l^lMl fe.*^** ■ *.- \ \ 6. CORRESPONDENCE WITH THE ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY WITH RESPECT TO THE NEGLECT AND SPIEITUAL DESTITUTION OP THE PAEISH OF TONBRIDGE. SPOTTISWOODE & CO., NEAV-STREET SQUARE, LONDOX. 1875. '^>i''i:^ 'ij^^^« Dry Hill, Toubridge, iJecember 27th, 1875. Sir,— In a letter which you wrote to me by desire, as you tell me, of the Archbishop of Canterbury, dated Nov, 11, 1875, I find this passage : " Ynu are aware, as you have yourself stated, that his Grace has longsince received full reports from the churchwardens." I shall feel obliged to you if you will be so good as to inform me of your authority for the assertiim that I have made this statement. — I am, sir, your obedient servant, HF.RnKRT N. Ev.vxs. To John B. Lee, Esq, Addingtou Park, Croydon, December 30th, 1875. Dear Sir,— Mr, J. B. Lee has placed in my hamls a letter addressed by you to him on December 27th, 1875. Mr, Lee requests me to answer this letter, as the document to which it refers is not in his keeping at Broad Sanctuary, but is preserved amongst the Arch- bishop's papers here. On reference to your letter to the Archbishop, dated November 8, 1875, I find the following worrls : "On the 12th of June last when your Grace honoured " (me) "with an audience at Tonbridge, they (viz., the churchwardens) wei'e both ushered into your presence as 1 left it." T presume it is to this interview, of which you have made mention in addressing his Grace, and to what then passed between his Grace and the churchwardens, that special allusion is made in tlie letter addressed to you on November 11th, respecti'ig the accuracy (^f which you now make enquiries. -Believe me to \k\ dear sir, yours faithfully, Craufurd Tait, Dr, Herbert Evans. Chaplain. 29th December, 1875. Sir,— The Archbishop of Canterbury desires me to send for your consideration, the copy of a letter which he has received from Mr. Fleming. -I am, yours truly, Craufurd Tait. Dr. Evans. f corv. ] Stafford House, Tonbridife. December 21st, 1875. May rr plk.vse your Grace,— On my return home, after a brief absence, I had the i)leasure of finding your Grace's kind letter of December 14. informinir the memorialists who ad- dresseJ 3our Grace on November 30, of the very satisfactory arrangements which have been made. I hare to acknowledge your Grace's two commanications with the grateful thanks of the memorialists for the great paina and trouble jour Grace lias taken in relieving the parish from its most pressing penilexity.— I have the honour to be, your Grace's obedient servant, I. Plant Fleming. His Grice the Lord Arohbishop of Canterbury. Dry Hill, 'r()nl)rid "tr jlif