973.7163 BOi ■ m Oldroyd, Osborn H. The Cystic Number Seven in the life of Abraham Li ncol n. LINCOLN ROOM UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY MEMORIAL the Class of 1901 founded by HARLAN HOYT HORNER and HENRIETTA CALHOUN HORNER *< THE MYSTIC NUMBER IN THE LIFE OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://www.archive.org/details/mysticnumberseveOOoldr The Mystic Number Seven IN THE LIFE OF Abraham Lincoln 7 7 BY OSBORN H. OLDROYD "The sweet remembrance of the just, Will flourish when he sleeps in dust." WASHINGTON, D. C. 1930 Copyright 1930 By O. H. Oldroyd. ^»v FOREWORD FOR more than sixty years I have been studying the life and character of Abraham Lincoln. I have not sought to delve into any mysticisms or sup- erstitions, nor to attribute any supernatural causes con- tributing to the formation of his remarkable career. He was intensely human and possessed a kind and for- giving nature that should never be called in question. It was like unto the following: "Then Peter came to him and said, Lord how oft shall my brother sin against me and I forgive him — 'till seven times?" Jesus saith unto him, "I say not unto thee until seven times, but until seventy times seven." I believe the answer which Jesus made, to have been the ruling spirit of Mr. Lincoln to- wards his fellow beings, friends and enemies — for he said, "With malice towards none, with charity for all." I confess to surprise and even amazement at the fre- quent mention of periods of seven (7) and its multiples, which are too often, to be considered as coincidences, appearing in his life; and it is owing to this fact, that I jotted down from time to time, and year to year, the data contained in this booklet. A volume could be filled with the multiples of 7 incidents, which occurred in the busy and eventful life of the immortal Lincoln. Osborn H. Oldroyd. THE NUMBER SEVEN- (7) Concerning the Creation of the world, the Bible says: "And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made, and He rested on the seventh (7) day from all his work which he had made." Gen. 2:2. Seven has always been a holy number, and that is why it is regarded as a lucky number. All the Jewish rites were accommodated to the number 7. Every 7th year was sabbatical for the Jews. The three great feasts of the Jews each lasted 7 days, and 7 weeks elapsed be- tween the first and second. There are seven divisions of the Lord's prayer. There are seven (7) commandments respecting man, and the church formed various septen- aries. The Brahmans and Egyptians used the number 7; the Greek fathers extolled its power and efficacy, and the Latin apply it to superstitious purposes. Archbishop Peckham's Constitutions, made at Lam- beth, A. D., 1281, states, the Most High hath created a medicine for the body of man, reposited in 7 vessels, that is, the 7 sacraments of the church. There are 7 articles of faith belonging to the mystery of the Trinity; and 7 articles belonging to Christ's humanity. The Irish entertain a similar veneration for the num- ber 7; the 7 churches at Glendaloch, and the 7 altars of Clonf ort and Holy Cross. The book of Revelations in the Bible, from the first to the fifteenth chapters, reveals the use of the number 7 as follows: There were 7 lamps of fire burning before the throne. The back of the book was sealed with 7 seals. Stood a lamb having 7 horns and 7 eyes. Seven (7) thunders uttered their voices. A beast rose out of the sea having 7 heads. I saw 7 angels having the 7 last plagues. The 7 Deadly Sins, are pride, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony, avarice and sloth. The 7 Virtues — faith, hope, charity, prudence, justice, fortitude and temperance. There are 7 books or bibles of the world, the Bible of the Christians; The Eddas of the Scandinavians; the Five Kings of the Chinese; The Koran of the Moham- medans; the Tri Pitikes of the Buddhists; The Vedas of the Hindus; and the Zandavesta of the Persians. The 7 churches of Asia, were . located at Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea. Seven (7) angels stand before the throne of God, — Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Zachariel, Ansel and Oriphel. The Deity is endowed with 7 spirits: the Spirit of Wisdom, the Spirit of Understanding, the Spirit of Counsel, the Spirit of Power, the Spirit of Righteousness, the Spirit of Knowledge, and the Spirit of Divine Awfulness. In the life of the Virgin Mary, there were 7 joys and 7 sorrows. The 7 Joys were, the Annunciation, the Visitation, the Nativity, the Adoration of the Magi, the presentation in the temple and finding of Christ among the doctors, and the Assumption. ABRAHAM LINCOLN AND THE NUMBER SEVEN His christian name and surname, have 7 letters each. His son Robert T. Lincoln's name has 14 letters, two 7s. Another son William Wallace Lincoln's name has 7 7 7 21 letters, three 7s. Lincoln lived in Kentucky and New Salem, in each 7 years. His grandfather was killed by an Indian when Presi- dent Lincoln was 7 years old. The law firm of Lincoln & Herndon, both names have 7 letters. Lincoln was a private and captain in the Black Hawk War, both ranks have 7 letters. He bought his first home, when thirty-five years old — five periods of human life of 7 years each. His first Debate with Douglas August 21 — three periods of 7 days each. Stephan A. Douglas, christian and surname each have 7 letters. Douglas propounded 7 questions to Lincoln in joint debate. Lincoln answered the 7 questions with- out hesitation. He was sworn into the House of Representatives, December 7, 1847. Lincoln was opposed to "slavery," word of 7 letters. He was elected to Congress in 1846, being the only Whig out of the 7 representatives sent by Illinois to the National Legislature. He was defeated in 7 elections: 1. Legislature of Illinois 2. Commissioner of the Land Office 3. For Member of Congress 4. For United States Senator, (twice) 5. For Governor of Oregon 6. For Vice President of U. S. Abraham Lincoln was elected by the people 7 times. Legislature of Illinois, 1834-36-38-40 4 Congress 1 For President 2 7 He had 7 different offices in Springfield, Hoffman's Row; Opposite Hoffmans Row, 120 N. 5th St.; No. 115 West Side of square; rear of State National Bank; over Farmers National Bank; west side of square over Riordon's clothing store and State House during the campaign of 1860. There were 7 votes cast against him in his own pre- cinct at New Salem in 1832. He was appointed Postmaster 7th day of May, 1836. 8 He voted in Congress for the Wilmot Provisos 42 times, (6 times 7.) He was in his 21st year when he left "Indiana." (7 letters). He was a "County Surveyor" 14 letters, (two 7s). He was Berry's "Grocery partner" each name having 7 letters. He was a clerk in the "Offut Flour Mill" 14 letters, (two 7s). He was appointed to the "Postmastership" 14 letters, (two 7s) of New Salem. His first love went out to "Miss Ann Rutledg" 14 letters, (two 7s). His step "Brother Johnson" accompanied him to New Orleans, on a flat boat, 14 letters (two 7s). He was a lover of his "Country" (7 letters) and was willing to die for it. Willie Lincoln, died in Chicago, February 1862. His son Thomas Tad, died at the "Clifton" (7 letters) House, Chicago, July 15 1871. He had three law firms, "Lincoln (7 letters) and Herndon" (7 letters), Stuarts (7 letters), and Stephen T. Logans, 14 letters, (two 7s). Abraham Lincoln issued his "Proclamation of Free- dom" 21 letters, (three 7s), "January 1st, 1863," 14 letters, (two 7s). He was one of the most prominent "lawyers" 7 letters on the "Circuit" 7 letters in "Illinois," 7 letters. Delegates from the 7 seceded States met at Montgom- ery, Ala. in February 1861 and elected "Jefferson Davis" 14 letters, (two 7s) President of the Southern Confed- eracy. Abraham Lincoln was elected President of the United States in November, 1860. Seven (7) States, South Carolina, Georgia, Mississippi, Florida Alabama, Louis- iana and Texas, seceded from the Union before he was inaugurated. He traveled through 7 States on his way to Washington. He made his headquarters at "Willard" (7 letters) hotel, 7 years after his debates with Douglas. He was assasinated April 14, 1865 (two 7s) and his remains left Washington April 21, (three 7s). Mrs. Lincoln died at the house of Marian W. Edwards July 19, 1882, 14 letters (two 7s). Robert Lincoln, died in 1926. SUPERSTITION OR COINCIDENCE There are many good people who believe in super- stitions, and others who do not, but attribute all un- accountable or unusual happenings to coincidence. The person who harbors a dread of the supernatural or has a fear of the unknown or mysterious, or indulges an ignorant or irrational worship of the Supreme Deity, or who practices excessive exactness or rigor in religious opinions or worships a false god, false religion or a rite or practice arising from such worship, or who believes in the direct agency of superior powers in certain ex- traordinary events or in magic, omens etc. — is a super- stitious person, regardless of any and all disclaimers to the contrary. They who dismiss all superstition from their minds under the cloak of coincidence, and attribute to mysti- cism all that is not apparent or explainable, — their con- clusions may be as irrational as those of the Supersti- tious. "God moves in a mysterious way his wonders to per- form." Abraham Lincoln, born in a rude log cabin of humble parentage, and having had only one year's schooling, rises to the Presidency of a great nation. Bible taught by his mother — who will say that the mysterious way of the Almighty, did not shape his destiny. ¥m. Burton Benham. i "wm WE ARE SEVEN Wordsworth Sisters and brothers little Maid, How many may you be? "How many?" "Seven in all," she said, And wondering looked at me. Two of us in the churchyard lie, My sister and my brother; And in the churchyard cottage I Dwell near them with my mother. How many are you then, said I If two are now in heaven? Quick was the little Maid's reply, O, Master! We are seven. But they are dead; those two are dead! Their spirits are in heaven! "Twas throwing words away; for still The little Maid would have her will, And said, "Nay we are seven." UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA Q71 7L63B0L1M C001 THE MYSTIC NUMBER SEVEN IN THE LIFE OF A 3 0112 031789685