i/f.Y University of California Bulletin THIRD SERIES. Vol. IX, No. 7 DEGREES CONFERRED, DECEMBER, 1915 JANUARY, 1916 PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKELEY Administrative Bulletins of the University of California 1915-16. No. 15 1. Announcement of Courses, 1915-16. July. 2. The Junior College in California. July. 3. Announcement, Correspondence Courses and Lectures in Home Economics, University Extension Division. July. 4. Circular of Information. August. 5. Announcement, School of Education. August. 6. Athletic Guide, Department of Physical Education. August. 7. Announcement, Medical School. September. 8. Catalogue of Officers and Students. September. 9. Supplemental List of Publications. October. 1 0. Suggestions on the Preparation of Manuscript. November. 11. University of California' Register. October. 12. Programme of Doctor’s Examinations November. 13. Report of the Examiner of Schools. December. 14. President’s Annual Report. December. 15. Degrees Conferred, December, 1915. January. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DEGREES CONFERRED DECEMBER, J915 JANUARY, 1916 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESS BERKELEY Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates https://archive.org/details/degreesconferredOOuniv UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DEGREES CONFERRED, DECEMBER, 1915 College of Chemistry The Degree of Bachelor of Science upon Harold MacKenzie Sutherland Alameda College of Civil Engineering The Degree of Bachelor of Science upon George Hampton Nevada City Gerald McKinlay Santa Rosa Sidney Navon New York, New York Joseph Eugene Stanton Los Angeles Harvey Stover Santa Barbara College of Mining The Degree of Bachelor of Science upon Sidney Eliott Bretherton Berkeley Omar Allen Cavins Bakersfield Wilfred Hoy Geis Willows College of Mechanics The Degree of Bachelor of Science upon Henry Sherwin Haines Decoto College of Agriculture The Degree of Bachelor of Science upon Herman Schuler Brueck Stockton Clifford Grant Canfield Chico George Bradford Caswell Los Angeles Adolph Edward de Fremery Berkeley Kenneth De Witt Fobes Pasadena Laurence Wood Fowler Lincoln 2 Sumito Fujii William E Gilfillan Edwin Gower, Jr Walter Carver Hixson ... Archie Manning Hunt .. George Hutchinson Amram Khazanoff Harold Emil Kowalsky .. Edith Henrietta Phillips Edward James Power Robert Noel Rushforth . Aaron David Shapiro Herbert Samuel Sykes .. Charles Warren Towt .... Floyd E Wilcox Moi Lee Woo Berkeley Chillieothe, Illinois Fowler Los Angeles Santa Barbara Berkeley Gderah, by Jaffa, Palestine ^ew York, New York Berkeley East Auburn Berkeley New York, New York Pasadena Lindsay Ontario Tulare College of Commerce The Degree of Bachelor of Science upon Stanley Morris Arndt Stockton Lorin Paul Cavins Bakersfield Archibald Luther Parmelee San Diego Mardig Yedicardashian Parnay Pasadena Arthur Dean Showalter Denver, Colorado Vern Smith Tulare College of Letters and Science The Degree of Bachelor of Arts upon Edith Yera Adamsen Berkeley Jessie Allard - Eureka Gladys Atkins Gardena Lucy Schall Baer Berkeley Virginia Emma Ballaseyus Berkeley Louis Barnier San Francisco B. es L. (University of France) 1886. Samuel Francis Batdorf Berkeley Myron Horace Battles Berkeley Ruth Eloise Beckwith - Los Gatos Belle Elliott Bickford Berkeley 3 Omar Fred Bradway Ebba Olga Hilda Braese Allen Button Brown Isabelle Cary Brown . Florence Harriett Cadman Paul Fletcher Cadman Elta Louise Camper Bichard Henry Chamberlain, Jr. Montague Cleeves Willa Clair Cloys Forrest Arthur Cobb Lucy Marin Collopy Etta May Conkle Dorothy May Coombs Balph Hinsdale Coon Frederick Warren Cozens Katherine Crellin Pirie Davidson Louis Spencer Davis George Isaac Dawson George Chambers DeGolyer Isabelle Elizabeth de Meyer Jane Willamina Dennison Constance Douglas Kathleen Lulu Dunn Baphael Echeverria Paul LeBoy Edwards Eunice Mildred Eppard Maria Juanita Faria Ada Bebecca Bray Fike Daniel Joseph Flanigan Sabina Pearl Gifford Anna Glazer , Mildred Goyette Grace Cecelia Grady James Bayard Haley Carolyn Belle Hechtman Herbert Hartley Hope Sidney Coe Howard Byron Jackson, Jr Clara Sophia Jacobson Buby Jewell Bussell McIntosh Jewett Hollywood San Francisco Berkeley Berkeley Berkeley Berkeley Berkeley Piedmont London, England Eureka San Francisco Colma Santa Ana Napa Biverside Portland, Oregon Oakland San Bafael Boss Sacramento Lincoln San Francisco Alameda San Miguel San Diego Bedlands Bedlands Wick, Iowa Mendocino Berkeley Eureka Napa Escanaba, Michigan Los Angeles ....Glendale Oakland Kerman Berkeley Oakland Berkeley Grantsburg, Wisconsin San Francisco Berkeley 4 George Earle Jones Catherine Ellen Kelleher David Rome Kilduff Ella Louise Kimball Maryly Ida Krusi Irene Elizabeth Kuhnley Lester Raymond Langworthy Vsevolod Lankovsky Helen Mather Leete Anna Lewis . Rudolph D Lindquist Joseph Augustus Lombardi ... Nell Louise Long Jessie Adele Luke Vance Ambrose McClymonds . Frances Marguerite McLane . Rhoda Catherine McRae Melinda Louise Magly George Handel Martin, Jr Mary Catherine Measor Robert Eunson Mills Ernest Raymond Morehead .... Genevieve Morgan Harold Woodsworth Morton .. Florence Nadler Mary Letha Needham Eileen Anna Ong Charlotte Matilda Palmer Grace Elvira Partridge Frances Jane Patton Lucille Peyton Dorothy Pillsbury William Lambert Potts Philip Power Lester Lyle Rankin Alverda Elva Reische Laura Gertrude Ricketts Irma Tyrrell Riley George Roeth, Jr Dorothy Sherman Rogers Katharine Badeau Rogers Ruth Thyrza Rogers Viola Grace Rogers Saburo Saito Los Angeles San Francisco ....Berkeley Fresno ....Alameda Delta, Colorado Los Angeles Manila, Philippine Islands Santa Barbara Bokchito, Oklahoma McPherson, Kansas Santa Rosa Los Angeles Berkeley Oakland Fresno Red Bluff Columbus, Ohio Los Angeles Santa Ana Berkeley Alameda Berkeley Oakland Davenport, Iowa Modesto Pasadena Honolulu, T. H. Berkeley Arbuckle Los Angeles Berkeley San Francisco Guyman, Oklahoma Berkeley Meridian Chico Berkeley Piedmont Berkeley Berkeley Fruitvale Oakland Oakland 5 Ruth Laughlin Schaeffer Herman August Schoening Jennie Schwab Gladys Seat Charles Donald Shane Nita Clara Sheffield Miriam Elizabeth Simpson Elva Britomarte Spencer Edwin Locksley Stanton Helen Howard Sterling Alpheus Lloyd Stewart Louise Story Paul Herman Streichan Kyojun Tachibana Graduate (Nagoya Technical College) 1909. Olive Tillson Frances Ansley Torn;y Chan Chan Tsoo Ferdinand Armin Yarrelman Thomas Damourjian Wallace Hilda Fay Webb Henry Weissman Percival Young Berkeley Berkeley San Francisco Bakersfield Oakland Venice Sebastopol Glendale Los Angeles Bishop Stockton San Luis Obispo Vallejo Osaka, Japan Hanford Berkeley .Wenchow, Chekiang, China Sacramento Reedley Tacoma, Washington Berkeley Salt Lake City, Utah Graduate Division The Degree of Master of Science upon William Frederick Gericke Soils Fremont, Nebraska B.S.A. (Iowa State College) 1912. Thesis: Some effects of salts on the absorption of water by seeds. Swarna Kumer Mitra Citriculture Calcutta, India B.S. 1914. Thesis: The orange industry of India; its present status and future prospects. The Degree of Master of Arts upon May Fidelia Boudinot History Los Angeles B.L. (Pomona College) 1907. Thesis : The case of the Mercury, as typical of contraband trade on the California coast, 1790-1820. Edward Orrill Bundy Political Science ....Portland, Oregon LL.B. (University of Oregon) 1913. Thesis: State Boards of Control. 6 Harold Hammond Cozens Mathematics Encinitas B.S. 1914. Thesis : On the system of twisted cubics through five points. Ida Amelia Felt Psychology ....Bellingham, Washington Ph.B. (University of Chicago) 1905. * Thesis : An experimental study of the imagination in stories written by children. LeRoy Wilbur Fike Education Berkeley B.L. 1914. Thesis: The State Normal Schools of California. Eily Mahoney Grosjean French San Francisco A. B. 1901. Thesis: L’education des femmes au XVII e siecle en France. Fenelon. Madame de Maintenon. Frank Louis Kleeberger Hygiene Visalia B. S. 1908. Thesis: A sanitary survey of swimming pools in Berkeley and Oakland. Dorah Leone Lucas Latin San Jose A.B. (Ohio Wesleyan University) 1909. Thesis : Cicero’s attitude toward women as shown in his writings. Victor Edward Marriott Economics Claremont A.B. (Beloit College) 1905. Thesis: The theory of the proletariat. Henry Carlton Muzzall Entomology Santa Barbara A. B. (Harvard University) 1913. Thesis : Insects found infesting the coniferous trees in the San Francisco Bay district. George Emra Nunn History Chico B. S. (University of Chicago) 1906. Thesis : Geographical explorations of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. Kenneth Perkins English Arrupukottai, India B.L. 1914. Thesis : Symbolism in Hawthorne. Mabel Claire Reston Mathematics San Francisco B.S. 1914. Thesis: Investigations on the tetrahedron. Georgia Mabel Simon English Berkeley A.B. (Lake Erie College) 1908. Thesis: Life in the times of Richard II as shown by the plays of the Wakefield master. Valentine Smith Education Holtville A. B. (University of Illinois) 1905. Thesis: The need of moral education in the high school. James Wallace Spofford Political Science Berkeley B. L. 1913. Thesis: Police organization in the Philippine Islands under American rule. 7 Hyman Store h Chemistry New York, New York B.S. (College of the City of New York) 1915. Thesis : The potential of the bromine electrode. Mary Louise Strong German Dodgeville, Wisconsin B.L. (University of Wisconsin) 1900. Thesis: Die Bliitezeit von Jena am Ende des achtzehnten Jahrhunderts nach Briefen und Tagebiichern der Zeit. Albert Free Swain Entomology .Palo Alto A.B. (Stanford University) 1915. Thesis: The aphididae of California. The Degree of Juris Doctor (School of Jurisprudence) upon Thomas Black Reed Covina B.S. 1913. Thesis : Present problems in code construction in California and sister states. The Degree of Doctor of Philosophy upon Pierre Auguste Boncquet Plant Pathology, Physiology, Pathology Marchal, Minnesota Graduate (College d’Ypres, Belgium) 1903. Thesis : Bacillus morulans, n. sp., a bacterial organism which inhabits the sieve tubes of sugar beets and related plants: its characters and significance. Carr Thomas Dowell Chemistry Austin, Texas B.S. (University of Texas) 1902. Thesis : A study of nitrogen trichloride and the reactions between chlorine and ammonia. William Girard French Neuchatel, Switzerland B.L. 1892 and Licencie en theologie 1896, University of Neuchatel. Thesis : Du transcendantalisme, considere essentiellement dans sa definition et ses origines frangaises. Robert Selden Rose Spanish, French ....Geneva, New York A.B. (Yale University) 1909. Thesis : Quevedo and El Buscon. California College of Pharmacy The Degree of Graduate in Pharmacy upon Joseph Angelo Ballarin San Francisco Clarence Alfred Hull San Francisco HONORS WITH THE BACHELOR’S DEGREE IN THE COLLEGE OF LETTERS AND SCIENCE Anatomy Alverda Elva Reische Astronomy Charles Donald Shane Drawing Elva Britomarte Spencer English Samuel Francis Batdorf Sidney Coe Howard Isabelle Elizabeth de Meyer Nell Louise Long French Belle Elliott Bickford German Jennie Schwab Hygiene Florence Harriett Cadman Latin Mildred Goyette Mathematics Chan Chan Tsoo Philosophy Ada Rebecca Bray Fike Physical Education Frederick Warren Cozens Zoology Ebba Olga Hilda Braese ' Katharine Badeau Rogers Pirie Davidson Frances Ansley Torrey Dorothy Sherman Rogers IN THE COLLEGES OF ENGINEERING AND CHEMISTRY College of Mining Omar Allen Cavins IN THE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE Laurence Wood Fowler Amram Khazanoff William E Gilfillan Edith Henrietta Phillips Berkeley, December 20, 1915. Maryly Ida Krusi Ruth Eloise Beckwith 300 - 1, ’16 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BULLETIN A SERIES IN THE ADMINISTRATIVE BULLETINS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Entered July 1, 1911, at the Post Office at Berkeley, California, as second-class matter, under the Act of Congress of July 16, 1894 Issued monthly from July to March, and twice a month from April to June These Bulletins include: The Circular of Information, Academic Departments. The Annual Announcement of the Summer Session. The Announcement of the Medical School, Colleges of Dentistry, Law, and Pharmacy. The President’s Annual Report. The Prospectus of the College of Agriculture.