hi' ' ; > ’■ ' ’■' ,'\ . j f' ^ '!■ ' * r , i ■ ■ >, I\ j; -■■•'i J.. > . < 1 / £< /I r r M I. ■ 11 p' I? c THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY From the collection of Julius Doerner, Chicago Purchased, 1918. 265.6 Return this book on or before the Latest Date stamped below. A charge is made on all overdue books. University of Illinois Library Pl.i , iv bb sms 11 i9e^ »>.-j U I tj -6. 3 V - jf i- JUL 0 9 1986 -’'f • • . J >. I s .i' ' •> ■'.... ; i.> ■. } ,■ ■ ' '' .'..••I- ■ ■ ,!»V '!}.Elf'll' '•t > ‘' I ( ' ■ ■ MORE FAITH CURES; OK, ANSWERS TO PRAM IN THE HEALING OF THE SICK. BY Charles Cullis, M. D., AUXHOB OF “faith CUKE3.” “ The prayer of faith Shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up.” — James v. 15. Beacon Hile Place, Boston. 239 Fourth Avenue, New York. 921 Arch St., Philadelphia. 31 Paternoster Square, London. Copyright, 1881, By CHARLES CULLIS, Stereotyped and Printed By Alfred Mudge & Son, Boston. C PEEFAOE. T WO years ago I issued a companion volume to this, containing an account of some seventy “faith cures.” That book, by the blessing of God, has been the means of stimulating the faith of many Christians, so that hundreds have, by simple faith, been enabled to lay hold upon God for the healing of the body as well as the soul. Faith cures are multiplying. Signs are not wanting to show that the Lord is once more opening the ears of His people to His voice as the Healer of bodily maladies. Not only is this branch of the Lord’s work growing on my own hands at home, but during my recent visit in England, abundant evidence came to me in various ways, that the Lord is also preparing His way there, for a full restoration of the early faith for healing. Visitors and letters asking prayer for healing came in to me from different parts of London, and from other places far and near. Testimonies were given b}^ many, when in our meetings there was oppor- 4 PREFACE. tunity for it, to the fact that the Lord had both healed them in body and blessed them in spirit in answer to the prayer of faith, according to James v. 14, 15. Many testimonies were given substantially like this. The words of one, “ I must praise the Lord for His unspeakable blessing to me. He has healed me entirely in body, filled me with His spirit, and made me happy as happy can be all the day long.’’ I found also that the gifts of healing are given to several in London, in greater or less measure; and many have been healed through their prayers, with the laying on of hands and anointing in the name of the Lord. Another sign of the growing interest in healing through faith is this: that the press is speaking out upon the subject more and more distinctly and fre¬ quently" in books and tracts and periodicals. IMay the Lord hasten the time when the Church, the body of Christ, shall no more be of doubtful mind or unbelieving heart in regard to her completeness of supply for all her needs, according to God’s riches in glory by Christ Jesus. One of the grand features of this gracious and glori¬ ous work is that healing of the body and of the spirit go hand in hand. This will be observed in both the testimonies given before, and in those presented in this book, in every case in which anything like a full state- PREFACE. 5 ment is made of what the Lord has done for body and soul. Would that more of the healed ones might bear witness to the power of Jesus as the Healer; and tell more fully how His wonderful blessings for body and soul have kept pace with each other. Nothing helps others to believe on the Lord like the distinct testiniony of those whom He has blessed. The Lord bless to many the testimonies here given, and multiply His witnesses by thousands. He will do it: glory to His holy name! Charles Cullis. 16 Somerset Street, Boston. MOEB FAITH CURES; OB, Answers to Prayer in the Healing of the Sick, ^ DESIRE to call attention to the fact in the follow- 3- iiig letter — and it is only one of many similar instances — where the patient, unable to visit me, wrote requesting prayer for healing. Some have been inclined to rob God of His glory in healing, b}^ attrib¬ uting some power to my personal presence. There is no point that I desire more to impress upon all than this, — that the prayer of faith is only the hand held out to receive what the Father alone has the power to give ; and that when it is saW in James v., “ The prayer of faith shall save the sick,’’ the promise is not com¬ plete until we read and believe that “ The Lord shall RAISE HIM UP.” Port Jackson, N. Y., June 8, 1878. Dr. Charles Cullis: Dear Sir ^—The friend, Mrs. P-, in whose be¬ half I wrote 3 ^ou a few weeks since, and for whose 8 MORE FAITH CURES *, recovery from apparently fatal illness you kindly con¬ sented to join in prayer with us, wishes me to write a few lines, supposing it would please you to hear of the marked improvement in her health. I'rom the time when we began to pray in this peculiar way, there has been a decided change in her. She began to eat well and sleep well; her nervous distress abated, and then almost disappeared; the swelling of her limbs began to decrease, and she became decidedly convalescent. Her recovery is quite rapid for one who was in so low a state, and there seems now to be nothing in the way of a complete restoration to health. As soon as she be¬ comes strong enough to bear the excitement of writing, she wishes to communicate with you herself, and speak of what is in her heart. In the mean time, she desired me to write these few lines. I trust the time is not far distant when every one of God’s children shall be strong in faith, and able to do all things. Yours in Christian bonds, Mrs. M. D. M. The promise in James, I feel, belongs to the church, the body of Christ, and is thus especially intended for believers. Many persons come to me who are unconverted, expecting to claim this promise. I say to them, “ Do you love the Lord Jesus? This promise belongs to such alone.” Often I am enabled to lead these persons at the moment to the feet of Jesus for pardon and immediate acceptance of salvation through His blood ; hen to follow with the truth that salvation covers OR, ANSWERS TO PRAYERS. 9 healing of body also, and that they are now in a con¬ dition to claim the full blessing. I think this is in accordance with our Saviour’s own example as recorded in Matt. ix. 2-8. In other cases conviction is not so immediate, and after recommending these to God in prayer, I suggest that they go to their own privacy, to seek light in God’s Word, with sincere desire for a knowledge of the great salvation, then to return to claim all God has for them. In many of these latter instances God has signally answered prayer. The wandering soul has returned to our Father, put on the “best robe” with joy and rejoicing, and received in the renewed soul and renewed body the abiding Guest, and all unhindered has started out into a new life of service, with Thanks¬ giving. Peabody, Mass., Jan. 3, 1879. My Dear Dr. Cullis : About six weeks ago I called on you, to ask your prayers for a return of health, as I had been unwell for a long time with consumption. You asked me if I thought God had forgiven my sins, and if I was a Christian ; and I told you I never had thought anything about it. You asked if I was 'willing to give myself to Him. I said, “ Yes,” and you praj^ed for me. O doctor, that prayer indeed has been heard; for from that day I have had a different desire, a longing to do Christ’s will, a trust that He has saved me, a love to seek Him in pra 3 mr which never before was mine, “ a new life,” as you might say, and I would like to have you thank God that I was led to turn to Him. My bodily health has not improved 10 MORE FAITH CURES ; much, but God worketh all things together for good to those that love Him. I trust that your good work is prospering as it must. Enclosed find a small sum to be used as you desire ; and praying that God may pros¬ per you in your undertakings, I am your brother in Christ, C. P. J. South Boston, Jan. 13, 1879, Dear Dr. Cullis: I know it will give you joy and gladness when I tell you how wonderfully God has answered your prayer. Three weeks ago I presented a request for pra}^!’ (at the Chapel) for a brother, who had once been a devoted Christian; but trouble had led him away from his Saviour, he had become addicted to taking opium, and was fast going to ruin. Through your earnest, believing prayers, he was brought to review his life, brought to self-condemnation, to repentance, to a renunciation of all that was wrong ; and to the praise and glory of God, he is again “ clothed, and in his right mind.” I cannot tell you the joy and peace that fills his soul: he says this is sufficient proof that God answers youi prayers. . . Yours in Christ, M. D. B. COLEBROOKDALE, Pa., Jan. 19, 1879. Dr. Cullis: Blessed be the name of Jesus, and thanks for His precious promises. I was a patient for eleven years, with a weakness, and suffered terribly under doctors’ hands, who told me that I was incurable, and should make up my mind to bear my burden, as it was given to me. It seemed hard to think I was to suffer so all OR, ANSWERS TO PRAYERS. 11 my life. I commenced then to look to Jesus, and prayed often, and thought if I only could touch the hem of His garment, I should be well. One day I got a newspaper into my hand, and read of a sick person who was cured by the prayer of faith. Two weeks later I got hold of another newspaper, which told all about your work of faith in Boston. A few weeks afterwards my brother sent me a book of “Faith Cures,” from which I saw wonderful things done, such as Christ did in His days when here in the flesh. I took my Bible, and searched in the Scripture, and saw that He would do now as He did in old time; and that the rule is, “According to your faith be it unto you.” That conviction never left my mind. I prayed to Jesus, that if it was the will of God I should be healed, to make it known to me. One day as I prayed, I took my Bible and opened it, and my eyes caught this: “ Whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.” That was a joy to my soul: I knew Jesus was speaking. I saw that the Bible was full of such precious promises, and that all who believed were healed. I was afraid my faith was not strong enough, and that I could not go alone. Then the sweet thought was given to me, “Fear not, nor be 3 "e dismayed; I am with you.” I then began to trust in the Lord, that if it was His will, I should be healed. I left for Boston, feeling sure that I was to be healed of the Great Ph^^sician. The first time you prayed with me, I was strengthened in body and soul; and after the second time, I felt like praising the Lord the whole night, because I felt so strong; and the last time, I had to shed tears of joy, for my most merciful 12 MORE FAITH CURES ; Saviour, in a sweet voice, said, “ Go, thy faith hath made thee whole.” I went home rejoicing in the Lord, and I am perfectly healed. I have now better health than I have had for twelve years. But, doctor, when yon read the letter, pray that I may be strengthened more in my faith; because every step I go forward ought to be by faith, that I may come closer to Jesus, and serve and praise Him as long as I breathe. Oh that the love of God may burn in all souls ! May God bless and spare you long yet, in this His good work, that many souls may be brought to Christ. To Him be aU the glory ! Jesus, blessed Jesus! Yours in Christ, Mrs. O. S. Brattleboro’, Dec. 5, 1878, My Dear Friend, — In His own good time, and in His own good way, the dear Lord came and left me, “ even me,” the blessing you and I and some others had been praying for: I am weU. Before I went to sleep on Saturday night, I asked the dear Lord to let it come in any way at all: to let me drink it, let me feel it in my veins, or let me feel it as I did the bap¬ tism of the Spirit, or let it come whilst I slept: I believed it would come, for He had told me that His Word should not pass away. I slept sweetly until four o’clock, and when I awoke I was well! I thanked God, but made no unusual stir until eight o’clock. Then I arose and dressed, and sat up, and walked all about the house, something I had not done for over eighteen months. I do thank you for your prayers, and pray God to abundantly bless you, which is all I can OR, ANSWERS TO PRAYERS. 13 do. During the past eight years I have spent all my living with physicians, and only grew worse. Only He who loves you and me can know how thank¬ ful I feel that the Healer has been here. I have so many to call that my time is all taken up in telling the story. I am not very strong, but I find my strength is coming. Please pray for me that it may increase, and that I may be a power for good. As 1 tell the story, the tears start from all eyes. I feel like saying, ‘‘ Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord! ’ ’ Yours in the love of Christ, L. H. D. Tallahassee, Fla., Dec. 22, 1878. Dear Dr. Cullis : Please accept this small offering for the Lord. Ever since you prayed for my husband to recover his health, last year, his health has continued to improve, and now it is fully established. I thank God every day. We ought to be better Christians than we are, the Lord has been so good to us. Please ask God, dear friend, to keep us and use us for Himself, in the place He has put us. Your friend and sister in the Lord, Mrs. M. L. G. Ramapo, N. Y., Feb. 9. My Dear Doctor : I am happy to be able to report the man for whom you prayed, as very much better. He broke out in a very copious sweat about midnight, — time not known to a certainty, might have been near one, but at any rate it was about the time you prayed for him. Praise God. S. G. C. 14 MOEE FAITH CUEES ; South Vernon, Vt., Feb. 25. Dr. Cullis: Dear Sir, — I visited the Home for Consumptives a few weeks since, and now shall feel more interested than ever in the work. I received the Report of last year which you sent, and thank you for it. I am here with my cousin, who was healed in answer to your prayer, and she will add a few words. I will close, praying God will bless you in your great work. E. M. D. Dear Dr. Cullis: I take this opportunity of thanking ou for the Re¬ port I received a few weeks ago. 1 have been blessed and encouraged in reading its pages, and stimulated to more activity, and still greater faith in the Master’s work. I ever hold you in grateful and prayerful re¬ membrance, as being an instrument in God’s hand of my entire and immediate recovery to health. Months ago I should have been in my grave, had not the Great Physician come to my rescue. No words can express my gratitude to you as the instrument, and to Him as the Giver. JNIy life and all I have are all His own, to do with as He pleases. No wiU, but a union with His own, is my earnest prayer, I still am well, with no symptoms of consumption’s hold on my system again. Praise His holy name ! I praise the dear Lord for the work He has given me to do. It is very sweet to me. I would be glad to send you some money now, but perhaps I may be able some other time. I know our God will richly supply all your needs, for He is j^our refuge, and His everlast¬ ing arms are beneath. Yours in the love of Christ, Mrs. G. E. G. OK, ANSWERS TO PRAYERS. 15 Milford, Mass., March 20. Dr. Cullis : Dear Sir, — I have long neglected to write you,*but have not forgotten how kind you have been to pray for me. I feel to-day that my arm is cured, which had pained me for six months. I applied to five or six doc¬ tors and found no permanent relief. I decided then to see you and ask 3 ^ou to pra}- for me; and you did so, and that very night the,pain ceased. I was so happy that I could not sleep, and arose from my bed to give thanks unto God for his goodness in healing me ; and I now thank you for j^our prayers and faith. I do wish that everj" one had more faith in praj-er. I hope you will still continue to pray for me that I may be a faithful follower of Jesus. May God bless 3 "OU, is the pra^^er of your friend, M. B. B. Hallowell, Me., March 22. Dear Dr Cullis : I know you will be as glad to hear as I am to tell 3 'ou that I have steadity gained in health, strength, and courage ever since I left Boston in Januar 3 ^ I breathe as easily and naturally as any one, can walk, ride, go up and down stairs, do light housework, sew, etc., and have strength sufficient to meet all the necessarj^ demands made upon it. I am very careful not to waste any of the strength God gives me by doing unnecessary things. The dear Lord knows I can’t do hard things, and he doesn’t give them to me to do. All the dread¬ ful sick feeling has gone, and I feel well. I wonder at myself sometimes, and lU}^ friends wonder all the time, to see me so well. The Lord blesses me every day 16 MORE FAITH CURES ; more than I can ask or think, and fills me with the “joy of the Lord.” How can I ever be thankful enough for all His mercies to me? Will 3’ou please pray earnestly for my dear mother’s restoration to health, who is suffering from physical prostration, but whose faith is strong in the Lord’s healing power? Don’t forget me in your prayers. God bless you always. Yours in the faith, E. F. L. Hopkinton, March 24, 1879. Dr. Charles Cullis : Dear Sir, — My daughter Eunie has been very anxious to make some acknowledgment to 3"ou for the kindness 3"ou showed her when she has been in Boston, and sends 5^ou for the Consumptives’ Home-. I regret very much it Is not in my power at present to do more. I wish to sa^^ a word in regard to Eunie. She is gradually growing better. Her form has changed, and now her hips are perfectly in line. She steps flat with both feet, something she never did until she saw you. Dr. Lake says, “No human power could effect such a change.” Therefore, to God we give the praise. God speed you in the good work, is the constant prayer of Yours in Christ, Wm. Y., Jr. Hopkinton, Sept. 7, 1878. Dr. Cullis: Dear Sir, — Thinking that perhaps you would like to know how m3" lameness is getting along, I will write you a few words. As soon as I got home, my friends noticed immediately how much better I walked. I have been improving ever since I came home, not OR, ANSWERS TO PRAYERS. 17 only in walking but I am not nearly as one-sided as I was when I got home. ’ So 1 am sure, if I only believe in Him, the Lord will cure me entirely. I feel very grateful to you for your help and sympathy. Kespectfully yours, Eunie Y. FREDO^UA, N. Y., March 24. Mr. Cullts : Dear Friend^ —Your letter was received, and at the appointed time we went to the Lord with our petition, and we do indeed feel we have “ touched the hem of His garment.” Mother felt the magnetic power of Christ, and is very happy in believing He has accepted her, bod}^ and soul, to heal. She is better, being much re¬ lieved of lameness, and we believe we shall continue to receive a blessing, as we have for months past, daily; and that “ He will forgive our sins and heal our dis¬ eases.” Will 3^ou still remember our case before the Lord ? We are very grateful for your motherly kindness, and prayer in our behalf. We enclose a mite for your use for whatever the day’s needs may be, with a prayer for the work. With hearts full of thanksgiving to God, and love toward all, we are yours in Christ, J. M. S. and Mrs. B. Lowell, Mass., Jan. 27, 1879. Dr. Cullts: “ Eejoice with those that rejoice.” Yes, doctor, I am a great deal better, and my friends are all perfectly astonished and delighted. Three weeks ago to-day, we 18 MORE FAITH CURES ; asked the Lord to cure me of this nervous prostration, and to restore me to perfect health, if it was His will. The excessive nervousness left me, even while we were praying, and has not returned. Tuesday, the 14th, we asked Him to grant me quiet sleep through the whole night, and to remove the cough and its cause He granted the sleep at once, and the cough has almost left me. I saw you again on the 20th, and asked the Lord to remove the un¬ natural heat from my head. Before we rose, my head felt cool, and my bowels have been perfectly regular ever since. For two years I have suffered almost in- cessanth^ either from constipation or diarrhoea. I wish I could tell you that I am perfectl}^ well, but I am very far from being strong. Sincerely yours, L. C. K. Augusta, Me., April 27, 1879. Dll. CuLLis: Dear Sir^ —According to promise, I will write you, telling you of m^' restored health, and of the test of my faith since 1 saw you, which was nine days ago. I came home believing that I was healed, and that the work was done ; but for days the past week my troubles were even worse than before I went to you. Still, I had the blessed assurance that my health would be restored, and I clung to my faith and trust in Gpd ; and suddenly my distress left me, which was last evening, and such a sweet sleep I have not enjo 3 "ed for four years as last night. To-day I walked to church, and it seemed as though I had a new back. God be praised for the faith and trust I have in Him ! Now, let me ask OR, ANSWERS TO PRAYERS. 19 you to pray for me, that I may ever cling to Jesus, whatever may be my trials or afflictions. For four years I have sulfered extremely. The last year every nerve in m}’' spine seemed to be affected ; my arms and my eyes also. Medical treatment did no good ; but reading and hearing of you and the cures by the prayer of faith, and taking God’s word for my guide, I decided to go to you, and God in His wisdom and goodness has abundantly blessed me. To Him is all praise due, and may His great blessings be continu¬ ally poured out upon you, His true servant, and thanks be to you for the assistance you gave me. The words you spoke to me and the blessings you pronounced upon me I hope never to forget Please remember me in your prayers. Very respectfully yours, Mrs. E. R. W. Union, Me., May 2, 1879. Dear Dr. Cullis : The thought comes to me to-da}^, ftiat perhaps I am too long withholding my testimony as to the result of 3 ^our prayer of faith, offered in my behalf Feb. 15. I have not intended to rob God of the glory His due, but heart and hands have been full of work for the blessed Master, and I have delayed writing. I hardly know how to express m 3 ^self when I realize what wonderful things God has done for my soul and bodj" since my first visit to you. Previous to that time I had suffered from chronic diseases, and for over five years had many attacks of neuralgia that had baffled the skill of some eminent physicians. For nearly three months before 20 MORE FAITH CURES ; seeing you, I was a continuous sufferer from this dis¬ ease, which the latter part of the time extended to my right arm. God plainly directed me to go to see 3 ^ 011 , and I can sa}^ to the praise of our dear Heavenly Father, that 1 have not had one neuralgia pain since you praj^ed for me, and am well in other respects. Idie healing power came as you talked with God, repeating the passage of Scripture found in James v. 14, 15, and continued with me over a week, and was most precious to my soul; and what can I say in regard to the baptism of the Spirit that came flooding my entire being, as the result of m^’^ new consecration to Him ? I can only refer to this promise, Jer. xxxiii. 3. Glor}^ be to Jesus ! I have never known such days as these, spiritually. God manifests Himself to me as never before, and gives me perfect victory over sin. Nothing seems too great to ask of Him, and I have sweet and signal answers to praj^er. 1 am kept in perfect peace, and experience a sacred nearness to God that I would not exchange for the great¬ est honors of this world. My soul sa^'s continually, “ Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me bless His holy name.” Oh that all God’s children could know the fulness of His power, and be saved to the uttermost. My soul is full to overflowing with His divine love. Blessed Jesus ! I hope that you will pray for me that I continue to live near to God and do His whole will. If there is anything in my testimony that 3 'ou can use to the glory of God, I am willing, for He has done great things for me. Yours in Christ, A. M. C. OR, ANSWERS TO PRAYERS. 21 Litchfield, Conn., May 8, 1879. My Dear Dr. Cullis : It was three weeks yesterday (April 16) since I called at 3 ’oor office to see you about my health. You desired me to write in a few weeks, so I take this opportunity. I feel I have been greatly helped, and am thankful I went to see you. I want to tell you more about my disease, that you may understand my case better. I have had, I think, an unusual form of dyspepsia of about five years’ standing. What has been peculiar about it and given me the most trouble has been a craving appetite, that I could not control or withstand in my own strength. This craving would come on at any time, but oftener an hour or two after eating. Sometimes it would leave me for a week or more, only to return worse than ever. I would become discouraged, and yield to it without restraint, using food I knew to be wrong, till this had become so fixed upon me that I was like a drunkard, and could not help myself. After every excess I would seek pardon of God, and try again, looking to Him for strength to overcome it. I did not ask Him to remove it, for I did not think He would take it all away then. Now, I believe He has done it in answer to the prayer of faith. I believed it when you prayed with me, and I felt it and knew it every day till last Thursday, when I did wrong, and it returned. I am very fond of fruit, and ate raw apples, and think this was the cause. You may remember my asking you if I could use fruit, and your telling me to use fruit and vegetables freely. Now fruit has been, I think, the cause of the sore tongue and the raw places and canker about the mouth. One phy- 22 MORE FAITH CURES ; sician told me that eating fruit to excess had been one cause of my trouble. Nearly every doctor speaks of the healthfulness of fruit, and I thought if God cured me I could use it, but felt willing to give it up entirely. I have never had much pain after eating, but often great nervousness and irritability. This all left me, and my strength improved greatly, and I felt the peace and love of God in my heart constantly, till I yielded, in a measure, to appetite, when I felt condemnation and doubt. Sometimes I think it was a want of faith, and not the food, that caused the trouble. Yours in Christ, W. B. W. West Concord, N. H., May 11, 1879. ' Dr. Cullis : Dear Sir ^—You will remember my calling on you less than one month ago, and asking if you ever prayed for those who stammered. I must confess I entered your office with wavering faith, not looking upon stam¬ mering as a disease^ although for days previous my constant praj^er had been for an increase of faith. After your prayer I had that confidence that I could talk, that I had never before experienced. During my journey homeward my faith grew stronger and stronger, and on my arrival home, the first thing I felt impelled to do was, to fall upon my knees and thank God that the fetters with which I had been bound these man}^ 3 ^ears were loosed. I speak so freely now, that at times I am a wonder to myself. I learn that my ready speaking causes remarks to be made by those who have known me from childhood. All I say is, Give God the glory. Please pray for me still, that it may never return. OR, ANSWERS TO PRAYERS. 23 A few hours since, I came from the sick-bed of' a 3 ’ounger sister, a Christian woman, who has for three weeks suffered intensely from pain. She has been in that way for ^^e^rs, neglecting to doctor, until now she is confined to her bed. She knows of my cure, and when 1 asked if I should write to you to pray that the pain might be taken away, she said, “ Oh, yes.” She is suffering so much that perhaps she has n’t the faith that I have for her, and will j^ou ask God to give her faith that she may be healed; also to take awa}^ the pain. My sister. Miss H-, wishes me to sa}^ for her that she still continues to gain, and her faith is strong. Yours with Christian regard, L. F. H. RESTORED BY PRAYER. THE CASE OP THE BET. W. H. SWARTZ, WHO WAS CUBED OP SEVERE * ILLNESS. [Frovi the Pittsburg Commercial.'] Rev. W. H. Swartz, of Beaver P’alls, Pa., who graduated in the class of ’77, Allegheny College, preached at the State Street Church, Meadville, night before last, when he said it was not his intention to preach a sermon, but to give testimonj^; and he re¬ lated a wonderful story of the efficacy of prayer in restoring him to health, which in brief is as follows: After his graduation he received an appointment from the Erie Conference to preach at Ridgway, Pa. Af¬ ter a few months’ labor he was stricken with disease, and was compelled to resign his charge. After being compelled to leave his work at Ridgway, he went to his father’s home, near Beaver Falls, where he grew 24 MORE FAITH CURES ; rapidly worse; but through the aid of eminent physi¬ cians, he was partially cured several times, but relapsed into a worst condition each time. Two visits were made to Clifton Springs, but finally medicine failed to havm any effect upon his system, and a gradual but sure decline was taking place. He had become so bad that he could not read or converse, when a letter was received from his brother, Clark Swartz, who is now in Boston, Mass., stating that Rev. Dr. Cullis, of that city, had performed many wonderful cures by prayer, if it was the Lord’s will that the patient should be cured. Accordingly a letter was written and de¬ livered to Dr. Cullis by the brother. Upon receiving the letter he knelt in prayer, and upon arising, said, “Tell your brother he will be well.” The word reached the invalid on the seventh day of April, when he also knelt in fervent prayer. On the 8th he was much better, and on the 9th arose from his bed in perfect health, both physically and mentally, and has been so ever since, able to work on his father’s farm during the week and to preach every Sunday. After deliver¬ ing the above testimony, demonstrating that miracles are performed in this age, Rev. Swartz made an ear¬ nest plea, telling the lessons to be learned from his experience, and impressing the audience with the power of faith and the efficacy of pra^mr. We now present a letter received from Brother Swartz : — Beaver Falls, Pa., May 19, 1879. Dr. Cullis : Dear Brother in Christy — I received a card from my brother, bearing your request that I communicate OR, ANSWERS TO PRAYERS. 25 to you the facts of my recovery at the hand of the Lord. I had purposed writing to you within a few days. Ever since the Lord healed me, I have been telling to public assemblies, to individuals, and to distant friends through correspondence, this wondrous work which the Lord hath wrought for me. Cheerfully do I acquaint you with the facts connected with my recovery, for m 3 ’ heart is full of joy and gratitude to m}^ blessed Master for His wondrous love and power as manifested unto me. In October, 1877, engaged in the ministry at Ridg- way, Pa., I felt the first indications of disease. I continued my work, hoping that time would restore me. But I grew worse, and six months after the first evi¬ dences of disease, my nervous S 3 ’stem was completely prostrated. I gave up m 3 ’ work and returned to my present home, Beaver Falls, Pa. From April 23, 1878, the time of m 3 " return, until Sept. 18, the record of my sickness was one of progress toward health ; and then, through over-exertion, my condition was reversed. I then. Sept. 18, went to Clifton Springs, N. Y., for treatment, remaining there twelve weeks. I re¬ turned to m 3 ’ home much improved in health; but through over-exertion, b 3 ’ Jan. 1 , 1879, I found myself as poorl 3 " as ever. From that time until Feb. 20, by great care and the taking of medicine, I made some little improvement. Then, without any cause, I began to grow worse, in spite of the greatest care and the taking of various medicines. A medicine that prior to this time had always relieved my condition and built up my system, now availed not. Some of tl;ie members of my home and other friends grew alarmed about me, and^predicted that I would not recover. 26 MORE FAITH CURES ; But, dear brother, in December, 1872, in answer to the prayer of faith, the Lord healed me of the disease of sin. And now, when bodily disease came upon me, I prayed earnestly unto the Lord that He would restore me to health, so that I might accomplish the work He had given me to do. There never came to me a doubt during m};^ eighteen months of sickness but that I would be well again. On the evening of the sixteenth da}^^ of March last my thoughts were directed to the passage of Scripture, James v. 14, 15. As I studied God’s positive promise, “The prayer of faith shall save the sick,” I came to the conclusion that through lack of faith I did not know the Lord’s will concerning me, and that through lack of faith I prevented His healing me, if such was His will. My brother had sent me your “ Work of Faith,” which I read with much interest, and believed it. That evening the thought came into my mind: ‘ ‘ Why not write to Dr. Cullis, and request him to pray for me?” The next morning that thought was still with me. I believed it to be the spirit of God directing me, and I sat down and wrote you the request. This was part of the answer you sent me through my brother: “ Tell your brother he will be well.” I praised the Lord for this answer ; and then I reasoned that, since means had failed to restore me., and since it teas the Lord's will that I should be well., there must be some hindering cause within myself, or He would note heal me. I turned to the Lord in very earnest prayer, until, through grace given, I was perfectly submitted unto Him., and praised Him continually. Also I prayed more earnestly for the salvation of others than for my own recovery. I con- OR, ANSWERS TO PRAYERS. 27 tinned thus for ten days, holding right on to the Lord, and praising Him. Then the Lord healed me. On the evening of April 7, instantly there came over me a marked change for the better. I believed the Lord was healing me, and I praised Him. Upon April 8 the change was still more marked, and on the morning of April 9 X rose from sleep entirely recovered. Ever since that morning I have been engaged in the activ¬ ities of life, studying the Word, and preaching, and doing manual labor; and though I engage in these with much vigor, 1 have experienced not the slightest detri¬ ment. The cure U perfect. But I have something more wonderful still to relate. I have had upon my person for more than twelve years a defect pronounced incurable by physicians. The Lord heeded this also. I have tested this fully, and it is a fact. How true is His word ! (Eph. iii. 20). The healing of this body has been a great thing, but it is only a part of that which the Lord hath done for me. Through affliction and His healing power He has taught me very precious lessons. He has shown me that I am nothing, except as He doth fill me. He has shown unto me the emptiness of this world. He has taught me a wondrous lesson of faith through His heal¬ ing power. Now I know that “all things work to¬ gether for good to them that love God” (Rom. viii 28). I am praising the Lord continually. I send this out with the prayer that God will bless from this testimony in strengthening the faith of those who read. I do remember you daily in prayer. Your brother in Christ, W. H. Swartz. 28 MORE FAITH CURES ; Ocean Grove, N. J., May 27, 1879. Dr. C. Cuijas: Dear Brother^ — I am glad of the opportunity to fur¬ nish you and the public, over my own signature, the fol¬ lowing facts, to be used as you may deem best for the glory of God. Prior to the time referred to, my mind had been strongly prejudiced against certain views of the question of healing in answer to prayer, which had been avowed by some excellent and wise brethren of my acquaintance. The facts they asserted I could not dispute; yet, for what reason I cannot say, I was unfavorably impressed in regard to the general subject, and up to the time of the occurrences of which I now speak, I was not a little troubled in regard to the effect likely to be produced by the prominence given to this question. In company with Rev. W. Macdonald, in the winter of 1871, I was engaged in special religious services in the Bromfield Street Methodist Episcopal Church of Boston. Prior to this meeting, in conse¬ quence of the lingering effects of a sunstroke at Ur- bana, O., I had suspended all ministerial labor, and for several weeks had been resting, hoping to regain my usual strength. Contrary to the advice of m}'^ phy¬ sicians and friends, I accepted, with Brother Macdon¬ ald, the invitation to hold the meeting referred to. The meeting had been in progress some days, when the difficulty in my head returned with gi’eat force. The unfavorable reaction occurred in the pulpit, and for the moment the impression came upon me that my work was done. My sensations at^ the time were such as I had never known before. It seemed to me I must fall upon the pulpit floor. Yet I had the presence of OR, ANSWERS TO PRAYERS. 29 mind to resist the singular influence, and did so, and rallied. Brother Macdonald noticed the difficulty, and advised an immediate abandonment of all attempt to do any further work for the present. Various plans were suggested, and were under prayerful consideration throughout the ensuing day. An engagement to take tea with you brought us to 3 'our house that evening. After tea you spoke more directly of my illness and disability, and asked me the question, “ Why don’t you get cured?” My response was, ‘‘ I am doing all that I can to that end.” You added, “ Why don’t you get the people to help you, and pray for you?” I answered, “There are thou¬ sands of God’s chosen ones who are praying for me.” You then said, “ Yes, but they ought to pray in faith; and if they do, you will be healed.” You had the Bible in your hand, and read the celebrated passage from St. James: “Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord; and the prayer of faith shall save the sick,” etc. You laid great emphasis on the words “ shall save the sick.” I responded that we need not understand this to mean that the sick would be restored^ urging that they might be saved, though not healed. Your reply was, “ Very good, but what does this mean: and the Lord shall raise him up’^'i For the moment this sentence in the passage had entirely gone out of memory, and I asked if you were using an ordinary or an interpolated copy of the Scriptures. You assured me it was the ordi¬ nary version, and handing it to me, remarked, “You can read it for yourself.” I read it with adoring confi- 30 MORE FAITH CURES ; dence and joy, and repeated the sentence, “ The Lord shall raise him up.” You then asked me, “Do you believe this?” I answered, “ I do with all my heart.” The solemnity of the moment was truly wonderful. You proposed we should pray; and we all knelt and called upon the Lord to help. During this season of prayer, there arose in my own thoughts several test questions. Among them, I call to mind the following: Firsts “ Will 3 ’ou acknowledge this healing to be of God?” The prompt response was, “/ willF Secondly^ “ Will you, if restored, devote all your energies to the work of an evangelist?” The answer was at once given, “7 will.’’ Thirdly “Will you make a prudent use of 3 ’our time and strength, and not needlessly waste }"Our energies ? ” The same repl^^ was made. By this time 3^011 had come to the point in 3 ’our prayer, in which 3 ^ou said something like this: “O Lord, here is th 3 ^ servant, in great bodil 3 ^ ailment, in consequence of which he is unable to do the work to which Thou hast called him.” Then turning toward me, and after you had put 3 "our fingers in the oil on the table, 3 "Ou laid your hand upon my head, and said, “Let Th 3 ^ servant be healed in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Amen.” There seemed to come down upon all an awful sense of the presence and power of God. The sensation I experienced was simpl 3 ^ wonderful. As we arose, 3^011 asked me how I felt; and I said in reply, “I have either been healed or converted over again. Glory be to God.” Brother Macdonald and I went to meeting, and I conducted the services without the least embarrassment. Frequently OR, ANSWERS TO PRAYERS. 31 during that night Hrother Macdonald asked the ques¬ tion, “How do you feel now?” and I answered, “ Glory to God, I am healed or converted over again.’’ So oil it continued all through the Sabbath. I spoke of the matter in the public congregation, and narrated the occurrence in the Boston Preachers’ Meeting on Monday. I was perfectly healed, and went through with a most exhaustive week’s service with as much ease as I had ever known or experienced in all my life. The difficulty in my head entirely disappeared, and has never since returned, except in some instances, when I have lost sight of the tests to which I have alluded. I am fully assured that I was healed in answer to prayer, and have frequently so stated to my friends and the public. I make this open statement because of your kind request to furnish you an account of the matter. * Eight years have elapsed since this occurrence, and the Lord has enabled me to do as much work as a well man could be expected to do. Sometimes I have feared that it was a mistake for me to allow m 3 'Self to be burdened with duties of agent and editor, in addition to those of an evangelist. Nevertheless, grace has been given me to pei'form this extra service. But that my present position gave me opportunities for a wider range of evangelistic service than I otherwise could have, frequently I would have been led to yield it to an}'^ who might be read}" to take it. The Lord is graciously helping me to do my duty, and meet all the responsibilities of my position. 1 was never in better condition for work : and with God’s blessing, before I go hence I hope to have some good chance to do a 32 MORE FAITH CUKES ; little more in the Lord’s vineyard. I am glad of this chance to take rank with the fanatics who believe in God’s method of curing people, and who think that the Scriptures mean just what they say, in declaring that ‘^the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up.” Yours fraternally, J. S. Inskip. St. Louis, May 28, 1879. Dr. Cullis : Dear Brother in Christy — This morning my soul woke with these beautiful words : “I know, what- e’er befalls me, Jesus doeth all things well.” Then the Psalmist’s song is burning in my soul: “O sing unto the Lord a new song, for He hath done marvellous things: His right hand and His holy arm hath gotten Him the victory.” Blessed victory! Thou hast deliv¬ ered my soul from death, mine eyes from tears, and my feet from falling. The dear Lord in answer to our prayers, on the 10th of April, 1879, heard the prayer of faith, and granted it, giving strength of spirit and strength of body in a most wonderful way. First I was enabled to joyfully say, “Father, Thy will be done”; then, secondly, enabled by the grace of God to trust Jesus as my Saviour for full salvation. Being a perfect Saviour, I knew I stood complete in Him. Then I was able to claim Him as my Physician for the healing of body, and praise His name. He has been and is to-day all sufficient. I have been an invalid for sixteen months, sirffering with an inward tumor. Having at all times strictly adhered to the advice of the most skilful physicians, who attended me during the OR, ANSWERS TO PRAYERS. 33 time mentioned with but little improvement, my case was to me a hopeless one, unless some power was brought to bear more than that of earthly help. After having had pra 3 ^ers offered in various churches for three or four weeks, I was led to address you, my brother, and asked your prayer on the 10th of April. “The Lord is good ; He hath done exceedingly abundant, more than I could think or ask.” Since that hour I have believed, I have trusted, and I am trusting, and not in vain ! My soul is filled continually with praise. I am all the Lord’s, and He has accepted me and made me strong, all for his glory. strength is so wonderful! I have not taken one grain of medicine, have not been treated once. I had an examination eight days after I claimed the faith, and my physician in astonishment exclaimed, “ I see no sign of disease ! You are well! What has done this?” I exclaimed, “Praise the Lord! ” and forgetting all else but my Saviour, I told him of the wondrous love ; and when I told the sweet story, tears fiowed from his eyes, and this was the means of leading him to trust Jesus, and ask for pra^^er for his healing. Oh, magnify the Lord with me ! Let us, dear brother, ask God that m 3 " ph 3 'sician may claim the faith and be healed. May the Father’s love be always with and around you. LoM, remember the faith homes, and let Thy name be glorified through them! Your sister in Christ, Mrs. W. B. McE. Felton, Del., May 29, 1879. Dr. Cullis : Dear Sir^ — You may have forgotten the fact that more than two 3 "ears ago, I wrote you, asking 3 "our 34 MORE FAITH CURES ; prayers in my behalf. I was troubled lest a decided curvature in my spine should become so bad as to inter¬ fere with the performance of my daily household duties. You wrote me you had prayed for me ; but I do not know whether it was before your letter came, but I think it was, that I was strangely handled after I had retired at night, and twisted and turned, until I was laid upon my back. I thought, “ This is the process I have read of, and my back is being healed.” But it continued weak and painful, and I thought I must have been mistaken ; it must have been a severe nervous affec¬ tion, though entirely different from anything I ever knew before. My brother grew worse and died, and my household duties forbade the rest I needed. My back grew better, but from some (as it seems to me 7iow) un¬ accountable cause, the whole matter passed from my thoughts. But a few weeks ago, in rubbing my back, I was startled to find it perfectly straight. How long it has been so I cannot tell, but it is now perfectly straight. The curve was to the right, in the lower part of the spine, commencing about the waist. I am still weak, though leading a very active life, and am exceed¬ ingly nervous ; a touch startles me, and often painfully. My hearing is still bad. I am thinking now it is partly in consequence of my nervous condition, and partly the result of long-seated catarrh. My physician used to call it a chronic bronchial affection, but the last two years my nose has been sore nearly all the time This deafness has been a source of sorrow to my friends, perhaps even more than to myself. In prayer some years ago, when I was pleading that it be removed, the answer came sweetly, ‘‘ My grace is sufficient for thee,” and it has been. OR, ANSWERS TO PRAYERS. 35 Since about the 1st of December last, we have been holding a ladies’ meeting in the interest of holiness, and they call me the leader. Here my deafness is perhaps more felt than anywhere else, and the dear sisters often plead for a healing if it is the Lord’s will. We want His will should be done ; but you know the promise is “Whatsoever,” and t\\Q persovs^ “Whosoever.” So for even me He may exercise his healing power a second time. The ladies join me in requesting you will please meet us at a Throne of Grace on next Wednes¬ day afternoon at three o’clock, June 4. If the notice is too short, or you are from home, and we fail on the day, we will renew the request on the week following ; but my faith claims it for June 4. I shall not be with them, being summoned to visit a sick and perhaps dying sister. To God be all the glory; and He shall have it. He has honored our faith on many occasions, and is still continually opening the way for us out of very depressing circumstances. We trust in Him, and look to Him in every trial. We are giving our petition this form: “that the Lord will strengthen m}^ nervous system, remove the cause of the deafness, and restore my hearing.” Yours in Christ Jesus, Mrs. H. a. \ Beloit, Mahoning Co., O. Du. Chas. Cut.lis: Dear Friend^ — Through the mercy of God I am able to tell you our prayers have been heard and an¬ swered, and I am almost entirely restored. It is won¬ derful what I am able to endure ! I feel as strong as 36 ' MORE FAITH CURES ; at any time for years, but cannot as yet say my heart is healed ; yet 1 am sure it will be. It is so mut h better that I dare not entertain a doubt. Praise and thanks¬ giving belong to our God. My healing is to the glory of God; for people have to acknowledge it is through a higher power than man’s that I have been made so well as to be able to attend meeting, etc. ‘‘My cup of joy runneth over,” and my greatest desire is to live every day to the glory of God. May the blessings of Heaven continue to rest upon you and yours. Truly your friend, H. E. C. Brockton, Mass. Dear Dr. Cullis: You asked me to write to you if I found that I was wellj when I got home. When I went to Old Orchard I had n’t a thought of going to see you on account of my liealth, although I had not been well for a long time. The ph 3 'sician that I consulted here is one of our old¬ est and most skilful, and while taking his medicine I always felt better; but as soon as I was out of medi¬ cine 1 felt worse than ever, so that I began to think I should never be permanently well and strong. Miss P-, from Augusta, was at the house where I stopped, and she questioned me very closely as to what ailed me, and I told her. She said that she would go to see Ur. Cullis if she was in m}^ place. “Well,” I said, “ I would, if I had a cancer or spinal disease, or some dreadful disease ; but for this I do not want to go.” Besides, I did not want to go and take your time and OR, ANSWERS TO PRAYERS. 37 strength unless it was really necessary. 'She said, “ This disease is bad enough, and it is sure to grow worse and worse, and you do not know the misery you are likely to suffer if j^ou neglect it. Do go and ask the Lord what 3 ^ou shall do about it.” The next da}" she said, “You must go ; I am sure you will be healed if you do. The Lord has given me this word, ‘ Heal her, and she shall be healed.’ ” “ / believe that T shall be, too, if I go; but I don’t know whether I shall go or not,” I said. Then I heard how tired you were, and how many came to see you, and I said to myself, “ I declare, it is too bad ; it is outrageous : I will rtot go. The Lord can hear me pray as well as Dr. Cullis, and I will just go now and pray that he may have strength to meet the others ; but /will not go.” 1 told Miss P-, “ I think I will not go ; there are so many who need to more than I do, and the doctor is mortal, I suppose, — he cannot endure everything.” “Ah,” she said, “ you must go ; it is the Lord’s will.” I laughed to see her so positive about it, but said, “ Then I ’ll go.” I do not know what to make of it, but truly, as soon as I stepped upon the piazza I felt all through me that [ was being healed. Is this not strange? I am entirely healed of the disease for which I had faith at that time. But I have another disease that I did not include at that time. May I hope that I may be free from that ? I am writing a long letter, but I want to tell you what a test I had a day or two after I saw you. I had been in such a condition that to stand long upon my feet, or to walk far, put me in misery. 1 have sometimes felt, when I have been to Boston, and been about on my feet for some time, and then had to ride 38 MORE FAITH CURES ; horae in the cars, as though my brain fairly reeled. I could hardly answer anybody civilly, T was in such dis¬ tress ; and the weight of my hands across me was too much ; and when R-would come and throw himself down upon my lap, it hurt me severely. Well, a day or two after I came to see you, I took R-to meeting in the evening, and he got to sleep, and I took him up in my lap and held him all the time I sta^^ed, and the seats are not quite like easy-chairs, 3 ^ou know ; but it did not hurt me one bit. Then I could not wake him up, and I stood him down upon his feet, and lifted him silong a step at a time. Then I took him up in my arms and carried him up to the back of the grove, and it happened to be that roughest path of all, where those great stones are, but it was so dark I could not see them, so I went stumbling up over them, and that did not hurt me ; and yesterday I rode all that distance home in the cars, and I never felt better than I do to-day. I am going to write you again some time, but not such a long letter as this. Mrs. J. a. P. Clifton Springs, N. Y., Aug. 12, 1879. Dr. Cullis: Dear Sir, — When you left me you desired me to write out for you a short account of my cure of spinal irritation, in answer to the prayer of faith which you offered at my bedside, on Friday evening, June 27. It was a disease from which I had suffered for thirty years, many times being confined to my bed for months at a time ; and the last winter, particularly, not having OK, ANSWERS TO PRAYERS. 39 been able to sit up the entire winter. I came to Clifton against the advice of friends and physicians, who felt that I would not be able to bear the journey. After being here four weeks, my physician, Dr. Foster, said, “Why not apply quietly to the Lord for heal¬ ing?” and added, “ I would like to bring in Dr. Cullis to pray with you.” Not being the least bit of “a fanatic,” I at first repelled the thought; but as I studied my Bible with reference to it, and as I firmly believe, submitted myself to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, I felt more and more convinced that this healing was possible, and that it was for me, if 1 would claim it; and in less than twelve hours from the first sug¬ gestion, I asked that you should come to my room. After a few questions, the anointing oil was applied to the forehead, and God was asked to cure the disease. After you had left the room, I lay under the power of God for half an hour. An attending physician came in, and prepared medicine for the night, but I was firmly resolved not to take it. At this time' I had not the slightest evidence that a cure was effected; on the contrary, I was suffering intensely, and in the night the thought would come, “Perhaps God intends to heal 3 ^ou by this medicine.” But I said resolutely, “ Never, Lord ; it must be by a clean hand.” In the morning it seemed a hand-to-hand conflict with the powers of dark¬ ness ; but I kept trusting and waiting. In the early morning of the 29th, Sabbath, I awoke suffering in¬ tensely. I arose and committed it again to God, lay down again, and when I awoke, two hours after, the sense of healing was complete, and for a half-hour my voice was filled with praise. I seemed to have no con- 40 MORE FAITH CURES ; trol over my lips, but would keep saying, “ I thank thee, O Lord, I thank thee ! ” Since then, with many things conspiring to produce a recurrence of the disease, I am free At times the pain would return, but a renewed application to the Great Physician has entirely conquered, and I am going to my home in the West, with the knowledge that the disease which I had always supposed incurable was removed by the power of God. “With Him all things are possible.” Let me say, too, that with the physical has come the spiritual healing, and I have such an appreciation of the presence of God in my heart and life as I had never dreamed of. I give this as a simple recital of what God has done for me. Unto His dear name be all the praise. “ Soul and body, all exultant, Shall the glorious truth reveal; Ever telling There’s a God in Israel.” Ever yours, A. G. B. f New Hampton, N. H., Aug. 21, 1879 Dit. Charles Cullis : Dear Brother in Christy —Two years ago I asked the prayers of your meeting for a lady, broken in health and in insane despair. Two days ago we had a visit from her, in good health and spirits. The strug¬ gle has been long, and the victory is of the Lord, and we wish to give thanks to His name. Yours truly, R. S. L. OR, ANSWERS TO PRAYERS. 41 “ The prayer of faith shall save the sick.’* “ Whatever ye shall ask in faith, believing, it shall be done unto you.” In the autumn of 1875, I suffered from a profuse hemorrhage, which left my lungs in such a weak state that every few months I was obliged to make a change of climate. A damp atmosphere and rainy days were particularly trying, causing a weakness and painfulness in the left lung, accompanied with a hacking cough, from which I have never entirely recovered. While travelling in New Hampshire this summer, I met at Newport a dear sister from Boston, — one whom the Lord has led in the green pastures of His love. We enjoyed some precious seasons together, talking of the precious goodness of God, and of the power of Christ to fully save the soul. In one of these conver¬ sations the sister asked me if I had read “Faith Cures,” by Dr. Cullis. I replied in the negative. She handed me a little book, the reading of which was to be so greatly blessed to me. I took it to my room and carefully perused it; and knowing that our God is no respecter of persons, that if He would heal others He would heal me, I at once sought the aid of the Spirit to guide me, and received in reply, “ If ye abide in me, and my words abide in j^ou, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto 3 ^ou.” For the past ten j^ears I have been reading the Word by the illumination of the Spirit, and have learned that God’s “ shall” does not mean “ perhaps.” It is “ Thus saith the Lord.” 42 MORF FAITH CURES ; After a praj^erful consideration of the matter, T decided to write to Dr. Ciillis, asking him to appoint some time when he would make my case a special sub¬ ject of prayer, that 1 also might be waiting before the Lord. Me replied, naming Ang. 12, at three o’clock p. m. How prayerfull}^ I waited for the day ! and when the hour came, and 1 knelt in my room alone, Lwas awed into silence. It was holy ground. I could" not pray, but with bowed head waited for the ..fulfilment of the promise; and He who is ever faithful, who never yet disappointed one of the least of His children, then and there healed me. 1 did not feel any instantaneous improvement. 1 was so lost to self, and so filled with the Spirit, that 1 scarcely realized that 1 was in the flesh; but after 1 stood up 1 knew I was healed. 1 thought it best to let some weeks elapse before making this known to my many friends, through the medium of your paper, fearing some one might be sceptical on the subject, and say that the first rain, storm would prove it. And it has proved it; for a few days after w.e had a continuation of five rainy days, and through that and subsequent storms I have felt no inconvenience whatever from the weak lung. To¬ day my faith is greater than ever before, for God’s word is yea and amen to them that believe. — L. M, B.^ in Zion’s Herald. OR, ANSWERS TO PRAYERS. 43 A TESTIMONY. [The following statement is given on the credit of the writer, for the con¬ sideration of students of the Bible.] “ The prayer of faith shall save the sick.” To THE Editor of the Watchman: For several years I was afflicted with neuralgia, and during the summer of 1879 the attacks Were so frequent and so violent that my life was despaired of. I lost all confidence in medicine, and in September visited Dr. C. Cullis, of Boston. He made a short, simple prayer 'to the dear Father above for my restoration, and I recovered. Kearly six months have elapsed since, and there has been no recurrence of neuralgic pain. My health is better than it has been for ten years. My eyes, which had caused me great trouble, are improv¬ ing wonderfully, and I have abandoned the use of glasses altogether. The spiritual blessing which at¬ tended my cure was even greater than the physical. Eliza J. Robertson. Louisville, Ky. Newtonville, Sept. 10, 1878. L)u. Cullis : We wish to express our heartfelt thanks to God, that while we united to pray for the raising up of our mother to health, from a sick-bed, when physicians had given her up, she was wonderfully restored to us. Yours in Christ, L. and S. M. H. 44 MOHE FAITH CURES ; Pennsylvania Military Academy, Chester, Pa., Sept. 21, 1875. Dr. Charles Cullis : Dear Friend^ — On IMonda}^, the 8 th inst., I left Balti¬ more for Boston, to ask 3 ’our prayer for my recovery. The previous evening I had started to walk to church, but felt my heart to be too weak, and turned back. My friends were wondering how 1 would stand the journey but I had no doubts about that. I went straight through in the palace car, — getting very little sleep that night, of course, —and reached Boston at 8 a. m. Tues¬ day 1 walked to the Adams House, got breakfast, and then walked to 3 ^our office in Somerset Street. The State House hill tired me severel 3 ^ but I prayed constantly and tried to trust. I was told you would not be there till two o’clock, so I returned to the Adams House and took a room. I consider this very providential, for it gave me several hours for pra 3 ^er and meditation on the promises. As I was about to lie down for a little rest, the promise about proving the Lord came very vividly to my mind. As I turned the leaves to find it. Matt, ix. 6 and then the thirteenth verse caught my eye, and as you may imagine, comforted me greatly; and when 1 found Malachi iii. 10, it filled me with new hope. Ps. ciii. 3 also came to me, and I la 3 ^down exclaiming, “ I am going to be well.” When I walked to 3 'our office the second time it seemed easier; and I really believe I expected to be healed when 3 ^ou prayed with me. I left you and went to the meeting at Faith Chapel, tiying to trust the Lord for all the strength I needed ; and cer¬ tainly I was stronger. The meeting cheered me greatly, especially the testimony of the colored woman who OR, ANSWERS TO PRAYERS. 45 spoke of her recovery from heart disease ; but a severe neuralgic headache came on, and remained with me a long time. I went from there to the cars, and took the steamer “ Providence ” for New York. Before I went to you, I had thrown away one bottle of medicine ; and before going to bed on the steamer, I dropped into Narragansett Bay my digitalis and iron, committing m}^- self to the Lord. Reached New York at seven a. m. on Wednesday, and left for Chester, reaching there at noon. When I left the cars, I debated whether I should ride to the Academy (a mile), or essay to walk. Asking the Lord about it, I felt strongly inclined to the latter, and according!}^ did so, walking the entire distance, with only a little of the old symptom in the left side of my neck. Remember here, that m}^ friends in Baltimore were wondering how I would stand the ride over the rough streets of Chester. Well, my friends met me and asked how I felt. I somehow answered, “ Pretty well,” although I was tired and weak. ISchool began, and my duties with it that evening, and the large number we have (one hundred cadets) coming in, many with their parents, necessitated a great deal of work. Suffice it to say, that I have gradually improved dui'ing the days that have passed. The building is high, and my class-rooms are in the top of the house, requiring me to ascend the stairs several times a day. I have, from the first, started resolutely, and gone steadily up without rest, and have felt much less quickening of the heart than formerly when I was relatively in fair health ; and 1 have not taken a drop of any medicine since I saw you ten days ago. My affection was a weakness of the heart, affecting 46 MORE FAITH CURES ; principally the mitral valve, which under any pressure would fail to act, and the heart would intermit. It was brought on in 1872, by over-exertion, when weakened by powerful medicines, taken for settled cold ; my fondness for gymnastic exercises, in which I excelled, leading me to make the indiscretion. At the time, it became very bad, intermitting constantly, and preventing any strong effort. In 1873 I went to California and engaged in the sheep business, and for nearly three 3 ^ears lived the rough open-air life of a ranchman, on the plains and in the moun¬ tains. The glorious climate, the exercise, and absence of mental work did their work, and in six months I had gained thirty-five pounds ; and thereafter, during m}^ stay in the Golden State, I looked the picture of health. But even that life could not restore the vital strength of my heart: it still prevented me from any violent exercise, such as running, etc., and some days I could not ride my horse out of a walk. I had become convinced, then, that no medicine of drugs or climate could ever make me entirely well; and as you know, the profession do not pretend to remove — or rather restore the lost vital element in such affections. They only profess to do what California did for me, — build up what is left. Realizing my dependence upon God, many a night I have stood in those great plains and gazed at those stars which there shine as they never do on the Atlantic coast, and cried to God in prayer to save me entirely from my disease. I had long trusted Him for m}^ soul; and all m}" meditations, all my reading, which has been exten¬ sive, all m 3 ’ scientific studies as Professor of Natural Science and Chemistry in this institution, only served to ground me deeper in the belief that God is over all, OR, ANSWERS TO RRAYERS. 47 ’ aiul that His power will reach and does reach to every¬ thing, no matter how small. Many a time have my tongue and pen been used to testify to this publicly, and yet 1 felt that my faith was weak. I returned to my post here in 1876. My health had of course suf¬ fered, since I was shut up in the house again ; and for two 3 xars I have been unable to ride a horse even, ex¬ cept at a walk. Last June I seemed much stronger, and I pra 3 md a great deal; but in July I suddenl 3 ^ broke down, and for six weeks before coming to see 3 ^ou, I was so ill that I could not walk any distance, could not read, nor even talk with a stranger more than five min¬ utes at a time. Those six weeks were wonderfully blest to m 3 ^ soul, however, and I prayed constantly. I felt the inabilit 3 " of medicine to cu7'e me, and did not want to take an 3 ^; but when 1 was very near death I was persuaded to call my friend. Dr. D-a Christian man, to m 3 ' aid. He thoroughl 3 ^ diagnosed my case, and decided that with the use of digitalis and iron, to correct the decided anaemia under which I suffered, there was no reason why 1 should not recover the health 1 had enjoyed in June. I am well posted in medieval matters myself, and the personal observation of my own case for seven 3 'ears gave me assurance that he was entirety correct in his diagnosis, and prob¬ ably so in his hopes ; but I told him, “You can only build me up a little, — 3 ’ou cannot cure me, and that is what 1 want.” To this he frankly assented. I then came to 3 'ou, and the rest I have written. I do not tliink I have felt a single intermission these ten da 3 ^s, but 1 must say that under the digitalis my heart iiad not actualty intermitted much before. It would, how- 48 MORE FAITH CURES; ever, beat very variously before and after meals, etc., and that has almost entirely ceased. I endeavor to leave all symptoms to the Lord. I could tell of num¬ bers of precious texts that He has given me from His word, when I felt troubled, the book opening to them in answer to my request; but time and space and your patience forbid. Gratefully and faithful!}" yours, R. K. Carter. Brattleboro, VT., Sept. 26, 1879. Dr. Cullis: Dear Sir^ — You may not remember the writer, who called on 5 ^ou 13th and 14th inst., and in answer to your prayer was cured. I am as well as before the sickness, resulting in nervous prostration, and I hope the Lord will heal all my diseases, and give me more robust health than 1 have enjoyed of late years, and show me His way. Yours truly, A. A. C. West Brattleboro, Vt , Oct. 4, 1879. Dr. Cullis: i Dear Sir, — Thanks for your continued interest and prayers. After a sufficient time had elapsed for my fonner letter to reach you, I did feel stronger, and have since felt no pain in the back, nor any dyspepsia. Considerable interest is manifested in regard to my cure; but Christians are slow to give-.- God the glory. An unconverted man, severely afflicted with disease, was much interested. OU, ANSWERS TO PRAYERS. 49 Is it too much to ask you to remember the writer in prayer, that he may be wholly consecrated and wholly led by the Spirit? Yours truly, A. A. C. Minneapolis, Minn., Oct. 8, 1879. Dear Dr. Cullis : It is due you that I should tell what great things God has done for me through your instrumentality. For twenty-nine years previous to May, 1878, I had been afflicted with severe nervous headaches, the attacks averaging twenty-four hours every two weeks. Even in a dark room I suffered extremely. Sometimes in the early years, before I knew how much I could bear, I used to ask my mother to examine my temple to see if it was not bursting with pain. Eight years of this time I had been engaged in public work connected with the Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society of the Meth¬ odist Episcopal Church. This affliction had oftentimes been a hindrance in accomplishing what I thought would be for God’s glory. Many times when laid aside, it would occur to me, “ Why have these head¬ aches when you have the Great Physician ? ” Once a deep impression was made upon my mind by an old lady whom I had never seen before, one who walked very closely with God, saying abruptly to me, “It is your own fault if 3’ou have headaches. Ood does not want 3 ^ou to have them.” I had read the reports of your work for years, and was deeply interested. About this time I searched the Scriptures to see if there was an instance on record 50 MORE FAITH CURES ; where Jesus refused to heal when on earth. On the contrary, I found it written that “ He went about heal¬ ing all manner of sickness, and all manner of disease among the people.” Then I inquired of Him whether it was not His will to cure me, and became convinced that He would; but when I could not tell. I found myself asking Him to open the way for me to see you. On the 8th of May, 1878, I went into Boston. On the 9th had one of the most severe headaches I ever had ; sent for you, but you were out of the city. On the 23d 1 called to see you. My thought was that all I had to do was to let you pray with me, and I should be well. I cannot describe the utter discouragement that possessed me when you quoted James v. 14, 15, and directed me at once away from yourself to Christ, and waited for my faith to claim the promise. 1 had often tried to do that, and the headache still came. The impulse was to retreat, and dismiss all thought of healing. It was a moment of agony. God had spoken to me. He had led me to see you, in answer to my own prayer, that I might be more efficient in His ser¬ vice. I dared not go back; the command was “ For¬ ward ! ” Indeed, I believed this act of disobedience would bring me into darkness ; and with all the effort of my will, as when I believed definitely for a clean heart, I said, “ I take God at His word.” You then prayed with me, and asked God to “ remove all cause of nervous headache” from me, that I might “ never have another,” and anointed me with oil in the name of ✓ the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. As 3 "ou bade me good by, you said, “ When threatened with headache, tell the Lord He is 3 "our Healer.” For several months OR, ANSWERS TO PRAYERS. 51 I would occasionally have symptoms; but from the 23d of May, 1878, to the present time, I have not been in bed a moment with headache. Immediately after leaving your office I announced my faith to a friend, and since that I have told it a great many times. It seems that every time I tell it or write it, a new thrill of health goes through my being. Others have been led to the great Healer. I have heard that a blind lady in St. Louis (my former home) listened to the story, as I related God’s goodness to me at a ladies’ prayer meeting in that city, and went home telling the Lord her great need of her sight for her children’s sake, and pleading with Him to touch her blind eyes. He did so, and she has been praising Him ever since for sight. All of the added days and strength have been gladly used for my wonderful Deliverer. Your prayer that I might be “ more abundantly useful ” has been answered ; and I ask that you will still pray for me, for there is much to do, and “ no chance in heaven to save souls.” With earnest prayer for you and your work, I remain very sincerely Your friend in Jesus, Mrs. L. E. P. Stoneham, Mass., Oct. 14, 1879. Brother Cullis: Two weeks ago to-day, I called at your office, desir¬ ing the pra 5 ’er of faith to be offered on my behalf, that I might be healed of “neuralgic headache” of long standing. I Avish to return thanks through you, in the meeting 52 MOEE FAITH CURES ; this afternoon, that God has heard and answered, and I am healed. Praise the Lord ! Your sister in Christ, Mrs. R. V. A. Atlantic City, N. J., Oct. 15, 1879. Dear Dr. Cullis; Some months ago I wrote you, asldng your prayers in my behalf, who was prostrated at the time by nervous weakness. I am marvellously better, and can endure what, awhile ago, would have been utterly impossible. Now, my dear friend in Christ, I come to you again, in behalf of my little boy (an only son), who has been stricken with typhoid fever, which has gone to ^his brain. Our physician seems to have failed in reaching, with remedies, a cure. My boy has been one of the healthiest of children, and one of the loveliest disposi¬ tions, so full of promise that the affliction of his sudden cut-down is especially heavy. Now, my dear friend, as you sympathize with torn hearts, pray for his restoration to health and strength. I feel that God is willing to hear, and that infinite wisdom is exerted in this blow of His chastening hand, but with the prayer of faith He is willing to heal the sick. Withhold not your prayer, then, my dear friend, in my precious boy’s behalf. My prayer accompanies this letter for your still richer blessing and extended usefulness. Truly yours in a common faith, J. B. H. J. OR, ANSWERS TO PRAYERS. 53 Clean, N. Y., Oct. 17, 1879. Dear Brother Cullis : I can but continually praise my Heavenly Father for what He has and is perpetually doing for me. Since the day we met in your office I have been perfectly strong in body as well as soul, and feel like singing constantl}^, “ Praise God from whom all blessings flow;.” And I thank Him that He has raised up such servants in His vineyard as yourself and many others. The Lord bless and strengthen you each day in your mission of love and mercy. Praise the Lord for all His wonderful works to the children of men. Very kindly yours, I. H. Savannah, Ga., Nov. 11, 1879, My* Dear Brother Cullis : A year ago I was so low (cough for two years), I gave up hope that I could live longer than April, 1879. Your praj^ers and those of your people at your Tuesday prayer meeting moved the hand of God to touch me, — heal me so that new life is imparted. Since then, T had my lungs tried by a doctor. He says bronchial tube leading to right lung is at fault, and my voice has not the proper sound. I gave up all work (pastoral), and even could not ask a blessing, or pray in the family. But last month I was able to preach in the open air to a large congregation, for forty-five minutes, and no ill effects. Since that day, three weeks ago, I have gained nine pounds in flesh, which to me is simply amazing. Now I desire the baptism of the Holy Ghost for work. Pray for me again, please, that I may be 54 MORE FAITH CURES ; filled with the Holy Ghost for any work the blessed Saviour may wish me to do. Yours in Christ, L. C. T. 44 Concord Street, Lawrence, Nov. 14, J879. Dear Dr. Cullis : ' I wrote to 3 ^ou the first of last September, requesting 3 ’ou to pray for me. I had then been out of health for a long time; had been taking medicine for four long months, which was a great injury to me, although the doctor told me that I should soon be well and strong. Instead of that I grew weaker, and in July I had a shock, which greatly affected both body and mind, and my friends feared 1 never should recover. But still I put great confidence in my doctor, and kept on taking his medicine. At last your “Faith Cures” fell into my hands, and I read it with great and deep interest. What a desire I had to see you! But my friends thought it would not be best for me to go, as I was so weak, and said I had better write to you ; and some¬ thing seemed to sa}^ to me, “If you want to live, leave off taking medicine, and trust in the great Ph^’sician of soul and body, for healing, who forgiveth all thine in¬ iquities, who healeth all thy diseases.” This was the precious promise that was given me, and many others claimed. Well, you answered my letter the next day, saying that 3 " 0 u would pray for me. When I arose the next morning and was dressing, a voice seemed to say, “ You are healed.” How happy I was ! and my heart said, “Praise the Lord,” My room seemed to be full of the presence of Jesus. 1 went out into an- OR, ANSWERS TO PRAYERS. 55 other room where my friends were, and as soon as they saw me, they exclaimed, “ Yon are better ! Why, how differently you look !” I told them that I was healed ; and we shed tears of joy together. Surely the effectual, fervent prayer of the righteous man availeth much in my case, to both soul and body. I never can tell you how thankful I feel for your kindness to me. It is through your prayers, and the great goodness of my Heavenly Father, that I am spared to see this day. “ Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless His holy name ! ” Oh, how I want an abiding faith and trust in my blessed Saviour ; how precious he is to me ! You remember I went to Boston three weeks ago, with two friends ; but I thought you was in a hurry, so I did not tell you what a great blessing I had obtained through your prayers. Truly yours, L. S. G. Lawrence, Mass., Nov. 15, 1879. Dear Dr. Cullis: I want to make a little thank-offering to God for my health and increased strength. Use it where it seems most needed ; my prayers go with it. You prayed for me at Old Orchard, and again in Boston three weeks ago. The local congestion is all gone, I think, and I am stronger, and trusting Jesus for full strength. Please pray for my mother, who is physically prostrated, and feels burdened in spirit; also for our pastor, who has had poor health a long time, and been unable t)o fill his pulpit much of the time. We have been praying for him, but he does not MORE FAITH CURES ; 5 (> believe in “Faith Cures.” Pray that the baptism of the Spirit may rest on him. Thank you for your prayers, and I give God the glory of the cure. His blessing rest upon your labors. Yours, Nellie F. R. t Cornish Centre, N. H., Nov. 19, 1879. Dear Brother: I wrote you a few weeks ago, asking you to make my case a subject of prayer, and I feel that I have been healed in answer to prayer. Though I have not the strength that I had before my sickness, I am trusting for it when He sees best. I have also received rich spiritual blessings. To His name be all the praise! May God bless and richly reward you in your glorious work. Yours in Christ, E. L. H. Purchase, Nov. 19, 1879. Dr. Charles Cullis : Dear Friend, — My health is good, and I send the account of my healing by faith, with desires that the Lord may continue His blessing upon thee, and the work He hath enabled thee to carry on. R S. C. When studying the Holy Scriptures, I had often read in the Epistle of James the words, “ Is any sick among you? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord ; and the prayer of faith shall save the sick, OR, ANSWERS TO PRAYERS. 57 audthe Lord shall raise him up, and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him. Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may. be healed. The effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” James v 14-16. While I believed them to be true, I had not known of their being fulfilled in the experience of any one until I heard S. H S. give an account of his being cured by the prayer of faith. I had suffered from a catarrhal affection of the throat for several years, and the disease seemed to be increasing, and my hearing was impaired. Medical treatment seemed to be of no avail, and I felt it would be right to go to Boston and see thee. My wife uniting with me, we went on the 26th of June, 1878. The inter¬ view was satisfactory, and on leaving the house, I “ I'eckoned ” I was healed The next day I told thee how I had been blessed, and that my heart was filled with love, thanksgiving, and praise. Thou said, “ I am inclined to think the work is done, and for this rea¬ son : He never heals the body without a baptism of the spirit.” For days the language of my heart was, “ Blessed Jesus, Thine the glorj'^! Thou hast made me well! Thine the glory ! Thine the glory ! ” New York, Nov. 24, 1879. Dr. Cullis: Dear Friend^ — God has greatly blessed our prayers, and we must give Him the glory for so graciously and speedily answering our request. On the strength of receiving your letter, I immediately set about writing to different friends, requesting their prayers for mj^ speedy recovery at the hour mentioned in your letter, 58 MORE FAITH CURES ; namely, three o’clock, p. m., on Tuesday, Nov. 18. I had been praying earnestly for myself, and my faith in and love for God have been greatly increased. On Tuesday last, about a little after three p. m., I felt a thrill pass all through my body, and since then my pains have very much lessened. I believe it was about twenty or twenty-five minutes after three, that I got out of bed myself and stood upright on my feet, and then took two steps. It seems in one sense but little, and in another light it appears a good deal. As I said to my mother, words seem too tame and meaningless to describe the acute sufierings I have undergone; neither can I ex¬ press my present feelings. Whereas in former times I cried but seldom for physical pain, I now cry a good deal. It seems as if this stress of joy was too great to be borne ! I feel full and running over with love and gratitude towards my dear Heavenly Father, Although I am not fully restored, yet 1 trust that God will soon perfect the cure which He has already begun. I know He will in time. My feet and lower limbs are very crooked, one in particular. I have feet shaped (as near as I can describe it) ver}’’ much like those called “ club-footed.” I trust you will remember me in your prayers, that I may be more like Jesus eveiy day. You will probably hear from me again before long. May God bless your prayers for others, as He has those that have been raised for me. Your sincere friend and sister in Christ, Miss E. A. R. OR, ANSWERS TO PRAYERS. 69 Newton viLLE, Mass., Thanksgiving Morning. Dr. Collis: Dear Sir^ — Some time ago I sent you a request for your prayers for my wife, who was suffering from con¬ gestion of the brain. We desire to acknowledge to-day tiiat these prajxrs have been answered, and God has bjen merciful to us. Yours truly, J. P. R. Chester, Pa., Nov. 30, 1879. Dear Brother: What a Thanksgiving day we have had ! Praise the Lord for His wonderful works ! You will remember I wrote to 3 "ou a little more than two weeks ago, asking you to pray for my sister, who for over three years has been so utterly weak and suffered constantly with her e 3 "es, the best oculists of Baltimore pronouncing them about hopeless. You wrote on Monday (two weeks ago) that 3 ’ou would indeed pray for her. On the pre¬ vious Thursday she attended a reception, and was dreadfully fatigued in consequence ; she had been pray¬ ing about herself ever since I was so wonderful^ restored from my heart disease and eye trouble, and she had endeavored to lay aside her glasses and trust to God’s power. Friday she would not hang them round her neck for fear she would use them, and she suffered a great deal. On Saturday I remarked to two friends here at the P. M. A. that I expected soon to hear from m}^ sister, telling them that I had written to 3 'ou to ask your prayers ; and that day I claimed Matt. MOKE FAISTH CUBES ; ' 60 xviii. 19. On Monday evening, when your answer came, I sat down and wrote to my sister, telling her what you said, assuring her of my belief that she would be healed, and adding, “ I am expecting to hear great things from you.” Tuesday I mailed it, and received, a few min¬ utes afterwards, a letter from her saying that on Sat¬ urday her eyes had been healed. I did not know how to praise enough, but I kept trying, and expect to keep on. Truly, “ Before they call I will answer, and while they are yet speaking I will hear.” She says she sat down Saturday morning and took up ‘‘Faith Cures.” She noticed the time, 11.30, and began to read, and forgot about her eyes, until she came to page 103. The case was similar to hers, and as she read the words, “ I opened and read page after page, and said, I am healed,” it suddenly occurred to her that she had been reading a long time without the least pain ; and looking up, she saw the time, — quarter past one, — and she exclaimed, “ I must be healed also.” For two weeks now she has not touched her glasses, and has used her e 3 ^es a great deal, and .grows stronger in body daily; while the Lord has also blessed her soul with a new light, as He only can. I ran down to Baltimore for Thanksgiving day, for we felt that if ever a family ought to be together on that day, ours should be, with two such wonderful blessings in three months. The Lord sent me to a good Chidstian man in Baltimore, who is djung with consumption. He is ver 3 ’ useful, talks to children especialljq nearly equal to Dr. Newton, and is in middle life. He believed all I told him, and promised to pra^^erfully consider my re¬ quest that he should come to 3 "ou for prayer. 1 believe OK, ANSWERS TO PRAYERS. 61 he will come if the Lord draws him. Do ask for it with me. Please ask God to gWe my sister abundant grace, and me also. How much I need and thirst for, every day and hour. Yours in Him, R. K. Carter, Rockport, Me., Dec. 5. Dr Cullis: Dear Sir^ — I am very happy to say to you that my health is greatly improved. I saw 3 "OU at your office last September. You prayed with me twice before I left for home, and I feel that your prayers have been answered in my behalf. I have been able to do more than I have for years before, and I want to give the Lord all the glory. I still desire your prayers that I may continue to improve, and ever be an earnest, faith¬ ful Christian. And may the Lord bless and strengthen you in all your good work, is the prayer of one that never will forget you. Yours truly, Mrs. a. C. C. Springfield, Mass , Dec. 8, 1879. Dr. Cullis: Last Febiniary I called at your office. I had long been impressed with the magnitude of your work. I went with a request of my daughter, Mrs. S. T. M-. I had not thought much of my own com¬ plaints, so filled was my heart with gratitude and praise that I was saved from the use of an ear-trumpet or a crutch. But I had been a lifelong sufferer from dyspepsia, with all its attendant consequences. When 62 MORE FAITH CURES ; I found myself in your office, and realized God’s read¬ iness to cleanse our bodies from disease as well as our hearts from sin, I asked j^our prayers with no wavering faith, claiming God’s precious promise, “I will: be thou clean.” I am now freer from disease than ever before in my long life. Hallelujah ! Why not tell me this before ? you are ready to say. I read jlour “ Faith Cures ” and reports with thrill¬ ing interest. I am asking day by day what I can do for faith cure. If you see fit to make any use of this, you will please withhold the name. Yours in Christ, Mrs. M. H. Vacaville, Cal., Dec. 24, 1879. Dr. Charles Cullis : Dear Brother^ — I have been reading your fourteenth annual report of your work of faith, and labor of love, sent me by my aged mother, living in Springfield, Mass. ; and although in straitened circumstances, I felt I could not be denied the privilege of sending you the enclosed amount, to be used as you think best. An aged mother and sister have visited you and been cured, and are now sound and well, after years of suffering, and the unworthy writer of this has been prayed for by you at their request, and I can testify that my health has since that time been such as I had not known for years before. Pray for me, my dear brother, that God’s will concerning me may be made clear, and that I may have grace to walk therein. Your brother in Christ, W. F. H. OK, ANSWERS TO PRAYERS. 63 Marion, Ia., Dec. 29, 1879. Dr. Charles Cullis: Dear Brother^ — Before the year is gone I must write to tell you that my faith still holds for complete healing, and in many directions I am seeing the answer more and more clearly as the weeks go by I expect this work to go on until I shall know myself well. If I could see you I could more easily tell you of the directions in which already the change is so .marked. For a time, even after the prayer of faith you offered for me, I trusted for help for the indigestion, and yet at the same time carried a bottle of nux vomica in my pocket, so if anything doubtful were eaten I might have the help near by. After coming West, I suddenly felt, for two days about Nov. 1, that I must give up the “nux” and trust God alone, and the result is almost marvellous. 1 scarcely know any trouble in that direc¬ tion. I have eaten in the last weeks some articles I have not eaten before, I think, in ten yeare, and still have been as well as usual. It is wonderful. And so, in many other directions, the change is as marked My friends have, many of them, never seen me looking so well. I thank God for all this help, and go on expecting even greater things. You are well and happy as usual, I trust, and find- ing jo}^ in “ casting all your care upon Him who carelh for you.” I trust that your work is being remembered, and that you are saved from any anxiety about it. I am going steadily on in my work for the salvation of souls, and am content and happy in all that God puts into my hands to do. 64 MORE FAITH CURES ; Your “ Faith Work” I keep near me, so as often to take it and read a little portion, always to find my faith greatly strengthened thereby. I am thinking to know more and more of faith myself, and thus, as never before, to “ inherit the promises.” Believe me, most sincerely, Yours in Jesus, 1. S. L. Syracuse, N. Y., Dec. 29, 1879. Dr. Cullis: Dear Brother^ — Since I met you at Clifton Springs, in June, and you prayed that 1 might have no more rheumatism, I have had no real attack of it. I enclose, as a thank-offering, $5.00 ; please use as the Lord directs your mind. Please send me a report of your faith cures, as I am particularly interested in that department. With prayers and thanks for the work the Lord has put in yours and Mrs. CuUis’s hands, and a personal regard for you both, I am Yours, Mrs. S. H. S. Augusta, Me., Dec. 31. Dji. Cullis: I send this money as a thank-offering, for the benefit I have received in answer to your prayers. I have been greatly blessed. Please pray that I may receive a full baptism of the love of God. Mrs. L. T. OR, ANSWERS TO PRAYERS. 65 Lynn, Mass., Dec. 31, 1879. My Dear Physician in the Lord : Please accept my mite as a thank-offering for the marvellous work of the Spirit, wrought in me, through your faith. The dear Lord must love you very much for your willingness to receive so largel}^ of His grace. May you receive yet more abundantly, and may we who follow obtain like precious faith. Yours in the blessed fellowship, H. J. M. Augusta, Me., Jan. 6, 1880. Dr. Cullis : Dear Sir, — I called upon you the last of October, to ask your prayers that I might be made well of a lame knee, a fresh injury after three years of lameness from a sprain of the knee. I was discouraged after I returned home to find myself worse than before. I see now, God was trying my faith, though I did not realize it at the time.' I had hoped I should be restored instantly, but that was my way, and God’s was to give strength gradually. I am now able to take a long walk with perfect ease, no pain or inflammation following. Best of all, I am able to rest in Jesus, as never before. I feel to praise Him continually. I enclose a small sum to be used as you think best. Your sister in Christ, F. P. McC. Brattleboro’, Vt., Jan. 7, 1880. To THE Editors of the Phcenix: Dear Sirs, ■— Kindly allow me to call the attention of your readers to the availability of God’s promises. 66 MORE FAITH CURES ; In the spring of 1878 a severe attack of inflammation of the bowels, preceded by gradually failing health, left me with nervous prostration and dj^spepsia, from which I did not recover sufficiently to engage in any occupa¬ tion of mind or body. At a visit to Dr. Charles Cul- lis, founder of the Consumptives’ Home in Boston, on Sept. 13, 1879, he offered for me the prayer of faith, claiming the promise in James v. 14, 15. The prayer was answered, and since then my health has been per¬ fect. Yours truly, Albert A. Cheney. Lowell, Mass., Jan. 12, 1880. Dr Cullis : Sir^ —I promised to write to you when I was satis¬ fied that I was healed. I have suffered from severe headache ever since I was a child, the attacks increas¬ ing in violence and frequency as I grew older, until the last 3 ^ear I have had them two or three times a week, alwa}^s lasting one day and night, often two daj^s. I would be completely" prostrated, could not endui’e the least jar or motion, sometimes unable to speak. The cause 1 do not know, as physicians disagreed, some saying one thing and some another, but all alike failing to render any help, though each in turn was sure he could cure me. Last July I was at Old Orchard, at the convention, ^and made up my mind to consult y"ou, intending to have you prescribe for me. Before the opportunity to see you arrived, I had heard so much of healing by faith that my^ mind was led to the subject in reference to my OR, ANSWERS TO PRAYERS. 67 own case. I thought of it several days, and when I stood before you, and you asked if I believed the Lord would do it, I looked in my heart for the answer, and it came promptly, “ Yes, I do.” You prayed, and as I arose to go, you said, “ Reckon yourself healed, and you are.” I said in my heart, “ It is done.” My head ached terribly, but I felt sure the blessing was mine. It continued to ache two or three hours, and then grew easy. That was nearly six months ago. I have had but one severe attack since, and that, I think, was per¬ mitted to try my faith The next Sunday it began to feel badly (I had in years past been very sceptical, and had been a Christian only a few months), and Satan said, “ See there, 3^ou are not cured, and you were so sure of it, —just as sure as 3^ou were that you were converted, and now j^ou see it is all a humbug to¬ gether ; one is as false as the other; you have been fooled and self-deceived. I told 3"ou so long ago, but 3^ou would not believe it; now see what a fool you have been ! ” I felt m^^self sinking, as surely as Peter sank when he began to doubt, and I cried in his language, “ Lord, save, or I perish.” I cannot tell you the agony of that moment. Just then, these words were thrown into my mind, “ Though He slay me, ^^et will I trust Him.” I said, “ Yes, if my head aches all the rest of my life, I will trust Him.” I arose and prepared for church, my head perfectly easy The next Sunday it commenced again. I sat thinking the ground all over, the promise and the conditions, etc., and could not see any possible way out but that I must be right in the stand I had taken, and that the symptoms to the con¬ trary were a temptation ; and I cried in m3' heart, 68 MORE FAITH CURES ; “ Yes,” and cried aloud, Lord, Thou hast promised that we should not be tempted above what we are able to bear. 1 cannot bear much more of this ; send the devil awaj' from me.” In twenty minutes m3" head was as eas3^ as ever once more. I came down to break¬ fast with that terrible pressure on m3" brain that foretold one of my worst atta'Cks, and the first thought was, “You must not eat; if 3^ou do, 3"our head will ache.’’ Then it fiashed over my mind, “ Put your faith to the test, and see if your healing depends on what you eat.” I did so, and in two or three hours I started up with the thought, “ Where is your headache ? ” I had for¬ gotten all about it. For a long time no s3^mptom of it has troubled me, so I consider my health perfect. The dear Lord seems very near to-day. Yours, Mrs. G. F. H. PiiiLADFXPHiA, Pa., Jan. 28 , 1880 . Dear Dr. Cullis : Since you prayed with me for healing, March, 1877 , T have been trusting Jesus entirely as m3^ ph3"sician, using no medicines, and have been better than for twenty years. A disease of that long standing has been cured, and my general health greatly improved, so I am a won¬ der to myself and others. I have dela3^ed writing 3^ou, because I cannot say I am a perfectly well person ; but so much has been done for me, I can no longer dela3^ to thus give God the praise for His great goodness in teaching me to trust Him for my body as well as soul. Very sincerel3" yours, S. M. L. OR, ANSWERS TO PRAYERS. 69 Campello, Jan. 29, 1980. Dear Dr. Cullis: I thinli it is three weeks to-day since I wrote to you with regard to the trouble in my eyes. I am happy to be able to say that the second day after I mailed my letter, there was a marked change for the better; and with but little variation, they have been steadily im¬ proving, but still are weak, and affected by slight colds. I Imve great reason to praise God for His goodness to me. Don’t forget to pray for me. Yours in Christ, E. W. L. Feb. 6, 1880. Dr. Cullis : Last summer, at Old Orchard, I asked your pra 5 'ers for a lady in ill health. She has been slowly and gradually growing better ever since. A few weeks ago, I sent in a request one Tuesday that a person might be spared severe physical suffering. God has heard both prayers, and abundantly answered. I would re¬ turn thanks. Were we not very poor in this world’s goods, I would render more substantial thanks ; but God knows. H. Creston, III., Feb. 9, 1880. Dr. Cullis: Dear Sir, — Of you I think with deep gratitude, for your kindly interest and earnest prayers. 'It is with a thankful heart to God, that I write of my much im¬ proved health. Of course the change is not so marked as in the case of Miss Judd; for I have been able to 70 MORE FAITH CURES ; go about, and to enjoy many things, most of tho time for nearly two years. Yet I can see that T am de¬ cidedly better ; the old pains are lessening all the time, and I trust I shall soon be well. But if it please God to order it otherwise, I will try and be content Our pastor. Rev. Mr G-, has given me great encour¬ agement, and his perfect trust has strengthened my faith wonderfully. Again let me express to you my sincere thanks. I shall always remember you and your work in m^ prayers. Very gratefully yours, C. F. C. Fall River, March 4, 1880. Dr. Cullis: Dear Brother^ — My wife goes to Boston, and I desire her to see thee. In case she does not, she will leave this to say that the Lord has healed me, and I now feel as well as I ever did, so far as freedom from my disease is concerned. I am not the man I was, as to strength, but I am growing stronger. I sleep natu¬ rally, and in all respects enjoy life fully. 1 praise the Lord for all, and ask His blessing upon thee as an instrument to help me take the step of faith. I want, as I am able, to give thee tangible proof of what I feel for thy work. Thy brother in Christ, Henry C. A. ' Philadelphia, March 4, 1880. Dr. Cullis : Dear Sir and Brother^ — We beg pardon for not writing you sooner; it is something to which we must OR, ANSWERS TO PRAYERS. 71 plead guilty of neglect. Now, then, we will try and tell you who we are, for you come in contact with a number of persons throughout the year, and may not remember us, as you saw us only a few minutes, I think, — perhaps ten or fifteen minutes at the longest. My wife and I were at your office to consult you, the latter part of last August. My wife had been subject to nervous spasms and a complication of diseases. She had not enjoyed good health for six years, and was subject to the spasms four years. She would sometimes lie as long as four hours in the spasms, getting one after another. Her body would be prostrated, and she was subject to short¬ ness of breath. She was not able to do any work We were encouraged to visit 5 mu by reading a report by Rev. Brother Davies, in the ‘^Home Journal,” of an experience meeting held during the faith convention at Orchard Beach, at which only those that were healed by faith in God were requested to speak. After reading this report, we talked the matter over of going on .to Boston. My wife believed God could cure her, if it was His will, and if you remember, she told you so; but she was under the impression that it was the Lord’s will for her to suffer. You said it was not the Lord’s will she should suffer; and that there was no “if” about it. You read from St. James, fifth chapter, fourteenth and fifteenth verses. In the fifteenth verse it reads, “ And the prayer of faith shall save the sick.” You said, if she would believe, God would cure her then and there. She did believe. You anointed her with oil, and prayed for her, and God answered the prayer of faith. She has not had a spasm since that time. Before this, she has been taken with spasms in 72 MORE FAITH CURES ; different churches, also at camp meetings, as well as at other places. She has been carried from church for several squares. I could relate more, but to God be all the glory, for what He has done for her. She has been able to do her work about the house, with the exception of washing and ironing. I remain yours in Christ, I trust, W. A. B. Evansville, Ind., March 18, 1880. Dear Brother: On the 9th of this month, you were to offer up prayer in my behalf. At the hour appointed, I prostrated my¬ self before God, with my open Bible, and spent that whole hour (and longer) in pleadings and prayer and supplications to Him in Jesus’ name, “ for healing.” From that time I have felt a relief in my breathing, and there is less soreness in my lungs or bronchial tubes. 1 cough and expectorate much less than formerl}^, and my sleep is sweeter, sounder, and more refreshing than it has been for many years past. My dyspepsia seems to be leaving me. For these blessings I give God “ loud praise.” I feel like holding to the hem of Jesus’ gar¬ ment until he makes me whole, for 1 want to work for Jesus. Oh that He would speedily restore my hearing, and remove this black cloud from my eye! Dear brother, still pray that I may be made whole. I am trusting wholly to God; I have taken no medicine since the 8th of this month. Since I have been asking the Lord to heal my bodjq such a sense of unworthiness comes over me at times I can do nothing but weep; and then He comforts me with his '•‘blessed promises.” OR, ANSWERS TO PRAYERS. 73 As I fear I am making my note too lengthy, thereby consuming too much of your precious time, I will close by giving my “mite” into the treasury of the Lord, believing that “ your work” is “ His work,” and you are His servant doing His bidding. Use it in your work as you please. May the dear Lord bless you, and long keep you in His work, is the prayer of Your sister in Him, Mrs. Jas. G. P. S. —'I have not written of my soul’s enjoyment; it is a long story. I have reserved that part for another time. Brooklyn, E. D., L. I., N. Y., March 6, 1880. Dr. Cullis: Dear Brother^ — I feel I must begin this letter with praise, and end it with praise, to the dear Lord for sending me to Boston. When I accepted the gift of healing by faith in th}^ office, I felt nothing but a detennined effort of Satan to deter me. I knew I did receive it, though, and when on my return to New Y'ork that night, I experienced a delightful sensation of rest of soul, and faith claimed the boon. The next even¬ ing I received the baptism of the Holy Ghost as never before, in answer to thy prayer. 1 received that also by faith, without feeling that night; but the next day the blessed Comforter sensibly welled up in my soul, filling my whole being, and before night I was fairly intoxicated with joy. It was almost too much for nature to bear. In the evening I went to Dr. Peck’s class meeting (of St. John’s Methodist Episcopal 74 MORE FAITH CURES; Church), and declared what the Lord had done for me, and he gave me work immediately. I was asked to visit a sick man, who is a moralist, cannot see the justice of God’s dealings with him, murmurs at his trials, and will not see any minister. I pray God to give me ability to show him that he is a sinner. Last evening I proclaimed my healing before a Baptist cove¬ nant meeting here, and was wonderfully blessed. I cannot help it, I must tell it; I am compelled. But while my spirit has been so blessed, the actual con¬ dition of my physical frame is not much changed, although a change has commenced. Thine in Christ, H. M. U. Brooklyn, N. Y., March 25, 1880. Dear Pr. Cullis : Thy very welcome letter was duly received, and I have hoped ere this to be able to inform thee of the completion of the work in me I so much desire. But it seems delayed. I confidently believe that my heal¬ ing took place the day I saw thee in Boston. At times I have the assurance of faith that it is done. And there I rest^ and will rest, and the dear Lord gives me great peace in doing so, and therefore I know that there is some purpose in this long-continued trial of my faith ; for the desired boon of perfect health and perfect cleansing does not come. I find, however, that every day my faith increases, not without struggles sometimes, conflicts with doubt; but still my faith life rises higher and higher, and I OR, ANSWERS TO PRAYERS. 75 wonder at times, when I am so sure^ that I do not see more results. But I shall continue to trust, if I die in the process. I Iznow it is not in vain. My God “ will come, and will not tarry.’" But though He tarry I will wait for Him. I know I shall receive the desires of my heart. 1 believe He is educating my faith up to the point of grasping the whole. But please, dear doctor, as thou hast time, continue to pray for me. I feel it is a life-and-death struggle. It is Satan’s last hold, and he is fierce. I know 1 shall win through m}^ “unconquered Captain.” “The battle is the Lor-d’s.” But the battle-ground is my heart., and it is torn in the strife. I am devoting my life now to the attainment of this object. But in the mean time the dear Lord deigns to use me : praise His name ! I shall stay here until I receive it all. Then I will inform thee of it. Thine in Christ, H. M. U. Howard City, Montcalm Co., Mich., April 5, 1880. Dr. C. Cullis: Dear Brother., — Please call to mind that on the 14th of April, 1879, I sent you a request (from Watkins, my home), having just then a strong desire for some one to unite with me in my petitions to God. On the 16th, I received a line from you that on the 22d, thi'ee p. M., my request would be remembered in the meeting. That day and hour, the Spirit led me to a more full consecration' of myself to the Lord, calliug 76 MORE FAITH CURES; to mind an unprofitable life of weakness and imperfec¬ tions, God’s mercies, and the Spirit’s oft refreshing visits to my soul, and I was led to repentance (such as the Spirit gives) for the former, and praise and thanks¬ giving for the latter. After the hour thus spent alone with God, I was walking out, and suddenly, like a flash, came light, and a lifting up of the dark cloud so long resting down upon the brain. I began to praise God for the hand of His presence, who alone could give rehef to my weary head, and to all His suffering children. I was reminded of Psalms hi. 3. I am 3 "et mentally sick ; able, with the weakness in my head, to do only a little personal work for Christ in every-day life. It is often said to me, “ How much I miss your visits ! ” and again, “ I am so sorry 3 "ou are laid up from attend¬ ing meetings!” “We miss 3 "ou in our session meet¬ ings ! ” I thank God I am remembered and missed. I long to be made whole, endued with more power from on high, more fitness for the blessed work. morn¬ ing verse, Isaiah xxx. 15.) I thank the Lord. My faith is being severely tried, at times ; but through the VV^ord and the Spirit helping my infirmities, I gain the vic¬ tor}^. I trust the Lord is preparing me for greater usefulness in future. Yours in love of God, A. F. S. Johnson, April 19, 1880. Dr. Cullis : Dear Friend^ — I said if there was any change in my spiritual or bodily health I would write again. I feel that God has heiird and answered prayer according to OR, ANSWERS TO PRAYERS. 77 my faith I am better, both body and mind ; and some¬ times 1 almost feel that He will make me every whit whole I want to be sanctified, soul and body, and prepared for the Master’s use, and spend the remainder of my days in God’s glorious work. Please continue your prayers daily for me. If there are others with strong faith like your own, please ask them to pray for me. Yours truly, s. s. c. Hopkinton, April 21, 1880. Dr Cullis : Gratefully would I testify to God’s goodness in im¬ proved health Nearly a year ago, I called to see you. During your prayer with and for me, I experienced no such change as some speak of, but felt that my desire would be granted. I am very much improved, though not entirely cured. My eyes were very weak, so could use them but very little, not at all some days ; suffered also ver}^ much with my head, and had difficulty in using my arms. Great as is the temporal blessing, the spiritual good that has come with it is greater. Yours in Christ, J. C. P. Erie, April 23, 1880. Dr. Charles Cullis, Boston: Dear Sir^ — Some weeks since T addressed you from this city, making request for united prayer in behalf of l^he case of a dear friend, to which 3 ^ou kindly and promptly responded, appointing Feb. 17. To us has 78 MORE FAITH CURES ; been verified the promise, “ Where two or thrqe,” etc. The dear sister’s written testimony please find enclosed. Sister in Christ, E. H. Stone. Erie, Pa., April 25, 1880. According to previous arrangement, I was made a subject of prayer, Feb. 17, 1880. The three days preceding this memorable date, I was very ill; also the early part of the* day, 17th. Between the hours of three and four o’clock (the hour appointed for prayer) I commenced feeling better. Since that date have dis¬ carded all remedies. Have steadily improved, until now I am perfectly well. Praise is due the Divine Healer. Mrs. Rev. J. A. K. Holliston, April 27, 1880. Dr. Cullis : Dear Sir, — I know 3 '^ou will rejoice with me that at length our praj-ers have prevailed to a considerable extent. I trusted the Lord for strength to go to Boston, and He gave it, with this marked change : Be¬ fore, I could sit up but an hour, and not often that, on account of a local weakness which, although a new trouble, has kept me in bed because I could not have mj" feet lowered without very much suffering. I shrank from the pain it would bring bn, but thought God would take care of me, and He did. I have been out to every meal since I came home, have been able to walk out doors a little (which I have not done before for three months), and have ridden out once. Isn’t OK, ANSWEES TO PRAYEES. 79 that a great change ? I cannot sit up all the forenoon, and I cannot stand many minutes. My hands feel much more natural than for a long time. Although the cords of my right arm are still somewhat stiff and lame, as I have for so long raised upon my elbow in bed to favor my spine, yet that and many other symp¬ toms are better. The soreness of the spine still continues, and the jarring of the floor near me causes pain. When my Father takes the extreme sensitiveness to a jar away, I shall gain rapidly; and I believe He will do it, for He says, “Behold I am the Lord, the God of all flesh: is there anything too hard for me ? ” I regret I cannot be under 3 'our care for several daj^s, believing I should be much benefited thereb}''; but since it is impossible for me to be in Boston, and it will take no more of 3 ’our time for me to write you than to talk with 3 ’ou, will you not pray for me again (giving thanks for benefits alread 3 ^ received), that I ma 3 " immediatel 3 " be able to bear the jarring and noise of ordinaiy house¬ work, in the room where 1 may be sitting, and that my strength ma 3 ^ come more rapidty ? 1 ask with reverence, believing He is not only able but willing to grant this request. I assure you, however weak my faith ma 3 " have seemed^ it is within, and I do believe will triumph sooner or later. 1 thank 3 ^ou very much for 3 "onr kindness, and only regret I am unable to show it in a tangible form. Very truly 3 ^ours, L. E. A. P. S. — Couldn’t have written m 3 "self any time pre- viousl3^ 80 MORE FAITH CURES ; Wheeling, W. Va., May 3, 1880. Dr. Cullis : Dear Brother^ — You remember I visited you when in Boston in regard to my health, and my faith ap¬ propriated the promise for healing. I went out that evening reckoning it done, and the Lord made it afact. 1 have been steadily at work in the vine 3 "ard ever since, and have not known such days of health for five years. It seems like being in heaven to be well again. Yours in our Lord Jesus, L. M. B. New York, Saturday Morning. Dr. Cullis : I have just heard that you are in town. You will perhaps remember my name. I visited you a few weeks since for cure through faith of nervous dyspep¬ sia. I am much improved, and have felt so peaceful and trusting ever since ! 1 should be so glad to welcome you here ; cannot you give me a few moments at least this eve? Please accept the enclosed for Jesus’ sake, and many, many thanks for jour pra^^ers for me. Should I not see you, may 1 ask that you pray for me at next Tuesday’s meeting, that I may be strengthened in faith and entirely healed, so that I may work for Jesus in any way that He may see fit to call me? Very hastily, your friend, C. W. F. Dighton, May 19, 1880. Dr. Cullis: You wanted me to write the particulars of the healing of my little boy’s eye. I am glad to do so ; I have 81 OR, .ANSWERS TO PRAYERS. told a few friends, yet have said little here, for it would not be appreciated, — faith is so weak ! He received a blow on one eye, which caused the lid to swell; and it was so much inflamed that he could scarcely open it at first, and when he did he could not bear the light at all. He was obliged to keep it bandaged or shaded for, 1 think, nearly two months. We supposed the eye would be all well as soon as the inflammation was gone, so used to bathe it in cold water, and thought it would soon be all well. But as the weeks passed on, and it pained him at intervals very much, I felt very anxious. Friends ad¬ vised me to see a physician. I felt sure the Great Healer was willing to heal, if I would only trust. I used to talk with Emmons (the little boy’s name), and ask him what he thought. He had faith that Jesus would make it well in his own time, without medicine. As it grew more painful, I wrote 3 ’ou, requesting prayer, yet it did not get well at once; and then a snow-ball was thrown by another bo}^ striking it again. About three weeks after I wrote you it was a very dark da 3 ^ Never had the eye been more painful, and how earnest!}^ I besought the Lord that it might be shown that it was healed, as I believed it was, in answer to 3 ’our praj’ers ! 1 felt a measure of faith that it was really healed, even though I saw no sign: a test of faith, it seemed to me, for the Lord often keeps me waiting long after I think I have asked in faith. This day I spoke of was the Sabbath. Emmons retired, and slept as he usually did, quite well; and in the morning, when he awoke, I expected to find him ciying with pain as usual: but hearing him move, I 82 MOKE FAITH CUKES ; spoke and asked him if his eye ached. He said, “ No ; it is all well. It does not ache at all. It itches.” From that time, it has been just as well as the other. His eyes are rather weak. He did seem so happy and full of joy, I could not help feeling it was the Lord’s own blessing. He was sure it was an answer to prayer, and my heart praises God that He does hear His children’s cry. Yours in Christ, S. J. B. \ South Royalston, Mass., May 31. Dr. Cullis : Dear Sir, — I have been thinking for a long time of writing to you. You may remember my writing to you about three years ago, requesting your prayers, that I might be restored to health. The dear Father has granted that request, after thirty years of suffering. From your sister in Christ, A. B. New York, Feb. 18, 1880. Dear Brother : I sincerely beg your pardon for not communicating with you before. But the fact is, I did n’t want to write while I was in a state of despondency, which state lasted till the new year set in. Just before the first day of January, I purchased an almanac at the Willard Tract Repository (New Y^ork Branch), and commenced to read the little passages. I would get them by heart the night beforehand: I thought as they were God’s words they must be important; and though I could not OR, ANSWERS TO PRAYERS. 83 at first understand how or when they were to be used by me, yet I clung to them. About the thirteenth day I began to get strength, so I was encouraged to keep on, which I did ; and my desire began to grow for the Word, until I could scarcely wait for one day to be ended before I wanted to see what the Lord would say to me on the next day. The prophet expresses it exactly, when he says, “ Thy words were found, and I did eat them^ and they were the joy and rejoicing of mine heart.” Well, this state of things kept up until Jan. 21, when the message was, “Casting all your care on Him, for He careth for you.” At first it did not strike me very forcibly, but later in the day I saw the power in that voice of the living God as I had never seen it before. It was in this wise : — I have been troubled with a headache since I was six years of age. My head would ache violently for three or four hours, then I would become sick at my stomach, and throw off everything I had eaten. I had tried every remedy I knew of, until I was discouraged, and con¬ cluded that perhaps this was my “ thorn in the flesh,’’ and it was not God’s will that I should be cured of it. Yet I could not rest in that thought; and want to say; just here, that I believe this is one of the devil’s best arguments to keep souls from finding out God’s power and love to us poor mortals. But on the 21st of January, Satan had God’s own voice to set at naught, and He was, bless the Lord, unable to do it! In my attacks of headache I was totally unfitted for duties of any kind ; and the day following, I would be so weakened that I was almost useless. Well, this day I speak of, I felt my old complaint coming on, and I 84 MORE FAITH CURES ; had a good many other ills pressing me besides. Then God spoke to me by His word, saying, “Cast your care on Me ; /care for you.” I did so. I cast everything; unbelief, doubt, headache, “perhaps it is not God’s will,” and all, all on the Lord. In less time than it takes me to write it, my headache was gone. I went about my work glorifying God, and telling those to whom the Spirit seemed to lead me. I tell you 1 was happy! I could say, “Bless the Lord, O my soul, who forgiveth all thine iniquities, who healeth all thy dis¬ eases.” But the fight was not over yet. The next day I caught a severe cold, which with me is always followed by a raging headache. I awoke the next morning with a very severe one. I asked the Lord what that meant. I had my message the night before ; it was this : ‘ ‘ The Lord shall be seen over them” (Zech. ix. 14). The Spirit showed me that the Lord would be seen over that headache. So I pra 3 ^ed God to cure me of it. After I had praj^ed, this came to me, “ Do you believe it will be done?” I said, “Yes.” Then the suggestion came, “ If you believe the Lord will do it, 3 "Ou will go about 3 ^our work, just as though it was 4one.” It had not stopped; but I got up and went to m 3 " work, my head aching violently all the time. Satan was as busy as a bee, asking why my head did not stop aching: I had asked and believed, and yet it had not stopped I But God’s word rose above him : “ The Lord shall he seen ocer them” So I fought the devil with these words till near noon, when my faith began to stagger. The devil very cunningly suggested that God would not do it for me, and I began to think so ; when these words came OR, ANSWERS TO PRAYERS. 85 ' with powerful weight, “ It is impossible for God to lie!'' 1 did not remember at the time to have seen these words anywhere, but I felt sure they were God’s words, because the devil fled in an instant. I went home and ate dinner, a thing I never before attempted to do when in such a condition, because I could not keep food on my stomach. But I sat down by faith, and ate, and God rewarded me. But I had a hal’d flght all the afternoon ; and when I went home to supper I felt as though I could not eat a mouthful, I was so sick. Yet I believed God would cure me, and I sat down and ate, and then went out to my duties as usual. Finally, when I was all alone, and my faith nearlj^ gone, and when I felt I could not hold out any longer, these words came with strength to my soul: ‘ ‘ Thy word is settled in heaven." I thought, “ But not on earth” ; when a rebuke — kind and gentle, but oh, how power¬ ful ! — came to me : “If we believe not, yet He abideth faithful." It was enough; it settled me. I stopped doubting, and trusted; yes, rested in the belief that God would cure me. It did not make any difference if it was not done till the next year ; an 3 ^way I would be¬ lieve, and God would give me the victory. And in the twinkling of an eye the pain left me, and I am cured, bless the Lord ! I have not had a headache since, but only little trials, which have left me as soon as my soul returned to its rest. I am growing stronger every day. My friends say I never looked better. I write this for the honor and glory of God, who kept me from fainting by the way. Your brother in the Lord, W. M. H. 86 MORE FAITH CURES *, Dorchester, Mass., Aug. 25 , 1880. In July of 1879, I badly sprained my ankle, causing intense pain. With the first sensation of the injury, there seemed to settle down over me a cloud of grace, and the words came : “ This sickness is for the glory of God, that the Son of God might be glorified thereby.” With much difficulty and assistance I arrived at my home. The limb began at once to swell, and became badly infiamed. I was unable to bear the least weight on it. The day following, could only get down stairs to my meals by crawling on my knees. The bandage and soothing lotion applied seemed to have no effect whatever. Friends said, “You will have a long time with such an ankle as that.” This same evening. Dr. Peck came in to see me, and remarked, “ Dr. Cullis says you need not be laid by with this: the Lord can heal it 7iow.” And he added, “We have prayed to¬ gether about it.” I fully believed the promise (James V. 14, 15), as we claimed it together in prayer; and strength was instantlj^ given to walk, which I did, mov¬ ing quickly across the room several times, without any inconvenience. Bandages were taken off, and applica¬ tion stopped, and I moved about as before the sprain, stepping by faith. The day following the healing, it seemed as if the pain was returning; but faith kept saying, “ I am healed. The promise is fulfilled,” and more strength seemed thus to accrue. And although the inflammation did not fully subside for nearly a week, and all the swelling for a month, still the Lord in answer to the prayer of faith healed instantly my sprained limb, so far as anyj)am was concerned. To llis dear name, “ The Saviour of the body,” be all the glory! , F. D. S. OR, ANSWERS TO PRAYERS. 87 Dorchester, Mass., Jan. 8, 1880. I HAVE been an invalid for years ; indeed, I never was well. Oct. 1, 1879, I called on Dr. Ciillis, hoping and expecting to receive benefit from his prayers. After hearing my story, he asked me if I belie'^ed the prom¬ ise recorded in James v. 14 and 15. I replied I was endeavoring to rest on the promise. He then prayed for me, and I felt an increase of faith, yes, an assur¬ ance that God healed my diseases ; and the power of God so rested upon me that I was unable immediately to go home. Wave after wave of divine power swept over me, accompanied with such a heaven of sweetness as I cannot find words to express. After a few days, finding I had not the full consciousness that all disease was removed, 1 called on Dr. Cullis again, and he said that also could be received by the prayer of faith. He prayed for me ; and while I was returning home, I felt a strength and soundness come into me. And now I can say, to the glory and honor of God, I am healed of all my diseases. H. M. R. Detroit, Mich., Ang. 26, 1880. About the middle of last winter, I found myself losing strength, in spite of all tonics, and soon after found a bunch in my right breast which struck terror to my heart, for my grandmother died with cancer, after once having her entire breast removed. I have from early childhood been subject to taint in my blood, always showing itself in one form or other. I at once associated this bunch with the sensations I had been experiencing from that centre, like the instantaneous 88 MORE FAITH CURES ; shootings of numerous fine cambric needles, outward towards the surface of the breast. I sent to our family physician, a Christian man, and took his medicine faithfull}^ night and morning, and night and morning used the application as directed, never failing except when getting out of the medicine. At all these times, occasional!}", I had to wait two daj^s before I could be supplied, and the result was such as to alarm me. My hope and fear alternated until about the first of June, 1880, nearly six months from the discovery. I saw plainly that we were fast losing control of the disease. It was rapidly gaining the ascendency. The medicine was scarcely holding it in check any longer. The breast was very much swollen, and very sore. Every move¬ ment of my right arm pained me, and the pains had deepened, and took such hold of me that I was often sick and faint during the intervals of pain. I even had to put extra covering over this breast, to protect it from the summer evening breeze. About this time my husband asked me if I would like to go to the ‘ ‘ Believ¬ ers’ Conference,” which was to be held at Clifton Springs, N. Y. I thought I was hardly able to enjoy it; but the subject kept reverting to my mind, till I asked the Lord if He had a special blessing for me there. It seemed laid on my heart to go, and 1 went, praying the Lord to meet me there, and bless my soul, feeling also that He had something preparing for me there with reference to my disease. The conference opened on the morning of June 24 1880, and continued through six days. Up to the morning of the last day, I had received no new views of my Lord, and nothing about my sickness. I had desired to consult with sev- OR, ANSWERS TO PRAYERS 89 eral physicians, but my husband objected until this morning, when he said, “ Dr. Peck is here; he is an associate with Dr. Cullis, of Boston. He will be hon¬ est with you and tell you the whole truth, and I shall have confidence in what he will say.” God knows how my heart seized upon that, and responded, “ This is what I came here for. I did not know it before, but this is it.” The interview was held, and Dr. Peck told me I had a cancer, and that there was no earthly help for me ; but almost immediately added, ‘ ‘ The Lord can cure you.” After some further conversation, an ap¬ pointment was arranged to be held at our rooms for prayer, and then we all went to the tent to the meet¬ ing. I could scarcely refrain from asking all I knew to praise the Lord with me, for it seemed 1 almost heard a voice repeating over and over, “ Before they call will I answer.” This was all I heard in that meeting. At the appointed time, Dr. Peck came to our room, and prayed the Lord to let “ His power rest on me for healing, and for service,” pleading James v. 14, 15 ; using the oil as there directed. During the prayer the pain and the soreness left the breast, and were sup¬ planted by a warm, vigorous feeling of health, a de¬ light to me, for the finger of God had been doing its work. Had I not experienced a sensation I should have felt as safe, for I had the word of Christ, “ It shall be done.” “ The prayer of faith shall.^ etc.” What shall I say of the blessed '-'‘Presence” in my soul? Even sins ‘ ‘ shall be forgiven ” when this promise is applied ! I went about like k new being, although the breast had changed only in being free from soreness and pain. It looked the same as before the prayer. 90 MORE FAITH CURES ; The next day, June 30, I made the journey from Clif¬ ton to Detroit, reaching the house a little before ten o’clock, P. M. Immediately my daughter, aged fourteen years, ex¬ claimed, “ Wliy^ mamma^ are you cured? Mamma^ mamma^ are you cured?” She would not be pacified when I told her, “ The Lord has blessed m 3 ' soul,” but repeated, Are you cured?” No one had known the thought in my heart with reference to m 3 ' going to Clif¬ ton, and I was touched by this testimonial from my 3 'oung daughter ; for when I asked her what made her think of such a thing, she replied, “ You look so well and so fresh. I hardly expected you could get into the house alone, after 3 'our journey.” The Lord Himself had been with me all the da 3 ', and His company kept me fresh. On the morning of July 2, “ Satan came also,” and tried to torment me with the fact that my breast looked, and appeared to the touch, as bad as ever. I tried to put him to flight, but had not strength for that. I besought God to direct me to some word of His to hold on by. I opened the Bible at the ac¬ count of Nebuchadnezzar’s vision, and read that Daniel asked God to reveal to him the secret of another man’s heart, and the Lord revealed it and Daniel told the king it was not because he was any different from other men, but because his God was different from other gods. So also the three men threatened with the fiery furnace replied, ‘■‘Our God is able. He will deliver us.” Their God, I thought, is my God, “the same yesterday, to-day, and forever.” I had my word.. The next morning I awakened with the same conflict, and this time I opened the Bible to Col. iii 16. Every word OR, ANSWERS TO PRAYERS. 91 of that sentence was opened to me with emphasis. “ Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly.” I dropped my hands with “ Glory to God! I will” ; and all that day 1 hung on the Word of Christ, and it sounded in my ears, ^'‘It shall he (Matt, xviii. 19.) I went to bed that night so fatigued I could not think at all. My head ached, and I should not have slept, but I said, “Dear Lord, please help me to sleep, 1 am so tired. I am going to stop holding on to God, and let Him hold on to me.” 1 slept all night, and on the next morning told my two children we would give the Lord a psalm of praise this time ; and veril}^ before the psalm was finished we read, “The Lord will per¬ fect that which concerneth me.” This was Sunday, July 4, and on Monday I got another as signal and unasked token. The Word was dwelling in me richly, and I was at rest. Tuesda}" afternoon, July 6, just one week from the prayer at Clifton, my breast went down in size, and was like the other, and so remains to-day, Aug. 26. In this connection it is proper to add that Dr. Peck prayed that the Lord would remove the cancer and all tendency to cancer, and purify the blood wholly. I am now just as well as before any symptoms of cancer showed themselves, and in many respects feel better. The Lord has since answered other prayers for me and my family, and I trust we shall all be “ kept for the Master's use." L. E. W. Bridgeville, Del., Sept. 17, 1880. Dear Dr. Cullis : In order to redeem my promise, I write to let you know how I am getting along. Perhaps you expected 92 MORE FAITH CURES ; ✓ to have heard from me earlier, but I stayed with friends ill Philadelphia until Tuesday. While you were praying for me I felt a warmth go all through me, and when you asked me if it were done, had I answered according to my feelings I should have said yes ; but you told me that I must not go by feel¬ ings, but believe it done. 1 believed that the work was begun, but not finished, so that I hesitated about saying that it was done when I only thought it begun. I went to m}" boarding place, and got ready and went to the boat. It rocked considerably, and my sleep was disturbed, but I have been improving since. I am stronger in bod}^ my appetite is better, and I can move my head and neck in certain directions that I could not previous to m 3 ' visit to 3 'ou. I have used no application excepting a cloth moistened with water. I am holding on to God, and believe that He will do what He has promised Pray for me, and please let me hear from you. Yours in the Lord, N. W. McM. Hinsdale, N. H , Sept. 8, 1880. Dear Brother in Christ: Yours of the 7th is received. You would lil^e to know how long it was after my husband requested prayers for me, before I began to recover. He sa 3 ^s I knew him the second day, which was April 8 , 1878, and the third da}^ 1 talked, and was rational for three hours, and then m 3 " mind was wandering for one week. After that I talked three or four hours, and was rational, and knew people, and so on for a few weeks, gradually OR, ANSWERS TO PRAYERS. 93 gaining. The 26th of July I wrote a letter to my brother and sister in New Haven, which they were surprised to receive from me : for all which I give G od the glory. May the Lord bless you, Dr. CuUis, in your labors of love. E. E. H. Fall River, Mass., Sept. 28, 1880. Charles Cullis: My Dear Brother^ — Thinking that all evidence such as I am called upon to give is like wine, all the better for having age upon it, I have not been in much haste to supply my testimony. Meeting with Brother G-. B. Peck the other day, at Northfield, he spoke of thy in¬ tention of soon publishing a book on healing by the power of faith, and mentioned the desirableness of securing suitable matter at an early day. I have im- . proved the first opportunity to write the enclosed state¬ ment, which is at thy service. I could have greatly extended it, but the main facts are stated simply that the faith of other sufferers may be strengthened, and that God may be glorified. The blessing of the Lord rest upon thee. In the love of Christ, Henry C. Aydelott. Fall River, Mass., Sept. 28, 1880. The history of my disease is simply the old story of nervous prostration, superinduced by loss of sleep, hard study, and overwork. The decline began in 1873. For two years subsequently there was no strength for either physical or mental effort. The most skilful phy- 94 MOKE FAITH CUKES ; sicians treated the case with no satisfactory results. Two ladies during this time joined together for united prayer that my health might be restored. This was answered in a partial return of strength, insomuch that I could walk, read some, and write a little, and occa¬ sionally engage in my ministerial work ; but each effort of body or mind would always be followed by exhaus¬ tion, requiring two and sometimes six to ten days for recovery. Gradually the disease located itself in the upper portion of the spine, the nerve centre between the (r boulders becoming the seat of constant pain and suffering, often in a state of inflammation or congestion, involving the brain, as well as the whole spinal column. No remedies were of any avail. Some experiments were of great injury. Finally, by the middle of the sum¬ mer of 1879, the nerves of the stomach, from sympathy, were implicated; digestion became so much impaired that my strength began rapidly to fail. I saw my former state of helplessness returning with the addition of new complications. I knew what had been, and could calculate pretty surely what was before me: a season of helpless languishing, with no human prospect of release but in death. Friends spoke of Dr. Cullis and his work. I wrote him as best I could an account of the case, thinking, or even hoping, this would be sufficient. He never received the letter. As the days and weeks wore on, the future grew more dark, the last ra}^ of earthly hope was gone, and a firm faith in the power of prayer took its place. With much difficulty and great suffering, I reached the rooms of Dr. Cullis, Jan. 15, 1880, at 2 p. m. A brief account of my trouble was given. A few preliminary but pointed OR, ANSWERS TO PRAYERS. 95 questions were asked me, and we knelt in prayer. It was simple but fervent. The power was so manifest that on rising from our knees, I as sensibly felt the disease separated from me, as light is separated from darkness. We were no longer a unity. I could think of my dis¬ ease as one thing, and myself another, and that as a thing that was gone. But I was disappointed. 1 ex¬ pected to feel the return of strength as well as the departure of the malady. I was not strong ; m}^ faith was to be tested. I looked for all to be done by one act of faith. Days passed, and still I had no strength. At times I was sorely tempted, but I said, “ Though He slay me, yet will I trust in him.” This state of things continued until the night of Feb. 6, 1880. As usual, a Bible class, which my wife had organized and conducted, met in our room. On that evening it was opened by the superintendent of our Sabbath school. In his praj’^er, special request was made for the restoration of my strength. I not only felt a special power in it, but I also felt that the entire company were joined in it as with one heart. Before the prayer was ended, I felt my strength return. It was a sensation unmistakable as the warmth of a summer sun at noonday. Since that night to the date of this, I have been as well as in any former period of my life. Instead of wakeful nights of pain and restlessness, it is now sweet rest, and slum¬ bers gentle as those of a babe. Severe tests of my strength unavoidably, not purposely, have demonstrated the genuineness of the cure. “ But thanks be unto God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” H. C. A. 96 MORE FAITH CURES ; Purchase, N. Y., Aug. 16, 1880. Dr. Charles Cullis : Dear Friend^ — Thou may remember that my wife and I called at thy office with Louisa Painter, who was at that time in poor health. She believed she was re¬ stored in answer to the prayer of faith, and has been laboring in our dear Master’s service since that time in North Carolina. We thought the enclosed card from her might interest thee. We send a check for $5.00, to use for whatever purpose seems most to require aid. In Christian love, thy friend, R. S. Collins. Brush Hill, N. C., July 29, 1880. Dear Friends^ — I’m home at last, and very busy trying to get into my new house, which.is nearly com¬ pleted ; want to rest there two or three weeks before I begin work again, but it takes time and much effort. I closed for my promised rest with nearly 1,100 profes¬ sions of faith in Christ as result of year’s work. All praise to Him who hath wrought the work ! I wanted to attend Ohio Y. M., but have about concluded to labor on here, there are so many cries for help. Will probably go back toward the mountains. It is remark¬ able how my health has kept up to work during the hot weather. How thankful I ought to be ! My house is very handsome; a nice present indeed. The books thou spake of in thy kind favor, I fear are lost in the mail, as I find them not here. I was pleased at the thought of having some report of Dr. Cullis’s work, it would be of interest to so many people. I received by OR, ANSWERS TO PRAYERS. 97 kindness of friends three copies of “ Christian’s Secret of Happy Life,” and have ordered others rQ 3 ’self. Love to th}" dear family and other friends. Very truly, L. Painter. Chalybeate Springs, Aug. 9, 1880. Dr Cullis : Dear Sir, — I wrote to 3 ^ou some weeks since, telling you of the great interest an old gentleman in Louis¬ ville, Ky., felt in your work, and the great desire he felt to be present at 3 "our prayer meetings, also asking 3 "Ou to pray for him. Upon the receipt of your letter stating what time 3^11 would unite in pra 3 ^er for him, I sent him word. His feelings of gratitude and thanks¬ giving were such that he was completely overcome witli emotion for a while, and unable to speak. It was on Tuesday that prayer was offered for him, and I did not go down to see him until the next Thursda 3 ^ week. The last time I had seen him he was in bed from paralysis, unable to do but very little for himself, and only able to sit up when assisted into the chair. But when I drove up to his door, there he was down stairs and read 3 ^ to meet me, standing on the pavement. He is able to go up and down stairs, carrying anything up he may want, and is well. Lie said when we first re¬ ceived 3 ’'our message a thrill of hope seemed to go all through him. On Wednesda 3 ^ morning as he awoke, a thrill of something like electricity seemed to go through and through his body, and he felt he was well; and ever since he has been a difterent person. I thought you might like to know of the speedy answer to your 98 MORE FAITH CURES ; pra 3 ’ers. Mr. Anderson desired me to express to you his gratitude for your interest in him. I would have written to you ere this, but have been here from home at the springs, and have not found it convenient. May His promise, “ I am continually with thee,” be more and more realized by you. Respectfully, Miss M. L. G. 354 Third St., Louisville, Ky. Newport, R. I., Aug. 25, 1880. Du. CuLLis: hear Sir ,— In my last letter to 57 ^ou, you will re¬ member that I asked 3 'ou to pray for a dear friend of mine that was afflicted with insanity. I now write to let you know that j’our prayers for her have been an¬ swered, and that she is now well both in body and mind ; and will 3 "OU now pray that she may have rich spiritual blessings, that she may have that perfect love that casteth out fear? And I too thank 3 ^ou for 3 ^our pra 3 ^ers for me: the 3 ^ have been answered, and never was I so happ 3 % and never was Jesus so precious to my soul. 1 feel all the day long to praise m 3 ' God and Saviour for His rich grace to ihe, a poor sinner ; and I praise God for His love to 3 ^ou, — He has given to 3 'ou the rich gift of faith, and endued 3 'ou with power from on high, — and that He has made you the honored instru¬ ment of doing so much for the honor and glory of His name, and for the comfort of His sick and suffering poor. Oh, continually pray for me and my friend ! We need 3 'our prayers, forthe 3 ' avail with God. P. T. S. OR, ANSWERS TO PRAYERS. 99 Bowdoinham, Me., Dec. 2, 1880. Dear Brother^ — Enclosed you will find a report of Sister Lucy Powers’s testimony, given in a meeting held in my church. It is a genuine cure, praise the Lord ! She walked three miles to church last Sabbath. Yours in Christ, W. S. McIntire, Pastor M. E. Church. A PECULIAR meeting was held in our church last Sab¬ bath evening. It was devoted to the testimony of those that had been healed in answer to prayer. The meet¬ ing was opened by the pastor, by reading several selec¬ tions of Scripture illustrating the power of Christ to heal the sick, when He was upon earth. After prayer, selections were read ’from the experience of several that had been cured in answer to prayer. Sister Powers then took the platform, and was questioned by the pastor in relation to her disease, her experience with doctors and medicine, and her cure in answer to prayer. In substance her testimony was as follows : — I have been troubled for the last five years with a cancer in my left side. In the early part of my suffer¬ ing I consulted a doctor, and he told me that it was scrofula. My suffering increased, and I consulted other physicians, and they told me it was taking the form of a cancer. I have taken medicine all the time for three years. My last physician has attended me for two years. I have been relieved b}^ the use of the med¬ icine, but have been assured by him that I could not get well. I took the matter to the Lord in prayer, and had the assurance that I should be cured. Four we(;ks ago 100 MORE FAITH CURES : I went to Boston and saw Dr. Cullis. I had two sea¬ sons of prayer with him, and he told me he had the assurance that 1 was cured. Before going to Boston I could not sleep at all on my left side ; I had no appetite, could not do any work without suffering great pain. The cancer discharged quantities of blood. I was so feeble that I suffered from fainting and heart trouble. I would have sometimes two faintings a week ; in these I suffered everything but death. Since my return from Boston I have been able to sleep on my left side as well as my right; my appetite is as good as it was ten years ago; the cancer has not discharged any blood, and is healing. I can now do my work without au}^ trouble. I have not had an attack of fainting or trouble with my heart. The following is a copy of her physician’s let¬ ter to her pastor : — Fkeeport, Me., Nov. 5, 1880. Rev. W. S. McIntirb ; Dear Sir^ — Yours of to-day is at hand, and in an¬ swering I will say: Mrs. Lucy Powers has had for a number of years a cancer of the left breast; it is (or was) called a scirrhus cancer. It has been kept meas¬ urably from growing for the last two years by almost constantly taking and applying medicine, etc., etc. Very respectfully j^ours, O. W. Norton. Rev. J. C. Welcome, an Advent preacher, was pres- . ent, and testified that he had been cured of a spinal disease in answer to the prayers of his friends. An¬ other man testified that he knew a man that was cured OR, ANSWERS TO PRAYERS. 101 of a fever, and another of a bad sore on his leg. The pastor requested all that believed that God would do what he had agreed to, when all the conditions were met, to rise; and more than half of the great congre¬ gation rose. Two requested prayers. The above is a true report of a meeting held Nov. 14, 1880. W. S. McIntire, Pastor M. E. Church, Mattapan, Mass., Jan. 7, 1881. Dr. Cullis : Dear Sir^ — I came to you the first of last June foi you to pray for me that God would give me health, say¬ ing that I believed that God was willing if I were willing and obedient; and 3^011 said, just to trust Him, and you prayed with me, — claiming that promisein James v. 14, 15,—that I might be healed, and that 1 might know it before I left the house. I can’t sa^^ that 1 did know it at the time, but believed that I was made very much better, and came to see you twice afterwards. Once you were not at home, and Dr. Peck praj^ed with me, and the other time 3 ^ou were at home, and 3 "ou pra 3 "ed with me again that God would finish the‘healing and baptize me with the Holy Ghost. 1 have had constipation for twent 3 "-five years, and female weakness for the past eight or nine 3 ^ears, so that I could not do my work, had to keep help, part of the time was confined to my bed,—with the exception of being made'well once before through the pra 3 "er of faith, but it did not last long, as I did not understand it. I should have written to you before, but 1 have been wait- 102 MORE FAITH CURES ; ing to see how I got along; and I feel truly grateful to the dear Saviour that I have not been on my bed sick since I came to you, but have been able to do my work. I am still trusting for more strength, and for the bap¬ tism of the Holy Ghost. I thank j^ou for your kind¬ ness, and may the l ord spare 3 ’ou many years as an instrument in His hand of benefiting mankind. Yours in Christian love, Mrs. a. a. B. Lawrence, Jan. 17, 1881. Dr. Cdllis : Dear Brother in Christy — I received your sixteenth Annual Report, a few daj^s ago ; thank you very kindly for sending it. I have been thinking for some time past of sending a thank-offering to you, just as soon as the dear Lord would furnish me with means, so now here it is. I came to you for prayer and faith cure last March ; the Lord has blessed me in body and soul. I do not have those terrible sick-headache spells which I had been subject to nearl}^ all my life. I cannot be thankful enough for the blessings received. I will praise His dear name forever. Enclosed please find ten dollars. Mrs. D. A. Springdale Road, London, Stoke Newington, N., April 18, 1881. My Dear Brother : I rejoice to learn that you have returned to London. Let me say that after you prayed over me, I accepted the fact of healing. Until Monday following, no im¬ portant change was manifest, when my system seemed to experience an immediate renovation, and I have since OR, ANSWERS TO PRAYERS. 103 then been more free from cough than I have been for years at this season of the 3 ’ear. My general health also has wonderfully improved. Last week I delivered four full addresses, and suffer no inconvenience from the repeated efforts. Since I saw 3 "Ou, I have experi¬ enced an immediate recover}^ from the effects of a fall, a recoveiy which astonishes all who hear of it. For- merl}", I should no doubt have been nearly or quite laid up for weeks. A Rev. - Moore, a missionary from China, / brought home a paralytic wife, who, as he stated to me, had not been able even to stand upon her feet for quite two years. When about to send her to a hjMropathic hospital, he was persuaded by Miss G-and m^’self to depend wholly upon God in her behalf. She is now able, as he informed me last week, to walk up and down stairs, and is rapidly gaining full strength. He is a most happy man, and is expecting to return to China, and proclaim salvation there as he never did before. He has verj^ great influence among missiona¬ ries in China. I hope you may find time to read this long epistle without weariness. With kindest regards to yourself and famil}", I remain yours in the Lord, A. M. Somerville, Mass. Last January, my daughter had suffered from spinal disease for most seven years. Her spine was very much curved, and her left side grown out a great deal. She had had five plaster-paris jackets put on her by Dr. Marcy, of Cambridgeport, as he said there was an 104 MOKE FAITH CURES ; abscess forming by the side of her spine, and the only hope was that the jackets would keep the bones whore they were until the disease was arrested. When one was taken off, he charged her not to walk, or bear any weight on her feet, as it would cause her back to grow out more. !She had five put on in less than six months, and the doctor said if she did not continue to have them on, she would not live six months. When they were taken olf, she felt that all support was gone, but she suffered a great deal in having them put on, and while they were on. When the last one was put on, she lost the use of her lower limbs eight days and could not eat anything, and she said if she did not live she would not have another one on. A lady who believed in the power of Jesus to heal the body now, the same as He did when He was here on earth, if we could only come to Him by faith, taking his promise in James v., was very much interested for her, and was impressed, she believed, that she might be healed by the prayer of faith. She sent her a report of Dr. Cullis’s, as she be¬ lieved he had the gift of healing ; but my daughter hesi¬ tated about going in to see him, as she thought she had not the required faith. Dr. Cullis sent word to come with what faith she had. The 27th of last January, we started from Somerville, Union Square. There were seven Christians pra 3 fing for her that afternoon. Her back pained her very much while going in, and when we got to the office she was so exhausted I thought she would not live to get home unless the Lord did help her. While the doctor was talking to her, her faith seemed to take hold of the promise ; and while he pra^^ed with her, she felt strengthened. He told her OR, ANSWERS TO PRAYERS. 105 when she got faith enough, to have that jacket taken off. When she rode out in the cars, her back did not pain her, and she said she felt a great deal better. The next day she said she would have the jacket taken off; for if the Lord healed her, she should be just as strong without it, and if it was not His will, the jacket would do no good. In about half an hour after she had it taken off, she walked one third of a mile to meeting, and after meeting walked home again, saying she did not feel any pain in her back, and there was such a change in her countenance that a great many spoke about it. She was weighed soon after, and in two weeks more was weighed again, and had gained five pounds. The swelling on her side in twenty-four hours after she had the jacket off had gone down more than half, and the bones on her back had gone more than half-way back in place. She gradually gained, and averaged going to meeting three or four times a week, one third of a mile from home, without hurting her. Mrs. E. Sarah Tuttle. ■» y ■■ . 'S , / • ( I V- .•1 c i i ■ .h' 'yf'; • I ,. * • s •i « r \ 'm t • . V V