<*J THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY -I* * RON CIRCULATING CHECK FOR UNBOUND CIRCULATING COPY UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Agricultural Experiment Station BULLETIN NO. 158 RELATIVE ECONOMY, COMPOSITION AND NUTRITIVE VALUE OF THE VARIOUS CUTS OF BEEF BY L,. D. HALyL, AND A. D. EMMETT URBANA, ILLINOIS, JULY, 1912 SUMMARY OF BULLETIN No. 158 1. INTRODUCTION. A knowledge of the market products into which beef cattle are converted is essential both to the producer and to the consumer of beef. Owing to the increasing cost of meats, there is a growing demand for accurate information on the subject. Pages 135 to 130 2. OBJECTS. To determine (1) relative proportions of lean, visible fat, and bone in each of the retail and wholesale cuts of beef; (2) chemical com- position and nutritive value of edible meat in each wholesale cut; and (3) net cost of the lean, the total edible meat, and the nutrients in each cut at current market prices. Page 137 3. ANIMALS USED. No. 1 : Choice grade Hereford steer, age 18 months, live weight 902 pounds. No. 2 : Choice grade Aberdeen'-Angus steer, age 24 months, live weight 1190 pounds. No. 3: Prime pure-bred Shorthorn steer, age 29 months, live weight 1,360 pounds. Pages 137 to 139 4. SLAUGHTER TESTS. Weights of dressed beef, hides, fats, and of the various organs and other parts comprising the offal were recorded and re- duced to percentage of live weight. Pages 139 to 141 5. WHOLESALE CUTS. The right half of each carcass was divided into the "straight" wholesale cuts, viz., loin, rib, round, chuck, plate, flank, and fore shank ; also four minor wholesale cuts, the rump, hind shank, shoulder clod, and neck. Each cut was weighed and the percentage of carcass weight calcu- lated. Pages 142 to 144 The amounts and proportions of lean, fat, and bone in each wholesale cut were determined, and the relative economy of the cuts at wholesale market prices was computed. Pages 144 to 147 6. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION AND NUTRITIVE VALUE. The boneless meat of each wholesale cut was analyzed to determine the proportions of water, pro- tein, fat (ether extract), organic extractives, mineral matter, and phosphorus. Pages 148 to Io9 From the chemical composition and the calculated fuel value of the bone- less meat, the relative nutritive economy of the wholesale cuts at market prices was determined. Pages 159 to 163 7. RETAIL CUTS. Each wholesale cut was divided into its proper retail cuts. After weighing, photographing, and trimming such cuts as are ordinarily trimmed of surplus fat and bone, each retail cut was separated into lean, vis- ible fat, and bone, and each portion weighed. Pages 163 to 170 Relative economy of the various cuts was computed in terms of the cost per pound of lean and of total meat in each cut at retail market prices. Pages 170 to 173 8. CONCLUSIONS. Pages 173 to 177 9. PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE RETAIL CUTS. Pages 177 to 200 10. APPENDIX. Tabulated results of cutting and trimming the wholesal? and retail cuts, and of the chemical analyses of the wholesale cuts from the three half carcasses. Pages 200 to 233 BY Iy. D. HAL,!,, ASSISTANT CHIEF IN ANIMAI, HUSBANDRY, AND A. D. EMMETT, ASSISTANT CHIEF IN ANIMAL NUTRITION INTRODUCTION Precise knowledge of the final market products into which beef cattle are converted is essential both to the producer and to the consumer of beef. In order to place beef production upon the most exact and profitable basis, account must be taken not only of economical methods of breeding and feeding, but also of the qual- ity of the finished beef product as delivered to the ultimate con- sumer. The relative efficiency of different types of beef cattle or of systems of production cannot be accurately compared without considering the adaptability of the beef to the purpose for which it is used. The same considerations that prompt manufacturers of other food articles to study closely the commodities they place on the market should prompt the meat producer to inform himself as thoroly as possible regarding his finished product. Notwith- standing the evident truth of these propositions, no comprehensive studies have yet been conducted and published which furnish a basis on which to compare live cattle with the various cuts of beef derived from their carcasses. Consequently, beef producers have continued to conduct their operations almost wholly without re- gard to this important phase of the industry. Meat-market patrons are more directly, altho no more vitally concerned with this subject than beef producers, since they deal 'The investigations herein reported relative to the retail cuts of beef were suggested by Herbert W. Mumford, Chief in Animal Husbandry, and those re- lating to chemical composition and nutritive value of the wholesale cuts, by H. S. Grindley, Chief in Animal Chemistry. The work was planned jointly un- der their general supervision, together with their associates, L. D. Hall and A. D. Emmett. Messrs. Grindley and Emmett were entirely responsible for the chemical analysis of the wholesale cuts, and rendered material assistance in connection with the slaughter tests, physical determinations, and in the com- pilation of the data on the retail cuts. 135 136 BULLETIN No. 158 [July, directly with the market and have occasion almost daily to make use of information concerning- the relative values of the different retail cuts. Those who would buy meat most intelligently must know the nature of these cuts, especially with reference to the pro- portions of lean meat, fat, and bone which they contain and the food value of meat from different parts of the carcass. A large majority of meat consumers have no knowledge whatever of these matters, but make their selections of meat solely according to habit or fancy. In fact, but little accurate data along this line have hitherto been available to those who wished to buy meats on a rational basis. As a result, a few well-known cuts are greatly in demand, and the remainder of the carcass is a "drug on the market." To such an extreme has this condition developed that a portion of the carcass (loins and ribs), forming only about one- fourth of its weight, represents nearly one-half of its retail cost. In view of the large place which meat occupies in the American diet, amounting to nearly one-third of the average expenditure for all food, the importance of an intelligent understanding of the subject on the part of the consumer is readily apparent. Not only are the foregoing statements true of meat producers and consumers as individuals, but it is highlv essential to the entire beef-cattle industry, on the one hand, and the economic welfare of the beef-eating public, on the other, that a more intelligent understanding of the different cuts of meat be acquired by con- sumers generally. An increased demand for those portions of the carcass which are now difficult for the butcher to dispose of would contribute largely toward a more stable condition of the trade and thus enable the producer to operate with greater confi- dence and economy. At the same time it would effect a tremend- ous saving to the consumer himself by more nearly equalizing the market values of the various cuts and by enabling the retailer to operate with a smaller margin of profit. A thoro awakening of our own people in this matter is no less essential to the future of beef production in this country than the development of our for- eign markets, on the one hand, or a more efficient system of cattle raising, on the other. Thus producer and consumer are in a large sense inter-dependent with respect to the whole question, and the dissemination of useful information along this line is clearly to their mutual advantage. Further, cattle raisers them- selves constitute an important proportion of the beef-consuming class; hence they have a two-fold interest in the matter. The increasing cost of meats, in keeping with prices of other foods, has stimulated popular interest in the whole subject, and there is a growing demand for accurate information bearing upon it. 7O/.?] ECONOMY, COMPOSITION AND NUTRITIVE VALUE OF BEEF CUTS 137 OBJECTS AND PLAN OF INVESTIGATION The principal objects of the investigation reported in this bul- letin were to determine (i) the relative proportions of lean, visible fat, and bone in each of the retail and wholesale cuts of beef ; (2) the chemical composition and nutritive value of the boneless meat (all lean and fat) of the various wholesale cuts; and (3) the net cost to the consumer of the lean, the gross meat, and the food nutrients in each cut at current market prices. Incidentally, data were obtained relative to the amounts and proportions of the vari- ous internal organs and other by-products of slaughter yielded by cattle. Steers from the University herd were slaughtered at a local abattoir, the weights of hides, fats, various internal organs, and other by-products being recorded, as well as those of the different live animals and their dressed carcasses. After proper refrigeration in a cold storage room at the abattoir, the right half of each car- cass was brought to the laboratory and divided into wholesale cuts ; and these in turn were cut up as in retail markets. Some of the retail cuts w r ere trimmed free of surplus fat and bone in accord- ance with meat-market custom, and the lean, fat, and bone of each cut were then separated as carefully and completely as could be done by the use of boning knives. A composite sample of all the boneless meat derived from each wholesale cut was taken for chemical analysis. Each step in the slaughtering, cutting, and sampling was performed rapidly in order to minimize loss by evaporation, and careful precautions were observed to make the records exact and complete. ANIMALS USED These tests were made upon the carcasses of three steers : a choice grade Hereford, a choice grade Aberdeen- Angus, and a prime pure-bred Shorthorn. Steer No. i, the grade Hereford, was one of a carload of choice calves from the Panhandle of Texas, purchased by the University in December, 1904, at the International Live Stock Exposition in Chicago. They were spring calves (April and May, 1904) and ran with their dams on grass without grain until November, 1904, when they were shipped to Chicago. About December 10 they were shipped to the University, where they were gradually placed on a fattening ration consisting of crushed ear corn, cottonseed meal, clover, and alfalfa hay, with a small amount of corn stover, and continued on full grain feed until marketed in November (1905). Pure corn meal was used during a part of the feeding period instead of crushed ear corn, and linseed meal was 138 BULLETIN No. 158 [July, used instead of cottonseed meal part of the time. This steer was about eighteen months old when slaughtered November 14, 1905. It was a choice yearling in prime condition but not fancy in quality nor form, and would have sold at twenty-five to fifty cents per hundred weight below the top of the beef-cattle market. Thru an oversight Steer No. i was not photographed. Steer No. 2, a grade Aberdeen- Angus, was bought as a calf in the fall of 1904 and was used as a specimen steer for the class in stock judging. It was fed a ration of three parts corn, one part oats, one part bran, and one part oil meal together with clover hay, and was on pasture about five months in the summer of 1905. When slaughtered (March 20, 1906, age 24 months) it was a choice beef steer, sufficiently fat but not quite good enough in quality nor form to grade prime. See Fig. i. FIG. l. CHOICE ABERDEEN-ANGUS GRADE STEER. Steer No. 3, the Shorthorn (Fig. 2), was bred and raised at the University. It was calved in May, 1904; ran on pasture and was fed milk at the pail during the first summer ; received a light ration of three parts corn, three parts oats, three parts bran, and one part oil meal during the winter; ran on pasture during the summer of 1905 ; and was changed to a ration of three parts corn, one part oats, one part bran, and one part oil meal during the following winter, which ration, together with clover hay in the winter and I9I-] ECONOMY, COMPOSITION AND NUTRITIVE VALUE OF BEEF CUTS 139 pasture in the summer, it was fed until slaughtered October 22, 1906, at 29 months. At the time of slaughtering, this steer graded strictly prime, somewhat over-ripe in condition, but fancy in qual- ity and form, being the best of the three steers in these respects. The carcass was cut up October 25, 1906. All the photographs of retail cuts reproduced in this bulletin (Figs. 13 to 69) were made from this carcass. FIG. 2. PRIMS PURE-BRED SHORTHORN STEER. The reader is cautioned against regarding this experiment as a comparison of the three breeds of cattle involved. The differences observed in the carcasses and in the cuts of beef must be attributed chiefly to differences in age, condition (fatness) and individuality of the animals. It also should be borne in mind that the results of this investigation are not in all respects applicable to the medium and lower grades of beef. SLAUGHTER TESTS The cattle were fasted twenty-four hours before slaughtering, but were given water. The live weight was taken at the abattoir immediately before slaughtering. Table i shows the weights recorded in connection with the slaughter test and the percentage of carcass and of by-products based on the live weight. Comparatively little shrinkage occurred in cooling the car- casses, owing to insufficient ventilation and a high degree of mois- 140 BULLETIN No. 158 [July, TABLE i. RESULTS OF SLAUGHTER TESTS Steer No. 1, pounds Steer No. 2, pounds Steer No. 3, pounds Steer No. 1, percent Steer No. 2, percent Steer No. 3, percent Live weight 902.0 ' 1190.0 1360.0 549.0 739.0 870.0 60.86 62.10 63.97 Dressed beef cold .... 544.5 724.5 870 O 1 60.36 60.88 63.97 4.5 14.5 .50 1.22 Ri'j'ht half cascass 274.3 357.5 430.0 30.41 30.04 31.62 Left half carcass 270.2 367.0 440.0 29.96 30.84 32.35 Hide 67.5 77.5 87.5 7.48 6.51 6.43 Fats Total 46.5 71.0 64.1 5.15 5.97 4.71 Caul 16.0 29.4 24.5 1.77 2.47 1.80 Intestinal 22.5 31.4 23.5 2.49 2.64 1.73 Pluck 8.0 10.2 16.1 .89 .86 1.18 Tongue 5.1 3.8 6.2 .57 .32 .46 Heart 3.9 4.4 5.5 43 .37 .40 13.0 13.6 14.0 1.44 1.14 1.03 Sweet breads .6 1.0 .9 .07 .08 .07 Lungs 5.8 5.5 7.0 .64 .46 .51 Trachea (windpipe) 2.5 3.0 1.7 .28 .25 .12 Penis .5 1.0 .8 .06 .08 .06 Tail 1.6 1.6 1.6 .18 .13 .12 Stomachs Total, with contents . . Rumen and reticulum, empty 86.8 1 18.3 119.5 18.0 134.0, 22.5 9.62 2.03 10.04 1.51 9.85 1.65 Rumen and reticulum with contents 66.3 98.0 102.5 7.35 8.23 7.53 Omasum and contents Abomasum, empty .... Abomasum and con- tents 10.5 10.0 16.0 4.5 5 5 20.0 10.3 11 5 1.1(5 1.11 1.35 .38 46 1.47 .76 .85 Intestines 33.0 33.4 43.0 3.66 2.81 3.16 Spleen 4.0 1.6 1.9 .44 .13 .14 Gall bladder and contents 1.0 1.7 .08 .12 Head Total 21.5 27.5 30.0 2.38 2.31 2.21 Bone 12.0 15.0 22.5 1.33 1.26 1.65 Trimmings 9.5 12.5 7.5 1 . 05 1.05 .55 Fore feet Total 7.3 7.5 9.2 .81 .63 .68 Bone 6.0 6.0 8.0 .67 .50 .59 Trimmings 1.3 1.5 1.2 .14 .13 . .09 Hind feet Total 7.0 7.5 9.5 .78 .63 .70 Bone 5.5 6.0 7.5 .61 .50 .55 Trimmings 1.5 1.5 2.0 .17 .13 .15 Blood 29.0 35.2 43 5 3.22 2.96 3.20 Loss in dressing 17 4 32.8 27 65 1.93 2.76 2.03 *No shrinkage, due to humidity of the cooler and fat condition of carcass. 1912] ECONOMV, COMPOSITION AND NUTRITIVE VALUE OF BEEF CUTS 141 ture in the atmosphere of the chillroom, which retarded radiation of moisture from the beef. Carcasses Nos. I and 2 remained in cold storage 44 hours after dressing and No. 3, 68 hours at a temperature of 38 to 40 F. Notwithstanding the longer period of chilling, carcass No. 3, being extremely fat, showed no shrink- age ; and the others sustained much less loss than commonly occurs under normal packing-house conditions. Referring to the percentage of dressed beef (cold basis), it is found that Steer No. 3 gave the highest yield and Steer No. I the lowest. Had the relative weight of undigested food in the stomach at the time of slaughter been the same as in the case of Steer No. i, the dressed yield of Steer No. 2 would have been 61.80 per- cent and that of No. 3, 64.40 percent, thus comparing even more favorably with Steer No. i than is indicated by the yields based on actual live weight, as in Table i. The variations in yield were due, chiefly, to the fatter condition of Steer No. 3 and the thinner condition of No. i, but they were influenced to some extent by differences in conformation and quality of the cattle. The smallest relative weight of internal fat was yielded by Steer No. 3, and the highest by Steer No. 2. Considering the high condition of Steer No. 3 and the large percentage of dressed beef netted by this animal, the small proportion of internal fat is sig- nificant, indicating a high degree of efficiency for beef production. Relative weights of the various organs and parts of the three animals are scarcely comparable, being influenced to an unknown extent by the differing degrees of condition and "fill" already mentioned. It will be noticed, however, that the body of Steer No. i contained the largest relative weight of organs and parts 'that constitute the offal, 1 due in part to lower condition and con- sequently smaller percentage of carcass to live weight, and doubt- less, also, to a natural tendency to coarseness of bone, skin, and general quality. Steer Xo. 2, on the other hand, altho lower in condition and therefore in carcass yield than No. 3, yielded a smaller percentage of bone than the latter, as shown by figures for the head and feet, also a smaller proportion of various internal organs such as the paunch and intestines, and a similar percentage of hide; thus indicating that the highest degree of general quality, as between the three steers, was possessed by No. 2. 'By-products other than the hide and fats. 142 BULLETIN No. 158 [July.. WHOLESALE CUTS After chilling, the right half of each carcass was taken to the laboratory for cutting and sampling. Altho cut up on different dates, the cutting in each instance was done by the same man, an expert from the packing-house market of Swift and Company, Chicago, and identical methods of procedure were observed as nearly as possible with the three carcasses. The accompanying diagram (Fig. 3) illustrates the wholesale cuts that were made. In addition to the seven "straight" cuts, four secondary wholesale cuts were made; viz., the hind shank, rump, clod, and neck. In the section on retail cuts they are in- cluded with the respective "straight" cuts to w r hich they belong. Results of the cutting tests are summarized in the following table. The weights were taken in terms of pounds and ounces but are here reduced to decimals for convenience of comparison. TABLE 2. WEIGHTS AND PERCENTAGES OF THE STRAIGHT WHOLESALE CUTS Steer No. 1, pounds Steer No. 2, pounds- Steer No. 3, pounds Steer No. 1, percent Steer No. 2, percent Steer No. 3, percent Average percent Loin 42.58 63.45 70.46 15.75 17.71 16.60 16.76 Rib 26.53 35 . 78 40.52 9.81 9.99 9.54 9.77 Round 60.15 77.12 92.11 22 25 21.53 21.70 21.78 Chuck 61.86 77.07 91.55 22.88 21.52 21.56 21.89 Plate 40.13 51.95 72.50 14.84 14.50 17.08 15.63 Flank 14.53 19.30 20.37 5.37 5.39 4.80 5.15 Fore shank Kidney suet .... 13.93 10.65 16.50 17.03 21.96 15.06 5.15 3.94 4.61 4.75 5.17 3.55 4.97 4.06 Entire side 270.36 358.20 424.53 99.99 100.00 100.00 100.00 The proportions of the various cuts as shown above are similar in the three carcasses. The percentages correspond in general to average results of other tests on prime steers. Steer No. T ap- pears to have been relatively lightest in loin and heaviest in round and chuck; Steer No. 2 shows the largest percentage of loin, rib, and kidney suet, and the smallest shank ; Steer No. 3 was lowest in percentage of rib, round, chuck, flank and kidney suet, and highest in shank and plate. To what extent these differences are due to unavoidable variations in the cutting of the carcass, it is ECONOMY, COMPOSITION AND NUTRITIVE VALUE OF BEEF CUTS 143 Off) LOIN H/ND QUARTER. Rump. Round, R.&5. Off. Hind shank . LO/N TLANK QUARTER r" l\ ^\ ^J ft. R/J9 CHUCK Chuck, knuckle Clod. Neck 'PLATE ouf. CHUCK t (knuckle. o-678, and 28, 25-64 (1905), Grindley and Emmett. ECONOMY, COMPOSITION AND NUTRITIVE VALUE OF BEEF CUTS 149 TABLE 6. PERCENTAGES OF WATER, SOLUBLE AND INSOLUBLE DRY SUBSTANCE, AND FAT IN THE BONELESS MEAT OF THE WHOLESALE CUTS Wholesale cut Water 32.26 39.42 45.15 46.25 47.42 55.47 56.32 60.95 61.02 60.86 63.04 Dry substance Other than fat Fat 57.16 48.57 40 . 62 38.95 37.71 27.54 26.12 19.98 20.77 19.65 17.96 Total Sol- uble Insol- uble Total 10.61 12.16 14.29 14.75 15.17 17.35 17.87 19.55 18.74 19.44 19.50 Flank 1.73 2.29 3.06 3.33 3.48 3.82 3.80 3.80 3.90 4.89 4.48 8.88 9.89 11.23 11.42 11.69 13.53 14.07 15.75 14.84 14.55 15.02 67.77 60 75 54.91 53.70 52.88 44.89 43.99 39.53 39.51 39.09 37.46 plate Rib Rump Loin - Chuck Neck Fore shank Hind shank Round Clod In the above table dry substance refers to that portion of the flesh that is not driven off upon heating the sample at the boil- ing point of water, or the flesh minus the water contained in the cut. Fat includes not only visible fat but also all the ether ex- tract derived from the so-called lean of each cut. The soluble dry substance is that portion of the meat which is dissolved out by pure water at ordinary room temperature. It is supposed that the water-soluble constituents of flesh are more easily and quickly digested than the non-soluble, and hence of greater use to the needs of the body. The insoluble dry substance other than fat is that portion which remains after treatment with water. Water. The cuts are arranged according to the percentages of water they contain. The percentage of water represents all that portion of each cut not included in the dry substance. The wide variation in water content of different cuts of beef is here shown in a striking manner, ranging from about one-third up to two- thirds of the weight of edible meat. It will be noticed that the arrangement of the various cuts is substantially in inverse order with respect to the percentages of fat and of total dry substance; also that in general the higher the percentage of fat, the lower the percentage of water. Two of the cheaper cuts of the carcass, viz., the flank and plate, contain the lowest percentages of water, due to their large proportions of fat. The round and clod rank highest in respect to water because of the large percentages of lean meat they contain. The high- priced rib and loin cuts are intermediate. 150 BULLETIN No. 158 [July, Dry Substance. The relationship between the dry substance content of the eleven wholesale cuts is shown graphically in Fig. 5. It will be seen that the upper curve gives the distribution of the percentages of total dry substance in the boneless meat. This curve rises continuously from the clod to the flank cuts, indicating an increasing percentage of dry substance with the fatter cuts. The cheaper cuts such as the shank, clod, and round have the small- est percentages of dry substance. The order of increasing percentages of soluble dry substance shown by the second curve, corresponds, with the exception of a few minor rearrangements, to the order of cuts given in Fig. 6 for- fat. It is seen that the expensive cuts are not at all favorably distinguished from the cheaper ones, the loin and rib cuts possess- ing, in fact, smaller percentages of soluble dry substance than the average-priced cuts. The round, however, a medium-priced cut, has the largest proportion of soluble matter, 4.89 percent ; the clod comes next, having 4.48 percent; while the flank is lowest, 1.73 percent. The values for the loin and rib are respectively 3.48 and 3.06 percent. 9 5 * * u * i < 31 2 $ z i Si S it n * 5 5 1 5 i d PER CENT 69 60 33 SO 4S 5 O / V / / ^--" / / ^^ - __ 1 SOLUBLE DRY SUBSTANCE TOTAL DRY SUBSTANCE | FIG. 5. PERCENTAGES otf TOTAL/ AND SOLUBLE DRY SUBSTANCE IN BONELESS MEAT OF THE WHOLESALE CUTS. /p/,?] ECONOMY, COMPOSITION AND NUTRITIVE VALUE OF BEEF CUTS 151 If the influence of the difference in fat be eliminated by calcu- lating the soluble dry substance of each cut on the fat-free basis, the order of the cuts is considerably modified, as the following data show : Percent Round 6.09 Loin 5.59 Clod S46 Rump 5.45 Chuck 5-2? Rib 5-15 Neck 5.14 Hind shank 4.92 . Fore shank 4.75 Plate 4-45 Flank 4.04 The most significant rearrangements are those of the loin and rib cuts. According to these calculations the new arrangement of the cuts conforms more nearly to the order of their decreasing popularity as indicated by their market value, the round, loin, rump, chuck, and rib cuts, representing the most expensive portions of the beef carcass, clustering toward the top. Fat. The distribution of the fat among the cuts is represented in Fig. 6 by two curves, one on the fresh and the other on the dry basis. These two curves run approximately parallel. This latter PER CENT 33 I CENT ON THE FRESH BASIS ON THE DRY BASIS- - U 85 63 $ IG. r>. PERCENTAGES OK FAT IN THE BONELESS MEAT OF THE WHOLHSAI,E CUTS. 152 BULLETIN No. 158 [July, relation indicates that an increase in the percentage of fat in a cut results in a decrease in the percentage of water. In view of the great differences between the various cuts as regards fat content, the question arises whether these differences do not largely or entirely account for the differences in the percentages of dry sub- stance and water. This question is answered in part by eliminat- ing the fat from the percentage of dry substance, that is, by calculating the percentage of dry substance other than fat to the fat-free basis. The uniformity of the data in this form leads to the conclusion that, as regards the water content of the boneless fat-free meat, the eleven cuts do not distinctly differ among them- selves, being very nearly the same. The differences among the eleven cuts of beef as to their content of fat is shown in the curves (Fig. 6). The extreme positions are occupied by the clod and round cuts, on one hand, and the plate and flank cuts, on the other. The loin, rib, and rump cuts contain more fat than the chuck, neck, and shanks. So marked are these differences in fat that the percentages of all the constituents except the total dry substance, calculated on the fresh basis vary inversely as the percentage of fat. If the influence of the fat be eliminated by calculating the percentage of total dry substance on the fat-free basis, it is found that the leaner cuts are not clearly distinguished from one another. PERCENTAGES OE TOTAL AND SOLUBLE PROTEIN IN THE BONELESS MEAT OE THE WHOLESALE CUTS Total Protein. The term protein as used here refers to the percentage of protein nitrogen multiplied by the factor 6.25. As already stated, protein is the essential constituent of lean meat. It consists largely of albumin compounds which serve as muscle- building material in the human body. The protein dissolved out by water at room temperature, that is, water-soluble protein, is thought to be more easily and quickly digested and hence more available to the body than the water-insoluble protein. Since beef is used chiefly for the lean meat it contains, the economic signifi- cance of the data given in Table 7 is readily apparent. The curves of the total and soluble protein are given in Fig. 7. The order of the cuts for the two forms of protein is the inverse of that for the dry substance and fat; i.e., the shanks, clod, and round contain the highest amounts, and the flank, plate, and rib the lowest. Since a high percentage of water indicates a low percentage of fat, it naturally accompanies a large percentage of lean meat. Consequently the curve indicates that a relatively large percentage of protein is contained in the cheaper cuts of beef, while //oin 072 017 089 053 142 Rump 062 022 084 051 135 Rib 065 019 087 043 130 Plate .050 015 065 039 104 Flank 048 006 054 03 077 ECONOMY, COMPOSITION AND NUTRITIVE VALUE OF BEEF CUTS 159 The amounts of soluble phosphorus are, in general, about twice as great as those of insoluble phosphorus, and the different cuts stand in approximately the same order with regard to the soluble and insoluble forms as with respect to the total. The exceptions to this rule do not appear to follow any regular order. The same is true of the inorganic and the organic forms of soluble phos- phorus, as indicated by the first and second columns of the table. PER CENT 0.18 UZ tr < ox u.m 0.12 0.10 006 006 0.12 0.08 0.06 FIG. 11. PERCENTAGES OF TOTAL AND SOLUBLE PHOSPHORUS IN THE BONELESS MEAT OF THE "WHOLESALE CUTS. The above diagram (Fig. n) shows the distribution of the total and the soluble phosphorus in the eleven wholesale cuts. From these curves it is apparent that the prices of the various cuts of beef are independent of their phosphorus content either total or soluble. RELATIVE FUEL VALUE OE THE BONELESS MEAT OE THE WHOLE- SALE CUTS As stated previously, fat, which is one of the chief food nutrients of meat, either is deposited in the body as such, or else yields energy, i.e., it produces heat and thus has fuel value. Pro- tein, the other chief food nutrient of meat, may be used in the body not only for the formation of muscular tissue but also for the production of energy. 160 BULLETIN No. 158 [July, It therefore will be of interest to compare the fuel value of the fat and protein in the different cuts of beef, and also to compare the total fuel value of the cuts. It has been found experimentally that a gram 1 of fat when burned will yield 9.45 calories 2 of heat and that a gram of protein will produce 4.35 calories. 3 If then the composition of the meat is known, the fuel value can be calculated by means of the above factors. In the following table these values are given for each of the eleven wholesale cuts and for the percentage distribution of the calories between the fat and protein. In order to make the relative comparison of the cuts more direct, the amounts of boneless meat necessary to furnish 1000 calories have also been calculated. TABLE 10. RELATIVE FUEL VALUE OF THE BONELESS MEAT OF THE WHOLESALE CUTS Wholesale cuts Calories* furnished by 100 grams of boneless meat Percentage distribution of calories Pounds of bone- less meat re- quired to furnish 1000 calories Fat x9 Protein x4 Total In fat [n protein Flank 514.4 437.1 365.6 350.5 339.4 247.9 235.1 186.9 179.8 176.9 161.6 40.5 '46.0 54.1 55.3 57.4 65.8 67.9 71.0 73.9 73.6 73.5 554.9 483.1 419.7 405.8 396.8 313.7 303.0 257.9 253.7 250.5 235.1 92.7 90.5 87.1 86.4 85.5 79.0 77.6 72.5 70.9 70.6 68.7 7.3 9.5 12.9 13.6 14.5 21.0 22.4 27.5 29.1 29.4 31.3 .40 .46 .52 .54 .56 .70 .73 86 .87 .88 .94 Plate Rib Rump Loin Chuck Neck Hind shank Fore shank Round Clod In the above table the data were calculated as follows : The percentages of fat in the various cuts were obtained from Table 6, page 149. Those for the protein, as previously referred to in Table 7, page 153, are not applicable. In this case the total nitrogen content of the meat was multiplied by 6.25 to obtain crude protein, that being the value usually assigned in calculating the energy of protein. The percentage of fat was multiplied by 9, and the per- '453.59 grams equal one pound. 2 A large calorie is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one kilogram of water one degree Centigrade. S 95 percent of the energy of fat and 92 percent of that of protein are available in the case of man. Hence, the approximate fuel values of fat and protein are 9= (9.45x95) and 4= (4.35x92) calories per gram respectively. 'Large calorie. 1912] HCONOMY, COMPOSITION AND NUTRITIVE VALUE OF BEEF CUTS 161 centage of protein by 4, and the two results added to give the total calories in the cut. Thus, in the flank, the percentage of fat is 57.16, and that of protein 10.12. Therefore, one hundred grams of the meat will yield 514.4 calories from the fat (57.16x9) and 40.5 calories from the protein (10.12x4), making a total of 554.9 calories. The data in the table show, as would be expected, the high calorific value of those cuts which have a high percentage of fat. Thus, in the third column the flank, plate, rib, rump and loin cuts are from one and one-half to two times as great in fuel value as the shanks, round, and clod. These differences are shown in column T, also, where the extremes are 514.4 calories for the flank and 161.6 calories for the clod. In column 4 the percentage distribution of calories in the fat is shown to range from 68.7 in the clod to 92.7 in the flank cut. In the rib and the loin cuts the fat furnishes 87.1 and 85.5 percent respectively of the fuel value, while in the shanks, round, and clod cuts the fat makes up about 69 percent. The protein, on the other hand, supplies from 7.3 percent of the total calorific value in the flank cut to 31.3 percent in the clod 'cut. In order to make a more direct comparison of the different cuts, the amount of boneless meat required to furnish 1000 calories has been calculated. These data, in the last column, show that the flank and plate cuts require the smallest amounts, 0.40 and 0.46 pounds respectively. The rib, rump, and loin cuts come next, averaging 0.54 pounds. The chuck and neck cuts follow with values averaging 0.71 pounds. The shanks and round run about the same, varying from 0.86 pounds for the hind shank to 0.88 pounds for the round and averaging 0.87 pounds for all three cuts. The clod cut requires the largest amount of boneless meat, 0.94 pounds, to furnish 1000 calories. RELATIVE ECONOMY OF THE NUTRIENTS OE THE BONELESS MEAT OE THE WHOLESALE CUTS AT CURRENT MARKET PRICES From the discussion of the distribution of the various nutrients in the eleven wholesale cuts of beef, it w r as seen that some of the cheaper cuts, such as the round, clod, chuck, and shanks, contained just as high or higher percentages of protein, organic extractives, and mineral matter as the more expensive cuts. The main difference between the cuts was in the fat content. Since meat is bought chiefly for the protein it contains and secondarily for fat, it will be of interest to compare the net cost of a given amount of protein from each cut, and also the cost of the meat from each cut needed to supply a definite number of calories. These data are given in Table 11. 162 BULLETIN No. 158 [July, TABLE 11. COST OF MEAT REQUIRED TO FURNISH ONE POUND OF PROTEIN AND 1000 CALORIES FROM WHOLESALE CUTS AT MARKET PRICES Wholesale cuts Retail 1 price per pound, cents Boneless meat in the cut, percent Cost of pound boneless meat in cut, cents Cost of pound protein in cut, cents Cost of 1000 calories in cut, cents Fore shank 5 59.56 8.4 50 7 Hind shank 5 48.84 10.2 63 9 Neck 6 84.31 7.1 46 5 Flank 8 99.44 8.0 85 3 Plate 8 91.23 8 7 82 4 Clod 30 95 18 10 5 63 10 Chuck 11 87.99 12 5 84 9 Rump 12 79 85 15 119 8 Round 15 90 39 16 6 101 15 Rib 18 85 56 21 171 11 Loin 22 90 23 24 4 188 14 'Average prices calculated from the retail prices given in Table 19, page 171. The calculations are based upon the prices given in the first column. From the percentage of boneless meat, the retail cost per pound of the boneless meat in the cuts was obtained. Knowing the percentage of protein in the boneless meat (Table 7), and the percentage of boneless meat in the cut, the cost per pound of protein was calculated. The cheapest cuts for protein are the neck, shanks and clod. The neck furnishes a pound of protein for 46 cents; the fore shank for 50 cents; the hind shank for 63 cents, and the clod for 63 cents. The loin, rib, rump, and round furnish a pound of protein for the most money: the loin for $1.88; the rib for $1.71 ; the rump for $1.19, and the round for $1.01. The flank, plate, and chuck cuts supply a pound of protein for 85, 82, and 84 cents respectively. With reference to the cost of protein, the most economical cuts which are suitable for general use are the clod, plate, and chuck, in the order named. From the cost per pound of the boneless meat and from the amount of boneless meat required to furnish 1000 calories (Table 10), it is possible to determine the cost of the meat necessary to supply the same fuel value for each cut. These results are given in the last column. They indicate that the eleven cuts can be grouped into four classes : first, the flank, plate, and neck, costing 3, 4 and 5 cents, respectively, per 1000 calories; second, the fore shank and the rump, costing 7 and 8 cents respectively ; third, the hind shank, chuck, clod and rib, costing 9, 9, 10 and n cents respectively; and fourth, the loin and round, costing 14 and 15 ECONOMY, COMPOSITION AND NUTRITIVE VALUE OF BEEF CUTS 163 cents respectively. Considering their adaptability for general use, the most economical cuts in terms of fuel value are the plate, rump, chuck, and clod. It will be of interest to see which cuts of beef are the most economical for protein and fuel value combined. In the above discussion the relative order of the cuts is not the same in the two cases. The neck, shank, and plate are among the cheapest cuts in both instances, while the round, rib, and loin are the most expen- sive. From the standpoint of both protein and energy value, the most economical cuts adapted to general use are the clod, chuck, and plate, in the order named. It should of course be borne in mind that some of these cheaper cuts are less tender and therefore more difficult to prepare for use than steaks and roasts. Nevertheless, in view of the fact that there is little difference between the various cuts as to their per- centages of organic extractives and ash (the nutrients which assist in giving flavor and palatability to cooked meat), and since the digestibility 1 of protein is independent of the kind or cut of meat and of the method of cooking (broiling, roasting or boiling), the cheaper cuts, in general, may be said to compare favorably with the higher-priced ones, even in regard to flavor and palatability. Considering the further fact that they furnish more protein and fuel value per unit of meat, these cuts are evidently more economi- cal sources of food nutrients. RETAIL CUTS The wholesale cuts (Fig. 3, page 143) were further divided into the various retail cuts that are commonly made in meat markets. Fig. 12 represents the manner of cutting and the location of the different cuts. The weight of each, taken immediately upon cut- ting, is recorded in the appendix (Tables 10-23). The outs that required trimming to remove surplus fat and bone were so. trimmed in accordance with meat-market custom, the trimmings and the trimmed cut being weighed in each case (Tables 24-38, Appendix). Each retail cut was then carefully separated by means of boning knives into lean,- visible fat, and bone, and the weight of each portion recorded 2 (Tables 24-32, Appendix). In the case of trimmed cuts the different constituents of the trimmings were likewise separated and weighed (Tables 33-38, Appendix). Bulletin 162, U. S. Dept. Agr., O.E.S. (1903), by Grindley and Emmett; also Bulletin 193 by Grindley, Mojonnier, and Porter (1907). B In the case of Steer No. 1 the weight of bone in each cut was determined by difference. In Nos. 2 and 3 the bone was weighed ^separately, which ac- counts for the slight amounts of loss and error recorded in those instances and in the general averages. 164 BULLETIN No. 158 [July, H/ND QUARTER f?OUND Rump 1 Rump Pound: rump J)& I QUARTER R/b roast 4 CHUCK I 5tb ff/o roast. - 9 Chuck 10 -/J Pot roasts. 14- Clod 15 Neck PLATE Navel 4- Rib ends SHANK I 3tew. Knuck/e. ^oup hone. 3-6' Soup bones. RETAIL CUT5 OF- BEEF FIG. 12. METHOD OK CUTTING THE THREE SIDES, SHOWING RETAIL. CUTS. In order to compare the various retail cuts as to their relative amounts of lean, fat, and bone, the weights of these constituents have been reduced to percentages ; and in the interest of brevity, average percentages of the respective constituents yielded by cor- responding cuts from the three sides of beef are made the basis of the following summary and discussion. Tables 12 to 18, inclusive, K)i2\ ECONOMY, COMPOSITION AND NUTRITIVE VALUE OF BEEF CUTS :6S represent untrimmed cuts. Further differences brought about by trimming will be briefly summarized in connection with the discus- sion of the various cuts, and will be considered more specifically in the following section with reference to the question of relative economy. LOIN With reference to the proportions of lean and fat in the cuts of the loin (Table 12) it will be noticed that the sirloin steaks are in general leaner than the porterhouse and club steaks, and that all of the latter are comparatively similar in this respect. The percentage of bone varies considerably; and it is apparent that the double- bone, hip-bone and club steaks have relatively more bone than the remainder of the loin, owing to portions of the hip-bone contained TABLE 12. PERCENTAGES OF LEAN, VISIBLE FAT, AND BONE IN THE RETAIL CUTS Retail loin cuts Lean Fat Bone Total 1. Sirloin steak (butt-end) 70.46 93 39 5 . 67 99.45 2. Sirloin steak (wedge-bone) 69.82 23.27 6.40 99.49 3. Sirloin steak (round-bone) 65.71 28.17 5.37 99.25 4. Sirloin steak (round-bone) 61.43 29.18 8.94 99 . 55 5. Sirloin steak (double-bone) 59.01 26.55 13.84 99.40 6 Sirloin steak (double-bone) 1 . . 68 69 17 72 12 49 98 90 7. Sirloin steak (hip-bone) 2 50.11 31.73 16 05 97 89 8. Porterhouse steak (hip-bone) 9. Porterhouse steak 54.39 53 78 32.88 39 22 11.51 5 80 98.78 98 80 10. Porterhouse steak 53 56 39 24 6 64 99 44 11. Porterhouse steak 12. Porterhouse steak 59.41 56 22 32 . 93 35 96 6.46 6 84 98.80 99 02 13. Porterhouse steak 55 49 35 41 8 23 99 13 14. Porterhouse steak 15. Porterhouse steak 54.83 50 04 34.33 41 44 9.52 7 77 98.68 99 25 16. Club steak 17. Club steak 18. Club steak 19. Trimmings (wholesale) 3 55.38 55.33 54.10 9 79 36.35 32 93 33.81 90 21 7.89 12.80 11.19 o 99.82 99.06 99.10 100 00 Entire loin 58 53 31 75 8 89 99 17 in the former and of the thirteenth rib in the latter. It is evident from these figures that while porterhouse steaks command a higher price than sirloin, they actually contain a smaller proportion of lean meat and more excess fat. See Figs. 13 to 28. Trimming the retail cuts of the loin reduces their weight about 12 percent. (Tables 33 and 34, Appendix). The relative amount of trimmings is similar in the three classes of steaks; but those This cut was made from the loins of Steers Nos. 1 and 2 only. This cut was made from the loins of Steers Nos. 2 and 3 only. 3 This cut was made from the loin of Steer No. 3 only. 166 BULLETIN No. 158 [July, from the porterhouse cuts contain the largest proportion of fat, while the sirloin trimmings contain the most bone. The trimmings from the various loin steaks consist of about 80 percent visible fat, 1 8 percent bone, and 2 percent lean. RIB Table 13 shows that the first cut of the rib contains the smallest proportion of lean meat, while the last cut, or sixth rib roast, is the leanest. The reverse is true of the percentage of fat. In terms of gross meat, i.e., lean and fat combined, the first roast is most valuable and the third cut least ; moreover, the greater degree of tenderness and general quality in the first cut makes it the most popular and therefore the highest-priced of the rib roasts. Since, however, beef roasts are valuable primarily for the lean meat they contain, it is evident that the sixth rib is the most economical* at a given price. See Figs. 29 to 32. TABLE 13. PERCENTAGES OF LEAN, VISIBLE FAT, AND BONE IN THE RETAIL CUTS Retail rib cuts Lean Fat Bone Total 1 Roast (nth and 12th ribs) 49.44 37 74 12 41 99 59 2 Roast (9th and 10th ribs) 54.26 31.41 13 97 99 64 3 Roast (7th and 8th ribs) 56.00 27 81 15 79 99 60 4 Roast (6th rib) 61.43 23 72 14 27 99 42 Entire rib 55.21 30.17 14.18 99.56 ROUND Comparing the retail cuts of the round (Table 14) it is found that the rump roast is made up of about one-half lean and one-third visible fat; the round steaks, from 73 to 85 percent lean and 9 to 22 percent visible fat ; and the hind-shank soup bones are exceed- ingly variable in proportions of lean, visible fat, and bone. The var- ious steaks are somewhat similar in percentage of lean meat, but cuts Nos. 5 to 12 contain noticeably less bone and more visible fat than those nearer the extremities of the round. The round pot roast, which is usually a boneless cut, contains a larger proportion of lean meat than any other cut of the round. The knuckle and hock soup bones consist very largely of bone, while the remaining soup- bone cuts have considerable percentages of lean. See Figs. 33 to 45. Results of trimming the various round cuts are shown in Tables 35 and 36, Appendix. Rump roasts are thus reduced in weight by ECONOMY, COMPOSITION AND NUTRITIVE VALUE OF BEEF CUTS 167 TABLE 14. PERCENTAGES OF LEAN, VISIBLE FAT, AND BONE IN THE RETAIL CUTS Retail round cuts Lean Fat Bone Total 48.62 31.13 19.81 99.57 2 Round steak (first cut) 74.16 13.57 11.26 98.99 3 Round steak 76.99 13.19 9.02 99.20 4 Round steak . 84.47 9.71 5.13 99.31 5 Round steak 83.12 12.94 3.33 99.39 g Round steak 81.84 14.36 2.64 98.84 7 Round steak 78.79 17.63 2.52 98.94 8 Round steak . 77.53 19.61 2.62 99.76 9 Round steak 1 81.85 15.93 2.22 100.00 10 Round steak 1 . 78.15 19.33 2.52 100.00 11. Round steak 1 74.90 21.96 3.14 100.00 12 Round steak . . 73.73 21.95 3.77 99.45 13 Round steak 1 81.02 14.36 4.62 100.00 14 Round steak ... 75.05 16.63 7.31 98.99 15. Knuckle soup bone 19.00 21.78 58 . 36 99.14 16 Pot roast 85.43 13 38 0.87 99 68 17. Shank soup bone 40.13 11.37 47 62 99 12 18. Shank soup bone .... 66 72 12.35 20.19 99 46 19. Shank soup bone (hock) 8.08 10.36 80.86 99.30 Entire round 64 61 18 03 16 63 99.27 'This cut was made from the round of Steer No. 1 only. about one-third; and the rump trimmings are composed of about 56 percent bone, 30 percent fat and 14 percent lean. Fat only is trimmed from the round steaks, as a rule, and they are reduced only about 5 percent in weight. The greatest proportionate amount of trimmings is taken from the first cut steak, in which case the trimmings consist principally of bone ; and, in general, the fifth to the eighth cuts are trimmed more than the remaining ones. CHUCK The fifth rib roast, taken from the chuck (Table 15), resembles the prime rib roast in regard to proportions of meat and bone, but exceeds them in relative amount of lean, just as the adjacent sixth rib roast shows the largest percentage of lean in the prime ribs (Table 13). It is also observed that the successive chuck steaks, which are cut anterior and parallel to the fifth rib roast, tend in general toward a larger proportion of lean meat with a smaller per- centage of fat and bone. Three pot roasts, cuts Nos. 10, n, and 12, cut next to the chuck steaks, vary considerably with respect to all three constituents, Nos. 10 and 12 resembling the chuck steaks, while No. 1 1 has a comparatively small percentage of lean and a large percentage of fat. The stew (No. 13), taken from the lower portion of the shoulder near the brisket, is the fattest cut of 168 BULLETIN No. 158 [July, TABLE 15. PERCENTAGES OF LEAN, VISIBLE FAT, AND BONE IN THE RETAIL CUTS Retail chuck cuts Lean Fat Bone Total 1. Roast (5th rib) 64.07 20.78 14.65 99.50 2 Chuck steak - . . 62 11 18 80 18.33 99.24 3 Chuck steak 66 26 22 29 10 94 99.49 4 Chuck steak 72 41 15 81 11 37 99.29 5. Chuck steak 69.91 16.60 12.50 99.01 6. Chuck steak 75.64 14 . 23 9.68 99.55 7 Chuck steak 82.10 6.41 10.78 99.29 8 Chuck steak 75 . 60 13.60 10.28 99.48 9. Chuck steak 74 . 76 14.57 9.85 99.18 10 Pot roast 75 . 89 14 44 8 89 99 . 22 11 Pot roast 58.45 26.53 13 94 98 9? 12 Pot roast 78.06 9 07 12.66 99.79 13 Stew 60 79 33 86 5 03 99 68 14 Clod 80 39 14 62 4 69 99 70 15. Neck 60.47 22.12 16.48 99.07 Entire chuck 69.47 18.63 11.26 99.36 the chuck, and contains but little bone. The neck piece is inter- mediate in proportionate amounts of edible meat and waste. The clod is the most economical cut of the chuck in point of gross meat, and, with one exception, also contains the highest percentage of lean. See Figs. 46 to 60. Retail trimmings from the chuck (Tables 37 and 38, Appendix) consist chiefly of neck scraps, these making up nearly half the total trimmings taken from the chuck of Steer No. i and about one- third in the case of Steer No. 2. The chuck roast and steaks are trimmed to about the same extent as the round steaks, amounting to 5 percent of their weight; the trimmings consisting largely of bone. Of the remaining cuts only No. n (the pot roast adjacent to the clod and knuckle) requires much trimming, the surplus in this case being chiefly fat and bone. On the average the chuck 'cuts are reduced in weight by about 10 percent, and the trimmings are composed of about 40 percent fat, 30 percent lean and 30 per- cent bone. The two principal divisions of the plate, viz., the brisket and the navel, are remarkably similar in proportions of lean, visible fat, and bone (Table 16). The rib ends, which are small pieces cut from the upper portion of the navel, contain relatively more bone and less lean than the remainder of the plate, but are similar to it in percentage of visible fat. The wholesale trimmings consist chiefly of surplus fat taken from the lower edge of the plate. See Figs. 61 to 64. ECONOMY, COMPOSITION AND NUTRITIVE VALUE OF BEEF CUTS 169 TABLE 16. PERCENTAGES OF LEAN, VISIBLE FAT, AND BONE IN THE RETAIL CUTS Retail plate cuts Lean Fat Bone Total 1 Brisket 53.33 38.81 7.78 99 92 2 Navel 54.87 37.22 7.91 100 00 3. Rib ends 49.44 37.31 12 35 99 10 4. Rib ends 50.79 36.39 12.36 99.54 5. Wholesale trimmings 13.89 86.11 100 . 00 Entire plate 50.61 40.73 8.47 99.81 FLANK About half the weight of the flank cut from prime cattle consists of surplus fat which must be trimmed off and sold for tallow (Table 20, Appendix). A boneless steak is then stripped off, which, in this test, consisted of about 83 percent lean and the remainder, visible fat. The rest of the flank (cut No. i) is stew- ing meat containing about two parts of lean to one of visible fat. See Figs. 65 and 66. TABLE 17. PERCENTAGES OF LEAN, VISIBLE FAT, AND BONE IN THE RETAIL CUTS Retail flank cuts Lean Fat Bone Total 1 Stew 64.11 34 79 58 99 48 2 Flank steak 83 05 16 44 99 49 3 Trimmings (wholesale) 37 99 63 100 00 Entire flank 36 30 63 18 25 99 73 FORE SHANK The boneless stewing piece taken from the front of the shank (cut No. i ) contains a larger proportion of both lean and fat than the shank soup-bone cuts. Of the latter, it is seen in Table 18 that TABLE 18. PERCENTAGES OF LEAN, VISIBLE FAT, AND BONE IN THE RETAIL CUTS Retail fore-shank cuts Lean Fat Bone Total 99.68 99.18 99.24 99.62 99.72 98.88 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Stew Soup Soup Soup Soup Soup 82 29 28 39 68 17 58 38 03 88 88 43 17 11 10 13 5 6 11 10 12 98 14 68 51 63 58 60 46 25 74 68 23 61 16 94 bone (knuckle) bone bone bone . . bone Entire si lank 47 61 40 20 99 44 170 BULLETIN No. 158 [July, the two cuts nearest the chuck (Nos. 2 and 3) are very similar, containing small proportions of lean and much bone. In the next two cuts the percentage of lean increases and that of bone decreases. The fifth cut contains a remarkably large percentage of lean and of gross meat, while the sixth cut, containing about 75 percent of bone, has the smallest relative amount of meat. See Figs. 67 to 69. RELATIVE ECONOMY OE THE VARIOUS RETAIL CUTS From the proportions of lean, fat and bone in the different cuts, their relative economy at retail market prices may be deter- mined. The net cost of lean meat is an approximate index of the relative economy of steaks and roasts, since they are purchased and used primarily for the lean they contain ; but in comparing boiling, stewing, and similar meats, the cost of gross meat, or fat and lean combined, should be more largely considered, because the fat is more completely utilized, as in the case of meat loaf, hash, Ham- burger and corned beef. Soup bones, being valued for flavoring matter as well as for the nutritive substance they contain, are more difficult to compare with other cuts in respect to relative economy. They vary materially, however, in proportions of edible meat and waste, and should therefore be studied in this connection. The relative cost of lean meat in a given cut consists of the price per pound paid for the cut divided by the percentage of lean it contains ; and, similarly, the cost per pound of gross meat is the market price of the cut divided by its total percentage of lean and fat meat. For example, in a steak costing 20 cents per pound and composed of 80 percent lean, 10 percent visible fat and 10 percent bone, the net cost per pound of lean is 20 cents -4- .80, or 25 cents, and the net cost per pound of total meat is 20 cents -r- . 90 (.80+. 10), or 22.2 cents. Retail prices of beef cuts vary widely, depending upon market prices of live cattle and carcass beef; also upon the method of cutting and trimming used, and upon local customs and conditions. Consequently, the relative economy of the different cuts varies accordingly and cannot, therefore, be expressed in fixed terms The following table is based upon prices charged for the highest grade of beef cuts in first-class city meat markets. Altho it fairly represents the relative net cost of the retail cuts under the condi- tions stated, the table is designed primarily to illustrate the method by which the relative economy of different cuts may be calculated for any given scale of prices. Table 19 is based upon Tables 13, 16, 17 and 18 of the text, and, in the case of cuts that were trimmed, Tables 26, 29 and 32, Appendix. In case it is desired to compare the untrimmed cuts, i')i2\ ECONOMY, COMPOSITION AND NUTRITIVE VALUE OF BEEF CUTS 171 then Tables 12 to 18 inclusive in the foregoing text should be used as the basis, and prices assigned accordingly. TABLE 19. COST OF LEAN AND OF TOTAL MEAT IN THE VARIOUS RETAIL CUTS AT MARKET PRICES RETAIL CUTS Diagram number .Fig. 12) Retail price per pounc of cut, cents Cost per pound of lean meal in cut, cents Cost per pound of lean and fat meat in cut, cents STEAKS Porterhouse, hip-bone 8 25 38 6 28 9 Porterhouse, Jfcgular. 10 25 40 2 27 2 rlllK Cffrlk jiff: 18 20 32 1 22 6 Sirloin, bui^Rid 1 20 25 3 20 6 Sirloin, n^HB-bone 3 20 28 3 21 1 Sirloin, ^Mole-bone 5 20 28 7 22 7 Sirloin, ^HP-bone 7 20 32 3 24 2 1 16 19 3 16 Rniinjj^Krcf ^nt 2 15 17 15 3 Rouj^^middle cut 6 15 17 3 15 6 Pnnj^p 1a=t nit 14 15 19 3 16 Chuck, first cut 2 12 18 3 14 1 Chuck, last cut 9 12 15 7 13 1 ROASTS Prime ribs, first cut 1 20 40 5 22 9 Prime ribs, last cut 4 16 26 1 18 8 Chuck, 5th rib 1 15 22 8 17 3 Rump 1 12 19 4 12 8 BOILING AND STEWING PIECES Round pot roast 16 10 11 6 10 1 Shoulder clod 14 10 12 3 10 5 Shoulder pot roast 11 10 14 3 11 6 Rib ends 3 8 16 2 q o Brisket 1 8 15 8 7 Navel 2 7 12 8 7 7 Flank stew 2 7 10 9 7 1 Fore shank stew 1 7 8 5 7 Neck 15 g K. 7n SOUP BONES Round, knuckle ... 2 5 26 3 19 ^ Hind shank, middle cut. . . . Hind shank, hock 18 19 5 5 7.5 6 9 5 6.3 p R Fore shank, knuckle 2 5 17 2 -Ip K Fore shank, middle cut Fore shank, end 4 6 5 5 12.5 28 8 9.4 pfl q Taking the net cost of the lean meat as a basis of comparison, we learn from these data that the most expensive steaks at the prices given are the porterhouse cuts, followed by the club, sirloin, flank, round, and chuck steaks. Of the different roasts, the first-cut prime ribs are the most costly in terms of lean meat, and the rump roast is the most economical. The various boiling and stewing pieces furnish 172 BULLETIN No. 158 [July, lean meat more economically at market prices than either the roasts or steaks; the rib ends and brisket being the dearer cuts of this class, while the neck and shank stews are relatively cheapest. Sev- eral of the soup bones are very economical sources of lean meat, particularly the middle cuts of both shanks; and only one of them is extremely expensive, even on this basis. In general, the wide variation between the various cuts in net cost of lean is remarkable, ranging from 7.5 cents in one of the soup bones to 40.5 cents in a prime rib roast, and up to 62.5 cents in the hock soup bone; the latter, however, being used primarily for its flavoring substance rather than for lean meat. It will be observed, also, that the market prices of the cheaper cuts correspond much more closely to their net cost of lean meat than is true of the higher-priced steaks and roasts. The net cost per pound of gross meat, or lean and fat combined, varies much less as between the different cuts than does the net cost per pound of lean, because the proportions of total meat are more nearly uniform than the percentages of lean. The various steaks and roasts rank in substantially the same order as to relative economy on this basis as on the basis of lean meat. The rib roasts, however, are considerably more economical as compared with the porterhouse and sirloin steaks when all the edible meat is consid- ered. The rump shows a very low cost per pound of edible meat, due to the large proportion of fat it contains ; and a still further difference is noticed in the case of the rib ends, brisket, navel, flank, neck, and several of the soup-bone cuts. The stewing meats are generally the most economical sources of edible meat at these prices, while porterhouse steaks are the most expensive. On the whole, the data clearly show that the cheaper cuts of beef are by far the most economical sources both of lean and of total edible meat, including fat and lean. It has been shown else- where (page 156) that no correlation exists between market prices and the proportion of flavoring substances contained in various portions of the carcass ; and cooking tests indicate that the propor- tion of waste and shrinkage is not necessarily greater in the cheaper than in the more expensive cuts. 1 It is evident, therefore, that retail prices of beef cuts are determined chiefly by considerations other than their food value, such as tenderness, grain, color, gen- eral appearance, and convenience of cooking'. In view of these facts, Table 19 constitutes a striking illustra- tion of the irrational standards which characterize the demand for beef, and of the consequent wide variation in prices between retail beef cuts from different portions of the carcass. A careful study 'Bulletin 162, U. S. Dept. Agr., O.E.S. (1903), by Grindley and Emmett. /?/.?] ECONOMY, COMPOSITION AND NUTRITIVE VALUE OF BEEF CUTS 173 of these data, together with Fig. 12 and the following photographs of all the cuts from Steer Xo. 3, will enable the reader to purchase the various retail cuts of choice beef with respect to the relative amounts of edible meat and waste they contain, and thus to profit by the prevailing discrepancies in market prices. CONCLUSIONS 1. The relative efficiency of different types of cattle or systems of production cannot be accurately compared without considering the adaptability of the beef to the purpose for which it is used. 2. .Those who would buy meats most intelligently must know the nature of the different cuts, especially with reference to the proportions of lean meat, fat, and bone they contain and the food value of edible meat cut from different parts of the carcass. 3. It is highly essential to the entire beef-cattle industry, on the one hand, and the economic welfare of the beef-eating public, on the other, that a more intelligent understanding of the different cuts of meat be acquired by consumers generally. SLAUGHTER TESTS 4. Dressed Beef. The proportion of chilled dressed beef to live weight yielded by the two choice steers used in these investi- gations was 60.36 and 60.88 percent respectively, and that of the prime steer was 63.97 percent. Page 140 5. Internal Fat. The killing fats yielded by the three steers were 5.15, 5-97, and 4.71 percent respectively (live weight basis). Notwithstanding the high condition of Steer No. 3, this animal yielded the lowest percentage of internal fat, indicating marked efficiency for beef production. Page 140 6. Hides. The yields of hides were 7.48, 6.51, and 6.43 percent respectively (live weight basis). Page 140 7. Offal. Steer No. i yielded the largest proportion of head, feet, tail, tongue, heart, liver, lungs, trachea, paunch, intestines, and spleen. Steer No. 3 had the smallest relative weight of offal. Page 140 WHOLESALE CUTS 8. Percent Yield. Average yiel Is of straight cuts were: loins, 16.76 percent; ribs, 9.77; rounds, 21.78; chucks, 21.89; plates, 15.63; flanks, 5.15; fore shanks, 4.97; and kidney suet, 4.06. Page 142 6. Lean, Fat, and Bone. The proportion of lean in the vari- ous straight wholesale cuts varied from about one-third in the flank to about two-thirds in the chuck ; the extreme percentages of visible fat were 1 1 percent in the shank and 63 percent in the 174 BULLETIN No. 158 [July, flank ; and the percentage of bone ranged from practically nothing in the flank to 40 percent in the shank. In general, the cuts con- taining a large percentage of lean had a small percentage of visible fat, and vice versa, while the relative weight of bone was more variable. Page 145 The relative amounts of lean, visible fat, and bone in the hind and fore quarters were as follows : hind quarter, 54.42 percent lean, 34.55 percent visible fat, and 10.71 percent bone; fore quar- ter, 59.12 percent lean, 26.69 percent visible fat, and 13.73 percent bone. Page 145 The three sides of beef used in this experiment averaged about 57 percent lean meat, 30 percent visible fat, and 12 percent bone. Page 145 7. Relative Economy. The net cost per pound of lean meat is, in general, greatest in the cuts which command the highest prices, and vice versa. Further, the more expensive the cut, the greater the cost per pound of visible fat and lean combined. Thus the relative food values of the various cuts do not correspond to their market prices, the cheaper cuts being by far the more econom- ical sources both of lean and of total edible meat. Page 147 NUTRITIVE VALUE OF THE BONELESS MEAT OE THE VARIOUS WHOLESALE CUTS 8. Dry Substance. The average water content of the edible meat of the wholesale cuts varied from 32 percent in the flank to 63 percent in the clod; and consequently the total dry substance ranged from 37 percent in the clod to 68 percent in the flank. The percentage of soluble dry substance varied inversely as that of total dry substance in the various cuts. Page 150 9. Fat. In general, the various wholesale cuts stood in the same order with respect to the percentages of both total fat and total dry substance contained in the edible meat; in other words, the higher the percentage of fat, the lower the percentage of water. The total fat content varied from 18 percent in the clod to 57 per- cent in the flank. Page 151 10. Protein. Protein, the most essential food constituent of beef, varied in the different cuts inversely as the dry substance and fat. The maximum percentage, 16.98, was found in the shank; and the minimum, 9.44, in the flank. Soluble protein varied from 0.66 to 2.08 percent, and was, in general, proportional to total protein in the different cuts. If calculated to the fat-free basis, the eleven wholesale cuts correspond closely in percentages of protein, ranging only from 20 to 22 percent. Page 152 11. Organic Extractives. These varied from 0.76 percent in the flank to 2.06 percent in the round. The ratio of nitrogenous ECONOMY, COMPOSITION AND NUTRITIVE VALUE OF BEEF CUTS 175 to non-nitrogenous extractives in the various cuts was similar. A rather close correlation existed between the relative amounts of protein and those of organic extractives, indicating that the leaner cuts contained larger proportions of organic extractives than did those rich in fat. No relation seemed to exist between the market prices and the flavoring constituents of the various cuts. The high- priced cuts (the loin and rib) contained considerably smaller per- centages of organic extractives than did several of the cheaper cuts. These statements do not take into account the influence of marb- ling upon flavor of the different cuts. Page 155 12. Ash. The percentage of ash varied from 0.40 in the flank to 0.87 in the round. The soluble ash formed from 70 to 87 percent of the total. There was a tendency for both the soluble and the total ash to be higher in the cheaper cuts, and since these, especially the soluble form, contribute to the palatability of meat, there would seem to be no relation between market prices and the palatability of different cuts. Page 157 13. Phosphorus. Phosphorus, like total mineral matter, was most abundant in the leaner cuts of beef, and vice versa, and its relative amounts were therefore independent of current market prices of the various cuts. The percentage of phosphorus in the meat varied from 0.077 ni tne fl ar| k to 0.184 m the round. Page 158 14. Fuel Value. The relative fuel value is a significant factor in considering the nutritive value of meat. It depends primarily on the fat content, the fatter cuts of meat being highest in fuel value. One hundred grams of meat from the flank furnished the maximum calories, 554.9, and one hundred grams from the clod furnished the minimum number, 235.1. It required from 0.40 pound of boneless meat in the flank to 0.94 pouna in the clod to furnish 1000 calories. Page 159 15. Relative Economy. There seems to be no relation be- tween market prices and the percentages of fat, protein, extractives, and ash. The cheaper cuts appear to be as valuable and in some cases actually more so than the higher -priced cuts from the stand- point of protein and of energy. These statements do not take into account the factors of tenderness nor the influence the degree of fatness may have upon the palatability of cooked meat. In purchas- ing meat for protein primarily, the neck, shanks and clod are the most economical cuts; the plate, chuck, flank and round follow; with the rump, rib, and loin as the most expensive. From the standpoint of fuel value, the flank, plate, neck, and shank cuts are the cheapest, while the rib, loin, and round are the most expensive. Considering both factors, protein and fuel value, and along with 176 BULLETIN No. 158 these the adaptability of the meat for general use the clod, chuck, and plate are the most economical cuts at the retail prices given. Page 161 RETAIL CUTS 1 6. Loin Cuts. Loin steaks averaged 59 percent lean, 32 percent visible fat, and 9 percent bone. Sirloin steaks in general contained a greater proportion of lean and smaller proportion of fat than porterhouse and club steaks. Page 165 17. Rib Cuts. Rib roasts contained, on the average, 55 per- cent lean, 30 percent visible fat, and 15 percent bone. The great- est percentage .of lean was found in the sixth rib roast, and the smallest in the eleventh and twelfth rib cut. Page 166 1 8. Round Cuts. The various cuts made from the round averaged 65 percent lean, 18 percent visible fat, and 17 percent bone. Round steaks contained 74 to 84 percent lean; the rump roast, 49 percent; round pot roast, 85 percent; and soup bones, 8 to 66 percent. The maximum percentage of fat was found in the rump roast, and the maximum percentage of bone, in the hock soup bone. Page 166 19. Chuck Cuts. These contained an average of 69 percent lean, 19 percent fat, and n percent bone. Chuck steaks varied from 62 to 82 percent lean, and from 6 to 22 percent fat. The shoulder clod contained 80 percent lean and only 5 percent bone. Relatively more lean and less fat were found in the chuck rib roast than in those cut from the prime rib. Page 167 20. Plate Cuts. The brisket, navel, and rib ends averaged 51 percent lean, 41 percent fat, and 8 percent bone. The brisket and navel were similar in proportions of the different constituents, but the rib ends were slightly higher in percentage of bone and lower in lean. Page 168 21. Flank Cuts. The flank steak contained 83 percent lean and 16 percent fat; and the flank stew, 64 percent lean and 35 percent fat. Page 169 22. Fore Shank Cuts. Soup bones from the fore shank varied from 17 to 69 percent lean, and from 25 to 75 percent bone. The boneless shank stew contained 83 percent lean and 17 percent vis- ible fat. Page 160, 23. Retail Trimmings. Trimming the loin steaks reduced their weight 12 percent, and the trimmings were about four-fifths fat and one-fifth bone. Round and chuck steaks were reduced but 5 percent in weight by trimming, only fat being taken from the former, as a rule, and principally bone from the latter. Other cuts that were materially affected by cutting off surplus fat and bone were the rump, shoulder pot roast, and neck. Pages 165-168 /p/.?] ECONOMY, COMPOSITION AND NUTRITIVE VALUE OF BEEF CUTS 177 24. Relative Economy. Of the various steaks, the porterhouse cuts were highest in net cost of edible meat, and chuck steaks lowest. Of the roasts, the first cut of the prime ribs was relatively dearest and the rump cheapest. The most expensive boiling and stewing cuts, in terms of edible meat, were the shoulder pot roast and clod, while the rib ends and brisket cost the most with respect to lean meat alone, and the shank stew and neck were most economical, either as source of lean or of total meat. Soup bones were exceed- ingly variable in relative economy, the middle cuts from the shanks being relatively cheapest, and the hock and end of the fore shank most expensive. Page 170 In general, the low-priced cuts were by far the most economical sources both of lean and of total edible meat. It is evident, there- fore, that market prices of the various retail cuts of beef are determined chiefly by considerations other than their relative food values. Page 172 In the preparation of samples and in the analytical work of this investigation, valuable assistance was rendered by P. F. Trow- bridge, Elizabeth C. Sprague, L. F. Shackell and ]. M. Barrihart. PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE RETAIL CUTS The following figures, Nos. 13 to 69, are photographs of all the retail cuts of steer No. 3. As previously stated, this was the fat- test of the three steers and was not only highly finished, but some- what over-done. Consequently the illustrations do not represent ideal cuts of beef, but show a larger proportion of fat than usually is desirable. The photographs were taken before trimming. For the amount and nature of the trimmings from each cut see Tables 33 to 38, Appendix. The numbers of the retail cuts refer to those indicated in Fig. 12, page 164. The instances in which these num- bers are not consecutive are due to slight differences in thickness of the cuts. Below is shown the order of the photographs. Fig-. No. Loin steaks 13 to 28 Rib roasts 29 to 32 Rump roast 33 Round steaks 34 to 42 Round pot roast and soup bones 43 to 45 Chuck rib roast 4-6 Chuck steaks 47 to 54 Chuck pot roasts and stews 55 to 60 Plate cuts : brisket, navel and rib ends 61 to 64 Flank steak and stew 65 to G6 Fore shank stew and soup bones 67 to 69 178 BULLETIN No. 158 [July, Fig-. 13. Butt-end sirloin steak. L,oin Cut No. 1. Fig. 14. Wedge-bone sirloin steak. lyoiii cut No. 2. Fig. 15. Round- bon sirloin steak. L/oin cut No. 3. if>i2\ ECONOMY, COMPOSITION AND NUTRITIVE VALUE OF BEEF CUTS 179 Fig. 16. Round-bone sirloin steak. Loin cut No. 4. Fig. 17. Double-bone sirloin steak. Loin cut No. 5. Fig. 18. Hip-bone sirloin steak. Loin cut No. 7. 180 BULLETIN No. 158 [July, Fig. 19. Hip-bone porterhouse steak. L IN Tfl 0> SSS-SS^oSw^Sow O C- 6 M toioco>o>oc\!oco n aoo i-l rH C5 * i* ^^^ssg^^wS CD CO 1 Oli-((MrH CQiH COi-l r-l 1 1 M c S^|2S^^S^SSIS CO CO o> a CO Ol *O ^ O *O CO (M N (M 73 JO GO O3 CO (M T i t CO "^ O *O O O CO Cl t- Sco'2!S2i>' n ' oS$2^ t- >o tfl N a ^5;gSwN*Soo * | o M lH CO % h 0) n to J>-OOO CO (M T ' T 1 GO i ) TH O CO a g S ^ S S5 S S g S o S S S * (M rt 01 a CO C^i O T^ O ^ (M rH OJ "rt SoSSS^^^NN^SSS CO CO C-l O O O CO C^l 'rH Oi "^ 00 O "^ C^O O O t- N g s^^^^^s^^gggs OO O M CO-*OITO-*(M!>CO iHCO T5O T 1 w CO Ui 1) ^ S S g 3 S g 8 3 g o fc OJCDO>O COOt- i 1 O CO r- 1 OS r- 1 r-t T-l T-I t- fl SwcowSoow^wSSiS CO j (M rH CO CO * CO d o n V t g cd "rt OOCOOOOOOOOOOOCOO 00 O H OOOOOOOC5OOOC1OO C5OC5OOOC5CT. 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CO TT C in -*< oo 01 TH 01 co TH Tti c: os oo co co Tf j> in 01 r~ cc >:; cc * ce * CM co os t- OOi-HO Oli-HCOCOCO CO 00 t- J> t>THOO COOCOOJCOCMO5 COi-iOTH iH -^ICOCO Ol O1-*CO T O CO CO TH TH H CO OJ Ol TH _ ^ g S HH en 01 N OS CM CO TH COCMOOCMi-H CCOCCO ^h t^i-.CO OlO^-JO^'O-t-O OOr-^OTH O CO CO TH in t- T r-l r-i H J> Ol CO C tf) Water Dry substance Soluble Tnc^lllhlf . c "5 4 I. C '5 4 > 2^ ; c,s ) Jj ^ f ^ (-, "S (- iH-|L :. ; Non-coagulable protein Total Insoluble protein Total protein Organic extractives Nitrogenous Non-nitrogenous .5 2 : w^2 O< "c.*B 'H "^ *o *2 J5 "o *o "o H3 o i go)cnHr5h' PH 204 BULLETIN No. 158 [My. 8 c/i a w K U O ca [T, <- ift ift TH CO Cs O CS 04 TH TH-rfiift 00 CS TH co * T*I TH ift CO C! OOOOO t> Ci I- tO TH {> TH 00 04 TH CO * C ift tO T- T- O4 04 * CO Z> TH T- CO CO CO CC t- TH TH CO 04 CO CS C! 00 T- C: COlftOO *THlftCOOCOO4 COTHt- O4CC4O4- Tf Tj< O4 tD TH r- CO 1ft TH TH CC TH TH OJ 04 04 o U CS tO TH t Tj< CO t~* t> ^ in cat-to i> TH oo 04 T- CS CO CO CO ac cs t- oc in tc T- OCCOC t-TCVT-T-TftO t-THOC OJOO->CCtO-*O CO Tj< TH tO TH T- to co co 1ft t- TH 04 O 04 CO U U oo to cs m t-i_oo4ccooo4O4 m t- CO C4 tO CO TH 00 CS 00 CCOOO rH t- * TH OS V3 *O 04 to CO tO O! O ift 1ft CO CC t- T-I 00 C4C04O4inO4t> I- rfrl OO 04 TH T- m crc Tf CO 1ft TH TH Tj< TH TH O-l 04 04 OJ _rt ift O CC -* co c: to to cs in Ci Th m to TH oo t- cscotot- int-co o CO in 00 -* 04 C 04 C4 O4 <* e r- 2 r- 04 C a E 04 COOCO 00 CS I- t- Tfr CO OCCOO tO O t- CS t- CO TH -^JH tO GC m co to o * co 04 t- O C T- C! CO in CO C! CO O4 rfi CO CO CO CO cc cs in TH TH m JS 3 r~ ooo cs TH o 00 oo * r- TH 04 CO COtOCS iHTHCOlftCO tOOOlft CC c cc ac >n co 04 m Cl O C- CS T-* O O TH ift tO m co T- ^ T- T- T- f $ ^T TH CS CO TH 04 '5 CS O40CO tO CO CS Tt o cs C4 04 -^ TH m T- CV CO CC TtH C5 t> Z> O Z> O5 CO T- Tt< CO t- CO O CS CO t- TH TH T- O4 CO TH Tj< TH TH CO T-I 04 a, 1 m co O oo TH o T- tO in TH CO CO TH rt t- CO CS CO 04 t- tO O tO CS tO 04 c; to n t 04 t o in TH J> O-! C M O-l "t CC CO tO CO O CO TH TH T- CO T-I 00 -rH CO TH 04 Round CS 04 00 TH COtOCiOCt- ^ H O4tD rt< m co 04 TH co cc TH O "*! Tt< O! CO ift CO CC O4 TH TH ift C4 OO O4 O4 IT CO CO CO T- THTH04 t- 04 CO ^6 c c il m cocoes tOTHi>ino4 mc4i> co to co^t inTHtoccm GCTHCS ^ T-I |> 00 C4 C to tO tO iH 00 04 C OJ 04 1ft C7 CS 04 Tt^ CO t TH TH H. CD CO CO T- CO TH TH CC 04 O4 Constituents Water Dry substance - Soluble Tnsnliiblp . C '5 4- u 2^ O.JI -S-X n o*B c CO Non-coagulable protein Total ! 'C C ~L f C C 4. ~ 1 z \ c "S -(-. Organic extractives Nitrogenous Non-nitrogenous Total Fat .s C a O.-^ -S U* "^ O * i C n o y c< o S o 5*5 c " "^S,, ^"c " o 8'3'3'c'oc gc S* rH CO O OS CM CM OS O OS O O rH Tt< CM tO 1-HOrHrHCO tOOtO GO OrHt- i-H O rH CM CO Tf 00 OOOOrH OS CO 00 rH . T-H r- O CO <*< IO tO rH i 1 CM CM CM rH i-H CM o T-H CM co t~ o o o << o os o as co as o as I s - t -*t< co t~ o o *o ^t< o^ 1 ^ o T-H co o t TT i i cc o oc we Tt< co t-t--* inototocM toosio as to 1-1 i- CM o CM CM * co GO o o o o rH OS CO tO O rH i- tfi CO * ^ tO rH rH CM CM rH rH CM p. o OrHi-H^H(McOiO OOCMOt^t- t ast-o lOt-cMi-cs ot-cM t^ mcocc OT-HI iTfiococo cowi-'^j-'c O CO tO O rH r- to co ^ * >O rH rH CM CM CM rH rH CM o u OO GO t^ o CM a- tO GOOOStOin l> OS t- tD tOOl> i 1 O rH CM Tj< O T O O rH O rH CM CO ^ t- CM CO rH rH CM CM rH i i CO JS 2 5S ^oSw? COOOO O CMrHr}* OOOrHT-H'O.'" to o m T*- o o o o o T-H O rH CO >O 00 00 O rH rH "O c _rt rj* CO t- -O CO O 'f GO CN CMCOtO 00 CMOCO OOOOrHCMrri OOOOO O r-i t- OS co to to t- OO OS T-H rH & rH OSTt^CO O t t^- f> T^ OitDlO rH t tO CO TtO>0 i 1 O rH i-H CO in C5 OOOOrH rH CM tO GO OS O rH tD rH rH a 'o _4 tO CSrHO OtOtOrHt COCOtO 00 t-WO5 Tf< O O to CM i 1 fr t^-oOO'OTf i 1 tOCMOS GSOOSt^tO OtCM CO Tj'T-Hio i lOrHi ICOI>O Oo^^rH CO CM ^ O Tf 10 >ra O r- rH rH CM o. CO COrHT i-Ht-OOCOrH IflO'O tO OCMCM M< rH >n t- CO i 1 Tt" tO^ rH GOCMO OS O OS 1- t- OCOCO CO ICrHO ,-HOrHrHCOt-O Oc cr, >c CO O O rH % W r- 3 2 3 " . - M o c 00 O ^ 00 tO "~ rH OrHt-t-lO OSCMrH tO t^-OOO CMOCM(MOC>'1> rH O i O rH GO Tf tO i-l rH r- IC CO t" CO >O rH CM CM CM (M rH T-L CM OJM c c t- rn^tO i-HOCMOOrH >OOCrO * >Oi-HtO rHOCMrHCOCMtO OOOOrH O CO O CO rH r- CO C 1 to CM CM rH rH CM Constituents Water Dry substance Soluble Insoluble . Total Soluble protein Coagulable protein Non-coagulable protein Total . - Insoluble protein Total nrotein . Organic extractives Nitrogenous Non-nitrogenous Total Fat ; ; C .5 2 . : 1> OH "o oj _, *~ c p p,^ .5 ^ "3 -^ .S O *5 Q, C "^ c "5 "o .2 6P 3 ^ 5 *5 5^5 jj= *o " 2*0 *o O-Q o c ;^c^^Hg^ Phosphorus Soluble inorganic Soluble organic . 3S "o 4: "o i Total phosphorus . 206 BULLETIN No. 158 TABLE 6. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF THE BONELESS MEAT OF THE FORE AND HIND QUARTERS, AND THE ENTIRE SIDES, EXPRESSED IN PERCENT Half carcass 6 co I-H H/CCC r-l>00 "^ OCC^t^ m ** c t- t> ^ oo m o cc 5 00 rH r- M * rH CM rn T-I CO CO 00 TH T-H in rH i-l CO V- (M v 6 CO r^ 8 CO * C< oc-i o 1-1 o IH rf oomoc COOCTf CCCOO <* CCr-Z> "* -t 00 rH TH CJ *( T-I 1-1 TH TH TH OO t- o COt-i-H inCOl-l O COrHt- oooct- >nt-co oo -^r-in in N M rt< C rH - TH i-H O co Z t~- O CO CO CC CO CO TH Tt>nCC! TH THJ^OO rf m C^! CD CO t- CO CO CO 00 O TH t- ^ (M -OOira T- CM CO CO C^C: CO Tf CM mt-CO CiCOOO iracDrH CD COC^ CO CO W CO TH CO C5 TH O OCOGCCD COCOt- C5 M O CO -* CM CM (M TH o CO H CO TH TH O TH ^H lOt-COO i-J O TH t- COOCO O ^ Tfi o CO TH GC l-< CM CD O CO /H t^ O 1C CO Tfi C7S OCOOOO TftDTH GO TfTHlO C5 >O CM iH Tt< CO CO CO CO TH QO C5 TH CI O> l-l TH GCn COCOt- * COOCO O CM CM CM tO l> GC TH Constituents Total weight without l)one " Water Dry substance Soluble Insoluble Total Soluble protein Coagulable < c c"^ ^S 208 BULLETIN No. 158 {July, TABLE 8. RATIO OF NON-PROTEIN TO PROTEIN NITROGEN IN THE BONELESS MEAT OF THE WHOLESALE CUTS Steer No. 1 Steer No. 2 Steer No. 3 In water extract In meats In water extract In meats In water extract In meats Hind shank 1 1 09 1:10.20 1 99 1: 9.70 1 1 12 1:13.53 Round 1 1 30 1: 9.30 1 1 06 1: 8.40 1 94 1: 8.55 Rump 1 1 05 1: 9.40 1 1 04 1: 9.80 1 89 1:10.70 Loin 1 99 1: 8.50 1 1 04 1 : 9 . 00 1 92 1 -11.11 Rib 1 98 1 9 60 1 1 01 1 -10 00 1 97 1 -11 07 Flank 1 1 15 1 '15 00 1 90 1 9 50 1 84 1 -16 08 Plate 1 91 1 '11 60 1 95 1 -10 80 1 83 1 -14 04 Chuck 1 1 08 1 9 90 1 1 12 1 : 9.80 1 59 1 8.61 Clod 1 1 41 1 -11 00 1 94 1 8 70 1 88 1 -10 34 Neck 1 1 21 1 '16 60 1 1 08 1 -10.40 1 1 27 1 -12 57 Fore shank 1 94 1 '10 60 1 99 1 -11.00 1 93 1 -14 86 Average 1 1 02 1 '11 10 1 1 02 1 9 70 1 93 1 -11 95 TABLE 9. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF THE VISIBLE FAT FROM STEERS Nos. 1 AND 2, EXPRESSED IN PERCENT Calculated to the fresh substance Calculated to water-free substance Steer No 1. . . Water Pro- tein Ether extract Ash Nitro- gen Pro- tein Ether extract Ash Nitro- gen 12.07 13.22 4.54 4.30 83.39 82.71 .726 .689 5.17 4.95 94.83 95.32 .826 .794 Steer No. 2 .20 .23 ECONOMY, COMPOSITION AND NUTRITIVE VALUE OF BEEF CUTS 209 rH *rt oSo^N S5wS ^^Sol^ tc rj< O W W ^^^^ COCOfONWCOCO^H O 1> u e w^wSS S5?S ^^?^5^ SI to 6 o to i_ ^t*CDGOOO OOQCGC irtCO^'COrH^'^t t- iH t- (M 5 $S8S c3SS S5^S^^S 00 CO .3 cocofocoiN t- (M Ott>CM-*Tf H OJ CO CO CO Tf CO CO (M N (M rt $gS3 g 8 8 S gj S ^i GO ' U nJ to 01 ccccc { '^ZjB^Jajz'^' ^ U5 CO O t- GO' C5 O i i CI CO* T W to' I> 00 Ci W 210 BULLETIN No. 158 [July, "rt OOOOO t~- CC C*I O ^HOOOGOrHt O to O OOOOO CCC5OO C!OC5OGCC;C5O OOOOO OCSC5O CSCCiOCSCiC-. O c-. o iH ,-< ,-J r T-l i-H ^H ] ID g iftro-^oo w ^ i i os toooNccmco GOT-(TtGO Gc^^cixx^c^o C5 u ft(M'-IN !>COt-tO t-OCO^<00(MMC5 1-1 15 coTjoto GO u aj igo^Sco^SSSSwoSSSSg m o (MW(M(MMs O to 15 ooooob obooooo ooo c o o oooooo ooooooo ooo oooooo ooooooo ooo o r H V c gSi3S SS^S^gg 3 5 <# o i-l i 1 iH i-l r-l CO t_ W 3S.S igoo CO to fj CQ GO o in ^ to GC in to cj cs r^ cc w ^t 1 ^t* GO (M OtOOi>lftGO tO CO * rH in 00 OS GCOtO to n to to m m m to to to to m to to W O :o^5*^'j ccccc OOOOO / * N en g iJ,^, i i, ^ 3 u Illllllll^lllll 1 _o c3 t5 ^rcj^-'^OUQJ^^^^^ 1 ' 3 ^^ J^ ^ ^ ^ -^mtQUjtolnl^oOOOOOOCoSSn 1 c Tit:T;T;i:T:*z:g^g g^g^^'5*s-= o tfliHiflwwtflwa^fcfcfcfcfcfcOGOH l ^^s^co^mtot-GOCvo^^(Mc v ;Ttii.-tot-coc3 W i<)i2\ ECONOMY, COMPOSITION AND NUTRITIVE VALUE OF BEEF CUTS 211 03 O t-^ CO 00 s O CS O CM t- d H rH rH "* CO OS ^* CO OS CO c o O to 00 rH rH rH rH rH d cq z f 1 O5 00 tO rH Zu o ,,_, rH t- O CO CO u oJ ^ co' T)H CM* *' oo rH C * OO l> O OS U T)< 1C to' * C J CM "o -* O Z> l~ rH CO rH rH 00 OS O 00 00 r- H rH CO CM u C !> CM OS 00 rH -* 00 CO ' rH rH * M^ d pq fe CM CM CO OS CO IM OS CD 00 00 CM U V t/) 03 EC, CM CM CM rH O ' CB CM rH O 1C CM -* 00 CM OO O CO t- CO co H CM s OS rH Tfl rH 00 CS * rH 1C CO rH rH ^44 d pq las Tfl tO t- Ir- zz QI CS O t- rH OS cS fe rH CM rH rH to 3 1C O tO CO OS t> 1C O * CM ^ CM CO ^J* ^ rH CO CO CO "2 r2 r2 I -i CM O 00 rH rH i o3 cd o3 *~* 3 sff^S u 1-1 ^_^, f si rt CO CO CO V. *? 03 o3 rt rj O O C C O rH CM' CO" *' W u 3 00 = O O g o o c o d o H O O o rH CO 1 00 O O * Z> t~ CS CO ' O o O 1C "^ ^ ^ d pq rH rH rH rH rH u V -M 00 I- CO 00 t- rH 00 -* CS CO V en Ed CO 1C CM OS ^< CO CO CM 1C CO c CO CO t~ 00 Tj< rH CM rH 1C W CM CO t- O! 00 CM 00 CC 00 00 00 * CO H Os os cs os OS CM t> CO CO . IM 00 rH 00 rH to U U ic" oo' t-^ co oo' tfi CO CM CM CM CM c *< t- CO tO 00 rH O CM O 00 o3 cU rH 00 t- rj< ^J ^ 1C 1C 1C CO 1C "o O C O O O O O O o' d d d o o d H o o o o o rH CU c O Tf CO OS O o 1C CO 00 t- CO d PQ rH rH rH rH ^ cy _,_, CO OS 00 Tt< 1C 00 I- 1C CO i! r^ T co o' CM oo' to W CO CO CM -l CM c O Tfi tO 00 3 CU rH 1C OO CO jj 1-1 ic ic n to 1C CO CO CO 'C 'C 'C CO -w CM O 00 3 rH rH O _ ^ ) C C " C rt rt o3 '- I ~ cs jt! S CU X C^-^^- CO CO CO C/) 2 o3 o3 o3 03 O O O O "c3 OTCMOOUS'-iffO rj< OOtOOOWiH t-OOOOONOOO CO J>lfflTtiOt-O TH o H TH N C5 u t-O COTtiC5C5IM(M t-in-^NT-iT-ii-ii-i w >nrt"Oot-TH O5 o o ^ o m IM CQ TH CO CO TH u W _,_, ocoTHWOoocoo co mmiNOcoeo O5coo5ooocon>o n ot-oo2OTH TH * ,rt fc "* TH TH TH TH ,-, rH M ooo5nOOnfOT-i co r-^csiHt-co OCOtOOSOJ'fflOCO O rHTjTtcoco-*-*on^ TJ< co OTHN o *c3 THOOOC-O5>niTH TH O^THCOCCO THWnOTHl-00 CO OOOiNOTHt- rjco -*-nooot- oo tococx>T-^(McTHIM iH o *c3 ^S?^cogocot3SSwoocSSScS >n TH o H TH o (0 (2 CO TH 03 gg^SSSSS^^SSSSSTtSSg t- CO J C3 CO a : :'::!'; o *-* : g ::::::::::::.:: 15 U >-..>* T3 O 1 rt U ^ tn ^j rt "5 c o l^^^^^^^^^^^^^tSfg^^^ OT-iNf5Tt 1-H i-H i I -^ o u 5DrHNt-OODmO5 00 O5int-OCOC2 t-ocoTHOi-nt-io w ccooiNroto >n t- o X o m 1-1 1-1 TH IO TJH 1-1 O ^ u OOOO O t- C5 t- O l-H t- lMiHO5D-*C5rt<00 (M O>"n-*OOOn * (M rt roi>oorO5DooiMo o -r-it-oweoco CO co 03 OOOt-l--i-l(M>.'5O O t^OOnD'* 1 C5O5O5OOOOOO o coTf to a r-Odi-iooocoi-i oo t~t~t- (O fS t~ ro o 1-1 "c3 OOO^COOOCOrt C2 t- 00 t- TH T-I tOfMSO^i-ICOt-OO CO nOOCO'^'OS 1-H o H oooot~aooor-t-C5 oo t-ooo3i>oot-- OC5OC5OOiOC5 O OC5O5C5OO 00 en V OTjtO(NO TH -*t>rOt-CO>-O 1 1 t- o" [z; o pq O iH 00 ^ C^l W CQ CO CO ^ O^ il O C^ CO TH u OJ 4-> ooocotoj>ooi-* TJ< o>noora(Nn COI>O5OO-^-*C5 5 5CO-*OOCO CO ( co QOOl-OOi-HOt- C5 ow(Mt-no >n *: ?i2ooooaooo?t l> ^Nooco? 00 OOOOOOOC5OOOOOOOOCOO oooooooooooocccocoo o 11 r SSS^SSS8STi:sg5S SSJ? CM * o 005^CONWNWCOCO^5NC^^O t- TH u (U ^'SS^SgggSgggg^wSPS (M T I rs fc ^H(MCOOlH(MCO>0>OC5l-HOT)-i-HTH01t-l-HrH t- 9 ?15SSS2^?2S2^^^g5^ CD * a y^SS8g^g8S58 tt ::::::::::::::::: :^ 01 -*- i :? ::::::::::::::: :o i (U ^^ "Sn fli js .a ccc ^ ooo C C silllimtllllll 111 *o A +- I PC ' u "i < "^j rt tn< t-' CO d TH CQ CO Tt< W t^ 00 05 rl c rt 214 BULLETIN No. 158 (Ju.y. o pq co Tf o to n to in o u m H fe O tn H U O X i<)i2\ ECONOMY, COMPOSITION AND NUTRITIVE VALUE OF BEEF CUTS 215 "w OOOTHMOOOOOtOOOOO 00 o h cSocic:coccccicccc o CS | T 1 ^-t t r r 4> gS8g?. $$ to 03 o O pq r-HT-(T-HT-4iH y-t T * T-H CQ o 1-1 L, U CO CO Ci O *^ O ^ O i~^ O CD CC *O CO to 00 CO rt WN^WwS WW^W^!*WW (N w e 5SSSSS5SS?:SSSgiN -f c 3 SS^SSSSSSSSSg^S o o "rt St2^t2gSi^S5wMc-w C-l N O H --"--------** oc C5 g S??iS5:SiciS5 CS w o fc O M SSSS 00 0000 ^ 00 ^^^ 00 o II u U i?SPS^^^g^SS?: o rt MOOOMMO'Hi iO-1^t < ftOCOGO*OCi;t-OTj.l.'5 H "rt oocococccoocco oooooccccoccco o o o H coooccooccccccc COOCCOOQOCCCCCO o *"* c Tf^OO^C^Jr-io^JC^OCCOOCDOlCC CO U) o O^O^OCSLT^Cl-OCl OCO (M 6 cq o *> (M O t- 00 N rH o CO n LO i_ o to rH CO "c3 o o eo d o O O rH -* 00 O * o H (M O m O rH (M rH rH O N 6 n J> rH CO t~ T-H rH ' ' O -.' * in 00 rH C> >O 3 !> O CO O O 00 gs 35 r rt to 00 >rt rH (M rH a nj Tt< rH C5 O >O Tf CO C5 5D D- a J rH O (M CO i 1 rH >O 00 o CO C/) . to * -^ rH rH (M ra rH OS 3 (M t~ O t- CO * tO * OO tD (M CO O U) a o N 1 4 i 4 c *C i "1 P a * i j ) 1 3, 3 ; i! u _0> 'H, : bo 's 5 O rt 8 g o 2 c 5 SLI Jr o*o-s o - - C P ^ QJ 00 T-H O Tf CS t- 00 O * Tt< CO CO CO S * *c3 CO O C5 (M O t> O (M 3 O Tf * o H O5 O t- 00 O 05 O C5 O r^ rH IM d ^; ' C pq w >n o co 00 rH Tf t> t> W rH O 00 IH HI , rH CO <*" O> CO ci co o >n co OS 1 u OT cS fe C5 O O rH CO CO CO W CO O CO O 00 t- t- O Tf 05 Tt< tO OS OS ia N (M 1- >0 rH n to o w t 1 o * o o o c o o o c; o o o H O O O O O C C O 2 rH d e> ci ,o o rH rH rH S^-s-s-i _j C C P .is 13 S 82l pz^p^^H HJ 5 a o X CO O o OJ 1 03 PH CO O TH TH 1 C ^ O OS ,3 ^ TH O o O X n o X tD TH X in 3 n TH t~ o t- 05 t- tO T- t tO >n H TH O (M Tj< e- CO rt UH N O X OS ro t- Tf< CO - o X 3 Tj< TH O H9 If 1 05 M "3 3 ^ > I c ^^ - o3 ? qj CJD - -*-* _ 4d u W3 . ^- f * >"^ P rt en COH TH ei co' W P U o PC 'a >^ o o to o o X o C5 C O 91 H O C C5 w o a CO c . . o o o d m o X ta oJ ^ CO iH (M CO i-l OJ 3 O CO TH l> X OS CO 1 O C o o o C O o H o o o o u TH CO "(1 iH TH c o ' d m u 01 CO O (M X O >* o (U rS fe TH CO O CO TH O o 05 S IM o c C _^^ 3 S So u OT.S a C ill 05 TH c\i co' w 218 BULLETIN No. 158 [July, X W p U H fc O W la O t- tO T-I -rt< 00 O CO O 00 00 CO cS b H tO * TH CO Ol CO 53 i Tf O t- W c (M d M O (M TH TH o ^ o to oo co O X W tO N tO to i/5 TH o 3 * ^- o 13 C O 00 CO tO rH to GO CJ TH TH TH *" 3 Tf ~ O T-I tO l~ Tt CO O tO r- (M CO 9 o H CO (M rH OJ C\J CJ CO TH t~ r- t^- CQ c Tf tO CO 5 >O GO d o m O TH T-I TH ta b CO tO O t~ TH ft ta TH O (M TH O rH M 1 TH C rH tO CO t- CO O Ci t~ CO C^ O !> O (M J 0} TH *" j i P 75 * 3 J < i /i ? _> ^ U (J c C c C = C o o o o o ^ _^ ^ ^ _o ^ ex ex ex ex ex w O O O O O 5 -IH U rH 0} CO TJ. 10 tO U > *rt c c o o c-c o c c o c o c c O H o c c o c o o c o c o c o " O 9 -* 5 5 t- CS O Tf ft l> (M 1-1 CO SO 1-1 CO * "c3 co ro * j> (O * O t- 00 T- O o CO o H C5 t- t- 00 O CO C5 C5 C5 C5 C5 O 00 C5 j o cj oo i-i n t- C5 CO O O 00 t- C5 d o o o co c to o o >n co f u ly ! C! (M 00 * O 00 -* IN t> T-I a to OT r* fXl O t- T-I TH N t- rt Tf IN 00 OJ TH t- TH T-I o >n o t> -* to a OC OS CO TH T-* 1O 00 OJ CO 1 t> t^ * * o o o c o o c c c c c o 8 o H o c o o c o c c c c c o o c ti O TH O 00 CO >O (M C (M to o 6 o m O TH CO c w 00 c O O CO tO CO rt< U) 00 TH TH CO 00 C5 te 5 Tt" rH T-I t- O O 00 CO CO CO t- CO - . ; 4 C /> .j j * i n d d i ' 5 - c - c o o c o o _c _: ^; j: O, C. C. C. O, i! o o c o o ininminmin ^: c rt "o3 o |> o M-. U t- T^ (M co * '.t o W ECONOMY, COMPOSITION AND NUTRITIVE VALUE OF BEEF CUTS 219 fc I U H H H CO 6 U OJ "3 o H GO CO S S3 O KJ to o to o o tO CM 10 ?- C3 C5 CO O N CM ta w W "* CO CO CO CO CM W N CM ^ CM CM o D O CM - -T O o tO Tt< - "^ CO CO C5 tO (M GC GO CO rt fe (M CO >o 5 x 00 l> C5O5 C5O5GOtO'OGCI> o ".O r-l !H ^H iH c CO CO CO ^* O) a at o %% i ** (MCOOGOGOTft-- a o CO CO CO C4 n 01 CM O o H toocMSMcMCMOt?Co2S3S to ^COCO^^COCOCOCOCOCOWCMCMrHCMCMCM M 8588SSI385SI3583I3585 "O 1 g S SSSSSSg^SwSS CO CM CM a Mgoo^5hoo!355 s 00 CO COCMWCMCOCOCMCMNCMT-tTHrti-lTHi-I^HT rH JD U "o H g $ s i OS CO N CO CO co m o CQ X) o o ^> o 7> o t- CO CXI CO -f ^^^^^ _^o 00 CO Cl 'rt CO GO C5 O CM GO *o vo e- O^^CCO OOGCCM GOtOO^O ^fCOrP 00 d rt 3 CO t- C". s s iO tO ws OGCtOCOOS GOCOCO CO CO CM M CM CM N e _C j5 W Entire trimmed loin -o B o g M (LI _c ^ O ,= r c ^ d o c -z c 3 ^ |j c Q o j: ^H c , ^ . : x- O U2 ^rt COCO(N!> in t- O O IN rH W I> Tf C5 O t- O OO o H t-cow>noo iO CO "^ O Tt< CO ^ t~ c >o r- n o O O5 -* 1 C5 C5 (M IM (M rH Tt* O tO t~ rH t> rH 1 N T-H CO O rH U OOO>nCOrH OO^CIO^JOCO O 1T3 -* 5O T-H I> CO O t- -* >C rt< CO O O5 (M J TfCOCOTtO rH (M CO O "a OOJN'-HIMCVJ OO5 (MQOCO>C35D O * CO O r- 1 r- O tO C O 00 C5 N >O rH l- ^ CO o H WCO^^^rhTtH^ ^ CO ^J 1 GO CO CO CO - Ot rH O5 l-i C5 rH rH ^ rH O5 CO O (M -* 1 CO rH CO rH rH
  • O CO GO TH (M N 5O fi _W 03 CO r*l CJ CO SS^g^SS SS M O O rH CO N CO OJ 3 ococo-ra w rH 1O rH O} W O l~-

    O (X C5 H OrHWWWNWW WWWCJrHWCO^COWW >o IO e s sssg ggggg^g -g o (M 1 'o (M O rH IM oo fc ^S^g^S^g cSs?^s^gs^^s; * CO ~ r2 CO * CO 00 5 OGOCOCOOW t- O 53 S S 8 8 3 B 8 fc CO 3 o CO :::::::::- i u o i ccncc B- o B n c .a 'C wOOOOO OO OOOOO O C O r- r^ ^g o iH O fc 1 o to u u oSSLoo^^^^^owSSo >n >n c/5 rt 1-1 T-l o SSSSSSiS55SSS (M oc 3 ^OlWCOMCOCrSCOCO^COrhrfTtlM (M

    -! O! c^ 't cv c; c> i H 0n 1 1 r S^^SS^WNWM^ScclS 00 o o 55 pq >o u u i^i^^c^^^wS^^s^S 1 i CO i/3 R) ' rH '885S8!c1"?3S!*8 CM 1-H ,3 TJ.^ rHW--l(MlMNCC"*CC(MCCCO 7H <* o> o o U ^^ 3, a o 1 3 u jj< o o o TT I 1_ P^ (^) (^ ) (_) ^) (^ ) C^) (_} (^ ) P i PH PH C/} O f*^i U r4 * o< -^ o t> eo o> o ^' e jij w w 226 BULLETIN No. 158 [July ECONOMY, COMPOSITION AND NUTRITIVE VALUE OF BEEF CUTS 227 TABLE 32. AVERAGE PERCENTAGES OF LEAN, VISIBLE FAT, AND BONE IN THE TRIMMED RETAIL CUTS OF THE THREE CHUCKS Retail chuck cuts Lean Fat Bone Total 1 Roast (5th rib) 65 77 21 13 12 66 99 56 2 Chuck steak 65 57 19 22 14 44 99 07 3 Chuck steak . . 68 58 22 61 8 10 99 14 4. Chuck steak 73.97 15.87 9.76 99 . 60 5. Chuck steak 73.27 17.42 8.64 99.33 6. Chuck steak 77.58 14.46 7.52 99.56 7. Chuck steak 84.41 6.58 8.33 99.32 8. Chuck steak 77.67 13.84 7.81 99.32 9. Chuck steak 76.56 14.74 8.06 99.36 10. Pot roast 77.45 15.03 6.94 99.42 11. Pot roast 69.68 16.60 12.68 98.96 12 Pot roast 78.05 9.11 12.65 99.81 13 Stew 70.63 23.83 5.24 99.70 14 Clod 81.11 13.83 4.80 99.74 15 Neck . . 70.33 15.84 13.45 99.67 Entire trimmed chuck 73 70 16.17 9.65 99.52 228 BULLETIN No. 158 [July, p u w ft, 1 ooo ooooo o CMOOiHCMT-li-lOO O o ooooooo CM CM 00 CJ CO SOOCSOSOOOOOOOOOO OO OOC5O5O5C5O5C5OO OOOOO OO c O pq CO O O t~ ^ X 3 ooosoo ooc>o> oo oo>OOO OOOOO r^(M o o o o o o o o o o o c o CO C5 O r- 230 BULLETIN No. 158 [July, X w u J < r-l OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOCCOCOOOOO ECONOMY, COMPOSITION AND NUTRITIVE VALUE OF BEEF CUTS 231 C COCOCC OOOCOCOO iftOOOCOOO C1C5OOCCCO ICTJ-OOOOOO (M O O O O O O ocsoopoooo OOOOC NOO OOOOOO -^OOOOOOO OOOOOOO oooocoocococcco^ooo cooccooccccccc oetoooooo o-'tcNiooooooo CCOCCCCCCCO Ci U2XOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO o o' o' o o o o o o o o' o o o' o o o o o o o iH 1-1 1 ! i '. l-H Ui O O CO -i ^ C O 6 >o t- co t- oo J> O GO * V5 rl- OCOO"-OO5>-'5Ot-OOt-OO'^ l O fe co n c TH t- O ' OS 5 O >OOOlMOOO(MOi-HCOCOOOOO5 C5OOOOOOOOOC50S rtOO5GOO(MGOCOCOC3i-IOOOt- ooooooooo o o o ooooooooo o o o o ooooooooooooo'oo ooooooooo (MiHOt-lNOOiOO o (/I COOCOOOOMOOOOOOOO-* * - Iff g ' !*0fl UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA Q.630.7IL6B C001 BULLETIN. URBANA 153-1651912-13 30112019528428 p^ JP ^^9 ^j. !