'L I B RA R.Y OF THL UNIVERSITY Of ILLINOIS \dLcoksto re ad,oli*utod "to Luriv REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. BY M. H. PUTNEY. CHICAGO, JANUARY 1, 1900. Copyrighted, 1900, by MARK H. PUTNEY, Chicago. PREFACE. The origin, development and present condition of the City of Chicago, when compared to that of other great cities on the globe, would seem to present sufficient grounds for a history of no small magnitude. It is not the purpose, however, of the writer of this volume to bring forth a full and complete history of Chicago, but rather a collection of notes on history together with numerous tables of real estate values, statistics, etc., which shall be at once ; not only a guide, instructor and ready reference for the business man, but as well, a compilation of ideas and information entertain- ing to all. For a considerable amount of information relating to the early history of Chicago we are indebted to such works as "Andreas' History of Chicago," " Moses and Kirkland's History of Chicago," "Industrial Chicago," and the Fergus publications. Other information was obtained from interviews held with old settlers, personal observations, etc. The tables of real estate values contain a partial list of actual transactions in sales and leases made during the last ten years of the nineteenth century. The tables of square foot and front foot values represent vacant property only. M. H. p. I 135213 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. VALUES PER SQUARE FOOT OF THE BUSINESS CENTER OF CHICAGO. V This table shows the values per square foot of the business centre bounded by 12th street, Lake Michigan and the Chicago river, and are based on sales, rentals and tax commission valuations made during the last ten years of the nineteenth century. Land values only are represented. ADAMS STREET. Value per Year. Description. sq. foot. 1896 S E cor of Fifth ave nf 68x90.50, sold $ 53.14 1896. 68 ft e of Fifth ave nf 45.66x110, sold. ..-. 36.83 1892. 54 ft w of LaSalle st nf 150x160, sold 34.75 1896. 95 ft e of LaSalle st sf 45x190, val. tax com 36.84 1899. 139 ft w of Clark st sf 41x99, sold 48.68 1896. S E cor of Dearborn st nf 50x73, val. tax com .... 105.00 1895. N E cor of Dearborn st sf 198x162.20, lease basis. 42.60 1898. 100 ft w of State st nf 80x75, lease basis 37.50 1895. N W cor of State st sf 198x162.20, lease basis 42.60 1895. 100 ft w of Wabash av sf 35x77, sold 37. 60 1891. N W cor of Michigan av sf 52x110, lease basis. . .. 24.48 CLARK STREET. 1891. S E cor of Lake st wf 40x80, sold 50.00 1895. 140 ft n of Randolph st wf 41x160, sold 32.00 1890. N E cor of Randolph st wf 140x80, sold 44.72 1891. N E cor of Washington st wf 100x80, bid 100.00 1890. 130 ft s of Washington st wf 25x80, sold. 65.00 1894. 20 ft n of Madison st ef 20x80, lease basis 88.50 1890. N W cor of Madison st ef 20x80, lease basis 00.45 1894. 50 ft s of Madison st wf 20x70, lease basis 82.00 1893. S W cor of Monroe st ef 80x90, lease basis 110.00 1899. 100 ft s of Monroe st ef 30x90, sold. . 37.00 REAL ESTATE VALUES AfD HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. CLARK STREET Continued. Value per Description. sq. foot. S E cor of Jackson blvd wf 49.60x103, sold $51.40 S W cor of Jackson blvd ef 50x216, sold 85.00 175 ft s of Jackson blvd wf 25x100, sold 30.00 N E cor of Van Buren st wf 50x100, lease basis 36.25 300 ft n of Harrison st ef 25x100, sold 15.00 100 ft n of Harrison st ef 50x105, lease basis 9.52 225 feet s of Polk st ef 20x102, sold 8.33 350 ft s of Polk st ef 20x102, sold 10.00 CONGRESS STREET. S W cor of Franklin st nf 340x221, sold 8.60 CUSTOM HOUSE PLACE. 100 ft s of Jackson blvd ef 28x93, sold 15.00 89 ft n of Van Buren st ef 49.50x100, sold 12.12 N E cor of Van Buren st wf 100x50, sold 45.00 S W cor of Van Buren st ef 100x60, sold 33.33 S W cor of Van Buren st ef 100x60, sold 35.77 300 ft n of Taylor st ef 25x96, sold 8.33 DEARBORN STREET. S W cor of South Water st ef 50x43.50, sold 54.00 N E cor of Randolph st wf 71x60, sold 52.82 S W cor of Randolph st ef 90x20, sold , 105.00 100 ft s of Randolph st wf 80x120, lease basis. . .. 46.87 100 ft n of Washington st wf 22x180, lease basis. . 68.20 S W cor of Washington st ef 90x46.20, sold 121.71 100 ft s of Washington st ef 40x100, lease basis. . . 57.50 100 ft n of Madison st wf 26.75x80, val. tax com. . 61.93 70 ft n of Madison st wf 74.25x80, val. tax com. . . 66.53 N W cor of Madison st ef 20x40, sold 250.00 S W cor of Madison st ef 92.50x50, sold 54.00 S E cor of Madison st wf 72x120, lease basis 57.87 72 ft s of Madison st wf 48x120, lease basis 29.16 120 ft s of Madison st wf 24x120, lease basis 29.16 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. 7 DEARBORN STREET Continued. Value pei Year. Description. sq. foot. 1895. 144 ft s of Madison st wf 48x120, lease basis $ 32.98 1895. 192 ft s of Madison st wf 48x120, lease basis 32.46 1895. N E cor of Monroe st wf 104x120, lease basis 43.27 1895. N E cor of Adams st wf 198x166.20, lease basis. . . 42.60 1890. N E cor of Jackson blvd wf 165x100, lease basis. . 60.00 1893. 100 ft s of Jackson blvd wf 75x70, sold 54.66 1890. 200 ft s of Jackson blvd ef 74.40x60, sold. 30.00 1890. 150 ft n of Van Buren stwf 74.40x60, sold 35.21 1893. N W cor of Van Buren st ef 100x16, sold 84.38 1894. SW cor of Van Buren st ef 75x67, sold 69.65 1899. 325 ft n of Harrison st ef 80x67, sold 28.00 1890. 25 ft n of Harrison st wf 65x67, sold 26.66 1899. 160 ft s of Harrison st wf 24x71, sold 14.10 1890. 420 ft n of Polk st ef 20x71, sold 20.28 1892. 300 ft n of Polk st wf 100x75, sold 14.00 1891. 200 ft n of Polk st ef 40x71, sold 82.50 FIFTH AVENUE. 1891. 150 ft s of Randolph st wf 34.40x80, sold 21.25 1898. 110 ft n of Washington st wf 60.25x111, sold 16.00 1894. S W cor of Washington st ef 40x100.50, sold 50.00 1895. 100 ft n of Madison st wf 80x180, lease basis 15.28 1891. S W. cor of Madison st ef 48x100, lease basis. .... 62.50 1894. S E cor of Madison st wf 110x46.50, sold fee 63.53 1892. N W cor of Monroe st ef 84x110, lease basis 21.50 1891. 64 ft n of Adams st wf 24x90.40, sold 27.19 1896. S E cor of Adams st wf 90.50x68, sold 53.14 1896. 90 ft s of Adams st wf 20x64, sold.. ,, 35.16 1892. N Ecor of Jackson blvd wf 110x115, lease basis. . 37.93 1892. 60 ft s of Congress st ef 42x100, val. tax com 15.24 1895. 250 ft n of Harrison st wf 100x94, sold ... 14.90 1892. 100 ft n of Harrison st wf 25x94, sold 17.44 1899. S E cor of Polk st wf 40x105, sold. . 4.76 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. FRANKLIN STREET. Value per Description. sq. foot. 70 ft n of Madison st ef 54x81, sold $ 20.00 19 ft n of Madison st ef 51x81, sold 27.00 N W cor of Madison st ef 80x24, val. tax com 46.86 46 ft s of Madison st ef 54x81, sold 20.00 N W cor of Monroe st ef 190x50, sold 21.00 N W cor of Jackson blvd ef 32x82.50, sold 40.00 140 ft s of Jackson blvd ef 50x149, sold 16.77 200 ft s of Jackson blvd ef 50x149 sold 15.00 N W cor of Congress st ef 55x201, sold 13.33 S W cor of Congress st ef 221x340, sold 8.50 HARRISON STREET. S E cor of Pacific av nf 100x100, sold 15.00 N E cor of Pacific av sf 105x139, lease basis 6.85 S W cor of State st nf 110x50, val. tax com 54.54 N E cor of State st sf 138.50x100, sold 41.00 JACKSON BOULEVARD. N W cor of Franklin st sf 32x82.50, sold 40.00 N E cor of Fifth av sf 115x110, lease basis 37.93 N E cor of LaSalle st sf 186|xl78, lease basis .... 53.50 S W cor of Clark st nf 216x50, sold 85.00 S E cor of Clark st nf 103x49. 60, sold .'. 52. 00 N E cor of Dearborn st sf 100x165, lease basis 60.00 S W cor of Wabash av nf 109x40, sold 61.73 N W cor of Michigan av sf 171x50, lease basis. . . . 17.66 S W cor of Michigan av nf 171x160, sold 23.57 S W cor of Michigan av nf 171x160, sold 23.75 LAKE STREET. 20 ft w of Franklin st sf 40x90, val. tax com 17.77 85 ft e of Franklin st nf 40x180, val. tax com 13.75 S W cor of LaSalle st nf 80x80, sold 19.53 125 ft e of LaSalle st nf 30x80, sold fee 30.00 S E cor of Clark st nf 80x40, sold. , ... 50.00 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. LAKE STREET Continued. Value per Year. Description. sq. foot. 1896. 100 ft w of Dearborn st nf 20x180, val. tax com. .$ 16.36 1894. 150 ft e of Dearborn st nf 40x180, sold 10.40 1890. S E cor of State st nf 64.40x169.50, sold 64.00 1898. S E cor of Wabash av nf 40x100, sold 27.00 1897. S W cor of Wabash av nf 169x115, lease basis 17.50 1890. N E cor of Michigan av sf 130.20x88, lease basis. . 13.00 1896. S E cor of Michigan av nf 72x130, val. tax com. . . 17.27 LA&ALLE STREET. 1889. S W cor of Lake st ef 80x80, sold 19. 53 1891. 90 ft s of Randolph st ef 22.50x80, sold 43.00 1893. 90 ft s of Randolph st ef 22.50x80 sold 44.44 1898. S W cor of Washington st of 100x70, sold $ int. . . 178.57 1891. 195 ft s of Washington st ef 78x120, lease basis. . . 48.00 1892. 195 ft s of Washington st wf 29x101, sold 36.66 1892. 195 ft s of Washington st wf 29x101, sold 38.00 1896. N E cor of Madison st wf 101x80, val. tax com. . . 99.01 1891. S E cor of Madison st wf 135.20x66.74, sold 70.00 1896. N W. cor of Monroe st ef 73x189, val. tax com. . . 70.00 1893. N E cor of Monroe st wf 50x80, sold 80.00 1896. S W. cor of Monroe st ef 95x189, val. tax com.. . . 76.00 1898. S E cor of Monroe st wf 50x110, sold 100.00 1896. N E cor of Jackson blvd wf 178xl86|, lease basis.. 53.50 MADISON STREET. 1893. SE cor of Market st nf 65.50x110, sold 24.55 1894. 70 ft e of Market st nf 24x90, lease basis 37.40 1896. 150 ft w of Franklin st nf 25x189.30, sold 19.75 1896. N W cor of Franklin st sf 24x80, val. tax com .... 46.86 1891. S W cor of Fifth av nf 48x100, lease basis 62.50 1894. SE cor of Fifth av nf 46. 50x11 a, sold fee 63.53 1894. 51 ft w of LaSalle st nf 30x180, sold 33. 33 1890. S E cor of LaSalle st nf 67.74x135.20, sold 70.00 1896. N E cor of LaSalle st sf 80x101, val. tax com 99.01 HEAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. MADISON STREET Continued. Value per Description. Bq. foot. 100 ft e of LaSalle st nf 35x100, sold $ 54.90 101 ft e of LaSalle st sf 50x180, sold fee 35.30 N W cor of Clark st sf 80x20, lease basis 200.45 50 ft w of Dearborn st nf 45x100, sold 55.00 N W cor of Dearborn st sf 40x20, sold 250.00 S W cor of Dearborn st nf 50x92.50, sold 54.00 S E cor of Dearborn st nf 120x72, lease basis 57.87 80 ft e of Dearborn st sf 80x160.25, lease basis. . . . 31.20 135 ft w of State st nf 81-50x192, lease basis 28.94 80 ft w of State st nf 40x48, lease basis 72.90 S W cor of State st nf 80x48, lease basis 110.65 N W cor of State st sf 105.50x66.50, lease basis. . . 92.00 N E cor of State st sf 150.60x53, lease basis 125.28 N W cor of Wabash av sf 150x79, val. tax com. . . 56.52 N W cor of Wabash av sf 150x79, lease basis 60.12 S W cor of Michigan av nf 109.30x80, lease basis. 22.87 N W cor of Michigan av sf 162x38, lease basis. . . . 28.40 MARKET STREET. N W cor of Randolph st ef 90x78, lease basis 25.50 S W cor of Washington st ef 190x60, sold 12.82 S E cor of Madison st wf 110x65. 50, sold 24. 55 150 ft n of Monroe st wf 40x90, lease basis 22.22 100 ft n of Monroe st ef 99x271, val. tax com . . . . 12.00 N W cor of Monroe st ef 100x141, sold 14. 18 130 ft s of Monroe st wf 65x90, sold 14.41 200 ft s of Monroe st wf 30x90, sold 16. 11 140 ft s of Jackson blvd wf 50x149, sold 16.77 MICHIGAN AVENUE. S E cor of So. Water st wf 113.40x65 lease basis. . 18.80 24 ft s of So. Water st ef 24x131. 50, sold 19.10 135 ft n of Lake st wf 30x130, sold 12.25 120 ft n of Lake st ef 24x131, sold . . 10. 00 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. 11 MICHIGAN AVENUE Continued. Value per Description. sq. foot. N E cor of Lake st wf 88x130.20, lease basis. $ 13.00 S E cor of Lake st wf 130x72, val. tax com 17.27 S W cor of Washington st ef 91x83, sold 26.48 N W cor. of Madison st ef 38x162, lease basis 28.40 S W cor of Madison st ef 80x109.30, lease basis. . . 22.87 160 ft s of Madison st ef 168x172, lease basis 17.44 200 ft s of Madison st ef 40x172, sold 15.69 68 ft n of Monroe st ef 48x180, sold 14.46 N W cor of Monroe st ef 38x171, lease basis 15.40 116 ft s of Monroe st ef 40x171, sold 11.70 150 ft s of Monroe st ef 40x171, sold 14.62 N W cor of Adams st ef 52x110, lease basis 24.48 120 ft s of Adams st ef 40x171, sold 16.10- 38 ft n of Jackson blvd ef 105x171, sold 11.14 N W cor of Jackson blvd ef 50x171, lease basis. . . 17.66 S W cor of Jackson blvd ef 160x171, sold 23. 57 S W cor of Jackson blvd ef 160x171, sold 23.75 150 ft s of Jackson blvd ef 53x171, lease basis 23.39 118 ft s of Congress st ef 38.50x172, sold 23.25 S W cor of Hubbard ct ef 24.50x155, sold , 15.16 80 ft s of Hubbard ct ef 50x173, sold 14.45 180 ft s of Hubbard ct ef 30x173, sold 14.45 80 ft s of Peck ct ef 40x180, sold 8. 33 120 ft s of Peck ct ef 40x180, sold 9. OS S E cor of Park Row wf 200x100, sold 25.00 N E cor of 12th st wf 200x100, sold 25.00 MONROE STREET. N W cor of Market st sf 141x100, sold 14. 18 N W cor of Franklin st sf 50x191, sold 21.00 N W cor of Fifth av sf 110x84, lease basis 21.50 N W cor of LaSalle st sf 189x73, val. tax com 70.00 S W cor of LaSalle st nf 95x189, val. tax com 76.00 12 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. MONROE STREET Continued. Value pei- Year. Description. sq. foot. 1893. N E cor of LaSalle st sf 50x80, sold $ 80.00 1898. S E cor of LaSalle st nf 50x110, sold 100.00 1896. 50 e of LaSalle st nf 90x188, val. tax com 37.24 1893. SW cor of Clark st nf 90x80, lease basis 110.00 1899. 90 ft e of Clark st nf 45.25x190, lease basis 78.00 1895. N E cor of Dearborn st sf 120x104, lease basis. . . . 43.27 1895. 135 ft e of Dearborn st sf 54.33x192, lease basis. . 34.88 1895. 135 ft w of State st sf 27x192, lease basis 31.83 1895. N W cor of State st sf 120x24, lease basis 83.33 1897. 110 ft e of State st sf 50x105, val. tax com 37.92 1890. N W cor of Michigan av sf 171x38, lease basis. . . . 15.40 PACIFIC AVENUE. 1892. S E cor of Jackson blvd wf 50x216, sold 85.00 1895. N W cor of VanBuren st ef 175x157, lease basis. . . 21.90 1895. 200 ft n of Harrison st wf 101x105, lease basis 3.77 1895. N E cor of Harrison st wf 139x105, lease basis 6.85 1892. S E cor of Harrison st wf 100x100, sold 15.00 1898. 150 ft s of Harrison st wf 100x105, sold 5.75 1898. 50 ft n of Polk st wf 50x105, sold 4.20 1896. 125 ft s of Polk st wf 20x102, sold 9.80 PLYMOUTH PLACE. 1893. 100 ft s of Jackson blvd wf 70x75, sold 54. 66 1898. 90 ft n of VanBuren st wf 70x93, sold 10.44 1898. S E cor of Polk st wf 75x100, sold 25.33 1896. 100 ft s of Polk st ef 20x102, sold 9.80 1896. 300 ft s of Polk st ef 20x100, val. tax com 12.00 POLK STREET. 1899. S E cor of Fifth av nf 105x40, sold 4.76 1898. S E cor of Plymouth pi nf 100x75, sold 25. 33 QUINCY STREET. 1892. 54 ft w of LaSalle st sf 160x150, sold 70.34 1892. S W cor of State st nf 100x42, sold. . 87.05 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. 13 RANDOLPH STREET. Value per Description. sq. foot. X W cor of Market st sf 78x90, lease basis. $ 25.50 100 ft w of LaSalle st nf 30x180, sold 18. 52 N E cor of Clark st sf 80x140, sold 44.72 30 ft e of Clark st nf 50.30x80, lease basis 60.00 80 ft e of Clark st sf 80x80, sold 46.87 S W cor of Dearborn st nf 20x90, sold 105.00 N E cor of Dearborn st sf 60x71, sold 52.82 75 ft e of Dearborn st nf 40x102, sold 20.34 N E cor of State st sf 113.40x24.50, sold 64.00 N E cor of State st sf 113.40x169.10, sold 43.00 50 ft w of Wabash av nf 25x104, sold 26. 15 S E cor of Wabash av nf 83.30x48, lease basis . . . 48.10 SHERMAN STREET. N E cor of VanBuren st wf 175x157, lease basis. . . 21.90 200 ft s of VanBuren st ef 26x106, sold 10.88 SOUTH WATER STREET. S W cor of Dearborn st nf 43.50x50, sold 54.00 Between Dearborn and State sts sf 32x55, sold. . . . 38.30 150 ft w of State st sf 40x55, sold 36.30 N E cor of State st sf 113.40x65x25, lease basis. .. 26.46 70 ft w of Wabash av nf 35x140, sold 13.70 120 ft e of Wabash av sf 48x100, sold 10.76 S E cor of Michigan av nf 72.20x130, sold 18.80 STATE STREET. N E cor So. Water st wf 25x65x113.40, lease basis. 26.46 110 ft n of Lake st ef 60x80, val. tax com 28.12 S E cor of Lake st wf 169.50x64.40, sold 64.00 S W cor of Couch pi ef 77x83, sold 40.00 153 ft n of Randolph st wf 60x68, sold 42.31 N E coi of Randolph st wf 24.50x113.40, sold 64.00 N E cor of Randolph st wf 169.40x113.40, sold. . . 43.00 14 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. STATE STREET Continued. Value per Year. Description. sq. foot. 1899. N W cor of Washington st ef 95x91.50, lease basis. $109. 00 1892. S E cor of Washington st wf 100x90, sold 111.11 1893. S W cor of Washington st ef 56x85, sold 100.84 1895. 180 ft n of Madison st ef 64x143, sold 78.00 1899. 112 ft n of Madison st ef 46x106, lease basis 269.60 1890. N W cor Madison st ef 66.50x105.50, lease basis. . 92.00 1898. N E cor of Madison st wf 53x150.60, lease basis. . . 125.28 1896. S E cor of Madison st wf 100x143.50, val. tax com. 73.18 1895. S W cor of Madison st ef 48x80, lease basis 110.65 1895. 48 ft s of Madison st ef 24x120, lease basis 55.55 1895. 72 ft s of Madison st ef 72x120, lease basis 53.24 1895. 144 ft s of Madison st ef 24x120, lease basis 52.08 1895. 168 ft s of Madison st ef 24x120, lease basis 59.03 1899. 182 ft s of Madison st wf 30x144, sold 72.92 1895. 168 ft n of Monroe st ef 24x120, lease basis 57.28 1894. 80 ft n of Monroe st wf 26x83, sold 97.30 1895. 72 ft n of Monroe st ef 96x120, lease basis 52.08 1895. 48 ft n of Monroe st ef 24x120, lease basis 55.55 1895. 24 ft n of Monroe st ef 24x120, lease basis 69.44 1895. N W cor of Monroe st ef 24x120, lease basis 83.33 1895. N W cor of Adams st ef 162.20x198, lease basis. . . 42.60 1899. 80 ft s of Adams st ef 20x100, sold 68.00 1896. 120 ft s of Adams st wf 22.50x144, lease basis 74.00 1892. S W cor of Quincy st ef 42x100, sold 87.00 1892. N E cor of VanBurn st wf 78x145, lease basis 53.50 1893. N E cor of Harrison st wf 100x138.50, sold 41.00 1896. S W cor of Harrison st ef 50x110, val. tax com. . . 54.54 1896. 200 ft s of Hubbard ct wf 40x138, sold 15.50 1899. 300 ft n of Taylor st ef 20x100, sold 8.32 1892. 160 ft s of Harmon ct wf 40x138, sold 9.06 VAN BUREN STREET. 1897. S E cor of Market st nf 176x90, sold 15.78 1891. 125 ft e of Franklin st nf 40x105, lease basis 19.05 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. 15 VAN BUREN STREET Continued. Value per Description. sq. foot. 120 ft w of Fifth av nf 20x105, lease basis $ 14.42 50 ft w of Sherman st nf 22.50x160, sold 15.02 N E cor of Sherman st sf 157x175, lease basis 21.90 N W cor of Pacific av sf 157x175, lease basis 21.90 N E cor of Clark st sf 100x50, lease basis 36.25 S W cor of Custom House pi nf 60x100, sold 33.33 S W cor of Custom House pi nf 60x100, sold 35.77 N E cor of Custom House pi sf 50x100, sold 45.00 N W cor of Dearborn st sf 16x100, sold 84.38 S W cor of Dearborn st nf 75x167, sold 69.65 N E cor of State st sf 145x78, lease basis 53.50 WABASH AVENUE. S W cor of Lake st ef 169x115, lease basis 17.50 S E cor of Lake st wf 100x40, sold 27.00 N W cor of Randolph st ef 138x169, sold 21.50 S E cor of Randolph st wf 48x83, lease basis 48.10 120 ft n of Washington st ef 72x150, sold 32.30 N W cor of Washington st ef 30x108.50, sold 59.41 N W cor of Madison st ef 79x150, val. tax com. . . 56.52 N W cor of Madison st ef 79x150, lease basis 60.12 100 ft s of Monroe st ef 35x174, lease basis 34.48 125 ft s of Adams st ef 34x172, lease basis 28.36 159 ft s of Adams st ef 34x172, val. tax com 27.90 S W cor of Jackson blvd ef 40x109, sold 61.73 180 ft s of Jackson blvd ef 40x109, sold 31.50 100 ft s of VanBuren st wf 33.50x171, sold 14.84 150 ft s of Congress st ef 48x165, val. tax com. . . . 21.69 110 ft s of Harrison st wf 40x171, sold 11.61 75 ft n of Peck ct wf 78x173, sold 9.75 WASHINGTON STREET. S W cor of Market st nf 60x190, sold 12. 82 80 ft e of Market st sf 20x180, val. tax com 11.11 16 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. WASHINGTON STREET Continued. Value per Year. Description. BQ. foot. 1896. 40 ft e of Franklin st sf 20.25x90, val. tax com. . .$ 27.77 1894. S W cor of Fifth av nf 40x100.50, sold 50.00 1899. 160 ft w of LaSalle st nf 40x180, sold 51. 38 1898. S W cor of LaSalle st nf 70x100, sold 178.57 1896. 90 ft e of LaSalle st nf 100x180, val. tax com 35.00 1891. N E cor of Clark st sf 80x100, bid 100.00 1891. 75 ft e of Clark st nf 60x182, sold 48.00 1892. 100 ft e of Clark st sf 40x80, sold 68.00 1896. 150 ft e of Clark st nf 57x182.50, val. tax com. . . 43.26 1892. S W cor of Dearborn st nf 40.20x90, sold 121.71 1899. N W cor of State st sf 95x91.50, lease basis 109.00 1893. S W cor of State st nf 85x56, sold 100.84 1892. S E cor of State st nf 100x90, sold 111.11 1890. 100 ft e of State st nf 50x110, sold 45. 4fi 1899. West of Wabash av sf 24x121, sold 78.70 1891. N W cor of Wabash av sf 108.50x30, sold 59.46 1894. 81 ft e of Wabash av nf 81.50x120, sold 22.50 1894. 83 ft w of Michigan av nf 26x91, sold 25. 64 1899. S W cor of Michigan av nf 83x91, sold 26.48 RENTAL VALUES OF THE BUSINESS CENTER OF CHICAGO, 1890 TO 1899 INCLUSIVE. ADAMS STREET. Year. Description. Term. Per Aimum 1894. No. 52, store . . 3 years. 1$ 3,000 1890. No. 62, store Term. 1, 800 1898. Nos. 60-62, double store . . 5 years. 6,000 1898. Nos. 66-68, double store.. 3 years. 6,000 1895. No. 72, store and basement.. .......... 3 years. 4,000 1899. No. 103, store . . . 5 years. 5,000 1891. No. 133, store . . Term. 3,000 1899. No. 156, store Term. 1,800 1890. No. 174, store 2 years. 2,000 1891. Nos. 195-197, 5-story building 5 years. 16,000 CLAKK STREET. Nos. 50-52-54, stores 5 years. 2,700 No. 99, store Term. 3,000 No. 107, store Term. 3,000 No. 109, store . . . 3 years. 2,000 No. 113, store and basement Term. 4,500 No. 115, store and basement Term. 2,400 No. 125, store 3 years. 4,500 No. 128, store Term. 4,000 Lot 20 ft n of Madison st ef 20x80 ..... 99 years. 7,080 \/r j- e n^ OH f 6 years. 13,500 Lot nv7 cor of Madison st ef 20x80 . . { no J ( 93 years. 16,200* No. 146, store and basement 1 year. 3,600*- No. 146, store and basement 6 years. 5,000 > No. 148, store and basement 6 years. 5,000* No. 167, basement 5 years. 1,000> No. 167, store 5 years. 5,000 No. 168, store 4 years. 4,250 18 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. CLARK STREET Continued. Fear. Description. Term. Per Annum 1899. No. 170, store 3 years. $ 4,500 j 1 year. 31,000 1893. Lot sw cor of Monroe st ef 80x90 .. 5 years. 33,000 ( 89 years. 40,000 1898. No. 186, store Term. 3,000 1899. No. 186^, store 3 years. 3,000 1899. No. 191, store 1 year. 5,000 1899. No. 193, store 1 year. 5,000 1898. No. 198, store Term. 2,500 1891. No. 228, store Term. 3,300 1894. No. 249, store and basement 5 years. 5,400 1898. Nos. 255-257, double store Term. 3,000 1895. No. 260, store Term. 3,600 1899. No. 265, store and basement 3 years. 1,500 1899. No. 267, store and basement 3 years. 2,000 1899. No. 269, store and basement 3 years. 1,800 1894. No. 277, store Term. 3,600 1893. Nos. 277-279, 5-story building. 8 years. 18,125 1891. No. 307, store 3 years. 2,533 1893. Lot se cor of Harrison st wf 100x100. . . 96 years. 15,000 CONGRESS STREET. No. 38, store 3 years. 1, 200 No. 46, store Term. 1,550 DEARBORN STREET. No. 48, store and basement 4 years. 2,000 No. 52, store and basement Term. 2,400 Lot 100 ft s of Randolph st wf 80x120 . . 99 years. 18,000 1891. Lot 100 ft n Washington st wf 20x80 J J years ' ^ ( . \ 92 years. 6,000 1898. No. 97, store. 3 years. 2,400 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. 19 DEARBORN STREET Continued. Description. Term Per Annum Lot sw cor of Calhoun pi ef 95x80 99 years. $28,000 {1 year. 23,000 1 year. 24,000 1 year. 25,000 1 year. 26,000 95 years. 27,000 *Lot se cor of Madison st wf 72x120 90 years. 30,000 *Lot 72 ft s of Madison st wf 48x120. . .90 years. 10,080 *Lot 120 ft s of Madison st wf 24x120 . .90 years. 5,040 *Lot 144 ft s of Madison st wf 48x120 . . 90 years. 11,400 *Lot 192 ft s of Madison st wf 48x120. .90 years. 11,220 *Lot 104 ft n of Monroe st wf 24x120. .90 years. 7,980 *Lot ne cor of Monroe st wf 104x120. . .90 years. 32,400 *Lot nw cor of Monroe st ef 95x191 .... 36 years. 29,700 No. 152, store 3 years. 3,333 No. 267, store Term. 2,400 No. 269, store and basement 5 years. 3,000 Lot 100 ft n of VanBuren st wf 50x70 . . Term. 7,500 No. 281, store 2 years. 2,400 No. 285, store 3 years. 1,500 No. 332, store Term. 3,000 No. 340, store 3 years. 2,000 No. 342, store 3 years. 2,000 FIFTH AVENUE. 1895. fLot 100 ft n Madison st wf 80x180. \ 6 K yea1 ' 8 ' [J J ( 85 years. 14,400 1891. Lot sw cor ot Madison st ef 100x48. \ ? vears ' [^ ( 94 years. 16,000 1898. No. 148, building Term. 3,800 1899. No. 165, store 1 year. 1,500 1891. Nos. 190-192, 6-story building 5 years. 7,500 1898. Nos. 191-193, stores and basements Term. 2,500 1896. Nos. 238-240, 8-story building 5 years. 15,000 1898. Nos. 262 to 268, stores and basements.. 6 years. 5,833 * School fund property, revaluation clause. t School fund property, no revaluation. 20 REAL ESTATE VALUES ANUHISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. FRANKLIN STREET. Year. Description. Term. Per Annum 1898. No. 123, store and basement Term. $ 2,400 1895. Lot 46ft s of Madison st ef 54x81 99 years. 5,000 1891. Nos. 128-130, stores 2 years. 3,000 1899. No. 148, store and basement Term. 1,200 1899. Nos. 156 to 166, 7-story building Term. 12,000 1899. Nos. 234 to , T-story building 3 years. 12,000 1898. Nos. 244 to , 7-story building 5 years. 27,000 HARRISON STREET. 1895. Nos. 65 to 69, 3-story building 5 years. 12,000 1894. No. 71, store. 3 years. 1,200 1893. Lot se cor of Clark st nf 100x100 96 years. 15,000 JACKSON BOULEVARD. 1897. Lot se cor of Wabash av nf 90x48 Term. 1898. Nos. 40-42, stores 8 years. 1890. Nos. 45-47, stores.* . 5 years. ( 10 years. 1896, Lot ne cor, LaSalle st sf 178x186.75. / 20 years. ( 69 years. 1891. No. 151, store 4 years. 1891. No. 153, store 4 years. 1896. Nos. 191-193, 8-story building 5 years. 1898. Nos. 199 to 203, building 5 years. 1898. Nos. 222 to 228, 7-story building 5 years. 1899. No. 236, store 5 years. 1898. Nos. 255 to 265, 7-story building 5 years. LAKE STREET. 1893. Nos. 10 to 14, 5-story building. 20 years. 11,500 1897. Lot sw cor of Wabash av nf 115x169. . . Term. 20,400 1890. No. 46, store. . 3 years. 3,000 1898. Nos. 53-55, stores and basements Term. 5,000 1899. No, 57, store.. Term. 1,600 1898. No. 105, 4-story building 5 years. 3,400 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. 21 LAKE STREET Continued. Year. Description. Term. Per Annum 1891. No. 115, 4-story building.. .-.- 5 years. $ 4,000 1898. No. 148, 4-story building 4 years. 2,100 1898. No. 204, 3-story building 3 years. 2,966 1891. No. 230, store and basement. . . . Term. 1,200 LASALLE STREET. 1890. No. 42, store.. . : : . : : ; 5 years. 2,600 1899. Nos. 119-121, 9-story building 99 years. 10,000 1898. Nos, 133-135, store 3 years. 6,333 1894. No. 147, store. . ." Term. 2,000 1894. No. 194, store. Term. 4,000 1895. No. 196, store. Term. 2,700 1899. No. 206, store. Term. 2,400 ( 10 years. 70,000 1896. Lot ne cor Jackson blvd wf 186.75x178 1 20 years. 80,000 ( 69 years. 90,000 MADISON STREET. ( 14 years. 6,650 1896. Lot nw cor Michigan av sf 162x38. . . -! 15 years. 7,600 ( 15 years. 11,400 1899. Let nw cor of Wabash av sf 150x79 99 years. 28,500 1898. No. 40, store and basement Term. 6,300 1898. Nos. 51 to 61, 6-story building Term. 47,000 1890. Lot nw cor of State st sf 105.50x66. 50.. 99 years. 35,000 1893. Nos. 65 to 75, double store and basement. 10 years. 50,000 1895. *Lots sw cor of State st nf 80x48 90 years. 25.500 1895. *Lots 80 ft w of State st nf 40x43 90 years. 8,400 1895. *Lots 135 ft w of State st nf 81.50x192.90 years. 27,000 1895. *Lots 164 ft e of Dearborn st sf 66x56. .90 years. 2,400 1895. *Lots 80 ft e of Dearborn st sf 84x56. . .90 years. 2,640 1895. *Lots se cor of Dearborn st nf 120x72. .90 years. 30,000 * School fund property ; revaluation clause. REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. MADISON STREET Continued. Description. Term. Per Annum No. 85, store Term. $ 4,600 1 year. 23,000 1 year. 24,000 Lot sw cor Dearborn st nf 50x92.50. . 1 year. 25,000 1 year. 26,000 5 years. 27,000 No. 108, 4-story building. ........... 10 years. 9,000 No. 115, store ...................... 3 years. 3,000 OA on (6 years. 13,500 Lot nw cor of Clark st sf 80x20 .... j 9g ^ 16 ; 20Q No. 157, store ....................... 3 years. 6,333 No. 165, store .................. ..... Term. 3,000 No. 167, store ....................... 5 years. 3,600 No. 169, store ................... , . . . Term. 3,000 No. 173, store ............. ......... Term. 3,000 Nos. 178-180, two stores .............. 2 years. 7,000 No. 183, store ....................... 5 years. 4,200 No. 184, store ....................... Term. 4,000 . -nv,,, ( 5 years. 12,500 Lot sw cor of Fifth avnf 48x100... j 94 * ears 15 ; ooo Nos. 207-209, 6-story building ......... 5 years. 8,500 No. 217, store ...................... Term. 1,800 Lot ne cor of Market st sf 135x180 ..... 10 years. 10,000 MARKET STREET. Lot nw cor of Randolph st ef 90x78 ____ 99 years. 9,000 Lot ne cor of Madison st wf 180x135 ____ 10 years. 10,000 Nos. 117 to 123, stores ........ . ...... 5 years. 2,400 No. 156, store ....................... Term. 1,000 Nos. 165-167, stores ................. 3 years. 4,500 Nos. 204 to 208, 7-story building ...... 5 years. 23,200 Nos. 234 to 240, stores ............... Term. 15,000 Nos. 237-239, 6-story building ......... 10 years. 14,000 Nos. 252-254, stores. ..... ........... 5 years. 3,000 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. 23 MICHIGAN AVENUE. Year. Description. Term. Per Annum 1898. No. 85, 4-story building .............. 5 years. $ 3,000 1898. Lot sw cor of Washington st ef 91x83. .10 years. 4,800 {14 years. 15 years. 15 years. 1888. Lot and building nw cor of Monroe st ef 38x171 ............................ 99 years. 1890. Lot 160 ft s of Monroe st ef 40x171 ____ 99 years. MONROE STREET. 1888. Lot and building nw cor of Michigan av sf 171x38 ...................... , . . 99 years. 1895. *Lot nw cor of State st sf 120x24 ...... 90 years. 1895. *Lot 135 ft w of State st sf 27x192 ..... 90 years. C 10 years. JJj years ' iu years. 60 years. 1895. *Lots ne cor of Dearborn st sf 120x104.. 90 years. 1895. *Lots nw cor of Dearborn st sf 92x95. . . 36 years. 1894. No 85, store ........................ 2 years. 1891. No. 154, store ..................... 5 years. 1891. No. 175, store ...................... Term. 1899. No. 177, store and basement ........... Term. 1896. No. 181, store ........ ............... Term. {1 year. 5 years. 89 years. 1898. No. 188, store ........... . ........... 5 years. 1897. Nos. 203-205, 5-story building ......... 5 years. 1899. Nos. 229-231, 7-story building ........ Term. PLYMOUTH PLACE. 1898. Lot 90 ft n of VanBuren st wf 70x93. . . 84 years. 1899. No. 27, store ........................ 3 years. * School fund property; revaluation clause. 1895. Lots 135 ft e Dearborn st sf 34x192. REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. QUINCY STREET. Description. Term. Per Annum Nos. I to 11, 5-story building . . .10 years. $26,250 Lots, being Nos. 17 to 21, 60x83 99 years. 12,000 RANDOLPH STREET. No, 44, store and basement 3 years. 3,400 No. 44, basement 3 years. 1, 000 No. 85, store. , , . . . Term. 1,800 Lot 40 ft w of Dearborn st nf 40x100. . . 99 years. 8,000 , ,., P ,^, . I 5 years. 10.000 Lot 31 ft e of Clark st nt 50x80 .... { n , J } 94 years. 12,000 No. 149, theatre 10 years. 18,000 Lot nw cor of Market st sf 78x90 99 years. 9,000 . SOUTH WATER STREET. Nos. 34-36, 4-story building 5 years. 4,750 Nos, 38-40, 4- story building 5 years. 5,000 No. 87, 3-story building 5 years. 5,000 No. 117, 4-story building Term. 3,600 No. 125, store Term. 2,400 No. 170, store and basement 1 year. 2,000 No. 225, 4-story building Term. 3,300 No. 227, 4-story building Term. 3,300 Nos. 254-256, 4-story building 3 years. 5,000 STATE STREET. No. 56, store and basement 5 years. 6,500 No. 58, store.. 3 years. 3,000 ( 5 years. 57,500 1893. Lot nw cor Washington stef 91.50x95 ] 5 years. 65,000 ( 89 years. 75,000 1895.: Lot and building 150 ft s of Washington st wf 48x150 99 years. 1899. Nos. 118-120, store 46x106 .10 years. 1890. Lot nw cor Madison st ef 66.50x105.50.99 years. 1893. Nos. 126 to 130, store and basement. . . .10 years. REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. 25 STATE STREET Continued. Year. Description. Term. Per Annum 1899. Nos. 126 to 130, basement 4 years. $ 6,000 1898. Nos. 127-129, 6-story building 5 years. 47,000 1895. *Lots sw cor of Madison st ef 48x80 .... 90 years. 25,500 1895. *Lot 48 ft s of Madison st ef 24x120 90 years. 9,600 1895. *Lots 72 ft s of Madison st ef 72x120. . . 90 years. 27,000 1895. *Lot 144 ft s of Madison st ef 24x120. . .90 years. 9,000 1895. *Lot 168 ft s of Madison st ef 24x120. . . 90 years. 10,200 1895. *Lot 168 ft n of Monroe st ef 24x120. . . 90 years. 9,900 1895. *Lot 144 ft n of Monroe st ef 24x120. . . 90 years. 9,000 1895. *Lot 120 ft n of Monroe stef 24x120. ..90 years. 9,000 1895. *Lot 96 ft n of Monroe st ef 24x120 90 years. 9,000 1895. *Lot 72 ft n of Monroe st ef 24x120 90 years. 9,000 1895. *Lot 48 ft n of Monroe st ef 24x120. ... 90 years. 9,600 1895. *Lot 24 ft n of Monroe st ef 24x120 90 years. 12,000 1895. *Lot nw cor of Monroe st ef 24x120. . . .90 years. 14,400 1898. No. 138, store ....:..... Term. 7,000 1897. No. 145, 5-story building 15 years. 18,000 1894. Nos. 150-152, 4-story building 15 years. 17,500 1891. No. 157, 4-story building Term. 10,500 1891. No. 160, store 5 years. 12,000 1891. No. 167, basement 2 years. 2,160 1890. .No. 180, store Term. 14,000 1899. No. 182, store and basement 5 years. 12,000 1897. No. 195, store and basement. Term. 12,000 1898. No. 204, store ;.... Term. 5,400 1891. No. 210, store 3 years. 6,000 1894. No. 210, store Term. 7,000 1898. Lot 100 ft s of Adams st wf 20x144. . . .99 years. 8,000 1895. Nos. 212-214, 5-story building 10 years. 26,250 21,000 25,000 1891. Nos. 221-223, 5-story building.. J 10 years. ( 14 years. * School fund property; revaluation clause. 26 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. STATE STREET Continued. Year. Description. Term. Per Annum 1890. No. 223, store and basement , Term. $ 6,500 1894. No. 224, store and basement 3 years. 4,000 1899. No. 226, store Term. 4,200 1896. No. 235, store Term. 4,500 1891. No. 238, 3-story building 5 years. 6,000 1899. No. 238, 3-story building Term. 4,500 1897. Nos. 246-248, 4-story building Term. 10,000 1898. No. 254, store. 5 years. 4,000 1898. No. 256, store and basement Term. 4,000 1891. No. 258, 3-story building 3 years. 5,500 1899. No. 260, store and basement Term. 4,800 1891. No. 272, store and basement 3 years. 4,500 1899. No. 274, store and basement 5 years. 4,500 1894. No. 276, store and basement 5 years. 7,000 1891. Lot ne cor of VanBurenstwf 78x145 \ * years ' ^'^ ( 94 years. 30,000 1891. No 280, store 5 years. 2,500 1891. No. 282, store and basement Term. 6,000 1894. Nos. 282-284, stores 5 years. 8,700 1896. No. 286, store Term. 4,000 1894. No. 290, store and basement 5 years. 6,000 1891. Nos. 292-294, 4-story building 5 years. 10,000 1891. No. 294, store and basement 3 years. 3,000 1894. No. 298, store Term. 3,600 1891. No. 304, store Term. 3, 800 1899. No. 312, store Term. 3,300 1899. No. 314, 3-story building 3 years. 7,000 1891. No. 314, store and basement Term. 3,800 1895. No. 318, store Term. 3,000 1894. No. 320, store and basement. . . 3 years. 4,000 1891. No. 338, 3-story building 5 years. 6,000 1899. No. 338, 3-story building Term. 4,500 1891. Nos. 340-342, 2 basements 5 years. 2,000 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. 27 STATE STREET Continued. Description. Term. Per Annum Nos. 340-342, 2 stores Term. $ 4,000 No. 346, store and basement 3 years. 4,000- No. 346, store and basement 3 years. 3,600 Nos. 848-350, 3-story building 8 years. 10,000 No. 348, store Term. 3,600 Nos. 352-854, 3-story building 5 years. 12,000 No. 358, store Term. 4,500 No. 409, store 3 years. 1,200 VANBUREN STREET. ( 5 years. 25,000- Lot ne cor of State st sf 145x78 .... | ^ ^ ^ QQ(> Nos. 74-76, 2 stores 5 years. 8,500 Nos. 75-77, 2 stores 3 years. 4,500 No. 78, store 3 years. 2,000 No. 89, store 8 years. 1,800 No. 95, store 3 years. 2,400 No. 97, L-shaped store 1 year. 2,500 No. 97-|, L-shaped store 3 years. 2,000 No. 103, store Term. 2,400 No. 104, store Term. 1,800 Nos. 105 to 115, 5-story building 8 years. 18,125 No. 107, store 3 years. 1,333 Lot and bldg. se cor Pacific av nf 100x100. 99 years. 30, 000 ( 2 years. 2,500 2 years. 3,000 Lot 125 ft e of Franklin st nf 40x105 . -( 2 years. 8,500 2 years. 4,000 [91 years. 4,800 No. 220, 4-story building 99 years. 3,000 Nos. 277-279, 5-story building 8 years. 18,125 WABASH AVENUE. Lot sw cor of Lake st ef 115x169 Term. 20,400 Nos. 56-58, 2 stores 5 years. 3,200 28 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. WABASH AVENUE Continued. Year. Description. Term. Per Annum 1898. No. 71, store.. 3 years. $ 2,000 1894. Nos. 88 to 94, 5-story building Term. 36,000 1899. Lot nw cor of Madison st ef 79x150. . . .99 years. 28,500 1898. Nos. 122-124, 5-story building Term. 47,000 1893. Nos. 126 to 132, 4-story building.. 8 years. 40,000 1894. No. 139, store Term. 3,500 1898. No. 144, store Term. 3,000 1891. No. 164, store Term. 5,000 1898. Lot 100 ft s of Monroe st ef 35x174 .... 80 years. 10,500 1890. No. 173, store Term. 2,400 1891. No. 177, store and basement Term. 3,000 1894. No. 178, store. 2 years. 5,000 1890. No. 179, store ....;... . Term. 2,400 1898. Lot 80 ft s of Adams st ef 46x171 99 years. 12,000 1891. Lot 125 ft s of Adams stef 34x171.. \ ? years ' { 94 years. 10,000 1898. Nos. 227-229, 4-story building 5 years. 15,000 1892. Lot se cor of Jackson blvd wf 48x90. . . . Term. 10,000 1894. Nos. 258-260, 5-story building 5 years. 14,000 1894. No. 261, store and basement 4 years. 6,000 1898. No. 268, store 2 years. 2,400 1891, Nos. 280-282, 2 stores. . , , 5 years. 6,000 1890. No. 284, store 3 years. 2,000 1890. No. 285, store Term. 1,800 1891. Nos. 292-294, 2 stores Term. 5,500 1891. No. 292, basement Term. 1,200 1898. Nos. 315-317, 2 stores and basements. . . 3 years. 4,050 1898. No. 319, store and basement 5 years. 1,600 1894. No, 367, store and basement- 3 years. 2,100 WASHINGTON STREET. 1898. Lot sw cor of Michigan av nf 83x91 .... 10 years. 4,800 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. 29 4 WASHINGTON STREET Continued. Year. Description. Term, Per Annum 1891. No. 36, store and basement. . 2 years. $ 4,000 ( 5 years. 57,500 1893. Lot nw cor of State st sf 95x91.50. ..< 5 years. 65.000 ( 89 years. 75,000 1898. No. 88, store.. . 3 years. 2,400 1895. Lot 160 ft w of LaSalle st nf 40x180. . .99 years. 15,000 1892. No. 182, store and basement 5 years. 3,400 REAL ESTATE BELONGING TO THE SCHOOL FUND OF CHICAGO, With Appraisal Values of the School Board for 1895. This property is mostly rented until May 8, 1985, subject to a revaluation every ten years at six per cent, on the appraisal value. OKIGINAL TOWN. Block. Lot. Description. Value for 1895 50 9 150x56 ..$84,000 55 6 80x180 220,000 58 6 80x160.25 400,000 SCHOOL SECTION 16. 1 1 204.50x180 183,333 1 2 to 9 inclusive, 200x100 180,000 1 10 20x150 13,000 1 11 to 15 inclusive, 125x150 ) 1 . ^ nnn 1 16 to 20 inclusive, 136.50x100 '. . . . f 1 21 Board of educacion 117,000 1 52 100x80 34,000 8 52 50x160 40,000 113 8 and 11, 101x105 40,000 113 10 50x105 50,000 113 14 and north 10 feet of 17, 60x105 24,268 113 16 50x150 113 South 39 feet of 17, 20 and 23, 139x105. . . 100,000 113 21 and 22, 100x105 119 Part of Lots 5 and 6, 95x192 480,000 142 Ef of 1 and 2, 48x80 425,000 142 W of 1 and 2, 40x48 140,000 142 3 24x120 160,000 142 4, 5 and 6, 72x120 450,000 142 7 24x120 150,000 142 8 24x120 170,000 142 9, 10 and 11, 81.50x192 450,000 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. 31 SCHOOL SECTION 16 Continued. Lot. Description. Value for 1885 12, 13 and 14, 72x120 1500,000 15 and 17, 48x120 168,000 16 24x120 84,000 18 and 19, 48x120 190,000 20 and 21, 48x120 187,000 22 and north 16 feet of 23, 40x120 . 133,000 S 8 ft of 23 and 24 to 27 inclusive, 104x120. 540,000 28 and 29, 54.33x192 230,000 30 27x192 110,000 31 24x120 165,000 32 to 35 inclusive, 96x120 . . r 600,000 36 24x120 160,000 37 24x120 200,000 38 24x120 240,000 BRONSON'S ADDITION SECTION 15. S 264 ft of Lot 207, 264x181.50 820,000 2 Part of sub-lots 3 & 4 of lots 7 & 10, 20x83. 120,000 RUSSELL, MATHER & ROBERTS' ADDITION in S E frac. Sec. 21, Town 39, Range 14. 26 8, 9, 12 and 13, 200x124 42,500 60 Ni of lot 14, 20x150 , 3,500 H. W. THOMPSON'S SUBDIVISION of W^ N Ei, Sec. 1, Town 39, Range 13. 5 7 if) 10 inclusive, 100x125 5 39 to 42 inclusive, 100x125 6 41 and 42, 50x125 COLVIN'S SUBDIVISION. S Ei N Wi, Sec. 36, Town 38, Range 13. 2 6 to 9 inc. and 12, 18, 19, 21 and 44 to 50 inc.... .3 15 to 22 inc. and 28 to 34 inc. and 37 to 44 inc... OUTSIDE SCHOOL FUND PROPERTY. Wf S Wi, Sec. 13, Town 36, Range 12, 80 acres. . . . E$ S Ei, Sec. 15, Town 37, Range 13. .80 acres E N Wi, Sec. 23, Town 37, Range 13, 80 acres .... N Wi, Sec. 23, Town 37, Range 13, 80 acres. . . . S WJ, Sec. 22, Town 38, Range 13, 80 acres. . . . Blocks 2, 5, 12, 20 and 21 in Sec. 11, Town 40, Range 13, 49.75 acres Wi N Wi. Sec. 33, Town 40, Range 13, 80 acres. . . . E S Ei, Sec. 34, Town 38, Range 14, 80 acres N Ei S, Wi, Sec. 7, Town 40, Range 14, 40 acres. . . . HEGEWISCH'S SUBDIVISION in Town 5, Range 10, 60 acres * . HOUGH & REED'S SUBDIVISION in Towns 55 and 56, Range 4, 400 acres LANDS IN NORWOOD PARK in Towns 2, 3, 4 and 24, Range 1 LIST OF CANAL LOTS SOLD AT AUCTION In Original Town of Chicago, September 27, 1830, bounded by State, Kinzie, Desplaines and Madison streets. Price Block. Lot. Location. Brought 1 1 N W cor of State st and Chicago river ...... 2 West of State st sf on Chicago river ....... 3 West of State st sf on Chicago river ....... 4 N E cor of Dearborn st and Chicago river.. . 5 S E cor of Dearborn st and North Water st. 6 North Water st nf west of State st ......... 7 North Water st uf west of State st ...... ... 8 S W cor of State st and North Water st . . . . 2 1 N W cor of Dearborn st and Chicago river ....... 60 2 West of Dearborn st sf on Chicago river ........ 37 5 S E cor of North Water and Clark sts ......... . . 18 6 North Water st nf west of Dearborn st 7 North Water st nf west of Dearborn st ........ V 58 8 S W cor of North Water and Dearborn sts 3 2 N W cor of Clark st and Chicago river 3 West of Clark st on Chicago river 4 N E cor of LaSalle st and Chicago river 5 S E cor of North Water and LaSalle sts ........ 6 North Water st nf west of Clark st ........... 7 North Water st nf west of Clark st ............ j 4 1 N W cor of LaSalle st and Chicago river ......... 40 5 Public school .............................. 7 North Water st nf west of LaSalle st ............ 30 8 S W cor of LaSalle and North Water sts ........ 16 5 1 N W cor of Wells st and Chicago river .......... 31 2 West of Wells st sf on Chicago river ............ 20 3 West of Wells st sf on Chicago river ............ 22; 4 N E cor of Franklin st on Chicago river ..... .... 32 5 S E cor of Franklin and North Water sts ........ 10 6 North Water st nf west of Wells st ............. 8 7 North Water st nf west of Wells st ........... ) 1R 8 S W cor of North Water and Wells sts ........ j 6 5 North Water st nf west of Franklin st ...... , . . . . 24 3 Clinton st wf north of Carroll ave ............ * 4 Canal st ef north of Carroll ave. I 34 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. LIST OF CANAL LOTS Continued. Price Block. Lot. Location. Brought 5 N W cor of Canal st and Carroll ave , c . . 6 N E cor of Clinton st and Carroll ave f 7 S E cor of Kinzie and Clinton sts 11 10 4 Jefferson st ef north of Carroll ave 20 13 5 Canal st ef north of Fulton st. . 6 Clinton st wf north of Fulton st " 8 Canal st ef north of Fulton st .................. 20 14 1 East of Carroll ave near Chicago river. . . ) V K A 2 East of Carroll ave near Chicao river ......... f 3 East of Carroll ave near Chicago river ......... ^| 4 East of Carroll ave near Chicago river ......... ( 5 ) fi > On Chicago river west of Orleans st ........... j 7 On Chicago river west of Orleans st ........... ) . n 8 On Chicago river west of Orleans st ........... j 15 3 Orleans st on the Chicago river .............. ) ~ 7 4 Orleans st on the Chicago river .............. I 16 1 S W cor of State and South Water sts ........... 75 o [ S W cor of Dearborn and South Water sts ..... > 100 7 Lake st sf west of Dearborn st ............... ) fif , 8 N W cor of Lake and Dearborn sts ........... j 18 1 S W cor of Clark and South Water sts .......... 24 2 South Water st nf west of Clark st .............. 45 7 Lake st sf west of Clark st .................... 20 8 N W cor of Lake and Clark sts ................. 25 19 1 S W cor of South Water and LaSalle sts. 2 South Water st nf west of LaSalle st , 3 Cook county lot 4 S E cor of South Water st and Fifth ave 36 7 Lake st sf west of LaSalle st ) . R 8 N W cor of Lake and LaSalle sts j 20 1 S W cor of South Water st arid Fifth ave 51 2 South Water st nf west of Fifth ave 42 3 Cook county lot 7 Lake st sf west of Fifth ave 27 5 N W cor of Lake st and Fifth ave 22 21 1 S W cor of South Water and Franklin sts 2 South Water st nf west of Franklin st j 5 N E cor of Lake and Market sts. ) 6 Lake st sf west of Franklin st f .$277 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. 35 LIST OF CANAL LOTS Continued. Price Lot. Location. Brought 2 S E cor of Fulton and Canal sts 3 Canal st vvf south of Fulton st 5 North of Lake st on Chicago river .... 6 Canal st wf north of Lake st 7 N E cor of Lake and Canal sts 8 N W cor of Lake st and Chicago river. 1 S W cor of Fulton and Canal sts ) - 2 S E cor of Fulton and Clinton sts j 3 Clinton st wf south of Fulton st 4 Canal st ef south of Fulton st , ,, ~ 5 Canal st ef south of Fulton st . . 6 Clinton st wf south of Fulton st 3 Clinton st wf south of Lake st ) 9 q 4 Canal st ef south of Lake st f 5 Canal st ef south of Lake st ) 91 6 Clinton st wf south of Lake st j 9 N W cor of Canal and Randolph sts 31 10 N E cor of Clinton and Randolph sts 67 1 S W cor of Lake and West Water sts 71 4 West Water st ef south of Lake st 100 5 West Water st ef south of Lake st } ^ ft ~ 6 Canal st wf south of Lake st f 7 Canal st wf south of Lake st ) qq 8 W T est Water st ef south of Lake st f 9 N W cor of West Water and Randolph sts ) 1 - fl LO N E cor of Canal and Randolph sts f 3 Lake st nf east of Market st 42 4 S E cor of Lake and Market sts 60 5 N E cor of Randolph and Market sts ) .. ... 6 Randolph st sf east of Market st j 3 Lake st nf east of Franklin st 11 4 S E cor of Lake and Franklin sts 15 5 N E cor of Randolph and Franklin sts. . . ) ~~ 6 Randolph st sf east of Franklin st f 5 N E cor of Fifth ave and Randolph st 21 4 S E cor of LaSalle and Lake sts ) . ~ 5 N E cor of LaSalle and Randolph sts f 3 Lake st nf east of Clark st 23 4 S E cor of Lake and Clark sts 26 5 N E cor of Clark and Randolph sts 35 6 Randolph st sf east of Clark st 25 . .....) ~a j 36 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. LIST OF CANAL LOTS Continued. Price Block. Lot. Location. Brought 36 3 Lake st nf east of Dearborn st ................ ) ^ ~~ 4 S E cor of Lake and Dearborn sts ............ j 5 N E cor of Randolph and Dearborn sts ........ ) - 6 Randolph st sf east of Dearborn st ............ j 39 Public Square .......... , ..... 43 7 N W cor of Washington and Market sts. ... 8 N W cor of Washington and Market sts 44 1 S W cor of West Water and Randolph sts ........ 73 3 S E cor of Canal and Randolph sts .............. 16 5 West Water st ef south of Randolph st .......... 33 7 Canal st wf south of Randolph st ............... 13 8 West Water st ef south of Randolph st .......... 32 9 N W cor of West Water and West Washington sts. 50 10 N E cor of Canal and West Washington sts. . 23 COMPABATIVE STATEMENT OF LAND VALUES In Fort Dearborn Addition to Chicago bounded by State and Madi- son streets, Lake Michigan and the Chicago River. Approximate Location and Description. Sold, 1839. values, 1899 Lot N E cor of River and Dock sts., 77x109. ..$ 26.57 $ 90,000 Lot N E cor State and S. Water sts. , 113. 40x65. 25. 00 175, 000 Lot S E cor of Michigan av and So. Water sts., 39x130 , 359.00 95,000 Lot S E cor of Wabash av and So. Water sts., 24x140. 600.00 65,000 Lot S E cor So. Water and State sts., 22x140. 853.00 95,000 Lot S E cor Lake and State sts., 22.80x169 712.00 175,000 Lot S E cor W T abash av and Lake st., 24x169. . 429.00 110,000 Lot S E cor Randolph st and Wabash av., 43x 162 501,00 225,000 Lot S W cor Randolph st and Wabash av., 48x 160 451.00 250,000 Lot S W cor Michigan av and Washington sts., 48x162 375.00 195,000 Lot S W cor of Wabash av and Washington st, 48x150 427.00 350,000 The last-named lot has shown, for the past sixty years, an average yearly increase in value of $5,826. VALUES PER FRONT FOOT OF THE OUTLYING DISTRICT OF CHICAGO This table shows a partial list of sales of vacant property made during the last ten years of the nineteenth century, and, except where otherwise specified, are for the year 1892. ABERDEEN STREET. Description. Sold. Per Front Foot Between 52d and 53d streets wf 72x125 October 4. $ 28 S W cor 60th street of 48x125 May 25. 21 100 feet south of 62d street ef 50x125 July 27. 26 S W cor of 64th street ef 50x125 September 10. 80 197 feet north of 66th street wf 50x125 August 13. 86 225 feet south of 67th street ef 50x125 August 27. 24 125 feet south of 72d street wf 100x125 August 1. 20 73 feet south of 73d street ef 50x125 .November 26. 20 Between 74th and 75th streets ef 250x124 June 22. 22 148 feet north of 85th street wf 50x124 August 17. 22 ADA STREET. 122 feet south of Austin avenue ef 26x143 January 29. 112 72 feet north of 48th street wf 24x125 August 25. 41 216 feet north of 49th street ef 24x124 August 30. 41 107 feet north of 50th street ef 25x125 March 16. 40 Between 68th and 69th streets ef 33x125 July 9. 39 ADAMS STREET. 159 feet west of Jefferson street sf 50x150 February 12. 513 176 feet east of Halsted street nf 25x169 Sold 1899. 410 100 feet east of Halsted street nf 76x169 Sold 1899. 464 91 feet east of Honore street nf 31x125 April 30. 171 48 feet east of California avenue sf 24x124. . . .June 25. 75 75 feet east of Spaulding avenue sf 25x180. . . .April 19. 110 N E cor of Spaulding avenue sf 50x180 April 19. 110 144 feet west of Spaulding avenue sf 25x180. . .March 3, 100 38 REAL, ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. ADAMS STREET Continued. Description. Sold. Per Front Foot 331 feet east of Homan avenue sf 50x180 July 26. $115 50 feet east of St. Louis avenue sf 75x180 April 19. 120 N E cor of St. Louis avenue sf 25x180 February 9. 141 N W cor of St. Louis avenue sf 155x180 February 5. 129 270 feet east of Central Park avenue nf 25x142. May 17. 115 50 feet west of 42d street nf 50x121 October 10. 40 125 feet west of 42d street nf 25x121 October 11. 40 N E cor of 44th street sf 25x121 . October 18. 50 75 feet west of 44th street sf 25x121 November 21. 42 275 feet west of 44th street sf 50x121 October 1. 39 100 feet west of 45th street sf 25x121 July 21. 44 75 feet east of 46th street sf 25x121 April 20. 40 ADAMS AVENUE. 24 feet south of 73d street ef 25x125 May 20. 60 N E cor of 82d street wf 58x114 June 1. 46 141 feet south of 83d street ef 50x124 March 1. 25 ADDISON AVENUE. 225 feet east of Racine avenue nf 25x122 May 1. 58 200 feet east of Racine avenue sf 25x125 March 10. 51 125 feet east of Racine avenue sf 25x125 September 17. 54 N E cor of Hangan avenue sf 50x125 August 24. 80 70 feet east of Jansen avenue sf 50x134 July 26. 60 100 feet east of Lincoln avenue sf 25x125 August 2. 46 106 feet west of Robey street sf 50x125 April 2. 75 515 feet west of Crawford avenue sf 50x124. . .May 19. 21 ALBANY AVENUE. S E cor of Hinman street wf 25x133 April 2. 40 170 feet south of 20th street wf 24x120 October 18. 41 411 feet north of 22d street ef 50x125 August 1. 24 175 feet north of 38th street wf 25x125 July 8. 56 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. 39 ARCHER AVENUE. Descriptioa- Sold. Per Front Toot 144 feet east of Stewart avenue nf 25x102 July 2. $200 431 feet west of 33d street nf 25x100 March 26. 84 N E cor of Leavitt street sf 555x October 19. 43 240 feet west of Saratoga street sf 25x118 August 18. 40 Between 39th and 40th streets sf 24x February 1. 42 257 feet west of 39th street sf 24x February 8. 42 N E cor of 83d street sf 48x126 September 1. 25 ARMITAGE AVENUE. . 24 feet east of Seymour street nf 25x200 ...... June 27. 50 125 feet west of Rockwell street nf 25x125 . . . . July 22. 40 124 feet west of Point street sf 25x . ...... .June 6. 48 474 feet west of Point street sf 25x . . '. June 22 46 75 feet west of Mozart street sf 25x150 July 2. 50 30 feet west of Nebraska street nf 50x134 May 3. 40 S E cor of Mead street nf 75x150 September 1. 40* 50 feet east of Sheridan street nf 25x150 August 15. 40 175 feet east of 40th street sf 25x125 April 16. 40 181 feet east of 50th street sf 57x136 October 29. 20 East of Dunham street sf 83x125 March 4. 24, N W cor of Jefferson avenue sf 50x125 October 28. 43" ASHLAND AVENUE. 241 feet north of Sunnyside avenue wf 50x160. October 27. 50 91 feet south of Sunnyside avenue wf 50x160. .August 1. 50 100 feet south of Melrose avenue wf 25x110. . . July 15. 78 143 feet south of Berteau street ef 25x166 August 26. 55 258 feet south.of Belle Plaine avenue wf 50x160. June 24. 50 406 feet south of Graceland avenue ef 25x125. .July 20. 52 N W cor of Byron street ef 50x125 May 24. 66 125 feet south of Grace street wf 25x124 June 4. 60 199 feet south of Grace street ef 25x125 September 16. 60 150 feet north of Nellie street ef 25x125 July 26. 46 404 feet north of Wrightwood ave. wf 25x1 25.. June 2. 62 164 feet north of Wabansia avenue ef 25x125. .May 16. 52 115 feet north of Wabansia avenue ef 25x125 . . March 28 57 40 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. ASHLAND AVENUE Continued. Description. Sold. Per Front Foot 40 feet south of Bingharn street ef 40x100 May 15. $ 92 125 feet north of York street wf 25x148 June 29. 300 175 feet north of Polk street wf 25x148 September 29. 300 361 feet south of Polk street wf 24x91 June 2. 208 361 feet north of Taylor street wf 24x91 November 28. 208 50 feet north of Taylor street ef 25x150 April 7. 275 145 feet north of 13th street ef 48x150 August 22. 123 92 feet north of 14th street wf 48x140 October 10. 156 120 feet south of 14th street wf 24x125 July 23. 100 99 feet south of 17th street ef 24x125 December 1. 100 48 feet south of 18th street wf 24x130 October 11. 104 25 feet north of Hinman street ef 24x125 October 3. 125 23 feet south of Hinman street ef 44x100 May 13. 91 830 feet south of Blue Island ave. ef 108x240 . .March 9. 204 S W cor 33d street ef 24x150 May 25. 104 150 feet north of 43d street ef 25x130 January 18. 44 196 feet north of 46th street wf 25x121 January 26. 60 263 feet south of 47th street wf 24x121 October 17. 75 48 feet north of 52d street of 25x125 August 25. 48 275 feet south of 52d street wf 25x125 June 20. 50 173 feet north of 53d street ef 25x125 July 19. 44 199 feet north of 54th street ef 25x125 . .October 24. 56 50 feet norta of 56th street wf 25x124 October 8. 70 198 feet north of 59th street wf 75x122 May 31. 40 123 feet south of 60th street wf 100x121 August 1. 50 148 feet north of 61st street wf 25x121 August 1. 50 200 feet south of 62d street wf 25x121 June 1. 50 275 feet south of 62d street wf 25x121 December 7. 50 298 feet south of 64th street wf 25x122 December 16. 44 273 feet north of 65th street wf 25x122 November 16. 52 N W cor of 72d street ef 98x124 February 24. 41 234 feet north of 90th street ef 50x124 March 13. 22 N W cor of 91st street ef 250x July 7. 16 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. 41. ASTOR STREET. Description. Sold. Per Front Foot Near Burton place wf 33x130 Sold 1898. $500 AUGUSTA STREET. Near Seymour street nf 25x124 January 5. 50 S E cor Fairfield avenue nf 50x125 March 26. 34 243 feet west of 42d street nf 72x126 .January 28. 17 AUSTIN AVENUE. 124 feet west of Elizabeth street nf 26x107 . . . . June 22. 96 144 feet east of Hoyne avenue nf 24x100 July 22. 86 169 feet east of 48th street sf 24x119 June 9. 75 AVENUE A TO AVENUE O. Avenue G, N W cor 107th street ef 50x125 .... June 9. 42 Avenue J, 74 ft south of 103d street wf 25x125. March 4. 52 Avenue K, bet. 106th and 107th sts. ef 50x125. August 13. 30 Avenue L, 300 feet north 104th st. wf 25x125. March 23. 48 AVERS AVENUE. Between North ave. and Frederick st. ef 96x125 .June 8. 27 174 feet north of Ohio street wf 120x121 September 21. 18 South of 22d street ef 100x125 , May 16. 22 BELDEN AVENUE. 120 feet east of Seminary avenue nf 24x115.. . .January 27. 104 48 feet east of Sheffield avenue nf 24x175 May 6. 100 S E cor of Central Park avenue nf 49x126 May 12. 24 BELMONT AVENUE. 48 feet west of Racine avenue sf 75x121 May 19. 75 225 feet west of Racine avenue nf 50x125 June 23. 66 88 feet west of Paulina street nf 25x125 June 22. 60 200 feet west of Oakley avenue nf 25x125 February 5. 40 N E cor of California avenue sf 66x120 June 9. 60 25 feet west of Hoffman avenue nf 25x125 July 22. 40 N E cor of Linden street sf 27x125. . , .March 10. 37 42 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO, BLUE ISLAND AVENUE. Description. Sold. Per Front Foot 225 feet south of Harrison street ef 25x120. . . .March 30. $300 48 feet north of Polk street ef 20x104 November 28. 275 155 feet north of Wood street ef 24x100 October 12. 62 57 feet north of Leavitt street ef 24x100 August 11. 55 BOND AVENUE. 110 feet north of 73d street wf 100x216 April 11. 75 110 feet north of 73d street wf 100x216 September 1. 78 N E cor 73d street wf 110x150 April 7. 72 310 feet south of 73d street wf 100x216. April 22. 70 260 feet north of 75th street wf 50x213 July 15. 90 387 feet south of 77th street ef 50x200 March 26. 70 337 feet north of 78th street ef 50x200 July 7. 70 North of 79th street ef 50x April 11. 55 100 feet north of 79th street wf 100x200 March 22. 60 BOWEN AVENUE. 152 feet west of Vincennes avenue sf 50x142. . .March 9. 125 277 feet west of Vincennes avenue sf 50x142. . . March 23. 120 391 feet east of Grand boulevard sf 50x142 March 20. 120 BUTTERFIELD STREET. Near 46th street ef 25x92 April 20. 46 175 feet north of 51st street ef 25x95. April 14. 66 CALIFORNIA AVENUE. 275 feet south of Diversey avenue wf 50x126. .April 28. 20 72 feet north of Evergreen avenue wf 50x125 . . April 28. 20 22 feet south of Humboldt avenue wf 25x125. .. February 24. 48 75 feet north of Stave st wf 25x April 9. 60 250 feet south of Cortland street ef 25x100 .... June 4. 48 275 feet south of Cortland street ef 25x100 . . . . June 4. 48 100 feet south of Thomas street ef 25x125 June 6. 49 25 feet north of Augusta street ef 25x125 July 6. 55 241 feet north of Chicago avenue ef 24x125 . . . .July 14. 45 414 feet south of Fulton street wf 24x126 August 1. 96 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. 43 CALIFORNIA AVENUE Continued. Description. Sold. Per Front Foot 141 feet south of Jackson boulevard ef 25x126. March 25. $ 88 75 feet north of Congress street ef 48x135 April 24. 73 106 feet north of Polk street wf 26x .October 29. 75 86 feet south of Polk street wf 26x124 October 27. 75 158 feet north of 16th street wf 26x146 May 5. 96 226 feet north of 18th street wf 25x132 May 30. 80 72 feet south of Moore street ef 25x125 April 20. 40 117 feet south of 36th street wf 25x125. .... . . July 1. 43 CALUMET AVENUE. Near 34th street wf 25x125 April 16. 175 25 feet north of 42d street ef 25x130 October 24. 160 200 feet south of 42d street wf 24x126 March 26. 170 171 feet north of 43d street wf 25x126 October 6. 132 171 feet north of 43d street wf 25x126 October 16. 150 294 feet south of 43d street ef 75x129 April 1. 125 197 feet north of 45th street ef 100x137 Sold 1898. 125 S W cor of 46th street ef 169x137 ..April 21. 120 298 feet north of 48th street ef 50x170 September 13. 100 S E cor of 49th street wf 50x130 , December 10. 180 N E cor of 49th street wf 225x162 March 19. 100 Between 49th and 50th streets ef 92x99 April 23. 86 200 feet north of 50th street wf 50x130 June 25. 130 299 feet north of 58th street ef 50x135 . September 9. 100 S W cor of 58th street ef 274x150 ."Sold 1899. 92 S E cor of 60th street wf 120x160 September 10. 92 N E cor of 60th street wf 133x160 June 6. 69 169 feet south of 61st street wf 50x160 June 14. 82 269 feet south of 61st street ef 100x160 March 9. 91 Between 68th and 69th streets of 200x178 January 14. 50 248 feot south of 68th street wf 25x171 June 1. 84 99 feet north of 78th street ef 50x160 May 5. 33 N E cor of 81st street wf 300x150 June 24. 30 216 feet north of 82d street ef 50x161 .July 26. 30 44 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. CANAL STREET. Description. Sold. Per Front Foot 47 feet north of Maxwell street wf 23x110 October 28. 1 130 S E cor of 13th street wf 25x110 Sold 1898. 292 S E cor of 14th street wf 25x125 September 1. 300 CARPENTER STREET. 120 feet south of Front street ef 40x100 Sold 1898. 114 S E cor of Fulton street wf 100x100 Sold 1899. 146 Between 56th and 57th streets ef 175x125 February 11. 42 Between 64th and 65th streets ef 25x125 June 16. 51 S W cor of 65th street ef 50x125 December 9. 32 275 feet north of 69th street wf 25x124 May 7. 57 N W cor of 85th street ef 48x125 April 13. 25 32 feet south of 85th street ef 33x125 July 28. 30 173 feet north of 86th street ef 50x125.. . .March 14. 24 CARROLL AVENUE. 100 feet east of Sangamon street nf 25x100 . . . .October 14. 130 81 feet east of Elizabeth street nf 25x141 August 12. 100 109 feet east of St. John's place nf 40x126 April 4. 100 138 feet west of Ashland avenue nf 46x124. . . . July 16. 72 231 feet east of Paulina street nf 23x124 April 24. 87 75 feet east of Robey street nf 25x123 October 10. 68 125 feet west of Robey street sf 25x124 October 20. 78 125 feet west of Kedzie avenue nf 233x150 .... May 10. 55 53 feet east of 41st st nf 25x August 4. 40 CENTRAL PARK AVENUE. 75 feet south of Prince street ef 25x124 August 13. 50 120 feet north of Frederick street ef 72x124. . .November 10. 41 178 feet north of Glenview avenue ef 50x125. . .October 24. 25 Between Indiana and Ohio streets wf 125x119. .May 4. 43 362 feet north of Ogden avenue wf 50x125 .... May 4. 48 149 feet north of 16th street ef. 50x124 July 19. 48 247 feet south of 18th street ef 25x122 August 20. 50 Between 18th and 19th streets ef 24x122 May 13. 42 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. 45 CENTRAL PARK AVENUE Continued. Description. Sold. Per Front Foot Between 22d and 23d streets ef 25x124 June 20. $ 40 Between 27th and 28th streets wf 120x125 July 15. 33 Between 28th and 29th streets wf 313x125 July 5. 22 CENTER AVENUE. N W cor of 57th street ef 73x124 February 17. 53 S W cor of 57th street ef 50x124 February 25. 56 175 feet south of 60th street ef 100x125 March 14. 32 115 feet south of 62d street ef 37x125 June 7. 42 290 feet north of 63d street ef 25x125 June 6. 60 S E cor of 68th street wf 147x124 June 18. 50 172 feet north of 70th street ef 25x124 May 12. 42 198 feet north of 74th street wf 50x125 December 9. 30 48 feet north of 86th street wf 100x125 June 10. 13 CHAMPLAIN AVENUE. 105 feet north of 43d street wf 20x147 May 1. 125 N W cor of 48th street ef 100x125 May 26. 143 S W cor of 48th street ef 20x130 October 26. 125 100 feet south of 48th street wf 100x130 May 5. 95 N W cor of 49th street ef 100x130 April 13. 112 N W cor of 72d street ef 100x125 April 20. 45 CHICAGO AVENUE. S W cor of Orleans street nf 100x128 Sold 1898. 507 50 feet west of Carpenter street sf 25x100 August 27. 160 193 feet west of Hoyne avenue nf 48x121 September 14. 62 264 feet east of Leavitt street nf 24x121 March 30. 65 104 feet east of California avenue nf 25x124. . .February 20. 66 73 feet west of St. Louis avenue nf 24x125 . . . .July 14. 41 121 feet east of Lawndale avenue sf 48x125 . . . .July 6. 31 73 feet west of Lawndale avenue sf 48x125. . . .March 4. 34 97 feet east of Hamlin avenue sf 48x125 October 6. 31 N E cor of Springfield avenue sf 299x May 1. 52 S W cor of Sprinfield avenue nf 25x125. June 3. 48 S W cor of Harding avenue nf 50x100 October 18. 40 N E cor of Robinson avenue sf 84x125 .February 1. 41 46 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. CLARK STREET. Description. Sold. Per Front Foot Opposite Argyle street ef 55x175 . .November 15. $ 55 42 feet north of Rome street wf 100x125 March 24. 35 S E cor of Lawrence avenue wf 106x October 26. 66 N W cor of Leland avenue ef 165x172 March 15. 108 90 feet north of Wilson avenue wf 50x August 18. 63 S W cor of Wilson avenue ef 192x October 15. 130 143 feet south of Addison avenue wf 39x . . .July 18. 77 100 feet south of Wellington street ef 198x120. April 16. 152 Near York place ef 115x120 April 5. 130 175 feet south of Deming court ef 25x200 July 8. 165 104 feet south of Chestnut street wf 25x150 October 1. 500 Between 15th and 16th streets wf 339x160 . . . .Sold 1896. 710 175 feet north of 19th street ef 25x78 March 29. 160 49 feet north of 108th street wf 50x122 June 29. 20 CLINTON STREET. S W cor of Randolph street ef 128x150 Sold 1899. 703 CLYBOURN AVENUE. 449 feet south of Sheffield avenue ef 24x100.. . . July 12. 85 100 feet south of Sheffield avenue wf 75x130. . . July 1. 80 566 feet south of Wabansia avenue ef 50x95 July 27. 70 155 feet north of Wood street wf 75x130 July 1. 80 COLORADO AVENUE. 139 feet west of Sacramento avenue nf 25x125.. May 13. 100 100 feet east of Whipple street nf 24x125 September 15. 100 76 feet west of Central Park avenue nf 25x150. October 6. 100 72 feet west of Bonney avenue nf 25x150 October 31. 100 148 feet west of 42d street sf 25x100 June 3. 40 220 feet west of 42d street nf 24x120. September 27. 48 S E cor of 44th street nf 105x October 1. 44 S W cor of 44th street nf 85x125 October 1. 35 300 feet east of 45th street nf 75x125 February 8. 40 125 feet east of 45th. street nf 25x125. . .August 10. 48 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. 47 COLORADO AVENUE Continued. Description. Sold. Per Front Foot S E cor of 45th street nf 75x May 1. $ 51 250 feet west of 47th street sf 50x September 27. 24 169 feet east of 48th street sf 50x July 5. 24 COMMERCIAL AVENUE. N E cor of 80th court wf 35x125 February 25. 60 100 feet south of 81st street ef 25x121 January 29. 60 125 feet south of 81st street ef 25x121 November 5. 50 Between 82d and 83d street wf 125x127 November 18. 50 25 feet south of 97th street wf 25x138 April 27. 60 CONGRESS STREET. 228 feet west of California avenue sf 25x171. . .April 21. 50 N W cor of Francisco street sf 78x171 February 4. 83 S W cor of Francisco street nf 78x155 March 16. 77 S W cor of Sacramento street nf 135x75 August 17. 55 253 feet west of Sacramento street sf 25x175 . .March 9. 64 250 feet west of Kedzie avenue sf 24x124 October 4. 42 S W cor of 42d street nf 50x125 June 4. 38 300 feet west of 44th street nf 25x125 Sold 1895. 36 250 feet west of 45th street nf 125x125 June 24. 40 COTTAGE GROVE AVENUE. 63 feet north of 27th street wf 32x168 April 28. 282 Near 38th street wf 112x210 March 16. 270 248 feet north of 46th street wf 25x150 March 15. 200 S W cor of 46th street ef 25x111 December 14. 180 177 feet south of 46th street ef 25x121 June 6. 220 N W cor of 51st street ef 180x127 Sold 1899. 297 98 feet north of 54th street wf 100x125 June 18. 150 447 feet north of 62d street wf 100x125 November 5. 150 380 feet north of 64th street ef 24x122.. Sold 1898. 125 298 feet south of 65th street wf 25x109 March 26. 110 198 feet south of 66th street wf 50x109 February 20. 140 Between 66th and 67th streets ef 25x122 February 7. 120 48 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. COTTAGE GROVE AVENUE Continued. Description. Sold. Per Front Foot 250 feet south of 69th street ef lOOx Sold 1898. $105 Between 72d and 73d streets wf 170x February 21. 94 100 feet north of 73d street wf 50x125 November 18. 85 51 feet north of 78th street wf 25x125 July 25. 40 250 feet north of 84th street wf 50x125 January 20. 50 150 feet north of 86th street wf 25x125 August 16. 48 188 feet north of 88th street ef 25x125 April 24. 40 N W cor of 88th place ef 25x125 March 24. 52 104 feet north of 90th street ef 25x125 September 28. 44 100 feet south of 90th street wf 50x150 September 19. 50 300 feet south of 93d street ef 25x115 September 6. 43 CRAWFORD AVENUE. (See, also, West 4Oth Street.) N E cor of Addison street ef 57x120 February 3. 26 South of Lake street wf 33x124 June 22. 63 Between 26th and 27th streets wf 100x125 April 23. 16 N E cor of 27th street wf 203x125. April 23. 17 153 feet south of 27th street wf 50x125 July 23. 20 203 feet south of 27th street wf 100x125 April 23. 16 228 feet south of 27th street wf 75x125 .September 1. 20 150 feet north of 78th street wf 50x124 March 23. 25 "DEARBORN STREET. Between 15th and 16th streets ef 324x160 Sold 1896. 710 96 feet south of 21st street wf 25x151 August 15. 280 72 feet north of 27th street wf 24x105 Sold 1898. 125 100 feet south of 47th street ef 25x100 May 14. 87 Between 49th and 50th streets ef 25x100 March 24. 100 225 feet south of 51st street ef 25x100 May 1. 104 114 feet south of 53d street wf 28x August 26. 57 266 feet north of 55th street ef 25x July 27. 72 Near 57th street ef 25x99 July 13. 70 Near 60th street wf 52x100 May 9. 50 HEAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. 49 DEARBORN STREET Continued. Description. Sold. Per Front Foot 125 feet north of 61st street ef 25x100 August 12. $ 60 N W cor of 61st street ef 100x100 January 5. 56 277 feet south of 67th street wf 25x172 March 23. 75 100 feet south of 71st street wf 50x June 4. 50 150 feet south of 72d street ef 60x177 June 1. 50 105 feet north of 106th street wf 50x121 June 6. 22 257 feet north of 120th street wf 50x125 October 5. 22 DEARBORN AVENUE. 194 feet north of Goethe street wf 40x130 July 12. 268 DIVERSEY AVENUE. 48 feet east of Southport avenue nf 48x130. . . .July 23. 42 146 feet east of Perry avenue sf 48x124 June 15. 52 177 feet east of Wood street sf 50x124 September 25. 50 N E cor of Forest avenue sf 25x130 . . September 1. 40 S E cor of Hoffman avenue nf 126x100 April 10. 24 100 feet east of Drake avenue sf 75x125 October 19. 22 DIVISION STREET. S E cor of Lincoln street nf 79x111 July 14. 130 96 feet east of Robey street nf 24x119 November 19. 81 24 feet west of Hoyne avenue nf 24x121 May 12. 100 58 feet west of Rockwell street nf 24x120 October 18. 75 203 feet west of Rockwell street sf 25x122 July 30. 72 250 feet east of Washtenaw avenue nf 25x120. .November 22. 69 100 feet east of Washtenaw avenue nf 25x120. .April 13. 58 75 feet east of Washtenaw avenue nf 25x120. . .April 16. 64 275 feet west of W T ashtenaw avenue nf 25x120.. March 30. 72 S W cor of Tinkham avenue nf 49x125 .April 28. 25 Between 40th and 42d streets sf 50x122 October 5. 22 Between 40th and 42d streets sf 50x122 October 14. 21 153 feet west of 43d street sf 50x124 August 12. 24 50 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. DREXEL BOULEVARD. Description. Sold. Per Front Foot N W cor of 41st street ef 129x191 Sold 1895. $ 510 S W cor of 42d street ef 59x161 May 26. 424 N W cor of 43d street ef 98x181 : Sold 1898. 615 N E cor of 43d street wf 100x146 Sold 1898. 600 Between 43d and 44th streets wf 47x180 June 18. 316 264 feet south of 44th street wf 35x250 April 17. 380 199 feet north of 45th street wf 50x250 'June 27. 415 N E cor of 45th street wf 100x250 November 19. 500 S E cor of 46th street wf 100x231 July 12. 500 200 feet north of 48th street ef 100x213 March 19. 400 150 feet north of 48th st ef 25x213 June 23. 400 S E cor of 48th street wf 198x272 October 18. 530 132 feet south of 48th st wf 66x272 October 26. 530 198 feet north of 49th street ef 100x252 July 22. 450 148 feet south of 53d street ef 50x125 July 30. 125 198 feet north of 54th street ef 50x125 May 12. 120 144 feet north of 59th street ef 24x130 June 29. 125 N W cor of 61st street wf 100x171 October 17. 110 50 feet south of 61st street wf 100x171 October 17. 110 447 feet north of 62d street wf 100x171 October 14. 110 195 feet north of 63d street ef 25x207 August 29. 88 150 feet south of 63d street wf 50x125 February 23. 76 150 feet south of 63d street ef 50x133 November 30. 100 N W cor of 65th street ef 95x124 March 23. 98 125 feet south of 65th street ef 25x125 March 27. 70 198 feet south of 65th street ef 25x125 May 18. 88 198 feet north of 67th street wf 50x125 May 25. 65 166 feet north of 75th street ef 50x125 June 15. 100 N E cor of 77th street wf 102x125 May 5. 36 S E cor of 81st street wf 55x March 18. 48 N W cor of 86th street ef 100x215 February 20. 20 S W cor of 92d street ef 50x125 February 2. 24 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. 51 EIGHTEENTH STREET. Description. Sold. Per Front Foot 115 feet east of Jefferson street sf 24x100.. . . . .July 9. $ 146 250 feet east of Robey street sf 25x125 August 12. 55 50 feet west of Hoyne avenue sf 25x120 August 29. 80 S W cor of Washtenaw avenue nf 25x130 September 14. 68 West of Fairfield avenue nf 25x114 October 3. 52 80TH TO 89TH STREETS (Inclusive). 81st st Bet. Wallace and Honore stssf 46x125. September 26. 55 82d st 395 ft w of Vincennes av nf 50x124. . .July 26. 26 82d st 125 ft e of Emerald av nf 50x119 September 29. 20 82d st N W cor of Leavitt st sf 75x264 August 1. 24 83d st 191 ft w Stoney Island av sf 50x125.. .October 3. 30 83d stS W cor of Adams av nf 57x125 February 16. 36 83d st N W cor of Elizabeth st sf 27x125 October 10. 41 83d st 52 ft w of Elizabeth st sf 104x125.. . .April 9. 25 83d st Bet. Eberhart & Homan av sf 248x125 . April 30. 12 83d st 256 ft w of Central Park av nf 50x125 . August 3. 32 84th stS W cor of Spaulding av nf 150x125. .May 2. 14 84th stS E cor of Homan av nf 48x125 May 2. 28 85th stS E cor of Green st nf 80x125 ... April 28. 30 85th stS E cor of Marshfield av nf 50x125 . . .July 18. 28 85th st 50 ft e of Wood st nf 75x125 ..... May 16. 16 87th stS W cor of Luella av nf 58x125 September 1. 24 87th st 566 fte Cottage Grove av nf lOOx .April 28. 25 87th sWBet. Halsted st and R. R. sf 66x . .March 31. 50 87th st 57 ft e of Morgan st sf 50x125 June 14. 40 87th st N E cor of Page st sf 50x125 May 31. 34 88th st 49 ft w of Langley av sf 48x125 September 8. 29 88th st 100 ft e of Lawrence av sf 50x125.. . .November 17. 22 88th st 57 ft e of Dyer st sf 50x125 October 3. 21 89th st 266 fte of Cottage Grove av nf 25x .October 1. 40 89th st 325 ft e of South Park av nf 50x125 . .October 10. 26 89th st 200 ft e of South Park av nf 50x125. .April 22. 26 52 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. 80TH TO 89TH STREETS Continued. Description. Sold. Per Front Foot 89th st N W cor of Vincennes av sf 25x125 . . June 28. $ 40 89th st 116 ft w of Paulina st nf 50x125 December 10. 20 ELLIS AVENUE. 531 feet south of 35th street wf 52x135 . .February 14. 270 Near 36th street ef 22x143 July 2. 225 S W cor of 41st street ef 25x164 July 28. 200 173 feet north of 43d street ef 25x150 April 11. 208 S E cor of 53d street wf 100x164 August 11. 180 S W cor of 54th street ef 50x159 September 5. 200 93 feet south of 57th street wf 48x130 December 2. 100 Between 57th and 58th streets ef 48x130 June 2. 94 N W cor of 58th street ef 120x130 July 11. 115 200 feet south of 60th street ef 96x170 April 28. 94 240 feet north of 61st street ef 50x170 December 10. 125 140 feet north of 61st street ef 50x170 July 26. 115 90 feet north of 61st street wf 50x170 October 28. 90 N E cor of 61st street wf 90x170 October 18. Ill N E cor of 61st street wf 90x170 November 5. 144 350 feet north of 63d street wf 50x132 May 28. 70 350 feet north of 65th street wf 50x132 August 2. 80 98 feet south of 65th street ef 50x125 July 13. 70 98 feet north of 66th street wf 50x125 September 26. 80 198 feet south of 66th street ef 50x125 June 11. 70 211 feet south of 71st street ef 25x126 September 23. 40 N E cor of 72d street wf 162x125 July 14. 42 N W cor of 91st street ef 57x124 May 4. 27 EMERALD AVENUE. 200 feet south of 28th street ef 25x115 May 28. 52 198 feet south of 31st street wf 25x125 June 1. 44 94 feet south of 38th street wf 24x123 April 29. 48 90 feet south of 61st street wf 25x125 August 8. 62 N W cor of 52d street ef 49x125 September 2. 50 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. 53 EMERALD AVENUE Continued. Description. Sold. Per Front Foot South of 55th street wf 25x124 September 6. $ 52 321 feet south of 55th street ef 25x130 June 20. 56 S W cor of 56th street ef 25x120 March 9. 40 S E cor of 59th street wf 49x105 August 30. 50 246 feet south of 59th street wf 25x138 February 21. 40 148 feet north of 72d street wf 25x154 August 1. 40 S W cor of 72d street ef 49x154 May 26. 49 298 feet south of 72d street ef 50x125 June 28. 35 97 feet north of 73d street of 38x154 April 18. 30 75 feet south of 76th street ef 80x130 March 27. 45 155 feet south of 76th street ef 40x144 April 15. 40 Between 79th and 80th streets wf 50x125 January 19. 27 50 feet south of 88th street wf 50x132 Sold 1898. 52 ERIE STREET. N W cor of Bickerdike street sf 25x125 March 26. 74 25 feet east of Armour street nf 25x125 March 5. 88 98 feet west of Robey street sf 24x122 ........ May 26. 50 96 feet east of Hoyne avenue sf 24x122 May 28. 54 95 feet east of Oakley avenue sf 24x124 July 7. 42 25 feet east of Seymour street sf 50x124 July 28. 24 225 feet west of 46th street nf 25x120 February 6. 48 EVANSTON AVENUE. S W cor of Bervvin avenue ef 50x125 .October 24. 60 99 feet north of Argyle street wf 50x230 August 30. 60 150 feet north of Nellie street wf 50x124 July 8. 100 350 feet south of Nellie street ef 50x150 September 7. 85 200 feet north of Cornelia street ef 100x225 . . . May 13. 95 EXCHANGE AVENUE. 80 feet south of 90th street ef 25x138 April 1. 58 255 feet south of 90th street ef 25x138 February 23. 56 180 feet south of 97th street wf 25x138 September 30. 48 54: REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. FAIRFIELD AVENUE. Description. Sold. Per Front Foot S W cor of Cortland street ef 25x126 May 20. $ 50 150 feet south of North avenue wf 50x125 June 14. 40 150 feet north of Thompson street wf 25x125 . .May 12. 50 3 E cor of Thompson street wf 25x125 June 20. 60 234 feet north of Fulton street wf 24x125 April 1. 49 North of Fulton street wf 24x109 July 19. 50 210 feet south' of 18th street wf 40x125 April 4. 52 South of 18th street wf 48x125 March 1. 41 320 feet north of 22d street ef 25x125 May 28. 60 FIFTEENTH STREET. 137 feet east of Jefferson street sf 25x75 February 11. 100 B4 feet west of Loomis street sf 36x124 August 15. 55 L35 feet east of California avenue nf 66x280. . .May 2. 53 54 feet east of Talman avenue sf 27x132 August 23. 37 50TH TO 59TH STREETS (Inclusive). 50th st Bet. St. Lawrence and Champlain aves. nf 52x127 September 1, 92 50th st 160 feet east of Cottage Grove avenue nf 50x200 December 10. 180 >0th st 161 feet west of Vincennes avenue nf 25x122 October 25. 100 >0th st S W cor of Winter street nf 125x125. October 1. 31 >lst st 45 ft west of Ada street sf 50x124 May 13. 40 >lst st 145 feet west of Robey street nf 50x125. July 6. 23 >lst st Bet. Trumbull and Turner avenues nf 75x125 , May 31. 32 >2d st 66 feet west of Robey street sf 25x125 . March 23. 40 >3d st 50 feet east of Peoria street nf 30x124. . May 28. 39 >4th st S W cor of Kimbark av nf 187x150. .July 6. 99 >5th st S W cor of Blanchard av nf 225x128. September 30. 20 >6th st 300 feet east of Indiana av nf 50x135 .August 20. 100 >6th st 75 feet west of Stewart av nf 25x140.. Julv 6. 52 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. 55 50TH TO 59TH STREETS Continued. Description. Sold. Per Front Foot 56th st 150 feet west of Stewart av nf 25x140 .June 9. I 50 56th st S E cor of Wallace st nf 25x140 June 29. 80 56th st N E cor of Wallace st sf 100x140 July 19. 80 57th st 25 feet east of Wallace st sf 25x125 . . March 30. 117 57th st N E cor of Wright st sf 96x125 May 5. 52 57th st 97 feet west of Paulina st sf 48x120 . . June 30. 40 58th st 150 feet east Greenwood av sf 100x231 .October 17. 160 58th st 150 feet east Greenwood av sf 100x231. November 1. 185 59th st West of Woodlawn av sf 50x180 October 7. 200 59th st 282 feet east of School st nf 25x123 . . December 12. 60 59th st 100 feet east of Emerald av sf 25x125. June 30. 50 59th st 75 feet east of Emerald av nf 25x105. March 21. 44 59th st S W cor of Emerald av nf 75x125 July 8. 53 59th st 50 feet west of Emerald av nf 50x .June 1. 41 59th st S W cor of Morgan st nf 33x125 March 23. 30 59th st S W cor of Carpenter st nf 40x125. . .August 2. 31 59th st N E cor of Throop st sf 50x125 June 8. 30 59th st S W cor of Roman av nf 70x125 April 5. 21 40TH TO 49TH STREETS (Inclusive). 40th st--(W)Bet. North & Prince av wf 100x124. August 13. 24 40th st (W) 155 ft s of Park av ef 25x125.. . . June 2. 40 40th sW-(W) 23 ft n Washington st wf 48x124. June 28. 42 40th st (W) 249 ft n of 13th st ef 24x125 August 31. 41 41st st (S) 249 ft w Vincennes av nf 25x113. .May 2. 120 41st st (S) 120 ft e of Leavitt st nf 48x126. . .October 22. 27 41st st (W) 155 ft s Randolph st ef 25x125. . .April 27. 100 41st st (W) 200 ft n Washington st ef 50x126 . June 25. 40 42d st (W) 150 ft s of 12th st wf 75x125 Sold 1895. 30 42d st (S) 144 ft e of Stewart av sf 25x124. .July 6. 76 43d st (S) 75 ft e of Union st sf 25x125 April 28. 100 44th st (S) 260 ft e of Vincennes av nf 50x . May 9. 100 44th st (S) 260 ft e of Vincennes av nf 50x . August 22. 120 56 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. 40TH TO 49TH STREETS Continued. Description. Sold. Per Front Foot 44th st (S) 96 ft e of Winter st sf 25x126 July 20. $ 66 44th st (W) S W cor of Congress stef 26x110. August 25. 47 44th st (W) N W cor of Congress st ef 53x1 10 . August 23. 38 45th st (S) 146 ft e of Evans av sf 24x111 . . .May 16. 200 45th st (S) 25 ft e of Champlain av nf 25x120. August 22. 128 45th st (S) 208 ft w of Vincennes avsf 113x125. May 24. 125 45th st (S) 48 ft w of Wright st nf 25x125. . .September 20. 52 45th st (S) West of Western av nf 50x124.. . . June 8. 20 46th st (S) 148 ft e Vincennes av nf 25x . . June 11. 97 46th st (S) 216 ft e of Grand blvd sf 33x125.. April 11. 150 46th st (S) 199 ft e of Grand blvd sf 33x125. .July 18. 150 47th st (S) 134 ft w of Langley av sf 50x . July 29. 175 47th st (S) S E cor of Champlain av nf 72x129 . May 3. 210 47th st (S) 130 ft e of Prairie av nf 31x100 . .March 2. 175 47tb st (S) 24 ft e of Honore st nf 24x125,. . .September 19. 42 47th st (S) 16 ft e of Wallace st sf 25x125.. . .May 16. 68 47th st (S) West of Halsted st nf 25x125 April 19. 72 47th st (S) Bet. Halsted & Peoriastsnf 25x124. April 9. 56 47th st (S) N W cor of Leavitt st sf 75x123 . .April 20. 16 47th st (S) 300 ft e of Oakley av nf 75x125 . .February 17. 20 48th st (S) 141 ft w of Halsted st nf 25x124. .April 9. 55 48th st (S) 266 ft w of Halsted st sf 25x124. .April 9. 60 48th st (S) 183 ft e of Aberdeen st sf 24x125 .August 29. 46 48th st (S) 350 ft e of Oakley av sf 50x125. . . July 1. 20 48th st (W) 75 ft e of Delia st wf 25x125 February 24. 40 49th st (S) 232 ft w Drexel blvd sf 120x178 . . August 15. 175 49th st (S) S W cor Greenwood av nf 197x110 . Sold 1899. 139 49th st (S) Bet. Prairie and Calumet avenues sf 100x37 June 13. 60 FOURTEENTH STREET. 125 feet east of Laflin street nf 25x124 December 13. 100 48 feet east of Paulina street sf 48x124 May 1. 62 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. 57 FRANCISCO STREET. Description. Sold. Per Front Foot 175 feet north of Augusta street ef 37x123 February 12. $ 38 S W cor of Augusta street ef 50x123 June 11. 50 Near Walnut street wf 26x206 August 1. 100 191 feet north of VanBuren street wf 25x126. .July 2. 62 141 feet north of VanBuren street ef 25x126. . .January 1. 80 FULLERTON AVENUE. 142 feet west of Orchard street sf 25x140 July 15. 180 73 feet west of Seminary avenue sf 25x150 . . . .March 3. 120 75 feet west of Ashland avenue sf 25x125 May 4. 162 75 feet east of Sobieski street nf 25x125 August 30. 50 169 feet west of Western avenue sf 24x141 . . . .April 2. 50 144 feet west of Fairview avenue sf 48x141 . . , . March 28. 50 East of Humboldt avenue nf 25x125 December 8. 40 266 feet east of Simons avenue nf 25x November 18. 40 165 feet east of Morrison avenue sf 25x125 . . . .November 11. 48 N W cor of 49th street sf 100x124 February 24. 12 Between 49th and 50th streets nf 200x118 January 21. 20 FULTON STREET. N W cor of Jefferson street sf 150x170 Sold 1899. 833 S E cor of Carpenter street nf 100x100 Sold 1899. 146 171 feet west of Western avenue nf 24x110. . . . Aprill 11. 75 325 feet west of California avenue sf 25x150. . . July 18. - 72 125 feet east of Francisco street nf 25x150 . . . .Sold 1898. 108 N W cor of Sacramento avenue sf 39x149 March 18. 99 75 feet west of Albany avenue sf 50x148 April 18. 68 West of Kedzie avenue nf 25x150 April 15. 72 220 feet west of Kedzie avenue nf 25x150 June 15. 84 545 feet west of Kedzie avenue sf 25x150 May 10. 80 612 feet west of Kedzie avenue nf 24x150 July 27. 82 156 feet east of Homan avenue sf 25x150 .September 12. 84 Near Central Park avenue nf 30x210 April 25. 75 176 feet west of 44th street sf 125x August 10. 28 300 feet east of 48th street nf 25x108 February 6. 40 58 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. GARFIELD BOULEVARD. Description. Sold. Per Front Foot 50 feet west of Armour avenue sf 50x100 July 10. $ 56 175 feet west of Stewart avenue nf 25x141 March 15. 120 310 feet west of Stewart avenue nf 25x141 March 31. 125 65 feet east of Wallace street nf 30x140 April 30. 66 69 feet east of Winter street sf 25x124. September 19. 55 44 feet east of Winter street sf 25x124 October 25. 74 S W cor of Emerald avenue nf 150x130 May 26. 93 132 feet west of Aberdeen street nf 25x148 . . . . June 9. 80 33 feet west of May street nf 25x140 June 15. 80 100 feet east of Loomis street nf 25x150 March 16. 60 73 feet east of Laflin street nf 48x125 July 15. 52 N E cor of Winchester avenue sf 57x125 July 6. 44 75 feet west of Winchester avenue sf 50x125. . .May 17. 34 75 feet east of Lincoln street sf 25x150 April 8. 48 107 feet west of Lincoln street sf 25x125 October 25. 44 48 feet west of Hoyne avenue nf 48x125 October 5. 52 S W cor of Fillniore street ef 26x140 February 7. 47 90 feet north of Polk street ef 25x150 December 3. 80 GRACELAND AVENUE. 304 feet west of Southport avenue sf 50x127. . .October 24. 37 S W cor of Commercial avenue nf 125x125 . . . .May 27. 44 S E cor of Woodside avenue nf 49x125 April 20. 41 GRAND AVENUE. N W cor of Kedzie avenue sf 50x152 August 6. 62 S W cor of Central Park avenue nf 24x July 29. 41 96 feet east of Springfield avenue nf 48x125.. . .September 30. 33 160 feet east of Harding avenue sf 24x125 April 2. 41 48 feet east of Howard street sf 168x April 26. 20 N E cor of 43d street sf 50x125 December 20. 30 N W cor of 45th street sf 121x . .October 6. 25 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. 59 GRAND BOULEVARD. Description. Sold. Per Front Foot Between 36th and 37th streets ef 30x April 25. $ 325 Opposite 38th street wf 132x297 April 27. 350 .25 feet south of 40th street wf 25x150 ,Sold 1898. 192 .00 feet south of 41st street wf 25x125 October 18. 320 > W cor of 42d street ef 50x150. June 20. 390 .00 feet south of 43d street ef 48x150 August 2. 312 t97 feet north of 45th street ef 50x150 July 15. 350- 19 feet south of 45th street wf 25x150 May 21. 325 .00 feet south of 47th street ef 50x150 August 2. 300 540 feet south of 47th street ef 50x150 ... .July 15. 323 140 feet south of 47th street ef 50x150 Sold 1899. 300 tf E cor of Vincennes place wf 140x150 July 5. 312 .95 feet south of 49th street wf 50x150 October 29. 260 J50 feet north of 50th street wf 100x150 October 29. 265 500 feet north of 50th street wf 50x150. . . November 7. 280- JOO feet north of 50th street wf 50x150 November 15. 305- > E cor of 50th street wf 250x150 October 29. 260 GREEN STREET. 5 E cor of Congress street wf 100x125 January 28. 300 Between 56th and 57th streets wf 66x122 March 26. 38 tOO feet north of 57th street wf 43x122 November 26. 40 > E cor of 68th street wf 94x125 August 1. 48 519 feet south of 68th street wf 25x125 September 13. 40 .48 feet north of 74th street wf 50x121 August 5. 22 06 feet south of 74th street ef 50x125 March 28. 20 150 feet south of 83d street wf '50x125 October 8. 20 GREENWOOD AVEN-UE. > W cor of 49th street ef 110x197 Sold 1899. 250 .75 feet south of 61st street ef 65x170 August 27. 69 tOO feet north of 62d street ef 50x173 August 6. 95 100 feet north of 62d street ef 50x173 November 14. 100- .25 feet north of 63d street wf 132x180. . . . June 29. 75- 60 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. GREENWOOD AVENUE Continued. Description. Sold. Per Front Foot S E cor of 65th street wf 100x126 April 16. $ 74 73 feet south of 66th street wf 25x125 March 31. 60 198 feet north of 67th street ef 50x126 June 28. 55 N E cor of 72d street wf 56x125 May 9. 54 JS W cor of 91st street ef 57x124 April 24. 20 HALSTED STREET. 222 feet south of Addison street ef 25x123 April 6. 63 153 feet north of Sulzer street ef 100x175 September 24. 100 153 feet north of Sulzer street ef 50x175 November 23. 100 125 feet north of Belmont avenue ef 25x180 . . .November 10. 100 150 feet south of Belden avenue ef 25x125 October 6. 116 feet north of Ohio street ef 20x116 October 13. 596 feet north of Polk street ef 25x120 March 25. 192 feet north of 26th street wf 24x100 November 25. 215 feet north of 27th street ef 25x103.. , August 24. 287 feet north of 33d street wf 25x125 July 12. 80 feet south of 35th street ef 25x130 April 23. 250 feet south of 39th street wf 50x126 April 8. 173 feet north of 53d street wf 25x125 August 1. 100 feet north of 64th street wf 25x145 October 1. 325 feet south of 64th street wf 25x100 March 2. 175 feet south of 70th street wf 25x117 August 23. 200 feet south of 72d street wf 25x125 July 20. 83 feet north of 74th street ef 25x121 August 26. 225 feet north of 75th street ef 25x121 November 12. 241 feet south of 79th street wf 60x100 April 2. 241 feet south of 79th street wf 60x100 May 28. 77 feet south of 81st street wf 25x119 February 15. .S W cor of 94th street ef 100x125 February 25. 175 feet south of 97th street ef 75x125 December 7. 125 feet north of 99th street ef 50x125 April 2. REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. 61 HAMLIN AVENUE. Description. Sold. Per Front Foot Bet. Fullerton and Mentmore avenues ef 96x125. March 12. $ 14 S W cor of Armitage avenue ef 110x125 March 31. 36 Bet. Prince and Frederick streets ef 72x125.. . .September 23. 25 166 feet north of Division street ef 25x . . . .March 1. 46 S E cor of Ohio street wf 33x126 October 12. 50 95 feet north of Indiana street ef 32x121 April 18. 32 230 feet north of 19th street ef 50x116 June 17. 20 S E cor of 19th street wf 50x116. December 17. 42 241 feet north of 27th street wf 48x124 March 28. 21 125 feet south of 53d street ef 175x126 January 30. 15 HARDING AVENUE. 75 feet south of Augusta street ef 75x124 October 6. 20- 141 feet south of Chicago avenue wf 25x125.. . .December 19. 40 816 feet south of Chicago avenue wf 25x125.. . .September 23. 46 202 feet north of 27th street ef 100x125 March 1. 16- HARRISON STREET. 75 feet west of Loomis street sf 50x125 January 8. 150 s 58 feet west of Hermitage avenue nf 75x120. . .July 15. 150 120 feet west of Oakley avenue nf 24x125 May 18. 84 150 feet west of Oakley avenue sf 25x125 .... .August 25. 100 150 feet west of Campbell avenue sf 25x124 March 9. 60 291 feet east of Rockwell street nf 25x125 September 16. 80 50 feet east of Francisco street sf 25x154 April 30. 62 75 feet east of Sacramento avenue nf 75x128. . .March 21. 44 75 feet east of Sacramento avenue sf 25x154. . .May 23. 60 178 feet west of Sacramento avenue sf 25x154. .December 5. 75 200 feet west of Sacramento avenue nf 25x125.. September 17. 61 275 feet west of Sacramento avenue nf 25x125.. October 25. 62 202 feet east of Albany avenue nf 25x125 August 20. 52 102 feet west of Albany avenue sf 25x124 August 9. 48 127 feet west of Albany avenue sf 25x124 May 17. 40 Near St. Louis avenue sf 25x125 April 1. 60 62 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. HARRISON STREET Continued. Description. Sold. Per Front Foot West of St. Louis avenue sf 125x125 .November 21. $ 50 125 feet east of Central Park avenue sf 25x132. December 3. 72 feet east of Lawndale arenue nf 25x120 February 5. Near Bonney avenue sf 50x125 August 23. 25 feet east of 40th street nf 25x76 March 23. 225 feet east of 43d street sf 25x124 October 25. N W cor of 43d street sf 50x125 August 23. 75 feet west of 43d street sf 25x125 .October 5. 75 feet west of 44th street nf 25x125 November 25. N E cor of 45th street sf 50x125 , October 5. N E cor of 46th street sf 26x125 August 25. HARVARD STREET. 141 feet west of California avenue nf 24x125. . .August 17. S E cor of Francisco street nf 50x125 November 23. 76 feet west of Sacramento avenue sf 25x125. . .December 8. HOMAN AVENUE. 141 feet south of Irving Park blvd. ef 50x124. .Sold 1898. 149 feet north of Huron street wf 100x125 . . . .February 2. N W cor of Ohio street ef 48x125 September 21. Between Indiana and Kinzie streets ef 25x122. .January 16. 141 feet south of Monroe street wf 24x . . . .July 27. 50 feet north of VanBuren street wf 50x130.. . .June 1. Near VanBuren street ef 25x116 March 12. 62 feet south of Fillmore street wf 40x125 September 20. Near 19th street ef 25x100 February 1. 125 feet north of 21st street wf 50x125 .September 20. 225 feet south of 21st street wf 50x125 Sold 1899. N E cor of 23d street wf 53x125 November 12. 156 feet south of 23d street wf 50x125 October 26. 125 feet south of 25th street wf 100x125 September 1. 173 feet north of 26th street ef 29x125.. .August 25. REAL ESTATE VALUES AND IJISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. 63 HONORE STREET. Description. Sold. Per Front Foot S W cor of 70th street ef 99x125 June 9. $ 50 74 feet south of 70th street wf 25x125 April 18. 45 273 feet north of 71st street wf 30x125 July 6. 42 243 feet north of 71st street wf 30x125 May 9. 40 42 feet north of 71st street ef 33x124 February 20. 48 198 feet north of 80th street ef 50x140 August 8. 50 232 feet north of 86th street ef 50x125 September 1. 24 HOUSTON AVENUE. 100 feet south of 80th street wf 50x124 July 27. 40 N W cor of 83d place ef 25x June 16. 40 200 feet south of 86th street ef 25x125. . September 6. 40 HOYNE AVENUE. Between Armitage and Homer streets ef 96x100 .June 2. 25 72 feet north of Augusta street ef 48x103 March 26. 50 22 feet south of 33d street ef 24x125 November 23. 64 189 feet north of 34th street wf 24x126 November 5. 54 Between 50th and 51st streets wf 100x125 November 7. 36 177 feet south of 70th street ef 150x125 March 29. 8 HUMBOLDT AVENUE AND BOULEVARD. 24 feet west of Laurel street nf 96x166 July 9. 29 145 feet west of Laurel street nf 50x November 26. 42 98 feet west of Hoffman avenue nf 24x166 May 17. 62 N E cor of Thomas avenue sf 49x125 May 2. 50 100 feet south of Bloomington ave. wf 100x150. July 6. 60 366 feet south of Fullerton avenue ef 100x213. .October 4. 65 HURON STREET. 125 feet east of Ashland avenue sf 25x123 May 21. 104 216 feet east of Leavitt street sf 48x121 April 12. 62 144 feet east of Oakley avenue sf 72x121 September 26. 35 194 feet west of Seymour street sf 48x100 September 15. 21 East of Washtenaw avenue sf 25x122.. . .October 10. 50 64 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. HURON STREET Continued. Description. Sold. Per Front Foot 121 feet west of Kedzie avenue sf 48x108 October 18. $ 35 N W cor of Springfield avenue sf 58x125 August 22. 33 48 feet east of Avers avenue nf 70x110 August 1. 26 277 feet west of 46th street nf 25x120 January 1. 46 INDIANA STREET. 75 feet west of St. Clair street nf 25x100 November 14. 240 75 feet west of Franklin street nf 25x100 October 27. 250 West of Leavitt street nf 48x105 July 5. 70 INDIANA AVENUE. South of 32d street wf 25x125 May 31. 247 feet north of 39th street ef 25x171 July 1. 160 feet north of 40th street wf 25x160 August 5. S E cor of 40th street wf 40x160 March 15. South of 41st street wf 25x160 October 26. South of 41st street wf 25x160 May 12. 300 feet south of 42d street wf 50x160 October 12. Near 45th street ef 25x160 April 29. 190 feet south of 45th street ef 25x161 September 8. 215 feet south of 45th street ef 25x161 September 10. 48 feet north of 47th street ef 50x160 June 22. 200 feet south of 47th street ef 25x160 April 28. 225 feet south of 47th street ef 25x160 April 5. S W cor of 48th street ef 100x160 June 29. Between 48th and 49th streets wf 162x May 21. 100 feet south of 48th street ef 100x160 October 11. 150 feet north of 50th street wf 148x160 April 19. N W cor of 51st street ef 100x160 May 7. 300 feet north of 53d street wf 150x170 October 1. 100 feet south of 53d street ef 25x160 January 21. 325 feet south of 55th street ef 25x160 August 10. 288 feet north of 59th street ef 25x160 September 15. 130 N E cor of 60th street wf 133x160 7 .. ..August 8. 115 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. 65 INDIANA AVENUE Continued. Description. Sold. Per Front Foot S E cor of 60th street wf 100x188 February 10. $136 Near 62d street ef 50x190 February 26. 100 300 feet north of 68th street ef 50x160 February 25. 45 200 feet north of 73d street ef 50x160 April 6. 50 148 feet north of 75th street ef 50x160 July 21. 30 158 feet south of 79th street ef 80x160 March 21. 37 158 feet south of 79th street ef 40x160 October 26. 40 N W cor of 80th street ef 120x160 August 20. 46 48 feet north of 100th street ef 50x June 2. 28 South of 103d street wf 200x June 13. 15 33 feet south of 110th street ef 99x126 Sold 1898. 25 S W cor of 113th street ef 54x136 June 12. 25 JACKSON BOULEVARD. 350 feet east of Halsted street nf 25x165 May 20. 560 280 feet west of Morgan street nf 96x180 December 11. 187 55 feet west of Loomis street nf 50x140 January 15. 113 West of Rockwell street nf 50x100 May 14. 50 135 feet west of Francisco street sf 25x121 . . . .August 4. 80 224 feet west of Sacramento avenue sf 25x125. .April 29. 94 73 feet east of Whipple street sf 24x125 October 29. 116 49 feet east of Whipple street sf 24x125 August 15. 104 98 feet west of Whipple street nf 24x100 October 18. 92 324 feet west of Kedzie avenue sf 25x181 December 6. 112 50 feet east of Homan avenue sf 25x124 July 21. 116 N E cor of Homan avenue sf 25x142 January 12. 128 125 feet east of St. Louis avenue sf 50x142. . . .December 7. 120 N E cor of St. Louis avenue sf 125x142 March 2. 150 350 feet west of 40th street nf 25x125 .... February 11. 40 151 feet east of 41st street nf 50x125 April 12. 40 176 feet west of 41st street sf 50x121 June 1. 44 50 feet east of 42d street nf 25x124 . , .December 15. 42 66 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. JACKSON BOULEVARD Continued. Description. Sold. Per Front Foot N E cor of 42d street sf 50x121 , July 6. $ 54 N W cor of 43d street sf 50x125 Sold 1895. 60 S E cor of 45th street nf 50x125 September 5. 26 JEFFERSON AVENUE. 176 feet south of 55th street wf 25x150 July 22. 150 50 feet north of 80th street wf 50x115 September 12. 28 JEFFERSON STREET. S W cor of VanBuren street ef 150x120 Sold 1899. 450 250 feet north of Harrison street ef 50x93 April 25. 124 25 feet north of Ewing street ef 25x100 July 6. 100 207 feet south of 82d street ef 75x115 October 19. 40 200 feet south of 88th street ef 50x125 February 10. 20 North of 89th street wf 30x132 June 14. 33 Between 99th and 100th street wf 175x125 April 4. 13 N W cor of 101st street ef 48x125 May 12. 37 KEDZIE AVENUE. 141 feet north of Diversey avenue wf 51x125. .September 7. 23 Near Humboldt boulevard ef 50x247 March 28. 36 N W cor of Cortland street ef 53x177 September 19. 50 216 feet north of North avenue wf 25x104 Sold 1897. 40 207 feet north of Division street ef 25x125 . . . .September 12. 52 49 feet north of Congress street ef 24x114 June 26. 48 N W cor of Flournoy street ef 49x125 September 26. 100 83 feet south of Lexington street wf 25x136. . .November 30. 52 72 feet north of Grenshaw street ef 24x125 . . . .July 9. 44 234 feet south of 12th street ef 25x125 September 26. 66 N W cor of 15th street ef 25x125 July 20. 62 75 feet south of 16th street ef 25x125 May 16. 62 241 feet south of 22d street ef 25x125 August 8. 40 228 feet north of 23d street wf 25x126 October 26. 40 103 feet north of 23d street wf 25x125 October 24. 40 28 feet north of 23d street ef 25x125 May 20. 40 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. 67 KEDZIE AVENUE Continued. Description. Sold. Per Front Foot 50 feet south of 25th street ef 50x125 September 1. $ 31 N E cor of 27th street wf 36x125 September 16. 41 Between Williams and 38th streets wf 25x125. .April 27. 14 162 feet south of Bloomington ave. ef 50x177. .April 25. 36 N W cor of 61st street ef 125x124 Sold 1898. 38 KIMBARK AVENUE. 46 feet north of 58th street wf 100x175 March 25. 120 47 feet south of 58th street wf 50x188 October 7. 160 KINZIE STREET. 25 feet west of Market street sf 25x104 September 1. 500 N E cor of Union street sf 40x75 October 11. 195 S W cor of Green street nf 75x100 October 26. 400 84 feet east of Homan avenue 48x150. . . March 10. 39 140 feet west of St. Louis avenue nf 100x150. .Sold 1898. 40 LAFLIN STREET. 337 feet south of Polk street ef 24x125 March 26. 92 Between 22d street and the river wf lOOx . . . June 27. 125 250 feet south of 52d street wf 50x125 February 16. 30 173 feet north of 55th street ef 50x125 November 9. 29 N E cor of 57th street wf 97x125 January 4. 41 N E cor of 57th street wf 97x125 June 9. 41 125 feet south of 58th street wf 49x124 July 7. 24 148 feet north of 65th street wf 50x124 March 9. 20 200 feet north of 86th street wf 50x124 August 5. 20 S W cor of 86th street ef 65x125 May 2. 20 89 feet south of 86th street wf 50x125 August 12. 24 189 feet south of 86th street ef 50x126 September 21. 20 191 feet north of 87th street wf 50x125 April 7. 20 LAKE STREET. 90 feet west of Union street nf 30x150 June 21. 566 S E cor of Morgan street nf 50x100 September 21. 250 125 feet west of Western avenue nf 50x100. . . .September 29. 105 68 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. LAKE STREET Continued. Description. Sold. Per Front Foot 300 feet west of Staunton street nf 25x99 March 1. $120 348 feet west of Campbell avenue nf 25x99 .... Sold 1898. 80 72 feet east of Fairfield avenue nf 25x80 February 18. 60 West of Fairfield avenue nf 25x181 . .May 19. 72 90 feet west of Sacramento avenue nf 25x . .March 4. 100 West of Hamlin avenue nf 25x180 October 24. 100 East of 40th street nf 25x190 , November 15. 80 N W cor of 45th street sf 55x June 6. 43 60 feet east of 49th street sf 25x May 12. 45 LAKE AVENUE. 112 feet north of Pier street wf 50x July 21. 170 349 feet north of 41st street ef 104x180 July 16. 288 Between 44th and 45th streets wf 30x July 20. 200 Near 46th street wf 31x125 February 15. 200 S W cor of 49th street ef 250x107 Sold 1895. 240 Between 52d and 53d streets wf 50x July 23. 212 202 feet north of 55th street wf 100x150 April 1. 142 75 feet south of 56th street ef 25x109 October 17. 200 N W cor of 73d street ef 110x216 June 15. 50 S W cor of 78th street ef 187x200 December 21. 53 LAKE SHORE DRIVE. N W cor of Oak street ef 108x122 May 2. 840 LANGLEY AVENUE. 300 feet north of 43d street ef 25x134 February 18. 108 77 feet south of 46th street wf 25x121 January 13. 110 202 feet south of 46th street wf 25x127 August 18. 106 377 feet south of 46th street wf 50x120 August 15. 140 200 feet south of 49th street ef 50x125 November 15. 100 250 feet north of 50th street ef 50x125 June 2. 75 145 feet north of 64th street ef 25x122 April 30. 60 S E cor of 65th street wf 96x121 April 1. 79 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. 69 LANGLEY AVENUE Continued. Description. . Sold. Per Front Foot N E cor of 66th street wf 125x121 June 10. $ 56 Between 66th and 67th streets wf 25x121 July 22. 40 S W cor of 68th street ef 125x122 December 10. 52 225 feet south of 68th street 25x122 September 6. 40 250 feet south of 68th street ef 25x122 September 16. 40 321 feet south of 72d street ef 100x125 August 24. 40 125 feet south of 73d street ef 50x125 September 9. 37 129 feet north of 75th street wf 60x126 January 20. 75 LA&ALLE AVENUE. N W cor of Locust street ef 98x127 February 10. 400 LASALLE STREET. 100 feet south of 31st street ef 25x120 July 11. 72 Near 36th street ef 24x120 June 1. 83 S W cor of 53d street ef 32x . April 9. 68 445 feet north of 59th street wf 25x122 September 7. 50 161 feet north of 61st street ef 30x132 March 7. 53 216 feet south of 119th street wf 50x120 June 1. 20 LAWNDALE AVENUE. 211 feet south of North avenue ef llOx . . ..September 27. 12 175 feet south of Huron street wf 25x125 December 1. 40 188 feet south of Colorado avenue wf 25x118. .October 5. 40 316 feet north of Harrison street wf 25x118. . .June 4. 40 N E cor of 15th street wf 50x125 Sold 1898. 60 120 feet south of 19th street wf 48x125 June 13. 42 216 feet south of 20th street wf 48x125 May 7. 33 48 feet south of 26th street wf 48x125 March 28. 32 150 feet south of 52d -street wf 75x September 24. 24 LEATITT STREET. 25 feet south of Belle Plain avenue ef 200x128. August 13. 44 191 feet south of Roscoe boulevard wf 50x124. March 31. 23 45 feet south of Fletcher street ef 25x125 July 11. 48 96 feet north of Ems street ef 25x100 February 24. 46 70 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. LEAVITT STREET Continued. Description. Sold. Per Front Foot S W cor of Hamburg street ef 24x100 June 7. $ 48 N E cor of Homer street wf 24x100 November 30. 54 North of Congress street wf 25x120 December 22. 160 Opposite Campbell Park wf 32x96 June 13. 156 185 feet north of Moore street ef 25x125 December 15. 40 160 feet north of Moore street ef 25x125 March 25. 48 S W cor of 96th street ef 598x131 July 13. 10 N W cor of 97th street ef 298x124 July 1. 19 LELAND AVENUE. 161 feet east of Lyman avenue nf 38x121 April 27. 26 75 feet east of Lyman avenue nf 38x121 May 24. 26 LEXINGTON AVENUE. 212 feet north of 55th street wf 25x164 August 18. 166 N W cor of 56th street ef 50x170 January 2. 150 N W cor of 56th street ef 50x170 September 26. 160 198 feet north of 58th street wf 50x170 June 6. 87 99 feet north of 58th street wf 75x170 June 28. 85 N E cor of 58th street wf 99x170 March 1. 84 120 feet north of 62d street ef 25x170 April 7. 80 120 feet north of 62d street ef 75x170 .... September 12. 100 50 feet south of 65th street ef 50x125 September 20. 85 S W cor of 66th street ef 98x125 May 14. 72 LEXINGTON STREET. Bet. Washtenaw and California aves. nf 50x125. June 28. 52 76 feet east of Francisco street nf 25x124 May 28. 48 S W cor of Francisco street nf 50x100 May 6. 42 225 feet west of Francisco street nf 25x126 .... March 9. 40 225 feet west of Francisco street nf 25x126. . . .October 11. 40 51 feet east of Albany avenue sf 25x125 January 16. 40 West of Garfield boulevard nf 25x124 May 21. 40 219 feet west of Garfield boulevard nf 25x124. .June 27. 40 275 feet east of West 39th street sf 50x123 February 2. 32 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. 71 LINCOLN AVENUE. Description. Sold. Per Front Foot N E cor of Hanson avenue wf 25x130 December 20. $ 48 100 feet north of Faye street wf 25x125 June 14. 46 125 feet south of Sultzer street wf 25x125 August 19. 40 LINCOLN STREET. 175 feet south of Thomas street wf 25x125 March 9. 44 357 feet north of Polk street ef 24x115 March 11. 83 Opposite Moore street wf 24x100 , January 26. 56 72 feet south of Moore street wf 48x100 June 2. 30 S E cor of 50th street wf 70x124 March 10. 17 S E cor of 52d street wf 50x124 May 2. 25 192 feet south of 62d street ef 48x124 July 27. 25 57 feet north of 86th street wf 100x126 January 25. 24 166 feet south of 86th street ef 50x126 April 1. 22 266 feet north of 87th street ef 50x126 May 12. 24 214 feet south of 87th street wf 75x125 March 11. 16 LOOMIS STREET. 241 feet south of Archer avenue ef 50x Sold 1898. 36 75 feet south of 48th street wf 24x125 March 16. 23 157 feet north of 52d street ef 25x124. . .... . . June 8. 50 275 feet south of 53d street ef 25x125 May 21. 50 300 feet south of 53d street ef 25x125 June 9. 52 280 feet north of 60th street wf 25x125 June 4. 48 N W cor of 84th street ef 100x172 September 3. 26 S W cor of 84th street ef 100x124 October 4. 25 100 feet north of 90th street wf 100x125 . .May 1. 23 100 feet south of 92d street ef 100x125 June 23. 20 LOWE AVENUE. 50 feet north of 32d street wf 25x126 November 23. 49 100 feet south of 33d street ef 27x125 November 26. 40 462 feet south of 33d street ef 27x128 July 25. 36 241 feet north of 35th street ef 25x125 June 7. 40 192 feet south of 35th street wf 24x123. . . . June 6. 49 72 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. MADISON AVENUE. Description. Sold. Per Front Foot 327 feet west of 49th street wf 53x117 September 29. $163 Between 49th and 50th streets wf 50x150 May 18. 168 Between 49th and 50th streets wf 50x150 October 26. 150 200 feet north of 50th street wf 50x150 July 20. 200 Between 50th and 51st streets wf 18x150 May 9. 100 100 feet south of 51st street ef 25x150 ,. . .October 26. 200 96 feet north of 55th street ef 72x106 January 22. 99 N E cor of 56th street wf 144x150 December 9. 200 163 feet north of 61st street wf 64x120 February 19. 125 S E cor of 61st court wf 125x125 March 14. 160 100 feet north of 62d street ef 100x183 October 7. 200 236 feet south of 63d street ef 50x165 October 11. 200 S W cor of 64th street ef 100x165 January 1. 150 224 feet south of 73d street ef 50x125 January 22. 60 174 feet north of 74th street wf 25x125 Sold 1898. 40 141 feet south of 75th street wf 28x125*. June 25. 70 43 feet north of 83d street wf 40x114 July 2. 38 MADISON STREET. 225 feet west of Desplaines street nf 50x190. . .June 1. 1,800 225 feet west of Desplaines street nf 50x190. . . June 21. 2,000 25 feet west of Sangamon street sf 25x100 Sold 1898. 800 225 feet east of Aberdeen street nf 25x120. . . .February 8. 672 227 feet west of Center avenue nf 22x189 June 23. 661 249 feet west of Center avenue nf 23x189 June 23. 661 128 feet west of Ashland avenue sf 300x125.. . .September 15. 500 223 feet west of Western avenue nf 25x120 . . . .October 31. 200 261 feet west of Staunton street sf 24x126 May 1. 166 243 feet east of Sacramento avenue nf 24x . .April 6. 175 114 feet east of Albany avenue sf 25x125 March 16. 200 225 feet east of Homan avenue nf 25x191 October 10. 180 501 feet west of 40th street nf 25x121 May 31. 130 200 feet east of 43d street nf 25x121 September 19. 80 KEAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OB 1 CHICAGO. 73 MADISON STREET Continued. Description. Sold. Per Front Foot 175 feet east of 43d street nf 25x121 October 5. $ 80 N E cor of 44th street sf 100x175 June 16. 102 125 feet west of 44th street sf 25x175. June 22. 72 MARSHFIELD AVENUE. 150 feet south of York street ef 25x125 February 9. 120 166 feet south of Polk street wf 50x101 October 5. 137 Between Polk and Taylor streets ef 27x125 . . . .February 17. Ill 74 feet north of Taylor street ef 48x133 May 17. 122 307 feet south of 12th street wf 25x100 October 6. 80 167 feet north of 37th street ef 24x125 March 25. 44 163 feet south of 55th street ef 100x125 March 1. 24 50 feet south of 57th street ef 50x125 July 13. 24 250 feet north of 60th street wf 25x121 October 20. 40 100 feet south of 60th street ef 50x125 April 24. 20 123 feet north of 86th street ef 50x125 February 13. 24 N W cor of 86th street ef 59x125 February 1. 22 N E cor of 86th street wf 108x125 September 16. 28 MARYLAND AVENUE. 80 feet south of 63d place wf 25x125 June 27. 65 180 feet north of 64th street wf 25x125 September 27. 75 73 feet south of 66th street ef 25x125 June 24. 64 73 feet south of 66th street ef 25x125 October 3. 80 98 feet south of 66th street ef 25x125 October 3. 80 223 feet north of 67th street wf 25x125 August 6. 65 MAY STREET. Between 50th and 52d streets wf 44x125 March 21. 34 75 feet south of 64th street wf 50x125 March 28. 20 Between 67th and 68th streets ef 48x May 14. 29 S E cor of 70th street wf 195x125.. October 22. 23 175 feet south of 74th street ef 25x125 October 18. 40 23 feet south of 88th street ef 25x125 May 6. 13 North of 91st street wf 100x125.. . .October 8. 18 74 HEAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. MEAD STREET. Description. Sold. Per Front Foot S W cor of Cortland street ef 50x177 May 18. $ 32 MICHIGAN AVENUE. 175 feet north of 13th street wf 25x130 January 2. 1,200 300 feet north of 14th street wf 23x130 February 16. 870 210 feet north of 14th street wf 30x130 July 21. 833 242 feet south of 14th street wf 21x161 March 31. 1,049 24 feet south of 25th street wf 24x110 June 20. 700 350 feet south of 26th street ef 112x176 May 5. 580 581 feet north of 29th street wf 30x160 June 1. 650 150 feet south of 31st street wf 50x160 December 9. 600 77 feet north of 35th street wf 75x143 Sold 1898. 1,000 N E cor of 35th street wf 152x143 August 20. 1,000 S W cor of 37th court ef 75x200 June 18. 600 75 feet south of 37th court ef 25x191 June 3. 550 206 feet south of 44th street wf 50x161 July 5. 340 S E cor of 46th street wf 75x161 July 23. 330 S W cor of 46th street ef 100x192 November 20. 210 S W cor of 46th street ef 100x192 Sold 1895. 300 S W cor of 47th street ef 100x160 Sold 1895. 325 175 feet south of 49th street ef 25x160 September 26. 280 Between 49th and 50th streets wf 50x160 June 10. 220 S W cor of 50th street ef 50x160 June 20. 267 296 feet north of 53d street ef 160x208 December 24. 225 213 feet north of 53d street ef 50x September 24. 250 150 feet south of 53d street ef 50x161 July 20. 300 198 feet north of 56th street ef 100x161 April 18. 170 S W cor of 56th street ef 100x192 June 20. 200 N W cor of 56th street ef 198x161 June 30. 185 200 feet south of 56th street ef lOOx July 1. 150 N W cor of 57th street ef 148x160 December 23. 128 Between 57th and 58th streets wf 100x161 October 13. 150 Between 58th and 59th streets wf 25x161 August 2. 150 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. 75 MICHIGAN AVENUE Continued. Description. Sold. Per Front Foot 40 feet south of 61st street ef 34x140 March 14. $132 248 feet north of 63d street ef 49x150 April 23. 100 125 feet north of 68th street wf 25x160 October 8. 60 100 feet north of 70th street ef 50x159 December 19. 50 200 feet south of 77th street ef 100x100 March 22. 35 S E cor of 78th street \vf 325x160 April 19. 35 835 feet south of 80th street ef 50x161 February 13. 30 235 feet south of 80th street ef 50x161 July 20. 30 N E cor of 82d street wf 299x341 July 6. 60 150 feet north of 83d street wf 50x341 February 15. 66 200 feet north of 100th street wf 50x May 12. 21 S E cor of 100th street wf 58x September 15. 42 South of 103d street ef 72x June 13. 33 53 feet south of 107th street wf 50x113 June 1. 20 103 feet south of 107th street wf 50x113. . . . . . June 1. 20 N W cor of 109th street ef 117x October 1. 42 400 feet north of lllth street wf 27x155 Sold 1898. 37 MICHIGAN STREET. N E cor of Cass street sf 60x100 Sold 1895. 750 50 feet east of State street sf 25x100 June 11. 500 MILLARD AVENUE. 72 feet south of 26th street ef 24x125 May 23. 41 216 feet south of 26th street ef 50x125 March 21. 24 218 feet north of 27th street ef 48x125 May 25. 27 170 feet north of 27th street ef 24x125 October 4. 40 76 feet south of 27th street ef 36x125 May 7. 28 141 feet south of 31st street ef 50x125 October 17. 20 N W cor of 53d street ef 125x September 24. 24 MILWAUKEE AVENUE. 125 feet south of Girard street wf 25x118 December 3. 160 185 feet south of Fullerton avenue wf 25x . .May 31. 100 Near Fullerton avenue wf 25x May 11. 100 76 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE AVENUE Continued. Description. Sold. Per Front Foot N W cor of Thomas avenue ef 25x110 June 10. $ 80 Near Thomas avenue ef 50x110 July 29. 80 N W cor of Gresham street ef 50x125 October 3. 48 125 feet north of Belmont avenue wf 25x . . .May 24. 60 325 feet north of Belmont avenue ef 50x125 . . . May 24. 36 200 feet south of Wolfram street ef 50x .. . .October 1. 44 50 feet south of Wolfram street ef 25x October 1. 46 S W cor of Lawrence avenue ef 50x188 December 9. 100 MONROE AVENUE. 50 feet south of 54th street wf 25x76 March 12. 100 100 feet south of 55th street ef 50x175 July 8. 125 150 feet south of 55th street wf 150x175 .August 1. 200 150 feet south of 56th street ef 50x175 February 6. 126 198 feet south of 58th street wf 50x188.. February 1. 125 MONROE STREET. 200 feet west of Desplaines street nf 50x198. . .November 21. 800 125 feet west of Aberdeen street nf 25x188 .... May 11. 200 S E cor of Kedzie avenue nf 50x150 September 2. 170 50 feet east of Spaulding avenue sf 25x193 . . . .April 11. 120 119 feet west of Spaulding avenue nf 25x180. . .June 9. 110 144 feet west of Spaulding avenue sf 25x191. . .September 9. 120 169 feet west of Spaulding avenue nf 25x180. . . March 1. 115 200 feet east of Homan avenue sf 25x191 Sold 1895. 140 75 feet east of Homan avenue sf 25x191 June 15. 120 S W cor of St. Louis avenue nf 155x180 Sold 1898. 120 220 feet east of Central Park ave. sf 50x191 . . .February 4. 125 126 feet west of 40th street sf 25x121 April 20. 42 S E cor of 41st street nf 25x121 December 7. 50 126 feet west of 41st street nf 25x121 May 16. 40 150 feet east of 42d street sf 25x121 June 30. 54 225 feet west of 42d street nf 26x121 October 10. 58 200 feet east of 43d street sf 25x121 July 16. 48 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. 77 MONROE STREET Continued. Description. Sold. Per Front Foot 175 feet east of 43d street sf 25x121 August 10. $ 50 76 feet east of 43d street sf 25x121 January 22. 42 50 feet east of 43d street sf 25x121 March 18. 44 75 feet west of 44th street nf 50x121 April 1. 40 300 feet west of 44th street sf 25x121 May 2. 42 200 feet east of 45th street sf 25x121 September 29. 44 MORGAN STREET. 116 feet south of VanBnren street wf 68x118 . . June 20. 132 192 feet south of 14th street wf 25x100 Sold 1898. 60 800 feet south of 22d street wf 190x248 Sold 1898. 225 53 feet south of 54th street wf 25x120 September 24. 48 55 feet north of 56th street wf 25x125 October 27. 40 172 feet south of 56th street wf 50x125 August 29. 32 241 feet south of 59th street ef 25x125 April 6. 40 50 feet north of 86th street wf 50x125 March 4. 20 NINETEENTH STREET. 72 feet east of Wood street sf 24x125 , . .August 13. 62 48 feet east of Wood street sf 24x125 April 6. 45 75 foet west of Hoyno avenue sf 24x100 July 28. 62 350 feet east of Western avenue sf 25x125 May 4. 52 250 feet east of Western avenue sf 25x125 July 7. 46 191 feet east of 48th street nf 50x125 September 8. 20 90TH TO 99TH STREETS (Inclusive.) 90th st 188 ft w Cottage Grove av sf 24x122. July 7. 42 90th st 284 ft w Cottage Grove av sf 24x122. June 25. 50 90th st Bet. Cottage Grove and St. Lawrence avenues sf 25x121 April 18. 40 91st st 75 ft w of Mackinaw av sf 25x135 June 28. 40 91st st 100 ft w of Buffalo av sf 25x125 October 19. 40 91st st 125 ft w of Erie av nf 25x135 June 4. 54 91st st 125 ft w of Exchange av nf 25x135. . .March 11. 40 91st st 73 ft e of Muskegon av sf 50x135 July 6. 50 78 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. 90TH TO 99TH STREETS Continued. Description. Sold. Per Front Foot 91st st 300 ft e of St. Lawrence av sf 25x126. October 1. $ 48 91st st S E cor of Elizabeth st nf 58x125 May 16. 25 92d st N W cor of Center av sf 58x135 March 12. 20 93d st 125 ft w of Erie av sf 25x135 April 2. 44 93d st S E cor of Washington av nf 49x125. .September 2. 60 94th st 99 ft w of Stoney Island av sf 24x125. June 10. 54 95th st Near Second avenue nf 50x . .... .January 2. 40 95th st S W cor of Calumet dock nf 200x300. July 25. 122 95th st 50 ft e of Langley av sf 60x125 May 10. 40 95th st N E cor of Logan av sf 73x December 28. 15 95th st 106 ft w of Summit av nf 50x125 December 23. 21 96th st S E cor of Exchange av nf 39x135 February 19. 27 97th st 63 ft e of Exchange av nf 25x135 July 16. 64 NORTH AVENUE. West of Clybourn avenue sf 35x October 22. 114 50 feet east of Shober street nf 25x123 October 26. 80 49 feet west of Hancock avenue sf 25x136 May 24. 48 S W cor of Hamlin avenue nf 48x125 June 25. 35 N E cor of Springfield avenue sf 289x240 February 7. 52 48 feet west of 40th street nf 24x125 December 1. 50 S E cor of 41st street nf 48x125 September 17. 62 100 feet west of 43d street nf 25x July 12. 48 125 feet west of 43d street nf 25x . November 10. 40 Between 48th st and Lincoln av sf 50x125 July 15. 40 OAKLET AVENUE. 25 feet south of Cornelia street wf 25x124 May 12. 40 S W cor of Coblentz street ef 24x100 August 12. 50 96 feet south of Armitage avenue wf 24x100. . .February 15. 54 150 feet north of Bryson street wf 25x125 February 2. 48 194 feet north of Division street ef 24x125 . . . .September 23. 46 Between 13th and 14th streets wf 96x125 August 22. 43 Between 68th and 69th streets wf 50x125 April 6. 20 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. 79 OAKLEY AVENUE Continued. Description. Sold. Per Front Foot 604 feet south of 91st street ef 91x132 December 23. $ 16 South of 91st street ef 100x132 January 12. 19 8 W cor of 105th street ef 99x123 May 26. 12 OAKWOOD AVENUE. 363 feet east of Grand boulevard sf 25x156 . . . .April 13. 440 OGDEN AVENUE. 314 feet east of Rockwell street sf 25x October 3. 68 120 feet west of Washtenaw avenue nf 25x ..November 10. 72 100 feet east of Talman avenue sf 25x114 March 25. 80 145 feet east of Lawndale avenue sf 24x125. . . .December 19. 66 65 feet west of Bonney avenue nf 50x150 June 23. 50 65 feet west of Bonney avenue nf 50x150 December 5. 56 140 feet west of Bonney avenue iif 50x150 September 5. 56 50 feet east of Hamlin avenue nf 25x March 8. 84 100 feet west of Hamlin avenue sf 25x125 June 11. 48 200 feet west of Hamlin avenue sf 25x125 June 7. 64 106 feet east of Springfield avenue nf 50x . . May 16. 70 70 feet west of Kellogg avenue nf 55x125 March 18. 19 S W cor of Delaware street nf 54x125 January 18. 28 OGLESBEY AVENUE. N W cor of 61st street ef 100x178 June 1. 185 S E cor of 62d street wf 140x183 October 29. 153 140 feet south of 62d street wf 100x183 October 29. 125 128 feet north of 63d street wf 50x183 November 17. 130 OHIO STREET. S W cor of St. Glair street nf 28x100 July 30. 500 100 feet west of St. Glair street nf 20x100 Sold 1899. 225 121 feet east of Market street sf 25x109 December 16. 400 50 feet west of Union street sf 25x40 March 30. 86 152 feet east of Ashland avenue sf 25x125 July 5. 75 117 feet east of Wood street sf 24x123 May 17. 62 48 feet west of Robey street nf 24x92 March 11. 42 80 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. OHIO STREET Continued. Description. Sold. Per Front Foot 25 feet west of Hoyne avenue nf 25x100 February 10. $ 54: 96 feet east of Leavitt street sf 24x123 June 9. 56 N W cor of Leavitt street sf 24x124 December 2. 104: N W cor of Avers avenue sf 169x110 July 19. 42 100TH TO 136TH STREETS (Inclusive.) 100th st Bet. State street and Michigan ave. sf 100x124 May 9. 1 100th st 164 ft e of State st ef 50x124 March 19. 32 103d st 100 ft w of Portland av nf 50x125 . .August 2. 20 104th st S W cor of Avenue E nf 600x257. . .August 3. 16 lllth pi 225 ft w of Wentworth av nf 50xl24.Sold 1898. 22 114th st 8 E cor of State dt nf 25x124 September 5. 40 114th st 276 ft w of State st nf 150x125 May 19. 13 115th st S W cor of Clark st nf 77x125 March 8. 13 115th st S W cor of Clark st nf 77x125 July 13. 34: 116th st 107 ft w of Canal st nf 50x137 September 26. 20 116th st N E cor of Scanlan st sf 106x187 March 2. 15 116th st N W cor of Scanlan st sf 87x183 July 22. 14 116th st 50 ft e of School st sf 50x125 August 5. 25 118th st S E cor of Canal st nf 206x162 May 7. 13 118th st S W cor of Portland av nf 56x125. . . August 17. 27 119th st N W cor of Canal st sf 82x136 February 15. 14: 119th st Bet. State st. and Michigan ave. nf 50x125.. October 3. 28 119th st Bet. LaSalle and Clark sts nf 56x125. April 12. 19 127th st N W cor of Ashland av sf 107x125 . .April 30. 20 136th st 284 ft e of Indiana av sf 33x150 March 4. 33 ONTARIO AVENUE. 223 feet north of 83d street ef 200x125 March 31. 40 75 feet south of 90th street ef 50x130 May 2. 40 Between 92d and 93d streets wf 50x July 20. 24 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. 81 ONTARIO STREET. Description. Sold. Per Front Foot N E cor of Rush street sf 69x1 50 Sold 1895. $435 650 feet west of Market street nf 300x100 September 29. 200 ORCHARD STREET. South of Wrightwood avenue ef 100x125 April 1. 86 OWASCO STREET. 269 feet east of California avenue sf 28x100.. . .November 14. 40 S W cor of 40th street nf 50x125 March 15. 44 50 feet west of 40th street nf 100x125 October 3. 40 51 feet west of 41st street sf 50x125 July 11. 34 50 feet west of St. Phillips avenue sf 25x124. . .April 7. 40 West of 43d street nf 25x125 October 1. 44 Between 45th and 46th streets nf 50x125 July 15. 30 PARK AVENUE. 100 feet east of Oakley avenue nf 20x124 March 24. 115 548 feet east of Homan avenue sf 26x125 July 27. 126 295 feet east of Homan avenue sf 25x125 June 1. 120 125 feet west of 41st street nf 25x125 October 3. 40 200 feet east of 42d street nf 25x180 August 19. 60 N W cor of 43d street sf 25x125 May 9. 52 100 feet west of Webb street nf 50x125 September 7. 20 191 feet east of Warner avenue sf 25x124 February 4. 10 PAULINA STREET. 98 feet south of Webster avenue ef 49x165 . . . .April 15. 37 154 feet south of Tuttle street ef 25x165 August 15. 40 S W cor of Leland avenue ef 92x165 February 1. 59 242 feet south of Cosgrove avenue wf 50x165 . .February 15. 44 173 feet south of Berteau avenue wf 50x166.. . .April 8. 40 93 feet north of Belle Plaine avenue wf 50x166. February 16. 36 N W cor of Belle Plaine avenue ef 100x166 .... May 3. 41 S W cor of Belle Plaine avenue ef 100x165 . . . .October 6. 56 100 feet south of Belle Plaine avenue wf 50x165. November 11. 45 82 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. PAULINA STREET Continued. Description. Sold. Per Front Foot N W cor of Graceland avenue ef 189x165 May 20. $ 38 241 feet south of Graceland avenue wf 50x121.. March 15. 28 198 feet north of Roscoe street wf 50x125 , , . . .January 5. 32 142 feet north of Armitage avenue ef 192x125.. April 17. 42 25 feet south of Cornelia street wf 175x125 . . . .August 15. 40 250 feet south of Cornelia street wf 75x125. . . .September 15. 40 141 feet south of 47th street wf 50x125 August 2. 30 S W cor of 86th street ef 66x125 June 20. 27 PEORIA STREET. North of 56th street ef 100x125 October 10. 48 72 feet south of 60th street wf 25x126 Sold 1898. 60 148 feet south of 64th street wf 25x125 February 24. 40 S E cor of 66th street wf 56x125 February 1. 38 200 feet north of 72d street wf 25x125 Sold 1898. 40 200 feet north of 79th street ef 40x125 November 11. 45 150 feet north of 86th street wf 75x125 October 31. 20 Corner of Vincennes avenue ef 41x136 December 20. 24 PERRY STREET. 185 feet north of Berteau avenue ef 46x160. . . .August 16. 43 100 feet south of Belle Plaine avenue ef 80x162. June 24. 31 192 feet north of Sultzer street wf 100x160 May 22. 25 PINE STREET. Bet. Oak street and Walton place wf 271x200. .Sold 1898. 500 POLK STREET. 78 feet west of May street sf 26x100 June 8. 96 100 feet east of Wood street nf 25x100 .February 1. 96 N E cor of DeKalb street sf 75x February 29. 86 25 feet east of Francisco street nf 25x124 October 24. 43 125 feet east of Sacramento avenue sf 25x148 . .June 3. 40 250 feet west of Sacramento avenue sf 25x125.. October 13. 72 PORTLAND AVENUE. 291 feet south of 31st street ef 25x125 May 17. 64 400 feet north of 36th street ef 25x125 September 6. 40 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. 83 PRAIRIE AVENUE. Description. Sold. Per Front Foot N E cor of 41st street wf 100x160 January 25. $175 120 feet south of 41st street ef 40x160 March 24. 150 94 feet south of 43d street ef 50x160 July 5. 110 S W cor of 44th street ef 115x160 March 31. 130 175 feet south of 45th street wf 25x163 October 24. 120 225 feet south of 45th sfreet wf 25x137 April 18. 100 S E cor of 46th street wf 97x138 March 16. 124 S W cor of 46th street ef 65x161 June 8. 158 150 feet north of 50th street wf 50x162 August 22. 100 Between 52d and 53d streets ef 50x171 June 6. 100 214 feet south of 54th street wf 100x180 June 6. 100 133 feet north of 60th street ef 50x161 January 26. 100 462 feet north of 63d street ef 75x161 December 20. 75 105 feet north of 63d street wf 25x160 March 11. 60 105 feet north of 63d street wf 50x160 March 21. 60 Between 70th and 71st streets ef 50x174 February 11. 48 RACINE AVENUE. 50 feet north of Eddy street wf 25x125 July 5. 48 74 feet north of School street wf 25x124 September 2. 46 150 feet south of School street wf 25x123 March 16. 40 325 feet north of Belmont avenue wf 25x124. . . May 26. 48 49 feet north of George street wf 24x115 July 7- 46 170 feet south of Fullerton avenue wf 25x124. .April 1. 84 165 feet south of Belden avenue wf 66x124.. ..June 21. 114 225 feet south of Webster avenue ef 25x125 . . . May 3. 70 RANDOLPH STREET. S W cor of Clinton street nf 150x128 Sold 1899. 600 100 feet east of Jefferson street nf 20x106 Sold 1899. 950 100 feet east of Desplaines street nf 20x75 Sold 1899. 700 20 feet east of Desplaines street sf 55x90 Sold 1899. 545 80 feet east of Union street nf 20x152 Sold 1899. 1,000 77 feet west of Halsted street nf 25x100 September 80. 520 84 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. RANDOLPH STREET Continued. Description. Sold. Per Front Foot 100 feet east of Carpenter street sf 25x100. . . .March 1. $290 325 feet west of Albany avenue nf 25x120 December 15. 60 N E cor of 42d street sf 100x150 October 25. 43 S E cor of 43d street nf 101x180 May 22. 42 RHODES AVENUE. 115 feet north of 35th street ef 50x165. . .'. November 1. 200 286 feet south of 71st street ef 50x125 December 13. 50 Between 71st and 72d streets ef 25x125 August 19. 40 61 feet south of 72d street ef 25x125 July 27. 52 105 feet south of 73d street ef 50x125 September 1. 46 199 feet south of 78th street wf 50x124 November 28. 30 249 feet south of 78th street wf 50x124. .... . .May 1. 28 ROBEY STREET. 242 feet north of Sultzer street ef 50x174 January 9. 40 102 feet south of Clay street ef 52x122 October 14. 20 S W cor of Leland avenue ef 50x125 May 5. 40 N W cor of Leland avenue ef 50x125 July 18. 42 N W cor of Leland avenue ef 50x125 August 16. 50 S W cor of Jamot avenue ef 50x125 March 7. 40 212 feet south of Clybourn place wf 24x125 July 13. 45 Opposite Rice street wf 25x125 April 8. 64 50 feet south of Congress street ef 25x101 December 22. 120 141 feet south of Polk street wf 25x114 April 1. 82 1131 feet south of Blue Island av wf 1160x .April 28. 80 N W cor of 36th street ef 25x125 April 26. 56 375 feet south of 36th street ef 25x125 July 30. 44 N E cor of 54th street wf 49x116 May 17. 23 ROCKWELL STREET. 50 feet south of Wabansia avenue wf 25x125. . .October 11. 50 250 feet north of Hirsch street wf 25x126 August 26. 40 225 feet south of Hirsch street wf 25x125 October 11. 40 192 feet north of Thompson street wf 25x125. .October 11. 44 200 feet south of Bryson street wf 25x126 August 24. 40 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. 85 ROSCOE STREET. Description. Sold. Per Front Foot Between Clark and Halsted streets sf 25x125. . .June 28. $ 58 Between Clark and Halsted streets sf 25x125. . .July 8. 56 338 feet west of Halsted street sf 25x125 September 12. 60 166 feet east of Seminary avenue sf 25x125. . . .September 8. 50 241 feet west of Seminary avenue sf 25x124.. . .May 9. 40 211 feet west of Southport avenue nf 25x125. . .June 29. 40 SACRAMENTO AVENUE. 102 feet north of Moore street ef 25x126 October 15. " 41 N E cor of 64th street wf 125x125 September 21. 28 SANGAMON STREET. 70 feet south of Jackson boulevard wf 30x125.. May 26. 200 122 feet south of 56th street ef 50x209 May 12. 40 35 feet north of 63d street ef 50x125 .April 16. 25 98 feet south of 64th street ef 25x125 January 28. 40 50 feet south of 66th street ef 50x125 September 13. 24 44 feet north of 68th street ef 37x125 September 6. 27 274 feet south of 72d street wf 25x125 October 3. 40 S W cor of 73d street ef 49x125 July 15. 25 SAWYER AVENUE. 159 feet south of 12th street ef 25x125 August 20. 46 100 feet south of 15th street ef 25x125 May 15. 44 375 feet south of 15th street ef 25x125 September 6. 50 100 feet south of 16th street ef 50x125 July 28. 54 150 feet south of 16th street wf 25x125 June 20. 48 N W cor of 19th street ef 50x125 September 14. 70 176 feet south of 19th street ef 24x125 July 29. 62 123 feet north of 25th street ef 50x125 September 1. 26 SCHOOL STREET. (N. S.) Bet. Evanston ave. and Halsted st. nf 30x89 July 6. 75 (N. S.) 268 feet east of Ashland av sf 25x125. May 25. 68 (S. S.) Near 49th street wf 25x124 April 15. 58 86 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. SCHOOL STREET Continued. Description. Sold. Per Front Foot (S. S.) 216 feet south of 52d street wf 24x124. April 27. $ 51 (S. S.) Near 56th street wf 90x126 July 25. 60 (S. S.) Bet. 57th and 58th streets wf 25x117.. July 9. 66 (S. S.) 225 feet north 58th street wf 50x122. .December 15. 66 SEMINARY AVENUE. S W cor of Roscoe street ef 50x124 , January 25. 50 50 feet south of Roscoe street ef 25x124 September 27. 44 S W cor of School street ef 50x124 .January 25. 50 125 feet north of Belmont avenue ef 50x124.. . .December 1. 40 203 feet south of Belmont avenue wf 30x125. . .January 5. 50 190 feet south of Fullerton avenue ef 24x124. .June 29. 94 225 feet north of Belden avenue ef 38x124 February 10. 84 125 feet north of Belden avenue ef 25x124 January 27. 92 125 feet north of Belden avenue ef 25x124 August 5. 94 SEVENTEENTH STREET. 145 feet west of Laflin street sf 100x124 .... . .October 10. 30 70TH TO 79TH STREETS (Inclusive.) 70th st 182 ft e of Stoney Island av nf 60x50. January 27. 35 70th st S W cor of Robey st nf 49x125 October 18. 20 71st st 179 ft w Stoney Island av nf 126x125. March 1. 50 71st s t N E cor of Green st sf lOOx June 8. 40 71st st N E cor of Paulina st sf 58x125 January 27. 22 71st st 92 ft w of Central Park av nf 66x124. October 27. 21 72d st 125 ft e of Jefferson av nf 50x125 August 1. 30 72d st 50 ft e of Jefferson av nf 100x125 July 1. 43 72d st 73 ft w of Madison av nf 25x125 October 20. 60 72d st 60 ft e of Woodlawn av sf 25x125 January 30. 44 72d st 134 ft w of State st sf 100x130 January 19. 150 73d st 150 ft e of Jefferson av nf 50x125 . . . .August 1. 45 73d st 157 ft e of Vincennes av nf 50x125. . .April 1. 60 73d st N W cor of Hoyne av sf 100x125 November 30. 12 74th st 145 ft w of Bond av sf 50x110 April 29. 43 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. 87 70TH TO 79TH STREETS Continued. Description. Sold. Per Front Foot 74th st S E cor of Ada st nf 50x125 December 8. $ 20 75th st S E cor of Brooks av nf 32x125 August 31. 100 76th st 175 ft e of Coles av nf 25x100 June 1. 50 76th st 150 ft w of Coles av sf 50x123 August 15. 56 76th st Near Adams av sf 50x125 April 11. 30 76th st 132 ft e of Drexel av nf 50x125 September 9. 30 76th st N W cor of Drexel av sf 27x125 Sold 1898. 74 76th st 107 ft w of Drexel av sf 27x125 June 17. 55 76th st 107 ft w of Drexel av sf 27x125 September 3. 55 77th st 100 ft w of Bond av sf 50x87 January 15. 37 79th st S W cor of Arthur av nf 100x127 January 23. 50 79th st 325 ft w of Arthur av nf 25x127 May 10. 60 79th st 145 ft e of Railroad av sf 50x125 January 27. 34 79th st 54 ft e of Duncan av nf 50x125 September 10. 36 79th st 96 ft w of Duncan av nf 24x125 June 30. 40 79th st East of South Chicago av nf 25x125 . .April 2. 42 79th st 82 ft w of Vincennes av sf 25x125. . . .March 24. 50 79th st 107 ft w of Vincennes av sf 25x125. . .March 24. 50 79th st 105 ft e of Halsted st nf 30x100 October 4. 33 SHEFFIELD AVENUE. 79 feet north of Nellie street wf 50x120 February 15. 55 South of Clark street wf 32x March 18. 42 75 feet south of Roscoe street ef 25x124 October 11. 72 155 feet north of School street wf 25x122 July 17. 64 246 feet south of Webster avenue ef 25x124.. . .August 1. 92 325 feet north of Garfield avenue ef 25x124. . . .August 1. 80 212 feet north of Garfield avenue wf 37x127. . .May 18. 100 268 feet south of Centre street wf 24x125 July 5. 75 SHERIDAN AVENUE. N E cor of 64th street wf 100x165 August 11. 150 S W cor of 65th street ef 100x165 September 16. 120 Near 65th street wf 50x165 April 1. 85 Near 86th street ef 72x125 January 19. 22 88 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. SHERIDAN DRIVE. Description. Sold. Per Front Foot S E cor of Fargo street wf 150x222 Sold 1895. $347 SHERIDAN STREET. 208 feet north of Mentmore street ef 42x180. . .July 7. 30 S E cor of Cortland street wf 50x177 September 13. 32 SIXTEENTH STREET. 157 feet east of Washtenaw avenue nf 24x125. .November 22. 41 148 feet east of California avenue nf 25x135. . .September 21. 48 211 feet west of Albany avenue sf 50x164 August 22. 55 281 feet east of Kedzie avenue sf 50x164 September 2. 54 S E cor of 40th street nf 50x125 June 24. 41 60TH TO 67TH STREETS (Inclusive.) 60th st 135 ft w of Calumet av sf 25x133. . . . June 29. 129 60th st 400 ft e of Lawndale av nf 50x125. . .Sold 1898. 32 61st st 125 ft w of Stoney Island avnf 50x125.. March 9. 150 61st st 475 ft w of Stoney Island avnf 50x125.. May 18. 160 61st st 60 ft e of Prairie av nf 100x119 March 8. 95 61st st S E cor of Prairie av nf 60x119 February 27. 115 61st st 147 ft w of Wright st sf 50x120 April 8. 100 61st st 191 ft e of Halsted st sf 25x118 August 23. 80 61st st 72 ft w of Morgan st nf 72x122 September 2. 19 61st st N W cor of May st sf 48x July 27. 42 6lst st 300 ft w of Webb st sf 50x125 March 8. 20 63d st100 ft w of Oglesby av nf 50x166 October 27. 200 63d st 100 ft w of Oglesby av nf 50x166 . . . .October 29. 250 63d st 131 ft e of Cottage Grove av sf 25x .March 8. 206 63d st N E cor of Paulina st sf 57x125 June 7. 44 63d st N E cor of Robey st sf 39x120 April 5. 33 63d st S E cor of Vail st nf 50x135 June 1. 40 63d st 165 ft e of Roman av nf 50x124 July 8. 20 64th st 141 ft e of Maryland av sf 40x125.. . .March 30. 55 64th st 50 ft e of Elizabeth st sf 50x124.' October 11. 20 65th st 184 ft w of State st nf 25x149 April 22. 100 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. 89 60TH TO 67TH STREETS Continued. Description. Sold. Per Front Foot C5th st West of Central Park av nf 50x123. . .August 26. $ 20 65th st West of Central Park av nf 50x123. . .August 10. 20 67th st S E cor of Winter st nf 92x98 September 6. 55 67th st 81 ft w of Morgan st sf 52x125 August 26. 30 67th st West of Ada st nf 50x120 July 6. 20 67th st Bet. Hornan av and Webb st sf 75x124 . . January 6. 24 SOUTH CHICAGO AVENUE. Near 69th street nf 25x125 July 15. 54 Between 73d and 74th streets nf 100x130 April 1. 35 124 feet east of Ellis avenue nf 100x125 December 14. 55 Near 77th street nf 72x130 , February 12. 54 Between 80th and 81st streets nf 25x130 October 10. 50 Between 90th and 91st streets nf 25x130 .October 25. 60 Between 90th and 91st streets nf 50x130 June 8. 48 Between 90th and 91st streets sf 125x130 June 3. 44 SOUTH PARK AVENUE. N E cor of 74th street wf 300x124 November 9. 50 N W cor of 81st street ef 299x150 May 11. 33 150 feet north of 84th street wf 50x166 February 10. 20 SPAULDING AVENUE. 200 feet north of VanBuren street ef 50x129. . .August 31. 34 N W cor of 15th street ef 53x125 May 2. 42 178 feet north of Ogden avenue ef 25x125 June 11. 48 S W cor of 67th street ef 384x125 May 8. 9 SPRINGFIELD AVENUE. 226 feet south of Glenwood avenue ef 25x125 . .April 22. 48 S W cor of Glenview avenue ef 52x124 September 20. 30 125 feet south of Huron street ef 75x125 September 29. 16 341 feet south of 21st street wf 50x125 May 9. 23 Between 28th and 29th streets wf 48x125 April 21. 27 N W cor of 31st street ef 99x125 January 1. 20 90 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. ST. Louis AVENUE. Description. Sold. Per Front Foot 141 feet north of 22d street wf 75x122 February 1. $ 46 N E cor of 52d street wf 84x126 June 29. 24 STATE STREET. 200 feet south of Burton place wf 21x130 February 10. 412 75 feet south of Chicago avenue ef 25x118 March 23. 400 300 feet south of 13th street wf 25x140 Sold 1898. 600 122 feet north of 32d street wf 25x122 September 13. 460 N E cor of 35th street wf 75x125 August 3. 537 194 feet north of 42d street wf 50x160 April 2. 190 212 feet north of 48th street wf 25x160 September 3. 180 48 feet north of 56th street wf 25x100 September 10. 160 300 feet north of 65th street wf 42x159 February 8. 90 96 feet south of 67th street wf 25x160 .October 12. 100 Between 69th and 70th streets wf 42x160 April 11. 95 150 feet south of 75th street ef 25x160 .September 10. 42 N E cor of 76th street ef 100x160 August 29. 62 200 feet south of 76th street wf 200x160 April 11. 40 200 feet south of 76th street wf 200x160 September 8. 40 199 feet north of 77th street ef 100x160 August 3. 50 250 feet south of 118th street ef 50x125. March 28. 26 STEWART AVENUE. S E cor of 76th street wf 100x160 January 19. 63 S W cor of Madison street (Lake) ef 100x135 . .January 25. 16 STONE Y ISLAND AVENUE. South of 71st street wf 50x111. . . September 26. 120 119 feet north of 72d street ef 119x165 July 17. 100 S W cor of 73d street ef 141x120 December 3. 125 Between 91st and 92d streets ef 125x133 January 20. 40 141 feet north of 93d street ef 250x130.. . .October 8. 30 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. 91 STORMS AVENUE. Description. Sold. Per Front Foot Between 72d and 73d streets ef 50x125 April 5. $ 70 Between 75th and 76th streets wf 60x125 June 30. 40- 105 feet north of 83d street wf 100x125 August 25. 24 Between 85th and 86th streets wf 100x125 January 16. 24 SUPERIOR STREET. 551 feet east of St. Clair street sf 25x100 December 9. 316 551 feet east of St. Clair street sf 25x100 December 21. 320 216 feet east of Oakley avenue sf 120x121 September 30. 3 96 feet east of Oakley avenue sf 120x121 July 8. 33- N E cor of Oakley avenue sf 24x121 March 24. 66 N E cor of Rockwell street sf 25x122 January 29. 40 225 feet east of Washtenaw avenue nf 75x123 . .February 8. 24 TALMAN AVENUE. S E cor of Thompson street wf 50x125 , March 26. 38 S W cor of Thompson street ef 50x125.. June 18. 40- 325 feet south of Thompson street wf 50x125 . .May 28. 40 271 feet north of Hirsch street wf 50x125 June 25. 40 Near 13th street wf 33x125 June 1. 35 North of Ogden avenue ef 33x133 , July 2. 33 TAYLOR STREET. 150 feet east of Loomis street nf 25x103 June 24. 82 144 feet east of Lincoln street nf 24x100 May 3. 92 227 feet east of Robey street nf 20x119 October 1. 115 N W cor of Campbell avenue sf 627x268 April 10. 106 N W cor of Campbell avenue sf 627x134 September 15. 47 THIRTEENTH STREET. 96 feet west of Loomis street nf 24x124 September 27. 82 216 feet east of Lincoln street nf 24x124 July 25. 62 24 feet east of Lincoln street nf 24x124 May 1. 62 31sT TO 38TH STREETS (Inclusive.) 31st st 165 ft w of Ullman st nf 72x124 January 26. 64 31st st 25 ft w of Vermont av nf 25x125 January 1. 48 92 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL, NOTES OF CHICAGO. 31sT TO 38TH STREETS Continued. Description. Sold. Per Front Foot 32d stS E cor of Parnell av nf 58x108 September 16. $52 32d st 277 ft w of Oilman st nf 25x115 December 15. 40 33d st 25 ft e of Parnell av nf 50x100 October 22. 32 33d st East of Laurel st sf lOOx May 14. 48 34th st 222 ft w of Halsted st nf 50x145.. ... V. May 3. 34 34th st 172 ft e of Laurel st sf 25x145 December 16. 43 34th st 557 ft w of Laurel st nf 25x129. . September 10. 58 35th st 275 ft e of Robey st sf 50x125 June 4. 38 35th st 250 ft e of Robey st sf 25x125 April 12. 40 35th st N E cor of Robey st sf 25x125 June 16. 62 37th stS E cor of Butler st nf 50x125 June 28. 70 38th st 185 ft w of Rockwell st sf 50x July 25. 36 THROOP STREET. 166 feet south of 55th street ef 50x125 August 1. 20 S W cor of 62d street ef 176x120 June 30. 26 Between 69th and 70th streets wf 33x125 March 19. 37 248 feet south of 86th street wf 50x125 August 8. 23 TROY STREET. 139 feet south of Fillmore street ef 25x . . .May 27. 51 234 feet south of 12th street ef 25x125 February 18. 48 75 feet north of 13th street ef 25x125. May 31. 60 72 feet south of 13th street ef 48x125 May 24. 54 567 feet south of 13th street wf 25x125 April 6. 50 181 feet south of 24th street wf 48x127 February 15. 25 TRUMBULL AVENUE. North of Humboldt boulevard wf 48x124 August 1. 42* S E cor of Huron street wf 99x125 June 23. 30 96 feet north of Ohio street ef 72x125 February 9. 19 425 feet south of 16th street ef 25x125 July 20. 48 175 feet north of 21st street wf 50x100 September 21. 30 N E cor of 21st street wf 50x100 September 17. 41 ]N W cor of 53d street ef 50x126. . .March 30. 22 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. 93 TWELFTH STREET. Description. Sold. Per Front Foot 96 feet west of Brown street nf 24x100 November 22. $208 250 feet east of Western avenue sf 25x125 October 7. 200 50 feet east of Western avenue sf 25x123 December 17. 188 S E cor of Tallman avenue nf 112x280 March 5. 108 44 feet east of Washtenaw avenue nf 50x125. . .August 19. 125 38 feet west of Washtenaw avenue nf 25x125. .July 1. 130 N W cor of Sacramento avenue sf 41x125 July 12. 158 41 feet west of Sacraniento avenue sf 25x125. . .Sold 1898. 112 N W cor of Utica street sf 50x125 September 22. 130 135 feet west of Albany avenue nf 25x118 February 25. 94 50 feet west of Troy street sf 25x125 . .August 6. 80 112 feet west of Kedzie avenue sf 28x125 December 27. 100 182 feet east of Spaulding avenue sf 25x125.. . .September 14. 100 S W cor of Turner avenue nf 49x117 August 16. 122 S W cor of St. Louis avenue sf 50x167 October 25. 100 N E cor of Springfield avenue sf 24x112 July 1. 107 250 feet east of 42d street sf 50x125 September 9. 50 300 feet west of 42d street sf 25x125 October 14. 52 20TH TO 29TH STREETS (Inclusive.) 20th st 50 ft w of Robey stnf 25x125 Sold 1898. 40 21st st- 25 ft w of Wood st sf 25x125 July 1. 50 21st st 175 ft w of Lincoln st nf 25x126 July 22. 60 21st st 132 ft w of Western av nf 24x126 . . . .February 16. 46 22d st S E cor of Robey st nf 25x125 June 1. 80 22d st 122 ft w of Leavitt st nf 24x100 September 30. 55 22d st 103 ft w of Washtenaw av nf 24x124. July 12. 60 22d st 291 ft w of California av sf 25x121. . .April 13. 60 22d st 48 ft e of Whipple st nf 24x125 March 17. 48 22d st 132 ft w of Homan av nf 50x125 May 25. 44 22d st 116 ft w of Spaulding av nf 25x125. . .March 30. 48 22d st 58 ft e of Central Park av sf 25x125. .February 26. 48 22d st 49 ft e of Avers av nf 24x125.. . .October 14. 46 94 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. 20TH TO 29TH STREETS Continued. Description. Sold. Per Front Foot 22d st 121 ft w of Avers av nf 24x125 June 21. $ 42 22d st Near Kellogg avenue nf 50x125 March 18. 21 23d st Between St. Louis and Trumbull avs sf 144x98 August 10. 47 25th st 100 ft e of Portland av sf 50x124 October 26. 100 25th st 100 ft w of Butler st sf 50x125 February 19. 105 25th st 289 ft w of California av sf 48x120. . .December 1. 30 25th st 244 ft w of Francisco st nf 24x120. . .March 9. 41 25th st S E cor of Sacramento av nf 24x120. .July 21. 44 26th st N W cor of Francisco st sf 72x120 May 12. 39 29th st 124 ft w of Homan av sf 25x125 April 29. 60 UNION STREET. 40 feet south of Ohio street ef 40x71 Sold 1898. 38 24 feet south of 36th street ef 24x123 September 28. 77 Between 99th and 100th streets wf 125x125 September 30. 20 UNIVERSITY PLACE. East of Rhodes avenue nf 50x126 July 5. 150 VANBUREN STREET. S W cor of Jefferson street nf 120x150 Sold 1899. 562 155 feet east of Center avenue nf 25x100 August 24. 200 44 feet east of Stevens street sf 25x126 June 27. 100 300 feet west of Francisco street nf 25x . . . .August 27. 100 71 feet east of Kedzie avenue nf 25x100 November 7. 100 N E cor of Kedzie avenue sf 61x125 July 6. 120 West of Trumbull avenue nf 25x125 May 4. 60 Near St. Louis avenue sf 25x110 ..." May 16. 60 N W cor of 45th street sf 50x125 August 26. 36 100 feet east of 47th street sf 50x124 January 25. 24 Near 52d street nf 25x125 Sold 1898. 20 VERNON AVENUE. 407 feet south of 35th street wf 44x132 May 19. 187 58 feet north of 61st street ef 25x125 August 19. 100 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. 95 VERNON AVENUE Continued. Description. Sold. Per Front Foot 175 feet north of 64th street wf 50x124 March -. $ 58 N W cor of 70th street ef 48x123 June 27. 37 48 feet south of 70th street ef 50x124 July 5. 50 200 feet north of 72d street wf 50x124 August 2. 50 49 feet north of 73d street ef 100x123 . .May 2. 70 N W cor of 74th street ef 300x123 .November 9. 50 Between 83d and 84th streets ef 250x February 1. 20 N W cor of 84th street ef 50x125 February 11. 21 VINCENNES AVENUE. 121 feet north of Oakwood boulevard wf 60x125. April 20. 200 225 feet south of 40th street wf 15x130. . , February 6. 130 50 feet south of 41st street ef 25x116 March 29. 120 260 feet north of 46th street wf 50x120 September 9. 122 N W cor of 46th street ef 75x145 July 15. 160 N E cor of 49th street wf 198x141 March 11. 152 314 feet south of 60th street wf 50x125 September 26. 70 173 feet south of 64th street wf 100x122 January 1. 48 223 feet north of 65th street wf 25x122 November 17. 60 288 feet south of 65th street ef 24x122 March 30. 82 S E cor of 67th street wf 100x124 October 19. 80 S E cor of 71st street wf 50x123 March 14. 70 289 feet north of 74th street wf 25x125 Sold 1898. 72 24 feet south of 78th street wf 50x124 February 19. 30 WABANSIA AVENUE. 200 feet east of Dickson street sf 50x February 5. 20 75 feet west of Wood street nf 48x80 September 8. 31 141 feet west of Robey street nf 24x100 March 13. 50 W ABASH AVENUE. 266 feet north of 13th street wf 25x174 September 19. 1400 Between 16th and 17th streets ef 20x Sold 1899. 600 98 feet north of 23d street wf 22x202 Sold 1899. 392 N W cor of Eda street ef 131x176.. . . June 10. 401 96 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. WABASH AVENUE Continued. Description. Sold. Per Front Foot 125 feet north of 35th street wf 25x174 October 26. 230 144 feet north of 36th street ef 25x180 Sold 1898. 259 S W cor of 40th street ef 50x160 February 1. 170 125 feet south of 40th street ef 50x160 June 28. 123 N W cor of 44th street ef 80x161 February 25. 145 125 feet south of 45th street wf 25x164 March 18. 140 275 feet south of 48th street ef 25x160 September 23. L40 247 feet north of 49th street ef 50x160 October 13. 125 122 feet north of 49th street ef 25x160 May 2. 125 97 feet north of 49th street ef 25x160 July 23. 125 247 feet south of 60th street ef 25x187 March 12. 112 200 feet north of 70th street wf 100x159 January 23. 26 S E cor of 70th street wf 96x159 December 25. 43 50 feet north of 71st street wf 150x159 October 19. 30 N W cor of 73d street ef 100x160 August 3. 45 100 feet south of 77th street ef 100x160. .... . .September 19. 35 244 feet south of 82d street wf 25x323 February 15. 62 250 feet north of 83d street wf 50x323 February 15. 70 100 feet north of 83d street wf 50x323 March 21. 70 N E cor of 83d street wf 100x323 February 15. 70 S W cor of 91st street ef 400x162 Sold 1898. 10 WALLACE STREET. Near 34th street ef 27x127 April 20. . 54 Near 34th street ef 25x127 October 14. 60 166 feet north of 35th street ef 25x125 February 17. 65 N W cor of 52d street ef 199x125 March 15. 35 199 feet north of 70th street wf 50x116 March 19. 50 99 feet north of 70th street wf 100x116 March 19. 50 323 feet south of 80th street wf 25x May 27. 44 WALNUT STREET. Bet. Francisco st and California av nf 25x150. .October 25. 84 N E cor of Kedzie avenue sf 24x125 April 9. 102 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. 97 WALNUT STREET Continued. Description. Sold. Per Front Foot West of Kedzie avenue sf 24x125 September 22. $ 87 444 feet west of Kedzie avenue sf 24x125 April 11. 100 563 feet west of Kedzie avenue sf 24x125 December 12. 90 Between Kedzie and Homan avenues sf 24x .August 23. 104 435 feet east of Homan avenue nf 25x150 June 25. 72 200 feet east of St. Louis avenue nf 50x90 June 21. 64 Near Gar field Park nf 30x March 5. 50 WARREN AVENUE. 239 feet west of Hoyne avenue sf 30x133 May 11. 133 92 feet west of Falls street sf 99x125 ! February 18. 150 262 feet east of Kedzie avenue sf 25x105 February 10. 131 S E cor of Kedzie avenue nf 50x131 July 12. 170 241 feet west of Kedzie avenue sf 40x118 June 16. 125 WASHINGTON AVENUE. 80 feet north of 49th street ef 45x150 October 3. 200 Between 51st and 52d streets wf 50x150 June 16. 200 144 feet south of 57th street ef 50x150 January 13. 200 350 feet south of 58th street ef 50x150 July 29. 200 200 feet north of Midway Plaisance ef 50x180.. June 16. 200 150 feet south of 77th street ef 25x126 Sold 1895. 42 283 feet south of 81st street ef 50x114 January 9. 40 115 feet south of 82d street wf 40x114 July 1. 30 141 feet north of 94th street wf 24x August 1. 60 250 feet north of 107th street ef 150x268 September 3. 33 WEST WASHINGTON STREET AND BOULEVARD. 85 feet west of Desplaines street sf 60x155 . . . .Sold 1899. 700 N W cor of Ann street sf 46x108 May 17. 387 S E cor of Leavitt street nf 95x125 Sold 1899. 226 Near Leavitt street sf 50x100 June 7. 250 West of Falls street nf 50x January 28. 150 75 feet west of Falls street sf 25x100.. April 28. 145 168 feet east of Francisco street nf 24x122 . . . .April 23. 200 98 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. WEST WASHINGTON STREET AND BOULEVARD Continued. Description. Sold. Per Front Foot 144 feet east of Francisco street nf 24x122 April 23. $200 75 feet east of Francisco street sf 25x120 June 28. 200 50 feet east of Francisco street sf 25x120 June 28. 200 N E cor of Francisco street sf 50x120 May 28. 250 164 feet east of Albany avenue nf 50x February 13. 200 323 feet west of Albany avenue sf 25x120 July 8. 190 323 feet west of Albany avenue sf 25x120 September 2. 204 149 feet east of Kedzie avenue nf 48x125 March 3. 200 291 feet west of Kedzie avenue nf 25x118 May 7. 180 522 feet east of Homan avenue sf 38x April 19. 225 245 feet east of Homan avenue sf 50x March 7. 200 West of Hamlin avenue sf 24x158 September 20. 50 150 feet west of 40th street nf 25x175 November 3. 66 200 feet west of 40th street nf 25x175 April 13. 66 275 feet west of 40th street 25x175 November 3. 66 176 feet west of 41st street sf 25x180 April 10. 44 275 feet west of 42d street sf 25x180 July 27. 40 150 feet east of 43d street nf 25x175 September 15. 60 100 feet east of 43d street nf 25x175 June 8. 58 26 feet east of 43d street nf 50x175 December 10. 50 150 feet east of 44th street nf 25x175 September 15. 60 S E cor of 44th street nf 100x175 November 19. 100 115 feet east of 46th street nf 25x175 February 3. 44 WASHTENAW AVENUE. 125 feet south of North avenue wf 25x105 November 11. 44 50 feet north of Thompson street wf 50x125 . . . July 11. 42 146 feet north of Hirsch street wf 25x126 December 14. 44 S W cor of Iowa street ef 36x126 May 5. 33 112 feet north of VanBuren street wf 25x112 . .July 11. 80 North of Ogden avenue ef 25x125 March 26. 48 S W cor of 82d street ef 50x125 May 14. 30 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. 99 WEBSTER AVENUE. Description. Sold. Per Front Foot 193 feet east of Orchard street nf 24x145 May 4. $117 48 feet east of Herndon street sf 24x121 October 17. 52 250 feet west of Clybourn avenue nf 25x120. . .May 10. 60 N E cor of Hoyne avenue sf 50x109 September 1. 50 WELLINGTON STREET. 228 feet east of Clark street sf 25x128 February 20. 100 166 feet west of Halsted street nf 25x125 May 2. . 100 191 feet west of Halsted street nf 25x125 June 17. 100 WENTWORTH AVENUE. 425 feet south of 31st street ef 25x125 April 15. 88 250 feet north of 72d street wf 50x126 . .April 1. 80 250 feet south of 72d street wf 100x122 March 1. 80 145 feet north of 73d street ef 100x124 March 1. 80 N E cor of 75th street wf 40x133 February 18. 57 241 feet south of 115th street ef 50x124. February 1. 34 WESTERN AVENUE. 175 feet south of Cornelia street wf 50x124 November 22. 32 50 feet south of Noble avenue ef 1120x125 May 20. 26 S E cor of Berlin street wf 24x100 July 16. 78 24 feet north of Bremen street wf 24x100 September 10. 46 211 feet south of North avenue wf 25x124 July 6. 42 237 feet south of North avenue wf 25x124 February 6. 44 24 feet north of Thompson street ef 24x126.. . .June 14. 45 S W cor of Thompson street ef 48x125 October 1. 62 100 feet south of Thompson street wf 85x124 . . May 24. 40 150 feet south of Thompson street wf 25x124. .August 10. 40 50 feet south of Hirsch street ef 25x126 July 14. 40 N E cor of Potomac avenue wf 23x125 May 28. 50 261 feist north of Division street ef 24x126 . . . .February 9. 42 275 feet south of Ohio street ef 25x126 October 13. 80 49 feet south of Jackson boulevard wf 25x125. .May 12. 120 175 feet south of VanBuren street wf 50x126. .June 1. 100 100 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. WESTERN AVENUE Continued. Description. Sold. Per Front Foot 425 feet north of 19th street ef 50x100 September 24. $ 58 S W cor of 35th street ef 120x247 June 10. 58 265 feet north of 40th street ef 24x120 September 26. 40 325 feet south of 41st street ef 25x125 November 11. 40 35 feet north of 52d street wf 50x120 January 25. 37 132 feet south of 95th street wf 75x123 December 23. 21 WILCOX AVENUE. 275 feet east of 41st street nf 50x121 February 29. 31 200 feet east of 41st street sf 25x121 October 27. 44 N E cor of 41st street sf 50x121 August 9. 50 176 feet west of 41st street sf 25x121 January 30. 40 WINCHESTER AVENUE. 191 feet south of Polk street wf 25x114 May 17. 79 266 feet south of Polk street ef 25x115 February 13. 72 466 feet south of Polk street wf 25x114 February 27. 66 419 feet south of Taylor street wf 22x110.. . . . .March 24. 104 S W cor of 50th street ef 50x125 June 18. 23 S E cor of 53d street wf 100x125 May 17. 14 57 feet north of 86th street wf 200x126 June 25. 26 WINTER STREET. 191 feet south of 47th street ef 25x112 June 8. 60 25 feet north of 49th street ef 25x112 March 22. 40 199 feet south of 51st street wf 25x125 March 17. 40 249 feet north of 52d street wf 25x125 June 15. 51 48 feet north of 53d street ef 50x125 July 12. 39 Near 53d street wf 24x125 February 15. 52 198 feet south of 56th street wf 25x124 April 5. 44 173 feet north of 57th street wf 25x124 January 18. ^ 40 98 feet south of 68th street ef 50x160 , July 29. 68 Between 68th and 69th streets wf 50x160 December 1. 60 200 feet north of 69th street ef 50x160 May 16. 60 160 feet north of 76th street ef 40x125. . , . March 24. 50 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. 101 WINTER STREET Continued. Description. Sold. Per Front Foot 35 feet south of 76th street ef 40x125 '.July 11. $ 60 75 feet south of 76th street ef 35x125 July 11. 60 160 feet north of 78th street ef 120x125 November 1. 60 100 feet south of 78th street wf 60x126 January 12. 45 WOOD STREET. 192 feet south of Bloomingdale ave. ef 25x122. .July 12. 40 357 feet north of Wabansia avenue ef 24x122 . . April 23. 42 436 feet north of Division street ef 48x95 February 3. 42 98 feet north of Augusta street ef 25x125 Juno 3. 60 206 feet south of Polk street wf 22x125 August 8. 90 75 feet south of 16th street wf 25x110 January 1. 40 50 feet south of 52d street ef 50x125 January 21. 21 S E cor of 86th street wf 40x125 July 25. 30 66 feet south of 86th street ef 75x125 July 10. 15 WOODLAWN AVENUE. 212 feet north of 55th street ef 25x164 July 5. 100 190 feet north of 61st street ef 50x167 December 19. 125 200 feet north of 62d street wf 50x165 September 20. 100 250 feet south of 64th street wf 50x165 June 11. 140 187 feet north of 65th street wf 50x165 September 15. 90 60 feet north of 65th street wf 100x165 July 18. 75 S E cor of 65th street wf 100x165 February 8. 110 S W cor of 65th street ef 100x125 November 1. 98 N W cor of 65th street ef 50x October 24. 150 250 feet south of 65th street ef 100x126 April 8. 75 37 feet south of 72d street ef 25x120 .December 1. 120 WRIGHTWOOD AVENUE. 150 feet east of Hampden court nf 50x134 June 16. 200 150 feet west of Hainpden court sf 150x156.. . .January 28. 213 75 feet west of Orchard street nf 24x116 April 19. 100 N E cor of Best avenue sf 50x125 May 4. 100 247 feet east of Racine avenue sf 50x124. . .March 3^.. 140 102 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. WRIGHTWOOD AVENUE Continued. Description. Sold. Per Front Foot 74 feet east of Herndon street sf 50x124 May 16. $> 60 71 feet west of Herndon street sf 25x125 January 25. 80 187 feet west of Southport avenue nf 24x125. . .April 1. 62 N W cor of Paulina street sf 32x125 May 3. 37 400 feet west of Paulina street nf 25x . .... .February 18. 48 N E cor of Commercial street sf 32x125 August 30. 36 YALE STREET. Between 65th and 66th streets ef 50x187 May 26. 150 170 feet north of 69th street wf 46x133 July 21. 109 298 feet north of 70th street ef 40x132 July 9. 117 50 feet south of 72d street wf 50x122 July 1. 80 YORKTOWN STREET. S E cor of 33d street wf 46x125 July 5. 45 141 feet north of 34th street ef 24x125 April 5. 42 Between 34th and 35th streets wf 24x125 November 28. 58 NOTE. The foregoing tables of front foot values represent, in the main, vacant property only. It will be seen, however, that in some sections of the city where the lands are almost entirely covered with buildings it is impossible to obtain a record of sales of vacant property, but that in some such cases where sales have been made the improvements were of little or no value and were not considered in the prices paid. In such cases sales are classed as vacant property. An instance of this kind can be seen in the record of sales of property on West Randolph street east of Halsted street where the improvements were of little or no value and hardly worth the cost of removal. The reaction in values of real estate, noticed in the outlying district of Chicago immediately after the World's Fair, has been almost entirely overcome by the increase of population and the additional demand for houses; while, in the business center, the volume of trade transacted in the year 1899 was far greater than that of any other year in Chicago's history. GENERAL STATISTICS OF CHICAGO. . SPECIAL AND GENERAL TAXES OF CHICAGO. Year. Special Tax. General Tax. 1825 . . Peoria county (Chicago precinct). $ 90.47 1834. .Chicago town. 48.90 1837.. Chicago city. . 5,905.15 1862 $ 42,635.49 564,038.05 1863 46,493.67 853,346.00 1864 389,169.31 974,665.64 1865 108,576.35 1,294,183.50 1866 802,574.56 1,719,064.00 1867 317,206.18 2,518,472.00 1868 1,354,436.48 3,223,457.80 1869 2,395,683.03 3,990,373.20 1870 2,836,852.48 4,139,798.70 1871 2,359,835.89 2,897,467.40 1872 62,222.55 4,252,951.45 1873 None 5,617,313.91 1874 749,469.27 5,466',692.54 1875 783,840.24 5,108,981.40 1876 . 1,516,081.87 4,046,805.80 1877 124,498.48 4,046,805,80 1878 284,900.45 4,013,410.44 1879 588,963.44 3,778,856.80 1880 980,895.59 3,776,888.19 1881 1,227,159.72 3,899,126.98 1882 1,395,372.96 4,136,608.38 1883 2,232,757.04 4,227,402.98 1884 2,857,905.28 4,540,505.13 1885 2,889,544.80 4,872,453.60 104 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. SPECIAL AND GENERAL TAXES Continued. Year. Special Tar. General Tax. 1886 $3,307,567.99 $ 5,152,356.03 1887 3,160,474.67 5,368,409.76 1888 3,655,956.78 5,723,067.75 1889 4,220,896.93 6,326,561.21 1890 6,897,156.48 9,558,334.80 1891 8,790,443.29 10,453,270.41 1892 14,505,701.79 12,142,448.75 1893 6,001,445.65 11,810,959.69 1894 2,903,814.16 12,267,643.62 1895 4,387,214.44 14,239,685.13 1896 4,037,319.96 12,290,145.21 1897 2,102,951.45 12,939,333.00 1898 2,122,757.35 12,207,906.82 1899 3,685,400.36 13,359,270.53 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS ISQO TO 1899 INCLUSIVE, Year. Amount. 1890 $194,303,532 1891 , 181,522,269 1892 180,892,364 1893 , 129,614,572 1894 120,177,305 1895 132,225,170 1896 105,475,557 1897 ; 99,556,147 1898 93,100,276 1899.. 108,210,111 BUILDINGS CONSTRUCTED 1890 TO 1899 INCLUSIVE. Year. No. of Buildings. Cost. 1890 11,544 $47,373,200 1891 11,805 54,201,800 1892 13,194 64,740,800 1893 8,359 28,708,750 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. 105 BUILDINGS CONSTRUCTED Continued. Year. No. of Buildings. Cost. 1894 9,836 $33,805,670 1895 8,633 35,010,048 1896 6,444 22,730,615 1897 5,294 21,777,230 1898 4,066 21,281,225 1899 3,792 20,856,570 NOTABLE BUILDINGS IN CHICAGO, THE AUDITORIUM BUILDING CONTAINS 300,000 cubic feet of granite, 17,000,000 brick, 50,000,000 pieces of marble for mosaic floors, 50,000 square feet of plate glass, 25 miles of gas and water pipes, 230 miles of electric wire and cables, 10,000 electric lights, 11 dynamos, 13 electric motors, 4 hydraulic motors, 11 boilers, 21 pumping engines, 13 elevators and cost, to build, $3,200,000. THE MASONIC TEMPLE is 276 feet high. Has a floor space of nearly ten acres. Has 17 elevators with a carrying capacity of 100,000 people per day, and cost, to build, $2,000,000. THE MONADNOCK BUILDING Is the largest office building in the world. It covers the entire block of land bounded by Jackson boulevard, Dearborn and Van- Buren streets and Custom House place. It is 16 stories high, has 16 passenger elevators, 1,600 offices and mosaic marble floors throughout. THE MONTGOMERY WARD NEW MERCANTILE BUILDING, At the northwest corner of Madison street and Michigan avenue, is the tallest building in Chicago. It towers 385 feet above the sidewalk. REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. 107 PROMINENT TALL OFFICE BUILDINGS IN CHICAGO, Names and Locations. Stories Adams Express Building, Dearborn street near Adams street. . 11 Ashland, N E cor of Randolph and Clark streets 16 Atwood, N W cor of Clark and Madison streets 10 Auditorium, N W cor of Michigan avenue and Congress street. 18 Board of Trade, Jackson boulevard opposite LaSalle street. ... 9 Boyce, Dearborn street near Washington street 12 Calumet, LaSalle street near Monroe street 9 Caxton, Dearborn street near Harrison street 12 Chamber of Commerce, SE cor LaSalle and Washington streets. 13 Champlain, N W cor of State and Madison streets 15 Columbus Memorial, S E cor of State and Washington streets. . 14 Commerce, Pacific avenue near Jackson boulevard 9 Commercial National Bank, S E cor Dearborn and Monroe sts. . 7 Consolidated Exchange (Omaha) S E cor of VanBuren street and Pacific avenue 8 Continental National Bank, LaSalle street near Adams street. . . 10 Counselman, N W cor of LaSalle street and Jackson boulevard. 10 Ellsworth, N E cor of Dearborn and Harrison streets 14- Equitable, Dearborn street near Washington street 8 First National Bank, N W cor of Dearborn and Monroe streets. 7 Fisher, N E cor of Dearborn and VanBuren streets 18 Fort Dearborn, S W cor of Clark and Monroe streets 12 Gaff, LaSalle street near Jackson boulevard 10 Grand Central Passenger Station, S W cor of Harrison street and Fifth avenue 13 Great Northern, N E cor of Dearborn street and Jackson blvd.. 16 Hartford, S W cor of Dearborn and Madison streets 14 Home Insurance, N E cor of LaSalle and Adams streets 12 Illinois National Bank, Dearborn street near Madison street.. . . 9 Insurance, Dearborn street near Harrison street 12 _nsurance Exchange, LaSalle street near Quincy street 10 Isabella, VanBuren street near State street 11 108 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. TALL OFFICE BUILDINGS Continued. Names and Locations. Stories Journal, Washington street near Fifth avenue 10 Kedzie, Randolph street near Clark street 9 Mailers, LaSalle street near Quincy street 13 Manhattan, Dearborn street near VanBuren street 16 Marquette, N W cor of Dearborn and Adams streets 16 Masonic Temple, N E cor of State and Randolph streets. ...... 21 Medinah Temple, N E cor of Fifth ave. and Jackson blvd 14 Merchants Loan and Trust, N W cor of Clark and Adams sts. . 12 Metropolitan, N W cor of LaSalle and Randolph streets 8 Monadnock, Dearborn and VanBuren streets, and Jackson boule- vard and Custom House place 16 Monon, Dearborn street near VanBuren street 13 Montauk, Monroe street near Dearborn street 10 National Bank of Illinois, Dearborn st. near Washington st. . . . 9 New York Life Insurance, N E cor LaSalle and Monroe streets. 13 Occidental, N E cor of Market and Washington streets 8 Old Colony, S E cor of Dearborn and VanBuren streets 17 Owens, S E cor of Dearborn and Adams streets , 14 Oxford, LaSalle street near Randolph street 8 Pontiac, N W cor of Dearborn and Harrison streets 14 Pullman, S W cor of Michigan avenue and Adams street 10 Rand-McNally, Adams and Quincy streets near LaSalle street. . 10 Reaper Block, N E cor of Clark and Washington streets 9 Reliance, S W cor of State and Washington streets 14 Rialto, Sherman and VanBuren streets and Pacific avenue 9 Rookery, S E cor of LaSalle and Adams streets 11 Royal Insurance, Jackson boulevard near LaSalle street 13 Schiller, Randolph street near Clark street (Tower) 16 Security, S E cor of Madison street and Fifth avenue 14 Silversmith's, Wabash avenue near Madison street 10 Star Accident Insurance, Dearborn street near Harrison street. . 12 Steinway Hall, VanBuren street near Wabash avenue 11 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. 109 TALL OFFICE BUILDINGS Continued. Names and Locations. Stories Stewart, N W cor of Washington and State streets 12 Stock Exchange, S W cor of LaSalle and Washington streets. . 13 Tacoma, N E cor of LaSalle and Madison streets 13 Temple Court, N E cor of Dearborn and Quincy streets 9 Teutonic, S E cor of Washington street and Fifth avenue 10 Title and Trust, Washington street near Clark street 16 Trude, S W cor of Wabash avenue and Randolph street. 11 Unity, Dearborn street near Randolph street 16 Venetian, Washington street near State street 12 Western Bank Note, S W cor of Michigan av. and Madison st. . 8 Western Union, Clark st. , Jackson blvd. and Pacific ave 11 Woman's Temple, S W cor of LaSalle and Monroe streets 12 Young Men's Christian Association, LaSalle st. near Madison st. 13 POPULATION OF CHICAGO 1831 TO- 1898 INCLUSIVE. Year. By Whom Taken. Population 1831 60 1832 600 1833 350 1834 1,800 1835 3,265 1836 4,000 1837 City 4,170 1840 United States 4,479 1843 City 7,580 1845 State 12,088 1846 City 14,169 1847 City 16,859 1848 City 20,023 1849 City 23,047 1850 United States 28,269 1853 City 60,652 110 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. POPULATION or CHICAGO Continued. Year. By Whom Taken. Population 1855 State.. 80,000 1856 City 84,113 1860 United States 109,206 1862 City 138,186 1864 City 169,353 1865 State 178,492 1866 City 200,418 1868 City 252,054 1870 United States 306,605 1872 City 367,396 1874 City 395,408 1876 City 407,661 1878 City 436,731 1880 United States 503,185 1882 City 560,693 1884 City 693,861 1886 City 703,817 1888 City 802,651 1890 ; United States, 1,099,850 1892 City 1,438,010 1894 City 1,567,727 1896 City 1,616,635 1898 City 1,851,588 1900.., ..United States.., SCHOOLS OF CHICAGO, Year. Teachers. Scholars 1837. The public schools of Chicago had 4 400 1842. " " " " " 7 531 1847. " " " " " 18 1,317 1852. " " " " 29 2,404 1857. " " " " " 70 8,577 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. Ill SCHOOLS OF CHICAGO Continued. Year. Teachers. Scholars 1862. The public schools of Chicago had. 187 17,521 1867. " " " " " 319 27,260 1872. " " " " " 476 38,035 1877. " " " ". " 730 53,529 1882. " " " " 1,019 68,614 1887. " " " u " 1,574 84,902 1892. " " " " u 3,300 157,743 1897. " u " " 4,914 225,718 1898. " " " " " 5,268 236,239 1899. " " " " " 5,806 255,861 1898. Number of school buildings owned by city 318 1898. Number of rooms rented for school purposes in city . . 332 1898. Amount expended for public schools of city for the year ending Juno 30, 1898 $6,785,501 1898. Number of pupils in private and parochial schools in city 114,180 MAYORS OF CHICAGO. Name. When Elected. William B. Ogden May 2, Buckner S. Morris March 6, B. W. Raymond. March 5, Alexander Lloyd March 3, Francis C. Sherman March 5, Benjamin W. Raymond March 7, Augustus Garrett March 7, A. S. Sherman March 7, Augustus Garrett March 5, John P. Chapin March 3, James Curtis March 2, John H. Wentworth March 7, John H. Wentworth March 6, James Curtis March 5, 112 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO MAYORS OF CHICAGO Continued. Name. When Elected. Walter S. Gurnee , . March 4, 1851 Walter S. Gurnee March 2, 1852 Charles M. Gray March 14, 1853 Isaac L. Miliken March 15, 1854 Levi D. Boone March 8, 1855 Thomas Dyer March 10, 1856 John Wentworth March 3, 1857 John C. Haines .. . March 2, 1858 John C. Haines March 1, 1859 John Wentworth March 6, 1860 Julien C. Ramsey April 16, 1861 Francis C. Sherman April 15, 1862 Francis C. Sherman April 21, 1863 John B. Rice April 18, 1865 John B. Rice ' April 16, 1867 Roswell B. Mason . , Nov. 2, 1869 Joseph Medill Nov. 7, 1871 Harvey D. Colvin Nov. 4, 1873 Monroe Heath July 12, 1876 Monroe Heath April 3, 1877 Carter H. Harrison April 1, 1879 Carter H. Harrison April 5, 1881 Carter H. Harrison April 3, 1883 Carter H. Harrison April 7, 1885 John A. Roacbe April 5, 1887 DeWitt C. Cregier April 2, 1889 Hernpstead Washburn April 7, 1891 Carter H. Harrison April 4, 1893 George B. Swift, pro tern Nov. 4, 1893 John P. Hopkins Dec. 19, 1893 George B. Swift April 5, 1895 Carter H. Harrison, Jr April 6, 1897 Carter H. Harrison, Jr April 4, 1899 WATER PUMPING SYSTEM OF CHICAGO. Amount of water pumped by the Chicago water works system aud revenues 'received for the same from the year 1858 to the year 1899 inclusive. Net Revenue Year. Million Gallons. Per Million Gallons. 1858 1,092 193.57 1859 1,415 86.75 1860 1,717 76.39 1861 1,767 74.15 1862 2,705 (15 months) 69.66 1863 2,336 (9 months) 82.29 1864 2,533 89.14 1865 2,778 91.11 1866 3,169 95.30 1867 4,232 80.08 1868 5,375 78.26 1869 6,801 70.13 1870 7,945 67.86 1871 8,423 52.93 1872 10,051 54. 17 1873 11,723 60.46 1874 13,903 50.77 1875 10,975 (9 months) 58.04 1876 15,346 50.30 1877 19,047 47.70 1878 19,564 42.28 1879 20,558 44.85 1880 21,003 41.21 1881 23,332 40.16 1882 24,151 43.46 1883 26,742 42.73 1884 29,286 41.12 1885 33,415 40.03 1886 35,693 38.52 1887 37,199 40.05 1888 38,122 40.84 1889 40,504 40.04 1890 55,614 39.61 1891 63,552 37.21 1892 . . 71,035 . 38.55 114 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. WATER PUMPING SYSTEM -Continued. Net Revenue Year. Milion Gallons. Per Million Gallons. 1893 86,298 $34.18 1894 87,074 36.27 1895 91,922 36.20 1896 93,040 34.14 1897 96,918 33.08 1898 99,665 32.01 1899 -. 109,755 29.18 1899. Summary of water pumped for the year: Number of gallons 109,755,909,894 Daily average, gallons 300,701,123 Year, per capita, gallons 59,276 Daily, per capita, gallons 162 Year, net revenue $3,203,569.71 Daily, net revenue 8,777.00 1898. Capacity of water tunnels under the lake: Daily, gallons 415,000,000 1898. Number of miles of lake tunnels in use 19.00 1898. Number of miles of lake tunnels under construction. . 2.66 1898. Number of miles of land tunnels in use 6.03 1898. Number of miles of land tunnels under construction. .10.00 Total 37.69 1898. Number of miles of water mains and pipes in city. 1,801. 25 Comparison of the water meter rates of Chicago with those of some other large cities: Meter Rates Cities. Per 1,000 Gallons Boston $0. 18| Brooklyn ,. 0.10 Cincinnati 0. lOf Kansas City 0. 31 New York 0. Omaha 0. 35 Philadelphia 0. 04 Pittsburg 0. 20 St. Louis 0.30 Chicago rate for first 165,000 gallons used on a single premise in one month 0. 10 In excess of 165,000 gallons to 5,000,000 gallons 0.08 In excess of 5,000,000 gallons 0.04 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. 115 WATER PUMPING SYSTEM Continued. The total income from the Chicago water works system from the time of purchase to January 1, 1899, was 148,556,042.53 The total cost of the Chicago water works system, including original purchase price, labor, main- tenance, etc., to January 1, 1899, was $30,220,952.53 Some idea of the quantity of water pumped in the Chicago water works system for the year 1899 can be had from the following comparisons: If the number of gallons pumped for the year 1899 were all represented in silver dollars and a man engaged to count them, he counting 100 per minute and working 12 hours per day, it would require over one and one-half million days to complete the task. The net revenues received from the Chicago water works system for water pumped in 1899, gross pumpage, amounted to nearly 3^ cents per 1,000 gallons, or at the rate of ten barrels per one cent. At this seemingly insignificant figure the net revenues for the year were $3,203,569.71. MAIL WAS CARRIED TO AND FROM CHICAGO. In 1831, on foot once a month. In 1832, on horseback once a week. In 1833, by wagon once a week. In 1834, by stage semi-weekly. In 1835-' 36, by stage tri-weekly. In 1837, by stage daily. In 1850, by railroad daily. In 1899, by railroads, street cars, boats and wagons continuously. In 1831 mail for the Chicago postoffice was deposited in a dry goods box. In 1899 a new postoffice building is being built, to cost when completed $4,000,000. This building and the block of land upon which it stands will represent a value of $9,000,000. There were sold in the Chicago postoffice during the month of March, 1899, postage stamps amounting to $991,763.38. 116 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. CITY PARKS IN CHICAGO, 1896, Name. Acres. Jackson Park 586. 00 Wash ington Park 371. 00 Lincoln Park.. ,..320.00 210.90 T , ,-, Old, 41.30 Lake 1 ront Park 1 M ' ., .,_ ._ V ( New, 169.60 j HumboldtPark 200.62 Garfield Park 185.87 Douglas Park 179.79 Midway Plaisance 80. 00 Gage Park 20.00 Palmer Square 15.79 Union Park 14.80 Logan Square 6.06 Jeft'erson Park 5.42 East End Park 5.20 Jefferson Park (Town of Jefferson) 5.00 Wicker Park 4.89 Vernon Park 4.51 Woodland Park 3.86 Sacramento Square 3.65 Groveland Park 3.40 Holstein Park 2.38 Ellis Park 2.37 Washington Square 2.30 Douglas Monument Park 2.02 Aldine Square 1 . 49 Shedds Park 1.08 Bickerdike Square 94 Adams Park 82 Triangle Park 70 Congress Park 68 Campbell Park 55 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. 117 CITY PARKS Continued. Name. Acres. Gross Park 0.53 Union Square 46 Lakewood Park 27 Irving Park 25 Oak Park 20 Green Bay Park 19 BUILDINGS IN CHICAGO 1674 TO 1890 INCLUSIVE, Jn 1674 Chicago had 1 cabin. In 1777 Chicago had 1 house. In 1804 Chicago had 4 houses. In 1812 Chicago had 5 houses. In 1825 Chicago had 14 houses. In 1837 Chicago had 516 houses. In 1868 Chicago had 39,366 houses. In 1870 Chicago had 56,000 houses. In 1890 Chicago had 127,871 houses, 220,320 families, 8.60 persons to a house, 4.99 persons to a family. In 1680 Chicago was spelled Checaugou. In 1684 " " u Checagon. In 1699 " u " Chicagu. In 1700 " " Chekagou. In 1703 " " 4 Chegakou. In 1733 " " ' Cbigagou. In 1760 " " ' Chogage. In 1774 " ' Chicagou. In 1795 " " "1 Chikago. In 1800 " " *1 Chicago. The Indians called Chicago She-Kaug.(Pole Cat.) The literal meaning of the word Chicago, in the Indian language, is Great, Strong, Powerful. Allegorical figure of Chicago A significant of "The Chicago river and its two branches." City Emblem a goddess with a crown of the phoenix. Motto: "I Will Rise." 118 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. AREA OF CHICAGO 1837 TO 1899 INCLUSIVE. Year. Square Miles 1839. March 4 , >. 10.635 1847. February 16 / 14.01 1853. February 12 17.998 1863. February 13 24.282 1869. February 27 35. 662 1887. May 16 36. 662 1889. April 29 43.812 1889. July 15 169.882 1890. April 1 171.655 1890. May 12 174.554 1890. November 4 179.157 1891. April 7 180.138 1893. April 4 -.184.013 1893. November 7 186.138 1895. February 25 187.138 1899 189.63 1899. Extreme length of Chicago north and south, miles. . .26.00 1899. Extreme width of Chicago east and west, miles 14.50 1899. Longest streets in Chicago: Western avenue, miles 22 Halsted street, miles 21|- State street, miles 17 Milwaukee avenue, miles 1 1 J 87th street, miles 10 North avenue, miles 9 J 1899. Jan. 1, total length of all streets in city, miles. . . .2,573.00 1899. Jan. 1, total length of all alleys in city, miles 1,373.00 1899. Jan. 1, total length of all sidewalks in city, miles. 5, 354. 35 1899. Jan. 1, total length of all sewers in city, miles.. . .1,388.35 1898. Amount expended for street cleaning and repairs. $458,667. 70 1898. Amount expended for collection and dis- posal of garbage $ 421,202.21 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO 119 1898. Amount expended for lighting city $ 689,465.85 1898. January 1st, money in city treasury 2,592,456.05 1898. Amount of receipts for year 33,160,967.59 1898. Amount of expenditures for year 33,316,184.00 1899. January 1st balance in city treasury 2,437,239.64 1899. January 1st, total indebtedness of city 19,457,904.00 1898. Number of uniformed men in police service 2,675 1898. Number of uniformed men in fire department 1,109 1898. Number of bridges in city (2f miles) 61 1898. Number of viaducts in city (34^ miles) 37 1898. Dock frontage in city (miles) 52 1898. Number of vessels entering Chicago harbor 9,189 1898. Number of vessels leaving Chicago harbor. 9,323 1898. Total lake freights (tons) 15,116,426 1898. Average cargo of vessels (tons) 817 1898. Duties collected at port of Chicago $5,298,036.70 1898. Number of railroads entering Chicago 39 1898. Number of miles of railroad tracks in Chicago. . . .1,515.39 1898. Assessed valuation of railroad property in Chicago including street car companies $ 12,563,882.00 1898. Number of banks in city reporting 40 1898. April 6th, capital of Chicago banks $ 34,577,000.00 1898. April 6th, deposits in Chicago banks 208,123,280.00 (Corporation Statistics Document Reports.) 1898. Number of miles of surface street car lines in city. .775.50 1898. Capital stock of all companies $49,460,000.00 1898. Bonded capitalzation of same 46,750,300.00 1898. Total capitalization of same 96,210,300.00 1897. Gross receipts of the three principal com- panies 11,627.986.00 1897. Operating expenses, including maintenance of way 6,158,572.00 120 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. 1897. Cash dividends paid stockholders $ 3,344,968.00 Regular and extra dividends, all sources, in six years ending 1897 paid by the three com- panies 21,612,968.00 Interest charged off in six years 6,998,271.00 Amount carried to surplus account over all costs, dividends, interest, operating, depreciation, maintenance, etc 2,463,414.00 Total profits over all cost of operating and maintenance in six years 31,074,653.00 Total profits including unearned increment in market value of stocks and bonds in six years ' 66,526,003.00 1898. May 1st, number of miles of elevated roads 41.73 Capital stock of same $56,323,800.00 Bonded capitalization of same 41,271,000.00 Total capitalization 97,594,800.00 1898. Peoples' Gas Light and Coke Company: Capital stock 25,000,000.00 Bonded capitalization 34,246,000.00 Total capitalization 59,246,000.00 Chicago has a wholesale grocery house which transacted a busi- ness in the year 1899 of over $15,000,0000. Chicago has a wholesale mercantile house which occupies, to the full capacity, a floor space of twenty-five acres. Chicago has a retail store which employs, during the busy season, 2,400 clerks. There was received in Chicago in the year 1892 a total of 2,250,298,000 feet of lumber, exclusive of lath, shingles, cedar posts and railroad ties. This lumber, if sawed into boards, would girdle the earth nine times with a sidewalk two feet wide, or would be sufficient to build a toboggan slide from the earth to the moon. NOTES OF INTEREST. Do Real Estate Investments in Chicago Pay? In the year 1848 vacant lots, 25x150 feet, rented in the best part of the business center of Chicago for $250 per annum. A twenty-foot lot on Clark street, opposite the county building, sold in 1889 for 30,000. This lot is now worth $100,000. In the year 1892 the store on the southwest corner of Clark and Madison streets, twenty feet front, rented for over $10,000 per annum. The ground at the northwest corner of State and Madison streets, 66.50x105. 50 feet, was leased in the year 1890 for $35,000 per annum. In the year 1848 the best four-story brick business houses, 25x100 feet, in the business center of Chicago, could be rented for $800 per annum. The lot on the northwest corner of State and Washington streets, 91.50x95 feet sold in 1844 for $500. The same land is worth at the present time (1899) $1,000,000. The southeast corner of Clark and Madison streets, 90x200 feet, sold October 22, 1833, for $62. According to recent sales of land in that vicinity this lot is now worth over $1,000,000. The lot on the southwest corner of Washington and LaSalle streets, 100 feet square, was sold about forty years since for $1,600. The same land is worth at the present time (1899) about $1,000,000. The lot on the northeast corner of Clark and Randolph streets, being 180 feet on Clark street by 80 feet on Randolph, was sold in 1834 for sfiO. The same land is worth at the present time (1899) s soi i, 000. The fragment of a lot at the northwest corner of Dearborn and Madison streets, 2o\40 feet, sold in 1892 for $250 per square foot. 122 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. This, so far as known, was the highest price ever paid in Chicago for real estate. The six-story building at 118 and 120 State street, 46x106 feet, was leased in the year 1899 for a term of ten years at a rate of $66,000 per annum. Allowing $1,000 per front foot for the build- ing, thii lease would represent, on a 5 per cent, basis, a valuation of $1,274,000 for the land. School Section No. 16, bounded by State, Madison, Halsted and 12th streets, comprises 144 blocks of land; 140 blocks of this section were sold at public auction October 22, 1833, for the sum total of $38,865. This section in the present year (1899) has an estimated value of $100,000,000. The block of land now the site of the new Chicago postoffice, having an area of three and twenty-seven one-hundreths acres, was sold October 22, 1833, for the sum of $505. The United States Government was lately offered $5,000,000 for this land, which sum would represent an average yearly increase in value for the past sixty-six years of $75,757. Mr. J. S. Wright in his book "Past, Present and Future of Chicago," says: < 'October 15th, 1834, I bought forty-three and eighty-sevenths one-hundredth acres of Section 22, from the Lake to State street, and from 12th street south at $80 per acre. Janu- ary 27, 1835, I bought eighty acres in South ^, Southeast quarter of Section 34, close to the lake and now in the city for $800." This land in Section 34 spoken of by Mr. Wright lies north of 39th street and near the lake. A vacant lot sold in that locality August 20, 1892, brought $1,000 per front foot. Some years ago a money leaner loaned $4,000 on 160 acres of land situated a little southwest of the city of Chicago. The owner did not redeem the land and the property was foreclosed. The man who had loaned the money received the land for the debt. After holding the land a few years a buyer came along who pur- chased the land for $46,000. The money leaner had realized an REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. 123 annual increase of $4,200, as interest on the original $4,000 he had loaned on the property. A few years ago an agent held some lots for sale located in the southern part of the city of Chicago and near Lake Michigan, which he offered for sale at $30 per front foot. One day a gentleman called on the agent and offered him $25 per front foot for two of these lots. "No," replied the agent; "the price is $30." The buyer went away without making the purchase, but after thinking the matter over he concluded to buy the two lots even at $30 per front foot. Accordingly, the next day he called on the agent again, saying, "I have concluded to buy two of your lots at $30." "Oh no," answered the agent, "yesterday my price was $30, but to-day I am asking $35 per front foot for this property." "All right," replied the buyer, "I will take them at $35. That is just the kind of property I have been looking for that which will increase in value $5 per front foot in one day." In the year 1892 this same property was sold for $520 per front foot. Money invested in real estate in Chicago does not increase like that invested in a bank account with compound interest so much in a month so much in a year, still increasing never ending with a certain regularity. Yet money judicially invested in real estate often brings more gain in five years than the same amount of money in a bank account would in twenty years. *#-*##-3f## There are 6,000,000 land owners in France. Land is sold throughout London by the square foot. Lands in Egypt are now held at the lowest prices ever known. The height of buildings in France are limited to not over six stories. The estimated value of all real estate in London is $4,000,- 000,000. The rent of land in England 300 years ago was about a shilling an acre. 124 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. Twenty million acres of land of the United States are owned by Englishmen. The highest priced real estate in London has an average value of $160 per square foot. Berlin's 1,315,600 people, have only 26,000 dwellings; fifty persons living in each house. There are 2,000,000 people in France who own less than two and one-half acres of land each. The site of the City of Boston was sold by John Blackstone, in 1635, for about thirty pounds or $150. The height of private buildings in London is limited to one and one-half the width of the street on which they front. The estimated amount of mortgage loans on real estate, out- standing, in the United States in the year 1894 was $7,000,000,000. The block of land which is the site of the Bank of England is considered, proportionate to its size, the most valuable piece of real estate in the world. The State of Texas has 57 counties each larger than the State of Rhode Island; has an area equal to 211 States the size of Rhode Island, and, if as densely populated as Belgium, would contain a population of 58,471,600 people. The fragment of a lot, 22.70x62.50, at the southwest corner of Wall street and Broadway, New York City, was sold in 1892 for $330.70 per square foot. . This, so far as known, was the highest price ever paid for real estate in America. The Park Row building, at the corner of Park Row and Broad- way, New York City, is the tallest office building in the world. It towers 390 feet above the sidewalk and has a foundation laid 54 feet below the surface. It cost to build $2,400,000. The United States, with as dense a population as that of Bel- gium, would contain 1,500,000,000 souls, or a population greater than that of the whole world. If the population of Chicago wan REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. 125 increased in a like ratio to that of the United States, the city would contain a population of 40,000,000. While it is not prob- able hardly possible that the growth of Chicago will ever reach such gigantic proportions, it will be seen by these figures that there is yet room for development, and that Chicago will continue to grow to a greater or lesser degree as the nation grows. CHRONOLOGY OF THE LEADING EVENTS IN CHICAGO'S HISTORY. 1673. Joliet and Marquette, two French missionaries, visited Chicago, coming from the interior of the Illinois country by way of the Illinois, Desplaines and Chicago rivers. They were, so far as known, the first white men to arrive here. 1674. Marquette again visited Chicago, coming by way of Lake Michigan. He, with his Indian guides, who arrived here December 4th, paddled up the Chicago river in their canoes and passed the following winter in a cabin not far from the lake. 1677. Chicago was visited by Father Clande Allouez. 1682. Hennepin and LaSalle visited Chicago. 1684. The first map of the Chicago country was drawn in this year, probably by LaSalle. It represented the Chicago river as flowing into Lake Michigan, its two branches extending northwest and southwest, and a single cabin or hut, probably of Indian construction, located just west of and near the junc- tion of the forks of the river. 1759. The Illinois country, including what is now the site of Chicago, was under the control of the French until Gen. Wolfe took Quebec, September 13, 1759. The battle of Quebec changed the destiny of a nation and was a turning point in Chicago's history. 1763. A treaty of peace, ceding all French territory in North America east of the Mississippi and north of the Ohio rivers to the British was signed by representatives of the French and English governments in Paris on the 10th of February, 1763. 1777. Jean Baptiste Point de Sable, a negroe from St. Domingo, was Chicago's first settler. Point de Sable arrived here in REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. 127 1777 and built a cabin on the north side of the Chicago river and near the lake. 1778. George Rogers Clark conquered the Illinois country from the English, which was added to the possessions of Virginia (Clark being a Virginian) in October of this year. The Illinois country at that time included all that territory lying north and west of the Ohio and east of the Mississippi rivers. It was called the Illinois county of Virginia. 1784. Virginia ceded all her territory in the northwest to the United States March 1, 1784. 1795. In the summer of this year the Indians ceded to the United States six miles square of land located at the mouth of the Chicago river. The treaty was ratified December 22, 1795. 1796. Point de Sable sold his possessions in Chicago to an Indian trader named Le Mai. 1801. The Indian territory, including what is now Chicago, was organized by act of Congress. 1803. John Kinzie, Chicago's first permanent resident, came to Chicago. 1803. The first vessel to enter the Chicago river was the Tracy, which arrived in 1803. 1804. John Kinzie bought the Le Mai homestead. 1804. The first white child born in Chicago was in December of this year, and named Ellen Marion Kinzie. 1804. Fort Chicago (afterwards called Fort Dearborn) was built near what is now the southern approach to Rush street bridge. 1805. Charles Jouett, the first Indian agent appointed. 1809. In February of this year Congress passed an act to estab- lish that part of the Indian territory called the Illinois country as the territory of Illinois. 1810. First private school opened in the Kinzie house, taught by Robert A. Forsyth. 128 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTOETCAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. 1812. August 15th occurred the Chicago massacre near what is now the foot of 18th street. Fort Dearborn was burned the next day. 1816. Fort Dearborn was rebuilt by the United States Govern- ment. 1818. Illinois was admitted to the Union as a State. Shadrich Bond, the first Governor, was elected the same year. 1820. The first land sale recorded was a farm improved with a small house located near Fort Dearborn, which was sold in 1820. 1822. Alexander Beaubien, born in Chicago on January 28, 1822, is, at this writing, December 31, 1899, the oldest native resi- dent. 1822. March 25th a treaty was made with the Indians at Chicago, ceding additional lands in the Illinois country to the United States. 1822. March 30th Congress authorized the construction of the Illinois and Michigan Canal. 1822. The Illinois and Michigan Canal was surveyed. 1823. July 20th, Ellen Marion Kinzie and Alexander Wolcott were married, they being the first couple married in Chicago. 1825. The county of Peoria included Chicago in this year. 1825. The -first tax levied by Peoria county, in the Chicago dis- trict, was, in this year for $90.47, being one per cent, on the assessed value of $9,047. 1826. The first State election was held in the Chicago precinct of Peoria county on August 7th, there being but thirty-five voters. 1827. March 2d Congress granted to the State of Illinois every alternate section of land extending five miles each side of the Illinois and Michigan Canal to aid in its construction. The REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. 129 land bounded by State, Madison, Halsted and Kinzie streets was included in this grant. 1828. That part of Chicago lying east and south of the Chicago river was fenced in as a pasture. 1829. January 22d the Illinois legislature passed a law organizing a canal board. The commissioners appointed were Dr. Jayne, of Springfield; Edmund Roberts, of Kaskaskia, and Charles Dunn. They were authorized to locate towns and sell lots to aid in the construction of the Illinois and Michigan Canal. 1830. February 24th the first map showing the government fort and grounds was drawn by Mr. F. Harrison, Jr., a govern- ment civil engineer. 1830. August 4th the first map of the Original Town of Chicago, as platted, was drawn by James Thompson, by direction of the canal commissioners and included that part of Section 9, Town 39, Range 14, bounded by State, Kinzie, Desplaines and Madi- son streets. The original map was lost in the great fire of 1871. A copy of the original map may be seen at the rooms of the Chicago Historical Society, 142 Dearborn avenue. 1830. September 27th 127 lots in the Original Town of Chicago were sold at auction for the benefit of the canal fund. 1831. March 3d Congress appropriated $5,000 for a light- bouse in the Chicago harbor. 1831. March 8th Cook county was organized. 1831. March 31st the first postoffice in Chicago was established in the old Kinzie house, and, later on in the same year in a store on South Water street, near Clark street. Jonathan N. Bailey was appointed the first postmaster. 1831. August 13th the first liquor license was granted by Cook County. 1832. The first public school was opened by a teacher named John Watkins, with thirty scholars. 130 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. 1832. The first bridge was constructed across the Chicago river between Randolph and Lake streets. 1832. The first frame building (a store) was built near the corner of Canal and West Lake streets. 1832. The first packing house was established at the southeast corner of Lake and Dearborn streets. 1833. Congress made an appropriation of $5,000 for the improve- ment of the Chicago river. 1833. The first newspaper in Chicago (The Democrat) was estab- lished, John Calhoun being its editor. 1833. August 5th Chicago was incorporated as a town. 1833. September 12th a treaty was held in Chicago by which the Pottawatomie, Chippewa and Ottawa tribes of Indians ceded to the United States all their territory in Illinois and Wisconsin. 1833. October 20th to 24th inclusive there were sold at auction 138 blocks of school Section 16, bounded by Madison, State, 12th and Halsted streets. Four blocks of the section were reserved, the reserved portion being Block 1, bounded by Madison, Halsted and Monroe streets, and South Union street extended; Blocks 87 and 88, bounded by Harrison and Polk streets, and Fifth avenue and the Chicago river; and Block 142, bounded by State, Madison,' Dearborn and Monroe streets. The proceeds of the sale were $38,865. 1834. The old Kinzie house disappeared. 1834. The first tax levied by the Town of Chicago was for $48.90. 1834. The first regular church building built in Chicago was the Methodist, built in 1834, on North Water street, between .Dearborn and Clark streets. 1834. The first Sunday law prohibiting saloons from keeping open on Sunday was passed September 1st of this year. 1834. November 10th the first water-works for public use was REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. 131 completed, at a cost of $95.50, which consisted of a well north of the river. 1835. Chicago experienced a great boom in real estate values. 1835. December 12th the first steam fire engine company was organized. 1835. In December the first engine-house was built on the public square on L^Salle street with a water reservoir which had a capacity for two hogsheads of water. 1836. July 4th the Illinois and Michigan Canal was commenced. 1836. September 14th the first license was given for a circus and menagerie to show in Chicago. 1837. Fort Dearborn was abandoned by the United States govern- ment. 1837. There was a collapse in real estate values. 1837. Chicago was incorporated as a city on March 4th of this year. The boundaries were as follows: On the east by Lake Michigan, on the north by North avenue, on the west by Wood street and on the south by 22d street, comprising six wards. 1837. The first mayor, William B. Ogden, was elected. 1837. July 1st the first census of Chicago was taken. 1839. The first directory of Chicago was published. L839. The Fort Dearborn reservation was platted and lots sold at auction in June of this year. 1840. Real estate values commenced to recover from the collapse of 1837. 1841. Chicago had only four public school teachers. 1843. St. Patrick's day was first celebrated in Chicago. 1843. April 21st hogs were first prohibited from running at largo in the streets. 1844. The first book printed and bound in Chicago was by the firm of Ellis Fergus & Co. in this year. 132 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. 1847. Chicago had fourteen newspapers; four dailies, six weeklies and four monthlies. 1848. The first public school building was erected on Madison street, between Dearborn and State streets. 1848. The first Board of Trade was established at the northwest corner of LaSalle and South Water streets. 1848. April 10th the Illinois and Michigan canal was completed and opened for traffic. The entire cost was $6,557,681. 1849. March 12th a great flood occurred in the Chicago river. 1849. June 1st the Galena & Chicago Union railroad was com- pleted to the Desplaines river, being the first railroad running out of Chicago. 1850. The Galena & Chicago Union railroad was completed to Elgin. 1852. The Michigan Southern & Northern Indiana railroad was completed to Chicago, being the first railroad connecting Chicago with the East. 1856. Fort Dearborn was removed in this year. 1856. Chicago Historical Society was organized. 1856. The first vote of Chicago for president of the United States was in this year. Fremont received 6,397 and Buchanan 4,945 votes. 1858. March 22d the Young Men's Christian Association of Chicago was founded. 1859. April 25th the first line of street cars was opened, running on State street from Randolph to 12th street. 1860. September 8th occurred the greatest catastrophe, so far as loss of life was concerned, that ever happened in or about Chicago. The excursion steamer Lady Elgin, bound from Chicago to Milwaukee, was lost in a collision on the lake off Winnetka, in which 302 persons lost their lives. REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. 133 1861. Camp Douglas was established in the fall with a garrison of 1,800 soldiers and 6,000 prisoners. 1864. Free delivery was established by the Chicago postoffice. 1865. April 6th the Chicago clearing house was established. 1867. March 25th water tunnel under the lake completed. Cost $457,845. 1868. In November of this year wheat sold in the Chicago market for |2.47 per bushel, and corn, in December, for $1.02 per bushel, being, so far as known, the highest prices ever paid in the Chicago market. 1868. Walter L. Newberry, who died November 6th, left, by will, one-half his entire estate, a sum amounting to $2,149,201.60, for the establishment of a public library for Chicago. The Newberry library building, completed in 1895, is located on the block bounded by North Clark and Oak streets and Dear- born avenue and Walton place. It is three hundred feet long, sixty feet wide and four stories in height. It is built of New England granite with an interior finish of marble, and is abso- lutely fire proof. It has a capacity for 1,000,000 volumes. 1869. January 1st the Washington street tunnel under the river, was completed. Cost, $517,000. 1870. Newspapers and periodicals, daily, weekly and monthly, published in Chicago in this year, were, in number, eighty- eight. 1870. The number of bushels of grain shipped from Chicago in 1870 were: Wheat, 16,432,585 bushels; corn, 17,777,377 bushels. Live stock received: Cattle, 532,964 head; sheep, 349,855 head; hogs, live, 1,693,158 head; hogs, dressed, 260,214 heal. 1870. Chicago contained 56,000 buildings. 1871. The assessed value of real estate was $290,000,000, being less than half its actual value. REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. 1871. The LaSalle street tunnel under the Chicago river was com- pleted July 4th. Cost, $566,000. 1871. October 8th, at 9:05 p. M., the great Chicago tire started in a barn belonging to Patrick O'Leary, at 137 DeKoven street; 18,000 buildings were destroyed. The total loss was about $200,000,000. 1872. January 1st the Chicago public library was founded. The new library building is located on the block bounded by Michi- gan avenue, Randolph and Washington streets, and Garland place. The new building was commenced July 27, 1892, and completed in 1895 and cost $2,000,000. The exterior is of stone. The interior is finished in marble and represents the highest grade of artistic work of any building to be found in Chicago. 1886. May 4th, at 8 P. M., occurred the Haymarket riot, a con- flict between the city police and labor agitators, through which eight policemen, five anarchists and one civilian ultimately lost their lives. A monument, since erected at the intersection of West Randolph and Desplaines streets, marks the spot. 1889. John Crerar, who died on October 19th, left, by will, a portion of his estate, a sum estimated to be about $2,500,000, for the purpose of founding a public library for the City of Chicago. 1892. The new Chicago drainage canal was commenced on Sep- tember 3d. Its estimated cost, when completed, is $33,000,000. 1892. The Exposition Building, located on the lake front, was removed. 1892. The first citizen of Chicago to be elected Governor of the State of Illinois was John P. Altgeld, elected in the fall of this year. 1893. The World's Columbian Exposition was opened in Jackson park, Chicago, May 1, 1893, and closed October 31, 1893. The local cost of the exposition was $27,151,800. The entire REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. 135 cost, including home and foreign government, and State build- ings, was estimated to bo $43,151,800. The Manufacturers' building was the largest building ever constructed. It cost, to build, $1,800,000. It was 1,687 feet long, 787 feet wide and covered nearly 31 acres of ground. It had a floor space, including galleries, of 44 acres; a seating capacity for 300,000 persons, and 11 acres of glass sky-lights. The aisles were laid off in streets and named, and maps and charts furnished to guide the traveler through this colossal labyrinth of wonder- land. 1893. The Field Columbian Museum was opened in the Art Gal- lery at Jackson Park at the close of the World's Columbian Exposition with a collection of exhibits valued at $1,500,000. 1893. Art Institute of Chicago was opened in the new building on the lake front. The building cost $600,000. 1894. July 5th, at 6 p. M., the principal part of the World's Fair buildings were destroyed by fire, the most important of these being the Manufactures, Administration, Agricultural, Elec- tricity, Mines and Mining, Machinery Hall and the Terminal station. 1897. On the evening of December. 4th the Coliseum building, located at the corner of 63d street and Stoney Island avenue, was destroyed by fire. Loss, 700,000. 1898. A National Peace Jubilee was held in Chicago on October 18th and 19th, in commemoration of the return of peace at the close of the war between the United States and Spain. The event was made notable by the attendance of the President of the United States and other high officials; by the magnificent arches built over the streets, and by a gorgeous and resplendent illumination of the city at night. 1898. A bazaar, closing with a ball, was hold at the Auditorium by the Young Men's Hebrew Charity Association of Chica'go, for the week ending December 7th. The proceeds, amounting 136 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. to $106,000, were donated to the various charitable institutions of the city. 1898. There were received in Chicago during the year 1898 a total of 299,752,717 bushels of grain. 1899. October 4th to October llth, inclusive, an Autumnal Fes- tival was held in Chicago. State street, from Lake street to VanBuren street, was transformed into a wilderness of decora- tions. There were magnificent arches adorned with statuary, colonades and peristyles, and flags and bunting in profusion; the whole being illuminated at night by incandescent lights and torches. On the morning of October 9th the corner stone to the new postoffice building was placed in position by the Presi- dent of the United States, William McKinley. A parade of nations was given on the evening of October 10th. In the United States section could be seen the electric carriage of the nineteenth century after Christ, closely followed, in the Chinese section, by a huge dragon of the nineteenth century before Christ. This dragon, fully 300 feet long, with humps and horns and scales and tentacles, a monstrous head and glaring eyes and a mouth breathing forth fire this hideous monster, neither fish nor fowl nor reptile, neither brute nor human this mediator of a god and devil this false messenger and fiend, this dragon as seen winding along the streets and through the arches on that gala autumnal night, presented to the observer a picture most strange and unnatural; a vision startling and terrible; a scene long to be remembered. An industrial show was given on October llth, being the closing act in this last great drama of the nineteenth century. CHICAGO IN PRE-HISTORIC TIMES. To study well the history of Chicago we should commence at the beginning, but when we turn backward to the beginning of the world and try to fathom that mysterious epoch of time we find ourselves lost in a labyrinth of insignificance. According to my- thology gods and demi-gods ruled over Egypt for 36,000 years before it became fitted for the abode of mortal man. Geology tells us that during the glacial period that portion of North America known as the great lake region was covered with huge mountains of ice which for 10,000 years or more were drifting slowly to the south, grinding everything before them. This country, it seems, like that of ancient Egypt, was being ruled over by gods and demi- gods, that it, too, might become fitted for the abode of mortal man. The ethnologist next steps in, and by a curious combination of geology and ethnology, claims to show beyond a doubt that imme- diately after the glacial period, this lake region was inhabited by giants and mastodons; men fifteen feet high and animals weighing many tons walked the earth together. The next dynasty is known as that of the mound builders. Unmistakable evidence of their existence is found in the ruins of their works and fortifications in the States of Ohio, Wisconsin, Illinois and elsewhere. Thus do we come down from the hazy mist of the beginning to authentic history, from the visionary to the real; not unlike an approaching ship at sea; first a mist, then a speck, then a sail, then a ship; the ship at last reaches port and we investigate. We now reach authentic history and we investigate. 138 EEAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. THE INDIAN. " Still to the white man's wants there is no end; He said, beyond those hills he would not come. But to the western seas his hands extend, 'Ere yet his promise dies upon his tongue." [ Unpublished Poem.~\ "By and by the Dutchmaan arrived at Manahachtanicuke (Man- hattan Island.) The great man wanted only a little, little land, on which to raise greens far his soup, just as much as a bullock's hide would cover. Here we first might have observed their deceitful spirit. The bullock's hide was cut into little strips and did net cover, indeed, but encircled a very large piece of land, which we foolishly granted to them. They were to raise greens on it, instead of which they planted great guns, and at last drove us entirely out of the country." Heckwalde 1 s History of the Indian. When Joliet and Marquette first visited Chicago in the year Iu73, they found the Indians in possession of the land. By what right and title they had acquired possession, we are unable to say. All events of an historical nature, previous to the year 1673, are mythical and traditional. The Indians held possession of Chicago and the Illinois country until Genl. Wolfe took Quebec, in 1759, when all Canada and the northwest territory fell into the hands of the English. The battle of Quebec changed the destiny of the nation. The rise of Chicago was due to the fall of Quebec. In after years that great tide of Yankee civilization swept everything before it. The hereditary rights of the Indian to the lands of Chicago were as but eggshells on a rolling sea. The Indian was not treated fairly, and we are sorry, but we need not, however, at this late day, bemoan the lot of the Indian. We need not sing the songs of the poets and utter chants and maledictions; we need not visit halls of legislation and plead in his behalf, for the genuine old-time Chicago Indian is no longer with us. He has passed away forever; he is now in the happy hunting grounds over the river. REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. 139 THE JESUIT. ' A rude and unshapely chapel stands, Built up in that wild by unskilled hands, Yet the traveller knows it is a place of prayer, For the holy sign of the cross is there." Whittier. "Jesuit missionaries, among the best and purest of their order, burning with zeal for the salvation of souls, and the gaining of an immortal crown, here toiled and suffered, with a self-sacrificing devotion which extorts a tribute of admiration even from sectarian bigotry. While the colder apostles of Protestantism labored upon the outskirts of heathendom, these champions of the cross pene- trated the dark and dreary domain, confronting death at every step, and well repaid for all, could they but sprinkle a few drops of water on the forehead of a dying child, or hang a gilded crucifix round the neck of some warrior, pleased with the glittering trinket. With the beginning of the eighteenth century, the black robe of the Jesuit was known in every village of the Illinois. Defying the wiles of Sutan and the malice of his emissaries, the Indian sorcerers; exposed to the rage of the elements, and every casualty of forest life, they followed their wandering proselytes to war and to the chase; now wading through morasses, now dragging canoes over rapids and sand-bars; now scorched with heat of the swelter- ing prairie, and now shivering, houseless, in the blasts of January. At Kaskaskia and Cahokia they established missions, and built frail churches from the bark of trees, fit emblems of their own transient and futile labors. Soldiers and fur-traders followed where these pioneers of the cross had led the way." Conspiracy of Pontiac. ******** Away up in the lake region of the north-land, far distant on the gentle slope of a mountain side, far removed from the busy haunts of man; up where the deer stalks forth in all his mountain majesty, where the birds sing, the squirrels play, and where the bees gather honey; up where all is solitude most beautiful and grand, ther e 140 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. stands, it is said, to this day one of these old Jesuit chapels. In late years it has been encircled and enclosed by a more substantial structure to protect it from the ravages of time. Yet there it stands to-day as it stood two hundred years ago, a monument to the name and faith of its builder. Let us turn from this mountain wilderness and walk down the streets of Chicago. Let us pass beneath the portals of that great building at the northwest corner of Dearborn and Adams streets, and pause for one moment to read the tablets of bronze, stone and marble that pay homage to the name and memory of Marquette, Chicago's first visitor; he who passed the winter of 1674-'75 in that lone cabin by the river where now rises up the Great City of Chicago. Long after this great building shall have crumbled will the name of Marquette be held sacred by the people of Chicago. Long after his name shall have been forgotten will his spirit dwell in glory. Marquette, the Jesuit priest and missionary; he who lived and toiled and struggled for the good of others; he who sprinkled holy water on the forehead of the dying child; he who built the chapel in the wilderness and converted the savage. Marquette, the Jesuit priest and missionary, the pioneer and discoverer; this great, this good, this almost perfect man, has gone to receive his great reward in heaven; to live that brighter life for which his labors here were but the preparation. THE GREAT CHICAGO FIRE. A $200,000,000 Building. On the night of the 8th of October, 1871, a fire broke out in a stable situated on Dekoven street near the Chicago river, being caused by a cow kicking over a lamp. A high wind at the time carried the burning boards and shingles to other buildings in the vicinity and thereby caused the greatest fire ever known in America. Some people had prophesied this fire. George Francis Train, in a lecture given in Farwell Hall before the fire, had told the people REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. that a tempest of flame would soon sweep through the city and that Chicago would be destroyed. Whether this great philosopher could read the dim future, or whether he, by chance, had hit upon the truth, we cannot say. Nevertheless, the fire came and the city was burned. When the fire started a bell was rung, a gong was sounded, a fire engine dashed down the street; but what of that ? A barn was burning, but what of that? These were common sights and every- day occurrences in a great city. Not until the old court-house bell had continued to ring forth with that dull, weird, ill-omened sound, had the people of Chicago any idea that there was any more than an ordinary fire and that their city was burning up. Mrs. O'Leary with her cow and a calf were the only three living beings who saw the commencement of this fire. These three were there, these three alone. Goats, pigs and geese were in close prox- imity, but they were not inside the barn and did not see the fire when it started. They had all turned in for the night in other quarters. The ultimate results of the fire, the damage wrought, the fortunes lost, the hopes blasted, the lives sacrificed, the whole narra- tive, more like fiction than fact, more like a dream than a story, has many times been told by abler pens than mine and need not be repeated here. It is safe to say, however, that had it not been for that tinder-box of a cow stable the city of Chicago would not have been burned. This cow stable was situated in a part of the city which was con- sidered a little too cheap for business purposes, a little too poor for residence purposes. Besides being isolated it was unpretentious. It had no Mansard roof, no stained glass window, no concrete floor. The door was not of rosewood, neither had it knobs of ivory, but instead, a large wooden button turned upon a nail and locked the entrance. The outer covering to this barn was of rough boards, weather worn and worm eaten not an ordinary barn, indeed, yet extraordinary; extraordinary in-as-much as it had a destiny. Its 1'2 REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. destiny was to go up in smoke and down in history. It proved to be the most costly building ever constructed. Its chief cost, how- ever, did not lay in its construction, but its destruction. Its destruc- tion cost the city of Chicago $200,000,000. TEN MILES AWAY. The most costly oil paintings show to the best advantage when seen from a certain distance. One must be so far away that all trace of the painter's brush shall be lost sight of. The picture, taken as a whole, must represent nature not art. Art can imitate, but cannot equal nature. The Great Chicago Fire was seen to the best advantage in the night and from the prairies ten miles away. From this distance could be seen great clouds of smoke and fire rising far above the city; a reeking, festering, sickening, boiling mass of smoke and fire. A hydra with many heads a dragon with many mouths a monster with many eyes. In appearance, a terrible combination of monstrosities repulsive, yet fascinating; awful, yet grand. No tongue can tell the story; no brush can paint the picture. This was nature's panorama; this hurricane of fire; this demon of the night. THE CLOCK STRIKES 12. Prophecies. It has, for a long time, been the custom of the people of Chicago to celebrate the advent of the new year with guns and bombs and fire-crackers, and by feasting, song and prayer. The one who writes these lines, in order to secure vantage ground on such an occasion, finds himself on the roof of one of those tall office build- ings of Chicago at forty-five minutes past 11 o'clock at night, December 31st, 1899. During the intervening fifteen minutes between the present time and the beginning -of another year, he will engage in a reverie of thought a study of prophecies. What will people see in Chicago one hundred years hence ? 11:45 They will see a city of 5,000,000 population. 11:46 They will see the second largest city on the globe. REAL ESTATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF CHICAGO. 143 11:47 They will see the enthusiast, who has lots to sell at a fabu- lous price, and the common skeptic, who does not wish to buy because he has no money. 11:48 They will see dwelling houses built of paper. 11:49 They will see heat, light and water furnished free, by the municipality. 11:50 They will see fire-escapes in the centers of tall buildings and supplied with air-cushions through which one can drop from the twentieth story to terra-firma in perfect safety. 11:51 They will see sidewalks in front of the first, second and third stories of business houses. 11:52 They will see passengers, freight and mail carried from Chicago to New York through tubes of compressed air. 11:53 They will see cars with runners instead of wheels. 11:54 They will see ocean craft sail direct between Chicago and London. 11:55 They will see school children in the public schools who can weigh the earth with a lead pencil. 11:56 They will see wonderful strides in astronomy a combina tion of magnifying glasses through which one can discover human beings in the moon. 11:57 They will see the inventiv % e genius who thinks he has at last discovered perpetual motion. 11:58 They will see cannon balls used as paper weights and bayo- nets melted into plowshares. 11:59 They will see ha! but what is that ? A flash of light, a loud report, an explosion. 1 fear some great disaster. No! it cannot be, for simultaneously, the whistles blow, the bells are ringing 'tis but a celebration. The Clock Strikes 12. INDEX. PAGE Values per square foot of the business center 5 Rental values of the business center 17 Real estate belonging to the school fund 30 Canal lots sold at auction in original town Sept. 27, 1830 33 Comparative statement of land values 1839 with 1899 36 Values per front foot of the outlying districts 37 General statistics .- 103 Notes of interest 121 Chronology of the leading events in Chicago's history 126 Chicago in pro-historic times 137 The Indian 138 The Jesuit 139 The Great Chicago Fire .140 The Clock Strikes 12 .. . 142 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA REAL ESATE VALUES AND HISTORICAL NOTES