mSSBBHSSSSHm nBRgmraHH H DUMB ""ar BnSBnsKmt BEnHMQ ■ AVV" ■HAM KAaiiVw^ig' BBS fto8 Hon LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 5IO. 84 y>o. 800 - 8o*3 Cop. 2^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 fU r nc ft/ UIUCDCS-R-76-801 l v [ m and n ncessarily exist and can be easily determined. For more details see reference [2], 3.2.1 Error Bounds The maximum errors incurred by using (1) instead of (2) are: 6x = ay - [ay + 1/2J (4a) 6y = 3(x - ay) - [g(x - [ay + 1/2_J ) + 1/2] (4b) Any real number (u) can be expressed as m + e, where m is an integer, and -1/2 ^ e < 1/2. Thus, we can set ay = m + e, and obtain from (4a): <5x = m+£-[m+£+l/2j =m+e-m = e Thus, J 6x J 1 1/2. For (4b), we set x - ay = m + e-| where - 1/2 < £] - 1/2 instead. Then x - [ay + 1/2] = x - [x-m-E 1 + 1/2J = m, and (5a) we get 6y = 3m - 3m + 1/2 + 3£i = e + $e, 1 — — ' ' ' (5b) |5y| < 1/2 (|3|+D From theoretical consideration of the LANDSAT orbit, the actual 3 re- quired to bring LANDSAT images over the continental United States into north-south alignment does not exceed .17 in absolute value, giving a maximum of error of 0.59 of a pixel's vertical dimension. 25 3.2.2 Implementation Consideration Magnetic tape used at 1600 bps is currently the only reasonable way to store LANDSAT images. Small disk packs (IBM 2314 equivalent) will not hold a complete LANDSAT picture and large ones (IBM- 3330 equivalent) are relatively scarce and expensive. Since typically images are mailed via tape anyway, the present implementation of the oblique transformation procedure assumes magnetic tape storage of both the output and the input images. The main restriction, therefore, is that all access to the data of both input and output pictures is necessarily sequential , i.e., a row or line at a time. Whenever the 3 parameter of the oblique transformation (1) is non-zero, the information of more than one input line must be more or less randomly accessible for the creation of one output line of data. That means input lines must be buffered. The size of that buffer is clearly the maximum number of input lines needed for any output line multiplied by the memory needed per input line, i.e., (3. width) (width) (Kbytes/pixel). For a typical U. S. LANDSAT frame, 3 = 0.17, width = 3240 pixels per row, and K = 4, 8-bit bytes per pixel, yielding a required buffer size of slightly more than 7.10 bytes. Note if we perform the transformation or quarter-frames rather than the entire image, all operations are done four times, but memory requirements will be reduced by a factor of approximately 16. Furthermore, computation time using such multiple passes will not be significantly higher since the same number of inner-loop operations are done in either case. 26 Specific implementation of the oblique transformation pro- cedure should be designed with respect to "real core" availability, since assessing the full 7M bytes buffer as "virtual core" on most virtual machines would create a large number of page transfers or faults. The great increase in system overhead that causes would reduce enormously the efficiency of the procedure. It is interesting to compute the approximate number of page faults that would occur; each output line causes at least 3- width-w faults, when w is the working set size or the number of pages storable in real core. If we assume 2340 output lines, use the same width and 3 as before, and use w = 100 (equivalent to a 400K byte working set in real core on an IBM 360/67), about 1,300,000 faults would occur. Finally, even if the input width is cut down as above, we are still faced with the condition that tape input and output is more efficient as a real-core machine, especially when large tape input and output buffers are used. 3.2.3 Details of the Real -Core Machine Implementation The process of oblique transformation is broken up into several processing steps, each step transforming a successive part of a LANDSAT input picture. Thus, each pass has one output (the freshly-updated out- put picture) and two inputs (the appropriate LANDSAT MSS quarter-frame tape as received from Goddard and the output picture from the immediately preceding pass). 27 The part of a LANDSAT tape that is transformed in each pass is a vertical strip of it, e.g., the entire Goddard tape if sufficient real core is available. Within each step then, for each output line, the following things are done. First, the output line is "clipped" into the largest segment that, transformed, lies wholly within the current input strip. Second, if that segment is non-empty, then the required lines of the input picture are read in and queued into the "back" part of the in- put buffer. Note that due to the linear nature of the oblique transfor- mation, lines previously queued which are not needed for the current output line will necessarily be at the "front" part of the input buffer and can be discarded systematically with the knowledge that their information will not be needed again in the current pass. That fact allows us to efficiently keep the size of the queue (the input lines buffer as dis- cussed above) just that needed to hold all input line data for a single output segment. Finally, the accumulated data for the current output line is read from the tape output from the last pass, and for each point in the output segment, the inner loop of the oblique transformation updates that part of the output line by moving the corresponding image data from the input line. The new output line is then written out onto another tape. 3.2.4 Precision Geographic Registration of LANDSAT Imagery Initial rectification of all LANDSAT imagery to map-oriented 28 data formats greatly facilitates all subsequent precision image-to-map registration efforts. Once approximate registration has been determined for an image and data tapes re-formulated via skew transformation, pre- cision image-to-map registration may be conveniently accomplished inthe following manner: The central problem confronting all precision image-to-map registration efforts is to identify accurately, in terms of both digital image pixel coordinates and map coordinates, a geographic network of contral points visible both on the image and on maps. For LANDSAT image- ry over the U.S., experience suggests that such a system of control points can be established by overlaying on a light table small line- printer displays of rectified imagery with USGS 7 1/2 quadrangle maps at 1:24,000 to determine manually image-to-map overlay positions of maximum geographic correspondence. The fact that, the horizontal and vertical scales of standard line-printer displays of rectified LANDSAT imagery (8 pixels to the inch vertically and 10 pixels per inch horizontally) overlay USGS 7 1/2 minute quadrangles to approximately one-pixel accuracy contributes much toward the convenience of such a strategy. Following quick visual cor- relation of line printer display and map quadrangle, a single point of geographic correspondence between image and map can be established simply by recording the row and column coordinates of a central pixel of the display and measuring the position of the center of this pixel in terms of map coordinates. The availability of a data-tablet digitizer for such a procedure greatly facilitates the establishment of a network of 29 control points by this method. In selecting image areas for determina- tion of control points, essentially two strategies are available. We have noted that the skew-transformed image tape now stores approximate map quadrangles of imagery as ordered rectangular blocks of data since we will need some grid of image blocks (64 lines by 64 col- umns) for any subsequent image-to-image registration procedures that may be required. It is convenient in several respects to establish for each rectified image a grid of image correlation blocks centered approximately on USGS 7 1/2 minute quadrangles to be used throughout all image-to-map and image-to-image registration procedures. Once this quad-centered grid of image blocks has been determined and retrieved from tape, line- printer displays (MSS channel two) can be produced for only a small addi- tional cost. Quick visual inspection of these displays with reference to available quadrangle maps, should suggest some subset of image blocks to be used in establishing precision geographic control. However, such a strategy is appropriate only for those geographic regions for which USCS 7 1/2 mapping is relatively complete. In those geographic regions for which 7 1/2 quadrangle maps are unavailable, image-to-map registration must proceed in more conven- tional fashion. Some sets of candidate control points must be selected manually by the data analyst with reference to suitable terrain features identifiable on both film image and available maps. A set of small image blocks containing these candidate control points is retrieved from tape and displayed in line-printer image format. Then, whenever it is meaningful to do so given available materials, individual image pixels 30 are recorded in terms of both yow and column positions and geographic coordinates. Our initial experience suggests that to achieve one-pixel average registration accuracy over a full LANDSAT image, approximately two dozen widely distributed control points should be established by either of those methods. 3.2.5 Compilation of LANDSAT Multitemporal Imagery In overlaying multiple LANDSAT images to achieve multitemporal data sets, points of best match between the two images to be overlaid must be determined. These match points may be determined digitally by computing points of maximum image correlation between small blocks of data paired between the two images. Following the LARS image- to- image registration methodology [5] such a procedure may be implemented as fol- lows. Given two temporally separate LANDSAT images over the same ground area, initial geographic control allows pairs of image correla- tion blocks to be selected from the two images such that spatial dis- placement between paired blocks are only on the order of 10 pixels. One "floater" block of data taken from one image is translated hori- zontally and vertically through all possible positions of pixel-to- pixel overlay with the corresponding (and slightly larger) "stationary" block taken from the other image. Numerical values of image correla- tion are computed for all overlay positions, and thus a two-dimensional correlation surface is determined. A single point of spatial correspond- ence between the two image blocks is then established automatically at 31 the peak of this surface. Repeated for a complete grid of blocks paired between two images such a procedure outputs a computer-determined system- atic set of control points which can then be employed directly in cali- brating the spatial transformation required for overlaying the two images as a single multi temporal image. For typical applications, it is sufficient to choose floater blocks from one image as 32-line by 32-column data rectangles and stationary blocks from the other images as 64 by 64 rectangles. Allow- ing all possible translations of floaters with respect to stationary blocks, 1089 (33 x 33) individual image correlations are computed for each block pair. Also, it is sufficient to space correlation blocks approximate- ly 180 pixel positions apart, both horizontally and vertically, i.e., the approximate dimensions of a 7 1/2 minute map quadrangle. Therefore, for two LANDSAT images perfectly coincident over the same geographic area, correlation would be computed for approximately 230 block pairs. This corresponds to more than 250,000 individual image correlation cal- culations. Since there image correlation calculations represent the majority of all computations needed for registration of two images, and since these calculations can be performed in parallel computation for- mat, it is convenient to isolate these correlation calculations for execution on the ILL (AC IV. This can be done by retrieving from both image tapes of UCLA two quad-centered grids of image correlation blocks paired between the two images and transmitting these two files via the ARPA network to ILLIAC IV at NASA/ Ames. Following the ILLIAC IV calcu- lations of all block correlation peaks, only minor TENEX processing is 32 required to calculate the numerical parameters of the two-dimensional least squares quadratic polynomial needed for pixel-to-pixel overlay of the images. Given the parameters of this polynomial, the UCLA IBM 360/91 may be again employed efficiently for re-formatting the two separate images as a single 8-channel multi temporal image. 3.2.6 The EDITOR . . .ERTS Data interpreter and TENEX Operation Recorder The EDITOR system represents a component within a more exten- sive computer software development effort undertaken at CAC to facili- tate large-scale ILLIAC IV - ARPA Network analysis of multispectral reconnaissance imagery such as that collected by the Earth Resources Technology Satellite--ERTS (currently called LANDSAT) of NASA and USGS/ DI. [9,10] This software effort has been undertaken by CAC, in collab- oration with the Laboratory for Applications of Remote Sending (LARS) of Purdue University, in support of the LANDSAT/EROS programs of NASA and USGS/DI, in support of the ILLIAC IV and ARPA Network applications programs of NASA and ARPA/DOD, and in support of U. S. agricultural crop-acreage monitoring objectives of SRS/USDA. Image analysis algorithms initially implemented within these efforts follow closely software pre- viously researched at LARS as multispectral image interpretation tech- niques. [11,12] EDITOR has been conceived as an interactive job-editing and file-management interface to ERTS data analysis systems being implemented for the ILLIAC IV hardware complex at NASA's Ames Research Center (Ames) at Moffett Field, California. Nationally accessible via the ARPA Network, 33 the EDITOR system allows portable, dial-up terminal command of ILLIAC IV image processing facilities at Ames. Multispectral image data manage- ment services within EDITOR have been designed to optimize the efficiency of ERTS data file transfers between the computers of the ILLIAC IV com- plex at Ames (the ILLIAC IV parallel processor, its peripheral TENEX PROCESSORS, AND THE UNICON Data Computer) and other computers on the ARPA Network. Since the present EDITOR system, using tape inputs, has been developed for stimulation of data management systems to be implemented 12 using the 10 -bit laser memory of the UNICON Data Computer at Ames, specific data tape formatting is required for all multispectral images to be processed by EDITOR. Required tape formats are described in CAC Technical Memorandum No. 19. [13] While conceived initially as a peripheral TENEX file-management and job-editing interface to ILLIAC IV batch image interpretations, the scope of EDITOR functions has been widened subsequently to include pro- cedures for direct TENEX interpretation of small-scale ERTS data samples in preparation for ILLIAC IV batch analyses. Thus, where only small- scale image interpretations are needed and where portable terminal output is sufficient, EDITOR may be used alone as a self-sufficient tape- operating multispectral image analysis system. Since EDITOR has been developed as an interactive interface to ILLIAC IV image processing facilities, the system should also prove advantageous to a wider community of ARPA Network picture processing researchers. Where image disk files conform to EDITOR data file formats, 34 the system may be used for image file management, editing, and display in conjunction with more general ILLIAC IV image processing activities. Specific file formats assumed by EDITOR are described in CAC Technical Memorandum No. 19. [13] The EDITOR system described here may be executed on any ARPA Network TENEX system having 7-track or 9-track magnetic tape drives. Currently, a copy of the EDITOR system is maintained by CAC at Bolt, Beranek and Newman (BBN) in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in directory . The BBN EDITOR can be made available to any user having access to the ARPA Network. The file TAPES. SHARED is maintained there by CAC describing all tape imagery available at BBN for experimental system usage. 3.2.7 System Overview The actual use of EDITOR is best described by way of examples. The following verbal description of EDITOR simply sketches major system functions. (More detailed descriptions of all presently available system procedures are given in Section 3.2.9.) A familiarity with basic multispectral image interpretation procedures is assumed. EDITOR is "implemented in modular format with each system module addressed by a single command. For each command, only that num- ber of characters sufficient to distinguish the command from all others need be typed by the user. The RETRIEVE command is used to create TENEX disk files con- taining multispectral image data from single rectangular areas of an LANDSAT image, or from sets of rectangular areas within an image. Use 35 of RETRIEVE assumes that, prior to entering EDITOR, the user has request- ed the TENEX operator to mount a specific image tape. Analysis areas to be retrieved from tape may then be specified within EDITOR by the user in terms of image line and column coordinates and line and column sampl- ing increments. If, on the other hand, the user has an image file already resident on the TENEX disk and wishes to use only some portion of it for analysis, he may use the CLIP A WINDOW command. This command allows the user to construct new windows by specifying new image line and column coordinates for the subwindows desired. Additional image sampling (by additional line and column sampling increments) is also possible within CLIP. Once image analysis areas have been selected and stored on the TENEX disk, the PRINT command within EDITOR allows a user to view the image disk files created to verify that the desired data windows have indeed been retrieved. Gray-scale displays of any of the individual spectral bands of data within an image file may be achieved by overprint- ing characters on the user's terminal. A data histogramming routine is available for displaying the proportional distribution of pixel intensi- ties within any spectral band of an image file. This feature of the system can be used for terminal display enhancement purposes. With reference to image data histograms, a user can select manually a partic- ular range of image point intensities to be assigned to each gray-scale shade available within the character-overprinting terminal display facil- ity. 36 Once a user has verified that the desired imagery has been selected, several options are available for data analysis. The CLUSTER command within EDITOR evokes a multivariate cluster analysis of all multispectral image data points within a particular file to determine a logical partitioning or grouping of all data points into a user-specified small number of spectral clusters. [7,14] The cluster analysis procedure may be regarded as an unsupervised image interpre- tation procedure categorizing a set of image points into most-separable spectral classes. Also, following any cluster analysis procedure, a set of summary statistics characterizing the multivariate distributions of data within all clusters (i.e., mean vectors and variance-covariance matrices) is computed and, at the request of the user, displayed on the terminal device. The CLASSIFY command within EDITOR allows statistical classifi- cation of all data points within a specified disk file into a particular set of spectral ly-distinct categories determined by a previous cluster analysis. This methodology of classification assumes that "ground-truth" samples will always be cluster-analyzed prior to class signature compu- tation in order to verify the existence of spectral homogeneity within nominal terrain classes and spectral separability between classes. Where spectral properties of ground- truth samples are not homogeneous within nominal classes (i.e., multivariate distributions are non-spherical), the multiple spectral classes determined by cluster analysis for such terrain classes may be used for analysis purposes as spectrally-distinct, but 37 nominally-synonymous, classes to be re-grouped following classification into single nominal terrain classes. In accordance with the LARS multispectral image interpretation methodology, the statistical classification algorithm evoked by the com- mand CLASSIFY employs the Gaussian maximum-likelihood decision rule . [11,7,8] For each data point of a file of data points to be classified, discriminant functions for all classes are computed and the point is assigned to that class for which the discriminant is largest. The param- eters of the discriminant function for each class are the estimates of the means, variances and covariances of the spectral properties of all data points belonging to that class. These are the spectral class sta- tistics computed and saved by EDITOR immediately following any cluster analysis for the set of spectral classes determined by that particular CLUSTER procedure. The ENTER STATISTICS FILE EDITOR command provides a set of file-management procedures convenient for interactive display and edit- ing of the spectral class statistics accumulated from previous cluster analyses. Within this mode, class signatures of different statistics files may be re-combined in any manner to produce new composite sets of signatures to be used for classification. Also within this mode, meas- ures of spectral separability or distinctness may be computed and dis- played for all pairs of signatures within any statistics file. A pro- cedure is also implemented (again following LARS methods) for "pooling" the statistics of several different signatures into a single new compos- ite signature. 38 The EXECUTE ANALYSIS ON ILLIAC IV command instructs EDITOR to use the ILLIAC IV at Ames for a particular cluster analysis or classifi- cation task specified by a user. Given this command, EDITOR immediately requires the user's I4-TENEX user code and password. If such a code can be supplied, EDITOR will automatically set up the task for ILLIAC IV processing, transmit the job via the ARPA Network to Ames, and enter the job into the ILLIAC IV batch stream. Procedures are also provided within this mode for inquiring on the status of ILLIAC IV jobs and for conven- ient retrieval by EDITOR of cluster analysis and classification output files resulting from previous ILLIAC IV executions. Specific ILLIAC IV mul tispectral image cluster analysis and classification procedures acces- sible to EDITOR users have been documented elsewhere. [15,16,17,18] In addition to the procedures for displaying raw mul tispectral imagery, the PRINT command within EDITOR also provides procedures for displaying the interpreted imagery that results from either cluster analysis or classification operations. Interpreted image data files may be output as terminal printer maps where the symbols 1 - 9 and A - Z are used to represent terrain classes. Display of only selected subsets of classes is permitted. Following again the LARS methodology, provisions are included for reliability thresholding of classification results with- in PRINT mode. Where a particular confidence level is specified by the user, EDITOR displays only those image data points whose classification reliability meets the specified level. Also, procedures are included within PRINT mode to allow re-grouping of spectral classes into composite 39 nominal classes, and to allow manual re-assignment of printer symbols among these nominal classes for more meaningful display of interpreta- tions. 3.2.8 Getting Started with EDITOR and TENEX In this section a brief description of how to run EDITOR under TENEX will be presented. TENEX is a time-sharing system running on a modified DEC SYSTEM-! as developed by Bolt, Beranek and Newman (BBN). [19] When connecting to a TENEX system, the user should estab- lish a character-at-a-time, full-duplex connection. Commands to TENEX may be abbreviated and if followed by ESC (ESCAPE or ALT MODE on some terminals) the remainder of the command will be typed out followed by a prompt for any parameters required. All commands should be terminated by a carriage return. To begin an EDITOR session, one must first LOGIN. The se- quence is LOG followed by a carriage return. (The password will not be echoed to preserve secur- ity.) If a space i c . substituted for , that account num- ber associated with the user code given will be assumed by default. To get an ERTS image tape mounted, a request must be made to the operator who should be logged in as OPERATOR. To do this, the LINK command is used. The LINK command links two terminals together so that whatever is typed on either may be viewed on both. The syntax of the command is LINK OPERATOR. To communicate with the operator, a message should then be typed. Each line of this message must begin with a semi- colon (";") to indicate to TENEX that the line is not a command. The 40 request should be to mount a specific tape, without write ring (to in- sure that the data on the tape cannot be accidentally over-written), on a 9-track or 7-track drive. Once the operator has mounted the tape, he will inform the user of the drive. The tape drives are MTA0:, MTA1 : , etc. The drive used should be remembered, since it will be needed later in using EDITOR to read the tape. When discussion with the operator has been completed, the BREAK command should be used to break the link. In order to secure use of the tape, two more TENEX commands must be used. The ASSIGN (e.g., ASSIGN MTA0:) command assigns the tape drive to the user's job, preventing other users from accessing it. The MOUNT (e.g., MOUNT MTA0:) positions the tape for reading. To evoke EDITOR, the user simply types EDITOR followed by one or two carriage returns. The two-carriage-returns form provides a shorter introductory herdld and is recommended for regular users. The user is then at the top command level of EDITOR and may enter commands as detailed in the following section. A list of legitimate commands is available by entering question mark ("?") followed by a carriage return (CR). At the top level, any command may be abbreviated—as short as required to distinguish it from all other commands—and followed by a carriage return or ESC. If followed by ESC, the remainder of the abbre- viated command will be completed by EDITOR. In certain of the analysis modules within EDITOR, a somewhat different command structure is used in which the user is prompted for short inputs by a series of questions. To return to the top level of EDITOR from any lower-level module, an 41 exclamation point ("!" and CR) is used instead of a command. (One is at the top level of EDITOR when one is prompted by a single exclama- tion point. ) Most of the EDITOR modules require TENEX disk files for input and/or output of data. The simplest form of a file designator is FILE- NAME. EXTENSION where FILENAME and EXTENSION are identifiers and the period is part of the file designator. Note that the period (".") is always required between FILENAME and EXTENSION. In entering commands through a terminal, errors will occa- sionally be made. To delete a single character, CONTROL-A is used and to delete an entire line, CONTROL-X is used. Similar conventions are also available at the level of TENEX commands. For example, TENEX pro- vides CONTROL-C for terminating any program and returning to TENEX EXEC. (In some cases, two CONTROL-C characters must be entered.) It should be noted that, wherever one might be in EDITOR, the CONTROL-C completely exits EDITOR. However, this is the only way to terminate a long program, such as a large cluster or classify, which was somehow initiated erroneously. Finally, when the EDITOR session is complete, EDITOR is exited using the QUIT EDITOR command. If a tape was used, the user should relinquish control of the tape drive. First the DEASSIGN (e.g., DEASSIGN MTA0:) command is used to release exclusive control of the tape drive. Next the UNLOAD (e.g., UNLOAD MTA0:) command is used to rewind the tape and position it for dismounting, hence signaling the operator that he may remove the tape and put it away. 42 Thus, it is not necessary to LINK to the operator again at the end of an EDITOR session. Before logging out, the user should check to see if there are any files on TENEX disk that will be no longer needed. A listing of all files in the user's directory may be obtained via the TENEX command DIRECTORY. It is prudent to delete files since all disk space used costs money, and since once a directory is filled to its allocation (the DSKSTAT command will indicate the space remaining) no new files may be created. To delete files, the command DELETE is used. Where it is desirable to delete all files of a common FILENAME (or prefix within the FILENAME. EXTENSION convention), this may be done conveniently by using the DELETE FILENAME.* form of the DELETE command. This option for TENEX file deletion should be noted by EDITOR users since, if care is given to naming files within EDITOR sessions, file directory mainte- nance can be greatly simplified. In any case, if obsolete TENEX files are being deleted in order to regain disk space needed for immediate use, the TENEX EXPUNGE command should be issued by the user following all DELETES. When the TENEX session is complete, the LOGOUT command is used to exit the system before closing the connection. At this point, the TENEX system will report to the user the total amount of processing (CPU) time and terminal-connect time used during the complete session. 43 3.2.9 Summary of EDITOR Commands In this section, a brief description of the various EDITOR commands and the modules they evoke will be given. The use of most of these commands is illustrated in the example EDITOR sessions given in the Appendix. Several commands have already been described partially in Section 3.2.7 above. The commands are discussed here in alphabetical order to assist subsequent referencing. CLASSIFY The CLASSIFY command is used to perform statistical classifica- tion of an image data file using a TENEX routine. The number of channels will be requested. At present, only 4- or 8-channel data may be handled so "4" or "8" should be entered. The user will be prompted for other required inputs. For large-scale classifications, the ILLIAC IV may be used via the EXECUTE ANALYSIS ON ILLIAC IV command described below. CLIP A WINDO W The CLIP A WINDOW command is used to create subwindows of windows in an image file already on TENEX disk. A question mark ("?") upon entering CLIP lists the commands. CLIP may be used for editing 4- or 8-channel raw or categorized data files. The subwindows to be created may be specified in terms of new lines and columns (contained within the input window) and/or additional image sampling. Commands within the CLIP A WINDOW module allow selection of the image window to be edited, and the new coordinates and sampling increments to be used in creating 44 the new subwindows. After all window editing parameters have been specified, a command is available to write the output file and return to the top level of EDITOR. CLUSTER The CLUSTER command is used to perform cluster analysis on image data using TENEX processing. The number of channels will be requested. At present, only 4- or 8-channel data may be handled so "4" or "8" must be entered. The user will be prompted for other required inputs. For large cluster analyses, the ILLIAC IV may be used via the EXECUTE ANALYSIS ON ILLIAC IV command (again, described below). ENTER STATISTICS FILE EDITOR The ENTER STATISTICS FILE EDITOR command enters the statistics editor module. Subcommands are of the form one letter followed by a carriage return. A list of commands may be displayed by typing question mark ("?") followed by carriage return. Within this module, the summary statistics for sets of spectral categories generated by cluster analyses may be displayed. Also, the statistics of individual categories of various files may be grouped in new combinations to form new statistics files. In addition, the statistics of several categories may be pooled together to create a composite spectral "signature." Finally, where a classification is to be done using the ILLIAC IV, the variance-covariance matrices of the appropriate statistics file may be inverted. 45 EXECUTE ANALYSIS ON ILLIAC IV The EXECUTE ANALYSIS ON ILLIAC IV command enables automatic submission and retrieval of ILLIAC IV batch jobs from a remote TENEX site. The ARPA Network is used to submit the jobs and retrieve the results from the ILLIAC IV at NASA-Ames. To use the ILLIAC IV, the user must have a valid user code and password at I4-TENEX (the TENEX front- end subsystem of the ILLIAC IV complex). EDITOR will ask for these be- fore allowing any commands to be entered. At present, both cluster analysis and statistical classification procedures may be performed on the ILLIAC IV remotely through EDITOR. IDENTIFY A WINDOW The IDENTIFY A WINDOW command displays information extracted from the header of an image file. This information includes the image file type, the line and column coordinates of all windows in the file, the line and column sampling increments used in creating all windows in the file, the number of channels of the image data, the cluster analysis parameters (DELTA or separability threshold and the NUMBER OF CLUSTERS), and certain descriptive information supplied by NASA for the ERTS image from which the data have been extracted. INDICATE A PRIORI PROBABILITIES The INDICATE A PRIORI PROBABILITIES command allows creation of a file of a priori probabilities of various categories for classification. 46 MODIFY WINDOW HEADER The MODIFY WINDOW HEADER command allows insertion of neces- sary parameters (NUMBER OF CLUSTERS and DELTA or separability threshold) to be used for a particular cluster analysis. Also there the alpha- numeric information recorded in the header of an image file may be modi- fied. Once all desired changes are made, the CLOSE FILE command should be issued to return to the top level of EDITOR. PRINT A WINDOW The PRINT A WINDOW command allows display of image windows. The display may be directed either to the user's terminal or to a back-up disk file for later printing using a conventional line printer. Raw data windows are displayed with an overprinting routine allowing up to eleven (11) levels of gray-scale. A histogram of the distribution of spectral intensities for any spectral channel may also be displayed. For categorized windows, the character a-ssigned to each class may be selected manually as any printing character to achieve more meaningful displays. This feature facilitates the re-grouping of spectral classes by nominal categories for tabulation and display purposes. NOTE: When PRINT A WINDOW output is directed to a terminal, the line width used for displays of windows is the line width assigned to that terminal by TENEX. The default value is 72 characters, but this may be changed by the TENEX WIDTH command, where is the width desired. Since WIDTH is a TENEX command it must be performed before entering EDITOR. 47 QUIT EDITOR The QUIT EDITOR command provides for a proper exit from the top EDITOR command level back to TENEX EXEC. The QUIT command should always be used whenever possible (instead of CONTROL-C) to exit EDITOR. RETRIEVE WINDOW FROM TAPE The RETRIEVE WINDOW FROM TAPE command is used to copy windows from a specific tape (that has already been mounted) into a disk file. Where desired, line and column sampling increments should be supplied via the SAMPLE command. Then the coordinates of the windows to be retrieved are entered using the INSERT COORDINATES command. Additional facilities are available to allow the user to delete window coordinates entered in error. Prior to any EDITOR analysis of a specific ERTS image, specific geographic areas of interest are known to the user, typically, only in terms of latitude and longitude boundaries. On the other hand, all image windows to be retrieved from tape by EDITOR must be specified in terms of image line and column coordinates. Therefore as a convenience to the user, there is included within the RETRIEVE module a subprocedure for transformation of window corners specified in terms of latitude and longitude coordinates into "nearest-approximation" image pixels identi- fied by image line and column numbers. (The inverse transformation is also possible; that is, for image pixels identified by line and column coordinates, approximate latitude and longitude coordinates may be com- puted. ) 48 4. PATTERN RECOGNITION: A BASIS FOR REMOTE SENSING DATA ANALYSIS 4.1 Classification Procedure Pattern recognition plays a central role in numerically oriented remote sensory systems. It provides an automatic procedure for deciding to which class any given ground resolution elements should be assigned. Figure 6 shows a model of a general pattern recognition system. In the LARS [7] context the receptor or sensor is usually a multispectral scanner. For each ground resolution element the sensor produces n_ numbers or measurements corresponding to the n channels of the scanner. It is convenient to think of the n measurements as defin- ing a point in n-dimensional Eucl idean Space which is referred to as the Measurement Space . Any particular measurement can be represented by the vector: ~ x l X = The feature extractor transforms the n-dimensional measurement vector i into an n -dimensional feature vector. The decision maker in Figure 7 performs calculations on the feature vectors presented to it and, based 49 sensor x 2 xn decision maker result Figure 6 A Simplified Model of a Pattern Recognition Syst em class 1 50 class 2 decision surface ^— x- Figure 7 Decision Regions and Surfaces Result Figure 8 A Pattern Classifier Defined in Terms of Discriminant Functi on 51 upon a decision rule, assigns the "unknown" data point to a particular class . 4.1.1 Discriminant Functions: Quantifying the Decision Procedure Patterns arising in remote sending problems exhibit some ran- domness due to the randomness of nature. Vectors from the same class tend to form a "cloud of points" as shown in Figure 7. The job of the pattern classifier is to divide the feature space into decision regions, each region corresponding to a specific class. Any data point falling in a particular region is assigned to the class associated with that region. The surface separating the decision regions are known as deci - sion surface . Designing a pattern recognizer really boils down to form- ing a procedure for determining the decision surface so as to optimize some performance criterion, such as maximizing the frequency of correct classification. These concepts can be put on a quantitative basis by intro- ducing Discriminant Functions . Assume there are m pattern classes. Let: g 1 (x), g 2 (x),..., g m (x) be scaler single valued functions of x such that g i (x) > g, (x) for all x in the corresponding region corresponding to the i class (J f i). If the discriminant functions are continuous across the decision boundaries, the decision surface are given by equation of the form. 9^ (x) - g. (x) = 52 A pattern classifier can then be represented by the block diagram of Figure 8. By taking this approach the pattern classifier design problem is reduced to the problem of how to reflect the discriminant functions in an optimal fashion. 4.1.2 "Training" the Classifier In some cases it is possible to select discriminant functions on the basis of theoretical considerations or experience. More com- monly the discriminant functions are based upon a set of training pat - terns . Training patterns which are typical of those to be classified are "shown to the classifier together with the identity of each pattern and based on this information the classifier establishes its discriminant functions. g i (x), i = 1,2, .... n. Example : Consider a two dimensional, two class problem in which the discriminant functions are assumed to have the form g 1 (x) = a n x ] + 9 ]? x 2 + b ] g 2 (x) = a 21 x 1 + g 22 x 2 + b 2 Then g, (x) - g 2 (x) = is the equation of a straight line dividing x, , x« plane. Given a set of training patterns, how should the constants a,-., a,2» b-i > etc. be chosen? It can be proven that if the training pat- tern are indeed separable by a straight ine, then the following procedure will converge. [8] 53 Initially select a's and b's arbitrarily. For example, let: a ll = a 12 = b l = ] Oiry-t ~ ®00 ~ 9 _ ~ Then take the first training pattern (say it is from w, , i.e., from class 1) and calculate g, (x) and g 2 (x). If g, (x) > g 2 (x) the deci- sion is correct; go on to the next training sample. If g-, (x) < g 2 (x) a wrong decision would be made. In this case, alter the coefficients so as to increase the discriminant function associated with the correct class and decrease the discriminant function associated with the incor- rect class. If x is from to-, but co 2 was decided, let i i a -in - aii cxXi ^9i — ^9i ™ o'X i i i 3i2 = 3-j n ■ CXX o ^99 = ^99 ~ CXX^ i i b-, = b, + a bp = b - a where a is a convenient positive constant. If x is from w^ but w-, was decided, change the signs in the above equation so as to increase g 2 and decrease g-,. Then go to the next training pattern. Cycle through the training patterns until all are correctly classified. 4.1.3 The Statistical Approach Remote sensing is typical of many practical applications of pattern recognition for which statistical methods are appropriate in the following respects: 1. The data exhibit many incidental variations (noise) which tend to obscure differences between the pattern classes. 54 2. The pattern classes of interest may actually overlap in the measurement space (may not always be discriminable), suggesting the use of an approach which leads to decisions which are "most likely" correct. Statistical pattern recognition techniques often make use of the probability density functions associated with the pattern classes (including the approach to be described here). However, the density functions are usually unknown and must be estimated from a set of train- ing patterns. In some cases, the form of the density functions is assumed and only certain parameters associated with the functions are estimated. Such methods are called " parametri c. " Methods for which not even the form of the density functions is assumed are called " non - parametric . " The parametric case requires more a priori knowledge or some basic assumptions regarding the nature of the patterns. The non- parametric case requires less initial knowledge and fewer assumptions but is generally more difficult to implement. Let there be m classes characterized by the conditional probability density functions. p (X^.) i = 1,2,. . ., m (1) The function p (XJoo.) gives the probability of occurrence of pattern X, given that X is in fact from class i. An important assumption in the LARSYS (Purdue University) algorithms is that the p (X|gj. ) are each multivanate Gaussian (or normal) distributions. This is a parametric assumption which leads to a form of classifier which is relatively simple to implement. Under this assumption, 55 a mean vector and covariance matrix are sufficient to characterize the probability distribution of any pattern class. Returning to the problem of how to specify the discriminant functions, an approach based on statistical decision theory is taken. A set of less functions is defined: X (i|j) i,j = 1,2,. . ., m (2) where A (i|j) is the loss (or cost) incurred when a pattern is classified into class j_ when it is actually from class j_. If the pattern classifier is designed so as to minimize the average (expected) loss, then the classifier is said to be Bayes optimal . For a given pattern X, the expected loss resulting from the decision Xeo). is given by m L x (D = I A (i|j) pU |x) (3) j = l J where p(w.|x) is the probability that a pattern X is from class j. Applying Bayes' rule, i.e., p (x,Wj) = p (x|w.) P (wj) = p(o).jx) p (x) (4) the expected loss can be: L x (D = I A Ci id) P(x|a).) p(u).)/p(x) (5) j = l J J where p (go.) is the priori probability of to., j j Note the minimizing L x (i) with respect to i_ is the same as maximizing - L x (i). Thus a suitable set of discriminant functions is 9,- (x) = -L x (1) i = 1,2,. . .,m (6) 56 A simple (a reasonable) loss function is X (i|j) = i = j A (i|j) = 1 i t J m Then g.(x) = - \ p(x|u>.) p(ui.)/p(x) (7) J7i Note that from any set of discriminant functions, another set of dis- criminant functions can be formed by taking the same monotonic functions of each of the original discriminant functions. For example, if: g i (x), 1 = 1,2, • . -,m is a set of discriminant functions, then so are the sets 9,- U) = 9,- ( x ) + constant i = 1,2,. . . ,m and 9-| (x) = log [g^x)] i = 1,2,. . . ,m Examing (7) note that p (x) is not a function of i so it is just as well to maximize. m 9,- (x) = - I P (xLo) p (o>.) = - [p(x) - p(x to. ) p (u>.)] i j =1 I J J « l i But this is maximum if q (x) = p (x|oo i ) p (w.) is maximum. Thus, the decision rule is: decide x ecu. if and only if p (x|uj i ) p (x^ > p (x|oa.) p (go.) for all j 57 that is deciding x eu. if g. (x) = g. (x) and i > j. This is commonly referred to as the Maximum Likelihood Decision Rule . Consider the maximum likelihood discriminant function as it applies to remote sensing. The p (w. ) represent the priori probability t h of the i class. This can often be estimated. Taking agricultural crop types as an example, the p (to. ) may be estimated from previous year yields, seed sales records or statistical reporting service information. The densities p (xju).), on the other hand, generally have to be esti- mated from training samples. The assumptions upon which the classification algorithms are based is that p (x|w. ) is a multivariate Gaussian probability density function. Examining the maximum likelihood decision criterion in one-dimensional Gaussian case will serve both as a review of Gaussian density functions and as a means of illustrating the principles of pat- tern classification. In this case (e.g., one spectral channel) ,2 exp P (x|oa i ) = __ 1/2 (2tt) a f 1/2 (x - y i V 2 2 when u. = E [x] and a. = E [(x-u^) ] are the mean and variance for 2 class i. In practice u. and a. are unknown and must be estimated from training samples. From statistical theory, we have n, /\ -I L rt -i — I ' 1 _J Following the decision theory approach the discriminant function is 9i (x) p(u).j) exp (2ir) 1/2 S i - 1/2 (x - m i }< S 2 b i and since a monotonic function of a discriminant function may also be used as a discriminant function, we shall take the logarithm of the previous function to obtain: ( \ 2 g. (x) = log p (u>.) - 1/2 log 2 tt - logs.- 1/2 u " V g.' (x) = log p (a).) - log S i - 1/2 ^" m 1 ) ' Thus the decision rule becomes: Decide Xcw. if and only if 2 2 (x-m.) (x-m.) log p(o) i ) -log S-i/2 — ^ — > log p(u.) - log S-. 1/2 —^ — s i S. In the two dimensional case X = 59 and exp P (x|a3 i ) = 1 (x l - Vj} y a ill 2 tt ( 0ill a i22 - a il2 ) 2a il2 (x l " y il } (x 2 " y i2 ) + (x 2 " Hl ){ (a ill • a i22 } -1/2 1 - a il2 2 a ill a i22 122 where y il = E l- x l | 0J i-'' y i2 = E ^ x 2 | a) i-' Q ijk = E[(x i " »*1J> (x k - y ik>h ] by defining a mean vector and covariance matrix j,k = 1,2 i = 1,2, . . .R Ui = II- M il y i2 °ill a il2 a i21 a i22 The density can be rewritten in the simple form: P (xjo)^ = 1_ 2ir|I.| 1/2 exp 1/2 (x U,) T I- 1 (x -Uj) 60 Wh ere |J.| is the determinant of J. and (x-U.) is the transpose of (x - U.). Thus this matrix formulation holds for n_ dimensions as well as for two dimensions. 4.2 Clustering Procedure Clustering is a data analysis technique by which one attempts to determine the "natural" relationships in a set of observations or data points. It is sometimes referred to as unsupervised classifica- tion because the end product is generally a classification of each observation into a "class" which has been established by the analysis procedure, based on the data, rather than by the person interested in the analysis. Clustering has been applied as a means of data compres- sion and for the purpose of determining differentiating characteristics in complex data sets. An increasingly important application is unsuper- vised classification, in which the clustering algorithm determines the classes based on the clustering tendencies in the data. Essentially, the definition of a clustering algorithm depends on the specification of two distance measures: a measure of distance between data points or indi- vidual observations, and a measure of a distance between groups of obser- vations. Figure 9 is a block diagram for a typical clustering algorithm. The point-to-point distance measure is used in the step labeled "assign each vector to nearest cluster center." The distance between groups of points (clusters, in this case) is calculated in the step "compute separability information." Euclidean distance, the most familiar point- to-point distance measure, is defined for two-n-dimensional points or 61 Initialize cluster centers Assign each vector to nearest cluster center Calculate means of new "clusters" (new cluster centers) Yes Compute separability information No Figure 9 Clustering Algorithm M ? Euclidean distance : D = [£ (x.-y.) ] i=l 1 n 62 1/2 Several alternatives are available as candidate measures of distance between clusters. One possibility is the divergence or transformed divergence used for feature selection. In LARSYS, a measure called "Swain-Fu distance" has been implemented, which compares the separation of cluster centers to the dispersion of the data in the clusters. The dispersion of the data in a cluster is measured in terms of the "ellipsoid of concentration" associated with the cluster. Ellipsoid of concentration : Let the random vector X have a distribution with mean vector U and covariance matrix I = [