.f,fx::':.y.'.;,'^\y. pjjijgi;;'/. ;:, .'r ■ . . S-;!!';!t''';: ■■■■:■■ y.'i", «$'.: /'lT Tit » ■ ': I ' -w- T It" LIBRARY OF the: U N IVER.5ITY or ILLI NOIS ^B777 '^immi!iim:^>!!M? TO ALL PARTIES WISHING WOOD-CUT ILLIISTRATIOIVS. The Subscribers have now in successful operation Price's Patent process of Photograph- ing directly upon the Wood Block, instead of the old slow, tedious, expensive, and inaccu- rate process of Hand-Drawing. PERFECT ACCURACY, CHEAPNESS, AND DISPATCH, ARE ITS PRINCIPAL RECOMMENDATIONS. We are ready to furnish, at the shortest notice. Illustrative Cuts of all kinds of Manu- factured Articles, Manufactories, Stores, Dwellings, Landscapes, Portraits, Ac. We are using this process iu every department of Wood-Cut Illustrations, and sliall be pleased to show our patrons PROOFS OP ITS PERPECT SUCCESS. Parties wishing work done, by leaving or sending their orders, will be promptly waited upon. Ambrotypes, Photographs, Daguerreotypes, Ac, copied upon the wood, and correct Cuts furnished, so that parties out o^f the city need only send their orders, accompanied with the picture. We are thankful for the favour with which our efforts to introduce this great improvement have been received. We shall endeavour to still deserve success. WATERS & TIIiTOIV, 90 Fulton Street, (Upstairs) New York. HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT AND PII.I.S. Scrofula, Erysipelas, Salt Rhevim, and all other skin dis- eiises, indicate impure blood. The Ointment reaches and neutralizes the poiion in the veins, while the Pills are fi:ua'"a^nt®<*(l * certain cure for Pyspepsia, Liver Com- glaint, and all affections of the tomacli and Bowels. *»* Sold at the Manufactories of Doctor HoLLowAY, 80 Maiden Lane, New York, and by nil respectable Druggists and Deal- ers in Metlicine throughout the United Slates and the civilized world, in boxes at 25 centa, 63 cents, and $1 each. N. B. — Directions for the ^id- ance of patients in every disorder are atfixed to each box. Cincinnati. For W.W.HAMER&Co.'s ADVEKTISEMENT OF GRINDING MILLS, See Part I., between pp. 78 & 79. THE AMERICAN GUIDE FOR 1859. BRITISH COMMERCIAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. London & America. Kgtabllghed 18 2 0. Capital, $3,000,000, AND A LARGE Accumulated Surplus. This Company has been in successful operation nearly 40 years, and has paid for claims ».1,500,000. No extra charge for cross- ing the Atlantic. Loans granted on Policies. Laree Bonuses on Policies on Participating Scale. Frazer Kivcr, California, and special risks taken. Chief Office in America, 65 Wall St., New York, GEO. M. KNEVITT, General Agent, For U. S. and Canada. BILLIARD TABLES. Improved Billiard Tables and Combination Cushions. Protected by Letters Patent, dated Feb. 19, 1856; Oct. 28, 1856; Dec. 8, 1857; Jan. 12, 1858. _ The recent improvements in these Tallies make them unsurpassed in the world. They are now offered to the scientific Billiard players as combining speed with truth, never before obtained in any Bil- liard Table. Salesrooms, Nos. 7S6 and 78S Broadway, New York. Manufactory, No. 53 Ann Street. O'CONNER & COLLANDER, Sole Manufacturers. THE BREVOORT HOUSE, FIFTH AVENUE, CORNER OF EIGHTH ST., NEW YORK, Strictly upon the European plan, furnishing meals at all hours, guests paying only for what they call for. ALBERT CLARK, Proprietor. Clarendon Hotel, UNION PLACE, COR. OF 18TH STREET, NEW YORK. This Hotel is delightfully situated near tlie Union Park, Academy of Jlusic, and other places of attraction. The apartments, from the single room to the suite of any number desired, are amply provided with Bath Rooms, and all the modern conveniences. It is conducted on the Table d'Hote system, or meals are served in rooms. The cuisine is under the directions of one of the first chefs in the United States. Terms: ^2.50 per day. ISo charge for Baths. KERNER 8l BIRCH, Proprietors. LAFARGE HOUSE, BROADIVAY, Opposite Bond. St., ISTs^at "^Torl^. This new and elegant Hotel is located in the most fashionable part of Broadway, and is furnished with all the modern improvements, rendering it the most desirable Hotel in the Metropolis, HENRY WHEELER, Proprietor. W. W. HILL, (formerly of the Irving House,) Superintendent. W. CHASE &, SON, MANiKACTrnr.ns of SCHOOL FURNITURE, OF VARIOUS DESI GNS. Chase's Patent Iron Back Chair, Office Desks, and new design of Settee; a supply kept con- stantly on hand at 198 SEVENTH STREET, BUFFALO, N.Y., and 194 Lake Street, Chic^o, 111. WYLIE &. LOGHEAD, BUCHANAN STREET, Glasgow, Scotland. I Ulustrated Ctiialogues sent hrj applying ax above. THE MERCANTILE AGENCY. 314 &L 316 BROADWAY, sin ori'K i:. iii kkoai>\*ay, tki.mtv bl'ildi.\g, N E W Y O 11 K . r>. DOUGLASS & CO., PROPRIETORS. EMtablishftl, June^ 1§41. IJ. DOUGLASS 4 CO., Now York. B. DOUGLASS i CO., Philu.Ulphia. E. nUSSELL & CO., Boston. J. D. PRATT A CO., Baltimore. B. IK)UGLASS & CO., Ciiuinnati. B. DOUGI^VSS & CO., Pittsburg. B. D<)r(;LA.>NS &. CO., CKvolanJ, Olno. B. I>OUGLAS8 «fe CO., Detroit, Mich. B. DOUGLASS &. CO., Chicago. Bl. B. DOUGL^VSS A CO., Dubuque, Iowa. B. DOUGLASS i CO., Milwaukee, "Wis. R DOUGL^\.SS A CO., Xew Orleans. R DOUGLASS OUGLA98 A CO., Unity Buil.ling, lo Cannon Street, London, R C. 1^" Thi.s In.stitution, of long-tri(Hl utility in the United States of America and Briti.'^h Provinces, ha.H lately been extended by branch to London. A continued and con- •J"ES^W" O rt Hb E5 .A.n>3" S2 AT NEW ORLEANS FOR GALYESTON & ALL PLACES IN SOUTHERN TEXAS. Notice. — The attention of persons emigrating West is called to the fine Timber Lands between Cincinnati and Vincennes. Hickory, Black and White Walnut, Sugar Maple, Poplar, Oak, and Ash, abound. To those who prefer Prairie Lands of a supe- rior quality, and at favorable rates, a fine opportunity is offered for selection between Vincennes and St. Louis, with all the benefits of a mild climate. Farmers on the line of the Ohio & Mississippi Railroad, have the advantage of the two great western mar- kets — Cincinnati and St. Louis. ASK FOR TICKETS VIA OHIO AND MISSISSIPPI RAILROAD. coiynroiiTr Broad Gauge Saloon Cars through from Cincinnati to St. Louis without change. Only one Change of Cars between Cincinnati, Louisville, Evansville or Cairo. Trains leave Cincinnati in Connection with Trains of all the Eastern Railroads. ONE THROUGH TRAIN ON SUNDAY. THROUOH TICKETS To the West and South, via Cincinnati and Ohio & Mississippi Railroad, can be procured at all the Eastern Railroad Ticket Offices, and at all the principal Stations on Roads east of Cincinnati, and at the several Offices of the Company at Cincinnati. TF. H. CL-EMENT. P. W. STRADER, General Superintendent. General Ticket Agent, Cin. IMPORTANT TO EMIGRANTS (ittlNTf TO Tin: CANADAS AM) THE AVESTERX STATES. JmiuI Agency and Jinju'ttnj OJices fur the sale of Canada Lands. iHtrticuhiiH of ichuh^ as wiU a« nliahJe information^ can now he oh- taiiod at HutKiKs *fc Bkal, 2o9 Piccadilly, London, Euirlaiid, xohlr/t I/ouMi /V in connection with the icell-knoicn Land Aijene-y and Af/ri- cultural /utab/inh/nent of Geo. Fuller »fe Co., llaniilton and Toronto. Oinjida West. The Kn<;lish Ilc^'istry for Properties in Canada can now be inspected at 2ul) Piccadilly, London, England, free of expense, which contain> the jtarticulars of various farms for sale in LTpper and Lower Canada, (varying from £4 to £12 and £30 sterling per acre). Breweries, flour and saw-mills, houses, and all descriptions of property; also 10,000 acres of land covered with capital growing oak, elm, ash, and beech timber, at from $(5 to $2o per acre, or, in English money, from £1 is. to {.'•! sterling per acre. In the State of Illinois, the property of Martin Zimmerman, Es(|.. the eminent railway contractor, are 100,000 acres of the very best ])rairie lands, from £1 to £3 sterling per acre. This soil produces 4<> bushels of wheat to the acre, besides Indian corn and other crops. The very best of shooting and fishing in the district. There are also 1,350 acres of excellent land, some 400 under culti- vation, 7 miles from the Coniwall station, on the Grand Trunk line: OS miles from Montreal. This is for sale at £5 per acre, in farms of 200 acres, or in one lot at £4 j)er acre. People emigrating should inspect the Register, at which place can be obtained the most useful infornuition, as well as a letter of introduc- tion to George Fuller tfe Co., the agricultural auctioneers, James street, Hamilton, and at Komain Buildings, King street, Toronto. Persons will find it most desirable not to settle until after an inter- view with Mr. George Fuller, either at Toronto or Hamilton. Moneys received from, and transmitted to, England, Ireland & Scotland. a K O . I U L L K II & CO., A;;ri(-iilliiral liictitMircr^i and l.inii In the opinions expressed, or descriptions of " men and things" given, the author does ^' not lay claim to either infallibility, or any great literary merit; but to a sincere desire to g present such in an intelligible, unbiassed, and disinterested manner; and where he has ;]) happened to err as to any particular facts — or differ from any in the opinions expressed — ^ he claims that such may be attributed to error in information received, and in judgment — 5 tlian to error of intention, to gratify any personal, or prejudiced preconceived notions. ^ ... ^ In attempting to describe and illustrate so vast a territory as this work embraces, it has ^ been found impossible — ev4n with considerable assistance rendered him — for the author to ^- produce original descriptions of every place noticed in time for this edition of the work ; o consequently, he has availed himself of extracts from some of the most reliable authori- ^ ties having reference to the districts not yet visited personally by him. Amongst these, V he mentions Lippencot's and Hayward's Gazetteers, the Cosmopolitan Art Journal, Francis's rv Guide to New York, and Hunt's Merchants' Magazine, and to a work by Mr. W. P. Smith ,,^^of Baltimore, on the "Railroad Celebration of 1857," for information pertaining to the ^^^ States; and " Lovell's Directory" and " Key to Canada," as regards Canada. Any other y sources of information are mentioned where extracts from them occur. By this means, N the information, given as a whole, is rendered more complete. It is, however, the inten- tion in future editions of this work, to bring the information respecting particular districts N down to later dates, from personal observation and ex])erience. 6 TO THE READER. The author has confidence in submitting the illustrations for public approval, as he has endeavoured to secure the best at command where already in existence, and also by hav- ing others engraved from photographic and pencil sketches taken specially for this -woi'k. To preserve, as far as possible, all the truthful details of the photographic views, they have been re-photographed upon wood by Messrs. Waters & Co. of New York, by Price's patent process, and engraved from such by them, so that the illustrations presented from these, faithfully illustrate each scene represented. A few typographical and clerical errors occur here and there, which were not observed till after being printed off; these, however, will be rectified in future editions, which, it is intended, to extend and improve. The work has been divided into parts, each part containing one class of matter and an index to contents, so that readers may all the more easily find out any particular informa- tion or illustration, they are in search of. ge:n^ekal index of contents, ARRANGED IN PARTS. -♦-♦ CONTENTS OF PART i. PAGE Addington Road, free lands. 37 Agriculture of Canada 34 Banks in Canada and a^'ts. 42 Banks in G. Britain and Ire 42 Canada, gener'l information 31 Consuls at Montreal 16 Climate 34 Conditions of, free lands. .. 39 Crown land agents 39 Canadian banks and agents. 42 Crops, rotation of 35 Distribution of intest. est's. 45 Expense of a family 3'5 Emigration gov. otiicers... 41 Free lands of government. 37 Free lands, conditions 39 Quebec 7 Montreal — The entire City 12 Great St. James Street.. . 15 Place d' Armes 15 Beaver Hall 15 Bonsecour's Market 15 Victoria Bridge 14 PAGE Game of the country 37 Government free lands 37 Government land agents.. 39 Government emigt'n offic's. 41 Hamilton, C. W 26 Hastings Road, free lands. . 37 Income & expend, of prov. 38 Kingston, C. W 28 Laws, Municipal Institution 32 Log house, cost of 35 Loudon, C. W 26 Land agents, government. . 39 Lauds, wild, cost of cl'ring. 35 Montreal, C. E 11 Money-order office system. . 44 Naturalization 31 ILLUSTEATIONS OF PAET I. Toronto.— The entire City . 22 St. Lawrence Hall 22 The Normal Academy ... 24 King Street 23 Triinty College 24 Yonge Street 23 Crown Lands' Office, and Mechanics' Institution. 22 PAOB Ottawa, C. W 17 Offices held by settlers 36 Postal regulations in Can. . 45 Quebec 7 Rideau canal and locks 21 Religion 34 Settlers, information for. . . 35 Sale and occupation of lands 40 School lands for sale 41 Toronto, C. W 22 Trinity College 22 Taxes payable 36 Victoria Bridge 13 Wild beasts, if troublesome 37 Wages to agriculturists.. . . 36 Work during winter 36 Ottawa. — Lower and Central Town. 18 Upper Town 19 Locks on Rideau Canal. . 21 Kingston 28 London 27 Hamilton 25 CONTENTS OF PART II. Albanv, Scenerv between New York anil 64 Alleghany Mountains, The. 7 Altamount, Alleghanies 13 Avon Springs 62 Ballston Spa 61 Baltimore to Cincinnati 7 Baltimore and Ohio Railroad 22 Beauliarnois, St. Lawrence. 45 Bottom lands in Missouri.. 2S Breezes on the Prairies 29 Burning Springs, Niagara.. 77 Canadian boat-song 79 Canandaigua Lake 62 Cape May 48 Cassidy's Ridge 15 Catskiil Mountains 53 Canghnawauga, St. Law- rence 45 Cedar Rapids, St. Lawrence 45 Crooked Lake 52 Chauderie Falls, Ottawa. . . 82 Cheat River and Valley 13 Cincinnati to Columbus... 19 Clarksburg 17 Clifton Springs 51 ' Climate of Missouri Valley. 29 Cohoes Falls ". . 43 Columbia Bridge Susqueha. 23 Columbia Springs 62 Columbus to Cincinnati 19 Columbus to Baltimore 21 Columbus to Philadelphia. . 21 Columbus to New York 21 Cranberry Summit 13 Cumberland, Alleghanies.. 12 Davenport, Iowa 30 Descending the Rapids.... 43 Falls of the Chauderie 82 8 r.ENEKAL INDEX OF CONTEXTS. rxnw Falls of tlip Ridfuu >«•.' Full*, l.iitli' t;j FftlUof Colicies 4H Falls of (M'lii'scf »i"i Falls of Kuiitor^kill .'■:. Falls of Mimu'liiilia »•• Fulls of Mniitinorenci H" Falls of Niuffura. 7'J Falls of till' I'ussaic HI Falls of St. Anthonr 87 Falls of Tivnton. . .". 46 Genesee Fulls 60 Geneva Lake 6a Granoii Jiiiiction 1.5 Givat t'oliimhiu Itriil^e 28 Han>er's Kerry, Virginia. . . 10 Hiulson Kiver 64 Imliun Lake 6i Indian Muiunl, .Muundsville 17 Iron Hridge — the largest in Anierieu 16 Iron Mountain, Missouri... '2'> Islands, the Thousand 4.'3 JefTerson's Rook lO Junction to Wheeling and r«rker.sl)urg 1.") Juniata, Scenery of the 23 Kan>as and Nebraska 27 Kaiiter.skill Falls .5.5 Kingwood Tunnel 1.5 La Chine, St. Lawrence 4.5 Lake C'anandaigua 62 Lake (ieorge .51 Lake Mahoiuic 62 I^ke of the Thousand Isl'ds 43 Lake of the Two Mountains W Lake I'epin, Mis.^i.ssij>|ii .... 3.5 Lakes I'leasant and Crooked .52 Lake Saranacs 62 Lakes (Jeneva and Seneca. . 62 I^kc St. Francis 46 I^keSvinerior 4" I.4»ke .Sylvan, Cat.skill Mt'ns .54 Lake Winnipiseogee .5o Lebanon Springs 61 Little Fulls «•_' Little Miami Kiv'rand Val'y I'.i Long .'*aiill Kiipids 4.T LiuiiIkt in .Missoim 2'.' Maiden liock, Mississippi.. 85 rAOi Mammoth Cave, Kentucky. 4>s .Miami Valley uiid Kiver . .'. . lit Minnehaha Falls 8S> .Mi^^iKxippi |{'dge,Rock Isl'd 3o .Mi>>i'and Isl'ds. 46 Ottawa River, Trip up the. 79 I'arkcrsburg 18 I'nssaic tails 61 I'atapsco River, Scenery of. 8 Philadelphia to Tittsbiifg... 23 Pictured Rocks, Lake .Sun'r 40 Piedmont, Alli_':ianv .Mt ns 12 Pittsburg to Pliiladeljihia. . 21 Platte River an i Valley 2S Plymouth Rock " 49 Point of Rocks y Potomac Valley and River.. lrings .50 [ Shooting the Rapids 43 Sleepy Hollow .56 Soil of the .^Iissouri Valley. 27 Source of the Hudson 63 Springs & Watering places. 4S 1 St. Anthony, Minnesota 37 Steaming up the Mississippi 31 Steaming up the Mis.souri.. 28 St. Krancis' Lake 45 I St. Lawrence River, Rapids. 42 St. Paul, Minnesota 35 I St. Paul to St. Anthony's I Falls :... .37 ! Superior Lake 40 , Sue(iuehanna River 23 I .Sylvan Lake .54 I Tip-Top House 59 ' Trenton Falls 46 Trip up the Ottawa 79 Trip u|) the Saguenay 85 I Trip through the Thousand I Islands 4."? i Trip up the Upper Miss'ppi 31 Tup])er's Lake 62 I Turk's Face, on the Hudson 68 Upjier Mississippi River. . . 31 I Upper Ottawa River 84 Valley of the Missouri 27 ! Watering Places 4S White >U)untains 57 White .Sulphur Springs 50 Willcy House 58 I Winnipiseogee Lake 50 Viailuct ucross the Pa- tapsco 8 Scenery at P^llysvillc and Iron Hri>lge.' 7 Har]>er's Kerry 10 Point of Roclis ension Bridge 72 Terrapin Tower 75 yinOiira FaRi. The American and Ilorse- Shoe Falls 78 T.nble Rock 75 Biirnini: Springs 77 /•flAnijiV /-iilU, AVir Jertti/. . . 61 Jiirer l[ii > ft H "1 d H O O c :^ 20 CHAUDIERE FALLS — RIDEAU FALLS, ETC. leases at reasonaV)le rates, have only tended to defeat the very object which they, and all the inhahitiints ouglit to have in view, viz., giving everj' facility in their power, and offer- ing every inducement tliey can, for parties at a distance to locate amongst them. In fact, the idea that Ottawa was selected as the headquarters of the government, has had any thing but a beneficial effect so far, in some respects, upon the town; but there is the conso- lation, that whether it is to be the seat of government or not, there is no doubt, that of necessity, it is destined to become — it may be gradually — the centre of a much more exten- sive trade, a town of much greater importance than it is at present, and the point, round whioli radiate a numl>er of other towns, and extensive agricultural districts, of which Ot- tawa ix the capital and centre, and, in all human probability, always likely to remain so. From it, a large wholesale and retail trade is, and must always, be done — with the districts round about ; whilst, as is well known, it is the centre of a district, which, for extensive forests of fine lumber, has no superior in America. The scenerj' around Ottawa is far beyond what we had any idea of, and the view from the Barrack Hill, is one of surpassing grandeur and extent, combining in it a trinity of river, landscape, and fall scenery, which few places can boast of Looking to the west — (see engraving) — at the west end of the town are situated, the celebrated Chaudiere Falls, wliich fall about 40 feet, and the spraj' of which may be seen a long way off, ascending in the air. In the earlj" part of the season, (say in May,) these falls are not seen to so much advan- tage, the river then being, generally, so much swollen with the immense volume of water from the upper lakes and the tributaries of the Ottawa. Then they partake, in some re- spects, more of the character of huge rapids. Farther on in the season, however, they ap- pear more in their real character of " falls," and are a sight worth seeing, although they are being very much encroached upon, by lumber establishments. An excellent view of the falls, as well as of the rapids, is got from off the suspension bridge, which crosses the river quite close to them. At the eastern suburb of Ottawa, again, called New Edin- burgh, there is a little Niagara, in miniature, in the Rideau Falls, and one of the prettiest little falls to be seen any where. Although only of 30 feet fall, the}- present features of interest and great beauty. The town of Ottawa is supplied, in many parts, with gas. Its markets afford an excel- lent supply of cheap provisions, whilst tlie purity of the air, from its elevated position, renders it one of the healthiest towns in Canada. Emigrants, in looking to Ottawa, will do well to remember, that it is only the agricul- tural labourer, or farmer with capital, to whom its locality offers inducements at present. Amongst the schemes for connecting Canada East with the "Western States, is the Ot- tawa Ship Canal, via the Ottawa and French Rivers to Lake Huron, which, if successful in being established, wUl render Ottawa, more than ever, one of the great entrepots of that route and trafiic. The communication between Ottawa and Montreal, is by rail via Prescott; also by river, per steamer to Grenville, rail from Grenville to Carrillon ; thence, steamer to Lachine ; thence, rail to Montreal. To Canada West, on the St. Lawrence, via rail. To Ogdensburg, via rail to Prescott, and steamer across the St. Lawrence. Distances : — from Montreal, 126 miles ; Quebec, 296 miles ; Toronto, 223 miles ; Kingston, 95 miles ; Prescott, 55 miles ; New York, 450 mUes; Boston, 485 miles. Population, about 12,000. For the information of emigrants proceeding to the newly-opened districts, where free lands are to be had, full information regarding these, with routes and fares, will be found in another portion of this work. Tlie views of Upper Town, and Lower and Central Town, as given elsewhere, are from pencil drawings made for this work, by Mr. Eastman, artist, of Ottawa. All who know Ottawa will be able to attest to the very fiiithful manner in which they are done, and that the engi'avers have preserved all the truthfulness in detail, in enabling us to present, for the first time, we believe, complete and accurate views of Ottawa, Canada West. OTTAWA BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Agricultural Implements, Hat, George, Sparks street. Aitcn-neys and Barristers. CtEGG, William, Eideau street. Marsan, J. B. C, Rideau st. (See adv't.) Ring & O'Connor, Sussex street. Bookseller. RrrcHiE, James, Sparks street. (See adv't). Builder and Carpenter. Lang, Edward, Sparks street. Central. (See advertisement). Cmnmission Merchants. Heubach, George, Rideau street. Marett, Frederick, Rideau street, Confectioner and Baker. Scott, Alexander, Sparks street Dry Goods. Cunningham, Barclay O D- g- a. o O D S c cr s s- p J. ~ CL, n> 3 CO ^^ ■j^ o o '^ » CO C p O g O re O Oj -3 1 O 3 o o H B 3 -J OQ 'CR g O 5 a " re re g. r» m s> t-i S O re ^ £i 3 ? ^ &? re r-" ^ "3 cr Ts P re re p <^ s re Cb 3 O C S" cf; El re H s ^ re o o s= re re B S> o o B O o B B S 2i >€ n -3 O > O O C I;? m O CI o o o E. re" fi'^ 2: c- ^ r' /T\ ?r^ ■- o t-* ^ 3- 5^ ._. 5" 3 :l; 3 '■^ i-i cc CO (r»- tr to •r^ 00 05 — re 3 C- re P re r» ■^ 3^ 3 re B W re re >i X • s; 3 c» =i re re p CD re o 3 P 3 05 o re ^ :3 3 P re 3 c O o 3 H P 3 ■-^ w j . ^.U^ v.. /..; ,■ , >w ' ^v,4 '«>.;■' S '^ W S' W £, ^ ■r c r* re -i o sr ^ *» 2 C-. =. ^ =^ r.t £. 3 s^ e- o" •=" c* p "^ re •"* P- — o »"= 1— K- 5 ^re ^ re c-^icr^^^— oo^ re r-^ f*3'i(^3'C0t7i-rH»0 3 K-i aq c &, 3 00 ^ -J "'30'^reJ^_j g -," I- 1 " 3 ^ _ re CO „ 3re^'*^-»iS. re S. 3 CO _ _ -f O » g :!. s» re C 05 3- ^ O ^ =0 re T' -^ ?■ i-i p P *-- 5j ai o (n 2 <^ re re 3 •-« 22 TORONTO, CANADA WEST. CITY OF TORONTO, C W. Toronto forms the Metropolis of Upper Canada, (or Canada West,) the second city in commercial importance in the entire province, and at present is the seat of the pro\ineiul legislature. It is pleasantly situated on the west shore of Lake Ontario, and has a nnnh more prepossessing appi-arance whon viewed from a steamer on the lake, than when ap- proached by railway. From the large quantity of trees and shruhher}- inter^l)(•rsed through many of the streets, it may well lay claim to the title of the Forest Citj- of Canada. Sit- uated as the city is, on almost a dead level, it presents no particular features further than being plentifully studded with graceful spires, which, with the wooded hills situated in the background, completes the picture of a beautiful city. The street along side of the shore of the lake — recently very much improved — is termed the Esplanade, along which the Grand Trunk Railroad runs, and where it has its terminus. CROW>--LASD» OFTICK AND MECHANICS INSTnXTE. In one portion of the above building are the offices of the Crown land Department, where all bu«ine99 connected with the "\N'oo^- ST. LAWKENCK UALL. The above forms one of the most imposing buil.hnes in the city. The basement and first floors are occupied as stores, whilst up- stairs there is a large, well-lighted, and neatly done-up public hall, where meetings, concerts, etc., are held. St. Lawrence Hall is situated at the east end of King street. TORONTO, CANADA WEST. 28 KING STREET (weST). King street is the principal thoroughfare in the city. It is fully 2 miles in length, and •with its many handsome stores and build- ings, forms the chief promenade. Two of the largest buildings in the city are in King street, viz., St. Lawrence Hall, and the Rossin House. YONGE street (nORTH). Yonge street rivals King street, in its busy bustling appearance, and although the stores are not so elegant as some in King street, yet a large amount of retail business is trans- acted in the section presented above. As in most cities in the United States, the streets of Toronto are long and spacious, and laid out at right angles to each other. Tlae principal streets for wholesale stores are the lower end of Yonge street and Wel- lington street, whilst Upper Yonge street and King street are the chief streets for retail business of all sorts. We may mention that, with the exception of spaces here and there, the pavements in all the streets are of wood — planks laid across, and nailed down to sleepers. The Provincial Legislature holds its meetings in Toronto, in the government buildings, a cluster of red brick buildings situated at the west end of the city, close to wliich is the residence of the Governor-General, Sir Edmund Walker Head, Bart., representative of Her Majesty in Canada. Tlie public buildings of Toronto are numerous, and some of them very handsome. We have engraved, from photographs, four of the principal buildings, viz. : St. Lawrence Hall, Trinity College, the Normal School, and Crown-lands Otfice, in which building is also situated the Mechanics' Institute. Osgoode Hall, in Queen street, when completed will form one of the finest buildings in the city. There the Superior Courts of Law and Equity are held. Besides those named, the other public buildings of any note are the Post-office, the new General Hospital and the Lunatic Asylum — the latter an immense building at tlie ■western extremity of the city. Toronto may well boast as being the city of churches in Canada, from the number of elegant structures it contains, of all denominations. The two largest are the English Ca- thedral and the Roman Catholic Cathedral, but both, being without spires as yet, do not present that graceful appearance which even some of the smaller churches do, although none, we should suppose, exceed the rich and handsome interior or comfortable accommo- dation of the English Cathedral, as a place of worship. Toronto lias several manufacturing establishments, some of them extensive, and which, in ordinary good times, turn over a large amount of business ; the city, from its central posi- tion, and the ready means of land and water carriage, now extended almost in every direc- tion, affording great facilities for manufactures as well as merchandise finding their way all over the country. 24 TOEONTO AND HAAIILTON, CANADA WEST. TKIMTY COLLEGE. The above building is one of the most im- portant in the city, whether as regards its character as an educational institution, or the magnificent style of the edifice, wiiich, ■when completed, will certainlj' be one of the finest in the city. THE NORMAL AND MODEL SCUOOLS. The above building, in the Italian style o architecture, is devoted to the establishment known as the Normal and Model Schools, and which forms the head of that invaluable system of public education pervading the whole province. As we have said, Toronto forms the second commercial city in Canada, and, until the panic of 1857 set in, enjoyed a large and steadily increasing trade. Its merchants were of the most enterprising, active, and " go a-head" character ; consequently probably no city in America has experienced the effects of the panic more than Toronto. Willi the general revival of business, we have no doubt, it will assume its wonted activity, although it may be gi-adually. The railways centring in Toronto are: — The Great Western, to Hamilton; Supension Bridge, (Niagara,) and Windsor, opposite Detroit, (Michigan). The Grand Trunk, to Montreal and Quebec, (east,) and to Stratford, (west). The Ontario, Simcoe, and Uuron, (now called the Noi'thern Railroad,) to Collingwood. 26 LONDON. LONDON, CANADA WEST. Like its namesake, the great Babylon of England, London, C. W., is in the County of Middlesex, and also on the River Thames, with streets and bridges named after those of the great cit}\ There, however, the similarity ends. It possesses some excellent public build- ings and churches, and is situated in the centre of an extensive and rich agricultural dis- trict, which furnishes it with a large amount of trade in grain and other agricultural pro- duce. Previous to the late commercial panic, few places showed greater signs of progress than London ; in fact it went ahead too fast, like many other cities and towns, consequently it has felt the revulsion all the more — and every department of business, nearly, has suffered — to revive again, we hope, when business becomes more buoyant generally. The town is lighted with gas, and supports as many as six newspapers, and five bank agencies. The streets are wide, and laid off at right angles. London is one of the principal stations on the Great "Western Railroad of Canada, on the section from Hamilton to Windsor, with a branch to port Stanley, on Lake Erie, from which there is a regular steam communica- tion with Cleveland, Ohio. The soil in the immediate vicinity of London, it is true, is sandy, and the country almost a dead level, as far as "Windsor ; but you cannot travel many miles in a northern or south- ern direction, until you meet with an undulating country, and productive farms, whose proprietors, of course, betake themselves to London for sale and purchase — for mart and market. Our representation of London is from one of several photographs, supplied to us by Mr. E. H. Longman, of London, C. "W., and, from the excellent manner in which they are executed, we feel pleasure and confidence in saying, that the photographic art is well re- presented there by Mr Longman — judging from the specimens he has supplied to us. HAMILTON, C. W. Hamilton, one of the cities of Canada "West, is situated at the south-western extremity of Burlington Bay, an inlet at the head of Lake Ontario, and terminus of lake navigation. The site on which Hamilton is built, occupies gradually rising ground for about a mile and a half from tlie shore of the lake to the base of the hill, called the Mountain, which rises up in the background. It was laid out in 1813, and has spread with wonderful rapidity — ftisler than almost any other town in Canada. In 1841 the population was only about 3500, while in 1850 it had increased to 10,312, and now has reached to nearly 30,000. Hamilton is the centre of one of the most extensive and best agricultural portions of Canada, and in its vicinity are to be seen some of the best cultivated farms, not long re- claimed from the primeval forest. As in most American cities, the streets are laid out at right angles, and present a fine, spacious appearance. The public buildings, banks, churches and hotels, which are amongst the finest in the province, are built of stone and brick. Some of the merchants' stores excel any thing of the same sort in Toronto, or even Montreal, and are carried on by some of the largest importers in Canada, who do an extensive business throughout the country. The ciiief business streets — named King, John, James, York, and McNab streets — are situated a considerable distance back from the shore. The Gore Bank of Canada has its head-quarters in Hamilton, in addition to which there are five or six other Bank agencies. The finest and certainly most extensive view of the city is to be had from the Mountain. DRUGS. r WINER & CO., Importers and Wholesale Druggists, receive constantly, direct from the sources • of growth and manufacture, all the staple Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery, Toilet Soaps, lirushes, imbs. Surgical and Dental Instruments, Glassware, etc., etc. Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Naval Stores, Dye- iffs. Spices, etc., etc. J. AViner & Co. are proprietors of Mott's Febrifuge Wine and Garden's Worm Tea, Combs, stuffs, . , , , . and also keep all other Patent Medicines in stock, at manufacturers prices. Particular attention paid to keeping articles of first quality. JOSIAS BR-A.^, I JAMES CAHILL, Broker, Insurance, and General AgentJeARRISTER, SOLICITOR, &c., KING STREET, HAMILTON, C. W. KING ST., (East,) HAMILTON, C. W. M. w. ^vart:?ian, d. d. s., CORNER OF KING & JOHN STREETS, H.\MILTON, C. W. HILTON BROTHERS, HARDWARE MERCHANTS, KING STREET, HAMILTON, C. W. GEORGE BARNES &, CO., BOOKSELLERS & STATIONERS, HAMILTON, C. W. JONATHAN M. VAN NORMAN, M. D., Eclectic Physician, Accouchenr, and Surgeon, COR. OF KING & BOWERY STREET, HAMILTON, C. W. BOX, 478. A POLITICAL, COMMERCIAL &, GENERAL NEWSPAPER, is Published at Hamilton, C. W., by the Proprietors, WILLIAM GILLESPY & ALEXANDER ROBERTSON. It ifl issued DAILY, SEMI-WEEKLY & WEEKLY, and has the largest Circulation of any Canadian Newspaper West of Toronto. From the particular attention paid to Commercial Intelligence, the Spectator has a^cquired a reputation for reliability, which has secured for it the patronage of the Mercantile Community of Western Canada. The geographical position of the City of Hamilton, with its superior railway connection, affords great facility for the speedy transmission of the Daily iSpectator to the numerous thriving Towns and Villages between the Niagara" and Detroit Rivers, — an advantage of which the proprietors have not failed to avail themselves. The Sei/ii- WeeA-lij and Weekly editions, (made up from the reading matter in the Vaily,) con- taining a great amount of news, at an extremely low price, enjoy a large and extended circulation among the agricultural classes, and those not immediately engrossed with the cares of politics or commerce, to whom the stimulus of a daily paper is not a necessity. The Spectator (Daily, Semi-Weekly and Weekly) is therefore an excellent medium for advertising. The rates charged are the same as the published rates generally adopted by the Canadian press ; except for the weekly edition, for which double the usual rate is charged, on account of its large circulation being confined, almost exclusively, to the farming community, thereby admitting only the profitable publication, in its columns, of advertisements suited to this particular class. The Rates of Subscription /)rtya&^€, in advance, are — Semi- Wetkly, in clubx of 5 or more . . . .' $2.00 per copy. 'My, in cliib.s of 10 or more 1.00 " ^~ Parties resident in Great Britain or Ireland, may order through Messrs. Algar & Street, No. 11 Clement's Lane, Lombard Street, London, England. The Publishers of the Spectator also beg to direct public attention to the other branches of business carried on by them at the " SPECTATOR" E.>«TABLI.«iH.>IE\T, which is one of the largest and most complete of the kind in Canada — comprising the following Departments, viz ; — Book and Job Printing, including the publication of the national series of School Books, as well as the execution of every variety of i>lain and fancy letter-press printing; BuOKniNniNc, (this department c.-irrifd off the first prize at the Provincial Fair in ISoT,) including Blank Book manufacturing, and ruling and i>agii)g by the most improved machinery ; Lituograpiiing and Coppkr-Pi-atk Engraving and Printing, embr.icing: Invoices, Cards, Maps, Plans, Autographs, &c., &c., with every variety of Mercantile and Bank Forms ; Stationery, embracing a select and varied Stock of British, American, and Canadian made papers, &c., &c. Orders in the above departments executed on the shortest notice, and at reasonable charges. Daily per aiinum, $5.00 per copy. Semi Semi- Weekly 3.00 mi Weekly 1.50 Wee SPECT.tTOR Office, I C3-I3L.XjESF"2' Sz I^OBEI^TSOIsr, \ Hamilton, C. W. 5 J^tiblisliet-H ti proprietors. THS ST. CATHBP.IITE'S COITSTITUTIOITAL, An Independent W^eekly Conservative Journal, S published every Wednesday, at the Proprietor's Office, St. Paul Street, at the low price of $2 a year, in _ advance. Having a large and influential circulation, Business Men will find it a most desirable adver- tising medium. Plain and Fancy JOB PUIN I'lNt}, of every description, executed in the best style of the Art, at the cheapest rates, and on the shortest notice. Superior facilities for Book, Handbill, Circular and Card Printing. JAMES SEYMOUR, Editor & Proprietor, St. Catherine's, C. W. I o !^ D O > > yiiiiiil iiiiiiiiilliiiliiiiiiiiii illiiiiiiliiil iM 28 KINGSTfJN, CANADA WEST. *> * « .~ • ej /• ^ r .S S •- £ >. o <- I >- c — c ■;; c >• ^ •- - p - - - o ^ "^ -i =• i " ^ ^ i 3 -S ? tn i^ 5, Esc e 5* £ a 5 <; c ^ 4/ •- S p#* * i .0-^*Jg '/wBBf^A^it/vv t ■ f^t^^ '^ •= ^. i 1 5 •= i = ,i i J "S "B .y .- c t- C y. ft. o es e B a O 5 >i u B C ' c- c o 6 — •J ® — U •= I — rf tc ^ c c J-' * -r (* ,i . - 3 C CI c u o ?" tr B a 1 u o 5 ? - Wj ^ B 5 "5/ "3 « — a> — -3 if '« c i! « .- .= ^ C "3 i- «C S -= _- >» S •- .2 o § <_ 2 .^ .= Zi o - * - ti '^ § s f >-E r^ ^-^ fc to o . * •- - -- % ^ 'C - B e! es 5, a* B o .2 =^1 s o c o — - a> 3 * es KINGSTON, CANADA WEST. 29 view of tlie surrounding country is obtained. These buildings, besides tlie immense Ilall, ■which is used on all public occasions, and for concerts, etc., contain the common council chambers, city offices, commercial news room, agency of the bank of Britisli North Ameri- ca, temporary post-offico, wholesale stores and warehouses, together with numerous other offices, etc., which will give some idea of its proportions. Its average cost was one hundred and twenty thousand dollars. The new "Court House and Jail," now completed, stands next in order, and is, indeed, an ornament to the city, the front elevation, with its six mag- nificent pillars, being in Grecian Ionic style, and the design extremely chaste and elegant. Its length is 208 feet, width 54 feet. The average outlay in its construction was nearly ninety thousand dollars. The lower story is designed for public offices, above which are the court and council rooms, cousisting of the assizes and county court, the division court, and county council rooms, etc. In rear are tlie Jail and jailer's dwelling, forming an extensive wing to the main building. The other buildings of note are, the Roman Catholic Cathe- dral, and Regiopolis College; the General Hospital, Queen's College, the Grammar School ; St. George's, St. Paul's, and St. James's Protestant Churches; St. Andrew's Church, Irish Free Church, Chalmer's Church, Wesleyan and Primitive Methodist Churches, Con- gregational Church, Baptist Church, Apostolic Church, and the old French Roman Catho- lic Church, now used as a nunnery. Tlie new Custom House and Post-office, recently com- pleted, would be an ornament to any city. Tlie chief public institutions are, tlie Genei'al Hospital, House of Industry, Hotel Dieu, Mechanics' Institute, etc. There are two daily newspapers — " The British Whig," the first daily published in Canada West, and " Tlie News;" one tri-weekly in the Roman Catholic interest, the "Herald;" and four weeklies, the "Chronicle and News," the " British Whig," the " Commercial Advertiser," and the "Tribune." One thing must not be overlooked in mentioning the lions of the city — the Public Park, which, in a few years, will be a chief source of healthful recreation to the citizens. Kingston has long been known for its safe and capacious harbour, which is well adapted to shelter a large fleet of vessels, besides liaving over twenty wharves, some of them very extensive, and furnished with capacious warehouses and accommodations for the forwarding trade. The shipping trade has long been a chief feature of the phice. In addition to the shiji yards at Garden Island, opposite, and at Portsmouth, at the extreme west end of the city, there is the noted Marine Railway of John Counter, Esq., from all of which have been launched the greatest number and largest tonnage of Cafiadian vessels in Canada West. Kingston, in this particular, being only second to Quebec. A branch railroad has lately been made across a portion of the bay below the Catara- qui Bridge, to connect with the city from the main depot, coming in at the foot of Onta- rio street, at the Tete du Pont barracks, and passing thence along the harbour to Shaw's wharf, where the branch or city depot is to be established. Kingston has, also, her Crys- tal Palace, at the outskirts of the city, in which the County Agricultural, Horticultural, aud other shows are held, and in which will be held the Provincial Association's great An- nual Show for 18.59. This is a large, handsome, and commodious building, which speaks favourably for the public enterprise of the Kingstonese, and the yeomenry of the county of Froutenac. Not the least remarkable evidence of the prosperity of the farming com- munity, is the large markets in Kingston — larger, perhaps, than any others in Canada, aud attesting greatly in favour of the superiority of the land in the vicinit^^ Kingston is well defended, judging from her martello towers, market battery, and ex- tensive and commanding fortifications at Fort Henry and Point Frederick. Towards the west end of the city are numerous handsome private residences, fronting on Lake Ontario. Still further on is the private Insane Asylum, at " Rockwood." The Penitentiary, situated on the lake shore, is a great attraction to strangers visiting Kingston. It is surrounded with walls 30 feet high, witli flanking towers, the whole covering an area of about twen- ty acres. Inside the walls, the first building seen is of a crnciform shape, in one wing of which is the hospital ; in another, the dining-hall ; above these, the chapel ; and under- neath, the asylum for the insane. The north part is the dwelling-house of the Warden and other officers, with a beautiful garden attached ; the remainder being occu])ied as cells for the convicts, who are all well cared for, and have, with their own liands, erected the walls, workshops, sheds, cells, etc. At the back, and next the lake side, are ranges of workshops, where the surplus labour is let to contractors. On the whole, Kingston seems to keep the even tenour of her way amongst the cities of Canada West, with a creditable steadiness and perseverance; is said to be one of the most healthy localities in the province; with a population of about 13,000. Kingston is repre- sented in the U]iper House by the Honourable Alexander Campbell, and in the Lower House by the Honourable Jolin A. Jlaedonald, the cx-Preniier ; the member for the county being the Honourable Henry Smith, Sjieaker of the Legislative Assenibl}\ The station of the Grand Trunk Railroad is about 2 miles from the city. Omnibuses ply to aud from it, in connection with the hotels. UPPER AND LOWER CANADA. The following information is compiled from the authorized publications of the Canadian government, official documents, and private information received : — Geographical Position and Extent. — The province of Canada embraces about 350,000 square miles of territory, independently of its north-western possessions, not yet open for settlement : it is, consequently, more than one-third larger than France, nearly three times as large as Great Britain and Ireland, and more than three times as large as Prussia. The inhabited, or settled portion, covers at least 40,000 square miles, and is nearly twice as large as Denmark, threo times as large as Switzerland, a third greater than Scotland, and more than a third the size of Prussia. Prior to the year 1840, Canada was divided into two distinct provinces, known as Upper and Lower Canada, possessing separate legislative bodies, or parliaments, for the local goverumeiit of each. In 1840 these provinces were united, although, for some purposes, the old territorial divisions still exist. Upper Canada is that part of the now united provinces which lies to the west of the Kiver Ottawa ; Lower Canada embraces the country to the east of that river. This extensive province is bounded on the north by the British possessions, at present in the occupation, or guardianship, of the Hudson's Bay Company ; on the south and east, by the states of the American Union, and the British province of New Brunswick. The western boundary of Canada, west of Lake Winnipeg, is yet undefined. The River St. Lawrence, and Lakes Ontario, Erie, St. Clair, Huron, and Superior, with their connecting rivers, form the division between Canada and the United States. Form of Government.— Canada is a colony of Great Britain, but is as free and unfettered as an independent nation. The mother country has entrusted to the Canadians the management of their own affairs. The Governor of Canada, who is also Governor-general of British North Amer- ica, is appointed by the British Crown, and is its representative in the colony. He nominates an executive council, who are his advisers on all matters. There are two legislative bodies, called the House of Assembly and the Legislative Council, the members of which are elected by tho people. The Legislative Council was formerly filled by the nominees of the crown. The system of government is that of legislative majorities and responsibility to electors, in imitation of, and as similar as possible, to that which exists in Great Britain. All public ofBcea and seats in the legislature are open to any candidate possessing the confidence of the people, and holding a certain limited amount of property, and being, at the time, a British subject. The elective franchise is nearly universal. Every man paying an annual household rental of 30 dol- lars, (£6 stg.) in the cities and towns, and 20 dollars, (£4 stg.) in the rural districts, is entitled to vote. N.^.TnRALizATiON OF Aliens. — Under the provisions of the 12 Vict. cap. 197, sect 4, as amended by the 18 Vict. cap. 6, foreigners can become naturalized after a residence of _/?«!<> years in Can- ada, by taking an oath as to such residence, and the oath of allegiance, before any Justice of the Peace of the place of his residence, and afterwards obtaining a certificate of residence from such Justice of the Peace, and causing it to be presented and recorded in any one of the courts mentioned in the sixth section of the 12 Vict. cap. 197, upon which a certificate of naturalization will be granted by such court. Before they are naturalized, we are informed that foreigners can hold and transmit real estate the same as natural-born subjects ; that they have a vote at municipal elections, although not at elections for members of the provincial legislature. The British government maintains a small force in Canada and the neighboring provinces, for protection against foreign invasion, and for the maintenance and preservation of the fortifica- tions of Quebec, Kingston, and other places, in the event of a foreign war. Character of the Population. — Canada was once a French colony, and, until it was ceded to the British, possessed, exclusively, a French population. In that part of the province which lies to the east of the Ottawa River, and which is called Lower Canada, the people are chiefly of French extraction. West of the Ottawa, or Upper Canada, is essentially British. The popula- tion of the province now exceeds 2,500,000. In some parts of Upper Canada there are large colonies of Germans and Dutch, and it is probable that not less than 30,000 Germans and Dutch are settled in difierent parts of the upper or western half of the province. 32 POPULATION — LAWS AND MUNICIPAL INSTITUTIONS. POPULATION OF CANADA FOR 185C-1857. NutiM of Conntlet. Total estimated Pop- ulation up to Jan. 1 "Ism! iswT Brant Klgi" Prei-Ciitt KussiU Lamliton Stomiont . . . Dunilos Qlengary Carleton Leeds Grenvllle Norfolk Lanark Renfrew Frontenac . . . Lennox Adiliiigton j H.isliiips ,. Prince Kdnrard 1 Ilaldimand I Northumberland.. I ( Durham j ) Peterborough Victoria fll 26,8T3 80,416 fi.lM 1T,79G IS.im 17,*M 2-.',SS6 *),W0 S9,o(U 2«,«6 27,8*4 2S,S34 13,684 21,684 9,148 18,6*8 41,616 22,(556 21,660 86,124 38,456 2(»,276 16,752 29.557 83,451 15,422 6,803 19,569 19,844 19,624 25,119 8;J,594 42,970 29,101 80,672 81,706 14,814 23,852 10,062 20,556 45,777 24,921 23,826 89,7;J6 42,301 22,803 18,427 Names of Counties and Cities. 11 Total estimated Pop- ulation up to Jan. 1. Brougfit forward. Ontario , York Peel Simcoe Wenlworth llalton (irey Wellington Huron Bruce Perth jWaterloo Lincoln 'Welland Oxford Middlesex Kent Essex City of Toronto. . City of Hamilton City of Kingston. City of Ottawa . . City of Loudon . . M 1856^ 66,532 86,520 61,572 27,."i63 85,712 81, 5U 21,592 i 16,580 1 34,584 j 82,684 ( 8,000 26,552 .'«,3-i4 33,7iX» 21,060 40,908 40,151 23,800 26,040 46,500 20,400 16,150 11,060 13,600 _1357. 62,006 40,172 07,729 8(),.324 89,283 84,693 23,751 18,238 88,033 &'i,942 9,240 29,207 37,756 97,o70 23,166 44,999 44,167 26,180 28,644 51,000 22,440 17,759 12,155 14,960 Carried up I 56,532 62,0o6 I 11,228,123 11,850,923 Total estimated population of Lower Canada, adding one-seven- I teenth for one year's increase 1,152,709 1,220,514 Total population of Canada in 1856 and In 1857 j |2,830,S31 12,571,487 Laws and Mdnicipal Institutions. — The laws of England were introduced into Upper Can- ada in 1701, and prevail, subject to the various alterations made, from time to tijiie, by the local parliament. The laws of France, as they existed at the conquest of Canada, by Britain, prevail in Lower Canada, subject also to the alterations effected by the local parliament. The crinjinal and commercial laws of England prevail there, as in Upper Canada. The parliament of Canada have, and e.xercise, entire control over the province ; the imperial government never interfere now, unless (which scarcely ever occurs) some great national interest is involved. The municipal system of Upper Canada is admirably adapted to the exigencies of a young and vigorous country ; its success has been complete. In order to comprehend it, it is necessary to state, that Upper Canada is divided into counties, forty-two in number; each county is divided into townships; so that, on an average, each township is about ten miles square. The inhabit- ants of a township elect five "councillers," the councillors elect, out of this number, a presiding ofEcer, who is designated the "town reeve;" the town reeves of the different townships, form the " county council," this Council elect their presiding oflicer, who is styled the " Warden." The town council and county council are municipal corporations, possessing the power to raise money for municipal purposes, such as making public improvements, opening and repairing roads and bridges. Repayment is secured by a tax on all the property in the township or county where the debt is incurred; but no by-law for raising money can be enforced, unless it has been previously submitted to the electors or people. Each corporation possesses the power of suing, and is liable to bo sued, and their by-laws, if illegal, are subject to be annulled by the Superior Courts of the province, at the instance of any elector. Each township council has the power to provide for the support of common schools under the provisions of the school law ; to construct roads, bridges, water-courses, etc., to appoint path-nioaters or road-inspectors, etc. The county councils are charged with the construction and repairs of goals, and court-houses, roads and bridges, houses of correction, and grammar schools, tmder the provisions of the school-law ; to grant money, by loan, to public works, tending to the improvement of the country, and to levy taxes for the redemption of the debts incurred, subject to the proviso before mentioned, namely, the vole of the people. Villages not having a popula- tion over ir>iX\ are governed by a board of police, and are styled police villages; possessiivg over 1000 inhabitants, they become incorporated villages, and are governed by a council of five, whose reeve is a member of the county council, ex offirio ; as soon as a village acquires a population exceeding three thousand, it becomes a town governed by a mayor and council, and is represented in the county council by a town reeve, and deputy town reeve. When the number of inhabit- CANADA — INCOME AND EXPENDITURE — EDUCATION. 33 ants exceeds 10,000, it may be created a city, and is governed by a mayor, alderman, and coun- cilmeu. All town reeves, wardens, mayors, and aldermen, are, ex '9/^'fio, justices of the peace. REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE FOR 1856. Revenue, 1856. £ «r Customs 1,028,905 9 Excise 20,53-2 8 Revenue from Public Works. 51,765 7 Territorial 25,(»6 6 Bank Imposts 22,142 14 Casual Revenue 89,(it>4 12 -Total Currency £1,238,666 18 4 Expenditure, 1856. ~ £ «. d- Interest on Public Debt 225,223 15 7 Civil Government 50,i)30 10 3 Administration of Justice. . . 1!4.254 8 5 Provincial Penitentiary l:3,ii89 11 2 Legislature 117,444 17 4 Education 97,514 1 6 Agricultural Societies 17,955 13 3 Hospitals and other Charities 3S,756 18 10 Public Works 92,787 16 6 Militia 36,107 14 11 Maintenance of Lighthouses 27,994 4 1 Emigration 0,383 18 7 Pensions 9,S20 8 Indian annuities 8,755 Sinking Fund, &c 60,84S 14 5 Miscellaneous 120,897 Oil Total Currency £1,050,714 13 9 Educational Institctioxs. — Upper and Lower Canada enjoy separate school laws, adapted to the religious elements prevailing in either. Each township in Upper Canada is divided into sev- eral school sections, according to the requirements of the inhabitants. The common schools are supported partly by government, and partly by local, self-imposed taxation, and occasionally, by the payment of a small monthly fee from each scholar. The total amount expended on educa- tional purposes in Canada, during 1S.56, was £y7,5]4 1<. 6(/., currency. In long-settled rural dis- tricts, each school section is now distinguished by a handsome brick school-house, furnished with maps, authorized school books, and elementarj' philosophical apparatus. The salaries of teachers vary from £130 stg. to £40 stg. in country parts, and from £2sO stg. to £75 stg. in cities and towns. All common-school teachers must pass an examination before a count}- board of educa- tion, or receive a license from the provincial normal school, empowering them to teach, before they can claim the government allowance. The provincial normal school is a highly eflFective and useful institution, for the training of teachers, and annually sends forth from 100 to 1.50 young men and women, who, having been uniformly instructed in the art of conducting a school and communicating knowledge, are grad- ually establishing, in Upper Canada, a system of common-school education of great j)romise. The free school system is gaining ground in many parts of Canada ; the principle it involves implies the support of common schools, open to all, by a general tax, and the non-exaction of fees. Any school section may adopt it by the vote of the majority of its inhabitants. Separate schools for Roman Catholics are sanctioned under certain regulations. The grammar schools are 65 in number, with 3726 pupils. They are intended to form a con- necting link between the coilimon schools and the universities. Teachers must be graduates of some university; they receive an allowance from government in addition to fees. The amount raised for grammar-school purposes, in 1S55, was £12,00u sterling. Besides a richly-endowed provincial university, supplied with a complete staff" of highly com- petent professors and lecturers, there are several other universities and colleges in Upper Can ada, in connection with ditferent religious denominations. The standard of education adopted in some of the Canadian universities, assimilates, as closely as possible, to that established in the time-honoured institutions of Great Britain and Ireland, and the ranks of the professorial staffs are generally supplied from the same unfailing sources. All the expenses of a full uni- versity course in Toronto need not exceed £60 sterling per annum, board and tuition included. To the Provincial University, and to the University of Trinity College in connection with the Clmrch of England, scholarships are attached, which vary in value, from £1S stg. to £40 stor. per annum. These are awarded (at annual examinations) to successful candidates competing for them. In Lower Canada a system of education in some respects similar to that which has just been described exists, and is rapidly obtaining favour among the people. The superior schools there, however, are of a very high order, and many of the seminaries attached to religious houses are well endowed, and amply provided with eflicieut professors and teachers. 34 RELIGION — AGRICULTL'HE — CLIMATE. Relicios.— Among Canadians there is perfect toleration in religious matters. While, how- ever, all religions are respected by law and by the people, there are strict distinctions jealously presiTVfd between clnirches of diflerent denoniinntions. The iiiivuiiiiig rili<;i(>us denominations niuy he thus classified, according to the census of 18:)1, from which un idea may be formed of the present strength of each leading religious body: —Church of England, -.JtW.iVj^ ; Church of Scotland, 75,587 ; Church of Rome, 1114,571 ; Free I'res- byterians. 03,3>^5 ; other Presbyterians, 82,733 ; Wesleyan Metiiodists, 114,839; Episcopal Metho- dists, 4'.i,W"5 ; all other Methodists, 5-_',449 ; Haptints, 4'.",s4<; ; Lutherans, 1-J,U>7, etc., etc. In Upper Canada the Roman Catholics form about one-si.\th of the whole population, and in Lower Can- ada about tive-sixths. AoKitiLTiRAL CAPABILITIES OF THK SoiL.— In the valleys of some of the larger rivers of Upper Canada wheat has been grown after wheat for thirty years; the first crops yielded an average of 40 bushels to the acre, but, under the thoughtless system of husbandry then pursued, the yield diminished to \-> bushels to the acre, and compelled a change of crop, which soon had the ellect of restoring the land to its original fertility. But this system of husbandry has ef- fected its own cure, and led to the introduction of a more rational method of cultivating the soil. Years ago, when roads were bad, and facilities for communicating with markets few and far be- tween, wheat was the only saleable produce of the farm, so that no etlort was spared to cultivate that cereal to the utmost extent. Now, since railroads, macadamized roads, and plank roads have opened up the country, and agricultural societies have succeeded in disseminating much useful instruction and information, husbandry has improved in all directions, and the natural fertility of the soil of the old settlements is, in great part, restored. The average yield of wheat in some township.^ exceeds 22 bushels to the acre, and where the least approach to good farming prevails the yield rises to thirty, and often forty bushels to the acre. On new land fifty bushels is not at all uncommon ; and it must not be forgotten, that Canadian wheat, grown near the city of Toront), won a first prize at the Paris exhibition. It may truly be said, that the soil of what may be termed the agricultural portion of Canada, which comprises four-fifths of the inhabited portion, r.nd a vast area still in the hands of the govern- ment and now open to settlement, is unexceptionable; and when deterioation takes place, it is the fault of the farmer, and not of the soil. In Upper Canada the yield of wheat one year con- siderablv exceeded 2i),'iOii,000 bushels; and the ((uality of Canadian wheat is so su])erior, that the American millers buy it for the purpose ot mixing with grain grown in the United States. in order to improve the quality of their dour. The most erroneous o]iinions have prevailed abroad respecting the climate of Canada. The 80-called rigour of Canadian winters is often advanced as a serious objection to the country, by many who have not the courage to encounter them,— who prefer sleet and fog, to brilliant skies and bracing cold, and who have yet to learn the value and extent of the blessings conferred upon Canada by her world-renowned " snows." It will scarcely be belie^d by many who shudder at the idea of the thermometer falling to lero, that the gradual annual diminution in the fall of snow, in certain localities, is a .subject of lamentation to the farmer in Western Canada. Their desire is for the old-fa.-oses of agriculture, is more suitable for the present occasion, than n reference to monthly and annual means of tem- perature. Much intornuUion is conveyed in the .simple narration of facts bearing upon fruit cul- ture. From the head of Lake Ontario, round by the Niagara frontier, and all along the Canadian shores of Lake Erie, the grape and pcoch grow with luxuriance, and ripen to perfection in the open nir. without the slightest artificial aid. The island of Montreal is distinguished every where for the fine quality of its apples, and the i.sland of Orieans, i)elow yuebec, is equally cele- brated for its plums. Over the whole of Canada, the melon and tomato acquire large dimensions, and ripen fully in the open air, the seeds being planted in the soil towards the latter end of GENERAL INFORMATION FOR SETTLERS. 35 April, and the fruit gathered in September. Pumpkins and squashes attain gigantic dimensions ; thev have exceeded 250 pounds in weight in the neighbourhood of Toronto. Indian corn, hops, and tobacco are common crops, and yield large returns. Hemp and flax are indigenous plants, and can be cultivated to any extent in many parts of the province. The most striking illustration of the influence of the great lakes in ameliorating the climate of Canada, especially of the western peninsula, is to be found in the natural limits to which certain trees are restricted by climate. That valuable wood, the black walnut, for which Canada is so celebrated, ceases to grow north of latitude 41° on the Atlantic coast, but, under the influence of the comparatively mild lake-climate of peninsula Canada, it is found in the greatest profusion, and of the largest dimensions, as far north as latitude 43°. The following information is from the pen of Mr. E. "Widder, Commissioner of the Canada Company, and will be found to contain some information of interest and utility to SETTLERS AND SMALL FARMERS. Pbice of Clearing Wild Lands, and how Cleared. — The clearmg of wild land is always to be understood as clearing, fencing, and leaving it ready for a crop, in ten-acre fields, the stumps and roots of the trees alone being left to encumber the operations of the farmer. The price va- ries greatly, according to circumstances, but may be quoted at present, as £5 cy., per acre. The payment is always understood to be made in cash, except a special written bargain to the con- trary IS entered into. Timber is now becoming scarce and valuable in some locations, and near the railway, the value of the timber is equal to the cost of clearing the land. Rotation of Crops, etc.— As wheat (the boast of Canada) succeeds best on a new fallow, (newly cleared and burnt laud being so called,) it is always the first grain crop. Farmers with capital, seed the fallow down with grasses, and wait five or six years ; but the farmer with lim- ited means, puts the land into crop the next year, either with potatoes or spring grain ; then follows wheat again, every alternate year, until he has power to clear enough new land for his wheat crop each year,— when the old land is laid down in meadow, and otherwise cropped, with- out much attention to the usual general rules of good farming, until the stumps rot sufficiently to admit of the free use of the plough. The best English and Scotch farmers then adopt the customary three or four field system, or otherwise wheat, and winter and summer fallow, each alternate year. The first crops are always put in with the harrow alone. It is, however, almost impossible to speak positively in regard to this question, as it seems to be quite a matter of con- venience, or perhaps, caprice, as to the manner in which the cultivation shall proceed. We have farmers from all parts of Great Britain, Ireland, Europe, and the United States, and each person assimilates his practice, as much as possible, to the customs to which he has been used— or thinks best for the countrj-. Produce of Crops.— The produce, per acre, of all crops varies much from year to year in Canada, owing to the late and early frosts. It is, however, generally considered, that the follow- ing is a fair average of ten years, on all tolerably cultivated farms :— Wheat, 25 bushels ; barley, 30 bushels ; oats, 40 bushels ; rye, 30 bushels ; potatoes, 250 bushels per acre. Swedish turnips, mangel wurtzel, and other roots of a similar kind, are not generally sufiiciently cultivated to en- able an average yield to be given ; but it may very safely be said, that, with similar care, culture and attention, the produce will not be less per acre than in England. Flax and hemp are now coming rapidly into notice, as an additional resource to the agriculturist,— the quality of both articles is excellent, and the quantity obtained afi'ords a profitable return— the climate' and soil being well adapted for their growth. Tobacco has also been raised in considerable quantities, particularly in the western extremities of the province. Land Carriage.— That is, the hire of a team of two horses, wagon and driver, which will take IS cwt. of load, may generally be reckoned at Sd. per mile, to the journey's end— supposing the team to come back empty ; cheaper land travelling than this, can, however, often be obtained by making a bargain. Log House, or Shanty.— A comfortable log house, 16 feet by 24, with two floors, with shin- gled roof, £18 ; log barn, 24 feet by 40, £15 ; frame house, same dimensions, £S0 ; do. barn, £100, suitable sheds, etc., £40. Tables, 10*. to lis. U; stump bedsteads, 10« to 20s. each; chairs, per dozen, £1 bs. Boilers, saucepans, kettles, knives and forks, etc., etc., about 50 per cent over the usual sterling retail prices in England. It must be borne in mind, that the settler very seldom spends nmiey in erecting his buildings, they being generally built by himself, with the assistance of his neighbours, and added to, as his wants and increasing prosperity may from time to time require. The cost of household furniture, or rather the quantity required, varies 36 WORK DURING WINTER — PRODUCE — WAGES — FOXES, ETC. with the ideas of almost every family. In most cases, the household furniture of a new settler will not be found to exceed in value £15 ; sometimes, not half that sum ; and is often manufac- tured by the settler himself Frost — when it Comes and Goes. — The time of the setting in of the frost, and of its depart- ure, varies in Canada extremely in different years. But no prudent man ought to calculate on beinu; able to do any thing in the open field after the middle of November, or much before the first day of April. Fodder must be provided for cattle suflicient to last till the middle of Jlay, as although a surplus may be lei^, owing to the early setting in of spring, yet cases have been known of great distress prevailing from want of proper attention on this head. Farmers' Avocations during Winter. — The new settler's avocations during the winter months are generally confined to taking care of his cattle and chopping,— that is, felling and cutting up the trees ready for burning in the spring. The underbrush must be cleared ofl" before the snow falls. The family, when industrious, find their time fully employed in spinning, and other female occupations; and, when it is considered, that in the newest settlements almost every ar- ticle of convenience or luxury must be made at home, or dispensed with, by poor settlers, it may easily be imagined that the duties of a farmer's wife and grown-up daughters are numerous and unceasing— for in proportion to their industry and abilities will be their domestic comfort and happiness. In the summer, from the scarcity of labour, all assist in the fields — the child of even five years old being usefully and healthily employed in some occupation befitting his age and strength. Amongst too many Canadian farmers, however, the winter is a season of idleness and enjoyment — a great portion of it being spent in amusement and visiting, to the manifest neglect of their farms and impoverishment of themselves and families. The Descriptions of Fruit and Garden Produce in Canada West. — All the fruits generally found in England thrive remarkably well in Canada ; but the plum, apple, strawberry, rasp- berry, and melon, attain a luxuriance of growth and perfection unknown in England. The melon, planted in the open ground, in most years produces excellent crops. In many places vines prosper well. Peaches are indigenous south of the parallel of 43% or, if not absolutely indigenous, grow rapidly from the stone, and bear fruit within a few years ; although good and rich flavoured, grapes and peaches are seldom met with, owing to their culture being neglected. The same observations apply to all garden produce, which will attain a degree of luxuriance un- known, perhaps, in Britain, with far less care and culture. Wages of Male and Female Servants, and Prices op Job Work, such as Carpenters and other Tradesmen. — These have varied considerably, but the average wages are as follows:— Farm servants per month, with board, £i ; ditto, without board, £5. Female servants, £1 and £1 5s. per month. Day labourers, 4s. to 5s.— in harvest, 10s. without board. The wages of car- penters and other tradesmen vary considerably according to the ability of the workmen ; they all range, however, between 6s. 3d. and 12s. 6(^. per daj-— taking these as the lowest and highest prices. These are the rates of wages to servants and workmen who are experienced in the work of the country. Newly-arrived emigrants do not get so much.* Taxes pay.vble by the Settlers, and Offices they are liable to be called on to serve. — Great alterations have lately been made in the laws relating to assessments— the power being now vested in the municipal councils, elected by the people, to impose what rates they please. Each county, township, town, or incorporated village, elects its own council, and may, therefore, be said to tax itself. All the taxes raised by the council are expended within the several local- ities. There is a .small tax for the provincial lunatic asylum, and some other public buildings, imposed by the legislature. It is, perhaps, useless to go into pai-ticulars, as almost every mu- nicipality varies in the amount of taxes imposed. The offices which settlers are liable to be called on to serve are numerous, but arc much sought after, as they are considered to confer distinction, and fretiuently emolument on the holders, who may be said to be members of a local government, in which is vested the levying of taxes, and administering the moneys collected from the settlers, for all purposes connected with their wemire, viz., the roads, bridges, schools, and improvements, and its other municipal affairs, in none of which does the provincial government now interfere. The probable Expense op .supporting a Family op five or six grown Persons, until they could get sufficient from tub Land to support Themselves.— Information from several per- sons has been received on this head ; the amount must necessarily vary according to the wants and usages of the family. Many persons will do with one-half of what others require; and it is Note.— The w.iges, at prenenl, fSeptember, IS.'SS,) are only about one h.alf of the above rates, on account of the general depression in commerce, and the low prices obtained by farmers for praiu.— Ed. CANADA — THE GOVEENMENT FREE LANDS. 37 impossible, therefore, to give any decided information on this point; — the prices of produce and provisions given, will enable each individual to judge for himself. Support for a family is rarely required for more than twelve months, in which time, an industrious family should be able to raise a crop for themselves. Are Wild Be.^sts troublesome to New Settlers ? — No. Some severe seasons, wolves in remote settlements, may annoy the farmer, but to a small extent. Sheep are, however, in the more settled districts, generally protected by a fold; and the farmer ma}% now and then, lose a stray hog by the bears — but many men have been settled for ten years in the province, without seeing either wolf or bear. All wild animals are getting scarcer every j'ear, as the country be- comes settled. The common Game of the Codntrt. — The game in some parts is plentiful, and consists of deer, wood grouse, (called partridges,) quails, rabbits, (called hares,) and a great variety of wild ducks and geese. Wild turkeys are numerous in the western section of Canada. Fish are also most abundant in all the lakes and rivers, and excellent of their kind ; but an observation made by an old farmer and wealthy settler, may be added to the answer, as it is a very true one, viz : — That a new settler can earn a quarter of beef, in the time which it takes him to hunt for a quar- ter of venison. GOVERNMENT FREE LANDS. Tlie following information is compiled from a circular issued by the Canadian govern- ment, as well as from a pamphlet issued by Mi\ F. P. French, the government land agent, on the Opeongo Road : — The Provincial Government have recently opened out THREE GREAT LINES OP ROAD, now in course of completion, and have surveyed and laid out for settlement the lands, through, and in the vicinity of which those roads pass. The roads, as advertised by the agents of the government — appointed to the respective localities to afford Information to the settler— are known as " THE OTTAWA AND OPEONGO ROAD, " THE ADDINGTOV ROAD," and "THE HASTINGS ROAD." THE OTTAWA AND OPEONGO ROAD Commences at a point on tlie Ottawa River, known as " Ferrall's," a little above the mouth of the Bonchere River, and runs in a westerly direction, passing through the northerly part of the County of Renfrew. This road, and the country through which it passes, now open for settlement, is easily accessible, and the agent for the granting of lands in this district, is Mr. F. P. French, who resides at Mount St. Patrick, near Renfrew, on the Opeongo Road, a few miles from the lands which are to be granted. To reach the section of the country under Mr. French's charge, the settler must go from MONTREAL up to the Ottawa River, to a place called Bonchere Point, and thence by land some twenty-five or thirty miles westward to the township of Grattan, in which Mount St. Patrick is situated. The distance from Ferrall's Landing to the village of Renfrew is but 7 miles, and a stage is on this road in summer, which conveys passengers for about 2s. 6(/. each. Thus, from Quebec to Renfrew, a distance of .307 miles, may be travelled at a cost of £1 '2s. 6d. sterling. At Renfrew, the emigrant is within 16 miles of this agency, (Mr. French's,) and he will have no difficulty in procuring a mode of conveyance to take him there, and hence along the Opeongo Road, should he be unable or unwilling to walk. The lirst of the free lots is 20 miles from the Ottawa River, and as the entire length of the Opeongo Road is 99 miles, it tlms leaves 79 miles U])on which free grants are being given. This road commences at Ferrall's Landing, on the Ottawa, crosses the Bonchere at Renfrew, and then taking a north-westerly course, it runs midway between the Bon- chere and Madawaska Rivers on to Lake Opeongo. It is intended to connect this with a projected line of road known as "Bell's Line," leading to the Lake Muskako, and Lake Huron, by a branch which will diverge from the Opeongo Road, in the township of Brudenell, at a distance of about 5.3 miles from the River Ottawa, forming, with " Bell's Line," a gi-eat leading road, or base line, from the Ottawa to Lake Muskako, 171 miles in length, passing through the heart of the Ottawa and Huron territory, and opening up for settlement avast extent of rich and valuable land. The Bonchere and Madawaska Rivers— between which this road runs— are important tributaries to the Ottawa, and contribute a large quota of the very best timber that annually passes down that river to the Quebec market. Over 40 miles of the road are now good for wagons, and as the remaining portion will be repaired next spring, settlers can easily take in their families and supplies at all periods of the year. For some years past, settlers have been occasionally locating themselves on the wild lands of the Crown, in the neighbourhood of this road, and as there are besides over 120 of the free lots at present conceded, those who come in future will experience no difficulty in obtaining prompt gratuitous assistance to erect their shan- ties, and temporary accommodation while they are being put up. Twelve men can build a good shanty in a day — the timber of which it is constructed being always to be had on the spot. The best possible feeling prevails among the settlers, and no kindness that any one of them can render is ever denied to the stranger, no matter from what country he hails, or at what altar he kneels. Settlers are permitted to select their own lots, those coming first having first choice. The lots are all posted and numbered. 38 THE ADDIN'GTON AND HASTINGS ROAD FREE LANDS. A« yet, the nearest villages to the road arc Uenfrew, Douglas, and KganvlUe. Renfrew b distant 13 miles from thi- first free lot on the east end. Some 13 miles further up— that Is 26 miles west of Kenfrew— Douglas Is within I'.» miles ; and again, 14 miles farther west, Eganvllle Is sixteen miles from the road. At each of these villages there Is a post-offlee, and also mills and stores, where all necessary supplies can be obtained. In Renfrew, there is a Catholic church, a kirk, and a free church, (Presbyterian,) in each of which there U service once a fortnight. In DoukU.s, a Methodisit iniiiister resides, and he has prayers there and at Egan- vllle each alternate Sunday. There is also a Catholic church two miles from Douglas, and another at Egan- Tllle ; In the former the clergyman ofliciates once a month, and at the latter twice a month during the sum- mer, and once a month during the winter. At Mount St. Patrick, and 3 miles from the east end of the road, there Is also a post-oQlce and a Catholic church : a clergj'man attends once a month. The free lots on the east end of the road, for 12 miles, lie within the recently organized township of Grat- tan, which is already pretty well settled. No schoob have as yet been established on the road, but there Is no doulit that, ere long, churches will be erected, and school sections defined. In this province, the " Volun- tary System" obtains In regard to all churches, but the schools are liberally aided by the government. THE ADDIXQTON ROAD, Commencing In the township of Anglesea, in the northern part of the county of Addington, near the village o( Flint's .Mills, in Kaladar, runs almost due north to the River Madawaska — a distance of 85 miles — and is to be continued thence for the distance of 25 miles, till it Intersects the Ottawa and Opeongo Road. The agent for the granting of the land in this district is Mr. E. Perry, who, for that purpose, is now resi- dent at the village of FLINT'S MILLS. The outlines of five townships of very superior land are already surveyed and ready for settlement within the limits of the agency lying north of lake .Massanoka, and be- tween It and the River Madawaska. The townships are called, respectively, Ablnger, Denbigh, Ashley, Effing- ham, Anglesea, and Barrie. The direct route to this section Is by way of KINGSTON, Canada West, thence to N.VPAXEE, either by rail or steamboat, and thence north to the townsliip of Kaladar, and the village of FLINT'S MILLS, where Mr. Perry resides. THE HASTINGS ROAD. The government agent is M. P. Hayes, who resides at the village of MaJoc, from whom we have received the following particulars respecting the district : — The Hastings Free Grant Road commences on the nortbem boundary line of the townships of Madoc, 13 miles from the village of the same name where my office Is. The latter Is distant from Belleville, SC miles ; the road is good between these points, and there Is a stage carrying the mail each way, daily. Fare $1.00. The stage leaves lielleville every morning at S o'clock, and arrives at Madoc at 4 In the afternoon. The tract of country through which the first forty miles of the Hastings Road runs, presents a very varied aspect. It Is, In general, hilly and stony, with patches of good level at intervals. The soil is a sandy loam mixed with clay In some places, and In others with vegetable mould of more or less richness. This portion of the road Is now pretty well settled, and a large number of the lots in the township, on both sides of the road, are being taken up by actual settlers. The crops of the present season were most excellent all along the road, the wheat having, so far, in these back settlements, escaped the ravages of the " weevil," which has of late been so destructive to that crop in other townships. Continuing along the Hastings Road In a northerly direction, through the tract of rough land to which I have just referred, we have a fine level, or rather, gently undulating country, between the branches of the Madana.«ka River, emptying Into the Ottawa. This tract of good land extends for a breadth of IS or 20 miles In a north and south direction, and extends eajt and west to a considerable distance. The timber, chletly hard wood. Is large, straight, and thrifty. The soil Is a mixture of vegetable deposit with sandy loam, and the crops, of every description, have been satis- factory for the la-it two seasons. This tract is intersected also by a new line of road, opened by the govern- ment during the present season, and connecting the Hastings Road, at the junction of the townships of Wick- low and Montcagle, with the Opeongo Road, a distance of 4C miles. The climate of this part of Canada Is decidedly healthy, (irobably the most so of any part of the conti- nent of America, and this consideration should enter very largely into the account on a comparison with other territories. The country is rapidly filling up with a good class of settlers, and In the ordinary course, the lands which arc given free this year, will be worth four or five dollars an acre in the course of four or five years. In addition to the free grants on the Ha.itings Road, the government Is opening a range of townships, fourteen In all, namely seven at each side of the road. These townships are ten miles square, and contain each about O^W) lots of 1 4:0 CANADIAN" GOVERNMENT — LAND AGENTS, ETC. CEOWN LAND AGENTS IN LOWER (bASTERN) CANADA. NORTH OF RIVEH OTTAWA. Agents. JienUIenee. County. Fohn Lynch AUumettes Island Part of County of Ottawa. Francois X. Bastien Grand Calumet Island Do. do. G. M. .Judgson Clarendon Do. do. Aime Lafontaine Aylraer Do. do. Donald McLean Lochaber Do. do. E. W. Murray Buckingham Do. do. (ieo. Kaines Grenville Two Mountains. J Thomas Barron Argenteuil Do. do. Vis. 6rf. per acre. Andre B. Lavallee St. J6r6me Terrebonne. ) NORTH OF RI\'ER ST. LAWRENCE. Alexander Daly Rawdon Leinster. William Morrison Berthier Berthier. Vacant Three Rivers St. Maurice. la. Amable Bocliet St. Anne La P6rade Parts of Champlain and Portneuf. ( -p Ignace P. Dery St. Raymond Part of Portneuf. McLean Stewart Quebec Quebec. Ed. Tremblay Murray Bay Part of Saguenay. Ug per Acre John Kane Grand Bale Do. ) SOUTH OF RIVER ST. LAWRENCE AND WEST OF RIVER CHAUDIERE AND KENNEBEC ROAD, Joshua S. Lewis Huntingdon Beauharnois. Wm. Fleming Baby ville Huntingdon. [Stanstead Orin J. Kemp Frelighsburg Shefford and part of Missisquoi and John Felton Sherbrooke Part of Sherbrooke, Drummond and - Charles C. Sheppard Wendover Part of Drummond. [Stanstead. y j^ N. A. Beaudet Arthabaska Do. George A. Bourgeois St. Gregoire Do J. T. Le Bel : . . . Garthhay Part of Sherbrooke and Drummond. f". X. Pratte Stanfold - .Part of Drummond and Nicolet. John Hume Leeds Part of Megantic. Jean 0. C. Arcaud St. Joseph de la Beauce Do. Cyprien Blanchet St. FranQois Do. Do. Andrew Ross Frampton Do. and Dorchester. SOUTH OF RIVER ST. LAWRENCE AND EAST OF RIVER CHAUDIERE. Andrew Ross Frampton Part of Megantic, Dorchester & Belle- S. V. Larue...' St. Charles, River Boyer R. BoyerA part Bellechasse. [chasse. Francois T6tu St. Thomas L'Islet and part of Bellechasse. Florence Deguise Ste. Anne La Pocati^re Part of Kamouraska. J B. Lepage Rimouski Part of Kamouraska and Gasp6. Louis N. Gauvreau Isle Verte Part of RimouskL Jos. A. Le Bel New Carlisle Bonaventure I ig. per Acre. John Eden Gasp6 Basin Part of Gaspe. ) TERMS OF SALE AND OCCUPATION. "VrOTICE is hereby given that future sales of Crown lands will be at the prices and on the terms specified -'-' in the respective localities mentioned below : — West of the counties of Durham and Victoria, at seven shillings and sixpence per acre, payable in ten an- nual instalments with interest, one tenth at the time of sale. East of the county of Ontario, within Upper Canada, four shillings per acre. In the county of Ottawa, three shillings per acre. From thence, north of the St. Lawrence to the county of Saginaw, and south of the St. Lawrence in the district of Quebec, east of the Chaudi^re River and Kennebec Road, one shilling and sixpence per acre. In the district of Quebec, west of the River Chaudiere and Kennebec Road, two shillings per acre. In the district of Three RiT«rs, St. Francis, and Montreal, south of the St. Lawrence, three shillings per acre. In the district of Gasp6 and county of Saguenay, one shilling per acre. In all cases payable in five annual instalments, with interest, one-fifth at the time of sale. For lands enhanced in value by special circumstances, such extra price may be fixed as His Excbllenct THE Governor-Genkral in Council may direct. Actual occupation to be immediate and continuous, the land to be cleared at the rate of five acres annu- ally for every hundred acres during five years, and a dwelling house erected not less than eighteen feet by twenty-six feet. The timber to be subject to any general timber duty that may be imposed. The sale to become null and void in case of neglect or violation of the conditions. The settler to be entitled to obtain a patent upon complying with all the conditions. Not more than two hundred acres to be sold to any one person. CANADA LANDS FOR SALE — EMIGRATION OFFICES. 41 SCHOOL LANDS FOR SALE. The School lands in the counties of Bruce, Grey, and Huron, are now open for sale to actual settlers on the following terms, viz. : — The price to be ten shillings per acre, payable in ten equal annual instalments, with interest : the first in stalment to be paid upon receiving authority to enter upon the land. Actual occupation to be immediate and. continuous ; the land to be cleared at the rate of five acres annually for every hundred acres during the first five j'ears ; a dwelling house, at least eighteen feet by twenty-six, to be erected ; the timber to be re- served until the land has been paid for in full and patented, and to be subject to any general timber duty thereafter ; a license of occupation, not assignable without permission, to be granted ; the sale and the li- cense of occupation to become null and void in case of neglect or violation of any of the conditions ; the settler to be entitled to obtain a patent upon complying with all the conditions ; not more than two hundred acres to be sold to any one person on these terms. All emigrants who require information as to the best routes and cheapest rates of conveyance, to any part of Canada, should apply to the emigrant agents stationed at Quebec, Montreal, or Toronto, who will al?o direct emigrants, in want of employment, to places where they may obtain it. The agents will also give settlers information as to the best and safest mode of remitting money to their relations or friends residing in any part of Great Britain or Ireland. ROUTE TO THE GOVERNMENT FREE LANDS ON THE OPEONGO ROAD. FROM. WHERE TO. Montreal I Ottawa City, 1 KLake Bytown.) j Ottawa City Aylmer Aylmer Onslow " Fitzroy " Arnprior " Bristol " Sand Point , " lionchere Point. . , " Ferrall's Landing " Portage du Fort . " Pembroke , CONVETANCB. Grand Trunk Railway Steamer and Railway . Stage or wagon Steamer Do Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. and Stage MILES. 181 14 9 24 30 40 41 45 60 52 60 95 STG. 6S. 2s. 2s. 3s. 4s. 4s. 6d. 4s. 6d. 5s. 5s. 6s. 5». 12.00 1.50 0.50 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.12J 1.12i 1.25 1.25 1.50 1.25 To Townships of Onslow, Bristol, and Clarendon " Litchfield and upper townships on the north side of the i Ottawa . Land at Onslow. " Portage du Fort. " Fitzroy and Arnprior. " Bonchere Point, or Ferrall's Landing. " Fitzroy, Huntly, Packenham, Ramsay, McNab, Renfrew, I ,, • Bromley ( " Horton, Bagot, Admaston, or to Mount St. Patrick, in] „ the township of Grattan, the residence of Mr. Frencli, I the agent for the Opeongo Road, 28 miles from Fer- f rail's Landing J The newly-surveyed townships of Sebastopol, Brudenell, Algona, and Rolph, each 10 miles square, are now open for settlement, distance about 20 miles from Mount St. Patrick. Emigrants proceeding to any of the above places, will receive every information respecting the lands open for sale in these respective localities, from the following Crown Land Agents : — At CL.\RENDON MR. F. B. HEATH. CALUMETTE " p. X. BASTIEN. ALUMETTE " joHN LYNCH. RENFREW " ■JVM. HARRIS. MT. ST. PATRICK " t. P. FRENCH. GOVERNJIENT E.MIGRATION OFFICERS IN CANADA. QUEBEC A. C. BUCHANAN, Chief Agent. MONTREAL A. CONL.\N. OTTAWA CITY FRANCIS CLEMOW. KINGSTON ALLAN McPHERSON, Crown Land Agent. TORONTO A. B. HAWKE, Chief Emigrant Agent, Upper Canada. HAMILTON T. C. DIXON. Who will furnish emigrants, on application, with advice as to the routes, distances, and rates of convey- ance, also respecting the crown and other lands for sale, and will direct emigrants in want of employment to where it may be procured. 42 HANKS IN GUKAT BRITAIN, 1KEL.\-\D, AND C.VNADA. BANKS IX r.HKAT BIMTAIN AM) IltELAND, With their agents in Canada, upon whom they draw, and f^runt letters of credit. Jianktrs in Britain. Ihitw and fjiie Uttfm of err Jit iijxin London, Glyn. Mills & Co Bank of Upper Canada and agents. City Bank • Bimk of Toronto and agents. " Joint Stock Bunk CDninuTciul Bank and aijeuts. Union Bank Monti lal Bank and ajients. " Glyu, Mills & Co (juebec Bank and aRents. City Bank of Montreal and agents. " " " Gore Bank and agents. '* Bosanquet i Co Niagara District Bank and agents. " Glyn, Mills A Co Bank du I'enple, Montreal, and agents. Ontario Bank and agents. " British North America Own branches and agents. Liverpool, Bank of Liverpool Montreal Bank and agents. Edinburgh, British Linen Company Bank of Upper Canada and agents. " " " " Montreal Bank and agents. " Commercial Bank Commercial Bank of Canada and agents. " Union Bank Gore Bank and agents. Glasgow, British Linen Company Mtrntreal Bank and agents. " Clydesdale Bank Commercial bank of Canada and agents. Dublin, Boyle, Low, Pirn & Co " " " " " " National Bank of Ireland City Bank of Montreal and agents. By reference to the above, and also to tlie List of ]{anks in Canada with their Agencies, it mil at once be seen with whom the banks in Great Britain and Ireland have correspondents, in dif- ferent parts of Canada, and through whom money can be remitted or received. BANKS IN CANADA, WITH THEIR AGENCIES. For Banl-n in Great Britain and Ireland, who are agentn/or the follmcing, see List of Banks in Great Britain and Irelund, preceding thi«. PLACES. NAMES OF BANKS. OFFICERS. Bnrrie l"iii)cr Canada E. I.ally, Apt-nt. " Toronto AiiKu:' Hussi-ll.Agt. BtUetille VpperCanada E. lloMen, Api-nt. " Coiiinierolul A. Tlioiii|>s()ii, M'r. " Mimlroal H. MrNi.ler. M'r. Berlin I'lipiTfunada (i. Uiividsoii, Apt. BoicmanviHe Ontakio I). FistuT, CasliliT. " I'jipiT Canada Hndn» II. X. America Wm. I.iinh, .\ffent. Elgin '/.iMMKKMAx's J. W. Dunklee, Ca. (full (iore J. I)avld!er, M'r. " Montreal W. Titinn, Manager. " Ciore C. Monsarratt, Ag. Montreal .^Iontrkai. I). Pavidson, Caslu " City Hank K. McCulloch, Ca. " Di I'Kiii.K It. II. I.emoine, Ca. " JIoi.son's W. Saclie, Cashier. " Upper Canada E. T. Taylor. M'r. " B. X. America K. Ca.-'seU, Manag. " Commercial T. Kirhy. Manager. " Quebec H.ink dn I'enple, A. " Provincial J. D. Niitter.lCo.,A. Xfircnittlt Toronto S. Wilmot, Agent. ^■■■'■'■"•■' l"pper Canada T. McCorniick, Ag. Quebec I.. M. Cres-e, Agt. ' Toronto J. T. M. Iliirnside, A oiluitia fintario J. B. Warren, .M'r. Otiinca UpperCanada H. f*. Ca.ssels, Agt. 11. N. America A. C. Kellv, Agent. Montreal I'. P. Harris, M'r. Qiietiec It. V. Noel, Agent. Pari* (tore J. NImmo, .\gent. Perth. Commercial A. Leslie, Agent. " Montreal J. Mclntyre, .\genf. Peterhro' Commercial AV. CInxton, Agent. " Toronto .lames Hall. .\gei)t, " .Montreal R. Nicholls, AveuU Plcton Montreal J. Gray, Agoot. BANKERS IN CANADA — POSTAL EEGULATIONS. 43 PLACES. NAMES OP BANKS. OFFICERS. Po-rt Hope Upper Canada J. Smart, Agent. " Toronto J. E. Walsh, Agent. " Commercial W. F. Harper, M'r. " Montreal R. Uicliardson, Ag. " Molson's D. Smart, Agent. Piyrt SUtnleif Commercial E. E. Warren, Agt. Prescott ..Commercial J. Patton, Agent. Quiehen Qtebec C. Getliings, Cash. " Upper Canada J. F. Bradshaw, M. " B. N. America F. W'. AVood, M'r. " Montreal J. Stevenson, M'r. " Commercial • " City Bank " Du Peuple Quebec B'k, Agts. Sarnia Upper Canada " Commercial G. W. Thomas, Agt. Sault l>te Marie . .B. X. America J. Ballenden, Agt. t>herbrook6 City Bank W. Ritchie, Agent. Siincoe (lore D. Campbell, Agt. " Montreal S. Read, Agent. SotUhamptmi. . . .Upper Canada A. McNabb, Agent. Sta/istedd Provincial J. W. Peterson, Ca. St. CatlMrine's . . .Niagara Di.st. J. Smart, Cashier. " Upper Canada T. L. llelliwell, Ca. St. Jif(tri/''s Commercial T. D. Timms, .\gent. St. Thomas Co. Elgin B'k. E. Ermatinger, M'r. " Montreal E. M. Yarw()od,M'r. Stratford Upper Canada J. C. W. Daly, Agt. " Commercial U. C. Lee, Agent. Three Rivers Upper Canada — De Moulin, Agt. " B. N. America W. Scougall, Agt. " Montreal M. Stevenson, Agt. " Quebec J. McDougall, Agt. Tormito Uppkr Canada T. G. Ridout, Cash. " Toronto A. Cameron, Cash. " B. N. America W. G. Cassels, M'r. " Commercial C. J. Campbell, Wr. " Jlontreal II. C. Barwick, M'r. " City Bank T. Woodside, M'r. " Quebec W. W. Ransom, M. " Du Peuple E. F. Whittemore,A " Jlolson's J. Glass, Agent. Trenton Montreal J. Cumming, Agt. Whithy Montreal T. Dow, Agent. Woodstock Gore J. Ingeisol, .\gent. " Montreal W. P. Street, Agt. Windsor Upper Canada T. E. Tre\v, Agent. AGENTS. Head Oftice. Glyn, Mills & Co. City B'k of London. Lon. Joint St'k B'k. Union li'k of Loud. Glvn, Mills & Co. Glvn, Mills & Co. Glyn, Mills & Co. Bosanquet &Franks Glvn, Mills & Co. Glyn, Mills & Co. Foreign Agents. PLACES. London {Eng.) AGENTS FOR. B. N. America Upper Canada Toronto Commercial Montreal Quebec City Bank Gore Niagara Dist. Du People Ontario Bank Bank of Liverpool./.H'crpoo/! (Eng.) .Montreal British Linen Co. Edinburgh (Scot)Upper Canada British Linen Co. " " Montreal Com. Bank of Scot. " " Commercial Union Bank. " " Gore British Linen Co. Glasgow {Scot.). . . Montreal Clydsdale B'k'gCo. " " Commercial Bovle, Low & Vim. BuMin {Ir6land.)Commercui\ National B'k Irel'd. " " City Bank J. G. King & Sons. J^ew York Upper Canada Bank of Commerce. " Toronto R. Bell, F. H. Grain, " B. N. America & C. F. Smitli, Ag'ts. Merchants' Bank. " Commercial Bank of Commerce. " Montreal Maitland & Phelps. " Quebec B'k of the Republic. " City Bank Ward & Co., and " Gore Merchants' Bank. B'k of the Republic. " Du Peuple B'k of the Republic. " Ontario Bank Merchants' Bank. Boston Montreal Blake, Hoare & Co. " Upper Canada Merchants' Bank. " Commercial N. Y. State Bank. Albany Upper Canada N. Y. State Bank. " Commercial N. Y. State Bank. " Gore L. Wright's Bank. Osirego Upper Canada L. Wriglit's Bank. " Commercial L. Wright's Bank. " Toronto Rochester City B'k. Rochester Upper Canada B'k of B. N. Amer.St. Johnny. B.) ..B. N. America Com. Bank, N. B. " " Quebec B'k of B. N. Amer. JTali fax (K S.)...B. N. America B'k of B. N. Amer..S'i'. John (X F.) ..B. N. America Central Bank. Frepc of ropLdriitlnn, tliiit ' »iu-li r<.-(!i''riiliiiii, with the ocrtinciite iiiiil rccflpt, uru ! niiTi-ly ititi-iiilril to iitlord tho iiu'iiim of tnicltiR the course iif siu-h li-tters tlirmiKh the pii.st, anil nf ii.tcer- tulnliiK their delivery at destliiiitinii, and wiil not lie helil to imply any liability on the part of the poHtnl d'-partiiient to make gooil any loss, or alleged Io.hh, ari.siiiK upon the miscarriage uf any such letter or itn conteuta. £ooli- Poet with England. The rates and repulations are as follows : — A hook packet may contain any nuiiiher of goparnte books, piihlicatii>ns, works of literature or art, alnian- sc.i, maps, prints, or j>rinteks cannot he forwarded except at letter-postage rates by the mails sent to Kngland through the Culted .States. The book postal regulations between Canada and (ireal liritaln apply also to matter between Canada and France. Ktw»pnptr». All newspapers printed and published within this Province, lunl tulilreiiiifd frinii the ojfire o/ imhli- rittii'ii, are transmitted from the post-ollicc where mailed by the putidsher, to any other post-oflTice in Canada, or to the I'niled Kingilom, or to any Uriti.sh province, colony, or possession, or to France, or the United .States, free of Canitduiu jmiitiige. Newspapers received from the Cnited 8tates are charged one halfpenny each on delivery in Canada, with the exception only of err/itint/e pujiern, ad- dressed to the editors or publishers of Canadian papers, which ))ass free. England to Canada (Cunard line). Id. on delivery; If/, also to he )ire|)aid in England. England to Canada (Canadian line), Irf., to be pre- paiil ill England. To foreign countries, at rates of charge prescribed by Imperial post-oflice. Transient news|iapers posted in Canada, (including all newspapers not sent from the oflice of publication to regular suhscriliers,) when addressed to any place in Canada or Hritish North .\merica, the L'nited Kingdom, the Cnited !"tates, or elsewhere, must in all cases be jirejuii'l hi/ po«tage stamp, oilierwise they cannot be forwarded. Transient newspapers for any place in Canada, British North America, the Cniteil Kingdom, France, or Cnited Slates, ^'Z. each. Transient periodicals for an.v place in Canada, British North Amcrii-a. or the Cnited t?lales, if_ not over 8 oz. in weiglil, i'/. each ; if over 3 oz. in weight, •Id. each— to lie pre|iaid by postage stump. I'rinteil circulars, prices current, or handbills, and other printed matter of a like description, anil books, boiuid or unbound, are charged at a rate of ^/. per oz., or fraction of an ounce, whether sent singly or in packets to one address. MONEY ORDER SYSTEM IX CANADA. In Canada, Money-Order Offices are classed and conducted as follows: — 1. Money-order post-offlces are divided into first ' filled up and stamped. This caution will appear snf- and second class. ficiently iinportaiil when it is understood that an 2. Both classes may draw for any sum on one order , order, ilefective in any iiiiporlant respect, will throw up to i;iiM) upon first-class ollices, and for any sum dilliculties in the way of its payment. up to £.'iii on one onier, upon secDnd-clii-'S ollices. y. When a money order is presented for payment 8. When money orders exceeding f-.'.'i in aggregate ' at the ofiice on which it is drawn, the poslmaslcr, or amount are issued in one day, and to the same per- clerk emjiloyed, will use all i>roper means to a.ssure ion, bv one or more officers, upon a secoml-class himself that the applicant is llie party named and ofiice, llie postmaster of the office drawn upon will inlemled in the advice, ami, upon payment of the be at liberty to defer the payment of such orders for order, will he careful to obiain the signature of the three days. | payee to the receipt al foot. 4. Tbc'money orders shall be maile out upon forms 1 io. When through illness or other insuperable diffi- ■upplieil by the head office, 0«. " £12 10» 1 8 exacted. ' " £12 Kw. " £1.^ fw 1 6 >^. Tarties proourinit money orders will please to " £\-> 0». " £17 10» 1 9 examine them carefully, to fce'e that they are properly " £17 10*. " £20 0« 2 t( LAWS KEGAEDING THE PEOPERTY OF INTESTATES. 45 #. d. a. d. Over £45 0.y. not exceeding £60 0« 5 Thus far for orders on first and second-class offices, and by additional commissions of 6(?. between every £5 from £50 up to £luo for orders on first-class offices £35 0*. " £40 0« 4 ; only. £M 0«. " £A6 OS 4 6' N. B. No half-pence to be introduced in the orders. Over £-20 0«. not exceeding £22 10s 2 3 " £22 10*. " £25 0« 2 6 " £25 0«. " £;30 0« 8 " £30 OS. " £;J5 0« 3 6 DISTRIBUTION OF PERSONAL ESTATE OF INTESTATES. [according to the lavs of CANADA WEST.] If the intestate die, leaving wife and child, or children — his personal representatives take thus : Oue- third to wife, rest to child or children : if children dead, then to their representatives, (that is, their lineal de- scendants,) except such child or children (not heirs at law) who had estate by settlement of intestate, in his lifetime, equal to the other shares. Wife only — half to wife, rest to next of kin in equal degrees to intestate or their legal representative*. No wife or child — all to next of kin and to their legal representatives. Child, children, or their representatives — all to him, her, or them. Children by two wives — equally to all. If no child, children, or representatives — all to next of kin in equal degree to intestate. Child or grandchild— half to child, half to grandchild. Husband — whole to him. Father and brother, or sister — whole to father. Mother and brother, or sister — whole to them equally. Wife, mother, brother, sisters, and nieces— half to wife, residue to mother, brother, sisters, and nieces. Wife, mother, nephews, and nieces — two-fourths to wife, one fourth to mother, and one-fourth to nephews and nieces. Wife, brothers or sisters, and mother— half to wife, (under statute of Car. II.) half to brothers and sisters, and mother. Mother only — the whole (it being then out of the statute). Wife and mother — half to wife, and half to mother. Brother or sister of whole blood, and brother or sister of half blood — equally to both. Posthumous brother or sister, and mother — equally to both. Posthumous brother, or sister and brother, or sister born in lifetime of father — equally to both. Father's father and mother's mother — equally to both. Uncles' or aunts' children, and brother or sister's grandchildren — equally to alU Grandmother, uncle, or aunt — all to giandmother. Two aunts, nephew, and niece — equally to all. Uncle and deceased uncle's child — all to uncle. Uncle by mother's side, and deceased uncle or aunt's child — all to uncle. Nephew by brother, and nephew by half-sister — equally per capita. Nejihew by deceased brother, and nephews and nieces by deceased sister — each in equal shares per capUa, and not per stirpes. Brother and grandfather — whole to brother. Brother's grandson, and brother or sister's daughter — to daughter. Brother and two aunts — to brother. Brother and wife — half to brother, half to wife. Mother and brother — equall.v. Wife, mother, and children of a deceased brother (or sister)— half to wife, one-fourth to mother, one-fourth per stirpes to deceased brother or sister's children. Wife, brother or sister, and children of a deceased brother or sister— half to wife, one-fourth to mother, or sister per capita, one-fourth to deceased brother or sister's child j)er stirpe'S. Brother or sister, and children of a deceased brother or sister— half to brother or Bistes per capita, half to children of deceased brother or sister per stirpes. Grandfather and brother — all to brother. Note.— Personal property Is held by man and wi/e in common. This community exists by law, unless there b« a marriage contract, executed before the marriage, which expressly stipulates that there shall be no community.— JV{a, unless where mentioned to the contrary. In aildressing letters to parties in any town or village, they should be addressed — 1st Christian and Surname in full. 2d. Name of Township. 8d. Name of County. 4th. " Canada West," or " Canada East," which is, of course, synonymous with " Upper Canada" and " Lower Canada." For rates of postage to and from Canada, iee elsewhere in this work, headed " Pi>?tal Regulations." J^" To find out the distance of any one place fiom another, on the lines of the G. T. R. (Grand Trunk Railroad), G. W. R. ((Jreat Western Railroad), Buffalo and Lake Huron, and Ontario, Simcoe, and lluroii Railroads, see the Distance Tables of these lines, given elsewhere. A. ABBOTT'.'' COnXER, C. E., Co. MU.oisquol. Make for " I'cmiiitoii" on ihe (i. T. K. t'opiiliitimi alioul 1iit liN). AltKUCKOMBlE, »ee St. Adele. AllKKCoUN, C. E,, Co. Broine, Compton on the O. T. U. l" till- nearest .xtallon. Population about S<). AIlKltliKKN, see Kapldes des Joaeliiins. AltEKKttYI.E, C. W., Co. WelliiiKtoii, Tp. Puslincli. (ro to ttuelph, a main i?tatioii on the (i. T. It. I'op- ulallon about liN). ABlNdini.V, C. W., Co. I.lnroln, Tp. Cnl.itor. Be- tween the (ireat Western ami Ihe BulTalo and Lake Huron Kailways ; for the (i. \V. K. mule lake (iriuis- l>.v .''lalliin on the llanillton ami MaK'ira Section, or "Cantlelil" StatiiUi on the BuITulu and Lake Hu- ron Line. Population about .'m. ACTON, C. E. (alia« Acton Vale), Co. Bagot. ATele- ICrapli .Station on the U. T. K. ACTON, C. W., Co. Halton, Tp. Kiquesing. A Station on Ihe ti. T. it. Population about ."MN). AUA.MSVII.LE, C. E., Co. Ilronie. Make for "Comp- ton" ,>*tation on the (i. T. 11. I'opulation about ItXi. ADA RE, C. W.. Co. Huron, Tp. Blddulph. (io to ■•Striitf'.rd" on the (}. T. R. Piipulnflon about W). AItl>IMiToN llOAI>, C. W. SeeKreeterant.sof Lund. AIH>l."^ON, C. W.,Co. Leerls. Tl>. ElUabethtnwn, clo«c t., Hrorkville, a main Station on the G. T. R. Pop- ut I.'>.\IASTON Tp., C. W.. Co. Renfrew. Steamer from Avlmer on the Ottawa, nearest Station Ottawa Cit.v, c.innected at Pr-'srott with the 0. T. R. ADOLPHCSTOWN Tp., Co. I^nnox. Station F.me«t- town on the U. T. R. Also Kingston or UeUeviiie for Bay of Qulnt6 Steamer plying botli to and fyom Adolpliustown in summer. ALBION Ti>., C. W., Co. Peel. Go to Brampton, a main Station on G. T. R. ALDlloROCtill Tp., C. W., Co. Elgin. Go to Ncw- burv Station on the G. W. R. ALl)EUSIIorr,C. \V..Co. Wentworth, Tp. Flamboro". (io to Dundas, (5. W. It. Population about >»<•. ALEXANDRIA, C. W., Co. Glengnry, Tp. LochicL Make for Lancaster on G. T. R. Population about 7lHl. ALFRED Tp.. C. W., Co. Presootf. On South Shore of Loner Ottawa. Ijincaster is the nearest G. T. R. Station, and Steamers b>uch at Orifdnal and Ilawkes- bury on Ottawa for Ott.iwa City and MoutreaU I ALGONA. .''ee Crown Lamis for sale. I ALLANltfRG. C. \V., Co. Welland, Tp. Thnrold I (io toThorold on the (J. W. R.. or to Port Dalhousic I for Steamer to Toronto and all other parts Eaj-t. ! ALLAN PARK. Co. Grey, Tp. Ilenlick. Make for "Guelph," thence liy Stiiire to Owen's Sound. Or I fort'olliiifrwood t>y the Northern Rail from Toronto, ' ami Steamer Canadian to Owen's Sound and down i l>v ,"»taKe. Al.i.ANS CORNER.". C. K, Co. Chaleauquay, Tp. Durham, tio to >lontrenl. and thence by Cham- I plain and St. Lawrence Railway. Population about t'lO. ALLANSVILLE. C. W., Co. Wellington, Tp. PecL I tJo to ••(iuelpli" on tJ. T. R, I ALLl.'CIEXXE LORRETTE, C. E., Co. Quebec. On the North Shore of St. Lawrence. " Point Levi" Sta- tion, on the (r. T. R. to Quebec, is on the opposite shore. Population chiefly Huron Indians. ANCASTER Tp., C. W., Co". AVentworth. Take ticket for Dundas G. W. R. Hamilton Section, and go on by daily Stage. ANGUS, C. W., Co. Simcoe, Tp. Essa. Essa is a Station on the Ontario, Simcoe and Huron Railway. Population about Kill. APPLE15Y', 0. W., Co. Halton, Tp. Nelson. Make for Wellington Square, a Station on G. W. R. APTO, C. W., Co. Simcoe, T)). Vespra. Take ticket for Sunnidale Station on Ontario, Simcoe and Huron Railway from Toronto. Population about 25. ARLINGTON, C. W., Co. Simcoe, Tp. Adjala. Try Malton Station, on G. T. R., Toronto and Stratford Section, and stage thence to Mono Mills and to Mono Centre. Poiiulation about So. ARNPRIOR, C.W., Co. Renfrew, Tp. McNab. Steamer from .\ylmer in connection with railway to and from Ottawa City, connected again at Prescott with G. T. R. Also connected by stage with Brockville Station on the same railway section, via Perth, and Smith's Falls. Population about 2To. ARRAN, C. W., Co. Bruce, Tp. Arran. Go to Col- lingwood by Ontario, Simcoe and Huron Railway, from Toronto, thence by Steamer Canadian to Owen's Sound. Or by Guelph on the G. T. R., and thence by stage. ARTE.MESIA, Tj)., C. W., Co. Grey. Make for Sunni- dale Station on the Ontario, Simcoe and Huron Railway, and tlience go west. ARTHAB"aSKA, C. E. a Telegiaph Station on the G. T. R. Population about loo. ARTHUR, Tp., C. W., I o. AVellington. Go to Guelph bv G. T. R., and thence north by stage. ARVA, C. AV., Co. Middlesex, Tp." London. Go to London, a main Station on the G. AV. R. Popula- tion about 200. ASHBURN, C. AA'., Co. Ontario, Tp. AA'hitby. Go to Whitby main Station on G. T. R. Population about 200. ASHFIELD, Tp., C. W., Co. Huron. Go to Stratford by G. T. R., and thence by Goderich Stage. ASH ROVE, C. W., Co. HaUon, Tp. Esquesing. Pro- ceed from Georgetown, a Station on G. T. R. Pop- ulation about Go. ASPHODEL, Tp., C. AV., Peterborough. Make for Cobourg, on G. T. R. Thence for Peterborough by the Junction Railway, and Passage Boat on Rice Lake. ATHELSTON, C. E., Co. Huntingdon. Rouse's Point is the nearest Railway Station on the South, tiiid Montreal on the North. It lies between Lake St. Francis and the Chainjjlain and St. Lawrence Rail- way. Population about >?0. ATH"ERLEY, C. AV., Co. Ontario, Tp. Mara. Book by Ontario, Simcoe and Huron Railway for Belle Ewart, and on by steamer, direct. In winter, go to Barrie, and thence by stage to Orillia. Population about TO. ATHLONE, C. AV., Co. Simcoe, Tp. Adjala. Try Malton Station, G. T. R., and on by stage to Mono. Population about 320. ATHOL, C. AA'., Co. Glengarry. Go to Lancaster Sta- tion, on G. T. R. Population about 100. AUBURN, C. AV., Co. Huron, Tp. Colborne. Go to Stratford on G. T. R. Also on the Buffalo and Lake Huron, and go on bv Goderich Stage. AUDLEY, C. AV., Co. "Ontario, Tp. Pickering. " Port Huron," and " Frenchman's Bay," on G. T. R., are nearly equidistant Stations. AUGHRIAI, C. AV., Co. Lambton, Tp. Eupliemia. Book for Glencoe Station, on G. AV. R. Population about 25. AULTSVILLE, C. W., Co. Stormont, Tp. Osnabruck. Make for " Dickenson's Landing," a Station on the G. T. R. Population about 150. AURORA, C. AV., Co. York, Tp. Whitchurch. A Telegraph Station on the Ontario, Simcoe and Hu- ron Railway. Population about 450. AVON, C. AV.', Co. Middlesex, Tp. N. Dorchester. Go to " Edwardsburg," a Station on the G. AA'. R. Population about .50. AVON BANK, C. AV., Co. Perth, Tp. Downie. Get to Stratford Junction Station of the G. T. R., and Buffalo and Lake Huron Railway. AYLMER EAST, C. E., Co. Ottawa, Tp. Hull. On north shore of River Ottawa, connecting point for tapper Ottawa District with Ottawa City. Take ticket for Ottawa City, connected at Prescott with G. T. R., and thence on by stage to Aylmer. Pop- ulation about 1500. AYLMER AVEST, C. AV., Co. Elgin, Tp. Malahide. On London and Port Stanley Railway, connected at London, C. W., with the G. AV. R. Population about Gon. AY'LWIN, Tp., C. E., Co. Ottawa. North of Ottawa River ; Steamer direct from Montreal. Population about 100. AY'R, C. AV., Co. Waterloo, Tp.' Dumfries. Go to " Gait," now connected b.y Branch Railway with G. AA'. R., and Buffalo and Lake Huron Railways at Paris — which see. Population about lOOO. AYTON, C. AV., Co. Grey, Tp. Normanby. Go to Guelph, and on by Stage through Fergus, Elora, Mount Forest. Guelph is on the G. T. R. B BABY'S POINT, C. \A'., Co. Lambton, Tp. Somhra. Reached from Chatham Station, on the G. AV R. BABYVILLE, C. F,., Co. Napierville, Tp. Sherrington. Which is a Station on the -Alontreal and Plattsburg Railway, 32 miles from Alontreal. BADEN, "C. AV., Co. AVaterloo, South Riding, Tp. AVil- mot. In the same township as Petersburg. Station on the G. T. R. BAGOT, C. AV., Tp. in Co. Renfrew. North of Perth, on line of Brockville and Arnjirior Extension. Pres- ent nearest Station, Ottawa City, on Branch Rail- way, connected at I'rescott with the G. T. R. BAGOT, C. E. See Grande Baie. BAGOTVILLE, C. E. Near Chicoutimi, on the Sague- na.v R. Go by Steamer Saguena.y, from Quebec, or St. Thomas, C. E., the Eastern Terminus of the G. T. R., below Quebec, thence by same Steamer. BALLINAFAD, 0. AV., Co. AVellington, South Riding, Tp. Erin, (ioto Georgetown Station on the G. T. R. BALLYCROY, C. W. See Athlone, both being in Tp. of Adjala. BALMORAL, C. W., Co Haldimand, Tp. AA'alpole. Near Cook's Station, on the Buffalo and Lake Huron Railway. BALTIMORE, C. W., Co. Northumberland, Tp. Ham- ilton. A Station on the Cobourg and Peterborough 48 CANADA: CITIES, TOWNS, AND VILLAGES. IlAllway, wlilrti Ik cnnneoteil at Cobourg with the O. T. It. !> miles fniiii I'olxiur);. BANlMt.N, C. W., « o. Huron, Tp. Iliillott. «o to i^irniroril, by the UulTulo and hukc- Huron, or U. T. K. nAKKOltl), ('. K. ^e CoBllcook. UAUNKTT, V. W., I'o. Welliugton, Tp. NIchoL Go to (iiK'Ipli, c.ri the li. T. K. BAItNsrnN, C. K. A Tp. In Co. Stanstead. Near (.'outiooiik Stiition, on the O. T. It., bordering on Vrriliollt ."italii>n on the (i. T. K., Mon- treal and Toronto Seellon. The price of the land in 4a. per acre. Sec Crown Lands for Sale. BARRIE, C. W., Co. i^iuicoe, Tp. Vespra. County Town and Main Station on Ontario, Siinroe, and Huron Hallway from Toronto to ColllnKwood. 60 miles from Toronto. Population about 'iMO. HAKTON, C. W. ItAltrttNVILLK, C. W., Co. Woiilworth, Tp. Barton. Niir Ontario Station on the (i. \V. R. BATH, C. \V., Co. Addington, Tp. Ernestown. Which Is a Station on the O. T. R. Population about OlMl. BAST.VRU, C. \V., Co. Leeds, containing the Villages and Post-oflices, Delta, Forfar, Philipsville, which nee respeclivelv. B.\TI.>*CAX, C. K. A Tp., Co. Champlain. On the Itiver St. Maurice, which l>i.sect.s the St. Maurice Territory from it.s conllueiire with the St. Lawrence below Lake St. Peter at Three Rivers, at which Port the St. Lawrence Steamers call. The (iovernment have formed a road from Three Rivers to the Ciraml Piles, on the St. .Maurice River, whence Steamers plv for the rpper St. Maurice, touching at llatiscan. BATlSt AN HItlDOK. Higher up the St. Maurice than llatiscan, which see. RATTKItSKA, C. W., Co. Frontenac, Tp. ptorrington. Try Kingston City, as nearest Main Station, or Kingston .Mills anil Gananoque, all on the G. T. R. Population al>out 1(N). BAYFIELD, C. W., Co. Huron, Tp. Stanley. Go to .■^iriitr'.rd Station of RiilTalo and Lake Huron and (i. T. R. Population about 3(H(. BAY HAM, C. \V. A Tp. in Co. Klgin, on the shore of Lake Krie. Co to Port Staidey, connected by Itail- wiiV Itrani-h with (t. W. It. at London, C. W. BEACHVILLE, C. W., Co. O.xford, West Riii(». BERTHIER EN HAUT, C. E., Co. Berthier. On the North ."^lioro of St. Lawrence, at head of Lake St. Peter. Reached by Quebec and Montreal Steamers. BERWICK, C. W., Co. Stormont, Tp. Finch. Go to Dickinson's Landing, a Station on G. T. R. Popu- lation about '[M. BERTIE. See Fort Erie. PER VIE. ('. W..('o. Brnce, Tp. Kincardine, which see. BEVERLEY. C. W. A Tp. in Co. Wentwrth. ci>n- talning Copelown, Rockton, Shctlield Vlllagi-s ami Posl-ollices, which see. BEWIlLEY, C. W., Co. Northumberland, Tp. Hamil- ton. Go to Port Hope, a Main Station on the G. T. It. ; also a Lake Port, frequenteil by the Steamers, population about Kni. IIIC, C. E., Co. Itimouskl. A Port on the Lower St. Lawrence, on the South Shore, opposiii- l-l:ind of St. Cecile. Population about 3lH)0. BIDDILIMI. See Adare. UIMIUOdK, C. W. A Tp. In Co. Wenlwortli. near to the .lordan Station on the G. W. R., Hamilton and Niagara IHslrii-t. BIKMIN(;ilAM. C. W.. Co. Frontenac, Tp. Pltt,«burg. Kingsli.n < ilv and Kingston Mills are the Stations, the latt.r only a Flag Station, both on the G. T. It. Population aliout '.'ixi. BISHOP'S MILI-S, C. W., Co. Grenville, Tp. Oxford. (Ill to O.vford, a Station on the Ottawa and Prescott Branch of the (t. T. R. BLAINVILLE TERREbONNE, C. E. See St. Therese lie Blalnville. BLACK (REEK, C. W., Co. Welland. Tp. Willoughby. (io to Ridgcway on the BulTalo and Lake Huron Railwiiv. BLANDKORD, C. W., Co. Oxford. See Woodstock, Rat bo. etc. BLANItKttRD, C. F.., Tp. In Arthabaaka Co. Go to Somerset Station on the G. T. R. BLANSHAKI), C. W. See Fish Creek, St. Mary's, Itlansbanl. BLF>SINulation about SOO. BROWNSBURG, C. E., Co. ArgenteuiL On North Shore of Lower Ottawa. May be reached from Montreal bv Steamer. Population about 100. BROAVN'S CORNERS, C. E. A Post-olfice in Picker- ing Tp., which see. BROWNSVILLE, C. W., Co. Oxford, Tp. Dereham. Go to IngersoU by the G. AV. R. Population about 150. BRUCE, C. W. A Tp. in County of same name. Go to Guelph, thence North by Stage from Guelph Sta- tion G. T. R. for Saugeen District. BRUCEFIELD, C. AV., Co. Huron, Tp. Stanley. Near Goderioh. Go to Stratford Terminus of G. T. R. Population about 200. BRUCE MINES, C. AV. On Lake Huron. There is a Post-office, and in Summer a Steamer from CoUing- wood from the Terminus of the Ontario, Simcoe and Huron Railway, from Toronto for the Sault St. Marie. Populat'iim about 500. BUCKINGHAM, C. E. A Tp. on North Shore of Ot- tawa River, Co. Ottawa. Nearest Station, Ottavra City, connected by Branch Railway from Prescott with G. T. R. Also a landing on Ottawa River. 17 miles from landing. Approached by Steamer. Pop- ulati'^n about 250. BURFORD, C. AV. A Tp. in Co. Brant. Go to Princeton, a Station on the G. AV. R. About 7 miles west of Paris. BUKGESSVILLE, C. AV., Co. Oxford, Tp. Norwich. Trv AVoodstock on the G. AV. R. BURNBRAE, C. AA'., Co. Northumberland, Tp. Sej'- mour. North of Belleville, a Main Station on G. T. R. BURXSTOAVN, C. AV., Co. Renfrew, Tp. McNab. Reached by Ottawa City, which is connected with G. T. R., at Prescott, "by way of Upper Ottawa Steamere from .\vlnier Esist, which see. BURRITT'S RAPIDS, C. W., Co. Carleton, Tp. Mari- borough. Go to Oxford, a Station on the Prescott and Ottawa Branch Railway, from the G. T. R., at Prescott, or Kingston, thence by the Ridean Canal Steamers through Smith's Falls, etc. BURY, C. E. A Tp. in Compton. For Post-office, etc., see Robinson. BUTE, C. E., I'o. Megantic, Tp. Somerset. Go to Som- erset on G. T. R. Population about 100. BUTTON VILLE, C. AA'. See Markham. Population about 5(). BUXTON, C. AA'., Co. Kent, Tp. Raleigh. Go to Chat- ham on the G. AA'. R. Population about 500. BYRON, C. W., Co. Middlesex, Tp. Westminster. Go to London on the G. W. R. 50 CANADA: CITIES, TOWNS, AND VILLAGES. C CACOrXA, »'. E., Co. TeiiiUi-oiiat.i. «)n South Shore of I.0W1T St. Lawrence. The Sii(nieii:i.v SleHmers touch here (luring nuuiiner, to iiikI from ijuehec, St. Thomas ; tlie KiL-^terii Terminus nf the O. T. R., behjw liiieheo, Is the nearest Kuiliviiy point. CO:S.\KK.\, ('. W., Co. Durham, Tp. Cartwrltiht. North of Itowmanville. Uo to llowmanville on the G. T. n., Montreal ami Toronto Section. CAl.VSVILLK, C. \V., Co. Urant, Tp. Kast Brantford. A Sliili'in on tlie liuflTalo and Lalce Huron Hallway, S> miles frcun Paris Junction. CAINTOW.V, C. W., Co. Leeds, Tp. Vonpe. «o to .Miillory Town on G. T. R., Montreal and Toronto Section. CAL-^TOK, C. W. ; CAISTORVILLE, C. W., Co. Lin- coln, T\>. Caistor. (Jo to Beamsville on the (I. W. R., Hamilton and Xiapara District, or to Cook's Station, on the KufTalo ami Lake Huron Railway. CALAIKXMK, C. W., Co. Renfrew. A new I'ost-onice. CALKDtJN, C. W. A Tp. In Co. Peel. Co to Hratiip- ton or (ieorcetown, both Stations on the G. T. R., ' Toronto ami Stratford Section. I CALKDDN KAST, C. W. A village In Caledon town- ' ship, which see. I CALKDKNIA, C. \V. A Station on the BufTalo and Lake Huron Railway, 34 miles from Paris Junction. | See Canhoro'. CALKDOMA FL.VT.S C. W. CAL?:D0NIA SPRINGS, C. W., Co. Prescott, Tp. Caledonia. (Jo to Lancas- ter Station on G. T. R., Montreal and Toronto Sec- tion. CALIMET L*5LAND, C. K., Co. Pontlac. An Island on I'pper Ottawa River. See Aylmer East, for Railwav and Steamer connection. CAMIIR.VV, C. W., Co. Victoria, Tp. Fenelon. Go to Port Hope hy G. T. R., Montreal and Toronto Sec- ti.in. and thence to Lindsav, by way of Omemee. CAMltitlDUK. See Ca.sselm"an. CAMDK.N KA.l. Tp. Seymour. Uo to Belleville, on the G. T. R., or t.) Trenton, on same Railway Section. Population about IT."). CAMPBELL'S CROSS, a Tp. of Chlnguaoousy, Co. Peel, near Brampton, which see. Population about 200. CAMPBEI,LVILLE. C. W., Co. Hallon. Tp. Xassaira- weya. Go to Rockwood on the (i. T. R. Popula- tion about -JiNl. CANBORO, C. W. A Tp. In Haldlmand. Go to Cale- donia, a Station on the Buifalo anf Cayupa, about 'M't ndles from Paris Junction. Population about .Vi. CANFi*T. CANMNiiTOV, C. W.. Co. Ontario, Tp. Brock. North of anv Hallway Station ; Whitby on the G. T. R. Is -t point at pri-xent. Population about IM. I ' . W.. Co. Durh;»m, Tp. Hope. Oini-mee ■' II 'nd Limlsay, connected with the >\ K. » . K. I o. (ini>\ii'. Tp. Pvrcb. On the En- trance of the (iulf of St. Lawrence, below Gaj 1! IV, reached bv trading vcusols. Population about In I. I M-K IM' !• ' vv . . - • Tp. SU Vincent. The .-■ ,-,■■■ i><|iulation .< CAKLKTON PLACE, C. W.. Co. Lanark, Tp. lie. k- with. will be bisecteil by Brockvllle and .\rni>rior Railway, (to to Perth, connected with Broekville, a Main Station on the G. T. R. Population about r>Ol). CARLINGKOHD. C. W., Co. Perth, Tp. Kullarton. Go to Stratford Terminus of the G. T. R. Population about 'lO. CARLISLE, C. W., Co. Wcntworth, Tp. East Hara- boro. Klamboro is a Station on the G. W. H., near Hamilton. Hamilton and Windsor Section. Popu- lation about b'si. CARLOW, C. W.. Co. Huron, Tp. Colbome. Go to Stratford Tenuinus of the G. T. R. Population al)Out liMl. CARUKE, C. W., Co. Wentworth, Tp. Ancaster. Go to Dunilas on the G. W. R. CARHADOC, C. W. A Tp. in Middlesex Co. Se« Mount St. Brydpes and Strathroy, etc. CARP, C. W., Co. Carleton. Tp. Huntlc.v, near Boutb shore r)f River Ottawa, above Ottawa (.'Ity. Popu- latioi\ about I1H). CARHONBKM^. CASSKLM AN, C. W., Co. Russell. T\i. Cambri-lpe. Go to Dickinson's Lainling, on the G.T. R. Cambridge Town.-liip lies north. CASTLE BAH, C. E., Co. Arthahaska. Go to .\rtha- baska. on the G. T. H. Population about 10t>. CASTLEKOHD, C. W., Co. lUnfrew, Tp. Horton. on the south shore of I'pper Ottawa River, In neiph- bourhood of Ottawa and Opeongo Road. See .Vyl- nier East, for best route. CASTLEMOHE. C. W., Co. Peel, Tp. Gore of Toronto. Go to Weston or Malton, on the G. T. H. (^first Sta- tions out "f Toronto). CASTLETON, C, W., Co. Northumberland, Tp. Cr.nm- aho. pulation about I'.'ixl. CATCHCAHT. C. W., Co. Brant. Tp. Burford. Go to Braiitford, on the BulTalo and Lake Huron, or Prineet.>n. on theG. W. K. CAVAGNOIL, C. E . Co. Vandreull. Go to Vandrenll Station, on (i. T. H. Population about .'HMl, CAVAN, C. W. A Tp in Co. Durham, north of Port Hope, on lino tif Lindsay Railway, connected at P.Tl Hope with (i. T. H. Population about 'J.^l. CAYUGA, C. W. A Tp. In Co. Hablituand. Can- field l« the .station frequented, on the BulTalo and Lake Huron Railwav. Pi>pid8tion about "("•. CEDAHttRoVE. C. W'., Co. York, Tp. Markhnm. Go to Scarborough, on the (J. T. R. Population about 1(NI. CENTRE ACGISTA. .'Jee Aupusta. CENTREVILLE. C. W., Co. Addlnpton, Tp. Camden East. Go to Napanee, on the G.T. R. Population about *Ht. CHAMBLV. r. E , Co. Chambly, Tp. West Chambly, near Lonptiell,lho Canada Terminus of the G. T. R. Population about fitMl. CHAMPLAIN, C. E.Co. and Tp. at the head of Lake Champlain, near the Boundary. Go to Moer'a CANADA: CITIES, TOWNS, AND VILLAGES. 51 Junction, 47 miles from Montreal, on the Montreal and Pattsburg Line of Kail. Population about 'JUIlO. CHAIU.ESBOCKG, C. E., Co. Quebec, on Nortli Shore of St. Lawrence. Go by St. Lawrence Steamers to Quebec, or by Rail to Point Levi, on the (i. T. R. Population about 2oltM. CHARLE.STON, 0. W., Co., Leeds, Tp. Escott. Go to Lana.-;u|>iiliitioii about 'JIMI. I COMPTON, »'. K. A Tp. and Electoral Division, I and main Kailway Stalii.n on the O. T. K., 11(1 milfil from Montreal. I'opnlaiioii alumt 'jriO. CONt'dKK, V. \V., to. York, Tp. VaUKhan. fio to Ttiiiniliill Station, on the Ontario, ?iiucoe and Huron Itiiilnav, from Turoiilo. CONKY.t'. W., <'i>. I'erlh, Tp. Downle. Go to Strat- ford i.n the G. T. U. CONfKCON, t'. W., Co. Prince Kdward, Tp. Hillier, on l.akc Ontario. Go to Murray ( arryintt Place. Nearest JJtallon, Hrightoii, on the G. T. K., with which ^ta^.'e■^ connect. Population about 50il. CONSTAXt K, C. W., lo. Huron, Tp. Hullctt. Go to Stratford on the G. T. K., and aliio the Terminus of the Itullalo and Lake Huron Kail, whence the ex- tension to (ioderich through thi« township will shortly be completed. I CON'TKiX'n about 8(10. COI'KI'OWN, C. W., Co. Wentworth, Tp. Ileverley. A Station on G. W. U., 11 miles west of Hamilton. Popiilatinn about •.•'lO. CORNWALL, C. W. County Town of Stortnont. A main St.ition of G. T. U., 68 miles from Montreal I'o|iulation about '2.")iK). COIU'N.N A. C. W., Co. Lambton, Tp. Moore. In Port Sarnia l>i^trict, on St. Clair Kiver. Present nearest Station, London, on the G. \V. K. Population about •1»0. COTK.VC DC LAC, C. E., Co. Poulanges. On north shore of St. Lawrence. See Coteau Landing. Popu- lation al)OUt ti(K). COTKAC LA.N'DINO, C. E., Co. Soulanges. A Station on the G. T. K. COTK DKS NK.1GE.S, C. E., Co. Hochelaga. On the Island of Montreal. To which city go by Kail or Steamer. Population about 2(H». COCKVAL. C. E. A Tp. in Co. Yamaska. For Post- ollice and route see St. '/ephirim. COVKY HILL, C. E., Co. Huntingdon, Tp. Hem- mingforil. On south shore of St. Lawrence, (Lake St. Francis,) nearly opposite O. T. R, Station, K. Ileaudette. COX, C. E. A Tp. In Donaventure. For Post-offlce, etc., see New Carlisle. COWANSVILLE, C. E., Co. Misslsquol, Tp. Durham. In which is the Durham Station of the G. T. K. Populiitiiin about '.'.'»(l. CKAKiLEITH, C. W., Co. Crey, Tp. CoUingwood. See CoUingwood. Population about 5<1. CKAKiVALE, C. W., Co. Simcoe, Tp. Innisfll. A Station on the (tnlario, Simcoe and Huron Kailway. For Post-odice see Innisfll. CKANUOCU.NE, C. E. A Tp. In Co. Dorchester, some .'id miles south of the O. T. K. Population about 'hh). CUAMAHE, C. W. A Tp. In Co. Northumberland. For Post offices, see Castleton. For Kali Station, see Brighton. CREDIT, C. \\'., Co. Peel, Tp. Toronto. Go to Port Credit, on tin- G, W. K. CIIEEK HANK, C. W., Co. Waterloo, Tp. Woolwich, (io to Sclinnt/, on the G. T. K , Toronto and Strat- fiird Seilinn. t'lipulatlon about Hii. CKEKMOKK MILI„>*, C. W., Co. Simcoe, Tp. Nottawa- s:iga. See Niittawasiiga. populati'in about .'•<). CKOMAUTY. C. W., Co. Perth, Tp. Hibbert. Go to Stnilfonl, G. T. K. Terminus. CKOSHY'S COKNKUS. C. W., Co. York. Tp Mark- ham, (io to Thornhlll, by dally Stage frmn Yonge Street, Toronto, or by Ontario, Simcoe, and Huron Railway. CRoS.-^IliLL, C. W., Co. Waterloo, Tp. Wellesley. Oo to Petersburg, on the 0. T. R. Population about fin. CROSS POINT, C. E., Co. BonaTcntnrc, Tp. Restl- goiiche. On borders of New Bninswick, near Bay of (.'haleurs. On the prout IKK). CROTON, C. W., Co. Kent, Tp. Camden. 20 miles from ( hatliam, on the (i. W. K. Also called John- ston's Cornerx. Population about fj<». CltoTON, C. W., Co. Norfolk, Tp. .Middleton. 12 miles from Simcoe, and .'IT miles from Brantfurd. CKOWLAND, C. W. A Tp. In ( o. Wellaiid. Goto Port Colborne, on the Bullalo and Lake Huron Railway. CKoWN LANDS. See Government Lantls for Sale. CROYDON, C. W., Co. Addington, Tp. Camden East. Go to Napanee, on the G. T. R. Population about llK). CCLROS.**. A Tp. In Co. Bruce. For Post-offices, etc., see Teeswater. CCLLODEN, C. W., Co. Oxford, Tp. Dereham. Oo to Ingersoll, on the G. W. R. Population about Ifi*). CCMRERLAND. A Tp. in Co. RusselL For Post- ollice, etc., see Hear Brook. CI -M.MINSVILLE, C. W.,( o. lIalton,Tp. Nelson. Go to Wellington Scjuare, on the G. W. R. Population about l.'xi. Cl'MNOCK, C. W., Co. Wellington, Tp. NichoL Go to (iuelph, on the G. T. R. CUMIIERLAND, C. W., Co. Russell. 17 miles inland from landing of same name on Ottawa Kiver, where Steamer calU. Population about "J."!*). D. DAILLEBOrr, C. E., Co. Joillette, Tp. De Ramsay. On North Shore of St. Lawrence, in the SI. Maurice District, lear the head of the Assumption River, which flows into the St. Lawrence, near the Isle of Montreal. Go to Montreal. Popiilatiim about ImM). DAILLEVILLE, C. E., Co. Argentenil. Rear of Chatham Tp. On Lower Ottawa District. North- ea.sf Shore of thai Kiver. Steamers from Montreal touch at front of Chatham. Population about liMI. DALHOUSIE, C. W. A Tp. in Co. Lanark. For Post- office, etc., see McDonald's Curuers. DALHOCSIE MILLS, C. W., Co. (ilenpary, Tp. Lochiel. Go to Lancaster, on G. T. R. Population about I.W. DANVILLE, C. E., Co. Richmond, Tp. Shipton. RichmiiiKl Junction of the (i. T. R. Is In Shipton Township. Population about AV). DARLING, C. W. A Tp. in Co. Lanark. For Post- office, etc., see Tatlock. DAKLINtiTON, C. W. A Tp. In Co. Durham. For Piist-oflice and Railway Station, see Bowmanville. DAKTFOKD, C. W., Co.Northumberlanil, Tp. Percy. (lo to Ilarwood or(!ore's Landing, on Petert)orough Branch fn-m Coboiirg, on the O. T. R., thence by Passage Boat on Rice Lake to Dartford. Popula- tion about Tr). DAWN, C. W. A Tp. In Co. Lambton. For Post- oflice and Station, see Croton. DAWN .MIIJ.S, 0. W., Co. Kent, Tp. Gore of Cam- den. Try Thamcsville, on the G. W. R. Popula- tion about '.'IKI. DEAl TKl IL, C. E. A Tp. In Co. Portneuf. For I'listnllice, see Ecureuils. DEALTOWN, C. W., Co. Kent, Tp. Raleigh. Oo to Chatham, on the G. W. R. Population about .Mt. DECEWSVILLE, C. W., Co. Haldimand. Tj). Cayuga, fio to Caiilleld, on the BulTalo and Lake Huron R. Population about Ion. DELAWARE, C. W. A Tp. In Co. Middlesex. Lon- dmi is the main iioini, or Komoka, both on the O. W R. P.ipulatliiii alioiit iM. DELTA, C. W. ( o. Leeds, Tp. Bastard. Go to Lands- downe, on the (t. T. R. Population about 2.'K». DELHI, C. W., Co. Norfidk, Tp. Middleton. Lies South of the O. W. R., Brantford and London arc abmit e(pil"ll»tant. DELEKY. A Tp. on River Richelieu. See Naplcr- ville f..r P.isl iilfice, etc, DEMoKE.y Thorn- hill or '.M loll (iik'le niiiiillm^. Kli.MoNUVll.l.K, r. \V.,ro. Huron, T|>. Tuckenimith. y .Stage on Owen .SmiihI Road. KKKUll), f. W., Co. Middlesex. A Ti>., and Station, iind ril. EKAMOSA, C. W. A Tp. in Co. Wellington. Go to Uockwooil, a Station on the O. T. It. EUIN, f. W. A Tp. in Co. Wellington. OotoGuclph, on the 0. T. U. Population about 300. EUNE.'^TOWN, C. W. [lor Post-olVice, see Bath. 1 A Tp. in Co. Adilington, and a Station on the (>. 1". II. .St also Comer's Mills and SwllierviUe, in same Township. EKitOL. C. W., Co. Lambton. Tp. Plympton. near Port Sarniil. Presmt ni'ar>st Kallway point, Lon- don, on the O. W. U., and Slratfi.nl, on the Itiill'iilo no! Lake Huron and .-- >, . .V. A Tp in Co. SImroe. A Railway Sta- tion on Ontario, .*iiiii<-oe, and Huron Rail from T.>- ronto, with the rollowlng l'ost-oflirJtratfor.l O. T. R. FITCH BAY, C. K, Co. Stanstead. Go to Coaticook, on the O. T. R. FITZALAN, C. E., Co. Arpenteull, Tp. AnindelL On North Shore of Lower Ottawa, near Montreal, which see. FITZHOY HAHBOCR, C. W., Co. Carleton, Tp. Fitr.- roy. On Cpper Ottawa. See Aylraer Ea«t, whence Steamers jilv to and fro. FLAMBOKO EAST, C. W. A Tp. In Wentworth Co. For Post-office, see Carlisle. FLAMlloRt* Wt^T. C. W. A Tj). in Co. Wentworth. For Post-office, etc., see Strabane. FLINT, C. W., Co. Addington, Tp. Kaladar. The Post-office under this name. In this newly-settled DislricI, has been discontinued. Napanee is the Station on the O. T. R. Montreal ami Tnrcmto \)U- trlcl by which this place is reached through New- burg, t ndles. Kellor's Corners 9 miles. Canulen and SluDirld Hoail 1 mile. Tamworlh T) miles, which is about 11 mlb-s from Kala.lar Township, where the .\dilington Road Free Grants of Luml commence. Fl.oKENt E, C. W., Co. Lambton, Tp. Euphcmia. Go to llotbwell, on the O. W. R. FLOS, C. W. A Tp. In SInicoe Co. Oo to Barrie or Suiii.ldale, liolh ."Stations on the Ontario, Slmcoe, and Huriin Hail from Toronto. FONTHILL. A Post-office In Pelham Tp., Co. Wel- laml. .S'O Fenwiok. FOHCA.^TLE. C. W., Co Ontario. Tp. Thorah. Make for Beavrrton bv llrlle Ewart, on the Ontario, Siin- Ci»\ ami Huron H.illwav, and thence by Steamer. FOHI-ytERS FALLS, ( . W.. Co. Renfrew. Tp. Ross. On Upper Ottawa River. For Steamer, see Aylmer East. Population about "iV FORI'-'*TVILLE. « . W.. Co. Norfolk, Tp. Ch.irlotteville. f»n shore of Lake Erie. No Hallway Station c.in be nameil as a.ljacent. Try Port >Liltland on the ButTalo and Lake Huron Line. Population about 100. CANADA: CITIES, TOWNS, AND VILLAGES. 5.: FORFAU, C. W., Co. Leeds, Tp. Bastard. Back of LHiisdowne, which is a !- ulation about 400. GRANDE BAIE, C. E., Co. Chicoutimi, Tp. Bagot. Is reacheil in Summer liy Steamers from Quebec. Pop- ulation about 7.50. GRAND (iREVE, C. E., Co. Gaspe. "V\"ithin Gaspe Bay. Steamers to Shediac and Traders from Que- l)ec afford means of transit. GRANDE LIGNE, C. E. Query, on Lake St. John's, above Chicoutimi. 56 CANADA: CITIES, TOWN'S, AXD VILLAGES. OltAND niVER, C. E., To. Onspe. Ncnr St. Mlihel. On (iulf of t;iinvilli', lleuilvllle ; see also Crown l.aiiil^ iiMil Vrw (iniMl.'t. OKKKMIA.NK, « . W., Co. Ontario, Tp. Reach. Go to Wlilll.v, on the (i. T. K. tillKK.MUSIl, Co. Leeds. A Post-office. Sec Brock- ville. Population about 70. (iUKK.VOCK, C. \V. A Tp. In Co. Bruce. Go to (iiii'lpli, tlicnco by Siiuget'u Itoad. Guelpti is onG. T. K. (JHKKN POINT, C. W., Co. Prince Edward. See So- (ililiisliiir^,'. GKKKNSVILLE, C. W., Co. Wentworth, Tp. West Flaiuboro'. Go to Dunda-M, on the (i. W. U. GKKKNWOOD, C. W., Co. Ontario, Tp. Pickering, which si-e. I'opulalinn about .SIM». GKKNVII.I.E, C. K. A Tp. in ArKvnteuil. On Lower Ottawa KiviT, lu'ar Junction with i^t. Lawrence. Go to Vathlri'uil, on the G. T. II. Section, or to Montreal City for Steamer. Population about 7(M). GKKV, C. \V. A Tp. In Co. Uuron. For Koute, see (Jrcenock above. GRIEKSVILLK, C. W., Co. Grey, Tp. St. Vincent. Go to .Meaford by Canadian Steamer from Colliii)?- wi>od, by Ontario, Simcoe, and Huron Kailway from Toronto. Population about !M. GRIIVJSBY, C. W., Co. Lincoln. A Tp. and Station on \)iv (i. W. U. Section. Poi)ulation about IKlXt. GKONUINES, C. K. A Tp. in Co. Portneuf. On North Sliore of St. Lawrence, twtween Three Uivers and (Quebec, at wliich tlie Steamers and Trader.* touch. Population al>i>ut 1400. CtUOVKSKNI), C. W., Co. Elgin, Tp. Malahlde, front- ing Lake Erii'. (io to London and to Port Stanley bv ItraiK'li Kailnav. London Is on G. \V. K. GUCLPH, C. \V., Co. Wellington. A Town, Town- ship, and .Main Station, with Telegraph, on G. T. U. Toronto and Stratford Section. From Toronto 47, and llainillon '-W miles. Population about .VMM). OCYSIIOKO', C. W., Co. Norfcdk, Tp. Houghton, fronting Lake Erie. Port Sarnia i.-i nearest Hallway point which iicimnected with (i. W. It. al London. OWILLIMlICltY \VE. lorv Town, on G. T. R. I'lijiulation about l'>0. HAKl'l RIIKV,C. \V , Co. Huron, Tp .McKilh.p. (ioto Stratford, by G T. H , or Buffalo and Lake Huron, thi'ni'e bv (lodrrieh Stage. Population about '.iOd. HARRIET.^VILLE. C. W , Co. .Midd|.-s,x, Tp. Dor Chester. (Jo to Edwardsburg or London, on G. W. R. Population about Inn. HARRlNtiTON EAST, C. E. A Tp. In ArgenteuU. On North Shore of Lower Ottawa, near eonlluence with St. Lawrence. Go to .Montreal. Population about -.'.'HI. HARRINtiTON WEST, C. W., Co. Oxford, Tp. West Zorra. Go to Woodstock, on the G. W. R. Popu- lation about '.M. HARRISI4CRG, C.W, Co. Brant, Tp. South Dumfries. A Station on the (i. W. R., and Junction of Preston and (ialt Railway. Population about -SiMi. HARRISTON, C. \V., Co. Wellington, Tp. Minto. Go to (iuelph, on the G. T. R., and thence by Stage north. HARRUWSMITH, C. W.,Co. Frontenac.Tp. Portlond. Go to Napanee, on G. T. R. Population about LSO. HARTFORD, C. W., Co. Norfolk, Tp. Townsend. See Waterfonl. HARROW, Co. Essex. A new Post-oflice. HAKW l( II, C. W. A Tp. io Kent. Go to Chatham, on the ti. \\. R. HARWOOD, C. W., Co. Northumberland, Tp. Hamil- ton, (io to Baltimore, on Cobourg and Peterbo- rough Railway from Cobourg, on G. T. R. HA..\ HAY, C. W. Tp. In Co. Huron, fronting Lake Uuron. (io to Str.itford. HAVSVILLE. C. W., Co. Waterloo, Tp. Wllmot, in which is Petersburg Station on the G. T. R. Popu- lation about :iOt). HEADFORD, C. W., Co. York, Tp. Markham, which see. Population about 75. HEADVILLE, C. E., ( o. Drummond, Tp. Grantham, (io to Acton, on the (}. T. R. Population about KK). HECK'S CORNERS, C. W., Co. Grenville, Tp. South (iower, which see. HEIDELRlRti, C. W., Co. Waterloo, Tp. Woolwich, (io to Hi-rlin, on the (i. T. R. Populatii>n about '^7.'). HEMMlN(iFOUD, C. E. A Tp. in Huntingdon. A Station on thr l'latlsl>nrg Railway, 41 miles from Montreal. I'opulaliou about 7()CI. HENDERSON'S CORNER.^, C. W., Co. Victoria, Tp. Euiilv, which see. HENRVVII.LE, C. E., Co. Iberville, Tp. Sabrevoi.s. (io to Kous,.'s Point. This Village lies cast of RIyi-r Richelieu. Population about (i»K». HERDMANS CORNERS, C. E., Co. Huntingdon, Tp. Illnchinbrooke, l)elween St. Lawrence and River Richelieu. See Deidston. HEREFORD, C. E. A Tp. In Compton. Go to CoaU- rook, on thi- (i. T. R. HIIIIIKKT .«carborough Station, on the O. T. R. Population about L'.'xi. HILLIER. C. W. A Tp. in Prince Edward. Go to Trenton, on the G. T. R. Population about l.'JO. HILl>IIORO, C. W., Co Lambton, Tp. Plympton, near Port Sarida, connected with G. T. R. at Stratforil, to which place proceed. Population about InO. HILI>BCRG, C. W., ( o. Wellington, Tp. Erin. Go to Acton, on the (i. T. R. Population about IM. HILTON, C. W., Co. Northumb.rland, Tp. Brighton, In which is a Station (Brighton), on the G. T. R. Population about (Id. HINCIIINBROOKE, C. E. A Tp in Huntingdon. For CANADA: CITIES, TOWNS, AND VILLAGES. 57 Post-offices, Tillages, etc., see Athelston, Deniston, Herrtman's Corners. HOLLAND, O. \V. A Tp. in the Co. of Grey. For route, see Owen !. HUNTINGDON, C. W. A Tp. in Co. Hastings. For Post-office, etc., see Ivanhoe. HUNTINGVILLE, C. E., Co. Richmond, Tp. Ascott, which is a station on the G. T. R. Population about 100. HUNTLEY, C. AV. A Tp. in Co. Carleton. Go to Ot- tawa City by Branch I'.ailway, from Prescott, on the G. T. R. Population ahout'lOO. HUSTON, C. W., Co. Wellington, Tp. Maryborough Go to Guelpb on the G. T. R. Population about 75. INDIANA, C. W., Co. Haldimand, Tp. Seneca. Go to Middleport on BiifTalo and Lake Huron Railway. Population about ;30ll. INDIAN RESERVE, Co. Glengary. The name of a Tp., of which Athol is the Village and Post-office, which see. INDIAN RESERVES. See Mara, Rama, etc., on Lake Simcoe, Tyendinaga, on the G. T. R., etc. The In- dian Department have an office in Toronto. INDUSTRY, C. E., in County Jolliet, on North Shore of St. Lawrence, on Riviere L' Assumption, which flows into the St. Lawrence near Isle Jesus. Go to Montreal. Population about 15(10. INGERSOLL, C. W., Co. O.Nford, Tp. North 0.\ford. Population about '2SU0. See elsewhere for further particulars. INKERMAN, C. W., Co. Dundas, Tp. Mountain. Go to Matilda on the G. T. K. Population aliout 500. INNERKIP, C. W., Co. 0.\ford, Tp. East Zorra. Go to Woodstock or Princeton, both Stations on the G. W. R. INNISFIL, C. W. A Township in Co. Simcoe, bisected by the Ontario, Simcoe, and Huron Rail from Tor- onto, (io to Lefroy, Belle Ewart, and Craigville Stations on that line within the Township. Popula- tion about 10(1. INNISVILLE, C. W., Co. Lanark, Tp. Drummond. Above the town of Perth. Go to Brockville by G. T. K., and thence by Stage direct to Perth. INVERllUKON, (;. W., Co. Bruce, Tp. Bruce, fronting Lake Huron. Go to Owen Sound, which see. Pop- ulation about 50. INVERNESS, C. E. A Tp. in Megantic. Go to Som- erset or Stanfold on the G. T. R. Population about 150. lONA, C. W., Co. Elgin, Tp. Dunwich. Go to Ekfrid on G. W. R., and thence South. Population about 200. IRELAND, C. E. A Tp. in Megantic. For Post-offices and Villages, see Maple Grove, New Ireland. IRONIIILL, C. E., Co. Brome. Ascott on the G. T. R. appears to be the nearest Station. ISLAND OF MONTREAL, C. E. On the St. Lawrence. See also Post-offices and Villages within it. Long Point, Au.\ Trembles, St. Ann, and Montreal City. ISLAY, C. W., Co. Victoria, Tp. Fenelon. See Lind- say. ISLE OF ORLEANS, C. E. On St. Lawrence, below Quebec, to which go by Steamer, or to Point Levi on G. T. R. ISLE AUX COUDRES, C. E. On the St. Lawrence. Go to Quebec, and thence by Steamer Saguenay. Population about 600. ISLE AUX GRUES, C.E., Co.Lilet. Go to St. Thomas, Terminus of the G. T. R., and thence by vessel. Population about tiOO. ISLE AUX NOIX, C. E., Iberville Co. Go by River Richelieu Steamers. ISLE JESUS, C. E. On the St. Lawrence, opposite Montreal. Cut off from main land, (Terrebonne Co.) by tributary from the Ottawa Itiver and St Lawrence. (!o to Montreal. See also St. Martin and St. Vincent du Paul, Villages and Post-offices with- in it. ISLE PERROT, C. E. On Lower Ottawa. Go to Van- dreuil on the G. T. R. ISLE VERTE, C. E., Co. Temiscouata. On South of St. Lawrence, nearly opposite confluence of the Sa- guenav. Go to Quebec, and thence by Steamer. IVANHOE, C. W., Co. Hastings, Tp. Huntingdon. North of Belleville, to which go by G. T. K. JARRATT'S CORNERS, C. W., Co. Simcoe, Tp. Oro Go to Barrie by the Ontario, Simcoe, and Huron Rail from Toronto, and thence to Gilbraith's by Stage, and some six miles on by road. Population about 200. JARVIS, C. W., Co. Haldimand, Tp. Walpole. Go to Caledonia on the Buffalo and Lake Huron RaiL Population about ItiO. JERSEY, (Riviere Chaudiere,) C. E., Co. Beauce. At the head of the River Chaudiere, which flows into the St. Lawrence nearly opposite Quebec. Jersey lies east of the Grand Trunk, on the confines of the State of Maine. No Station is near. JERSEYVILLE, C. W., Co. Wentworth, Tp. Ancaster Go to Dundas on the G. W. R. Population about 120. JOHNSON, C. W., Co. Grey, Tp. Sydenham. Go to Owen's Sound by Ontario, Simcoe, and Huron Rail to Collingwood, and thence bv Steamer. JOHNSON'S CORNEltS, C. E,, Tp. lleuuningrord. A Station on Plattsburg and Montreal Rail, 'M miles from Montreal. JOHNVILLK, C. E., Co. Compton, Tp. Eaton. Go to Lennoxville on the G. T. R. Population about KiO. JORDAN, C. W., Co. Lincoln, Tp. 1-oulh. A Station on the G. W. R. Poi)ulation about 300. K KALADAR, C. W. A Tp. in Addington. Go to Na- panee on the G. T. R. See also Crown Lands. :)8 CANADA: CITIES, ToWXS, AND VILLAGES. KAMOURASKA, C. K. An Klcctornl Dlnlrict ami Tuwii. Tlic tiam lii liUuntL-il iiciir tliu Soiitli r^liore of llif St. Liiwrviice, belwevn yuebcc anil tin- iiinuth of tlif Sii(;iii'ii;i.v. Ho to St. Tlioiiiii.i, tlie Teriiiiim* or the (i. T. K.', aa li(.-lii|; the nenreHl Jtull point. Po|iiilHtion uliuut 'i^(H). KAIJ.<, V. \V., Co. I'urlcton, Tp. North (iower. (Jo to Ki-iii|>tvnU- orOsgooilc on tho Ottawii Kailiviiy, coii- iifcli'l ttith I'rescott on the ti. T. K. I'opulatlon llhollt '»i. K.\TH>iVII,I,K, C. W'., Co. Middlesex, Tp. Adelaide, on the line of the Kallway K.\lell^ion to I'oit Sarnla. At pre.ieni (,'o to Kkfrid or to Mount Urydge:), (i. W. It. I'opiilalion ahoiit l.'So. KKKN ANSVIM.K, C. W., Co., SImcoe, Tp. Adjala. Try .Molton on the |mlulion about Hhi. KKiril, I'. W., Co. I.ainbton, Tp. Dawn. Go to IliiiliMill (11- Thaiiie.-ville un (i. W. It. KKI.VII.I.K, C. \V., to. Itrani, Tp. iJurford. Goto I'rinciton on the (i. W. K. KEMPTVILLE, C. W., Co. Grenville, Tp. O.vford. A Station and Town on the (ttlawa Kuilnay, coti- nected with the G. T. K. at rrescott. Population about i;ir><). KENll.WOKTU, C. W., Co. WelllnRton, Tp. Arthur. Go to (iuolph on the G. T. R., and thence by Stage. KKN.MOKK, C. W., t o. Uussill, Tp. Osgooile. Goto Osgoode on the Ottawa Kailway, from I'rescott on the G. T. U. Population about 50. KESXKBKC, C. \V., Co. Krontenac. A Tp. ailjacent to Free Grants and Crown Lands for sale, which see. KEXYGS, C. \V., Co. (ilen);ary. A Tp. north-west of l.anca-iter, to which go by G. T. H. KKI'I'II.. See Inilian Lands. KKKTl II. C. W., Co. Lauibton, Tp. Plyrajiton. Go to London on the G. W. K., or Stratford, being on the I'ort Sarnia Section. KLSWICK, C. \V., Co. Simcof, Tp. North Gwillimbury. (io to Bradford or Holland Landing, on llie Untario, Siiiicoe and Huron Railway from Toronto. KKTTLKItY .MILLS. C. W., Co. York, Tp. King. Go to Newm.trket on Ontario, Simcoe, and Huron Rail- way. KILKKIDK, C. W., Co. Halton, Tp. Nelson. Go to Uronte or Oaltville on the G. W. U. Population about l.')D. KILDARK, C. K. A Co. in .loliette, on North Shore of St. Lawrence. See St. Maurice District. Popu- lation about 'i-'jIM). KILLAKNKY, C. W. On North Shore of Lake Huron. No regular communication. KILKKNNY, C. K. A Tp. in Montcalm, on North Shore of SI. Lawrence, (io to Montreal. See St. Maurice district. Population about MM). KILMARNOCK. C. W., Co. Lanark, Tp. Montague, near Riileau (.'anal. Go to Smith's Kails from Itrock- ville on G. T. R. KILSYTH. C. W., Co. Oroy, Tp. Derby. Go to Col- lingwood by Ontario, Simroc, and Huron Railway from Toronto, and thence by Steamer to Owen's Sound. KILWORTH, C. W., Co. Middlesex, Tp. Delaware. (}o to Komoka on the O. W. R. KIMIt RN, < . W., Co. Carleton, Tp. Filzroy. Popu- luti'iii iilioiit .'><». KINCARDINE <•. W. A Tp. In Bruce. A Mon.y Oii|.-r OHice. (r)rmerly Penetangore,) fronting Lake Huron, (io to liuelph, and thence make fur Sau- gi-en. (im-lph i< on (!. T. R. KING, ('. \V. A Tp. In York. Go to King on Ontario, Slmroi-, and Huron Rail from Toronto. KIMiSKY, ( . K. A Tp. in Drummond Co. Go to DaTiville on ti. T. R. Section. KINi.-KY KALI.S. A Post-olTlce In Klngscy, which KINGSTON , C. W. A City, the Capital of Krontenac. Go Io Kliig'lon by G. T. R., or by Steamers from Montreal, Hamilton, Toronto, aiul Hay of Quinio, and Ridi-aii Canal; aNo from Cape Vincent on I'nilol Slates "ilde. Population about 1:UKK». KIN»iSTO> MILU>», C. W., Co. Krontenac. A .ttalion on ilio o. KIMi.>VILI.K. C. W., Co. Vmpx, Tp. (io«neld. Go to llapti-le Crock or llhfi«l.l. Krontlng Lake Huron, (io to Stratford, as before. See Kin- kora. Popnlatl>>ii about .Vl. KII'PKN, C. W., ( o. Huron, Tp. Tuckemmlth. Go to Stratford by (I. T. It., Iheiice by (ioderich Stage. KlltKTON, c". W'., Co. Huron, fp. Usboriie. Near lilaiichard, St. .Mary's. Go to Stratford on G. T. R. KIRKWALL, C. W., Co. Wentworlh, Tp. Beverley. Go to Harrisburg on the G. \V. K. Population about 7(1. KITLKY, C. W. A Tp. Io Leeds and Grenville. For Post-olliccs and Villages', see Frankvllle, Toledo, etc. KLINKRt ICG, C. W., Co. York, Tp. Vaughan. (io to Kichinonil Hill on the Ontario, Simcoe, and Huron Rail froni Toronto. Populalion about .Sun. KNOWLTON, C. E., Co. llrome. Go to Compton on G. T. It., .Montreal ami Portland Section as nearest Statiiui, but the di.'^tance is considerably easl of llrome. Population about 'JJHi, KNOWLTON FALLS. A Post-oHice In last-mentioned Tp. KOMOKA, C. W., Co. Middlesex, Tp. Lobo. A SU- tion on the G. VV. It. Population about TtK). I. LA BATE, C. E. A Tp. in Yam.nska, on South Phore of Lake St. Pcler, (St. Lawrence,) near confluence of the River St. Kranci.i with St. Lawrence, which flows from Richmond, the diverging point of the G. T. R. to tiuel)ec, earIK). LACHUTE, C. E. A Tp. in Argenteuil, on North- east Shore of Lower Ottawa. Go by Steamera from Montreal, or from Vandreuil on G. T. R. Popula- tion aliout f)0(l. LACOLLE, C. E.. Co. .''t. John's. A .Nation on the ( haniplain and St. Lawrence Railway, 3S miles from Montreal. Population about tkK). LAldltNE, C. E., (o. Terrebonne. On North Shore of St. Lawrence, opposite Isle of Jesus. See Maurice District, (io to Montreal. LAKONTAINE, C. W., Co. Simcoe, Tp. Tiny, on eiuu. LANORAIE, C. E. In Bcrthier, on North Shore of St. Lawrence. Sec St. .Maurice District. Population about ■/400. CANADA: CITIES, TOWNS, AND VILLAGES. 59 A few miles below, Go to Point Levi, op- R., and cross the St. LAXDSDOWXE, C. W. A Tp. in Co. Lecils, and a Station on the G. T. R. Population ahout 100. LE PETITE RIVIEUE, C. E., St. l'ranci.s Charlevoix, opposite Isle de Conilres, on North Shore of St. Lawrence below Quebec, to which go, and thence bv Steamer Saguenay. PIGEONIEKE, C. E. In NapierviUe. A Station on Montreal and Plattsburg Kail, 30 miles from Mon- treal. LAPRAIRIE, C. E. On South Shore of St. Lawrence, opposite Montreal. Go to Junction, on Champlain and St. r.aihvav, 11 miles from Montreal. LA PRESENTATION, C. E. In St. Hyacinthe. Go to St. Hyacinthe, on the G. T. R., 30 miles from Mon- treaL I.AUGIE, C. W., Co. Elgin, Tp. Dunwich. Go to Ek- frid, on G. W. R. LA SAL, C. E. See La Pigeoniere and St. Rerai. LWSSUMPTION, C. E., Tp. St. Sulpice. In Electoral District of L'.Xssumption, on North Shore of St. Lawrence, below Montreal. Go to Montreal City, and thence by Steamer or Trader. Population about 3000. LA TERKIERE, C. E. In Chicoutimi, on the Sague- nay River. Go to Chicoutimi from Quebec by Sagueuav Steamer. LATTA'S MILLS, C. W., Co. Hastings, Tp. Thurlow. Go to Belleville, on G. T. K. LAVAL, C. E. In Montmorenc and in the rear of Quebec, posite Quebec, on the G. T. Lawrence. LAVALTRIE, C. E. In Berthier. On North Shore of St. Lawrence, between .Montreal and Three Rivers. Go to Montreal or Quebec, and thence by Steamer. LACZON, C. E. See New Liverpool, St. Henri, and Point Levi — Villages and Post-offices therein — also, St. Jean Chrysostom and St. Lambert. L'.WENIR, C. E., Co. Drummoud, Tp. Durham. Go to Durham, on the G. T. R. LAWKENCEVILLE, C. E., Co. Shefford, Tp. South Elv. See LWvenir, for Kailwav Station. LEAKESDALE, C. ^V., Co. Ontario, Tp. Scott. No near Railway, (io to Holland Landing, on Ontario, Sinicoe, and Huron Railway from Toronto. Popu- lation about 100. LEAMINGTON, C. AV., Co. Essex, Tp. Mersea. Go to Baptiste Creek, on (J. W. R. Population about 70. L'EPIPH.\N Y, C. E. See St. Sulpice and L'Afsumi)tion. LEAVENS, C. W., Co. Grey, Tp. St. Vincent. Go to ColUngwood by the Ontario, Simcoe, and Huron Rail from Toronto. LEEDS, (West,) C. W. A Tp. in Co. Leeds. For Post-offices, Towns, etc., see Gananoque, Seely's Bay. LEEDS, (East,) C. E. A Tp. in Megantic. Go to Somerset, on the G. T. R. Population about IGO. LE FOULON, C. W., Co. Prescott, Tp. Hawkesl)ury. On South Shore of Lower Ottawa. Go to .Montreal, and thence by Steamer. LEFROY, C. W., Co. Sinicoe, Tp. Innisfil. A Station on the Ontario, Simcoe, and Huron Railway. Pop- ulation about 50. LEITH, C. W., Co. Grey, Tp. Sydenham. Go to Owen Sound by Steamer, from ColUngwood, on On- tario, Simcoe, and Huron Rail from Toronto. Pojj- ulation about "o. LEMONVILLE, C. W., Co. York, Tp. WTiitchurch. Go to ,\m-ora or Newmai-ket, on the Ontario, Sim- coe, and Huron Rail from Toronto. Population about -.'OO. LENNOX, C. W., Co. Lennox, Tp. Fredericksburg. Go to Napanee, on G. T. R. LENNOXVILLE, C. E. ATown of Sherbrooke Dis- trict. .V Station on G. T. R., 99 miles from Montreal. Population al)Out 250. LES EBOULEMENS, C. E., in Charlevoi.x. On North Shore of St. Lawrence below Quebec, opposite Isle of Condres. Steamers occasionally call. LES ECUREILS, C. E., Co, Portneuf, Tp. D'Auteuil. On North Shore of St. Lawrence above Quebec, where go. LES ESCOU.MAINS, C. E., Saguenay. On North Shore of St. Lawrence, below Quebec, to which go. LESKAUD, C. W., Co. Durham, Tp. Clarke. Go to Newcastle, on G. T. R., 40 miles from Toronto. Population about 250. LIFFORD, C. W., Co. Durham, Tp. Manvers. Go to Newcastle as for Leskard, which see. LINDSAY, C. AV., Co. Victoria, Tp. Ops. The Ter- minus of the Port Hoi)e and Lindsay Railway, con- nected with the G. T. K. at Port Hope. Population about 1100. LINGWICK, C. E. A Tp. in Compton. For Post- ofTice. see Gould. Go to Compton, on G. T. R. LIPPENCOTT, C. AA'., Co. York, Tp. York. Go to To- ronto. LISADEL, C. AV., Co. Huron, Tp. Howick. Go to Stratford Junction of Buffalo and Lake Huron and G. T. R. Population about 50. LISBON, C. AV., Co. Perth, Tp. North Easthope. Go to Stratford as for Lisailel, which see. L'ISLET, C. E. An Electoral District and Town on South Shore of St. Lawrence, a few miles east of St. Thomas, Terminus of G. T. R. LISTOAVELL, C. AV., Co. Perth, Tp. Elma. Go to Stratford Junction of Buffalo and Lake Huron and G. T. R. LICHFIELD, C. E. A Tp. in Pontiac Co. on North Shore of Cpper Ottawa ; for route, see .\vlmer East. LITTLE BRITAIN, C. AV., Co. Victoria, Tp. Mariposa. Go to Lindsay bv Branch Railwa.v from Port Hope, on the G. T. R. "Population about 100. LITTLE RIDEAC, C. AV., Co. Prescott, Tp. Hawkes- bury l)y Montreal and Ottawa Steamers. Popula- tion about 200. LLOYDTOWN, C. AV., Co. York, Tp. King. Go to King or Newmarket, on the Ontario, Simcoe, and Huron Railwav from Toronto. LOBO, C. AV., Co. Middlesex. A Tp. in which is Ko- moka Station, on the G. AA'. R. LOCHABER, C. E., Co. Ottawa. A Tp. fronting the North Shore of Ottawa. Go by Steamers between Ottawa Citv and Montreal. LOCHIEL, C. AV., Co. Glengary. A Tp. North of Lancaster, on the G. T. R. LOCKTON, C. AV., Co. Peel, Tp. Albion. Go to Brampton, on the G. T. R. LOGAN, C. \V., Co. Perth. A Tp. in which are Post- offices and Aillages, Carronbrooke, and Mitchell, wliicli see. LONDON, C. AA'., capital of Middlesex, on the G. AV. R., also Junction of London and Port Stanley Rail, 114 miles west of Toronto. For A'iew of Lon- don and further information, see preceding jiages. LONG ISLAND LOCKS, C. AV., Co. Carleton, Tp. Nepean. Go to Gloucester or North Osgoode, on the Ottawa Railway, connected with the G. T. R. at Prescott. LONG POINT, C. E. In I.«le of Montreal (Hochela- ga). Go to Montreal by G. T. R. or Steamer. Pop- ulation about 1000. LONGUEIL, C. E. In Chambley. The Station of the G. T. R., on South Shore of St. Lawrence for Quebec and Portland, 2 miles from City, to be united by A'ictoria Bridge with North Shore of St. Law- rence. Population about 30t)0. LONGUEIL, C. E. See St. John's and St. Luc, on Champlain and St. Lawrence Railway. LONSDALE, C. \V., Co. Hastings, Tp. Tyendinaga, which is a Station on ti. T. R. l'o|>ulation about 135. LOREI'TE, C. E. See .\ncienne Lorrette. L'OIUGINAL, C. AA'., Co. Prescott, Tp. Alfred. Assize Town. On Soutli Shore of (Jttawa. Go by Ottawa and Montreal Steamers. Population about "00. LOl'vHAINE, C. W., Co. Simcoe, Tp. Mono. Go to Maltoti, on the G. T. R., and thence by Stage to Mono Mills. LOSKY, ('. W., Co. York, Tp. King, which see. LOTBINIKltE, C. E. A Town and Electoral District, fronting the South Shore of St. Lawrence, opposite Portneuf, between Three Rivers and Quebec. Go by SteaiMcr from Alontreal or Quebec. L0U(J11B0H0, C. AV. A Tp. in Frontenac. Go to Kingston City, on the G. T. R. LOUISVILLE, C. AV., Co. Kent. A Village in Chat- ham Tp., in which is Chatham Station, on the G. AV. R. I'ojvulation about 200. LOUTH, ('. AV. A Tp. in Co. Lincoln. See Jordan, a A'illage and Station on the G. AV. R., in this Town- ship, 20 miles from Hamilton, C. A\'. LOW, C. E. A Tp. in Ottawa Co. On the Gatineau River, North of River Ottawa. Go to Ottawa City bv Hail from Prescott, on the G. T. R. LOWER IRELAND, C.K. In Megantic. Go to AVar- wick, on the G. T. R. Quebec and Hichniond Section, 24 miles North-east of Richmond Junction. LOWVILLE, C. AV., Co. Halton, Tp. Nelsoa. Go to 60 CANADA: CITIES, TOWNS, AND VILLAGES. WclUiifrton Square, on the G. \\. I{. Population aliout l>'iKN, 0. W., Co. Wcntwnrth, Tp. Beverley. A Station on tlu- C. W. K., lU nillea west of Uamlltou ( ily. l><.|Milat!<>n ulmiit ICid. LV.NDIiritST, ('. V,'., Co. Lt-eds. In Lansdowne, In whli-li T(>wn>)iip U Kiiii.'^downc Station, on the U. T. K. I'Mpuliition about 70. LYNEUOt n, t.'. W., «.o. Norfolk, Ti). CharlottcvUle. Go to Sliiicoe, thence by Stage to Uriinlftiril or Paris, on tlie llufTalo amlLake Huron ; the latter Is the Jinietion Point of that ami Grrat XNe.sttrn Kail- wavs anil Gait Branch. Population about IM. LYO.NS, ('. W., Co. KIkIii, Tp. South Uorclitster. Go to lugersoll or KdwarJsburg, on G. W. R. M M'DONALD'S CORNERS, C. W., Co. Lanark, Tp. Dal- housie. (io to Brockville by G. T. R., thence by Staj;r Io Pi-rth. 20 uiili-.s from Pi-rth. M(ill,l.lVUAY, C. W. A Tp. in Huron Co., which the Port Sarnia Railway from Stratford or St. Mary'.s will bijict. (Jo to Stratford Junction of the Buffalo ami Lake Huron and G. T. Railways. M'NAB, C. W. A Tp. In Renfrew Co. For Post- offices, see .\ruprlor and Burnstown. MACYILLE, C. W., Co. Peel, Tp. Albion. Go to Malton, on the G. T. R. Population E. On the St. Maurice District. See Braniptoi about .">o. M AC 1 IK HE, C Yaniachiche. MAUOC, C. \V., Co. Hastings, Tp. Madoc. Go to Belleville by the G. T. R, .Montreal ami Toronto Section, anil thence by Daily Stage. Madoc is the nearest Town to the Free Grant Settlement on the Hastings Road. MAD RIVER .MILLS, C. W., Co. Grey, Tp. Osprey. <;o to N'ottawasaga or Suniiidale, both on the On- tario, Siim-oe, and Huron Rail from Toronto. MAGDAI.E.N ISLAND-S C. E., Co. Gaspe. Near South Shore of the St. Lawrence at Cape Magda- lene, before entering on the Gulf. Traders from Quebec. MAGOtt, C. E. A Tp. in Stanstead. Try Coaticnok or Compton, on the G. T. R. See Georgeville. Population about 'J.Vl. MAIDSTONE, C. W. A Tp. In Essex Co. Go to Windior or Puce, on the (t. W. R. MAITLANI), C. W., Co. tirenville, Tp. Augusta. A Stntioii on the G. T. R., between Brockville and Pres- cott. Population about l.'Kt. MALAHIDE. C. W. A Tp. in Co. Elgin, in which is A\ hni-r W e>l, which see. See abto St. Tlmmas \Ve>t. MALAKOKK, C. «'., Co. Carleton. A PosloHiee in M.irlboro Tp. See Burrilfs Rnphls, a'ljacent to Rldeau Canal, and near Kemptville, on tlie Ottawa Juncli^in from Prescolt, on the G. T. R. MAI.DEN, C. \V. A Tp. In Essex. For Post-office, etc., see Aniherstburg. MAL BAIE, C. E. Kor Postomce, »ec Point St. Peter, which divides Gaspe and Mai Bale, near Gulf of St. Lawrence. MAI.LulCY TOWN, C. W., Co. U-eds, Tp. Yongo. A Stati'.n on the G. T. R. Population about 'JiHl. MALTA, C. Vi'., Co. Bruce, Tp. Bruce, fronting Lake Huron. Get to Sydenlmni (Owen's Sound) by On- tario. Simcoe, and' Huron Railway to Colllngwood, and thence by Steamer, or go by Guelph, on the G. T. R., and thence by ONeill's Owen Sound Stage. Population about Thi. MALfoN, C. \V., » 1.. Peel, Tp. Toronto. A Station on tlie G. T R., 16 miles from Toronto. Population about .'iiN). MAI.VIRN. r W,, Co Y'ork, Tp. Scarboro. Go by S' from Toronto ibilly, or by G. T. K. fi 'tioii. Populalloii about 125. MAN" LIK.-I l,i;, C. W., Co. Ontario, Tp. Reach. Go to Whliliy, on the (i. T. R. MANILLA, C. W., to. Victoria, Tp. Mariposa. Get to Lind.-iay from Port Hope, on the G. T. R., thence a Branch Railway to Linilsay is open to Oraemce. Population about 4M. MANITOWANING, C. W. On the Great Manitoulln l.Hland on Lake Huron. Steamers In Sunjmer from Collingwood. which see. An Indian Sitlbinent, with re>iileiil Miid^ter of the Church of England. MANNINGVILLE, C. E., Co. Huntingdon. Go to Hemniingford oti the Montreal and I'lattsburg Rail- wav, 41 miles from .Montreal. Population uboni 2Ul). MANSFIELD, C. E. A Tp in C... I'oiitlac. For Poit- olhce and route, see Fnrt Coulolige. .MAN VERS, C. \V. A Tp. In Durham Co., near line of Lind.-'-ay, Branch from Port Hope, to which go by G. T. R. .MAPLE, C. \y., Co. York, Tp. Vauphan. Go to Rich- mond Hill by Ontario, Simcoe, and Huron Rail from Toronto. MAPLE (iR(»VE, C. E., Co. Megantlc. Tp. Ireland. (io to ■« arwick on the ti. T. R. MAPLETON, C. W., Io. Elgin, Tp. Yarmouth. On London and Port Stanley Branch from London on G. W. R. MARA, C. W., Co. Ontario. A Tp. usually coupled with R.ima as Indian Territory, (iet to Orillia (from Barrie by Ontario, .>>inicoe, and Huron Railway), and thence by Sta^e direct. See Orillia. MARBLETON, C. E., ( o. Wolfe, Tp. DudsweU. Go to Mieibp.oke on the G. T. R. .MARIPOSA, C. W. A Tp. in Co. Victoria. For Posl- oltice.i, route, etc., see Little Britain, Manilla, and Oakivood. .MARC II, C. W. A Tp. in Co. Carleton, fronting South Shore of River Ottawa, opposite Ayluier East, which see. I'lipiilation about 5(1. r/IARKHAM, C. W., Co York. Go by Stoutfrine Daily Stage from Toronto, or by G. T. R. from Scar- borough, and thence by Stage. Population about lIlOl). MARLBOROrOH, C. W. A Tp. in Co. Carlton. See Burritt's Rapids and .MalakoflT for Post-offices and route. .MARLOW, C. E. A Tp. in Beauce at the very extreme of the province on the confines of the State of Maine at the head of River t liaudiere, which flows in a direct line to the St. Lawrence. ( haudiere Junction and Chaudiere on the (i. T. R. liuebec anil Itichmoud may be named as Stations, but are about l>t miles distant. MARMOKA, C. W., Co. Hastings. A Tp. In which »re the Iron Works, north of Belleville, to which go by (i. T. R. Population about 4o(i. MARSIIVILLE, C. W., to. Welland, Tp. Walnflcet, In which is a Station of the Buffalo and Lake Huron Rail. MAKTINTOWN, C. W., Co. Glengary, Tp. Ch.nrlotten- burg, in which is Summerstown on the (t. T. R., 8 miles east of Cornwall, and (in from Montreal. MARTINVILLE, C. E., C^. CK.mpton, Tp. (lift on. Go to Compton on the G. T. R. Population about 15. MARYSIirRG, C. W. A Tj). in Prince Edward Co. For Villages, Towns, and Po^tollices, see Picton, llonpard'.'' Corners, and Port .Milford. MARYSVILLE, C. W., ( o. Hiislingn, Tp. Tyendinaga, In which is a Station of the G. T. R. Population about inn. MARYIIORO, C. W. A Tp. in Wellington Co. See Hu.'ton. MASCOUCHE, (.'. E. A Tp. in L" Assumption, on North Shore of St. Lawrence, just below Montreal, to which go. MASKINONGE. A Post-office Village, and also name of EleclMial District on North Shore of St. Lawrence in St. Maurice District, situate about "in miles west of Three Rivers. Population about *NH). MAS>'AWIPIM, C. E , ( o. Stanstead, T|i. We«( Hatley. Go to Compton on the 4 from Montreal. MATTAWA. on a River which runs Into the Ottawa about S'u ndles abnve Pembroke, near Lake Nipis- sing. Pembroke is reached by I'pper Ottawa Steamers from .\ylmer East, which see. MAYFIELD, C. W.', ( o. Peel, Tp. Chingnacoufiy. Go to Brampton on the (S. T. R. Population about ftO. MAYNE, C. W., Co. Perth, Tp. Wallace. Go to Ful- CANADA: CITIES, TOWNS, AND VILLAGES. 61 lartoD, midway between Stratford and Goderich, by .Stage from Stratford Junction, (j. T. K. MEADO\VVALE, (.'. \V., Co. Peel, Tp. Toronto. Five miles from Uiamiiton. Population aliout 4011. MKUUXTE, C. W. A T|). in Simcoe, between Orillia and Coldwater. Go by Coldwater Stage from Oril- lia, wbicb is reached by (Jntario, Simcoe, and Huron Kaihvay from Toronto, Belle Kwart, and tlience by Steamer. In winter, go by Stage from liarrie to Orillia, which see ; see also Coldwater. MKLANl'THON, C. W. a Tp. in Co. Grey. Go to Jiradfurd, and by road, west, to Mono, if Ontario, Sinicoe, and Huron llailway is used, or by Stage to Mono from Mallon on the G. T. K. MELBOURNE, C. E. A Tp. in Richmond, with Money (Jrder Ollice. Go to Kichmoud on G. T. K. Population about 250. MEl.ilOSE, C. \V. A village in Tyendinaga, Hastings Co. Tyendinaga is a Station on G. T. !{., 13 miles fiom lielleville on G. T. K. Po|iulation about "0. MELVILLE, C. W. A Village in HiUierTp., Co. Prince Edward, tio to Trenton on the ti. T. U. MERRICKVILLE,C. W., Co. Grenville, Tp. Wolford. Go to Maitland or lirockville on G. T. K., or to KeaiptviUe, on Ottawa and Prescott Branch, from Prescott Junction. MEiaUTSVILLE, C. W., Co. Wetland, Tp. Crowland. Go to Cbipiiewa on the Erie and Ontario Kailway. Population about SOO. MEKSE.V, C. \V. A Tp. in Essex Co. Go to l hatham on the G. W. U. MEKTOX, C. W., Co. Halton, Tp. Nelson. Go to Wel- lington Square, (in same Township,) on the G. W. R. Po))ulation about 150. METCALI', C.W. A T]). in Middlesex Co. For Post- olJice, etc., see Napier. l'oi)ulation about 2o0. METIS, (.'. E. A Tp. in Kiuiouski, on South Shore of St. Lawrence, on the projected extension of Grand Trunk to Nova Scotia. Go by vessel from Quebec. Pojiulation about 1100. MEVEliSliCKti, Co. Northumberland, Tp. Seymour. On projected extension from Belleville, to which go by G. T. R. Population about 150. MliiULEPORT, (,'. \V., is a Station on the Buiralo and Lake Huron Itailway, lietween Caledonia and Onon- daga, (Post-office, Tuscarora.) lit miles south of Brantford, and IS of Paris Junction. Population about 1(10. MlDliLEVlLLE, C. W., Co. Lanark, Tp. Lanark. Go to Perth from B 'oekville by Stage from G. T. K. MILE01{1), C. \V., Co. Prince" Edward, Tp. Marysburg, on Bay of Quinte. G. T. It. I'up. nlmut 'JOn. MOLLiNKrrK, C. W., Co. !ii.,rmoi,t, Tp. CornwalL .\ Stulion on th|iulation about 20<(. MUI..MUR. C. W. A Tp. In Co. Slmcoe. Go to Bar- rie Station, on the Ontario, Simcoe, and Huron Railway from Toronto. MUNCEY, C. W., Co. .Middlesex, Tp. Carradoc, in which i.s .Mount Bryilges Station. MUNSEL. ( . W., Co.tJrenvillf, Tp. Wolford. Go to llrockyille or .Maitland, on the G. T. R. MURRAY, C. W. A Tp. in Northinnberland Co., in which is the Town and Station of Trenton, on the G. T. R. Population about 2iM). MURRAY BAY, C. E. In Charleyoix. On North Shore of the St. Lawrence, below ({uebec, SO miles down, (io by Saguenay Ste.inier from (Quebec. MURVALE. C.W., I o. Krontenac, Tp. Portland. Go to Erncstown, on the U. T. R. Population about \:i!>. NAXTICOKE, C. W., Co. Haldlmand, Tp. Walpole. Go to Cuinsville, on the BulTalo and Lake Huron Railway. NAPANEE, C. W., Co. Lennox, Tp. Richmond. A T'-l'grapli Station an miles west of Kingston. See preceding pages for further information. NASSAGAWEVA, C. W. A Tp. In Halton Co. Go to Kockwood, on the (}. T. R., Toronto and Stratford S«'Clioii, or to Wellington ."Sfiuare, on the G. W. R. NEI>iiN. C. W. A Tp in Halton to., in which is Wellington S<|iiare, a Station on the G. W. K. Pop- ulation about UnK SEPE AN, C. W. A Tp. in Carleton Co. For Poet- oiric.-s and Villages, see Bell'a Corners, Long Island l.firk». etc. NEW ABERDEEN, C. W., Co. Waterloo, Tp. Water- loo. Go to Berlin, on the O. T. IC Population about 'JIN). NEWARK, C. W., Co. Oxford, Tp. Norwich. Go to Woodstock or Princeton, on the G. W. R. NEW BI.I.xS. ( . W., ( o. L.eds and (irenviUe, Tp. Kltl«y (io to Brockyille. on the (i. T. R. NEWBORO. C. W, ( o. I,,.,.,!,, Tp. North Crosby. A M"in'y Oriler OlTire on the Ridi-nil. (io to Kings- ton. 1' I " ■•• by SteanuTs or the Rldeaii ( aiml, or t'< ' i«. Both Kingston and Gananoque are .»! the G. T. R. NEWBURG, C. W.. Co. Addington, Tp. Camden K 1-'. <;■> to Napaner, on the G. T. R. See preced- i population about '.•. NEW KDINtiBURtill, Co. Carleton. Tp. (iloucester. A Village or Suburb to Ottawa, C. W. On the Prescott and Ottawa Railroad, of which it U the Terminus. Population about &iMl. NEW GLASGOW, C. E. North of Isle Je«u», oppngite Montreal, to which go, either by Steamer from Og- deiisburg or Kingston, or by the G. T. R, Popula- tion aliout Imhi. NEW GLASGOW, C. W., Co. Elgin, Tp. Aldeborough. From Morpeth l.\ London HTi, Chatham 87 miles. NEW llAMIlURti. (. W, Co. Waterioo, Tp. WUinot, in which Township is Petersburg Station of the G. T. R. Population about IDNJ. NEW H( )PE. C. W., ( o. Waterloo, Tp. North Waterioo. Go toGueH>h or Htrlin. on G.T. R. ; also to (ialt and Preston for Juiiclion Railway. Population about 7i«i. NEW IRELAND, C. E. In Megantic. (io to Artha- baska, on the (i. T. R. Population about -iiHl. NEW LAND, C. W., ( o. York, Tp. East (iwillimbury, in which is the Holland Landing Station on the On- tario, Slmcoe, and Huron Railway fmm Toronto. NEW LIVERPOOL, C. E. In Leyi District, Tp. Law- ion, (io to Point Levi (opposite yuebec*. the Ter- minus of the (1. T. R. Population about IMm*. NEWMARKET, C. W., * ,.. York, Tp. Whitchurch. A Station on the Ontario, Simcoe, and Huron Rail- way from Toronto. NEWPORT. C. E. A Tp. in Compton. Go to Comp- ton Station, on the (i. T. R., .Montreal and Portland Section. For Post-ofllce, see and address Sawyer- ville. NEWPORT, C. W., Co. Brant, Tp. Braotford. In which i-i the Main Station of Brantford, on the Buf- falo ami Lake Huron Rail. NEW RIt IIMOND, C. K A Tp. in Bonaventure, South (tauth Shore of the St. Lawrence, nearly opposite Three Rivers, to which go by Montreal and (Quebec Steamers. The nearest Station appears to be Arlhabaska, on the »i. T. R., Quebec and Rich- nionil Section. Population about liHiO. NICHOL, C. W. A Tp. in Co. Wellington. For Post- olTices and Villages, see Barnet anposite Cedars and .•^t. Anne's Stations on the G. T. R., (being on the South Shore of the St. Law- rence). ORO, C. W. A Tp. in Simcoe Co. For route, see Orillia. ORONO, C. AV., Co. Durham, Tp. Clarke; in which Township is Newcastle Station on the G. T. R. Pop- ulation about SOO. ORWELL, (forn\erly Temperanceville,) C. W., Co. El- gin, Tp. Yarmouth. Go to London on the G. W. R., and then by London and Port Stanley Junction. Population about 800. OSBORNE, C. W., Co. Russell. A Tp. fronting South Shore of Ottawa River. Go to Ottawa by Junction from Prescott ou the G. T. R. Population about 150. 64 CANADA: CITIES, TOWNS, AND VILLAGES. OSGOODE, C. W. A Tp. in Carleton Co., on the Ot- tawa and Prescott Uaihvav, 10 miles from Ottaiva. OSHAWA, V. W. A Town in Co. Ontario, Tp. Wliit- b,v. A Station on the G. T. K., H-i miles from Toronto. See preceding pages. Population about 3000. OSPHEV, C. W. A Tp. in Grey Co. Go to Nottawa- sajia Station on the Ontario, Simcoe, and Huron Kail, S>j miles from Toronto. OSPKINGK, C. W., Co. Wt'llinKton, Tp. Krin. Go to (ieorjietown on the (i. T. K., lH) miles from Toronto. Pc)|iulaliiui about 'Jo. OTONABEE, C. W. A Town in Township of same name, in the Co. of Peterborough. See Peterbo- rough. OTTAWA, C. W. The Capital of Carleton Co., about W miles l)j" Junction Kailway from the G. T. K. at Prescott ; also communication by Steamer from .Montreal, and also from Pembroke. For fur- ther particulars, see elsewhere. OTTERVILLE, C. W., Co. O.xford, Tp. Norwich. Which see. OUISEAU, C. E., Co. Pontiac. On North Shore of Upper Ottawa, above AUumette Island. For route, see Avlmer East. OUNGAH, C. W., Co. Kent, Tp. Chatham. In which is the Chatham Station of the G. W. K. OWEN SOUND, C. W., Co. Grey, Tp. Sydenham. Route by Kail from Toronto to CoUingwood 97 miles, (Ontario, Simcoe, and Huron Railway,) and thence by Canadian Steamer, or Stage in Minter, or go to Guelph, on the G. T. R., Toronto and Stratford Section, and thence by Stage through Fergus, .Mount Forest, etc. Population about '2iiOO. OXFORD, C. VV., Co. Grenville. A Tp. and Station on the Ottawa and Prescott Railway, 17 miles from Pres- cott Junction on the G. T. 1{. ; (no Post-office under that name.) but see Kemptville and Bishop's .Mills. OXFORD CENTRE, C. W. In Township last noticed, and for which it is the Post-office address. OXFORD MILLS, C. W. For route and situation, see preceding notice. A Post-office is attached, and is within O.xford Township. Population about 100. OXFORD SOUTH, C. W., Co. O.xford. A distinct Townslu'p, in which is Eastwood, which see. OXFORD NORTH, C. W., Co. Oxford. A distinct Townshi]!. in n hich is IngersoU, a Town and Station on the (r. \V. R., which see. OXFORD WEST, C. AV., Co. Oxford. A Tp. in which is the Reaehville Station of the G. W. R. and Swea- burg, which see, for routes and Post-offices. OSNAiJRUCK, C. W. A Tp. in Stormont Co. Aults- ville and IJickenson's Landing are both Stations on the G. T. R., and are situate in this Township. They are also Post-offices, as is Osnabruck Centre. Dickenson's Landing is the preferable Station. PAISLEY, C. "W., Co. Bruce, Tp. Elderslie. A Tp. ad- joining Saugeen. Go to Guelph, on G. T. R., and thence to Owen's Sound by Stage. Population about l.^iil. PAKENHAM, C. W. A Tp. in Lanark. South of the iiiver Ottawa. Go to Fitzroy Harbour. See Avlinir East, for route. Pojiulation about 350. PALERMO, C. W., Co. Ilalton, Tp. Trafalgar. Go to Oakville, on the G. W. R. Population about 2o0. PAPINEAUVILLE, C. E., Ottawa Co. In Petite Na- tion T])., fronting the North Shore of the Ottawa, between Grenville and Carrillon. Go to .Montreal for Steamer to (jrenville. Population about 150. PARIS, C. W., Vo. Brant, Tp. Dumfries, South. The Station where the G. W. R., and the Buffalo and Lake Huron Railways intersect. See preceding pages. Population about 2000. PAR.MA, C. W., Co. Lennox, Tp. Fredericksburg. Go to N.ipanee, on the G. T. R. PASHElilAC, C. E., Co. Bonaventure. South of the Gaspe District, on the Bay of Chaleurs. Traders from Quebec. Population about 200. PEEL, C. W. A Tp. in Wellington Co. For Towns, Route, Villages, and Post-olhces, see AUansville, Alma, and Dravton. PEFFEKLAW, C". W., Co. York, Tp. Georgina. On South Shore of Lake Simcoe. (to to Holland Land- ing, on Ontario, Simcoe, and Huron Railway from Toronto City. Population about 100. PELHAM, C. W., Co. AVelland. A Tp. For Post- offices, route, etc., see Fenwick, Fonlliill, and Pel- ham Union. PELHA.M UNION, C. W., Co. Welland, Tp. Pelham. Go to Port Dalhousie by Steamer from Toronto, or by G. W. R. to St. Catharine's or Jordan, Hamilton and Niagara Section. PEMBROKE, C. W., Co. Renfrew. Proposed Ter- minus of Brockville and Arnpi'ior Railway. On the South Shore of the Ottawa, about 90 miles above Ottawa City. For Steam route, see Aylmer East. Poi)ulalion about 7nu. PENETANQUISHENE, C. W. An old British Fort, on South-east Shore of the Georgian Bay. Go to Barrie, ou Ontario, Simcoe, and Lake Huron Rail- way from Toronto, and thence by Stage about 30 miles, or to CoUingwood, the Terminus of the same Rail, and thence by Trading Schooner. Population about 350. PENVILLE, C. W., Co. Simcoe, Tp. Tecumseth. Go to Newmarket or Bradford, on Ontai-io, Simcoe, and Hui'on Rail from Toronto. PERCE, C. E. A Tp. in Gaspe District. On the South Shore of the St. Lawrence, facing the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Traders from Quebec. Population about 1500. PERCY, C. W. A Tp. in Northumberland Co. For Post-office, etc., see Xorham. Population about 400. PERRYTOWN, C. W., Co. Durham, Tp. Hope. Go to Port Hope, on the G. T. R. Population about 100. PERTH, C. W., Co. Lanark, Tp. Drummond. A County and Assize Town. On the Brockville and Arnprior Railway now forming. Go to Brockville, on the G. T. R., .Montreal and Toronto Section, and thence by Stage through Smith Falls, about 44 miles good road. Population about 2500. PETERBOROUGH, C. W., Co. Peterborough, Tp. North Mun;iglian. The County and Assize Town of Peterborough County. Go to Cobourg, on the G. T. R., and thence by Branch Railway to Peterborough. See preceding pages. Popidation about 4nOO. PETERSBURG, C. W., Co. Waterloo, Tp. Wilmot. A Station on the G. T. R., 09 miles from Toronto. Population a1)0ut 350. PETITE NATION, C. E. A Tp. in Ottawa Co., be- tween Grenville and Carrillon. For Villages, Post- offices, and route, see Montibello, Papineauville, St. Anilre -Vvi-lin, anil St. Angelique. PHILLIPSBURG EAST, C. E., Co. Missisquri, Tp. St. Armand. On the boundary separating Canada from the State of Vermont. St. John's on the west side of the Richelieu River appears to be the nearest Railway Point. Population about 500. PHILLIPSBURG, C. W., Co. Waterloo, Tp. Wilmot. Go to Petersburg (in the same township) by the G. T. R. Population about 100. PHILLIPSVILLE, C. W., Co. Leeds, Tp. Bastard. Go to Lvn, on the G. T. R., and thence bv road North. PICKERING, C. W. A Tp. in Co. Ontario, with Post-othce and Money Order of the same name, and in which are Die following Stations of the G. T. R. : Port Union, 17 miles from Toronto, and French- man's Bav, 21 miles. PICTON, C. W. The County and Assize Town of Prince Edward's Co. Go to Belleville from the west and Kingston from the east, both Stations on the G. T. R., and from either Station by Bay of Quinte Steamer. See preceding pages. Population about 2000. PIERCEVILLE, C. E. A Tp. in Y'amaska, on the South Shore of Lake St. Peter, on the River St. Law- rence. No Railway can be named as near. Go to Quebec or Montreal, and thence bv Steamer. PKiEON HILL, C. E. In Missisliuh(tion about 4()(). PORT DALHOUSIE, C. AV., Co. Lincoln, Tp. Gran- tham. A Port on North Shore of Lake Ontario, op- posite Toronto, now connected by a Railway Branch with the G. W. R. Population about H0(». PORT D.\NIEL, C. E. A Tp. in Bonaventure, at en- trance of the Bay of Chaleurs from the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Traders from Quebec. PORT DOVER, C. AV., Co. Norfolk, Tp. AVoodhouse. A Port on .North Shore of Lake Erie. Go to Simcoe by Stage from Brantford, and thence on. Popula- tion aljout 1»00. PORT ELMSLEY, C. AV., Co. Lanark, Tp. Elmsley. Go to Kingston by the G. T. R., and thence by Rid- eau Canal .Steamers, through Smith Falls, or to Brockville by same section of the G. T. R., and ou bv Smith Falls' Stage. PORT HOOVER, C. AV., Co. Durham, Tp. Cartwright. Go to Bowmanville on the G. T. R., 43 miles from Toronto. Population about 100. PORT HOPE, C. AV., Co. Durham, Tp. Hope. A main and Telegrai)h Station on the G. T. R., G2 miles from Toronto; a leading Port on Lake On- tario, at which the Royal .Alail Steamers regularly call daily ; also Steamers for Rochester, N. Y. Branch Railway from hence to Lindsay. See pre- ceding pages. Population about 5000. PORTLAND, C. AV. A Tp. in Frontenac Co. For Route, Aillages, and Post-offices, see Harrowsmith and Murvale. PORTLAND, C. AV., Co. Leeds, Tp. Bastard. Go to Landsdowne on the G. T. R., 155 miles from Mon- treal. Population about 15(i. PORT MAITLAND, C. AV., Co. Haldimand, Tp. Sher- brooke, a port on Lake Erie. Go to DunuviUe Sta- tion on the Buffalo and Lake Huron Rail, 45 miles from Paris .Junction of the G. AV. R., and 77 miles from Stratford Junction of the G. T. R. Population about 5(1. PORT .MILFORD, C. W., Co. Prince Edward, Tp. Marysburg. Milford fronts Lake Ontario ; but the Stean[ers call at Picton, on Bay of Quinte. See I'ic- ton for direct route. PORT NELSON, C. A\'., Co. Ilalton, Tp. Nelson. A Port on Lake Ontario. Go to Wellington Square, a Station of the G. AV. R., in the same Township, T miles from Hamilton. PORTNEUF, C. E. A Port in Co. Portneuf, on North Shore of St. Lawrence, about oO miles above Que- bec. Steamers pass near Cape Sante. Population about 750. PORT PERRY, C. AV., Co. Ontario, Tp. Reach. Go to AVhitliy, on the G. T. R., about 30 miles from Toronto. PORT ROBINSON, C. AV., Co. Welland, Tp. Tho- rold. A thriving business i)lace. Money Order Office. Go to Thorold, a Station on the G. AV. R., about -U miles frotn Hamilton Citv. PORT ROWAN, C. AV., Co. Norfolk, Tp. AA'alsing- ham. A Port on Lake Erie, (io to Simcoe by Brautfcird Stage from Brantford Station of the Buf- falo and Lake ILuon Railway. Population about 450. PORT ROYAL, C. AV., Co. Norfolk, Tp. AValsingham. See Port Rowan. PORT RYERSE, C. AV., Co. Norfolk, Tp. Woodhouse. A Port on Lake Erie, South of Simcoe, the County Town, to which go by Stage from Brantford Station, on the Buffalo and Lake Huron Railway. PORTSMOUTH, C. AV., Co. Frontenac, Tp. Kingston. A Suburb of the City of Kingston with daily Stage conne(-tion. Go to Kingston City by Steamers from Montreal, Toronto, and Cape A'incent, or by G. T. R. Population about COO. PORT ST. FRANCIS, C. E. In Nicolet. A Port on the South Shore of St. Lawrence, at the East end of Lake St. Peter, 83 miles below Montreal, a usual place of call for the (Juebec and Montreal Steam- ers, about '-"o miles distant from Arthabaska, on the G. T. R. PORT SARNIA, C. AV., Co. Lambton, Tp. Sarnia. The Port . in Co. Ontario. Go to Port Whitby, on the G. T. R. READlNti, C. W., Co. Wellington, Tp. Garafraxa. Go to Rockwood, on the G. W. R., or to Guelph, and thence by Garafraxa Gravel Road. Pojiula- tion anout 20. Ri;AR OF CHATHAM, C. E. A Tp. in ArgenteuU. For route, etc., see Dalesville. REDNERSVILLE, C. W., Co. I'rince Edward. In the Tp. of Ameliasburg, which see. Population about loo. RENFREW, C. AV., Co. Renfrew. A rising Village in a new-settled District, with Money Order Otlice, etc., in the Township of ilorton. Go to Ferrall's Landing or Bonne Chere Point on Ujiper Ottawa. For route, see Aylmer East ; see also " Free Grant Lands, named as the Capital Town for the I'ounty Renfrew. Population about 450. REPENTIGNY, C. E. In L' Assumption. On North Shore of the St. Lawrence, near Montreal, to whicli go. RESTIGOUCHE, C. E. At the upper end of the Bay of Chaleurs. For Post-ollice, etc., see Cross Point. RICEVILLK, C. W., Co. Prescott, Tp. Plantagenet, which see. Population about 100. RIC^HMOND, C. W. A Tp. in Lennox. For principal Town and Railway Station, see Napanee ; also, for Post-oftices, see Roblin, Selby, and Bowen. Popu- lation aliout 220O. RICHMOND HILL, C. W., Co. York, Tp. Vauphan. On the Ontario, Simcoe, and Huron Rail. Stages also run from Toronto daily, except Sundays. Pop- ulation about 90(1. RICHMOND WEST, C. W., Co. Carleton, Tp. Goul- borne. Go to Kelly's Station or North Osgoode by the Ottawa and Prescott Railway, from the (i. T. R. at Prescott, or by Rideau Canal Steamers that ply between Kingston, Smith's Falls, and Ottawa. Pop- ulation al)out t'lOO. RICHVIEW, C. W., Co. Peel, Tp. Toronto Gore. Go to Malton by the G. T. R., Toronto and Stratford Section, or to Mimico, on tlie li. W. R. The Town- ship being in the vicinity of Toronto City, between the two Railways mentioned. Population about 40. RICHWOOD, C. W., Co. Oxford, North Hiding, Tp. Blenheim. Go to Druml)o, on the Bull'alo and Lake Huron Railway, 9 miles from the Paris Junction of that Railway and the G W. R. Population about 1,50. RIDGETOWN, 0. W., Co. Kent, Tp. Howard. Go to Thamesville, on the G. T. R. Population about 800. RIGAUD, *'. E. A Tp. in Vandreuil, between the Ottawa and St. Lawrence Rivers. Go to Vandreuil, on the G. T. R. Population al)out 500. RIMOUSKI, ('. E. A Town and Tp. in Co. Rimou- ski, fronting the St. Lawrence, below the confluence of the Saguenay, on the proi)osed contiimation of the (r. T. R. from St. Thomas to Nova Scotia. Ves- sels from (Jueliec. Poi)ulation about 5000. RINGWOOD, C. W., Co. Whitchurch, Tp. Whitchurch. In which are Aurora, Newmarket, both Stations on the Ontario, Simcoe, and Iluron Railway from To- ronto. Po])ulation al)out 200. RIVER DAVID, C. E. A Post-olTice in Yamaska. Near a Tributary to the River St. Francis, which (lows into Lake St. Peter (St. Lawrence), between iMontrcal and Three Rivers. Population about.'iOOO. RIVER DESERT, C. E., Co. Ottawa. On the North Shore of Ottawa River. Go to Petite Nation by Steamer from Montreal. RIVER ST. I/)UIS, C. E. In St. Louis, Co. Beauhar- nois. On the South Shore of the St. Lawrence a little above Montreal, opposite St. Ann's, to which go bv G. T. R. RIVEliSDALE, C. W., Co. Bruce, Tp. Greenock. Near Sangeen. Go to Guelph by the G. T. R., and thence North bv Stage. Population about 5(i. RIVIERE AU.X; CANAliI>S, C. E. In ( harlevoix. On the North Shore of the St. Lawrence, near the conllucnce of the Saguenay, about 90 miles below Quebec. Steamers pa.ss. RIVIERE DES PRAIKIKS, C. E. In Isle of Montreal. On the St. Lawrence, dividing the Isle of Jesus from Isle of Montri'al. (io to Montreal by Steamer or G. T. R. Poi)ulatinn about 500. RIVIERE DU LOUP, en has, C. E. A favourite caxada: cities, towns, and villages. 67 Watering Place on the South Shore of the St. Law- rence, in TeniiscouBta ; wliere the River is 2(1 miles in width, being nearly opposite tlie mouth of the Saguenay, 100 miles below Quebec. Go by the Saguenay and Lower St. Lawrence. Steamers from Quebec. This is the present Terminus of Electric Telegra]>h communication, from wlience the arrival of the Canailian Mail Steamers is aiuiouuced, as thev arrive from Livcriiool. Population about 2000. RlVlfeUE DU LOUP EX HAUT, C. E. lu Maskin- onge District. On the North Shore of the St. Law- rence, forming part of the St. Maurice Section of the country, fronting Lake St. Peter, about It miles above Three Rivers ; a Port for the (iiiebec and Montreal Steamers, which usuallv call there. RIVIERE OUELLE, ('. E. In Kainouraska. On the South Shore of the St. Lawrence, about oO miles below St. Thomas, the Eastern Terminus of the G. T. R. frcmi Quebec. Population about t-MO. ROBINSON, C. E., Co. t'ompton, Tp. Bury. Go to the East of Sherbrooke, which Station on the G. T. R. affords liest communication. Pop\ilati(m about 100. ROBLIN, C. W., Co. Lennox, Tp. Richmond. Go to Napanee, on the G. T. R. ROCHESTER, C. W. A Tp. in Essex Co. Go to Puce, on the G. W. R., about 13 miles from the Ter- minus fit Windsor. ROCKKORD, C. W., Co. Norfolk, Tp. Townsend. Go to Brant ford, on the Buffalo and Lake Huron Rail- wav, anil thence bv Simcoe Stage. ROCKTON, C. W., Co. Wentworth, Tp. Beverley. Go to Duiidas, on the G. T. R., -tj miles from the City of Hamilton. Population about 1.50. ROCKWOOD, C. W., Co. Wellington, Tp. Eramosa. A Station on the G. T. R., 42 miles from Toronto, and S miles from Guelph. Population about 400. ROLPH, C. W. A Tp. in Renfrew Co. For Post- otUce, route, etc., see Point Alexander. ROLPH, C. W., Co. Norfolk, Tp. Middleton. Lying South of the G. W. R. some 20 miles. Try Inger- soll Staticju on that Railway, 19 miles east of Lou- don, and 2H West of Paris Junction. ROCKl'ORT, C. W., Co. Leeds, Tp. Escott. Go to Mallorv Town, on the G. T. R. ROMNEY, C. W. A Tp. in Kent Co., fronting Lake Erie. Go to Belle River or Baptist e Creek, both Stations on the (r. W. R., near Windsor. RONDEAU, C. W., Co. Kent, Tp. Harwich. Go to Chatham, on the G. W. R. ROSEIiANK, C. W., Co. Brant, Tp. Brantford. Go to Brantford, on the Buffalo and Lake Huron Railway. ROSETTA, C. W., Co. Lanark, Tp. Lanark. Go to Brockville, on the G. T. R., and by Stage to Perth. Po]>ulation about (50. ROSEVLLE, ('. W., Co. Waterloo, South Riding, Tp. North Dumfries. Go to Paris .Junction of the Buf- falo and Lake Huron and G. W. Railways. Popu- lation about 7.5. ROSLIN, C. W., Co. Hastings, Tp. Thurlow. Go to Belleville, on the G. T. R. ROSS, C. W. A Tp. in Renfrew Co. On the South Shore of the Ci)per Ottawa, on the projected line of Railway from Arnprior to Pembroke. For present route, see .\ylmer East. ROTHSAY, C. W., Co. Wellington, Tp. Mar.vborough. Go to Guelph, on the G. T. R., and thence by O'Neil's Stages for all places North-west. ROUGE HILL, C. W., Co. Ontario, Tp. Pickering. Go to Frenchman's Bay, 21 miles from Toronto, on the G. T. R. Pojjulation about iA\. ROUGEIMONT, C. E., Co. Rouville, Tp. St. Caesaire. Go to St. Hillaire, on the G. T. R. Population about 2.50. ROUVILLE, C. E. See Abbotsford, Rougeraont, and St. C;esaire. Villages and Post-offices in the Dis- trict elsewhere noticed. ROWAN .MILLS. C. W., Co. Norfolk, Tp. Walsing- ham. Near Lake Erie, South of any Railway. Go to Brantford, on the Buffalo and Lake Huron, and thence bv Stage to Simcoe. Population about l-SO. ROXHORO'UGH AND ROXBOROUGH WEST. Two adjoining Townships in Co. Stormont. Go to Corn- wall, on the G. T. R. Population about 2500. RO.XTON, C. E., commonly called South Ro.\ton, which see. RO.XTON FALLS, C. E., Co. Shefford, Tp. Roxton. Go to Acton, on the G. T. R., 49 miles from Mon- treal. Population about 500. RUSSELL, C. W. A Tp. in Co. Russell. Go to Dick- enson's Landing or Cornwall, both Stations on the C T R RUSSELL TOWN, C. E., Co. Chateauguay. Go to Sherrington Station, y2 miles from Montreal, on the Montreal and Plattsburg Rail. RYCK.NL\N"S C()ltNEi;s, C. \V., Co. Wentworth, Tp. Glanford. Go to Miildleport, on the Buffalo and Lake Huron Railway. s ST. ADELE, C. E., Co. Terrebonne, Tp. Abercrombie. North of Isle Jesus, opposite Montreal. Go to Monti'eal by Steamer or G. T. R. Population about 1400. ST. AGATHA, C. W., Co. Waterloo, South Riiling, Tp, Wilmot. Go to Petersburg, on the G. T. R. Pop- ulation about 700. ST. AIME, C. E., Co. Richelieu. Go to Sorel, on the St. Lawrence, at the conlhience of River Richelieu and St. Lawrence, by the Steamers that ply between Montreal and Quebec. Poi)ulation about 5uO. ST. ALEXANDRE, C. E., Co. Kamouraska. On South Shore of St. Lawrence, below Quebec about 70 miles. St. Thomas Station, 44 miles below Quebec, on the G. T. R., is the nearest Railway point. Pop- ulation about 10(10. ST. ALEXANDRE, C. E., Co. Iberville. Go to St. John's, on o])posite Shore of River Richelieu, on the Chami)lain and St. Lawrence Railwaj, 21 miles from Montreal. Population about 200. ST. ALEXIS, C. E., Co. Montcalm, Tp. St. Sulpice. In the St. Maurice Section, North of the St. Law- rence, neaidy opposite Montreal, and near Assump- tion, to which go. Pojiulation al)out 15(10. ST. ALPHONSE, C. E., Co. Joliette, North of St. Law- rence, in the St. Maurice district, at the back of Berthier en haut, which see. Population about 1700. ST. .\NDRE, Co. Kamouraska, fronting South Shore of the St. Lawrence, ojjposite .Murray Bay, to which go by Steamers from Quebec. Steamers usuallv call at Kamouraska. ST. ANDRE AA ELIN, C. E., Co. Ottawa, Tp. Petite Nation. On North-east Shore of Lower Ottawa. Go bv Steamers from Montreal. Population about 125. ■ ST. ANDREWS EAST, C. E., Co. ArgenteuiL Railway projected. On North-east Shore of River Ottawa, near confluence with the St. Lawrence. Steamers touch on the way to and from MoutreaL Population about 12.50. ST. ANDREW'S WEST, C. W., Co. Stormont, Tp. CornwaU. Go to Cornwall, on the G. T. R., (58 miles from Montreal, 7 miles from Cornwall. ST. ANGELIQUE, C. E., Co. Ottawa, Tp. Petite Na- tion. On North-east Shore of Ottawa River. Go by Steamer fr(un Montreal. ST.ANICET, C. E., Co. Huntingdon, in Godmanches- ter, which see. ST. ANNE BOUT DE L'ISLE, C. E. In Jacques Car- tier, Isle of Montreal, on the St. Lawrence. A Sta- tion on the G. T. R., 21 miles from the City. ST. ANNE DE LA PARADE, C. E. In (_ hamplain. Go to Mooer's Junction, on Montreal and Platts- burg Rail, 47 miles from Mmitreal. ST. ANN DES MONTES, C. E. A Settlement. In Gaspe or Cape St. .\nne, on South Shore of St. Law- rence, near Cape Chatts. Go by Steamers or Tra- ders from Quebec, about 170 miles. Population about 13(100. ST. ANN DES PLAINES, C. E. In Terrebonne, on North Shore of the St. Lawrence, opposite Isle Je- sus. Go to Montreal by Steamer or G. T. R. Pop- ulation about 2000. ST. ANNE LA POCATIERE, C. E. In St. Anne's Bay, in Kamouraska. A Settlement on the South Shore of the St. Lawrence. Steamers touch at KaTuouraska, and occasionally at St. Anne, from Quebec ; and St. Thomas Station of the G. T. R. is about 25 miles distant. ST. ANNE'S, C. W., Co. Lincoln, Tp. Gainsborough. Go to Beamsville, on the G. W. R. Population about 1.5(1. ST. ANSELME, C. E. In Dorchester Co. Go to Craig's Road Station of the G. T. R., 15 miles from Point Levi. Po]>ul.ition about :5000. ST. ANTOINE LOTBINIERE, C. E. In Lotbinierc, on South Shore of St. Lawrence, 15 miles above 68 caxada: cities, towns, and villages. Quebec, to which go by Steamer or by G. T. R., to Craig's Roail Station, 1.") miles from Point Levi. ST. ANTOINK, 1U\ ER lUrilKLIEC, C. I':., Co. Ver- cheres. On tlie Soutli of St. Lawrence, below Montreal. (Jo to St. Hillaire by the G. T. R., 17 miles from Montreal. ST. AUMAND CKNTRE, 0. E. In Missisquoi, on the borders of the State of Vermont. Go to Compton, on the G. T. R., Montreal and Portland Section, 110 miles from Montreal, thence to Charleston 6 miles, to Stanstead Plain 14 miles. ST. AR.MAXD'S. See Frelicksl)urg and St. Armand Centre. Population about llli). ST. ARSENE, C. E. In Teniiscouata Co., near Ca- couna, where the Steamers touch from Quebec, and where there is accommodation. Population of Parish about 25im. ST. ATHAXASE, C.E. A Tp. in Iberville. Go to St. John's Station, on the Champlain and St. Lawrence, 21 miles from Montreal, and cross River Richelieu. Population about ISOO. ST. Al'GUSTIX, C. E. In Portneuf, on Shore of St. Lawrence, 10 miles above Quebec. ST. AUGUSTIX TWO MOUXTAIXS, C. E., Two Mountains Co. On Lower Ottawa, near confluenee with St. Lawrence. Go to Montreal or St. Anne's, on the G. T. R., Montreal and Toronto Section. ST. BARXABE, C. E. A Tp. in St. Maurice. On North Shore of the St. Lawrence. Go to Three Rivers as the nearest Port at which Steamers touch between Montreal and Quebec. Population about 16iiO. ST. BARXABE, C. E. On River Yamaskfe, in St. Hya- cinthe Co. Go to St. Hillaire, on the G. T. R., Mon- treal and Portland Section, about 17 miles from Montreal. Population about 60. ST. BARTHELAME IX BEIITHIER, C. E. On the North Shore of the St. Lawrence, opposite Sorel, at which Port the Quebec and Montreal Steamers touch. Population about 2500. ST. BAZILE, C. E. In Portneuf, on North Shore of St. Lawrence, between Quebec and Three Rivers, at which Port the Slontreal and Quebec Steamers call. Pojiulation about lUOO. ST. BEXOIT, C. E. In Two Mountains, fronting the confluence of the Ottawa and St. Lawrence, oppo- site Isle of Jesus. Go to Montreal by Steamer and Rail. Population about 1000. ST. BERNARD, C, E. In Co. Dorchester. Go to Craigs Road Station, on the G. T. R. Population about l.">oo. ST. BRIG IDE, C. E., Co. Iberville, Tp. Monoir. Go to St. Hillaire, on the G. T. R. Population about 75. ST. BRUXO, C. E. In Co. Chambley. Go to Lon- geuil, on the G. T. R. Terminus. ST. CASI.MIR, C. E. In Co. Portneuf. See St. Bazile. ST. CATIIARIXES EAST, C. E. In Co. Portneuf, Tp. Fossambault. On River Jacques Cartier, about i) miles from Les Ecuriels (the Port at the confluence of that River and the St. Lawrence), which is 25 miles above Quebec. Population about 50. ST. CATHARINES WEST, C. W., Co. Lincoln, Tp. Grantham. A Steamer from Toronto, or the G. W. R. from Hamilton and Xiagara to St. Catha- rine's Station, 11^ miles from Xiagara, and 32 from Hamilton. See preceding pages. ST. CELE.posite Three Rivers, where the Quebec and Montreal Steamers call. Population about 3G0O. ST. llfeLilNE, C. E. In Kamouraska. See Kamour- ST. HfeLt;NE, (DE BA60T,) C. E., Co. Bagot. Go to Upton on the G. T. R. Population of parish about 200. ST. HELEN'S, C. W., Co. Huron, Tp. Wawanosh. Go to Stratford Junction of the Buffalo and Lake Huron and G. T. R., Toronto and Stratford Section, and thence bv Stage to (ioderich, 44 miles. ST. H£NEDINE, C. E., in Co. Dorchester. Go to Chaudiere, 8 miles from Point Levi Terminus of Quebec and Richmond Railway. Population of parish about 13o0. ST. HENRI, C. E., in Lauzon, Co. Levi. Go to Point Levi Station, opposite Quebec, and thence to St. Henri, a Station on the G. T. R., Quebec and St. Thomas Section. Population of Parish about 3200. ST. HERMAS, C. E., in Two Mountains, opposite Mon- treal, on North Shore of St. Lawrence, near con- fluence of Ottawa and St. Lawrence. Go to Point Claire on G. T. R., 15 miles from Montreal. Popu- lation about 15<10. ST. HILAIRE, C. E., in Co. Rouville, a Tp. and a Sta- tion on the G. T. R., 17 miles from Montreal. Pop- ulation about 1600. ST. HUGUES, C. E., Co. Bagot Go to Upton on the G. T. R., 43 miles from Montreal. Population about 450. ST. HYACINTHE, C. E. A Town in St. Hyacinthe Co., and a Main and Telegraph Station on the G. T. R., :^0 miles from Montreal. Population about 5000. ST. IRENfeE, C. E. In Charlevoi.x, on the North Shore of the St. Lawrence, in Murray Bay, SO miles below Quebec. Go by Lower St. Lawrence Steam- ers from Quebec, now a favourite place of summer resort. Population about 200. ST. ISIDORE (DORCHESTER), C. E. Go to Chau- diere on the G. T. R., Quebec and Richmond Sec- tion. Population of parish about 2000. ST. ISIDORE (LAPRAIRIE), C. E., Co. Laprairie. A Station on the Montreal and Plattsburg Railway, 21 miles from Montreal. Population about 200. ST. IVES, C. W., Co. Middlesex, Tp. TVest Missouri. Go to St. Mary's, Blanshard, by Stage from London on the G. AV. !{., (Railway Branch now forming,) or by Stage from Stratford Terminus of the G. T. R., Toronto and Stratford Section, and of the Buffalo and Lake Huron Railwav. ST. JACOB'S, C. W., Co. Waterloo, North Riding, Tp. Woolwich. Go to Berlin on the G. T. R. Popula- tion about 400. ST. JACQUES, C. E.. Co. L'Assumption, Tp. St. Sul- pice, on North Shore of St. Lawrence, below Slon- treal. Go to Montreal, and thence by Steamer or Trader. Poimlalion of parish about 3iiOO. ST. JACQUES LE MINEUR, C. E.,Co. Laprairie. Go to St. Isidore on the Montreal and Plattsburg Rail- wav. Population about 2.50. ST. JANVIER, C. E., Co. Terrebonne, Tp. De Blain- ville. Go to Montreal by Steamer or Railway, and cioss from Isle Jesus to opposite shore. Population of parish aliout lOOO. ST. JEAN B.^PTISTE, C. E., Co. Rouville. Go to St. Hilaire on the G. T. R. ST. JEAN CHRVSOSTO.ME (CHATEAUGUAY), C. E., Chateauguay. Go to St. Isidore Station on the Mon- treal and Plattsburg Railway, 21 miles South of Montreal. Population about tiOO. ST. JEAN CHRYSOSTO.ME (LEVI), 0. E., Co. Levi, Tp. Lauzon. Go to Point Levi, the G. T. R. Ter- minus of Quebec and Richmond Section for Quebec. Population of parish about ISOO. ST. JEAN DES CHILLONS, C. E., Co. Lotbiniere. Go to Somerset on the G. T. R., Quebec and Rich- mond Railway, 49 miles from Quebec, and 47 from Richmond Junction. ST. JEAN D'ORLEANS, C. E. Isle of Orleans, on the River St. Lawrence, just below the City of Quebec, to which go. ST. JEAN, PORT JOLT, C. E., Co. L'Islet. Go to St. Thomas Terminus of the G. T. R., 49 miles east of Point Levi, and then a distance of 20 miles by road ; or by Steamers from Quebec, it being a Port on the South Shore of the St. Lawrence, at which they usually call. Population of jiarish about 3s(l0. ST. JEROME, C. E., Co. Terrebonne. Opposite Isle Jesus, North of Montreal, to which go by Steamer or Rail. Population of parish at)out 1.50(i. ST. JOHNS EAST, C. E., Co. St. John's. Go by Champlain and St. Lawrence Railway to St. John's Station, 21 miles from Montreal, situated on the AVest side of the River Richelieu. Population about 4500. ST. JOHN'S WEST, C. W., Co. Welland, Tp. Pelham. Go to Thorold on the G. W. R. Population about 150. ST. JOSEPH, C. E. A Tp. in Beauce. Go to Somer- set on the G. T. R., and then by Road east about 22 miles. The Chaudiere River flows through the Tp., and Chaudiere Junction Station, on the same Sec- tion, is about 25 miles distant. Population of par- ish about 3000. ST. JOSEPH DU LAC (TAVO MOUNTAINS), C. E., near the confluence of the Ottawa and St. Lawrence Rivers. Go to Montreal or St. -Anne's on by G. T. R. Population of parish about 125(t. ST. JOSEPH'S ISLAND, C. AA'. Lying in St. Mary's Straits, on Lake Huron, 10 miles above Point de Tour, running east and west 20 miles, and about 15 miles wide. Steamers call from Saulte St. Marie and Collingwood, 97 miles from Toronto, on the Simcoe, Huron, and Ontario Railway. ST. JUDE, C. E., in Co. St. Hyacinthe. Go to Hya- cinthe on the G. T. R. Po]mlation about 250. ST. JULIE, C. E., Co. Vercheres. See Beloceil. ST. JULIENNE, C. E., Co. .Montcalm. See Rawdon, Chertsev, etc. Population of parish about 1500. ST. LAMIJERT, C. E., Co. Levi, Tp. Lauzon. Go to Point Levi on G. T. R. Population of parish about 1100. ST. LAURENT D'ORLEANS, Co. Montmorenei. On the Island of Orleans on the St. Lawrence, just be- low Quebec, to which go by Steamer or G. T. R. Population of Parish about 1000. ST. LAURENT, C. E., Montreal, Co. Hochelaga, on the Isle of Montreal. Go to Montreal by Steamer or Railwav. Populaticm of parish about 3(i00. ST. LAZARE, C. E., Co. Bellechasse. Go to St. Henvi from Chaudii^re on the Junction, a Station on tlio Quebec and St. Thomas Railway, 17 miles from Point Levi. Population of parish about ISou. ST. LEON, C. E., Co. Maskenonge Dumontier. On 70 CANADA: CITIES, TOWNS, AND VILLAGES. North Shore of St. Lawrence, (Lake St. Peter). See Kiviere du Loup en haul, which Uows through Tp. Dumoiitier. ST. LIGUUKI, C. E., Montcahn. On North Shore of St. Lawrence. See L'Assumption and St. Maurice Territory. ST. LIN. See L'Assumption. ST. liOULS. See Uiver St. Louis. ST. LOUIS DE GOUZAGUE, C. E., in Beauhaeois, fronting the South Shore of the St. Lawrence, op- posite Cedar. Go to Cedar's Road Station, 20 miles west of Montreal, on the G. T. li. ST. LUC, C. E., in St. John's. See St. John's East. ST. LUCE, C. E., Co. Uimouski, which fronts the South Shore of the St. Lawrence below the confluence of the Sa.guenay, a ])Ort below Lie, and on the extended Grand Trunk E.xteusion. i'o))ulation of parish about 2ii00. ST. MAKC, G. E. A Tp. in Vercheres, below Mon- treal, on South Shore of the St. Lawrence. Go to Montreal. ST. MAKCEL, C. E., Co. Richelieu, on South Shore of St. Lawrence. Go to William Henri iSorel), wliich see. ST. MAGUERITE, 0. E., Tp. Dorchester. See Chau- di6re. ST. JIARIE. See La Beauce. ST. MARIE DE MONOIR, C. E., in Rouville. Go to St. Ililaire on the G. T. R. ST. MARTHE, C. E., Co. Vandreuil, Tp. Rigaud, on South-west Bank of Lower Ottawa. Go to Van- dreuil on G. T. R. ST. MARTIN, C. E. Isle Jesus (Laval Section). Go to Point Claire, on G. T. R., 15 miles on the G. T. R. from Montreal, and thence to St. Martin, North. ST. MARTINE, C. E. In Chateauguay. Go to Sher- rington, on the Montreal and Plattsburg Line, 32 miles from Montreal. ST. MARY'S, C. W., Co. Perth, Tp. Blanshard. Populatii.n about 2500. ST. MATIIIAS, C. E. In Rouville. Go to St. Hilaire, on the G. T. R., 17 miles from Montreal. ST. MICHEL, C. E. Opposite Caughnawaga. Go to Lachine by Montreal and Plattsburg Railway, on Isle of Montreal. Not a Post-olBce. ST. MICHEL, C. E. A Tp. in Bellechasse. On the South Shore of the St. Lawrence. Go to St. Henri, on the G. T. R., Quebec and St. Thomas Section-. ST. MODESTE, C. E., Co. Temiscouata, Tp. Whit- worth, near Trois Pistoles, proposed Terminus of St. Andrew's (New Brunswick) and Quebec Railway and Junction with the G. T. R. ST. MONIQUE, C. E. In Nicolet, fronting the St. Lawrence, opposite Three Rivers, to which go. ST. NARCISSE, C. E. Champlaiu. Go to Chaniplain, 4 miles from Rouse's Point iN. Y.), on the Northern Railroad from Ogdensburg ^N. Y.). ST. NICHOLAS, C. E. Levi. Go to Point Levi, on the 0. T. R. ST. NORBERT, C. E. In Berthier. See Berthier. ST. OURS, 0. E. On Richelieu River. Go by Steamer to and from Henry William, or Sorel from Montreal and the Richelieu River. ST. PAC'O.ME, C. E. Kamouraska. See Karaoulraska. ST. PASCH.\L, C. E. See Kamouraska. ST. PAUL D'INDUSTRIE, C. E.,Joliette Co. Seeln- dustrv. ST. PAUL'S BAY, C. E., Co. Charlevoix. On North Shore of the St. Lawrence, opposite the Isle Aux Condres, about Go miles below Quebec, the first landing-place of Jacques Cartier. Go by Steamers from (Juebec. ST. PHILLIPPE, C. E. In Laprairie. Go to St. Lambert, on Junction on Montreal and Rouse's Point. ST. PHILOMENE, C. E. In Chateauguay. Go to St. Isidore, on the Montreal anIontreal and Portland Section. ST. PIERRE D'ORLEANS. See Isle of Orleans. ST. I'IKRRK, C. E. Mnntmagni. Go to St. Thomas, on the (i. T. R., 49 miles from Quebec. ST. PIERRE LES BECQUETS. See Nicolet. ST. I'LACIDE. See Two Mountains. ST. POLYCARP, C. E. In Soulanges. Go to Cedars Road Station, 29 miles from ;\Ioiilreal, on the G. T. R. ST. PRO.-'l'ER, C. E., Chainplain <,c). Go to Cham- plain, on Rouse's Point and Ogden.sburg Railway, 4 miles from Rouse's Point. ST. RAPHAEL WEST, C. W., Co. Glengary, Tp. Char- lottenburg. Go to Lancaster Station, 54 miles from Montreal, on the G. T. R. ST. RAPHAEL EAST, C. E., Bellechasse Co. Go to St. Henri, on the St. Thomas Section of the G. T. R. ST. RAYMtJND, C. E. See Portneuf. ST. ROBERT, C. E., Co. Richelieu. Go to St. Uillaire, on the (i. T. R. ST. ROCHES DES AUNAIS, C. E., Co. L'Islet. See Port Jolie. ST. ROCHALIE, C. E. In St. Hyacinthe. Go to St. Hyacinthe, on the G. T. R.,36 miles from Montreal, on the G. T. R. ST. ROCH L'ACHIGAN. See L'Assumption. ST. ROSE, C. E. In Isle Jesus (Laval). Go to Mon- treal. ST. SAUVEUR, C. E., Co. Terrebonne, Tp. Abercrom- bie, North of New Carlisle, on North Shore of St. Lawrence. See St. Adele and St. Maurice Territorj-. ST. SCHOLASTIQUE, C. E. See Two Mountains. ST. SI.MON DE YAMASKA. C. E., Co. Bagot, Tp. De Ramsay, on South Shore of Lake St. Peter. Go to St. Francis (Yamaska). Steamers touch from Que- bec and Montreal. ST. SIMON DE RIMOUSKI, 0. E., Co. Rimouski. On the South Shore of St. Lawrence. A Port between Trois Pistoles and Bic, which see. ST. SOPHIE, C. E., Co. Megantic, Tp. Halifax. Goto Stanfold or Arthabaska, on the G. T. R. St. STANISLAS, C. E. See Chaniplain. ST. SULPICE, C. E., Montcalm Co. See Alexis. No Post-office. ST. SULPICE, C. E. L'Assumption. See L'Assump- tion, on River L'Assumption, which flows into St. Lawrence below the Island of Montreal. ST. SYLVESTER, C. E., Co. Lotbiniere. Go to Becai> cour, 55 miles from Richmond Junction, on the G. T. R. ST. SYLVESTER EAST, C. E. See St. Sylvester. ST. THERESE DE BLANVILLE, C. E., Co. Ter- rebonne, Tp. Blainville. Opposite Isle Jesus, on River St. Lawrence. Projected Montreal and Ot- tawa Railway will touch at St. Eustache. Montreal is the nearest Railway point. ST. THOMAS (Berthier), C. E., Co. Berthier. See Berthier. ST. THOMAS, C. W., Co. Elgin, Tp. Yarmouth. On the London and Port Stanley Branch of the G. W. R. Go to London, on the G. W. R. Population about 3000. ST. THOMAS, (Montmagni), C. E., Co. Montmag- ni. The present Terminus of the G. T. R., east of Quebec 49 miles, fronting the South Shore of the St. Lawrence. ST. TIMOTHIE, C. E., Beauharnois Co., fronting the St. Lawrence, opposite Vandreuil, on G. T. R. ST. URB.MN, C. E., Co. Chateauguay. See St. Isidore. ST. URSULE, C. E., Co. Maskinonge. In the St. Maurice Territory, in Fief St. Jean, on the North Shore of the St. Lawrence, which see. ST. VALENTINE, C. E. See St. John's East. ST. VALLIER, C. E., Co. Bellechasse, Tp. St. Vallier. On South Shore of the St. Lawrence. Go to St Henri, on the G. T. R. ST. VI( TOIRE, C. E., Co. Richelieu. Go to St. Hya cinthe, on theG. T. R. ST. VINCENT, C. W. A Tp. in Co. Grey, fronting the Nottawasaga Bay. Steamer from Collingwood touches at Cape Rich and Meaford en route foi Owen Sound. Road Stages in Winter. Go to Col- lingwood by the Ontario, Simeoe, and Huron Rail, 97 miles fnnn Toronto. Population about .500. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL. In Isle Jesus, which see. ST. ZEPHIRIM, C. E., Co. Yamaska, Tp. Courval, near the St. Francis River. Go to Port St. Francis, on Lake St. Peter, by Quebec and Montreal Steam ers, S3 miles below Montreal. ST. ZOTIQUE, C. E. In Soulanges. On North Shore of St. Lawrence. Go to Cedars Road Station, 29 miles west of Montreal, on the G. T. R. SABREVOIS, C. E., Co. Iberville. For Post-office, see Henryville, on East Shore of River Richelieu. Stott's Station on the west side of the River Cham- plain and St. Lawrence Railway is the nearest point. SAGUENAY DISTRICT, C. E. This is reached by Steamer " Saguenay" from Quebec and Tadousac, on the North-west Shore of the St. Lawrence, 140 miles below Quebec. S.^LE.M, C. W., Co. Oxford, Tp. Malahide. Go to St caxada: cities, towns, and villages. 71 Thomas, on the London and Port Stanley Railway, which connects with the G-. W. R. at Loudon. Pop- ulation about 400. SALFORD, C. Vi., Co. Oxford, Tp. Dereham. Go to IngersoU, on the G. W. R. Population about 300. SALTFLEET, C. W., Co. Wentworth. A Tp. For Post-office, see Ontario, which is a Station in same Township, on the G. W. R., llj miles from Hamil- ton Citv. SANDHILL, C. W., Co. Peel, Tp. Albion. Go to Mal- ton, 10 miles, or Brampton, 2'i miles from Toronto, on tlie G. T. R. Population about 150. SAXDPUINT, C. W., Co. Renfrew, Tp. JIcNab. On Upper Ottawa, South Shore. Go to Fitzroy Har- bour. For Upper Ottawa Steamers and route, see Avlmer East. SANDWICH, C. W., Co. Essex. A Tp. fronting the St. Claire River, 9 miles below Detroit, Michigan. Stages from Windsor, on the G. WAl. ; also Steam- ers from Windsor and Detroit. Population about 1100. S-A.RNIA, C. W., Co. Lambton, Tp. of Sarnia. Situ- ated at the upper end of River St. Clair, near its junction with Lake Huron. Population about 1800. SAUGEEN,C. W. A Tp. in Bruce Co. A Port and Harbour of Lake Huron. There are one or more projected Railways to connect it with Toronto. At present go to Guelph, a Main Station on the G. T. R., 50 miles from Toronto, and thence by Stage through Elora, F'ergus, Mount Forest, Durham, etc. SAULT AU RECOLLET, C. E. On the Isle of Mon- treal. Go to Montreal. Population about '2500. SAULT STE MARIE, C. W. About 25 miles from Lake Superior. A Steamboat Landing and place of Summer resort on St. Mary's River or Straits. The Americans have a Ship Canal, connecting Lakes Huron and Superior. Go to Collingwood, HT miles from Toronto, by the Ontario, Simcoe, and Huron Rail, and thence by Steamer. Population about 400. SAULT ST. LOUIS, C. E. In Laprairie. Go to Caughnawaga Station, 15 miles from Montreal, on the Montreal and Plattsburg Railway. SAWYEKVILLE, C. E., Co. Compton, Tp. Newport. Go to Compton, on the G. T. R. Population about 100. SCARBOROUGH, C. W. A Tp. in Co. York. A Sta- tion on the G. T. R., 13 miles east of Toronto. Population about (lO. SCHAXTZ, C. W. In Co. Waterloo, North Riding. A Station between Guelph and Berlin, 57 miles north-west of Toronto, on the G. T. R. SCOTCH BLOCK, C. W., Co, Halton, Tp. Esquesing. Go to Georgetown, 30 miles from Toronto, on the G. T. R. Population about 30. SCOTLAND, C. W., Co. Brant, Tp. Oakland. Go to Paris Junction of the G. W. R., and of the Buffalo and Lake Huron Railway. SCOTT, C. W. A Tp. in Ontario Co., North Riding (Post-office discontinued, .\ug., lSo7). This Town- ship is best reached from the Ontario, Simcoe, and Huron Rail from Toronto, either from Holland Landing or Newmarket Stations. SEBASTOPOL, C. W. A new Township, north of Anglesea and Barrie, in Frontenac Co. See Free Grants. Population about 1 00. SEBUINGVILLE, C. W., Co. Perth, Tp. Downie. Be- tween and adjacent to Stratford and St. Marv's Blanchard. Go to Stratford by the G. T. R., or by the Buffalo and Lake Huron, which unites with the G. W. R. at Paris. Population about 120. SEELEY'S BAY, C. AV., Co. Leeds, Tp. Leeds. On the St. Lawrence, near Gananoque. Go to Ganano- que, a Station on the G, T. R., 11 miles east of Kingston, on the G. T. R. SELBY', C. W., Co. Lennox, Tp. Richmond. Go to Napifnee, in same Township, a Station on the G. T. R., 19 mUes west of Kingston. Population about 13o. SELKIRK, C. W., Co. Ilaldimand, Tp. Walpole. Go to Canfield, on Buffalo and Lake Huron Railway. Population about 2.50. SENECA, C. W., Co. Haldimand. A Tp. on the Grand River. Go to Middleport, on Buffalo and Lake Huron Rail. SEYMOUR EAST, C. W., Co. Northumberland, Tp. Seymour. Go to Belleville, on the G. T. R., and thence north by Stage. Population about 100. SHAKSPEARE (late Bell's Corners), C. W., Co. Perth, Tp. South Easthope. Go to Stratford by the Buf- falo and Lake Huron (with Junction at Paris with the G. W. R.), or by the G. T. R. Population about 5lM). SHANNONVILLE, C. W. A Tp. in Tyendinaga, Co. H.astiiigs, South RiiUng. A Station on the G. T. R., 7 miles east of Belleville. Population about 1000. SHARON, C. W., Co. Y'ork, Tp. East GwilUmbury. Go to Newmarket, 34 miles from Toronto, on the Onta- rio, Simcoe, and Huron Raihvaj-. Population about 250. SHEEN, C. E., Co. Pontiac. A Tp. on North Shore of Upper Ottawa, fronting the River. See Ouiseau for Post-office, and Aylmer East for Upper Ottawa route. SHAWENEGAN, C. E. On the River Shawenegan, above Graud Piles, in the St. Maurice Territory, which see. SHEFFIELD, C. W., Co. Addington. A Tp. For Route, Post-officts, and Villages, see Clareview, Erinsville, and Tamworth. Has no Post-office under head of " Sheffield." SHEFFIELD, C. W., Co. Wentworth, Tp. Beverle.v. A Post-office and Village. Go to Copetown, a Station of the G. W. R., in Beverley Ti^ SHEFFORD AND SHEFFORD MOUNTAIN, C. W. Go to Sherbrooke, on the G. T. R., Eastern Town- ships, 96 miles from Montreal, and 121 from Quebec. SHERBROOKE WEST, C. W. A Tp. in Haldimand Co. F'or Post-offices, see Port Maitland. Go to Wainfleet. on the Buffalo and Lake Huron Railway. SHERBROOKE, C. E. In Ascot. Go to Sherbrooke, on the G. T. R., Montreal and Portland Section, 121 miles from Quebec, and 90 from Montreal. Steam- ers to Lake Memphramagog ply all the Summer. Pojjulation about 3000. SHERIDAN, C. AV., Co. Peel, Tp. Toronto. The Tp. of Toronto is the western vicinity of the City. Pop- ulation about 100. SHERRINGTON, C. E. A Tp. in Napieryille, and a Railwa.y Station on the Montreal and Plattsburg Rail, 33 miles from Montreal. Population about 150. SHIPTON, C. E. A Tp. in Richmond. See Dannville for Post-office, also for Dannville Station, on the G. T. R., S miles from Richmond, on Quebec and Rich- mond Line. SILLSVILLE, C. W'., Co Lennox, Tp. Fredericksburg. Go to Ernest own Station, S miles west of Kingston Citv, on the G. T. R. SIDNEY, C. W. A Tp. in Co. Hastings. For Post- office, see Frankford. Go to Belleville, on the G. T. R. SILVER CREEK, C. W., Co. Halton, Tp. Esquesing. Go to Georgetown, on the G. T. R. Population about 50. SILVER HILL, C. W., Co. Norfolk, Tp. Charlotte- yille, near the Shore of Lake Erie. Go to Brant- ford, on the Buffalo and Lake Huron Railway, 8 miles from the Paris Junction with the G. W. R., and thence by Stage to Simcoe dailv. SIMCOE, C. W., Co. Norfolk, Tp. Woodhouse. Daily connection b,y Stage with Paris and Brant- ford. Go to Brantford by the Buffalo and Lake Huron Rail. Population about 2000. SINCLAIRVILLE, C. W.,Co. Haldimand, Tp. Seneca, which see. SLIGO, C. W., Co. Peel, Tp. Caledon. Go to Bramp- ton, on the G. T. R., 22 miles from Toronto. Popu- lation about 50. SJIITH, I". W. A Tp. in Peterborough Co., joining Cavan and North Otonabee Townships on the South, and surrounded by the Otonabee and tributary Rivers which separate it from Ennismore on the West, Harve.v on the North, and Douro on the East. Fi>r Village an. STANFOLD, C. E. A Tp. in Arthabaska; a Station on the G. T. R., 55 miles from Point Levi (^Quebec), and 41 miles from Richmond Junction. STANLEY, C. W. A Tp. in Co. Huron, of which Bay- field is the i)rincipal Post-office and Village. See also Brucefield. STANLEY'S MILLS, C. AT., Co. Peel, Tp. Chingua- cousy. Go to Brampton on the G. T. K. Popula- tion about 150. STANSTEAD, C. E. A Tp. and Town in Co. of same name, containing Ilatley, liariiston, and Stan- stead, on the Borders of the State of Vermont, three of the best Townshi])s in the Eastern Province. Go to Compton on the G. T. R., Ho miles south-east of Montreal. STEPHEN, C. W. A Tp. in Huron, fronting Lake Huron. The Goderich Stage from London, C. W. ; Hamilton and Windsor Line, and the St. Mary's Blanshard, which see, offer the best mode of com- munication. For Post-office, see E.xeter. STEVENSVILLE, C. W., Co. Welland, T)). Bertie, near shore of Lake Erie. Go to Port Erie, Canadian Ter- minus of the Buffalo and Lake Huron Railway. Population about 150. STIRLING, C. W., Co. Hastings, Tp. Rawdon. Go to Belleville on the G. T. R., 113 miles east of To- ronto and "230 west of Montreal, and thence by Stage. Stage also from Madoc. Population about 1000. STITTSVILLE, C. W., Co. Carleton, Tp. Goulburn. North Osgoode, on the Ottawa and Prescott Junc- tion, 16 miles from Ottawa City, ajipears to be the nearest Station. Go to Prescott Junction (for Ot- tawa Railway) on the G. T. R. Population about 50. STOCO, C. W., Co. Hastings, North Riding, Tp. Hun- gerford. North of Napauee and Tyendonaga on the G. T. R., Montreal and Toronto Section. Nap- anee most eligible for Stage connection. Popula- tion about 50. STONEUAM, C. E. A Tp. in Quebec Co., north-east of the City about IS miles. Go to Point Levi on the (i. T. It. STONEY CREEK, C. W., Co. Wentworth, Tp. Salt- fleet, on Lake Ontario. Go to Ontario Station, about 11} miles south-west of Hamilton, on the G. W. R. Population about '201). STORNOWAY, C. E., Co. Compton, Tp. Winslow, about 35 miles east of Richmond Junction of the G. T. R. Sherbrooke is the most eligible Station for Stage connection. Population about lUO. STOURINtrTON, C. W., Co. Frontenac. A Tp. north of Plattsburg. Go to Kingston ('ity on the G. T. R., and thence by Rideau Canal Steamers or Plattsburg Stage. STOTTVILLE, C. E., St. John's. Try St. John's, 21 miles from Montreal, on Champlain and St. Law- rence Raihvav. Population about 50. STOUFFVILLE, C. U"., Co. York, Tp. Whitchurch. Go by Stage from Toronto City, at 'H p. M. daily, from Black Horse Inn, front St., or by Stage from Scarboro Station at 4}. Stouffville Is also within 12 miles east of the Ontario, Simcoe, and Huron Rail- wa.v, Aurora, King, or Newmarket Stations. Popu- lation about 500. STRABANE, C. W., Co. Wentworth, North Riding, Tp. Flamboro West. Go to Hamilton on the G. W. R. Population about 200. STRAFFORDVILLE, C. W., Co. Elgin, Tp. Ba.yhara. Near Lake Erie, about 2o miles west of St. Thomas West, on London and Port Stanley Junction of the G. W. H., connecting at London, C. W. Population about 4011. STRATFORD, C.W., Co. Perth, Tp. South Eastbope. The Terminus of the G. T. R., S9 miles north-west of Toronto, 32 miles from the Paris Station, on the G. W. R,, as well as on the Buffalo and Lake Huron Rail. Stage connection with Goderich, St. Mary's, and London, C. W". STRATllBCR.V, C. W., Co. Middlesex, West Riding, Tp. Mosa. Go to Ekfrid Station on the G. W. K., 2u miles west, C. W. STRATllROV, C. W., Co. Middlesex, Tp. Carradoc. Go to Jlount Brydges in same Township, a Station on the (i. W. R., 15 miles west of London, C. W. Population about 400. STREETSVIt-LE, C. W., Co. Peel, Tp. Toronto. Go by Stage direct from Toronto City (General Wolfe Inn) daily, at 2 P. M., or by Stage from Port Credit Station, on the G. W. R., 12 miles west of Toronto. Population about 2500. STUKELY, C. E. A Tp. in Shelford. About 12 miles west of Sherbrooke Station, on the G. T. K., 25 miles south of Richmond Junction. SULLIVAN, C. W. A Tp. in Co. Grey. Go to Col- lingwood by the Ontario, Simcoe, and Huron Rail- way from Toronto, and thence by Canadian Steamer to Owen Sound, and thence by Stage about 12 miles south-west. SUM.MERSTOWN, C. W., Co. Glengary, Tp. Char- lottenburg. A Station on the G. T. R., S miles east of Cornwall, and 00 from MontreaL Population about 50. SU.MilERVILLE, C. W., Co. Peel, Tp. Toronto. In the vicinity of Toronto City. Go to Port Credit, 12 miles on the Hamilton and Toronto Section of G. AV. R., or by Cooksville Stage, daily from Toronto. Population about lUO. SUNNIDALE, C. W. A Tp. and Station on the Sim- coe, Ontario, and Huron Railway, 79 miles from Toronto. SUTHERL.VND'S CORNERS, C. W'., Co. Lambton, Tp. Euphemia. Go to Newbury, on the G. W. R., Ham- ilton and Windsor Section, about 36 miles west of London, C. W. SUTTON, C. E. A Tp. in Brome. Stages run from Com])ton, on the G. T. K., by way of Georgeville. Population about 150. SWEABURG, C. W., Co. O.xford, North Riding, Tp. West Oxford. Go to Ingersoll, on the G. W R., Hamilton and Windsor Section, about 2S miles west of Paris Junction of G. W. R. and Buffalo and Lake Huron. SWEETSBURG, C. AV., Co. Missisquoi, Tp. Dunliam. Go by the same Stage route from Compton, on the G. T. R., Montreal and Toronto Section, by way of Georgeville, as for Bolton, Sutton, Brome, etc. SWITZERVILLE, C. W., Co. Addington, Tp. Erneston. Go to Erneston, on the G. T. R., 15 miles west of Kingston Citv. Population about 100. SYDENHAM, C. W. A Tp. in Grey Co., in which is Owen's Sound, the principal Town, Port, and Post- oflice of the District. Go Iiy Ontario, Simcoe, and Huron Railway to Collingwood from Toronto, and thence by Canadian Steamer, or by Guelpli, on the G. T. R., and thence bv Stages. SYDENHAJI, C. W. A Tp. in Renfrew, on the South Shore of the Upper Ottawa River, near Pembroke. For route, see .\vlmer East. (.Not a Post-ollice.) SYDENHAM PL.UE, C. E., Co. Drummond, Tj). Kiugsey. Go to Dannville, on the (!. T. R., Quebec and Richmond Section, 12 miles from Richmond Junction. SYLVAN, C. AV., Co. Middlesex, West Riding, Tp. Williams. In Port Sarnia District, AVest of Strat- ford, on intended G. T. R. Extension at present. Go to London, C. AV., by the G. AV. R., and about 16 to IS miles north-west by Road. Population about 60. T TADOUSAC, C. E. In Tailousac Co. On North-east point of the confluence of the Rivers Saguenay and St. Lawrence, 140 miles below Quebec. The Sague- nay Steamers usually call. Noteil as a Station of the Hudson's Bay Company, with its flag-staff and cannon. Noted also for a "fathomless" harbour, where the French sipiadrnn found a secure retreat at the Siege of Quebec under General AVolfe. Pop- ulation about 400. TALBOTTVILLE ROYAL, C. W., Co. Elgin, AA'est Riding, Tp. Soufhwold. Go to St. Thomas (AVest), on the London and Port Stanley Railway, which 74 CANADA: CITIES, TOWNS, AND VILLAGES. connects at London with the G. W. R. Population about 300. TAMARACK, C. E., Co. Megantic. A new Post-office. XAiVnVOHTH, 0. W., Co. Addington, Tp. Sheffield. See "Free Grants." Tamworth is one of the places on the route from Khigston to Napanee, on the G. T. R. Population aliout 400. TANNERY WEST, C. E. On the Isle of Montreal (Hochelaga Division). Go to Montreal City by G. T. R. or Steamer. TAPLEYTOWN, C. W., Co. Wentworth, South Riding, Tp. Saltfleet. Go to Ontario, on the G. W. R., about m miles from Hamilton City. Population about 80. TATLOCK, C. W., Co. Lanark, Tp. Darling. About 20 miles north of Peru, to which go by Stage from Brockville, on the G. T. R. The Arnprior Railway will open this district, and is now in progress. TECUMSETH, C. W. A Tp. in Simcoe, South Riding, about 6 miles West of Bradford, to which Station go by the Ontario, Simcoe, and Huron Rail from Toronto. TEESWATER, C. W., Co. Bruce, Tp. Culross. Go to Guelph, on the G. T. R., Toronto and Stratford Sec- tion, and thence by Garafraxa Road North. TEMPLETON, C. E. A Tp. in Ottawa Co. Opposite the City of Ottawa,, on the North Shore, near con- fluence of Gatineau and Ottawa Rivers. Go to Prescott Junction, on the G. T. R., and thence by Ottawa Railway. TEMPLETON, C. E. James Hogan, Postmaster, Inn- keeper, and Trader. Gatineau Point. TEOHAUTA, C. E. In Seignory of Beauharnois, on South Shore of St. Lawrence. Go to Lachine and cross to Caughnawaga or Beauharnois ; is about 10 miles west of the Railway (Montreal and Platts- burg Line). TERREBONNE, C. E. A Town and Seignory op- posite Isle of Jesus, on North Shore of the St. Law- rence. Go to Jlontreal, and thence about 20 miles. Population about 1400. Ti;TE DU BOULE, C. E. A Mountain Peak 800 feet high, about one mile from Tadousac, from whence may be seen one of the most wild and magnificent views the Saguenay affords. TEVIOTDALE, C. W., Co. Wellington, North Riding, Tp. Minto. Go to Guelph, on the G. T. R., and thence North bv Stage. THAMESFORD, C. W., Co. Oxford, North Riding, Tp. East Missouri. Go to Edwardsburg, on the G. W. R., 10 miles east of London, C. W. Population about 600. THA!\n':SVILLE, C. W., Co. Kent, Tp. Camden. A Station on the G. T. R., 49 miles west of London, C. W. Population about 300. THISTLETON, C. W., Co. York, Tp. Etobicoke. Go to Weston, on the G. T. R., 9 miles out of Toronto, Toronto and Stratford Section, or by Stage at 2 daily, from Wolfe Inn, Churdi street, which goes through Etobicoke. Population about 100. TIIOMASBURG, C. W., Co. Hastings, North Riding, Tp. Ilungerford. Go to Napanee, on G. T. R. THORAH, C. W., Co. Ontario. A Tp. in which are Beaverton and Forcastle, elsewhere referred to, which see. THORNBURY, C. W., Co. Grey.Tp. Collingwood. Co to Collingwood, on Ontario, Simcoe, and Huron Railway, 95 miles from Toronto. Population about ISO. THORNHILL, C. AV., Co. Y'ork, Tp. Markham. Dailv Stage from Toronto City, Best's Bay Horse, Yonge street, at Si P. >L, also Railway by Ontario, Simcoe, and Huron. From Toronto 14 miles. Pop- ulation aliout TOO. THORNTON, C. W., Co. Simcoe, Tp. Innisfil. Lefroy and Craigvale are both Stations in Iiniisfil Tp., on the Ontario, Simcoe and Huron Railway. Popula- tion about 75. THOROLD, C. W. A Town and Tp. in Welland Co. A Station on the G. W. R,, 9} miles from Niagara, and about 34} from Hamilton. Population about 2000. THORP VILLE, C. AV., Co. Wellington, North Riding, Tp. Nicol. Go to Guelph on the G. T. R. THREE RIVERS, C. E. Nearly half-way between Montreal and Q\iebec; a Town at tbe mouth of tlie St. Maurice from the north, and the Becancour on the South, situated on the North Shore of the St. Lawrence. A Tp., Corporate, and Electoral District. This was formerly the seat of government. The Cataract of Shawinnegamme is about 25 miles up the St. Maurice, and is an object of great interest, as are the lumbering establishments sprung up of late with the opening of the St. Maurice country. Go by Steamer from Quebec or Montreal. Popula- tion about 7000. THURLOW, C. W. A Tp. in Hastings Co. Go to Belleville on the G. T. R. THURSO, C. E., Co. Ottawa, Tp. Lochaber, on the North Shore of the Ottawa River, fronting the river, about 20 miles below Ottawa City. Go by Steamers from Montreal. See also Ottawa City. Population about 200. TILBURY EAST, C. W. A Tp. in Kent. Go to Bap- tiste Creek on the G. W. R., 31 miles east of Wind- sor. Population about 50. TILBURY WEST, C. W. A Tp. in Essex Co. For Post-office, route, etc., see Comber and Tilbury East, (adjoining Township). TINQUICK, C. E. A Tp. in Arthabaska. Go to Dann- ville on the G. T. R., 12 miles from Richmond. TRING, C. W. A Tp. in North Riding of Simcoe Co., fronting the Georgian Bay. For Towns, Post-offices, and route, see Penetanguishene and Lafontaine. TOLEDO, C. W., Co. Leeds, Tp. Kitley. Go to Brock- ville on the G. T. R. Population about 175. TORONTO GORE. See Gore of Toronto. TORONTO, C. W., Co. Peel. A Tp. in vicinity and west of Toronto City. See Credit, Cooksville, Sum- merville, Streetsville, Sheridan, and Deny West for Post-offices, etc. TORONTO, C. W., Co. York, Upper Canada, and seat of government. For full information and views of Toronto, see elsewhere. TOWNSEND, C. AV. A Tp. in Norfolk Co. For Routes, A'illages, and Post-offices, see Bloomsburg, Boston, C. W., Hartford, Rockford, Villanova, and Waterford. TRAFALGAR, C. W. A Tp. in Halton Co. Go to Bronte in the same Tp., a Station on the G. W. R., 13J miles from Hamilton City. TRECASTLE, C. W., Co. Perth, Tp. AVallace. Go to Stratford on the G. T. R. Wallace Tp. lies about 23 miles north. TRENHOLM, C. E., Co. Drummond, Tp. Kmgsey. Go to Dunnville on G. T. R. TRENTON, C. AV., Co. Northumberland, Tp. Alur- ray. A Station on the G. T. R., (near the mouth of the River Trent,) 12 miles west of Belleville and lOl east of Toronto. TRING, C. E. A Tp. in Beauce, about 25 miles east of Arthabaska Station on the G. T. R, 32 miles from Richmond Junction. TROIS PISTOLES, C. E. A Tp. in Temiscouata. A Port on South Shore of St. Lawrence, about 110 miles below St. Thomas East. The intended Termi- nus of the St. Andrew's (New Brunswick) and Wood- stock Railwav, forming a direct line by connection with the G. f . R., from Quel)ec to the .\tlantic, en- tirely through British Territory. Population about 3000. TROIS SAUMONS, C. E., Co. L'Islet. See St. Jean Port Joli. TROY, C. W., Co. Wentworth, Tp. Beverley. Go to Copetown Station, on the G. AV. R., 18 miles west of Hamilton (,'itv. Population about 200. TULLAMORE, C. AA'., Co. Peel, Tp. Toronto Gore. Go to Weston or Malton, on the G. T. R. Popula- tion about 100. TURNBERRY, C. W. A Tp. in Huron Co. In which is Belmore Post-office. Go to Mitchell by Stage from the Stratford Junction of the G. T. R., and Buffalo and Lake Huron Rail, and tlience north through Logan ami Grey, or to (iuelph, on the G. T. R., Toronto and Stratford Section, and thence through Arthur, Alount Forest, etc., by Stage. TUSCARORA, C. AV., Co. Brant, East Riding, Tp. On- ondaga. Go to Onondaga Station, on the Buffalo and Lake Huron Rail, 16 miles south of Paris Junc- TAVEED, C. AV., Co. Hastings, North Riding, Tp. Ilungerford. Go to Napanee or Tyendinaga, on the G. T. R., and then north. Population about TWO MOUNTAINS, C. E. Opposite the Isle of Mon- treal, on the St. Lawrence. In which are Point aux Anglais, St. Benoit, and St. Joseph du Lac. TYENDONAGA, C. AV. A Tp. in Hastings Co., in CANADA: CITIES, TOWNS, AND VILLAGES. 75 which are Blessington, Marj'sville, and Melrose Villages, with Post-offices, which see. Tyendinaga is a Station on tlie U. T. K., 3-1 miles west of Kings- ton, and 13 miles east of Belleville. TYRCON'NELL, C. W., Co. Elgin, AVest Riding, Tp. Dunwich. A Village and Port on Lake Erie, about 12 miles west of Port Stanley, to which go by the G. AV. K. to London, and thence by Branch Rail direct. Population about 500. TYRONE, C. W., Co. Durham, West Riding, Tp. Dar- lington. Go to Bowraanville, (in same Tp.), a Main Station of G. T. R., 4-1 miles east of Toronto. Population about 250. u UNION, C. W., Co. Elgin, Tp. Yarmouth. Go to St. Thomas West in same Tp. Go to London, on the G. W. R., and thence by Loudon and Port Stanley Line. Population about 300. UNIONVILLE, C. W., Co. Y'ork, East Riding, Tp. Markham. Go by Stoutlville Stage from Toronto. See Markham. UPTON, C. E., Co. Bagot. For Post-office, see Soraba. A Station on the G. T. R., 43 miles south-east of Montreal. USBORNE, C. W. A Tp. in Co. Huron. For Post- office, see Devon. Go to Stratford, on the G. T. R., or by the Buffiilo and Lake Huron Railwav. UTICA, C. W., Co. Ontario, Tp. Reach. About 20 miles north of Whitby and Oshawa, both Stations on the G. T. R. Population about 50. U.YBRIDGE, C. W. A Tp. in Ontario Co. North of Pickering. Go to Port Whitliy, 21) miles east of To- ronto. Population about 500. V VALCARTIER, C. E. A Tp. in Quebec Co. Go to Point Levi, Quebec, G. T. R., on South Shore of St. Lawrence. VALLENTYNE, C. E., Co.Ontario, Tp. Brock. About 35 miles north of Port Whithy, to which go by G. T. R. VALLEYFIELD, C. E. In Beauharnois. Go to Caughnawaga, opposite Lachine, by Montreal and Plattsl)urg Railway, and Ferry, thence west. Pop- ulation about 4011. VANKLEEK HILL, C. W., Co.PrePcott,Tp. Hawkes- l)ury. On South Shore of Lower Ottawa River. Go by Steamer to and from Ottawa and Montreal. Population about 500. VARENNES, C. E. In Vercheres. On South Shore of St. Lawrence. Go to St. Hilaire, on theG. T. R., 17 miles from Montreal. Population a))out lOOO. VANDREUIL, C. E. A District bounded by Sou- langes on the west, and by the Rivers Ottawa and St. Lawrence at their confluence, in which is Van- dreuil, G. T. R. Station, Montreal and Toronto Sec- tion, 24 miles west of Montreal. Pop. al)Out 500. VERULAM, C. W., Co. Victoria. A Tp. north of Emily. Go to Limlsay by Port Hope Railway, from Port Hope (52 miles west of Toronto, on G. T. R. For Post-office, etc., see Bobcavgeon. VERNONVILLE, C. W., Co. Northumberland, Tp. Haldimand. Go to Grafton, on the G. T. R., T miles east of Co))ourg. Poi)ulation aliout 70. VESPRA, C. W. A Tp. in Simcoe, in which is the Co. Town of Barrie and Apton Post-office. Go to Bar- rie, which see. VICTORIA CORNERS, C. W., Co. Ontario, Tp. Reach. Go to Whitl)y, on G. T. R., 29 miles east of Toronto. Population about 00. VICTORIA SQUARE, C. W., Co. York, Tp. Markham, which see. Population about 200. VIENNA, Co. Elgin, East Ridnig, Tp. Bayham, near Shore of Lake Erie. Go to Paris .Junction liy G. W. R., or Buffalo and Lake Huron, and thence by road to Norwich. Population about lldO. VILLANOVA, C. W., Co. Norfolk, Tp. Townsend. Go to Brantford, on the Butfalo and I>ulation aliout 200. AVATEIiLOO, C. W., Co. AVaterloo, North Riiling, Tp. North Waterloo, (io to Berlin, on the G. T. R., (54 miles from Toronto. Population about 15()0. AVATKRLOO SOUTH, C. AV. See Preston, C. AV. AVATKRLOO (Kingston), C. AV., Co. Frontenac. In the vicinity of Kingston. Go to King.ston, on the G. T. R. Poi)ulation about 2.")0. AVATKRVILLE, C. E. A Tp. in Co. Compton. A Station on the G. T. R., lUG miles from Montreal. Population about 200. AVATFORD, C. W., Co. Lambton. See AVarwick. Population about 50. AVATSON'S CORNERS, C. W., Co. Lanark, North Riding, Tp. Dalhousie. Go to Perth by Stage from Brockville, on G. T. R. Population about 50. 76 CANADA: CITIES, TOWNS, AND VILLAGES. WACBUNO, C. W. A Station (no Post-office) on the G. Vi'. U., Iliiinilton and AVindsor Section, in Mid- dlesex Co., 5^ miles east of London, C. W. WAWANOSH, C. W. A Tp. in Huron Co., north of Godericli, to which go by Stage from Stratford Junction, or by Buffalo and Lake Uuron Uaihvay. WEEDUN, C. E. A Tp. in Wolfe Co. About 20 miles east of the Junction Station at Richmond, (i. T. K., Quebec and Richmond Section. ■n'EI.MAK, C. W., Co. Waterloo, Tp. Wellesley. Go to Rerlin, (yi miles from Toronto, on the U. T. R. WELLAND PORT, C. W., Co. Lincoln, Tp. Gainsbo- rough. Go to Reanisviile, on the G. W. R., about 2:3 miles from Hamilton City. Population about 2UU. WELLER'S BAY, C. W. On Lake Ontario. See Con- secon, Prince Edward Co., C. W. WELLESLEY, C. W. A Tp. in AVaterloo, North Rid- ing, in which is situate Berlin, a Station of the G. T. R., (U miles from Toronto City. WELLINGTON, C. W., Co. Prince Edward, Tp. Hil- lier, fronting Lake Ontario. Go to Brighton, on the G. T. 1'., and thence by Stage to Consecon. Popu- lation about 6(10. WELLINGTON SQUARE, C. W., Co. Halton, Tp. Nelson. Situated on the open Lake outside Bur- lington Bay. This place forms the Winter Port for Hamilton ; it is a Station on the G. W. R., 7 miles from ILimilton. Population about 750. WELLMAN'S CORNERS, C. W., Co. Hastings, North Riding, Tp. Rawdon. Go to Belleville, on the G. T. R., and thence north of Sidney Tp. WEST ARRAN, C. W., Co. Bruce, Tp. Arran. Adja- cent to Saugeen. See Saugeen for route. \VEST BOLTON, C. E., Co. Brome, See Bolton for route. Population about lUO. WEST'S CORNERS, C. W., Co. Perth, Tp. Morning- ton. See Mornington. WEST ESSA, C. W., Co. Simcoe, South Riding, Tp. Essa. Essa is a Station on the Ontario, Simcoe, and Huron Railway, 71 miles from Toronto. WEST HATLEY, C. E. On the Massawippi Lake, Co. Stanstead, Tp. Hatley. Charleston in this Tp. is 5 miles from Compton Station, on the G. T. R., 110 miles from Montreal. WEST FARNHAM, C. E., Co. Missisquoi, Tp. Farn- ham. The Stage route from Compton, on the G. T. R., Montreal and Toronto Section through Brome, Bolton, etc., to St. John's, C. E., affords communica- tion. Farnham Tp. is about 45 miles from Comp- ton, and 15 miles from St. John's, C. E. Population about 7iM). WESTFIELD, C. W., Co. Huron, Tp. Wawanosh. See Wawanosh. WEST FLAMBOROUGH, C. W., Co. Wentworth, North Riding. Go to Flamborough Station, on the G. W. R., 7} miles west of Hamilton City. Popu- lation about 500. WEST HUNTINGDON, C. W., Co. Hastings. See Huntingdon. WEST HUNTLEY, 0. W\,Co. Carleton, Tp. Huntlej', which see. WEST M'GILLITRAY, C. W., Co. Huron. See SI'Gil- livrav. WEST.SlEATH, C. W. A Tp. in Co. Renfrew. On the South Shore of the Ottawa Riyer, close to Pem- broke, on the line of the Railway Extension from Arnprior to Pembroke. For Upper Ottawa, see Avlmer East. WEST.MINSTER, C. W'. A Tp. in Middlesex, South of London City, on the Branch Railway from London to Port Sarnia. For Post-offices, etc., see Byron and Liiiiilieth. WESTON, C. W., Co. York, West Riding, Tp. York. Between the G. T R. and the Ontario, Simcoe, and Huron Railway in the yicinityof Toronto. The G. T. R. Station, Toronto and Stratford Section, is 9 miles from Toronto, and the Ontario, Simcoe, and Huron Station 8 miles. WESTOVER, C. W., Co. Wentworth, Tp. Beverley. Lynden Station 15} miles and west of Hamilton City, on the G. W. R. is in the same Township. Poi)ulation about 100. WE.ST OSGOOUE, C.W.,Co. C.nrletnn. See Osgoode. WEST PORT, C. W., Co. Leeds, Tp. North Crosby. Go to Kingston, on the G. T. R., or to Gananoque, on same Railway Section. Population about 800. WEST SIIEFFORD, C.E. See Sheflord. Population about 150. WEST WINCHESTER, C. W. See 'Winchester. Pop- ulation about 120. WEST WOOLWICH, C. W. See AVoolwich. WHITBY, C. W. A Tp. in Ontario Co., in which is the Town and Port of Whitby, on Lake Ontario — a Main and Telegraph Station of the G. T. R., 29 miles east of Toronto City. WHITCHURCH, C. W. A Tp. in Co. York, North Riding, skirted on the west by the Ontario, Simcoe, and Huron Railway, in which are the Towns and Railway Stations and Post-offices of Aurora and Newmarket ; also Post-offices and Towns of Oak- ridges and Pine River and Stouffville, which see. WHITEHALL, C. W., Co. Kent, Tp. Camden. Go to Bothwell, 40 miles west of London, on the G. W. R. WHITE LAKE, C. W., Co. Renfrew, Tp. M'Nab. For Upper Ottawa route, see Aylmer East — this place being near Fitzroy Harbour and Arnprior, the Ter- minus of the Railway now being constructed from Brockville through Perth. Population about 150. WHITFIELD, C. W., Co. Simcoe, South Riding, Tp. Mulmur, which see. WHITWORTH, C. E., Co. Temiscouata. For Post- office, see St. Modeste ; for route, etc., see Trois Pis- toles. WICK, C. W., Co. Ontario, Tp Brock. See Brock. WIDDER, C. W., Co. Larabton, Tp. Bosanquet. front- ing the South Shore of Lake Huron, on line of G. T. R. Extension to Port Sarnia. Go to Stratford by G. T. R. on Buffalo and Lake Huron Railway. Popu- lation about 100. WILKESPORT, C. W., Co. Lambton, Tp. Sombra. On River St. Claire, north of the Lake. See Wallace- burg. WILLIAM HENRI or SOREL, C. E., Co. Richelieu. On the right bank of the River Richelieu at its con- fluence with the St. Lawrence, 40 or 45 miles below Montreal. Go by Steamers to and from Quebec and Montreal. By means of a canal, navigation from hence is uninterrupted to Lake Champlain. Popu- lation about 4000. WILLIAMS. A Tp. in Middlesex, Middlesex Co., West Riding, adjoining Lambton. For route, see Adelaide. See also London, C. W., which is the nearest railway point. WILLIAMSBURG, ('. W. A Tp. in Co. Dundas, which is the Williamsburg Station of the G. T. R., Montreal and Toronto Section, 99 miles from Montreal, and .3S miles west of Brockville. For Post-offices and A'illages within it, see Dunbar and East Williams- burg. Po])ulation about 200. AVILHAMSTOWN, Co. Glengary, Tp. Charlottenburg. Go to Summerstown Station in the same Township on the G. T. R., S miles east of Cornwall and 60 miles from Montreal City. Population about 300. WILLISCROFT, C. AV., Co. Bruce, Tp. Eldersley. See Paisley. WILLOCKS, C. W., Co. Victoria, Tp. Verulam. Go to Lindsay from Port Hope on the G. T. R. by Branch Railway, and thence about 12 miles north. Popu- lation about .50. AVILLOrOHBY, C. W. A Tp. in AVelland Co. For Post-office, see Black Creek. Go to Fort Erie on the Buffalo and Lake Huron Railway. WILLOWDALE, C. W., Co. York, West Riding, Tp. York, (Query Vaughan,) in the vicinity of Toronto, on the Yonge Street Road. Go by Thornhill Stage from Toronto. Population about 150. WILMOT, C. W., Co. Waterloo, South Riding. A Tp. in which is the Petersburg Station of the G. T. R., Toronto and Stratford Section, 70 miles north-west of Toronto. For Villages and Post-offices, see Baden, New Dundee, New Hamburg, Philipsburg West, Petersburg, and St. .■Vgatha. WILTON, C. W., Co. Addington, Tp. Ernestown. Go to Ernestown on the G. T. R., S miles west of Kings- ton. WINCHE.'JTER, C. W. A Tp. in Co. Dundas. Go to Williamsburg on the G. T. R., 99 miles from Mon- treal. Pojiulation about 5ini. WINDHAM and WINDHAM CENTRE, C. W. A Tp. (Windham Centre being the Post-office) in Co. Nor- folk. Go to Paris or Brant ford on the Buffalo and Lake Huron Railway, thence by Simcoe Stages through Waterford. WINDSOR, C. E. A Town in Sherbrooke District, and a Station on the G. T. R., 9 miles south of Richmond Junction. CANADA: CITIES, TOWXS, AND TILLAGES. 77 WINDSOR, C. W , Co. Essex, Tp. Sandnrich. The Canadian Terminus of the G. W. R., from Hamilton and Niagara, with Steam Ferry to Detroit, in direct connection with Michigan Central Railway, being about 1S6 miles west of Hamilton, 224 west of To- ronto City, and 229 from Niagara. Population about 3000. "WINDSOR .MILLS, C. E.,Co. Richmond, Tp. Windsor, C. E., which see. TVINSLOW, C. E., Co. Compton. For Post-office, see Stornoway in the same Tp. Go to Sherbrooke, and thence east about 45 miles by road. Sherbrooke is on the G. T. R., Montreal and Toronto Section. WISBE.iCH, C. \V., Co. Lambton, in M'arwick Tp. wllicll S66< WOBURX, C. W., Co. York, East Riding, Tp. Scar- borough. Go to Scarborough Station on the G. T. R., 13 miles west of Toronto. WOLFE ISLAND, C. W., Co. Frontenac. On the St. Lawrence, opposite Kingston City, to which go by Steamers east and west, and across from the Ameri- can side, or by G. T. R., Montreal and Toronto Sec- tion, Kingston Citj- being ISO miles from Montreal, and 160 miles from Toronto. Population about 500. WOLFORD, C. W., Co. Grenville, North Riding. A Tp. in which is the Town and Post-office of Merrick- Tille, Mansil, and Easton's Corners. Go to Kempt- ville, on the Ottawa and Prescott Line, 23 miles from the Junction on the G. T. R. WOLFSTOWN, C. E. A Tp. in Wolf Co. Go to Dannville, 12 miles from Richmond, on the G. T. R. Population about 100. WOLVERTON, C. W., Co. Oxford, North Riding, Tp. Blenheim. Go to Drumbo, in same Township, on the Buffalo and Lake Huron Railway, 9 miles north of Paris Junction. WOODBRIDGE, C. W., Co. York, West Riding, Tp. A'aughan. Go to Richmond Hill, in same Township, a Station on the Ontario, Simcoe, and Huron Rail- way, IS miles from Toronto City. WOODBURN, C. W., Co. Wentworth, North Riding, Tp. Binbrook. See Binbrook. WOODBURN, C. W., Co. Lambton, Tp. Bosanquet, which see. WOODHOUSE, C. W. A Tp. in Norfolk Co., in which is Simcoe, the County Town, and Port Ryerse and Port Dover, which see. Go to Paris, on the Buffalo and Lake Hiu-on Railway, and thence by Simcoe Stages, about 12 miles. WOODFORD, C. W., Co. Grey, Tp. Sydenham. Go to Collingwood (in same Township) the Terminus of the Ontario, Simcoe, and Huron Railway, 97 miles from Toronto. WOODSIDE, C. E., Co. Megantic, Tp. Halifax. Go to Arthabaska, on the G. T. R., 64 miles from Que- bec (Point Levi). Population about 50. WOODSTOCK, C. W., Co. Oxford, North Riding, Tp. Blandford — a Main and Telegraph Station on the G. W. R., about 47 miles west of Hamilton. WOODVILLE, C. W., Co. Victoria, Tp. Eldon. Go to Lindsay from Port Hope, on the G. T. R. Popula- tion about 300. WOOLWICH, C. W. A Tp. in Waterloo, North Rid- ing. Go to Berlin, (54 miles from Toronto, on the G. T. R. WOTTON, C. E. A Tp. in Wolfe Co. Go to Dann- ville, on the G. T. R., 12 miles from Richmond. WYTON, C. W., Co. Middlesex, East Riding, Tp. West Missouri. Between London and St. Mary's, on line ! of Junction Railway nearly completed. Go to London, on the G. W. R. Population about 75. YAMACHIDE, C. E., Co. St. Maurice. On North Shore of Lake St. Peter (River St. Lawrence), a little east of Riviere du Loup en haut, on the River Machide. See St. Maurice Territory. Population about loco. YAMASKA, C. E. A Town and District on South Shore of Lake St. Peter, near Port Francis. The River Francis divides Yamaska into neai'ly equal portions. See St. Zephirim, St. Antoine and Port St. Francis. Population about 400. YARMOUTH, C. W., Co. Elgin. A Tp. fronting Lake Erie, on London and Port Stanley Line. For Post- offices, Towns, and Railway Stations within it, see Mapleton, New Sarum, Port Stanley, Sparta, St. Thomas West, and Union. YONGE, C. W. A Tp. in Leeds County. Skirted on the south by the G. T. R., in which is Mallorytown Station on the G. T. R.. Montreal and Toronto Sec- tion, 12 miles west of Brockville. For Post-offices and Towns, see Mallorytown, Caintown, Escott, and Farmersville. YORK, C. W., Co. Haldimand, Tp. Seneca. A Town on the Grand River. Go to Caledonia, on the Buf- falo and Lake Huron Railway. Pop. about 400. YORK, C. W. A Tp. in Co. York, in the vicinity of Toronto City. The Station of that name about 6 miles west of Toronto, near Danforth, is closed. Weston is in this Township, with two Stations, one on the G. T. R., Toronto and Stratford Section, and the other on the (Northern) Ontario, Simcoe, and Huron Railwaj-. For Post-offices, see L'Amaroux, Eglinton (5 miles up Yonge street), and Willowdale and York Mills. YORK MILLS, C. W., Co. York, formerly Hogg's Hollow. Go bv Thornhill Stage, dailv at 3} P. M. YORKVILLE, C." W. A Suburb of Toronto, com- mencing at the Northern City Boundary, viz., the north side of Bloor street, about 1^ miles from Queen street. Omnibus from King street every even hour. Population about 2000. ZETL.\ND, C. W., Co. Huron. A Post-office in Tum- berrv, which see. Population about 50. ZIMMER.MAN, C. W., Co. Halton, Tp. Nelson. Go to Wellington Square, on the G. W. R., 7 miles west of Hamilton. Population about tiO. ZONE, C. W. A Tp. in Kent Co. Go to Bothwell, on the G. W. R., Hamilton and Windsor Section, about 50 miles west of London, C. W. ZORRA AVEST, C. W. A Tp. in Co. Oxford, North Riding, near the line of the G. W. R. For Route, Post-office, etc., see Embro, Fairview, and Harring- ton West. ZORRA EAST, C. W. A Tp. in Co. Oxford, North Riding, near 1he line of the G. W. R. For Route, Post-oliices, etc., see Innerskip. ZURICH, C. AV., Co. Huron, Tp. Hay. On Shore of Lake Huron. Go to Blanshard, St. Mary's, or Stratford, by the G. W. R., or Buffalo and Lake Huron Railway, and thence by Stage. 78 AYLMER, C. E. — ^BATH, C. W. AYLMER, 0. E. The chief town in the County of Ottawa, Township of Hull, situated on the Chaudiere Lake, 8 miles above Ottawa. A thriving town, containing several lumber estabUshments. A stage runs to and from Ottawa daily. Fare, 2s. &d. Population, about 1500. Business Directory* Advocate. — John Delisle. Advocate. — J. R. Fleming, Advocate. — Thomas McCord. Aylmer Hotel. — Dominick Fox. (See adver- tisement.) Ayhner Times Newspaper. (See advertise- ment.) Bookseller, Stationer, and Publisher.— "Wm. Allen. (See advertisement.) General Store.— John & Wm. McLean. General Store.— T. B. Prentiss. (See adver- tisement.) WILLIAM ALLAN, BOOKSELLER & STATIONER, AND Pnblisljer of tl)e ^.nlmcr ^iincs, Agent for British-American Friendly Society, British-American Express Company, and Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Prescott. ROBERT CONROY, LUMBER MERCHANT, AND DEALER IN Dry Goods, Hardware, Gro- ceries, etc. AYLMER, C. E. General Store. — James Thompson. Judge of Circuit Court— W. K. McCord. Notary Public and Land Agent — R. A. Young. Ottawa Hotel. — Moses Holt, Jr. (See adver- tisement.) Plasterer and Mason. — Patrick Mullarkey. Printer and Publisher. — Thomas Watson. Revenue Inspector, District of Ottawa, C. E. — Charles Symmes. Wholesale Lumber Merchant — Robert Con roy. (See advertisement.) DOMINICK rOX, . AYLMER HOTEL. AYLMER, C. E. MOSES HOLT, JR., MAIL CONTRACTOR. OTTAWA HOTEL, AY1.ITIER, C. E. T. B. PRENTISS, GENERAL STORE. AYLMER, C. E. BATH, 0. W. " A village and port of entry on the north shore of the Bay of Quinte, township of Ernes- town, County of Addington. A steamer stops daily on its passage, up and down, between Kingston and Belleville ; and two other steamers ply weekly between Montreal and Tren- ton, calling on their passage both ways. Distant from Kingston 18 miles, fare 50 cents and 37-J-' cents; from Belleville, 36 miles, fare $1.20 and 87i cents; and from Ernestown Rail- way Station 4 miles. Population about 600." Business Directory. Boot and Shoe Dealer. — F. Prest. Farmer and General Dealer. — John Nugent Foundrj^ — David T. Forward. General Trader.— E. Wright General Traders. — J. & S. Lasher, Church st Hotel keeper. — P. Ilartman. M, D. — L. H. Cooper. Saddler and Harness Maker. — T. C. Johnston. BELLEVILLE AND BOWMANVILLE, C, W, 79 BELLEVILLE, C. W. " A town in the Township of Tliurlow and County of Hastings, on the River Moira, wliich debouches into the Bay of Quinte. It is the chief town of the county, and a port of entry, doing a considerable business in imports, and also in the export of lumber, flour, and other agricultural produce, supplied by various manufacturing establishments in the neigh- bourliood, and bj' a flourishing farming district. The county is divided into north and south ridings, each returning one member to the Legislative Assembly. A steamer leaves every morning for Kingston, distant 54 miles, fare §1.50 and $1, and returns tlie same evening, calling also at Picton and Bath. Two other steamers, plying between Trenton and Montreal, call here on their passage up and down; fare to Montreal, $5 and $2. 50. The town is on the line of the Grand Trunk Railway. There are two daily stages to Stir- ling, 15 miles, fare 50 cents, the earliest of which meet stages from ilarmora and Seymour ; another to Hungerford, 25 miles, fai'e $1 ; and another daily to Madee, '25 miles, fare $1. Distant from Montreal 220 miles, and from Toronto 113 miles. Daily mails. Population about 7000." Business Directory. American Hotel. — D. Crysdale, Front st. Ambrotj-pist and Photographist. — Frank G. Ludlow. Attorney and Solicitor. — L. H. Henderson, Front st Attorn ey-at-law, Solicitor in Chancery, Con- veyancer, etc. — Allan Springfield Mac- donell, Front st. Barrister and Attornej*. — James Fraser, Jr. Barrister and Attorney-at-law.— George Eyre Henderson, Front st. Barrister and County Attorney. — J. 0. Hare. Barristers, etc. — Ross . Law Clerk.— D. F. McVean, Bridge st M. D.— P. V. Dorland, Front st Merchant in Dry Goods, Groceries, etc.— John Badcock, Front st. ^Miller, Baker, and Grain Merchant. — Henry Corby. Paper 5lanufacturer — P. F. CannifF, Mill st Photographist. — John C. Short Publisher of Hastinc/s Chronicle. — Elijah Miles, corner Front & Hotel sts. Rifle Factory and General Jobbing Establish- ment. — Charles A. Rector, Front st. Tin and Sheet Iron Ware Manufacture — Wil- liam White, Front st. Watch and Clock Maker, Jeweller, etc.. Front St., opposite Court House. Wellington Hotel. — Francis Papineau, Front st Woollen Manufacturer. — S. Wheadon, Front St. DAFOE HOUSE, BELLEVILLE, C. W., BY T. WARREN, Is now open for the reception of the Travelling Community, b}' the above-named Pro- prietor, late of the Baj- of Quinte Saloon. No pains or cx]iense has been spared in fitting up the establishment as a First-class Hotel. The Proprietor solicits the patronage of his numerous friends and the public generally. BeU6viUe,3ray2ith,\%5%. T. TI^ARREN, Proprietor. BOWMA:snLLE, 0. W. "A town in the Township of Darlington and West Riding of the County of Durham. It is bounded on the south by Lake Ontario, and is situated on the line of the Grand Trunk Railroad. In 1850 the place was incorporated a village. Within the last ten years it has increased and prospered rapidlj^ and it owes much of its present importance to the Hon. J. Simpson, formerly of the firm of Bowman & Co. The town has excellent water power 80 BOWMAN VILLE, C. W., AND BRANTFOKD, C. W. within and around it, as -well as a capital wharf; and a first-rate harbour is now being constructed. The country around is unsurpassed for fertility and salubrity. Distant from Toronto 43 miles, and from Port Hope 19 miles. Railway fare to Toronto, $1.50. Daily mails. Population about 4000." Business Directory. Attorney at Law, Solicitor and Conveyancer. — Robert Russell Loscombe. Alma Hotel. — John A. Mason, Market square. Barrister at Law. — St. John H. Hutcheson, notary public. Barristers and Attorneys at Law. — Armour & Bethune. Bank of Montreal. — George Dyett, manager, King street. Baker, Confectioner and Grocer. — Alexander Fletcher, King street. Bookseller, Stationer and Artist. — Robert O'Hara. Canadian Statesman. — J. M. and W. R. Climie & Co., publishers and booksellers. Dry Goods, Grocery, and Crockery Merchant. — W. McMurtry. Farmers' Exchange. — Joseph Maynard, King street. General Merchant, Miller and Agent. — Lewis M. Squair, King street. General Grocer, wholesale and retail. — Robt. Forster, King street. General Grocers and Seed Mei'chants, — Mur- dock Brothers. Hardware Merchant, Cari'iage Builder and Ironfounder, Jacob Meads. Ironfoundry, Stove and Plough Factory,— Wm. Porter, King street, east. Miller and Distiller. — John Burk, King street. Ontario Bank. — David Fisher, cashier. King street. Surgeon-Dentist. — J. A. Brown, King street. Waverley House Hotel. — A. Hindes, King st. BRANTFORD, 0. W. " An incorporated town, on the Grand River, at the head of navigation. It is the chief town of the County of Brant. Brantford has direct communication with Lake Ontario, and with New York city by canals ; it is the most important station on the Buffalo and Lake Huron Railroad ; and it is celebrated for its flour, iron, steam-engines, stoneware, lumber, agricultural implements, stoves, etc. The country in the neighbourhood of Brantford has been long known as an excellent agricultural section of the Western Province. Distant from Hamilton, 25 miles; from Niagara Suspension Bridge, 60 miles; from Paris, 7 miles; and from Buffalo, N. Y., 76 miles. Daily mails. Population about 8000." Business Directory. Agent for Phoenix Assurance Company and Life Association of Scotland. — M.W. Pruyn. Assurance agent, and proprietor of Kerby House. — James Kerby. Ale and porter brewers. — Spencer i3:, O- ■\^ -, JAMES LINDSAY, Proprtetor, The above new and commodious hotel, being situated ui a central part of the town, and convenient to both the Railway Stations, offers peculiar advantages to tho travel- ing public. Visitors will find the arrangements good, and charges moderate. An excellent Livery Stable is attached to the Hotel, and truaty hodlers are always in attendance. Daily Stages to Elora, Fergus, and Owen Somid, An OmnihuM attends the Cars, and convey!^ Gueute to and from the House free of Charge. THORP'S NEW HOTEL, GUELPH, C. ^V., J. TMOnP, Proprietor^ Is just opened for the accommodation of the public. I8 a first-class House, and the best in Guelph. Charges reas- onable. Livery at short notice. Stages to and from all parts. A free Buss in attendance at the Stations. ANDREW LEMON. H. W. PETERSON, JB. MESSRS. LEMOiN & PETERSON, Barristers and Attorneys at Law, SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY, NOTARIES PUBLIC, &c., GUELPH, C. W. Agent for the Colonial Life Assurance Com/pany, A. J. FERGUSSON. J. J. KINGSMILL. FERGUSSON &, KINGSMILL, BARRISTERS AND ATTORNEYS AT LAW, 86 HULL — INGERSOLL — KINCARDINE, C. W. HULL, C. E. A village situated on the River Ottawa, opposite to the town of Ottawa, to which it is connected by a suspension bridge, at the celebrated Chauderie Falls. A considerable trade is done in lumber, and in the manufacturing of axes, pails, etc. Population about 250. ANDREW LEAMY, IiriTIBER IflERCHAIVT AIVD ]?IIL.L. OWIVER, General Store. — J. J. Marston, Main street. Hotel Keeper and Blacksmith. — Patrick Mc- Garr, Main street. Lumber Merchant. — Andrew Leamy. [See advertisement.] INGERSOLL, C. W. An incorporated village, in the County of Oxford, Township of North Oxford; situated on the River Thames, and a station on the Great "Western Railway. Wheat and sawn lumber form the principal trade of this place and the surrounding country. The land around is excellent, and the village is fast increasing in population and importance. Dis- tant from Woodstock, 9 miles; from Hamilton, 51 miles; from London, 19 miles; from Windsor, 129 miles; and from Port Burwell, on Lake Erie, 32 miles. Daily mails. Popu- lation about 3000. Business I>ii'ectory. Attorney at Law. — Richard Ollard. Bookstore and News Depot. — E. H. Crysler. Chemist, Druggist and Stationer. — 0. B. Cald- well. Chemist and Druggist. — John M. Chapman. Convej'ancer. — James Berrie, Thames street. Daly House. — John Patterson, proprietor. [See advertisement.] General Merchants. — J. McDonald & Bros. General Merchant. — Samuel Poole. higersoll Chronicle. — J. S. Garneld, Editor. Royal Exchange Hotel. — H. Hearn, Propri- etor. [See advertisement.] Merchant and Agent for English and Ameri- can Newspapers. — R. A. Woodcock. DALY HOUSE, The Subscriber begs to inform his friends and the public that he lias removed to the above House, which is new and commodious, and furnished in modem style. By strict personal attention ho hopes to receive his usual share of patronage. A free Buss to and from the cars. JOHN FATTEBSON. ROYAL EXCHANGE HOTEL AND GENERAL STAGE HOUSE, Cor. of Thauies & Charles Sts., H. HEARN, Proprietor. Visitors will find the arransements good, and charges moderate. A good Livery Stable attached. Daily Stages to Tilsonburg, Vienna, and Port Burwell, and to St. Marv-'s Mondavs, Wednesdays, and Fridays. J^^ An omnibus to and from the cars free of charge. KINCAEDINE, C. W., Is a small town situated upon the shore of Lake Huron, at the mouth of the River Penetangore, upon an acclivity extending, in a ridge of no great height, along the beach in both directions. It occupies the centre of a beautiful bay, forming a crescent, terminating in northern and southern pinepoints. Tlie principal street, studded with respectable-look- ing stores and hotels, (the North American, so far as regards attention and a good table, will bear comparison with its namesake in Toronto, minus the niggers,) runs parallel to the shore for half a mile at least ; and, like other towns situated upon the eastern shore of the Lake, though minus a railroad at present, and possessed only of a quay for lading and un- lading small schooners, it is competing for the honour of the principal port for the trans- portation of passengers and the transshipment of freight across the lake to the " Far West." Government has voted £1,500 for the dredging and enlargement of the harbour, and as the LESTDSAY AND MILL BEOOK, C. W. 87 channel of the river forms a natural basin, covered -with shallow deposits of sand, Kin- cardine will soon offer a safe harbourage to vessels of large dimensions, and, therefore, bids fair to prove no mean rival to Goderich and Saugeen. 30 miles north of Goderich. Popu- Jation about 1000. LINDSAY, W., Is situated upon the banks of the River Scugog, and is composed, as yet, of only a few blocks of frame houses, stores and hotels, grist and lumber mills, with the exception of 2 or 3 brick houses on each side of the river. The site of the town, according to the original plan, is extensive ; but as individuals have selected spots for their houses in all different directions, Lindsay presents a straggling appearance to an old-countryman. But as it is favoured with railroad communication to Port Hope on the south, and stage to Manilla and Mariposa, one of the richest agricultural townships in the province, 8 miles to the west, and by steamer to the Falls, Bobcaygeon, etc., on the north, we may reasonably anticipate the enlargement of the town, as well as the increase of its trade, at no distant date. It is worthy of special notice that an excellent reading-room is supplied not only with the Pro- vincial, but with American and British newspapers and magazines, as well as with the re- prints of the principal British Quarterlies ; and, we may add, for the information of the sportsman, that fishing in the river and lakes, as well as deer shooting in the surrounding bush, will at once recruit his health and amply repay his pleasing toils. Population $2000. From Port Hope, 42 miles. Fare $1.25. Business Directory. Attorney at Law. — F. B Greene, Kent st. Barrister and Notary Public. — Anthony La Course, Kent st. Bookseller and Druggist. — W. J. Stoughton, Kent St. Barrister at Law. — T. A. Hudspeth, Kent st. Boot and Shoe Maker. — A Bright, Hidout st. Cabinet Makers. — Matthie & Anderson, Wil- liam st. Dry Goods and General Merchant. — Richard Leary, Kent st. Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, etc. — S. and 0. Bigelow, Lindsay st. Grocer and Confectioner. — Wm. Alexander Silverwood, Kent st. General Merchant. — Wm. Kewin, Kent st. General Merchant. — John Kennedy, Kent st. General Merchants. — Keenan & Lenilian. Importer and General Merchant. — Thomas S. Lehane, King st. Jewett's Hotel. — B. Jewett, Proprietor, Kent street. Lindsay Flour Mills. — Dealer in Wheat, Flour, etc., Robert Lang, Proprietor ; office, Kent street. Lindsay Tannery. — W. McNeil, William st. Lindsay Advocate. — Edward D. Hand, Pub- lisher. Mercliant and Carriage Manufacturer. — John Thirkhill, Kent st. Martin's Hotel, (late Walsh's). — J. Martin, Proprietor, Kent st. Merchant. — James Watson, William st. Merchant — Charles Britton, Ridout st. Staple and Fancy Dry Goods Merchant, — Thos. Bronghall, Knowlson's Block, Kent st. Victoria Herald. — Henry John Waite, Editor, Publisher, and Proprietor, William st. Watchmaker and Jeweller. — H. G. Clarke, Kent st. MILL BROOK, C. W. A flourishing village, situated in the Township of Cavan, and County of Durham. Has a local trade of some importance. A station on the Port Hope and Lindsay Railway is half a mile from the village. Distant from Port Hope 13 miles. Daily mail. Population about 1000. Business Clerk of Division Court, Conveyancer, etc. — James M. Brodie, Kell st. Dispensing Chemist,-E. Gregory, Railroad st. Dry Goods Merchant and General Grocer. — Samuel James Howell, 50 Main st. Dry Goods Merchant. — Richard Howden, Railroad st. Directory. General Merchant, — James Kelly, Kell st. Grocer, Baker, and Confectioner. — James A. Johnston, Corner of Cavan S o C % < =^ > 3 cc 2 SCENERY OX THE BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD. 9 A few miles on, you cross the river at the Ilchester Mill, in a very rugged part of the val- ley — crossing the Patterson viaduct, and shortly reach the town of Ellicott's Mills— situated prettily on the face of the hills. Five miles further on, you arrive at EUysville, where there is an iron bridge, 340 feet long, which spans the river. (See engraving of it — and scenery in the neighborhood.) Further on, you cross the Patapsco by another iron bridge of 50 feet span — dash through a tunnel 100 feet long. Passing the pretty village of Sykesville, you are now in the heart of the mineral region. After that, the train pro- ceeds past Parr's Ridge — from the top of which a magnificent view is obtained. Through the Monocacy valley, you cross the famous " Carroll Manor" land, between the Catoctin and Sugar Loaf, on towards the " Point of Rocks," of which we give a view. The marble — POINT OF ROCKS, WITH THE BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD AXD CHESAPEAKE AND OHIO CANAL — SEVEXTT MILES FROM BALTIMORE. of which the variegated columns of the old National Legislative Halls at Washington are built — is found in a cut which you pass on approaching this spot. Passing the Potomac, and along the base of the hills, you pass the villages of Berlin and Knoxville, and the " "Wever- ton" factories in the pass of South Mountain — shortly reaching the far-famed scenery of " Harper's Ferry," of which the renowned Thomas Jefferson said, that the passage of the Potomac through the Blue Ridge was " one of the most stupendous scenes in nature, and -well worth a voyage across the Atlantic to witness." Here the beautiful River Shenandoah joins the Potomac immediately below the bridge. (See our engraving of Harper's Ferry.) 10 HARPERS FERRY, VIRGINIA. HARPER'S FERRY. FROM THE MARYLAND SIDE OF THE POTOMAC AT THE CONFLUENCE OF THAT RIVER WITH THE SHENANDOAH. The bridge ■which you here cross is 900 feet long — of 6 arches of 130 feet — one of 75 feet over the river, and one of 100 feet span over the canal. The national armories are located here — and occupying so much ground, the inhabitants are obliged to build their dwellings high up on the face of the hill. The beauty of the scenery here is of the finest order — language failing to give an adequate idea of it. One of the chief points is that of Jefferson Rock — a great, overhanging cliff — so balanced as if tlireatening to fall down — like some destructive avalanche. (See engraving.) Leaving Harper's Ferry, and the Potomac River, you pass up the ravine of the Elkbranch — arriving shortly at the rolling table-land of the " Valley of Virginia." Passing onwards, the crossing of the " Opequan" Creek — the open valley of Tuscarora Creek, you arrive at Martinsburg. Leaving there, you cross Back Creek, opening up again the valley of the Potomac, with magnificent views of the North Mountain and Sideling Hill. Passing Fort Frederick, of 1755 history, you reach Hancock, the station for Berkley Springs--a favorite watering resort. Proceeding westward, you sliortly enter a tunnel 1200 feet long — passing along the base of the Warm Spring Ridge — and the termination of the Cacapon Mountain, opposite to a remarkable eminence called the " Round Top," You then cross the Great Cacapon River, over a bridge 300 feet long. Passing along, you enter the gap of Sideling Hill— until the tunnel at Doe Gully is entered, and from there to Little Cacapon Creek, 2-^ miles from Cumberland — at which point some very fine views are obtained. (See en- graving of Potomac scenery — between Berkley Springs and Cumberland.) Passing on through some of the richest bottom land on the river — and through some ex- quisite mountain scenery — yon reach Patterson's Creek. Shortly after which, you cross the Potomac again, by an iron bridge, 700 feet long, carrying you out of Virginia into Maryland, which you left at Harper's Ferry. The " Mountain City" of Cumberland is GRAND POTOMAC VALLEY VIEW. FROM THE CELEBRATED JEFFERSOX ROCK— EIGHTY-ONE MILES FROM BALTIMORE. SCENERY ON THE POTOMAC-between bebklet springs and CUMBERLAND. 12 PIEDMONT, "FOOT OF THE MOUNTAIN. reached, after which yoi; proceed on through some of the most picturesque scenery towards Piedmont, 28 miles distant. Cumberland is situated most beautifully in a perfect amphitheatre, formed by the sur- rounding mountains which there seem to have expanded themselves into extended curves, with the view of giving room, in their lap, for the town, required for the great coal trade naturally centering there. From Cumberland to Piedmont, (28 miles,) the scenery is remarkably picturesque, and elicits many enthusiastic expressions of wonder and delight, as j-ou skim over the gradually ascending level along the North Branch of the Potomac, between the western slope of Knobly and the eastern feet of Dan's and Wills' Mountains. One of the finest of the many views is had near the crossing of the Potomac, 21 miles from Cumberland, where the rail- road, after passing through a long and deep excavation, spans the river by a bridge of iron and timber, on stone abutments and a pier. Tlie view from this point, up and down the river, is well worth attention. For the last 6 miles before you reach Piedmont, the river courses its way by a deep chasm, cut by its own torrent, through the mountain base. After crossing the bridge, the road wound, by easy curves, through romantic scenery, passing Queen's Cliff, Thunder Hill, and Dan's Mountain, until you reach the " foot of the moun- tain" at Piedmont. (See Engraving.) This remote town lies upon a flat of limited extent on the Virginia side, opposite the ancient Maryland village of Western Port, at the moutli PIEDMONT, "FOOT OF THE MOUNTAIN." ON THE BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD, 207 MILES FROM BALTIMORE. of George's Creek. It is a thriving and prosperous town already, although created simply by the necessities of the Railroad Co., who found an engine-station here desirable. It con- tains extensive engine-houses, each one being arranged to hold 16 locomotives. Here, too, are located very extensive shops for the repair of engines, cottages for workmen, etc. Pied- mont is the dividing station between the second and third working divisions of the road, being 208 miles from Baltimore, and 108 from Martinsburg. MOUNTAIN SCENERY. 13 Proceeding on and winding your way round curves — and passing through, as it were, impenetrable passes — you cross the Potomac again, at Bloomington, where the Savage Kiver boils, in all its fury, down the western shoulder of Savage Mountain, finding its level 200 feet below the railroad line. You then pass on to the mouth of Crab-tree Creek — reach Altaniont, 2,620 feet high, the greatest elevation on the route, and the highest point of the Alleghanies. Tliis region is famous for excellent buttei", mutton, abundant venison and other game — innimierable trout streams, alive with spotted beauties. You proceed on to the '• glades," or natural meadows, till you reach Oakland — nestled in the centre of these — 232 miles from Baltimore. Leaving there, you pass the falls of the Snowy Creek, and shortly arrive at Cranberry Summit, 2,550 feet high, and enter upon the grades, to descend the western slopes, towards the Ohio, getting the first glimpse of the "western world," and some of the finest views of mountain scenery, as you pass along. We give an engraving DISTANT MOUNTAIN VIEW. FROM THE CRANBERUT GRADE, TWO HUNDRED AND THREE MILES FROM BALTIMORE. of one of these, from the "Cranberry Grade." Descending for 11 miles, you arrive at the celebrated Cheat Kiver ; see engravings of this wonderful region — " View on the Cheat Kiver Grade," and "Sketch of the Cheat River Valley." For a description of the remaining part of this route, we cannot do better than quotf from a work by Mr. W. P. Smith, an intelligent ofllcer of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. " Cheat River is a rapid mountain stream, of a dark coffee-coloured water, which is sup- posed to t«ke its hue from the forests of laurel, liemlock, and black spruce in which it has its rise. The road crosses the stream at the foot of Cranberry Grade by a viaduct. This is composed of two noble spans of iron, roofed in on alnitments, and a pier of solid freestone taken from a neighbouring quarry. Arrived at this point, you enter the ' Cheat Kiver Valley,' which presents by far the grandest and most boldly picturesque scenery to be found on the line of this road, and one of the finest series of railroad views on this conti- nent. For several miles you run along the steep mountain-side, clinging, as it were, to the gigantic cliffs, the cars like great cages suspended — though upon the safest and most solid of beds — midway, as it were, between heaven and earth. At one moment the view is confined to the immediate locality, hemmed in on every side by the towering mountain spurs. At the next, a slight curve in the road opens to view fine stretches of the deep 14 SCEXERY ON" THE CHEAT RIVER. valley, -with the dark river flowing along its bottom, and glorious views o the forest- covered slopes descending from the peaks to the water's edge. VIEW ON THE "CHEAT RIVER GRADE," AT THE TRAT RUH IRON AND STONE VIADUCT, TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY-S-EVEN MILES FROM BALTIMORE. The engineering difficulties overcome in the part of the road, within the first few miless west of Cheat liiver bridge, must have been very great, but the rough places have been made smooth as the prairie levels. After crossing the river itself at Rowlesburg, the next SKETCH OF THE CHEAT RIVER VALLEY. THE POINT WHERE THE RAIL LEAVES THE RIVER AND PROCEEDS ON TOWARDS KINGWOOD TUNNEL. SCENERY AT THE GRAFTON JUNCTION. 16 point is to ascend along its banks the " Cheat River Hill." The ravine of Kyer's Run, a mile from the bridge, 76 feet deep, is crossed by a solid embankment. Then, after boldly cutting along the steep rocky hill side, jou reach Buck-eye Hollow, which is 108 feet below the road level, and finally come to Tray Run, which is crossed at a height of 160 feet above its original bed bj- a splendid viaduct, GOO feet long, founded on a massive base of masonry piled upon the solid rock below. These viaducts are of iron, and are exceedingly graceful, as well as very substantial structures. The view from this spot, both of the scenery and grand structure which so splendidly spans the immense mountain ravine, is most inspiring. From the great elevation the stream appears to be almost beneath your feet. Passing two great clefts in the mountain, you pass upward across Buckhorn Branch, and half a mile further left, the declivities of Cheat River, which meanders off to the north, and of which is obtained a last glimpse, through a tall arch of forests, reposing in its wealth of wilderness solitude far, far below. At Cassidy's Ridge, nearly a mile from the river, and 80 miles fi'om Cumberland, you enter the great western coal field of the Alleghany range. Here again the road finds a threatening barrier to its further progress. By bursting through the wall of the vast prison-house alone can you hope for an outlet. For awhile, before the entire completion of the road, a track was laid across this steep summit, with an ascent of 500 feet to the mile, over which iron for the track westward was hauled by a locomotive engine, which propelled a single car at a time, weighing with its load eighteen tons, at a speed of 10 miles an hour, or more. This plane, however, was not available for trade and travel ; and so the last westward wall of the Alleghanies was pierced by the Kingwood Tunnel, through which you pass. This subterranean passage, 4,100 feet in length — not including its " approach cuts" — was made. The entire cost of the tunnel, in all its elements, has ex- ceeded $1,000,000! Like all the other tunnels on this road it is now enduringly arched. Leaving Kingwood Tunnel, the line for 5 miles descends along a steep hill-side to the flats of Raccoon Creek, at Newburg Station, 88 miles from Cumberland, and 266 from Bal- timore. Two miles west of the Kingwood Tunnel, is Murray's Tunnel, 250 feet long, a regular and beautiful semicircular arch cut out of a fine solid sandstone rock, overlaying a vein of coal 6 feet thick, which is seen on the floor of the tunnel. From Newburg, Avest- ward, the route pursues the valleys of Raccoon and Three Forks' Creek, which present no GRAFTON. JUNCTION OF BALTIMORE AND OHIO WITH XORTHWESTERX VIRGINIA RAILROAD, 279 MILES FROM BALTIMORE. The Road to Wheeling is seen in the foreground, while the Road to Parkersburg crosses the Tygart's Val- ley River by the new Iron Bridge. The Road Workshops and the new Hotel are seen In the forks. 16 SCENERY ON THE MONONGAHELA AND TYGART's VALLEY. features of difficulty, to the mouth of the latter, 101 miles from Cumberland, at tlie Ty- gart's Valley River, at Grafton, the junction of the Baltimore and Ohio with the North- western Virginia Road, the newly-completed branch line to Parkersburg on the Ohio. Proceeding on along the main stem of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, you now pro- ceed on to Wheeling, and thence per Central Ohio Railroad to Columbus, and from there along one of the best made lines in the country, as well as through the beautiful valley of the Little Miami River, till you reach Cincinnati. Leaving, therefore, Grafton, you now proceed on to Fetterman, where the Turnpike to Parkersburg and Marietta crosses the river. The route from Fetterman to Fairmount has but one very striking feature. The Tygart's Valley River, whose margin it follows, is a beautiful and winding stream, of gentle current, except at the Falls, where the river descends, principally by 3 or 4 perpendicular pitches, some 70 feet in about a mile. A mile and a half above Fairmount, the Tj'gart's Valley River and the "West Fork River unite to form the Monongahela — the first being the larger of the two confluents. A quarter of a mile below their junction, the railroad crosses the Monongahela, upon a viaduct 650 feet long, and 39 feet above low water surface. The lofty and massive abut- ments of this bridge support an iron superstructure of 3 arches of 200 feet span each, and which forms the largest iron bridge in America. The road, a mile and a half below Fairmount, leaves the valley of the beautiful Monon- gahela and ascends the winding and picturesque ravine of Bufl'alo Creek, a stream some 25 miles in length. The creek is first crossed 5 miles west of Fairmount, and again at two points a short distance apart, and about 9 miles further west. About 11 miles beyond Fairmount we pass the small hamlet of Farmington, and 7 or 8 miles further is the thriving village of " Mannington," at the mouth of Piles' Fork of Buffalo — thence to the head of Piles' Fork. Numerous tributaries open out pretty vistas on either hand. This part of the JUNCTION OF THE MONONGAHELA AND TYGART'S VALLEY RIVERS, WITH THE GREAT IRON BRIDGE CROSSING THE FORMER. valley, in its summer dress, is singularly beautiful. After reaching its head at Glover's Gap, 28 miles beyond Fairmount, the road passes the ridge by deep cuts, and a tunnel 350 feet long, of curious shape, forming a sort of Moorish arch in its roof From this summit, (which divides the waters of the Monongahela from those of the Ohio,) the line descends by Church's Fork of Fish Creek — a valley of the same general features with the one just passed on the eastern side of the ridge. Passing the " Burton" station, the route continues down stream to the crossing of a tributary called " Cappo Fork," 4 miles from Glover's Gap. The road now becomes winding, and in the next 4 miles you cross the creek 8 times ; SCENERY OX THE BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD. 17 also, Sole's Tunnel, 112 feet; Eaton's Tunnel, 370 feet; and Martin's Tunnel, 180 feet long — the first, a low-browed opening, which looks as if it would knock off the smoke-pipe of the engine; the next, a regular arched roof; and the third, a tall narrow slit in the rock, lined with timbers lofty enough to be taken for part of a church steeple. Shortly after, the route turns up tlie ravine of " Board Tree Run," after passing through a high spur at its mouth by a formidable cut mere than 60 feet deep through slate rock. Thence it as- cends the eastern bank of the run just named, cutting and filling heavily along a precipi- tous hill side, until it reaches the point 43 miles west of Fairmount, where the temporary road leaves the permanent grade. Leaving Board Tree Tunnel, the line descends along the hill side of the North Fork of Fish Creek, crossing ravines and spurs by deep fillings and cuttings, and reaching the level of the flats bordering the creek at Bell's Mill ; soon after which it crosses the creek and ascends Hart's Run and Four Mile Run to the Welling Tunnel, 50 miles west of Fairmount, and 28 from Wheeling. From the Welling Tunnel the line pursues the valley of Grave Creek, 17 miles to its mouth at the Flats of Grave Creek on the Ohio River, 11 miles below Wheeling. The approach to the bank of the Ohio River, at the village of Moundsville, is very beau- tiful. The line emerging from the defile of Grave Creek, passes straight over the " flats'' which border the river, and forms a vast rolling plain, in the middle of which looms up the great " Indian mound," 80 feet high and 200 feet broad at its base. There is also the sepa- rate village of Elizabethtown, half a mile from the river bank, the mound standing between two towns and looking down upon them both. The " flats" embrace an area of some 4000 acres, about three-fourths of which lie on the Virginia, and the remaining fourth on the Ohio side of the river. The soil is fertile and well cultivated, and the spot possesses great interest, whether for its agricultural richness, its historic monuments of past ages, - _ .:.. .:=.^^__.. ^ &^ °^ *^^ beauty of its shape and position /•..^. n a C p' 3. 5^ EH p^ p p^ 3 P C 3' 3 1 — 1 ■ a c 3 a? 2 C:^^ 4 P e 3 3 r^ 1 3 ^ o ►r! t C T"- c rji p c^ to p 3 ^ ►? p 3 5* ro ^ 3 •-( "^ o -^ P o Cli "^^ 3w P O t^ -^ 3 3 crK 3 C f= in D c c 5 a f 05 3- ft 1 :=i P c t-f p o 3- ft r- « H 15 :3 o a :i- ft •••: O Z. < p '^ 3 3 c ft c — ft V* 4 ft' 1 CO i ft ft ft ft* 5 3 c 3 p 7: p G 3 P p ft as r/3 3 ft ft 3' 5" ft. 3 ft ct- Eh 3 p 3 p 1 ft c" I. ft" en P 0^ 3 U5 3 3 ft 3 O) 3 *—> cn P r-> rh ft" (^ —^ p r^ ft -t '^ C ft m ft P to s- ft' ft s- a. ft 7J ft tA ft c p ft' &■ H cc' *^ ft -/I 1^ 3 I:r5 g ft. 2. ft ft' r r. -^ ^ •! ^- P P* c _^ T^ P . N^* 35 c t J r^ t^ X ^!L X » c 5: 9: 1 ^1 ft ^ X Cj ft 2- 3 ft w' j^ 5 ft V3 ft JT ?' 20 THE LITTLE MIAMI RIYEK AND RAILROAD. e >> ? ^ 2 c _ (^^ ^ 'S a S S g -s — > ^ ii^ 'S O 0-.J 2 '3 'S b|5 a § <5 i £0 .2 .2 CO .r- ' 2 -/r ■3 C3 ^ 3 rj. r^ ^ c: 1. ■3 4* a; ^ S cc> o o ? c 'i H ^ " o §:§ I o a> o p X HH •^ ^ fi jr. c x' ^^ ■»: ^-< " •^ fc- i«^ ^ t- ^ !^ C^ c: c w r, , c: "^ 1-:) c; ■^ H 'ct P^ c: H P ^~" -^ 3 <: )— 1 ^ c ^ •K g /^ r— a. >— 1 5 r^ S ■^ C2 E C •^ s 't^ IK K B «*- ,_!. Co C hJ c c: z I— J' g « b" CC -1-3 a, 1j G £ ^ « < •g tc 5 t3 ^ 2 "- « H •^ c ."t^ Q £ -^ "^ )^:. c ,. < «S X oT a :5 E <^ rt £ ■" « '5 C Cfi J 00 e»-* • r-t s S 2 ,-i ta It ROUTE FROM COLUMBUS TO THE SEABOARD. 21 the river, until it finally reaches the far-famed " Queen City of the "West." (See Cincinnati.) Omnibuses wait there upon the arrival of every train, to convey passengers and bag gage to any address in the city. COLUMBUS TO BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA, AND NEW YORK. Passengers desirous of leaving Columbus for either of these cities, can do so by various routes, as can be seen by our Table of Distances, etc., in connection ■with Columbus. Presuming you wish to go to Baltimore, you proceed via the Central Ohio Railroad, which extends to Newark, through a partially cleared country, with no features of particular interest. Thirty -three miles distant you reach Newark. The Sandusky, Mansfield, and Newark Railroad, running from Sandusky City, on Lake Erie, here intersects the Central Ohio Rail- road, and gives it a connection with north-west Ohio and beyond. The Steubenville and Indiana Railroad also terminates here, and connects at Steubenville with the Ohio River Road to Pittsburg. From Newark, 26 miles' progress brings the train to Zanesville, the county seat of Muskingum, one of the richest counties in Ohio, embracing in its area the vailej's of the Muskingum and Licking Rivers, which have their confluence at that point, and abound with mineral and agricultural advantages. The city has a population of about 18,000, and is a neat, well built, and prosperous place. An hour's ride from Zanesville, through the fertile Leatherhead valley, brings the train to the ancient town of Cambridge, situated at the crossing of the old National Turnpike Road, over Wills' Creek. For many miles on each side of Cambridge, the Central Railroad runs close to, and parallel with, the National Road. From Cambridge the Central Ohio Road continues its course for fifty miles through a rich, rolling country, the agricultural features of which, its richness of soil, abundance of heavy timber, and large herds of stock, will al- ways arrest and gratify the eye of the traveller, until you reach Bellaire. At Bellaire you proceed by steamer on the River Ohio across to Benwood in Virginia. Started in the cars from there, you proceed swiftlj' past Moundsville, Cameron, Welling Tunnel, and other places of interest, and finally approach the western slope of the Alle- ghanies. You soon approach to the Monongahela River, above the beautiful towns of Fairniount and Palatine, with the picturesque wire suspension bridge uniting them. The great 620 foot iron bridge, too, by wliich the railroad crosses the Monongahela, a mile east of Fairmount, stands out as a remarkably strong and beautiful structure. The views along the Tj'gart's Valley River, between the Monongahela and Grafton, for twenty miles, 'with the "Valley River Falls," are among the objects most admired, so far, upon this route. Passengers for Pittsburg go by rail from Bellaire to Steubenville, and thence to Pittsburg. Passengers for Wheeling go by rail from Benwood thence. After leaving Benwood Station you reach Grafton, thence proceed ou to Cumberland, Martinsburg, Harper's Ferry, on to Baltimore. Passengers from Cincinnati or Columbus, for Philadelphia or New York direct, and de- sirous of seeing the scenery of the Alleghanies, and Susquehanna River, proceed via Wheel- ing or Pittsburg, thence to Philadelphia and New York direct. The journey from Pitts- burg to Philadelj)hia should bj^ all means, if possible, be made bj' daylight. A description of the route from Grafton to Baltimore, and views of scenery on the line, will be found given elsewhere, in connection with the trip on the Baltimore and Ohio Rail- road from Baltimore to Cincinnati via Marietta. 22 THE BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD. THE BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD. The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad was the first line which was opened for goods and passengers in the United States, and consequently may be termed the Father of railroads in this country. It has proved also a sort of nursery for rearing railway assistants, for all the other roads in the country. It extends from Baltimore (Maryland) to Parkersburg on the banks of the Ohio — hence the name Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. We subjoin a few particulars respecting this line of road, which may be found interesting : EXTENT AND GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE ROAD. Length of Line. Miles. Main line of road — Baltimore to Wheeling 879 Washington Junction (nine miles from BaJtimore) to Washington City SO Mount Clare Junction to Locust Point Shipping Station, at Baltimore 3 Monocacy Station, on the Main Stem, to Frederick City 3 Grafton, on the Main Stem, (279 miles from Baltimore) to Parkersburg, on the Ohio Kiver 104 Total length of first track 519 Length of second track (including 196 sidings) on the Main Stem 212 Second track in sidings upon the Washington Branch T Second track in sidings upon the Northwestern Virginia Road 7 Total length of track owned and worked by the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company 746 To this add the following exclusive tributaries — Winchester and Potomac Railway from Harper's Ferry, on the Main Stem, to Winchester, Va 32 The several lateral roads traversing the coal regions, ;i!id uniting ^vith the Main Stem at Cumberland and Piedmont 45 Total length of road 822 Heaviest permanent grade per mile 116 feet. Heaviest temporary grade, worked with locomotive 520 '_' Longest continuous grade, (from Piedmont to Altamont,) 17 miles. Greatest altitude of road-bed above tide-water 2,620 feet. Weight of rail per lineal yard, on main and second track 55 to 85 lbs. Number of locomotive engine-houses and shops 57 Aggi-egate number of stalls for locomotive engines 230 Number of machinery and car repair stations 12 Number of repair shops ^^ i:umber of waterstations, (on the Main Stem, 79; on the Northwestern Virginia Road, 11; on the Wash- ington Branch, 4,) 94 Number of telegraph stations 30 Number of freight and passenger stations, (Main Stem, 62 ; Washington Branch, 8 ; Northwestern Vir- ginia Road, 15,) 85 Number of tunnels between Baltimore and Wheeling 14 Total length of tunnelling ^;'''*"^ ^^f^- Length of tunnelling solidly arched with stone, iron or brick, 12.004 ' Number of bridges between Baltimore and Wheeling iV ' ■^'o' ^ Total length of bridging o'T?^ ^if *" Length of new iron railroad bridges completed, mostly with double track rf,710 ^^ Length of stone bridges completed 5,240 |^ Length of wooden bridges completed 4,0d8 Number of tons of freight hauled in 1857 o??';ii Number of tons of freight hauled one mile in 1857 ' rofin Number of oflScers and employees 4,960 SCENERY IX PENXSYLVAXIA. 23 THE SUSQUEHAN>s"A AXD JUE'IATA ROUTE FROM PIirLAnELPIIIA TO PITTSBURG, AND THE "WEST. The nature of the country along this route is similar, in some respects, lo llie preceding one, a portion of the scenery pertaining to the same range of mountains, viz., the Allegha- nies. Throughout the entire route, however, taken as a whole, the scenery on the Pennsj-1- vania line, is much more subdued in character, and does not present so largo a proportion of wild, romantic sceneiy, as is to bo seen on the Baltimore and Ohio Road. Tlie Pennsylvania route is one of the great highways, from the Atlantic seaboard to the AVostcrn States, and is one of the best managed, and best made lines in tlie country. The scenerj- pertains chiefly to the beautiful Rivers Susquehanna and Juniata, and their tributaries, whilst along their banks, as well as in the Wyoming district, views of the wildest mountain, and finest landscape and river scenery, are to be met with. The Susquehanna is the largest river in Pennsylvania, rising in Otsego Lake, State of Xew York, and runs through the entire breadth, from north to south, of Pennsylvania, through the windings of the valleys of the AUeghanies, and the coal districts, until it reaches the ocean, in all about 500 miles long. THE GREAT COLUMBIA BRIDGE ACROSS THE SUSQUEHANNA. It is impossible, in our limits, to do any thing like justice to the beautiful scenery of this route. To represent such, we have selected a view of the magnificent Columbia Bridge, which crosses the Susquehanna, near Columbia village. This bridge, wliich is more than a mile long, crosses the river at a spot where the scenery is particularly pleasing. The river there is studded with numerous islands, reposing, as it wore, in a magnificent basin, which, with the lofty hills wooded to their tops, presents a scene of great beauty. Tlirough a portion of the same district flows the beautiful Juniata, an engraving of which we give from a drawing by Jesse Talbot, an American artist. Few rivers in the States afl'ord a finer field for the tourist, or artist, than the Juniata. This river is about 200 miles in length, and takes its rise at the foot of the Alleghany Mountains, and flowing for about U miles, falls into the Susquehanna at Ilarrisburg, Penn- sylvania. The country through which it runs, is diversified by limestone valleys, and mountain ridges, in which iron and coal are abundant. Tlie scenery along its course, is in the highest degree picturesque. 24 SCENE ON THE JUNIATA. SCEXE ON THE JUNIATA. From all we hear, the beautiful scenei-y in tlie State of Pennsylvania, and, in fact, the ■whole mountain range of the Alleghanies, and the rivers traversing Ihc vallej-s, are, com- paratively speaking, unknown. Now, however, that the communication to and from these districts is so frequent and easy, and that llie accommodation for tourists is every year in- creasing, we have little doubt but that such scenes as above represented, will be more than ever visited by all in search of the beautiful in nature. Bayard Taylor, the celebrated American traveller and writer, thus speaks regarding the scenery of the Juniata: — " At the commencement of June, when the leaves are fully expanded and retain their fresh and beautiful green, the warmth, brightness, and richness of the landscapes of tliis region are the very embodiment of the spirit of summer. Tlie forests are piled masses of gorgeous foliage, now stretching like a rampart over the hills, now following some winding water-course, and now broken into groves and clumps, dotting the undulations of the grain and grass fields. In the trim and careful beaut)' of England, and the broad gar- den of the Rhine plain, one sees nothing of this prodigality of bloom and foliage — this luxury of nature." MINEKAL EESOURCES IN STATE OF MISSOURI. 25 MINERAL RESOURCES OF MISSOURI. The Iron Mountain, of which we give a sketch, affords one of the most imposing samples of the mineral -wealth of the State of Missouri which we could possibly present. Iron Mountain is situated in St. Francois County, in the south-east part of Missouri, a few miles from Potosi, where valuable lead mines are situated, the ore yielding 70 to 80 per cent, of metal. It is about 440 feet high, and l-J- miles long. The yield of ore is 00 per cent, of pig, of a qualitj' said to be superior to Norwegian or Swedish iron. Dr. Fenchtwanger estimates that between Iron Mountain and Pilot Knob — another such mine of wealth in the same state — there are 600,000,000 tons of iron ore. Regarding the Iron Mountain it is said " its whole top is a solid mass of iron, and one sees nothing but iron lumps, as far as the eye can reach." A plank road extends from Iron Mountain, a distance of 42 miles, to St. Genevieve, a port on the Mississippi, 61 miles below St. Louis, to which the manufactured ore is shipped from the works at Iron Mountain. A railroad is in progress of being laid, Avliich will form the connecting link between St. Louis and Iron Mountain. Regarding the general mineral resources of Missouri, we may here quote from a writer on tills subject: — "The mineral region of Missouri occupies an area of about 18,000,000 acres. As early as 1718 it was described in a French chart as 'au pays plein de mines.' It extends from the head waters of the St. Francis to the Maramec River, a distance of about 70 miles in length, and from the Mississippi, in a south-westerly direction, about 60 miles. Tlie eleva- tion of the district above the sea level varies from 600 to 1,200 feet. The climate is equable and salubrious, and the superincumbent soil moderately fertile. 'No one of the mining disti'icts of Euroj>e enjoys such facilities of supporting a large population. Except- ing gold and platina, most of tlie important and useful metals and ores are known to exist in Missouri. The following minerals, metallic and non-metallic, arranged here according te tlieir intrinsic value, have been found within its limits — lead, iron, copper, cobalt, silver, nickel, zinc and calamine, manganese and wadd, coal, rock salt, barytes, sand and quartz, carV)onate and sulphate of lime, alumine and potter's clay, fuller's earth, variegated marble and oolite, saltpetre, antimony, tin, tungstate of iron and lead, diamonds, chalcedony and feldsjiar, and some others of perhaps a minor importance. » "The lead mines have been wrought since the first settlement of the country. The ore is in the form of sulphuret and carl)onate, and in the upi)er mines at Potosi it is found mixed with calamine and blende. The lead region extends over the counties of Madison, St. Francois, St. Louis, "Washington, etc. Formerly the carbonate Avas considered as worthless, but it is now reduced in blast furnaces, and yields 72 per cent. Tiie sulphuret yields from 66 to 80 per cent., and contains about 6 per cent, of silver. Iron in the form of hematite, and the ochrey, the micaceous and red oxydes, are found in the greatest abundance. The ores exist throughout the mineral region, and extend even into the coal formation, which occupies so large a surface. Abundant, easily maTiufactured, and the trensportation easy, this is essentially the staple of i\Iissouri. The mines of copper are cliii'tl3' found in the south and west portions of the mineral region, but exist in other parts. The ore is of every variety, and usually verj' rich. It is found in combination with lead and iron, frequently witli manganese, cobalt, and nickel, and occasionally with silver. It is generall}- pyritous, but oxeydes and cai-bonates are frequently found. Tlie ores appear as a cement uniting angular fragments of lime rock, forming a breccia, and much of it is easily removed by a pickaxe alone. As a general thing the yield is about 34 per cent, of metal. The copper mines of Missouri are said to be more valuable than even those of Lake Superior. The several metals found in combination with the above, namely, silver, zinc, manganese, cobalt, nickel, etc., give an additional value to the mines; and as tin has been found near Caledonia, it may be said of Missouri, that no other state or county is richer in metallic wealth, or has better prospects of future prosperity." Another writer says: "Geologists say that the rock on the west side of the mountain be- longs to the lower siiurian limestone era. The boring of Belcher's Artesian Well, tells us that this same bed of rock, which forms the surface of the countrj' on the west side of the mountain, is in the well 2,000 feet below the bed of the Mississippi River, a dip of 2,800 feet from the mountain to St. Louis. Geologists say that this dip was necessary to form the great basins which contain coal in the central part of Illinois. On the east side of the mountain a granite country is found." KANSAS AND NEBRASKA. 27 THE VALLEY OF THE MISSOURL I\ our description of the ■western por- tion of the States, we have conchided for the present not to extend tlie limits of our information further west than tliat of the Missouri Valley — and although Nebraska and Kansas formed no part in the original plan, in the publication of the work, yet, from the great emigration movement in that direction, of late, we have thought it advisa- ble to give the following details of that won- derful region, although not from oiu' own experience, not having as yet had an oppor- tunity of penetrating so far west. In some future edition of this work, we may be able to present such, from our own observation — meantime, we compile from what appears to us to be a reliable notice of this territory, which appeared in the Xorth American Jie- view, for July, 1858, in a review, in that journal, of two works lately published on that part of the Union. After describing that portion of the coun- try west of Nebraska and Kansas, which is considered to be undesirable as a field for emigration, the writer asks: — " What effect will the important fact have on these young territories themselves, as well as on the country at large ? Nebraska and Kansas will, in that case, be the shores at which will terminate a vast ocean desert, nearly lOnO miles in breadth. To the west of that lie California and Oregon, great pro^ ducing, and j-et not capable of becoming great manufacturing countries. " On the eastern coast of this great desert sea will lie Kansas and Nebraska, of all coun- tries the best suited for the sites of vast man- ufactories. There run rivers whose descents, and whose capaciousness adapt them as well to turn the wheel as to irrigate the land. There, underdeath a soil which can support a million of workmen, are spread layers of coal which will form the fuel for tens of thousands of stpiare miles. There is the iron wliich is to form both the engine and the staple — the arm that strikes, as well as the material which is struck. lEere, in fact, are the great furnishing warerooms, where the people of California will exchange their gold and quicksilver, and those of Oregon their fish and lumber, for the hardwai'e, the cloths, and the furniture whicli the manufactories of the Missouri Valley will produce. . . . Freight amounting to five dollars per 100 weight will be a sufficient protection to force the manu- factories of the Missouri A'^allej- at once into energetic action." If manufactured there, heavy goods will be able to be sold 20 per cent, less than those brought from the facto- ries in Connecticut or Pennsylvania. " When the time comes for the inland transportation of the goods of India and Cliina from the Pacific to the Atlantic, it will be found that there is one route whose cheap- ness — at least, for heavy goods — will enable it to outbid all competitors." . . . . " Tiie Co- lumbia River, while it forms one vast and navigable stream from the ocean to the centre of the Oregon plains, flares out at the latter point into three forks, each of which ofl'ers a pass, and the only passes here accessible through the Rockj' Mountains. It is the Co- lumbia alone'that holds the keys to the passes of the mountains, from which, on the eastern- most side, run the tributaries of the Platte. The forks of the Columbia will, therefore, have one side of them the only navigable waters leading to the Pacific, and on the other the only highways through whose mountain gates the locomotive can course to the Missouri Valley." That the Platte and the Kansas are incapable of navigation, we think is abundantly proved ; but it is equally clear that the valleys through which they run are the natural courses llu'ough which the canal must be opened and the railwaj' laid. Thus there will pour into the great depots which these frontier States will pre- sent, not only the products of Eastern and Western America, but those of China and India, The corn and wheat prairies of Nebraska, Iowa, and Kansas, stand on the banks of that great river (Missouri) which, with a volume, a force, and through an extent of territory no other stream can equal, shoots down the freight committed to it on the vast corn- consuming plains of the Southern Mississipj^i. . . . . Never was there such an avenue for such a freight. For 500 miles these magnifi- cent prairies slope upward from the river banks. For 1000 miles it dashes down, with a velocity which enables even the slower class of steamboats to make the descent in from 15 to 20 miles per hour. It is here that the Missouri has the great advantage over the Mississippi. The prairie country is scarce- ly reached by the latter river — so far as con- tinuous navigation is concerned The navigation of the Missouri, on the other hand, continues nearly 1000 miles beyond where that of the Mississippi stops It is on ac- count of the chea])ness and rapidity which transportation in such a channel gives that we think the market of the gulf country will be supplied from the valley of the Missouri — not from that of the Mississippi. TuE Extent and Ciiaractek of the Soil. — "The bottom lands, of which the base of this seam (the Missouri) is composed, form a plain extending from 5 to 25 miles in breadth, and accompanying the river through nearly its whole course." The soil is of a very shifting nature, and the course of the river very cir- cuitous. " It doubles and curves, for instance, to such an extent around a line of 100 miles, between Leavenwortli and Nebraska City, as to make that lOO miles into 200. What is 28 THE VALLEY OF THE MISSOURI. =^i^=r *i.O'tV?,-^0. STEAMING UP THE RIVER MISSOURI popularlj' called the 'western bank,' is, by turns, the southern and the eastern." For farming purposes, therefore, the lands of that nature are rery uncertain and precarious. In its course, however, it leaves, on the one side or the other, a rich bottom, which, for immediate productiveness, has probablj- no superior in the world. " To this are add- ed uniform belts of forest trees, interposing themselves between the bottom and the bluffs, which, along the States of Iowa andJIissouri, and the opposite shores, develop themselves in great beauty. These trees, in connection with the stone with which the bluffs are often filled, give building materials to the settler in the richest abundance. In Xebraska, the fei-tile bottom lands on the Missouri Rivor begin near the mouth of the Vermilion River, on the 9'7th meridian, about 50 miles from Sioux City, and about 1000 miles on the river-course from the Mis- sissippi. The trees on the river bottoms are immense and luxuriant. West of Sioux City, the bottom lands become narrow and irregu- lar, and give only an imcertain prospect of support. The soil on the table prairie lands, which lie back from the bluffs, is not suscep- tible of much cultivation — degenerating into a cold and desolate moor. The exception to this is a patch, 60 miles above the Big Sioux, at the mouth of the Eau-qui-Court, which there runs into the Missouri. No point be- yond the Vemilion can be relied on to raise corn. The Platte River Valley. — The valley of the Platte is sodded with firm, and yet nutri- tious grass, which affords a road for wagons, and food for the oxen or mules by which the wagons are drawn. Along this great high- way, the emigration from the Atlantic to the Pacific will pass. In the bottom lands of the Platte, cotton- wood of excellent quality is to be found; and above and aroimd the forks, cedar in consid- erable quantity is to be seen. The width of the Platte is, generallj-, one mile; and, when full, is six feet deep, but rarely is so: consequently, is considered of no use for navigation purposes. The arable prairies that arise from the bluff's by wliich the Platte is hemmed, do not spread to any considerable extent after the first 150 miles of its course are passed. The region south of the Platte presents a much wider sweep for agricultural enterprise. There, a climate not j'ct infected with the parching heat of the low country, is united with a soil of eminent fruitfulness; and, as the arable lands begin to widen, they disclose one of the loveliest regions in the world. Tlie arable lands extend from 150 to 200 miles from the river banks. The CoMPosrrioN and Productiveness of the Soil. — Tlie general character of the bottom lands — not only of the Missouri, but of the Kansas, the Yellowstone, and the Platte — is of sand and clay, richly impregnated and saturated with carbon, and with the vast quantities of decayed vegetable matter which the rivers are constantly precipitating. CLIMATE OF KAXSAS AXD NEBRASKA. 29 Not unusually, Indian corn to the amount of 150 bushels to the acre ai-e produced, Avith scarcely any more preparation than the ordi- nary turning over, ■which is easily done by the plough. From the river basin, rise ter- races, or subsidiary bottom, at an average of 50 feet from the river level, and sloping and sweeping awa}- till they reach, sometimes, the prairies themselves. For permanency, depth, richness, and ex- tent, the prairie soil can find nothing in the world, to say the least, to excel it — many parties declaring that there is nothing to equal it. Unlike the bottom lands, which are soft and pliable, the prairie lands of the Missouri are tough and tenacious. In Nebraska and Kansas, as many as six or eight yoke of oxen are employed at a single plough in breaking the ground for the first time. When once upturned, however, the sod rots in a single summer, after which it may be ploughed by a single yoke. Indian corn and potatoes grow upon it after the first ploughing ; wheat not until after the second. The present appearances of the prairies of the Missouri show clear evidence of having, some centuries ago, been under cultivation, the fields, etc., being clearly traced. They are found in the best- watered and richest sec- tions, and extend from one to three hundred acres in area. Lumber. — In respect to forests, south-east- ern Nebraska and Eastern Kansas have a great advantage over Illinois and Iowa. In the latter States we may travel for miles with- out seeing a single tree within sight. In the central valley of the Missouri, the cotton- wood, willow, and poplar spread them- selves in great abundance and beauty along the bottom lands, and on the blulfs are found the oak, elm, cedar, and the black walnut, thus providing abundant material on the spot for building and fencing. Climate. — Between the Missouri Valley and the same range of latitude towards the east, the advantages, so far as evenness of temperature is concerned, are with the latter. Both in Kansas and Nebraska the thermom- eter ranges from 15 degrees higher in sum- mer, and 15 degrees lower in winter, than in Virginia or Pennsylvania. It is not imcom- mon for the mercury to sink to 30 degrees below zero in the one season, and to keep steady in the other, even as far north as Omaha City, at 110. It is an error to seek the causes of these extremes in the as yet un- settled condition of the country. They result from the fact, that as we recede further from the sea-coast, both heat and cold become, in their degree, greater, as can be explained on philosophic grounds. Two features, however, tend greatly to soften these extremes. The winter is relieved by the crisp dryness of the air, as compared with the piercing sharpness of the Atlantic seaboard, or the raw, damp, cold atmosphere of Great Britain. The Breezes ox the Prairtes. — The sum- mer — to those who can take refuge in the shade — has nearh' all its terrors removed by the cool and powerful breezes by which the prairies are incessantly swept. It is in these breezes, in fact, that consists one of the main charms of prairie life. In their uniformity, their bracing purity, their vigour, they rival those of the sea. They are greatly preferable, in these respects, to those that traverse the eastern Alleghany slopes. There, the wind is fractured into puifs, or slit into threads by the forests, gorges, mountain crags, and ravines, through which it passes. But the breezes of the prairies pass onward in one grand and unbroken sheet. They blow with the evenness and continuity of the eastern trade winds, which may always be relied on, and in summer, at least, is as far from sinking at one time into a calm, as from rising into a hurricane. In winter the wind then covers the prairies with a cold and heavy weight, whose very uniformity aggra- vates its severity. But in the summer, the delicious coolness and the unfailing regular- ity of the prairie winds are blessings to which all travellers will bear a grateful testimony. In connection with this subject, we quote from a writer in Colburn's New Mo7ithly Mag- azine for July. 1858, who, on an excursion to the " Great West," and close to the Missouri, says : — " The west of America must be a healthy country, except where the land is low or near sluggish mud-banked rivers, for there inter- mittent fevers prevail as well as elsewhere. There seemed in the midst of the excessive heat, a power of exertion, a springiness, not at all like the faint, relaxing sensation of a very hot English summer's daj-. I speak of the dry prairies of the west. The air was always clear, dry, exhilarating beyond idea." 30 MISSISSIPPI RAILROAD BRIDGE, IOWA. > < o I— t P5 o o -r CO V .2 '^ 3 o ;= c3 p= .S 9 •^ tr* a :2 c; c o ^ -«j rrj > '■S CO !* (— t) ffi 5 00 -4^ O CO %4 to o o C^ ^ 60 g a3 -rs w O o s o of o O S o t" C > -4-:> a c C3 •g |n 2 a lyj ^ to" tj -4-3 o u ^* • rH t— 1 o «<-i CC <4.H s O O o «i <4-' 00 o ■i; C3 ^ ^ ^ a) > "^ o 2 ^ h -^ >.'^ > — c ^ o .S S /2 D M2 *5 Q ^ 'O 1— * ■V-c (M CO o ipital State. >> o •73 Pi to CS 00 "73 p -3 p ^ O ^ o r^ c3 ^ a c 2 "a (4 b a ^ >> _a fL, -g 1 a 5 '^ r3 C 1^ ci Ch O =5 "t- c5 cr* rt (^ j2 -t- <^ o ^2 £ >. aj .5 ^ .2 a .2 ::3 Ch f fee O a -d f a -tJ CS «.-■ 2 o i ^ ^ CO 2 5 <^ o j5 *-l3 K I' § .2 C3 I— I 5 Tfl CJ CO .i; to Q J^ o aj O cj en 'S a '^ p., * to •r! CO l* 1 S .2^ « 2 g « '5 "d .2 "§ to to a) o r3 r; P d Si a) o OJ o 7^ ^ ^ 'S q 2 V. ^ o o c ^ 03 05 fl ^^ S^ be t- — I " a ^ a o o -^ ^" > > O i ■t; a a a s o O CJ o 00 aj fcD r3 O C- . O ti aj > "- a S o o ^d CO ^ I— I ;« o (^ a o a? a eS to aj -.J a o 'd a> -^ a a tg a o « o =^ 5 P5 :2 2 -S- c. I ^ - —^ = o 2 '"^ a o a I a 5 -5 r3 a aj %* to c ;:3 £ aj = a ■a "^ 5 S 5. E. ^ o ^^ o •^ C ■*= CD be C ^ S a «5 0) T3 s a ^ aj a ci a CO CS u a 2 fcD '=' a o ^ ^ - O ca o ^^•?; o a _a ci *- a> a a: = o a -►^ o S o o O o CO ,u £ o r3 ^ 'S "*^ a? '*^ cS aj -4.3 aj a? rH bj) t4-i rp O ^ a, a; 00 ^ g ® d a a cj "3 t-i o > a) -a 60 a a o TRIP ON THE UPPER MISSISSIPPI. 81 TRIP ON THE UPPER MISSISSIPPI, FROM PRAIRIE DU OHIEN AND ST. PAUL. A CORRESPONDENT, who made this trip last summer, has furnished us with the following notes, which we have illustrated with several sketches of some of the most important places and ohjects of interest on the route. He thus writes: — It may be as well to s;iy, that tourists, bent on this trip, can take the railway cars from either Chicago, Milwaukee, Madison, or any of tiie principal points of rail terminating at Prairie du Chien. At 11.30, A. M., therefore, we left Milwaukee (Wisconsin) by the train, on a most lovely day, a fresh breeze tempering the blazing heat of old Sol, which rendered his rays more agreeable. After wliirling along pretty rapidly and smoothly, we found ourselves at a station called the Y station, a little beyond the town of Milton, and the junction of the line from Chica- go, where the tourists and travellers, going to Prairie du Chien and North, meet with those from Milwaukee. Started from this point, we bowled along over the beautiful sward of what is considered up there the unrivalled rock-prairie. Gliding swiftlj' along, we in course of time, (4, p. M.,) reached Madison, the capital of Wisconsin. (See Madison.) Started from MadLson, we pursued our journey down the valley of the Black Earth — nanu'd so, we presume, from the rich, black soil of the valley — whose richness, some say. will never wear out, and never require manure. After passing through the ever-varying landscape of that beau- tiful valley, we soon reach Mazomaine — where there is an excellent refreshment saloon. 32 UPPER MISSISSIPPI — SUNSET. From this stopping-place, we proceeded on, with the shades of evening beginning to close upon us, till we reached the valley of the Wisconsin, and through some neat villages which the rail has called into existence. The Wisconsin, which flows here — the cars crossing it 3 times — is something of the character of the Missouri, rather shifting in its course, render- ing, by its sand banks, the navigation rather difficult. By and by, we arrived, at about 9, p. M., at Prairie du Chien. (See Pi'airie du Chien.) Having alighted from the cars, we soon found ourselves on the bank of the mighty Mis- sissippi. Arrived, therefore, at Prairie du Chien, the tourist will find his way on board the " Mil- waukee," or some other steamer in waiting — unless it be that some of last year's steamers have " gone up in a cloud of smoke," or down into the " fearful abyss," in a determined heat with some opposition boat, since last July. On board the "Milwaukee," however, we found ourselves, a little after 9, p. m., bound for the " Far West," still scarcelj'^ realizing any thing particular, but that we were embarking on board at Gravesend on a trip up the Thames to London, only that the splendid steamer, and her comforts, (unknown in river navigation in Great Britain,) brought us to our recol- lection that we were, as some Americans would say, "considerable" from home, being at Prairie du Chien, about 1300 miles from ^ew York, and some 4800 miles from London, (Eng.,) and with other 300 miles up the Mississippi before we reached St. Paul. First thing to do, was to secure a state-i'oom for the night, which being done, we soon found ourselves in the upper part of the vessel, seeing what we could all "by moonlight alone." Nothing, however, was to be seen but the mighty river stretching far in front and behind us. As we were not to start till next morning, we were soon compelled to seek the retirement of our state-room for the night. Next morning found us at an early and excellent breakfast, after which we were on deck. At 9, a. m., the night mail train, from Milwaukee and the East, brought up the mails and passengers, which, after being all safely on board, we started oft' on our way north. Having formed the acquaintance of some pleasant companj-, on board, we soon found our- selves sometimes playing at draughts, heai'ing music, or admiring the beauties of the river scenery, and so morning, noon, and evening, passed away. The scenery on the river is truly fine ; in some parts the little islands foiming, with their green-clad vegetation, a miniature " Thousand Islands." The sides of the river were covered, for the most part, with their summer attire of shrub- bery, the high bluff's showing forth in bold relief. Bj'-and-by we reach La Crosse and Wenonu, two of the best looking, and busiest towns on the Upper Mssissippi. Between these two towns and Trempeleau, the scenery became very fine, and what, with a beautiful sunset, (sunsets scarcely known in Britain,) beamed forth a perfect blaze of rich crimson light, tinting the islets on the river, and the tops of the bluffs on each side, altogether forming a panorama beyond our powers of de- scription. Gradually the sun departed in tlie western horizon, and withdrawing with him the glorious scene before us — till at length it disappeared — ^leaving us only the very short interval of twilight, before we again found ourselves in the saloons, all lighted for the enjoyment of the night. Any one who has the good fortune to see such a sunset on the Mississippi will never forget it. It is different from the sunsets, even in Canada, New York, and on Lake Erie, but still more different, from what may be seen from off Ilampstead Heath, when the loud hum of the day's bustle in London, (Eng.,) is dying away toward the close of the day — from off Edinburgh Castle, when the sun is receding beliind the hills in Stirlingshire, sending his lurid glare of light down the Firth of Forth, till it touches the Inchkeith Lighthouse, and lighting up the whole of the new town of Modern Athens, (Edinburgh, Scot.,) and gilding, with his rays, the tops of the hills in Fifeshire, Perthshire, and other portions of the highlands of Scotland — or when he would be bidding farewell to the day, as he tinted up the tops of the high hills, between Taj-mouth Castle, and the pass of Killiecrankie, sending a flood of light down the glens and valleys of Loch Tay, and Kinloch Rannoch. Sublime as these synsets are, the tourist THE UPPER MISSISSIPPI — ST. PAUL — MINNESOTA. 35 will find in the sunsets of the " far west" a greater richness and vividness of eolom-ing — iiud being over a different character of country — the wide-sweeping prairie on the one hand, and the bluffs on the river on the other — such as cannot fail to strike him at once with admiration as to their extent and beauty. That evening we went up the Mississippi ; there was a very gay and happy company on board, so towards evening, the music brought some of the company to their feet to dance, till at last it ended in a regular ball. The time flew rapidly past, as may be supposed, amidst such excitement and hilarity, till at length the " wee short hour" on the other side of 12 announced it was bedtime. Some of the party sat up on the upper deck all night, to enjoy the scenery of Lake Pepin (which we had now approached) by moonlight. Lake Pepin is 35 miles long, 2 to 5 miles wide, and from 50 to 100 feet deep. Sometimes it blows hard on this lake, so much so, that the river-boats, not being constructed to stand either a " sou'-wester" or a " nor'-wester," sometimes lay-to all night, till it is safe for them to venture further. On this occasion, it was a beautiful night, so we went a-head on its placid waters. About 2, a. m., we passed the " Maiden Rock," on the lake, and shortly afterwards we were again on the river, the lake forming a large expanse of the river, similar to the lakes on the River Ottawa, C. W., forming in succession as they do that beautiful river. The town of Prescott was next reached. Situated at the mouth of the St. Croix River, it is the most north-westerly town of Wisconsin. The location is a very pretty one, and we understood it continues to be a fast rising town. By-and-by, about 9, a. m., we descried the "city" of St. Paul "looming in the distance." After passing the business portion of the town, we landed at the wharf there, and set foot on the terrritory of the far-famed Minnesota, and in its capital, St Paul ST. PAUL. Ox our visit, St Paul, like every other place, was affected with the prevailing epidemic, of " hard times," which had checked the ardour of some of her speculative citizens quite as much as it had done those of older cities. Consequently the town was dull, and also most of the people in it All, however, with plenty of pluck, confident, that ere long, the little north-west city must of necessity go a-head again, and not stop till she is up sides with some of her south and easterly sister cities. Unlike most American towns, the streets of St. Paul are narrow, which we fancy will be regretted ere long. The streets, moreover, like those of Xew York, were dirty, and in bad order, but no doubt that in time will be rec- tified. The suburbs of St Paul, however, are very beautiful, and many of the private resi- dences, on the higher parts of the town, are very handsome and attractive. The population of St Paul is variously estimated at from ten to fifteen thousand, of which a large propor- tion — probably a third — are foreigners; it contains a capitol and other public buildings, seven or eight churches, among which are two Episcopal, two Roman Catholic, two Pres- byterian, and one or two Methodist and Baptist The Romanists are also putting up a fine college, decidedly the handsomest public building in the place. The limestone, with which the whole town is underlaid, affords an admirable building stone, being very durable, hand- some, and distributed in layers so as to be most conveniently worked. There are tliree daily and three weekly papers published, which seem to have a large circulation, and to be ably conducted. There are also two German and a Norwesrian paper, and one or two other small publications. The principal street fronts the river for about two miles, and is lined with large stores of all kinds, to supply the increasing trade of that north-westerly region. The principal hotel is the Fuller House— a magnificent house, erected at a cost of $100,000, and fitted up with every modern comfort and convenience. There are five railroads in this State, just commencing, or in course of completion : the Minnesota and Pacific — running from St. Paul to a point on the Missouri River; the North-western— from St Paul to Lake Superior; the Cedar Valley and Minneapolis— SUSPENSIOX BRIDGE AT ST. ANTHONY's FALLS. 37 from Minneapolis to Iowa line; the Transit and Root River — coming from Prairie du Chien ; and the other from La Crosse, uniting at Rochester, and then continuing to St. Paul. These roads are all in progress, and Minnesota •will soon have her network of rail- ways, which will develope her resources, and give her a proud position among her sister States. (See View of St. Paul, next page.) En passant, we maj' mention, that some of the merchants of St. Paul, who import their goods from Britain, do so direct from Liverpool via New Orleans, thence per steamer on the Mississippi. The saving is such, that the whole cost of transportation from Liverpool to St. Paul is veiy little more than the mere charges of transhipping at New York, and the freight from there to St. Paul. We have no doubt many importers on the other ports on the Mississippi and the Missouri will be following the example of the St. Paul merchants, the inland carriage from the Atlantic seaboaz'd being extremely heavy on goods bound for the west and north-west provinces. CD w CQ I— ( o !z! W O o W H > o f I— I > f CO o *^ CO >^ ;> n o CO O 88 FALT.S OF ST. ANTHONY AND MINNEHAHA. ST. PAUL TO ST. ANTHONY AND FALLS OF ^IINNEHAHA. Engaging a horse and bnggy at the Fuller House Hotel, we soon found ourselves en route for the falls, and a most delightful drive it is, over fine rolling uplands, covered with the precious staff of life, and waving and surging under the gentle breeze, ripening for the mower, and then to be sent abroad, perhaps thousands of miles, to feed the hungry in some of the cities in the east, or even Great Britain. On both sides of the road the landscape is beautiful, now and then showing glimpses of the Mississippi in the distance. At length we reached St. Anthony. Much as we have heard of the situation of St. Anthony, as the site for a manufacturing city, we did not expect to see so good a location for that purpose, and were, therefore, agreeably disappointed. The water-power is unlimited and inex- iiaustible — the great desideratum for a manufacturing city. The surrounding country is very fertile and the climate salubrious, in fact, similar to the more northerly portions of Canada West, ^vith hot summers, tempered by the breezes from the west, with a very cold but dry atmosphere in winter. MINNEHAHA FALLS— "THE LAUGHING WATER." FALLS OF ST. ANTHONY AND MINNEHAHA. 39 At St. Anthony, the Mississippi has a perpendicular fall of 18 feet — the first which occurs in ascending the river. The site of the village is on an elevated plain, and commands a fine view of the Falls, and is distant about 8 miles by land from St. Paul. The University of Jlinnesota is established at St. Anthony, besides which, it contains 5 or 6 churches, about 30 stores, 2 newspaper offices, and several saw-mills, and other manu- facturing establishments. The post-office is named St. Anthony's Falls. Population, about 2,500. Opposite to the town of St. Anthony, is Minneapolis, on the opposite side of the river. At night we staj'ed at St^ Anthony. Next day we set out on a visit to Fort Snelling and Minnehaha. After crossing the suspension bridge, we soon found ourselves in Minne- apolis, and at the celebrated Falls of Minnehaha — " the laughing water" — " the smile of the great spirit" — which will be found the prettiest little fall imaginable, complete in all its parts. A clear, sparkling stream comes rushing along the prairie, until it suddenly takes a leap of 60 feet over the precipice, and is lost in a deep dell, the sides of which are covered with shrubbery of luxurious growth. The rock over which the stream leaps, has been worn into an arch, and one can pass to and fro underneath, between the falls and the rock, with little or no inconvenience. The recess behind the fall extends back nearly 50 feet, and, from that point, an extraor- dinary beautiful view of the fall is obtained, as the sun shines on the outside of it. The tou- rist can pass in at one side behind the fall, and find egress at the other side. From the world-wide known Indian poem of Hiawatha, by Longfellow, we annex a few verses, descriptive of the scene now under notice : — " Only once his pace he slackened, Only once he paused or halted — Paused to purchase heads of arrows Of the ancient arrow-maker, In the land of the Dacotahs, Where the Falls of iMinnehaha Flash and gleam among the oak trees, Laugh and leap into the valley. " There the ancient arrow-maker Makes his arrow-heads of sandstone, Arrow-heads of chalcedony, Arrow-heads of flint and jasper, Smoothed and sharpened at the edges, Hard and polished, keen and costly. " AVith him dwelt his dark-eyed daughter, Wayward as the Minnehaha, With her moods of shade and sunshine ; Eyes that smiled and frowned alternate, Feet as rapid as the river, .\nd as musical as laughter; -And he named her from the river. From the waterfall he name I' R < d es t-H I* GO so H .,,,, „„M„„„„l||l|i|!iii|il||l I ,i"i'' !!!!!•• .,1. !l" ; ill r iliiilif lir''--^'' 1iilil!lii!i'i:l''y'ii iji' ' ■.^;i|.i:'''il:l|!ii!piii llii' :!ii i Ii;.'' nil'" liliilliill,,: ,, i,,'i' iliPl h.Hl! milli):: 1' !''''!i.inii|!rp: iiiiiiii iiiiiii,. i i!'!i' .:;;:!!i:-i!ii!iiii::Pi!!i LAKE OF THE THOUSAND ISLANDS AND RAPIDS. 43 LAKE OF THE THOUSAND ISLANDS. The steamer, after leaving Kingston, C. W., or Cape St. Vincent, on the American Bide Bhortly after approaches the far-famed Lake of the Thousand Islands. These islands appear so thickly studded that the appearance to the spectator, on approaching them, is as if tlie vessel steered lier course towards the head of a landlocked bay wliicli barred all furtlier progress— coming nearer, a small break in the line of shore opens up, and he enters between what he now discovers to be islands, and islands which are innum- erable — now he sails in a wide channel between more distant shores, again he enters into a strait so narrow that the large paddle boxes of the steamer almost sweep the foliage on either side as she pursues her devious course — now the islands are miles in circumference, and again he passes some which are very small, shaded \>y a single tiny tree occupying the handful of earth which represents the " dry land." On all, the trees grow to the water's edge, and dip their outer branches in the clear blue lake. Sometimes the mirage throws its air of enchantment on the whole, and the more distant islands seem floating in mid- heaven — only descending into the lake as a nearer approach dispels the illusion, and when the rushing steamer breaks the fair surface of the water, in wliich all this loveliness is re- flected as in a mirror — to quote the words of Warburton, " the eye does not weary to see, but the head aclies in even writing the one word — T)eauty — wherever you steer over this sweet scene beauty — beautj- still." To see and really enjoy and appreciate the charms of the Lake of the Thousand Isles, one ought to visit it in a small boat, and spend many days amid its labyrinths; but we are on board a steamer, and must be content with the passing glance which her rapid and noisy course affords. An hour, or less even, and we ai'e through, — the Islands and the mighty Ontario are left behind, and we now emerge into the majestic river, though not to disappointment, for all is grand and beautiful still. As the steamer proceeds onwards tlie traveller, as he looks on the river from time to time, will soon remark that the current gains strength, eddies begin to sweep round in wide circles, and the upheaving surges, gently at first but angi-ilj' as }-ou proceed, boil and roar around and beneath your vessel — on she goes, fiister and still faster — look ahead, tlie white-crested breakers meet your ej-e; while you look, you are in the midst of them, and again you are out into smoother but still rapid water. In this way you pass down the upper rapids — the Galops, Point Iroquois, and some others which do not strike you as any thing remarkable. But now the water becomes again agitated, and boils and roars as it rushes down the Long Sault. LONG SAULT RAPID, ON THE ST, LAWRENCE. This is a continuous rapid of nine miles, divided in the centre by an island. The usual passage for steamers is on the south side. Tlie channel on the north side was formerly considered unsafe and dangerous ; but examinations have been made, and it is now descended with safety. The passage in the southern cliannel is very narrow, and such is the velocity of the current, that a raft, it is said, will drift the nine miles in 40 minutes. SHOOTING THE LONG SAULT. This is the most exciting part of the whole passage of the St. Lawrence. The rapids of -the " Long Sault" rush along at the rate of something like twenty miles an hour. When the vessel enters within their influence, the steam is shut off, and she is carried onward by the force of the stream alone. The surging waters present all the angry appearance of the ocean in a storm ; the noble boat strains and labors; but, unlike the ordinary pitch- ing and tossing at sea, this going down hill, by water, produces a highly novel sensation, and is, in fact, a service of some danger, the imminence of which is enhanced to the ima- gination by tlie tremendous roar of the headlong, boiling current. Great nerve, and force, and precision are here required in piloting, so as to keep the vessel's head straight with the course of the rapid ; for if she diverged in the least, presenting her side to the cur- u DESCENDING RAPIDS OF ST. LAWRENCE. rent, or " broached to," as the nautical phrase is, she would be instantly capsized and submerged. Hence the necessity for enormous power over her rudder ; and for this pur- pose the mode of steering affords great facility, for the wheel that governs the rudder is placed ahead, and, by means of chain and pulley, sways it But, in descending the ra- ili:' I'l' O < 02 CO H O a o •z « w o Q pids, a tiller is placed astern to the rudder itself, so that the tiller can be manned as well as the wheel. Some idea may be entertained of the peril of descending a rapid, when it requires four men at the wheel, and two at the tiller, to insure safe steering. Here is the region of the daring raftsmen, at whose hands are demanded infinite courage and skill ; and, despite of both, loss of life frequently occurs. Large steamers, drawing seven feet water, with passengers and the mails, leave the foot of Lake Ontario in the morning, and reach the wharves at Montreal by daylight, with- ROUTE OX THE ST. LAWRENCE. 45 out passing through a single lock. At some of the rapids there are obstacles preventing the descent of deeplj'-laden craft ; but the government are about to give the main chan- nel in all the rapids a depth of ten feet water, when the whole descending trade by steam will keep the river, leaving the canals to the ascending craft. After passing Cornwall (which is the boundary line between United States and Canada) and the Indian village of St. Regis opposite, the steamer approaches Lake St. Francis. LAKE ST. FRANCIS. This is the name of that expansion of the St. Lawrence which begins near Cornwall and St Regis, and extends to Coteau du Lac, a distance of 40 miles. The surface of this lake is interspersed with a great number of small islands. The village of Lancaster is situated CD the northern side, about midway, of this lake. CoTEAD DU Lac is a small village, situated at the foot of Lake St. Francis. The name, as well as the stj'le of the buildings, denotes its French origin. Just below the village are the Coteau Rapids. Cedars. — This village presents the same marks of French origin as Coteau du Lac. In the expedition of Gen. Amherst, a detachment of three hundred men that were sent to at- tack Montreal, were lost in the rapids near this place. The passage through these ra- pids is very exciting. There is a peculiar motion of the vessel, which, in descending, seems like settling down, as she glides from one ledge to another. In passing the rapids of the Split Rock, a person, unacquainted with the navigation of these rapids, will almost invol- untarily hold his breath until this ledge of rocks, which is distinctly seen from the deck of the steamer, is passed. At one time the vessel seems to be running directly upon it, and you feel certain that she will strike ; but a skilful hand is at the helm, and in an in- stant more it is passed in safety. Beauh.\rxois is a small village at the foot of the Cascades, on the south bank of the river. Here vessels enter the Beauharnois Canal — with 9 locks — and pass around the rapids of the Cascades, Cedars, and Coteau, into Lake St. Francis, a distance of 14 miles. On the north bank, a branch of the Ottawa enters into the St. Lawrence. The river again widens into a lake called St. Louis, 24 miles long. From this place a view is had of Montreal Mountain, several miles distant. In this lake is Nun's Island, which is beautifully cultivated, and be- longs to the Gray Nunnery at Montreal. There are many islands in the vicinity of ilontreal,. belonging to the different nunneries, and from which they derive large revenues. La Chixe. — This village is 9 miles from Montreal, with which it is connected by railroad. The La Chine Rapids begin just below the town. The current is here so swift and wild, that to avoid it, a canal has been cut around these rapids. This canal is a stupendous work, and reflects much credit upon the energy and enterprise of the people of Montreal. At La Chine is the residence of Sir George Simpson, Governor of the Hudson's Bay Com- pany, and of the officers of this, the chief post of that coi-poration. It is from this point that the orders from head-quarters in London are sent to all the many posts through- out the vast territory of the company ; and near the end of April each year a body of trained voyageurs set out hence in large canoes, called maitres canots, with packages and goods for the various posts in the wilderness. Two centuries ago, the companions of the explorer Cartier on arriving here, thought they had discovered a route to China, and ex- pressed their joy in the exclamation of La Chine ! Hence, the present name, or so at least says tradition. Caugonawaga. — This is an Indian village, lying on the south bank of the river, near the entrance of the La Chine Rapids. It derived its name from the Indians that had been con- verted by the Jesuits, who were called " Caughnawagas," or " praying Indians." This was probably a misnomer, for they were distinguished for their predatory incursions upon their neighbours in the New England provinces. The bell that now hangs in their church, was 46 ROUTE ON ST. LAWRENCE — TRENTON FALLS. the " proceeds" of one of these excursions. The Indians at Caughnawaga, subsist chiefly by navigating barges and rafts down to Montreal, and in winter by a trade in moccasins, snow- shoes, etc. They are mostly Roman Catholics and possess an elegant chuich. The village of La Prairie is some seven miles below Caughnawaga, or Village of the Rapids, after which the steamer sails on for a few miles, and reaches the city of Montreal. (See Montreal.) NIAGAEA FALLS TO THE LAKE OF THE THOUSAND ISLANDS. BY STEAMER ON AMERICAN SIDE OF ST. LAWRENCE. From the outlet of the Niagara at the Fort of that name to the boundary line 45°, the entire littoral is in the State of New York, and comprises in succession the counties of Ni- agara, Orleans, Monroe, Wayne, the northern corner of Cayuga, Oswego, Jefferson, and St. Lawrence. The last, along its entire western frontier, and a lialf of Jefferson county, are bounded by the river. From Fort Niagara to the mouth of the Genesee River, in Munroe county, a distance of about 85 miles, the coast presents an almost undeviating level under the pi'imeval brush-wood, relieved by a few scattered clearances. Should tlie tourist, on ascending the Genesee to Carthage, wliich is the port of Rochester, resolve upon visiting this city, he will find enough to engage and gratify his curiosity till he resumes his journey by the next steamer. This large commercial and manufacturing town owes its greatness mainly to the " water privileges" which the proprietors on the banks of the Genesee here possess. For a considerable way above the Upper Falls, the banks are on both sides surmounted by a great variety of mills. Its proximity to Lake Ontario, and the passage of the Erie Canal through its principal streets, contribute ma- terially to its prosperity. Oswego, the principal commercial port on the American side of the lake, is pleasantly situated at the mouth of the river of that name. The principal part of the town is on the western bank, and has a neat and stirring appearance. On the opposite bank are some large mills, and here terminates the Oswego Canal from Syracuse, distant about 38 miles, and the railway from the same place. About half-way betwixt Carthage and Oswego is Great Sodus Baj-. At the eastern extremity of the lake, on the south side of Black River Bay, lies, in a very sheltered situation, Sacket's Harbour. This was the naval station of the United States on the lake during the last war with Great Britain. After reaching Cape St. Vincent and proceeding onwards, for about 20 miles, the steamer reaches French Creek, after which the vessel will stop at Clayton, and Alexandria, from which points excellent views of the "Thousand Islands" will be obtained. (See Lake of the Tliousand Islands.) TRENTON FALLS, STATE OF NEW YORK. The tourist proceeding from New York, by the New York Central Railroad from Albany on his waj"^ to Niagara, will find liimself well paid by a visit to the Falls of Trenton, which are" situated on the Utica and Black River Railroad, and 15 miles N. by E. of the Town of Utica, in tlie County of Oneida. Trenton Falls consist of a series of 6 falls within the distance of two miles, with an aggregate fall of 312 feet, and present a sight more re- markable for the wild and romantic situation in which they are, than for their great vol- ume of water. The name of the stream on which these falls are, is known as West Canada Creek, which flows through a densely-wooded countrj' — particularly near tlie falls — of which no sign is to be seen till the tourist comes upon them at the edge of the gorge where they are situat- ed, and down which the water rushes with great violence, as it comes from tlie falls, only t-o be lost to sight in the dark recesses of the wooded ravine. In one place, the height of the embankment is 140 feet perpendicular. At the u])per falls the descent is 20 feet, fi'om whicli the water rushes on to the second falls, called the Cascades. (See engraving.) The third fall is named the Mill-dam, and, a little below, are the High Falls, which has a perpendicular fall of 109 feet. (See engraving.) Sherman's Falls — named so after Rev. Mr. Sherman, who lost his life there — form the fifth foil, with a descentof about 40 feet, un- til the last of this exquisite series of falls is reached, named Conrad's Falls. THE IlIGfl FALLS, TRENTON FALLS. THE CASCADES, TRENTON FALLS. 48 SPRINGS AND WATEKING-PLACES. SPEIXGS, AND WATERING-PLACES. For the information of tourists we annex particulars of a fevr of the most celebrated sum- mer resorts, compiled from extracts derived from the most reliable sources, to which we have added such information as we possess from our own acquaintance with the various localities and routes which, together with the views presented, neatly engraved fi-om photographs taken last year, will, we trust, be of some assistance to the stranger who wishes to become acquainted with some of the most celebrated localities in America. " CAPE MAY, N. J.— This place, situated at the mouth of Delaware Bay, on the N. E. side, has, for a number of years past, be- come an attractive watering-place, much fre- quented by the citizens of Philadelphia and others. During the summer season, a steam- boat runs from the city to the Cape, and af- fords a pleasant trip. The beacli is unsur- passed as a bathing-place, and the accommo- dations for the entertainment of visitors are of the first order. Distance from Philadel- phia. 102 miles." COnOES FALLS are situated on the Eiver Mohawk (State of New York,) about 2 miles from its mouth, and close to the rail- road from Tro}-, passing along which a glance can be had of them, pouring down a perpendicular rock 70 feet deep. " MA:SIM0TH cave, KY.— Tins stupen- dous wonder of nature is situated in Edmon- son county, about 90 miles S. from Louisville, and about equally distant, in a X. E. direc- tion, from Nashville, Tenn. The tourist leaves the stage road about 6 miles from the en- trance to the cave, and passes through some of the most romantic and beautiful scenery. It is only within a few j-ears that tliis cave has been very extensively explored ; and it is still supposed that but a small part of it, in comparison with the whole, has ever been trodden by the foot of man. It has been es- timated that the length of all the different avenues and branches, when added together, would make more than 600 miles. As far ^ as known, there are in the cave 246 avenues, 47 domes, 8 cataracts, and 23 pits. The darkness, deeper than that of the blackest midnight, which pervades these subterrane- an recesses, and which is little more than rendered visible by tlie torches wliicli the visitors carry with them, renders it difficult for the spectator to form any thing like an ^adequate idea of its vast dimensions, its great heights and depths in the different apartments, and of the singularity and beau- ty of the natural decorations they contain. " It is a curious fact that fish without eyes have been caught in the rivers of tliis cave. They have been dissected by skilful anato- mists, it is said, who declare that they are without the slightest indication of an organ similar to the eye, and also that they pos- sess other anomalies in their oi'ganization in- teresting to the naturalist. These fishes are from 3 to 6 inches in length. "The waters of the cave are of the purest kind ; and, besides the springs and streams of fresh water, there are one or two sul[)hur springs. Tliere are streams, lakes, and wa- terfalls of sufficient width and depth to com- pare with the world above ground. Some of these rivers, as they are called, are navi- gated by boats of sufficient size to carr^" 12 persons; and one of them, called the Echo, is said to be broad and deep enough, at all times, to float the largest steamers. The rivers of the Mammoth Cave were never crossed till 1840. Some of them flow in deep channels, the sides of which rise high above their ordinary level. After heavy rains, they are sometimes swollen so as to rise more than .50 feet. At such times the streams, and especially the cataracts, of the cave, exhibit a most terrific appearance. Great exertions have been made to discover the sources of these streams, and where they find their outlets: yet thej' still remain, in this respect, as much a mystery as ever. " It would be impossible, within the limits of this article, to describe in detail the many objects of curiosity and scenes of grandeur which are to be found in the apparently in- terminable recesses of the Mammoth Cave. The names of some of the principal apart- ments, are Giant's Coffin, the Labyrinth, the Cascade, Gorin's Dome, the Bottomless Pit, the "Winding Way, the Bandit's Hall, Great Relief Ilali; River Hall and Dead Sea, Na- tural Bridge over the River Styx, (80 feet high,") Pass of El-Ghor, Crogan's Hall, City of the Tombs, Saint Cecilia's Grotto, Silli- man's Avenue, Great "Western Vestibule, Martha's Vineyard, Snowball Room, the Ho- ly Sepulclire, Cleveland's Cabinet, Serena's Harbor, Fairy Grotto, Paradise, and others of a liardly less remarkable character. " To select only from this list of wonders for the conclusion of our descriptions, we would offtT tlie remarks of an intelligent clergyman, who lately paid a visit to the cave, iqion tliat splendid hall known by the name of Cleveland's Cabinet. " The most imaginative poet," says this gentleman, " never conceived or painted a palace of such exquisite beauty and loveliness as Cleve- land's Cabinet. Were the wealth of princes SPRINGS AND WATERING-PLACES. 49 bestowed on the most skilful lapidaries, -with a view of rivalling the splendours of this sin- gle chamber, the attempt wonld be vain. The Cabinet was discovered by Mr. Patten of Louisville and Mr. Craig of Philadelphia, ac- companied bj' Stephen, the guide, and ex- tends in nearly a direct line about li miles, (the guides say 2 miles). It is a perfect arch, of 50 feet span, and of an average lieight of 10 feet in the centre — just high enough to be viewed with ease in all its parts. The base of the whole is carbonate (sulphate) of lime, in part of a dazzling whiteness and per- fectly smooth, aud in part crystallized, so as to glitter like diamonds in the light. Grow- ing from this, in endlessly diversified forms, is a substance resembling selenite, translu- cent and imperfectly laminated. Some of the crj-stals bear a striking resemblance to liranohes of celery ; others, a foot or more in length, have the colour and appearance of vanilla cream candy; others are set in sul- phate of lime in the form of a rose ; and others roll out from tlie base in forms re- sembling the ornaments of a Corinthian col- umn. Some of the incrustrations are mas- sive and splendid, others are as delicate as the lily, or as fancy work of shell or wax. Tiiink of ti'aversing an arched way like this for a mile and a half; and all the wonders of the tales of youtli — Arabian Nights, and all — seem tame, compared with the living, growing reality. Here and there, tlirough tlie whole extent, you will find openings in the sides, into which you may thrust a per- son, and often stand erect, in little grottoes, perfectly incrusted with a delicate, white substance, reflecting the light from a thous- and different points." " It is quite impossible to give in a brief notice such as this, any thing like an ade- quate idea of this, one of the greatest won- ders of the world. It must be visted to be appreciated. " The route from Louisville, Kentucky, is by rail toMumfordsville, aud thence per stage for 21 miles. Time from Louisville to the cave, 15^ hours. The train at Mumfords- ville connects also with the railroad to Nash- ville. Superior hotel accommodations is to be found close to the cave, with guides, etc. The charges are very moderate. " MOUNT VERNON.V A— This venerated spot, where once resided the father of his country, and where his ashes now repose, is universally regarded with a sacred interest. It is on the "W. bank of the Potomac, 15 miles S. from the city of Washington, and 8 from Alexandria. (General Washington's mansion is still in a good state of preserva- tion. The new tomb into which his remains wei*e removed in 1830, and subsequently placed in a marble sarcophagus, is in a re- tired situation a sliort distance from the house. It is a plain but substantial structure of brick, with an iron gate at the sarcophagi of white marble, in which slumber, side by side, the mortal remains of that great and good man and of his amiable consort. " The old tomb, in whicli tlie remains of Washington were first deposited, and which is now going to decay, is upon au elevation in full view from the ris-er. "A glimpse of this interesting spot may be had from the Potomac steamer, on its way from Washington to the railroad terminus at Acquia Creek. But to visit the place, it is necessarj' to stop at Alexandria, and take a private conve}"ance to Mount ^'ernon. The grounds are open to the puljlic." NAIIANT, MS.— This is one of the oldest and most celebrated watering-places in New England, and a place to which many of the wealthy citizens of Boston, having provided themselves with pleasant cottages, resort in the summer months Avith their families. " It is only 10 miles N. E. from Boston, by the steamboats continuailj- plying in summer months. At this place are good fishing and fowling, and excellent accommodations; the ocean scenery is exceedingly beautiful in fair weather, and truly sublime in a storm." PLYMOUTH ROCK, MS. —One of the most interesting spots connected with tlie history of America, being tlie point in New England where the Pilgrim Fathers landed from the Mayflower in the year 1620. The Rock is denominated " Forefathers' Rock,' is now buried under a wan-house with wharves around it. The town of Plymoulli, in which the Rock is, is 37 miles from Boston bv rail. " ROCKAWAY BEACH, LO^■G ISLAND, N. Y. — This fashionable watering-place is on the Atlantic shore of Long Island, about 20 miles from New York. The principal hotel is the Marine Pavilion, which is a splendid establishment, erected in 1834, upon the beach, only a short distance from the ocean. There is also another hotel, whicli is well kept, and several boarding-houses, where the visitor or the invalid may enjoy the invigor- ating ocean breezes with less of cost and dis- plaj- than at the hotels. The most conveni- ent route to Roekaway is by the Long Island Railroad to Jamaica, 12 miles from New York, and thence 8 miles by stage to the ' SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. Y.— This cele- brated watering-place and summer resort, occupies the same position in America, as Harrowgate does in England, whilst the characteristics of both places are alike, in many respects. 'They are the most celebrated springs in the United States, and the annual resort of visitors — from all parts of the world — who flock there in search of health, pleasure, and excitement. " Large and splendid accommodations are provided in the various hotels and boarding- houses, which, in the season of company, are often thronged with visitors, presenting an animated scene of gravity, luxury, and dis- play. 50 SPRINGS AND WATERING-PLACES. " The villiige, wliich is in the K part of the township of Saratoga, is pleasantlj' situated on a sandy plain, in part surrounded bj^ a beautiful grove of pines, having its princi- pal street upon the W. margin of a narrow vale in whieh the springs are found. The hotels are large and numerous. " Passengers for Saratoga fi'om New York, take either the Hudson River or Harlem Railroads, or the steamboat to Albany or Troy ; from Alljany, via Albany, Vermont and Canada Railway ; from Troy, via Rensselaer and Saratoga Railway. From Boston the traveller takes the Western Railway to Albany, Troy and Saratoga. Passengers from the West by the Central Railway stop at Schenectady. The route from l\ie North is via Lake Champlain, and Whitehall and Saratoga Railway. " SHARON SPRINGS, N. Y., are in the town of Sharon, in Schoharie county, about 45 miles west of Albany by the Cherry Val- ley Turnpike. They are also reached by stages from Canajoharie, on the Utica and Schenectady Railroad, from which place they are distant' about 12 miles in a S. W. direc- tion. They are pure and clear, and have been found to be highly efficacious in cutane- ous, dyspeptic, and rheumatic complaints. They luive an exhilarating effect upon the spirits, invigorating the system, and i>urify- ing the complexion, and in some respects possesses medicinal and healing properties unsurpassed by any in the country. " Tlie prospect from the Pavilion House to- wards the N. is almost unlimited, and by many considered harly inferior to that from the Catskill Mountain House. Its elevated situation, always securing a pure and brac- ing atmosphere, conspires with the use of the waters to render the residence of vis- itors here in hot weather delightfully sulu- brious and refreshing. " Tourists proceed from AUiany via New York Central Railway to Palatine Bridge, 55 miles, thence per stage for 10 miles over plank road. "WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, VA.— These are the most celebrated and most gen- erally visited of all the mineral springs of Virginia, and are to the south what Sarato- ga is to the north. They ai-e situated on a branch of the Greenbrier River, in the coun- ty of the same name, on the western declivi- ty of the Alleghany ridge, some 6 or 8 miles from the suuunit of the mountains. They are in an elevated and beautifully pictur- es(|ue valley, hemmed in by mountains on every side. Thousands resort to tlieni annu- ally either to enjoy the benefit of the wa- ters, or in pursuit of recreation and amuse- ment. "There are numerous routes to the Virginia spi-ings, all of which within a few years have been greatl}' improved. One of the pleasantest and most expeditious routes from Baltimore is by the railroad thence to Har- per's Ferry ; thence by railroad to Winches- ter to Goshen. From Staunton there are two routes, one directlyacross the mouniains, to the warm and hot springs; tiie other, via Lexington, to the Natural Bridge, and thence to the'White Sulphur Springs. These springs are SO-i miles W. of Baltimore. " Parties from the South proceed to Wil- mington, North Carolina, to Richmond, pro- ceeding from Richmond to Lynchburg and thence by stage. " WINNIPISEOGEE L.\IvE, N. H.— This lake possesses singular charms. However romantic and beautiful Lake George, the charmer of all travellers, appears in its ele- vation, the purity of its waters, its depth, its rapid outlet, its 365 islands which bespangle its bosom, its mountain scener}% its fish, its mineralogy, still, iu all but its historic fiime, it has a rival at the east, in the Winnipiseo- gee of New Hampshire. " The lake is in the counties of Belknap and Carrol. Its form is very irregular. At the west end it is divided into three large bays ; on the north is a fourth ; and at the east end there are three others. Its general course is from north-west to north-east; its length is about 25 miles, and it varies iu width from one to 10 miles. " The waters of this lake not only serve as a lovely ornament to the scenery of this re- gion, and as a means of recreation and amuse- ment to the multitude who pass and repass upon them, but answer an important purpose as a great reservoir of power for the exten- sive manufacturing establishments at Man- chester, Lowell, and other places whicli are located on Jlerrimac River, its outlet to the sea. The fall of this immense body of wa- ter, in its passage to the ocean, is so great that its power for manufacturing purposes can hardly be computed. " The Indian name of Winnipiseogee, signi- fies ' The smile of the Great Spirit.' " (See White Mountains.) CLIFTON SPKINGS AND LAKE GEORGE. 51 WATER-CURE ESTABLISHMENT, CLIFTON SPRINGS. Abovt halfway between Lakes Geneva and Canandaigua is situated the celebrated Clifton Springs, which are much resorted to, forming as they do one of the most pleasant and retired watering-places, within easy distance of some of the finest scenery in the Northern States. Situated at those springs is the celebrated water-cure establishment of Dr. Forster. The house, although a very large one, j-et is generally filled with patients, one of the best proofs of its excellent standing. The charge for board Agarics from $7 to $11 per week. "LAKE GEORGE, sometimes called LAKE HORICON.— This lovely sheet of water, baskiug in the rays of the sun, rippled by the breeze, or reclining in the t?luulows of twiliglit, still presenting a lovely aspect — famed in song and story, and its countei'part occupj-ing a space in innumerable annuals and books of travel — is 230 feet above the Hudson River, lying partly in Warren and Wasliington Counties, liaving its outlet into Lake Cliamplain. Its shore contains the re- mains of several old forts, memorable in the French and Revolutionary wars. This beau- tiful mountain lake of New York is 30 miles in length, varying in breadth from f to 4 miles. The water is remarkably transparent, and in some places is more than 400 feet deep. Scarcely any thing can be imagined more beautiful or picturesque than the scenery along its banks. The romantic effect of the prospect is greatlj' enhanced by the multitude of islands of various forms and sizes, which meet the gaze on ever^ side. A popular notion prevails that their number corresponds with that of the days of the year. Twelve miles from the soutli-west ex- tremity of the lake there is an island of about 200 acres, called, from its position, Twelve Mile Island. A mile further north there is a high point, or tongue of land, called Tongue Mo\intain, west of which projects a small arm of the lake called North-west Bay. Here the narrowest part of the lake com- mences, and continues 7 or 8 miles. Near the west end of the Narrows, on the eastern side of the lake, is Black Mountain, the sum- mit of which is the highest point in the im- mediate vicinity of the lake, having an ele- vation of 2,200 feet above its surface. About 12 miles beyond Black ^lountain there is a rock about 200 feet high, rising almost per- pendicularly from the surface of the water. During the French war, Major Rogers, being closely pursued by the Indians, slid down this deep declivit}', and safely landed on the ice, leaving iiis pursuers petrified with aston- ishment at the daring exploit they had wit- nessed. From this circumstance the rock has been named Rogers' Slide. Just l)eyond is Lord Howe's Point, where the division of the English army under Lord Howe landed previous to his attack on Ticonderoga." 52 NEWPORT, LAKE PLEASANT AND CROOKED LAKE. NEWPORT, RHODE ISLAN^D. The above sketch represents probably the nearest approach, both in appearance and situation, to Scarborough, (En^hmd,) of any sea-bathing quarter in the United States. Jest accommodations that could be desired for all who come; so that, in this respect, Newport is now the rival of Saratoga itself." Steamers ply daily, during the summer season, lietween Newport and Proviileiice — with which the communication l)y raili-oad and steamers is frequent. 157 miles from New York — 70 miles from Boston. " LAKE PLEASANT.— This small butlove- ly lake, is a favourite and enchanting resort for the disciples of the angle and the gun, tlie waters teeming with trout, etc., and deer and other game are abundant in the forests. It is a delightful summer liome for the stu- dent, and may be pleasantly and satisfactori- ly visited by ladies. The wild lands and waters here are a part of the lake region of northern New York. The Saranac region is connected with Lake Pleasant by interme- diate waters and portages. To reach Lake Pleasant, and the adjoining waters of Round, Pisced, and Louis Lakes, favourite summer resorts, take the Central Railroad from Al- bany to Amsterdam ; thence by stage to Holmes' Hotel on Lake Pleasant, 30 miles." " CROOKED LAKE, situated in the west- ern part of New York, is included in the limits of Steuben and Yates Counties, is 18 miles long, and 1-J- miles at its greatest breadth. At the north end it is divided into two forks or branches, one of which is 5 and the other 9 miles long. Its surface is 487 feet above Lake Ontario, and 718 feet above the level of the Atlantic. It usually freezes over in the winter ; at other seasons a steamboat leaves Penn Yan, at its N. N. E. extremity, for Hammondsport, at its S. W. extremitj'. The scenery along the shore is extremely picturesque and beautiful. The outlet which flows into Seneca Lake has a descent of 271 feet in 7 miles, affording valu- able water power." SCENERY OF THE CATSKILL MOUNTAINS. 53 SCE^re IX THE CATSKILL MOUNTAINS. One of the most agreeable trips for the tourist, when at New York, is for him to visit the famous scenery of the Catskill. There, a variety of wood, river, and mountain scene- ry will be enjoyed, not to be met with in most places. The trip there and back, can be made in 3 or 4 days from New York, and at not much expense. Tlie charge at the Mountain House is $2.50 (or 10s., stg.,) per day— although cheaper accommodation is to be had as well. Near the Mountain House is said to be the site where Mr. "Washington Irving located the scene of his celebrated novel of " Rip Van Winkle." Few places of summer resort are more frequented by tourists, whether as artists in search of some charming scenery to study, the invalid in quest of bracing air, or the gen- eral traveller in searcli of all the " lions" in America. 54 SYLVAN LAKE, CATSKILL MOUNTAINS. A good, general view of Ihese mountains is obtained from the deck of the steamers ■whieli pass up and down upon the Hudson. Strangers take cither the Albany steamer, from New York, or Albany, to Catskill, on the Hudson, (111 miles from New York) or the Hudson River Railroad to Oakhill Station, thence per ferry across. From Catskill Village, passengers are convej'cd per stage to the Mountain House, 12 miles distant, but the road being very steep, it takes 4 hours to go that distance. The first view we present, " Scene in the Catskill Mountains," is from a painting by J, F. Kcusett, an American artist, the only objection to which we have is, tiie introduction of two of the aboi-igines — of the district, we presume — a fault rather common, we think, amongst American artists, to give effect in pictures, whilst such figures can now only be introduced with truth iu such districts as Minnesota, or the Red River. THE UPPER OR SYLVAN LAKE-CATSKILL MOUNTAINS. The other engravings whicli follow are without any such additions, being from photo- graphs, taken last year of the scenes represented. To quote from a writer who has visited this locality : — "The ride to the foot of the mountain is not specially interesting; but the ascent, by a very circuitous route, from every successive openinij and turn of which some new and more extensive vista is presented to the eye continually, is in a hi£rh degree inspiring and delightfid. And when at length the lofty eminence is reached, there opens, from the front of the noble edifice, a prospect of vast extent and beauty; embracing an apparently end- less succession of woods and waters, farms and villages, towns and cities, spread out as in a boundless panorama, over which all inequalities of surface are overlooked. The beauti- ful Hudson appears narrowed in the distance, with numerous vessels scattered along its sil- KAUTEKSKILL FALLS, CATSKILL MOUNTAINS. 56 very line, discerned as fur as the eye can reach, by their canvas srleaming in the sun, and with the truiUng cloud of smoke from steamhoats ahuost constantly in siglit. " Tlie view embraces an area of about 70 miles north and south. Far in the eastern out- line rise the Taghanic Mountains, and the highlands of Connecticut and Massachusetts. To the left are seen the Green Mountains of Vermont, stretching away in the north till their blue summits are blended with the sky. At other times all the prospect below is enveloped in a rolling sea of mist and cloud, surging with the wind, and presenting ever new and fan- ciful forms to the sight. Thunder storms are not unfrequcntly seen passing below the spectator, while the atmosphere is delightfully clear and cool around him." The preceding engraving represents one of two lakes of great beauty, which lie close to- gether, overlooked from the north mountain, and a short way from the Mountain House Hotel. All who are ac([u:iintcd with this beautiful sheet of water, will at once recognize it in the above sketch, which we have had engraved from one of the series of photographs taken there last year. For a pleasant walk alongside its shores, a row on its waters, or for practising the " gentle art" witii fishing-rod and line, few spots present greater attiac- tions. KAUTERSKILL FALLS. The Sylvan Lake, already alluded to, is the source from which proceed the beautiful Kauterskill Falls, represented above, as also the source of the Kauterskill River, which finds its way into the Hudson, at Catskill Village. The falls are situated about 2 miles 5G SLEEPY HOLLOW, CATSKILL MOUNTAINS. from the Mountain IIousc. Cooper, the novelist, in his novel of the " Pioneer," thus men- lions tlioni : — " The water comes croaking and winding among the rocks, first, so slow that a trout might swim into it, tlicn starting and running like any creature that wanted to make a fair spring, till it gets to where the mountain divides, like the cleft foot of a deer, leaving a deep hollow for the brook to timiLle into. The first pitch is nigh 200 feet, and the water looks like flakes of snow before it touches the bottom, and then gathers itself together again for a new start ; and maj-be flutters over 50 feet of flat rock before it falls for another loo feet, wlien it jumps from shelf to shelf, first running this way and that way, striving to get out of the hollow, till it finallj' gets to the plain." VIEW DOWN SLEEPY HOLLOW— CATSKILL MOUNTAINS. As another view of one of the cascades, we present one taken from the ledge of rocks^ over which the water rushes silently but swiftly over the precipice, down into the beauti- ful gorge of " Sleepy Hollow." THE WHITE MOUNTAINS. 57 WHITE MOUNTAINS, NEW HAMPSHIRE. The accomplished author of " America and the Americans" thus writes regarding this portion of the United States: — "This is one of the wildest regions in the United States. From the top of the stage we have a wide prospect over forests, pastoral valleys, ravines, and dingles; Mount Laftiyette rising before us in solemn majesty, and behind us, far as the eye can reach, an undulating country, stretching away towards the frontiers of Canada. For the first 3 miles the drive lies through a tangled wood, and up an ascent so steep that our team occasionally, pauses. The road is so narrow that the trees touch tlie carriage on both sides at the same lime, and so rougli that passengers hold on firmly for tlieir lives; yet the coachman drives his six in hand with the utmost ease and skill." During nine or ten months of tlie year, the summits of the mountains are covered with snow and ice, giving them a bright and dazzling appearance. On every side are long and winding gullies, deepening in their descent to the plain below. These mountains are situated in the county of Coos, in the X. part of the State. Tliey extend about '20 miles, from S. W. to N. E., and are the more elevated parts of a range extending many miles in that direction. Tlieir base is about 10 miles broad, and are the highest in New England ; and, if we ex- cept the Rocky Mountains, and one or two peaks in North Carolina, they are the most lofty of any in the United States. Although these mountains are 65 miles dis- tant from the ocean, their snow-wiiite sum- mits are distinctly visible, in good weather, more than 50 miles from shore. Their ap- pearance, at that distance, is that of a sil- very cloud skirting the horizon. The names here given are those generally appropriated to tiie different sununits : Mount Washington is known by its superior eleva- tion, and by its being the southern of the three highest peaks. Mount Adams is known by its sharp, terminating peak, and being the north of Washington, Jefferson is situ- ated between these two. Madixon is the eastern peak of the range. Monroe is the first to the south of Washington. Franklin is the second south, and is known by its level surface. Lafayette is known by its conical shape, and being the third soutli of Wash- ington. The ascent to the summits of these mountains, though fatiguing, is not danger- ous ; and the visitant is richly rewarded for his labour and curiosity. In passing from the Notch to the highest summit, the travel- ler crosses the summits of Mounts Lafayette, Franklin, and Monroe. In accomplishing this, he must pass through a forest, and cross several ravines. These are neither wide nor deep, nor are they discovered at a great dis- tance ; for the trees fill them up exactlj' even with the mountain on each side, and their branches interlock with each other in such a manner that it is very ditficult to pass through them, and they are so stiff and thick as almost to support a man's weight. After crossing Mount Franklin, you jiassover the eastern pinnacle of Mount Monroe, and soon find yourself on a plain of some extent, at the foot of Mount AVashington. Here is a fine resting-place, on the margin of a beau- tiful sheet of water, of an oval form, cover- ing about three-fourths of an acre. The waters are pleasant to the taste, and deep. Not a living ci-eature is to be seen in the waters at this height on the hills ; nor does vegetation grow in or around them, to ob- scure the clear rocky or gravelly bottom on which they rest. A small spring discharges itself into tliis pond, at its south-east angle. Another pond, of about two-thirds its size, lies nortli-west of this. Directly before you, the pinnacle of Mount Washington rises with majestic grandeur, like an immense pyramid, or some vast krenilin, in this mag- nificent cit}- of mountains. The pinnacle is elevated about 1500 feet above the plain, and is composed principally of huge rocks of granite and gneiss, piled together, pre- senting a variety of colours and forms. Tlie ascent is made on horseback. In ascending, you must pass enormous masses of loose stone: but a ride of half an hour will generally' carry j'ou to the summit. The view from this point is wonderfully grand and picturesque. Innumerable moun- tains, lakes, ponds, rivers, towns, and vil- lages meet the delighted eye, and the dim Atlantic stretches its waters along the east- ern horizon. To the north is seen the lofty summits of Adams and Jefferson ; and to the east, a little detached from the range, sup- ported on the north by a high ridge, which extends to Mount Jefferson ; on tlie north- east by a large grassy plain, terminating in a vast spur, extending far aAvay in that di- rection ; east, by a promontory, which breaks off abruptly at St. Anthony's Nose ; south and south-east by a grassy plain, in summer, of more than 40 acres. At the south-eastern extremity of this plain a ridge commences, which slopes gracefully away towards the vale of the Saco, upon which, at short dis- tances from each other, arise rocks, resem- bling in some places, towers ; in others, rep- resenting the various orders of arcliitec- ture. 58 WILLEY HOUSE, WHITE MOUNTAINS. THE WILLEY HOUSE, WHITE MOUA'TAINS. The above house stands upon a spot which will ever remain memoral)lG in the history of the White Mouul;iins, as having been the scene of a fearful calamity which overtook a family named Willey, residing there, who were all buried beneath an avalanche, or slide, from the mountain, which occurred during the year 182(5, a year remarkable for a great flood in these mountain regions. Leaving \Villey House, the tourist, who is desirous of ascending higher, will find him- self in the vicinity of the " Notch," as it is called. "TheJVoU'/i of tlie White MoHntains is a phrase appropriated to a very narrow defile, extending two miles in length, between two huge cliffs, apparently rent asunder by some vast convulsion of nature, probably that of the deluge. " The scenery at this place is exceedingly beautiful and grand. About half a mile from the entrance of the chasm is seen a most beautiful cascade, issuing from a moun- tain on th(! right, about 800 feet above the subjacent valley, and about two miles dis- tant. The stream passes over a series of rocks, almost perpendicular, with a course so little broken as to preserve the appear- ance of a uniform current, and yet so far disturbed as to be perfectly white. This beautiful stream, which passes down a stu- pendous precipice, is called by Dwight the Silver Cascndc." It is probably one of the most beautiful in the world, and has been thus described : — " The stream is scanty, but its course from among the deep forest, whence its springs is- sue into light, is one of singular beaut}-. iJuried beneath the lofty preeijiice of the gorge, after ascending through Fulpit liock, by the side of the turbulent torrent of the Saco, the. ear is suddenly saluted by the soft dashiugs of the sweetest of cascades ; and a glance upward reveals its silver streams issu- ing from the loftiest crests of the mountain, aiul leaping from crag to crag. It is a beau- tiful vision in the midst of the wildest and most dreary scenery." 2Iount Wasliingtoii House, capable of ac- commodating 100 guests, is situated about -1 miles from the Xotch. Tlie Xotcli House is at the head of the Sa- co River, and about I) miles from tlie top of Mount Washington. T/ic Wlllc;/ House, alluded to above, is about 2 miles below the Notch. The Crawford Ilonse, in the valley of the Saco, is about 8 miles below the Notch, these, together with the Glen House, will be found in every respect desirable, for stopping at. Particulars of Tip-Top House will be found on next page. TIP-TOP HOUSE, WHITE MOUNTAINS. 59 TIP-TOP HOUSE, WHITE MOUNTAINS. As alreacly expLiined, Mount Washington forms the hi2:hest of the range of llie White Mountains, 0234 foet above the sea. We present above, a sketch made from a pliotoicraph taken of the hii^^hest point of Jh)unt Washington, known by travellers as " Tip-Top House," to attain to -which is the ambition of all tourists who make the at- tempt to climb to the apex of the highest of the range in tliis region of "the mountain and the flood." Tip-Top House is a rude built inn erected Tinder most ditiicult circumstances, and not ■without great risk of life and property. In Ti]>Top House, tourists can be accom- modated all night, so that any who are de- sirous of witnessing the setting of the sun, and being \\\> in time for sunrise next morn- ing, can aeeomplish boih, by ascending in the afternoon, staying there all night, and rctui'ning next morning. Those who try the experiment, if favoured with a clear morn- ing, will be cei'tuin to be repaid for their trouble. llegarding the view from the summit of this dizzy height, we quote: — " If the day be clear, a view is afforded unequalled perhaps on the eastern side of the North American continent. Around you are confused masses of mountains, bearing the appearance of a sea of molten lava suddenly cooled whilst its ponderous waves were yet in commotion. On the S. E. horizon gleams a rim of silver light — it is the Atlantic Ocean, 65 miles distant, laving the shores of Maine. Lakes of all sizes, from Lake Winnipiseogce to mere mountain ponds, and mountains be- neath you, gleam misty and wide. Far oft' in the N. E. is Mount Katahdin. In the western horizon are the Green Mountains of Yermont, while the space is filled np with every kind of landscape — mountain and hill, pjlaiu and valley, lake and river." It would be vain in us to attempt a descrip- tion of the varied wonders which here as- tonish and delight the beholder. To those who have visited these mountains, our de- scription would be tame and uninteresting; and he who has never ascended their hoary summits cannot realize the extent and mag- nificence of the scene. These mountains are decidedly of primitive formation. Kolliing of volcanic origin has ever yet been discover- ed, on the most diligent research. Tiiej' have forages, probably, exhibited the same unvarving aspect. No minerals are here found of much rarity or value. The rock which most abounds is schistose, intermixed with greenstone, mica, granite, and gneiss. Tliere are several routes to this higldand district; amongst the jirincipal, and those which will please the tourist best, we name from Portland, Maine, per Eastern Railroad, or from Boston to Plymouth, thence per coach to the ITunie House, thence through Franconia Notch — about l.oO miles. Another route, ancl said to be the finest, is via Lake Winnipiseogce, 180 miles. Proceed from Boston per Boston and Maine and Cocheco Railroad. (See Winnipiseogce Lake, N. II.) 60 GENESEE FALLS, NEW YOEK. VIEW OF GENESEE FALLS, NEAR PORTAGE, STATE OF NEW YORK. The name of Genesee is one of the household words of Great Britain as well as America. From the Genesee district thousands of barrels of flour, made from its world-renowned -wheat, finds its way to England every year, the best proof of the well-known richness of the soil of the Genesee Valley, of which the above engraving represents one of its most striking features. The Railroad Bridge, seen in the background, is a magnificent structure, for the purpose of enabling the Buffalo & New York City Railroad to cross the valley. Situated about a mile from the village of Genesee Falls, this bridge spans the valley by its entire length of 800 feet, with a height, from the bed of the river, of 234 feet. The precipices in the vicin- ity are, in some places, 400 feet high. Genesee Falls consist of a series of falls situated at different points. Near Rochester, they are about 100 foot high. "Whilst another fall is about the same height over the mouth of the river. Tlie point we have selected for engraving from a photograph, represents one of the scries of falls— from one of the most picturesque spots in the Genesee Valley — viz., above the saw mill, near Portage. Genesee Falls are much visited by tourists every year. Rochester is one of the leading stations, leading from New York to Suspension Bridge and Niagara Falls, so that tourists can easily visit the Falls of the Genesee on their way to the Falls, par excellence. THE PASSAIC, BALLSTON SPA AND LEBANON SPRINGS. 61 THE PASSAIC, AT PATERSOX, NEW JERSEY. The above engraving represents one of the most picturesque scenes in the State of New JcTsej'. The Falls of the Passaic are situated near the town of Paterson, which owes its significance to the water-power afforded by the river, and these falls, which fall 10 feet perpendicularly over the rocks, forming, when the river is full, a verj- imposing sight, in a most romantic situation. The Passaic River rises in Morris County, is lUO miles in length, and enters Newark Bay, 3 miles below Newark. Paterson is reached by rail from New York, from which it is 17 miles distant, on tlie New York & Erie Railroad. " BALLSTON SPA, a charming village, and capital of Saratoga County, New York, on the Saratoga and Schenectady Railroad, 30 miles N. of Albany, 7 miles W. of Saratoga Springs, and 175 miles N. of City Hall, New York; enjoying a wide-spread celebrity on account of the excellence of its mineral waters. From inclination, and also from tlie overflowing of tlie Saratoga hotels, the Spa, during the summer solstice, is constantly thronged with visitors. There are several delightful promenades and drives in the neighbourhood, and a person may very de- lightfully pass awaj- a month or more in par- taking of the waters, and enjoying tlie fresh, pure country air. Tlie Spa is reached from Troy by the Troy and Schenectady Railroad." " NEW LEBANON SPRINGS VILLAGE. — A beautiful village of Columbia County, New York, 25 miles S. E. of Alliain-, much frequented on account of tiie medicinal prop- erties of its waters. The hotel accommoda- tions are ample ; and tlie place also contains a Water-cure Establishment, pleasantly lo- cated on a hill slope, overlooking a beautiful valley. The celebrated Sliaker Settlement and New Lebanon Village are within 2 miles of the Springs. Reached from New York by the Hudson River Railroad to the Cit}- of Hudson, thence by the Hudson and Berk- shire, and the Albany and Boston Railroads, or by the Harlem Railroad, and its connec- tions with the above routes, or per steamer from New York to Hudson, thence by rail." 62 SPEINGS AND WATERING PLACES. " AVON SPRINGS, Livingston County, New- York, delightfulij- situated on the right bank of the Genesee River, on an elevated terrace 100 feet above the water, commanding a beautiful and varied prospect. In the im- mediate vicinity are two celebrated mineral springs, wliich are the resort of thousands during the summer season. The waters are esteemed efficacious in cutaneous aftcctions, rheumatism, and indigestion. The place eon- tains several excellent hotels, four churclies, and a number of factories. Reached by Cen- tral Railroad from Albany to Buffalo, via Rocliester, from wdiich city they are distant 20 nnles. " COLUMBIA SPRINGS have of late years grown into popular favour. They are easy of access, lying 4 miles from tlie Citj- of Hudson, and witliin the town of Stockport, Columbia County, New York. The view and grounds are liiglily picturesque and varied, stretch- ing deiiglitfullj-from hill to dale, from forest glen to velvet lawn. In the immediate neigh- bourhood there is a large stream, offering all the country charms of boating and fishing. There is a" well-kept hotel at the Springs, and prices moderate. Reached by Hudson River Railroad to Hudson, thence by stage or carriaire, -i miles. "LAKE MAIIOPAC lies in the western part of the town of Carmel, Putnam County, New York. It is one of the principal sources of suppl}' to the Croton. Its quiet waters, its pretty wooded islands, the romantic re- sorts in its vicinage, the throngs of pleasure- seeking strangers, the boating and fishing, and other rural sports, make it a delightful place for either a visit or permanent resi- dence, niere are two excellent hotels here, besides good boarding-houses, sliould visitors prefer. Reached bj- Ilarlem Railroad to Croton Falls, 49 miles, fare $1.35 ; thence by staire, 5 miles, fare 25 cents. " CANANDAIOUA LAKE.— This beautiful lake, with a charming village situated at its north end, is 14 miles long, and from 1 to l.V miles wide, and, with its higlily-cultivated shores, presents many fine views. The water is remarkably clear, and abounds with excel- lent fish, verj- communicative with the a7i- gler. Its outlet flows into Flint Creek, then into Clyde River, and thence into Seneca River, the common outlet of a cluster of lakes. Canandaigua Village, built with neatness and taste, presenting many desira- ble situations, is the capital of Ontario County. The surface consists of gentle liills, beautiful plains, and a fertile soil. Months may be pleasantly passed at this popular summer resort, Tiie railroad from Elmira, on the New York and Erie route to Niagara Falls, passes through the village. '•GENEVA AND SENEC.\ LAKE.— This lovely village is beautifully situated in Seneca Township, Ontario County, at the north end of Seneca Lake, on the Auburn and Rochester Railroad, 5ort for the loiter- ing touiist. ^" TUPPER'S LAKE, situated in the S. W. part of Franklin County, New York, is 6 miles long and 2 wide. The shores, liead- lands, and islands are especially bold and picturesque. Ueer abound in the forest, and the lake is filled with trout and other fish. " SARANAC LAKES.— These wonderful links of the great chain of mountain waters in upper New York, are about a dozen in nnml)er, large and small. These lakes lie principally in Franklin County, and may be most readily reached by stage frotn West port or Keesville, about midway on tiie western shore of Lake Champlain. All these lakes abound in trout and other fish ; and the forests, which are on the farthest bounds of civilization within the State, are alive with deer and feathered game. " I2sDlAN LAKElies in Hamilton County, New York, surrounded by a wild and moun- tainous region, the peaks of which are from 1500 to 2000 feet above the surrounding country. It is 4 miles long and 1 wide, and abounds with various kinds of fish. " LITTLE FALLS is remarkable for a bold passage of the ^lohawk Rivei' and Erie Canal through a wild and most pieturesque moun- tain defile, where the river descends 42 feet in 1 mile. Tiie scenery, with the river rapids and cascades, the locks and windings of the canal, the bridges, and the glimpses far away of the valley of tlie Mohawk, is especially beautiful. The Falls are in Her- kimer County, New York, by the side of the Erie Canal and Utica and Schenectady Rail- road. The village is situated on both sides of the Mohawk. The Erie Canal has a feeder which crosses the river in a fine aque- duct 214 feet long and 16 wide, with walls 14 feet high, ujiheld by 1 arch of 70 feet span, and 2 others of 50 feet each. The canal passes the brow of a mountain here which reaches to the border of the river." THE SOUECE OF THE RIVER HUDSON. 63 w H o d o o W SI <1 W W a CO o n « o w o fei o t> o o a H I— ( The view here presented is a scene in the Adirondack mountains, in the vicinity of, and west of Lake Champlain. Some of the peaks of these mountains (Mount Marcy) rise as high as 5464 feet above the level of tide water in the River Hudson. Up in that moun- tainous region does that noble river take its rise. From there it proceeds almost due south, for about 300 miles, until it enters the Atlantic, through the harbour of New York. The Adirondacks are famous as a deer-hunting country. 6-i THE RIVER HUDSON. THE HtJDSOX, NEW YORK TO ALBANY. THE PALISADE?, OX THE HUDSOX. As explained else-where this noWe river takes its rise nearly 300 miles from New York, in the Adirondack Mountains. (See ensravinsr. Source of the Hudson.) Tlie Hudson forms one of the great leading routes for all classes of travellers bound for the north or north-west, alike either for the tourist in search of pleasure, the invalid for health, and the emigrant from the old world in quest of a home in the new. Up the Hudson the great stream of travellers go; so that, for general in- formation, we purpose noticing the chief features of this magnificent trip, which, if made by a day boat from either New York or Albany, cannot fail to astonish and de- light the traveller. The trip is enjoyed, also, by many by night, starting from either terminus about 6, p. m. The time occupied on the journey is from 8 to 10 hours. Emigrants generally leave New York by the niiiht boat, which starts about fi, p. m., arriving in Albany in time for the trains via the New York Central, and other railroads for the north and north-west, which run in connection. For size, comfortable accommodation, and internal magnificence, we believe the New York and Albany steamers to be unequalled by any river boats in the world. Tourists can have their baggage checked on board the Albany steamers in the same manner as on the railroads, on application to the baggage-master on board. The fare to Albany is from $1 to $1.50. (4.'«. to 5.s. stg.), depending upon (he accommodation required. The meals supplied on board are most excellent and very moderate. TRIP UP THE HUDSOX. 65 STATE-ROOM SALOON OF THE "ISAAC NEWTON." The River Hudson has been named after its discoverer, Henry Hudson— an Englishman, then in the service of the Dutch— and who, in an ex- ploring expedition, about 2.i() years ago, was the first to discover this magnificent river, and as- cended it as far as the village of Yerplanck's Point— in his ship called the "Half Moon." The Indian name of the Hudson was the Shatemuck, in later times it has been termed the River of Mountains, the Great River, the North River, and the Rhine of America. In the year ISdT, Robert Fulton, who con- structed the first steamboat in America — if not in the world — started the steamer " Clermont" on the waters of the Hudson — from New York to Albany. The engine which worked the Cler- mont, was brought from England for the pur- pose. Although we have stated that the time 66 SCENERY OF THE HUDSON. taken for this trip is from 8 to 10 hours, yet the entire distance of 150 miles has been run in 6 hours and "lO minutes. As an illustration of the interior of a river steamboat, we give the prefixed engraving of an interior view of the state-room of the " Isaac Newton," one of the night boats which runs be- tween New York and Albany. Destined for a trip up the Hudson, we shall briefly notice a few of the chief points on the route, although no description, whatever, can convey to the reader a just idea of this trip — • which should be made by all tourists — if at all possible — as the scenery of the Hudson, for river scenery, is not equalled by that of any other river on the American Continent, which we are acquainted with. Started from the wharf at New York, the first place we pass is HoBOKEX, one of the lungs of New York, to which great numbers resort every Sunday to enjoy a drink of water from the Sybil's Springs there, and a walk through the pleasant Elysian Fields, or from there to Weehawken, or Bergen Heights. Passing on, the next prominent point reach- ed, is Fort Lee, which is the commencement of the far-famed Palisades. These bold precip- itous rocks resemble, in some respects, the ap- pearance of the Giant's Causeway in Ireland. The height of the Palisades ranges from 20 to 600 feet, and being fringed with brushwood on the top, and at their base, with some neat little cottages at the water's edge, form a very fine appearance as the steamer skims past them. On the opposite side, will next be seen Maxhattaxville, situated on the island on which the City of New York stands, and prettily embosomed amidst woods and hills. On a height above the town is Clermont, once the residence of Joseph Bonaparte, and other celeb- rities. Manhattanville is also the resting- place of Audubon, the great naturalist. FouT Washington — celebrated in the Ameri- can Revolutionary annals — is now in sight. To capture this fort, the British lost 1200 men, be- sides having the ship " Mercury" so riddled with shot, that she sunk. Spuyten Duyvel Creek is about 2 miles further on — passing which is YoxKERS, a thriving town on the east bank of the river — 17 miles from New York — in the vicinity of which are several neat villas, and fine panoramic scenery. Amongst other resi- dences may be seen Fonthill, once the residence of Edwin Forrest, the celebrated tragedian. Hastings, about 3 miles from Yonkers, is next reached, and 2 miles further on that of Dobbs' Ferry, on the same side of the river. On the opposite shore is Piermont, where the New York and Erie Railroad commences. In the immediate vicinity is SoxNYSiDE — one of the most celebrated places on the river — being the residence of Washing- ton Irving — a spot of great beauty, almost bid- den from view by the dense shrubbery in which it is enveloped. Sunnj'side ought to be, one would suppose, one of the quietest and most retired nooks extant, but we fear that the fame of the author of " Rip Van Winkle" is such, together with the exquisite situation of Sunnyside, that the intrusion of friends and tourists are too frequent for him to secure that retirement, which literary men, in the prosecu- tion of their labours, require, and like to enjoy. Further on is the village of Nyack — whilst di- rectly opposite is Tarkytowx, a place replete with many at- tractions of a pictorial and historical character, and where some beautiful residences have been erected by New York merchants. In the neigh- bourhood is Sleepy Hollow, one of the most beautiful dells in the whole route. Passing on- ward, we reach the wharf for SixG SixG, 33 miles from the city, at one of the broadest points on the river. At Sing Sing is the celebrated State Prison, an object of great interest for visiting, with cells for upwards of 1000 prisoners. Almost 2 miles from Sing Sing, the Croton River rises, from which water is conveyed to New York. Opposite to Sing Sing is Yerdriteges' Hook, a high headland, be- hind which, on the same height, 250 feet above the river, is RocKLAXD Lake, from which the denizens of New York receive their chief supply of ice — an engraving of which will be found in another portion of this work. The lake is about 4 miles in circumference. Proceeding onward, we come to Haverstraw Village, on the same side of the river, 3G miles from New York. Here are the old forts Clinton and Montgomery — cele- brated in Revolutionary history. On the opposite, or east side of the river, is Verplaxck's Poixt, celebrated as being the spot at which Henry Hudson anchored the ship " Half Moon" on his first voyage up the Hud- son. The surprise of the Indians in those days may be imagined at seeing, for the first time, a vessel of such proportions opposite their homes. One writer records the following incident, which followed that event : — " Filled with wonder, they came flocking to the ship in boats, but their curiosity ended in a tragedy. One of them, overcome by acquisi- tiveness, crawled up the rudder, entered the cabin window, and stole a pillow and a few arti- cles of wearing apparel. The mate saw the thief pulling his bark for land, and shot at and killed him. The ship's boat was sent for the stolen articles, and when one of the natives, who had leaped into the water, caught hold of the side of the shallop, his hand was cut off by a sword, and he was drowned. This was the first blood shed by these voyagers. Intelligence i- ' SCENERY OF THE HUDSON. 8' of it spread over the country, and the Indians hated the white man ever after." Leaving Verplanck's Point, the river now nar- rows considerably. On the opposite shore is Stony Point, with a light-house upon it — once the scene of a sharp engagement between the British and Americans in 1779, when the latter took possession of it by storm. Beyond this point is Haverstraw Bay, where the celebrated Highlands of the Hudson commence. On the east shore is the pretty little town of Peek- skill, fronting Dunderberg, or Thunder Moun- tain. At the foot of w^hich lies Caldwell's Landing. As the steamer proceeds up the river, the tourist accustomed to sail up Loch Lomond (Scotland) will be forcibly struck with the similarity in appearance which the Hudson here presents to it, as the steamer proceeds on- wards. At one time, you will be sailing past islands possessed of all the beauty of Ellen's Isle on Loch Katrine (Scot.,) with high hills wooded to their tops on each side, whilst pro- ceeding onwards the channel of the river ap- pears completely blocked up, till the steamer, in approaching, takes a turn round the base of one of the hills, only to open up another scene of great magnificence, and reveal the Highland beauty of hill and dale, clothed in their brightest summer foliage. The Highlands — as they are well named — extend over an area of about 25 miles, along the course of the Hud- son, and during the whole trip, no portion will be better enjoyed till the steamer reaches about the last height near Newburg. On rounding Dunderberg Mountain, will be seen Axthoxt's Nose, 112S feet high. Two miles further on, Sti'jcii- Loaf, 806 feet high — whilst on the west side of the river Buttermilk Falls will be seen descending over the face of the hill. In some of these Highland passes, in the river, are sometimes to be found numbers of wind-bound vessels — tacking about — and forming, often, a beautiful sight, as they are to be seen endeavour- ing to get into a broader part of the river. VTest Point forms one of the stopping-places for the steamer. Here is situated the United States Military Academy, where cadets are edu- cated. It is beautifully situated, and visited by many tourists. From there we proceed on to Cronest, 1428 feet high, of which the poet, G. P. Morris, writes : — " Where the Hudson's wave, o'er silvery sands, Winds through the hills afar, And Cronest, like a monarch stands, Crown'd with a single star 1" After passing this romantic locality, we reach Butter Hill — or, as it has been re-christened by Mr. N. P. Willis, Storm King — 1500 feet high, and the last high range of hills on that side of the river. Cold Spring and Undercliff are now approached — the latter where Mr. Morris resides. We are now 54 miles from the City of New York — be- yond which point is Beacon Hill, 1088 feet high, from off which some of the finest views may be had — passing which, we reach Cornwall Landing — above which is the seat of Mr. N. P.Willis — named IJUicild — surround- ed with all the natural romantic beauties which we fancy any poet would delight to dwell amongst. Shortly after leaving which, we reach the important town of Newburg — with its 12,000 population— nice- ly situated on the face of the hill. To the south of the town is the spot which once form- ed the head-quarters of Washington, during the stay of his army at New Windsor, not far off. Opposite, on the other side of the river, is Break-Neck Mountain, which was supposed to have a resemblance to a TtirFs Face, and can be easily seen from the deck of the steamer when approaching Pallopel's Island. " The story goes, that some Irishmen were quarrying for granite once, when one of them put a blast of powder before the Turk's face, saying he thought the old fellow would like to have his nose blowed. And the nose was com- pletely blown away ; while the admirers of the curious and beautiful think that the Irishman, who was shortly after killed, was hurried from the world for his barbarity to the works of Na- ture." (See engraving.) Opposite to this spot is FiSHKiLL, the scene of many of the incidents related in Cooper's novel of " The Spy." Pro- ceeding on, we reach New Hamburg, Mar- borough, Barnegat; and, passing which, the pretty and retired town of PouGHKEEPSiE— 75 miles from New York— is reached, and one of the largest towns between New York and Albany. It has a population of upwards of 15,0("i, and is the centre of a rich agricultural district, which sends large supplies of fitrm and dairy produce to New York. Founded by the Dutch 150 years ago. Oppo- site Poughkeepsie is New Paltz Landing. Hyde Park and Placentia are 6 miles be- vond, situated on the east side of the river. Placentia is the residence of the veteran author, J. K. Paulding, and from which is seen some of the finest views of the river and country round about, as far up as the Catskill Moun- tains. Passing Staatsburg, we shortly reach the wharf for Rondout and Kingston. (See engraving on page 69.) Kingston is a town of considerable importance, with a population of 13,000, and, probably, the most important town on the route. It was founded in 1663 by the Dutch, and burned by the British in 1773. There the first Constitution of New York was framed. Vanderlyn, the eminent painter, was born in Kingston, where he also died in 1853. As 68 SCENERY OF THE HUDSON. VIEW OF THE TURK'S FACE, ON THE HUDSON. the steamer passes Sanijerties, Tivoli, and Ger- niantown, the Catskill Mountains and Sliawan- gunk range of hills appear in sight, and tonr- ists for the Catskills may now prepare to disem- bark at Catskill, opposite to Oakhill, on the Hudson River Railroad. Catskill, the point of debarkation for the Mountains, 112 miles from New York, and 40 from Albany, is at the mouth of Catskill Creek. For description and views of the Catskill Moun- tains, see preceding pages in this part — or in- dex. As the steamer passes the mouth of the Creek, and onwards towards Hudson City, an excellent distant view of the Catskills is ob- tained, with the Mountain House, like a spec on the top of a ridge. The distance to the Mountain House is about 10 miles from the Creek. Time of stages going, 4 hours — on ac- count of the ascent in the road. Hudson, on the other side of the river, is about 4 miles further on, beautifully situated on rising ground, and opposite to the classically- named town of Atue.ns. A visit to Hudson will repay the tourist. From it a trip can be made to Columbia Springs, 5 miles distant, with the Clavenick Falls some 8 miles off. Tourists destined for Lelianon Springs (.S6 miles off ) take the Hudson and Berkshire cars. The Shaker Village, at New Lebanon, is about 6 miles from Lebanon Springs, and if the tourist has time, a visit to the interesting vil- lage of the Society of Quakers, will well repay him for the expense and trouble. At Hudson, you are now within 34 miles of Albany. The route now begins to lose much of its Highland chai'acter — but still, in many places, hilly. The next village, after Athens and Hud- son, is Stockport, 4 miles onM'ards ; then Cox- sackie, Z miles; Stuyvesant, 3 miles, to Kinder- hook Landing— a few miles from which is the village of Kinderhook, the birth-place of 5Iar- tin Van Buren, Ex-president of the United States. After a few miles sailing, you reach Scho- dack, 17 miles, and Castleton, 14 miles from Al- bany, which will shortly appear in sight, and, soon after, you will reach the capital of the State of New York— the City of Albany. SCENE OX THE RONDOUT. 69 SCENE OX RONDOUT CREEK, STATE OF NEW YORK. The above view represents a scene on Hie small stream of tlie Rondout. -which takes Us rise in Sullivan county, N. Y., about 100 miles from Now York, and enters the ITiulson at EJdyville, near Rondout, 00 miles from New York. Tlie P.-laware and Hudson Canal fol- lows the stream all tlu; way through the valley in which tlic Rondout (lows. Rondout, a village on the Hudson, takes its name from the creek, and is the stopping- place for the steamers between New York and Albany, for Kingston, three miles distant, the most important town between these two cities. The view giv.Mi above was engraved from a photograpli by I\ Huntingdon, and portrays ft scene of great beauty. A writer on this scene says:—'- In it we have the constituents of many pictures which reproduce our characteristic land-features, viz.: repose, grace, ri.dincss of foliage, softness of sky, gentle flow of water— all harmonizing to produce a very inspiriting sensation m the mind." 70 THE NIAGARA SUSPENSION BRIDGE. o Q I— I Ph w o 1—1 P CQ s a striking contrast to the mistaken policy of the railway companies in the United States in building so many " rickety" wooden bridges — with their warnings up of fines of so much if you trot a horse over them — and which in going over so many accidents have occurred. Here, possibly, you may observe, against one of the piers of this bridge, a portion of a large raft, which, in " running" the rapids last season, became unmanageable and dashed up against the bridge — scattering the raft in all directions — to the great loss of the proprietor of it. Some of the logs may be seen j-et, resting up against the pier of the bridge, as if trying to clear all before them, and the gigantic pier standing up, in its mighty strength, as if bidding them float quietly past. St. Anne's is the spot where the poet Moore located the scene of his celebrated Canadian Boat Song. CANADIAN BOAT SONG. BY THOMAS MOORE. Faintly as tolls the evening chime, Our voices keep tune and our oars keep time ; Soon as the woods on shore look dim, We'll sing at St. Anne's our parting hymn. Row, brothers, row, the stream runs fast, The Rapids are near, and the daylight's past. Why should we yet our sail unfurl ? There is not a breath the blue wave to curl ; But when the wind blows off the shore, Oh ! sweetly we'll rest our weary oar. Blow, breezes, blow, the stream runs fast, The Rapids are near, and the daylight's past. 80 TRIP UP THE OTTAWA. Ottawa's tide ! this trembling moon Shall see us float over thy surges soon. Saint of this green isle ! hear our prayers, Oh ! grant us cool heavens and favoring airs. Blow, breezes, blow, the stream runs fast, The Rapids are near, and the daylight's past. Started from St, Anne's you shortly reach a beautiful expansion of the Ottawa — which forms here what is called T&e Lake of the Two Mountains — named from the two moun- tains which are seen to the north, rising four hundred to five hundred feet high. After sailing a short time, and with your face to the bow of the steamer, you will ob- serve, to the right, where this great river — coming slowly and silently along — is divided by the Island of Montreal ; the one fork of the river which you observe to the north-east, wind- ing its way past the island, after which it makes its acquaintance with the St. Lawrence, to the north-east of Montreal. The other fork, or division on which you have just started from, at St. Anne's, meets the St. Lawrence there ; although, strange to say, the waters of these two immense rivers — as if not relishing the mixture of each other, and thus forming one — continue their separate and undivided distinctness for miles, till they meet with such rough treatment, from either torrents, wind, or waves, that they join issue, and form at last, one immense river in the St. Lawrence, in which the beautiful but majestic Ottawa is swallowed up. In the last report on the Geological Survey of Canada, the following remarks on the com- ponent parts, and other peculiarities, of the Ottawa and St. Lawrence occur : — " The water of the Ottawa, containing but little more than one-third as much solid mat- ter as the St. Lawrence, is impregnated with a much larger portion of organic matter, derived from the decomposition of vegetable remains, and a large amount of alkalies uncom- bined with chlorine or sulphuric acid. Of the alkalies determined as chlorids, the chlorid of potassium in the Ottawa water foi'ms thirty-two per cent., and in that of the St. Lawrence, only sixteen per cent.; while in the former, the silicia equals thirty-four per cent,, and in the latter, twenty-three per cent, of the mineral matters. The Ottawa drains a region of crystalline rocks, and receives from these by far the greater part of its waters; hence the salts of potash, liberated by the decomposition of these rocks, are in large proportion. The extensive vegetable decomposition, evidenced by the organic matters dissolved in the water, will also have contributed a portion of potash. It will be recollected that the proportion of potash salts in the chlorids of sea-water and saline waters, generally, does not equal more than two or three per cent. As to the St. Lawrence, although the basin of Lake Superior, in which the river takes its origin, is surrounded by ancient sandstones, and by crystalline rocks, it afterwards flows through lakes whose basins are composed of palaeozoic strata, which abound in limestones rich in gypsum and salt, and these rocks have given the waters of this river that predominance of soda, chlorine, and sulphuric acid which distinguishes it from the Ottawa. It is an interesting geographical feature of these two rivers, that they each pass through a series of great lakes, in which the waters are enabled to deposit their suspended impurities, and thus are rendered remarkably clear and transparent." The two rivers thus not mixing at once, is oAving, we presume, to the specific gravity of the one being much heavier than that of the other. The two are distinctly seen flowing down together, by the difference in their color. The lake you are now upon — if a fine morning, and in summer — will be as calm as a mill- pond, and, with its wooded islands, and nicely-wooded country round about, forms a scene of the finest character. Each turn the steamer takes, it opens up with it new beauties. Sometimes, however, the lake, now so placid and beautiful to look upon, is raised like a raging sea, rendering its navigation not so easy, as many a poor raftsman has found to his cost, whilst navigating his treasure of lumber to Quebec or Lachine. You may, possibly, see some of these rafts of lumber as you pass along. Nowhere in the whole of America. we believe, will you see such magnificent and valuable rafts of lumber as on the Ottawa, The rafts on the Delaware, Ohio, and Mississippi, which we have seen, are nothing to com- TEIP UP THE OTTAWA. 81 pare to them — either in size or in the value of the wood of which they are composed. (See Lumber and Lumbermen.) Passing onwards on the lake, you will observe Tire Indian Village, at the base of the Two Mountains. There reside the remnants of two tribes, the Iroquois and Algonquins. On the sandy soil behind the village, the Indians have their games, foot races, etc., etc. After passing there, the steamer wUl probably stop at Vaodreul, at the head of the Lake of the Two Mountains. Proceeding on from there, the steamer will steer for Point Anglais, (English Point,) and from there cross over to the settlement of Eegacd, and a hill of the same name, on the river Le Graisse. After enjoying the beauties of the scene on every side, you will shortly find yourself at Carrillon. Opposite Carrillon is situated Point Fortune, the station which leads per stage to the Caledonia Springs, unless passengers wish to go there from L'Original, which you will reach, by-and-by, by taking the cars at Carrillon, the point you have now r«ached. . At Carrillon you will leave the steamer, walk up to the train which is in readiness to convey you from there to Grenville. On alighting from the steamer, look after your bag- gage — see it placed on the cart which is to convey it from there to the train — and then see it placed on the train. You will have a few minutes to wait at Carrillon, during which time you can be survey- ing the beauties of the scene around you — and get a peep of the rapids which here pass from Grenville to Carrillon, where you are. " All aboard," as the conductor says ; the bell on the engine rings, and you are on the high road to Grenville. This road passes through farms in all stages of clearing — the numerous shanties betoken- ing that they are held by their original proprietors, who are struggling to see them all cleared some day, and present a very different scene from what they do at present. Pass- ing through, therefore — dismal enough swamp — some good land — farms cleared and un- cleared — you arrive at Chatham Station (C. E). You wUl remember that you are now in Canada East — the other side of the River Ottawa, all the way up, nearly to its source, being Canada West ; you, no doubt, are aware that Canada East is inhabited chiefly by French Canadians, (Roman Catholics,) and Canada West chiefly by British, or descendants of such, (and mostly Protestants,) the Scotch people forming a large portion of the population in Canada West. Passing Chatham Station — and a good many cleared farms in its neighbor- hood — you shortly reach Grenville, where the train stops, and you take the steamer " Phoenix." Here again look after your baggage, and see it on board. At Grenville, you cannot fail to be forcibly struck with the beauty of the scenery now disclosed to your view. Not being of a poetical disposition, we regret our inability to do it that justice, in our description of it, to wliich it is entitled. From this point, the steamer turns round, to start on towards Ottawa, 58 miles off (6-J hours). To our mind, this is the finest scene on the whole trip. The Ottawa here forms a sort of bay, with exquisitely beautiful scenery all round it — on one side a range of hills, stretching along as far as the eye can carry, wooded to their tops. The scenery reminds us of the vicinity of Ellen's Isle, on Loch Katrine, (Scot.,) only, that on the Ottawa, at this point, the hills are wooded — whilst those of the Scottish lake are barren — or covered only with pasture and heather. Passing on from this charming point of view, the steamer now goes direct up the river for Ottawa City, making several stops by the way: the first is Hartwick's old landing, next, L'Original, with its excellent pier, and pretty, quiet little town in the distance. Proceeding on, you will pass, on the right hand or north side of the river, the lands of the Papineau Seigniory, belonging to L. J. Papineau, of 1837 Canadian rebellion notoriety. This gentleman, we believe, still strongly adheres to his republican opinions, and is not a member in the Canadian legislature, at present. Before the rebellion alluded to, Mr. Papi- neau held the ofiice of Speaker, and at the time of the rebellion, it is said government was due him about $4,000, which, on the restoration of peace, etc., he received on his return from exile, notwithstanding that he had been one of the leaders in that movement, in 1837. 82 TRIP UP THE OTTAWA. The seigniory extends for about 15 miles, and is considered one of the poorest in Canada. As you pass on, you will observe the beautiful range of hills, to the north, which, from the different sizes and shapes they assume, present, with their shrubbery, a beautiful fringe work, to the scene all around. Tliese hills form part of the chain, which range from Labrador, all the way to the Rocky Mountains. Passing the stopping point of Montebello, you will observe Mr. Papineau's residence, embosomed amongst trees and shrubbery of beautiful foliage. It is called Papineau's Castle Cape St. Marie. At this point, the steamer turns to the left, leaving the hills referred to, behind you. From Mr. Papineau's house, a most magnificent view of the river, and surrounding country, must be had — occuf)ying so prominent a position, at the bend of the river, which there forms a sort of bay. Proceeding on, you will now observe that the scenery assumes rather a different aspect, but still beautiful in its character. You sail past little islands wooded all over, and on be- tween the banks of the river — which in some places become very flat, with the river ex- tending in amongst the forest. At a more advanced season of the year, the river is lower, consequently, much of the water previously spread over a great portion of the country, re- cedes during the summer months, and before the winter season sets in, a heavy crop of hay is reaped. For nearly eight months in the year, however, the ground is thus covered with the swelling of the river, and of course only fit for cultivation during the hot season of about four months' duration. You are now approaching to a place about twenty-eight miles of Ottawa — called Thurso — which presents nothing particular but an immense yard full of sawn lumber, belonging to the greatest lumbering establishment in the world — Pollok, Gilmour & Co., of Glasgow, (Scotland,) being one of the many stations which that firm have in Canada, for carrying on their immense trade. From off immense tracts of land, which they hold from government for a mere trifle — situated in different districts on the Ottawa — they have the lumber brought to wharves on. the river, made into rafts and then floated down ; that intended for the ports on the St. Lawrence and United States, to the west of Montreal, going via La- chine, whilst the greater proportion goes via the route you have been travelling — over the rapids and down to Lake St. Peter's, on the St. Lawrence, till it finally reaches Quebec. There it is sold or shipped by them to ports in Great Britain, large quantities of it finding its way to the Clyde (Scotland). Opposite to Thurso, will be observed what is called Foxe's Point. An English family of that name have settled there, and to this day they appear not to have forgot their taste for neat, well-trimmed grounds, fences, etc., exhibit- ing many of the characteristics of an Englishman's home. Passing on, you next stop at probably the wharf for Buckingham, (0. E.,) 17 miles inland. Opposite to this landing is Cumberland, (C. W.); passing which, you will shortly reach Gill's wharf, 6 miles from Ot- tawa, and the last stopping-place previous to reaching there. In lialf an hour or so, you will observe the bluffs of Ottawa in the distance, but no ap- pearance of the city, it being situated on ground high above the level of the river, where you land at. To the left you will notice the beautiful little waterfall of the Rideau — a Kiagara in miniature — with its Goat Island between the horse shoe and straight line fall. It falls about 30 feet, and forms one of the prettiest little falls to be seen almost anywhere. On the right hand, you wOl observe a cluster of wooden shanties, at the mouth of the river Gatineau, which tliere joins the Ottawa, and, as you stand admiring the beauty of the scenery before, behind, and around you, the steamer touches at the wharf of Ottawa Cit}^ From the deck of the steamer, you will have an excellent view of the suspension bridge and the Chauderie Falls in the distance, with the rapids and the falls, throwing up the spray all around, forming a white cloud over the bridge. At the wharf you will find vehicles waiting to convey you to any hotel or address j'ou may wish to go to. On reach- ing the top of the steep incline from the steamer, you will then obtain a first sight, per- haps, of Ottawa City, which was to have been the seat of the Canadian Government — and Avhich may be yet — should the whim or interest of tlie members of the provincial parlia- ment not decree otherwise. TRIP UP THE OTTAWA. 83 The steamer " Lady Simpson," from Lachine to Grenville, is partly owned by its captain — Sheppard. The steamer " Phoenix" — on board which you will find an excellent dinner for fifty cents, (2s. stg.,) — is commanded by a very civil and obliging Scotchman named McLaehlan — who will be glad to point out to you the beauties of the river. From Grenville to Ottawa — a French-Canadian pilot takes charge of the steering of the vessel. Parties who go to Ottawa City — ^by rail, via Prescott — as described elsewhere, can return from Ottawa by the route now described, and we have no doubt they will be pleased with one of the finest river trips we have experienced in America. The scenery of the Ottawa, just described, is by no means so bold in character as that of the noble river Hudson, from New York to Albany and Troy — still, it is one which cannot fail to afi"ord the highest satis- faction to the tourist. For bolder scenery, and the highlands of the Ottawa — see next page for account of the Upper Ottawa — being a continuation of the same river from Ottawa — away north-west — extending to parts as yet untrod by few, if any, white men — far less by tourists. MONTREAL TO OTTAWA, C. W. VIA GRAND TRUNK RAILROAD. Take the cars on the Grand Trunk Railroad from station in GrifiBn Town, \^ miles from post-office, Montreal. Started from the station, you proceed, getting a fine view of the St» Lawrence on the left, the mountain on the right, and the fine landscape stretching beyond, till you reach Point Claire — 1 5 miles. Leaving there, you proceed on through a beautiful country till you reach the magnificent bridge which crosses the river Ottawa at St. Anne's, going over which you get a hasty glance of the Ottawa stretching far beyond to the west, assuming the appearance of a magnificent lake, situated in a basin, surrounded by finely- wooded hills in the background, andr ichly- wooded country on every side of it. Immedi- ately under this bridge you may observe the rapids rushing along, and also the locks where the steamer for the Ottawa River, from Lachine, passes through to avoid these — called " St. Anne's rapids" — from the name of the village close by. You pass on to Vaudreuil, 24 miles ; Cedars, 29 miles ; Coteau Landing, Zl miles ; River Beaudette, 44 miles; Lancaster, 54 miles; Summerstown, 60 mUes; Cornwall, 68 miles; Moulinette, 73 miles; Dickinson Landing, 77 miles; Auitsville, 84 miles; Williamsburg, 92 mUes; Matilda, 99 miles; Edwardsburg, 104 miles, to Prescott Junction, 112 miles from Montreal. At Prescott Junction, you change cars, and take those on the line from Prescott to Ottawa, 54 miles distant, stopping at eight stations between these points. The stranger, if newly arrived, either via Quebec, or New York, from Great Britain, or continent of Eu- rope, wUl, on this line, get the first glimpse, most likely, of " bush life," of " shanties," and " cleared," or " partially cleared" lands. The line being a succession of dense forest, swamp, and partially cleared farms, presents few or no interesting features to the tourist farther than those mentioned. Between the last station (Gloucester) and Ottawa (11 miles off) the country presents a much more cleared appearance, and a few well-cultivated farms will be seen along the line of railroad, until it arrives at the station, close to New Edinburgh, on the one side of the Rideau River, with Ottawa on the other side, about a quarter of a mile off. You will find vehicles in waiting, which will convey yourself and luggage to whatever hotel you please. Campbell's Hotel, Ottawa, we can recommend. For description of Ottawa, see elsewhere. After you have visited Ottawa, its river above the town, etc., etc., you can return to Montreal, via steamer on the River Ottawa, via GrenvUle, Lachine, etc., (see Montreal to Ottawa, via Lachine and steamer,) or the way you came. t 84 THE UPPER OTTAWA AND TRIBUTABIES. UNITED STATES TO OTTAWA, C. W. Prescott Junction, on the Grand Ti-unk Railway, 112 miles from Montreal, is the nearest point for tourists and emigrants from the United States. Prescott is approached by steamer from Ogdensburg, opposite side of the river. Or via rail to Cape Vincent, thence steamer to Kingston, and rail to Prescott. Or via steamer all the way, viz.. Cape Vincent, passing through the Thousand Islands, past Brockville on to Prescott. Or via steamer to Brockville, thence rail to Prescott Junction. From Prescott to Ottawa proceed per rail, as mentioned in preceding route. See "Mon- treal to Ottawa," per Grand Trunk Railroad. From Suspension Bridge or Niagara Falls, per Great Western Rail to Toronto, and thence Grand Trunk Railroad to Prescott Junction ; thence, rail. Or steamer from Lewiston or Nia- gara to Toronto, and thence, steamer on Canada side, or by the American line of steamers from Lewiston and Niagara direct to Brockville or Ogdensburg. THE UPPER EIVER OTTAWA. A DESCRIPTION of the lower portion of the Ottawa we have given elsewhere, in a trip from Montreal to Ottawa, leaving the river on reaching the town of Ottawa. For an authentic description of the upper portion of this wonderful river, we annex par- ticulars regarding it, from a report made to the House of Assembly, some time ago. The description of the river which follows, commences at the source of the river, and proceeds on towards Ottawa, till it reaches the point we left off at : The length of the course of the Ottawa River is about 780 miles. From its source it bends in a south-west course, and after receiving several tributaries from the height of land separating its waters from the Hudson's Bay, it enters Lake Temiscaming. From its entrance into this lake downward the course of the Ottawa has been surveyed, and is well known. At the head of the lake the Blanch River falls in, coming about 90 miles from the north. Thirty-four miles farther down the lake it receives the Montreal River, coming 120 miles from the north-west. Six miles lower down on the east, or Lower Canada bank, it re- ceives the Keepawasippi, a large I'iver, which has its origin in a lake of great size, hither- to but partially explored, and known as Lake Keepawa. This lake is connected with an- other chain of irregularly-shaped lakes, from one of which proceeds the River du Moine, which enters. the Ottawa about 100 miles below the mouth of the Keepawasippi, the double discharge from the same chain of lakes in opposite directions, presents a phenom- enon similar to the connection between the Orinoco and Rio Negro in South America. From the Long Sault at the foot of Lake Temiscaming, 233 miles above Bytown, and 360 miles from the mouth of the Ottawa, down to Deux Joachim Rapids, at the head of the Deep River, that is for 89 miles, the Ottawa, with the exception of 17 miles below the Long Sault, and some other intervals, is not at present navigable, except for canoes. Be- sides other tributaries in the interval, at 197 miles from Ottawa, it receives on the west side the Mattawan, which is the highway for canoes going to Lake Huron, by Lake Nipis- sing. From the Mattawan the Ottawa flows east by south to the head of Deep River Reach, 9 miles above which it receives the River Du Moine from the north. From the head of Deep River — as this part of the Ottawa is called — to the foot of Upper Allumette Lake, 2 miles below the village of Pembroke, is an uninterrupted reach of navi- gable water, 43 miles in length. The general direction of the river, in this part, is south- east. The mountains along the north side of Deep River are upwards of 1000 feet in height, and tlie many wooded islands of Allumette Lake render the scenery of this part of the Ottawa magnificent and picturesque — even said to surpass the celebrated Lake of the Thousand Islands on the St. Lawrence. THE UPPER OTTAWA— AND RIVER SAGUEXAY. 85 • Passing the short rapid of Allumettes, and turning northward, round the lower end of Alluraettes Island, which is 14 miles long, and 8 at its greatest width, and turning down south-east through Coulonge Lake, and passing behind the nearly similar Islands of Calu- met, to the head of the Calumet Falls, the Ottawa presents, with the exception of one Blight rapid, a reach of 50 miles of navigable water. The mountains on the north side of Coulonge Lake, which rise apparently to the height of 1500 feet, add a degree of grandeur to the scenery, which is, in other respects, beautiful and varied. In the Upper Allumettes Lake, 1500 miles from Ottawa, the river receives from the west the Petawawee, one of its largest tributaries. This river is 140 miles in length, and drains an area of 2,200 square miles. At Pembroke, 9 miles lower down on the same side, an inferior stream, the Indian River, also empties itself into the Ottawa. At the head of Lake Coulonge, the Ottawa receives from the north the Black River, 130 miles in length, draining an area of 1120 miles; and 9 miles lower, on the same side, the River Coulonge, which is probably 160 miles in length, with a valley of 1800 square miles. From the head of the Calumet Falls, to Portage du Fort, the head of the steamboat nav- igation, a distance of 80 miles, are impassible rapids. Fifty miles above the city the Otta- wa receives on the west the Bonechere, 110 miles in length, draining an area of 980 miles. Eleven miles lower, it receives the Madawaska, one of its greatest feeders, a river 210 miles in length, and draining 4,100 square miles. Thirty-seven miles above Ottawa, there is an interruption in the navigation, caused by 3 miles of rapids and falls, to pass which a railroad has been made. At the foot of the rapids, the Ottawa divides among islands. Six miles above Ottawa begins the rapids, terminating in the Chaudi^re Falls, Ottawa. The greatest height of the Chaudi^re Falls is about 40 feet. A TRIP TO THE Rm:R SAGUE^^AY. For about $12, a trip can be enjoyed to and from one of the most magnificent districts in Canada — where nature appears in all her wild and secluded grandeur. Tourists take the steamer from Quebec, which sails generally every Wednesday. To quote from one who visited this district, " You leave in the morning, and passing down the St. Lawrence, put in at several places for passengers, which gives an opportunity of seeing the hahitans, and the old-fashioned French settlements of St. Thomas, Eiver Ouelle, Kamouraska, and many others, together with Orleans Island, Crane Island, Goose Island, and the Pilgrims. The north and south shores of the river are thickly studded with parish churches, having spires of tin Avhich glitter in the sun like shining silver ; these, and the whitewashed farm-houses, form two objects characteristic of Lower Canada. By sunset you arrive at River du Loup. The water is quite salt, and the river, expanding to the breadtli of 20 miles, gives it the appearance of an open sea ; and it is much frequented as a sea-bathing place. " Here you remain all night on board, so as to be ready for an early start at dawn, when you stretch across for the north shore, steering for a great gap in the mountains. Tliis is the mouth of the Saguenaj-, one of the most singular rivers in the world ; not a common river, with undulating banks and shelving shores, and populous villages: not a river pre- cipitous on one side, and rolling land on the other, formed by the washing away of the mountains for ages : this is not a river of that description. It is perfectly straight, with a sheer precipice on each side, without any windings, or projecting bluffs, or sloping banks, or sandy shores. It is as if the mountain range had been cleft asunder, leaving a horrid gulf of 60 miles in length, and 4000 feet in depth, through the grey mica-schist, and still looking new and fresh. 1500 feet of this is perpendicular cliff, often too steep and solid for the hemlock or dwarf oak to find root ; in which case, being covered with coloured lichens and moss, these fresh-looking fractures often look, in shape and colour, like painted fans, and are called the Pictured Rocks. But those parts, more slanting, are thickly covered with 86 RIVER SAGUENAY. stunted trees, spruee and maple, and Lirch, growing wherever they can find crevices to extract nourishment: and the bare roots of the oak, grasping the rock, have a resemblance to gigantic claws. The base of these cliffs lie far under water, to an unknown depth. For man}- miles from its mouth, no soundings have been obtained with 2000 feet of line, and for the entire distance of GO miles, until you reach Ha-ha Bay, the largest ships can sail with- out obstruction from banks or shoals, and on reaching the extremity of the bay, can drop their anchor in 30 fathoms. " The view up this river is singular in many respects ; hour after hour, as you sail along, precipice after precijiice unfolds itself to view, as in a moving panorama, and you some- times forget the size and height of the objects you are contemplating, until reminded by seeing a ship of 1000 tons lying like a small pinnace under the towering cliff to which she is moored ; for, even in these remote and desolate regions, industry is at work, and, although j'ou cannot much discern it, sa\v-mills have been built on some of the tributary streams which fall into the Saguenay. But what strikes one most, is the absence of beach or strand ; for except in a few places where mountain torrents, rushing through gloomy ravines, have washed down the detritus of the hills, and formed some alluvial land at the mouth, no coves, nor creeks, nor projecting rocks are seen in which a boat could find shelter, or any footing be obtained. The characteristic is a steep wall of rock, rising abruptly from the water — a dark and desolate region, where all is cold and gloomy; the mountains hidden with driving mist, the water black as ink, and cold as ice. No ducks nor sea-gulls sitting on the water, or screaming for their prey ; no hawks nor eagles soaring overhead, although there is abundance of what might be called ' Eagle Cliffs ;' no deer coming down to di-ink at the streams ; no squirrels nor birds to be seen among the trees ; no fly on the water, nor swallow skimming over the surface. It reminds you of 'That lake whose {rloomy shore Sky-lark never warbled o'er.' One living thing you may see, but it is a cold-blooded animal ; you may see the cold seal, spreading himself upon his clammy rock, watching for his prey. And this is all j-ou see for the first 20 miles, save the ancient settlement of Tadousac at the entrance, and the pretty cove of L'Ance a I'Eau, which is a fishing station. " Now you reach Cape Eternitfi, Cape Trinite, and many other overhanging cliffs, remarkable for having such clean fractures, seldom equalled for boldness and effect, which create constant apprehensions of danger, even in a calm ; but if you happen to be caught in a thunder-storm, the roar, and darkness, and flashes of lightning are perfectly appalling. At last you terminate your voyage at Ha-ha Bay, that is, smiling or laughing bay in the Indian language, for j-ou are perfectly charmed and relieved to arrive at a beautiful spot where you have sloping banks, a pebbly shore, boats and wherries, and vessels riding at anchor, birds and animals, a village, a church, French Canadians and Scottish Highlanders, and in short, there is nothing can remind one more of a scene in Argyleshire. " Tlie day is now half spent ; you have been ashore, looking through the village, examin- ing into the nature of what appears a very thriving settlement; the inhabitants seem to be all French and Scotch, understanding each othei-'s language, and living in perfect amity. You hear that Mr. Price, of Quebec, is the gentlemen to whom all this improvement is due. That it is he who has opened up the Saguenay country, having erected many saw-mills, each the nucleus of a village, and that a trade in sawed lumber is carried on to the extent of 100 ship loads in the season. The river is navigable for ships as fiir as Chicoutimi, about 70 miles from its mouth. An extensive lumbering establishment is there, and the timber is collected in winter through all the neighbouring country, as far as Lake St. John, wliich is 50 miles further up, and is the grand source of the Saguenay. " After having seen and heard all this, you get on board, weigh anchor, pass again down the river, reviewing the solemn scene, probably meeting neither vessel, boat nor canoe, through all the dreary way, and arrive at the mouth of the river in time to cross to River THE FALLS OF MONTMOEENCI. 87 (lu Loup, where j'ou again find a safe harbour for the night. Next day yon again pass up the St. Lawrence, stopping for a short time at Murray Bay, a beautiful grassy valley on the north shore, surrounded by wooded mountains, and much frequented by Quebec fam- ilies, as a bathing place. You arrive at Quebec in the evening, thus taking just 3 days for your excursion, at an expense of about $12." FALLS OF MONTMOEENCI, NEAR QUEBEC. Few strangers visit Quebec without going to see the Falls of Montmorenci. These Falls, which are situated in a beautiful nook of the river, are higher than those of Niagara, being more than two hundred and tifty feet ; but they are very narrow, being only some fifty feet wide. This place is a very celebrated focus of winter amusements. During the frost, the spray from the Falls accumulates to such an extent as to form a cone of some eighty feet high. There is also a second cone of inferior altitude, and it is this of which visit- ors make the most use, as being less dangerous than the higher one. They carry " toboggins," — long, thin pieces of wood — and having arrived at the summit, place themselves on these and slide down with immense velocity. Ladies and gentlemen both enter with equal spirit into this amusement. It requires much skill to avoid accidents ; but sometimes people do tumble heels over head to the bottom. They generally drive to this spot in sleighs, taking their wine and provisions with them ; and upon the pure white cloth which nature has spread out for them, they partake of their dainty repast and enjoy a most agreeable pic-nic. One does not feel in the least cold, as the exercise so thoroughly warms and invigorates the system. The distance of these Falls from Quebec is eight miles. art C|ir^. UNITED STATES. -«-♦ CITIES 01^ THE SEABOARD, AND NORTH AND NORTHWESTERN STATES. !i COIfTENTS OF PART III. PAGE Baltimore, Gty of, 59 Boston, City of 56 Brief Account of United States 17 Buffalo, City of, 87 Chicago, City of, 93 Cincinnati, City of, 75 Cit}^ of Baltimore 69 " Boston 56 " Buffalo 87 " Cincinnati 75 " Chicago 93 Cleveland 84 " Detroit 92 " Madison 100 " Milwaukee 96 New York 25 " Philadelphia 52 " Portland 91 Pittsburg 71 St. Louis 73 " City of Washington 47 Detroit, City of, 92 Elevations, principal in America 18 George Washington 16 Government of United States 21 Hon. James Buchanan 22 PAGB Illinois, State of, 101 Iowa, State of, 103 Madison, City of, 100 Michigan, State of, 106 Milwaukee, City of, 96 Minnesota, Territory of, 112 Missouri, State of, _ 109 Mountains in America, principal 17 Mount Vernon 50 Xew Orleans, City of, 63 Patent Office, Washington 51 Philadelphia, City of, 52 Pittsburg, City of, 71 Portland, City of, 91 Presidents of United States 22 Rivers in America, principal IS St. Louis, City of, 73 The Capitol at Washington 48 The Great Lakes in America 20 United States, Brief Account of 17 United States' Government 21 United States' Presidents 22 United States' Government departments 23 Washington, City of 47 Wheeling, Virginia 70 Wisconsin, State of, 104 Jfilustrations. PAGE George Washington 16 Hon. James Buchanan 22 New York, View of City 25 " Broadway 27 " Park and City Hall 28 " University 29 " Halls of Justice 30 " Custom House 30 *♦ Merchants' Exchange .... 31 " Free Academy 32 " Private Residence 33 " Tlie Cooper Institute 33 " The Hospital 34 " La Farge House 35 " Trinity Church 36 " All Souls' Church 37 " Hisli Bridge — Aqueduct.. 41 " Bank of the Republic 42 " Phelan's Billiard Rooms . . 42 • Washington — The Capitol 48 PAGB Washmgton— The Patent Office 51 Baltimore — View of City 60 New OMeans— View of Canal Street ... 64 " The French Cathedral . 65 " Avenue in the Cemetery 67 Ohio River — Suspension Bridge 69 Wheeling, Virginia 70 Pittsburg — View of City 71 Cincinnati — View of City 80 Third Street 77 Fourth Street 80 " Masonic Temple 78 " National Theatre 81 Cleveland — View of Superior Street . . 85 Buffalo — Looking up Main Street 88 " From the Creek 89 Detroit — View of City 92 Chicago — View of City, 95 Milwaukee — View of City 97 Madison, View of ^^ v«\ GEORGE WASHINGTON— FIRST AMERICAN PRESIDENT. " THE FATHER OF HIS COUXTRY. George Washington- was born at Bridge's Creek, Virginia, July 22(1, 1732. At the age of 19, he was appointed one of the adjutant-generals of Virginia. In lT54,he joined the ex- pedition of General -Braddock, who was killed, when the command devolved on Washing- ton, whose masterly conduct of the retreat is celebrated in history. He was soon appoint- ed commander-in-chief of the forces of Virginia, and in 1758 led the expedition to Fort Du Quesne, (Pittsburg,) which repelled the French from the western frontier. In IT'74, he was sent to the Continental Congress, and was appointed commander-in-chief of the Ameri- can army, and served through the Revolution, refusing to receive any pay for his services, and only reimbursement of his expenses. In 1787, he was appointed a delegate to the national convention for forming the Constitution, and was chosen its president. In 1780. he was unanimously elected President of the United States for -4 years, and unanimously re-elected in 1793. lie declined a third re-election, and issued his farewell address. After Mr. Adams's inauguration, he retired to Mount Vernon, near Washington City, D. C, where he died on the 14th of December, 1799, in W^ 68th year of his age. His virtues and patriotism have won for him the imperishable title throughout the w.)rli in 34° north latitude. Its length is more than 1300 miles. 5. Tlie Red River, which also rises in the Rocky Mountains, below Sante Fe, and, after a south-easterly course of more than l(jOO miles, falls into the Mississippi, in latitude 31° north. The principal rivers east of the Alleghanies are : — 1. The Connecticut, which rises in the highlands separating the United States from Can- ada, and, running soutlierh', divides New Hampshire from Vermont, and passing through ^lassachusetts and Connecticut, falls into Long Island Sound. It is navigable for sloops for 50 miles to Hartford, and, by means of canals and other improvements, has been rendered passaljle for boats 250 ifiiles further. 2. Tlie Hudson, which rises west of lake Champlain, and pursuing a southerly course of more than 300 miles, falls into the Bay of New York, after receiving numerous affluents. It is navigable for ships to Hudson, 130 miles, and for sloops and steamboats to Troy, 40 miles farther. It is connected with Lakes Champlain, Erie, and Ontario, by means of canals from Albanj^, and witli the Delaware by a canal from Rondout. 3. The Delaware, whidi rises in New York, and flowing southerly, separates Pennsyl- vania from New York and New Jersey, and falls into Delaware Bay, after a course of 300 miles. It is navigable for ships of the line 40 miles, to Philadelj)hia, and for sloops 35 miles farther, to the head of the tide at Trenton Falls. 4. The Susquehanna, which also rises in New York, and, pursuing a southerly zig-zag course tlirougli Pennsylvania, falls into the head of Chesapeake Bay, near the north-east corner of Maryland. During the last 50 miles the navigation is obstructed by an almost continued series of rapids. 5. The Potomac, which rises in the Alleghanies, and after forming, during its whole course, the boundary between Maryland and Virginia, falls into Chesapeake Bay. It is ■navigable for ships of the largest dimensions to 'Washington, the federal capital, about 200 miles from the ocean ; but in the upper part of its course there are numerous obstacles, many of which, however, have been overcome by canals. 6. James River, which rises in the mountains, and falls into the southern part of Chesa- peake Bay. 7. The Savannah, which forms the dividing line between South Carolina and Georgia, and falls into the Atlantic in latitude 32° north. It is navigable for large vessels to Savan- nah, 17 miles; and for boats to Augusta, 130 miles farther. The principal rivers which rise south of the Alleghanies, and fall into the Gulf of Mexico, are: — 20 RIVERS IN AMERICA. 1. The Appalachicola, which discharges itself into Apalachee Bay, in Florida. It is formed by the union of the Chattahooche and Flint rivers, the former of which rises in the northern part of Georgia, and flowing south, receives the Flint at the south-west extremity of the State. During the latter part of its course, the Chattahooche forms the boundary between Georgia and Alabama. 2. The Mobile, wliich discharges itself into Mobile Bay. It is formed by two large rivers, the Alabama and Tombigbee, which unite near latitude 31° north, after having pursued each a separate course of many hundred miles. There is another system of rivers flowing into the Gulf from the highlands of northern Texas, consisting of the Sabine, Trinity, Brazos, etc., which need only be mentioned here, as the geography of Texas will be minutely de- scribed elsewhere. The rivers flowing from the Rocky Mountains to the Pacific, consist of: — 1. The Columbia, which rises near latitude 55° north, and, running south-west, falls into the ocean in latitude 46° 15', after a course of 1500 miles. Its principal tributaries are Clark's River, Lewis' River, and the Multnomah or Willamette, all of wliicli join it on its left bank. This river was discovered in 1792, and settlements were made in the neighbour- hood by Americans in 1810. The mouth of the river is obstructed by flats, but vessels of 300 tons can ascend to the distance of 125 miles, and large sloops farther. 2. The Sacramento and San Joaquin, emptying into the Bay of San Francisco. 3. The Buenaventura, rising in the coast range of the California Mountains, empties into Monterey Bay. 4. The Colorado, and River Gila (which separates Mexico from the United States), flow from the mountains near Santa Fe, and would, if not received by the Gulf of California, empty into the Pacific ; they belong, however, to the same system of rivers. 5. The St. Lawrence. Particulars regarding this river, which forms the boundary be- tween the United States and Canada, will be found in another portion of this work. OF THE RIVERS ABOVE 300 MILES, WE ANNEX A LIST. St. Lawrence 750 " [including Great Lakes] 2,300 Tennessee 720 Susquehanna 680 Kansas 600 Yellow Stone 600 Connecticut 350 Delaware 350 Hudson 320 Potomac 310 James 310 Miks. Missouri 2,500 " [with Lower Mississippi] 4,350 Mississippi [Upper] 1,932 [Lower] 1,210 Arkansas 1,550 Del Norte 1,550 Ohio [with Alleghany] 1,050 Oregon or Columbia l,4i)0 Red^River 1,000 Ottawa HOO Nebraska or Platte 800 Des Moines 800 Showing a total of 26,238 miles in all, and only of the rivers above 300 miles long each. THE GREAT LAKES. "With the exception of Michigan and Champlain, none of the great lakes of North Amer- ica lie wholly within the territory of the United States; the others are on the northern boundary, where they form a connected chain, extending through a distance of more than 1200 miles. The first in the chain is Lake Superior, the largest body of fresh water on the globe. Few persons are really aware of the magnitude of these great lakes; they are truly inland seas, and navigation is as dangerous, and subjected to all the vicissitudes which are connected with the navigation of the Baltic, the Black Sea, or the Mediterranean. Lake Champlain, lying between Vermont and New York, is 128 miles long, and from 1 to 16 miles wide, and discharges its waters through the Sorel into the St. Lawrence. It is computed that the lakes contain above 14,000 cubic miles of water — a quantity more than five-sevenths of all the fresh water on the earth. The extent of country drained by the lakes, from the nortli-western angle of Superior to the St. Lawrence, including also the area of the lakes themselves, is estimated at 335,515 square miles. Mean Depth. . m 900 feet. Elst . above Sea 596 feet. " 1,000 " " 1,000 " . " 1,000 " " 8-i " " 500 " . .... 568 " 578 " 578 " 565 " 232 " " iiO " 570 " LAKES — GOVERNMENT OF UNITED STATES. 21 The following is a tabular statement of the extent of these fresh-water seas, with the mean depth of their waters, and their elevation above the sea: — Names. Mean Length. Mean Breadth. Area. Lake Superior 400 miles 80 miles 32,000 sq " Michigau 320 " 70 " 22,400 " Huron 240 " 80 " 20,400 " Green Bay . . . 100 " 20 " 2,000 " Erie 240 " 40 " ility recommends to Congress measures for improving the condition of the revenue. All public accounts are finally settled at this department; and, for this purpose, it is divided into the office of the Secretary, who has the general superintendanee, the offices of the two Controllers, the offices of the six Auditors, the office of the Commissioner of Customs, the Treasurer's office, tlie Registrar's office, the Soli- citor's office, and the office of the Coast Survey. Assistant Treasurers' offices are also es- tablished at Boston, New York, Pliiladelphia, Charleston, New Orleans, and St. Louis. Sal- ary of Secretary of tlie Treasury, $6000 per annum (£1200 stg.) The " Department of War" was created by an Act of Congress of the 7th of August, 1789, and, at first, embraced not only military, but also naval affairs. The Secretary of War superintends every branch of military affairs, and has under his immediate direction the Adjutant-General's office, the Quartermaster-General's Bureau, the Paymaster's Bureau, the Subsistence Bureau, the Medical Bureau, the Engineer Bureau, the Topographical Bureau, the Ordnance Bureau, etc., and the department has the superintendence of the erection of 24 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS. fortifications, of making public surveys, and other important services. Salary of Secretary of War, $6000 per annum (£1200 stg.) The " Department of the Navy" was created by an Act of Congress of the 30th of April, 1798. The Secretary of the Navy issues all orders to the naval forces, and superintends na- val affairs generallj-. Attached to the Department are— a Bureau of Docks and Navy Yards, a Bureau of Ordnance and Hydrography, a Bureau of Construction, Equipment, and Repairs, a Bureau of Provisions and Clothing, a Bureau of Medical and Surgical Instru- ments, etc ; and the National Observatory at Washington is under the control of the Navy Department. The ministerial duties of these several Bureaux were formerly exercised by a Board of Navy Commissioners. (Salary of Secretary of the Navy, $0000 per annum (£1200 stg.) The " Department of the Post-Office" was established under the authority of the Old Con- gress. The Postmaster-General has the chief direction of all postal arrangements with for- eign states, as well as within the federal limits. The general business is managed by three Assistant Postmasters-General, who preside respectively over the Contract office, the Ap- pointment office, and the Inspection, etc., offices. Salary of Postmaster-General, $6000 per annum (£1200 stg.) The " Attorneys-General," who are considered as forming a part of the Cabinet, and who are the constitutional advisers and defendants of the government, are generally men of the greatest acquirements in their profession. Salaries of Attorneys-General, $4000 per annum (£800 stg.) The judicial powers of the United States are vested in a Supreme Court, and in such other inferior courts as Congress may, from time to time, establish. The present judicial estab- lishment consists of a Supreme Court, Circuit Courts, and District Courts. The "Supreme Court," the highest judicial tribunal of the Union, is composed of a Chief- Justice and eight Associate Justices, the Attorney-General, a Reporter, and Clerk. This court is held in Washington, and has one sesfion annually, commencing on the first Monday in December. Salary of Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, $5,000 per annum (£1,000 stg.) The appointment of all judges of the United States is made by the President, by and with the advice of the Senate ; and the judges hold their several offices during good behaviour, and can be removed only on impeachment. Their compensation is fixed by law, and can- not be diminished during their period of office. The foregoing account of the United States, for the most part, is from " Colton's Gazetteer of America" NEW YORK. In our description of the great city of the western world, we shall avoid, as far as possi- ble, all statistical matter, regarding which am- ple information may be had in works exclusively devoted to such details. We prefer giving a brief account of the city from the earliest to the present time, and, with the views given of its magnificent streets and buildings, we hope to c s: es o o t^ c- «! S! c- o > c O 1-3 H O t-H o t?5 c p: convey to our readers at a distance, an idea of its importance as the most populous city on the whole continent of America. As may be known by many, New York was discovered in 16u'J, by an Englishman named Henry Hudson, at that time in the service of the Dutch — and in 1613, the settlement of the Island was commenced, under the title of New Amsterdam. In 1621, a 26 CITY OF NEW YORK — LOCALITIES — BUSINESS, ETC. Dutch West India company commenced opera- tions upon it, and in li5'^(5, jjurchased the whole ishmd tVoni the Indians (the Manhattans; for the paltry sum of ^-JTi, (£5 stg.) the expoi'ts alone that year amounting to .'5I9OO. It was thus held till liiiU, when it was taken by tlie English. Charles the id, then king, changed its name to that of New York, in honour of James the I'd, who then bore the title of Duke of York and Albany. In lGb6, James the 2d, then king, abolished the representative system, and, as atibrding one of the numerous proofs of his kingly bigotry, took it into his head to pro- hibit the use of the printing-press. It was retaken from the English by the Dutch in I1573, retaken again in lUT-t by the English, and held by them till the Revolutionary period of 1770-17*3, when it was tinally evacuated by the British army, thus ending British rule on the i.jth Xovember, 17*3. In lsl:i-13, another war broke out between Great Britain and Amer- ica, but not leading to New York changing hands ouce more. Notwithstanding, therefore, wars, fevers, tires, great commercial disasters, cholera, etc., etc., the city has gone on pi'ogres- sively, from a population of 23,614 in 1766, to upwards of OUO,0<."J in ISott. New York is situated uj)on what is called Manhattan Island — a strip of land 13J^ miles long, by one mile and three-fifths average width. Greatest breadth, at S3d street, is two miles and one-third. In all, about )>2 square miles, or 14,(J00 acres. It rises gradually above the level of the water around the sides, whilst the greater part of it is level, or been rendered so. It is very compactly built upon for about .5 miles, in straight lines from the point at the Battery end of it. The streets, for the most part, are laid out in a convenient and easily un- derstood plan. The streets commencing at Houston street, (one mile from the Citj- Hall,) are classed into 14 regular "avenues," as they are called, which are crossed at right angles b\' 156 streets, numerically designated. Some of the streets are crooked and narrow^ but gene- rally speaking, they are wide and spacious — ranging from 60 to 1-20 feet wide. The greatest fault a stranger is likely to find with the streets is the filthy state the most of them are in — as if there were neither scavengers nor paviours in the city. New York is bounded on the north by the Harlem River — which separates Manhattan Is- land from the main land ; on the east by the East River, which se])arates it from Long Island ; ou the south by the harbour, and on the west by the North, "or Iluds(m River, which sepa- rates it from New Jersey. The width of the East River is from one-third to half a mile, and that of the North River from 1 to 1^ miles. Navigation is open throughout all the year. There can be no doubt but that the harbour of New York is one of the most beautiful in the world — j)resenting one of the finest spectacles ou a tine day — with its piers crowded with ships of all nations — the numbers of clean-looking steamers passing up and down, and the beauty of the scenery on the opposite shores, and on every side. The defences are placed at the Narrows — on Long Island side, and on Staten Island — and in the East River at Throg's Neck ; whilst within the harbour are batteries on Bedloe's and Ellis Islands, Governor's Island, Castle William, and South Battery — commanding every point of en- trance. We "may safely say, that nearly every branch of manufactures is carried on in New- York, excepting in the great items of cotton and wool — whilst its commerce extends to ev- eiy corner of the American continent, as well as all over the world, wherever the natural products of the earth, or manufactures, are to be bought, sold, or exchanged. The public buildings are very numerous. We annex a list elsewhere, together with engravings of a few of the principal ones, together with a list of such places of interest and amusement as the stran- ger will be pleased in visiting. The streets where the private residences are, are elegant in the extreme. We allude more particularly to such as 4th and 5th Avenues, and Union and Madison Squares, where the most stately mansions will be found, finished ott" in first-rate style, mostly built of a brown- coloured stone. In summer, with the rows of trees along each side of the streets, their line appearance will at once attract the admiration of the stranger. The principal street for bankers, insurance offices, etc., is Willi street — the Lombard street of America. For wholesale dry goods stores — Pearl, Wil- liam, Broad, Pine, Cedar, Liberty streets, Col- le^ Place, and Yesey street. For wholesale grocers, and commission and shipping merchants — Water and Front streets. For heavy dry goods and variety stores. Grand and Catharine streets. For hardware — Beekman, Piatt, John and Pearl streets. For booksellers and publishers, binderies, etc. — Nassau and William Streets. For Jewellers — Maiden lane, Courtland street, and Broadway. For boot and shoe materials, Ferry, Jacob, and Gold streets. Whilst Broadway, like Cheapside in London, contains an omnium gatlierum of all sorts — from the selling of a cup of coffee in a restaurant, to a ship load of "Yankee notions." The wharves extending all round New York nearly — the vessels placed with their bows all pointing towards the city, and so situated very conveniently for loading and unloading, and when ready for sea, have only to drop into the stream and are carried down and out to sea, the magnificent river and bay attbrding no ob- structions in the shape of bars, etc. The stranger, however, who has been accus- tomed to look at the shipping in the stupendous docks of London and Liverpool, will at once discover the poor accommodation New York afibrds in comparison with the facilities afforded for the harbouring or dockage of vessels in Great Britain. Notwithstanding this, however, the immense shipping business of the port of New York is carried on somehow — the ingenuity of the Americans finding ways and means to clear their vessels with promptitude and ease. Broadway is the great main artery of the : city, through which people, omnibuses, wag- ! ons, and carriages, rush in one incessant I stream, surging "backward and forward, from the earliest hour in the morning, to the latest I hour at night. j A walk along Broadway will disclose pictures I of society— men and things, in all conceivable variations and degrees. There, the slouching "loafer" will be seen, close to the "Broadway swell"— the successful miner, just arrived from the Californian diggings, alongside of the wealthiest and most liandsomely dressed lady . in New Y'ork, who is out for her walk on that NEW YORK — BROADWAY AND CITY HALL. 27 great "vanity foir" — the newly-arrived emi- grant from Great Britain, as he goes gaping along at what he sees, whilst he is almost stupefied with the bustle and confusion around him. It is entirely ditl'erent from any one of the great thoroughfares of London, whilst it com- BROADWAY, NEW YORK. bines the features of all — the bustle and throng of Cheapside, in its incessant stream of omni- buses and veliieles of all sorts — of Resjent street, with its fashionable promenade and hon tim of society— of Oxford street and Holborn, with middle-class stores, as well as elegant ware- houses, including the exclusively wholesale stores of a St. Paul's church-yard, "as well. "The other chief artery of the city is that of the Bowery — partaking very much of Holborn, with a mixture of the Whitechapel of London— where a large amount of retail business is transacted. " The City Hall of Jf ew York — from its central position, and classic marble frontage— is one of the finest and most prominent buildings in the city. The front and two ends are of white m-arble, and the back, which is never shone upon by the sun, of brown sandstone. The City Hall contains a gallery of historical art, invaluable to the lover of Knickerbocker times. In the Uovernor's Room, enjoyed by the public only on reception days, are" the portraits of all the governors of the State, from the time of Lewis, and of the mayors of the citv, with several of the president's, painted bv artists of national reputation. There may be seen Henrv Hudson, Columbus, and hosts of other worthies, while the archives of the city contain a vast amount of information of srreiit interest to the historian. Besides the rooms of the aldermen and common council, there was in former times a noble banqueting hall forthe city magnates." 28 THE PARK AND CITY HALL, NEW YORK. THE PARK AND CITY HALL, NEW YORK. Adjacent to the City Hall is the old Debtor's Prison, now the Hall of Records, the old Alms House, entirely appropriated to governmental use. In the Park are held public meetings, and in front of the Ciiy Hall are planted cannon, which are tired by the respective political parties, on the achievement of any party victory, as well as on other general public rejoicings. The Park forms a great resort for the citizens, and in the hot months of summer, forms, by its trees, a delightful shadv retreat. Last year, the City Hall took tiro, and a large portion of the upper part of it was destroyed. It is now being re-built, however. The New Yohk University, situated between Washington Place and Waverly Place, fronts Washington Square towards the west, forming a noble ornament to the city, being built of Westchester marble, and exhibits a specimen of the English collegiate style of architecture. The building is isO feet long, and 100 wide. It was founded in 1831. " In front, this oblong is divided into five parts — a central building, with wings flanked by towers, one rising on each of the four corners of the edifice. This central building or chapel is superior to the rest in breadth, height, and character, and is somewhat similar to that of King's College, Cambridge, England — a master- piece of pointed architecture, and a model for succeeding ages. It is 55 feet broad, and 85 feet deep, including the octangular turiets, one of which rises at each of the four corners. The two ends are gabled, and are, as well as the sides, crowned with an embattled parapet. The chapel receives its principal light from a win- dow in the western end. This window is 24 feet wide, and 50 high. From the central building, or chapel, wings project right and left, the windows of which have square heads, witli two lights, a plain transom, and the upper division trefoiled. The principal entrance is under the great western window. The doors are of oak, richly panelled, and filled with tracery of open Work, closely studded with bronze. " The institution has a chancellor and eleven professors. It has in its collegiate department 150 students, and a valuable libraiy and philo- sophical apparatus. Connected with it is an extensive grammar school, and a flourishing medical dei)artnient. The whole number of students is about 7uO. Commencement, third Monday in July. (See next page for engraving.) NEW YORK UNIVERSITY. 29 v-'v.'St^v'^'s.. UNIVERSITY, NEW YORK. " The chapel is probably the most beautiful room of the kind iu America. It is opeu to the public, on Sundays, for reliijious worship. The Library and rooms of the >i'e\v York Historical Society are in the buildins:. The building is accessible to the visitor at all times." "The Tombs occupy the space between Centre, Elm, Leonard and Franklin streets, the site of an old filthy pond, which had its outlet throuiih Canal street. The Halls of Justice is a much-admired specimen of modern- ized Egyptian architecture. It is built of light granite from Hallowell, Maine. It is 253 feet long, and 2U0 wide, and occupies the four sides of a hollow square, with a large centre building within the area. The front is approached by eight steps, leading to a portico of tour massive Egyptian columns. The windows, which extend to the height of two stories, have massive iron grated frames, surmounted with cornices, orna- mented with a winged globe and serpents. The two fronts on Leonard and Franklin streets have each two entrances, with two massive columns each. The gloomy aspect of this build- ing has won for it the general name of " The Tombs." It is occupied by the Court of Ses- sions, a police court, and some other court- rooms, besides a prison for male and female offenders awaiting trial. The open court within the walls is used as a place of execution for State criminals. Persons cun gain admittance on application for a written pei'init, at the keeper's room, between 1(», a. m. and 3, p. m." In the tore-ground of the view will be seen one of the " City Railroad Cars," noticed else- where. Custom Hoi'Se. — The lower engraving on the foUowinsj page, represents the Custom House of New York, situated at the corner of Nas- sau and Wall streets. "The Custom House has the form and solidity of a Greek temple, and is as enduring as the pyramids. The edifice, of white marble, is 200 feet long, by 'JO in width, and 80 feet high. Some of the blocks weigh 30 tons. The two fronts have 8 Doric columns, nearly C feet in diameter ; the sides, 16 heavy pilasters. A flight of 18 steps from Wall street, brings the visitor to the main entrance. The Rotunda is 60 feet in diameter, and the dome, under which the four deputy collectors have desks, is sup- ported in part by 16 Corinthian pillars. In the little room of the treasurer, near at hand, is re- ceived two-thirds of the revenue of the country. The Custom House was erected between the HALLS OF JUSTICE. OR THE TOMBS, NEW YORK. CUSTOM-HOUSE, WALL STREET, NEW YORK. :\rERCHANTS EXCHANGE. 31 MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE, WALL STREET, NEW YORK. years 1834-1841, and cost, including the lot, $l,l',to,00o." Tlie amount of accommodation provided for the transactions of the Custom House, ajtijears to be totally inadequate to the immense amount of business furnished bj' the port. MEncHANTs' ExcHANCE. — The above engrav- ing represents one of the most beautiful and costly buildings in America, and surpassing any other in the city in size and solidity of construc- tion. "It occupies a whole square of ground, and has a front of 200 feet on Wall street, with an average depth of 1(50 feet; is .5 stories high, including the basement, and fire-proof thiough- out, the floors and roof being entirely of masonry and metal. The principal material is brick-faced, with massive blocks of granite, chieliv from the , inexhaustible quarries of Quincy, Massachu- setts. The most remarkable features of this ' huge building are its graceful jiortico, present- ing to the eye a facade of IJS Ionic columns, each nearly 40 feet in height, and upwaids of 4 feet 1 in diameter, the shafts of which are each a sin- gle stone (wrought in the most jierfect manner, at a cost of §3i>0(», ) and the Rotunda, or Ex- change Room, which is 100 feet in diameter, with a double dome of brick, surmounted by a vertical sky-light, with movable sashel, which allows thorough and complete ventilation. The dome is supported partly by 8 massive (,'orinthian columns of Italian marble, weigh- ing41 tons each, in very large sections, impoited expressly for the i)ur])ose." The floor is flagged ! with the same material, and altogether the room ' is on#of the finest in America. 32 NEW YORK FREE ACADEMY. '/T, < " The Free Academy is on Lexington avenue, corner of Twenty-third street, and may easily be reached by taking a Broadway and Fourth avenue omnibus, or the Harlem rail-cars, oppo- site the Astor House. The building is 80 feet wide, by 125 feet deep, and is intended to accommodate 1,000 pupils. It is in the style of the town-halls ot the Netherlands, and is well adapted for its purpose, besides being a conspicuous ornament to the upper part of the city. The cost of the ground was $37,810, of the building, ^75,000, while the various appliances of apparatus and furniture have cost §26,867. The only requisites for admission are a knowl- edge of the branches taught in the public sciiools; it being also required that the appli- cant should have been a pupil in one of these schools for at least one year." It may be added that the graduates of the col- leges can pass the final examination at the Free Academy. '""'■••'-•ii'^ittri,'--^^^'^^ CORNER OF FIFTH AVENUE AND FIFTEENTH STREET, NEW YORK. PETER COOPER INSTITUTE, NEW YORK. 34 NEW YORK HOSPITAL. jISilSjW [llllllllllwlllilliiv'i^'i^ NEW YORK HOSPITAL, BROADWAY. On the preceding page we give an illustra- tion of a private residence in one of the princi- pal streets in New York, viz., the Fifth avenue. In this street may be seen some of the largest and handsomest of tlie private residences of the New York merchants. In summer, when the trees which line each side of the avenue are in full bloom, the street then has all the appearance of a beautiful grove. The green blinds, outside of the windows, when closed, which they generally are, detract very much from the elegant appearance of the houses. The custom of keeping the blinds so much closed, is very common in New York, and often, we think, unnecessary, when there are no rays of the sun to occasion such an infringe- ment, in that respect, on one of the greatest laws of health. The Cooper Institute. — This institution de- serves a place among our illustiations of public buildings of the city, not only on account of the magnificence of the edifice, as a building, but as a memento) of a most princely act on the part of a New York merchant — Mr. Peter Cooper — who, out of his wealth, has built this house with the view of founding an institution to be called " The Union," for the moral, social, and physical improvement of the youth, not only belonging to the City, or State, but of any part of the world. The sum donated to such a noble purpose, amounts to ^;jOU,noo (£60,000 stg). "The building is in Astor Place, opposite the new Bible House. The edifice is six stories high, occupying a space equal in extent to eight full lots, each 25 feet by 100, or 20,000 square feet. In the basement is a commodious lecture- room, 135 feet long, and in the upper story an observatory. The Union provides free courses of lectures, a free library, rooms for debating and other societies, and an office for the benefit of persons seeking literary employment, where their names and wishes may be registered, and application for their services received. "The School of Design, for females, have rooms in this building, amply supplied with the materials for instruction. ' Mr. Cooper is a manufacturer of Isinglass, by trade— one of the most noted men in the city for public spirit and benevolence, and a leading member of the Swedenborgian denomination. The New York Hospital is one of the principal benevolent institutions of New York, whicli tlie stranger, as he walks along Proadway, cannot fail to notice, standing back from oil' the stream of the great thorough- LA FARGE HOUSE, BROADWAY, 35 LA FAROE HOUSE, BROADWAY. fare, and in summer beautifully shaded by the trees in front of it. " This institution, located in Broadway, between Duane and Worth streets, was foundetl in 1771, by the Earl of Dunmore, at that time governor of the colony. The institution has an annual revenue, from various sources, of about $,SO,UUO, which is expended in the support of the estab- lishment. The hospital buildings, to which large and costly additions have recently been made, are fitted up in excellent style for the accommodation of patients, who can have the best of medical attendance, and the convenience of nursing and medicine, for -J." a week. Re- spectable persons, without families, will find this a very desirable asylum during sickness. Patients can have single rooms if thev desire them. In cases of sudden accidents, patients are received here, and their wants immediately attended to. Medical students are permitted to the rounds with the attending surgeons for the annual fee of ?S. Annual lectures are given by all the attending physicians and surgeons. The buildings will accommodate ;j.50 patients. Application for adinission must be made at the office within the Hospital. There are ten attending and consulting physicians and sur- geons." La Faroe HorsE. — One of the mammoth- sized hotels of New York. It has a magnificent white marble frontage of 200 feet on Broadway, and stands out in strong relief with all the buildings in the vicinity. It is fi'ted up for fully 400 guests, in a comfortable and gorgeous manner, and is conveniently situated for busi- ness, as well as pleasure, being in the vicinity of the Astor Library, and the Reading Room of the Mercantile Library Association, which are free to strangers. The La Farge House is kept by Mr. Wheeler, on the American plan. 36 TRINITY CHURCH, BROADWAY. " Situated on Broadway, fronting Wall street, with its portals' invitinglj' open every day in the year, stands Trinity Church, a beautiful temple of worship, ft is the third edifice of the kind erected upon the spot, the first having been de- stroyed in the great fire of 1776. The entire length of tSe building is ISO feet, of which 4.5 are due to the chancel. Width of nave, 54 feet ; of chancel, 38 feet. Height to eaves, 50 feet, and to ridge, 90 feet, with a fine open roof. The inside walls of the church are of Caen stone, brought from Xormandy in France — a material of an agreeable colour, and easily worked, being soft enough to be cut with a saw or knife. The windows are of richly stained glass ; the ceilings painted blue, and the roof tim- bers covered with polycliromatic decora- tions. The floors are tiled throughout, with tasteful ornamental patterns in chancel. The building will seat about 800, its cost havino; been §260,000. The architect of this splendid church is Mr. Upjohn, a cele- brated Scotch architect. "The loftv spire of the church is the Ponipev's Pillar of New York — the most prominent object that first arrests the at- tention of the stranger, as he approaches the city from the Atlantic. The view from the top of the spire is without doubt the finest to be had in the citv." TRINITY CHURCH, BROADWAY, NEW YORK. CHUKCH OF ALL SOULS, NEW YORK. 37 This magnificent building, recently erected, is remarkable for its peculiar architecture — being built in the style of many of the Italian churches of the middle ages — of brick, and cream-coloured stone, alternately. Adjoining the church is the parsonage, situated on Twen- tieth street. Included in the design tor this church, is the magnificent spire, or campanile, SOU feet high, the foundation only of it being at present built. The church, iuside, is fitted up elegantly and most comfortably, in small and large pews, to suit the families of members. The peculiar hue of the paint on the walls, the magniticently stained glass win- dows, partially obscured by a huge arch, facing the equally grand-looking, and powerful organ in the gallery opposite, the light streaming down from the cupola, behind the pulpit — the well- planned position the congregation occupy for seeing and hearing — the rich and ga}^ dresses of the vast crowd of hearers — form altogether a coup (F (Ell seldom to be met with. This handsome edifice belong Unitarian congregations of which the Rev. Dr. Bellows is pastor. It has cost already §17u,000, including the parsonage. The campanile is esti- niated to cost 840,000 ; so that when it is completed, the whole edifice will have cost the large sum of $210,000, (£42,000 stg.). The architect is Mr. Jacob Wrey Mould. It is situated on the Fourth Avenue, near to Union Square — one of the most beautiful localities in the city. The cars which start from opposite the Astor House, pass the entrance to the church. igs to one of the Jvew York, over THE CHURCH OF ALL SOULS-NEW YORK. 38 PUBLIC IXSTITUTIOXS. The Mercantile Library. — One of the fin- est and most useful institutions in New York, is the library and reading room of the Mercantile Library Association, situated at Clinton Hall, Aster Place, a little way out of Broadway (west end). The reading room is a magnificent apart- ment, equal to the reading rooms of the clubs in London and elsewhere. It is attended by a young lady waitress. There is a branch office in the city, for the convenience of parties resid- ing in Brooklyn and ])laces adjacent — where or- ders for books are received and delivered. From a report we quote : — • " The Library now contains 30,000 volumes, is rich la every popular and scientific department, and is catalogued to the end of the year lS-36. Nearly 75,000 volumes were delivered to members in 1S56. More than "20,000 of these were distributed through the branch office, at No. 16 Nassau street. The reading rooms are tlie most extensive in the United States, and contain nearly 300 magazines and newspai)ers selected from all parts of the world, full files of all the princi- pal newspapers from their commencement, and a large number of books of reference. There are, beside, classes in various branches, and lectures in the win- ter, all for $2 a year." Its members number upwards of 4,500. In the vicinity is situated the well-known AsTOR Library — named after Mr. Jacob As- tor, one of the most successful and wealthy merchants of New York, who has bequeathed this splendid legacy as a./ree library, for the use of the citizens of the city, where he amassed a large fortune, although he entered the city — as it is said — a poor boy. We find from a recent report of the librarian, that the fund invested for carrying on the insti- tution yields about §13,000 a" year, of which §7,000 goes for expenses, leaving §6,000 for books. More than l'0,000 volumes have been added since 1S.54, including some exceedingly rare and valuable books. During the daj-, it is frequented by many whose time and opportunities permit visiting it. As a free library, however, we confess we felt disappointed at finding that it is shut one hour after sunset — the only time when so many citizens have it in their power to fre- quent such an institution, and, of course, to thou- sands it must prove of no use whatever. It is most comfortably, and even gorgeously fitted up, and for all who can attend during the day, it must prove a great boon. Post-office, Nassau Street, between Cedar AND Liberty Streets. — The whole business correspondence of this immense city, and through which passes the entire foreign corres- pondence of the United States and Canada— is conducted in this miserable shanty-looking building, which appears to us to be a disgrace to a country village — far less a city like New York. It has been, successively, a Dutch church, a riding-school, a prison, and an hospital. It is worthy of a visit, if only to see such a glaring instance of neglect, connected with so import- ant a matter as a proper establishment tit for conducting the postal business of this great city, and which ought to be an honour to the city instead of one of its monuments of neglect, or stupidity — we know not which. The New Arsenal. — Noticed elsewhere. High Bridge. — Harlem, 1400 feet long (see engraving;. -Broadway, above Tenth st. Castle Garden Emigration Depot. — At the Battery, east end of Broadway. (See notice of it elsewhere.) Naval Dry Dock. — Navy Yard, Brooklyn, said to be the largest in the world — built in "ten years, at a cost of §2, 150,000. Docks the larg- est ship in 4 hours 20 m. Amongst the finest churches in the city, w© may mention — All Soul's Church. — 4th Avenue — Unitarian. (See engraving and notice elsewhere.) Trinity Church. — Broadway, fronting Wall Street — Episcopal. The nearest approach to a cathedral in New York, about 200 feet long by MJ wide, in the florid Gothic style, with a very beautiful tower and spire, 2S4 feet high, con- taining a visitor's "view-point" of 250 feet iu height. (See engraving.; St. Paul's Chapel. — Broadway, between Ful- ton and Vesey streets — Episcopal. Grace Church. — ^Episcopal. St. Patrick's Cathedral. — Corner of Prince and Mott — Roman Catholic. 156 feet by 80, ac- commodating 2000 persons — Byzantine style. FouR'^H Universalist Church — Broadway, above Spring. Remarkable for the exquisite Gothic tracery of its carved wood-work, espe- cially on the pulpit and canopy. The Great Synagogue. — Greene street, near Houston — Hebrew. BENEVOLENT INSTITUTIONS. New York Hospit.vl. — Broadway. (See en- graving.) Blind Asylum. — 9th avenue, near 33d street. A massive Gothic structure, covering one entire block. About 100 pupils are educated and taught appropriate trades. Deaf and Dumb Institution. — 4th avenue and 50th street, on Washington Heights, 'cov- ering 37 acres. About 250 mutes educated and taught trades. Orphan Asylum.- 200 inmates. -Bloomingdale, near 80th st. EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. New York University. — Wfvshington Sq. A noble marble building, with a beautiful cha- pel — mediaeval Gothic. (See engraving.) Columbia College. — Park Place, near Broad- way. A president, 10 professors, and 150 stu- dents. Free Academy. — Corner Lexington avenue and 23d street. (See engraving.) Union Theological Seminary. — University Place, near Washington Square. Six profes- sors — 100 students. Bible House. — An immense building, occu- pying one entire triangular block, near the junc- tion of 3d and 4th avenues, with a frontage of 700 feet. PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS— BUILDINGS— MARKETS. 39 General Theological Seminary. — 20th st., corner yth avenue — Episcopal. UxivEKSiTY Medical School.— 14th street, near 3d avenue. Extensive and well-arranged a])paratus. College of Physicians and Surgeons. — 4th avenue, corner iSd street— Medical Museum. Xew York Medical College. — East ISth street. Five months' course. Pathological Museum, and Laboratory for the practical stud}- of Analytical Chemistry. SCIENTIFIC AND LITEKARY INSTITUTIONS. American Institute. — 349 Broadway. For the general advancement and applkatlon of sci- ence. Admission free. Holds an Annual Fair at Crystal Palace, and a Cattle Show. Mech.vnics' IxsTiTt:TE.— 20 4th avenue. Gives popular scientific lectures. Mechanical Mu- seum and reading-room — schools attached. Cooper " Union."- Astor Place, opposite Bible House. Built by Peter Cooper, Esq. Free lectures, library, observatory, debating rooms, and literary "employment btfice. (See engraving.) New York Society Library. — University Place, near 12th street— 36,000 volumes— vis- itors admitted. Lyceum of Natural History. — 14th street, near 4th avenue. Appropriate library and cabinet. New York Law Institute.— City Hall. Very complete collection of 4500 volumes. New York Historical Society. — University Building— 20,000 volumes, cabinet of coins, etc. Apprentices' Library. — Mechanics' Hall, Broadway, near Grand street — 40,000 volumes. FINE ART institutions. National Academy of Design.— 58 East 13th street. Spring exhibition of the works of liv- ing artists only. JIuch resorted to. DussELDORF Gallery. — 548 Broadway. Good collection of the Flemish and German schools. Bryan Gallery.— Comer Broadway and 13th street. Some fair originals and excellent copies. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. City Hall and Park. — (See engraving.) Custom House.— Corner Wall and Nassau. An exquisitely pure Doric building of white marble, modelled from the Parthenon. (See engraving.) Admission free. Merch.\sts' E.XCHANGE.— Wall street. Ele- gant Ionic exterior. (See engravinor.) Halls of Justice. — Centre Street— popular- ly known as the " Tomis." (See engraving.) RAILROAD stations IN NEW YORK. Hudson River Railroad.— Depots : corner Warren street and College Place ; Canal street, 1 near Washington; West street, near Christo- pher; Thirty-First street, between Tenth and Eleventh avenues. The time is marked for Thirty-First street depot— difl'erence from others, 25 to 30 minutes. Long Island Railroad.— Depot : foot of At- lantic street, Brooklyn. New Jersey Railroad.— Depot : foot of Court- landt street. New York and Erie Railroad.— Depot : West street, foot of Duane street. New Jersey Central and Steamboat Live — Office— 69 Wall street. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. Post-office, (Nassau street.)— Proceed to 146 Broadway, and east through Liberty street. Custom House, (Nassau, corner Wall street.) —Proceed to 86 Broadway, and east in Wall street. (See engraving.) Assay Office, (Wall street.)- Proceed as above for Custom House. Merchants' Exchange, (Wall, corner William street.)— Proceed as above. (See engraving.) City Hall, (in the Park.)— Proceed in Broad- way to 260, and east in the Park. (See engrav- ing.) Board of Education Rooms (Grand, corner Elm street).— Proceed to 458 Broadway, and east in Grand street. Free Academy, (23d street and Lexington avenue.)— Take a 3d or 4th avenue car to 23d street. The Academy is located between those avenues. [See engraving.] PUBLIC MARKETS. Fulton, (South and Fulton streets.) — Proceed in Broadway to No. 203, and east in Fulton street to the river. C-vtharine, (South and Catharine streets.) — Proceed in Broadway to No. 222, and east in Park Row, Chatham street, and East Broadway to No. 15, and southeast in Catharine street to the river. Washington, (Fulton and West streets.)— Proceed in Broadway to No. 207, and west in Fulton street to the river. Centre, (Grand and Centre streets.) — Proceed to No. 458 Broadwav, and east in Grand street to No. 162. Essex, (Grand and Essex streets.) — Proceed in Broadway to No. 458, and east in Grand street to No. 334. Tompkins, (Bowery and 6th street.) — Proceed to 698 Broadway, east in 4th street to No. 394, and north in Bowery to No. 395. Jefferson, (6th and Greenwich avenues.) — Proceed to No. 769 Broadway, and west in 9th street to No. 1. Spring Street, (West and Spring streets.) — Proceed to 527 Broadway, and west in Spring street to the river. 40 PLEASANT DRIVES — LINES OF TRAVEL. HorsTox Street, (Pitt and Houston streets.) —Proceed in Broadwiij- to No. COS, and east in Houston street to 174. PUBLIC PARKS. Battery, (Foot of Broadway.)— Proceed to No. 1 Broadway, and cross Battery Place. Park, (corner Chambers sti-eet and Broad- waj-.) — Proceed to 271 Broadway. Washington, (Fourth and Wooster streets.) — Proceed to C98 Broadway, and west to Wooster street. Union, (14th street.)— Proceed in Broadway to No. bt)2. Madison, (23d street.)— Proceed in Broadway to No. 94S. Tompkins, (Avenue A.) — Proceed in Broad- way to No. 754, and east in Eighth street. Central, (5'Jth street.)— Proceed in Broad- way to its junction with Sth avenue — or take a 2d," 3d, or 4th avenue car to 8i3th street, and proceed west. PLEASANT DRIVES. To Hifiii Bridge, viaBloomingdale. — Proceed north in Broadwaj', through Bloomingdale road, into the Ninth avenue. To High Bridge, via McComb's Dam. — Pro- ceed north in Broadway to No. 948, and north in Fifth avenue to Harlem River ; after crossing the river, proceed west. To Fort Washington. — Proceed north in Broadway, through Bloomingdale, Manhattan- ville and Canuausville, along the King's Bridge road to 175th street, and west to the river. To Jamaica, via Cvpress Hills' Cemetery. — Proceed to No. 458 Broadway, east in Grand street to the river, cross Division avenue ferry; pass through South 7tli and South •itli streets and Broadway, east into Johnson street, which leads to the plank road. To Flushing, via Green Point and Newtown. — Proceed in Broadway to No. 784, and east in Tenth street to the river ; cross the ferry, and proceed east along the plank road. To P.\terson, via Hoboken. — Proceed to either No. 227, 417, or 709 Broadway, and west through Barclay, Canal, or Ninth and Christo- pher streets to the river, and cross the ferry — taking the plank road to the west. OBJECTS OF INTEREST. High Bridge, (over Harlem River.) — Drive out Broadway and Bloomingdale road, and into the 9th avenue beyond Bloomingdale — or take a car to Harlem, fi-om 4th avenue and 27th street, and then take stages west from Harlem. (See engraving.) Distributing Reservoir, (5th avenue and 42d street. ) — Take a Broadway and 42d street, or a 5th avenue stage, or a t>th avenue car from Broadway and Vesey or Canal street, to 42d street. Receiving Reservoir, (86th street.) — Take a 2d, 3d or 4th avenue car to 86th street, and pro- ceed west. Greenwood Cemetery, (South Brooklvn.) — Proceed to 208 Broadway, and east in Fulton street to the East River ; cross the ferry, and take the Court street cars, which go to the Cemetery gate. HoBOKEN AND Elysian Fields. — Procced to either 227, 417, or 709 Broadway, and west through Barclay, Canal, or Ninth and Christo- pher streets to the river, and cross the ferry. HOW TO LEAVE NEW YORK. For Philadelphia, via New Jersey Railroad Depot at Jersey City. — Proceed to 171 Broad- way, thence to the foot of Courtlandt street, and cross the ferry. For Philadelphia, via Camden and Amboy Railroad. — From Pier No. 1 North River. Pro- ceed to No. 1 Broadway, and west in Battery Place to the river. For Boston, via Stonington and Providence. — From Pier No. 2 North River. Proceed to No. 1 Broadway, and west through Battery Place to the river. For Boston, via Fall River and Newport. — From Pier No. 3 North River. Proceed to No. 1 Broadway, and west through Battery Place to the river. For Boston, via Norwich and Worcester. — From foot of Courtlandt street. Proceed to No. 171 Broadway, and thence through Courtlandt street to the river. For Boston, via New Haven Railroad. — Depot 27th street and 4th avenue. Take a 4th avenue car, which starts from the Astor House, or a Broadway and 4th avenue stage, north to 27th street. For Albany, via Hudson River Railroad. — Depot, Warren street and College Place. Pro- ceed to 200 Broadway, and west in Warren street to College Place. For Albany, via Harlem Railroad. — Depot 27th street, corner 4th avenue. Take a 4th avenue car, which starts from the Astor House, or a Broadway and 4th avenue stage, north to 27th street. For Albany, via People's Line Steamboats.— From foot of Courtlandt street. Proceed in Broadway to No. 171, and west in Courtlandt street to the river. For Albany, via Merchants' Line Steam- boats. — From foot of Robinson street. Proceed to No. 237 Broadwaj', and through Park Place west to the river. For Buffalo or Dunkirk, via New York and Erie Railroad. — Depot, foot of Duane street. Proceed in Broadway to No. 303, and west in Duane street to the river. For New Haven, by steamboat. — From Peck Slip. Proceed to 208 Broadway, and east in Fulton street to the river ; thence northeast two blocks. HIGH BKIDGE, HARLEM. 41 l^-i, ^*\. "2.^C?v '^"S^ THE HIGH BRIDGE, CROTON AQUEDUCT. IIir.H Bridge.— Connected with the water sup- ply of New York, we give the above engraving of the Aqueduct, over which the water is brought in pipes into the city to the great reservoir at btjth St., from Croton River nearly 40 miles off. By this means, New York is supplied by an abun- dant, and never-failing stream of the best water which can be desired. It is brought to a re- ceiving reservoir, on York Hill, about 5 miles from the City Hall. The quantity capable of being supplied and distributed, is GO miUkms of gallons in one day. The Bridge, represented above, crosses the Harlem Valtey and River, and is 14.50 feet long. There are 8 arches, with a span of 80 feet each, springing from piers 20 feet wide, at the spring line, which is 60 feet above the surface of the river, at high water. There are several other arches, springing from the ground, of 50 feet each. The whole works, in connection with bring- ing the water bv this means to the city, has cost upwards of ^15,000,000 (£2,400,000 s'tg.). On the next page will be found illustrations of one of the banking establishments of the city, as well as of the celebrated billiard-table rooms of M. Phelan, the largest establishment of the kind, we believe, in the United States, where thirty magnificent tables are fitted up for play, allthe manufacture of Messrs. O'Con- nor & Colliuder, of New York, the largest bil- liard-table makers in the country. BROOKLYN. Across the East River is the suburban citv of Brooklyn, where thousands of the New York- merchant's, and others, reside. The ferry-boats cross every three or four minutes. From Brook- lyn " Heights," some of the finest views of New York and neighbourhood are obtained. Brook- lyn is governed by a mayor, and a board of 18 aldermen — publishes daily newspapers, and has about it all the characteristics of a city, although it forms, in reality, only a suburb of the great "Gotham," with "which it is so closely allied. The population is about ii8,000. Strangers will find the Rev. H. W. Beecher's church (named Plymouth Church) in Orange ■street, between Hicks and Henry streets. Take the ferry foot of Fulton street. Brooklyn has nearly SO churches in it, of all denominations, and tlience has been styled the " City of Churches." Greenwood Cemetery, the largest public burial ground in the world, is situated on Gowanus Heights, about 2i miles from Soutli Ferry. Tlie various avenues in the ground extend for about l."> miles — and, with its hills and dells, forms a scene of great beauty, whilst the mag- nificent monuments, and the eminent individ- uals buried there, render it a place peculiarly interesting. THE BANK OF THE REPUBLIC, BROADWAY. M. PHELAN'S BILLIARD-TABLE ROOMS, BROADWAY. HOTELS IN THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA. Tlie following form a few of the most respectable houses in their respective localities. Tl7iere the terms per day are not 7nentioned, they are generally $2 to $2.50 per day, and all con- ducted npon the American plan — excepting where stated otherwise. ALBANY— DELAVAN HOUSE, Broadway. BALTIMORE.— CAItXOrs CITY HOTEL, Monument Square. BOSTON.— THE A.MERICAN HOUSE, 4'2 Hanover street. ' THE ADAMS HOUSE, 371 Washington street. BUFFALO, N Y — the clarendon hotel is a fii-st-class house, in one of the finest situations in the city, and can be confidently recommended to all who wish a repectable and comfortable first- class house. Terms, $'2.oO per day. Situated in Main street. the western hotel, Terrace, is a respectable |1 per day house, situated in an airy part of the city. THE LOVEJOY HOUSE, Terrace, is a $1 per day house. Situated close to the Western. THE MrlNTYRE HOUSE, corner of Exchange and Beak streets, and not far from the Erie Rail- road Station. $1 per day. THE BENNET TEMPERANCE HOTEL, Main street, is an exclusively Temperance House. A comfortable and economical house, kept by Mr. R. B. Thork. Convenientlj- situated. $1 per day. CHICAGO.— AMERICAN HOTEL, Lake street. BRIGG'S HOUSE, Randolph street. TREMONT HOUSE, Lake street. BARKER HOUSE, SO Randolph street, $1.50 per day. ENGLISH HOTEL, 201 Kenzie street. CINCINNATI —THE M ADISON house. Main street. A comfortable, well-conducted, and much-frequented house. Yery convenient for either steamers or rail. $2 per day. CLEVELAND, 0.— the American hotel, Superior street. One of the largest first-class houses in the city ; situated in a central part for business. |2.50 per day. THE ANGIER HOUSE, corner of Bank and Water streets. A large, first-class house ; situated in a more retired, yet convenient situation. $2.50 per day. THE JOHNSTON HOUSE, Superior street, is a smaller house than either of the foregoing, but doing an excellent business, and comfortable. $1..50 per day. THE CO.M.MERCIAL HOTEL, Seneca street, for a cheaper house still. |1.50 per day. DETROIT.— BIDDLE HOUSE, Jefferson Avenue. WESTERN HOTEL, ITS and 1S2 Woodbridge street, at Michigan Central Railroad depot. K&.LAMAZOO, Michigan.— BURDICK HOUSE. Acker & Son, proprietors. MILWAUKEE.— NKWHALL HOUSE, $2 per day. AMERICAN HOUSE. MONTREAL.— nONAGANA'S HOTEL, Notre Dame street. NEW YORK— THE BREYOORT HOUSE, Fifth avenue, corner of Eighth street, is a first-class house, fitted up for 100 guests. The situation is in the " Belgravia" of New York, very comfortable and quiet, and well adapted for families who prefer the European plan, upon which it is conducted, exclusively. Largely patronized by English families. Has a magnificent " coffee room," where all meals are served. THE CLARENDON HOTEL, Union Square, has long been known as a first-class house, in a pleasant, airy situation. Parties can choose between the .\merican and European plans, and be accommodated comfortably, in elegant apartments. Suites of rooms are to be had all together. No less than 80 bath rooms in this house. Tariff, $2.50, or 10». (stg.), per day. European tariff according to accommodation. Long frequented by English %usitors. LAFARGE HOUSE, Broadway, opposite to Bond street. One of the most magnificent white marble fronted hotels in New Y'ork, elegantlj' furnished and fitted up, and conveniently situ- ated for those on pleasure or business. Only a few yards from the Astor Library and the Mer- cantile Association Library, to which strangers are admitted free. NIAGARA FALLS, (American side).— INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, Ira Osborne and Co., proprietors. MONTEAGLE HOTEL, near Suspension Bridge. CLIFTON HOUSE, (Canada side). GREAT WESTERN HOTEL, at Suspension Bridge. OTTAWA. C. W.— CAMPBELL'S HOTEL, Sparks street. PHILADELPHIA.— THE GIUAKD house. Chestnut street. « PRAIRIE DU CHEEN.—MON DELL HOUSE. Accommodation for 250 guests. QUEBEC— Kr.<'LT WORK EVER PUBLISHED CONTAINING Fac-Similes and Descriptions of every Genuine Bank Note in the United States and Canada. These two works combined are invaluable to business men, because they are infallible in detecting all kinds of bad money, and caution the public in advance of Bank Failures. Specimen J\"umber» sent Free by Jtlail, Address J. TYLER HODGES, Banker, 271 Broadway, N. Y. J €HARI.£I$ DE8IL.VER, Publisher and Bookseller 714 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PENN. SARGENTS' SPEAKERS, PINKOCK'S HISTORIES, FROST'S HISTORIES, LORD'S HISTORIES, JOHjS^STOX'S TURNER'S CHEMISTRIES, JOm^STON'S PHILOSOPHIES, IFTERLLS'EAR CLASSICS, CLARK'S LATIN GRAMMAR, aiAXESCA'S FRE^sCH GRAMMAR, GUY AND KEITH'S ASTRONOMY, MITCHEIX'S UNIVERSAL ATLAS, ffiTCHELL'S POCKET SIAPS, &c. [^" Descriptive Catalogues of Charles Desilver's valuable School, Medical, Law, and Mis- cellaneous Publications, furnished on application, and any book sent by mail, postage paid, on receipt of an advertised price. ^^^,. CENTRAL ,,,^^ .-C:^ Pennsylvania Railroad, 0/r^ PHILADELPHIA TO PITTSBURG, AND THENCE BY CONNECTING BAILROADS TO Tf'beeUngr, Cinciuiiati, L.oiii$ville, St. Louis, Steubeuville, €hicag:o, IndianapoUs, Cleveland, Kansas, BurUngrton, St. Paul, Nebraska, AND ALL OTHER POINTS IN THE GREAT WEST. The completion of the Western connection of the Pennsylvania Eailroad to Chicago makes this tU shorteU line between the East and the Great Northwest. Close connections are made with this railroad line at Philadelphia by all the passenger lines running westward from Boston and New York. The rates of fare are always as low, the time as short, and accommodations at least equal to any other route. This company also maintains an Emigrant Accommodation Line, by which parties emigrating westward enjoy a cheap and comfortable mode of conveyance. The rates of freight to any point in the west by the Pennsylvania Eailroad are at all times as favorable as are charged by other railroad companies, and for speed and safety this line is not excelled by any in the United States. IT'IFTY-TIIIRD VOLUMl':, beginning witti the January Numl)er, T!59. Louis Gatlord Clark and Dr. James I). Noyks, Editors. Arrangements liave been made with tlie following popular authors for con- tributions to tlie sueeeeding volume of the Knickerbockkr, comprising, we believe, a gi-eater amount and variety of talent that have ever been enlisted for any magazine in the country. Fitz Greene HaUeck, Donald G. Mitchell, Park Benjamin, Kev. F. \V. Shelton, Dr. J. VV. Palmer, Gulian C. Verplanck, H. T. Tuckerman, George W. Curtis, John G. Sa.xe, Alfred B. Street, Prof. Edward North, Manton M. Marble, Fitz James O'Brien, T. B. Aldrich, James W. Morris, E. L. Godkin, John Phoeni.x, A. Wilder, Jlrs. E. Key Blunt, Dr. J. W. Francis, Miss Caroline Cheesebro. " The oldest and best established of American Magazines." " The Blackwood of America." Every Number of the Fifty-third Volume will have a steel plate engraving. Terms :— Single Copies, One Year, $.3.00; Two Copies, $5.00; Three Copies, $6.00; Single Numbers, 25 cents. An extra copy sent to any one who will make up a cluli of ten subscribers, at $2.00 each. JOHN A. GRAY, Publisher, 16 & 18 Jacob Street, N. Y. IMPORTER AND MANUFACTURER OF B>\1\\ iinir SS0rstcb Jf ringts, 6imps, Corbs, Mussels ; OXJIl.T-A.I3Sr IDEOOI^-A-TIOnSTS, AND LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS. 401 nno^nj^»iir, cor. or jv*dLiLEn, NEW YORK. J. E. h:^m:ilton^, ARCHITECT, 416 BROADWAY, cor. of OANAL STREET, ISTeTAT ^^iTorik. WILLIAM H^ RANLETT, Editor of Builder's Register, and author of " The Architect and " City Architecty No. 52 JOHN STREET, NEW YORK. The subscribers are prepared to execute all kinds of Drawing and Engraving on AVood promptly, and in every style of the art, upon the most reasonable terms. " All kinds of Book Illustrations, Magazine Covers, Views of Buildings, Machinery, Land- scapes, &c.. Portraits, Societies' Seals, Druggists' Labels, Newspaper Heads, Bill Heads, Check and Envelope Plates, Tobacco and other Stamps, Illus- trations for Printing in Colors, &c., &c., drawn and engraved in the best manner. N. ORE & CO., 52 John Street, New York, j JAMES CONNER &, SONS, F» ES IF" O XJ 3>3" 33 ES rt S, 29, 31 & 33 BEEKMAN STREET, NEW YORK. GEORGE A. PRINCE & CO., MAXIIFACTUIIERS OF THE IIIPP. OVED PATENT IvIELODBON, 87 FXJLTOKT SXI^EET, ISTEATV "STOPIK:, BUFFALO AND CHICAGO. CITY OF WASHINGTON. 47 CITY OF WASHINGTON. " Washington, the Capital of the United States, is beautifully and conveniently situated on the north bank of the River Potomac, District of Columbia. The city is nearly surrounded by a fine amphitheatre of hills of moderate elevation, covered with trees and shrubbery, and commanding from many points picturesque scenery*, and extensive views of the " River of 8wans," which, descending from the Alleghany Mountains, and winding its way for nearly 400 miles through a fertile and most attractive country, expands into Chesapeake Baj*. The environs of tlie city abound in elegant villas and country seats. "Lat. 38° 55' 48" north, and long. 77° 1' 30" west from Greenwich. It is the first meri- dian of American geograpliers. "The site has a gently undulating surface. The city extends X. W. and S. E. about 4^ miles, and E. to S. about 2-J- miles. The public buildings occupy the most elevated situations. The streets run N. and S., and E. and W., crossing each other at right angles, with the exception of 15, -which point to the States, of which they severally bear the names. The Capitol commands the streets called Maryland, Delaware, and Pennsylvania avenues ; the President's House, Pennsylvania, Vermont, New York, and Connecticut avenues, and all these different intersections form 1170 squares. Pennsylvania avenue, which stretches in a direct line from Georgetown to the Eastern Branch, passing the Presi- dent's House to the Capitol, is 4 miles in length, and IGO feet wide between those edifices, and beyond them 130 feet. The streets are from 70 to 100 feet wide. The whole area of the city is about 3016 acres, and its periphery about 14 miles. "The city was founded, and the corner-stone of the Capitol was laid, with masonic honours, on the 18th Sept., 1793, and the city^ was first occupied as the seat of government in 1800. "The public buildings of AVashington are the Capitol, the Executive Mansion, the State Offices, Treasury Buildings, War Offices, Navy Offices, Offices of the Secretar}' of the Inte- I'ior, Patent Office, Post-office, Office of the Attorney-general, National Observatory, the Arsenal, Navy Yard, Smithsonian Institute, National Medical College, Columbian College, Coast Survey Office, City Hall, National Institute, numerous churches, the hotels, and many others devoted to a variety of useful, literary, and benevolent purposes. " Public Squares and Parks. — We condense the following from Miss Lynch's description of Washington : " The open waste lying between the Capitol, the President's House, and the Potomac, is about to be converted into a national park, upon a plan proposed by the lamented A. J. Downing. The area contains about 150 acres, and the principal entrance is to be through a superb marble gateway, in the form of a triumphal arcii, which is to stand at the western side of Pennsylvania avenue. From this gateway a series of carriage drives, forty feet wide, crossing the canal by a suspension bridge, will lead in gracefully curved lines beneath lofty shade-trees, forming a carriage drive between 5 or 6 miles in circuit. The grounds will include the Smithsonian Institute and Washington's monument. The parks round the President's House and the Capitol iiave already been mentioned. Lafayette Park, on the north side of Pennsylvania avenue, in front of the executive mansion, is laid out and planted with shrubbery, etc., and contains, as we have elsewhere stated, a bronze equestrian statue of President Jackson. To avoid the unpleasant angularity, caused by the peculiar intersection of the streets, open spaces are to be left at these points, which are to be laid out and planted with trees, etc. There are extensive grounds around the City" Hall, called Judiciary Square." "Objects of Interest in the Vicinity. — Fifteen miles south of Washington, on the Poto- mac, is Mount Vernon, once the home, and now the tomb of Washington. Thirteen miles above Georgetown are the Great Falls of the Potomac, tliought by many to equal, in wild- ness and picturesque interest, any in the country. Tlie Little Falls, which descend 15 feet perpendicularly, are only 3 miles above Georgetown. Tlie latter was a favourite fishing resort of Daniel Webster. Measures are being taken to supply Washington with water from one of these falls. 48 THE CAPITOL OF THE UNITED STATES. 05 O •€ 5 o ^ fea (n = o ,5 2 i o - s ^-^ ^ "■' ^ ^ O nQ > a I— I 0) !» C 13 (M ^ a 00 > S '3 c <0 C,^ .-C O) O r^ O *J ^ : a o 3 r3 CD — be H o t- C ^ ^

o O U^ 13 O be c fi .25 C rS ^ ■^ -S - o rj ^ « > o (A o ^ X bfj O 2 c cn C '^ "bn en a) 1 0) 5 "o o H c O P4 a 'o o O fcT 0) cS o o r— < en cn bu r bn c "3 ^ o ■^j i *-2 15 a o be « a; .£ bc.2 Q H a H O O a> a o 5C c CS ® S p -^ s Eh bn o -3 t- o o p s a ri s ■5 " 'o 2 •" S 3 c o 2 ? g -a a C3 c3 O O p o on a u S ^ ■5 '3 a bn o J p «2 H •:s c p C3 . o p H 2 o H o l-H O O a. H EH m o ?f > S 0) I ° 5 § r-J S O P ^. P rj* .^ I — ' S ;= ■:n -^ -S -^ =^ ^ _ o .5 es «C P P i- 2 u, *- S c ^ P ■- a .. a bn s c O 'n 5 E '3 o >3 _ oi -^ C O O P ^" ? = > 3 try "z _ bn -a .— - -i-» a -^ P ' ' be ^ a '^ Z' "3 .i* e "* .1' S -H CO 13 u s c a 2 « J- :t: «« ra a bn bn +j •r c3 3 - ? -^' a ^ o .a a 5 ,2 = a aj o cn -3 a 3 c a to cS _ be a a P ^ - •a c- ■♦J -*^ E be be 5 .o a = ,:- 1 « 3- CS ^ ^ -£ '^ be g 3 2 .£ " ►r '^ '■§ a ^ ^ I ' T t.^ «« a ~ -- ;£ a 5 m a c; a ^ S; o o -; « f I 2o ^ a a =t! o rs cs ■ CJ •^ cn b^ ^ ;> I) >!) 0) cJ O > 1^ CO tc t. CITY OF "WASHINGTON. 49 somely laid out, and planted with trees and shrubbery, presenting, during the spring and summer, a scene of exquisite beaut}'. The extensions will comprehend two wings, 238 by 140 feet, which are to be surrounded on three sides by colonnades, and to communicate on the fourth bj' corridors 44 feet long, and 50 wide, with the main building. The whole will be 751 feet long, and cover an area of 3^ acres. The grounds around the Capitol embrace from 23 to 30 acres, forming an oblong on three sides, and a semicircle on the west. '•The President's Mansion has a front of 170 feet b}- 86 feet deep, is 2 stories high, and built of freestone, painted white, hence, we presume, it is named the " White House." The north front has a portico ornamented with 4 Ionic columns facing Pennsylvania avenue, and 3 at the sides; under tllis, carriages drive to deposit their visitors. The Potomac front has a circular colonnade of 6 Ionic columns. In the same enclosure with the Exe- cutive Mansion are the edifices appropriated to the State, Treasury, War, and Navy De- partments. The State and Treasury buildings are directly east of the President's House, and those of War and Navy west of it. "The State Department is a plain, brick structure, 160 feet long, 55 wide, and 2 stories high, in which are emploj-ed 19 clerks, 2 messengers, and 5 watchmen. The department contains a large library of books, maps, charts, etc., and in the copyright bureau are de- posited from 10,000 to 12,000 volumes of works copyrighted in the United States. Imme- diately south of the State Department is "The Treasury Department, occupying an imposing edifice of stone, 340 feet long, and 170 wide, and, when completed, will be 457 in length. The east front (on the north bend of Pennsj-lvania avenue, caused bj' the interruption from the park around the President's House) has a colonnade of Ionic columns, 300 feet long, and, when the north and south wings are added, will number 42 columns. The north and south ends of the building will also have projecting porticos. This edifice has about 150 apartments, in which are em- ploj-ed, besides the secretary' and his assistant, 3 auditors, 2 treasurers, 1 register, 1 com- missioner of customs, about 300 clerks, and perhaps 30 other employees. The building of " The War Department is precisel}' similar to that of the State, and is the headquarters of the array officers. In it are employed, besides officers, 92 clerks, and other employees, " The Navy Department, in the rear of the War, employs more than 40 clerks, besides messengers, etc. The Indian Bureau is also in this building. "The Pension Office is a very large but plain structure, immediately west of the Navy Department. About halfway between the Capitol and President's House, north from Penn- sylvania avenue, fronting E street, is the structure occupied by "The General Post-office, one of the finest edifices in Washington. It is of white mar- ble, 204 feet long, and 102 deep, contains over 80 rooms, and employs, besides the postmas- ter-general. Ills 3 assistants, more than 60 clerks, and the sixth auditor, with over 100 clerks. Occupying the square between 8th, 9th, and F and G streets, is the building of the Department of the Interior, or Home Department, generally called (from one of its bureaus) the Patent Office. (See Engraving.) "South from Pennsylvania avenue, west of the Capitol, and south-east from the Presi- dent's House, on a gently rising ground, in the midst of the new park now being laid out, stands "The Smithsonian Instttute, one of the noblest institutions and finest structures in Wash- ington. The edifice is 450 feet long by 140 wide, is built of red sandstone, in the Roman- esque or Norman style, embellished by 9 towers of from 75- to 150 feet in height, and when viewed from Capitol Hill, has an imposing effect. In the building will be provided a lec- ture room, sufficiently capacious to seat from 1200 to 2000 persons, a museum for objects of natural history, 200 feet long, one of the best supplied laboratories in the United States, a gallery, for paintings and statuary, 120 feet long, and a room capable of containing a lib- rary of 100,000 volumes, and actually numbering 21,701, in 1853; of which 4539 were copyright works. This institution was endowed by James Smithson, Esq., an Englishman, who left to the United States $515,169, (according to the words of the will,) " to found at Washington an establishment for the increase and diffusion of knowledge among men." 50 WASHINGTON AND MOUNT VERNON. Smithson died in 1829, and in 1846 was commenced the structure which has been built by the interest accumulated up to that time, viz., $242,129. The fund yields an annual in- come of more than $30,000. The will makes no restriction as to the kind of knowledge to be promulgated. Works on ethnology and antiquities have already been published by the institution. "The National Observatory, qne of the institutions most creditable to the government, occupies a commanding site on the banks of the Potomac, south-west from the President's House. The Observatory is under the direction of Lieutenant Maurj^, of the Navy. Be- sides the astronomical observations constantly made here, chronometers, for the use of the navy, are thoroughly tested, researches made as to tides, currents, etc., and longitudes de- termined with greater accuracy by the aid of the electric telegraph. ■ "The Arsenal, on Greenleafs Point, at the junction of the Eastern Branch with the Poto- mac, is one of the principal arsenals of construction in the United States. " About li miles north-east from the arsenal, aud the same distance south-east of the cap- itol, on the East Branch, is "The Navy Yard, which covers about 20 acres, enclosed by a wall. This is one of the most extensive yards in the Union, and employs more than 400 hands in the manufacture of anchors, chain-cables, steam-engines, and boilers, pyrotechnics, in brass and iron foun- dries, etc., etc. "The National Cemetery, or Congressional Burying-ground, is situated about 1 mile east of the capitol, on an elevation commanding fine views of the surrounding country, which is beautified with trees and shrubbery. Here have been deposited, for a short time at least, the remains of some of the most distinguished men in the nation, and here are erected cenotaphs to all members of Congress dying while in office. "The buildings of the Coast Survey do not, in themselves, deserve any notice, but the operations carried on here, under the superintendence of Professor A. D. Bache, a name well known to science, are of the most important nature. "The resident population of the city is about 55,000, but much more when Congress is sit- ting, by a large influx of strangers and others connected with the national affairs." FROM THE EAST TO WASHINGTON AND MOUNT VERNON. Passengers destined for the tomb of the immortal hero of Independence — Washington — take the cars at the Camden Station at Baltimore, and proceed direct to Washington City. Next, proceed in a steamer bound for Mount Vernon, passing on the way the Washington Navy Yard : in about an hour and a half reaching the wharf of Mount Vernon. From there any one will point out the road to the tomb, which is close at hand. Mount Vernon, once the home, but now the tomb, of Washington, is 15 miles south from the City of AVashington, on the River Potomac. The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad has a branch from the city to Baltimore, and connect- ing with all points north and east. J PATENT OFFICE, WASHINGTON. 51 c^ g f? 2 3 t-. O o. P ft B p p <; a? 2" 35 CO D 2 ® ^ 2 5» O , -. S ~ 3 c re , (t> 5" 2 re — T) l-H » w r^ C re o> 3 §: '^ re 2 re £ Ci 5 " D-i re cr re 3 3 3' <^ rt- "73 O -S "S 3 '^ 3 a 05 S I 2 Dj :— 3 ^ 3 rt, ii re EL o' *^ !r "^: re ft re o g^^ re c- 2. re o Ct- rl- 3 o re _^ p 3 re re <^ 3 ._ p •— ' 37 3 Eft 1 - t» re j^ p re ^5 '^ " & C 35 re ►-. re S o c;- o o <^ 3 3t K P 3 O Ji p 3 pi- c*- 2 <= > »* ? re cr o S ??» 2 ft I— . pr' 2 ® «5 3 3 ^ re o^ a. ^ I— » -' I—' -5 re C5 O ft -Jl 2" £. g S: 3 ^ c:- B c. 5- g SI 05 — 7' - B » o re 1 o re p 3 p 3> 3 •^3 i era ^ o — 5 ? 3 re 3 VI 3 re re O c 3 §4 f^ P ^i <^ — p p 3 c s o n: 3 3 1-3 O O C3 3 re T; O O 52 PHILADELPHIA. CITY OF PHILADELPHIA. TiiE city of Philadelphia ranks second in importance as a city, in the United States. But as a mining and manufacturing centre, probably holds the first position. It is situated on a peninsula something like ■what New York is, but between the Dela- ware and Schuj'lkill Rivers. The former extending its course of 100 miles, to the sea, and all the way affords depth of water sufficient to float the largest ships at its wharves ; the Schuylkill, on the other hand, affording excellent water communication with the mining regions of Pennsylvania. The population of the city by the last census, was 423,000, being an increase of 83,055 over that of 1850 — showing a population of 261,4:71 greater than that of Boston, and of 206,904 less than that of Xew York. In the latter estimate, however, it ought to be borne in mind, that the population of Jfew York is much more of a migratory and unsettled — therefore, unproductive character, than that of probably any city in the States — but par- ticularlj' so in comparison with the character of the population of Philadelphia, wliich is of a much more permanent and productive character. The number of Irish alone in Xew York, engaged in domestic employment — consequently, unproductive labour — is 175,375. Since the last census was taken, the population of Philadelphia has increased to nearly 600,000. Approaching Philadelphia from New York, you amve most probably per rail from Am- boy, at Camden station. From there you cross the River Delaware in the ferry steamer which lands you at Walnut Street Wharf. Approaching the city from the west or north j'ou arrive at the station on the western side of the Schuylkill River, where the locomotive will leave the train. Your carriage will be drawn by six or seven mules for about 1^ miles into the centre of the city, at which you will find the carriages of the principal hotels waiting, as well as cabs, and plenty of coloured porters. The stranger, on visiting Philadelphia, cannot but be struck with the vast dimensions of the cit}- — its immense manufacturing productive powers — its spacious streets, laid out with the mathematical precision of the foot-rule — its public and private palatial buildings — its vast wholesale and magnificent retaU stores — its gaily dressed ladies — ^all combining to up- set our previous conceptions of a " Quaker city" — not presenting in its external character, almost any thing akin to the quiet staidness of the worthy representatives of its founder, Quaker William Penn. Friends in the east would have us to believe that Philadelphia was a city, nowhere — that as much business was done in New York in one day, as was done in Philadelphia in one year— that the people of Philadelphia were asleep — behind the age — and, as Londoners would say, (when they talk of such cities as Manchester, Liverpool, and Glasgow) a place " in the countrj-" — conveying the idea of some suburban town. Our visit to Philadelphia, then, was an agreeable surprise in every respect. We visited some of the streets where the stores are located, and found in them, every one busier than another— nailing up boxes, hauling them out on trucks, and into wagons at the doors. Dry goods salesmen we found neck deep in mazes of prints and calicoes, displaying them to western customers, and these markmg their purchases ; hardware men quoting the lowest for some of Sheffield's best productions ; grocers and their customers, buried behind huge piles of boxes of tea, whilst tasting their samples ; publishing houses crammed full of books of all sorts and sizes, from " Jack the Giant Killer" to Lippen- cott's ponderous " Gazetteer," — with their floors jammed full of cases being packed to send off to enlighten the natives as well as foreigners, in all quarters of this mighty continent. Young men would be seen labelling immense cases of goods for the chief cities in the west and south, and even east, as far as Boston ; carters loading and unloading every con- ceivable kind of package, all betokening an amount of business, despatch, and bustle, which made us begin to consider whether we were in New York or Philadelphia. Entering some of the immense factories iu iron work, the large letter-press printing ea- PHILADELPHIA. 53 tablishments, both book and newspaper — seeing thera throwing oflf their dailies by their tens of thousands, as fast and as cheap as human skill can accomplish — the immense bind- eries, and many other large and busy hives of industry — we found the same magnitude of operations going on, all clearly letting us know that we were in one of the largest manu- facturing cities in this country — questioning if it was not likely some day to rival its more populous neighbour — Xew York — in manufacturing enterprise. If the stranger should happen to visit Philadelphia about the time we did, (August) or, in fact, at any time du- ring the summer months, he will find the scene we have endeavoured to portraj-. Where there are so many spacious streets in the city, filled with elegant stores of all kinds, it is difficult to mention any one in particular ; but Chestnut street appears to be the principal main street, and forms the " Broadway" of the city — in which some retail storea are situated, which, for size and elegance, are not, we believe, excelled by any city in the world. The streets generally are clean and in good order, and in that respect forms a pleasing contrast to those cesspools of filth which characterize the streets of the " Empire City." The houses in nianj' of the streets in the city are neat, compact, brick houses, re- sembling very much those to be seen in the neighbourhood of London and Manchester — but instead of being built in rows all joined together, many in Philadelphia are detached along with a piece of ground, and all particularly clean and tidy in appearance. The suburbs of Philadelphia are studded with neat cottages, villas and stately mansions, beautifull}^ situated, surrounded by pleasure-grounds, and inhabited, for the most part, by the manufacturers, merchants, and commercial classes who are engaged in business in the city. From " Lippencott's Gazeteer" we quote the following information. " There is but one park (Independence Square, in the rear of the State House) or public square in the dense part of the city (besides the five enumerated in the general plan) of much importance. In the immediate vicinity of Fairmount water-works (themselves form- ing a fine promenade, with an extensive view from the basin) is Lemon Hill, formerly Pratt's Garden, and once the residence of Robert Morris, of Revolutionary fame. Tliese grounds are very extensive, covered with fine old trees, possess great varietj' of surface, and descend on the west and south-west by steep banks to the Schuj^lkill River. Tiie squares within the city cover each an extent of from 5 to 7 acres, are enclosed by tasteful iron rail- ings, are beautifully laid out, and planted with a great variety of trees. Squirrels, pea- fowls, and deer are domesticated in them. Five of these squares are named Washington, Rittenhouse, Penn, Logan, and Franklin. The latter has a fine fountain and basin, with 40 jets of water." In public buildings, the city can boast of some unsurpassed in elegance and in historical interest. IxDErEXDEXCE H.\LL, Chcstnut street, should be visited by every stranger. In that vener- able edifice was held the Convention which framed the Declaration of Independence, and also the Constitution of the United States — the veritable desk and chair of Washington and Franklin standing as they did on those memorable days ; the old bell, with its procla- mation of liberty upon it — " Proclaim liberty throughout this land, to all the inhal)itants thereof," and the steps from which the Declaration was signed, on tiie 4tii of July, 1770, from which Washington delivered his ", Farewell Address," on his retirement from public life. From the top of the steeple, a most magnificent view of the citj- is obtained, giving a stranger the most adequate conception of the magnitude and importance of the citj'. GiEARD College. — Philadelphia possesses in Girard College, situated about 2 miles north- west from the State House, the finest specimen of Grecian architecture in the United States, if not of modern times. It is in the Corinthian style of architecture. Tlie entire cost of buildings, wall, and embellishments of the grounds was f 1,9?.3,821.78, or $66,000 less than was donated by Stephen Girard for the erection and endowment of the institution. Mr. Girard, who made this magnificent bequest, was a native of France, who came poor and friendless to Philadelphia in boyhood, and by industry and good management accumulated a fortune of several millions, tlie greater portion of whicli lie left to the city for the erection and endowment of Girard College for Orphans, and for improving the city in various waj-s. 94 PHILADELPHIA. The Custom House, on Chestnut street, is a magnificent marble building, in imitation of the Parthenon of Athens, and a splendid sample of the Doric style of architecture. The Mekchants' Exchange, fronting Walnut, Dock, and Third streets, is also a marble building, of fine proportions, with a semi-circular portico of Corinthian columns. TuE United States Mint, in Chestnut street, is a handsome edifice of brick faced with marble, in imitation of a Grecian temple of the Ionic order. Our space prevents us from noticing more of the many other magnificent buildings in the city. Philadelphia appears to be well supplied with churches — there being upwards of 230 iu the city — embracing all denominations. The city long preserved great simplicity in her cluircli architecture ; but of late a gradual change has taken place in the style of the relig- ious as well as of the private edifices of the cit}'. Recently, a number of costly and highly ornamented churches have been, and are now being, erected. Cemeteries. — The environs of Philadelphia abound in places of sepulture, among which, for beauty of position, are the two principal cemeteries of Isorth and South Laurel Hill, situated on the Schuylkill river, 4 miles noi'th-west from the State House. Water Works. — Fairmount Water Works, situated in the district of Spring Garden, on the Schuylkill River, about 2 miles north-west of the State House, were, previous to the erection of the Croton Works in New York, the envy of the other cities of the Union — Phil- adelphia having been for a long time the only city in the United States supplied with water in this way — and are still justly the pride and boast of Philadelphia, not more for their utility than for the picturesque attractions of the place. It would, perhaps, be difficult to point out anywhere a spot concentrating in the same space so many elements of the beauti- ful and picturesque. Libraries, Colleges, Schools, and Literary Institutes. — Philadelphia had long the hon- our of possessing the largest library in the United States. But now the Philadelphia Library, to which we allude, is surpassed in this respect by the library of Harvard College, and the Astor Librarj' in Kew York. It occupies a plain brick edifice iu Fifth street below Chestnut, and was founded, through the influence of Dr. Franklin, (whose statue adorns a niche in front,) in 1731. The Philadelphia and Loganian Libraries are in the same building, and owned by, and loaned to, the same stockholders. They have, united, about 70,000 volumes. The income of the library is $6,300. Strangers are allowed the use of books while iu the building, but they are not to be taken out except by stockholders, or on deposit of their value. Among a host of other libraries, may be mentioned the Athenteum Library and Reading Room, occupying a beautiful building of light sandstone, in the Italian style, on Sixth street, opposite Washington square. It has about 12,000 volumes on its shelves, and is extensively supplied with maps, charts, and periodicals. The Mercantile Library, situated in Fifth street, opposite Independence square, was es- tablished in 1821, for the benefit of merchants' clerks and other young men. The Apprentices' Library has over 14,000 volumes ; loaned in 1852 to 937 boys and 670 girls. Tiie Friends have an extensive library in Arch street above Third, and one in Race below Fifth. The Academy of Natural Sciences, located on Bond street, near Chestnut, has the largest museum of natural history in America. Professor Agassiz pronounced this institution the best out of Europe in its collections of subjects of natural history. The Franklin Institute, for the promotion of manufactures and the useful arts, occupies a large building with a marble front, in Seventh street, above Chestnut. It holds an annual exhibition of American manufactures. The Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, located in Chestnut street, is the oldest institu- tion of the kind in the United States, and was established in 1807. The Art Union, an association for the promotion of art, has rooms open to the public, where are exhibited annually about 1,000 paintings. PHILADELPHIA. 55 In medical science, Philadelphia stands first of the cities of America, and her medical schools are attended by students from not only ever}- portion of the Union, but even from Canada, Mexico, and South America. There is a homoeopathic hospital, at which the stu- dents attend clinical lectures. The Female Medical College of Pennsylvania, founded in 1849, has had a very prosperous commencement — 52 students attended the class of 1851-2. Public Schools. — The number of buildings occupied for schools — many of which are fine structures, and built with especial reference to complete adaptation for places of instruction — is 180, of which 73 belong to the comptrollers, and 107 are rented. Philadelphia abounds also in private schools of a high cliaracter. History. — Philadelphia was planned and settled by William Penn and a colony of English Friends, or Quakers, in 1682, after a regular purchase from the Indians, ratified by treaty in due form under an elm-tree in the present district of Kensington. The name of Phila- delphia (brotherly love) was given by Penn, both in reference to the ancient city of that name in Asia Minor, and from its embodying principles he had so much at heart. Philadelphia supports from 12 to 15 daily newspapers — one of which, we believe, has the largest circulation of any newspaper in the United States. If further evidence is wanting to give evidence of the commercial importance of this city, we append a list of the railroads centring in Philadelphia, showing also the cost of these : — EMLROADS CENTKING IN PHILADELPHIA. Miles Cost. Miles. Cost. Readinsr 93 $19,004,180 Baltimore 98 7,979,466 Columbia 80 5,277,278 Media 13 600,000 Morristown 17 4,791,548 Germantown 7 1,719,812 North Pennsylvania 64 5,106,342 Rochester 33 $1,348,812 Camden and Amboy 63 $5,950,592 Pliiladelphia and Trenton .30 1,000,000 West Jersey 200,000 Campden and Atlantic ... 60 1,738,171 Total 567 $53,716,201 Stg. £10,743,200 4s. Whilst New York constructed only 34 miles of road during 1856, Philadelphia shows an increase in 1856, of 426 miles, and in 1857, fully 500 miles. The cost of carriage of a bar- rel of flour from Elmira to Philadelphia is 50 cts., whilst it is 69 cts. from Elmira to New York, showing a large margin in favour of Philadelphia as a port for the disposal of that article from the lake ports, which are the chief feeders of such as New York and other cities on the seaboard. The canal navigation in connection with Philadelphia amounts to 336 miles, in different directions, and was formed at a cost of $24,000,000. (£6,000,000.) Every year, but particularly of late, have the capitalists of the city been widening the facilities afforded by its natural position, so as to secure a much greater amount of traffic with the lake cities than ever it has enjoyed, and there appears great probability, from the new routes opened and connections formed with the west, that they will succeed in accom- jilishing their object. The banking capital of Philadelphia is $12,000,000 — a comparatively small amount when compared with the city of New York, with its capital of $56,000,000. So long as Phila- delphia is thus hampered with such small means for carrj-ing on — far less enlarging — a trade, for which she forms naturally so favourable a nucleus, together with her rate of in- terest being one per cent, lower than New York — by which means large amounts of money find their way thither instead of to Philadelphia — it seems reasonable to sujipose, that the Quaker City never will attain that commercial position for wealth, commerce, and every thing that conduces to the greatness or prosperity of a large city, till she adopts a different line of commercial policj", and enlarges the sphere of her banking institutions. Judging from the character of her manufacturers and merchants, we shall be surprised if such an alteration is not effected before long. To Philadelphia belongs the credit of making the first move for the abolition of the absurd and hypocritical working usury laws. In the State of Pennsylvania, parties can borrow and lend money upon any terms or rate of interest agreed upon between borrower and lender, and certainly the only rational plan. 56 BOSTON. CITY OF BOSTON. The city of Boston is the third in commercial importance amongst the leading cities of the United States. It consists, properly speaking, of three divisions — viz. : Boston Proper, East Boston, and South Boston. " The streets of Boston were originally laid out upon no systematic plan, and being ac- commodated to the unevenness of the surface, nianj' of them are crooked and narrow ; but these defects have of late been remedied to a considerable extent, so that now the princi- pal thoroughfares are convenient and spacious. Washington and Tremont streets are the fashionable promenades. Although Boston Proper is circumscribed in its limits, it contains one of the finest public parks — the Common — that is to be found in any city of America. Known to the earliest settlers by the name of " Tower Fields," and occupied afterwards as a town cow-pasture, Boston Common has since been set apart, ornamented, and carefully preserved for the common benefit of the citizens in all coming time. Nearly 50 acres are included within its boundaries, embracing almost every variety of surface, from the level plat to the gentle slope and abrupt ascent. Towering elms, some of which are a hundred years old, enclose the borders, while within, graded walks, beautifully shaded, intersect each other in every direction. Near the centre is a small pond, where a fountain of Cochit- uate sends up its crystal stream, whirling and sparkling, 60 or 70 feet into the air. The en- tire grounds are surrounded by a costly iron fence, 1977 yards in length. The northern portion of the Common, occupying the southern declivity of Beacon Hill, affords a fine view of Charles River, and the country in that direction. The space towards the west, between the Common and Charles River, is occupied by a botanic garden, covering about 25 acres. Other public grounds have been laid out in the newer portions of the city, some of which are beautifully ornamented, and have fountains in the centre. " Boston harbour opens to the sea between two points nearly 4 miles distant from each other — Point Alderton on Nantasket, and I'oint Shirley in Chelsea. It is sheltered from the ocean by the peninsulas of which these two points are the extremities, and a large number of islands, between which are three entrances. The main passage, which is about 3 miles S. E. from the navy yard, and so narrow as scarcely to admit two vessels to pass abreast, lies between Castle and Governor's islands, and is defended by Fort Independence and Fort Warren. A passage north of Governor's Island is also protected by Fort War- ren. A new fortress, of great size and strength, now nearly completed, on George's Island, guards the entrance to the outward or lower harbour. The entire surfoce included within Point Alderton and Point Shirley is estimated at 75 square miles, about half of which affords good anchorage ground for vessels of the largest class. It is easj^ of access, free from sand-bars, and seldom obstructed with ice. The whole is thickly studded with islands, and is the reservoir of several small streams, among which are the Mystic, Charles, Neponset, and the Manaiiquot Rivers. "Among the puV)lic buildings, the State House, from its position, is the most conspicuous. It stands on the summit of Beacon Hill, fronting the Common. The view which is afforded from the cupola is unsurpassed by any thing in the United States, if not in the world. On the north towers Bunker Hill monument, marking the place where the first great battle of the Revolution was fought. On the entrance-floor stands a fine statue of Washington, by Chantrey. The representatives' hall is in the centre on the principal floor, the senate- chamber in the east, and the governor's and council chamber in the west wing. The old State House is still standing at the upper end of State street, on the site occupied as the seat of government in Massachusetts 140 years. Faneuil Hall, the " Cradle of Liberty," as it is called, is an object of much interest, as being the place where the orators in the daj's of Hancock and Adams roused the people to resistance against British oppression. Faneuil Hall Market, inmiediately east of Faneuil Hall, on Dock street, was at the time of its erection the handsomest market house in the United States. It is upwards of 600 CITY OF BOSTON. 57 feet long, 50 feet wide, and two stories high, with a dome. The second story, called Quincy Hall, is so constructed that it can be occupied as several apartments, or thrown into one, as occasion- may require. The building was erected in 1826, at a cost of about ^150,000. There are several other markets in the citj', besides those at East Boston and South Boston. The Custom House is near the head of Long Wliarf, fronting both on Com- merce street and on the harbour. It is built of granite, in the form of a cross, and sur- mounted by a dome, the top of which is 90 feet from the ground. The foundation rests upon 3000 piles. Its length is 140 feet ; width, including the projections of the cross, 95 feet. Each front has a portico of six Doric columns — each a single stone, costing about $5,000. The entire cost of the building was upwards of $1,000,000. The Merchants' Ex- change is a magnificent fire-proof building, situated on the south side of State street. It has 76 feet front, and extends back 250 feet to Lindall street, covering 13,000 feet of ground. The front is composed of Quincy granite, with four pilasters, each a single stone 45 feet high, and weighing about 55 tons. The roof is of wrought-iron, covered with galvanized sheet-iron. The great central hall, 80 feet by 58, is occupied as the Merchants' Exchange and reading-room. In the basement is the city post-oftice. The building was finished in 1842, and cost, exclusive of the ground, $175,000. The City Hall, a granite building, con- sisting of an octagon centre with wings, is located on a plat of ground between Conrt square and School street. The Court House, also of granite, is in Court square between the City Hall and Court street. It contains the rooms of the city, county, and United States courts. The City Prison, consisting of a centre building in the form of an octagon, with four wings extending in opposite directions, is near the foot of Cambridge street. Masonic Temple, in which the Freemasons have a lodge, is on Tremont street, fronting the Common. The new Tremont Temple, erected on the site of the one burnt in 1852, is on Tremont street, opposite the Tremont House. The Boston Music Hall, completed in 1852, fronts both on Winter street and on Bumstead Place. The length of the central hall is 130 feet ; width, 80 feet ; height, 65 feet. " In Boston there are nearly a hundred churches of the various denominations. "The wharves and warehouses of Boston are on a scale of magnitude and grandeur sur- passed by no other city of equal population. Tlie north and east sides of Old Boston are lined with wharves and docks, which, taken together, make up an aggregate length of over 5 miles. " Institutions. — Boston contains a great number of literary, scientific, and educational in- stitutions, among which may be mentioned the Boston Athena;um, incorporated in 1807, situated on Beacon street. The Massachusetts Historical Society, organized in 1790, pos- sesses a library of 7000 bound volumes, and about 460 volumes of manuscripts, together with an extensive collection of pamphlets, maps, charts, coins, and other relics. The Bos- ton Library Society, founded in 1792, have a hall in the Tontine buildings, and a library of over 12,000 volumes. The American Academy of Arts and Sciences has a library of 8000 volumes. E.\cepting the American Philosophical Society at Philadelphia, this is the oldest organization of the kind in tlie United States, having been founded in 1780. The Mercantile Library Association, instituted in 1820, has a collection of upwards of 13,600 volumes. The first Mechanics' Apprentices' Library Association ever organized was estab- lished in Boston in 1820. The origin of this class of institutions is traced to Dr. Franklin. Efforts are now being made to establish a Free City Library, towards which the contribu- tions have been very liberal. The Lowell Institute was established by John Lowell, jun., who bequeathed to it a legacy of $250,000. The bequest provides for regular courses of free lectures, to be given upon natural and revealed religion, physics and chemistry in their application to the arts, and numerous other important subjects. There are also many other similar societies, such as the New England Historical and Genealogical Society, the Boston Society of Natural History, the American Oriental Society, the American Statistical As- sociation, the Boston Lyceum, the Handel and Haydn Society, the Musical Educational Society, and the Boston Academy of Music. " Closely identified with the history of Boston is her system of public instruction. Ever 58 CITY OF BOSTON. cherished with maternal care, her schools have long been ornaments to the city, and the pride of New England. As early as 1035, the town records bear evidence to the estab- lishment of a " free school," and from that hour to the present, no interest has received more earnest attention than the subject of education. The system comprises four grades — primary, grammar, higli, and Latin schools. There are about 190 primary, and 21 gram- mar schools. The high and Latin schools are exclusively for boys. The school committee consists of the mayor of the city, the president of the common council, and 24 other per- sons cliosen for the purpose. "The benevolent institutions of Boston are numerous and well endowed. Tlie Massachu- setts General Hospital occupies a plot of four acres of ground in the western part of the city, on the right bank of Charles River. The building is constructed of Clielmsford gran- ite, 274 feet long, and 54 wide. Thirty thousand dollars have been contributed since 1843 for the support of this institution, by a single individual, the Hon. AVilliam Appleton of Boston. The McLean Asylum received its name from John McLean, Esq., of Boston, a lib- eral benefactor of the General Hospital. The Perkins Institution and Massachusetts Asy- lum for the Blind occupies the fine building formerly known as the Mount Washington house, in South Boston. In addition to other contributions, it receives $9000 annually from the State. The average number of pupils is about 100. There are also located in South Boston, the Boston Lunatic Hospital and the Houses of Industry and Reformation. In the western portion of the city is the Boston Eye and Ear Infirmary, and iu the southern part the New England Female Medical College. " There are issued in Boston about 100 periodical publications, treating of almost every subject, whether of news, art, literature, or science. Of these, more than twelve are dai- lies. Among the others, are comprised several of the most distinguished literary and sci- entific journals in the United States. "Commerce, Finance, etc. — In commercial importance, Boston is among the first cities of America. Her foreign commerce has always been great, and extends to almost evei-y na- tion on the globe. Her coast trade is always immense. Along tlie wharves, in every di rection, and at all times, may be seen forests of masts, and vessels from all parts of the world. « There Avere, in December, 1852, 30 banks in Boston, with an aggregate capita] of $24,660,000. Several other banks have since gone into operation. There were, also, 18 insurance companies. "The want of river advantages is supplied to Boston by railroads, of which seven great lines terminate in this city. There are lines of railway, recently completed, opening com- munication with the St. Lawrence River at Ogdensburg in New York, and La Prairie in Canada, and another through Maine, to Montreal. "The i>eninsula on which Boston is situated furnishes large quantities of excellent water. "The first blood shed in defence of American liberty was shed in Boston, and tliroughout the entire war no people contributed more largely towards its support. Boston continued a town until its population had increased to nearly 45i000. In 1855, the population was 102,629." BALTIMORE. 59 CITY OF BALTIMORE. Baltimore, the " Monumental City" of the United States, ranks amongst the most im- portant commercial cities in the Union. " The city is admirably situated both for foreign and internal commerce. The bay around which it is built, affords a secure and spacious harbour, and it has communication by rail- waj- not only with Philadelphia and Washington, but with Winchester, Annapolis, Cum- berland, Frederick Cit^-, York, Lancaster, and Harrisburg. The limits of the city comprise about 10,000 acres of land, extending about four miles and a half from east to west, and three and a half from north to south. It consisted originally of more than fifty elevations or liills, separated by abrupt valle3-s, or ravines, and, in a few instances, bj' formidable marshes, while, nearly in the centre, it is divided by a rapid stream of water known as " Jones's Falls." This stream has several times oveiflowed its banks, causing loss of life, as well as occasioning a great damage to property. The city authorities have in consequence been at great pains to remove all obstructions from its bed, and have taken care that the numerous bridges by which the stream is crossed, should be constructed with a single arch, and of such a. height as to remove all further danger from this source. The city east of Jones's Falls is divided into two parts — Fell's Point and tlie Old Town. The Point is the most easterly portion of Baltimore, and has the advantage of greater depth of water at the wharves than the upper harbour contains. It is the resort of seamen and immigrants, and the place where the greater part of the shipbuilding and manufactures of the city are car- ried on. Old Town lies north and west of this, and is principally inhabited by mechanics and labourers. The portion west of " the Falls" is likewise divided into two parts, the Cit}' Proper and Spring Garden section. Tlie former is the centre of trade, and contains most of the residences of the more wealthy citizens. Spring Garden section is the extreme south-western quarter, and is inhabited chiefly bj- mechanics and labourers. From the number and prominence of its monuments, Baltimore has been denominated the Monu- mental city. The most remarkable of these is the Washington Monument, which stands on an eminence at the intersection of Charles and Monument streets, about 150 feet above liigh water mark. Its base, 20 feet high and 50 feet square, supports a Doric column 1G7 feet in height, surmounted by a; statue of Washington 13 feet high. The shaft, 20 feet square at the base and 14 at the top, is ascended by means of a winding stairway within. The whole is composed of white marble, and cost $200,000. Its sumuiit commands a beautiful and varied prospect. " Battle Monument, at the corner of Calvert and Fayette streets was erected in 1815, to the memory of those -v^io fell while defending the city from the attack of the British, Sep- tember 12, 1814. "The Armistead Monument, a beautiful specimen of scul|iUire, near the city fountain, was erected to the memory of Colonel George Armistead, tiie commander of Fort McIIenry, when bombarded by a British fleet, in September, 1814. " Among tlie pubhc edifices of Baltimore, may be named the City Hall, oi; Holiday street, occupied by the city council and public offices. The Court Hnuse, a cuminoiiious edifice at the corner of Washington and Lexington streets, contains the rooms of the city and county courts. The State Penitentiary, at the corner of Madison and Forrest streets, consists of three separate buildings besides the workshops. A short distance from the Peiiitentiar}' stands the County Prison, a handsome building, surmounted l>v a cupola, and ornamented with a tower at each end in the form of an octagon. The Exchange, in Gay strett, near Water, is a spacious structure, 225 feet in front, 141 in depth, amt tiiree stories high above the basement. The south wing, fronting on Lombard street, and entered from Water street, is occupied as a Custom House. Among the first objects 'hat strike the attention of one approaching the city, are the shot towers, one of which — the Merchants' Shot Tower, is the highest in the world, having an elevation of 250 feet. The most imposing church edifice in Baltimore is the Roman Catholic cathedral, on Mulberry street, between Charles and H f^ § T%^1I. ORAIVGE & CO., Shipping & Commission Merchants, 3 Exchange Place, Baltimore. Superior Rye Whisky, French and Domestic Brandies, Gins, Wines, Cider and White Wine Vine- gar, Cigars, Bone Dust, superb Phosphate of Lime, Guano, Ac, constantly on hand at lowest prices. JAJTIES H. BOSLEir, COMMISSION MERCHANT, 124 & 126 North St., Baltimore, Solicits consignments of all kinds of Country Produce. CAPRON & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 68 South Gay St., Baltimore. ADAM SNIVELT. S. W. COOKE. SNIVEEY & COOKE, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 5 Commerce Street, Baltimore. P. SAUERWEIN & SON, Flour and General Commission Merchants, 101 North Howard St., Baltimore. BROTHERS BONINGER, OFFER FOR SALE FOREIGN EXCHANGES ON all the Principal Cities of Germany, on Paris, and on Amsterdam, 22 GERMAN STREET, upstairs. PIIII.IP «0\ ER A CO., CORNER OF Baltimore & Harrison Sts., Baltimore. GEO. M. RCSSUM. THOS. H. KEMP, JR. KUSSUM & KEMP, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, DENTON, MARYLAND, Will practice in Caroline, Talbot, and Queen Anne Counties, and will give special and prompt attention to the Collection of Claims. REFERENCES. Baltimore. Freeland, Chase & Co., Whitely Bros. & Stone, Mitchell, Sears & Co., DCVALL & IgLEHABT, J. C. Sellman & Son. Dowell & Cochran, Picket & Son, Hl-RST & Co., T. T. Martin & Bro., E. M. BOSLET. HOWARD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF BALTIMORE, MARYLAND, Make Insurance of every Description of Prop- erty vrithin the limits of the City. OFFICE— SOUTHEAST COR. HOWARD & CLAY STS. ^jrnRE Jt^ REESE, President. DIRECTORS James M. Pouder, Charles W. George, Samuel R. Smith, William Ortwine, Aaron Fenton, George P. Thomas, Charles Hoffman, H. J. Werdebaugh, Augustus Shriver, Matthias Benzinger, Wm. G. Power, Elisha H. Perkins. GEORGE HARLAN WILLIAMS, Secretary. CHARLES D. DEFORD & CO., Tobacco Commission Merchants, And Importers of Havana Cigars and Leaf Tobacco, 37 South Gay Street, Baltimore. JOSHUA TFALKER^ COMMISSION MERCHANT, 110 North Howard Street, Baltimore. Dealer in Flour, Feed, Hay, &c. BROTATN BROTHERS & CO., 152 Baltimore St., Baltimore, ISSUE CREDITS FOR COMMERCIAL AND TRAVELLING PURPOSES, ^callable fn any Part of the World, WM. W. LAWKASON. CHAS. F. SMITH, LAWRASON & SMITH, STOCK AND BILL BROKERS, No. 3 FRANKLIN Buildings, North Street, Baltimore. J. B. m'ginn. j. e. p. BOCLDES' McGIWN & BOULDER, STOCK AND BILL BROKERS, No. 6 FRANKLIN Buildings, North Street, Baltimore. NOAH WALKER & CO., CLOTHIERS, WASHINGTON BLnLDINGS, BAL- timore Street, between Light & Calvert Streets, Baltimore, Maryland. ARMSTRONG, CATOR & CO., 237 BALTJMOKE ST., BALTIMORE, MARYLAND. RIBBONS, BONNET MATERIALS, PLUMES, Rl^CIIES, STRAW BONNETS, &c., Comprising a complete stock of MILLINERY GOODS. A very large stock of New Goods now on exhibition, F. 1¥. BRUNE & SONS, MARYLAND STEAM SUGAR REFINING COM- pany, O'Donnell's Wharf, Baltimore, Manufac- ture all kinds of Refined Sugar and Syrup. WM. B. BLANET. TVSt. C. BORDLET, JR. WM. B. BLANEY & CO., Commission Merchants, BALTIMORE. REFERENCES : Messrs. M. Field, P'owler & Co., Boston. Messrs. Win. Gulager & Bro., Philadel. B. H. Field, Esq., New York. Messrs. W. F. Vredenburgli & Co., New Orleans. Messrs. Eankin CO., AT THE OL.D STAI\D, 39 L.ICJHT STREET, BALTIMORE, MARYLAND. "VY/^E are now prepared to present greater attractions and inducements to ' ^ purchasers than this establishment ever offered before, basing the as- sertion upon the following facts : 1st. The variety, beauty and excellence of our patterns. 2d. The unsurpassed smoothness of our castings. 3d, The thorough manner in which our Stoves are mounted. 4th. The quality of metal used in their construction. 5th. Our ability to supply old castings, to repair any stove ever made in this establishment. 6th. Our determination to recommend nothing but what has been tested and found good. 7th. The cheapness of our goods as compared with their quality. "We name in part our various excellent and handsome patterns : Re-Improved Old Dominion, Gas Cooking: Sc Heatings Stoves, llsithaway's and otiier Cook Stoves. Also, a Earge Assortment of Agrieultural Boilers, Scott's Eittle Giant Corn & Cob Mills, & ^Villiams's "Patent" Carriajfe Check Springes. BALTIMORE. -61 Cathedral streets. It is a massive grauite structure, 190 feet long, 177 broad, and 127 from the ground to the top of the cross surmounting the dome. The Unitarian Church, at the corner of Franklin and Charles streets, is much admired for its architecture. It is 108 feet long and 78 wide, with a dome 55 feet in diameter, supported hy 4 arches, each 33 feet span. It is 80 feet frona the ground to tlie summit of tlie cupola. St. Paul's, an Episcopal churcli on the corner of Sarotoga and Charles streets, the First Presbyterian Church, corner of North and Fayette streets, the First Baptist Church, at the corner of Lombard and Sliarp streets, and the German Reformed Cliurch, in Second, between G.iy and Belvidere streets, are all distinguished either for elegance or their style of architecture. At the last census, Baltimore contained 99 churches of the various denominations. "Institutions. — The educational, literary, and benevolent institutions of Baltimore are nu- merous. The Medical School of the University of Maiyland was founded in 1807. Wash- ington Medical College was founded in 1827, and has 25 students and six professors. The Universitj' of Marj-land, founded in 1812, is situated on Lombard street, between Green and Paca streets : connected with it is the Baltimore Ej^e and Ear Infirmary, where stu- dents have an opportunity of attending lectures and witnessing operations. Tlie Maryland Institute occupies a suite of rooms in the Athena;um, at the corner of Lexington and St Paul streets. Its object is, the diffusion of useful knowledge and the promotion of the me- chanic arts. It possesses an extensive chemical laboratory, and a very complete philosoph- ical apparatus. The building is a noble brick edifice, 112 feet by 50, and 66 in height. It was completed in 1848, at a cost of over $28,000. The various apartments, besides those appropriated to the use of tlie Institute, are occupied by the Mercantile Association, who have a well-selected library of 8000 volumes, and an ample supply of the choicest magazines and papers of the day ; the Baltimore Library Ccmpanj-, possessing a valuable library of 14,000 volumes; and the American Historical Society, whose library numbers about 15,000 volumes, consisting, for the most part, of statistical and historical works. The City Library, designed for the use of the stockholders, the Apprentices' Library, and the Exchange Reading-room, are all important institutions. The Exchange Reading-i'oom is sup]->ortod by subscription. Strangers and masters of vessels, however, have access to the periodicals and newspapers, free of expense. The Baltimore Hospital, in the north-western suburb of the city, consists of a centre building, four stories high, flanked with wings that connect with two other buildings, which form the ends of the vast pile. The entire struc- ture cost $150,000. It occupies a commanding elevation, overlooking the city, the bay, and a wide extent of country. The interior arrangements are upon the most approved plan. The Almshouse is on the Franklin road, about 2 miles N. W. from the city : the building, consisting of a centre and two wings, has 375 feet front, and is surrounded with spacious grounds. The Baltimore Manual Labour School for Indigent Boys has connected •with it a tract of land, on which, between the hours of study, the pupils are occupied in hibour, thus combining useful employment with healthful exercise. The Baltimore Associa- tion for Improving the Condition of the Poor is under the direction of those whose duty it is to visit and inquire into the circumstances and character of the persons relieved, with a view to discourage indiscriminate and injudicious alms-giving. The other prominent ben- evolent institutions are, the City Dispensarj-, corner of Holiday street and Orange alley, the Eastern Dispensary, corner of Market street and Hartford Run avenue, two Orphan Asylums, and the Indigent Sick Society, composed of ladies, who visit the poor and minis- ter to their comforts in sickness. "Education. — The system of public instruction in Baltimore has, within a few years past, been much improved, and is now rapid!}- increasing in public favour. " Commerce, Finances, etc. — In commercial importance, Baltimore ranks among the first cities in the United States. Its position is such as to render it a great centre of trade. Sit- uated near the head of Chesapeake Bay, it enjoj-s superior advantages for foreign commerce, while the numerous lines of railway, that here have their termination, invite to it the ag- ricultural and mineral wealth of a vast interior. The recent completion of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad to Wheeling, is a most important event, and destined to exert an immense (52 BALTIMORE. influence on the commercial activity of this great emporium. In tlie eloquent language of one of her citizens, " We have reached the threshold and stepping-stone of our true com- mercial greatness, and there is nothing now that can turn us back. The wide and far West has opened her ample arms to receive us, and Lids us God-speed in our efforts to secure the prize which nature lias so long and so patiently held out to us." There were, January 3d, 1853, 12 banks in Baltimore, with an aggregate capital of $7,291,415, and a circulation of $2,074,587 ; 2 other banks have since been chartered; 1 health and 10 fire and marine in- surance companies, besides many insurance agencies. " Baltimore enjoys superior advantages for manufactures. Jones's Falls and Patapsco River aflford immense water-power, which is extensively employed for flouring-mills, of which there are over 60 within 20 miles of the city. Numerous cotton and other manu- factories are also in operation. " This city has an abundant supply of pure water, both from Springs and from Jones's Falls. These springs, or fountains, are in different parts of the citj% and enclosed with circular iron railings. Over them are small open temples, consisting of a dome supported by pillars. The water from Jones's Falls is brought by means of an aqueduct, about half a mile long, to a reservoir in Calvert street, and from thence is conducted through distributing pipes to the various parts of the city. The more elevated portions, however, are supplied from a reservoir replenished by forcing-pumps on an eminence in Charles strtet, near Washington Monument. On Federal Uill is an observatory, which serves, in connection with another at Bodkin Point, to announce the approach of vessels. In this way, a marine telegraph is established, by which information is conveyed in a few minutes from the mouth of the Pa- tapsco to an observatory in the Exchange. " About 25 newspapers are issued in Baltimore, of which 6 or 7 are dailies. Population, about 200,000." XEW ORLEANS. 63 KEW ORLEANS, (THE CRESCENT CITY.) The city of Xew Orleans forms the great commercial capital of the southern states, and occupies the position of the greatest cotton market in the world. " The city is built around a bend in the river, from •which circumstance it has been de- nominated the ' Crescent City.' The site inclines gently from the margin of the Mississippi towards the marshy ground in the rear, and is from 2 to 6 feet below the level of the river at the usual spring freshets. To prevent inundations, an embankment or levee, about 15 feet wide and 6 feet high has been raised, extending 120 miles above the city, and to Port Plaquemine, 43 miles below it This forms a delightful promenade. In consequence of the change in the course of the river opposite New Orleans, large quantities of alluvium, swept from the north and held in suspension by the current, are here deposited. New formations from this cause, in front of that portion of the quay most used for the purposes of com- merce, have been so rapid that it has been necessary, within a few years, to build piled wharves jutting out from 50 to 100 feet into the Mississippi. The levee here has also been gradually widened, so that an additional block of warehouses has been erected between the cit\' and the river during the past year. " Here may be seen what New Orleans was before the application of steam to navigation. Hundreds of long, narrow, black, dirty-looking, crocadile-like rafts lie sluggishly, without moorings, upon the soft batture, and pour out their contents upon the quay — a heterogeneous compound of the products of the Upper Mississippi and its tributaries. There are rafts, or flat-boats, as they are technically called, each frequently carrying cargoes valued at from $3,000 to $15,000. Twenty years ago, and these were the only craft on the river! nor has their number been decreased since the introduction of the steamboat. Not less charac- teristic of New Orleans is the landing of the latter class of craft. The quay is here all ac- tion, and the very water is covered with life. Huge vessels float upon its bosom, which acknowledge none of the powers of air, and wait no tide. One is weighed down to the guards with cotton, a freight of 3,000 bales — $180,000 ! Twenty more lie side by side laden witli the same commodity. Huge piles, bale upon bale, story above story, cover the levee. Pork without end, as if the Ohio had emptied its lap at the door of New Orleans ; and flour by the thousand barrels rolled out upon the quay and heaped up — a large area is covered with these two products of the up-country, and still appears seemingly undiminished, although the seller, the buyer, and drayman are busy in the midst of it. Here is a boat freighted with lead from Galena, and another brings furs and peltry from the head waters of the Missouri, 3,000 miles to the north-west! The Illinois, the Ohio, the Missouri, the Arkansas, and Red River, all are tributaries to this commercial depot, and send down to its wharves merchantable material of the annual value of $100,000,000, more or less. Nearly 20,000 miles of inland navigation is tributary to this citj'. The quay appropriated to the foreign and coastwise shipping presents another and a different scene. Here the cotton bale, tobacco hogshead, pork and flour barrel, and the whisky cask, yield to bales of foreign and domestic manufactures, pipes of wine, and crates of wares. The shipping stretches away as far as the eye can reach, two miles or more in extent, three tiers deep, with their heads to the current curving with the river— a beautiful crescent. The English, the French, the Spanish, the Dane, the Russian, the Swede, the Hollander, etc., are here commingled, and compete for the commerce of the teeming West. The old city proper, originally kid out by the French, is in the form of a parallelogram, 1320 yards long and 700 yards wide. Above this are what were formerly the faubourgs of St. Mary, Annunciation, and La Course ; be- low, Marigny, Dounois, and Declouet ; and in the rear, Treme and St. John's. Lafayette, till recently under a separate government, is immediately above the city. In 1836, New Orleans was divided into three municipalities by act of the assembly, each with distinct municipal powers. Agaiti in April, 1852, these and Lafayette, with the faubourgs and other dependencies, extending from 6 to 7 miles along the river, and about 5 miles back to Lake Pontchartrain, were consolidated under one charter, the city assuming the debts. < O H < o ;i'Hii|' !rii||!«'''i|i I 6^^^s';if:;pf ^i|i 1 ffii^y If A I THE FREXCH CATHEDRAL, NEW ORLEANS. 65 THE FRENCH CATHEDRAL, NEW ORLEANS. The streets of New Orleans are of convenient breadth, well paved, and usually intersect each otlier at right angles. Canal street, (of wliich we give an illustration,) is tlic broadest street in the city, being over 100 feet in width, with a grass plot in the centre about 25 feet wide, extending throughout its entire length. Most of the buildings are con- structed of brick, and are generally low, except in the business portion, where they are usually 5 or 6 stories high. Many of tlie dwellings in the suburbs, particu- larly in Lafayette, are surrounded with spacious yards, beautifully decorated with the orange, lemon, magnolia, and otlier ornamental trees. A basement about (> feet high constitutes the only cellar, as none are sunk below the surface on account of the marshy character of tlic groimd. In dilTerent sections of the city are several public squares, among which may be mentioned Jackson Square, formerlj^ Place d'Armea, occupying the centre of the river front of the old town plot, now tlie First District. It is ornamented with shell walks, shrubbery, statuettes, etc., and is much frequented for recreation. La- fayette Square, in the Second District, is finely laid out, and adorned with a profusion of shade trees. Congo Square, in the rear of the city, is also a handsome enclosure. " Public r>uiLi)iN(;s. — The United States Custom IIou«e, now in process of erection at New Orleans, when completed, will be the largest building in the United States, with the excep- tion of the Capitol at Washington, covering an area of 8Y,2.3.S superficial feet. The mate- rial is from the Quincy quarries of Massachusetts. The United States Branch Mint iu New Orleans, is at the corner of Esplanade and Now Levee streets, near the river. The Muni- cipal Hall, at the corner of St. Charles and Ilevia streets, opposite Lafoj-ette Sipiare, is a beautiful marble edifice in the Grecian style of architecture. It is principally occupied with public offices, among which are several of the city government. The Odd Fellows' Hall, erected in 1851, on Camp street, opposite Lafayette Scjuare, and the Merchants' Ex- 66 NEW ORLEANS. change, on Royal street, near Canal, are both extensive buildings, chiefly devoted to public use. The latter contains the City Post-oflice and Mercliauts' Reading Room. " jUany of the churches are large and costly structures. The Church of St. Louis, opposite Jackson Square, is a splendid edifice, adorned with a lofty tower on either side of the main entrance. The building was erected in 1850, on the site of the old church, which was pulled down. (See engraving.) It was originally founded in 1792, by Don Audre, on the condition that masses be offered every Saturday evening for the repose of liis soul, and the tolling of the bell at sunset on that day still proclaims the observance of the custom. On the right and left of this edifice are two handsome buildings in the Tuscan and Doric orders, devoted to various purposes of the city government. The Jewish Synagogue, formerly the Canal Street Episcopal Church, is ornamented in front with a handsome colon- nade. The Presbyterian Church, o])posite Lafayette Square, the new Episcopal church, on Canal street, and St. Patrick's Church, on Camp street, are elegant edifices, each adorned with a graceful spire. The latter is a conspicuous object to one approaching the city from the river. Of the 38 churches in the city, in 1853, 12 are Roman Catholic, T Episcopal, 6 Presbyterian, 5 Methodist, 3 Lutheran, 2 Baptist, and 3 Jewish synagogues. " The hotels of A ew Orleans are conducted upon a scale of magnitude scarcely equalled in any city of the Union. The city contains 4 or 5 theatres, the principal of which are the St. Charles, the Orleans, or Frt-neh Tlieatre, and the American. At the Orleans Tiieatre the dramatic representations are in French. Amoi.g the most remarkable bank edifices may be mentioned the City Bank, on Toulouse street; Canal Bank, on Magazine street; and the Bank of Louisiana. Several of the market-houses are deserving of notice. St. Mary's Market, in the Second District, is 480 feet long, and 42 feet wide. The Meat Market, on the Levee, and Washington Market, in the Tliird District, are also extensive buildings. The cotton presses of New Orleans, about 2^ in number, are objects of much interest, each of which usually occupies an entire block. The centre building of the Xew Orleans cot- ton press is three stories high, and surmounted by a dome, the summit of which commands a fine view of the citj-. Not less than 150,000 bales of.cotton, on an average, are annually pressed at this establishment. " Institutions. — The benevolent institutions of New Orleans are among the most extensive and best conducted in the United States. The literary and educational institutions, many of which have been recently established, are for the most part in a highly prosperous condition. " The number of school-houses in the city (as appears from the mayor's message) is 40, at- tended by 16,886 pupils. The increase in the number of pupils for the last 12 months has been 2094, ecpial to 23.9 per cent. Number of teachers, 216. Of the 30 school-houses, 17 belong to the city, and 23 are rented. The amount appropriated for school purposes the past year was $188,n20. " About 20 newspapers are published in the city, 9 or 10 of which are dailies. Several are printed in the French language. " Commerce. — New Orleans possessses unrivalled natural advantages for internal trade. The Mississippi- River and its tributaries afford not less than 15,000 miles of navigable wa- ters, communicatins with a vast extent of country, illimitable in its resources, exhaustless in fertility, and embracing nearly every variety of climate. Every description of craft is employed in transporting the rich products of the upper regions of the " Father of Waters" to this great southern emporium. At one portion of iis levee may be seen hundreds of flat-boats grounded on the " batture," and filled, some with fat cattle, horses, mules, hogs, and sheep ; others with hay, corn, potatoes, butter, cheese, apples, and cider. The quay here is piled with lumber, pork, flour, and every variety of agricultural produce, as if the Great Valley had emptied its treasures at the door of Xew Orleans. "The total value of American produce exported from New Orleans during the year, ac- cording to the custom-house records, was $66,344,509, of which amount, $48,076,197 was to foreign countries, and $28,268,327 coastwise. The value of foreign merchandise ex- ported during the sjime period, was $44,780, making a sum total of $76,389,349. CEMETERY, NEW ORLEANS. 67 AVENUE IX THE CEMETERY, NEW ORLEANS, WITH SEPULCHRES ABOVE GROCXD. " Any description of New Orleans would be incomplete without some notice of its ceme- teries, many of which are unique in plan and method of interment. ' Each is enclosed with a brick wall of arched cavities, (or ovens, as they are here called.") made just large enough to admit a single coffin, and raised tier upon tier, to a lieight of about twelve feet, with a thickness of ten. The whole inclosure is divided into plats, with gravelled paths, intersecting each other at right angles, and is densely covered with tombs built wholly above ground, and from one to three stories high. Tliis method of sepulture is adopted from necessity, and burial luider ground is never attempted, excepting in the " Potter's Field," where the stranger without friends and the poor without money find an uncertain rest; the water with whicli the soil is always saturated, often forcing the coffin and its con- tents out of its narrow and shallow cell, to rot with no other covering than the arch of heaven.' Above we give an illustration of one of the avenues in the Cemetery, engraved from a photograph taken tlu-ro last j-ear, showing the sepulchres above ground. "Algiers, a flourishing village, or ratlur suburb of New Orleans, is situated opposite to the city, with which it is connected by a ferry. It has several ship yards and manufactur- ing establishments. " Gas was first employed to light the city in ISl'.-t ; and during the same year, water was introduced from the Mississippi. It is raised from the river by steam to an elevated res- ervoir, whence five or six millions of gallons are daily distributed to various parts of the city. " From its low situation and warm climate. New Orleans is subject to annual visitations 68 NEW ORLEANS. of the yellow fever, whicli have had the effect of greatly retarding the growth and pros- perity of the place. Statistical tables show that of those who are born and reared in the city, as large a proportion live to old age as of the inhabitants of other places that are generally deemed healthy. But the yellow fever is particularly fatal to the unacclimated, and especially so to those who have been from iniimcy accustomed to a northern climate. This circumstance operates as a formidable check on the influx of strangers, to which our great commercial cities owe so large a proportion of their population and activity. Du- ring the winter and spring, New Orleans may be regarded as a healthful residence for all, whether natives or strangers ; and hopes were entertained that with the improvements in the sanitary regulations, there would be a gradual and steady advance in the health of the city during the warm months : but the past year has disappointed those hopes, the epi- demic having appeared in a form as malignant as it is in general. Its introduction, how- ever, it is said can be traced to an infected vessel from South America, where a fever of an unusually fatal character has prevailed. " Perhaps uo city of the Union is so diversified in its population. The sunny isles of the Antilles, Mexico, Central America and South America, France, and Spain, and the other States of Europe, and the sister States northward, have each i-epresentatives among the in- habitants. The colored races, however, preponderate, and slave or free make up one-half at least. Of the white races, the American, French, and Spanish constitute the larger por- tion, and in these classes are found what may be denominated the aristocracy. The Irish here, as in other quarters, though forming a large class, are but " the hewers of Avood and drawers of water" — the laborers and levee-men, respectable only on election day, and among themselves. The English and Scotch are few in proportion, and are chiefly con- nected with the foreign commerce, as merchants or factors, seldom remaining longer in the city than is necessary for the transaction of their particular business; or remaining only during the healthy months of spring and winter. This admixture of races is in some degree embarrassing ; so many languages, various customs and manners, and in habits so different, no thorough amalgamation can take place ; and it is even necessary to support newspapers and periodicals of different languages, each of which, in its opinions and ideas, is at variance with the other. " New Orleans is famous in history as the place designated to become the seat of the mon- archy intended to have been established by the treason of Aaron Burr. During the month of January, 1804, the citizens were in a state of continual alarm: volunteer companies and other troops constantly patrolled the streets, ready to suppress the first attempt at insur- rection. That year it was made a port of entry, and the next (1805) Xew Orleans was in- corporated as a city. The population is estimated at 175,000. " Distance from New Oi-leans to the mouth of the Mississippi, 100 miles. Southwest from New York, 1663 miles. Southwest from Washington, 1437 miles. Southwest by west from Charleston, 779 miles. South southwest from Pittsburg, 2025 miles. South by west from Chicago, 1G28 miles. South from St. Louis, 1200 miles. South by east from St. Anthony's Falls, Minnesota, 2000 miles." WESTRAY, GIBBES & HARDCASTLE, COMMISSION' MEIU'lIANTS, New York. Refer- ences— Lumsden Kendall & Co., New Orleans. GUillA & MASICH, COMMISSION IM^mCH.\NTS, and Importers of Havana Cigars and Produce, 19 Tchoupitoulas street, corner of (jravier, New Orleans. J. GUM.V. F. MASICH. CliA-S. a--A.LL-A.GH3:EPl, c OTTON FACTOR and Commission Merchant, Carondelet street. New Orleans. N A. COMIflANDEUR, OTARY PUBLIC and Commissioner of Deeds, 88 Gravier street. New Orleans. N J. W. BREEDLOVE, OTARY PUBLIC and Commissioner of Deeds, 101 Gravier street, New Orleans. S. TXJmSTEIl, (\n CAMP STREET, upstairs. Dealer in all kinds »/0 of TOBACCO, both in hhds. and bales, suitable for the Mexican Market, Plantation use, and Cigar purposes. JOHN WOOD, DEALER IN GOLD & SILVER BULLION, UNCURREINT BAINK NOTES, Land Warrants, Treasury Notes, Gold Dust, Ac, 23 Camp Street, cor. of Common St., NEW OULE.\NS. E. CHEVALIER. T. O. LAUGHLIN. CHEVALIER & LATJGHLIN, Florida Yellow Pine Lumber Yard, Cor. of Carondelet Walk & Robertson street, OLD BASIN, NEW ORLEANS. Superior Dressed, Tongued and Grooved Flooring and Ceiling, Shingles, Laths, Cypress Deck-Plank, and a general assortment of Building Lumber, well seasoned and always on hand. A. W. BOSWORTH & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in I O E. BUSINESS OFFICE, Nos. 71 and 72 Front street; Depot, between Poydra and Lafayette streets. Two large Ice Depots In St. Thomas street. Ice Houses, head of New Basin, and 19(5 Gravier street. And Ice Depot, No. 'lb Pontchartrain Railroad, upper, and opposite the passenger saloon, N. Orleans. A. WHITlNt;. A. \V. HUNTER. A. WHITING & CO., GENERAL EXPRESS AGENTS, NKW ORT.KANS, FOR Receiving and Forwarding Merchandise and Produce, by the quickest, cheapest, and best routes to all parts of the world. All merchandise and produce consigned to our care will receive our personal attention, and the best interests of owners and shippers consulted. JAMES LEARY. W. J. SANDERSON. LEARY & SANDERSON, Coppersmiths & Sheet Iron Workers, IVew I.«vee Street, Xew Orleans. BEING both practical workmen, we are prepared to execute every thnis u\ our line with a tacility pos- sessed by no other lirm ill the city. All orders tor cliiin- neys, .Tuice Boxes, Claritiers, Breerlimss, Stills, Fire Beds, Filterers, Ash Pans, Heaters, Copper, Tin, and Pewter Worms for Distillers, and Sheet Iron Pipe, will receive immediate attention. MOLONY, BROTHER & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANIS, Dealers in Alcohol, Turpentine, Oils, Western Produce St Naval Stores. Particular attention bestowed on orders for purchasing Sugar, Molasses. Coffee, Rice, Salt, etc. 22 Poydras Street, New Orleans. References. P. Cusach, Bro. & Co. ; R. B. Sykes; Martin, Bobb & Co., New Orleans. J. ,1. Aiuler.'^uu & Co., Patuni, St. Louis. V. Barsalow, Ralph Mead & Co., New York, .lohn Duukley, Boston. Col. E. D. Taylor; Thomas Dyer, Esq., Chicago; B. F. Lawrence, Elffin; N. Corinth Hi Co. ; B. H. Campbell, Esq., Galena, Illinois. Straight, Deming & Co., Cincinnati. GEO. W. CRAIG & CO., Commission and Forwarding 3 Front Street, JVeiv Orleans, N. B. — Persons shipping; goods, merchandise, &c., to us, either lor sale or reshipineiit, will have the same promptly and faithfully attended to, Beini; situated directly iii front of the principal river packets, we have at all times the means of shipping direct from the vessels, thereby avoiding the delay and extra expense usually charged by others m trir line of business; and we wish it distinctly understood by all who may feel disposed to favour us wilfi their business, that we will not, under any circum.stances, vary in onrcliarges, which are as follows, viz. ; for reshij)- ping goods in boxes, barrels, hogsheads, bundles, &c., 15 cents per package, large or small ; commissions for selling produce, merchuudise, SiC, two and a-half per cent. Per- sons having their gciculs shipped to our address, will have the same forwarded on terms not excelled by any other house in this city. Geo. W. Craig & Co. COl^VERS, KE]^]\ETT & CO., GROCERS and Commission Merchants, No. 63 F'ront Street, New Orleans. Particular atteutioa paid to receiving and forwarding goods. Marshall J. Smith, > w r> Thos R. Foster, Jr. 5 '^^ "* Cary W. Butt, ) ^ j^j, Doughass Vass. J Mo"""^- MARSHALL ,T SMITH & CO., New Orleans. Gen- eral Commission, Receiving and F"'oivvarding Mer- cliauts. Butt, Smith & Co., Mobile. Stephen Price. E. K. Converse. Marshall J. Smith. PRICE, CO;VVER§E & SITIITH, COMMISSION and Korwanliiig Merchants, No. 72 Poydras street. New Orleans. Thon.as .1. Dix. I>IX D. L. Raulctt. & RANEETT, COMMISSION & FORWARDIING MERCHANTS, WOOD, MILTENBERGER & CO., SOUTHERN ORNAMENTAL IRON WORKS, 57 Camp SIrefi, jy'eio Oflraiis. \ LL STYLES of Railing, for Cemeteries, Galleries, J\. Balconies, Offices, Verandahs, Ac, from the lightest and most graceful, to the heaviest and most elaborate designs. Iron Fountains, Vases, Statuary, Lions, Dogs, Drag- ons, &c. Iron Settees, Chairs, Tables, Stools, Brack- ets, Lamp-Post,s, Flow\;r Stands, Horse Troughs, Hay Racks, Hitching Posts, Carriage (Jates, Tree Boxes, &c. Iron Stairs, straight and spiral. Cast-Iron .Mausoleums, of beautiful design and finish. Corinthian Caps, Columns, Ac, &c. Our facilities for executing orders for any and every article in the Ornamental Iron way, are second to none, and we invite the attention of the public to our list of Designs, over 5(M) in number, confident that while their tastes will be suited, our work will combine the requisites of beauty and substantial construction. [j^ Wiirernom, jl Ciimp Street. Foundry and Machine Shop, No. 217 Trhnuintnulns .Street. Wood, .>UUenberKer & Co., IVew Orleans. Wood die Perot, PhUadelphia. Harrj- T. Havs. Daniel W. Adams. HAYS Jk AOAilIS, 1 3 'St, VharltK Street, »»»c Orteann, WILL practice in the Supreme and District Courts, held in New Orleans. D. W. Adams will also at- tend to ca.ses in the U. S. Circuit Court for the Southern District of Mississippi, held at Jackson, and in the Circuit Court of Harrison and Hancock Counties, Mississippi. >^ w ta CO CI CG ►13 ta !2l CQ I— I c td W I— I o i ;> o O w W ts O ca t— I p > 70 WHEELING, VIRGINIA. WHEELING, VIRGINIA. The view given above represents one of tlie numerous busy and enterprising towns situ- ated in tlie heart of a beautiful country. Wlieeling forms an important junction for several railways diverging to and from it in all directions. The chief object of attraction about the town is the magnificent Suspension Bridge — the largest of the kind in tlie United States, and one of the largest in the world, erected at a cost of ?i210,000: length of span, 1010 feet; height above low-water mark, 97 feet ; height of towers on Wheeling side, 153 feet : supported by 12 wire cables laid in pairs — 3 pairs, 1 each side of the flooiing, each of which is 4 inches in diameter — composed of 550 strands of 1380 feet long. It has a carriage-way of 17 feet broad, with a sidewalk of oi feet on each side. (See engraving on ]U'eeeding page.) Various branches of manufacture arc carried on — such as glass, stones, nails, all kinds of iron manufactures, some woollen and cotton goods, with one silk mill. The hills in the immediate vicinity contain inexliaustiblo supplies of coal, which supply fuel at a small cost to the various manufacturing estal)lishments in Wheeling. Tlie city is approached by tlie Oliio River from Pittsburg and Cincinnati, whilst rail- way communication is to be had from all points to it — from the west as well as seaboard — forming as it does, one of the leading junctions. Wheeling is one of the termini of the Baltimore and Oliio Railroad, 380 miles long, and finished in 1853. Distant from Wheeling, 92 miles; Cincinnati, 365 miles; and 350 miles north-west of Richmond, Va. Besides the county building, there are some 15 churches, several academies, 2 banks and several newspapers. Population, in 1850, 11,301. Location — ca])ital of Ohio County, Va. : Lit. 4<)° 1' N; Ion. 80^ 42' W. It is situated on a high bank of the River Ohio, along wliich it stretches for about 2 mili-s. Q t-l < liviii'^NiliiiiiilMlil^^ 72 PITTSBUEG, PENNSYLVAJ^TIA. CITY OF PITTSBURG. The traveller acquainted with the neighbourhood of the " Black Country," between Birmingham and Walsall and Dudley, in Staffordshire, (England,) will, on his visit to the City of Pittsbui'g, at once discover the sticking resemblance, in many respects, to the dis- tricts alluded to. Tliere are the same red brick houses and workshops, the same smoke, the same uneven streets — from the heavy weights drawn over #hem — and at night, the glare of the iron furnaces at work. The picture is, in many respects, complete, even to the poor soil of the hilly country around each — a peculiarity observable in all surfaces where un- derneath is I'ich in minerals. On the stranger's first visit to Pittsburg, therefore, after visiting either the cities on the seaboard, or, perhaps, the " Queen City of the West," " the Forest City," or the " City of the Lakes," where not a vestige of smoke scarcely is to be seen — he may be disappointed at the first sight of Pittsburg. Viewed from the hill opposite Pittsburg Proper — exactly opposite the Monongahela House — the city is seen to greatest advantage — with its 5 bridges (and new one building) stretching across the Alleghany and ilonongahela — which together at this point form the Ohio — whilst it can be seen wending its way down the beautiful valley which bears its name. Either from Alleghany City, or the point mentioned, an excellent view is obtained — being far higher than the city on the Pittsburg side of the river. Tlie houses in Pitts- burgand Alleghany City are built close up to the very tops of the hill-sides, and presenting something of the appearance which the old town of Edinburgh does when viewed from off either the Calton Hill or Arthur's Seat there. Three of the most important suburbs are, Alleghany City, Birmingham, and Manchester. To quote from a notice of this city, the writer says : — " The site of the city is a natural amphitheatre, being environed on all sides by beauti- ful hills, rising from 400 to 500 feet above the level of the Ohio, and filled with coal, iron, and limestone, the working of which into ai'ticles of utility constitutes the chief occupa- tion of the inhabitants. These hills are not, except in a few instances, precipitous, and from their slopes and peaks, afford a series of rich and varied landscapes. "Pittsburg and its suburbs contain about 90 churches, of which upwards of 50 are in the city proper. Many of these are choice specimens of architectural beauty. " The manufactures of Pittsburg are immense, and capable of being extended almost in- definitely. Indeed there is no known limits to the elements necessary to their augmenta- tion. Wood, coal, ores, and agricultural resources, all abound in the utmost profusion and at the greatest possible convenience. " The annual produce consists of bar, rod, hoop, boiler, and sheet iron, sheet steel, bar steel, nails, spikes, rods, shafts, anchors, and axles. All the works for these are operated by steam power." There are also in Pittsburg, large foundries, manufactories of glassware, white lead fac- tories, large cotton factories, copper-rolling mill, copper-smelting establishment, vial fur- naces, manufactories of locks, coffee mills, scales, etc., and several for the production of various articles of steel manufacture, such as springs, saws, axes, anvils, and vices; and others for making gun-barrels and agricultural utensils. Gas, manufactured from bituminous coal, is furnished at a compaivitively trifling cost, for lighting the city. The Alleghany Cemetery, on the Alleghany River, 2 miles above Pittsburg, is one of the most beautiful places of the kind in the world. It comprises 110 acres, tastefully adorned, and enclosed by a wall of stone masonry. As may be well known, Pittsburg was named in honour of the celebrated British prime minister, William Pitt. It was founded in 1765. Tlie suburban districts of Birmingham together with Alleghany City, form the large and rapidly-increasing city of Pittsburg. In 1853, the population of city and suburbs was 110,24:1, althouch it must be considerably increased since then. DOWDALL, MARRHAM & CO., Washington Foundry, ENGINE 8l machine IS/I.A.IsrXJP'.A.OTOI^ -Y, Cor. of Second & Morgan Straits, ST. I.I'IIS, MI>Siiini. MANUFACTCRKKS nf Steam Engines and Boilers, Paw and Crist Mill Macliiner.v, Tohacoo Screws and I'resses, Lard Kettles, Lardtferews and I \ linders. Wool-carding Maclunes, Young's Patent Puiut Ma- chines, Building Castings, etc. DOUBLE & SI:\GLE CIRCULAR SAW MILLS. Agents for the sale of James Smith & C'o.'s superior Machine Cards. UNITED STATES GRxVDUATED LANDS. TtiHlvc and ti ISt'Jf Cents JAMES BAUER & CO., I AND AGENTS for Entering Government Lands J in the State of Missouri, have now, by actual insi)ections, selections of the best locations of vacant lands in Southeast Missouri, either by graduation, warrants, or oasli ; tljey are making entries daily. Selections of timbered, fanning and mineral lands made. Office, 7 North Fourth Street, (olTOSlli; THE coi'UT HOUSE,) ST. LOUIS, MO. MARKET-STREET PLANING MILL, Situated b.twjen Fiiteenth and Sixtsenth Streets, on Market Street, St. Louis, Missouri. PHILIBERT 8l BRANCONIER, MANrFACTir.E AI.I. KINDS OF Doors, Sasli and BBiiids, Door ivml Vliiidow Frames, J^Iantli'-picors, Base Boards & Ca^'iiijjs N. B.— They solicit orders for working FLOORING, having a No. 1 Woodworth Tonguing and Grooving Machine in op"eration. Thev also do to order. Sawing and Hipping, of Fencing and Joist, Ke-splitting for Panel and Box Stuff, and Scroll Sawitig, for all of whicli they ask a share of public patronage. WM. CL.4.RK. R- r VOORHIES. PEOPLE'S IRON WOUKS. CLARK 8l VOORHIES, HENRY AMES. EDr.AR AMES. HENRY AMES & CO., PORK AND BEEF PACKERS & DEALERS, M.VNlF.\C"lliKHS of Steam Eiiirnifs. Saw and Grist Mill Maclimerv, Hydraulic and Tobacco Presses. Steanilioal Work, and repainiii,' m Kcueral. Also. ,-»^,a mr ..m tb» - c:<..^^« Whitley's Patent Circular Saw Mi!l,liavu]i; the exclusive , 2y§ & 2S0 NOrlll iTlailft SireCt, ri^'lit to niaiiu!'actiiri' tlic same. I Cor. of Mala & Florida Streets, St. Louis. ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI. AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY. GEORGE KINGSLAND. LE150Y KINGSLAND. DAVID K. FERGUSON. KINGSLANDS & FERGUSON, COR. OF SECOND & CHERRY STS., ST. lo VMS, jfiiss o uni. MANUFACTURERS OF Page's Patent PortabI*' SaAV IVIills, Child's Patent Donble Saw Iflills and Horse Powers, Cox & Roberts' Patent Thresher and Cleaner, Threshers, with and without Cleaners, L.ever Powers, Endless Chain or Railroad Powers, Manny's Patent Mower and Reaper, Corn Shellers, Ploughs, Bark Mills, Mill Machinery. Castings of every description made to order on the shortest notice. JOII\ J. ANDERSON & tO., AND BANKING HOUSE, COUNEH OF Main & Olive Sts., St. Louis. Ben.iist, Shaw So Co., I L. A. Benoist & Co., Camp Street, New Orleans. | 03 Main Street, St. Louis. L. A. BENOIST k CO., BANKERS, DEALERS IN EXCHANGE, Bullion & TJncurrent Bank Notes, &c. JOSEPH W. CLARK, LUTHER C. CLARK, I EDWARD DODGE, EDWARD CUAS;. CLARK, BROTHERS & CO., B A N K E R 8, SOUTHWEST CORNER OP Main & Olive Streets, St. Louis. SIMONDS & TAYLOR, BANKERS & EXCHANGE DEALERS, EXCHANGE BUILDINGS, Main Street, St. Louis, Mo., BUY AND SELL Sisht Exchange on all the principal cities of the Union, at current rates lor cash. Col- lections made throughout the States and Territories on favourable terms. Havinffheen unconnected with the late revulsion, which has demonstrated the impossibility of payin? Deposi s and Interest, and redcemiu'r the issues of all suspended Stock Banks, irredeemable Free Banks, Wild Cats and Shiu- pl.asters ; also, that wealth, credit and capital are not safejuarJs auainst mismauaeement of business, ai)d real estate unavailable for mercantile purposes, we will re- ceive the deposits of our customers without interest, and pay in the same kind of funds received, or at their option, convert the same into such funds as they require, at their value. Overdrafts not allowed. GILLMAN, COLLIER & CO., (Successors to W. Gillman,) "Wholesale Grocers, FORWARDING & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 186 North Second, cor. of Morgan Sts., ST. LOl'IS, MO., Have in Store, and to arrive, a well-selected Stock. To Country MerchantSi TO THEIR FORMER PATRONS AM) TO MERCHAXTS GENERALLY, M'CLELLAND, SCRUGGS & CO, OFFER AN IMMENSE STOCK OF piioh: o-ooids FOR CASH, AT Eastern Jobbers' Prices. ATLANTIC HOTEL, C. McLAlGHLlN, Proprietor, CORNER OF THIRD 8l market STS., St. Louis, Missouri. THE above large and convenient Hotel has been tlioroughly refitted and furnished, and Is now open for the accnnimndation of guests. Situated in the most central part of the City, it is one of the best located Hotels for travellers, eltlier by liver or rail. ® c r m s : Per Day $1.50. Per Week $7.00 to 9.00. Day Board, per Week . . . 3.50. The Hotel linggage Wagon will be in waiting on the arrival of the lioats and Cars, to convey baggage to tlie Hotel. Night Porter always in attendance. FENTON BROTHEKS, I^PIOIDXJOE COMiniSSION MERCHANTS, 78 Levee & 156 Commercial St., ST. LOUIS, MO. GEORGE H. REE & CO, HIDE & LEATHER D E A L K R S , 76 North Levee & Commercial St., ST. LOUIS, MO. CLARENCE DELAFIELD, C O OS^lVtl S SI O IvT AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, NORTH MAIN STREET, ST. LOUIS, MO. MANDEVILLE & TRAYNOR, WHOLESALE GROCERS, COMMISSION & FORWARDING MERCHANTS, 75 South Main Street, ST. LOi;iS, MO. SWALES &, CO., Dealers in HIDES, LEATHER & WOOL, 73 NORTH LEVEE, AND 14G COMMERCIAL STREET, ST. LOUIS, MO. F. H. LUTTEKCORr), Commission Merchant, AND DEALER IN HIDES, LEATHER & HAIR, 67 LEVEE, ST. LOUIS, MO. LOUIS, MISSOURI. 73 ST. ^v.^.^, CITY OF ST. LOUIS. St. Louis occupies the first place amongst the -western cities situated on the Mississippi — the great " Father of Waters" — and from its central position, the inexhaustible supply of mineral wealth within easy distance, the important railroad connections already opened up to the east, and the last greatest transportation triumph achieved only last October — viz. : opening of the great Pacific mail route from St. Louis to San Francisco, thus joining the Mississippi with the Pacific Ocean by overland journej- — will all contribute to advance the interests and commercial importance of St. Louis to an incalculable extent. "The site of St. Louis rises from the river by two plateaux of limestone formation, the first 20 and the other 60 feet above the floods of the Mississippi. The ascent to the first plat- eau, or bottom, as it may be termed, is somewhat abrupt ; the second rises more gradu- ally, and spreads out into an extensive plain, affording fine views of the city and river. St. Louis extends, in all, nearly 7 miles by the curve of the Mississippi, and about 3 miles back ; the thickly-settled portion, however, is only 2 or 2|- miles in length, following the river, and about IJ miles in breadth. The city is well laid out, the streets being, for the most part, 60 feet wide, and, with but few exceptions, intersect each other at right angles. Front street, extending along the levee, is upwards of 100 feet wide, and built up on the side fac- ing the river with a range of massive stone warehouses, which make an imposing appear- ance as the city is approached by water. Front, Main, and Second streets, parallel to each other and to the river, are the seat of the principal wholesale business. The latter is occu- pied with heavy grocery, iron, receiving and shipping houses. Fourth street, the fashion- able promenade, contains the finest retail stores. The streets parallel to Front and Main streets are designated Second street, Third, Fourth, Fifth, and so on ; and those on the right and left of Market street, extending at right angles with the river, are mostly named from various forest trees, similar to the streets of Philadelphia. Large expenditures have been made from time to time in grading and otherwise improving the streets and allej-s of St. Louis. " St. Louis is handsomely built, especially the new portion of the city : the principal ma- terial is brick, though limestone is employed to some extent. " It may be doubted whether any city of the Union has improved more rapidly than this in the style of its public buildings. " iNSTrrcTioNS. — Among the benevolent institutions may be mentioned the City Hospital, the Marine Hospital, 3 miles below St. Louis, the Sisters' Hospital, the Home for the Friend- less, and the Orphan Asylums. The Home for the Friendless, designed for the benefit of aged indigent females, and opened October 4th, 1853, is situated on the Carondelet road, about 4 miles from the court house. The edifice, formerly " Swiss College," consists of a stone centre, 75 feet in length, and two frame wings, each from 30 to 40 feet in length — the whole two stories high. The premises comprise about 8 acres of ground, variously diversi- fied with walks and shade-trees. About $40,000 have been raised for the support of the institution. The City Hospital has long been distinguished for the excellent accommoda- tions which it affords to the sick, but of late has been found inadequate to the wants of the rapidl}--increasing population. A new edifice, intended as a House of Refuge, has been completed. The building formerly occupied as the " Smallpox Hospital," situated on land in the St. Louis Common, known as the Old County Farm, has been fitted up for the recep- tion of a juvenile reform school. "The literary and educational institutions of St. Louis, have, considering their recent ori- gin, attained a high degree of excellence. "St. Louis has about 25 publication offices, issuing newspapers and other periodicals. Seven or eight newspapers are published daily, tri-weekly, and weeklj". Four or five are printed in the German language. The press is generally characterized by ability, and sev- eral of its issues have a wide circulation. "The water- works, which in 1529 were of very inconsiderable importance, now embrace 35^ miles of pipe. 74 ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI, "The Levee, wliicli, twenty years ago, was a mere mud bank, with transverse ways to the water's edsje, has since undergone very important changes. Great expenditures have been made in filling iij) and otherwise in)i)roving it directly in front of t)ie city. "Biiippi.NG, Commerce, etc. — Each stream which contributes to the commerce of St. Louis has its regular packets, and, for the most part, a separate })lace of landing. The Missouri, the Illinois, and the Upper Mississippi liave as fine craft as float on the Western waters, while the down-river, or New Orleans traders, are scarcely excelled in size, equipment, speed, and construction. The St. Louis boats also visit the Ohio, the Wabash, the Tennes- see, and other streams. With such an immense inland navigation, the commerce of the port requires a large number of steamers, and its tonnage in this respect exceeds that of every other western city. " The importations of dry goods for the year were estimated at $7,000,000, (an increase of nearly one million over the previous year,) and the sales at $8,500,000. This, however, only has reference to the wholesale business. Including the retail trade of the city, the entire imports were estimated at $10,500,000, and the sales at $13,000,000. The business of the heaviest wholesale houses amounts to from half a million to eight hundred thousand dollars annually. "The manufactures of St. Louis, though in their infancy, are hardly less important than her commerce. The flouring business is carried on here more extensively than in anj- city of the West. The manitfacture of different kinds of chemicals and oils is extensively car- ried on. There are in St. Louis 10 establishments for the manufacture of tobacco, several of which are on a large scale. The manufacture of hemp into bale-rope and bagging, and the distilling of whisky, also employ a large amount of capital. But however important these several interests may be in themselves, the}- can hardly be regarded as the most im- portant to St. Louis. Indeed, there can be no doubt that the development of the vast min- eral resources of the region tributary to her, is destined to exert a controlling influence upon the future of this metropolis. Her manufactures of iron already exceed those of any otlier citv on the Mississippi, if not in the west. Nunierous fonndries annually turn out stoves and other castings to a large amount. Eailing, machinery, and steam-engines are extensively manufixctured. Mining operations have already been commenced at Iron Moun- tain. (See Engraving.) "The Bank of the State of Missouri is the only chartered banking institution in St. Louis or in Missouri. It has five branches, viz. : one at Fayette, one at Jackson, one at Lexing- ton, one at Palmyra, and one at Springfield. "The natural advantages which St. Louis enjoys, as a commercial emporium, are probably not surpassed by those of any inland port in the world. Situated midway between two oceans, and near the geographical centre of the finest agricultural region on the globe, al- most at the very focus towards which converge the Mississippi, the Missouri, the Ohio, and the Illinois Rivers, there can be no doubt that she is destined, at no distant period, to become the great receiving and distributing depot of most of the vast region drained by these streams. Having already reached an enviable position among her sister cities, she is look- in"- westward, with a system of railways intended not onlj- to bring to her markets the agricultural and mineral treasures of the :Missouri basin, but eventually to extend beyond the Rocky Mountains to the valley of the Great Salt Lake, and finally to the golden shores of the Pacific Ocean. Her connection with the Atlantic cities, through Cincinnati and Chi- cago, is already secured beyond contingency. The construction of railroads penetrating various sections of her own state, designed idtimatcly to communicate with New Orleans, are also about to be undertaken. The opening of these various railways, and others pro- posed, will give St. Louis ready access to immense deposites of iron, coal, lead, and copper ores, witliin a circuit of 90 miles, equal to the wants of the whole Mississippi valley for centuries to come, and which have not to this time been brought into use, simply because of the difficulty and expense of reaching a mai-ket. " The population of St. Louis is upwards of 100,000." CINCINNATI BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Architect — J. W. McLaughlin, corner of Walnut and Third sts. [See advertisement.] Attorneys at Law — Walter M. Bateman, 30 West Fourth st. Abram Brower, Jr., Trust Co.'s Build- ing, Third st. KiCHOLAS Bird, Manchester Building, corner of Third and Sycamore sts. CoRwisE & Hayes, (R. M. Corwine and R. B. Hayes,) Selves' Building, south side Third st. Joseph Cox XJnder GreLrnieiits, FOR LADIES, GEXTLEMEX & CHILDREN, AND DEALER IN LACE, E3IBROIDERIES, TRIM3IINGS, CORSETS, AND FANCY ARTICLES. READY-MADE LINEN AND BABY LINEN WAREHOUSE. OUTPITTLVG AND WEDDING ORDERS EXECUTED AT SHORT xVOTICE. E. A. THOMPSON JAITIES RICHARDSO]\, 100 T* est Foiiitli St., Opposite the J*ost-o(llce^ Cincianatt^ Ohio, T. A. XESMITH. L-A-W -A-IsTID COLLEOTIOIvr OFFICE THOMPSON '\ NESMITH, ^A^ T T o r?,Kr E Ys Ji^rr TuJ^^v^, 25 West Third Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. REFEREACES : Chase, McKinney & Co Eotton. Pierce Bros. 6c Flanders '* Aaron Clatlii), Esi) ** Hayward. Burchslead and Niebuiir. Welling, Coffin & Co Philadelphia E. G. Webster & Cc . Fnssitt & Co Philadelphia j Alex. Mnniork & Co Baltimore > Cushings & Bailey *' j King:, Corwin & Co Cincinnati ! Gideon Burton, Esq. J. R. JaffravA Sons New York I'llelps, Bliss & Co " A. Journeav, Jr..& Co ** Clapp, Kent & Beckley " Carev, Howard & Sanger " Fred; Biitterfield, Esq " Mason Bros ** ^mith cjc Pavne " F. S. Winstan, E.IA.\, (Successor to S. R. Hamilton), mnnufactmer of BIar five cents a day, and five cents a week for ironim;. The Stove* will work on a couimun washstand, table, or shelf in any tx>om or story. Dr. H. n. >irSGBAVE, ancinnali, O. Or Call at X o. 272 Sixth Street. BLl^T'S ORIGINAL AU s'oes, from 3 feet to 20 feet. Steam ami liot water supplied Willi anj- size if required. Maniifaclureil bv E. li. Blunt, ■-'■.'4 Alain Street, Cixcixxatj, Ohio. Warranted to ^ive satisfaction. J. W. GARttlSOX, F. P. CJ4.HILL. NEW MANUFACTURER OF Cooper TV^are OF ALL SORTS AND SIZES, 484 RACE ST. & 154 POPLAR ST., CINCINNATI, 0. Keeps constantly on hand a variety uf Wood and Iron Bound Kegs, such as 6, 10 and 20 pillons; also, will till all orders for Twis Work at shortest notice. All of my work is warranted to be of the best quality. UNION BRASS WORKS. WM. POWELL t CO., Manufacturers of Brass Fau- cets. Steam and Gas Corks. Jcc. Nos, 247 ii 249 Filth St., between Plum and Wn. How, Ci.minnati, Ohio. Oil Globes, Oil Cups. Cmiplin;.'- iin.l Pluiiit.ii-' l!rass Work, kept oonRtantly on hand at Kastcrn Prices. AUo, Brass Casting and [ anti-lViction Metal made to order. S. G. BURNET & CO., MANUPACTUP.ERS OP "V^IPLE-CLOTKE, Sieves, Riddles, WOODEN k J.\P.\NNED BIRD CAGES, CHEESE & MEAT SAFES, &c. 27 Tl AL^IJT STREET. CINCINNATI, O. BUTLER^ MERCANTILE, RECORD & COPTHG MADISON HOUSE, Excelsior Fluid Inks! GARRISON & CAIIILL, PROPRIETORS. BETWEEN COLUMBIA Iachinery, Portable Flouring Mills, witli Bolts, Elevators, AND ALL THE MACHINERY COMPLETE. Burrs, Bolting Cloths, Smut Mills, Bran Dusters, Kinman Cele- brated Flour Packer, Xlnlay, Sash, and Circular Saw Mills, Parker Water-Wheels, Famham's Double-Acting Lift and Force Pumps, Hydraulic Rams, Judson's Patent Governor Valve. Ornamental Cast-iron Fountains, BRASS & IRON CASTINGS GENERALLY. "W. R. DUNLAP & CO., Cor. Front & Lawrence Sts., Cincinnati, O. Maniniotli Steampower Billiard Table Manufactory OF J. M. BEUNSWICK & BRO. Manufactory — Situated on N. E. corner of Elm & Cannl Streets. Office and Warehouse — No. 8 Sixth St., bet. Main and Wahuit Sts. Cincinnati, O. Best Combination Patent Cushion ever invented. Patent obtained December 8, 1S57. All the modern improvements in style and best mathematical ac- curacy of workmansnip, unequalled by any other house either in the United States or Europe. Our latest Combination Patent Cushiiuis, which are unequalled in elasticity and correctness in angles, have received the gT^atest attention of all the scientific Billiard Players, and gives our Tables the greatest perfection now in existence. Relying upon a practical knowledge and experience of many years in this branch of business, and having applied all the beneficml machineries for steam-power, we call especial attention of Hotel or Saloon Keep- ers, in general, to furnish their rooms with our first-class Billiard Tables, made of Rosewood or Mahogany, either with Marble, Slate, or Wooden Beds, because we are enabled to offer our goods at rv- duced prices, from 20 to 25 per cent., and as we possess ample means, we offer also the most suitable terms for any number or quality of Tables. Especial attention will be given for repairing and recushioning old Tables with our new Combination Patent Cushions of superior elas- ticity and correctness in angles. Remember^ Twelve Billiard Tables Manufactured weehhj. Agents for tlie above are Geo. W. Billings, St. Louis, Mo. ; E. Brunswick, 121 Randolph Street, Chicago, HI. -, A. W. Merriara, New Orleans. La. ; J. B. Harper, Louisville, Ky. J. H. BURROWS J. H. BTJRRO^VS^ PATENT XJ A. KIMBALL. AND PtABfTATIOW CORN miLL, ^lll Orders should be ^Iddresseil to J. U. BURROJf^S if Co., Second Street bet. Elm Sf Plutn, Chicintutti, O. Proprietors of the Columbia Foundry, and Manufacturers of Steam Engines and j Machinery, for Grist and Saw Mills, Distilleries, Tanneries, etc. Also, French Burr Mill Stones, of all sizes ; Montgomerie's Double Grinding Bark Mill and Corn Crush- ers ; Haviland & Tuttle's Saw-Mill Water-Wheels, and Castings of every description. Also, dealers in Bolting Cloths, Plaster of Paris, etc. GUNDRFS MERCANTILE COLLEGE, N. W. COE. OF FIFTH AIS^D WALNUT STREETS, CinciniiSLti, Oliio. A THOROUGH AND PRACTICAL KNOWLEDGE OF BOOK-KEEPING, PENMANSHIP, &c., May be obtained during the Evening Winter Course, the same facilities for instruc- tion Ijcing afforded as in the day time. Those wishing to attend should make applica- tion without delay. The large number of Students of this Institution occupying the first positions as Business Men and Accountants in this city, is deemed sufficient recommendation of its merits. ter:?is for FUI.I. course forty dollars. JOHN GUXDRY, PRmciPAL. R. M. Bartlett's COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, Corner Third and Walnut, Cincinnati, 0. [Cr One time is as good as another to commence. ICr For particulars, call, or address the College. (5 p ? n o o Entered according to Act of Congress, in tlie vear 185S. hv R. M. nARTI.KTT, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United .Suites for the Southern District of Ohio. S i5 I ^ 1^ J, o a H H o p > 30 3» C3 £ ^ ° 30 ■E. CD 30 -< > i H 03 ;>- B ft p c/2 H I— I - (J} I— ( C3 3» P3 C3 m CO m 3* —I CO Ill o — £ ^ ^ S ei3 » a S. » - p " ,2 111 S OR B e a © ? a ' en w H > H i-t izl Q GO > td o d CO to ^ o i S 1 n I z o o o % CO H n Q 02 Q W W H -o 30 m CO CO m CO o M > 9 l-H ST P «2 PS PS =3 o HI > O K o pi d H o *«1 ■eMC c c: o o 2 5 c o = 3 rt o re M. ^- re ^ c p P ■-I en w Q CO =• bd g. CO i ^ H O pi CO ■a p 5» SCO p ►< :^ ^« CD O O^ OQ 3 CD O i» B CO O' O CQ ITS' ^^ c ^ ►-"Ik*- f CO C3 3* CO c=> (73 CO 69 o :^ ft o H PS > PS H Z CfS5 GO i ^ td W 03 Ul td w CO CO 5' 2 o o ^ii H O ^^_ ,.^^^^^j^_jgj^^j^gg^^^^^^^ iiMMj^f^. -iaix DTTHMES^CO. WATCHES .JEWELRY a SILVER WARE p|i '; j DcHME & Co., S. W. corner of Fourth and Walnut Street, Cincinnati, Ohio, Importers, wholesale and retail dealers in fine Watches and Jewelry of every description, Silver and Silver Plated Ware. Watch Tools and Materials for the Trade. GOLD PEN MANUFACTURER, ROOM 15, APOLLO BUILDING, Car. of Fifth and Walnut Sts., Cincinnati, 0. Mr. Lundy w.trrants liis Pens to lie as pooii, if not superior to any others niaile East or West. Clerks nn lo< ' trinuned to look equal to new. SHOW CASES. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Silver Plated, German Silver, Rose- wood, Mahogany, Black Walnnt, Satin, and Pinewood, at SCHMITT & BROTHERS, 77 WEST THIRD ST., CINCniNATI, AND 5 North William Street, New York. FRAIVCII^ DOLL, Manufacturer of Gold & Silver Watch Cases. Orders from all parts of the country attended to with prompt- ness. Corner of 4th and Walnut Sts., over Duhme's Jewelry Store, Cincinnati, Ohio. WM. GLENN. JA8. M. GLENN. B, DYMOND, JR. O. T. GLENN. WM. GLENN & SONS, Wholesale Grocers, NORTU-EAST CORN-EB OF WALNUT & COLUMBIA STS. CINCINNATI, O. ISAAC E. WEST. CHAS. H. MCDOUOAL. WEST 8l McDOUGAL, GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 23 WALNUT STREET, CINCINNATI, OraO. QUEEN CITY BANKING AND EXCHANGE OFFICE, DEALS IN UNCUERENT BANK NOTES, GOLD & SILVER. 97 MAIN STREET, Trust Company Building-, Cincinnati, O, E. N. SLOCUM, Agent. CINCINNATI. 75 CINCINNATI, THE QUEEN CITY OF THE WEST. After leavino; the seaboard, no citj' in the United States is likely to surprise the stranger so much as Cincinnati. From an account of Dr. Charles Mackay's visit to it last year, we expected to find in it another Pittsburg (Pennsylvania) or Manchester (England) for smoke; and on proceeding from the " Forest City" (.Cleveland) -vve looked forward to liud- ing Cincinnati under a cloud, with the anticipation of unpleasant odours from its famed pork-killing establishments. On our entering the city, by the Little Miami Valley railroad, the beauty of that line was only excelled by the charming vieAV presented as the train crept round the curves, opening to view tlie exquisitely beautiful scenery of the Ohin, both on the Kentucky and Chio side of the river. Our visit to Cincinnati, therefore, in July last, was one of unmingled pleasurable disappointment; with a blazing sun overhead, all vegetation in its gayest attire, and not a particle of smoke to be seen, excepting from a solitary steamer, perhaps, getting ready for its voyage to Louisville or the Mississippi. Ascending to the top of Mount Adams, to get a view of the city and surrounding country, we looked in vain for smoke; so that should the gifted author of "Voices from the Crowd" paj- his friend Nicholas Longworth another visit at Cincinnati, and that any time during the spring or summer months, he will, we think, leave it with a different impres- sion, and similar to what he experienced in the cities visited, where the total absence from smoke formed one of the peculiarities of American city life. As may be well known, Cincinnati is the most populous city of the Western States, and the fifth in size and importance throughout the union. It is beautifully situated in a valley of about 13 miles in circumference, with tlie Ohio lUver intersecting it from the State of Kentucky, environed by a range of hills, thus forming a beautiful basin with one portion of the city in the centre, but the greater part of it rising by terraces, on which Tiiird and Fourth streets form two of the most prominent. For 3 miles, at least, the city extends along- side of the river, that portion being lined, for the most part, with stores and shipping- places of business, aiul where from 30 to 40 steamers may be seen engaged in the river traffic, sailing up the river to Pittsburg, 460 miles, and down to ports on the Mississippi, 650 miles distant, carrying, for the most part, goods, but that only when the state of the river permits, and business affords sufficient traffic. Both in the city and in the vicinity some elegant private residences are to be seen, but more particularly in the suburbs of such as Mount Auburn, where there are some beautiful country seats, with vineries in the open air attached to each. One of the finest public buildings of Cincinnati is the Court House, an immense block of buildings built of white marble, but, to a certain extent, obscured from being seen to great advantage, on account of the other buildings being built in too close proximity with it. In churches Cincinnati can boast of having as fine samples as are to be found in the West. Its literary, educational, scientific, and medical colleges and institutions, rank with any thing in the United States; in fact, from the public school up to the most advanced literary and scientific association, Cincinnati is excelled, we believe, by no other city. The Mechanics' Institute, for example, occupies a prominent place amongst the many valu- able institutions with which Cincinnati has great cause to be proud of. It is a large, square, massive building, built in the Elizabethan style, on the corner of Sixth and Vine streets. Its library contains 15,000 volumes, besides having, in an adjoining department, an excel- lent selection of newspapers and periodicals. It is under the management of the Central Board of the Trustees and Visitors of Common Schools, two delegates from eacli ward in the citj' being part of the management. RufusKing, Esq., a name well known in America, is president. At present it numbers 4323 members. Average delivery of books during the last 7 months, over C500 volumes per month. Total circulation for T months, 35,000 volumes. At the last time when the books were called in for revision, only 8 volumes were wanting 76 mechanics' institute and mercantile library. out of a total circulation of 37,000 volumes, a fact which speaks well for both members and management. Even this small number missing was made up by the parties who had become security for those who had got out the books. All young men under age, and not known, are required to get a guarantee from a known citizen, who becomes responsible for any loss the institution may sustain, by giving out books to such party applying for them. The librarj' is made up of the books formerly belonging to the Public School Library and ileclianics' Institution, now joined into one library. From tlie State, it now — from its connection with the Public School Library — receives $8000 annually. The terras of admission to all are — free. It may appear almost invidious to mention the name of any one donor to this noble in- stitution, but we think that Mr. Greenwood's beneficence should be well known, if for no other reason, than that others in different parts, may imitate his example. Besides many subscriptions to the institution, and all along taking an active part in its establishment and welfare, he was, we believe, the principal means of preventing the institution from going down. Amongst its difficulties, it was due Mr. Greenwood no less a sum than $18,000 (£3,600 stg.) for material he had supplied to the building, etc., from his foundry. Tliat entire sum he made them a present of, from which date, the institution has spread its benefits all around, and engraven the name of Miles Greenwood indeliblj- in connection with its history, and that of the welfare of the working classes. Again, we may notice another of the reading-rooms and libraries in the city, worthy of all commendation, viz.: the Young Men's Mercantile Library and Reading-room, in "Walnut street. On one floor of a building 140 feet long, by 100 wide, there will be found a library of 19,000 volumes, in all the depai-tments of literature, occupying fully one-half of the apartment. In the other end of it there will be found the best assortment of newspapers, magazines, and periodicals we have seen anywhere. The natives of almost any part of the world will there find the paper of his own neighbourhood. Of course the Thunderer of Printing-House square (London) will be found there on regular file. On the opposite frames — the Scotsman — the worthy representative of "Auld Reekie," (Edinburgh, Scot.,) and the Dublin Evening Post and Nation, of Ireland, take their stand ; tlie Welshmen are repre- sented in the Carnarvon Herald; the Frenchmen, with the Journal des Debats, La Presse, Charivari, L' Illustration, and Galif/7ia7ii ; tlie Germans, with Zeitiings plenty ; the Austra- lian, with the Melbourne Argus ; whilst the United States is represented with sheets of all sorts and sizes, from Maine to California, and not forgetting the well-printed sheet of the Pioneer and Democrat, all the way from St. Paul, Minnesota. Canada papers are also found in abundance. In going over this j-oom, and seeing such a host of London weekly papers, and monthly magazines and quarterly reviews from England, Scotland, and Ireland, a stranger from Great Britain is apt to fancy himself in some of the Exchange reading rooms of Liverpool, Manchester, or Glasgow, or the Waterloo jl^ews Rooms in Edinburgh, rather than on the banks of the Ohio. The quarto and imperial weekly sheets are secured to tables across the room, at which parties may sit and read, some of the most popular London weekly papers showing good evidence of being well perused. The tattered and torn appearance which the Ilhistrated London News, and that pliilosophic, philanthropic, and stinging little sinner Punch pre- sented, showed that they afford as great a treat to the numerous readers there, as these two publications do in enriching the coffers of some American publishers, who depend largely upon them for their excellent illustrations, as, no sooner do they reach this side of the At- lantic, than they are reproduced without the sliglitest acknowledgment as to their source, far less in a pecuniary respect. The magazines are all numbered, and can be taken and read in any part of the building. After perusal they are returned to their proper pigeon-holes in the desk, wliere they re- main open for perusal. The library contains 19,000 volumes. The reading-room, 240 different newspapers, and 120 magazines and reviews are received as soon as possible after publication. THIRD STREET, CINCINISrATI. 77 The terms of entry are only $3 (12s. stg.), with $1 entry-money. At present it numbers 3000 members. The reading-room is most comfortably fitted up. On the floor, for example, tiiere is a magnificent tapestry carpet, and the newspapers mounted on elegant iron frames of chaste design. Altogether, it appears a model institution of the kind, and we congratulate the Young Men's Mercantile Library Association in having such an institute. We had forgot to mention, that the library is adorned with a beautiful marble statue of " Sabrina," and another of " Eve listening to the Voice," as well as busts of some of Amer- ica's most accomjilished public men. In one respect, this institution differs from any of the kind we have seen in Britain, viz., that of ladies visiting the reading-room, and perusing the books, newspapers, and periodi- cals, with apparently great interest, besides forming a large proportion of the visitors to the Young Men's Library, for books. M n The finest wholesale stores in the city are situated on Pearl street, where they arrest at- tention, from their solid stone built appearance, and general excellent design. The other principal streets for the wholesale trade, are, "Walnut street, Main street, and Public land- ing, from which tens of thousands of dollars' worth of. goods change hands weekly. 78 NEW MASONIC TEMPLE, CINCINNATI. Tliird street forms also one of the finest streets of the citj'. At the corner of Third and Walnut street, the Masonic Temple will stand, when completed (see our engraving of the same). In Third street, are situated the greater proportion of the hanking houses and oifiees of the exchange brokers and lawyers in the city. The buildings there also being characterized by that solid magnificence, which well cut and tastefully designed architec- ture always portrays. Our view of Tliird street, as given in the preceding page, repre- sents some of the fine*t buildings in the street, the first one on the left hand, being the premises built and occupied by the celebrated Ohio Life and Trust Company, a banking institution, which failed in 1857. ^H o z w ^ EH o o < Tnis splendid structure, an engraving of which we present, is one of the most striking buildings j-et erected, we believe, in the United States, and will show more strongly, than per- haps any other we could liave selected, the amazing rapidity of growth of the western cities of America. On the site where this Masonic temple rears its commanding form, among other costly and palatial stone edifices, in the business centre of the "-queen city" of the West, men, still in the vigour of life, assure astonished strangers that they can remember when, on the very spot occupied by these palaces, the primitive log-huts of the first settlers were emViedded in the forest ! The Nova Cesaria Harmony Lodge, No. 2, under whose auspices this temple is being erected, was instituted in 1794, and is the oldest lodge in Cincinnati. The ground was GRINDING & BOLTING FLOUR MILL, €ORIV A:\D feed MIL.L.S OF AI.1^ SIZES, BOTH UPPER AND UNDER RUNNERS. A complete Mill is furnished for $700. This comprises 3 foot French Burr Stones, Bolting Chest 6 feet high and 20 feet long, with an improvement for adjusting the Reel, which is 3 feet in diameter and 20 feet long, with genuine Dutch Anker Bolting Cloth fitted to it ; two pairs of Cooling Conveyers ; two sets of Elevators, with gearing, belting, &c., all ready to attach to power. The Mill is so arranged that any portion of middlings or fine flour can be returned to the eye of the Burrs, and reground, or can be rebolted, without any rehandling. We also build smaller sized Flour Mills, Bolts, &c., all complete. A 24 inch Burr and 10 foot Bolt, $350 ; 30 inch Burr and Bolt, 16 feet long, $550. The $700 Mill we guarantee to grind and bolt 60 barrels of flour per day, making the best extra flour, and a yield equal to the best and most costly Mills in use. They have been gotten up with a view of meeting the wants of the people. As to economy of expense, power, and space, and in durability, simplicity, efficiency, they are unrivalled. They can be set to running in any kind of building where power is used, or in Saw Mills. Our Corn and Feed Mills are also put up in strong Iron Frames, (cast solid). A 24 inch Mill, ready to attach to power, costs $130; 2^ feet, $175 ; 3 feet, $225. Smut Machines, Flour Packers, Corn Shellers, W. W. HAMER &, CO., SOLE MANUFACTURERS, W. E. cor. of Second St. and Western Row, CINCINNATI, OHIO. w**; .*£.«'o rvBJX'isH to obuxr Portable & Stationary Eiig^ines & Boilers of all sizes, Circular, Miiley and Sash SaAVS & Mill Oearing: of ail kinds. CONSTANTLY ON HAND MILL PICKS, HOISTING SCREWS, GRAIN SCALES, &C., &C. Genuine Diitcli Auler Brand Bolting Clolli at lowest Prices, leatlier k India Rnlilior Belting. N. B. — We have 3 Mills constantly running at our Factory, grinding flour, com, meal and feed. Persons wishing to purchase can thus determine the superiority of our Mills. Circulars, giving particulars, sent upon application with postage stamp. MILES GREENWOOD'S WORKS, ^^^ / Jllll(-:■■^!•'('Kyl)&^:,;<^,..ll:l NEW MASONIC TEMPLE AND FOURTH STREET, CINCINNATI. 79 donated b}- "VVni. ^loMillaii — now deceased. As a building designed expressly for Masonic uses, it is a question, if, not only in America but in Europe, any temple of the kind lias heretofore been erected more complete and convenient in its arrangements, or richer in graceful and symbolic architecture, than tlie one now under notice. It is being erected entirely of the beautiful freestone, for which Cincinnati is so celebrated, and stands on the north-east corner of Third and Walnut streets, occui)ying a frontage on Third street of 200 feet, and 100 feet on Walnut street. The style is Byzantine, exhibiting strongly those bold and massive features so characteristic of many of the best buildings of northern Italy. It will be 4 stories high, with a basement, and flanked by three lofty tow- ers ; the one at the corner of Third and Walnut streets being 32 feet square at the base, and 18.^ feet from the base to the vane. In the centre of this tower, on the third stor}-, and fac- ing Third street, is a niche designed to receive a life-size statue of W. McMillan, the liberal donor of the property. The upper portion of the tower will have a large town clock, with 4 illuminated dials 7 feet diameter, which will be visible on each face of the tower from a great distance. The first floor, as well as basement, will be used for banking houses and exchange brokers, the second floor for business oflices, while the third and fourth floors are devoted exclusively to Masons and JIasonic meetings. On the third floor, whicii is 18 feet 6 inches high, are the chapter room, the library, (lit by a projecting Oriel window,) royal and select council room, a spacious banquet room, an encampment asylum, a royal arch chapter room, and a Persian court, all for the use of the knights and templars. At the western portion of this floor, and facing Third and Walnut streets, a commodious suite of rooms form the residence of the janitor, isolated from tlie remiinder of the building, but in convenient juxta])osition. The fourth story, which is 22 feet high, is subdivided into 3 splendid lodge rooms for the entered apprentices, fellow-crafts, and master-masons of N. C. Harmon}' Lodge, No. 2, and a grand lodge room designed for use only on extraordinary occasions. This fine room is 70 feet long, 42 feet 4 inehes wide, and 28 feet in height, lit by the large and beautiful rose window which forms so conspieuou'S a feature on tlie Wal- nut-street elevation. The attitude of the temple will be 85 feet from the pavement to tlie cornice, 105 feet to the ridge of the roof, and 112 feet to the cornice of tiie great tower. The roof is a Mansard shape, terminated where visible, by a rich iron railing, and having its surface relieved by seven picturesque dormer windows. The entire cost is estimated at $150,000 (£30,000 stg.). The architects of this building — which reflects the highest credit upon their artistic taste and skill — are Messrs. Hamilton and McLaughlin, whose cards will be found elsewhere. Mr. McLaughlin is still a resident of Cincinnati, but Mr. Hamilton (formerly of London) has recently removed to New York. The engraving, given in another page, has been exe- cuted for this work, by two young and very promising wood engravers in Cincinnati, Messrs. Davenport and Thompson, and we have only to refer to this specimen of their work, to show what they can do, for them to be entrusted with drawings of the most intricate eliaraeter, as the foregoing view was engraved from the architect's drawing, and the manner in which they have preserved every detail correctly, reflects great credit upon their abilitj- as first-class engravers. In our engraving of Fourth street, will be seen a re|)resentation of some of the finest blocks in the city, and among the many splendid stores with whicii it abounds, none show to more advantage than the magnificent jewellery establishment of Messrs. Dulime of it. On the opposite side of Fourth street stand some very elegant stores also, and a visit to Mr. Richardson's outfitting establishment, opposite the post-office, will give an idea of their internal extent and magnificence. We should say that Fourth street bids fair to be the street of streets in this beautiful and wonderful eitv, and that a few years will see it lined, from end to end, with buildings of the same palatial character. NATIONAL THEATKE, CINCINNATI, 81 Amongst the manj- handsome buikiings in the city, few show a finer exterior or more substantial appearance than the National Theatre, on Sycamore street, built by Mr. John Bates. It presents, as will be seen by our engraving of it, a very handsome exterior, ornamented with some very finely-executed sculptor work. Whilst tlie exterior shows to such great advantage, the interior is tastefully decorated and fitted up. After the old theatre was burned down, we understand a company was formed to build a new one, but n I .i ,,.m as sometimes " too many cooks spoil the broth," it was likely to prove so in this instance, when Mr. Bates stepped forward, and single-handed, provided the citizens with as comfort- able and elegant a theatre as will be found in the United States. The house is built in tlie most substantial manner, and in that respect, as well as regards ventilation, is every thing tliat is possible to attain. It is seated for 3000 people, and stands on a lot 100 feet front and 206 feet deep: height of house 90 feet. The architect is Mr. Hamilton, who is also 82 THE PORK TRADE — THE EAGLE IRON WORKS. architect of the Masonic Temple, a view of which will be found on another page. The thea- tre was built under the personal superintendence of Mr. Bates, who watched its progress from the digging of the foundation to lighting up the gas on the opening night, on 4th July last. Under the lesseesliip of Mr. Baker, the house, on our visit, was certainlj' " drawing" well. Every thing was put on the stage promptly and creditably, making the stranger forget, al- most, that he was witnessing " La Traviata" on the banks of the Ohio. There is scarcely any branch of manufactures but what is carried on, more or less, extensively in Cincinnati. Its great trade, however, consists in the article of pork. So much so, is this the case, that the city is pretty well known as the porkopolis of Amer- ica. In the winter season droves of pigs may be seen, being driven along the streets on their way to the killing and packing-houses, where they are killed, plotted, cut up, pickled, and packed, with a rapidity that is scarcely conceivable. Along the roads, the animals are to be seen reaching the city from neighbouring villages, whilst the railroad vans are loaded with them from all parts of the west. To Cincinnati the pork and provision dealers in Belfast (Ireland) find their way once a year, to make purchases and contracts for their supplies, and to there, as well as ports in England, immense shipments are made during the course of the year. Besides what is killed in the city, Cincinnati finds a market for a large amount of pork and bacon — in bulk. Thus we find, in one year, the quantity to be over 450,000 hogs, 17,000,000 bbls. of pork in bulk, and 11,000 hogsheads of bacon, as received into the city. The total amount of which was estimated at $5,500,000, or £1,100,000 sterling. In connection with the manufactures of the city, lard and oil forms important articles. In the articles shipped from the city, a large proportion is in pork, bacon, oil, lard, whiskey, wine, furniture, and machinery. Amongst the large manufacturing establishments connected with the city, the Eagle Foundry of Miles Greenwood, must take the first place. It is one of the largest of its kind in the United States, and an establishment, where, probably, a greater variety of articles are manufactured under one roof, than can be named in any other city. There will be found articles varying in size and weight, from 300 pieces in a lb., to 10 tons for one piece, verifying, almost, the popular saying, of every tiling from " a needle, to an anchor." In the manufacture of one article alone — that of stoves — no less than 2500 tons of iron are used annuallj-. Butt hinges are made in enormous quantities, and with a stock on hand, apparentlj^ suificient to hinge all the doors in the States. Until the manufacture of tliis article by Mr. Greenwood, America was dependent upon Great Britain for them. There is scarcely an article in the iron or hardware trade but what is, or can be manufac- tured at this establishment, extending, even, to music, and other sorts of stools; hat-stands, tables, etc., of tasteful design and finish, and even articles of delicate manufacture — such as planetariums — are manufactured, as we noticed. The establishment is divided into several departments — each under eflicient superintendence — two of the principal departments being under the management of Mr. Folger, and Mr. Yates, who are associated as partners with Mr. Greenwood in what pertains to their own departments. Amongst the heavier description of work turned out, are those of basement-fronts for stores, as well as for entire fronts of stores and houses. The beautiful front with Corin- thian pillars, on Carlisle's block in 4th street, are from Mr. Greenwood's establishment, al- though now that they are painted and sanded over, it is impossible, almost, to tell the dif- ference between them and the stone of which the upper part is built. Mr. Greenwood is an excellent example of the many self-made men with which this country abounds, and we are only paying a well-earned tribute, when we say, tliat for public spirit, energy of character, and large heartedness, we question if the queen city has his match. The read- er is referred to our notices of the fire-engine establishment, and mechanics' institution for a few practical samples of Mr. Greenwood's character. At present, when trade is dull every where, there are only about 400 men employed at the works. In ordinary good times, fully bW are employed. One of the most gratifying facts connected with this establish- ment is that during the long period of 26 years, it has never stood idle for a single day — although nearly the whole concern was burned down in 1845. WINE GROWING AND TRADE OF CINCINNATI. 83 Strangers in the queen city will be much gratified with a visit to this mammoth estab- lishment, where they will be most courteously received, and shown over the premises. In the single article of grist mills, large quantities are manufactured, two of the princi- pal houses engaged therein, being Messrs. W. W. Hamer & Co., and J. H. Burrows «fc Co. As is well known, Cincinnati has already earned a world-wide notoriety for its wines — and judging from the rapid increase in the cultivation of the grape, and manufacture of wine, there is every likelihood of its becoming a rival even to the trade in pork, in its immensity. In connection with the wine manufacture, one of the most notable things connected with this city, is the establishment of Mr. N. Longworth, the celebrated wine-grower. A visit to his wine cellars will astonish the stranger. There will be found upwards of 300,000 dozens of bottles of the Catawba wine, maturing till ready to be sent out. The cellars consist of two vaults, 90 by 120 feet, in two tiers, the lower one being 25 feet below ground. One cask, alone there, holds 4,575 gallons of wine. Mr. Longworth has spent manj- years and a large amount of money, in bringing the Catawba grape to its present state of per- fection. In this respect he may be considered the father of the wine trade, there, as well as one of the " City Fathers." His wines find their way all over the United States, to Eng- land, Mexico, Brazil, Russia, etc. The " Sparkling Catawba" is very like champagne, and the uninitiated in such articles would scarcely know the difference. The wine made there contains, about 11 to 12 per cent of alcohol. As long as Cincinnati lasts the name of Nicolas Longworth will be intimately associated with it, and hundreds of the very lowest and most degraded of the population will, some day, miss his extraordinary benevolence — which reaches in one form alone, in seasons of distress — the free distribution of from 300 to 500 loaves of bread every week to the most necessitous poor. In the distribution of his charity he is peculiar, if not eccentric. Many stories are told of him in this respect. As one which we have not seen published, and to give an idea of the man, we may mention, that when lately called upon by a deputation for his subscription to assist the " Lord's poor," his reply was, that he had enough to do in taking care of, and looking after, the " Devil's poor/' it being, as we have said, the most degraded whom Mr. Longworth makes his peculiar choice. He not only gives away largely in bread, etc., but provides houses actually free of rent, to many who are not able to pay for them, and yet such tenants are more trouble to him than those who pay rent. He is, altogether, a self-made man. He commenced his career in a very humble capacity, and now, although said to be the millionare of the city, has, apparently, not a particle of pride about him. His house is a princelj- dwelling, adorned with some gems of art in sculpture and painting, of great beauty and value. For example, in his drawing-room is to be seen the first specimen of sculpture ever executed by the celebrated Hiram Powers, and a gem it is. The turn-out of wine in Mr. Longworth's establishment is about 150,000 bottles per an- num. Other firms in the city are now engaged in the manufacture of wine. A large German population, now inhabiting the hills around the city, as well as parties on the Kentucky side of the river, are engaged in the cultivation of the vine, and scarcely an inch of ground is to be seen on the hill-sides but what is covered with vines, growing. The population of Cincinnati is about 200,000. One of the finest views of Cincinnati is to be got from off the top of one of the hills on the Kentucky side of the river, especially any of those a little further west than the city. 84 CLEVELAND, OHIO. CLEVELAND, OHIO. Cleveland, one of the most important cities of the west, is situated on an elevated plateau, 70 feet ahove the level of Lake Erie, and forms one of the cities on that lake. It is decidedly one of the most beautiful cities in the States, and remarkable for its fine pub- lic and private buildings. It is built upori a gravelly plain, and from it a magnificent view of the lake is seen. The chief business streets are Superior street, Water street. Bank street, and River street. The three former are situated on the higher part of the city, whilst River street is between Cleveland proper, and what was formerly termed Ohio City, (on western side of the River Cuyahoga,) but which is now incorporated with Cleveland. Next to Cincinnati, it is the most important commercial town in Ohio, and, from its nat- ural position on the lake, forms an important centre for business to all points, and from its manufacturing and commercial enterprise and establishments, it seems destined always to hold a high position amongst the cities of the Union. From the quantity of trees and shrubbery growing in all parts of the city, giving its streets the appearance of groves rather than any thing else, and the garden-plots around the private dwellings, it has been very appropriately termed the " Forest City." To the stranger, who enters it for the first time, he will be forcibly struck with its re- markable beauty, and spacious streets, averaging as they do, about 120 feet wide. As an entrepot of commerce, it is one of great importance. A large direct trade with the western cities is kept up by railroad and steamers. The latter ply, during the summer sea- son, up as far as Lake Superior, touching at the most northerly ports of that immense mining region. From thence, iron and copper are brought in great abundance, and at Cleveland these meet with the coal of Ohio and Pennsylvania, and transported by canal and railroad to Pittsburg, Philadelphia, and other cities on the seaboard. Two very handsome and substantial freestone buildings are in course of erection at the north side of the public square, one of them the United States Government buildings, is in- tended for custom house, post-office, etc. — erecting at a cost of about $125,000 (£25,000), 60 feet by 100 feet, 62 feet elevation being three stories high. Builder, Mr. W. J. Warner. Government architect, Mr. A. B. Young. At another corner — on same side of square — is erecting the County Court House, at the expense of the State of Ohio. Builders, Messrs. Smith & Pannell. Arelutect, Mr. J. J. Husband. When finished, these will form two of the most important and beautiful buildings in the city. Freestone, of which these two public buildings, and many of the private houses are built, is found in great abundance at Amherst, Lorain County, Ohio, and also at Independence, 12 miles from Cleveland. The chief street, for handsome mansions and villas, is named Euclid street, and contains many equal, in magnificence, to those in the suburbs of London, Manchester (Eng.), or Edinburgh or Glasgow (Scot.). All of them are surrounded by beautifully laid out gar- dens, with the houses placed from 30 to 40 yards from the road-side, and altogether form a continuation of private dwellings, which, for beauty of design, substantiality, and elegance, are scarcely to be surpassed. As regards health, Cleveland is considered remarkablj' favourable. Situated as it is, the atmosphere, in summer, is delightfully cooled by the breezes from Lake Erie, so that, even the hottest days of July are tempered by refreshing winds, experienced in few other, excepting lake, cities. Altogether, Cleveland possesses within itself all the elements, not only of progressing towards being a much greater city, but all the conveniences, comforts, and luxuries of life. In educational matters, its public schools are large and airy — (and, of course, all free) — whilst it possesses private academies and high schools for the higher branches of educa- tion. Of colleges, it possesses both allopathic and homoeopathic — whilst it has 2 or 3 celebrated water-cure establishments. CLEVELAND, OHIO. 85 ^ S g- 5? ?■ 3 2 3- S =: C =1 2 S S 3 C 3: - 3 ^. 3 3 » c- T s P B _- • c :3. ^^•'3 o o c » i- - ~ -i i 2, g 1. 1 =^ K 2 =r r s- --^ 5 ^ = r M I- 2, z ^ r ^^ t^ ^ " r. 3 O S -3 o H - 3 tn oi O 3 S "5 3 oc ft) 1^ 5- ^ — • a O c^ 2 ^ = K c := s5 3 CD — S «" (5 3 o 3 3 P E 3 2. f^ H p 3 '^ O «> s _, m 2 3| 3 = 3- 3* ® B rt _. f5 ^ T; 3 T J^ ']i ? re c p B S-b as ^, JB •5. 3 B f8 O 3 ^ o B "> c ►^ CO a H O 73 >-3 iX C - - ' I ; — - -JQ 3 ^ c<- 3 3 - — D 3 a. :r H - «) f** x " O vr c^ ■S' (6 ? 3' o CL. (^ ri IX> g n w w c* 3 c* 3? c o a, » fl> 55 a _ p O (6 ~i o o civ 3 'S - el- p" H O 35 3 1 re CD re 01 re re o re 2 a. re p 00 re re 00 i 3= ^ 2 ^ !" o .r** ^^ ^v« re re o ?r .^> A L« n 's ■5 P r/) 'Ji s 3 1 p o "^ p* o p 3 re re p CD 4 1 3 re P •B re re re X re re a- p re p re 73 i. P 3 3 re p a- -i !— i. 2 73 2, 3 -T ■^ 2 re 3 rp -! P 3' 2 '5 era re O 33 re o o •*> re re^ 3' 3 a? r- 3 re 3 3 o re re -a re rr. a: 5 ^ -^ *^ O P 86 CLEVELAJ!iD, OHIO. J. Tait). There is no mechanics' institution in the city, but this establishment answers much the same purpose. Here, for $2.00 a year, young men can enjoy the advantages of a library of 5000 volumes, (and fast increasing,) besides newspapers, periodicals, etc. The public square occupies about 10 acres of ground, fenced off for public recreation. Foot-paths cross in all directions. In the centre a graceful fountain plays all day, forming a beautiful object. On certain evenings of the week, a very first-rate brass band plays on a raised platform, gratuitously, for several hours, during which time (in the evening) a large turn out of the inhabitants is to be seen, some sitting on the numerous seats pro- vided, and some promenading about. This square, and its appropriate " fixings," is one of the most attractive features of the city, and reflects no small credit on the inhabitants who secured it for its present purpose. On the west side of the river, are situated a most efficient system of water works. Two immense stationary engines pump the water up from the lake to a large reservoir, from which the city is plentifully supplied. On same side of the river, a very large population is scattered over a great surface of ground, consisting in part of several very neat cottages. A large proportion of the work- ing-classes live on that side of the river ; and a stranger cannot but be struck, in summer time, with the neat and comfortable appearance of the dwellings, the most of them being all owned by the inhabitants, and the grapes growing in profusion in the open air, every one being living proofs, in reality, of " sitting under his own vine, and none daring to make him afraid." A large trade is done in wool, bought by the Cleveland merchants, and sent by them to all parts where woollen goods are made. The wholesale and retail warehouses (or stores), are, for the most part, spacious buildings — running 100 to 200 feet back ; and in the retail stores — in every description of trade almost — goods of the most superb and costly charac- ter, as well as the most useful and plain, are to be seen. Property now rents very high in Cleveland, so much so, that many are of the opinion that but for the high rates demanded by land-owners, the city would have made greater progress than it has done, and so long as the present high prices are demanded, it must materially affect the progress of the city in its manufacturing and commercial prosperity. Omnibus Line. — An excellent line of omnibuses is established at Cleveland, by which passengers, arriving per rail, can be set down at any address in town, including luggage, for 25 cents (Is. stg.). Mr. Stevens, the proprietor, has upwards of 50 horses employed on it, and, altogether, conducts it in a very satisfactory manner. His " busses" call at the hotels for passengers, before the departure of the trains. The baggage is conveyed in a separate conveyance, thus avoiding all trouble and annoyance with it. Previous to the arrival of the trains at Cleveland, passengers will be waited upon by the baggage-agent, who passes through the cars ; by giving him their baggage checks and 25 cents, he, in return, will give them an omnibus ticket, which will entitle them to one seat in the omnibus, and the conveyance of one or two trunks to any part of the city. This line of omnibuses ply to different parts of the city as a city line, on the same plan as the omnibuses in New York. By purchasing tickets at the office, residents get con- veyed, from one point to another, for about 6J cents each trip. Present population of Cleveland is estimated at about 60,000. CLEVELAND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Banks and Bankers— Commercial Branch, State Bank of Ohio- William A. Otis, President ; T. P. Handy. Cashier ; E. L. Jones, Assistant Cashier. Herdman & Co., 11 Water street. [See advertisement.] Markland & Co., River street. [See ad- vertisement.] Whitman, Standaet & Co., Superior street. Booksellers — Cobb, J. C. & Co., Superior street. Ingham & Bragg, Superior street. [See advertisement.] Boot and Shoe Store— Mashey, Dole & Co., 23 Water street. [See advertisement.] Boiler Manufacturer— McGarry, T. J., Centre street. China and Glass Store— Tagg, Ensworth & Co., Importers of China, Glass and Earthenware, corner of Su- perior and Seneca streets. Coffee and Spice Merchants— Frisby ley. Bankers, Milwaukee, Wis.; Messrs. Hoffman & Gelpcke, Bankers, Chicago, 111. ; Messrs. Philips, Sampson & Co., Boston. European Exchange for sale, on London, Paris, etc., in suina of £5 and upwards. J. HERDMAN & CO., 11 Water Street, near Superior, Cleveland, 0. Dealers in Gold and Silver Com, Exchange, Uncurrent Money and Land Warrants. Collections made and re- niitted for at Current rates of Exchanse. Interest allow- ed on deposits. Drafts on Germany, France, Great Brit- ain and Ireland, for larjre or small sums. Passage can be secured by the regular Packet Ships and Steamers from Great Britain, France, and Germany. CLEVELAND WOOL DEPOT, For Receiving, Grading, and Selling "W- O O L- Our grades are S, XX, X, 1, 2, 8, 4, and 5. S, rep- resents finest ; No. 5, coarest. Liberal Advances made on Consignments. GOODALE & CO., 37 & 39 BANK STREET, CLEVELAND, O- C. p. BORIV, 41 Water Street, (south of Post-oflBlce,) CLEVELAND, OHIO. PLUMBING ESTABLISHMENT, Dearler in all kinds of Stoves, and Manufacturer of all kinds of Tin, Sheet Iron, and Copper work. WAGNER'S LOAN OFFICE, {E><. 'Oil Manufacturer tJas Fitters and Plumbers— I F. S. Pease, 61 Main street. Haut, Ball &. Hart, '_'.:>7 Main st. See ad't Uardiker & Tor, corner Eagle and Main streets. See advertisement. DoLAX & Selpert, corner of Pearl and Seneca streets. See advertisement. Glasgow House— RoxALD McDoiGAL, 17 East Seneca street. Hams, Shoulders, Bacon, &c. — Job Albekger, cor. Terrace and Franklin streets. See advertisement. See ad- Melodeous — G. A. Prixce & Co., Manufacturers of the Improved Patent Melodeous, Butfalo, New York, and Chicago. Native M'ine Manufacturers — Gibbons & Hager, 57 Exchange street. See advertisement. Turner Brothers, at New York, BufiFalo, and San Francisco. New^spapers — Bujfak) Courier, 192 Washington street, James H. Saxdford, Proprietor. See ad- vertisement. Buffalo Eepuhlic and Titties, 182 Washing- ton street, C. C. Bristol, Editor and Manager. See advertisement. Buffalo Morning Express, Main street, A. M. Clapp k Co., Proprietors. See adver. Land Agent 8c Intelligence Office — Johx Adams, 25 East Seneca street. Lard, Oil, and Candle Factory — H. V. MoREY, Caroline street. Hair-cutting Saloon — Ki cENE W. Smith, -1 East Seneca st. See ad't HardTvare — De Witt C. Weed & Co., 222 Main street. See advertisement. Hotels — Beunet Temperance Hotel, 85 Main street. See advertisement. Clarendon Hotel, Main street. See adver. Jlclntvre House, corner of Exchange and Beak streets. See advertisement. New England Hotel, corner of Canal and Michigan streets. Robert Silly. Lovejoy House, cor. of Pearl and Terrace streets. See advertisement. Western Hotel, corner of Pearl and Terrace streets. See advertisement. Insurance Agents — Pickerixg fr day. L o V E J o vn-rou s F, ISAAC K. PUTMAN, Prop'r, Cor. Pearl & Terrace Streets, Near the Depot and Steamboat Landing, BUFFALO, N. Y. Board, One Dollar per Day- GAS & water! TJie Undersigned, hnving purchased the Interest of T. S. HAMPTON, in the old established GAS FITTING AND PLUMBING BUSINESS, ON THE (■ORNF.n OF Pearl & Seneca Streets, Buffalo, Bes leave to call the attcntitm of their fricnils and patrons, ami the public ecnrrally. to their splenilul assort- ment of (Jas Fixtnres, ol'lhe latest ami must appniveil styles and paltf^rns. which tliey will s(Ul at twtnity per cent, lower tlian any other eslalilisliment in town. We would also hen leave to call attention to our supe- rior advantai^es for doimr Plunibimr work, in all its branches. Beinfr practical mechanics ourselves, and employim; some of the best workmen in town, we will warrant all work done by us ONE VKAR. We would most respectfully solicit a share nf public patrcmago. DOLAN & SELPERT, (i>itccessors to T. jS'. Hampton.) F. C. HILL, MANUFACTURER OF TIN, COPPER & SHEET IRONWARE. DEALER I.N Stoves, Hollow and Britannia Ware, CISTERN-PUMPS, &c. AGENT FOR Hot-Water, IIot-Air, k Ventilating Furnaces, Portahle Ftirnnces, TFedenhurg Heaters, Furnace Registers, Ventilators, Cooking Ranges, <&c. Parlicul.ir atteution paid to Warmuis and Ventilating Private and Public BnildinRs. Galvanized Gutters, Cor- nices, and all kinds of Job work made to order. OPPOSITE THE CHURCHES, Biiflfalo, New York. HART, BALL &, HART, MANUFACTURERS OF PLUMBERS' GOODS, Hot-Air & Hot-Water Furnaces, 257 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. HARDIKER & TOY^ PLUMBERS,GAS& STEAM FITTERS, Furnaces built and repaired, Tin, Copper, and Shset Iron Work. All work warranted, CORNER EAGLE AND MAIN STREETS, Under St. James's Hotel, BUFFALO, N. Y. BANKING HOUSE OF MANCHESTER & RICH, Cor. Main & Seneca Sts., BROWN'S BUILDINGS, BUFFALO, N. Y. Stocks, Bonds, City and Countp Orders, Notes, Land Warrants, and other securities negotiated. Drafts for sale on the principal Cities of the United States and Europe. Correspondents. London — The General Bank of Switzerland. Paris — The General Bank of Switzerland. Duhlin — Messrs. David La Touche & Co. Belfast— 'Slv. Hei-bert Dale. BEN. D. PARKINSON. LT. W. S. SMITH. PARKINSON & SMITH, CIVIL & SUBMARINE ENGINEERS, No. 7 Brown's Buildings, Buffalo, N. Y. We hold ourselves in re:idiness at all times to pive im- mediate attention to all kinds of Railroad and Canal En- ffineeriii?, and to the removal of sunken vessels and rocks hy tlie latest and most approved methods. CHARLES W. EVANS, Storage, Produce, & Coal Merchant, Grain Elevator, and Warehouses on the Evan^s Ship Canal, BUFFALO, N. Y. Attention iriven tn the pnirhase and shipment of eraiii, and to keepmi; dilferent ()iialiti('S thercot sep.arate ; and to the dryiiiK of wet or damp frrain ; also to screoiihig and cleanms gram. PICKERING &, OTTO, Shipping, Insurance & General Commission Agents, Brokers for the Purchase and Sale of Bonds and Mortgages, Stocks, Land Warrants, and Real Estate, in this and in all the Western States. Houses rented, Money securely invested, Loans, and Foreign and Domestic Exchange negotiated. Gold and Silver bought and sold. Remittances made to England, Ireland, Scotland, and the Continent of Europe. Agents for the "Glasgow and New York Steamship Company." Collections made throughout the United States and the Canadas. All business entrusted to our care shall receive prompt attention. EDGAR P. PICKERING & JOHN OTTO, Buffalo, N. Y. REFERENCES : JASPER CORNING & SON, Bankers, New York. EDWARD CORNING & CO.. Importers, New York. THOS. OTIS LEROY & CO., Merchants. New York. ANDREW J. RICH, President Bank of Attica, Buffalo. JOHN S. GANSON, Pres. New York & Erie Bk. Buffalo. JOHN L. KIMBERLY, Pres. Buffalo City Bk., Buffalo. H. HOWARD, Esq., Sec'y Buffalo Savings Bk., Buffalo. ROBINSON & CO., Bankers, Buffalo. THE BUFFALO DAILY REPUBLIC & TIMES PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT Invite the attention of Railroad Superintendents, Steamboat and Vessel Owners, Express Companies, Forwarders, Bankers, Lawyers, Mechanics, Business Men, to the facilities offered in the line of Printing, Ruling, Binding, and every thing pertaining to the Printing and Pub- lishing business. It has one of the LARGEST JOB OFFICES In the State, superintended by competent mechanics, and is enabled to execute all manner of PLAIN, FAl^CY, & ORNAMENTAL, PRINTING, Railroad Circulars, Cards, Posters, Coupon and Local Tickets, Trip Sheets, Embellished and Embossed Show Bills, Programmes, Bills of Fare, and all and every manner of Printing, in a style equal to any establishment in the State. The Daily " Republic and Times," is published at the same oflBce, and delivered to mail sub- scribers, at Six Dollars per year, (24«. stg.) payment in advance. C. C. BRISTOL, Editor and Manager, BepuMc Buildings, 182 Washington Street, Buffalo, N. Y. A. M. CLAPP & CO., PUBLISHERS & PROPRIETORS Of the following leading Newspapers in Western New York : BUFFALO MORNINO EXPRESS; Daily, at $6.00 per annum. Having the largest circulation of any Daily West of New York, it offers the best medium for advertising of any Paper in the city. BUFFALO TRI-WEEKLY EXPRESS; $3.00 per annum. Gives all the Reading matter of the Daily, and has a large country circula- tion. All New Advertisei7ienti puhlislied in the iJaily are inserted in the Tri- Weekly without charge. BXJFF-A.LO 'WEEKIL'Y EXII^PIESS, $1.00 per annum. This Paper has a very large and increasing circulation in this and adjoin- ing counties, and in the Western States. TH]E BXJF'F'u^LO OOUPtlEPt, JAMES H. SANDFORD, Proprietor, Office, 192 Washington St., Buflfalo, N. Y. The Daily Courier, . . $6.00 per annum, in advance. The Tri- Weekly Courier, $3.00 " The Weekly Courier, . $1.00 " There is connected with the Publishing Office, an extensive BOOK AND JOB PBI1^TI]¥G OFFICE. All orders addressed to the Proprietor will receive immediate attention. JAMES H. SANDFORD, Buffalo, N. Y. PORTLAND, MAINE. 91 CITY OF PORTLAND, (MAINE.) [Distant from Montreal, 292 ; Boston, 107 ; Quebec, 316 ; Toronto, 625 miles.] DuEiNG the winter season, when the ice in the St. Lawrence prevents access to Quebec and Montreal, via that route, Portland then forms the link in the chain of communication between Great Britain and Canada for steamers and sailing vessels, as at Portland passen- gers and cargo are landed, and forwarded, per rail, to their destination. It having been decided that the Great Eastern Steamship will sail between Portland and England, we annex the following particulars which may prove interesting: — Portland — although not the capital — is the principal town in the State of Maine — the most easterly State in the Union, and adjoining the British Possessions. It is beautifully situated upon a peninsula, rising at the northern and southern extremities into eminences about 200 feet above the level of the sea, and surrounded by Casco Bay, which forms a natural, safe, and spacious harbour for the largest shipping, completely land-locked, except at the entrance, which has been " scooped out by the hand of the Almighty," but is only defended by two artificial fortifications, called Preble and Scammel. Promenades 150 feet in width, two for walking, and another for riding, run round the extremities of JMount Joy and Bramhall Hill, furnishing splendid opportunities for " constitutionals" as well as mag- nificent views, especially from the Observatory of the town, harbour, shipping, islands, and surrounding country — on the one hand, stretching right away towards the blue peaks of the "White Mountains in the west, and carrying the eye of the spectator right onwards into the azure depths of the blue sea of immensity in the east. When we state that 24 churches and 16 schools, in addition to numerous edifices belonging to public associations and private parties, have been erected in the town, the tourist must be prepared to anticipate no ordin- ary amount of architectural decoration, most prominent amongst which, is a magnificent, marble-fronted hotel in course of erection ; the post-office, constructed of blue granite, and several other elegant structures. The wharfage is extensive and commodious. The Mon- treal Ocean Steamship Company's vessels, as well as others bound in a northerly and south- erly direction, are easily found, during the winter, at their respective wharves. The Grand Trunk Railway Depot stands convenient for the reception and transportation both of pas- sengers and freight to Upper and Lower Canada, while another line of railroad carries the traffic southwards to Boston and New York. Wharves have already been appropriated to the " Leviathan," or, as it has been lately designated, the " Great Eastern," which is ex- pected to sail between some port in England and Portland, and the arrival of which will undoubtedly constitute an epoch in commercial enterprise. The population of Portland lias nearly doubled itself within the last thirty years ; consequently, the number of deaths, which was only 1 in 70 fifteen years ago, has increased to 1 in 44 — a fact which is generally at- tributed to the great influx of foreigners since the establishment of the Grand Trunk Rail- way ; for the site of a town more conducive to the health of its inhabitants could scarcely be found within the limits of the American Continent, in evidence of which, we must not omit to add that it forms most suitable sea-bathing quarters (access to which may be had at a reduction of fare by the G. T. R.) in summer, to Americans as well as Canadians, who can extend their trip with the greatest facility to Lake Champlain, the White Mountains, etc. Population 28,000. Fare to Boston, $2.50 (10s. stg.); to Montreal, $6 (24s. stg.). 92 DETROIT, MICHIGAN. CITY OF DETROIT, (MICHIGAN.) [Distant from Quebec, 724 ; New York, 680 ; Suspension Bridge, 229 j MUwaokee, 232 ; Chioago, 284 miles.] " Detroit, a flourishing city and port of entry of the State of Michier of avenues, which converge to an open area called the Grand Circus. These avenues vary in width from 120 to 200 feet. The principal buildings and public offices are situated on Jefferson and "Wood- ward avenues. The city is adorned with several public squares, one of which is named the Campus Martins. Jefferson avenue, one of the finest streets in the city, is well paved, with brick and stone sidewalks. "\\ oodward avenue, crossing the first at right angles, is the principal business street. Congress street is also distingui>-hed for its fine apy.ear- ance. Among the remarkable edifices may be mentioned the old State House, a commodi- ous brick building, 90 feet by 60, with a dome and steeple 140 feet high, which commands an extensive view, embracing the city "with its environs. Lake St. Clair and the, Canadian shore; the City Hall, which is a brick'building 100 feet by 50, and the Bank of Michigan, a substantial structure of stone, in the Grecian style, which cost a1 out ^-lO.OOO. Detroit has a well-organized system of public schools. It contains 23 churches, 4 1 anks, a muse- um, theatre, and two orphan asylums. The railroad company have a large 1 rick fieight house, about 600 feet lomj by 100 feet wide. Ten or eleven newspapers are published in Detroit, three of them daily,' and the others tri-weekly, or weekly. Tiie city is lighted with gas, and also supplied'with water of the purest quality from Detroit River. "Detroit is admirably situated for commerce, and its importance is greatly enhanced by its intimate and extensive relations with a region towards which a prodigious tide of emi- gration is flowin£j. By its position on the great chain of lakes, and by means of the con- necting rivers and canals, it has a ready communication with the principal centres of trade. "Tire manufactures of the city are extensive and important, consisting of steam-engines and various other kinds of machinery, mill-irons, stoves, ploughs, cabinet ware, I^03DXJCE Commission Merchant, 184 SOUTH WATER STREET, (in steel's block,) CHICAGO, ILL., Will give personal attention to the purchase and shipment of all kinds of Produce. AVill also attend to procuring Freight for Vessels. Cash advances made on produce for sale in Eastern Markets. GEO. STEEL & CO^ General Commission Merchants, PROVISION CORNERS, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Itefer to Messrs. Geo. Smith & Co., Bankers, Chicago, III. " Richard Irvin & Co., New York. Hon. John Young, Montreal. BLACK BALL LINE, LIVERPOOL PACKETS. MASOiST & CO., Agents, Sell Sight Drafts on ENGLAND, IRELAND, AND SCOTLAIVD, And Passage Tickets from Liverjiool to Chicago. OFFICE, 150 SOUTH WATER ST., CHICAGO. A. T. SHERMAN & CO., BANKERS & EXCHANGE BROKERS, 46 CLARK ST., CHICAGO, ILL. WM. C. & SAML. J. KIMBALL, FLOUR MERCHANTS, 191 South Water St., Chicago, 111. ALONZO RICHMOND, 182 South Water Street, Chicago, 111. E- a-. H^A^IiL Sa OO., IRON, NAILS, STEEL, k HEAVY HARDWARE, WASHINGTON STREET, (Bet. Wells & Franklin,) CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. CHARLES STARRETT, PATENT RIGHT OFFICE, 311 «fe 213 South Water Street, CHIC.\GO, ILLINOIS. GEO. A. PRINCE & CO., Manufacturers of the I'.A.TElNrT I^ELODEOnsr, 110 Lake Street, Chicago, 111. ; Buffalo, N. Y. ; and New York City. BARKER HOUSE, (formerly DOTy's HOTEL,) Capt. CHAS. W. BARKER, Prop'r, 80 RANDOLPH STREET, (Bet. State & Dearborn,) CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. This House, having been newly fitted up and fur- nished, is now open for the reception of Guests. Being centrally located, the Proprietor hopes, by every attention being shown to Guests, to receive from the public his share of patronage. Board, $1.50 per Day. POST-OFFICE BOX, 4464. THOMAS p. JACK, ENaLISH HOTEL, 201 Kenzie St., Chicago, 111. A. WRIGHT TURNER, Sole Agent for NEW YORK OIL COMPANY, Manufacturers of LUBRICATING & LARD OIL For all kind of Machinery. Warranted not to con- geal in cold weather. Also, Dealers in Sperm, Whale, Fish, Linseed & Tanners' Oil, 4S Water Street, N. Y. Office, No. 241 South "Water Street, (Corner Franklin Street,) CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. rf. I-* O O > o o CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. 93 CITY OF CHICAGO, (ILLINOIS.) Pistant from St. Paul, 468 ; New York, 955 ; Montreal, 839 ; Milwaukee, 85 miles.] Previous to 1831, this great commercial emporium of the north-west, was a mere trad- ing post amidst the wigwams of the Indians, since which time it has reached a population of upwards of 130,000, having doubled itself every 4 years. The city is situated on the south-western side of Lake Michigan, and is intersected into 8 divisions, by the River Chi- cago, up which trading vessels ascend for nearly 5 miles. To its central position, with the most extensive means of communication by land and water — having been continued all the waj- to Liverpool, (Eng.,) without transhipment, via the Welland Canal and River St. Lawrence — may be attributed one great cause for its rapid rise and progress. The ground on which the city stands is an extremely level plain, sufficiently elevated to prevent inundation, and extending many miles towards the south and west. The adjacent country consists of beautiful and fei-tile prairies, interspersed with groves, and diversified by gentle slopes. From a recent published account of this city we quote : — " The city is laid out in rectangular blocks, with streets extending nearly north and south, and east and west. The sliore of the lake, and the northern parts of the city, are occupied with the finest residences, but the principal business is transacted on the south side of the river, the banks of the south branch being lined with docks and large warehouses. Many of the streets are paved with planks and lighted with gas. Micliigan avenue, which is, perhaps, the most beautiful street in the city, extends along tlie shore of the lake, and is bordered with shade-trees. Next to, and parallel with this, is Wabash avenue, adorned with double rows of trees. " The most remarkable public buildings are the new Court House, the Merchants' Exchange, the Marine Hospital, tlie Medical College, and the Second Presbyterian Church. The Court House is a splendid edifice of Loekport limestone, having a prison on the first floor, the county offices on the second, and a court room and town hall on the third, with a cu- pola and roof of galvanized iron. The Marine Hospital is a spacious and handsome build- ing, of Milwaukee brick. The Second Presbyterian Church, at the corner of Wabash and Washington streets, in the Gothic style, with a steeple about 200 feet high, is perhaps the most beautiful edifice of its class west of New York. It is built of a kind of pitchy stone, in which black and white are mingled, and presents a singular and striking appearance. Chicago contains several banks, and about 30 printing offices, from which numerous daily and weekly journals are issued. The public schools are well organized, and are accommo- dated with excellent buildings." Regarding the population and valuation of property in the city, during the last 5 years, we annex the following table : — POPULATION AND VALUATION OF CinCAGO. Real Estate, Personal Property, Years . Valuation of. Valuation of. Total. 1853 60,6.52 13,130,677 3,711,154 16,841,831 1854 65,872 18,790,744 5,401,495 24,394,239 185.5 83,509 21,901,204 5,521,000 27,422,204 18.56 110,000 25,771,181 5,717,959 31,489,140 1857 130,000 29,013,196 7,243,053 36,256,249 To quote from a writer on the commercial progress of Chicago : — " The influence of railroads upon the development of business, has been direct and im- portant. The amount of money expended in Illinois, and the neighbouring States, has been about $180,000,000, the disbursement of which has aided in settling, stocking, and working a vast extent of country, the products of which are carried over these roads, more or less directly, to Chicago. " There has been put in operation 1,500 miles of roads, which have extended the area of country that pours its wealth into Chicago. The pi'ojected connections of these roads ex- tend over four thousand miles more, making 8,000, and their ultimate ramifications em- 94 CHICAGO. brace every section of the Union. Every extension of railroads forms a centre, embracing the breadth of land which feeds that centre, as the square of the distance From every point of the compass these lengthening roads run from Chicago over the most fertile country. It is therefore not to be wondered at that Chicago is the gi-eatest grain depot in the world." In the year 1838, only 78 bushels of wheat was exported from Chicago. The following table will give some idea of its extent during the last 5 years : — SHIPMENTS OF GRAIN FROM CHICAGO FOR FIVE YEARS. Wheat. Com, Oats, Barley, bushels. Eye. Total, Years. bushels. bushels. bushels. bushels. bushels. 1853 . . . 1,680,998 2,780,253 1,748,493 120,275 82,162 6,412,181 1854 . . . 2,644,860 6,837,899 3,239,987 148,421 41,153 12,932,320 1855 . . . 7,115,270 7,517,678 1,888,533 92,032 20,132 16,6.33,700 1856 . . . 9,419,365 11,129,668 1,014,547 19,051 590 21,583,221 1857 . . . . 10,783,292 6,814,615 416,778 17,993 18,032,678 Regarding the prices of grain and flour for the same periods, we find them to be as fol- lows : — Years. 1853 1854 AVERAGE PRICES Winter Wheat, Per Bushel. 1 85 1 30i OF GRAIN Spring Wheat, Per Bushel. 60 1 09 1 31 1 05i 93 AND FLOUR. Com. Flour per Barrel. Per Bushel. 3 75 a 5 25 47 6 98 a 7 48 48^ 7 12i a 8 14i 62 4 91 a 6 26 36 5 05i 53 Oats. Per Bushel. 33 30 1855 1856 1857 1 55 1 27i 1 17i 33J 2.8i 39i "With the year ISS^ commenced not only a marked revival in the foreign trade for grain, mostly wheat, but a large expenditure of money, amounting since to $180,000,000 for the construction of those railroads which have drained the surrounding grain country into Chicago, and have also aided its sales. In Chicago, during the last five years ending with 1850, when there were no railroads to bring wheat into the city, wheat averaged 75 cents per bushel. In the last five years it has averaged $1.23 per bushel. Corn has aver- aged 50 cents, against 33 cents at former periods. The effect of these prices has been the immense increase in the grain supplies, particularly corn. The $180,000,000 which has been spent in the last-named period for the construction of railroads has, to a large extent, become capital in the hands of cultivators who have produced the grain. The value of the wheat and corn brought to market at these two periods was as follows : — -Fire years to 1851. > , Five years to 1858.- Bushels. Price. Value. Bushels. Price. Value. Wheat 9,703,611 75 $7,278,709 31,643,785 $123 $.39,554,731 Corn 1,524,936 33 508,212 35,080,113 50 17,540,056 Total 11,228,247 .. $7,786,921 67,72.3,808 .. $57,094,787 " Thus the value of these two grains alone, received at Chicago, has been equal to an in- crease of nearly $50,000,000, or $10,000,000 per annum. This trade has been developed during the season of high prices abroad, and while the railroads have not operated fully. The corn has been received one-half by the canal, and the remainder by the raih-oads The wheat has come to hand nearly altogether by railroads. The teams in the last year brought in about 200,000 bushels, and the canal 880,000 bushels, together 10 per cent of the whole. " It is obvious that the business of Chicago has been based on a solid foundation ; that the natural products of an area of at least 200 miles diameter, intersected at every point by railroads, has been drawn into her warehouses, and the fast-settling country has required merchandise in return. The operations for a moment has encountered a check, but cannot be lasting. Prices of grain may decline for the moment, but the general trade cannot but increase. The whole machinery is now in operation. If railroad expen- CHICAGO. 95 diture is less, the attractions of the land are greater, and vast tracts still invite settlers to add to the future resources of Chicago. " At this moment, the machinery of production and transportation, in and around Chi- cago, indicates that it is just now entering upon its career. The prices for grain for the moment are dull, owing to good harvests abroad, but the Western country can now sell and deliver cheaper than ever. The railroad expenditure is to be run down for the present ; but it follows that the local demand for food is also less in proportion ; that while the whole industry of the section is turned to production, it depends upon the foreign market only for the sale of its surplus. The earnings of the railroads indicate the immense development of business they have occasioned." The number of vessels which arrived at Chicago during 1857 was 7,557, with a tonnage of 1,753,413. " Chicago, as a lumber market, has for many years stood pre-eminent. Its rise and pro- gress is only equalled by the rapid development of the city as a centre of the territory west of the great lakes; and, in importance, this branch of its commerce is second perhaps to no other. The river banks are lined for miles and miles with the immense piles of lum- ber which is shipped to Chicago from the pineries of Michigan, Wisconsin, and Canada, and it is perhaps the best criterion that could be adopted to comprehend the magnitude of the trade. The capital invested in the lumber business is immense. Not to speak of the property owned by merchants in mills and woodlands, the wealth which is invested in stock, in docks, and in real estate in that city, cannot be less than ten or a dozen million dollars. The fleet of lumber vessels alone did not cost less than a million and a half of dollars; and the number of hands employed in the business, one way and another, cannot fall short of ten thousand. " With these leading features of the large commerce which is carried on in Chicago, in receiving the produce of the fast-settling prairies, and supplj-ing them with lumber and goods, a large manufacturing business has grown up in the city. The capital and hands employed are as follows : — MANUFACTURBS OF CmCAGO. Value of Capital. Hands. Manufactures. Iron works, steam-engines, &c §1,763,000 2,866 §3,887,084: Stoves 185,000 70 238,000 Agricultural implements 597,000 675 1,134,300 Brass and tin ware, &c 257,000 351 471,000 Carriages, wagons, &c 806,000 881 948,160 High wines, beer, ale, &c 497,000 165 1,150,320 Soap, candles, lard, &c 296,000 100 528,021 Furniture 354,000 504 543,000 Stone, marble, &c 617,950 843 896,775 Planing mills, sashes, doors, &c 445,000 554 1,092,397 MusicaT instruments 13,200 31 37,000 Leather 832,000 126 432,000 Barrels, wooden ware, 0 guests. The Bar, Billiard-Rooms, and general appurtenances to a first-class house, will be found complete. Attendance, supervision, and information at all times readily given concerning all points West. STATE OF ILLINOIS. ILLINOIS. 101 Illinois, one of the Western United States, is bounded on the N. by Wisconsin ; E. by Lake Michigan and Indiana, from the last of which it is partly separated by the Wabash River ; S. by the Ohio River, which separates it from Kentucky ; and S. W. and W. by Missouri and Iowa, from which it is separated by the Mississippi River. It lies between 37° and 42° 30' N. lat., and between 87° 30' and 91° 40' W. Ion., being about 380 miles in extreme length from N. to S., and about 200 in its greatest, and about 140 miles in its average breadth, including 55,405 square miles, or 35,469,200 acres, of which only 5,175,173 acres were improved in 1850, showing an immense capacity for increase of population in this ex- uberantly fertile State, which has scarcely any soil uncultivable. PoPL-L.^TioN.— There were in Illinois 12,282 inhabitants in 1810; 55,211 in 1820; 157,445 in 1830 ; 476,183 in 1840, and 851,470 in 1850, of whom 445,644 were white males, 400,460 females; 2756 colored males, and 2610 females. Cities and Towns. — Illinois has a number of thriving towns, and so rapidly do they in- crease, that the census of 1850 will be in many cases far below the truth; but, for want of other reliable information, we must adhere to it. Chicago is the largest city, population 130,000; Quincy, 6901 ; Galena, 6004; Peoria, 5562; Springfield, 4533, and Alton, 3875; besides Peru, Rock Island, Bridge Prairie, Waukegan, Belleville, Jacksonville, Joliet, Elgin, St. Charles, and many other flourishing villages. Face of the Country. — Illinois is generally a table-land, elevated from 350 to 800 feet above the level of the Gulf of Mexico, with a general inclination from N. to S., as indicated by the course of the rivers. This state, generally speaking, may be characterized as level, though there are elevated bluffs on the Illinois River, and still higher ones on the Missis- sippi. There is a small tract of hilly country in the S., and in the N. W. is a good deal of broken land. Many of the prairies are quite small, but others are very large ; among the latter is Grand Prairie, extending from Jackson County, in a N. E. direction, to Iroquois County, and varying in width from 1 to 12 miles, and even more. This is probably the highest land between the Mississippi and the Wabash. The prairie is everywhere skirted with wood, and on its border is a circle of settlements, which have been here located on account of the timber. The prairies are interspersed with groups of trees, but the timber is generally sparse on them, which, however, seems not to arise from any thing unfavour- able in the soil, but from the annual burning of the prairie grass ; for where this is pre- vented, a forest of young trees speedily springs up, and farmers are thus enabled to proceed inward with settlements, as it were, tier after tier. The prairies are not generally flat, but gracefully undulating, and profusely decked with the greatest variety of beautiful wild flowers of every hue, which ravish the beholder with delight. Minerals. — Illinois has within her limits a large portion of the great lead region, which she shares with Iowa and Wisconsin. Galena^ in the N. W. part of the state, is almost wholly supported by trade in this mineral. Bituminous coal occurs in almost every county, and may be often obtained without excavation. Vast beds are found in the bluff's adjacent to the American Bottom. Copper abounds in the N. part on Plum Creek, and on the Peckatonica River. It has also been found in Jackson and Monroe Counties. Iron is found in the southern part, and is said to be abundant in the north. Lime, zinc, some silver, marble of a fine quality, freestone, gypsum, and quartz crystals are the other min- erals. There are salt springs in Gallatin, Jackson, and Vermilion Counties, leased by the State. Medicinal springs, chiefly sulphur and chalybeate, are found in various parts, and one especially, in Jeff'erson County, is much resorted to. In the southern part of the State is one strongly impregnated with Epsom salts. Others of medicinal properties are found between Ottawa and Peru. Though Illinois presents but few bold or very striking features to the view of the traveller, she is not without her objects of interest to the lover of nature. Climate, Soil, and Productions. — Illinois, extending through more than 5° of longitude. 102 STATE OF ILLINOIS. has considerable variety of climate. Though somewhat milder than the Atlantic States in the same parallels of latitude, there is great irregularity in the seasons. Generally there will not fall six inches of snow at one time, which does not lie more than a few da)'s, but at distant intervals the rivers are frozen for two or three months, and the snow lies for as long a period. The summers are hot, but mitigated by the fresh breezes from the prairies. During 15 years, peach-trees blossomed from March 25th to April 20th, and apple-trees from April 1st to May .3d. In the same period the earliest frost was. September 17th, but sometimes there is none till near the end of Octobei'. The southern part, of course, has a milder climate than the northern. Cattle often are unhoused during the whole winter. In agricultural capabilities Illinois is unsurpassed, if equalled, by any state in the American confederacy. In some of her river bottoms the soil is 25 feet deep, and the up- land j)rairies are but little inferior in fertility. The Great American Bottom, lying on the Mississippi, between the mouths of the Kaskaskia and the Missouri Rivers, is of exceeding fertility, and has been cultivated for 100 years without apparent deterioration. This bot- bom is about 80 miles in length, covering an area of 288,000 acres. On the river side is a strip of heavy timber, with dense underwood, which extends for 2 or 3 miles. The rest is mostly prairie to the eastern limit, which is terminated by a chain of sandy or rocky bluffs from 50 to 200 feet high. This fine region is, however, not healthy, though probably capable of being made so by drainage. The Rock River country is another highly fertile district on the Rock River and its branches. Of the same character are the regions about the Sangamon, Kaskaskia, and other rivers. Other regions of Illinois are fertile; but those mentioned pre-eminently so, producing not unfrequently 40 bushels of wheat and 100 of Indian corn to the acre. This is especially true of the narrow river bottoms immediately adjacent to their banks. The prairies of this State are peculiarly favourable to the raising of stock and the productions of the dairy. Illinois stands third in the absolute amount of Indian corn raised in the states of the Union ; but, first, if we regard population and the number of acres under cultivation. The other agricultural staples are wheat, oats, Irish potatoes, hay, butter, and cheese. Besides these, large quantities of rye, wool, beans, peas, barley, buckwheat, fruits, garden vegetables, and some tobacco, sweet potatoes, wine, grass-seeds, hops, hemp, flax, silk, maple sugar, and molasses, beeswax and honey, and the castor bean are produced. Of indigenous fruits there are a variety of berries, plums, grapes, crabapples, wild cherries, persimmons, and the papaw (a sweet pulpy fruit, some- what like the banana.) Of orchard fruits, the apple and peach flourish best, but pears and quinces are cultivated with facility. Of nuts, the shellbark or hickory, walnut, butternut, a white walnut, and pecan, abound. Forest Trees. — Illinois would not be wanting in timber if it were more equally diffused. The occupation of the country will, however, remedy this deficiency (even in parts where there is now a scarcity) by protecting the young trees from the ravages of the prairie fires. The bottom lands have a rich growth of black and white walnut, ash, liackberry, elm, sugar-maple, honey-locust, buckeye, catalpa, sycamore, (of a size unknown in the Atlantic States,) Cottonwood, pecan, hickory, and oak of various species ; and of underwood, red- bud, papaw, grape-vine, eglantine, dogwood, spicebush, hazel, green-brier, etc. On the Uplands are post-oak (very valuable for fencing) and other species of oak, blackjack, (use- less except for fuel,) hickory, black and white walnut, linn or basswood, cherry, etc. The white and yellow pophir are found in the southern part of the State, and the cypress on the Ohio bottoma. CoMMEUCE. — Illinois is most favourably situated for internal commerce, being able to com- municate with the western, southern, and central parts of the Mississippi valley, by means of the Mississippi, Missouri, and Ohio Rivers, and with the Northern and Eastern States by way of the great lakes. Education. — On the formation of the State, one section in each township was appro- priated for the support of schools, and afterwards an additional income of 8 per cent, on the actual proceeds from the sale of public lands within the Unfit of the State. One-sixth of these proceeds is appropriated to colleges. STATE OF IOWA. 103 IOWA. Iowa, a recently-formed State, west of the Mississippi, is bounded north by Minnesota Territory, east by the Mississippi, which separates it from the States of Wisconsin and Illi- nois, south by Missouri, and west by the Indian Territory and Minnesota, from the former of which it is separated by the Missouri, and from the latter by the Great Sioux River. It lies (with the exception of a small projection in the south-east, between the Des Moines and Mississippi Rivers) between 40° 30' and 43° 30' north latitude, and between 90° and 97° west longitude, being about 300 miles in extreme length from east to west, and about 208 in breadth, including an area of 50,914 square miles, or 32,584,960 acres, of which only 824,682 were improved in 1850. PopuLATTox. — Iowa had 43,112 inhabitants in 1840, and 192,214 in 1850, of whom 100,- 885 were white males, 90,994 white females, 168 coloured males, and 167 coloured females. By a State census in 1852, the population was 230,000. Cities and Towns. — At the census of 1850, Burlington was the largest town in the State ; population, 4081. Dubuque, Keokuk, Muscatine, and Davenport have populations varying from 2000 to 5000. Iowa City had a population of 1250. Face of the Country. — The surface of Iowa is generally composed of rolling prairies, having nothing within its limits which approaches a mountain in elevation. The highest ground in the State is a plateau in the north-west, called " Coteau des Prairies," which en- ters the State from Minnesota. A small portion in the north-east, on the Mississippi, is rugged and rocky, and Table Mound, a conical elevation with a flat summit, 3 or 4 miles from Dubuque, is, perhaps, 500 feet high. The State, however, may be generally described as a rolling prairie, crossed by rivers whose banks are skii'ted with wood. There are said to be some swamps in the north-west portion of the State. The prairies, though sometimes 20 miles across, are rarely more than 5 or 10. Minerals. — Iowa is rich in mineral resources. A portion of the great lead region of Illi- nois and Wisconsin extends into this State. The ore is abundant, but lies deeper than on the east side of the river. Lead mines have been opened in Dubuque and Clayton Coun- ties. Zinc and copper are also found in the same localities, and in connection with the lead. The great bituminous coal-field of Iowa and Missouri has an extent of near 200 miles from east to west, and 140 from north to south, within the former State, and occupying most of the central and southern portions. Copper has been recently discovered in Cedar County in considerable quantities. Objects of Interest to Tourists. — The principal claim of this new, and as yet scarcely explored State, on the attention of travellers, must chiefly rest upon the beauty of its un- dulating prairies, or its picturesque landscapes. There are, however, a few objects which may be classed among natural curiosities, of which the following are the most prominent. Numerous sinks or circular depressions in the surface of the ground, from 10 to 20 feet across, are found in different places, and particularly on Turkey River, in the north part of the State. Small mounds, from 3 to 6 feet high, and sometimes 10 or 12 in a row, are found on the same stream, within 10 or 15 miles of its mouth. A cave, several rods in ex- tent, exists in Jackson County, from which flows a stream large enough to turn a mill. The Upper Iowa and Makoqueta Rivers have worn their channels through magnesian lime- stone rocks, leaving, on their southern banks, cliffs worn by the rain, frost, and winds into resemblances of castles, forts, etc. Climate, Son,, and Peoductions. — The peach-tree blossoms in April, fall wheat ripens in July, spring wheat in August, and Indian corn in October. The rivers are frozen over from 2 to 3 months on an average each winter. The soil of Iowa is generally excellent, and of easy cultivation, with prairie and woodland intermingled. The valleys of the Red Cedar, Iowa, and Des Moines (we quote Owen's Geological Report), as high as lat. 42° or 42° 31', presents a body of arable land, which, taken as a whole, for richness in organic elements, for amount of saline matter, and due admixture of earthy silicates, affords a com- 104 STATES OF IOWA AND WISCONSIN. bination that belongs only to the most fertile upland plains. After passing lat. 42° 30' north, near the confines of the Coteau des Prairies, a desolate, knobby country commences, the highlands being covered with gravel, and supporting a scanty vegetation, while the low grounds are either wet or marshy, or filled with numerous ponds or lakes, and where the eye roves in vain in search of timber. North of 41° 30', and between the head waters of the Grand, Nodaway, and Nishnabotona Rivers, the soil is inferior in quality to that south of the same parallel. The staples of this State are Indian com, wheat, and live stock, besides considerable quantities of oats, rye, buckwheat, barley, Irish potatoes, butter, cheese, hay, wool, maple sugar, beeswax, and honey ; and some rice, tobacco, beans, peas, sweet potatoes, orchard fruits, wine, grass seeds, hops, flax, and silk are produced. Forest Trees, Fruft, etc. — Iowa is, in many places, destitute of timber ; along the rivers, however, it is well wooded, except near their sources. On the intervals between the rivers there are often prairies of from 15 to 20 miles, without so much as a bush higher than the wild indigo and compass plant. The greatest scarcity of trees is north of 42°. Ash, elm, sugar, and white maple grow in alluvion belts of from one-fourth to one mile in width, on the river banks. The other forest trees are poplar, various species of oak, black and white walnut, hickory, locust, ironwood, cottonwood, lime or basswood, and some pine in the northern parts of the State. Oak constitutes the larger part of the timber of the State. The peach grows too luxuriantly, and blooms too soon to admit of its being culti- vated to advantage. Tlie grape, gooseberry, and wild plum are indigenous. Manufactures.— As a newly-settled State, Iowa can, of course, have made as yet but lit- tle progress in manufactures ; though she has within her limits two important elements of manufacturing industry, viz., abundance of coal and water-power. Commerce. — Iowa has no foreign trade, but is very favourably located for internal trafiic, washed as it is by the Missouri on the west, the Mississippi on the east, and its interior traversed by the Des Moines, Iowa, Cedar, and other rivers. The principal articles of ex- port are grain, flour, lead, and pork. Education. — All lands granted by Congress, all escheated estates, and whatever percen- tage Congress may allow on the public lands sold within the State, are to constitute a fund, the interest of which, and the rent of unsold lands, together with military and court fines, are to form an appropriation for the support of public schools in Iowa. WISCONSIN. Wisconsin, one of the recently-settled states of the American confederacy, is bounded on the N. by Minnesota, Lake Superior, and the northern peninsula of Michigan, (from which it is separated in part by the Menomonee and Montreal rivers,) on the E. by Lake Michigan, S. by Illinois, and W. by Iowa and Minnesota Territory, from the former of which it is separated by the Mississippi, and from the latter (in part) by the St. Croix River. It lies between 42° 30' and 46° 55' N. lat., (if we exclude some small islands belonging to the State in Lake Superior,) and between 87° and 92° 50' W. Ion., being about 285 miles in ex- treme length from N. to S., and about 255 in its greatest breadth from E. to W., includ- ing an area of about 53,924 square miles, or 34,511,360 acres, of which 1,045,499 were im- proved in 1850. Population.— This flourishing scion of the West has had a growth unexampled even in that thriving region, having increased from 30,945 in 1840, to a population of 805,391 in 1850 ; of whom 164,221 were white males; 140,344 white females ; 365 free coloured males; and 216 free coloured females. CmES AND Towns.— Towns are springing up in Wisconsin as if by magic, and a region that but a few years ago was mostly an Indian hunting ground, is now dotted over with them. The principal of these are Milwaukee, population, 20,061 ; Racine, 5111 ; Kenosha, 3455 ; Janesville, 3451 ; Waukesha, 2313 ; Platteville, 2197, and Fond du Lac, 2014. Be- sides these there are Beloit, Madison, Green Bay, Ozaukee, Mineral Point, Oshkosh, Water- town, Sheboygan, and Manitoowoc, having populations of from 2000 to 4000 each. STATE OF WISCONSIX. 105 Face of the Country. — Wisconsin may be described generally as an elevated rolling prairie, from 600 to 1200 feet above the level of the sea. This State has no mountains, properly so called. Minerals. — Part of the great lead region extending from Illinois and Iowa is included in the S. W. part of Wisconsin, and is no less rich in the quantity and quality of its ore than in the other states where it lies. The lead is here intermingled with copper and zinc in considerable quantities, together with some silver. In Lapointe, Chippewa, St. Croix, and Iowa Counties, copper is found ; in Dodge County, and on the Black River and other branches of the Mississippi, good iron ore occurs. The other metallic substances are magnetic iron, iron pyrites, and graphite or plumbago. Facts do not justify any expectation of great de- posits of copper in the N. W. part of the State. A great bed of magnetic iron ore lies south of Lake Superior, near Tyler's Fork of the Bad River, in strata of metamorphic slate. In 1850, 569,921 pigs of lead were shipped from Dubuque and Mineral Point; but 778,460 in 1845. Beautiful varieties of marble have been recently discovered, or made known to the public in the N. part of Wisconsin. Others are blue and dove-coloured, beautifully veined. These are susceptible of a fine polish, and some on the Menomonee are within navigable distance from New York. Objects of Interest to Tourists. — This State abounds in picturesque objects, in water- falls, rapids, bluffs, and beautiful lakes, with clear water and gravelly bottoms. Climate — This thriving State, which has surpassed every other, except California, in the unexampled rapidity of its growth, is the theme of almost unmingled praise of the tourist and the emigrant from every part of Europe and America. Its beautiful lakes, rolling prai- ries, swelling uplands, and " oak openings," {i. e. lands covered with a scattered growth of oak,) fertile soil, its fine angling, abundance of game, and healthy climate, tempt thither alike the permanent settler, the sportsman, and the lover of the picturesque. The climate, though severe, and the winters long, is more regular and more free from those frequent and unhealthy changes that prevail farther south. The lakes, too, exert a mitigating influence, the temperature being 6^° higher on the lake than on the Mississippi side. The lake shore is also more moist, but the State generally is drier than in the same parallels forther east. The diseases consequent upon clearing lands are less frequent, it is said, in this than other new states, owing to the open nature of the country in the oak openings. Soil and Productions. — The country south of the middle is a fine agricultural region. In the mineral district, W. of the Pekatonica, the country is broken, but, what is unusual in mining tracts, generally well adapted to farming, and especially grazing. But probably the best agricultural section is that E. of the Pekatonica, which has more prairie land, though even here is a considerable portion of timbered land on the rivers and streams. Tlie agricultural capabilities of the northern part of the State, around the head waters of the Black and Chippewa Rivers, and the sources of the rivers emptying into Lake Superior, are small, the surface in part being covered with drift and boulders, and partly with ponds and marshes. The agricultural staples of this State are wheat, Indian corn, oats, Irish po- tatoes, butter, and live stock, besides considerable quantities of rye, wool, beans, peas, bar- ley, buckwheat, maple sugar, beeswax, honey, cheese, and hay, with some sweet potatoes, tobacco, fruits, wine, grass-seeds, hops, flax, and hemp. Forest Trees. — Tliere are vast forests of pine on the Upper Wisconsin, the Wolf river, and the tributaries of the Mississippi, N. of the Wisconsin. The other forest trees are spruce, tamarac, cedar, oak of different species, birch, aspen, basswood, hickory, elm, ash, hemlock, poplar, sycamore, and sugar-maple. The oak openings already described, form a pleasing feature in the landscapes of Wisconsin. Manufactures. — The numerous rivers and streams of Wisconsin, with their frequent rapids and falls, afford great facilities for mill sites of every sort, and her forests and iron for ship and steamboat building. Mr. Hunt, in his Gazetteer, estimates the manufacture of pine lumber at 400,000,000 feet, besides which, large quantities of oak and basswood are sawed into scantling, plank, lath, etc. He also gives the number of ban-els of flour manu- 106 STATES OF WISCONSIN AND MICHIGAN. factured at 100,000, (independent of kinds of mill stuffs in abundance,) of paper, 300,000 pounds, and of shot, 100,000 pounds annually. Education. — There were in August, 1852, in the State, 2*763 school districts, in which were ICC-i school houses, mostly frame or log, and valued at $201,986.32. The capital of the school fund in December, 1852, was $819,200.50. It is expected that ere long the lands appropriated for the support of schools will form a fund of about $3,000,000. Public in- struction is under the charge of a State superintendent, receiving $1000 per annum. There have been granted for the support of a State university, 46,080 acres of land. There are also other colleges and academies supported by private subscriptions, which are promising institutions. History. — Wisconsin was formed into a territory in 1836, and admitted into the Union as an independent State in 1848. MICHIGAN. Michigan, one of the more recently settled of the north-western States, occupies two peninsulas, the southern one lying between Lakes Erie, St. Clair, and Huron on the east, and Lake Michigan on the west ; and the northern between Lakes Michigan and Huron on the south, and Lake Superior on the north. The whole is bounded north by Lake Supe- rior, east by the Straits of St. Mary, Lake Huron, St. Clair River and Lake, Detroit River, and Lake Erie (all which separate it from Canada West), on the south by Ohio and Indiana, and on the west by Lakes Michigan and Wisconsin, from the latter of which it is partly separated by the Menomonee and Montreal Rivers. Michigan lies between 41° 40' and 47° 30' north latitude (if we exclude Isle Royale, a dependency of this State), and between 82° 12' and 90° 30' west longitude. The northern peninsula is about 320 miles in extreme length from south-east to north-west, and 130 in its greatest breadth, and the southern about 283 from north to south, and 210 from east to west, in its greatest width. Tlie joint area of the two peninsulas is 56,243 square miles, or 35,595,520 acres, of which only 1,923,- 582 were improved in 1850. About two-fifths of the area is included in the northern pe- ninsula. Population. — Though originally settled by the French, the great bulk of the population is from the New England and Middle States. A large portion of the latter is of New Eng- land descent. The number of inhabitants in Michigan, in 1810, was 4762; 8896 in 1820; 31,639 in 1830; 212,267 in 1840; and 397,654 in 18-50, of whom 208,471 were white males, 186,626 white females; 1412 coloured males, and 1145 coloured females. Cities and Towns. — The towns of this State exliibit the same rapid growth which is so wonderful a characteristic of the Western States generally. Detroit, the largest town in the State, had, in 1850, a population of 21,019. The other principal towns are Ann Ar- bor, population, 4868; Jackson, 4147; Flint, 3304; Grand Rapids, 3147; Ypsilante, 3051; Adrian, 3006; Marshall, 2822; Pontiac, 2820; Monroe City, 2813; Tecumseh, 2679; Kalamazoo, 2507 ; Coldwater, 2166 ; and Clinton, 2130. These populations, as in New England, sometimes include the townships. Face of the Country, Geology, and Minerals. — The southern peninsula of Michigan, so interesting in its agricultural and economical aspects, is rather tame in its topographical features, as there is no considerable elevation (compared with the country immediately, around it) within its whole extent, though the ridge which divides the waters flowing into Lakes Huron and Erie from those flowing into Lake Michigan, is 300 feet above the level of the lakes, and about 1000 above the sea. The country, however, may be generally char- acterized as a vast undulating plain, seldom becoming rough or broken. There are occa- sional conical elevations of from 150 to 200 feet in height, but generally much less. The shores of Lake Huron are often steep, forming bluffs ; while those of Lake Michigan are coasted by shifting sand-hills of from 100 to 200 feet in height. In the southern part are those natural parks, thinly scattered over with trees,, called, in the parlance of the country, "oak openings;" and in the south-west are rich prairie lands. The northern peninsula STATE OF MICHIGAN. 107 exhibits a striking contrast, both in soil and surface, to the southern. While the latter is level or moderately undulating, and luxuriantlj- fei'tile, the former is picturesque, rugged, and even mountainous, with streams abounding in rapids and water-falls — rich in minerals, but rigourous in climate, and sterile in soil. The Wisconsin or Porcupine Mountains wluch form the water-shed between Lakes Michigan and Superior, are much nearer the latter than the former, and attain an elevation of about 2000 feet in the north-west portion of the peninsula. The east part of this division of the State is undulating and picturesque, but the central hill^-, and composed of table-laud. The shores of Lake Superior are composed of a sandstone rock, which, in many places, is. worn by the action of the wind and waves into fancied resemblances of castles, etc., forming the celebrated Pictured Rocks ; while the shores of Lake Michigan are composed of a limestone rock. The streams on the northern slope of tlie Porcupine Mountain have a rapid descent, and abound in picturesque falls and rapids. The north peninsula is primitive, and tlie southern secondary; but primitive rocks are scattered over the plains of the latter of more than 100 tons weight, most abund- ant on the borders of the great lakes, on the flanks of valleys, and where traces of recent floods are apparent. Michigan, in its northern peninsula, possesses, probably, the richest copper mines in the world. A block of almost pure copper, weighing some tons, and bearing the arms of the State, rests imbedded in the walls of the National Monument at Washington. The region from which this block was taken lies on the shores of Lake Superior, near the mouth of the Ontonagon River. The same mineral abounds in Isle Royale, near the north shore of Lake Superior. Iron, said to be of a very superior quality, is found in a district about 60 miles south-east of the great copper region, as well as in some other parts of Michigan. The other minerals known to eidst in this State, whose mineral resources are very imper- fectly developed as yet, are lead, gypsum, peat, limestone, marl, and some coal. An ex- cellent sand for the manufacture of the finer kinds of glass-ware is found on the shores of Lake ilichigan, as well as Lake Erie. The copper mines in the northern peninsula are es- timated to have produced witliin the past year (March, 1853) nearly 4000 tons of copper, worth, on the seaboard, §1,500,000. Great activity prevails in the mining region this year ; new discoveries are being made, an increased number of hands employed, and addi- tional machinery erected. A mass of copper, weighing 5072 pounds, sent from Michigan, was exhibited at the World's Fair in New York. Objects of Interest to Tourists. — The Island of Mackinaw, in the straits of the same name, already visited for its. picturesque beauty, maj', probably, become the future New- port of the north-western States. In addition to its bold shores, rising to a height of near- ly 200 feet perpendicularly above the water, and the charm of its picturesque views and cool breezes, it has tlie accompaniment of fine fishing in its vicinity ; and the pleasant ex- cursions to Sault St. Mary, to angle for the far-famed white fish, to tempt the sportsman and epicure to while away a summer vacation in this vicinity. About 60 miles west of the entrance of the Strait St. Marie, are the celebrated " Pictured Rocks," composed of sand- stone of various colours, and worn by the action of the wind and waves into resemblances of ruined temples, castles, etc. One peculiarly striking object, called the Doric Rock, is a colonnade of i round pillars, of from about 3 to 7 feet in diameter, and 40 feet in height, supporting an entablature 8 feet thick, and 30 feet across. These rocks extend for about 12 miles, and rise about 300 feet above the water. Sometimes cascades shoot over the precipice, so that vessels can sail between them and the natural wall of rock. On laying out the track for a railway across the State from Detroit, the engineers encountered a sin- gular lake, covered witii an accumulation of vegetable matter — the growth of ages — but concealing beneath a deep and dangerous, though not extensive lake, which made it neces- sary to make a detour from the road. Climate, Soil, and Productions. — Notwithstanding the severity of the climate in Michi- gan, it is moderated by its proximity to the lakes ; yet the temperature of the northern peninsula is quite rigourous. Tlie northern peninsula is favourable to winter grains, but not to Indian corn ; while the southern produces maize, as well as the winter grains, abund- 108 STATE OF MICHIGAN. antly. The prevailing diseases are bilious fevers, ague, and dysentery: consumption is rare. Great fertility is the characteristic of most of the soil in the middle and south of the lower peninsula ; mostly free from stone, and of a deep, dark sandy loam, often mingled with gravel and clay. The northern peninsula has a large portion of rugged and poor soil, but its agricultural capabilities are not yet well developed. Portions of it are well tim- bered with white pine, spruce, hemlock, birch, oak, aspen, maple, ash, and elm. As the wants of the advancing settlements increase the demand, this region can furnish large sup- plies of lumber from its forests of pine, spruce, etc., manufactured at the fine mill-sites af- forded by the rapid streams on the Superior slope of the Porcupine Mountain. Much of southern Michigan is occupied by those beautiful and fertile natural lawns, called oak openings, covered with scattered trees, and free from underwood. Another portion is prairie, and yet another timbered land, covered with black and white walnut, sugar maple, dififerent species of oaks, hickory, ash, basswood, soft maple, elm, linden, locust, dogwood, poplar, beech, aspen, sycamore, cottonwood, cherry, pine, hemlock, spruce, tamarack, cy- press, cedar, chestnut, papaw, etc. The prairies are small, and divided into wet and dry— the latter, of course, being somewhat elevated. The north-west of the lower peninsula is but little known, but recent letters from that region represent it as well timbered, well watered, and fertile ; it, however, has an uninviting aspect from the lakes. On the shores of Lake Huron, near Saginaw Bay, is a marshy district. Michigan is eminently an agri- cultural State ; the staple products being wheat, Indian corn, oats, Irish potatoes (for which it is especiallj' favourable), butter, hay, maple sugar, wool, and live stock, with large quantities of buckwheat, rye, peas, beans, barley, fruits, cheese, beeswax, and honey ; and some tobacco, sweet potatoes, wine, grass seeds, hops, flax, silk, and molasses. Manufactures. — In common with the other "more recently-settled States, Michigan has not yet had leisure to give much attention to the development of her manufacturing re- sources. In 1850, there were in the State 1979 manufacturing establishments, each pro- ducing $500 and upwards annually, of which 15 were engaged in woollen manufactures, employing $94,000 capital, and 78 male and 51 female hands, consuming raw material worth $43,402, and producing 141,570 yards of stuffs worth $90,242 ; 64 forges, furnaces, etc., employing $210,450 capital, and 362 male hands, consuming raw material worth $105,865, and producing 5430 tons of castings, pig iron, etc., valued at 0300,697; $139,425 capital and 98 hands were employed in the manufacture of 10,320 barrels of ale, porter, etc., and 890,900 gallons of whisky, wine, etc. ; and 60 tanneries, employing $286,000 capital, consuming raw material worth $203,450, and producing manufactured leather valued at $363,980; domestic manufactures were fabricated worth $354,936. Commerce. — Michigan, surrounded as it is by inland seas, is most favourably situated for internal trade, and trade with British America. Her foreign commerce is, however, small, and only amounted, in 1851-2, in imports, to $191,976, and exports, $145,152; tonnage entered for the same year, 66,041 ; cleared, 69,981 ; owned, 46,318.12, of which 24,681.73 WBs steam tonnage ; number of vessels built, 16, with a tonnage of 2639.00. In the spring of 1853, there were owned at Detroit and Mackinaw, 56 steamers, with a tonnage of 17,925. The lake trade of 1851 has been stated at, imports, $5,330,609, and exports, $5,790,860. Wheat and other grain, flour, pork, live stock, wool, and copper are among the leading ar- ticles of export Education. — On the subject of education, Michigan is largely imbued with the opinion of New England (from whence so many of her sons derive their origin), that republican gov- ernment and common-school education must proceed or fall together. Her school fund, in 1852, was $575,668 ; in addition to which, is a fund called the University Fund, of $100,000. STATE OF MISSOURI. 109 MISSOUKI. Missouri, one of the largest of the United States, and the first formed wholly W. of the Mississippi River, is bounded on the N. by Iowa, (from which it is separated for about 30 miles on the N. R by the Des Moines River,) on the E. by the Mississippi River, which di- vides it from Illinois, Kentucky, and Tennessee ; on the S. by the Arkansas, and on the W. b}- the Indian Territory, from which it is partly separated by the Missouri River. This State lies (with the exception of a small projection between the St. Francis and the Mississippi River, which extends to 36°) between 36° 30', and 40° 36' N. lat., and 89° 10' and 96° W. Ion., being about 285 miles in its greatest length from E. to W., and 280 in width from N. to S., including an area of 67,380 square miles, or 43,123,200 acres, only 2,938,425 acres of which were improved in 1850, PopuLATiox. — Though originally settled by the French, less than one-third of one per cent, of the present inhabitants of Missouri are of that extraction. The population amounted to 66,586 in 1820; 140,145 in 1830; 383,702 in 1840, and 682,244 in 1850; of whom 312,987 were white males, and 279,017 females; 1361 free coloured males, and 1257 fe- males ; 43,484 male slaves, and 43,938 female. CrriES AND Towns. — St. Louis is the largest city in Missouri, population, 77,860, (by a local census in 1853, 88,(300;) the other principal towns are Hannibal, population in 1850, 2557 ; Lexington, 2459; Castor, 2084; "Weston, 1915; Palmyra, 1284; and St. Genevieve, 958. Capital, Jefferson City. Face of the Country. — This great State is mostly level or undulating N. of the Missouri River, while S. of this river (much the larger portion of the State) exhibits a much greater variet}-. In the S. E. part, near the Mississippi River, and S. of Cape Girardeau, is an ex- tensive marsh, reaching beyond the State into Arkansas, and occupying an area of about 3000 square miles. The remainder of this portion, between the Mississippi and the Osage Rivers, is rolling, gradually rising into a hilly and mountainous district, forming the outskirts of the Ozark Mountains. Beyond the Osage River, at some distance, commences a vast ex- panse of prairie land, which stretches away to the Rocky Mountains. The ridges forming the Ozark chain, which probably- in no place reach an elevation of 2000 feet, extends in a N. E. and S. W. direction, separating the waters that flow N. R into Missouri River from those that flow S. R into the Mississippi River. The geological features of this State are very interesting. One of the richest coal fields perhaps in the world occupies the greater part of Missouri N. of the Osage River, and extends nearly to the N. boundary of Iowa. A carboniferous limestone, which comes to the surface on the R and W. borders of the State, forms a rim from 5 to 40 miles in breadth. The lower magnesian limestone crops out on the Missouri River, from 25 miles above Jefferson City to within 35 miles of its mouth, with occasional obtrusions of sandstone. Schoolcraft thus speaks of the Ozark Mountains : " The Ozark is a term applied to a broad, elevated district of highlands, running from N. to S. centrally through the States of Missouri and Arkansas. It has on the E. the striking and deep alluvial tract of the Mississippi River, and on its W. the woodless plains or deserts which stretch below the Rocky Mountains." Minerals. — Missouri is particularly rich in minerals, and a vast region in the neighbour- hood of Iron Mountain is, perhaps, unsurpassed in the globe for productiveness in iron of the best qualitj'. Though existing in the greatest abundance and purity in this locality, this mineral is found scattered throughout the State. In the eastern counties S. of the Mis- souri River, large quantities of lead, sometimes mixed with zinc, are found. Copper exists throughout the mineral region, (a tract of 17,000,000 or 18,000,000 acres,) but is most abun- dant near the La Motte mines. It is found combined with nickel, manganese, iron, cobalt, and lead, and these often yield 34 per cent, of the pure metal. Of the other metals named, all except nickel are found in considerable quantities. Silver exists in the lead ore, 350 pounds of pure silver having been obtained from 1,000,000 pounds of lead. Tin has been found in small quantitie.s. Of the non-metallic minerals, limestone abounds 2s'. of the Mis- "LIO STATE OF MISSOURI. souri River, and forms a good building stone. Marbles beautifully veined and crystalline are found in parts of the State ; also gypsum, sandstones, red and white, porphyries, sienite, saltpetre, sulphate of baryta, kaolin, and inferior clays. The red sandstone is of too coarse and loose a texture for architectural purposes, but the white, found near St. Genevieve, makes superior glass. Porphyries of a red ground interspersed with crystals, admitting of a high polish, are found S. of the Missouri River. Coal. — Bituminous coal, much of it cannel coal, exists in vast beds in the N. of the State, and has also been found 40 miles up the Osage River. The great cannel coal-bed in Cal- laway County consists, in one place, of a solid stratum 24 feet, and in another 75 feet in thickness, and is believed to be the largest bodj- of cannel coal known. Rivers. — Missouri enjoys the navigation of the two greatest rivers in the United States, if not in the world. By means of the Mississippi River, which coasts her entire eastern boundary, she can hold commercial intercourse with the most northern territory of the Union, with the whole of the valley of the Ohio, with some of the Atlantic States, and with the Gulf of Mexico. By means of the Missouri, her other great river, she may ex- tend her internal commerce to the Rocky Mountains, besides receiving the products that may be furnished in future times by its multitude of tributaries. The Missouri River coasts the N. W. of tlie State for about 200 miles, (following its windings,) and then darts across the State in a direction a little S. of E., dividing it into two portions, of which about a third is K, and the remainder S. of that river. Objects of Interest to Tourists. — We shall hardly be able to do justice to Missouri in this respect, in the present state of our knowledge of the interior, as there are doubtless, in her mountain recesses, gorges, waterfalls, and caves whose fame has not yet reached us. To the geologist the State already possesses ample inducements for a visit; while the lover of fine scenery will find much to interest him in the wild bluffs both of the Missouri and Mis- sissippi Rivers, which rise to an elevation varying from 50 to 300 feet. Climate. — The climate of Missouri is very variable : iu the winter the thermometer sinks below zero, and the rivers are frozen so as to admit the passage of heavily-laden vehicles. The summers are excessively hot, but the air drj- and pure. In the autumns, bilious and remittent fevers are common ou the river bottoms. Pulmonary complaints, however, to euch a degree as to terminate iu consumption, are infrequent. Soil and Productions. — The soil of Missouri, speaking generallj', is good, and of great agricultural capabilities; but the most fertile portions are in the river bottoms, which are a rich alluvion, (in some cases, however, mixed with sand,) and in that portion N. of the Missouri River, except in the E., where a sandy soil prevails. South of the Missouri there is a greater variety in the soil, but much of it is fertile, and even in the mountains and mineral districts there are rich valleys, and about the sources of the White, Eleven Points, Current, and Big Black Rivers, the soil, though unproductive, furnishes a valuable growth of yellow pine. The marshy district of the S. E. part will, when the population shall have become sufficiently dense to justify the expense of drainage, be probably one of the most fertile portions of the State. The great staple of Missouri is Indian corn, and more hemp is produced than in any State except Kentucky : the other great products are wheat, oats, tobacco, wool, peas, beans, Irish and sweet potatoes, fruits, butter, cheese, pork, hay, flax, honey, and beeswax ; considerable rje, buckwheat, market products, grass-seeds, maple sugar ; and some rice, barley, wine, hops, silk, and molasses. Forest and Fruit Trees. — "The river bottoms are covered with a luxuriant growth of oak, elm, ash, hickory, cottonwood, linn, and white and black walnut. In tlie more barren districts are found white and pin oak, and sometimes forests of yellow pine. The crab- apple, papaw, and persimmon are abundant; as also the hazel and pecan." There are three species of wild grape; and apples, pears, peaches, apricots, and nectarines yield well. Commerce. — St. Louis is the great centre of internal commerce of the Mississippi and its tributaries, which must greatly increase as the settlements on those great rivers extend themselves. The exports of this State consist mainly of lead, pork, flour, wheat, tobacco, MISSOURI, OR NORTH-WEST TERRITORY. Ill and live stock. Missouri has long been the principal seat of an active caravan trade with Santa Fe. Education. — Missouri has a school fund (in 1852) of $575,668, and another fund of $100,000, called the seminary fund. The interest of the former is distributed among the counties in proportion to the number of scholars in each. In 1850 there were 59,927 chil- dren in the State, of whom 39,983 were in the schools. Annual expenditure for school pur- poses, $88,124; number of volumes in school libraries, 6200. Every sixteenth section of public lands is devoted to common schools. MISSOURI, OR NORTH-WEST TERRITORY. Missouri, or North-West Territory, an unorganized territory occupying the vast region lying between the White Earth and Missouri Rivers on the E., and the Rocky IMountains on the W., and (with the exception of a small tract in the S. E., belonging to the Indian Territory) between the Platte River on the S., and British America on the N. It lies be- tween about 40° 30' and 49° N. lat., and between about 97° 45' and 113° AV. Ion., covering an estimated area of about 587,564 square miles, or space enough for five States larger than Illinois. This vast tract would include the proposed territory of Nebraska. PopuLATiox. — We have no census returns from this wild region, which has been appro- priated as the abode of different Indian tribes, among .which may be mentioned the Crows, Blackfeet, (a very warlike and cruel tribe,) Minnetarees, Riccarees, Puncahs, and Pawnees. Face of the Country. — The greater part of this territory, as far as is known, seems to consist of a high prairie land. A chain of highlands, called the Black Hills, runs from near the Platte River in a N. E. direction to the Missouri River, which they approach in about 102° of W. longitude, dividing the .waters running into the Yellowstone from those flowing into the Missouri below its great south-eastern bend. On the W., the Rocky Mountains rear their lofty summits, in some instances above the snow line, and send out spurs into Missouri. Fremont's Peak, the loftiest known in this chain in the United States, is on the S. W. border of this tcrritorj'. Rivers and L.\kes. — This extensive tract is traversed by the Missouri, one of the most important rivers in the world, which rises near its south-western border, runs for about 1000 miles in a N. E. direction, to 48° 20' N". latitude, receiving a large number of afflu- ents from the N., one of which, the Yellowstone, is 980 miles in length, and a multitude of sub-tributaries from the S. From the latitude named above, it flows off to the S. E., form- ing the eastern boundary for perhaps 1000 miles. In about latitude 43° 30' the Missouri makes a grand detour, called the Great Bend, " where the river makes a circuit of 30 miles in advancing 2000 yards in a direct course." A number of important streams flow into the Missouri, within this territory, below the bend alluded to, so that this region is well watered, and gives promise of being more suitable for settlement than the country below Platte River. There are some small lakes in the S. W., and perhaps others yet to be diseoivered and described. Objects of Interest to Tourists. — ^The Great Falls of the Missouri, and the gorge below, 'enclosed with perpendicular rocks 1200 feet high, claim the first place among the striking natural objects of this territory. Animals. — This country is the paradise of the hunter and trapper. Yast herds of buffa- lo roam over its prairies, though now rapidly diminishing in numbers. Lewis and Clark have stated that at times the jNlissouri was backed up as by a dam, by the multitude of these animals crossing. The grizzly bear. Rocky Mountain goat, sheep, and antelope in- fest the slopes of the Rocky Mountains ; and tlic beaver in former times existed in great numbers, though the trappers are now fast thinning them out. Panthers were met with by Lewis and Clark ; also black bears, elks, and wolves. CoxniERCE. — ^The fur and peltry trade constitute the commerce of this vast region. Steamboats ascend the Missouri above the Yellowstone, and up the latter river 300 miles. 112 MINNESOTA. MINNESOTA. Minnesota, a territory of the United States, is bounded on the N. by British America, E. by Lake Superior and the State of Wisconsin, S. by Iowa and Missouri Territory, and "W. by Missouri Territory. The Lake of the Woods, with a chain of small lakes and their outlets, form a part of the Northern boundary ; the St. Croix and Mississippi a part of the eastern, and the Missouri and AVhite Earth Rivers the western boundary. It lies between 42° SO' and 49° N. lat., and between about 89° 30' and 103° 30' W. Ion., being about 650 miles in extreme length from E. to W., and 430 from N. to S., including an area of nearly 166,000 square miles, or 106,240,000 acres. Face of the Cottntry. — Though there are no mountains in Minnesota, it is the most elevated tract of land between the Gulf of Mexico and Hudson's Bay, and from its central heights sends its waters to every point of the compass, but mostly to the N. and S. The position from which the Red River of the North and the St. Peter's take their opposite courses is almost exactly in the centre of the territory, and elevated about 2000 feet above the Gulf of Mexico. A plateau, called the " Coteau des Prairies," or " Prairie Heights," about 200 miles in length, and from 15 to 40 in breadth, runs through the middle of the southern part of Minnesota. Its greatest elevation is about 1916 feet above the level of the sea, and its average height about 1450 feet. The northern portion, which is the highest, is about 890 feet above Bigstone Lake, which lies in its vicinity. Passing the St. Peter's or Minnesota River, we come upon another range of heights, known as the " Coteau du Grand Bois," or the Wooded Heights, which extend for more than 100 miles nearly parallel with the " Coteau des Prairies." This ridge is mostly covered with an extensive forest of hard wood. Through the middle of the triangle which occupies the N. E. portion of the ter- ritory, runs a third range of heights, called the " Hauteurs de Terre," or " Highlands," which extend W. by S. about 300 miles, and form a dividing ridge, whence flow the waters that seek Lake Superior and the Mississippi in one direction, and Hudson's Bay in the other. A range of less altitude than tlie " Coteau des Prairies," but continuing in the same direction, forms the watershed of the streams flowing into the ]Missouri on the W., and those flowing into the Red River on the E. The rest of the country generally alternates between sandhills and swamps, and river bottoms and prairies. In the N., on the Red River, are extensive Savannas, level as a floor, while the centr.al region and the portion between that and Lake Superior is much of it occupied with marshes, separated by hills of drift. West of the Coteau des Prairies, and Red River, the country has been but little explored ; but that portion of it between the Riviere a Jacques and the Missouri is represented as com- posed of high rolling prairies. Minerals.— The indications, from geological surveys of Minnesota, do not favour the hopes of great metallic wealth within its borders. Copper has been found, but in most instances it is not " in place," but appears to have been carried thither by the drift and boulders. The probability is that, of richer metallic ores than iron, tliis territory will not afford (ex- cept near Lake Superior) suflicient quantity to repay the labours of the miner; for if they exist at all, they probably lie at great depths. Tlie indications are equally unfavourable to there being any large deposits of coal. A lead vein, 4 inches in thickness, was discovered on the Waraju River, by the geological corps of Professor Owen. The most remarkable mineral in this territory is the red pipestone, of which the Indians make their pipes, and which is believed to be peculiar to the region of the Coteau des Prairies. Salt is reported to exist in vast quantities between 47° and 49° N. lat., and 97° and 99° W. lon.^ Lakes and Rivers.— Minnesota is, perhaps, even more deserving than Michigan of the appellation of the " Lake State," as it abounds in lacustrine waters of every size, from lakes of 40 miles in extent, to small ponds of less than a mile in circuit. These beautiful sheets of water give origin to rivers flowing K, S., and E. ; some finding their way to the Atlantic through the mighty Mississippi and the GiUf of Mexico ; others through the great lakes, Niagara, and the St. Lawrence; and others, again, pass off to the N., and seek the ocean MINNESOTA. 113 through Hudson's Bay and Straits. The largest of these lakes, with the exception of Lake Superior, are the Lake of the "Woods, Rainy Lake, Red, Minni-Wakan or Devil Lake, Leech, and Mille Lac, or Spirit Lake. These generally have clear, pebbly bottoms, and are well stocked with fish, among which are the white fish, pike, pickerel, niaskelonge, sucker, perch and trout. Wild rice grows on the borders of many of them, especially at the North. Devil Lake, which is on the 48th parallel of N. lat., in the N. W. of Minnesota, is about 40 miles in Icnt^th, by 15 in breadth, and its waters, which arc brackish, have no visible outlet. Red Lake, on the same parallel, E. of Red River, with which it communicates, is divided into two portions, united by a strait of 2 miles in width, and covers about the same area as Devil Lake. Lake of the "Woods, and Rainy Lake, (the former a large sheet of water, perliaps 100 miles in circuit,) are botli on the N. E. boundary of the territory. Lake Pepin, a beautiful sheet of water, is a mere expansion of the Mississippi in the S. E. of this territory. The rivers and large streams of Minnesota are almost as numerous as its lakes. The far-famed Mississippi takes its humble origin from Itasca Lake, from whose pellucid waters it issues a rivulet uf but a few feet in width, and first meandering in a N. E. direction through a number of small lakes, to receive their tribute, it turns to the S., and pursues its lordly way to its far distant exit in the Gulf of Mexico, laving in its course the shores of nine States and one territory. About 800 miles of its length are included within Minnesota, of which 500 are navigable, 200 below the Falls of St. Anthonj^ and 300 above. The Rum and St. Croix, tributaries of the IMississippi, drain the S. E. portion of the terri tory, and the Red River the northern, passing oflf into Hudson's Bay. It is the outlet of Traverse, Ottertail, Red, and several smaller lakes. It has a course of about 500 miles within Minnesota, though it does not flow directlj* north more than 200 miles in that dis- tance. The Lake Superior slope is principally drained by the St. Louis and its branches, and by the outlets of that series of small lakes that form the N. E. boundary of Minnesota. The great valley formed by the slopes of the Coteau des Prairies and the Coteau du Bois is drained by the St. Peter's and its tributaries. Tliis river runs first in a S. E., and then in a N. E. course, with a total length of from 400 to 500 miles, and is navigable for steamers, during high water, 50 miles above its mouth in the Mississippi, and CO farther for keel-boats. Its principal branch is the Blue Earth or Mankota River. The St. Peter's, with the Crow "Wing and Crow Rivers, are the principal tributaries of the Mississippi from the West. The Riviere d Jacques (ree ve-air' ah zhak) and the Sioux are the principal affluents of the Missouri from this territory. They both have an almost directly S. course, the former being about 600, and the latter 350 miles long. Nearly the whole western boundary is washed by the ^Missouri, which opens the western part of the territory to the commerce of the great Mississippi vallej-. The rivers of Minnesota abound in small falls and rapids, which, while they interrupt navigation, furnish extensive water-power. Objects of Interest to Tourists. — If we except cataracts of the first magnitude and high mountains, Minnesota presents as great a variety of natural objects of interest as any por- tion of our widelj- extended domain. Minnesota shares with "V\'isconsin in the falls and rapids of the St. Louis River, another picturesque and romantic display of nature's works. The rivers of Minnesota are filled with picturesque rapids and small falls, and often bordered with perpendicular bluffs of lime and sandstone, or gentl\- sloping hills that gracefully recede from the water. This region is the paradise of the hunter: its prairies and forests are the home of many wild animals, and in its rivers and lakes swim great varieties offish. Climate. — The climate of this territ(>r\- is severe, especially in the northern part. At the Pembina settlement, under the 49th parallel of latitude, the cold is frequently so great as to freeze quicksilver. Minnesota, in some parts, is too severe for Indian corn, but the dry- ness and steadiness of the cold favour wheat and other winter grains. Soil and PRonucrioxs. — The soil of Minnesota varies greatlj-. In the valleys of the rivers it is mostly excellent, esi)ecially in those of the St. Peter's, and of the Mississippi and its tributaries in the south-east of the territory. Above the Falls of St. Anthony, with the exception of the river alluvions and some prairie land, the country is generally covered 114 MINNESOTA. with drift, interspersed with marshes, too wet for cultivation ; but the elevated portion is often much of it of tolerable fertilitj% though inferior to the calcareous lands of the river bottoms, and not unfrequently covered with dwarf timber. Forest Trees. — Parts of Minnesota are densely timbered with pine forests, and the ridges of the drift districts with small pine, birch, aspen, maple, ash, elm, hemlock, firs, poplar, and basswood. In the swamps between the ridges, the tamarack, cedar, and cypress are found ; while the river bottoms furnish a good growth of oak, aspen, soft maple, basswood, ash, birch, white walnut, linden, and elm. Much of this timber on the poorer ridges, and in some of the marshes, is rather of a dwarf character. On the Rum, St. Croix, and Pine Rivers there are extensive forests of pine, of good, but not of the largest growth. Accord- ing to Professor Owen, " a belt of forest crosses Minnesota in lat. 44° 30', which is remark- able for its unusual body of timber, in a country otherwise but scantily timbered." Taken as a whole, therefore, Minnesota can scarcely be called a well-wooded countrj-. But here, as in other parts of the West, when the prairies are protected from fire, a growth of young timber soon springs up. Animals. — Minnesota has always been a favourite hunting-ground of the Indians, and vast herds of buffiilo, elk, deer, antelope, and other game still roam over the plains west of the Coteau des Prairies and the Red River. Deer, black bear, antelope, wolverine, otter, muskrat, mink, martin, wolf, and raccoon abound, and the moose and grizzly bear are occasionallj' met with. The prairies are frequented by grouse, pheasants, and partridges, and the streams by wild ducks and geese. The other birds are hawks, buzzards, harriers, owls, quails, plovers, larks, and a great variety of small birds. Among the water fowl are the pelican, tern, hooded sheldrake, bustard, broadbill, ruffle-headed duck, wood duck, teal, wild goose, and loon. Both the golden and bald eagle are occasionally met with. The rivers and lakes abound in fine fish, among which are the bass, cap, sunfish, pickerel, pike, catfish, whitefish, sucker, maskelonge, and trout. Manufactures. — There are great capabilities in the innumerable rivers of Minnesota, with their falls and rapids, for manufacturing establishments. At present the conversion of her pine forests into boards, scantling, etc., constitutes the principal manufacture of this new and flourishing territory. The best lands of Minnesota are on her two great navigable rivers, the Mississippi and St. Peter's ; and the first acts of internal improvement needed by this territory will be the removal of some obstructions in these streams. It is among the probabilities that the great Pacific railway may traverse this region, as engineers are now examining the feasibilities of a northern route. Commerce. — Minnesota has the advantage of two outlets for her productions; one by way of the Mississippi, to every portion of the Mississippi valley; and the other by way of Lake Superior, with the Lake States and with the East. The great export of this territory is her lumber. Educatiox. — Minnesota has a public system of free schools, which are under the general direction of a superintendent of common schools, and the local supervision of trustees. Every township containing not less than five families is considered a school district. " An act to incorporate the University of Miimcsota," was passed February 25, 1S51. This insti- tution consists of five departments, namely, of science, literature, and art; of laws; of medicine; of agriculture; and of elementary instruction. Twelve regents, appointed by the legislature, manage its affairs. It is located at St. Anthony. The proceeds of all lands granted by the United States go to form a perpetual fund for the support of the university. The information contained in the notice of the State of Wisconsin is copied from " Wis- consin as it is," by F. Gerhard, and that pertaining to the other States, from " Lippincott's Gazetteer. In a future edition the information will be brought down to a later period, in articles now preparing speciallj' for this work. CM mi JfoiirtI]. THINGS AS THEY ARE IN 18 5 9 CONTEXTS OF PART IV. PAGE American Auction Rooms 30 American Bank Notes 23 American Banks and Banking 19 American Hotels 11 American Houses 66 American People, Degeneracy of the ... 62 American Railroad Cars 41 American Railroad Conductor 45 American Railroad Locomotive 43 American Railroads 40 Amusements and Sports 59 Attendance at Church 49 Auctioneer, The American 31 Auction Rooms in Xew York 30 Automaton Oven 33 Bakeries, Mechanical 33 Ballot Voting in America 76 Bank-Xote Reporters 24 Bank Notes of America 23 Banking Literature, Curiosities of 25 Banking, Wild-Cat 21 Banks and Banking 19 Billiards and Chess 61 Bookseller, The Railroad 45 Booksellers' Trade Sales 31 Broken Banks 28 Canada, Trade with 32 Cars on American Railroads 41 Cars. Railroad Sleeping 48 Church Attendance 49 Churches in America 49 Church Psalmody . . , 50 Citizenship 64 Clergymen in America 72 Clotliing and Dress 49 Conuuercuil Agencies. 17 Commercial Colleges 29 Comparative Time Indicator 85 Consumption of Ice 40 Curiosities in Banking Literature 25 Cutting Ice on Rockland Lake 38 Debt Collecting 19 Declaration of Intentions 64 Degeneracy of the American People. ... 62 PAOB Difference in Time in Canada 86 Difference in Time in United States .... 85 Domestic Servants 71 Dress and Clothing 49 Drinking Customs 36 Drinking. Water 36 Drinks, Refreshing 38 Educational Institutions of America. ... 74 Elections in America 76 Exchange and Exchange Offices. 22 Exemption Laws of the United States . . SS Express ! 55 Express Companies 66 Extracts from Bank-Xote Reporters .... 24 Farmers in Winter Time 58 Fire Engine Establishment 53 Fire Engine, Steam 55 Fruit, Prices of 70 Furniture Manufacturing 82 Hoe & Co.'s Printing Machine 7 Hotels in America 11 Household Affairs 67 Housekeeping, Expenses of. 08 Ice Trade 38 Indicator, Time 86 Intentions, Declaration of 64 Interest, Legal 28 Laws, Exemption, of the United States. . 83 Laws, Usury 28 Leviathan Printing Machine 7 Locomotive, The American 43 Lumber and Lumbermen 51 Meat, Prices of 70 Mechanical Bakeries 33 Mercantile Agencies 18 Xewsman, The Railroad 45 New York Auction Rooms 30 Peter Funk Auction Rooms 32 Printing ilachine of R. Hoe ers. Thermometers in the oven indicate the temperature to the attend- ants. The loaves are all baked precisely alike, and never either burned or under-done. The temperature for baking in the automatic oven is more than two hundred degrees higher than can be used in the common baker's oven, without burning the bread to a cin- der; because the hot air in a chamber without draft is strong and penetrating, and not raw and scorching like the heat in an ordinary oven, where the fire is in the oven itself, and acts directly on the bread while baking, besides exposing it to the impurities of dust, smoke, etc. The oven being upright, with the car loads of bread in it, one above another, and having no draft through it, all the alcoholic vapor arising from the fermented dough is condensed on and absorbed by the cold dough, whereby the bread is improved in flavor, and its nourishing properties sensibly increased. The machinery which produces the automatic movements of the cars, is placed on the back of the oven, and may be seen best on the second floor." MECHANICAL BAKERIES. WHO ARE YANKEES. 35 Altogether it is a most mysterious-looking operation, and from the fact of no one handling or assisting the bread into the oven, or out of it, opening and shutting the oven doors, and travelling of the carriages — all moving as if by clock-work, and yet doing that perfectly by machinery which is not always done so by human hands — we think it well deserves the name of the " Automaton Oven." "When in " full blast," the bakery can bake no less than 250 barrels of flour per day into bread. At our visit, the establishment had just newly started, but, even then, was doing a large business, their bread being sold in shops in different parts of the city. "With highly commendable straightforwardness, the company invite the public to call and see the whole operation — the quality of flour, which is the best — and all other ingredients, so that they may have every confidence in what is supplied. One part of the arrangement, we understood, was not complete when we were there, viz. : that of cutting and weighing off the quantity of dough for each loaf. It was then done by hand and a pair of scales, but we understand that it will be, (if not by this time,) cut off and weighed by machinery also, so that matliematical precision in weight will be obtained, and greater speed in pre- paring the dough for the pans. Every description of bread is made, from "crackers" to large loaves. An inspection of the rules of the establishment, as to chewing tobacco, drinking, and cleanliness, show that the proprietors are up to, if not a little a-head of, the times. "We observe that their price for a 28 oz. loaf is 5 cents, or about 2^o?. (stg.), for Cash, for which only they deal. WHO ARE YANKEES? Mant, we think, use the word Yankee, without knowing its exact meaning, whilst others apply it with reference to the whole American people, when they designate them, " Yan- kees." According to the last American authority, Webster, the meaning of the word Yankee stands thus : " A corrupt pronunciation of the word English by the native Indians of Ame- rica." From the fact that the English first landed in New England, the word Yankee thus be- came applicable to them, and it still retains, to this day, its significance as a term applica- ble to all who belong to the New England States, and to them only. To apply the name of Yankee to all Americans, wherever situated, is an error. Just as well may the High- lander of Scotland, be considered a " cocknejV' or a " John Bull," as to suppose an inhabit- ant of the Northern States of America, to be a " Yankee." It is the New Englanders, alone, who are considered Yankees — although the term, altogether, is one of a convention- al nature, and very often applied to any thing supposed to be of very speculative, doubt- ful, or dodging character. 36 WATER AND WATER DRINKING — DRINKING CUSTOMS. WATER AND WATER DRINKING. We have never, as yet, met in this country with an instance, such as we once met with in Manchester, (Eng.,) where the children of a family had never tasted water from the time they were born, always being supplied with " beer," when thirsty— a practice, we fear, far too common in families in the manufacturing districts. From all we have seen at public, as well as private tables here, pure water seems to be almost the only beverage— first thing in the morning and the last at night, and, alto- gether, are inclined to believe the Americans to be the greatest water-drinkers in the world. At breakfast, a tumbler of water is placed alongside of your cup and saucer — at dinner time, it is there — at tea, or supper, again it appears. Many we have seen at the tables of the large hotels who take neither tea nor coffee— but water only — along with their eatables. These are, of course, exceptions — still we have been surprised to meet with so many who do so. Some, again, take cold water and milk, mixed, instead of either tea or coffee. Whether it is the nature of the climate, the heat of summer, and consequent perspira- tion, we know not ; but the consumption of water for drinking purposes, is certainly enor- mous. In a counting-house, it would be thought as great a want to have no pens and ink to write with, as to have no cistern full of water, and a tumbler, in a handy corner for the day's consumption. Workshops are similarly supplied. The quality of the water consumed differs in different localities. In New York, no bet- ter water could be desired than is obtained from the reservoir at the Croton works. In other cities, on the sea-board, it is also generally good, and all spring water. Proceeding West, to the Ohio district, it is also good in many parts. At Cincinnati, how- ever, for instance, the water used there is that from the Ohio Rivei", and is frequently almost unfit to drink — unfiltered ; but when filtered, and cooled with ice, is very good. Passing farther West to the Mississippi, again, there the water is of very doubtful quality, as well as purity. So much is that the case, that strangers are advised to be careful in par- taking of it. So powerful is it, in its effects, that we question if the most staunch tee-to- taller would not, for health's sake, be inclined to partake of the light " lager beer' of the Germans, than run the risk of quaffing out of the " Father of Waters." All up and down the Mississippi it is the same. Of course, where spring wells are stationed in towns, the water is, in general, excellent ; and there is scarcely a farmer, or resident in the country, but who has a spring well at his door, and who can easily supply himself with pure aqua. The tax for water, is, generally, paid by the landlord, and included in his estimate of rent. The consumption of water, in summer, for watering the streets, either to lay the dust, or cool the ground in front of the houses, is also very great ; and a system of watering in that respect — by means of hose, attached to the mains — is carried out, to an extent un- known in Britain. For hours men are employed every daj-, at different intervals, to keep a continuous stream of water playing upon the ground in front of houses and stores, for the purpose stated. That is in addition to water-carts, perambulating the streets, watering them as they go along. In some cities, certain hours are fixed, after which no water is allowed to be used in the manner described. DRINKING CUSTOMS. In the above remarks, we have endeavoured to make clear, that the greatest drinking cus- tom in America, is in the consumption of cold water. It must not be supposed, however, that no malt or spirituous liquors are consumed. As a whole, we should say, that although a large amount of both must be consumed in this country, both from what is manufactured and what is imported, still the average consumption per man is a trifle compared with the THE DRINKING CUSTOMS OF AMERICA. 37 average amount consumed, in either. England, Scotland, or Ireland. The drinking cus- toms, for the most part, are confined to drinking whilst standing at the bars of the hotels and drinking-saloons — Brother Jonathan performing that operation decidedly fast As a general rule, there is none of that sitting down to brandy and water, or " punch" and pipes, on an afternoon after dinner, or in the evening, which is to be seen in the snuggeries in London, nor yet those jollifications over whisky-toddy, which are too common in Scot- land, or over the grog or " potheen" in Ireland. Nothing of the sort After dinner, Jona- than goes off to have a smoke and a read of the newspaper, and thence to business, with- out, as a general rule, tasting one drop of liquor. He has neither the time nor the inclina- tion for it After business hours at night, there is not that amount of frequenting " howfs" or pet- houses, which is common, amongst young men in business, in the large cities and towns in Great Briaitn. 'They live, most probably, a good way otf, and are glad to get home as soon as possible. If they board at a hotel, they prefer the billiard-room to the di-inking- saloon. As we have said before, the Americans prefer to drink at the bar, standing. Thej order what they want, swallow it at one breath, and off they go. The greatest cause which we can assign for the undoubted temperance of the Ameri- can people, as a whole, consists in the detestation with which they look upon drunkenness as a vice, and the care they exercise against indulging in it, from prudential motives. Emploj'ers are more particular, probably, about the sober habits and steady conduct of an assistant than any other qualification — for what they term his being a " reliable man." If there is one thing more than another, which will make them doubt a man's capability to serve them faithfully, it is his inebriety of character, well knowing as they do, with drink being so cheap here, that if a man gets to use it frequently, and begins to like it, he is going fast on the high road to destruction. Brought up with such ideas and habits themselves, and taught to look at the drinking customs with something like fear and trembling, and knowing how much a man's value consists in his being a strictly sober man, they are particularly careful in the selection and conduct of the assistants they employ, to see that they are of sober habits, and that they remain so. Men lose situations here, from no other cause than being known to frequent the bar, or a drinking-saloon, too often, although they may be steady enough at their busi- ness. Tliere is no doubt, after all, that there is, probably, far too much drink consumed in this country, particularly in sea-port cities, where sea-faring men come in contact with the commercial classes, and also about the drinking-saloons of the hotels, when salesmen or merchants meet their country customers there. As we have said elsewhere, lager beer, a light description of home-brewed beer, is the great beverage of the German population, and there is not a town or village but what has its " lager beer saloon." The Germans sit down at tables, and converse and smoke over their beer, consuming often large quantities before they rise. It is, however, compara- tively speaking, harmless, when compared with the villanous " fire water," which is dis- tilled, in the shape of whisky, from Indian corn, rye, etc., and sold at a mere trifle per pint Wholesale price, 35 cents (or l.s. 6d. stg.) per gallon. Drink is not sold at the bar at so much per measure — but the bottle is placed for you to help yourself — into a tumbler — unless you wish any of the fancy drinks, such as " gin sling," " brandy smash," " whisky skin," etc., etc. In that case, they are mixed up readj- for you, and charged accordingly. As connected with the use of non-intoxicating liquors by the American people, we may mention as a fact — differing so much as it does from the customs in Great Britain, where beer, ale, " stout," or wine form almost indispensable adjuncts of the dinner- table — that, in America, nothing of that sort is ever to be seen, almost, at the dinner tables in private houses — but tea or coffee (generally tea) takes the place of malt or spirituoua 38 REFRESniNG DRINKS — THE ICE TRADE. liquors ; and a cup of tea is handed round the table to each guest, just as he would be as- sisted to a glass of ale or wine. To the stranger, from Britain, this seems somewhat pecu- liar, yet, after all, it or water is the more rational beverage,and certainly not likely to lead to such consequences as follow sometimes from the appearance of the " bottle," on the family table. KEFRESHING DRINKS IN HOT WEATHER. The stranger, in passing through any of the large cities in the United States, will find the stores of the chemists crowded with parties, who, thirsty from heat and perspiration, fly to such places to quaff the deliciously cool beverages which are there supplied, at from 3 to 5 cents per glass. These consist of a mixture of soda water and a variety of native wines or unintoxicating cordials, either of which, mixed with soda water, makes a cool, efferves- cing, and refreshing drink. It is surprising to see the number of ladies and gentlemen, and, in fact, all classes, who stand round the handsome marble fountains which are fitted up in such places, getting a tumbler thus filled up, drinking the contents at once, paying their 3 or 5 cents, and departing. The consumption of such beverages is enormous, one lad in each chemist's store attending to the fountain alone. The soda water is kept in large vessels underneath the counter, from which it is led up to tlie fountain and there supplied through a silver tap into the tumbler containing the cordial to be mixed with it THE lOE TRADE. One of the many things which strikes the stranger from Great Britain, on his visiting this country for the first time, is the traffic which is carried on during the summer months in the article of ice — one as necessary in summer, as the fuel for fire is in winter. The trade is carried on by private individuals as well as by public companies. In every city and town, without exception, you will see the ice cart perambulating the streets in a similar manner to what the coal carts do whilst dispensing that article in small quantities to the poorer classes in the cities and towns of Britain. In the cities of the seaboard, the ice trade is carried on " wholesale, retail, and for ex- portation." Some are engaged in the " shipping business" exclusively, sending ship-loads of it to the West Indies and other tropical climates, where it is, no doubt, duly appreciated. In the cities, the carts go round with immense blocks, about 12 to 20 inches thick, and about from 22 to 27 inches in length and breadth. The carts have canvas covers over them to protect the ice from the sun as far as possible, but still it continues gradually to vanish, notwithstanding. It is beautifully clear, and on a scorching hot day makes one al- most feel cool to look at it. Every morning, the men in charge of its delivery, visit their customers as regularly as the baker does with bread, and, carrying up a loaf of ice, deposits it at the outside of the door. The difficulty of handling the ice is got over by the use of a huge pair of calipers, which stick into the block on each side, and thus, lifted by a chain attached to them, it is carried up or down stairs. Thus deposited at the door of the customer, it is left there at his risk, and if he does not look after it soon, may shortly afterwards find that it has gone into its original element, and run off. We may safely say, there is not a private family almost, not a counting-house, store, bank, or any place of business whatever, but what lias its de- livery of ice every morning, and put into the small cistern of water, which is placed in a cool corner of the premises, to supply the inmates for the daj'. The common supply for counting-houses and families is a piece about 20 inches squai'e, for which they pay 10 cents (or 6d.). Only those who know what a hot summer day is, in such as New York, can fully appreciate the luxury of a tumbler of iced water. In the drinking saloons it is used in every sort of liquor, both malt and spirituous. In winter it is cut out in large squares from the frozen i-ivers and lakes, preserved, well CUTTING OUT THE ICE — ICE-HOUSE AT ROCKLAND LAKE. 39 covered up in ice houses, on the banks of rivers generally, for the convenience of transport- ation to the large cities by water. H S o o a % Q The above engraving represents a scene in -winter at one of the largest company's depots, viz., Rockland Lake, vrhich is situated about one mile distant from the River Hudson, al- though in a part of the country 250 feet above the level of that river. The instruments used in cutting out the ice, are termed ice planes, or cutters, and ice ploughs, with which the fields of ice are marked off and cut into squares, and from there stored in large " barns," or ice-houses, one of which will be seen in the above view. Some of those store-houses contain as much as 60,000 tons, where the blocks are built up in regular order, and covered over with long grass, saw-dust, shavings, etc., to preserve it from the external heat of summer. The ice-house represented above was built to contain 20,000 tons. Some idea of this trade may be formed, when we state that about $10,000,000 is employed 40 CONSUMPTION OF ICE — RAILROADS IN AMERICA. in it, in different parts of the States. From returns published as to the consumption, we find that in one year it was estimated as follows : — Boston tons . 60,000 New York 300,000 Philadelphia 200,000 Baltimore 45,000 Washington 20,000 Charleston tons. 15,000 Mobile 15,000 New Orleans 40,000 St. Louis 25,000 Cincinnati 25,000 From Rockland Lake, the city of New York derives its chief supply of ice. It is estimated that 40 men, with 12 horses, can cut and stow away about 400 tons in one day. RAILROADS IN AMERICA- The British traveller, on going over the railroads in America, is apt to find more fault with the construction of the " plant," or road itself, than he is with the " rolling stock," such as cars, etc. He will miss all the well-made fences along the lines, that firm ballast- ing of the road, those solid stone or brick built station-houses, with locked gates — at which you can neither get out nor in till you are allowed ingress or egress— the array of porters in suits of olive green corduroy, and guards in suits of bottle-green cloth, with chronome- ter and whistle slung over their shoulders. There is little of that to be seen in America. For the most part, the whole train dashes along through fields, over cross roads, through forests and swamps, with all the freedom and independence characteristic of the country. If an unfortunate cow should happen to be taking an airing along the line, the " cow- catcher" lifts her off her legs before she knows where she is, and tosses her into some soft ditch, perhaps, at the road side, with such a lesson as she will not forget in a hurry, if she happens to have the power of recollection left within her at all ! Any one " on the tramp" along "the track" is warned of the approach of the train by the loud-soimding bell, which he will be very deaf, indeed, if he does not hear, letting alone the great, hoarse, unearthly cry from the locomotive, to get out of the way. The stranger is apt to find fault, more particularly, in there being only one "track" or line of rails, on many of the lines — and few of them being, as we have said, so firmly made or ballasted as the lines in Great Britain. In some lines this is very apparent, and not only in the laying of the rails, but in the construction of very temporary looking wooden bridges — the bad policy of building which has been found out by this time. In such lines as the Grand Trunk of Canada and the Great Central of Pennsylvania, (from Philadelphia to Pittsburg,) or the Baltimore and Oliio railroad, the case is different — such lines more resembling, in substantiality, British made railroads. There is only one way, we think, of accounting for this difference in the solidity of the roads of ^he two countries. If not mistaken, there is a difference of no less than £30,000 in the construction of every mile of railroad in the United States, compared with that in Britain ; that is to say, that the average cost of every mile of road (1853) in the United States was about £5,460, whereas every mile in Great Britain and Ireland averages the sum of £35,400 ($177,000), making, as we have stated, about £30,000 per mile of difference in the cost of the railroads of the two countries. No doubt the single lines of road constructed here, together with the free grants of land, ought not to have cost any thing like what the double lines of rail in Britain cost, still it is quite evident that the American roads have cost a trifle in comparison to those there, and hence, we think, the reason why American railroads are not so substantially built as they would have been, had the same proportionate amount of money been spent upon them as on those in Britain. The lands in Great Britain, through which the lines pass, were a heavy item of expense in the construction of railroads, but that, again, is in some measure counterbalanced by the high rates paid for labour and the extra cost of much of the material in America, compared with what such was procured at in Britain. To cover the extent of territory they have done, we do not see how the Americans could COST OF BRITISH AXD AMERICAN RAILROADS. 41 have done otherwise. They were determined to open up their countrj-, to give their peo- ple in distant parts the benefit of railroad locomotion, and if it was not to be had in so substantial a manner as in Great Britain, they appeared to make the most of their capital — whether it was borrowed or not. The construction of many of their bridges seems to be the greatest error they have made; but experience is now showing them, that the sooner they replace all wooden ones with iron or stone, the sooner will their lines pay better dividends, and affbrd more public confidence. In 1853, they had then in progress of completion, no less than 12,681 miles of railroad, ii^ addition to which they had 13,266 miles actually in operation, the latter being close upon as many miles as was in operation over all Europe at that time — which was 14,142 miles. Since then, we find that, at the commencement of 1858, they had in operation, no less than TWEVTY-six thousa>'d two hundred and ten miles of railroad, the average cost of which per mile, is estimated about $35,000 (£7,000), and that the total cost of the 26,210 miles opened was $919,990,516, or £183,998,103, or say, in round numbers, £184,000,000 sterling. Had they constructed their lines on the same expensive scale as those of Great Britain, it would have taken the sum of about £918,523,800 stg.— a sum, we presume, not likely to have been raised for the construction of railways, alone, in America. The conclusion, tlierefore, seems to us to be, that had the Americans not built their roads as they have done, thousands of miles of country now opened up, and thousands of acres now under cultivation, and yielding crops, would have been still dreary prairies or forests, with a poor probability of the country advancing as it has done. Taking, therefore, every thing into account — how they had money to raise — the distance they had to bring much of their iron (in bringing it from Great Britain)— the high price of their labour — and the immense territory they have covered with the iron net work — it is only another proof of that indomitable, thorough going " go-ahead" character of the people, in accomplishing what they have done, and, considering all these things, will assist us to account, why it is that their roads are not so well built as those of Great Britain and Ireland. According to the American Railroad Journal, we find that "the total receipts of the roads will probably reach, $120,000,000 (or £24,000,000 sterling,) and that the net receipts will probably reach, at least, 5 per cent on their entire cost." One fact connected with railway travelling, in America, is that you may travel over some thousands of miles, and never pass through a solitary tunnel, the whole of the roads being chiefly laid in the valleys of hilly parts of the country. Amongst other officers connected with railwaj-s may be mentioned The Master of Transportation, who is intrusted with procuring and accommodating the trade and travel of the line with the rates of fares, the getting up of time tables, the running arrangements, and other details connected with the proper working of the line. Tlic Master of Machinery, who has the full superintendence and control of all matters relating to purchasing, building, repairing of the locomotives and cars, and general rolling plant of the line. The Master of the Road, who has the general charge of all matters relating to the metals, sleepers, bridges, tunnels, and, in fact, all the buildings on the line— providing water— and other duties essentially necessary for the efficient working of the road. Having thus noticed the plant, construction, and management of the line, we will now notice a little of the " rolling stock," and its management. First, then, we will notice the railroad carriages. EAILWAY CARS. The " carriages" of Great Britain are styled " cars" in America. Here they are dif- ferently constructed. Instead of the small compartments for 6 first-class, or 8 or 10 second-class passengers, as in Britain, the whole car inside is an open space, as a saloon- 42 THE AMERICAN RAILROAD PASSENGER CARS. carriage. Up the centre there is a passage. The seats are arranged on each side of the pas- eage, and fitted up handsomely with crimson phish velvet seats and backs for 2 passengers in each seat. By an ingenious contrivance, the backs of the seats are made to turn right over the seat, tlius 2 passengers can sit with their faces opposite to other 2, which is very liandy when 4 of a party wish to talk togetlier, or have a game at cards, chess, etc., etc. The whole interior fittings of the cars are good, with mirrors at each end. In the corner of all carriages there is a private retiring saloon, with water-closets, etc. On some lines there is one for ladies and another for gentlemen, in each car. Each car conveys from 50 to 60 passengers. Almost all the cars open at the ends, where there is a platform extend- THE AMERICAN RAILROAD PASSENGER CAR. ing out about 2 feet ; thus the platform of one carriage joins that of another, and with the doors at both ends of the car, opening like the door of a room, a passage is thus formed from one end to the other of the entire train. Along the ceiling of each car, there is a rope, which is attached throughout the whole train, so that the conductor, or any passenger, in any part of the train can stand up and — by pulling this rope — ring a bell which is placed at the side of the engine driver, and thus stop the train, if necessary. By this means, serious accidents are avoided, and passengers experience a feeling of safety, by having such means within their reach. This is rather an improvement, it must be allowed, on the boasted efficiencj' of some of the English rail- roads, the trains of which have been known, sometimes, to catch fire, and have the whole train flying along in a blaze, and passengers burned before the engine driver could be com- municated with. We allude more particularly to an occurrence of that nature which oc- curred on the Great Western (of England) Railroad, some time ago. There is only one class of cars in the United States for all classes, excepting emigrants. Emigrant cars are just like the 3d-class carriages in Britain, only that they are arranged in the same style inside, as Ist-class cars here. The cars are much longer — say about half a length longer than the average length of carriages in Britain — or about the same length as some of the long carriages on the Glas- gow and Greenock, or London and South-eastern lines of railroads there. The body of the car rests upon swivels attached to a sort of truck, or carriage of 4 wheels — (2 at each Bide). One of those trucks are under each end of the carriage ; there is thus a free space of about 30 feet between the fore and after wh'eels of the cars. The car thus placed on these trucks, and upon swivels, as stated, enables them to be run over curves with mueli greater ease and safety than if constructed on the British plan. In fact, we do not think that the British railroad carriage could travel, with safety, so fast in this country as what the American car does, simply owing to the construction of the road, and the build of the car, with wheels so close to each other, and body having no room to " play," or swing round a little, in turning a curve. On the other hand, again, we fancj', that a car, built on the American model, would travel infinitely more easy, and much more safe- CAES OF AMERICA AND ENGLAND — 'THE LOCOMOTIVE. 43 ly, ■when going round some of those beautiful sharp curves which occur here and there on some British lines, or in " going over the stones" on such as the line from Penniston to Shef- field, or from Bishopstoke to Salisbury (Eng.). The external appearance of the cars are exceedingly plain — and, on entering for the first time, one is not prepared to find them so handsomely fitted up as they are. For our part we prefer these saloon-carriages, so well and comfortably fitted up, to even some of the first-class carriages in Britain, with their compartments of six eacli, where, ten chances to one, if you can get a seat, without being half suffocated with heat from windows being closed, or with tobacco smoke, from, perhaps, 2 or 3 cigars blazing away beside you. Whereas, to compare the best 2d-class carriages in Great Britain with the cars in this countrj', is out of the question — setting aside altogether, the intolerable nui- sance wliich the non-smoking public in England feel, in being compelled to travel, as it might be, in a small, cramped-up smoking saloon, Avith, sometimes, the smokers not over civil or agreeable, even when females are present. For ourselves, we would rather pre- fer some of the emigrant cars here to such 2d-class carriages as are to be found, for in- stance, on the London and South-Western Railroad, between Portsmouth and Southamp- ton, where an ordinary sized man cannot sit upright with his hat on, far less stand up in one. Such cramped-up dog-kennels as these, and some of the old 2d-class carriages on the London and North-Western, and other lines, are unknown in this country. The only fault the cars here have, is in the winter season when the stoves, which are then placed in them, are over-heated, sometimes, making them uncomfortable in that respect, a fault, however, which does not rest with the construction of the car, so much as in the misman- agement, or over-heating of the stove, in the same manner in which the Americans over- heat their houses in winter, rendering them uncomfortably hot for British visitors. Whilst travelling on the cars here, strangers are cautioned to keep their arms and heads inside the cars, as, possibly, when exposing them outside, the train may pass a bridge, or pile of wood, where there is no room to allow for passing such with safety with any part of the body thus exposed. Standing on the platform outside, between the cars, is also for- bidden, as, in that case, the company will not be responsible for any accident which may happen when parties are standing there. THE LOCOMOTIVE. The railway engine is, of course, similarly constructed to those of Great Britain, as a locomotive must be pretty much the same in all parts of the world. The engines of America are characterized by great expense being put on external painting and decoration of the body and finishing of the outward working parts. A large amount of bright pol- ished iron, steel, and brass- work is to be seen about all American-made engines, as can be seen in strong contrast on the Great Western Railway of Canada, for example, where some Newcastle or Manchester-made engines are running. Their dirty, dark-greon hue forms any thing but a pleasing contrast to the bright polished work of the American engine. The most prominent features in appearance, however, is in the chimney adopted in this country, which is certainly more useful than ornamental, and yet, it is about as handsome as the plain straight up-and-down chimney pots on the engines of the Caledonian Railway (Scotland). The peculiar form of the American chimney is necessarj', on account of burn- ing wood, and the quantity of sparks which fly up the inner funnel, but which are caught at the top, by what is called the " spark arrester," which forms a part of the outside fun- nel, seen to view. So that, after all, there is utility if there is not ornament in the said un- gainlj'-looking funnel referred to. A bell is attached to all engines, which is rung by a rope in the hand of the driver as he starts, or is about to stop, or when passing over cross- ings of roads. As an improvement upon the " spectacles" of the British railroad engine for the protec- tion of driver and stoker from the wind and weather, the covering of the American engine is most decidedly superior, protecting on all sides, as well as from above, the driver and 44 THE AMERICAN RAILROAD LOCOMOTIVE. stoker, and rendering them nearly as comfortable as if inside a car altogether, and yet with light and room enough to perform their duty properly. The " cow-catcher" at the front — which takes the place of the " life-guard" of the British engine — is a very formidable-looking affair, and carries in its triangled shape and huge iron bars, any thing but an idea of its benevolent intentions of saving the lives of all the > H O O O o 1^ o o Pi W < o es m B O < a < a ■* O o n sundry animals which come in its way. Yet so it is found, that where a cow, sheep, or ox, for instance, would be certain almost to be killed in coming in direct contact against the perpendicular front of the engine, when flying along the rails — the cow-catcher, on the other hand, catches them so that they are lifted at once off their feet, and rolled off on to either the one side or the other of the line, thus giving them a greater chance of escaping with life than otherwise. Sometimes animals are thus caught up and thrown on one side without any serious injury, although, at other times, they are killed on the spot before THE CONDUCTOR AND NEWSMAN. 45 they are throAvn off the cow-catcher. Such an article is more necessary in America, where the lines are not protected by fences as they are in Britain, and consequently much more subject to cattle straying about on them. THE EAILROAD CONDUCTOR. In attendance upon each train, there is a driver, stoker, one conductor, two or three brakesmen, and an attendant in the shape of waiter — who acts also as travelling newsman, bookseller, and dealer in Yankee notions. The conductor on an American railroad is a smart, gentlemanly looking person gen- erally, and were it not for a very small badge which he wears either on his cap or coal breast, you could not tell him from any ordinary gentleman traveller. He is — as he requires to be — a sharp, shrewd man of business, with the eye of an eagle, excellent powers of dis- crimination as regards the various forms human nature takes, when passing under his re- view — thoroughly " posted up" as to all the " wild cat," " broken bank," and " uncurrent" notes in circulation — who can tell a counterfeit 25 cent piece by feeling, without troubling himself to look at it — and who, withal, is particularly attentive to ladies, in pro- viding them with seats in cars — where mostly ladies, or ladies accompanied by gentlemen are — and who, upon the whole, is civil, obliging, and attentive, with a sharp look-out after tickets, and those who have none. On a summer's morning, you will find him enter the car, as he gives the word " all aboard," dressed as if newly out of a band-box, in a suit of white, or unbleached linen, from head to foot, hat and boots included. For a rollicking bit of fun, he will enter the carriage, giving some well-known passenger a " dig in the ribs," as he sings out his morn- ing salutation of " How are you, old feller !" at the same time saying to the passenger, " I cal'clate you didn't see the calf we ketched upon the cow-ketcher." On the passenger pro- fessing his ignorance as to such an event having happened, but, being very desirous of get- ting " posted" on the subject, is eager for all the information he can get — the conductor, in return, still bent on a bit of fun to start the day's business with, then relates in his own peculiar fashion — which it is hopeless for us to describe, and more particularly regarding all the incidents connected with the catching of the animal referred to, and the variations, exclamations, emendations, and additions with which he garnished up his wonderful story — suffice to say that the story was well told, and ended by the conductor completelj' " sell- ing" his eager listener, when he told him, with a rich leer in the one e3'e, that the animal was on board, and he (the passenger) was the calf With that, the conductor would bolt to the other end of the car, leaving the whole company in a roar of laughter at the unfortunate wight who was so eager to hear sometliing of the marvellous, which Brother Jonathan is always ready to supply, when he can meet with a proper customer who will take it in. There is another character " on board" the car, however, it would almost be unpardon- able to omit noticing, namely, the attendant newsman, THE EAILROAD NEWSMAN AND BOOKSELLER. In America, there are almost no book-stalls connected with the railroad stations, as in Great Britain, where newspapers, periodicals, books, etc., are sold in such vast quantities. It must not be imagined, however, that the railroad traveller is neglected, in that respect, as will be found by experience on the lines, here. Started on your journey, you have not gone far before you are visited by the attendant newsman alluded to, " Morning paper, sir !" " morning paper, sir !" and thus he goes from one end of the train to the other, selling the morning paper for, perhaps, 3 cents — being one cent above publisher's price — but cheap enough withal. After he thinks j'ou have had time to " read, mark well, and inwardly digest" all the 3 cents' worth, he visits you again, dispensing this time gratuitous literature, by handing to all and sundry a bill of 46 THE RAILROAD NEWSMAN — "PUSHING THE TRADE." some " heavier" article in the literary market — " Life and Times of Hugh Miller," just out, giving particulars regarding that publication — the great sale it has had — and if you wish to consider yourself a well " posted-up" man on such matters, you ought to buy a copy at the price of — the almighty dollar. You have just finislied reading the j)rospectus, when he returns and picks up all the prospectuses, as he cannot afford to have them either wasted, or to give you one gratis. You wait to see " what next," when next he appears with an armful of books nicely bound, one of which he hands to evei'y passenger. It is, " Life and Times of Hugh Miller." He thus passes through the car, and having given j-ou an oppor- tunity of perusing prospectus and work also, he waits a little till you have begun to scan the pages over, and when you are nicely at work perusing some interesting etoi-y con- nected with the life of that excellent specimen of Scotland's self-made men, the attendant is at your elbow, and at your ear also, making the polite remark, " Only one dollar, sir ;" if you hesitate — " the greatest book out, sir." Still you are doubtful — " No man but thinks of having that book, sir;" and, at last, between the eloquence of the author and salesman of the book, you are minus one dollar, but an addition to j'our library of one volume. Thus you watch the tact and perseverance without many words, with which the newsman goes along, selling all he can of those he had left with the passengers. He now disappears. By-and-by his next visit is in another character. By this time, he supposes you are getting thirsty — we will not suppose, for a moment, on account of the matter being rather dry, that he had, a few minutes before, sold you ; but, at all events, he appears now with a tin can full of iced water, which he dispenses in a tumbler to every thirsty person, gratis — handling both articles with some nicety — as the train flies along. Thus he supplies all who wish to drink. Having completed his journey in this line of business, he shortly appears again, loaded with another supply of books. This time, it is a " Railroad Guide." He leaves a copy of that also as before, and proceeds on. After j-on have perused it, you, probably, are inclined to be posted up as to the time of the raili-oad, as well as the time of day, and feel disposed to invest 25 cents for that — well-invested money as the newsman may tell you — " save many a train, sir." So on he passes, picking up those copies not wanted, and picking up the quarter dollars where they are to be met ■with. In this way does this attendant pass and repass, delivering, selling, and taking up copies of books of all sorts — magazines, illustrated newspapers, etc. — so that, between reading what you may have bought, and glancing over all those which are thrown in temptation's way, the time on a railroad, in America, passes away very fast, even although you should be travelling without any acquaintance to converse with. After a lapse of an hour or so, and after he has exhausted his variety of good things for the mind, our industrious fi'iend now appears with something approaching to "I0II3' pops" in appearance, but intended as food fur the body. This is the veritable "pop coi'n," all done up in paper bags, at " only 5 cents apiece." You have, probably, never tasted pop corn, you see every body else investing, and so goes another twentieth part of the said almighty dollar, for a bag of pop corn. From its starchy white look and appearance to some nice confectionary, you expect to get a sweet mouthful. However, j'ou will be disappointed, whether agreeably or not, we do not sa\', as that is a matter of taste. All we can say is, that we like it well enougli, and that it appears to be a great favourite, from the quantities you will see consumed on cars, steam- boats, in theatres, etc. It is the Indian Corn, subjected to heat, by some process, and blown up into a light confectionary -looking article, sprinkled over with salt, and a very healthy and, we dare say, nourishing article, for those who like it. Having left you to finish your stock of " pop corn," the faithful attendant is at your service once more, and if you were disappointed at his last visit, by not getting some " lolly pops," as you expected, you will now have an opportunity of investing another quarter of a dollar on some genuine " candy" of Mr. Somebody's excellent manufac- ture. There is no mistake this time, so you are inclined to speculate once more. But 25 cents' worth of candy, what are you going to do with all that ? If you are at a THE NEWSMAN — RAILROAD REFRESHMENT STATIONS. 47 loss, the attendant •will at once give you a proof of his kindness, and afford you an opportunity to exercise yours, by suggesting that it will no doubt afford you pleasure to divide it with the " little dears" in the seat before or behind you, and if there are none actually so close at hand, he will find some in the train who will become the grateful re- cipients of your benevolent kindness. Thus appealed to, you may be led to be generous ; or, if in stoical humour that day, in that respect, you begin to look at both sides of youi quarter dollar, before you exchange it for the packet of candy, done up so inviting as it is in white and gold paper. The "pop corn," however, by this time, urges the necessity of sotnet/iinff to allay the thirst which it created ; so you begin to hesitate, and, at lust, make up your mind you will not spend 25 cents on candy then — it's too much. To eat it all, perhaps, would turn the equilibrium of j-our stomach, and, whilst in that mood, between hesitivtion and want, the attendant — faithful man — puts an end to your solilo(piy by the information that " Wall, I guess you can have a dime's worth." That will do — a bargain is struck, and you hand out your 10 cents, and he gives you a portion of a package, value one dime. Thus engaged, therefore, between allaying your thirst with the candy, and en- joying your investments in literature, you whirl along till you come to a station where the iron horse takes in fuel and water. " All aboard" again, and you are once more meditating upon some of the beauties of nature, which you are passing rapidly, when another attendant appears, with a great bundle of newspapers under his arm. At the last stopping-place, the faithful attendant, who had so sedulously attended to your mental and material wants — with profit to himself and to you — has disappeared from off the stage — of the car, at all events — and you see no more of him. His place is taken by another, who has come up the line, perhaps 40 or 50 miles, with an up train, with the evening paper of the next large town or city you are approaching. " Important news by telegraph ;" " News by the ocean telegraph ;" " To-day's London news." You are now hit home, perhaps, and in your eagerness to know what the news is, you inquire " What is it?" when you are brought to your senses by the doUar-and-ccnt laconic reply, " 3 cents, sir." You had forgot ; the newsman, however, had not ; so you hand out 3 cents, and have it all before you. Between your morning paper, your evening paper, your one dollar volume, your Rail- road Guide, your pop corn, and your candy, and sundiy drinks of water, you have been pretty well occupied during the journey, and we are bound to think that you have not •wearied any more with travelling only at the rate of 20 miles per hour, than you would have done if you luul been on the Great Western Express, railing it at the punctual time of 60 miles an hour, with " Hell Fire Jack" as driver, from London to Bristol. The newsman on the railroad car is a character perfectly unique, and only to be met with on an Amei'ican railroad, or steamboat sometimes. RAILROAD REFRESHMENT STATIONS. The great distinguishing difference between the refreshment saloon at the railway sta- tions here and in Britain is, that those in Britain are, for the most part, occupied with bars, for the sale of liquors of all kinds, and wretched tea and coffee, or soup — with the latter so scalding hot, however, that you have neither time nor patience to wait till it is cool enough to enjoy it. In America it is just the reverse. The bar, where intoxicating liquors are sold, is scarcely to be seen at some stations. It forms a very secondary place in the establishment. The refreshment saloon proprietor finds it necessary to supply the best, most wholesome, and substantial victuals for travellers, whilst the railroad companies allow tlieir passengers time to enjo}' them. People in this country liave no idea of travelling 300 or 400 miles, on an old fusty biscuit, or spunge cake, and keeping up the " inner man" with brandy and water, or pale ale — things all very well in their proper place, but not to travel upon for from 12 to 24 hours. Di.v.vER. — In your journey along the line, we omitted to convoj' you to the dining saloon. When, tlierefore, the bell on the engine has rung its last stroke of stoppage, you jump oflf the car, and arc informed — " 20 minutes here for dinner." You are now, probably, landed 4:8 A WAY-SIDE REFRESHMENT SALOON — SLEEPING CARS. at a station not for from a dense forest, or in the midst of a deep valley, -with a range of mountains, perhaps, on every side, with nothing to be heard bill the " iron horse" snorting till he comes to a stand-still, and the sound from his nostril reverberating through the val- le}-, and re-echoed again and again. You feel disposed to disappointment in being landed at such a primitive-looking station, which presents, from all you see around you, externally, such scanty means of providing a good dinner, for you, who have tasted nothing very sub- stantial, probablj', from 5 to 6, a. m., and now it is 12.30 or 1, p. m. Besides, there is not the magnificent refreshment saloon as in England, like the Midland at Derby, or Carlisle — with its ecclesiastical looking ceiling, and its baronial fire-place. If you have not that, you have, in just such a station as that of Stafford, or at Bristol, a wooden refreshment-room, well stocked inside. You now enter the dining-room — take your seat — and we will guarantee you will get a most sumptuous dinner, there and then, for 50 cents, (or 2s. stg.,) and have time to take it in comfort, compared with the " bolting" necessary at some of the refreshment stations in Great Britain, where you have to pay 62J cents (or 2s. &d. stg.). At this country way-side station, tliey are all prepared for your coming, every thing is ready to the minute the train is due. Most of the dishes are cut up, all ready, and, between soup, delicious trout from the mountain streams at hand, farm-yard poultry, mut- ton, beef, pork, vegetables, and pies and tarts innumerable, with, for dessert — in summer sea- son — water-melons, musk-melons, huckleberries, and several fruits we cannot name, to- gether with pure iced-water — we can vouch you have finished, most satisfactorily, 20 min- utes' good hard work in the use of knife and fork. You now retire, we will be bound to say, agreeably disappointed with the refreshment-saloon, even at a way-side station in the United States of America. At some stations, the charge is only 25 cents, and a very good dinner is got. All the passengers, sit down at an immense long table. There are no 2d-class refreshment-room stations — all are Ist-class, but at 2d-class English prices. The conductor, driver, and all the attendants of the train, join at the universal table ; but none of them until they have washed themselves in the washroom adjoining the dining-saloon. Breakfast. — ^Travellers who start very early in the morning, or who may have been travelling all night, will hail the arrival at the breakfast station, with its plenty of good cheer, in hot coffee, tea, toast, potatoes, ham and eggs, beef steaks, mutton chops, bread and butter, eggs, (boiled, poached, and fried,) etc., etc., etc., with a tumbler of iced-water. Charge foi- such varies from 25 to 50 cents, depending upon localities, and set out. Time allowed, 20 minutes. Tea or Supper. — Generally about 5 o'clock — unless near destination of chief terminus the train will stop for tea or supper, allowing 20 minutes. The fare presented is similar to breakfast, with the addition of pies, tarts, etc., with all kinds of preserves. Charge, 25 to 50 cents. Of course there are no fees to waiters. At all the refreshment-saloons on the rail- roads here, the attendance is most efficient, with damsels which rival, in every respect, the far-famed waitresses at such as "Wolverton, Stafford, Peterborough, or Swindon stations in England. SLEEPING CAES ON RAILWAYS. Amongst the many improvements introduced in connection with comfortable locomotion, none of so important a character for travellers by night trains has ever been introduced as that of the sleeping berths fitted up for passengers in some of the railroads in Canada and the United States. On the Grand Trunk Railroad in Canada, the sleeping cars are the most comfortable of any we have seen ; almost in every respect like the berths of a first-class cabin in a steamer — all enclosed, with the conveniences and comforts of a good bed, washstand, etc. so that travellers going between Montreal and Toronto during night, can go to bed and rise in the morning at their destination much more refreshed than if they had sat up all night. This luxury can be enjoyed by i)aying $1 extra. On several lines in the United States cars are fitted up similarly, but not quite so completely nor so comfortable as those in Canada, al- though a great improvement so far. Between Cleveland and Cincinnati, for instance, each CHURCHES OF AMERICA — ATTENDANCE AT CHURCH. 49 car is fitted up for 56 bertlis, for which the extra charge is 50 cents each. Altogether, it is a move in the right direction, and, we should suppose, might be adopted with advantage on the long line runs of such as the Great Northern and London and North-Western, be- tween London and Edinburgh, the night trains of which, for comfortable accommodation, are nothing to compare with the cars alluded to in this country. On the Pennsylvania Central Road, there are high-backed sofa seats, which one can repose upon very comfort- ably, at no extra charge. THE CHURCHES OF AMERICA. TuE elegance of the churches in the United States and Canada is well known to every American traveller. Whilst there cannot be, of course, such venerable edifices to be seen as the fine old cathedrals of such as Salisbury, York, London, and Westminster, (Eng.,) or Glasgow and Elgin, (Scot.,) yet we have no hesitation in saying, that in modern churches, those of Canada or the States will compare favourably with any in Great Britain or Ire- land, either in artistic excellence in architectural design, as well as substantiality. We know of few towns in Great Britain, which, in comparison with its size, can show such a turn out of elegant places of worship as is to be seen, for example, in the city of Toronto. In one or two other towns, such as Montreal, the Catholics excel in the external beauty as well as size of their cathedrals, although internally they are nothing to boast of, some of them even betraying, in our opinion, very bad taste. The English Episcopalian cathe- dral and churches, as well as those of the Congregationalist and other bodies again, both externally and internally, show generally excellent taste, combined with great comfort. The Presbyterian churches, both English and Scotch, also present some very handsome edifices, excelling, as a general rule, we think, the buildings which the Scotch Free Church Presbyterians have been erecting lately in many of the Scotch towns, most of which, for- tunately, make no pretensions to architectural beauty of design. For the same amount of money which many of these churches have cost, if the Americans had had to build them, they would in all probability have erected neat and tastefully-designed churches entirely of wood, and by painting them white, with green round the windows and doors, and with their bright green Venetian blinds, would have presented, as they do in country districts here, churches and chapels, that, however small, at once commend themselves for their ele- gance and neatness. In the large cities on the seaboard, such as New York, in the lavish expenditure of money which must have been spent on the magnificent edifices there, we should say, that the Americans have good reasons to be church- proud. (See New York^^or engravings of such.) THE ATTENDANCE AT CHURCH. On visiting the churches in the United States and Canada, the stranger will find them well filled, generally speaking. In summer time, the ladies are to be seen going dressed in the most expensive muslins and laces, with bare arms, perhaps, under elegant mantillas of the most zephyr thinness, displaying easily the shape of the figure, be it handsome or otherwise. In the autumn or " fall," the most gorgeous silks, brocades, and velvets are worn. This being the age of "hoops," of course the ladies assume larger dimensions than usual; the use of that article in this -country being carried to as great excess as we think it possible to be done. As a general rule, the congregations of all places of worship are exceedingly well dressed, and present, in summer time, some features rather different from those in Britain. In the summer time, ladies take fans with Ihcm to church — the value of that article ranging from a 5-cent dried palm-leaf, to every sort and design of the most costly Chinese and French manufacture. During the service, the fans are kept in almost constant motion in cooling their possessors, much, we should suppose, to the annoyance of the speaker, seeing these waving back and forward before his eyes, at rates varying from 5 to 50 miles per hour. The gentlemen go in suits, some of black, some white, some drab, and some brown, just a? 50 DRESS AT CHURCH— CHURCH PSALMODY. it suits tlieir taste, convenience, or comfort. Many with Avhole suits of white linep, and being newly washed and "got up," with pure white shirt-fronts, turn-down collars, and small ribbon for neck-tie, look uncommonly well, neat, and clean-looking, and, in the hot weather, the most comfortable dress of all. As we have sat broiling under our black coat, vest, and trowsers— all woollen— we have many times envied those gentlemen in white and fine linen. In the matter of hats, too, the big black chimney pot is thrown aside by many, and the light straw or felt hat adopted in its place, so that, dressed up as now described, with a pair of thin patent leather boots or shoes, fit for a ball, it will be seen, that the American gentleman dresses so as to be as easy, light, and comfortable as he can. Little boys are similarly dressed as the gentlemen ; and girls— women in miniature — they must follow the fiishion allotted to them, and are dressed and screwed up like so many big dolls, but certainly with the most exquisite neatness and taste, and some of them at no small cost. In the winter months it is just the very reverse of all this. Nothing can be too thick, almost, from the sole of the foot to the crown of the head, for ladies, gentlemen, and children. The working classes turn out to church exceedingly well dressed, and if it was difScult to tell, at one time, the difference between a Manchester or Glasgow factory-girl from the daughter of a mill-owner, on Sunday, it is pretty much the case now in America — Sally of the hotel or the private residence, as well as the well-paid workman's wife, being de- sirous of showing off as well as those of the " upper ten" — not forgetting their fan, either, when they go out. CHURCH PSALMODY. On entering almost any church, chapel, or meeting-house of any denomination what- ever, the stranger must at once be struck with the most excellent psalmody which he hears in the places of worship. Generally speaking, there is as great a difference between the psalmody and music in American churches, when compared with that heard in England, as there is between the sing-song, drawling, unmusical notes to be heard in some of the churches in country parishes in Scotland, when compared with the music in such as St, Bride's, in Fleet street, or Rev. Dr. Binnie's, in Fish-street Hill, London. The reason appears to us to arise from the study which the Americans, as a people, give to the art, commencing with them when very young at the piano or melodeon, and hav- ing thus early learnt it, become to like it, and carry it into their religious services. In the choirs of places of worship, as is well known, the wives and daughters of the most respectable families assist, and scarcely is there a choir, we should say, but what can boast of its prima donna, belonging to the upper classes, amongst its volunteer assistants. Struck, sometimes, with some particular tenor, towering above all the others, we have found, upon inquirj', the voice to be that of the lady of Mr. A., the importer, or hearing an ex- cellent bass voice, were told it was Mr. B., the manufacturer. In some of the churches in the large cities is this particularly the case, the singing being such as we fancy could not fail to arrest the attention, and please the man who does not know even one note from an- other. In some congregations, the hymn books have musical notes printed in; others, again, have music books with airs only — consequently, a large trade is done in supplying congregations with sacred music books, or with hymn books set to music. We do not find, however, that the congregations, »s a body, let their voices be heard, any more than they are heard in many churches in Britain. They appear to allow the choir and the organ to do the work, and in many churches they are mere listeners. As an exception to this, may be named such as Rev. Mr. Beecher's church, in Brooklyn, New York. There the whole congregation appear to sing with hearty good wiU — in itself, a treat to hear. Every place of worship has a musical instrument of some kind, generally an organ, or melodeon. Even the small congregation, in the large Scotch Presbyterian Church of St. Andrew, at Clifton, (Canada West,) appears to have been inoculated in favour of a musical instrument, for without waiting, we presume, for authority from headquarters, (being a LUMBER AND LUMBEEMEX. 51 Scotch established church) they have asserted the right in their adopted land — and being in close proximity to the " land of liberty" — to introduce a melodeon to assist their psal- mody, and with good efifect in singing the good old-fashioned psalms and paraphrases of the " authorized version." A controversy is now going on in the church meetings, in Canada, upon the subject of introducing instrumental music into churches, similar to that which is going on in Scot- land, amongst the members of the United Presbyterian body there. LUMBER AND LUMBERMEN. The term "lumber," is meant to represent all kinds of timber, whether in logs, deals, spars, shingles, or any other description of cut or uncut timber. " Lumbermen" as those who are employed in cutting down the timber, preparing it for, and making it into rafts, and " rafting" or sailing those rafts down the rivers to a port. Thus a raft is " run" or " rafted" down a river, when it is being taken to market to be sold. The term raftsmen is, therefore, synonymous with lumbermen, when conveying the lumber along tlie rivers. The lumbermen of Canada are chiefly French Canadians, and, in many respects, they lead a solitary, exposed, and hard-woi'king life. In the summer season these men are engaged by large " lumber houses," owners of im- mense tracts of forest lands and swamps. They are sent hundreds of miles up the country, to certain stations in^ the interior ; along with them they take a supply of pork, flour, and biscuit, and warm clothing, sufficient to last over the winter season, and until the river navigation opens. When winter sets in, they are engaged "chopping," or felling down the trees, and preparing them into logs. Some do nothing but chop ; others, again, attend to the "logging," that is, yoking the bullocks and attending to them in drawing the logs out of the forest, to the nearest outlet of the river, or point, where they are prepared into rafts. Another is employed as cook for the party, who remains at home all day, preparing the food, and, perhaps, exercising himself in the use of the rifle, in bring- ing in some game so as to furnish an extra savory dish now and then. They live in wooden "shanties," or log-houses, Avhich, by plastering or the use of bark, are rendered as warm as any stone house. There, during the dreary months of winter, with snow and ice on every ade, and a dense forest around them for many miles, do these hardy men exist, enlivening their evenings by games at cards, or probably reading the latest newspaper, if one, by any chance, should come in their way. Tlie winter time, when every thing is frozen hard around them, is frequently a more comfortable time for them than at other seasons, when in swamps they are obliged to stand in water and chop or log. In winter they wear suits of the heavy Canadian cloth, alluded to elsewhere, witli long boots, of a very heavy and substantial make. In Canada alone, it is estimated there are upwards of 80,000 lumbermen regularly employed, chiefly in the Ottawa, and far north-west districts. They are engaged for the season, perhaps. Tliey go to work, live in the bush, as described, during the winter, and, after they have got all their logs made into rafts, they are prepared to "run" them when the ice disappears. The running of rafts is, sometimes, a very dangerous opera- tion, particularly on such as the Rivers Ottawa and St. Lawrence, where there are so mtiny rapids ; however, by the use of long oars, at each end of the raft— each oar acting as a helm to steer with— and experience, the practised lumberman gets along without much dan- ger, excepting where he gets into a wide expanse of the river where the small lakes are formed, and a storm coming on, he runs the risk of tlie raft being blown in ditlVrent directions, and thus " wrecking" the raft, sometimes, beyond hope of recovery, and with loss of life often. On such a lake as St. Peter's, on the St. Lawrence, is this sometimes the case. We here give an engraving of rafts " running" the rapids of the St. Lawrence, at Cedars, Canada East, 36 miles^" S. W. from Montreal, which will give an idea of one of the most dangerous and exciting scenes during the voyage of a raft, on its way to market. 52 RAFTS OF LUMBER RUNNING THE RAPIDS. In some districts, the rafts are divided, and niade to descend the " slides'' — where there are no rapids, or other means of conveying them past locks or falls. o m < H of Q I— ( Pi a H b I— I P3 P5 P O m H j,\i|iw/F'''lH'' On the rafts are erected temporary houses, or huts, and with a cooking stove, barrels of flour, pork, etc. Thus they may be seen, making their way for hundreds of miles down the rivers to various ports on the St. Lawrence, but particularly to Quebec, the greatest lumber shipping port in America. The lumbermen are engaged for so much per season, with victuals. When they arrive at Quebec with the rafts — the proceeds of their winter's work — they are then paid the amount due them, and are readj^ to engage for the next sea- son. Sometimes the lumbermen are very troublesome, in breaking engagements with their employers, and hiring themselves to others when they get up the country. Employers THE LUMBER TRADE — FIRE-ENGINE ESTABLISHMENT. 53 complain of this, -whilst the men, on the other hand, complain of bad treatment, or tlie terms of the engagement not being acted up to. An attempt was made to establish a registry of lumbermen in the Ottawa district, with the view of checking the evil alluded to, but nothing of a legislative character has yet been done, to render any such measures legallj- binding. The rafts on the Delaware, maj- be seen in similar manner, floating down to Philadelphia, which is the market for its lumber. All the large cities on the seaboard are more or less lumber markets, and by the cheapness of this article, are the people kept in a supply of firewood, (the only fuel in most places,) as well as material fur building, fitting up, and furnishing houses, in doing which, the United States and Canada certainly do " lick all creation." To give an idea of the magnitude of the trade done at Quebec, in the single article of lumber, of Canadian growth, we annex the following statement : — An Abstract oftJie Number of Pieces of all Lumber {square Umber excepted) measured in Quebto during the season of 1S66. 1,51S masts and bowsprits; 1,603 spars; 61,496 oars; 2,639 cords of lathwood ; 1,87S,1TS standard pine deals ; 552,4(V2 standard spruce deals ; 333,555 standard pine and spruce deals, uncalled ; 1S5,3S2 pine planlr and boards, culled ; 15,110 pine plank and boards, counted ; 7S,419 spruce plank and boards, culled; 14,0S5 spruce plank and boards, counted ; 1,339,682 standard staves ; 940,134 West India staves. The total exports of timber of all kinds from Canada, in the year 1S56, amounted in value to |10,016,SS3; and the value of ships built in Quebec and sold out of the country amounted to $1,213,076 ; making a total of wood goods exported of $11,183,959. The receipts by the Canadian government, were as follows : — During the year 1856 the gross receipts were — On account of Timber Licenses $214,012 90 Do. Government SUdes 32,788 90 — - 246,801 80 Deducting charges of management, Timber Licenses 23,035 70 Do. do. do. Government Slides 1,895 69 34,931 39 Leavinganet of $211,870 41 FIRE-ENGINE ESTABLISHMENT. "Who has not heard of this "Institution" — one so hallowed in the recollection of every American, from 15 to 100 years of age? As to the regular paid firemen of Great Britain, the British public care no more about them, than they do about their chimney- sweeps, or street-scavengers. Tliey are all men who are paid for doing their work, and are expected to do it well. If they do not do it so, some one else will be got, who will do it right, and so there is an end of it. Not so in America. The fire-engine of the Ameri- can is associated with his first breath of life, perhaps the toy of his childhood, till it reaches into manhood with him — growing with his growth — his first thought in the morn- ing, and, too often, his last thought and action at night. Grown out of a voluntary act, when towns were not able to support fire-engines, and pay men specially for looking af- ter them, the institution of the fire-engine, and firemen companies, have become a power, alas ! however, like all human greatness, destined to reach the summit of its greatness, and wane gradually till it disappears, at last, altogether from sight, or memory. To express an opinion against this institution at one time was tantamount to blasphemy — and to doubt their efficiency, as a body, was downright infidelity. It may be asked by some, who and what are these firemen there is so much said and written about ? They are simply a body of men, generally young men and lads, who, in a particular district of a city, form themselvea into a firemen's company, with the laudable desire of assisting in putting out fires, and saving the property at such as much as possible. Tlie corporation furnishes them with an engine, engine-house, hose, hooks, ladders, etc., etc. They pay for the decoration and furnishing of their engine themselves. They are very particular about having their en- gine to beat every other engine already in existence, or which ever may come into exist- ence. It shall be more expensively painted and decorated. Its fittings of brass, copper, and silver-gilt, shall shine so as to dim the lustre of all others within eye-sight on a parade 64 THE firemen's "run out." day. Its power shall be such as to throw a jet of water higher than the highest j'et at- tained, and carry on its front, as a mark of its gallantry and strength, a pair of the horna of an ox. "With all these beauties and qualifications, it must combine in it, all the ease, lightness, and grace of a fairy chariot, and none of the clumsy red and black painted wheels of an engine of Tilley's, or Merreweather's, of London. No ; the '• Nonpareil" fire-en- gine of the lOOth district "Nonpareil Company," with the "Knickerbocker Ilook and Ladder Comjwny," with hose, and hose-carriage, is a paragon, to match which the world is challenged. When the awful sound of a conflagration is heard tolling, mournfully, it may be, over the city, with the news of the " devouring element" being at work some- where, it is then that the philanthropic fireman is to be seen in all his excitement and glory — then, that his bowels of compassion to save life as well as property, urges him to the scene — it is then, that the " Nonpareil" engine, with the " Knickerbocker" hook and ladder, and hose, close behind, are expected to be at the fire first of all. Yonder you see it coming scampering down the hill, in full flight with its 20 human horses in the traces, with red jackets and helmets, nearly cap-a-pie, rushing along, and clearing the streets as they go, witli captain in front, and as he runs, shouting out his orders through his sil- ver-gilt trumpet. There they are in full cry, when behind them, another company with engine No. 1, wheels round the corner, and, in its attempting to pass the renowned " Nonpa- reil," gets jammed up against the first lamp post, and maimed for doing any more good or harm, for the remainder of that day or night. The " Nonpareil" still holds on its trium- phant career, although it may have broken a leg or two of its members, in its encounter with No. 1. It arrives within half a gun shot of the scene of action, when another com- pany, No. 2, drives up, before the redoubtable " Nonpareil," and pitching into it, smashes its slender body, and all "the fixings," into smithereens, till at last No. 2, and a few others arrive at the fire, and find it — a false alarm, after all. What is the meaning of all this ? will be asked. Only — that the firemen of one company had sounded the alarm of fire, and wanting a rwi for themselves, thought they would show how soon they could be at a particular spot, in advance of all their neighbours, and thus take the " shine" out of them. In sober eaimest, however, the foregoing is no exaggeration of a scene in going to an ac- tual or reputed fire. The scenes of rivalry which the system has engendered, the fights at fires, the loafers and scoundrels of all sorts which have lately got connected with fire companies — whose only object is to get up fires for the sake of plunder — has led to the doom, as we believe, of the existence of volunteer companies in connection with fire-en- gines and fire-brigades. Public opinion, backed by tlie insurance companies, have now found out a remedy for reducing the number of fires, and also the amount of destruc- tion of property which follow them. That remedy is the establishing the steam fire-en- gine, and a regular paid staff of firemen. The public in all the large cities almost, seem alive to the importance of adopting the new system, and appear to give it their hearty support, against the deadl}^ opposition of the volunteer fire companies, who cannot but see that the day of their services is fixed — that their pet fire-engines may be put in glass cases as relics of the past, as soon as they like. Instead of a run out with their engine, and breaking sundrjr legs and arms — or turning out of bed now and then to actual fires, they will be able to spend their evenings more pleasantly and profitably in the magnificent saloons and reading-rooms of their mer- cantile libraries, and sleep sound at night without giving themselves any trouble whose propertj- is on fire, as the iron horse, will, ere long, clear all before him, and soon drown out the biggest fire which has ever happened, in a 100th part of the time it would take 60 volunteer fire-engines, however neat and trim they may be. THE STEAM riKE-ENGINE. « 00 ,c •1^ +3 -w tn h-i c a &^ cl OJ u fl ■4-J CO -js O a o o I- O bS) S ? ' m Oh S 'Cl rS3 CO a « m § "^ £ M 3 cj S (^^ S 03 o 2 r3 03 02 o 60 c3 OS I) ;-< *3 ^ O a 6D be OS C3 -r Ff O — a .^ 4) W3 03 a. o « -s •V t* a <0 o -4^ ns a 3 o ci o 03 '^ 3 bD '^ 3 s- tft o S 2 .2 ® -S 60 o ^ O 03 O 4J 3 0) 3 3 O OS ^'n OJ C« p3 3 03 3 ^ 4J O 3 ^ o o a> 3 -^ i3 H o 3 M 01 I-H OS 1—4 c3 qj ^ "^ P § ^- OJ .a A to 60 « s •-^ ts -e a •1) 3 a 3 03 a 3 o a> 03 OJ o ,3 en -►^ 03 03 3 60 ;:2 ^ .2 3 > 3 3 u

o OT m HI 60 o o a; •2 a 3 O 03 M OJ 03 fri CO o i5 a o 3 3 03 « . 3 a> S 3 ^ > cs += 03 ^ fl 2 cc g 3 2 Ph THE STEAM FIRE-ENGINE — EXPRESS. 55 THE STEAM FIRE-ENGINE. One of the greatest inventions of modei-n times, as connected with saving property from destruction and theft at fires, and for raising the dividends of fire insurance companies, is that of the application of steam to the fire-engine. In cities where these engines are in use, the dividends of the fire insurance companies have risen about 6 per cent ; people sleep sound in bed at night, feeling confidence in the power of the fire (steam) engine — putting all fires out quickly, and in doing so, respecting property — with very few fires taking place now, compared with what occurred formerl}\ These are some of the results of the steam fire-engine being established. To Cincinnati belongs the honour of first setting the worthy example in this respect, and to one man there, viz.. Miles Greenwood, of the Eagle Foundry, belongs the credit, more than to any other man, for carrying it out, although frequently at the risk of health and life. When at Cincinnati, we had an opportunity of seeing these engines at work, at fires, and most admirably did they answer the purpose. First of all, it must be understood, that, as in the London brigades, men are at the fire- engine stations constantly, night and day. They have, moreover, towers at each, from the top of which a watch is kept all over the city, so that when a fire breaks out, it is seen at once. For each engine there are 4 powerful horses kept ready harnessed. Each engine is kept filled with water and fuel, and all ready to fire up. No sooner is the alarm of fire given, than one man puts a match to the fuel, when it is burning in a minute — the horses are yoked, and in two minutes are on their way to the scene of the fire. The burning fuel in the engine is getting up the steam, and before six minutes has elapsed, steam is up to the required pressure, so that, on arriving at the fire, it is ready to work the en- gine, and throw the water through the hose. If the steam is up before the destination is reached, it propels the engine forward, making it light work for the horses. At night, it is a novel sight to see the horses and steam-engine together, careering along the street, snorting up the steam and smoke as they gallop along, and making the fire-sparks fly from their heels. There is something positively grand and exciting in such a sight, and one can- not help, in this matter, admiring the go-ahead character of the people, in a most practi- cal direction. When they arrive at the scene of the fire, the horses are unyoked, and the firemen con- nect the main hose of the engine, with the water-plugs — these conveying the water into the fire-engine — and from there, it is pumped against the fire. There the engines stand quietly working away, as easily as possible, with the stoker behind adding fuel, and an engineer in front looking after the machinery. The power of throwing water through these engines is almost beyond belief Since their successful establishment in Cincinnati, almost all the large cities have been supplied with them. It is supposed, because the steam fire-engine cannot eat, drink, and bribe, that it has not made much greater headway in some cities ; however, its advantages are compelling its adoption, and, ere long, we should suppose, its use will be universal in all large towns. The steam fire-engine is made, also, for 2 horses, and, od some occasions, steam has been got up in 4 minutes, 45 seconds. EXPRESS. That's the word in America! It is applied to every moving thing, animate and inani- mate — to movements of the steamship, the locomotive, the body, as well as tlie mind. Every thing and every body is alive, and goes by express. The people live and tliink by express, as many of them acknowledge. From the forwarding a box of goods to thoir conclusions on the theory of human progression, all is express work. If you want to send a parcel 300 miles per "goods train," and expect it delivered in 16 or 18 hours, as in England, you must send it here per " express freight." In that case, however, you may be glad if you 56 EXPRESS PEOPLE AND EXPRESS COMPANIES. have it delivered that distance off in 50 hours. If you wish to go 180 miles in 3 to 4 hours, as in England, simply per " express," you must here go by the " lightning express," and you need not fret your existence away because you are from 7 to 9 hours on the road. If, however, they cannot go by rail quite so fast as they do in Britain, with the or- dinary goods trains or expresses, they make up for it other ways. Although some " down easters" are said to take a long time to " calculate" what thej' are revolving in their mind, the nervous New Yorker, and even the grey and drab Philadelphian will think and act 50 to 1 compared with many. They are the living types of " express" people. They drive by express, they walk by express when the steam is up, they count their bills by express, drink by express, and, according to the opinion of the Hon. M. P. for Dundee (Scot.), they eat and spit by express. We say they drink by express; for whoever saw an American sit down and spend half an hour or more over his pint of beer or gill of whisky ? No, that is decidedly too slow. He stands at the bar of the saloon, and after the " cock tail," or " gin sling," or brandy and water is placed before him, the bottom of the tumbler is reached at one operation. There is no sitting and " fuddling" over the drink, as a general rule. Down it goes at a mouthful, and off he starts to some thing or somewhere else. We have met many intelligent men, who deplore that fast working of the brain which is so prevalent. One consequence is, such people do not live to enjoy the robust health they might otherwise do. Our remarks apply, of course, more particularly to men engaged in all sorts of business in the large cities. Some farmers, and many who live in the coun- try, may be seen, actually, one would suppose, trying how long a time they would take to do nothing ; whilst others, again, who have made a small independency, are satisfied to let the world wag as it likes — they purpose enjoying it, and its comforts and blessings, by taking things easy. In the rural districts as good specimens in that respect are to be seen as in Farmer Giles, of Devonshire or Buckingham (Eng.). "Express companies," however, form a different feature of American commercial life, and which we may here notice. EXPRESS COMPANIES. The great carriers — such as Pickford, Chaplin & Home, and Carver or worsted lord, where his workmen, or those of his committee, are engaged to play the part of ruffians in securing the votes of needy or imbecile voters by the basest of means ; where voters are held as prisoners in their own homes on the night of nomination day, and there filled drunk to overflowing, or forcibly bundled off in cabs to the head-quarters of the elec- tioneering camp, where the " bottled-up voters" are congregated like a herd of hogs ready for the butcher, and where, between the fumes of tobacco and the immoderate use of intox- icating drinks, they are secured, and half poisoned (and sometimes wholly poisoned) with liquor, and next morning, or election day, driven in cabs to the polling-booths to register their names in favour of a particular candidate, unless it be that they are considered not al- together " good men and true" by the previous night's debauch, — in that case they are driven off to the country for an airing, in the charge of keepers, till after the polling-booths close at 4, p. m. As well may we, with truth, apply the " bottling" system as applicable to all the elec- tions in Great Britain and Ireland, as we may those of brawling and riotous voters in New York to the elections all over America. With all their faults, we believe that the Americans in general display a spirit of inde- pendence, and require the protection of the ballot a great deal less than it is required in Great Britain and Ireland, and that they are, in general, above demoralizing influences, euch as the " bottling up" system referred to, and that the American workmen who enjoy the franchise, will not be so easily bought over, by either the bland smiles or the hypocrit- ical despotism of an employer, and who, in the exercise of their electoral privilege, act a ELECTIONS IN AMEEICA — THE SHAKERS, 79 more manly and independent part compared to shopkeepers in country towns in Britain, who, in tendering their votes, act only the part of a sort of door-mat, foot-stool, or lackey to the influential lord of the manor, or it may be to the manufacturing lord of the village, whose chief qualifications for a seat in the House of Commons are frequently only a heavy purse and local injlucnce, by means of which alone, such have been known — however un- popular to the people — to succeed in defeating some of the most accomplished, popular, and valued of British statesmen. We selected New York as the place where we should see the system of electing by bal- lot carried out under the most disadvantageous circumstances, and, so far as our experience goes, we felt somewhat agreeably disappointed that it did not turn out more in accordance with our previous erroneous ideas of the matter, and pleased that it is conducted in a man- ner, upon the whole, vastly superior to the open voting system of Great Britain and Ireland — where bribery and intimidation, in innumerable instances, defeat the ends of honesty and fair play. THE SHAKERS. "Shaker seeds and herbs," and "Shaker flannels," are amongst the multifarious signs exhibited at doors, and in the windows of retail stores throughout the United States — the excellence of these articles, as sold by a section of the Society of Friends in America — gen- erally known as " The Shakers" — having rendered them famous throughout the country. Tlie stranger in America who is desirous of seeing something of one of the " Institutions" peculiar to this country, may easily visit one of the Shaker villages when at New York, by taking the railroad, or steamboat up the Hudson, to Hudson City, 118 miles from New York, and thence for a few miles per rail to Lebanon Springs, in the County of Columbia, State of New York. In this trip, the tourist can enjoy the trip up the Hudson — visit Lebanon Springs, and the Quaker Settlement, two miles from there — the Catskill Moun- tains, in the vicinity — noticed elsewhere — and all in the course of a few days, at compar- atively little expense. The Society whose establishment we at present purpose noticing, reside at the Shaker village of New Lebanon, as we have said, two miles from Lebanon Springs, in a beautiful and fertile agricultural district. The village is situated on the face of a hill, and com- mands a fine view of the valley in the vicinity and surrounding country. The village is exclusively tenanted by the members of the Community. The principal building consists of a large Meeting-House, where the devotional exercises are conducted, and in the summer time, on Sundays, in the presence of vast numbers of strangers who are sojourn- ing at the Springs. The Extract House is another of the chief buildings. In it is the La- boratory, where the herbs, and tinctures from them, are pressed by means of crushing mills, vacuum pan, etc., under a skillful chemist, one of themselves. The estimation in which such are held, may be judged of from the fact, that in one year about 14,000 pounds' weight have been sold — the extracts of butternut and dandelion forming two of the principal ones sold. In another part of the village is the Seed House, formerly the old Meeting-House, near which is the Tannery, Dairy, and workshops where wooden- ware, door-mats, etc., are made. The Herb House, with its drying rooms, store rooms, etc., is another portion of the manufacturing premises. There, about 70 tons of herbs and roots — the produce of about 75 acres of their garden land — are pressed annually, by means of a hjdraulic press of 300 tons pressure. In various parts of the building may be seen both men, women, and chil- dren busily engaged in the diff"erent processes of manufacturing the articles named, or packing them up readj- for market. The Community at New Lebanon consist of about 500 persons, divided into eight fami- lies, as they are called, each family being presided over by two elders and two elderesses, each of whom have an equal position in the management, and to whose orders tlie members yield perfect obedience. The management of the temporal affairs of the Society is entrusted to trustees, who are 80 THE SHAKERS — COSTUME, ETC. elected by the ministry and elders, and wlio are legally in possession of all real estate belonging to the community. The chief business trustee is a Mr. Edward Fowler, a man of about 65 years of age. The principles they profess are Christian, although their views of Christianity are pecu- liar. It would take up too much of our space to go into detail respecting these ; but we may briefly say that they believe the millennium has come ; that theirs is the millennial Church ; that marriage prevents people from being assimilated to the character of Christ; that the wicked are punished only for a season ; that the judgment-day has begun in tlieir Clmreh being established ; and that their state of existence is the beginning of heaven. They entertain the doctrines of the spiritualists to a certain extent, and profess to have had their regular "manifestations of the spirit" for many years past, and that, for instance, tlie hymns they sing — both words and music — are revealed to them every week in time for devotional exercises on Sunday. In the Meeting- House they assemble at about half past 10 o'clock every Sunday morn- ing, and, Quaker-like, the sexes are seated separately, with the men and women facing each other ; all the men, excepting the elders, being in their shirt sleeves, and wearing blue cotton and woolen trowsers and vests, with calf-skin shoes, gray stockings, and large turned- down collars, as seen in iigure 1 in engraving of costume. The women wear, for the most part, pure white cotton dresses, with white cotton handkerchiefs spread over their necks and shoulders, with a white lawn square tied over their heads, with boots similar in ap- pearance to the high-heeled boots lately in fashion — the fashion of the time when the Society was established — and made of a light blue prunella. See figure 7 in engraving of costume. SHAKER COSTUME. The above enpraving represents the various costumes worn by the Shakei-s, both at home, and when from home. Figures 1 and 7 represent the worship, costume, anroperty, which shall contain a full descrii)tic)n thereof, and shall be recorded in the office of the clerk of the county in which the said property is situate, in a book to be provided for that purpose, and known as the " Homestead Exemption Book." But no property shall, by virtue of this act, be exempt from sale for non-payment of taxes or as- sessments, or for a debt contracted for the ]>urchase thereof, or prior to the recording of the aforesaid deed or notice. NEW HAMPSHIRE. There is a homestead exemption law in the value of $500, which descends to the widow or minor chil- dren, and a mechanics' lien law. There is no waiver of right to the exemption ex cept by deed. NEW JERSEY. Personal property to the value of $200, the prop- erty of a resident head of a family is exempt from sale, appraised, under oath, by three persons a])- poiuted by the sherilT; under certain stringent statu- tory provisions, the lot and buildings thereon occu- pied as a residence and owned by the debtor, being a householder and having a family, to the value of $1000; such exemption shall continue after the death of such householder, for the benetit of the widow and family, some or one of them continuing to occujiy such homestead until the youngest child shall become 21 years of age, and until the death of the widow ; and no release or waiver of such exemption shall be valid. The act provides for the sale or division of the homestead on execution, when its value exceeds $1000. The widow or administrator of a deceased person may claim the same exemption of ])er3onal property to the amount of $200, as against the creditors. NORTH CAROLINA. In addition to the wearing ajiparel, etc., exempted, there is also exempt from seizure the following prop- erty, proviiled the same shall have been set apart be- fore seizure, to wit. : 1 cow and calf, 10 bushels of corn or wheat, 50 pounds of bacon, beef, or pork, or 1 barrel of fish ; all necessary farming tools for 1 la- bourer, 1 beil, bedstead and covering, for every 2 members of the family, or such other i)roperty as the freeholders appointed for that purpose may deem necessary for the comfort and support of such debtor's family ; such other property not to e.xceed in value $5U at cash valuation. OHIO. The family homestead of every head of a family not exceeding in value $500, is exem|)t so long as the debtor, the widow, or the unmarried minor child shall reside thereon, although the title to the land shall be in another. In case there is no family homestead, $:iOO additional personal property to be selected by appraisers is allowed to the head of a family. The earnings of the debtor for his pereonal services at any time within 3 months next preceding, cannot be applied by law towards the satisfaction of a judg- ment, if necessary fur the use of a family supported wholly or partly by his labour. PENNSYLVANIA. The law exempts from execution property, either real or personal, to the value of $:ioo, if claimed by the debtor, exclusive of all wearing ai)paiel, bibles, and school books in the use of the family. This privilege may be waived by the debtor in the body of a note or in a confession of judgment. The widow or children of any decedent may retain 86 EXEMPTION LAWS — TIME INDICATOR. the same additional amount from the estate for her or their use. TENNESSEE. The usual simple articles of household furniture, farming utensils, and mechanics' tools, etc. Also the homestead of every head of a family, to the value of ^.OUO, provided he has had a declaration and due notice of such intention signed, sealed, and witnessed, and duly registered in the office of the Register of the County, and permanently resides on the homestead. Tlie widow of a housekeeper, and the children during their minority, are entitled to all the benefits of the exemption. TEXAS. The law exempts from sale on execution, and en- titles the widow of decedent to 200 acres of land, or any town or citj' lot, or lots, not to exceed in value $2000, as the homestead of a family, household and kitchen furniture, not to exceed in value |200. All implements of husbandry, etc., etc. By a recent de- cision of the Supreme Court, an unmarried man is entitled to the same exemption, except the 200 acres of land. He may retain a town lot and improve- ments to the value of $500. VERMONT. The Homestead Exemption Law is for the value of $500. Mechanics have a lien. VIRGINIA. In the case of a husband or parent, a few house- hold articles of furniture and provisions ; and in case of a mechanic, the tools and utensils of his trade, not to exceed $25 in value. Family portraits and en- gravings are expressly exempted from distress or levy. Slaves, also, without the debtor's consent, where there are other goods and chattels of such debtor sufficient for the purpose. WISCONSIN. The law exempts from forced sale a homestead con- sisting of any quantity of land, not exceeding 40 acres, used for agricultural purposes, and the dwelling- house, and its appurtenances thereon, to be selected by the owner thereof, and not included in anj- town- plot, or city, or village ; or instead thereof, at the option of the owner, a lot of land not exceeding one- quarter of an acre, being within a recorded town- plot, or city, or village, and the dwelling-house there- on, and its appurtenances. This exemption does not affect any labourer's or mechanic's lien. The law also exempts the dwelling-house owned by any person and situate on land not his own, but which land he is rightfully in possession of by lease or otherwise, provided he claims such house as his homestead. Owners of homesteads may remove from and sell the same, and such removal or sale shall not render the homestead subject to forced sale on execution hereafter issued in the State or United States Courts against the owner, except in judgment for fore- closure of mortgages. The homestead to descend to the widow, who shall hold it during widowhood. COMPAEATIVE TIME INDICATOR, Showing the Time at the Principal Cities of the United States and Canada, compared with Noon at Washingtcm, New York and Montreal. There is no standard railroad time in America as in Great Britain. Each railroad com- pany adopts the time of its own locality. Travellers are apt to experience considerable annoyance in consequence of such difference. The only way is to observe what difference there is between the time in each particular place, and arrange accordingly. For difference of time between Washington and the chief cities in the United States and Canada, see Time Indicator on following page: — NOON AT NEW YORK. NOON AT MONTREAL. At It will be At It will be Augusta, Ga 11 Baltimore, Md 11 Boston 12 Buffalo, N.Y 11 Charleston, S. C 11 Chicago, 111 11 Cincinnati, 11 Cleveland, 11 Columbus, 11 Detroit, Mich 11 Indianapolis, Ind 11 Louisville, Ky 11 New Orleans, La 10 Philadelphia 11 Pittsburg, Pa 11 Portland, Me 12 Richmond, Va 11 St. Louis, Mo 10 St. Paul, Min 10 will be 30 \. M 50 it 12 P. M 40 a. M 36 6 18 30 24 24 14 14 54 55 35 16 46 55 45 p. A. Boston 12 12 Buttalo 11 40 CoUingwood, C. W 11 33 " Goderich, C. W 11 28 " Hamilton, C. W 11 35 " Kingston, C. W 11 49 " London, C. W 11 30 " New York City 11 58 " Ottawa, C. W 11 52 " Paris, C. W 11 37 " Peterborough, C. W 11 40 " Port Hope, C. W 11 40 " Portland, Me 12 14 P. m Quebec, C. E 12 10 " Richmond 12 6 " Sarnia, C. W 11 25 a. M St. Thomas, C. E 12 13 " Three Rivers, C. E 12 4 P. M Toronto, C. W 11 36 " Windsor, C. W 11 23 a. m DIFFERENCE OF TIME BETWEEN EUROPE AND AMERICA "WHEN IT IS NOON AT NEW YORK, At It will be London 4 55 p. m. Liverpool 4 44 " Dublin 4 30 " Edinburgh 4 43 " Glasgow 4 44 " At II will bt Madrid 4 40 p. m. Rome 5 46 " Hamburg 5 35 " Constantinople 6 51 " Paris " 88 BUSINESS — PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE. BUSINESS— PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURK As upon the commercial position of affairs generally depends the progress of the country, and happiness and comfort of the people, we purpose noticing here, briefly, the leading characteristics of the business done in the United States and Canada during the year 1857, comparing its disasters with those of 1858, and ascertain something, if pos- sible, of the future. From statistics published, we find that in 1857, throughout the entire United States, there were 4,932 failures, involving an amount of liabilities of §291,750,000, (or about £58,350,000 stg.,) against which we find that in 1858 there were 4,225 failures, with lia- bilities of $95,749,662 (or about £19,149,932 stg.). This shows a difference of £39,210,- 068 stg., between the amount failed for in 1857 and that in 1858, but in reality nearly the whole of the amounts of both years' failures are connected with the trade of 1857, and that which was done previous to the panic which set in in October that year — the eflfects of which were carried into, and throughout the most part of the year 1858 — thus showing a grand total of $387,499,662, or within a trifle of seventy-seven millions and a half of ■pounds sterling of liabilities. The only natural conclusion is, as we have stated, that this large amount of money, has accrued nearly entirely from the panic, as it is well-known that the bona-fide trade done during the year 1858, has been characterized by the greatest caution, and there lias been no business done of a speculative kind. As one of the pleasing features connected with the panic of 1857, is the undoubted fact, of an immense amount of debts due by parties with whom compromises were made, and to others, again, to whom time was granted during the pressure — having paid up in full — and even now, houses are to be found anticipating the time in paying up their dividends, and paying in full. Independent of large concerns, we believe that amongst the small- er class of tradesmen the honourable and independent spirit of paying up every cent for the dollar past due, has been largely carried out, and speaks well for the confidence which is mutually exchanged between parties, which, after all, is more valuable in commercial communities, than bank bills. Eighteen hundred and fifty-eight, then, may be said to have seen the end of the great commercial disasters, which broke out first in Cincinnati in September, 1857, (in the fail- ure of the Ohio Life and Trust Company,) and which has extended to very nearly every corner of tlie earth. No doubt but that in some districts, particularly in the large cities of the Northern and Western States, a large amount of old outstanding debts are yet to col- lect, where possible ; but people now know the extent of the mischief which has been done, and are regulating accordingly. The trade of the past year, 1858, has, therefore, been the commencement of another new era in commercial afi'airs, and which will, no doubt, for some time at least, exhibit more caution than was shown for some years previous to the panic. That the country is already exhibiting signs of reviving health and strength in its manu- facturing, agi'icultural and commercial departments is, undoubtedly, a cheering fact, de- spite those complaints which now and then appear on the surface, when balancing the books of some of the public companies, or fast young cities in the west — rising, like the excrescences, from an unhealthy body, to get cured, and thereby leaving the great parent-sj'stem sounder and healthier than before. In some of the manufacturing concerns of New England, two to three months' orders are in hand for goods at present rates, and more orders refused, excepting at the market prices, when the goods are ready for delivery. In commercial circles, wholesale men are looking forward to doing a moderately large and safe trade throughout the year, as, from the manner in which all classes of store-keep- ers have been running down their stocks for the last fifteen months, their shelves are com- paratively bare of goods, so that an ordinary supply must be had ; and judging from the BUSINESS — PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE. 89 indications which the spring trade already gives, there is every reason for encouragement for the future. The emigration from Europe during 1858, has fallen off very considerably compared with previous years, no doubt owing to the general stagnation of affairs, together with the in- ducements hitherto held out for emigrating to the Australian colonies; but as the policy of emigrating even there at present, is questionable, we have no doubt but that in the natural course of events the United States and Canada will be enjoying as large a share of European emigration as ever they have done, as, what with the banks full of idle capital, the recuperative powers of the country, the character of the people, and the favourable commercial prospects for the future, every thing bids fair to see an early revival of tiie time when things will be going "ahead," as usual, in " full blast." We invite attention to the very valuable table of statistics, drawn up by Messrs. B. Douglass & Co., of the Mercantile Agency, given elsewhere, in which will be found some interesting particulars in connection with the failures of 1857 and 1858. From it we ex- tract the following statistics, respecting the failures in Canada : — CANADA. TOTAL NUMBER OF FATLURiS FROM IST OF JAMJART TO 25TH DECEMBER. Kumher of Failures. Totul LialiUties. Total ZuiUlities, 1857. 1858. 1857. 1858. In Toronto, C. "W 25 16 Remainder of Canada West 109 211 In Montreal, C. E 15 40 Remainder of Canada East 15 22 ?2,714,000. [£542,800] I $383,376. [ £76,675] 2,172,000. [£434,400] | 1,305,879. [£261,175 1 Increase of failures in Canada West in 1858. OS Increase in Canada East iu 1858 32 From the above it will be seen that business has been more healthy in Toronto in 1858 than in 1857, there being a decrease there of 9 failures during the 12 months just ended. Whilst throughout the other portions of Canada West, there has been an increase of 109 failures, during the same period. This maybe accounted for from the fact of many of the failures in Toronto during the panic of the last 3 months of 1857 having occurred before their effects reached the country towns in the province of Canada West. In Montreal again the case is reversed, there having been 25 more failures in 1858 than there were there in 1857, owing probably to the same cause as already alluded to— that the fiulures, during the panic of 1857-8, were not announced in Montreal until after 1858 came in, and thus have been included in the returns for 1858. In the remainder of the province of Canada East, the number of failures, announced as being 22 in number for 1858, also shows an increase of 1 over the previous year (1857). Although these facts show, in 1858, an increase of failures in Canada West to the extent of sixty-two per cent., and in Canada East of one hundred per cent, over those of 1857, it must be borne in mind that such increase is to be entirely attributed to the effects of the great panic which set in, in October, 1857— and that that increase more properly belongs to the trade of 1857 than that of 1858, as the trade of 1858 has been characterized by extreme caution— and what has been done, has been done safely— to a very great extent. During that time the fraudulent and weak in business have been pretty well weeded out— and had the last wheat crop not proved to a very large extent a failure, things would have been much better throughout Canada for the last six months than they were. Business matters are now, however, upon a sound footing— the principal thing requred being good crops for the next few years in Canada— and more particularly if the crops prove short in Great Britain and Ireland— this, together with an addition to the capital of the country, is what is wanted to render things in Canada as Uvely and prosperous as ever they were. 90 STATISTICS OF FAILURES. FAILURES IN AMERICA IN 1857 AND 1858. The following tables of Statistics regarding the number of failures -which have occurred in the United States and Canada, have been compiled by Messrs. B. Douglass & Co., of the Mercantile Agency, New York, from the immense mass of information, which the magni- tude of their establishment and business relations has placed them in possession of. Apart from tlie facts with which they are pregnant, they will form, in all time coming, interesting memento of a most eventful commercial epoch. STATISTICS AS TO FAILURiS FROM DEC. 25, 1857, TO DEC. 25, 1858. Localities. New York — N. Y. City (incl. Brooklyn and W'msburg.). Albany Buffalo Oswego Rochester Syracuse Troy Utica Balance of State Penxstlvaxia — Philadelphia Pittsburg Balance of State Ohio — Cincinnati Cleveland Balance of State Ix DIAXA MiCHIGAX — Detroit Balance of State Illixois — Chicago Balance of State Iowa — Dubuque Balance of State Wiscoxsix — Milwaukee Balance of State MixxESOTA AXD Territories Delaware and District op Columbia. . . Massacuosetts — Boston Balance of State Rhode Island — Providence Balance of State Coxxecticut Maixe New Hampshire Vermont New Jersey Louisiana — New Orleans Balance of State Missouri — St. Louis Balance of State Marylaxd — Baltimore Balance of State 3 S •^ "s^„- ^ ^ •2>^ ■2.^- 5 a •S.2 "&S •i.=-t S 1^ J. a fe-S ^ 2; i; H s| !| ^S No. No. Dols. Dols. 915 406 147,682 43,777 35 22 23,943 15,714 72 36 58,667 16,665 13 8 12,385 9,200 31 15 27,419 23,000 29 19 15,034 21,500 24 10 66,958 27,857 20 10 29,250 21,222 447 340 15,188 12,693 280 109 117,693 91,765 28 22 42,250 27,761 226 232 10,102 20,033 96 51 40,603 26,383 30 17 20,433 15,000 220 214 10,714 7,817 139 127 11,769 9,092 34 27 44,530 38,812 98 120 10,246 14,429 117 87 56,171 41,272 199 305 13,900 16,322 36 26 20,417 31,733 108 94 12,342 23,363 19 21 20,000 14,975 101 137 12,316 17,779 63 90 27,063 15,176 20 46 13,050 6,025 253 123 162,095 33,975 230 128 11,352 15,139 35 17 130,400 22,000 4 13 26,250 21,071 61 89 18,508 24,870 81 61 13,087 10,591 70 37 13,257 10,896 57 40 8,299 6,968 86 60 13,279 12,930 58 45 108,362 77,000 5 13 49,200 26,300 49 22 112,694 35,590 29 29 14,931 21,000 58 76 55,275 32,140 41 92 17,683 5,663 2-S Dols. 135,129,000 838,000 4,224,000 161,000 850,000 436,000 1,607,000 585,000 6,789,000 32,954,000 1,183,000 2,283,000 3,898,000 613,000 2,3.57,000 1,636,000 1,514,000 1,004,000 6,572,000 2,766,000 735,000 1,333,000 380,000 1,244,000 1,705,000 261,000 41,010,000 2,611,000 4,564,000 105,000 1,129,000 1,060,000 928,000 473,000 1,142,000 6,285,000 246,000 5,522,000 433,000 3,206,000 725,000 = 8 I I 5-5 Dols. 17,773,462 345,708 599,940 73,600 345,000 408,500 278,570 212,220 4,315,620 10,002,385 610,742 4,647,656 1,-345,533 255,000 1,672,838 1,154,684 1,047,924 1,731,480 3,590,664 4,978,210 825,058 2,196,122 314,475 2,435,723 1,365,840 277,150 4,178,925 1,937,792 374,000 273,923 2,213,430 646,051 403,152 278,720 775,800 3,465,000 341,900 782,980 609,000 2,442,640 520,996 STATISTICS OF FAILUEES. 91 STATISTrCS AS TO FAILUllES FEOM D£C. 25, 1857, TO DEC. 25, 1858. [Continued.'\ Localiiies. 2 1 1 1' 1. 5 =.11 :s Egg Av. of linhilitiet of each failure in 1858. •2 ii Kentucky — TjOnisville 19 31 30 90 32 7 16 11 40 15 62 31 24 7 4932 25 109 15 15 22 5118 IS 62 25 244 71 17 48 36 103 28 90 20 21 6 39,842 30,859 32,484 11,000 26,033,19,965 10,911' 8,950 28,906' 19,933 44,143 43,500 18,437 42,474 40,455 29,250 17,800 15,505 26,200 16,694 18,887 16,660 29,742 28,909 12,708 11,900 35,715 23.740 757,000 1,007,000 781,000 982,000 925,000 309,000 295,000 445,000 712,000 393,000 1,171,000 922,000 305,000 250,000 555,462 682,000 499,125 2,183,800 1,415,243 739,600 2,038,752 1,053,000 1,597,015 467,432 1,499,400 578,180 249,900 142,440 95,749,662 383,376 1,305,879 1,110,040 616,770 1,021,844 Balance of State Virginia — Richmond Tialance of State Georgia Arkansas At.AR4M\ l\rT«;msmppi Tennessee Tews North Carolina South Carolina — Charleston Tialance of State "Pl.ORTDA ' Total United States Canada West — 4225 16 211 40 22 23 4537 108,560 19,926 34,866 23,961 6,189 27.751 291,750,000 2,714,000 2,172,000 523,000 1,267,000 1,375,000 Canada East — Montreal 84,466 28,035 62,500 44,428 ^nvA SroTTA Avn \fw BrFRXWICK Total United States and British Provinces. . 299,801,000 100,187,571 STATES (X WHICH FAILURES IXCREASED IN 1858. Michigan 15 Illinois 76 Wisconsin 38 Jlinnesota and Territories 27 Delaware and District of Columbia 26 Connecticut 28 Maryland 69 Kentucky 30 Virginia". 149 Georgia 39 Arkansas 10 Alabama 32 Mississippi 25 Tennessee 63 Texas 13 North Carolina 28 Canada West 93 Canada East 32 Nova Scotia and New Brunswick 1 STATES IX ■Winai FAILVRES DECREASED IN 1858. New York City and State 720 Pennsylvania li'l Ohio 64 Indiana 12 Iowa 24 Massachusetts 232 Rhode island 9 Maine 20 New Hampshire 33 Vermont 17 New Jersey 26 Louisiana 5 Missouri 27 South Carolina 14 Florida 1 92 FARES AND DISTANCES FROM NEW YORK. DISTANCES AND FARES FROM NEW YORK. In the following tables will be found the fares and distances — as near as can be ascer- tained — from New York to the principal cities and towns, more particularly in the north and north-west districts. The fares given, are first class, as well as emigrant fares per railroad all the way ; also, per railroad and steamboats, where the latter run. Although the fares from New York to the north and west, are professedly the same, by all the different routes, yet the railroad companies object to publish emigrant fares, which renders a compilation of such more than usually difficult. The fares as stated, however, we believe will be found correct, or any difference there may be, will be trifling. The summer fares are lower than those now stated. To the north and west, the following are the great leading routes: — The New Yoek axd Erie Railroad. — (Station, West street, foot of Duane street,) extend- ing to Buffalo and Dunkirk. The Hudson River Railroad. — (Station, corner of Warren street and College Place,) or Line of Steamers to Alb.yny — thence the New York Central Railroad, and others, from there. The Pejjnsylvania Central Railroad, by way of Philadelphia and Pittsburg, one of the best made lines in the country, and through a beautiful district, now connected right through to Chicago. The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, through the far-famed scenery of the Alleghany Mountains, and one of the finest routes which can be taken by tourists. Parties at a loss for amount of fares to any given point, may calculate at tlie rate of 3 cents per mile first class, and one cent a mile for emigrant class. Strangers will observe that tlie fares are stated in ($) dollars, and (cts.) cents. For every dollar count 4s. Id. stg., and for every cent, one-halfpenny stg., which will give travellers from Europe an idea of the fares in British money. The fares in the second emigrant column, do not include meals on board the steamers on the Ohio, Missouri, and Mississippi rivers. Emigrants proceeding from New York, are booked at Castle Garden, or at the oflSce 252 Canal street, near Washington street. NAHE OF PLACE. STATE. Auburn Aurora Alton Albany Ann Arbour . Atchison liatavia Burlington. , . Booneville. . . Haltiinore.. . . Boston Brunswick.. . Belloit Bellefontaine Burlington... Blooiiiington. Buffalo Brock ville . . . Cincinnati.. . Caul (leu C'liariton ("ayuga Crestline.. .. Collrngwood . Chatham Cobourg New York Illinois I *^ ■New York Michigan Kansas Territory. New York Vermont Missouri Maryland Massachusetts Missouri Wisconsin Ohio. Iowa Illinois New York Canada West Ohio Missouri Iowa New York Ohio Canada West D!st. from First class EMIGKANT FARES. N.Ynrk. Fares per Per Rail- Railroad road. & StDier. $ Cts. Miles. $ Cts. $ Cts. 810 6 48 951 25 85 11 00 9 50 1053 30 25 13 50 12 00 144 3 00 1 50 715 17 10 9 00 T 00 1605 44 00 20 00 19 00 405 8 25 5 00 305 T 50 5 00 1305 89 00 188 9 00 5 00 842 8 00 5 00 2 50 1372 41 00 1071 26 85 12 50 11 00 690 18 15 8 50 7 50 1148 80 00 14 00 12 50 1036 27 00 12 50 11 00 442 9 00 5 00 478 10 90 G 50 755 21 00 10 00 9 00 1461 41 00 1260 88 10 829 6 70 4 00 630 16 25 7 75 6 75 623 14 32 8 25 7 50 680 14 50 7 50 606 18 82 6 00 FARES AND DISTANCES FROM NEW YORK. 93 Continuation of the preceding page. KAU£ OF PLACE. STATE. Dist. from N. York. Railroad. First class Fares per Railroad. EMIGRANT FARES. Per Rail- road. Railroad St Stca'er Copetown Canada West New York it Ohio Miles. 502 630 856 583 635 908 959 1400 705 678 939 991 1096 1006 495 1142 1204 459 995 497 1278 761 1044 1064 1029 1198 1270 499 334 1076 1079 520 596 1337 608 835 864 474 509 1044 490 1260 1150 813 999 843 1198 821 943 1480 1193 870 854 833 454 1568 860 500 1006 1193 897 401 996 765 250 729 906 1115 1480 1211 993 1156 1134 401 1085 19.39 1633 17 622 2219 1 1950 1 447 $ Cts. 10 65 8 60 7 45 14 00 18 00 24 00 81 00 58 60 19 50 16 00 24 50 26 75 29 60 27 00 10 44 29 85 28 35 10 10 28 50 11 50 35 10 19 75 28 00 29 50 27 60 81 15 89 85 10 56 7 00 29 00 29 10 11 40 13 47 40 00 13 83 20 70 21 50 9 81 10 86 28 25 10 50 32 50 80 60 22 50 27 00 24 25 86 00 20 00 25 65 41 00 32 75 9 10 24 85 22 00 9 50 ^2 00 23 00 12 75 26 00 82 50 23 00 11 00 26 70 17 40 10 60 16 25 22 (10 21 50 40 00 87 00 26 50 28 .50 29 90 9 85 29 50 61 00 47 00 00 25 17 25 54 00 51 00 9 00 $ cts. 6 25 6 00 4 50 6 50 8 50 10 00 14 50 9 50 8 50 11 50 10 00 15 00 12 65 6 25 25 00 18 00 5 00 18 50 6 00 9 50 13 75 15 50 13 50 16 00 6 25 4 50 18 50 14 50 7 00 6 50 18 00 8 00 10 00 10 00 6 00 6 75 13 00 6 25 16 00 14 00 10 50 13 00 12 00 17 00 9 50 12 00 20 00 17 00 11 00 10 50 5 00 20 00 10 75 7 75 11 50 17 00 12 00 6 00 12 00 8 50 8 00 10 00 14 00 15 00 12 50 13 .50 13 75 7 00 18 50 15 00 00 13 8 65 20 00 15 00 5 00 $ Cts. 5 50 7 50 8 50 13 00 8 50 6 00 9 50 8 50 13 50 11 25 18 50 11 50 12 50 7 50 12 25 14 00 12 00 12 00 13 00 17 00 8 50 8 50 12 00 14 50 12 50 9 50 11 50 11 00 16 00 8 00 9 50 19 00 15 00 00 10 00 8 50 19 00 8 75 10 00 15 50 11 00 10 50 7 50 8 50 12 50 13 00 13 00 9 50 12 00 12 75 11 50 17 75 13 00 Cane Vincent ii Illinois t( Oiiio Detroit Michigan Illinois a li Li Canada West Iowa a Dunkirk New York Indiana Pennsylvania Erie Eddvville Fort, Wavne Indiana Fulton Wisconsin Illinois Fairfield 4i Flamborough Geneva Canada West New York Illinois Canada West Missouri Glencoe Gla'^ffow Goderich Canada West 14 Canada West Wisconsin Canada West Missouri Grimsbv Horicon Hamilton Iowa ... Indiana Janesville Wisconsin Indiana Jpffersonville Kenosha Wisconsin Keokuk .• Canada West Indiana • New York Kan<5as Lewiston Leavenworth City Indiana Canada West Wisconsin Kentuckv Montreal Canada Kast Illinois Ohio Virginia Ohio Mansfield Michigan City In.^~ o 2 t-c.st-i S ers w very fthe 3ts go ticula e Rai o B^o-C-^^ •i^ a c 0) s ■^ •1— _g.5rr- g —c fs <» r '-r r^ s- S a ^ -r- m JS - J -3 r « . s - ^ e: X--^ V ~^ ^ :z *^ .;^ ^ c3 £: Ul \3j. OQ CC u. V- _ / O/ ,xcy ■?J A'^ '.Vil ,yM >„>" «.v- *i ^' v.'j t. ■:•■.> -.3; tfv