, 11; Samuel, 445. Hudle, Huddle, etc., David and George, 606; Jacob, 602, 606; Joseph, 244. Hudlon, Andrew, 608. Hudnall, Thomas, 446. Hudson, Hutson, Benjamin, 242, 243; Charles, 205, 296, 347; Christopher, 524; Da- vid, 242; Irby, 449; James, 246; John, 100, 345 (2) 443. 524. 533; Peter, 243, 246; Robert, 244; Rush, 188, 444; Thomas, 205 (2), 449- 53o; Tuttle, 449; W. 524; Wm. 101, 187, 242, 442, 449. Huey, Hui, Ann, 407; J. B. 407; John, 6, 342. Huff, Charles, 247. Huffman (See Hoffman), Am- brose, 242; Ann and John, 592; Christian, 442; George, 616; Jacob, 172, 205; John, 244 (2); Peter, 244; Philip, 99, 601, 607; Reuben, 244, 346, 451; Samuel, 244. Hughes, Hues, Benjamin, 443; Edward, 244, 524; Francis A. 245; George, 446; Henry, 100, 148, 247, 446; Hugh, 245; Jacob, 446; James, 246, 282, 324, 345; Jasper, 100, 245, 448; Jesse, 443; John, 100, 149, 189, 205, 243 (2), 445, 446, 449; Joseph, 189, 444 (2); Na- thaniel, 344, 442; Pratt, 99, 148, 205, 345, 582, 584; Ralph, 244; Reuben, 242, 445; Thomas, 129, 244, 246, 347; Wm. 8, 9, 10, 27, 68, 246, 347- Hughlett, Hulett, Garrett, 216; John, 28, 29, 59, 101; Thomas, 246; Wm. 59, 243. Huin, William, 173. Hulbard, Jesse, 8, 68. Huling, James, 442. Hull, Beechum, 189; Bucham, 447; Brodie S. 451; David, 443; Edwin, 101, 451, 452; Henry, 242; Hopewell, 447; James, 443; John, 442, 452; John G. 438; Leonard, 189, 443; Thomas, 447; Thomas G. 451. Hullin, John, 451. Hulse, William, 444. Humboy, Henry, 600, 601 Humphill, Edward, 68. Humphin, Joshua, 464. HUMPHLETT, HUMPLETT, Thomas, 37, 59, 101, 347; Wm. 283, 345. Humphrey, Humphries (See Umphries), 11, 12; David C. 428; Elijah, 245; George, 188, 245; George W. 347; Haines, 242; James, 7, 68, 216; John, 100, 244, 246, 274, 444; Joshua, 399, 415, 456; Merritt, 550; Reuben, 2 °5. 344; Robert, 345; Sam- uel, 8, 68, 173, 205, 347; Sarah, 444; Thomas, 244, 345- Hundley, Anthony, 243; Joshua, 443 ; Philip, 247 ; Wm. 243- Hundnell, James, 448. Hundon, Dabney, 451. Hune, Thomas, 599, 601. Hungerford, James, 244; John P. 403, 449; Thomas, 101, 448, 449, 525. Hunney, Calis, 442. Hunt, Berry, 244; Elizabeth, 453; Henry, 53, 69, 205 (2); James, 244, 247, 442; John, 29, 68, 216, 243, 444, 447, 602; John B. 205; Joseph, 245; Mecacam, 446; Presley, 244; Richard, 242; Samuel, 242, 444; Wm. 188, 244, 245, 443- Hunter, David, 242; George, 6, 59, 101, 289, 290, 346; Robert, 595, 605; Thomas, 216; Wm. 446. Hunton, Thomas, 11. Hupp, Philip, 173, 205, 445, 449. Hurley, Christopher, 246; Matthew, 442. Hurst, Absalom, 598; John, 594; Thomas, 598; Wm. Sr. and Jr. 594. Hurt, James, 242, 450; John, 100; Michael, 16; Philemon, 247; West, 242, 442. Hutchins, Hutchings, Bos- well, 244; Charles, 349, 443. Hutcheson, Hutchinson, An- drew, 247; Charles, 205: George, 590; James, 446; Joseph, 242, 333; Michael, 205; Reuben, 244; Stephen, 245; Thomas, 315, 345, 444; Walter, 245; Wm. 216, 243, 244. Hutson (See Hudson). Hutt, Hutts, Jacob, 189; John, 290, 346; Leonard, 443; Read, 443. Hutton, Richard, 244. Hyden, Daniel, 243. Hylton, Edward, 247. Hynes, James, 443. Hyslop, Abner, 449; Custis, 245; Kendall, 451; Levin, 449; Smith, 451. I Illinois, 610; "Country," 154; County, 567; Expedition to, 1779, 538, 567. 568; "List," 196 (Irby); Meriwether, James, Rogers, John, Thrus- ton, John, 567; Regiment, Lands, PI. 5. Indiana, Berry and Bishop, 540; Donne, 547; Ferguson, 548; Henty, 550; Madden, 553; White, 577; Wilkerson, 578. Indians, Destruction of territory, 568. Illinois expedition, etc. 567, 568. Index 661 Petition of John Rogers, 567; Letter, Western Country, 1780, 551. Vincennes, etc. 566. Inge, John, 247. Inglis, Inglish, Henry, John and Wm. 247. Ingraham, Jesse, 247; Jona- than, 551 (ch.); Wm. 205. Ingram, Francis, 608. Ingry, David, 247. Inloe, Thomas, 285, 348. Inman, Isham, 247. Innis, Francis, 458; James, 33, 81, 101, 247, 455, 537; Levy, 216, 247; Robert, 247. Inrusto, Edward, 205. Interest, 5 year pay, lieu of half pay, 584 — . Iowa, Green, 549; Laughlin, 553- Irby, David, 174, 196, 318, 349; Douglass, 458; Wm. 349, 456. I re son, George, 348. Ironmonger, Daniel, 247; George, 69; Robert, 247, 454; Wm. 247. Irey, Irvey, Ivey, Peterson, 247; Wm. 21, 30, 41, 48, 60. Irvin, Irvine, James, 247; John, 456; Matthew, 101, 457- Irving, James, 192. Irwins, Martin and Wm. 455. Isaac, Isaacs, Benjamin, 247; John, 173, 348. Isbell, Isbill, Benjamin, 205; Henry, John, Mark and Wm. 247; Thomas, 370. Ison, George, 458. Israel, Isaac, 101, 457. Ivey, Ivy, Aaron, Absalom and Public, 247; Wm. 315, 349; Wm. A. 377; Wm. N. 349. Jackman, Adam and Richard, 608. Jackson, Ambrose, 205; Bur- well, 248; Christopher, 248; David, 131, 247; Drewry, 248; Edward, 456; George, 247; Hezekiah, 456; Isaac, 249, 454; Jacob, 205; James, 248, 455; John, 16, 69, 189, 248, 249, 454, 455; Jona- than, 248; Josiah, 205; Mi- chael, 369; Nathaniel, 456; Obadiah, 248; Peter, 248, 597; Reuben, 248, 457; Rich- ardson, 205; Robert, 247; Samuel, 348, 551 (ch.); Thomas, 189, 454; William, 247 (3), 249, 289, 348, 369, 455. 473. 556; Wilson, 29, 69. Jaco, William, 454. Jacob, Jacobs, Benjamin, 456, 458, 506; Henry, 185; John, 456; Roby, 454; Samuel, 248, 348; Wm. 247, 454. Jacovey, Peter, 608. Jacquet, Jaquett, Francis, 458; Peter, 306. James, Abraham, 608; Alex- ander, 348; Catlett, 248; Christopher, 18, 33, 69, 216; Edward, 30, 69, 205; Elisha, 348; Henry, 30, 69; James, 9, 18, 21, 31, 33, 249, 536, 537 (2); Joseph, 608; Mi- chael, 32, 33, 36, 37, 50, 51, 54. 60, 73, 74, 101, 149, 248, 296, 297, 348; Peter, 348; Richard, 248, 616; Stephen, 248; Thomas, 616; Walter, 205, 216; Wm. 13, 16, 22 (3), 248, 348. James River, 39, 42. Jamieson. Jamison, David, 457. 529; John, 102, 149, 248, 454, 455, 457; Samuel, 457; Thomas, 173, 205. Janey, P. 26, 69. Janitt, John, 454; Robert, 455- Jaquess, Isaac, 248. Jarman, Henry, 249. Jarrell, Jarrall, James, 173, 205; Joshua, 248; Solomon, 348. Jarrott, John, 249. Jarvis, Francis, 458; James, 248; John B. 458; Sarah, 458; Thomas, 29, 249; Wm. 24. 69. 317, 459- Jarvis, Winder and Crouch, 616. Jasper, Anthony, 248; Ed- ward and John, 205. Javin, James, 249. Jay, Richard, 455. Jaybox, Rolson, 248. Jaynes, Joynes, Charles and John, 458. Jeakins, James, 471. Jean, William, 248. Jeffcoat, John, 456. Jefferlin, John, 456. Jefferson, 3, 5, 17, 23, 35, 37, 38, 78, 81 (3), Thomas Jefferson; Jefferson, 550. Jeffries, Aaron, 21, 27, 28, 40, 42, 43, 47, 48, 60; Ed- ward, 455; Elisha, 454; Gowing, 205, 458; Isaac, 102, 456; James, 455; Mourning, 205, 349; Thomas, 347; Wm. 242, 456. Jeffs, Thomas, 247. Jelt, Thomas, 205. Jenell, John, 458. Jenkins, Abraham, 456; Aquilla, 247; Charles, 248; Edward, 457; Harman, 205; Isaac and Jeremiah, 456; James, 388, 397, 457, 491, 499 (3). 5io, 519, 610, 616; John, 189, 196, 248, 249, 313, 349, 456, 458, 459; Joshua, 457; Josiah, 249; Richard, 216, 454; Samuel, 248; Timo- thy, 205; Wm. 131. Jennett, Thomas, 248. Jennings, Augustus, 249; Bay- lor, 248; Caleb S. 248; James, 8, 12, 69, 216; John, 14, 37, 60, 102, 205, 248, 348; Lucy, 453; Michael, 16, 17, 69, 216; Miles, 455; Robert C. 453, 458; Solo- mon, 455; Thomas, 205, 348; 662 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Wm. 73, 75, 131, 142, 205, 348, 458, 551, 573, 594, 601, 604. Jerow, Jacob, 348. Jesse, Turner, 455. Jester, John, 315, 349. Jeter, Amasa, 249; Clem, 216; Fielding, 248. Jett, Alexander, 348; John, 2 3, 2 49. 348; Peter and Wm. 248. Jewell, Charles and John, 173. Jtles, James, 247. Jinnins, William, 149. Joab, Job, Jobbs, David, Enoch, Joshua, 597; Jacob, 599, 601; Moses, 23, 69, 216, 597- John, Johns, John, 42; Thom- as and Wm. 248. Johnson, Alexander and An- drew, 205; Archibald, 249; B. John, 457; Bailey, 458; Benjamin, 205, 248, 249 (3), 456; Charles, 249; Daniel, 247, 249; David, 247; Ed- ward, 205, 283, 348; Elijah, 248; Ezekiel, 249; G. W. 349; Gabriel J. 349; George, 102, 248, 307, 458; Gideon, 102, 149, 348, 520, 533, 551, 587, 588; Giles, 248; Hen- drick, 18, 69; Isham, 248; Ishmael, 248; Isiah, 216, 248; Jacob, 205, 456, 457; James, 189, 205 (2), 248 (2), 249 (2), 437, 456. 457. 458, 462; Jere- miah, 248; John, 4, 69, 149, 192, 205 (2), 247, 248, 249 (3), 315. 349 (2), 454. 455 (2), 458; John B. 102, 455; John M. 349; Joseph, 205, 248 (2), 347; Joshua, 4, 69, 216, 349; Larkin, 249; Mal- comb, 205; Martin, 248 (2); Mathew, 457; Menoah, 249; Moses, 454; Nicholas, 248; Patrick, 249; Peter, 102, 247, 249; Philip, 455, 458; Ran- dolph, 458; Reuben, 248; Richard, 248, 249 (2), 455, 456; Robert, 23, 27, 69 (2), 248; Robert B. 433; Samuel, 205, 247, 249, 301, 457, 458; Silas, 248, 457; Stephen, 455; Thomas, 205, 248, 314, 458; William, 21, 102, 149, 205, 216, 247, 248 (7), 249 (4). 300, 305. 455 (2), 456, 458, 589; Wm. G. 458; Willis, 248; Zachariah, 501. Johnston, Archibald, 456; Cornelius, 456; David, 594; Edward, 173, 348; Elias, 348; George, 205, 456; Gid- eon, 536, 537; Isaiah, 4; James, 102, 454, 456, 458, 616; John, 130, 173; John B. 130; John W. 348; Joshua, 143; Josiah, 69; Major, 457; Mathew, 184; Peter, 455; Samuel, 173; Silas, 456; Thomas, 454, 455; Wm. 6, 21, 26, 37, 60, 82, 131, 348, 454; Zachariah, 184. Johuns, Mathew, 173. Joines, John, 174, 196, 348; Rice, 249. Joliff, John, 102, 454, 616. Jonas, Thomas, 249. Joneast, Antyear, 182. Jones, Abraham, 458 ; Abridge- ton, 102; Absalom, 295, 348; Adam, 457; Albrighton, 457; Alexander, 247; Alliridgton, 455; Ambrose, 455; Ann, 458; Anthony, 616; Benja- min, 371; Berry, 247; Binns, 131, 142, 149, 313, 349; Britton, 196, 313, 458; Cad- walader, 102, 455; Charles, 26, 37, 60, 69, 102, 149, 216. 248, 454- 455. 456, 587. 616; Christian, 247; Churchill, 102, 149, 512; David, 173, 205, 458; Edward, 173, 205, 298, 348; Elias, 551; Elisha, 333; Ephraim, 247; Evin, 608; Fran key, 594; Freder- ick, 196, 313, 458; Gabriel, 51, 65, 102, 348; George, 248, 249 (2), 455; Godfrey, 248, 249, 454; Henry, 248, 457; Holmes, 457; Hord, 249; Isham, 248; James, 192, 205, 348, 455. 456. 457, 459. 594. 605, 610; Jesse 205, 454; Joel, 248, 455; John, 85, 173, 206 (2), 247 (3), 348, 249 (3), 317, 454-458, 524. 590, 608; Jones, 456; Joseph, 248, 459; Lane, 248; Levin, 455; Lewis, PI. 1, 16, 18, 26, 27, 40, 42, 49, 60, 81, 102, 149, 248, 348; Lewis, Jr. 60, 101; Lieut. 16, 18; Mary, 600, 601; Mary D. 515; Mason, 594, 604; Ma- thew, 173, 206; Molly, 457; Moses, 247; Newman, 249; Nicholas, 458; Peter, 102, 454, 456; Reuben, 248; Richard, 248, 249, 348, 454, 455 (2), 456, 457, 616; Robert, 32, 69, 216, 454; Robin, 26, 69; Roland, 206; Sally, 515; Samuel, 101, 130, 189 (2), 248, 249, 313, 454 (2), 456, 533; Strother, 101, 454, 616; Solomon, 455; Thomas, 131, 189, 248, 249, 454. 455 (3). 456, 457, 458, 594, 597, 605, 616; Wm. 32, 69, 206, 248 (3), 249 (3), 312, 347, 348, 370, 454, 455 (2), 456, 457, 458; Willis, 206; Wood, 102, 458; Young B. 458; Zachariah, 454; Zebulon, 248. Jopling, Ralph, 102. Jordan, Jordon, Jourden, etc., Fleming, 456; George, 303, 458; Henry, 206, 248; James, 348, 456; John, 102, 149, 300, 312, 454, 455, 457, 616; John Easton, 458; Mi- chael, 284, 348; Sally (Smith) 505; Sarah, 458; Solomon, 247; Wm. 249 (2). Joseph, Daney, 182; Marshall, 184; Richard, 182. Joslin, Josling, Jossling, James, 458; Jeremiah, 610, 616; John, 248; Ralph, 458. Index 663 Jouett, Jouitt, Jonett, Mat- thew, 102, 347, 454; Robert, 102, 149. Joynes, Charles, 249, 318; Edward, 4, 249, 313, 348; Erasmus, 206; John, 206, 247, 248, 308; Levin, 102, 457; Reuben, 102, 457; Ro, 14; Thomas, 249. Judak (?), Jacob, 602. Jude, Judy, Frederick and John, 206. Judge, George, 458. Judkins, Jesse and John, 248. Julian, Charles, 458; John, 143, 314. 458- Junal, Junial, Anthony 456; Wm. 249. Justice, Betty, 515; Elijah, 249; George, 457. K Kahoe, James, 250. Kairns, John, 459. Kamvall, Edward Jackson, 250. Kanard, James, 340; Joshua, 340, 350. Kane, Kan, Elijah, 350; James, 459. Kankins, George, 242; Joseph, 191; Moses, 192. Kardy, John, 460. Karn, Adam, 592. Kaskaskia, 160, 556. Kautzman, John, 103, 349; John N. 149; John V. 37, 60. Kay, Kays, George, 349; James, 249; John, 78, 141, 349, 443; Robert, 102, 459. Kaylor, Matthew, 206. Kearns, John, 460. Keath, William, 250. Kebble, William, 340. Keeling, John and Mary Ann, 467; Thomas, 250. Keen, Kein, Harriet, 350; John, 460; Jonathan, 249; Thomas, 459. Keener, David and Uhlrich, 592. Keep, James, 459. Keeton, Edward, 460; James, 249; John Jr. 460. Keirns, John, 460. Keisnen, Casper, 460. Keith, Keeth, Kieth, Alex- ander, 103, 304, 461; Daniel, 459, 461, 616; Isham, 103, 349, 460; Judith, 574; Zach- ary, 574- Kellam, Kellum, Spencer, 250; Thomas, 508. Kellar, Keller, A. 530; Abraham, 103, 149, 163, 349, 551 (ch.), 577, 598> 601; Capt. 551; George, 596; Isaac, 174; Michael, 606. Kelley, Kelly, Alexander, 250; Andrew, 459; Benjamin, 349, 459; Edward and Eph- raim, 250; Jacob, 250, 449; James, 206, 249, 250 (3); Jesse 249, 250, 459; John, 249, 250 (2), 349, 459; Jordan, 460; Joshua, 206; Nancy, 495; Obadiah, 250; Peter, 461, 616; Thaddy, 102, 131. 149, 349, 537, 552; Thomas, 250 (2), 402; Timo- thy, 186, 460; Wm. 189, 250 (4), 460, Kelly and Wyatt, 616. Kellogg, Benjamin, Jr. 530. Kemm, (Kemon?), John, 249, 460. Kemp, Kemps, James, 131, 149, 349, 460, 461, 535 (2), 550, 552 (2-ch. etc.), 561, 581, 585; John, 206, 530; Peter, 102, 149, 340, 349, 536; Reuben, 174, 206; Thomas, 103, 149, 295, 296, 350, 461; Wm. 460. Kempin, William, 189, 461. Kenagan, 250. Kenale, William, 250. Kendall, Custis, 103, 149, 160; Francis, 250; George, 349; Jeremiah, 461 (2); Jesse, 370; Peter, 250; Wm. 174, 206, 250; Kendall and Hy- stop, 616. Kendrick, Benjamin, 249; Benoni, Christopher, Sam- uel and Wm. 250, Kendrich and Massie, Kendrich and White, Kendrich, Darbie and Massie, 616. Kenley, Benjamin, 149. Kennady, Kennedy, Kena- dys, Andrew, 370; Charles, 250; David, 174, 206, 250; James, 102, 149, 349, 529, 533, 58i, 588; John, 460; Jonathan, 206; Moses, 349; Wm. 131 250 (2), 459, 592. Kennar, Kenner, Kennaird, David, 350; Howsen, 9, 10, 349; John, 250; Rhodum, Rodham, 8, 206, 298, 349 (2). Kenney, Kenny, Capt. 533; Isaac, 460; James, 459; John, 149, 250, 349, 449; Joseph 250, 459; Nichols, 461; Richard, 189. Kennon, Hawson, 60, 103; John, 103, 460; Richard, 103, 187, 460; Thomas, 414. Kennyor, John, 249. Kensal, Lewis, 250. Kent, Alexander, 460; Daniel, 103, 149, 206, 298; David, 350; Edwin, 216; Jessee, 60, 103, 317, 35°; Joshua, 7, 14, 32, 69, 216, 350; Smith, 459; Thomas, 350; Wm, 12, 206 (3), 350. Kenton, Mark, 189. Kentucky, 556, 569; Brenton, 541; Chapline, 542; Chelton, 563; Cordill and Cornett, 542; Crockett, 578; Ewell, 545; Frogget, 565; Green, 549; Hinkston, 561; Hum- phrey, 550; Jefferson Co. 610; Jones, 551; McGavock and Marshall, 553; Meri- wether, 555; Moore, 557; Piper, 559; Rice, 578; Riley and Roberts, 562; Rogers, 564 to 566; Sacrey, 569; 664 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Slaughter, 570, 571; Spencer, 571; Stone, 572; Todd, 568; Vawter, 573; Vowles, 574; Wilkerson and Wilson, 578; Worthington, 579. Kepliner, Daniel, 602. Kerby, Kirby, Andrew, 250; Thomas, 206; Wm. 249. Kerchwall, Benjamin, 250. Kermehome, Wm. 460. Kermer, Kurmer, Rhodam, 27 (2). Kerner, Michael, 249. Kernes, Kerns (See Cearns), Barney, 249; Robert, 250; Wm. 461. Kerney, Capt. 530, 532; El- liott, 350; James, 125; John, 102, 164, 249, 350, 533; Thomas, 350. Keron, Allice, 610. Kerr, David, 249; John, 249, 250, 616; Joseph, 616; Wm. 174, 206. Kersey, Alexander, 249; John, 206; Wm, 460. Kerteller, Abraham, 349. Keslow, Jacob, 250, 308. Kesterson, John Smith, 81. Keston, John and Wm. 349. Kestrons, Jacob, 461. Kew, David, 249. Key, Keys, Kee, Charles, 250; George, 174, 194, 206, 250; Henry, 250; John, 206, 249; Landon, 249; Price, 461; Richard, 250; Robert, 149, 249; Thomas, 174, 206; Wm. 206. Keyson, William, 350. Ki (?), Christopher, 206. Kibble, William, 250. Kibler, Christian, 593. Kibliner, Jacob, 602. Kidd, Benjamin, 192, 459; Henry, 250, 251; John, 206, 250; Moses, 206; Robert, 174, 206; Wm. 196, 249, 317, 344- Kiger, Andrew, 250. Kiho, Peter, Sr. and Jr. 206. Kilbreath, John, 250. Kilby, John, 82. Kildron, George, 206. Kiled, Richard, 350. Killis, William, 19. Kilty, John, 103, 460. Kimble, Robert, 250, 459. Kimbrough, Benjamin, 249. Kimerland, Jacob, 590. Kina, Christopher, 174. Kincaid, Kinkade, Elizabeth, 350; George W. 349; James, 174, 206; Joseph, 149, 165; Wm. 131. Kinder, Valentine, 616. Kindred, Bartholomew and Wm. 250. Kindrick, Daniel, 459. King, Charles, 250 (2), 460; Daniel, 250; Edward, 28, 69; Elisha, 103, 250, 459, 461; Francis, 189, 349, 354, 459; George, 174, 206, 250; Henry, 206, 250; James, 250, 459; John, 249, 250 (3), 307. 351, 459 (2), 460 (2); Joseph, Julian, Sabril and Sibert, 250; Mary, 488; Miles, 77, 103, 459; Na- thaniel W. 480; Nicholas, T 74. 349; Philip, 250; Thom- as, 29, 69; Valentine, 250; Wm. 250, 349, 471, 520; Zachariah, 345. Kingery, John, 593. Kingon, William, 459. King's Mountain, Campbell, Wm. 576. Kingston, Negro, 4. Kinley, Kinly, Kinnily, Ben- jamin, 103, 131, 164, 459, 529. 530, 532 (2), 533 ("Capt."); Charles, 249; John, 206. Kinnard, Kinnaird, David, 250, 282. Kinny, Richard, 459. Kinton, Benjamin, 250; Mack, 459- Kinzer, Howson, 8. Kipknistall, James, 460. Kiplinger, Philip, 250. Kippens, John, 250. Kipsolvin, James, 250. Kirby, John, 459; Lewis, 250. Kircheval, John, 250. Kirk, John, 250; Robert, 102, 459, 460 (2); Thomas, 174, 206, 250; Wm. 250. Kirrxey, James, 174. Kirpatrick, Abraham, 103, 149, 459; Daniel, 461 ; David, 103, 300; James, 459. Kirkwood, Joseph, 461; Rob- ert, 103,310,329,349,461 (3). Kirsley (?), Benjamin, 327. Kirtley, Kirtly, James, 206 (3)- Kise, Kiser, Kisner, Charles, Jr. and Joseph, 602; John, 250, 606. Kister, Christopher Sr. and Jr. 606, (Custer?). Kisuton, John, 249. Kitchen, James, 460. Klanman, Charles, 149. Klung, Henry, 459. Knapp, John, 250. Knapper, James, 206. Knewitt, Taylor, 196. Knight, Andrew, 459; Cath- erine, 552; James, 314, 349, 350. 459; John, 102, 149, 249, 250, 349, 459 (3), 460 (3), 616; Wm. 306, 460, 461. Knighton, Thomas, 250. Kniseley, Kneesly, Anthony Sr. 592; Benjamin, 330; John, 592. Knowles, John, 12; Wm. 250. Knox, C. 495; Charles, 250; George, 460; James, 103, 459, 460 (2), 525; Thomas, 460. Koon, Koons, Andrew, 460; Chisley, 206. Kooper, Davis, 250 (See Cooper). Kophman, Andrew, David and Nicholas, 605; John, 694. Kough, James, 250; Timothy, 16, 69. Index 665 Kounes, Moses, 616. Kouts, Jacob, 459. Kriruin, James, 461. Kruizer, Isaac, 250. Kuents, George, 602. KULLAKAN, John, 460. Kuman, Laurance, 206. Kuntzman, John, 16, 17. Kyles, Joseph and Wm. 590. La Barr, John Baptiste, 184. La Bell, Charles, 174. Laboratory, Day, 562; Di- rector, State Laboratory, 534; List of Men, 535; Scott, 536. La Casse, Jacque, 175, 206. Lack, Joseph, 461; Lackey, Wm. 253. Lacy, Lacey, Archibald, 251; David R. 352; Edmund, 216; Elkanah, 253; Henry R. 462; John, 206; John P. 352; Richard, 216. Ladd, Benjamin W. 404, 465, 475. 494. 505. 513; James, 206, 465; Joseph, 450, 461; Wm. 465; Ladd, Nevill and others, 616. Lafarro, Francis, 175, 206. Lafarton, Francis, 175. La Fayette, Marquis, 576. Laflour, Pierre, 174. Lafon, John, 252 (2); Nicho- las, Richard, Thomas, 251. Laform, John, 174. Lahaw, David and Jeremiah, 461. Laine, John, 302, 466; Wm. 466. Lair, Laird, David, 131; Na- thaniel and Wm. 252. Lalkin (Lalkie?), 16. Lamarch, Beauvard and John B. 174, 352; Lewis, 352. Lamarini, John, 206. Lamb, Archibald, 252; Capt. 588; Joseph, 462, 606. Lambert, Lambeth, Charles, 206, 464, 466; Christopher, 606; Eliza, 477; George, 104, 253; Jacob, 606; John, 350; Jonathan, 589. Lambright, Nicholas, 189. Lamere, Samuel, 352. Lamkin, Lampkin, Charles, 466; John, 312. Lamme, Lamn, Lamon, Ded- rick, 206; James, 253; Na- than, 104. Lampkin, John, 351, 466; Peter, 251; Wm, 206, 466. Lancaster, William, 252. Land, Lewis, 553; Molly (Jones), 457; Moses, 251. Land Office, U. S. Comr. 280, 281, 523, 524. Land Scrip, 280-319. Land Warrants, PI. 1, Preface, etc. Landers, Kenbrough, 251; Thomas, 252. Landrum, John, 24; Newman, 466; Samuel, 464; Thomas, 32, 37, 60, 132, 149, 192, 25 2 (2), 350, 352; Vincent, 24. Landwick, William, 463. Lane, James, 462; John, 12, 33 (2), 53. 60, 69, 252; Lar- kin, 192, 253; Nathaniel and Richard, 252; Thomas, 216; Wm. 372; Zachariah, 351. Laney, Thomas, 206. Lanford, Francis, 251; Uclid, 461. Lang, Alexander, 60, 104, 285. Langbourne, William, 104. Langdon, Capt. 609; John, 465; Jonathan, 132. Langfitt, Francis, 462; Philip, 466. Langford, 353; Debby M. 481; Peter, 189, 253. Langham, Elias, 104, 252, 462, 616; James, 251 (2); Langham and Wallace, 617. Langley, William, 192. Langston, Langsden, Langs- don, Charles, 252, 464; Daniel, 189; Dempsey, 467; George, 464, 466; Henry, 464; John, 437, Leah, 466; Timothy, 252; Wm. 464 (2). Lanier, Martha and Mary W. 465; Thomas, 104, 465. Lank, John, 342. Lankin, Lankins, Peter, 465; Thomas, 251. Lannue, Nathan, 464. Lansford, Moses, 371. Lansman, Vincent, 192. Lansgine, Laurguen (?), Lewis, 185. Lanter, Peter, 252. Lapeter, Benjamin and Dempsey, 316. Lapsley, John, 103, 461; Sam- uel, 103, 461, 617. LA REJOUSEANCE, LA REJOUES- frank, Reve, 185. Larishardy, Alexis, 206. Lark, James, 253. Larkin, Larkins, David, 17, 28, 132, 149; Edward, 464; James, 252. La Rochelle, Michael, 185, 464. Larose, Francis, 174, 206. Laroux, Larrow, Anthony, 185; Peter, 252. Larry, William, 253. Larty, John, 351. Lashbuck, Wm. 600, 601. Lashow, Thomas, 253. Lasley, John, 174, 206. Lasont, James, 206; Joseph, 175- Lassenbury, Edmund, 206. Lasseter, Lassister, Benja- min, Dempsey, Martha, 196, 467. Lastley, Samuel, 350. Latcher, William, 8. Latham, Allen and Anderson, 617. Lattimer, Lattimore, Ed- ward, 42, 48, 51, 60; Henry, 189, 464, 525; Mathew, 464; Seneca, 27, 33, 69. Laubran, , 175. Laugborn, William, 466. 666 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Laugham, Elias, 466. Laughlin, James, 553; Peter, 174, 206; Thomas, 251. Lavender, Charles and Wm. 252. Lavenear, Garret, 462. La venture, J. 174. Lavigne, Joseph, 174. Laviolette, Baptiste and Louis, 174; Lewis, 206. Lavis, Matthew, 216. Lawhen, Thomas, 253. Lawler, John, 252. Lawless, Austin, 352, 462, 464; John, 253; Martin, 312. Lawn, Rudolph, 606. Lawrence, Absalom, 206, 251; Benjamin, 499; Christopher, 467; David, 590; Henry, 252; Isaac, 590; Ishmael, 253; James, 252, 253; John, 189, 196, 318, 465, 467; Patrick, 590; Thomas, 461; Wm. 183, 196, 316, 467. Law, Laws, Charles, 12; John, 12, 19, 194, 462, 463; Timo- thy, 32, 33. 69. Lawson, , 5, 69; Andrew, 350, 461; Anthony, 251; Benjamin, 103, 461, 463; Claiborne, 104, 463; Eppa, 206; Henry, 186, 464; John, Sr. 381, 463; Robert, 104, 462, 588; Wm. 131, 463, 533. Layne, John, 251, 252, 350, 352 (2); Thomas, 252; Wm. 352, 464- Layton, Reuben, 463; Robert, 304, 466. Lazcar, Hyette, 465. Leach, Leech, Andrew, 251; Benjamin, 465; George, 92, 206, 352, 362; John, 465; Valentine, 206, 466, 617; Wm. 465. League, James, 251, 462. Leak, Leake, Samuel and Wm. 251. Lear, Leares, George, 301, 463; John, 602, Peter, 184; Wm. — . Learned, Col. (1812), 530. Learwood, Josiah, 462. Lease, Emily and Wm. 480. Leath, Arthur and Peter, 464; Stephen, 253. Leather, Leathers, George, 252; Paul, 251. Leatherdale, James and Wm. 590. Leburn, Richard, 149. Lecatte, Major, 452. Leday, William, 253. Ledbetter, William, 253. Lee, Andrew, 316, 351, 467; Archibald, 253; Bartlett, 343, 464; Charles, 314, 467 (5); Daniel and Elizabeth, 558; David, 252; Edward, 350; Henry, 104, 462, 465, 504; James, 8, 12, 69, 216, 350, 462, 463, 466; Jesse, 351; John, 42 (2), 46, 48, 50, 65, 103, 149, 252 (2), 350, 463, 464. 476, 529. 531. 533. 602; Lewis, 253, 464; Mr. (H. of Delegates) 590; Peter, 206, 251, 35i; Philip, 251, 465; Philip R. F. 104; Randolph and Richeson, 351; Reuben, 252 (2), 253 (2), 467; Richard, 251, 462, 463; Richard Francis, 463; Sim- mons, 463; Stephen (1812), 530; Wm. 253 (2), 467. Lee Rough, Anthony, 463. Lee's Legion, — Eggleston, 127; Jones, 300. Leech, Leitch, Andrew, 104, 252, 308. Leeland, Ellis, 69. Leete, Daniel, 132. Lefavours, Nathaniel, 32, 69. Lefler, George, 253. Lefong, John, 253. Lefturch, Joel, 462. Leftwich, John, 463. Legate, Robert, 317. Legg, John, 461. Legionary Corps, 529. Legrange, Simon, 252. Lehew (Lehen?), Francis, 605; Wm. 594, 605. Leibz, Christian, 252. Leich, Leitch, Andrew, 463; George, 351; James, 462; James T. 463. Leigh, John, 251, 463, 465; Richard, 206. Leiper, E. F. viii, PI. 2. Leith, Ephraim, 599, 601; Jonah, Josiah (?), 599, 601; Marion, 597. Leland, Ellis, 15, 25. Lelbetter, Drury, 252. Lemasters, Le Master, James, 463; Joseph, 466. Lemay, John, 252. Leman, Lemon, Lemmon, Ded- rick, 206, 251, 462; James, 252; Samuel, 462. Lemmons, George, 253. Lemvich, Samuel, 462. Lenaugh, Philip, 251. Lenay, Leney, John, 174; Thomas, 174 (2). Lendrum, Thomas, Sr. 33 (2). Leneive, George and Samuel, 251- L'Enfant, Francis, 174. Lenier, Thomas, 251. Lenigan, John, 252. Lennis, Francis, 467. Lenox, Charles, 251 (2), 253. Lent, William, 466. Leonard, Coleman, 194; Jacob, 252; James, 251; John and Joseph, 194; Mar- tin, 593; Robert, 462; Wm. 252, 351- Leplong, Joseph, 350. Leprade, John, 253. Lesley, William, 251. Lester, Benjamin, 251, 252; John and Wm. 253. Letner, Matthias, 596, 605. Letrell, Lettrell, James, John, Joseph, 464. Leudrum, Thomas, 142. Levesque, John, 597. Levi, Judah, 252. Levick, Caleb, 466. Index 667 Leviston, George, 174. Levy, Judas, 194. Lewis, Addison, 103, 461; Addison and Susanna, 430; Ambrose, 8, 12, 69, 253, 298, 352, 462; Andrews, 461; Anthony and Arthur, 251; Benjamin, 174, 206 (2); Capt. 533; Charles, 8, 12, 69 (2), 104, 216, 309, 352, 422, 446, 464, 467 (4); Col. 2i, 44, 533; Curtis and Eliza- beth, 424; Daniel, 5, 69, 216, 352, 464; Edward, 464; Feabris, 251; Francis, 253, 465; George, 103, 461, 593; Howell, 467; Isaac, 253; James, 175, 206, 251, 252, 388, 414, 463; Jesse, 251 (2); John, 17, 69, 104, 132, 149, 206, 251, 303, 352, 462, 463, 466 (8), 466 (2), 533; Jones, 6, 25; Joseph, 251 (2), 463; Levin, 352; Lipscomb and Lovely, 103; Martha, 463; Mathew, 21, 69, 192, 351, 352 (2); Mordicai, 608; Reese, 608; Robert, 253; Rowland, 16, 69; Samuel, 464; Stephen, 104, 252, 302, 463; Taliaferro, 251, 253; Thomas, 104, 463, 464; Warner, 206; Warren and Mary, 430; Wm. 35, 69, 103, 149, 251 (2), 352, 461, 462, 465. 485. 553. 575; Wyatt, 7, 69; Zachariah, 462; Za- dock, 617. Lewis, 3, 18 (1st Row Galley), 19, (Dismantled, 19 and 29), 26, 30, 34. 37 (2), 38 (2), 39, 48, 52, 53, 81, 128. Leyton, Benjamin, 252. Lezear, Lozier, Hellenbrand and Peter, 466. Lezenia, John, 606. Liberty, 3, 17 and 22 (See Hero and Hornet), 19, 28, 29, 36 (2), 37 (7). 38, 39, 41 (3), 42 (3), 43 (2), 44. 47 (4). 48 (2), 52 (4). 73 (2), 76-78, 537- Liegh, John, 104. Lieper, Andrew and Frances, 561. Liggon, Blackmon and Jere- miah, 252. LlGHTBURN, LlGHTBURNE, Harry, 21, 45, 149; Henry, 26, 42 (4), 46, 47, 60, 132; Richard, 5, 42 (2), 46, 47, 52, 60, 103, 350; Stafford, 42 (2), 46, 60, 132, 149. Lightfoot, Goodall, 532; Goodrich, 463; Philip, 253; Tarpley, 252. Lightholder, Christopher, 206. Lighthouse, Stafford, 18. Ligonier, Francis, 206. Lilborne, Andrew, 251. Lillard, Thomas, 252. LlLLESTON, LlLLISTON, Elijah, 465; Jacob, 253; John, 352, 465; Wm. 465. Lilly, Lilley, Job and John; Stephen, 253; Thomas, 14, 19, 20 (2), 35, 36, 42 (2), 45, 47, 52, 54, 60, 73, 104, 149, 334, 35i. 535- Limay, John, 464. Limeback, John and Peter, 602. Lind, Arthur, 103,149, 187,461. Lindley, Michael, 183. Lindsey, Lindsay, Linsey, David, 463; Edmund, 253; Edward, 283, 351; Hezekiah, 251, 461; James, 252; John, 28, 69, 206; Michael, 183, 206; Peter, 252, 462; Wm. 103, 462. Line, Linn, Henry, 184; Jacob, 189; James, 465; Thomas, 252. Lingo, Agnes, 466; Margaret, 523; Robinson, 465; Thomas, 466. Link, John, 461. Lintner, Edward, 463. Linton, Elijah, 253; John, 104, 187, 462; Lewis, 252, 253; Michael, 350; Wm. 132. Lipford, Henry, 304, 466. Liplong, Joseph, 206. Lipscomb, Ambrose, 499; Ar- chibald, 351; Benjamin, 463; Benoni, 465; Bernard, 103, 149. 350, 461, 536; Daniel, 149, 352, 465, 467; David, 352; George, 103; Harding, 251; Henry, 206, 252, 462; Jesse, 206, 251, 351; John, 251, 461; Major, 464; Mourning, 462; Reuben, 103, 461, 467; Thomas, 103, 462, 465; Wm. 252, 464; Yancey, 103, 149, 350, 533, 536, 553, 585. Liquor, Liberty, 21, 24; Tem- pest, 32. Liscallect, John, 252. LiSH, John, 253. Litchfield, Caleb, 553; Fran- cis, 253, 464; John, 206; Seymore, 351; Thomas, 216, 285, 351. Lithliter, Jacob, 596. Litterell, Richard, 251. Little, Francis, 206; John, 252; Moses, 342. Little Barrier River, O., PI. 3. Little Miami River, O. 156, 161. Littlepage, John, 189, 464. Littleton, William, 79. Lively, Edward, 206; GodreH, 465; Goodwell, 183, 617; Thomas, 253; Wm. 206. Livingston, Liviston, George, 206; Julius, 14, 25, 30 (2); Justice, 31.37, 38, 39, 60, 104, 149, 350, 534; Thom- as, 251, 252. Loafman, John, 252. Lock, Locke, Loake, Isaac, 352; Jesse and Joseph, 251; John, 463; Wm. 53, 251, 350. Lockado, Isaac, 251. Lockhart, Lockhert, Lock- ett, Archibald, 175, 207, 465, Benjamin, 251, 351, 463, 464, 465; Jacob, 351, 668 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia 460, 463; James, 252, 462; John, 186, 218, 251, 462; Patrick, 431, 474, 590; Philip, 251; Pleasant, 175; Royal, 251; Wm. 463. Lockley, Daniel, 371. Lockner, Henry, 184. Lockwood, Volunteer, 589. Loden, Lodon, Benjamin, 463; Jesse, 350; Wm. 251, 350. Loffey, Shadrack, 464. Loflin, Morgan, 253. Logan, Hugh, 175, 207; James, 252; John, 318, 467; Wm. 318, 467, 474- Loggins, Loggin, Martin, 252, 467. Lollard, Benjamin and Mar- garet, 466. London, Lavender, 466; Wm. 350, 466. Loney, Daniel, 251. Long, Alexander, 352, Andrew, 252; Armistead, 251, 434; Daniel, 463; Edwin, 503; Evans, 462; Gabriel, 164, 462; George, 464; Hugh, 617; Isaac, 32, 69; James and Jeremiah, 252; John, 206, 251 (3), 252 (3), 253; Lawrence and Lazarus, 252; Levi, 464; Nicholas, 251, 463; Philip, 207, 602; Reu- ben, 104, 207, 462, 464, 617; Richard, 207, 351; Wm. 103, 149, 175. 192, 207, 350, 533. Longest, James, 465. Longford, Euclia, 350. Longwash, Joseph, 12. Longwith, Longneth, Bur- gess, 60, 104, 351; John, 32, 35i- Lonnon, Owen, 252. Loorell, Charles, 69. Loots, Jonas, 251. Lord, Lorde, John, 350; Lew- is, 455; Roberson, 207, 350. Lorton, Robert, 251. Lotz, Christian and Jonas, 606. Louden, Adam, 463. Loughlin, Thomas, 252. Loughmillar, Loughmiller, Valentine, 606; Welcome, 463- Louisville, Ky. (See "Falls of Ohio"). Loury, Robert, 252; Wm. 8. Love, Charles, 251; John, 312, 350; Samuel, 252; Small, 467; Wm. 251. Loveing, Loving, Christo- pher, 251; Richard, 207. Lovell, Henry, 189, 463; James, 104, 351, 464; John, 2 5 2 . 352; Morris, 12; Rich- ard, 174, 351; Robert, 104, 295- 351. 352, 533; Thomas, 30; Wm. 30, 69. Lovely, Lewis, 149; Wm. 461; Wm. L. 103. Lovenburg, Philip, 207. Loverback, Christopher, 207. Lovesay, Josiah and Shad- rach, 252. Lovewell, Elias, 207; Wm. 216. Loving, Randolph, 252; Rich- ard, 284, 351. Low, Lowe, Daniel, 252; James, 462; Jesse, 252; John, 32, 69, 462; Thomas, 14, 69, 251, 462. LOWDERMILK AND Co. vii, Pis. 1,3,4.5- Lowell, Thomas, 6, 69, 216. Lowrey, Lowry, Lewis, 252, 466; Wm. 12, 207, 253, 351. Lowther, Captain, 589. Loyal, John, 469; Margaret (Lollard), 466; Paul, 529. Loyd, George, 251, 351, 462; James, 207, 351, 464; Joseph, 251; Morris, 28, 60, 104, 351; Richard, 251; Thomas and Wm. 463. Lucas, Ambrose, 252; Charles, 15, 69, 252; Francis, 251; Humphrey, 464; James, 69, 104, 216, 253, 463; John, 12, 131; Nathan R. 367; Nathaniel, 104, 149, 351, 463, 525; Samuel, 342, 350, 462; Thomas, 104, 350, 466; Wm. 15 (2), 69, 216, 351; Zachariah, 251. Luckett, Thomas H. 467. Luckner, Leckner, John Si- mon, 185. Ludeman, G. Wm. 461; John, 149; John W. 187; Wm. L. 103. Luding (Cuding?), John, 582. Ludington, Daniel and Naomi, 553 (ch.). Luger, William, 207. Luke, William, 253. Lumb, John, 252. Lumber, James, 351; Thomas, 60, 104, 351 (5), 357, 375; Wm. 60, 104, 284, 285, 351, 352 (2), 357- Lumford, Mason, 529. Lumly, William, 251. Lumme, Nathaniel, 149. Lumkin, Wilson, 252. Lumsden, John, 252. Lunderman, Samuel, 253. Lunsford, Lunceford, An- thony, 174, 207; Elias, 351; George, 174, 207; Lewis, 463; Mason, 174, 318; Rodham, 253; Wm. 104, 252, 463. Lundsford, Mason, 352. Lundy, James, 253. Lurdivant, 49. Lurtey, Lurty, Captain, 26, 30; John, 7, 12, 25, 26, 42, 46, 60, 104, 149. Lurton, John and Levin, 465; Wm. 465. Lusander, Abram, 207. Lush, Sebastian, 251. Luster, William, 464. Lutchwitch, John, 251. Lutchworth, Benjamin, 251. Lutrell, Rodham, 290, 352. Luzader, Abraham, 174. Lyall, Lyle, Lyles, Charles, 462; Elijah, 463; William, 251, 464. Lykes, George, 350. Lynch, Elijah, 251; James, Index 669 462; John, 431; Patrick, 461; Timothy, 350. Lyner, Philip, 253. Lynn, Lyne, Lynes, Lynne, Barnabas, 253; George, 33 (2), 81, 131; James, 192,252; John, 192, 207, 464; Nabas, 462; Wm. (Col.), 531. Lyon, Lyons, Abraham, 251; Jacob, 175, 207, 251; James, 351; John, 17 (2), 37, 39, 60, 132, 142, 149, 175, 251, 316, 350. 351. 467; Thomas, 333, 350; Wm. 207, 253, 351. Lyton, Robert, 104. Mc McABOYf, James, 258; Thom- as, 257. McAdams, McAdaw, Alex- ander, 473; John, 107, 450, 471, 472, 478 (4), 512, 525; Joseph, 106, 471; Robert, 258. McAffee, Daniel, 256; Neal, 258. McAlister, McAllister, Daniel, 316; George and John, 255; Joseph, 256; Wm. 19- McAlley, James, 53. Mcanay, Daniel, 605. McArthe, McArthur, Dun- can, 457, 617; James, 257 (2). McArthur and Mills, 617. McArvoy, Stephen, 12. McBinn, John V. 207. McCabe, Michael, 472. McCall, Henry, 207; Samuel, 468. McCallister, McCallaster, Daniel, 480; John, 474. McCallum, John, Thomas and Wm. 256. McCandress, John, 479. McCanlis, John, 256. McCannon, Christopher, 356, 357- McCant, James, 471. McCargo, Stephen, 189, 255, 472. McCarmack, George, 107, 479; John, 617. McCarney, Peter, 186. McCarter, Edward, 256; James, 356; John, 207. McCarty, McCartney, Campbell, 257; Charles, 354; Daniel, 258; Dennis, 476; Jeremiah, 254; Peter, 189, 218, 469; Richard, 107, 149, 163, 333; Timothy, 356. McCashlin, John, 256. McCaul, John, 253. McCaulley, McCawley, James, 473; John, 189; Pat- rick, 207. McChanahan, Elijah, 189. McCinnie, Thomas, 257. McClain, McClaine, Mc- Clane, Francis, 28, 69; James, 256; John, 257; Sam- uel, 474; Thomas, 176, 207, 469, 474. McClanahan, 533; Alexander, 107, 356, 472; Elijah, 323, 470, 481; Wm. 255. McClaren, Daniel, 192. McClelon, John, 255. McClenner, McClenen, Thomas, 192, 481. McClinstock, McClintock, John, 531; Wm. 257. McCloud, Archibald, 473. McCung, Walter, 356; Wm. 416. McClure, James, 28, 69; Pat- rick, 176; Robert, 207 (2); Samuel, 590; Walter, 61; Wm. 189, 472. McClurg, James, 106, 150, 354. 355. 532, 534 (Director), 555; Walter, 106, 149. McColley, Edward, 257. McComeskry, Moses, 472. McCommack, James, 257; John, 256. McCon, Henry, 108. McConnor, Christopher, 470. McCord, Samuel, 469; Wm. 257- McCorkle, McCorcle, An- drew, 472; Catherine, 472, 473; George, 256; Samuel, 473- MCCORMICK, MCCORMACK, Adam, 469; James, 207, 474; John, 610; Wm. 474. McCowne, McCoun, Mc- Cuown, James, 590; John, 255; Thomas, 256. McCoy, Caleb, 217; Daniel, 255; Enos, 207; George, 599, 601; John, 254; Robert, 608; Samuel, 192, 196, 319, 478, 480; Wm. 256, 473. McCracken, James, 479. McCraw, McCray, Andrew, 255; Francis, 470, 474; John, 254, 470; Samuel, 414, 427; Wm. 107, 476. McCrewley, John, 69. McCrowdy, John, 16. McCrum, Michael, 477. McCue, Henry, 469. McCuller, James, 256. McCullough, William, 257. McCune, Patrick, 255; Peter, 254. 472. McCurdy, E. D. 533. McCutchon, John, 258. McDade, James, 258, 474; Philip, 476; Richard, 207. McDan, Daniel, 323. McDaniel, Andrew, 474; Ena- mias, 477; George, 207; Isaac, 530; James, 12, 477; John, 598; Randolph, 257; Thomas, 176, 207. McDermonrol, James, 258. McDermott, Francis, 175, 356, 481- McDonald, Alexander, 479 (2); Angus, 473; Benjamin, 470, 472, 473; Daniel, 207; David, 176, 207, 330, 353; Duncan, 253; Edward, 469; f "Mc" names are given first. See also "Mac" etc., later in the index. 670 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Frederick, 254; James, 176, 207, 254, 256; John, 256, 617; Mary, 473, 492; Peter, 255; Reuben, 356; Roland (Ron- ald?), 255; Terance, 468; Thomas, 177, 207; Wm. 479. McDonohoe, James, 256. McDorman, McDoeman, Dan- iel, 189, 196, 474, 480; David, 475; James, 307, 468, 480. McDougal, McDugal, Alex- ander, 256; John, 354; Lieut. 589- McDowell, James, 255; John, 105, 189, 468, 471, 472, 475; Mathew, 468; Matilda, 358; Robert, 468. McDurmey, Daniel, 207. McElhany, John, 533. McElmore, John, 207. McElroy, Wm. 473, 475. McElvane, James, 257. McElwin, Thomas, 469. McEnturff, John, 596. McFadden, McFadon, James, 108, 300, 357, 479. Mcfall, Francis, 605. McFargin, Abram, 207. McFarley, John, 474. McFarlin, McFarten, Eli- sha, 207; Daniel, 257. McFarrin, McFarran, John, Martin and Samuel, 590. McFation, Samuel, 257. McGann, James, 470; John, 177, 207. McGannon, Darby, 473. McGasock McGavock, Hugh, 108, 149, 164, 289, 290, 292, 358. 529, 530, 532 (3). 533. 536, 555 (Will), 588; Randal, 555- McGee, Archibald, 478; Eliza- beth, 570; George, 605; Nancy, 478. McGehee, Clara and Daniel, 472; George, 258; John, 253, 256; Wm. 257. McGeorge, William, 476. McGill, Alexander, 525; Charles, 133; Robert, 254. McGinness, Ambrose, 474; Andrew, 257; Christian, 207; Edward, 258. MCGLAMRY, John, 605. McGlaston, McGlasson, James, 258; John, 255. McGlenn, Thomas, 436. McGloughlin, McGochlin, Hugh, 253; James, 477. McGomery, Cornelius, 186. McGovern, James and John, 474- McGowan, William, 474. McGraw, McGray, Barnabas and Bernard, 258; Benjamin, 254; James, 28, 69, 473, 474 (2). McGregor, Malcolm, 477; Markham, 257. McGrey, Bennett, 469. McGuin, Edward, 258. McGuire, Andrew, 469; James, 477; John, 176, 207, 253; Joseph, 207; Laurence, 255; Volunteer, 589; Wm. 106, 150, 471. McGuireman, Duncan, 257. McHaney, McHenny, James, 254; Tully, 256. McHannimy, John, 255. McHans, John, 354. McHolland, John, 184. McIlhaney, James, 133, 318, 473. 480; John, 105, 150, 354- McIllwaine, H. R. 34. McIntire, McIntyre, Mc- Kintear, Alexander, 600, 601; Charles, 16, 69; John, 255; Wm. 254, 355, 470. McIntosh, Alexander, 468; James, 176; Peter, 184, 479; Thomas, 194, 481; Wm. 254, 315- 347, 355. 436, 469. McKannon, Christopher, 475. McKarty, Darby, 600, 601 — See McCarty. McKay, Abram and Isaac, 598; Enos, 468; Jeremiah, 597; Jesse and John, 617; Wm. 592, McKay and Find- ley, McKay and Winter, 617. McKee, John, 255, 256; Rich- ard, 189, 473; Thomas, 571; Wm. 107, 477. McKennish, John, 254. McKennon, Courtney and Martin, 474. McKenney, McKenny, Alex- ander, 256; Dennis, 254, 256; Dennis, 254, 256; Edward, 256; Francis, 604; James, 257; John, 255 (2), 468, 605; Richard, 255. Mckenturf, Frederick and John, 605. McKevis, John, 207. McKey, Bennet, 318, 479. McKin, McKine, James, 176, 207. McKinley, 476, McKinney, Alexander, 356; Charles, 473; Daniel, 254, 470; Den- nis, 473; James, 473; John, 107, 176, 189, 207 (2), 257, 3 J 9. 355! Merdick, Robert and Wm. 207; Thomas, 257, 476. McKlNSEY, McKlNSLEY, A. 617; Alexander, 472; John, 256. McKnight, Ann, 431; Benja- min, 472; Elizabeth and Peter, 428; Wm. 468. McKorkett, Robert, 255. McKorkle, George, 256; Rob- ert, 257. McLanahan, Alexander, 472, 588. (See McClanahan.) McLane, McLean, Allen, 108, 301, 479; Laughlin, 189, 469. McLardey, Alexander, 469. McLaughlin, Charles, 207; Daniel, 28, 69; Hugh, 253, 480; Thomas, 189, 256, 257. McLemare, Timothy, 189. McLillard, Daniel, 207. McLochland, Charles, 175. McLochlin, John, 357. McMahon, Andrew, 356; Daniel, 189; Patrick, 475; Index 671 Peter, 257; Roger, 470; W. C. 617. McMallin, James, 473. McManay, John, 474. McMann, John, 255. McMasters, Michael, 469. McMeans, William, 468. McMechen, McMichen, Mc- Michie, John and Joseph, 207; Wm. 106, 470. McMeekin, McMickin, Jo- seph, 253, 354. McMlCKLE, McMlCHAELS, John, 175, 176. McMinniss, Charles and Henry, 254. McMuLLEN, MCMULLINS, Alexander, 254; James, 176, 207; John, 255, 258. McNamara, Timothy, 470. McNeal, McNeil, David, 471; Hector, 617; James, 597; Peter, 472; Wm. 250. McNemar, James, 258. McNickal, McNickle, Mc- Mickal, John, 32, 33, 38, 39, 61, 537- McNight, Michael, 257. McNiss, James, 255. McNolly, Michael, 468. McNutt, McNutten, Daniel, 474; James, 107, 255, 476. McPherson, ■ — — , 30; Dun- can, 256; Joseph, 255; Mark, 33 (2), 69; Samuel, 617; Wm. 207. McQuary, Absalom, 524. McQuellen, Robert, 470. McQuiddy, James, 207; Thom- as, 176; Wm. 256. McQuinn, McQueen, John, 257; Joshua, 257, 479. McRandall, Daniel, 189. McRay, Bennett, 358. McReynolds, I. D. and John D. 480; Thomas, 108, 308, 313. 48o. McRoberts, Alexander, 133, 207; Samuel, 590. McSwain, Edward, 355. McTear, Frizzell and Wm. 470. McTully, John, 257. McValley, James, 296, 354. McVay, John, 207; James, 257. McWay, William, 253. McWilliams, James, 183, 316, 358; Joshua, 8, 9 (3), 61, 105, 355- M Maberry, Robert, 108. Mabon, Mabin, Maborn, George, 69; James, 105, 150, 471, 477- Mabry, Robert, 303, 479. Maccoy, Robert, 608. Mace, Mattox, 257. Macheney, Francis, 594; John, 595. Macher, Machir, Alexander, 446, 601, 605, 607, Pis. 10-12. Machum, John, 254. Mackerell, Mackrell, James, 254, 258. Mackey, Macky, Elizabeth and Wm. 539; Robert, 134. Macklin, Maclin, Edward, 4, 69; James, 469. Macknabn, Peter, 599, 601. Mackner, Michael, 19. Macks, John, 467. Macmahan, Patrick, 475. Macomber, George, 355; Ze- nas, 474. Macon, Henry, 307. Macrole, James, 468. Madden, Wm. and Jam, 553. Madder, Martin, 257, 473; Notley, 469. Maddin, Maddon, Maden, John, 254; Notley, 319; Rob- ert, 355; Thomas, 476; Wm. 472. Maddison, Gabriel, PI. 5. Maddox, Maddux, Alexander, 207, 344; Claiborne, 474; Jacob, 255; John, 471, 474; Matthew, 256, 598; Notley, 481; Samuel, 255; Wm. 255, 474- Maderson, John, 468. Madison, Ambrose, 133, 142, 254. 257. 313. 480; Gabriel, 43. 47. 5°. 65; Mahone, 207; Rowland, 107, 476; Thomas, 254; Wm. 255, 355, 472, 481. Madrid, Elisha, 5, 70, 356, 478. Maffit, (see Moffit). Magann, Merritt, 589. Maggot, Magget, Magert, Benjamin, 603; Christley, 602; David, 601, 602; John, 603. Magill, Archibald, 357; Charles, 106, 150, 284, 295, 357, 535; James, 355, 533 (Lieut.); Lieut. 529, 530, 532 (2). Mahanes, Tapley, 355. Mahon, George and James, 192; John, 134, 255, 376. Mahoney, Benjamin, 255; Florence, 284, 356; James, 470; Joseph, 468; Luke, 257; Peter, 207. Mahorn, George, 12; John, 12, 257; Robinson, 481. Maid, Mail, Ebenezer, 175, 207. Mailey, James, 216. Main, Mains, Francis, 469; John, 257; Philip, 477; Thomas, 356. Maine, Howland, 550. Mairs, Patrick, 207; Thomas, 216. de Maisonvtlle, Monr. 176. Maivis, Nathaniel, 525. Major, Harry and Jeremiah, 207; Ironmonger, 355; James, 473; John, 328. Maky, Alexander, 600, 601. Malbeff, Joseph, 176. Malbone, Malbones, Solo- mon, 192, 315, 480. "Malborn Hills," 576. Malcolm, 258, 477, Malcom, James, 37, 134, 149, 471, 532, 581; Richard, 207. Malhouson, Abram, 257. Mallitt, Stephen, 471. Mallory, Francis, 256; John, 672 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia 253. 254, 356, 468, 553; Nancy, 368; Philip, 105, 150, 467, 478. Mallow, George, 476. Mallroof, Joseph, 176. Malone, Mailone, J. B. 176; Jerry, 15, 28, 69; Jeremiah, 216; John, 257, 474; Terry, 25- Maloney, Jeremiah, 19. Maloy, James, 471. Maltimore, James, 216. Malton, Charles, 258. Manchett, John M. 512. Manghon, Maughan, George, 8, 70. Mangum, David, 258. Manifold, Peter, 448, 450, 457. 475- Manin, Lewis, 254. Mankin, Mankins, James, 207 (2). Manly, Manley, Archibald, 257; Deveraux Griott, 468; James, 258; Richard, 256; Robert, 468. Manley, 3, 7, 23 and 29 (dis- mantled), 24, 37, 38, 39 (2), 40 (3), 41, 44 (3), 47 (3). 48 (4), 49 (4), 51, 53, 62, 81. Manlore, Manlove, John, 478, 507- Mann, Benjamin, 254; Charles, 608; Claiborne, 473; David, 150 (8), 354; Ebene- zer, 258; Henry, 134, 149 (2); Millington, 256; Olive, 473; Robert, 258 (3); Wm. 258. Manning, Jesse, 207 (2), 354; Lawrence, 107, 475; Samuel, 354. 468. Mannis, 40 (4). Mansfield, George, 473, Rob- ert, 255; Thomas, 323, 354. Mantle, John, 617. Marbury, Luke, Col. nth Battu. Md. Mil. PI. 2. March, John, 196, 313; Wm. 61, 107, 371. Mardin, James, 255; Wm. 468. Marines, Laban, 257. Mark, Andrew, 207; Anthony, 12; Thomas, 334, 341, 348, 349. 538. Markham, 537, James, 7, 9 (3), 18, 26, 36, 42 (3), 45, 46(2), 49, 54,61,73, 106, 149, 355. 476, 535. 584. 587- Marks, Anthony, 8, 70; Isaiah, 106, 187; John, 104, 186, 356; Josiah, 150, 470. Marlett, Abraham, 183. Marley, James, 18, 70. Marlin, William, 356. Marlow, James, 33, 70. Marnez, James, 421. Marple, George, 519. Marr, Mars, Barnabas, 355; John, 256, 257; Patrick, 176. Marriner, Jeoffrey, 216; La- ban, 5, 70, 358; Levin, 70, 2 16, 358; Lewis, 358. Marsden, Marston, Captain, 39, 40, 41, 45 (6), 50 (4); John, 150. Marsh, John, 175, 207, 480; John A. 480; Joseph, 256; Richard, 44, 47; Samuel, 432, 504- Marshall, Alexander, 61; Benjamin, 255, 352, 353 (27), 356, 359. 36o (9 and many heirs), Chief Justice, 537; David, 355; Ephraim, 353; George, 255, 352; Henry, 353. 360, 468; Humphrey, 105, 150, 282, 354, 357, 532 535. 536, 553 (ch. and will); Isaac, 255; James, 32, 33, 108, 149, 207, 216, 283, 334, 346, 353, 355. 386, 531. 533. 537; James M. 106, 150, 532 (2), 535. 536, 553; Jenifer, Jenepher, Janifer, 4, 5, 8, 37, 61, 108, 285, 384; John, 104, 353 (2), 355. 358, 359 (33). 360 (5), 451. 467. 53i; John R. 257; Joseph, 37, 186, 216, 585; Kingston, 216; Reuben, 352; Richard, 207, 254, 470, 473; Robert, 353; Thomas, 105, 149, 150, 253, 283, 288, 354, 355, 357, 469, 475. 48o, 532, 533 (2), 534. 535 (2), 536, 537 (4). 538 (2), 539, 543. 551, 554. 588; Thomas (Col.), 529 (2), 530, 53i; Thomas, Jr. 105, 535. 536; Wm. 177, 185, 207, 253. 257, 258, 353, 359, 360, 525- Marston, Marstin, Mastin, John, 105, 150, 532, 554 (2 and ch.), 582, 584. Martin, Martain, Caleb, 257; Charles, 176, 207; Doctor, 604; Edward, 28, 69; Elijah, 176; Francis, 256; George, 207, 253, 525; Hudson, 132, 142; Hugh, 133; James, 207, 254. 257, 298, 354, 478; John, 207, 254, 257, 258, 354, 468, 470, 471, 474, 477, 478; Josiah, 256, 472; M. 338; Mathias, 184; Patrick, 471; Pierce, 207; Pierre, 177; Rawlings, 257; Robert, 257, 476; Scott, 255; Solomon, 176, 207; Thomas, 106, 150, 189, 471, 472, 473. 474. 477. 478; William, 189, 254, 256, 258, 313. 358, 469 (2), 554 (ch.); Williams, 207; Wil- liamson, 256. Martingly, John, 354. Maryland, Boas, 541; Em- mittsburg (Elder), 540; Rob- inson (service), 563; Tanney hills Company, 540, PI. 2. Mash, Thomas, 255, 471. Maskill, Thomas, 253. Mason, Abel, 216; Charles, 176; Christopher, 255; Daniel, 471; David, 107, 134. 477. 537; Edmond, 479; George, 479; James, 108, 192, 303. 357. 358, 479 (3); John, 16, 69, 216, 257, 472; Littleberry, 108, 306, 358, 480; Mason, 479; Richard, 475; Stephen T. 610, 617; Thomas, 355; Wm. 217, 357, 594. 605. Index 673 ;.Iassachusetts, Adams, John and Hannah, 538; Cole, 542; Ingraham, 551; Nixon's Company, 568, 569; Os- borne, Isaac, 569; Packard's Company, 9th Cont. 568; Ross, Lemuel, 568; Ward, 574- Massenburg, Alexander, 19, 20, 37, 61; John, 16, 69; Nicholas, 107. Massey, Massie, Anthony, 256; Caleb, 477; D. 481; Dade, 356; Frederick, 354; Henry, 617; Hester Lee, 467; Jacob, 254; John, 187, 255, 474, 481; Nathaniel, 357; Peter, 7, 69, 256; Robert, 481; Taliaferro, 256, 356; Thomas, 105, 255, 469, 525; Wm. 108, 305, 379, 481; Massie and Gibson, Massie and Kendrick, Massie, Darby and Kendrick, 617. Masten, Maston, Alexander and John, 354; Elenor, 554. Masters, John, 255, 302, 357, 479; Thomas, 256. Masterson, 33; John, 358; Thomas, 32, 61, 358, 594, 605. Mathaney, William, 258. Matthew, Matthews, Mat- thes, Alexander, 597, 601; Barnabas, 258; Benjamin, 470; Edward, 176, 207; George, 106, 150, 253, 470, 477, 588, 617; James, 599, 601 ; John, 599, 601 ; Martha, 433; Meshick, 257; Robert F. 254; Sampson, 529; Sam- uel Thomas, 79; Thomas, 107, 133. 150, 257, 356; Thomas, Jr. 258; Wm. 254, 255, 256, 257, 355. Matthias, Griffith, 473. Mattingby (Mattingly?), John, 254. Mattox, Mattock, Mat- tocks, Jacob, 253; Thomas, 256; Zachariah, 256. Maughan, Maughon, George, 355; Matthew, 356; Mat- thias, 312. Mauk (Mauks?), Henry, 603. Maul, Jacob, 608. Maunwarring, Townsend, 466. Maupin, David, 257; Gabriel, 107, 149, 356; Thomas, 254. Maurisette, M. 176. Maurrey, Maury, Abraham, 467, 556; Thomas, 422. Mavis, George, 593. Maxwell, C. J. viii, 609; James, 37, 314, 335.358 (2); John, 605; Wm. 289, 354. May, Benjamin, 472; Cole- man, 476; David, 255; Ed- mond, 258; Humphrey, 313, 480; James, 207; Jesse, 257; John, 256, 533; Thomas, 473, 476; Wm. 208, 472, 479. Mayden, Robert, 208. Mayer, Matthias, 184. Mayes, Mays, James, 255; Wm. 31 (3), 69, 254. Mayfield, Elijah, 175, 208; Henry, 471; Isaac, 175, 208; James, 175, 208, 595; John, 471; Lewis, 208; Micajah, 175. 356; Wm. 256. Mayhorn, George, 7; Robert- son, 256. Maynard, Ambrose, 207; Jo- seph, 254; Wm. 257. Maynes, William, 23, 70. Maynor, Henry, 473. Mayo, Mayho, Joseph, 353; Mr. 19; Robert, 585; Ste- phen, 258. Mays, Benjamin, 554 (ch.); Matthew, 255; P. B. 617; Mays and Withers, 617. Mayward, Nathaniel, 356. Mazaratt, Mazette, John, 107, 150, 356, 533. 535. 537. 554 (will). Mazingo, George, 256. Meacham, Meachem, Bar- nett, 253; Henry, 477; Wm. 256, 472. Meacom, Meacon, Thomas, 189, 256. Mead, Meade, Edward, 107; Everard, 471; John, 133, 253. 257, 468, 471, 473; Malon, 471; Minor, 255; Richard Kidder, 105, 317, 355, 468, 480, 551; Smith, 469; Thornton, 305, 358, 479; Wm. 107, 254, 473. Meador, Vincent, 256. Meadow, Meadows, Francis, 479; Isham, Joel and John, 208; Israel, 479; James, 257; Josiah, 176; Thomas, 208, 476; Wm. 208. Meals, Samuel, 355. Meane, Means, Meanes, Bartholomew, 357; Hugh and John, 472, 522; Richard, 503; Robert, 357, 401, 449, 465. 477. 478. 482, 503. 504. 505, 522, 617; Wm. 257. Means and White, 617. Meanley, Meamley, John, 107, 301, 475; Wm. 301. Mear, Mears, Meers, Bar- tholomew, 4, 107, 285, 289, 358, 375; Convention, 257; David, Henry, Jonathan and Samuel, 358; Littleton, 257; Milly, 515; Peggy, 424. Mechea, Mecheda, George, 284, 356. Medd, William, 488. Medley, William, 257. Med- ley and Green, 610; Medley, Scott and Green, 617. Meeks, John, 253. Megee, George, 594. Megginson, William, 313. Meguire, John, 133. Meigs, Major, 588. Melbourne, Daniel, 208. Melcher, John, 472. Melson, Charles, 479; Henry, James and Lewis, 357; Le- vin, 4, 61, 108, 284, 352, 357 (2). 384. Melton, Charles, 253; Hardy, 674 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Isham, James and John, 3551 Thomas, 479. Mendum, Robert, 257. Meneley, John, 253. Menifee, Henry, 257. Menonists, 607. M ENTER, I89. Menze, Menzies, George, 107, 476. Mercer, Charles F. 544; Gen- eral, 507, 556; Hugh, 105, 314, 355, 469, 480, 588; Isaac, 25, 28, 29, 61, 81, 107, 370; John F. 106, 471; Sam- uel, 19; Wm. 469, 480, 594, 605. Meredith, David, 256; Wm. 106, 150, 471, 477. Merphew, James, 208. Merrick, John, 258, 474; Wm. 474- Merritt, Archelaus, 254, 355; Major, 475; Peter, 258; Ramsey, 256; Samuel, 254, 470; Tarpley, 254. Merry, John, 26, 70. Merryman, Francis, 468; Jesse, 476; Thomas, 476, 480. Merr.iwe.ther, Merryweth- er, Meriwether, etc., 555; David, 105, 150, 468, 477, 617; Col. 534, 536; James, 43. 48, 51. 65, 106 (2), 149, 150, 163, 355, 356, 469, 533, 535 (2), 537. 552, 555, 556, 567, 568, 580 (2); "James of Ky.," 533, 568, 580; Nicholas, 133, 255, 556; R- 533; Thomas, 20, 35, 42, 43 (2), 44. 45, 48 (3), 50, 51 (2), 65, 104, 150,353,529, 533, 536, 582, 583; Wm. 176, 208, 314, 358, 552, 555, 567, 568. Messar, Joseph, 354. Messenberg, John and Nicholas, 475. Messeures, Francis, 30, 61. Metcalf, Frank J. viii, 538; Gordon, 25, 356; John (Mid- calf), 257; Thomas, 478; Walter, 26, 356, 478. Methany, Daniel, 255. Metton, James, 480. Michael, Chaney, 192; Con- rad, 474; Daney, 182; James, 325, 354; Louis D., Miles and Stephen, 208. Micham, John, 473. Micheaux, Joseph, 133. Michigan, Schoolcraft, 569; Southworth, 571. Mickley, Minnie F. iii. Mickinan, James, 617. Micou, Micon, Ann Maria and Henry, 480; Thomas, 255- Micure, James, 301. Midcalf, John, 257. Middlebrook, John, 473, 476. Middleton, Basil, 150, 471, 477; Basset, 106; John, 189, 474; Reley, 480; Samuel, 256. Midgiah, John, 255. Mier (See Myers). MlERHEFFER, MAYERHOFFER, Michael, 185. Migginson, William, 144. Milam, John, 257. Melby, Selathiel, 318, 480. Miles, James, 258, 354; John, 185, 254, 258, 469; Northam, 377; Wm. 5, 70, 217, 358, 469. Military Districts, Dunmore Co., Va. 601; Stores Con- ductor, 535. Organizations (See Organizations, Mili- tary). Mill, James and John, 479. Millar (See Miller). Millbank, William, 208. Mtllen, John, 533. Millener, Robert, 108. Miller, Millar, Abraham, 175, 208 (3); Ann, 481; Arthur, 254; Christian, 592, 606; Christiana, 593; Daniel, 307, 478, 479; David, 105, 150, 187, 192, 208, 468, 481, 606; Dudley, 257; Edward, 257; Francis, 208, 473; Haney, 256; Henry, 254, 603, 605; Isaac, 601, 605; Jacob, 254, 592; James, 53, 192, 208, 257, 354, 604, 605; Javan, 106, 150, 187, 254, 469; John, 134, 149, 176, 208, 253, 256, 257, 359, 47°; Joshua, 255; Lodo- wick, 472; Marks, 255; Na- thaniel, 254 (2); Peter, 599, 601; Robert, 192, 194, 471; Samuel, 606; Theophilus, 599, 601; Thomas, 107, 150, 472; Ulrich, 592; Wm. Sr. and Jr. 593, 605; Wm. 33, 70, 105, 150, 283, 356, 468, 475, 477- Millerous, William, 474. Millholland, Jonathan, 184. Melligan, John, 253, 474. Millihorn, Millohern, Thomas, 256, 474. Milliner, , 346; Henry, 478; Robert, 4, 5, 61, 149, 334, 337, 357 (4); Smith, 357, 478; Thomas, 357. Mil- lines, 357. Millings, Charles, 184. Million, Millions, etc., Christopher, 254; Elisha, 257; Henry, 256; Thomas, 471. Milliron, Henry, 473. Millow, John, 257. Mills, Anthony, 208, 357; Charles, 256; Francis, 479; James, 255; John, 105, 150, 217, 254, 468 (2), 617; John, Jr. 590; Moses, 474; Nathan, 254; Nicholas, 354; South- ard, 208; Southey, 257; Wyatt, 256. Mills and Mc- Arthur, 617. Melner, Robert, 312, 480; Thomas, 256; Wm. 256. Milone, John, 257; Lewis, 256. Milton, Charles, 473; Daniel, 176; John, 258; Wm. 255. Mil van, Mathew, 12. Index 675 Minks, James, Comr. 524. Minnis, Minnes, Benjamin, 475; Callohill, 106, 150, 300, 471, 475; Francis, 105, 150, 468; Holman, 106, 150, 471, 475, 476; John, 469. Minnpower, Nicholas, 471. Minor, Mines, Jacob, 253; John, 258; Larkin, 253; Peter, 107, 476, 477; Thom- as, 107, 149, 300, 533, 536, 556 (will), 581, 588. Minson, John, 356. Minter, Backer, 474; James, 15, 69, 217. Minton, Ebenezer, 477; John, 253, 472; Mary, 472. Miskell, Jonathan, 356. Missenburg, John, 617. Missie, Bernard, 175. Mississippi, Adams, 610; Boyd, 541; Courtney, 543; Slaugh- ter, 570; Williams, 578. Mississippi River town, PI. 4. Missouri, Evans, 545; Green, 549; Jones, 551; Thomas, 572; Williams, 578. Mitchell, 51; Alfred, 480; Antere, 182; Archelaus, 475; Charles, 480; David, 470; Edmund, 253; George, 254, 255, 471; Henry, 255, 256; James, 25, 474; Jesse, 256; John, 51, 208, 253, 471, 474; Joseph, 25, 33, 40, 133, 306, 315. 317. 329. 480 (5); Mark, 469; Nancy, 480; Nathaniel, 144, 317, 480 (3), 481; Oliver, 254; Peter, 12; Reaps, 189, 306, 355, 478, 514; Ralph, 253, 481; Richard, 32, 33 (2), 6i, 217, 317, 358, 480; Rob- ert, 33, 35. 69, 254, 476; Samuel, 480; Stephen, 256; Theodore, 480; Thomas, 8, 9 (2), 10 (2), 12, 208, 217, 255, 284, 371, 468, 476, 481; Wm. 24, 42 (2), 43, 45, 47, 48, 50, 51, 65, 70, 208, 257 (2), 468, 471, 476, 480; Wyatt, 208. Mithias, Henry, 254. Mittall, Iresoon, 8. Moffitt, Moffott, etc., John, 258; William, 196, 314, 473, 480. Mohen, Mogen, John, 318, PI. 4. Moles, Jacob, 258. Molin, Nicholas, 254. Molineux, Archibald, 208. Molly, Molloy, James, 255; Thomas, 492. Molly, 38, 42, 43, 48 (2), 51, 60, 62. Momuel, Joseph, 208. Monbruin, Monburn, B. Timothy, 150; Timothy, 134. Moncure, John, 439. Monday, Edward, 254. Mone, Monet, J. B. 176; Wm. 355. Moneycutt, Edward, 358, 385- Monicle, John, 37. Monk, Monks, John, 256; Joseph, 253, 470. Monroe, Monrow, Munroe, Alexander, 476; Augustus, 358; George, 106, 150, 256, 469; James, 106, 358, 471; John, 283, 357, 476; Peter, 255; Wm. 283, 356. Monrony, Sylvester and Wm. 208. Montague, Peter, 255; Rich- ard, 7, 12, 50, 61, 106, 149, 288, 355- Montgomery, 82. Montgomery, Alexander, 254, 357, 492; Cornelius, 186; Colonel, 535; Hugh, 477, 478; Humphrey, 257; James, 106, 149, 163, 208, 356, 530, 537, 556; John, 106, 149, 150, 163, 175 (2), 356, 478, 530 (2), 531, 532, 533 (3), 538, 556, 568, 578; Samuel (ch.), 557; Wm. 175, 208, 256, 557. Moody, Andrew, 255; Blanks, 257; Edward, 104, 150, 353, 535; Elijah, 476; Elizabeth, 353; James, 5, 6, 39, 42, 50, 52, 65, 106, 149, 355, 530, 533; Jeremiah, 258; Josiah, 208; Moses, 598; Wm. 356, 470, 473- Moon, Mooney, Moonie, Archibald, 107, 475; George, 596, 604; Isaac, 471; John, 107; Josiah Price, 475; Lieut. 532; Martha (Friend), 475; Martin, 479; Nicholas, 256; Richard, 254; Wm. 70, 354. Moore, Alexander, 61, 105, 134, 149, 150, 184, 319, 354, 358, 474, 480; Andrew, 107, 475; Archelaus, 134; Asa and Elizabeth, 557; Bernard, 208; Burrus, ; Captain, 356, 532; Cato, 133; Charles, 217; Christopher, 475; Cleon, 107, 150, 472; Dan- ford, 15, 69; David, 254, 258; Edward, 15, 69; Flem- ing. 253; George, 208, 253, 256, 358; Henley, 208, 357; Isaac, 255; Jacob, 107, 475, 476; James, 258, 356; James Francis, Comr. PI. 5; Jere- miah, 253; Jesse, 255, 258; John, 7, 9, 14, 38, 61, 106, 107, 133, 175, 176, 208 (2), 255. 257, 258, 341. 355. 356, 357, 470, 477. 536, 590; Joseph, 208; Levi, 358, 478; Lewis, 354; Limeford, 12; Lott, 7, 70, 217; Mark, 256; Matthew, 257; Michael, 183, 470, 474; Nicholas, 189, 470, 473; Patrick, 208, 456; Peter, 106, 149, 164, 208, 254, 255, 299, 356, 358, 472, 529. 530, 533 (2), 557 (ch.), 581; Ralph, 470; Reuben, 608; Richard, 473; Robert, 256, 475; Samuel, 208, 257, 357; Sarah, 472; Simon, 255; Stephen, 4, 69, 254, 257, 315, 358, 477, 478; Thomas, 107, 177, 208 (2), 354, 469, 476, 617; Wm. 21, 24, 107, 192, 676 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia 217. 253, 254 (2), 257, 295, 355. 357, 470, 474-475; Wm. Daniel, 474. Mooring, Christopher, 256. Moran, Mauron, Peter, 176. MOREDOCK, 57I. Moree, George, 254. Moreland, Morland, John, 254; Wm. 257. Morgan, Alexander, 480; An- drew, 355; Brig. Gen. 468; Captain, 588; Charles, 176, 208, 254, 256, 257, 306, 469, 470, 473, 617; Colonel, 531; Daniel, 104, 150, 467, 610; David, 189, 469; Ezekiel, 594; Gilbert, 600, 601; Haines, 149; Haynes, 134; James, 8, 70, 477; Jeremiah, 107, 479; John, 107, 467, 470, 473. 479; Jonah, 597; Jones, 474; Morriss, 591; Ralph, 617; Richard, 258; Simon, 106, 150, 471, 477, 502; Spencer, 106, 254, 471; Thomas, 254; William, 21, 70, 196, 208, 313, 469, 480; Willis, 479. Morrell, John, 604; Jona- than, 595, 604; Martha, 595. Morrison, 385; Anthony, J 4> 7°. 358; Charles, 469; Hugh, 470, 472; James, 255; John, 189, 255, 256, 257, 550; Joseph, 19; Thomas, 256; Wm. 255, 472. Morriss, Andrew, 255; Charles, 17, 69; Christopher, 16; Claiborne, 208, 476; Edmund, 258; Francis, 253 (2) ; Gibson, 472 ; Groves and Henry, 208; Isaac, 471; Ishmael, 255; Israel, 597; Jacob, 175; James, 175, 208, 2 54. 257, 258, 360; John, 208 (2), 254 (2), 257, 354, 355, 418, 470, 476; Lester, 255; Micajah, 254; Moses, 327; Nathaniel, 301, 476; Nathaniel G. 107, 475; Reu- ben, 472; Robert, 355, 360; Samuel, 475, 477; Saunders, 208; T. 521; Thomas, 253 (2), 254, 255, 479; Wm. 177, 255. 256, 257. Morrow, David and Eliza- beth, 475; Robert, 105, 468, 475. 477- Morshead, Charles, 472. Mortimer, James, 8, 70. Morion Star, 35. Morton, Sally, 37. Morton, Daniel, 150; Ed- mund, 49, 61; Edward, 28, 43, 48; Hezekiah, 105, 150, 458, 475; James, 105, 150, 467, 470, 476, 478, 617; John, 134; Joseph, 253; Martha, 509; Thomas and Wm. 208; Wm. H. 255. Morvin, Lydia D. 461. Mosby, Charles, 305, 479; Charles W. 479; John, 256; Joseph, 254; Littleberry, 108; Robert, 108, 305, 479, 480; Samuel, 305, 479; Sus- anna, 479; Wm. 107, 189, 470. Moseley, Mosley, Abram, 254; Ann, 476; Benjamin, 105, 106, 150, 187, 467, 469; David, 513; Elizabeth A. 513; George, 476; James, 254; Littleberry, 479; Sam- uel, 255; Wm. 105, 255, 467, 475.478. Moses, Benjamin, 196; Eze- kiel, 254; John, 354; Wm. 328. Moss, Amos, 254; Charles, 258; Francis, 15, 69, 217, 353 (10); Henry, 105, 150, 468, 475, 477; James, 255, 258; John, 107, 208, 254, 257. 300, 353, 358, 475. 617; Joshua, 255; Julius, 371; Mary, 433; Starke, Starkey, 15, 61, 108, 291, 338, 358. Moth, Thomas, 292, 358. Motherhead, Nathaniel, 470. Motley, David, 196, 480, Joseph, 258, 480. Mott, James, 32, 70, 217; Thomas, 356. Motton, James, 470. Moulder, Thomas, 354. Moulton, Moulson, Ferdi- nand, 585; John, 255; Wm. 255- Moune quest, Mate, 21. Mount, Cassells E. T. 358; Mathew, 472. Mountjoy, Alvin, 107, 476; John, 107, 478, 525; Wm. 107, 356, 472, 477. Mour, George, 593. Moutroy, Anthony, 208 (2). Moxley, George, 189, 208, 472, 524; John, 258; Rod- ham, 106, 257, 472; Wm. 472. Muhlenberg, Peter, viii, 105, 150, 468, 505, 532, 557, 575, 577, 588, 609, 617, PI. 13. MuiR, Muire, Francis, 106, 469; James, 208, 479; John, 61, 106, 356. Mulby, William, 176. Mullen, Mullens, Mullins, Anthony, 469; David, 471; Samuel, 208; Stephen, 208; Wm. 258. Muller, John, 356. Mulliken, John, 301, 479. Mullok, William, 28, 69. Mumford, Wm. Green, 476. Mummilly, Joseph, 176. Munam, Joseph, 176. Munday, Jeremiah and Samuel, 254. Munden, Mundin, Edmund, 471; Edward, 468; James, 256; Thomas, 471. Munford, Wm. G. 107. Munrony, Sylvester and Wm. 176. Murdaugh, James, 20. Murden, Edward, 217; Peter, 355- Murdock, James, 606; Joseph, 468. Murlat, Abraham, 473. Murphey, Murphy, Anthony, Index 677 257; Butler, 256; Charles, 254, 470; Gabriel, 192, 253, 256; George, 256; James, 254 ( 2 ). 255; John, 176, 319, 468, 470, 473, 476; John M. 477; Leander, 254, 471 ; Lem- uel, 315, 486; Lewis, 257; Martin, 208, 254, 469; Mi- chael, 469, 470; Murphy, 1 89, 359, 468; Patrick, 28, 69, 189, 469; Samuel, 196, 255 (2), 472. Murrah, Ambrose, 257; George, 469. Murray, Murry, Abraham, 105; Captain, 35; Daniel, 189, 471; David, 4, 5, 61, 108, 217, 284, 357; Duncan, 354, 468; Edward, 175, 208; Elizabeth, 358; Francis, 354; Gabriel, 256; George, 355; James, 208 (2), 258, 471; Matthew, 477; Michael, 255 (2); Ralph and Richard, 470; Thomas, 176, 208; Wm. 134, 256, 355. 476. Murrell, William, 258. Murrough, George, 473. Murshen, Mushor, Nathan- iel, 176, 208. Muse, George, 254, 256, 469; Jesse, 23, 24, 26, 32, 6i, 107, 356; Laurance, 471; Law- rence, 499; Richard, 133; Samuel, 254. Musgrove, Wm. 283, 355, 468. Mush, Robert, 254, 469. Musick, John, 254. Musquito, Mosquito, 3, 15, 23, 24. 37 (4). 39. 40 (2), 41, 44. 47. 48 (3), 49. 51. 52, 82. Mussey, Thomas, 256. Mussin, James, 256. Mustach, , 176. Musteen, William, 258. Muter, Muters, George, 16, 35. 39, 42 (2), 43, 45 (2), 47, 52, 104, 150, 316, 353, 379; Col. George, 529, 530, 531, 535. 536, 537. 586. Mutlow, Wm. 282, 324. Muzzy, Robert, 557 (ch.). Myers, Miers, Casper, 300, 479; Christopher, 107, 474; Mathias, 474; Samuel, 255; Stephen, 479. Mynick, Owen, 253. N Nach (?), Robert, 422. Nail, John, 317, 483; Presley, 8; Will, 597. Nallee, Wm. 557, 576. Nance, Frederick and Zacha- riah, 482. Nansemond River, 25. Napier, Napper, James, 360; Moses, 259, 481. Nare, Conrad, 177. Nash, Francis, 177, 208; James, 208; John, 208, 258; Philip, 258; Reuben, 208; Thomas, 482, 529; Wm. 290, 370, 557 (ch.). National Gen. Soc. Quarterly, 24, 588; Society, iii. National Soc. of Founders and Patriots, 555. Nave, Conrod, 208. Navy, State, 4-82; Land war- rants, 323 to 386; Officers, List of, 36, Pay of, 582; Organization and strength of, 153- May, Jacob, 258. Neal, Neil, Neale, etc., Charles, 192, 481, 483; Dan- iel, 258; Ferdinand, 134, 150; George, 483; James, 108, 482; John, 12, 177, 208; Micajah, 258; Nicholas, 189, 258, 481; Presley, 9, 10, 18, 33, 61; Richard, 208, 258; Wm. 259 (2); 482; Zap- paniah, 259. Neas, Nease, John and Mi- chael, 608. Neaves, Daniel, 259. Needham, Isaac, 258, 481. Neff, Abraham and Christian, 608. Negro, Abram, 214; Bachus, 17, 70; Boston, 17, 70, 214; Charles, 19, 32, 70; Daniel, 215; Emanuel, 32, 70; En- titled to land, 155; Frank, 19; George, 17, 32, 70; Jack, '6, 70; James, 33, 70; Kingston, 70; Peter, 217; Pluto, 16, 70, 217; Tom, 218; Will, 17, 70, 218; Wm. ("Public"), 22 (2). NeighbergeRj Christian, 606. Neighbors, Nathan, 557 (ch.). Neil, John and Margaret, 439. Nellims, Nelms, Charles, 481; Meredith, 8, 217, 360. Nelson, 531, 558; Alexander, 259; Benjamin, 482; Elijah, 208; Enock, 177, 208; George, 482; General, 536, 560; Henry, 598; Henry, Jr. PI- 7, 597. 6° 2 ; James, 259, 316, 482, 483 (2); John, 108 (4), 150, 177, 208, 307, 481, 482, 483, 529, 531, 536, 558; Johnson, 259; Moses, 177, 208; Provost, 259, 310, 483, Robert, 482; Roger, 108, 481 ; Sally, 466, 483; Thomas Casy, 317, 483; Wm. 18, 21, 31,33,81, 108,481,482,483, 555. 588, 601. Nelson's Corps, 81. Nessell, Ephraim, 70. Nessor, Ephraim, 28. Netherton, Netherington, Henry, Sr. and Jr. 599, 601; John, Pis. 8, 9, 598, 601. Nettles, Abraham, 301, 482; Vicanus and Wm. 259. Nevill, Nevile, Nevills, Burgess, 360; George, 108, 259; John, 108, 150, 481, 482, 617; Presley, 108, 481, 482; Nevill and Ladd, 617. Nevis, Daniel, 259 (2). New, Anthony, 397; Jacob, 259; Jesse, 481; Thomas, 258. Newbell, Zachariah, 12. Newby, Jesse, 258; John, 360; 678 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Leroy, 208, 360; Thomas, 208; Wm. 296, 385. Newcomb, Charles, 259; Fanny, 482, 483; James, 196; Joseph, 258, 301, 482, 483 (2); Julius, 259; Mary, 482, 483; Peter, 483; Richard, 482; Solomon, 481; Thomas, 370. Newell, John, 258, 481, 536. New Hampshire, Martin, 554. Newhouse, Anthony, 29, 70. Newland, John, 482; Mathew, 189. Newlin, Matthew, 482. Newly, Thomas, 360; Wm. 385- Newman, Aaron, 404; Con- rad, 606; Edmund, 259; Edward, 209, 361, 482; Francis, 259; George, 482; John, 258, 259, 593, 601, 608; John Posey, 482; Jonathan, 608; Joseph, Sr. 482; Joseph, 481; Owen, 481; Thomas, 360, 481; Walter, 259, 608; Wm. 258, 361. Newsom, Newsum, Carter, 259; Crawford, 258, 259; Daniel, 259; James, 258, 259. Newton, Abigail, 558; Ed- ward, 185; George, 259; John, 18, 70, 558; Joseph, 259; Peter, 177, 209; Thom- as, 360, 417; Wm. 192, 209, 483- New York, Becker and Ben- nett, 540 Blakeley, 541; Muzzy, 557; Orton, 559; Partridge, 559; Ridgeway, 562; Schoolcraft, 569; Wheaton, 577. Niblet, Abel, 259. NlCEWANGER, NYSWANDER, Jacob, 596, 605. Nichols, Nicholas, Charles, 482 (2); Daniel, 258; George, 134, 142, 480; James, 16, 70, 590; John, 108, 150, 189, 259, 481 (2), 482; Lack- house, 182; Lieut. 589; Na- than and Richard, 16, 70; Thomas, 360; Valentine, 209; Wm. 259. Nicholson, 3, 25, 37 (2). Nicholson, Nickelon, An- drew, 360; Elizabeth, 558; George, 360, 361, 558; H. 529; Henry, 135, 150, 315, 361, 537. 558; Henry W. 581, 585; Jesse, 482; John, 217, 259; Robert, 39, 318, 360, 533- 537 (2), 558 (ch.)i Thomas, 259; Wm. 53, 360. Nickelburn, John, 12. Nicken, Nickin, Nickins, Edward, 14, 217, 360; Heze- kiah, and James, 14, 70, 360, 361, 483; Nathaniel, 32, 70, 371; Richard, 32, 360; Rob- ert, 259; Wm. 360. Nickers, James, 312. Nickery, John, 532. Nicking, James, 8. Night, Andrew, 258, 259. Nightingale, M. 27; Mat- thew, 259, 360; Mede, 594. Nighton, Wm. 258. Niper, George, 259. Nixon, Nix, Andrew, 108, 150, 187, 481; George, 258; Hen- ry, 209; John, 258, 259 (2). Nobbs, Mark, 177. Noble, Mark, 209. Nock, Nocks, George, 209, 259, 482; John and Wm. 482. Noel, Novell, Achilles, 209, 481; Richard and Wm. 481. Noland, Pierce, 108; Price, 481. Nollage, Edward, 15. Norfolk Revenge, 3, 25 (Sunk), 40 (5), 41 (2), 42, 43 (2), 44 (3), 46 (4), 47 (2), 48 (2), 49, 52. 59- Norman, Thomas, 209; Wm. 8, 258, 259 (2), 360. Norrell, Hugh, 483. Norris, Bazeliel, 259, 482; Christopher, 70; Eppa, 483; Martin, 135, 150, 292, 314, 337; Thomas, 483; Wm. 258, 259- North, Boiling, 23, 70; John, 601; Zachariah, 600, 601. North Carolina, Diall, 544; Gibbs, 548; Hayes, 550; Mays, 554; Nash, 557; Rog- ers, 563, 565; Turbyfill, 573; White, 577. Northam, Custis, 259 (2); Miles, 70, 290. Northampton, 3, 7, 25, 26, 29, 37. 52, County, Eastern Shore, 50. Northcott, Francis, 259. Northrup, Northup, Henry, 570 (2); Joseph, 217; Ste- phen, 217; Major, 259. Northumberland Co. 81. Northwest Territory, Ohio, 160, 568; Cession of, 156. Norton, Charles M. 515; G. F. 295; John, 15; John M. 515; Thomas, 259; Wm. 258. NORVELL, NOWELL, NOWALL, Aquilla, 481; George and Henry, 482; Henry Wold- croft, 481; Holdicraft H. 258; Isham and John, 482; Lipscomb, 108, 150, 360, 361, 481; Priesley, ; Reuben, 482; Simon, 258; Spencer, 524; Thomas, 423; Wm. 482. Norwood, Joseph, 481. Notley, Maddox, 483. Nottingham, William, 466. Nuce, William, 259. Null, Henry and Jacob, 483. Nunn, James, 192, 258; Moses, 258; Richard, 192, 483; Wm. 483. Nunnally, Nunally, Alex- ander and Edward, 258; Daniel, 361; John, 183, 258, 481; Joseph, 481; Obadiah, 360, 481; Robert, 361. Nunnemaker, Nunimaker, Nunnamaker, John, 482; Lewis, 258, 360, 482. Nutt, John, 482; Thomas, 9, 360. Index 679 NUTTALL, NUTTLE, NuTTLES, Ireson, 9, 10; Iverson, 12, 61, 108, 360; John, 12, 217; Matthias, 259. O O — T, James, 209. Oakley, Oakly, Erasmus, 305, 484; George, 378; John, 177, 209, 484; Martha (Ander- son) and Mary Ann (Crews), Rhoda and Thomas, 484. Oakman, William, 484. Oast, Oats, George, 209; James, 308, 484; Wm. 217, 259 (2). Oater, Samuel, 177. Obanion, Obannion, Aaron, 260; Benjamin, 259; James, 596, 605; Thomas and Wm. 484. Oberry, Henry, 193. Obicon, T. (James), 184. Obrian, James, 484; John, 209. O'Connor, Timothy, 484. O'Daniel, O'Damel, John, 18, 32, 70. Odell, Benjamin, 597; Caleb, Sr. and Jr. 595, 601, 605; Elijah and Isaac, 595, 605; James and Jonathan, 598; Jeremiah, 597; Lewis, 209; Reuben, ; Salvanis, 605; Samuel, 597, 604; Thomp- kins, 605; Wm. 601, 605. Odoffer, John, 184. Offer, Thomas, 484. Offlin, Ofin, James, 177; Thomas, 259. Ofvvald, — — , Volunteer, 589. Ogan, Thomas, 484. Ogburn, William, 617. Ogden, Matthew, 483. Ogilsley, Robert, 484. Ogle, James, 260 ; Thomas, 486. Oglesby, John, 135, 259. Oharro, Michael, 177, 209. Ohio, Cession of land for 111. Regt. 156, 160; Virginia Military Reservation in, 156, 609-617; Northwest Terri- tory, 156, 160, 568. Clarke Expedition, 567. Counties included, v, vi. Ohio, Charlottesville, 572; Cin- cinnati, 566; Falls of Ohio, 568, etc. 572; Madison County, 610; "Pickaway Plains," 572; River, 161. Settlers in Va. Military Dis- trict, 609-617. Town, river, PI. 5- Ohio, Berry, 540; Blair and Brown, 541; Cowen, 543; Ditto, 544; Eckles, Cath- arine, 559; Rush, Janes, etc. 569; Wilkinson, 578. Old, James, 524. Oldbridge, James, 259. Oldhair, Frederick, 596, 605. Oldham, Conway, 108, 483; George, 108, 484; Isaac, 209; Samuel, 217, 483. Olephant, Oliphant, Benja- min and Obadiah, 484. Olive, David and John, 209. Oliver, Alva, 537; Drury, 135; James, 259, 260; John, 177, 184, 193, 209, 259 (2), 312, 361, 484; Lewis, 177, 209; Moses, 189, 484; Nicho- las, 484; Robert, 259; Thom- as, 259; Turner, 177, 209, 605; Wm. 108, 150, 259 (2), 290, 361, 536. Olivis, Emanuel, 282. Oll, Ott (?), Frederick, 185. Omenate, John, 484. Omohundro, James, 259. O'Neal, Oneal, O'Neill, Far- rell, 426, 483; Ferrell, 259, 421; Ferdinand, 108, 192, 483, 484; George, 259; John, 209, 259, 484, 608; Patrick, 259; Robert, 608; Wm. 209. 483- Onions, John, 259; Selby, 484; Wm. 259. Only, Major, 259. Onslow, Charles, 177, 209. Opie, George H. 217. Oram, Henry, 259, 483. Orander, R. C. 325. Orange, Joshua, 259; Lewis, 260. Orbin, Philip, 209 (2). Orders, John, 28, 70. Oregon, Bray, 541; Laughlin, 553- Organ, Cornelius, 484, David, 259- Organizations, Military: Alcocks, 576. Armand's Dragoons, 533, 536, 57 1- Artificers, 536. Baylor's Consol, Dragoons, 555- Cavalry, Dragoons, 536. Charloville, Francis, Vol- unteers, 182. Crockett's, Denton, 337; Miller, 134; Officers of, 583- 585.586; Pay of, 155; 153. 531 (3), 532 (6), 533, 535, 537 (3), 542, 543, 548, 557, 563, 572, 574 (Joseph), 577, 581 (Green), 585. Dabney's Legion, 81, 316, 335, 338, 529 (3), 530, 531 (6), 532 (2), 533 (2), 534, 538, 541, 543 (ch. and will), 571, 586. Edmond's (Marshall), 574, 578. Field's Light Dragoons, 561. Garrison, Va. State (Inf.), 531,535- Gibson's (See 1st Va.) (George), 537, 545, 569, 573, 577, 579- Grayson's, Col. Grant, 128. Haring, Herring, Captains Co. 530. Heath, Henry, Independent Co. 552. Illinois Light Dragoons, 535 (3), 555; Volunteers, 182. Regiment, State Line, Re- turn of Officers, 530, 537 (2). 680 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia State Line, 529, 530 (5), 531, 532 (2), 533, 535 (3). 536, 538, 539, 542, 545, 546, 548, 555, 556, 561, 562, 563, 578, 586. Invalid Regiment, 186. Light Artillery, 553; Light Dragoons, 130 (Hopkins); 564- Marshall's, 532, 534, 551, 573, 578, 580, 586. Maryland, 6 & nth, PI. 2. Massachusetts, Ninth Con- tinental, 568; Mixon's, Col. 568. Mercers (See 3d Va.) 574. Muter's Colonel (See Muter, George). Nelson's (John), 529, 531, 535, 539, 544 (Cavalry), 586. Old State, 534. 53» (Art'y). Pennsylvania, 5th, Frazer, PI. 2. Porterfield's, 535. Roger's Troop of Horse (John), 567. Roger's, 536, 586. Sergeant's, 536. Slaughter's Battn. Corps etc. 530, 532, 533, 536 (Maj. George and James), 570, 572, 577- Spottswood's Legion, 537. State Cavalry, 535; State Garrison, 536, 537, 541, 544, 552, 553, 581, 586; State Legion, 530, 538. Todd's Co. of Foot, 535. Virginia Artillery, 535. Western Battery and Regt. 165, 530, 532, 533- Willis' Minute Men, 556. Woodford's, Col. (See 2d Va. Regt.), 569. shall's), 579, 582 (Half pay), 583, 599- Second Va. 133 (Madison), 134 (Nicholson), 531 (2), 533 (2), 534, 535, 536, 559, 566, 561, 569 (Wood- ford's), 572, 575, 586. Third Va. 533. 537, 555 (Continental), 574. Fourth Va. 149 (Lucas); 138 (Scott); PI. 2. Fifth Va. 589. Sixth Va. 128 (Green), 133 (Micheaux), 165 (Green), 531- 535; PI- 2. Seventh Va. 537. Eighth Va. 140 (Westfield), 561, 601. Ninth Va. 535. Succeeded by 1st (Gibson's), 569, 575. Twelfth Va. 133 (Martin). Thirteenth Va. 561. Fourteenth Va. 123 (Brown). Virginia Slate Line Regi- ments: First, 531, 532 (2), 535 (2), 536, 537, 545, 569 (Gib- son's), 575, 577, 578 (Mar- Orish, James, 483. Ornold, (Arnold?), Lindsey, 436. O'Rooke, David, 608. Orpwood, John, 209. Orr, James, 209, 259; Mr. 73; Samuel, 259, 260, 361; Wm. 259, 260. Orrill, Gregory and Joseph, 259- Orton, 559; John, 209; Darius, 559- Osburn, Osborne, Elijah, 483; George and Josiah, 484; Isaac and Persis (Mass.), 569; Samuel, 483. Osgriffin, William, 259. Otly, William, 259. Ott, Henry, 592. Oul, Robert, 483. Ousley, Charles, 209; Thomas, 484. Oust, George, 483. Overall, Overhall, John and Nathaniel, 484; John and William, 599, 601. Overbocker, Frederick and Jacob, Jr. 603; John, 202. Overlin, Overline, Wm. 189, 483- Overstreet, Benoni, 484; John, 217, 301, 431, 484; Thomas, 259. Overthrow, Samuel, 12. Overton, Clough, 259; Fanny, 515; James, 259; John, 108, 150, 483, 484; Thomas, 108, 150, 419, 483 (3), 484, 512, 617; Wm. 259. Owditt, Odett, Lewis, 177. Owen, Owens, Charles, 259, 283, 361; Christopher, 484; Ephraim, 12, 484; Evan, 12; Evans, 484; George, 594; John, 209, 217, 259; Joshua, 260; Mason, 484; Raleigh, 259; Richard M. 109, 484; Robert, 484; Robert (Owne?), 536; Samuel, 259, 308, 484; Vincent, 361; Wm. 12, 29, 259, 260; Wm., Sr. and Jr. 594. Owens and Evans, 617. Oxter, Samuel, 209. Ozburn, Ozborn, Ebenezer, 177. Pace, Jesse, 260; Joel, Leon- ard, and Newsum, 262; Wm. 486; Williamson, . Packard, John, Co. of 9th Mass. Cont. 568. Packet, Packetts, Richard, 362; Wm. 209. Padget, Paget, Nancy, 600, 601; Reuben, 601; Reuben, J r - 599, 601; Theophilus, 599, 601; Wm. 600. Pagan, David, 209. Page, 530; Carter, no, 362, 487; Leonard, 261; Robert, 260 (2); Wm. 7, 70. Page, 3, 7, 26 (3), 26 and 29 (Dismantled), 53, 81. Paggett, Frederick, 262. Index 681 Pactum, Pagan, David and Francis, 178. Paint, Louis Lo, 209. Painter, Conrod, 601; Sam- uel, 261. Pair, George, 189, 485, 488. Pairon, Eleanor, 514. Pallett, John, 366. Palm, Christian, 185. Palmer, Benjamin, 209 (2); Charles, 360; David, 361; Jeffrey, 364; John, 261, 559; Martin, 260; Roger, etc. 405; Thomas, 217, 262, 485; Wm. 365, 485. Pamey, Moses, 487. Panamore, Thomas, 367. Pancake, Joseph, 261. Pancrass, Joseph, 209. Pannill, Pannell, David, 136, 150, 352, 363 (2); John, 445; Thomas A. 363. Panther, Panter, Joseph, 178, 209. Papin, ■ ■, 182. Paradise, Merrit, 4, 70, 217. Parchment, Peter, 260. Pargerson, John, 595. Parish, Parrish, Henry, 364; John, 217; Moses, 364; Wm. 196, 487. Parisienne, Baptiste, 178. Parker, Alexander, 109, 151, 135, 485, 486; Anderson, 262, 368; Caleb, 365; Charles, 262; David, 261; Edward, 177, 209, 262; George, 217, 366; James, Jacob and John, 364; Jeremiah, 486; Jesse, 305, 363> 367; Joseph, 486; Josiah, 109, 485, 486 (2), 588; Levin, 365; Lieut. 581; Michael, 79; Nicholas, 109, 485; Richard, 6, 38, 50, 61, 80, 109, 150, 287, 288, 316, 334. 363 (3). 485; Robert, 70, 196, 361, 365; S. 508; Samuel, 362; Solomon, 365; Thomas, 61, 109, 135, 151, 260, 261, 262, 319, 364, 365, 366, 377, 485, 487; Warren, 189; Watts, 486; Wm. 14, 30 (2), 31 (3), 50, 70, 261, 363, 367, 486; Wm. H. 36, 38, 54, 61, 109, 150, 289, 362; Wyatt, 362. Parkington, William, 362. Parks, Daniel, 260; Henry, 361; James, no. Parlane, John, 24. Parlor, Parler, David, 487; James, 189, 485. Parmer, John, 209. Parmiell, Parnell, Benja- min, 365; David, 367; Jo- seph, 196, 365; Thomas A. 367- Paroult, Peter, 178, 209. Parr, James, 261. Parramore, Thomas, no. Parrish, James, 260; Na- thaniel, 261, 262 (2); Peter, 486; Waddle, 262; Wm. 261, 262 (3). Parrot, Parret, George, 209; James, 289, 370; John, 193, 368; Joseph, no. Parsons, Parson, Abijah, 209; George, 486; James, 262; John W. 367; Thomas, 144, 367, 485; Wm. 486; Willeby, 342; Woodson, 260. Partridge, Asa, 559; Samuel, 14, 70. Pascho, Herbert, 52. Paskill, George, 488. Pasley, Joel, 362; Thomas, 367- Passey, Thomas, 338. Pasteur, Pasture, Blint, 362; John, 38, 43, 47, 48, 62, 315, 347. 533- Pate, Martha, 389; Matthew, 14, 70, 361, 446. Patillo, James, 260; John, 486; Wm. 260. Patman, Watson, 261; Wm. 209, 362, 503. Patrick, Thomas, 260. Patriot, 26, 37 (5), 39, 52, 60, 74. 77. 78. Patron, Jonathan, 209. Patten, Patton, Alexander, 487; George, 260; Thomas, 617; Wm. 488. Patton and Hadley, 617. Patterson, Charles, 487; Ed- ward, 262; Israel, 486; Jacob, 261; James, 262; John, 62, 177, 209, 361, 380, 514; Littleberry, 261; Philip, 262, 368; Richard, 261; Thomas, no, 313, 367, 487, 488; Tilman, 209, 261, 362; Wm. 177, 209. Patticrew, Matthew, 260. Paul, Aaron, 260; Edward, 485. Paulette, Poulette, Jesse, 135, 261, 315, 367; Richard, 367- Pawn, Samuel, 422. Pawott, Joseph, 366. Pawlor, Davis, 262; John, 209; Wm. 487. Payne, Adam, 177, 209; An- Thony, 261; Charles, 487; George, 261; Jacob, 485; Jaries, 366; John, 70, 144, 193. 315, 363. 485; Joseph, no, 151, 310, 485; Joshua, 260; Josiah, no, 485; Josias, 261; Maynard, 30; Merri- man, 28, 29, 30, 43, 49 (2), 61, no, 150, 294, 363; Nicholas, 455, 520; Richard, 261, 363; Samuel, 209; Tarle- ton, 109, 151, 366, 485; Thomas, 109, 151, 357, 364, 485; Wm. 5, 29, 39, 43, 50, 52, 65, no, 150, 178, 181, 209, 260, 262, 362, 487, 488, 533; Wm. G. 475. Pay Roll, Fort Patrick Henry, 538; George's, Capt. Rob- ert, 111. Regiment, 530 and 531; Marines and Seamen, 53; Reader's Co., Michael, 60, 602; Robert's Bent, 531; Second Va. Regt. 533; Smith, Lawrence, 531, 537; Todd's Co., Robert, 535. Pea, George, 70; Jane and Thomas, 366. 682 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Peace, John, 260, 261 (2). Peace and Plenty (Trade), 26. Peachy, William, 588. Peacocke, Peacock, Joshua, 262; Richard, 556. Peage, Thomas, 590. Peake, Peak, Richard, 363; Thomas, 262; Wm. 364, 533. Pearman, Grief, 189, 362; Harrison, 486; Jesse and John, 260; Thomas, 487. Pearson, Joel, 261; Mesheck, 367; Thomas, no, 260, 365 (2), 485; Wm. 261 (2), (See Pierson). Peary, Elias, George and Thomas, 488. Peasley, Thomas, 263. Peaters, John, 178, (See Peters). Peaton, Peatons, Solomon, 5, 18, 33, 70, 217. Peay, George, 32. Pebler, Christon, 603. Peck, George, 260. Pediford, Edward, 486; Henry, 260. Peebles, Pebbles, Andrew, 194, 260, 262; Samuel, 610, 617. Peed, Peid, Andrew and Wil- liam, 262. Peele, Coleburn, 262; Jesse, 367- Peers, 366; Thomas, 364, 366; Valentine, 43, 48, 50, 51, 65; Wm. 262, 364. Peery, Valentine, 367. Pegan, Andrew, 82. Pegrin, Baker, 260. Pelham, Charles, 109, 151, 366, 485; Wm. no, 366. Pell, John, 260; Joseph S. 136, 150, 318, 385; Simon, 25, 62. Pelleet, Pelletts, Charley, 363; George, 262. Pellot, Charles, 178. Peltier, Joseph, 178. Pemberton, Bennett, 193, 312, 367; David and Henry, 261; Reuben, 343; Thomas, 109, 151, 364, 485, 524, 617; Wm. 209, 260, 524. Pence, Adam, 608; Frederick, 603; Henry and Jacob, 603; John, 597; John, Jr. 603; Lewis, 603; Michael, 608; Samuel, 361. Penchback, Thomas, 362. Penden, Pender, Abner, 608; Henry, 196. Pendleton, Pendelton, Ed- mund, 589; Henry, 446; James, 109, 151, 361, 365 (3), 418; Nathaniel, no, 365, 485; Wm. G. 505, 506. Pendrey, Robert, 260. Penetleton, James, 418. Penett (Penit), Joshua, 177. Penir, Jessee, 178. Peninger, Christian, 261. Penly, William, 597. Penn, George and Gabriel, 364; John, 23, 362; Simon, 261; Wm. no, 364. Penneitt (Pinnett?), John, 608. Penney, Penny, Jane, 448; John, 283, 361; Robert, 488. Pennington, John, 262. Penningstant, John, 262. Penniwit, Jacob, 601. Pennsylvania, 78. Pennsylvania, Bradford Coun- ty, 57°; Dickason and Ditto, 544; Doty, 545; Fox, 546; Garberich, 546; Northum- berland County, 544; Pitts- burgh, 568, 571. Pennybaker, Conrad, 194, 368; Wm. 368. Penry, Henry, 485. Pension Laws, etc. 1776-1852, 585. Penticost, William, 366. Penyman, Perryman, Daniel, 444- 47 1- Pepin, John, 178, 209; Peter, 209. Perault, Pierault, J. 529; Michael, no, 150 (2), 163. Perde, Ganey, 182. Perget, Frederick, 262. Perkins, Achilles, 261; Arche- laus, no, 135, 486; Archi- bald, 135, 151; Elias, 261; Harden, 135; John, 617; Joseph, 485; Joshua, 193, 363; Nimrod, 286, 363; Samuel, 261 (2). Perkinson, Ezekiel, 261; James, 261, 487. Peroull, Michael, 362. Perrault, Michael, 530. Perrin, John, 488; Joseph, 260. Perry, Perrey, Perie, Greg- ory, 260, 261; Hildey, 361; John, no, 187, 260, 262, 486; Peter, 262; Robert, 260; Thomas, 524, 603; Wm. 177, 485 (2), 524. Perryman, Benoni, 487; Dan- iel, 487, 491; Phillip, 362. Pertilla, David, 262. Peryear (?), Reuben, 366. Peters, Petter, Anthony, 282, 324; James, 15, 260, 371; Jesse, 260; John, 178, 260; Jonas, 262; Joseph, 178, 363; Samuel, 32, 261; Sam- uel L. no; Thomas, 262. Petersburg, Va. 576. Peterson, Conrad, 262, 487; John, 53, 262. Petre, Petrie, Alexander, 260, 486. Petteford, Drury, 283. Petteet, Pettit, George, 261; James, 284, 367; Peter and Wm. 262. Petti grew, Pettygrew, etc., Abel and Edward, 217; Garvin, 286; John, 50, 61, 79 (2), in, 150, 287, 334, 343, 357. 3 61 . 363; Richard, 217. 363- Pettis, Pettus, George, John and Samuel, 260; John R. no; Samuel O. 135, 364. Pettit, James, 362, 363. Petty, William, 364. Index 683 PettyJohn, Pettijohn, James, 135, 261; Wm. 362, 456, 464. Peyton, Payton, Charles and Elijah, 488; Dade, no, 487; Francis, 436, 486, 487, 490; George, no, 260, 487; Henry, no, 136, 487; James, 486; John, 109, 136, 150, 209, 262, 365, 485, 525, 533, 534, 559; Robert, no, 261, 487; Timothy, 485; Valentine, 136, 367. 368 (3), 485. 487; Valentine R. no; Wm. 262 (2). Phelps, Phepps, George, 361, 485. Philbert, Obadiah, 262. Philipion, John, 12. Philips, Phillips, Philip, Benjamin, 261, 361; Charles, 262, 365; Elijah, 365; Eliza- beth, 363; Ephraim, 260; George, 260; Henry, 178, 209; Isaac, 364, 384; Jacob, 5, 6, 61, 70, in, 287; John, 6, 189, 364, 485, 487 (2), 488; Larkin, 361; Levi, 262, 364; Mathias, 365; Newton, 487; Philip, 262, 364; Richard, 261 ; Sally, 485; Samuel, 109, 260, 485; Thomas, 209, 260, 261; Wm. 6, 209, 287, 363, 365, 488 (2), 610, 617. Pibler, Pidler, Abraham and Lewis, 603. Pickens, Samuel, 178. Pickerell, Samuel, 362. Pickett, Charles, 262 (3); Francis, 192, 361; George, 260, 292, 361, 487; Jeremiah, 366; John, 22 (2), 486; Wm. 366, 367, 506; Womack, 262. Pierce, Pearce, Peers, etc., Catherine, 539; Edward, 70; Francis, 260, 262; Fred, 492; Jethro, 261; John, 33, 61, in, 262, 292; Sevall, 209; Pennuel, 262; Thomas, 262, 292, 362; Valentine, 46, 51, no; Vollantine, 6, 39; Wm. no, 151, 209, 366, 487, 539; Wm. Q. 366. Piercehouse, Thomas, 260. Pierson, Charles, 367; Shad- rack, 365. (See Pearson.) PiGG, John, 209. Piggott, Pigott, Abraham, 261, 486; Wm. 262. Pigman, Mathew and Zack, 364- Pigne, William, 362. Pike, William, 367. Pilcher, Elijah, 515. Piles, Pile, Benjamin, 183, 488; Francis, 606; Richard, 183, 486, 488; Wm. 364. Pilkington, Drury, 364; Wm, 260, 261. Pilkinson, Drewry, 260. Pilkpool, Colwell, 261. Pillen, Pilon, Pillion, Henry, 185; John, 261. Pillow, Jasper, 261. Pinchback, Thomas, 209. Pindall, Thomas, 260. Piner, Pines, Jesse, 209; John, 261; Lewis, 209, 260. Pinicar, William, 261. Pinkard, Thomas, 261, 414. Pinkerton, Pinkstone, Shad- rack, 261, 488. Pinlow, Samuel, 261. Pinot, Benjamin, 26. Pipenholt, Pipenhalst, George, 17, 28, 70. Piper, Augustine, 603; Ben- jamin, 209; John, no, 150, 286, 362, 539; Wm. 217. Pippen, Banister, 15, 328; Wm. 15, 70. Pippeto, William, 364. PlRAULT, J. 530. Pitcher, William, 209. Pitman, Pittman, Buckner, 362, 536; Fortunatus, 261; George, 486; Isaac, 260, 261, 486; Nicholas and Philip, 606. Pitsbarger, Abraham, 603. Pitt, Pitts, Bradley and David, 487; John, 4, 5, 61, in, 150, 288, 346, 487; Major, 262; Samuel, 135; Wm. 183, 194. Plant, Joseph, 209; Wm. and Williamson, 261. "Playl," John, 12. Plaze, John, 364. Pleasants, John H. and Mary P. 466. Pleet, John, Plate 3. Pleney (?), Nancy, 367. Plodd, John, 366. Plowman, Robert, 260. Plummer, Armitt (adge?), 486; George and John, 260; Robert, 209, 260; Wm. 486. Plunkett, Plunket, James, 364; Reuben, 486; Thomas, 260, 487; Wm. 364. Plunly, Matthew, 596. Poe, Jacob, 461; Jesse, 367; John, 364, 367; Thomas, 362; Virgil, 367; Wm. 362, 367- Poin, John, 364. Poindexter, Gabriel, Jona- than, Lovel and Richard, 260; Jacob and John, 261. Pointer, William, 109, 485. Poker, Boker, Philip, 447, 600, 601. Polk, Joab and Jessifi, 560 (ch.); Matthew, 560. Polland, Joseph, 416. Pollard, 25; Ambrose, 260; Absalom, 362; Benjamin, 16, 43 (4), 45, 47, 48, 49 (2), 50 (2), 51 (2), 65, no, 303; Braxton, 209, 362; Capt. 555; Catherine E. 363; John, 52; Samuel, 209; Thomas, 25, 43, 61, 262, 315, 376. Polle, Roamma, 182. Pollock, James, 262; Thomas, 364. 485- Polter, William, 209. Pom as, Adam, 6. Pomeroy, Isaac, 23, 70. Pool, Poole, Pools, Baxter, 486; Doole, 260; Edwards, 362; John, 70; Micajah, 260; 684 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Peter, 488; Thomas, 260; Robert, 262; 485. Poor, Poore, Poores, Archer, 178; John, 262 (2); Robert, 110; Thomas, 262. Pope, Brittain, 260; Elizabeth T. 363; Fortunatus, 362; John, 135, 185, 367, 560; Joseph, 32, 217; Matthew, in, 150, 297, 363, 533 (2), 536, 560 (will); Thomas, 9, 12, 70, 193. 217 (2), 364. 368; Wm. 14, 18, 19, 62, 70, 186, 209, 217, 261, 488. Poplar, Hack, 27, 362. Popp, John, 364. Porter, Benjamin, no, 366; Captain, 43; Colvert and Elisha, 485; Daniel, 361; David, 261; Ebenezer, 178, 209; Ely, 261; J. M. 580, 581; John, 209, 261 (3); Thomas, no, 366, 487; Wm. 109, no, 136, 150, 209, 261, 361, 364, 366, 485, 487; Wm. M. 366. Porterfield, Charles, no, 150, 361, 365, 368; Charles R. 109; Colonel, 531, 535, 561; General, 129; Robert, 109, 150, 361, 365 (2), 617; Volunteer, 589. Portis, Kirby, 364. Portwood, Postwood, Lloyd, 261 (2), 368; Page, 177, 209; Robert, 368. Posey, Thomas, 109, 151, 365 (2); Zephaniah, 487. Poston, William, 209. Pote, Matthew, 500. Potomac River (First Row Galley), 40, 41, 57. Poto- mac, 37 to 42, 46 (2). Potter, Potters, James, 177, 209; John, 365, 487; Na- thaniel, 364; Stephen, 487; Wm. 178, 260. Potterfield, Robert, Jr. 454. Potts, John, 486, 493 (2), Jonathan, 487; Nathaniel, 364; Samuel, 261. Pough, Pow, John, 209; Mi- chael, 487. Poulson, Poullison, Cornel- ius, 209; John, 109, 151, 366, 485. Pound, Reuben, 367, 441; Wm. 300, 310, 362, 367, 441. Powell, Aaron, 361; Benja- min, 21, 189, 363, 364; Caleb, 262; Charles, 486; Edward, 368; Eleven, 189, 262; Francis, 17, 18, 62, 318, 363; Frederick B. 558; Le- ven, Levene, no, 362, 487 (2), 488 (2); John, 262 (2), 361, 487; Laurence, 209; Micajah, 178, 209; Na- thaniel, 262; Peyton, 109, 260, 364, 365, 485; Polly (Redman), 495; Richard, 367, 488; Robert, Sr. 367; Robert, 109, 136, 142, 150, 485; Samuel, 217; Sever, 151; Sigmore, 361; Solomon, 6, 21, 79, 80, 287, 363; Thomas, 109, 150, 261, 317, 367, 368 (7); Wm. in, 261 (2), 262 (2), 308, 367; Will T. 368. Power, Powers, Bernard, 260; Daniel, 261; Jacob, 8, 12, 70, 217; John, 362; Joshua, 260; Julius, 261; Lewis, 209, 366; Lucy, 363, 406; Richard, 209; Robert, no, 260, 486; Wm. 209, 261, 486 (2), 487. Powle, William, 485. POWNCE, POYNER, Wm. , 366. Poythress, Francis, 364; Wm. no, 486. Pratt, 560; John, 488; Shu- ball, 135; Wm. and Zoro- babel, 262. Prescott, Patience and Thom- as, 365. Preston, Catherine, 367; Da- vid, 261; Elizabeth A. 330; Francis, 419, 617; Joel, 262; Moses, 261; Nathan, 301, 488; Robert, 318, 367; Ste- phen, 26. Prewett, Prewitt, Byrd, 262; John, 262 (3), Reuben, 260; Southey, 262. Price, Anger, 366, 603; Bur- ditt, 488 ; David, 486, 487 ; Eb- enezer, 18, 61, no, 189, 260, 370; Edward, 8, 28, 70, 603; Even, 603; Isaac, 487; Jacob, 364; James, no, 366; John, 363, 366. 519, 595. 603; Joseph, 261; Josiah (Moon), 475; Meredith, 603; Philip, 603; Richard, 262, 366; Richard M. 260; Robert, ; Thomas, 263, 487, 595, 603, 605; Wm. no, 260, 261, 300, 366 (2), 367, 427, 448, 5 2 3» 593; Zachariah, 260; Zachrey, Sr. and Jr. 603. Prickett, Thomas, 262. Priddy, Richard, 364. Pride, John, 486; Thomas, 260; Wm. 135, 262, 486. Priest, Jeremiah, 261; Peter, 177; Wm. 261 (2). Prince, Philip, 603. Prior, Pryor, Jacob, 189, 365; John, 109, 151, 262, 485, 534; Wm. 261, 262. Primm, James, 262; Joseph, 209. Prison ship Gloucester, 128. Prisoners, by British, 24, 26, 588; Plate 2. Pritchard, Prichard, James, 486, 488; Rees, 135; Thom- as, 189, 262, 488; Wm. 536. Pritchett, Pritcher, Benja- min and James, 366; George, 217, 260, 366; John, 485; Peter, 362, 487; Thomas, 283, 362; Wm. 177, 367. Proby, Menson, 262, 307, 358. Proctor, Christopher, 262; Isaac, 364; John, 263, 485; Richard, 605. Prock, Matthias, 209. Procure, Thomas, 8, 12, 70, 217. Index 685 Profit, David, 603. Prosser, John, 8, 15, 70, 217. Protector, 18, 27, 30, 37 (2), 38, 44, 48, 52, 57, 80. Pruden, Pruder, Henry, 319, 367, 488. Pruett, Pruitt, Joseph and Peter, 210; Wm. 260. Public Works, Supt. of, 534, 559- Puckett, Pucket, Josiah, 488; Richard, 260; Wornack, 484. Pugh, Pew, David, 487; Jo- seph, no, 367, 617; Lewis, 485; Richard, 261; Wm. 361; Willis, 109. Pugh and Wal- lace, 617. Pulford, John, 177, 210. Pulham, Pullam, George, 487; John, 485. Pullen, Puller, Pullers, Everard, 261; George, 367; Henry, 315, 367; John, 488; Joseph, 260; Wm. no, 362, 366, 367. Pulley, Pully, Frederick, 262; Wm. 487. Pullock, James, 262. Pummel, Francis, 262. Pumroy, Esau, 217. Punch, Patrick, 364. Puncrass, Francis and Joseph, 178. Punter, Henry, 485. Pupin, M. 177. Purcason, Purkinson, Larry and Neil, 210. Purcell, Charles, 210, 217; George, no, 367; Henry, 261, 262; James, 261; John, 486; Nathaniel and Peter, 261; Robert, 362; Thomas, 364; Wm. 177, 210. Purdon, Thomas, 260. Pureley, Thomas, 16, 70. Purkin, Christopher, 261. Purrell, William, 260. Purser, William, 315, 363. Pursley, Laurence, 362; Wm. 177, 362. Purvis, James, no, 135, 487. Puryear, Jesse, 486; John, 262; Thomas, 485. Putten, Henry, 488. Pyatt, Benjamin, 488. Pye, John, 262. Pyle, William, no. Pyser, Augustine, 603. Q Quarles, "Quales," Abner. 488; Henry, m, 136, 151 368, 560 (Will, etc.); James 43 (2), 45- 47. 50 (2), 65 in, 136, 151, 263, 368, 533 537. 5 6 °; James G. 210 John, in, 151, 365, 368 488, 536; Moses, 189, 488 Nathaniel, 488; Robert, in 151, 488; Thomas, in, 151 368; Wharton, in, 151, 283 334. 56o, 587; Wm. 151,488 Wm. P. in. Queen, John, 263. Quibo, Paul, 210. Quick, Thomas, 532, 535. Quigg, Daniel, 263. Quillin, Robert, 488. Quin, Quinn, James, 263 (2); John, 488, 489; Patrick, 488; Richard, 263. Quinlan, Joseph, 136, 317, 489; Tasker C. 489. Quinley, William, 488. Quirk, Quick, Thomas, in, 136, 151, 163, 368, 529, 530 (3), 533. 537. 538 (3) 56o,579- R Raburn, Raiborne, George, 492; James, 300. Rabey, Cader, 179. Rader, George, 608; Samuel, 495- Radford, Milner, 263 (2), Wm. 196. Rafferty, Richard, 265. Ragan, Daniel, 327; Wm. 263. Rager, Leonard, 265. Ragland, Dudley and John, 264; Edmund, 265; Pettus, 263. Ragsdale, Drury, in, 151, 489. 493; Godfrey, 53, 71, 210; John, 264; Peter and Wm. 263. Railey, Raleigh, Jacob, 210; James, 217; John, 263; Wm. 493- Raines, Bailey, 265; Henry, 24, 263, 491; James, 263 (2); John, 489, 559; Nathaniel, 264; Robert, 492; Thomas, 264; Wm. etc. 559. Rajalls, James, 492. Raleigh, 27, 39, 40 (3), 41, 44 (2), 46 (3), 48 (2), 52. Ralls, Nathaniel, 490. Ralph, Ephraim, 112, 492. Ralston, John, 264. Ramble, Samuel, 490. Ramsburg, John, 12. Ramey, Ramy, John, 599, 601 ; Thaddeus and Thomas, 605. Ramille, Joseph, 265. Ramsay, Ramsey, Francis, 490; James, 178, 184, 196, 210, 341, 492; John, 73, 112, 151, 264, 494; Joseph, 137, 142, 151, 165, 314, 372, 536; Samuel, 265; Thomas, 264; Wm. 263. Rand, Rane, Thomas, 186, 264; Walter, 263. Randell, Randall, Ben. 25, 71; Robert, 179. Randolph, Adam, 368; Ed- mund. Plate 3, 534; Harri- son, 136; Henry, 492; James, 265; John, 490; Joseph, 266; Peyton, 553; Robert, in, 369, 489; Wm. 264, 460. Range, James, 371, 494. Ranger, 82. Ranger, Joseph, 8, 369, 370; J. B. 178. Rankin, Rankins, Benjamin, 490; James, 491; Robert, 112, 151, 187, 263, 422, 484, 488, 489, 490, 492; Wm. 28, 70, 265, 490. Ransdale, Ransdall, Rans- dell, 489; Chilton, John C. 686 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia and Maria, 493; Edward, 264; Thomas, 112, 151, 493, 494. Ransom, Augustine, 217, James, and Robert, 490; Thomas, 217, 533. Raper, Rappa, Baptist and Henry, 210. Raphile, Jean, 491. Rappahannock River, 7, 26, 39, 41, 43, 45 (2); Second Cruiser, 41. Rastford, John and Wm. 492. Ratliff, Francis, 493. Ravenhill, Francis, 608. Ravenscroft, Ravenscraft, Francis, 492; Thomas, 144, 159, 165, 317. 372 (2), 489. 561 (ch.). Ravine, Michael, 489. Rawley, James, 217; John, 265; Wm. 264. Rawlins, Rawlings, Roll- ings, Charles and Howell, 265; Moses, 315, 491; Rich- ard, 263; Thomas, 193, 494. Rawsey (Ramsey?), James, 184. Rawson, Enoch, 263. Ray, Rey (See Rhea, Wray), Anderson, 151; Andre, 137, 142, 151, 165, 495 (3), 561 (ch.); Andrew, 317, 561; Charles, 561; David, 489, 491; John, 491; Mathew, 187; Robert, 494; T. 494; Thomas, 112, 300, 491; Wm. 561, 617. Raynard, John, 265. Rayor, Bartholomew, 489. Read, Reid, Alexander, 495; Allen, 264; Andrew, 263; Clement, 112, 151, 368, 489; Colonel, 533; Edmund, 112, 151; Edward, 151; Francis, 14, 62; George, 265; Henry, 193. 493; Isaac, 368, 489, 588; John, 70, 210, 263, 264, 368, 522; John H. 494; Lucy, 453; Nathan, in, 489, 494; Thomas, 210; Wm. 264, 489. Reader, Reder, Adam, 491; Michael, 601, 602. Reading, Robert, 210. Ready, Reedy, Reddy, Bar- nard, 592; Dennis, 189, 193, 489, 494; John, 489; Shad- rach, 266. Reagan, Regan, Bartholo- mew, 263; Charles, 598, 601; Daniel, 137; John and Philip, 263. Real, Reel, Gasper, 264; Henry, 265. Reap, Michael, 603. Reardon, Daniel, 265; George, 283, 368, 369; John, 264. Reason, Reasons, John, 264; Reuben, 492; Wm. 491, 492. Reatly, John, 490. Reaves, Reeves, James, 8, 13. 7 1 , 369; John, 599, 601; Thomas, 263; Wm. 210. Reavers, Rivier, Wyatt, 13, 7i, 371- Rector, Elias, 617; James and Jesse, 210; John, 178; Max- amilion, 404; Sarah, 367; Wm. 617. Redcross, John, 324. Redd, Henry, 263. Reddick, Riddick, Jason, 112, 491; Mary, 494, 515; Mills, 494; Thomas, 491; Willis, 112, 491. Reddings, William, 210. Redinore, George, 596. Redley, Thomas, 490, 492. Redman, Redmond, Rydman, Aaron, 194, 263; Jeremiah, 263; John, 31, 264, 369; Martha, 495; Martin, 196, 315, 495; Richard, 265; Solomon, 492. Redwood, John, 491. Reed, Riede (See Read, etc.), Alexander, 491; Daniel and David, 29; Edmund, 368; Francis, 372; John, 16, 21, 605; Lewis, 266; Nathan, 151; Nathaniel, 617; Robert, 372; Sharner, 264; Thomas, 617. Reelor, Maximilian, 491. Reilly, Reiley, Reily, Bar- ney, 28, 70; Edward and John, 263. Rein, Reins, Alexander and Joseph, 210; Giles, 136; John, 308, 495. Relf, Ephraim, 265. Renick, A. and George, 617. Renn, Renner, Alexander, 190; John, 112. Rennet, William, 369. Renoun, 35, (16 guns, 32 men). Repayment to Va. Court judg- ments etc. 585. (See "Court decisions.") Researcher, 22. Resner, John, 492. Rest, Lucker, 369. Restall, George, 264. Reubido, Francis and James, 210. Revear, Riviere, Wyatt, 13, 71, 291, 371. Revell, Revelle, Holliday, 193; James, W. 371; John, 15, 62, 113, 290; John B. 371- Revenge, 21, 27, 40 (3), 42, 43, 44. 47 (5). 48 (3)- 53. 59. 64 (2), 81. (See Norfolk Revenge.) Rey. (See Ray and Rhea.) Reynolds, Reynold, Arron, 491; Arthur, 263; Bernard, 368; James, 53, 489; Jesse, 193; John, 27, 30, 38 (2), 43, 48, 51, 62 (2), 65, 112, 210, 264, 372 (2), 494, 587; Joseph, 593; Robert, 210; Wartman, Waterman, 265; Wm. 112, 151, 210, 369, 370. 371. 388, 399, 4i6, 421, 422, 426, 431, 436, 444, 446, 447, 449, 456, 460, 533. 543, 552, 561, 562, 579; Williams, 427. 437- Rhea (See Ray), John, 263; Index 687 Matthew, ill, 151, 489; Philip, 264. Rheam, Sherwood, 264. Rhine, Lazarus, 493. Rhodes, Rhodes (See Rodes), Anna, 495; Elijah, 491; Henry, 6; Jacob, 265; John, 264, 369; Michael, 265, 495; Wm. 210, 490 (2). Rice, Basbel, 190; Bardill, 491; David, 494; George, in, 190, 489 (2), 502; Holman, 136, 315, 316, 495; Holmer, 263; Isaac, 284, 371; James, 210; Joel, 263; John, 178, 265, 436, 494, 495. 538. 562, 579; Na- thaniel, 112, 151, 210, 368, 536; Richard, 263, 492; Robert, 263; Thomas, 210; Wm. 210, 265, 490. Rich, William, 369. Richard, Richards, Boswell, 210, 492; Christian 608; Clement, 492; Dick, 210, 179; Edward, 309, 495 (2); George, 492; John, 6, 26, 30, 62, 369, 372, 493; Lewis, 8, 13, 71, 178, 210; Preeson, 493; Rachel, 493 (2); Rich- ard, 264; Thomas, 489, 490, 491; Wm. 30 (2), 50, 372, 493- Richardson, Charles, 493; Daniel, 23, 24, 52, 62, 112, 151, 217, 265 (2), 289, 370, 371, 493, 495; David, 50; Elizabeth, 513; Godfrey, 263; Isaac, 590; James, 265; John, 318, 371, 466, 495 (2); Lieut. 23, 530; Mourning, 492; Nathaniel, 495; Rich- ard, 490; Robert, 263, 265, 336, 490, 610; Solomon, 217; Wm. 25, 52, 62, 71, 217, 362, 372, 466, 493; Wm. H. 20; Zorobobel, 493. Richeson, Holt, 112, 490; James, 369; John, 489; Wal- ker, in, 490. Richarot, Thomas, 427. Richey, Richee, Richy, James, 381; John, 196, 314, 495; Nelson, 495. Richman, Rickman, Eliza- beth, 490; John, 210; Wm. 112, 490, 526, 550. Richmond, John, 264; Wm, 493- Rickabecker, Henry, 603. Ricketts, Nicholas, 112, 495; Wm. 354. Ridden, James, 493; Robert, 323- Riddle, Riddell, Archer, 263; Clement, 617; Cornelius, 210; George, 21, 62, 178, 265; Millenden and Richard, 265. Rider, John, 265. Ridgeway, Isaac and Eliza- beth, 562 (ch.). Ridgley, Alexander, 490. Riding, Alexander, 264. Ridley, John, 265, 369; Thom- as, in, 112, 266, 494. Rife, Christley, 603. Riggan, William, 343. Rigger, Anthony, 137. Riggs, George B. 5, 71, 372 (3); Jacob, 265, 492; James, 265; Joseph, 210; Joshua, 495; Wm. 4, 71, 193, 217, 372. Righer, Michael, 606. Riley, Ryley, Daniel, 491; Edward, 265 (2); James, 265; John, 264 (2), 489, 562; Patrick, 179; Riley, 210; Wm. 265. Rinehart, Adam, 608; Mi- chael, 603. Ringo, Rings, Ringod, Bur- tus, 210, 368; John, 264. Rinker, Rinkee, Edward, 193, 491, 495; Jacob, 601; Jesse, 491. Ripley, John, 494. Rippon, Rippen, John and Nathaniel, 265. Ritacre, Titus, 265. Ritchie, Ritchee, Ritchey, Abraham and John, 491; Thomas, etc. 372; Wm. 491, 590. Ritter, John, 210. River. Cumberland, 156, 161. Green, Plate 3, 156, 161. James, 39, 42. Little Barrier, O. Plate 3. Little Miami, 0. 156, 161. Mississippi, Town, Plates 4. 5- Nansemond, 25. Ohio, Town, Plates 4, 5. Potomac, First Row Galley, 57- Rappahannock, 7, 26, 39, 41, 43, 45 (2). Scioto, 0. 156, 161. Silver Creek, 0. Plate 5. Tennessee, 156, 161. Riverere, Wyatt, 113. Roach, Absalom, 263; David, 264; James and Joseph, 265; John, 490; Jonathan, 263; Richard, 263, 489; Wm. 264, 489. Roads, George, 265; Samuel, 263; Wm. 493. Roan, Roane, Roans, Alex- ander, 369, 426; Capt. 536; Christopher, ill, 151, 368, 3 6 9» 532, 536; John and Wm. 210. Roan Co. Atty. 529, 530. Robards, William, 491. Robbins, Robins, John, 32, 33 (2), 62, 71, in, 151, 315; Wm. 265, 289. Robert, Roberts, Abraham, 18, 71; Alexander, 265; Am- brose, 369; Anthony, 263, 368; Benjamin, 112, 151, i 6 3. I79i 210, 265, 282, 371, 529. 531, 535- 540, 562, 579; Bernard, 266; Bowling, 492; Burwel S. 495; Captain, 536; Chapman, 595, 605; Cyrus L- 137. 318, 495; Daniel, 491; Edward, 265; Eliab, 179, 210; Elisha, 492; Evan, 688 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia 263; Ezra, 265; Garrad, 369; George, 217, 492; Godfrey, 28, 71, 210; Henry, 266, Hezekiah, 210; James, 6, 70; John, 112, 113, 137, 151, 165, 210, 265, 303, 369, 370, 489, 491, 494, 495, 531, 533, 535. 537- 542, 546, 562 (Heirs), 587; Jonathan, 605; Joseph, 179, 210; 263, 562; Mathew, 210; Moses, 265; Mourning, 194; Obadiah, 265; Philip, 13; Richard, 265, 536; Richards, Robert and Spencer, 265; Thomas, 491, 596, 605; Wm. 17, 32, 112, 142, 151, 164, 165, 264, 265, 289, 291, 292, 294, 3i6, 335. 343. 346, 370. 371 (6), 372 (2), 379, 491, 530, 535 (2), 536 (4), 562, 563 (Heirs); Wilson, 263. Robertson, Arthur, 263; Ben- jamin, 210, 492, 595, 605; David, 490, 595, 605; George, 210, 489, 490; Green, 189; Hugh, 490; Isaac, 265; James, 28, m, 163, 264, 326, 491; John, 151, 178, 263, 264, 489, 492, 515; Joseph, 491, 605; Mordecai, 264, 490; Nathaniel, 265; Rag- land and Stephen, 264; Wm. in, 151, 253, 264, 295, 489, 493. 595, 605 (2); Zachariah, 263, 563- Robey, Roobey, Cader, 372; Reuben, 266. Robinett, Joseph, 490. Robin, Robins, John, 352, 370, 490, 492; Wm. 370. Robinson, Andrew, 370; Ben- jamin F. 425; Charles, 489, 563 (w); Christopher F. 425; Cole, 112, 371, 489; Green, 369; Hezekiah, 304; James, 19, 151, 490, 493; John, 112, 210, 263 (2), 264 (3). 425. 490, 495 (3). 563 (Heirs), 590; M. 369; Mark, 210, 264; Maximilian, 491; Mordicai, 342; Richard, 179, 210; Tully, 113, 290; Wm. 264, 489, 490, 617. Robin- son and Fulton, 617. Robinett, Robnett, David, 263; Joseph, 186. Roboson, James, 600, 601. Rock, John, 184, 190, 489, 491 ; Wm. 491. Rodden, Benjamin, 263; John, 190, 264, 266, 490. Rodding, James, 264. Rodecap and Peter, 603. Rodes, Rode (See Rhodes), George and Jacob, 494; Mary, 415; Michel, 603. Roe, Wm. 38, 39, 62, 112, 370, 490. Rogers, Rodgers, 539, 540, 565, 566; Andrew, 112, 495; Bernard, 491; Boiling, 265; Company of Dismounted Dragoons, 529; David, 137, 151, 178, 210; Edward, 263, Edmund, 535; Elizabeth, 494; Ezekiel, 265; George, 14, 19 (2), 20 (2), 43, 47, 113, 297—8, 368, 371. 372, 564; Henry, 4, 296, 347, 372; Hosea, 264; Jacob, 308, 495; James, 298, 330, 371, 539; Jeremiah, 210; John, Capt. Plate 4, 5, 38, 62, 85, 112, 137, 163, 189 (2), 265, 316, 319, 368 (2), 490, 524, 533 (Troop of Horse), 535, 542, 546, 550, 552, 555. 563 (Heirs etc.); John of Caro- line Co. 564 (Heirs); Peti- tion to Congress, 567, 571, 573. 581, 585. 587; Joseph, 178, 210, 566; Mathew, 540; Melvin, 25, 33, 71; Nancy (Johnson), 539; Richard, 265; Robert, 265, 318, 494, 495; Shadrach, 264; Solomon, 265; Stephen, 264; Thomas, 210, 495, 556, 566; Tully, 494; Uriah, 495; Wm. 22 (2), in, 264, 265, 363, 489, 493, 525, 540, Sr. 592. Roland, Burwell, 493. Roles, Robler, Conrad, 265; Francis, 594, 605; Martin, 606; Peter, 603. Rolf, Daniel, 265. Rollin, Rolin, Rollings, Rollins, etc., Bartholomew, 465; Daniel, 351; Elias, 263; James and John, 264; Lucy, 465; Moses, 495; Richard D. 425; Wm, 265. ROLLISON, ROLLESON, Wm, 179, 210. Rolls, John, 263, 264. Rolls, Muster of Vessels, 4 to 72. Old Dunmore County, 601- 609. Rowland, Thomas, 589, 590. Second Va. State Inf. 531. Va. Artillery, 535. Rolly, James, 6, 70. Rolson, Timothy, 264. Romas, Adam, 6, 70, 217. Ronald, Ronaldo, Ronalds, Jesse, 264; John, 19; Mr. 41. Ronemus, Lewis, 264 Roney, John, 112, 264, 490; Patrick, 265. Ronore, Christopher, 151. Rooch (See Roach). Rook, John, 490. Roots, Rootes, Daniel, 43, 47; John, 112, 492. Roper, John, 491. Rorer, Daniel, 606. Rose, Albert, 494; Alexander, 112, 492, 493 (2), 494; Archibald, 210, 369; Cath- erine, 494; D. 81; George, 266, 492; Henry, 493, 494; Isaac, 274, 491; James, 210, 265; Jesse, 493; John, 210 (2), 494, 617; Nancy, 516; Philip, 137, 151, 274; Reu- ben, 493; Richard, 274; Robert, ill, 151, 274, 490, 494, 617; Sarah F. 433; Wm. 26, 71, 265, 274, 369. Rosegrant, Alexander, 264. Ross, Adam, 279; Charles, Index 689 274; David, 282, 324; Elijah, 5, 71, 210, 370, 495; H. 81; James, 178, 265; John, 25, 52, 62, 178, 189, 210, 265 (2), 369, 489, 493; Jona- than, 274; Joseph, 179, 210, Lemuel, 568; Valentine, 190, 490; Wm. 274, 492, 590. Rosser, Reuben, 569, 576. Rosson, Rossen, John, 264 (2); Joseph, 264 (3); Thom- as and Wm, 274, 492. Roth, Frederick, 370; Philip, 494- Rotheffer, David and Sam- uel, 593. Rough, Lewis, 263. Roult, Richard, 137. Roundtree, John, 210; Sam- uel, 210, 494; Wm. 265. Rouse, Adam, 569, 576; Henry, Jacob, John and Philip, 608. Rout, David, 495; Richard, 495 (4)- Routen, Richard, 489. Roux, Row, Rowe, George, 210; James, 369; Jasper, 210; John, 264 (2), 368; Lewis, 265; Thomas, 263; Wm. 492. Row Galley, First, 18 ("Lewis"), 34, 40, 43, 44, 45 (2), 46 (3). Row Galley, James River, 39, 42, 45 (2), 52 (2); Muters,43. Row Galley, in Rappahannock, "Page," 26, 34, 41, 43, 52. Row Galley, Second, 26, 42 (2), 45 (2), 46 (2), 47. Rowland, Isaac, 265; Na- thaniel, 493; Thomas, 509, 590; Wm, 492. Rowler, John, 608. Rowlet, 52. Rowsell, Rowzell, Henry, 265; Thomas, 264, 369. Rowser, James, 265. Rowsey, James, 263. Roy, Beverly, 112, 151, 492, 493; Jacob, 263; John, 599, 601; Julien, 178. Royall, Royal, Francis, 290, 369, 489, Grief, 369; Wm. 112, 494. Royster, Conquest, 210; John, 19. Royston, John, 21, 71, 369. Rubido, Francis, 178; James, 179. Rucker, Angus, 112, 532, 533, 535, 569 (Will and ch.), 582, 584; Edward, 264; Elliott, 112, 151, 368, 535, 538; Elsey, 264; Ephraim, 264; Jacob, 489; Julius, 263; Lemuel, 264, 265. Rucks, Benjamin, 492. Rudd, Benjamin, 22 (2), 369; James, 217; John, 21, 71, 217; Hezekiah, 264. Ruddle, Ruddell, Archi- bald, 592; Cornelius, 178; Lee and Ann, 371. Rudder, Epaphroditis, 112, 151, 187, 489. Rudolph, John and Michael, 112,494. Rue (?), John, 605. Rufe, Jacob, 603. Ruffey, George, 264. Ruffin, John, 263; Thomas, 112, 494. Rufner, Benjamin and Joseph, 603. Rumage, David, 489. Rumney, William, 137. Run, Mathew, 16, 24, 71. Rundick, Edward, 371; Levin, 292, 371- Runnels, Jesse, Sarah and ch. 569. Runnilds, Thomas, 608. Rupel, Andrew, 525. Rupert, George, 370. Ruse, Russ, Aaron, 264; Jere- miah, 263. Rush, Benjamin, 52, 266, 375; Conrad, 606; David, 265; James, 569 (Will). Russell, Albert, in, 151, 489, 494; Andrew, ill, 491; Benjamin, 179; Captain, 533; Charles, 11 1, 151, 368, 530 (2), 531- 532, 535. 569 (ch.), 587; David, 210; Doc- tor, 23; Elgin, 569; Elijah and Elisha, 265; Ephriam, 491; George, 24; Ignatius, 264; James, 62, 210, 283, 369, 489; James A. 617; Jeffrey, 494; John, 13, in, 151, 210 (2), 263, 264 (2), 265 (2), 536; John, Sr. and Jr. 600, 601; Moses, 263; Pamelia and Penelope, 491; Richard, 264; Robert, 264, 495; Samuel and Solomon, 493; Thomas, 18, 71, 137, 151, 210, 369, 492, 608; Wm. in, 151, 210, 265, 369, 490, 492, 493. Russett, Nicholas, 490. Russey, James, 264, 569; Nancy, 569. Russhare, Francis, 179. Rust, Benjamin, 13, 50, 62, in, 151, 369; Jeremiah, 190; Mathew, 274; 491; Peter, 263; Vincent, 491. Rutherford, Absalom, 264; Archibald, Archable, 265, 608; Julius, 491 ; Larkin, 178, 210; Robert, 265, 608. Rutledge, George, 590; Rich- ard, 266; Samuel, 210. Rutter, Adam, 490; John, 210. Rux, Benjamin, 263. Ryan, Andrew, 178; Cornel- ius and Edward, 265; George, 491, 494; John, 264; Lazarus, 178, 210. Rycroft, Thomas, 489. Rydman, John, 62, m, 289. Ryland, John, 190, 490. Ryley (See Riley). Ryner, John, 368. S , Christian, 606. Sackpole, James, 266. Sacray, Sacrey, Isaac, 267; James, 267, 569. 690 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Sadler, Benjamin, 269; James, 267; John, 267, 268; Richard, 270; Robert, 211 j Thomas, 270; Wm. 268. Saduskie, Jonathan and Sam- uel, 500. Safeguard, 4, 28, 29 (3) dis- mantled, 37 and 63, 38, 43, 44. 49 (2), 53- 63, 81 (3). Sage, James, 269; John, 266. Saggott, Richard, 211. Saile, Sale, Sales, Charles, 569. 579; John, 184, 504. Sailor, Martin, 503. Saint, John Isaac, 268; John Lewis, 267; Laurence Pat- rick, 269. Saint Leger, Wm. 373. Saint Mary, Baptiste, 180. Saint Michaels, — , 180. Saint Vincents, 160. Salisbury, Thomas, 269. Salkie, John, 71. Sallards, Eliphalet, 374. Sally Morton, 37. Salmond, Salmon, Salmons, Francis, 267; George, 497; Henry, 500; John, 267. Salycars, William, 595. Samms, Sammons, Charles, 503; John, 270, 373; Joseph, 268; Reuben, 270; Samuel, 268; Thomas, 270. Sample, Elias, 268; James, 497; Nathaniel, 270; Thom- as, 610. Sampson, George, 266, 502; Reubin, 502; Wm. 211. Samsum, John, 270. Samuel, Samuels, Andrew, 266; Bernard and Green Berry, 591; Day, 269; Gray, 374; Henry, 270; James, 266, 270; Jeremiah, 506; Wm. 211. Bernard, viii, xii, 590- 609. Sandage, William, 524. Sandall, Arman, 8, 71. Sandefer, Samuel, 498. Sanford, Sandford, Sander- ford, Edward, 266; John, 373; Laurence, 44, 47, 51, 63; Richard, 266, 268; Sam- uel, 373; Thomas, 501; Wm. 116, 269, 301, 505. Sanders, David, John, Reuben and Thomas, 503; James, 507; Joseph, 531. Sanderson, Samuel, 500. Sandje, Richard, 18. Sandridge, Austin, 137, 267; Joseph, 267; Larkin, 266. Sandy, Thomas, 374; Wm. 211. Sangston, Timothy, 196. Sanlee, William, 296. Sansum, Sansom, Philip, 115, 152, 495. 503; Wm. 267, 268. Santee, William, 373. Santive, John, 211. Sappington, John, 269. Sargent, James, 501. Sasseen, Richard, 270. Satchell, George, 269, 508; Southey, 508; Wm. 269, 508. Satcher, William, 71. Satterwhite, Satturwhite, John, 497, 507; Rob, 508; Wm. 269, 351. Saulley, James, 503. Saulsbury, Saulsberry, Sa- lusberry, 375; Inaro, 337; Moses, 63, 116, 287, 288, 294. 329. 375 ( I0 ). 376; Newman, 498; Thomas, 508. Saunbury, Philip, 532. Saunders, 39. Saunders, Sanders, 36; Al- leck, 374, 507; Almand, 21 1 ; Captain, 14; Celey, 18, 30, 32, 33 (3). 34. 36, 41. 42, 43, 44, 45, 46 (3), 49, 54, 63, 115, 152, 3 1 7< 372; David, 267; George, 271; Jackson, 211; James, 536; Jesse, 267; John, 267, 269, 372, 500; Joseph, 7. 9 (3). 13. 38, 62, 71, 81, 114, 116, 152, 164, 211, 217, 282, 373, 374, 529, 535, 536; Lieutenant, 537;Neeley,5o8; Presley, 498; Richard, 15, 63, 114, 217, 266, 373; Rich- ardson, 152; Robert, 211; Robert H. 116, 152, 306; Robert W. 508; Sylvester, 266; Thomas, 192; Wm. 5, 23.31 (5), 36, 38, 42 to 44, 45 (2), 46, 47, 49, 54 (2), 62, 113, 152, 266, 267, 269, 315, 358, 373. 374. 525; Zacha- riah, 357. Savage, Bryan, 179; Caleb, 268; Dominick, 179; Francis, 465; George, 502, 506; Har- riet, 375; John, 502; Joseph, 115, 152, 499; Lieutenant, 589; Nathaniel, 115, 151, 372; Nathaniel L. 151, 529; Richard, 506; Ruble, 211. Saveall, James, 190, 266, 496. Savoy, Savay, John, 211, 373. Sawyer, Sawyers, James, 504; Nathaniel, 424. Saxton, John, 501 ; Wm. 499. Sayers, John, 502; Robert, "5. 501, 504 (2), 525; Thomas, 502. Saylor, James, 428. Saymore, William, 499. Scales, David, 211. SCANDLAND, SCANTLAND, John, 268, 508; Wm. 270. Scans, Peter, 507. Scantling, Jeremiah, 268; Wm. 302, 346. Scarborough, Brittain, 268; Isaac, 269; John, 115, 152, 500; Joseph, 270; Nicholson, 15. 7i- Scarbury, John, 503. Scarlett, John, 456. Scates, David, 179. Schiltz, Matthias, 270. Schinn, David, 211. Schleker, Sliker, Frederick, 184. Schofield, Robert, 8, 71, 217; Wm. 217. Schoolcraft, Henry R. and Lawrence, 569. Schooler, Wm. 507. Scioto River, O. 156, 161. Scipper, William, 21 1. Index 691 Scofield, Elias and Wm. 270; Thomas, 269. Scoggins, Ephraim and John, 504- Scorpion, 3, 29, 37 (3), 38, 49, 5i. 53- Scotland, James, 270. Scott, Abraham, 500; Alexan- der, 309; Andrew, 211, 268; Benjamin, 21 1 (2); Cadwal- lader, 270; Charles, 114, 115, 152, 373. 496, 498, 499- 505 (2), 588, 610; David, 116, 504, 506; Drury, 499; Ed- ward, 211; Elizabeth, 500; Francis, 268; George, 267, 269 (2), 271, 500; Isaac, 374; James, 269 (2), 270, 373, 498; Jesse, 211; John, 23 (3), 25, 71, 114, 115 (2), 138, 150, 211, 217, 267, 269, 271, 373, 374. 497. 499. 500, 506 (2), 526; John E. 116, 506; Joseph, 114, 115, 152, 270, 499. 504 (Sr.), 507; Joseph, Jr. 495, 498; Littleberry, 500; Matthew, 268, 500; Obadiah, 21 1; Richard, 32, 71; Robert, 498; Sacker, 269, 500; Severn, 269; Ste- phen, 500; Thomas, 23 (3), 71; Walter, 114, 151, 152, 211, 373, 536, 537; Wm. 116, 138, 143, 152, 190, 217, 267, 268 (2), 301, 373, 376, 497. 498. 500 (2), 507. Scott, Medly and Green, 617. Scovell, Charles, 24. Scow, Alexander, 508. Scrip, Land, 280-319. Scruggs, Gross, 116, 506; James and John, 193; Sam- uel and Timothy, 508. Sea, Philip, 606. Seable (Sibyl), 81. Seabrough, Moses, 266. Seaburn, Jacob, 269; John and Peter, 503. Seagles, Fred, 617. Seagrass, James, 266. Seal, John, 266. Sear, Seare, John, 498; Wm. 179. Searay, John, 179. Sears, Seayres, John, 116; Joseph, 501; Reuben, 269; Thomas, 115, 373, 499. Seay, Seah, Benjamin, 211; Hezekiah, 270; Jacob, 268; James, 267, 499 ; Reuben, 336. Sebastian, Sebastion, Benja- min, 499; Martin, 270. Sebry, William, 499. Seburn, Jacob, 501. Secret, Francis, 24. Second Row Galley, 3, 42. Second Cruiser, 7, 39 (Rappa- hannock), 45. See, John, 503. Seeder, John, 211. Seemster, John, 269. Seevely, John, 270. Seggis, Owen, 373. Seehorn, Seehon, John, 601, 608; Nicholas, 608. Seigle, Frederick, 116, 503. Selby, Taylor, 196. Selden, 376, Seldon, G. A. 505; John, 408; Joseph, 116, 151, 297, 299, 325, 352, 358, 372, 376 (5). 508; Miles C. 73. 505; Samuel, 114, 115, 152, 408, 498, 505; Wm. Wilson, 537; Wilson Cary, 138. 143. 152, 313. 376, 533- 536, 569 (Mary B.). Self, John, 516; Larkin, 190, 499. 617. Sell, George, 497. Sellers, Sellars, George, 592; Mary, 508; Michael, 501; Wm. 508. Selman, Joseph, 312, 374. Semple, James, 535, 566 (U.S.S.); John Walker, 566. Senate (U. S.) Resolution, June 16, '34; Scrip, 280. Sennitt, Richard, 179. Serake, William, 507. Sergeant, George, 536; Jere- miah, 268, 507. Servant, 375; Richard, 63, 116, 152, 284, 375 (7); Wm. 267. Sessy (?), Thomas, 605. Seth, John, 113. Settle, Settles, Benjamin, 374; Strother, 115, 152, 187, 269,499;StrotherG. 116,506. Setton, William, 503. Setzer, John, 179; Martin, 606. Sevely, Joseph, 608. Sevens, Richard, 302. Severance, Azabah and Sam- uel, 570. Severidge, John, 180. Seward, Carter, 269. Sewell, Thomas, 501; Wm. 529- Sewings, Lawrence, 8. Shackelford Shackleford, Alexander, 374; Dudley, 268 George, 270; Henry, 498 James, 266; John, 267, 499 Leonard, 268; Mag. 498 Richard, 211, 305, 508 Roger, 266; Wm. 115, 499. Shacklett, Edward, 501. Shaffer, Daniel, 606; Fred- erick, 184; John and Samuel, 570- Shaflin, David, 211. Shane r, Frederick, 503; George, 501. Shank, Shanks, Jacob, 179; James, 499; John, 179, 211, 507- Shannon, P. Will, 535; Pat- rick, 267, 496; Wm. 179, 190, 267. Sharlock, James, 180. Sharp, Sharpe, Benjamin, 268; Josiah, 502; Moses, 270; Richard, 266; Robert, 502, 617; Thomas and Wm. 507. Sharpless, John, 23 (2), 31 (2), 63, 116, 152, 374. Sharron, Richard, 497. Shatteen, Jesse, 268. Shaver, George and John, 501; Wm. 600, 601. 692 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Shavin, John, 269. Shaw, Henry, 267; James, 268, 269; John, 211, 266; Ma- thias or Mathew, 184; Thomas, 269, 502; Wm. 501. Shayer, William, 497. Shea, Shay, Daniel, 268, 377; Dennis and John, 497, Mi- chael, 266; Patrick, 570. Shearer, John, 211, 617. Shearman, Sheermon, George, 267; Martin, 63, 11 4, 373; Maston D. 269; Patrick, 266; Richard, 267. Sheener, Matthias, 501. Sheetz, Shees, Adam and Frederick, 267. Sheffield, Peter, 340; Thom- as, 374. Shell, Shelle, Shelly, An- drew, 184; James, 538; John, 270; Wm. 506. Shelton, Sheldon, Clough, 115, 152, 496, 499, 617 Godfrey, 266; Henry, 268 Joel, 270; Joseph, 267 Med'y, 267; Stephen, 267 Thomas, 373, 498. Shenault, Benjamin, 269. Shepherd, Shepard, Abra- ham, 113, 496, 504, 525; Adam, 617; Ann, 506; David, 498, 500; Edward, 190, 269, 497, 506; Eliza- beth, 506; George, 179, 211; James, 373; John, 217, 270 (2), 431 ; Joseph, 266; Major, 506; Molly, 506; Nancy, 506; Peter, 179, 211; Reu- ben, 211; Samuel, 21 1; Wm. 267, 506. Shepherdstown, 572. Sherman, Duke and John W. 505; Robert, 496. Sherrald, James, 266. Shers, Michael, 267. Sherwood, Allen, 270; Rich- ard, 268. Shibler, Frederick, 501. Shickard, John, 266. Shields, Shield, Berry, 269, 270; Charles, 266; James, 266 (2), 269, 497; John, 44, 48, 51, 65, 115, 151, 374; John Wm. 211; Nicholson, 269. Shilling, Enoch, 211. Shilton, David, 498. Shingleton, William, 267. Ship, Samuel, 270; Wm. 179, 211. Ship Yard, 58; Chicka, 51; Gen. Naval Magazine, 51; South Quay, 51, 57. Shipe, Peter, 270. Shipman, Laban, 491 ; Stephen, 266. "Shipping Post," Falls of Ohio, 551, — See Falls, etc. Shires, Nicholas, 190, 498. Shirkey, Patrick, 211. Shirley, James, 500. Shits, George, Sr. and Jr. and Mathew, 603. Shively, George, 270. Shoe, Benjamin and Jabez, 606. Shoemaker, George, 269 (2); Leonard, 179, 211; Zedekiah, 268. Shoemates, William, 267. Shokeny, Edward, 211. Sholls, Scholtz, Godfried, Godfield, 185. Shoop, John, 506. Shootz, John, 266. Shores, Thomas, 267, 269, 496. Short, Shout, John, 25, 71, 266; Joshua, 269; Reuben, 266. Shoup, William, 501. Shouse, Samuel, 500. Shrauls, Shrawts, Peter, 185. Shreeves, Shrieve, Shree- ver, William, 184, 506. Shull, John, 504. Shulocke, James J. 211. Shultzman, Matthias, 606. Shumate, Nathaniel, 270. Shurls, Shurlds, Benjamin, 266, 496. Shurman, Martin, 217. Shyreman, Peter, 606. Sibery, George, 32, 71. Sibony, George, 32. Siburn, Christopher, 211. Sickner, John Simon, 502. Sicks, John, 270. Siddle, Stephen, 266. SlDEBOTTOM, SlDEBOTHAM, John, 507; Joseph, 268. Sightburn, Richard, 17. Sigonier, Francis, 180. Silburn, Christopher, 179. Sills, Grey, 270; Samuel, 179; Wm. 269. Silver Creek, Ohio, Plate 5. Silvey, Stephen, 267. Simpkins, Garrett and James, 501; Moore, 506; Reuben, 190, 501; Wm. 268, 502. Simms, Charles, 113, 496; Cuthbert, 21 1, 617; Edward, 372; George, 266, 499; Isaac, 190, 497; John, 267, 270, 351 ; Jonathan, 269; Richard, 268; Thomas, 269, 499; Wm. 268. Simmons, Simmonds, Bryan, 496; George, 373; Isaac, 269; James, 190, 270, 497, 502 (and others); Jerry, 17, 71; Joshua, 190, 497; Spratley, !93> 503; Thomas, 268, 270; Wm. 497, 504; Williamson, 190. Simpson, Sympson, Alexander, 266, 269, 508, 509; Ann, 509; Charles, 508; Daniel, 501; Drummond, 504; Elisha, 4, 376, 504; Greenbury, 269; Hammock, 217; Hancock, 4, 63, 79, 116, 285, 334, 504; Jeremiah, 499; John, 269, 498; Joseph, 270; Peter, 269; Salathiel, 6, 71, 144, 217, 269 (2), 270; Samuel, 266; Spencer, 269; Tabetha, 423, 504; Wm. 4, 71, 193, 270, 316, 508. Sinah, John, 500. Sincheson, Henry, 266. Sincray, John, 211. Index 693 Sindars, Michael, 211. Siney, John, 270. Singleton, Anthony, 114, 152, 445, 498, 503, 505; Charles, 268; Edmund, 270; Freder- ick and Grace, 374; Israel, 270; Joshua, 7, 9 (4), 10, 14, 15 (2), 23, 44 (2), 47, 48, 49, 62, 113, 152, 292, 373 (2), 375; Philip, 270; Wm. 267. Sisinger, Peter, 603. Sisk, Thomas, 597. Sissell, Isaac, 266. Sisson, Sissin, Richard, 211; Robert, 503. Sitse, Sitzer, Sizer, Andrew, 603; John, 267; Martin, 606. Siver, Bernard and Jacob, 606. Skarrett, Skerrett, Clem- ent, 1 16, 309, 508. Skelton, John, 597. Skinner, Alexander, 114, 152, 270, 496, 500, 504; Henry, 190, 497; John, 211, 267; Lieut. 5; Richard, 497; Wm. 5, 6, 38, 40, 44, 48 (2), 63, 116, 294, 375, 581, 585. Skipper, William, 211. Skull, John and Wm. 608. Slack, John, 606; Wm. 179. Sladen, Slayden, Daniel, 267; John, 266. Slagle, Frederick, 270. Slatcht, Cornelius, 269. Slate, Slater, James, 497; John, 193, 267, 498; Wm. 267. Slatham, Slathen, Ro. 183. Slaughter, Arthur, 570; Au- gustine, 115, 374; Cadwal- lader, 266; Charles, 268; Francis, 268; Francis Light- foot, 500, 507; George, 115, 137, 142, 152, 164, 165, 179, 211, 288, 374, 500, 536, 570, 571; George S. 211; James, 138, M3> 152, 165, 530 (ch.), 535 (2), 536, 570, 57i (ch.); John, 115, 137, 179, 211, 496, 498, 499, 502, 506, 536, 571; Joseph, 143, 152, 165, 535- 536, 57i; Lawrence, "5. 138, 152, 164, 211, 269, 53°. 57 1 ; Martin, 270; Mil- dred, 570; Nathaniel, 498; Philip, 115, 300, 375, 495, 508, 617; Robert, 116, 506; Samuel, 372; Thomas, 152, 2", 372, 536, 57i; Wm. 115, I37, 152, 211, 267, 268, 284, 285, 315, 372, 374, 508, 509, 536 (2), 571, 582 (2), 584 (2); Wm. H. 570. Slaughter's Corps, 529, 535, 570. Slaven, Cornelius, 373; John, 5«5- Slayden, Sleyden, Slayton, Daniel, 269, 372; Joseph, 268. Slead, Sledd, Dedman, 211; John, 267; Seaton, 211, 499, 501; Thomas, 269. Slizler, Thomas, 267. Smalin, Solomon and Thomas, 605. Small, Henry, 211, 267, 301, 498; John, 211. Smalling, Solomon, 267; Thomas, 596. Smart, Richard, 7, 9, 10, 14, 62, 114, 373. Smaw, George, 506; Henry, 270; John, 496, 506; Nancy, 506. Smeet, Joseph, 269. Smiley, James, 211, 267. Smith, Aaron, 266, 267, 496; Adam, 590; Ambrose, 268; Andrew, 340; Arthur, 114, 505; Augustine, 560; Au- gustin I. 503; Austin, 211, 268 (2), 270; Ballard, 113, 152, 504, 506, 617; Benja- min, 316, 507; Bernard, 270; Charles, 190 (2), 266, 269, 502; Daniel, 502; David, 211, 179; David L. 458, 466, 476 (3)- 506, 513; Drury, 266; Edward, 114, 505; Elijah, 270, 497; Enoch, 21 1; Filemin, 600, 601; Francis, 113, 152, 266, 317, 372, 373, 500, 502, 505; Frederick, 137, 266, 420; Garnett, 211; George, 179, 211 (3), 266, 496, 529; Godfrey, 319, 508; Granville, 113, 152, 374, 535 (2), 536, 571. 588; Greg- ory, 113, 152, 372, 533 (Col.) Henry, 266, 268, 590, 596; Isaac, 267, 499, 502; Israel, 267; Jacob, 497; James, 113, 190, 217, 266, 270, 373, 497 (2), 501 to 505, 508; James A. 266; Jesse, 266, 508; John, 137 (2), 183, 186, 193, 211, 268 (3), 269 (4), 327, 497. 499 (2), 500, 501 (2), 502, 503, 508, 595. 599, 601, 604; John H. Comr. iii, 6, 33, 85, 154 to 163; John W. 583; Johnson, 269, 502 ; Jonathan, 113, 152, 302, 504, 508; Jo- seph, 113, 138, 179, 211 (2), 267, 268, 500, 504, 508 ; Joseph S. 114; Josiah, 179; Larkin, 113, 152, 270, 496, 509; Lawrence, 507 (2); Law- rence, Jr. 530, 532, 537 (2); Lawrence P. 153; Lawther, 266; Littleberry, 193; Major, 502; Martin, 605; Maria E. B. iv; Mary, 610; Mat- thew, 113, 503; Michael, 496, 497; Minor, 500; Nancy, 438; Nathan, 113, 499; Nathaniel, 211, 266; Obadiah, 113, 496; Peter, 266, 268, 270; Philip, 606; Philip Mack, 524; Ran- dal, 179; Redman, 268; Reu- ben, 267; Richard, 500, 502 (2); Robert, 211, 268, 269, 605; Sally, 505; Samuel, 113, 190, 266, 496, 502, 534, 611; Samuel, Jr. 601; Seymour, 211; Stephen, 373, 502 (2); Thomas, 21, 71, 138, 211, 267, 268 (4), 270 (2), 498, 502, 503; Underwood, 373; Valentine, 606; Weedon, 500; Wm. 18, 23, 31 (3), 32, 694 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia 113 (2), 114, 179, 190, 211 (3), 267, 268, 269, 270, 283, 295. 372, 374. 375. 496, 497. 498 (2), 500 to 503, 506; Wm. S. 113, 152, 496, 505; Wyatt, 503. Smither, Smithers, Smoth- ers, Benjamin, 501; John, 179, 211; Stephen, 190, 497. Smithey, Smitty, Benjamin, 211, 497; Robert, 266, 499. Smock, Henry, 179, 211; Jacob, 301, 496. Smother, William, 499. Smout, John, 600, 601. Snail, Snale, Thomas, 193, 211, 377. Snapp, John, 601; Lawrence, 601, 606, 607 (Jr.); Peter and Philip, 606. Sneed, Snead, etc., Charles, 116, 301, 505, 507; Chris- topher, 503; Claiborne, 267; George, 504; Holman, 497; John, 266, 267, 270, 462, 499; John S. 505, 617; Philip, 506; Robert, 38, 63, 116, 152, 268, 289, 375: Smith, 114, 152, 505; Thomas, 116, 269, 499, 505- Snelling, John, 266. Snellock, Joseph, 211; Thom- as, 179, 211. Snelon, Snellon, Hew and John, 594. Snider, Snyder, Andrew, 535; Daniel, 603; George, 597; John, 603; Peter, 267. Snipe, Nathaniel, 268. Snow, George, 179, 211; John, 266. Snowden, Charles, 267; John, 266; Jonathan, 116, 504. Soles, William, 498. Sollers, William, 496. Solomon, George, 496; James, 268, 509; Richard, 508; Samuel, 23, 71. Sommers, Somers, Abraham, Sr. and Jr. 375; Simon, 115, 500, 506; Wm. 498. Sonner, Philip, 607. Sooter, Charles, 270. Sorrell, Charles, 16, 71; Edward, 211; Elisha, 507; James and Richard, 500; Thomas, 212, 507. Southall, Stephen, 114, 152, 498. Southard, George, 269; James, 269, 270. South Carolina, Glenn, 549; Shea, 570. Southwell, Thomas, 270. Southworth, Henry, 571; John, 212; Thomas, 373; Wm. and Charlotte, 571. Soverims, Souverens, Ebene- zer, 180, 212. Sowant, Sewant, Richard, 21. Sowell, John, 524. Sowers, Frederick, 179, 212. Spalding, Spaulding, Charles, 24, 193. 212, 374; Wm. 374. Spang, David, 501. Spann, James, 268, 497; Rich- ard, 497; Thomas, 217. Sparkes, John, 270; Samuel, 496. Sparrow, Richard, 266. Speak, Speake, Speakes, Jo- seph, 25, 29, 38, 63, 376 (4), 533; Leonard, 71; Wm. 506. Speakman, Henry, 270, 508. Spear, Speer, John, 212, 502. Spearman, James, 373; Mar- tin, 31 (3)- Spears, James, 373; John, 270. Speckhard, George, 509. Speed, John, 193. Speedwell, 43, 47, 52. Spellman, Henry, 600, 601; James, 565, 571. Spenar, Beverly, 498. Spence, Henry, 496. Spencer, Abraham, 53, 270, 373; Amos, 504; Benjamin, 374; Clement M. 375; Eli- sha, 212; Francis, 269; George, 269; Gideon, 116, 297, 375; Griffith, 270; Jesse, 270; John, 115, 152, 179, 212, 267, 268, 369, 502, 533, 536, 571 (Will, etc.); Joseph, II6 . J 93. 3°5. 507; Moses, 269, 501; Samuel, 610, 617; Simpson, 498; Sion, 509; Thomas, 116, 268, 318, 509 (7); Thomas and Jane, 571; Wm. 115, 116, 151, 185, 266, 270, 301, 373, 502 (2), 507, 550. 531 (Spenser), 536, 571, 573. 584. 587; Wm. W. 509. Spicely, Spicey, James, 193, 267; John, 268. Spickard, Spikeard, George, 194, 269; James, 194. Spiers, Caleb, 318, 508; Mar- garet, 508; Wm. 267. Spiller, Benjamin, 116, 152, 533; Cage and Spiller, 506; Wm. 115, 152, I93.3i9.352, 372, 376 (2), 533, 536; Wm. s. 313- Spillsby, Gregory, 376. Spilman, Spillman, Spitman, Francis, 212; George, 24, 193, 267; James, 180, 212, 535; Robert, 267; Wm. 212. Spinner, Jesse, 212; John, 269; Joseph, 560; Richard, 374. Spitfathom, John, 116, 505. Spitler, Spitter, Abraham, 603; Benjamin, 501; Jacob, 603. Spityfathom, John, 501. Splann, Thomas, 504. Spooner, George B. 523. Spore, Henry, 607. Spotswood, Alexander, 116, 315, 376 (3). 377 (9), 503, 588; A. V. L. 376; George W. 376; John, 113, 496, 505, 532; Wm. L., etc. 376. Sprake, Joseph, 28, 44, 49; Leonard, 29. Spratley, Richard, 266, 496. Sprig, Spriggs, Edward, 138; Nathan, 374; Nathaniel, 16, 32, 71. Springer, Jacob, 115, 152, 266, 496, 504; John, 269; Levi, 507; Uriah, 115, 152, Index 695 496, 504, 617. Springer and Beeson, 617. Sprouse, Absalom, 269. Sprowl, Samuel, 267. Spruce, John, 497. Spunk, David, 190. Spyce, James, 212. Stackhouse, John, 500. Stackner, George, 212. Stacey, Stacy, John, 373; Samson, 498; Stephen, 499. Stadler, Stadner, Elizabeth, 460; John, 266. Stafford, David, 267, 268, 504- Stags, Richard, 367, 506. Stakepate, James, 497. Stallings, James, 392. Stanback, Stainback, Charles and Christopher, 268; Littleberry, 71, 217, 374- Stand, Lewis, 370. Standard, John, 267. Standen, Samuel, 266. Standley, Stanley, Frank, 466; Joshua, 196; Moses, 24, 82, 374, 506; Thomas, 266; Wm. 28, 71, 498. Stanford, Robert, 577; Wm. 212, 577. Stannage, Thomas, 270. Stannard, William, Heirs are mentioned. See 610. Stannings, William, 270. Stannup, Lewis, 212. Stanton, Col. 574. Stape, Stapp, Achilles and Archelaus, 266; Thomas, 498. Staples, John, 268; Joseph, 501. Stark, Starke, Starkey, Bur- well, 499; Harriet, 503; Isaac, 267; John, 269; Jo- seph, 268; Lewis, 499; Mor- ns, 503; Moss Starks, 324, 34 6 . 347. 348, 35 2 ; Richard, "5, 152, 496, 503. 504; Robert, 193, 267; Wm. 115, 267, 443, 499- Starling, Richard, 267. Starrs, William, 372. State Legion, 54. State Military Lands, Officers, Plates 4, 5; 567. State Navy, Fleet, 52, 53; List of Vessels,* 3, 35 to 49, 51 to 54; Pay Roll, 53 to 54; Sec. 1, p. 1. Statham, Charles, 212. Statton, James, 268. Staves, William, 212. Stayden, Daniel, 495. Stead, Steed, John, 114, 496, 503, 592, 6oi, 617. Steagall, James, 268. Stearman, Wm. Walker, 270. Steel, Steele, Andrew, 533, 556; David, 116, 504; John, 113, 152, 496, 505"; Lieut. 589; Thomas, 13; Wm. 32, 33i 34. 36, 38, 54. 62, 114, 152, 314. 373- Steeley, John, 504. Steinbar, Steenbar, 46; Steenbarger, 43, Steen- berger, Wm. 138. Steengle, Steagle, Conrad, 184. Steglier, Stigler, David, 212 (2). Stephen, Steven, Adam, 588; John, 507. Stephens, Stevens, 63, Adam, 137, Adams, 536; Charles, 268, 269; Edward, m, 500, 507 (2); Edwards, 498; Eph- raim, 266; Gabriel, 507; Gen- eral, 556; George, 268; Hen- ry. 5°7; Isaac, 267; James, 373. 4°8; John, 212, 268 (2), 381, 498, 499, 501, 502; Joseph, 217, 498, 502 (2); Joshua, 499; Mary, 508; Nancy, 449, 507; Peter, 500; Richard, 1 16, 137, 142, 301, 302, 307, 346, 508 (2); Simm, 376; Solomon, 6; Stephen, 313, 376; Thomas, 497; Warrington, 374; Wm. 114, 217, 268, 498, 507. Stephenson, Benjamin, 301; David, 113, 496, 504; Fran- cis, 502; Hugh, 115, 500; James W. 301; John, 116, 180, 301, 507; Joseph, 507; Mary, 507; R. 500; Samuel, 180; Wm. 116, 502. Jean, viii. Stepkin, John, 268. Steptoe, John, 212. Sterling, Henry, 504, 505; Isaac, 308, 375; James, 270; Richard, 504; Wm. 505. Stern, Charles, 497; David, 503- Stetta, John, 495. Steuben, Baron, 115; Major Gen. 372, 496. Stevenson, John, 301. (See Stephenson.) Stew all, Thomas, 152. Steward, Edward, 266, 267; George, 268; John, 269; Wm. 269. Stewart, Alexander, 212; Archibald, 610; Benjamin, 212, 498; Charles, 116, 503, 507, 617; Doctor, 22; Ed- ward, 312; George, 4, 6, 71; Henry, 502; I or J, 25, 71; James, 190, 269, 503; John, 34 (2), 502; Maxy, 284, 507; Patrick, 497, 502; Philip, 115, 498; Robert, 502; Solo- mon, 212; Thomas, 268; Wm. 270, 372. Stickley, Benjamin and Jacob, 607. Stiff, Jacob, 267; James, 268. Stigle, Henry, 212. Stiles, William, 267. Still, John, 266. Stillman, George, 212. Stilwell, John, 270; Joseph, 502. Each vessel is separately indexed. 696 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Stith, John, 114, 152, 498, 503. 504- Stitzler, John, 607. Stiver, Stivers, Peter, 267; Reuben, 507. Stoke, Robert, 496. Stoakes, Stokes (Stocker?), Allen 270; Benjamin, 374; Christopher, 371, 498; George, 212; John, 114, 152, 269, 374, 497, 506, 617; Nathaniel, 270; Robert, 190, 267; Silvanus, 499; Zack, 378. Stoball, Thomas, 179. Stockbridge, Harbert, 605. Stockdell, John, 464, 499. Stockley, Nehemiah, 506. Stockwell, John, 373. Stokeley, Stokely, etc., Charles, 114, 152, 496, 497; John, 402, 438, 449, 457, 465, 482 (2), 493, 504 (2), 505. 5i6. Stoker, Edward, 504; Wm. 266. Stoll, Wm. 14, 15, 29, 374. Stone, Hezekiah, 269; John, 6, 212; Rowland, 572 (ch.); Wm. 373. Stonebarger, Frederick and Lewis, 603; John, 602, 603. Stoneham, Henry, 497. Stoner (Stonnell), — , 502; Frederick, . Stoney Point, Baker, 143. Story, Daniel and Lewis, 79, 572; Francis, 501 ; John, 501, 506 (2). Stott, Stotts, Isaac, 270; Susan, 508; Wm. 14, 15, 63, 71, 115, 144, 217, 508. Stover, Christian, Sr. Jacob, John, Joseph and Peter, 607; Samuel, 598. Stowers, Lewis, 270. Straley, Andrew, David and James, 572. Strange, Straenge, Archi- bald A. 270; Benjamin, 212; David, 524; Wm. 340. Strasburg District, 605. Stratherd, Thomas, 496. Stratton, Henry, 17, 43, 44, 45. 47. 5°> 66; Isaac, 268; Seth, 190, 270, 501; Thom- as, 16, 43, 44 (2), 49. Straughan, Stranghan, James and Presley, 498; John, 497. Strawley, Andrew, 267. Street, John, 212, 374. Stribling, Sarah E. P. 480; Sigismund 114; Seggermund, 152, 496; Segismond, 504; Wm. 500. Strickers, John, 267. Strickland, James and Si- mon, 185. Strickler, Abram, 598; Ben- jamin 603; Daniel, 598; Isack and Joseph, 603. Strickling, Alexander, 196, 317. 508. Stringer, Daniel (Lewis Co.), 610. Stringfellow, David, 500; Henry, 500 (2), 501; John, 268. Stripe, Stripes, John, 212; Joseph, 269. Strong, Charles and father, 578; John, 268, 269; Walter Edward, Plate 3; Wm. 283, 374- Strother (See 507), Benja- min, 63, 116, 267, 290, 363, 375; James, 212, 575; James P. 507; Elizabeth, 507; Wm. 499- Stroud, William, 558, Strouse, Jacob, 269. Strutton, Absalom, 269. Stuart (See Stewart), Ed- ward, 374; Francis, 217; John, 362; Marks, 374; Maxey, 374; Solomon, 323. Stubble, Benjamin, 270. Stubblefield, Benjamin, 497, 617; Beverly, 114, 152, 497, 503. 505; George, 114, 497. Stubbs, Allen, 499, 500; Ben- jamin, 270, 506; Francis, 373; John, 32, 33, 63, 71, 269; John S. 267. Studison, John, 268. Stump, Michael, 496. Stur, Thomas, 373. Sturdevant, Sturdivant, Charles Wm. 268; Joel, 23 (4), 27, 39, 40 (2), 44 (3). 46, 48, 49 (2), 63, 144, 193, 376 (5); John, 23, 49, 376, 500, 507; John, Jr. 116, 478; Lewis, 23, 71; Wm. 266, 268. Sturman, William, 269. Stutzlegar, Alexander, 607. Styne, Lewis Berger, 271. Styth, Hardyman, 212. Sublett, Benjamin, 496. Suddoth, Suddath, John, 190, 500; Wm. 499, 500, 505. Sudthard, John, 503. Suffroy, Charles, 212. Sugan, James, 507. Suggs (Siggs?), George, 500, Sullins, John and Wm. 501. Sullivan, Craven, 212, 374; Frederick, 333; Harrison, 212; John, 13, 268, 373, 537, 578. Sullivance, Brutan, 24, Sullivant, Clement, 269; James, 267; John, 270; Na- thaniel, 269; Thomas, 270. Sulser, Matthew, 501. Summers, James, 373; John, 267. Summerson, Gavin, 14, 18, 30, 31 (3), 62, 114, 373; George, 18, 71, 377, 498; James and John, 267. Summerville, Thomas, 183. Summilt, Richard, 212. Summwalt, Sumwalt, Henry, 596; Thomas, 503. Sundy, Thomas, 282. Supernumerary officers, 525. Surringer, John, 267. Surton, John, 16. Susong, Suseng, Andrew, 501; John, 268. Sutherland, Southerland, Index 697 George, Philemon, Philip, 267; Wm. 190, 266 (2), 500. Suttle, Francis, 266. Sutton, Benjamin, 270, 499; John, 116, 308, 508; Joseph, 212, 270; Martin, 502; Row- land, 499. Swaine, Francis, 505. Swan, Swann, Charles, 269; John, 115, 152, 268, 500, 505, 617; Ralph, 267. Swarin, Mr. 609. Swart, James, 497. SWEARINGEN, Joseph, 1 13, 496, 502, 504, 505; V. Joseph, 152. Sweeny, Benjamin, 268; John, 212, 268; Thomas, 503. Swift, 353, 359, 360; Ann P. 524; Henry, James, Stephen, 360; Philip, 8, 13, 71; Samuel, 268. Swillwant, James, 499. Swinney, Moses, 270. Swope, Swoope, John, 7, 9 (3), 15, 21, 38 (2), 63, 115, 152, 372; Michael, 270. Sword, Gasper, Jacob and John, 608. Sworden, Sworders, Jona- than, 180, 212. Syder, Peter, 267. Sydnor, Sydner, Cosby, 268; Fortunatus, 500. Sykes, Sikes, Dempsey, 212; Hubbard, 268; Robert, 269; Stephen, 530; Thomas, 270. Symme, Syme, John, 138, 267. Syne, George, 31. Tabb, Augustine, 116, 152, 533. 536, 572; John J. P. 536; Wm. 212. Tacker, David, 273. Taff, Peter, 271. Taffey, James, 273. Talbert, Jacob, 272; James, 271; Peter, 520. Talbott, Charles, 272; Isham, 271; John, 273; Levi, 514. Talf, John, 273. Talghman, James, 273. Taliaferro, Alexander S. 377; Benjamin, 117, 152, 380; Benjamin F. 380, 544; Davis, 272; Francis, 271; Mary, 544; Nicholas, 117, 271, 380, 512; Philip, 139, 152, 533. 540; Richard, 212, 314, 515; Richard C. 180; Wm. Plate 2, 317, 509, 515; Wm. R. 117. Tallman, James, 513. Tally, Talley, Anthony, 514; Billy, 273; Charles, 514; Henry, 271; John, Sr. and Jr. 511; Joshua and Nathan, 272; Thomas, 511. Tandy, Holman, 271. Tankard, John, 536, 537. Tankersley, Benjamin, 217; Charles, 212; Fountain, 273; John, 217; Joseph and Sam- uel 271. Tannehill, Tanneyhill, Company, Capt. Md. 530; Josiah, 118, 380; Thomas, 190, 380. Tanner, John, 378; Paul, 272; Peter, 271; Wm. 510. Tapin, James, 271. Tapley, Tarpley, Thomas, 16, 71, 273, 381; Wm. 8, 16, 71 (2). Tapman, John, 80. Tapore, John, 16, 71. Tapp, Venet and Vincent, 380; Wm. 271. Tapping, Garrott, 272. Tapscott, Ezekiel, 13; John, 8, 13. 5"- Tare, Robert, 284. Tarlick, John, 8, 71. Tarlington, Jacob, 511. Tarrant, Manlove, 190. Tartar, 3, 7, 30 (2), 31, 37, 38 (4). 57. 80, 8i, 139. Tasker, James, 272, 509. Tate, Tatem, Tatum, David, 272; Henry, 118, 512; James, 190, 272, 512; Jesse, 8, 13, 71, 217; John, 464; Mat- thew, 271; Nancy, 480; Peter, 272; Robert, 273, 371, 510; Thomas, 217; Zachariah, 272. Taturn, Zachariah, 510. Tauver, Molly, 452. Tawbert, Christopher, 183. Tawler, Thomas, 532. Tayloe, James, 378. Taylor, Abraham, 180; Ann B. 508; Archibald, 190, 272, 381; Arthur, 273; Ayres, 4, 71, 217; Bartholomew, 273, 377; Benjamin, 30 (2), 31 (3), 63, 117, 180, 212, 272, 273. 377, 515; Captain, 30, 536; Charles, 139, 141, 143, 273. 342, 509; Cranfield, 513; Daniel, 4, 71, 193, 217 (2), 312, 380; David, 212; Edward, 180, 212, 271, 272; Elijah, 271; Eyrie, 339; Francis, 117, 138, 143, 509, 511, 512, 560; Furguson, 381; George, 271, 513; Giles, 273. 515; Hessey, 515; Hum- phrey, 377; Isaac, 117, 164, 378, 380, 530; Jabez, 4, 71, 144, 217; Jacob, 608; James, J 39. I 5 2 , 180, 271, 272 (2), 273. 378, 381, 403. 418, 427, 428, 431, 438, 448, 460, 477, 478 (4), 484, 493 (3), 494. 503. 504 (3). 505, 5io, 511 (2), 512 (3), 514, 516, 522, 523, 529; Jesse, 7, 13, 21, 71, 217; John, 30 (2), 63, "7. 139. 152, 212, 273 (3), 305. 307. 380, 432, 5", 5H, 605; John M. 514; Knevit, 314, 515; Lazarus, 605; Levin, 273; Major, 53, 377; Michael, 32, 72; Levern, 4; Peter, 272,273; Reuben, 117, 509; Richard, Plate 5, 17, 21, 30, 36, 38, 39. 41. 42, 44 (3), 45. 47 (2), 48, 49. 52, 54. 63. 77, "7 (3), 139. 141, 143, 152, 272, 273 (2), 315. 377. 381, 512, 515, 56i; 698 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Richard, Jr. 435; Richard C 303. 5H; Robert, 212, 500, 510, 511, 572, 576; Robeson, 273, 515; Salby, 314; Sally, 515; Samuel, 271, 272, 273, 380; Severn, 4, 71, 296, 379; Stephen, 273; Tazewell (N.P.), 20; Theo- dore, 27: Thomas, 17, 71, 154, 180, 217 (2), 271, 272, 380 (2), 412, 450, 478 (2); Thornton, 117, 271, 510; Timothy, 19, 272; Wm. 117, 212, 271, 272, 273 (2), 377, 378, 414, 509, 511 (3), 512 (2); Zachariah, 212, 514. Tazewell, Litteton Waller, 532. Teagle, Teackle, Arthur, 118; John, 79; Severn, 118. Teapford, John, 273. Tear, Harman, 509. Teas, Wm. 118, 307, 514. Teatsh (?), Arthur, 514. Teavis, 515. Teezle (Tulzle?), John, Mi- chael and Sebastian, 607. Teffee, James, 272. Tellor, John, 273. Teltz, Isham, 272. Tempest, 3, 29, 32 to 35, 37 (5), 38, 78, 132. Temple, Temples, Alexander, 8, 13, 370; Benjamin, 117, 509, 511, 512, 514; David, 271; Frederick, 272; Her- bert, 27; John, 510; Laban, 273; Samuel, 21, 72. Templeman, James, 271. Templeton, Nathaniel, 273. Ten bush (?), William, 509. Tench, William, 271. Tennant, Caesar, 296; James, 25, 40, 44 (3), 46, 47, 48, 71. Tennell, Tennells, Benja- min, 273; George, 510; Wm. 4. Tennessee, Evans, 545; Giles, 610; Jackson, 551; Nash, 557; Robinson, 563; Russey, 569; White, 577. Tennessee river, 156, 161. Terrant, Ceaser, 63, 118, 379. Terrell, Terrill, Edmund, 509; Harry, 304; Henry, 118; Richard, Plate 5; Wm. 29, 48, 71, 118, 381. Terry, James, 370; John, 273; Gideon, 271; Nathaniel, 117, 510, 512; Obadiah, 514; Patrick, 510; Stephen, 271, 377; Thomas, 272, 378, 514; Vincent, 271. Teuell, Tuell, Tewell, Dolly, George M. Harry, John D. Robert, Sally and Wm. H. 513; John, 212; Presley and Wm. 514. Texas, Bell, 570. Thacker, Charles, 271; John, 272; Wm. 271. Thackston, William, 272. Thackum, Thomas, 271. Tharp, Thorp, Tharps, — , 7, 29; Benjamin, 272; Charles, 212; David, 271; Elkanah, 509; James, 282, 378, 384; John, 512; Jonathan, 196, 271. 3*4. 515; Joseph, 271; Thomas, Jr. 513; Wm. 24, 212, 512. Thatcher, Thacker, James, 212; Wm. 13, 218 (2). Thayer, Captain, 588; George & Co. 515; Wm. 144, 196, 5I5- Theel, Levi, 378. Thelabell, Thelaball, James, 513; Robert, 118. Theocatt, Thomas, 512. Thetis, 35, 37, 78. Thomas, Absalom, 273; Amos, 212, 377; Armistead, 363; Arthur, 271; Buckner, 272; Captain, 35; Daniel, 212, 319, 378, 380, 515; Edward, 180, 212, 272, 502, 514; Elisha, 510; Ellis, 593; Evan, 273; Evy (Patterson), 514; Frank, 33, 72; George, 273, 513; Harrison, 273; Henry, 510; Humphrey, 218; Jacob, 510; James, 28, 71, 218, 273, 316, 378; Jesse, 272, 514; Job, 272; John, 6, 27, 44, 48, 63, 80, 118 (2), 271 (2), 273, 288, 292, 303, 378, 379, 463. 514. 58i, 585; John J. 194; Joseph, 272 (2), 510, 514; Levi, 273; Lewis, 117, 510; M. 535; Mark, 118, 164, 312, 330, 347, 535, 536 (2), 545, 572; Martin, 607; Massey, 509; Matthew, 272; Moses, 273; Pailey (Paisley?) 273; Peter, 511; Rebecca and Reuben, 514; Robert, 272, 273 (3); Sam- uel, 271, 272; Spencer, 272; Thomas, 138, 379; Thomp- son, 273; Thornton, 515; Wm. 271, 272, 284, 342, 377, 599, 601 (2); Wm. B. 379, 510; Woodliffe, 272. Thomason, Byars and George, 271. Thomman, Levin and Wm. 512. Thompkins, James, 272. Thompson, Anderson, 139; Basil, 513; Benjamin, 272 (2); Bennett, 509; Brothers, 272; Charles, 39; Clandess, 381; Daniel, 377; Dolly (Tuell), 513; Elizabeth (Tuell), 513, 515; Edward, 219; Flanders, 190; Francis, 513; George, 117, 272, 378, 511, 513; Henry, 378, 510; Jacob, 513; James, 118, 212, 219, 271, 272, 301, 380, 427, 446, 511, 514, 574; Jesse, 513; Jesse W. 572; John, 184, 271 (2), 272, 378, 510, 511, 512, 514; Little- bury, 354; M. 553; Patrick, 509; Richard, 271; Robert, J 39. I 9°, 380; Robert T. 379; Royall, 509; Sherod, 572; Smith, 273, 510; Ste- phen, 514; Stephen M. 273; Thomas, 273, 380; Waddy, 271, 272; Wm. 116, 139, 180, Index 699 183, 212, 378, 5IO, 514, 533, 536, 574- (See Tompson.) Thoornigton, Joseph, 180. Thorn, Richard, 272, 510. Thornbeam, Thornburn, John, 212, 378. Thornhill, Reuben, 271; Thomas, 272. Thornton, Boyd, 273; Col. 576; Horatio, 441; James, 512; Jeremiah, 272; Jesse, 272; John, 118, 212, 309, 514; Pat. 380; Preseley, 117, 272, 380, 511; Tannel and Thomas, 515; Wm, 272, 509; Wm, B. 513. Thorrington, James, 212. Thredgill, Randolph, 271. Throckmorton, Abbron, Jr. 510; Albn. 118; Robert, 512; Wm, 511. Throll, Thrall, John, 50, 52,63, 118,218 (2), 295, 378, 379- Thruston, Thurston, Bach- elor, Plate 5; Charles M. Plate 5, 139, 312, 379, 515 (2); John, 118, 152, 164, 285, 334- 352, 363, 378, 379 (8), 535. 567; Robert, 118, 298, 379. Thump, Peter, 533. Thurman, Thurmon, Charles, 212, 313, 515; John, 273; Moses, 271; Richard, 525; Wm. 273, 515. Thurmond, Wm. 144, 313. Thurston. (See Thurston). Thwates, William, 212. Thweat, Thomas, 118; Wm. 138. Tibbs, Charles, 138; John, 118, 380, 511, 512; Thomas, 117, 380. Tifdell, Ensign, 589. Tigard, Daniel, 212. Tignor, Major, 273. Tilford, James, 476. Tilkins, John, 509. Tiller, Henry, 272; Wm. 510. Tillery, John, 190, 381; Wm. 272. Tillis, Griffin, 180, 212. Timberlake, 561; Benjamin, 138, 271 (2); Henry, 273; John, 271, 272; Joseph, 190, 377- Times, Peter, 511. Timm, John, 190. Timmons, John, 510; Peter, 272. Timpkies, Tompkies, Alex- ander and Ch. 515. Timpson, Samuel, 139, 338, 347. 379 (2). Timsly, William, 512. Tinch, James, 377. Tindall, Polly (Thomas), Reuben and Polly and Thomas, 514. Tinsley, Tindsley, John, 212, 271, 273; John Brown, 573; Jonathan, 190, 381; Samuel, "7, 152, 378, 532, 536, 537. 57i, 573- Tipton, Abraham, 118, 164, 378, 543; Capt. 529, 530, 532, 533; John, 601; Wm. 273. Tisinger, Peter, 603. Titcomb, Michael, 273. Tittle, James, 272. Titus, Joseph, 590. Tobey, Ro. 28; Thomas, 4, 71. Todd, Capt. Co. Foot, 535, 562; Col. 530; Levi, 316, 376, 531. 568, 573; Robert, 117, 164, 378, 530, 535. 568, 573- Toddison, Philip, 272, 273. Toggle, Toggles, Henry, 509, 512. Toler, Charles, 271 ; Wm. 292, 377- Tolin, Tolan, Elias, 380; Thomas, 533. Tolley, Tolly, Daniel and John, 180. Tollman, Benjamin, 185. Tomlin, John, 380; Stephen, 511; Wm. 271. Tomlinson, Alex, 510; George, 212; Hamlin, Hasbert, Joseph and Littlebury, 510; John and Wm. 218. Tommerson, Aaron, 212. Tompkins, 380; Ann. 515; Charles, 317 to 319, 341, 361, 515; Christopher, 14, 44, 49, 63, 116, 117, 290, 375. 378, 509; Daniel, 510; Daniel R. 116; Henry, 116, 380; James, 510; Robert, 14, 44 (2), 45, 48, 63, 116(3), 3!5. 378 to 380; Robert S. 453; Wm. 380. Tompson (See Thompson), Ambrose, 18, 33, 72; Charles, 47; James, 180; Samuel, 344; Wm. 152. Toner, James, 273. Toney, Archibald, 511; Jesse, 273; John, 271; Reuben, 51 1; Vinsent, 509; Vinson, 272. Toogood's Company, Capt. Massachusetts, 568. Tool, Toole, Joseph, 190; Richard, 193, 335, 380. Toome, Toomes, Argalon, 272; Wm. 513. Topham, Capt. 588. Topman, John, 31 (2). Topping, John, 512; Major, 307, 514; Sally, 514. Topscott, Toscott, Ezekiel, 8, 343; Job, 343- Torrent, Henry, 185. Torry, Thomas, 514. Tosh, Andrew, 273. Totman, Henry, 185. Totty, Oliver, 272. Towell, John, 272. Tower, Towers, John, 271, 377; John T. 585; Samuel, 519- Towler, William, 212. Towles, John, 511; Oliver, Plate 2, 117, 380, 511, 512; P. 511; Roger, 511, 512; Samuel, 28, 44 (2), 47 (2), 48, 64. Town in Illinois Grant, Plates 4. 5- 700 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Towner, John, 117. Townley, James, 273; Robert, 212, 271. Towns, John, 509. Townsend, Arabella, 467; Ewel, 500; Francis A. 466; George, 212, 323; Jacob, 28, 71; John, 190, 511; Sydnie, 467; Thomas, 4, 71 ; Wm. 380. Toyer, Peter, 271. Trabue, John, 117, 509; Ste- phen F. J. 557; Wm. 510. Tracey, John, 273; Solomon, 512; Wm. 272. Trade and Department Vessels, 3, 34, 41, 43 (2), 44, 47 (2), 49 (2), 52, 57> 60, 62, 63, 66, 75- Trader, Elizabeth, 378. Trail, Jenny, 378. Traker, Nicholas, 72. Tranham, Trantham, Joshua, 272; Martin, 180, 212. Traut, Lawrence, 187. Travillion, John, 212; Kind- ley, 271. Travis, Travice, Edward, 23, 27. 36, 38, 44 (2), 47 (2), 48. 54, 63, 117, 152, 286, 378, 537, 584. 587; George, 190; James, 193, 312; Mr. 81; Niles, 511. Tray, John, 273. Trayeler, Traylor, Andrew, 607; Wm. 271. Treade, William, 345. Treakle, Treacle, Dawson, and John, 377; Lucretia and Levern, 512; Wm. 212, 377. Treasury, (U. S.) Secretary of, 280. Trent, Beverley, 180, 212; John, 272; Lawrence, 117, 380; Thomas, 212, 509. Treziant, John, 117, 509. Tribble, Joseph, 271 (2). Trice, Dabney, 370; James and John, 271; Wm. 370. Tricker, John, 212. Trigg, Col. etc. 530; James, 273; John, 272. Trinkle, Christopher, 273. Triplett, A. H. 573; Adam, 272; Daniel, 6, 29, 71, 377; George, 118, 377, 380, 532, 537, 573, 582, 584; Hedg- man, 118, 514; John, 379; Nathaniel, 212, 509; Peter, 212, 513, 535, 565, 573, 576; Peter H. 212, 537, 574; Pettis, 180; Reuben, 32, 33, 64- 317, 325. 339, 350, 372, 379 (7); Roger, 118; Thom- as, 118; Thompson, 514; Wm. 118 (3), 271, 377, 379, 511, 513 (2). Tripp, Adam, 510. Troop, James, 273. Trotman, Samuel, 271. Trotter, Troller, Christo- pher, 183, 212; James, 271; John, 190, 510. Trounworger, George, 25. "Trout or Trost," Carter, 28. Trover, John, 213. Trow, Trower, Martin, 273; Samuel, 488; Wm. 413. True, Truit, Wm. 194, 379. Truly, James, 213. Tryer, Peter, 607. Trygler, Daniel, 598. Tucker, Benjamin, 273; Dan- iel, 213, 271, 515; George, 511; James, 381; John, 271; Martin, 213; Michael, 510; Reuben, 272, 51 1; Roben, 273; Silas, 63, 118, 282, 378; Thomas, 213; Wm. 271, 377, 5io, 515. Tuckle, Joshua, 271. Tuckwell, James, 271. Tudor, 272. Tuggle, Tuggles, Charles, 272; James, 509; John, 273; Thomas, 272; Wm. 273. TULLY, TULLEY, TuiLLE, 27; Alexander, 271; James, 219, 272; Mathew, 8, 13, 71, 219; Robinson, 348. Tumblin, William, 18, 33, 72. Tumey, John, 273. Tune, William, 378. Tunnison, Garrett, 318, 515. TUNNELL, TUNNELLS, TeN- nells, George, 271; James, 5, 72, 218, 380 (2); Joseph, 4, 71; Thomas, 273; Wm. 471, 218, 273, 380. Tunstall, Edward, 377; Hen- ry, 510; Thomas, Jr. 509. Tupman, Jake, 23; John, 38, 63, 118, 152, 377. Turant, Manlove, 510. Turberville, George Lee, 117, 513, 525; John, 513; Martha F. 513- Turbyfill, John, 573. Turk, James, 378, 380; Rob- ert, 295, 378; Thomas, 380. Turkey Island, 35. Turlie, Turley, Turlick, James, 333; John, 13. Turlington, Charles, 273; Laban, 218; Tabtha B. 407. Turmalove, Harriett T. 467. Turn (?), Thomas, 596. Turnbull, Stephen, 139, 316, 335, 536, 537, 542, 55i, 573, 584, 587. Turner, Benjamin, 514; Charles, 378; Daniel, 273; David, 514; Elnace, 272; Francis, 381; George, 193, 511; Henry, 213; Hezekiah, 139; Isham, 511; James, 271, 272, 463; Jesse, 272, 509; John, 117, 152, 271, 272 (2), 273, 378, 533, 536; Joseph, 272, 455; Lewis, 271; Maddox, 273; Morris, 511; Nathaniel, 272; Richard, 190, 272, 510; Robert, 273; Simon, 193; Smith, 272; Taines, 272; Thomas, 273, 511, 513; Wm. 193, 379, 381, 511; Zachariah, 271. Turney, George A. and John, 38o, 385. Turnham, Thomas, 510. Turpin, Horatio, 139; John, 23, 24, 31, 64, 71; Lisby, 272; Martin, 273; Nathaniel, 213; Index 701 Obadiah, 378; Richard, 180, 213. Turrell, Edmund, 273; Mi- chael, 213. Turvey, William, 509. Tush, Christopher, Sr. and Jr. 607. Tutt, Charles, 116, 380; James, 13, 63, 118, 296, 347, 379, 380; John, 213; Thomas, 271. Tutwiler, John, 273. Twiford, George and James, 273- Twig, Thomas, 19. Tye, John, 262. (See Tyree.) Tyler, Arthur, 273; Charles, 138; Daniel, 272; George, 271; Henry, 33, 63, 271; James, 272, 273; John, 118; Nathaniel, 273; Wm, 180, 378, 510. Tyson, Cornelius, 377. Tygard, Daniel, 180. Tyler, Benjamin, 511; Daniel, 514; Henry, 380; John and Nathaniel, 510. Tyree, 484; James, 138, 272; John, 262, 272, 273, 484, 510; Richard, 271; Wm. 380, 510, 603. U Ullum, Joseph, 190. Umphries, Umphreys (See Humphries), James and Samuel, 13; John, 274. Underhill, Underill, How- ell, 274; James, 180; Wm. 4, 5, 64, 72, 118, 152, 284, 285, 378. Underwood, George, 603; Gid- eon, 282, 281; James and John, 274; Joseph Rogers, U. S. S. 565; Richard, 213; Thomas, 432. Upshaw (Upshur?), James, 118, 210, 381, 515; Thomas, 118, 152, 381, 537, 573. Urdah (?), Jacob, 603. Usher, William, 381. Utah, Elliott, 545. Utterback, Benjamin, 381, 515. V Vaden, Vaiden, Braddock, 190, 516; Herod, 213; John, 382. Valentine, David, 573; Ed- ward, 119, 152, 274, 381, 414, 421, 430, 472, 473, 501, 5io. 537. 573 (ch.), 581, 585; Isham, 516; Jacob, 41, 45 (2), 50, 65, 119, 152, 381, 382, 464; John, 213, 515, 580; Joseph, 516, 573; Josiah, 119, 152, 282, 536, 537. Valley Forge, Meriwether, Wm. 555. Vanbuskirk, Michl. 601. Vancamp, Laurence, 274, 516. Vance, Joseph, 274, 515; Rob- ert, 119, 515, 516; Samuel, 601; Wm. 516. Vandervall, Vandewall, Marks, 119, 153, 515, 516. Vandiliffe, John, 274. Vanmeter, Vanmarter, Jacob, 529; Joseph, 11 8, 274. 399> 421, 515; Wm. 516. Vanmickler, Abram, 274. Vann, Henry, 515. Vanpelt, Peter, 274. Vanshine, George, 213. Van Sickle, Ab'm, 194. Van Swearingen — See Swearingen. Vardince, Stephen, 274. Varner, Joseph, 303, 382. Vasey, Vanse, Peter, 8, 13, 72; Wm. 516. Vass, Vaase, Voss, John, Samuel, Vincent, 213; Wm. 388. Vasser, Veser, Daniel, 515; George, 274; Isham, 274, 515- Vassey, Peter, 213. Vaughan, Vaughn, Absalom, 213; Claiborne, 119, 153, 515; Enoch, 274; James, 274, 382, 421, 503, Jesse, 24, 193, 213; 274; John, 119, 153, 213. 274, 381, 382, 447; Mathias, 382; Patrick, 516; Richard, 515; Sherwood, 274, 516; Thomas, 213, 312, 381; Wm. 274. Vaults, Valentine, 274. Vause, William, 119, 312. Vawter, Vowter, 532; Ben- jamin, 213, 381, 516; Bev- erly, 516; John, 213, 516; Richard, 274; Wm. 119, 152, 213, 298, 381, 537, 573 (ch)., 587. Veale, Veal, Peter, 180; Sam- uel, 529; Solomon, 515; Thomas, 529. Vegar, John, 213. Venon, Richard, 516. Verar, Veras, Daniel and Joel, 515. Verell, Verill, John, 450, 516; John Moore, 450. Vernon, Vernan, Joseph, 274 (2); Richard, 318; Thomas, 516. Vermont, Jones, 551; Litch- field, 553; Ward, 574. Verony, Joseph, 190, 515. Vertner, Jacob, 274. Vess, Samuel and Wm. 595, 605. Vessell, Vessells, Ephraim, 70; John, 274. Vessor, Ephraim, 28. Vest, George, 516. Via, Gideon, 213, 274; John, 274 (2); Littlebury, 516; Wm. 274. Vickers, Vickens, John, 382; Wm. 283, 378, 382. Victor, Victory, John, 140, 143, 274, 318, 382. Villard, Isaac, 180. VlLLE, VlLLIER, VlLLIERS, Francis, 180, 213; John, 185. Vincent, Vinsant, Elijah, 590; John, 190, 516; Joseph, 603; Mr. 6. 702 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Violet, John, 190, 515; Samp- son, 274. Virginia, 3, 34. Virginia Gazette, 24, 588. Vius, Benjamin, 274. Vogluson, Armand, 1 18, 123, 152, 381; Arnold, 381. Von Steuben (See Steuben). Voushiner, Thomas, 180. Vowles, Vowels, Charles, 119, 152, 290, 381, 536, 537 (2), 573. 574 (ch.); Henry, 119 (2), 152, 381 (2), 382, 516, 533- 536, 537. 574; James, 274 (2); Thomas, 282; Walter, 119, 152. W Wabbleton, John, 275. Waddell, Waddle, James, 275; John, 274; Joseph, 276; Thomas, 278; Wm. 213. Waddington, John, 181. Waddy, Jesse, 276; Samuel, 300; Sharpley, 27, 64, 121, 383; Thomas, 521. Wade, Waide, Acra, 519; Ambrose, 276; Edward, 85, 524; Hampton, 279; Hood, 275; Isaac, 278; Jacob, 277; Jeremiah, 276, 277; John, 306; Joseph, 279; Moses, 517; Obadiah, 275; Pearce, 589; Simon, 275; Washing- ton, 524; Wm. 275 (4). Wadlington, Armistead (Col.), 574; John, 141, 153, 213, 574; Paul, 575 (Heirs); Wm. 574. Wager, David, 276. Waggoner, Andrew, 120, 153, 517. 523; Peter, 181, 213; Reuben, 275; Wm. 520. Waight, Wait, James, 521; John, 277; Paul, 519. Waiman, Thomas, 517. Waistcott, Wright, 36. Wakefield, James, 276. Walch, David, 384, 522. Walden, Elizabeth, 276; George, 522; Jerry, 275; John, 213, 383; Spencer, 371, 521; Zachariah, 213, 382. Waldren, Waldron, Elijah, 520; John, 275, 278. Waldrope, James, 276; Thom- as, 278. Wale (See Whale). Wales, Jeremiah, 277, 600, 601. Walker, Andrew, 213; David, 120, 153, 193, 517, 518; Deborah E. C. 425; Edward, 186, 213, 218, 517; Elijah, 213; George, 309; Henry, 279, 5i8. 59°; Jacob, 119, 517; James, 4, 213, 313, 383, 385; Jeremiah, 277, 518, 519; John, 16, 72, 121, 181, 190, 213 (2), 219, 278, 518, 521; Levin, 120, 153, 291, 383, 533; Mary, 514, 521; Ne- hemiah, 304; Nicholas, 213; Peter, 183, 213 (2); Richard, 190, 275, 278; Samuel, 122, 213, 307; Shadrach, 213, 277; Solomon, 277; Tandy, 276; Thomas, 121, 276, 279, 309, 521; Wm. 213, 276, 278, 279. 382, 516. Walkerhalt, Jacob, 520. Walkhill, William, 276. Wall (Well?), Charles, 213; George, 193, 580; Joseph, 32, 72; Wm. 194, 276, 295, 384- Wallace, Adam and Andrew, 120, 520; David, 120, 181, 213 (2), 276 (2), 590; Ed- ward, 370 (2); Gustavus B. 120, 153, 516, 523; Gustave H. 537; James, 120 (2), 153, 187, 274, 278, 284, 383, 517, 520, 523; John, 275, 383; Joseph, 275; Oliver, 276; Roger, 218; Samuel, 520; Thomas, 120, 153; Wm. 276, 277, 287, 384; Wm. B. 119, 517, 522, 523; Wilson, 18, 72 ; Zebedee, 279. (See Wal- lis.) Wallage, Edward, 72. Waller, Allen, 121, 532; Daniel, 383; Edmund, 45, 47, 48 (2), 51, 66; Edward, 121, 153, 370; George, 270; James, 21, 43, 72; John, 277, 518, 521; Thomas, 276; Wm. 382, 517, 519. Wallerson, Robert, 518. Wallington, John, 536. Wallis (See Wallace), Burr, 605; Henry, 517. Walls, Benjamin and Chas. 213; George, 81, 121, 153 (2), 164, 384, 530 (2), 532, 533, 537, 538, 574, 580 (3), 581; Gideon, 275; John, 153, 184 ("Watts"), Lieut. 532; Martin, 190, 275; Ma- jor, 535; Thomas, 122, 153, 164, 274, 289, 346, 529 (Ens.), 533, 538. Walsh, C. 525; Thomas, 607. Walston, Capt. 581; Samuel, 384- Walter, Walters, Christian, 607; Daniel, 608; Isaac, 64, 122, 278; Lewis, 213; Wm. 276. Walthall, Walthell, Wil- liam, 213. Walton, Matt, 502; Thomas, 276; Wm. 519. Wamsley, William, 295, 385. Wanefold, Peter, 457. Wannemaker, John, 184. Waples, Wapley, Samuel, 121, 522. War of 181 2, Ballard, Bland W. 579; Green, Gen. Moses, 537; Thirteenth Regt. U. S. Inf. 530. Warburton, Benjamin, 312. Ward, Captain, 588; Elna- than, 574; George, 518; Hopper, 277, 279; James, 194, 317; John Wyatt, 218; Lawrence, 520; Lewis, 181, 213; Stephen, 277; Thomas, 181, 522; Wm. 274, 278, 521. Ware, Wares, David, 354; Edward, 213; Elizabeth C. Index 703 385; George, 213; James and John, 274; Moses, 517; Rob- ert S. 450; Samuel, 276; Wm. 517. Warfield, George, 517. Warford, Job, 277. Waring, Henry and Thomas, 521. Warman, Thomas, 119, 187, 306. Warmock, William, 190. Warneck, Warnick, Fred- erick, 119, 285, 286. Warner, John, 517, 520. Warren, Warran, Drury, 521; Gabriel, 278, 384; John, 274, 277, 517, 518; Joseph, 278; Robert, 274; Thomas, 14°. !53. 383. 482; Wm. 277, 564- 594- Warring, Henry, 121, Warrington, James, 4, 72, 218 (2); John, 196; Mary T. 513; Stephen, 4, 72, 213; Wm. 278. Warshaler, Scynthia, 368. Wartens, Warters, Richard, 517; Spencer, 5, 72. Wartillo, J. B. John, 278. Wartzleak, Frederick, 183. Warwick, Warrick, Ab. 275; Frederick, 153, 383; Wm. 383. "Wash," Benjamin, 276, 519; George, 276; James, 184; John, 185; Thomas, 275, 519; Wm. 274. Washam, Thomas, 275. Washburn, Benjamin, 276; John, 275. Washer, John, 213. Washington, 3, 34, 38, 39, 48, 51, 81. Washington, 24, 64; George, 121, 153. 451 (Gen. George), 492, 589; George Augustus, 187, 516; Jane (Acrum), 440; John, 122, 305, 379, 385. 519, 523; Land, 385; Wm. 120, 440, 519. Wate, Samuel, 521. Waterfield, John, 190, 213, 521; Peter, 518. Waters, Watters, Barney, 181; Isaac, 4, 193, 286, 388; James, 277, 383, 518; Jo- seph, 274; Peter, 278; Rich- ard, 120, 153, 518; Samuel, 213; Spencer, 277 (2), 386; Thomas, 278, 518. Watkins, Abner, 275; David, 279, 522; James, 64, 121, 122, 196, 218, 278, 290, 318, 375. 384; Jesse, 384; John, I4°- 279, 379, 519; Joseph, 275; Moses, 276; Robert, 122, 305, 317, 520; Samuel, 181; Sarah, 509; Simon and Thomas, 275; Wm. 53, 196, 213, 318. Watkinson, Levin and Solo- nius, 522. Watlers, Lewis, 181. Watlington, John, 528, 587. Watson, Castillo, 218; David R. 278; Edward, 275; Eliza- beth, 506; Ephraim, 277; James, 521; John, 278; Jo- hannes, 6, 64, 122, 153, 284, 384; Joseph, 277, 601; Joshua, 605; Learner, 277; Levi, 278; Lupheny, 365; Shadrach, 276; Thomas, 2d, 13; Walter, 610; Wm. 274, 603. Watt, Watts, Aaron, 277, 278; Arthur, 279; Benjamin, 278, 279; Bennett, 213; George, 584; Gideon, 518; John, 120, 274 (2), 518, 522; Martin, 519; Mason, 213; Mima, 537; Reuben, 520; Robert, 276; Thomas, 213; Wm. 384. Waugh, George, 560; James, 384; Lavinia, 433. Wax, Benjamin, 276. Way, Edward and John, 594, 605. Wayl (?), "Playl" (?), John, 13- Wayland, Joshua, 520; John W. 590; "History of Shenan- doah Co. Va." 600. Wayne, Benjamin, 196, 275. Wease, Michael, 276 (2). Weathers, Enoch K. 140; James, 122, 153; John, 213; Ralph, 605. Weaver, Weavers, Elijah, 213, 385; Elijah W. 218; Frederick, 213; James, 274; John, 190, 213, 275, 382, 519; Richard, 213. Webb, Bernard and Foster, Jr., Board of War, 81; Clai- borne, 276; Cobbs and Hugh, 275; Francis, 7, 8, 9 (3), 64, 72; Isaac, 120, 518; James, 16, 33, 72, 213, 274, 278, 383; Jephey, 18; John, 81, 120, 153, 274, 277, 317, 318, 382, 516; Joseph, 5, 72, 278, 370; Lewis, 316; Lieut. 589; Richard, 382; Robert, 4, 64, 79 (2), 122, 277, 278, 285, 386; Tarpley, 32, 72, 278; Thomas, 383; Wm. 213, 274, 427, 592. Webber, Christopher, 278; George, 529; Philip, 519; Wm. 213, 274. Webby, John, 275. Weblin, William, 213. Webster, Richard, 279, 521. Wedgbar, William, 518. Weed, Robert, 140. Weeden, Weedon, Augus- tine, 383, 517; General, 520, 535; George, 119, 140, 153 (2), 357. 383. 5i6, 588; Joel, 213. Weeks, Samuel, 278. Weelman, William, 278. Weh. (Neil?), Priesley, 9. Weirs, James, 277. Welbourne, William, 277. Welch, Welsh, Benjamin, 519; Dominick (?), 383; George, 276; Isaac, 519; James, 274, 277, 519; John, 278, 521; Jonathan, 517; Joseph, 276; Joshua, 278; 704 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia Lucy, 382; Major, 575; Na- thaniel, 385, 533, 540, 548, 553. 557. 569. 572, 575. 576, 579. 584. 587; Nathaniel J. 575; National, 119, 153.309, 382, 575; Oliver, 385, 575; Patrick, 15, 28, 72, 218, 519; Robert, 190, 518; Sampson, 278; Sylvester, 519. Weldy, Welday, Welody, George, 382; Wm. 278, 520. Wells, 530; Aaron, 520; George, 521; Henry, 608; James, 518; Jeremiah, 275; John and Nathan, 184; Rob- ert, 608; Samuel, 184; Thom- as, 275; Zachariah, 279. Welton, Daniel, 180; James, 28, 72. Wemate, Conrad, 181. Wempy, Thomas, 213. Wender, Elizabeth, 458. Wenn, John, 274. Werter, William, 383. West, Ann B. 522; Beriah, 521; Charles, 121, 383, 520; Henry, 275; James, 7, 13, 72, 277, 608; John, 80, 181, 213; Joseph, 274; Major, 277; Nathaniel, 276; Ran- dolph, 193, 278; Reuben, 276, 278; Thomas, 121, 276, 277. 278, 313. 383. 522; Wm. 8, 275, 278, 373, 608. Westcott, Westcoat, Wright, 15, 29, 35, 38, 41, 49, 51. 54. 153, 382, 525- Westerhouse, Thomas, 278. Western Army, 165, 530, 532, 533; Country, letter, 551, affidavits, 563 to 568, 578; Department, 552. Westfall, Abell and Cor- nelius, 140; Abram, 279; Cor- nelius, 277; Jacob, 276, 277; John, 276. Westmoreland, James, 213; Jesse, 383. Weston, Diggs, 317; Thomas, 278. Wethers, Benjamin, 181. Weymouth, John, 277. Whale, Wale, George, 277, 605; John, 8, 13, 72, 382; Wm. 194, 277. Whaly, Whaley, Wheely, Benjamin, 551, 577; James, 277; John, 522; Thomas, 277- Wharton, John, 72, 218, 278; Reuben, 213; Robert, 278; Samuel, 277, 278; Spencer, 385- Wheat, Jacob, 181, 213; John, 283. Wheatley, Shadrach, 276; Wm. 186, 521. Wheaton, Jacob, Reuben (ch.); Thomas, 577. Wheedon, George, 517, 522. Wheel, Jacob, 181. Wheeler, Whealer, Ed- ward, 277; James, 275, 520; John, 181, 213, 277, 278, 382, 520; Joseph, 19. Wheely, George, 279; John, 382. Wherley, Whirley, Mathew, 520; Peter, 213, 520. Whileman, Henry, 214. Whipple, Jacob, 277; Wm. 275- Whistler, Seconey, 520. Whitaker, Whitacre, etc., Daniel, 213; David, 181; James, 312, 382; John, 276; Thomas, 521; Wm. 120, 518. White, Abraham, 384; Am- brose, 196, 313; Anthony M. 521; Anthony W. 121; Ar- mistead, 276; Benjamin, 213, 521; Caleb, 190, 521; David, 610; Dudley, 277; Edward, 518; Elias, 122; Elisha, 308; Galen, 277; Garland, 577; George, 520; Gillen, 218; Halloway, 279; Hezekiah, 278; Isham, 523; Jacob, 339; Jacobus, 6, 64, 79 (2), 122, 288; James, 53, 276, 383 (2), 517, 520, 521, 537; Jedediah, 523; Jesse, 521; John, 5, 15, 26, 119, 120, 218 (2), 274, 275 (3), 276, 278, 279, 517, 519, 521, 522; John S. 275; Joseph, 278, 522; Laden, 181; Levin, 278; Lodin, 213; Lewis, 276; Nathan and Obadiah, 277; Randal, 180; Randolph, 213, 337; Rawley, 535; Rawley, Sr. 577; Rhodam, 275; Rich- ard, 517, 577; Richard P. 140, 383; Robert, 119, 153, 180, 218, 277, 385, 516, 520, 522, 610; Samuel, 275, 519; Solomon, 278; Southey, 278; Tarpley, 120, 518, 522; Thomas, 120, 153, 213, 340, 383, 519, 537, 577 (will), 582, 584; Wm. 4, 5, 53 (2), 64, 120 (2), 121, 122, 153 (2), 181, 213, 214, 274, 277, 382, 516, 518 to 521, 523, 582, 584, 598, 610; Wm. S. 38, 286, 385 (3). Whitecotton, James, 214, 535, 537, 562. Whitehead, John, 28, 278, 369; Robert and Wm. 180, 214. Whitehorn, Barton, 605; Thomas, 275. Whitehurst, John, 278; Sam- uel, 218. Whitetors, Levi, 518. Whitfield, Edward and Hay- nes, 383; Wm. 277, 279. Whitick, Henry, 603. Whiting, Beverly, 121, 522; Francis, 121, 516, 523; Henry, 120, 519; Thomas, Comr. 53, 81; Wm. 276. Whitley, Ishmael, 276; Raw- ley, Sr. 564. Whitlock, John and Wm. Adams, 275; James and John, 214; Thomas, 279. Whitlow, Francis, 382; Mi- chael, 519. Whitman, John and Wm. 275. Whitmore, Christomore, 274; Wm. 382, 520. Index 705 Whitney, William, 214. Whitsers, Jacob, 521. Whitson, Anthony, 520; Charles, George, John and Joseph, 597; Will, Sr. and Jr. 598. Whitt, Richard, 13; Wm. 564. Whitten, Daniel, 181; John, 274. Whorton, John, 218 (See Wharton). Wicking, James, 8. Wickliff, Wickliffe, David, 275; Moses, 277. Wickman, Conrad, 607. Widdows, Robert, 384. Widewelt, John, 214. Wien, Travis, 520. Wiggins, Wilson, 278. Wigginton, John, 277. Wigley Wiggle, Wikle, George, 422; Jacob, 603; Job, 277, 520. Wigliff, Benjamin, 277. Wilber, James, 196. Wilburn, Richard and Wm. 278. Wilcocks, Wilcox, John, 214; Robert, 277; Wm. 274. Wilder, Wilders, George, 8, 13. 383; James, 13,218,383. Wildy, George, 275, 277; John, 275. Wiles, George, 278; Reuben, 218. Wiley, Willey, Alexander, 521; George, Jr. 382; Joseph, 275- Wilhert, Gabriel, 275. Wilhiby, Jesse, 519. Wilkerson, Benjamin, 275, 277. 384; James, 274; John, 277; Joseph, 214, 276, 277, 278; Mark, 277; Nathaniel, 274 (2); Robert and Samuel, 275; Thomas, 302, 519; Weedon, 274; Wm. 32, 72, 181, 275, 575, 578 (ch.); Young, 121. Wilkes, 35. Wilkins, Wilkin, James, 370; John, 16, 72; Nathaniel, 121, 303- 304, 309. 313, 341. 385; Peter, 277; Robert, 522; Thomas, 190 (2), 275, 276, 518, 521; Wm. 279. Wilkinson, Barnabas, and Drury, 519; Ichabod and Anne, 578 (ch.); John, 214, 521; Reuben and Cynthia, 578 (ch.); Stephen, 16, 24, 72; Thomas, 384. Wilks, Benjamin, 214; Bur- well, 518. Willard, John, 194, 317. Willeroy, James, 275. Willerson, David, 519. Willet, Daniel P. 17; Na- than and Waitman, 277. Willhite, Jesse, 276. William, Arthur, 276; James and John, 517. William Lass, 35. Williams, Alexander, 520; Ann, 453; Arthur, 279; Ben- jamin, 274, 598; Bennett, 277; Captain, 35; Charles, 342; Christopher, 382; Clarke, 275; Daniel, 181, 214, 520, 521; David, 120, 153, 274 (2), 517; Edward, 119, 275, 277, 517; Elisha, 275; Francis, 275; George, 181, 214, 517; Gerard, 538; Henry, 279 (2), 518; James, 15, 29, 72, 119, 153, 276, 450; Jared, 153, 580; Jar- rett, 120, 164, 383, 538; Jasent, 580 (2); John, 16, 23, 24, 27, 28, 72 (2), 121 (2), *53 (2), 164, 181, 214, 218, 278, 279, 289, 292, 329, 380, 382 (2), 384, 418, 517, 519, 520, 530, 533, 536, 538, 556, 574. 578, 603; John R. 578; Jonathan, 278; Joseph, 608; Joshua, 277; Lew, 578; Lew- is, 278, 279; Major, 535; Mathew, 214; Meredith, 16, 72; Moses, 8; Nathaniel, 520; Otho O. 524; Peter, 278; Philemon, 382; Pierson, 274, 277, 278; Redman, 276; Rice, 382; Richard, 214; Robert, 275, 427, 522; Ro- ger, 274, 277; Roland, 214; Rolling, 274; Sally Madison (Bird), 591; Samuel, 279; Seth, 277; Shadrach, 277; Sophia, 418; Thomas, 279 (2), 323. 521; Vincent, 274; Walter, 277; Willett, 385; Wm. 15, 72, 276 (2), 277, 278 (2), 279, 323, 383, 385, 517, 605; Wm. Twyman, viii, xii, 590-609; Willis, 385; Zachariah, 181, 214, 274; Zebediah, 323. Williamsburg, 558, 567, 573, 576, 588. Williamson, Charles, 214; George, 279; Henry, 276; John, 64, 122, 522; Joseph, 522; L. S. 382; Thomas and Vincent, 277; Wm. 214. Willis, Wills, Bartlett, — ; Col's Minute Men, 556; Ed- ward, 121, 277; George, 190; Henry, 7, 13, 15, 64, 120, 276, 278, 385; Jacob, 214; James, 72, 218, 370; John, 382, 517, 523; John W. 119, 153, 522; Labin, 276; Lewis, 275; Nancy T. 480; Samuel, 275; Thomas, 121, 582; Wm. 218, 274, 275, 518, 590; Willis, 34, 47, 64. Willitt, Daniel P. 72. Willoughby, Edline, 302; Henry, 274; James and Wm. 194; John, 279; Walker, 274; Wm. 275, 519. Willy, Elizabeth, 330. Wilman, Jacob, 278. Wilmot, 121. Wilson, Alvin, 13, 218; Arch- er, 277; Archibald, 601; Benjamin, Plate 13, 609, 617; Cornelius, 277; Daniel, 277; David, 275, 303; Ed- ward, 276, 279, 594, 605; Ephraim, 278; George, 122, 295. 298, 317- 3i8, 347. 349, 706 Revolutionary War Records, Virginia 350, 358 (2), 380 (2), 385 (2), 432; Henry, 218, 522; Isaac, 383 (2); James, 19, 38, 274 (2), 277, 278, 385, 517, 520, 521; John, 15, 16, 17 (2), 32, 33 (2), 64, 72, 121, 181, 186, 214, 218, 276 (2), 278, 279, 382, 386, 518, 521; Joseph, 19, 20, 64, 276; Levin, 4; Macey, 517; Peter, 276, 383; Robert, 607; Samuel, 28, 31 (3), 64, 72 (2), 80, 218; Shelton, 275; Stacy, 190; Thomas, 121, 153, 214, 278, 334, 538, 543. 562, 578; Whitfield, 521; Wm. 214 (2), 279, 600, 601; Willis, 5, 18, 36, 45, 54- 56, 81, 119, 120, 153 (2), 289, 318, 347, 383, 516, 523, 525. Wilton, Daniel, 176. Winberry, William, 214. Winbish, John, 519. Winbrough, Winbro, Eben, 194; Eburn, 218, 385. Winchester, George, 121. Winchester, Va. 571, 575, 576. Winder, Jesse, 518. Windlebury, Robert, 276. Windon, Window, Henry, 522; Wm. 278. Wine, Jacob, 275. Winfree, Winfrey, Austin, 2 75, 279; Henry, 277; John, 275; Major, 276; Reuben, 278. Wingall, Martin, 520. Wingart, Wingate, Elias, 522; Philip, 603. Wingfield, Charles, Chris- topher and Joseph, 524; James, 522; John, 275, 278. Wingo, Joshua and Wm. 276. Winham, William, 519. Winiford, David, 275. Winkler, Thomas, 279. Winlock, Joseph, 121, 153, 276, 516, 522. Winn, Boiling, 214; Clarke, 274; Harrison, 521; James, 277; Richard, 276. Winnings, John, 276. Winphrey, John, 518. Winsett, Silas, 454. Winslow, Benjamin and Thomas, 516. Winsor, Christopher, 181. Winston, Winstone, Benja- min, 119; Christopher, 214; James, 514; John, 119, 140, 2 7°, 517; Mary (Stevens) 508; Robert, 384; Wm. 120, 153, 275, 278, 518; Wilmore, 279. Wintcoll, Captain, 46. Winter, Winters, George, 517; Stephen, 190, 517. Wise, Wiser, Whise, Chris- tian, 607; Clarke, 276; Ed- ward, 316; Henry, 275; John, 277, 663; Mikehel, 603; Rhoder, 276; Samuel, 275; Spencer and Tully, 278. Wisely, John, 276. Wishart, Thomas, 121. Wislers (Wisler?), Chris- tian, 608. Wismate, John B. 214. Wissells, John, 196. Witcher, William, 276. Witherall, John, 520. Witherford, William, 276. Withers, Benjamin, 214; Enoch, 279; James, 122, 297, 385- 579; Wm. 121 Witlow, Francis, 295. Witson, John Maddox, 520. Witt, Jesse, 523; Randolph, 520; Robert, 214 (2). Witten, William, 274. Witzell, George, 591. Wixler, Michael, 277. Wolf, Andrew, 521; Michael, 276. Wolfenberger, Philip, 521. Wolfer (?), John, 520. Wollage, Edward, 15. Wollard, Woller, John, 383, 596, 607. Womack, David, 279. WONEYCUTT, WONICUTT, WOR- reycott, Edward, 14, 17, 38, 45 (2), 64, 122, 298, 339. Wood, Woods, Alexander, 190; Allen, 13; Archibald, 578, 579; Benjamin, 190; Boul- din, 140; Charles, 181, 214; Clelland, 579; David, 277; Edmund, 279; Edward, 382; Eswark, 521; Isom, 597; James, 32, 72, 119, 153, 516, 518, 521, 578; Jesse, (C), 517, 559; John, 214, 218, 276, 277, 279, 383, 385, 518, 520, 521, 590; John L. 290, 384; Jonathan, 590; Joseph, 517, 578; Lewis, 214; Matthew, 278; Nicholas, 518; Philip, 218, 382; Robert, 382, 590; Samuel, 576, 579; Sarah, 521; Thomas, 8, 13, 72, 218, 274, 517; Timothy, 194, 275, 315. 385; William, 32, 33 (2), 72, 214, 278, 385, 386, 517, 518, 521, 595, 605; Zachar- iah, 274. Woodall, David, 275. Woodbridge, Joseph, 284. Woodbury, Levi, Secy. Treas. 280. Woodcock, John, 516. Wooden, John, 274; Mathias, 194. Woodford, 575; Frederick, 592; John, 518; W. 532; Wm. 120, 316, 518, 588. Woodham, Samuel, 214. Woodhouse, John, 279. Woodley, Thomas, 519. Woodlief, Thomas, 427. Woodroof, Woodruff, Hu- den and Jesse, 276; John, 140, 589. Woodrow, Andrew, 140; Charles, 274. Woodson, Abealom, 275, 519; Charles, 274; Charles Joh. 538; Charles Friend and Charles Vandeveer, 579; Frederick, 119, 153 (2), 382, 530, 532, 535, 538, 561, 579 (ch.), 581, 582, 584; Hughes, 120, 518; James, 279; John, 276, 5 J 7; Joseph, 121, 523; Index 707 Obadiah, 302 to 304; Rob- ert, 121, 153, 516; Samuel, 140; Stephen, 532; Tarleton, 120, 518, 523; Wm. 121. Woodstock, 591, 609. Woodville, James L. 466. Woodward, Benjamin, 277; Charles,, 323; I. 482; Jacob, 214 (2); Lewis, 569, 579; Micajah, 277; Thomas, 278; Wm. 276. Woody, Micajah, 214. Wooldridge, Daniel, 532; John, 276; Joseph, 384. Woolf, George, 519. Woolfolk, Francis, 140; Thomas, 518; Wm. 121, 301, 519- Woolford, Solomon, 302, 522. Woolsey, Woosley, Aaron and Moses, 519; Wm. 275. Wooster, John, 193; Wm. 519. Wooton, Wooten, Thomas, T 9«. 275, 519; Wm. 19. WORALING, John, 328. Word, Hugh, 521; Thomas, 275- Workman, Conrad, 181, 214. Worley, Zachariah, 278. Wornach, Ephraim, 519. Worreycott, Edward, 38. (See Woneycutt.) Worsham, Henry, 278; John, 120, 214, 519; Joseph, 279; Joshua, 522; Richard, 121, 153, 516; Wm. 121, 277, 520. Worth, Worthan, Miles, 5; Wm. 383. Worthington, Cavalry, Do- now, 171; E. R. 495; Ed- ward, 140, 143, 153, 165, 314. 330, 335. 363. 376, 540, 562, 579. 584. 587- Worton, John, 15. Wray (See Ray, Rhea), George, 32, 33, 64, 72, 404; Henry and Clarissa, 580; Lewis, 181; Philip, 278; Thomas, 181. Wren, Alexander, 296, 383; James, 214; Nathan, 122, 306, 307; Robert, 384. Wright, Abel, 523; Captain, 537. 559; Charles, 275; George, 274, 523; Ignatius, 595; James, 120, 153, 276 (2), 290, 384, 519, 520; Jarrott, 384; Joel, 479; John, 184, 274; 277, 278, 518, 522, 523, 596; Lucy (Claiborne), 417; Martha, 407; Mary, 441; Moses, 520; Obadiah, 278; Parsons, 277; Patrick, 120, 153. 382, 383, 385; Reuben, 276; Richard, 277, 383; Robert, 275, 517; Ro. B. 277; Starke, 275; Stephen, 530; Thomas, 190, 274, 278, 279. 517. 521; Westcott, 64, 119. 385; Wm. 181, 214,274 to 277. Wroe, Thomas and Wm. 279. Wyatt, Benjamin, 517; Cary, 120, 153 (2), 382, 536, 537; Edward, 384; Francis, 276; George, 383; Henry, 278; Hubbard, 391; John, 214, 278, 5 T 7. 523; Lewis, 275; Major, 530; Pitman, 275; Revier, 371; Richard, 275; Wm. 381, 517. Wyckoff, Abram, 274. Wyndham, Jesse, 214. Wyne, Benjamin, 518. Yager, Yeager, Andrew, 607; Henry and Samuel, 279; John, 319; Joseph, 592. Yancey, John, 122; Leighton, 122, 386; Robert, 122. Yarborough, Yarbrough, Charles, 122, 141, 153, 187; Joel, Joseph and Richard, 279. Yarrington, John and Philip, 279. Yates, Yeates, Bartholomew, 122; Benjamin Y. 384; George, 122, 153; Isaac, 181, 214; John, 122, 153, 214, 386, 536, 538, 580; Robert, 29 (2), 122; Wm. 343, 384. Yaydon, Joseph, 214. Yeatman, Charles, 296, 334, 386. Yopp, John, 270. York, Va. 534 (Collector), 551, 561. York river, 42, 44, 45 (2). Yost, Jacob, 601, 607. Young, Captain, 535; Duncan, 185; E. 601; Edwin, 608; Henry, 122, 153, 438; Hugh, 214; James, 214, 279; John, 53, 181, 214, 279; Lewis, 279; Robert, 122, 422, 525, 608; Samuel, 279; Sinnit, 598; Stephen, 279; Thomas, 122, 153, 164, 386, 532, 533 (Capt.), 535, 538; Thomas P. 559; Tinsley, 279; Walter and William, 279. YOUNGBLOOD, 24. YOUNGHUSBAND, I. or J. 24, 41, 47; Isaac, 52, 64. Zachary, John, 279 (2). Zane, Isaac, 609. Zapore, John, 16. Zephaniah, Posey, 279. Zimmerman, Christopher, 279; Frederick, 181, 214. Zuckledz, William, 181. UN, VERSIfy0F|LL|N0(S(jRBANfl - i£l[2025363836