330 Rfe‘»7u IS73 tr Kr \ UNTO THIS LAST. I 1 4 1 UNTO THIS LAST:” (( £oat (Sssajjs ON THE FIRST PRINCIPLES OP POLITICAL ECONOMY. ' BY JOHN EUSKIN. NEW YORK : JOHN WILEY & SON, 15 ASTOR PLACE. 1875. rc3 1H3 L, 3^0 “friend, I DO THEE NO WRONG. DID’ST NOT THOU AGREE WITH ME FOR PENNY? TAKE THAT THINE IS, AND GO THY WAY. I WILL GIVE UNTO IIS LAST EVEN AS UNTO THEE.” “if ye THINK GOOD, GIVE MB' MY PRICE; AND IP NOT, FORBEAR. SO THEY WEIGHED FOR MY PRICE THIRTY PIECES OF SILVER.” V ‘j?r PREFACE. The four following essays were published eighteen months ago in the Cornliill Magazine^ and were reprobated in a vio- lent manner, as far as I could hear, by most of the readers they met with. . Kot a whit the less, I believe them to be the best, that is to say, the truest, rightest-worded, and most serviceable things I have ever written ; and the last of them, having had especial pains spent' on it, is probably the best I shall ever write. “ This,” the reader may reply, “ it might be, yet not therefore well written.” Which, in no mock humility, admitting, I yet rest satisfied with the work, though with nothing else that I have done ; and purposing shortly to follow out the subjects opened in these papers, as I may find leisure, I wish the introductory statements to be with- in the reach of any one who may care to refer to them. So I republish the essays as they appeared. One word only is changed, correcting the estimate of a weight ; and no word is added. Although, however, I find nothing to modify in these Viii PREFACE. papers, it is matter of regret to me that the most startling of all the statements in them, — that respecting the necessity of the organization of labour, with fixed wages, — should have found its way into the first essay ; it being quite one of the least important, though by no means , the least cer- tain, of the positions to be defended. The real gist of these papers, their central meaning and aim, is to give, as I believe' for the first time in plain English, — it has often been incidentally given in good Grreek by Plato and Xeno- phon, and good Latin by Cicero and Horace, — a logical definition of wealth: such definition being absolutely needed for a basis of economical science. The most reput- ed essay on that subject which has appeared in modern times, after opening with the statement that “ writers on political economy profess to teach, or to investigate,* the nature of wealth,” thus follows up the declaration of its thesis — “ Every one has a notion, sufficiently correct for common purposes, of what is meant by wealth.” . . . “ It is no part of the design of this treatise to aim at metaphy- sical nicety of definition.f ” Metaphysical nicety, we assuredly do not need ; but physical nicety, and logical accuracy, with respect to a phy- sical subject, we as assuredly do. * Which? for where investigation 'is necessary, teaching is impos- sible. t Principles of Political Economy. By J. S. Mill. Prehminary remarks, p. 2. TREFACE. ix Suppose the subject of inquiry, instead of being House law {Ollconomia\ had been Star-law {Astronomia)^ and that, ignoring distinction between stars fixed and wandering, as here between wealth radiant and wealth reflective, the writer had begun thus: “Everyone has a notion, suffi- ciently correct for common purposes, of what is meant by stars. Metaphysical nicety in the definition of a star is not the object of this treatise — the essay so opened might yet have been far more true in its final statements, and a thousand-fold more serviceable to the navigator, than any treatise on wealth, which founds its conclusions on the popular conception of wealth, can ever become to the economist. It was, therefore, the first object of these following papers to give an accurate and stable definition of wealth. Their second object was to show that the acquisition of wealth was finally possible only under certain moral con- ditions of society, of which quite the first was a belief in the existence and even, for practical purposes, in the attain- ability of honesty. Without venturing to pronounce — since on such a matter human, judgment is by no means conclusive — what is, or is not, the noblest of God’s works, we may yet adroit so much of Pope’s assertion as that an honest man is among His best works presently visible, and, as things stand, a somewhat rare one ; but not an incredible or miraculous 1 * X PREFACE. work ; still less an abnormal one. Honesty is not a dis- turbing force, wbich deranges the orbits of economy ; but a consistent and commanding force, by obedience to wbich — and by no other obedience — ^those orbits can continue clear of chaos. It is true, I have sometimes heard Pope condemned for the lowness, instead of the height, of his standard : — “ Hon- esty is indeed a respectable virtue ; but how much higher may men attain ! Shall nothing more be asked of us than that we be honest ? ” For the present, good friends, nothing. It seems that in our aspirations to be more than that, we have to some extent lost sight of the propriety of being so much as that. What else we may have lost faith in, there shall be here no question ; but assuredly we have lost faith in common hon- esty, and in the working power of it. And this faith, with the facts on which it may rest, it is quite our first business to recover and keep : not only believing, but even by experience assuring ourselves, that there are yet in the world men who can be restrained from fraud otherwise than by the fear of losing employment nay, that it is even accurately in proportion to the number of such men in any State, that the said State does or can prolong its existence. * “ The effectual discipline which is exercised over a workman is not that of his corporation, but of his customers. It is the fear of losing their employment which restrains his frauds, and corrects his negligence.” {Wealth of Nations^ Book I. chap. 10.) PREFACE. XI To these two points, then, the following essays are main- ly directed. The subject of the organization of labour is only casually touched upon ; because, if we once can get a sufficient quantity of honesty in our captains, the organiza- tion of labour is easy, and will develop itself without quar- rel or difficulty; but if we cannot get honesty in our captains, the organization of labour is for evermore impos- sible. The several conditions of its possibility I purpose to examine at length in the sequel. Yet, lest the reader should be alarmed by the hints thrown out during the fol- lowing investigation of first principles, as if they were lead- ing him into unexpectedly dangerous ground, I will, for his better assurance, state at once the worst of the political creed at which I wish him to arrive. 1. First, — that there should be training schools for youth — established, at Government cost,* and under Government discipline, over the whole country ; that every child born in the country should, at the parent’s wish, be permitted (and, in certain cases, be under penalty required) to pass * It will probably be inquired by near-sighted persons, out of what funds such schools could be supported. The expedient modes of direct provision for them I will examine hereaf er; indirectly, they would be far more than self-supporting. The economy in crime alone, (quite one of the most costly articles of luxury in the modern European mar- ket,) which such schools would induce, would suffice to support them ten times over. Their economy of labour would be pure gain, and that too large to be presently calculable. XU PREFACE. through theru ; and that, in these schools, the child should (with other minor pieces of knowledge hereafter to be con- sidered) imperatively be taught, with the best skill of teach- ing that the country could produce, the following three things : — (a) the laws of health, and the exercises enjoined by them ; {b) habits of gentleness and justice ; and (c) the calling by which he is to live. 2. Secondly, — that, in connection with these training schools, there should be established, also entirely under Government regulation, manufactories and workshops, for the production and sale of every necessary of life, and for the exercise of every useful art. And that, interfering no whit with private enterprise, nor setting any restraints or tax on private trade, but leaving both to do their best, and beat the Government if they could, — there should, at these Government manufactories and shops, be authoritatively good and exemplary work done, and pure and true sub- stance sold; so that a man could be sure, if he chose to pay the Government price, that he got for his money bread that was bread, ale that was ale, and work that was work. 3. Thirdly, — that any man, or woman, or boy, or girl, out of employment, should be at once received at the near- est Government school, and set to such work as it appeared, on trial, they were fit for, at a fixed rate of wages deter- PREFACE. xiii niinable every year: — that, being found incapable of work through ignorance, they should be taught, or being found incapable of work through sickness, should be tended ; but that being found objecting to work, they should be set, under compulsion of the strictest nature, to the more pain- ful and degrading forms of necessary toil, especially to that in mines and other places of danger (such danger being, however, diminished to the utmost by careful regulation and discipline) and the due wages of such work be retain- ed — cost of compulsion first abstracted — to be at the work- man’s command, so soon as he has come to sounder mind respecting the laws of employment. 4. Lastly, — that for the old and destitute, comfort and home should be provided; which provision, when misfor- tune had been by the working of such a system sifted from guilt, would be honourable instead of disgraceful to the receiver. For (I repeat this passage out of my Political Economy of Art^ to which the reader is referred for farther detail “a labourer serves his country with his spade, just as a man in the middle ranks of life serves it with sword, ]Den, or lancet. If the service be less, and, therefore, the wages during health less, then the reward when health is broken may be less, but not less honourable; and it ought to be quite as natural and straightforward a matter for a labourer to take his pension from his parish, because he has deserved well of his^ parish, as for a man in higher rank * Addenda, p. 102. XIV PEEFACE. to take his pension from his country, because he has deserved well of his country.” To which statement, I will only add, for conclusion, respecting the discipline and pay of life and death, that, for both high and low, Livy’s last words touching Valerius Publicola, de publico est elatus^'^ ought not to be a dis- honourable close of epitaph. These things, then, I believe, and am about, as I find power, to explain and illustrate in their various bearings ; following out also what belongs to them of collateral inqui- ry. Here I state them only in brief, to prevent the reader casting about in alarm for my ultimate meaning; yet requesting him, for the present, to remember, that in a sci- ence dealing with so subtle elements as those of human nature, it is only possible to answer for the final truth of principles, not for the direct success of plans : and that in the best of these last, what can be immediately accomplish- ed is always questionable, and what can be finally accom- plished, inconceivable. * “ P. Yalerius, omnium consensu princeps belli pacisque artibus, anno post moritur; gloria ingenti, copiis familiaribus adeo exiguis, ut funeri sumtus deesset: de publico est elatus. Luxere matronse ut Brutum.” — Lib. IE. c. xvi. Denmarh Hill, Kith May, 1862. CONTENTS. ESSAY page I. — The Roots of Honour . . • . . . .17 II. — The Veins of Wealth 43 63 III. — Qui JUDICATIS TeRRAM IV. — Ad Valorem . 90 UNTO THIS LAST” U ESSAY I. THE ROOTS OF HONOUR, Among the delusions which at different periods have pos- sessed themselves of the minds of large masses of the human race, perhaps the most curious — certainly the least creditable —-is the modern soi-disant science of political economy, based on the idea that an advantageous code of social action may be determined irrespectively of the influence of social affection. Of course, as in the instances of alchemy, astrology, witch- craft, and other such populai' creeds, political economy has a plausible idea at the root of it. “ The social affections,” says the economist, “ are accidental and disturbing elements in human nature; but avarice and the desire of progress are constant elements. Let us eliminate the inconstants, and, considering the human being merely as a covetous machine, examine by what laws of labour, purchase, and sale, the greatest accumulative result in wealth is attainable. Those 18 THE ROOTS OF HONOUR. laws once determined, it will be for each individual after- wards to introduce as much of the disturbing affectionate element as he chooses, and to determine for himself the result on the new conditions supposed.” This would be a perfectly logical and successful method of analysis, if the accidentals afterwards to be introduced were of the same nature as the powers first examined. Supposing a body in motion to be influenced by constant and inconstant forces, it is usually the simplest way of examining its course to trace it first under the persistent conditions, and afterwards introduce the causes of variation. But the disturbing elements in the social problem are not of the same nature as the constant ones; they alter the essence of the creature under examination the moment they are added; they operate, not mathematically, but chemically, introducing conditions which render all our previous knowledge unavailable. We made learned experi- ments upon pure nitrogen, and have convinced ourselves that it is a very manageable gas: but behold! the thing which we have practically to deal with is its chloride ; and this, the moment we touch it on our established principles, sends us and our apparatus through the ceiling. Observe, I neither impugn nor doubt the conclusions of the science, if its terms are accepted. I am simply unin- terested in them, as I should be in those of a science of THE BOOTS OF HONOUR. 19 gymnastics which assumed that men had no skeletons. It might be shown, on that^ supposition, that it would be advantageous to roll the students up into pellets, flatten them into cakes, or stretch them into cables; and that when these results were effected, the re insertion of the skeleton would be attended with various inconveniences to their constitution. The reasoning might be admirable, the conclusions true, and the science deficient only in applica- bility. Modern political economy stands on a precisely similar basis. Assuming, not that the human being has no skeleton, but that it is all skeleton, it founds an ossi- fiant theory of progress on this negation of a soul ; and having shown the utmost that may be made of bones, and constructed a number of interesting geometrical figures with death’s-heads and humeri, successfully proves the inconvenience of the reappearance of a soul among these corpuscular structures. I do not deny the truth of this theory: I simply deny its applicability to the present phase of the world. This inapplicability has been curiously manifested during the embarrassment caused by the late strikes of our work- men. Here occurs one of the simplest cases, in a per- tinent and positive form, of the first vital problem -which p>olitical economy has to deal with (the relation between employer and employed) ; and at a severe crisis, when 20 THE BOOTS OF HONOUR. lives in multitudes, and wealth m masses, are at stake, the political economists are helpless-^-practically mute ; no demon- strable solution of the difficulty can be given by them, such as may convince or calm the opposing parties. Obsti- nately the masters take one view of the matter ; obstinately the oj)eratives another; and no political science can set them at one. It would be strange if it could, it being not by “science” of any kind that men were ever intended to be set at one. Disputant after disputant vainly strives to show that the interests of the masters are, or are not, antagonistic to those of the men : none of the pleaders ever seeming to remember that it does not absolutely or always follow that the persons must be antagonistic because their interests are. If there is only a crust of bread in the house, and mother and chil- dren are starving, their interests are not the same. K the mother eats it, the children want it; if the children eat it, the mother must go hungry to her work. Yet it does not necessarily follow that there will be “ antagonism ” between them, that they will fight for the crust, and that the mother, being strongest, will get it, and eat it. Neither, in any other case, whatever the relations of the persons may be, can it be assumed for certain that, because their interests are diverse, they must necessarily regard each other with hos- tility, and use violence or cunning to obtain the advantage. THE ROOTS OF HONOUR. 21 Even if tins were so, and it were as just as it is convei ient to consider men as actuated by no other moral influences than those which afiect rats or swine, the logical conditions of the question are still indeterminable. It can never be shown generally either that the interests of master and la- bourer are alike, or that they are Opposed ; for, according to circumstances, they may be either. It is, indeed, always the interest of both that the work should be rightly done, and a just price obtained for it; but, in the division of ]3rofits, the gain of the one may or may not be the loss of the otlier. It is not the master’s interest to pay wages so low as to leave the men sickly and depressed, nor the workman’s interest to be paid high wages if the smallness of the master’s profit hinders him from enlarging,his business, or conducting it in a safe and liberal way. A stoker ought not to desire high pay if the company is too poor to keep the engine-wheels in repair. And the varieties of circumstances which influence these reciprocal interests are so endless, that all endeavour to deduce rules of action from balance of expediency is in vain. And it is meant to be in vain. For no human actions ever were intended by the Maker of men to be guided by balances of expediency, but by balances of justice. He has therefore rendered all endeavours to determine expediency futile for evermore. No man ever knew, or can know, what will be 22 THE EOOTS OF HONOUR. the ultimate result to himself, or to others, of any given lino of conduct. But every man may know, and most of us do know, what is a just and unjust act. And all of us may know also, that the consequences of justice will he ultimately th best possible, both to others and ourselves, though we can neither say what is best, nor how it is likely to come to pass. I have said balances of justice, meaning, in the term jus- tice, to include affection, — such affection as one man owes to another. All right relations between master and opera- tive, and all their best interests, ultimately depend on these. We shall find the best and simplest illustration of the relations of master and operative in the position of domestic servants. We will suppose that the master of a household desire? only to get as much work out of his servants as he can, at the rate of wages he gives. He never allows them to be idle ; feeds them as poorly and lodges them as ill as they will endure, and in all things pushes his requirements to the exact point beyond which he cannot go without Ibrcing the servant to leave him. In doing this, there is no violation on his part of what is commonly called “justice.” He agrees with the domestic for his whole time and service, and takes them ; the limits of hardshipan treatment being fixed by the practice of other masters in his neighbourhood ; that is to say, by the current rate of wages for domestic labour. If the THE ROOTS OF HONOUR. 23 servant can get a bett»T place, he is free to take one, and the master can only tell what is the real market value of his labour, by requiring as much as he will give. This is the politico-economical view of the case, according to the doctors of that science ; who assert that by this proce- dure the greatest average of work will be obtained from the servant, and therefore, the greatest benefit to the commu- nity, and through the community, by reversion, to the servant himself. That, however, is not so. It would be so if the servant were an engine of which the motive power was steam, mag- netism, gravitation, or any other agent of calculable force. But he being, on the contrary, an engine whose motive power is a Soul, the force of this very peculiar agent, as an unknown quantity, enters into all the political economist’s equations, without his knowledge, and falsifies every one of their results. The largest quantity of work will not be done by this curious engine for pay, or under pressure, or by help of any kind of fuel which may be applied by the chaldron. It will be done only when the motive force, that is to say, the will or spirit of the creature, is brought to its greatest strength by its own proper fuel ; namely, by the aflfcctions. It may indeed happen, and does happen often, that if the master is a man of sense and energy, a large quantity of material work may be done under mechanical pressure, 24 THE BOOTS OF HONOUR. enforced by strong will and guided by wise method; also it may happen, and does happen often, that if the master is ' indolent and weak (however good-natured), a very small quantity of work, and that bad, may be produced by the servant’s undirected strength, and contemptuous gratitude. But the universal law of the matter is that, assuming any given quantity of energy and sense in master and servant, the greatest material result obtainable by them will be, not through antagonism to each other, but through affection for each other ; and that if the master, instead of endeavouring to get as much work as possible from the servant, seeks rather to render his appointed and necessary work beneficial to him, and to forward his interests in all just and wholesome ways, the real amount of work ultimately done, or of g>)od rendered, by the person so cared for, will indeed be the greatest possible. Observe, I say, “ of good rendered,” for a servant’s work is not necessarily or always the best thing he can give his master. But good of all kinds, whether in material service, in protective watchfulness of his master’s interest and credit, ^ or in joyful readiness to seize unexpected and irregular occa sions of help. I^or is this one whit less generally true because indulgence will be frequently^bused, and kindness met with ingratitude. For the servant who, gently treated, is ungrateful, treated THE ROOTS OF HONOUR. 25 ungently, will be revengeful ; and the man who is dishonest to a liberal master will be injurious to an unjust one. In any case, and with any person, this unselfish treatment will ]3i*oduce the most effective return. Observe, I am hei e considering the affections whollv n -motive • • not at all as things in themselves desirable or noble, or in any other way abstractedly good. I look at them simply as an anoma- lous force, rendering every one of the ordinary jiolitical eco- nomist’s calculations nugatory ; while, even if he desired to introduce this new element into his estimates, he has no power of dealing with it ; for the affections only become a true motive power when they ignore every other motive and condition of political economy. Treat the servant kindly, with the idea of turning his gratitude to account, and you will get, as you deserve, no gratitude, nor any value for your kindness ; but treat him kindly without any economical pur- pose, and all economical purposes will be answered ; in this, as in all other matters, whosoever will save his life shall lose it, and whoso loses it shall find it.* * The difference between the two modes of treatment, and between their effective material results, may be seen very accurately by a comparison of the relations of Esther and Charlie in Bleak House, with those of iilisa Brass and the Marchioness in Master Humphrey's Clock. The essential value and truth of Dickens’s witings have been unwisely lost sight of by many thoughtful persons, merely because he presents .hia 2 26 THE ROOTS OF HONOUR* The next clearest and simplest example of relation between master and operative is that which exists between the com- mander of a regiment and his men. Supposing the officer only desires to apply the rules of dis- cipline SO as, with least trouble to himself, to make the regi- ment most effective, he will not be able, by any rules, or administration of rules, on this selfish principle, to develop truth with some colour of caricature. Unwisely, because Dickens’s carica- ture, though often gross, is never mistaken. Allowing for his manner of telling them, the things he teUs us are always true. I wish that he could think it right to limit his brilliant exaggeration to works written only for public amusement ; and when he takes up a subject of high national import- ance, such as that which he handled in Hard Times, that he would use "everer and more accurate analysis. The usefulness of that work (to -my mind, in several respects, the greatest he has written) is with many persons seriously diminished because Mr. Bounderby is a dramatic monster, instead of a characteristic example of a worldly master ; and Stephen Blackpool a dramatic perfection, instead of a characteristic example of an honest work- man. But let us not lose the use of Dickens’s wit and insight, because he chooses to speak in a circle of stage fire. He is entirely right in his main drift and purpose in every book he has written ; and all of them, but espe- cially Hard Times, should be studied with close and earnest care by persons interested in social questions. They will find much that is partial, and, be- cause partial, apparently unjust ; but if they examine all the evidence on the other side, which Dickens seems to overlook, it will appear, after aU their trouble, tliat his view was the finally right one, grossly and sharply told. THE KOOTS OF HONOUR. 27 the full strength of his subordinates. If a man of sense and firmness, he may, as in the former instance, produce a better result than would be obtained by the irregular kindness of a weak oflScer ; but let the sense and firmness be the same in both cases, and assuredly the officer who has the most direct personal relations with his men, the most care for their interests, and the most value for their lives, will develop their effective strength, through their affection for his own j^erson, and trust in his character, to a degree wholly unat- tainable by other means. The law applies still more strin- gently as the numbers concerned are larger; a charge may often be successful, though the men dislike their officers ; a battle has rarely been won, unless they loved their general. Passing from these simple examples to the more complicated relations existing between a manufacturer and his workmen, we are met first by certain curious difficulties, resulting, apparently, from a harder and colder state of moral elements. It is easy to imagine an enthusiastic affection existing among soldiers for the colonel. !N’ot so easy to imagine an enthusiastic affection among cotton-spinners for the proprietor of the mill. A body of men associated for purposes of robbery (as a High- land clan in ancient times) shall be animated by perfect affec- tion, and every member of it be ready to lay down his life for the life of his chief. But a band of men associated for purposes of legal production and accumulation is usually animated, it 28 THE ROOTS OF HONOUR. appears, by no such emotions, and none of them are in any- wise willing to give his life for the life of his chief, hfot only are we met by this apparent anomaly, in moral matters, but by others connected with it, in administration of system. For a servant or a soldier is engaged at a definite rate of wages, for a definite period ; but a workman at a rate of wages vari- able according to the demand for labour, and with the risk of being at any time thrown out of his situation by chances of trade. N^ow, as, under these contingencies, no action of the affections can take place, but only an explosive action of ^?^5aflfections, two points offer themselves for consideration in the matter. The first — How far the rate of wages may be so regu- lated as not to vary with the demand for labour. The second — How far it is possible that bodies of work- men may be engaged and maintained at such fixed rate of wages (whatever the state of trade may be), without enlarging or diminishing their number, so as to give them permanent interest in the establishment with which they are connected, like that of the domestic servants in an old family, or an esprit de corps^ like that of the soldiers in a crack regiment. The first question is, I say, how far it may be possible to fix the rate of wages ’'’"^snectively of the demand for labour. THE EOOTS OF HONOUR. 29 Perhaps one of the most curious facts in the History of human error is the denial by the common political econo- mist of the possibility of thus regulating wages; while for all the important, and much of the unimportant, labour on the earth, wages are already so regulated. We do not sell our prime-ministership by Dutch auction ; nor, on the decease of a bishop, whatever may be the general advantages of simony, do we (yet) offer his diocese to the clergyman who will take the episcopacy at the low- est contract. We (with exquisite sagacity of political eco- nomy !) do indeed sell commissions, but not openly, general- ships: sick, we do not inquire for a physician who takes less than a guinea; litigious, we never think of reducing six-and-eightpence to fom-and-sixpence ; caught in a shower, we do not canvass the cabmen, to find one who values his driving at less than sixpence a mile. It is true that in all these cases there is, and in every conceivable case there must be, ultimate reference to the presumed difficulty of the work, or number of candidates for the office. If it were thought that the labour necessary to make a good physician would be gone through by a sufficient number of students with the prospect of only half- guinea fees, public consent would soon withdraw the unne- cessary half-guinea. In this ultimate sense, the price of labour is indeed always regulated by the demand for it; 30 THE ROOTS OF HONOUR. but SO far as the practical and immediate administration of the matter is regarded, the best labour always has been, and is, as all labour ought to be, paid by an invariable standard. “ What !” the reader, perhaps, answers amazedly : “ pay good and bad workmen alike ?” Certainly. The difference between one prelate’s sermons and his successor’s, — or between one physician’s opinion and another’s — is far greater, as respects the qualities of mind involved, and far more important in result to you personally, than the difference between good and bad lay- ing of bricks (though that is greater than most people suppose). Yet you pay with equal fee, contentedly, the good and bad workmen upon your soul, and the good and bad workmen upon your body; much more may you pay, con- tentedly, with equal fees, the good and bad workmen upon your house. “ ISTay, but I choose my physician and (?) my clergy- man, thus indicating my sense of the quality of their work.” By all means, also, choose your bricklayer; that is the proper reward of the good workman, to be “chosen.” The natural and right system respecting all labour is, tliat it should be paid at a fixed rate, but the good workman employed, and the bad workman unemployed. The false, unnatural, and destructive system is when the bad work- THE HOOTS OF HONOUR. 31 man is allowod to offer his work at half-price, and either take the place of the good, or force him by his competition to work for an inadequate sum. This equality of wages, then, being the first object towards which we have to discover the directest available road ; the second is, as above stated, that of maintaining constant numbers of wor’’’'-’V'v in emnlovment, whatever may be the accidental demand for the article they produce. I believe the sudden and extensive inequalities of demand which necessarily arise in the mercantile operations of an active nation, constitute the only essential difficulty which has to be overcome in a just organization of labour. The subject opens into too many branches to admit of being investigated in a paper of this kind ; but the following gene- ral facts bearing on it may be noted. The wages which enable any workman to live are neces- sarily higher, if his work is liable to intermission, than if it is assured and continuous ; and however severe the struggle for work may become, the general law will always hold, tliat men must get more daily pay if, on the average, they can only calculate on work three days a week, than they would require if they were sure of work six days a week. Sup- posing that a man cannot live on less than a shilling a day, his seven shillings he must get, either for three days’ violent work, or six days’ deliberate work. The tendency of all 32 THE ROOTS OF HOI^'OUR. modern mercantile operations is to throw both wages and trade into the form of a lottery, and to make the workman’s pay depend on intermittent exertion, and the principal’s pro- fit on dexterously used chance. In what partial degree, I repeat^ this may be necessary, in consequence of the activities of modern trade, I do not here investigate ; contenting myself with the fact, that in its fatallest aspects it is assuredly unnecessary, and results merely from love of gambling on the part of the masters, and from ignorance and sensuality in the men. The masters cannot bear to let any opportunity of gain escape them, and frantically rush at every gap and breach in the walls of Fortune, raging to be rich, and affronting, with impatient covetousness, every risk of ruin ; while the men prefer three days of violent labour, and three days of drunkenness, to six days of moderate work and wise rest. There is no way in which a principal, who really desires to help his workmen, may do it more effectually than by checking these disorderly habits both in himself and them ; keeping his own business operations on a scale which will enable him to pursue them securely, not yielding to temptations of precarious gain ; and, at the same time, leading his workmen into regular habit of labour and life, either by inducing them rather to take low wages in the form of a fixed salary, than high wages, subject to the chance of their being thrown out of work; or, THE BOOTS OF HONOUR. 33 if this be impossible, by discouraging the system of violent exertion for nominally high day wages, and leading the men to take lower pay for more regular labour. In effecting any radical changes of this kind, doubtless there would be great inconvenience and loss incurred by all the originators of movement. That which can be done with perfect convenience and without loss, is not always the thing that most needs to be done, or which we are most imperatively required to do. I have already alluded to the difference hitherto existing between regiments of men associated for purposes of vio- lence, and for purposes of manufacture; in that the former appear capable of self-sacrifice — the latter, not ; which singu- lar fact is the real reason of the general lowness of estimate in which the profession of commerce is held, as compared with that of arms. Philosophically, it does not, at first sight, appear reasonable (many writers have endeavoured to prove it unreasonable) that a peaceable and rational person, whose trade is buying and selling, should be held in less honour than an unpeaceable and often irrational person, whose trade is slaying. ISTevertheless, the consent of mankind has always, in spite of the philosophers, given precedence to the soldier. And this is right. For the soldier’s trade, verily and essentially, is not slay- ing, but being slain. This, without well knowing its owe 2 * 84 THE ROOTS OF HONOUR. meaning, the world honours it for. A bravo’s trade is slay* ing; but the world has never respected bravos more than merchants : the reason it honours the soldier is, because he holds his life at the service of the State. Reckless he may be — fond of pleasure or of adventure — all kinds of bye-motives and mean ^impulses may have determined the choice of his profession, and may affect (to all appearance exclusively) his daily conduct in it ; but our estimate of him is based on this ultimate fact — of which we are well assured — that, put him in a fortress breach, with all the pleasures of the world behind him, and only death and his duty in front of him, he will keep his face to the front; and he knows that this choice may be put to him at any moment, and has beforehand taken his part — virtually takes such part continually — does, in reality, die daily. Rot less is the respect we pay to the lawyer and physician, founded ultimately on their self-sacrifice. Whatever the learn- ing or acuteness of a great lawyer, our chief respect for him depends on our belief that, set in a judge’s seat, he will strive to judge justly, come of it what may. Could we suppose that he would take bribes, and use his acuteness and l(‘gal know- ledge to give plausibility to iniquitous decisions, no degree of intellect would win for him our respect. Rothing will win it, short of our tacit conviction, that in all imj^ortant acts of his life justice is first with him; his own interest, second. THE ROOTS OF HONOUR. 35 In the case of a physician, the ground of the honour we render him is clearer still. Whatever his science, we should shrink from him in horror if we found him regard his patients merely as subjects to experiment upon; much more, if we found that, receiving bribes from persons interested in their deaths, he was using his best skill to give poison in* the mask of medicine. Finally, the principle holds with utmost clearness as it respects clergymen. N^o goodness of disposition will excuse want of science in a physician or of shrewdness in an advo- cate ; but a clergyman, even though his power of intellect be small, is respected on the presumed ground of his unselfish- ness and serviceableness. 'Now there can be no question but that the tact, foresight, decision, and other mental powers, required for the success- ful management of a large mercantile concern, if not such as could be compared with those of a great lawyer, general, or divine, would at least match the general conditions of mind required in the subordinate officers of a ship, or of a regiment, or in the curate of a country parish. If, therefore, all the efficient members of the so-called liberal professions are still, somehow, in public estimate of honour, preferred before the head of a commei'cial firm, the reason must lie deeper than in the measurement of their several powers of mind. And the essential reason for such preference will be found 36 THE HOOTS OE HONOUR. to lie in the fact that the merchant is presumed to act always selfishly. His work may be very necessary to the commu- nity ; but the motive of it is understood to be wholly per- sonal. The merchant’s first object in all his dealings must be (the public believe) to get as much for himself, and leave as little to his neighbour (or customer) as possible. Enforcing this upon him, by political statute, as the necessary principle of his action ; recommending it to him on all occasions, and themselves reciprocally adopting it; proclaiming vociferously, for law of the universe, that a buyer’s function is to cheapen, and a seller’s to cheat, — the public, nevertheless, involuntarily condemn the man of commerce for his compliance with their own statement, and stamp him for ever as belonging to an inferior grade of human iDersonality. This they will find, eventually, they must give up doing. They must not cease to condemn selfishness ; but they will have to discover a kind of commerce which is not exclusively selfish. Or, rather, they will have to discover that there never was, or can be, any other kind of commerce ; that this which they have called commerce was not commerce at all, but cozening ; and that a true merchant dififers as much from a merchant according to laws of modern political economy, as the hero of the Excursion from iVutolycus. They will find that commerce is an occupation which gentlemen will every day see more need to engage in, ratlier than in the THE EOOTS OF HONOUR. 37 businesses of talking to men, or slaying them; that, in tiue commerce, as in true preaching, or true fighting, it is neces- sary to admit the idea of occasional voluntary loss ; — that sixpences have to be lost, as well as lives, under a sense of duty; that the market may have its martyrdoms as well as the pulpit ; and trade its heroisms, as well as war. May have — in the final issue, must have — and only has not had yet, because men of heroic temper have always been mis- guided in their youth into other fields, not recognizing what is in our days, perhaps, the most important of all fields ; so that, while many a zealous j^erson loses his life in trying to teach the form of a gospel, very few will lose a hundred pounds in showing the practice of one. The fact is, that people never have had clearly explained to them the true functions of a merchant with respect to other people. I should like the reader to be very clear about this. Five great intellectual professions, relating to daily neces- sities of life, have hitherto existed — three exist necessarily, in every civilized nation : The Soldier’s profession is to defend it. The Pastor’s, to teach it. The Physician’s, to keep it in health. The Lawyer’s, to enforce justice in it. The Merchant’s, to provide for it. 38 THE HOOTS OF HONOUR. And the duty of all these men is, on due occasion, to die for it. “ On due occasion,” namely : — The Soldier, rather than leave his post in battle. The Physician, rather than leave his post in plague. The Pastor, rather than teach Falsehood. The Lawyer, rather than countenance Injustice. The Merchant — "What is his “ due occasion ” of death ? It is the main question for the merchant, as for all of us. For, truly, the man who does not know when to die, does not know how to live. Observe, the merchant’s function (or manufacturer’s, for in the broad sense in which it is here used the word must be understood to include both) is to jrrovide for the nation. It is no more his function to get profit for himself out of that provision than it is a clergyman’s function to get his sti- pend. The stipend is a due and necessary adjunct, but not the object, of his life, if he be a true clergyman, any more than his fee (or honorarium) is the object of life to a true physician. ISTeither is his fee the object of life to a true mer- chant. All three, if true men, have a work to be done irrespective of fee — to be done even at any cost, or for quite the contrary of fee ; the pastor’s function being to teach, the physician’s to heal, and the merchant’s, as I have said, to provide. That is to say, he has to understand to their very THE HOOTS OF HONOUR. 39 root the qualities of the thing he deals in, and the means of obtaining or producing it; and he has to apply all his saga- city and energy to the producing or obtaining it in perfect state, and distributing it at the cheapest possible price where it is most needed. * And because the production or obtaining of any commo- dity involves necessarily the agency of many lives and hands, the merchant becomes in the course of his business the mas- ter and governor of large masses of men in a more direct, though less confessed way, than a military officer or pastor so that on him falls, in great part, the responsibility for th^ kind of life they lead : and it becomes his duty, not only to be always considering how to produce what he sells in the purest and cheapest forms, but how to make the various employments involved in the production, or transference of it, most beneficial to the men employed. And as into these two functions, requiring for their right exercise the highest intelligence, as well as patience, kind- ness, and tact, the merchant is bound to put all his energy, so for their just discharge he is bound, as soldier or physician is bound, to give up, if need be, his life, in such way as may be demanded of him. Two main points he has in bis providing function to maintain : first, his engagements (faithfulness to engagements being the real root of all j)ossibilities in com- merce) ; and, secondly, the perfectness and purity of the 40 THE ROOTS OF HO?«'OUR. thing provided ; so that, rather than fail in any engagement, or consent to any deterioration, adulteration, or unjust and exorbitant price of that which he provides, he is bound to meet fearlessly any form of distress, poverty, or labour, which may, through maintenance of these points, come upon him. Again : in his office as governor of the men employed by him, the merchant or manufacturer is invested with a dis- tinctly paternnl authority and responsibility. In most cases, a youth entering a commercial establishment is withdrawn altogether from home influence; his master must become his father, else he has, for practical and constant help, no father at hand : in all cases the master’s authority, together with the general tone and atmosphere of his business, and the character of the men with whom the youth is compelled in the course of it to associate, have more immediate and pressing weight than the home influence, and will usually neutralize it either for good or evil ; so that the only means which the master has of doing justice to the men employed by him is to ask himself sternly whether he is dealing with such subordinate as he would with his own son, if com- pelled by circumstances to take such a position. Supposing the captain of a frigate saw it right, or were by any chance obliged, to place his own son in the position of a common sailor; as he would then treat his son, he is bound always to treat every one of the men under him. THE EOOTS OF HONOUR. 41 So, also, supposing the master of a manufactory saw it right, or were by any chance obliged, to place his own son in the position of an ordinary workman ; as he would then treat his son, he is bound always to treat every one of his men. This is the only effective, true, or practical Rule which can be given on this jDoint of political economy. And as the captain of a ship is bound to be the last man to leave his ship in case of wreck, and to share his last crust with the sailors in case of famine, so the manu- facturer, in any commercial crisis or distress, is bound to take the suffering of it with his men, and even to take more of it for himself than he allows his men to feel ; as a , father would in a famine, shipwreck, or battle, sacrifice himself for his son. All which sounds very strange ; the only real strangeness- in the matter being, nevertheless, that it should so sound. For all this is true, and that not partially nor theoretically, out everlastingly and practically: all other doctrine than this respecting matters political being filse in premises, absurd in deduction, and impossible in practice, consistently with any progressive state of national life; all the life which we now possess as a nation showing itself in the resolute denial and scorn, by a few strong minds and faith- ful hearts, of the economic principles taught to our mul- titudes, which principles, so far as accepted, lead straight 42 THE ROOTS OF HONOUR. to national destruction. Respecting the modes and forms of destruction to which they lead, and, on the other hand, respecting the farther practical working of true polity, I hope to reason further in a following paper. ESSAY II. THE VEIN’S OF WEALTH The answer whicli would be made by any ordinary jDolitical economist to tbe statements contained in the preceding paper, is in few words as follows : — “It is indeed true that certain advantages of a general nature may be obtained by tbe development of social affec- tions. But political economists never professed, nor profess, to take advantages of a general nature into consideration. Our science is simply the science of getting rich. So far from being a fallacious or visionary one, it is found by experience to be practically effective. Persons who follow its precepts do actually become rich, and persons who dis- obey them become poor. Every capitalist of Europe has acquired his fortune by following the known laws of our sci- ence, and increases his capital daily by an adherence to them. It is vain to bring forw^ard tricks of logic, against the force of accomplished facts. Every man of business knows by experience how money is made, and how it is lost.” Pardon me. Men of business do indeed know how they themselves made their money, or how, on occasion, they lost 44 THE VEINS OF WEALTH. it. Playing a long-practised game, they are familiar with the chances of its cards, and can rightly explain their losses and gains. But they neither know who keeps the hank of the gamhling-house, nor what other games may he played witli the same cards, nor what other losses and gains, far away among the dark streets, are essentially, though invi- sibly, dependent on theirs in the lighted rooms. They have learned a few, and only a few, of the laws of mercantile economy ; hut not one of those of political economy. Primarily, which is very notable and curious, I observe that men of business rarely know the meaning of the word “ rich.” At least if they know, they do not in their reason- ings allow for the fact, that it is a relative word, implying its opposite “poor” as positively as the word “north” implies its opposite “ south.” Men nearly always speak and write as if riches were absolute, and it were possible, by following certain scientific precepts, for everybody to be rich. Whereas riches are a power like that of electricity, acting only through inequalities or negations of itself. The force of the guinea you have in your pocket depends wholly on the default of a guinea in your neighbour’s pocket. If he did not want it, it would be of no use to you; the degree of power it possesses depends accurately upon the need or desire he has for it, — and the art of making yourself rich, in the ordinary mercantile economist’s sense, is therefore THE VEII^S OF WEALTH. 45 equally and necessarily the art of keeping your neiglibour j)oor. I would not contend in this matter (and rarely in any mat- ter), for the acceptance of terms. But I wish the reader clearly and deeply to understand the difference between the two economies, to which the terms “Political” and “Mer- cantile ” might not unadvisably be attached. Political economy (the economy of a State, or of citizens) consists simply in the production, preservation, and distribu- tion, at fittest time and place, of useful or pleasurable things. The farmer who cuts his hay at the right time ; the ship- wright who drives his bolts well home in sound wood ; the builder who lays good bricks in well-tempered mortar ; the housewife who takes care of- her furniture in the parlour, and guards against all waste in her kitchen ; and the singer who rightly disciplines, and never overstrains her voice : are all political economists in the true and final sense ; adding con- tinually to the riches and well-being of the nation to which they belong. But mercan tile economy, the economy of “ merces ” or of “pay,” signifies the accumulation, in the hands of individuals, of legal or moral claim upon, or power over, the labour of others ; every such claim implying precisely as much poverty or 4cbt on one side, as it implies riches or right on the other. It does not, therefore, necessarily involve an addition to 46 THE VEINS OF WEALTH. the actual property, or well-being, of the State in which it exists. But since this commercial wealth, or power over labour, is nearly always convertible at once into real pro- perty, while real property is not always convertible at once into power over labour, the idea of riches among active men in civilized nations, generally refers to commercial wealth; and in estimating their possessions, they rather calculate the value of their horses and fields by the number of guineas they could get for them, than the value of their guineas by the number of horses and fields they could buy with them. There is, however, another reason for this habit of mind ; namely, that an accumulation of real property is of little use to its owner, unless, together with it, he has commercial power over labour. Thus, suppose any person to be put in possession of a large estate of fruitful landj with rich beds of gold in its gravel, countless herds of cattle in its pastures ; houses, and gardens, and storehouses full of useful stores; but suppose, after all, that he could get no servants? In order that he may be able to have servants, some one in his neighbourhood must be poor, and in want of his gold — or his corn. Assume that no one is in want of either, and that no servants are to be had. He must, therefore, bake his own bread, make his own clothes, plough his own ground, and shepherd his own flocks. His gold will be as useful to him as any other yellow pebbles on his estate. His stores must THE VEINS OF WEALTH. 4Y rot, for he cannot consume them. He can eat no more than another man could eat, and wear no more than another man could wear. He must lead a life of severe and common labour to procure even ordinary comforts ; he will be ulti- mately unable to keep either houses in repair, or fields in cultivation ; and forced to content himself with a poor man’s portion of cottage and garden, in the midst of a desert of waste land, trampled by wild cattle, and encumbered by ruins of palaces, which he will hardly mock at himself by calling “ his own.” The most covetous of mankind would, with small exulta- tion, I presume, accept riches of this kind on these terms. Yfhat is really desired, under the name of riches, is, essen- tially, power over men ; in its simplest sense, the power of obtaining for our own advantage the labour of servant, tradesman, and artist ; in wider sense, authority of directing large masses of the nation to various ends (good, trivial, or hurtful, according to the mind of the rich person). And this power of wealth of course is greater or less in direct proper tion to the poverty of the men over whom it is exercised, and in inverse proportion to the number of persons who are as rich as ourselves, and who are ready to give the same price for an article of which the supply is limited. If the musician is poor, he will sing for small pay, as long as there is only one person who can pay him; but if there be two 48 THE VEINS OF WEALTH. or three, he will sing for the one who offers him most. And thus the power of the riches of the patron (always imperfect and doubtful, as we shall see presently, even when most authoritative) depends first on the poverty of the artist, and then on the limitation of the number of equally wealthy persons, who also want seats at the concert. So that, as above stated, the art of becoming “rich,” in the common sense, is not absolutely nor finally the art of accumulating much money for ourselves, but also of contriving that our neighbours shall have less. In accurate terms, it is “the art of establishing the maximum inequality in our own favour.” Now the establishment of such inequality cannot be shown in the abstract to be either advantageous or disadvantageous to the body of the nation. The rash and absurd assumption that such inequalities are necessarily advantageous, lies at the root of most of the popular fallacies on the subject of political economy. For the eternal and inevitable law in this matter is, that the beneficialness of the inequality depends, first, on the methods by which it was accomplished, and, secondly, on the purposes to which it is applied. Inequalities of wealth, unjustly established, have assuredly injured the nation in which they exist during their establishment; and, unjustly directed, injure it yet more during their existence. But inequalities of wealth justly established, benefit the nation in the course of their THE VEINS OF WEALTH. 49 cstablishmont ; arid nobly used, aid it yet more l)y their existence. That is to say, among every active and well- governed people, the various strength of individuals, tested by full exertion and specially applied to various need, issues in unequal, but harmonious results, receiving reward or authority according to its class and service j"** while in the * I liave been naturally asked several times, with respect to the sentence in the first of these papers, “the bad workmen unemployed,” “But what are you to do with your bad unemployed workmen?” Well, it seems to mo the question might have occurred to you before. Your housemaid’s place is vacant — you give twenty pounds a year — two girls come for it, one neatly dressed, the other dirtily ; one with good recommendations, the other with none. You do not, under these circumstances, usually ask the dirty one if she win come for fifteen pounds, *or twelve ; and, on her consenting, take her instead of the weU-recommended one. Stih less do you try to beat both down by making them bid against each other, tiU you can hire both, one at twelve pounds a year, and the other at eight. You simply take the one fittest for the place, and send away the other, not perhaps concerning yourself quite as much as you should with the question which you now impatiently put to me, “ What is to become of her ?” For all that I advise you to do, is to deal with workmen as with servants ; and verily the ques- tion is of weight : “ Your bad workman, idler, and rogue — what are you to do with him ?” We will consider of this presently: remember that the administration of a complete system of national commerce and industry cannot be explained in full detail within the space of twelve pages. Meantime, consider whether, 3 50 THE VEIN'S OP WEALTH. inactive or ill-governed nation, the gradations of decay and the victories of treason work out also their own rugged sys- tem of subjection and success; and substitute, for the melo- dious inequalities of concurrent power, the iniquitous domi- nances and depressions of guilt and misfortune. Thus the circulation of wealth in a nation resembles that of the blood in the natural body. There is one quickness of the current which comes of cheerful emotion or wholesome exercise; and another which comes of shame or of fever. There is a flush of the body which is full of warmth and life ; and another which will pass into putrefaction. The analogy will hold, down even to minute particulars. For as diseased local determination of the blood involves depression of the general health of the system, all morbid local action of riches will be found ultimately to involve a weakening of the resources of the body politic. there heing confessedly some difficulty in dealing with rogues and idlers, it may not bo advisable to produce as few of them as possible. If you examine into the history of rogues, you will find they are as truly manufac- tured articles as anything else, and it is just because our present system of pohtical economy gives so large a stimulus to that manufacture that you may know it to be a false one. We had better seek for a system which will develop honest men, than for one which will deal cunningly with vaga- bonds. Let us reform our schools, and we shall find little reform needed in our prisons. THE VEINS OF WEALTH. 51 The mode in which this is produced may he at once under- stood by examining one or two instances of the development of wealth in the simplest possible circumstances. Suppose two sailors cast away on an uninhabited coast, and obliged to maintain themselves there by their own labour for a series of years. If they both kept their health, and worked steadily, and in amity with each other, they might build themselves a con- venient house, and in time come to possess a certain quantity of cultivated land, together with various stores laid up for future use. All these things would be real riches or pro- perty ; and supposing the men both to have worked equally hard, they would each have right to equal share or use of it. Their political economy would consist merely in careful pre- servation and just division of these possessions. Perhaps, however, after some time one or other might be dissatisfied with the results of their common farming ; and they might in consequence agree to divide the land they had brought under the spade into equal shares, so that each might thence- forward work in his own field and live by it. Suppose that after this arrangement had been made, one of them were to fall ill, and be unable to work on his land at a critical time- say of sowing or harvest. He would naturally ask the other to sow or reap for him. Then his companion might say, with perfect justice, “1 52 THE VEINS OP WEALTH, will do this additioual work for you ; but if I do it, you must promise to do as much for me at another time. I will count how many hours I spend on your ground, and you shall give me a written promise to work for the same number of hours on mine, whenever I need your help, and you are able to give it.” Suppose the disabled man’s sickness to continue, and that under various circumstances, for several years, requiring the help of the other, he on each occasion gave a written pledge to work, as soon as he was able, at his companion’s orders, for the same number of hours which the other had given up to him. What will the positions of the two men be when the invalid is able to resume work ? Considered as a “ Polls,” or state, they will be poorer than they would have been otherwise : poorer by the withdrawal of what the sick man’s labour would have produced in the interval. His friend may perhaps have toiled with an energy quickened by the enlarged need, but in the end his own land and property must have suffered by the withdrawal of so much of his time and thought from them ; and the united property of the tvro men will be certainly less than it would have been if both had remained in health and activity. But the relations in which they stand to each other are also widely altered. The sick man lias not only pledged his labour for some years, but will probably have exhausted his THE VEINS OF WEALTH. 63 own share of the accumulated stores, and will be in conse- quence for some time dependent on the other for food, which he can only “ pay ” or reward him for by yet more deeply pledging his own labour. Supposing the written promises to be held entirely valid (among civilized nations their validity is secured by legal measures'*'), the person who had hitherto worked for both miglit now, if he chose, rest altogether, and pass his time in idleness, not only forcing his companion to redeem all the engagements he had already entered into, but exacting from him pledges for further labour, to an arbitrary amount, for what food he had to advance to him. There might not, from first to last, be the least illegality * The disputes which exist respecting the .real nature of money arise more from the disputants examining its functions on different sides, than from anj real dissent in their opinions. All money, properly so called, is an acknowledgment of debt ; but as such, it may either be considered to represent the labour and property of the creditor, or the idleness and penury of the debtor. The intricacy of the question has been much increased by the (hitherto necessary) use of marketable commodities, such as gold, silver, salt, shells, Ac., to give intrinsic value or security to cur- rency; but the final and best definition of money is that it is a docu- mentary promise ratified and guaranteed by the nation to give or find a certain quantity of labour on demand. A man’s labour for a day is a better standard of value than a measure of any produce, because no produce ever maintains a consistent rate of productibility. 54 THE VEINS OP WEALTH. (in the ordinary sense of the word) in the arrangement ; but if a stranger arrived on the coast at this advanced epoch of their political economy, he would find one man commercially Rich ; the other commercially Poor. He would see, perhaps with no small surprise, one passing his days in idleness ; the other labouring for both, and living sparely, in the hope of recovering his independence, at some distant period. This is, of course, an example of one only out of many ways in which inequality of possession may be established between different persons, giving rise to the mercantile forms of Riches and Poverty. In the instance before us, one of the men might from the first have deliberately chosen to be idle, and to put his life in pawn for present ease ; or he might have mismanaged his land, and been compelled to have recourse to his neighbour for food and help, pledging his future labour for it. But what I want the reader to note especially is the fact, common to a large number of typical cases of this kind, that the establishment of the mercantile wealth which consists in a claim upon labour, signifies a political diminution of the real wealth which consists in substantial possessions. Take another example, more consistent with the ordinary course of affairs of trade. Suppose that three men, instead of two, formed the little isolated republic, and found them- THE VEINS OF WEALTH. 55 selves obliged to separate in order to farm different pieces of land at some distance from each other along the coast ; each estate furnishing a distinct kind of produce, and each more or less in need of the material raised on the other. Suppose that the third man, in order to save the time of all three, undertakes simply to superintend the transference of commodities from one farm to the other ; on condition of receiving some sufficiently remunerative share of every parcel of goods conveyed, or of some other parcel received in exchange for it. If this carrier or messenger always brings to each estate, from the other, what is chiefly wanted, at the right time, the operations of the two farmers will go on prosperously, and the largest possible result in produce, or wealth, will be attained by the little community. But suppose no inter- course between the land owners is possible, except through the travelling agent ; and that, after a time, this agent, watching the course of each man’s agriculture, keeps back the articles with which he has been entrusted until there comes a period of extreme necessity for them, on one side or other, and then exacts in exchange for them all that the distressed farmer can spare of other kinds of produce ; it is easy to see that by ingeniously watching his oppor- tunities, he might possess himself regularly of the greater part of the superfluous produce of the two estates, and at 56 AD VALOEEM. last, ia some year of severest trial or scarcity, purchase Loth for himself, and maintain the former proprietors thence* forward as his labourers or his servants. This would be a case of commercial wealth acquired on the exactest principles of modern political economy. But more distinctly even than in the former instance, it is mani- fest in this that the wealth of the State, or of the three men considered as a society, is collectively less than it would have been had the merchant been content with juster profit. The operations of the two agriculturists have been cramped to the utmost; and the continual limitations of the supply of things they wanted at critical times, together with the failure of courage consequent on the prolongation of a struggle for mere existence, without any sense of per- manent gain, must have seriously diminished the efiective i*esults of their labour ; and the stores finally accumulated in the merchant’s hands will not in anywise be of equivalent value to those which, had his dealings been honest, would have filled at once the granaries of the farmers and his own. The whole question, therefore, respecting not only the advantage, but even the quantity, of national wealth, resolves itself finally into one of abstract justice. It is impossible to conclude, of any given mass of acquired wealth, merely by the fact of its existence, whether it signifies good or evil to the nation in the midst of which it exists. Its real value THE VEINS OF WEALTH. 57 depends on the moral sign attached to it, just as sternly as that of a mathematical quantity depends on the algebraical sign attached to it. Any given accumulation of commercial wealth may be indicative, on the one hand, of faithful industries, progressive energies, and productive ingenuities; or, on the other, it may be indicative of mortal luxury, merciless tyranny, ruinous chicane. Some treasures are heavy with human tears, as an ill-stored harvest with untimely rain ; and some gold is brighter in sunshine than it is in substance. And these are not, observe, merely moral or pathetic attri- butes of riches, which the seeker of riches may, if he chooses, desnise ; they are literally and sternly, mnterial attributes of riches, depreciating or exalting, incalculably, the monetary signitication of the sum in question. One mass of money is the outcome of action which has created, — another, of action which has annihilated, — ten times as much in the gathering of it ; such and such strong hands have been paralyzed, as if they had been numbed by nightshade : so many strong men’s courage broken, so many productive operations hindered; this nd the other false direction given to labour, and lying image of prosperity set up, on Dura plains dug into seven-tinies- heated furnaces. That which seems to be wealth may in verity be only tne gilded index of far-reaching ruin ; a wrecker’s handful of coin gleaned from the beach to which he 3 * 58 THE VEINS OF WEALTH. has beguiled an argosy; a camp-follower’s bundle of rags unwrapped from the breasts of goodly soldiers dead; the purchase-pieces of potter’s fields, wherein shall be buried together the citizen and the stranger. And therefore, the idea that directions can be grven for the gaining of wealth, irrespectively of the consideration of its moral sources, or that any general and technical law of pur- chase and gain can be set down for national practice, is perhaps the most insolently futile of all that ever beguiled men through their vices. So far as I know, there is not in history record of anything so disgraceful to the human intellect as the modern idea that the commercial text, “ Buy in the cheapest market and sell in the dearest,” represents, or under any cir- cumstances could represent, an available principle of national economy. Buy in the cheapest market? — yes; but what made your market cheap ? Charcoal may be cheap among your roof timbers after a fire, and bricks may be cheap in your streets after an earthquake ; but fire and earthquake may not therefore be national benefits. Sell in the dearest ? — yes, truly ; but what made your market dear ? You sold your bread well to-day ; was it to a dying man who gave his last coin for it, and will never need bread more, or to a rich man who to-morrow will buy your farm over your head; or to a soldier on his way to pillage the bank in which you have put your fortune ? THE VEINS OF WEALTH. 59 None of these things you can know. One thing only you can know, namely, whether this dealing of yours is a just and faithful one, which is all you need concern yourself about respecting it ; sure thus to have done your own part in bring- ing about ultimately in the world a state of things which will not issue in pillage or in death. And thus every question concerning these things merges itself ultimately in the great question of justice, which, the ground being thus far cleared for it, I will enter upon in the next paper, leaving only, in this, three final points for the reader’s consideration. It has been shown that the chief value and virtue of money consists in its having power over human beings ; that, with- out this power, large material possessions are useless, and to any person possessing such power, comparatively unnecessary. But power over human beings is attainable by other means than by money. As I said a few pages back, the money power is always imperfect and doubtful ; there are many things which cannot be retained by it. Many joys may be given to men which cannot be bought for gold, and many fidelities found in them which cannot be rewarded with it. Trite enough, — the reader thinks. Yes: but it is not so trite, — I wish it were, — that in this moral power, quite in- scrutable and immeasurable though it be, there is a monetary value just as real as that represented by more ponderous currencies. A man’s hand may be full of invisible gold, and 60 THE VEINS OF WEALTH. the wave of it, or the grasp, shall do more than another’s with a shower of bullion. This invisible gold, also, does not necessarily diminish in spending. Political economists will do well some day to take heed of it, though they cannot take measure. But farther. Since the essence of wealth consists in its authority over men, if the apparent or nominal wealth fail in this power, it fails in essence ; in fact, ceases to be wealth at all. It does not appear lately in England, that our authority over men is absolute. The servants show some disposition to rush riotously upstairs, under an impression that their wages are not regularly paid. We should augur ill of any gentleman’s property to whom this happened every other day in his drawing-room. So also, the power of our wealth seems limited as respects the comfort of the servants, no less than their quietude. The persons in the kitchen appear to be ill-dressed, squalid, half- starved. One cannot help imagining that the riches of tlie establishment must be of a very theoretical and documentary character. Finally. Since the essence of wealth consists in power over men, will it not follow that the nobler and the more in num- ber the persons are over whom it has power, the greater the wealth ? Perhaps it may even appear after some consider- ation, that the persons themselves are the wealth — that these THE VEINS OF WEALTH. G1 pieces of gold with which we are in the habit of guiding them, are, in fact, nothing more than a kind of Byzaiit ne liarness or trappings, very glittering and beautiful in barbaric sight, -wherewith we bridle the creatures ; but that if these same living creatures could be guided without the fretting and jingling of the Byzants in their mouths and ears, they might themselves be more valuable than their bridles. In fact, it may be discovered that the true veins of wealth fi’-e pTij”>V- — and not in Rock, b^’^ — perhaps even that me linal outcome and consuimiuition of all wealth is in the producing as many as possible full-breathed, bright-eyed, and happy-liearted human creatures. Our modern wealth, I think, lias rather a tendency the other way ; — most political economists appearing to consider multitudes of human crea- tures not conducive to wealth, or at best conducive to it only by remaining in a dim-eyed and narrow-chested state of being. Xevertheless, it is open, I repeat, to serious question, which I leave to the reader’s pondering, whether, among national manufactures, that of Souls of a good quality may not at last turn out a quite leadingly lucrative one ? iiay, in some far-away and yet undrearnt-of hour, I can even imagine that England may cast all thoughts of possessive wealth back to the barbaric nations among whom they first arose; and that, while the sands of the Indus and adamant 62 THE VEINS OF WEALTH. of Golconda may yet stiffen the housings of the charger, and flash from the turban of the slave, she, as a Christian mother, may at last attain to the virtues and the treasures of a Heathen one, and be able to lead forth her Sons, saying,— “ These are my Jewels.” ESSAY III. QUI JUDICATIS TERR AM. Some centuries before the Christian era, a Jew merchant largely engaged in business on the Gold Coast, and report- ed to have made one of the largest fortunes of his time (held also in repute for much practical sagacity), left among his ledgers some general maxims concerning wealth, which liave been preserved, strangely enough, even to our own days. They were held 'in considerable respect by the most active traders of the middle ages, especially by the Vene- tians, who even went so fiir in their admiration as to place a statue of the old Jew on the angle of one of their prin- cipal public buildings. Of late years these writings have fallen into disrepute, being opposed in every particular to the spirit of modern commerce. Nevertheless I shall repro- duce a passage or two from them here, partly because they may interest the reader by their novelty; and chiefly because they will show him that it is possible for a very practical and acquisitive tradesman to hold, through a not unsuccessful career, that principle of distinction between well -gotten and ill-gotten wealth, which, partially insisted 64 QUI JUDICATIS TEKRAM. on in my last paper, it must be our work morq completely to examine in this. He says, for instance, in one place: “The getting of treasure by a lying tongue is a vanity tossed to and fro of them that seek death adding in another, with the same meaning (he has a curious way of doubling his say- ings) : “Treasures of wickedness profit nothing; but justice delivers from death.” Both these passages are notable for their asseriion of death as the only real issue and sum of attainment by any unjust scheme of wealth. If we read, instead of “lying tongue,” “lying label, title, pretence, or advertisement,” we shall more clearly perceive the bearing of the words on modern business. The seeking of death is a grand expression of the true course of men’s toil in s"uch business. We usually speak as if death pursued us, and we fled from him ; but that is only so in rare instan- ces. Ordinarily, he masks himself— makes himself beautiful — all-glorious ; not like the King’s daughter, all-glorious within, but outwardly : his clothing of wrought gold. We pursue him frantically all our days, he flying or hiding from us. Our crowning success at three-score and ten is utterly and perfectly to seize, and hold him in his eternal integrity — robes, ashes, and sting. Again : the merchant says, “ He that oppresseth the poor to increase his riches, shall surely come to want.” And QUI JUDICATIS TERRAM. 05 again, more strongly : “ Rob not the poor because be is poor; neither oppress the afflicted in the place of business. For God shall spoil the soul of those that spoiled them.” This “ robbing tlie poor because he is poor,” is especially the mercantile form of theft, consisting in taking advantaga of a mail’s necessities in order to obtain his labour or pro- perty at a reduced price. The ordinary highwayman’s oppo- site form of robbery — of the rich, because he is rich — does not appear to occur so often to the old merchant’s mind ; probably because, being less profitable and more dangerous than the robbery of the poor, it is rax’ely practised by persons of discretion. But the two most remarkable passages in their deep gene- ral signiGcance are the following : — “The rich and the poor have met. God is their maker.” “ Tile rich and the poor have met. God is their light.” They “have met:” more literally, have stood in each other’s way {obviaverunt). That is to say, as long as the world lasts, the action and counteraction of wealth and poverty, the meeting, face to face, of rich and poor, is just as appointed and necessary a law of that world as the flow of stream to sea, or the interchange of power among the elec trie clouds ; — “ God is their maker.” But, also, this actioTi may be either gentle and just, or convulsive and destructive : it may be by rage of devouring flood, or by lapse of service- 66 QXJI JUDICATIS TERR AM. able wave ; — in blackness of thunderstroke, or continual force of vital fire, soft, and shapeable into love-syllables from far away. And which of these it sh:ill be depends on botJi rich and poor knowing that God is their light ; that in the mystery of human life, there is no other light than this by which they can see each other’s faces, and live; — light, which is called in another of the books among which the merchant’s maxims have been preserved, the “ sun of justice,”* of which it is promised that it shall rise at last with “ healing ” (health- giving or helping, making whole or setting at one) in its wings. For truly this healing is only possible by means of justice ; no love, no faith, no hope will do it ; men will be * More accurately, Sun of Justness; but, instead of tlie barsb word “ Justness,” the old English “ Righteousness” being commonly employed, has, by getting confused with “ godliness,” or attracting about it various vague and broken meanings, prevented most persons from receiving the force of the passages in which it occurs. The word “ righteousness ” pro- perly refers to the justice of rule, or right, as distinguished from “ equity,” which refers to the justice of balance. More broadly. Righteousness is King’s justice ; and Equity, Judge’s justice ; the King guiding or ruling aU, the Judge dividing or discerning between opposites (therefore, the double question, “ Man, who made me a ruler — Jt/caar>)r — or a divider — ^epicriis-— over you ?”) Thus, with respect to the Justice of Choice (selection, the feebler and passive justice), we have from lego, — lex, legal, loi, and loyal ; and with respect to the Justice of Rule (direction, the stronger and active justice), we have from rego, — ^rcx, regal, roi, and royal. QTJI JUDICATIS TfiRRAM. 6 "< unwisely fond — vainly faithful, unless primarily they are just; and the mistake of the best men through generation after generation, has been that great one of thinking to help the poor by almsgiving, and by preaching of patience or of hope, and by every other means, emollient or consolatory, except the one thing which God orders for them, justice. But this justice, with its accompanying holiness or helpfulness, being even by the best men denied in its trial time, is by the mass of men hated wherever it appears : so that, when the choice was one day fairly put to them, they denied the Helpful One and the Just;^ and desired a murderer, sedition-raiser, and robber, to be granted to them ; — the murderer instead of the Lord of Life, the sedition-raiser instead of the Prince of Peace, and the robber instead of the Just Judge of all the world. I have just spoken of the flowing of streams to the sea as a partial image of the action of wealth. In one respect it is not a partial, but a perfect image. The popular economist thinks himself wise in having discovered that wealth, or the forms of property in general, must go where they are required ; that where demand is, supply must follow. He farther declares that this course of demand and supply cannot be forbidden by human laws. Precisely in the same sense, * In auotlier place written with the same meaning, “ Just, and having salvation.’ 68 QUI JUDICATIS TEBEAM. and with the same certainty, the waters of the world go 'where they are required. Where the land falls, the water flows. The course neither of clouds nor rivers can be forbid- den by human will. But the disposition and administration of them can be altered by human forethought. Whether the stream shall be a curse or a blessing, depends upon man’s labour, and administrating intelligence. For centuries after centuries, great districts of the world, rich in soil, and favoured in climate, have lain desert under the rage of their own rivers ; nor only desert, but plague-struck. The stream which, rightly directed, would have flowed in soft irrigation from field to field — would have purified the air, given food to man and beast, and carried their burdens for them on its bosom — now overwhelms the plain, and poisons the wind; its breath pestilence, and its work famine. In like mannei this wealth “ goes where it is required.” 'No human laws can withstand its flow. They can only guide it : but this, the leading trench and limiting mound can do so thoroughly, that it shall become water of life — the riches of tlie hand of wisdom ; * or, on the contrary, by leaving it to its own lawless flow, they may make it, wdiat it has been too often, the last and deadliest of national plagues : water of Marah — the water which feeds the roots of all evil. The necessity of these laws of distribution or restraint * “ Length of days in her right hand ; in her left, riches and honour.” QUl JUDICATIS TERKAM. 69 is curiously overlooked in the ordinary political econo- mist’s definition of his own “ science.” He calls it, shortly, the “ science of getting rich.” But there are many sciences, as well as many arts, of getting rich. Poisoning people of large estates, was one employed largely in the middle ages ; adulteration of food of people of small estates, is one employed largely now. The ancient and honourable High- land method of blackmail; the more modern and less honour- able system of obtaining goods on credit, and the other variously improved methods of appropriation — which, in major and minor scales of industry, down to the most artistic pocket-picking, we owe to recent genius, — all come under the general head of sciences, or arts, of getting rich. So that it is clear the popular economist, in calling his science the science excellence of getting rich, must attach some peculiar ideas of limitation to its character. I hope I do not misrepresent him, by assuming that he means his science to be the science of “ getting rich by legal or just means.” In this definition, is the word “just,” or “legal,” finally to stand? For it is possible among certain nations, or under certain rulers, or by help of certain advocates, that proceedings may be legal which are by no means just. If, therefore, we leave at last only the word “just” in that place of our definition, the insertion of this solitary and small word will make a notable difference in the grammar of our science. 70 QUI JUDICATIS TERRAM. For then it will follow that, in order to grow rich scientifically, we must grow rich justly ; and, therefore, know what is just ; so that our economy will no longer depend merely on prudence, but on jurisprudence — and that of divine, not human law. Which prudence is indeed of no mean order, holding itself, as it were, high in the air of heaven, and gazing for ever on the light of the sun of justice ; hence the souls which have excelled in it are represented by Dante as stars forming in heaven for ever the figure of the eye of an eagle : they having been in life the discerners of light from darkness; or to the whole human race, as the light of the body, which is the eye; while those souls which form the wings of the bird (giving power and dominion to justice, “ healing in its wings ”) trace also in light the inscription in heaven : “ diligite justitiam qui judicatis terram.” “ Ye who judge the earth, give” (not, observe, merely love, but) “ diligent love to justice the love which seeks diligently, that is to say, choosingly, and by preference to all things else. Which judging or doing judgment in the earth is, according to their capacity and position, required not of judges only, nor of rulers only, but of all men a truth sorrowfully lost * I hear that several of our lawyers have been greatly amused by the’ statement in the first of these papers that a lawyer’s function was to do justice. I do not intend it for a jest ; nevertheless it will be seen that in the above passage neither the determination nor doing of justice are contem- QUI JUDICATIS TERRAM. sight of even by tliose who are ready enough to apply to tlieinselves passages in which Christian men are spoken of as called to be “ saints ” (i.e. to helpful or healing functions) ; and “chosen to be kings” (i.e. to knowing or directing functions) ; the true meaning of these titles having been long lost through the pretences of unhelpful and unable persons to saintly and kingly character; also through the once popular idea that both the sanctity and royalty are to consist in Avearing long robes and high crowns, instead of in mercy and judgment ; whereas all true sanctity is saving power, as all true royalty is ruling power; and injustice is part and parcel of the denial of such power, which “ makes men as the creeping things, as the fishes of the sea, that have no ruler over them.” * Absolute justice is indeed no more attainable than absolute truth ; but the righteous man is distinguished from the unrighteous by his desire and hope of justice, as the true plated as functions wholly peculiar to the lawyer. Possibly, the more our standing armies, whether of soldiers, pastors, or legislators (the generic term “pastor ” including all teachers, and the generic term “lawyer” including makers as well as interpreters of law), can be superseded by the force of national heroism, wisdom, and honesty, the better it may be for the nation. * It being the privilege of the fishes, as it is of rats and wolves, to hve by the laws of demand and supply ; but the distinction of humanity, to live by those of right. 72 QUI JUDICATIS TERKAM. man from the false by liis desire and hope of truth. And though absolute justice, be unuttainable, as much justice as we need for all practical use is attainable by all those who make it their aim. We have to examine, then, in the subject before us, what are the laws of justice respecting payment of labour — ^no small part, these, of the foundations of all jurisprudence. I reduced, in my last paper, the idea of money payment to its simplest or radical terms. In those terms its nature, and the conditions of justice respecting it, can be best ascertained. Money payment, as there stated, consists radically in a promise to some person working for us, that for the time and labour he spends in our service to-day we will give or procure equivalent time and labour in his service at any future time when he may demand it.* * It might appear at first that the market price of labour expressed such an exchange: but this is a fallacy, for the market price is the momentary price of the kind of labour required, but the just price is its equivalent of the productive labour of mankind. This difference will be analyzed in its place. It must be noted also that I speak here only of the exchange- able value of labour, not of that of commodities. The exchangeable value of a commodity is that of the labour required to produce it, multiplied into the force of the demand for it. If the value of the labour = a; and the force of the demand = y, the exchangeable value of the commodity is X y, in which if either x = 0, or y =■ 0, xy = 0 QUI JUDIOATIS TEREAM. 13 If we promise to give him less labour than he has given us, we under-pay him. If we promise to give him more labour than he has given us, we over-pay him. In practice, according to the laws of demand and supply, when two men are ready to do the work, and only one man wants to have it done, the two men underbid each other for it ; and the one who gets it to do, is under-paid. But when two men want the work done, and there is only one man ready to do it, the t^vo men who want it done over-bid each other, and the workman is ovei-paid. I will examine these two points of injustice in succession ; but first I wish the reader to clearly understand the central principle, lying between the two, of right or just payment. When we ask a service of any man, he may either give it us freely, or demand payment for it. Respecting free gift of service, there is no question at present, that being a matter of affection — not of traffic. But if he demand payment for it, and we wish to treat him with absolute equity, it is evident that this equity can only consist in giving time for time, strength for strength, and skill for skill. If a man works an hour for us, and we only j)romise to work half-an-hour for him in return, we obtain an unjust advantage. If, on the contrary, we promise to work an hour and a half for him in return, he has an unjust advan- tage. The justice consists in absolute exchange ; or, if 4 74 Q¥I JUDICATIS TEREAM. there be any respect to the stations of the parties, it will not be in favour of the employer: there is certainly no equitable reason in a man’s being poor, that if he give mo a pomid of bread to-day, I should return him less than a pound of bread to-morrow; or any equitable reason in a man’s being uneducated, that if he uses a certain quantity of. skill and knowledge in my service, I should use a less quantity of skill and knowledge in his. Perhaps, ultimately, it may appear desirable, or, to say the least, gracious, that I should give in return somewhat more than I received. But at present, we are concerned on the law of justice only, which is that of perfect and accurate exchange ; — one cir- cumstance only interfering with the simplicity of this radical idea of just payment — that inasmuch as labour (rightly directed) is fruitful just as seed is, the fruit (or “ interest,” as it is called) of the labour first given, or “ advanced,” ought to be taken into account, and balanced by an addi- tional quantity of labour in the subsequent repayment. Supposing the repayment to take place at the end of a year, or of any other given time, this calculation could be approximately made; but as money (that is to say, cash) payment involves no reference to time (it being optional with the person paid to spend what he receives at once or after any number of years), we can only assume, generally, that some slight advantage must in equity be allowed to QUI JUDICATIS TERKAM. 75 the person who advances the labour, so that the typical form of bargain will be : If you give me an hour to-day, I will give you an hour and five minutes on demands If you give me a pound of bread to-day, I will give you seventeen ounces on demand, and so on. All that it is neces- sary for the reader to note is, that the amount returned is at least in equity not to be less than the amount given. The abstract idea, then, of just or due wages, as respects the labourer, is that they will consist in a sum of money which will at any time procure for him at least as much labour as he has given, rather more than less. And this equity or justice of payment is, observe, wholly independent of any reference to the number of men who are willing to do the work. I want a horseshoe.for my horse. Twenty smiths, or twenty thousand smiths, may be ready to forge it ; their number does not in one atom’s weight affect the question of the equitable payment of the one who does forge it. It costs him a quarter of an hour of his life, and so much skill and strength of arm to make that horseshoe for me. Then at some future time I am bound in equity to give a quarter of an hour, and some minutes more, of my life (or of some other person’s at my disposal), and also as much strength of arm and skill, and a little more, in making or doing what the smith may have need of. Such being the abstract theory of just remunerative pay- ^6 QUI JUDICATIS TERRAM. ment, its application is practically modified by the fact that the order for labour, given in payment, is general, while labour received is special. The current coin or document is practically an order on the nation for so much work*6f any kind; and this universal applicability to immediate need renders it so much more valuable than special labour can be, that an order for a less quantity of this general toil will always be accepted as a just equivalent for a greater quantity of special toil. Any given craftsman will always be willing to give an hour of his own work in order to receive command over half-an-hour, or even much less, of national work. This source of uncertainty, together with the difficulty of deter- mining the monetary value of skill,* renders the ascertainment Under tlie term “skill” I mean to include the united force of experi- ence, intellect, and passion in their operation on manual labour ; and under the term “passion,” to include the entire range and agency of the moral feelings ; from the simple patience and gentleness of mind which wQl give continuity and fineness to the touch, or enable one person to work without fatigue, and with good effect, twice as long as another, up to the qualities of character which render science possible — (the retardation of science by envy is one of the most tremendous losses in the economy of the present century) — and to the incommunicable emotion and imagination which are the first and mightiest sources of all value in art. It is highly singular that political economists should not yet have perceived, if not the moral, at least the passionate element, to be an inextri- cable quantity in every calculation. I cannot conceive, for instance, how it QUI JUDICATIS TERRAM. 11 (even approximate) of the proper wages of any given labour in terms of a currency, matter of considerable complexity. But they do not affect the principle of exchange. The worth of<.the work may not be easily known ; but it has a worth, just as fixed and real as the specific gravity of a substance, though such specific gravity may not be easily ascertainable was possible that Mr. Mill should have followed the true clue so far as to write, — “ No limit can be set to the importance — even in a purely productive and material point of view — of mere thought,” without seeing that it was logically necessary to add also, “ and of mere feeling.” And this the more, because in his first definition of labour he includes in the idea of it “all feelings of a disagreeable kind connected with the employment of one’s thoughts in a particular occupation.” True; but why not also, “feelings of an agTeeable kind ?” It can hardly be supposed that the feehngs which retard labour are more essentially a part of the labour than those which accelerate it. The first are paid for as pain, the second as power. The workman is merely indemnified for the first ; but the second both produce a part of the exchangeable value of the work, and materially increase its actual quantity. “Fritz is with us. He is worth fifty thousand men.” Truly, a large addition to the material force ; — consisting, however, be it observed, not more in operations carried on in Fritz’s head, than in operations carried on in his armies’ heart. “No limit can be set to the importance of mere thought.” Perhaps not! Nay, suppose some day it should turn out that “ mere” thought was in itself a recommendable object of production, and that all Material production was only a step towards this more precious Immaterial one ? 78 QUI JUDICATIS TEKRAM. when the substance is united with many others. Kor is there any difficulty or cha.n.ee in determining it as in determining the ordinary maxima and minima of vulgar political economy. There are few bargains in which the buyer can ascertain with anything like precision that the seller would have taken no less or the seller acquire moi’e than a comfortable faith that the purchaser would have given no more. This impossibility of precise knowledge prevents neither from striving to attain the desired point of greatest vexation and injury to the other, nor from accepting it for a scientific principle that he is to buy for the least and sell for the most possible, though what the real least or most may be he cannot tell. In like manner, a just person lays it down for a scientific principle that he is to pay a just price, and, without being able precisely to ascertain the limits of such a price, will nevertheless strive to attain the closest possible approximation to them, A practi- cally serviceable approve! mation he emi obtain. It is easier to determine scientifically what a man ought to have for his work, than what his necessities will compel him to take for it. His necessities can only be ascertained by empirical, but his due by analytical investigation. In the one case, you try your answer to the sum like a puzzled schoolboy — till you find one that fits ; in the other, you bring out your result within certain limits, by process of calculation. Supposing, then, the just wages of any quantity of given QUI JUDICATIS TERRAM. 79 labour to have been ascertained, let us examine the first results of just and unjust payment, when in favour of the purchaser or employer ; i. e. when two men are ready to do the work, and only one wants to have it done. The unjust purchaser forces the two to bid against each other till he has reduced their demand to its lowest terms. Let us assume that the lowest bidder offers to do the work at half its just price. The purchaser employs him, and does not employ the other. The first or apparent result is, therefore, that one of the two men is left out of employ, or to starvation, just as definitely as by the just procedure of giving fair price to the best workman. The various writers who endeavoured to invalidate the positions of my first paper never saw this, and assumed that the unjust hirer employed both. He employs both no more than the just hirer. The only difference (in the outset) is that the just man pays sufficiently, the unjust man insufficiently, for the labour of the single person employed. I say, “in the outset;” for this first or apparent differ- ence is not the actual difference. By the unjust procedure, half the proper price of the work is left in the hands of the employer. This enables him to hire another man at the same unjust rate, on some other kind of work; and the final result is that he has two men working for him at half price, and two are out of employ. 80 QUI JUDICATIS TERRAM. By the just procedure, the whole J>rice of the first piece of work goes into the hands of the man who does it. Xo surplus being left in the employer’s hands, he cannot liii-e another man for another piece of labour. But by precisely so much as his power is diminished, the hired workman’s power is increased ; that is to say, by the additional half of the price he has received ; which additional half he has the power of using to employ another man in his service. I will suppose, for the moment, the least favourable, though quite probable, case — that, though justly treated himself, he yet will act unjustly to his subordinate; and hire at halfprice, if he can. The final result will then be, that one man works for the employer, at just price; one for the workman, at half-price ; and two, as in the first case, are still out of employ. These two, as I said before, are out of employ in both cases. The difference between the just and unjust procedure does not lie in the number of men hired, but in the price paid to them, and the persons by whom it is paid. The essential difference, that which I want the reader to see clearly, is, that in the unjust case, two men work for one, the first hirer. In the just case, one man works for the first hirer, one for the person hired, and so on, down or up through the various grades of ser- vice ; the influence being carried forward by justice, and arrested by injustice. The universal and constant action of QUI JUDICATIS TERR AM. 81 justice in this matter is therefore to diminish the power of wealth, in the hands of one individual, over masses of men, and to distribute it through a chain of men. The actual power exerted by the wealth is the same in both cases ; but by injustice it is put all in one man’s hands, so that he directs at once and witli equal force the labour of a circle of men about him ; by the just procedure, he is permitted to touch the nearest only, through whom, with diminished force, modified by new minds, the energy of the. wealth passes on to others, and so till it exhausts itself. The immediate operation of justice in this respect is there- fore to diminish the power of wealth, first in acquisition of luxury, and, secondly, in exercise of moral influence. The employer cannot concentrate so multitudinous labour on his own interests, nor can he subdue so multitudinous mind to his own will. But the secondary operation of justice is not less important. The insufficient payment of the group of men working for one, places each under a maximum of difficulty in rising above his position. The tendency of the system is to check advancement. But the sufficient or just payment, distributed through a descending series of offices or grades of labour,* gives each subordinated * I am sorry to lose time by answering, however curtly, the equivo* cations of the writers who sought to obscure the instances given of 4 * 82 QFI JUDICATIS TEEEAM. person fair and sufficient means of rising in the social scale^ if he chooses to use them ; and thus not only diminishes the immediate power of wealth, but removes the worst disabilities of poverty. It is on this vital problem that the entire destiny of the labourer is ultimately dependent. Many minor interests regulated labour in the first of these papers, by confusing kinds, ranks, and quantities of labour with its qualities. I never said that a colonel should have the same pay as a private, nor a bishop the same pay as a curate. Neither did I say that more work ought to be paid as less work (so that the curate of a parish of two thousand souls should have no more than the curate of a parish of five hundred). But I said that, so far as you employ it at all, bad work should be paid no less than good work; as a bad clergyman yet takes his tithes, a bad physician takes his fee, and a bad lawyer his costs. And this, as will be farther shown in the conclusion, I said, and say, partly because the best work never was nor ever will be, done for money at all; but chiefly because, the moment people know they have to pay the bad and good alike, they wUl try to discern the one from the other, and not use the bad. A sagacious writer in the Scotsman asks me if I should like any common scribbler to be paid by Messrs. Smith, Elder and Co. as their good authors are. I should, if they employed him — ^but would seriously recom- mend them, for the scribbler’s sake, as well as their own, not to employ him. The quantity of its money which the country at present invests in scribbling is not, in the outcome of it, economically spent ; and even the highly ingenious person to whom this question occurred, might perhaps have been more beneficially employed than in printing it. QUI JTDICATIS TBREAM. 83 may sometimes appear to interfere with it, but all branch from it. For instance, considerable agitation is often caused in the minds of the lower classes when they discover the share which they nominally, and, to all appearance, actually, pay out of their wages in taxation (I believe thirty-five or forty per cent.). This sounds very grievous ; but in reality the labourer does not pay it, but his emjDloyer. If the workman had not to pay it, his wages would be less by just that sum: competition would still reduce them to the lowest rate at which life was possible. Similarly the lower orders agitated for the repeal of the corn laws,^ thinking * I have to acknowledge an interesting communication on the subject of free trade from Paisley (for a short letter from “A Well-wisher” at , my thanks are yet more due); But the Scottish writer will, I fear, be disagreeably surprised to hear, that I am, and always have been, an utterly fearless and unscrupulous free-trader. Seven years ago, speaking of the various signs of infancy in the European mind (Stones of Venice, vol. iii. p. 168), I wrote : “ The first principles of commerce were acknow- ledged by the English parliament only a few months ago, and in its free- trade measures, and are stiU so httle understood by the million, that no nation dares to dbolisk its custom-homes.'^ It will be observed that I do not admit even the idea of reciprocity. Let other nations, if they like, keep their ports shut; every wise nation will throw its own open. It is not the opening them, but a sudden, inconsiderate, and blunderingly experimental manner of opening them, which does the harm. If you have been protecting a manufacture for 84 QUI JUDICATIS TERRAM. they would be better off if bread were cheaper ; never perceiving that as soon as bread was permanently cheaper, wages would permanently fall in precisely that proportion. The corn laws were rightly repealed ; not, however, because they directly oppressed the poor, but because they indirectly oppressed them in causing a large quantity of their labour to be consumed unproductively. So also unnecessary tax- long series of years, you must not take protection off in a moment, so as to throw every one of its operatives at once out of employ, any more than you must take all its wrappings off a feeble child at once in cold weather, though the cumber of them may have been radically injuring its health. Little by little, you must restore it to freedom and to air. Most people’s minds are in curious confusion on the subject of free trade, because they suppose it to imply enlarged competition. On the contrary, free trade puts an end to all competition. “ Protection ” (among various other mischievous functions) endeavours to enable one country to compete with another in the production of an article at a disadvantage* When trade is entirely free, no country can be competed with in the articles for the production of which it is naturally calculated; nor can it compete with any other in the production of articles for which it is not naturally calculated. Tuscany, for instance, cannot compete with England in steel, nor England with Tuscany in oil. They must exchange their steel and oil. Which exchange should be as frank and free as honesty and the sea-winds can make it. Competitien, indeed, arises at first, and sharply, in order to prove which is strongest in any given manufacture possible to both; this point once ascertained, competition is at an end. QUI JUDICATIS TERR AM. 85 fition oppresses them, through destruction of capital, but the destiny of the poor depends primarily always on this one question of duencss of wages. Their distress (irrespec- tively of that caused by sloth, minor error, or crime) arises on the grand scale from the two reacting forces of com- petition and oppression. There is not yet, nor will yet for ages be, any real over-population in the world ; but a local over-population, or, more accurately, a degree of population locally unmanageable under existing circumstances for want of forethought and sufficient machinery, necessarily shows itself by pressure of competition; and the taking advantage of this competition by the purchaser to obtain their labour unjustly cheap, consummates at once their suffering and his own ; for in this (as I believe in every other kind of slavery) the oppressor suffers at last more than the oppressed, and those magnificent lines of Pope, even in all their force, fall short of the truth — “ Yet, to be just to these poor men of pelf, Each does but hate his neighbour as himself; Damned to the mines, an equal fate betides The slave that digs it, and the slave that hides.” The collateral and reversionary operations of justice in this matter I shall examine hereafter (it being needful first to define the nature of value) ; proceeding then to consider within what practical terms a juster system may be established ; and QUI JUDICATIS TEKRAM. ultimately the vexed question of the destinies of the unem- ployed workmen.* liest, however, the reader should be alarmed at some of the issues to which our investigations seem to be tending, as if in their bearing against the power of * I should he glad if the reader would first clear the ground for himself so far as to determine whether the difficulty lies in getting the work or getting the pay for it. Does he consider occupation itself to be an expensive luxury, difficult of attainment, of which too little is to be found in the world? or is it rather that, while in the enjoyment even of the most athletic delight, men must nevertheless be maintained, and this mainte- nance is not always forthcoming? We must be clear on this head before going farther, as most people are loosely in the habit of talking of the diffi- culty of “finding employment.” Is it employment that we want to find, or support during employment ? Is it idleness we wish to put an end to, or hunger? We have to take up both questions in succession, only not both at the same time. No doubt that work is a luxury, and a very great one. It is, indeed, at once a luxury and a necessity ; no man can retain either health of mind or body without it. So profoundly do I feel this, that, as will be seen in the sequel, one of the principal objects I would recommend to benevolent and practical persons, is to induce rich people to seek for a larger quantity of this luxury than they at present possess. Nevertheless, it appears by experience that even this healthiest of pleasures may be indulged in to excess, and that human beings are just as liable to surfeit of labour as to surfeit of meat ; so that, as on the one hand, it may be charitable to provide, for some people, lighter dinner, and more work, — for others it may be equally expedient to provide lighter work, and more diimer. QUI JUDICATIS TEREAM. 87 wealth they had something in common with those of social- ism, I wish him to know, in accurate terms, one or two of the main points which I have in view. Whether socialism has made more progress among the army and navy (where payment is made on my principles), or among the manufacturing operatives (who are paid on my opponents’ principles), I leave it to those opponents to ascer- tain and declare. Whatever their conclusion may be, I think it necessary to answer for myself only this : that if there be any one point insisted on throughout my works more fre- quently than another, that one point is the impossibility of Equality. My continual aim has been to show the eternal superiority of some men to others, sometimes even of one man to all others ; and to show also the advisability of appointing such persons or person to guide, to lead, or on occasion even to compel and subdue, their inferiors, according to their own better knowledge and wiser will. My principles of Political Economy were all involved in a single phrase spoken three years ago at Manchester: “Soldiers of the Ploughshare as well as soldiers of the Sword:” and they were all summed in a single sentence in the last volume of Modern Painters — “ Government and co-operation are in all things the Laws of Life ; Anarchy and competition the Laws of Death.” And with respect to the mode in which these general prim 88 Qtn JITDICATIS TEEKAM. ciples affect the secure possession of property, so far am I from invalidating such security, that the whole gist of these papers will be found ultimately to aim at an extension in its m- range; and whereas it has long been known and declared that the poor have no right to the property of the rich, I wish it also to be known and declared that the rich have no right to the property of the poor. But that the working of the system which I have under- taken to develop would in many ways shorten the apparent and direct, though not the unseen and collateral, power, both of wealth, as the Lady of Pleasure, and of capital as the Lord of Toil, I do not deny : on the contrary, I affirm it in all joy- fulness ; knowing that the attraction of riches is already too strong, as their authority . is already too weighty, for the reason of mankind. I said in my last paper that nothing in history had ever been so disgraceful to human intellect as the acceptance among us of the common doctrines of political - economy as a science. I have many grounds for saying this, / but one of the chief may be given in few words. I know no previous instance in history of a nation’s establishing a system- atic disobedience to the first j^rinciples of its professed reli- gion. The writings which we (verbally) esteem as divine, not only denounce the love of moneyas the source of all evil, and as an idolatry abhorred of the Deity, but declare mammon seiwice to be the accurate and irreconcileable opposite of QUI JUDICATIS TERRA M. 89 God’s service : and, whenever they speak of riches absolute, and poverty absolute, declare woe to the rich, and blessing to the poor. Whereupon we forthwith investigate a science of becoming rich, as the shortest road to national prosperity. “ Tai Cristian dannera I’Etiope, Quando si partirauno i due coUegi, L'uno in eterno ricco, e l’altro inopb.” ESSAY IV. AD VALOREM. In the last paper we saw that just payment of labour consisted in a sum of money which would approximately obtain equivalent labour at a future time : we have now to examine the means of obtaining such equivalence. Which question involves the definition of Value, Wealth, Price, and Produce. None of these terms are yet defined so as to be understood by the public. But the last. Produce, which one might have thought the clearest of all, is, in use, the most ambiguous; and the examination of the kind of ambiguity attendant on its present employment will best open the way to our work. In his chapter on Capital,* Mr. J. S. Mill instances, as a capitalist, a hardware manufacturer, who, having intended to spend a certain portion of the proceeds of his business in buying plate and jewels, changes his mind, and “pays it as * Book L chap. iv. s. L To save space, my future references to Mr. Mill’s work will be by numerals only, as in this instance, I. iv. L Ed. in 2 vols. 8vo. Parker, 1848. AD VALOREM. 91 wages to additional workpeople.” The effect is stated by- Mr. Mill to be, that “ more food is appropriated to the con- sumption of productive labourers.” Now, I do not ask, though, had I written this paragraph, it would surely have been asked of me. What is to become of the silversmiths ? If they are truly unproductive persons, we will acquiesce in their extinction. And though in another part of the same passage, the hardware merchant is supposed also to dispense with a number of servants, whose “ food is thus set free for productive purposes,” I do not inquire what will be the effect, painful or otherwise, upon the servants, of this emancipation of their food. But I very seriously inquire why ironware is produce, and silverware is not? That the merchant consumes the one, and sells the other, certainly does not constitute the difference, unless it can be shown (whicli, indeed, I perceive it to be becoming daily more and more the aim of tradesmen to show) that commo- dities are made to be sold, and not to be consumed. The merchant is an agent of conveyance to the consumer in one case, and is himself the consumer in the other:* but the * If Mr. Mill had wished to show the difference in result between consumption and sale, he should have represented the hardware merchant as consuming his own goods instead of selling them ; similarly, the silver merchant as consuming his own goods instead of selling thein. Had he done this, he woul(l have made his position clearer, though less tenable ; 92 AD VALOEEM. labourers are in either case equally productive, since they have produced goods to the same value, if the hardware and the plate are both goods. And what distinction separates them ? It is indeed possible that in the “comparative estimate of the moralist,” with •which Mr. Mill says political economy has nothing to do (III. i. 2) a steel fork might appear a more substantial production than a silver one : we may grant also that knives, no less than forks, are good produce; and scythes and ploughshares serviceable articles. But, how of bayonets ? Supposing the hardware merchant to effect large sales of these^ by help of the “setting free” of the food of his servants and his silversmith,— is he still employing productive labourers, or, in Mr. Mill’s words, labourers who increase “ the stock of per- manent means of enjoyment” (I. iii. 4). Or if, instead of bayonets, he supply bombs, will not' the absolute and final “ enjoyment” of even these energetically productive articles (each of which costs ten pounds*) be dependent on a proper and perhaps this -was the position he really intended to take, tacitly involving his theory, else'where stated, and shown in the sequel of this paper to he false, that demand for commodities is not demand for labour. But by the most diligent scrutiny of the paragraph new under examination, I cannot determine "whether it is a fallacy pure and simple, or the half of one fallacy supported by the whole of a greater one ; so that I treat it here on the kinder assumption that it is one fallacy only. ♦ I take Mr. Helps’ estimate in his essay on "War. * AD VALOREM. 93 choice of time and place for their enfantement ^ choice, that is to say, depending on those philosophical considerations with which political economy has nothing to do ? * I should have regretted the need of pointing out inconsis- tency in any portion of Mr. Mill’s work, had not the value of his work proceeded from its inconsistencies. He deserves honour among economists by inadvertently disclaiming the principles which he states, and tacitly introducing the moral considerations wdth which he declares his science has^ no connection. Many of his chapters are, therefore, true and valuable ; and the only conclusions of his which I have to dispute are those which follow from his premises. Thus, the idea which lies at the root of the passage we have just been examining, namely, that labour applied to produce luxuries will not support so many persons as labour applied to produce useful articles, is entirely true ; but the instance given fails — and in four directions of failure at once — because Mr. Mill has not defined the real meaning of usefulness. * Also when the wrought silver vases of Spain were dashed to fragments by our custom-house officers, because bullion might be imported free of duty, hut not brains, was the axe that broke them productive ? — the artist who wrought them unproductive ? Or again. If the woodman’s axe is productive, is the executioner’s ? as also, if the hemp of a cable be productive, does not the productiveness of hemp in a halter depend on its moral more than on its material application ? m AD VALOREM. The definition which he has given — “capacity to satisfy a desire, or serve a purpose” (III. i. 2) — applies equally to the iron and silver ; while the true definition— which he has not given, but which nevertheless underlies the false verbal definition in his mind, and comes out once or twice by accident (as in the words “ any support to life or strength” in I. i. 5)^ — applies to some, articles of iron, but not to others, and to some articles of silver, but not to others. Iv applies to ploughs, but not to bayonets ; and to forks, but nc^<^ to filigree.* The eliciting of the true definition will gW^ as the reply to our first question, “ What is value ? ” re^pecting which, however, we must first hear the popular statements. “The word ‘value,’ when used without adjunct, always means, in political economy, value in exchange ” (Mill, III. i. 3). So that, if two ships cannot exchange their rudderSj their rudders are, in politico-economic language, of no value to either. But “ the subject of political economy is wealth.” — (Pre- liminary remarks, page 1.) And wealth “consists of all useful and agreeable objects which possess exchangeable value.”— -(Preliminary remarks, page 10.) It appears, then, according to Mr. Mill, that usefulness * Filigree : that is to say, generally, ornament dependent on complexity, not on art. AD VALOREM. 95 and agreeableness underlie the exchange value, and must be ascertained to exist in the thing, before we can esteem it an object of wealth. lN"ow, the economical usefulness of a thing depends not merely on its own nature, but on the number of people who can and will use it. A horse is useless, and therefore imsaleable, if no one can ride, — a sword if no one can strike, and meat, if no one can eat. Thus every material utility depends on its relative human capacity. Similarly : The agreeableness of a thing depends not merely on its own likeableness, but on the number of people who can be got to like it. The relative agreeableness, and therefore saleableness, of “a pot of the smallest ale,” and of “ Adonis painted by a running brook,” depends virtually on the opinion of Demos, in the shape of Christopher Sly. That is to say, the agreeableness of a thing depends on its relative human disposition.* Therefore, political economy, * These statements sound crude in their brevity; but will be found of the utmost importance when they are developed. Thus, in the above instance, economists have never perceived that disposition to buy is a wholly moral element in demand: that is to say, when you give a man half-a-crown, it depends on his disposition whether he is rich or poor with it — ^whether he will buy disease, ruin, and hatred, or buy health, advancement, and domestic love. And thus the agreeableness or exchange value of every offered commodity depends on production, not merely of the commodity, but of buyers of it ; therefore on the education of buyers 96 AD VALOEEM. being a science of wealth, must be a science respecting human capacities and dispositions. But moral considera- tions have nothing to do with political economy (III. i. 2). ^"herefore, moral considerations have nothing to do with human capacities and dispositions. I do not wholly like the look of this conclusion from Mr. Mill’s statements : — ^let us try Mr. Ricardo’s. “ IJtility is not the measure of exchangeable value, though it is absolutely essential to it.” — (Chap. I. sect. i. ) Essen- tial in what degree, Mr. Ricardo? There may be greater and less degrees of utility. Meat, for instance, may be so good as to be fit for any one to eat, or so bad as to be fit for no one to eat. What is the exact degree of good- ness which is “essential” to its exchangeable value, but not “ the measure ” of it ? How good must the meat be, in order to possess any exchangeable value ; and how bad must it be — (I wish this were a settled question in London marketuj — in order to possess none? and on all the moral elements by which their disposition to buy this, or that, is formed. I will illustrate and expand into final consequences every one of these definitions in its place: at present they can only be given with extremest brevity; for in order to put the subject at once in a connected form before the reader, I have thrown into one, the open- ing definitions of four chapters; namely, of that on Yalue (“Ad Valorem”) , on Price ( “Thirty Pieces”); on Production (“Demeter”); and on Economy (“The Law of the House”). AD VALOREM. 91 There appears to be some hitch, I think, in the working even of Mr. Ricardo’s principles ; but let him take his own example. “ Suppose that in the early stages of society the bows and arrows of the hunter were of equal value with the implements of the fisherman. Under such circumstances the value of the deer, the produce of the hunter’s day’s labour, would be exactly'''’ (italics mine) “equal to the value of the fish, the product of the fisherman’s day’s labour. The comparative value of the fish and game would be entirely regulated by the quantity of labour realized in each.” (Ricardo, chap. iii. On Yalue.) Indeed! Therefore, if the fisherman catches one sprat, and the huntsman one deer, one sprat will be equal in value to one deer; but if the fisherman catches no sprat, and the huntsman two deer, no sprat will be equal in value to two deer ? Nay ; but — Mr. Ricardo’s supporters may say — he means, on an average ; — if the average product of a day’s work of fisher and hunter be one fish and one deer, the one fish will always be equal in value to the one deer. Might I inquire the species of fish. Whale ? or white- bait ? ^ * Perhaps it may be said, in farther support of Mr. Ricardo, that he, meant, “when the utility is constant or given, the price varies as the quantity of labour.” If he meant this, he should have said it; but, had 5 98 AD VALOREM. It would be waste of time to pursue these fallacies far- ther ; we will seek for a true definition. Much store has been set for centuries upon the use of he meant it, he could have hardly missed the necessary result, that utility would be one measure of price (which he expressly denies it to bo); and that, to prove saleableness, he had to prove a given quantity of utility, as well as a given quantity of labour ; to “wit, in his own instance, that the deer and fish would each feed the same number of men, for the same number of days, with equal pleasure to their palates. The fact is, he did not know what he meant himself. The general idea which he had derived from commercial experience, without bei^ able to analyse it, was, that when the demand is constant, the price varies as the quantity of labour required for production ; or, — ^using the formula I gave in last paper — ^when y is constant, x y varies as x. But demand never is, nor can be, ultimately constant, if x varies distinctly; for, as price rises, consumers fall away; and as soon as there is a monopoly (and aU scarcity is a form of monopoly; so that every commodity is affected occasionally by some colour of monopoly), y becomes the most influential condition of the price. Thus the price of a painting depends less on its merits than on the interest taken in it by the public; the price of singing less on the labour of the singer than the number of persons who desire to hear him; and the price of gold less on the scarcity which affects it in common with cerium or iridium, than on the suu-light colour and unalterable purity by which it attracts the admi- ration and answers the trusts of mankind. It must be kept in mind, however, that I use the word “ demand ” in a somewhat different sense from economists usually. . They mean by it AD VALOREM. 99 our English classical education. It were to be wished that our well-educated merchants recalled to mind always this much of their Latin schooling, — that the nominative of valorem (a word already sufficiently familiar to them) is valor ; a word which, therefore, ought to be familiar to them. Yalor^ from valere^ to be well, or strong (uyjaivw) ; — strong, in life (if a man), or valiant ; strong, for life (if a thing), or valuable. To be ^‘valuable,” therefore, is to “ avail towards life.” A truly valuable or availing thing is that which leads to life with its whole strength. In pro portion as it does not lead to life, or as its strength is broken, it is less valuable ; in proportion as it leads away from life, it is unvaluable or malignant. The value of a thing, ther-efore, is independent of opinion, and of quantity. Think what you will of it, gain how “the quantity of a thing sold.” I mean by it “the force of the buyer’s capable intention to buy.” In good English, a person’s “demand” sig' nifies, not what he gets, but what he asks for. Economists also do not notice that objects are not valued by absolute bulk or weight, but by such bulk and weight as is necessary to bring them into use. They say, for instance, that water bears no price in the market. It is true that a cupful does not, but a lake does; just as a handful of dust does not, but an acre does. And were it possible to make even the possession of the cupful or handful permanent, (i e. to find a place for them, ) the earth and sea would be bought up by handfuls and cupfuls. 100 AD VALOREM. mucli you may of it, the value of the thing itself is neither greater nor less. For ever it avails, or avails not; no esti- mate can raise, no disdain depress, the power which it holds from the Maker of things and of men. The real science of political economy, which has yet to be distinguished from the bastard science, as medicine from witchcraft, and astronomy from astrology, is that which teaches nations to desire and labour for the things that lead to life ; and which teaches them to scorn and destroy the things that lead to destruction. And if, in a state of infancy, they suppose indifferent things, such as excrescences of shell-fish, and pieces of blue and red stone, to be valuable, and spend large measure of the labour which ought to be employed for the extension and ennobling of life, in diving or digging for them, and cutting them into various shapes,— or if, in the same state of infancy, they imagine precious and beneficent things, such as air, light, and cleanliness," to be valueless, — or if, finally, they imagine the conditions of their own existence, by which alone they can truly possess or use anything, such, for instance, as peace, trust, and love, to be prudently exchange- able, when the market offers, for gold, iron, or excrescences of shells — ^the great and only science of Political Economy teaches them, in all these cases, what is vanity, and what substance ; and how the service of Death, the Lord of Waste, and of eter- nal emptiness, differs from the service of Wisdom, the Lady of AD VALOREM. 101 Saving, and of eternal fulness ; she who has said, “ I will cause those that love me to inherit Substance ; and I will Fill their treasures.” The “ Lady of Saving,” in a profounder sense than that of the savings’ bank, though that is a good one : Madonna della Salute, — Lady of Health — which, though commonly spoken of as if separate from wealth, is indeed a part of wealth. This word, wealth,” it will be remembered, is the next we have to define. “ To be wealthy,” says Mr. Mill, is “ to have a large stock of useful articles.” I accept this definition. Only let us perfectly understand it. My opponents often lament my not giving them enough logic : I fear I must at present use a little more than they will like; but this business of Political Economy is no light one, and we must allow no loose terms in it. We have, therefore, to ascertain in the above definition, first, what is the meaning of “having,” or the nature of Possession. Then what is the meaning of “ useful,” or the nature of Utility. And first of possession. At the crossing of the transepts of Milan Cathedral has lain, for three hundred years, the embalmed body of St. Carlo Borromeo. It holds a golden crosier, and has a cross of emeralds on its breast. Admitting the crosier and emeralds to be useful articles, is the body to be considered as “ having” them ? Do they, in the politico* 102 AD VALOREM. economical sense of property, belong to it ? If not, and if ^\'0 may, therefore, conclude generally that a dead body cannot possess property, what degree and period of animation in the body will render possession possible ? As thus : lately in a wreck of a Californian ship, one of the passengers fastened a belt about him with two hundred pounds of gold in it, with which he was found afterwards at the bottom. Now, as he was sinking — had he the gold ? or had the gold him ?* And if, instead of sinking him in the sea by its weight, the gold had struck him on the forehead, and thereby caused incurable disease — suppose palsy or insanity, — would the gold in that case have been more a “ possession” than in the first? Without pressing the inquiry up through instances of gradual increasing vital power over the gold (which I will, however, give, if they are asked for), I presume the reader will see that possession, or “ having,” is not an absolute, but a gradated, power ; and consists not only in the quantity or nature of the thing possessed, but also (and in a greater de- gree) in its suitableness to the person possessing it, alnd in his vital power to use it. And our definition of Wealth, expanded, becomes: “The possession of useful articles, which we can useP This is a very serious change. For wealth, instead of depending * Compare George Herbert, The Church Porc\ Stanza 28. AD VALOREM. 103 merely on a “ have,” is thus seen to depend on a “ can.” Gladiator’s death, on a “ habet ; ” but soldier’s victory, and state’s salvation, on a “ quo pluriraum posset.” (Liv. VII. 6.) And what we reasoned of only as accumulation of material, is seen to demand also accumulation of capacity. So much for our verb. Next for our adjective. What is the meaning' of “ useful ?” The inquiry is closely connected with the last. For what is capable of use in the hands of some persons, is capable, in the hands of others, of the opposite of use, called commonly, ‘*from-use or ab use.” And it depends on the person, much more than on the article, w^hether its usefulness or ab-usefulness will be the quality developed in it. Thus, wine, which the Greeks, in their Bacchus, made, rightly, the type of all passion, and which, when used, t‘cheereth god and man” (that is to say, strengthens both the divine life, or reasoning power, and the earthly, or carnal power, of man) ; yet, when abused, becomes “ Dio- nusos,” hurtful especially to the divine part of man, or reason. And again, the body itself, being equally liable to use and to abuse, and, when rightly disciplined, serviceable to the State, both for war and labour ; — but when not dis- ciplined, or abused, valueless to the State, and capable only of continuing the private or single existence of the individual (and that but feebly) — the Greeks called such 104 AD valorem:. a body an “idiotic” or “private” body, from their word signifying a person employed in no way directly ’ useful to the State; whence, finally, our “idiot,” mean-j ing a person entirely occupied with his own concerns. Hence, it follows, that if a thing is to be useful, it must be not only of an availing nature, but in availing hands. Or, in accurate terms, usefulness is value in the hands of the valiant; so that this science of wealth being, as we have just seen, when regarded as the science -of Accumulation, accurnulative of capacity as well as of mate- rial, — when regarded as the Science of Distribution, is distribution not absolute, but discriminate ; not of every thing to every man, but of the right thing to the right man. A difficult science, dependent on more than arithmetic. Wealth, therefore, is “the POSSESSioif of the valuable BY THE VALIANT ; ” and in considering it as a power exist- ing in a nation, the two elements, the value of the thing, and the valour of its possessor, must be estimated together. Whence it appears that many of the persons commonly con- sidered wealthy, are in reality no more wealthy than the locks of their own strong boxes are ; they being inherently and eternally incapable of wealth ; and operating for the nation, in an economical point of view, either as pools of dead water, and eddies in a stream (which, so long as the stream flows, are useless, or serve only to drown people, AD VALOREM. 105 but may become of importance in a state of stagnation, should the stream dry) ; or else, as dams in a river, of which the ultimate service depends not on the dam, but the miller; or else, as mere accidental stays and impedi* ments, acting, not as wealth, but (for we ought to have a correspondent term) as “illth,” causing various devastation and trouble around them in all directions; or lastly, act not at all, but are merely animated conditions of delay, (no use being possible of anything they have until they are dead,) in which last condition they are nevertheless often useful as delays, and “ impedimenta,” if a nation is apt to move too fast. This being so, the difficulty of the true science of Political Economy lies not merely in. the need of developing manly character to deal with material value, but in the fact, that while the manly character and material value only form wealth by their conjunction, they have nevertheless a mutually destructive operation on each other. For the manly character is apt to ignore, or even cast away, the material value: — whence that of Pope : — “ Sure, of qualities demanding praise More go to ruin fortunes, than to raise,” And on the other hand, the material value is apt to undermine the manly character ; so that it must be our work, in the issue, 5 * 106 AD VALOEEM. to examine what evidence there is of the effect of wealth on the minds of its possessors ; also, what kind of person it is who usually sets himself to obtain wealth, and succeeds in doing so ; and whether the world owes more gratitude to rich or to poor men, either for their moral influence upon it, or for chief goods, discoveries, and practical advance- ments. I may, however, anticipate future conclusion so far as to state that in a community regulated only by laws of demand and supply, and protected from open violence, the persons who become rich are, generally speaking, indus- trious, resolute, proud, covetous, prompt, methodical, sensible, unimaginative, insensitive, and ignorant. The persons who remain poor are the entirely foolish, the entirely wise,* the idle, the reckless, the humble, the thoughtful, the dull, the imaginative, the sensitive, the well-informed, the improvident, the irregularly and impulsively wicked, the clumsy knave, the open thief, and the entirely merciful, just, and godly person. Thus far then of wealth. Next, we have to ascertain the nature of Peice ; that is to say, of exchange value, and its expression by currencies. Note first, of exchange, there can be no profit in it. It is only in labour there can be profit — that is to say a “making * “ 6 ZeOj 6fino\3 nivETaiy — Arist. Plut. 582. It would but weaken the grand words to lean on the preceding ones: — “ort too IIXoo-oo naip£x