» * C C PUMPING APPARATUS FOR THE RICHMOMD Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates https://archive.org/details/specificationofnOOgeye NEW PUMPING APPARATUS FOR THE Head-Gates. « The head-gates are to be composed of three separate gates, to be worked with screws and brass nuts of the sizes shown on plan — said gates to be held by iron ways, secured to the end of the iron inlet flume ; the lifting motion to be made to correspond with the present ones. Racks. The Racks are to be formed with wrought iron strips, three inches by one-half inch, with the end parts as shown on the plan ; the strips are to be placed two inches from centre to centre, bolted together in four sections by means of bolts three-quarter of an inch in diameter — small pieces of gas pipe are to hold the strips to their respective distances ; they are to form a total length of twenty feet four inches ; they are to be secured top and bottom to iron bars secured to the wall, in ~ such a manner as to allow the head-gates to slide up and * down. Flume. The Flume is to be made of boiler iron J-inch thickness of 4 metal, strengthened with JL iron three inches high, four inches wide — average thickness five-sixteenth iron, riveted every 30 inches — length of the flume 3T feet 1/ ; area, 12 feet by 6 feet _ 6 inces in the middle, with curved top and rounded corners - I CO* 4 &fc bottom as shown on the plan, fiach end is to have a east iron angle iron or flange, made as shown on the plan — the said angle irons to he doubly rivetted and to be firmly secured on one end to the head-gate wall, and at the other end to the turbine chamber. This flume is to be provided with four cast iron seats, made true to the centre lines of the pumps, so as to be able to secure thereon the four inlets to the pumps. The flange on the head-gate side is to have two substantial divisions to serve as base to the ways for the head-gates. A side view and plan will give the exact dimensions of said flanges. At the place indicated on the plan, an air column is to be placed in the maimer thereon shown. A depression in the flume is to be so arranged as to receive the waste pipe as shown on the plan. This flume, like all other machinery that is to form 'part of this pumping apparatus^ is to have three coats of paint inside and outside, and a coat of varnish on the outside. The last outside coat to be put on when the machinery is ready to run — the tint to be given by the Chair- man of the Committee on Water. In the above condition said flume is to be water tight under six pounds pressure to the square inch. Discharge Pipe with Yalve. This pipe is to be made of cast iron 10 inches diameter, § thickness of metal, and to reach in an incline from the depres- sion in the flume to the wheel-pit — at the end nearest to the flume there is to be a regular 10-inch stop-cock with brass face. Turbine. This Turbine is to be of the Jouval system, with iron cham- ber, bronze buckets, in moveable wheel, and wholly made of first-class workmanship ; it is be complete in itself with gate and gate-motion , with step and watering apparatus for the ; Wrought iron shaft and upper pedestal to hold the same, and is to be tested by its duty, which duty consists in being able to propel two double-acting pumps 17 inches in diame- ter, six feet stroke, at a velocity of eleven revolutions per minute, with a head and fall of ten feet — the said turbine is to be guaranteed to give & useful effect of the water used of eighty per cent. Should it be deemed necessary by the Com- mittee on Water and Engineer that the contracting party be obliged to prove the efficiency of the said turbine, then it is also understood that the quantity of water should be rated by “ Du Buat’s ” table. The expense of said experiments to be equally divided by the two contracting parties. Under the above conditions, the water is to be lifted to a height of 190 feet. The area of the flume is 75J square feet. This flume supplies the two pumps before it reaches the turbine. The chamber over the turbine is to be made in cast iron, and is to be so proportioned as to receive without sensible tremor ; the weight and thrust of bevel wheels and counter-shaft when in motion, at the velocity indicated above. Provision in the general arrangement of the turbine should be made so as to be able to remove the step and turbine wheel without displa- cing any machinery above it. Gearing. The Gearing is to be composed of a set of bevel and a set of spur wheels, with their shafts and bearings and super- structure to hold them as described below. Bridge on top of Turbine Chamber. This bridge is to be made and put up so as to support the first pedestal of horizontal or counter-shaft, and the pedestal of the turbine shaft — the feet are to rest on the chamber, the proportions are to be as shown on the plan. Bridge cm top op Foundation (xirder por <3rank Shaft* This Bridge, on which provision is to be made for the re- ception of the second pedestal for the counter-shaft, is to be made in five separate parts, firmly secured to each other by reamed bolts and well secured to the main girder, whereon it is to rest — the form and thickness of metal is to be taken from the plan. Pedestals for Horizontal or Counter-Shafts. These Pedestals are two in number, and are to be made in cast iron, lined with Babbitt metal ; they are to be 12 inch bore and 20 inches length of bearing ; they are to be made according to plan and have tallow cups with brass covers each with three oil cups — they are to be held down with four bolts 1J inches in diameter in each case. Counter-Shafts. This shaft is to be made in cast iron — it is to be cast on end, with a sinking head of the same diameter as the shaft, and not less than 24 inches long. The total length of this shaft when finished, is to be 11 feet 2J inches ; its diameter is to be when turned, 12 to 14 inches, as shown on the plan ; it is to be turned all over and to be fitted and key-seated, and keyed and put in place to and with the parts marked thereon, namely : morticed bevel wheel and spur pinion. Each end is to have a neat brass cap, polished on the outside, so as to serve as ornament to said shaft. Mortice Bevel Wheels. These Wheels are to be 4J inch pitch, 20 inches face — the bevel pinion is to have 41 teeth in iron, which are to be most carefully dressed by the radial dresser, to a template to be furnished by the engineer — it is to be keyed and put on to the turbine shaft, and held up besides by means of a collar, which collar is to be firmly secured to said shaft. The mor- tice wheel is to have 67 teeth, they are to be made of dry 7 hickory, well soaked in tallow and secured in the manner shown on the plan — the whole rim, which like the arms and hub, is to be made in cast iron, will have to be turned, and the hub will have to be bored out to suit the counter-shaft to which it is to be secured by means of two wrought iron keys, two inches wide, placed at right angles to each other. Mortice Spur Wheels. These Wheels are also to have wood and iron teeth, five inches pitch, 24 inches face t of teeth — the pinion is to have t 38 teeth, it is to be bored out true and to be prepared with two key-seats ; the teeth are to be dressed perfectfully true to a template to be furnished. The large mortice spur-wheel is to have 75 teeth ; the wheel is to be made in two parts, as shown in plan, and secured to each other by means of bolts and keys ; the rim is to be double-bridged, so as to make each tooth in three sections. The hickory teeth are to be dry, well-soaked in tallow, and when in place are to be firmly held by keys and screws. The centre of the wheel is to be bored out and double key-seated, and well-fitted to the crank shaft. The Crank Shaft. The Crank Shaft is to be made in cast iron of 21 feet six inches. Total length is to be made in two parts, as shown on plan. They are to be cast on end with sinking heads of same diameter of 24 inches length ; through the centre there s is to be a core of five inches, the diameter when turned is to be sixteen inches. The coupling is to be put togeter with reamed bolts, the number and size as shown in plan ; the ends are to have tasteful, well-polished brass caps, 18 inches in di- ameter. Said shaft is to be turned all over, and have fitted thereon and secured thereon the mortice spur-wheel and the two crank wheels. 8 Crank-Shaft Pedestals. These pedestals are to be two in number — they are to be made in cast iron, with moveable side boxes. The bottom part of the pedestals and said side boxes are to be lined with Babitt metal. They are to be proportioned and secured ac- cording to detailed plan ; the bore of them is to be 14 inches, with a breadth of bearing of 20 inches. The distance from centre of pedestal to base is to be 14 inches. The caps are r to overlap and fit well the sides ; they have to have ornamental brass caps with oil cups. The caps are to be held down, each by two long bolts, two inches in diameter. The pedestals themselves are to be held down, each by four bolts two inches in diameter. The side boxes are each to have two set-screws of two inches in diameter, with back-plate strong enough to receive the end thrust. Crank Wheels. The Crank Wheels are to be two in number ; they are to be made in cast iron and are to be eight feet outside diameter when finished. They are to be made with double disk 1 J inches in thickness, joining a rim (as shown on plan) of eight inches in width. These disks are to be united by means of six radial ribs in each case, and each wheel is to be provided with a boss (as shown on plan,) which boss is to be most carefully bored out conical to receive the crank pin, wherein it is to befitted and keyed so as to present a perfectly true line through its axis of three feet, from centre to centre of the wheel. Those 1 wheels, as described in the itom crank-shaft, are to be most carefully fitted to the crank shaft ; the crank pins are to be placed at right angles and secured to the crank-shaft, each by 1 means of 2 wrought iron keys 2| inches wide, 1J inches thick. The rims are to be turned and polished, and the hubs are to be squared and made to fit against the crank-shaft pedestals. 9 Main Girders. The Main Girders under the crank-shaft are to he two in number ; they are intended to receive the principal strain of the gearing. They are to be made in cast iron, of the C cross section, of 20 inches breadth ; the total length of each is to be IT feet three inches ; the thickness of metal is to be — bottom, top and sides, 1J inches The girders are to be arranged with ribs and fillets, as shown on plan ; one is to be of an S shape — they are both to be held down with five bolts 1} inches in diameter ; three of said bolts to rest on bosses to be provided at the bottom part, and the two nearest bolts to the crank-shaft pedestals are to go entirely through the girders. In the parts forming the seats of the two pedestals and also where the bridge rests on, finally at those parts connect- ing with the pump girders, the thickness of metal in place of being 1J inches is to be increased to 2f inches, so that when faced in the planning machine there is left a thickness of two inches on those parts. Foundation Bolts. . The Foundation Bolts are to be ten in number ; they are to be If inches in diameter — they are to be long enough to form a wall space of 6 feet 61, the head being formed by a swelling wherein a key is secured against a cast iron plate ten inches square, 2J inches thick, with bevelled sides. In addition to the bolts named above, it is understood that the above-named work does include all bolts necessary to be connected together and to be secured to the walls and pump girders. Pumps. The Pumps are to be of the kind known as “ Rubber Valve Pumps.” They are to be two in number, to be 17 inches in diameter, and 6 feet stroke. They are to be placed in a hori- zontal position and work at right angles to each other. 2 10 Crank Pins. They are to be two in number ; they are to be made of tool steel and present a diameter of five inches as bearing where the connecting rod connects with said bearing, to be 8 inches width ; on each side of said bearing there is to be a collar 7 inches in diameter. The whole length of each pin is to be 22 inches when finished — the parts resting in the crank wheels are to be turned conical, 5 inches to 4J inches, and most carefully fitted and ground therein ; each pin is to be secured to its crank wheel by means of a wrought iron key one inch thick, 2J wide, with strongly rounded corners. Guides and Guide Seats. The Guides and the Guide Seats are to be four in number ; they are to be made in cast iron and with the view of obtain- ing a perfectly sound bearing surface for the cross-head elides. The guides are to be cast on end with sinking heads. The total length of each guide-seat to be 8 feet 2 inches ; the guides are to be 7 feet 8 inches — they are to be held firmly together and to the foundation plates, each one by means of four hold-down bolts, If inches in diameter, turned and made to fit. The guides are to be plained and are to present each, two perfectly true surfaces free from scoria ; they are to be set at right angles to each other and of 2-J by 2J thickness. The said guides are to be put up so as to form parallel bear- ings with the longitudinal axis of the pumps. The sections of the guide-seats are as follows : base of seat, 8 feet 2 inches, ten inches wide, 1J inches thick when finished; side, 16J inches high, 1J inches thick with fillets. In addition there are to be four ribs and four bosses to re- ceive the the hold-down bolts, the top plate is to be 1J inches thick. v ii Connecting Rods. Two Connecting Rods are required — they are to be made of wrought iron, with wrought straps and keys and brass boxes, the whole rods are to be turned, fitted and polished. Each is to be 15 feet long from centre to centre, the brasses are to be of the best machinery metal, and are to be, when bored, 5 ♦ inches in diameter and 8 inches wide ; the main body at each end is to be 5 inches in diameter and 7J inches in diameter in the middle. Each rod will have to have a set of wrought iron braces 1J inches in diameter, as shown on the plan. The brasses will have to be provided with oil cups. Cross-Heads. The Cross-heads are to be two in number — they are to be made of wrought iron, with centre-bearing 5 inches in diame- ter, 8 inches long ; the ends have to have brass gibbs as shown on the plan. The piston rods in each case is to be thereon secured by key and nut as shown. The exposed part is to be polished. Piston Rods. There are to be two rods, they are to be made out of the best Bagnal (English) iron, (or other iron as good) — they are to be four inches in diameter in the main body. Total length of each, twelve feet one inch. A substanoial flat key is to secure each rod to its piston. Pistons. j They are to be two in number ; they are to be made in cast iron, length of bearing 10 inches; thickness of follower 2J; hub of piston 101 inches in diameter, with ribs on which a conical ring of 8f inches long is to slide. On this conical ring are to be arranged wooden segments with the end of the grain 18 outwards. This wood is to be “ apple wood ** and thoroughly soaked in tallow. This wood is to be made in four layers of blocks, eight pieces in each layer, 2J inches thick — the blocks to be fitted to the bevel, and curve of the cone, and so ar- ranged that when the cone is thrust" in by^four screws, one inch in diameter, tapped into the follower — all the blocks are forced outwards. The followers are to be secured to the piston heads each by four tap bolts of one inch in diamter. The hubs of the pistons are to be bored conical — the whole as shown on plan. Foundation Plates. Each pump is to have two plates of the shape ; each plate is to be formed of two parts, which parts are to be fitted to- gether and form a base of 25 feet, 10 inches in length ; the width of these plates is 10 to 12 inches, and the depth is 12 inches ; each of the 4 plates is to have 5 bosses for foundation bolts, to be placed between the bottom and top plates, at dis- tances shown on the plan. In the same plates, on the upper part, provision is also to be made to secure the bottom or lower valve chests, also for the stay rods for each large air vessel, also the guide seats, the shape, thickness of metal, and the necessary ribs to strengthen the plates, to be placed as shown on the plan. The top part is to be faced the whole length, also where the plates connect with the main girders under the gearing. Foundation Bolts. The foundation bolts for the two pumps are to be ten in number ; for each pump, they are to be of one and a quarter inch diameter, and are to be long enough to give a wall space of six feet, six inches. The keys on these bolts are to be like on those bolts wanted for gearing parts, of 3J inch width and J inch in thickness ; they are to have a head of not less than inches in length, and be provided with same kind of* washer as described above in the foundation boits for gearing part. Valve Chests. These valve chests are to be four in number — namely, two for each pump, and to be distinguished from each other as “ front chests ” and “back chests they are to be made of cast iron, and it is of particular importance that they should be sound and cast to the thickness indicated on the plans, namely, If in the body. Each chest is to be cast into two parts, forming the lower and upper part ; on top of the latter chests semi-round air vessels are to be placed; all the flanges are to be faced, and present a thickness of 2f inches, and a breadth of four inches, when finished. The inside surface of each chest is to be 34f 2 by 34 fT, with strongly rounded corners. The seats for valve seats, and faces for hand holes, and seat of air vessel, and flanges of inlet and outlet pipes ; also the seats of covers and lugs resting on foundation plates, are all to be faced. All the bolts used in securing the valve chest parts together, and to secure thereon the covers, hand hole plates, inlet and outlet pipes and air vessels, should all be turned to If inch in diameter, and well fitted to the holes, and to be not more than 5J inches apart from centre to centre. Each chest is to be provided with 4 lugs, as shown on the plan, and to be secured to the foundation plates by means of bolts 1J inches in diameter ; also keys as shown. Valve Seats. The valve seats are to be eight in number, for the two pumps ; they are to be made in cast iron ; each seat to be made in three parts, bolted together and secured into the chests, as shown on the drawing. Care should be taken to obtain a surface free from scoria on the upper side. Sack seat is to have nine grated openings, (with centres for the valve stems ;) they are to form the seats to as many rubber valves. The seats are to be fitted and faced. Valves. The valves are to be made with India rubber disks, nine inches in diameter and one and three-eighths inches in thickness, with wrought iron stems, nuts, cups, follower and steel spring, as shown on drawing. Inlet and Outlet Pipes. These pipes are to be made in cast iron — two are wanted of each kind ; they are to fit, and have to be secured between the front and back valve chests. Thickness of metal at inlet pipes — one inch, and at outlet pipe, 1J inch at the round parts. The flanges in each case have to have a half inch ad- ditional thickness — inside diameter, Pump Barrels. The pump barrels are two in number ; they are to be made in cast iron, cast on end, with sinking head 18 inches long, of the same diameter as the body of the barrel ; they are to be bored out to 17 inches. Thickness of metal — If inch when bored out ; length of pump barrels and inlet and outlet pipes — 7 feet 3 inches. The flanges in each case have to be faced on the sides and at the top. Barrel Heads. The barrel heads are to be five in number for each pump ; they are to be of the outside diameter of the flanges of pump barrels ; they are to be turned and polished, and secured as above described. Hand Holes. The hand holes are to be 8 in number for each pump ; they are to be secured as shown on plan. 15 Air Vessels. Each pump is to have three air vessels — two small ones and one large one, of dimensions as shown on the plan ; they should be cast top down with sinking heads. Thickness of metal, If inches. The parts of the pump exposed to pressure, are to have tight joints, and to be tested to a pressure of 170 lb. to the square ^nch. 4k GENERAL SPECIFICATION. ^ There are to be furnished — 1. One extra step of lygnum vitae. 2. A complete set of hickory teeth for the bevels and spur wheels, cut out and made ready to be driven into the mortices. 3. Nine extra valves, with a complete seat, is to be fur- nished. 4. Any obscurity as to the meaning of the plans and speci- fication, is to be explained by the engineer, whose interpreta- tion shall be binding. 5. All the parts passing through the walls, should be fur- nished at the earliest, so they can be walled in as the walls are being put up. 6. No allowance for extra work, except upon a written agreement signed by both contracting parties. 7. The whole of the work to be paid upon estimates made by the engineer every sixty days, less ten per cent., which is to be retained upon each estimate until the work is put up and approved by the Engineer, and accepted by trie Superin- tendent and Committee on Water of the city of Richmond. v 8. The time of completion of the work, to be eight months from the time of signing the contract EMILE GEYELIN, Hydraulic Engineer.