To the Receiver of this Catalogue : — If you desire to have your address preserved on the books of the Church Library Association so that Lists hereafter pub- lished may be sent regularly to you please so notify, without delay, the Secretary of the Church Library Association, Cam- bridge, Massachusetts. If these Lists are of value to you, you will doubtless be. glad to help defray the expense of printing and mailing them by forwarding at the same time a small sum in postage stamps. FOR SUNDAY-SCHOOL AND PARISH LIBRARIES II. CAMBRIDGE, MASS. 1904 I 0 % 1 * % 6 > / O vTiS? I I % 't ^ GENERAL CATALOGUE. A LIST OF BOOKS - P 1 6 RECOMMENDED FOR SUNDAY-SCHOOL AND PARISH LIBRARIES BY THE CJjurcfj Hifirarg ^Issoctatton. *3 The Church Library Association issued its first General Catalogue in 1900. That Catalogue, it was hoped, would be of permanent value, including, as it did, all books read and recom- mended by the Association since its organization in 1881, with the exception of those which were no longer to be found in print. The demand for that Catalogue has persuaded the Committee to issue a second one, to include, in another similar vokfme, all the books read since Advent, 1900. Thus the two pamphlets contain a complete list of the obtainable books recommended by the Association since 1881, carefully classified and provided with explanatory notes appended to such titles as do not suffi- ciently show the character of the books to which they belong. This Catalogue is sent to those who have signified, in past years, their wish to receive the publications of the Association. Persons who would make use of these Catalogues may send their names to the Secretary of the Church Library Association, Cam- p 13580 2 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF THE bridge, Mass./ who will gladly add such names to the mailing list. The Association being a purely voluntary one, interested in raising the standard of literature furnished to our young people, it is not fair to ask of it the expenditure of money, as well as time, in this public service, so those who value its efforts and make use of this Catalogue should remit a small sum of money in stamps or cash to cover the expense of printing and mailing; the sum of twenty-five cents given by every recipient of this Catalogue would serve to lighten the financial burden carried by the Association. Books marked with an asterisk (*) are those recommended since the publication of the last list, Advent, 1902. The prices given are the publishers’ advertised prices at the date of the issue of the Catalogue. They are always liable to change and, except in the case of net prices, to discount. In no case does the Association undertake to sell books to those who receive its Catalogue. Attention is called to the change in the American agent of the S. P. C. K. Edwin S. Gorham is now sole agent in this country. Cambridge, Mass., Easter, 1904. CHURCH LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. 3 I. BOOKS WHICH BEAR DIRECTLY UPON LIFE, HISTORY OR DOCTRINE OF THE ANGLICAN COMMUNION. THE BIBLE. The Scriptures. *Bible for Children (The), Arranged from the authorized ver- sion, and with a preface by the Rev. Francis Brown, D.D., and an introduction by the Rt. Rev. Henry C. Potter, D.D., Bishop of New York. With 24 full-page 111. from the old masters. 4to. About 500 pages. 111. in two colors. The selections made by Mrs. Joseph B. Gilder and * arranged in chapters, each with its own heading, but not divided into chapter and verse, as in the regular Bible. 53. 00 . New York: The Century Co. The Bible arranged as a continuous story. Egyptian Wanderers (The). A story for children of the Great Tenth Persecution. By Rev. J. M. Neale. 8 vo. 80 cts. S. P. C. K. New York: Edwin S. Gorham. Gospel Story of Jesus Christ (The). In the words of Scripture. Ida W. Hutchinson. 111. pp. 154. SI. 50 net. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co. Intended for small children. *Holy Bible (The), with Apocrypha. With marginal readings adopted by the General Convention. SI. 75. New York: Thomas Nelson & Sons. Issued by authority of General Convention. Besides the marginal readings, this Bible contains a number of renderings original to this work. *Revised Bible (Version 1885 ). With 12 new maps and index. 51. 00. New York: Thomas Nelson & Sons. *Temple Bible (The). The King James’ version, including Apoc- rypha, with introduction by the Bishop of Ripon, and valu- able notes, including a table of references to passages in English literature and table of synchronism of ancient- history. 31 vols. 16mo. 111. with maps. 40 cts. net each. London: J. M. Dent. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co. Attention is called to this well-compiled edition of the Bible, in convenient volumes. Each volume has an introduction treating of the authorship, history and characteristics of the books, valuable to every reader. The general introduction, by the Bishop of Ripon, is the first volume. 4 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF THE *Variorum Reference Bible (The). $1.75. New York: Thomas Nelson & Sons. Text is King James' version, with passages marked where the reading is considered faulty by scholars. Aids to the Study of the Bible. Divine Library (The). By Rev. J. Paterson-Smith. 50 cts. New York: James Pott & Co. Suggestions how to read the Bible. *How to Study the English Bible. By Canon Girdlestone. One of the present-day primers. 16mo. pp. 120. 40 cts. London: Religious Tract So. New York: Fleming H. Revell Co. A helpful book for young Bible students. *How to Study the Life of Christ. A handbook for Sunday-school teachers and other Bible students. By Rev. Alford A. Butler. 12mo. pp. 175. 75 cts. New York: Thomas Whittaker. Not merely a handbook for students, but a book valuable in its suggest- iveness to every Christian. *Letters to a Godson. Second Series. An attempt to give a reasonable account of Christian doctrine, with suggestions for further study. By M. Cyril Bickersteth. 12mo. pp. 319. $1.50. New York: Edwin S. Gorham. Letters on the New Testament. Life of Christ as Represented in Art. Frederick W. Farrar, pp. 507. Many fine illustrations. $3.50. New York: The Macmillan Co. On the Study of the Bible. Charlotte L. Lawrie, Mistress of Cheltenham College, England. 20 cts. S. P. C. K. New York: Edwin S. Gorham. Designed to be a help to young girls. *Short Instructions in the Faith. By Mrs. C. D. Francis, pp. 77. 20 cts. S. P. C. K. New York: Edwin S. Gorham. This little book takes up all the important doctrines of the Church and explains them in simple language. Biographies. Life of St. John, for the Young. G. L. Weed. pp. 259. 60 cts. net. Philadelphia: George W. Jacobs & Co. Life of St. Peter, for the Young. G. L. Weed, pp.292. 60 cts. net. Philadelphia: George W. Jacobs & Co. CHURCH LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. 5 The Church and the Prayer Book. Addresses on the Creeds. T. H. Bindley, Oxford, pp. 59. 30 cts. S. P. C. K. New York: Edwin S. Gorham. Child’s Guide to the Book of Common Prayer. Ernest Esdaile. In 52 chapters. Under the general editorship of Charlotte M. Yonge. 50 cts. net. New York: Edwin S. Gorham. Church Fasts and Festivals. Short papers for young children. By Rev. E. Osborne, Maud Carew, C. E. Mallandaine and F. E. Reade. pp. 128. Sm. 4to. 111. 80 cts. S. P. C. K. New York: Edwin S. Gorham. Church Lessons for Younger Boys. M. Harrison. 15 cts. S. P. C. K. New York: Edwin S. Gorham. Helpful in Sunday-school instruction. Churchman’s Ready Reference. By Rev. A. C. Haverstick. With introduction by the Bishop of Delaware. $1.00 net. Milwaukee: Young Churchman Co. *Companion to the Prayer Book (A). A liturgical and spiritual exposition of the services for the Holy Communion, morning and evening prayer and the litany. By Rt. Rev. A. C. A. Hall, D D. 16mo. 35 cts. net. New York: Thomas Nelson & Sons. *Elements of Christian Doctrine. By T. A. Lacey. Preface to American edition by Rev. W. B. Frisby, D.D $1.00 net. New York: Edwin S. Gorham. *Five Hundred Stories and Illustrations. Adapted to the Chris- tian year for the use of catechists, teachers and preachers. Edited by Rev. Walker Gwynne. 12mo. pp. 372. $1.50. New York: Edwin S. Gorham. Layman’s Lent (A). An argument for its observance, from an historical, scriptural and practical standpoint. By A. C. Knowles. 60 cts. net. Philadelphia: George W. Jacobs & Co. New Testament Churchmanship and the Principles upon which It was Founded. Rt. Rev. Henry Yates Satterlee. pp. 280. $1.50. New York: Longmans, Green & Co. *Pictorial Church Teaching. Short papers for young children. By Rev. E. Osborne, E. M. Blunt, Maud Carew, H. A. Forde, C. E. Mallandaine, F. E. Reade and M. Bradford Whiting. Sm. 4to. 80 cts. S.P. C. K. New York: Edwin S. Gorham. 6 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF THE Prayer-book Stories. By C. M. Vincent. 16mo. pp. 80. 20 cts. S. P. C. K. New York: Edwin S. Gorham. Short stories for children, each illustrative of some prayer-book petitions. Principles of Religious Education. Lectures delivered under the auspices of the S. S. Com. of the diocese of New York. Cr. 8vo. $1.25. New York: Longmans, Green & Co. Sin and Our Saviour. Forty serious thoughts for forty serious days (of Lent). Rev. J. S. Hartzell. pp. 123. $1.00 net. Milwaukee, Wis.: The Young Churchman Co. Spiritual House (The). Rev. William R. Huntington. 50 cts. New York: Thomas Whittaker. Story of the Prayer Book. Rev. A. A. Murch. pp. 154. 60 cts. net. Philadelphia: George W. Jacobs & Co. Origin, sources and growth of the prayer book. *Sunday-school Outlook (The). The Crypt Conference, held under the auspices of the Sunday-school Commission, diocese of New York, May, 1901. 12mo. pp. 104. 60 cts. net. New York: Longmans, Green & Co. *Thoughts for the Sundays of the Year. Bishop Handley C. G. Moule. 8vo. $1.00 net. New York: Fleming H. Re veil Co. *Thoughts on the Services. By Rt. Rev. A. Cleveland Coxe. Revised and enlarged by Rt. Rev. Courtland Whitehead. 12mo. pp. 361. $1.00. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co. An introduction to the Liturgy, and aid to its devout use, with a collec- tion of Bishop Coxe’s hymns. *Use of Holy Scriptures (The), in the PublicWorship of the Church. By Rt. Rev. A. C. A. Hall, Bishop of Vermont. $1.40 net. pp. 204. New York: Longmans, Green & Co. ^Weekly Church Teaching for Infants. By Mrs. C. D. Francis. 20 cts. S. P. C. K. New York: Edwin S. Gorham. Lesson for each Sunday of the year. Devotional and Ethical. *Christian Character (The). A series of considerations, arranged for the forty days of Lent. By Rev. Vernon Staley, pp. 134. 50 cts. New York: Edwin S. Gorham. Based on the Sermon on the Mount. Eternal Goodness (The). Rev Charles Kingsley, pp. 152. 50 cts. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co. CHURCH LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. 7 *Famous Hymns, and Their Authors. By Francis Arthur Jones. Portraits and facsimiles. Index, pp. 336. $1.50. New York: Edwin S. Gorham. *Following Christ. Practical thoughts for daily Christian living. By Rev. Floyd W. Tomkins. 16mo. 50 cts. net. Philadelphia: George W. Jacobs & Co. Gleanings in Holy Fields. Rev. H. Macmillan. $1.50. New York: The Macmillan Co. *Good Friday Meditations. By Rev. W. S. Rainsford, D.D. 16mo. pp. 111. $1.00. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co. Helps to Godly Living. Being devotional extracts from the writings and addresses of the Rt. Rev. Frederick Temple, Archbishop of Canterbury, pp. 204. $1.^>. New York: Dutton & Co. Home Thoughts. First Series. Mrs. James Farley Cox. pp. 320. $1.20 net. New York: A. S. Barnes & Co. Short essays on home life in early married days. Home Thoughts. Second Series. Mrs. James Farley Cox. pp. 311. $1.20 net. New York: A. S. Barnes & Co. Essays on home life as the children grow up. Imitation of Christ (The). Four books translated from the Latin by Rev. W. Benham, with account of the supposed author. Readings arranged for each Sunday in the Church year. 111. pp. 383. $2.50. New York: The Macmillan Co. *Inner Life (The) as Revealed in the Correspondence of Celebrated Christians. Edited by Rev. T. Erskine. (Home Library Series.) $1.25. S. P. C. K. New York: Edwin S. Gorham. Letter and Spirit, Notes on the Ten Commandments. By Chris- tina G. Rossetti. 80 cts. S. P. C. K. New York: Edwin S. Gorham. A devotional book intended to aid the faithful in keeping God’s command- ments. Lyra Innocentium. By Rev. John Keble. (Library of Devo- tion Series.) 75 cts. New York: Edwin S. Gorham. *Master and His Methods (The). By E. Griffith Jones. 12 mo. 75 cts. New York: Edwin S. Gorham. A valuable book for students of the Bible. Not Changed, but Glorified. Edited by Canon Knowles, pp. 38. 35 cts. New York: James Pott & Co. Collection of short, religious poems. 8 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF THE ^Occasional Papers, Serious and Otherwise. By Rev. G. S. Reany. 80 cts. S. P. C. K. New York: Edwin S. Gorham. *Our Life After Death; or, The Teaching of the Bible Concerning the Unseen World. By Rev. Arthur Chambers. Revised edition, with appendix. 12mo. pp. 275. SI. 00 net. Philadelphia: George W. Jacobs & Co. Practical Treatise upon Christian Perfection (A). William Law. Edited by Lucy H. M. Soulsby. $1.00. New York: Longmans, Green & Co. *Prayer, By Rev. Arthur John Worlledge. SI. 40 net. (Ox- ford Library Practical Theology.) New York: Longmans, Green & Co. A practical talk about prayer, helpful to all. Prayer and Temptation. Rev. Henry William Gresswell. Cr. 8vo. pp. 126. SL 00. New York: Longmans, Green & Co. * Responsibility : a Talk with Girls. Rev. E. E. Holmes. 25 cts. net. Milwaukee, Wis. : The Young Churchman Co. Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life (A). William Law. Ed- ited by Israel Gollancz. (Temple Classics.) 50 cts. New York: The Macmillan Co. SouPs Daily Audience with God (The) ; or, How to Say Our Daily Prayers. Rev. E. L. Cutts. 20 cts. S. P. C. K. New York: Edwin S. Gorham. For older girls and boys, and for the parish library. SouPs Pilgrimage (A). Rev. Charles F. B. Miel. Introduction by Rev. S. D. McConnell. SI. 00 net. Philadelphia: George W. Jacobs & Co. The same in French, $1.00 net. Spiritual Progress;: a Book for Young Communicants. Rev. G. R. Wynne, pp. 126. 60 cts. S. P. C. K. New York: Edwin S. Gorham. Suggestions on Prayer. Lucy H. M. Soulsby. 50 cts. New York: Longmans, Green & Co. For young girls. ^Sunday. By Rev. W. B. Trevelyan. (Oxford Library of Practical Theology.) SI. 40 net. New York: Longmans, Green & Co. A description of Sunday as it should be spent. CHURCH LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. 9 Thoughts by the Way. Rev. F. C. Woodhouse, Canon of Can- terbury. $1.50. S. P. C. K. New York: EdwinS. Gorham. A very desirable book for a parish library. Short essays on religious subjects. *Via Salutis. Instructions in the way of salvation. By Rev. Douglas Macleane, M.A. pp. 94. S. P. C. K. New York: Edwin S. Gorham. White Stone (The). Rev. John McGaw Foster, pp. 118. 80 cts. net. New York: Longmans, Green & Co. Some characteristics of the Christian life, — faith, prayer, consecration, etc. BIOGRAPHY. Apostle of the Western Church (An). Bishop Kemper, first Missionary Bishop of the American Church, and his contem- poraries. Rev. Greenough White, pp. 231. $1.50 net. New York: Thomas Whittaker. A vivid picture of the early days of the Church in America. Augustine and His Companions. Rev. G. F. Browne. 80 cts. S. P. C. K. New York: Edwin S. Gorham. Brooks, Phillips, Life and Letters of. Rev. A. V. G. Allen. 111. 3 vols. $8.00 net. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co. Brunot, Felix Reville, Life of, 1820 - 1898 . A patriot during the Civil War, a distinguished churchman and President of the first Board of Indian Commissioners. By C. L. Slattery, pp. 304. 111. and map. $2.00 New York: Longmans, Green & Co. Five Great Oxford Leaders. A. B. Donaldson. $1.75. New York: The Macmillan Co. Francis of Assisi, St., The Life of. Paul Sabatier, pp. 820. $2.50. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons. Francis, the Little Poor Man of Assisi. James Adderley. (Lives of Holy Men.) Introduction by Paul Sabatier, pp. 167. $1.25. New York: Longmans, Green & Co. Short biography of St. Francis. Golden Legend (The). Lives of the saints. (Temple Classics.) 7 vols. 50 cts. each. New York: The ‘ Macmillan Co. Lives of the saints, as Englished by William Caxton. 10 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF THE Hugh of Lincoln. A short story of one of the makers of medieval England. (Lives of Holy Men.) By Charles Marson. $1.25. New York: Longmans, Green & Co. Lights and Shadows of a Long Episcopate. Bishop H. B. Whipple. New and cheaper edition, pp. 576. $2.00. New York: The Macmillan Co. Monsieur Vincent. A sketch of a Christian social reformer of the seventeenth century. By James Adderley. Cr. 8vo. $1.25. (Lives of Holy Men.) New York: Longmans, Green & Co. *More, Hannah. By Marion Harland. 16mo. 111. pp. 238. $1.50. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons. Biography of a famous churchwoman of the eighteenth century. Muhlenberg, Wm. A., Life and Work of. By Anne Ayres. Por- traits. $2.00. New York: Thomas Whittaker & Co. Pusey, E. B.: Story of Dr. Pusey’s Life. By Maria French, pp. 570. Cr. 8vo. Portrait. $2.50. New York: Longmans, Green & Co. His personal, rather than public, life. Saint of the Southern Church (A). Nicholas Hamner Cobbs, first Bishop of Alabama, and his contemporaries. Rev. Greenough White, pp. 183. $1.00 net. New York: Thomas Whittaker. A faithful portraiture of a saint of God, and a series of brilliant chapters on American Church history. Selwyn, George Alexander, Life and Episcopate of. First Bishop of New Zealand, afterwards of Litchfield. Rev. H. W. Tucker. 2 vols. in one. pp., first vol., 392. pp., second vol., 386. $3.00. New York: Edwin S. Gorham. Selwyn, Bishop John. A memoir by F. D. How. With portrait. pp. 268. $2.50. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co. Theodore and Wilfrith. Rev. G. F. Brown. $1.50. S. P. C. K. New York: Edwin S. Gorham. Walton’s Lives. By Isaac Walton. (Temple Classics.) 2 vols. 50 cts. each. Richard Hooker. George Herbert. John Donne. Henry Wotton. New York: The Macmillan Co. Wilberforce, Bishop, Life of. Canon A. R. Ashwell. pp. 590. 111. $1.00. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co. Abridged from the English edition in three volumes. CHURCH LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. 11 MISSIONARY LIFE AND WORK. *Church , s Burden (The). By Rt. Rev. George Herbert Kin- solving, Bishop of Texas. 12mo. pp. 76. 60 cts. net. New York: Edwin S. Gorham. An enthusiastic plea for missions, three lectures before the Virginia Theo- logical Seminary, by a missionary Bishop. *Foreign Missions. Rt. Rev. E. T. Churton, formerly Bishop of Nassau. (Oxford Library of Practical Theology.) SI. 40 net. New York: Longmans, Green & Co. *Foreign Missions. By Henry H. Montgomery, D.D , formerly Bishop of Tasmania. (Handbooks for the Clergy.) 8vo. 90 cts. net. New York: Longmans, Green & Co. * Gospel of the Kingdom. Mission sermons preached in Canter- bury Cathedral. By Rev. Henry Bailey, pp. 172. 60 cts. net. S. P. C. K. New York: Edwin S. Gorham. *Happy Days and Happy Work in Basuto Land. By Deaconess Maria Burton. Preface by Bishop Webb. 20 cts. S. P. C. K. New York: Edwin S. Gorham. Simple story of mission work in South Africa. History of the Melanesian Missions, during the Episcopates of Bishops G. A. Selwyn, J. C. Patterson, John Selwyn and Cecil Wilson. Map, portrait and ill. Mrs. E. S. Armstrong, pp. 372. $3.00. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co. Valuable work on a mission field that extends over nearly a twelfth part of the circumference of the globe. Old Missionary (The). Sir Win. W. Hunter, pp. 110. 50 cts. New York: Wessels & Co. Sketch of a Church missionary in India. Mission Publications. 24 State Street, Hartford, Conn. Junior Auxiliary Pub. Co. Round Robin (The). Published quarterly. 10 cts. each. 12 numbers $1.00. Stories from the Mission Field. 5 cts. each. 12 numbers 50 cts. Soldier and Servant Series. 10 cts. each. 12 numbers $1.00. Japan and the Nippon Sei Kokkwai. By Rev. Edward Abbott. 25 cts. Twice Around the World. By A. T. Twing. pp. 25. $1.00. Mission Leaflet (The). 111. Mission paper for Sunday- school and Mission classes. 15 cts. a year. 12 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF THE Mission Publications. *Boone, William Jones. First Missionary Bishop of China. By Rev. Edwin B. Rice. pp. 18. 10 cts. *Kingdom Growing (The). A series of lessons on our for- eign and domestic missions. By Rev. Lester Bradner. pp. 54. 35 cts. Special attention is called to these valuable mission publications, which should be in the hands of every child in the Church. Real Thing (The). A missionary story. Christabel R. Coleridge, pp. 128. 40 cts. S. P. C. K. New York: Edwin S. Gorham. Via Christi: an Introduction to the Study of Missions. L. M. Hodgkins, pp. 251. 50 cts. New York: The Macmillan Co. HISTORY. *Church of England (The). An historical sketch. By Rev. H. W. Carpenter. 20 cts. S. P. C. K. New York: Edwin S. Gorham. Popular History of the Church of England (A). From the earliest times to the present day. Boyd W. Carpenter, Bishop of Ripon. pp. 534. 33 ills. $2.50. New York: E. P. Dutton. *Sinai and Palestine, in Connection with Their History. By Arthur Penrhyn Stanley. 5 colored maps and ills. pp. 641. $2.50. f^ew York: A. C. Armstrong. Story of Ancient Wales. H. Elrington. 90 cts. Nat. Soc. New York: Thomas Whittaker. FICTION. *Bruno and Bimba. By Evelyn Everett Green. 12mo. 111. pp. 256. $1.25. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co. A story of two English children. *Burges’ Letters. A record of child life in the sixties. Bv Edna Lyell. Colored plate and 8 ills. 8vo. pp. 142. 90 New York: Longmans, Green & Co. These letters are supposed to be written by two little English girls in the sixties, to their descendants. *Deeds of Faith. By Rev. J. M. Neale, D.D. 60 cts. S. P. C. K. New York: Edwin S. Gorham. Stories from Church history. CHURCH LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. 13 *Door of Hope (A). By Annie L. Gee. 12 mo. pp. 122. 80 cts. S. P. C. K. New York: Edwin S. Gorham. First Cruise of the Good Ship “ Bethlehem ” (The). L. B. Wal- ford. pp. 107. 40 cts. S. P. C. K. New York: Edwin S. Gorham. Story of a boy’s efforts to raise money for missionary work. Also a choir- boy story. *Harbour Light (The). By C. E. Mallandaine. 80 cts. S. P. C. K. New York: Edwin S. Gorham. Honor Bright; or, The Four-Leaved Shamrock. By Evelyn Whit- taker. 12mo. pp. 248. SI. 25. New York: Edwin S. Gorham. Hungarian Exiles (The). A story for boys. Benjamin Cowell. SI. 00 net. Milwaukee: Young Churchman Co. *In the Days of St. Anselm. By Gertrude Hollis. SI. 00 net. S. P. C. K. New York: Edwin S. Gorham. An interesting historical story of the eleventh century. Keepers of England. A story of a thousand years ago. Mary H. Debenham. pp. 284. SI. 25. Nat. Soc. New York: Thomas Whittaker. A vivid picture of England during the time of Alfred the Great and the Danish invasions. * Kitty. By Adela Frances Mount. 12mo. pp. 224. 80 cts. S. P. C. K. New York: Edwin S. Gorham. Modern Mr. Greatheart (A). Violet Brooke-Hunt. 40 cts. S. P. C. K. New York: Edwin S. Gorham. Out of the Depths. A schoolboy story of St. Wilfrith’s. Rev. J. K. Smith. 40 cts. S. P. C. K. New York: Edwin S. Gorham. Pennyworth of Kindness (A). Phoebe Allen. 16mo. pp. 124. 40 cts. S. P. C. K. New York: Edwin S. Gorham. Story of a little girl in England and her everyday acts of kindness. Story of Frank and His Missionary Box. Rev. G. R. Wynne, pp. 127. 40 cts. S. P. C. K. New York: Edwin S. Gorham. Sunday for 1903 . Reading for the young. pp. 412. $ 2 . 00 . Bds. $1.25. S. P. C. K. New York: Thomas Nelson & Sons. Tales of Christian Endurance. Rev. J. M. Neale. 60 cts. S. P. C. K. New York: Edwin S. Gorham. Vicarage Children (The). C. M. McSorley. pp. 78. 20 cts. S. P. C. K. New York: Edwin S. Gorham. For children from eight to ten. 14 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF THE II. BOOKS RECOMMENDED, WHICH ARE NOT ELIGIBLE FOR THE FIRST LIST. BIOGRAPHY. * Agassiz, Louis, His Life and Works. By Charles Frederick Holder. 12mo. 111. pp. 327. $1.50. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons. Short and interesting biography of the great naturalist for young people. *Book about Longfellow (A). By J. N. MTlwraith. 8vo. 111. 80 cts. New York: Thomas Nelson & Sons. A pleasant, chatty book about the poet, his friends and surroundings. *Boy General (The). By Mrs. George A. Custer and Mary E. Burt. 12mo. 111. 50 cts. (Series of School Reading.) New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons. Short life of General Custer. Bronte, Charlotte, at Home. Marion Harland. pp. 308. $1.50. (Literary Hearthstone Series.) New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons. Brown, Dr. John, and His Sisters Isabella and Jane. J. B. McLaren, pp. 80. $1.00. New York: The Macmillan Co. ChrisPs Workers among All Conditions of Men. T. R. Seddon. 40 cts. S. P. C. K. New York: Edwin S. Gorham. Account of the work of Elizabeth Fry, Dennison, Charles Kingsley, Arnold of Rugby and others. Contemporaries. T. W. Higginson. $2.00. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Sketches of nineteenth-century New Englanders. Dames and Daughters of Colonial Days. Geraldine Brooks, pp. 284. $1.50. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell & Co. Short biographies of ten representative women of the colonial period. For girls over fourteen. Dames and Daughters of the Young Republic. Geraldine Brooks. $1.50. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell & Co. Drummond, Henry, Practical Life Work of. Cuthbert Lenox. $1.00 net. New York: James Pott & Co. Evans, James, the Apostle of the North. Rev. E. R. Young. $1.25. New York: Fleming H. Revell Co. Life of a missionary to the Cree Indians, with much information about the Hudson Bay Company and their fur-trading. CHURCH LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. 15 Gibson, William Hamilton, Artist, Naturalist, Author. By John Coleman Adams. $2.00. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons. Girlhood of Queen Victoria (The). Mrs. Gerald Gurney, pp. 238. $1.75. New York: Longmans, Creen & Co. An account of the early years and education of the Queen. For older readers. Gray, Thomas, Letters of. Edited, with biographical notice, by Henry M. Rideout. Portrait. $1.00. Boston: Small, Maynard & Co. *Grant, Ulysses S. By Walter Allen. (Riverside Biographical Series.) School edition. 12mo. Portrait. 50 cts. net. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Good biography for boys. Great Explorers. Sir John Franklin, Mungo Park, Marco Polo and others, pp. 224. 80 cts. New York: Thomas Nelson & Sons. Brief and well-written biographies. *Hawthorne, Nathaniel. By George E. Woodberry. (American Men of Letters Series.) With portrait. 16mo. $1.10 net. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Hawthorne, Nathaniel, and His Wife. A biography. Julian Hawthorne. 2 vols. Portraits. $4.00. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Lincoln, Abraham. Joseph H. Choate. 35 cts. (What is Worth While Series.) New York: Thomas Y. Crowell & Co. An inaugural address delivered by the American Ambassador at the Court of St. James, before the Edinburgh Phil. Inst., Nov. 13, 1900. Especially to be recommended to young people. Lincoln, Abraham. His youth and early manhood, with brief account of his later life. Noah Brooks, pp. 204. 90 cts. net. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons. For the young. *Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. By Thomas Wentworth Hig- ginson. (American Men of Letters Series.) Portrait. 16mo. pp. 336. $1.10 net. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Lowell, James Russell, Life of. Horace E. Scudder. Portraits and other ills. 2 vols. $3.50 net. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. *McKinley, William. By Hon. John Hay. (What is Worth While Series.) 28 cts. net. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell & Co. 16 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF THE *My Own Story, with Recollections of Noted Persons. By John T. TrowLridge. 111. pp. 482. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Praeterita. 2 vols. pp. 432, 442. $2.00. New York: John Wiley & Sons. Autobiography of John Ruskin. Prentiss, Elizabeth, Life of. By her husband, Rev. G. L. Prentiss. 2 vols. $1.50. New York: Wessels & Co. Ramabai, Pandita, the Story of Her Life. Helen S. Dyer. 111. $1.25. New York: Fleming H. Re veil Co. Rosettis (The). Elizabeth L. Cary. Finely illustrated, pp. 310. $2.50 net. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons. A most interesting and instructive account of the Rosetti family and the pre-Raphaelites, by an American. *Ruskin, John, the Life of. By W. G. Collingwood. 8vo. pp. 247. $2.00 net. % Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Thaxter, Celia, Letters of. Edited by Annie Fields. 3 portraits, pp. 230. $1.50. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. *Seekers After God. The lives of Seneca, Epictetus and Marcus Aurelius. By Frederick W. Farrar, Dean of Canterbury. Astor Library. 12mo. pp. 305. 60 cts. Waldorf Library. 12mo. 75 cts. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell & Co. *Short Biographies for the People. By various writers. 60 cts. Religious Tract Society. Chalmers, Christine Evans, Livingstone, Isaac Watts, Faraday, Palissy and others. *St. Louis, the Most Christian King. By Frederick Perry, pp. 303. (Heroes of the Nations.) $1.50. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons. Southern Planter (A). Susan Dabney Smedes. New edition. 111. pp. 342. $1.25. New York: James Pott & Co. Social life in the South before the war. Twelve Notable Good Women of the Nineteenth Century. R. N. Carey. 12 portraits. $2.00. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co. *Toynbee, Arnold. By Lord Milner. 8vo. pp. 38. 90 cts. London: Edward Arnold & Co. New York: Longmans, Green & Co. A short sketch of Toynbee, the philanthropist and social reformer, by a friend. CHURCH LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. 17 * Wolcott, Roger. By William Lawrence, Bishop of Massachu- setts. With portraits. 12mo. pp. 238. $1.00 net. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. The record of a pure and noble life, told by a lifelong friend. HISTORY. England’s Story. Eva March Tappan. Maps and 111. pp. 370. 85 cts. net. Boston; Houghton, Mifflin & Co. An excellent history of England, clear and concise. *Episodes from the Winning of the West, 1769-1807. By Theo- dore Roosevelt. Edited by Frank L. Olmstead. 12mo. 111. and map. pp. 247. $1.00. (Knickerbocker Liter- ature Series.) New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons. Hero Patriots of the Nineteenth Century. Edgar Sanderson. 111. with many portraits, pp. 329. $1.50. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell & Co. Brief accounts of the Peninsular War, Tyrolese War, Greek War of Inde- pendence, South American Revolution, Abd el-Kader, Schamyl of the Cau- cacus, Mazzini and Garibaldi. History of the Italian Waldenses. By Sophia V. Bompiani. 12mo. 111. pp. 200. $1.00. New York: A. S. Barnes & Co. Knickerbocker Juvenile Series. $1.25 each. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons. Boys of Other Countries. By Bayard Taylor. By Elbridge S. Brooks. Chivalric Days. Heroic Happenings. Historic Boys. Historic Girls. Stories and Legends. By Washington Irving. *Little Arthur’s History of Greece. By A. S. Walpole, pp. 306. $1.25. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell & Co. *London. By Walter Besant. 8vo. 111. pp. 510. $3.00. New York: Harper & Brothers. A series of pictures of the London of the past. *Maximilian in Mexico. A woman’s reminiscences of the French Intervention, 1862-1867. By Sara Yorke Stevenson, Sc.D. 111. 8vo. pp. 327. $2.50. New York: The Century Co. *New France and New England. By John Fiske. With maps. Cr. 8vo. pp. 378. $1.65 net. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. 18 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF THE Sinking of the “ Merrimac ” (The). Richmond Pearson Hobson. pp.306. 111. $1.50. New York: The Century Co. A personal narrative of the adventures in the harbor of Santiago de Cuba, June 3, 1898, and of the subsequent imprisonment of the survivors. Stories from Froissart. Henry Newbolt. pp. 368. $1.50. New York: The Macmillan Co. Condensed from an old translation, preserving the quaint flavor of the original. *White and Black under the Old Regime. Reminiscences of a slave owner. By Mrs. Victoria V. Clayton. 111. $1.00 net. Milwaukee: Young Churchman Co. Record of home life before and during the Civil War. NATURE AND SCIENCE. According to Season. Talks about the flowers, in the order of their appearance in the woods and fields. By Frances Theodora Parsons. 12mo. 32 full-page ill. in color. $1.75 net. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons. Among the Night People. Clara D. Pierson, pp. 221. 12mo. $1.00 net. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co. About raccoons, red foxes, kittens, weasels, deer, mice, etc. Among the Pond People. By Clara D. Pierson. 12mo. pp. 210. $1.00 net. -Bestom E. P. Dutton. A delightful story of frogs, minno^ys, dragon-flies, etc., giving many facts of natural history. Bee People (The). Margaret W. Morley. 111. 12mo. pp. 177. $1.25. Chicago: A. C. McClurg & Co. Interesting account of bees, for children under nine. Biography of a Grizzly. Ernest Seton Thompson. 75 drawings, pp. 167. $1.50. New York: The Century Co. Bird-World. A bird book for children. J. H. Stickney. pp. 214. 12mo. 60 cts. net. Boston: Ginn & Co. Book of Birds (The First). Olive Thorne Miller. Colored plates. pp. 149. $1.00. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Same. School edition. 12mo. 60 cts. net. Interesting account of our common birds. Book of Birds (The Second). Bird families. Olive Thorne Miller, pp. 209. $1.00 net. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. *Book of Nature Myths (The). By Florence Holbrook. 111. 12mo. 45 cts. net. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. CHURCH LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. 19 *Boy Mineral Collectors (The). By Jay G. Kelley. 8vo. 111. pp. 362. SI. 50. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co. *Boy , s Book of Invention (The). By Ray Starr Baker. 111. 12mo. $2.00. New York: McClure, Phillips & Co. *Clerk of the Woods (The). By Bradford Torrey. 16mo. $1.10 net. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Everyday Birds. Bradford Torrey. Sq. 12mo. pp. 106. $1.00. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Simple and attractive description of the birds of New England. Everyday Butterflies. Samuel H. Scudder. 111. with colored plates. $2.00. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Footing it in Franconia. Bradford Torrey. pp. 246. $1.10 net. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. A series of papers on outdoor life in New Hampshire. Garden of a Commuter’s Wife (The). Recorded by the Gardener, pp. 354. $1.50. New York: The Macmillan Co. * Judith’s Garden. By Mary E. Stone Bassett, pp. 337. $1.50. Boston: Lothrop Publishing Co. For lovers of flowers. *Krag and Johnny Bear. By Ernest Seton Thompson. (Series of School Reading. ) ~-**L &mo. -*50* cts. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons. Short stories from “Lives of the Hunted.” *Life of a Bear (The). His birth, travels and adventures. 111. pp. 226. $1.25. New York: Edwin S. Gorham. *Life of an Elephant (The). 111. $1.25. New York: Edwin S. Gorham. *Lives of the Hunted. By Ernest Seton Thompson, pp. 360. $1.75 net. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons. Natural History of Selborne. Gilbert White, pp. 381. 50 cts. (Temple Classics.) New York: The Macmillan Co. Nature’s Miracles. Familiar talks on science. Prof. Elisha Gray. 3 vols. 60 cts. per vol. Vol. I. World Building and Life. Vol. II. Energy and Vibration. Vol. III. Electricity and Magnetism. New York: Fords, Howard & Hulbert. 20 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF THE Open-Air Boy (The). Rev. G. M. A. Hewett. 111. pp. 269. $2.00. New York: Longmans, Green & Co. The author’s boy life in England, with much about pets and open-air sports. *Our National Parks. By John Muir. 8vo. 111. $1.75 net. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Sir Bevis. Richard Jefferies. Edited by E. J. Kelly, pp. 129. 30 cts. net. Boston: Ginn & Co. A tale of the fields, for children. Squirrels and Other Fur-Bearers. By John Burroughs, pp. 149. 12mo. $1.00. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Same. School edition. 60 cts. net. Most interesting accounts of the manners and ways of our common wild animals. Stories of Insect Life. Clarence M. Weed. First Series, pp. 54. 111. 25 cts. net. Boston: Ginn & Co. Stories of Insect Life. By Mary E. Murtfeldt and Clarence M. Weed. Second Series, pp. 72. 111. 30 cts. net. Boston: Ginn & Co. Short stories about common insects, which might be familiar to any ob- serving child over nine. *True Bird Stories. By Olive Thorne Miller. 111. pp. 156. $1.00. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Stories of birds in captivity. Wilderness Ways. W. J. Long. pp. 155. 45 cts. Boston: Ginn & Co. TRAVEL AND ADVENTURE. *Boots and Saddles; or, Life in Dakota with General Custer. By Eliza Bacon Custer. 12mo. pp. 312. Map. $1.50 New York: Harper & Brothers. *Boys of the Rincon Ranch (The). By H. S. Canfield. 12mo. pp. 249. $1.00 net. New York: The Century Co. A bright, healthy story of the life of two boys on a Texan ranch. *Camp Venture. A story of the Virginia mountains. By George Cary Eggleston. 12mo. $1.50. Boston: Lothrop Publishing Co. China, the Long-Lived Empire. Eliza Ruhamah Scidmore. 111. • pp. 466. $2.50. New York: The Century Co. *Dutch Life in Town and Country. By P. M. Hough. 12mo. 111. $1.20 net. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons. CHURCH LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. 21 *East of To-day and To-morrow (The). By Rt. Rev. Henry C. Potter, D.D. 12mo. pp. 200. SI. 00 net. New York: The Century Co. This book contains the result of Bishop Potter’s visit to Japan, China, India, the Hawaiian Islands and the Philippines. Forbidden Paths in the Land of Og. A record of the travels of three wise and otherwise men to the east of the Jordan River. By the Otherwise Man. pp. 258. SI. 25. * New York: Fleming H. Re veil Co. *German Life in Town and Country. By William Harbutt Daw- son. 12mo. 111. pp.323. SI. 20 net. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Girl's Winter in India (A). Mary Thorn Carpenter, pp. 240. SI. 00. New York: Wessels & Co. *Italian Life in Town and Country. By Luigi Villari. 12mo. SI. 20 net. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Jack, the Young Ranchman; or, A Boy's Adventures in the Rock- ies. G. B. Grinnell. pp. 304. SI. 25. New York: F. A. Stokes & Co. A good story for boys of Western life some years ago. *Jinrikisha Days in Japan. By Eliza Ruhamah Scidmore. 8vo. pp. 386. S2.00. New York: Harper & Brothers. *My Dogs in the Northland. By Rev. Egerton R. Young. 8vo. pp. 285. SI. 25 net. New York: Fleming H. Revell Co. A bit of real life in the Hudson Bay region. Oregon Trail (The). By Francis Parkman. Sketches of prairie and Rocky Mountain life. Astor Library. i2mo. 60 cts. Waldorf Library. 12mo. 75 cts. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell & Co. Our House-Boat on the Nile. Lee Bacon. 111. pp. 286. S1.75 net. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Description of life in Egypt to-day. *Russian Life in Town and Country. By Francis H. E. Palmer. 12mo. 111. pp. 320. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Siam, the Heart of Farther India. By Mary L. Cort, a resident of Siam. Map. pp.400. Sl.OOnet. New York: Wessels & Co. Swiss Life in Town and Country. Alfred Thomas Story. Beau- tifully illustrated, pp. 282. SI. 20 net. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. 22 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF THE *Tenting on the Plains; or, General Custer in Kansas and Texas. By Eliza Bacon Custer. 111. 8vo. $1.50. New York: Harper & Brothers. Beginning with the close of the Civil War, showing Custer’s work of reconstruction. Up the Creeks. A tale of adventure in West Africa. By Edward Shirley. 60 cts. New York: Thomas Nelson & Co. Yangtse Valley, and Beyond (The). Mrs. Isabella Bird Bishop. 2 vols. 111. $6.00. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons. LITERATURE AND BOOKS ABOUT LITERATURE. Child-Life in Many Lands. E. A. and M. F. Blaisdell. pp. 192. 36 cts. net. New York : The Macmillan Co. An excellent selection of brief stories, poems and extracts for the reading of children, done with genuine literary taste. Children’s Book (The). A collection of the best literature for children. Edited by Horace E. Scudder. 111. 4to. pp. 444. $2.50. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Cranford. By Mrs. Gaskell. Preface by Anne Thackeray Ritchie. Astor Library of Prose. 12mo. pp. 290. 60 cts. Waldorf Library. 75 cts. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell & Co. Temple Classics. 50 cts; leather 75 cts. New York: The Macmillan Co. Ariel Booklets. 75 cts. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons. World’s Classics. 50 cts. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons. *Counsel upon the Reading of Books. With an introduction by Henry Van Dyke. $1.50. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Lectures given in Philadelphia by Hamilton Wright Mabie, Arthur F. Hadley, Brander Matthews, Bliss Perry, Agnes Repplier and H. Morse Ste- vens. *Courteous Knight (The), and other tales from Spenser and Mal- ory. By E. Edwardson. $1.25. New York: Thomas Nelson & Sons. Laddie. By Evelyn Whittaker. New editions: What is Worth While Series 35 cts. Laurel Series 60 cts. Sunshine Library 50 cts. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell & Co. CHURCH LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. 23 Loving Service Series. 35 cts. each. New York: James Pott & Co. Cole, J. By E. Jellibrand. Happy Prince (The). Hospital for Broken Resolutions. By D. L. Porter. House Beautiful (The). By Wil- liam C. Gannett. Not Changed, but Glorified. Rab and His Friends. By J. Brown. Tale of Two Roses (A). By K. W. Evans. Tom, a Hero. By C. W. Greg- ory. Miss Toosey’s Mission. By Evelyn Whittaker. New editions: Sunshine Library 50 cts. Laurel Series Booklets, 16mo, 25 cts. What is Worth While Series, pp. 48, 35 cts. Laurel Series 60 cts. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell & Co. Old Ballads in Prose. Eva M. Tappan. pp. 228. SI. 10 net. New York: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Robin Hood and other ballads freely rendered into prose. Pilgrim’s Progress (The), from this world to that which is to come. By John Bunyan, with an introduction by Henry C. Potter, Bishop of New York, and a facsimile of the ear- liest portrait of Bunyan. (The Century Classics.) 12mo. pp. 244. SI. 25. New York: The Century Co. Same. (Riverside Literature Series.) 40 cts. net. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Same. Temple Classics. Edited by Gollancz. 50 cts. New York: The Macmillan Co. Same. Classics for Children. Edited by D. H. Montgomery. 12mo. pp. 126. 30 cts. net. Boston: Ginn & Co. Peasant and the Prince (The). By Harriet Martineau. (River- side Literature Series.) pp. 204. 40 cts. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co Edited, with introduction and notes, by H. W. Boynton. Prince’s Story Book. Edited by G. L. Gomme. pp. 443. 111. $2.00. New York: Longmans, Green & Co. Historical stories collected from English literature. Princess’ Story Book. Edited by G. L. Gomme. pp. 443. 111. $2.00. New York: Longmans, Green & Co. Historical stories collected from English literature. Riverside Library for Young People. 16mo. 75 cts. each. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Four-Handed Folk. By Olive Thorne Miller. Frail Children of the Air (Butter- flies). By Samuel H. Scudder. Java, the Pearl of the East. By S. J. Higginson. 24 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF THE Riverside Literature Series. Edited by Horace E. Scudder. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. At 25 cts. net each: Book of Legends. H. E. Scudder. Grandmother’s Story of Bunker Hill Battle. O. W. Holmes. Jackanapes and the Brownies. J. H. Ewing. At 40 cts. net each: Birds and Bees. John Burroughs. Child-Life in Prose. J. G. Whittier. Cricket on the Hearth, and Christ- mas Carols. Charles Dickens. Fables and Folk Stories. H. E. Scudder. Franklin, Autobiography and Sketch of Life. German Household Tales. Grimm. Gulliver’s Travels. Dean Swift. At 50 cts. net each: Grandfather’s Chair. Nathaniel Hawthorne. King of the Golden River, and Other Wonder Stories. By Ruskin, Bjornson, Andersen, Grimm and Scudder. Sesame and Lilies. John Ruskin. Pilgrim’s Progress. Bunyan. Peasant and Prince (The). Harriet Martineau. Stories from Hans Andersen. Tanglewood Tales. Nathaniel Hawthorne. War of Independence. John Fiske. Washington, George. Horace E. Scudder. Wonder Book. Nathaniel Haw- thorne. Tom Brown’s School Days. Thomas Hughes. Story of King Arthur. Rev. Edward Brooks, pp. 383. $1.25. Philadelphia: Penn Publishing Co. The legends of the Round Table related in an interesting way. Story of the AEneid; or, The Adventures of iEneas. For boys and girls. Rev. Edward Brooks, pp. 366. $1.25. Philadelphia: Penn Publishing Co. *Story of the Faery Queen. By Rev. Edward Brooks. $1.25. Philadelphia: Penn Publishing Co. Story of the Iliad. Rev. Edward Brooks. $1.25. Philadelphia: Penn Publishing Co. Story of the Odyssey. Rev. Edward Brooks. $1.25. Philadelphia: Penn Publishing Co. Excellent boys’ books. Temple Classics. Edited by Gollancz. 50 cts. a vol. New York: The Macmillan Co. Cranford. Mrs. Gaskell. Golden Legends (The). Lives of the Saints. 7 vols. Gulliver’s Travels. Dean Swift. Holy Dying. Jeremy Taylor. Holy Living. Jeremy Taylor. Lives of Downe, Wotten, Hooker and Herbert. By Isaac Walton. Natural History of Selborne. Gil- bert White. Pilgrim’s Progress. Bunyan. Serious Call. William Law. CHURCH LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. 25 Two Years Before the Mast. By Richard H. Dana, Jr. Cr. 8vo. Cambridge Classics. SI. 00. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Astor Library of Prose. 12mo. pp. 362. 60 cts. Waldorf Library. 12mo. 75 cts. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell & Co. Riverside Literature Series. Cr. 8vo. Linen. 50 cts. net. Riverside School Library. 111. Biog. sketch. 8vo. 70 cts. net. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. What is Worth While Series. 35 cts. each. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell & Co. Cheerfulness as a Life Power. O. S. Marsden. Character, the Grandest Thing in the World. O. S. Marsden. What Men Live by. Tolstoi. Two Pilgrims (The). Tolstoi. Where Love is, There God is also. Tolstoi. Giving What We Have. A. R. Lindsay. King of the Golden River (The). John Ruskin. Victory of Our Faith. Anna R. Brown. Laddie. Evelyn Whittaker. Abraham Lincoln. Joseph H. Choate. City without a Church (The). Henry Drummond. r * Every Living Creature. Ralph Waldo Trine. Jessica’s First Prayer. Hesba Stret- ton. Miss Toosey’s Mission. Evelyn Whittaker. Yesterdays with Authors. James T. Fields. 111. pp. 419. $2.00. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. New and enlarged edition of a very popular book. DEVOTIONAL AND ETHICAL. Christ and His Cross. Selections from the letters of Samuel Rutherford. Edited by L. H. M. Soulsby. pp. 207. $1.00. New York: Longmans, Green & Co. Parables from Nature. Mrs. Gatty. 2 vols. $1.00 each. (The Gem Classic Serie's.) Same. New edition. 1 vol. Sm. 12mo. $1.50. New York: James Pott & Co. * Principles of Jesus (The), Applied to Some Questions of To-day. By Robert E. Speer. 16mo. pp. 280. 80 cts. net. New York: Fleming H. Revell Co. Sesame and Lilies, and a Crown of Wild Olive. By John Ruskin. (Century Classics.) pp. 387. $1.25 net. New York: The Century Co. *Thoughts for Everyday Living. By Maltbie D. Babcock. 12mo. pp. 192. $1.00 net. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons. Short extracts from the writings of a young pastor. 26 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF THE MISSIONARY LIFE AND WORK. *Bible in Brazil (The). Colporteur experiences. By Rev. Hugh C. Tucker, agent of American Bible Society. 111. 12mo. pp. 293. $1.25 net. New York: Fleming H. Re veil Co. Cobra’s Den (The), and other stories of missionary work among the Telegus of India. Rev. J. Chamberlain. $1.00. New York: Fleming H. Re veil Co. Cry from the Sea (The), and the Answer from the Shore. Rev. C. S. Treanor, Chaplain of the missions to seamen at Deal, England. $1.50. New York: Fleming H. Revell Co. *Soo Thah. The story of the making of the Karen nation. By Rev. Alonzo Bunker, D.D. Introduction by Henry C. Mabie. 12mo. 111. pp. 280. $1.00 net. New York: Fleming H. Revell Co. A most interesting account of a Karen lad, from the hill country of Bur- mah, who became a Christian. *Story of the Life of Mackay of Uganda. Told for boys, by his sister. 111. pp. 338. $1.00. New York: A. C. Armstrong. *Topsy-Turvy Land. By Samuel M. and Amy E. Zwemer. 111. pp. 124. 75 cts. net. New York: Fleming H. Revell Co. A picture book for children, with most readable accounts of life and mis- sion work in Arabia. Village Life in China. A study in sociology. By Rev. Arthur H. Smith. $2.00. New York: Fleming H. Revell Co. Valuable description of China of to-day. *Village Work in India. By Norman Russell. 12mo. 111. $1.00 net. New York: Fleming H. Revell Co. Description of life and mission work in India. CONDUCT AND WORK. As the Twig is Bent. Susan Chenery. pp. 164. 12mo. $1.00 net. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. A story for mothers and teachers. Bringing up Boys. By Kate Upson Clark. 50 cts. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell & Co. A useful book for mothers and teachers. *Care of Destitute, Neglected and Delinquent Children. By Homer Folks, pp. 250. $1.00 net. New York: The Macmillan Co. CHURCH LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. 27 *Child Housekeeper (The). By Elizabeth Colson and Anna Chit- tenden. Introduction by Jacob A. Riis. 12mo. 111. pp. 187. $1.50 net. New York: A. S. Barnes & Co. A book of songs and lessons, for use in a housekeeping class. *East London. By Sir Walter Besant. 111. 8vo. pp. 364. $3.50. New York: The Century Co. Life among the working people of London. *Every Living Creature. By Ralph Waldo Trine. (What is Worth While Series.) pp. 40. 35 cts. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell & Co. Short talks on our conduct towards animals, advocating vegetarianism and anti vivisection. *Gentle Measures in the Management and Training of the Young. By Jacob Abbott. 12mo. pp. 330. $1.25. New York: Harper & Brothers. Book of counsel for mothers of small children. Home Nursing. E. Harrison. $1.00. New York: The Macmillan Co. How They Succeeded. Life stories of successful men, told by themselves. Edited by Orison Swett Marden. pp. 365. $1.50. Boston: Lothrop Publishing Co. *Memoirs of a Child. By Annie Steger Winston, pp. 169. $1 .10 net. New York: Longmans, Green & Co. *Paths of Duty. By Dean Frederick W. Farrar. (What is Worth While Series.) 35 cts. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell & Co. *Rain-Blossoms. By Edith Harvey Brooks. 80 cts. S. P. C. K. New York: Edwin S. Gorham. Advice for days of adversity. School, College and Character. L. B. R. Briggs. $1.00 net. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Useful for those who have boys to educate. *Simple Life (The). By Charles Wagner. Translated from the French by Mary Hendee. With an introduction and bio- graphical sketch of the author by Grace King. $1.25. New York: McClure, Phillips & Co. Stones Rolled Away. A series of addresses by Henry Drummond. pp. 184. $1.00. New York: James Pott & Co. The Man Who is Down. One Way to Help Boys. Life on the Top Floor. The Kingdom of God, and Your Part in It. 28 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF THE Stray Thoughts on Character. Lucy H. M. Soulsby. pp. 208. $1.00. New York: Longmans, Green & Co. For girls and young women. *Stray Thoughts for Invalids. Compiled by Lucy H. M. Soulsby. pp. 111. 75 cts. New York: Longmans, Green & Co. Success Booklets. By Orison Swett Marden. 6 vols. 111. 12mo. 50 cts. each. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell & Co. Character. Opportunity. Cheerfulness. Economy. Good Manners. Iron Will. Sunday Afternoons for the Children. A mother book. Mrs. E. F. Soule. 75 cts. New York: Fords, Howard & Hulbert. *Talks to Boys and Girls. By Rev. Sydney Strong. 12mo. pp. 128. 50 cts. net. New York: Fleming H. Re veil Co. Tuskegee: Its Story and Its Work. Max Bennett Thrasher. With an introduction by Booker T. Washington, pp. 215. 111. $1.00. Boston: Small, Maynard & Co. Winning Out. Orison Swett Marden. $1.00. Boston: Lothrop Publishing Co. A book for young people on character building. Winsome Womanhood. Familiar talks on life and conduct. Margaret E. Sangster. pp. 260. $1.25 net. New York: Fleming H. Re veil Co. For young women. *With My Neighbors. By Margaret E. Sangster. 16mo. $1.25. New York: Harper & Brothers. FOLKLORE, MYTHOLOGY AND FAIRY STORIES. Adventures of a Brownie. By Dinah M. Mulock Craig. New edition. 16mo. 111. pp. 140. 60 cts. New York: Harper & Brothers. *Book of Romance (The). Edited by Andrew Lang. 111. pp. 384. $1.60 net. New York: Longmans, Green & Co. Book of Saints and Friendly Beasts. Abbie Farwell Brown. 12mo. pp. 225. $1.25. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Seventeen stories from ancient legends told for children. Fairy Tales. By Hans Andersen. New edition. 111. 4to. $1.50. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co. CHURCH LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. 29 Fairy Tales from Far Japan. Translated by Miss S. Ballard of St. Hilda’s Mission, Tokyo, pp. 128. 4to. 75 cts. New York: Fleming H. Re veil Co. Part 1. For grown-up readers. Part 2. About those who read the fairy tales. Part 3. The fairy tales. Frithjof, Viking of Norway. Roland, Paladin of France. By Z. A. Ragozin. SI. 50. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons. Granny’s Wonderful Chair, and Its Tales of Fairy Times. Francis Brown, pp. 192. $1.50. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co. Grey Fairy Book (The). Andrew Lang. pp. 387. $2.00. New York: Longmans, Green & Co. Good fairy stories from many sources. Heroes (The); or, Greek Fairy Tales for My Children. Charles Kingsley. Edited by John Tetlow. 12mo. pp. 167. 30 cts. net. (Classics for Children.) Boston: Ginn & Co. Mabel’s Prince Wonderful; or, A Trip to Storyland. By N. E. Cule. pp. 175. $1.50. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co. Fairy story for children under nine. *Mopsa, the Fairy. By Jean Ingelow. pp. 268. 60 cts. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell & Co. Old Pincushion (The), and Other Fairy Tales. Mrs. Molesworth. 111. 12mo. pp. 192. $1.50. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co. Saints of Italy. Legends retold by Ella Noyes. 111. from the old masters. $1.50 net. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co. *Sir Marrok. By Allen French. 12mo. pp. 281. $1.00 net. New York: The Century Co. A fairy story of the time of King Arthur. Wind Fairies (The), and Other Stories. Mary de Morgan, pp. 236. $1.50. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co. Rather unusual fairy stories. HISTORICAL STORIES. At the Siege of Quebec. James Otis. pp. 362. $1.25. Philadelphia: Penn Publishing Co. The adventures of two American boys taken prisoners during the siege. *Barnaby Lee. By John Bennett. 12mo. pp. 454. $1.50. New York: The Century Co. Boy’s life in New Amsterdam and Maryland in the latter half of the seventeenth century. 30 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF THE Betty Seldon, Patriot. Adele E. Thompson, pp. 246. $1.25. Boston: Lee & Shepard. Story of a girl in the days of the Revolution. *Boy and the Baron (The). By Adeline Knapp. 12mo. pp. 210. $1.00 net. New York: The Century Co. Stirring tale of the time of the crusades in Germany. Boy in Early Virginia (Ah By Edward Robbins. 12mo. 111. $1.00 net. Philadelphia: George W. Jacobs & Co. Scene laid in the colony of Jamestown. Brave Girl (A). Alice F. Jackson, pp. 127. 40 cts. S. P. C. K. New York: Edwin S. Gorham. A true story of the Indian Mutiny. Century Book of the American Colonies (The), pp. 233. $1.50. New York: The Century Co. Story of the pilgrimage of a party of young people to the sites of the early settlements. *For the Faith. A story of the Reformation time in England. By Evelyn Everett Green. 8vo. 111. $1.25. New York: Thomas Nelson & Sons. Hereward, the Wake. Last of the English. By Charles Kings- ley. Introduction by Maurice Kingsley. New edition. 111. 2 vols. pp. 326, 323. New York: J. F. Taylor. Heroes of the Chitral Siege. Alice F. Jackson, pp. 128. 40 cts. S. P. C. K. New York: Edwin S. Gorham. *How the Twins Captured a Hessian. By James Otis. (Golden Hour Series.) 8vo. pp. 102. 50 cts. net. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell & Co. A story of Revolutionary times, for children. Daughter of France (A). A story of Acadia. By Eliza F. Pol- lard. pp. 374. $1.50. New York: Thomas Nelson & Sons. An historical story of Nova Scotia, for older readers. Well written, with good delineation of character. In Blue and White. A story of the American Revolution. El- bridge S. Brooks. $1.50. Boston: Lothrop Publishing Co. *In the Days of Alfred the Great. By Eva March Tappan. 111. $1.00. Boston: Lee & Shepard. In the Days of William the Conqueror. Eva March Tappan. pp. 328. $1.00. Boston: Lee & Shepard. Jack Morgan. W. O. Stoddard, pp. 353. $1.50. Boston: Lothrop Publishing Co. CHURCH LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. 31 *Last-Century Maid (A), and Other Stories. By Anne Hollings- worth Wharton. 111. 8vo. $1.25. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co. Stories of colonial life in the neighborhood of Philadelphia. Last of the Cliffords (The). By Eliza F. Pollard. 8vo. $1.50. New York: Thomas Nelson & Sons. Story of the civil war in England. Little Daughter of the Revolution (A). A story of the boys and girls of 76. A. C. Sage. pp. 203. $1.50. New York: F. A. Stokes & Co. *Little Captive Lad (A). By Beulah Marie Dix. 111. pp. 286. $1.50. New York: The Macmillan Co. Story of Roundheads and Cavaliers. Loyal Hearts, and True. Ruth Ogden, pp. 352. 111. $1.25. New York: F. A. Stokes & Co. A good picture of our war with Spain, as seen through the eyes of some children. My Lady Marcia. A story of the French Revolution. Eliza F. Pollard, pp. 512. $1.50. New York: Thomas Nelson & Sons. Osceola, Chief of the Seminoles. Col. H. R. Gordon, pp. 322. $1.50. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co. Interesting historical story. Adventures of two boys in Florida at the opening of the Seminole war. Pontiac, Chief of the Ottawas. Col. H. R. Gordon. 12mo. pp. % 300. $1.50. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co. A tale of the siege of Detroit. Prince Karl. A story of the Black Forest. M. Gerard, pp. 172. 60 cts. New York: Thomas Nelson & Co. The adventures of Princess Elizabeth and her son. Northern Georgia Sketches. Will N. Harben. $1.00. Chicago: A. C. McClurg & Co. Trinity Bells. A tale of old New York. Amelia E. Barr. pp. 278. $1.50. New York: J. F. Taylor & Co. A story for girls of life in New York a century ago. Good lessons of obedience and helpfulness. Tory Lover (The). An historical story. Sarah Orne Jewett, pp. 405. $1.50. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. A tale of the Revolution and Paul Jones. *Virginia Cavalier (A). By Molly Elliot Seawell. 8vo. 111. pp. 349. $1.50. New York: Harper & Brothers. General Washington is the hero of this interesting book for boys. 32 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF THE FICTION FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. Almost as Good as a Boy. Amanda M. Douglas, pp. 375. SI. 25. New-¥ork: Lee & Shepard. A story of a girl who went to work like a boy and kept the home together. *Aunt Abby’s Neighbors. By Annie Trumbull Slosson. pp. 170. SI. 00. New York: Fleming H. Revell Co. A simple story, showing how one woman lived and did her duty to God and her neighbors. Ben Hur: a Tale of the Christ. By Lew Wallace. Popular edi- tion. pp. 560. S2.00. Same. Players’ edition. With scenes from the play. S2.50. Same. Garfield edition. Profusely illustrated. S4.00. New York: Harper & Brothers. *Biography of a Prairie Girl (The). By Eleanor Gates. 12mo. pp. 320. SI. 50. New York: The Century Co. A description of a little girl’s life in the Northwest twenty-five years ago. Black Rock. A tale of the Selkirks. By Ralph Connor. With introduction by Prof. George Adams Smith. Astor Library of Prose. 12mo. pp. 322. 60 cts. Waldorf Library. 12mo. 75 cts. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell & Co. Same. SI. 25. Same. Popular edition. 50 cts. New York: Fleming H. Revell Co. *Boy’s Town (A). By W. D. Howells. 8vo. 111. pp. 247. SI. 25. New York: Harper & Brothers. *Chanticleer. By Violette Hall. A pastoral romance. 111. pp. 304. SI. 50. Boston: Lothrop Publishing Co. * Chinese Quaker (A). An unfictitious novel. Mrs. Nellie Bless- ing Eyster. 111. 12mo. pp. 377. SI. 50 net. New York: Fleming H. Revell Co. A philanthropic woman’s work in Chinese San Francisco. *Dawn of Day (The). For 1902. 60 cts. S. P. C. K. New York: Edwin S. Gorham. Bound volume of a Church of England magazine. Dorsey, the Young Inventor. E. G. Ellis. SI. 25. New York: Fords, Howard & Hulbert. A story for inventive boys. CHURCH LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. 33 * First Christmas (The). By Lew Wallace. 111. in two colors. Cr. 8vo. $1.25. Same. 16mo. pp. 140. 50 cts. New York: Harper & Brothers. Story of the Wise Men and the Nativity, taken from Ben Hur. Fortunes of Peggy Treherne. Annette Lyster. $1.00. Nat. Soc. New York: Thomas Whittaker & Co. Frigate’s Namesake (The). Alice Balch Abbott, pp. 204. $1.00 net. New York: The Century Co. The story of a little girl named for the battleship “Essex.” Girls of Bonnie Castle (The). By Izola L. Forrester. $1.00 net. Philadelphia: George W. Jacobs & Co. Girl Ranchers of the San Coulac (The). A story for girls. Mrs. C. L. Marshall, pp. 322. $1.25. Philadelphia: Penn Publishing Co. A story of two girls and an invalid father on a Montana sheep ranch. Girl’s Resolve (A). E. S. Curry. 40 cts. S. P. C. K. New York: Edwin S. Gorham. A simple story of English life of to-day. *Glengarry School Days. By Ralph Connor, pp. 340. $1.25 net. New York: Fleming H. Re veil Co. Hans Brinker; or, The Silver Skates. By Mary Mapes Dodge. New edition. 12mo. 100 ill. pp. 347. $1.50. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons. Story of life in Holland. Heart: a Schoolboy’s Journal. Edmondo de Amicis. pp. 371. 60 cts. (Children’s Favorite Classics.) New York: Thomas Y. Crowell & Co. Heidi: Her Years of Wandering and Learning. By Johanna Spyri. Astor Library of Prose. 12mo. 111. pp. 338. 60 cts. Waldorf Library. 12mo. 111. Gilt top. 75 cts. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell & Co. Classics for Children, pp. 363. 111. 40 cts. net. Boston: Ginn & Co. Her Sixteenth Year. Helen D. Brown, pp. 191. $1.00 net. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. “Little Miss Phoebe Gray” grown to be sixteen, as bright and wholesome as in her childhood. How Dexter Paid His Way. Kate Upson Clark. 35 cts. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell & Co. 34 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF THE *Indian Boyhood. By Charles A. Eastman. 111. 12mo. pp. 289. SI. 60 net. New York: McClure, Phillips & Co. y An account of Indian ways, by a Sioux. *In the Morning Glow. By Roy Rolfe Gilson. 8vo. SI. 50. New York: Harper & Brothers. Story of child-life. Irish Cousin (An). C. M. McSorley. pp. 154. 60 cts. S. P. C. K. New York: Edwin S. Gorham. *Junior Cup (The). Allen French. 111. 12mo. pp. 246. S 1 . 20 net . Ne w Y ork : The Century Co . Well- told story of life in a boy’s summer camp. Lady of the Loaf (The). M. Bramston. pp. 128. 40 cts. S. P. C. K. New York: Edwin S. Gorham. Last of the Flat Boats (The). A story of Mississippi and its inter- esting family of rivers. George Cary Eggleston, pp. 382. SI. 50. Boston: Lothrop Publishing Co. A capital book for boys, instructive and well written. *Life’s Trivial Round. By Rose N. Carey. 111. 12mo. pp. 228. SI. 25. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co. Little Citizen (The). M. E. Waller, pp. 324. SI. 50. Boston: Lothrop Publishing Co. A most interesting story of a little, lame newsboy, from New York, trans- planted to Vermont and made into a good citizen. Little Crusaders (The). Stephen Madden. (Sunshine Series.) 50 cts. New York : Thomas Y. Crowell & Co. *Little Green God (The). By Mrs. Caroline Atwater Mason. 16mo. pp. 146. 75 ets. net. New York: Fleming H. Re veil Co. For older readers. The heathenism found in Christian America by a mis- sionary returned from India. *Loyal Huguenot Maid (A). By Margaret S. Comrie. 12mo. 111. SI. 00 net. Philadelphia: George W. Jacobs & Co. Story of the life of a Huguenot brother and sister during the persecution. For readers over fourteen. Lobster Catchers (The). A story of the coast of Maine. James Otis. pp. 308. SI. 50. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co. A lad of fifteen, in partnership with an old sailor in lobster catching, makes a success of life. Excellent moral teaching. Making of an American (The). Jacob A. Riis. 111. pp. 443. $2.00 net. New York : The Macmillan Co. A story of real life, more fascinating than a romance. CHURCH LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. 35 Middleway. Tales of a New England village. By Kate W. I Patch. $1.25. Boston: Small, Maynard & Co. Navy Blue. A story of cadet life in the U. S. Naval Academy at Annapolis. W. B. Allen, pp. 341. $1.50. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co. ^ For boys of fourteen or over. People of the Whirlpool (The). 12mo. $1.50. New York - The Macmillan Co. A continuation of “The Garden of a Commuter’s Wife.” *Pine Ridge Plantation. The trials and successes of a young cotton planter. By William Drysdale. 111. 8vo. pp. 320. $1.50. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell & Co Play-Lady (The). Astory for other girls. E. F. Pratt, pp. 132. 50 cts. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell & Co. A true picture of kindly helpfulness in village life. For girls over twelve. Queen’s Garden (The). M. E. M. Davis, pp. 142. $1.25. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. A story of the French quarter in New Orleans. *Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm. By Kate Douglas Wiggin. 12mo. pp. 327. $1.25. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. A story of schoolgirl life in a New England village. *Seven Dreamers. By Annie Trumbull Slosson. 8vo. pp. 286. $1.25. New York: Harper & Brothers. Seven stories in New England dialect, of which Fishin’ Jimmy is the best known. Sky Pilot (The). A tale of the foothills. Ralph Connor. $1.25. New York: Fleming H. Re veil Co. ' Stepping Heavenward. Mrs. Elizabeth Prentiss. New edition. Portrait. $1.25. Cheap edition 25 cts. New York: Wessels & Co. Story of Betty (The). Carolyn Wells, pp. 260. $1.50. New York: The Century Co. A little girl who inherited money and bought herself a home and a family. *Story of the Other Wise Man (The). By Henry Van Dyke. 16mo. 50 cts. Same. 8vo. 111. $1.00. New York: Harper & Brothers. The story of the Wise Man who never reached the Christ Child. For older * readers. Those Black Diamond Men. A tale of the Anthrax Valley. Wil- ^ liam F. Gibbons, pp. 389. $1.50. New York: Fleming H. Re veil Co. A story of life among the coal miners, by one who lived there. 36 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF THE *Tommy Remington’s Battle. By Burton E. Stevenson, pp. 257. $1.00 net. New York: The Century Co. A story of how a miner’s boy fought for an education. Two Boys and a Fire. E. A. Rand. 12mo. 75 cts. New York: Thomas Whittaker & Co. Two Wilderness Voyagers. Franklin W. Calkins, pp. 359. $1.50. New York: Fleming H. Re veil Co. The story of two little Sioux children in 1867. Widow O’Callaghan’s Boys. G. Zollinger. 111. pp. 297. $1.25. Chicago: A. C. McClurg & Co. A story of how five boys helped their widowed mother. Full of good sense and fun. Ye Mariners of England. Herbert Hayens. pp. 437. $2.00. New York: Thomas Nelson & Co. About the navy; very interesting to boys over twelve. Youngest Girl in the School (The). By Evelyn Sharp, pp. 326. $1.50. New York: The Macmillan Co. A most entertaining story of schoolgirl life. FICTION FOR CHILDREN UNDER TEN. Aunt Hannah and Seth. James Otis. pp. 109. 50 cts. (Sun- shine Library.) Nefa York: Thomas Y. Crowell & Co. Story of a New York newsboy, teaching good lessons. Bobby’s Surprises. 80 cts. New York: Thomas Nelson & Co. *Captured Santa Claus (A). By Thomas Nelson Page. 111. 12mo. 75 cts. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons. Cat and the Candle (The). M. F. Leonard, pp. 88. 50 cts. (Sunshine Library.) New York: Thomas Y. Crowell & Co. Story of a child who brought sunshine into dreary lives. *Child and the Tree (The). By Bessie Kenyon LTlrich. 8vo. pp. 115. 50 cts. net. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell & Co. Children’s Hour (The). Mrs. Molesworth. 12 colored plates. $1.00. New York: Thomas Nelson & Co. A charming book of stories for young children. Children of the Valley (The). Harriet Prescott Spofford. pp. 92. 35 cts. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell & Co. A story of five little children living on a northern farm. Children’s Plan (The), and What Came of It. C. M. McSorley. pp. 160. 60 cts. S. P. C. K. New York : Edwin S. Gorham. CHURCH LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. 37 Christmas-Tree Scholar (A). F. B. Dillingham. 50 cts. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell & Co. Dainty Series. 111. 50 cts. each. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co. Tattine. By Ruth Ogden. Little Gervaise, and Other Stories. J. S. Winter. Our Soldier Boy. G. M. Fenn. For little children. Down Durley Lane, and Other Ballads. Virginia W. Cloud. 111. pp. 99. SI. 50. New York: The Century Co. A book of nonsense ballads. Ednah and Her Brothers. Eliza Orne White. 12mo. 111. pp. 143. SI. 00. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. A pleasant little story of a family of children and their artist parents. Flight of the “ Swallow ” (The). Emily M. Morgan, pp. 108. 50 cts. New York: James Pott & Co. *Flying Hill Farm. By Sophie Swett. 8vo. pp. 263. SI. 25. New York: Harper & Brothers. One summer in the lives of some children who learned what it means to be ‘ 4 square.” Friends and ^Helpers. S. J. Eddy. 111. pp. 231. 60 cts. net. Boston: Ginn & Co. Stories for young children about birds and animals, teaching lessons of kindness and care of them. In the Poverty Year. Marian Douglas. 35 cts. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell & Co. A story of New England children in the early part of the last century. Jackanapes, and the Brownies. Juliana Horatia Ewing. (River- side Literature Series.) pp. 90. 25 cts. net. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Edited, with introduction and notes, by H. W. Boynton. Josee. An Australian story. M. B. Whiting, pp. 203. 30 cts. S. P. C. K. New York: Edwin S. Gorham. The story of a brave little girl. *Lady Jane. By Mrs. C. V. Jamison. Quarto, pp. 246. $1.50. New York: The Century Co. The story of a little girl left alone in New Orleans by the death of her mother. *Lights of Childland. By Maud Ballington Booth. 8vo. 111. $1.35 net. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. 38 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF THE ^Little Dusky Hero (The). By Harriet T. Comstock. 8vo. pp. 93. 111. 50 cts. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell & Co. Story of a little colored boy’s adventures in the Cuban war. Little Cockney (A). By Selina Gage. 60 cts. New York: Thomas Nelson & Sons. A simple story of the life of a London child. *Little Girl Next Door (The). By Nina Rhoades. 12mo. pp. 248. 80 cts. net. Boston: Lee & Shepard. A story of two little New York girls, one of whom is blind. *Little Miss Oddity. By Amy E. Blanchard. 12mo. 80 cts. net. Philadelphia: George W. Jacobs & Co. A little girl who loved all kinds of animals. *Little Polly Prentiss. By Elizabeth Lincoln Gould. 80 cts. Philadelphia: Penn Publishing Co. Little Sky-High Below Stairs. Hezekiali Butterworth. 35 cts. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell & Co. Story of a Chinese boy who was servant in an American family, and what came of it. Lonesomest Doll (The). Abby Farwell Brown, pp. 76. 85 cts. net. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. A tale of a royal doll and her owner. Marcia and the Major. J. L. Harbour, pp. 83. 35 cts. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell & Co. Story of an old miner and two adopted girls, in the Colorado mountains. Minon; or, The Cat the King Looked at. Phebe Allen, pp. 152. 60 cts. S. P. C. K. New York: Edwin S. Gorham. Story of an historical cat at the court of Louis XVI. *Miss De Peyster’s Boy. By Ethelred B. Barry. Golden Hour Series. 8vo. 111. 50 cts. net. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell & Co. Story of a brave little knight who comes out of his troubles well. *Mistress May. By Amy E. Blanchard. 12mo. pp. 231. 111. 80 cts. net. Philadelphia: George W. Jacobs & Co. A story for girls. *Molly. By Barbara Yechton. 8vo. pp. 120. 50 cts. net. (Golden Hour Series.) New York: Thomas Y. Crowell & Co. Monfflou. By Louise de la Ramee. (Bimbi Stories.) 12mo. 111. 50 cts. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co. A story of a little boy and his pet dog. CHURCH LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. 39 *My Pretty and Her Brother Too. Mrs. Molesworth. SI. 50. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co. Ten short stories of English children. *Nurnberg Stove (The). By Louise de la Ramee. (Bimbi Sto- ries.) 12mo. 111. 50cts. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co. Story of a little boy’s great love and admiration for a beautiful ancient stove. *Over the Garden Gate. By Alice F. Jackson. 12mo. pp. 255. $1. 00. S. P. C. K. New York: Edwin S. Gorham. Pair of Them (A). Evelyn Raymond. 50 cts. (Sunshine Library.) New York: Thomas Y. Crowell & Co. *Pussy Meow. The autobiography of a cat. By S. Louise Pat- teson. pp. 237. 60 cts. Philadelphia: George W. Jacobs & Co. Short Stories for Short People. Alicia Aspinwall. 12mo. pp. 264. SI. 50. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co. Twenty-eight short stories for little children. Story of a Little Beech-Tree (The). Esther Harlan, pp. 56. 50 cts. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co. Attractive and instructive; good moral teaching. Summer Holidays (The). G. Mocklar. 50 cts. New York: Thomas Nelson & Co. An English story of fun and frolic. Susy Books. By Elizabeth Prentiss. 6 vols. in set. 50 cts. a vol. Little Susy’s Six Teachers. Little Susy’s Six Birthdays. Little Susy’s Little Servants. For children from four to six. Same. 3 vols. in one. $2.00. New York: Wessels & Co. Terrible Feud (A), and Other Stories for Children. By E. Velvin and E. L. Haverfield. 8vo. 80 cts. New York: Thomas Nelson & Sons. Bright stories of wide-awake English children. *Three Little Marys. By Nora Archibald Smith. 111. 12mo. pp. 120. 85 cts. net. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Mairi, a Scotch lassie, Molly, an English girl, and Maureen Bawn, an Irish colleen, figure in the three stories in this book. Two and One. Charlotte M. Vaile. pp. 102. 50 cts. (Sun- shine Library.) New York: Thomas Y. Crowell &Co. Simple stories of outdoor life for the youngest readers. 40 CATALOGUE OF THE CHURCH LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. *Uncle Charley. By Zephine Humphrey. 12mo. pp. 126. SI. 25. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. A story of a little girl and her uncle, an inventor. When Mother was a Little Girl. By Frances S. Brewster, pp. 229 . 80 cts. net. Philadelphia: George W. Jacobs & Co. Story of the life of a child in the Berkshire hills forty years ago. Wood Pigeons and Mary (The). Mrs. Molesworth. pp. 192. SI. 25. New York: The Macmillan Co . ** * V *