^^^1 I ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H H 1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H '» UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA CHAMPAIGN OAK STREET LIBRARY FACILITY Corner Book Shop 102 Fourth Ave. New York 3, N. Y. Mendelssohn Club Cook Book THIS BOOK CONTAINS 1394 VALUABLE RECEIPTS WITH INSTRUCTIONS FOR COOKING AND SERVING THEM ALSO MENUS FOR SOCIAL FUNCTIONS. Compiled by The Active Me Roclcford, Ulin 1909. Copyright 1909 BY THE Mendelssohn Club. ufortnn printing <^o. ftarkfari). lUtnata. TO OUR BELOVED PRESIDENT, MRS. CHANDLER STARR. Pre-eminently a natural leader and master of details, to whose keen instinct and constructive ability we are so greatly indebted, and whose genius and faith have constantly instilled in us the vital principal of success, this book is affectionately dedicated. Mendelssohn Club Committee. We know that things quite pretty are most pleasing to the eye; That sweet, harmonious music calms the soul's great eager cry; But we also know the longing that the stomach often feels, 'Tis then you'll find quite charming what our useful book reveals. — Nan Lakin. THE PRELUDE. "In every work, regard the writer's end Since none can compass more than they intend, And if the means be just, the conduct true, Applause, in spite of trivial fault, is due." — Pope. There is still in existence a tradition, well grounded but not well founded, to the effect that the artistic temperament and the domestic sciences have but little in common; that they blend about as harmoniously as the proverbial oil and water. Just who is re- sponsible for its origin is not known, but undoubtedly it comes down to us from the dark ages, as one who had any light on the subject could never have been so blinded to the truth. However, truth and tradition often meet as strangers. That a musician may also be an accomplished cook, is demon- strated every day. And why not? Are not both accomphshments classified under that much abused name of Art? True, one may be "art for art's sake" and the other, art for the stomach's sake; but, nevertheless, both are found in the same category. And one famil- iar with art in any of its branches is already partially equipped to understand its many phases. For example, harmony is a basic principal in music, pursued with never ceasing vigilance, and what is more important in household economics than harmony, even in the culinary department? This argument is not intended as a vindication, for the posi- tion taken does not require that. It is merely for the enlighten- ment of any who hitherto may have sat in darkness. A word to the scoffer is sufficient. Richard Strauss, in his tone-poem, the "Domestic Symphony", has shown us that even the greatest of modern composers is thor- oughly conversant with the smallest details of housekeeping, and is able to reproduce all the musical sounds so dear to the house- wife's ear, from the crying of the baby to the fall of the favorite bric-a-brac. And how often is that great artist, Ernestine Schu- mann-Heink, whom we are proud to claim as an American citizen and who has so generously contributed to this little volume, quoted as an illustration of the model housewife and mother. Other examples might be quoted, ad infinitum, but it is un- necessary when we have constantly before us the Mendelssohn Club, among whose prominent members are culinary artists of ac- knowledged worth and unrivaled genius. Allow me to say here, for the benefit of the unitiated, that it is an erroneous idea to sup- pose that conversation at the club's "social sessions" is devoted to musical matters. On the contrary, that subject is usually ta- booed in favor of the latest discovery in domestic science, while those who have not yet assumed household cares listen in wide- eyed wonder to learned dissertations by the older and wiser mem- bers, on such vital topics as "In What Time Should an Egg be Beaten," "How Many Bars Should be Used of Laundry Soap," "In What Key Should the Tea-Kettle Sing to Denote the Boiling Point" and "What Should be the Composition of an Angel-food Cake to Make it a Perfect Symphony?" It was at one of these social sessions that the subject of pro- viding furnishings for the new Mendelssohn Hall was introduced for discussion. Funds were needed, and it was the wish of the club to provide the necessary amount without drawing upon the emer- gency fund. The suggestion came "Why not publish a cook-book?" Instantly two score voices echoed, "Cook-book," and the die was cast. The suggestion had struck a responsive chord. For months the active members of the club, individually and collectively, have worked to make this new venture a success and to sustain the reputation they hold in every field they have entered, of giving always the best. That home duties and the practical side of life have not been lost sight of nor neglected in the quest of the most beautiful of all the arts, is proven by the issuance of this little volume. From cover to cover, its pages will be found brim- ming over with invaluable information for the home-maker. With its customary broad-mindedness, the club has recog- nized the fact that there are other famous cooks, and many have generously responded to the invitation to contribute something from their choicest store. To those who have assisted in making the Mendelssohn Club Cook-Book one of the best ever issued, the club here expresses its grateful appreciation. With the publishing of this book, the club celebrates its silver anniversary. F^or a quarter of a century it has endeavored to stand for all that is highest and best in music, and year after year there has been a constant growth, always onward antl upward. With pardonable pride we place this work before the public, our first effort to prove that the pursuit of music is not all-absorbing, but all-embracing; that, as Goethe has expressed it, "Level roads run out from music to every side;" and that its possession fits one not only to adorn the concert stage and the drawing room, but to shine with added lustre in the home, as the light that never fails. — Ethel Van Wie. TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. Bread, Rolls and Breakfast Cakes._. Page Bread 3 Hop Yeast— 3 Potato Yeast 3 Bread in a Mixer 4 Whole Wheat Bread 4 Sour Milk Bread...„ 4 Salt-Rising Bread 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Fruit Bread— Nut Bread. Nut Graham Bread Graham Bread I... Graham Bread II Nut Bread Oatmeal Bread. Graham Bread with Dates and Nuts Scotch Short. Bread English Saffron Bread._ 6 Brown Bread 6 Boston Brown Bread 1 6 Boston Brown Bread II 6 Boston Brown Bread III 7 Steamed Brown Bread „ 7 Com Bread 1 7 Corn Bread II.„_ 7 Sweet Corn Bread 7 Johnny Cake 1 7 Johnny Cake II 7 Johnny Cake III 7 Bread Muffins Graham Gems I Graham Gems II Graham Gems III Sour Milk Graham Gems. Rusk. Short Biscuit , Tea Rolls._ Page Corn Meal Puffs 9 Feather Muffins 9 Corn Bread or Muffins.„_ 9 Pop-Overs 9 Coffee Cake or Muffins.- 10 Muffins 1 10 Muffins II 10 Muffins III 10 Blueberry Muffins 10 Parker House Rolls 10 Plain White Gems 11 Butter Rolls U Raised Biscuit 11 Whole Wheat Bu^cuit 11 Com Muffins with Dates.- 11 Date Muffins 11 Buckwheat Cakes...- 12 Aunt Charity's Com Cakes.__ 12 Griddle Cakes 12 Cream Pan Cakes 12 Pan Cakes 12 Rye Griddle Cakes._ 12 Bread Griddle Cakes 13 Rice Griddle Cakes 13 Graham Griddle Cakes 13 Waffles 1 13 Waffles II 13 Apple Fritters 14 Banana Fritters 14 Queen Fritters 14 Tomato Fritters 14 Strawberry Short Cake 15 Never Fail Strawberry Short Cake 16 Lemon Short Cake._ 16 Timbale Cases 15 Xll TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER II. Sandwiches and Canapes 19 Sandwiches 19 Page Sandwiches 19 Nut Sandwiches 19 Horseradish Sandwiches 19 Cheese Butter Sandwiches 19 Russian Sandwiches 19 Sardine Sandwiches 1 19 Sardine Sandwiches II 20 Toast Sandwiches 20 Cream Cheese Sandwiches 20 Dutch Sandwiches.. 20 Sweet Sandwiches 20 Deviled Sandwiches 20 Page Fried Sandwiches with Ham 20 Egg Sand\yiches 20 Chicken for Sandwiches 20 Mushroom Sandwiches 21 Bacon and Egg Sandwiches 21 Peanut Sandwiches 21 Cheese Sandwiches 21 Pimola Sandwiches 21 Lettuce Sandwiches 21 Parsley Sandwiches 21 Ribbon Sandwiches 21 Chive Sandwiches .. 22 Canapes 22 Canapes 22 Ham Canapes 22 Cheese Canapes 22 Sardine Canapes 22 Anchovy Canapes. 23 Caviere Canapes 23 Tomato Canapes 23 CHAPTER III.. Cereals 24 How to Cook Cereals 24 Table for Cooking all Cereals.... 24 Farina, Fruit Mush 24 Corn Meal Mush 24 Fried Corn Meal Mush, Hominy and Oatmeal 25 Spaghetti k la Italienne 25 Genuine Italian Spaghetti 25 Spaghetti a la Ellery Band 25 Macaroni and Cheese 26 How to Boil Rice._ 26 Spanish Rice 26 Rice Molds 26 Rice Milanaise 27 Rice and Peaches served with Meat Course 27 CHAPTER IV. Coffee, Tea, Chocolate and Cocoa 31 Coffee 31 How to make Coffee 32 After Dinner Coffee 32 Percolated or Filtered Coffee 32 Australian Coffee Cup 33 Tea 33 How to make Tea 33 Iced Tea. 34 Russian Tea 34 Wellesley Tea 34 Herb Teas. 34 Chocolate and Cocoa 34 Breakfast Cocoa 34 Brandy Cocoa 35 Reception Cocoa 35 Chocolate ..-.. 35 Chocolate Syrup— J 35 TABLE OF CONTENTS Xlll CHAPTER V. Soups 36 Introduction 36 Soups with Stock 36 Page Brown Soup Stock. 36 White Soup Stock 37 Bouillon 37 Good Soup 37 Macaroni Soup 38 Creole Soup 38 Scotch Soup 38 Nourishing Broth.„ 38 Consomm^ I _ 38 Consomm^ II 39 Claret Consomm^ 39 Chicken Soup 39 Cream of Chicken Soup..._ 39 Page Chicken Tapioca Soup 39 Chicken Gumbo 40 Chicken Chowder 40 Southern Gumbo 40 Emergency Soup 40 Venetian Soup 40 Mushroom Soup 41 Pur6e of Tomato Soup 41 Tomato Soup 41 Celery Soup 41 Black Bean Soup 41 Chestnut Soup 42 Almond Soup 42 Soups without stock 42 Duchess Soup 42 Cream of Asparagus Soup...„"_ 42 Cream of Cheese Soup._ 43 Peanut Soup 43 Corn Soup 43 Corn Chowder.„ 43 Pur^ of Pea Soup 44 Cream of Pea Soup 44 Split Pea Soup 44 Black Bean Soup 44 Lenten Soup 45 Potato Soup 46 Corn and Tomato Soup 46 Cream of Celery Soup 46 Cream of Tomato Soup 46 Soup from Left-overs 46 Fish Chowders and Soup 46 Clam Chowder 1 46 Clam Chowder II 47 Clam Chowder III 47 Fish Chowder 47 Crab Soup 47 Oyster Cream 48 Oyster Broth.. 48 Fruit Soups 48 Cherry and Pineapple Soup 48 White Wine Soup „ 48 Fruit Soup 48 Soup Accompaniments 49 Dumplings for Soup 49 Noodles 49 Egg Kloesse 49 Crofttons 49 Toa-st Sticks 49 XIV TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER VI. Fish and Method of Cooking. Fish Page How to Kill Fish 53 Table for Cooking Fish 53 To Boil Fish 53 To Fry Fish 53 To Broil Fish 54 Creole Stuffing for Baked Fish.... 54 Anchovy Sauce 54 Fish Sauce 54 Tartare Sauce 54 Fish Chowder 54 Stewed Perch, old Country Style 55 Fried Shad 55 Shad Roe 55 Fish Balls 55 Creamed Codfish with Poached Eggs 56 Creamed Salt Mackerel Escalloped Fish Baked Fillet of Trout Salmon Loaf Salmon in a Mold Creamed Finnan Haddie Boiled Halibut Planked Fish Salmon Croquettes.- Salmon Loaf : Codfish Balls- Finnan Haddie Baked Halibut with Salad Dress- ing Baked Fish with Cheese Baked Halibut with Stuffing 53 53 Page 56 56 56 56 57 57 57 57 58 58 58 58 58 59 59 Shell Fish '. 59 Oysters...- 59 Oyster Cocktail. 60 Oyster Stew 60 Panned Oysters 60 Fried Oysters 60 Escalloped Oysters _ 60 Oyster Omelet 61 Oyster Patties 61 Lobsters 61 Baked Live Lobster. 61 Boiled Live Lobster 61 Creamed Lobster 61 Lobster k la Newberg 62 Lobster Cutlets 62 Shrimps Buttered Shrimps Creamed Shrimps Steamed Clams Stewed Soft Clams Clam Fritters Crabs Broiled Soft Shell Crabs Stone Crabs Deviled Crabs Frog Legs„ Frog Legs, Provencal Fashion. Baked Terrapin Terrapin k la Maryland. — 62 62 62 63 63 63 63 64 64 64 64 64 65 65 CHAPTER VII. Meats. 69 Beef 69 How to Select Meats Suggestions for Cooking Meats. Prime Roast Beef Fillet of Beef Braised Beef Braised Beef en Casserole.- 69 Porterhouse Steak, with Mush- 70 rooms 73 72 Spanish Steak. 73 72 Planked Steak 74 73 Steak Smothered in Mushrooms 74 73 Beef Steak and Oysters 74 TABLE OF CONTENTS. XV Pag* Round Steak._ 74 Pressed Beef 75 California Sparrows 76 English Beefsteak Pie 75 Scotch Roll 75 Beef Roll 75 German Stew 76 French Ragotkt. 76 Goulasch 76 Beef k la Mode 76 Hamburger Steak. 76 Pot Roast 77 Mock Duck 77 pm* Meat Cakes 77 Corned Beef Hash I.__ 77 Corned Beef Hash II. kla, Mar- shall Field's Tea Room. 78 Spanish Hash 78 Beef Loaf 1 78 Beef Loaf II 78 Lemon Beef Loaf. 78 Spanish Meat Balls 78 Fricandelles.„_ 79 Braised Tongue 79 Cornish Pastry 79 Beef Rice Croquettes.— 80 Mutton and Lamb. 80 Roast Mutton 80 Stewed Breast of Mutton 80 Boiled Mutton with Caper Sauce 81 Mutton Steak with Tomato 81 Mutton or Lamb and Mushroom Stew 81 Meat and Potatoes. 81 Irish Stew 81 English Mutton or Lamb Chops, en Casserole 81 Planked Lamb or Mutton Chops 82 Veal 82 Veal Roast 82 Baked Veal Cutlets en Casserole 82 Veal Rag6(it au Parmesan 82 Veal Stew with Dumplings.„ 82 Veal Birds I 83 Veal Birds II 83 Veal Loaf I )... 83 Veal Loaf II 83 Veal Loaf III 84 Veal Loaf IV 84 Meat and Rice Loaf. 84 Croquettes of Veal 1 84 Veal Croquettes II 83 Spiced Meats.- 84 Veal Cheese. 85 Egged Veal Hash. 85 Pork 85 Roast Loin of Pork 85 Pork Tenderloin Roast 85 Pork Chops with Tomato Gravy 85 Boiled Chops 86 Meat Balls.„ .-. 86 Fried Salt Pork 86 Stuffing for Pork 86 Ham and Bacon. 86 Baked Ham 1 86 Baked Ham II 86 Baked Ham III 87 Baked Ham IV.__ 87 Ham Cooked in Milk. 87 Rice & la Monterey (Spanish).... 87 Liver 87 Kate's Limerick Bacon. 88 Braised Liver„ 88 XVI TABLE OF CONTENTS. Sausages 88 Sausages in Batter. 88 Roll Sausages 88 Toad in Hole 88 Sweetbreads Sweetbreads and Veal Kidneys.. 89 Baked Sweetbreads and Olive Sauce 89 Sauces 89 Sweetbreads with Mushroom Sauce 89 Chop Suey 1 89 Chop Suey II 90 90 Hollandaise Sauce 90 Horseradish Sauce 90 Creole Sauce 90 Bechamel Sauce 90 Caper Sauce 91 Tomato Sauce 91 French Mustard 91 Curry Sauce 91 Mint Sauce 92 Maitre d' H6tel Butter 92 Meats and their .Accompani- ments and Garnishings 92 CHAPTER VIII. Poultry and Game. 95 Introduction 95 How to Choose Poultry 95 How to Kill Poultry 95 Drawing Poultry 96 Carving 96 Chicken : 97 Giblet Broth 97 Roasted Plain 97 Roasted with Giblet Forcemeat.. 97 Roasted with Oyster Forcemeat 97 Roasted with Plain Dressing 98 En Casserole 98 En Casserole with Celery 98 Pot Pie 98 Pie 99 Stewed with Salt Pork 99 Southern Chicken Pie..._ 99 Fried Spring Chicken 100 Deviled Spring Chicken 100 Broiled Spring Chicken 101 Fillets — How to Prepare for en- trees 101 Fillet h la Toulouse 101 Gulasch - 102 Boiled with Oyster Sauce 102 Curried 102 Chop Suey 102 Croquettes 1 103 Croquettes II 103 Ways of Using -Cold Chicken or Other Fowl 103 Creamed _ 103 Patties 104 Shortcake 104 Bechamel._ 104 Newberg 104 Jellied 104 Escalloped 104 Chicken and Rice Loaf 104 Souffle 105 Boudins - 105 TABLE OP CONTENTS. xvu Turkey. Page Roasted, Plain 105 Dressings—Chestnut, Sage, Creole 106 Roasted with Sausage 106 Geese or Ducks. Goose Roasted with Apple Dress- ing 107 Potato Dressing 107 Raisin Dressing 107 Goose Stuffed with Sauerkraut.. 108 Jellied Goose, German Style 108 105 Pag* Braised 106 Boiled with Oyster Sauce 107 Boned 107 107 Ducks.__ 108 Pigeons and Capon 108 Pigeons en Casserole with As- paragus 108 Swedish Fried Chicken or Squab 109 Baked Squab , 109 Game._ _ 109 Cooking of Wild Dueks.„ 109 Fillets of Teal Ducks k la Pont Chatrain 109 Wild Goose 110 Pheasants 110 Prairie Chickens. 110 Grouse 1 10 Smothered Birds 110 Partridge Roasted with Truffle Dressing.^- 110 Quail Steamed and Creamed Ill Quails with Juniper Berries Ill Quails k la Maltre d' H6tel Ill Reed Birds Ill Woodcock HI Snipe Ill Venison Ill Introduction Ill Roasted Ribs, Hunter's Style... 112 Saddle of Venison with Currant Jelly 1 12 Booyah 112 Hares, Rabbits, Squirrels 112 Roast Rabbit 112 Barbecued Rabbit 113 Roast Belgian Hare- 113 Jugged Hare 113 Hausenpfeffer of Rabbit. .-.. 113 CHAPTER IX. Vegetables.- 114 How to Cook Vegetables 114 Time Table for Cooking 115 Cream Sauce for Vegetables 115 Lyonnaise Potatoes 116 Saratoga Potatoes 116 French Fried Potatoes 116 Escalloped Potatoes 116 Creamed Potatoes 116 Hashed Brown Potatoes. 116 Larded Potatoes.^ 116 Potatoes on the Half Shell 116 Old Potatoes 117 Rules for Cooking 117 To Boil New Potatoes 117 Baked Potatoes 117 Glac6d Sweet Potatoes 117 Potatoes Au Gratin 117 Potatoes k la Union League Club 1 18 Potato Puff 118 Creamed New Potatoes with Parsley 118 Breaded Potatoes 118 Sweet Potatoes, Southern Style.. 1 19 Cold Boiled Potatoes 119 Potatoes SautM 119 f'ried Potato Hash..._ 119 Potatoes, Sweet or Irish 120 Burr Oak Farm Potatoes 120 Good Potatoes 120 XVIU TABLE OP CONTENTS. Page Delicate Cabbage 120 Stuffed Cabbage 120 Summer Cabbage 121 Stewed Cabbage 121 Cooked Cabbage 121 Cabbage with Custard. 121 Baked Cauliflower with Cheese Sauce 121 Sauce for Cauliflower. 122 Onion Chips 122 Creamed Onions 122 Roasted Onions 122 Fried Onions 122 Baked Peas : 122 Baked Green Peppers 122 Green Pepper Goulasch. 123 Stuffed Peppers 123 Creamed Potatoes and Green Peppers 123 Corn Fritters 123 Baked Corn 123 Green Corn Fritters, Southern Style 124 Deviled Corn 1 124 How to Prepare the Fritters 124 Parsnip Fritters 124 Baked Tomatoes....! 124 Tomatoes Fried in Cream.- 125 Tomato Pone 125 Page Creamed Cucumbers 125 Stewed Cucumbers 1 125 Stewed Cucumbers II 125 Baked Bananas 126 Baked Bananas, Porto Rican Style- 126 Egg Plant Fritters 1 126 Egg Plant Fritters II 126 Stuffed Egg Plant 126 Asparagus Loaf 127 Swiss Chard 127 Salsify 127 Kohlrabi 127 Squash Puff 127 Baked Beans 128 Baked Beans and Tomatoes 128 New Beets, Italian Style 128 Stuffed Beets 128 Spinach. 129 Head Lettuce Prepared like Spinach 129 Baked Tomatoes and Rice 129 Peas and Carrots en Casserole 129 Carrots, French Style 129 Carrots with Onion 130 Mushroom Patties 130 Brussels Sprouts 130 Mushrooms 130 Mushrooms in Cream.- 130 CHAPTER X. Salad and Salad Dressings 133 Salad Dressings 133 French Dressing. 133 Mayonnaise Dressing 133 French Salad Dressing 133 Sour Cream Salad Dressing 134 Salad Dressing 1 134 Salad Dressing for Cabbage 134 Good Salad Dressing 134 Salad Dressing II 134 Salad Dressing for 125 People.... 135 Boiled Dressing 135 Salads 135 Green-Leaf Salad 135 Kartofel Salad _ 135 Cauliflower Salad 135 Stuffed Tomato Salad 136 Spring Salad 136 Onion and Orange Salad 136 String Bean Salad 136 Potato Salad k la Schumann - Heink. 136 Potato Salad. 137 Cove Oyster Salad 137 Pecan Salad 137 TABLE OF CONTENTS. XIX Pag* Salad in Green Peppers. 137 Vegetable Combination Salad ._. 137 Chicken Salad 138 Sweetbread Salad-__ 138 Gelatine Salad „ 138 Easter Salad 1 138 Easter Salad II 139 Combination Salad. 139 Celery Aspic 139 Salmon Salad I.__ 139 Salmon Salad II._ 140 Tomato Aspic 140 Tomato Sandwich 140 Page Fish Aspic 140 Cheese Salad 141 Beet Salad 141 Oyster Salad 141 Celery Stuffed with Cheese 141 Cucumber and Onion Salad 141 White Grape Salad 141 Fruit Salad 142 Pineapple Salad....; 142 Banana Salad 142 Apple and Date Salad- 142 Alexandra Salad. 142 Waldorf Salad...„ 142 CHAPTER XL Eggs and Cheese. Eggs 143 143 Fried Eggs. 143 Baked Eggs.„_ 143 Eggs Poached in Balls 143 Poached Eggs 143 Creamed Eggs 1 144 Creamed Eggs II 144 Scrambled Eggs 144 Steamed Eggs.- 144 Curried Egg.s._ 144 Escalloped Eggs 144 Eggs k la Buckingham 144 Brown Buttered Eggs 145 Eggs BroAille 145 Columbus Eggs..._ 145 Eggs and Tomatoes 145 Eggs with Mushrooms.- 145 A Spanish Delicacy 146 Omelet.— 146 Omelet :...:.. 146 Green Com Omelet 146 Mrs. Langwell's Omelet 146 Omelet with Cheese. 146 Egg Potato Omelet 146 v/HEESE.... Egg Relish...- 147 Egg Chowder 147 Swiss Eggs 147 Eggs k la Swi5se._ 147 Stuffed Eggs, au Gratin 147 147 Cheese „ 147 Cottage Cheese 147 Rice with Cheese 148 Cheese Omelet 148 Cheese Souffle 148 Cheese Patty.- 148 Baked Celery and Cheese 148 Celery and Cheese Sticks 148 Potatoes with Cheese. 149 Cheese Strijjs. 149 Chee^^e Fingers 149 Cheese Straws 149 Cheese Sandwiches. 149 Welsh Rarebit .-. 149 Chee.se Toast- 149 Cheese Filling for Sandwiches. .. 149 Macaroni and Cheese 150 Cheese Salad I 150 Cheese Salad II 160 Cheese Fondu 1 160 Cheese Fondu II. 160 Cheese Balls 1 160 Cheese Balls II 160 Chee.se Balls III 161 Cheese Balls IV 151 XX TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER XII. Pastry 155 Page How to Make Pie Crust 155 Pie Crust 1 155 Pie Crust II 155 Pie Crust III- 155 Pie Crust IV 155 Chou Paste 156 Apple Pie._ 156 Apple Pie. h la Mode.... 156 Lemon Apple Pie 156 Apple Custard Pie 156 Custard Pie 1 157 Custard Pie II 157 Lemon Pie 1 157 Lemon Pie II 157 Two Crust Lemon Pie. 157 Two Crust Lemon Pie. 157 Lemon and Raisin Pia 158 Chocolate Pie L_ 158 Chocolate Pie II 158 Buttermilk Pie 158 Cream Pie 158 Sour Cream Pie 158 Cocoanut Pie.__ 159 Cocoanut Custard Pie 159 Page Squash Pie 159 Pumpkin Pie..._ 159 Pieplant Pie 159 Two Crust Pieplant Pie .'.... 159 Mince Meat 160 Mock Mince Pie 160 Tomato Mince Meat. 160 Mock Cherry Pie 160 Cream Pie Plant Pie 160 Cherry Pie 160 Blueberry Pie 161 Pineapple Pie 161 Orange Pie 161 Strawberry Meringue Pie 161 Martha Washington Pie 161 Molasses Pie 162 Tart Shells.._..„ 162 Lemon Tarts 162 Lemon Butter for Pies and Tarts 162 Banbury Tarts I 162 Banbury Tarts II 162 Fig Tarts 163 English Cheese Tarts.„ 163 Pineapple Tarts 163 CHAPTER XIII. Hot Puddings 164 How to Insure the Best Results.. 164 Old English Plum Pudding 165 Christmas Plum Pudding 165 Plum Pudding without Shorten- ing 166 Suet Pudding L__ 166 Suet Pudding IL_ 166 Suet Pudding IIL 166 Suet Pudding IV 166 Suet Pudding V 167 Fig Pudding I.. 167 Fig Pudding IL_ 167 Fig Pudding III 167 Steamed Fig Pudding 167 Graham Pudding 167 Brown Pudding 168 Date Pudding. 168 Batter Pudding ^^168 Delicate Indian Pudding. 168 Indian Meal Pudding. 168 Cottage Pudding 168 Bread and Apricot Pudding 169 Brown Betty.— 169 Chocolate and Almond Pudding 169 Willy Boys 169 Steamed Chocolate Pudding 169 Chocolate Bread Pudding 169 Steamed Bread Pudding 170 Baked Bread Pudding.__ 170 Steamed Nut Pudding.. 170 Steamed Cup Pudding 170 Steamed Fruit Pudding 170 Steamed Blueberry Pudding 171. Cranberry Puff 171 Cranberry Pudding 171 Cherry Pudding 171 TABLE OF CONTENTS. XXI Pag* Pieplant Pudding., 171 Rice Pudding 172 Poor Man's Pudding 172 Lemon Pudding 172 Pinola Pudding 172 Sponge Pudding. 173 Snow Balls 173 Creamed Apple Pudding.- 173 Apple Pudding 173 Apple Roll 173 Apple Dumplings. 174 Prune Pudding 174 Page Peach Fritters 174 Peach Cobbler 174 Peach Canap6s 176 Peach Cup.„ 175 Peach Pudding 175 German Puffs 175 Baked Custard 175 Custard Souffld. 175 Cup Custard 17,0 Marguerite Pudding..._ 176 Minute Gelatine Prune Whip 176 CHAPTER XIV. Pudding Sauces 177 Hard Sauce 177 Foamy Sauce 177 Foaming Sauce._ 177 Pudding Sauce I 177 Pudding Sauce II.__ 178 Golden Sauce L_ 178 Golden Sauce IL 178 Maple Sugar Sauce 1 178 Maple Sugar Sauce II 178 Maple Sugar Sauce III. 178 Brown Sauce. 178 Nut Sauce 178 Caramel Sauce 178 Egg Sauce 1 179 Egg Sauce II ..__ 179 Boiled Custard Sauce 1 179 Boiled Custard Sauce II 179 Orange Sauce I-_ 179 Orange Sauce II._ 179 Lemon Sauce 179 Strawberry Sauce.__ 179 Peach Pudding Sauce 179 Peach Sauce 180 Cherry Sauce 180 Claret Sauce 180 Cream Brandy Sauce...- 180 Sherry Sauce_. 180 Wine Sauce 180 Vinegar Sauce.__ 180 CHAPTER XV. Cold Desserts.__ 183 Suggestions 183 Strawberry Ring 184 Strawberry Bavarian 1 184 Strawberry Bavarian en Sur- prise 184 Strawberry Bavarian II 184 Strawberry Souffl6 Frapp6 184 Strawberry Cream 185 Strawberry Charlotte 185 Strawberry Whip 185 Strawberry Mold 185 Strawberry Delmonico I*udding.. 185 Pineapple and Marshmallow Pudding.- 186 Pineapple Gelatine Pudding. 186 Pineapple Mousse.— 186 Pineapple Whip 186 Pineapple Souffl6 186 Pineapple Sponge.__ „ 187 Pineapple Toast 187 Twisted Pineapple 187 Pineapple Custard 187 Red Raspberry Puree 187 Fruit and Maple Mousse Loaf 188 Maple Mousse 188 Raspberry Sandwiches 188 Raspberry Charlotte Russe 188 Raspberry Cream Cakes 189 XXll TABLE OP CONTENTS. Page Raspberry Mold 189 Cherry- Raspberry Jelly.— 189 Cherry Pudding 189 Apricot Cream 190 P6che Melba !..._ 190 Pdche Melba II 190 Peach Floating Island 190 Delicious Peach Cream 190 Peaches en Surprise 191 Almond Cream with Peaches 191 Heavenly Hash 191 Peach Sponge Cake in Jelly. 191 Baked Peaches 192 Peach Custard Pudding 192 Peach Souffle 192 Apples in Bloom 192 Apple Compote 193 Porcupine Apples 193 Apples Duchess Style 193 Stuffed Apples 193 Apple Snow Balls..._ 193 Apple Souffle. 194 Croquante of Apples 194 Rice Apples 194 Apple Gelatine Cream 195 Apple Fluff _ 195 Grated Apple Pudding 195 Green Apple Cream 195 Apple Meringue 195 Apple Custard -. 196 Compote of Pears 196 Jellied Bartlett Pears.... 196 Baked Pears 196 Orange Jelly Cases 197 Orange Surprise 1 197 Orange Surprise II 197 Orange Marshmallow^ Cream 197 Orange Fool 197 Orange Charlotte 198 Orange Float— 198 Buttercup Jelly 198 Orange Jelly en Surprise.- 198 Orange Blanc Mange 198 Honeycomb Pudding. 199 Hamburg Sponge with Whipped Cream.__ 199 Lemon Whip 199 Lemon Sponge 199 Banana Cream I..._ 199 Page Banana Cream and Rhubarb Jelly Mold 200 Banana Cream II._ 200 Banana Cream Cake 200 Grape Pudding 200 Red Pudding. 200 Rhubarb Jelly with Whipped Cream 201 Chocolate Bromangelon with Rice 201 Neapolitan Cream 201 Cherry Hill Frutti 201 Fruit Salad 202 Mint Jelly 202 Cranberry Foam 202 Russian Fruit Jelly 202 Gelatine Fruit Pudding 202 Fruit Souffle 202 Fruit Cones 203 Tropical Snow 203 Fruit Pudding 203 Ivory Jelly with Cherries 203 Grape Fruit Jelly en Surprise 204 Prune Whip 204 Yellow Prune 204 Puzzle. Pudding 204 Prune Jelly 205 Prune Toasts 205 Date Pudding. 205 Date Mold....- 205 Compote of Figs 205 Fig Blanc Mange 206 Fig Cups 206 Charlotte Russe 206 Parisian Charlotte Russe 206 Rice Imperatrice 207 Glorified Rice 207 Jerusalem Pudding 207 Rice Mold 208 Rice Charlotte 208 Kiss Torte with Strawberries 208 Krumnier..__ 208 Nut Pudding 208 Marron Gelatine Pudding. 209 Nesselrode Pudding 209 Velvet Cream 209 Chestnut Cream 209 A Delicious Dessert 209 Whipped Cream Dessert 210 TABLE OF CONTENTS. XXlll Pag* Macaroon Pudding. 210 Macaroon Cream 210 Marshmallow Cream.. 210 Velvet Cream Mold 210 Nut Cream 211 Rum Bavarian Cream. 211 Spanish Cream 211 Angel Pudding „ 211 Angel Baskets.— 211 Sponge Cake Pie. 212 Surprise Pie 212 Snow Pudding 212 Meringue Cases._ 212 Burnt Almond Omelet 212 Graham Fruit Pudding 213 Chocolate Pudding with Marsh- mallows 213 Chocolate Souffl6 213 Chocolate Cream Pudding 213 Chocolate Blanc Mange 214 Chocolate Surprise 214 Blanc Mange 214 Cornstarch Pudding.„ 214 Boiled Custard.. 214 Page Gainsboro Pudding. .. 214 Caramel Custard . 215 Caramel Pudding .. 215 Maple Pudding ... 215 Pineapple Tapioca I. .215 Pineapple Tapioca II 216 Tapioca Pudding 216 Date Tapioca 216 Lemon Tapioca 216 Tapioca Tutti Frutti 216 Banana Tapioca 216 Chocolate Tapioca Blanc Mange 217 Tapioca Cream 217 Apple Tapioca Pudding 217 Creamed Apple Tapioca 217 Minute American Cream._ 217 Minute Charlotte Russe 218 Minute Chocolate Walnut Jelly.. 218 Minute Neapolitan Jelly 218 Wine Jelly I 218 Wine Jelly II 218 Lemon Jelly 219 Coffee Jelly 219 CHAPTER XVI. Frozen Desserts of all Kinds Directions for Freezing 223 223 Parfait. 223 Maple Parfait Vanilla Parfait Pineapple Parfait- 223 Caf6 Parfait 224 223 Roman Punch...__ 224 223 Hokey Pokey 224 Ice Cream.- 224 Coffee Ice Cream 224 Fruit Ice Cream 224 Tutti Fruitti Ice Cream 224 Glac6 224 Vanilla Ice Cream 224 Hot Chocolate Sauce. 225 Peach CreanL__ 225 Italian Cream 225 Frozen Strawberries. 226 Banana Ice Cream. 226 Chocolate Ice Cream 225 Caramel Ice Cream 225 Ginger Ice Cream._ 226 Maple Ice Cream L 226 Maple Ice Cream XL „ 226 Maple Cream._ !.. 226 Prune Ice Cream 226 Rose Punch 226 Frozen Macaroon Pudding 226 Frozen Rice Pudding.. 227 Frozen Egg Nog ,_ 227 Nesselrode Pudding. 227 XXIV TABLE OF C0NTP:.VTS. Ices. Page Peach Water Ice 227 Rule of "Three" Ice 227 Coffee Ice...„_ 227 Raspberry Ice 228 Lemon Ice.- 228 Strawberry Ice 228 White Grape Juice Ice 228 CrSme de Menthe Ice. 228 Strawberry Mousse 228 . 227 Page Maple Mousse 228 Pineapple Sherbet 229 Orange Sherbet 229 Raspberry and Currant Sherbet.. 229 Lemon Sherbet.- 229 Milk Sherbet 229 Granis au Chocolate 229 Junket Ice Cream with Straw- berries 229 CHAPTER XVII. Cakes, Cake Fillings and Frostings. Gingerbread 231 General Directions for Cake Mak- ing 231 Aunt Maria's Ginger Cake 232 Gingerbread 1 232 Gingerbread II 232 Gingerbread III 232 Ginger Creams 232 Loaf Cakes.— 233 One Egg Spice Cake 233 Spanish Bun 233 Coffee Cake 233 Two- Layer Fruit Cake 233 Apple Sauce Cake 234 Potato Cake 234 Brown Cake 234 French Fruit Cake. 234 Fruit Cake. 234 Scripture Cake 234 Devil's Food 235 Chocolate Loaf Cake 235 White Pound Cake, 235 Yellow Pound Cake 235 Citron Pound Cake 235 Sponge Cake I 236 Sponge Cake IL * 236 Sponge Cake IIL— 236 Roll Jelly Cake.- 236 Layer Cakes Scioto Sponge Cake 236 German Kuchen. 237 Sunshine Cake 237 Angel Food 1 237 Angel Food IL 237 Angel Fruit or Nut Cake 237 White Cake. 238 Feathery White Cake 238 Hickory, Nut Loaf Cake 238 Burnt Sugar Cake 238 Sour Cream Cake 238 Grandmother's Yeast Cake..._ 238 Marble Cake 239 Blackberry Jam Cake 239 Cheap Loaf Cake 239 Blueberry Cake.— 239 Dutch Apple Cake 239 Peach Tea Cake 240 240 Chocolate Cake— Eggless 240 Chocolate Cake 240 Chocolate Cream Cake 1 240 Chocolate Cream Cake II 240 Orange Cake 241 Marshmallow Cake.._ 241 Toasted Marshmallow Cake 241 French Cocoanut Cake 241 Aristocratic Cake 242 Harlequin Cake 242 Dolly Varden Cake 242 Plain Layer Caka 243 TABLE OF CONTENTS. XXV Fillings 243 Pas* Mocha Filling L 243 Mocha Filling IL_^ 243 Apple Filling.__ „ 243 Raisin Filling 243 Cocoa Filling.__ 243 Page Ice Cream Filling. 243 Sour Cream Filling. 244 Chocolate Filling 1 244 Chocolate Filling II 244 Frostinos 244 Plain Frosting._.._ 244 Boiled Frosting _ 244 Caramel Frosting 244 Fruit Frosting. 244 Divinity Fudge Frosting— 245 Chocolate Nut Frosting.___ 245 CHAPTER XVIII. Small Cakes, Cookies, Doughnuts 246 Small Cakes 246 Cream Puffs 246 Patty Pan Cakes 246 Sour Cream Patties 246 Roxbury Cakes. 246 Small Chocolate Cakes 247 Little Gold Cakes „ 247 Cocoa Macaroons .„ 247 Flower Cakes 247 Cinnamon Coffee Cakes .. 248 Sponge Cake Patties 248 Cookies 248 Fruit Cookies 248 Sugar Cookies 1 248 Sugar Cookies II 248 Caraway Cookies 248 Honey Drop Cookies 249 Oatmeal Cookies I „ 249 Oatmeal Cookies II 249 Aunt Lucy's Sugar Cookies 249 Graham Cookies 249 Ginger Snaps. 249 Fruit Slices 250 Molasses Cookies 250 Peanut Cookies.__ 250 Rocks._ 250 Hermits 250 Orange Wafers 250 Peanut or Almond Cookies. 251 Chocolate Cookies 251 Jam Cookies _ 251 Doughnuts 251 Doughnuts 1 251 Doughnuts II 251 Doughnuts III 251 Doughnuts IV..._ 252 Raised Doughnuts 252 Prune Doughnuts.__ 252 Fried Cakes._ 252 Fried Wonders 252 Crullers 252 XXVI TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER XIX. Fruits and how to Serve Them 255 Page Grapes 255 Cantaloupe 256 Musk Melon Surprise.., 256 Musk Melon Baskets 256 Compote of Oranges 256 Compote of Pears 256 Watermelon 257 Watermelon Hearts 257 Rose Pineapple 257 Strawberries 257 Strawberry Cocktail 257 Strawberry Tarts 258 Grape Fruit 258 Cherries 258 Pace Cherry Salad 258 Peach Snow Balls 258 Ambrosia 259 A Favorite Dessert ..— 259 Heavenly Hash 259 Fruit Salpicon..._ 259 Salpicon of Strawberries and Pineapple 260 Tutti-FruttL 260 Tutti-Frutti of Candied Fruits.... 260 Cranberry Sauce 260 Apple Sauce 261 Devonshire Cream 261 CHAPTER XX. Candy and Confections. 262 Boiled Sugar for Confections 262 White Fondant 263 Coffee Fondant 263 Maple Fondant 263 Bon Bons.„ 263 Chocolate Creams 264 Dipped Walnuts.^ 264 Cream Nut Bars 264 Mints 264 Chocolate Fudge. 265 Delicious Fudge 265 Divinity Fudge 265 Turkish Divinity Fudge 265 Caramel Fudge. 266 Coffee Fudge._ 266 Cocoa Fudge 266 Cocoanut Fudge. 266 Maple Sugar Fudge 267 Chocolate Caramels I. 267 Chocolate Caramels II..J 267 Vanilla Caramels 267 Chocolate Candy... 267 Maple Penuche 268 Southern Pralines _ 268 Pralines I _ 268 Pralines IT 268 Maple Cream Candy 268 Butter Taffy 269 Salt W^ater Taffy 269 White Taffy 269 Marshmallows 269 Fresh Cocoanut Candy 270 Butter Scotch 1 270 Butter Scotch II 270 Nougat 1 270 Nougat II 270 Molasses Candy 271 Horehound Candy 271 Candied Orange Peeling 271 Stuffed Dates ,. 271 Nut Candy 272 Peanut Candy.__ 272 Peanut Brittle 272 Cracker Jack._ 272 Pop Corn Balls 272 Puffed Rice Candy._- 272 Crystallized Fruits 272 Maple and Nut Creams. 273 Candied Walnuts 273 Glace Nuts 273 Salted Almonds I.- 274 Salted Almonds II 274 Salted Peanuts or Pecans. 274 To Clarify Maple Syrup 274 TABLE OF CONTENTS. XXVU CHAPTER XXI. Drinks and Beverages 275 Wines 275 Page Rules for Service 275 To Mull Wine 276 Port Wine 276 Currant Wine 276 Blackberry Wine 276 Elderberry Wine 276 Red or White Currant Wine 276 Elderberry Wine II 277 Currant Wine II 277 Page Cherrj' Wine 277 Apple Wine 278 Ginger Wine 278 Lemon Wine. 278 Dandelion Wine 278 Grape Wine... 279 Unfermented Wine 279 Unfermented Grape Juice..— 279 Cordials. Mint Cordial 280 Blackberry Cordial 280 Quince Cordial . 280 280 Ciders 281 Pear Cider. 281 Orange Cider 281 Grape Cider...- 281 Apple Cider 281 Champagne Cider._ 281 How to Keep Cider Sweet 281 Beer.. 281 Cottage Beer._ 281 Ginger Beer 282 Hop Beer 282 Jamaica Ginger Beer ^282 Punch 282 Roman Punch 282 Claret Punch.__ 283 Old Bachelor's Punch 283 Temperance Punch..„ 283 Ginger Punch 283 Unfermented Grape Punch 283 Punch h la Naples 284 Castalia Punch 284 Fruit Punch 284 Lemonades 284 For Picnics or Private Parties 284 Seltzer Lemonade _ 284 Fruit Lemonade 285 Pineapple Lemonade 285 Ginger Lemonade 286 Irish Moss Lemonade 285 Delicious Milk Lemonade 285 Portable Lemonade 285 Summer Drinks and Syrups made from Small Fruits. 286 Fruit Sherbet 286 Strawberry Sherbet 286 Pineapple Ade 286 Raspberry Vinegar.— 286 Raspberry Royal 286 Raspberry Cup 287 XXVlll TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page Blackberry Shrub _ 287 Cherry Nectar..._ 287 Fruit Shrub 287 Page Flavoring Syrups 287 Soda Syrup, with or Without Fountains 288 Miscellaneous Drinks 288 Summer Zephyr 288 Sassafras Mead 288 Mint Julep..._ 289 Mint Sangaree 289 Sangaree 289 Syllabub 289 Egg Nog 1 289 Egg Nog II 290 Buttermilk 290 CHAPTER XXII. Chafing Dish Recipes. 293 The Story of the Chafing Dish.... 293 Chicken Terrapin 293 Lobster Newberg 294 Creamed Shrimps._ 294 Welsh Rarebit 1 294 Welsh Rarebit II 294 A Digestible Cheese Dish 294 Sardine Canape 295 French Eggs in Double Cream.... 295 Scrambled Egg with Tomato Sauce 295 Lalapaloozer 295 Venetian Egg 295 English Monkey 296 Pigs in Blankets 296 Poor Knights 296 Chocolate Canap6. 296 CHAPTER XXIII. Jellies, Canning, Preserves, Pickles 297 Jellies 297 Jelly Making. 297 Raspberry. Crabapple 297 Quince 297 Japan Quince 297 Lady Blush Apple 297 Black Currant 297 Grape. 298 298 Currant 298 Strawberry 298 Plum 298 Raspberry and C\irrant._ 298 Strawberry 298 Marbled 298 Blackberry 298 Cranberry. 298 Canning 299 Rules 299 Small Fruits 299 Large Fruits 299 Another Method 299 Strawberries, Without Cooking.. 299 Strawberries, Raspberries, Cher- ries 300 Small Fruits, Canned Cold 300 Peaches 300 Vegetables 300 Asparagus 300 Beets 300 Corn 300 Peas 300 String Beans 300 Tomatoes 300 TABLE OP CONTENTS. XXIX PRESERVEa. Page Preserved Fruit 301 Conserves or Candied Fruit 301 Strawberry 301 Sun-Preserved Strawberries 301 Gooseberry Conserve 1 301 Gooseberry Conserve II 302 Currant Conserve 302 Cherry Jam. 302 Cherries 302 Black Raspberry and Rhubarb Jam 302 Pieplant and Pineapple Marma- lada 302 Pineapple and Apricot Jam 303 Fruit and Nut Conserve 303 Orange and Pineapple Conserve 303 301 Page Orange Jam. 303 Orange Marmalade 1 303 Orange Marmalade II 304 Grape Fruit Marmalade 304 Peach Conserve 304 Spiced Currants, Cherries or Gooseberries 304 Spiced Currants II 304 Spiced Peaches 305 Apple Ginger 305 Fig Jam 305 Tomato Preserves 305 Spanish Preserves 305 Quince Preserves 306 Green Tomato Mince Meat 306 Pickles. 306 Sweet Cucumber Pickles 306 Cucumbers in Vinegar 306 Mother's Cucumber Pickles 307 Sour Cucumber Pickles 307 Mixed Pickles 307 Mustard Pickles I 307 Mustard Pickles II..._ 308 Oil Pickles.- 308 French Cucumber Pickles.- 308 Green Tomato Pickles.- 309 Pickled Beets 309 Pickled Red Cabbage 309 Watermelon Pickles 309 Sweet Pickles — Apples, Pears or Peaches.- 309 Pear or Peach Pickles 310 Stuffed Peppers 310 Peppers for Winter Use 310 Chow Chow 310 Piccalilli 311 Tomato Relish 311 Celery Relish. 311 Beet Relish 311 Tomato Sauce 312 Cold Chili Sauce 312 Cold Catsup 312 Spanish Pickle 312 Fig Pickles 312 Columbia Chutney. 313 Shirley Sauce 313 Chili Sauce I 313 Chili Sauce II 313 Tomato Catsup.-_ 313 Olive Cherries 314 Lemon Extract. 314 Vanilla Extract 314 Garlic Vinegar 314 CHAPTER XXIV. Fireless Cookery 317 Instructions for Using.- •. 317 Time Table for Cooking 318 Two Receptacle Cooker. 319 One Receptacle Cooker. 319 Triple Receptacle Cooker 319 Cereals 320 Vegetables . 320 Baked Beans .... 320 Soups .. 320 Boiled Fish 320 XXX TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page Boiled Meats- 321 Lamb Stew 321 Corned Beef 321 Roast Meats 321 For the Cooker Containing sep- arate and distinct Receptacles 321 Page Cereals 321 Macaroni with Cheese 321 Soups 321 Stews 322 Roasts 322 The Triple Kettle Cooker 322 CHAPTER XXV. Cookery for Invalids. Recipes for Baby 323 Invalid Dishes 324 Albuminized 323 Albuminized Orange Juice.. 323 Albuminized Sherry 323 Albuminized Grape Juice 323 Beef Juice 324 Beef Extract ! 324 Beef Scraped 324 Beef Tea (Quickly Made) 324 Beef Tea II 324 Broth, Mutton 325 Broth, Beef 325 Broth, Veal 325 Broth, Chicken 1 325 Broth, Chicken II 325 Broth, Oyster 326 Chicken Broth Jelly.- 326 Chicken Feet 326 Chicken Panada 326 Chicken Toast 326 Caudle 327 Cocoanut Milk or Cream-_ 327 Eggs (for Invalids ) 327 Egg-Nog 327 Egg Gruel 328 Egg Lemonade 327 Egg Nests 328 Egg and Rum (Milk Punch ) 328 Gruel, Egg..._ 328 Gruel, Flour 328 Gruel, Barley 328 Gruel, Barley with Broth 328 Gruel, Arrowroot 329 Gruel, Indian Meal.— 329 Gruel, Rice 329 Gruel, Oatmeal I 329 Gruel, Oatmeal II 329 Dried or Boiled Flour Gruel 329 Jelly, Barley 329 Jelly, Rice 330 Jelly, Tapioca 330 Cracker Panada 330 Tea, Flaxseed 330 Tea, Flaxseed' and Licorice 330 Toast Water 331 Tea, Hop 331 Recipes for the Baby. 331 Baby Food 331 Mrs. Rorer's Recipe for Prepar- ing Infant Food 332 Whey 332 Cream and Whey Mixture 333 Bariey Water 333 Albumen Water 333 Beef Juice 333 Sterilized Milk 333 How to Prepare Plain Junket 333 Junket for Children 334 TABLE OF CONTENTS. XXXI CHAPTER XXVI. Household Hints._ 337 Pag* Household Hints 337 Cooking Hints_ 337 Washing and Ironing. 337 Stains — To Remove Stains from White Cloth 338 Page Vermin.__ 338 Remedies. 339 Miscellaneous 339 CHAPTER XXVII. The Hot Beds and Cold Frames of a Kitchen Garden 341 The Kitchen Garden 343 CHAPTER XXVIII. Table Etiquette and Menus 347 Setting the Table 347 Serving 350 The Formal Dinner 351 The Informal Dinner._ 355 Luncheon 357 Breakfast Parties 360 Gentlemen's Suppers. 362 Receptions, Teas 364 Menus for Card Parties. 365 Menus for Formal Dinners 353 Menus for Informal Dinners 356 Menus for Luncheons 358 Menus for Breakfasts.' 361 Menus for Gentlemen's Fish Suppers 362 Menus for Gentlemen's Game Dinners 363 Menus for Card Parties 365 Menus for Wedding and Ball Suppers 365 Menus for Chafing Dish Suppers 366 Menus for Fireless Cooker Dinner 366 Menu for Thanksgiving Dinner.. 367 Menu for Christmas Dinner 368 Menu for Picnic Supper 368 Menu for Hallowe'en Supper.„ 368 Menu for German Luncheon 369 Menu for Children's Party 369 XXXU TABLE OP CONTENTS. "With weights and measures just and true, Oven of even heat; Well buttered tins and quiet nerves, Success will be complete." TABLE OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. 3 cups wheat flour make 1 pound. t3^ cups corn-meal make 1 pound. 1 large coffee-cup granulated sugar makes J^ pound. 1 large coffee-cup dry brown sugar makes Y^ pound. \}/2 cups firm butter pressed down make 1 pound. 1 cup raisins makes \ 3^ pound. 10 eggs make. 1 pound. 1 white of egg makes 1 ounce. 1 yolk of egg makes 1 ounce. 16 ounces make 1 pound. 4 teaspoons make 1 tablespoon. 4 tablespoons make 3^ gill. 8 tablespoons make 1 gill. 2 gills make.— ■. 3^ pint. 2 pints make 1 quart. 4 quarts make 1 gallon. 8 quarts make 1 peck. TABLE OF MEASURES FOR SERVING. ^ pound coffee makes 1 gallon or 25 cups. 1 pound coffee serves 33 people. 1 gallon ice cream in bulk serves 30 people. 1 2-quart brick ice cream makes 16 slices. 1 gallon water ice serves 40 people. 1 3-pound chicken makes 2 quarts salad. 2 quarts salad serves 12 or 14 people. 1 regular size cake makes 20 squares. 1 medium size loaf of bread makes 10 large or 20 three-cornered sandwiches. 2 quarts soup serves 6 or 8 people. 1 quart oysters, creamed, fills 12 large patties. 1 large chicken makes 20 croquettes. In catering for a large company provide for two-thirds of the num- ber invited. Ladies' Outer Garment 5hop of Quality YLT RE.A50NABLLNE.S5 OF PRICL T is our endeavor to conduct the best store of its kind in Rockford. We are constantly improv- ing the store service to the comfort and con- venience of our patrons. It is our aim to have the most courteous and proficient salesladies obtainable, as well as the best fitters and alteration department. A customer must be ab- solutely satisfied and pleased with the fit and alterations before we consider any transaction closed. If it were possible we are even more zealous in maintaining our supremacy as leaders in styles and quality at every given price — no other store can offer better styles or greater values. We close out every season the goods bought for that particular season's business, consequently we never have any but the most up-to-date styles. Your trade is solicited with the distinct understanding that we give you more in style, quality, exclusiveness and perfect satisfac- tion than you can get elsewhere, lint this a fair proposition? Suits, Coats Skirts, 'OtnrlTTERS Tb WOME/i 'L9tm. ROCKFORD. ILL Dresses, Waists, Furs. nil in iti Hi Hi iXi m ncLdREN E FIDDICK Distributors. * m m m m m m m m m * m m (p m m m m m m m m m ^ife«««««««««3««3)$;5ii:5««:$«:5^ BREAD. CHAPTER I. BREAD. It is truly said, bread is the staff of life. There is hardly any food which is so universally used, and since history first began it has, in some form or other, made one of the staples of diet among the peoples of the earth. While it is a far stretch from the leavened bread of the ancient Egyptians and Greeks, or the crude corn bread of the Kafirs and American Indians, to the fancy products of the mammoth modern bakeries, the fact remains, that to-day bread still yields the greatest amount of nourishment for the least labor and cost, of any of the purely vegetable foods. The reason for the importance of bread is very simple. Ever since the far off days when the ancients first found the wild cereals, and our fore-fathers began to cultivate them, men have known that food prepared from them would support life and strength better than any other food. And although in our own land the ease with which we can get other food makes bread seem less important, it is as true to-day for the host to say, in asking the guest to partake of his fare, as it was for Him two thousand years ago, when He said, "Let me set a morsel of bread before thee; and eat, that thou mayst have strength, when thou goest thy way." Hop Yeast. Put 1 cup hops in 3 quarts cold water. Boil 15 minutes, strain, set back on stove and add 5 large potatoes, peeled and grated, 3^ cup salt, same of sugar. Stir well, let boil up,. take off, cool and add a cup of yeast. Beat thoroughly and set by the stove until it is Ught. If preferred, the potatoes may be boiled in the hop water, and then mashed, adding salt, sugar, and yeast as above. Potato Yeast. Take 3 large potatoes, peel and cut up. Pour on 1 quart boil- ing water and cook )^ hour. Add }/^ cup sugar and same of salt, shortly before it is done. When sufl5ciently cool, put in any good yeast to raise it, and stir well together. The next day it will be as light as foam. A teacup of this yeast will be enough to raise 4 or 5 loaves of bread. 4 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. Bread in a Mixer. Set sponge with 1 compressed yeast cake in 1 teacup warm water, with flour enough to make a thin batter. Let rise till light then add 1 quart warm milk, which has been scalded and cooled; % teacup melted lard, 1 even tablespoon salt, and 1 heaping table- spoon sugar, and 3 quarts flour. Stir in the mixer 10 minutes, then set to rise again. When light stir 5 minutes longer, then turn out on the board and mold into loaves, using as little flour as possible. Raise again about ^ hour and bake ^ to 1 hour. Set the sponge about 7 o'clock in the morning and the bread will be out of the oven by 12:30, or 1 o'clock the same day. — Mrs. George Needham. Whole Wheat Bread. Cook 1 medium size potato, mash well and add suflBcient warm water to make 1 quart, salt, 1 dry yeast cake dissolved in a little warm water, 1 large spoonful lard. Make a soft batter with white flour. Let stand over night. In the morning add 3^ cup molasses, }/2 teaspoon soda (scant), knead with whole wheat flour. Let it rise twice its bulk, mold into loaves and let rise again. Bake % to 1 hour. — Susan Whittlesey. Sour Milk Bread. After dinner. take 1 pint of buttermilk or nice sour milk and scald until it boils, stirring all the time to prevent curd forming. Then stir in flour enough to make batter, let cool until luke warm, add 1 yeast cake which has been soaked in 3^ cup cold water, beat well together and set in warm place until bed time, then set sponge with 1 quart warm water, 2 teaspoons sugar, 1 tablespoon lard, and lastly add yeast, cover and set in warm place. Add salt and knead well in the morning when it has raised; make into loaves, and grease each loaf with lard, which insures a tender, brown crust, and bake 1 hour in a moderate oven. Salt-Rising Bread. Stir 1 heaping teaspoon cornmeal in 3^ cup scalding fresh milk at night. Put in bowl and set in a warm place. In the morning take 1 pint warm water, not scalding, a pinch of salt, and make a batter with flour, so it will drop off a knife. Stir in the mixture that has stood over night, beat it well, set it in a kettle of warm water, and keep at an even temperature. It will be Hght in about 2 hours. Then add 13^ pints warm water, 1 teaspoon salt and flour to work into loaves. Knead until smooth, put into bread pans, set in warm place to rise, then bake. BREAD. 5 Fruit Bread. Take 1 quart of sponge and add 1 cup raisins; 1 cup currants; ^ cup sugar (scant); 1 teaspoon cinnamon; ]/2 teaspoon cloves; a little grated nutmeg; butter size of an egg; flour to make stiff, and proceed as with bread, raising twice. — Susan Whittlesey. Nut Bread. Two eggs; 3^ cup molasses; 1 cup sour milk; 3^ cup sweet milk; 2 small tablespoons sugar; 1 teaspoon salt; 2 level teaspoons baking powder; 1 small teaspoon soda; ^ cup chopped nuts; 2 cups graham flour; 13^ cups white flour. Bake 45 minutes. — Mrs. L. W. Miller, Beloit. Nut Graham Bread. Two cups sour milk; 1 teaspoon soda; % cup molasses; 2 cups graham; 1 cup flour; ^ cup pecans; pinch of salt. Bake one hour. — Miss Lander. Graham Bread. One-half cup sugar; butter size of an egg; 1 egg; 1 cup sweet milk; 1 cup sour milk; 1 teaspoon soda stirred in sour milk; 1 tea- spoon salt; about 2}^ cups graham flour. Bake in a moderate oven 45 minutes. — Mrs. Landerdale, (Wis.) Graham Bread. One cup white flour; 2 cups graham flour; 3 teaspoons baking powder; 1 teaspoon salt; 2 cups milk. Add raisins if preferred. Makes one loaf. — Mrs. J. L. Keep. Nut Bread. Four cups flour; 2 cups milk; 1 tablespoon sugar; 1 teaspoon salt; 4 small teaspoons baking powder; let stand 20 minutes, then add 1 cup chopped nut meats. Bake % of an hour. Oatmeal Bread. Three cups oatmeal; 4 cups boiling water poured over oatmeal. When cool add ^ yeast cake, 1 large tablespoon salt, 3^ cup molasses, 3^ teaspoon soda (scant.) Mix with white flour and raise. Knead into loaves, raise again, and bake about one hour. — Mrs. F. M. Needham. b THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. Graham Bread With Dates and Nuts. Two eggs; 1 salt spoon salt; 3^ pound dates; 1 cup sugar; 2 cups milk; 4 rounding teaspoons baking powder; 4 cups unsifted graham flour; 1 cup chopped walnuts. Beat eggs, add salt, sugar and milk, mix baking powder with flour and save a little flour to mix with nuts. Let stand 20 minutes and bake from 45 to 50 minutes in a moderate oven. — Mrs. Carson. Scotch Short Bread. Cream 1 pound butter and gradually work in 2 pounds flour. Add }/i pound granulated sugar, 2 ounces blanched almonds, ]/2 ounce caraway seeds. Work until perfectly smooth, and roll out in large squares about 1 inch thick. Prick the top and cover with strips of candied orange or lemon peel. Bake in moderate oven, about half an hour. English Saffron Bread. Take 1 tablespoon saffron leaves, pour over them 1 cup hot water and let steep a few minutes. When cool add 2 cups bread sponge, }/2 cup raisins, }/2 cup currants, 3^ ounce citron, J^ cup sugar and 1 tablespoon butter. Flour to make stiff and continue as with bread, raising twice. Brown Bread. One and one-half cups, graham flour; 1^^ cups wheat flour; V/^ cups sour milk; % cup molasses; 1 teaspoon soda in a little water; 1 teaspoon salt; 1 cup raisins. Bake in slow oven \y^ hours. — Mrs. J, V. Riley. Boston Brown Bread I. Three cups corn meal; \}/2 cups molasses; 2 cups flour; 1 quart sweet milk; 1 teaspoon salt; 2 teaspoons cream of tartar; 1 teaspoon soda. Steam 4 hours. The water must be boiling hot when dish is put in, and must not be allowed to stop boihng during that time. Boston Brown Bread II. Two cups wheat flour; 2 cups corn meal; 1 cup sweet milk; 1 cup sour milk; 1 cup molasses; 1 teaspoon salt; 1 teaspoon soda dissolved in a little hot water. Put in baking powder tins or one round cake tin and steam 3 hours, then bake half an hour; 1 cup of raisins may be added if desired. Never fails. — Mrs. J. L. Keep. BREAD. . 7 Boston Brown Bread III. One pint corn meal; 1 pint graham flour; 1 pint sweet milk; }^ teacup molasses; 1 teaspoon salt; 1 teaspoon soda; 2 eggs. Steam 3 or 4 hours. — Miss Lander. Steamed Brown Bread. 1 cup sweet milk; 1 cup sour milk; 3^ cup molasses; 3^ cup raisins; 2 cups corn meal; 1 cup flour; 1 teaspoon soda. Steam 3 hours. — Mrs. M. B. St. John. Corn Bread I. One and one-half cups corn meal; 3^ cup flour; 1 teaspoon salt; 2 teaspoons baking powder; 1 tablespoon sugar; 2 tablespoons lard; 2 eggs. Wet to consistency of thin batter with sweet milk and bake in a moderate oven. — Mrs. W. C. Blinn. Corn Bread II. Three tablespoons corn meal; 1 tablespoon flour; pinch of salt; add 1 cup sweet milk, 1 egg and 3^ teaspoon baking powder. Stir well, put in greased tins, and bake till done. For three people. Sweet Corn Bread. One and one-half cups sour milk; 134 cups sugar; 1 teaspoon soda; 1 tablespoon butter; 1 egg; salt; 1 cup of corn meal and enough white flour to make stiff. — Mrs. E. M. Heiliger. \ Johnny Cake I. -O table- 8 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. Bread Muffins. One quart stale bread broken into bits; 1 pint sweet milk; 3 eggs; 1 tablespoon melted butter; 1 cup flour; 1 heaping teaspoon baking powder. Soak the bread in the milk 15 minutes then stir and beat to a paste with spoon. Add well beaten yolks of eggs, but- ter and flour which has been sifted with the baking powder. Fold in carefully the well beaten whites of the eggs and bake 20 minutes in a quick oven. — Mrs. William S. Miller. Graham Gems I. One cup sour cream; 2 tablespoons sugar; 2 tablespoons melted butter; 2 eggs; 1 teaspoon soda, dissolved in a little milk; 1 pint graham flour; 3^ teaspoon salt. Put eggs in the cream and beat, then add graham flour, butter, sugar and dissolved soda and salt. Bake 20 minutes in gem irons in a hot oven. Have irons heated before putting in mixture. — B. E. S. Graham Gems II. One and one-half cups sour milk; 3^ cup sour cream; level tea- spoon soda; heaping tablespoon sugar; salt; 3^ cup flour; 2 cups graham flour. Have ready iron gem pans which have been buttered and heated smoking hot. Bake in quick oven. Graham Gems III. Two cups milk; 1 cup white flour; 2 cups graham flour; 1 tisa- spoon salt; 4 tablespoons sugar; 2 teaspoons cream of tartar; 1 scant teaspoon soda; 2 tablespoons melted butter. V very hot. H"'^'- t^'^oonf"! i-^ -ooV, division ppH. b?' BREAD. 9 Short Biscuit. One quart flour; 2 teaspoons baking powder; 1 teaspoon salt; }/2 cup shortening. Milk enough to make a soft dough. Bake in a quick oven. — Mrs. George Needham. Tea Rolls. One quart flour; 1 teaspoon sugar; 1 tablespoon lard; 1 table- spoon butter; scant teaspoon salt; 14, yeast cake dissolved in a little water; mix well with 1 cup sweet milk. Set at 1 o'clock, let rise, work well at 4:30. Let rise again and bake. Corn Meal Puffs. Scald 1 cup milk, add to it 1 tablespoon of butter, 3^ tea- spoon of salt and stir in 1 scant half cup of yellow cornmeal. Stir and let thicken a few minutes, then cool. Add 2 eggs beaten with- out separating. Sift together 3^ cup of flour, 2 teaspoons of baking powder and 3 tablespoons of sugar and add to the first mixture. Mix well, turn into hot greased pans and bake 15 minutes in hot oven. Makes one dozen delicious cakes, — Mrs. Hill. Feather Muffins. One cup of flour; 1 cup of milk; 2 eggs (beaten separately); butter size of an egg; 1 teaspoon baking powder; 3^ teaspoon salt. Into the beaten yolks stir the milk, flour (which has been sifted); baking powder, salt and the butter (melted); last the whites well beaten. Bake in a quick oven. — Mrs. Wait Talcott. Corn Bread or Muffins. One-half cup of butter; y^. cup of sugar; 1 cup of milk; 3^ cup of corn meal; 2 cups of wheat flour; 3 teaspoons of baking powder; 3 eggs. Cream the butter and sugar, add the milk, yolks of eggs w''" ^ -^^ , corn meal, wheat flour with baking powder sifted cup ' ' •^^- Lastly the stiffly beaten whites of the eggs. Bake 20 minutes. — Mrs. W. T. Robertson. Pop Overs. Two eggs; 1 cup milk; 1 cup flour; pinch of salt. Beat eggs until very light, gradually add the milk. Pour this mixture a little at a time over the flour to which the salt has been added, beating all the while. Strain this batter through a sieve and beat again. Have iron gem pans buttered and heated until smoking hot. Fill about half full with the batter and bake in quick oven 30 minutes or until well browned. — Miss Lander. 10 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. Coffee Cake or Muffins. One large tablespoon butter; 2 large tablespoons sugar; 1 cup sweet milk; 2 eggs; 3 teaspoons baking powder; 2 cups flour. Spread in pan, sprinkle well with sugar and cinnamon and bake in quick oven about 25 minutes. May also be baked in muffin tins. — Mrs. Birdena Farwell Merritt. Muffins I. Two tablespoons sugar and 2 tablespoons butter creamed; 2 eggs and a little salt, beaten into the butter and sugar; 1 cup sweet milk; 2 cups flour; 3 teaspoons baking powder. — Caroline Radecke. Muffins II. One-fourth cup butter; 1 tablespoon sugar; 1 egg; ^ cup milk; l}4 cups flour; 2^/^ teaspoons baking powder; pinch of salt. Cream butter, add sugar and yolk well beaten. Sift baking powder with flour twice, add to first mixture, alternating flour with milk. Add the salt to the white of the egg, beat to a stiff froth and stir this in the last thing. Bake in buttered tins 25 minutes. — Mrs. F. H. Moffatt. Muffins III. One egg; 1 cup sour milk; ]4, teaspoon soda; 1 teaspoon salt; 1 teaspoon baking powder; 1 tablespoon melted butter; enough flour to stiffen. This makes about 6 muffins. — Leola Arnold. Blue Berry Muffins. One pint flour; 1 pint blueberries; 1 teaspoon baking powder; }/2 teaspoon salt; 1 tablespoon sugar; K to 3^ cup lard, -^oon milk enough to make a thick batter, and bake in a quick oven. — Mrs. S. F. Needham. Parker House Rolls. Two quarts of flour. Make a hole in the top, put in a piece of butter size of an egg, a little salt and 1 tablespoon of white sugar. Pour over this 1 pint of milk previously scalded and cooled, and 1 compressed yeast cake. When the sponge is light mold for 15 min- utes, let rise again and cut into round cakes, butter on one side, turn over on itself and bake in a quick oven. BREAD. 1 1 Plain White Gems. Two cups flour; 2 teaspoons baking powder; 1 teaspoon salt; 2 tablespoons sugar; 2 eggs; 1 cup milk; 3^ cup melted butter. Baking powder and salt are put in the flour. Beat the eggs, add sugar, then stir together. This makes 1 dozen gems and should bake 12 to 15 minutes. Butter Rolls. Two cups scalded milk; 3^ cup butter; 2 tablespoons sugar; 1 teaspoon salt; 3^ cake yeast foam, dissolved in 3^ cup warm water. Add butter, sugar and salt to the milk. When luke warm add the yeast and 33^ cups flour. Let rise, then add enough flour to make a soft dough, let rise again and roll into a sheet ^ inch thick. Cut in pieces 23^ inches long and 1 inch wide. Let rise and bake in a brisk oven 15 minutes. Raised Biscuits. One cup sweet milk; 3^ cup lard; 3^ cup sugar; whites of 2 eggs; small bowl of yeast; 1 salt spoon salt. Let stand till light, mix and let rise again. Then form into biscuits and when light, bake. Whole Wheat Biscuit. Scald 1 pint of milk, add 1 tablespoon sugar, 3^ cup yeast, or }/2 cake yeast, and flour to make batter. Let this rise over night. In morning add 3^ cup butter, 1 teaspoon salt, 2 eggs, whites well beaten. Mix this stiff with whole wheat flour, knead it well and let rise. Then make into small biscuits and dip in melted lard and butter, placing far apart in tins. Let rise very Hght, and bake in hot oven. Corn Muffins With Dates. Two cups sweet milk; 1 egg; pinch of salt; 1 tablespoon brown sugar; 1 tablespoon maple syrup; 2 tablespoons melted butter; 1 cup corn meal; 1 cup white flour; 1 heaping teaspoon baking pow- der. Mix and add 3^ cup of chopped dates. — Mrs. Harry Sackett. Date Muffins. Remove seeds from 3^ pound dates. Cut them up rather fine. Melt 1 tablespoon butter, add yolk of 1 egg and 2 tablespoons of sugar. Beat until well mixed. Add 1 cup milk, 2 cups flour, 2 level teaspoons baking powder, 1 teaspoon salt. Add the dates and fold in the stiffly beaten white of the egg. Bake in a hot oven about 25 minutes. — Annie Walton. 12 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. Buckwheat Cakes. One yeast cake; 1 quart of luke warm water; 1 teaspoon of salt; 1 tablespoon of molasses. Stir in buckwheat flour enough to make stiff as cake. Let it set over night. In the morning add 3^ teaspoonful of soda dissolved in warm water and if the batter is too thick, thin with a little sweet milk. Every night the same quan- tity of luke warm water, salt, molasses and buckwheat can be added to the batter left over in the morning, and every morning the soda dissolved in warm water can be added before baking the cakes. A new lot should be made about once a week as the batter will not keep longer than a week before souring. — Mrs. Katherine Marcellus. Aunt Charity's Corn Cakes. Scald 2 cups of sifted corn meal with milk or water. When cool, add 1 cup of wheat flour, 1 teaspoon of salt and 3 well beaten eggs; thin the whole with sour milk or buttermilk and beat until very light, then add 1 teaspoonful of soda dissolved in hot water. Bake on a well greased griddle. — Mrs. E. W. Clark. Griddle Cakes. Two cups sour milk; 1 teaspoon soda; pinch of salt; 3^ cup graham flour; 1}4 cups of flour. Cream Pancakes. Two tablespoons flour; 3^ teaspoon salt; 1 teaspoon baking powder; yolks of 2 eggs; 1 cup thin cream; 1 tablespoon sugar. Sift together the flour, salt and baking powder, add the yolks of eggs, cream and sugar. Beat well and cook at once on a hot lightly greased griddle. Serve with sugar or maple syrup. Pan Cakes. One egg, beaten; 1 cup sour milk; % teaspoon soda; 1 salt spoon salt. Flour to make thin batter. Rye Griddle Cakes. Two cups rye flour; 1 cup entire wheat flour; 3 teaspoons bak- ing powder; 1 teaspoon salt; 1 pint milk; 2 eggs. Sift together the flour, salt and baking powder, add milk and then the eggs, well beaten. Beat thoroughly, and cook at once on a hot, Hghtly greased griddle. BREAD. 13 Bread Griddle Cakes. One Quart of milk boiling hot; 2 cups fine bread crumbs; 3 eggs; }/2 teaspoon salt; ^ teaspoon soda, dissolved in warm water; 1 tablespoon melted butter. Put bread into the milk and let stand for 10 minutes in a covered bowl, then beat to a smooth paste. Add the yolks of eggs well beaten, the butter, salt, soda and lastly the whites of the eggs well whipped and 3^ cup of flour. Can be made with sour milk, soaking the bread in it over night and adding a little more soda. Rice Griddle Cakes. Two cups cold boiled rice; 1 pint flour; 1 teaspoon sugar; 3^ teaspoon salt; 3^ teaspoon baking powder; 1 egg; 3^ pint milk. Sift together flour, sugar, salt and baking powder, add rice with beaten egg and milk. Mix into a smooth batter. Bake brow^n and serve with maple syrup. — Mrs. Chas. Marsh. Graham Griddle Cakes. Two eggs well beaten; 1 teaspoon salt; 3 tablespoons melted butter; 1 cup sour milk; 3^ white and % graham flour to make right consistency. Waffles I. One cup flour; 3^ teaspoon salt; 2 teaspoons baking powder; 2 eggs; 1 pint milk; 2 tablespoons melted butter. Sift together the flour, salt and baking powder, add the yolks of eggs and milk beaten well so as to make smooth batter. Stir in the melted but- ter, and the stiffly beaten whites of the eggs. Bake in hot, well greased irons. Waffles II. Take 1 quart flour and wet it with a little sweet milk that has been boiled and cooled. Then stir in enough of the milk to form a thick batter. Add a tablespoon of melted butter, 1 teaspoon of salt, and yeast to raise it. When light, add 2 well beaten eggs. Heat waffle iron, grease it well and fill with batter. Bake on one side brown, then turn and brown other side. 14 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. Apple Fritters. Pare 3 apples, slice them half an inch thick, remove cores and lay slices in the following mixture, turning them over every 15 minutes: 2 tablespoons sugar; 1 teaspoon ground spice; 1 glass of wine. At the end of an hour dip the slices in a batter made as fol- lows: Mix together in a bowl 4 tablespoons flour, 1 tablespoon olive oil, 1 salt spoon salt, yolks of 2 eggs and enough cold water to make a stiff batter, about half a pint. Just before using the bat- ter add to it the whites of the 2 eggs beaten to a stiff froth. (This batter may be used with any other kind of fruit, or with oysters or clams.) Lift each piece of apple on a fork and fry the fritters a golden brown in hot fat, laying them for a minute on brown paper to free them from grease. Arrange on a dish in a circle and dust with powdered sugar. Banana Fritters. One cup flour; pinch of salt; 3^ teaspoon baking powder; 1 tea- spoon olive oil; 1 egg; 1 cup milk; 6 bananas. Sift together the flour, salt and baking powder, add the egg, oil and milk, and beat to a perfectly smooth batter. Peel bananas, cut into slices and let them stand an hour sprinkled with sugar and lemon juice. Dip each shce into the batter and fry brown in hot fat. Sprinkle with sugar before serving. Queen Fritters. Put 1 tablespoon of butter with 3^ cup of water over the fire. When boiUng add ]/2 cup of flour, beat rapidly until smooth and the dough forms into a loaf. Take from the fire and when slightly cooled beat in 1 whole egg, then add the second egg and beat until smooth. Drop with a tablespoon into hot fat and cook slowly. Serve with any sauce desired. Tomato Fritters. One pint canned tomatoes, a few sprigs of celery, a shce of onion, 2 cloves, 6 pepper corns. Cook 10 minutes and run through a seive. Melt 3^ cup butter, add 3^ cup flour and the tomatoes and season with salt, pepper and sugar as needed. Cook mixture until thick, then add an egg shghtly beaten. When cool pour into a shallow, buttered tin, cut into squares or strips, roll in bread or cracker crumbs and fry in deep fat. Serve as relish with egg, or as garnish with veal or lamb chops. BREAD. 15 Strawberry Short Cake. Make a rule of baking powder biscuit with the exception of a little more shortening. Put the dough upon a round tin plate, gently flattening with the roller. Bake about 20 minutes in a quick oven. Before taking from the oven let it cool a little; tear it open by first separating the edges with a fork, then pulHng it into two pieces. Upon the bottom put a thick layer of strawberries or any perfectly ripe fruit, plentifully sprinkled with sugar, then lay on the upper layer of crust. Serve with cream. Peaches, raspberries, huckleberries and oranges may be substituted for strawberries. If preferred, make individual cakes by cutting dough with biscuit cutter or doughnut cutter. In latter case fill hole with whipped cream, and place fruit between and around. "Never Fail" Strawberry Short Cake. Hull 13^ boxes berries. Slice in two, add plenty of sugar and a little water. Stand at least 1 hour before using. Take 2 level cups flour; 2 heaping teaspoons baking powder; 2 teaspoons sugar; ]/2 teaspoon salt; sift all together. Break 1 egg in cup, beat light with a fork, add 2 tablespoonsfuls of melted butter and fill up cup with milk. Stir this mixture lightly into flour. Divide dough into two parts, pat or roll into shape and bake in large layer cake tins. Bake a light brown. Invert one cake on plate, spread thickly with berries, add second cake to this also inverted and well but- tered. Spread with remainder of berries and serve immediately. — Mrs. Stanton Hyer. Lemon Short Cake Make a rich biscuit dough. While baking take 13^ cups of water, 13^ cups sugar, and the peel, juice and pulp of 2 lemons, discarding tough part of rind. Boil this for a few minutes, then stir in 3 crackers rolled fine. Split the short cake while hot and spread with butter, then with the mixture. To be eaten warm. Timbale Cases. One cup flour; 1 cup milk; 2 eggs; 3^ teaspoon salt; 3^ tea- spoon sugar; 2 tablespoons olive oil or melted butter. Beat up eggs and add oil, then a little flour, a little milk, and so on. Also salt and sugar. Beat well and let stand for an hour in a cool place. Put timbale iron in kettle of hot fat for a few minutes. When hot, take out, wipe dry, dip in batter till it clings to iron, then put carefully back into the lard until a good brown. Slip off the cases on brown paper to drain. Makes 1 dozen. 16 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. Kitchen Comfort A good Kitchen Cabinet is a saver of kitchen work. It will cut the work in two, will relieve you of drudgery, it saves miles of walking between the pantry, sink, table and range. It also makes an orderly kitchen. In our stock of Kitchen Cabinets you will find plenty assort- ment and at prices that can't help but suit. For $6.50 We have a Kitchen Cabinet that will fit in any room— it has 2 large bins, 2 draws and 2 boards. Another specially good value is our $26.00 Cabinet with the flour and sugar bins in the top, large drawer for bread and cake. It would do you good to see them. 108 .now. state HARR.Y B. BURPEE 17 The Hadd orff Piano A Rockford make of high grade quahties. It will please you. -J<» -i» -><^ (Over 650 sold in Rockford alone.) h4 Am pleased to announce that I am back in the SHEET MUSIC business, and will endeavor to merit your patronage as in the years past, by prompt and careful attention to all orders. SANDWICHES AND CANAPES. 19 CHAPTER II. SANDWICHES AND CANAPES. "Would you know how first he met her? She was cutting bread and butter." — Goethe. Sandwiches. The first thing in making sandwiches is to have a sharp knife. Bread should be one day old as it cuts better. Cream the butter and spread on the loaf before cutting. Cut as thin as possible. Remove crusts. Put the filling on to one slice and put the top slice over. Sandwiches can be kept fresh for hours by wrapping them in a damp napkin. Nut Sandwiches. Equal parts of grated cheese and chopped English walnuts, seasoned with salt and cayenne pepper. Spread between thin slices of buttered bread. Horseradish Sandwiches. Mix thoroughly 3^ cup each of grated horseradish and fresh butter, 3^ teaspoon each of salt and sugar, and add 2 tablespoons lemon juice. Spread upon circles of brown bread, placing them together in pairs. Cheese Butter Sandwiches. One-half cup butter; 6 tablespoons dry sharp flavored cheese; 1 teaspoon made mustard; 1 teaspoon anchovy paste or sauce; 2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce. Beat the butter to a cream, add the cheese (grated), mustard, anchovy and Worcestershire sauces. Beat till well blended and spread between slices of buttered bread. Russian Sandwiches. Zephyrettes spread with thin slices of cheese. Cover with chopped olives mixed with mayonnaise. Sardine Sandwiches I. Remove bones from sardines, add chopped olives, a few drops of Worcestershire sauce and a few grains of Cayenne pepper. 20 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. Sardine Sandwiches II. Soak 1 small box of sardines in lemon juice 3^ hour. Drain and spread on^toast between fresh lettuce leaves, with a dash of paprika. Toast Sandwiches. Take yolk of 1 hard boiled egg; 1 tablespoon soft butter; 3^ teaspoon Worcestershire sauce; little salt and paprika. Chop the white of egg, mix all together and spread on fresh toast. Cream Cheese Sandwiches. One brick Blue Label cheese; 1 small bottle pimento olives; 3^ cup chopped nuts.^ Thin with cream or salad dressing. Spread between thin slices of bread. Dutch Sandwiches. Cut rye bread into thin slices; place in each sandwich a thin slice of Switzer cheese, a layer of onion and minced ham, with salad dressing. Sweet Sandwiches. One-third each of preserved ginger, chopped dates and chopped nuts. Thin with ginger syrup. This is good between slices of brown bread or sunshine cake. Deviled Sandwiches. Mash yolks of 2 hard boiled eggs, }/i pound cheese. Chop the whites of eggs and 1 tablespoon capers fine, season with salt, pap- rika and mustard. Mix all together, moisten with salad dressing and spread between squares of graham bread. Fried Sandwiches with Ham. Butter slices of bread, spread between them chopped ham moistened with a little cream. Press 2 slices together firmly, dip in beaten egg and milk (3^ cup of milk to 1 egg), and fry in butter. Egg Sandwiches. Mix finely chopped whites of hard boiled eggs with the yolks which have been forced through a strainer or potato ricer. Season with salt and pepper and moisten with mayonnaise or other dress- ing, or with vinegar and a little mustard. Chicken for Sandwiches. Cold boiled chicken chopped fine and mixed with mayonnaise. SAI^DWICHES AND CANAPES. 21 Mushroom Sandwiches. Mince beef tongue and boiled mushrooms together, add French mustard and spread between slices of buttered bread. Bacon and Egg Sandwiches. Fry 1 slice of bacon until crisp, and 1 egg until yolk is set. Cut bacon into small pieces and spread with the egg on toast be- tween lettuce. Add celery, cut in small pieces if desired. Peanut Sandwiches. Use either prepared peanut butter, or make the butter by run- ning peanuts through a meat grinder. Add pepper and salt and enough water to make a thick paste. Spread on thin slices of bread and butter and put a lettuce leaf between. Cheese Sandwiches. Yolk of 1 hard boiled egg; 34 pound grated cheese. Season with salt, pepper and mustard, and moisten with 1 tablespoon of vinegar. Exceptionally good with rye bread. Pimola Sandwiches. Butter thin slices of bread and put on bottom slice a lettuce leaf with cream dressing over it, on top of that put a layer of canned pimola (or sweet red pepper) with a little more dressing and then the top sHce, then trim the edges. This makes beautiful and de- licious sandwiches. Lettuce Sandwiches. Wash and dry fresh crisp lettuce leaves and put between slices of thin bread and butter and spread Mayonnaise dressing on the lettuce before putting together. Parsley Sandwiches. Chop parsley fine and season with salt and pepper and put a layer Vs inch thick between thin bread and butter slices. Ribbon Sandwiches. Slice Boston brown bread (or entire wheat bread) and white bread lengthwise of the loaf in % inch slices. Cream butter well and butter the slices thick with butter. Pile five slices on each other, alternating in color, three slices of white bread and two pf brown. Press together firmly and then cut them crosswise as in cutting a loaf of bread. These are pretty and good. 22 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK. BOOK. Chive Sandwiches. Mix Neufchatel and cream cheese together and add chives cut up fine and put between thin shces of bread and butter. — Mrs. W. W. Sawyer. Canapes These dainty little appetizers are made with a single layer of bread and for this reason can be made much more decorative than sandwiches. They are served in place of oysters at a dinner or luncheon. At a gentlemen's dinner they are frequently served with a glass of sherry before entering the dining room. For cold canapes the bread is cut in thin slices and then cut out with a round cutter and covered with some highly seasoned mixture and decor- ated. For hot canapes, the bread, after it is cut in shape, is fried in deep fat or buttered and browned in the oven. Ham Canapes. Slice bread a quarter of an inch thick, then with a biscuit cut- ter about 3 inches in diameter, cut the bread into rounds. Butter the rounds, spread with some highly seasoned deviled ham and arrange on top in alternate circles, lines of chopped pickle and hard boiled egg minced fine. Serve on small plates with a sprig of curly parsley to give added color. Cheese Canapes. Cut quarter inch slices into rounds. Spread first with softened butter, then a thin layer of French mustard. Sprinkle very liber- ally with grated cheese and in the center of each place a seeded olive or a tiny mound of chopped pickles. If desired hot, spread the bread with a little French mustard, dip in melted butter and then sprinkle a thick layer of grated cheese, season with salt and cayenne pepper and place in the oven to soften the cheese. Serve at once. Sardine Canapes. Bone the sardines, then rub them to a paste, add a little oil from the can, mustard, lemon juice, salt and pepper to taste. Cut the bread into rounds and fry in butter until it is a delicate brown on both sides. Spread with the mixture and decorate with the whites and yolks of hard boiled eggs, each run through a ricer sep- arately. Cover the center of the canap6 with the whites, encircle the edge with a ring of the yellow and drop a bit of the yellow in the center of each. SANDWICHES AND CANAPES. 23 Anchovy Canap€s. Cut }4: inch thick pieces of bread with a round cutter. Spread with a mayonnaise dressing. Boil eggs hard, when cold chop the whites fine and put the yolks through a potato ricer, and put an outside circle of the whites of the eggs on top of the dressing, fill the circle with the riced yolks and put a curled anchovy on top in the center, or use the straight anchovies split in two lengthwise, laid on to divide the canape in quarters. If the canape is desired hot, use the fried or toasted bread. Caviare Canapes. Canapes of caviare are much better served with cold bread than hot or toasted. Prepare the round slices of bread as for anchovy canapes. Spread with mayonnaise dressing and the riced hard boiled egg as before and put about 3^ of a teaspoon of caviare in the center on top. Caviare is the salted roe of the sturgeon. Tomato Canape. Cut bread in rounds as for other canapes, place one slice of ripe raw tomato (chilled) on each round. The bread rounds should be the same size as the tomato. Spread mayonnaise dressing on top of the tomato, put one curled anchovy in the center of each and surround it with an olive chopped up. This is the amount for each person. Place on small plates. 24 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. CHAPTER III. CEREALS. "We cultivate literature on a little oatmeal." — Sydney Smith. In purchasing any cereals small quantities should be obtained and kept in air-tight vessels. Cereals, to be healthful should be well cooked and in most every case it is safe to double the time of that given on the package. In cooking, use a double boiler and mix the finer preparations with a little cold water before adding to the boiling water. This will prevent the cereal from becoming lumpy. A teaspoon of salt should be allowed to each cupful of cereal. Table for Cooking. Prepared wheat, 1 cup; water, 13^ cups; time 30 minutes. Prepared oats, 1 cup; water, 1^^ cups; time 40 minutes. Rice (steamed), 1 cup; water, 3 cups; time 50 minutes. Indian meal, 1 cup; water, 33^ cups; time 3 hours. Scotch oatmeal, 1 cup; water, 4 cups; time, 4 hours. Hominy (coarse), 1 cup; water, 6 cups; time, 6 hours. Hominy (fine), 1 cup; water, 4 cups; time 3 hours. Wheat (cracked), 1 cup; water, 6 cups; time, 6 hours. Farina Fruit Mush. Fruit mushes served cold generally are appreciated for break- fast in place of the usual cereal. Blackberries, currants and rasp- berries are suitable as a foundation. Slowly heat the fruit until scalded, then press out the juice. Put into a double boiler; if cur- rants form the basis sweeten slightly; to each pint add one table- spoonful of farina and cook, stirring frequently, for ^ of an hour. Pour into one large or a number of individual molds and set aside. Corn Meal Mush. In cooking corn meal, either white or yellow, let water boil to bubbling point, then remove from fire, and sprinkle corn meal in very slowly, then put back on stove and cook about 10 or 15 min- utes, stirring constantly. CEREALS. 25 Fried Corn Meal Mush. Cook the mush like above recipe. When it is done pack it in a bread pan to cool. When cold cut it in slices about half an inch and fry in a skillet in butter, or cut the pieces thicker and then cut in two and fry in deep fat. Cold hominy and cold oat meal mush can be fried in the same manner. Spaghetti k la Italienne. Fry 6 pork chops brown with 3 large sliced onions, adding butter or oil if needed. Pour over 2 cans of tomatoes, slice in 3 or 4 whole roots of garlic which have been peeled, salt and paprika to season. Simmer slowly until the bones are bare and the sauce is dark and thick, adding a little boiling water from time to time if needed. It will take 7 hours or more, as it must cook slowly. Rub through a frying basket, pressing through as much of the pulp as possible. - Cook a large handful of unbroken imported spaghetti until tender in boiling salted water. Drain, rinse in boiling water, pour the sauce over and serve grated Parmensan or Swiss cheese separately. — Myrtle Reed McCullough. Genuine Italian Spaghetti. One package spaghetti, drop in boiling water and cook until tender; drain. Sauce — 1 quart can tomatoes, 1 can mushrooms, 1 cup grated cheese, 2 onions, ^ pound bacon. Cut onions and bacon fine and fry till tender; add tomatoes, mushrooms, dash of paprika, a little Worcester sauce, 2 dessert spoons salt, and a little celery salt. Cook all this until thick, add to spaghetti. When ready to serve, stir in the cup of cheese. — Mrs. Frank Edmison. Spaghetti a la Ellery Band. Use 1 quart can tomatoes, strain contents through a sieve. To this liquid add 3 tablespoons olive oil, piece of butter size of egg, a teaspoon sugar, small bunch parsley, 3 small cloves of garlic, or onion if you prefer, salt and pepper to taste, and some sweet green pepper, chopped. Boil all this down over slow fire to thickness of cream. If possible, obtain imported Italian spaghetti; this is dis- tinctly superior to domestic. Boil spaghetti (2 pounds for above amount of sauce) in plenty of water in which you have put a gen- erous amount of salt. Above all things do not put spaghetti into 26 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. water until it boils and do not cut it up into little snippy pieces, as that is un-Italian and utterly inadmissable. Last but not least, do not cook your spaghetti to a pasty mass, but remove it, and drain through a colander when it is just right. Pour sauce over and serve on large platter. Grated cheese, Parmesan preferred, should be served separately for those who desire it. — Channing Ellery. Macaroni and Cheese. Break half a package of macaroni in small pieces. Cook briskly in boiling salted water for 20 minutes, drain and rinse. Butter a shallow dish, put in layer macaroni, sprinkle with salt, dot with pieces of butter, and over it a layer of cheese, grated. Repeat this until macaroni is all used, leaving a sprinkling of cheese with butter in small pieces on top. Beat 1 egg, add 3^ pint milk, salt and pepper, pour over all and bake, covered, 3^ hour. Remove cover and brown. How to Boil Rice. Rinse 1 cup rice in two waters. Put over fire 2 quarts water in large kettle, add to this 1 even teaspoon salt, sprinkle rice slowly in water, cover tightly, and let cook 20 minutes. Water must be boiling before rice is put in, let cook rapidly without stirring. Re- move from fire, put rice in colander to drain, then set in oven for few minutes until it steams itself dry. Every kernel should be separate. — L. D. W. Spanish Rice — Tribune Prize Receipt. Put 2 tablespoons of butter in frying pan; when hot, add 1 cup dry rice; fry until brown, stirring continually; add 1 pint water, 1 small onion, chopped fine, salt and pepper and 3^ quart can toma- toes. Cook 30 minutes, covered. Rice Molds. One quart of milk and water equal parts, half teaspoon of salt,^ 1 cup of sugar; bring to boiling point; 1 cup of ground rice, moisten well to prevent clodding, stir in fluid, boil 15 minutes, pour in cus- tard cups or any small, pretty form. When ice cold turn out. Serve with cranberry sauce or any other tart sauce. CEREALS. 27 Rice Milanaise. Chop fine a good-sized onion and fry in butter until a golden color, then add a cupful of rice and half a dozen minced mush- rooms. Stir for 2 minutes, add a quart of boiling broth. Stir lightly once. Cook for 25 minutes. Season with 1 teaspoonful of salt, 3€ of a teaspoonful of pepper and 3^ a cup of grated Swiss cheese. Rice and Peaches Served with Meat Course. Wash thoroughly 3^ cup rice; sprinkle in boiling salted water; cook 20 minutes or until tender. Take 1 can large California peaches cook in their own syrup, adding sherry wine to taste, putting in about a handful of Sultana raisins. Cook until peaches and raisins are tender. Pile rice on chop platter, arrange peaches around rice on edge of platter, place raisins in hollow of peaches, pour rich syrup around peaches. — Mrs. John D. Waterman. 28 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. ,1 \i EAT Jllleti's Tee Cream FOR SALE BY LOCAL DEALERS IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY iTf iUNiMHiiimtM4HiiiWiiM^MiiiHM4M'4M4M^^ "For Goodness Sake 99 AND HOSIBRY 111 SOUTH MAIN STREET 29 ECHO COFFEE IT IS THE TASTE THAT TELLS Absolutely high grade. In one pound cans only. Your grocer can supply you. Imported, roasted and packed by Rockford Wholesale Grocery Co. ROCKFORD, ILLS. WE SELL TO DEALERS ONLY NICELLE OLIVE OIL Proved by exhaustive tests of the United States Bureau of Chemistry superior to all brands tested. See Bulletin 77, page 55. — Seville Packing Co. NICELLE OLIVE OIL Your claim that the published figures on page 55, Bulletin 77, prove Nicelle Olive Oil the superior of all brands tested is most fully justified. STILLWELL & GLADDING, Official Chemists to New York Produce Exchange. NICELLE OLIVE OIL Use it once — you will prefer it to all others. — If your dealer does not have it — Ask us — ROCKFORD WHOLESALE GROCERY CO. ROCKFORO, ILLS. — Exclusive Distributors — 30 COFFEE, TEA, CHOCOLATE AND COCOA. 31 CHAPTER IV. COFFEE, TEA, CHOCOLATE AND COCOA. Coffee "May your coffee and slanders against you be ever the same — without grounds." The best grades of coffee are the Mocha and Java, bought either in the grain to be roasted and ground as needed in the home, or purchased in small quantities freshly roasted and ground. Most people prefer a mixture of the two, using one-third of Mocha and two-thirds of Java. Always keep in a closely covered tin or earthen jar to retain the full strength of the berry. When properly roasted, coffee should grind into small but distinct, hard and gritty par- ticles, instead of into a fine powder. There are various ways of making coffee and many different coffee pots on the market, but there a few general rules that it is wise to keep in mind. Always buy the best grades of coffee and be sure that the pot is as tight as possible to prevent the escape of the aroma. Of course the coffee should not have to stand long after being made. To make one quart of coffee take one cupful of coffee, one-third of a raw egg, to clear it, half a cupful of cold water and one quart of boiling water. Stir coffee, egg and cold water together before adding boil- ing water or the heat from the latter will cook the egg. One cup- ful of coffee calls for a tablespoon of coffee, the same of cold water and one teaspoonful of egg with a cupful of boiling water added last. Do not use too much egg in the making of coffee as it weakens it. Egg shells may be saved and used for clearing, the albumen, which clings to the shell, performing the office. About three crushed egg-shells are sufficient for clearing purposes when one cup of ground coffee is used. By using egg the coffee has a richer flavor which egg alone can give, but when strict economy is neces- sary the egg may be omitted if great care is taken in the making and handling, as very much motion causes it to become muddy. Do not use a tin coffee-pot as the tannic acid in coffee acts on such metal and is apt to form a poisonous compound. Always see that 32 THE MENDKLSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. the pot is scrupulously clean after its use, as well as scalded before using. Coffee is a powerful stimulant for some people, but it is generally conceded that when used without the "trimmings," cream and sugar, it is much more healthful and less likely to cause ill effect. Sugar used without cream is less harmful than cream used alone in coffee. There seems to be an element in coffee which combined with cream forms a leathery coating on the stomach and impairs digestion. How to Make Coffee. One cup coffee; 1 cup cold water; 1 egg; 6 cups of boiling water; pinch of salt. Use granite ware coffee pot. Wash egg, break and beat it slightly. Pour in one-half the cold water, add crushed shell, and stir in with coffee. Turn this into the coffee pot, pour on boil- ing water, and mix thoroughly. Boil 3 minutes on front of range; if not boiled, coffee is cloudy, and if boiled too long, too much tannic acid develops. To prevent escape of fragrant aroma, stuff spout with soft paper. Stir and pour some in a cup to free the spout of grounds, then return to coffee pot and repeat. To perfect clear- ing add the remaining cold water. Cold water being heavier than hot water sinks to the bottom, carrying the grounds with it. Place on back of range for 10 minutes, where coffee will not boil. Serve at once. After Dinner Coffee. Use twice the quantity of coffee, or half the amount of liquid given in previous recipe, for after dinner coffee. When milk or cream is not used, filtered coffee is often preferred. Black coffee should not be served with milk or cream. Serve in after dinner coffee cups, with or without cut sugar. Percolated or Filtered Coffee. One cup coffee (finely ground); 6 cups boiling water. There are various kinds of coffee-pots on the market for making perco- lated coffee. All have a strainer to hold coffee without allowing grounds to mix with the infusion. There are some which have ad- ditional vessels to hold boiling water and upon which the coffee-pot may be rested. Place coffee in strainer, strainer in coffee-pot, and pot on the range. Gradually add boiling water, allowing it to filter, and cover between additions of water. Refilter, if desired stronger, and serve at once with cream and cut sugar. Place cream and sugar in cup before hot coffee. Scalded milk, or part milk and part cream may be used, if cream is obtainable, when a diluted cup of coffee is desired. COFFEE, TEA, CHOCOLATE AND COCOA. 33 Australian Coffee Cup. One pint of very strong black coffee, flavored with Y^ tea- spoon of bitter almond. Cook in a double boiler with the yolks of 2 eggs, well beaten; 2 tablespoons of sugar, and 2 tablespoons of thick cream. When thick as custard remove from fire and chill. When ready to serve, pour into a pitcher with a pint of whipped cream, sweetened, shaved ice and a quart bottle of Appolonaris or other charged water. — Anna B. Walton. 'Tolly, put the kettle on. We'll all take tea." Tea "May beauty and truth Keep you in youth; Green tea and sage Preserve your old age." Black and green tea are produced from the same plant, but by different methods. They contain about the same quantity of caffeine or theine, and tannin, but differ in the amount of volatile oil. Tea should not be taken during the meal, but after it, if one wishes to avoid the retarding effect that it has on salivary diges- tion. The better plan is to eat first and drink afterward. Black tea is not so strong as green or mixed teas. The latter is respon- sible for most of the cases of nervousness among tea drinkers. If tea is made by pouring boiling water on the leaves and served in a few minutes, but little tannin is present in the beverage; but when it is steeped a long time and drunk freely the tannin present in the decoction is harmful. Tea is less likely to cause sleeplessness if lemon juice is used instead of cream. Both tea and coffee are less harmful if taken clear. Cream and sugar, especially cream, in these beverages, do a certain amount of damage to the stomach. How to Make Tea. Three teaspoons tea; 2 cups boiling water; always scald thor- oughly the tea-pot before using. After putting in tea pour on boil- ing water and allow it to stand on the back of range or in some other warm place for 5 minutes. Then strain and serve immedi- ately, with or without sugar and milk. Avoid a second steeping of the leaves as, if this is done, so large an amount of tannin is ex- tracted that various ills are apt to follow. 34 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. Iced Tea. Four teaspoons tea; 2 cups boiling water. Follow recipe for making tea, strain into glasses which are y^ full of cracked ice. Sweeten to taste, and allow 1 slice lemon to each glass of tea. By chiUing the infusion quickly, the flavor is much better. Russian Tea. Follow recipe for making tea. Russian tea may be served either hot or cold, but always without milk. A thin slice of lemon or a few drops of lemon juice is allowed for each cup. Add sugar according to the taste. In Russia a preserved strawberry is some- times added. Wellesley Tea. This tea is made the same as iced tea. Before straining place 3 crushed mint leaves in glasses Herb Teas. For the dried herbs use 1 teaspoonful to a cup of boiling water. Cover and stand where they will not boil, for 5 or 10 minutes. Strain before serving. Too long steeping makes them bitter or acrid with- out increasing their medicinal value. Chocolate and Cocoa These contain in good proportion all the elements necessary to nourish the body. Cocoa is the seed of the fruit of a small tropi- cal tree, and there are several forms in which it is sold, the most nutritious and convenient being chocolate. Next in order comes cocoa, cocoa nibs and last cocoa shells. The ground bean is called cocoa. Ground finer and mixed with sugar it becomes chocolate. The broken beans are called "nibs" and the shells are the parts of the bean that are removed before grinding. These shells make a delicate drink, but contain little nourishment. Pure chocolate is easily assimilated and digested as food by those able to take fat, as about 50 per cent, of chocolate consists of fat. In cocoa the ex- cess of fat is removed. Vanilla is the best flavor to add to choco- late. Cinnamon also is good. Neither chocolate or cocoa should be boiled too long or the flavor is impaired. Breakfast Cocoa One and one-half tablespoons prepared cocoa; 2 tablespoons sugar; 2 cups boiling water; 2 cups milk; pinch of salt. Scald milk, then mix together cocoa and sugar and dilute with }4 cup of boil- ing water to make a smooth paste, add remaining water, and boil 1 minute. Turn into scalded milk and beat for 2 minutes. • COFFEE, TEA, CHOCOLATE AND COCOA. 35 Brandy Cocoa. Three tablespoons cocoa; 13^ cups boiling water; 3^ cup sugar; 4 cups milk; 3 teaspoons cooking brandy. Prepare as Jleception cocoa, then add brandy before beating. Reception Cocoa. Three tablespoons cocoa; a few grains salt; }/i cup sugar; 4 cups milk; ^ cup boiling water. Scald milk; mix cocoa, sugar and salt, adding enough boiling water to make a smooth paste; then add what water remains and boil 1 minute; pour into scalded milk and beat 2 minutes with egg beater. Chocolate. One and one-half squares of chocolate; 1 cup boiling water; yi cup of sugar; few grains of salt; 3 cups milk. Scald milk; melt chocolate in small sauce pan placed over hot water, add sugar, salt and gradually boiling water; when smooth place on range and boil 1 minute; add scalded milk and beat with egg beater and serve in chocolate cups with whipped cream. One and one-half ounces vanilla chocolate may be used instead of chocolate; this being sweetened, less sugar is required. Chocolate Syrup. On 3 tablespoons of soluable chocolate or cocoa pour 1 pint of boiling water, stirring all the time. Place on fire and stir until all is dissolved, then add 1 pint of granulated sugar, stirring until it boils. Boil for 3 minutes, strain, cool and flavor with vanilla. Keep the syrup in a cool place. Serve with 3 tablespoons of the syrup in each glass, lumps of ice, a little cream and the rest of the glass filled up with milk. Buy soluable chocolate at drug stores for this recipe. Ask for the kind used in making fountain syrups. 36 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. CHAPTER V. f - SOUPS. "Soup is to the dinner what the door is to the house." Introduction. Exactness in cooking removes the danger of failure. Recipes should be exactly copied. The skeleton of soups must be accurate, but more seasoning or more thickening may be added to suit the individual taste. Soups should be brought to the boiling point and then pushed back on the stove to simmer, as boiled soups are greasy and muddy. Seasonings are important. Winter vegetables, such as turnips, car- rots, celery and onions should be kept on hand for soup; also sweet herbs, including thyme, savory, marjoram, bay leaves, peppercorns, cloves, allspice berries, stick cinnamon, dry tarragon leaves, brown- ing, Worcestershire sauce, paprika, with additions of salt, pepper and parsley are essentials for soup stocks. Flour, cornstarch, arrow- root, fine tapioca, sago, pearl barley, rice, bread or eggs are added to give consistency and nourishment to the soups. Vegetables and seasonings should be added the last hour. In getting meat from the market, have bone and meat cut into small pieces. When ready to start soup, put meat and bone in soup kettle, cover well with cold water. Let stand 1 hour to draw out juices; heat gradually to boiling point; set on back of stove and let simmer 6 to 7 hours. This will form stock for many kinds of soup. To clear soup stock: Add white of an egg or washed egg shells (2 or 3) to cold strained stock and bring to a boil slowly. Then re- move from fire and strain through flannel cloth. Brown Soup Stock. Six pounds shin of beef; 3 quarts cold water; 3^ teaspoon peppercorns; 6 cloves; 3^ bay leaf; 3 sprigs thyme; 1 sprig marjoram; 2 sprigs parsley; 3^ cup each carrot, turnip, onion and celery; cut in dice. Wipe beef and cut lean meat in inch cubes. Brown }4 meat in hot frying pan in marrow from marrow bone. Put the rest SOUPS. 37 of the meat fat in soup kettle, add water and let it stand 30 minutes. Put on back of range, add browned meat and heat slowly to the boiling point. As scum rises it should be removed. Cover and cook slowly 6 hours, not boiling. Add vegetables and seasoning; cook 1^ hours. Strain and cool as quickly as possible. — Mrs. Charles Reitsch. White Soup Stock. Three pounds knuckle of veal; 1 pound lean beef; 3 quarts boiling water; 1 onion; 6 slices carrot; 1 large stalk celery; 3^ tea- spoon peppercorns; 3^ bay leaf; 2 sprigs thyme; 6 cloves. Wipe veal, remove bone and cut in small pieces; cut beef in small pieces; put bone and meat in kettle and cover with cold water and bring quickly to boiling point, drain and throw away the water. Wash thoroughly bones and meat in cold water; return to kettle; add vegetables, seasoning and 3 quarts boiling water. Boil 3 or 4 hours. Stock reduced half. — Mrs. Charles Reitsch. Bouillon. Five pounds lean beef; 2 pounds marrow bone; 3 quarts cold water; 3^ cup each diced carrot, turnip, onion and celery; 1 table- spoon salt; 1 teaspoonful peppercorns; 34 teaspoon mixed whole spices; 1 bay leaf; small bunch of parsley; few drops Kitchen Bouquet to color. Soak meat in cold water 1 hour; then heat to boiling point; skim thoroughly and allow to simmer 5 hours. Add vegetables and seasonings the last hour. Strain and cool. Remove fat when cooled. Hot bouillon is also served with grated Parmesan cheese. Iced bouillon flavored with sherry wine is served cold. Good Soup. Two pounds beef; 2 pounds veal; 1 pound mutton; shce of beef liver. Put in kettle of cold water and place over fire. As it cooks, salt well and remove scum. Roast an onion in the oven and when brown, cut fine and add to the soup. Also add the celery tops, parsley and cabbage leaves. Brown in butter 2 potatoes sliced, add to the soup with carrots and cauHflower. Cook slowly for 2 or 23^ hours. Strain through a fine sieve, and add noodles, rice or barley, whichever is preferred. Barley should be cooked a full hour, rice 20 minutes, and noodles only long enough to cook through. — Ernestine Schumann Heink. 38 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. Macaroni Soup. One quart brown stock; ^ cup of macaroni, broken in small pieces; salt; pepper; onion juice to taste. Cook macaroni in boil- ing salted water. Add drained macaroni to heated stock. Spaghetti soup is made exactly as is macaroni soup. Creole Soup. One quart brown soup stock; 1 pint tomatoes; 3 tablespoons chopped green peppers; 2 tablespoons chopped onions; 34 cup of butter; 3^ cup of flour; salt; pepper and Cayenne. Cook pepper and onion in butter 5 minutes; add flour, stock and tomatoes, and simmer 15 minutes. Strain; put through a sieve. Just before serv- ing, add 2 tablespoons grated horseradish, 1 teaspoon vinegar, and 3^ cup macaroni (cooked). Scotch Soup. Three pounds mutton; 2 quarts cold water; 3^ tablespoon salt; 34 teaspoon pepper; 1 small onion; 1 sprig parsley, finely chopped; 2 tablespoons flour; 23^ tablespoons barley; carrot and turnip, 3€ cup each. Cut meat in small pieces; let stand in cold water 1 hour to extract juices; then heat to boiling point. Skim and cook slowly 1 hour. Add all vegetables and seasonings, the turnip and carrot having been cooked separately in boiling salted water. Strain, cool, remove fat and add flour which has been diluted with cold water. Also add barley which has previously been cooked until soft in boiling salted water; cook 3^ hour longer. Nourishing Broth. Two pounds of neck of mutton; 3^ cupful of pearl barley; 3^ cupful each of carrot, onion, turnip, celery and fine suet or butter; 1 tablespoon each of salt and chopped parsley. Soak barley in cold water over night. Wipe meat with wet cloth. Remove fat and skin (which relieves it of its strong flavor) and put the meat on to cook in 2 quarts of cold water. Let it heat slowly until the scum frees itself and rises to the surface, then skim and put in the vegetables. Simmer 4 hours and serve without straining. Add cooked barley 3^ hour before serving. Consomm6 No. I. Three pounds beef and marrow bone; 3 pounds veal; 3 pounds lamb or mutton; 3^ cup onion and 3^ cup carrot cut in dice; celery, 1 cup; 2 tablespoons butter; 1 tablespoon salt; 1 teaspoon pepper- corns; 3^ bay leaf; 1 sprig marjoram; 3 sprigs thyme; 3 quarts cold V SOUPS. 39 water. Cut meat in cubes; let stand 1 hour. Heat to boiling point. Skim, and let simmer 3 hours. Add vegetables cooked in butter 5 minutes, and remaining seasonings. Cook 13^ hours. Strain. Cool quickly. Remove fat and clear. Consomm^ No. II. May be served with noodles, macaroni or spaghetti or rice, first cooked in boiling salted water, or served with French string beans, carrots cut in small shapes, green peas, or cooked chicken meat cut in small dice. Claret Consomme. To 1 quart consomme, add 1^ cups claret which has been cooked 8 minutes with a stick of cinnamon and tablespoon of sugar. Chicken Soup. One chicken cut as for stew. Cover with cold water. Simmer until chicken is tender. Drain off the liquor and add 2 stalks of celery, 1 slice of onion, 3^ bay leaf, salt and pepper; cook 3^ hour. Strain over some fresh cooked rice and add a little parsley, cut fine. In place of rice, egg kloesse may be substituted. Chicken may be creamed and used the next day. Cream of Chicken Soup. One pint of cream; 1 chicken; 2 tablespoons butter; 1 table- spoon flour; 3 stalks of celery; 1 small onion. Boil chicken, and season with salt and pepper. Clear broth. Cook celery and onion in butter. Remove vegetables and add flour to butter. Heat the stock and add half cream thickened with butter and flour. Dice chicken meat, and add to broth. Whip remaining cream, and add as you serve. — Mrs. C. S. Brantingham Chicken Tapioca Soup. One chicken, cooked; 1 cup pearl tapioca; 1 pint whipping cream. Soak tapioca several hours; then cook in a double boiler until soft. Make the broth from chicken quite strong. Cool and strain, then thicken with tapioca. Heat the cream (not whipped) and add to broth and tapioca. When serving, pour it over thinly minced lettuce previously put in bouillon cups, and a little whipped cream on top. — Mrs. Frank Wormwood. 40 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. Chicken Gumbo. Prepare a chicken as for frying. Brown in a soup kettle 2 tablespoons of flour in 1 of lard, then add the chicken and stir fre- quently to prevent scorching. When the pieces are well browned, cover with 3 quarts of boiling water and set back on the stove, allowing it to simmer gently for an hour or longer. When half done add a finely minced onion, some parsley, salt and a little Cayenne pepper. When the chicken is tender add 1 pint of cooked gumbo or okra and remove at once from the fire. Serve with rice, boiled so that the grains stand apart. An old fat hen makes the best gumbo. Wild ducks, remnants of roast chicken or turkey also make a fine gumbo. — Mrs. Anna C. Nohe, Jennings, La. Chicken Chowder. Cut a 4 pound chicken in 2 inch squares. Slice 4 good sized potatoes; 1 slice bacon, diced; 1 small green pepper; }/2 small onion; }/2 cup rice; pepper and salt to taste. Put in Casserole dish with 3 quarts boiling water. Bake in slow oven 2j/^ hours. Add more water if necessary. Keep dish covered. — Mrs. a. M. Miner, Thadwa Cafe. Southern Gumbo. Put 2 quarts of ham liquor after the fat has been removed into' a kettle and add ^ of a quart can of tomatoes. After cooking half an hour add a can of corn and a cup of cooked ham cut in small pieces. Let boil 15 minutes. Then add a can of okra about 10 minutes before serving. Have a dish of hot boiled rice and serve by putting a spoonful of rice into a plate and pouring the gumbo over it, or the rice may be added to the gumbo while cooking. Emergency Soup. Cook 3^ cup each of carrot and celery cubes, (1 tablespoon cel- ery seed may be substituted), and 1 onion cut in slices, in y^ cup butter, 10 minutes; add 1 cup potato cubes and 5 cups cold water, and let cook 1 hour. Add beef extract to flavor, and salt and pepper as needied. Serve very hot, either with or without straining. — Mrs. Edward Heiliger. Venetian Soup. Prepare a clear chicken soup by simmering a fowl for several hours in water to cover, with seasonings of bay leaf, celery seed, parsley, whole peppers and salt. Cool and skim off the fat; heat SOUPS. 41 to boiling point and add seasonings as desired. Separate 2 eggs, beat the whites and yolks and then mix together; stir in sufficient flour to make a thin batter. Butter a hot griddle thoroughly and bake the batter as large griddle cakes; cut into very fine strings and drop into the hot soup. Serve at once. — Ruth Wilkins. Mushroom Soup. One quart of chicken broth; 1 can of mushrooms. Chop fine and cook in the broth for 15 minutes. Heat 3 cupfuls of milk and 1 of cream. Melt together 4 tablespoonfuls of butter and 4 of flour. Cook until smooth. Add the hot mushrooms and broth. Pur^e of Tomato Soup. Take a small piece of beef; put on in cold water to cover; skim off all scum; cut up 1 large potato and onion, bunch of pars- ley, a little cloves, bay leaves, salt and pepper, and a little sugar; small can of tomatoes. Cook slowly about 2 hours. Take from fire, strain through fine sieve, put back on fire, add either rice or macaroni. When done, thicken with a little flour, water and a small piece of butter. This is good tomato soup. Tomato Soup. One-half can of tomatoes; 3^ cup water; 1 onion; Yj. cup celery stalks; 1 bay leaf; sprig of parsley; 2 cloves; 6 peppercorns, and allspice; a bit of cinnamon stick (or a few of the mixed spices). Boil 3^ hour. Add 3 cups rich soup stock, strain and serve with croutons. This is enough for three persons. — C. Radecke. Celery Soup. Two cups white stock; 3 cups celery, cut in 1 inch cubes, 2 cups boiling water; 1 slice of onion; 2 tablespoons butter; 3 table- spoons lard; 2 cups milk; 1 cup cream; salt and pepper. Parboil celery in water 10 minutes, drain; add stock; cook until celery is soft and rub through sieve. Scald onion in milk, remove onion, add milk to stock, bind; add cream and seasoning. — Mrs. Harry Sackett. Black Bean Soup. Two tumblers black beans; 1 quart stock; 3^ cup tomato catsup; 1 sliced onion; pinch of summer savory; salt and pepper. Soak beans over night. Next day boU until soft enough to work 42 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. through a colander. By adding the beef stock to them, they pass through the strainer more easily. After adding the other ingredients strain again through a fine soup strainer. When all ingredients have been cooked and thoroughly blended, serve with sliced lemon. — Mrs. Antes Ruhl. Chestnut Soup. Fifty Spanish chestnuts; 2 quarts of white stock (chicken or veal); }^ pint of stale bread without crust; 1 pint of milk or cream; 1 tablespoon butter; 13^ teaspoon salt; i teaspoon pepper. Blanch and boil chestnuts 30 minutes. Drain and pound until fine as meal. To this gradually add 1 quart of the stock, pounding all the time. Add other ingredients except butter and milk. Cook gently for 2 hours. Take from fire and strain. Add butter and cream, and return to fire and heat. — Mrs. C. S. Brantingham. Almond Soup. Two cups chicken stock; \}/^ cups veal stock; }/2 cup tomatoes; salt and- pepper; 4 tablespoons butter; 4 tablespoons flour; 1 cup cream; 3^ pound almonds. Blanch and shred (or chop) almonds and brown slightly in a little butter. Have the stock strained and ready for use. Melt the butter, add flour, and a cup of stock slowly. Let cook 5 minutes. Then add rest of stock, strained tomatoes and lastly the cream, which must be added just before serving. Put almonds in the dish and pour soup over them. — Ruth Wilkins. Duchess Soup. One quart milk; 2 medium sized onions fried in 2 tablespoons butter for 2 minutes. Then add 2 tablespoons of flour, 1 teaspoon salt, and pepper to taste. Stir this in the hot milk and boil 8 min- utes; then strain. Beat 3 eggs to a light froth, pour in soup. Stir constantly. It must not boil. — Mrs. L. a. Weyburn. Cream of Asparagus Soup. Two bunches asparagus; 1 pint cold water; 1 heaping table- spoon butter; 1 heaping tablespoon flour; 2 cups scalded milk; salt and paprika. Cut asparagus in inch pieces, cook until tender. Rub through a sieve. To scalded milk add liquor and pulp of aspar- agus. Blend butter and flour together and add to mixture, pepper and salt, and cook 2 minutes. SOUPS. 43 Cream of Cheese Soup. One quart of milk in double boiler. Add 1 tablespoon of grated carrot, 1 small tablespoon of the pulp and juice of an onion. Secure this by crushing a half onion over a lemon squeezer. One tablespoon finely minced parsley, 1 piece of celery. Melt 2 good tablespoons butter. Mix in it 2 scant tablespoons of flour, stir in hot milk and cook 15 minutes, stirring often. Remove celery. Then add 1 cup rich cheese, grated. Cook a minute or two more till dissolved. Take from fire and add beaten yolks of 2 eggs. Serve at once with a spoonful of whipped cream to each dish. — Mrs. 0. R. Brouse. Peanut Soup. To 3 pints of hot water add 2 cups of roasted peanuts, chopped very fine; 1 onion, sliced and sauted a golden brown in 2 table- spoons of butter; 1 tablespoon of celery seed; 1 bay leaf and 1 sprig of parsley. Simmer for 1^2 hours, then pass through a coarse sieve and return to the stove. Rub together 2 tablespoons each of but- ter and flour, dilute with a little hot soup and stir into the kettle. Also add 1 green pepper and 1 tomato cut in small cubes after re- moving the seeds. Simmer about 20 minutes more, then season with salt, pepper and Kitchen Bouquet, and serve with thin slices of lemon In the tureen or in individual plates. — Ruth Wilkins. Corn Soup. One can corn; 1 quart and 2 gills milk; 3 tablespoons butter; 2 tablespoons flour; 2 generous teaspoons salt; }/2 teaspoon pepper; 2 tablespoons minced onion; yolks of 2 eggs. Chop corn, put in double boiler with quart of milk. Cook 15 minutes, then add flour and butter cooked until smooth and frothy; add to corn; also pepper and salt. Cook 15 minutes longer. Strain and return to fire. Beat yolks of eggs, add to 2 gills of cold milk, stir into soup. Cook 1 minute, stirring constantly. — Mrs. Elliott West. Corn Chowder. Cut a cube of fat salt pork about 13^ inches square into small pieces, and try it out. Add a sliced onion and cook 5 minutes. Boil 4 cups of sliced potatoes 5 minutes; drain, add the fat and 2 cups of fresh boiling water, and cook until the potatoes are soft. 44 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. Put 4 cups of milk in a double boiler, and scald; add 4 cups of stewed corn and the potatoes, and heat again. Season with salt and pepper, add 3 tablespoons of butter. Serve with old fashioned water crackers. — Ruth Wilkins. Pur€e of Pea Soup. One quart of peas, or 1 can; 1 quart milk; 2 small onions, chopped; salt to taste. Cook in double boiler, until peas are well cooked; strain, put milk back into double boiler, and rub peas through sieve, adding pulp to milk; put 1 tablespoon butter in saucepan, mix 1 tablespoonful flour, when smooth, gradually add to milk; season with pepper and salt, and cook a few minutes. Then serve. — Mrs. Elliott West. Cream of Pea Soup. One can peas; 1 pint cream; salt and pepper to taste. Heat the contents of 1 can of peas in fresh water. Drain and put through a vegetable press to extract the skins. To the mashed peas, add 1 pint cream, season well with salt and pepper, and allow the mix- ture to just reach the boiling point. Serve with croutons. A lit- tle portion of whipped cream as you serve. — Mary Walton. Split Pea Soup. One pound split peas; 3^ pound salt pork; celery and onion to taste. Soak peas in 2 quarts water over night. Put over fire in morning with salt pork. Boil 4 hours or more. Add celer}^ and onion to taste. Strain and serve with a little whipped cream in bottom of dish. — Mrs. Elliott West. Black Bean Soup. One pint black beans; 2 quarts water; 1}4 tablespoons flour; 2 tablespoons butter; 1 onion; ^ teaspoon salt; Cayenne; }4 tea- spoon mustard; ^ teaspoon pepper, 2 stalks celery or 3^ teaspoon celery salt; 2 hard boiled eggs; 1 lemon. Soak beans over night; in the morning drain and add the cold water. Slice onion and cook in 1 tablespoon of butter, add to beans, also celery cut in pieces. Simmer 4 or 5 hours. Rub through a sieve, reheat to the SOUPS. 45 boiling point and add salt, pepper, mustard and Cayenne, well mixed. When boiling, add flour and remaining butter, which have been cooked together. Strain again, and just before serving add 2 tablespoons sherry, 1 teaspoon Kitchen Bouquet, and more salt if necessary. Serve a slice of egg and lemon in each plate, and pass croutons with the soup. — Mrs. William S. Miller. Lenten Soup. . Prepare 3 carrots, 3 turnips and 3 onions by scraping, peel- ing and washing. Slice them and saute them in a little fresh lard or drippings until a golden brown. Cut up a head of celery and put in and fry a few minutes. Add to this mixture 2 cloves, 1 tea- spoon salt, 3^ teaspoon of mild pepper, a little parsley, and a little grated nutmeg. Cover 'this with nearly 3 quarts of water and sim- mer for 3 hours. This may be used instead of meat broth in the Lenten season. Potato Soup. Take 4 potatoes, peel and slice thin, put enough water to cook soft, 2 or 3 slices of nice salt pork cut thin, 1 small onion; if liked, also a bit of chopped green pepper. When done season with salt, pepper, butter the size of a walnut. Fill up with milk. Let boil and serve. Corn and Tomato Soup. One-half can tomatoes; 3^ can corn; simmer together until well cooked; put through sieve; keep hot. 1 tablespoon butter melted in double boiler; 2 tablespoons flour; 1 quart cold milk. To this cream sauce add salt and Cayenne to taste. Pour this into strained mixture and serve at once. — Mrs. Daisy King. Cream of Celery Soup. Cover 4 cups of celery, cut in small pieces, with 1 pint of boil- ing water and cook until soft — about 30 minutes. Then press through a coarse sieve. Scald 1 quart of milk with a sHce of onion, remove the onion, and add the cooked celery. Rub together 3^ cup of flour and 3 tablespoons of butter, stir into the soup and cook until it thickens. Season with salt and pepper. — Ruth Wilkins. 46 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. Cream of Tomato Soup. Put 1 pint of tomatoes on to heat, with a pinch of salt and one of soda, in a vessel that will hold not less than a quart. In another vessel put a quart of milk to heat, and in a granite pan that sets on a tea-kettle when the lid is off, put 1 heaping tablespoon of butter; when it is melted add 2 heaping tablespoons of flour and mix with butter until all is smooth, and add this to the well cooked toma- toes, beating until all is mixed well, and set on the stove to heat, watching and stirring it &\l the time. Then pour heated milk into the tomatoes and mix thoroughly until it becomes thick, and then serve to four people. This is a sure way to keep milk from curdling, also makes delicious soup. Onions may be added to tomatoes when they are canned purposely for soup, if desired. Tomatoes may be strained if desired. This is simple, good and practical. Soup From Left-Overs. Slice an onion into a teaspoon of melted butter; brown well. Add a pint (more or less) of milk. When hot, add 3^ a cupful or less of creamed potatoes, peas, cauliflower, singly or combined; rub through a coarse sieve; season with salt and paprika, and serve. The flavor may be varied by the addition of beef extract, or a few drops of Kitchen Bouquet. If the original cream sauce has not furnished enough thickening, rub 2 teaspoons of flour in a little cold milk. Or, beat well yolks of 2 eggs, pour on them slowly about 3^ a cup of the hot soup, stirring rapidly; then add to the re- maining soup and serve immediately. This makes a nourishing and cheap luncheon soup. — Mrs. George Nelson Holt. Clam Chowder No. I. Wash fifty clams thoroughly and put them in a pot with half a pint of water; when the shells are open they are done. Take them from the shells and chop fine, saving all the clam water for the chowder. Fry out a large bowl of salt pork, cut up fine, and when the scraps are a good brown take them out and put in a large bowl of chopped onions to fry. They should be fried in a frying pan and the chowder kettle be made clean before they are put in it. (The chief secret in chowder making is to fry the onions so deli- cately that they will be missing in the chowder.) Add a quart of hot water to the onions, put in the clams, clam water, and pork scraps. After it boils add a large bowl of potatoes cut into eighths SOUPS. 47 of original size and 3^ a can of tomatoes, and when they are cooked the chowder is finished. Before it is taken up, thicken with a cup of cracker crumbs and add a quart of milk. No seasoning is needed but good black pepper. Clam Chowder No. II. Two cans clams, chopped; 1 can tomatoes, chopped; 1 cup diced carrots; 2 cups potatoes (diced); 2 onions, sliced; M pound salt pork, diced and fried; 3^ pound butter; 4 quarts milk. Warm butter and cook 3^ cup flour in it. Black and red pepper. Cook carrots and potatoes first. Fry the salt pork and then the onions in this grease. Put potatoes on to cook a little, then add clams, then onion and pork, potatoes, carrots, etc., butter and flour (cooked together) and last the milk. — Mrs. Edwin St. John. Clam Chowder No. III. One can Doxsee clams; 1 pint tomato; 3 medium sized onions; 6 or 8 medium sized potatoes; 3^^ cup butter; 13^ pints milk. Peel and dice potatoes and put on to boil. Slice the onions into the tomato and cook until they are tender. Then add the cut up clams and juice of same, and let simmer about 15 minutes. Pour the cooked potatoes into this and add the butter and milk with a gen- erous seasoning of salt and white pepper. Thicken with ground cracker and let all come to a boil before serving. — Mrs. George Needham. Fish Chowder. Four pounds fresh cod or haddock, remove bones, head and tail; add 2 cups cold water. Cook these 20 minutes. 1 large slice salt pork cut in small pieces, try out and add an onion; fry a light brown. Strain fat into stew-pan. Parboil 4 cups potatoes, cut in cubes, in boiling water to cover. Drain and add potatoes to fat; add 2 cups boiling water and cook 5 minutes; add liquor from bones; then add fish; simmer 10 minutes. Add 4 cups scalded milk, 1 tablespoon salt, pepper, 3 tablespoons butter and 8 common crackers, soaked in enough cold milk to moisten. Boil up and serve. Crab Soup. Six hard-shelled crabs; 3 cups white stock; ^ cup cracker or bread crumbs; ]4, chopped small onion; sprig chopped parsley; 2 tablespoons butter; 2 tablespoons flour; 1 cup cream; salt and 48 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. paprika. Chop finely the crab meat, add stock, crumbs, parsley, onion and cook gently 25 minutes. Rub through a sieve. Cook flour and butter together; add to cooked mixture, then the cream and seasoning last. Oyster Cream. One quart oysters; 1 quart whipping cream. Simmer oysters in their own liquor until edges curl slightly. Then drain and thicken the oyster liquor with 2 tablespoons of butter and 1 table- spoon of flour. Put the half-cooked oysters into the cream and cook until oysters are perfectly dry, then strain and add the cream to the oyster liquor. Do not leave oysters in soup. — Mrs. Wait Talcott. Oyster Broth. One pint oysters, washed; 1 quart cold water; }/^ cup of celery; simmer ^/i of an hour. Skim, strain, add salt and pepper to taste. 1 cup of hot milk, 1 tablespoon butter, added last, 3^ cup of cream if desired. — C. Radecke. Cherry and Pineapple Soup. Boil together 1 pint of sour cherries, 1 pint of grated fresh pineapple and 1 quart of water for 20 minutes. Mix }/2 cup of sugar with 2 tablespoons of arrowroot (powdered), stir into the hot soup and cook 10 minutes. Strain; add 1 cupful of pitted cherries. Serve ice cold. — Mrs. Fanny C. Moffatt. Fruit Soup. One cup raisins; 1 cup of prunes; 1 cup of cranberries; 1 cup of canned peaches; juice of 1 orange; juice of 1 lemon; 2 cups of water; 1 teaspoon of sago; sugar to taste. Boil; strain; then add 1 cup of canned cherries. Heat it thoroughly and serve with crou- tons. — Mrs. Thornson, Rock Island, 111. White Wine Soup. Brown 3 tablespoons flour in some butter. Add 1 quart water. Put over fire. When hot, stir in slowly 1 quart white wine. When it boils, add sugar, cinnamon and lemon rind to taste. Lastly add beaten yolks of 2 egg?. — Mrs. Edwin St. John. SOUPS. 49 SOUP ACCOMPANIMENTS. Dumplings for Soup. Scald 1 cup milk and 1 tablespoon butter. Stir into this, 1 cup flour, beating continually so that it does not become lumpy. Cook until the mixture loosens itself from the kettle. Allow this to cool somewhat, add 1 well beaten egg and season to taste with salt and nutmeg. The mixture will be very stiff and must be thoroughly beaten. With a tablespoon drop small dumplings into boiling soup stock. As soon as they rise to the top of kettle they are done. — Mrs. Ferd Stedinger. Noodles. One egg; 3^ teaspoon salt; flour. To the beaten egg add salt and flour enough to make stiff dough. Roll out on floured board as thin as possible. Cover for about 3^ hour. Then cut in strips or roll the sheet and slice off as thin as possible; toss on board and let dry. Add to soup and boil 20 minutes. Egg Kloesse. One egg; 1 tablespoon water; salt; 2 tablespoons flour; large pinch baking powder; beat all together until smooth. It should be just thick enough to drop off of spoon into hot soup in small quan- tities. Let boil a few minutes, and serve at once. Delicious in chicken or beef bouillon. —Mrs. Radecke. Croutons. Take bread cut thin {}4 inch); spread with butter cut in 1^3 or }4 inch cubes; place in pan and set in the oven until dry and a golden brown, stirring occasionally. Serve with clear soups or cream soups. The butter may be omitted. The cubes may also be fried in deep beef fat, a rich brown. Toast Sticks. Cut thin slices of bread (3^ inch in thickness), cutting off crusts; make oblong 1 inch wide and 4 inches long. Toast care- fully in the oven. 50 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. r^^ ^(k ifi •fi !fi ifi ifi ifi ifi ifi ifi ifi ifi ifi ifi ifi ifi ifi ifi ifi ifi !fi !fi !fi ifi ifiifiifiifiiliifi ifiif;ifiifiifi»;ifiifiifi!fiifiifiifiifiifiifiifiifiifi!fiifiifiifi!fiifiifiifiifiifi ifiifiifiifiifiifiifiifiifiifiifiifiifiifi LIGHTING FIXTURES ELECTRIC WIRING SELLS, MILLER, SANTEE CO. 103 West State St. Palace of Sweets jpure Hcd (Tream Mta6« of pur« cream — no adulterations (tanbids of Quality an6 "purity MZanufactured of t^e best of material 51 <» * Food should he not only Well cool^ed, hut well served. *^ Enrkfnrh Qpualttg" Made by the Rockford Silver Plate Co. , will satisfy the requirements of the most exacting tastes, and the fastidious hostess cannot help feeling that her table is correct if set with Rockford Quality silver. # We rarry every article essential for proper serving. SALAD FORKS BERRY SPOONS OYSTER FORKS CUCUMBER SERVERS BOUILLON SPOONS JELLY SERVERS ICED TEA SPOONS COLD MEAT FORKS BUTTER SPREADERS GRAVY LADLES And many other serving spoons and forks. J. (E. fnt& Sc g-nn ^ 204 W. Butt Bt. 52 FISH. 53 CHAPTER VI. FISH AND METHOD OF COOKING. FISH. Fish a la Perfection. From a Man's Point of View. Take a guide, go miles from anywhere, catch bass or trout, have it prepared wath salt-pork or bacon, have it served on a gen- erous slice of bread, accompany it with a cup of fine coffee, top off with a good cigar, and then feel like thanking the stars that you are alive. — Harrison M. Wild. Fish should be butchered while alive, slit about 1 inch from the tail, up, hung in the shade about ^ of an hour to bleed. Pre- pared in this way will always retain its flavor. Fish are good when the gills are red, eyes are full, and the body firm and stiff. Table for Cooking Fish. Trout should always be boiled or baked. White fish is good boiled, but best broiled. Black bass, when large, boiled; when small, broiled. Red-snapper should always be boiled. Muscalonge, baked or boiled. Fresh mackerel should be broiled. Perch, Smelts, Brook Trout, Ciscoes, Bull-heads and Herrings are all better fried. To Boil Fish. Place in cold, salt water before cooking, to make it firm. When ready to cook place in cloth bag or wrap in cloth tied tightly, put in cold water and boil. Always put salt in the water before cooking. To Fry Fish. Clean, wash and dry thoroughly. Dip in yolk of egg well beaten ; then in fine grated bread crumbs, flour or meal. If wished to look extra nice, repeat the egg and bread crumbs. Fry in boiling lard, a light brown, and serve hot free from grease. Fish fried in Olive oil adds greatly to the flavor. 54 THK MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. To Broil Fish. Wash and wipe the fish dry, and spht. Lay on the broiler with the skin up. When browned, turn. Have some butter, with pepper and salt in it, and mop it over the fish while broiling. It will take about 20 minutes to cook one of medium size. Serve on hot dish, and pour over it drawn butter. Creole Stuffing for Baked Fish. Five pounds trout, white fish or shad; 3^ green sweet pepper; 3^ cucumber; 1 bunch of parsley; 3 large or 3^ can tomatoes; 1 slice salt pork. Grind all together in meat grinder, drain off liquor, add a little onion juice, 2 tablespoonfuls of butter, add cracker crumbs till stifif. — Mrs. Gussie Miner, The Thadwa. Anchovy Sauce. One tablespoon butter; 2 tablespoons flour; rubbed together; moisten with 1 pint boiling water; add 3^ tablespoon Anchovy sauce, 2 teaspoonfuls catsup, a little Worcestershire sauce, little salt and pepper, 1 teaspoonful walnut catsup. — Mrs. Gussie Miner, The Thadwa. Fish Sauce. One-half pint cream; 1 medium sized cucumber, chopped and squeezed dry in cloth. To the cream add salt and vinegar to taste, (3 or 4 tablespoonfuls), add dry cucumber and serve very cold. — Mrs. Webb C. Stevens. Tartare Sauce. To be served on white fish, trout, smelts, halibut or fresh cod. One quart Mayonnaise: Yolks of 3]eggs, beaten; 1 pint oil; 14, cup vinegar; 3^ cup whipped cream; stir 10 minutes. Chop up 6 sour pickles, 3 tablespoonfuls of capers, 2 bunches parsley, 1 Sharlot onion, chop very fine; add 3^ teaspoonful paprika, 3^ teaspoonful celery salt, little salt and pepper, then add to Mayonnaise. — Mrs. Gussie Miner, The Thadwa. Fish Chowder. Slice 10 medium potatoes and 5 white^onions ; season with salt and pepper, and boil 2 minutes covered with water. Boil 3 fish (more or less), 20 minutes. Remove from liquor and bone and skin FISH. 55 fish. Add liquor to potatoes and onions. Dice Y2 pound of salt pork and fry until brown. Put these pieces with chowder. Thicken salt pork drippings with 3 tablespoonfuls of flour, add this thicken- ing to chowder and boil 20 minutes. Five minutes before taking off from the stove add fish and 2 tablespoonfuls of butter. — Mrs. F. G. Shoudy. Stewed Perch — Old Country Style. Scale and clean 10 pounds of perch; sprinkle bottom of kettle with flour, salt and pepper and bits of butter. Lay in fish, whole — repeat flour, butter, salt and pepper, then fish until all is in. Pour in w^ater to cover, about 1 quart. Add bay leaf, 6 pepper kernels. Boil slowly 45 minutes, take fish out on platter, add juice of 1 lemon to gravy, strain and pour over fish. — Mrs. Gussie Miner, The Thadwa. Fried Shad. After the shad is cleaned and washed, split it down the back, cut out the back bone, divide the fish into pieces about 3 or 4 in- ches square, and lay them on a clean dry cloth. Have in readiness a dripping pan or a large frying pan containing hot fat ^ inch deep, roll the fish in flour seasoned with salt and pepper, put it into the fat while smoking hot and fry it brown on both sides; use a broad spatula or cake turner to turn over the pieces in order to preserve them entire. As quickly as the pieces brown lift them out of the pan, .lay them on brown paper for a minute to free them from fat and then turn them onto a hot dish. Serve with lemons, pickles or cucumbers. Shad Roe. Put the roes in a pan and cover with cold water, and parboil; be careful not to break them. When done take from the water and cool, then season with salt and pepper; dust with flour and dip into beaten egg; roll in bread crumbs or cracker dust; brown in boiling lard and serve hot. May be served on edge of platter with shad. Fish Balls. Two pounds pickerel, trout or codfish; scrape from skin and chop fine; add 1 onion chopped and mashed; work in 3^ pound of melted butter till white; V^ pound of flour; 2 well beaten eggs; then add 3^ pint sweet milk or cream, a little at a time. Add salt and pepper to suit taste; drop by spoonfuls in boiling water and cook till done. The lightness of fish balls depends on the amount of stirring. 56 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK • Creamed Codfish with Poached Eggs. Shred the codfish; boil in water about 15 minutes. Drain off the water, add rich milk; when it comes to a boil drop in fresh eggs and poach. Take eggs out and arrange carefully around edge of platter. Add a lump of butter and thickening to codfish and pour in center of platter. — Mrs. H. K. Beatty. Creamed Salt Mackerel. Soak mackerel over night in plenty of water, laying fish open side down. Drain off water, put in fresh water to cover, and boil gently 15 minutes; then drain off water; add big lump of butter, and fry very gently on both sides; then add heaping tablespoonful flour, rub smooth into butter; add rich milk or part cream; when thickened sufficiently, serve on hot platter. — Mrs. H. K. Beatty. Escalloped Fish. About 1 quart white fish; 13^ tablespoonfuls of flour; 1 cup cream; 2 eggs; juice of 1 lemon; pepper and salt. Boil the fish whole until tender. Pick to pieces, then mix the above and bake in a bak- ing dish with a big lump of butter in the center; grate cheese on it when most done. — Mrs. Robert G. McCord, New Albany, Ind. Baked Fillet of Trout. Take stale bread crumbs, a little chopped parsley, and celery and a little bacon; mix all together with a little paprika, salt and pepper. Skin the trout and cut into fillets 3 inches wide; put in dressing and roll and bake. Take 3^ pint tomato sauce and 3^ pint brown gravy, mix and serve on fish. — Mrs. Gussie Miner, The Thadwa. Salmon Loaf. One pound can salmon, drain off liquor and save; mince sal- mon; add 4 tablespoonfuls melted butter, ^ cup fine bread crumbs or cracker crumbs, pepper and salt, 3 beaten eggs. Mix and put in buttered mold; set this in a pan of water in oven. Bake about 45 minutes; when done, set in cold water for a minute, then turn out of mold and serve with the following sauce, poured over it: Heat 1 cup of sweet milk, thicken with 1 teaspoonful of corn starch; add 1 teaspoonful of butter and the salmon liquor; then set off of fire and add 1 beaten egg. Season, and if you like it, add juice of 1 lemon. — Mrs. D. B. Hutchins. FISH. 57 Salmon in a Mold. One can of salmon; 4 eggs (beaten light); 4 tablespoonfuls butter (melted but not hot); }/> cup of fine bread crumbs. Season to taste with pepper, salt and minced parsley. Chop the fish fine and rub in a bowl with the back of a spoon, adding the butter until it is a smooth paste. Beat the bread crumbs into the eggs and sea- son before working all together. Add the fish and butter and put into a buttered pudding mold and steam for 1 hour. Sauce: 1 cupful of milk heated to a boil and thickened with 1 tablespoonful of corn starch. Add the liquor from the salmon or else double the quantity of butter. 1 tablespoonful of butter, 1 egg, 1 tablespoonful of Anchovy, mushroom or tomato catsup. ]4: teaspoonful of mace and a dash of Cayenne pepper. Put all the ingredients together, adding the egg last. Boil 1 minute to cook it and pour the sauce over the salmon after it has been turned from the mold. — Mrs. Chandler Starr. Creamed Finnan Haddie. Put fish in pan and heat in oven until the milk oozes out, remove and use only the nice white flakes. Prepare a nice cream sauce in chafing dish, put in your fish and season with a little salt and paprika. 2 hard boiled eggs, cut into small pieces, and 1 table- spoonful of sherry wine or more to suit taste. Use only a fresh, mealy fish. — Miss Caroline Radecke. Boiled Halibut. Put 2 pounds of halibut in sauce pan, cover with fresh water; add 1 sliced onion, 3^ sliced carrot and a garnished bouquet; sea- son with salt; 2 tablespoonfuls vinegar. Place lid on and boil gently for 5 minutes, remove from fire, drain well, dress it in a hot dish and serve with Anchovy butter spread all over. Planked Fish. Have an oak board made 13^ inches thick and about 10x18 inches in size. Have a large fish, boned at the fish market, and put it the skin side down on the board. Dredge with flour and salt and squeeze the juice of a lemon over it. Put this in the broiler and cook about 15 minutes. Then arrange mashed potatoes around the edge nicely. Put back in broiler and brown. Take out of broiler, squeeze more lemon over it, garnish with slices of lemon and parsley or watercress if you have it, and serve on the board. — Miss Caroline Radecke. 58 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. Salmon Croquettes. Take 1 can of nice salmon, put into a bowl and pick to pieces, taking out all bones. Roll 2 dozen crackers with a rolling pin, and mix with the fish. Add a small lump of butter and salt and pepper to taste. Make into patties, dip into a well-beaten egg and fry in butter or grease until a nice brown. Serve while warm. This makes a nice dish for luncheon. — Hazel Blough. Salmon Loaf. One can best salmon (shredded fine); salt and pepper to taste; 1 cup cracker crumbs; 2 well-beaten eggs. Set aside oil for the sauce. Work the eggs well together with the salmon and put in baking tins after shaping into an oblong loaf. Cover sparingly with small pieces of butter and put just a little water in the pan. Bake until a nice brown. Sauce: One cup sweet milk and the oil, 3^ teaspoon mustard. Thicken with flour to a cream, add a few small slices of cucumber pickle after the dressing is cold. Remove loaf to platter and squeeze over it the juice of 2 lemons. Pour over dressing and garnish with parsley. Codfish Balls. Two cups raw potatoes; 2 cups salt codfish; 1 egg; 1 table- spoonful of butter; 2 tablespoonfuls of cream. Cut up potatoes and codfish and cook them together until potatoes are done, drain off the water and mash them up while hot and add the egg (not beaten), butter and cream; whip up until light and set away to get cold. When ready to cook them drop from teaspoon in hot lard and fry a light brown. — Miss Evalda Carlson. Finnan Haddie. Soak the fish in sweet milk for 3 or 4 hours. Broil, and pour over a quantity of melted butter, or broil, then cream it, adding a drop of onion juice. — Mrs. Wait Talcott. Baked Halibut with Salad Dressing. Buy 1 -halibut steak, weighing about 2 pounds, wipe dry, salt and pepper; squeeze over it juice of half a lemon and 2 tablespoon- FISH. 59 fuls of melted butter, encase in a baking powder crust, minus the shortening, to keep in the juice and bake about 1 hour. Dressing: Two tablespoonfuls butter; 1 tablespoon flour; mix and put in double boiler, add }^ cup vinegar; 1 teaspoonful mustard; 1 tablespoonful sugar; 1 teaspoonful salt; dash Cayenne pepper, add to above. Pour in 1 cup of cream and beat yolks of 2 eggs until light; add to this. Remove crust from fish, put on hot platter and pour hot dressing over it and sprinkle with parsley, cut fine. — Miss Caroline Radecke. Baked Fish with Cheese. Have a steak cut from the halibut, trout or other good fish. Boil in salted water, when done turn out on buttered platter, make a cream sauce and add to this sauce, 1 can of mushrooms, pour this over the fish and grate cheese all over the top, set the platter in oven on top of a dripping pan and brown nicely. Serve hot from this platter. — Mr^. Edwin M. St. John. Baked Halibut with Stuffing. Get 3 small hahbut steaks, 3^ pound of cracker crumbs, grated rind of 3^ a lemon, a little chopped parsley, a little chopped red sweet peppers, 1 tablespoonful of butter, a little pepper and salt, beat 3 eggs and add a little milk, and mix all together. Grease a pan well with bacon drippings, put in a steak, then some dressing, then a steak and so on, finishing up with a steak. Put slices of bacon crossing each other on top of fish, bake about half an hour and serve on hot platter with crisp slices of bacon on top. Garnish with parsley and slices of lemon. — Mrs. Ralph Root. SHELL FISH. Oysters. Oysters furnish a delicious change in the daily menu. They can be served in an endless number of ways that will tempt the most delicate appetite. Raw oysters should be opened on the deep shell and served in it on a bed of cracked ice, with the half of a lemon and some stimulating condiment. Oyster cocktail is a popu- lar appetizer and it may be served in hock glasses .or in lemon shells. If in the lemon shells, remove the pulp and fill the shells 60 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. with small oysters and pour over them a sauce made of 1 teaspoon- ful of grated horseradish, 2 teaspoonfuls of catsup, a dash of Worcestershire sauce and a pinch of salt. An oyster cocktail is also acceptably served in the center of a small grape fruit from which the core has been removed. Oyster Cocktail for 5 Persons. One tablespoonful Worcestershire; 1 tablespoonful Targon vinegar; 1 tablespoonful catsup, Snyder's; 1 tablespoonful lemon juice; 1 teaspoonful horseradish; 3^ teaspoonful tobasco sauce; salt to taste. Serve cracked ice and 1 tablespoonful in each dish of oysters. — Mrs. Arthur Fisher. Oyster Stew. To 1 quart of solid oysters use 1 pint of water; when hot, skim. Put in a kettle with butter, salt and pepper. Boil 3 minutes, add 1 quart of new milk which has been previously heated. Bring all to nearly boiling point and serve immediately. Panned Oysters. Drain the oysters from the liquor; put them in hot pan or spider as soon as they begin to curl; add butter, pepper and salt. Serve on toast or without if preferred. Fried Oysters. Only very fresh oysters should be used — beware of those with a green streak down the back. 1 loaf of dry bakers bread (very much better than cracker crumbs); grate this on a grater, dry the oysters, roll in flour, salt and pepper. Dip in batter made of 1 egg and 1 tablespoonful of milk, then roll in bread crumbs; repeat 3 times, fry in deep fat. Have the fat smoking hot, fry 1 minute. — Mrs. Gussie Miner, The Thadwa. Escalloped Oysters. Put layer of cracker crumbs (not too fine) in bottom of but- tered bake dish, then layer of oysters, little lumps of butter; re- peat this until dish is filled. Save the liquor, add milk, salt and pepper and moisten well. Bake in a hot oven with cover on, till the last half hour; remove cover and brown nicely. — Mrs. T. V. Engstrom. FISH. 61 Oyster Omelet. Beat separately the whites and yolks of 5 eggs. Soak 1 cup of fine bread crumbs in 1 cup of milk with a little salt, add 1 cup chopped oysters drained and seasoned; lastly the stiffly beaten whites. Fry in buttered pan. — Mrs. W. S. Miller. Oyster Patties. Make a rich cream dressing, then add oysters; cook until edges curl up, about 3 minutes. Then serve in patties made of rich puff paste. Lobsters. Lobsters should always be cooked alive, never dead, for a dead lobster is poison. The only poison or unhealthy part of a live lobster is the dark vein running through the head. This is removed after the lobster is cooked before it is eaten. Baked lob- sters are as good as broiled lobsters and are much more easily pre- pared. Live lobsters should always be kept in sea water and should never be kept very long before cooking. — Mrs. Chandler Starr. Baked Live Lobsters. Split a live lobster and put in a roasting pan in a' very hot oven; cook about 15 minutes. The liver (or tomalley) cooked with 1 tablespoonful of butter about 3 or 5 minutes and seasoned with salt, Cayenne pepper and Worcestershire sauce makes a dressing for the baked lobster. — Mrs. Chandler Starr. Boiled Live Lobster. Take a chicken lobster (or baby lobster as it is also called); put alive in a kettle of boiling sea water or fresh water salted. Put a cover and weight on top of kettle and boil for 20 minutes or un- til it has turned from green to a beautiful scarlet. Crack the shells in kitchen and serve hot on platter. The meat is delicate and de- licious. Take out of shells at table and eat with a little butter, salt and pepper. — Mrs. D. F. Scott. Creamed Lobster. One pint of lobster meat (chopped or picked up). 1 cup white sauce seasoned with celery, parsley and a little Cayenne pepper. Mix with the lobster and put in a baking dish, covering the top with cracker crumbs. Bake in a moderate oven. — Mrs. D. F. Scott. 62 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. Lobster a la Newberg. Meat of a boiled lobster or 1 can of lobster; good sized lumps of butter; 1 gill of Sherry; 1 pint cream; yolks of 2 eggs. Glass of Sarentine (may be omitted). Put lobster into a pan or chafing dish with butter, stir gently until thoroughly heated. Mix Sherry, cream and yolks of eggs, first eggs and cream. Pour over lobster and let simmer, then add Sarentine, if used. Pour over toasted bread. Sherry may also be omitted. — Mrs. T, V. Engstrom. Lobster Cutlets. Put 2 tablespoonfuls of butter in a dish over a fire; when melted add 2 tablespoonfuls of flour, rub together until smooth, then add 1 cup of sweet cream, salt; when thickened add 3^ pound of lobsters, diced. Turn out on well buttered platter and cool, then cut in the form of cutlets, dip in egg, then in cracker crumbs, and fry in deep fat. — Mrs. Edwin M. St. John. Shrimps. Shrimps are served on the Pacific Coast, boiled and served in their shells, which are easily opened. After removing from shell the little dark streak should be pulled out. They are also delicious in salad combined with equal parts of celery and Mayonnaise poured over them. Buttered Shrimps. Shell some shrimps and place in a frying pan with a lump of butter, a small quantity of salt and pepper and stir over fire until hot. Fry thin slices of bread in butter, drain, when a golden brown, place them on a hot dish, pile buttered shrimps on bread and serve. Creamed Shrimps. Prepare the shrimps, taking them from the shells or the can and let stand in cold water for 3^ hour; make a rich cream dressing, break the shrimps in little dice and add to the cream sauce. Put this in Ramikens, with bread crumbs on top and brown i n the oven nicely. — Mrs. Fannie Moffatt. FISH. 63 Steamed Clams. Clams for steaming should always be alive and in the shell. Wash the shells thoroughly and put in steamer over a kettle of boiling water; steam about 20 minutes. Serve in large soup plates, in shells. The true way to eat, is to take the shell up in the fingers, open it and take out the clam and dip in a saucer of melted butter and eat. It is a dish fit for the Gods. Only novices attempt to eat steamed clams with a knife and fork. — Mrs. Daisy Force Scott. Stewed Soft Clams. Thoroughly wash about 33^ dozen fresh soft clams so that no sand remains in them after they are opened; lay them carefully on the palm of the left hand and with the right hand remove the body with care, but nothing more, being cautious not to break it, and throwing away all the other part. When all are prepared, place them in a stew pan with 1 ounce of butter, small pinch of white pepper, 1 wine glass of Maderia wine and 2 finely hashed medium sized truffles; place the cover on pan and cook gently for 7 or 8 min- utes. Break the yolks of 3 eggs into a bowl, add 1 pint of sweet cream and beat well for 3 minutes. Pour this over the clams and toss the sauce pan for about 3 minutes more very gently to thor- oughly mix the clams with the cream, but not letting the liquor boil again. Neither a fork or spoon should ever be used in mixing them. Serve in hot dish at once. Clam Fritters. Place some fresh clams into one pan, and the liquor from them into another. Prepare a mixture of broken crackers and flour in equal quantities and dip the clams first into their own liquor and then into this, repeating this operation 3 times, finally dipping them into milk, and then again into the flour mixture. Have pre- pared some boiling lard, drop in a few clams at a time, let them fry for about 5 minutes; then remove them with a skimmer, place them on a strainer, drain away the fat, and they are ready to be served. The pan containing the lard should be so deep that the clams will be covered when put in. Crabs. Crabs are in season from April to September. The richest flavored crabs are those of medium size, say from 6 to 10 inches in their broadest diameter. They should be boiled alive, being 64 THF MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK ROOK. plunged into cold water and as the water warms a handful or so of salt should be thrown in. Boil 20 minutes or 3^ hour, according to size. Some authorities claim that if they are put in hot water first they are apt to throw off their claws by a violent jerk and then the water would soak into the flesh and make it sloppy. The scum should be carefully skimmed off after the salt is put in. They should be firm and stiff and the eyes bright. The male crab has the largest claws, therefore is much more preferable. Broiled Soft-Shell Crabs. Dip some soft shell crabs into melted butter and season with pepper and salt. Broil them until the shells are slightly brown. As soon as done, serve them hot, with melted butter or lemon juice or with a lemon cut into quarters. Slices of hot toast should be laid under them. Stone Crabs. Should be served cold as they are considered dangerous to eat hot. Plunge in boiling hot water, cook 30 minutes. Break shells with hammer; serve on platter with tartare sauce or French dressing. — Mrs. Gussie Miner, The Thadwa. Deviled Crabs. One quart crab meat; 3 large boiled potatoes, chopped fine; }4: pound bacon, chopped; 1 tablespoonful cracker meal; 2 eggs; salt, pepper and Cayenne pepper. Put back in shell and bake 1 hour, baste with butter and water. — Mrs. Gussie Miner, The Thadwa. Frogs Legs. Lay the frogs on their backs. Make a long incision from the neck along the side of the belly. Make another at right angles across the middle of the belly, dissect, cut the entrails and cut away the head, leaving only the back and legs. Skin the frogs and chop off their feet. Wash them thoroughly and blanch in scalding salted water. Prepare 18 in this way, lay the hind quarters in a dish and pour over them 2 tablespoonfuls of sweet oil. Seasoning with salt and pepper and a little lemon juice; roll them around several times in this seasoning, place in a broiler and broil for 4 minutes on each side. Arrange on a hot dish and serve. FISH. 65 Frog Legs Provencal Fashion. Remove the bones from the legs and cut the meat in y^ inch pieces. Melt 2 tablespoonfuls of butter in the blazer, and in it saute the pieces of meat to a golden brown color. At the same time saute in the pan, for each cup of meat, 2 mushroom caps, peeled and broken in pieces, and a small bit of garlic, crushed fine. When all are browned, stir in 2 tablespoonfuls of flour and a dash of salt and pepper. Stir and cook until the flour is absorbed, then add half a cup each, of rich, brown stock and tomato puree. Stir until the boiling point is reached, then finish with 4 or 5 small, stoned olives, twice as many bits of cooked carrot, and 2 table- spoonfuls of claret wine,, and serve. Baked Terrapin. Cut off the head of a live Terrapin, put it into a pot of boil- ing hot water, with the shell on and boil, until under shell can be removed easily. Take out all the meat, cleaning the upper shell thoroughly; pick meat to pieces and mix it up with a few crackers and chopped onions, a small quantity each of allspice, black pepper, chopped parsley and butter, and pour over a small quantity of wine. Put back into top shell, place slices of lemon on. top, set n oven and bake. When done, serve hot. Terrapin k la Maryland. Cut the bones and entrails of 1 terrapin into small pieces and with the meat cook them in 1 cup of chicken stock and 2 table- spoons of wine slowly till the liquor is cooked down one-half. Cut the liver in pieces and add it with the yolks of 3 eggs, slightly beaten; 1 teaspoon lemon juice; 2^ tablespoons butter, creamed with 1 tablespoon flour; Y^ cup cream; add salt, black and Cayenne pep- per to taste. Cook a little longer and just before serving add 1 tablespoon sherry. 66 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. ' Quality, Style, Workmanship" The Whitehouse 112 So. Main St., ROCKFORD, ILL. RETAILERS OF Women's and Misses* Ready- to- Wear GARMENTS AND MILLINLRY We are making a special feature of the correct models in Silk Waists and Dresses that for Beauty, Originality and Value has never been equaled. Line never unready and never the same. Opportune newness during the entire season. Si :a^ai2:ilI2S22^I12S22 SiaSJES ^^!m^^:^l^'^<;^i^'^£^ ••^E^^^^a^^^X^KJCr^g^a^^^ ]Mrs. Adele Trufant ART NEEDLEWORK AND LINEN SHOP 1S3 N'ORTH MAIN STREET STAMPING A SPECIALTY Art Needlework Supplies, Embroidered Linens, Stamped Linens and Art Linens by the yard. Exclusive Oriental Goods by the yard, and Oriental Table Covers hand worked. Luncheon Sets in Cluny, Maderia and plain scolloped linen. Fine figured and plain Huck for Towels, stamped ready to work. Utopia Yarn, D. M. C. Embroidery and Crochet Cotton. Rice Paper Mache Letters. Royal Society Floss and Package Goods. OLD PHONE 853-L li^ 67 capacity: 600 hogs and 150 CATTLE PER DAY. Schmauss Go's. New Packing Plant Now in Operation. The most Sanitary, Up-to-date Plant in the U. S. ROCKFORD, ILL. Our Meats are the only home killed, government inspected Meats sold in Rockford. Five Markets Both Phones y^ Gpffe Shoppe THE PLACE OF GIFTS AT MODERATE PRICES f^an Toreign and Jtrf novelties Old Wabogany and Zrue Reproductions Period Turniture a Specialty ORIENTAL RUGS RAG RUGS ROOKWOOD POTTERY REALLY GOOD PICTURES OLD SHEFFIELD AND STERLING SILVER QUAINT JEWELRY IN GOLD AND SILVER IMPORTED BREAKFAST SETS Let Ye Gyfte Shoppe estimate for distinctive Furniture, Fabrics t and Floor Coverings for either Elaborate or Simple Homes. ^ % Prices Low. Satistactiom Jlssured. Visitors cordially invited % 68 MEATS. 69 CHAPTER VII. MEATS. Beef. Tastes dififer as to the choice cuts and butchers cut differently. From the hind-quarter of beef are cut the rump for boihng or roast- ing, the round, the rump, the sirloin and the porter-house steaks. From the hip bone to the ribs are cut the porter-house steaks. The larger porter-house steaks, containing larger portions of the tender- loin, are near the hip bone. The smaller porter-house steaks, con- taining almost no tenderloin, sometimes called club-house steaks, are near the ribs. The tenderloin, which is the choicest piece, when removed whole, is called the fillet and may be used for roasting or broiling. It lies under the short ribs and close to the back-bone and is usually cut through with the porter-house and .sirloin steaks. Of these the porter-house is usually preferred. The small porter-house steaks are the most economical,- but in the larger steaks the coarse and tough parts may be used for soups, or, after boiling, for hash, which is really a very nice dish when well made. A round steak is sweet and juicy when the leg is not cut down too far, the objection being its toughness, to cancel which it may be chopped fine, seasoned and made into croquettes. There is no waste in it, hence it is the most economical to buy. The interior portion is the tenderest and best. Round steak, if well pounded to make it tender, has the best flavor. -The best beef for k la mode is also the round. Have the bone removed and trim off all the gristle. The choicest portions of beef for roasting are the ribs, the five first of which are the "prime ribs." This cut is the finest and best flavored piece of the beef for roasting, excepting possibly the sir- loin, which is rarely used as a roast in this country. The sirloin as a roast is second to none, but for carving it needs an experienced hand; the loss through trimming and cooking is more than one-third its weight. Another piece of beef sometimes used for roasting is the rump or short hip of beef. It is more suit- 70 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. able for braising or for steaks. It is not, however, considered as juicy as are the other portions of the beef. The best cuts for pot-roasts are the rump, round arm piece and the chuck roast. For those who wish lean corn-beef which will slice nicely, the rump is best. If some fat is desired with the lean, select a fancy brisket or plate piece. Mutton. For roasting mutton choose the leg or loin. The loin is the sweeter, but very wasteful. The leg of mutton is more economical for boiling or roasting and slices beautifully. For stews use either the breast or shoulder. The breast is sweeter, but the shoulder has more lean meat in proportion. The loin mutton chop is considered to be more tender, but the rib chop is sweeter. With the meat trimmed from the end of the rib and prepared for the paper holder, it is called the French Chop. The loin chop, with the bone removed and fastened in a circular form by a skewer, is known as the Eng- lish Chop. In selecting beef or mutton, choose that which has plenty of white, fine-grained fat. Spring Lamb. The hind-quarter of spring lamb is more easily carved than the front-quarter and is also more expensive. The front-quarter is considered to be much sweeter and can be boned before cooking. The crown roast of lamb is probably the most attractive form in which a lamb roast can be served. It is taken from the fore-quarter of the lamb. The meat is formed in a circle with the ends of the ribs "Frenched," the whole representing a crown. Veal. Veal is best from calves not less than four nor more than six weeks old. The meat should be clear and firm and the fat white. If dark and thin, with tissues hanging loosely about the bone, it is not good. The choicest roast of veal is the loin with the kidney left in. For broiling or frying, the rib or loin chops are the sweetest and tenderest, but many prefer the cutlets from the leg or round. The knuckle of veal is the part left after the fillets and cutlets are removed and is best for soup or boiling. The shoulder and neck are also nice for stews or soup. The breast of veal is good for roast- ing, stewing and pies. It can be boned, then rolled, or a large hole may be cut in it for stuffing. MEATS. 71 Pork. The loin or rib is the best part for roasting. The lean meat must be fine-grained, and the fat and lean very white. The shoulder is cheaper than the loin and is not as wasteful. The ham is nice for roasting if from small, young pork. The rib pork chops are the sweeter, but the loin chops are the more economical. The tenderloin is cut from the inside of the loin and may be used as a roast or for broiling. Ham. The best hams, whether fresh, or cured and smoked, are those from 8 to 15 pounds in weight, having a thin skin, solid fat and a small, short, tapering leg or shank. Tongues. Beef, calf, lamb, sheep and pig's tongues are used. Calf's tongue is considered the best, although lamb's tongue is very nice. Choose those which are thick, firm and have plenty of fat on the under side. In buying salt tongue, select one with a smooth skin, which denotes that it is young and tender. Sweet Breads. Sweetbreads, if properly cooked, make one of the most de- licious dishes that can be served. There are two kinds, one found in the throat of the calf (when fresh it is plump, white and fat, of an elongated form) ; the other, the heart sweetbread, which is finer than the throat sweetbread, is attached to the last rib and lies near the heart. The form is rather round and it is firm and smooth. The color should be clear and a shade darker than the fat. In roasting meats allow from 15 to 20 minutes to the pound, according to the thickness of the roast. The oven should be too hot to hold the hand in for only a moment when the meat is first put into it. This crisps the surface and sears the pores of the roast, thereby preventing the escape of the juices. The choicest roast can be absolutely ruined by a cool oven. After preparing the roast for the oven and placing in dripping pan do not put water in the pan, as it prevents the desired crispness and destroys the fla- vor of a roast. Baste it thoroughly before placing in the oven with butter or suet fat, afterwards basting frequently with its own drippings, which always makes it more tender. If it is necessary to add water, do not put it in pan until the meat has been in the 72 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. oven about half an hour, or until it begins to brown, and then only a very little of hot water and butter. All meats should be seasoned when partly cooked, as the salt toughens the meat and draws out the juices. Mutton, lamb, veal and pork should be cooked more slowly and thoroughly than beef, with a moderate fire. In roasting veal, some cooks put in half a cup of boiling water and butter when placing it in oven. Fresh meat for boiling or stewing should be put into boiling water and closely covered, as it thus retains its flavor. Boil slowly about 20 minutes to each pound, salting when it begins to get tender. Salt meats should be covered with cold water and require about 30 minutes to the pound of very slow, steady boiling. Al- ways pour off the first water and add another of boiling water. Boiling meats should simmer continually and be replenished with boiling water until thoroughly cooked. In broiling steaks or chops have a very hot fire or pan. Turn often in order to keep the juices in. It also increases its tenderness. Never pierce the lean part of any meat with a fork, as that allows the juices to escape. MEATS. "Some hae meat that canna eat And some wad eat that want it But we hae meat and we can eat, Sae let the Lord be thankit." —Burns. BEEF. Prime Roast Beef. The first seven ribs are best. Have the chime removed, and ribs sawed about an inch long. Lay in a dry roast pan; sprinkle plentifully with salt and pepper, and place in hot oven, allowing 15 minutes to the pound. Do not add water, nor turn the roast over. When done, remove the roast and drain the grease from roast pan. Put a quart of water in pan, let it boil; then stir 1 table- spoon flour in water, and add while boiling, for gravy. — Mrs. Thompson. Fillet of Beef. Strip it of all fat, scrape and wipe; then rub with red pepper and salt; juice of 2 lemons; 1 glass of Sherry wine. Put in baking pan with a little butter for basting and bake ^ of an hour for a MEATS, 73 5 pound fillet. Baste thoroughly with the butter. Put sprigs of parsley, pieces of celery, 1 small onion into the pan when you baste the meat. — Mrs. Anna Gustafson. Braised Beef. Wipe and trim 6 pounds round or rump of beef without bone, sear brown on all sides in very hot frying pan over a hot fire. In braising pan or iron kettle put layers of sliced onions, turnips and carrots; add a bunch of sweet herbs, 1 teaspoon salt, 3^ teaspoon pepper. On this lay meat. Add 1 pint boiHng water (or water and stewed tomatoes), cover closely and cook 4 hours in a mod- erate oven. If water evaporates rapidly, add more. Transfer meat to hot platter. Strain, thicken and season gravy. The vegetables may be served separately if desired. — Miss C. A. Williams Braised Beef, en Casserole. Brown every side of a 4-pound piece of round steak in fat, in a hot frying pan. Then fry in the pan 1 shced onion; 1 carrot; 1 stalk celery, (diced); a small turnip, (diced); a sprig of parsley, chopped fine; a quarter of a bay leaf and 1 minced pimento. Place part of the vegetables under the meat and part around the side of it. Add 3^ cup of strained tomato and 1 cup hot water. Cover the casserole and bake 4 hours. —Mrs. Edward M. Heiliger. Porter-House Steak with Mushrooms. Have frying pan hot. Lay on steak, and watch carefully not to let it burn. When brown on one side, turn and brown on the other. Have no grease or butter in the pan. Heat platter, and lay on your steak, covering with the following: Place 2 table- spoons butter in sauce-pan, let it melt; add tablespoon flour, stir over the fire until smooth; then add 1 cup milk, 1 small can mush- rooms with their liquor and let it come to a boil. Pour over your steak, garnish with parsley and sliced lemon, serving hot. This is delicious. — Mrs. Thompson, Spanish Steak. Take a round of steak, fry it brown in plenty of butter, lift out of skillet and put in a baking pan. Sprinkle with salt and pep- per and fry a sliced onion brown in the butter remaining in the fry- 74 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. ing pan. Spread onion over the steak and cover it with half a can tomatoes, juice and all; cover pan and bake 1 hour in a slow oven, basting frequently. Make a gravy of drippings remaining in the pan and serve piping hot. — Mrs. Chandler Starr. Planked Steak. Rub a sirloin steak, cut about 2 inches thick, with lemon juice and butter. Place on a plank, which has been heated through in the oven. Put in a very hot oven. After 10 or 12 minutes cooking, turn the steak and return to the oven for another 10 minutes cook- ing. Garnish with parsley, latticed potatoes and little string beans. The steak must be served on the plank, which can rest on a large tray. The plank must always be thoroughly heated through be- fore the meat is placed upon it, and until it has been used 3 or 4 times will have to be brushed with melted butter. — Mrs. a. E. Henry, Steak Smothered in Mushrooms. Place porter-house steak in smoking hot pan, sear quickly on both sides; remove to slower fire until done to suit taste. Place on hot platter. Put a tablespoonful or more of butter in frying pan, brown slightly; add can of mushrooms; heat thoroughly; thicken with a little flour and pour over and around steak. Serve very hot. — Mrs. M. A. F. Beefsteak and Oysters. Broil porter-house steak the usual way; put 1 quart oysters with very little of the liquor into a stew-pan upon the fire, and when it comes to a boil take off the scum that may rise. Stir in 3 ounces butter, mixed with a tablespoon of sifted flour; let boil 1 minute, until it thickens. Pour it over the steak. Serve hot. —A. B. W. Round Steak. Take round steak, cut in inch squares; roll in flour and brown nicely in butter or suet drippings. Add water to cover, pepper and salt to taste. Let boil slowly for 1 hour until tender. It makes a nice brown gravy. Then cook peas, beans, carrots and new pota- toes (separately); season to taste. When ready to serve, put meat in center of platter and the vegetables separately around the meat. Then pour the gravy over meat and serve. This makes a very pretty and appetizing dish. — Mrs. A. E. Henry. MEATS. 75 Pressed Beef. First have your beef nicely pickled; let it stay in pickle a week. Take the thin flanky pieces, put on a large potful, boil until per- fectly done; then pull to pieces; season as you do souse, pepper, salt and allspice. Put in a coarse cloth and press down upon it some very heavy weight. California Sparrows. Take round steak cut thin. Cut up into pieces 4 inches square. Cut up bacon and onions in very small pieces and spread a layer of the mixture on each piece of steak, seasoning well with salt and pepper. Roll each piece tightly and hold together with wooden tooth-picks. Fry out bacon fat, add a little butter and brown each piece quickly in an iron kettle. Add a little hot water and a sliced onion. Cover with a closefitting lid and simmer slowly un- til tender, adding hot water as needed. — Anna Nelson Reck. English Beefsteak Pie. Cut round of beef in 2 inch squares. Take an earthen jar, put in layer of meat, sprinkle over it quite a little flour; season to taste; butter. Continue until the jar is % full, cover with cold water; bake as beans. Serve with noodles. — -Mrs. Chas. Reitsch. Scotch Roll. Take 5 pounds of flank, trim off all the rough edges. 3 table- spoons salt; 2 tablespoons sugar; 1 tablespoon black pepper; 3^ tablespoon cloves; ^ tablespoon allspice; 3 tablespoons vinegar. Mix all and rub it into the meat; roll up, tie and let it stand over night; then boil until tender. — Mrs. W. S. Barr. Beef Roll. Take 13^ pounds round steak, put through a meat grinder; season with salt; pepper; a little onion, (if liked); lemon juice; pars- ley; 1 egg, (not beaten); and cracker crumbs enough to bind. After it is well mixed press out with the hand into a long roll about 1 inch thick; lay 3 hard boiled eggs down the center and roll meat around them. Tie with a string, put in the oven in a pan with a little hot water. Cook 1 hour, basting often with hot water and butter, and serve on a platter. Thicken the gravy and pour over it. Garnish with carrots put around the meat. — Mrs. Fannie C. Moffatt. 76 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. German Stew. Take a sirloin steak about 3 inches thick, put in a frying pan in which a small onion and some butter have been browned. Brown the steak on both sides; cover with water; add carrots sliced very thin. Turn the fire very low and cook about 3 hours very slowly. Arrange the carrots around the meat on a platter, thicken the gravy and pour over it and serve. Canned tomatoes can be used instead of the carrots. — Mrs. Fannie C. Moffatt. French Ragoixt. Take 4 pounds of beef from loin; put into a casserole a large tablespoon butter, a few slices onion. When the butter is browned put in the meat and pour over it a tablespoon brandy, then a cup of boiling water and cover closely. When the liquor is nearly boiled down, turn the meat and repeat with the brandy and water. After an hour add .potatoes, cut in two, and slices of carrots, which can be served as a garnish for the meat. — Mrs. Charlotte Watson. Goulasch. One pound beef; 1 pound pork; 1 pound veal (also if desired 1 pound veal kidney); 1 cup chopped onion; 1 small tablespoon paprika; ^ tablespoon mixed spices; ^ cup vinegar; 1 cup Rhine or Sherry wine; salt to taste. Melt 1 tablespoon lard in hot kettle, add the paprika and stir. Then add meat, cut in inch pieces, also the rest of the ingredients except the wine, which is added the last half hour. To be cooked slowly 3 hours. — Mrs. Ferd Stedinger. Beef k la Mode. Take 4 or 5 pounds of good boiling beef; cover with vinegar; add 4 or 5 onions, sliced (or more if desired); few whole peppers and bay leaf. Let stand 2 or 3 days, then add water to boil it in, 1 tablespoon brown sugar, salt and pepper to taste. Cook until very tender and thicken gravy with flour. Very good with dumplings. — Mrs. a. E. Henry. Hamburger Steak. Take a pound of round steak, without any fat, bone or stringy pieces; chop very fine and add small onion, chopped fine. Mix well together. Season with salt and pepper. Make into cakes as MEATS. 77 large as a biscuit, but quite flat or into one large flat cake a half inch thick. Have ready a frying pan with butter and lard mixed. When boiling hot, put in steak and fry brown. Garnish with celery top around edge of platter with 2 or 3 slices of lemon on top of meat. ^-Mrs. E. a. Van Wie. Pot Roast. Take 4 pounds of rump larded with suet, season with salt and pepper. Let stand over night with a weight on it. Into a kettle put a large spoon of good fat and 1 onion, sliced. Brown the meat well on all sides in this, add 1 carrot, tomato, 2 or 3 bay leaves, small end of rye bread and sufficient hot water to barely cover; cook slowly. Keep well covered. — Mrs. a. E. Henry. Mock Duck. Select a large, round steak. Make a dressing as follows: Break up bread and soak in cold water for a few minutes; drain off the water and squeeze the bread nice and dry; and add 1 egg. Peel and chop 2 good sized onions; have 2 tablespoons of butter or lard in frying pan into which place the onions and fry slowly for 5 min- utes. Then pour the onions, with the grease, over your previously soaked crumbs, and mix all together. Lay the steak out straight and spread on the dressing, and roll up, fastening with skewers or tie with a string. Butter a baking dish, lay in, and bake for l}/^ hours; baste with a Httle water. — Mrs. a. E. Henry. Meat Cakes. Remove skin and fat from cold meat; put through chopper; make white sauce of 1 cup milk, 2 tablespoons flour, 2 of butter, ]/2 teaspoon salt, 3^ teaspoon pepper, 3^ nutmeg. Moisten the meat with white sauce, make into round cakes; fry in hot lard or drippings. Alice B. Watts.. Corned Beef Hash I. Two cups lean cooked corn beef; 4 cups cold chopped pota- toes; salt and pepper to taste. Moisten with rich milk, put in a pan, dot with butter, and bake about 1 hour. — Mrs. Wm. Walton. 78 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. Corn Beef Hash II. k la Marshall Field's Tea Room. One cup chopped corn beef; 2 cups chopped boiled potatoes; 1 cup scalded milk; butter the size of an egg. If meat is pretty salt, do not salt. Add a little pepper. Mix and put into a buttered bak- ing dish with small pieces of butter on top. Bake until brown. — ^^Mrs. Margaret Weldon. Spanish Hash. Two cupfuls cold boiled rice; 1 cupful cooked tomatoes; 1 small chopped onion; 2 cupfuls chopped venison or beef; season with salt and paprika to taste. Mix rice, tomatoes and onion; fill the baking dish with layers of rice and meat, cover with crumbs and bake about half an hour. — Mrs. Stanton A. Hyer. Beef Loaf I. One-half pound salt pork; 3 pounds round steak; 2 large toma- toes; 2 slices bread soaked in milk, and squeezed out dry; 1 large egg. Salt and pepper. — Mrs. G. R. Smith. Beef Loaf II. Two pounds round steak, chopped fine; ^ pound salt pork; 2 eggs; butter the size of an egg; 1 cup sweet milk; salt and pepper; 1 teaspoon sage. Mix all together with enough bread crumbs to make in a loaf. Bake in oven 45 minutes. — Mrs. Harry Dickerman. Lemon Beef Loaf. Two pounds lean beef; 34 pound salt pork; 3 eggs, beaten; 1 cup sweet milk; 1 teaspoon grated lemon peel; salt and pepper. Add enough cracker crumbs to mold into a loaf. Cover sides and top with thin peeled slices of lemon. Bake 1 hour. — Mrs. p. R. Wood. Meat Balls (Spanish.) Mix 1 pound finely chopped venison or beef with 1 egg, salt, pepper, herb seasoning or few drops Kitchen Bouquet, and corn- meal to make rather a stiff mass. Shape into balls about the size of walnuts and roll in cornmeal. In a deep kettle put a tablespoon- ful of butter and 1 of flour; add 1 large onion, chopped fine; 1 chih pepper, or 3^ teaspoonful paprika; 2 tomatoes sliced fine and a MEATS. 79 little parsley and salt. Put all in 2 quarts boiling water; boil about 5 minutes, then drop in meat balls and boil 30 minutes. Turn all in deep dish and serve hot. Very good. — Mrs. Stanton A. Hyer. Fricandelles. Chop fine 1 pound steak or veal and 3^ cup of bread crumbs; boil bread crumbs with 3^ pint milk. Stir while boiHng till smooth. Mix with meat; add 1 teaspoon butter, and salt and pepper to taste. Roll into oblong balls. Dip in egg and brown in butter; then re- move to a platter. To the butter, in which the balls were browned, add flour for thickening, and 3^ pint of water. In this let the balls simmer slowly for 1 hour. Serve with this Worcestershire sauce. — Mrs. Dwight Cutler. Braised Tongue. Wash a fresh beef tongue and with a trussing needle run a strong twine through the roots and end of it, drawing tightly to- gether to have the end meet the roots; then tie firmly. Cover with boiling water and boil gently for 2 hours, then take up gently and drain. Put 6 tablespoonfuls of butter in the braising pan and when hot, put in a small carrot, half of a small turnip and 2 onions, all cut fine. Cook 5 minutes, stirring all the time, and then draw to one side; turn and brown the other side. Add 1 quart of water in which it was boiled, a bouquet of sweet herbs, 1 clove, a small piece of cinnamon, salt, pepper and flour. Cover and cook 2 hours in a slow oven, basting often with the gravy in the pan. When cooked 13^ hours, add the juice of a lemon to the gravy. When done, take up. Melt 2 tablespoonfuls of glaze and pour over the tongue. Place in the heater until the gravy is made. Mix 2 table- spoonfuls of cornstarch with a little cold water and stir into the boiling gravy, of which there should be 1 pint. Boil 1 minute, then strain and pour over the tongue. Garnish with parsley, and serve. — Mrs. Fannie C. Moffatt. Cornish Pastry. To 4 cups flour, add 13^ cups beef suet, ground fine; level tea- spoonful salt; 3^ teaspoonful baking powder. Toss until well mixed, then wet with cold water as for pie crust. Roll to half inch thickness, spread thick with filling of 2 pounds fresh beef steak, cut into inch dice, 4 to 6 cold boiled potatoes diced fine, and over 80 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. all scant 3^ cup suet, the whole generously seasoned with salt and pepper. Fold the edges of crust together as for "apple turnovers/' and bake 45 minutes in a moderately hot oven. — Caroline B. Goddard. Beef Rice Croquettes. Mix 1 cup of finely cut raw beef, from top of the round with % cup of cooked rice, 3^ teaspoon salt, 34 teaspoon pepper and a little Cayenne. Take whole cabbage leaves, boil them 3 minutes in salt water. Put a tablespoon of mixture in each leaf and roll and fasten with a toothpick. Tomato Sauce: Take 13^ cups each of brown stock and strained stewed tomatoes, 1 slice each of carrot and onion, a bit of bay leaf, sprig of parsley, 4 cloves, % teaspoon of salt, 34 teaspoon of pepper, a little Cayenne. Cook 10 minutes. Brown 4 level tablespoons of butter. Add 5 level tablespoons flour and brown in the butter. Add the above to this, cooking till smooth and thick. Pour over the croquettes, and cook them in the sauce for 1 hour and 15 minutes on top of the stove, covered, and with slow fire, basting often. This will serve nine. The brown stock may be made from any good brand of beef extract. — Miss Mary Bennett. MUTTON AND LAMB. Roast Mutton. Wash roast well, dry with clean cloth, and lay in dripping pan. Put in a little water to baste it with at first, then use the meat drip- pings. If fire is very hot, allow 12 minutes to the pound. If it browns too rapidly, cover with sheet of white paper. Baste often, and 15 minutes before roast is done dredge the meat lightly with flour and baste with butter. Garnish dish with parsley. — E. L. V. Stewed Breast of Mutton. Cut rather lean breast in pieces about 2 inches square. Put into stew pan with little fat or butter and fry brown. Dredge in a little flour and add 2 sliced onions and little celery. Pour in water to just cover ftieat. Simmer whole gently until mutton is tender. Take out meat, skim all fat from gravy and return meat to gravy. Add can of peas and boil gently until done. — W. D. F. F. MEATS. 81 Boiled Mutton — ^Caper Sauce. Select 5-pound piece hind quarter. Put on to boil, covering with cold water. Leave cover off until it boils briskly; then skim off the top, and add salt and pepper to taste. Boil slowly until quite tender. Remove from the water, and add the following for sauce: 1 tablespoon fiour, mixed with 1 tablespoon butter; 2 table- spoons lemon juice; 3^ cup of capers. — Mrs. Thompson. Mutton Steak with Tomato. Take steak cut from the leg; dip in egg and crumbs; sprinkle with salt and cut parsley. Fry in a little butter or lard. When steak is done, lay it on a hot dish. Pour a teacup of hot water into frying pan, dredge in some flour, and as it boils, stir thoroughly. Place baked tomatoes in the center of platter and arrange steak around them and pour over it the gravy. — Mrs. Anna Gustafson. Mutton or Lamb and Mushroom Stew. Four pounds neck or breast of lamb. Remove fat, cut into small pieces, cover with water. Simmer until meat falls from bones. Remove bones, skim off any grease there may be on top, season with salt, pepper and a little onion, if liked. Add the mushrooms and liquor from 1 can of French mushrooms. — Mrs. Wm. Walton. Meat and Potatoes. Mince mutton fine with onions, pepper and salt; add a little gravy; put into scalloped shells or cups. Make them three parts full; fill them up with potatoes (mashed with a little cream); put bit of butter on top and brown in oven. Irish Stew. Two and one-half pounds chops; 8 potatoes; 4 turnips; 4 small onions; nearly a quart of water. Time about 2 hours. Place chops in stew pan with alternate layers of sliced potatoes. Add turnips and onions, cut into pieces. Pour in nearly a quart of cold water. Cover closely and stew gently until vegetables and meat are thor- oughly cooked. — Mrs. E. A. Van Wie. English Mutton or Lamb Chops — En Casserole. Roll in egg and bread crumbs; brown in butter in hot pan. Remove from this pan and put them in a casserole with 3^ cup butter. Keep just below boiling point for 1 hour. — Mrs. Daisy Keeler King. 82 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK, Planked Lamb or Mutton Chops. Place the chops on the hot board and put in a very hot oven. Turn often and baste frequently with a well seasoned tomato sauce. Garnish with stuffed tomatoes and parsley and serve on the plank. VEAL. Veal Roast. Butter meat and sprinkle with bread or cracker crumbs; sea- soning with salt and pepper. Sauce: 1 cup sour cream with a little flour stirred into it. Put in the pan when meat is done. — Mrs. Anna Gustafson. Baked Veal Cutlets — ^En Casserole. Lay in a heated, buttered casserole, IJ^ pounds veal cutlets; add 1 cup seasoned stock, then spread over the cutlets a dressing made of 2 cups bread crumbs; 1 onion, chopped fine; a beaten egg; 1 tablespoon melted butter; 1 teaspoon salt and pepper. Cover, and cook 3^ hour in a hot oven, then uncover and brown. Serve with a sour jelly or spiced gooseberries. — Mrs. Edward M. Heiliger. Veal Ragout au Parmesan. (a) Two pounds lean raw veal, cut in small pieces; roll in flour and brown in 1 tablespoonful butter; add 1 quart hot water, salt and half a teaspoonful paprika. (b) One-half can tomatoes, (c) One-half package hot, boiled spaghetti. (d) One-fourth cup Parmesan cheese. Simmer (a) 2 hours, add (b); cook 3^ hour and add (c). Bake in a casserole and sprinkle the cheese over the top. —Luncheon Club. Veal Stew — With Dumplings. Shank or shoulder of veal. Wash carefully and put in kettle. Cover well with water. Remove all scum as it rises. Cook thor- oughly until very tender, and salt well. About 20 minutes before meat is ready to remove from fire, thicken the gravy and drop dumplings in kettle. — Mrs. E. a. Van Wie. MEATS. 83 Veal Birds I. Cut thin veal steak into narrow strips; spread thinly with Jones' sausage (bread crumbs with chopped parsley may be used instead); roll and fasten with tooth-picks. Roll in flour and fry in butter until brown. Cover- with water; add a bay leaf, onion, cloves and whole peppers; simmer for an hour and a half. Thicken the gravy and pour over birds, when they are ready to serve. -^ — Mrs. E. M. St. John. Veal Birds II. Cut up the veal in pieces about 2 inches square and pound each piece until it is quite flat and twice as large as when you be- gan. Dust all this with salt and pepper and lay upon it a leaf of parsley and a strip of bacon about size of pencil. Roll it up and either tie with string or skewer with wooden tooth-picks. Roll in flour and brown in a mixture of butter and drippings, and when birds have become brown, pour into sauce pan enough water to cover them and simmer gently until tender. Take out the birds, remove the skewers or strings, and arrange on a platter. Add a little cream to the gravy left in pan and thicken with a little flour, made very smooth with little milk. Then pour it over the birds. — Mrs. H. R. Sackett. Veal Loaf I. Three pounds raw veal; 3^ pound raw salt pork, chopped fine; 3 Boston crackers rolled fine (or bread crumbs); 3 eggs; 1 teaspoon- ful black pepper; a little sage; little mace or nutmeg; 1 tablespoon salt. Make in loaf and baste while baking with butter size of an egg, with water. Put on outside of loaf a small quantity of rolled crackers. Bake about 3 hours. Very nice cold. — Mrs. T. V. Engstrom. Veal Loaf II. Two pounds veal, chopped; \i pound salt pork; 4 eggs; butter. Slice eggs over bottom of greased pan, then a layer of meat, and alternate layers of egg and meat, properly seasoned, until it is all used. Shave butter over top, nearly cover with water; tie double paper cover over it; bake 1 hour; remove paper; put plate with weight on and bake 1 hour more. If it is eaten cold, leave weight on until.it is cold. — Mrs. Chas. Andrews, Sr. 84 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. Veal Loaf III. One pound each lean veal, beef and pork; 2 eggs; 1 cup cracker crumbs; 3 tablespoonfuls vinegar; ^ cup milk; salt and pepper. Mix well and put a little butter on top to bake. t-Mrs, Josephine Richolson. Veal Loaf IV. Chop 2 pounds veal; add 34 pound salt pork, chopped; 1 cup cracker crumbs; 2 eggs; 2 teaspoons each of salt, sage; also a little pepper. Mix well and press in pan and steam or bake about 3 hours. — Mrs. Cleveland. Meat and Rice Loaf. One cup cold chopped meat; 1 cup boiled rice; 1 egg; 1 onion; 1 teaspoon minced green pepper; butter; salt; 3^ cup milk. Put in buttered mold and bake. Serve with tomato sauce. — Mrs. Chas. Reitsch. Croquettes of Veal I. Cut enough of cold veal to fill 2 cups; add Yi the quantity mushrooms, if you have them (if not, use 1 tablespoon tomato catsup). Place in a sauce-pan 1 large cup Bechamel sauce, stir in meat, season with salt and pepper. When thoroughly hot, spread on a plate and stand aside to cool. When cool, shape, dip in egg and bread crumbs and fry. — Mrs. Geo. O'Shay. Veal Croquettes II. Two cups cold cooked veal, chopped; Y^ teaspoon salt; 3^ tea- spoon white pepper; yolk of 1 egg; few grains paprika; few drops onion juice; 1 cup thick white sauce; 3 teaspoons Asparox; 1 cup milk; 3^ cup flour; Y teaspoon salt. Cool, shape into croquettes and fry. — Mrs. H. H. Hosley. Spiced Meat. Two pounds veal and 1 pound beef, chopped fine; 3 eggs; 2 thick slices bread, chopped fine; 2 tablespoonfuls melted butter; 2 scant tablespoonfuls salt; 2 scant teaspoonfuls ground sage; 2 scant teaspoonfuls pepper; 4 hard-boiled eggs. Mix everything except hard-boiled eggs together; cut off the ends of hard-boiled eggs. Form half of the meat in a loaf, put hard-boiled eggs in the middle, close together, and the rest of the meat on top. Bake 1 hour in a slow oven. — Mrs. C. D. Burr. MEATS. 85 Veal Cheese. Prepare equal quantities of boiled sliced veal and smoked tongue. Pound the slices separately in a mortar, moistening with butter as you proceed. Pack it in a jar or pail, mixed in alternate lay^irs, so that when cut it will look variegated. Press down hard, pour melted butter over top. Keep well covered in a dry place. Nice for sandwiches or sliced cold for lunch. — Mrs. Oscar E. Pawlowsky. Egged Veal Hash. Chop fine remnants of cold roast veal, moisten with gravy or water. When hot, break into it 3 or 4 eggs, according to quantity of veal. When the eggs are cooked, stir into it a spoon of butter; serve quickly. If to your taste, shake in a little parsley. Roast Loin of Pork. Choose a small leg of fine young pork; cut a slit in the knuckle with a sharp knife and fill the space with sage and onions, (chopped) ; and a little salt and pepper. When half done score the skin in slices, but do not cut deeper than the outer rind. Select 4 or 5 large apples, wash and cut in slices without paring. Peel and slice half a dozen good sized onions. Fry both apples and onions together in some of the hot pork fat until well done and brown. Serve hot with the leg of pork. — Mrs. Mary Force. Pork Tenderloin Roast. One cup bread crumbs; 1 teaspoon sage; small piece onion. Split the pork tenderloin through the middle and use the crumbs for a dressing. Pepper and salt. Bake an hour. Garnish with parsley and apple jelly. —Mrs. p. R. Wood. Pork Chops with Tomato Gravy. Trim off skin and fat, rub the chops over with a mixture of powdered sage and onion. Put a small piece of butter into frying- pan, put in the chops and cook slowly, as they should be well done. Lay chops on hot dish. Add a little hot water to gravy in pan, 1 large spoon butter rolled in flour, pepper, salt and sugar, and ^ cup juice drained from a can of tomatoes. The tomatoes them- selves can be used for a tomato omelet. Stew 5 minutes and pour over chops and serve. —Mrs. W. S. Barr. 86 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. Boiled Pork Chops. Trim fat from chops; boil as chicken; season with onion, sage, salt and pepper. — Mrs. Chas. Reitsch. Meat Balls. One pound pork; 3^ pound beef and 1 onion; put through meat grinder; salt and pepper to taste. Add 1 slice of toasted bread (grated), and about 3^ cup of water; mix well. Form into small balls and fry in butter until well brown, then sift over them 1 table- spoon flour and cover with hot water. Simmer 1 hour. — Mrs. a. E. Henry. Fried Salt Pork. Cut fat salt pork in thin slices and soak in milk for a few hours. Pour boiling water over it, drain and fry until crisp. When partly fried they may be dipped into batter, then finished in the same pan, turning several times. Stuffing for Pork. Three large onions, parboiled and chopped; 2 cups fine bread crumbs; 2 tablespoons powdered sage; 2 tablespoons melted but- ter or pork fat; salt and pepper to taste. —A. L. W. HAM AND BACON. Baked Ham I. Wash the ham, put into cool water and let it come to a boil. Cook slowly for half an hour in that water. Drain and add enough fresh water to just cover the ham. Then put in I teaspoon whole pepper, a few cloves (5 or 6). Let come to a boil slowly again, then add 1 pint good elder vinegar. When the ham has been cooked until you can remove the skin, put in baking pan, add 1 cup light" brown sugar, 3^ cup bread crumbs, sifted very fine. Cover the ham thoroughly and bake half an hour or to a dehc^te brown. — Mrs. Anna Gustafson. Baked Ham II. Five pounds ham; stick a few cloves in ham; boil slowly 2 or 23^ hours, a little longer if needed. Take out of water, rub a very little brown sugar over it, cover with cracker crumbs and bake until brown, or about half an hour. — Mrs. Ferd Keyt. MEATS. 87 Baked Ham III. Boil a small, tender ham in sweet cider, letting it simmer rather than boil hard. Add ^ cup of sugar to the cider. When the ham is tender, remove from the cider and paint the entire sur- face when shghtly cooled with molasses. Over this lay thickly a coating of butter; powder with cinnamon and stick well with whole cloves. Then place in the oven and bake brown. —Mrs. W. H. Taft, "The White House." Baked Ham IV. Use a ham 12 to 14 pounds. Be careful to select one that has plenty of fat. Soak 24 hours in water and vinegar sufficient to cover, in proportions of 1 part vinegar and 3 parts water. Rinse thoroughly in cold water, wipe dry, stick whole cloves thickly in the exposed fat. Make a thick dough of flour and water enough to cover the entire ham to a thickness of % inch. Bake from 43^ to 5 hours; put a little water in pan and add more when needed. Never turn the ham. — Anna Nelson Reck. Ham Cooked in Milk. Take slice of ham about 1 inch thick, put in a frying pan and cover with milk, keeping it covered until done. A small piece of sweet clover adds to the flavor. Thickeri gravy a little when done. — Mrs. Fannie C. Mopfatt. Rice k la Monterey (Spanish). Dice 4 slices bacon, put over fire and fry crisp. While very hot throw in slowly 1 cup washed rice and let parch for a few min- utes. Pour in boihng water to cover rice and allow it to swell. Add 1 pint cooked tomatoes; 1 chopped onion; 1 chili pepper, chopped, (or paprika to taste); a little chopped parsley. Just be- fore serving add 1 tablespoonful butter and 1 teaspoonful salt. Throwing the rice into the hot fat allows each grain to brown sep- arately, giving a peculiar quality which is never obtained by other methods, and it is delicious. . — Mrs. Stanton A. Hyer. Liver. One pound calf's liver. Stew in water enough to cover until tender, then slice half of it and chop the rest, and return all to the kettle. Season well with salt, pepper, dried sage and butter, and thicken the gravy. — Helen S. Remington. 88 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. Kate's Limerick Bacon. Pour boiling water over prime bacon (not cut too thin), then drain off and cook slowly, sprinkling with brown sugar and pap- rika; drain strips on brown paper. — Kate O'Connor. Braised Liver. Have your butcher thoroughly lard a fine calf's liver. Place the liver whole on strips of bacon in dripping pan. Pour over it 2 cups beef stock or 2 cups water and 2 tablespoons butter. Add 2 diced carrots; 2 small onions, (cut); 1 teaspoon whole cloves and 3 pieces of celery, (cut). Cover and bake 1 hour. Uncover and bake another hour, basting often. Salt just before serving. Slight- ly thicken gravy and serve on platter with liver. Garnish with carrots and parsley. This makes a delicious cold meat for luncheon or picnic. — Mrs. M. M. Carpenter. SAUSAGES. Sausages in Batter. Take half a cup of flour, 2 tablespoonfuls of fine corn meal, a pint of milk, 1 egg and a little salt and pepper. Beat well together until light. In the meanwhile have about a pound of sausages plunged in boiling water and the skins removed without mutilating the shape, if possible. Put the sausages in a baking dish and pour the batter over them und bake well until quite brown. —Mrs. W. H. Taft, "The White House." Roll Sausages. Roll sausages thickly in bread crumbs and Indian meal mixed, to which has been added a good bit of mustard. Bake in a hot oven until brown. —Mrs. W. H. Taft, "The White House." Toad in Hole. One-half pound of sausage made into 6 rolls. Put in greased baking dish; cover with batter made with 2 eggs well beaten, 2 heaping tablespoons flour, 3^ teaspoon baking powder, 1 cup sweet milk. Bake ^ of an hour in moderate oven. Sausage links may be used. MEATS. 89 SWEETBREADS. Sweetbreads and Veal Kidney. Clean and parboil sweetbreads, brown quickly in a little butter. Broil thin slices of veal kidney and bacon. Heap sweetbreads in center of platter, arranging slices of kidney and bacon alternately in circle about sweetbreads. Garnish with parsley and serve very hot. Baked Sweetbreads with Olive Sauce. Let sweetbreads remain in warm water for 1 hour; simmer in boiling water for 10 minutes; wipe dry; dredge with pepper and salt; brush with an egg; sprinkle with cracker crumbs and bake three-quarters of an hour with bits of butter on top and around. Serve on toasted bread with olive sauce. Olive Sauce: Halve, stone and parboil 1 dozen large olives. Brown 1 small onion in 2 tablespoons butter; add 1 tablespoon flour and 2 cups of stock or hot water. Season with pepper, salt, 3^ tea- spoon allspice; strain and add olives. Mrs. Mary Force. Sweetbreads with Mushroom Sauce. Soak 2 pounds of sweetbreads in cold water with 2 tablespoon- fuls of salt, 1 hour. Drain and cook 20 minutes. Add 2 table- spoonfuls of vinegar to water while cooking. Let water run over them until cold. Remove all particles of fat and gristle, and cut in halves. Dip in beaten egg; roll in cracker dust; fry in butter to nice golden brown. Sauce: One can imported button mushrooms; simmer in own liquor; add 3 cups of milk to butter in which sweetbreads were browned. Let it boil up once; strain, return to fire and add 2 tablespoonfuls of flour made smooth in a half cup milk. Season to taste with salt and white pepper. Add the hot mushrooms, pour over sweetbreads; garnish and serve. — Mrs. J. Stanley Browne. Chop Suey I. Three pounds meat (or 1 chicken). Stew 3 hours and chop. Add 1 bunch celery (chopped); 3^ can tomatoes; 1 small can mush- rooms (chopped); 4 or 5 medium sized onions; pepper seeds from red peppers; 1 teaspoonful salt. Serve with rice border. — Mrs. G. R. Smith. 90 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. Chop Suey II. Melt a large piece of butter in a frying pan and when hot drop in 2 small onions (sliced). Let this brown slightly, then add .1 pound of good pork-chop meat which has been cut up fine (be sure not to buy chops that are too fat). When the meat is almost done add 2 stalks of celery, cut in inch lengths, and lastly 1 large tomato, cut in fine pieces. Dredge the meat well with flour before putting in. Season the mixture with salt and pepper. Cream can be added and a little flour thickening, if desired, just before taking from the fire. This makes enough for 4 or 5 people. — Leola Arnold. SAUCES. Hollandaise Sauce. One pound butter; 6 yolks of eggs; 1 lemon (juice only); cay- enne pepper to taste; 2 tablespoons water; 3^ teaspoon salt (if but- ter is sweet). Put yolks of eggs, lemon juice, water, pepper and salt in pan. Beat well together and put pan in oven, then add melted butter (let butter cool a little, then add slowly as you do oil in making mayonnaise, beating ail the time). When sauce thickens take off fire, and beat a little while. Great care should be given to this, but it is delicious. Put the pan in a double boiler and don't let it cook too hard while adding butter. — Mrs. W. a. Talcott. Horseradish Sauce. One-half cup butter (creamed); 2 tablespoons cream; 4 or 5 tablespoons horseradish; 1 or 2 teaspoons vinegar. — Mrs. F. F. Wormwood. Creole Sauce. Two tablespoons chopped onions; 4 tablespoons green pepper, finely chopped; 2 tablespoons butter; 2 tomatoes; 3^ cup sliced mushrooms; 6 olives, stoned; 1}/^ cup brown sauce; salt, pepper and Sherry wine. Cook onion and pepper with butter 5 minutes; add tomatoes, mushrooms and olives and cook 2 minutes; then add brown sauce. Bring to boiling point and add wine to taste. Serve with broiled steak. Bechamel Sauce. Put 3 tablespoons butter in a sauce-pan; add 3 tablespoons sifted flour, 3^ teaspoon nutmeg, 10 pepper corns, 1 teaspoon salt. Beat all well together; then add to this 3 slices of onion, 2 slices of MEATS. 91 carrot, 2 sprigs of parsley, 2 of thyme, a bay leaf and Yi dozen mushrooms, cut up. (Moisten the whole with a pint of stock or water and a cup of sweet cream. Set it on the stove and cook slowly for half an hour, watching closely that it does not burn; then strain through a sieve. Excellent with roast veal or meats and fish. — St. Charles Hotel, New Orleans. Caper Sauce. Chop the capers a very little; make 3^ pint of drawn butter, to which add the capers, with a large spoonful of the juice from the bottle in which they are sold. Let it just simmer; then serve. — Miss Ethel Yan Wie. Tomato Sauce. Take a quart can tomatoes, put over the fire in a stew-pan; put in 1 slice onion, 2 cloves, a little pepper and salt. Boil about 20 minutes, then remove from the fire and strain. Melt in another pan an ounce of butter, and as it melts sprinkle in a tablespoon of flour. Stir it until it browns and froths a little. Mix the tomato pulp with it, and serve with roast beef or mutton chops. — Miss Ethel Van Wie. French Mustard. Three tablespoons mustard, 1 tablespoon granulated sugar, well worked together. Then beat in an egg until it is smooth. Add 1 teacupful vinegar, a little at a time, working it smooth. Then set on the stove and cook 3 or 4 minutes, stirring all the time. When cooked, add 1 tablespoon of the best olive oil, taking care to get it all thoroughly worked in and smooth. — Mrs. D. Riegel. Curry Sauce. One tablespoon butter; 1 tablespoon flour; 1 teaspoon curry powder; 1 slice onion; 1 large cup stock; salt and pepper to taste. Cut the onion fine and fry brown in the butter. Add the flour and curry powder. Stir for 1 minute; add the stock and season with salt and pepper. Simmer 5 minutes, then strain and serve. This can be served with a saute of Meat. — Mrs. D. Riegel. 92 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. , Mint Sauce. Wash and dry on a cloth about a handful of mint leaves. . Chop very fine, and to 3 tablespoons of mint add 2 of white sugar; mix and let stand; then pour over it 6 tablespoons of good cider vinegar. This sauce should stand over an hour before serving. Maitre d* Hotel Butter. Rub 3^ cup of butter to a cream; then add )^ teaspoon salt, a little pepper, 3^ teaspoon mustard, a little cayenne pepper, 1 tablespoon chopped parsley. Lastly add 2 tablespoons of lemon juice. Mrs. W. A. Talcott. Meat and Their Accompaniments and Garnishings. With Roast Beef — mushroom, tomato, French Mustard or Hollandaise sauce. Garnish with browned potato balls with clove placed in end, making it appear like an apple. Pile in little heaps on sprigs of parsley at each end of platter. With Roast Mutton — caper sauce. Garnish by surrounding the roast with tiny molds of currant jelly on choice lettuce leaves, to be served with each portion of meat. With Roast Lamb — mint sauce. Garnish with mint leaves and little nests of shredded whites of hard-boiled eggs holding green peas. With Roast Veal — mushroom or lemon sauce. Garnish with water-cress, potato puffs and lemon points powdered with finely minced beets. With Roast Pork — apple sauce or spiced gooseberries. Garn- ish with glazed apple rings and lettuce leaves. With Broiled Steak — Maitre d' Hotel. Butter curled parsley tops over which has been grated a little lemon peel. Cut beets into form of cherries and garnish around the steak. Take one good stove, add some real hot heat. Some cooking pots, and some well cut meat. Mix with knowledge, gained from this useful book And you can pass as a first-class cook. LL that is neces- sary to add the tones of perfec- tion to the recipes in this book, is to serve the food over one of our fine LINEN TABLE CLOTHS STEWART &/S: DRY GOODS^ ^CARPETS & SHOES 93 BE SORR-Y For the man who knows how to succeed, but lacks the equipment: While a woman — but then it is so easy for her to get the equipment from YJU viflTEu inf ARDWAREU OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE, ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS B R0THERS AKERY Rockford, HI. Home Made Goods a Specialty 1)4 POULTRY AND GAME. 95 CHAPTER VIII. POULTRY AND GAME, ''The cackling of geese saved the city of Rome; May all these recipes keep peace in the home." By the word game is meant all animals and birds which have never been domesticated and are proper to be eaten — from the little quail, prairie chicken and other birds to the roe, deer and other hoof-footed species. The flesh of wild animals has an aroma more marked than that of the tame ones. How to Choose Poultry. The age of the poultry is the principal thing. The best chick- ens are plump on the breast, fat on the neck, with smooth yellow legs, tender skin and the lower part of the breast bone pliable. A young turkey is known by its short spurs, dark and smooth legs. The age of the young duck may be ascertained by tearing the skin between the toes, if the skin tears, the duck is young. Geese may be know by taking the windpipe between two fingers and pressing it, and if young, a low crackling sound will be heard; also, if the thumb will easily press through the skin under the wing, the goose is young. Full grown fowls have the best flavor, providing they are young. Older poultry makes the best soup. Chickens with yellow skin and feet make the richest stews. All poultry and game should hang at least 24 hours in a cool place after they are killed, before cooking. Flesh of game is tough when first killed, it is more tender if kept sometime, or if frozen. How to Kill Poultry. Chickens and turkeys are killed either by chopping off the head or cutting the artery on the neck. After poultry is killed, hang it up by the feet and as soon as the bleeding stops pick off the feath- ers, while yet warm, and then singe. Geese and ducks are killed by taking the fowl under the left arm, holding the bill in the left hand, then stabbing it on top of the head; hold the fowl in this position 96 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. letting the blood run into a dish. When the blood stops running hold a red hot iron on the place where it is stabbed; this is done to prevent any blood from dropping on the feathers; then pick the feathers and singe the fowl. Feathers from geese, ducks, prairie hens, pigeons and birds of all kinds are always picked off dry — chickens only should be scalded. Drawing Poultry. Cut off the feet at the first joint, then the head and half the neck; cut the skin on the back of the neck down to the back of the wing. Detach the skin from the neck and draw the skin down over the breast, then cut off the rest of the neck close to the body, re- move the crop and windpipe, break the ligaments that hold the internal organs to the breastbone, then cut an opening below the breastbone down to the vent. Put the hand in the opening and carefully work it around until the top of the breastbone is reached, and draw out all the organs at once. Close to the ribs will be found a pinky substance called the lungs, or lights, remove these. Cut out the vent and the oil bag on the tail, then wash the fowl quickly inside and out with cold water. Cut the gizzard open, re- move the thick inside skin and carefully remove the gall bag from the liver. In shipping fowls frequently the intestines have not been re- moved and if such is the case, in washing the fowl, add a half tea- spoonful of baking soda, which will sweeten and render all the more wholesome. The giblets are the gizzard, heart, liver and neck. In roasting or boiling any fowl, truss it, which means, to draw the thighs close to the body across the legs at the tail and tie firmly to the body with twine which is removed before serving, or pass the legs through a slit near the tail and skewer the wings close to the body. Carving. "Let's carve him as a dish fit for the gods, Not hew him as a carcass fit for the hounds." — Shakespeare. A few simple rules are to be observed in carving birds. Plunge the fork upright into the very center of the breastbone and. keep it there until the bird is dissected and served. Remove the legs first between the thigh and body until the bone is reached, then the thigh is forced back and the joint laid open, then remove the POULTRY AND GAME. 97 leg with the point of the knife. Remove the wmgs taking a part of the breast with it, the breast then can be sliced. Pigeons, quails and other birds of the same size are split lengthwise into halves. CHICKEN. Giblet Broth. Pour boiling water over the chicken feet, take them out and remove the skin and nails and place them with the giblets. Cover with cold water, add teaspoonful of salt, 1 small onion and boil until tender. This broth can be used for basting any roasted or fried fowl. Chicken, Roasted Plain. Singe, draw and wipe dry a young chicken; season with salt inside and out, then spread butter over the breast and place the chicken in the roasting pan, breast down. Lay thin slices of lard- ing pork over the back. Set the pan in a medium hot oven and roast until the chicken has become a fine brown color all over; baste frequently with the giblet broth, which has been added to the pan. Chicken Roasted, with Giblet Forcemeat. Prepare chicken same as for chicken roasted plain. Chop the raw giblets as fine as possible, soak half a loaf of stale bread 10 minutes in cold water, then put it in a napkin and press the water out. Fry 1 finely chopped onion in a tablespoon of butter, with- out browning; then add the bread and stir and cook 5 minutes. Remove from the fire and when c ':1 add the chopped giblets, 2 whole eggs, 1 teaspoon salt, 3^ teaspoon pepper, ^ teaspoon grated nutmeg, 1 teaspoon thyme, and mix well together. Fill the chicken, sew it up, truss it nicely and finish as per recipe above. Chicken Roasted, with Oyster Forcemeat. Prepare chicken same as for chicken roasted plain. Chop fine, 10 large oysters; 1 cupful oyster liquor; 13^ cups of rolled crackers; yolk of 1 egg and 1 whole egg; even teaspoon salt; 3^ teaspoon pep- per; tablespoon melted butter; 3^ tablespoon chopped parsley. Mix all together and use as directed above. 98 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. Chicken Roasted with Plain Dressing. Prepare chicken same as for chicken roasted plain. Soak half a loaf stale bread 10 minutes in cold water, place in napkin and press the water out. Fry 2 tablespoons of finely chopped onion with 2 tablespoons butter, without browning; add the bread and cook 5 minutes. When cold, add an even teaspoon of salt, a little pepper, teaspoon of thyme, 2 eggs, and mix all together, and use as directed above. Another bread dressing is to remove the crust from a small loaf of bread and crumble it up into small crumbs, season with salt, pepper, sage and butter; mix well together and use as directed above. Chicken En Casserole. Take spring chicken, cut up; put m casserole with 1 piece of butter on each piece of chicken; cover casserole and bake in hot oven 1 hour. Scoop five potatoes into balls with vegetable scoop and fry in deep fat. Remove chicken from casserole; add potatoes to gravy, also chopped chives, red and black pepper, salt, chopped parsley, 2 or 3 tablespoons of kitchen bouquet and twice the amount of boihng water. Put the chicken in the gravy, baste with the gravy and put in the oven to reheat. Serve from casserole. — Mrs. Webb Stevens. Chicken, En Casserole, with Celery. Heat 3 tablespoons of butter or drippings in a frying pan and fry in it until a light brown, a thinly sliced onion. Disjoint a ten- der chicken weighing 4 or 5 pounds, roll the pieces in flour and fry them in the fat in the pan until a nice brown. Heat a large casserole in the oven and place in it a cup of diced celery. Place the chicken on top of the celery, pour over it l^^ cups water which you have heated to the boiling point in the pan in which you fried the chicken; add 1 teaspoon salt, cover the dish tightly and bake in a moderate oven 2 hours. — Mrs. Edward M. Heiliger. Chicken Pot Pie. Cut chicken as for frying. Yolks of 4 hard boiled eggs; 1 tea- cup minced salt pork; butter; pepper; salt; flour. Good sized kettle which will go in oven. Make biscuit dough as follows: 1 quart flour, 2 heaping teaspoons baking powder; put baking powder in flour and sift twice. Mix in the flour lard twice size of small egg, very hghtly, until mixture seems hke flour; add salt. Have 1 pint POULTRY AND GAME. 99 milk and water mixed (% milk to }4 water), put into flour and mix thoroughly. Work dough lightly until perfectly smooth, roll as thin as for pie crust, taking 3^ of dough and rolling into a circular piece. Cut in quarters, and after greasing kettle all over, line sides with the dough putting points down and corners at top touching, the lower corners coming to within an inch of bottom of kettle. Cover bottom of kettle with thin layer of minced pork, then a layer of chicken (uncooked), pepper, salt, bits of butter, 2 egg yolks crumbled fine, a thin sprinkle of flour. Take dough which was left and after cutting a piece large enough for top crust, use the re- mainder for dumplings, rolling as thin as possible. Cut into strips about 3 inches wide, then across in pieces about 2 inches wide. Cover the layer of chicken with some of these. Put on another thin layer of pork and proceed as at first, until all is in kettle. Roll out top crust as for pie and cut slits in top. Put it on the pie and lay top edges of lining dough down over top crust. Pour in through slit in top, boiling water until it covers top crust; cover, set on slow fire, and boil 2 hours. Put in oven 3^ hour before serving, in order to brown the top. — Miss Winnifred Ohr, St. Paul, Minn. Chicken Pie. Take a fat chicken and cut into pieces; stew until tender, add- ing salt. Make a biscuit dough; put chicken into a deep pan with plenty of broth; sprinkle in a handful of flour and add pepper and salt, if necessary. Wet the edge of the pan and cover the top with biscuit dough 1% of an inch thick, cutting a slit in the center for steam to escape. Bake in a moderately hot oven. Stewed Chicken with Salt Pork. Cut up chicken as for frying; dice a pound salt pork, place in a kettle, add chicken and brown slightly. Add hot water enough to cover well; boil until tender; skim occasionally. When this is done have ready some baking powder biscuits, split them open and place on a platter, putting the chicken in the center. Thicken the gravy with flour and pour over chicken and biscuits. Southern Chicken Pie. Select a yellow Philadelphia fowl weighing 4 or 5 pounds; clean carefully, singe, and put it on in boiling water enough to cover it and let it simmer gently until it begins to grow tender. Save this broth with the giblets. Now cut the chicken in small pieces; slice 100 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. a quarter of a pound of fat pork very thin and fry it with the chicken until it is brown. After the chicken and pork are fried take them up and stir into the pan in which they were cooked a tablespoon of flour. Stir it over the fire until brown; then add a pint of the chicken broth, a teaspoon of salt, 34 teaspoon of pepper. Stir this gravy until it has boiled 2 minutes and use it for pie. To make the crust: Mix together in a bowl with a knife 1 pound of flour, 1 teaspoon of salt, 2 teaspoons of butter, and just enough cold water to hold it together. Roll it out about an inch thick; cut a quarter of a pound of butter in large slices, and lay it all over the paste; fold it up and wrap in a floured towel and put in the ice box for half an hour. Roll it out, repeating same with another quarter of a pound of butter; roll it to a thickness of 3^ inch, fold it in 3 thicknesses and roll it out again. If the butter breaks through, fold it again in a towel and cool for half an hour before using. Line a deep dish; then put in alternate layers of chicken, pork, and sliced raw potatoes; pour in as much gravy as the dish will hold. Sprinkle with a little chopped parsley, a dash more of pepper and salt, and cover with a top crust, wetting the edges to make them adhere. Cut a hole in the top to allow the steam to escape. — May Irwin. Spring Chicken Fried. Have a spring chicken cut into 6 pieces; season well with salt and pepper; put a pound fine cut salt pork over the fire and fry to a light brown; add 1 tablespoon of butter. Put in chicken and fry over slow fire to light brown, then add }A, cup giblet broth, cover pan and cook until tender. After removing chicken, thicken gravy with 2 tablespoons of flour and 13^^ cups of giblet broth and 1 cup of milk and cook until thick. Another way is to chop the giblets fine, add them to gravy; lay the chicken on buttered toast, pour gravy over them; sprinkle 1 fine chopped, hard boiled egg over it and garnish with water-cress or parsley. Spring Chicken Deviled. Split a clean spring chicken through the back; season it with 1 tablespoon of salt and 1 teaspoon of pepper; crack the bones be- tween the first and second joints and flatten them nicely; put in a roasting pan with 2 thin slices of salt pork over the breast and pour 2 tablespoons of melted butter over it; then place the pan in a , POULTRY AND GAME. 101 medium hot oven, cover with buttered paper and roast 20 minutes, basting frequently. Remove the paper, add i^ cup giblet broth; roast until chicken is done, which will take about 40 minutes. Make gravy as above if desired. Spring Chicken Broiled. Split a spring chicken through the back; crack the bones be- tween the first and second joints and fry nicely; brush over with melted butter; lay on a broiler over a moderate clear fire and broil light brown on both sides; turn the chicken 3 times during that time. When done, lay the chicken on a hot dish, then mix 2 tablespoons of butter with 1 tablespoon of salt, 3^ tea- spoon of pepper; spread this on both sides all over the chicken and garnish with water-cress or parsley. Chicken Fillet — How to Prepare for Entries. Remove the skin from the breast of a young plump chicken so that the fillet will lay bare; make an incision on top of the breast bone from end to end, then with a small knife cut off the entire breast from each side, including the small wing bone. Under each breast will be found a small fillet which is called the mignon; care- fully remove it, pare off the thin white skin which covers the fillets and the mignon, then lay them in a buttered pan and cover with buttered paper and set in cool place until wanted. Chicken Fillet h. la Toulouse. Mix 1 tablespoon of salt with 3^ teaspoon of white pepper; sprinkle it over the fillets and mignons of 3 chickens. Make 6 in- cisions on top of each mignon, then cut 4 truffles into slices; cut each slice into 3 strips, then insert in each incision of the mignon a strip of truffle; lay 1 mignon on top of each fillet lengthwise. Place 4 tablespoons of butter into a pan and as soon as melted re- move it, then put in the fillets and baste them with the melted but- ter. Cover with buttered paper and put them in a medium hot oven and bake about 15 minutes. In the meantime brown 2 table- spoons of fine chopped onion in 1 tablespoon , of butter; add 1 heap- ing tablespoon of floor; stir and cook; add 1 pint of chicken broth, 1 even tablespoon of salt, 12 small whole peppers and 1 bay leaf. Cookslowly 10 minutes, then strain into a clean sauce pan; add 2 tablespoons of white wine, 2 fine sliced truffles; cook; then mix the yolks of 2 eggs with 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, add it to the sauce, also 3^ tablespoon of butter; stir it well. Pour the sauce on a warm dish and arrange the fillets on it. /-i t n*- ^ — C. J. M. 102 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. Chicken Goulasch. Boil the fowl in the usual way; when tender take out, remove the bones and put them back in the liquor; cook 30 minutes and remove bones. Dice the chicken, except the giblets; add to liquor with }/2 can tomatoes, or 6 whole ones, 6 onions, salt, pepper, a little sugar, tablespoon of butter and stew until done. Have ready slices of buttered toast and pour over the toast; serve hot. Boiled Chicken with Oyster Sauce. Select a plump, fat year-old-chicken weighing about 5 or 6 pounds; remove carefully all the fat possible; a fat fowl is the most tender, but if the fat is cooked in it, the flesh will have a strong taste. Prepare a dressing by using a pint of stale soft bread crumbs, taken from the inside of a loaf of bread, salt to taste, a pinch of cayenne, a pint of small oysters, a large teaspoon of butter and 1 egg. Mix this well and dress the fowl. Rub a thick cloth with butter, then dredge it with flour "and sew the fowl up in the cloth and plunge it into boiling water; then set the kettle where it will boil rapidly for 10 minutes; then let it simmer for 2 to 23^^ hours; then remove from the cloth and serve with oyster sauce. Save the water in which the chicken was boiled for cream sauce. — Mrs. John Keller, Toronto, Can. Curried Chicken. Boil 1 chicken; then remove it from the liquor and remove the skin and pick meat off bones, and cut into inch squares; return to liquor; add 2 cans mushrooms, halved; thicken with enough flour so the gravy will be a little thicker than for ordinary gravy, then add 1 tablespoon of curry powder, salt, paprika, and celery salt. — Mrs. Fred Moffatt. Chicken Chop Suey. Boil 1 chicken and pick it off the bones. In another dish boil 4 good sliced onions, 3 large bunches of celery, enough tomato to give vegetables a nice color, without thinning too much; when ten- der, add the cut up chicken, ako 1 can small mushrooms, and sea- son very highly with salt and paprika. Serve hot on a large chop platter with a border of boiled rice, chop suey in the center. — Mrs. Homer St. John. \ POULTRY AND GAME, 103 Chicken Croquettes I. One chicken weighing 3 pounds; 1 pair sweetbreads; 2 onions sliced and fried in butter until brown; 3^ teacup sweet thick cream; 3^ teacup broth; i^ salt spoon of mace; little red pepper to taste. Cook and chop chicken fine; add sweetbreads and onions chopped. Mix all ingredients; place in a sauce pan over the fire until it comes .to a boil. Take 1 teaspoon of flour, moisten with chicken broth, stir into the boihng mixture. After a few moments remove from the fire and set to cool. When cold, add 1 well beaten egg; then take out on bread board in a large oval spoon a croquette portion, roll in cracker dust, drop into boiling lard, take out, and drain on a piece of linen. Place on hot platter and garnish with parsley. — May Irwin. Chicken Croquettes II. One large chicken; 2 sets calves brains, boiled; 1 small cup suet, chopped fine; 2 sprigs parsley, chopped; 1 nutmeg, grated; 1 tablespoon onion after it is chopped very fine; 1 lemon; the juice and grated rind; 1 teaspoon salt; paprika and red pepper to taste. Cut up and cook the chicken thoroughly; when done, take out of the kettle, skin and put through a meat grinder while hot. Put the stock away to cool. Add brains and other ingredients; skim the greese off the jellied stock and add; also add a little cream until the mixture is very soft. Set away for a while, then mould into croquettes, dip into beaten egg and roll in bread or cracker crumbs and fry in hot lard in a wire basket. This will make about 25 croquettes. Some people prefer rice in- stead of the brains. When rice is used, take 1}4 cups boiled rice and mix with the chicken while still very hot. The secret of good croquettes is to have them very soft and fluffy on the inside, made so by stock and cream. Mix them as moist as it is possible to handle them and let stand awhile after they are dipped in egg and rolled in cracker crumbs. — Mrs. Chandler Starr. Creamed Chicken. Melt }4 cup of butter; stir into it half a cup of flour, half a tea- spoon of paprika and a teaspoon of salt, add 1 quart rich milk and stir constantly until the sauce is smooth and boiling. Then add 5 cups of cooked chicken, diced. This will serve 8 or 10. 104 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. Chicken Patties. Follow the above recipe and fill patty shells with the mixture. Chicken Shortcake. Make individual rich biscuit dough shortcakes as per straw- berry shortcake, using the creamed chicken in place of strawberries. — Mrs. Fred Shoudy. Chicken Bechamel. Follow recipe for creamed chicken, using 3^ or ^ broth in- stead of all milk. Chicken Newberg. Have a cup and a half cooked chicken, diced, in a double boiler; then pour over it half a cup of sherry wine. Add a scant half teaspoon of salt and a dash of paprika; stir until very hot, then stir in the beaten yolks of 3 eggs boiled with a cup of cream. Be sure the water in the lower pan is boiling. Serve as soon as it thickens, because if cooked too long, it will curdle. Jellied Chicken. Cut up chicken as for stewing; put it in a dish and place in a steamer and steam until tender. Skim fat off chicken, season with salt and take from fire; remove bones and skin and shred into pieces. Season liquor to taste with paprika and salt and juice of 1 lemon; then pour this over the chicken in a mold and set in a cool place until it hardens. — Mrs. Chester McFarland. Escalloped Chicken. Butter a mold, put a layer of fine bread crumbs, then a layer of chicken alternately together with a little cream sauce until the dish is filled. Cover with the cream sauce and bake 20 minutes. Use chicken gravy, if possible, instead of cream sauce. Chicken and Rice Loaf. One cup cooked, diced chicken; 1 cup of boiled rice; 1 egg; tablespoon chopped onion; little chopped parsley; salt and half cup milk. Stir well, put in buttered mold and bake 15 or 20 minutes. Serve with mushroom sauce. POULTRY AND GAME. 105 Chicken Souffle. One pint of chicken, finely chopped; 1 pint of cream; 4 eggs; 1 teaspoon of chopped parsley; 1 teaspoon onion juice; salt and pepper. Cook 2 minutes; add the yolks of the eggs, well beaten, and put away to cool; when cold, add the whites beaten to a stiff froth. Turn into a buttered dish and bake half an hour. Serve with a mushroom or cream sauce. Boudins. To each pint of chopped cold poultry add 1 teaspoon salt, dash of Cayenne pepper, 1 tablespoon chopped parsley or celery (more, if celery). Have 1 tablespoon butter, 1 gill stock, 2 table- spoons stale bread crumbs. Stir until boiling; add meat, take from fire; then add 2 well beaten eggs. Put in small greased mold and let stand in hot water, then bake 15 minutes. Serve hot with cream sauce. Sauce: 1 tablespoon butter, 1 of flour, 3^ pint milk, 1/^, teaspoon salt and suspicion of onion. Cook till thick. — Miss Winnifred Ohr, St. Paul, Minn. TURKEY. Turkey Roasted, Plain. Pluck the bird carefully and singe; break the leg bone close to the body; hang up the bird and draw out the tendons from the legs (all good butchers will do this if asked). Make a small slit down the back of the neck and take out crop, then cut the neck bone close. After the bird is stuffed the skin can be turned over the back and the crop will look full and round. Cut around the vent, making the opening as small as possible, and draw carefully. Boil the giblets for the gravy. Wash the turkey, dry, salt thor- oughly inside and out and fill with dressing. Sew up the opening at the vent, tie the legs and wings, rub the turkey well on the out- side with butter and place in the oven until it is nicely browned; then remove and cover the back and sides with a paste made from flour and water; return to covered pan, breast side down; add about a cup of hot water; cover and bake slowly until tender. Chestnut Dressing. Peel a good sized challot, put in a sauce pan with 1 tablespoon of butter and heat without browning. Add 3^ pound of sausage meat, cook little longer, then add 10 finely chopped mushrooms, 12 well pounded, cooked, peeled chestnuts and mix well together; 106 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. ' then season with salt, pepper and a Httle thyme and parsley. Let this come to a boil, then add 3^ ounce fresh bread crumbs, 24 whole cooked and shelled French chestnuts and mix well together, be- ing careful not to break the chestnuts. Let cool and stuff the turkey. Sage Dressing. Soak a loaf of stale bread, without the crust, 10 minutes in cold water; then press out all the water through a cloth. Cook, without browning, 8 tablespoons chopped onion, in 1 tablespoon of butter; add this to the bread, then add 8 tablespoons of sausage meat, half tablespoon salt, half teaspoon pepper, teaspoon of sage and 2 whole eggs. Mix all well together and use as directed in former recipe. Creole Dressing for Turkey. Save the blood from the turkey. Cook giblets in as little water as possible until tender and then chop fine. Cook 3 cups rice in 6 cups salted water. Cut fine, small bunch tender green onion tops and parsley. Chop fine 2 large onions and fry (not brown) in 5 or more tablespoons melted fat. To this add the cooked rice, giblets and water in which they were boiled, onion tops and parsley, then the blood. Stir until the blood is thoroughly mixed. Season highly with red and black pepper, salt and a pinch of sage; cook until blood has changed color, stirring mixture all the time. Stuff turkey with this as you would bread dressing. 3 or 4 dozen oysters added the last thing before stuffing turkey is very nice. — Mrs. Montou, Jennings, La. Roast Turkey with Sausage. Stuff the turkey with rich dressing. When done, turn out on a platter, surround it with small fried sausages and chestnuts cooked in broth, and serve with a well thickened giblet sauce. Braised Turkey. Truss and stuff as for roasting, using a forcemeat made of mushrooms and sweetbreads in addition to the bread. Lard the breast with salt pork, place the turkey in a stew pan, breast upper- most, with sliced vegetables, and water to cover. Set it on the top of the stove and as soon as it begins to boil put it in the oven and bake slowly until done. POULTRY AND GAME. 107 Boiled Turkey with Oyster Sauce. Prepare in the same manner as for roasting; fill with the oyster dressing (for oyster dressing recipe see "Boiled Chicken with Oyster Dressing"), tie legs and wings close to the body, place in boiling water that has been well salted, breast down. Skim often, let it boil until done, being careful to avoid skin being broken. Serve with celery or oyster sauce. Boned Turkey. Very difficult, but very nice. Clean the fowl as usual; have a very sharp pointed knife; begin at the end of the wing, pass the knife down close to the bone, cut all the flesh from the bone, leaving the skin whole. Pass the knife down each side of the breast bone, and up the legs' keeping close to the bone. Split the back half way up and carefully draw out the bones. Fill these places with the stuff- ing, restoring the fowl to its natural form; then sew up all the incis- ions made in the skin. Lay a few strips of salt pork on the top, and roast, basting often with salt and water and a little butter. Add a glass of port wine to the gravy. When serving, carve across the fowl in slices. GEESE OR DUCKS. Goose Roasted, with Apple Dressing. Singe, draw and wash a tender goose; wipe it dry; season in- side with salt; then stuff with apple dressing; sew it up; rub salt all over it; truss it carefully; rub 1 tablespoon butter over breast and place in a hot oven until browned. Add 1 cup hot water, cover roasting pan and bake slowly until tender. Apple Dressing: Pare, core and chop 8 large Greening apples, add them to }/2 loaf stale bread that has been crumbed, then add 2 tablespoons of butter; season with salt and pepper. Mix well. Potato Dressing for Goose. Three cups mashed potatoes; add 2 tablespoons butter, 1 tea- spoon pepper, yolk of 1 egg; beat the white separately and add to potatoes. Cook in butter 3 finely chopped onions; add to potatoes with 1 teaspoon thyme. If desired, add sage. Raisin Dressing for Goose. Three tablespoons butter, place over fire; add 2 cups fine sHced apples, 1 cup seedless raisins, 1 tablespoon currant jelly, 2 108 THE MENI>ELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. tablespoons sugar; cover and cook until apples are done. Remove from fire and when cold, add 2 cups rolled zwie back, or toast, and 1 egg. In sewing up a goose after filling, stitch very closely so that the fat will not get in. Goose Stuffed with Sauer Kraut. After goose is cleaned and wiped dry, fill it with sauer kraut; sew it up and tie in shape. Place in a large kettle, put 2 quarts sauer kraut over it and cover all with boiling water. Let simmer 3 hours, then take out goose, rub with butter and dredge with flour and brown in oven. Serve with sauer kraut. Jellied Goose — German Style. One goose, not too fat; 2 disjointed calves feet; 2 teaspoons pepper corns; the same of allspice; 4 large onions; 4 bay leaves; 1 carrot; parsley; celery; rind and juice of 1 lemon; salt and enough vinegar to give it a sour taste. Take the whole goose and giblets and feet (scald and skin the feet), cover the calves feet with water and boil, skimming it carefully, until broth looks clear, then add the vegetables and spices, lemon and vinegar. Boil until goose is well done. Strain liquor through a flannel bag to cool. (It must taste spicy). Pick the meat off the bones, skim all fat off liquor and pour over meat and set aside in cool place to jelly. In selecting ducks for roasting remember 2 small young ones are better than a large drake. If buying a farm-yard duck, shut them up 2 or 3 days and feed on barley meal and water to cleanse them thoroughly. A recipe suitable for goose is equally as good for duck. Pigeons and Capon. A recipe that is suitable for chicken is equally as good for pigeons and capons. Pigeon en Casserole with Asparagus. Truss 4 or 5 pigeons, cleaned as for roasting. Saute in butter and put in casserole and cover closely. Cook an onion and 2 young carrots, sliced thin, in 2 tablespoons butter; add 1^ cups boiling water and Y^ teaspoon salt, pour over the pigeons, cover and cook until pigeons are tender. Strain off broth, thicken with butter and flour and when boiled add yolks of 2 eggs, well beaten, and 34 cup cream, mixed together. Add 1 tablespoon lemon juice, salt and paprika to taste, and 1 bunch cooked asparagus; pour over pigeons. POULTRY AND GAME. 109 Swedish Fried Chicken or Squab. Cut the chicken in pieces; brown each piece quickly in butter in an iron kettle (an iron kettle is necessary to use with this recipe). When all the pieces are browned place back in kettle, season to taste with salt and pepper; add 1 teacup hot water; cover with tight fitting lid. Allow the chicken to simmer slowly until tender, adding small quantity of hot water from time to time as may be required. For the gravy add flour slowly, stirring with a Swedish straw wisp, then add 1 cup cream and sufficient hot water to give proper consistency. — Anna Nelson Reck. Baked Squab. Have 6 squab. Use 3^ cup stock, 4 tablespoons butter and salt and pepper to taste. Clean and truss the birds, rub the breast with a piece of onion and put a piece of butter into each squab. Put into a baking pan and add the stock, salt and pepper and bake in a quick oven 45 minutes, basting frequently. When the birds go to the oven, put the livers and hearts on to boil. Bake and place the squabs on buttered toast, and into pan put 1 tablespoon butter and brown; add 1 tablespoon flour and the livers and hearts mashed fine. Mix all well together with 3^ pint stock, stirring con- stantly until it boils. Add salt and pepper and pour over squab. Mrs. George D. Roper. GAME. Wild ducks have a strong, fishy flavor. In order to remove this flavor, the ducks should be picked, singed and drawn and thor- oughly washed inside and outside in cold water. Cover them with boiling water to which has been added 1 tablespoon soda, 1 carrot and 2 onions. Boil 3^ hour; take ducks out and put in cold water; then wipe dry, season and stuff with any preferred dressing. Rub breasts with butter and place salt pork over them and bake in moderate oven until brown. Baste often with water that has a little onion in it and melted butter. Fillets of Teal Ducks k la Pontchatrain. Lift the breasts of fine plump birds, leaving skin on and score lightly. Marinate these in olive oil, in which has been incorporated cut chives or young onion tops, parsley leaves, salt beignonette and lemon juice. Let them remain for 2 hours and when ready to 110 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. serve, pour a little oil in a sautair; make hot and put in the fillets. Brown nicely, but keep rare; remove and introduce enough "Espag- nos" into sautair for number of fillets. Remove from fire, add orange juice and strain. Arrange fillets in circle alternately with croutons of equal size and shape. Garnish to suit; pour sauce in center and serve. H. H. Havens, Steward, The Nelson. Wild goose may be prepared in the same way. Pheasants may be baked same as chicken. Prairie Chicken. After cleaning and drying thoroughly, stuff with any desired dressing and truss. Put in dish and steam until tender, then dredge with flour and rub butter over breasts and place in oven to brown, basting often with Hquor in steamer, or with water. Serve with apple sauce or currant jelly. — Mrs. Thomas Weldon. Prairie chickens, if young, are also good fried Hke spring chicken. The skull of a young prairie chicken can be crushed by the pressure of the thumb. GROUSE. Season and truss a well cleaned and dried grouse; bake as any other fowl, basting often. When ready to serve, untruss the bird, dress then in bread croutons and garnish with water cress. Add bouillon to the gravy, skim off the fat and pour over the bird. Smothered Birds. All small game birds are apt to be dry when fried or roasted, but if they are well seasoned and buttered, then smothered in rice they will be more juicy. Line a baking dish (individual dishes are nice) with boiled rice. Put in birds and cover with rice, press smoothly and pour over it water and butter, and bake until tender. If birds are old parboil them, using that hquor to moisten rice. Roast Partridge, Filled with Truffle Dressing. Pick, singe and draw 2 fine partridges; wipe out the inside; chop fine the 2 Hvers and 3^ pound pork tenderloins, pound to a paste; add 6 fine cut truflSes, season with salt and pepper; fry quar- ter of a pound of salt pork, add the other ingredients, stir for a few minutes over the fire; then fill the crop and body of the 2 partridges with this forcemeat, sew up and truss them nicely; lay the birds POULTRY AND GAME. Ill in a pan, spread 2 tablespoons of butter over their breast and bake in a hot oven, basting frequently until done; then untruss remove the threads, lay the birds on two bread canapes. Add to the gravy 1 tablespoon fine cut onions and carrots, and bay leaf, 12 whole peppers; cook 5 minutes; add 1 tablespoon flour, stir well; add 1 pint broth and 1 teaspoon beef extract; boil; and if necessary, some salt; strain, and serve with the bird. QUAIL. Steamed and Creamed Quail. Place quail well salted in a dish and set in steamer; steam until tender. Use the liquor and rich milk to make a sauce, season to taste. Put quail on squares of toast and pour sauce over. Quails with Juniper Berries. Remove heads and feet from 6 fat quails, draw and wipe neatly. Crush a heaping tablespoon of sound, well dried juniper berries and place in a bowl with half a teaspoon of fresh butter; thoroughly mix, then take half of the mixture and divide equally among the 6 quails, putting it inside of them. Truss, season with salt and pepper and set on a roasting tin with a thin slice of salt pork over each bird; set in the oven for 25 minutes, basting frequently; then discard the pork and untruss the birds. Set them in a cocotte dish over the fire and when thoroughly hot divide the rest of the butter into 6 parts, put it over the birds and send at once to the table in the cocotte. Quail k la Maitre d' Hdtel. Split 6 quails through the back. Season with salt and pepper; brush each one with olive oil or butter. Broil for about 20 minutes, turning at least 4 times. In the meantime cream 4 tablespoons butter; add slowly 2 tablespoons lemon juice, 1 tablespoon chop- ped parsley, half teaspoon nutmeg. Put the birds on well buttered toast and spread the Maitre d' Hotel butter over the birds and serve. Reed birds, woodcock and snipe can be prepared by any of the foregoing recipes. VENISON. The loin, haunch, leg or saddle may be roasted. A leg of veni- son may be boiled until tender and then browned on all sides. The meat from neck and shoulder is stewed. The best steaks are cut from the loin and should be broiled. 112 THF MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. Roasted Ribs of Venison. Trim off all the fat from the ribs and cut them into lengths to fit roasting pan; lay them closely together on edge, cover with but- ter and season, and bake slowly. Saddle of Venison with Currant Jelly. Remove the skin from the surface and trim it neatly; lay strips of salt pork over it; season with 1 tablespoon salt and tie it into a round shape; lay the meat in a roasting pan; add 1 sliced onion and a small carrot, cut into small slices; pour over 4 tablespoons melted butter; place the pan in a hot oven and roast 1 hour, basting fre- quently with its own gravy; add a little water if the gravy should get too brown. Add to the gravy in the pan 3 tablespoons sherry wine and the same of broth; let it come to a boil, then strain; re- move all the fat, pour the gravy over the meat and serve with the following sauce: Melt 1 tablespoon butter in sauce pan; add 1 tea- spoon flour; cook and stir 2 minutes; add 3^ cup boiling water, }/2 teaspoon beef extract, 34 teaspoon salt; cook and stir 2 min- utes; then add 1 gill port wine and 1 cup of currant jelly; cook a few minutes and serve. Booyah. Use the flanks or neck pieces for this recipe. Cut the meat into cubes 1 inch square. Dice 3^ pound salt pork and fry, add meat and brown. Have twice the quantity of diced carrots, onions and potatoes as meat. About an hour before the meat is tender, add the vegetables. If the gravy is not thick enough, add a little flour and water and season with salt and pepper. In preparing venison remove all the fat possible for it is very strong. HARES, RABBITS AND SQUIRRELS. Roast Rabbit. Make first a stuffing of a pound of veal and a quarter of a pound of pork; simmer in water to cover, 2 hours; 4 crackers, rolled fine; 1 tablespoon salt; teaspoon pepper; 1 teaspoon summer savory; tablespoon of butter, and 134 cups of the broth in which the veal and pork were cooked. Chop the meat fine, add the other ingred- ients and put on the fire to heat. Stuff a well cleaned rabbit with this dressing, while hot, and sew up the opening. Put the rabbit on its knees and skewer in that position. Rub thickly with butter, POULTRY AND GAME. 113 dredge with flour and put in a baking pan, the bottom of which should be covered with hot water. Bake in a quick oven, basting frequently. Barbecued Rabbit. Rub a fat rabbit all over with melted butter and sprinkle with pepper and salt. Lay on a broiling pan over a hat fire and turn until brown on both sides. When well done put in a baking pan, spread with butter, and set in the oven for 10 minutes. Mix 2 tablespoons of vinegar, a teaspoon of mustard, the juice of half a lemon and 2 tablespoons of currant jelly together. Set over the fire to heat, season with salt and a dash cayenne; pour over the rabbit and serve. An old Virginia recipe. Roast Bek]i4n Hare. Dress same as wild hare; sin^ wash thoroughly, cover with clear col^ water and let stand several hours. Take out, wipe dry, and^prinkle with salt inside and outside. Prepare bread stuffing as for roast turkey; fill the hare, sew up and cover with paste made by mixing 2 tablespoons of butter and 1 tablespoon flour. Place in a roasting pan, add 2 cups boiling water, cover closely and roast from 2 to 4 hours. Jugged Hare. Cut hare up and season with salt, pepper, thyme, parsley and fry brown. Into a stone jar put a layer of hare and bacon alter- nately; add 1 cup hot water, cover and set in a dish of hot water and bake until tender. To the gravy add a teaspoon lemon juice and 1 teaspoon catsup. — Mrs. Thomas Weldon. Hausenpfeffer of Rabbit. Cut up rabbits, put in stone jar. Take 3 onions, sliced; a few cloves; whole black pepper; a httle bay leaf; a tiny piece of macy; a teaspoon brown sugar; a little salt, and cover with vinegar. Let stand 3 days. Cook in this brine, adding water if necessary, until rabbit is tender. Lift rabbit out on warm platter. Strain the gravy, add butter and flour and pour over rabbit. — Mrs. Rupert Henry. 114 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. CHAPTER IX. VEGETABLES. "Nor lacked our table small parade of garden fruits." Summer Vegetables. Certain vegetables should always be boiled uncovered to pre- serve their color. This applies especially to string beans, green peas, spinach, sorrel and Brussels sprouts. If the water is very hard a teaspoonful of soda added to a gallon will be found a good proportion. Another i^iportant rule is to remove the vegetable from the fire and drain it the moment it is sufficiently cooked. Do not draw it aside and let it stand in the water or it will be quite spoiled. Too much stress cannot be laid on the rule to remove from the fire and drain all vegetables thoroughly the moment they are cooked perfectly tender. Not only allow the water to run off, but press it out when possible, or place the colander on something over the fire that the water may be driven off by the heat. Or use any other device suggesting itself rather than let the vegetables remain wet and soggy. No amount of seasoning will give them the proper taste if they retain the water from the boiling. To avoid the unpleasant odor caused by cooking cabbage use a very large pot and do not fill too near the brim with the water, as it is the boiling over which causes the worst odor. Another way of overcoming the odor is to put into the water a piece of bread tied in a fine white rag. After it has been 15 minutes in the pot remove it and throw it immediately into the fire to burn, as in its turn it becomes very unpleasant. Still another method is to put a piece of charcoal in the water with the cabbage. In using milk for mashed potatoes, use it hot instead of cold. The result is better. Not everyone knows all vegetables that grow under the ground should be cooked in cold water. VEGETABLES. 115 Time for Cooking Vegetables. This table may aid, but much depends on age and freshness. Potatoes, boiled, 25 minutes. Potatoes, baked, 45 minutes. Sweet potatoes, boiled, 45 minutes. Sweet potatoes, baked, 1 hour. Squash, boiled, 25 minutes Squash, baked, 1 hour. Green peas, 20 to 40 minutes Shelled beans, boiled, 1 hour. String beans, boiled, 1 hour. Green corn, boiled quickly, 10 to 20 minutes. Asparagus, boiled, 15 to 30 minutes. Spinach, 30 minutes. Tomatoes, fresh, 30 minutes. Cabbage, 45 minutes to 1 hour. Cauliflower, 45 minutes to 1 hour. Beet greens, 1 hour. Onions, 13^ hours. Turnips, 45 minutes to 13^ hours. Parsnips, ly^ hours. Carrots, 1 hour. — German Study Club. Cream Sauce for Vegetables. One tablespoonful of flour, 1 very large tablespoonful of but- ter, 3^ pint of new milk brought to boiling point, 3^ teaspoonful of salt; pepper as desired. Put three-quarters of the butter in a sauce pan over the fire. As soon as it melts add the flour and stir until blended. Be careful not to let it brown. Add the boiling milk by degrees to the flour and butter, stirring without ceasing. Boil 3 minutes. Remove from the fire; add salt, white pepper and the rest of the butter; stir until the butter melts and serve immedi- ately. If it has to be kept, set it over a kettle of boiUng water; stir every now and then to keep a scum from forming on the top. Lyonnaise Potatoes. One small onion, minced; 1 heaping teaspoon minced parsley; butter the size of an egg. Cook the butter, onion and parsley to- gether about 5 minutes, then add about 2 cups cold boiled diced potatoes; heat thoroughly through and add salt and pepper to taste. 116 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. Saratoga Potatoes. Slice very thin; put them in cold water for 2 hours, keeping cold; take out and dry them in towels; fry in deep fat until a light brown; drain off grease in colander and sprinkle salt over them. French Fried Potatoes. Pare and cut into strips lengthwise rather small potatoes; soak them in cold water; dry in towels and fry in deep fat. Drain and sprinkle salt on them. Escalloped Potatoes. Pare and cut potatoes in slices about a quarter inch thick. Butter a baking dish and put in a layer of potatoes, sprinkle with salt and pepper and dredge flour over them and put on little pieces of butter. Repeat this till the dish is ^ full and pour milk over nearly to the top of the potatoes. Bake about 13^ hours. Creamed Potatoes. One pint milk; 1 tablespoon flour; 2 tablespoons butter; 1 tea- spoon salt; 1 quart diced, cold boiled, or baked potatoes; 1 table- spoon chopped parsley. Melt butter in double boiler; add flour, milk, parsley, salt and a little pepper; heat through, then add the potatoes and cook 3 or 4 minutes. Cold baked potatoes have a better flavor than boiled for cream potatoes. Hashed Brown Potatoes. One-half pint of cold boiled potatoes, chopped fine; 3 table- spoons cream; 3^ teaspoon salt and a little pepper; mix them to- gether. Melt 1 tablespoon of butter in a skillet and then put in the potatoes and smooth them over. Cook slowly till a light brown, then fold one half over on the other and serve on a hot platter and garnish with parsley. Larded Potatoes. Pare and with apple corer punch hole through potato length- wise; roll a thin piece of bacon and put in hole, and bake about 35 or 40 minutes. Potato on the Half shell. Bake 4 potatoes with smooth skins; when done, cut length- wise, and scoop out potato, being careful not to break the skin. Mash, season, adding milk and the beaten whites of 2 eggs; fill shell, heaping lightly on top. Brown slowly; serve immediately. — L. D. W. VEGETABLES. 117 Old Potatoes. Old potatoes, peeled and left lying in cold ^svater for several hours, then wiped, rubbed all over in melted butter, and baked, are more mealy and delicious than the high priced new potato in the spring time of year. — C. C. C, Detroit, Mich. Rules for Cooking. Pare potatoes thin to save mineral matter. Roil potatoes slowly so they will not wear away. Bake potatoes rapidly. Let an old potato stand in cold water 1 hour before using. Never let a new potato stand in cold water before using. — Miss C. Harris. To Boil New Potatoes. These should never be peeled with a knife. Scrub and rub the skin until clean. Cover with boiling water and boil rapidly from 15 to 20 minutes with the cover on. Drain the potatoes; sprinkle with salt, and put back on the fire, uncovered, for a few minutes, to dry. Dish on a folded napkin and serve very hot.. Baked Potatoes. Select for this purpose the largest and smoothest. Put them in a hot oven. They will require about 1 hour. After the first 20 minutes open the oven door every little while, take each potato in a coarse cloth and press it all over. This will make them mealy. Glacdd Sweet Potatoes. Take potatoes as nearly the size of an egg as possible, and bake until done. Pare off skin and cut in halves the long way. Put in bake pan, cut side down. Pour over this melted butter, and sprinkle with salt, pepper, brown sugar, and cracker or bread crumbs. Beat 4 eggs until light, and pour over this, and bake in hot oven for 15 minutes, until nicely brown, and then serve. — Mrs. H. C. Brown. Potato Au Gratin. Slice cold boiled potatoes. Make a cream sauce from 2 table- spoonfuls each of butter and flour, 1 level teaspoonful of salt, and one-eighth teaspoonful of pepper. Heat butter in saucepan and add flour and seasoning. When hot, add 1 pmt milk gradually 118 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. and cook smoothly. Add potatoes, let heat through, and put in a buttered baking dish, fold in lightly some grated cheese, and bake 10 minutes in a moderate oven. Take small new potatoes, peel and fry them brown in deep hot fat. When cooking peas add a few slices of salt pork; it im- parts a delicious flavor. Potatoes k la Union League Club. One quart chopped, cold boiled potatoes; ^ pint cream; 2 tablespoons butter; 2 sweet green peppers, boiled and chopped. Put little pieces of butter in bottom of a baking dish; then some chopped potatoes and peppers, mixed; bits of butter; a sprinkling of flour; a little salt and cream; more potatoes and peppers; flour, salt and cream until potatoes are all used. Sprinkle bread crumbs over the top and bake 3^ hour in medium hot oven. Potato Puff. Boil enough for a meal; mash fine; put in generous piece of butter; add after mixing coffee cup of cream or rich milk, yolks of 4 eggs. Beat whites to a stiff froth and stir in quickly. Bake in hot oven until brown. It will take about 20 minutes. — Mrs. Elliott West. Creamed New Potatoes with Parsley. Drop the potatoes into boiling water and cook until they can be pierced with a fine skewer. Do not use the tines of a fork, which would burst them. Neither should you expect them to be mealy, for in new potatoes the starch cells are not yet developed. Drain and arrange in a hot vegetable dish. To make the sauce, put 2 level tablespoonfuls butter in a saucepan with 1 of flour. When melted and bubbly add a cup of thin cream and stir con- stantly until it boils and thickens. Then add a level teaspoonful salt, a dash of white or black pepper, as preferred, and a table- spoonful fine chopped parsley. Cook a moment longer and pour over the potatoes. Breaded Potatoes. Peel small potatoes and bo^'l them in salted water. Do not let them boil soft. Dip in beaten egg and fine cracker crumbs, and fry in hot fat, turning frequently, that the color may be a uniform one. VEGETABLES. 119 Sweet Potatoes — Southern Style. Choose plump, well ripened potatoes; pare them (raw); cut in 2 lengthwise pieces; season with salt and pepper. In a large flat bottomed sauce pan put 2 tablespoons butter and 1 of sugar. When hot, lay in enough potatoes to cover bottom of pan, closely; add boiling water enough to half cover them; place on back of stove where heat is gentle. Cook slowly for about an hour, turn- ing them once. By this time the water will have evaporated, leav- ing a little butter sauce to pour over dish in serving. Cold Boiled Potatoes. All potatoes which are to be boiled first and then dressed must be boiled in their skins and set away to get cold with their skins on. This applies especially to potatoes to be used in hashes. It makes a wonderful difference and should be observed; the potato is much easier to cut neatly and does not crumble to pieces in the cooking. For potato salad made of cold potatoes they should never be cooked in any other way. There is, however, a delicious potato salad made by dressing freshly boiled, hot, mealy potatoes. Potatoes Saut6. Cut cold, boiled, peeled potatoes in slices about one-sixth of an inch thick. The potatoes used should be rather small, and make a pint sliced. Heat a large lump of butter in a saucepan. Lay the potatoes in, cover and stew, not fry them, in the butter. There must be enough butter for each slice to get its coating and absorb as much as it will. Mince fine, enough parsley to make a heaping teaspoonful, also the same quantity of chervil if at hand. Stir it into the potatoes; add salt and pepper, and when they have cooked about 15 minutes, serve. They should not be allowed to crisp or brown. Shake the pan from time to time to prevent sticking or browning. New potatoes may be sauted in this manner, but should be kept whole. Fried Potato Hash. Having boiled and cooled potatoes with their skins on, peel and chop, not too fine. Melt in a frying pan a large lump of sweet drippings or butter, or both mixed. Quite a large tablespoonful of each will be required for an ordinary dish of potatoes. When the butter is hot lay in the potatoes. Sprinkle generously with pepper and salt. Take a long knife, and every minute or two run it under the potatoes, turning them up from the bottom. Be care- ful not to mash them. Fry until the edges are well browned and serve. 120 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. Potatoes — Sweet or Irish. Peel and boil 4 or 5 potatoes; put through press; add celery seed, salt and sugar to taste, a cup of milk, and lump of butter large as a walnut. Make into balls, dip into egg, then in bread crumbs, and fry in deep lard. Or it can be put in baking dish and baked in oven. It is a good plan to prepare mixture the day be- fore using, it will hold together better while frying. — Leola Arnold. "Burr Oak Farm Potatoes." Eight eggs, boiled; 4 medium sized potatoes, boiled; dice pota- toes and slice eggs; put a layer of potatoes, and sprinkle a layer of sHced onion and then a layer of eggs; salt and pepper. Fill pan and pour over the following sauce: 2 tablespoons melted butter; 2 tablespoons flour; 1 cup milk; cover with cracker crumbs and small pieces of butter and bake. Good Potatoes. Five or 6 grated potatoes; 2 slices white bread, soaked in water and squeezed out; 2 tablespoons flour; 2 or 3 tablespoons fat or butter; 2 eggs; salt and pepper. Bake like a pudding, 40 minutes. — Mrs. Arthur Thro. Delicate Cabbage. Shred the cabbage; cover with cold milk; cook until tender, being careful not to scorch. Season with butter, pepper and salt. Stuffed Cabbage. Chop fine 1 pound lean beef; add 1 level teaspoon salt, 3^ teaspoonful ginger, and pinch of nutmeg and mace. Beat in 13^ cups of milk, adding a little at a time. Cut out inside of a cab- bage, leaving a thick wall; fill with meat. Steam until done and serve in slices with the sauce, or with melted butter. Sauce for Same: Cream 2 level tablespoons butter with 3^ teaspoon salt, and a dash of paprika; add the yolk of 1 egg and 1 teaspoon lemon juice. Cook over hot water, beating all the time. Add 1 more yolk of egg and 2 teaspoons lemon juice, stirring all the time until smooth. VEGETABLES 121 Summer Cabbage. Cut in halves or quarters. Lay in salted cold water to draw out any insects that may lurk inside. Drain thoroughly and put into a pot of salted boihng water. Do not cover. Boil 30 minutes, until tender. Drain very dry in a colander, pressing the water out with a plate. Dress with melted butter, pepper and salt, or with cream sauce. Stewed Cabbage and Celery. Cut into shreds equal quantities of white cabbage and celery. Lay for a few minutes in cold water, then drain and put into boil- ing, salted water. Boil gently for 20 or 30 minutes, according to the season. Meanwhile prepare a rich cream sauce. Drain the cab- bage and celery, drying as much as possible, and stir into the cream sauce. Let it stew very gently for 10 minutes and serve. This combination will be found excellent. Cooked Cabbage. One head of cabbage, chopped rather coarse; cook until ten- der in salted water without covering kettle; drain off water; put in butter the size of an egg and cook thoroughly. Then add the fol- lowing dressing: 3 tablespoons sour cream; 1 tablespoon sugar; yolk of 1 egg; beat together and add 2 tablespoons vinegar. Stir into the cabbage and let just come to a boil. — Mrs. J. L. Keep. Cabbage with Custard. Chop cabbage and cook in half milk and half water without cover, until tender. This takes about 3^ hour. Drain; beat 3 eggs very light; add 3 tablespoons vinegar, 1^^ tablespoons sugar, salt and pepper; beat together. Melt in cabbage a large tablespoon butter. Pour dressing over cabbage and cook till like custard. Serve at once. This amount of dressing is sufficient for cabbage enough to serve 4 people. — Mrs. O. R. Brouse. Baked Cauliflower with Cheese Sauce. Boil a cauliflower in salted water until tender. Cut off stalk of cauliflower so it will stand upright, and place in a buttered dish suitable for the table. Make a cream sauce of 1 tablespoon butter, 1 tablespoon of flour and 1 cup scalding milk. Season with pepper and salt; add 34 cup grated cheese. Stir in piece of butter; then pour sauce over cauliflower. Sprinkle with the grated cheese and bake in quick oven 15 minutes. 122 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. Sauce for Cauliflower or Cabbage. 1 tablespoon butter; 1 tablespoon flour; 1 pint boiling water; 2 tablespoons vinegar; 2 eggs, yolks only, beaten and added last; salt and paprika; poured over hot vegetable. Onion Chips. Four large Spanish onions, slice crosswise; cover with milk and let stand 1 hour. Thoroughly drain and drop a few at a time into hot deep fat until crisp and a golden brown. Serve at once. — Mrs. Oscar Kellar. Creamed Onions. Cook 1 quart of uniform sized, silver skinned onions in boiling salted water. When quite tender drain and turn into a baking dish; cover with a cream sauce, sprinkle the top with fine buttered cracker crumbs, and finish cooking; brown crumbs delicately. Roasted Onions. Select large onions of uniform size but do not remove outside skin; arrange in earthen casserole, bake slowly with jackets on; when tender peel them, place in covered dish steaming hot; heat large tablespoonful of butter in saucepan, stir in tablespoonful of flour, turn in 3^ cup of rich milk; cook boiling hot; season with salt and pepper, pour over onions; serve in hot entree dish. Fried Onions. Select good sized onions; slice in 2 or 3 slices; dredge with flour; salt and pepper. Fry in butter until tender and golden brown. Baked Peas. One quart peas, yellow or green ones, dry; 1 onion minced fine; 1 tablespoon salt; 1 cooking spoon butter or olive oil; 1 table- spoon sugar. Put peas to soak over night; boil up in the morning; add the salt, butter, sugar, pepper, and the onion; put in a bean jar and add water enough to come to top of peas; bake same as you would beans. Baked Green Peppers. Cut off top of firm, fresh peppers, and remove seeds. Boil in salted water 5 minutes, then drain and fill with finely chopped, cooked chicken or veal and season same well with parsley or onion and a little salt. Arrange with covers well tied on in deep sauce- VEGETABLES. 123 pan. Cover with liquor from meat with bits of butter scattered over top. Bake until peppers are tender. Remove peppers care- fully; slightly thicken gravy and pour over peppers. Green Pepper Goulasch. Prepare 6 large green peppers by removing seeds and white parts and lay in cold salt water over night. Cut peppers and 1 medium sized onion in small pieces and fry gently in 3 tablespoonfuls butter until soft (not brown) ; then add 1 cupful of ripe or canned tomatoes, half cupful cold boiled rice, season with pepper and salt and simmer gently about 20 minutes if ripe tomatoes are used, 10 minutes if tomatoes have been canned. Serve hot. Stuffed Peppers. Six green peppers; 1 onion, chopped fine; 23^ slices bacon; 1 pint tomatoes; 23^ crackers to each large pepper; salt and pepper to taste. Cut slice from stem end of each pepper; remove seeds; parboil peppers 15 minutes. Cook onion and finely chopped bacon together; add tomatoes and cracker crumbs, salt and pepper. Cool mixture, fill peppers with cooked mixture; cover with but- tered bread crumbs and bake 10 minutes. Mrs. Moffatt. Creamed Potatoes and Green Peppers. Peel enough Irish potatoes to make a good quart after they have been cut in small pieces or in the form of dice; after removing the seeds from 2 green peppers, wash them well and cut into rings; put them and the diced potatoes into a stew pan and cover with 'boiling water. After cooking for 18 minutes pour off the water and sprinkle with flour, salt and pepper. Turn into a baking dish, cover with cream or milk, dot with butter and cook in a hot oven until nicely browned. Then serve at once. — Mrs. J. Oscar Hall, Chattanooga, Tenn, Corn Fritters. Milk from 6 ears corn, grated; 1 egg; salt to taste; drop yolk into corn; beat well white of egg, and stir in; fry by spoonful in butter and lard, mixed. — Mrs. C. A. Sanborn. Baked Corn. Twelve ears corn; 2 tablespoons butter; 4 eggs, beaten separ- ately; grate corn, add beaten yolks, butter and salt, pepper to taste; lastly beaten whites. Bake 3^ hour, on 2 buttered pie tins. — L. D. W. 124 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. Green Corn Fritters — Southern Style. One dozen ears green corn, grated; salt to taste. Fry on a well greased griddle like griddle cakes and turn with a pancake turner. This is a delicious receipt and much more delicate than when milk and eggs are used. — B. E. S. Deviled Corn. Melt 4 tablespoons butter; add 5 tablespoons flour, 1^ cups milk, 1}^ teaspoons salt, % teaspoon mustard, a little paprika; cook until thickened; add 1 can corn, 1 egg, 3 teaspoons table sauce; fill buttered scallop shells, cover with buttered cracker crumbs, and bake until crumbs are brown. Parsnip Fritters I. Wash and scrub the parsnips and cover them with boiling water; cook until tender. Drain and plunge them into cold water, when the skins may be easily slipped off. Cut them in pieces and rub them through a puree strainer, season pulp with pepper, salt, and butter. Flour the hands and shape mixture in oval cakes or the shape of cutlets. Dredge them with flour, dip them in molasses, and brown them richly in hot salt pork fat, drain on brown paper, and serve on folded napkin. These may be served with corn beef or smoked fish. Parsnip Fritters II. After boiling parsnips, plunge in cold water and skins will slip off easily. Mash them; season to taste with butter, salt and pepper. Flour the hands and mold the mashed parsnip into small flat oval cakes, roll in flour and fry in butter until brown or dip them in molasses and fry. Baked Tomatoes. Remove a thin slice from stem end of 6 medium sized toma- toes. Remove seeds and pulp and drain liquid. Season pulp and liquid with 3^ grated medium size onion, salt and Cayenne pepper, teaspoon butter and teaspoon chopped green pepper. Cracker crumbs sufficient to stiffen mixture. Fill tomatoes with this, put in buttered pan and bake from 20 to 30 minutes. — Mrs. Moffatt. VEGETABLES. 125 Tomatoes Fried in Cream. Peel and slice nice ripe tomatoes; sprinkle on salt and pepper; set on ice for 2 or 3 hours. Then flour them and fry in butter, turning with a pancake turner. When done, put on a hot platter and add some cream to the butter in the skillet with a little flour, making a cream gravy to pour over the tomatoes. If the tomatoes stand on the ice long enough to be very cold, they will remain firm when fried. — Mrs. Harry Starr. Tomato Pone. Butter a baking dish, put a layer of canned tomatoes, add sea- soning of salt and pepper to taste. Then a layer of cracker crumbs dotted with bits of butter. Another layer of tomatoes and so on until dish is filled. Cut salt pork in small squares and put around on top. Bake and serve with roast meat. — Mrs. T. V. Engstrom. Creamed Cucumbers. Take medium or rather large cucumbers, cut in dice shaped pieces and boil in salted water until soft. Then drain off the water and put them into a hot white sauce made of 1 tablespoon of butter, 1 tablespoon of flour and 2 cups of milk, cooked until it has thick- ened. This is delicate and delicious. Celery can be creamed in the same way. — Mrs. Starr. Stewed Cucumbers I. Cut cucumbers lengthwise. Cook in salted water until ten- der. Serve on toast with drawn butter sauce. 2 heaping table- spoons butter, 1 heaping tablespoon flour; cream butter and flour, and add liquor cucumbers were cooked in. Stewed Cucumbers II. • Riper cucumbers may be used for stewing than for eating raw, but the younger the vegetable the more delicate in flavor. Peel the cucumbers; cut them in quarters lengthwise. If old, remove the seeds. Lay the cucumbers in boiling water until transparent. Make a rich cream sauce, to which add about ^/^ a grated onion. When ready drain the cucumbers dry, sprinkle them with salt and pepper and lay them in the sauce. Stew gently over boiling water for about 15 minutes, then dish; sprinkle chopped parsley over the top and serve. A teaspoonful of chopped chives added with the parsley may take the place of the grated onion. 126 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. Baked Bananas — Fine. Peel 1 dozen bananas, lay in deep dish; cover with 4 cups of water and 2 cups of sugar; put cover on dish; bake 3 hours, being careful not to allow syrup to get too thick, adding, if necessary, a little water while baking. At the end of 3 hours add 1 cup claret. Bake 1 hour longer. Serve it as vegetable with meat course. — Mrs. Charles Brantingham. Baked Bananas — Porto Rican Style — Serve as Vegetable. Select rather green bananas; put in very hot oven with skins on; bake until skins break open. Send to table in folded napkins; do not remove skins until ready to eat, then use plenty of butter. This is used in vegetable course. Egg Plant Fritters I. Put egg plant into cold salted water; boil until very tender, changing water once while boiling. Drain, skin and mash well. Mix with butter, salt and an egg. with 2 or 3 tablespoons flour, and drop by spoonfuls into hot lard. Stuffed Egg Plant. Cut 2 egg plants in two lengthwise, slash the inner surface with the point of a knife to make a shallow incision; fry till they are soft; prepare in a saucepan 2 ounces of butter, 2 ounces of fat salt pork, chopped fine, and 2 chopped shallots; cook a few min- utes; add 1 pint of mushrooms, a little parsley, and 3 anchovies, all chopped fine; mix the fleshy part of the egg plant with this, season to taste, put the stuffing thus made back into the plants, with bread and cheese, crumbs and small pieces of butter strewed on the top, and bake 20 minutes. Egg Plant Fritters II. Peel and slice thin 1 egg plant; let stand in salt water 3 hours; pour off water and boil, changing water if it becomes black. When tender, cool, mash, and mix with following batter: 1 egg; 1 cup of milk; a little salt; level teaspoon baking powder, and flour enough to stiffen. After egg plant is boiled and mashed, if all is not needed, can be kept for another meal by putting on ice. — Leola Arnold. VEGETABLES. 127 Asparagus Loaf. Three bunches of asparagus; 5 eggs; 2 cups thick white sauce, made of 2 tablespoons of butter, 2 tablespoons flour, and 2 cups of milk. Cook till rather thick. Cut up the asparagus into pieces, leaving a few stalks whole for garnishing. Cook the asparagus about 25 minutes or until soft. Drain off water, lay aside the whole stalks; add eggs, beaten, and white sauce to the cut asparagus; pour in a cake pan and bake in moderate oven about 30 minutes, set- ting pan in a pan of water. When done, turn out on platter, pour a little melted butter around base of loaf. Garnish top with the whole stalks. — Miss Evalda Carlson. Swiss Chard. The chard leaves and stalks may be used together for greens, and the large white stalks can be tied in bunches, cooked and served like asparagus on toast. — Mrs. C. D. Burr. Salsify. Sometimes called vegetable oysters as the flavor of the plant when fried resembles that of the oyster. It can be scraped and boiled until tender and served on toast, with a drawn butter sauce, poured over, or after boiling, mash and make into small cakes to fry. It is also cut in small pieces and used as soup, or baked like escal- ioped oysters. — Mrs. C. D. Burr. Kohlrabi. Kohlrabi is good cooked in any of the ways turnips are used, or sliced and eaten raw like radishes. The best way is to peel and cut it in half-inch dice, boil 30 minutes in salted boiling water, and cover with thick cream sauce. — Mrs. C. D. Burr. Squash Puff. Press dry cooked squash through a sieve; to a half pint add 2 tablespoons melted butter, }/i cup of milk, seasoning of salt and pepper, and 2 beaten egg yolks. Mix thoroughly, fold in 2 beaten egg whites and turn into a buttered mold; set in a pan of hot water and bake in the oven until the center is firm. Serve, turned from the mold, and accompanied by a rich cream sauce made from 1 tablespoon each of flour and butter with a cup of scalded cream or rich milk, and seasoning of salt, pepper, celery salt and mace. This can be baked in individual timbale molds, if desired. G. H. 128 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. Baked Beans. One quart white navy beans, soaked over night in cold water. In morning wash, and put to cook in fresh water with one-eighth teaspoon of soda. Boil slowly until skins crack when a spoonful is lifted from water into the air. Drain. Into an earthen bean pot or crock; put a small onion, 1 pound of fat and lean salt pork with the skin scored, ]/> cup of molasses. Then put in the beans, dredge with pepper, cover with hot water, and bake at least 6 hours. Keep filled with water until an hour before they are done; then remove cover and let them brown. — Mrs. Wm. Walton. Baked Beans and Tomatoes. Soak overnight 1 pint navy beans. In morning drain, cover beans with boiling water, a pinch of soda; cook slowly until tender, and skins crack when some are lifted from water. Drain, put in bean pot or any earthen dish. Sprinkle top with 2 heaping tea- spoons chopped onion, pour over 1 pint strained tomatoes, and 1 teaspoon salt sprinkled in. Cover, bake slowly 5 hours, adding more tomatoes as they are absorbed. 15 minutes before serving, re- move the lid, put in 1 tablespoon butter, broken in bits; brown slowly. — L. D. W. New Beets — Italian Style. Boil 6 young beets in unsalted water until they are tender. Drain, cover with cold water and rub off skins with the hands, then cut into thin slices. Melt a large spoon of butter in a frying pan, add a small onion, chopped fine; stir until softened, but not browned, then add 3 level tablespoons of flour, 3^ teaspoon of salt, 34 tea- spoon of pepper and stir until well blended. Add 3^ teaspoon of sugar and 13^ cups of milk and cook, stirring constantly until sauce boils. Let simmer a few minutes; add a tablespoon of lemon juice or white wine vinegar and pour over the beets. Stuffed Beets. Wash 3^ cup rice and sprinkle it in a kettle of boiling water. Boil rapidly 15 minutes and drain. Add a teaspoon salt, scant; a dash of pepper and a cup of chopped pecans. Scoop centers from cooked beats, fill with rice mixture and bake 20 minutes. Chop the beet taken from the center very fine, add it to a cream sauce and pour around the beets after they are dished. VEGETABLES. 129 Spinach. Wash thoroughly in several waters. Put in kettle, cover with salted boiling water and cook 30 minutes or until tender. Drain off water, chop fine and reheat, adding butter, salt and pepper. Make a mound of it in a vegetable dish and sprinkle the grated or riced yolks of hard-boiled eggs over the top, adding the sliced whites of the eggs around the edges. Or it is very pretty to mold it in cups and serve on square slices of toast, adding slices of hard- boiled egg on top of each mold and around them. Head-Lettuce Prepared Like Spinach. Gilt the head-lettuce in 4 pieces; wash thoroughly in cold water, to which a little salt has been added. Then cook 10 or 15 minutes in boiling water, weir salted. In the meantime make the following dressing: Take butter, a large tablespoonful to a head of lettuce; finely chopped onion; teaspoon of flour; and brown over the fire. Chop lettuce fine, like spinach, and put it in dressing. If one prefers, the dressing can be thinned with a little soup stock or boiling water. Last of all add a little sweet cream; let whole come to a boil, and pour in serving dish. — Ernestine Schumann-Heink. Baked Tomatoes and Rice. Put in baking dish a layer of boiled rice and layer of sliced tomatoes; add 1 teaspoon grated onion, salt and paprika to taste. Put bits of butter on top. Bake 30 minutes. — L. D. W. Peas and Carrots en Casserole. Cook carrots in salted water until tender. When done, dice them about size of peas; take equal parts of cooked or canned peas and carrots; salt and pepper to taste, and pour over melted butter. Serve. — Mrs. John L. Clarke. Carrots — French Style. Peel carrots, slice in strips, cook in salted water till tender. Cut 1 medium sized onion in half, squeeze out as much pulp and juice as you can over a lemon squeezer. Fry this in butter, add carrots and cook long enough to have them heated through. — Mrs. Arthur Thro . 130 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. Carrots with Onion. Slice fine enough carrots for 5 or 6 people; add 3 large onions, sliced, and a scant teaspoon of salt; boil % of an hour, then strain; add 2 tablespoonfuls of butter, 1 tablespoonful of flour, salt and pepper; mix thoroughly and chop fine. Mushroom Patties. Wipe each mushroom in 1 pound, remove stems, scrape, and cut in pieces. Peel the caps and break them in pieces. Melt 3^ cup of butter in a saucepan, add mushrooms, cook 2 minutes; sprinkle with salt, pepper, and a few drops of onion juice. Add 1 cup of chicken stock and simmer until mushrooms are tender, then add them to brown sauce and serve in puff paste patty shells, Brussels Sprouts. Boil 1 quart of sprouts in salted water until tender; drain and put in baking dish, dust with a level tablespoon of flour; dot with bits of butter; pour over all a cup of cream; cover with grated cheese, preferably Parmesan, and brown in quick oven. — G. H. Mushrooms. To cook ordinary timber mushrooms, soak in salted water to draw out any insects; drain, then fry in hot butter. Serve with garnish of parsley, or on toast. Mushrooms in Cream. Wash timber mushrooms. Soak overnight in salt water. In morning, rinse in cold water, but do not squeeze them. Put in skillet, with plenty of butter and cook about 20 minutes; cover tightly, so they will steam. When tender, add cream, pepper and salt and cook 1 minute or 2 longer. Serve on toast. Pour cream gravy over all. — Mrs. Frank Wormwood. ®«r #tork of tlu^rmar^ Is one which will please every taste. We believe in catering to our custom- ers, and therefore, carry a variety of designs that is sure to compass all needs. We have the same designs running through entire sets of toilet articles, and table ware. We have unique patterns in all the small fancies of silverware. In fact, we have a complete silverware stock, in both solid and plated ware. Established 1873. AL. E. HENRY JEWELER & OPTICIAN 118 West State St. ROCKFORD, ILL. i ^ The best results i p. from these receipts obtained | 11.. ^ only by using | m I Union Dairy Milk I i ■■& From the only ^ Sanitary Milk Plant in the city. | 131 Dr. Ransom^s Sanitarium £M SPECIAL NERVOUS DISEASES Rockford, Illinois. WHAT WOULD YOU DO? IF you felt the approach of the great American Disease — Neu- rasthenia or Nervous Prostration? You would take first train to The Ransom Sanitarium. IF your relative or friend exhibited signs of mental breakdown? You would have them removed to The Ransom Sanitarium. IF there were need for rest to the brain or nerves and for a gen- eral toning up? A month or two at The Ransom Sanitarium would restore and refresh you delightfully. Try it. Where would you find this institution? Located in a beautiful Park on the East bank of Rock River, 2 miles North of the Rockford Court House. It is easily reached by means of Beloit and Janesville division of the Rockford In- terurban Rail Road. Dell Phone 823Y Home Phone 8234 ROCKFORD, ILL. P. W. RANSOM, M. D., Supt. W. L. RANSOM, M. D., Asst Supt. Established 1887. 132 SALADS AND SALAD DRESSINGS. 133 "To make it you must have a spark of genius." CHAPTER X. SALADS AND SALAD DRESSINGS Dressings — French Dressing. Place a small piece of ice in bowl which has been previously rubbed with garlic. Into this put ^ teaspoon salt, 1 salt spoon of curry powder and a good dash of cayenne. Mix and add 1 table- spoon of Darwin vinegar and J^ tablespoon of plain vinegar. Mix again thoroughly and then add 3 or 4 tablespoons of olive oil (ac- cording to taste). Beat thoroughly with a silver fork until per- fectly blended. More salt may be added, if necessary. Mayonnaise Dressing. One teaspoon of mustard; 1 teaspoon of powdered sugar; 3^ teaspoon of salt; 34 salt spoon of Cayenne; yolks of 2 eggs; 1 pint of olive oil; 4 tablespoons of lemon juice. Mix the first 4 ingredients, add the eggs, stir well with a silver fork. Add the oil, a few drops at a time, until it thickens into a ball on the fork. Add a few drops of lemon juice, and alternate the oil and lemon juice, beating all the time. When ready to serve, add 1 cup of whipped cream. Should the mixture have a curdled appearance, begin again with another yolk and use this mixture as you would oil. — Mrs. Freeman Graham. French Salad Dressing. Crush 1 clove of garlic with spoon in cup; 3^ teaspoon salt and paprika, mixed together; 4 tablespoons olive oil; 1 teaspoon tara- gon vinegar; 1 tablespoon table vinegar. Beat up well until creamy. Then it is ready for use. If oil is not cold enough, a small piece of ice is a help. — Miss Caroline Radecke. 134 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. Sour Cream Salad Dressing. Four tablespoons thick sour cream; 2 tablespoons vinegar; 2 round tablespoons granulated sugar; salt spoon of salt; pinch of red pepper; 3^ teaspoon dry mustard. Beat hard with a Dover egg beater until thick. If desired, the yolks of 2 hard-boiled eggs may be mashed very fine and added to the above before beating. — Mrs. Edward P. Lathrop. Salad Dressing. Yolks of 3 eggs, well beaten; 1 teaspoon mustard; 2 teaspoons salt; 34 salt spoon Cayenne; 2 tablespoons sugar; 2 tablespoons oil or melted butter; 1 cup cream or milk; 1 tablespoon corn starch; ^2 cup hot vinegar; whites 3 eggs, well beaten, and added last. Cook in double boiler until like custard. Stir well. For fruit salad, add 1 cup whipped cream and omit mustard. — Miss Elsie Irvine. Salad Dressing for Cabbage. One teaspoon mustard, dry; 1^^ teaspoon salt; 2 tablespoons sugar; 4 tablespoons melted butter; 6 tablespoons vinegar (if vine- gar is very strong, use part water). Mix mustard, salt, sugar, add butter and beaten yolks of 4 eggs, last vinegar. Cook in double boiler. When wanted for use, add 3^ pint cream, whipped stiff; cream slightly sour can be used. This amount of dressing is enough for 10 or 12 people. Use good firm cabbage, chopped; set cabbage on ice to crisp. Mix with cabbage, English walnuts. Cabbage, apples and celery with nuts make a good salad with this dressing. — Mrs. M. B. St. John. Good Salad Dressing. Five eggs, beaten very light; 2 tablespoons sugar; 3^ teaspoon salt; pinch of red pepper; 3 lemons; 1 pint sweet cream; 1 table- spoon flour, mixed in a little cream. Beat all together; cook in a double boiler, beating all the time. When partly cold, add 3 table- spoons butter, then add 1 pint whipping cream. Beat. (Mrs. Gustafson uses this dressing.) — Miss O'Connor. Salad Dressing. Three eggs; 1 cup milk; 1 tablespoon (heaping) flour; 1 level tablespoon salt; 1 teaspoon mustard; 3^ teaspoon paprika; dash white pepper; ]^ cup vinegar; 3^ cup butter. Beat eggs until creamy; add the melted butter, then the dry ingredients mixed together, and then the milk. Add the hot vinegar, turn into double boiler and stir constantly until thick. • — Mrs. J. L. Keep. SALADS AND SALAD DRESSINGS. 135 Salad Dressing for 125 People. Twenty-seven eggs; all the yolks and the whites of 9; 9 tea- spoons of mustard; 9 teaspoons of white pepper; 10 teaspoons of salt; 9 teaspoons of sugar; 18 tablespoons of olive oil; 9 teaspoons of cornstarch; 43^ cups of vinegar (diluted with water, if very sharp). Cook all the former ingredients the same as any salad dressing. Just before serving, add 23^ quarts of cream, whipped, and the rest of the whites, beaten;. also Cayenne. For chicken salad, 9 chickens and 6 dozen heads of celery will be required. Boiled Dressing. Two egg yolks; 2 tablespoons of melted butter, beaten with the egg; 1 teaspoon of sugar; 3^ teaspoon mustard; 4 tablespoons of milk; 6 tablespoons of vinegar; Cayenne. Cook in a double boiler until a little thickened. — Miss Lila P. Haskell. Green Leaf Salad. Make a French dressing of 13^ tablespoonfuls of Darwin vine- gar; 13^ tablespoonfuls of plain vinegar; 8 tablespoonfuls of oHve oil; 1 heaping teaspoonful of salt. Dissolve salt in vinegar, then add oil and stir until thickened. Then add 1 green pepper, 1 Ber- muda onion, and 1 tablespoonful of parsley, all chopped very fine. Pour over crisped lettuce. — Mrs. Frank F. Wormwood. Kartofel Salad. Eight medium sized potatoes boiled in their jackets, peeled and sliced, while warm; 3 small onions, sliced; tender stalks of celery, cut in inch pieces; salt; paprika; 1 teaspoon sugar (if liked); 2 tablespoons vinegar (or more if desired) ; 3 slices of fat bacon, cut in fine strips and fried to a crisp, but not scorched. Pour hot over the above, mix well, and garnish with parsley or celery leaves. — Miss Caroline Radecke. Cauliflower Salad. Soak 1 head of cauliflower for half an hour in cold water. Drain, and cook whole, uncovered, in boiling salted water, until tender. Place on ice until ready to serve. Then set on lettuce leaves. Garnish with pimolas and cover with French dressing. — Table Talk. 136 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. Stuffed Tomato Salad. Have the tomatoes not too ripe, of good shape, uniform size. Cut a lid at the stem end and remove seeds thoroughly f-rom each. Coat the inside of each tomato with French dressing and set away on ice. Prepare a stuffing of chopped cucumbers, 2 cucumbers to 1 small green pepper, also chopped, a few pieces of finely chopped onion, and mix it all with Mayonnaise. — Table Talk. "O green and glorious! O herbaceous treat! 'Twould tempt the dying anchorite to eat." — Sydney Smith. Spring Salad. This salad is to be served on round platter. First make a wreath of new shredded cabbage; inside this a wreath of tomatoes, quartered; then the inside row of latticed cucumbers. French dressing used with this. — Table Talk. Onion and Orange Salad. Take mild Texas onions and slice into very thin, even slices. Also cut large naval oranges into even slices. For each person serve on a bed of nice crisp head lettuce a slice of the onion between 2 slices of orange and pour French dressing over all. — Mrs. J. Stanley Browne. String Bean Salad. String young tender beans and cover with boiling salted water; boil 20 minutes and drain. Plunge into cold water 10 minutes, then put them into boiling, unsalted water, and cook 15 minutes longer. Drain and chill. Arrange on a bed of lettuce and sprinkle chopped chives over all. Cover with French dressing and serve. Potato Salad k la Schumann-Heink. Peel the cooked potatoes while warm; cut in slices; add freshly sliced apple and finely chopped onion. Make a dressing of vinegar, salt, pepper and a generous quantity of olive oil. When the pota- toes are cool, add the dressing and mix thoroughly. Serve in salad dish with a garnish of watercress. — ERNESTI^fE Schumann-Heink. SALADS AND SALAD DRESSINGS. 137 Potato Salad. Dice cold boiled potatoes and marinate in clear olive oil. Add chopped celery, cucumbers and onions and mix with the following dressing: 2 teaspoons sugar, 1 teaspoon salt, 3^ teaspoon mus- tard; mix carefully. Add 2 yolks, 1 cup of milk and 1 tablespoon of butter and bring all to a boil. Have ready 1 teaspoon of baking powder, dissolved thoroughly in 3^ cup of vinegar. Add this to the first mixture slowly, and cook together a very little. — Mrs. Percy F. Stone. Cove Oyster Salad. (A very old Recipe.) Four eggs; butter size of an egg; 1 tablespoon of celery seed; Cayenne; 1 teaspoon black pepper; 1 teaspoon mixed mustard; liquor from a 2-pound can cove oysters; 1 teacup vinegar; 3^ tea- cup cream. Stir while cooking this until it becomes a thick cream, then pour in oysters which have been cut in halves. Take from fire and stir in 8 or 10 large salt crackers, which have been rolled fine. Judgment must be used not to make the salad too stiff, as the crackers soak up a great deal of moisture. — Miss Leola Arnold. Pecan Salad. Make a salad of cream cheese, pecans and shredded lettuce. Place shredded lettuce in bottom of a bowl, then long narrow strips of cheese with pecans sprinkled over the whole. Serve with French dressing. — Mrs, Edward Heiliger. Salad in Green Peppers. Slice off the tops of sweet green peppers, remove seeds. Scald in boihng water 10 minutes. Drain and chill and fill with minceu cabbage and celery, mixed with Mayonnaise. — Mrs. Edward Heiliger. Vegetable Combination Salad. Shred 1 large head of leaf lettuce. Wash and drain 1 can of small green string beans of good brand. Chill 2 solid, peeled toma- toes and cut into small pieces. Crisp on ice 3^ cucumber, thinly sliced. Shred finely 1 medium sized mild onion (silver skin, Span- ish or Bermuda); 1 cup tender celery, finely cut; a few sliced rad- ishes. Mix with the following dressing: 12 tablespoons olive oil; 3 tablespoons vinegar; salt; Cayenne; 3^ salt spoon curry powder; 138 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. 1 garlic clove, minced very fine. Let this stand Y^ hour on ice, then beat thoroughly. Line salad bowl with crisp, white leaves of head lettuce, turn in salad. Garnish top with the shredded whites and powdered yolks of 2 hard-boiled eggs, and few thin slices of radishes. — Mrs. O. R. Brouse. Chicken Salad. One pint each of diced cold boiled chicken and diced celery. Mix and marinate with French dressing and keep on the ice until ready to serve. Make a Mayonnaise dressing and mix part of it with the chicken and celery and pour the remainder over the salad. For sweet bread salad, substitute cooked sweetbreads for the chicken. . — Mrs. Freeman Graham. Sweetbread Salad. With 1 pair sweetbreads put 1 slice of onion and 2 bay leaves and simmer 20 minutes. Then take from stove and put into cold water and remove skin. To 1 cup sweetbreads use V/^ table- spoonfuls of lemon juice; 3^ cup cream, whipped; 3<^ cup cucumber, diced; salt and pepper to taste. Soak 3^ tablespoon gelatine in ^ tablespoon cold water, then add 1 tablespoon boiling water. Mix all together and put into small, wet molds. Serve on lettuce with Mayonnaise dressing. — Mrs. George D. Roper. Gelatine Salad. Make 1 quart of lemon gelatine jelly, add a little salt. When cool and partly set, stir in 3^ cup finely shredded cabbage; 3^ cup finely cut celery; 2 tablespoons chopped green pepper;' 2 or 3 pimen- toes; 6 large olives, chopped. Chill in 1 large mold or individuals. Serve on lettuce with Mayonnaise dressing and any desired garn- ishing. Easter Salad. Take off the shells from hard-boiled eggs, cut in two length- wise and remove yolks. Cut the whites in strips and for each per- son put 1 leaf of leaf lettuce on a salad plate and on it build a nest of finely shredded lettuce and the white strips. Mash the yolks and season as for salad eggs with a little vinegar, mustard, salt, pepper, sugar and melted butter; roll into balls about the size of a small bird's egg, and place 4 or 5 in each nest. Pour French dress- ing over all and pass Mayonnaise with it. — Mrs. Hilma Johnson. SALADS AND SALAD DRESSINGS. • 139 Easter Salad. One squash; 3^ pint of Mayonnaise sauce; 1 small cucumber; 2 lettuces; 2 tomatoes; 1 endive; 1 teaspoonful of capers. Cut a round slice off the top of the squash and scoop out the inside when a round bowl will result, into which the salad may be put. Pre- pare the lettuce and endive, using only the white part of the latter, and pulling both in small pieces. Peel the tomatoes and cucumber and cut into small pieces. Mix about 3 parts of the lettuce, en- dive, cucumber and tomatoes with some of the Mayonnaise sauce and put it into the case of squash. Lay in a few slices of hard- boiled eggs, cover again with salad. Pour over a little more sauce and garnish with slices of tomatoes, a few capers and endive. — Table Talk. Combination Salad. Boil 3 eggs until they are hard; take out the yolks, add a lit- tle cream to them; season and mix to a smooth paste. Mold into small balls. Shred the whites. Arrange lettuce on a large salad plate. In the center press a square of cream cheese through a pota- to ricer. Around this put sliced tomatoes, then sliced cucumbers; dress with a French dressing; put on carefully with a spoon after the salad is arranged. Next to the cucumber put the whites of the eggs, and finally the yolk balls, at intervals, on top of the cucum- bers and tomatoeis. — Mrs. William H. Fitch. Celery Aspic. Make a highly seasoned aspic jelly. In a square mold, spread a layer of celery, cover with the jelly, let harden; then a layer of pecans in the same manner, then a layer of chopped pimentoes. Have this not more than l}/^ inches thick. Cut in squares and serve on lettuce with Mayonnaise. — Miss Mary Walton. Salmon Salad I. Shred 1 can red salmon; add 1 can of peas which have been washed and drained; 1 cup of celery, cut fine; salt and pepper. Mix with Mayonnaise dressing. Serve on crisp lettuce leaves with puffs of fluffy Mayonnaise over the top. — Mrs. O. R. Brouse. 140 • THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. Salmon Salad II. Boil hard as many eggs as desired. Shell, and cut off a slice from each end. Remove yolks and add part of them to 1 can of shredded salmon, 1 cup of celery, cut fine, and plenty of Mayon- naise dressing. Fill whites with this salad. Set on crisp lettuce leaves and pour Mayonnaise over all. Powder the rest of yolks over the top. — Mrs. 0. R. Brouse. Tomato Aspic. One-half can of tomatoes; 1 bay leaf; 2 slices of onion; ^ tea- spoon of thyme; 1 teaspoon of salt; 1 teaspoon of sugar; 3^ teaspoon of pepper; 3^ box of gelatine, soaked in J^ cup cold water. Cook all together, except gelatine, % of an hour or until tomato is very soft. Strain and add gelatine; strain again into mold and let stand on ice until firm. If desired, as it begins to set, chopped green pep- pers may be stirred in, chopped olives, cold cooked peas, beans or any vegetable suitable for salad. This served on lettuce and sur- rounded by Mayonnaise, makes a very pretty and delicious salad. Tomato Sandwich. Peel and chill large, firm tomatoes. Slice them and with a biscuit cutter cut thick slices of bread into rounds the same size as tomatoes. On a bed of lettuce place a slice of tomato, then a round of bread spread very thickly on both sides with Mayonnaise, which has not been diluted with whipped cream; then another slice of tomato, another spreading of Mayonnaise, and chopped chives on the top. This served with nice crisp bacon, makes a de- licious summef luncheon, — Mrs. William S. Miller. Fish Aspic. Prepare a highly seasoned tomato aspic. Boil any firm, fleshed fish; cool, pick into small pieces and season. Fill a mold full, but lightly (do not pack), with layers of the fish, capers and pearl onions. Then pour in the tomato aspic and set on ice to harden. Serve on a bed of lettuce with Mayonnaise dressing, into which has been worked as much grated cheese as it will hold. — Mrs. Walter A. Forbes. SALADS AND SALAD DRESSINGS. 141 Cheese Salad. One pint whipped cream; 6 tablespoons grated cheese; 1 large teaspoon gelatine dissolved in a very little water. Season with salt, Cayenne and mustard. Mix well and pour into molds and place on ice to harden. Serve on lettuce with French dressing. Sprinkle nut meats over the top. — Mrs. Ella P. Root. Beet Salad. Cut into 3^-inch cubes 1 can of strawberry beets and mari- nate. Add 1 pound of shelled pecans, broken in pieces. Serve with boiled dressing and garnish with white cabbage, finely shred- ded. — Mrs. E. M. St. John. Oyster Salad. Beat 4 eggs light. Add 1 gill cream; 1 teaspoon mustard; 1 teaspoon salt; Cayenne; 2 tablespoons butter; 1 gill vinegar. Cook in double boiler about five minutes. Heat 1 quart oysters in their liquor to boiling point, drain and mix with the dressing. When ready to serve add 1 pint celery cut fine. — Miss Sarah Williams. Celery, Stuffed with Cheese. To be served with salad. Mix equal parts of Blue Label and MacLaren cheese; add Cayenne, chopped pimola olives and chopped nuts. Spread in the hollow of each stick of celery, — ^Mrs. E. M. St. John. Cucumber and Onion Salad. , Cut up an onion and cucumber, place on lettuce and pour over all a German dressing. German Dressing: Beat 3^ cup of heavy cream until stiff; add slowly 3 tablespoons of vinegar, 3^ teaspoon of salt and a lit- tle pepper. Garnish with radishes, cut into rose shape, and sprinkle lightly with paprika. — Mrs. E. M. St. John. White Grape Salad. One pint of white grape juice; 34 box Cox's gelatine. Soak gelatine in a little cold water. Heat the grape juice and then add the gelatine. Strain into individual molds and when ready to serve, turn out on a lettuce leaf. Garnish this with Ij^ pounds white grapes, skin removed, and 34 pound blanched almonds. Serve with Mayonnaise, to which sweetened whipped cream has been added. — Mrs. Charles Brantingham. 142 THP: MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. Fruit Salad. Grapes, cherries, pineapple, orange. After fruit has been thoroughly chilled on ice, arrange on lettuce and cover with French dressing. Just before serving, cover with a lemon ice or white grape ice, frozen hard. — Mrs. Charles Brantingham. Pineapple Salad. Cut off the top of a pineapple, taking enough to form a lid. Scoop out the fruit and mix with cut up bananas and oranges, and Mayonnaise dressing. Return to the pineapple shell, adjust the lid and serve. — Miss Florence Munn. Banana Salad. Peel nice ripe bananas. Roll in the beaten white of an egg, then again in either ground peanuts or other preferred nuts. (Grind the nuts, not too fine, in meat grinder). Serve on a lettuce leaf with Mayonnaise poured around. — Mrs. O. R. Brouse. Apple and Date Salad. Cut pared and cored apples into match-like strips. Cut dates likewise, using 3^ as much date as apple. Into a pint of the mix- ture pour 2 tablespoons olive oil and mix well. Then add 1 table- spoon lemon juice and mix again. Cover closely, and let stand on ice }/2 hour. If at the end of that time the salad is too dry, add more oil and lemon juice. Serve on lettuce with bread and butter sandwiches. — Mrs, Edward Heiliger. Alexandra Salad. Us6 head lettuce, remove outer leaves, wash heads, and with a sharp knife cut a round place in top of each and then cut out center, leaving a cup. Into this put a few white grapes, halved, and seeded, and red California cherries (stones removed), or grape fruit pulp. Lay each lettuce cup on a dark lettuce leaf and just before serving, pour French dressing over all. — Mrs. Edward Heiliger. Waldorf Salad. Two cups apple, finely cut up; 2 cups of celery, cut same size. Mix together and mix Mayonnaise dressing with it. This is pretty served in red peppers or red apples, scooped out. EGGS AND CHEESE. 143 CHAPTER XI. EGGS AND CHEESE. "We may live without poetry, music and art; We may live without conscience and live without heart; We may live without friends and live without books; But civilized man cannot live without cooks." — Owen Meredith. EGGS. Fried Eggs. Drop eggs one by one into hot fat left from ham or bacon. Cook until the white is set. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and serve hot. Baked Eggs. Six eggs; 3^ teaspoon salt; dash of pepper; 1 tablespoon but- ter; 3 tablespoons cream. Break eggs into pan without separating. Add salt, pepper, butter and cream. Bake 20 minutes and serve hot. Eggs Poached in Balls. Put 3 pints boiling water into stew pan; set on hot stove or coals; stir water with a stick until it runs rapidly around, then hav- ing broken an egg into a cup, taking care not to break the yolk, drop into the whirling water, continue to stir until egg is cooked, then take into a dish with a skimmer and set it over a pot of boiling water; boil one at a time. These will remain soft for a long time. Poached Eggs. Break a strictly fresh egg into a saucer. Have ready a pan of boiling water. Stir the water until it is spinning and drop egg into the center. When the white forms a thin veil over the yolk the egg is sufficiently cooked. Dash with salt and serve on but- tered toast. 144 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. Creamed Eggs I. Pour a little cream sauce over hot buttered toast. Add the chopped whites of hard-boiled eggs, then the yolks which have been rubbed through a sieve. Add salt and pepper and cover the whole with cream sauce. Garnish with parsley and serve. Creamed Eggs II. Boil 6 eggs 20 minutes. Make 1 pint of cream sauce. 6 slices of toast on hot dish. Put layer of sauce on each one, then part of the whites of the eggs, cut in thin strips; and rub part of the yolks through a sieve onto the toast. Repeat and finish with a third layer of sauce. Place in oven for 3 minutes. Garnish with parsley. Scrambled Eggs. Put a tablespoonful of butter and a little cream into a frying pan. When this is hot, break 6 eggs into it, and stir until slightly cooked. Serve immediately. Steamed Eggs. Break eggs into buttered patty pans, placed in a wire basket. Cook over a kettle of boiling water until whites are set. Curried Eggs. One cupful stock; 6 eggs; 3^ teacup cream; salt and pepper; 1 teaspoon chopped onion; 3 tablespoons butter; 1 tablespoon flour; 1 teaspoon curry powder. Fry the onion in the butter. Add flour and curry powder and stir to smooth paste. Add cream and seasoning. Cook 10 minutes. Boil the eggs hard and quarter them. Pour the sauce over and simmer 2 minutes. Serve hot on toast. Escalloped Eggs. Butter a pie plate and sprinkle over it a layer of bread crumbs. Break 5 eggs carefully, place on crumbs; sprinkle over them small half teaspoonful salt and one-eighth teaspoonful pepper; cover with another layer of crumbs; pour over top a tablespoonful melted butter. Bake in hot oven, 8 minutes. Eggs k la Buckingham. Dip freshly toasted bread into hot milk. Place on hot plat- ter. Pour scrambled eggs (slightly under done) over the toast. Sprinkle with grated cheese and put in oven to melt cheese. Serve hot. — Hertha Tjaden. EGGS AND CHEESE. 145 Brown Buttered Eggs. Put 2 tablespoonfuls of butter in small stew pan and let cook until very dark, almost black. Then drop in quickly 2 tablespoon- fuls of tarragon vinegar and let cook a moment longer; add 1 tea- spoonful chopped parsley, and set where it will keep warm. Drop 4 eggs in small buttered baking dish, sprinkle with saltspoonful of salt and set in oven to bake. When whites are set, remove from oven, pour sauce over the top and serve. Eggs Broiiille. Six eggs, 3^ cup milk, or better, cream; 2 mushrooms; tea- spoonful salt; a little pepper; 3 tablespoonfuls butter; slight grat- ing of nutmeg. Cut mushrooms into dice and fry 1 minute in 1 tablespoon of the butter. Beat eggs, salt, pepper and cream to- gether and put in a sauce pan. Add butter and mushrooms to these ingredients. Stir over moderate heat until mixture begins to thicken. Take from fire and beat rapidly into eggs until they become quite thick and creamy. Have slices of toast on hot dish. Heap mixture on these and garnish with points of toast. Serve immediately. Columbus Eggs. Select green peppers of uniform size. Plunge into boiling water and remove outer skin. Cut around stem and remove seeds and veins. Break a fresh egg into each pepper and bake in hot oven about 12 minutes. Have ready a square of hot buttered toast for each and serve with tomato sauce. — Mrs. Dan Kimball. Eggs and Tomatoes. Place 6 tomatoes, which have been peeled and sliced, into a well buttered baking dish. Season with salt and pepper and cook over the fire 20 minutes. Then break and drop 6 eggs over the tomatoes and cook for 5 minutes more. Serve in same dish. Eggs with Mushrooms. Fry 4 chopped mushrooms in 2 tablespoons of butter for 2 minutes. Beat 6 eggs, 3^ cupful of cream, 1 teaspoon of salt and a little pepper together. Add the mushrooms and butter. Stir over moderate heat until it begins to thicken. Remove from fire and beat rapidly for 3 minutes. Serve on hot toast. 146 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. A Spanish Delicacy. Heat an earthen dish over a moderate fire and melt in it a piece of butter the size of an egg; add a small onion, minced fine; }/2 teaspoonful salt; a dash of pepper; a teaspoonful minced pars- ley, and as much minced chili pepper or a tablespoonful of sweet pepper; break 6 eggs, one by one, into the boihng butter and turn as soon as they are set, using great care not to break yolks. Serve very hot in same dish. Omlet— (Splendid). Six eggs, whites and yolks beaten separately; 3^ pint of milk; 6 teaspoons cornstarch; 1 teaspoon baking powder, and a little salt; add whites, beaten to stiff froth, last; cook in a little butter. Green Corn Omelet. Take 4 good-sized ears of very tender sweet corn, score length- wise of kernels and press out pulp with back of a knife. Mix with 5 well-beaten eggs, add 4 tablespoonfuls rich milk, ^ of a tea- spoonful of salt and 2 or 3 dashes of pepper. Have frying pan very hot, put in good teaspoonful of butter; when well melted, pour in omelet. Cook with care, folding over as soon as it sets, and dish on a hot platter. Left-over corn may also be used. Mrs. Langwell's Omelet. Four eggs, whites and yolks beaten separately; 3 tablespoons water; salt and pepper to taste; beat well together. Have 1 table- spoon melted butter hot in omelet pan. Pour in mixture and cook until top is dry. Fold and remove to hot platter and serve at once. Omelet with Cheese. Beat 4 eggs until very light. Add 1 teaspoon flour, 1 table- spoon chopped parsley, ^ cup grated cheese and a dash of pep- per and salt. Pour into a pan in which there is a tablespoonful of melted butter. Shake the pan while cooking. When brown, fold over and serve on hot platter. Potato Omelet. One cupful mashed potatoes; 3 eggs, beaten separately; 1 tea- spoon salt; one-tenth teaspoon black pepper; 1 teaspoon flour; 3^ cup milk. Mix well and add a dash of nutmeg. Brown lightly in a well-buttered frying pan and serve hot. EGGS AND CHEESE. 147 Egg Relish, Beat 5 eggs, yolks and whites together; add salt and pepper; 1 cupful cream; 1 teaspoon chopped parsley and 1 cupful bread crumbs. Fry in hot butter. Egg Chowder. Beat 5 eggs together. Add 3^ cup cream and 1 cupful boiled ham, chopped fine. Fry in hot butter and stir. Serve with a garnish of parsley. Swiss Eggs. Butter a stone china dish or crock. Shave into it 3^ pound cheese. Partly cover with bits of butter. Mix 3^ cupful cream, 1 teaspoon mustard, 3^ teaspoon salt and one-tenth teaspoon Cayenne. Pour half the mixture over the cheese. Break 6 eggs into the dish and pour rest of the cream mixture over this. Bake 8 minutes and serve. ^ggs k la Swiss. Spread bottom of dish with 2 ounces of fresh butter; cover with grated cheese; break 6 eggs upon cheese without breaking yolks. Season with red pepper and salt, if necessary; pour a lit- tle cream on the surface, strew about 2 ounces grated cheese on top and set eggs in moderate oven for about a quarter of an hour. Pass a hot salamander over the top to brown it. Stuffed Eggs au Gratin. Boil hard 3^ dozen eggs. Remove shells and cut in two lengthwise. Take out yolks and beat to a paste; add salt, pepper and a little mustard, minced parsley, 2 tablespoons of bread crumbs and a large tablespoon of butter. Fill whites with this mixture and lay eggs, stuffed side uppermost, in a buttered baking dish. Cover with white cream sauce, sprinkle with bread crumbs, bits of butter and grated cheese. Put in oven and bake until brown on top. — Mrs. R. G. Root. CxxEESE. Cottage Cheese. Set a dish of clabbered milk on the back of the range or in a gas oven after baking, leaving the door open. In half an hour pour into a coarse bag and let drain 3 hours. Put the cheese which remains in the bag in an ice cream freezer, add salt and rich cream and turn freezer until light and fluffy. 148 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. Rice with Cheese. Into a baking dish put layers of well-cooked rice, salt, pepper, butter and grated cheese. Sprinkle cracker crumbs on top and cover with milk. Bake % of an hour. Cheese Omelet. Beat up 3 eggs and add 1 tablespoon of milk, 1 tablespoon of grated cheese, salt to taste. Cook like plain omelet, adding a lit- tle more cheese before folding. Turn out on a hot dish; grate cheese over it before serving. Cheese Souffle. Melt in a saucepan a large tablespoon butter, add a heaping tablespoon flour and stir smooth. Add to this 1 cup milk and cook until thick. Take from fire and add ^ cup of grated cheese, the older the better. Drop into this the yolks of 5 eggs and a good dust of red pepper. If cheese is fresh, add salt. Have oven hot, and butter baking dish. Beat the whites of the eggs very stiff, and add the mixture to the whites. Bake until firm, from 20 minutes to Yi hour. — Eleanor Holland. Cheese Patty. Melt 1 cup of grated cheese and 1 teaspoon of butter, over a steamer. To stiffly beaten whites of 2 eggs add the melted cheese, salt and paprika. Fill shells and bake brown in quick oven. Shells. Take 1-inch thick slices of baker's bread; cut round with bis- cuit cutter and scoop out the inside to form cups. Put a table- spoon of milk in each before filling with cheese. Baked Celery and Cheese. Cut up and stew the celery. Put in a baking dish with layers of white sauce and grated cheese. Over the top put bread crumbs and cover with cheese. Bake brown. Celery and Cheese Sticks. Mix cream cheese and sweet cream; season with salt and pap- rika. Add 8 finely chopped olives and fill celery sticks with the mixture. Serve with salad. EGGS AND CHEESE. 149 Cheese Fingers. When pies are made take piece of pastry dough, roll out very thin, and cut into strips as long and wide as a finger; spread on each strip grated cheese sprinkled with salt and pepper. Lay on another strip, pinch together, brush with yolk of egg, bake in slow oven. If no pie crust is already made a half cupful flour, table- spoonful butter and a little ice water will make plenty. Cheese Straws. Cheese straws are made by using the above recipe and cut- ting in strips 5 inches long and ^ inch wide. Bake 8 minutes in hot oven. Parmesan cheese may be used. Serve with salad. Cheese Sandwiches. To 1 package Blue Label cheese, add 1 tablespoonful chopped pimentos and 1 tablespoonful chopped walnut meats. Mix and spread between thin slices of bread and butter. Welsh Rarebit. Cut the crusts from 6 slices of bread. Toast and butter, and then dip quickly into hot water and place on hot platter. Stir 2 cups of grated cheese into 3^ cup of hot milk. When melted, add salt, Cayenne and the yolks of 2 eggs. Cook 1 minute and pour over the toasted bread. Cheese Toast. Mix 3 tablespoons of bread crumbs with 3 tablespoons cream and 3 tablespoons melted butter. Add 1 cupful grated cheese, 1 teaspoon mustard, salt and pepper (Cayenne). Spread evenly upon slices of toast and brown quickly in the oven. Cheese Filling for Sandwiches. One cream cheese, 1 bottle stuffed olives. Cream the cheese with enough cream so as to spread. Add olives, chopped fine. Nuts may be used in place of olives. Potatoes with Cheese. Make a white cream sauce; add 3^ pound grated cheese. Add sliced cold boiled potatoes. Season well with salt and pepper and bake in buttered baking dish until brown on top. Cheese Strips. Make cheese sandwiches. Remove crusts and toast. Cut in strips and serve with salad. 150 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. Macaroni and Cheese. One cup macaroni, broken small, and boiled 1 hour in salted water. Make a cream sauce of 1 pint milk, 2 tablespoons flour, 1 tablespoon butter, salt and pepper. 1 cup grated cheese. Put all into a buttered baking dish and bake until nicely browned. Cheese Salad I. Make small balls of cheese and chopped nuts. Put several into a nest of head lettuce and serve with French or Mayonnaise dressing. Cheese Salad II. One pint whipping cream; 1 tablespoon gelatine, dissolved in a little cold water, then a little hot; 6 tablespoons grated cream cheese; 1 pinch of dry mustard; salt and paprika; 3^ cup chopped walnuts. Put into small molds until hard, then serve on shredded lettuce with French dressing. — Mrs. Kimball. Cheese Fondu I. Heat 1 tablespoon butter in frying pan or chafing dish. Add 1 cup milk, 1 cup fine bread crumbs, 2 cups of grated cheese and a teaspoon of dry mustard. Season with Cayenne. Stir constantly until perfectly smooth. Add 2 eggs, lightly beaten, and serve on toast. Cheese Fondu. Take as many eggs as there are guests. Beat them well and put in saucepan. Add }{ as much cheese by weight as eggs and }/2 as much butter as cheese. The cheese should be grated or broken in very small pieces. Put all over fire and stir until thick and soft, then add salt and pepper. Remove to baking dish and bake until brown on top. — Mrs. Fannie Moffatt. Cheese Balls I. Mix Blue Label cheese with a little cream and finely chopped pecan meats. Make into balls and roll in chopped pecans, which have been heated with butter, and salt in a frying pan or in the oven. — Mrs. Edwin St. John. Cheese Balls II. Use club cheese; moisten with a little cream until it is soft, and easily molded. Season with salt and a little Cayenne pepper; mold in small, flat balls about the size of a walnut and press J^ of EGGS AND CHEESE. 1'51 a pecan nut on the top; serve on a platter with parsley, forming little nests for the cheese balls. This can also be molded into the shape of little carrots, with a sprig of parsley at the large end. — Mrs. Fannie C. Moffatt. Cheese Balls III. Mix 1}^ cups grated American cheese with }4 teaspoon each of salt and paprika; add whites of 3 eggs, beaten. Shape in small balls, roll in fine cracker crumbs and fry in deep fat. Serve with salads. Cheese Balls IV. One cream cheese, 1 dozen olives, cut fine. Cream the cheese with enough cream to make it pliable. Add olives, and mold into balls the size of a walnut, garnish with chopped parsley. 152 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. ^tidMJMJHMMi^Mi^WiMiiJiVMMiMMMWMii)^^ fm \ Mrs. M. E. Kellogg \ Decorative Art Rooms 801 Wm. Drown Building A full and complete line of STAMPED ART GOODS AND MATERIALS TO FINISH. ORDERS TAKEN FOR EMBROIDERY. DESIGNING A SPECIALTY. The largest stock of HIGH-GRADE YARNS in the city. Finished Embroidered Pieces and Novelties for sale at reasonable prices NEW AND DESIRABLE STAMPING PATTERNS always on hand and STAMPING DONE TO ORDER fmm^^wmmnmmfmmmtmmmmmnmhfmmmmmmmmmmfm PURITY BROMANGELON The Jelly P o -w d e r with the Big Name QUALITY jlJtjANY imitations have followed Bromangelon into the market. Be mJW Wise! You know what you want, insist on having it. The Original is good enough for me, BROMANGELON 10c. Size light yellow Service for Six ^''"' Hr package. package THE STERN & SAALBERQ CO., Manufacturers & Originators, New York, N. Y. H. W. HADDEN, 79 Dearborn St. Chicago, lil. 153 To each Recipe Add the Words: TO BE COOKED BY GAS 154 PASTRY. 156 CHAPTER XII. i PASTRY. "Who'll dare deny the truth, there's poetry in pie." It is quite essential in making good pastry that all utensils should be as cold as possible and as little water as possible should be used. Ice water or the very coldest obtainable should be used in mixing pastry. Pastry should be kneaded very slightly. The less it is handled the better. A small pinch of baking powder may be added to pie crust, if desired. A little white of egg spread over bottom crust of a pie before pouring in the filling will help to keep the crust from soaking. Pie crust will be browner and more flaky if about 1^^ table- spoonfuls of cream or rich milk be spread over the surface before baking. Pie Crust I. Two cups flour; 1 cup lard; 3^ cup water; pinch of salt. Mix lard and flour thoroughly, add water little by little, press together lightly. — Mrs. G. L. Garlick. Pie Crust II. Three cups flour; 1 cup lard; 3^ cup ice water. Mix lard in flour with knife; add water and mix as little as possible; roll thin. Pie Crust III. , One quart flour; 3^ pound of lard, sweet and firm; 3^ pound of butter; 1 small teacupful of ice water. — Mrs. C. I. Hardy. Pie Crust IV. One-half cup of butter; 3^ cup of lard; 3^ cup of ice water; 23^ cups of flour. Have everything cold. Cut the flour into the butter and lard with a knife and add the ice water, using the knife to mix. Roll as little as possible and in one direction. Do not put the hands in if possible to handle it with the knife. — Mrs. Seeley Perry. 156 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. ^ Chou Paste. To make chou paste put Y^ cup of butter and 1 cup of water into a sauce pan and place on fire; when boiling, stir in 1 cup flour ^and beat vigorously until the mixture is smooth and leaves the side of the pan. Turn into a bowl and add 4 eggs, beating each one in separately, until smooth. This may be served with soup, by dropping from a spoon into deep fat frying until brown, or dropping on a pan and baking in moderate oven. This may be used for cream puffs, by dropping on buttered pans in circular forms, higher in the center. Bake 30 minutes in moderate oven with strongest heat at bottom, as puffs must rise quickly and be light before browning on top. They scorch easily, but must be well baked lest they fall. Cheese puff balls are made like the puffs with the addition of a rounding tablespoonful of cheese (grated), which is stirred into the mixture before the egg is added. — Amelia Sulzbacher. Apple Pie. Make crust as above. Prepare fruit as for sauce and slice into a thin crust; sprinkle with sugar, according to taste, and dust lightly with nutmeg and cinnamon. Place small bits of butter on this and cover with upper crust. Pinching the edges closely to- gether. The outer edge may be wet slightly with cold water be- fore placing upper. crust. — Ruby Garlick. Apple Pie "k la Mode. Make a good apple pie and serve hot, putting a tablespoon of vanilla ice cream on the top of each slice. Lemon Appli Pie. One cup sugar; 1 lemon (juice and pulp); 2 large apples or 4 small ones (grated); 1 tablespoon flour; 1 tablespoon butter; 1 egg. Bake between 2 pie crusts. — Mrs. J. C. Daggett. Apple Custard Pie. ■''One pint of sour apples, cooked smooth and sifted; 2 cups sugar; 1 cup butter; 6 eggs, beaten separately, the whites for frost- ing the top. Season with cinnamon. Blackberries, raspberries and all small fruit may be made into pies. No seasoning is needed. It will be found advisable to mix sugar thoroughly with flour before it is added to such fruit. PASTRY. 157 Custard Pie I. Line deep tin with crust, making quite a thick edge. Fill with following: 1 pint of rich milk; 3 eggs; 3^ cup sugar; pinch of salt and little nutmeg. Beat eggs thoroughly before adding re- mainder. Bake Yi hour by slow fire, or until nothing sticks to a silver knife if inserted into the custard. A custard pie needs great care in baking. — Mrs. G. L. Garlick. Custard Pie II. One pint milk; 3 eggs, well beaten; 3 tablespoons sugar; ^ teaspoon salt; ^ teaspoon ground cinnamon. Line a deep pie tin with pie crust and pour in the mixture. Bake carefully in a mod- erate oven. When done, it will not stick to a knife, if tried. — Mrs. J. H. Morrill. Lemon Pie I. Line pie tin with crust, prick with fork and bake in moderate oven. When done, fill with th'^ following: Take juice and part of the grated rind of 1 lemon; add the yolks of 2 eggs, 2 tablespoonfuls flour, 1 cup of sugar, butter size of hickory nut, and 1 cup water. Cook in double boiler until a smooth paste, stirring constantly. Place in baked crust, cover with beaten whites of eg^7 to which has been added 1 tablespoonful sugar. Brown in oven. — Ruby Garlick. Lemon Pie 11. One and one-half lemons, juice and a little of the grated rind; 1 cup water; 1 large cup sug8§; 2 tablespoons flour; 1 Jablespoon of butter; 3 eggs (yolks). Mix the sugar and flour together and add the lemon juice and rind, then the water and the beaten yolks of the eggs. Cook in a double boiler and v.hen it begins to thicken, add the butter. Cook till thick. M^ke a rich pie crust and bake in a pie tin (under crust only) ; when dohe, pour in the cooked filling to the baked crust. Beat the whites of the eggs stiff and put in a little pulverized sugar to sweeten; put this meringue over the pie and put in the oven to brown a little. —Miss E. C. Two Crust Lemon Pie. t Three lemons for 2 pies; 2 cups boiling w»ter; 2 tablespoons cornstarch; 1 cup of sugar; 3 eggs. —Miss R. G. 158 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUP COOK BOOK. Lemon and Raisin Pie. One lemon; 1 cup sugar; 1 cup water; 1 cup raisins; 1 table- "^ spoon flour. Remove seeds from lemon and raisins, and chop fine. # Stir all the ingredients together and bake between 2 crusts. — M. B. Chocolate Pie I. Two cups milk; 2 tablespoons grated chocolate. Put in double boiler and heat until chocolate is melted. When cool, add 3^ cup sugar and yolks of 3 eggs and white of 1, beaten together. Bake in 1 crust slowly. Frost with whites of 2 eggs, beaten with 3^ cup powdered sugar and a little vanilla. —Mrs. T. E. Sayer. Chocolate Pie II. Three eggs; % cup of sugar; 3 tablespoons of grated fchocolate (heaping); 1 large cup of milk; vanilla flavoring. Take 1 egg and the yolks of 2, leaving the whites to frost top. Mix the eggs, sugar and chocolate together, add the milk and vanilla. Line a pie tin with pie crust, put in the filling, bake, and when done, frost and brown. — Mrs. W. S. Miller. Buttermilk Pie. One cup sugar; 1 tablespoon butter; 1 egg; cream together; 1 teaspoon cinnamon and cloves; juice of 3^ lemon; 1 cup butter- milk; 1 cup chopped raisins. Bake in 2 crusts. Cannot tell this from mince pie. ^ * — Mrs. E. a. Howell. Cream Pie. Pour a pint of cream upon 13^2 cups of powdered sugar; let stand until the whites of 3 eggs have been beaten to a stiff froth; add this to the cream and beat thoroughly. Grate a little nutmeg over the mixture and bake in 2 pies without upper crust. — Mrs. Frank Travers. Sour Cream Pie. One cup sour cream; 1 cup of sugar; 3^ cup raisins (seeded and chopped); 3 eggs^ beaten together; whip cream till thick, then add eggs, raisins and sugar. Bake between 2 pie crusts. — Mrs. M. B. St. John. PASTRY. 159 Cocoanut Pie. One cup sugar (small); 3^ cup grated cocoanut; 1 pint rich milk; yolks of 2 eggs, using whites for frosting; 2 tablespoons cornstarch or flour; flavor with nutmeg. Let sugar and milk boil, then add corn- starch, which has been dissolved with a little cold milk, then add beaten yolks, stirring constantly until cooked. Then pour into baked crust, cover with beaten whites and cocoanut and brown in oven. Cocoanut Custard Pie. One pint milk; 3 eggs; 1 cup sugar; 3^ cup cocoanut (grated); Scald the milk in double boiler, beat the eggs till creamy, add the sugar and beat again, then add the hot milk and pour the mixture into a crust lined pie plate. Sprinkle the cocoanut over the top and bake in a moderate oven, taking it out before it is firm, while it still shakes in the middle. Cool. — Mrs. J. L. Keep. Squash Pie. One cup of squash (after it is cooked); 1 tablespoon of flour; }/2 cup -of sugar; 1 small teaspoonful of ginger; 1 teaspoonful of cinnamon; 3 eggs (yolks). Add flour to squash, then sugar, ginger, cinnamon and milk sufficient for 1 pie. Add the stiffly beaten yolks the last thing. Fill a pie crust hned pie tin and bake. — Mrs. a. C. Deming. Pumpkin Pie. One cup cooked pumpkin; 1 cup sweet milk; 2 eggs; 3^o ciip sugar; 1 even teaspoon each ginger and cinnamon; 3^ teaspoon nutmeg and salt. Beat yolks and whites separately, put pumpkin on back of stove and heat, add yolks and beat, then sugar and spices and stir thoroughly. Add whites and lastly the milk, very slowly, and stir well. Bake with one crust only. — Mrs. a. C. Brearley. Pie Plant Pie. One cup chopped pie plant; 1 cup sugar; 1 egg; 1 teaspoon flour; stir all together and bake in 1 crust; use whites of 2 eggs, beaten, for top and brown in oven. — Mrs. L. W. Miller. Two-Crust Pie Plant Pie. Make as for other small fruit, fifling lower crust with 1 layer only of sliced pie plant. Sweeten with sugar mixed well with flour and season with butter. — Ruby Garlick. 160 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. Mince Meat. Boil 4 pounds of good beef until tender. When cold, chop and measure in cups, adding twice as many cups of chopped apples as meat. Add 5 cups of sugar, 2 pounds of raisins, 1 pound of cur- rants, 1 cup of chopped citron (if desired), 13^ grated nutmegs, 3 tablespoons cinnamon, 2 tablespoons cloves, 2 of allspice, 2 of salt and 2 cups of molasses. To this may be added the stock in which the meat was cooked and 1 quart of boiled cider. A glass of currant jelly is sometimes an addition or juice from pickled peaches may be thus utilized. — Mrs. G. L. Garlick. Mock Mince Pie. One cup of raisins; 1 cup of cranberries; 1 cup of sugar; 1 tablespoon of flour. Cut raisins and cranberries in two; mix all ingredients and bake between 2 crusts. — Mrs. J. L. Keep. Tomato Mince for Pies. One peck green tomatoes; 5 pounds sugar; 2 pounds raisins; 1 tablespoon cloves; 1 tablespoon cinnamon; 1 tablespoon allspice; 1 tablespoon nutmeg. Chop the tomatoes fine and cook \}/2 hours. Then add the sugar and spice with one lemon and half a cup of vinegar and the raisins chopped fine. Add 1 teaspoon salt, 3^ tea- spoon pepper. Cook 3^ hour. This will keep in cans all winter and is deHcious. — Mrs. Emma Wilkins Guttman. Mock Cherry Pie. One cup cranberries and 3^ cup raisins, chopped fine. Add l' cup sugar, 3^ cup water, 1 tablespoonful flour, 1 teaspoon vanilla, little salt. Bake in one crust. Miss Williams. Cream Pie Plant Pie. Beat 1 egg with^ cup sugar. Add 1 tablespoon flour, 3 table- spoons cream or rich milk, 1 teaspoon lemon extract, and 1 cup stewed pie plant. Bake in one crust. — Miss Williams. Cherry Pie. One quart of cherries; 1 large cup of sugar. Stone the cher- ries and cook them a little until they are thoroughly heated through. Line a pie tin with good pie crust, put the sugar in and pour over the cherries, cover with an upper crust and put into the oven to bake. The pie is much nicer to spread the sugar in the crust lined pie tin with the cooked cherries poured over, than to mix the sugar with the fruit. — Mrs. Miller. PASTRY. 161 Blueberry Pie. One-half cup of sugar; 23^ cups blueberries. Line a deep pie plate with a good pie crust, fill with the berries and sugar mixed and dredge on to them a little flour. Cover with an upper crust and bake about % of an hour in a moderate oven. —Mrs. S. Pineapple Pie. Beat the yolks of 4 eggs very light. Add 1 cup sweet cream, 1 cup grated pineapple, 1 cup sugar and the whites of 2 eggs, beaten stiff. Pour into crust and bake in a moderate oven. When done, spread beaten whites of 2 eggs on top and return to the oven and brown. — Miss Sarah Williams. Orange Pie. One-half pound sugar; 3^ pound butter; 2 oranges; 6 eggs (beaten separately). Grate the rinds of the oranges and squeeze the juice. Cream the butter and sugar, add the beaten yolks of the eggs, the rind and juice of the oranges and lastly, the stiffly beaten whites of the eggs. Line a pie tin with pie crust and stir in the mixture and bake. —Mrs. Miller. Strawberry Meringue Pie. Beat the whites of 2 eggs to a stiff froth; stir in gently % oi u oup of sugar, 1 teaspoon of vanilla and a pint of fine strawberries. Line a pie pan with rich pastry and bake, then drop in the meringue by the spoonful and bake in a slow oven till firm. — B. S. Individual pies made of mince meat, pumpkin or any other kind are very nice to serve at small dinners or at luncheons. Made in patty pans the same way as in pie tins. Martha Washington Pie. Five eggs (beaten separately); 13/^ cups of flour; 2 teaspoons of baking powder; 1 cup of sugar; }i teaspoon of salt. Beat the yolks and add the flour and baking powder. In the beaten whites stir the sugar and salt, then stir all together, flavor with vanilla and bake in 4 round pie tins. When done, put together with jam or jelly and serve with whipped cream on top. This recipe makes 2 pies. -.—Miss Addie Thayer. 162 THE MP2NDELSS0HN CLUB COOK BOOK. Molasses Pie. One cup of brown sugar; 1 cup of butter; 1 cup of New Orleans molasses; 4 eggs. Beat all together and bake quickly in a hot oven with just 1 crust. This filling makes 2 pies. It is very nice when rightly made, but very rich, The molasses must be a good quahty. — Miss Leola Arnold. Tart Shells. Roll out rich pie crust about an eighth of an inch thick; cut out with a round cookey cutter; take a smaller cutter and cut out the centers of half of them, leaving rings about 1 inch in diameter. Moisten the rings near the edge and lay on to the whole pieces and press the edges together lightly. Chill and bake about 15 minutes in a hot oven. Cool, and fill with jam, jelly or sauce of any kind. Lemon Tarts. Grated rind and juice of 2 lemons, put in a small saucepan with the beaten yolks of 3 eggs, 2 tablespoonfuls of butter and 2 cupfuls of sugar. Set on the fire and stir until thick; take off and set aside to cool. Line tart-pans with puff paste, bake in a quick oven. Fill with the lemon mixture and serve. Lemon Butter for Pies or Tarts. One pound of sugar; 34 pound of butter; 3 lemons; 6 eggs, leaving out the whites of 2. Cook in double boiler. —Mrs. H. E. Banbury Tarts I. One cup of raisins, stoned and cut in half; 1 lemon, juice and grated rind; 3^ cup of sliced citron; 1 cup of sugar. Mix together, and cook until the sugar is dissolved thoroughly. Cut puff paste or rich pie crust in round pieces 3 inches in diameter. Put a heap- ing teaspoonful of the mixture on each piece and fold over the same as turn-overs, pinching the edges of the paste together. Bake about 20 minutes in a slow oven. — Mrs. Freeman Graham. Banbury Tarts II. One egg; 1 cup raisins (seeded and chopped); 1 lemon (juice and grated rind) ; 1 cup of sugar. Beat the egg and add the sugar, raisins and lemon. Put 2 teaspoons of mixture on a piece of pastry about 3 inches square and an eighth of an inch thick; fold over and bake the same as turn-overs. PASTRY. 163 Fig Tarts. One cup of chopped figs; 1 cup of water; stew in a double boiler for 3 hours, then add 3^ cup of sugar and the juice of 1 lemon. Fill small pastry shells, previously baked, and heap whip- ped cream on before serving. Prunes, like figs, should be soaked over night before cooking, and the latter process should be very gentle. They acquire a new and sprightly flavor if a cup of cider is added to the syrup in which they are cooked. English Cheese Tarts. One cup cottage cheese; % cup cream; 3^ cup sugar; 2 table- spoons of brandy or lemon for flavoring; 1 cup of currants. Put in a double boiler and cook till it thickens. Line patty pans with pie crust and put in the mixture and bake 20 minutes. This is an old English recipe and very delicious. — Mrs. E. M. St. John. Pineapple Tartlets. Beat together J^ cup of sugar and the yolks of 2 eggs. Add 1 cup of grated pineapple, the grated rind and juice of 3^ a lemon and a pinch of salt. Fill 6 patty pans, which have been lined with pie crust, and bake. Cover with a meringue made of the 2 eggs and 1 tablespoon of sugar; put into the oven a moment to brown a little. Lena Keith Marsh, New Richmond, Wis. 164 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. CHAPTER XIII. HOT PUDDINGS. "The daintiest last to make the end more sweet." It is said, "One of the best uses of originality is to say common things in an uncommon way." One of the next best uses is in serv- ing common things in uncommon ways for — "Variety alone gives joy; the sweetest meats the soonest cloy." How to Insure the Best Results. Always butter pudding molds well. If the pudding is to be boiled in a mold, use a covered mold. Stand in boiling water and boil continuously until done. Have the water come up as high as the pudding in the mold. If a bag is used, it should be of thick cotton. Dip the bag in hot water and flour the inside well. Plunge immediately in hot water. When done, dip the bag in cold water and the pudding will turn out easily. Put a plate on the bottom of the kettle to keep the pudding from burning. When a pudding is to be steamed, have the pudding mold a little smaller round than the steamer used. Lay a cloth over the top of the steamer and cover steamer closely. Do not uncover the steamer or jar it till the pudding is done. In boiling or steaming puddings never allow the water to stop boiling till pudding is done. If more water has to be added it must be at the boiling point. When raisins are used in puddings, put them in dry and well floured. If put in wet, the pudding will be heavy. HOT PUDDINGS. 165 "The discovery of a new dish does more for the happiness of man than the discovery of a new star." "The hand that made you good hath made you fair." Old English Plum Pudding ; over 100 years old. One pound seeded raisins; 1 pound currants; 1 pound beef suet; 1 pound brown sugar; 1 pound flour; 1 pound fine wheaten bread crumbs; 34 pound candied orange peel; 34 pound citron; 1 tablespoon salt; 1 teaspoon nutmeg; 1 teaspoon cinnamon; 1 tea- spoon cloves; 8 eggs; 3^ ounce bitter almonds, chopped fine; 3 large carrots, grated fine; 1 breakfast cup strong black coffee; 1 breakfast cup molasses. Enough sweet cider to wet and mix well, but not enough to make thin. Mix the dry ingredients well to- gether. Beat the eggs, without separating, then add them to the molasses and coffee. Add the carrots and mix well, adding the cider slowly. Let all stand until morning. The mixture should be of a consistency to be packed and piressed into buttered pud- ding boilers, and should cook 10 hours. During the making of this pudding every person in the house must help stir it, and it is said that whatever is wished for during the operation will be granted. This recipe is over one hundred years old. — Mrs. Henry Whipple. Christmas Plum Pudding. One cup finely chopped suet; 2 cups of fine bread crumbs; 1 cup sour milk; 1 heaping cup sugar; 1 cup each seeded raisins and cur- rants; 3^ cup citron, sliced thin; 1 cup blanched almonds, chopped; 1 cup prunes, cut in large pieces; 1 teaspoon each salt and cloves; 2 teaspoons cinnamon; 3^ grated nutmeg; 4 well beaten eggs; 1 level teaspoon soda, dissolved in 1 tablespoon warm water; 1 pint flour. Put the well beaten eggs, sugar, spice, salt, and milk in a large bowl. Flour fruit from a pint of flour and add to mixture, then the nuts, bread crumbs and suet, one at a time; last the dis- solved soda and rest of flour. Steam 4 hours in angel cake pan. Serve with the following sauce: Sauce: Cream 1 cup sugar and 3^ cup butter; add yolks of 4 eggs, beaten well; a pinch of salt, and 1 large cup hot cream or rich milk. Beat well. Cook in a double boiler till thick, but do not boil. Flavor with vanilla. — Mrs. E. T. Hanson, Beloit, Wis. 166 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. Plum Pudding. (Without suet or shortening.) Mix in a bowl dry: 1 cupful seeded raisins; 1 cupful clean currants; }/2 pound shredded citron; 1 cupful brown sugar; 1 cup- ful chopped nuts — either pecans, peanuts, walnuts or hickory nuts; 3^ grated nutmeg; ]4, teaspoon cinnamon; 3^ teaspoon cloves. Sprinkle over this mixture: 1 cupful flour; 1 pint bread crumbs; mix all thoroughly. Beat 3 eggs without separating, until light. Dissolve ^2 teaspoon soda in 2 tablespoons warm water; add it to ]/^ cup molasses; add the juice and rind of a lemon and ]4. cup grape juice or wine. Mix well, pack in molds and steam several hours. —Mrs. Henry Whipple. Suet Pudding I. One cup suet, chopped fine, or 3^ cup butter; 1 cup molasses; 3^ cup sweet milk; 2 teaspoons baking powder; 3^ teaspoon cinna- mon; 3 m M ^ # % : ^^ ^i • ^r* ^^ ^a^ • ^=» • ^^^ ^s^» '^^' ?s • ^=^ • ^' ^» ^^' ^^» ^^ ^^^ ^s^' ^^ ^^» ^i • ~ Waki Your Own Tee Cream JJnd You Know 7fs Good M Smoother, richer, better ice cream — more whole- some, purer ices, a more tempting variety of frozen des- serts than you could possibly buy anywhere can be made at home, in four minutes with the TRIPLE MOTION WHITE MOUNTAIN ICE CREAM FREEZER It stirs three ways at once by just turning the handle. This triple motion produces an indescribably fine-grained, creamy result. Lumpy or coarse ice cream is an impossibility with the White Mountain Freezer. Make ice cream often, it is wholesome and inexpensive if you have a White Mountain Freezer and make it at home. All leading dealers in house furnishing goods can supply the White Mountain Freezer. We have a fine book of recipes called "FROZEN DAINTIES" which we will send free for the asking. Dept. 6. ^^ Zh^ White mountain Treezer Co. nasbua. Flew Hampshire 222 M FROZEN DESSERTS OF ALL KINDS. 223 CHAPTER XVI. FROZEN DESSERTS OF ALL KINDS. "They would not bear a bite — no, not a munch — But melt away like ice." — Hood. A Few Suggestions as to Freezing: I. Give can and beaters a thorough scalding. II. Before putting ice in tub, pour the material into the freezer can; see that all parts are adjusted properly, and turn the crank to see that everything is in the right place. III. Have ice pounded fine and free from lumps. Use 1 part coarse salt to 3 or 4 parts crushed ice. Pack down with piece of wood, adding more ice as it settles. Maple Parfait. Cook well beaten yolks of 4 eggs and % cup maple syrup in double boiler. Let cool. Add 1 pint whipped cream, pour into mold. Cover with wax paper. Place cover on, place in freezer and pack in chopped ice and coarse salt. Freeze 4 hours. Vanilla Parfait. One cup sugar; 4 tablespoons water. Boil together 10 minutes, add well beaten yolks of 8 eggs, cook slowly until creamy. At this time take from fire, add teaspoon vanilla, turn in a bowl, whip till light. When cold, add 1 pint whipped cream. Pour into mold, cover, pack in ice and salt and let freeze for 4 hours. This makes 1 quart. Pineapple Parfait. One cup pineapple juice; 13^ cups sugar; boil to a thick syrup. Add slowly to well beaten yolks of 4 eggs. Cook in double boiler until thick. Beat until cold. Whip 1 pint of heavy cream, stiff, and mix with syrup and eggs. 2 tablespoons lemon juice. Pack in a mold and freeze 4 hours. 224 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. Caf 6 Parfait. One pint rich cream; 3^ cup sugar; 3^ cup strong coffee ex- tract. Whip cream, mix with coffee and sugar. Pack and freeze 3 hours. Roman Punch. Three pounds pulverized sugar; 3 quarts water; juice 8 lemons; 3^ pint rum; whites of 8 eggs, beaten. Freeze hard. Hokey Pokey. Pack ice cream in an ordinary square mold. When frozen, cut into squares, quickly "Wrap in tissue paper. Pile all in a clean freezer and pack in ice and salt. These will keep for some time, if kept packed. Coffee Ice Cream. One pint heavy cream; 1 pint milk; vanilla extract. Sweeten to taste, adding pinch salt. Coffee extract to color cream a pretty dark tan. Freeze. Fruit Ice Cream. One pint fruit without juice; 1 pint heavy cream; 1 pint milk; 1 cup sugar. Mix in order and freeze. Tutti Fruitti. One cup sugar; 1 cup flour; 1 quart milk. Cook, stirring con- stantly, until thick. Strain and mix in 2 quarts cream. Vanilla to taste. 13^ cups sugar, browned. Add to above with chopped •fruits and nuts. Freeze. — Mrs. Robt. G. McCord, New Albany, Indiana. Glac6. Yolks 4 eggs; 8 tablespoons confectioner's sugar; beaten to- gether. Add 1 pint whipped cream.- Flavor with vanilla. Freeze 4 hours. — Mrs. Ralph Root. Vanilla Ice Cream. Make custard of 1 pint milk, 1 cup sugar, yolks of 4 eggs (or 2 yolks and 1 tablespoon flour). When cooked, add tablespoon vanilla; cool, strain and add 1 pint cream. Freeze. FROZEN DESSERTS OF ALL KINDS. 225 Hot Chocolate Sauce. One cup boiling water; 3^ cup sugar; 1 teaspoon cornstarch; 1 square chocolate or 4 teaspoons cocoa. Cook 15 minutes and add teaspoon vanilla. Pour when hot over ice cream. Peach Cream. Four eggs to 1 quart thin cream, yolks and whites beaten sep- arately; 1 cup sugar added to yolks after beating. Fold in whites, add scalded milk. Put in double boiler, cooking unt'l it coats spoon. Cool and freeze; when half frozen add sweetened mashed peaches. Italian Cream. Two lemons, grated; 3^ cup sugar added to juice of lemons; 1 pint rich cream; sugar to sweeten. Whip cream briskly; add juice of lemons and strain in 1 ounce of gelatine dissolved in water. Beat until light. Flavor to taste and freeze. Frozen Strawberries. One quart strawberries; juice 2 lemons; 1 pound sugar; 1 quart water. Add sugar and lemon juice to berries. Stand aside 1 hour. Mash berries, add water, stir until sugar is dissolved and. freeze. Banana Ice Cream. Eight bananas, mashed to smooth paste; 1 quart cream; 3^ pound sugar. Freeze hard. Chocolate Ice Cream. One quart cream; 2 ounces chocolate; 34 teaspoon cinnamon; 1 teaspoon vanilla; 3^ pound sugar. Cook until smooth 3^ of cream with sugar and chocolate. Strain, add remainder of cream and ex- tract and freeze. Caramel Ice Cream. One pint milk; 1 cup sugar; 2 eggs; 3^ cup flour. Beat eggs and sugar and flour together. Stir into boiling milk. Put on a sec- ond cup sugar in pan to brown until a Hquid. Pour into boiling mixture and cook 20 minutes, stirring often. When cold, add 1 quart cream and freeze. 226 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. Ginger Ice Cream. Six ounces preserved ginger; 2 tablespoons lemon extract, or juice; 1 pint cream; 3^ pound sugar. Pound ginger to a paste, add- ing lemon juice Mix sugar and cream, add to ginger, press through fine sieve and freeze. Maple Ice Cream I. One cup rich maple syrup; 4 eggs, beaten, without whites; cook until it boils, stirring all the time. Strain, cool; beat 1 pint cream, add beaten whites of eggs, whip syrup until light; mix all and freeze. Maple Ice Cream II. Yolks of 2 eggs, beaten; % cup maple syrup; 3^ cup milk. Cook over boiling water, stirring constantly, until thick. Add stiffly beaten whites of eggs and cool. When cold, add !}/> cups cream and freeze. Maple Cream. Six yolks of eggs, well beaten; 1 cup maple syrup; little salt; 1 quart cream; sugar to taste. Freeze. • Prune Ice Cream. One and one-half cups sugar; 3 pints cream; \}/2 tablespoons vanilla. Chill, pour into freezer. When half frozen, add 1 cup stewed and chopped prunes. Rose Punch. Plain lemon ice. See recipe. When half frozen, add 3^^ cup red or pink fruit coloring. Finish freezing. Serve with whipped cream with candied rose leaves on top. — Mrs. E. M. St. John. Frozen Macaroon Pudding. One cup sugar; 4 eggs; 1 pint milk; 1 pint cream; 12 maca- roons, dried and grated; 34 cup Sherry. Beat whites and yolks separately. Scald milk; when hot, stir into sugar and eggs. Cook in double boiler till creamy, add cream. Partly freeze and add macaroons and Sherry. Finish freezing. FROZEN DESSERTS OF ALL KINDS. 227 Frozen Rice Pudding. One-half cup rice; 1 cup milk; 1 cup sugar; 1 pint cream; 1 pint cold water; yolks of 3 eggs; 2 teaspoons vanilla; little salt. Boil rice in water 30 minutes. Drain. Put in double boiler with milk and cook until soft. Put through sieve and put back in kettle. Beat yolks with sugar. Add rice. Cook till thick. Flavor, cool and add whipped cream. Freeze. — Mrs. a. H. Allen, Oshkosh, Wis. Frozen Egg Nogg. Eight eggs; 1 quart whipping cream; 8 tablespoons brandy; 4 tablespoons rum; 8 tablespoons sugar. Beat yolks and sugar to a cream. Add brandy and rum by spoonfuls. Then whipped cream and lastly stiffly beaten whites. Freeze at once. — Mrs. E. St. John. Nesselrode Pudding. One pint large chestnuts; 1 pint cream; 1 pint water; yolks 6 eggs; 1 pound sugar; 3^ pint grated pineapple;! pound mixed can- died fruits. Boil chestnuts till tender. Remove shells and skins and press through colander. Boil sugar and water 5 minutes. Beat yolks of eggs light and add to boiling syrup. Take from fire and beat until cold. Then add fruit, chopped fine; 1 tablespoon va- nilla, and pineapple and nuts. Freeze. When frozen, remove dasher and stir in cream, whipped. Peach Water Ice. One quart peaches; 3^ pound sugar; 1 lemon; 1 quart water. Boil sugar and water 5 minutes. Add mashed peaches and lemon juice, and freeze. Rule of "Three" Ice. Boil 3 minutes 3 cups sugar, 3 cups water. Add pulp and juice of 3 large oranges, juice of 3 lemons, and 3 mashed bananas, 3 apricots or Y^ can. Mix and freeze. Coffee Ice. One cup strong coffee extract; 1 cup sweet milk; 1 cup cream; 1 cup sugar. Freeze, serving with whipped cream, and few slices of banana or other fruit. 228 THE MENDELSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. Raspberry Ice. Two cups water; 1 cup sugar. Boil 10 minutes and cool. Add juice 2 lemons, 1 pint red raspberry juice. Freeze. Lemon Ice. Three quarts water; 2 pounds sugar. Boil 10 minutes and cool; add juice 8 lemons; whites of 3 eggs whipped in. Freeze hard. Strawberry Ice. Two cups water; 1 cup sugar; boil 5 minutes; add juice 2 lemons, 1 pint crushed strawberries; add beaten whites of 3 eggs and freeze. The above recipe may be used for any ice, substituting other fruits. White Grape Juice Ice. Two cups water; 1 cup sugar;boil 5 minutes. Add 1 cup grape juice. Freeze. Creme de Menthe Ice. Three cups water; 1 cup sugar; 3^ cup creme de menthe cor- dial. Boil water and sugar 15 minutes. Add creme de menthe and some green fruit coloring. Strain and freeze. Strawberry Mousse. One heaping tablespoon powdered gelatine; 2 cups mashed berries; 1 cup sugar; 3 tablespoons boiling water; 2 cups whipping cream. Run berries through sieve, add sugar and gelatine mixed with water. When cool, fold in whipped cream. Turn into mold and pack in ice, leaving it for 6 hours. The above recipe may be used for any fruit mousse, substi- tuting other fruit for strawberries. Maple Mousse. One teaspoon powdered gelatine; 4 tablespoons boiling water; yolks 6 eggs; 1 cup maple syrup; 2 cups cream; 1 cup ground al- monds. Dissolve gelatine with water, add eggs and syrup. Stir over fire until thick. Cool, and fold in whipped cream. Pack in ice and freeze 5 hours. Serve sprinkled with the almonds. FROZEN DESSERTS OF ALL KINDS. 229 All sherbets are stirred constantly while freezing. Wlien done, add a meringue of the beaten whites of 2 eggs, which makes it light and creamy. Pineapple Sherbet. Two large pineapples or 1 quart can; Ij^ pounds sugar; juice 2 lemons; 1 quart water; grate pineapple. Boil sugar and water for 5 minutes. Add fruit and lemon juice when cool. Strain and freeze. Orange Sherbet. One pint orange juice; 2 cups sugar; juice 2 lemons; 1 quart water. Boil sugar and water 5 minutes. Add other juices and freeze, adding meringue. Raspberry and Currant Sherbet. One quart raspberries and }/2 pi^^t currant juice; 1 pound sugar; 1 quart water. Boil sugar and water 5 minutes. When cool, add juice and mashed berries. Strain, freeze and add merin- gue. Lemon Sherbet. Six lemons, juice and pulp; 4 cups sugar. Simmer skins in 1 pint water for 3 minutes. Scald 3 quarts water with 2 tablespoons cornstarch, 1 cup sugar. Mix all. Cool, freeze and add meringue. MUk Sherbet. One quart rich milk; 2 cups sugar; 1 teaspoon lemon extract. When half frozen, add juice and little of rind of 2 large lemons, with meringue. For "pineapple sherbet" add grated pineapple and a little more sugar. Granis au Chocolate. One pound of best vanilla chocolate; 3^ pound sugar; 2 vanilla beans; 1 quart of water; 3^ pint of cream, whipped. Melt the chocolate with a little of the water on the fire, add the vanilla beans and the rest of the water. Simmer 5 minutes, then cool; extract the beans and freeze rather soft. Serve in sherbet cups with a little of the whipped cream on top of each. Junket Ice Cream with Strawberries. Heat 1 quart of milk, 1 cup of double cream and 1 cup of sugar until just luke warm, not above 100 degrees. Stir in a tablespoon- 230 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. fut of vanilla extract, or use 1 cup of strawberry preserves in the cream and 1 junket tablet crushed and dissolved in 1 tablespoon of cold water. Let stand undisturbed in a warm room 10 or 15 minutes, then freeze as any ice cream. Pack into individual molds, basket shape, and chill 3^ hour packed in equal parts of ice and salt. At time of serving, turn from molds onto individual plates and fill the baskets with fresh strawberries. — Mrs. Hill. CAKES, CAKE FILLINGS AND FROSTINGS, GINGERBREAD. 231 CHAPTER XVII. CAKES, CAKE FILLINGS AND FROSTINGS, GINGERBREAD. General Directions for Cake Making. In baking a cake have all the necessary articles ready. But- ter the pan in which the cake is to be baked. Break the eggs, the yolks in one bowl and the whites in another. Measure the sifted flour and sugar and set them aside. Then measure the milk or water to be used and the baking powder or soda, or cream of tartar. Sift the flour with the baking powder or whatever is to be used to lighten the cake. Have the fruit or nuts ready to add to the bat- ter when needed. When this is all done, cream the butter in your mixing bowl. A perforated spoon is the best to use for this. Then gradually beat in the sugar. If your recipe calls for yolks, beat them till light and thick, then add to the butter and sugar. Then add the liquid alternately with the flour. Lastly add the whites, beaten stiff. Fruit or nuts may now be added. If you flour the fruit before adding it to the batter, it will not sink to the bottom of the cake while baking. When putting the batter in the pan, it is a good plan to spread it away from the center towards the edges with a spoon so that the cake will be of a uniform height when baked. An entirely different method is used in mixing a sponge cake. First beat the yolks till thick and light colored. Gradually beat in the sugar and then add the flavoring, (grated rind of an orange or lemon) and lemon juice, if used. Then beat the whites till stiff. Add part of the whites to the yolks and sugar, then add part of the flour, then add the remaining whites and the rest of the flour. In making a sponge cake no stirring must be done. The lightness of the cake depends upon the air beaten into the eggs. The cake should be mixed entirely by cutting and folding. In baking a cake the oven should be at a temperature to raise the cake to its full height in one-fourth the time required for bak- ing. The cake should not brown during this time. During the 232 ^ THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK, second quarter the cake should brown a very Httle. During the third quarter it should finish browning. The heat of the oven should be reduced during the last half of the time. Cakes in which butter has been used will separate from the sides of the pan w^p'" baked. W Aunt Maria's Ginger Cake. ^ One cup New Orleans molasses; 1 cup C sugar; 1 cup boiling water; 1 cup butter; 1 teaspoon soda; 2 eggs; 1 quart flour; 1 small teaspoon ginge" Makes 2 sheets. — Mrs. T. V. Engstrom. Gingerbread No. I. One-half cup sugar, fill balance of the cup with molasses; 1 scant cup rich milk; 1 egg; 1 scant cup butter; 1)^ cups of flour; 1 teaspoon soda dissolved in warm water; 1 teaspoon cinnamon; 1 teaspoon cloves; nutmeg and ginger to taste. — Mrs. Will Burr. Gingerbread No. II. Two-thirds cup butter; 2 cups molasses; 1 tablesp^n ginger; 1 cup sour cream; 1 tablespoon soda; 1 egg; 3 cups flour. Boil to- gether butter, molasses and ginger, add the soda and pour over the sour cream and egg mixed. Then add flour and beat well. This bakes in 2 cakes. One half may be u"^ .,ji,i---. „. ^\^\y sauce. ^l* ^ .m.m^ —Mrs. Peabody. Gingerbread No. III. Cream 3^ cup of butter; add Yi cup sugar; cream again, then add 3^ cup molasses; Y^ cup sour milk; 2 eggs, beaten light; 1 tea- spoon soda, rounded up; 1 level teaspoon ginger, and 1% cups of flour. Bake in muffin tins. — Caroline Radecke. Ginger Creams. One cup of molasses; 4 tablespoons melted lard; 3*tablespoons melted butter; 6 tablespoons water; 1 teaspoon baking powder; 1 teaspoon salt; 1 tablespoon ginger; 2 cups of flour. Bake in thin sheets in a quick oven. When cold, frost with white frosting and cut in squares. ^>^ %;y> — Mrs. a. C. Deming. ^ CAKES, CAKE FILLINGS AND FROSTINGS, GINGERBREAD. 233 LOAF CAKES. One Egg Spice Cake. One cup si^ar, heaping (light yellow coffee C sugar); 1 egg; Yi cup butter (scant); 1 cup rich sour milk; 1 small teaspoon soda (beaten well into milk); 2 cups flour (measured before sifting); 1 heaping teaspoon ground cinnamon; 3^ teaspoon cloves (ground); 3^ teaspoon of nutmeg or mace (ground); 1 large cLj^raisins, seeded, and cut in two with scissors (not chopped). Bake in a pan about 4 inches deep in a very slow oven. This cake i» very moist and keeps so for a long time. Frosting: 1 lemon (juice); 1 pound confectioner's sugar (scant). Squeeze the^ juice from the lemon, strain and add the sugar little by little, beating all the time till it becomes very creamy and do.es not drop off the spoon when held up. A wire spoon is the best to beat it with. The success of this simple, but delicious frosting, depends on the beating altogether. Spread on the cake when the latter is cold. ^ . — Mrs. T. J. Derwent. Spanish Buh. One pint flour; 1 pint sugar; 1 cup sweet milk; 1 cup butter; nro,^-™.r..ii ' •••#,fily; 1 tablespoon cinnamon; 1 teaspoon es; o _ powder. Sprinkle with granulated 4 eg"^ cloves sugar while hot Coffee Cake. One cup strong coffee; 1 cup molasses; 1 cup sugar; 1 cup but- * ter; 1 cup chopped raisins; 1 teaspoon soda; 1 teaspoon cloves; 1 teaspoon cinnamon; 1 teaspoon nutmeg; 5 cups flour. — Mrs. Roy Skinner. Two-Layer Fruit Cake. One egg; 1 cup brown sugar; J^ cup lard (part butter may be used, if preferred); 1 cup sour milk; 1 teaspoon soda; 1 teaspoon cinnamon; 3^ teaspoon cloves; salt to taste; 1 tablespoon molasses; 2 level cups flour (no more); 3^ cup nuts; Yi cup raisins. Frost ^ with lemon or chocolate frosting. ^v L^ — Mrs. Somers. 234 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. Apple Sauce Cake. One cup sugar, 3^ cup butter, creamed; 1 cup of apple sauce prepared as for the table; 1 teaspoon soda stirred into apple sauce; 1 teaspoon chocolate, grated; 1 teaspoon cinnamon; 3^ teaspoon cloves; 1^ cups flour Bake in a sheet. *' — Mrs. Somers. Potato Cake. Two cups sugar; 1 cup butter; 1 cup mashed potato put through a colander; 4 eggs; 4 tablespoons grated chocolate; 1 teaspoon cin- namon; ]/2 teaspoon cloves; 1 cup sour milk; 1 teaspoon soda; 2 cups flour; 1 cup chopped nuts or raisins. Bake in a loaf. This keeps moist for some time. — Mrs. J. L. Keep. Brown Cake. One and one-half cups C sugar; 3^ cup butter; 2 eggs; 3^ cup sweet milk; 2 cups flour; 1 cup chopped raisins; 1 teaspoon cinna- mon; 3^ teaspoon cloves; dash of nutmeg; 1 teaspoon soda, dis- solved in the milk. Bake slowly in a loaf. — Mrs. T. V. Engstrom. French Fruit Cake. One-half pound butter; 3 cups sugar; yolks of 6 eggs, well beaten; 1 cup sweet milk; 2 cups brandy; 1 pound raisins; 3^ pound currants; shell 2 pounds of mixed nuts and break in small pieces; citron and figs as wanted; grated rind and juice of 2 lemons; fruit and nuts well dredged with flour before mixing; flour to stiffen. Lastly add whites of eggs and 4 tablespoons baking powder. — Leola Arnold. Fruit Cake. Two cups brown sugar; 1 cup molasses; 1 cup coffee (as for table); 4 eggs; 1 teaspoon soda; 4 cups flour; % cup butter; 2 tea- spoons cinnamon; 2 teaspoons cloves; 1 teaspoon grated nutmeg; 1 pound raisins; 1 pound currants; citron and orange peel. — Mrs. Du Plain. Scripture Cake. One cup butter. Judges 5, 25; 2 cups sugar, Jeremiah 6, 20; 33^ cups flour, 1 Kings 4, 22; 2 cups raisins, 1 Samuel 30, 12; 2 cups figs, 1 Samuel 30, 12; 1 cup almonds. Genesis 43, 11; 1 cup water, CAKES, CAKE FILLINGS AND FROSTINGS, GINGERBREAD. 235 Genesis 24, 20; 6 eggs, Isaiah 10, 14; 1 large tablespoon honey, Exodus 16, 13; 3 teaspoons baking powder, Gal. 5, 9; sweet spices to taste. Kings 10, 2; a little salt, Leviticus 2, 13. Devil's Food. One cup sour milk; 1 teaspoon soda; 3^ cup shortening (lard or butter); 13^ cups sugar; 1 egg; }/i cake Baker's chocolate; flour to make batter. — Mrs. Arthur Thro. Chocolate Loaf Cake. Grate M bar of chocolate. Pour over it 3^ cup of hot water. Cream IJ^ cups sugar and 3^ cup butter. Add 2 eggs, 3^ cup sour milk, 3^ teaspoon soda, 1 tablespoon vanilla. Add chocolate. Then stir in 23^ cups of flour. Bake 45 minutes in a loaf. — Leola Arnold. White Pound Cake. Whites 14 eggs; 1 pound sugar; }A, pound butter; 1 pound flour; 2 teaspoons baking powder sifted into flour, and about 2 table- spoons water and flavoring. Beat butter and sugar to a cream. Then add the water, then the whites of eggs and flour alternately. — Mrs. L. F. Haehnlen. Yellow Pound Cake. Ten eggs; 1 pound powdered sugar; 1 pound flour; 14 ounces butter; wine glass of brandy; teaspoon grated nutmeg; lemon flavoring and 1 teaspoon baking powder. Beat butter and sugar to a cream, then add the beaten yolks, then the beaten whites and flour alternately and bake slowly in a moderate oven. — Mrs. L. F. Haehnlen. Citron Pound Cake. One pound sugar; 1 pound butter; 1 pound flour; 1 pound cit- ron, cut very fine; 10 eggs, beaten separately. Cream butter and sugar, add yolks and flour. Beat vigorously 15 minutes, then add citron and lastly the whites. Bake 1 hour in a moderate oven, being careful not to have it too hot at first. — Mrs. Walter Forbes. 236 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. Sponge Cake No. I. Three eggs, well beaten; salt; 1 cup sugar; 1 cup flour; 2 tea- spoons baking powder; y^ cup boiling water added at the last. Flavor to taste. Grease pan and also sprinkle with flour before turning in the batter. — Mrs. T. V. Engstrom. Sponge Cake No, II. One coffee cup sugar; 1 coffee cup of flour; 1 teaspoon baking powder. Mix together, make a hole in the center and break 4 eggs and 4 tablespoons water, 1 teaspoon extract to flavor. ^.loSEPHINE PhINNEY. Sponge Cake No. III. Six eggs; 13^ cups sugar; Ij/^ cups flour; \^ teaspoon cream of tartar; pinch of salt; ^ teaspoon vanilla. Beat yolks to a froth, add sifted sugar. Whip whites to a foam, add salt and cream of tartar and continue beating until very stiff. Then fold into the yolks and flavor. Lastly fold in lightly the flour which has been sifted 4 times. Bake in a slow oven 25 to 45 minutes. — Mary Walton. Roll Jelly Cake. Two eggs, beaten to a froth; 3^ cup sugar; 3^ cup flour; 1 tea- spoon baking powder; 2 tablespoons of milk. Bake in shallow pan and when done turn out on a towel and spread with jelly and roll while hot, wrapping the towel around to keep in shape until cool. — Mrs. Chandler Starr. Scioto Sponge Cake. Mix 1 cup granulated sugar; 1 teaspoon cinnamon; 3^ teaspoon cloves; one-eighth teaspoon nutmeg; 3€ pound grated sweet choco- late. Mix % cup sifted flour; 3^ teaspoon baking powder; 3^ cup chopped nuts; 3€ cup sliced citron. Beat well yolks of 6 eggs with 1 tablespoon water. Beat whites of eggs until stiff and dry, then gently fold in the sugar mixture, egg yolks and flour mixture. Line a pan with buttered paper, turn in the mixture, sprinkle gener- ously with chopped nuts and bake in a moderate oven. May also be baked in a sheet. May be iced or simply dusted with powdered sugar. — Mary Walton. CAKES, CAKE FILLINGS AXD FROSTINGS, GINGERBREAD. 237 German Kuchen. One pint warm milk; 4 cups flour; Y^ cup butter; 1 cup sugar; 3 eggs; 1 cake compressed yeast. Flavor with nutmeg and grated dried orange peel. Mix well. Let rise twice before putting into the oven. Cover the top with beaten whole egg and sugar. — Mrs. Gork. Sunshine Cake. Whites of 7 eggs; yolks of 5; 1)^ cups granulated sugar; 1 cup flour, 3^ teaspoon cream of tartar (scant); pinch of salt added to whites before beating and flavor to taste. Sift, measure and set aside flour and sugar. Beat yolks to a foam. Whip whites to a foam, add cream of tartar and beat until very stiff; add sugar to whites, then the beaten yolks, flavor, and lastly fold flour in lightly. Bake in a moderate oven from 20 to 40 minutes. — Mrs. Wm. Thompson. Angel Food No. I. Whites of 12 eggs; 1 teaspoon cream of tartar; 1 pinch salt; 1^ cups sugar; 1 teaspoon vanilla; 1 cup pastry flour. Sift flour once, add cream of tartar; then sift 4 times. Then sift flour and sugar together 4 or more times. Add salt to whites of eggs, beat until very stiff; add flavoring and fold the two mixtures together very lightly. Put in an ungreased tin and bake in a moderate oven about 45 minutes. When cake has risen above top of the pan, increase the heat and finish baking rapidly. When the cake is done it begins to shrink. Let it shrink back to the level of the pan and then remove and invert to cool. Angel Food No. II. Whites of 9 eggs; 134 cups granulated sugar; 1 cup pastry flour; 3^ teaspoon cream of tartar; 1 pinch of salt; flavor to taste. Mix and bake as above. Angel Fruit or Nut Cake. Add to angel food dough 3^ cup of any kind of chopped can- died fruit, nuts, raisins, cocoanut, angelica or a mixture of any of the above. r 238 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. White Cake. One cup sugar; 3^ cup butter (part lard may be used); whites 4 eggs; 3^ cup milk; 2 cups flour; 2 teaspoons baking powder; pinch of soda. Flavor with vanilla. — Elizabeth Tyrell. Feathery White Cake. One-half cup of milk; 3^ cup butter; 13^ cups powdered sugar; 6 eggs, whites (beaten stiff); 2 cups pastry flour; 13^ rounded tea- spoons baking powder; 3^ teaspoon salt. Flavor with almond and lemon, equal parts If nuts are used in the filling, omit the lemon. — Mrs. Wm. Thompson. Hickory iNut Loaf Cake. Two cups sugar; 1 cup butter; 1 cup milk; 3 cups flour; 2 spoons baking powder; 2 cups broken hickory nut meats; whites ;ggs. This recipe may be divided for a smaller loaf. — Mrs. S. R. Somers. '** " Burnt Sugar Cake. One and one-half cups sugar; 3^ cup butter; cream well, add 1 unbeaten egg yolk; cream well, add another yolk; cream well 1 teaspoon vanilla, 3 teaspoons burnt sugar; cream well 23^ cups flour, 2 heaping teaspoons baking powder, 1 cup cold water. Add water and flour alternately; put baking powder in with the last half cup water. The secret of this cake is to cream well. For frosting, add 2 teaspoons burnt sugar to plain frosting, — Anna Donahue Nohe, Louisiana. j Sour Cream Cake. One cup sour cream; 1 cup sugar; 1 egg; 1 cup flour; a pinch salt; 1 teaspoon soda; 1 teaspoon vanilla. — Mrs. Guy Smith. Grandmother's Yeast Cake. Two coffee cups sponge; 2 teacups sugar; 2 eggs; 3^ cup but- ter in a little flour; soda size of a kernel of corn; 1 teaspoon each of all kinds of spices; 1 cup fruit. Put in oven and leave door open for Y^ hour. Close door and bake as other cake. — Mrs. Charles Reitsch, CAKES, CAKE^^LINGS AND FROSTINGS, GINGERBREAD. 239 Marble Cake. Cream 3^ cup butter*^ add gradually 1}4 cups sugar, then 3^ cup milk alternately with 2 cups flour sifted with 2 level teaspoons baking powder. To 14 of the mixture add 1 cup chopped raisins, 3^ teaspoon cloves, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, yolks of 3 eggs, beaten lightly. To the other % add 3^ teaspoon vanilla, whites of eggs, beaten dry. Bake in loaf paji, putting in mixture by spoonfuls, alternating colors. % Blackberry Jam Cake. \ One cup sugar; scant ^ cup butter; 3 eggs, beaten separately; 4 tablespoons of sour cream or milk with 1 teaspoon soda; 1 tea- spoon cinnamon; % teaspoon nutmeg; 13^ cups flour; 1 cup of any kind of jam; 2 heaping teaspoons baking powder. Bake in 2 sheets and ice. — Mrs. Bif^ Cheap Loaf Cake. One and one-half cups sugar; 3^ cup butter; 1 cup milk scant cups of flour; 2 teaspoons baking powder; 1 cup chc raisins; 1 egg; flavor with lemon or nutmeg. May also be made without the egg. Blueberry Cake. One egg, beaten light; % cup sugar; 1 tablespoon butter; 3^ cup milk, good measure, in which dissolve 3^ teaspoon soda; flour to make as stiff as very soft biscuit dough. Mix 1 teaspoon cream of tartar and the butter in the flour and add other ingredients, beating well. Stir in lightly 3^ pint of blueberries which have been floured. — Mrs. Wm. Walton. Dutch Apple Cake. Sift together 2 cups of flour, 3^ teaspoon salt and 33^' level teaspoons baking powder. With tips of fingers work in 3^ cup butter. Beat 1 egg, add % cup milk and stir into the dry ingredi- ents. Spread the mixture into a shallow baking pan. Have ready, pared and cored neatly, 4 or 5 apples. Press these in even rows down into the dough, leaving an edge of dough all around the ap- ples. Sprinkle with cinnamon and currants and the edge of the dough quite thickly with granulated sugar. Bake about 25 min- utes. Good with coffee, or may be served hot with sugar and cream or hard sauce. V^ — Mrs. Edward Heiliger. 240 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. Peach Tea Cake. One large tablespoon equal parts butter and lard; J^ cup sugar; ^ cup milk; 1 beaten egg; 2 cups flour; 1 teaspoonful baking pow- der. Turn into shallow baking pan. Do not have batter more than 3^ inch deep. Cover with sliced peaches. Sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon. Bake 30 minutes. LAYER CAKES. Chocolate Cake — Eggless. One cup sugar; Y^ cup grated chocolate; 1 cup sour milk; 1 heaping tablespoon butter; 3^ teaspoon soda; 13^ cups flour; va- nilla. Bake in 2 layers and ice with a chocolate frosting. Chocolate Cake. Cream 3^ cup butter and 13^ cups sugar; add yolks of 4 eggs; 2 squares of Baker's chocolate, dissolved in 5 tablespoons hot water; ]A, cup milk; 1% cups flour; 1 heaping teaspoon baking powder; lastly add beaten whites of eggs. Bake in layers. Frost with chocolate or white icing. — Mrs. Schuleiw. Chocolate Cream Cake I. Beat 3€ cup butter to a cream and beat the j^olks of 2 eggs until thick. Then gradually beat 3^ cup of sugar into each and combine the 2 mixtures. Add 4 ounces of ditocolate, melted over hot water. Then alternately add 3^ cup milk and 13^ cups flour, sifted with 2 level teaspoons baking powder. Lastly, add whites of 2 eggs, beaten dry, and 1 teaspoon vanilla. Bake in 2 layers. — Mrs. Edw^ard M. Heiliger. Chocolate Cream Cake IL One and one-half cups sugar; 3^ cup butter (scant); 1 cup milk or water; 23^^ cups Swansdown flour; 2 heaping teaspoons baking powder, sifted with the last 3^ cup flour; whites of 4 eggs. Cream the butter and sugar, add the milk, then the flour and baking powder. Beat thoroughly. Lastly, add stiflEly beaten whites. Put in square cake tins and let stand 5 minutes before baking. Bake in a moder- ate oven. CAKES, CAKE FILLINGS AND FROSTINGS, GINGERBREAD. 241 Icing: One and one-half cups sugar; }/2 cup fresh milk. Boil together slowly in a porcelain dish about 10 minutes until it threads. Then take from^fire and add butter the size of a walnut. Beat con- stantly until cold; then flavor and spread on the cake. Melt Baker's chocolate and when white frosting is set, spread over the top with a knife. — Mrs. L. a. Weyburn. Orange Cake. One cup sugar; 1 tablespoon melted butter; 2 eggs; ]/2 cup of milk; \}/2 cups of flour; 2 teaspoons baking powder; 1 tablespoon orange juice; 1 teaspoon grated rind. Mix in order given, bake in square pan, split and fill with orange cream.. Orange Cream: Into a cup put the grated rind of 3^ an orange and the juice of 1 orange, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and fill cup with hot water; strain and put on to boil. Add 1 tablespoon cornstarch, wet with cold water, and cook 10 minutes, being careful not to burn it. Beat yolk of 1 egg with 2 heaping teaspoons of sugar, add to the mixture with 1 teaspoon butter and cook until butter is dis- solved. When cool, fill the cake with the cream and ice with orange icing. — Glen Culver. Marshmallow Cake. Two cups sugar; 3^ cup butter; 2}/2 cups flour; 1 heaping tea- spoon baking powder; whites of 4 eggs, beaten stiff and folded in last. Bake in two layers. Filling: 2 cups sugar, 8 tablespoons water; boil until it threads, then pour over beaten whites of 2 eggs. Then pour it over 1 cup of marshmallows, which ^ave been melted over hot water. — Mrs. Ward Crumb. Toasted Marshmallow Cake. Beat }/2 cup butter to a cream; gradually beat in 1 cup sugar, then beaten yolks of 3 eggs. Sift together \}/2 cups flour and 2 level teaspoons baking powder; add to the first mixture alternately with 3^ cup milk and 1 teaspoon vanilla. Lastly, beat in whites of 2 eggs, beaten dry. Bake in 2 layer cake pans. Put together with chocolate filling and decorate with toasted marshmallows. Fresh Cocoanut Cake. Two cups sugar; 3^ cup butter (scant); 1 cup milk; 3 cups of Swansdown flour; 2 heaping teaspoons baking powder; 1 teaspoon- 242 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. ful of vanilla; whites of 8 eggs. Cream butter and sugar, add the milk, then the flour with baking powder sifted in. Gradually add the beaten whites of the eggs. Bake in 2 long layer pans. Filling: 1 grated cocoanut; 2 cups sugar; 3^ cup boiling water; whites of 2 eggs; flavor with vanilla. Boil sugar and water until it threads, then pour on the beaten whites of the eggs, slowly at first, beating until the frosting can be spread an inch thick. Spread between the layers and sprinkle thickly with the cocoanut. — Mrs. James Harned. Aristocratic Cake. One pound butter; 1 pound sugar; 1 pound pastry flour; 12 eggs. Cream butter and sugar; add beaten yolks of eggs, flour and }/2 wine glass of brandy, and lastly the stiffly beaten whites. Divide into 4 parts. To the first part add 3^ pound each of raisins and currants and yi pound of citron, cut up; cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg to taste. To the second part add 3 peeled oranges, cut in very small pieces, and rolled in flour. Fold in the batter slowly so as not to crush pieces. To third part add 1 pound almonds, blanched and cut fine. To fourth part add 3 tablespoons grated choco- late and flavor with vanilla. When these are separately baked and cooled, put together with boiled frosting. Best when 3 days' old. — Mrs. Freeman Graham. Harlequin Cake. One cup sugar, 3^ cup butter, creamed; 3^ cup milk; 13^ cups flour; \y^ teaspoons baking powder; beaten whites of 4 eggs. Divide in half. Color 1 part pink. Bake each half in 1 layer. 3^ cup sugar, \i cup butter, creamed; 3^ cup milk; 134 cups flour; 2 teaspoons baking powder; yolks 4 eggs, well beaten. Divide in half. To first half add juice and grated rind of 3^ lemon. To second half add 1 ounce of Baker's chocolate and one-eighth cup of milk. Put the 4 layers together with white icing. — Georgie Somers. Dolly Varden Cake. One-half cup butter; 1 cup sugar; 3^ cup sweet milk; 2 cups flour; 2 eggs; 2 teaspoons baking powder. Cream the butter and sugar; add the eggs and milk, then the flour and baking powder. Divide into 2 layers. Into second layer put 1 tablespoon cold CAKES, CAKE FILLINGS AND FJIOSTINGS, GINGERBREAD. 243 coffee; 3^, tablespoon molasses; 3^ cup chopped raisins and spice to taste. Bake, and put layers together with jelly or frosting. — Mrs. J. L. Keep. Plain Layer Cake. One and one-half cups of C sugar; 3^ cup butter; 2 eggs, beaten; 1 cup milk; 23^ cups flour sifted with 2 teaspoons baking powder. Bake in layers and use any preferred filling. — Mrs. T. V. Engstrom. Mocha Filling I. • One cup unsalted butter; 2 cup^^owdered sugar; rub to a cream, add yolks of 3 eggs and cream more; add slowly 3^ cup very strong freshly made co^ee, spread on cake, adding chopped walnuts. , * —Mrs. T. K. Hicks. • Mocha Filling II. One cup powdered sugar; Ifutter size of an egg; cream to- gether, add 1 teaspoon vanilla, 2 teaspoons dry cocoa and 2 table- spoons very strong freshly made coffee. —Mrs. T. K. Hicks. • Apple Filling. One large sour apple, peeled and grated; juice and rind of 1 lemon; 1 large cup sugar; yolk of 1 egg; beat all together and cook until thick. Let cool and spread. — Mrs. Guy Smith. Raisin Filling. One cup sugar; 1 cup chopped raisins; 4 tablespoons water. Cook until it spins a thread. Pour slowly over stiffly beaten white of 1 egg. Beat until creamy. — G. S. Cocoa Filling, Two tablespoons strong coffee; 2 teaspoons cocoa; confection- er's sugar to thicken; 1 teaspoon vanilla; 1 tablespoon soft butter. — Ruth Drysdale. Ice Cream Filling. One teaspoon water; 1 teaspoon butter, heaping; powdered sugar enough to thicken. Cream these together thoroughly and add the stiffly beaten white of 1 egg. Flavor with a little citric acid dissolved in water. 244 THE MENDELSS(^N CLUB COOK BOOK. Sour Cream Filling. One cup sour cream; 1 cup sugar; 1 cup hickory nuts, chopped fine. Boil sugar and cream together until it threads. Take from fire, stir in the nuts and beat until creamy. —Mrs. T. K. Hicks. Chocolate Filling I. Two squares chocolate; 4 tablespoons hot water; 2 tablespoons butter; 3^ cup sugar; 3^ cup milk which should be added after the above ingredier\J^ have been thoroughly dissolved over hot water. Cook until consistency of thick cream. Beat until thick enough to spread. ^ Chocolate FillingJI.* Melt 2 squares Baker's ^ot^ate in a double boiler; stir in enough powdered sugar to thicken, about 1}^ cups, then stir ip 3^ cup chopped raisins or use raisins and nuts which have been chop- ped. Fine for devil's food cake. Plain Frosting. • ^ One cup confectioner's sugar; 2 tablespions boihng water or milk; 3^ teaspoon vanilla, or 1 teaspoon lemon juice. Boiled Frosting. One egg, 1 cup sugar, 4 tablespoons water; boil until it threads, then pour slowly over stiffly beaten white of egg. Flavor to taste. Caramel Frosting. Boil 13^ cups brown sugar, 3^ cup cream and 1 teaspoon but- ter, 40 minutes. Add 3^ pound marshmallows, 1 teaspoon vanilla and beat until thick enough to spread. The marshmallows may be omitted. Then simply beat ingredients until of a proper con- sistency and spread. Fruit Frosting. One cup mashed fruit (strawberries, raspberries or peaches); 1 cup sugar; white of 1 egg. Whip all together until stiff. — Mrs. J. L. Keep. CAKES, CAKE FILLINGS AND P^^TINGS, GINGERBREAD. 245 Divinity Fudge Frosting. Two cups (even) granulated sugar; 3^ cup Karo com syrup; J'^ cup water; 2 eggs (whites). Boil all but eggs until it forms a soft ball in water. Pour this onto the beaten whites of the eggs and beat the whole until alrftst cold. Add 3^ cup of chopped nuts. This makes a delicious frosting for angel cake. Candied cherries, chopped, may also be added. ^ —Mrs. G. D. R. Chocolate Nut Frosting. Boil 1 cup sugar and 3^ cup water until it forms a thread. Pour slowly, beating constantly, onto the beaten yolks of 2 eggs. Then pour this mixture onto 1 square of melted chocolate, add nut meats and 3^ ^teaspoon vanilla. Beat until cold enough to spread. Sliced bananas, shredded pineapple, orange juice and grai rind, or almost any fruit cut 'firie added to a plain or boiled frosting, makes a delicious filling for cakes. 246 THK MENDELSSOHN CLUP COOK BOOK. ;|^i ^^ CHAPTER XVIIL SMALL CAKES, COOKIES AND "^DOUGHNUTS. f Cream Puffs. One cup hot water; }4 cup butter. Boil together and stir while boiling. Stir in 1 cup sifted flour, dry. Take from stove and stir until a smooth paste. After this cools stir in 3 eggs, not beaten. Stir 5 minutes. Drop in tablespoons on buttered tins. Bake in a quick oven 25 minutes. Be careful not to open oven door oftener than necessary. This recipe makes 12 puffs, more if you don't use full tablespoon of batter. When cold, cut a hole in the top and fill with custard. Custard: 1 cup sweet milk; 3^ cup sugar; 1 egg; 3 table- spoons flour. Flavor with vanilla. Cook. — Mrs. Shannon, Kirkland, 111. Patty Pan Cakes. One cup sugar; 2 tablespoons butter; 2 eggs; 4 tablespoons milk; 1 cup flour; 1 teaspoon baking powder. Add }4 cup cur- rants or raisins and bake in gem irons. — Mrs. J. L. Keep. Sour Cream Patties. One cup brown sugar; 1 cup sour cream; 1 tablespoon shorten- ing; 1 egg; }4 cup molasses; salt and cinnamon to taste; 2 cups flour; 1 teaspoon soda, dissolved in the sour cream; % cup raisins or currants. Bake in patty pans. — Rena Lander. Roxbury Cakes. Beat the yolks of 2 eggs; gradually beat in H cup sugar; ^ cup butter, softened but not melted; ^ cup molasses; 3^ cup sour ^milk, and then 1^^ cups of flour, sifted with 1 teaspoon cinnamon. SMALL CAKES, COOKIES AND DOUGHNUTS. 247 3^ teaspoon cloves, a grating of nutmeg and 1 teaspoon soda. Beat in whites of 2 eggs, beaten dry, and then }/2 cup raisins and ]/2 cup walnut meats. Bake in small tins. Cover with boiled frosting and decorate with the same frosting, tinted with melted chocolate. — Mrs. Edward Heiliger. Small Chocolate Cakes. One-half cup butter; }/i cup cocoa; 3 eggs; 1 cup sugar; 1 tea- spoon cinnamon; 3^ cup water; IJ^ cups flour; 3 teaspoons baking powder. Add cocoa and creamed butter and bake in small tins. When cool, frost. Little Gold Cakes. Cream 3^ cup butter. Beat into it 3^ cup sugar, the well beaten yolks of 4 eggs, 3€ cup milk, and seven-eighths cup of flour, sifted with 1 level teaspoon baking powder. Flavor with 1 teaspoon orange extract. Bake in small tins (15 will be needed). When cold, spread with frosting, sprinkle with tiny can- dies of assorted colors. — Mrs. Edward M. Heiliger. Cocoa Macaroons. Pass through a sieve together, 1 cup sifted flour; 3^ cup granu- lated sugar; 2 level tablespoons cocoa; 3^ teaspoon baking powder; 3^ teaspoon each of salt and cinnamon, and one-eighth teaspoon each of cloves, mace and nutmeg. With these mix the grated rind of an orange and 3€ cup citron, chopped. Break 1 egg and the white of another into the mixture; add also 1 teaspoon vanilla and mix the whole to a stiff dough. With buttered hands, roll the mix- ture into balls about the size of a hickory nut, dip 1 side in granu- lated sugar and set some distance apart. Bake in a quick oven. This recipe makes 18 macaroons. Flower Cakes. Beat 3^ cup butter to a cream; gradually beat in 3^ cup granu- lated sugar, then well beaten j'olks of 3 eggs and beat until mix- ture is very light. Add 1 teaspoon vanilla, 3^ cup finely chopped blanched almonds and \% cups sifted flour. Take off pieces of dough and roll in the hands into balls about size of butter balls; roll balls in granulated sugar. Have ready blanched almonds, cut in tiny strips, and dispose of 5 of these on top of each ball to simulate flower petals. Bake about 20 minutes in moderate oven. 248 • THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. Cinnamon Coffee Cakes. One cup butter; 2 cups sugar; 4 eggs; Ij^ cups of milk (2 cups may be used); 3 teaspoons baking powder. Add flour enough to roll. Roll thin, spread with sugar and cinnamon. Roll up and cut slices about 3^ inch thick from it. Bake in a moderate oven. — Annie B. Walton. Sponge Cake Patties. Six eggs (not separated); 2 cups flour (scant); 2 cups sugar; 2 teaspoons baking powder; ^ cup boiling water; }/2 teaspoon vanilla. Beat eggs till very light; add the sugar and beat; add flour with baking powder sifted through it; add vanilla and lastly the boiling water; beat well and put in greased patty pans. Bake in moderate oven about 15 minutes. The success of this sponge cake depends on beating thoroughly. — Miss Evalda Carlson. Fruit Cookies. Five cups crumbs (bread, cake or cracker); 1 cup molasses; 2 cups brown sugar; 1 cup lard; 1 cup sour milk; 2 teaspoons soda; 1 teaspoon cloves; 2 teaspoons cinnamon; 3^ nutmeg, grated; 3^ pound currants; 3^ pound raisins; flour to make very stiff. Flavor with 1 teaspoon orange extract. Drop from a spoon into pans and bake. — Mrs. Frank Godley. Sugar Cookies I. Two eggs; 1 small cup sugar; 3^ cup butter; ]/^ cup sweet cream; 2 teaspoons baking powder; a little nutmeg. Flour to make stiff enough to roll out. Roll very thin, cut out with cookie cutter and bake about 10 minutes. — Mrs. Chandler Starr. Sugar Cookies II. One cup sugar; 3^ cup butter; ^ cup milk; 3 teaspoons bak- ing powder; 3 cups flour. Flavor with rose, almond, vanilla or lemon and roll very thin. Caraway Cookies. One egg; ^ cup sugar; 3^ cup butter; 34 cup sour milk; 3^ teaspoon soda; 1 teaspoon caraway seeds. Sprinkle sugar over top and bake. SMALL CAKES, COOKIES AND DOUGHNUTS. 249 Honey Drop Cookies. Beat 3^ cup butter to a cream; gradually beat in ^ cup granu- lated sugar, 1 cup honey, beaten yolks of 2 eggs, 2 tablespoons lemon juice with grated rind, whites of 2 eggs beaten dry and 3 cups flour sifted with 1 level teaspoon soda. More flour may be added if needed to make a soft dough. Drop dough by spoonfuls onto a buttered baking sheet, make smooth and bake. For a change, may be sprinkled with granulated sugar and cocoanut. Oatmeal Cookies I. Two and one-half cups Quaker (or Mother's) oats, dry; 1 cup sugar; IJ^ tablespoons melted butter; 13^ teaspoons vanilla; Y^ teaspoon salt; 2 eggs; 2 teaspoons baking powder. Cream butter and sugar, add eggs, salt, vanilla and last the oats mixed with the baking powder. Bake in a moderately hot oven on well greased tins turned bottom side up, dropping the mixture from a teaspoon onto the tins. When done, lift with a pancake turner onto a platter. — Mrs. W. S. Miller. Oatmeal Cookies II. One cup sugar; Y^ cup butter; Y2 cup lard; 2 eggs; 6 table- spoons milk (sweet or sour); Y, teaspoon salt; 1 teaspoon cinna- mon; ^/i teaspoon soda; 1 cup chopped raisins; 2 cups oatmeal; \Y2 cups flour. Drop on buttered tins and bake in a moderate oven. — Mrs. E. Heiliger. Aunt Lucy's Sugar Cookies. Two cups sugar; 1 cup butter; 1 cup sour cream; 3 eggs; 1 level teaspoon soda; Y teaspoon baking powder; pinch of salt. Flour to mix soft. Graham Cookies. Two cups brown sugar; 1 cup shortening (part lard and part butter); 1 egg; 1 cup buttermilk or sour milk; 1 teaspoon soda; a pinch of salt. Graham flour to make soft. — Mrs. J. L. Keep. Ginger Snaps. One cup molasses; 1 cup brown sugar; 1 cup shortening, half butter. Let boil and then add 1 heaping teaspoon soda, 1 of gin 250 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. ger and 2 tablespoons hot water. Knead hard, roll very thin, cut out and bake. — Edith Van Duzer. Fruit Slices. Six cups of sifted flour; 2 cups sugar; 1 cup butter; 3 eggs; 3^ cup milk; 3^ cup molasses; 3^ pound currants; 2 level teaspoons soda; 1 teaspoon each cloves, cinnamon and allspice; Yi cup cocoa- nut and chopped walnuts. Bake in a thin sheet, cut in squares and ice. This makes 6 dozen. Molasses Cookies. One cup sugar; 1 cup molasses; 1 cup butter; 1 cup cold water; 1 rounded teaspoon soda; 1 teaspoon cinnamon; 1 teaspoon salt. Flour to roll. Peanut Cookies. One cup butter; 2 cups sugar; 3 eggs; 3^ cup milk; 2 teaspoons baking powder; 1^ cups chopped peanuts; flour to roll. Sprinkle before baking with sugar and cinnamon. Rocks. One and one-half cups brown sugar; 1 cup butter; 3 eggs; 3K cups flour; 1 teaspoon soda; 1 teaspoon cinnamon; 1 teaspoon salt; 1 pound English walnuts; 13^ cups of raisins or chopped dates. Drop from spoon to make size preferred. Hermits. Two cups sugar; 1 cup butter; 1 cup raisins (stoned and chop- ped); 1 cup chopped nuts; 4 eggs (yolks); whites of 2; 3^ tea- spoon soda, dissolved in 2 tablespoons milk; nutmeg; 3^ teaspoon cloves; 3 cups flour (scant); 1 teaspoon cinnamon. Drop on greased pan with a teaspoon and flatten a little. Then bake about 10 or 12 minutes. — Mrs. E. p. Lathrop. Orange Wafers. Two eggs; ^ cup butter; 1 cup sugar; 3^ cup milk; grated rind of an orange. Salt well. Flour to roll very stiff. — Mrs. Wm. Thompson. SMALL CAKES, COOKIES AND DOUGHNUTS. 251 Peanut or Almond Cookies. Cream 2 tablespoons butter, add 3^ cup sugar and 1 well beaten egg. Mix and sift together 1 teaspoon baking powder, 3^ teaspoon salt and 1 cup flour. Add to first mixture. Then add 2 tablespoons milk, 3^ cup finely chopped peanuts or almonds and 3^ teaspoon lemon juice. Drop from a teaspoon on a buttered sheet 1 inch apart and place 3^ nut on top of each. Bake 12 to 15 minutes in a slow oven. Chocolate Cookies. One cup sugar, 3^ cup butter, beat together; 1 egg; 2 to 3 squares chocolate (melted); ^ cup milk; 3^ teaspoon soda (in flour). Add nuts, raisins and dates cut up small. Drop from tea- spoon. When cool, frost. — Mary F. Hall. Jam Cookies. One cup butter; 2 cups sugar; 3 eggs; 3^ cup milk; 2 teaspoons baking powder; flour to roll. Roll very thin, cut out round. Lay a spoonful of jam on a cookie, lay another cookie on top, press- ing the edges well together. Bake. — M. H. W. Doughnuts I. Three eggs; 1 cup granulated sugar; 1 cup sour milk; 1 tea- spoon soda, dissolved in milk; 3^ teaspoon salt; 3^ nutmeg, grated; 6 small tablespoons melted lard; flour to make stiff. Roll, cut and put in cool place over night. Fry in the morning with the upper side down in fat. — Margaret Weldon. Doughnuts II. One cup sugar; 1 tablespoon melted butter; 2 eggs; 1 cup sweet milk; 3 teaspoons baking powder; 4 cups sifted flour. Spice to taste, either using nutmeg or cinnamon. Salt. — Miss Lander. Doughnuts III. Two cups buttermilk; 2 eggs; 13^^ cups sugar; 2 tablespoons melted butter; teaspoon soda; nutmeg; salt. Flour to roll out as moist as possible. — Miss Lander. 252 THF, MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. Doughnuts IV. One cup sugar; 4 tablespoons melted butter; 3 well beaten eggs; 1 cup buttermilk; 1 level teaspoon soda; 2 teaspoons bak- ing powder. Flour to stiffen. Raised Doughnuts. One quart milk, heated; % cup sugar; ^ cup butter; 1 cake compressed yeast; ^ teaspoon salt. Mix yeast and flour in batter. When light add sugar, salt, butter, 2 teaspoons vanilla, 3^ grated lemon rind, 1 egg. Let rise again. When light, knead well and cut. Let rise again. Cook in not too hot fat. Prune Doughnuts. Make sponge with 1 cup scalded milk, ^ of compressed yeast cake. Let rise and add 3^ cup sugar, 2 well beaten eggs, 3^ cup butter and lard mixed, pinch of salt and enough flour to handle. Mix and roll and cut into pieces 2^ inches square. For Filling: Cook fine prunes until soft enough to remove stones; add sugar and cinnamon to taste, making mixture con- sistency of marmalade. Then take 3^ tablespoon prunes and place on each square, stick corners and turn over and let rise until light. Fry in deep fat. Fried Cakes. One cup soft sugar; 1 tablespoon butter; cream together; 2 eggs; 1 cup sweet milk; 1 quart flour; 1 teaspoon salt; 2 heaping teaspoons baking powder; nutmeg. Roll out with more flour and fry. — Mrs. T. V. Engstrom. Fried Wonders. Six tablespoons sugar; 2 tablespoons melted lard; 2 eggs; 1 cup sweet milk; 3^ grated nutmeg; 3 teaspoons baking powder. Flour enough to stiffen and roll. Fry in deep fat. Crullers. Two cups sweet milk; 1 cup sour cream; 2 cups sugar; 2 eggs; 1 teaspoon soda; 2 teaspoons baking powder; salt and nutmeg. Do not make too stiff. Fry in hot fat. I CUTTING & CO. DRY GOODS, CLOCKS, SUITS fFAISTS, FURS 426 - 428 East State St. Rockford, III. HIS store always maintains excellence of quality and we cheerfully refund money on any pur- j--J^— > chase found not satisfactory. Three floors I ^^^ -11 filled with the best merchandise money can buy. Our Suit Dept. on the 2nd floor can take care of your wants. (Best made Suits, Cloaks and Furs.) New last styles in our Shirt Waist Dept. New Muslin Underwear and Infant Supplies. We gladly show you our lines. Our buyer visits the market every Tuesday. We deliver goods Promptly and Cheerfully. :2V !5ttllllrt(ir? Store With an aim to be at the top for STYLE - QUALITY WORKMANSHIP And to do all things cheerfully and well. Yours sincerely, LDW. BUTTLRFILLD, 309 West State. 253 WMMVi^MJMWMJ^WMiiii^MiMMMMmiMMHi^^ •M± We stake our Reputation When we make the statement that we have in GROGAN'S PURITY OLIVE OIL, one of absolute purity. ^ ^ We will be pleased to give you a free sample and book on the uses of Olive Oil. Our price, 50 cents a pint, is no more than inferior brands sell for. .<^ .<^ WORTHINGTON & SLADE, Sole Agents %v^wwl^wm^f^*m^mw^Mm,*mm^mm.^^mmR^^wmmmm^w^^wmm^m^ Imported and '^ Domestic WALL PAPERS Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Glass STAINS OF ALL KINDS. ENAMELS AND BRUSHES. Interior Decoratins a Specialty. Both Phones. 601-608 W. State Street 254 FRUITS. 255 CHAPTER XIX. FRUITS. "Bring me berries or such cooling fruit As the kind, hospitable woods provide." — COWPEB. "Eat an apple every day and live forever." Ripe fruit is very appropriate and healthy for breakfast, and during the summer months is much more to be desired for dessert at dinner than rich pastry or hot puddings. Fruit should always be served as fresh and cold as possible. As a rule fruits should be arranged in a raised dish or comport. In serving mixed fruits whole, allow clusters of grapes to fall over the sides of the dish. In serving on a low tray or platter, pile apples, oranges, bananas or other large fruit first on the tray and arrange clusters of grapes to fall over the whole. Grapes. There is no more beautiful table decoration than grapes. Their exquisite coloring of purple, green, amber and red together with their own leaves making a combination for beauty impos- sible to surpass. The large hot house grapes piled on a cut glass 6pergne and with the stems tied together with a large bow of broad soft satin ribbon the same color as the grapes, make a most artistic center- piece for a dinner table. The epergne can be passed to the guests at the close of the dinner and small bunches may be cut from the cluster with silver grape scissors. Another attractive table decoration for autumn is to have a high fruit standard of gold and white Bohemian glass in the center with two tall comports to match, one for each end of the table, filled with different colored grapes, with small bunches hanging 256 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. over the edges. The Tiffany colored high dishes, which are now- sold very cheaply, are beautiful for holding grapes as their color- ing is identical with the fruit. Cantaloupe Melons. A very delicious way to serve cantaloupe is to cut them in halves, crosswise. Remove seeds and membrane and put on ice. When time to serve, put one half on a grape leaf on each plate and in it put a heaping tablespoon of pineapple ice and serve immedi- ately. Musk Melons and Whipped Cream Surprise. Select small melons and chill. Cut off a section that may serve as a lid and carefully clean. Then fill with whipped cream, sweetened and mixed with a little chopped preserved ginger and marshmallows cut fine with scissors. Cover with lid. Carefully pack in a rather deep pan and surround with chopped ice and salt. Let stand 1 hour. • Draw a narrow yellow ribbon through the lid tied in a bow. Serve on a platter filled with crushed ice and garnished with nasturtiums and their leaves. Musk Melon Basket. Cut 2 pieces from small melons in such a way as to form a handle. Take out the pulp, membrane and seeds. Cut the pulp in small cubes, sprinkle with fine sugar and chill thoroughly. When ready to serve, place each melon basket on a grape leaf on a pretty plate, fill with the chilled pulp and serve at once. Compote of Oranges. Peel and skin 6 oranges. Cut into halves crosswise and with a sharp pointed vegetable knife remove the cores and seeds. Boil 1 cup of sugar with 1 cup of water and add the juice of 3^ lemon. Arrange the oranges right side up in a round fruit dish, pour over the syrup very slowly and fill the centers with boiled rice and serve at once. They may be garnished with chopped almonds, candied cherries or chopped candied pineapple. Compote of Pears. Cut thin slices of bread into pear shaped pieces. Toast -them in the oven till they are a golden brown. Pare and cut the pears FRUITS. 257 into halves and remove cores. Boil ]/^ cup of sugar, 1 cup of water and the juice of 1 lemon. Put the pears into the syrup and cook slowly 5 minutes. Arrange toast on a dish and put half a pear on each slice. Put yi pound of candied cherries into the syrup and bring to a boiling point. Heap cherries into the center of the dish and pour the syrup over the whole. Watermelon. Watermelon should be thoroughly chilled before using. There are various ways of serving this beautiful fruit. The old-fashioned way of slicing crosswise and bringing to the table on a large plat- ter is always appetizing. It may also be cut lengthwise. A new and pretty way to serve is to cut in two crosswise and with a potato scoop, scoop out little round balls, soak in Sherry and serve either in half a cantaloupe or pile on a grape leaf on a small plate. Watermelon Hearts. Chill a watermelon and cut in ^ inch slices. With a heart shaped cookie cutter, cut out from slices as many hearts as de- sired. Arrange on a platter in several piles and surround with crushed ice. Garnish with mint. Rose Pineapple. Put a slice of pineapple on a small plate with a wreath of smilax around it. Take juice of pineapple and make a thick syrup of it, almost a jelly; color pink with fruit coloring put a tablespoon- ful on top of pineapple and heap whipped cream on top. Nice for course at luncheon or dinner. — Mrs. Fanny Moffatt. Strawberries. The most beautiful way to serve strawberries is to select fine, large berries, 6 or 8 for a person, and place them on a plate with- out being hulled, on their own leaves if possible to get them. Have a molded mound of pulverized sugar in the center and arrange the berries around it. Strawberry Cocktail. Add to the juice of 3 oranges the juice of 1 lemon and fine sugar to taste, making the mixture rather tart; stir until the sugar 258 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. * is dissolved, then put on ice. Stem, wash and chill some fine strawberries. When ready to serve, cut the berries in halves and put into champagne glasses, pour over the fruit juice and add a tablespoon of cracked ice. This makes a dainty first course for a luncheon or dinner. Strawberry Tarts. Line small patty pans with a rich pie crust and bake. Just before serving fill with fresh strawberries dusted with powdered sugar. Whip some rich cream until stiff, add sugar to sweeten and flavor with pineapple or orange. Pile it high over the berries and serve at once. Grape Fruit. Cut grape fruit into halves crosswise. With a sharp pointed vegetable knife cut around the edge of the pulp to loosen, also cut between the divisions of the pulp, remove core and seeds. Sprinkle with sugar and pour over it 1 tablespoon of apricot brandy and put a Maraschino cherry in the top of each half. Baskets may be made economically in serving for several people by having an extra grape fruit. Skin it carefully and cut the skin into strips about 3^ or 3^ an inch wide. Pin a strip for a handle on each pre- pared half and wind with a little smilax. Serve very cold. Cherries. California cherries, either the light red or dark red, make a beautiful first course for a breakfast or luncheon by putting them in a pan with chopped ice with the stems on till they are very cold. When ready to serve, take 6 or 7 for each plate. Wipe them and tie the stems together, to make a bunch, with red satin baby rib- bon. Serve on small green leaves and have a little mound of pul- verized sugar on each plate. Cherry Salad. Select firm, large cherries; remove pit and insert a filbert or part of English walnut meat. Moisten with French salad dress- ing and serve in lemon peel cups, — Mrs. H. T. Goddard. Peach Snow Balls. Pare nice peaches. Roll in powdered sugar, then in melted fondant, tinted pink with fruit coloring; then roll in fresh grated coeoanut. FRUITS. 259 Ambrosia. One dozen sweet oranges (skin and slice); 1 large fresh cocoa- nut (grated). Put alternate layers of the orange and grated cocoa- nut in a glass dish and sprinkle pulverized sugar over each layer of the cocoanut. This is an old-fashioned dish, but is delicious and palatable. —Mrs. S. W. C. Slices of orange dipped in spiced wine is a famous dessert in Jaffa. A Favorite Dessert. Mix orange pulp; white grapes, cut in halves; candied cher- ries, chopped fine; and a grated pineapple with 3^ cupful of pow- dered sugar. Put in a cool place and let stand. At serving time, fill dessert glasses with 2 tablespoons of this mixture; put a table- spoonful of lemon water ice in the center of each glass. Cover' it over with 4 tablespoonfuls of whipped cream and serve at once. — N. S. M. Heavenly Hash. Slice 6 oranges, 1 pineapple and 6 bananas after the skins have been removed. Lay the sliced bananas in a chilled glass bowl, sprinkle them with fine sugar and chopped nuts. Then put a layer of oranges, sugared, and more nuts, then a layer of pineapple, sugared, and nuts. Lastly, a thin layer of oranges, cut small, and strawberries mixed lightly together. Cover deep with whipped cream. Garnish with candied cherries and serve ice cold. —Mrs. G. G. A wine glass of Sherry poured over the fruit before the whip- ped cream is put on would add piquancy. Fruit Salpicon. Three bananas; 2 oranges or a pint of strawberries; 3^ a pine- apple; 3^ cup of Maraschino cherries; 1 lemon (juice); 1 cup of sugar; 3^ pound of white grapes. Peel the bananas, remove the coarse threads and cut the pulp in thin slices; peel the oranges and cut in lengthwise sHces; cut the skin from the pineapple and take out core, cut up fine. Skin the grapes and remove seeds. If strawberries are used, cut them in halves. Mix the fruit lightly 260 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. with the sugar and lemon juice and chill thoroughly and quickly. Serve in sherbet glasses or orange skins. Makes a delicious relish at the beginning of a luncheon or dinner. — Mrs. C. Starr. Salpicon of Strawberries and Pineapple. Cut ofif the top of a pineapple and cut off a little of the bottom so that it will stand upright and firmly on the plate. Scoop out the pulp, discarding the core. Mix the pulp with strawberries, cut in halves, the juice of 2 oranges and sugar to taste. Chill the mixture thoroughly and return it to the shell. Garnish either with flowers or leaves cut from the crown of the pineapple. — Lena Keith Marsh. Tutti-Fnitti. One pound of strawberries; 1 pound of currants; 1 pound of cherries; 1 pound of peaches; 1 pound of grapes; 1 pound of plums; 1 pound of pineapple. Cut up and stone the large fruits, pit the cherries and plums and seed the grapes. Add 3^ pound of sugar to each 2 pounds of fruit and 3^ pint of good brandy. Put in layers with the sugar and brandy between. Do not cook it at all. Many people start their tutti-frutti in the early summer, adding to it as the fruits come along, and adding other fruits, always keeping the same quantity of sugar and brandy in proportion. Delicious with ice cream or meats. Tutti-Frutti of Candied Fruits. One-half pound almonds (blanched); 3^ pound candied pine- apple; }/i pound candied ginger; 3^ pound candied citron; }^ pound Maraschino cherries. Chop separately, fine, and stir together; pack in a Mason fruit jar, cover with a syrup made of 1 cup of sugar and 1 cup of water boiled together and add 1 cup of rum. Seal it up." Very nice to eat with ice cream. — Mrs. Fanny Moffatt. Cranberry Sauce. One quart of cranberries; 2 cups of sugar. Wash the cran- berries and put them into 2 quarts of boiling water. Cook till the skins burst, add the sugar and cook about 5 minutes. Serve in a glass dish. FRUITS. 261 Apple Sauce. Six tart apples; 1 cup sugar; % cup water. Boil sugar and water. Pare, core and quarter apples and cook in the syrup 3 or 4 minutes or until tender. Take out the apples and boil the syrup down a little and pour it over the apples. Devonshire Cream. Put 4 quarts of milk in a shallow pan, let it stand in a cool place over night. In the morning set it carefully on the stove so as not to disturb and bring it very slowly almost to a boil. Then place in a cold place and when thoroughly chilled, remove the cream carefully. The English prepare this Devonshire cream for almost constant use. It is delicious on strawberries, raspberries or peaches. 262 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. CHAPTER XX. CANDY AND CONFECTIONS. "A wilderness of sweets." — Milton — Paradise Lost. The art of making candy is easily learned. It is cheaper to make good candy at home than to buy good store candy, and cheap candy should not be eaten, as it is frequently adulter- ated. When one has learned how to boil sugar for fondants, to dip chocolate and to properly cook caramels and other similar candies, it will be found comparatively easy to produce many toothsome dainties. One advantage of home-made candy is the choice it affords of flavoring ingredients and combinations. In nut candy it is pos- sible to attain a great variety from the same recipes by utilizing the less common kinds of nuts. Crystalized fruits also permit of a large* range of choice, while fresh fruits coated with fondant are always popular. Boiled Sugar for Confections. Eleven tests are considered for boiling sugar: — Small thread, 215 degrees F. The feather, 232 degrees F. Large thread, 217 degrees F. Soft ball, 238 degrees F. Pearl, 220 degrees F. Hard ball, 248 degrees F. Large pearl, 222 degrees F. Small crack, 290 degrees F. The blow, 230 degrees F. Crack, 310 degrees F. Caramel, 350 degrees F. Fondant, the basis of all French candy, is made of sugar and water boiled together (with a small quantity of cream of tartar to prevent sugar from granulating) to soft ball, 238 degrees F. The professional confectioner is able to decide when syrup has boiled to the right temperature by sound while boiling, and by testing in cold water; these tests at first seem somewhat difficult to the amateur, but only a little experience is necessary to make fondant successfully. A sugar thermometer is often employed, and proves valuable, as by its use one need not exercise his judgment. CANDY AND CONFECTIONS. 263 White Fondant. Two and one-half pounds sugar (5 cups); 1^ cups hot water; yi teaspoon cream tartar. Put ingredients in a smooth granite stew pan; stir, place on range, and heat gradually to boiling point. Boil, without stirring, until when tried in cold water a soft ball may be formed that will just keep in shape, which is 238 degrees F. After a few minutes boiling, sugar will adhere to sides of kettle; remove this with a wooden spoon, covered with cloth to prevent fondant from granulating. Pour slowly on a slightly oiled marble slab. Let stand a few minutes to cool, but not long enough to be- come hard around the edge. Scrape fondant with chopping-knife to one end of marble and work with a wooden spatula until white and creamy. It will quickly change from this consistency and be- gin to lump when it should be kneaded with the hands until per- fectly smooth. Put into a bowl and cover with oiled paper to exclude the air, that a crust may. not form on top and let stand 24 hours. A large oiled platter and a wooden spoon may be used in place of a marble slab and spatula. Always make fondant on a clear day, as a damp and heavy atmosphere has an unfavorable effect on the boiling of sugar. Fondant may be kept several months and is better after it is made some time. For large quantity of fondant: 10 pounds sugar; 5 pints water; 2 teaspoons cream of tartar. Coffee Fondant. Two and one-half pounds sugar; ^ cup ground coffee; 13^ cups cold water; 34 teaspoon cream of tartar. Put water and coffee in sauce pan and heat to boiling point. Strain through double cheese cloth, then add sugar and cream of tartar and cook as white fondant. Maple Fondant. One and one-fourth pounds maple sugar; 1 cup hot water; IM pounds granulated sugar; 3€ teaspoon cream of tartar. Mix maple and granulated sugar and add remaining ingredients and cook as white fondant. Bon Bens. (a) Centers of bon bons are made of fondant. Shaped in small balls. If white fondant is used, flavor as desired. (b) Cocoanut centers: Work as much shredded cocoanut as possible into small amount of fondant. 264 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. (c) Nut centers: Surround the nut meats with fondant, chopped or whole meats, as desired. (d) French candied cherries are excellent as centers. Cover with fondant. (e) Lemon juice and powdered sugar may be mixed to form balls and orange juice may also be used. (f) One teaspoon of strained raspberry jam and enough pow- dered sugar to make stiff paste, makes excellent centers. (g) Grape jelly may also be used; allow balls to stand over night. '• To Dip Bon Bens. Put fondant in sauce pan and melt over hot water. Color and flavor as desired. Dip balls into melted fondant and put on oil paper. Dipped Walnuts, avor; dip halves oil paper. Pecans or whole blanched almonds may be used Melt fondant and flavor; dip halves of walnuts and place on Cream Nut .Bars. 1. Melt fondant and flavor. Stir in any kind of nut meats. Cut in pieces. Turn -n oiled paper or pan. Cool and cut in bars with sharp knife. 2. Maplo fondant is delicious with nuts. Chocolate Creams. Roll some of the fondant into small balls and press these flat between 2 halves of English walnuts. Melt a cake of bitter, un- sweetened chocolate in a basin of hot water for covering the can- dies with chocolate. Take the candies, one at a time, on a tooth- pick and pour the melted chocolate over them with a teaspoon, and when well covered, slip them upon oiled paper. Mints. The mints with any desired flavoring, such as peppermint, wintergreen, vanilla or lemon, may be made by stirring some of the fondant in a double boiler until it melts. Add the flavoring and drop in small lum^ on oiled paper. The lump will flatten out before hardening. CANDY AND CONFECTIONS. 265 "He rolls it under his tongue as a sweet morsel." — Psalm XXXVI. FUDGE. Chocolate Fudge. Four cups granulated sugar; 3^ cake Baker's chocolate; 2 cups milk; butter size of 2 eggs; 1 teaspoon vanilla. Mix all in- gredients, except butter and vanilla, and boil until it forms a ball when dropped into cold water. Add butter and vanilla and take from the fire and beat until nearly cool. Pour into buttered tins and cut into squares. Chopped nuts may be added, if desired. — Agnes Doyle, Orland, 111. Delicious Fudge. ,<^ne-fourth cup butter; 1 cup white sugar; 1 cup brown sugar; 3^ cup molasses; 3^ cup cream; 2 squares chocolate (scraped fine); 13^ teaspoons vanilla. Melt butter, mix together in a separate dish, white and brown sugar, molasses and cream; add this to the but- ter and after it has been brought to a boil, continue boiling for 23^ minutes, stirring rapidly. Add chocolate and boil 5 minutes, stir- ring at first rapidly and then more slowly toward the end. Take from the fire and add vanilla. Then stir constantly until the mass thickens. Pour into buttered pan, and set in a cool place. — Florence Carpenter. Divinity Fudge. Two cups sugar; 3^ cup boiling water; 3^ cup corn syrup; whites of 2 eggs, well beaten. Boil sugar, water and syrup together until it forms a ball when dropped into cold water. Pour the boil- ing syrup into the whites of eggs, stirring all the time until cool. Pour into buttered pan and cut in squares. 1 cup English walnuts may be added, if desirevi. Flavor to taste. — Mrs. John Haughey. Squares of divinity fudge rt)lled in Croft's milk cocoa are delicious. — Miss Annie Walton. Turkish Divinity Candy. Three cups sugar; 3^ cup water; % cup corn syrup (Echo or Karo); 2 whites eggs, beaten stiff. Follow directions for divinity 266 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. fudge and when nearly done, add pecan or other nut meats, can- died pineapple or cherries. Mold in loaf and cut in slices when cold. — Mrs. Reckhow. Caramel Fudge. Two cups sugar; 2 teaspoons butter; ]/^ cup cream; 2 tea- spoons vanilla; 1 scant cup of caramelized sugar. Part 1. Place a scant cup of granulated sugar in a steel fry- ing pan and melt slowly over a moderate heat, until it reaches a light brown color and all the granules have disappeared. Part 2. Place sugar and cream in sauce pan and let cook slowly until boiling point is reached, then add the sugar which has been caramelized; stir for a moment until thoroughly mixed, then let mixture boil until it reaches the "soft ball" stage. Remove from fire, add butter and vanilla and beat until cool and thick. Walnuts, cocoanut or marshmallows are a great addition to this recipe. — R. M. Carey. Coffee Fudge. Two cups sugar; 1 cup rich milk; y^ cup cold coffee; butter size of an egg. Boil ingredients until they make a soft ball in cold water. Then remove from fire and stir until cool. Pour into but- tered tins and cut into diamonds. — Ethel Dullam. Cocoa Fudge. One-fourth cup milk; 1^ cups powdered sugar; pinch salt; 13^ tablespoons butter; 9 teaspoons (level) cocoa; 3^ teaspoon vanilla. Put the milk and butter in a sauce pan and when the but- ter is melted, add the sugar, cocoa and salt. Stir until dissolved, then cook, stirring occasionally until it strings, which takes about 5 to 8 minutes. Add the vanilla, 1^ cup chopped nuts. Beat gently and when it just begins to thicken, pour into a buttered pan. When hard, cut in squares. The fudge must not be beaten much, for if it thickens, it cannot be poured into the pan. Cocoanut Fudge. Use the recipe for chocolate fudge, omitting the chocolate, and add just before beating some shredded cocoanut. Be careful not to be too generous with it, or the fudge will become grainy. CANDY AND CONFECTIONS. 267 Maple Sugar Fudge. Heat 2 cups (1 pound) of maple sugar, grated or broken in small pieces, and % cup of milk to the boiling point. Add 1 square or ounce of chocolate, and stir constantly until the chocolate is melted. . Boil 8 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add 34 cup of but- ter and boil about 7 minutes longer, or until a soft ball can be formed, when the syrup is tested in cold water (see recipe for fudge) . Remove from the fire and finish as in recipe for chocolate fudge. The chocolate may be omitted. From half to a whole cup of nuts, broken in pieces, may be added. — Mrs. Charles Reitsch. "I am glad that my Adonis hath a sweet tooth in his head." — Lyly. CARAMELS. Chocolate Caramels I. One pound brown sugar; 34 pound chocolate; 3^ cup molasses; 3^ cup milk or cream; }/^ cup butter; 1 teaspoon vanilla; 1 cup chopped nut meats. Cook all together, except vanilla and nut meats. Cook to 254 degrees F or 124 degrees C. Take from fire, add nuts and vanilla and pour into buttered pan. When cool, cut into squares and then shape into cubes with 2 knives. — Eldora Welch. Chocolate Caramels II. One-half cup butter; 1 cup molasses; 1 teaspoon vanilla; 13^ cups brown sugar; 34 pound chocolate; ^ cup milk and a little salt. Follow directions of Chocolate Caramels No. 1. Vanilla Caramels. One and one-half cups white sugar; 3^ cup molasses; 34 to 3^ cup butter; % cup water. Flavor with vanilla and cook same as chocolate caramel. Chocolate Candy. Three tablespoons butter; 3 tablespoons molasses; V^ cup milk; 13^ cups sugar; 13^ squares chocolate. Melt the butter, add the molasses and the milk, then add sugar; heat to boiling point and 268 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. boil 8 minutes. Add the chocolate and stir until it is melted, then boil 6 minutes more, and add 3^ cup English walnut meats and 13^ tablespoons raisins and 3^ teaspoon vanilla; beat until creamy. "Things sweet to taste prove indigestion sour." — King Richard II. Maple Penuche. Two cups brown sugar; 1 cup maple syrup; 1 cup English wal- nut meats; 1 cup milk; 2 tablespoons butter. Mix sugar and milk, add maple syrup and butter. Cook until it grains. Add nuts. Pour into buttered pan. When cool, cut into long strips. — Charlotte De Muth Williams. Southern Pralines. One and one-half pints C sugar; butter size of walnut; 3^ pint cream. Stir all the time while cooking; cook until forms a soft ball in cold water: When done, pour in ^ pound chopped pecans and a little cinnamon. Beat until nearly cool; drop off the spoon on oil paper. . — Mrs. Robert G. McCord, New Albany, Ind. Pralines No. I. One and seven-eighths cups powdered sugar; 1 cup maple syrup; 3^ cup cream; 2 cups hickory nuts or pecan meats, cut in pieces. Boil first 3 ingredients until when tried in cold water, a soft ball may be formed. Remove from fire and beat until of a creamy consistency, add nuts and drop from tip of spoon in small piles on buttered paper. Pralines No. II. Two cups brown sugar; tablespoon butter; 1 cup water; 3^ cup chopped nuts; 3^ cup cocoanut. Follow directions of preced- ing recipe. — Mrs. Harry B. North. Maple Cream Candy. One-half pound maple sugar broken into small pieces; 14, pint cream. Mix ingredients and cook to boiling point for 10 or 15 min- CANDY AND CONFECTIONS. 269 utes until it begins to harden slightly. Have ready in a buttered pan a layer of pecan or hickory nut meats and pour the mixture over it. Cool and mark into squares. "One poor penny worth of sugar candy to make thee long-winded." — King Henry IV. Butter Taffy. Two cups sugar; 3^ cup water; 3^ cup vinegar; 3^ cup butter. Boil until brittle in water. Pour in buttered pans and when cool enough can be pulled, if desired. — Josephine Clifford. Salt Water Taffy. Two pounds of C sugar; 3^ pound butter; 3^ even tablespoon salt; 2 pounds of glucose; 1 ounce glycerine; 2 teaspoons vanilla. Just enough water to wet the sugar so it wont burn while getting started over the fire. Boil; when done, it should break crisply in cold water. Pull and cut in small pieces. — Miss Jennie Russell. White Taffy. Two pounds C sugar; 1 ounce glycerine; 34 pound butter; 1 pound glucose; 3^ even tablespoon salt; 2 teaspoons vanilla. A little water; boil till brittle in water; cool; pull, — Miss Sarah Williams. "A perpetual feast of nectar's sweets Where no crude surfeit reigns." — Milton — Mask of Comus. Marshmallows. Two even tablespoons Knox's gelatine No. 1; 8 tablespoons cold water; 13^ cups granulated sugar; 3^ cup cold water. Put the gelatine into 8 tablespoons cold water and let stand until dis- solved, then make a syrup of the granulated sugar and 3^ cup of cold water; boil until it threads. Beat hot syrup slowly over gela- tine, add vanilla and beat as long as possible. Roll out 4X pow- dered sugar on board, spread mixture over it carefully, cut into squares and roll in sugar. 270 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. Fresh Cocoanut Candy. About 4 cups sugar; cover with water and boil until you can pick up in cold water; add 3^ cup grated, fresh cocoanut and cook a little longer. Put out to cool and stir into small flat cakes — Maud Fox. Butter Scotch No. I. One cup sugar; 3^ teaspoon vanilla; 1 teaspoon butter; pinch of soda. Put the sugar in stew pan until all is dissolved. Then add soda and butter and vanilla. Stir all constantly. Boil until when dropped into cold water, it forms a hard ball. Pour onto buttered plates and mark into squares. — Marie Weldon. Butter Scotch No. II. Three cups C sugar; 3 tablespoons water; 1 tablespoon vine- gar; }/2 cup butter. Follow directions in preceding recipe. , — Charles Brouse. "The setting sun and music at its close As the last taste of sweets, is sweetest last Writ in remembrance, more than things past." — Shakespeare, Nougat I. Three cups granulated sugar; % cup corn syrup; 3^ cup cold water. Boil until syrup will make a firm ball in cold water. Then pour this syrup on the beaten whites of 2 eggs. Beat until it can no longer be stirred. Add chopped nuts and fruit, as desired. Pour into a pan and press down with the fingers. This candy is spongy and doesn't harden like fudge. If made right, it is very good. Nougat II. Two cups granulated sugar; 3^ cup corn syrup (Karo syrup); 3^ cup water; 2 tablespoons vinegar. Boil all together. Beat the whites of 2 eggs; when the above mixture will thread when dropped from the spoon, beat about 3^ of it into the eggs, continue beating while the other % boils until it hardens when dropped into cold water. Beat this % into the egg mixture and continue beating until it will stiffen when turned into buttered platter. When it first shows signs of stiffening, which is a slightly dry look, add a large cup of shelled, chopped nuts. Pecans or English walnuts are best. — Mrs. a. C. Deming. CANDY AND CONFECTIONS. 271 Molasses Candy. , One cup molasses; 3 cups sugar; 1 cup boiling water; 3 table- spoons vinegar; }/2 teaspoon cream tartar; }/2 cup melted butter; ]/2 teaspoon soda. Put first 4 ingredients in kettle over front of range; as soon as boiling point is reached, add cream of tartar, boil until when tried in cold water mixture will become brittle. Stir constantly during last part of cooking; when nearly done, add butter and soda, pour into buttered pan and pull; while pulling, add 1 teaspoon of vanilla. Horehound Candy. Three cups C sugar; 1 tablespoon vinegar; 3^ cup horehound tea. Part 1. Steep 1 teaspoonful of horehound leaves in 3^ cup of water 5 minutes. Part 2. Boil together the sugar, tea and vinegar until when dropped into cold water it forms brittle threads like glass. Pour nto buttered tin and mark into squares with a chopping knife. — Charles Brouse. Stuffed Dates. Remove seeds from dates and fill space with meats from Eng- lish walnuts or almonds. Roll in powdered sugar. "Their wives have sense Hke them, they see and smell and have their palates both for sweet and sour." — Othello. 272 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. Nut Candy. Two cups brown sugar; Yi. cup milk; 3^ cup water. Boil un- til forms hard ball in water. Pour over beaten white of egg and beat; add walnuts (black). — Mrs. Chandler Starr. Peanut Candy. Two cups white sugar; 1 cup shelled or chopped peanuts; little salt; piece of butter; 3^ teaspoon soda. Put sugar into per- fectly smooth granite pan. Stir constantly over fire till sugar is melted to a syrup. Remove from fire and stir in nuts, when stiff- ened, pour out into buttered tin and let cool. Peanut Brittle. Boil together a cupful each of molasses and brown sugar, a tablespoonful of vinegar and 2 tablespoonfuls of butter. When a little dropped in cold water is brittle, add a cup of blanched pea- nuts. Remove at once from fire; add a teaspoonful of baking soda. Beat hard and pour into buttered pans. use syrup as for cracker jack and pour over puffed rice. — Marion Welch. Crystallized Fruits. Crystallized fruits are a delicious confection. The fruits best adapted for this purpose are peaches, pears, plums, pineapples, cherries and currants. A small incision is made in the side of the small fruits to extract the pits. The larger fruits are pared and CANDY AND CONFECTIONS. 273 quartered, and the pineapple is cut in slices half an inch thick across the fruit. The coarse fibre of the centre should be cut out of each slice. Weigh the fruit, and allow an equal quantity of the best white sugar. Make a rich syrup of a small cup of water to each pound of sugar. Boil for a few minutes, then add the fruit, and cook gently until it is transparent. Remove the fruit carefully onto a wire strainer, and let stand until perfectly cold. Then sprinkle liberally with powdered sugar, and set the strainer on a dish in a. moderate warm oven'for 2 hours, repeating the process until the juice has ceased to drip and the outside is dry and crystal- lized. It is then removed from the oven, and allowed to get per- fectly cold before it is packed away in boxes between layers of waxed papers. "Stolen sweets are best." — IviD. Maple and Nut Creams. Break a pound of maple sugar into small pieces. Add Yi cup of boiling water and boil, without stirring, to the soft ball stage. Remove from the fire and stir until creamy. Drop from a teaspoon in small rounds upon a buttered plate. Finish by pressing the unbroken half of an English walnut meat upon the top of each. Candied Walnuts. One cup sugar; }/i cup water. Boil syrup until thick, just past threading point; add a few drops of vanilla. Turn in 1 cup of wal- nut meats, stir until sugared. Delicious. — Miss Radecke. Glac€ Nuts. Two cups sugar; 1 cup boiling water; one-eighth teaspoon cream tartar. Put ingredients in a smooth sauce pan. Stir, place on range and heat to boiling point; boil without stirring until syrup begins to dissolve, which is 310 degrees F. Wash off sugar which adheres to sides of sauce pan, as in making fondant. Remove the sauce pan from the fire, and place in larger pan of cold water to instantly stop boiling. Remove from cold water and place in a sauce pan of hot water during dipping. Take the nuts separately on a long pin and dip in syrup to cover. Remove from syrup and place on oiled paper. — Gertrude Gardner. 274 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. "And close at hand the basket stood With nuts from brown October's wood." Salted Almonds No. I. Blanch 3^ pound Jordan almonds and dry on a towel. Put }/3 cup olive oil in a very small sauce pan. When hot, put in ^ of the almonds and fry until delicately browned, stirring to keep almonds constantly in motion. Remove with a spoon or small skimmer, taking up as little oil as possible. Drain on brown paper and sprinkle with salt; repeat until all are fried. Salted Almonds No. Ill Blanch 3^ pound of almonds by pouring over them 1 pint boiling water; let stand 3 minutes. Drain and cover with cold water. Remove skins and dry almonds on a towel. Fry in hot fat, using equal parts of butter and lard. Drain on brown paper and sprinkle with salt. — Leola Arnold. Salted Peanuts. Use peanuts which have not been roasted. Remove skins and follow directions same as salted almonds No. 1 or No. 2. Salted Pecans. Buy the shelled pecans and follow directions given in preced- ing recipe. To Clarify Maple Syrup. Melt sugar in the usual way and take from the. stove while quite thin; when cool, add unbeaten white of 1 egg for each quart of syrup; stir well and boil until it is the right consistency, then strain through thin cloth. Syrup prepared this way will keep a long time and will not cake or harden in the syrup pitcher. — Leola Arnold. "Sweets to the sweet — farewell." — Shakespeare. DRINKS AND BEVERAGES. 275 CHAPTER XXI. DRINKS AND BEVERAGES. Drink to me only with thine eyes And I will pledge with mine Or leave a kiss but in the cup And I'll not ask for wine. The thirst that from the soul doth rise Doth ask a drink divine; But might I of Jove's nectar sup I would not change from thine. — Ben Johnson. WINES. God made Man frail as a bubble God made Love — Love made Trouble. God made the Vine; was it a sin That Man made Wine to drown Trouble in? — Anon. The rule for service of wine at a dinner party calls for white wine with the fish. Sherry with the soup. Claret and champagne with the roast. Maderia and port wines with the game. Maderia and port are decanted and should not be cold, but of the tempera- ture of the room. Champagne is either sweet or "dry" and must not be decanted, but kept in ice pails and opened when needed. Wine is good Love is good And all is good if understood. The sin is not in doing But in overdoing. How much of mine has gone that way Alas — How much more that may! 276 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. To Mull Wine. An Excellent French Recipe. Boil in a wineglassful and a half of water a quarter of an ounce of spice (cinnamon, ginger slightly bruised, and cloves), with 3 ounces of fine sugar till they form a thick syrup, which must not, on any account, be allowed to burn. Pour in a pint of port wine and stir it gently till it is on the point of boiling only; it should then be served immediately. The addition of a strip or two of orange rind, cut extremely thin, gives to this beverage the flavor of bishop. In France light claret takes the place of port wine in making this, and the better kinds of Vins du Pays are very palatable thus prepared: Water, \}/^ wineglassful; spice, 34 ounce, to make which quantity use about 24 cloves and the rest of the amount in rather more ginger than cinnamon, and 3 ounces of sugar. Boil 15 to 20 minutes. Port wine or claret, 1 pint, added last. If orange rind is used, it should be boiled with the spices. (Taken from an old English cook book, published in 1845). Port Wine. Good imported port wine, 3 gallons; good prepared cider, 12 gallons; juice of elderberries, 3 gallons: good brandy, \}/2 gallons; cochineal, 3 ounces. Pulverize the cochineal very fine, put it with the brandy into a stone jug; let it remain at least 2 weeks. Have cider ready and put 6 gallons of the cider into a 20 gallon cask. Add to this the elder juice, port wine, brandy and cochineal. Take the remaining 6 gallons of cider with part of which clean out your jug that contained the brandy, and pour the whole into the cask; bung it tight and in 6 weeks it \n\\\ be ready for use. Wines — Currant, Blackberry or Elderberry. These all have powerful medicinal properties, and every fam- ily should have at least one kind on hand. The cost of the wine is nothing compared to the benefit derived from using it, when needed, as it often saves the expense of medicines, as well as doctor's bills, besides being more palatable to take than medicine. Red or White Currant Wine. First place the fruit in a tub or jar and mash or crush it. A better way is to put it in a kettle over the fire, crushing some of the fruit when first put in, and adding a very little water, just enough to keep it from burning. Boil until Soft, then put through a cloth DRINKS AND BEVERAGES. 277 lined cylinder. To each quart of juice obtained, add 3 quarts of water and 2}/^ to 3 pounds of sugar, according to taste. Put the mixture in a keg, leaving the cork or bung loose, or put it in a tub or jar, covering the same with a thin cloth so that the air may have access to it. Set it aside and allow it to ferment for about 10 days, or until fermentation ceases. It is a good plan- to skim it occasionally with a perforated skimmer while fermenting. After that pour it in bottles or jugs, allowing the corks to remain very loose, as it will work again for 2 or 3 days. Then when through working, take out the corks and fill bottles with juice reserved for that purpose. After all signs of fermentation cease, put in the corks very tight, tie or wire them in and seal. Wine is best kept in a cool place. Blackberry, elderberry, grape or rhubarb wine may be made in the same way with the exception that a smaller proportion of sugar is required for blackberry and elderberry wine. Elderberry Wine No. II. Water, 5 gallons; elderberry, 5 gallons; white sugar, 22 pounds; red tartar, 4 ounces. Put these into cask, and add a little yeast and let it ferment. When undergoing fermentation, add ginger root, 2 ounces; allspice, 2 ounces; cloves, 3^ ounce. Put them into clean cotton bag and suspend in the cask. They give a pleasant flavor to the wine, which will become clear in about 2 months, and may then be drawn off and bottled. Currant Wine No. II. Take 1 pailful of water to every pailful of currants on the stem. Wash and strain; add 334 pounds of sugar to every gallon of the mixture of juice and water. Mix well and put into the cask, which should be placed in the cellar on the tilt, so that it can easily be racked off in October without stirring up the sediment. 2 bushels of currants will make 1 barrel of wine. Fill the barrel within 3 inches of the bung, and make it air-tight by placing wet clay over it after it is driven in. Cherry Wine. To make 10 pints of this wine take 30 pounds of cherries and 4 pounds of currants; bruise and mix them together. Mix with them % of the kernels and put the whole mixture into a barrel with 34 pound of sugar to every pint of juice. The barrel should 278 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. be quite full. Cover the barrel with vine leaves and sand above them, and let stand in a cool place until through working, which will be in about 3 weeks; then stop it with a bung and in 2 months it may be bottled. Apple Wine. To each gallon of cider, as soon as it comes from the press, add 2 pounds of loaf sugar; boil as long as any scum arises, then strain through a sieve and let it cool; now add some good yeast, mix well; let it work in the tub 2 or 3 weeks, then skim off the scum; draw it off close and turn it; let it stand about a year, then rack it off and add 2 ounces of isinglass to the barrel; then add }4. pint spirits of wine to every 8 gallons. Note — The old recipes all speak of gelatine as isinglass. Ginger Wine. Bruised ginger, 4 ounces; lump sugar, 10 pounds; water, 5 gallons. Add 2 eggs. Boil well and skim. Then pour hot on 3 or 4 lemons, cut in slices. Macerate for 2 hours, then rack and ferment. Add spirits, 1 quart; finings, ^ pint; rummage well; to make color, boil saleratus, 3^ ounce; alum, 3^ ounce; in 1 pint of water till you get a bright color. Lemon Wine. Water, 15 gallons; raisins (bruised) 8 pounds; sugar, 30 pounds. Boil, then add cider, 7 gallons; ferment and add spirits, 13^ gal- lons; white tartar, 6 ounces; essence of lemon, 1 ounce; finings, 3^ pint. Shake well the essence with a pint of the spirit until it be- comes milky before adding to the wine. Dandelion Wine. Two quarts of blossoms without any stems (which would make the wine bitter). Pour over them 1 gallon of boiling water and let stand 3 days and nights, then strain and add 3 pounds of white sugar, 2 sliced lemons and 2 sliced oranges. Boil for 5 minutes. When cooled sufficiently to be about milk warm, add 1 tablespoon- ful of good yeast and put in a jug to ferment. Keep the jug full until fermentation ceases, and bottle in about 6 weeks. — Mrs. W. p. Lamb. DRINKS AND BEVERAGES. 279 Grape Wine. Water, 4 quarts; grape juice, 4 quarts; sugar, 8 pounds. Ex- tract the juice in any simple way, if only a few quarts are desired. One can do it with a strainer and a pair of squeezers. Use per- fectly ripe grapes. After the first pressing, put a little water with the pulp and press a second time, using the juice of the second pressing with the water to be mixed with the clear grape juice. Put in a keg and fill even full. After fermentation has taken place and the scum removed, drain off, bottle and cork tightly. Unfermented Wine. Pick the grapes well ripened; remove carefully all decayed and unripe fruit. Mixed varieties of grapes may be used. Ex- press the juice and boil as long as any scum arises; skim carefully from time to time; do not boil over an hour; bottle it while hot, and seal either in glass bottles, jugs or air-tight casks. It is in condition to be used at any time, but after it is once opened it must not be allowed to ferment. With the exception of straw- berry syrup, this will be found to be the most delightful and ex- hilarating of all unfermented beverages. It needs no sugar, and may be diluted when served. Unfermented Grape Juice. Ten cupfuls Concord grapes; 6 cupfuls water; 2 cupfuls sugar. Mash the grapes and cook in 3 cups of the water; strain; add to the skins and seeds 3 more cups of water and cook again; strain. Add to the strained juice the 2 cups of sugar and' boil 5 minutes. Skim, bottle hot in air-tight jars. In serving, add sugar and sliced lemon or lemon juice, ice and the grape juice. This is a simple, but delicious drink. "Good wine needs no bush." —"As You Like It." 280 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. CORDIALS. For highest cordials all their virtues lose By a too frequent and too bold a use. And what would cheer the spirits in distress, Ruins our health when taken to excess. — John Pomfret, in "The Choice." Mint Cordial. Crush a large bunch of mint and soak the leaves for 1 hour in the strained juice of 2 lemons and the grated rind of 1. Cook to- gether 1 pint of water and the same amount of sugar until the syrup threads. Take from fire and stir into it the lemon and mint, the juice of an orange and, if at hand, an equal amount of pine- apple juice. Strain and add enough cold water to make a rich beverage. Ice and serve. The use of apollinaris water or seltzer improves it. Blackberry Cordial. Put berries in a kettle with a very little water and cook until soft, then turn into a press cylinder, first putting in a thin muslin cloth large enough to fold over the top of the fruit. After pressing out the juice add to each pint of juice 1 pound of loaf sugar, }/^ ounce of powdered cinnamon, 3^ ounce of mace, 2 teaspoonfuls of whole cloves and boil all together for 15 minutes and strain. To each quart add 1 pint of good French brandy. It is then ready to be bottled. Before using, dilute with water, if necessary. This syrup is a sovereign remedy for all summer complaints. Quince Cordial. Use ripe, sound quinces; rub off fur, cut in small pieces; pour over just enough cold water to cover, and simmer until the pulp is soft. Put in a double cheese cloth bag and let it drip over night. Do not squeeze or press because what remains in the bag can be taken through a sieve and used for marmalade. Measure the j nice, add 3^ pint of granulated sugar to each pint of liquid, also 2 blanched peach kernels. To 3 pints allow 2 cloves. Boil for 15 minutes. Skim well, remove from fire, strain and add ]/^ pint of brandy to each pint of syrup. Turn into a stone jar, protect the opening with cheese cloth, let stand a week and then bottle and cork se- curely. It may be used in 2 months, but is better if kept 1 year. DRINKS AND BEVERAGES, 281 CIDER. "The cups that cheer but not inebriate wait on each." — Wm. Cowper. Pear, Orange, Grape or Apple Cider. Cider may be made from pears, oranges or grapes as well as from apples. Put the fruit over the fire with barely enough water to keep from burning, and cover, letting it steam or cook slowly until soft. Press out all juice and the result is a pure cider. In making orange cider, peel fruit and it is then easily pressed with- out heating. To Keep Cider Sweet. Cider may be kept sweet for 10 years by first putting it in a kettle and bringing it to a boil. Set bottles in a pan of cold water on the stove and allow the same to come to a boiling heat. Fill the bottles, as they stand in the hot water, with the cider. Set aside to cool, then cork and seal. Champagne Cider. Make cider from foregoing recipe and after filling strong pop bottles, add 3 raisins and 1 teaspoonful of syrup or sugar to each pint of juice. Wire corks in tightly and seal. BEER. "I do now remember the poor creature, small beer," — King Henry IV. Cottage Beer. Water, 10 gallons; good sweet wheat bran, 1 peck; good hops, 3 handfuls. Boil all together until the bran and hops sink to the bottom. Strain through a thin cloth and when about luke warm, add 2 quarts of molasses. As soon as the molasses is melted pour the whole into a 9 or 10 gallon cask, with 2 tablespoons of yeast. When fermentation ceases, bung up the cask and in about 4 days it will be readv for use. 282 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. Ginger Beer. Honey, 1 pound; sugar, 20 pounds; lemon juice, 18 ounces; yeast, 6 pints; water, 18 gallons; bruised ginger root, 22 ounces. Boil the ginger 3^ hour in a gallon of water, then add the rest of the water and the other ingredients, and strain, when cool. Add the whites of 2 eggs, beaten, and 1 ounce of essence of lemon. Let it stand for 4 days and then bottle and it will keep a long time if you don't drink it. Hops Beer. Hops, 6 ounces; water, 5 quarts. Boil 3 hours, then strain off the liquor. Pour on 4 quarts of water and 12 spoonfuls of gin- ger and boil the hops 3 hours longer. Strain it and mix with the other liquor and stir in 2 quarts of molasses. Brown, very dry, 3^ pound of bread and put in — rusked bread is best. Pound fine and brown in a pot like coffee. After it has cooled so that it is luke warm, add a pint of new yeast that is free from salt. Keep the barrel covered in a cool place until fermentation ceases, which you may know by the settling of the post. Turn into kegs or bottles and keep in a cool place. Jamaica Ginger Beer. One 4 ounce bottle of Jamaica ginger; 1 ounce cream of tartar; 6 quarts of water; 1 pound of sugar; grated rind of 1 lemon. Mix and heat through, add a tablespoonful of brewer's yeast. Bottle, tie the corks and lay in cellar. Good in 4 days. "What harm in drinking can there be Since punch and life so well agree." An Epigram on Punch. — Thomas Blacklock. A delicious claret punch for luncheons or suppers is made from claret, vichy, lemons, sugar and cracked ice, in proportions to suit the taste. Roman punch is a lemon sherbet, to which Jamaica rum has been added in the proportion of 1 cupful of rum to 1 quart of sherbet. Roman Punch. Three cups of good lemonade; 1 glass of champagne; 1 glass of rum; whites of 2 eggs; 3^ pound of sugar; juice of small orange. Mix well and serve in glasses half filled with broken ice. DRINKS AND BEVERAGES. 283 Claret Punch. One quart of claret; 3^ pint of ice water. Cover 2 lemons, sliced thin, with 3^ cup of powdered sugar and let stand 10 min- utes. Add the water and wine and mix well. Serve in glasses with ice. Old Bachelor's Punch. Put into Yi pint tumbler the very thin rind of a fresh lemon and fill with boiling water; squeeze the juice into a second glass of the same size, and fill it nearly to the brim with sugar lumps; then pour in as much boiling water as it will contain, and when the sugar is dissolved, turn the contents of both glasses into a hot jug; add a tablespoonful of fine currant jelly; stir the whole well; keep it very hot, and add to it as much spirit as will make it pleasant, but in the proportion of 2 glasses brandy to 1 of rum. Taken from an old English Cook Book, printed in 1845. Temperance Punch. Upon a tablespoon of good tea pour 2 quarts of boiling water. Meantime have ready the juice and peelings of 3 lemons and 1 orange, in a pitcher. When the tea has steeped 5 minutes, strain it into the pitcher of fruit juice, add sugar to taste and cool. Serve in glasses with ice. Ginger Punch. One quart of cold water; 1 cup of sugar; }/2 pound of Canton ginger; Yi cup of orange juice; 3^ cup of lemon juice. Chop gin- ger, add to water and sugar and boil for 15 minutes. Add fruit juices, cool and strain. Serve with ice. ApoUinaris water may be added, if desired, also several spoons of ginger syrup if the chopped ginger is not strong enough to flavor. Unfermented Grape Punch. Juice of 3 lemons; juice of 1 orange; 1 pint of grape juice; 1 quart of water; 1 cup of sugar. If served from a punch bowl, add sliced oranges and pineapple. This makes a dainty punch for re- ceptions and special occasions. 284 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. Punch k la Naples. Two cups of water; 2 pounds of rhubarb; 1 cup of sugar; 1 cup of orange juice; 3^ cup of lemon juice; }/2 cup of pineapple juice; 34 cup of ginger syrup; 1 small bay leaf. Slice rhubarb without peeling it, cover with the water, add bay leaf and cook until ten- der. Strain, add sugar, boil 5 minutes more, add fruit juice and cool. Ice and serve. Castalia Punch. One can grated pineapple; 3 cups boiling water; 1 cup strong, freshly made tea; 4 cups sugar; juice of 6 oranges; juice of 5 lemons; 2 cups of strawberry juice; 1 cup Maraschino cherries; 1 quart apol- linaris water; 5 quarts water. Spring mint leaves and grapes. Serve in a punch bowl with ice. Fruit Punch. Six bananas; 6 oranges; 4 lemons; 1 pint strawberry juice; 4 cups sugar; 4 cups water; 6 quarts ice water; 1 split apollinaris; 1 cup freshly made tea. Boil the 4 cups of water with the sugar 15 minutes and when cool, add the juice of oranges, lemons, straw- berries, the pulps of 4 of the bananas and the tea. Let stand on ice until time of serving, then add ice cold water, the apolli- naris and the pulp of the other 2 bananas, cut in slices 34 inch in thickness. LEMONADE. For Picnics or Private Parties. Cut the lemons in small pieces and put in a press to extract the juice. To each quart of water and ice allow 2 large lemons and from a quarter to a third of a pound of sugar, according to taste. Seltzer Lemonade. Juice of 1 lemon; 2 tablespoons of sugar; small chunks of ice and seltzer or apollinaris water to fill up the glass. DRINKS AND BEVERAGES. 285 Fruit Lemonade. Boil 1 cup of sugar and 2 cups of water 10 minutes. Cool, and add 1 cup of lemon juice, 1 cup of preserved cherries, strawber- ries or raspberries, and dilute with a small amount of water. Serve with lumps of ice. Pineapple Lemonade. Make a syrup by boiling 1 pint of water and 1 cup of sugar 10 minutes. Add 1 can of grated pineapple and the juice of 3 lemons. Cool, strain and add 1 quart of ice water. Serve in lemonade glasses. Ginger Lemonade. The juice of 3 lemons; 6 glasses of water; enough sugar to sweeten; a cup of cherry juice, or the juice left from a cherry sauce, with a few cherries left in it. Mix all together and set away to cool. When ready to serve, add 1 pint of ginger ale and lumps of ice. — Charles Brouse. Irish Moss Lemonade. One-fourth cup Irish moss; 2 cups boiling water; 4 tablespoons lemon juice; sugar to taste. Soak, pick over and wash the moss, soaking ^ hour. Pour off water and add the boiling water. Cook until syrup-like; keeping it just below boiling point. If it becomes too thick add more hot water. Strain, add the lemon juice and sugar. Serve hot. This is excellent for sore throat and cold on the lungs or any inflammation of the mucous membrane. Delicious Milk Lemonade. Dissolve 6 ounces of loaf sugar in a pint of boiling water and mix with them a quarter of a pint of lemon juice, and the same quantity of Sherry; then add ^ of a pint of cold milk; stir the whole well together and pass it through a jelly bag till clear. Taken from an old EngUsh Cook Book, printed in 1845. Excellent Portable Lemonade. Rasp, with 3^ pound of sugar the rind of a very fine juicy lemon; reduce it to a powder, and pour on it the strained juice of the fruit. Press the mixture into a jar and when wanted for use, dissolve a tablespoonful of it in a glass of water. It will keep a considerable time. If too sweet for taste of the drinker, a very small portion of citric acid may be added when it is taken. This is taken from an old English Cook Book, printed in 1845. 286 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. SUMMER DRINKS AND SYRUPS. Made from Berries and Small Fruit. Fruit Sherbet. Mash any ripe fruit and pass it through a sieve. To every quart of juice add a quart of water and sweeten to taste with powdered sugar. When the sugar has dissolved, strain again and keep in the refrigerator until wanted. Strawberry Sherbet. One quart of berries, crushed to a paste; 3 pints of water and the juice of 1 lemon. Mix and let stand 3 hours. Strain out juice and add 1 pound of sugar. Stir well and set on ice until ready to serve. Pineapple Ada. Take fresh, ripe pineapples; pare and cut them into thin slices and then into bits. Put into a large pitcher and sprinkle with powdered white sugar; pour on boiling water in the proportion of 3^ gallon of water to each pineapple. Cover the pitcher and let the fruit infuse into the water until it becomes quite cool, stir- ring and pressing down the fruit opcasionally with a spoon to get out as much juice as possible. When it is cool, set on ice. Serve with sugar and ice in each glass. Raspberry Vinegar. Put a quart of berries into a dish and pour over them 1 quart of cider vinegar; let stand 24 hours, then strain through a flannel bag and pour this liquor on another quart of berries; do this for 3 or 4 days successively and then strain it. Make very sweet with loaf sugar; bottle and seal. Use 1 tablespoon in a glass of ice cold water, to drink in warm weather. Raspberry Royal. Put 4 quarts of berries into a stone jar and pour over them 1 quart of cider vinegar and add 1 pound of sugar. Mash berries to a paste and let stand in the sun 4 hours. Strain out all the juice and add 1 pint of brandy. Put in bottles and lay in the cellar. Use about 2 tablespoons of the juice in a glass of ice water when serving. DRINKS AND BEVERAGES. 287 Raspberry Cup. Mash and strain 2 cups of currants stripped from the stems. Mash also an equal quantity of raspberries. Mix the juices, sweeten to taste and serve in glasses with ice and cold water. Blackberry Shrub. For every cupful of fruit juice take 14, cup of cider vinegar and 2 cups of sugar. Put fruit, sugar and vinegar over the fire, stir until sugar melts, and boil down to a thick syrup. Skim, strain and bottle. When serving, allow 3^ cup of syrup to ^ of a cup of ice water. For raspberry shrub use ripe red raspberries and prepare the same as blackberry shrub. Cherry Nectar. 1. Two quarts of stemmed red cherries In three cups of vinegar stand For three or four whole days at least Then strain through cloth by hand. 2. To every pint of liquid tart. Add pint of sugar, too; Boil twenty minutes, bottle tight — And you have a "temperance brew." 3. This nectar, well diluted, pour In glasses of cracked ice; Upon a warm or sultry day Refreshing 'tis, and nice. Fruit Shrub. Use the ripe fruit of either cherry, currant or strawberry. Add 1 cup of water to every quart of fruit and cook until soft, then press out all the juice as one would if making jelly. Strain through cheese cloth and allow a cup of sugar to each pint of juice. Boil to a syrup and strain again. Bottle while hot and seal. When serving, dilute with water to taste and chill with cracked ice. Flavoring Syrups. Made from strawberries, raspberries, pineapples and in the following way: Put the fruit in a kettle over a fire with sufficient 288 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. water to prevent burning. When boiled thoroughly soft put through a press, using a cloth lined cylinder. To each pint of juice add % of a pound of loaf sugar and put over the fire. As soon as it comes to a boiling heat, pour in bottles that are standing in boiling water, and set aside a few minutes to cool. Seal tightly. If properly made, it will keep 10 years. Soda Syrup, with or Without Fountain. The common syrups are made using the following: Pure water, 3^ gallon; gum arable, 1 ounce; crushed sugar, 4 pounds. Mix and boil until the gum is dissolved, then skim and strain through white flannel. After which add tartaric acid, 2^ ounces, dissolved in hot water. To flavor, use extract of orange, rose, pineapple, peach, sarsaparilla, strawberry, lemon, etc.; 3^ ounce to each bottle, or to suit your taste. MISCELLANEOUS DRINKS. "Put this in any liquid thing you will and drink it off." — Romeo and Juliet, VI. Summer Zephyr. Cut into thin slices 1^^ pounds of rhubarb and cover with water. Add a stick of bark cinnamon and a bay leaf and cook until fruit becomes tender. After straining, add 1 cupful of sugar and simmer 10 minutes. Then add 1 pint of orange juice, the juice of 3 lemons and )/^ cupful of preserved ginger juice. Cool, and serve in tall glasses with shaved ice. Sassafras Mead. Three and one-half pounds brown sugar; Ij^ pints molasses; 2 quarts boiling water; % pound tartaric acid. Stir and strain. When cool, add \i ounce of essence of sassafras. Put in glass jars or bottles. To serve, use 34 glass of syrup and 3^ glass of water. Add a small pinch of soda. Stir quickly and drink while foam- ing. — Mrs. Dwight Cutler. DRINKS AND BEVERAGES. 289 Mint Julep. One quart water; 2 cups sugar; 1 pint claret wine; 1 cup straw- berry juice; 1 cup orange juice; juice 8 lemons; 13^ cups boil- ing water; 12 sprigs fresh mint. Make syrup by boiling quart of water and sugar 20 minutes. Separate mint in pieces, add the boiling water, cover, and let stand in warm place 5 minutes; strain, and add to syrup; add fruit juices and cool. Pour into punch bowl, add claret and chill with large piece of ice; dilute with water. Garnish with fresh mint leaves and whole strawberries. Mint Sangaree. Crush 2 or 3 sprays of mint with a lump of sugar. Put into a glass half full of cracked ice. Add 4 tablespoons of grape juice and fill the glass up with charged water. Shake and strain into an- other glass. Sangaree. Juice of 2 lemons; juice of 3 oranges; juice of 1 pineapple; 1 cup of powdered sugar; 1 cup of halved cherries; shaved ice; water as needed. About 1 pint of grape juice or home-made wine is a good addition. If made when cherries are not available, grapes can be used. — Mrs. Robert McCord, New Albany, Ind. Syllabub. One-half pound of sugar; 1 quart of luke warm cream; 1 glass of wine. Dissolve the sugar in the wine, then pour on the cream slowly, holding the cream pitcher high above the sugar and wine so as to make the mixture froth. Egg Nog I. One egg; speck of salt; 1 tablespoon sugar; % cup milk; 13^ tablespoon wine or 1 tablespoon brandy. Beat the egg, add the sugar and salt; blend thoroughly, add the milk and liquor. Serve immediately. Note: Have eggs and milk chilled before blending. A grat- ing of nutmeg may be substituted for the stimulant. 290 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. Egg Nog II. One egg; 1 tablespoon sugar; speck of salt; ^ cup of milk; 1 tablespoon brandy. Separate egg. Beat yolk, add sugar and salt and beat untircreamy. Add milk and brandy. Beat the white until foamy, butjnot stiff and dry, and fold in lightly. Serve im- mediately. Buttermilk. Buttermilk should^always be served ice cold. On a hot day a glass of buttermilk and a cracker or bit of salted toast will often prove a sufficient luncheon. Face, Hair, Hands, Feet If y^ou want your Face, your Hair, ^our Hands taken care of in the most scientific and up-to-date manner, and your Feet, whic h for comfort and well- being need a great deal of attention. call on ft w M lUfQcn cu/c uj III II ic iiiuoi ocic/iii/ic uiiu u/j-iu-uuic iiji ^ manner, and your Feet, which for comfort and well- ^ § being need a great deal of attention, call on 1§ g Mrs. 5. Richter, New Phone 13721 Bell Phone I075W 606 - 607 ASHTON BUILDING EVERY ARTICLE STERILIZED BEFORE USING. 8.«;-933;§=a«§?§;a5§S -S^^S.^i-^^ S«:-9i§:-§i§i§SS:^«:-§Sr§-§-§-§-9-§i§i§§.^f§»=§r§-§i§i| To the Ladies of the Mendelssohn Club When you give a luncheon, reception, dinner or party of any kind Just Remember That our Sanitary Ice Cream Factory and Model Bakery can help you out by furnishing you with anything in this line. Also R.emember That our several provision stores can furnish you with everything in the edible line. There is nothing good to eat that we do not carry in stock. Every article used in the receipts in this book can be purchased at our stores. BURR BROS. The Big Cash Provision Dealers 202-204-206 South Main Street. 502-504 East State Street. 1061-1063 West State Street Cor. Grand Ave. & Fourth St., BELOIT, WIS. Wholesale House, 220-222-224-226-228-230-232 N. Water Street. 291 A. H. Pike has the largest and finest line of Hkb Cut Glass in the city, and as he buys direct from the cutters, his prices are always the lowest. CofU^ machines and Chafing Dishes We keep the very best and the prices on these only run from $4.00; $5.00; $7.00; $9.00 Simply get our prices, as we have them to suit everyone. A. H. PIKE 109 W. State St. iWMMiiMMWMMVHMM^WMM\MMM4JMiiVMiMWM^ViWM^WJ^ James F. Bennett ICa&tffi' Sailor 109 So. Main St. 292 mwmS CHAFING DISH RECIPES. . 293 CHAPTER XXIL CHAFING DISH RECIPES. Over forty years ago, before the days of dining cars on the railroads, a party of Chicago gentlemen decided to take a journey to the Pacific Coast. Those were not the days of rapid transit and a journey to California meant a week or more of travel. It was the custom then for the trains to stop at railroad eating houses "twenty minutes for refreshments" and very poor meals they were. Not relishing the idea of eating such food these trav- elers tried an entirely new experiment. There was living in Chi- cago at that time a young man by the name of Kinsley, who kept a small restaurant. His reputation for cooking was excellent. One of the party was delegated to ask Mr. Kinsley if he would go with them and in some way manage to cook for them some good meals on the train. He consented to do so, carried food and chafing dishes and with the latter alone cooked and served to the party delicious meals of all kinds during the entire journey. He gained a great reputation for this and it was the beginning of his career as a famous caterer of national repute. He amassed a large for- tune and became one of the leading business men of Chicago. In a chafing dish can be cooked potatoes and other vegetables in various ways, eggs in all styles, cheese, oysters, clams, lobsters in many ways, birds, prairie chicken, steaks, chops, mushrooms, sweetbreads and many kinds of desserts. Chicken Terrapin. Put in the chafing dish the dark meat of cold chicken, turkey or shrimp; cut in small pieces, with a pint of cream or stock and when it comes to a boil, stir in the following mixture: 2 table- spoons of butter, rubbed into a smooth paste with a tablespoon of flour, and the yolks of 3 eggs; a teaspoonful of dry mustard; a little cayenne pepper and salt, all mixed with a little cream or stock. Let it simmer a few minutes (not boil) and serve. — Mrs. J. D. Waterman. 294 THE MENDELSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. Lobster Newberg. One pint of lobster meat cut into small pieces; 4 eggs (yolks); 2 tablespoonfuls of melted butter; 2 teaspoons of brandy; 2 tea- spoons of Sherry; cream. Whip the yolks of the eggs and put in a large cup and fill up the cup with cream; add a little salt and a dash of cayenne pepper. Put the. lobster in a chafing dish with the butter, let it simmer 3 minutes and add brandy and Sherry and cook 3 minutes and add the cream and eggs and cook about 3 minutes more. Serve hot on square crackers. -^Mrs. Mutell. Creamed Shrimps. Half a pound fresh shrimps, picked up fine; }4, teacup of but- ter; 1 teacup of cream; 3^ cup dried bread crumbs; a small tea- spoon dried mustard; salt; white and red pepper to taste; yolks of 2 eggs. Mix the mustard with a little cream, heat the butter and cream in the chafing dish. Add very gradually the beaten yolks of the eggs, the bread crumbs and seasoning, and lastly the shrimps. Cook but 2 minutes and serve at once on wafers or rounds of bread. Welsh Rarebit I. One-half pound cheese; 1 tablespoon melted butter; 3^ tea- spoon pepper; 2 eggs; }4, teaspoon salt; 1 teaspoon mustard; }^ cup cream. Grate the cheese and put in chafing dish with the butter to dissolve. Beat the eggs and add the cream, salt, mus- tard and pepper and mix all with the cheese and butter. Use the hot water pan under the blazer and cook until thick and creamy. Serve on toast or wafers. Welsh Rarebit II. One-half cup cream (or milk with a little butter) ; 1 cup grated cream cheese. Cook in chafing dish till it is soft and creamy. Do not stir, as it will make it tough. Add black or cayenne pepper and serve on toast. — Mrs. Wait Talcott. A Digestible Cheese Dish. Cream together 1 tablespoon of butter and 2 tablespoons of flour with a little salt and a dash of paprika. Add 3^ a cup of sweet cream or rnilk, stir until smooth and add 1 cup of tomato juice; keep on stirring and add 1 large cup of grated cheese and when CHAFING DISH RECIPES. 295 smooth and creamy, add 1 beaten egg and serve on wafers or squares of toast. This is a chafing dish creation which is positively di- gestible. — Mrs. John Petry. Sardine Canap€. One box of boneless sardines; 4 eggs (boiled hard and chopped fine); 3 tablespoons of bread crumbs; 3^ pint of cream or very rich milk; 1 large tablespoon of butter. Melt the butter, add the cream and crumbs, sardines and eggs and season to taste with salt and paprika. Cook till heated through and serve on crisp toast very hot. French Eggs in Double Cream. Boil hard 7 eggs and cut 6 into lengthwise strips. Heat in chafing dish 3^ pint of the thickest cream you can get, add a lit- tle salt, paprika and 2 tablespoons of Sherry, then add the egg strips. Serve on small slices of buttered toast and grate over all the seventh egg. Scrambled Egg with Tomato Sauce. Six eggs; 1% cups tomatoes; 1 teaspoonful sugar; 2 table- spoons butter; 1 slice of onion; 3^ teaspoonful salt; dash of pep- per. Simmer in chafing dish the tomatoes, sugar, butter and onion for 5 minutes. Remove onion, add seasoning and eggs, slightly beaten. Cook as usual for scrambled eggs. — Miss Farmer. Lalapaloozer. One onion, medium size; 1 tablespoon butter; 1 pint of toma- toes, canned, or same amount of fresh ones cooked; 6 eggs (well beaten); red pepper and salt to taste. Cut up the onion and fry it with the butter in the chafing dish until it becomes dry and brown, add the tomatoes. When the mixture boils, put in the eggs and stir until the eggs scramble and it all becomes thick. Serve on toast crackers. This serves 6. — Miss Helen Crumb. Venetian Egg. Melt 4 tablespoons of grated cheese in chafing dish, then add 1 can of tomatoes and a slice of onion (chopped). Cook till toma- toes are heated through, then add a piece of butter the size of an egg and lastly 4 eggs. Stir and cook till creamy. — Mrs. Read. 296 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. English Monkey. Two eggs; 1 cup of cheese, cut fine; 1 cup of bread crumbs; 1 cup of milk; butter the size of an egg; salt, pepper to taste; a teaspoon of mustard. Melt butter and cheese until soft and add seasoning, then add bread crumbs which have previously been soaked in the milk for a few minutes. Lastly, add eggs, not beaten, and cook. Serve on wafers or buttered toast. — Mrs. Read. Pigs in Blankets. Drain and dry large oysters. Pin around each a thin slice of bacon, using a wooden tooth pick. Cook in hot blazer until the bacon is brown and crisp. Serve hot on small pieces of toast. Garnish with parsley. — Miss Crumb. Poor Knights. Take thick slices of stale bread and dip in sweetened milk to which has been added a little flavoring. Dip each slice in beaten egg. Fry in blazer in hot lard, brown well on both sides, sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve hot. Chocolate Canape. Two cups of sugar; ^^ cake of chocolate (cut up); 2 table- spoons butter; 3^ cup of raisins or nuts or both; ^ cup of hot water. Melt the chocolate, butter and sugar together, add raisins and nuts. Cook till it is thoroughly dissolved and melted together. Add the water last to thin it. Cook with the double pan. Serve on slices of sponge cake with a heaping teaspoonful of whipped cream on top. — Mrs. Wood. JELLIES, CANNING, PRESERVES, PICKLES. 297 CHAPTER XXIII. JELLIES, CANNING, PRESERVES, PICKLES. "Hunger is the best seasoning for meat." JELLIES. Jelly Making. If acid fruits or juices are boiled with cane sugar, the sugar, under the influence of heat and moisture, and because of the acid, is divided into two sugars, one-half of which is dextrose, the other half levulose. The latter is usually in a syrup form. Syrup-like jelly has been boiled too long, because the sugar has split. It is more difficult to make jelly from an acid fruit. If the fruit is over- ripe, and an equal amount of sugar is used, crystals are formed, especially from grapes. The most satisfactory jelly test is that point at which the hot jelly forms a sheet, "jells," when dropped from a cold spoon. By this test there is no loss of time as in the usual one of cooling a small amount of hot jelly. If jelly is not thick enough when cold, put in the sun to harden; cover with panes of glass. To summprize: avoid over dilution of juice; avoid an over supply of sugar; avoid over cooking of juice and sugar. Crabapple, Quince, Japan Quince, Lady Blush Apples, Black Currants. These fruits will make a firm jelly with 1 part sugar to 2 parts fruit juice. Do not pare the fruit, but remove the seeds and cores; cover with cold water and boil 20 minutes; drain through a jelly bag and boil 10 minutes, add the sugar which has been heated, let it come to a boil and try immediately; if done, skim and pour in glasses. When pefectly cold, cover with paraffine or with paper dipped in white of egg. Keep in a dry place. 298 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. Grape, Blackberry, Raspberry, Currant, Strawberry. These fruits make jelly easily, and are treated in the same manner as the preceding, only that an equal amount of sugar is used, with 1 exception : Use 2 parts sugar to 3 parts juice for grapes. Plum. Use water sparingly for plums. Raspberry and Currant. A delicious jelly may be made by using equal parts of currants and raspberries, red or black. Strawberry Jelly. Fill jelly glass ^ full of sun-preserved strawberries free from the syrup. Then fill glass with hot currant jelly, stirring the straw- berries evenly through as mixture cools. — Mrs. S. N. Jones. Marbled Jelly. Put in the bottom of a jelly glass a layer of dark jelly (grape or plum), let it cool and harden, then put in carefully a layer of apple, then another dark layer, then one of light, as green grape. Every time jelly is made a layer may be put in a glass and covered till another kind is made. This makes a pretty garnish for meats or desserts. Cranberry Jelly. Add a cup of water to a quart of cranberries. Boil about 15 minutes or until soft. Take off and press through a sieve. Put in a double boiler and stir in 1 pint of sugar and boil about 5 min- utes. Turn into molds to harden. Do not take out of mold till time to serve, as cranberry jelly does not stand long without be- ginning to melt. Do not have cranberries too ripe. JELLIES, CANNING, PRESERVES, PICKLES. 299 CANNING. Rules. To insure success in canning fruits, two points must be ob- served: First, the fruit must be fresh and not over ripe. Second, the cans, tops, rubbers and all utensils used, must be thoroughly- sterilized with boiling water. Small Fruit. Prepare the fruit, add sugar to taste, put over a slow fire and bring to a boil; simmer a few moments, skim and can. Water may be added if more juice is desired. These fruits may be canned with perfect success without sugar and will better retain the flavor of the fresh fruit. Use a little water to prevent scorching. Large Fruit. For large fruits such as peaches, pears and plums make a syrup of 1 pound of sugar to 1 pint of water. Let it boil; skim, add the fruit, cook slowly till tender and seal. Another Method. Place a wooden or wire rack in a boiler. Fill the cans with fruit, lay the covers on loosely; place in the rack and put on cold water the depth of the rack. Let it boil 10 or 15 minutes. Mean- while prepare a rich syrup, putting in some of the fruit to flavor it. Take out the cans, fill them with the syrup, screw the covers on tight, replace in the boiler and boil till done. Small fruits should boil 15 minutes, large ones about 3^ hour. Let the cans remain in the boiler until cold. To Can Strawberries Without Cooking. Use nice firm berries (be sure they are not picked after a rain). Fill the cans, shaking them, down, pour over them boiling hot syrup in the proportion of 5 quarts of sugar to 2 quarts of water; seal. Place the cans in a deep receptacle and cover with boiling water. Let them stand in the water till cold. All kinds of fruit may be canned in this way. — Mrs. Murray Carpenter. 300 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. To Can Strawberries, Cherries or Raspberries. Four quarts of fruit; 1 quart of sugar; 3 tablespoons water. Put in granite or porcelain pan with tight cover and cook in a hot oven 20 minutes. Do not uncover while cooking. The fruit will not shrink or change color. — Mrs. S. M. Gantz, Dixon, 111. Small Fruits, Canned Cold. Mash the fruit; add an equal amount of sugar; mix thoroughly until every particle of fruit is impregnated with sugar. Set on ice over night, then can in cold cans. This is used for small fruits. Peaches. Pare the peaches, remove the stones and drop the fruit into cold water to prevent discoloration. Prepare a syrup in the pro- portion of 2 quarts of water to 1 pound of sugar, boil until clear. Pack the fruit tightly in jars, then fill with the boiling syrup and seal at once. Set the jars in a wash boiler or tub, cover with boil- ing water, then place a lid or blanket over them and let stand till cold. To Can Vegetables. Tomatoes, asparagus, string beans, peas, beets and corn may be canned if cooked in the jars in which they are to be kept. As- paragus and beans should be cooked 15 minutes before putting into jars. Beets must be cooked 30 minutes, peel them and put into jars. Then fill the jars with cold water, adjust the rubbers, lay the covers on loosely, put the jars in a rack in the boiler, partly cover with cold water and boil 1 hour. Lift out the rack, screw the covers on tight, put back in the boiler, cover with boiling water and boil 30 minutes. Peas need not be cooked before putting into jars, but must be boiled 2 hours before and 30 minutes after screwing covers on. Corn should be cut or pressed from the cob and packed into jars, then boiled 23^ hours and finished as above. All vegetables should be canned the day they are picked and all utensils used must be sterilized. Tomatoes may be stewed in a kettle and put into cans. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes to remove the skins; cut into pieces, put into a granite or porcelain kettle and cook slowly 30 minutes. JELLIES, CANNING, PRESERVES, PICKLES. 301 PRESERVES. Preserved Fruit. Preserved fruits are those which are cooked in a thick syrup. Allow 1 pound of sugar to each pound of fruit. For large fruits prepare this syrup with the required amount of sugar dissolved in a little water. Conserves or Candied Fruit. Conserves or candied fruits are preserved fruits, dried. Pre- pare as above, and simmer gently until transparent; drain in a sieve, dust with sugar and dry in the sun or in a moderate oven. When it has lost its moisture roll in granulated sugar. Keep be- tween sheets of waxed paper. Strawberry Preserves. One quart of strawberries ;• 1 quart of sugar. Put strawber- ries in a porcelain or granite kettle and cook, without water, 20 minutes over a slow fire, then add sugar and cook 5 minutes; put into jelly tumblers and when cold cover with paraffine and seal. It is best to cook only 1 quart at a time to prevent the fruit from breaking up. The berries remain^ whole and the preserve is rich and delicious. — Mrs. F. F. Wormw^ood. Sun-Preserved Strawberries. Use equal weight of fruit and sugar; put in a kettle and bring it almost to the boiling point. Remove from the fire and pour into big platters or plates. Cover each dish with a square of glass to keep out the flies and dust and to increase the heat; put in the sun for 10 or 12 hours till the fruit is transparent and the juice rich and thick; put into hot pint jars and seal. These are much better than strawberries prepared in any other way. Cherries, gooseber- ries and raspberries can be treated in the same way with as delic- ious results. — Mrs. Wm. S. Ives. Gooseberry Conserve I. Two quarts gooseberries; an equal weight sugar; 1 pound seeded raisins; 3^ pound Enghsh walnut meats. Mix all together 302 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. except the nut meats and cook till like jam; then add the nuts, blanched and broken in pieces. Remove from the fire at once and can. — Mrs. H. H. Hurd. Gooseberry Conserve II. Three pounds gooseberries; 3 pounds sugar; 1 pound raisins; 3 oranges, grated rind and juice. Chop the gooseberries and rais- ins. Cook to jelly. — Mrs. M. B. St. John. Currant Conserve. Five pounds currants; 5 pounds sugar; 5 oranges, peeled and cut fine; 23^ pounds raisins. Cook 30 minutes after it boils; seal. — Mrs. W. J. Burr. Cherry Jam. Wash and pit cherries; cook till tender; drain through a jelly bag. Put the pulp through a vegetable press. 4 cups pulp; 3 cups sugar; cook 10 minutes. Juice may be used in drinks. — Mrs. Frank Edmison. Cherries. Soak cherries in vinegar over night. In the morning pour off the vinegar and pit the cherries. Weigh the cherries, taking the same weight of sugar. Put in a crock or jar. Stir every morning for 10 mornings. These may be canned or left in the jar. — Mrs. Oscar Keller. Black Raspberry and Rhubarb Jam. One quart raspberries; heat and mash; 2 quarts rhubarb; peel, cut in thin slices and cook. Mix the two, add equal measure of sugar, boil until thick Hke jam. — Georgia Somers. Pieplant and Pineapple Marmalade. One and one-half bowls pieplant; 13^ bowls pineapple; 23^ bowls sugar. Cook until thick. — Mrs. Clinton B. Helm. JELLIES, CANNING, PRESERVES, PICKLES. 303 Pineapple and Apricot Jam. Two large pineapples; 6 dozen apricots; % pound sugar to each pound of fruit. Put the fruit through a meat chopper, add the sugar and cook. — Mrs. Chester McFarland. Fruit and Nut Conserve. Two quarts strawberries; 1 pound pineapple; 1 pound pie- plant; }/2 pound dates; }4. pound figs; 3^ pound English walnuts. Preserve strawberries, pineapple and pieplant, separately, using pound for pound of sugar. When pineapple and pieplant are nearly cold, draw each from syrup and add to strawberries. Chop figs, dates and nuts and add to preserves with the juice of 2 lemons and 3^ pound of sugar. Cook all together slowly ]/2 hour; put in glasses and seal. — Mrs. S. N. Jones. Orange and Pineapple Conserve. Four pineapples; 4 oranges; 4 pounds sugar; 1 cup blanched almonds. Remove skin from pineapples and seeds from oranges; chop both, put with the sugar and cook slowly till thick. When nearly done, add the almonds, chopped. — Mrs. George Manny. Orange Jam. Three pounds rhubarb; 3 oranges; 3 pounds sugar. Grate the rind of 1 orange and use the pulp of all the oranges. Mix with the rhubarb and sugar and let stand over night. Then boil till like jam and pour in glasses. —Mrs. H. W. Hall. Orange Marmalade I. Six good sized oranges, cut in quarters. Put them through a meat chopper at night and add 12 small cups of water. Let stand over night. In the morning cook 3^ hour. Let stand over night. The next morning add 9 pounds sugar and boil 20 minutes. Put in glasses. This is very delicate and light colored. — The New York Astors. (Through the kindness of a friend.) 304 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. Orange Marmalade II. Three oranges and 1 lemon, shaved fine. Measure IJ^ quan- tity of water; stand 12 or 14 hours. Measure 13^ quantity of sugar. Boil 20 minutes or until thick. — Mrs, Chas. Reitsch. Grape Fruit Marmalade. One grape fruit; 2 lemons; 2 oranges. Extract the juice and pulp of all the fruit, cutting away all the white skin and core of the grape fruit and oranges. Grind the rinds in the meat chopper and measure pulp, rinds and juice. Pour 3 times as much water as there is fruit over the fruit and let it stand over night. In the morn- ing boil till tender (about 3^ hour), then add equal amount of sugar and let it stand over night. The next morning boil down till thick and put in jelly tumblers. This amount makes 10 or 12 glasses full. — Mrs. Frederick Haines. Peach Conserve. Three pounds peaches, freed from skins and stones; 3 pounds sugar; 2 oranges, sliced or chopped; 1 pound raisins, chopped a lit- tle. Put all on stove and cook until of thickness desired. When ready for jars, add 1 pound English walnut meats, broken fine. — Georgia Somers. Spiced Currants, Cherries or Gooseberries. Six pounds fruit; 4 pounds medium brown sugar; 1 small pint vinegar (not too strong); 1 tablespoon cinnamon; 1 scant table- spoon cloves. Boil 1 hour. — Susan Whittlesey. Spiced Currants. Two quarts currants; 13^ pounds granulated sugar; 1 table- spoon cinnamon; 1 teaspoon cloves; 3^ teaspoon ground nutmeg. Mix the currants and sugar and cook 1 hour very slowly. Add the spices and in 5 minutes take from the fire and pour into hot jelly glasses. The tart of the fruit makes it unnecessary to add vinegar. Currant jelly nearly ready to take from the fire can be spiced and used instead of the preceding, if one cannot eat the seeds. — Mrs. J. L. Keep. JELLIES, CANNING, PRESERVES, PICKLES. 305 Spiced Peaches. Fourteen pounds fruit; 7 pounds sugar; 3^ pint vinegar; cassia buds; cloves. Stick a few cassia buds and cloves in the peaches, cover with the sugar and let stand over night. In the morning drain, and add the juice to the vinegar. Boil and add the fruit. Cook till tender. Remove the peaches to cans and cook the syrup till of the consistency of cream and fill up cans. — Mrs. L. a. Weyburn. Apple Ginger. Three quarts chopped apple; 3 pints sugar; 1 pint water; 2 ounces pounded white ginger root. Boil until fruit is transparent, and put in jars. — Miss Caroline Radecke. Fig Jam. Four pounds rhubarb; 1 pound figs; 4 pounds granulated sugar. Cut the rhubarb up small; chop the figs; mix all together and let stand over night. In the morning boil about 1 hour till like jam and put in jelly glasses and cover thick with paraffine. —Mrs. H. W. Hall. Tomato Preserves. Scald tomatoes to remove skins; cut in pieces and put in a porcelain kettle over a slow fire. When they have cooked a few minutes pour off the water which has separated from the tomatoes. Weigh them, adding ^ pound of sugar to each pound tomatoes. Cook until thick. When partly cooked, add thin slices of lemon, allowing 2 lemons to about 5 pounds of tomatoes. Seal. This is nice for either the small yellow or large red tomatoes. — Mrs. F. M. Needham. Spanish Preserves. Scald 1 peck medium sized, ripe, red tomatoes to remove skins. Put 2 handfuls common unslaked lime in a pail of water, pour over tomatoes and let stand all night. In the morning rinse tomatoes well and wipe dry. To each pound of tomatoes add ]/2 pound of sugar; put over fire, add 1 large handful whole cloves. Cook slowly until syrup is thick, about 4 hours. Is delicious and has no tomato flavor. — Mrs. Stanton Hyer. 306 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. Quince Preserves. One measure of quinces, sliced; an equal amount of sugar; 2 measures of pound sweet apples; an equal amount of sugar. Cook the quinces and apples separately until tender, then put them together and seal. Green Tomato Mince Meat. One peck green tomatoes, chopped; 5 pounds brown sugar; 2 pounds seeded raisins; 1 cup vinegar; 2 tablespoons each of salt, ground cinnamon and cloves. Cook slowly 3 hours; seal. If not thick enough when ready to use, put in a few rolled crackers. — Mrs. Dwight Cutler. PICKLES. Sweet Cucumber Pickles. Cut long cucumbers lengthwise and select those that have but few seeds. Remove the seeds and salt cucumbers well. Let them stand for 3 or 4 hours. In order to dry thoroughly, tie them in a cloth and let them hang over night. To 4 quarts of vinegar, add % pound of sugar and some cloves, and let it boil. Add the cucum- bers and let them boil up once in the vinegar. When cool, place in glass or earthen jars and seal. — Ernestine Schumann-Heink. Cucumbers in Vinegar. Cut the cucumbers in 4 pieces lengthwise, remove seeds, salt thoroughly and place in earthen jar until the following day. Next day dry the pieces of cucumbers with a clean towel, and place them in layers in the jar. Between each layer put mustard seeds, whole pepper, little onions and cloves. Cover with boiling vinegar. Good wine vinegar is best. Let cucumbers remain in vinegar for a day or two. Then pour off the vinegar and heat it again and pour over pickles. Repeat this the following day and when the vinegar has cooled, seal the jar. These are also called mustard pickles. — Ernestine Schumann-Heink. JELLIES, CANNING, PRESERVES, PICKLES. 307 Mother's Cucumber Pickles. Wash small cucumbers fresh from the vines, put in a crock, sprinkle with salt and cover with boiling water. The next morn- ing drain carefully. Put vinegar enough to cover in a kettle, bring to a boil, put in the cucumbers and let it just boil up again. Quickly remove the cucumbers to jars, fitting them in closely; fill with the boiling vinegar and screw on the tops. Will keep indefinitely and be fresh and crisp. — Mrs. J. L. Keep. Sour Cucumber Pickles (Easy). One cup ground^mustard; 1 cup salt; 1 gallon vinegar. Put in a'2-gallon jar and mix thoroughly. Wash the cucumbers and wipe them dry (this is necessary); do not cut them. Fill the jar with them and press down with a plate. These will remain firm all winter. — Mrs. Daniel Ticknor. Mixed Pickles. One peck green tomatoes; 2 quarts small white pickling onions; 2 cauliflower; 4 sweet red peppers; 1 quart sweet midget cucum- ber pickles; 1 ounce cassia buds; Yi ounce whole mace; 2 ounces white mustard seed; 1 ounce celery seed. Cut the tomatoes into small pieces, sprinkle with salt and let stand over night. Drain and bring to boil in weak vinegar. Cut the cauliflower and red peppers in small pieces, and mix with the onions, tomatoes and cucumbers. Take vinegar enough to cover, putting it into a kettle over the fire. Add the spices and 1 pound of sugar to each pint of vinegar. When it boils, add 3^ of the mixed vegetables and sim- mer till they are tender. Remove these to a crock, add 3^ more to the hot vinegar and so on till all are cooked. Then boil the vine- gar a few minutes and pour over. Drain off the syrup 3 successive mornings and boil. The last time, fill glass jars with the pickles, and fill with the syrup and seal. — Mrs. J. L. Keep. Mustard Pickles I. One quart small cucumbers; 2 quarts small onions; 2 quarts green tomatoes, if large, slice them; 2 heads cauliflower. Place in separate dishes, salt, and let stand 24 hours. Drain. Cook cauli- flower in weak vinegar {}/2 water) and drain. Put onions in 1 gal- 308 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. Ion good vinegar, let boil; add cucumbers, let boil; add tomatoes, let boil; add cauliflower, let boil; add 4 green peppers, chopped fine (remove seeds). Mix 1 cup of flour, 24 tablespoons ground mustard, 1 ounce mixed spices, 3 cups sugar; add this to pickle, boil and stir constantly. Take from the fire, add 1 ounce turmeric powder dissolved in a little water, 1 tablespoon butter, 1 ounce celery seed, 1 ounce mustard seed. Salt and pepper, if necessary. — Jennie Minzinger. Mustard Pickles II. Two quarts small cucumbers; 1 quart sliced cucumbers; 1 quart small onions; 1 large cauliflower; 4 green peppers, chopped fine. Make a brine of 4 quarts water and 1 pint salt. Pour it over mixture of vegetables and let stand 24 hours; then heat just enough to scald and turn in colander to drain. Mix 6 tablespoons of best ground mustard, 1 scant cup flour, 1 tablespoon turmeric with enough vinegar to make smooth paste. Add 1 cup sugar and suffi- cient vinegar to make 2 quarts in all. Boil this mixture until it thickens and is smooth, stirring all the time; then add vegetables and cook until well heated through. — Mrs. S. N. Jones. Oil Pickles. One-half peck small cucumbers; 1 ounce black mustard seed; 1 ounce white mustard seed; 1 ounce celery seed; }4. pint olive oil (full) ; 2 onions, chopped fine. SHce the cucumbers thin, place in a gallon jar a thick layer of the sliced cucumbers, then sprinkle with salt; continue same until jar is filled. Let it stand 3 hours. Drain and rinse; add the other ingredients, put in fruit jars, cover with vinegar and seal. — Mrs. J. L. Pierce. French Cucumber Pickles. Slice thin, but do not pare, cucumbers sufficient to fill a gal- lon jar. Give a good sprinkling of salt, let stand 3 hours. Take 1 ounce of black mustard seed, 1 ounce of white mustard seed, 1 ounce of celery seed and 3^ pint of olive oil. Drain carefully the cucumbers; again place in glass jars in layers, sprinkling the seeds and a portion of the oil between each layer. Continue till the jars are full and cover with good cold vinegar. The cucumbers re- main deliciously fresh and crisp. — Mrs. Wm. S. Ives. JELLIES, CANNING, PRESERVES, PICKLES. 309 Green Tomato Pickles. i:^^a.,„<^'<.,<^ /^ < One peck green tomatoes; 2 quarts onions; 2 green peppers; 13^ quarts vinegar; 1 ounce stick cinnamon; 2 pounds brown sugar; 3^ ounce whole cloves; 2 teaspoons i^jiita. mintmrd inrH ; 1 teaspoon black pepper. Slice tomatoes and onions thin and let them stand over night with salt sprinkled over them; drain; add peppers; cover with plain vinegar and boil till tender. Drain, put in jars, and pour over the vinegar boiled with the spices and sugar. — Miss Sarah Williams. Pickled Beets. Cook the beets till tender, slice while hot and pack into hot jars. Then take equal parts of vinegar and water enough to fill the jars; add sugar and salt to taste; boil and cover, sealing the jars. Pickled Red Cabbage. Slice 1 head of red cabbage in thin strips. Sprinkle lightly with salt and let stand over night. In the morning drain and cover with boiling vinegar to which has been added 12 cloves and twice as many pepper corns. Makes 2 quarts. — L. J. Watermelon Pickles. Cut rind in squares and put in strong salt and water over night. In morning drain, let stand in clear water 1 hour, put into kettle of cold water and boil till transparent and tender; then weigh rinds. To 5 pounds use 3 pounds of sugar, 1 pint vinegar, 3^ ounce cloves, 1 ounce cinnamon, 1 ounce cassia buds. Let the vinegar, sugar and spices come to a boil, and pour over the watermelon. Warm vinegar for 2 mornings. — C. J. S. (One ounce of candied ginger may be added with good re- sults. — Com.) Sweet Pickles (for Sweet Apples, Pears or Peaches.) Four pounds fruit; 2 pounds brown sugar; 1^ ounce stick cin- namon; 3^ ounce whole cloves; 1 pint weak vinegar. Let the vine- gar, sugar and spices come to a boil, add the fruit and cook till tender. Put the fruit into jars, covef with the liquor and seal. Add more vinegar if it boils away. If the fruit is very hard, steam 310 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK it before putting it into the pickle. Apples and pears should be peeled, cut in halves and cored. Peaches should remain whole, skins left on. — Mrs. Charles Barningham. Pear and Peach Pickles. Three pounds brown sugar to 1 pint vinegar. Steam fruit till tender and put into the syrup to which add 1 clove to each pear or peach. Cook a very few minutes, fill jars with pickles and cover with the syrup. — Mrs. T. V. Engstrom. Stuffed Peppers. Select large, sweet peppers. Cut a piece from the stem end of the pepper and remove all the seeds. Prepare a brine of 1 tea- cup of salt to 1 gallon of water. Cover the peppers and let stand in a cool place for 2 days. Chop cabbage fine, season with salt, pepper and sugar; take the peppers from the brine, fill each one with the chopped cabbage, press down and place the stem end of the pepper in place and tie firmly. Cover with good cold vinegar and cover jar tightly with a cloth. — Mrs. S. M. Taylor. Peppers for Winter Use. Red or green sweet peppers may be used. Remove the stem and all of the seeds and ribs; put in a brine for 3 hours. Drain, put in jars, cover with cold vinegar and seal. Chow Chow. One peck green tomatoes; 3^ pint salt; 6 green peppers; 6 onions; 1 small head cabbage; 1 pint molasses. Chop the toma- toes, add the salt and cover with water. Let stand over night. Drain. Chop the peppers, onions and cabbage and add to toma- toes. Scald in weak vinegar and drain. Add the molasses, also cloves, cinnamon and grated horseradish, as desired. Mix, put in jar, cover with vinegar and put 1 pound brown sugar on top. Put in glass jars. — Mrs. T. V. Engstrom. JELLIES, CANNING, PRESERVES, PICKLES. 311 Piccalilli. One peck green tomatoes; 2 medium sized cabbages; chop fine, put in brine over night. In the morning drain, and add 1 large sweet pepper and 2 onions, chopped fine; then add a little vinegar and cook until tender. Drain again. Prepare 2 pounds sugar; 2 tablespoons white mustard seed; 2 tablespoons ground cinnamon; 1 tablespoon ground cloves; enough vinegar to cover. Pour this over the chopped vegetables and let come to a boil. This need not be sealed if pieces of horseradish are placed on top. — Mrs. F. M. Needham. Tomato Relish. One peck ripe tomatoes; 2 cups grated horseradish; 3 large roots celery; 1 cup chopped onion; }/2 cup salt; 13^ cup sugar; 1^/^ cups white mustard seed; 2 teaspoons cloves; 2 teaspoons mace; 4 teaspoons cinnamon; 13^ pints vinegar. Chop the tomatoes and celery fine, and mix with all the other ingredients. Bottle or can cold, without cooking. — Mrs. J. H. King. Celery Relish. Three quarts celery; 3 quarts green tomatoes, chopped. Sprinkle 3 tablespoons salt on the tomatoes and drain over night. The next morning cut the celery in small pieces with sharp knife and mix with the tomatoes. Then make the following: Dressing: 2 quarts vinegar; 7 tablespoons mustard; 1 table- spoon turmeric; 3 cups sugar; 1 cup flour; 1 teaspoon salt. Mix all dry ingr^dienl^ and add water enough to make a thin paste. Pour over this the vinegar which must be boiling hot. Boil till thick, stirring constantly; add the tomatoes and celery and simmer 20 'minutes. — B. Beet Relish. One peck beets; 2 tablespoons celery seed; 2 tablespoons white mustard seed; 1 teaspoon caraway seed, if desired; 2 green pep- pers, chopped; 2 cups sugar; salt to taste; 3^ of 10-cent bottle horseradish; vinegar to almost cover. Boil the beets till tender, but not soft. Peel and chop. Then mix with the rest of the in- gredients; heat, but do not boil, and bottle. — Miss Sarah Williams. 312 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. Tomato Sauce for Soups, Etc. One peck ripe tomatoes; 6 large onions; 2 small green peppers; 1 large bunch of celery; salt and pepper to taste. Cut the vege- tables in pieces, stew in as little water as possible. Strain through a sieve. Put back on stove and let it boil. Can, while hot. — Mrs. Chas. Reitsch. Cold Chili Sauce. One peck ripe tomatoes, chopped fine; put in colander and drain dry; 2 cups chopped onion; 2 cups chopped celery; 2 cups sugar; 1 cup white mustard seed; ^ cup salt; 1 teaspoon ground mace; 1 teaspoon black pepper; 4 teaspoons cinnamon; 4 green peppers, chopped fine; 2 pints vinegar. Put in a stone jar and cover tight. — Annie Walton. Cold Catsup. (Not Cooked.) One peck ripe tomatoes, chopped fine, and drained through a colander; 1 cup chopped onit)n; 1 cup chopped celery; 4 green pep- pers, chopped; 1 cup horseradish, grated fine (the horseradish tends to keep it); 1 tablespoon white or black pepper; % cup salt. Cover all with vinegar. — Maude Fenlon Bollman. Spanish Pickle. • % Two dozen cucumbers; 4 heads of cabbage; 1 peck of green tomatoes; 2 dozen onions; 2 dozen green peppefs; 1 oimce celery seed and white mustard seed; 1 box Colman's mustard ;"'33^ pounds of sugar; 1 quart of grated horseradish. Slice the cucumbers and onions and chop the rest. Sprinkle all with salt and let stand 2 or 3 hours. Then squeeze out^ liquid, cover with vinegar and" boil. — Leola Arnold. Fig Pickles. - ,«.' Seven pounds green tomatoes; 1 pound see^i^d raisins; 4 pounds sugar; 1 pint vinegar; 2 tablespoons cinnamoti. Peel the tomatoes and cut into 1-inch squares. Mix all the iiigredients together and cook till like jam. Can at once. ' ' ; — Mrs. J. L. Keep. JELLIES, CANNING, PRESERVES, PICKLES. 313 Columbia Chutney. Pare and quarter 15 large, very sour apples; chop fine, to- gether with 2 green peppers from which the seeds have been re- moved; 1 cupful stoned raisins; 2 onions (all ingredients may be put through food chopper). Place all in porcelain kettle, add 1 quart vinegar; simmer 2 hours; then add 2 cupfuls brown sugar and 2 tablespoons each of salt, mustard seed, ground ginger, cloves and cinnamon. Cook slowly another hour. Pour into small bottles and seal while hot. Keep in a cool dark place. — Mrs. L. W. Ticknor. Shirley Sauce. Six large ripe tomatoes (or 1 can); 1 large green pepper; 1 large onion; 1 tablespoon salt; 1 tablespoon sugar; 1 tablespoon ginger; 1 teacup vinegar. Chop tomatoes, onion and pepper fine; mix all together and boil 1 hour. Bottle hot. Can be made in the winter or any time a green pepper can be secured. Very good. — Miss Caroline Radecke. Chilli Sauce I. Thirty tomatoes; 2 chilli peppers; 6 onions; 3 tablespoons salt; 1 tablespoon cinnamon; 1 teaspoon ground cloves; 1 teaspoon ground mace; 1 teacup sugar; 1}4 pints vinegar. Chop the toma- toes and cook 3 hours; add the onions and peppers, chopped fine, }4 hour before it is done, and just before taking from the fire add the spice, sugar and vinegar. Put in bottles and seal. — Mrs. N. W. James. Grandmother's Chilli Sauce II. ^ Twelve large ripe tomatoes, peeled; 2 large onions; 4 green peppers^ chop these separately; 4 cups of vinegar; 2 tablespoons of salt; brown sugar to taste and ginger; 1 tablespoon each of cinna- mon, nutmeg and mustard. Stir all together and cook until well done. '*Sottle and seal. — Leola Arnold. Tomato Catsup. One-half bushel tomatoes; wash, core and boil; (after they have boiled a few minutes pour off water); put through a sieve. Then add J^ cup salt, % cup sugar, 1 small pint vinegar. Put the 314 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. following spices in a bag aiid boil with the other ingredients: 2 tablespoons ground pepper; 1 tablespoon ginger; 1 tablespoon nut- meg; 2 tablespoons cinnamon; 1 tablespoon cloves. Boil until it sputters, remove spices, bottle and seal with sealing wax. — Susan Whittlesey* Olive Cherries. One quart of firm, large cherries; 1 tablespoon salt; vinegar. Stem the cherries, but do not pit them; put them in a quart fruit jar and sprinkle the salt over them; fill up the jar with vinegar, which is not very sharp. Seal up and let stand about 2 months. — Mrs. E. V. Crumb. Lemon Extract. Take the rind from 6 fine large lemons, as thinly as possible and cover with % of a pint of the best alcohol. Put in a wide mouthed bottle and cork tightly. It will be ready for use in a few days. Extract of Vanilla. Break 1 vanilla bean into pieces; cover with cold water and let stand in a tightly corked bottle 4 da5'-s. Then add 3^ pint of the best alcohol. Ready for use in a week. The same bean can be used again by covering with a good half cup of alcohol and it will then be ready for use when the first extract is all used. The bottles should have glass stoppers. Vanilla beans are long thin pods and can be bought at large stores dealing in fine groceries. It is a good plan to make one's extract as most of that ^hich is sold is not made from vanilla beans. Garlic Vinegar. v Slice clove of garlic into vinegar cruet. Makes delicious dress- ing for new beets, tomatoes, cucumbers and lettuce salad, after adding olive oil. ^* —Kate F. O'Connor. Best Way To Seal Jelly Glasses and Fruit Jars PURE REFINED PARAFFINE Do you know 'that air is ab- solutely ex- cluded from fruit jars, jelly glasses and catsup bottles X JIG by a simple sealing with Pure Refined Paraffi -^ applied hot. Such a seal keeps the contents of a container indefinitely and prevents mold and fermentation. No trouble to apply — for jellies, simply leave glasses a little less than full, and pour melted paraffine directly on the contents of the glass when cold. No covers or caps of any kind needed. Manufactured by Standard Oil Company Incorporated THE CHICK CAN OPENER. Why worry and fuss and cut up your hands, When in a hurry to open your vegetable cans? With the Chick Can Opener you need never curse, And no dressing of wounds by the hospital nurse. Necessity is the mother of invention, they say; So the Chick Can Opener is with us to stay. All housewives agree it is simple and neat. And without it they know no kitchen's complete. CHICK 6 BRACONIER MAN UFACTURE.RS 316 Mulberry St. R.OCKFOKD. ILL. 315 ALL KINDS OF COOKEREHES AT WHEELOCK'S $2.50; $5.00; $7.50 Largest line of Cooking Utensils made, beside the largest line of CHINA, GLASSWARE AND LIGHTING FIXTURES WHEELOCK'S CROCKERY STORE 107-109 So, Main St. Rockford, Illinois jptattOB BALDWIN MADE PIANOS have taken the GRAND PRIZE at three of the largest World's Fairs ever held: Melb< ourne, St. Lc That shov^fs what piano judges of international reputa- tion think of them. Has always been our specialty, particularly the BEST TEACHING MUSIC. We receive each month, from six of the largest pub- lishers in this country, all of their good things, and in this way our stock is always up-to-date. If you can't get what you want any place else, let us get it for you. 5Iunt«J5 OUR RECORD: Four years employed by the MENDELSSOHN CLUB, of Rockford, 111. For three years employed by Rockford College. In six years built up a busi- ness of six hundred satisfied customers. When in need of a tuner, let us do the work. H. T. RAWSON & CO. ^^^ZT^-rlt 316 FIRELESS COOKERY. 317 CHAPTER XXIV. FIRELESS COOKERY. "It is the bounty of nature that we live; but of philosophy that we live well." — Seneca There are on the market a number of cookers or patent de- vices for cooking without fire. These vary somewhat in detail; there is the lined box holding one or more empty pails; the same style of box with pails within pails or with wire supports inside; and the triple pail or kettle' arrangement simply made by placing the ket- tles one within the other and leaving the required space between each two. The enormous saving of fuel, labor and discomfort obtained by the process is a welcome boon to the busy housewife and with the added advantage that the flavor is retained to a much greater extent than possible by direct boiling. For one inexperienced in this method it is advisable to know the time required for the different foods before they are placed in the cooker. Food left indefinitely in the cooker will sour. All soups, vege- tables and such things must be removed in twenty-four hours and less in warm weather. Food which requires long cooking is improved if when the time is half up it is removed, without opening the pail, and reheated again before placing a second time in the cooker. Food should be placed in the box at once on removing from the fire, keeping the lid on tightly so that no steam escapes or the food will cool and cannot cook. Since this method of preparing food is still largely in an ex- perimental stage, the following time table may serve as a guide and be considered fairly accurate: 318 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. MEATS, ETC. BOIL ON STOVE. COOKER. Beef, 2 pounds 15 minutes .3 hours Beef, 3 pounds .30 minutes : 4 hours Chicken, 1 year. 30 minutes 4 hours Chicken, spring. 15 minutes 3 hours Fish, 2 pounds 15 minutes 2 hours Pork, 2 pounds 15 minutes 4 hours Pork, 3 pounds.- 45 minutes 4 hours Veal, 2 pounds 15 minutes .4 hours Ham, 3 pounds..... .30 minutes. Soak all night All day Corned beef. 30 minutes. Soak all night All day VEGETABLES. Beets, green 15 minutes ' ...4 hours Cabbage... ...10 minutes 3 hours Peas, green... 5 minutes..... 2 hours Corn, green..... 5 minutes 3 hours Potatoes 5 minutes 2 hours String beans..... 10 minutes 3 hours Turnips 15 minutes 4 hours Tomatoes 5 minutes .' 2 hours Onions 11 minutes 3 hours Dried lima beans 10 minutes. Soak all night 5 hours CEREALS, ETC. Rice. 5 minutes. 2 hours Sago. 5 minutes .2 hours Tapioca. 5 minutes 2 hours Oatmeal 2 minutes ...All night Macaroni- 10 minutes; 3^ water, Y^ milk ....13^ hours (Grate cheese on top) PUDDINGS, ETC. STEAM. Cottage - 15 minutes 3 hours Suet --. - -30 minutes .2 hours Drop dumplings 5 minutes .....2 hours Fruit dumplings 14 minutes 3 hours Brown bread 4 hours BOIL. Prunes 10 minutes All night or day FIRELESS COOKERY. 319 Fireless Cooker. Two Receptacle Cooker Cereals Chicken Fish — boiled MEATS — Boiled Beef stew Corned beef Lamb stew Mutton stew MEATS — Roast SOUPS VEGETABLES Baked beans Beets Carrots Turnips Peas Potatoes One Receptacle Cooker Cereals Frozen desserts Macaroni with cheese PUDDINGS Rice pudding ROASTS SOUPS STEWS Triple Receptacle Cooker Cereals Meats Vegetables 320 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. (For the cooker which has one pail within another, the outer one containing water.) Cereals. One cup of oatmeal, 3 cups of water. One cup cornmeal or rice, 4 cups of water. Bring the water in the outer pail to a boil. Put into the smaller pail the required water, let boil, add the meal and salt, let boil 10 minutes. Place the smaller kettle within the larger, pack in the cooker, let stand all night. In the morning, reheat. Vegetables. Potatoes require 1 hour, if small. Dry in the oven later to make them mealy. Peas require 1 hour. Beets, squash, carrots, turnips need 3 hours and must be taken out when half done, reheated, the water reboiled in the outer pail and packed again in the cooker. Prepare the vegetables as usual, boil them for 5 minutes, place the smaller kettle in the outer one containing boiling water and put into the cooker. Baked Beans. Let the beans soak over night in cold water; in the morning drain, then add twice as much fresh water as there are beans; put in a piece of salt pork. Boil them 15 minutes, set the kettle into the larger one containing boiling water and pack in the cooker for 3 hours. Remove, boil again and put in the cooker for 3 hours longer. Place into a baking dish and brown them in the oven. Add seasoning at the time of the second heating. Soups. Cut the meat into pieces, pour on cold water, add the vege- tables, season well, and boil about 15 minutes. Leave in the cooker all night. In the morning skim, strain and reheat. Boiled Fish. Tie the fish in a clean piece of cheese cloth, let simmer for 10 minutes in boiling water, set the kettle in the outer pail of boiling water and pack for 3 hours. FIRELESS COOKERY. 321 Boiled Meats. Beef Stew: Cut up the meat, put into hot fat and brown quickly. Add 1 cup of water to 2 cups of meat, season, boil 10 minutes, put into the outer kettle of boiling water and pack for 2 hours. Then reheat and cook 2 hours longer. Lamb Stew: Cut up meat, use 1 cup of water to 2 of meat, boil for 10 minutes, leave in the cooker for 2 hours. Remove, add tomato or chopped vegetables, and cook 2 or 3 hours more. Corned Beef: Place meat in cold water, let come to a boil and simmer 30 minutes. Set into the larger kettle of boiling water and put away for 5 hours. Remove the lid and put in the prepared vegetables under the meat. Reheat and again pack for 3 hours. Roast Meats. In a hot, dry frying pan, sear the meat all over. Bake for 20 minutes in a very hot oven, adding 2 cups of water. Put the roast in small kettle, 'season and place in the large pail of boiling water. Cover both kettles tight and let boil rapidly for 10 minutes. Pack for 3 or 4 hours. Reheat the meat and thicken the gravy. Chicken is particularly good this way. (For the cooker containing separate and distinct receptacles.) Cereals. Use less water than ordinarily required, since there is no loss by evaporation caused by escaping steam. Boil for 5 minutes and while still bubbling, pack into the cooker. Oatmeal boiled 2 min- utes may be left in all night and reheated in the morning. Rice, tapioca and sago require 2 hours. Macaroni with Cheese: Boil 10 minutes in milk and water (half and half), salt, cover with grated cheese, pack for 13^ hours. Soups. Stock for soups easily prepared by boiling a soup-bone, chicken bones, etc., a few minutes and pack 2 hours. Put the meat in cold water, boil, remove scum, add vege- tables and boil for 15 minutes. Pack for 3 to 5 hours, according to size. 322 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. Stews. Beep and Mutton Stews: Brown first, boil for 20 minutes, season and pack about 3 hours, according to size, or may be left longer. Roasts. They should be browned in butter on all sides, then enough water poured on to come halfway up the sides, covered and allowed to cook ']/2 hour or so, then placed in the cooker 5 or 6 hours. They will not be crisp, but tender and juicy, and of fine flavor. (For the triple kettle cooker.) Another arrangement which does not require the box cooker and the results of which are delicious, is simplicity in itself. The recipes differ slightly from the preceding. Three kettles or enamel pails, fitting one within the other and leaving an inch space between each two are required. Place food to be cooked in the smallest kettle, add salt, but no water, except for dry cereals, which should be slightly moistened. Cover tightly. Place this in the next larger, which should contain about 3 inches of boiling water, put these 2 into the largest one, which should also hold about 4 inches of water. Put a large, tight-fitting lid over the whole and keep covered securely. Add a weight if necessary. Place the kettles over the fire and let boil rapidly for 5 minutes. Let stand until the food is cooked, depend- ing of course on the nature of the food. Meats require 3 or 4 hours. Vegetables require 2 hours. Cereals about 2 hours. The important point in cooking by this method is that the water be kept hot. This can be ascertained by feeling the outer kettle, and in no case remove the lid until food is done. In the case of meats and other things requiring long cooking, boil the water a second time for 5 or 10 minutes, say at the end of 2 hours. COOKERY FOR INVALIDS. 323 CHAPTER XXV. COOKERY FOR INVALIDS. "Simple diet is best, for many dishes bring many diseases." — Pliny. It is of especial importance that the greatest pains should be taken in the preparation of the invalid's food. It should be served in the most attractive way, never sending more than an amount suflEicient for one meal. There may be a lack of desire for food, due merely to defective cooking, to the patient's dislike for a cer- tain food or to a meal presented at an inopportune moment. While it is unwise to ask the patient what he would like to eat, since the unexpected often pleases, yet it is desirable that there be frequent changes in order to tempt the appetite. Particular care should be exercised that the food selected be suitable to the patient's condition, as in the case of the very weak or fever patients when liquid food is more easily digested. Albuminized Orange. White of 1 egg; juice of 1 orange; sugar. Add the orange juice to the unbeaten white, sweeten and mix well. Strain and serve cold. Albuminized Sherry. White of 1 egg; 1 scant tablespoon Sherry; sugar. Beat the white to a stiff froth and while beating, add slowly the Sherry and sugar. Serve cold. Albuminized Grape Juice. Prepared the same as Sherry, using 2 tablespoons of juice to the white of 1 egg. 324 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. INVALID DISHES. Beef Juice. Select a thick cut of steak from the round or the rump and re- move all fat. Broil or heat long enough to start the juices, then extract the juice by means of a press or lemon squeezer. Season with salt and serve at once. Prepare only enough to serve, as it does not keep well. One pound of meat will yield about 5 ounces. Excellent, where solid foods cannot be taken. Beef Extract. One-half pound round steak; y^ pint cold water; cut beef fine, put in cold water; let it stand where it will keep warm for a couple of hours, heat as hot as possible without boiling; squeeze the juice from beef; salt to suit. — An Old Nurse. Beef Scraped. Take a small piece of tender steak and with a sharp knife scrape off all the pulp until there remains only the tough fibres. Season slightly with salt and pepper, form into small cakes and broil 2 minutes. Serve on toast. Beef Tea (Quickly Made). Select a steak from the top cut of the round, as this has less fat and more juice than other cuts; remove all fat and cut into small pieces. Put in dry pan over a slow fire and allow it to sweat for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally to prevent sticking. The meat will become white and surrounded by a rich gravy. It may be given, in cases of great exhaustion, in this form. For 1 pound of beef allow a pint of water. Pour the water over the meat and stir until it boils; afterwards let simmer slowly 5 or 10 minutes, strain and remove any particle of fat on top with a piece of brown paper. Does not require seasoning. Beef Tea. Allow 1 cup of water to 3^ pound of steak. Remove each par- ticle of fat; cut into small pieces, pour on the water and let stand about 15 minutes. Put into a tightly covered glass jar and set it COOKERY FOR INVALIDS. 325 into a kettle of cold water. Bring the water slowly to the boiling point and let boil 2 hours. Strain and season with salt. Remove any fat on top with paper or bread. May be served hot, or is very grateful to a fever patient when ice cold. BROTH. Broth is the liquid containing the .juices of meat and bone, extracted by continued slow cooking. More nutriment is obtained from cheaper cuts than from the expensive parts. Best results are possible from the observation of the follow- ing rules: Cut meat into small pieces. Use cold water. Use steam- tight kettle, that there may be no waste by evaporation. If pos- sible, make the day before, when the fat may be more easily re- moved. Let simmer (not boil) until meat falls to pieces. In reheating, use double boiler. Mutton Broth. One quart of cold water to 1 pound of meat. Select the neck of mutton, remove skin and fat, cut into small pieces, pour on the water, let simmer until meat is in shreds. Remove fat and strain. Add salt and pepper to taste. Serve hot. One tablespoon of barley or rice (soaked over night) may be added if desired. Let barley simmer in the broth until the grains are tender. If possible, let broth stand all night, when the fat can be more easily removed. Excellent for those suffering from dysenteric troubles. Beef Broth. Prepared same as mutton broth. Veal Broth. Prepared same as mutton broth. Chicken Broth I. Same as mutton broth. Chicken Broth II. Cut a chicken into small pieces, lay it in a deep earthen dish, add a quart of cold water and set it over a boiling kettle; cover closely and let it steam several hours, until the meat is very tender; 326 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. strain off the broth and let it stand over night; in the morning skim off carefully all the fat, and pour out the broth into the bowl; into the deep dish ' put 3^ of a cupful of rice in a cupful of cold water and steam as before until the rice is soft; pour in the broth and steam an hour or 2 longer; season to the taste of the invalid and serve hot. This is easily digested and very delicious. Oyster Broth. One cup chopped oysters; 1 cup cold water; 3^ cup hot milk; salt and pepper to taste; 1 Boston cracker, rolled fine. Put the oysters in the water, let them stand where they will slowly come to a boil, then strain in the milk; add the rolled crackers, salt and pepper. Chicken Broth Jelly. A 5-pound fowl should be prepared as for chicken broth. Let simmer 12 hours, strain while hot through a fine sieve, and season. Let cool on ice for 12 hours and remove fat. May be used full strength or diluted with water. Chicken Feet (for Jelly or Broth). Procure chickens' feet, cut off nails, pour over boiling water, let stand a few minutes and skim. Boil until they fall to pieces. Jelly or broth made from the feet, which is considered, according to a trained nurse, the most nutritious part of the fowl, is unsur- passed for invalids. Mutton Broth Jelly. Prepared the same as chicken broth jelly. Chicken Panada. Take a breast of cold chicken, put in a marble mortar and pound to a paste with a little of the broth (or chop very fine and add chicken broth). Season with salt and heat slowly to required consistency. It should be such as you can drink, though quite thick, or may be served with toast. Chicken Toast. Two tablespoons cold chicken, chopped fine; boil in sufficient water to make a cupful of the whole, thicken slightly with corn- starch in melted butter, pour over a slice of nicely toasted bread and serve hot. COOKERY FOR INVALIDS. 327 Caudle. Two tablespoons oatmeal; 1 quart water; butter, sugar, nut- meg, brandy or wine; 1 cup raisins; salt. Boil raisins in the water rapidly for ^ hour. Mix oatmeal with water to a smooth paste; add salt. After raisins have boiled enough, add oatmeal thicken- ing, let boil and skim well. Add sugar, butter, nutmeg, brandy or wine to taste when served. Cocoanut Milk or Cream. One cup grated cocoanut to 1 cup hot water. Select a cocoanut with plenty of water in it; clean and grate, discarding the water. To 1 cup of the grated nut add 1 cup of hot water, let stand a few minutes, strain through a thick cloth and squeeze well. This yields a thick cream. For cocoanut milk add more hot water to the pulp, squeeze and strain again. Use while fresh. Is delicious with fruit and will not curdle. This milk is excellent for children and invalids who cannot use cow's milk. Egg-Nog. Break a fresh egg into a tumbler, add a heaping teaspoon sugar, beat very light, and fill up the tumbler with milk. A small glass of wine may be added or a little nutmeg. Where an invalid is required to take a raw egg daily, an egg-nog may be rendered more palatable by a variation in flavor. Add fruit juices to the beaten egg and sweeten. Never use milk with the fruit juice, but dilute with water. Raspberry, pineapple and orange are excellent. While egg-nog is extensively prescribed and very* nutritious, there are cases where the combination is apt to produce nausea in a feeble stomach, especially in fever; consequently whole eggs are unfit for fever patients, and only the whites used. Egg Lemonade. Two eggs; sugar as desired; juice of 1 large lemon; 1 cup snow or pounded ice; put the yolks, sugar and lemon juice together, beat them well and add the well beaten whites of the eggs with the snow or ice; beat the whole well together and add water enough to make a pint; drink through a glass tube. 328 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. Egg Nests. Separate an egg, beat the white until stiff, add a little salt, put into a large cup and in center drop the unbroken yolk. Place in pan of hot water, let boil until white of egg is set. May also be placed on buttered rounds of toast and put in oven 3 minutes. WITH RICE. Butter a glass, line with boiled rice, put in the stiffly beaten white and in the center place the yolk. Put in oven long enough to set the white. Eggs and Rum (Milk Punch). One cup fresh milk; 1 tablespoon sugar; yolk 1 egg; 1 table- spoon rum; pinch salt; little nutmeg. Beat yolk, add sugar, nut- meg and salt; then add milk and rum. Taken by consumptives, early in the morning, often prevents the exhausting morning sweats. Egg Gruel. Boil eggs until hard enough to grate. Scald milk, add grated egg to the hot milk and season with salt. Excellent, if patient is nauseated. Flour Gruel. One cup miilk; 3^ tablespoon flour; 1 dozen seeded raisins; pinch salt. Scald the milk and stir in the flour which has been mixed with a little cold milk. Cook 3^ hour in double boiler. Cut the raisins in small pieces and with enough water to cover, cook slowly until the water has boiled away. Season the gruel and add raisins. This is slightly astringent. May be prepared without the raisins, which should never be used in cases of bowel troubles. Barley Gruel. Two tablespoons barley flour; 1 quart scalded milk; salt. Mix the barley flour with a little cold milk and stir it into the scalding milk. Cook 2 hours in a double boiler. Season to taste, and sweeten, if desired. Strain. Barley Gruel with Broth. Two cups beef broth; 2 tablespoons barley flour; 2 tablespoons cold water; 1 saltspoon salt. Mix the flour and the water to a smooth paste, add salt, pour slowly into the boiling broth and let boil 3^ hour. Strain and serve hot. COOKERY FOR INVALIDS. 329 Arrowroot Gruel. Two teaspoons arrowroot; 2 tablespoons cold water; sugar, wine, brandy or lemon juice, as desired; 1 cup boiling water or milk; salt. Mix the arrowroot and water to a paste. Pour into the boil- ing water or milk. Cook for 2 hours in a double boiler. Season, strain and serve hot. Beneficial in diarrhoea cases. Indian Meal Gruel. One tablespoon Indian meal; 2 tablespoons cold water; 3^ pint boiling water; salt; nutmeg; sugar, if desired. Mix to a smooth paste meal, salt and cold water. Stir slowly into the boiling water. Let simmer 13^ hours. Strain. May be diluted with milk or cream. Rice Gruel. Prepared same as Indian meal gruel, using 1 quart boiling water. Oatmeal Gruel I. (Good to use in typhoid fever cases). One cup well cooked oatmeal, while hot add 1 cup milk, 1 cup hot water; beat together thoroughly, strain through wire strainer; add salt, if desired. Oatmeal Gruel II. Take Yi cup of oatmeal, pound in a mortar until mealy (or rub hard with a little cold water). Put it into a glass, stir well and pour off the milky water into a sauce pan. Again fill the glass, pour off and repeat as long as water looks mealy. Set sauce pan where it will simmer for 1 hour (in double boiler 2 hours). Strain. Season with salt, add sugar, if desired. Thin with milk, if too thick. Dried or Boiled Flour Gruel. Tie y^ cupful of flour in bag and boil about 3 hours. Take out, dry in the sun or oven until it is hard. Grate it when needed, us- ing 1 tablespoon to a pint of milk, and stir over the fire until it comes to a boil. Add salt, a little cold water and serve. Especially good for children afflicted with summer complaint. Barley Jelly. Three tablespoons pearl barley; salt; 1 quart water. Soak the barley over night, strain, pour on a- quart of water, add salt and 330 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. boil 4 hours in a double boiler. Strain through a cloth. Thin the jelly when cold with warm and sweetened milk, in the proportion of the tablespoons of jelly to 1 cup of milk. Rice Jelly. One and one-half tablespoons rice; % cup milk; salt. Wash the rice and let stand in cold water about 2 hours. Drain, add milk and cook for 13^ hours in a double boiler. Strain, add salt, let stand until cold and serve with sugar and cream or fruit juices. Tapioca Jelly. One teacup pearl tapioca; 1 quart cold water; pinch of salt; lemon juice or wine. Thoroughly wash the tapioca and pour over it the quart of cold water. Let soak 3 or 4 hours and simmer until it becomes quite clear, stirring often. Serve hot with cream, sugar and wine, or while hot, add lemon juice and chill. Cracker Panada. Three or 4 crackers; 1 quart water; sugar; salt. Break the crackers into pieces and bake brown. Boil 15 minutes in the quart of water and let stand 3 or 4 minutes. Strain through a fine wire sieve, add salt and a little sugar. For infants that are teething this is a nourishing beverage and for invalids recovering from a fever is often prescribed with the addition of a little wine and nutmeg. Flaxseed Tea. One tablespoon whole flaxseed; sugar; 2 cups cold water; juice 1 lemon. Thoroughly wash flaxseed. Put into sauce pan, add cold water and let simmer 1 hour. Add lemon juice and sweeten to taste. Strain. If too thick, dilute with hot water. Flaxseed and Licorice Tea. One ounce flaxseed; 1 pint boiling water; 2 drachms licorice- root. Over the flaxseed and licorice-root pour the boiling water and let simmer very slowly for 4 hours. Strain. Excellent in fever cases accompanied by a cough. COOKERY FOR INVALIDS. 331 Toast Water. Toast bread as brown as possible without burning. Cover with boiling water and season with salt. Let stand about 1 hour and strain through cheese cloth. Serve hot or cold. May be flavored with orange or lemon peel or a glass of white wine added and grated nutmeg. Valuable in cases of fever or extreme nausea. Hop Tea. Take 1 large spoonful of hops, add 1 pint of cold water, let simmer. When sufficiently strong, strain, sweeten and add a tablespoon of gin. This is a quieting drink and most excellent for a nervous headache. RECIPES FOR THE BABY. "No particular diet can be recommended for the infant that is so unfortunate as to be deprived of its natural nourishment. What agrees with one is quite unsuccessful with another. Differ- ent kinds of diet can only be tested. Children's little illnesses are often the result of food which, in their case, is unassimilating and indigestible, and it is often better to attempt a change of food than to resort to medicines." — Mrs. Henderson. Some babies have strong digestive organs and thrive on cow's milk straight and undiluted. Some require it to be diluted with }/^ water and some require lime water in addition. Some babies thrive well on goat's milk when they can take no other. It is al- ways safer to consult the physician, but many of them are able only to experiment and succeed in finding the right food only after re- peated failures. Whey seems to be the almost absolutely unfailing diet, mixed with cream or top milk when everything else fails. The amount of cream or milk to use with whey should always be prescribed by the physician. Baby Food. Junket tablets are especially valuable in preparing food for infants as a means of modifying milk. They are handy in prepar- ing whey and are an aid to digestion in any preparation of milk or cream. 332 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. Mrs. Rorer's Recipe for Preparing Infant Food. Where cow's milk, even when diluted, or partly modified, as in the home fashion, disagrees with the infant, this mixture may be used with good results: Heat 2 quarts of milk to 100 degrees F. Add 2 of Chr. Hansen's junket tablets dissolved in a tablespoonful of cold water. When the milk is congealed and perfectly solid draw through it backwards and forwards an ordinary four-tined silver fork; this will separate the curd. Strain through 2 thick- nesses of cheese cloth, saving the whey as this is the part you are to use; add a pint of water, a half ounce of sugar of milk, 3 ounces of cream and 4 ounces of the white of egg. The whites may be dropped into a quart fruit jar, a pint of the whey added, the top screwed on and the jar thoroughly shaken until the whites are well mixed with the whey; then add them to the remaining quantity, and stand at once in a very cold place. This will be given in quan- tities of from 2 to 3 ounces in an ordinary nursing bottle. This albuminized whey forms one of the most easily digested and valued of all foods for convalescing patients. With the cream and sugar of milk omitted, it may be used successfully in typhoid and kindred fevers. Whey. To prepare whey temper fresh milk until luke warm, 85 de- grees to 100 degrees F; to each quart add 1 junket tablet dis- solved in cold water and stir it in quickly. Leave the milk at rest in a warm place 15 minutes or until firmly thickened. When per- fectly firm, put into cheese cloth and drain off the whey. As the butter fat is retained in the curd, and does not go into the whey, skimmed milk will answer the purpose as well as new milk. But whether new or skimmed, the milk must be perfectly fresh, as otherwise the whey is apt to be sour. Cool immediately when the whey has drained from the curd. Use quickly or keep in the re- frigerator. Whey may be considered mildly nutritive and very wholesome; if fresh it is readily assimilated by the stomach, requir- ing no labor to fit it for absorption, and contains in a degree every element of nutrition. Whey is strongly recommended as a most satisfactory food in- case of cholera infantum and is far more suit- able than any other food preparation as a temporary substitute for milk. For adult invalids whey is a most pleasing and nutritious drink. COOKERY FOR INVALIDS. " 333 Cream and Whey Mixture. One ounce of cream; 7 ounces of whey; 2 tablespoons milk sugar. The amount of cream will have to be varied with the age and needs of the child, and should be recommended by the physi- cian. — Crozier Griffith. Barley Water. Boil \}/2 tablespoons of whole barley in water for 5 minutes, drain off the water and throw it away, then add to the barley 1 quart of water and cook or simmer it slowly down to 1 pint. Re- move from stove and strain. It is a substitute for milk in sickness. Albumen Water. Dissolve slowly the raw white of 1 egg in a glass of cold water. Strain it only if necessary to prevent clogging the rubber nipple. Sweeten, if desired, and warm it only slightly before giving. This is good as a temporary nourishment when milk cannot be taken. — Crozier Griffith. Beef Juice. Take 1 pound of round or tenderloin steak (free from fat), season with salt and sear over in a hot skillet or broil slightly. Then cut it into small pieces and squeeze out the juice with a fruit press or lemon squeezer. It may be given cold or warmed slightly. It may be sweetened a little. Sterilized Milk. Fill small necked 3^ pint bottles to within \}/2 inches of the top with milk. Cork with absorbent cotton. Stand in a steamer of cold water, having the water to surround bottles to % their height. Heat the water gradually until nearly to boiling point and keep at this temperature for 10 minutes. When used for infants, allow from a teaspoon to a tablespoon for each bottle of milk. — Boston Cooking School Cook Book. How to Prepare Plain Junket. Drop 1 junket tablet and a tablespoon of cold water into a cup and crush with a spoon to dissolve thoroughly. Heat 1 quart of pure milk until luke-warm, about 98 degrees F. — no more; add 334 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. sugar and flavor to taste and, if desired, a trifle of 1 of the junket colors. Add the dissolved junket tablet to the luke-warm milk and stir it in quickly. Pour into junket glasses or saucers, or into a large dish. Let stand undisturbed in a warm room until firm. Re- move carefully, without shaking, to a cold place or the refrigerator and let stand until time to serve. Serve with or without cream. Junket for Children. Prepare as for plain junket; pour into a large pudding dish in- stead of individual junket glasses; dish carefully in serving so as not to break the jelly too much. If preferred, it can be made with- out sweetening or flavor and served with sugar and grated nutmeg or cinnamon sprinkled over it. Children will often eat a quantity of this delicious dish, and may be allowed it, as it is very nutritious as well as inexpensive. Milk being the one perfect food for infants, it becomes, when made into junket, the ideal health food for grow- ing children. No other food contains so much true nourishment in proper proportion, or is so easily digested. — Miss Crane. Junket Tablets JUNKET is no'w universally appreciated as a Dainty, Delicious Dessert, a Perfect Food for children and invalids; an Ideal Health Food for young and old, rich and poor, sick and well. ^A ^ ^ 4^ CHR. HANSEN LABORATORY LITTLE FALLS, N. Y. See Recipes for Junket Tablets in Chapters XVI and XXV in this Book. >3:-§^S§9f§^^i§i§!§:§;§i§-§^i§:§:§=§;§f§=#§i§;§SS^:-§S?§S;§§9=§:-§3aaS3§3l 335 The Spengler Cooker or Heat Distributor is an appliance which placed over one burner of a Gas — Gasoline— Alcohol or Blue Flame Oil Stove positively cooks, not merely keeps warm, three articles in three separate good sized, regular Utensils with but One Gas Flame. One flame instead of three means gross saving 66 2-3 per cent, gis consumed. A liberal allowance for slight excess time to start things boil- ing, over direct flame method, privileges us to state, without fear of honest contradiction, that each and every housewife who uses the SPENGLER COOKER will positively reduce her bill for cook- ing by Gas over 50 per cent. Does it appeal to you? REMEMBER besides cutting your "Cooking by gas" bills in half The Spengler Cooker posi- tively avoids the chance of scorching cereals, soups and milk. You can well afford to "buy" for this reason alone. No contact with the direct flame solves this problem. For the very same reason your Enameled and other cooking ware will last until worn out. The "old way" on direct flame, "Burns it up in no time." THE SPENGLER COOKER through the patented "triangular deflector" and ample provision for circulation beyond the possibility of argument "distributes." Bottom View. Top View. The Top is Perforated and lugs are raised around the openings to support the different cooking utensils. T^O imp^ simply see that apex of Triangular Deflector is in UOIZrf center of Gas flame. That's all, unless you wish to use but two of the three openings, in which case use Damper pro- vided for the purpose. You can Cook, Toast, Heat your Sad Irons, Broil and Save at Least Half If our Cost for Cooking by Gas with a Spengler Cooker, retailing at $1.50. MADE AND SOLD BY SPENGLER B ROS. CO. - Rockford, 111. H. T. SID WAY & COMPANY, 37 East 28th St., NEW YORK. 336 HOUSEHOLD HINTS. 337 CHAPTER XXVI. HOUSEHOLD HINTS. "Little drops of knowledge,- Little grains of sense Solve the mighty problem . Of the home expense." Cooking Hints. When making gravy, remove the pan from the fire while the thickening is being stirred in, and when smooth return to the fire to cook. This will prevent lumps forming. Cook at least 10 min- utes longer to cook the flour. Add a httle sugar when making pie crust to make it crisp and brown. If you put a piece of horseradish root into a jar of pickles, the vinegar will retain its strength longer and the pickles will be less likely to become soft and mold. To keep potatoes warm after pouring off the water and shak- ing, cover the potatoes with a folded towel. When vegetables such as parsnips, carrots, string beans, etc., are boiling, drop in a pinch of soda; pour off the water and replace with boiling water. Will make the vegetables more tender. Washing and Ironing. If a few drops of glycerine be added to the starch for linens, it will be found that the iron will not stick and the linen will have a beautiful gloss after being ironed. Rusty flatirons should be rubbed over with beeswax and lard or beeswax and salt. Fine laces and sheer handkerchiefs may be laundered like new without being ironed. Wash in suds by squeezing in the hands. Rinse, and if desired, dip in a thin starch. Have the inside of a 338 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. window pane perfectly clean and spread articles out on the glass, smoothing out every wrinkle. It will stick to the glass and dry in a short time. Fine lace work should never be ironed. When starching black wash dresses and petticoats add bluing enough to make the starch a deep blue. If the button side of waists is ironed in a folded bath towel, buttons turned downward, they will be prevented from breaking and are more easily ironed. If cloth is scorched when ironing, dip immediately in hot water. Stains — To Remove Stains From White Cloth. Fruit stains: Pour on boiling hot water. Cocoa and blood stains: Soak in cold water. Ink stains: Rub spot with salt, then wet with ammonia. Grass stains: Rub with butter or molasses. Car grease: Rub with laundry soap and wash in kerosene. Ink stains from fountain pen and iron rust: Rub with lemon juice, sprinkle with salt, then lay in the sun. Paint stains: Rub with turpentine or benzine. Coffee stains : Rub with glycerine. Alcohol will remove candle grease. If you should accidentally sit on sticky fly paper, apply gaso- line. Rub grease stains on hard wood floors with soda. Rub spoons with common salt to remove egg stains. Rub mildew marks over with a piece of raw tomato. Sprinkle with salt and lay in the sun. Repeat the process, if necessary. Vermin. For moths, dissolve 14, pound gum camphor in 13^ gallon of benzine and use freely with an atomizer. Oil of red cedar is good to drive away mosquitoes, moths and ants. Soak in wads of cotton. To keep ants out of a refrigerator, fill baking powder can covers with water and place under castors. Cut a piece of newspaper a Httle larger than bottom of your sugar crock and place on a sheet of sticky fly paper. Put your crock on this and your sugar will be free from ants. A small quantity of green sage placed in the pantry will keep out red ants. HOUSEHOLD HINTS. 339 Fill rat holes with laundry soap or cayenne pepper. Allspice freely used will kill buffalo bugs. This ant remedy is guaranteed to succeed when all others fail. Mix 1 teaspoon tartar emetic, 1 teaspoon sugar with ^ cupful of water, put in saucers and set saucers around in the cupboard. Remedies. The juice of 3^ a lemon squeezed into a glass of water, taken in the morning without sugar, is a simple remedy for torpid liver. Lemon juice mixed very thickly with sugar will relieve a tick- ling cough. For sore throat, gargle with 1 part alcohol and 3 parts water. Dip a woolen cloth in alcohol, wring out, and place on the chest to relieve croup. Keep on hand Hydrogen Peroxide for cuts, and Carbolated vaseline for bruises. Rubbing bruises after applying ointment will prevent swelling. Soaking feet in hot water and salt relieves tired nerves. For chilblains, rub the parts affected with brandy and salt. The raw white of an egg applied to a burn will take out heat. Ammonia applied to the bites of insects, such as fleas, mos- quitoes, etc., will stop the itching at once. One tablespoonful of olive oil after each meal will increase the flesh. Miscellaneous. Turpentine mixed with stove polish prevents rust and gives a brighter gloss than the use of water. In packing white lace or white silk waists or gowns_ if you wish them to remain perfectly white, wrap in light blue cheese- cloth or tissue paper and place in a box. If you have no ice and want to cool hot water in a short time, put the water in an air-tight jar and place under cold running water. It will be ice cold in 20 minutes. A large case, similar to a pillow case, made of unbleached cot- ton, for mattresses that can be taken off and washed, saves much time in cleaning them. To make false hair puffs, switches and pompadours look like new, wash in gasoline and rinse in clean gasoline; hang in open air to dry. To dry lettuce quickly and make it crisp, washand place in a thin cloth and shake in the open air. 340 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. Use a clothespin instead of a stick, when stringing nastur- tiums or sweet peas. Save broken gas mantles. They make fine silver polish. If blankets are too short during the cold weather, sew a piece of canton flannel to one end for the "tuck in." To remove adhesive plaster, wet with alcohol. A mustard plaster mixed entirely with white of egg will neither scar nor blister. To color curtains ecru, buy a little yellow ochre. Pour boil- ing water on the ochre and mix in starch. Use kerosene in water to clean window glass and painted woodwork. Use a little ammonia or alcohol in the water to clean glass of pictures, etc. Place a thimble or the finger of an old glove on the end of the curtain rod when running it through a freshly starched curtain. To keep a broom firm, before using it soak in boiling hot water or soapsuds for Y2 hour. THE HOT BEDS AND COLD FRAMES OF A KITCHEN GARDEN. 341 CHAPTER XXVII THE HOTBEDS AND COLD FRAMES OF A KITCHEN GARDEN "Who loves the Garden loves the Greenhouse, too." — Cooper. The kitchen garden is the housewife's constant friend, so why not make an effort to begin early with a hotbed and a little later with a cold frame, thus securing the delicious young vegetables ahead of the markets and our neighbors, provided they are not as thrifty as we? Think of the pleasure of taking them some crisp heads of lettuce, some tender radishes, or some juicy rhubarb for their Christmas dinner. With the hotbed this is made quite pos- sible. The hotbed may be started about December first, and for the benefit of our friends who have had no experience in this mode of gardening, we will give a few dimensions and suggestions for mak- ing, culled from "The Garden Magazine." First, choose a spot having a southern exposure, well pro- tected from the north and west winds, and where the natural drainage is away from the bed. Dig out a space the size of frame so that when the frame is set up the interior space is four feet deep. Posts 2x4 set firmly in each corner and at intervals on each side serve as supports for the frame. The dimensions of a practical frame are 9 ft. 2 in x 5 ft. 6 in., 2 feet high in the rear and 18 inches high in front. Two strips across the top serve as rests for the sash, which in buying the com- mercial size (3x6), requires three. Now for the bed. The heating material is composed of fresh horse manure about 3 feet in depth. Drench well with water, then close frame for a few days in order to heat thoroughly. After this process the soil (which is equal parts of good sifted garden loam and well rotted manure) is thrown 342 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. in to the depth of 4 or 5 inches. The frame must be well protected on the outside from frosts and cold weather by banking with ma- nure and straw. The temperature during ordinary weather should be from 50 to 60 degrees, but in cold or stormy weather the glass should be covered with burlap, matting or straw. Should the temperature rise to 85 degrees or more, this must be regulated by raising the sash a little with small blocks of wood kept for that purpose. A general rule to follow is, open the sash on pleasant mornings about an hour after sunrise, and close 1 or 2 hours before sundown. On cold, stormy days it is best to let the bed alone. After planting seeds, sprinkle with luke warm water along the rows; keep moist, but not wet. Lettuce, radishes, onions, carrots, spinach, parsley, rhubarb and asparagus should be put in first and planted in succession in order to keep the table supplied. The cold frames are generally used later. Transplanting the plants from the hotbed, cabbage, cauliflower, tomatoes, melons, cucumbers, etc., are started ready for garden transplanting, or left in cold frames to mature, provided there is space enough. The cold frames are not made with as much heating material as the hotbed — a good rich loam will answer the purpose. An ex- cellent article on how to manage a cold frame is given in the March 1907 number of "The Garden Magazine," to which we refer any interested, as lack of space forbids more on this subject. Rhubarb can be forced any time after December 1st in the hotbed or warm cellar where the light and heat are good. The roots should be slightly frozen before taken up. Bring in and place on the cellar floor covered until thawed out; they are then ready for planting. If not planted in the hotbed, plant in good rich soil in boxes, using broken crocks or cinders for drainage, and cover the tops with about 3 or 4 inches of soil. Care must be taken not to water the leaves, yet keep the ground moist. The temper- ature required is only 50 or 60 degrees. With care, there might be a rhubarb pie for the New Year's dinner. March is the month to think of the outdoor garden, also plant- ing of seeds in the hotbed for this garden when all danger of frosts is over. Tomatoes, eggplants, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, pep- pers, even cucumbers and melons may thus be given an early start, which enables one to have many good vegetables before summer droughts deprive us of much, and cause us to think it was love's labor lost. THE HOTBEDS AND COLD FRAMES OF A KITCHEN GARDEN. 343 However, it is worth trying for the joy it brings in; the early season fully compensates us for later losses, when the rains will not descend to warrant plenty of vegetables for the winter. THE KITCHEN GARDEN. "Now 'tis the spring, and weeds are shallow-rooted; Suffer them now and they'll o'ergrow the garden, And choke the herbs for the want of husbandry." — Shakespeare. How eagerly we look forward to the first green stuff from the garden in the spring! While the radishes, onions, lettuce, spinach, etc., are still in the hotbeds safe from frosts, up comes the hardy rhubarb and asparagus in defiance of the hoary King. How hard it is to have 1,00.0 asparagus plants, and have to wait until the third year before you can cut all you want of it! Next comes the juicy onion sets, and the greens in quick succession, and berry time has arrived. That means a celebration, for the strawberries out of our own patch are always the sweetest we ever ate. Then comes the peas, and beans and tomatoes and golden August brings the sweet corn, when there are corn roasts and corn is dried for winter. September brings the melons! There's a wrenching of the heart and stomach if one has to be away in melon time! Then the grapes have to be eaten and canned and made into grape juice, jellies, etc. Now comes a hint of frost and everything is gathered into the big cellar and stored for future use. So in seed time and harvest, all through the cycle of the months we are continually reminded of the useful kitchen garden. Vegetables are divided into several different classes. Under pot herbs or greens comes: Asparagus, cabbage, cauli- flower, brussels sprouts, swiss chard, spinach, beet, kale, mustard, dandelions. The sweet herbs are: Summer and winter savory, thyme, sage, mint, parsley, tarragon, sweet marjoram. The salad plants are: Lettuce, radish, celery, water cress, pepper grass, curled cress, endive, dandelion, corn salad, chicory, cardoon, borage, garden sorrel, chives and mustard. 344 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. The seeds and fruits are: Peas, corn, cucumbers, egg plant, okra, musk melon, watermelon, pepper, pumpkin, squash and tomato. The vegetable roots which can be stored for winter are : Beets, carrots, celeraic, horseradish, Jerusalem artichokes, kohlrabi, pars- nips, potatoes, rutabagas, salsify, scolymus, scorzonera, white turnips, winter radish, leeks, onions and garlic. The garden would not be complete without: Strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, currants, gooseberries, and grapes. The flavor of kale is improved by freezing. Scorzonera much resembles salsify and the roots are prepared and eaten exactly the same way. Celeriac is a variety of celery that has edible roots instead of leaves. It is used for soups, stews and salads. The leaf of borage is used in any way in which cucumber is used as a flavoring, for the taste is identical. Endive, when well grown, must be tied up on a dry day, so the hearts will be blanched. When cutting sweet herbs for drying, the leaves must be picked just before blossoming time and when the sun is shining. Brussels sprouts should be started in the hotbed and set out later, for frosts often kill them before they have matured. They require 150 days. Sow corn salad out doors in September, cover lightly with lit- ter, and you will have a salad from the garden in March or before snow melts. Mustard is a welcome salad in late fall and can be raised from seed sown in August. Mustard for salad is ready in 10 days; for greens, about 30 days. Spraying with ice cold water and protecting from sun will nearly always save a slightly frozen plant. We are indebted to the Garden Magazine for our information. ip Make sure the name Eclipse IS ON THE GAS STOVE YOU USE You will always have "good luck" with the receipts given In this book If you cook them on an Eclipse Gas Stove. A Gas Range is a Coal Range with a college education. — Eclipse. Eclipse Gas Stove Company ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS. 345 ^ ^ ^ ^ From Soups t o Desserts all delicious and dalntili; served, but not complete without fine Naperp — the best of which is found at -^5?^ ^ese^ .es£:> A S H T N ' s — » State and Main Streets B U C K B L L'5 Always Headquarters for Beautiful Flowers at all Seasons Finest Quality, Low Prices, Prompt Service and Quick Delivery to any point in the United States or Europe. Write, Telephone or Wire Your Orders. H. W. BUCKBEE, Rockford, Illinois Forest City Greenhouses Rockford Seed Farms City Store: No. 220 S. Main St. Greenhouses: Kishw^aukee and Buckbee Streets. BOTH PHONES. Catalogue Free 346 TABLE ETIQUETTE AND MENUS. 34' CHAPTER XXVIII. TABLE ETIQUETTE AND MENUS 'The true essentials of a feast are only fun and feed." — Holmes. SETTING THE TABLE. In setting the table let this rule be followed first, last and all the time — have the table linen spotlessly white and of the finest quality that you can possibly afford to buy. The chief charm of any table lies in its neatness and daintiness. It is much better economy to buy firm, fine, thick table linen even if the cost is higher, than to buy the coarse, loosely woven, thin linens as the latter do not wear nearly as long. Always use a thick table pad of material which comes for this purpose (the thicker the better) under the tablecloth. This pad should extend 3 or 4 inches over the table all around as it thus prevents the tablecloth from wearing out where the edge of the table comes. This pad is called a "silencer" as it deadens the noise and makes a more refined table. It also protects a handsome polished wood table. Table linen should not be starched. For the family alone, have the table as spotless as for company. Generally it is only at meal time that the entire family is assembled together, and the refining influence of home can be taught in no surer or better way than by neatness and dainti- ness of table and cheerfulness and good manners at table. Leave all care, worry and anger outside of the dining room. This should be the happiest place in the home, as it is the most necessary. Be perfect in table deportment always. I would say to young parents that one of the most important lessons which they should teach their children is perfect table manners, and to require of them al- ways to be particular even when only the family is present, then when company comes there will be no fear that Johnnie will stick his fingers in the pickle dish or that Susie will take her pie up in her hand to eat. The handling of the knife and fork when using 348 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. and the proper placing of them on the plate when through, stamp the seal of early training and good breeding wherever it is seen. It is said that the Empress Eugenie of France was so punctilious about table etiquette that she never invited a gentleman a second time to dine who more than half unfolded his napkin or placed it other than over his left knee. Square, oblong or round tables are used, but the latter lend themselves better for effects in table decorations and show off a good dinner to the best advantage. A round table top of pine, hinged in the center so as to fold when not in use, is very conven- ient to place on the dining table to enlarge it. A top measuring 7 feet in diameter will seat 12 people, the rule being to allow 20 in- ches to a person. It is good form to use either a round or square tablecloth for a round table. The service plate, knives, forks, spoons, glasses and napkin for each guest constitute the Cover. The service plate should be the handsomest plate you have and should be 10 inches in diame- ter. It is placed on the table before dinner is announced, and is left on until the meat course. Although the dernier cri concern- ing this plate is that it be left on the table through the dinner until the dessert. It is good form to do either. On the right of the serv- ice plate place one, two or three knives as may be required for fish, meat and game, with the sharp edge toward the plate and in the order in which they will be used, beginning at the outside. At the right of the knives place the soup or bouillon spoon and at its right the small fork for oysters or canapes. The forks should be placed at the left of the service plate with the ice cream or dessert fork next to the plate, then the salad fork, game fork, large fork for the roast and the fish fork at the extreme left. Place spoons for sher- bet and coffee above the service plate. If a spoon is used for ice cream or dessert instead of a fork, place it above the plate. Above and at the right of the plate place the goblet for water and arrange wine glasses just beside and a little back of the goblet. If there is room^ place the napkin at the left of the forks with a roll, or thick piece of bread cut narrow and with the crust removed, between the folds. If there is not room, place it upon the service plate. Dinner cards containing the name of the guest should be laid upon the napkin. Individual dishes for salted nuts should be filled and placed above the forks at the left of the service plate. Dinner cards may be decorated in any dainty way to match the general scheme of decoration, but those most used at present are plain white cards with the monogram or crest of the hostess TABLE ETIQUETTE AND MENUS. 349 in gold at the top. Menu cards are seldom, if ever used, at private tables now. If one has pretty little dishes of silver or Venetian glass they may be filled with salted nuts, and candy or confections, generally tinted the color of the decorations and placed on the table. Butter plates are not used for dinners. Finger bowls are not used as much as formerly. When used, they should be put on a small plate on which has been placed a dainty doily. They should be half filled with water on top of which floats a geranium leaf or a sprig of lemon verbena as these leave a pleasant odor on the fingers. Never require two guests to use the same finger bowl. Extreme simplicity combined with artistic effect is the rule at present for table decorations except for special occasions when one can let their fancy run riot as it is understood by the guests that it is for the occasion only. The day of profuse use of ribbons has gone by. Flowers, ferns, fruits or softly shaded candles together with spark- hng glass, shining silver and snowy linen makes a beautiful, aesthetic picture. Flowers may cost more than their weight in gold if orchids are used, or they may be plucked in the woods or by the wayside and be equally beautiful and attractive. Thirty- six guests at a charming breakfast party were seated at round tables in three different rooms. One table was gorgeous where a center piece of bright pink roses formed the color note. Brilhant yellow daffodils adorned another table, but the third and by far the most beautiful table contained a large cut glass bowl filled with the roadside flower called "Queen's Lace Handkerchief," its dainty white blossoms beautiful as the cobweb affair which such a handkerchief is supposed to be, with maiden hair ferns noth- ing more exquisite can be imagined. It cost the hostess only a pleasant trip to the outskirts of town where she found plenty to be had for the picking. The beautiful field daisies grow wild nearly all summer. Placed in cut glass bowls and used with gold banded china they make most attractive table decoration. If one has a beautiful center-piece of lace or embroidered linen it may be placed on the tablecloth under the bowl, vase or basket containing the flowers, and table mirrors are also used. Floral decorations should be low when guests are to be seated, but high effects may be used when guests stand. Be careful and do not have the illumination too brilliant; softly shaded lights or candles are more becoming and in better taste. 350 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. Serving. When everything is ready the hostess very quietly announces the fact to those nearest to her and together they start towards the dining room, thus giving the signal for the others to follow. It is extremely bad form for the host to announce in stentorian tones to the assembled company that "dinner is served," as this should be done by the butler alone, and his place should not be usurped. In this country where few people keep a butler, this public announcement should be omitted. The seat of honor for ladies is at the right of the host and for gentlemen at the right of the hostess. When all have been seated the serving should proceed as quietly as possible, and no matter what may happen or what accident may occur, the hostess should never betray any nervous- ness, nothing is more distressing to guests than to see a hostess ill at ease and anxious. Plates, whether filled or empty, should al- ways be placed upon the table from the right side of each person and removed from the same side, but all platters or dishes to be served from, should be presented at the left side. The tray is not now used in passing and removing plates but instead, a squarely folded napkin is held by the waiter under the plate. The hostess should always be served first. Do not remove all of the plates at the end of a course before serving the following course, but in- stead, a plate for the next course should be exchanged for the one which has just been used, thus leaving a plate continually in front of each person. Remove and serve only one plate at a time, never pile plates upon each other. The crumb scraper is seldom used at for- mal dinners, but if necessary, it should be just before the dessert. The waitress should be gowned in black with stiff white collar and outside cuffs, a white apron with bretelles over the shoulder trim- med with lace or embroidery or simply hemstitched, and a little cap or bow of white muslin on the head. Unless a professional caterer is engaged the menu should be plainly written out by the hostess, together with a list of dishes to be used, and pinned up in the kitchen so as to avoid confusion or forgetfulness on the part of the cook. TABLE ETIQUETTE AND MENUS. 351 The Formal Dinner. The formal dinner party is the most ceremonial function which can be given. Some of the courses are arranged on the plates be- fore being brought to the dining room, other courses are artistic- ally arranged on platters, garnished and passed, the necessary forks and spoons for serving them lying on the top a little to one side. Oysters or clams should be served on the half shell for a for- mal dinner. If canapes are used they take the place of the oysters or clams and should be arranged on small plates before being brought to the table. The soup or bouillon is usually served in the soup plates or bouillon cups before being brought in, the soup tureen is not generally used for formal dinners. The fish, meat, game, salad and dessert may be served according to the desire of the hostess, either by having the plates filled and garnished in the kitchen or from a beautifully garnished platter at the table. The latter way is most popular as there is much attention paid to garn- ishings at present. Sherbet follows the meat course or is served with it. It is served in fancy glasses. It is quite customary to serve a vegetable salad with the game and only vegetable or fruit salads should be served at a dinner. The lighter and more simple the salad for a dinner, the better. Fruit should be arranged and passed in a fruit dish or comport. Cheese with Bar le Due cur- rants and wafers are appropriate at both dinners and luncheons. Nuts and raisins are not used as much as formerly at dinners. Coffee should be clear and strong, served in small cups from the kitchen or poured at the table by the hostess. The cup should be placed at the right hand of the guest and cream and sugar passed on a small tray at the left. Sauce dishes should not be used at formal dinners, all vegetables should be served dry and taken upon the plate. It is quite customary to serve the coffee in the drawing room after dinner, instead of serving it at the table, in which case it is brought in with the coffee service on a tray and poured from the coffee pot either by the hostess or maid. Salted nuts are eaten during the dinner and candy or confections passed after the last course. It is not fashionable now to have more than six or eight courses at the most formal dinners. The old days when twenty and even twenty-five courses were served, and the hospitality of the host was reckoned by the number of hours which he kept his guests at table, have gone, let us hope never to return. Dinners should be served expeditiously, but without seeming haste. Each course should be ready on time, a dragging dinner is tire- some. At the close of the dinner the signal is given by the hostess 352 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. pushing her chair back from the table, the others rise and follow her into the drawing room. Sometimes the gentlemen remain in the dining room to enjoy cigars or cigarettes, the ladies going alone to the drawing room, but if a host has a smoking room all leave the table together, the gentlemen then following the host for a smoke in his own territory. In serving wines, three different kinds are enough for the grandest occasions. Sherry or madeira with the soup or fish, champagne with the roast, claret or any red wine with the game. If one wishes wine with the dessert use port, burgundy or any fine wine. Very small glasses of liquors such as creme de menthe, apri- cot brandy or benedictine, are often served at the end of the din- ner after the coffee. If champagne alone is used, begin to serve it with the meat course. Unfermented grape juice is an excellent substitute for those whose conscientious scruples do not allow them to serve wine. No one need hesitate to give dinners without wine. Public sentiment has grown so strong on this question that it forbids criticism as to the propriety of omitting it. Dinners without wine are considered in as good or better taste, by many sensible people, than with it. TABLE ETIQUETTE AND MENUS. Dinner. 353 "All history attests That happiness for man, the hungry sinner, Since Eve ate apple, must depend on dinner." — Lord Byron. Formal Dinner I. FIRST COURSE. Blue Points on Half Shell Lemon Consomm^ SECOND COURSE. Fringed Celery Crackers Horseradish Puffed Paste Fingers THIRD COURSE. Baked Trout Egg Sauce Potato Balls Thin Bread and Butter Sandwiches Sliced Cucumbers with French Dressmg FOURTH COURSE. Fillet of Beef Spaghetti a la Ellery Roman Punch. Reed Birds on Toast Tomato Aspic Salad Wafers FIFTH COURSE. SIXTH COURSE. Mushroom Sauce Asparagus Loaf Tutti Frutti Mayonnaise Dressing Olives SEVENTH COURSE. Charlotte Russe Garnished with Red Maraschino Cherries EIGHTH COURSE. Cream Cheese Bar le Due Currants Coffee Salted Nuts served through the dinner Water Thins 354 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. Formal Dinner II. FIRST COURSE. Anchovy Canape SECOND COURSE. Chicken Tapioca Soup Croutons Radishes Celery THIRD COURSE, Baked Salmon with Creole Stuffing Potatoes, au gratin Rolled Bread and Butter Sandwiches FOURTH COURSE. Roast Lamb with Mint Sauce Glaced Sweet Potatoes Peas in'^Timbales Pineapple Ice FIFTH COURSE. Quail a la Maitre d' Hotel Currant Jelly SIXTH COURSE. Cauliflower Salad French Dressing Cheese Straws Olives SEVENTH COURSE. Peach Melba Fancy Cakes EIGHTH COURSE. Fruits Coffee Confections Salted Nuts served through the Dinner TABLE ETIQUETTE AND MENUS. 355 The Informal Dinner. "We'll have some half a dozen friends, And there an end." — Romeo and Juliet. The informal dinner is served much like the formal dinner, except there is more served at the table. The hostess often serves the soup from a soup tureen placed before her on the table. Fish or meat may be carved by the host. Vegetables need not be served dry, but if moist the dish containing them together with saucers may be placed upon a tray and passed to each guest to serve him- self. The hostess usually makes the salad at the table, but it is very attractive for the host to perform this duty provided he can make a good salad. The hostess serves the puddings and the host the pies, if they are served at the table. The informal dinner should really be en famille and should be served thus every day by the good housekeeper. Fewer people are invited at a time to the informal than to the formal dinner. ./ 356 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. Informal Dinner I. FIRST COURSE. Salpicon of Fruit SECOND COURSE. Oyster Cream Soup Toasted Bread and Butter Snndwiclies Celery THIRD COURSE. Crown Roast of Lamb, with Mashed Potatoes in Center Creamed Cucumbers Hot Rolls Currant Jelly FOURTH COURSE. Lettuce and Water Cress Salad, French Dressing Wafers Olives FIFTH COURSE. Lemon Pie with Meringue Top, Cheese Coffee Informal Dinner II. FIRST COURSE. Cream of Tomato Soup Bread Sticks Celery SECOND COURSE. Chicken en Casserole Potatoes on Half Shell Rice Ring with Mushrooms in Center Parker House Rolls Pickled Peaches THIRD COURSE. Fruit Salad served in Orange Skins, garnished with Nasturtiums Mayonnaise Dressing Ripe Olives Thin Bread and Butter Sandwiches with Cream Cheese FilHng FOURTH COURSE. Maple Parfait Angel Food Coffee TABLE ETIQUETTE AND MENUS. 357 Luncheon. Luncheon is served Uke dinner and a formal luncheon varies but slightly from a formal dinner. Oysters are served cocktail style,, canapes are used also in place of oysters as at dinner. Soup is often omitted and the meat course is not as heavy. Luncheons are usually for ladies only, and the fair sex is not supposed to en- joy the hearty food which the stern sex demands. The time of day also calls for lighter food than can be served at the dinner hour. If one has a handsome table, by all means let it be bare for luncheon, using doilies in place of a tablecloth. This gives the hostess a chance to display many treasures of her linen chest not otherwise seen. Doilies may be of costly lace, lace and hnen, embroidered linen or hand crochetted lace. The latter is very fashionable and if one is handy with her hook, a most beautiful set can be made with very little expense. A set of doilies should consist of one dozen plate doilies about 13 inches in diameter, one dozen 8 inches in diameter for cup and saucer, one dozen 5 inches in diameter for tumblers, a center-piece to match, two or four doilies about 15 inches in diameter to use under bon bon dishes and other dishes. If one has not a handsome table it is much better to use a fine damask cloth. Colored cloths with napkins to match are sometimes used at luncheons. Fruits are used more at luncheon than at din- ner. A salpicon of fruit or fruit soup is very nice for the first course instead of oysters or canape. Hot rolls are generally served with the meat or game course; they are buttered in the kitchen before sending to the table. Coffee is also served with this course. Great latitude is allowed as to the number of courses served at luncheon and a simple luncheon is quite as good, or better form, than a very elaborate meal. Many hostesses darken the dining room and use artificial light for luncheon parties, but this fashion is waning. 358 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. Luncheon I. FIRST COURSE. Strawberries with Hulls Powdered Sugar SECOND COURSE. Cream of Spinach Soup Puff Paste, Pretzel Shape Olives THIRD COURSE. Creamed Shrimps in Baked Green Peppers White Bread Sandwiches Cucumbers cut in halves lengthwise, scooped out, filled with Chop- ped Celery, Cucumber Slices, Raisins, with French Dressing FOURTH COURSE. Sweetbreads on Toast Baked Tomatoes Stuffed with Macaroni Glac6d Sweet Potatoes Hot Rolls • Coffee FIFTH COURSE. Peaches cut in halves and filled with Chopped Nuts. Mayonnaise Dressing over them and surrounded with Balls scooped out of Nutmeg Melons Bread Boxes filled with Cheese Souffle Crackers with Bar le Due SIXTH COURSE. Nesselrode Pudding frozen in large Melon Mold Fancy Cakes Salted Nuts and Confectionery TABLE ETIQUETTE AND MENUS. 359 Luncheon II. FIRST COURSE. Caviare Canap6 Fruit Soup SECOND COURSE. Athena Wafers THIRD COURSE. Sweetbread Croquettes Ribbon Sandwiches French Peas FOURTH COURSE. Jellied Chicken New Potatoes, Creamed Cauliflower with Hollandaise Sauce Hot Rolls Orange Marmalade Coffee FIFTH COURSE. Cucumber and Tomato Salad Wafers French Dressing Olives SIXTH COURSE. Rose Punch with Whipped Cream and Candied Rose Leaves Sponge Cake Patties Salted Nuts and Mint Paste Candy 360 THFJ MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK HOOK. Breakfasts. "Dinner may be pleasant; So may social tea; But yet, methinksthe breakfast Is best of all the three." — Anon. Breakfast parties make a pleasant variety in the way of enter- taining. The hour -for breakfast parties varies from 9 to 12 o'clock. In some cities they are given as late as 2 in the afternoon. An early hour is preferable as otherwise guests are obliged to retain their strength by eating first at home and then a fine breakfast would not be enjoyed. Eight or 9 o'clock is perhaps the best hour. Macauley, the historian, was very fond of breakfast parties and in praising their merits said, "Dinner parties are mere formalities, but you invite a man to breakfast because you want to see him." Four courses are usually enough for breakfasts. Fruit or melons, fish, a light meat or game course with two vegetables and accessories and lastly a dessert of shortcake, waffles or something appropriate to the meal. At breakfast parties the silver service for tea and coffee remains on the table all the time, otherwise the breakfast is served like dinner. Soup and salad should not be served at a breakfast. TABLE ETIQUETTE AND MENUS. .'i6 1 Breakfast I. FIRST COURSE. Muskmelon Baskets Filled with little Watermelon Balls Soaked in Sherry and Iced SECOND COURSE. Little Fried Smelts Garnished with Shrimps and Olives Thin White Bread and Butter Sandwiches THIRD COURSE. Fried Spring Chicken with Cream Gravy Mashed Potatoes, Riced Breakfast Puflfs Coffee FOURTH COURSE. Omelet with Green Peas FIFTH COURSE. Waffles with Maple Syrup Breakfast II. FIRST COURSE. Grape Fruit Shells filled with the Pulp, Cherries and Orange Pulp with Brandy Flavoring, Iced SECOND COURSE. Codfish Croquettes with Cream Sauce Thin Sliced Cucumbers and Radishes cut in Roses THIRD COURSE. Frenched Lamb Chops with Paper Frills Peas Union League Potatoes Feather Muffins Coffee FOURTH COURSE. Individual Strawberry Shortcakes with Whipped Cream 362 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. Gentlemen's Suppers. Gentlemen's suppers resemble ladies' luncheons in their ex- clusiveness as to sex. The food should be heavier. Gentlemen enjoy more hearty and less dainty food while ladies enjoy more dainty and less hearty. Fish, meat and game are all generally included in gentlemen's parties. Gentlemen's Ji'ish Supper. FIRST COURSE. Raw Oysters Served in a Block of Ice SECOND COURSE. Clam Bouillon Wafers THIRD COURSE. Planked Shad with Roe Dressing, Garnished with Smelts Potato Balls Fried Brown Brown Bread Sandwiches FOURTH COURSE. Lobster Cutlets, Hollandaise Sauce Sliced Tomatoes with French Dressing FIFTH COURSE. Broiled Chicken, Mushroom Sauce Spinach Sweet Potato Croquettes Hot Rolls Champagne Punch SIXTH COURSE. Salmon Salad Garnished with Shrimps Mayonnaise Dressing Toasted White Bread Sandwiches SEVENTH COURSE. Maraschino Bavarian Cream with Fresh Strawberries Fancy Cakes EIGHTH COURSE. Water Crackers Cheese Coffee TABLE ETIQUETTE AND MENUS. 363 Gentlemen's Game Dinner. "From this day forward I'll hate all breakfasts and depend on dinners." — Beaumont and Fletcher. MENU. FIRST COURSE. Oysters on the Half Shell Horseradish Lemon SECOND COURSE. Claret Consomme Toast Sticks THIRD COURSE. Terrapin a la Maryland Saratoga Chips FOURTH COURSE. Fillets of Teal Duck k la Pontchatrain, Served with Spinach FIFTH COURSE. Saddle of Venison with Currant Jelly Stuffed Potatoes Brussels Sprouts Cr^me de Menthe Ice SIXTH COURSE. Pigeons en Casserole with Asparagus on Toast SEVENTH COURSE. Grape Fruit Salad Water Thin Crackers Toasted Wafers EIGHTH COURSE. Coffee Roquefort 364 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. Receptions, Teas and Card Parties. For receptions and card parties only light refreshments should be served, but for wedding receptions and ball suppers three courses are not too many. At a reception in a large house, coffee or choco- late with a salad and sandwiches are often served in the dining room, and ices and small cakes in another room from a small table. This is an excellent plan in any house where a large company is invited as it relieves the pressure in the dining room. Five o'clock Tea is the most simple and inexpensive form of entertainment and it is also one of the most attractive. People who are not wealthy can in this way repay their social obligations most charmingly. An afternoon tea is not a meal, simply a de- licious cup of tea with small thin bread and butter sandwiches with or without a filling, small cakes or cookies and if one wishes, a few confections. Sometimes a glass of sherbet is served. The serving may be done in the dining room or the tea table may be placed in the parlor where the hostess receives her guests seated at the table and brews a good cup of tea while she chats with them. The English generally serve toasted muffins and marmalade with tea. "At Homes" and "High Teas" are the same as "FiveO'clocks." TABLE ETIQUETTE AND MENUS. 365 Menus for Card Parties. Chicken Salad with Mayonnaise Coflfee Grape Juice Sherbet Little Cakes Plain Sandwiches Olives Salted Almonds Oyster Patties Mixed Ice Cream II. Chocolate Pickles Thin Cookies Wedding and Ball Suppers. Chicken Croquettes Peas in Timbales Saratoga Potatoes Sweetbread Salad with Mayonnaise Cheese Sandwiches Coffee Ice Creams frozen in forms of Fruit or Flowers Cocoanut Balls Salted Almonds Olives Bon Bons For weddings the bride and groom's cakes should be sliced thin and one slice of eacli either tied together with white ribbon or packed in little boxes, should be given to each guest to be carried home II. Bouillon Waferettes Creamed Sweetbreads with Mushrooms in Cases Chicken in Aspic with Mayonnaise Lettuce Sandwiches Coffee Italian Cream, Claret Sauce Cakes Pistachio Nuts Opera Sticks 366 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK HOOK. Chafing Dish Menus. Lobster Newberg Chicken Salad Lemon Ice I. Venetian Egg Rulls Lettuce Sandwiches Olives Little Gold Cakes Chocolate 11. Chicken Terrapin English Monkey Nut Bread Potato Salad Chive Sandwiches Chocolate Canap4 Coffee Olives Frankfurt Sausages Cabbage Salad III. Creamed Potatoes Sardine Sandwiches Banbury Tarts Coffee Rye Bread Radishes Fireless Cooker. Boiled Potatoes Sliced Tomatoes Toasted Wafers DINNER. Iced Watermelon Lamb Stew Rice Pudding Coffee Buttered Onions French Dressing Edam Cheese TABLE ETIQUETTE AND MENUS. 367 Thanksgiving Dinner. Our National Birds — The American Eagle, the Thanksgiving Turkey. "May one give us peace in all our states — And the other a piece for all our plates." Have the table decorations in yellow, and carry out this color scheme as far as possible in the courses to be served. For center- piece take a large fine pumpkin that will stand flat on the bottom. Cut off the upper third, remove seeds and membrane. Stand a tall vase in the center of it and put yellow chrysanthemums in the vase, around it fill the pumpkin with fruit, oranges, apples and allow clusters of white grapes to fall over the edges. Place the pumpkin on a low silver tray and around it put 3 or 4 oranges with the skin cut part way down in quarters and turned back like rose leaves. Add also a few chrysanthemums with their own foli- age. This can be passed at the close of the meal for the fruit course. MENU. Little Neck Clams Oyster Cream Soup Wafers Celery Roast Young Turkey, Chestnut Stuffing, Giblet Sauce Mashed Potatoes, Squash, Creamed Onions- Cranberry Jelly Chicken Salad served in Orange Skins Olives Rolled Sandwiches tied with Yellow Baby Ribbon Mince Pie Pumpkin Pie Ginger Ice Cream Sunshine Cake Candied Orange Peel Fruit Mint Candies Crackers Cheese Coffee Champagne Cider Salted Nuts 368 THE MENDELSSOHN CLUB COOK BOOK. Christmas Dinner. The Christmas colors should be used, red and green. A large cut glass bowl filled with holly branches and^ glowing poinsetta blossoms is an attractive center-piece. The salad should be served in large red peppers. Select fine ones with stems, cut off top, re- move seeds, fill with the salad, replace top. The upright stem serves as a handle. MENU. Blue Points Claret Consomm6 Bread Sticks Tied with Red Ribbons Southern Chicken Pie Potato Puff Pickled Peaches Roast Goose with Raisin Dressing, Surrounded with Baked Red Apples with core hole filled with Currant Jelly Glace Sweet Potatoes New Beets, Italian Style Baked Tomato with Rice Sweetbread Salad served in Red Peppers Radishes cut like Roses Ripe Olives Lettuce Sandwiches Christmas Plum Pudding Wine Sauce made at table in Chafing Dish Charlotte Russe garnished with Preserved Strawberries Nivts Raisins , Stuffed Dates Cheese Crackers Coffee Picnic Supper. Fried Chicken Escalloped Potatoes with Grated Cheese on top Stuffed Eggs, au Gratin Sardine Sandwiches Cabbage Salad in Lemon Cups Olives Pineapple Tarts Honey Drop Cookies Coffee Hallowe'en Supper. Brown Bread Sandwiches Pumpkin Pie Doughnuts Champagne Cider Raisins Apples Nuts Coffee TABLE ETIQUETTE AND MENUS. 369 German Luncheon. Thin Slices of Rye Bread, some with Smoked Salmon on top, some with Cheese, some with Cold Meats and some with Frankfurt Sausages White Wine Soup Crackers and Cheese Timbales of Cold Meat and Tomato Sauce Macaroni a la Italian Potatoes Rocks Apple Sauce Coffee Children's Party. Sliced Cold Turkey or Chicken Saratoga Potatoes Peanut Sandwiches Sweet Sandwiches Ice Cream Frozen in Different Forms Little Frosted Cakes with Caraway Candies on top Cracker Jack Candy Lemonade ^=^<^ (/L-^ <1*^ - iJ