NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY BULLETIN Vol. XXI, No. 12 September 18, 1920 Published Weekly by Northwestern University Northwestern University Building :: Chicago SCHOOL OF COMMERCE BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT ! 1 THE BUREAU OF ! EMPLOYMENT 1 School of Commerce | Northwestern University | HP* FIE School of Commerce, of * Northwestern University, con- ducts a Bureau of Employment, the purpose of which is to serve both em- ployers and students by bringing to- gether the demand for and the supply of trained men and women. The Bureau is under the direction of a special Secretary, and is maintained entirely by the administration of the School, no fees being charged either the employer or student for its service. Normally a number of well quali- fied persons are seeking employment through the Bureau. Business men are accordingly invited to call the Bureau when in need of trained assist- ants. Phone Randolph 1997. The report of the Bureau for the year 1919-1920 is as follows : Total calls received 824 Number of firms calling for employees 450 Calls filled 648 ^Positions filled . . 732 Positions filled for which no calls were received 105 Total number of people placed 837 Per cent of calls filled to those re- ceived 78.6 Total annual salaries of positions filled ....$1,541,760.00 Average salary $1,841.88 Annual Salaries in Positions Filled : No. of Men Amount of Salaries 45 $1,040-1,200 88 1,300-1,440 192 1,500 103 1,560-1,650 190 1,680-2,000 103 2,100-2,400 51 2,500-2,700 47 3,000-3,500 9 3,600-4,000 5 4,200-4,500 1 5,000 1 6,000 1 6,500 1 8,000 One call is often for more than one person. 12 105659749 Although the School of Commerce does not promise to secure positions for its graduates, it makes a systematic effort to find positions for students who have made a good record in the School. It has proved of large value in aiding students to make satisfactory connection with business firms upon the completion of their study. The Bureau will also co-operate with day students in getting the re- quired experience in business to qual- ify for the degree Bachelor of Science in Commerce. Entered as second-class matter at the Postoffice, Chicago, 111., under Act of Congress, Aug. 24, 1912. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in section 1103, act of October 3, 1917, authorized on June 14, 1918.