HOUSE BILL 101 I STAHL - YARLING BILL AN ACT to provide for the encouragement, maintenance and supervision of vocational education in industries, agriculture and domestic sci- I ence. I [H. 101. Approved February 22, 1913.] Vocational Education. Section 1 Be it enacted hij the general assembly of the Mate of Indiana, The following words and phrases as used m this act shall, unless a different meaning is plainly re- quired by the context, have the following meanings: 1. " Vocational education ' ' shall mean any education the wmtrollmg purpose of which is to fit for profitable employ- 2. "Industrial education" shall mean that form of vo- cational education which fits for the trades, crafts and wage-earning pursuits, including the occupation of girls and women carried on in stores, workshops, and other es- Itablishments. 3. "Agricultural education" shall mean that form of vocational education which fits for the occupations con- nected with the tillage of the soil, the care of domestic ani- mals forestry and other wage-earning or productive work |on the farm. 4. "Domestic science" education shall mean that form tot vocational education which fits for occupations connected |with the household. 5^ "Industrial, agricultural or domestic science school ir department" shall mean an organization of courses, pu- pi s and teachers designed to give either industrial, agri- euitural or domestic science education as herein defined pnder a separate director or head. 6. "Approved industrial, agricultural or domestic sci- ence school or department" shall mean an organization Mnder a separate director or head, of courses, pupils and Naehers approved by the state board of education designed fo give either industrial, agricultural or domestic science pducation as herein defined. 7. "Evening class" in an industrial, agricultural or do- lestic science school or department shall mean a class giv- Mig such training as can be taken by persons already em- 2 ployed during the working day, and which in order to be called vocational must in its instruction deal with the subject-matter of the day employment, and be so carried on as to relate to the day employment; but evening classes in domestic science relating to the home shall be open to all women over seventeen who are employed in any capacity during the day. 8. Part-time classes" in an industrial, agricultural or domestic science school or department, shall mean a voca- tional class for persons giving a part of their working time to proj&table employment and receiving in the part-time school or department, instruction complimentary to the practical work carried on in such employment. To give a part of their working time such persons must give a part of each day, week or longer period to such part-time class during the period in which it is in session. Establishment of Schools. Sec. 2. Any school city, town or township may through its board of school trustees or school commissioners or township trustee, establish vocational schools or depart- ments for industrial, agricultural and domestic science ed- ucation in the same manner as other schools and depart- ments are established and may maintain the same from the common school funds or from a special tax levy not to ex- ceed 10 cents on each $100 of taxable property, or partly from the common school funds and partly from such tax. School cities, towns and townships are authorized to main- tain and carry on instruction in elementary domestic sci- ence, industrial and agricultural subjects as a part of the regular course of instruction. Classes — How Divided. Sec. 3. In order that instruction in the principles and practice of the arts may go on together, vocational schools and departments for industrial, agricultural and domestic science education may offer instruction in day, part-time and evening classes. Such instruction shall be of less than college grade and be designed to meet the vocational needs of persons over 14 years of age who are able to profit by the instruction offered. Attendance upon such day or 1- V part-time classes shall be restricted to persons over 14 and under 25 years of age; and upon such evening classes to persons over 17 years of age. Co-operative Schools. Sec. 4. Two or more school cities, towns or townships or combinations thereof, may co-operate to establish and maintain vocational schools or departments for industrial, agricultural or domestic science education or in supervising the same, whenever the school board or township trustees of such school cities, towns or townships shall so determine and apportion the cost thereof among the cities, towns and townships co-operating. Whenever such co-operative schools or departments have been determined upon by any school cities, towns or townships, or combination thereof, the presidents of the school boards of the cities or towns and the township trustees of the townships co-operating shall constitute a board for the management of such school or department, such board may adopt for a period of one year or more, a plan of organization, administration and "support for such school or department and the plan, if approved by the state board of education, shall constitute a binding contract between cities, towns and townships en- '2 tering into a co-operation to support such schools an J ^ courses which shall be cancelled or annulled only by the vote of a majority of the school boards or township trus- 1^ tees of such school cities, towns or townships and the ap- ^ proval of the state board of education. ^ Studies — How Outlined. Sec. 5. Elementary agriculture shall be taught in the ' grades in all town and township schools; elementary in- dustrial work shall be taught in the grades in all city and town schools, and elementary domestic science shall be - taught in the grades in all city, town and township schools. The state board of education shall outline a course of study ; for each of such grades as they may determine which shall ' ' be followed as a minimum requirement. The board shall also outline a course of study in agriculture, domestic sci- ence and industrial work, which they may require city, town and township high schools to offer as regular courses. After September 1, 1915, all teachers required to teach ele- mentary agriculture, industrial work or domestic science shall have passed an examination in such subjects prepared by the state board of education. State Board of Education — Duties. Sec. 6. The state board of education is hereby author- ized and directed to investigate and to aid in the introduc- tion of industrial, agricultural and domestic science educa- tion, to aid cities, towns and townships to initiate and superintend the establishment and maintenance of schools and departments for the aforesaid forms of education; and to supervise and approve such schools and departments, as hereinafter provided. The, board of education shall make a report annuallj^ to the general assembly describing the condition and progress of industrial, agricultural and do- mestic science education during the year and making such recommendations as they may deem advisable. State Board Comprised of. Sec. 7. The state, board of education shall consist of the superintendent of public instruction, the presidents of Purdue university, the State university and the State nor- mal school, the superintendents of schools of the three cities having the largest enumeration of children for school purposes annually reported to the state superintendent of public instruction, as provided by law, three citizens active- ly engaged in educational work in the stale, at least one of whom shall be a county superintendent of schools, and three persons actively interested in, and of known sym- pathy with, vocational education, one of whom shall be a representative of employes and one of employers. The governor shall appoint the members of the board, except the ex officio members, for a term of four years. In the first instance one member shall be appointed for two years, one for three years and one for four years. The present appointive members shall serve until the expiration of the time for which they were appointed. The governor shall fill all vacancies occurring in the board for the unex- pired term, and each member shall serve until his successor shall hnvo been appointed and qualified. 5 The superintendent of public instruction shall, ex officio, be president of the board, and in his absence the members present shall elect a president pro tempore. The board shall elect one of its members secretary and treasurer, who shall have the custody of its records, papers and effects, and shall keep minutes of its proceedings. The records, papers, effects and minutes shall be kept at the office of the superintendent, and shall be open for inspection. The board shall meet upon the call of the president, or a majority of its members, at such place in the state as may be designated in the call. They shall adopt and use a seal, on the face of which shall be the words '^Indiana state board of edu- cation, or such other device or motto as the board may direct, an impression and written description of which shall be recorded on the minutes of the board and filed in the office of the secretary of state, which seal shall be used for the authentication of the acts of the board and the impor- tant acts of the superintendent of public instruction. The board shall have all the powers and perform all the duties now imposed by law on the state board of education. Appointments — How Made. Sec. 8. The state superintendent of public instruction, with the advice and approval of the state board of educa- tion, shall appoint a deputy superintendent in charge of industrial and domestic science education who shall act under the direction of the state superintendent of public instruction in carrying out the provisions of this act. The salary and term of office of such deputy shall be fixed by the board and he shall be removable b}^ the board only for cause. The state superintendent, with the approval of the state board of education, is authorized to co-operate with Purdue university in the appointment of some person actively con- nected with the agricultural extension work at Purdue as an agent in supervising agricultural education, who shall serve in a dual capacity as an agent of the state superin- tendent and an assistant at Purdue university. The board and the authorities of Purdue university may fix the pro- portion of the salary of such agent to be borne by the state and by the university. Such person ghall be subject to re- moval for cause by the state board of education. 6 All expenses incurred in discharge of their duties b} deputies and agents shall be paid by the State from funds provided for in this act. Advisory Committee. Sec. 9. Boards of education or township trustees admin- istering approved vocational schools atid departments for industrial, agricultural or domestic science education, shall, under a scheme to be approved by the state board of educa- tion, appoint an advisory committee comxposed of members representing local trades, industries and occupations. It shall be the duty of the advisory committee to counsel with and advise the board and other school officials having the management and supervision of such schools or depart- ments. Admission to Schools — To Whom Made. Sec. 10. Any resident of any city, town or township in Indiana, which does not maintain an approved vocational school or department for industrial, agricultural or domes- tic science education offering the type of training which he desires, may make application for admission to such school or department raaintained by another city, town or town- ship or any school of secondary grade maintaining an ap- proved industrial, agricultural or domestic science school or department. The state board of education, whose decision shall be final, may approve or disapprove such application. In making such decision the board shall take into considera- tion the opportunities for free vocational training in the community in which the applicant resides; the financial status of the community; the age, sex, preparation, apti- tude and previous record of the applicant, and all other rel- evant circumstances. The school city or town or township in which the person resides, who has been admitted as above provided, to an approved vocational school or department for industrial, agricultural or domestic science education, maintained by another city, town or township or other school, shall pay such tuition fee as may be fixed by the state board of educa- tion ; and the state shall reimburse such school city or town or township as provided for in this act. If any school city 7 or town or township neglects or refuses to pay for such tuition, it shall be liable therefor in an action of contract to the school city or town or township or cities and towns and townships or other school maintaining the school which the pupil with the approval of the said board attended. Compulsory Attendance. Sec. 11. In case the board of education or township trus- tee of any city, town or township have established approved vocational schools for the instruction of youths over four- teen years of age who are engaged in regular employment, in part-time classes, and have formally accepted the pro- visions of this section, such board or trustee are authorized to require all youths between the ages of fourteen and six- teen years who are regularly employed, to attend school not less than five hours per week between the hours of 8 a. m. and 5 p. m. during school term. County Agent — Petition. Sec. 12. Whenever twenty or more residents of a county, who are actively interested in agriculture, shall file a peti- tion with the county board of education for a county agent, together with a deposit of $500.00 to be used in defraying expenses of such agent, the county board of education shall file said petition, within thirty days of its receipt, with the county council, which body shall, upon receipt of such peti- tion, appropriate annually the sum of $1,500.00 to be used in paying the salary and other expenses of said county agent. When the county appropriation has been made the county board of education shall apply to Purdue university for the appointment of a county agent whose appointment shall be made annually and be subject to the approval of the county board of education, and the state board of education. When such appointment has been made, there shall be paid annually from the state fund provided for in this act, to Purdue university, to be paid to the county providing for a county agent, an amount sufficient to pay one-half the an- nual salary of the county agent appointed as herein pro- vided : Provided, That not more than $1,000 shall be appro- priated to any one county: Provided, further, That not more than thirty (30) counties during the year ending Sep- 8 tember 30, 1914; and sixty (60) counties during the year ending September 30, 1915, shall be entitled to state aid. It shall be the duty of such agent, under the supervision of Purdue university, to co-operate with farmers' institutes, farmers' clubs and other organizations, conduct practical farm demonstrations, boys' and girls' clubs and contest work and other movements for the advancement of agricul- ture and country life and to give advice to farmers on prac- tical farm problems and aid the county superintendent of schools and the teachers in giving practical education in agriculture and domestic science. The county board of edu- cation is hereby authorized to file monthly bills covering salary and expenses of county agent, the same to be ap- proved by Purdue university, with the county auditor who shall draw his warrant or warrants on the county treasurer for the payment of same. Cities and Towns — Reimbursed. Sec. 13. Vocational schools or departments for indus- trial, agricultural and domestic science education shall so long as they are approved by the state board of education as to organization, location, equipment, courses of study, qualifications of teachers, methods of instruction, conditions of admission, employment of pupils and expenditures of money, constitute approved vocational schools or depart- ments. School cities and towns and townships maintaining such approved vocational schools shall receive reimburse- ment as provided in this act. State Maintenance. Sec. 14. The state, in order to aid in the maintenance of approved vocational schools or departments for industrial, agricultural and domestic science education, shall, as pro- vided in this act, pay annually to school cities and towns and townships maintaining such schools and departments an amount equal to two-thirds of the sum expended for in- struction in vocational and technical subjects authorized and approved by the state board of education. Such cost of instinction shall consist of the total amount raised by local taxation and expended for the teachers of approved vocational and technical subjects. School cities and towns 9 and townships that have paid claims for tuition in approved vocational schools shall be reimbursed by the state as pro- vided in this act, to the extent of one-half the sums ex- pended by such school cities and towns and townships in payment of such claims. Claims for Reimbursement. Sec. 15. Any school city, town or township having claims for reimbursement against the state under the provisions of this act shall present the same to the state board of edu- cation on or before July 1st of each year immediately fol- lowing the completion of the work for which they are enti- tled to reimbursement from the state. The board shall if they approve the claim authorize its payment by the auditor of state who shall thereupon draw his warrant on the treas- urer of state for the payment of the amount due such school city, town or township, from the fund provided in this act. Annual Levy. Sec. 16. To provide a state fund to carry out the pro- visions of this act, there shall be levied annually as a part of the state common school levy an additional lev^y^ of one cent on each one hundred dollars of taxable property in the state, which shall constitute a fund for the purposes of this act. Any part of the fund remaining at the close of any fiscal year shall be placed by the treasurer of state in a permanent fund for vocational education, the proceeds of which shall be used to aid in carrying out the provisions of this act. Salaries and Expenses. Sec. 17. A sum sufficient to pay the salaries and expenses of the deputies, agents and employes in carrying out the provisions of this act, and an amount sufficient to carry out the provisions of section 12 is hereby appropriated annu- ally for two years, to be available on and after April 1, 1913. Thereafter all salaries and expenses shall be paid from the fund provided for in this act. 10 When Effective. Sec. 18. This act shall take effect as to the provisions for state aid to approved vocational schools at the begin- ning of the school year 1914-1915. All other provisions of this act, including the provisions for a county agent, as pro- vided in section 12, shall be in force from and after its publication. Repeal. Sec. 19. All laws and parts of laws in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. i