Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates https ://arch i ve . org/detai Is/bai I if f sdaug hterOOm rg EXCELLENT + EDITION P0PllIi^ V PL^Y3. The Bailiff’s Daughter. + ^PRICE, f S CENTS.if edi teri etc sen Ad ADDRESS ALL ORDERS TO ENTERTAINMENT SUPPLY CO. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN PLAYS OF ALL PUBLISHERS AND ENTERTAINMENT SUPPLIES OF EVERY «_ DESCRIPTION. _ n The Entertainment Shop 4 WEST 29 -STREET, NEW YORK. MB dress as abo is, Com- pel En- ibitions, will be postage. A Farce in One Act. — BY— R. G. M. .Correctly printed from the prompter's eopy, with the. cast of characters, c sturnes, sides of entrance and exit, rela- tive positions of the dramatis person*, property plots, etc. ^ PUBLISHED BY SCHOOL PUBLISH IN CO. ' >.• ' a - DA K CO VV r y EL L E , OHIO. 1896. The Bailiff’s Daughter. " V r • V ' > ' ■ . Cast of Characters. iff Six AS- Badder, An Old Bachelor* Kir : hard KdV.n,..'- His Nephew', an Artist. JedidiAii Grabble,. .........A Sentimental Grocer . T*«NY Smart,.... .....A Bailiff . ' Mrs. Smart, iM/i.;. .1 AG.* .L-ftfa Bailiffs . Wifes&A Washerwoman. Angelina B adder,.... A....... ..Niece to Silas — a Spinster. Nellie Smart, L. i . ... . The ‘ Bailiff’s Daughter. COSTUMES- MODERN. ■ PROPfeRTIES. Scene I. — Umbre'la. A quantity of small paper parcels. Six flat irons. Small de^box. Pa^r c& brass spectacles. Tin money. ' ;V . VSSjKyi Scene II. — F re-place with fire lighted. Dresser with draw- er, t. e. L. Cradle before the lire. Round table, c. Chairs. Ill hted can lies. lr m manger and flat-iron. Cloth to wipe I irons'oh. -Market-basket. Candy, and mouse-trap in dresser drawer A pound of mould candies iu paper. Small bottle of medicine. Writ. ■ ’ , STAGE DIRECTION. , Observing, the player is supposed to face the audience. R, means right; l, leit; cj' 1 center; r. c., right of center; l. c., left of center; r. i>., right door; L. d., left door; D. p., door in the flat or scene running across the bacst of the stage; p. e., first entrance; s. e., second entrance; u. e., upper entrance; F., S., or t ro., first, second or thi rd* grooves* up stage, toward the back; down stage, toward the footlights. r. R. C. c. L. C. L. 9 a r* Ej ‘~ A in te flat. Pawnshop,, practicably l. fiat. « %en,hq. Lidia U&W71’, 4 4 rW^W« iJ ttlfv »?M •.:C **10*4, ' . /h-7 W -■•}*■ y>;oi> .O^i; ?H£0^ \inOWj fivw Lider Miss A noej.ina BaOdbr, in milking drtes p 4*. =«i s&i&ss. is ^ttWqo ini rr 1 d ¥ e ^«f“ the.rohd to- mm hm, au- maVe Con^n p‘ i • r V''‘ * 0f the ,,w » r ,,I,J '-“' iniirww-lo fc Sk.SnlfcSSfe' $4 N*' jHill, bruita** riM ' t*W, %T ds T-% e] ? °“ ^ D0le H.'w :fw support, b^- J** *— J14K$i: Enter Sl ^ AS BAdde *> L -> ««y wet and very muddy; with large gin.,- /atm umbrella, and parcels sticking out of lit pockets . 9 9 J - Angelina. Why good gracious, uncle; wbath mess you’re in. Budder. Eh, what? Now don’t talk to me, 'E believe I’ve jost Dim. . ao ’ :3 Angelina. What, Cousin Bic&ard? Nopthe rabbit I’d got in my 1 ef t-fend pocket. M, there he is, sate underneath the currants, r - Angelina. Whjii, where have you heen to ? • Badder. Why, marketing, of course. Confound those ser- vants, there .s no trusting them, they always rob honest people. Angelina . But how did you get so wet? ‘ • , .*'f lr ■ Cab * are expensive and the drivers are abusive, emnibuses are less expensive, but their oopductbrs are mte abusive, so I walked through the rain, and unfortunately a 1ft 4 THE, BAILIFF^ DAUGHTER. tie scoundrel ran between mv legs and upset me in the mild/ and 1 smashed my v ibreila over his dirty little head. Angelina. Yes, yes, but what about Cousin Richard? : • Badder. Eh, what? Qh, it’s all settled, and he says he’ll hang — (Angelina stops his mouth)— I mean, he’ll bo t^eligkied to marry you m a month’s time. (Aside,). He’ll be obliged to do that or go ; to p isoh , for I’ ve set the bailiffs after him: Angelina . Oh, how delightful 1 And how happy we shall be. Badder. What ! you and I ? Angelina. No! of course not! I mean my husband and his wife. (Aside) Noble'creature, I knew he had a heart capable of appreciating my untiring devotion. (Aloud) But, uncle Badder . There, there, don’t bother ! Go home and order some dry things, your legs are younger than mine. (Exit Angelina Badder, k.) There’s a sweet young crt ature to have to live with, a sweet, gushing young creature— at least, she was twenty years ago. I don’t know who acted worst by me, rpy brother John who left me that inass of antiquated charms, with a fortune of ten thousand pounds to look after, or my broth er-io ’*w ; * 4 poOr Will Kden ? ” as they always called turn— confound ■ is poverty— who left me ,liis scapegrace artist of a son, Richard, to look after and keep out pf debt, which I have done, and would do still if he would sign the bills, and do what 1 want him, but he won’t, he’s so dreadfully head' strong and obstinate^ After living fifteen years in my, hcus~, and nearly wearing my life out by* her perpetual nagging she has taken it into her head to fall in lp.ve with that young serape- gTace, Richard Eden, who is at least twenty-three years his junior. ( Baughs , but checks himself quickly .) I was very nearly laughing, and very nearly getting into an infernal rage, but on second thoughts X did; neither, for X saw a way to get rid of his importunities for money, and her infernal chatter from morn- ing till night, by marrying them, ^hen he woufd have 'money, afjKl she a h,Q.ne, o,f her own. So I went up town this aftdrhdon, saw the young scapegrace,., and told him point blank 4lmf die must marry Angelina or $#r.ye,ia .prison, rand he, told me— well , i j|epje^f ; wh^t} was decider, lyi’^hf-rr^'thwign •v. I nearly fpiigafee hi. u, Tie t f odndedly obstinate — xmimth B iit*a4.at is; it ? spGPtfi^fes??' tnwie s-uifian. hate' taken m hem ih;pm and my jtast gold on ; e,s , , s hail l 1 I ^ojjau+iTafyp ww\&qw.) ...Why-i hjereff ia beadtifucl pair M kraris ones, i dare sayl could get them uncommonly cheap. I’il fry. (Exits into shop door t l.f.) THE BAILIFF’S DAUGHTER. Enter Sm art ,l., carrying six flat-irons, and a small deal-box. M$s. Snortt. Oh, lord, my poor feet ! I wish them as made them pavements might be stoned to death wit i tr t beib xjnd fc a-hu?riydi% and aTskurryipg through that th re mud like a yaung^io of ten, which d’m past < iiftty fl '.h ek3t a- btiakene p,a$tfcn , and dn’y jitf washhouse shoes- on, and no side to dne through ft corn- od hi left 'foot, and the child ta iced suddc n wit b thfr pains through the Seville orange, da ten by i mistake; I b&id*gb»fc the man and &ddly ftway at ,the stujio —which she goes there for an h- ur every , cay to .have herself: painted as ghosts and ladies an nyhnpVatid mermaids- and deb* at' t-Wo • «h Minus* af> hour, which her face is Vdrth eber^’pehi. v — and not a hit of 9° .gion-« 5 i |i>w.ug»» i-vay. b»Hg. . Sjpy . %»%. tiaink^ pf tier leave the Mp hes alpne pd..,no vtbn :jp£' th-mghf than let that. - 1 f, chii. 1 u]e, ; s'cp T id nay- up da ix' .... * I 1.1 peyer'; j^gwp to 'jyaivn-stM e-mfor* Silvas BAimtinfrom , eft .1 -Hv, WS li >i Mrs: S. My eye, here’s a g it. Why who’d |jjp| , . . 4 . . ^ P - atid takes the bud ii$l V I'^tayts for’^ho s-Kipt^ aR-h‘| ; h^ : xWx to ; r'conAVa^kih Re-enter ■‘Syl as B A D b er "fro in ^ .• dwrf-s&oftj fffib r j l.fI-^MRs. • Sm a \r 54 a ha’ thought tp Badekr . (i>.) My good .woman, that is, my ,good-,Mjg. Sharp ? you are laboring upder a d$l isipn— I have not be a { into that shop to^ obtain a J.6an, but purchas , this pair of spectacles,, and great trouble 1 have had to get hem, for the fellow hari the impudence to ask half-a-crown or them, hut I have get them at last for two shillings, and very good ones they arb> worth a pound at feast, I should ay. But what ha i brought you here, Mrs. S.,? I thought yop were getting plenty of washing to do. , ' ' Mrs.S. (r.) U So I am, sir, but Body’s away on yiptiy^uii- ness, and.I^/tin’t get nip rponey, t ^the. child ’p llf, , and *1 can’t get nothing for him, but p’r’aps \mM .lend me a trifle^ I * ,-id pay yoA in a day ur two. , : V- THE BAILIF1 9 8 DAUGHTER. Badder, (E ntatingly .) \Well, Pm afraid I — that is/ I fear— (OomequmtiM. dwx&es'to xi.)4-l moqean to. ns a j^— indeed, Mrs. Smart, I hatfe xothmg but ha^penoe a iout me. n\ aS»/f *4 v ■ ’ FT'V . u .. >. d'.i* jfmjr r* .{Ex#- fimpimj very quickly , B.) . Mrs* & Stingy rid bimte, T know his pockets are full of. moneys Oky how k wish I was in that there bvautifuV pl&ee where wooist nease from washing^ where the weary! are at rest, and there is m> ere ironing; to be done ^ ^ orb d yn%/U . •’ *iWn ! (Exit into pawn-shop, dooriv. Enter Richaj Eden, L,. Scedy^qejitect. He looks pale and cirri, Eden, I think have pat him off the scent at last, but I am mot safe for a moment, and have not an idea where to go to ; besides, I have only got thirty shill in ;s in the world. Oh, Nelly, Nelly, v- ho would ever have ihoyight w^en I firSt saw yogr gentle fa e in my stud ih that yoli vVouid be the soiiree of ho touch trouble to me? and who wduld have thought also that popr hot-temp red old Uncle Silas who id evef* have -beeh^Bc o I tempe red old Bhcle Silas' jKfwht* was always so' kind ahd 'gO 'd to me, and all bee use I refused to Warty a woman o v d ’’enough — and much too ug^v-aJ to beorti^ mother . Perhaps. 1^ v^^fo^ijfh to tally about NeUy to the old gem. man, but l was so angry hardly knew wi at 1 said. I wish 1 ew what to do. dt vdoii e . 0 ( 4 % (Cfrwtto's <0 JR. and thinks aside,!), ' ; V ii.-g :;\U ' 'fho mv / k* p O' ' . ... Jterenter Mr.* .worn p to o >,jloor l.jt. ,bkc. still ' ( Oh, that nils t L. j thkt nh'sty wSnfp ilbiTs r faptan‘kei:oU8 cross- 0*0 4li %lvk U u iLii ki.,k d afi®& ter rikje Vge Ir li blue ill m£ fu t y , r.t.ti«W£ a £ &oih$ : hhainsi Ki>E$r.) '/• ' bd ^bin^ny wliat is the matter? I ijtii/e ,3«i.f.9i ii. %' uotjmB rd Jfcfrs a .iVT TU fi • i tIT i,u -yes, aivfif eteugk^'tob, P: thinks, with a sick liHothihg' iri M'lvm&e. -J' All cS^d at home an v . , v ... , x Eden, Well, if half-a-crowu will help ^ou here it is. (Gives it,) 7 ?' T: U BAILIFF’S OAE&ilTER. MrsJ'fi.' ’ (i ^itinxjf i e coin to? test Aside.) Y< f] tbat ? s all Tight, and ' (Aloud.) v Wri aright sprf, os' you oatv'ti sp’-xre it ;'yoii don’t 1< ok As vfyour pockets Were rt aturig' over aney. Eden. i aoi not rich, but I should n6i offer it to you if I did not intend you to take it. Mrs. S. Weil, you’ve a kind .’art, and I’m glad of the mon- ey if you lets me keep it. Ederi. Certainly ; but I want you to do something for me— I want you to tell me where I can hide myself out of ihe way to- night, for I don’t want to 1 e seed. ‘K : ; 1 Mrs. S. (Doubtfully.) vVhatl are the bobbies after you? For shame, young man. You’ve been and gone and done what you hadn’t oughtn’t, have you? Eden. (Laughing.) We i, no, not quite so bad ae that, but the bailiffs are after me which is nearly as bad. Mrs. S. (R&lieved.) Oh, that’s nothing. You are very wel- come to come to my place, though it’s not very co nfortous o- day, through my washing and the boiler flue smoking a good deal ; put one place is as g >od as another when you are down on your, luck, so come along. - ^ - 73 Edt n; .but where is your house? Mrs. S. Oh, Number three Clarence lane straight down the Lond< a road. Eden, Yes,, that’s ; alt very, well, but I don’t are to go straight down the road. Mrs. S. • -Werry WdByfeen get intd''dne i *a , :.1?hem -lanes on the right— v-,u can’t go far wrong. Tabes his arm in fa rs.) Clap y.mrsdf rnder my 'whig, young ii n, then you sfid 'fly a\v iy with me rom the bailiffs and be • i. rest.’ '• K.) C Em ULSf. Scene M.--A Kitchen. Firefrkfo r.f. Door to vxxsh-iioim l.F> Door ji.E.R. . Window r T.E.L. street door f s.K.ij. Dressei' under the win-Jdip. Cradle by the. jive. Vablein tne centre. Cha fo* d*. Candle l g feted. Ife bf§J- Nelly Smart discos * red ir >nuig at table c., and sing ng ,-. n * at. ... tK Kelly S' rt . — JBHB* , “Jl tell them t 1 ey nee I not come wooing tplim /. For my heart my heart is over the sea.” S; THE BAILIFF'S DAUG £TEB. Dear me, T wtnder what mo her can have done with all the irons ; this one s as rough ,as sand-paper. Oh, how I wish Dick was here now with ail is troubles, wouldn’t I take care of him ; no bailiff should g near him— no, not ev n father.. (Gtm up : to . dro6$er; 4 atyd , .uyett- drawer .) I do belie v- Jed niiah Grabble has been here witr soaie more groceries. His is the n^we^t w$y of fo&kung Joye I ever heauul of— trying t > gain mj young alif *tions with siigr candy, urer r ) and induce me to marry hi. pyv ii a patent moose Jr ap. « *’< ‘nmib tuA Th n I' wislFit &6L dn t ' Grub He, miy . Oh, to i efiiig. May i come in, ph onosi incomparable anlsef? -’ V P 1, F suppose 1 so. (Aside.)l Therh’s nod Ip for it. jEDIDIAH.Gr.VBULltl, door, &.E.L. , iGrabli . Do my eyes aga a revel inytoe luxury of beholding this. gala - ati-apf anrevealed beauty — -d > my ears gain inhale the perfu ne >f that melojus voice-’? (K ’els.) Thus — -oh, thus let hie tel my simple hut ’a -rowing tale of love to , er my soul adores. fSeily. String at work at table, c.) Q1 say what you like— it don’t, hurt n c , ; but donft wake the baby, nr there ipijl be a row when mot ei comes, back. ' ^ ,’VV ; Grabble, (i .) Far be it from me to < stray the slumbers 'of the passive in antry, but let me reveal t e secrets of, my buz- zum in a becoming tragedy whisper. K >w then, whereas, I, Jedidiah Gin bbie, do earnestly desire tc ma ry and., afterwards otherwise in eke myself agreeable to you, El anor Smart, I do pr >post to ttle the back parlor where t ie .eese and cjmdles and mi c bi uits and seterer is kept, togethr with all fixin-’s>. & T« F B IJFF’S DAUGHTER. such as wax shephtcrdektse.- and IXanieJ ip theViou’g den, an I fi e shillings a week pocket money on von to do with as yon fa. hks'tit ; uiJtho&t tytirua ah £14 d&ye?Hl$attn c ip it.immed with r ei lace to serve' the shop v tby and afhcygiia wljie- bonnet anfb s i aw] to go to ivew with o’ fc ndays. There no w, can you re- lu 30 a* lofting J a^t .inlvCfetery . qbsf&r M.< j 0- *is) a • •Vv.V y’ Ne ly. nWell, ohv Grabble, ••Tcmtld jBdrAnhge to gist on very . ell with all that, except on* thing. @raiti& ti ‘Teh me,'.hi0st. i <> witching dams el, * oat is -th&t? eiJme' aiv plum. JVc'In/ ■ \Yny yourself. poi (v a&i&. ■{*■ Grabble. ^Theatiiimlly;) IV vtfuvd itioncuAch my/souX, hut I doutfvge theelbr ;m, . ivw, ivh yVM hns m Mclfy (hh, please don wear 'so yom-’ re; der afnsboe waice, the ba %, did if y%u:lovie ou> say yoti do, yawcan do it£ witBonVsweaihiig/'can’t ybt! ‘ »nh h Sfkv l J ■G* -‘bleSilL can 1 - (VVt&Ls v attitude.) ''’ Conknr,. Lifei.- JLY rHh s*him.) 'Oh . smis'er . \ •> dfeirfitn l , • Bast;. ; pfeea** ‘ QtfeboJEsiden yoiir verdict.' ' I cun i dbirrg.ii ofa thiis^ -say tenvyeara;- we sh. $ Fife a H^;e blJLety^ wisaft.b£ tivit} mpiove wd. b n coo let. ilzN*Ug< dine fro n n eady. o Grabble. ' It isf re.$if*' awd' drown;. ihysalf in the nearest water-butt. (Stilts down, a .ioiciy &» w chair — jun. >s up 'Bud b dij.) Oh, Lori! Nelly, What’s "he matter now-V needle*? . Grabble iS T o, bpt i’ve sat dxiwn pn the, long s ce$> .Nelly. Why y >u t. m hap to sa^; you've b.epn buying gjov'hs? Grabble . I m in mould candles. , (Takes a , y' 0 d of candles from his Jprlcet,; I brought you. a pbund as a lo e tpken, but ft is as welgthgy’r broken, for how [ .can presen them t‘o yoii ask ' the _h image >f u y broken .’art. ' , w \ ■’■**( Attitude .) \ y Nelly. JSV w i ally, Mr. Grabble, I think ye x’ve been talk- ing nonsense qn • e 'long enough. I must beg y l to g ). (Cross- es to door, s.e.l, T thank you very, much fob very pol ite offer, but I cap of possibly accept, it. ‘ Opens the door.) Grabble. \W lly . ) Oh,. distraction 1 (Exit, Ranging hat. over his < «, door 3.E.L. ) Nelly. (Bangl i g the door ['after Tp think of. That pdipbs wretch coming sere after me. ,The idea ! A; if X #as going to hia r r y a 1 i ti 1 i , u p like. him, a a d 1 i V e i n a f r . . ■ svsy parlor 14 » a back street. Yell, 1 must go on with the Vm'pg, I suppps^ if that horrid ( 1 instrument is hot again. (Goes up to Jio -3 again , r.f.) THE BAIXIFI ; \ttfttTE &. io Enter Mr?, SmaHT, S.E.L., tt >th n ’Aieirie bottle an l her Mrs. 8, (t.) Th ^re, I’ve got again at last, wery glad of it lam. Ah, Ntl.y, my gal, y a'f £kck r are you? How’s the child ? ; ^ " , , b '' f % • t r o.> j\ r dh/. (a.) Oh, it's fast as! < p —he was crying when T first came in, but I gave him a peppermint drop, and soon quitted him. • j f! ; \ ■ ■ ■ ‘Ljfet'w, MiS.sJS. There now ! Then I’m hie*; , if I haven’t been and spouted the irons for nothing. ( Gum to fireplace .) - Nelly . (Surprised.) Spouted the iron a 1 (Grosses to l.) Mrs. S. Yes, this very minute? The master was away. I ’adn ? t got no money, and the chi d was took with the pain*, (Comes down K c.) The brute of a J ow would ordy lend me six- pence on them lovely irons, and re nosed the blue, and I don’t know what I’d have done it ft -aati’t been for a young gemunan. as lent me a ’alf-a-erown, poor young feller, the bailiffs is after him, so I told him he might c nnt ’ere for an hour or two out of the'way. Bo just run out tud buy a bit o’ something for his supper. ( Gives the jnm 'ket bmktt,) He looked hungry. (Exit Neely, door s.e.l.) iAnd now for that blessed child* (Goes up to the cradle , r.) Th nk the pigs, it’s , asleep, I wish mv/IWy ’ u d come ..’otne, k ’L be tired, and cross as two sticks..-:..'.; : - >. 'y.:A Etyer. B^cjja ri> . Eoebt s.e.b. Mrs. S. Hu ll;o, Ruling m’ tin, > yod ve got here have you? E(hn. (i - Yes, but it was t ■•hart. go. 1 gbt ruined up in those 'lap , 111 I thought f s'Ac ' d up • * ■ 1 ■' you,*. hr nigs ye put where ye wants., ( K een Alt i ble^s ds what is" the" matter With the WA stomacli-aclu has ybii'? , v ' -v ... • r Eden. ’Ko ? ot ‘hat, 'but I’m very mis- al ie. Parted from Aib’ girt I ldVecno friend^, no ho pi, h r.fcA-n.-v,, kn i worst of i . no work, Qh, iny good wo naii, if T h d but tha girl for Q Wife I would -leave pointing', ithd Wo^k a t any thing — aye, . fipt ’ n rnfps in a: lid & if 1 p.eed be. Aii Th'fcw 'df Ydl. Vf*r o* — -^,,*,0 in <1 lieia il iit'.u wc. "Mr,. $. £heri why d< n’t yer go ai h‘ amP fell her so. r «.ii - "•£&*-’• c .f,tt’,<'-fo'b*iA ir e vi » r fitriu rpt df, anp t J for yer, and have V* 1 ^ 1 1 » '" 4 AA u J ^ F, ° 11 It % Torth s'ftl i, she’d marry yer stra i - and hei yer, work for yer, and iLep hbuke i ■Jt CL ft ro;' 11 THE B ALIFF’S DAUGHTER. • ' ffidtfoii-Ao't :■ : L: JdJsL'h 1 - ;>0ol jffh W f i‘ <-v .,’1, a cpejry face to meet yer, wi^h* if; yer came in .empty Dm. sure opr NelJy worn nfe#IpP NVily. ,/Lr :• me a N,eIIy. . , ; L • Is it ? Tij. ii I idi'y :lw pe tslae’s as fcOod, fta . our Whyj On’y tTdn^, thtu.e 1 a young £#11 er; as shelove-i with aii her/att as wgnts to,m rry her, and she won’t have him, c itise fche>ays as it ’ud spr ^ b is pr oap e£ t us* Qr spmmat ( o’ that kind| bless her tender ’art ; but here she ifl. %nt,er carrying basket. Nelly, (l.) Dick! Eden . (c.) Nelly ! ( They embrace.) Mrs. S. (h.) j VV tiy, blesk my soul, I have let the out of the bag. ’Now, lbok lierepybii iwd ; the sooner you lea v es off. a iuakiu r dif’milties tHe oh, jrbiing hian, justBtop here fcinrl Vi hTt\ (-> wtfV +ViA tvion/vlA •i'rk't* ‘*+ wp»f»Irc smd_ C rfit f.he ^ HHHRI Eden: Oh, how cVri Ttharik vouphow that you have given \#e abfeethirtg to. live for? ■// ,} " >!< iVi ' V'' v> ^ Welly. Dear kind old d&icHX-Ur>/)$' But you mustn’t stay, here a moment. t. saw father coming dc'vn the i*wa t and ii he sc. c v a yoa’rV 'W. , f* WBUF Eden. Lost! Found j you mean, toiFt y ni ? ^ y s-Y T Nelly. Why, don’t vpa, k gw; my Liu her is the bailfT who is looking for you. : :E(fefr . ■ ■■? (fixity irfto-'ckkir.) *j yt>ur fatin r| The* devil, I’m caught ! . ; , ■ Mrs. ti. Fidd!fesMeksf ■ -He must he^ot out of the way for a bit, dill the old man’s had hie 4 tea and is id a good temper, then. I’il square tlie bea lie! Tony tSmari. •. ( Wty\'U>t> ^e^,) Gpod -night, neighbor, I aha’n’t coine d .yiM** jhe- Crown this evening, ■ Nelly. Oh, acre h< is,.herE- get in here ;dt 7 s : very dar! and rather cold, hut? it woTt be for. long. (ExU Kichard l.f.) iter Tony Smart, s.e.L Tony. Well, old hiss, how goes it, ( Grosses to C., and shaki. hands with Mrs. Sma it.) Come, Nelly, give us a kiss. (Kiss- u. of ILL UR 12 THE BA TUFF’S DAUGHTER. like the joby'fo* eV-ery w-hpre as 1 ,a&k Jddibout him thejS'Vtfe ail W ^ jry 'bt^ry'fof* h i M f, 'and & h% Was% good • sort, sb* i . Coul 1 a* t gejti do jiib'raiRsbin. Arid taat -t rr oftt Ba(Uieb is a fight* bad sort to tiidugiit a ad hny j re *f\T gabbed tire- lad. -But" Pit • nab him to-morrow if he Via .Jondonl ^d t j*:«V xod (ft.} .And triath: to the unn&turalist t.^ing 'as ever you c id, Anihbiiy'Bmar’tj' goiii' a•nabfel^i , yer own $>n. 4 To n. (o/, aghast.) Nabbiid my own soul What the devil what be there shall * j *r /vr- rr ~ • ^rn f]r»w' ~ • e* VT1JE3B& • ii» u Tmu . 'fo&t -dO"8.it^idj AV v,4:i 1 . ,*.J?hat.$pef A eUy .say/) ,,.NM : [fcj ( fjplil ln^jion- jigo when tie was ut.tgr o It,.; only ... .-.ia./st; r.-iul tjwt I snoiili npt bar** iajJe,.%j$y;u?f 'w^tor hip.; bl}t pinC 1%t heli^ popr J kni>sK i hai I^aif.^sa his^n vt- by faring it wi ll Jjpa..,, t L ,- ' Tw; •: Ahi Vfi-y goo^u t p, iiv;^,apia| ( ,| iS l»o, there, ( ’1%-ovfa &&& % m - ) « CWfe Mg ‘ . ., likes,; growl away till hes sic u if he chores, Ret j c, ( ; o a &y i, why blow me tight !,,, (tfpwtpqs, They^! Cun:. • • : » ■ : tu/, ■ ^ Vtfr Nelly. ( Oomg up Tj., add filing.) .Richard, Richard I you may Come out! Richard;! . ; , y Enter l&ici. AED iSden, U.F. I didn’t know he was \ ch 1 , • t vdt<-,. ; But he is though, a nh he, Nell? 1 Thanks to Mrs. 'm art, I have managed to keep out t' your clutches, but I had several a irrow c shapes. * mlX i- ero v s my hand, young man. (y {They ' shthkt hands.) Tve been looking after yoiir interei- * werfv careful for seme iinie. atid I Won t drop it now.: Yo i needn’t ' stair ye, for me and ^th’ehnissus 'rich, but WeVt gOPa little sum-uu laid up ag. iiust a : y. u gets < Sum mat to ao«* . • > ... ... • A AU fell Ot si -.ftloOf: .' * '-vUiB . ^iK' ep Out f youi Tony., i rr. ’s iny hand , young man. U look] A' 1 I #dn t tnissuS'ai^^.ixv^, «, i rainy da , and we’ll take ou inland do for you till a nit of \i pl&e O^/ei dwb. ami some house-p liltin’ or THE BALIFFS DATTGirTfcR. What i&i^havo b o.i.Ji that oid> wcjJJa , m down hej e ; ^i’h.i^ time of rii gil t ? • Eden. I thj,nk it \voh’ ,i be as well far j^if? not Jo meet Miss Badder h re, as she. woul'i be, sure, to let Unqle §ilas know of my whereab' ura. Tony . True ior y u-^yoii I^d better retire to the washua an d study the ’abil m d I:“ b ag k b ettl eg J again for a spoil. [Exit Kichaed, n f F.) Bnt .f . o el -that, old party ain t a goi ig to bless us with h r < on a iy ior a werry prolonged period, or I shall retire to the Crown. Enter Miss Angelina Badder, at street door, s.e.l. Angelina . ((^AsW/o i.c.) Don’t let me disturb you, good people. Ah, Mr. Smart, it is; not odou X see you— I hope you are doing wa.l -e \ if i >usim ss. Tony, (Sulkily.) P Uy waif, taauk ye num— there is plen- ty o’ blackguards to hud me in vvoek. (Aside,) Take that, you old humbug. -n Angelina. '(To STellv.) Ah, Eleanor, so I heai; you hay o . taken to sitting as mo del to artist*. For my part I #houid think it must be \ er un; deasapu . ..... Tony. (Aside.) ¥e«, o: ta j artist voil sat to. Angelina. But f am forge, i ig what I came here for. fr Mrs. Smart, I want you to wash and bleach, all my line Finen, which has been laying by i- r s / i urn *. ;. r U has got as/ yellow as . parch . iient, and is n >t iit to be s.*en,’and I also want you to find Out where 1 can get some lape ole i^bi* Mrs.'S. Certirlgly/raaaij bju.t when w mid you want it by ? Angelina. 6h, d" re e t i y . ‘ ‘ ' I .am, going t> bo married. ( General titter.) Well, t is there an an, ng so. very extraordinary about +Eof *u n + xV.dl ‘dtde.d j ~ 1 1 dd.-Bn ' :u ‘ /* - . 14 THE BAILIFF* S D AUG HJ? JB-R. Angelina . ( Preparing to faint.) OH, Mrs. Smart catch me. Mrs. S. Not if I knows it. • (AnGeeinA recovers.) Angelina, (r.c.) 08, what am I to do? where shall I got what will become dUm ‘ ? ‘ J ■ J 'U'.' -1 ftp Tony. (At icindoib, t.ial.) Why, you’d better go home with your uncle, who is just coming down thelAhe. Angelica. Oh, whgre ’can I hicfe myself. £t Would never dp for hihi to 1 find hie here. Mrs. /Sj {Aside .) , Pretty , timid creature. {Aloud.) v You can go intb the nextrdom if yoh likei 'miss.^ Angelina. Oh, thank-you, thank you. ‘ (> (Exit, s.e.r.— Mrs. Smar't retires' Up ready to come down ' e.) * ■ . - j ■ {iAH<3 Enter Sieas JB adder, s.k.e, Angelina and Richard appear at doors s.e.r. and e.f. • k* ,j Sadder, (c.) Good evening all. Well, Tony, what news ? ‘ Tony. hy - (e., '’hesitatingly.)' ’Well, sir, it 'ain’t much. Tn fact, sir, I’m sick o ' the job: 1 ^ ^ ^ Badder. $ick of the job, nonsense, what do you mean ? He must be found. ■ * Eden. (Aside.) Ugh, yOu old monster I (Sh r.kes his fist.) Tony. Well, sir, I means, whgt I says, but I think Neil ' can explain best what i means. Nelly. [Comes down, l.c.) Oh, sir, hear me, when your nephew was better off I used to sit to hi n as a moffeU After a time he made me offers of inakriltge, and I refused him, though I loved him, hecaUs^ I thought, uneducated as I was, 1/ should be a disgrace to him, but haw that he i# poof, 5 he has repeated his offer and I have accepted him, well knowing that 1 under- stood poverty better than he, and could help him on his weary way. Oh, sir, I do not ask for money, 1 only a’sk for pity ; do not be harsh with him, give him tirUe and he shall pay you all, even though we both starve for it. Eden. (At door E.F., aside.) My guardian ' angel . Angelina. (At door s.E.R., ' aside.) Oh, 1 should ljk© to scratch her eyes' out, the little impudent wretch. Bad(ine request — that is, s • a kind thought and a good word for “i 'he Bailiff's Daugh- ter.'* ? ’4Vn - . ’ ’ v . . . . ■ . Disposition of Characters* iO c%» -tv^ .v$' ; : 'isii'j. * ‘ y : t>r ee^y vX’-. -'. > : ”, y, y $? ' vd'yiy. 'V ^ ^ y , •' \ tap ^ NELLY. 3 y Badder c. Eden, Angelina. Mrs, Smart. Grabble r.c. l.c. Smart# r, Curtain. x# (fho.w '40 ; lytjE . I " Vtihs’ifti fats i on J . j • 4 - ' • V ' Tli’7 < C r< erip'i Mar> U k • ■'fr— 5*iw5ttt4W? .7& .4 >e vjejbtad at?# v« I jiit infcl—.yv / li t i o$ ’dyl £