t^-', >^'^^"> Sec. 6. The provisions of the acts to whicli this, is supple- mentary as to the manner of making application for any improve- ments to be executed by said city, are hereby made to apply to the improvements specified in the foregoing sections. Sec. 7. After a street has been filled, curbed, macadamized, or paved, or filled, curbed and graveled^ it shall be lawful for the common council to provide for the payment of any subsequent improvement in whole or in part out ef the general fund. Sec. 8. When in any case it shall be deemed necessary by the board of public works to cause any sidewalk to be raised, lowered, repaired or relaid, or any private drain to be raised, lowered, repaired or cleaned, it shall be lawful for said board to require the owner of the premises in front of, adjacent to or upon which said improvement is to be made, to make the same forthwith, or within such reasonable time as the board of public works may prescribe, upon written notice to that effect ; or the board of public works may cause the work to be done and paid out of any moneys in the treasury at their disposal. Said board shall then report to the common council the amount of said expenditure, giving a descrip- tion of the lots or premises liable therefor, and the amount for which each is chargeable. The common council shall thereupon assess the said expenses, by an order, ordinance or resolution, upon such lots respej3tively, and the same may be collected by warrant and sale of the premises as in other cases. In like manner when the common council shall have ordered the construction, or reconstruction, or repair of any sidewalk, private drain, or gas or water service pipe, it shall be lawful for said board to cause the work to be done and paid for as above, or by an agreement with a contractor, payment to be made out of the special assessment to be levied for the same, and shall then report to the common council the cost and expense of said work, with all proceedings relative thereto, giving a description of the lots and premises to which said expense is chargeable, and the common council shall thereupon assess the said expenses upon such lots respectively, and the same may be collected by warrant and sale of the premises, as provided above. 14 CITY CHARTER. [CH. A suit may also be maintained against the owner of such premises for the recovery of such expenses, as for money paid and laid out for his use and at his request. The common council may also, by ordinance, impose such penalties upon the owners afore- said, for any neglect or refusal to comply with the aforesaid requirements, not exceeding twenty dollars for each day's neglect, as to the said common council shall seem most proper. All assessments authorized under this section shall be collected by said city, with damages at the rate of one percent, a month thereon for each and every month that any such assessment shall remain unpaid, thirty days after the time when public notice shall have been given by the city collector that the warrant for such assess- ment has been received by him for collection. . > Sec. 9. Section 11 of chapter IX of said act, approved February 13, 1863, is hereby so amended that in case of assessments made in accordance with the foregoing section, damages on any assessments which shall remain unpaid after the collector shall give public notice that he has received the warrant for its collection, shall begin to accrue at the rate of one per cent, a month thirty days after the date [of] such notice. Sec. 10. It shall be lawful for the common council, on the recommendation of the board of public works, under the provis- ions of section 38 of chapter VII of the said act, approved February 13, 1863, to levy a tax for the whole or any part of the expefise for an improvement of the character specified in said section. Sec. 11. Under the provisions of section thirty-four (34) of chapter V, of the act to which this is supplementary, approved February 13, 1863, the common council is hereby authorized, in the event that any improvement shall be ordered after the making of the annual appropriation, some portion of the expense of which shall be assessed by the commissioners of the board of public works on some lot or lots of land owned by said city, to appro- priate and borrow money for the payment of such assessments, as is provided for cases enumerated in said section. 2.] " BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS. 15 Sec. 12. For the purposes specified in chapter XV of the act approved February 13, 1863, of which this is amendatory and supplementary, the said city shall have power to borrow from time to time, a sum of money not exceeding one million of dollars, and to issue bonds therefor ; and all the provisions of said act, as to the issue, custody and sale of water loan bonds, and the custody and disbursement of the proceeds thereof, shall apply to the loan hereby authorized, except as herein otherwise provided. Sec. 13. If from any cause the city has, heretofore, or shall hereafter feiil to collect any tax on the general tax warrant of said city, in any year, or in case the receipt of the revenues of said city shall fall short of the amounts appropriated by the common coun- cil, it shall be lawful for the said council to authorize the mayor and comptroller to borrow a sufficient amount of money to meet any such deficiency, for any length of time not exceeding the close of the next municipal year, and to issue and negotiate bonds or certificates of indebtedness therefor, which said amounts shall be provided for in the annual appropriation bill of the municipal year next succeeding such loan. Sec. 14. Upon receiving an application for the making of any improvement of any street, lane or alley, the said board shall pro- ceed to investigate the same ; and if they shall determine that such improvement is necessary and proper, they shall report the same to the common council, accompanied with a statement of the ex- pense thereof, and a proper ordinance or order directing the work, and shall in such estimate specify how much of said expense, in their opinion, may be properly changeable to real estate especially benefited by such improvement, and how much thereof may be properly chargeable to and paid out of the general fund, or out of the proceeds of any general tax authorized to be levied by said city. Having reported on such application, and recommending that the improvement be made, or disapproving of the doing of it, as is provided for in the above mentioned act, the common council may then, in either case, order the doing of such work or the making of such public improvement, after having first obtained from said board an estimate 'of the expense thereof ; and shall in such order specify what amount of said estimated expense shall be 16 CITY CHARTER. [CH. assessed upon the property deemed especially benefited, and what amount shall be chargeable to and be paid in of the proceeds of the general fund or out of the proceeds of any general tax author- ized to be levied by said city. Sec. 15. No alderman shall, during his continuance in office, receive any compeiisation for his services, or be appointed to or competent to hold any office, the emoluments of which are paid from the city treasury, or paid by fees, in pursuance of any act or ordinance of the common council, and no member of the common council, or other city officer, shall be directly or indirectly inter- ested in any contract, the expense or consideration of which is to be paid under any ordinance or resolution of the common council. Sec. 16. The power of assessment conferred by section 1 of the act amendatory of the revised charter of said city, approved February 16, 1865, is hereby extended to and made to include the laying or relaying of any gas or water service pipe, to be paid for wholly or in part by special assessment, and the doing of which is within the authority and discretion of the municipal government of said city, and the commissioners of the board of public works shall ;assess the amount directed by the common council to be assessed for any such improvement, with the costs of the proceedings -therein, upon the real estate by them deemed specially benefited by such improvement, in proportion, as nearly as may be, to the benefit resulting thereto. Sfic. 17. In case it shall hereafter be determined by judicial •decision that any of the improvements authorized by law, or by ihis act, to be done or made by the city, cannot be paid for in whole or in part by special assessment for benefit, then it shall be lawful for the common council, and they are hereby authorized to levy and collect taxes for such purposes on all the property assessed in said city for taxation for general revenue purposes. 3.] BOARD OF POLICE. l7 CHAPTER III. BOARD OF POLICE. Section 1. The board of police, in their annual estimate of police expenses, made to the city comptroller, shall, if in their judgment the public weal rcquires it^ recommend to the common council such additional police patrolmen, and also such additional sergeants, not exceeding twenty, as may be necessary. Sec. 2, The common council may, on sucb recommendation of said board, provide by ordinance for such increase of the patrol force; Provided^ however^ it shall require three-fourths of all the aldermen elected to pass such ordinance, such vote to be taken by ayes and noes, and entered on the records of the council. Sec. 3. The board of police commissioners shall devote their entire time, if requisite, to the duties of their office, and shall receive an annual salary of not less than twenty-five hundred dollars, to be fixed by the common council. The superintendent of police shall receive an annual salary of not less than three thou- sand dollars. The deputy superintendent shall receive an annual salary of not less than twentj^-five hundred dollars. Each captain of police shall receive an annual salary of not less than fifteen, hundred dollars per annum. Each sergeant and policeman detailed! as detectives shall receive an annual salary of not less than twelve hundred dollars. Each patrolman shall receive an annual salary of not less than eight hundred dollars nor more than one thousand dollars, the amount to be fixed by the board of police commis- sioners, with the concurrence of the common eouncil. Said salaries so to be fixed, shall not be in any wise increased or diminished during the municipal year. Sec. 4. The board of police commissioners may employ neces- sary clerks, and fix their annual salary, to. be paid out of the police- fund. ~ Sec. 0. It shall be lawful for the person designated by the- board as the custodian or depositary of stolen property, to sell the 2 18 CITY CHARTER. [CH. same, after due notice, at public auction, under and pursuant to •sucli general orders and regulations as th^ board of police shall prescribe. The proceeds of such sales, after deducting the cost of storage, advertising, selling, and, in cases of animals, their keeping, shall be paid over to the president of said board, to be bj him paid into the city treasury, to the credit of the police life and health insurance fund, as already provided by law. '' Sec. 6. It shall be unlawful for any person other than a police ■officer or patrolman to wear a star, or other similar device like that of a policeman, under penalty of not less than twenty-five dollars nor exceeding one hundred dollars. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Sec. 7. The fire marshal, the assistant fire marshals, the mem- bers of the board of police, and such members of the fire depart- ment as the board of police may designate and appoint, shall be fire wardens, and shall have .and exercise all the rights and powers, and shall perform all the duties now conferred, exercised, imposed or required by law of fire waJ-dens. The fire wardens are hereby authorized to enter upon and inspect any building, place or places, for the purpose of ascertaining whether the same is or are in a safe condition, and, if not, to direct or cause the same to be made so. Sec. S. The common council may, in the annual appropriation bill, by £L vote of two-thirds of all the aldermen authorized to be elected, to be taken by ayes and noes, and entered upon the records of the council, on the recommendation of the board of police, fix tlie salaries of the members of the fire department at not exceed- ing the following sums respectively per annum : fire marshal, three thousand dollars ($3,000) ; first assistant fire marshal, one thousand eight hundred dollars ($1,800) ; second assistant iire mar- shal, one thousand six hundred dollars ($1,600) ; third assistant ,fire marshal, extra powers of, in case of pestilence, etc., . . 23, 24 common council may order borrowingof money in case of pestilence,etc, 24 violations of health ordinance, how punished, . . '24 acts and parts of acts, repealed or continued in force, . . 24 council to direct board of health to let scavengering, . . 26 BOARD OF POLICE to recommend additional patrolmen, . .17 to recommend additional sergeants, .... 17 to devote entire time, if requisite, to duties, . . .17 salaries of board of police, officers, etc., . ' . . 17 INDEX 43 BOARD OF TOJACE — continued. may employ clerks, . . . . . .11 custodian may dispose of stolen property, . . . 17, 18 proceeds, how disposed of, . . . . .18 not lawful for others than officers and patrolmen to wear stars, etc., 18 to regulate construction of chimneys, . . . .19 to regulate boilers, stoves, etc., .... 19 to regulate deposit of ashes, . . . . .19 to regulai e the carrying on of manufactories, ... 19 to regulate the sale or use of fireworks, . . . .19 to demolish dangerous buildings, etc., ... 19 to establish grades in office of assistant fire marshals, . . 19 repairs of fire engines, powers of board of police in relation to, 19 repairs of fire apparatus, powers of board of police in relation to, . 19 repairs of fire alarm telegraph, powers of board of police in relation to, 19 origin of fires, board of police to inquire into, . . .19 ; common council to appoint additional police commissioner on recom- mendation of board of underwriters, . . .20 duties of such commissioner, ... 20 term of office of, . . . . .20 (•: • shall take oath and execute bond, . . . 20 salary of, how fixed, . . . . .20 salary of, by whom to be paid, . . .20 when such commissioner considered qualified, . 20, 21 vacancies in board of poHce, how tilled, . .■ . 21 board of police, annual report of, . . . .21 to appoint sanitary squad, .... 23 BOARD OF PUBLIC "WORKS, commissioners of, when and how appointed, 11 term of office, . '. . . . • H salaries of, . . . . . . .12 additional powers of, . . . . 12, 13, 14, 16 Duties of, as to dock lines, . . . . .12 as to sidewalks, . . . . . 12, 13 in default of contractors, . . . . .12 as to gas or water service pipes, . . 12, 13, 16 as to improvements of streets, . . . 13, 15 as to general improvements, . as to permits, . as to contracts, as to liability for damages in relation to, as to requiring bonds, as to estimates for benefits, as to paying for public works out of general fund, as to public sewers, . - . as to special assessments, suit may be maintained against owner of premises, duties of, as to damages on unpaid assessments, duties of, as to levying a tax for certain improvements, council to direct board of public works to let street cleaning, etc., land surveyors appointed by board of public works, powers of, . an act in relation to board of public works, duties of, as to special assessments, duties of, as to improvements ordered after making of annual appropri- ation, .... BONDS. Assessors to file, .... assessors' bonds to be approved by mayor, commissioner of taxes to file bonds, tax commissioner's bond to be approved by mayor, non-resident owners to give bonds in case of release, such bonds to be approved by mayor, 31 . 29 30 . 30 29, 30 . 16 13 . 12 13 . 14 14 14, 16 . 26 32 . 36 37, 38 38 4 4 3 3 30 44 INDEX BRIDEWELL. As to bridewell grounds, as to purchase of other grounds for, as to payment for same, as to rules for governing same, as to wardens, etc., furnishing report to council, . BUILDIN&S. As to construction of, BY-LAWS. May be read in evidence, without proof of passage or publication, publication only prima facie evidence of passage, . CEMETERIES. As to intermeuts, as to vacation of, . as to extinguishing titles of lot owners, CITY CLERK to seal and countersign tax warrants, to have power to appoint deputies, subject to approval of council, deputies to be confirmed by council, deputies, powers of, . deputies, liabilities and penalties of, to engross ordiuances and orders, except in certain cases, salary of, . to record orders and ordinances in proper books, transcripts of such books to be evidence, CITY HALL. As to purchasing ground for erection of, as to levying taxes therefor, COLLECTOR. Tax warrants to be directed to, tax lists, with warrants, to be delivered to, COMMISSIONER OF TAXES. When and how appointed, qualifications of, . . . to take oath of office, to file bond, . . . . • bond to be approved by mayor, salary to be fixed in appropriation bill, to divide city into assessment districts, assessment districts to be approved by common council, districting to be subject to modification or alteration only on a vote of three-fourths of the aldermen elected, to keep suitable records and books, . to have power to appoint clerks, number of clerks to be limited by council, salaries of clerks to be fixed by council, . duties of clerks, .... commissioner of taxes and assessors to constitute board of assessors commissioner to be ex officio president of board of assessors, authorized to administer oaths, .... assessors, under direction and supervision of commissioner of taxes, to value real and personal estate yearly, to furnish schedules to assessors, to take assessment 'ist or collector's list of previous year as a guide, appraisal to be filed in office of commissioner of taxes on or before 1st Monday in August, ..... unless time extended by council, assessment, when completed, to be filed in office of commissioner of taxes, . . . . ~. . to give notice of time and place of hearing objections, board of assessors to meet and revise assessments, board of assessors to have power to make corrections, etc., . board of assessors to continue in session twenty days, I N DE X. 45 COMMISSIONER OF 1 AXES — coTdinued. after whicli, no change to be made nor assessment refunded, . . 1 a majority of board to be a quorum, . . . . t on completion of revision, commissioner of taxes to enter complete list of taxable real estate in proper books, ,. . .7 also, list of taxable personal estate, .... 7 such books to constitute the tax lists, . . , .7 commissioner to add up said books, .... 1 and enter aggregate amount on last ^age, . . .1 tax lists to be signed by assessors and commissioner of taxes, . 8 and be left in custody of commissioner of taxes, . . .8 they shall constitute the only record, ... 8 tax commissioner to estimate amount of the several taxes levied by council and compute them as one tax, . . .8 when tax lists completed, to attach warrants thereto, . . 8 warrants, by whom signed, . . . . .8 warrants, to liave corporate seal, etc. , . . . 8 warrants, to be directed to comptroller, etc., . . .8 nature of warrants, . . . . . 8 in case of commencing merchandising after April 1st, party to make out sworn statement of probable average value, . . 9 such statement to be delivered to commissioner of taxes, • . 9 and proportionate amount paid to collector, . . . 9, 10 similar provisions in relation to corporations, . . .10 in case of neglect of person, firm or corporation to comply, assessors to assess, and add ten per cent., . . . .10 in case of omissions to assess property, arrearages to be charged, and six per cent, interest, . . . . .10 COMMON COUNCIL. Division of city into assessment districts to be ap- proved by, . . . . . . 3, 4 districting subject to modification or alteration only on a three-fourths vote of all aldermen elected, . . . .4 number of clerks in office of commissioner of taxes to be limited by council, ...... 4 salaries of clerks to be fixed by council, . . . .4 to appoint one assessor for each division, ... 4 may provide other and further penalties than those provided by law, in case of refusal or neglect to list property, ... 6 on completion of tax list shall, by ordinance or resolution, levy taxes, . 8 tax commissioner to estimate the several taxes levied, computing them as one tax, etc., ..... 8 to have power to modify chap. 1, so as to perfect assessments, . 9 provided it be done only at a regular meeting, . ,' . . 9 and after due publication, . . . . .9 and only by a two-thirds vote of all aldermen elected, . . 9 if vetoed by mayor, then to require three-fourths of all aldermen elected to pass over veto, . . . . .9 to make assessments for improvements, . . . 13 to provide for payment for certain improvements from general fund, . 13 may levy a tax for certain improvements, . . .14 may impose penalties for refusal to comply with requirements as to im- provements, . . . . . .14 in case of improvement being ordered after passage of appropriation bill, how to proceed, . . . . • . 14, 38 have power to borrow money and issue water loan bonds, . . 15 authorized to borrow monej' in certain ca-es, . . .15 on recommendation may increase patrol force, . . .11 but only on a three-fourths vote, . . . .17 salaries of board of police, etc., to be concurred in by, . .17 salaries of fire department, etc., to be concurred in by, . . 18 46 INDEX COMMON GOXJ'S GIL — continued. on recommendation of board of underwriters, to appoint additional com- missioner of board of police, . . . .20 board of health to make annual statement of expenditures, etc., to, 22 may levy tax to pay expenses of, . . . . .23 may order money to be borrowed for use of health department in case of pestilence, etc., . . . . ' . 24 Powers of, as to amendments, . . . . ' . 24 as to vacation of cemeteries, . . . .25 as to extinguishing of titles in, . . . .25 as to purchasing grounds for, and erecting city hall, . 25 ' as to lexying taxes therefor, . . . i . 25 as to inspection of boilers, . . , .25 as to appropriation for 4th of July, etc., . . .25 as to time and speed of vessels at bridges, , . 25 as to construction of buildings, etc., . . .25 as to seizure of tainted provisions, . . .25 as to use of streets by horse railways, . . 25, 26 as to storage of gunpowder, etc., . . .26 as to halls, churches, etc., . . . .26 as to steam whistles, . . , .26 as to borrowing money for sewerage purposes, . . 26 as to bridewell grounds, . . . .21 as to purcliase of other grounds for, . . .27 as to payment for same, . . . • . 27 as to rules for governing same, . . . .27 as to warden, etc., of same furnishing report, . . 27 as to pounds and pound-lceepers, . . . .27 as to steam dummies on street railways, . . 27 as to rates of fare on street railways, . . 27, 28 as to speed, etc., . . ... 28 as to slaughtering animals, . . . .28 as to settlements in relation to changes of dock lines, . 28 as to ordaining laws, etc., . . . .28 as to piling lumber, . . . . .28 as to approving appointment of city clerk's deputies, . 31 as to confirming city clerk's deputies, . . .31 as to schools, . . . . .33, 34, 35 as to dock lines, ..... 36 as to gas lamps and gas pipes, v . . .36 as to water-pipes, . . . . .36 as to general improvements, . . . .37 to direct the board of public works to let street cleaning, . 26 to direct the board of health to let scavengering, . . .26 to regulate or prohibit wearing of fire or other arms, . . 27 ordinances and orders to be engrossed, except in certain cases, . 31 salary of clerk to be fixed by, . . . . .31 orders and ordinances to be recorded in proper books, . . 31 and transcripts therefrom to be evidence, . . . .31 ordinances may be read in evidence, . . . .31 resolutions may be read in evidence, . . . .31 orders may be read in evidence, . . . .31 by-laws may be read in evidence, . . . .31 without proof of passage or publication of such ordinances, orders or resolutions, ...... 32 publication to be only prma /ac2e evidence of passage of, . . 32 COMPTROLLER to sign tax warrants, . . . .8 to deliver tax lists and warrants to collector, ... 8 board of health to make annual statement of expenses to, . . 23 , to draw warrants on treasury to defray same, . . . 23 INDEX 47 CONTRACTS. Aldermen not to be parties to, . officers not to be parties to, DAMAGES, for injuries caused by defective sidewalks, . for injuries caused by obstructions on sidewalks, as to judgments therefor, in case of non-resident owners, release may be had on filing bonds, etc., . bonds to be approved by mayor, as to liability for damages in relation to contracts, . for injuries from carelessness, etc., of contractors, DOCK LINES. As to settlements in relation to changes of, as to establishing and changing, ENG-ROSSING-. Ordinances and orders to be engrossed, . except in certain cases, FIRE DEPARTMENT. Fire marshal and assistants, how appointed, fire wardens, who shall exercise duties of, fire wardens, powers conferred on, salaries of members of fire department, how fixed, salaries to be Avithin certain limits, • board of police authorized to establish grades in office of assistant marshal, ..... deputy assistant fire marshals, their duties, repairs of engines, powers of board of police in relation to, repairs of fire apparatus, powers of board of police in relation to, repairs of fire alarm telegraph, powers of board of police in relation origin of fires, board of police to inquire into, additional commissioner of board of police, how appointed, duties salary of, etc., .... G-AS LIGHTS. Council to order erection of gas lamps, . • . .36 council to order laying of gas pipes, . . . .36 GUNPOWDER, Etc. As to storage of, . . . .26 HALTiS, CHURCHES, Etc. As to means of egress from, . . 26 LAND SURVEYORS, appointed by board of public works, powers of, . 32 LOANS. Council to have power to issue water loan bonds, . . 15 council author zed to borrow money in certain cases, . 14, 15 council to borrow money for sewerage purpose, . . . 26 MAYOR to appoint commissioner of taxes, to approve bond of commissioner of taxes, , to approve bonds of assessors, . to sign tax warrants, . in case of veto of amendments to or modification of chap. 1 as to assess ments, a three-fourths vote to be required to pass over veto, to appoint commissioners of the board of public works, to be member of board of health, bonds of non-resident owners to be approved by, . OATHS. Assessors :to take, .... assessors authorized to administer, commissioner of taxes to take, commissioner of taxes authorized to administer, OFFICERS, not to be parties to contracts with city, ORDERS to be engrossed c:?eept in certain cases, to be recorded in proper books, originals and transcripts may be read in evidence, without proof of passage or publication, publication only prima facie evidence of publication, . 16 16 . 29 29 29, 30 29, 3(1 . 30 30 . 30 31 . 28 36 . 31 31 . 18 18 , 18 18 18, 19 fire 19 . 19 19 . 19 to, 19 . 19 of, 20, 21 9 11 21 30 4 4 3 4 16 31 31 31 32 32 48 INDEX ORDINANCES to be engrossed except in certain cases, to be recorded in proper books, .... originals and transcripts may be read in evidence, without proof of passage or publication, publication only prima facie evidence of passage, PERJURY. Persons guilty of false swearing, etc., in relation to chap, one, deemed guilty of perjury, . . . and punished accordingly, . . . . , POUNDS AND POUND-KEEPERS. As to establishing and appointing, PRINTING-. Proceedings, notices and ordinances to be published in German newspaper, ..... and in corporation newspaper, . . . . . PROVISIONS, Etc. As to tainted provisions, etc., PUBLIC PARKS. Land to be added to Lincoln Park, . . . how to be acquired, ..... REFORM SCHOOL. Warrants for commitment, how made out, etc., parents and guardians, privileges of, in relation to, commissioner, powers of, in whom vested, who are subjects for commitment, . . conditions of commitment, . . . . fees connected with commitment, .... RESOLUTIONS may be read in evidence, without proof of passage or publication, publication only prima facie evidence of passage, . SALARIES. Of commissioner of taxes to be fixed in appropriation bill, of iissessors to be fixed in appropriation bill, of clerks in office of commissioner of taxes to be fixed by council, of board of police to be concurred in by council, . of fire department to be concurred in by council, of board of health, how fixed, of fire department, how fixed, of city clerk, how fixed, of superintendent of schools, how fixed, SCHOOLS. As to erection, purchase, hire and repair of. as to buying and leasing sites, as to furnishing. as to establishing, supporting and maintaining, as to division of city into school districts, as to tax for school purposes, as to salary of superintendent, as to issue of school bonds, as to collegiate degrees, as to clerk of board of education, as to evening schools, SLAUGHTERING. As to slaughtering animals, steam' BOILERS, Etc. As to inspection of, STEAM WHISTLES. As to the blowing of, STREET RAILWAYS. As to use of streets by, as to use of dummies thereon, as to rates of fare on dummies, as to speed of dummies, VACANCIES. How filled, VESSELS. As to time and speed of, at bridges, VETOES. How controlled, WATER SUPPLIES. Council to cause laying of water pipes, 31 SI 31 32 32 27 33 . 33 25 . 33 33 . 39 39 39, 40 40 . 40 40* . 31 32 . 32 3 3 4 . 17 18 . 22 18, 19 . 31 34 . 33 33 . 33 34 . 34 34 . 34 34, 35 . 35 35 . 35 28 . 25 26 25, 26 27 27; 28 28 32, 33 25 9 36 iS^ 4^ ;- ■' -=^^ ^. 1^ K i^k S'\ ' //''■' J *= -''• ■^1^ ^4 ^f!^^ ^'r • vlr /^rt^ r^ ^j'/^l if^/t ^Mt O \^^» llr ' JtV^>\ fli /^^ s PSi wf M Vv^l^ l/K^ SSklfjW cmk ^SS ra iHp |0 '^^ S ^E fl m vv^ir^ ^ 9m 1^^ 5^ ^^^ ^^ P 3K' |S ^P Iieo«»ntly "Publislied.. Lj^^VS ^1VI> OIM3IIVA1VCES GOVEEKING THE CITY OF CHICAGO, J'amiary 1st, 1866, With an Appendix, coctaining the Former Legislation relating to the City, and notes of Decisions of the Supreme Court ol Illinois relating to Corporations. Printed and published by authority of the Common Council of the City. COMPILED AND AKRANOED BY One of the Judges of the Superior Court of Chicago. Complete in 1 Volume, 8vo., S'J'.SO. E. B. MYERS & CHANDLER, I*riblisliers, 87 Washington Street. »