LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 977.365 J72h v.l HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY ILLINOIS A TALE OF ITS EVOLUTION, SETTLEMENT AND PROGRESS FOR NEARLY A CENTURY By LOTTIE E. JONES Author of "Decisive Dates in Illinois History" VOLUME I ILLUSTRATED CHICAGO PIONEER PUBLISHING COMPANY 1911 COPYRIGHT 1911 BY LOTTIE E. JONES 9 7 7- 3 c s~ . Z' 7 "^ ^ 3" a. H.I+ sv 1 CONTENTS CHAPTER I. HOW THIS SECTION BECAME KNOWN TO THE CIVILIZED WORLD. VERMILION COUNTY HAS BEEN IN EXISTENCE LESS THAN ONE HUNDRED YEARS BY WHAT NAMES THE COUNTRY WAS KNOWN BEFORE THIS TIME WHESE FIND EARLY HISTORY OF ANY SECTION EAST OF THE ALLEGHANY MOUNTAINS COLONIES OF GREAT BRITAIN, HOLLAND, AND SPAIN, WHERE LOCATED WHAT VALLEY EXPLORING EXPEDITION OF NOTICE COVERS THE WABASH VALLEY VER- : 5 AFTER CAREFUL EXAMINATION OF THE INNER MARGIN AND TYPE OF MATERIAL n WE HAVE SEWN THIS VOLUME BY HAND SO IT CAN BE MORE EASILY OPENED WHAT IS NOW KNOWN AS AND READ. * ILLINOIS. . THE AMERICAN INDIAN THE TWO GREAT NATIONS EAST OF THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER ORIGIN OF THE IROQUOIS THE ALGONQUINS THE FRIEND OF THE FRENCH THE IROQUOIS THE FRIEND OF THE BRITISH THE MIAMI CONFEDERACY THE ILLINI NEARLY RELATED TO THE MIAMIS THE PIANKESHAWS A TRIBE OF THE MIAMI CONFEDERACY THE HABITS OF THE MIAMIS THE PIANKESHAWS ALONG THE WABASH RIVER THE KICKAPOOS THEIR VILLAGES IN THIS SEC- TION THE PEACE MEDAL THE KICKAPOO TREATIES THE POTTOWATOMIES THE LAST TO LEAVE THIS TERRITORY THE REMOVAL OF THE POTTOWATOMIES IN 1838 THE PASSING OF THE INDIAN 12 j CHAPTER III. PIANKESHAW. DANVILLE WAS BUILT ON THE SITE OF THE OLD INDIAN VILLAGE OF PIANKESHAW PIANKESHAW AN IMPORTANT INDIAN VILLAGE CHIPPECOKE, THE CAPITAL SEAT OF THE PIANKESHAW ORIGIN OF THE NAME OF THE VERMILION RIVER EXTRACT FROM THE JOURNAL OF GEORGE CROGHAN AN ENTRY IN M. GAME- ^ LIN'S JOURNAL, LOCATING THE VILLAGE OF PIANKESHAW POTTOWATOMIES TOLD GURDON HUBBARD ABOUT PIANKESHAW LIFE OF THE DWELLERS IN PIAN- KESHAW MANNERS AND CUSTOMS OF THE RACE WHO FIRST LIVED IN DAN- VILLE FRENCH TRADERS IN VERMILION COUNTY 24 111 192856 COPYRIGHT 1911 BY LOTTIE E. JONES 97-7. 3cs~ CONTENTS CHAPTER I. HOW THIS SECTION BECAME KNOWN TO THE CIVILIZED WORLD. VERMILION COUNTY HAS BEEN IN, EXISTENCE LESS THAN ONE HUNDRED YEARS BY WHAT NAMES THE COUNTRY WAS KNOWN BEFORE THIS TIME WHERE FIND EARLY HISTORY OF ANY SECTION EAST OF THE ALLEGHANY MOUNTAINS COLONIES OF GREAT BRITAIN, HOLLAND, AND SPAIN, WHERE LOCATED WHAT NATION DISCOVERED THE MISSISSIPPI VALLEY EXPLORING EXPEDITION OF JOILET AND MARQUETTE LA SALLE DISCOVERS THE WABASH VALLEY VER- MILION COUNTY A PART OF NEW FRANCE '. 5 CHAPTER II. THE ORIGINAL PROPRIETORS OF WHAT IS NOW KNOWN AS VERMILION COUNTY, ILLINOIS. THE AMERICAN INDIAN THE TWO GREAT NATIONS EAST OF THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER ORIGIN OF THE IROQUOIS THE ALGONQUINS THE FRIEND OF THE FRENCH THE IROQUOIS THE FRIEND OF THE BRITISH THE MIAMI CONFEDERACY THE ILLIN1 NEARLY RELATED TO THE MIAMIS THE PIANKESHAWS A TRIBE OF THE MIAMI CONFEDERACY THE HABITS OF THE MIAMIS THE PIANKESHAWS ALONG THE WABASH RIVER THE KICKAPOOS THEIR VILLAGES IN THIS SEC- TION THE PEACE MEDAL THE KICKAPOO TREATIES THE POTTOWATOMIES THE LAST TO LEAVE THIS TERRITORY THE REMOVAL OF THE POTTOWATOMIES IN 1838 THE PASSING OF THE INDIAN 12 CHAPTER III. PIANKESHAW. DANVILLE WAS BUILT ON THE SITE OF THE OLD INDIAN VILLAGE OF PIANKESHAW PIANKESHAW AN IMPORTANT INDIAN VILLAGE CHIPPECOKE, THE CAPITAL SEAT OF THE PIANKESHAW ORIGIN OF THE NAME OF THE VERMILION RIVER EXTRACT FROM THE JOURNAL OF GEORGE CROGHAN AN ENTRY IN M. GAME- LIN'S JOURNAL, LOCATING THE VILLAGE OF PIANKESHAW POTTOWATOMIES TOLD GURDON HUBBARD ABOUT PIANKESHAW LIFE OF THE DWELLERS IN PIAN- KESHAW MANNERS AND CUSTOMS OF THE RACE WHO FIRST LIVED IN DAN- VILLE FRENCH TRADERS IN VERMILION COUNTY 24 iii 192856 iv CONTENTS CHAPTER IV. GOVERNMENT OF THIS SECTION PRIOR TO 1819. HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY ANTEDATES ITS ORGANIZATION FIRST GOVERN- MENT, THAT OF FRANCE THE PROVINCES OF CANADA OF LOUISIANA: WHERE WAS THE DIVIDING LINE? THE SEATS OF GOVERNMENT FOR DWELLERS IN WHAT IS NOW VERMILION COUNTY A PART OF THE BRITISH DOMAIN THE ILLINOIS COUNTY OF VIRGINIA SEAT OF GOVERNMENT AT KASKASKIA THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY; SEAT OF GOVERNMENT, MARIETTE, OHIO INDIANA TERRITORY; SEAT OF GOVERNMENT, VINCENNES ILLINOIS TERRITORY; SEAT OF GOVERNMENT, KASKASKIA THE COMMONWEALTH OF ILLINOIS VERMIL- ION COUNTY A PART OF SIX DIFFERENT COUNTIES, WITH AS MANY SEATS OF GOVERNMENT 32 CHAPTER V. EXPLORING THE VERMILION RIVER FOR SALT. INDIAN TREATIES DETERMINE THE EXPLORATION OF THE VERMILION RIVER FOR SALT SALT THE DEMAND OF THE EARLY igTH CENTURY JOSEPH BARRON'S KNOWLEDGE OF THE SALT SPRINGS ON THE VERMILION THE NORTH ARM PRAIRIE THE NEAREST INHABITED SPOT SUPPOSED ROUTE OF THE FIRST EXPLOR- ING PARTY KNOWN ROUTE OF SECOND EXPLORING PARTY 36 CHAPTER VI. THE VERMILION SALINES. SALT WAS ANXIOUSLY SOUGHT BY EARLY EXPLORERS THE SALINES OF SOUTHERN ILLINOIS SUPPOSED TO HAVE BEEN WORKED BY A PREHISTORIC PEOPLE JOSEPH BARRON, FOR MANY YEARS GOVERNOR HARRISON'S INTERPRETER, VISITED THE VERMILION SALINES IN l8oi AGAIN AT THE SAME PLACE IN l8lp WITH A PARTY TO EXPLORE IT TO AFTERWARD WORK THE SPRINGS SECOND EXPEDI- TION TO THE SPRINGS ORGANIZED WITHOUT KNOWLEDGE OF BARRON LITTLE EVIDENCE OF ANY PREVIOUS ATTEMPT TO WORK THE SPRINGS TO PROFIT BLACKMAN TOOK LEASE IN HIS OWN NAME DIFFERENCES AMONG CONFLICT- ING CLAIMANTS SETTLED IN l822 JOHN W. VANCE LEASED THE SALINES IN 1824 AND WORKED THEM TO PROFIT EVIDENCES OF EARLY USE OF SALINES. . 4O CHAPTER VII. UNITED STATES LAND SURVEYS. PLAN OF SURVEY OF THE EXTENSIVE TERRITORIES OF THE UNITED STATES THE "HARRISON PURCHASE" THE LATER SURVEY 49 CONTENTS v CHAPTER VIII. EARLY MILITARY INVASION OF VERMILION COUNTY. INVASION BY SPANISH TROOPS OBJECT OF THIS MARCH ACROSS THE STATE OF< ILLINOIS EVIDENCE OF THIS COMPANY OF SOLDIERS CROSSING VERMILION COUNTY ILLINOIS RANGERS THE COMMAND UNDER GEN. SAMUEL HOPKINS GEN. HOPKINS' ARMY A BAND OF UNDISCIPLINED MEN REGIMENT, A MOB ON RETREAT CANNON BALL FOUND IN BLUFF OF MIDDLE FORK RIVER WHAT DOES IT PROVE ? 53 CHAPTER IX. FIRST SETTLEMENTS. THE FIRST SETTLEMENT WAS MADE AT THE SALT SPRINGS THE NEXT WERE MADE AT BUTLER'S POINT AND JOHNSON'S POINT BROOK'S POINT MORGAN'S THE M'DONALD NEIGHBORHOOD YANKEE POINT AND QUAKER POINT THE LITTLE VERMILION VERMILION AND ELWOOD WALKER'S POINT DANVILLE; WHEN SETTLED THE LE NEVE SETTLEMENT SETTLEMENTS ON THE MIDDLE FORK OF THE BIG VERMILION MOTIVES FOR SETTLEMENTS DIRECTION WHENCE SET- TLERS CAME 57 CHAPTER X. TRAILS AND EARLY ROADS. ORIGIN OF THE MODERN ROAD FIRST THE BUFFALO, THEN THE INDIAN, THEN THE PACK-HORSE THE DANVILLE & FORT CLARK ROAD THE OTTAWA ROAD HUB- BARD'S TRACE 63 CHAPTER XL PIONEER LIFE IN VERMILION COUNTY. FOOD SHELTER CLOTHING EARLY CONDITIONS AND CUSTOMS MEANS OF TRAVEL SICKNESS PROVINCIALISMS 66 CHAPTER XII. THE ORIGIN AND EVOLUTION OF VERMILION COUNTY. COUNTY ORGANIZATION IN ILLINOIS DATES BACK TO 1779 THE COUNTY OF ILLI- NOIS ST. CLAIR AND RANDOLPH AS COUNTIES OF THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY KNOX COUNTY KNOX AND ST. CLAIR COUNTIES MADISON COUNTY ED- WARDS COUNTY CRAWFORD COUNTY CLARK COUNTY EDGAR COUNTY VER- MILION COUNTY REDUCED TO PRESENT LIMITS BELONGS TO SECOND CLASS GOVERNMENT OF THE COUNTY TOWNSHIP ORGANIZATION; WHEN EFFECTED ORIGIN OF NAME OF VERMILION COUNTY 75 vi CONTENTS CHAPTER XIII. PHYSICAL FEATURES OF VERMILION COUNTY. TOPOGRAPHY DRAINAGE RELIEF PRAIRIES RIDGES VALLEYS GEOLOGY ROCKS SELDOM APPEAR AT SURFACE COAL-BEDS MORAINES VERMILION COUNTY BELONGS TO THE ILLINOIS GLACIAL LOBE THE CHAMPAIGN MORAINES OIL WELL DUG AT DANVILLE WATER-WORKS WELL DUG FOR SAME PURPOSE AT DANVILLE JUNCTION ALTITUDE EXTREME WEATHER EXPERIENCED.. 8O .^ CHAPTER XIV. EARLY GROWTH. THE FIRST COMMISSIONERS' COURT AT THE RESIDENCE OF JAMES BUTLER AMOS WILLIAMS APPOINTED CLERK AT THE SECOND MEETING THE COUNTY WAS DIVIDED INTO TWO TOWNSHIPS FIRST GRAND JURY WILLIAM REED APPOINTED ASSESSOR AT NEXT SESSION CERTAIN PROPERTY WAS TAXED COMMISSIONERS APPOINTED TO LOCATE COUNTY SEAT PROVISIONS OF THE ACT ESTABLISHING VERMILION COUNTY LOCATION OF THE COUNTY SEAT AT THE SALT WORKS MAJOR VANCE REFUSED TO GIVE UP LEASE NEW COMMISSIONERS APPOINTED TO LOCATE COUNTY SEAT DENMARK DESIROUS OF ITS LOCATION THERE GUY W. SMITH AND DAN BECKWITH GIVE LAND AT MOUTH OF NORTH FORK OF THE VER- MILION RIVER PRESENT LOCATION SELECTED LOTS SOLD APRIL IO, 1827 NAME OF THE NEW TOWN FIRST PUBLIC BUILDING THE STRAY POUND FIRST COURT HOUSE NEW COURT HOUSE BEGUN IN 1832 NAVIGATION OF THE BIG VER- MILION RIVER RAFTS AND FLAT-BOATS CARRIED PRODUCE DOWN THE VERMILION RIVER CONDITION OF DANVILLE AS LATE AS 1836 DENMARK NORTHEAST PART OF THE COUNTY THE FERRY ACROSS THE BIG VERMILION PRODUCE HAULED TO CHICAGO^ COMMUNITY OF FRIENDS GROWTH OF DIFFERENT SETTLEMENTS. 87 CHAPTER XV. SOME OF THE MAKERS OF VERMILION COUNTY. SEYMOUR TREAT DAN BECKWITH FRANCIS WHITCOMB l82O HENRY JOHN- SON JAMES D. BUTLER HENRY JOHNSON I&2I ABSOLOM STARR JOTHAM LYONS JOHN JORDON WILLIAM SWANK JOHN MYERS HENRY CANADAY BENJAMIN BROOKS THOMAS O'NEAL JOHN HAWORTH ACHILLES MORGAN HENRY MARTIN 1&22 ROBERT COTTON STEVEN DUKES ASA ELLIOTT JOHN MILLS ALEXANDER MCDONALD 1. R. MOORES 1823 JOHN LE NEVE WILLIAM M'DOWELL 1824 AARON MENDENHALL CYRUS DOUGLASS ROBERT DICKSON JOHN SNIDER DR. ASA PALMER HEZEKIAH CUNNINGHAM ELI HENDERSON 1825 AMOS WILLIAMS LEVI B. BABB 1826 WILLIAM WATSON MICHAEL WEAVER ABEL WILLIAMS SAMUEL GILBERT AND SONS SAMUEL BAUM JOHN LARRANCE WILLIAM CURRENT ANDREW PATTERSON SAM- UEL COPELAND LARKIN COOK ANDREW JUVINALL SAMUEL SCONE WIL- LIAM JONES WILLIAM WRIGHT JAMES GRAVES JAMES BARNETT JOHN CHANDLER ABSOLOM COLLISON JOSEPH SMITH SAMUEL CAMPBELL OTHO CONTENTS vii ALLISON JAMES DONOVAN WILLIAM BANDY JAMES SMITH WILLIAM BLAKENEY CHARLES S. YOUNG CHARLES CARAWAY LATHAM FOLGER WIL- LIAM CUNNINGHAM WILLIAM CURRENT JAMES ELLIOTT JOHN D. G. CLINE JOHN JOHNS JOHN COX EPHRIM AGREE ADAM PATE 98 CHAPTER XVI. INDIAN WARS AS AFFECTING THIS SECTION. INDIANS DID NOT ANNOY EARLY SETTLERS PASSING OF THE INDIAN TO THE NORTH AND NORTHWEST HABITAT OF THE WINNEBAGOES INDIGNITIES ON THE WIN- NEBAGOES BY THE WHITE MEN THE CAUSE OF THE WINNEBAGO WAR GURDON HUBBARD'S NARRATIVE OF THE WINNEBAGO WAR HEZEKIAH CUNNINGHAM'S NARRATIVE OF THE WINNEBAGO WAR THE BLACK HAWK WAR THE POTTA- WATOMIES DID NOT CONTEMPLATE THE CAPTURE OF FORT DEARBORN IN 1832 PART TAKEN BY THE CITIZENS OF VERMILION COUNTY IN THE BLACK HAWK WAR COLONEL PAYNE'S BLOCK HOUSE 139 CHAPTER XVII. THE THIRTIES IN VERMILION COUNTY. THE PERMANENT COURT HOUSE WILLIAM MILLIKANS' CARDING MILL BUILT FIRST LOG MEETING HOUSE BUILT OPENING OF A ROAD FROM FORT CLARK NEWCOMERS TO VERMILION COUNTY IN 1830 REVIVAL IN THE INTERESTS OF MORMANISM LAND OFFICE CONGRESS PETITIONED TO GRANT STRIP OF LAND BETWEEN CHICAGO AND VINCENNES FOR RAILROAD NEWCOMERS TO VER- MILION COUNTY IN 1831 PENNSYLVANIA HOUSE BUILT FIRST NEWSPAPER STARTED IN VERMILION COUNTY GOSHEN BAPTIST CHURCH ORGANIZED POS- TAL ROUTE ESTABLISHED FROM CHICAGO TO VINCENNES NEWCOMERS TO VER- MILION COUNTY IN 1832 BRADY BRANCH CORNCRACKER NEWCOMERS IN 1837 EXODUS TO WISCONSIN LEAD MINES NEWCOMER IN 1834 CHARTER FOR C. & V. R. R. CHARTER SECURED FOR NORTH CROSS R. R. NEWCOMERS IN 1835 KIRKPATRICK'S MILL ON STONY CREEK KYGER'S MILL BUILT STATE BANK CHARTERED NEWCOMERS IN 1836 AMOS WILLIAM'S MILL SAWMILL FIRST STEAM SAWMILL R. R. GRADED THROUGH VANCE TOWNSHIP POSTAL ROUTE FROM DANVILLE TO SPRINGFIELD VIA DECATUR POSTAL ROUTE FROM DANVILLE TO OTTAWA POSTAL ROUTE FROM INDIANAPOLIS TO DANVILLE NEWCOMERS IN 1837 GRADING ROADBED FROM CHAMPAIGN COUNTY EAST SHEPHERD'S MILL VERMILION RAPIDS PLATTED NEWCOMERS IN 1838 SAW- MILL NORTHWEST OF ALVAN NEWTOWN LAID OUT CHRISTMAN MILL NEW- COMERS OF 1839 148 CHAPTER XVIII. MEN AND EVENTS FROM 1840 TO 1860 IN VERMILION COUNTY. NEW COMERS IN 1840 REV. ASHMORE's WORK O. L. DAVIS CAME TO VERMILION COUNTY IN 1841 HENSON VINSON NEW COMERS IN 1842 AND 1843 JOHN L. TINCHER DR. SAMUEL HUMPHREY NEW COMERS IN 1844 AND 1845 viii CONTENTS WILLIAM I. ALLEN SAMUEL H. VREDENBURGH, M. D. OLIVE BRANCH LODGE ORGANIZED FIRST BRASS BAND NEW COMERS IN 1846 AND 1847 NEW COMERS IN 1848 AND 1849 DANVILLE SEMINARY INCORPORATED IN 1850 CHAS. WOLVERTON ODD FELLOWS' CHARTER HIGGINSVILLE POST-OFFICE ESTABLISHED VERMILION COUNTY AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL ASSO- CIATION UNION SEMINARY ORGANIZED NEW COMERS OF 1850, '5! AND '$2 VERMILION COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY THOS. HOOPES J. G. ENGLISH NEW COMERS IN 1853, '54 AND '55 NEW CITY CHARTER FOR DANVILLE NEWELL HORSE COMPANY H. M. KIMBALL A. C. DANIEL RAYMOND W. HAN- FORD CHAS. W. KEESLER JAMES KNIGHT JOHN BEARD A. H. KIMBROUGH, M. D. NEW COUNTY VOTED DOWN NEW COMERS IN 1856, '57 AND '58 FARMERS AND MECHANICS INSTITUTE VOTE ON FORMING FORD COUNTY NEW COMERS JOHN SIDELL 172 CHAPTER XIX. VERMILION COUNTY DURING THE CIVIL WAR. PUBLIC SENTIMENT IN i860 VOLUNTEERS TO THE SERVICE REGIMENT FORMED FROM VERMILION COUNTY MEN WHOLLY OR IN PART WHAT THE WOMEN DID NEWCOMERS FROM i860 TO 1864 RIOTS IN DANVILLE DURING THIS TIME 197 CHAPTER XX. AFTER THE WAR CONDITIONS FOLLOWING THE CIVIL WAR NEW COMERS IN THE DECADE IMME- DIATELY AFTER THE CLOSE OF THE WAR BUILDING OF TOWNS AND CITIES PROGRESS IN THE NORTHERN PART OF THE COUNTY DEVELOPMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 2l8 CHAPTER XXI. SOME ELDER SONS AND DAUGHTERS OF VERMILION COUNTY. JAMES O'NEAL CLAIMS TO BE FIRST WHITE CHILD OF WHITE CHILDREN MRS. ELIZABETH ( MCDONALD) HARMON, ONE OF THE FIRST WHITE CHILDREN BORN IN VERMILION COUNTY JAMES O'NEAL, BORN IN l822 MARY (COX) PATTERSON, BORN IN 1823 WILLIAM P. SWANK, BORN IN 1824 PERRY O'NEAL, BORN IN 1825 JAMES H. STEVENS, BORN IN 1826 D. B. DOUGLASS AND RHODA M. HESTER, BORN IN 1827 ABNER SNOW, S. P. LCNEVE AND AN- DREW GUNDY, BORN IN 1828 SONS AND DAUGHTERS OF 1829 OF 1830 OF 1831 OF 1832 OF 1833 OF 1834 OF 1835 OF 1836 OF 1837 OF 1838 HENRY FLETCHER AND LIZZIE (LOVE) PAINTER, BORN IN 1839 SONS AND DAUGHTERS OF 1840 OF 184! OF 1842 OF 1843 OF 1844 OF 1845 OF 1846 OF 1847 F Z 848 OF 1849 228 CONTENTS ix CHAPTER XXII. AGRICULTURAL INTERESTS. CATTLE RAISING HORSE BREEDING SWINE FRUIT GROWING CORN PRODUC- TION SHEEP INDUSTRY 2OO CHAPTER XXIII. FAMOUS FARMS. PILOT GROVE FARM FAIRVIEW THE MANN FARMS THE ALLERTON FARM. .275 CHAPTER XXIV. EARLY MILLS AND MILLING. FIRST CORNCRACKER MILL WAS MADE BY JAMES BUTLER IN 1823 THE GILBERT'S MILL, BUILT IN 1828 AT DANVILLE MILL ON THE SALT FORK, 1826 SHEP- HERD'S MILL BRAZELTTON'S MILL WHITSILL'S AND HOWARD'S MILLS ON THE MIDDLE FORK THE HIGGINSVILLE MILL KIRKPATRICK's MILL THE OLD KYGER MILL AMOS WILLIAM'S MILL THE HALE-GALUSHU SAWMILL STEAM SAWMILL AT DANVILLE THE WRIGHT-COOK FORD SAWMILL THE HAWORTH MILL THE MENELY MILL THE MYERSVILLE MILL THE MILL AT ALVIN THE JAMES GEORGE MILL AT MIDDLE FORK THE JENKIN's MILL ON THE VERMILION THE OLD WOOLEN MILL THE STEAM MILL AT GEORGETOWN BUILT IN 1850 THE AMBER MILL DOUGHERTY MILL AT FAIRMOUNT THE WOOD'S MILL ON THE NORTH FORK THE LUSTRO MILL AT DANVILLE THE DANVILLE MILL THE GARLAND STEAM STONE SAWMILL 284 CHAPTER XXV. MANUFACTURING INTERESTS 297 CHAPTER XXVI. EARLY MERCHANTS. INDIAN TRADERS FIRST MERCHANTS GURDON S. HUBBARD BECKWITH & CLYMAN FIRST MERCHANTS IN THE SOUTHERN PART OF THE COUNTY 3OO CHAPTER XXVII. FIRST BANKS AND BANKING INTERESTS 305 CHAPTER XXVIII. BUILDING ASSOCIATIONS 307 CHAPTER XXIX. THE PROFESSION OF MEDICINE IN VERMILION COUNTY 309 x CONTENTS CHAPTER XXX. THE BENCH AND BAR THE FEDERAL COURT .................. 315 CHAPTER XXXI. SCHOOLS AND EDUCATION FIRST SCHOOL IN THE COUNTY - HIRAM TINCNOR'S SCHOOL SCHOOL IN NEWELL TOWNSHIP HOW A SCHOOL WAS ESTABLISHED - ELISHA HOBBS - VERMILION SEMINARY ONE OF THE FIRST SCHOOLS IN DANVILLE - THE DANVILLE ACADEMY - THE GEORGETOWN SEMINARY - THE DANVILLE SEMINARY - THE UNION SEMI- NARY - SEMINARIES GIVE PLACE TO THE PUBLIC SCHOOL SCHOOLS IN OAK- WOOD TOWNSHIP - SCHOOLS IN PILOT TOWNSHIP - SCHOOL AT DENMARK - THE LAMB SCHOOL - THE CUNNINGHAM SCHOOL - EARLY SCHOOLS IN DANVILLE - AMOS WILLIAMS BUILDS A SCHOOL HOUSE JAMES DAVIS - MRS. CROMWELL - THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS IN VERMILION COUNTY - PRIVATE SCHOOLS .......... 326 CHAPTER XXXII. THE DANVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY DATE OF ORGANIZATION - OFFICERS AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS THE CULBERTSON LIBRARY - REV. JAMES W. COE, FIRST LIBRARIAN - LOCATIONS BUILDING - CIRCULATION - CLASSIFIED CONTENTS IN IQIO .......................... 338 CHAPTER XXXIII. CHURCHES AND MINISTERS OF VERMILION COUNTY. THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH - THE CUMBERLAND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH - THE UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH - THE METHODIST CHURCH - THE BAPTIST CHURCH - THE CHURCH OF CHRIST - THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH - THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH - THE UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH - THE GERMAN UNITED BRETHERN - THE GERMAN LUTHERAN THE GERMAN METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH - THE SOCIETY OF FRIENDS - THE OTHER CHURCHES - THE MORMONS - THE CHRISTIAN SCIENTISTS ................ 342 CHAPTER XXXIV. THE VERMILION COUNTY PRESS ................................ 359 CHAPTER XXXV. TRANSPORTATION IN VERMILION COUNTY ................... .61 CHAPTER XXXVI. THE POSTOFFICE IN DANVILLE .................................. 367 CHAPTER XXXVII. THE NATIONAL HOME FOR DISABLED VOLUNTEER SOLDIERS. 369 CONTENTS xi CHAPTER XXXVIII. THE G. A. R 37i CHAPTER XXXIX. THE WOMAN'S CLUBS IN DANVILLE 372 CHAPTER XL. THE D. A. R 374 CHAPTER XLI. COAL AND COAL MINES 375 CHAPTER XLII. ABANDONED TOWNS OF VERMILION COUNTY 378 CHAPTER XLIII. A FEW OLD BURYING GROUNDS. THE MT. PISGAH BURYING GROUND THE DALBEY BURYING GROUND THE VER- MILION GROVE BURYING GROUND THE GUNDY BURYING GROUND 382 CHAPTER XLIV. HEROES AND DISTINGUISHED PEOPLE. J. G. CANNON W. J. CALHOUN J. W. WILKIN MRS. MARY HARTWELL CATHER- \VOOD HIRAM W. BECKWITH GURDON HUBBARD SAMUEL M'ROBERTS REV. JAMES ASHMORE HARVEY SOWDOWSKY RT. REV. VICAR GENERAL O'REILLY COL. O. F. HARMON J. C. DAVIS MICHAEL KELLEY 389 CHAPTER XLV. TOWNSHIPS OF VERMILION COUNTY. FIRST DIVISION OF THE COUNTY PRECINCTS UNDER COMMISSIONERS' SYSTEM TOWNSHIP ORGANIZATION CHANGES IN BOUNDARIES DANVILLE TOWNSHIP GEORGETOWN TOWNSHIP ELWOOD TOWNSHIP CARROLL TOWNSHIP VANCE TOWNSHIP MIDDLEFORK TOWNSHIP PILOT TOWNSHIP ROSS TOWNSHIP NEWELL TOWNSHIP BLOUNT TOWNSHIP CATLIN TOWNSHIP GRANT TOWN- SHIP BUTLER TOWNSHIP OAKWOOD TOWNSHIP SIDELL TOWNSHIP JA- MAICA TOWNSHIP LOVE TOWNSHIP 392 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY CHAPTER I. HOW THIS SECTION BECAME KNOWN TO THE CIVILIZED WORLD. VERMILION COUNTY HAS BEEN IN EXISTENCE LESS THAN ONE HUNDRED YEARS BY WHAT NAMES THE COUNTRY WAS KNOWN BEFORE THIS TIME WHERE FIND EARLY HISTORY OF ANY SECTION EAST OF THE ALLEGHANY MOUNTAINS COLONIES OF GREAT BRITAIN, HOLLAND, AND SPAIN, WHERE LOCATED WHAT NATION DISCOVERED THE MISSISSIPPI VALLEY EXPLORING EXPEDITION OF JOILET AND MARQUETTE LA SALLE DISCOVERS THE WABASH VALLEY VER- MILION COUNTY A PART OF NEW FRANCE. Vermilion County, as such, has been known less than a hundred years. The territory now known as Vermilion County had been recognized by the civilized world as a part of variously named lands for a century and a half pre- vious to its organization as a county of the great state of Illinois. First it was as a part of the "Country of the Illini," or maybe the "Valley of the Oubache;" then, successively as the "Illinois Country," "New France," the "British Domain," the "Illinois County of Virginia," "the Northwest Territory," the "Indiana Territory," the "Illinois Territory" and at last, as a county of the state of Illinois. Each name involves a different story, and although permanent occupation by the white man did not begin until after it became a part of the state of Illinois, yet the beginning of the history of Vermilion County, must be sought in the beginning of the history of the territory of which it is a part. The account of the beginning of any section of the United States, east of the Alleghany Mountains is sought in the founding of Jamestown, the landing of the Pilgrims at Plymouth Rock, the discovery of the great river by Henry Hudson, or, it may be, the building of old St. Augustine. 6 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY A study of the lives and service of John Winthrop, William Bradford, Capt. John Smith, Jacob Eelkin, and William Penn, becomes imperative that necessary sidelights be thrown upon the picture of any locality along the Atlantic coast. lAkid behind these lives, the influence of their old homes, whence they had emigrated, lies strong, so that their story must include the tale of Great Britain, Holland, and even Spain in the seventeenth century. Such is not, however, the necessity in investigating the beginnings of the history of any section in the Mississippi valley. Early explorations and settlements did not come from the nations which colonized the eastern coast. It was a century after the Mississippi was known to the white man before Great Britain, Holland, or Spain knew much of its fertile valley. A different nation than any of these discovered, explored, and, in a way, colonized this section, and claimed it for its own. When Columbus discovered the new world, in the last decade of the fifteenth century, the pope decreed that Spain should have possession as far as forty degrees north latitude. Now Columbus did not discover the mainland of the continent ; that honor was left to the Englishman, John Cabot, a few years later. Consequently, Great Britain claimed the western continent. The king of Great Britain, being a Protestant, ignored the claim made by Spain because of the authority of the pope, and made a grant of land in America to the London company, which included six degrees already accorded the other nation by papal decree. All grants of land in America made, stated that the territory included between the two oceans was given, yet neither the king who made them nor the men who received them, had correct ideas of the extent of the territory. The Alleghany mountains presented a barrier which time and exploration alone could level and show the extent of country beyond. Great Britain busied herself building homes and establishing institutions in New England and Virginia; Holland contented herself with the strip of country along the Hudson river, for a century and more, unconscious of the possibilities of the country beyond the mountains; Spain had been active in exploring the new world, but her object being the acquisition of wealth, of itself, defeated any permanent possession of the land. During the sixteenth century Spain discovered, conquered, and might have to some extent colonized, a large portion of inland America. Indeed, she laid claim to the vast domain from Colorado to Buenos Ayres, extending from sea to sea. Her insatiate search for gold made her push to the north and northwest, leaving fertile plains for the Rocky mountains which might hold the coveted treasure. This was the direction of colonization of America by three of the great powers of Europe, in the early part of the seventeenth century: Great Britain on a strip along the Atlantic coast, Holland along the Hudson river, and Spain in South America, Mexico, New Mexico, and toward the Pacific coast. France was a powerful nation of Europe at that time. She was neither disinterested nor idle in her explorations of the New World. Catholic France recognized the claim of Spain because of the decree of the pope, to forty degrees north latitude, and so directed her explorations north of that limit. Thus France discovered and profited by the valuable fisheries and fur trade of the north. In 1534 Jacques Cartier discovered the St. Lawrence river. This gave France a valid claim to it. Early in the next century, Samuel de Champlain HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 7 established New France there, by building Quebec. Two motives combined to further the extension of New France; one was the wealth in the fur trade and the other, the religious zeal of the Frenchman and his love for his church. The common spirit of the times was a love of adventure. This spirit took the hardy Frenchman further and further into the wilderness, even to the region of the Great Lakes. Wherever the explorer and trader went, he was accompanied by the priest, so that by a little after the middle of the seventeenth century, missions were established as far west as Lake Superior. In about 1634, Jean Nicolet was sent upon an embassy from Quebec to the Winnebago Indians near the heart of Green Bay, to secure their trade. Thirty- seven years later, Sieur de St. Lusson Jean Talon, the Intendent of New France, through his deputy, formally took possession in the name of the king of France, of "Sainte Marie du Sault, as also Lakes Huron and Superior, the Manitoulin Islands, and all the countries, lakes, rivers and streams contiguous or adjacent thereto." In this way New France extended westward and as a matter of course it fell to France to discover and explore the Mississippi river ; that great, as yet, unknown waterway which ran through the heart of 'the continent, and at the same time to find the promising country of the Illini. Although some knowledge, more or less vague, of the great river came to the missionaries and traders who had penetrated the wilderness, there was little definite information concerning it until, in a letter which he wrote to his superior while in charge of the mission at Chequamegon Bay in 1668, Father James Marquette made mention of it. This letter was written from the mission called La Point du Esprit, or Mission of the Holy Ghost, and is preserved in the Jesuit Relations for 1669 and 1670, and reads in part as follows: "When the Illini came to the Point (meaning to Chequamegon Bay where these Indians came to trade) they passed a great river which is almost a league in width. It flows from north to south and is so great a distance that this tribe, who know little of the use of the canoe, have never as yet, heard of its mouth. * * * "It is hardly probable that this great river discharges itself in Virginia. We are more inclined to believe that it has its mouth in California." The report of a great waterway, as yet unknown to the civilized world, came at a time when the idea of a direct and quick route to the Indies had not been abandoned. That this unknown waterway might be the coveted connection with the far East, was probably the great incentive to the exploration of the Mississippi river at this time. The government at Paris and at Quebec decided that the exploration should be delayed no longer. To this end, Sieur Louis Joliet was commissioned to go upon this expedition and Father Dablon appointed Father Jacques Marquette, the zealous priest at the Mission of the Holy Ghost, to accompany him. It was not a large expedition so far as numbers constitute size, which was sent. Two canoes were manned, each with an Indian oarsman and taking an Indian guide, these two Frenchmen set out to explore the unknown river. Courage and zeal were needed for this undertaking, and the two men chosen were indeed brave and zealous. A letter written by Count Frontenac, Governor of Quebec, to M. Colbert, Minister of the Navy at Paris, described Sieur Louis Joliet as a man of great experience in these sorts of discoveries, who already has been almost to that 8 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY river, the mouth of which he promises to see. Joliet had previous to this time made several discoveries, among them being that of Lake Erie. Louis Joliet was a man of much learning, having been educated for a priest ; but his lore of adventure had proven stronger than his love of study and his interest in the life and affairs of the Indian deeper than either, so that life in the wilderness had lured the monk from the cloister. Father Jacques Marquette, the devout and zealous priest, makes his own record, that upon receiving his appointment to accompany Joliet he was "enrap- tured at the good news of seeing my design on the point of being accomplished, and myself in the happy necessity of exposing my life for the salvation of all these nations, and particularly for the salvation of the Illini who had very earnestly entreated me to carry the word of God to their country." These "Illini" were among the different tribes of Indians who traded at the Mission of the Holy Ghost on Lake Superior, of which Father Marquette had charge as he wrote concerning the Mississippi river. It is to this religious fervor that the country north of the Ohio river and east of the Mississippi river is indebted for being made known to the civilized world at this time. It is true that the interests of trade determined this expedition to a great extent, yet it would hardly have been accomplished had it not been for the enthusiasm of the men to carry the privileges of their church to the benighted heathen. The devout priest who was seeking the salvation of the souls of the redmen to the glory of his church, had braved every personal danger in pushing across the wilderness to the Great Lakes, and it was one of these men who says he "was enraptured at the opportunity for 'exposing his life' in this continued service." Unlike any other country, America has been conquered by the cross, rather than the sword. Freedom to worship God according to the dictates of his conscience brought the Puritan to the eastern coast ; a desire to save the souls of the native, led the Jesuit priests into the wilderness of the Mississippi valley. Joliet and Marquette met at the Mission of St. Ignatius, at Michilimakinac. Marquette had two years previous to this time established this Mission of St. Ignatius. It was not on the Island of Mackinac, but on the point of land west of the island, extending from the north shore into the strait. The place is now called Point St. Ignace. Here the two men made ready for their journey. On May 17, 1673, they left the Mission of St. Ignatius and crossed Lake Michigan to the mouth of the Fox river. Ascending this stream as far as it was navigable, they carried their canoes across to the Wisconsin river. This carrying place, or portage as the French called it, is now marked by Portage City, in Wisconsin. Rowing down the Wisconsin river this little party found themselves entering the Mississippi river the first white men upon the upper waters of the mighty stream. Their delight is told by Marquette in his Journal as "a joy I can not express." De Soto had discovered the Mississippi river near its mouth, one hundred and thirty odd years before this time, but as yet Spain had neglected to take advantage of the discovery. Joliet and Marquette, with their Indian oarsmen and guide, explored the river to within a ten days' journey of its mouth, encountering various adventures. When they reached a point at about a league from the HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 9 mouth of the Arkansas river, they were satisfied with what they had learned about the great waterway and retraced their steps. They had found that the Mississippi river did not lead through Virginia nor yet into California, but into the Gulf of Mexico. They had also satisfied themselves that it was not the much sought quick way to the Orient. Returning up the Mississippi, Marquette became too ill to proceed, so they left their boats at the mouth of the Illinois river. Taking the advice of the natives when they were ready to continue their journey, they took the quicker route, going up that river. This change in their plans brought them within the boundaries of what is now the state of Illinois. The coming into this territory is the beginning of authentic history of the commonwealth of which Vermilion County is a part. Marquette makes record of this journey up the Illinois river by saying- : "We had seen nothing like this river for the fertility of its land, its prairies, wood, wild cattle, stag, deer, swan, ducks, parrots and even beaver; its many lakes and rivers." The vast stretch of prairie over which the eye roamed to the sky line, with its waving grass, presented a picture as beautiful and as awe-inspiring as must have been the outlook to the pilgrims in mid-ocean or the first sight of the Great Lakes to the white man. The soft sunshine, the gentle breeze, burdened with the fragrance of innumerable flowers, the gay winged insects, the water fowl, the singing birds, all lent charm to the scene. The buffalo and deer, not yet having been taught to fear the white man, came to the river's brink to satisfy their thirst. It was indeed a goodly land to look upon. These explorers ascended the Illinois river to where Peoria is now located where they found the large Indian village of Kaskaskia. Here they paused, and Father Marquette established a mission among the Indians. This mission, after more than two and a quarter centuries, yet exists, having been moved when the village was moved, to near the mouth of the Kaskaskia (Okaw) river. The Mississippi river changed its course, so that Kaskaskia is now an island in its waters, completely cut off from the Illinois shore. But the mission established by Marquette, remains the same in name and location. Joliet and Marquette parted company after they left the village of Kaskaskia and Joliet returned directly to Quebec, where he made his report of the expedition, telling the direction and extent of the Mississippi river, as well as telling of the Illini country. The civilized world first learned through this report of the exist- ence of this great waterway, and of the fertile land in the heart of the new continent. The later explorations of Joliet, or missionary work of Marquette, in no way influences the section whose history is here being given. The glowing report of Joliet aroused public interest which crystalized into the subsequent plans of La Salle, who with the invincible Tonti, explored the Mississippi to its mouth a few years later and formally declared the entire Mississippi valley a part of France. The plans of La Salle included a chain of forts from Quebec to New Orleans. To this end he fortified Fort St. Louis (now known by the name of Starved Rock) and also attempted to plant colonies at the Gulf and, but for his untimely death, might have built a permanent New France in America. 10 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY The New France, as recognized, included the vast domain north of the Ohio river and east of the Mississippi river. This territory is often spoken of as the country of the Illinois or the Illini, but in reality the country of the Illini was restricted on the east by that ridge which divides the tributaries of the Illinois river from those of the Wabash river. Such being the case, that territory now known as Vermilion County was never a part of the country of the Illini, and only in a general way, as being a part of the country north of the Ohio river and east of the Mississippi, seeks the beginning of its history in the discoveries of Joliet and Marquette. In truth Vermilion County is a part of the Wabash valley, belonged to the Wabash country, and must look for its early history in the story of that section. Four years before the exploration of Joliet and Marquette, it is said, La Salle set out from Montreal upon an expedition into the far country to the southwest. Unfortunately, the account of this journey is among the records that have been lost since the middle of the eighteenth century. No official account can now be found of the two years following La Salle's leaving Montreal, upon this, his first journey. There is a memorandum in existence which states that "after leaving Lake Erie six or seven leagues distant, he came to a stream which he descended to the River Ohio," but no mention is made of the name of this stream. It is, however, highly probable that it was along the historic Wabash (or Oubache, as the Indians called that river) , that La Salle made his way to the Ohio. Later, the French had a favored route from Lake Erie, via the Maumee and Wabash rivers to the Ohio river. Granted that La Salle paddled his canoe down the Wabash river in 1669, and, by the right of discovery, has the prior claim to this section, and that the Wabash valley was made known through records now lost, conditions here remain about the same. La Salle's discovery made the Wabash valley a part of the same government as had claim to the Illinois country through the explorations of the Mississippi river by Joliet and Marquette. The later exploration of the Mississippi river by La Salle himself, following in the lead of Joliet and Marquette, put this entire country of the Mississippi valley into New France, and the only question arises is whether history of the section which embraces what is now called Vermilion County, Illinois, begins in 1669, when La Salle is supposed to have discovered the Wabash valley, or in 1673 when Joliet and Marquette are known to have discovered the Illinois country, or yet later, in 1680 when La Salle formally took possession of the country drained by the great Mississippi river in the name of the king of France. But it matters little whether this section belonged to the careless monarch, whose interests in New France it was impossible to arouse, a few years sooner or later, for what possible effect could it have had upon the people whose homes were here at that time? What cared the dusky subjects who roamed the banks of the Vermilion and its tributaries, fought others of their race because of real or fancied wrongs, whether or not far away an indifferent France did or did not own the soil during this decade in the seventeenth century ! The journey down the Wabash must have been similar to that made by Joliet and Marquette, up the Illinois. Vast forests lined the banks, beyond which the grass waved on the Wea Plains and other prairies of Indiana. Singing birds in HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 11 the tree tops, wild game coming in places to the river's brink, the ripple of the placid stream all were the counterpart of that other journey made with the Lilies of France unfurled to the breeze of the new West on the Illinois river. Whether Vermilion County, as a part of the state of Illinois, or a part of the Wabash Valley, was first explored, the fact is undisputed, it owes its discovery to the French and was made known to the civilized world through the records of the French government. CHAPTER II. THE ORIGINAL PROPRIETORS OF WHAT IS NOW KNOWN AS VERMILION COUNTY, ILLINOIS. THE AMERICAN INDIAN THE TWO GREAT NATIONS EAST OF THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER ORIGIN OF THE IROQUOIS THE ALGONQUINS THE FRIEND OF THE FRENCH THE IROQUOIS THE FRIEND OF THE BRITISH THE MIAMI CONFEDERACY THE ILLINI NEARLY RELATED TO THE MIAMIS THE PIANKESHAWS A TRIBE OF THE MIAMI CONFEDERACY THE HABITS OF THE MIAMIS THE PIANKESHAWS ALONG THE WABASH RIVER THE KICKAPOOS THEIR VILLAGES IN THIS SEC- TION THE PEACE MEDAL THE KICKAPOO TREATIES THE POTTO W ATOM IES THE LAST TO LEAVE THIS TERRITORY THE REMOVAL OF THE POTTOWATOM1ES IN 1838 THE PASSING OF THE INDIAN. When the Western Continent was discovered a new race of people was found. As the eastern coast was explored and colonized the natives proved to be quite similar, differing when at all, in degree of appearance and characteristics. Be- cause the discovery of America was made, in although a futile yet an earnest search for a shorter route to India, these natives were called Indians. Later, when it was learned that a new country instead of India had been found, the natives were distinguished by the name of American Indians. This new race was found to inhabit the entire new land from the Gulf of Mexico to the country north of the Great Lakes, and from the Atlantic ocean to the Mississippi river, and westward to the Rocky mountains. In appearance the people of this newly found race were pleasing. They were tall, straight and well proportioned; of a copper-colored skin, long coarse and perfectly straight hair; strong features with high cheek-bones, and had black, piercing, expressive eyes. Bodily deformity was unknown and, until they adopted the vices of the Europeans, but little diseases prevailed among them. They had vigorous constitutions and astonishing powers of endurance. One writer in the early times who had lived with them, summed up their characteristics in these words: "They were indolent, taciturn, and unsocial; brave and sometimes generous in war; unflinching under bodily torture; re- vengeful, treacherous, and morose when injured or offended ; not always grateful for favors ; grave and sagacious in council ; often eloquent in speech ; sometimes warm and constant in friendship, and occasionally courteous and polite." While the American Indian from Florida to the Rocky mountains spoke a variety of dialects, there were, perhaps, not more than eight radically distinct 12 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 13 languages among them. All the races were more or less nomadic in their habits, yet each tribe had its own territory as a habitat. The migration of the American Indian was from the west to the east, and generally, with a tendency toward a southern direction. The white man came into America and went from the east to the west ; the red man went from the west to the east. Nothing is really known of the origin of the race all theories so far advanced lacked satisfactory substantiation, and become but conjecture. One fact alone remains undisputed, and that is the direction whence they came. In most of the tribes there was a legend, handed down from one generation to another of "having come from the shore of the great sea, far to the setting sun," without doubt meaning the Pacific ocean. As the white man explored the territory east of the Mississippi river, two great families of Indians were found. These families were known as the Algonquins and the Iroquois. They in turn were divided into many tribes or clans, each with a different name. These two families were to the white man, apparently, distinct people. They were antagonistic, and irrevocably sworn enemies. While the Algonquins were the more numerous, the Iroquois were the dominant nation. This, according to Indian tradition, had not always been the case, however. Long before the Europeans came to the new world, the Iroquois were a peaceful people. Their principal village was on the northern side of the lakes about where Montreal is now situated. They made "the planting of corn their business," and were under a sort of subjection to the Adirondacks. Adirondack was the Iroquois name for Algonquin, and was supposed to be the source of all the tribes con- sidered a part of the Algonquin family. The habitat of the Adirondacks sur- rounded the village of the Iroquois. Naturally the Adirondacks despised the Iroquois who had as their business, work "fit only for women." The Adirondacks delighted in the more manly employment of hunting, and going to war with other tribes. As time went by, however, the game grew scarce and wandered further, and was more difficult to get and the Adirondacks felt the need of help from the young men of the Iroquois. So they induced these peaceable people to join them in the chase. An unforseen condition arose. The young Iroquois became more expert than their teachers in the hunt and showed a greater power of endurance of fatigue. This aroused the hatred of the Adirondacks, and one night they murdered the young men of the Iroquois whom they had with them. The chief of the Iroquois complained but they were treated with contempt. The Adiron- dacks had no fear of the Iroquois, thinking they were but "as women." At last the Iroquois were aroused to action and they determined upon revenge. The Adirondacks hearing this, declared war. The Iroquois were defeated, and forced from their country to the south side of the Lakes. Here they ever afterward lived, but they were a changed people. They had learned to fight, and in time they became a powerful nation. They formed a strong confederacy afterward called the Five and later the Six Nations. Their habitat was through what is now the State of New York. Living as they did in the midst of their old enemies, the Adirondacks, they yet became their conquerors. The Iroquois went east into New England, and west as far as the "Country of the Illini," subjugating 14 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY other tribes from whom they constantly exacted tribute. The Iroquois have fittingly been called the "Romans of the Western World." The Algonquins, through their various tribes, inhabited the vast territory now included in all of Canada, New England, a part of New York and Pennsylvania, all of the States of New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland and Virginia, eastern North Carolina north of Cape Fear, a large portion of Kentucky, and Tennessee, and all north and west of these States, east of the Mississippi river. The early settlers of New England, the Dutch coming to the Hudson river, and the French discovering the St. Lawrence river, all found the Algonquins in possession of this part of the country. Those on the Hudson river early were made subject to the Iroquois. When Champlain established Quebec, he found the Algonquins very friendly. They were as usual making ready to fight their perpetual enemy, the Iroquois. Champlain taught them the use of the white man's arms and himself led them to victory in a memorable battle on the lake since called by his name. This act, simple as it seemed in itself, determined the history of America. The undying hatred of the French, on the part of the Iroquois, was aroused. They became the perpetual enemy of the Frenchman and all of his friends, and interests. Through their compact with the Dutch, which was inherited by their conquerors, the English, the Iroquois were always sworn to the interests of Great Britain, and were ever their allies. They held themselves a steady barrier to French invasion of New England, and were an aid to the colonies on the coast. On the other hand, the Algonquins were as loyal friends to the French, and their good will made the exploration of the representatives of this nation westward possible and their possession of the Mississippi Valley a matter of course. The territory now known as Vermilion County, Illinois, was the home of the confederacies of the Algonquin family called the Miamis, with later the Kicka- poos, and Pottowatomies, with temporary occupancy by scattered bands of Shawnees and Delawares. The eastern limit of the possessions of the Illini was the ridge which divides the waters of the tributaries of the Illinois river from those of the Wabash river. The Miami Confederacy is the earliest known occupant of this section of country. The Miamis were without doubt origi- nally a branch of the great Illinois Nation. Their claim to relationship of the two made by earliest writers is agreed to by no less authority than Gen. William Henry Harrison, whose long official connection with both the Illinois and the Miamis, gives his theories great weight. The separation of the tribes which took place before the white man explored the upper Mississippi river, and by the time of occupancy seemed to be com- plete. This separation was, indeed so complete that in the wars waged against the Illini by the Iroquois, the Sacs and Foxes, and other enemies, the Miamis never made offer of assistance, yet there were the best of reasons to believe they were one family originally. Their language, manners and customs were so nearly identical, that little doubt can exist that they were at one time the same nation. According to their own tradition, the Miamis and the Illinois as well, came, originally, from the Pacific ocean. Their first permanent stopping place of which the white man has knowledge, was at the Des Moines river. Here they separated. The migrations of the Miamis from the west of the Mississippi HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 15 river eastward, can be followed readily through the mass of records handed down from the missionaries, travelers and officers connected with the French. Their travel extended through what is now Wisconsin, and northern Illinois around the southern end of Lake Michigan, to Detroit and thence up the Maumee river and down the Wabash river and eastward through Indiana, and Ohio as far as the Great Miami river. Father Claude Dablon made a visit to a Miami village on the Fox river in 1670, and writes of the natives in a letter preserved in the Jesuit Relations of 1670 and 1671. He calls them the "Oumaimi, one of the Illinois Nation, which is, as it were, dismembered from the others in order to dwell in these quarters." He describes the Miami chief in these words : "The physiogomy of the chief, Telmchonia, was as mild and as attractive as any one could desire to see, and, while his reputation as a warrior, was great, his features bore a softness which charmed all those who beheld him. He never spoke to his subjects, but imparted his orders through some of his officers." This pen picture of a man whose subjects, and maybe relatives, lived in this section of country where we now have our homes, is interesting to us, but must not confuse us into thinking his people were without the well known characteristics of the savage of the plains. The Miami Confederacy consisted of the Miamis proper, the Weas, and the Piankeshaws. This confederacy was known to the Iroquois and was often called "Twight-wees" by them. The Miamis proper are known to have been at what is now the city of Fort Wayne, in charge of the portage at that place, as early as 1699, and a few years later the Weas are described as having their fort and cultivated fields on the plains below what is now the city of LaFayette, in Indiana. This section is even yet known as the Wea plains. When the French first explored the Wabash river, they found the Pianke- shaws in possession of the land on either side of that stream from its mouth to the Vermilion river. A part, at least, of this territory, was ceded to the Dela- wares, who, in turn, in 1804, made a session of it to the United States. From the time the white man came into this country of the Illini (or Illinois) its eastern limit was known to be the ridge which divides the waters flowing into the Illinois river from the streams which drain into the Wabash river. This same ridge was the western limit of the country of the Miamis. There is no room for doubt that the earliest proprietors of the territory which is now Vermilion County, were the Miamis, or, to be yet more explicit, the first people known to have owned these fields and streams, these prairies and timber, belonged to the Piankeshaw tribe, of the Miami Confederacy. The superior number of the Miamis and their great valor enabled them to extend the limit of their hunting grounds eastward into Ohio, and far within the territory of the Iroquois. Unlike the Illini, the Miamis held their own until they were placed upon an equal footing with the tribes eastward by obtaining possession of firearms with which they were able to maintain their tribal integrity and inde- pendence. Again, unlike the Illini, they did not keep faith with the French. They traded and fought with the French, English and Americans as their inter- ests or passions inclined ; they made peace or declared war against other nations of their own race, as policy or caprice dictated. More than once they compelled 16 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY the arrogant Iroquois to beg, from the governor of New York, that protection which they, themselves, had failed to secure by their own prowess. The Miamis became bold and independent, and did not appeal to the French as an attractive field for missionary work. As a result of this, the Jesuit Rela- tions and pastoral letters of the priesthood have less to say of this Confederacy than of any of the other western tribes, the Kickapoos alone excepted. Trade with the Miamis was sought with great eagerness, by both the French and the English. This involved wars between the Miamis and the Iroquois and constant reduction of their numbers. After the French were driven from the Mississippi Valley, the Miamis were compelled to defend their title from the arrogant claims of the British. They took a conspicuous part in the conspiracy of Pontiac. This conspiracy failed, and Pontiac went to Fort Chartres which he kept from the actual possession of the British for two years. The cessation of hostilities, and the transfer of Fort Chartres to the British, was secured through a conference between Pontiac and George Croghan, Department Superintendent of Indian Affairs. This conference was held within the country of the Miamis. Croghan and Pontiac met on the familiar trail, which crosses the southern part of Vermilion County. This trail crossed the southeast corner of the town of Sidell and it is even yet distinctly discernible in the northwestern part of Edgar County where it has been marked by a tablet. Beside the wars into which the Miamis were drawn, they were greatly reduced in numbers by reason of the ravages of smallpox; whole villages were depopulated by this dread scourge. As the years passed, the Miamis were degraded by the vices of the white man, and became weakened and easily over- come by their enemies. The Kickapoos and the Pottowatomies drove them to the east of the Wabash river before white men came to settle this part of the Wabash Valley. The early settler came into contact and were better acquainted with these Indians who came later, than with the Piankeshaws, or any other tribe of the Pottowatomies. The Kickapoos were associated with, or were a part of, the Mascoutins, a tribe who had, some time before the appearance of the Kickapoos, as such, in the Wabash Valley, gone to the mouth of the Ohio river. Writers differ in considering the relationship between these two tribes. They are some- times classed as the same, and sometimes, as two distinct people. Even while they were regarded as separate bands or subdivisions of a tribe, it had to be admitted that their language and customs were identical. They always occupied contiguous villages and hunted in company with each other, over the same coun- try. They were always united in interests. No instance is on record where they were ever arrayed against each other, or where they ever took opposite sides in any alliance with other tribes. Treaties were always made with the Kickapoos when both were involved, and instances are recorded when known Mascoutins signed their names as Kickapoos. The Kickapoos were connected with the Northwest, being first noticed by Samuel Champlain, in 1612, "residing near the place called Sakinam," meaning the country of the Sacs, which bordered on Lake Huron, in the vicinity of Sagi- naw Bay. Father Claude Allouz visited "a mixed village of Miamis, Kickapoos HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 17 and Mascoutins, on Fox river, in the winter of 1669-70. Like the Miamis, the Kickapoos were not inclined to receive religious impressions from the early mis- sionaries. Tonti quaintly records their ruthless murder of Father Ribourd in these words: "They carried him away and broke his head." Other instances are on record of their cruelty to the missionaries. Previous to 1718 they had villages on the Rock river, having been driven thither by the scarcity of game and enmity of the Sioux. The Rock river is laid down on a map of La Salle's discoveries as the Kickapoo river "the Assin-Sepe." The Kickapoos came into the Wabash Valley as disputers of the Miamis' claim as early, at least, as 1765. The distinction between them and the Mascou- tins is inferred from the record made as late as 1815, of the Mascoutins residing on the west bank of the Wabash between Vincennes and the Tippecanoe river, and the Kickapoos living a short distance above them, in several large villages. On the other hand, it is a well-known fact that an important Kickapoo village was located at the mouth of the Vermilion river, a few miles south of Danville, and a large Kickapoo burial ground was to be found a few miles west on the Salt Fork of the Vermilion river. No instance is recorded where the Kickapoos assisted either the French or British in any of the intrigues or wars for the fur trade, or the acquisition of disputed territory in the Northwest. They early incurred the displeasure of the French, but there is no record that they became the allies of the British on any occasion. As a military people the Kickapoos were inferior to the Miamis, the Dela- wares, and the Shawnees, in movements requiring large bodies of men, but they excelled in predatory warfare. Small parties of five to twenty would push out hundreds of miles from their villages and swoop down upon a feeble settlement, or an isolated pioneer's cabin, and make off before an alarm could be given. The Kickapoos were very much attached to the country along the Vermilion river and General Harrison, then the Superintendent of Indian Affairs, had great trouble in gaining their consent to cede it to the United States. They valued it highly as a hunting ground, and also because of the minerals it was supposed to contain. But they were not alone in an appreciation of this terri- tory. The Government was desirious of its possession, and General Harrison was determined to secure it. In a letter dated December 10, 1809, addressed to the Secretary of War, General Harrison expressed his anxiety to have the Kickapoos release their title as high up as the Vermilion river. He particularly coveted the tract "bounded on the east by the Wabash, on the south by the northern line of the so-called Harrison Purchase, extending from opposite the mouth of Raccoon creek, northwest fifteen miles ; thence to a point on the Vermilion river twenty-five miles in a direct line from its mouth ; thence down the latter stream to its confluence." "This small tract of land (of about twenty- five miles square, is one of the most beautiful that can be imagined. It is, moreover, believed to contain a rich copper mine. The Indians are so extremely jealous of any search being made for this mine that the traders were always cautioned not to approach the hills which were supposed to contain it." Beckwith's Historic Notes of the North- West (foot-note, page 164), states that there was a mistake made in this letter concerning the mineral in this 18 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY mine ; that it was not copper but a mineral having something like the appearance of silver. Explorations on the bluffs of the Little Vermilion, in the seventies, resulted in the discovery of a number of ancient furnaces, with the charred coals and slag remaining in and about them. The furnaces were crude, consisting of shallow excavations of irregular shape in the hillsides. These basins were but a few feet across ; they too, were lined with fine clay. The bottoms of the pits were connected by ducts, or troughs, also made of fireclay, leading into reser- voirs, a little distance lower down the hillside, into which the metal could flow, when reduced to a liquid state, in the furnace above. The pits were carefully filled with earth and every precaution was taken to prevent their discovery, a slight depression on the surface of the ground being the only indication of their presence. These mines were, from every appearance, entitled to a claim of considerable antiquity, and were probably "the silver mines of the Wabash," of which repeated mention is made by early writers. The most plausible explanation of the use to which this metal was put was given, at the time the mines were explored by a half-breed Indian whose ances- tors lived in the vicinity and were in the secret. He said that, after being smelted the metal was sent to Montreal, where it was used as an alloy with sil- ver and made into brooches, wristbands and other jewelry, and returned to the traders to be disposed of to the Indians. The territory described by General Harrison, extended into the southeast corner of what is now Vermilion County, and is yet a tract of the same descrip- tion, for it is one of the most beautiful to be imagined, for, together with the adjoining territory in that part of the county, it makes the richest farm lands to be found any where. This land, although coveted by Harrison, was not ceded to the United States until, at a treaty made at Edwardsville, in 1819. This was ten years after the above quoted letter was written, but, meanwhile, Tecumseh had "taken up the hatchet against the white people" and all Governor Harrison's time was taken in "fighting it out," as Tecumseh said, and securing the Wabash Valley to the white man. Since the battle of Tippecanoe was only indirect in results of influence to the settlement of Vermilion County, a brief mention of its importance, is only admissible. True it is, it made the occupancy of this territory possible at that time. When making the treaty the Kickapoos claimed the entire territory which they ceded as theirs "by descent from their ancestors, by conquest from the Illinois Nation (probably inferring the Miamis a part of the Illinois Nation) and by uninterrupted possession for more than half a century." As compared with other Indians, the Kickapoos were industrious and intelli- gent, and cleanly in their habits. They were better armed and clothed than the other tribes. The men, as a rule, were tall, sinewy and active ; the women were lithe, and many of them by no means lacking in beauty. Their dialect was soft and liquid as compared with the rough gutteral language of the Pottowatomies. The Kickapoos lived to themselves and did not, as a rule, mix with the white people; because of this they preserved their characteristics. The vices of the white man were less temptation to them than to other tribes. They were never of great numbers, as compared to the Miamis or Pottowatomies, but their energy was great so that they well compared. In language, manners and cus- HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 19 toms the Kickapoos resembled the Sacs and Foxes, whose allies they were gen- erally counted. The Kickapoos shared the part of the Wabash Valley with the Pottowatomies after the last years of the i8th Century. The Pottowatomies had been neigh- bors of the Miamis to the north for some time before the treaty of Green- ville, in 1795. At this time the Pottowatomies announced their determination to settle upon the Wabash river. They made no pretentions to ownership of that country, and gave, as their reason for taking the Miami territory, that "they were tired of eating fish and wanted to eat meat." The Pottowatomies had gradually wandered from the Lake Huron country southward, without any fixed land of their own. The other tribes called them squatters. They were of the same family as the Ottawas and Ojibbeways with but a difference of dialect, not a difference of language. Their manners, as well as their dialect, were rough and barbarous, as compared with other Algon- quin tribes. They were loyal to the French, maintaining their alliance so long as New France existed in America. When other Indians "as far west as the Illinois" were induced to be bound by the "Silver Covenant Chain" and desert the French at the Siege of Niagara, the Pottowatomies were not counted in the number. After the French were vanquished by the British the Pottowatomies heartily upheld their kinsman Pontiac, in his attempt to recover the country. The Pottowatomies fought with the British during the Revolutionary war, and in the war of 1812, being a menace to the frontiers of Kentucky, Ohio and Pennsylvania. It was the Pottowatomies who perpetrated the massacre at Fort Dearborn, August 15, 1812. After settling themselves in the Wabash country, the Pottowatomies agreed with the Kickapoos, already there, that they, together, would take possession of the north and west sides of the river, leaving the east side for the Miamis, now grown too weak to resist this arrangement. This was a hard bargain for the Miamis, but they could make no resistance ; they were dealing with a stronger people. , One of these mixed Pottowatomie towns was located but a short distance out- side of present-day Vermilion County. The exact location of this town is a mat- ter of record in a speech made by the renowned Indian chief, "Kesis" (the Sun), to General Wayne, when telling of his own village which was "a day's walk below the Wea town on the Wabash." He referred to the village which stood on the site of the Shelby farm near Cayuga, which is yet owned by descendents of the family living in Vermilion County, Illinois. Evidences of Indian fighting have been found in various parts of Vermilion County. The old Baird farm, now owned by John Baird, near Indianola, has given much evidence of a battle hav- ing been fought at that spot, but it is impossible to determine whether it was between the Pottowatomies, or the Kickapoos against the Piankeshaws, or was even at an earlier date. The Revolutionary war was concluded without Great Britain making any provision for her Indian allies, who continued their hos- tilities. No treaty had been made between the United States and the Wabash tribes. The Indians of this territory were a menace to the frontier, and there seemed no help for it. The United States government tried peaceable means to bring an end to Indian depredations, and, failing in this, sent out expeditions into the Wabash country, under General Harrison and then under General Charles 20 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY Scott, and last under General Wilkinson, which, in every case, resulted in the burning of Indian villages, the devastation of their fields and the capture of wom- en and children, but not the conquering of the Indians themselves. The prison- ers were taken to Fort Washington. Again the government tried to bring the Wabash tribes to a treaty of peace. Grown vindictive and arrogant beyond words, the Indians declined all overtures. General Putnam, who was the Indian Agent of the Ohio Company, at Mari- etta, at the hazard of his life, visited the hostile tribes, and finding they would not go to Philadelphia nor Fort Washington, he induced them to meet at Vin- cennes. Starting from Fort Washington, August 26, 1792, he went to Vin- cennes, reaching there September 12. He was accompanied by the Moravian missionary, John Heckwelder. They took the surviving prisoners who had been captured by General Scott and General Wilkinson the previous year, with them. There were one hundred forty persons put into the boats and taken down the Ohio and up the Wabash rivers. The Indians who had already come to Vin- cennes when they reached there, September 12, "were assembled upon the banks of the river, and when they saw their friends approaching," wrote Heck- welder, "they discharged their guns in token of joy and sang the praises of those from whom they had been separated, in terms peculiar to themselves." The prisoners were at once delivered to their friends. For the next ten days the Indians came daily to make the treaty. By the morning of the twenty- fourth, delegates representing the Eel Creeks, Wea, Pottowatomie, Mascoutin, Kickapoo, Piankeshaw, Kaskaskia and Peoria tribes, had all arrived. Speeches were made by both General Putnam for the United States, and the assembled chiefs and definite articles of peace were concluded. These were signed on the twenty-seventh of September, 1792. This was the first treaty ever entered into between the United States and the several Wabash tribes. It was a treaty of peace and friendship only. General Putnam took many presents with him when he went to Vincennes to make this treaty. Among these were two large white wampum belts of peace with a silver medal suspended to each, bearing the arms of the United States. When the chiefs of the several tribes had signed the articles of the treaty, General Putnam addressed them as follows: "Brothers, listen to what I say: We have been for some days past engaged in establishing a peace and we have succeeded through the influence of The Great Spirit. Brothers, we have wiped off the blood, we have buried the hatchet, on both sides, all that is past shall be forgotten." Taking up the belts, he continued : "Brothers, this is the belt of peace which I now present to you in the name of the United States. This belt shall be the evidence of, and the pledge for, the performance of the articles of the treaty of peace which we have concluded between the United States and your tribes this day. "Brothers, whenever you look at this, remember that there is a perpetual peace and friendship between you and us, and that you are now under the pro- tection of the United States. Brothers, we will hold this belt in our hands, here at this end, the United States holds it, and you hold it by the other end. The road you see is broad, level and clear. We may now pass to one and another easy and without difficulty. Brothers, the faster we hold this belt the happier PEACE MEDAL GIVEN* AT THE TREATY OF VIXCEXXES. SEPT. 27, 1792 Found at the old Kickapoo Indian burying ground near the mouth of the middle fork of the Vermilion river, four miles west of Danville. Now in possession of Mrs. Lynne Beckwith, Danville REVERSE SIDE OF PEACE MEDAL HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 21 we shall be. Our women and children will have no occasion to be afraid any more. Our young men will observe that their wise men performed a good work. Brothers, be all strong in that which is good. Abide all in this path, young and old, and you will enjoy the sweetness of peace." After speaking this way General Putnam delivered the belts. Among the Indians present was the renowned Pottowatomi chief, "Kesis," whose village was the one mentioned above, located on the site of the Shelby farm, near the mouth of the Vermilion river. There was an old Indian burial ground, near the mouth of the Middle Fork of the Vermilion river when the first settlers came to this section. This burial ground bore all evidence of having been used by the Indians many years prior to the time of the cession of the territory along the Vermilion river. Any one curious to locate the site of the old burying ground can do so on the bluffs near the mouth of the Middle Fork four miles West of Danville. There are no signs of its once use as a burial place. It has not had any such use since the removal of the Pottowatomies west in 1838, and few who pass on the road beneath the bluffs every day know that it was ever a burial ground. It was sixty odd years after the signing of the treaty 'at Vincennes, that two young men, living on a farm near this burying ground, were walking by the river, when they saw a skull which had evidently been washed out of the bluff. They made search and found a grave from which it had come. Examining the grave, a medal was found. It may be this skull was not found by accident, as this story would imply, but was the result of digging in the grave, seeking treasure. Whatever the cause of finding the medal, the article itself, and its being in a grave in this burying ground, is the matter of interest. This medal is reproduced in this volume and it can readily be seen to be exactly as the description given by the Moravian missionary, of the peace medal presented by General Putnam to the Indians at the Vincennes treaty in 1792. This medal is of silver set in a rim of the same metal. The engraving is by hand, of course, and is very distinct. It can be studied with little trouble from the illustration. The side upon which is engraved the Coat of Arms of the United States was explained to the Indians by Gen. Putnam in these words: "Brothers, the engravings on this medal distinguish the United States from all other nations ; it is called their arms, and no other nation has the like. The prin- cipal figure is a broad eagle. This bird is a native of this country and is to be found in no other part of the world; and both you and the Americans being born in this land and having grown up together with the eagle, they have placed him in their arms, and have engraved him on this medal, by which the great chief, General Washington, and all the people of the United States, hold this belt fast. The wings of the eagle are extended to give protection to all our friends, and to assure you of our protection so long as you hold fast this belt. In his right foot the eagle holds the branch of a tree, which, with us, is an em- blem of peace, and it means that we love peace, and wish to live in peace with all our neighbors, and to assure you, that while you hold this belt fast, you shall always be in peace and security, whether you are pursuing the chase, or repos- ing yourselves under the shadow of the bough. In the left foot of this bird is 22 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY placed a bundle of arrows; by this is meant that the United States have the means of war and that when peace cannot be obtained or maintained with their neighbors, on just terms, and that if, notwithstanding all their endeavors for peace, war is made upon them, they are prepared for it." The other side of the medal needed no interpretation to an Indian. It tells its own story better than any words could. The Indian has thrown his toma- hawk, the emblem of war, at the foot of the tree under whose roots it was to be typically buried. With his other hand, the Indian has extended the pipe of peace (after he, himself, had smoked it) to Washington, and he, representing the United States, has reached his hand to receive and smoke. These acts of friendly feeling insures protection to the pioneer plowman and his cabin in the background. The eye in the rim of this medal shows that it has never been sus- pended. Since it is believed that Kesis, the great Chief, was buried in this burying ground, it is reasonable to think that this medal was buried with him. The young men sold the medal to Samuel Chester at the time, and he later disposed of it to Josephus Collett of Terre Haute, and it is now in the possession of Mrs. Lynne Beckwith of Danville, Illinois. The Pottowatomies were the last of their race to leave the Wabash country. They were the redmen with whom the early settlers of this section were best acquainted. Whatever notion of the American Indian there has been handed down from one generation to another, in this section, was had from association with the Pottowatomies. There were reservations made for them in both Indiana and Illinois, but the white man crowded them out, and at last they were sent beyond the Mississippi river. The final migration of the Potowatomies from the Wabash Valley was under charge of Col. Pepper and Gen. Tipton and took place in the summer of 1838. It was a sad sight, these children of the forest being driven from the homes of their childhood. Bidding farewell to the hills, valleys and streams of their infancy, the graves of their revered ancestors, leaving these sacred scenes to be desecrated by the plowshares of the white man. No wonder the downcast warriors wept the old men trembled and the swarthy cheek of the youth paled. There were about one thousand persons of all ages in the line of march. Reluctantly they wended their way toward the setting sun, watch- ing their chances to break into the brush and return to their dearly loved homes, saying they would rather die than leave their country. When they reached Danville they halted several days being in want of food. Without tents, and a liberal supply of food, there was much suffering among them. While at Danville they camped on the Dave Fowler farm. During their stay there were many deaths. The mournful procession passed on across Illinois, without adequate means of conveyance for the weak, the aged and the infirm. Several years later the Miami Nation was removed to their western homes by coercive means under an escort of United States troops. This once proud and powerful nation was far inferior in point of numbers to the Pottowatomies. Their removal took the last of the original proprietors of the section, thenceforth to be known as Vermilion County, Illinois, to beyond the Mississippi river. This left the HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 23 fields and plains, the woods and rivers, which had been the red man's home to the use of the white man. Generations have come and gone since the American Indian has lived in Eastern Illinois. All that is now known of him is through the questionable tales found in books, or worse, the representation of his life as shown on the stage, copied as it is from those of his race west of the Mississippi river. The American Indian has passed from his old haunts as has passed the buffalo, the wild game, the beaver and even the woods, from the borders of the streams. CHAPTER III. PIANKESHAW. DANVILLE WAS BUILT ON THE SITE OF THE OLD INDIAN VILLAGE OF PIANKESHAW PIANKESHAW AN IMPORTANT INDIAN VILLAGE CHIPPECOKE, THE CAPITAL SEAT OF THE PIANKESHAW ORIGIN OF THE NAME OF THE VERMILION RIVER EXTRACT FROM THE JOURNAL OF GEORGE CROGHAN AN ENTRY IN M. GAME- LIN'S JOURNAL, LOCATING THE VILLAGE OF PIANKESHAW POTTOWATOMIES TOLD GURDON HUBBARD ABOUT PIANKESHAW LIFE OF THE DWELLERS IN PIAN- KESHAW MANNERS AND CUSTOMS OF THE RACE WHO FIRST LIVED IN DAN- VILLE FRENCH TRADERS IN VERMILION COUNTY. Few people who walk the streets of Danville, the county seat of Vermilion County, Illinois, realize that they are walking upon historic ground of another race; that the present city is the second one upon this site; that long before the white men who are credited with its discovery and settlement had seen this favored location, and other people had an important town established here which attracted notice and comment from early writers. This Indian village, to which reference is made, is frequently mentioned in early memoirs and treaties, and it is always described in such a way as to leave no doubt of its location. Mention has already been made of the fact that the Miami Confederacy of Indians were the first known dwellers in the Wabash Valley. After their immi- gration thither the Miamis proper resided about Fort Wayne on the St. Mary's and St. Joseph's rivers, near their confluence which forms the Miami river. They also lived on the upper Wabash. The Ouatonons, or Weas, as the English called them, lived further down ; their principal villages being on the Wea Plains, between what is now Attica and LaFayette. When the French first came down the Wabash, the Piankeshaws were found on both sides of the river, from the Vermilion down to the Ohio, and westward into Illinois to the ridge which divides the tributaries of the Wabash from those of the Illinois. No claim had ever been made to this territory by any other tribe, nor was made until about 1770, when that part lying west of White river in Indiana, was granted to the Delawares by the Piankeshaws on condition that they would settle on it, and assist in a war with the Kickapoos, which was at that time taking their interest. At that time the Miamis and the Weas (or Ouatonons) had their habitat separate and distinct, extending from the Maumee and its tributaries through 24 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 25 the course of the Wabash Valley as far south as near Vincennes where Chip- pecoke, or the town of Brushwood, the ancient Capital seat of the Piankeshaws was located. The bands about Vincennes were called Lower Piankeshaws, while members of the tribe residing higher up and nearer the Vermilion river were designated as Upper Piankeshaws. Later these latter were known as Pian- keshaws of the Vermilion, and their villages on the stream were called Vermilion towns. The Miami name for the river, known as the Vermilion, was Piankeshaw. This word is to be found spelled in many different ways; such as Pyankashaw, Pionkashaw, Peanquichias, and otherwise. This dissimilarity was owing to the different style of spelling by the English, the Americans and French authors ; each making more or less successful effort to approximate the sound of the word as the Miami Indian pronounced it. Following the well established rules of Indian etymology, as to the manner of places and things, it may be the tribe living along the Vermilion, were called Piankeshaws from the name of the river, rather than the river being given the name of the tribe; just as the tribes of the Miamis residing at the Wea Plains were called Weas, those at the Tip- pecanoe river, were called Tippecanoes, and those higher up on Eel river were called Eel Creeks. Official document covering the treaty of Vincennes (1792), conducted by General Rufus Putnam, to be found at Marietta College, give Piankeshaw as the name of the river now known as the Vermilion. This name for the river was not the one universally used, apparently, by the Indians. It evidently was a name given by the Miamis, alone. In Colonel George Croghan's journal of 1765, the river is mentioned by the same name it has at present, that of Vermilion, and the explanation made that "it is so called from a fine red earth found here by the Indians, with which they paint themselves." This red earth, a red chalk, generally known under the provincial name of "red keel" was constantly noticed by the early settlers, and is to be seen now along the bluffs of the Vermilion in the shales over-laying the outcrop of the coal. The exposed coal taking fire, burns the shale above, turns it red and makes it soft. Carpenters used it to chalk their lines in early times, and, time after time, successive generations of boys gathered their pockets full and painted their hands and faces with it. The passion of the Indian for paint, and especially for red paint, made this red earth of importance, and caused them to, according to Croghan in 1765, call the river after the red earth. It is further known that another river by the same name in the state has the same red earth on its bluffs. This same river, which the Miamis called the Piankeshaw, was marked on a map published in the early years of the igth Century with the name of Red river. About this time English geographies, and not a few American writers, tried to give this river yet another name. Arrowsmith, who subscribes himself as no less a personage than "Geographer to His Majesty," lays it down on his map frenchified into " Re] dicing-] aune" and in "Emigrants Western Guides for 1817, 1819 and 1821, it is called the "Re- joicing" while, in Flint's History and Geography of the Western States, pub- lished in 1828, it is called the "Rejoicing." However, that name is forgotten; 26 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY the name of Piankeshaw was never generally used; and the river which, is the principal one of this county and gave it its name, remains an expression of the Indian's pleasure, and keeps the spelling of the Frenchman. It is possible, that the name of "Rejoicing" was but an expression of the joy the red man felt in finding the means of decoration in the Vermilion earth, and either name would have perpetuated the sentiments of this people who had first possession of its waters. A memoir, or official report to headquarters, made by the French officers as early as 1718, and which lay in the royal library at Paris, France, until transcribed and translated into English by J. R. Broadhead under the authority of the State of New York, contains matter of deep interest concerning the In- dians between Lake Erie and the Mississippi river. After speaking of the Miamis, the village of the Ouatonon are described, and the writer tells of the village by the name of Piankeshaw. This is not all the proof that this village was upon the site of present day Danville, nor the most convincing. After the change in the government of the Wabash Valley, in 1759, because of the defeat of the French by the British at Quebec, the Indians became restive. These In- dians had always been the friends of the French ; no wonder they were sus- picious of the British, who had ever been the foe to their friends. The British officers proved to be haughty and overbearing, whereas the French had always been kind and conciliatory. The French had adapted themselves to the ways of the Indians ; had taken to themselves wives of the various tribes, and shared their interests. The Englishman was reserved and selfish and wanted the land exclusively for himself. Pontiac was a great Chief of the Ottawas, and was a man of great discern- ment. He saw the inevitable result of the coming of the British to his people, and determined to make a bold attempt to hold the land for the red man. His plan failed, but his efforts forced the British to conciliation and diplomacy. George Croghan, an old Indian trader, and a man in whom the Indians had con- fidence, was sent to make peace where force had failed. George Croghan had spent his life among the Indians, and was well versed in their language and ways and habits of thought. He enjoyed the advantage of a personal acquaint- ance with many of the chiefs and principal men of the Wabash tribes who had formed strong attachments toward him. He was a veteran up to all the arts of the Indian Council House and had already conducted many important trea- ties, with the Shawnees, the Delawares and the Iroquois, further eastward. He had fared ill at the hands of the French, whose officers had captured his trade and confiscated his goods. Col. Croghan was closing a treaty at Fort Pitt when he was sent to the Indians of the Wabash Valley. He left Fort Pitt, May 15, 1765, going down the Ohio with two bateaux. He floated down the river to Shawneetown, where he halted at break of day, June 8, and was attacked by a party of eighty Kickapoo and Musquattimes, and two of his men together with three Indians were killed ; Croghan himself, was wounded and carried to their village near Ouatonon which was on the west bank of the Wabash river, be- tween Attica and La Fayette. The then went on foot to Vincennes, where they remained several days. Here Croghan made a purchase of "some little ap- parel" for himself and his companions and proceeded, still a prisoner, in com- pany with his captors, toward their village. They crossed the river at Vin- HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 27 cennes, and journeyed over the prairies, their route from the description of the country as preserved in Croghan's journal, being, without doubt, up through what is now Crawford, Edgar and Vermilion counties. Quoting from his journal: "June 17, 1765. At mid-day we set out from Vincennes, traveling the first five miles through a fine thick wood. We traveled eighteen miles this day, and encamped in a large, beautiful, well watered meadow. "18 and 19. We traveled through a prodigious large meadow called the Piankeshaws' hunting grounds. Here is no wood to be seen, and the country appears like an ocean ; the ground is exceedingly rich, and partly overgrown with wild hemp ; the land is well watered and full of buffalo, deer, bears, and all kinds of wild game. "20 and 21. We passed through some very large meadows, part of which belong to the Piankeshaw, on the Vermilion river ; the country and soil much the same as that we traveled over these three days past. Wild hemp grows here in. abundance; the game here is very plenty; at any time in half an hour, we kill as much as we wanted. "22. We passed through a part of the same meadow mentioned yesterday; then came to a high woodland and arrived at the Vermilion river, so called from a fine red earth found here by the Indians, with which they paint themselves. About half a mile from where we crossed the river, there is a village of Pian- keshaws, distinguished by the addition of the name of the river. We then traveled through a high, clear woody country about three hours, soil deep and rich, then came to a meadow and encamped. "23d. Early in the morning we set out through a fine meadow, then some clear woods; in the afternoon came into a large bottom on the Ouibache (Wa- bash) within six miles of Ouicatanon (or Ouatonons). Here I met several Chiefs of the Kickapoos, and Musquattimes." Following the description of the route taken by Col. Croghan in his enforced march from Vincennes, accompanied by his captors, to their villages near Ouato- non, on the west bank of the Wabash river, which we can more exactly locate as being between Attica and La Fayette, there is no doubt that the village, "about half a mile from where we crossed the river," and a three hours' journey through "clear high, woody country and a further half days' journey to reach the large bottom on the Wabash" within six miles of Ouitanon, is at the mouth of the North Fork, the same place where land was given by Beckwith and Guy- Smith about sixty years later, upon which to build the county seat of Ver- milion County. But one more proof of the identity of this village with present- day Danville will be given here. In presenting this proof a study of the records of events immediately fol- lowing the war of the Revolution must be made. Because of the Conquest of the Northwest, by George Rogers Clark, this Wabash Valley was, , at the close of the war, a part of a county of Virginia and afterward ceded to the United States. As a part of the United States the Federal Government took charge of it, appointing Gen. St. Clair to be Governor, with headquarters at Fort Wash- ington upon which site is present-day Cincinnati. The Wabash Indians had taken part with Great Britain in the late war, and still continued sending out hostile parties from this section of the country 28 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY against the frontier settlements in Kentucky and Eastern Ohio. Loud com- plaints were made, and earnest appeals sent to Governor St. Clair to have him make an effort to stop these depredations. To this end Antoine Gamelin, a French trader, started from Vincennes, with speeches addressed by Governor St. Clair to the Indians inhabiting the Wabash and its tributaries. These speeches were delivered at all the principal Indian villages laying near the Wa- bash, as far east as the Miami town of Kikinggan, near the site of present- day Fort Wayne. An entry in the journal of M. Gamelin kept while on this embassy of Governor St. Clair, is of interest in locating the Indian village of Piankeshaw. "After leaving Vincennes," the journal proceeds "The second village I ar- rive at was at the River du Vermilion called Piankeshaw. The Chief, and all the warriors, were well pleased with the speeches concerning the place, but they said they could not presently give me an answer, before they had consulted the Miami Nation, their oldest brethren. It must be observed that the speeches had been there in another hand before me. The first messenger could not proceed further than the Vermilion, on account of some private wrangling between the interpreter and some chief men of the tribe. They desired me to proceed to the Miami town Kikinggay and, in coming back, let them know what reception I got from them." That this peace mission was a failure, does not in any way affect the fact that such a mission included the visit to this Indian village of Piankeshaw "on the River du Vermilion," and is proof of the events of the past which transpired on the land now a part of Vermilion County. Time passed, the cruel Kickapoos and stronger Miamis swept over this village and, driving out the Piankeshaws, in turn abandoned all claim to the soil, and Nature did her best to win back to herself, this place in the wilderness. A score of years helped in this work, before the busy hands of the white man came into this wilderness, and pushed it aside for the planting of homes representing a higher civilization. The lingering red man did not forget to tell the encroaching white man tales of the pretentious homes of his race on this spot. The Potto- watomies delighted in telling their friend, Gurdon Hubbard, who himself had won relationship with them through marriage with one of their number, the stories of the Piankeshaw village, and Mr. Hubbard in turn, told these tales to the men of his acquaintance, so that the picture of the wigwam in the place of the modern house; the warriors and squaws and pappooses in the place of the men and women and children ; the games and Indian customs in place of business and amusements of today; becomes a vivid picture. A little exercise of the imagination can remove all the houses, streets and other signs of civilization in Danville, can destroy the bridges over the Vermilion river and North Fork. With the public square obliterated and the ground west- ward showing patches of hazel and jackoak, of recent growth; with the north- west part of town, nearly to the bluffs of North Fork, a broad meadow, set in with blue grass, with marks of old corn hills plainly visible over many; acres the picture has its true setting. The sky line along the river bluffs, silhouettes a line of stalwart oaks. OLD ELM IN ELLSWORTH PARK, UNDER WHICH THE PIANKESHAWS GATHERED HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 29 Under the bluff west of what is now Logan Avenue and in the other bottom south of Main street, up to the mouth of North Fork, ancient corn-fields also are overrun with blue grass. Eastward from Vermilion street, is a prairie, with an occasional stunted bush which grows for a season, only to be burned to the ground by the autumnal fires, which sweep through the high grass each year. This is surely a goodly spot. Sheltered on the north and west with a growth of timber its generous soil lies open to the warm summer sun and rainfall. The hillsides on the west and south, hold numerous springs from which pure water bubbles past mossy beds. People this attractive spot with a happy folk. It is home life for a race of children of the forest who have not yet learned to fear the white man's rule. Tall and lithe, the men are dressed in a garment which extends from their waists to their knees, with moccasins for feet covering, which had been prepared from the buffalo's hide. In the winter, leggings decorated with quills of the por- cupine stained in colors of brilliant contrast, together with blankets give the de- sided warmth. The women wear a garment which would be called at present, a one piece dress. The material from which it is made is woven from the soft wool from 1 the buffalo's hide, or is, perhaps, made from the buffalo's hide itself. When made from woven material, these' garments are dyed the most brilliant colors. The women of Piankeshaw are skilled in the choice of material to make these colors and search the bluffs to the west and south, going sometimes a long distance, to find the root or leaf or perhaps blossom that will yield the desired shade or tint. Ellsworth Park held many secrets for them in possible coloring material. The women decorate their own moccasins and do not let their leggings go plain. They are proud of their necklaces, as who would not be, when their value is an expression of the time and care it took to find and assort the clam- shells and other hard substances which comprised them. A head dress, usually, is deemed indispensible by the Piankeshaw woman. Petticoats are worn for warmth during the winter. To make these garments the nerves and tendons of deer are subjected to a process that yields good thread. The wigwams along the bluff on the North Fork were busy places when this thread was being manu- factured. The deer was dressed, and the nerves and tendons carefully put aside. They were exposed to the sun twice each day until they were in a state that, by beating, they would separate into fine hairs or threads. These threads were very strong and would hold any garment together. The women, beside making the garments and doing all the household duties, always carry the game and cultivate the soil. The remains of this cultivation was seen in the corn hills overgrown with blue grass on the fields in the north- western part of town when first Dan Beckwith and the other early settlers were here. The women searched the fields, which now are the streets and home lots of Danville, for edible roots and herbs, berries and any vegetable growth from which to prepare food. Their wooden dishes and spoons made of buffalo hide, comprised their table service. All along the North Fork, from the present northwestern limit of Danville to Main street, thence along the banks of the Vermilion river to the extreme limit on the east, and extending back in an irregular line a half mile or more from the bluffs of the two streams, the homes of the dwellers of Piankeshaw 30 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY are placed. They are located in reference to the numerous springs, which bub- ble out of the hillside. These houses are made by driving poles into the ground and drawing them together at the top, over which there is a mat thrown. This mat is made by the squaws, from flags they have gathered from marshy places near the river. The Piankeshaws are not without weapons by which they can defend them- selves when danger comes, although they are not a people who seek war. They use both the bow and arrow, and the club, yet they would rather take to their heels than to face an enemy, at any time. But they are skillful with their bows and arrows, which they tip with stones. Although on the whole, they are peace- ful people, sometimes a warrior finds a wrong, either fancied or real, which must need be avenged, and he goes about through the village asking one and another to go with him for that purpose. When the time of starting comes the line of march is made. One is chosen to carry the War Budget. This War Budget is a package containing something which belongs to each person in the party that represents some wild animal, such as a snake's skin, a buffalo's tail, a wolf's head, a mink's skin or the feathers of some extraordinary bird. This is called his corpenyomer. This package is always considered sacred, and is carried in front in the march. Under no circumstances can it ever be passed. When the party halts, the Budget is laid on the ground in front of them, and no one may pass it without orders from proper authority. The pack- age must not be laid on a log but on the ground. While on the way to meet an enemy, no one is permitted to talk of women. When on the way to meet an enemy with the War Budget, if a four-footed animal is killed, its heart must be cut into small pieces and burned alongside the sacred charge. Care must always be taken never to step over fire, when upon such a journey, nor around it in any way other than the sun travels. When the enemy is to be attacked, each man takes his "Corpenyomer" from the Budget and ties it on his body, as has been directed by his ancestor. The man who takes the first scalp, or prisoner, carries the War Budget upon the return march. When he returns to the village he will fasten it onto his cabin where it stays for thirty or forty nights. The warriors will come and dance about it, and when the one who called the party out to the war sees fit, he will make a feast. On the occasion of this feast, the War Budget is opened and each man given his Corpenyomer. These "Corpenyomers" are prized highly and well cared for. Every month some men of the family sing re- ligious songs all night, and leave an offering of a piece of tobacco or a kettle of victuals. This feast is partaken with much ceremony, a small piece of food is always thrown into the fire before any of it is eaten. Should a death occur in this village a ceremony of adoption will take place by the grief stricken relatives. The nearest relatives will fast and black their faces in token of respect. Great care is taken in training future citizens of this first village on the site of Danville. The children are given tasks calculated to develop courage and self restraint. After childhood is passed, a bath in cold water each day is re- quired and fasting from time to time, in accordance with the strength of the individual. When he is eighteen years old, the boy goes into a long fast, with HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 31 his face blackened, under the conviction that should he eat while his face is blackened, the Great Spirit would, in some way, punish him. The moon which shines upon the maid and her lover in the beginning of the 2Oth Century, as brightly shone upon the same spot when the dusky belle of a hundred odd years listened to the wooing of her fond young brave. The wed- ding ceremony of those of Piankeshaw was, however more simple. The parents of the youth selected the bride and presents were sent to her. If she accepted him, then her parents dressed her in her best and, procuring a suitable present for him, sent her to his cabin, as they called the wigwams. If, on the other hand, she did not like him, and refused him, the presents were sent back, and that was the end of it. Life was gay, at this village at the mouth of the North Fork, so long ago. Dances, and games were the order for the youth and the Braves. These people were not without knowledge of the white man. A letter writ- ten by M. De Longuell, the French Commandant at Detroit, to his superior officer at Quebec in 1752, states that, prior to 1750, there were French traders established on the Vermilion; that English traders persisted in trading here in spite of the fact that their predecessors had been driven off, two years before. This letter goes on to say that Father De La Richardu, a French Catholic Mis- sionary, had wintered here. A possible tragedy is also on record of the murder of some Frenchmen at a point which seems might have been Piankeshaw. So it is, the old story of man's life, of his loves and his hates, his efforts to higher im- pulses and his degredation, his pleasures and his distresses, all were here at the time of the possession of the red man, as now, when his white brother lives in the town at the mouth of the North Fork. The Piankeshaws are gone ; the race has been scattered and almost destroyed; the white man dominates the Vermil- ion river, the town of Piankeshaw has given place to that of Danville but human nature is the same at all times and in all places, and doubtless the people of to- day, do not differ so much from those of yesterday, despite the changed condi- tions of race and mode of living. CHAPTER IV. GOVERNMENT OF THIS SECTION PRIOR TO 1819. HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY ANTEDATES ITS ORGANIZATION FIRST GOVERN- MENT, THAT OF FRANCE THE PROVINCES OF CANADA OF LOUISIANA: WHERE WAS THE DIVIDING LINE? THE SEATS OF GOVERNMENT FOR DWELLERS IN WHAT IS NOW VERMILION COUNTY A PART OF THE BRITISH DOMAIN THE ILLINOIS COUNTY OF VIRGINIA SEAT OF GOVERNMENT AT KASKASKIA THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY; SEAT OF GOVERNMENT, MARIETTE, OHIO INDIANA TERRITORY; SEAT OF GOVERNMENT, VINCENNES ILLINOIS TERRITORY; SEAT OF GOVERNMENT, KASKASKIA THE COMMONWEALTH OF ILLINOIS VERMIL- ION COUNTY A PART OF SIX DIFFERENT COUNTIES, WITH AS MANY SEATS OF GOVERNMENT. Authentic history of Vermilion County antedates its organization, as such, and even its exploration and settlement by white men, by a century and a half. This is the case because this section of the Wabash Valley, although but a wilderness, and the homes and hunting grounds of the Miamis and Pottowat- omie Indians, yet was a part of the great tract claimed by France, and governed by representatives of that European power. From 1682 to 1763, this section was a part of New France. Now, New France extended from Quebec to New Orleans, and it became necessary to divide it for administrative purposes, so two provinces were made. The northern province was that of Canada, with the capital at Quebec, and the Southern province was called Louisiana, and its capital was New Orleans. At one time, prior to 1745, the dividing line ran diagonally across what is now Vermilion County, in Illinois, thus making a part of it in one province and a part of it in the other, with the two capitals as far apart as Montreal and Fort Chartres. This division line began on the Wabash river at the mouth of the Vermilion river. It followed the course of the Vermilion river northwest, thence in the same direction to old Fort St. Louis. The site of this old fort is now known as Starved Rock, near Ottawa, in La Salle County. All south of this dividing line was the Province of Louisiana, while all north of it was the Province of Canada. The seat of government of the Canada Province was Mon- treal, and later, the Post of Detroit, while that of the Louisiana Province was at Fort Chartres, on the Mississippi river. Two men, living on opposite sides of the Vermilion river (as at Danville and South Danville), at this time, would be obliged to travel many miles, the one to 32 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 33 the northeast and the other to the southwest to transact any legal business. This dividing line ran diagonally across Vermilion County as it is now known, cut- ting it into two very nearly equal parts. Since only Indians and the occasional "Cour de Bois" were to be found in this far away part of New France, such an inconvenience was no hardship. After the French and Indian war of 1763, New France was ceded to Great Britain, and this section, now known as Vermilion County, Illinois, became a part of the British Domain. For some fifteen years its government was vested in an organization or board, known as the "Lord's Commissioners of the Council of Trade and Plantations," or "Lords of Trade." Kaskaskia, the French town, located near the mouth of the Kaskaskia river, and not far from Fort Chartres, was the seat of this government. The British had been obliged to abandon Fort Chartres, and garrison Fort Gage, at Kaskaskia. British rule ended at the end of a decade and a half. It was during the Revolutionary war that George Rogers Clark, himself a citizen of the colony of Virginia, captured this fort and. when peace was declared between Great Britain and the Colonies, this territory was ceded to Virginia and became, for the time being, the Illinois County of Virginia. The government which followed was by a representative called a County Lieutenant. The seat of government was retained at Kaskaskia. This did not last long. In 1809 another division was made and Illinois Territory was formed. Illinois Territory had, as its eastern border, the Wabash river, as far as Vin- cennes, thence north by a straight line to Lake Michigan ; its western border was the Mississippi river which was, at that time, the western border of the United States. The southern border of the Illinois Territory was the Ohio river and its northern border was the British Possession of Canada. Its seat of government was again at Kaskaskia. This division threw this section into the Illinois Territory, with its seat of government, as it had been before, over on the Mississippi river. Nine years later the Illinois Territory was admitted into the Union with the same eastern, southern and western boundaries, and 42 degrees, 30 minutes, as its northern boundary. This act mlade the section in whose government we are interested, a part of that commonwealth. During all this time, this section was yet the possession of the redman with the exception of a small wedge which is in what is now Love Township. This wedge of land was purchased by the United States government through the efforts of William Henry Harrison the same year as that in which Illinois Terri- tory was established, and it has always been known as the "Harrison Purchase." The power of the Miami Nation had been broken, Piankeshaw had been devastated, the Kickapoos and Pottowatomies had driven the earlier proprietors away, yet the white man had not yet gained possession. The proud Miamis relinquished their claim to their conquerors late in the i8th Century, but it was not until after Illinois became a state, that the Pottowatomies made a treaty with the United States in which they ceded their land. 'A description of their land which they ceded at this time reads as follows : "Beginning at the mouth of the Tippecanoe river and running up the same to a point twenty-five miles in a direct line from the Wabash river; thence on a line as nearly parallel to the general 34 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY course of the Wabash river as is practicable, to a point on the Vermilion river twenty-five miles from the Wabash river; thence down the Vermilion river to its mouth; thence up the Wabash river to the place of beginning." At the same time the United States agreed to purchase any just claim which the Kickapoos might have to any part of the ceded country below Pine creek. The next year the Kickapoos, by the treaty at Edwardsville, July 18, 1819, ceded a large section of country between the Illinois and Wabash rivers, includ- ing that ceded by the Pottowatomies. Immediately following this treaty at Edwardsville, another one was con- cluded at Fort Harrison, on August 30, 1819, between the United States and that particular tribe, or band who, in this treaty describe themselves as "The chiefs, warriors and the head men of the tribe of Kickapoos of the Vermilion," to the end that the United States might be enabled to fix a boundary between the claims of other Indians and these Kickapoos. The claim was further described as follows: "Beginning at the northwest corner of the Vincennes tract, thence westerly to the boundary established by a treaty with the Piankeshaws on the 3Oth of December, 1805, to the dividing ridge between the waters of the embrass and the Little Wabash ; thence by the said ridge to the source of the Vermilion river; thence by the said ridge to the head of Pine creek; thence by said creek to the Wabash river; thence by the said river to the mouth of the Vermilion river, and thence by the Vermilion and the boundary heretofore established, to the place of beginning." Beginning with this year (1818) the section, which is now Vermilion County, became a county of the state of Illinois. This form of government lasted four years; then camje the readjustment at the end of the Revolutionary war. Mas- sachusetts, Connecticut and New York all laid claim to parts of the territory saved from the British by Clark, which lay northwest of the Ohio river, and due concessions had to be made by these states as well as by Virginia, before congress could provide for the government of the Northwest Territory. In 1787, an ordi- nance was passed Congress which made this provision. The seat of government of the Northwest Territory was located at Marietta, Ohio. General Arthur St. Clair was appointed governor of the Northwest Terri- tory. The section now included in Vermilion County remained a part of the Northwestern Territory for fourteen years. At the end of that time the Ohio Territory was formed, which took a part of this Northwest Territory leaving that part which now is known as the states of Indiana, Michigan, Illinois and Wisconsin, and this was called the Indiana Territory. General William Henry Harrison was appointed governor, and the seat of government was located at Vincennes, and this section had its capital in what is now the state of Indiana. Since Illinois became a commonwealth that year, Vermilion County, with no longer any power vested in the Indians, although they had not yet left this sec- tion, became a legally bound territory, subject to laws and regulations of the state. The resources were many and varied. The two great commodities so much in demand, salt and furs, were to be found in plenty inside its boundary. The Vermilion Salines were well known and yielded enough salt to supply the region at a fair price. After having had the many and various forms of govern- ment, while as yet this section was not known, as it is now, to be Vermilion HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 35 County, but was yet a small part of Clark County, it was under the control of the laws of the state, and, as such, in 1819, had fixed obligations to the same government that it has now. After 1790, this section had been a part of, first, Knox County of the North- west Territory, then partly Knox and partly St. Clair County of the Indiana Territory, then St. Clair, Madison, Edwards, and Crawford Counties of the Illinois Territory ; then a part of Clark County during the first two years of state- hood of Illinois, to at last become what it is now, Vermilion County. CHAPTER V. EXPLORING THE VERMILION RIVER FOR SALT. INDIAN TREATIES DETERMINE THE EXPLORATION OF THE VERMILION RIVER FOR SALT SALT THE DEMAND OF THE EARLY igTH CENTURY JOSEPH BARRON's KNOWLEDGE OF THE SALT SPRINGS ON THE VERMILION THE NORTH ARM PRAIRIE THE NEAREST INHABITED SPOT SUPPOSED ROUTE OF THE FIRST EXPLOR- ING PARTY KNOWN ROUTE OF SECOND EXPLORING PARTY. The hostile attitude of the Indians toward the white mian was a reason that kept the section now known as Vermilion County from being settled until almost a score of years after the beginning of the iQth Century. Until 1819, when the two important treaties were made which ended the power of the red man in eastern Illinois, this hostility was carried to such lengths that it was impossible for settlement to be made, and indeed no explorations were attempted. This, in spite of the fact that the great demand of the times was salt, and there was every reason to believe that it could be found on the Vermilion river. This territory was a vast unknown region excepting to the Indian, and through him to the trader and woodsman. One man in particular, had for eighteen years known of the existence of salt in this region, but had made no haste to take advantage of this knowledge without doubt being kept from doing so on account of the hostility of the redman. This was Joseph Barron, the man who was for years the interpreter for Governor, afterward General and at last President Harrison. It has been recorded of Joseph Barron that he could un- derstand and speak all the dialects used by the Indians of the Wabash Valley. He had acquaintance with all those who hunted in or claimed the lands watered by the Wabash river and all its tributaries. He had learned from the Indians of a place on the Vermilion river where there were valuable salt springs, and had even visited the place in company with them, but had let nearly a score of years pass since that visit. His delay of eighteen years in securing these springs tells the condition of the attitude of the Indians to the white man more forcefully than could many words. The fact of the certainty of valuable salt springs on the Vermilion may have been a strong reason for the treaties made with the Pottowatomies, and the Kickapoos, the one in July, 1819, and the other in August, of the same year. However that might have been, the treaty was hardly concluded at Fort Har- rison when Joseph Barron organized an expedition to explore the Vermilion river 36 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 37 in search of salt. This expedition was planned quietly, and only a few people were aware of its arrangement. Barren and his friends were at Fort Harrison and that was their starting point. He knew the direction in which these springs were, and the way was neither a long nor a dangerous one. The Indians had made their treaties and the wild beasts were not so num'erous that they would make a well armed man fearful. Barren knew the way, and each man chosen to go with him was fearless and enured to hardships. There is no record of the route chosen, and there is no certainty that they went by water ; but it is reasonable to assume that, being at Fort Harrison, they came in canoes up the Wabash river to the mouth of the Vermilion river, thence up that stream to the Salt Fork, and found the salt springs without trouble. There arose a necessity sometime later for an affidavit covering the time of this expedition, and the personnel of this party, and the exact date of their arrival at the springs so that there can be no doubt on any of these points. This record is filed in the archives at Springfield. This party consisted of four white men and as many Shawnee Indians. Two of these men were Frenchmen, pos- sibly Indian traders who shared the knowledge of the existence of the salt springs with Barren. Their names were Lambert Bona and Zachariah Shecott, as the justice of the peace spelled it. This spelling doubtless should be Cicott. The other man beside Barron was named Truman Blackman, and was an unfortu- nate choice of Barren's. Assuming that the route chosen was by water, it is not a difficult thing to form the picture of this exploring expedition into the unknown region in which are now the familiar homes of the dwellers in Vermilion County. These four white men, together with the four Indians, began the ascent of the Wabash river in canoes. The Indians had been hired by Barron to go "with him to show him minerals and salt springs, etc.," but the white men were interested in the ex- ploration to find what they did not already know. They paddled their canoes up the Wabash river to the mouth of the Vermilion river through a country which was more or less familiar to all. Barron, and probably the Frenchmen, had all passed that way before, and, for that matter, had some knowledge of the Vermilion river, but there is no reason to think that Truman Blackman had any idea of the salt springs or any thing else on the unexplored Vermilion, These canoes paddled up the Wabash river to the mouth of the Vermilion, and the white men found themselves in the country of the redman now shorn of his power. The old Kickapoo village at the mouth of the Vermilion river was forsaken, and the very trees and stones spoke desertion. Passing that, these explorers paddled up the river between densely wooded banks. The now highly valued farm lands and villages were at that time vast stretches of unbroken prairies beyond banks of the stream whose shallow waters they were paddling. All was silence, save the cry of the wild beast or the call of some bird to its mate. On they went, dipping paddles into the placid waters which had seldom reflected the image of a white man. Up the course of the river they continued their way, passing the site of present-day Dan- ville. The old Indian village of Piankeshaw had completely disappeared; the high bluffs to the south were densely covered with trees and wild vines ; the call of the quail, the flash of the goldenrod, and purple aster in the distance, the 38 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY hazy sunlight of the Indian summer day, and the dipping of paddles in the water, filled the air, which had echoed the Indian war-whoop, and was to be filled with the sound of the traffic of today. Wild turkeys were stalking about and wild waterfowl were at the edge of the river; wild beasts were at the bank of the North Fork quenching their thirst; but all these attracted little interest or attention of the men as they paddled past its mouth, bent upon the discovery of the much desired salt springs which they knew were not very far distant. No dust, no smoke, no sound of building suggested the city which a half hundred years later would skirt its banks. This densely wooded tract might have held their interest as a haunt of fur-bearing animals, but for the more to be desired hope of wealth in the Salines beyond. This was a time when interest in the finding of salt was particularly keen, because of the fact that the Illinois legislature had but recently passed a bill mak- ing a liberal law to encourage the discovery and development of saline water. By the terms of this law, any person who made such a discovery had the exclusive right to manufacture salt within a given time and area. These explorers did not stop until their destination was reached. Passing up the big Vermilion after they had passed the deserted Indian villages at the mouth of the North Fork, the long past Piankeshaw, they proceeded through a less wide channel to the Kicka- poo village once prosperous and active, now destroyed by the hand of the white man, situated at the confluence of the Middle Fork and Salt Fork where they formed the Vermilion. Here all was desolation. Unlike the old Piankeshaw, this village had been so recently the home of a living people that evidences of severed ties were yet visi- ble. The once cultivated corn field was yet partially enclosed with a tumbled down fence. Weeds rankled where formerly the Indian squaw had hoed her corn and squashes. All was desolate. All the land marks were found that Bar- ren remembered, and a mile and a half further the springs, themselves, were found as he expected. In his affidavit he locates these springs as situated on the the Big Vermilion river, on the north side, about one and a half miles above the old Kickapoo town, and about fifteen or eighteen miles from the Big Wabash River. This same affidavit gives the 22nd day of September, 1819, as the day he reached these salt springs. Having discovered the source of saline water, these men returned to Fort Harrison. In reality it was these men who discovered this section of country and it is Joseph Barren to whom the people of this territory are indebted for the discov- ery. It was only through the treachery of one of his companions that Barren was kept from becoming the first settler as well. Truman Blackman betrayed his leader in this manner: After his return to Fort Harrison, he organized a party without the knowledge or sanction of Barren, and went back to take possession and claim the discovery of these springs. The party thus formed comprised Truman Blackman, his brother, Re- member Blackman, George Beckwith, Seymour Treat, Peter Allen, Francis Whit- comb and probably Dan Beckwith. At least Dan Beckwith was one of the party immediately after, and it is probable that he went with them. The two Beckwiths did not start with the others from Fort Harrison, but joined them on the way at Jonathan Mayo's on the North Arm prairie where they were living. HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 39 There is no question which route this second party took, for they went by land and probably were the first white men, unless perhaps traders, who explored the land route through this country. Blackman's party crossed the Wabash river at the mouth of Otter Creek and went in a northwest course through the timber and prairies, keeping the direc- tion with a small pocket compass, until they arrived at a stream supposed to be the Big Vermillion, about twenty-five miles, they inferred, from the Wabash river. Here they camped on October 3ist, 1819. Captain Blackman pointed out a smooth spot of low grass ground from twenty to thirty rods across where he said there was salt water. Further investigation proved he was correct, and once more the Vermilion Salines were discovered. CHAPTER VI. THE VERMILION SALINES. SALT WAS ANXIOUSLY SOUGHT BY EARLY EXPLORERS THE SALINES OF SOUTHERN ILLINOIS SUPPOSED TO HAVE BEEN WORKED BY A PREHISTORIC PEOPLE JOSEPH BARRON, FOR MANY YEARS GOVERNOR HARRISON'S INTERPRETER, VISITED THE VERMILION SALINES IN l8oi AGAIN AT THE SAME PLACE IN 1819 WITH A PARTY TO EXPLORE IT TO AFTERWARD WORK THE SPRINGS SECOND EXPEDI-l TION TO THE SPRINGS ORGANIZED WITHOUT KNOWLEDGE OF BARRON LITTLE EVIDENCE OF ANY PREVIOUS ATTEMPT TO WORK THE SPRINGS TO PROFIT BLACKMAN TOOK LEASE IN HIS OWN NAME DIFFERENCES AMONG CONFLICT- ING CLAIMANTS SETTLED IN l822 JOHN W. VANCE LEASED THE SALINES IN 1824 AND WORKED THEM TO PROFIT EVIDENCES OF EARLY USE OF SALINES. The discovery of salt in Southern Illinois was a great factor in attracting im- migration to the territory, in the beginning of the igth Century. The scarcity of that commodity at this time is evidenced in a book published in 1796, where the statement is made that "there was no salt to be had west of the mountains, excepting at Marietta, and what is for sale here is brought over the mountains, on pack horses, and is sold for sixteen cents a pound." The earliest known settlement on the Saline river in Southern Illinois, was made in 1800, or at latest date, in 1802. They found abundant evidence of some one having made salt before their coming, but who, and at what time, was more difficult to determine. Many have been inclined to the theory that salt was man- ufactured in southern Illinois by a people whose history antedates that of the tribes who inhabited this country at the coming of the Europeans. As evidence of this idea, the pottery found by the early settler could be explained in no more satisfactory way than to assume it had been used in this work. This pottery has the appearance of having been moulded in a basket, or frame work, which has left its impression on the outside of the article. Some are in- clined to the belief however, that the pottery was moulded on the outside of a mold, and that the impressions were made by wrapping coarse cloth around the vessels as they were lifted off the mold. This same pottery, or salt pans, was found in abundance both in and around the salt works of Illinois and Missouri, near St. Genevieve. There is a tradition that the salt springs, wells and licks, on the Saline river in Gallatin county, were operated by the Indians and French for many years previous to the coming of the English about 1800. Certain it is that the French understood the salt making process ; and the Indians no doubt, knew 40 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 41 where the springs and licks were. An Englishman writing to the Earl of Hills- boro in 1770, in speaking of the region around the mouth of the Wabash and Saline rivers, mentioned the abundance of salt springs in that region. In another description of the region of the Wabash the writer says : "The Wabash abounds with salt springs, and any quantity of salt may be made from them in a manner now done in the Illinois country." This was in 1778, twenty-two years before the coming of the English to these salt works. The earliest reference in the west to salt making to be found in state papers is in the law of May 18, 1796. In an act of this date it is made the duty of the surveyors, working for the United States and making surveys in the territory northwest of the Ohio river, "to observe closely for mines, salt, salt springs and salt licks and mill seats." In the winter of 1799 and 1800, Wm. Henry Harrison was the delegate in Congress from the territory of the northwest. In his report Mr. Harrison says : "Upon inquiry we find that salt springs and salt licks are operated by individ- uals, and timber is being wasted. Therefore we recommend that salt springs and salt licks, property of the United States, in the territory northwest of the Ohio, ought to be leased for a term of years." No definite action was taken upon this by Congress. Upon March 3, 1803, Congress authorized the Secretary of the Treasury to lease the salt springs and licks for the benefit of the govern- ment. It was in June of this same year that Harrison made the treaty at Fort Wayne, whereby he made the purchase of land, a portion of which is in what is now Vermilion County, known as the "Harrison Purchase." This was two years after Joseph Barren, Harrison's interpreter, visited the Vermilion Salines. That same summer Governor Harrison leased the Southern Salines to a Captain Bell, of Lexington, Kentucky. By an act of Congress March 26, 1804, all salt springs, wells and licks, with the necessary land adjacent thereto, were reserved from sale as the property of the United States. The Territorial Gov- ernor was authorized to lease these salt wells and springs, to the best advantage of the government. During all this time the salt to be found on the Vermilion was not accessible because of the hostility of the Indians who lived along the banks. The Kickapoos had a large village near where the wells were afterwards dug. The treaty of August, 1819, however, extinguished the Indian titles to these lands, and the search for salt was begun. That the presence of salt was known at that time is beyond question, because of an affidavit made by Joseph Barren to the effect that he was, himself, at the "Vermilion Salines" as early as the year 1801. But there is another and even better proof of the fact that the springs were known to be found in a letter written by Shadrach Bond, who was gov- ernor of the state of Illinois at that time. The letter was written to Wm. H. Crawford and reads as follows: KASKASKIA, April 3, 1819. To the Hon. Wm. H. Crawford, SIR : It is ascertained that there are valuable Salt Springs upon sections 22 and 23 in township 2, N. of R. 7 E. of the 3rd, principal meridian in this state and (since the titles, for all Salt Springs together with land reserved for the use of the same within this state have been granted to the state), I have the honor 42 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY to request that the usual quantity of land may be reserved for the use of the springs upon the afore mentioned sections and as contiguous thereto as may be. I have the honor, etc. SHADRACH BOND. P. S. At the request of Judge Towle I send the enclosed certificate. This letter which, it will be noticed bears date of April 3, 1819, shows knowledge of the salt springs antedating the exploration of the Vermilion river by Barron and his company when they reached the springs September 22, 1819. Barren's long connection with General Harrison was such, that had any knowledge of the springs been had, it would have been his as well. Barron was Harrison's interpreter and was well versed in all the dialects spoken by the In- dian tribes who lived, hunted or claimed to own the lands watered by the Wa- bash river and the streams flowing into it. The extreme hostility of these Indians can be understood in no way better than by the fact that, in spite of the interest shown by General Harrison in other salt springs, these on the Vermilion were left alone. The positive previous knowledge of these springs is proven by the above quoted letter and again by the fact that it was less than a month after the treaty was made that Mr. Barron was again on the spot prepared to locate them. He took with him three white men and two Shawnee Indians whom he (Barron) had hired to show him min- erals, etc. Whether he took the white men to help him, or was going to share the profits of the expedition, is a little uncertain from the text of the affidavit on record. This affidavit, after making oath of his going to the salines in 1801, goes on to state that he was again at the same "salt spring situated on the Big Vermilion river, on the north side, about one and a half miles above the old Kickapoo town, and about fifteen or eighteen miles from the Big Wabash river, in the county of Clark, state of Illinois, on the 226. day of September, 1819, in company with Lambert Bona, Zachariah Cicott, and Truman Blackman, together with four Shawnee Indians whom I had hired to go with me and show me the minerals, salt springs, etc. This party duly located the springs and returned to Fort Harrison that Bar- ron might make the necessary record of the discovery. A recent law of Illi- nois gave the discoverer of salines the right to manufacture salt within a given area. While Barron was perfecting his arrangements, Captain Blackman or- ganized another party to go on an expedition to these springs and take the credit of the discovery already made. This expedition was kept a secret, from all but the ones interested. Seymour Treat, Peter Allen, Francis Whitcomb, and Cap- tain Blackman's brother, Remember, comprised the party when they left Fort Harrison, but the two Beckwith brothers, Dan and George joined them at the North Arm Prairie, where they were living with Jonathan Mayo. It is thought that these five men crossed the Wabash at the mouth of Otter Creek, in the lat- ter part of October and struck out in a northwest course through the timber and prairies keeping the direction with a small pocket compass. When they came to a stream, supposed to be the Big Vermilion, they camped. This was October 31, 1819. They inferred they were about 25 miles from the Wabash river. Here Captain Blackman pointed out a smooth spot of low ground about twenty to thirty rods across, where he said there was salt HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 43 water. There was no vegetation growing there and little trace of people ever having used the water. Peter Allen in his affidavit testified that there were "some few places where the Indians had sunk curbs of bark into the soil for the purpose of procuring- salt water." Two or three of the men were set to work with spades to dig in the soil and, by going two or three feet into the saturated ground, saline water was procured. This water was boiled down in a kettle they had brought with them for the purpose, and they found that about two gallons of water made four ounces of good clear salt. An experimental well was dug a few rods from the former, and the water was found to contain a larger per cent of salt. The agreement was made that Blackman should recognize Treat, Whit- comb and the Beckwiths as partners in the discovery of the salt springs and each should pay his portion of the expenses. Whitcomb and Beckwith were left in charge so that no one could come and claim possession. Blackman had learned a lesson from his own treachery of Barren. These men were to go on in the manufacture of salt while the others returned to Fort Harrison to procure tools and provisions as well as to move Treats' family. In the latter part of November, Treat returned, coming up the Wabash and Vermilion rivers in a pirogue, with tools, provision and his wife and chil- dren. The men were good axe-men and a cabin was soon built so as to give Treat's family needed shelter. While the settlement was thus made, the devel- opment of the salt works was not so easily accomplished. Blackman had proved as dishonorable in the case of the second party as he had toward Barron. Notwithstanding the promise to include the others in the profits of the dis- covery of the salt springs (which was after all not theirs, but Barrens) Black- man took the lease or permit to manufacture salt in his own name. Complaint was entered by the other men as well as by Mr. Barron, and some three years passed before the difficulty was adjusted. Another letter from Governor Bond gives one reason, at least, for the delay. To J. B. Thomas, N. Edwards, and D. P. Cook : KASKASKIA, Dec. 20, 1819. On the 3d of April last I wrote the Secretary of the Treasury that Salines had been discovered upon sections 22 and 23 in township No. 2 N. Range No. 7 East of the principal meridian and requested that the usual reservations of land for use of the same might be made. I have not received the answer of the Secretary. Will you have the goodness to communicate with him on the subject and let me know the determination of the Government. A valuable salt spring has been discovered upon the Vermilion river in the eastern part of the state and I have received several applications to lease it. The lands about have not been surveyed and I can not lease until some reservation of land from public sale shall be made for its use. Will it not be possible to obtain a reservation before the surveys are made ? Please to give me an early answer. I have the honor to be Gent. Yrs. &c., SHADRACH BOND. The gentlemen addressed in this letter were representing Illinois in Congress at that time. The examination of these salines was not made until the following year, however. It was August 28, 1822, before the President approved the nee- 44 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY essary reservation, and even then the land could not be leased because of the fact that it was found to be on a section 16, all of such number being set apart for school lands. This complication called for the following letter from Gov. Coles to the members of Congress. To N. Edwards, J. B. Thomas and D. B. Cook : Gentlemen, In the year 1819 a saline was discovered on the Vermilion river in this state, which was examined the ensuing year in conformity to the instruc- tions received from the commissioner of the General Land Office, by Col. Th. Cox, the Register of the Land Office at this place who reported that "from all appearances there was little reason to doubt of its being saline of more than ordi- nary value," and recommended that the Govt. should reserve from sale and appropriate for the use of the Saline a Tract of Land which "should extend two miles on each side of the creek, & about ten miles in length, extending about six miles below Blackman's wells." Since Col. Cox made his examination and report, the lands in that district of country have been surveyed and the Salines have been found to be in section six-teen, in township 19, N. of Range 12 W. of the principal meridian. In a letter addressed by Mr. Meigs to Govr. Bond dated August 28, 1822, he says: "The President of the U. S. has approved of the reservation suggested by Th. Cox who was appointed to examine those salines in 1820," and adds that "Mr. Kitchell, the Register of the Land Office at Palestine, has been requested to des- ignate, according to the best of his Judgment the lands alluded to in Mr. Cox's report by section, Township & Range and to exempt them for sale." This Mr. Kitchell informs me he has done but has suggested a small alteration in the res- ervation as proposed by Mr. Cox. In the letter above referred to Mr. Meigs says "as Section on No. 16 in township 19 N. of Range No. 12 W. of the section principal Mn. is covered by a salt spring I would suggest that the Secretary of the Treasury is at present absent from the city, that you (Gov. Bond) make a selection of a section in the same township, for the purpose of education and report the same, to the Register of the Land Office at Palestine who will reserve the same from sale until the decision of the Secretary of the Treasury shall have been obtained." In accordance with this suggestion Gov. Bond authorized Mr. Kitchell, the Register of the Land Office at Palestine to select another section in lieu of sec- tion 1 6, who selected and reserved from sale section No. 28 of the same town- ship for the purpose of education. With a knowledge of these facts, but without knowing whether the proper sanction had been given to the exchange of the 16 section or of a more formal approbation of the President to the reservation, as designated by Mr. Kitchell, I have been induced by the earnest solicitation of the parties claiming to have discovered the Saline who have been applying for a lease the last three years, to lease it (viz: the West half of section 16, and the East half of Section 17) to them for the term of four years under the provision of act entitled "An act to encourage the discovery of salt water." I have thought proper to state these facts for your information & to enable you to have perfected the title of the State to the Reservation in question and HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 45 the proper sanction given to the exchange of the i6th section; and I am the more particular in calling your attention to them as doubts are entertained by some whether Legislative provisions may not be required in one or possibly both cases. Permit me also to call your attention to the fact that proper titles have not been received for the grants of Land which the Federal Govt. has made to this State for the use of Salines & for the location of its seat of Govt. By having Patents made out & forwarded to this office you will render us acceptable service to this State and a particular favor on your fellow citizen. EDWARD COLES. That Gov. Coles was a man who would not work a hardship to any one is shown by the way he treated this complicated matter. A selection from a letter written by him dated May n, 1823, will explain the whole thing. This letter was written to W. H. Crawford, the Secretary of the Treasury, and after refer- ence to the letter written him by Gov. Bond and the suggestion of Mr. Kitchell in selecting another section to take the place of the one covered by the salines yet was set apart as school land, all of which he says, "I presume has been re- ported to you," Gov. Coles goes on to say: "The object of this letter is, to ob- tain from the Govt. the express designation and formal reservation of lands for the Vermilion Saline, and its consent to the exchange of the 16 section and to the selection which has been made of section 28 in the same township for the purposes of education. "Attention to this subject has become the more necessary as relying on the Government fufilling the declarations and suggestions of Mr. Meigs, / was induced in December last to yield to the importunities of the persons who claim to have made the discovery of the Salines, and who had been for several years waiting impatiently for the Lands to be surveyed (during which time some of them had been making salt in a small way) , to grant them a lease for four years, on condition of the working and improving the saline." During this interim of waiting for a lease to be given several wells were sunk at the salt works. Whitcomb and Beckwith, together sunk one to the depth of fifty feet, drilling mostly through solid rock and at their own expense. The salt was excellent in quality, purity and strength. Great expectation arose regarding these salt works in the Wabash valley. It was at this time in the infancy of the salt works that the letter written Gov. Bond by James B. McCall was sent and at the time that nothing seemed possible to be done to make a lease of the springs. He wrote : "The people of the eastern section of your state are very anxious that the manufacture of salt might be gone into. Appearances at the Vermilion Salines justify the belief that salt may be made north of this sufficient for the consumption of all the settlers on the Wabash, and much below the present prices. Nearly all the salt consumed above the mouth of the Wabash is fur- nished by Kentucky, and the transportation so far up the stream materially en- hances the price, and in the present undeveloped state of the country as to money, prevents a majority of the farmers from procuring the quantity of this neces- sary article that their stock, &c., requires." 46 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY This letter was written by Mr. McCall from Vincennes in a futile effort to have the Salines developed. The date was June, 1820, six months after Gov. Bond wrote his second letter to the members of Congress in which he expressed an anxiety to know the determination of the Govt. upon the subject of these Salines. In this letter he asks : "Has the Gov. established any general rules upon these subjects? What evidence will be required of the discovery of a salt spring? An early answer as will suit your convenience will be thankfully received." Continuing the correspondence between Gov. Coles and W. H. Crawford, Secretary of the U. S. there is a letter, a part of which refers to this subject and is as follows : EDWARDSVILLE, Illinois, July 19, 1823. Sir I had the honor to receive by the last Mail your letter of the 12 Ulto., giving the sanction of the President of the U. S. to the reservation made by J. Kitchell of the forty sections of land for the Vermilion Salines and approving the substitution of section 28 in township 19 N. of range 12 W. (you state 10 W., but this I presume must be a mistake) for the purpose of education, in lieu of the 16 section in the same township, on which the Vermilion salt springs are situated. I am with great Respect and esteem yours, EDWARD COLES. The following Spring the Salt works were leased to John W. Vance and then, for the first time, they were worked to their full power. Mr. Vance brought twenty-four large kettles from Louisville, in a bateau, down the Ohio to the mouth of the Wabash and thence up that stream to the Vermilion as far as the mouth of Stony Creek about four miles southeast of Danville. The water was low and the channel was obstructed by a sand bar at the mouth of the creek, so the boat was abandoned and the kettles were hauled by ox teams to their designation. The capacity of the springs soon justified the increase of the number of the kettles to eighty, each holding 140 gallons. A furnace was built of stone at the bench of the hill near the wells, and these kettles were set in it in a double row. It took 100 gallons of water from the wells to make a bushel of salt. From 60 to 80 bushels were a good week's run. The state only kept the salt springs until 1829 when in accordance with the following instructions the land was declared for sale. This letter from Gov. Reynolds tells its own story: To Amos Williams and William Reed. Gentlemen: You are by these presents, required to proceed in conformity to the provisions of "an act providing for the sale of the Vermilion Saline re- serve, and appropriating the avails thereof," approved January 19, 1829, to ad- vertise the said Saline lands, and to take such other steps as may be necessary to the full and complete execution of the duties imposed on the Register and Receiver by the said recited act. Respectfully yours, JOHN REYNOLDS. The use to which the proceeds from the sale of the Vermilion Salines was put is stated in another letter written the governor of Indiana, dated Dec. 29, 1832. HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 47 After reciting the joint resolution of the general assembly of Illinois in re- gard to the improvement of the Wabash river he goes on to say: "Some years since the legislature being well satisfied of the importance of the improvement of the navigation of this river, appropriated the money arising from the sale of the first ten thousand acres of the Vermilion Saline lands. This sum amounts to $11,985.16, and is now ready to be applied on that object for which it was ap- propriated." He goes on to urge Indiana to contribute a sum equal to that, etc. Although the Salines passed out of the ownership of the state in 1829, the salt works were an industry for many years afterward. The wells were aban- doned and the works closed between 1848 and 1850. G. W. Wolfe, of Catlin, is the only living man who worked in them. When a boy of 18 his brother Isaac operated a well for two years. The young man pumped water for 25 cents per day and boarded himself. The stock of the well was made from hickory tree, through which a hole had been bored. It stood 25 ft. above ground and the pumper stood on a high elevation and pumped water into a huge trough that carried it over the kettles quite a distance away. Three hundred strokes of the big heavy handle were considered one man's task before he was permitted to rest, day in and day out. The most salt that could be made at that time was seven bushels per day and the price had been reduced to 50 cts. per bu. At this rate there was not profit enough in the works to have it worth while to keep them up. When the springs were first opened the brine yielded i bu. of salt to 170 gallons of water and made 40 to 50 bu. of salt per week. Later a cavity of 18 in. was found from which flowed a much stronger brine 100 gallons of which yielded a bu. of salt. The production became 120 bushels per week. The salt sold readily at the sajt works for from $1.25 to $1.50 per busheL Much of it was taken down the river in pirogues to supply the country there A great deal of it was taken away in wagons and much of it was taken on horse- back in sacks by people who were too poor to own a team. People came from as far as the settlements at Buffalo, Elkhart Grove, the Sangamon and Illinois rivers and from the neighborhood of Rockville and Rose- dale Indiana. This prosperity continued until the discovery of great quantities of brine upon the Kanawha river and the completion of a government pier at the mouth of the Chicago Creek, making a practical harbor, where vessels could safely enter, made competition which could not be met at the Vermilion Salines. The works were finally abandoned, the buildings being vacant, were destroyed, and, at last, the very existence of this, at one time most important industry of eastern Illinois, is forgotten and by many can not be located. The settle- ment about the old salt works was long ago completely obscured, and now it is almost impossible to exactly locate the old wells themselves, without an appeal to the few residents of the county who had some one of the past generation tell about it, so completely has the change been made. Following the direction given by one who yet knows the location of these wells, and going a half mile west of the crossing of the Middle Fork, into the bottom, near the north bank of the Salt Fork, between the cultivated fields and the river, there is nothing remain- ing to show where this once great industry was located. 'All trace has been ef- faced, and, strange to say, this is the work of the great rival industry the coal operations. Vegetation covers this spot where the wild animals came to get the 48 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY necessary saline matter for their health; where the Indians and the French traders who came to them for their furs long before the white man came for the salt; where the white man sought wealth for himself and convenience for others. The Indians who were here when Major Vance came told him that the French traders and the Indians made salt at these springs for at least seventy or eighty years before they were developed by the Americans; and they told him, they "had no recollection of the time, it was so long ago, that our people commenced making salt here." Lost is every sign of the well-worn trail of the buffalo and other wild animals which were at the coming of the white man found converging at this brakish ooze from many directions. Even the testimony of its having been the resort of an abundance of game, by the quantity of broken arrow heads to be found in the locality for a half hundred years after Major Vance came, is no longer to be found. Grain is reaped on the spot where the buffalo and wild fowl roamed to satisfy their desire for salt; the farmer sells the produce of the soil from the land which yielded the salt manufacturer his wealth, and even the memory of Mother Bloss "who was the last to cling to the produce of the salt works," is dim at best in the minds of the people who pass this historic spot. Had it not been for the finding of salt on the Vermilion River, the history of Vermilion County would have differed greatly. It was salt and furs that prompted the settlement of this section. Any other river would have offered the furs, but at that time the salt was worth more than any other thing. It was worth more than any precious metal and of itself, induced settlement of this region as nothing else could have done. The fur bearing animals along the banks of the streams brought the trader; these in turn were driven away by the white man seeking salt and disappeared ; the salt attracted the early settler and drove away the trader; this industry yielded all trace of its being to the later means of wealth in the region when the coal in- terests obliterated all signs of the former source of wealth. Surely the way of life comes by abandonment. CHAPTER VII. UNITED STATES LAND SURVEYS. PLAN OF SURVEY OF THE EXTENSIVE TERRITORIES OF THE UNITED STATES THE "HARRISON PURCHASE" THE LATER SURVEY. The system which governs the survey of the territories of the United States is a peculiar one. It is based upon a plan which makes a division of the land into squares of uniform size, so arranged that any tract of 160 acres, or a "quar- ter section," may have its distinct designation and be readily found upon the map, or recognized upon the ground by the marks the surveyors leave. Apple- ton's American Encyclopedia describes this plan clearly and concisely as follows : Each great survey is based upon a meridian line run due north and south by astronomical measurements, the whole extent of the survey in these direc- tions, and upon a "standard parallel" or base line, running east and west, sim- ilarly established with great accuracy. Parallels to these lines are run every six miles, usually with the solar compass corrected by frequent celestial observations, and thus, as nearly as the figure of the earth admits, the surface is divided into squares of six miles north and south and the same east and west, each one containing thirty-six square miles. The territory is further divided into sec- tions by meridians and parallels run at every mile ; while the half mile is marked on these lines by setting what is called a "quarter post," the points are established for the subdivisions into quartersections. The squares of thirty-six square miles are termed townships, often con- tracted into "towns;" and each line of theml east and west is numbered either N. or S. from the base line, and each line of them N. and S. is termed a range, and either numbered E. or W. from the meridian. The N. and S. lines bor- dering the townships are known as range lines, and the E. and W. lines as town- ship lines. Each survey is designated by the meridian upon which it is based, and of these principal meridians there are six designated by numbers, and eighteen by special names. The first meridian adopted for these surveys was the boundary line between Ohio and Indiana; the second through Indiana on the meridian of 86 degrees 28 minutes, west from Greenwich ; the third through Illi- nois, beginning at the mouth of the Ohio river ; the fourth north from the mouth of the Illinois river ; the fifth north from the river Arkansas ; the sixth on the 4Oth parallel of longitude. 49 50 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY After a township is determined the sections of it are numbered beginning with the northeast corner, running thence across and back until the 36th is reached in the southeast corner. Because of the conquest of the Northwestern Territory by George Rogers Clark, and the addition of this land north and west of the Ohio river to the United States by surrender of her rights on the part of the commonwealth of Virginia, there remained but satisfactory treaties to be made with the Indians to open the country to the use of the white settler. William Henry Harrison was appointed governor of the territory of Indiana at the time of its organization, in 1800, and not only that but he was made general Indian agent for that territory which extended to the Mississippi river on the west, and to the line of the state of Ohio on the east. This territory held the most numerous and most populous Indian tribes west of the Mississippi river. William Henry Harrison served his country in many and various ways, and at last was given the highest honor the nation can confer upon any one yet no where did he render greater service than in the official dealings he had as super- intendent of Indian affairs. He extinguished the title of the Indians to a greater part of the territory in Indiana and Illinois and in all his dealings with them his conduct was marked by a kindness and fair dealing which won him their con- fidence and esteem. His correspondence, both official and private, well shows that he had a tender regard for, and understanding of, the unfortunate race and a desire to protect their rights against the designs of the unscrupulous white man. At the same time he was as anxious to shield the white man from the aggressions of the Indian. It is said that Governor Harrison, while in this of- ficial capacity, was acquainted with almost every prominent chief of the many tribes within his jurisdiction, and by his tact and honest dealing he attracted many of the leading savages to bonds of closest friendship. It was during his term as superintendent of Indian affairs that he was in- strumental in securing the treaty by which the coveted strip of land, now known as the Harrison Purchase, was ceded to the United States. This land, a por- tion of which lies within the boundary of what is now Vermilion County, was long coveted by Harrison, but it was not until the treaty held at Fort Wayne, September 3Oth, 1809, that it was obtained. This land was run out in 1810, but, because of the trouble with the Indians at that time, nothing more was done then. This preliminary survey was made by John McDonald, of Vincennes, who was probably the first man who ever set a surveyor's compass thus far up the Wabash. Events quickly followed which led to the battle of Tippecanoe and the war of 1812, during all of which time the enmity of the savages kept the settlements of southern Illinois and Indiana in constant peril and held back im- migration. After the close of the war the Harrison Purchase was surveyed and the hardy pioneer took possession. This, however, opened up but a small portion of what is now Vermilion County. It was not until the treaty of 1819, made at Edwardsville, Illinois, on the thirtieth day of July, between the United States and the Kickapoo Indians, that the territory therein described of which Vermilion County is a part, was surveyed and opened to the occupancy of the white man. HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 51 The territory ceded at this time was bounded as follows: Beginning at the northwest corner of the Vincennes tract (about twenty miles northwest of Vin- cennes), thence northeasterly to the dividing line between the states of Indiana and Illinois, thence along said line to the Kankakee river ; thence with said river to the Illinois river ; thence down the latter to the mouth ; thence with a direct line to the northwest corner of the Vincennes tract, the place of beginning. The language of his treaty recites that, "said Kickapoo tribe claims a large portion by descent from their ancestors, and the balance by conquest from the Illinois nation and undisputed possession for more than half a century." This new territory was duly surveyed and became the undisputed property of the white man. When this survey was made the fact was discovered that there was a discrepancy between it and the survey of the Harrison Purchase, of three- quarters of a mile. Because of this fact, there is a dip of that extent in the lower part of not only this county but of those south as far as the territory of the Purchase goes. THE HARRISON PURCHASE. Any map of Vermilion county shows an odd extension of irregular shape on the south side, very near to the eastern border. This extension looks as though a wedge-shaped piece of land had been attempted to have been driven into the county, and did not get entirely in. Following the lines marking the east and west boundaries of this wedge, they are found to meet at a little east of Ridge Farm. The area included in this boundary is that part of the Harrison Purchase which falls within Vermilion County. When William Henry Harrison, who was at that time the Superintendent of Indian affairs of the Indiana Teritory, had arranged the purchase of the land he so much desired for the United States and had concluded the treaty with the Delawares, the Kickapoos, the Pottowatomies, the Miamis and the Eel River Indians, at Fort Wayne, September 30, 1809, he came back to locate the new possession. He and the selected Indians met at a certain rock in a grove a little to the east of what is now Ridge Farm. Knowing nothing of the use of the compass, the Indians stipulated that the line bounding the east of the tract should run in the direction of the sun at ten o'clock in the morning, and that the western boundary line should run in the direction of the sun at one o'clock in the afternoon. The agreement was that such territory as fell within the boundary of the extent of a man's riding in two days and a half, would be included in this purchase. All the requirements were met and, it is said, that on the return trip, the grove from which the riders started was their pilot back. It was the only grove of trees in that part of the country and it safely piloted them back, and was for that reason called Pilot Grove. The west line of this tract of land extends south and west, passing through Marshall, the east line crosses the Wabash at the mouth of Raccoon Creek, below Newport, Indiana, and continues north and east of Terre Haute. The easterly line of this survey has always been called the "ten o'clock line" and the westerly boundary the "one o'clock line" by old settlers and early surveyors. Near the north side of the Harrison Purchase lay a very fertile section which early attracted settlement, and was known as the North AYm Prairie. This was the source of the early settlement of Vermilion County. On account of the 52 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY difference in the survey of the Harrison Purchase and the later U. S. survey of three quarters of a mile, the boundary lines of Vermilion and Edgar Counties on the south, and Edgar and Clark Counties on the north, have always been irregular. SECOND SURVEY. That small portion of the "Harrison Purchase" which extended into Vermilion County was the only part of this territory which was surveyed up to 1821. After the treaty made at Edwardsville, July 30, 1819, which forever extinguished the claim of the Indians, the United States surveyors came. Unlike their prede- cessors, the Indians, their work was to be permanent; it was to last through all time, and to be a law to all future dwellers in the land. The lines, as then fixed and marked by these surveyors, are the lines which now divide the townships and farms of the county and which determine its boundaries, and the location of its public roads. A detailed account of the first surveys of Vermilion County has been secured from the General Land Office at Washington, and is as folows : Beginning with Tp. 23, R. 14 W. it is found that E. Steen recorded survey in November 18, 1882. Township 22, R. 14 W. is the same. Township 21, R. 14 W. is recorded by John Messinger, June 13, 1821. Township 20, R. 14 W. is recorded by James Thompson, August 23, 1821. Townships 19, 18, and 17, R. 14 W. are the same as Tp. 20, R. 14 W. Townships 23 and 22, R. 13 W. are recorded by E. Steen, November 18, 1822. Township 21, R. 14 W. is recorded by J. Messinger, June 13, 1821. Township 20, R. 14 W. is recorded by Beal Greenup, July 5, 1821. Townships 19, 18, and 17, R. 13 W. are recorded in the same way. Townships 21, 22, and 23, R. 12 W. are recorded by E. Steen, November 18, 1822. Townships 17, 18, 19, and 20, are recorded by Joseph Borough, September 12, 1821. Townships 21, 22, and 23, R. n W. are recorded by W. L. Hamilton and Elias Rector, December 3, 1822. Townships 17, 18, 19, and 20, are recorded by J. B. McCall, November 12, 1822. In making these surveys these men marked the section corners by throwing up mounds of earth around stakes which had been charred in the camp fire, and driven into the ground, and they were left so well marked that other sur- veyors easily found them after many years. CHAPTER VIII. EARLY MILITARY INVASION OF VERMILION COUNTY. INVASION BY SPANISH TROOPS OBJECT OF THIS MARCH ACROSS THE STATE OI> ILLINOIS EVIDENCE OF THIS COMPANY OF SOLDIERS CROSSING VERMILION COUNTY ILLINOIS RANGERS THE COMMAND UNDER GEN. SAMUEL HOPKINS GEN. HOPKINS' ARMY A BAND OF UNDISCIPLINED MEN REGIMENT, A MOB ON RETREAT CANNON BALL FOUND IN BLUFF OF MIDDLE FORK RIVER WHAT DOES IT PROVE? / After the close of the Revolutionary war, there was an invasion of the North- west Territory made by Spanish troops who crossed the state and came into what is now Vermilion County. The point toward which these troops were marching was the British fort at the mouth of the St. Joseph river near the south end of Lake Michigan. Whether any more important results were con- templated than a temporary possession of this fort, has never been known. The land west of the Mississippi river, since known as the Louisiana Purchase, at that time belonged to Spain. St. Louis was its capital. It was from this point that the invasion was made. On January 2, 1781, a small army of perhaps one hundred and fifty men under a Spanish officer crossed the Mississippi river on their way to march across the state of Illinois. This army was about equally divided between white men and Indians, while the white men were about half Frenchmen and half Spanish soldiers. Their objective point was the nearest fort which yet floated the flag of Great Britain. This was old Fort St. Joseph, located in southern Michigan. The only possible motive for this expedition was the hatred of the Spanish for Great Britain, and this was an echo of the trouble in the old country between these two, at that time, important European powers which were at war with each other. The march was started in mid-winter. Since the waterways were frozen, the march must be made by land, and since they did not dare venture on the prairies because of the extreme cold winds and the danger of losing their way, their line of travel was along the banks of the streams. It is not exactly known what trail they took, but it is agreed by all writers that they left the state at about where Danville now is, going thence in a northerly direction, to South Bend, Indiana. This distance of four hundred miles in the dead of winter must have occasioned much suffering. Although this coming of a foreign people had no effect upon affairs of this section, a natural interest in them makes a record of their after course admissible here. 53 54 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY This impoverished Spanish army was under command of Don Eugenie Pourre. They surprised Fort St. Joseph, and captured it without trouble. Hauling down the flag of Great Britain and hoisting that of Spain, they took up their triumphal march back to St. Louis, whence they sent word of the cap- tured territory to Spain. It took a year to get the report to Spain, and no important results were ever recorded of this expedition. It might be that this was one link in a chain which Spain was forging to gain possession of more land in America; it may be that Vermilion County at that time really stood in danger of becoming a part of Spain in the new world, and had it not been for the clear vision and firm stand taken by Jay, Franklin and Adams this heroic march across this section would have proven a decisive act to that end. As a proof that this particular section lay in the way of this march, the finding of two cannon balls in a valley a few miles west of Danville, has been cited. These cannon balls found some years ago about where the old Kickapoo village once stood, were in the range of any small piece of artillery planted on the nearby hills, and they are considered by some writers to be a relic of this expedition, but it seems with little reason, a more reasonable accounting for their presence is the fact of a later invasion of the section by Gen. Hopkins' army. It must be remembered that, at the close of the war of the Revolution, and until after the war of 1812, the northern and western frontiers suffered a great deal at the hands of the Indians who were instigated to utmost cruelty by the remnants of the representatives of Great Britain. Although defeated at the first war Great Britain was not convinced that America was a lost province, until after the second war. The Indians in the Wabash valley were particularly hostile. Western Indiana and eastern Illinois comprised a section where life was always in danger. The massacre at Fort Dearborn occurred less than two months after war had been declared with Great Britain in 1812, and aroused the people of the Illinois Territory. Governor Edwards gathered and organized a force of Illinois Rangers at Camp Russell, near Edwardsville into two regiments, placing these troops under the command of Col. Russell of the regular army. Another available force was the two thousand mounted riflemen of Kentucky who were under the command of Gen. Samuel Hopkins, a veteran Revolutionary officer. These troops were in camp at Vincennes. To effect the best results it was agreed that the forces- should act in concert to the end of destroying Indian villages in this terrorized section. Gen. Hopkins was to move up the Wabash river to Fort Harrison, burning Indian towns and driving the refugees before him. Then he was to cross the Wabash river into Illinois Territory, march across the Grand Prairie to the Illinois river at Peoria Lake, where he would be met by Gen. Russell and Gov. Edwards, the united forces to annihilate the Indians along the Illinois river. The plan was a good one for the men wha were hunting what they considered wild animals that were a menace to the life of human beings. However, this campaign has gone down in history as a cruel attempt to wanton murder of many who were perfectly innocent, and is equaled only by records of revolting massacres on the part of the wildest savages themselves. The unnecessary cruelties perpetrated at La Pe, reflects anything but credit to the Illinois Rangers. La Pe was a French and Indian village, upon the site of which the present city of Peoria is built. Its people were in no HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 55 way hostile. Yet the traders, voyageurs, Indians and even the agent, who was a loyal and confidential officer of the government, were all compelled to watch their village as it was burning, and then to mlarch many miles from their homes to be left to wander back to their desecrated town, and accept what remained of it as best they could. This is but one instance of this onesided warfare. General Hopkins was chagrined because of the refusal of his troops to proceed after the fourth day's march, yet that disgrace was not more lasting than was the other obedience to orders which in themselves were a reflection on the manhood of the commanding officers. Had Gen. Hopkins and his men gone on and par- ticipated in the cowardly conduct of the Illinois Rangers, history would have given them an even less glorious place. This army under command of Gen. Hopkins was composed of an aggregation of undisciplined men, enlisted as they believed to defend their own borders of Kentucky alone. Discontent arose before they left Vincennes at the idea of going into the interior of the territory, and it increased as they proceeded until, at Fort Harrison, some of the men broke off and returned home. After this, harmony appeared to prevail until they reached the Grand Prairie, when the silence necessary to an army in an enemy's country was broken, the abundant game tempting the men to straggle, and a constant firing ensued in spite of the commands of Gen. Hopkins himself. It was the rainy season, there were no competent guides to be had, they lost their way, and confusion prevailed only short of insubordination. When they encamped for the night of the fourth day out in a grove of timber affording water, the Indians in front set fire to the prairie grass which compelled the soldiers to fire the grass around the camp for protection. This was the last test of the endurance of the troops, and the officers determined to disobey the orders of Gen. Hopkins, and return to their homes. They agreed to his dictated order of return march, he, thinking he could destroy some Indian villages on the way, but the men broke through all restraint, the regiment became a mob, and each man chose the way he desired. The actual line of march taken by these troops is determined only by the direction and the distance known to have been traveled. Knowing the direction of these troops and the distance traveled, the decision of whence came the cannon balls found on the bluffs of the Middle Fork in 1869 is more readily made. Judge Cunningham, in his history of Champaign County, gives as his opinion, and adds reasonable proof, that the grove with water "which fixed their camp on October igth, was the Big Grove on the Salt Fork timber, and that the prairie, which then skirted it, was the scene of the brave old General's discom- fiture. " That being the case, there is little doubt that the old Kickapoo village within "one and a half miles" of the old salt springs, was devastated by these very troops. While cutting down an abrupt bluff of the Middle Fork of the Vermilion river, ten males west of Danville for the passage of the Indiana, Bloomington & Western Railway in 1869, the workmen took from the loose shale composing the bluff, two cannon balls of iron, each about three inches in diameter, which balls were in the possession of the late Hon. H. W. Beckwith previous to his death. There was no one able to account for their presence in that bluff. The only reasonable assumption appears to be that these balls were thrown from light field pieces which Gen. Hopkins' army carried with them. 56 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY The only other armed force which ever passed this way was the Spaniards who came in 1781. If this army did pass near the Indian village it is hardly possible that it carried guns of sufficient caliber to have thrown these balls where they were found. Gen. Hopkins made his campaign in the early autumn when transportation across the country was comparatively easy, the distance from Fort Harrison, his base of supplies, being not more than eighty miles. His object was the destruction of Indian villages and the Kickapoo village was here where the cannon balls were found. Furthermore, General Hopkins had a force of 2,000 well-armed and mounted men while the Spanish force did not exceed 150 men and officers combined, who were on a long winter march and were provided, we must conclude, with nothing to impede the work in hand, which it must be borne in mind was to surprise and capture a force much smaller than their own, protected only by a weak stockade. HOUSE BUILT BY FRANCIS WHITCOMB Still standing in Catlin CHAPTER IX. FIRST SETTLEMENTS. THE FIRST SETTLEMENT WAS MADE AT THE SALT SPRINGS THE NEXT WERE MADE AT BUTLER'S POINT AND JOHNSON'S POINT BROOK'S POINT MORGAN'S THE M'DONALD NEIGHBORHOOD YANKEE POINT AND QUAKER POINT THE LITTLE VERMILION VERMILION AND EL WOOD WALKER'S POINT DANVILLE J WHEN SETTLED THE LE NEVE SETTLEMENT SETTLEMENTS ON THE MIDDLE FORK OF THE BIG VERMILION MOTIVES FOR SETTLEMENTS DIRECTION WHENCE SET- TLERS CAME. The first settlement made in Vermilion County was at the Salt Springs. This settlement was made while yet the springs were a part of Edgar County. Joseph Barren discovered the salt springs on the Vermilion and returned to Fort Har- rison to take out necessary papers that he might immediate develop them. While he was gone, Truman Blackman, who had been one of his party organized an- other party and made an expedition to the same place that he might claim the discovery. When Blackman himself returned to make out his papers, he left two men to stay in possession until the third could come back with his family and make a settlement. Francis Whitcomb and the two Beckwiths, who were left at the springs were all single men and can not be counted as settlers until after the coming of Seymour Treat who was gone after his family. In the later pa'tr of November, 1819, Seymour Treat arrived at the Springs with his wife and family, bringing his household goods, the first settler of what is now known as Vermilion County. Seymour Treat had been here before, he having been one of the party who came with Truman Blackman, and returned to Fort Harrison for his family and tools to develop the salt works. He came up the Wabash river to the mouth of the Vermilion river and thence to the springs in a pirogue. This way had probably been the one taken by Barren, and avoided by the second exploring party, perhaps because of the fear of their expedition being discovered. The first thing to be done upon the arrival of Treat and his family was to get some place where they could have shelter. The Beckwiths and Whitcomb were all good axemen and with their help it was not long before a good cabin was put up. This, the first house built in this section, was constructed of small logs. It was about fourteen feet square with one room. Thus the first settle- ment was begun and Seymour Treat, Francis Whitcomb, and the two Beckwiths were the first settlers. Treat afterward moved to the site of what was later 57 58 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY Denmark and building a mill there became the first settler of what, for a time, was a very important settlement and came very nearly being made the county seat. These first settlers of what is now Vermilion County came from the South, Treat and Whitcomb from Fort Harrison and the Beckwiths from the North Arm Prairie, where they were living with Jonathan Mayo. These two young men came from New York State three years previous to this time, just as the Harrison Purchase was being surveyed, and located for two years in Vigo County, Indiana, coming to the North Arm Prairie in 1818. The two young men and Francis Whitcomb were better enabled to endure the hardships which they found in this part of the country than were the women and children. With their nearest neighbors on the North Arm Prairie some forty miles away, the loneli- ness was more~than can be imagined. The men could hunt and fish and find ad- venture in the wild country surrounding them, but the women and little children were left to work as their only way of passing the time, or to the more wearing idleness which gave opportunity to grieve over broken home ties, in the more densely populated old home towns. The year after the settlement was made at the salt springs, James Butler came to the point of timber near where the Catlin Fair Grounds were later lo- cated, and entered land. Two or three of his neighbors came with him from Clark County, Ohio, and also took up claims. Johnson built his cabin on the right hand side of the road leading west of Catlin and on the east side of the branch which was called by his name. Here he put in a crop and the next spring re- turned to Ohio to fetch his family to their new home. It was a lonely place to build a home and it took courage for a woman to take her little children into this wilderness. Their nearest neighbors were at the Salt Springs. Even at that place there were but few people. The men who first came out with Butler from Ohio lost courage and refused to return with him, preferring to stay in their old homes. Life in new settlements was bad enough when several families united in forming a colony, but when one family left their old home and settled in a strange place alone, it took great courage. A half dozen years previous to this time Butler had left his boyhood home in Chittenden County, Vermont, to locate in Ohio and had never been satisfied, so that this opportunity to go yet farther west pleased him. Illinois was a new country, having been a commonwealth but two years at this time. But the loneliness and uncertainty of a life among the Indians in this far away place beyond civilization, in spite of the treaty now in force, were more than the friends of Butler could face, so it was but the one family who made this settlement at Butler's Point. Within two or three years Butler's Point became an important settlement. Robert Trickle, John Light, Asa Elliott and Harvey Luddington (the latter from the salt works) all came to this settlement before Butler had been here two years, and this settlement was conspicuous in the affairs of the earliest days of this section. About the time Asa Elliott came Francis Whitcomb moved from the Salt Works settlement to the nearby place where Catlin is now located, married and made it his permanent home, living there until late in life when he moved yet further west. About two years after the Butler's Point settlement was assured, a little clearing in the timber some six miles west of the Salt Works THE WOODIX HOT'SE IN CATLIX HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 59 was made by Lewis Bailey. Bailey sold this land to Harvey Luddington in a short time. The little stream nearby was known as Luddington's branch for years, but afterward, as Stony Creek. Later, when Mr. Walker opened a farm up the creek near the present town of Muncie, the place became known as Walker's Point, but was never a promising settlement. The same year James D. Butler built the first cabin which was the beginning of Butler's Point. Henry Johnson began a settlement two miles west of present day Georgetown by build- ing a cabin on section 36 (18-12), afterward calling it Johnson's Point. Henry Johnson was a man of sterling character and, as a neighbor always held out a helping hand. Absolom Starr, Henry Johnson's brother-in-law, joined him the following year. Also another brother-in-law by the name of Barnes came to this settlement. Jotham Lyons took up land just west of Johnson's and John Jordon settled a little to the east. Absolom Starr came from Palestine, Illinois, where the land office was located. He selected a piece of ground which he thought he wanted and went back to Palestine where he raised corn and wheat enough in the season of 1821 to last him and his family as flour and meal for a year. Few pioneers came into a new country better equipped for the first year's living. He brought his wife and four children to Johnson's Point and built them a little cabin. A letter written by Henry Johnson addressed to William Lowery, the member of the legislature from Clark County at that time, and yet preserved, fixes the date of the beginning of this settlement beyond a doubt. The letter is dated "Achilles Township, November 22, 1822." In it the statement is made that Johnson "had a knowledge of this township since October, 1820." This letter goes on to describe "Achilles township," which evidently embraced the whole territory of Clark County watered by the two Vermilion rivers, and ex- tending as far north as the Kankakee river. John Hoag and Samuel Munnell began a settlement north of the Little Ver- milion, the year Henry Johnson settled south of that stream. This settlement was just southwest of the present village of Indianola. William Swank came to this section in 1820 and his farm embraced a part of the present town of Indianola. Alexander McDonald came here in 1822. He, with his father-in-law entered much land around here and this place was long known as the McDonald Neighborhood. A settlement was begun at what was long known as Brooks' Point, the same, or the year following the beginning of Johnson's Point. Benja- min Brooks came from Indiana and chose a place on the Little Vermilion for his future home. Returning to Indiana for his family, a Mr. Spence took this land in his absence. Mr. Brooks was very much disappointed, and had it not been for Benjamin Canady, who had just come from Tennessee, he would have been in a sorry plight with his family and no land upon which to build a cabin. Benjamin Canady was a tinker and peddler and had land further north which he let Mr. Brooks have, and this point of timber became the well known Brooks Point during the first years of the life of Vermilion County. The site of old Brooks Point is now known as Kelleyville. While Benjamin Brooks was in Indiana, Bob Cotton and Thomas O'Neal came to this same section. Thomas O'Neal came from Nelson County, Kentucky, and lived at Brooks Point. His son James O'Neal was the first white child born in the territory that is now Ver- milion County. It, however, was a part of Edgar County at that time, 60 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY and for three years afterward. He lived in the Brooks Point neighborhood for three years and then entered 80 acres of land on the Big Ver- milion, near where the Kyger mill was later a landmark. A neighborhood, first called Morgan's, and afterward McHenry, was settled south of Brooks' Point. Subel Ellis, James Ogden and John and Lewis Ritter, were in this neighborhood. Jacob Brazleton settled just north of them. Achilles Morgan, with his son-in-law, Henry Martin, came into what is now Vermilion County five years before it was organized as such, and after stopping at one or two points, located about three miles west of Georgetown. They came from Virginia and his other daughter with her husband George Brock visited them shortly and also located at the same place. The name of Achilles Morgan is associated with public affairs of the county in the '205 and '305, and his descendants have left their impress upon its development. He was one of the first three county commissioners. Soon after the first settlement at the Salt Springs, Mr. Starr, an uncle of Absolom and Barnett Starr, who were well known and pioneers of the county, bought land in the then northern part of Edgar County, but later he came to the southern part of Vermilion County. He bought eight hundred and eighty acres of land through which the Little Vermilion river flowed. Mr. Starr lived in Palestine where the land office was located and he bought much land for specu- lative purposes. This particular land he traded to John Myers for the eighty acres of land he had in Ohio. John Myers was better known in his day as "Injun John" and was, as may be inferred from his nickname ,a man of strong characteristics. On his way out here Myers offered his brother-in-law a quarter section of this land if he would come with him. This his brother-in-law Joseph Frazier agreed to do. The particular tract which Frazier received is now a part of the well known Sconce farm. A year later Simon Cox came to this section and took up land. This was in 1822. Later he and Myers commenced to build a mill. First they tried a water mill, and they put in steam, but as neither were practical millwrights, they did not succeed in this enterprise. Peter Summe assisted in building this mill. It was located about a mile south of what today is Indianola and formerly was Chillicothe. Moses Bradshaw came to this neighborhood about the time Myers and Frazier came. He stayed here but a short time, however. The Richmond family lived here one winter and summer and then moved on. The beginning of the settlement of Vermilion, now known as Vermilion Grove, was the cabin built by John Malsby in 1820. To be sure he abandoned the house and returned to his old home in Richmond, Indiana, so that the fol- lowing winter, when Mr. Haworth came with his young family he found shelter already provided. Mr. Haworth had left Tennessee three years before to get away from the institution of slavery which he hated, and had spent the interim in Union County, Indiana. He entered several hundred acres of land about Vermilion, but did not hold it for himself nor sell it at high price ; rather, when anyone came along whom he thought would be a desirable neighbor, he sold his land cheap and on time payments, if so desired. In this way he lay the foundation for a community of good people. His uncle, George Haworth, soon THE BOGGESS HOUSE IN EARLY TIMES HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 61 came to this neighborhood, and together with his brothers and their descendants, have made the name a familiar and respected one in this part of Illinois. Henry Canady with his five sons came from Tennessee in the autumn of 1821, the same year that Mr. Haworth came. But they became discontented and returned to their old home in the Spring. They did not stay, however, but by Fall they were all back this time to locate permanently. When land came into market Mr. Canady entered about two sections and sold it out at congress prices with interest. This selling of small tracts of land to different owners by such men as Mr. Haworth and Mr. Canady, cut a part of that section of the county into small farms which could be cultivated more thoroughly than larger farms, and opened that region more quickly than any other. These small farms were later bought up by John L. Sconce, John Sidell and other large owners who have turned them into vast estates. These first settlements in what is now Vermilion County, but which were made before the county was organized as such were few and all lay along the two Vermilion rivers, the Middle Fork and Salt Fork of the Big Vermilion and the two Stony Creeks. Along the Little Vermilion the points of timber running out into the prairie were first chosen, and Yankee Point, and Quaker Point, became well known settlements. The first named set- tlement, that of Yankee Point, was so named because Mr. Squires 'settled here at an early day and being from the east his "yankee" ways were more noticed since he was the only man who had not come from the South. Quaker Point was settled by those who belonged to the society of Friends or Quakers. This settlement was also called Bethel. The early settlers clung to the timber for a decade. They were afraid of the prairie, were sure no one could live away from the timber, and that the prairie was fit only as a range for their cattle. The early settlements were all made about the same date, that is, in 1821, or 22, or 23. They were at the Salt Springs, Butler's Point, Johnson's Point, Brooks' Point, Vermilion, Elwood, Yankee Point and Quaker Point. The Mc- Donald neighborhood, Morgan's and near what is now Indianola. The settle- ment at the mouth of the North Fork of the Vermilion river was not made until after the county was organized and a county seat was contemplated. There was not any settlement at this place but land had been entered, and the location of the county seat was desired and secured in spite of the fact that promising set- tlements had been made in other parts of the newly organized county. It was not until January, 1827, that the selection was made of the land donated at the mouth of the North Fork of the Vermilion river, as the future county seat of the newly formed Vermilion County and its settlement begun. This was two years after a settlement had been made to the north by John LeNeve, and a number from Ohio and Kentucky. The beginning of this settlement was made by Obadiah and John LeNeve, who came from Lawrence County (it was then Crawford County), Illinois, provided to make their future home in this section. Their first house was primitive in the extreme, being but a square laid up with logs and one half covered with puncheons, although the entire structure was chinked and well filled with pulled grass. This cabin was built in the winter of 1824 and 1825. In 1828 Samuel Copeland began a settlement west of here and the same year Mr. Partlow with his family of four sons came to the Middle Fork of the Big Vermilion river to make a new home. He came from Kentucky. 62 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY The majority of the settlers of Vermilion County came from the South. Some came from Ohio and a few came from further east yet, but they were not many. Those who came first and settled Salt Springs developing them were from the North Arm Prairie, and those following and settling in other sections came from that section, and yet further South. Unlike many new countries the most of these pioneers were law abiding men and developed into good citizens. The large numbers of adherents of the faith of Friends made the material from which to secure the very best people possible for a growing country. Many of these pioneers came from Tennessee and North Carolina, because they were anxious to escape the hated institution of slavery. Many came from Ohio where they had paused for perhaps a generation on their way west from Virginia or some other eastern locality. Many others came directly from Vir- ginia. They came by way of the Ohio and Wabash rivers and they came through the country on horseback or with ox teams. The motives which brought them were as various as were their direction from their old homes. Not all came to escape a hated institution in their old homes as did the Haworths and the Can- adays who settled and developed the peaceful valley along the Little Vermilion river ; some saw a future through the salt industry or the fur trade and later in the fertile land that was theirs for little more than the taking; and yet others were filled with the passion for adventure alone. Such was the diverse material which went into the foundation of Vermilion County and made indelible im- press upon its institutions. CHAPTER X. TRAILS AND EARLY ROADS. ORIGIN OF THE MODERN ROAD FIRST THE BUFFALO, THEN THE INDIAN, THEN THE PACK-HORSE THE DANVILLE & FORT CLARK ROAD THE OTTAWA ROAD HUB- BARD' s TRACE. The modern road, which leads from place to place and makes speedy travel possible, is an evolution of the trail of the Indian which, in turn, was the evolu- tion of the track made by some wild animal. The instinct of all animals is to go from one feeding spot to another, and to the best and nearest drinking place, with as little expenditure of time and energy possible. To this end there is no forest so dense, nor plain so wide, that does not show the paths of the wild beasts which inhabit it. The buffalo made the first roads, or paths, or trails, as you choose to call the tracks he left as a guide to his almost equally untamed successor in ownership of the wilds the American Indian. Before the time roads were determined by legal proceedings, convenience in travel directed them. The Danville and Fort Clark road was surveyed and laid out as a legal road about 1834 by an act of the Legislature, but it did not owe its origin to this legal action, for it was traveled many years previous to this date. In 1828, at its September session, the Board of Commissioners entered an order appointing "Runnel Fielder Supervisor of the Fort Clark road from the Salt Fork to the western line of Vermilion County." The same order allotted all the road work due from residents in townships 19 and 20, in Range 9 and 10, to this piece of road. But even this order, of a date so early as it is, was not the origin of this well known road. The exact origin will ever remain unknown, but it is safe to surmise that, as long ago as the buffalo roamed this country it was his path leading from river and grove to the East to river and grove to the West, passing the spot where his need for salt was met in the springs located near the Salt Fork of the Big Vermilion river. Later the Indian followed the same path for the same purpose. Indian villages were located along the lower Ver- milion river, the inhabitants of which were intimate friends of the Indians in the Kickapoo village at what is now known as "Old Town Timber" in McLean County. These Indians chose frequent intercourse and naturally made a trail along the old buffalo track. Indeed, this tract must have been used before these Kickapoo villages were located, because the Piankeshaws probably knew of the direction of the salt water, when they were in possession of this territory, and 63 64 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY were attracted thither, while their village was located at the mouth of the North Fork of the Vermilion. This trail was probably followed by Gen. Hopkins and his soldiers, and maybe by the Spanish troops, although that is not credited by many. This was by no means the only, nor the first trail which went through Vermilion County. The oft times traveled trail which led from Kaskaskia and Fort Chartres to Detroit, passed across the southwestern part of the county. This trail can yet be discerned in Edgar County, to the south. The region of Vermilion County was the center of Indian trails, diverging to the south, the west, the southwest, the east, and to the north. The early comers into this sec- tion found a well denned road from east to west, crossing what is now Vermilion County, which each year showed more and more evidence of travel, as it was used by pioneers in going from Ohio to the then "West." This road crossed the Big Vermilion river at near the mouth of the North Fork, and crossed the county, leaving it at where the line of Champaign County makes the eastern boundary. At the point of leaving the county, the Salt Fork of the Vermilion river crosses the line a little to the northeast of the present village of Homer. The highway was the well known "Fort Clark Road," over which the great tide of immigra- tion passed from the states east of the Ohio to the section known as the "Military Tract," the name of the lands lying in the western part of Illinois, between the Illinois and Mississippi rivers. This "Military Tract" comprised the lands given the soldiers of both the wars of the Revolution and that of 1812. There are places along this long since abandoned road that yet show its direction. These are great gullies, which were worn, first by the hoof of the buffalo, and afterward by the oxen and wagon of the pioneer, but it takes the practice eye to distinguish these places and the old Fort Clark road is practically lost. It long ago was changed from the northern route to the southern way, and the highway going in the same direction, is known as the Danville and Urbana road. This road runs to the south of the old one but is very much the same which was traveled in the long ago through Vermilion County and which is referred to in the following description of a traveler in the early twenties : "After safely crossing the state of Indiana, then a wilderness, I entered Illinois where Dan- ville now is near to where I found a small settlement and some friends. I made a short stay at these Salt Works and then took a more northwest course, to strike the Illinois river, my map and compass my only guide. I put up usually, where night found me. Striking a light with my flint, steel and punk, I wrapped myself in my blanket, and with the broad earth for a bed, slept soundly. My horse became very cowardly so that he would scarcely crop the grass, which was his only sustenance; he would keep close to me, following me wherever I went and sleeping at night by my side, and would not leave me at any time. With no well defined road, only the Indian trail through high grass and bushes, over the broad limitless prairie, or along the timber belts, occasionally meeting a party of Indians with whom I conversed only by signs, it is not surprising that horse and rider should be lonely, suspicious and fearful." Such was the way along the afterward "Fort Clark" road which was the most direct connection of the east and the west. The writer of this experience goes on to tell of his leaving the Salt Works of the Vermilion, and finding no white man until he reached Dillon's Grove in Tazewell County. Later, a road from the east to HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 65 Ottawa, called the "Ottawa road" was built through Vermilion County, passing to the north of Danville on the way to Chicago. It was a state road and within the memory of many citizens, it was marked with milestones. This road went direct from Danville through Denmark and had a branch to the east, north of Danville which led through Newell township and carried trade to Covington, Indiana. This road was probably the developed trail from Fort St. Louis to Vincennes and Fort Detroit which converged at Danville. The north and south road known as the "Hubbard Trace" was a very important highway for years. The American Fur Company had stations along the way of the country between the Illinois and Wabash rivers as early as about 1785. They had trading posts on the Iroquois, the Little Wabash, and the Embrass rivers. In 1824 Gurdon Hubbard was put in charge of the company's trade in this section and soon abandoned the trading posts on the Illinois river, doing away with trade by the river and introduced pack horses to cover the way between Chicago and the southern extreme of the territory. This way or trail from Chicago went directly to the Salt Works and thence south, so it is seen that the Hubbard Trace (as it was called) was to the west of Danville, instead of being the old direct state road. This road was the one most frequently traveled to the north or the south, and the old "Fort Clark" road was the one used in going to the east or west, during the early days of Vermilion County. And together with the Ottawa road met all the requirements of travel of that day. CHAPTER XI. PIONEER LIFE IN VERMILION COUNTY. FOOD SHELTER CLOTHING EARLY CONDITIONS AND CUSTOMS MEANS OF TRAVEL SICKNESS PROVINCIALISMS. When the pioneer came to this section of the country he found an abundance of food, which could be secured with little effort upon his part. Wild turkey, prairie chicken, quail and deer were plentiful and so tame as be to shot from the cabin door. The rivers were stocked with fish, and the wild ducks and other water fowl frequented their banks. Although mills were not numerous, the corncracker mill of James Butler's was not out of reach of anyone in the county, and it was in operation as early as 1823. The ingenuity of the early settler, however, was great and even could over- come the scarcity of mills and produce material from which to make the ever- present corn cake, and the "journey board" was given use in the baking of the "journey (johnny) cake." There was an abundance of wild fruit berries, grapes and plums and along the Little Vermilion, persimmon and pawpaw trees. All this for the first year's of coming. It was not long before the grains and cultivated fruits were a part of the daily food, since the fertile land re- sponded quickly to cultivation. The pioneer woman responded with as ready service in the preparation of this food. There was much rivalry in the skill of the women who came to the county in these early days and excellence was coveted and secured by the most of them. To be called a good cook was praise that was appreciated, and to be the best cook in the neighborhood was a dis- tinction devoutly to be desired. The abundance of food naturally led to, perhaps, over-feeding, but it also developed the talents of the women in providing their tables with a quantity that has made Illinois and Indiana famous for many and varied dishes. Each woman vied with her neighbor to have more food upon her table and the gatherings of any kind were opportunities to exhibit her power to this end. Where there was such an abundance there was little suffering from lack of food as in sometimes the case in new countries. Corn was eaten in various ways. The cake then served was "pound cake" with cornmeal used instead of wheat flour. Mush and milk was a common dish for supper; an old settler in telling of this once said, that one should have one foot in bed and the other ready, so that as soon as he had finished his supper he could go to sleep. Green corn was boiled and roasted, and frequently consti- tuted the entire meal. Hominy, known as lye hominy, was prepared by soaking 66 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 67 the corn in lye made from the wood ashes, until the husk would readily leave the grain, when it was pounded in a mortar and thoroughly broken. The mortar was made by hollowing a solid, dry stump or log, either with adz or by fire. The pestle was made of wood. The cracked corn was of two grades, large hominy and small hominy. Add to the large hominy and small hominy, the large pone and small pone, Johnny cake, hoe cake and dodgers, dumplings and fried cakes, and the use of corn is not yet exhausted. For drink the pioneer sipped his bread coffee, crust coffee, meal coffee, and potato coffee, sassafras tea, spicewood tea, beech leaf and sycamore-chips tea. Their vegetables were potatoes, pumpkins, turnips and for early use, greens or weeds. A description of the way in which the women prepared a meal as given by Judge Davidson, in telling of early times many years ago, is interesting. He says : "The fireplace was about eight feet in the clear. The kettles were hung over the fireplace to a strong pole, raised so high above the fire as not to ignite, from heat and sparks, and whose ends are fastened in the chimney. The kettles were sus- pended on trammels, which were pieces of iron rods, with a hook at each end. The uppermost one extended from the pole nearly down to the fire, and with one or more short ones, the kettles were brought to their proper height above the coals. Wooden hooks were used until iron ones were obtained. A long handled frying pan was used in which to fry meat. The women held the frying pan while the meat cooked and she cooked also. A more convenient utensil was a cast-iron, short handled, three legged spider, or skillet which was set upon the coals on the hearth. Turkeys and spare-ribs were sometimes roasted before the fire suspended by a string, a dish being placed underneath to receive the drip- pings. To care for this meat was often the man's work on a day when he was not otherwise busy, and it is told by a devoted daughter who loved to recall his doings how he (father) would attend to the roast on Sunday." There was little greater effort required to furnish shelter. All material was easily procured. To be sure, these houses were of the most primitive character. A very common style of house, and one that could be easily constructed with tools no more complicated than an axe and, perhaps, an auger, was the cabin built wholly with the material to be found in the timber. A description of a house built of such material is given by Judge Cunningham in his History of Cham- paign County, and as it is as good a picture of a dwelling on that side of the county line and is painted with well chosen words, it serves this county as well. "Small logs, or poles, suitable to build a house large enough to accommodate the family needing it, were cut and hauled to the site chosen for the future home. Notching the ends of these logs, with the help of his neighbor or, maybe, an In- dian, they were rolled the one above the other on the four sides of the building, until the suitables height of wall was obtained. Across the building at intervals of three or four feet, other logs or poles were laid, until a foundation for the roof of the loft had been prepared, having in view, all the time, symmetry and smoothness of the upper room. The ends of this building were then carried up a suitable height, for the upper room, when they were, by shortening each suc- cessive log, gradually drawn to an apex. Again, logs or poles were laid from gable to gable, for the support of the roof, to be made of boards or 'shakes,' of suitable length, split from some nearby oak tree. In the absence, or impossibility 68 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY of getting nails with which to fasten the roof, boards, logs or poles were cut of suitable length and laid lengthwise of the building, upon each successive course of the roofing material. The necessary doors and windows were formed by cut- ting spaces through the log walls, in suitable places and of suitable size. Doors and window shutters were made from split clapboards and hung on wooden hinges. These windows sometimes were covered with paper which had been well greased so as to make it, somewhat transparent. Floors were made of puncheons split from trees, one side of which was hewed to a plane surface for the upper side of the floor, while the other side was notched to the log sleepers, upon which the floor rested, the edges of each puncheon being lined and straight- ened so as to fit its neighbor. In this way a solid and durable floor could be made with no tool other than an axe, and an adz, to level and smooth off after the floor had been laid. A floor could be made of white ash or oak, which after the necessary wear from the feet of the dwellers in the cabin, presented no mean appearance when sanded and kept clean. For a ceiling above, a ready and excellent expedient was always at hand. In summer time the bank of the linden tree readily cleaves from the trunk in sheets as long as the ordinary cabin, and of a width equal to the cir- cumference of the log from which it is taken. Enough of this to furnish the ceiling of an ordinary cabin could be peeled in an hour or so. Placed upon the beams which had themselves been peeled before being placed in position, the in- side of the bark turned down, with poles for weights on top to prevent curling, a ceiling at once tight and elegant enough for a fairy castle was had, which time and smoke from the first place would color most beautifully. A fireplace was made by building a chimney against one end of the cabin, using boulders and mud which made a cement. This wall against one end of the cabin was six or eight feet wide and as high. On top of this wall the chimney was built. This chimney consisted of four walls, three or four feet square of sticks split from the oak, the interstices being plastered up with common clay. Often, however, for want of stones out of which to make the back of the fireplace, it was made of clay by first setting firmly in the ground, where the chimney was to stand, posts or puncheons of the shape the fireplace was to take, and filling the enclosed space with moist clay firmly pounded down. When thus built a sufficient height for a fireplace, the chimney was topped out with sticks and clay, high enough to se- cure a good draught for the smoke, when the wooden moulds in which the fire- place had been set were burned away with a slow fire, and the chimney was com- plete. The opening upward, formed by the chimney, served the double purpose of letting out the smoke and letting in the light when the window and door open- ings were closed to keep out the cold. Many yet living will remember having often seen, hung up on the crotches of trees set up, so as to reach out over the opening in the chimney above the house, the family supply of meat hams and side meat placed there to be cured and smoked for the next summer's use. Every one who has used it thus cured, remembers with pleasure the delicious flavor given by the smoke from the fire of hickory wood below. After the cabin had been completed, and as winter approached, the cracks between the logs were chinked, by the insertion between the logs on the inside of triangular prisms split from the linn tree and fastened in their places with wedges driven behind SAMUEL LEXOVER Aged One Hundred and Eight years HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 69 them into the logs, the outside cracks then being tightly daubed with mud. This process was technically called 'daubing.' " As time passed the buildings improved. In the building of these better houses the logs were usually hewn upon two or four sides, well notched at the corners, so as to fit each other closely, the cracks between the logs being well pointed with lime mortar. Glass and sash for the windows, lumber for the doors and floors, with an attic chamber, nails for the roofs and brick for the chimney, made the houses comfortable and inviting. Such houses were occasionally, at a later day, covered on the outside with sawed weatherboarding, and painted. Such was the house of William Golden, at Yankee Point, which was further improved by a coat of red paint. As the facilities for obtaining material increased, the buildings grew more pretentious. The first planed floor in Danville was in the house built by Dr. Fithian, and as he did not come to this county until 1830, the town had been for a half dozen years with puncheon floors. A building is yet standing at the edge of Catlin which is made of the bricks, burned in the Twenties, by Fran- cis Whitcomb, also one on the opposite side of the road constructed entirely of brick which was made at not much later a date. The clothing was in most cases decidedly "home made." Not only the garments were cut and put together at home, but the material of which they were fashioned was a product of home in- dustry. A few sheep to furnish the needed wool, a patch of flax to yield the linen for wear in the summer months, and the skins which the hunter secured and cured for head and foot wear, gave an abundance of material for personal adorn" ment. The women took pride and pleasure in carding and spinning, and weav- ing, as well as in sewing and knitting and coloring this material. To excel as a spinner, whether on the little wheel, where the flax was made into thread for the linen, or on the less difficult large wheel, where the wool threads were made to weave into heavier cloth, was a pride. Standing by the "big wheel" and with measured tread walking back and forth with a definite object in view of com- pleting a given amount of work in a given time, the girls grew into graceful womanhood. The large families, which was the rule at that time, made it pos- sible for this work to be done in the household. There was no question of woman's rights because woman's duties filled her time, and her importance in the household was evident. She was in evidence in the preparation of the food, for the home, in the entire manufacturing of the clothing, and could well leave the provision of shelter to the men. This mutual interdependence of men and women in a new country tends to bring out the best characteristics in each. When the flax was grown it must be pulled, rolled, broken, scutched, swingled, and hatched before it was ready to be spun. In rare cases this work was done by the women, but generally the hardest was done by the men. It was work which required great strength and was better fit for men to do. When the flax was ready the spinner began her work. After it was spun into threads the weaver took it and employed both skill and strength in her work. When there were several daughters in a family the spinning was often done by one, the weaving by another, and the meals prepared by yet a third. There were many homes at present where a piece of cloth, the product of a grandmother's skill in weaving or spinning, is proudly exhibited. One who distinctly remembers the time of spinning of flax, and has 70 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY seen all the implements used in the preparation of a garment from the time it is in the stalks of the plant, kindly furnishes the following information : "In an early day in this country flax was raised in great abundance, and from it was fashioned all the household linen, and much of the wearing apparel. To those who have known little in regard to its use or manner of preparation such knowledge will be of interest and to those who remember handling the flax, a few words on the subject will recall days long gone by. The flax seed was sown not later than the first of May and, being of speedy growth, when the season was favorable, the crop was harvested in August. The gathering time was called 'flax-pulling time' as it was gathered in the hand and pulled or jerked from the ground by handsful and spread out on the ground in the field in rows to 'cure' before placing in bundles in the 'flax pen' where the rotting process was accomplished. My recollection of this pen is that it was built of rails on four posts about four feet high, had a rail floor and no cover. This last was that the flax might have the full benefit of the weather, it requiring both the rain and the hot sunshine to complete the rotting process which was essential. I can remember how, after days of warm sunshine, when there were indications of approaching rain, the family would rush to the flax-pen, and each lend a helping hand in turning the flax over that it might all be exposed to the weather. After the rotting was complete the flax was taken to the break which, in primitive times, was a rudely constructed contrivance for breaking the woody inside fibre. This break was made of several hickory slats, fastened together at each end with pieces of wood, and hinged in such a manner that one end could be raised and lowered between other similar slats, which were stationary and some dis- tance apart. At one end of the top set of slats was fastened a handle, which had to be used vigorously during the flax breaking process. After the breaking was complete it was taken to the scutching board which was a very smooth hardwood board placed upright with the lower end fastened securely in a heavy block of wood. In the top end of this board was a large notch or curve, which was made to hold a handful of flax while it went through the scutching process. This was accomplished by means of a scutching knife, which was also made of hardwood, was about nine inches wide and perhaps twelve or fourteen long and very thin. The handful of flax (quite a bunch of it) was thrown across the scutching board, held in the left hand, while the right hand wielded the knife vigorously to loosen and dislodge the woody fiber. After this it was taken to the hatcheling board on which was securely placed a board with two sets of hatchels, one coarse and one fine, made of wire and much after the same plan as those used in carding machines of modern factories. After the flax had been drawn through these many, many times, until all the fiber had been removed, each bunch was twisted into a hank of silky texture and was ready to be spun into thread by the industrious, thrifty housewife on the little spinning wheel, and made ready for the crowning feat which was accomplished with the help of the family loom. It was woven into cloth ready to be made into articles for household use and for garments for different members of the family. Many were the dextrous achieve- ments of our grandmothers in this line all of which, of course, had to be done by hand, as at that early day the wildest imagination had never dreamed of a sewing machine." HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 71 The garments at that time varied little in cut. The women's dress did not change so often and men wore the same cut year after year. But if the fashion of the garment were not so complex, and all the work was done by hand the stitches which put them together were most carefully taken. With a sewing machine and its product never having been seen, the fingers did better work. A piece of sewing which has escaped the destruction of the passing years is found to be firmly put together and the stitches as accurately taken as any machine could make. The skill in sewing as well as the superior strength of the material and thread makes these old garments worth preserving. At that time the shoes were made at home, but were generally the work of some one man who had learned this trade in Ohio, or Kentucky, or some old home whence he had come to the new country. These shoemakers would go from one house to another and fit out the family with shoes while there. The caps worn were made from the skin of the coon and were popular head covering, not only because the skins could be easily obtained but these caps were a very comfortable protection from the weather. The women knit the stockings in the long winter evenings, and in this knitting many a woman found a means of expressing, all unconsciously, her secret love of the beautiful. Although there was no necessity of doing more than procuring a material which would make strong and warm foot covering and to knit it in the regular way, a knitter could, if she so choose, color her yarn after she had woven it as fine as she cared to do, and knit it in as fancy stitches as she pleased, making even so prosaic a thing as a pair of stockings, a "thing of beauty." The woods were full of dye stuff which the lingering Indian squaw could teach the woman desirous to learn the art of producing brilliant coloring. Some beautiful coverlets made by the women of early day in Vermilion County are yet well preserved by their descendants and illustrations of these are given in this volume. The large number of Friends who came into Vermilion County kept their peculiar dress, procuring the material therefor in the same way. Their garments were fashioned from a material of different color but it was the product of their own industry, just as was the material which fashioned their neighbors' clothes. While the cabin was all busy within, without there was no idling. The spinning wheel was the stringed instrument upon which the women played and they made every house a woolen factory, but the industry was not all found inside the cabins. The wooden-mould plow was busy. As description of which, the iron part was a bar two feet long, with a broad share of iron welded to it. At the extreme part was a coulter that passed through a beam six or seven feet long, to which there were attached handles of corresponding length. The mould board was of wood, split from a winding piece of timber, or hewed into a winding- shape in order to turn the soil over. The triangular harrow or drag, was also an early implement. It consisted of two pieces of timber about six feet long and five inches square, hewed, before the day of mills, and later sawed. The end of one was framed into the end of the other, forming an acute angle, the two sides- kept apart by a crosspiece of timber framed into the others near their centers, all forming the letter "A." Before iron came, wooden teeth were used, but the prevalence of roots destroyed them rapidly, so that iron teeth, twice as heavy as- 72 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY those now used, were obtained as soon as possible. The farming went on slowly and arduously these days before modern improvements were made. While amusements, as we consider such, were unknown to the pioneer, it must not be assumed that he had none. There were many sources of recreation not known to those who never get from the irksome jars and annoyances of a dense population. In the first place there is a release from restraint, a sense of wild freedom peculiar to the frontier that is exhilirating and enjoyable. There is no doubt that the Indian in his native wilds; the Arab coursing over the sands of the desert; and the pioneer on the broad, unoccupied prairie, breathe a fuller inspiration, have a brighter vision, drink in with a keener relish the beauties of nature, and have a consciousness of a more noble existence, a higher ideal of living and a presence of an Author of all that lives as cannot come to the jostled crowd breathing the smoke and offensive odors of the popu- lous city or even town. Then too, the occasional social pleasures of pioneer life were better enjoyed. A visit to a neighbor settler after weeks or months of absence was an occasion of pleasure which is less intense when the going could be repeated every day. At such visits experiences were related, family history given, news from distant friends exchanged, crop prospects and newcomers were discussed, and plenty time was accorded to these social calls to insure friendships cemented as is impossible in these days of hurry. These visits were made regu- larly, and were a subject of conversation during the life of the people as happy experiences. This same cordial friendly feeling is rare to find today, and will never return, to a more densely populated country. There was an abundance of game which made hunting great sport for the men ; then there were the log cabin raisings, and the shucking bees, the quilting parties and the churchgoing. If a man had a cabin or a barn to be built, his neighbors expected to help him. They would come from far and near, and this was an occasion for the women to show excellence in the food provided. An occasion of this kind is described in a history of Champaign County written by Judge Cunningham, and as there were guests present from Vermilion County, and doubtless returned the hospitality of the occasion, it is of interest in this connection. It was a barn that was to be raised on the farm of Henry Sadorus in 1832. This was to be a double barn ; that is, there were to be two rooms separated by a threshing floor, but a roof covered it all. The whole building covered ground thirty by sixty feet. Invitations were sent out to neighbors as far away as what is now Monticello, and was even sent to Eugene, Indiana. In three days' time the men had finished the barn. It \vas built of straight ash logs, with a roof of split boards, held in place by weight poles. The thresh- ing floor was of split puncheons, so well lined at the edges and smoothed down with the adz as to make it perfectly tight. Within the cabin the women were busy quilting two bed quilts, and preparing the food for the crowd. As evening came on the work was all put away, and the rooms cleared for the dancing. The music was a fiddle in the hands of a master fiddler named Knight, who lived in Danville. The husking bees were occasions of great fun for the young people. The corn was taken to the barn, and great effort was made to excel in the work. GROUP OF OLD SETTLERS TAKEN" AT OLD SETTLERS' PICXIC IX LOXG GROVE, IX AUGUST. 1897. MOST OF THESE PIOXEERS ARE XOW DECEASED HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 73 Proud was the man who could husk the most ears in a given time. Boys and girls competed and if a red ear was found the frolic grew more or less boisterous, because that was the occasion when the girl was kissed. But of all the social gatherings, the camp meeting was the best. It was looked forward to as a time of greatest social enjoyment as well as of intense interest. As a social factor, as well as religious leader, the itinerate Methodist preacher was a boon to the frontier giving occasion for the people to come together in their quarterly meet- ing and camp meetings. Vermilion County was fortunate in having a large number of the Society of Friends among the early settlers. The Quaker Quarterly was a happy occasion for the young and old people alike. Court week was a source of recreation to many of the early settlers, whether they had business at the county seat or not Wolf hunts were made occasions of healthy sport, and even yet stories of wolves are told at Old Settlers' meetings, as personal experiences. One prominent early- citizen of Vermilion County, who was the father and grandfather of many who have since been history makers in this section, took advantage of a characteristic of wolf nature and saved his flock of sheep one night in the long ago. The sheep were penned up in an enclosure built against the cabin, "because," his son says, "wolves would not kill sheep if so penned up. They wanted, them out in the open, where they would run and the wolves chase them." Being so penned up on bright nights when the moon was shining the owner of them who, by the way, was a gentle natured Quaker, was awakened by the baying of wolves quite near, and looking through the cracks of the cabin he saw a wolf on the top of the rude fence with which he had enclosed the sheep. Reaching for his trusty rifle, he shot not only that one but the others as they approached, without leaving his bed. It has been said that there were more homesick women than men in the early settlements and doubtless Vermilion County was no exception to the rule; and this was largely due to the fact of more provision being made for amusements for men than for women. True it is that the home duties kept the women from as much relaxation as the men had, but they were not entirely deprived of the social amusements. In the first place they had the pleasures of their homes, and the care of their children free from the obligations of the wearisome demands of society, and then they were not lacking in intercourse with their fellows. A quilting bee brought the women of the neighborhood together, and usually lasted all day, the guests sometimes coming before breakfast and staying until dark. But the women find it hard, usually, to break home ties and unless, as in the cases where many of the family came together, the old home drew her back with more force than it did the man. The young women had their amusements at the "shucking bees" and at dances, although they had to ride sometimes a long way to reach the frolic. They usually rode on the same horse as their escort, sitting up behind him. The early settlers of this county met two dread diseases when they reached the Wabash valley ; one was what was called Milk sickness and the other was the prevalent fever and ague of the place. When memory recalls the genuine Wabash fever and ague, a wonder arises that the people had the courage to re- ma^ in a section that carried such a perpetual illness. The fact that it being so common an affliction was not considered of as much consequence as it otherwise 74 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY would have been, makes it no less an unbearable condition of affairs. Miasma has been the foe of the pioneer all the way across the continent, and the Missis- sippi valley has harbored this element and yielded up the sacrifice of its best citi- zens during the years of its early settlement. The courage to meet the wild beast in the new country; to endure the privations and sacrifices of frontier life is one thing; but to bravely accept the terrors of the certainty of returning fever and chills, requires a fortitude that is a wonder. In the season which, for the fortunate was only the fall and spring, the day dawned but to bring a "shake" to be followed by a raging fever. Yet these conditions were met with scarce a mur- mur by the pioneers of this section of the country. The provincialisms were more noticeable in manner of speech than elsewhere. Carelessness of talking is to be expected where there is no more restraint than is to be found in a new country. With the careless speech of parents children had no model and grew up to think provincialism the correct form. The peculiar speech of the slaves in the south was caught by the men and women who later made their homes in southern Illinois and handed down to their chil- dren to be cherished and made a part of their conversation until the settlements from Kentucky and Virginia revealed the origin of the neighborhood. This peculiarity of speech from those born in the southern states has awakened dis- cussion as to whether it is the result of mingling with the slaves or whether the accent of the slave is not the result of living with the southern people. Who can tell the origin of the southern tongue, since the African did not bring a lan- guage with "him but used the one he found here. Whether the one or the other is the correct notion, the fact remains that the speech of Vermilion County savored of the dialect of the region from which the early settlers came, and the turn of the words as well as the tone of voice all testified to the old Virginia or Kentucky home whence they came. A "bucket" was never a "pail" as it was to the few eastern men and women who came into this section. These people of Vermilion County never "guessed;" they always "reckoned." They were "pow- erful weak" and "mighty porely" and "peared like couldn't gain no strength," but with all were a kind hearted, generous, whole souled people who are dear in their provincialism, and cheerfully burned their rag in a saucer of grease for light, set the houses on corner props and let the swine live underneath, and looked upon the newcomer from the more cultured east with frank admiration and gave a helping hand where it was needed. CHAPTER XII. THE ORIGIN AND EVOLUTION OF VERMILION COUNTY. COUNTY ORGANIZATION IN ILLINOIS DATES BACK TO 1779 THE COUNTY OF ILLI- NOIS ST. CLAIR AND RANDOLPH AS COUNTIES OF THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY KNOX COUNTY KNOX AND ST. CLAIR COUNTIES MADISON COUNTY ED- WARDS COUNTY CRAWFORD COUNTY CLARK COUNTY EDGAR COUNTY VER- MILION COUNTY REDUCED TO PRESENT LIMITS BELONGS TO SECOND CLASS GOVERNMENT OF THE COUNTY TOWNSHIP ORGANIZATION J WHEN EFFECTED ORIGIN OF NAME OF VERMILION COUNTY. After the conquest of the country northwest of the Ohio river by George Rogers Clark in 1778, the Commonwealth of Virginia held it as its own and called it the county of Illinois. This territory was duly governed as such with the coun- ty seat at Kaskaskia, the former Capital of both French and British Government in the Illinois country. Capt. John Todd was appointed "County Lieutenant Com- mandant," but the machinery of this government was never effectually set up, and it soon ceased to run. After concessions asked and granted by all the new states of the young Republic, Virginia surrendered all claims to the general gov- ernment in 1784, and congress, sitting under the articles of confederation, passed "An Act for the government of the territory of the United States northwest of the Ohio river." Under this ordinance Gen. Arthur St. Clair was appointed gov- ernor of the territory and in 1790 organized, by proclamation, the county of St. Clair, named in honor of himself. This proclamation was issued April 27, 1890. The boundaries of this first county can be seen by drawing a line from the mouth of the Little Mackinaw in Tazewell County to the mouth of Massac creek in Massac County. All the territory included within this line on one side and the Mississippi and Illinois rivers on the other, constituted St. Clair County. But this county was small compared with another which was created by proclama- tion, June 20 of the same year. This was Knox County and included about half the state of Illinois, the whole of Indiana, that part of Ohio west of the great Miami river, and the greater part of Michigan, and a considerable part of Wis- consin, as these states exist at present. It will be remembered that the settle- ments in the Illinois country were along that part of the Mississippi river in what was later known as the American Bottoms, and about Vincennes. St. Clair County was organized to meet the wants of the former and Knox County was organized to meet those of the latter. October 5, 1795, St. Clair County was divided by the creation of Randolph County in the southern part, doubtless to 75 76 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY accommodate the sparce settlements along the Ohio river which were made after the Revolutionary war was over. February 6, 1801, William Henry Harrison, then Governor of the Indiana Territory, of which the territory now known as Vermilion County, Illinois, is a part, issued his proclamation continuing the counties of St. Clair and Randolph as counties of Indiana Territory but changed their boundaries and enlarged their areas. Up to this time the entire territory north and west of the Ohio river belonged to the Northwest Territory, but it now had been divided by the taking of what is now the state of Ohio and making therefrom the territory of Ohio. All the remaining territory was called the Indiana Territory and William Henry Harrison was made Governor of it. In the change of boundary lines of the then existing counties in the western part of the Indiana Territory, Randolph County was bounded on the north by a line drawn, from a point on the Mississippi river about nine miles south and one mile west of the present town of Waterloo, east to a line drawn north from the "Great Cave" on the Ohio which can now be located as near the village of Cave-in-Rock, in Hardin County. This line was also the southern boundary of St. Clair County, whose eastern boundary angled to the northeast from this point to the mouth of the "Kenomic river" or as some- times called the "Kalamik" or "Calumet," a smiall stream flowing into the south- ern bend of Lake Michigan in Lake County, Indiana. All east of this line was in Knox County. Drawing this line on a map, it is readily seen the territory now Vermilion County, Illinois, by that division lies partly in St. Clair and partly in Knox Counties. The line passes directly through what is now Danville. A later proclamation of Gov. Harrison readjusted the division line between Randolph and St. Clair Counties, but made no change be- tween St. Clair and Knox Counties. This division line remained unchanged until after the organization of the Territory of Illinois in 1809. After the division and organization of the Territory of Illinois in 1809, Nathaniel Pope became secretary and acting governor of the new territory. He at once issued a proclamation con- tinuing St. Clair and Randolph Counties without change of boundaries except that the eastern boundary of each was continued to the eastern boundary of the territory, now the eastern boundary of the state of Illinois. This gave to Randolph additional territory on the east and to St. Clair, a tri- angular strip along the southern part and took from it a triangular strip from the northern part of its eastern side, and eliminated Knox County from Illinois Terri- tory. By this change of boundaries the territory now Vermilion County was alto- gether in St. Clair County, with its county seat at Cahokia on the west side of the state opposite, and a little lower than St. Louis. To go to the county seat would require a journey of nearly two hundred miles. Since the settlements in Illinois Territory were altogether in the southern part of what is now the state, the division into counties at this time was of necessity to help the people of that part of the territory. So it was that, when Ninian Ed- wards became governor, he created three new counties in the region bounded on the south and west by the Ohio and Mississippi rivers. A line drawn east from the Mississippi river to the Wabash river along the southern boundary of what is now Madison County was about the northern boundary of settlements, and such a line was made the southern boundary of the new county of Madison. Thus it was HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 77 that the territory now Vermilion County became a part of Madison County, with county seat at Palestine, on the Wabash river. This proclamation of Gov. Edwards was the last in which counties were cre- ated in that way. In this year Illinois was raised to the second grade of terri- torial government, and the creation of new counties and the alterations of county lines devolved, thereafter, upon the territorial legislature. On November 20, 1814, the territorial legislature passed a bill dividing Madison County, and creating Edwards County on the east side thereof. This act made the territory now Ver- milion County within, and subject to, the government of Edwards County, with the county seat yet at Palestine. However, there were none within this terri- tory other than the Kickapoo and Pottowatomie Indians to be affected by the change. The year 1816 saw Edwards County very much restricted, and the ter- ritory lying north of the line dividing towns 3 and 4 north and east of the third principal meridian, became Crawford County, and the now Vermilion County, in- habited as it was yet with the red man, was in the new County of Crawford, with county seat some miles further up the Wabash at Aurora. There was no change for three years or until the treaty of Edwardsville, in 1819, when Crawford County in its turn was restricted and the new County of Clark was made from its northern part. Clark County was created March 22, and extended from the third principal meridian to the Indiana state line and from its present southern county boundary to the Wisconsin state line on the north. The county seat remained at Aurora. Although in 1821, Clark County was restricted to make room for Fayette, the division did not effect the section which was being settled about the Vermilion Salines. This division of Clark County was made because Vandalia had been chosen for the future seat of government of Illinois, and it was considered necessary to sur- round it with a suitable county. Clark County at that time comprised the present Counties of Clark, Cumberland, Coles, Douglas, Edgar, Champaign, Vermilion, Iroquois, Ford, a part of Livingston, Grundy, Kendall, Kane and McHenry, with all of Kankakee, Will, DuPage, Cook and Lake. In 1823, Clark County was much reduced in area. It included its present ter- ritory and that of Cumberland County, together with about one-half of Coles County. Of its remaining territory the present County of Edgar was created with the same boundaries as it now has. The unorganized territory to the north and west of it was temporarily attached to it for judicial purposes. The early years of settlement on the Vermilion and its tributaries included this period, when this territory was temporarily attached to Edgar County with Paris as county seat. Three years later the population of these settlements had so increased that a new county was created from a part of this "attached" territory and Vermilion County came into being. By Section I, of the Act of January 18, 1826 (Laws of 1826-7, page 50), it was declared that all that tract of country within the following bounds, to-wit: "Beginning on the state line between Indiana and Illinois, at the northeast comer of Edgar County (the act organizing Edgar County fixes the northern boundary by a line running east and west between townships 16 and 17; thence west with the line dividing townships 16 and 17 to the southwest corner of the township 17 N. of R. 10 east; thence north to the northwest corner of township 22 north; 78 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY thence east to the Indiana state line; thence south with that state line to the place of beginning," should constitute a separate county called Vermilion. This description would hold good for Vermilion County as it is now with the excep- tion that it extends the line on the west ten miles into Champaign County and falls short of its northern boundary by six miles. By the seventh section of the act referred to "all that tract of country lying east of R. 6, east of the 3rd prin- cipal meridian and north of Vermilion County, as far north as the Illinois and Kankakee rivers" is attached to Vermilion County for judicial purposes. This denotes the restriction of the attached territory of Edgar County to that which was located directly on the west that is now all of Douglas County and that por- tion of Coles County which was not included in Clark County. The territory which adjoined Vermilion County on the west at that time but later became Champaign County, and all the country north of its boundary, was temporarily attached to Vermilion county for judicial purposes. The date of the organization of Vermilion County was January, 1826. This attached territory remained the same until January 15, 1831, when Cook County was formed and took a large part of it off. The much discussed question of whether Chicago was ever under the government of Vermilion County can very easily be settled. It has always been a favorite tradition among the older settlers that at one time Chicago was a part of Vermilion County and many are the tales told in evidence of this be- lief. [This too although one at least of the writers of the history of the county flatly contradicts any such thing.] This idea of Chicago being at any time a part of Vermilion County, comes either from the fact that when Vermilion County was a part of Clark County, all of the territory north of the present southern boundary of that county was a part of it, and Chicago was included in the aforementioned "territory north", or that it is not understood how the northern boundary was changed even before it became attached territory to Edgar County. Clark County, before its limits were restricted, covered all the country from its southern boundary to the Wisconsin state line, but when Edgar County was created the territory north and west of it was attached thereto, but it was bounded on the north by the Illinois and Kankakee rivers. To be yet more exact, the northern limits of this attached territory was a line drawn from about where the city of Kankakee is now located, straight north to a point due east of the southern boundary line of Kane County, and there turned and continued further east to the state line. This line, together with the Illinois river, furnishes the eastern and southern boundary of the territory attached to the new county of Fulton, and restricted, materially, the attached territory of Edgar and later Vermilion Counties. Examining the territory below this line it is evident that Chicago was never within the limits of Vermilion County, and yet, this area does include a part of the present Cook County, and a portion of the southern part of Chicago, and of course was at one time under the government of said county. The taxes Sheriff Reed paid out of his own pocket rather than collect, were doubtless levied on that portion of what is now Cook County, lying south of the line drawn north of Fort Dearborn. In 1833, Champaign County was created from unorganized territory west of Vermilion County and also, a portion of the same. This reduced Vermilion County on the west ten miles its entire length. The same year Iroquois County HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 79 was created and the act extended the northern boundary of Vermilion County six miles, making it what it is now. It was while Vermilion County was a part of Clark and the county seat was at Aurora that the first permanent settlement was made at the Salt Springs, on the Vermilion river. Vermilion County was created January, 1826, and its seat of justice was located at the mouth of the North Fork of the Big Vermilion, in January, 1827. For the purpose of the regulation of official fees and salaries, the counties of Illinois are divided into three classes : Those of not more than 25,000 popu- lation are of the first class, those of more than 25,000 population belong to the second class, and those of more than 100,000 population belong to the third class. Cook County is the only one in this class in the state. Vermilion County had a population, in 1900, of 65,635, and the last census (1910) gives it. The powers of a county as a body politic and corporate are exercised by the county board which in counties under township organization consists of the supervisors from the several townships of the county. Vermilion County voted township organization in 1851. Vermilion County was so named from the river of that name which in its principal branches flows through the county and takes its peculiar spelling. CHAPTER XIII. PHYSICAL FEATURES OF VERMILION COUNTY. TOPOGRAPHY DRAINAGE RELIEF PRAIRIES RIDGES VALLEYS GEOLOGY ROCKS SELDOM APPEAR AT SURFACE COAL-BEDS MORAINES VERMILION COUNTY BELONGS TO THE ILLINOIS GLACIAL LOBE THE CHAMPAIGN MORAINES OIL WELL DUG AT DANVILLE WATER-WORKS WELL DUG FOR SAME PURPOSE AT DANVILLE JUNCTION ALTITUDE EXTREME WEATHER EXPERIENCED. Vermilion County is located on the eastern border of Illinois about half way between the northern and southern boundary of the state. It is rectangu- lar in shape being 22 miles in width, and 42 miles in length, embracing 880 square miles, or 562,200 acres of land. It lies between the parallels of latitude 40 to 41 north and in longitude 87 to 88 west. The most of it lies within the so-called "Danville Quadrangle" which ex- tends but one and one half miles beyond the eastern boundary of the county. Vermilion County is drained by tributaries of the Wabash river, which in turn drain into the Ohio river, and thence into the Mississippi river. The Vermilion river drains the entire territory of Vermilion County, with the exception of a small part in the south and east borders. When it is said that the Vermilion river drains the entire county, no account is made of the separate forks, but it is assumed that the Vermilion river includes all the North Fork, the Middle Fork, and the Salt Fork. The Salt Fork of the Big Vermilion river runs through the center of the county, while the Middle Fork, which runs more to the northwest, joins it and forms the Big Vermilion proper. The North Fork runs from the north and northeast and empties into the main stream at where Danville is located. The Little Vermilion flows easterly through the southern part of the county. In its beginning this stream is little more than a prairie drain, but as it flows on down, it grows of more importance. When the early settlers first came they found from one to three miles of timber lining the bank. Both Middle and South Forks had much timber along their banks for a dozen miles above their union in the Big Vermilion, but toward their source there were never more than scattering groves. There are high banks and bluffs along the streams after they enter the timber, with bottoms wider where they have cut through the softer beds of rock, and narrower where they have encountered the harder sandstone. The surface of the county is quite diversified. 80 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 81 The prairies or level surface of the county is relieved by ridges which rise above the general level and river valleys cut into the plain. Prairies are prom- inent south and west of the Vermilion river, and east as far north as Danville A small area of prairie is to be found in the vicinity of Batestown and Hillery, and to the north and west of there the surface extends into a broad expanse of prairie. 'A low, broad ridge crosses the prairie from the northeast to the southwest. The elevation is ninety degrees above the prairie in the vicinity of Danville. As seen from the south this ridge is prominent, but from the north it appears nearly on prairie level. The valleys, carved by the Vermilion river and its forks cross both prairie and ridge. These valleys have destroyed valuable farming lands and prove barriers to transportation, but on the other hand have opened excel- lent geological sections in which are shown beds of coal which makes this region important economically. These valleys are generally broad, but as ob- served above, sometimes swell into broad amphitheaters a mile or more in width where they have cut through the softer beds of rock. These valleys vary in depth from 50 ft. to 100 ft. with steep walls sometimes precipitous. The prairies have a black, dense, mucky soil, of variable depth, underlaid in some case by a tough brown-clay subsoil. It is admirably adapted to cultivation and is but little affected by wet weather, or drought. Good supplies of water are obtained at from fifteen to fifty feet. The northwest part of the county is included in the famous artesian region of Eastern Illinois, and wells sunk in this part of Vermilion County yield a never-failing supply of water at a depth of thirty to one hundred feet. Rocks in the soil seldom appear at the surface. They are generally so deeply covered with clay and sand that their presence is not appreciated. Only drilling will reveal them. South of the latitude of Danville, rocks may be seen in bluffs along streams, in almost perpendicular cliffs of shale or shaly sandstone. These perpendicular cliffs often reveal coal beds. The entire rock series belong to a portion of the geologic column known as Carboniferous system. Beneath the coal bearing rocks are the heavy beds of limestone. The coal bearing rocks oc- cupy a broad, shallow, syncline, the center of which is some distance southwest of Danville. The Rock formation have a very gentle dip southwesterly toward the center of the basin. The history of this rock formation is easily read in these bluffs. After the carboniferous rocks were deposited in some body of water, the crust of the earth was raised in the Appalachian region, and this area became dry land. In this condition it was subjected to the varying vicissitudes of a land surface for many geological periods, but there is little to show the changes through which it passes. Before the advent of the great ice sheet this section was reduced to a gently rolling country with a relief of less than 200 ft. with broad valleys and gentle slopes, whose typography resembled that of southern Indiana beyond the limit of glacial ice. That there was not one ice advance but several is proven in the presence of Moraines, or massive ridges of drift built up by the ice at its margin. These ridges recur at frequent intervals as in passing north from ex- treme edge of given sheets of drift, and marks places of halting, and perhaps of readvance which interrupted the melting away of the ice field. 82 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY The Morainic ridges have in some cases been formed in rapid succession and constitute a Morainic system. In Illinois there is a decided tendency to such grouping of Morainic ridges. The sheet of drift formed by each of the ice in- vasions, the soils and weathered zones, formed between the drift sheets and the Moraines, and morainic systems, of each drift sheet, have received geographic names from the locations where they are well displayed, in conformity with the prevailing custom of naming the indurated rock formation. Vermilion County belongs to the Illinoian drift sheet which extends, apparently to the glacial boundary in western Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana and Illinois and forms the eastern border of the driftless area in southern Wisconsin and northwestern Illinois. This area extends but a few miles west of the Mississippi river. In this region it apparently composes the basal portion of the drift. Beside its geological lo- cation in the Illinois glacial lobe, Vermilion County is also known as a part of the Champaign Morianic system. This system includes a series of small drift ridges that are ill defined the nearer they approach the Danville Quadrangle. It is doubtful if the oscillations of the ice front were of great consequence in this region. It is believed that several systems did not have rhythmic develop- ment, the halts seem to have been irregular. All the rocks at the surface in this region belong to coal measures. Ver- milion County is but a very small port of the famous Indiana and Illinois coal field and it does not, in its entirety, belong to this coal field. It is but the extreme northwest border of the coal field. The coal production of Vermilion County will receive due attention in another chapter of this volume. In about 1886 a notion became popular that oil could be found in the vicin- ity of Danville, and two attempts were made to discover that source of wealth. Two wells were sunk, and although no oil was discovered these two occasions of deep drilling furnished information upon which to base an idea of the geologic formation of this region. Records were kept, and have been preserved, as follows : The well drilled at the Water Works records conditions as follows : Thickness of Depth stratum in ft. in ft. 1. Soil 10 10 2. Soapstone 285 295 3. Coarse sandstone 10 305 4. Soapstone 10 315 5. Sandstone 100 415 6. Soapstone 15 430 7. Gray sandstone \ 10 4440 8. Blue sandy shale 80 520 9. Quartz or pebble rock 10 530 10. Sandy shale 145 675 11. Hard gray limestone 30 705 12. Sandstone 30 735 13. Blue clay shale 30 765 14. Pebble or flint rock 30 795 BRIDGE ACROSS THE VERMILION RIVER NEAR DANVILLE HIGHEST BRIDGE IN ILLINOIS HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 63 15. Hard blue shale 90 885 16. Gray sandstone ... 40 925 Hard blue shale 45 97 Light green shale 30 1,000 18. Black slate 75 i.75 19. Limestone 74 i,H9 And the well drilled at the Junction makes the following record : Thickness of Depth stratum in ft. in ft. 1. Glacial drift 175 *75 2. Hard slate and coal 6 181 ( Drab soapstone 20 201 3' 1 Dark blue soapstone 42 ' 243 4. Coarse white sandstone 10 253 5. Coal 6 259 6. Blue clay or soapstone 75 334 7. Hard flinty rock 2 336 8. Dark blue slate 35 371 | Brown soapstone 20 391 9 ' \ Red clay 1 1 402 JO. Soft white sandstone 68 470 11. Red clay 20 490 f Coarse brown sandstone 27 517 12. J Fine brown sandstone 40 557 I Fine white sandstone 30 587 13. Dark blue clay 73 660 14. Hard pebble rock 10 670 15. Fine white clay 36 706 16. Hard pebble rock 6 712 (Dark blue shale 96 808 Soft light blue shale 65 873 Soft dark blue shale 18 891 18. Red shale 62 953 19. Light green shale 57 1,010 20. Hard gray limestone 25 I.O35 21. Black slate 90 1,125 Hard gray limestone 51 1,176 Coarse soft limestone 10 1,186 22. 4 White and dark limestone 160 1,346 Soft white limestone 12 1,358 Light and dark limestone 342 1,700 23. White limestone 35 1,735 24. Clay shale no 1,845 Some years ago the Illinois State Laboratory of Natural History at Cham- paign, Illinois, issued a bulletin giving a list of altitudes in the state. From this 84 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY publication a correct idea of almost every point in Vermilion County can be obtained. This result of a complete and careful survey of Vermilion County can be had as follows : Town Location Elevation above by R. R. the sea by ft. Allerton, C. & E. I. R. R 710 Alvin, C. & E. I. R. R 662 Archie, C. & O. R. R. R 665 Armstrong, I. C. R. R 708 Bismarck, C. & E. I. R. R 667 Brewer, C. & E. I. R. R 647 Catlin, Wabash R. R 668 Chaneyville, L. E. & W. R. R 722 Comfort, C. & E. I. R. R 692 Danville, C. & E. I. R. R 597 Danville Junction, C. & E. I. R. R 61 1 Diamond Mines, C. C. C. & St. L 640 East Lynn, L. E. & W. R. R 693 Fairmount, Wabash R. R 655 Fishers, C. & E. I. R. R 670 Fithian, C. C. C. & St. L 663 Georgetown, C. C. C. & St. L 672 Grape Creek, C. & E. I. R. R 538 Henning, I. C. R. R 695 Hillery, C. C. C. & St. L 631 Hoopeston, C. & E. I. R. R 716 Humrick, T. St. L. & K. Cy 645 Indianola, C. & E. I. R. R 674 Locetts, C. & E. I. R. R 688 Mission Mines, C. C. C. & St. L 635 Muncie, C. C. C. & St. L 642 Oakwood, C. C. C. & St. L 646 Potomac, I. C. R. R 682 Rankin, L. E. & W. R. R 716 Rayville, I. C. R. R 689 Ridge Farm, C. C. C. & St. L 685 Rossville, C. & E. I. R. R 702 Sandusky, C. & E. I. R. R 721 Sidell, C. & E. I. R. R 680 Thomas, I. C. R. R 702 Tilton, C. C. C. & St. L 649 Vermilion Grove, C. C. C. & St. L 661 West Newell, C. & E. I. R. R 687 Westville, C. & E. I. R. R 669 Bixby, at elevation of 730, Blount at one of 75, Blue Grass at 703, Charity at 760, Glenburn at 600, Henrietta at 690, Higginsville at 630, Hope at 740. Mis- HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 85 sion Fields at 607, Pilot at 730, Snider at 680, and Vernal at 670, were all ob- served by I. J. Stoddard, the other observations made by him were as follows : Sec. 32, T. 23 N., R. 13 W 77 Sec. 32, T. 23 N., R. 12 W 750 Sec. 25, T. 23 N., R. ii W 670 Sec. 33, T. 18 N., R. 13 -W 680 Sec. 34, T. 18 N., R. 14 W 690 Sec. 13, T. 18 N., R. 11 W 650 By the above record it is seen that the highest point in Vermilion County is at Sec. 32, T. 23N., R. I3\V., and the lowest is at Grape Creek, where it is but 538 feet above the level of the sea while at Danville it is but 59 feet higher. At Charity the elevation but 10 feet lower than at the highest point and at Hope it is not much less since it is 740 feet. Vermilion County is not subject to extremes of weather as is found in some sections. There are some instances on record, however, of extremes which bear notice. One of these is the deep snow of the winter of 1830-31, which gave this season the reputation of being one of great severity, and occasioned much suf- fering. This snow, however, did not all fall at once but was the accumulation of many falling the one on top of the preceding one. These were repeated over and over again without any melting of the snow until the ground was so com- pletely hidden that there was great suffering in consequence. The cattle could not receive the care needed and hundreds died in consequence. This was the winter in which the elder Partlow died and his sons became so discouraged that they went back to Kentucky. The deer were driven away to seek food or were starved in such great numbers that they were never so plenty in this region. Another extreme of weather is recorded in the "cold Tuesday" of December 16, 1836. Enoch Kingsbury wrote a letter, sometime in the fifties, telling his re- membrance of that day which has been preserved and is hereby given entire. "The weather on Monday, December 16, 1836, was quite warm and fast sof- tening the heavy snow. On Tuesday it began to rain before day and continued until four in the afternoon, at which time the ground was covered with water and melting snow. All the small streams were very full and the large ones rapidly rising. "At this crisis there arose a large and tumultuous looking cloud in the west, with a rumbling noise. On its approach everything congealed. In less than five minutes it changed a warm atmosphere to one of intense cold, and flowing water to ice. One says that he started his horse into a gallop in the mud and water and on going a quarter of a mile, he was bounding over ice and frozen ground. Another says that in an hour after the change he passed over a stream of two feet deep on ice, which actually froze solid to the bottom and remained so until Spring. The North Fork where it was rapid and so full of water as to overflow its bottoms, froze over so solid that night that horses crossed the next morning, and it was thus with all the streams. "Mr. Alvin Gilbert, with his men, was crossing the prairie from Bicknells (about where Rossville is located now) to Sugar Creek, with a large drove of 86 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY hogs. Before the cloud came over them the hogs and horses showed the greatest alarm and an apprehension of danger. As it actually came upon them, the hogs refusing to go any further, began to pile themselves in one vast heap as their best defense on the open prairie. During the night half a dozen of them perished, and those on the outside were so frozen they had to be cut loose. About twelve others died on their way to Chicago in consequence of their being badly frozen, while many others lost large pieces of their flesh. "Mr. Gilbert and his men rode five or six miles distant, all of them having fingers, toes or ears frozen, and the harness so frozen that it could not be un- hitched from the wagon, and scarcely from the horses. "Two men riding across the same prairie a little further to the west, came to a stream so wide and deep they could not cross it. The dreary night came on, and after exercising in vain, they killed one horse, rolled his back to the wind, took out his entrails, and thrust in their hands and feet, while they lay upon them. And so they would have used the other horse, but for the loss of their knife. Mr. Frame, the younger and more thinly clad, froze to death, before morning. The other mounted the other horse and rode over the ice for five miles but was badly frozen before he reached a house. "How general the change was is not known, but the Illinois river, as two men in a boat were crossing it, froze in and they exercised to save their lives until the ice was thick enough to bear them up. The dog that was with them froze to death. Another evidence of unusual weather is recorded in about the same year, as the time the trees were all killed by unexpected extreme cold in the spring. The same thing occurred in 1910, seventy-five years afterward. It is, of course, only a ^coincident that it is at the date of the return of the Halley's comet. Another extreme of cold was in the sixties at the first of January. CHAPTER XIV. EARLY GROWTH. THE FIRST COMMISSIONERS' COURT AT THE RESIDENCE OF JAMES BUTLER AMOS WILLIAMS APPOINTED CLERK AT THE SECOND MEETING THE COUNTY WAS DIVIDED INTO TWO TOWNSHIPS FIRST GRAND JURY WILLIAM REED APPOINTED ASSESSOR AT NEXT SESSION CERTAIN PROPERTY WAS TAXED COMMISSIONERS APPOINTED TO LOCATE COUNTY SEAT PROVISIONS OF THE ACT ESTABLISHING VERMILION COUNTY LOCATION OF THE COUNTY SEAT AT THE SALT WORKS MAJOR VANCE REFUSED TO GIVE UP LEASE NEW COMMISSIONERS APPOINTED TO LOCATE COUNTY SEAT DENMARK DESIROUS OF ITS LOCATION THERE GUY W. SMITH AND DAN BECKWITH GIVE LAND AT MOUTH OF NORTH FORK OF THE VER- MILION RIVER PRESENT LOCATION SELECTED LOTS SOLD APRIL IO, 1827 NAME OF THE NEW TOWN FIRST PUBLIC BUILDING THE STRAY POUND FIRST COURT HOUSE NEW COURT HOUSE BEGUN IN 1832 NAVIGATION OF THE BIG VER- MILION RIVER RAFTS AND FLAT-BOATS CARRIED PRODUCE DOWN THE VERMILION RIVER CONDITION OF DANVILLE AS LATE AS 1836 DENMARK NORTHEAST PART OF THE COUNTY THE FERRY ACROSS THE BIG VERMILION PRODUCE HAULED TO CHICAGO COMMUNITY OF FRIENDS GROWTH OF DIFFERENT SETTLEMENTS. The official life of Vermilion County began at Butler's Point, by the holding of the first Commissioners' Court at the residence of James Butler, March 6, 1826. Two members of this Court, James Butler and Achilles Morgan, were present. The third member, John B. Alexander, was not present until the second session of the court. These Commissioners had been elected under the enabling act of the state legislature for the organization of Vermilion County. This Court appointed Amos Williams, Clerk, and Charles Martin, Constable. John B. Alex- ander had just come from living in Paris, in Edgar County, where Amos Will- iams had served the county acceptably as clerk, and it doubtless was his adapta- bility to the duties of this office known by Mr. Alexander that he was made clerk of Vermilion County. A man who could write the clear hand and make the neat showing of his books as the records of his term testify to this day, was unusual, and desired in public office. At the next meeting of the court held at the same place less than two weeks after, the county was divided into two town- ships. The portion south of town 18, was called Carroll township and that north of this line was to be called Ripley township. Why this division, is unknown and cannot be ascertained. Township organization itself originally was an institu- tion of New England, and was not adopted in Illinois until after the northern part of the state was settled with people from the east, and their influence could 87 88 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY be felt. Maybe this division was due to the influence of James Butler, who was lately a citizen of Vermont. A grand jury was selected at this second meeting of the Court. The names on record comprising that first Grand Jury are as follows : John Haworth, Henry Canady, Barnett Starr, Robert Dixon, Edward Doyle, John Cassidy, James Mc- Clewer, Alexander McDonald, Henry Johnson, Henry Martin, Jonathan Ha- worth, William Haworth, Jacob Brazelton, Peleg Spencer, Sr., Isaac M. Howard, Robert Tricle, John Current, John Lamm, Francis Whitcomb, Amos Woodin, Jesse Gilbert, Cyrus Douglass, Harvey Luddington and George Beckwith. Will- iam Reed was appointed assessor. At the next Commissioners' Court, June 5, 1826, an order for the payment of $1.00 was granted in favor of Charles Martin for his attendance at the March term of Circuit Court as constable. This was the first money paid out by the county. At this session, certain property was made subject to a tax of one per cent. This property included "horses, and cattle over the age of three years, watches, clocks, pleasure carriages and stock in trade." September 4, 1826, a new Commissioners' Court was organized. The mem- bers newly elected were Achilles Morgan, Asa Elliott and James McClewer. The next meeting of the Court was yet held at the residence of James Butler. It was on December ir, 1826. Here the record shows that "William Reed, this day appeared in Court and produced his tax book, by which the levy of the year 1826 appears to be $205.59 ' n state paper, on which he claims a deduction for delin- quents of $7.03 and also 7^2 per cent for collecting ($14.89) leaving $183.07, which is equal to $91.83 in specie." On the first Monday of June, 1827, the Commissioners met at the house of Asa Elliott and on the first Monday of September following, the Court met at the county seat at the home of Amos Williams in Danville. The second section of the act for establishing Vermilion County, made provision for the location .of the county seat, by appointing "John Boyd, and Joel Phelphs, of Crawford County and Samuel Prevo of Clark County, as Commissioners to meet at the house of James Butler on the second Monday of March, then next; and, after taking oath for a faithful discharge of their trust, to examine for, and deter- mine on, a place for the permanent seat of justice of the county, taking into consideration the convenience of the people, the situation of the settlement, with an eye to the future population and eligibility of the place." The act further required that "the owner of the land selected as the County Seat should donate and convey the same to the county in a quantity not less than twenty acres in a square form, and not more than twice as wide, to be laid off in lots and to be sold by the County Commissioners for the purpose of erecting public buildings. In case of refusal of the owner to donate the required land the Com- missioners were required to locate the County Seat, on the land of some other person who would make the donation contemplated by the act." A further pro- vision was made that, in the event the County Seat was located within the bounds of the Saline reservation, on the Big Vermilion river, the County Com- missioners should, as soon as practicable, purchase of the state, the quarter or half section designated for the use of the county. The Saline Lands had, by act of Congress become the property of the state. The same act provided HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 89 also that "all Courts should be held at the house of James Butler until public buildings should be erected for the purpose, unless changed to another place by order of the County Commissioners." These three Commissioners met, made a superficial examination of the county and sent in a report. They had located the County Seat some six miles west of the North Fork of the Vermilion river and back a distance from the Salt Fork. The selection was a most unfortunate one. The surface of the ground here was cold and flat clay, which made drainage difficult if not im- possible. Wells could hardly be dug and a city never could have been built upon such a site. There surely was little thought spent in its selection. For- tunately Major John Vance had leased the Salt Works for a term of years, and refused to yield his rights. The citizens of the entire territory, now Vermilion County, were dissatisfied, and sent a remonstrance to the legislature, coupling with it a prayer for the removal of the County Seat to a more favorable location. Because of this plea, the General Assembly of 1826-27 passed an act December 1827, which in its preamble reads: "Whereas the seat of justice of Vermilion County has been located by the Commissioners appointed at the last session on land which was then and is now, leased by the Governor for a term of years to certain persons for the manufacture of salt; and whereas, the said lessees are unwilling to surrender the same or any part, for the use of the county, in con- sequence of which, no improvements can be made thereon, and the citizen having petitioned for its removal, and for remedy whereof, it was enacted that Will- iam Morgan, Zachariah Peters, and John Kirkpatrick, of Sangamon County, be declared Commissioners, to explore the county and designate the place, which, on being located should forever remain the permanent seat of justice of Ver- milion County." Up to this time no settlement had been made on the Big Vermilion river at the mouth of the North Fork, on the site of the old Indian village of Pianke- shaw. Denmark was an ambitious town to the north and was desirous for the County Seat, and would have secured it could the Commissioners have agreed. This land at the mouth of the North Fork, had been entered by certain people among them being Dan Beckwith, who lived at the Salt Works and was one of the men who claimed its discovery. Guy Smith was another who had entered land at this place. Together these two men made an offer to donate to the Commissioners, the required amount of land and after due deliberation this offer was accepted, and the location was decided in the report sent in by the Commissioners, dated January 31, 1827, that in their opinion, "the lands do- nated by Guy W. Smith and Dan W. Beckwith, near the mouth of the North Fork of the Vermilion river, was the most suitable place in the county for such county seat." Guy Smith's donation was 60 acres and Dan Beckwith's 20 acres. The report of these Commissioners being accepted, the deed conveying the donated land was executed by Guy W. Smith and Dan Beckwith, and the board of County Commissioners ordered the land surveyed, and laid off in town lots. The survey was made by Dan Beckwith, who was the County Surveyor, and was laid off in town lots. According to instruction, there were one hundred lots. April 10, 1827, was the day upon which the lots were to be offered for sale. The sale had been advertised in the Intelligencer, published at Vandalia and an 90 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY Indianapolis paper. They were the nearest papers to be found. The sale was an odd sight. The bluffs along the rivers and Stony creek were a mass of under- brush. There was no sign of a prospective city, and many amusing stories are even yet told of killing rattle snakes on the day of the sale. The fact of the appointment of Amos Williams as clerk of the court the year previous to this sale has already been mentioned. During this year the friendship between him and Dan Veckwith had grown and possibly been made more deep because they had married sisters. How be it Amos Williams and Dan Beckwith were devoted friends and it is reasonable to assume that they found opportunity to help each other when the county seat was being located. Amos Williams lived at Butler's Point the year after he became the clerk of the court but they saw much of each other and together planned to secure the location of the seat of justice where it was placed. Dan Beckwith was a man tall of stature and of commanding presence while his friend was a small man with a serious view of life. Although the one man stood physically above the other he was very apt to defer to his opinion and consider his wishes, acting on his clear and just decisions. The two men were together the day of the sale, as was apt to be the case when opportunity made such companionship possible. The adver- tisement in the Illinois Intellegencer brought many to bid on the lots. Beside this word had been passed around throughout the country, each man telling his neighbor, and many present made the bidding lively. Harvey Luddington acted as auctioneer. Forty-two lots were sold for which the county received the sum of $922. The lots averaged about $22 each. Since these lots were largely in the vicinity of the public square, it is a matter of interest to compare these prices with the value of the same lots at the present time. After the town was surveyed the county commissioners, who at that time were Achilles Morgan, Asa Elliott and James McClewer, with Amos Williams as clerk, proceeded to discuss its name. Amos Williams talked the matter over with Dan Beckwith, so the story runs, when Williamsburg, Smithville and other names were mentioned ; all at once Amos Williams turned to his stalwart friend and, laying his hand on the tall man's shoulder said, "Dan, it shall have your name. Why not? You have done all the work. We will call it Danville." And Danville it became and has always remained in honor of the man, not so much who had the land to give for its location but who had the friendship of a man whose sentiment caused him to perpetuate the memory of his friend by naming the new town for him. The public building in the county was the Stray Pound. This was erected in December 1827. It was built 40 ft. square, of good sound white oak, posts 4 by 8 in. set firmly 2^ ft. in the ground. The enclosure was 6 l / 2 ft. high, made "in such a manner as to keep out hogs, etc." Phillip Stanford erected this enclosure at a cost of $99.3^ to the county. Amos Williams was appointed keeper of the Stray Pound. The next public building was the jail. It was built of heavy oak timbers, 17 by 29 ft. The space of the interior was divided into a criminal department and a debtors' department. This jail was located on the block southeast of the Public Square. Court met at the house of Amos Williams until the county . FI?! FIRST STORE BUILDING IX DANVILLE . PALMER NATIONAL BANK BUILT ON SITE OF FIRST STORE HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 91 bought the log house built by Reed which stood on a lot now occupied by the Woodbury drug store on the south side of West Main street near Vermilion. This building was one story high, with a space for a low attic above, about 16 ft. square, made of heavy logs, hewn inside and out. The county bought this with the expectation of fitting it up for public use. The plan was not carried out, however. In the latter part of 1828, proposals were solicited for the build- ing of a temporary court house, and also proposals for the building of a perma- nent court house. Hezekiah Cunningham bought the building on the Main street lot, together with the lot, and agreed to provide the county for the term of two years (unless the new court house could be built before that time), with a place for holding court, in the upper story of the large frame building he and Murphy had erected on the southwest corner of the Public Square. In Decem- ber, 1831, notice was given that bids would be received at next term of court for a court house. The new court house was begun in 1832. Gurdon S. Hub- bard was the contractor. The selection of the site of Danville as the county seat attracted settlers to this place, but not until its resources in coal land, and the railroads were estab- lished were its possibilities as a future city revealed. Situated as it was a dozen miles from the Wabash river, there was no water way to connect it with mar- kets no matter how much could be raised to market. Attempts were made to utilize the Big Vermilion river but to little purpose. An act of Congress late in the twenties declared this river navigable as far as the range line, one and one-half miles west of Danville, but it was impossible to prove this by the river itself. Mr. John Coleman had built a mill dam at Eugene, Indiana, and when the Illi- nois legislature determined upon improving the navigation of the Big Vermilion, the Court of Vermilion County made the following order which is recorded in Book A, in the County Records of 1829, page 80 : "Ordered, that the Clerk of this Couft inform John M. Coleman, of Ver- milion County, Indiana, that the obstruction of the navigation of the Big Ver- milion River, by his mill dam, across said stream is much in damage, of the citizens of this county, and as the legislature of the state have appointed funds for the improvement of the navigation of the Big Vermilion River, within this state, therefore it will be necessary for you to cause a good, safe and conveni- ent passage at your mill, up and down said stream within six months of the date hereof, otherwise the legal course of law will be resorted to; and that Peleg Spencer be the bearer of this notification." Mr. Coleman refusing to do any- thing, William Kidd and James Clyman were authorized to proceed against him by an indictment and prosecution in the courts of Indiana. The following year they were authorized to "use such measures as they may think advantageous to the county and the citizens thereof." Nothing was done, however, and the year following this the county offered a premium of $50 to the first captain who should land a steamboat opposite the town of Danville. A suit was instituted in the Indiana Circuit Court, by agents of the county and the next year Gurdon S. Hubbard, with two other men waited upon the Indiana legislature relative to the same matter. All that ever was accomplished, however, was a decree to the effect that Coleman should make a 92 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY lock for the passage of flat boats and barges through his dam. Not being par- ticularly inclined to accommodate those who had given him so much trouble, he merely filled the conditions of the decision by making a lock of his flood gate, which was quite a narrow passage and ran under his mill. For several years rafts and flat boats were passed down the river from Dan- ville to the Wabash, passing the narrow boats through the lock in the dam, when the water was too low to pass over the dam in safety. These boats were built about 60 ft. long. They were manned by a steersman and two oarsmen. They were loaded with produce and taken to New Orleans, and sold, boat, cargo and all for what they might bring. The cargo consisted of flour, corn, pork and live hogs and poultry, hoop-poles, baled hay and, in short, any thing salable. The hogs and poultry were not fully fattened when put on board, but became so on the trip, which lasted about six weeks. This time included numerous stoppings at points along the Mississippi river, for trading with merchants and planters. When the boats and cargo were sold for what they would bring, the men re- turned, some on foot, some having bought mules or horses, but all taking care in choosing their route. Great precaution had to be taken lest the traveler fell into the hands of the banditti which infested the banks of the river, and to the end of avoiding trouble, every one kept well back from their haunts. Many men who lived in Vermilion County and the adjoining counties in Indiana, have proudly told of their experiences on trips to New Orleans and return. The last boat that passed out from Danville was in 1852 and was sent out by Colonel Gil- bert. In this way a market was made for produce that was to be sold here. That which was to be brought in must come from the east and had to be car- ried by way of the Ohio river to the mouth of the Wabash river, thence up stream to Perry sville or perhaps Covington, Indiana, and be hauled from the river to Danville. The navigation of the Vermilion river was never satisfac- tory other than on paper. In 1836, two Chicago men, Amando D. Higgins and Marcus C. Stearns, began a speculation in Vermilion County, based upon the navigation of the Vermilion river. They entered some land and bought other at a nominal price and proceeded to lay it out in town lots, recording it as "Ver- milion Rapids." This plat was made to show both sides of the river and the stream appeared to be about ten rods wide at this point. To know the exact location of this town, it is needed to understand that it is now known as Higginsville, in Blount town- ship. The "rapids" were the main feature of this speculation since much matter could be made of the fact that no boat could pass beyond them. The impres- sion was given that the Vermilion river was a water-way of importance and was navigable to this point, but beyond this the "rapids" kept boats from going. That this town would be at the head of navigation of the Vermilion river, that along the river front of this town, boats could take on the produce of the rich farming lands for miles around, and to this town the merchandise of foreign lands would be brought. The promise of direct communication with New Or- leans, Cuba and all the ports of Europe, seemed reasonable when this prospec- tive city was viewed from paper. The rapids, unless removed by government authority and appropriation, would always remain a barrier to extending navi- HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 93 gation further up stream. "Vermilion, Rapids" promised to be the head of navi- gation for all time. This might have netted the speculators much money had the plat been put upon the market sooner, just as many no more to be commended speculations did. The platting of this town was done just before the financial crash of 1837, and by the time Mr. Higgins reached New York, the land was utterly value- less. The account of this speculation only finds a place in this chapter on ac- count of the stress put upon the navigation of the Vermilion river years after it could be depended upon even in places where there was some water. It is not an instance of early growth. A number of buildings were put up within the county seat in the years im- mediately folowing its location. These were at best but primitive log cabins. The location of Danville admitted of no other source of livelihood than trade with the Indians. Gurdon Hubbard had the principal trade, while Dan Beckwith and James Clymer carried on a more limited barter of this kind. A small space around what was made the Public Square was cleared of hazel brush, and rat- tlesnakes, but outside of this, the dense brush covered the entire territory up to the timber along the Big Vermilion river on the south, the North Fork on the west, and Stony creek on the east. So destitute of means to get a living in the immediate surroundings were the people in this town which was made the county seat before it had even come into existence, they were drawn away from home to find work elsewhere; cutting hazel brush and killing rattlesnakes were neither lucrative employments. Henry Harbaugh is one of the oldest men in Vermilion County, claiming to have been born in 1804. He came to Danville first in 1836 and gives a vivid picture of the place at that time. He is yet, in both body and mind, well preserved and recalls affairs of the county at that time, clearly and accurately. He tells how he left Cincinnati by the steamboat "Utah, which was bound for Perrysville, Indiana." He came down the Ohio river to the mouth of the Wabash river, and thence up that river to Perrysville. Here leaving the boat, he walked across to Danville, Illinois. The impression made upon him by Vermilion County's seat of justice is well given in his own words : "Well, Danville was a poor town. It was the miserablest town I ever did see. I did not want to stay here. Why nobody wanted to stay here. There was nothing but hazel brush. Many of the cabins which had been built were abandoned, while those who owned them had gone to the edge of the timber to herd their stock and raise something to eat. Danville was most all hazel brush and deserted log cabins." Mr. Harbaugh goes on to tell his eagerness to leave Danville to the extent that he continued his walk two miles along the North Fork to Denmark, a town up that stream which ten years before this time had been a competitor of Danville in determining the location of the county seat. It was a promising town at the time of the fight for the honor, but had not grown much during the interim, and now was found to be the resort of rowdies. The public house which yet carried the sign of good food was nothing but a bar, and its patronage was a set of rowdies. Mr. Harbaugh's experience at this place was such that 94 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY he found that flight was the better part of valor, and he hastily took himself on toward the prospective town of "Vermilion Rapids," afterward the better known town of Higginsville. At that time the town was only in prospect built, as it proposed to be on a great scale, but its fame had spread abroad and here Mr. Harbaugh located and spent his life. Denmark had its beginning as a town in about 1823 or 4, when Seymour Treat built a mill at that place. The exact time of building this mill is not known, but record is made that in 1826, the mill had been running for several years. This was a saw-mill and a corn-cracker combined. Treat was also a blacksmith at Denmark. The prosperity of Denmark did not outlast the first decade of life in Vermilion County. It was in 1828 that the first settlement was made in the northwest part of the county. This settlement was made by Mr. Partlow, with his son-in-law, Asa Brown, who came from Kentucky. There were four sons, all of whom were married, who came with their father. These sons were Samuel, James, Reuben and John. They built a cabin at what was afterward known as Merrills Point and the sons took up land to the south at where Armstrong was located. John and James were licensed preachers. They brought a number of cattle with them and every thing looked promising when the second year was a most severe winter. This was the winter of the deep snow when one snow was not melted until another came, until the amount on the ground was a matter of record. Mr. and Mrs. Partlow, the father and mother, both died and the others be- came discouraged. The snow was so deep that the cattle died from lack of food and care, there was no way to reach a market, and the sons all went back to Kentucky as soon as the weather permitted. 'Asa Brown, the son-in-law, alone remained in this first settlement. They returned later, however. In 1827, the Juvinalls and Morgan Rees settled just south of the Partlows and with others coming, partly, at least, settled this part of the country. Among these new comers were the McGees and Stephen Griffith. Samuel Bloomfield, who had come into the county in 1823, and settled at Quakers Point, moved to this neighborhood on the Middle Fork, in 1829. He had entered a farm in this more newly settled part of the county and left the older farm to improve the new one. In 1828, Absolom Collison came into this neighborhood. He was a friend of the Juvinalls, coming from their old home in Ohio. Mr. Chenowet came into this neighborhood the same year and the following one, his daughter Mary became Absolom Collison's wife. The Atwoods came to a point further down the river, in 1829. Although no permanent settlement was made nor any town established, these families coming into the northeast part of the county gave impetus to its growth. Samuel Copeland came to the Middle Fork in 1828, and settled further to the south than did the Atwoods when they came the following year. When he came he found Ware Long living to the east of him in the timber. Soon Amos Howard, Mr. Shoky and Mr. Priest came and settled to the south of Copeland, forming what was long called the Howard neighborhood. John Johns settled HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 95 about three-fourths of a mile northeast of Copelands. Later Copeland's son married John Johns' oldest daughter. In 1828, Daniel Fairchild and his five sons, Timothy, Zenas, Orman, Lyman and Daniel, together with his married daughter, Mrs. Elevens, came to the Middle Fork and located two miles north- west of Samuel Copeland. The father was very old, nearly blind, and lived but a short time after moving into this neighborhood. The sons and daughter, however, were all* married with young families, and they took their place mak- ing a lasting impress on the community. The waning interest in the produc- tion of salt was the reason that newcomers were not attracted to the region of the salt works, which had been the source of employment to a large number in the early twenties. Mr. Lander and Mr. Shearer were in the neighborhood of the later well-known J. R. Thompson farm, some time previous to the coming of William Smith, in 1830. A Mr. Progue settled about this time further to the west, near the county line. Mr. Brewer lived further down the creek and close to what was later Conkey town, Stephen Crane had settled. About the year 1827, Jesse Ventres and James Howell came from Kentucky into the neighborhood which was afterward Newtown. Mr. Ventres bought a piece of land half a mile southeast of Newtown from Mr. Indicut, who is supposed to have come to this locality at perhaps a time not far distant from the discovery of the salt springs. The year after Jesse Vantres came, John Cox from Big Sandy made him a visit. He left his son with Mr. Ventres. A ferry was established across the Big Vermilion, in 1828, the court granted license for the same and fixed the following lawful rates : "For crossing man and horse, 12^/2 cents; wagon and horse, i8j4 cents; wagon and two horses or oxen, 25 cents. Persons going to mill, one-half rate." Solomon Gilbert built the mill this same year. He built the log tavern in 1827. John Payne came from Indiana to Butler's Point, in 1827. His son-in-law, John Thompson, came with him and settled one mile northeast of Catlin. Charles Caraway came from Virginia in 1824. Noah Guyman, with his wife, who became the best known and best loved woman in this section of the country, for years, came on foot from Ohio, in 1830. James Stevens came to Brooks' Point, in 1826. Isaac Gone had come a year previous to this time. John L. Sconce came from Kentucky, in 1828. John Cage and James Graves with his two sons, O. S. and L. H. came about this time. Daniel Darby set up a wagon shop near here about this time. The post office was established in Georgetown, in 1828. The mail route ran from here by way of Carroll, an office in the McDonald neighborhood, to Paris. William Swank took up his residence in Vermilion County in 1823. He came from Putnam County, Ohio. His farm occupied the present site of Indianola. Aaron Mendenhall came from Greene County, Ohio, to Vermilion County, Illi- nois, in 1824. He brought his fifteen year old son John with him. The Com- munity of Friends which settled early about Vermilion, was strengthened and increased in numbers in the years immediately following the establishing of Vermilion County, by others of this faith coming from North Carolina and Tennessee. Their life was calculated to form a high standard of living and their influence was long a strong factor in the development of Vermilion County. 96 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY Dr. Thomas Madden and Dr. Thomas Heyward were practicing physicians in this county prior to 1828. J. B. Alexander, together with his son-in-laws, Alex- ander McDonald and I. R. Moores, entered land which afterward was known as the McDonald neighborhood, in 1822. Mr. Alexander, himself, did not make this section, which was then Edgar County, his home, until after it became Ver- milion County. He was very prominent in the early affairs of the new county. The settlement in the southern part of the county was strengthened in 1824 by the coming of Abel Williams. He was a most remarkable man and one who would be a help to any neighborhood. He came from Tennessee. The same year brought Robert Dickson from Kentucky with his four sons. Silas Waters and George Barnett came from Kentucky the same year. Thye Makem- son and family first came to Vermilion County in the fall of 1828 and located one and a half miles north of what is now Oakwood. The family consisted of Thos. Makemson, a revolutionary soldier, and his five sons, Andrew, David, Samuel, John and James. They lived together until after the death of the father, when they were scattered. William Craig became a resident of this neighborhood in 1829. The first attempt at settlement on the North Fork was made in 1824. In the fall of 1823, Obediah LeNeve came through this part of Edgar County on a trip he was making on horseback to select a location of a home., The land in the region now known as Newell township, took his fancy and before he returned to his home he took the number of the tracts he desired with an idea of buying them. At a public sale soon afterward he bought them and before Christmas of that year he and his brother, John LeNeve, came over- land from Vincennes to this new home. Reaching here in safety, they found the Indians friendly and soon had a cabin built on the land. Soon Ben Butterfield came and occupied the cabin until the following fall. It must be remembered that this was the year before Danville was contemplated. This location became a popular one and a large number of people came, mostly from Kentucky and Virginia. Joseph Gundy began improvement in what was afterward Myersville, in 1827, but did not fetch his family until the following year. Luke Wiles settled on the other side of the river the same year. He came from Indiana. John Woods, a native of New York state, came to this part of Vermilion county as early as 1828. His father-in-law, Supply Butterfield, came about this time. The first settler in the . western part of the county south of the salt works was Thomas Osborn, who, in 1825, built himself a little cabin a mile or two northwest of what is now Fairmount. There he fished and hunted until the game began to grow scarce when he moved further west. A year or two later, James Elliott, James French and Samuel Beaver came to the same neighbor- hood. Beaver was a tanner and owned and worked a small tanyard for some time. Henry Hunter took up a claim in 1828, just north of what is now Fair- mount, but sold it in 1833 to Jennings. Mr. Stewart took up land nearby in the same year but died in 1833. He was buried in the Dougherty burying ground, his being the second grave. Thomas Redman and Joseph Yount came to this neighborhood in 1828, from Ohio. The next year John Smith opened a farm near by. W. H. Lee settled a little further to the east in 1829, and Wil- HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 97 Ham Hardin settled here at the same time. These people are all supposed to have come from Ohio. In taking a survey of the growth of Vermilion County in the decade immediately following the first settlement within its borders, it must not be forgotten that these years included but three years of its official life as a county separate from Edgar. So it is that a survey of conditions in the last days of the twenties, while the section has been attracting settlement for ten years, yet the county has counted its existence but since 1826. CHAPTER XV. SOME OF THE MAKERS OF VERMILION COUNTY. SEYMOUR TREAT DAN BECKWITH FRANCIS WHITCOMB l82O HENRY JOHN- SON JAMES D. BUTLER HENRY JOHNSON l82I ABSOLOM STARR JOTHAM LYONS JOHN JORDON WILLIAM SWANK JOHN MYERS HENRY CANADAY BENJAMIN BROOKS THOMAS O'NEAL JOHN HAWORTH ACHILLES MORGAN HENRY MARTIN 1&22 ROBERT COTTON STEVEN DUKES ASA ELLIOTT JOHN MILLS ALEXANDER MCDONALD I. R. MOORES 1823 JOHN LE NEVE WILLIAM M'DOWELL 1824 AARON MENDENHALL CYRUS DOUGLASS ROBERT DICKSON JOHN SNIDER DR. ASA PALMER HEZEKIAH CUNNINGHAM ELI HENDERSON 1825 AMOS WILLIAMS LEVI B. BABB 1826 WILLIAM WATSON MICHAEL WEAVER ABEL WILLIAMS SAMUEL GILBERT AND SONS SAMUEL BAUM JOHN LARRANCE WILLIAM CURRENT ANDREW PATTERSON SAM- UEL COPELAND LARKIN COOK ANDREW JUVINALL SAMUEL SCONE WIL- LIAM JONES WILLIAM WRIGHT JAMES GRAVES JAMES BARNETT JOHN CHANDLER ABSOLOM COLLISON JOSEPH SMITH SAMUEL CAMPBELL OTHO ALLISON JAMES DONOVAN WILLIAM BANDY JAMES SMITH WILLIAM BLAKENEY CHARLES S. YOUNG CHARLES CARAWAY LATHAM FOLGER WIL- LIAM CUNNINGHAM WILLIAM CURRENT JAMES ELLIOTT JOHN D. G. CLINE JOHN JOHNS JOHN COX EPHRIM ACREE ADAM PATE. SEYMOUR TREAT. It seems impossible to learn much of Seymour Treat's life. The first thing known of him is that he lived at Fort Harrison, in 1819. When Blackman re- turned from his trial to the Vermilion Salt Springs, in company with Barron, and formed another company to return and claim the discovery of them, there- by betraying the trust of Barron, Seymour Treat was one of the men who re- turned with him. No record was kept throwing any light on the reason for selecting this party so that little idea of the character of these men can be had, at least as to whether they knew of the previous discovery by John Barron. The only real knowledge that is to be obtained now is of his residence at Fort Harrison. Seymour Treat came to the Salt Springs, a mile and a half above the old Kickapoo town, the latter part of November, 1881. He with his wife and chil- dren, made the trip up the Wabash and Vermilion rivers in a pirogue, bringing tools and what goods they could not do without, and provisions to last them 98 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 99 during the winter. One at the present day can hardly imagine the privations they endured. A hastily built cabin kept them from the cold, but that was all. The men of this first settlement included the two Beckwith brothers, Peter Allen, and Francis Whitcomb. They could hunt and find pleasure in the free life of. the wilderness, but wife and small children having none of these diver- sions found much to regret in the change from life at Fort Harrison. Their nearest neighbors were at the North Arm prairie, fully forty miles away. The old Indian town miles below their cabin was deserted and weeds grew in the fields where the squaws had planted the corn, and hoed the squashes. The loneli- ness of the life, and the effect of the absence of the comforts they had before enjoyed, is voiced in the words of Treat to the governor a year later: "My fam- ily remained on the ground ever since their arrival, except one who fell a vic- tim to the suffering and privations which they have had to endure in a situation so remote from a settled country without the means of procuring the ordinary comforts of life." This letter was written because of the fact that the treachery of Blacktnan had left even his followers without valid claim to the salt springs. After the different claims to the salt springs were settled, Treat, with Dan Beckwith, went to Denmark. Here Treat built a mill which he operated for some time. Seymour Treat was justice of the peace for a time while this ter- ritory was a part of the unorganized territory attached to Edgar County and while in this office he married Cyrus Douglas and also Marquis Snow. He later came to Danville where it is presumed he died and was probably buried in the Williams burying ground. DAN BECKWITH. Dan Beckwith deserves the record as among the first settlers of Vermilion County since his coming antedates the organization of the county itself. Dan Beckwith was a native of Bedford County, Pennsylvania. He was born there in 1795. He was one of a family of six brothers and two sisters, who went with their parents into New York state, while Dan was but a lad. Three of these brothers came west and were residents of Vermilion County at one time. George Beckwith and Dan Beckwith left New York state together, and came to Fort Harrison in the summer of 1816, the year Dan was twenty-one years old. Two years later they went on to the North Arm Prairie, and lived with Jonathan Mayo's family. Here they made their home until 1819, when they went to the Vermilion Salines. Dan Beckwith was a man of pleasing appearance. He was tall full six feet, two inches. He had broad square shoulders; was straight, muscular and spare of flesh, weighing, when in health, about 190 pounds. He was an expert axe-man and a shrewd Indian trader. Within two years after he came to the Vermilion he was to be found with an armful of goods such as the red man would fancy, in a place partly excavated in the side of a hill at Denmark, trading for furs with the Indian. Later, through his efforts mainly, Danville had been selected as the County Seat, he built a cabin on the brow of the bluff, near the end of west Main street, and continued his trading. This cabin was not far from the present-day Gil- 100 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY bert street bridge. Later he had a cabin further west on Main street and formed a partnership with James Qymer and together they traded to their profit. When the chosen site of the County Seat of the newly organized Vermilion County at the Saltworks was found to be impossible on account of the lease to Major Vance, and Denmark the already settled town had nearly secured the prize, Dan Beckwith, together with Guy Smith offered land at the present site and determined its location. Dan Beckwith died while yet a young man. He did not live beyond the days of pioneer Vermilion County. His death occurred at Danville, Decem- ber, 1835. He was buried in the old Williams burying ground. The city bought the privilege of opening a street through this cemetery of the heirs of Amos Williams and Dan Beckwith's remains were moved to Springhill. Both the children of Dan Beckwith are now dead. Hiram Beckwith was the father of two sons. His oldest son married Linne Williams, the daughter of Smith Williams, and granddaughter of Amos Williams. They were the parents of two children, Grace and Dan. Hiram's younger son, Clarence, mar- ried Grace Dickman and is the father of one son, Hiram William. Mrs. Lemon was the mother of two daughters, May Lemon and Laura Lemon Bird, whose first husband's name was Mott. FRANCIS WHITCOMB. Francis Whitcomb, the third of the first settlers of Vermilion County, who made any impress upon its affairs, was identified with two sections the salt- works and Butler's Point. He came to the salt springs with the Blackman com- pany and was one of the three with whom Blackman made the agreement to make partners in the profits of the saltworks. That he did not stand by his word has already been recorded. While the matter was being adjusted Francis Whitcomb continued working at the saltworks. It is during his stay here that a story is told of him which shows a kind heart and refined nature that expressed itself in unusual degree. It was after Seymour Treat had gone to Denmark, and there were no women at the saltworks, other than Baily's wife. This family of Baily's consisted of himself, his wife and two or three small children. Baily sold out to Mr. Luddington, and left his family, to go to the "Illinois River Country." Soon the children became ill and Mrs. Baily herself was taken ill. The men working at the saltworks were all unmarried. There was no one to give the women and children the needed care. Francis Whitcomb took as good care of them as a woman could. He pro- vided their food as well as possible where there was nothing to be had fit for ill people to eat. He did their washing, attended their wants, and rendered all assistance possible under the circumstances, with no doctors, and no drug stores near where aid or medicine could be procured. In spite of the care this young man could give the children, one by one wasted away, and died. No lumber or plank was to be had with which to make their coffins, but the men split HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 101 rough boards from a walnut tree that grew a short distance from Butler's branch, and made rude caskets. These strong men inured to hardships, silently and with sad faces buried the children, with no minister to say a prayer nor relatives to mourn as the graves were filled. Francis Whitcomb went to Butler's Point from the saltworks, and took up the farm afterwards known as the one Richard Jones lived on. The house he built is yet standing. He lived here a number of years and sold the farm to Henry Jones himself going to McLean County, where he died and was buried. Francis Whitcomb was the father of six children. His wife's maiden name was Jane Irwin. His children's names were Ira, Francis, John, Jeremiah, Ruth Ann and Temperance. Ira Whitcomb married Cynthia Wooden, the daughter of his nearest neigh- bor, whose house yet stands across the road from the old Whitcomb house. Ira Whitcomb moved to Minnesota, where he lived until he died. JAMES D. BUTLER. With the exception of those coming to the saltworks, probably James D. Butler was the first settler in his section of the country. Mr. Butler came directly from Clark County, Ohio, but he had lived in that state only six years so that he really came here a Vermonter in sentiment and habits. He was a native of Vermont, coming west from Chittenden County, Vermont, to Clark County, Ohio, in 1814. He left Ohio in the spring of 1820, and came to the point of timber which ran out into the prairie west of Catlin, and took up a claim. The land had not yet been surveyed by the government and put upon the market. Mr. Butler had friends come with him, neighbors from Ohio. They all put in crops and returned to Ohio in the fall, expecting to come back in the spring. Mr. Butler did come and brought his family with him, but the neighbors re- fused to come. They thought they had enough of the inconvenience of the new country. It took courage on the part of Mrs. Butler to come to her new home under circumstances such as these. True her husband was satisfied with con- ditions in the new country, but on the other hand the stories told by the others were very discouraging. But in the due course of time Mr. Butler and his family reached their new home and took possession of the cabin he had built for them the previous summer. His cabin was erected on the east side of the brook which is even yet known as Butler's branch and on the right hand side of the road going from Catlin to the old Fair Grounds. When Butler's family moved in they had as their nearest neighbors, Treat's family at the Salt Springs and to the south the newcomers since his return to Ohio, a man well known late in the county whose name was Henry Johnson. He had moved on the Little Vermilion in the early spring. Within a few years several families came to this neighborhood and Butler's Point became an important settlement and re- mained so for some time after the organization of Vermilion County. Near Butler's house there was a large oak tree, which had defied the prairie fires and all threats of wind and weather, which became a landmark and sentinel 102 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY which guided travelers crossing the trackless plains to the south and west. It was called "Butler's Lone Tree." Later Mr. Butler prospered and built him a fine house, locating it near the corner of the old Fair Grounds, at the northeast corner. This house was almost a mansion as compared with all the other cabins. The logs were square-hewn and the corners of the building cut even with the line of the wall. It was in this house that the first court of Vermilion County sat. Mr. Butler was a man of good business, possessed a practical mind and was conspicuous in the affairs of Vermilion County at an early day. He had the thrift and energy char- acteristic of one born and reared in Vermont, as well as possessing their cour- age. He spent the remainder of his life in Vermilion County at Butler's Point and when he died was buried in the enclosure since known as the Butler Bury- ing Grounds. His wife was buried in the same burying grounds. James Butler and wife were the parents of four children, one son and three daughters. The son moved to Kansas, one daughter became the wife of her cousin by name of Butler, the second daughter became the wife of Marcus Snow and later of Cyrus Douglas, and the third daughter became the wife of a Mr. Fielder and after the death of Mr. Coleman, and went west. The two daughters first mentioned were buried in the Butler burying ground. HENRY JOHNSON. The year James Butler came to the place afterward called Butler's Point with his family, the first settlement on the Little Vermilion was made by Henry Johnson. Some doubt is expressed on the matter of date, however, and there is good reason to think that he came in the fall after Butler returned to Ohio. A letter written by Henry Johnson addressed to William Lowery, the mem- ber in the Illinois legislature from Clark County at that time, and dated No- vember 22, 1822, is also dated at Achilles township, and from what is written in the letter it is evident that "Achilles township at that time embraced the entire of Clark County, watered by two Vermilion rivers and extended as far north as the Kankakee river." In this letter Henry Johnson states that "he had a knowledge of the affairs of this (Achilles) township since October, 1820." With that evidence it is fair to assume that Henry Johnson came to the Little Vermilion, some two miles west of Georgetown in the fall of the year that James Butler came in the spring and put in a crop and in the fall about the time Johnson came, went back to Ohio for the winter. Mr. Johnson was a man of generous impulses and his neighbors long sang his praises. If a man was hard pushed for ready money and went to Henry Johnson he was sure to get it, if it was to be had, and the loan given so cordially was never to pay interest. Mr. Johnson would never take interest on any money he loaned. Mr. Johnson sold his farm in about 1832 or 34, to Levy Long and he moved further west, to the fertile strip between the Illinois and Mississippi rivers, called the "Military Tract." Here he was making a good farm until it was discovered that his title was worthless as so many were, and he lost all HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 103 his land. Thus was the man of whom his old neighbors could say nothing but praise, who was known by the name of the "Good Samaritan," kind and generous, was rendered penniless by these "land sharks" and forced to go yet further west. He was after this lost to the knowledge of his old friends but his kind- ness was told by one generation to the next and his name kept as synonymous for generosity and helpfulness. ABSOLOM STARR. Absolom Starr came to Johnson's Point in 1821. This was the settlement begun by Henry Johnson, a brother-in-law of Starr's the fall previous. Abso- lom Starr came to this part of Edgar County, as it was at that time, directly from Palestine, Illinois. The land office was located at Palestine before it was removed to Danville. When Mr. Starr came he brought corn and wheat enough to keep his family for a year. He also brought a good yoke of oxen and was well fixed to go into a new country to make his home. He brought his wife and four children with him. He built his cabin on section 36, near to his brother-in-law. So provi- dent a man had every reason to expect fortune to smile on him, but this was not the case, however. During the first winter in their new home he had a trivial injury to his heel, which resisted all treatment and he was assured that cancer had developed. A trip back to their old home in Palestine, where there was a physician living was of no avail, because the idea of cancer was con- firmed and there was great danger of having to loose his foot. However, he could not raise the money demanded for the operation and he came back to his new home discouraged and almost despondent. There was an old Indian doctor, called Bonaparte's Indian, who lived about there, and for the want of any more skilled practitioner, Mrs. Starr consulted him. By the use of some herbs he collected along the Vermilion river, he cured the diseased heel which the physi- cian at Palestine thought could be reached only by the use of the knife. Mrs. Starr nursed her husband back to strength, at the same time tending her garden and two acres of corn. Henry Johnson's kind heart helped this family to take care of themselves during these hard days. Mr. Starr lived until October 14, 1829. He was buried in the old burying ground, now known as Mt. Pisgah cemetery, near Georgetown. Mrs. Starr survived her husband and afterward became the wife of Mr. Jones, spending her last years on the farm she first helped get into cultiva- tion. She was the mother of eleven children and left many descendants in the county, among them being Mrs. J. W. Giddings. JOTHAM LYONS. Jotham Lyons took up land west of Henry Johnson about the same time. He lived here until his death, August 2, 1843. He was buried in the present Mt. Pisgah cemetery, near Georgetown. His first wife, Elizabeth, died on Christmas day, 1827, and was buried in the same burying ground. 104 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY The children of Jotham Lyons are scattered across the country. One son has lived in the neighborhood of the old home and identified himself with af- fairs of the county. JOHN JORDON. Another man to settle in this neighborhood was John Jordon. John Jor- don came to Johnson's Point a short time after Absolom Starr arrived, but in the same year. WILLIAM SWANK. William Swank came to the southern part of the county in this year which saw the advent of Henry Johnson and Jotham Lyons. He entered land at where Indianola is located and became an active factor in the development of that sec- tion of the country. The all prevailing demand of the time for whiskey was not lacking in this section, and to meet this Mr. Swank set up a still-house down in the bottom, where he would make an occasional barrel of good pure liquor for his neighbor's use. The condition of this malarial country was one occasion of this demand for whiskey, and this primitive way of meeting it insured a pure article for consumption. Mr. Swank provided for the needs of his neighbors in another, and perhaps better way by the little corncracker which he had attached, which was run by tread-millpower, and did all the neighborhood grinding. So promi- nent in the affairs of this section did Mr. Swank become, he was given the credit of naming a village at the place now known as Indianola. When the village was first established it was named Chillacothe. Since William Swank was known through- out this section as the "Father of Dallas," there is no doubt of his politics, during the decided Forties and Fifties when men held strong views on all questions of the day whether of politics or of religion. Mr. Swank came from the South and naturally clung to the habit of thought of his youth, and was an uncomprom- ising Democrat. He lived in the same neighborhood into which he first came all his life. His death occurred in the late seventies and he left children who remained in that section and perpetuated his name. JOHN MYERS. John Myers came to the Little Vermilion as early as 1820 and settled on the land afterward the farm of the well known R. E. Barnett. While living in this place this man was much better known as "Injun John." He was a man whose nickname fit him more in its implication, and suggestion than in any other way although he earned it by his open hatred of the Redman. He was a character noticeable in even those days when all individualities were prominent. In the free life of the pioneer, there was little polish and every man was himself, to be liked or despised as the case might be, but even then, some were more prominent than others because of unusual traits of character. "Injun John" was one of these. He was free with what he had, and expected every one to be equally so. He had little love for property which was his own, and HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 105 no consideration for the rights of others. He was brave, self-willed and on the water would have been a gay buccaneer. John Myers had an eighty acre farm in Ohio, but the freedom of the new country in Illinois, which was as yet unorganized into counties, but was attached to Edgar County, appealed to him. So it was Mr. Starr, the uncle of Absolom and Barnett Starr, who had bought eight hundred and eighty acres on the Little Vermilion river at a land sale, found an eager trader in this man from Ohio. He traded his farm of 8 acres for this unseen 88 acres, and started to take pos- session thereof. On his way he passed his brother-in-law, Joseph Frazier, in Indiana, and told him he would give him a quarter section of this land if he (Frazier) would go on with him. This gift was not to be refused and they came on and settled in this section in 1821. The particular tract which Myers gave away that he might have company in his new home, afterward became a portion of the Sconce farm. The land was first bought by the Sullivants from Frazier in 1853, when they were the great land kings of Champaign County and were carrying out plans to develop a large estate in Vermilion County. The Sullivants cut the fine growth of wal- nut timber from the Frazier farm to fence in "broad lands." Myers was a fearless and untiring hunter. At one time just before he came to this section of country, while yet he lived in Ohio, a neighbor of his with his two sons were out in a sugar bush at work in the spring of the year, when some Indians surprised them and killed them. Myers gathered together a company and went in pursuit of the Indians. They struck the trail in the new snow and followed it until all but three of the pursuers gave out from exhaustion, one of whom was Myers himself. With his force so depleted, Myers told the other two that he would shoot the next one who refused to go on. This increased the courage of his companions and Myers' physical endurance, pluck and determination to avenge his friends was catching "and carried the day," and the three overtook the Indians and had their revenge. This was the material of which Myers was made. A man of powerful strength, he would crack a black walnut with his teath and many a man found to his sorrow that it was not wise to provoke him to a fight. He hated an Indian and was the first to be ready to go to the Black Hawk war and was one of those who made that war a disgrace to the white man. He knew no such thing as discipline ; abhorred tactics and did not believe in waiting for orders or supplies. He made a great deal of trouble by his insubordination. Habits of intemperance had grown on him, and he would get very drunk and become abusive to the officers and everybody else. He wanted to go into the fight at once ; he had gone into that affair to kill Indians and he was impatient to begin. He came to "fight Injuns" and fight he was going to do, if no one else, then he would try his strength on the officers. He told these new fledged officers that they "knew no more about fightin' Injuns than a bear did about a camp meetin' " and he was put under arrest, to his surprise. While brave and generous, he had no judgment about affairs and used up all his property before he died. He took an interest in every enterprise that was proposed. He lost much money in helping Simon Cox try to build a mill which never did get to be a success. 106 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY Jack McDowell was a handsome and lively young man who was struggling to get on in the world, and "Injun John" took a notion to him and made him an offer of a half-section of land, but, much as the young man wanted the land there was a provision that he should marry Myers' daughter, and that decided the acceptance of the gift. "Injun John" kept his land. He gave away or lost all his land and went out to the Illinois River where he afterward died in poverty. Thus passed one of the most picturesque characters of eastern Illinois. HENRY CANADAY. Henry Canaday was a native of North Carolina who moved north, with his family, in the fall of 1820, and stopped over winter in Wayne County, Indi- ana. Two of his sons came on over the state line and put up a cabin in what is now the southern part of Vermilion County. His four sons were Benjamin, Frederich, William and John. The entire family took possession of the round log cabin which the two sons had built, and began their new life without neigh- bors other than the Indians who camped on the banks of the Little Vermilion in the spring of the year to hunt and fish. They would visit the cabin to beg and steal and trade but never seriously annoyed them. There were many sugar-maple trees on the land the Canadays had chosen for their home and they made sugar that first spring, but they were not con- tented and Benjamin returned to Tennessee, where their old home had been, and bought a farm. Soon the entire family returned to their old home but it was to stay only during the summer. They sold their property in Tennessee and returned to their cabin on the Little Vermilion river before winter. This was the fall of 1821 and their cabin was on what was yet unorganized territory at- tached to Edgar County. They had much sickness during this winter, having come from a different climate, and the nearest physician was at Clinton, Indiana. They had to go to mill on Raccoon Creek in Park County, Indiana, and Terre Haute was the nearest trading point. They had no horses when spring came and they broke ground with oxen. Wild deer was plentiful and they filled the smokehouse soon after they came with deer hams, and also had plenty of pork. When they first came the year before, they brought thirty hogs with them from Indiana and when they went back to Tennessee they left them in the woods. These animals lived in the woods and became so wild as to be a menace to stock for years afterward. Wild game was plentiful and deer, turkey and other fowl gave them a variety of food. The entire family occupied the one roomed cabin for some time, and the mother did the cooking by the fireplace ; the floor was of puncheon, the roof of clapboards, held down with weight poles and the stick and clay chimney was built on the outside. About the second year of their living at this place, Henry Canaday, together with George Haworth, "set up a meeting," as it is called by the Society of Friends, when a new church was established. These two men and others who came afterwards to the neighborhood, built a log cabin in which they had meet- ings and later built a church of hewed logs. Sometimes the attendance was so small that Henry Canaday and his son, Benjamin, would go to "meeting" and KKEDKRIC CAXADAY ANN" CAXADAY SARAH M. ELLIOTT JOHN ELLIOTT HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 107 sit through the hour alone, in order to keep up the church organization as was the demand of that society. Henry Canaday was very prominent in the life of the growing Vermilion County. He entered about two sections of land as soon as it came into market, and sold it off to new comers. Henry Canaday was a tanner and a blacksmith, and as soon as possible after the family came to their new home they managed to establish both trades. He could the better do this because of his four grown sons. He started a tanyard in which his son William worked, and also a tin- shop for his son Benjamin. William later carried on harness making and sad- lery but his father, Henry Canaday, never had that trade. Benjamin Canaday, the oldest son of Henry Canaday, was a tinner by trade and during the winter of the big snow (1830), he made up a stock of tin ware and traded it off at Louisville for goods. These he brought back with him and put into a building he had put up for a store on his farm just west of Vermilion, (later Vermilion Grove), on the Hickory Grove road. This was the beginning of his career as a merchant. He sold goods here for several years before going to Georgetown where he became the largest, and at one time, the most successful merchant. Frederick Canaday, the second son of Henry Canaday, made a valuable farm just north of Vermilion station where he spent his life. He was the father of four sons and three daughters. His sons, William, Henry, Isaac and John, grew to manhood and settled around him. His daughters who became Mrs. Law- rence, Mrs. Patterson and Mrs. Ankrum, went the one to Kansas, the other to Bethel and the third lived near her father. William Canaday, the third son of Henry Canaday, married Miss Mary Haworth, in 1831, who was the daughter of William Haworth. They were the parents of ten children. These children settled in different parts of the country, a number of them near their parents' home. Mrs. Mary (Haworth) Canaday died in 1855 and Mr. Canaday married Miss Elizabeth Diament, in 1873, for his second wife. John Canaday, the youngest son of Henry Canaday, lived all his life on \/ the farm on the state road between Vermilion and Georgetown. He had a good farm and was a prosperous farmer. He was the father of five sons and two daughters. The Canaday family have been strong factors in the development of the county. His family of sons with their families of sons and daughters have made the name one of honor and pride in this section which Henry Canaday found a wilderness. BENJAMIN BROOKS. Benjamin Brooks, the founder of the important settlement called Brooks' Point, came to this part of the county in the fall of 1821. His wife was the daughter of a Mr. Manville, of Madison, Indiana, and they were married in Indiana and came here directly from Jefferson County, of that state. The na- tivity of Benjamin Brooks is in doubt although there is no question that his wife was born in Indiana. Had it not been for the generosity of Mr. Canaday, Mr. Brooks would have been in a sad plight. Mr. Brooks had selected his land when he first came to live 108 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY on the Little Vermilion, and then went back after his family and another man put a claim while he was gone and secured the land. Mr. Canaday had some further up and let Mr. Brooks have it and it was settled so rapidly as to have the point of timber known by the name of Brooks' Point. GEORGE WILLIAMS. George Williams came early in the twenties in company with the Bargers, the Paytons and Thos. Collison, from Pike County, Ohio. His native state was Delaware. George Williams had two sons, Harrison and Abner. Mrs. Williams, the mother of these boys died of milk sickness in 1825 and the boy, Harrison, who was then twelve years old, went to live with Reason Zawley, in the Current neighborhood. An idea of the hardships of life at that time is had in the tale of this boy's going to school in the winter time. The school term was limited to a short time in the winter months, and the boy, without shoes or stockings on his feet found the snow-covered road between his cabin home a dread one to travel. Without shoes he took a hickory board and stood it in front of the fire place until it became as hot as possible without catching fire. With his hot board in his arms he would dash out of the house and run as far as possible through the snow. When he reached the limit of endurance, he would put the board down on the ground, and stand on it for a little while, then snatching it up would run on a little further. In this way he went to school and when he was ready to go home the same thing was done over. In 1834 Harrison Williams married Anna Gish, a native of Virginia who had come west when she was fourteen years old. She came with her parents and settled in LaFayette, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. Williams made Danville their home, owning property at that place. Two years after he was married he bought the lot on the S. E. corner of North and Walnut streets. At this time the lot faced Walnut street and extended east as far as the alley. A deed yet in possession of the family shows that this lot was bought by Harrison Williams in 1836 for $30. The least the inside lots could now be bought for is $150, per foot. This deed of Mr. Williams was never recorded and a number of years later Judge Terry was ordered by the Courts to make out a new deed, Mr. Williams' address at that time being un- known. Harrison Williams was a carpenter by trade and helped build Gurdon Hubbard's store which was the first frame building in Vermilion County. He also helped erect the first Methodist church building. Mr. Hubbard's store was on the Public Square on the corner where the Palmer National Bank now stands. The church building was on the southeast corner of North and Vermilion streets, Harrison Williams moved to LaFayette, Ind., in 1840, and died there in 1851. Abner Williams was a blacksmith and lived in Danville until he went to Scott county on the other side of the state. He was married twice, the first time to a Miss Delay, a cousin of his, and the second wife was a Miss Judd. He owned the lot on the northwest corner of North and Vermilion streets. THOMAS O'NEAL. Thomas O'Neal, with his wife, Sarah (Howard) O'Neal, came from Nelson County, Kentucky, and settled at Brooks' Point in the fall of 1821. He was a HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 109 native of Nelson County, while his wife was a native of Indiana. Mr. O'Neal first took up a claim near Brooks' Point, but three years later he entered near the Big Vermilion river. After he moved to the Vermilion river, he established a tanyard and made his own leather from which he made the shoes of the family. He made a leather from which he could make Indian moccasins and which the Indians would get from him. The winter months were spent in making rails with which to fence his land and clearing up the ground, thus adding about ten acres of tillable land to his farm every year. When the Black Hawk war broke out, he saddled his horse and with his gun on his shoulder, went into the service. His oldest son was also in that war. Thomas O'Neal remained in the service as long as the war lasted. When he returned home he again took up the work of improving his farm with renewed determination to make a valuable property, and met great success. He died September, 1861, and his wife died two years later. They were the parents of nine children who have kept the name a well known one through almost a century in Vermilion County. JOHN HAWORTH. John Haworth came to the little Vermilion at very nearly the same time as Henry Canaday and they were close friends as long as they lived. The two fam- ilies have inter-married and had common interests during all the years since their coming. A Mr. Malsby built a cabin near where Vermilion Grove is lo- cated, in 1820; however he did not stay but left his cabin and went to some other place, so his claim to citizenship is not valid. John Haworth, as early as 1818, was living in Tennessee, but had become so distressed with the institutions of the south that he could no longer endure life there. He lived in Union County, so he came to the little Vermilion river in the fall of 1820. Here he found the cabin deserted by Malsby and took possession of it and wintered in it. George Bocke, a son-in-law to Achilles Morgan, had a claim on the cabin, but Mr. Haworth bought it. John Haworth's cousin James later came to George- town. John Haworth's neighbors were Henry Johnson and Absolom Starr, off a few miles northwest; Mr. Squires and Thomas Curtis at Yankee Point, three miles east ; John Mills, Simon Cox and Dickson to the west, with Henry Canaday near by. Mr. Haworth entered several hundred acres of land but he did not do this as a speculation. Indeed he was ready to sell it whenever he could find any one who would make a desirable citizen, and he would sell it cheap and on time if so desired. John Haworth's name has gone into history as a man well being called a Christian gentleman. He was the father of eight children. His uncle, a man of much worth, soon joined this settlement, and, together with Henry Canaday, established the strong Society of Friends in Vermilion County who were so great a factor in its development. ACHILLES MORGAN. One of the men who made an impress on the affairs of the county was Achilles Morgan, who came to this section in about 1825 or 6. He was accompanied with one at least of his daughters and her husband. They came from Virginia 110 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY where they as a family were great Indian fighters. Mr. Morgan located on sec- tion 15 and was from the first recognized as a leading man in affairs of the county. He was one of the first County Commissioners, who, together with John B. Alex- ander and James Butler, organized and set to going the machinery of Vermilion County. The neighborhood in which he lived was called Morgans and is perhaps the place platted and on record as Morgantown. HENRY MARTIN. Henry Martin came to this section with his father-in-law, Achilles Morgan. After going to Brooks' Point settled near Georgetown at a place afterward called Morgans. Some claim this family went first to Butler's Point and some even say they stopped at the salt works. Henry Martin was born in Maryland in 1786 and moved with his parents to Virginia, where he afterward married Mary Mor- gan, a daughter of Achilles Morgan. He served one year in the war of 1812 and later moved to Illinois, making permanent settlement in the unorganized territory attached to Edgar County. He enlisted under his father-in-law in 1826 at the time of the Winnebago war and followed the lead of Gurdon Hubbard to protect Fort Dearborn from the Indians of the northwest. Henry Martin lived on the farm near Georgetown until his death, September 5, 1851. Henry Martin was the father of a large family, one of his sons being a well known preacher. Rawley Martin came with his father from Virginia, a boy of four or five years, who had a life of usefulness in the country of his adoption. He showed wonderful energy and perseverance, for, although there were no schools for him to attend, he acquired a very liberal education. He had a very ambitious mother who was well educated, and through her influence he early became familiar with the contents of all the books possible to obtain, principal among which was the Bible. Indeed, he became so familiar with this book that he could repeat it almost verbatim. He early united with the Christian church, and in time was ordained preacher of this denomination. He continued in this work for more than twenty-five years. During this time he organized many churches in the county, baptized more than three thousand people, doing much to strengthen the cause of his chosen faith. He was a superior teacher of the scrip^ tures, was unyielding and uncompromising in his religious convictions. He was an able and earnest defender of the faith. During the war of the rebellion he publicly denounced the right of secession and upheld the cause of the preserva- tion of the Union. He filled two terms as County Treasurer, the expression of a patriotic people of confidence in the man. Rawley Martin was the father of two children, one of them being Achilles Martin and the other, Mrs. George Dillon. JAMES HOAG AND SAMUEL MUNNEL. James Hoag and Samuel Munnel are both known to have lived along the Little Vermilion as early as this time, but little is recorded of them. ROBERT COTTON. Robert Cotton came to this section in the fall of 1822. He was born in the vicinity of Beardstown, Kentucky, and there grew to manhood and married Han- KATHERIXE (ALEXANDER) McDONALD HEZEKIAH CUNNINGHAM HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 111 nah Howard, who was born in the same place. They were the parents of two children before they left their native state to go to Switzerland County, Indiana. Thence they went to Decatur County in the same state and, once more moving, they came to what is now Vermilion County, Illinois. In many respects both Robert Cotton and his son Henry showed their Puritan ancestry, they being de- scended from John Cotton of Massachusetts. Robert Cotton lived but two years after coming to this section, dying while yet a young man in 1824. He left seven children. Henry Cotton, the son of Robert Cotton, was the next to the youngest of the children of Robert Cotton. He grew up amid wild scenes of pioneer life. The wild beasts abounded, deer were plentiful, and the wolves howled about the cabin door at night. The education of the Cotton children was had in a log cabin school-house with puncheon floors, the window panes of greased paper and the only means of heating being a long fireplace, across one end of the room. The school term was but a few months in the winter, and the requirements of the teacher were but that he could read, write and cipher. Henry Cotton liked to go to school and when he was twenty-two years old he had acquired enough informa- tion to tempt him to, in turn, be teacher. He taught school for two or three years, during the winters. During the time he was teaching school, Henry Cotton was married to a Miss Getty of Pennsylvania. During the summer months Henry Cotton would follow the life of the flatboat man. He made eighteen trips to and from New Orleans in this way. It was upon one of these trips that he met Miss Getty and soon afterward was married. They lived in Vincennes for eight years and then came to Danville township, and was on his way to pros- perity. He was working at the carpenter's trade while not on the river. Soon the war of the rebellion broke out, however, and Mr. Cotton enlisted in service, joining the I25th Illinois Infantry. A year later he was obliged to accept an honorable discharge on account of ill health. He left the country for other locations after this and did not return until 1882 when he came to Westville and became a merchant. He made his home here, serving as postmaster three years during the term of office of Pres. Arthur, and was justice of the peace for several years. STEVEN DUKES. Steven Dukes was born in Virginia and his wife, Rachel (Lewis) Dukes, was a native of Tennessee. They came to Brooks' Point in 1822. Brooks' Point was just east of Westville about where Kelleyville is now located. Their eldest son was born at that place January 25, 1828. ASA ELLIOTT. Asa Elliott, who was one of the most prominent men of the county in its earliest life, came to Butler's Point to make his new home in 1822. He was one of the second Board of Commissioners of Vermilion County, and was the first justice of the peace. He was a good business man and very successful. His home, at which the court was held just before the county seat was located at Danville, was about a quarter of a mile from the west line of Catlin village. He had a log house at first but built a better one. He lived here all his life and 112 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY after his death his son sold the property to Mr. Sandusky and moved to Kan- sas. Mr. Elliott was buried in the old Butler burying ground. JOHN MILLS. John Mills came to this part of Illinois in 1822, bringing his family with him. He settled in the northwest quarter of section 23, range 12, township 17, after a journey attended with many difficulties. He was a native of North Carolina and moved to Ross Creek, East Tennessee, before the war of 1812. He was one of the men who belonged to the Society of Friends in Tennessee and left to get away from the institution of the South which was very objectionable to him. Henry Canaday and John Haworth had both preceeded him. He came in company with George Haworth. Along their route there were various swamps, and when four or five miles south of Quaker Point, their destina- tion, they found themselves unable to go further. There were a half dozen girls in the party of neighbors who had made the trip together, and they started off on foot. Taking the teams from the wagons, which they abandoned, for the present at least, the men, women and little children came on as best they might. If the way was too difficult for the horses to draw the wagons, it could not be in very good condition for walking. They reached John Haworth's by dark, however, very glad to find their journey at an end, since he lived near Quaker Point just within the limits of present day Vermilion County. Later, the travelers man- aged to get their wagons free of the deep mud and taken on their way. John Mills settled among the Indians and wild animals and entered four and one- fourth sections of land, where he put up a round log cabin, with a puncheon floor, a great fireplace in one end of the room, with a stick and clay chimney outside and a clapboard roof. The house contained only one room but there was a loft where the boys slept. The nearest trading point was Terre Haute, and the pio- neers went to mill on Sugar Creek, in Parke County, Indiana, with ox teams. Deer were numerous, the settlers being able to kill them almost from their door. The wolves made night dismal with their howling, and the chickens, pigs and sheep, had to be securely housed in order to save them. The woods were full of bee trees and there was an abundance of wild fruit. This section of the coun- try was almost literally a "land flowing with milk and honey," but there was much sickness. The death of Hannah Mills was the first one in the neighborhood. She died in the summer of 1823, and her remains were the first to be buried in what is now Vermilion Grove Cemetery. Mr. James Haworth, who accom- panied John Mills to Illinois and settled near him, was the father of eleven chil- dren, most of whom lived to maturity and did their part in molding the affairs of Vermilion County. ALEXANDER MCDONALD. (Written by R. D. McDonald.) Alexander McDonald, a pioneer of Vermilion County, Illinois, was a native of Tennessee, where he was born in 1796. He, in company with John B. Alex- ander and his family, one of whom he had married, came to Illinois in the year HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 113 1820. He located near Paris, where he remained two years, and in 1822 he moved to the Little Vermilion timber, and made a farm about three miles west of where Georgetown now is. His neighbors were mostly Indians, bears, panthers, wild cats, and other wild creatures, of which the woods were full. Among the earliest recollections of the writer of this sketch are accounts of the child-like crying of panthers, told by the first settlers in this wilderness. There was no Georgetown, no Vermilion County, no Danville, no Chicago, then. It is hard for a citizen of Vermilion County, of sixty years of age, to believe that only a few years before his birth, Illinois was such a wilderness. Such it was for many years after Alexander McDonald commenced making his farm. At that time Edgar County reached almost to the northern border of the state. In 1826, the land attached to Edgar County on the north was made into a new county, and named Vermilion. The south part of the state was settled first and mostly by people from the southern states. On his farm on the border of civilization, Mr. McDonald lived with his wife, Catherine Alexander McDonald, who came into this world in the year 1800, and on it they raised ten children, six daughters and four sons, all of such character that their acquaintances were glad to point to them as their friends. Mr. McDonald was justice of the peace, whether by ap- pointment or by election, I do not know. He was also postmaster. The duties of both offices were performed at his residence. The first Cumberland Presby- terian church in the county, was organized at his home and in it, the congrega- tion held all services for a long time, and, until a meeting house was built on his land. He was an elder in the church until his death in 1861. Uncle Alex McDonald was an old fashioned Democrat. Accepting the principles of the Declaration of Independence as to the inalienable rights of men in their true spirit, he could not remain contented in a slave state. He was among the first insurgents in the Democratic party, when it attempted to extend slavery. He claimed no advantage of birth, condition or position. The passport to his confidence was merit. He had sympathy and hospitality for all. I lived, when a boy, in his house for some time. I never saw, or heard of an applicant for a meal or a night's lodging, being turned away. All were supplied without money and without price. I can truly apply the following lines to him : "A man he was to all the country dear, Remote from towns he ran his godly race Unskillful he, to fawn or seek for power Far other aims his heart had learned to prize. More bent to raise the wretched than to rise His house was known to all the vagrant train, He chid their wanderings, but relieved their pain. The ruined spendthrift now no longer proud, Claimed kindred there and had his claim allowed." The wives of the pioneers deserve equal honors with their husbands, if not greater. They endured, and shared all the hardships incident to a new country and suffered its privations and by their womanly nature softened the manners of the people. Catherine, wife of Alexander McDonald, when scarcely more than 114 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY a young girl, left society and many cultured friends among whom she was raised, and came into the wilderness where she endured privations unknown to women of this year 1910. She was a helpmeet, indeed. With no servant, she, with handspinning wheel, hand loom, scissors, and needle made all the clothing for the family, and over, and around an open fire, she cooked the food they and their guests ate. I can truthfully say that Aunt Catherine never spoke a cross word to, nor a complaining word of, any person. I feel sure that of her, as Jesus said of little children, could be said, "of such is the kingdom of heaven." She lived to be eighty-one years old and died in Danville in the home of her son, Milton, and was buried by the side of her husband in the Weaver graveyard, about one mile south of the house where they raised their family. JOHN LENEVE. John LeNeve, a young man of twenty, came to what is now Newell township in 1823. His birthplace was Tennessee, whence he came with his parents to Illinois when he was but a lad and they settled in what is now Lawrence County, on the Ellison Prairie directly west of Vincennes. He had a brother, Obadiah, who in 1822 took a journey into the newer country looking for a location. This journey took Obadiah LeNeve from Vincennes to St. Louis, and thence into northeast Missouri, and on his homeward trip through a circuit in northern Illi- nois. Coming into the section now Newell township of Vermilion County, he took a great fancy to the country and decided upon locating there. Before he left the favored place he took the numbers of the following tracts : W. one-half N. W., one-fourth sec. 23, and E. one-half N. E., one-fourth section 24, town 20 N., range II W., 3rd principal meridian, and after going home there was a sale of land when he bought this particularly desired part. Just before Christmas the two brothers took their belongings, such as would be needed in a new country, as provisions and bedding, and set off for their new home. A third person accompanied them to take the team back. On reaching their destination they cut a few rails and laid up a square, chinking and filling the spaces with pulled grass, and cov- ering one-half of the rude structure with puncheons. The Indians were very friendly and proved themselves honest and, on the whole, not bad neighbors. When they were about at the time the new white settlers were eating, the Indians were invited to share their meal which they did and showed themselves friendly and inclined to treat the newcomers with all kindness. These two brothers spent the winter splitting rails until, when in February they began making prepar- tion for their return to arrange a permanent removal to this section. They used some of their rails to build a cabin for Ben Butterfield who expected to arrive toward the last of February. He came, as was expected, and the LeNeves went back, to return later, prepared to make a permanent settlement. John Le- Neve married Rebecca Newell, the daughter of the man who was the leader of affairs in that part of the county as long as he lived. Rebecca Newell came with her father from Harrison County, Kentucky, not long after the LeNeves had made this settlement in this particular section. John LeNeve, it is said, had a limited amount of money, in exact figures being one hundred and thirteen dollars and fifty cents ($113.50) and he invested MRS. JOHN DICKSON JOHN LE NEVE REBECCA (NEWELL) LE NEVE SAMUEL ADAMS HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 115 $100 of it in timber and prairie land at one dollar and a quarter an acre leaving him thirteen dollars and fifty cents with which to begin fanning. But he could count among his assets a pair of good strong arms and a willing heart to work, so his success was assured. From this modest beginning Mr. LeNeve became a land owner of pretention, and his farm is yet a landmark testifying to his thrift, and industry. His brother, Obadiah LeNeve, was a man particularly remembered as one of charity and public spirit. He was always kind to the widow and orphan and seemed to feel a responsibility to share with those less well off than he. He never butchered without killing more than enough for himself, so as to give to those not able to buy meat. He was always ready to help any one in distress and was widely known and universally loved. He was born in 1799 and died in 1884. John LeNeve lived on the old homestead all his life and died there. His wife also spent her last days in her own home and died and was buried from the old homestead. WILLIAM MCDOWELL. William McDowell came to the Little Vermilion in the year 1823 with his four grown sons and two married daughters. He came from Kentucky and settled south of the creek. His sons were John, Archie, James and William, and they were all very much in need of this world's goods. They had come to this new country to try to make a new home under better conditions. The seven years previous to his coming had been spent in Palestine in poverty, but the children were old enough to help in the family and all had concluded to spend the $100 which they had managed to save up that would be enough to enter eighty acres of land. So the eighty acres of land was entered in sections 35 and 36, range 13, and they came here to live with little else other than the strength of the father's hands and the courage of the not overstrong sons. When McDowell arrived at this new home, he built his cabin on a piece of land adjoining what he had bought, thinking he would buy this other piece as soon as possible. One day he learned that another man, Peter Summe, had gone to Palestine to enter that same piece of land. He had not a dollar but he deter- mined if possible to prevent that and to save the land. He started on horse- back to ride to Palestine, and spared neither the horse nor himself. Riding all night he reached there before business hours and went directly to the house of the register, who was a friend of his, and told him the trouble. The register, to help him out, made the papers out trusting him for sixty days. This act would have cost him his place had it been known, because Peter Summe was there with the gold in his hand. McDowell came back happy, but it cost him dearly, since the worry over getting the hundred dollars inside of the two months (he had to sell some of his land to do this) threw him into a fever from which he died. Several members of his family died at about the same time. The death of his father compelled John McDowell to care for the family and work out his fortune as best he could. He had no money, but he was plucky and worked for whomever needed him, for whatever wage he could get, all the time determined to win out, which he did. A few years later he split rails to pay for the land he lived on and, in time, he bought and paid 'for eleven bun- 116 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY dred and fifty acres of land, the most of which he gave to his children, living all the remainder of his life on the land which his father made that night's ride to Palestine to buy on credit. AARON MENDENHALL. Aaron Mendenhall was born in Guilford, North Carolina, near the scene of the battle of the Guilford Court House. Soon after the opening of the Ohio Territory, his father brought the family to this new territory and was killed while on his way, by Indians. At this time Aaron Mendenhall was a small child. He grew to manhood in Ohio and in 1824 he, with his family, following in the footsteps of his father, started for a new country. They came to the Little Vermilion and entered two hundred and forty acres of land which is now in the farm of Silas Baird. This land was entered while yet Illinois was a wilderness, at least excepting in certain localities in the southern part. Like other pioneers this family endured hardships and privations incident to such a life. They were, however, brave and stout hearted and made successful battle in subduing the wild land and making it blossom. Thrifty and industrious, they taught their children to work and developed them physically and morally at the same time. Politically, Mr. Mendenhall was, as his son said, "a whig, morning, noon and afternoon," as long as that party was in power. He looked upon Henry Clay as one of America's greatest statesmen, and so taught his children to do. Later they were as staunch Republicans. His children who lived to maturity lived about him, and in this neighborhood of friends were most consistent members of that society. CYRUS DOUGLAS. Cyrus Douglas was one of the few early citizens of Vermilion County who was a native of any place above the Mason and Dixon line. Mr. Douglas was born in Vermont and came to Butler's Point in 1824. Whether he was an old friend of James Butler there is no record nor if he even knew Mr. Butler prev- ious to his coming to this place. The fact that they came from the same state when so few people from that part of the country were drawn to this section, is suggestive, but may have been but a coincidence. Mr. Douglas was a hatter by trade in New York and brought material with him in emigrating to the west to engage in business in St. Louis. He remained there for a time and then went to Brown County, Indiana. He remained in Indiana for a short time when the report of the promising conditions on the Wabash reached him and he went to Eugene entering some land near there east of Georgetown. The grant to this land was signed by President Monroe. After a while he moved to Butler's Point and it was while he was there that he was married, being the first or perhaps it were better to say, second man married within this section, later known as Vermilion County. ROBERT DICKSON. Robert Dickson was a native of Maryland, born December 16, 1765, and moved to Kentucky, where he was married in Mason County to Phebe Means. RICHARD AXD LOUFSA MENDENHALL WILLIAM AXD ELIZABETH HOLODAY HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 117 Some time after their marriage they settled in Lewis County, but later decided to try a new country and came to Illinois in 1824, settling in the southern part of that which was to be Vermilion County. Mrs. Dickson died that year at the age of forty-eight. Mr. Dickson survived her but three years when he died from typhus fever. Politically Mr. Dickson was a Democrat, and as well as his wife, he was a staunch Presbyterian. David Dickson was the sixth son of Mr. Robert Dickson, and came from Kentucky with his parents when he was almost a man grown, he having been born December 13, 1806. When his father died three years later he was at his majority and took a man's part. He bore his part in the development of the county and well deserves to be reckoned among the makers of Vermilion County. His life was one of sobriety and his temperate habits showed in his honorable old age. He was the pioneer stock- man and feeder and in all his intercourse with his fellowmen he always had their confidence and esteem. The oldest son of Robert Dickson was a boat builder and when they decided to leave Kentucky he and David built a flat- boat and their father bought a keel boat, and they loaded their stock, farming utensils and household goods, together with the family, on these boats, and set sail on the Ohio river for the "promise land." At Louisville, however, they were obliged to abandon their boats and un- loading the stock, which consisted of oxen, horses and cows, and make their way overland to their destination. The two boys who had built the boat, and another older brother, pushed the keelboat up the Wabash river and unloaded its contents a little way above Newport, Indiana, at Coleman's Prairie, thence they hauled their property to their destination, which was the land their father had entered from the government when he came the year before. When David Dickson was twenty-three years old he married Miss Margaret Waters, who had but a year previous to this time come with her father from Bourbon County, Kentucky. Mr. Dickson loved to describe this section as it looked to him when he first saw it. It was, according to his description, exceedingly beautiful, diversified with prairie and timber, the meadows and marshes thriving with a luxuriant growth of prairie grass and wild flowers. Wild animals of many kinds abounded, while poisonous reptiles, the rattlesnake, blue racer, black and garter snake, kept the traveler on the close lookout. There were also great quantities of wild birds, geese, ducks and pheasants, besides turkeys and pigeons. The people of that time and place were noted for their hospitality, and the commun- ity of interest which led them at all times to be regardful of each other's welfare. After the death of Robert Dickson each of the boys started out for himself. While all were bright and energetic, David was, perhaps, most successful. He began entering land and in time found himself the owner of 1,400 acres which he had to a large extent put into a good state of cultivation. Much of this land was obtained on a Mexican warrant. Before he was married he worked at one time at the salt works. He walked to Fort Clark (now Peoria) in 1827, just after his father died on his way to Galena to work in the lead mines. He car- ried his clothes and provisions in a knapsack. There he had the vessel which was fired upon by the Winnebago Indians pointed out to him. He worked for a while in the mines at New Diggings and became acquainted with the founder 118 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY of Fort Gratiot. In the fall of the year he worked his way down the Missis- sippi river to St. Louis on a keel boat, then purchased a pony and rode home. Mr. Dickson made his first trip to the little town of Chicago in 1832, taking a load of produce drawn by oxen. Later he began feeding cattle and was the first man to engage in this industry on the Little Vermilion river. In 1844 he drove 100 head of hogs to Chicago and in the years immediately following, he shipped several herds in this way to Philadelphia and New York City. Mr. Dickson was a Democrat in his political faith all his life. JOHN SNIDER. John Snider, with his wife and three small children, came from Ohio on horseback to what is now Blount township of Vermilion County, in 1824, and built his home in the forest. He entered a quarter section of land and built a log house. The Indians made sugar and held their meetings near the cabin of John Snider. It was a strange place to try to build a home ; the entire country was full of sloughs and ponds. However, John Snider lived to see a great change in the country. He helped fell the trees and clear the land and assisted in organizing the township. A debt of gratitude is surely laid on this gener- ation to him and others like him who have been pioneers in the development of Vermilion County. John Snider was born in 1797, and died November 12, 1849. His wife, who was the daughter of Charles Blount, the man for whom the township was named, survived her husband for several years, she living until in the seventies. DK. ASA PALMER. Dr. Asa Palmer was a native of Connecticut, who was born at Coventry in 1786. He became a resident of Vermont in his boyhood days, and later lived in the Black River country of New York. Subsequently he became a resident of Moscow, where both his parents died. While living in New York state, Dr. Palmer studied medicine and practiced a little. He was married while living in New York state. He made a trip to the west in search of a location, and came here to live in 1824. His first trip was made on horseback, but when he came to locate, the journey was made by boat, going first to Pittsburg and then down the Ohio river and up the Wabash river. His destination was the Vermilion river country but at that time there was no Danville to attract him, not even so small a settlement at this place. Dr. Palmer began his practice in this section and for many miles around the settlements from the Little Vermilion to those north and west of the mouth of the North Fork of the Vermilion River, he rode in his prac- tice. After Danville became the county seat, his home was there and his practice was over a broad territory from that point. Eventually he gave up the practice of medicine and lived retired. In connection with his son he established the first drug store in Danville. He was a leading and influential citizen of this sec- tion from the time he came in 1824 to his death in 1861. Dr. Palmer was mar- ried three times, his third wife being Adelia Hawkins and one of the honored pioneers of Vermilion County. Dr. Palmer was one of the original members of HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 119 the Presbyterian church in Danville. He was the father of thirteen children by his first wife and two by his second wife. HEZEKIAH CUNNINGHAM. Hezekiah Cunningham, who was a prominent citizen of Danville at an early day, was born in Virginia, whence he came in 1819. He was accompanied by his mother and with them were the Murphy family. They came in wagons, it taking them seven weeks to make their trip to the North Arm in Douglas county. At that time there were but ten families in .that part of the country. In 1825 Mr. Cunningham came to Vermilion County, following Mr. J. B. Alexander, and mar- ried his daughter, Mary. Mr. and Mrs. Cunningham were the parents of five children, two of whom grew to manhood and womanhood. These were Mr. W. T. Cunningham, who was well and favorably known and the daughter, who be- came the wife of Judge O. L. Davis. In 1828 Mr. Cunningham moved to Dan- ville where he lived the remainder of his life. While a resident of Danville he was interested in all affairs for the advancement of the town. His name is writ- ten frequently in the history of the county. He built the storehouse which had a hall in the upper story where meetings of all kinds were held. He was a mer- chant for many years. Mr. Cunningham, together with his brother-in-law, Mr. J. H. Murphy, were men of public spirit and to them there is much of the pros- perity of Danville in its growing years due. ELI HENDERSON. Mr. Eli Henderson came to the country about the Little Vermilion in 1824 and brought his son, Elam, a boy of about fourteen, with him. Mr. Eli Hender- son lived in this community until his death in 1833. Soon after the death of his father, Elam Henderson married Mary Golden and they moved to Georgetown township, where they accumulated a large property. Mr. Henderson was elected to the office of County Commissioner in 1836. After filling this office three years, he was elected associate justice. He kept this office about nine years or until the county went under township organization. Mr. Henderson became a merchant in 1853 and continued in that business for more than twenty years. With the exception of two years he was supervisor of his township from 1857 to 1873. Mr. Henderson was an old line whig up to the dissolution of that party after which he was a staunch republican. He was con- nected with the Society of Friends, as was his father before him. JOHN BROWN ALEXANDER. It was while yet the present United States were the colonies of Great Britain that a ship crossed the Atlantic, having on board a man who was to be a strong factor in the making of Illinois. This man was John B. Alexander. On board the same vessel was another young man who, too was seeking a home beyond the sea whose posterity was destined to be a conspicuous part of the history of this section. Beside these two mien there was a family whose acquaintance they made 120 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY on the passage. The family consisted of at least two daughters and a son of a Scotchman by the name of King. The acquaintance which might have been of longer standing than the weeks on shipboard, and might not, ripened into ardent affection on the part of young Alexander and McDonald toward the daughters of Mr. King. The result of this or rather these romances was that both the young men, Alexander and McDonald, married his daughters. Mr. King and both John B. Alexander and Donald McDonald, located in Tennessee and there re- mained for some time. In due course of time, Donald McDonald's son, Alexander McDonald, to- gether with J. B. Alexander's son, came to the then new state of Illinois. Since the wife of Alexander McDonald, was Catherine Alexander (the daughter of Mr. Alexander) and his son as well were seeking homes in the new country, the father came with them. Mr. McDonald and his wife came on to the attached part of Edgar County, soon after reaching Illinois, and located in the neighbor- hood of the Little Vermilion, but Mr. Alexander and his son located in Edgar County, at Paris. There they remained until the new county of Vermilion was formed when Mr. Alexander came to that territory and had much to do in put- ting the machinery of the new county in working order. Mr. Alexander was a man particularly fitted to do this work, and it is a fortu- nate thing that he was willing to cast his lot with the fortunes of the new county. He was the first commissioner and it was through his influence doubtless that Amos Williams was brought here from Edgar County. Mr. Alexander did not come into this wilderness without a sacrifice. His was of a nature that could find expression in intercourse with men. He was a well read man and could give as well as find pleasure among men of letters. His library was a wonder, and his manners were far from those of the pioneer. A memory of his granddaughter that she cherishes with fondness is, when she was a girl of perhaps nine he took the trouble to take into his private room and unlocking the desk, unwrapped a book which he showed her, telling her that it was the first book he procured for her father, Gen. M. R. Alexander. Then he carefully wrapped it up and put it away in the desk which he locked. Mrs. McMillen, his granddaughter, goes on to say, Grandfather told me of his young manhood, he was but a boy when he saw his future wife on ship board, near Charlotte, N. C. How on one occasion riding through the British camp on his way with a sack of corn on his horse going to mill to have it ground. He also told me what an exciting time they had when the whole community assembled in Charlotte to sign and ratify the Declaration of Independence in May, 1775. I said, "Grandpa, were you a democrat then?" Throwing his hands on his breast he said, "Politics, we had no politics, we were patriots." This answer and earnestness impressed me greatly. I thought he was the grandest man I ever had seen. WILLIAM TRIMBELL. William Trimbell came to Vermilion County in 1826, riding on horseback. He was accompanied by his wife who also rode her horse all the way from Ken- tucky to this county. He was one of the first settlers in what is now Pilot town- ship. He came direct from Kentucky but was born and raised in New Orleans. HOME OF ENDS CAMPBELL Drawn and photographed by his son, A. R. Campbell HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 121 He made money in feeding cattle and became possessed of land of value. Mrs. Trimbell long kept the dress she wore on her trip into this county and showed it to her children and grandchildren. It was made of some wool goods which she had spun and woven herself and had dyed a blue color. Mr. and Mrs. Trimbell were the parents of nine children all but two of whom grew to maturity, and had families of their own. Of these children William, the eldest, was the only one not born in this county. Elizabeth became the wife of John Vinson, Sarah be- came the wife of Gentry Williams, Mary became the wife of George Brown and Harvey Piper married Rebecca, the youngest. John Trimbell married Clara Meade, the daughter of Nathaniel Meade, William Trimbell, Jr., married Zella Outan and Paris Trimbell married a Miss Cook. When William Trimbell took the lone ride from Kentucky, with his wife, who carried their boy on the horse with her the country was rough and unsettled. He entered land, as did all the early settlers near a stream and did not dare go outside the timber to build his house, but stuck to the timber and put the prairie to the apparent natural use as grazing ground for the cattle which brought him great wealth. When his daugh- ter married he gave her a farm on the prairie that her husband could care for the stock. . ' AMOS WILLIAMS. Amos Williams, one of the most prominent annong the makers of Vermilion County, was born in Franklin county, Pennsylvania, June 15, 1796. He came to Illinois in ' After going to he settled in Paris where he was clerk of the court and surveyor. It was Amos Williams who surveyed Paris and platted it. When in 1825, the newly organized county of Vermilion was in need of a man to act as clerk, J. B. Alexander was one of the commission- ers and much depended upon him to set the machinery going. He knew the ability of this young man and at once took steps to secure his services for Ver- milion county. Mr. Alexander had, until quite recently, lived in Paris where his son, at that time, was in business, but his sons-in-law had lived in this part of the attached territory to Edgar County and he had kept in touch with the needs of the territory. He knew not only that it would be a hard matter to get as good a clerk as Amos Williams made, but that there was not the material for such use in this section. The commissioners sent for Mr. Williams to change his residence. Amos Williams consented, and there is a letter in the possession of one of his grandsons written to his mother just before he left Paris, which shows with what serious thought he contemplated the change of location. He also states that he had just married the daughter of Judge Shaw, of Paris. The other daughter of Judge Shaw became the wife of Dan Beckwith, afterward. Mr. Williams, located at Butler's Point, that being the place where the Vermilion County Court was held until a county seat was located. Amos Williams became an active citizen of the county from the first. He assisted in surveying the coun- ty, locating the county seat and he built the first house in Danville. He was both clerk of the circuit court and judge of the probate. He was appointed the first postmaster of Danville and also Notary Public. He held all these offices without interruption from the organization of the county until 1843, and some of them, until 1849 a period of twenty-three years. So faithful was he in his service 122 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY that many thought there was no other man in the county qualified to do his work. The records need but to be seen to show his proficiency as a scribe. Amos Wil- liams was anxious for all measures which promised the betterment of Vermilion. County. He was most active in advancing education in the county and particu- larly in Danville. For many years he personally owned the only schoolhouse in Danville, which he had built for that purpose. This building was opened to the use of all denominations as a place of public worship, also for public speak- ing, lyceums, and all entertainments of an educational or instructive character, and always without charge. Although in public office for so long a time, there was never a charge of incompetency or questionable business methods made. He died November 15, 1857, and was buried in the Williams burying ground. When this burying ground was sold to the city that a street might be extended further east, his remains were removed to Spring Hill Cemetery. LEVI BABB. Levi Babb was born in Green County, Tenn., Dec. 26, 1788. He came to Ver- milion County, in October, 1826, and stopped near Yankee Point for a short time. In December of the same year he located on section 14, range n, El wood township. He remained there about three years and a half, entering the west half of the southeast quarter of the section named, where he built the house which not only served him but his son after him for a home. During the time of his early residence in Vermilion County, Mr. Babb entered in all about six hun- dred acres of land. The Indians had their camping ground about the house he built. There has been much evidence of this particular place being the scene of an Indian battle in the long ago by the many flint arrow heads found on the grounds. There was even a stone axe discovered there at one time. In the early days of his first coming Levi Babb was obliged to go to Raccoon and Sugar creeks to mill. He endured many hardships and privations as did all the pioneers. He came from Tennessee in a five horse wagon, riding a distance of six hundred and fifty miles. He became a fluent speaker of the language of the native Indian and taught the son of the chief to plow, and in many ways en- deared himself to them, and made them his friend forever. He was a tireless worker and in every thing that pertained to his farm he spared no pains to pro- cure the best. He would haul his produce to Chicago and return with salt and groceries. He was offered forty acres of land where Chicago now stands for a yoke of oxen, but he thought the land would never be of any account and so refused the wonderful bargain. Mr. Babb was married twice and was the father of thirteen children. He died March 23, 1872. His first wife was Susannah Dillon, and his second wife who survived him less than a year, was the daughter of Alexander Prevo, a pioneer of Fountain County, Indiana. WILLIAM WATSON. William Watson was a native of Nelson County, Kentucky, and he went from there to Harrison County, Indiana, thence to Vermilion County, Illinois, in 1826. He bought land and developed a farm, at least was doing what he HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 123 could, when three years later he died. His son John was not much more than a boy, but boys grew up quickly in those days of responsibility, and John Wat- son was the same as other boys and early took a man's part. He served in the Black Hawk war and shared all the privation of a pioneer's life. His capital of determination and a pair of good strong arms and willing hands was worth more than money would have been at that time. He entered and bought land until he owned about a thousand acres. His home was about five miles north- east of Danville. He remained on his farm until, in 1873, when at the age of sixty-three, he bought residence property in Danville and made that his home for twenty-five years. MICHAEL WEAVER. Michael Weaver was born in Washington County, Maryland. His father died while yet he was a lad and his mother took him to North Carolina, but he ran away from home with a cattle drover's outfit and he returned to Mary- land where his older brothers yet were. From that time he made his way in the world. When he became a man he married Elizabeth Specard. of Hagerstown, and about a year later they moved to Pennsylvania. They later made their way down the Ohio to Kentucky where Mr. Weaver bought a farm and they lived here for three years when they crossed the river into Clermont County, Ohio, and soon afterward went to Brown County in the same state. He remained on that farm for ten years when he put his wife and ten children in a big covered wagon and well supplied with provision and all needed for a new home, they started for Sugar Creek, Indiana. He did not like this location when he reached it, however, and so went on beyond to Vermilion County, Illinois. He settled in what is now Car- roll township and entered land which he proceeded to improve. He had to go to Palestine to enter the land. The Weaver family found a cabin which some- one else had built, which had two rooms and a kitchen built on. This they made do until they could get something better. A part of Mr. Weaver's family was his son-in-law and his family. They arrived here November 12, 1828. Mr. Weaver was a man of a high sense of honor and justice. He would never accept more than six per cent interest for money loaned, nor would charge or take more than twenty-five cents for a bushel of corn. He declared that was all it cost to raise it. He was very be- nevolent and always had his house open for any one. Nothing pleased him more than to help those who tried to help themselves. Mr. Weaver lived to be more than one hundred years old and in his old age he was a man of great wealth. He was the father of seven children who married into the families of the prom- inent settlers and settled in the neighborhood so that many in that part of the county are direct descendants. ABEL WILLIAMS. Abel Williams came into this county in 1826, bringing his wife and four chil- dren. They came from Tennessee, his father having gone there from North Carolina. He and his wife were both members of the Methodist Episcopal 124 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY church and when he came here the first thing he did was to build a place of worship. He did it without help from any one until it was almost completed. It was the first house of worship ever built in Carroll township. It was built about a mile southwest of Indianola, and was the center of Methodism for many years and several counties. Mr. Williams was the first advocate of "total absti- nence" in Vermilion County. When he first came there was not a man but who drank more or less intoxicating liquor. The church members were no exception. When Abel Williams began to advocate "teetotalism," as it was called, he made many enemies as may be supposed. He lived, however, to see intemperance dis- counted in the church and public sentiment banish it from the best society. Abel Williams was the second justice of the peace and held the office twelve years. It was well known that he would not issue papers for law suits until he had exhausted every means of other settlement. His decisions were always sus- tained by the higher courts. Abel Williams came of Quaker stock. SAMUEL GILBERT AND SONS, AND SOLOMON GILBERT. The family of Gilberts are well considered together, since all of them were more or less great factors in the making of Vermilion County. Samuel Gilbert, with his family, consisting of his wife and three sons, Alvan, James and Elias, came to Vermilion County from Ontario County, New York, in 1826. They had really come west the previous year but stopped in Crawford County until this time. When they came to Vermilion County they settled two miles south of Dan- ville. There was, at that time, no town in the county containing more than fifty white families. The nearest mill was at Eugene. The great need of this section was a mill and in 1831, Mr. Solomon Gilbert, the brother of Samuel came from the east and put up one at near the mouth of the North Fork of the Big Vermilion. Another brother, Jesse, established a ferry across the Vermilion river, a much needed improvement. Mr. Samuel Gilbert lived in Danville until 1839, when he went to Ross town- ship and there was made the first justice of the peace. He was also the first post- master, serving in this office for twenty years. He held the office of justice for ten years. Mr. Gilbert's wife died the year he moved from Danville, and was buried in the Williams' burying ground. Mr. Gilbert afterward married Mrs. Elizabeth (Dougherty) Ferrier, the daughter of one of the early settlers of Vance township. Mr. Samuel Gilbert lived to be seventy-two years old. He died and was buried in the Williams' burying ground. Alvan Gilbert, the oldest son of Samuel Gilbert, was fifteen years old when he came to Vermilion County. He spent the first years after coming here in the work provided by the many interests of his father and uncles. In 1831 he mar- ried Miss Matilda Horr and the following year he went with his father to Ross township, where his father-in-law owned land. Mr. Gilbert bought a small farm of his father-in-law which he afterward enlarged to 240 acres. This farm he afterward sold to his father and brother James, and bought another farm of his uncle Solomon. This later farm included the northern limits of Rossville. He lived her about three years when he again sold and bought another farm of Mr. Leg-gitt which included a part of the southern limits of Rossville. He traded HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 125 extensively in real estate and personal property, and it has been claimed that dur- ing his life he had more deeds recorded than any other man in the county. Mr. Gilbert's first wife died in 1840, leaving two daughters, one of whom afterward married George C. Dickson and the other became the wife of Frederick Grooms. Mr. Alvan Gilbert served as Supervisor of his township for many years, being president of the Board for a part of the time. Upon the adoption of the town- ship organization he was one of the three commissioners appointed to divide the county into townships. He was also one of the three commissioners appointed to divide the swamp lands between this county and Ford, when Vermilion lost that territory. Mr. Gilbert and Mr. Lamm represented the old county and Judge Patton, the new one. He had Judge (Guy) Merrill and John Canaday as asso- ciates in the act of making the division of the county into townships. The three who divided the swamp lands were about three months in making the division. Mr. Alvan Gilbert's second wife was Nancy (Horr) Elzy. SAMUEL BAUM. Samuel Baum came to Vermilion County at the same time as his father-in- law, Michael Weaver, and settled on the Little Vermilion. His brother Charles came nine years later and together they became the founders of the family of that name of whom there have been many in Vermilion County. Samuel mar- ried Sarah, the daughter of Michael Weaver, while they were in Ohio and had a family of two children when he came west. After coming to Illinois there were six more children born to them. Sarah (Weaver) Baum died and Samuel Baum married Mrs. Polly Matkins, the widow of William Matkins, and they became the parents of four children. Samuel Baum was a large, powerful man, six feet one inch in height, and weighed three hundred pounds. He was jovial and good hearted, always a good tempered man. He took the first produce he raised in Vermilion County to Chicago, driving five yoke of oxen. His sole possession when he came to Illinois was a horse, a bridle and a saddle, and at the time of his death in 1861 he was the owner of 1,500 acres of well cultivated land, besides personal property. He belonged to the Republican party and died at the age of fifty-six. His brother, Charles Baum, who came to this county some years after took up 1 60 acres of land from the government, and made later purchases until, at one time, he owned 1,660 acres, besides the 200 acres that was the gift to his wife from her father. Charles Baum was married three years after coming to Vermilion County to Miss Catherine Weaver, who was the fourth daughter and sixth child of Michael Weaver. Mrs. Baum was born in Clermont County, Ohio, and came to Illinois at the same time as her father, she being but eight years old at the time. Mr. Baum lived on his home farm which his wife's father gave her. JOHN LARRANCE. John Larrance was a native of North Carolina, but he came to the Little Ver- milion directly from Tennessee in 1827. He had his choice of almost the whole of Vermilion County at that time and he made a good one. He entered 240 acres of land, paying the government price, and thereon built a cabin made of round 126 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY logs. It had but one room and was not at all luxurious. The floor was logs split in two with the flat side up, a clapboard roof and doors of the same material. They lived happily for one year in this house and were determined to make a comfortable home of it in spite of inconveniences. For nine years Mr. Lar- rance's wife cooked all the meals on the fireplace, using a long handled skillet and a brick bake oven. At the end of that time he went to Chicago for some pur- pose and brought back a cook stove. This was the first one in the neighborhood, and was a great curiosity. The maiden name of Mrs. Larrance was Ruth Mills, she being the daughter of John Mills. She was the mother of nine children. Mr. Larrance's oldest son was nearly ten years old when they came from Tennessee, and he soon grew to take his place in the affairs of the county. His education in books was had in the old school-house with greased paper for win- dows, stick and clay chimney, slab benches and wall desks, of the pioneer days of Illinois. The school course was limited to two or three months in the winter. Moses Larrance married Nancy, the daughter of Aaron Mendenhall. Mr. Men- denhall had been living in this part of Vermilion County for three years when Mr. Larrance came from the same place in Tennessee. Mr. Mendenhall owned the same farm that Silas Baird later purchased. Mr. Moses Larrance was the father of thirteen children, who have married among the children of the early settlers until they are related to many. He and his household have, as had his father before him, been strong supporters of the Society of Friends. WILLIAM CURRENT. William Current came to Vermilion County in 1827 and settled five miles northeast of Danville in Newell township. He was a man of twenty-four and his wife, hardly more than a girl, being but twenty, yet having been married five or six years. They came from Pennsylvania and endured the common trials of pioneer life. Mr. Current secured a good tract of land and built up a fine home- stead. The family came in time to experience the suffering of the winter of the deep snow. Mr. Current volunteered in the Black Hawk war and served until discharged with the other troops. William Current was the father of thirteen children and died in 1851 at the comparative early age of forty-three. His wife survived him, remaining a widow for thirty-three years. She died in 1884. ANDREW PATTERSON. Andrew Patterson brought his family to Vermilion County in 1827 from East Tennessee. He was a native of Granger County, East Tennessee, as was also his son William who was at that time three years old. Andrew Patterson settled his family at Yankee Point among Indians and wild animals. Like all the pioneers they settled in the timber, thinking the prairie could never be used for anything but grazing. William Golden, the father-in-law of Andrew Patterson, had come to the Little Vermilion country three years before this date and located at Yankee Point. Mr. Golden later had the distinction of having the first frame house in the neigh- borhood. It was not only a frame house, but it was painted. His grandson, the HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 127 son of Mr. Patterson, tells about this house which he recalls distinctly. It was two rooms long and one room deep, and painted red. Mr. Golden's half brother, Tom Whitlock, painted it, using a brush as any one would do today. There is no doubt the strongest ties were between William Golden and his daughter Amelia, who became the wife of Andrew Patterson, and followed her father to Illinois. Her oldest son was named William and her youngest one was named Golden, both bearing the name of her father. Andrew Patterson was the father of six children. William Patterson, the oldest son of Andrew Patterson, grew up in Elwood township and married the daughter of Eli Patty, in 1853. He was born February 2.2, 1824, in Granger County, East Tennessee. Mr. and Mrs. Patterson are the parents of seven children of whom four are yet living. Mr. Patterson has been a resident of Elwood township ever since 1827, with the exception of a few years shortly after his marriage, when he im- proved a fine farm at Broadlands in; the southwestern part of Champaign County. SAMUEL COPELAND. Samuel Copeland was among the first, if not the very first, settlers of Blount township. He came to Vermilion County in 1827. The family made the journey from Ohio in a keelboat down the Ohio river and up the Wabash river to Perrys- ville, Indiana. Mr. Copeland made the boat himself and brought not only the household goods but also a boat load of salt. Out of the sale of the salt he made his start in the new life. He sold the salt at Perrysville and hired a man to haul his household goods and family seven miles northwest of Danville, where he entered eighty acres of land, part timber and part prairie. His first house was made by laying one pole from one tree to another about ten feet apart on a fork in either tree, against which poles and rails were leaned on each side for a roof. In that tent they lived until they could build a log house. He had brought a load of planks with him from Ohio. These planks he put on the ground for a floor and bed and began hewing rails. As soon as he could get enough rails he sent word to the State Line for help to raise the house. Such a labor always took the entire neighborhood and in his case other neighborhoods had to be called upon for help. All that was necessary in the case of a house to raise was a notice sent; every man took it for granted that he must go and it was never thought that the man whose house was being built should offer wages for the help. Such as that would be considered an insult. Steady work and willing effort soon conquers any ob- stacle, so it was on this farm. After getting the first eighty acres into cultiva- tion, Mr. Copeland would buy more land and improve it until he had increased his farm to a great extent. LARKIN COOK. Larkin Cook was born and married in Ohio, where they lived on a farm for some time before going to Indiana. In 1887 they again moved, this time coming to Vermilion County, Illinois. Mr. Cook was a man of strict integrity. He was cordial and hospitable and his wife was particularly fond of company. Their 128 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY home in Vermilion County was a happy place to visit. They were, with their families much in demand at merrymakings. They were the parents of ten chil- dren. ANDREW JUVINALL. Andrew and Mary (James) Juvinall cast their lot in with the white settlers of Vermilion County at an early day, coming in 1827. They were both natives of Ohio and made their new home in Pilot township. SAMUEL SCONCE. Samuel Sconce was born in Bourbon County, Kentucky, in 1802, and there they had all the trials of pioneer life, so that the change to the new country along the Vermilion river was not the place of hardship it might have been to one from more densely populated section. He left his old home in 1828, and made his permanent settlement in Vermilion County the following year. The year fol- lowing this, Nancy Waters, who had come to Vermilion County with her father from Bourbon County, Kentucky, the old home of Mr. Sconce, and located in Brooks' Point, became his wife. For a few years this young couple lived in Brooks' Point and Mr. Sconce turned his attention to farming, but later he became a merchant in Indianola, under the firm name of Bailey & Sconce. He was very successful in this business but after the building burned he retired from business life. Mr. Sconce died in 1874 at the age of seventy-one years, and his widow survived him until 1897 when she died at the age of eighty-nine. WILLIAM JONES. William Jones and his wife were both born in Harrison County, Kentucky, where they were married and lived for the first dozen years of being together. In 1828 they, with their family of six children, cast their fortunes with the pioneers of Vermilion County, locating near Danville in Danville township. They lived for a short time on section 16 and then he bought a tract of land on section n. It was heavily timbered and the family lived in a rail-pen for a time until a log house could be built. Mr. Jones improved a part of his land and then moved to another part of the township. He died October 30, 1859. He was a faithful soul receiving the well-earned respect of all who knew him. His wife survived him eight years. They were the parents of eight children. Of these one became the wife of Henry Sallee, of Oakwood township and another became the wife of Dennis Olehy. WILLIAM WRIGHT. In 1828 William Wright with his family came to this county, coming directly from Rush County, Indiana. At that time there were but three children. They had not been living in Indiana more than one year, having gone there from Kentucky. The first settlement made was three miles north of Danville. At the time of his location here there were not many families in Danville, it was so recently made a town. The land was not yet in the market, and settlements were SWORD CARRIED BY DAN BECKWITH (THE MAN FOR WHOM DANVILLE WAS NAMED) IN THE BLACK HAWK WAR. NOW OWNED BY HIS GREAT GRANDSON, DAN BECKWITH, DANVILLE HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 129 not attempted. He, however, ventured to settle in the timber, having the univer- sal mistrust of the prairie. He built his house of logs and the chimney was con- structed of a substance called stone-coal, which was thought to be fire-proof. This was a mistake, however, for the fire was no sooner built than the chimney began to burn and it was with difficulty that the cabin was saved. The little log house was soon surrounded by a well cultivated farm and in time a neat and comfortable house was built. During this time the village of Denmark had been growing. Because of the disadvantages of living so near this rough frontier town, Mr. Wright sold his farm and moved to Danville township. Here he spent his last days. He died in 1845. His wife survived him by thirty- six years. JAMES GRAVES. James Graves and his wife were both natives of Kentucky. He showed rare soldierly qualities in the war of 1812 and made General Harrison his personal friend. Mr. Graves and his family came to Vermilion County in 1828. He had made a trip previous to this time in company with Isaac Sandusky, and both took up land in Vermilion County about a half mile apart. They brought their families in 1828 and in October of the same year the Graves settled on their new land. Mr. Graves prospered and became the owner of four hundred acres of land in Georgetown township. Mr. Graves was a cabinet-maker by trade and he fol- lowed that for a dozen years after he came to Vermilion County. After that time however, he practically abandoned it, and turned his attention to farming. Mr. Graves lived on his farm until 1857, when he died. His wife survived him thirty years, remaining a widow until her death in 1887. JAMES BARNETT. James Barnett was a native of Kentucky and settled in Vermilion County in 1828. He was married twice, the first time to Miss Conway and the second time to Rosa Neil. He owned about six hundred acres of land near Indianola and was one of the prominent farmers in that part of the country. His ancestors were from Ireland and when they came to America they settled in Pennsylvania. Mr. James Barnett, Sr., died in 1866. ANDREW MAKEMSON. Andrew Makemson was a resident of Kentucky until, in 1828, he with his wife and family, came to Vermilion County, Illinois, to make their future home in Newell township. Mr. Makemson was a stalwart Republican and both he and his wife were good members of the Methodist church and were highly esteemed for their honesty and sterling qualities. Mr. Makemson died in 1880 and his wife in 1889. They were both buried in the Lamm cemetery. JOHN CHANDEER. John Chandler, like so many of the pioneers of Vermilion County, was a native of the "Blue Grass state," where he lived until he had reached man- hood's estate, and in 1828 determined to go into the state of Illinois. Making 130 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY their way to this county they located on a tract of wild land in Newell township where he tilled the soil and made such improvements as to sell it to a profit in 1853 an d take up his residence in Danville. Mr. Chandler lived in Danville until he died in 1859. His wife died before he left the farm. ABSOLOM COLLISON. Absolom Collison was a native of Pike County, Ohio, and in 1828 came to Illinois. He entered forty acres of land from the government and began the development of a farm. So well did he succeed that he became a land owner well known. He married Mary Chenoweth, who was born near Columbus, Ohio, but came to Illinois with her father. Mr. Collison was the father of seven children who have been conspicuous in the affairs of Vermilion County. He died in 1849. His widow afterward married John Smith. JOSEPH SMITH. Joseph Smith was a native of East Tennessee and lived there until, in 1828, when he with his family came to Vermilion County, Illinois. It had been but ten years since Illinois had become a state and but three years since Vermilion County had been created. Joseph Smith took up his abode in Georgetown town- ship and improved a farm there upon which he spent the remaining years of his life. He lived to the age of seventy-three in this home. SAMUEL CAMPBELL. Samuel Campbell came to Vermilion County about 1828, settling on section 26, Newell township. He made his journey from Seneca County, New York, overland in a covered wagon. He first stopped in Ohio and waited while some of his sons came ahead to Vermilion County, following them later. They lived at first in a little cabin surrounded by Indian neighbors. There they underwent all the hardships and trials incident to the establishing of a home on the frontier. Later the log cabin was replaced by a modern house where Mr. and Mrs. Camp- bell spent their last years. They were the parents of eight children. After the death of his father the youngest son bought the interests of the others and carried on the farm until his death in 1855, when he was but forty-one years old. OTHO ALLISON. Otho Allison was a resident of Harrison County, Kentucky, until he came to Indianapolis, Ind., in 1826, where he stayed two years and then came to Vermilion County, Illinois. He was a miller as well as a farmer. Upon coming to the county Mr. Allison entered a claim of one hundred and twenty acres, five miles from Danville, in Newell township. This included eighty acres of prairie and forty acres of timber land, and it was in a raw state; not a bit of improvement had ever been made. During his boyhood days, Alfred Allison went with his father, Otho Allison, to Chicago, and saw the Indians paid off after the Black HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 131 Hawk war. His father also showed him the first brick building ever put up in that city. Otho Allison was the father of thirteen children, eleven sons and two daughters. . JAMES DONOVAN. When James Donovan was a youth of sixteen years he served in the regular army under Gen. Jackson, as private in a Kentucky company. Returning to his home in Bourbon county, he settled down and after awhile married Mary Perkins. In 1828 they moved to Vermilion County. He was employed in the salt works for a time and afterward he hauled produce to Chicago and took charge of the same down the river to New Orleans. He had a life of hardship and died when he was about sixty years old. Mrs. Donovan died at the age of sixty-six years. They were the parents of fifteen children. WILLIAM BANDY. William Bandy was a prominent citizen in the affairs of Vermilion County at an early day. He was born in Bedford County, Va., and when a boy of sixteen came to Vermilion County, where he lived until his death. William and Washington Bandy came with their foster parents, making the trip in a four- horse team wagon, taking thirty-six days to come from their old home to Dan- ville, Illinois. The wagon was filled with household effects and provisions, leaving but room for the family. In it their beds were made at night and they took their meals by the side of the road. When they reached Danville, December 13, 1828, there were but nine families living here. There was no cabin for them to rent, while they were providing a shelter, but they at last succeeded in securing a temporary abiding place in a log house which already contained two families. This building was 16x16 feet, and stood on the northwest corner of the square upon the present site of the First National Bank. Mr. Howell, the foster father of William and Washington Bandy, kept his family in this house until spring, because he could do no better. The land office was at that time located at Palestine, ninety miles away. Mr. Howell went there right away to enter or purchase land, but could not do so because the officer in charge would not take the Virginia money which he offered in payment. After some delay, this difficulty was overcome and he entered 480 acres of land. He put four cabins up on this land, the principal one being that which was located one mile southeast of the public square. This house was made of rough logs with a puncheon floor, two windows and a door, with greased paper for use in the windows in the place of glass. The building was 16 ft. by 18 ft. and boasted window shutters of rived boards. An opening was made in the logs eight feet wide, and built out three feet, and this was lined with earth for a fire- place. The chimney was built outside six feet high and covered with mortar. This rude contrivance lasted for years and furnished enough heat for cooking and warming of the building in the winter. The furniture was equally crude and homely. The bedstead was made of riven boards and set on wooden legs; the table was made in a like manner, only the legs were made higher. The family had brought two chairs which 132 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY were given to the father and mother and the boys had to make stools for them- selves to sit on. A tick was made which was filled with straw and another filled with feathers, and put on the bed. While game was plenty, and the family never lacked for meat, the groceries had to be brought in from Terre Haute and sometimes failed to be as plenty. After the cabin was built, water had to be carried 300 yards, until a well could be dug. Mr. Howell made a contract to get out 10,000 black walnut rails at twenty-five cents per hundred, and in the meanwhile he and the boys carried on the improvement of the farm. They broke the first timber land about Danville and raised some very fine corn which they were obliged to feed to their swine and sell the pork at from $1.00 to $1.50 per hundred. There was no market for the corn. The wage of a day's work was equal to ten or twelve pounds of salt pork or eight bushels of corn, or, from thirty-seven and a half to fifty cents in cash, and only the extra good workmen could command that price. William Bandy remained a member of this home until he was nineteen years old when he went into the Black Hawk war in Colonel I. R. Moore's regiment with Captain J. Palmer. This regiment went first to Joliet to build a fort. Thence they went to Ot- tawa, and yet later William Bandy joined the United States Mounted Rangers, which comprised six companies. They found the dread scourge of cholera at Rock Island and many fell victims to it. This company finally returned and wintered southeast of Danville until in January they were ordered to the other side of the Illinois river, but there being no need of their further service they came back to their camp. They remained ready for duty all summer, recon- noitering in different sections until, in the fall of the year, they were discharged. Mr. Bandy, in company with Mr. Howell, began work as a carpenter, and that year built a house on what was called Sulphur Springs Place, about one mile southeast of the court house. In the following spring they built a flat boat upon which Mr. Bandy loaded great quantities of pork and took it to New Orleans. When he reached his destination he found an epidemic of cholera, and he waited only to sell enough to pay expenses when he came home, having left the rest of his pork to be sold by others. Two years later he had a letter from the man who undertook the sale, stating that it was all sold, and enclosing the price thereof in a draft on a Louisville bank. Mr. Bandy built another boat and took another load of produce down the rivers, and continued these trips year after year excepting in the time of the Mexican war, when he abandoned the river until after its close. Later he furnished the Illinois Canal company with packet horses and also was a merchant in partnership with his father-in-law, William Murphy. He later had a hardware store, conducting the largest business of this kind in the county, for years. He spent the last years of his life in the real estate business. His first residence was on North street, east of Vermilion, where he had a half acre of ground. He was appointed as one of the commissioners to make the slack water of the Vermilion river, in 1835, but did not see it practical; later he was appointed marshal of the Eastern District of Illinois, but there being nothing which appealed to him in the office, he withdrew. Mr. Bandy represented his township two terms as supervisor ; he also served the city as president of the city council and as alderman. Mr. Bandy married HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 133 Miss Harrie J. Murphy, in 1833. They were the parents of seven children. Mrs. Bandy died in 1872, and nine years later he married Mrs. Deborah (King) Johnson. JAMES SMITH. James Smith was one of the first, if not the first man to settle in Vance township. He came from Ohio, where he was a farmer, and entered eight hun- dred acres of land in Vermilion County in this section. During his life he im- proved all this land and gave each of his children a portion before he died. He came to Vermilion County in 1829 and lived here until his death in 1872. His wife died ten years before him. WILLIAM BLAKENEY. William Blakeney was a native of Kentucky, and his wife Susan (Ellis) Blankeney, was born in Greene County, Ohio. Susan Ellis came to Vermilion County with her father about 1821, but Mr. Blakeney came in 1829. He came to Illinois earlier than this but did not locate in Vermilion County for some time after he left Ohio. He traveled over the state on foot, visiting the lead mines at Galena. He served in the Black Hawk war in 1832, three years after coming to Vermilion County. Physically, William Blakeney was a splendid speciment of manhood. He was tall, had a powerful frame and was very active. He was acknowledged the strongest man west of the Wabash, and could outrun any man in this section were he white man or Indian. Mr. and Mrs. Blakeney were the parents of twelve children, eight of whom grew to mature years and married and had families of their own. ! Mr. Blakeney's home was in Georgetown township. One of his sons, well known in Sergeant Blakeney, married the daughter of Benjamin Brooks, the founder of Brooks' Point. CHARLES S. YOUNG. Charles Young became an extensive land owner in Vermilion County, com- ing at the early date of 1829. He was a Kentuckian by birth and lived in that state until after his marriage, January 14, 1829. He lived in Harrison County, until the following October when the young couple decided to change their residence and go to the new county of Vermilion in the new state of Illinois. They arrived here on October 14, and took their life up in Newell township. The amount of his wealth at the time of his coming to Vermilion County was an eagle, a half dollar and twenty-five cents in his pocket. He bought eighty acres of wild prairie land and by careful management he became one of the richest men in Vermilion County. He bought and sold all kinds of stock, having driven horses to the Cincinnati. Chicago, Racine and Milwaukee markets. Mr. Young was the father of nine children. His wife died in 1871. CHARLES CARAWAY. Charles Caraway was the son of Thomas Caraway of Greenbriar County, Virginia. He was born in 1788, and came to Vermilion County in 1829. He had been married to Elizabeth McCorkle of the same county a few years pre- 134 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY vious to his coming west. They located not far from Butler's Point and estab- lished a family, the descendents of whom have been prominent in affairs of the county since that time. Mr. Caraway lived in the county nine years and died in 1838. His widow afterward married Anson Butler, and lived until 1848. LATHAM FOLGER. Latham Folger entered land in the Harrison Purchase, and was a tanner, a shoemaker and a manufacturer of horse collars. He ran a tannery, a shoe shop and a horse-collar shop in El wood from 1829 until 1845, when he settled on his land in the southern part of Elwood township, where he carried on farming extensively. He died early in the year of 1852, but his wife lived nearly thirty years more. Latham Folger lived in Nantucket Island in his young days. He was a whaler, and was taken prisoner while whaling during the war with Great Britain, and because he refused to fight, was left on a small rocky island to die, but he was fortunate in having an Americn vessel come long and rescue him before he starved to death. WILLIAM CUNNINGHAM. William Cunningham was born in Pennsylvania about 1778, and shortly after his marriage to Mary Humes came west and settled in Kentucky, coming thence to Vermilion County in 1829. They settled on the prairie in Newell township at what was afterwards called Cunningham Grove. The family trav- eled in a prairie schooner drawn by oxen, and much time was consumed in com- ing from Kentucky, the roads being none of the best. Mr. Cunningham settled on section n and there built him a house after the fashion of the day. Mr. Cunningham was married twice and was the father of twelve children. Chicago was the trading point where Mr. Cunningham exchanged groceries for farm produce hauled there in wagons drawn by oxen. Mr. Cunningham died at his home in Newell township May n, 1852. WILLIAM CURRENT. William Current came to Vermilion County in 1829 with his brother and sister, settling in Newell township. He was a blacksmith and wagon-maker by trade and after he came west sold some of the wagons he had made to people in Chicago. Chicago was the market where he sold his eggs, butter and other farm pro- duce. Mr. Current was a native of Virginia, whence he came west. He lived in Newell township until his death in 1851. He was the father of fourteen chil- dren. His wife, Mary (Bastwin) Current survived her husband by more than thirty years. JAMES ELLIOTT. James and Elizabeth (Smith) Elliott lived on a farm in Ohio until 1829 when they came to Vermilion County, Illinois, where Mr. Elliott bought land in Vance township. Mr. Elliott lived in this section all his life, a good citizen. He JOHN BOGGESS III MRS. JOHN JOHNS JOHN JOHNS LEV I MEADE HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 135 was three times married, having a family of seven children. Of all these chil- dren but two lived to maturity and they both lived in Vermilion County. The oldest son of Mr. Elliott Milton, who came to this county with his parents was a farmer all his life. He married Miss Elizabeth Smoot, who lived near Fairmount and they were the parents of six children. Mr. Milton Elliott died in 1884 and Mr. Elliott died in 1895. JOHN D. C. CLINE. John D. C. Cline came from Kentucky in 1829 and settled in Blount town- ship, where the name has been a familiar one ever since. The old homestead was on section 26. Mr. Cline was a potter and frequently made trips as far as Wisconsin to sell his goods. His son, Spencer Cline continued the clearing of the farm and lived in the house which his father built. Spencer Cline died March 27, 1893. He was a raiser of small fruit. JOHN JOHNS. . John Johns was born in Shelby County, Kentucky, May 25, 1805. While he was quite young his father moved to Owen County, Indiana. Most of his early life was spent flatboating down the Ohio and Mississippi rivers. He was married to Miss Mary Humphrey at the residence of Uncle Reuben Partlow, Owen County, Indiana, in 1826. He went to Kentucky to live with his wife's father, John Humphrey, until 1829, when he came to this county and made his home in Blount township in the Copeland neighborhood. His brothers- in-law, Benjamin Stewart and John Mills, with his father-in-law, Mr. Humph- rey, came here a few years later. John Johns came in a wagon from Ken- tucky, bringing provisions enough to last one year until he could raise a crop. Mr. Johns remained in Blount township until 1852, when he removed to Dan- ville. After coming to Danville he engaged in the lime and plaster trade for many years. He had lived a retired life for some years at the time of his death in 1886, at the age of 81 years. He died at the home of his son-in-law, Charles Hacker, after a short and painful illness. He was known to the people as Father Johns, and his quiet demeanor made every one fond of him. He was like wheat ripe for the sickle. He had been a church member for sixty years, and the first religious services ever held in Blount township were held at his house. After he removed to Danville he united with the North Street church and was buried from that church, his interment being in Springhill cemetery. An old friend of his wrote at the time that he "was sound in judgment and very de- cided in his principles, and so far as he knew the right nothing could cause him to swerve from the right." JOHN COX. John Cox came to Vermilion County in 1829 and settled on the Middle Fork six miles west of Danville. He was a carpenter and also owned a fine farm, which he entered and himself improved. John Cox was in the Black Hawk war. Both he and his wife belonged to the Baptist church. Mr. Cox died May 23, 136 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 1846, and his wife on September 2, 1851. They were the parents of six chil- dren. Thomas, who was a baby but six week old when his parents came to Illinois, grew up to a life of success and usefulness. He had much land and was ordained a minister in the Baptist church in 1886, after which time he had either a regular charge or a circuit. ADAM PATE. Adam Pate was born in Virginia, married Elizabeth Owens, of Kentucky, and began their wedded life in Dearborn County, Indiana. In 1829 they came to Vermilion County, and located in Catlin township, where they lived all their remaining days. They experienced all the pleasures and the trials of pioneer days. Mr. Pate died February 24, 1867, and Mrs. Pate died in 1864. EPHRIAM AGREE. Ephriam Acree came to Vermilion County directly from Alabama in 1829. He made a settlement in Catlin township. He bought 130 acres of raw land upon which he built the house that all had at that time and fenced, and broke six acres the first season. The next year he managed to put thirty more acres under cultivation. The corn raised could not bring more than six and a fourth cents per bushel and the mills were so far away that it was hard to get it ground so as to use it for food for the family. Joel Acree, his son, often took a sack of corn on horseback ten and sometimes fifteen miles to get it ground. Mr. Acree died in 1835 and was buried in the Butler burying ground. Joel Acree lived with his mother until 1848, when he was married to Elvessa Yount, daughter of one of the old settlers. After his marriage Mr. Joel Acree purchased the interest of his brothers and sisters in the home place and as the younger children grew up he purchased theirs until it all was his. He bought other land from time to time until he was a great land owner in the county, beside having valuable land in Missouri. Ephriam Acree was the father of eleven children, many of whom beside Joel were settled comfortably in Vermilion County. Joel Acree and Elvessa (Yount) Acree, his wife, were the parents of but two children who grew to maturity. Of these two daughters, the eldest became the wife of Thomas A. Taylor. DR. HEYWOOD. Dr. Hey wood came to Vermilion County in 1829, and settled in Georgetown township, becoming the first regular physician of that village. At that time there were but three other physicians in the county. These were Dr. Holmes. Dr. Wood and Dr. Smith. After ten years of practice Dr. Heywood moved on his farm in Carroll township, where he remained until 1871, when he moved to Indianola. He married Miss Sarah Barnett, in 1831. She was the daughter of George Barnett. Dr. Heywood was a politician as well as a physician. He HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 137 represented his county in the legislature in 1855. He was very familiar with Mr. Lincoln. JOHN W. VANCE. John W. Vance came to Vermilion County from Ohio in about 1823 or 1824. He was born in 1782 and died at the home of his son in 1857. He leased the Salt Works and developed them, running them to their greatest capacity, as long as there was any profit in them. Mr. Vance was very prominent in the affairs of the county at an early day. He represented the county in the legislature for two terms. Mr. Vance married Miss Deziah Rathburn who was the daughter of Mrs. Lura Guymon by a former marriage. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Vance were Horace W. Vance, and J. Col. Vance, his sons, also Helen, who became the wife of J. Wilson; Lura G., who became the wife of S. R. Tilton; and Josephine L., wife of L. Steele; with Bridget, Marion, Mariah, and Joseph, the last three of whom died young. While Mr. Vance was working the salt springs, the land upon which the works were located was selected for the county seat, but he refused to surrender his lease and the location was changed, thereby giving Danville a chance to secure it. Had it not been for his position at that time, the county seat might have been permanently placed at that place and the history of the county would have been radically different. ANDREW DAVIDSON. Andrew Davidson came to Vermilion County in 1828 after their family were pretty well grown, and settled near Myersville. They brought seven chil- dren, two of whom were married. Very soon afterward another was followed by Joseph Kerr who married her. Andrew Davidson' saw his children all nicely settled before he died in 1841. His children were all girls excepting two sons. One of these sons remained in Myersville and the other came to Dan- ville. One of Mr. Davidson's daughters became the wife of Joseph Gundy, before they left Ohio and came to Vermilion County. SAMUEL ADAMS. Samuel Adams was a pioneer of that part of Vermilion County now known as Newell township. He came in the year 1825, and with his wife settled among the Indians, who outnumbered the white people for some time ten to one. There were three families who came together from Harrison County, Kentucky, at this time all coming in two horse wagons, and it took three or four weeks to make the trip. The party camped along the roadside as they were coming. The party consisted of Samuel Adams, John Adams his cousin, and Joseph Martin a brother-in-law of Samuel Adams' father. Samuel Adams had his wife and two children with him on this trip. They all took up their abode on the state boundary line and soon Mr. Adams had a log cabin erected with a stick and clay chimney. This stood on section 22 Xewell township, the old family homestead. He entered eighty acres of land from the government for which he paid one hundred dollars. This property has always been in the 138 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY hands of the family since. Samuel Adams was a noted dealer in hogs which he raised for the home market. His earliest trading points were Eugene and Perrysville on the Wabash River, and later he hauled produce to Chicago. It took about eighteen days for the trip. It was necessary to ford the rivers, for no bridges had been built, and to camp out along the road at night. Home- made clothing was used and the second wife of Mr. Adams was noted for her skill in weaving. She made blankets and coverlets for the beds and material for the household use. Mr. Adams' wife who came from Kentucky with him died in the 'forties and he married Sarah Rayle as his second wife. She was a widow with five children. She was the daughter of Luke Kayles who was an early pioneer of Vermilion County, and was the first owner of land on the North Fork, of the Big Vermilion River. Samuel Adams died at the age of eighty-one years in the year 1881, and his second wife, one year later at the age of seventy-four. He was the father of thirteen children by his first wife. This list of the makers of Vermilion County is of necessity limited. There are other citizens of this decade who have been overlooked without doubt. The omission of any name of men who came to this section previous to 1830 is not intentional and comes only because of lack of information regarding such. True this period covering the time of the coming of the makers of Vermilion County from 1819 to 1829 includes but three years of the actual existence of Vermilion County as an organization, but it is the first decade of the life of the white man in the section of country now known as Vermilion County and as such, gives the story of the first settlers of the territory. CHAPTER XVI. *:', : INDIAN WARS AS AFFECTING THIS SECTION. INDIANS DID NOT ANNOY EARLY SETTLERS PASSING OF THE INDIAN TO THE NORTH AND NORTHWEST HABITAT OF THE WINNEBAGOES INDIGNITIES ON THE WIN~ NEBAGOES BY THE WHITE MEN THE CAUSE OF THE WINNEBAGO WAR GURDON HUBBARD'S NARRATIVE OF THE WINNEBAGO WAR HEZEKIAH CUNNINGHAM'S NARRATIVE OF THE WINNEBAGO WAR THE BLACK HAWK WAR THE POTTA- WATOMIES DID NOT CONTEMPLATE THE CAPTURE OF FORT DEARBORN IN 1832 PART TAKEN BY THE CITIZENS OF VERMILION COUNTY IN THE BLACK HAWK WAR COLONEL PAYNE'S BLOCK HOUSE. This section of the country was not settled until after a binding treaty was made with the Indians and there was but little annoyance from them in con- sequence. The Miamis and Piankeshaws had given place to the Kickapoos and Pottowatomies before coming of the white man. When the settlements were begun the white man came in numbers to overpower the red man were he in- clined to be hostile, and he transferred his hunting grounds to the north and northwest. Northern Illinois and Wisconsin were the attractions of the Indian in the twenties and early thirties. The Winnebagoes had possession of the coun- try between Green Bay and the Mississippi river. This tribe was greatly and justly angered by the indignities perpetrated by some white men upon them. These white men were ascending the Mississippi river in the early summer of 1827, in charge of two keel-boats. They landed at a Winnebago camp not far above Prairie du Chien. After making the Indians all drunk and them- selves, probably, as well, they captured some six or seven squaws. These the men took with them to Fort Snelling. Returning, they were met by several hun- dred Winnebago "braves" who had become sober and planned an attack to avenge the capture of their squaws. A narrow pass in the river drove the boats to the shore and the white men were at the mercy of the redmen. In the encounter which ensued the savages killed several of the white men and wounded many more before they could be repulsed. The squaws escaped. This was the beginning, and, in reality, the end of what appeared to be a threatened Indian war. The Pottowatomies about Chicago sympathized with the Winnebagoes and tfiere was deep concern felt by those about Fort Dearborn lest their danger was imminent. The federal government ordered out the National troops under General Atkinson, and Governor Edwards called out the state militia with orders to march to Galena. So alarmed did the people about Fort Dearborn become, 139 140 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY that they sent Colonel Gurdon Hubbard to Vermilion County for troops. This mad ride of Colonel Hubbard has passed into history as one of the most remark- able on record. Although subsequent conditions did not prove as important in the one as in the other, yet this ride of itself, was as courageous and might have had as far reaching results as the one of Paul Revere, which has been the in- spiration of story and song. Colonel Hubbard knew the country through which he was going to pass very well. He had traveled the way many times as he visited his trading posts from Fort Dearborn to the Little Vermilion. Leaving Chicago in the afternoon he reached his trading post on the Iroquois, despite the rain in the night. Pushing on, for his errand would not permit him to tarry anywhere, he reached Sugar creek long before morning. He found this stream swollen beyond its banks, and was obliged to make his first stop, waiting until daylight here. His Indian pony was almost exhausted when he reached Spencer's, two miles south of Danville, that same day. Runners were dispatched to the settlements on the Little Vermilion to enlist the help for which he had made that desperate ride. In the seventh volume of the Wisconsin Historical Collections, Gurdon Hubbard makes statements which give accurate and lucid account of affairs at this time. Quoting directly, Mr. Hubbard says : "The first intelligence we had of the massacre on the upper Mississippi river, in 1827, here at Fort Dearborn, was brought by General Cass, who, at the time, was at Green Bay for the purpose of holding a treaty. The moment the Gen- eral received the news of the hostile proceedings of the Winnebagoes. he started in a birchbark canoe, descended the Wisconsin and Mississippi rivers to Jefferson Barracks, where he prevailed on the commanding officer to take the responsibility of chartering a steamer and sending troops up the Mississippi. The expedition left the morning after General Cass arrived there, he accompanying the party as far as the mouth of the Illinois river, which he ascended, and came here to Chicago in his light canoe. "I was taking breakfast with Mr. John Kinzie, when we heard the Canadian boat-song. Mr. Kinzie remarked that the leader's voice was like Forsyth's, sec- retary to General Cass. We all rushed to the piazza; the canoe propelled by thirteen voyageurs was coming rapidly down the river in full view a beautiful sight. We hastened to the bank, receiving General Cass and Forsyth, the latter a nephew of Mr. Kinzie. While they were eating their breakfast they gave us full particulars of what had transpired. Gen. Cass remained perhaps two hours and left, coasting Lake Michigan. Big Foot's village was at what is now Geneva Lake, then known as Big Foot's Lake. An expedition was contemplated by Big Foot's band to capture Fort Dearborn, and to this end this chief had been at the fort circulating the war wampum among the Pottowatomies while they were here receiving their annuities. But all to no purpose. It was not accepted by the chiefs and braves of the Pottowatomies. This effort to get aid from the Pottowatomies was kept so secret that not a white man knew a thing about it. The Indians had left the foot before General Cass came, but Big Foot's band lingered. During this time the fort, then evacuated, was struck by light- ning. The barracks on the east side, the storehouse at the south gate, and part of the guard house at the south gate, burned down. HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 141 "It was at the time blowing and raining furiously. I was sleeping with Robert Kinzie, United States postmaster, in his father's house. We put on our clothes, ran to the river, and found our canoe filled with water ; we could make no headway with it. We then swam the river and aided in extinguishing the fire. We received no aid from the Indians of Big Foot's band. We thought it strange at the time and they decamped in the morning. The news by General Cass made us suspicious of Big Foot. That same day we sent Shaubanee and Billy Caldwell to Big Foot's village as spies, to ascertain what the Indians' in- tentions were. Caldwell secreted himself in the woods, sending Shaubanee into the camp. He was immediately seized, but by his presence of mind and shrewd- ness, was liberated. "He was escorted by Big Foot Indians for half a day, Shaubanee giving a signal as they passed near where Caldwell was, so that he and Caldwell did not return together, Caldwell reaching here about two hours later. Shaubanee re- ported that he was questioned as to the 'quantity of guns and ammunition the traders had here, which led him to think an attack was contemplated. Big Foot admitted he had joined the Winnebagoes to drive the whites from the country, urging Shaubanee to act with him, who replied that he would go home, call a council of his braves, and send him an answer. There were only about thirty whites here at Chicago, able to bear arms at that time. A council was called, which resulted in a resolution to send two or three to the Wabash for aid. Three volunteers were called for this purpose, but no one seemed willing to go. I volunteered to go alone. Mrs. Helm who was here at the massacre of 1812, but fifteen years ago, objected on the ground that I was the only one who had sufficient influence to command the voyageurs, in case of attack, but it was finally decided that I should go. I started about four o'clock P. M. and reached within two miles of Danville, at my destination, the next afternoon one hundred and twenty miles. Runners were immediately dispatched through the settlements and the second day, one hundred mounted volunteers reported and we left for Chi- cago, reaching there the seventh day after my leaving the fort. These volun- teers remained, I think, about twenty-five days, when we received the news that the troops from Jefferson Barracks had reached the upper Mississippi. The Winnebagoes, surprised at their arrival, got together and concluded a peace with the commanding officer." After reading this account given by Hubbard himself, it is well to turn to another account as given by a citizen of Vermilion Count}' of the part this sec- tion took in this war. There is a narrative given by Hezekiah Cunningham in the Beckwith history, which graphically portrays the conditions of this expedi- tion and gives a vivid picture of the times and occasion so that it is well to reproduce it here. Mr. Cunningham was one of the men who responded to the call of Hubbard and knew all about the matter. He says : "In the night time, about the fifteenth of July, 1827, I was awakened by my brother-in-law, Alexander McDonald, telling me that Mr. Hubbard had just come in from Chicago, with the word that the Indians were about to massacre the people there, and that men were wanted for their protection at once. The inhabitants of the county capable of bearing arms had been enrolled under the militia law of the state, and organized as 'The Vermilion County Battalion' in 142 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY which I held a commission as Captain. I dressed myself and started forthwith to notify all the men belonging to my company to meet at Butler's Point, the place where the county business was then conducted, and where the militia met to muster. The captains of the other companies were notified, the same as my- self, and they warned out their respective companies the same as I did mine. I rode the remainder of the night at this work, up and down the Little Vermilion. At noon the next day the battalion was at Butler's Point. Most of the men lived on the Little Vermilion river, and had to ride or walk six to twelve miles to the place of rendezvous. Volunteers were called for, and in a little time fifty men, the required number, were raised. Those who agreed to go, then held an election of officers for the campaign, choosing Achilles Morgan, Captain ; Major Bayles, First Lieutenant, and Colonel Isaac 'Moore, as Second Lieu- tenant. The names of the private men as near as I can remember them are as follows: George M. Beckwith, John Beasly, myself (Hezekiah Cunningham), Julian Ellis, Sherman Cox, James Dixon, Asa Elliott, Francis Foley, William Foley, a Mr. Hammers, Jacob Heater, a Mr. Davis, Erin Morgan, Isaac Goen, Jonathan Phelps, Joshua Parish, William Reed, John Myers (Little Vermilion John), John S. Saulsbury, a Mr. Kirkman, Anthony Swisher, George Swisher, Joseph Price, George Weir, John Vaughn, Newton Wright and Abel Williams. Many of these men were without horse and the neighbors who had horses and did not go, loaned their animals to those who did. Still there were five men who started afoot, as there were not horses for them. We disbanded after we were mustered in and went home to cook five days rations, and were ordered to be at Danville the next day. The men all had a pint of whisky thinking it es- sential to mix a little of it with the slough water we were to drink on our route. Abel Williams was smart enough, however, to take some ground coffee and a tin cup along, using no stimulants whatever. He had warm drinks on his way up to Chicago and on our way back, all of us, had the same. We arrived at the Vermilion river on about noon on Sunday, the day after assembling at Butler's Point. The river was up running bank full, about a hundred yards wide, with a strong current. Our men and saddles were taken over in a canoe. We un- dertook to swim our horses, and as they were driven into the water the current would strike them and they would swim in a circle, and return to the shore a few rods below. Mr. Hubbard, provoked at this delay, threw off his coat and said : 'Give me old Charley,' meaning a large, steady going horse owned by James Butler and loaned to Jacob Heater. Mr. Hubbard mounting this horse, bodily dashed into the stream, and the other horses were quickly crowded after him. The water was so swift that old Charley became unmanageable, when Mr. Hubbard dismounted on the upper side, and seized the horse by the mane near the animal's head and swimming with his left arm, guided the horse in the direction of the opposite shore. We were afraid he would be washed under the horse, or be struck by his feet and be drowned; but he got over without damage, except the wetting of his broadcloth pants and moccasins. These he had to dry on his person as we went on our way. I will here say that a better man than Mr. Hubbard could not have been sent to our people. He was well known to all the settlers. His generosity, his quiet and determined courage, and his HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 143 integrity were so well known and appreciated that he had the confidence and good will of everybody, and was a well recognized leader among us pioneers. "At that time there were no persons living on the north bank of the Vermilion river, near Danville, except Robert Trickle and George Weir, up near the pres- ent (1879) woolen factory, and William Reed and Dan Beckwith; the latter had a little log cabin on the bluff of the Vermilion near the present highway bridge or rather on the edge of the hill east of the highway some rods. Here he kept store in addition to his official duties of constable and county surveyor. The store contained a small assortment of such articles as were suitable for bar- ter with the Indians who were the principal customers. We called it the 'Saddle-bag' store because the supplies were brought us from Terre Haute in saddle-bags, that indispensable accompaniment of every rider in those days, be- fore highways were provided for the use of vehicles. Mr. Reed had been elected sheriff the previous March, receiving fifty-seven out of the eighty votes cast at the election and which represented about all the voting population of the country at that time. Both Reed and Dan wanted to go with us, and after quite a warm controversy between them, as it was impossible for both to leave, it was agreed that Reed should go and that Beckwith would look after the affairs of both while he was gone. Amos Williams was building his house in Danville at that time, the sale of lots having taken place the previous April. "Crossing the North Fork at Denmark, three miles north of Danville, we passed the cabin of Seymour Treat. He was building a mill at that place, and his house was the last one in which a family was living until we reached Hubbard's trading post on the north bank of the Iroquois river, near which has since been known as the town of 'Buncombe,' and from this trading post there was no habitation, Indian wigwams excepted, on the line of our march until we reached Fort Dearborn. It was a wilderness of prairie all the way except a little tim- ber we passed through near Sugar creek and at the Iroquois. Late in the same afternoon that we passed Treat's house, we halted at the last crossing of the North Fork at Bicknell's Point, a little north of the present town of Rossville. Here three of the foot men turned back as the conditions of the streams made it impossible for them to continue longer with us. Two men who had horses also left us. After a hasty lunch we struck out across the eighteen mile prairie, the men stringing out on the trail, Indian file, reaching Sugar creek late in the night, where we went into camp on the south bank, near the present town of Milford. The next day before noon, we arrived at Hubbard's Trading House, which was on the north bank of the Iroquois, about a quarter of a mile from the river. A lot of Indians, some of them half naked, were laying and lounging around on the river's bank and trading-house ; and when it was proposed to swim our horses over in advance of passing the men in boats the men objected, fearing the Indians would take our horses, or stampede them, or do us some other mischief. Mr. Hubbard assured us these savages were friendly, and we afterwards learned that they were Pottowatomies, known as 'Hubbard Band' from the fact that he had long traded with, and had an influence over them. It is proper to state here that we were deficient in arms. We gathered up squir- rel rifles, flint locks, old muskets or anything like a gun, that we may have had about our houses. Some of us had no fire-arms at all. I, myself, was among 144 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY this number. Mr. Hubbard supplied those of us who had inefficient weapons, or those of us who were without them. He also gave us flour and salt pork. He had lately brought up the Iroquois river, a supply of these articles. We remained at Hubbard's trading house the remainder of the day, cooking rations and supplying our necessities. The next morning we again moved forward, swimming Beaver creek and crossing Kankakee river at the rapids, just at the head of the island near Momence ; pushing along we passed Yellowhead's vil- lage. The old chief, with a few old men and squaws and papooses, were at home; the young men were off on a hunt. Remaining here a little time, we again set out, and going about five miles, we encamped at the point of the tim- ber on Yellow Head's creek. The next morning we again set out crossing a branch of the Calumet to the west of the Blue Island. All the way from Dan- ville we had followed an Indian trail, since known as Hubbard's Trace. There was no signs of roads, the prairies and the whole country was crossed and re- crossed by Indian trails, and we never could have got through but for the knowledge Mr. Hubbard had of the country. It had been raining for some days before we left home, and it rained almost every day on the route. The streams and sloughs were full of water. We swam the former and traveled through the latter, some times almost by the hour. Many of the ponds were so deep that our men dipped up the water to drink as they sat in their saddles. "Colonel Hubbard, fared better than the rest of us that is, he did not get his legs wet as often, for he rode a very tall, iron-gray stallion,, that Peleg Spencer, Sr., living two miles south of Danville, loaned him. The little In- dian pony Hubbard rode in from the Iroquois, to Spencers, was so used up, as to be unfit for the return journey. "We reached Chicago about four o'clock on the morning of the fourth day in the midst of the most severe rain storm I ever experienced, accompanied by- thunder and vicious lightning. The rain we did not mind ; we were without tents and were used to wetting. The water we took within us hurt us more than that which fell upon us, as drinking it made many of us sick. The people of Chicago were very glad to see us. They had been expecting an attack every hour since Colonel Hubbard had left them, and as we approached they did not know whether we were enemies or friends, and when they learned that we were friends, they gave us a shout of welcome. They had organized a company of thirty or fifty men, composed principally of Canadian half-breeds, interspersed with a few Americans, all under command of Captain Beaubien. The Ameri- cans, seeing we were a better-looking crowd, wanted to leave their associates and join our company. This feeling caused quite a row, and the officers finally restored harmony, and the discontented men went back to their old command. The town of Chicago was composed at this time, of six or seven American families, a number of half-breeds, and a lot of idle, vagabond Indians loitering about. I made the acquaintance of Robert and James Kinzie, and their father, John Kinzie. We kept guard day and night, for some eight or ten days, when a runner came in I think from Green Bay bringing word that General Cass had concluded a treaty with the Winnebagoes, and we might now disband and go home. The citizens were overjoyed at the news and in their gladness they turned out one barrel of gin, one barrel of brandy and one barrel of whisky, HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 145 knocking the heads of the barrels in. Everybody was invited to take a free drink, and, to tell the truth, everybody did drink. "The ladies of Fort Dearborn treated us especially well. I say this without disparaging the conduct of the men to us. The ladies gave us all manner of good things to eat ; they loaded us with provisions and gave us all those deli- cate attentions that the kindness of a woman's heart would suggest. Some of them, the ladies whom, I understand, were recently from New York, dis- tributed tracts and other reading matter among our company, and interested themselves zealously in our spiritual, as well as our temporal welfare. We started on our return, camping out of nights and reaching home on the third day. The only good water we got, going out or coming back, was at a re- markable spring bursting out of the top of a little mound in the midst of a slough a few miles south of the Kankakee. I shall never forget this spring; it was a curiosity, found in the situation I have described. "In conclusion, let me say, that, under the bounty act of 1852, I received a warrant for eighty acres of land for my service in the campaign above nar- rated." The other important Indian war affected Vermilion County no more di- rectly. It was what is known in history as the Black Hawk war, and bears date of 1832, five years after that of the Winnebago war. The vast extent of ter- ritory in the northern part of Illinois, was owned by the Saux and Fox In- dians up to the time of the treaty of 1830. A treaty was made with them as early as 1804, by which they, for $2,000, and an annuity of $1,000, ceded to the United States large tracts of land on the Mississippi and Illinois river. At this time these Indians were mostly west of the Mississippi, 140 leagues above St. Louis, and they numbered 1,200. In the war of 1812, three hundred warriors joined the British at Maiden, and took part in the attack on Sandusky. This was the time, it must be remembered, of the massacre at Fort Dearborn, and the subsequent raids against the Indians by the Illinois Rangers. Keokuk, one of their chiefs, with a part of the tribe, remained friendly, then and afterward. In 1815 they made a treaty of peace but one band of Saux (or Sacs, as they were frequently called), long continued to be called the British Band. By the terms of the treaty of 1824 and that of 1830 which virtually ratified the former, the Indians agreed to go across the Mississippi and open up the land on the east side to the white man. This treaty was recognized by the most of the Indians and was satisfactory to the great chief, Keokuk, but was not considered binding by the equally as great chief, Black Hawk. He claimed that neither himself nor any one representing his band was present when either treaty was made. An agreement was at last effected between the Indian and the white man that provided for a joint ownership of the land, but which, by the nature of conditions, could not stand. Black Hawk and his band grew more and more annoying the white settlers retaliated by tearing down fences and letting their cattle in to destroy the corn the squaws had planted. The troops, both State and National, were sent into that section and drove Black Hawk's band across the Mississippi. This was in 1831. Black Hawk had been an ally of the British and his band was yet called the British Band and the Americans were suspicious of him, so that when he, the following year, came with his 14 6 HISTORY IF VERMILION COUNTY entire band, including the squaws and papooses, and cooking utensils, with the avowed intention that, if his squaws were not allowed to plant corn on their old fields he would accept the invitation of the Winnebagoes and plant corn near some of their villages, his motives in coming were seriously questioned. His coming caused great alarm and Governor Reynolds called out the militia and forced the position, on the part of Black Hawk, to make war upon the whites. A council with Black Hawk would, without doubt, have resulted in a submission without bloodshed. At least this seems to be the correct reading of history. The details of the Black Hawk war are out of place here other than to the extent that Vermilion County was affected by them. The first knowledge the people had of this war was at the Sunday ser- vices being conducted by Rev. Kingsbury. These services were in the second story of a store building. The terrible fear of being captured by the Indians had sent the scattered inhabitants of the Fox River counryt from their homes to the southward, always with the cry "The Indians !" "The Indians !" Three of these terrified white men had made their way to Danville, and on that quiet bright Lord's Day, all breathless with fear and fatigue, had alarmed the town by rushing into service with this cry of terror and the appaling stories they had to tell. Rumors of distress grew, and sympathy increased until a call for volunteers to go to the relief of the white men in peril resulted in the enlist- ment, in less than two hours, of thirty-one men ready to march out to save the settlers. Provision was hasily prepared, firearms were secured, an election of officers resulted in the choice of Dan Beckwith for Captain, and by three o'clock in the afternoon this company was on the way to Joliet. They reached Beck- nell's crossing of the North Fork by nightfall, where they went into camp. The next morning they went out on the great prairie and pushed between the path of the families coming south and what they supposed were the pursuing Indians. However, they could not find any Indians in pursuit ; in fact, they only found some friendly Pottowatomies who were known to the officers of the company. A story of possible danger which was not met by this company was a tale current for some time afterward, but in reality, there was no incident re- corded, either going or coming to excite their alarm. The one incident to which reference is made, was this one evening they were near the "twelve mile grove" and camped for the night. Dr. Fithian and George Beckwith were sent out to reconnoitre this grove as spies. As they approached this grove their horses were seized with an unaccountable fright and their riders lost control of them. As the dusk was settling down, the men decided it would hardly be safe for them to proceed, so they went to camp, learning later that Black Hawk's men were secreted in the grove. While these volunteers were away, Colonel Isaac J. Moores had been officially notified by Governor Reynolds to have his regiment included in the Vermilion County militia in readiness in case their services were needed. Immediately on the alarm, the volunteers got in readi- ness, and Colonel Hubbard furnished several four-horse wagons, loaded with provision, for their sustenance. This force consisted of four hundred mounted men. Every part of the county was represented by its best citizens. Colonel Moores was in command with John Murphy, acting as his aid. The next morning as they reached the prairie they met the company which had gone to HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 147 the relief of the settlers returning. The most of them went back to the seat of war with Colonel Moores' regiment and the others went on to Danville to spend a few days with families and to return a little later. Captain Morgan L. Payne and his company were sent some thirty miles up the Du Page river from Joliet with instructions to build a block-house and protect the property which had been abandoned in their flight. Colonel Moores also commenced a fortification at Joliet when his command was ordered to Ottawa, the head- quarters of General Atkinson, and his command discharged, and, with the ex- ception of Captain Payne's company, allowed to immediately return home. Captain Payne built a block-house and a fort not far from Naperville. The inhabitants of Naperville had all fled in great haste. After the fort was com- pleted some seventy women and children who had escaped to Chicago when the Indians first made their attack were brought back here for safety from the cholera when it broke out. It was not long after the discharge of Colonel Moores' regiment that Cap- tain Payne's command was also relieved and they returned home. There was but one life lost in this campaign. The one man killed was William Brown. He went to Butterfield's pasture to get some clapboards which had been left there before the Indian disturbances and was killed by the enemy in ambush. Brown, a young fellow himself, was accompanied by a lad of about fifteen who escaped injury, and returned to their camp near Napersville. The Indians took the horses from the wagon and led them away, while they run the wagon against the tree and destroyed it. CHAPTER XVII. THE THIRTIES IN VERMILION COUNTY. THE PERMANENT COURT HOUSE WILLIAM MILLIKANS' CARDING MILL BUILT FIRST LOG MEETING HOUSE BUILT OPENING OF A ROAD FROM FORT CLARK NEWCOMERS TO VERMILION COUNTY IN 1830 REVIVAL IN THE INTERESTS OF MORMANISM LAND OFFICE CONGRESS PETITIONED TO GRANT STRIP OF LAND BETWEEN CHICAGO AND VINCENNES FOR RAILROAD NEWCOMERS TO VER- MILION COUNTY IN 1831 PENNSYLVANIA HOUSE BUILT FIRST NEWSPAPER STARTED IN VERMILION COUNTY GOSHEN BAPTIST CHURCH ORGANIZED POS- TAL ROUTE ESTABLISHED FROM CHICAGO TO VINCENNES NEWCOMERS TO VER- MILION COUNTY IN 1832 BRADY BRANCH CORNCRACKER NEWCOMERS IN 1833 EXODUS TO WISCONSIN LEAD MINES NEWCOMERS IN 1834 CHARTER FOR C. & V. R. R. CHARTER SECURED FOR NORTH CROSS R. R. NEWCOMERS IN 1835 KIRKPATRICK'S MILL ON STONY CREEK KYGER'S MILL BUILT STATE BANK CHARTERED NEWCOMERS IN 1836 AMOS WILLIAM'S MILL SAWMILL FIRST STEAM SAWMILL- R. R. GRADED THROUGH VANCE TOWNSHIP POSTAL ROUTE FROM DANVILLE TO SPRINGFIELD VIA DECATUR POSTAL ROUTE FROM 1 DANVILLE TO OTTAWA POSTAL ROUTE FROM INDIANAPOLIS TO DANVILLE NEWCOMERS IN 1837 GRADING ROADBED FROM CHAMPAIGN COUNTY EAST SHEPHERD'S MILL VERMILION RAPIDS PLATTED NEWCOMERS IN 1838 SAW- MILL NORTHWEST OF ALVAN NEWTOWN LAID OUT CHRISTMAN MILL : NEW- COMERS OF 1839. The claim that "biography is the only true history" holds good at least in the telling of the story of a new country. Up to 1830 the history of Vermilion County is recorded in the biographies of the men and women who came into the wilderness to make new homes. Events in these years were little less than direct expressions of individual tastes and desires. Men controlled events in a greater degree than they could after there were a larger number together with more diversified interests and ideas of life. Each man was more a factor in the events than was the case when a larger number made a community of interests a necessity. So it is that by the time of the "thirties," the individual man was recording the history of the county in a series of events which more or less de- termined his own history more than he was making it as a story of single lives. A man could come to this section in the twenties and develop a farm here and there to his credit, tracing the way to some other rude cabin when he felt the need of companionship ; but as others came and demanded rights to comfortable 148 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 149 homes he must divert his efforts to that which would add to the comfort of the many ; he must divide his space, and where the old trace had sufficed his needs, a road must be laid out, and one notes many changes marking events. The county was growing and new conditions were arising. The county seat had been little more than a name for two or three years. Court had been little better housed than before the location of the county seat had been made at Danville. The first court was held at Butler's Point, and so was the second term. The first was at the home of James Butler and the second at the home of Asa Elliott. The next term of court was held at the home of Amos Will- iams, in Danville. But after this there was a temporary building that stood on the west side of the public square south of Main street for a court house. This was the log house built by Mr. Reed, which the county bought with an idea of fitting it up for public use. This was the first court house. It did not stand on the corner of the plaza where the bank is now, but on the lot just west of this,, where the Woodbury stores have been for more than a half century. This building was one story high with a space for a loft above, was about six- teen feet square, and made out of heavy logs, hewn inside and out. The county sold this property, lot and all, to Hezekiah Cunningham, who agreed to provide them with a place to hold court, etc., in the upper story of the large frame build- ing he and Murphy were erecting on the southwest corner of the square. This building was on the lot now used by the Illinois Traction system. The build- ing which the county first used for a court house, the first court house of Ver- milion County, was removed after Mr. Cunningham bought it to a lot on the corner of North and Hazel streets, where, in after years, it was weather- boarded and formed the main building to which Mr. Farmer put wings. It re- mained here until June, 1876, when it burned. At the December term of court, 1830, the county board ordered notice to be given for the reception of plans and bids for a permanent court house. Nothing, however, was done until the following December, when notice was again given declaring that at the next term of court bids would be received. A new departure was made in the carding mill built by William Millikan in 1820. It was a primitive affair run by treadmill. But as it was the first carding mill in the county, it was patronized by many. Its patrons were always kept waiting until the oxen which, run in the bush, could be found. This mill was located within Georgetown township, and to those living north in the other part of the county, it was a great undertaking to attempt to get any carding done. It was in the same year that the first floor other than one made of puncheons, was put into Dr. Fithian's house. This house was the wonder of all, it being the first "planed floor" ever known in the county. The carpenter was prevailed upon to let some of the leaders among the young people have a dance in the new house before he turned it over to Dr. Fithian. This was fortunate, as the stern man would not have chosen such a mad frolic as a house warming, and it would have been too bad to have missed such a floor for dancing. The roads of the county had been a concern from the time of its or- ganization. The destination of the most of these roads was the salt works, and every road that did not go directly to this destination was intercepted at some point where it would turn in that direction. 150 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY An important road was opened from the Fort Clark road in 1830. This was opened from the Fort Clark road, where it crosses the west line of section 25, T. 20 west R. nW. There were many newcomers to Vermilion County in 1830. Among them are numbered Dennis Olehy. He was born and reared in Portsmouth, Ohio. He married and settled there. In 1830 he determined to go west and journeyed with a team to Vermilion County, Illinois. At that time much of the land was yet in the hands of the government. Mr. Olehy entered a claim to land, which later was within Danville township. When he first came he put up a pole shanty for temporary shelter until he could build a log cabin. His wife's father, John Glaze, is supposed to have come with him. Dennis Olehy and Elizabeth (Glaze), his wife, were the parents of seven children and after her death in 1845, he married Sarah Ann Jones and became the father of ten more children. His was an honorable place among the pioneers of the county, and he lived to an advanced age. He died March 2, 1877. Robert Price was another one who came to Vermilion County in 1830. He was a native of Lexington, Ken- tucky, whose parents came from England to Ohio. Robert Price died in 1850. He was the father of but four children, only one of whom lived to maturity. John Pugh was from Pennsylvania when he came to Vermilion County in 1830. His ancestors were born and reared in the faith of the Society of Friends for many generations back. John Pugh came with his family to Vermilion County, Illinois, settling on the Little Vermilion in Carroll township. In 1836 he changed his residence to Elwood township, where he spent the remainder of his days. He died at the old home in 1847 and his wife lived until 1884. Nathaniel Langley came from Kentucky to Vermilion County in 1830, com- ing in wagons. He located in Danville township, buying seventy acres of timber land on section 27. He built a log house and lived therein for three years. Then he sold that place and bought over 200 acres on sectionr, 26 and 27, same township, where he lived the remainder of his life. Dr. William Fithian came to Vermilion County in 1830, locating at Dan- ville. The surrounding country was but sparsely settled; the land being yet largely owned by the government and for sale at $1.25 per acre. Dr. Fithian entered upon a great practice covering a large area that even extended to Chi- cago. He entered land to such an extent that he acquired a fortune. Dr. Fithian was a politician and served in the legislature as well as holding more local offices. Dr. Fithian was married four times and became the father of four children. Luke Dillon was a native of Guilford County, N. C, and came to Ohio when seventeen years old and began farming. In the fall of 1830 he came to Ver- milion County and bought a farm one mile north of Georgetown, when it was a wild country. This was a large farm and he built a log house on it which had one room and a kitchen added. Luke Dillon was the father of ten children, all of whom grew to manhood and womanhood. One of these children was killed in the army. In 1830 Osborne Hilleary, with his family, emigrated from Ohio to Illinois and settled on section 30, Blount township. They made the journey overland in a covered wagon or a prairie schooner, as it was called. When they reached BARKER HOUSE BUILT IX 1830 WILLIAM BANDY HOUSE OX EAST XORTH STREET HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 151 their destination he entered eighty acres of land from the government and he also bought a tract of timber from a settler, all of which he, with the help of his boys, cleared. His first home was in a log cabin with a puncheon floor and a fireplace along one end. The family raised their own sheep which they sheared, and they then spun and wove the wool into cloth from which were made the garments of the family. Osborne Hilleary was the father of nine chil- dren, all of whom lived to maturity. He and his wife both lived in Blount township the remainder of their days. Thomas W. Douglass was born on the Penobscot river in Maine and came to Dearborn County, Indiana, settling near Rising Sun. He married Delilah Payne, of New York, and they were the parents of twelve children, ten of whom reached mature life. On coming to Illinois Mr. Douglass drove through the black swamps of Indiana when the wheels would sink to the hubs in the mud. Several families came together. Mr. Douglass entered 240 acres of land on the section on which the county farm is located. The Douglass family lived in the double log house for thirty years. This was the one he built when he first came here. It had a stick and clay chimney, and the fire was lighted with punk gathered in the timber and ignited by means of flint and tow. Camp meetings were held where the home-made tallow can- dles furnished light and the girls of the household went, carrying their shoes with them, until they were near to the place of worship and removing them before they started for home. Thomas W. Douglass died in the village of Cat- lin in October, 1865. John Thompson was born in Erie County, Pennsylvania, in 1797. He was a well informed man and taught school some of the time. He came west, and in about 1823 he was married in Dearborn County, Indiana, to Esther Payne, and in 1830 they came to Vermilion County, settling near Danville where Mr. Thompson became the owner of three hundred acres of land, a part of which he obtained from the government. His efforts developed this into a valuable farm. The first house was a log cabin which they occupied until 1844 when they built a two story frame house. John Thompson was a man of more than ordinary ability and he took an active part in affairs of the county. He acquired consid- erble property. He served at one time as county commissioner. He was one of the charter members of the Danville Lodge of Masons and filled many of- fices therein. He died in 1861 at the age of sixty-five years. His wife survived him until 1899, when she died at the advanced age of ninety-three. Both were buried in Spring Hill cemetery. Thomas Short came to Vermilion County in 1830. He was not married when he came, but his future wife arrived here about the same time. They were both natives of Virginia. He was a very well educated man and was en- gaged in teaching school at near Maneely's Mill for some time. Mr. Short was elected the second county clerk of Vermilion County. He filled that office for twelve years, after which he turned his attention to farming. He was struck by lightning, which disabled him for business for several years before his death in 1877. His family included six sons and three daughters. Wallace Sperry came from Connecticut to Warren County, Ohio, where he remained a short time, and in 1830 he went on further west coming to Ver- 152 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY milion County, Illinois, and settling near Higginsville. Francis Dougherty was another newcomer to Vermilion County in 1830. He was a native of Maryland but had lived in Ohio for some time previous to his coming to Vermilion County. He became an extensive landowner in this section and died in 1860. Robert Price came from Pike County, Ohio, crossing the country in wagons. He was yet in time in his coming in 1830 to suffer the privations of pioneer life. He died in 1850. He was the father of four children. James Rees was one of the band of Friends who did so much for the moral uplift of the county in its formative state. He came in 1830 and was a farmer all his life. He commenced the nursery busi- ness in 1854 and did much for the improvement of this section. He compiled a valuable history of that section, but it never was put in print and his son carried it to his western home and lost it in a fire. 'Mr. Rees was the father of eight children. He taught school for ten years. Alexander Church came from Virginia in 1830 and farmed Mr. Caraway's land for a while when he bought land in section 28. This was the school sec- tion which has been given in lieu of the salient section 16. Congress gave all of section 16 to the state for school purposes, but another law reserved all saline lands to the state. The saline section had been taken possession of by the men who were making salt and living there, hence this section was given in lieu of it. John Boggess took up land in sections 29 and 30 in 1830. He made a good farm and continued to live there up to the time of his death in 1875. Mr. Boggess came from Monroe County, Virginia. He was married in Greenbrier County of the same state to Jane Gillespie McCorkle. He came with his wife and family of small children to Vermilion County and stopped at Brooks Point for a short time. Mr. and Mrs. John Boggess were the parents of eleven chil- dren. Six of these children were born before they left Virginia. One died in young manhood. Five of them were born in Vermilion County, and all but the three mentioned lived to have families of their own. Mr. Boggess and his wife were both buried in Oakridge Cemetery. Of Mr. Boggess' children the eldest was William, who died young; Diana, who became the wife of Joseph Griffith an dthe mother of four children ; Rebecca, who became the wife of William Ray. the brother of Dr. Ray; Elizabeth, who became the wife of Butler; Harvey, who married the daughter of Harvey White and was the father of four boys ; Charles, who married Huldah Patterson and became the father of two children; America, who became the wife of James Davis and the mother of two children ; Enoch, who was married three times and the father of nine children ; Melissa, who died early, and Julia who died in infancy, and John W., who married Valura B. Piper and became the father of four children, two of who died while small. John A. Church was a baby of but three years when his father brought him to Vermilion County in 1830. He lived all his life within three miles of the farm upon which the family settled. His mother was Ruth Caraway, the daughter of Charles Caraway. Rev. John Villars was a prominent citizen of Vermilion County, coming in 1830. His parents were strong Methodists, and he was licensed to exhort in 1823. This was in Ohio. In 1830 he came to Illi- nois to Vermilion County and settled about four and a half miles east of Dan- ville. In 1833 he was licensed by the M. E. church to preach, but in 1838 he left that church and joined the United Brethren in Christ, in which church he HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 153 labored until his death in 1858 as a minister. In 1852 he went to Wisconsin, and remained for five years, but returned in 1857. He then went to Nebraska, where he died the following year. Mr. Villars laid out one of the abandoned towns of the county, platted under the name of Shepherds town. The missionaries of the Mormon church came to Vermilion County in 1831 to get converts. They did their work in Newell township, and had some suc- cess. This faith had but just been established the year before this, through a claimed revelation made to Joseph Smith in Ontario County, New York. The missionaries sent to Newell township were Orson and Parley Pratt. The former afterward became a prominent leader in the church at Salt Lake, although while here, Parley was the better one of the two. The center of the operations of these two missionaries was in Blount township. The first preaching place they made was at the house of Olive Miller. Afterward they occupied the Eckler's school house, and made appointments at Harrison Oliver's and John Chandler's. The wife of the latter was a sister to Swinford, who was a preacher in the faith, and she favored it while her husband neither approved or disapproved of the doctrine. They had a number of followers, among whom were Elders Sherer, George Morey, Coon, Packard, Jackoway, and others whose names are not now available. In preaching, these Mormons called themselves the children of the Kingdom and they made pretence of healing the sick and even went so far as to say they could raise the dead. They, however, made no demonstration of that power. Consider Scott was among their converts, being one of the very first. Harrison Oliver, Louis Neely and Olive Miller all were converts to the doctrine and, taking their families, went to Independence with the mis- sionaries when they left Newell township. A number of their converts would not go with them, however. In 1831 the inconvenience of having the Land Office so far away had be- come so great as to make some effort to change it imperative. Steps were taken to memoralize the governor to secure the location of a Land Office at Danville. This was secured, the district being created by an act of February 19, 1831. Francis Prince was made the first register and his commission was dated March 2, 1831. Samuel McRoberts was the first register and his commis- sion bore the same date. He remained receiver until 1840, having second com- mission dated March 4, 1835, and February u, 1839. John C. Alexander was commissioned register with dates of November 5, 1833, June 12, 1834, and May 26, 1838. Stinson H. Anderson was sent a commission as receiver of money dated June 10, 1840, but he declined it. Thomas Jones was then appointed receiver, his commission being dated, July 27, 1840, but he, too, declined to serve. Then Lunsford R. Noel was appointed and sent a commission bearing date of October 20, 1840, and another December 29, 1840. He was commis- sioned again February 21, 1845, an d once more on December 21, 1848. He had held this position for nine years. John Vance was commissioned register, August 25, 1841, and William E. Russell followed him, receiving his commission dated August i, 1845. Daniel Clapp was commissioned register, July 12, 1849, and John H. Murphy was commissioned receiver September 20, 1848, and again September 2, 1850, the same date as the commission of Daniel Clapp as register. William E. Russell was the last man commissioned as receiver and 154 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY his commission was dated March 30, 1853. Richard S. Malony was commis- sioned register March 28, 1853. William P. Davis was comimssioned register, January 20, 1854, and John N. Drake had the last commission for that place, his bearing date of July 24, and January 6, 1856. The office was discontinued December 16, 1856, it having been in operation for twenty-five years. By this time there were plans of many kinds to increase the facilities for travel. Since the main dependence was the waterways, every possible improve- ment of them was sought. There were many suggestions made to improve navigation of the Big Vermilion and the Danville people tried to slackwater it but that was found to be impossible and so Vermilion County petitioned Con- gress, as early as 1831, to grant a strip of land between Vincennes and Chicago for a railroad. Citizens of other counties joined them but it- was of no practical help in solving the problem of transportation throughout the state. It was many a long year before a railroad was to run between Chicago and Vincennes. There were many newcomers to Vermilion County in 1831. One of them was Reuben Partlow, who came from Kentucky and located in Danville. He was a wheelright and cooper and lived in Danville working at his trade for a time, but at last took up a claim in Newell township, upon which he built a log house. Mr. Partlow remained there but a year when he disposed of his claim and re- turned to Danville, where he followed his trade for a time and later took up a claim on the Middlefork. His market was in Chicago and at one time he took a half barrel of honey and supplied the whole town, returning with a good portion of it. He lived on the farm on the Middlefork until 1853, when again he returned to Danville where he spent his remaining days. He died in 1866. Aaron Dalbey was another who came in this year. His home, just before he came to Illinois, was in Randolph County, Indiana. He bought the farm afterward owned by George Jones and later bought three hundred acres of land on what was the well known John McFarland farm. He lived there all the remainder of his life. He was a prominent citizen and built the mill on the Salt Fork. He was three times married, having five children by the first, two by the second and four by the third wife. Mr. Dalbey died in 1855. Asa Folger came from North Carolina to settle in the Elwood neighborhood. He was a tanner and shoemaker and he did this work for the settlers for miles around. Some times his business was so rushing that he employed four or five men. He was one of the best of men. He belonged to the Society of Friends and was, as were so many of these best of people, an influence for good to all who knew him. He died in 1850 and his wife, in 1880. Another force in the development of the county was Joseph Smith, who came in 1831. He was an Englishman by birth, and his father brought him to Vermilion County, Illinois, in the latter part of this year of 1831, having spent a short time in Elmira, New York, and yet some more time in Chicago before coming here. They bought a small farm near Potomac, but they dis- posed of this property in a few years and moved to Myersville, this county, and took charge of the old water mill at that place. After running the same for several years Mr. Smith became a resident of Danville and formed a partner- ship with John L. Tincher. They bought a flour and hominy mill, but Mr. Tincher C. E. LORING JAMES A. DICK SON JOHN PEARSON J. M. DOUGLASS HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 155 soon sold his share to Mr. Giddings and the mill was afterward conducted under the name of Smith and Giddings. A strange thing was connected with this partnership and mill, since both men died and the building burned within the one year. Reece Cook came from Indiana in 1831 and first settled at Grate Creek, but afterward went five miles northwest of Danville. He was married after he came here to Miss Hartly, whose parents came the year before. Harvey Cloe came from Kentucky and settled in Georgetown township. He married Miss Eslinger, a native of Vermilion County. They lived in the same home until after her death, when he married Miss Colwell for his second wife. While there had been a log house on the rear of the old Pennsylvania House property built by Bluford Runyen in 1828, this at one time famous tavern was begun and completed in 1832 by Samuel J. Russell. This building was on the west side of Vermilion street about half way between Main street and the first street north. It was a good house for its times and competed with the Mc- Cormick House in caring for the traveling public. The first newspaper was started in the county in 1832. William Delay is said to have been its editor at that time. Whether his term of editorship came at so early a date is but a matter of memory and, should the date be an error, there is no doubt that he was editor of it at a very early period in its history. William Delay was a man typical of the times. With sympathy all with the southern states and the institution of that section, he looked forward to that institution being extended into the territories, and even had a hope that Illinois should become a slave state and to that end put forth every influence. He was courageous and reckless, a man of strong will and ready effort. His brother was of the same stamp, and together they joined the Mounted Rangers and took part in the Black Hawk war, serving in protecting the section about their camp in Vermilion County after the war was ended. In 1845 ^ r - Delay moved to Oxford, Miss., where he became a leader in political affairs. He was sent as a delegate to the Charleston convention in 1860. He was a shrewd politician, and understood the conditions in the country; it is said that upon his return he predicted the downfall of his party and the election of Abraham Lincoln as President of the United States, and also the following Civil War. Mr. Delay afterward became captain of a company in one of the regiments of the Confed- erate army. The year 1832 marks the beginning of the Goshen Baptist church. Although the organization was made in this year, services were held in private families, and at the Davis school-house, and the Stearns school-house for three years before a church building was put up. As was the case in almost all the other churches of this denomination in the county, Elder Freeman Smalley and Elder G. W. Riley were the leaders. Benjamin Smalley was the preacher in this church for many years. It was in 1832 that the Black Hawk war called forth many of the men of Vermilion County. The fact that Black Hawk had re- turned to Illinois was known only to those who read the Springfield papers, or took their news second hand, and the citizens of Vermilion County had but vague rumors of the impending trouble, until one morning when church service was disturbed with a cry of the stranger who came into Danville shouting "The In- 156 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY dians! The Indians!" This church service was conducted by Rev. Kingsbury in the room of the second story of the Cunningham store, where it was accustomed to be held. It was broken up while the stranger told his tale of Indian cruelties feared by the people of the sparsely settled northern Illinois. The inhabitants of the Fox River country and Hickory Creek were fleeing from their homes through fear of the dreaded enemy. They drove their cattle and other stock before them and some bareheaded and others barefooted hurried on to Dan- ville. Then the report of Stillman's defeat came, and all sorts of rumors made the certainty of the Indians coming down upon this section, killing, burning and destroying in every direction a reasonable fear. .At any cost the flying fugitives must be relieved at once from the pursuit of the Indians. A call was made at once for a forlorn force to go to their assistance. In less than two hours there were thirty men volunteered to go and by three o'clock in the afternon were on their way, under the leadership of Dan Beckwith as captain. Immediately the Vermilion County iMilitia were concentrated at Danville and put upon the march. Every part of the county was represented in this body by many of its best citizens, Col. Hubbard among the number, under the command of Col. Moores, with John H. Murphy acting as his aide. The year after the war was over those of Vermilion County who were in the Illinois Rangers went into camp near Danville, awaiting release, and the effects of this part taken by this county in this war were felt for some time. In 1832 the postal route was established from Chicago to Vincennes by way of Danville. The wagon road had taken the place of the old trail, and along this road the mail was now to be carried three times per week. Among the newcomers to Vermilion County during this year are to be reckoned the follow- ing: Harvey Stearns, John Dicken, Daniel P. Huffman, John B. Hildreth, John Brady, Francis Dougherty, Joseph Richardson, Jesse Smith, Abraham Mann, Sr., John Newlon, George W. Wolf, John Pearson, James IWalters, J. K. Richie, Thomas F. Collison, Henry Oakwood, John Kyger, Aaron Dalbey, Jesse Davis, William Fisher and David Fisher. Harvey Stearns was born in Vermont, but went to New York, where he lived until after his marriage with Miss Fannie Lockwood. Together they went to Ohio in 1814, where he bought a small farm and remained on it until 1832, when he came to Vermilion County, Illinois. He reached here after the govern- ment had stationed troops to protect the settlement from the Indians. Mr. Stearns was the father of eight children. He died in 1847 and his wife sur- vived him until 1877. His son Alvan was sixteen years old when he came into the county and he walked all the way from Ohio driving cows, sheep and hogs. His younger brother, Calvin, walked with him. Living sixteen miles from Dan- ville the young man was often obliged to go that distance to call a ph'ysician after night. Their market was Chicago and many times he drove there to sell his wheat and bring back groceries and other supplies. Mr. Stearns was greatly trusted by men, as is shown by his having been made assessor and collector for many years, as well as having administered a number of estates. Among the estates which he administered are to be numbered those of his father and father- in-law, Mr. Lee, also Aaron Hardin, William Clutter, Alfred Hardin and the immense estate of Mr. Yount. HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 157 John C. Dicken's father, a native of Kentucky, came to Coleman's Prairie, Vermilion County, Indiana, and was the third settler there. His son, John C. Dicken, came to Vermilion County, Illinois, in 1832, and settled in Elwood township. There he married Hannah, the daughter of William Golden. They were the parents of ten children. Mr. Dicken moved to Georgetown in 1853 and in the following fall he went on to Ridge Farm. He put up a store and carried on general merchandise for several years. He then went to Newman and built the first store in that place. He sold goods there two years, then re- turned to Ridge Farm, where he died in 1873. His wife died thirteen years before him. Daniel P. Huffman came from Kentucky in the fall of 1832 and settled in Newell township, and the family homestead did not pass into strange hands at his death, which was the case with too many of the early settlers, farms. Mr. Huffman did not live to make much of a farm, since his death took place within four years. His wife survived him twenty-one years. Since there was no bury- ing ground within ten miles, the parents were both buried on the farm, in a pleasant place, a few yards from the residence. John Brady was a native of Virginia and his wife of Ohio, where he took up his residence and remained until 1832. At that time he came west and took up land in Danville township. Here they were among the early settlers, and they lived the remainder of their lives at this place. Mrs. Brady died in 1848 and Mr. Brady survived her until 1855. Francis Dougherty was the master of both the trades of shoemaker and stone-mason, so that in coming to Vermilion County in 1832 he found much need of work in both lines. He lived in Vermilion County until his death in 1860. He was born in Maryland. His wife, Christian, died in 1851 at the ad- vanced age of ninety-one years. When Mr. Dougherty came to Vermilion County in 1832 he settled on the Little Vermilion river in Carroll township, about one and a half miles northwest of where Indianola is now located, where he stayed over winter, and then bought land from the government one mile north of where Fairmount is. Of their family of children, Samuel Dougherty mar- ried Jane Dalbey, the daughter of Aaron Dalbey. Aaron Dalbey also came to Vermilion County in 1832. His first wife and the mother of Jane Dalbey was Christina, and at her death was the mother of five children. Mr. Dalbey's second wife was Nancy Kizer and his third wife was Henrietta Catlin. Jesse Smith was a native of Virginia and migrated to Ten- nessee at an early age. Thence he came to Vermilion County in 1832 and settled on section 18. He was a tanner and a farmer. His first entry of land con- sisted of 160 acres, which he added to from time to time. His produce, to find a good market, had to be taken to Chicago. At that time the best price was $1.50 per hundred for pork and a good cow would be sold for not more than $10. Abraham Mann, Sr., was one of the early settlers who made a lasting impress on the county. He came in 1832 and made his way into the interior of Illinois, here to bear an important part in making the county. Although coming directly from England Mr. Mann did not come without some knowledge of conditions in the new world. His father had been in the Mississippi valley during his early manhood and had then gone to spend his last years in England. He had doubt- 158 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY less told his son of life on this side of the water and made him familiar with conditions of living here. Mr. John Mann, the father, came to America while yet it was counted among the colonial possessions of Great Britain. He came in the interest of a London firm dealing in paints and oils, of which he was a member. He located first in New Orleans^and penetrated into the interior of the Mississippi valley when but few settlements had been made on either side of the great river. Passing up the Mississippi in a canoe, he went as far north as the St. Anthony Falls (later Minneapolis and St. Paul), trading with the Indians alpd shipping his cargoes down the river to New Orleans. After the Revolution, Congress gave him grants of land in Louisana to the amount of thirty thousand acres, to compen- sate him for the losses he had suffered because of the war. Later, after Amer- ica was no longer one of the British colonies, Mr. Mann returned to London where he lived the remainder of his life. Abraham Mann, Sr., his son, was born in Leighton-Buzzard, Bedfordshire, England, October 4, 1785. Determining to make the new world his home, he sailed, with his family, for the United States, taking passage at Liverpool on a sailing vessel which, after a voyage of seven weeks, reached the harbor of New York. He was in company of his brother-in-law, Joseph Smith, and they made their way by way of the Great Lakes to Detroit, Michigan, where they bought saddle horses and rode across the country to Danville, Illinois, settling near Danville, which was at that time but a small town. For miles just beyond the timber about Danville, the great prairie stretched, most of it yet belonging to the government. Mr. Mann en- tered a claim of six hundred and forty acres on which he built a pioneer house of logs. He entered land from time to time, until when he died he had an estate of five thousand acres to leave to his children. It is impossible to tell all that Mr. Mann did for Vermilion County. He was a power in the advancement of the county, both in the business efforts he put forth in Danville, and the im- petus he gave the agricultural interests of the county. He was very prominent in public affairs and was in sympathy with and promoter of every measure tending to make a firm foundation for the development of the county as yet in its infancy. The vast estate near Rossville is a monument to his thrift and longsightedness, and the neat little brick church, well known as the Mann Chapel, made from brick which he himself burned, is equally a monument to his interest in the general welfare along moral, as well as intellectual and social lines. Mr. Mann's wife died seven years after he left England and was buried in the pri- vate burial grounds, and he died in 1875 and was buried by her side. J. J. K. Richie came to Georgetown with his mother and grandfather, a lad of six years, in 1832. His father died when he was a baby. They wintered in Georgetown and in the spring moved to a farm southeast of the village. This was his home only a short time and during his boyhood he changed resi- dence several times. When he was old enough to take care of himself, how- ever, he settled in the county and spent his manhood in the place where he was brought by his grandfather when a boy. John Pearson was born in Avon, New York, and began his connection with Vermilion County when he was thirty years old. He was a graduate of Princeton College and had read law with Judge George Hosmer while yet living in Avon. He came west, locating in HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 159 Ravenna, Ohio, for a time, but later started for a more favorable place to prac- tice his profession. He started for Chicago, but stopped at Detroit to visit friends. At that place he took a sailing vessel for Chicago, reaching his desti- nation early in June, 1832. He found conditions such that it was not safe to stay there unless he remained in the fort, and that Danville was the nearest place of perfect safety, there being a company of rangers stationed there, so he came here on horseback to look at the town. During his absence the first steamer arrived at Chicago, bringing Scott's troops, but as well bringing the cholera, and a regular exodus was made from Fort Dearborn. Mr. Pearson's family was taken from the fort and taken to the summit, there to await his return. He took a wagon back and brought them to Danville, where he began the prac- tice of law. He was appointed by the legislature to the office of Circuit Judge, his circuit being Cook, Will, Iroquois, DuPage and DeKalb counties. This took him to Joliet for his home and later other business caused him to locate in New York city. But his interests were in the west,- and he left the east, making the long trip to California, where he had many experiences, and finally returned to Danville, where he spent his remaining years. Judge Pearson died in 1875. Henry G. Boyce came to Vermilion County with his father from Ohio, being a native of New York state. He began working as a carpenter in the then small town of Danville for Mr. Beckwith and Gov. Leander Rutledge. Mr. Boyce was married to Eliza J. Potter in March, 1833, and lived on Wal- nut street, where their oldest child was born. In 1833 Mr. Boyce went to Chicago, where he was soon joined by the father, brother and brother-in-law of Mrs. Boyce, who all together dug the cellar for the first brick house ever built in Chicago. /When he went there, there were but two houses between Danville and Chicago. He remained in Chicago that summer that he might earn money to pay his taxes, and then returned to Danville where he bought land along Walnut street. Mr. Boyce was kept busy putting up houses in Danville and worked faithfully at his trade 1850, and in 1856 he was ap- pointed postmaster at Danville. He served until the incoming of President Lincoln, and then later during President Johnson's term. He was an active mem- ber of the Methodist church. He died in 1873. Henry Oakwood was the founder of a family in Vermilion County which is at the same time large and well esteemed. He came to the county in 1833. He was a man of very genial temperament ; was strong, athletic and kept himself well posted in the affairs of the times. He had a family of six sons and three daughters. Rev. Michael Oakwood was the son of Henry Oakwood and was a well known preacher in the Methodist church in an early day. As a young man of twenty-seven Samuel Frazier came to Vermilion County, in 1833. He located on the tract of land two miles northwest of what is now Catlin, but then was a lonely prairie. He was born in Ohio, but spent his years of growth in Dearborn County, Indiana. When he was eighteen years of age he started out for himself, trying flat-boating and steam-boating, and in 1824 was in Natchez about the time of the visit made the United States by Gen. LaFayette. Mr. Frazier married Miss Beulah Ann Finley, and spent two years or more in In- diana. In the fall of 1833 he bought 200 acres of land in Vermilion County, 160 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY Illinois, and set to work to improve this property. When Mr. Frazier reached this county, Danville was a little town of only 400 or 500, but it was the county seat, and a courthouse was built. Mr. Frazier worked on the farm improve- ments, and after remaining there two years he sold out for $1.000, but after- ward raised another crop on the same land. He then moved into Danville, settling on Vermilion street, between Main and North streets, where he lived until he bought land on Main street. He conducted a hotel one year, then bought property on Main street, where he built a large brick block, extending from the courthouse to Hazel street, and known as the Frazier block. He lived there for 25 years, keeping his hotel for five years of that time. He was elected sheriff of Vermilion County in 1840 and held the office for eight years, being the third man elected to that office. Upon retiring from this office he began buying cattle and made many a trip driving them through to Chicago, when the country was all open prairie. Mr. Frazier was one of the early merchants, being the senior member of the firm of Frazier, Lamm & Company for two years, at which time Mr. Lamm withdrew and the firm name became Frazier & Gessie, (the latter his son-in- law). Another two years and he assumed the entire charge of the business, and no further change was made for about ten years. At that time the war of the rebellion broke out and Mr. Frazier, who was fully imbued with the Union sentiments, raised the first company of men in the county. Capt. Frazier and his company, which was assigned to the 1 2th 'Infantry, went to Cairo and served three months, after which they were sent home. Capt. Frazier there- after attended to his business interests. He was a large land owner and was one of the first directors of the First National Bank, and he was interested in most of the enterprises tending to build up the town. Capt. Frazier was the father of twelve children, but of these only five lived to maturity. The eldest son, Edwajrd, entered the army, was taken ill and coming home, died ten days afterward, at which time he was but nineteen years old; Angeline, became the wife of Jas. H. Phillips ; Mary F. became the wife of M. A. Lapham ; Florence, be- came the wife of W. W. Phillips, and De Witt C. the youngest child. Mr. Frazier died September 26, 1891. William E. Russell was a native of Middletown, Connecticut. He was a mer- chant in the east and when he came to Vermilion County in 1833 he engaged in the same business in Danville. He also was in the loan and land business to a limited extent. He was a democrat and prominent in public affairs. Alex- ander P. Chesley came to Vermilion County about this time. After coming to Danville he was at one time appointed postmaster. James Duncan came to Vermilion County with his family of boys and located near the state line. After his son Darius went to work for himself, he bought and fed, and afterward] sold cattle and other stock, until he became a man of wealth. His operations in the line of dealer in stock became enlarged to the extent that he was recog- nized as one of the most extensive buyers in Illinois. He bought cattle and hogs and horses and sheep and shipped them to Chicago and the eastern markets. He invested his money in land and constantly increased his wealth until he became burdened with responsibilities. In 1865 he sold one farm for fifteen thousand dollars, and moved to Danville. Later he sold another farm for SOLOMON* (ilLBEUT SAMTEL FUAZIER WILLIAM I. ALLEN- THOMAS C. FORBES LEVIX T. I'ALMER HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 161 twelve thousand dollars. He invested this money in property in Danville. Here he continued shipping stock for some time, but at last he was no longer able for the exertion and lived a retired life. Mr. Duncan was twice married, his first wife was the daughter of James Newell, the man for whom Newell township was named. He had several children by this marriage, and after the death of his wife he married Mrs. Caldwell from near Potomac. They had two sons. Mr. Duncan died in 1893 and left a good property for his widow. She survived him seventeen years, during which time everything was lost. Mrs. Duncan died in 1910. It was in 1833 that Abner Frazier came to Georgetown, where he located and became a merchant. His business was continued through his life and his son carried it on after his father died. Abner Frazier was the father of eight children. There were Perry, Mrs. James Snapp, Mrs. Sophia Newlin, John, Mrs. John Rogers, Mrs. Dr. Mendenhall, and Mrs. W. E. Moore. One died very young. Dr. W. W. R. Woodbury was a well known name all through the century which began with the thirties. Coming to Danville in 1832, he went into Dr. Fithian's family and in the course of time studied medicine under his guidance. He graduated from Rush Medical College in 1830, but never practiced his pro- fession to any great extent, because he became interested in the drug trade with Dr. J. A. Sconce and finally made it a permanent business. He began in the drug business in 1850, and in 1910 his successors, of whom the most of the ones interested in the stock are his children, held their fiftieth year celebration. In company with John W. Myers, he built the Lincoln Opera House. At that time this enterprise was the wonder of the community. The proprietors were laughed at for their monument of folly, as it was called, but fortunately real estate took an upward turn at this time and the venture was a success. Dr. Woodbury filled several public offices, one of which was that of mayor. He built a number of houses in the city and has added four or more additions to the city plat. In 1853 Mr. Sconce sold out to John W. and Steven Myers and in 1857 Steven died and Dr. Woodbury bought out their interest and after- wards run the business by himself. For more than fifty years the Woodbury drug store has been on the same lot. Dr. Woodbury died in . Dr. Wood- bury was married three times. His first wife was a daughter of James Newell, his second wife was a Miss Myers, and his other wife was the daughter of Amos Williams. Dr. Woodbury left six children, three sons and three daughters. Henry Oakwood opened his farm in 1833 and the beginning of the village of Oakwood was made. Henry Oakwood remained there the rest of his life. Jesse Davis came with his parents in 1833 to Catlin. He located on section 36. Mr. Davis died in 1834 and his wife survived her husband thirty-six years. David Finley came to near Catlin in 1833 with his grown family. Among them were the son, Watts, a daughter Nancy (who afterward became the wife of Samuel Frazier), and son Miller. His other daughter was the wife of Samuel Frazier at the time they all came from Ohio. Mr. Finley's son Miller went to the Mexican war and there lost his life. After the death of their father, Watts, Miller, and Nancy settled on a farm of twenty acres in section 25 and 162 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 24, town 23, range 12. Later Nancy became the wife of Samuel Frazier and Watts married Miss Margaret Davis. Hon. Jacob Oakwood was three years old when his parents brought him to Vermilion County. They settled, as has been stated on another page, near the present day village of Oakwood until Mr. Oakwood, the father, died in 1855. He was buried in the Mount Vernon cemetery. The children of this well known pioneer family were named as follows: Henry, Michael (a Methodist preacher), Mrs. Margaret (George A.) Fox, Jacob, Mrs. Amanda (Rev. Eli) Helmick, Samuel, Mrs. Matilda (Henry) Sallie, Martin R. and Morgan H. These children were all well taught, better than the average, and they have been a strong factor in the development of the county. Jacob Oakwood, in particular, was very prominent in the affairs of the county. He was always chosen an au- thority in agricultural matters. He was chosen as president of the Vermilion County Agricultural Society, because he could best fill the place. His influence was always on the side of improved farming. He was as intelligently interested in all political issues of the times. In 1872 he was sent to represent the county in the legislature. While there he was helpful in securing legislation that was of value. He served on important committees and took the greatest pains to inform himself regarding all things he had to decide upon. Jacob Oakwood married Miss Mary I. Caraway, daughter of Charles Caraway, one of the early settlers. These years of 1834 and 1835 were the dates when many of the citizens of Vermilion County sold out their farms and went to Wisconsin in the search of wealth. Probably twenty-five families went from Blount township and as many from other parts of the county. The lead mines of Wisconsin were beginning to attract attention and the people thought they saw a chance to get rich quick. Among those who went at this time were Mr. Blount, the man after whom the township was named, Mr. William Lane, John Snyder, and the Magees. Of the newcomers into the county a few may be mentioned. There were R. T. Leverich, William I. Moore, L. T. Palmer, G. W. Holloway, J. H. Lockett, C. E. Loring, Dr. Theodore Lemon, and many others. William McMillen was one of these newcomers and he brought his family with him, settling in Blount township, on section 30. Daniel Loring came from Coal Creek, Indiana, whither he had gone from Utica, New York. Mr. Loring stayed in Indiana only a short time, only perhaps a dozen years, the wagon which brought them from the east had not been destroyed and carried them into Vermilion County when the time came that they were decided to go on west. This wagon was a wonder and was said to be the most solid wagon ever brought to this county, and the only one of its kind. It was a covered wagon built of sawed logs fitted on axles. C. E. Loring, the only son of Daniel Loring, was a man of twenty-five when he came with them from Indiana. Before this he came into his inheritance from his mother. The amount was $150.00, but to get it he had to go back east. To get there he hired out to be a hand on a flat-boat and in that way went down the Wabash river, the Ohio, the Mississippi, thence on the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean, and he reached his destination at Boston. With one hundred dollars of his money he bought eighty acres of land. There was not even a rail fence on the entire place. Nothing daunted, Mr. Loring began to break the HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 163 land, with the yoke of oxen the other fifty dollars of his inheritance had pro- vided. Mr. Loring's friends were all the people who knew him, so that when in the seventies he lost his eyesight, all the community grieved over his affliction. He was the more afflicted because he was a man who loved to read and it was hard to give this up. Mr. Loring, however, lived many years after this afflic- tion came. Mr. Loring died in 1899. When Zachariah Robertson was twelve years old his father's family came to Vermilion County from Kentucky. They settled on section 36, Newell township. His father was married the second time and was the father of nineteen children all told. He was a revolutionary soldier. When the family came it was in a covered wagon, camping out by the wayside at night. When they came to the Wabash river the son, twelve years old, waded, driving the stock before him. There was much wild game and hunt- ing and fishing could be had to one's desire. Mr. Robertson entered forty acres of land and built his pioneer home. Here he spent the remaining years of his life. He lived to be ninety-four years old, and died in Newell township at where Bismarck now is built. Edward Rouse came to Vermilion County in 1834. He had been here the year previous, but returned to Ohio and did not locate until at this time. He located in Danville township and in 1849 moved to Newell township. His father and mother, Reason and Martha (Olehy) Rouse, had made all arrangements to come to Vermilion County some years before this time, when just as they were almost ready to start, the father sickened and died. With a courage strong and a rare resolution, the mother braved the new country and came with her family of little children. However, she did not live to make them a home in Illinois, but died within six months and the children found homes with relatives. William I. Moore came to Vermilion County in 1834 and located in Pilot township. He developed the now well known farm owned by Mr. Wiley Fowler, who has made it famous. Mr. Moore was born in New Jersey and came west he was about thirty years old, buying cheap land, and also selling goods to great profit. He used to buy large quantities of pork, flour and other produce and store it in large warerooms at Perrysville, Indiana, and when he had secured the amount he desired shipped it down the Wabash river to New Orleans. He did this shipping by the flat-boat, the method of the time. In 1844-45, Mr. Moore served Vermilion County in the State Legislature. Ricliard T. Leverich and his brother were men of affairs in the county, coming in 1835. He went into Dr. Fithian's store right away, having made such an ar- rangement before leaving home. Mr. Leverich was born in Queens County, New Vork, and lived there during his boyhood. When he came west, he came as far as Dayton, Ohio, where he rode Dr. Fithian's horse to Indianapolis, and thence came in the stage coach to Perryville and from there to Danville. It took him about two weeks to make the trip. Mr. Leverich clerked for Dr. Fithian for three years and then went into partnership with L. T. Palmer, in the general store business, where he remained for fourteen years, after which he and his brother were partners for some five years. This partnership concluded and Mr. Leverich continued the business alone for five years more, when he went on his farm, where he remained until his death. Mr. Leverich married Lydia 164 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY Gilbert, the daughter of Solomon Gilbert, one of the most prominent of the earlier settlers. John Vinson was born in Bourbon County in 1823, and came with his par- ents to Fountain County, Indiana, in 1834, where he lived for a short time. They soon came to Vermilion County and settled on a farm near Newton. In 1843 ne married Elizabeth Trimbell, a daughter of William Trimbell, Sr., and made his home near to the parents of his wife. After a time Mr. Trimbell in- duced his son-in-law and his wife to purchase a farm of him out on the prairie, so that they might better care for the cattle which he was raising. This farm proved to be a fine one and at the time of his death, in 1893, he was possessed of as fine a farm of 400 acres as was in Pilot township. Mr. and Mrs. Vinson were the parents of nine children, all but one of whom survived him. He was converted in the Methodist church at the age of 17, and lived a consistent life, being licensed to exhort by the Illinois Conference in 1853, and in 1855 was ordained as minister of the gospel. He never took a charge, but was a local preacher all the rest of his life. He was elected Justice of the Peace in 1853, and held that office for twenty-four years. He was a volunteer in the Civil War, being made First Lieutenant of Company I, One Hundred and Twenty- fifth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, but after the battle of Perryville, he came home on account of ill health. He afterwards helped raise a company, and was made First Lieutenant of the One Hundred and Thirty-fifth Regiment, and served with honor until the term of his enlistment was over. After he returned home, he lived a quiet life in the same part of Vermilion County that had been his home since he came from Kentucky. He died September 26, 1893, and was buried in the cemetery adjoining the Emberry chapel. He was the son of Abigail Vinson, who was very well known and loved and who survived her son, although she was at the time more than one hundred years old at the time of his death. Abigail Vinson, the mother of the Rev. John Vinson, came to Ver- milion County in about 1877 and was one of the best known people who ever lived in what is now known as Pilot township. Her life was one of useful- ness and self-sacrifice. She served humanity through a long period of years, and it has proudly been said of her, that she was at the bedside of more sick people than any physician of the neighborhood. The night was never too dark, nor the weather so inclement, that she would refuse a call of distress. Often she would find her patient, illy prepared to meet the coming little one and "Grandma Vinson" as she was called in loving terms, would take off her own garments to keep the little stranger from the cold. Her son often said that she would ride twenty miles to beg a garment and then ride ten more in the other direction to deliver it and think it no hardship. A generation arose to revere her name and to hand it down to succeeding generations in loving memory. iMrs. Abigail Vinson was born in Maryland, in 1793. Her maiden name was Abbie McDowell. She moved with her parents to Bourbon County, Kentucky, where she lived for several years, and was there married to Hen- son Vinson; together they moved to Indiana and lived there a short time, after which they moved to Vermilion County, Illinois. She was ever called generous and kind hearted, always encouraging and never discouraging those with whom she came in contact. She was the best substitute for a doctor in that part of JOHN G. LEVERICH I,. M. THOMPSON WATTS FINLEY EDWARD ROUSE W. H. PRICE ABNER FRAZIER HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 165 the county, and has ridden many a mile in all kinds of weather to attend the sick. She was the mother of nine children and was always in the best of health. She died January 30, at the advanced age of 102 years. She was buried in the Glen- burn cemetery. Theodore Lemon, M. D., came to Vermilion County from Bunker Hill, Vir- ginia. He made up his mind to settle in Danville, Illinois, upon his finishing his studies in medicine, because of the fact that his brother had come here in the previous year. He came in company with his uncle, the Rev. James Cheno- weth. Dr. Lemon taught school in the Presbyterian church for a year after he came, before he attempted t6 practice to any great extent. Soon, however, he established a lucrative practice, and it extended for many miles in every direction. He was one of a large family of children, and they came to Dan- ville and marrying into the families of the pioneers, made a large relationship an connection, in the community. One sister married I. R. Moores and one married John H. Murphy, and went to Oregon. His sister married W. T. Cunningham, the brother of Mrs. O. L. Davis, and died in Danville. A brother of Dr. Lemon was a practicing physician in Fairmount for some time. Dr. Lemon married Lavinia Sconce, who was born in Kentucky, but whose parents came to Vermilion County when she was but a child of one year. Dr. and Mrs. Lemon were the parents of eleven children, three of whom died in infancy, and the others all grew up and spent their lives in Danville. Dr. Lemon was the cousin of Hon. Ward A. Lemon, the Danville law partner of Abraham Lincoln. Dr. Lemon died in Danville in December, 1885, in the seventy-fourth year of his age. He was buried in Spring Hill cemetery. Capt. G. W. Holloway was a man well known and well liked, who came to Georgetown township in 1835, a lad of twelve years. His father settled in the township, and after he grew to the time of starting for himself, he went to Georgetown and entered into partnership with Henderson, Dicken & Company. This firm name soon changed to Henderson & Holloway, which continued until the spring of 1874, at which time Mr. Holloway took sole charge of the business. In 1862 he enlisted in the One Hundred and Twenty-fifth Illinois Regiment, and was made captain of Company D. He remained in the service until the close of the war. Mr. Holloway married Miss Sophia Lyons, who was from Mas- sachusetts. They were a family of influence in the county, socially as well as in other ways. While Capt. Holloway was on the field with his regiment his brother Jesse, together with Mr. Henderson, conducted the business. After his return, the firm bought a mill and Mr. Holloway turned his attention to the management of that. Levin T. Palmer came to Danville in 1835 and continued to reside here until his death in the year 1900. He was for many years a leading merchant, but during the later years of his active business life he was engaged as agent and trustee in loaning money for eastern capitalists. He was a man of sterling in- tegrity, his word being considered as being as good as his bond. His acts of charity were extensive in number and amount though unostentatious. The appeal of the needy never met with refusal. One who knew him well and long when asked what he considered the most prominent services which had been ren- 166 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY dered to the public, replied, "he stood for many years as a terror and obstacle to all those who sought by dishonest or unlawful means to take money from the public treasury. It was understood that such attempts would be met by Mr. Palmer backed by his courage and money. It is impossible to estimate the sums saved to the public by the mere fact that Mr. Palmer was known to be on guard. In 1866 and 67 an attempt was made to build a bridge at public expense on the site now occupied by the Mill Street or Woolen Mill bridge. -The means used were illegal and Mr. Palmer fought the case in the courts and prevented payment for the bridge from the public funds. As characteristic of Mr. Palmer's honesty, he refused to use the bridge and always crossed the stream at the ford." James Cook came to locate on section 10, Georgetown township in 1835. He lived here until his death in 1871, when he left an improved farm which he found a wild piece of ground. John Ray came west in the early thirties and located in what is now Will County, but the Indian uprising of 1832 sent him further south, and he went to Vermilion County, Indiana, whence he came to Ver- milion County, Illinois, in a few years. He located on sections 29 and 30, in Ross township in 1835. He entered three hundred acres of land and developed a good farm. In 1835 the Davis family came to Vermilion County and the father entered the largest tract of land that ever was recorded in the land office in Danville. This entry was not made until the year after they first came, however. Mr. Davis left his sons to put in a crop and returned to Ohio, and entered 3000 acres of land in Vance township upon his coming back the next season. Charles Rice was one of the newcomers to Vermilion County in 1835. He settled in Vermilion Grove and was a prominent farmer, and when he died had a fine property to give his heirs. William R. Richards is another prominent farmer of Vermilion County who came in 1835. He was a young man of twenty-six when he came. His father and mother came at the same time, but they did not live for many years. Mr. Richards made a fine farm, to which he added more land, and lived on it the remainder of his days. His farm was in Georgetown township. William Sheets came in 1835 to Danville township, where he and his brother-in-law built a mill, afterward known as the Kyger mill. They carried on this mill for nine years. He sold the mill and went on his farm, where he remained for seven years, when he bought an in- terest in the mill again and went back to the same, living there for two years. During his two years at the mill, he together with Thos. S. Morgan and Henry and Daniel Kyger, built the steam mill at Georgetown. However, he sold out his interest in the mill before it was run at all. Having no interest in the Kyger, nor the Georgetown mills, he went back to the farm and there remained until his death in August 1879. Mr. Sheets married Miss Elizabeth Kyger and they were the parents of six children. John Fletcher came to Vermilion Grove with his parents, himself a young man, in 1836, John Smith (Eng.), as he always signed his name, came to Ver- milion County in 1836 and was a conspicious citizen of Middlefork township all during the remainder of his life. Mr. Shepherd came to Vermilion County in 1836 and settled in what was afterward Oakwood township. He built a mill on Salt Fork that cost $3,000, but died before it began to run. Henry Harbaugh, HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 167 who is the oldest man in Vermilion County, yet living, came into this section in 1836. He now lives with his children and grandchildren, at the advanced age of one hundred and six years. He is clear in his statements of early days, and tells how he came "down the Ohio and up the Wabash" as far as Perrysville, when he walked on to Danville, thence to Denmark and Higgins- ville, where he located and where he remained. Thos. B. Newlin came to Ver- milion County from Champaign County in 1835, having located in the latter, coming from Virginia some years earlier. He entered land in Catlin township and married a daughter of Stephen Griffith. George W. Wolf of Catlin is one of the few early settlers who can tell the story of pioneer days from memory. His story of a farm in Tennessee where comfort and prosperity was to be had, exchanged for a piece of worthless land in the wilderness of Illinois in the early thirties, by his unsuspecting father who came with his wife and children to Vermilion County at that date, is one of many. The little boy was but a baby and much of the memory shows the suffering of the mother told in after years. Mr. Wolf's parents lived but a short time and his childhood was not a sheltered condition. He early had to make his way in the world, but he made it to some purpose, and now at seventy-eight, he is clear of brain, accurate, and trustworthy as authority on matters in the history of Vermilion County. Mr. Wolf has served the county as Supervisor and in other offices. He was among the last to work in the Salt Works, having been employed there when he was eighteen years old'. In 1835, a charter was secured for the Chicago and Vincennes Railway, among the charter members being Gurdon S. Hub- bard, (who had moved to Chicago before this time), John H. Murphy, and I. R. Moores of Danville. The same year, a charter was secured from Quincy, to the Indiana state line in the direction of LaFayette, via Springfield, Decatur and Danville, under the name of the North Cross Railroad. Robert Kirkpatrick built a mill on Stony Creek in 1835. It was a saw-mill. He ran it for some years, and then it was abandoned. The historic "Kyger's Mill" was built in 1835. Mr. Hale, the first capitalist to come to Vermilion County, built a mill in 1836. The year 1836 witnessed several changes in Vermilion County, a few of which are here recorded. The State Bank had been chartered in the previous year, and now Danville thought the demand for such an institution merited one being established here. The State Bank was patterned on that of the United States, and had various branches in different parts of the state. A charter was granted incorporating the Danville Academy, in 1836. Amos Williams built the mill on the Big Vermilion river long known as the cotton mill in 1836. The first steam saw-mill was built in this year. The grading of the North Cross railroad was done through Vance township in 1836. It was a part of the net-work of "Internal Improvements" which swamped the state at this time and were lost in the revulsion of the next year. A number of postal routes were established during that year. One went from Danville to Spring- field via Decatur. Another went from Danville to Ottawa. Yet another went to Indianapolis via Danville (Ind.), Rockville, Montezuma and Newport. The western terminus of this line was Danville, 111. Samuel Porter came from Mary- land to Vermilion County in 1826 and settled about a mile and a half east of Indianola, where he died in 1848. 16tf HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY Jesse Liggett came to Vermilion County .in 1836, and located on eighty acres of land one mile northeast of Newton. Later he bought 160 acres and yet later added more land, until he owned 600 acres in this section. A part of this land was on Middle Fork, but the last purchase was on the prairie. Mr. Liggett had a mill in the bottoms of the Middle Fork which supplied the neighborhood. He lived on the timber farm until he bought the land on the prairie, after which he spent the remainder of his life on the new farm. Mr. Liggett's parents went from Virginia to Ohio when that state had but just been transformed from a territory. He was but one year old at the time of the change of residence. He came to Illinois in 1836, so that his life was almost entirely spent in pioneer ways of living. He was an extensive breeder of cattle and swine and kept this industry up after his retiring to his Muncie home. His last years were spent in comfort in the home in Muncie. Mr. Liggett was the father of eight children and at his death he left each of them forty and more acres of land. Of the men who came to Vermilion County to help in its development it must not be neglected to mention one who did so much by strength and skill of trade as Mr. Tilton, who established a brick kiln and at the same time worked at his other trade of builder. Among other work he built the dam across the Vermilion river for Amos Williams' mill. Dr. A. M. C. Hawes came to Georgetown in March, 1836, and was an ex- tensive practitioner in that part of the country all the remaining years of his life. The year after his coming he married Miss Wilmoth Walters. They were the parents of twelve children. William J. Terrill came to Georgetown about this time, coming from Ohio. He was a good carpenter and his work was found in the early homes. Seneca Stearns came to Oakwood township, in Vermilion County, one mile northeast of Fithian in 1836. Mr. Stearns was born in Vermont, but had moved to Ohio, at which place he was married to a girl of Ohio. He entered land which he improved and lived on until the death of the wife, after which Mr. Stearns lived with his children. He died in 1898. The next three years of the thirties witnessed the building of many mills. Early in the year 1837, the grading of the North Cross railroad was begun and was completed from the Champaign County line east. This was done through the influence of Dr. Fithian, who was in the state legislature and foresaw the crash which was to come when this work would be impossible. The Vermilion Rapids was platted and abandoned in the year 1837. Among the newcomers of 1838 and 1839 can be counted a number of men who afterward were prominent in the affairs of the county. The list would in- clude John Cole, Wilson Burroughs, John Newlin, Abraham Sandusky, William Giddings, Mr. Menely and Henson Vinson, as well as Samuel G. Craig, John E. Cooper, Robert Mills, David Clapp, Thos. Church and others. Newtown was surveyed and laid off in 1838 by Benj. Coddington from the southeast quarter of section 25, T. 20, R. 13. The lots were made three rods wide and six rods long; the alleys were one rod wide. Main street was to extend north and south four rods wide. High street extends east and west of the same width. The plat of the village was recorded June 15, 1838, and given under the hand of Owen West, county surveyor. The first man to locate in the WILLIAM MEADE SENECA STEARNS DARIUS DUNCAN T. W. DOUGLASS ROBERT CHESLEY FRANCIS M. ALLHANDS HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 169 vicinity of this place was Stephen Griffith, but Mr. Griffith was not connected with the town. Mr. Coddington was the first to build a dwelling and within a year Hezekiah Miner built the second. About this time Jonathan Harris put up the first store. William Reed, the first sheriff of Vermilion County, built a dwelling here in 1837. This town, which was never much more than a cross road, had a prosperous life until the railroads brought their stations to compete with it. Its glory has departed so far as being of any worth as a business point, but it is far from having the appearance of an abandoned town one would ex- pect to find. Its few dwellings, church and other buildings are kept painted and an air of being as self-respecting as any town pervades the little hamlet. Benjamin Stites, with his wife, came to Blount township in 1837. They set- tled at Rickard Corner. The next year they moved to a place two miles south of Myersville, and lived there until in 1857 they moved out of the county. John Cole, one of the most successful of the many men who found pros- perity in Vermilion County, came in 1837. He first located on section 20 and 30, in Danville township, and in 1839 he went back to Vermont and brought back a bride. Later he entered and bought much land until he was one of the largest land owners in the county. He had his land in three farms and the one on which he lived was among the best farms in the county. Mr. Cole was mar- ried three times. His first wife left him a daughter, who became the wife of Mr. McKee and lived in Danville and whose death was greatly mourned by a host of friends. His second wife was the daughter of Michael Weaver, and at her death she left one son. His third wife was the mother of one child, a daughter. Mr. Cole lived to an advanced age and died in 1910. Jesse Burroughs came to Vermilion County in 1839 f r o m Dearborn County, Indiana, and settled on a farm near Catlin. They lived there a number of years and then changed their residence to Fairmount. Mr. Burroughs died there in 1880. His wife survived him less than a year. Abraham Sandusky (or Sodowsky) came to Vermilion County from Ken- tucky in 1837. He and his brother Isaac were the founders of the name in this country which has stood for prosperity and success. He had five children when he came to Illinois and settled on land which he made his home as long as he lived. It was on the Little Vermilion and was of great value and has been in- creased and added to by two generations until v now the land which is still in possession of his heirs, and that which they have gained, covers a large part of the southern part of the county. William Giddings was the only member of his father's family who came to America. He crossed the ocean and came directly to Vermilion County in 1837. He was like most of the men who came here, that is, not possessed of much of the world's goods. But he had that which is better, which is a heart full of hope and courage to win. He began at once working at his trade, that of journeyman. Soon with his savings he was able to buy his employer's business, and began the manufacture of wagons and plows. The plows he first made had wooden mold- boards. The woods were searched to find the giant shaped trees from which to make these boards. Later he made carriages, wagons and steel plows and made a fortune. He died in September, 1875. He left a family of eight children. His wife, who was born in the same place as he. died the year before he did. 170 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY Her brother came with her from England, but they stopped in Massachusetts. John Rickart was a settler of Blount township who came in 1836 and went to about nine miles northwest of Danville. Mr. Rickart, with his family, came from Ohio in a covered wagon and bought a tract of land of Mr. Skinner which had some improvements already made on it. He built his family a good house and was well fixed for the remainder of his life. Malichi Mendenhall came to Carroll township in 1838 and lived the re- mainder of his life there in peace and quiet. He was a native of North Caro- lina, who spent some time in Ohio, where he was married and whence he came to Illinois. Mr. Allen Lewis came on foot all the way from his native state, New York, to Vermilion County in 1838. He did not walk all the way, there being some fourteen miles where he rode. He took up ninety-seven acres on section 22, and stayed six months, when he went back to his old home and remained three years. During this time he married and in the specified time brought his young wife to his Illinois home. They came to Chicago by water and thence in a prai- rie schooner. They stopped at near Rossville for a time, perhaps four or five years, then rented a hotel where he entertained the traveling public on their way from Milford. It was the first house of this kind in this section found to be of profit. Mr. Lewis filled the place as host for three or four years. Meanwhile he entered land, but not thinking it of much value, he sold it for $4 or $5 per acre. Before there was a postoffice at Rossville Mr. Lewis was made the post- master at a small town called Rio. The income from this office frequently was but $1.25 per quarter or $5 or $6 per year. Mr. Lewis was the first postmaster in this part of the county, and he held the office for about four years. Mr. Lewis assisted in the establishing of the first school and has a large part of his time been school treasurer. George Olmsted came to Vermilion County in 1839. Their son Stanley came with them. The father died two years after coming to this section. In coming west this family went down the Wabash river and up the Vermilion river, as far as Perrysville, thence going to what is now Batestown. They set- tled in that vicinity. The father, Stanley Olmsted, operated a saw-mill known as the Olmsted mill, and beside manufacturing lumber engaged in building flat- boats, that being the only mill where such boats were built, and the most of those used in this part of the country were built here. Mr. Olmsted was a member of the Masonic fraternity and a prominent and popular man in the community. When he died in 1848 it was considered a great loss to the county. In closing the list of newcomers to Vermilion County in the thirties it is with a regret that not more of them could be numbered therein. Many prominent early settlers have doubtless been omitted, for it would not be possible to name all. The connection is so close with the life of the next decade that many who are missed here will be found in the following pages, they having come a year or two after the time they were supposed to have come. This decade appears to have seen more people come into the north and west parts of the county than they did before. Even yet there are few in the extreme northern part, but these years have opened up the part of the county covered by Blount, Pilot and Middlefork townships. As the decade previous had witnessed the settlement of HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 171 the southeastern part and subsequent years opened the northern part the years of the thirties were the time of settlement of the central and eastern part of Ver- milion County. At their close all parts, excepting the north and northwestern and a small part of the western portions, of the county have been settled. Cheap land is to be bought, but from individuals rather than from the govern- ment. CHAPTER XVIII. MEN AND EVENTS FROM 1840 TO 1860 IN VERMILION COUNTY. NEW COMERS IN 1840 REV. ASHMORE's WORK O. L. DAVIS CAME TO VERMILION COUNTY IN 1841 HENSON VINSON NEW COMERS IN 1842 AND 1843 JOHN L. TINCHER DR. SAMUEL HUMPHREY NEW COMERS IN 1844 AND I &45~ WILLIAM I. ALLEN SAMUEL H. VREDENBURGH, M. D. OLIVE BRANCH LODGE ORGANIZED FIRST BRASS BAND NEW COMERS IN 1846 AND 1847 NEW COMERS IN 1848 AND 1849 DANVILLE SEMINARY INCORPORATED IN 1850 CHAS. WOLVERTON ODD FELLOWS' CHARTER HIGGINSVILLE POST-OFFICE ESTABLISHED VERMILION COUNTY AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL ASSO- CIATION UNION SEMINARY ORGANIZED NEW COMERS OF 1850, '5! AND '52 VERMILION COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY THOS. HOOPES J. G. ENGLISH- NEW COMERS IN 1853, '54 AND '55 NEW CITY CHARTER FOR DANVILLE NEWELL HORSE COMPANY H. M. KIMBALL A. C. DANIEL RAYMOND W. HAN- FORD CHAS. W. KEESLER JAMES KNIGHT JOHN BEARD A. H. KIMBROUGH, M. D. NEW COUNTY VOTED DOWN NEW COMERS IN 1856, '57 AND '58 FARMERS AND MECHANICS INSTITUTE VOTE ON FORMING FORD COUNTY NEW COMERS JOHN SIDELL. As the period of pioneer days passed the new comers differed somewhat. Whereas in the Twenties and Thirties the population came from the south to a large extent, after that time there were many leaving the far Eastern states and New York who sought new homes in Vermilion County. The natural direc- tion of emigration is due west. The new Territory of Kentucky formed after the close of the French and Indian War, (in spite of the edict of the King that all land west of the Alleghany mountains should be reserved as a hunting ground for the Indians), was an overflow from Virginia, and the Northwest Territory, which lay within the bounds north and west of the Ohio River, was largely peo- pled at first by those who, for some reason, desired to leave their old homes in Virginia, or the Carolinas. The exception can be made in Ohio since conditions caused the northern part of the state an attraction to settlement. Emigration from the northeastern states was attracted thither. But it was not until after the Indians were driven from northern Illinois that this section was in a condition to attract settlements. When northern Illi- nois was open to settlement, the people came from the East to that part of the state and some of these found their way to central Illinois as well. This brought a new element into this section. However, immigration was not stopped from 172 PETER VOORHEES .1. W. GOODWINE, SR. LUKE REILLY GEORGE W. INGLE REV. W. II. WEBSTER HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 173 the south, although many went beyond the river to Missouri who might, a few years before, have been attracted to this part of Illinois. It has been a fact before noticed that the red man traveled from west to east, and from the north- west to the southeast, in seeking new locations. The white man as conspiciously traveled from east to west with a tendency to northwest. Among the new comers in 1840 there was a man whose birthplace was in New England, although his youth and early manhood were spent in Michigan and Indiana. This was Noah Hubbard, a name which has been familiar in Vermilion County for seventy years. He died but this last summer at the advanced age of ninety-six years. The youth and young manhood of Noah Hubbard was one of unusual influence and shows the confidence of the time when the Mormon faith was being fol- lowed in eastern Illinois and western Indiana. The father of Noah Hubbard came to Michigan when the son was five years old. He had been a farmer in Massachusetts, and ran a distillery and saw-mill. He lived in Michigan for two years and then decided to go to Indiana whither he drove with an ox-team, while he sent his family on the river in a log canoe. When he reached Ver- milion County, Indiana, he bought land and also a hemp-mill. This was the same year that Seymour Treat settled at the Vermilion Salt Springs, and the year previous to the coming of James Butler to Butler's Point and Mr. Johnson to Johnson's Point. Here this family of Hubbards lived until 1835, when the father became in- terested in the faith of the Mormons and went to Missouri where they were established before they went to Navoo in Illinois. After two years the Mor- mons left Missouri and came to Navoo in Illinois and Mr. Hubbard went with them and remained with them as long as they remained in Navoo. When the Mormons were driven from Illinois, Mr. Hubbard returned to his old farm in Vermilion County, Indiana. He was never satisfied, however, and lived there but two years when he and his wife went on to Salt Lake City to again live with the Mormons. They had but reached Council Bluffs when Mr. Hubbard became ill and died. The mother then came back and lived with her children. Meanwhile the son, Noah, had left home several years before his father went to the Mormons, when he was seventeen years old, and gone to Terre Haute. Indiana, where he worked in a tan-yard for four years, receiving his board and clothing for his service. When his father went to the Mormons, Noah Hubbard went back to the old homestead where he lived until 1840, when he came to Vermilion County, Illinois. He crossed the state line and located in Georgetown township at what is now known as Hubbard's Ford on Big Vermilion. This ford may have been given that name because of Gurdon Hubbard. There he became superintendent of a saw-mill at fifty cents per day, and followed that work for six years. His next move was to what is known as the Sprouls' farm on section 36, Georgetown township, where he bought the land and lived there until 1867. At that time he moved to the farm upon which he lived until his death this last summer. Five years after he moved into the county, Mr. Hubbard was married to Miss Cath- erine Ogden, who was the daughter of one of the early settlers of Vermilion County. They became the parents of six children, all but one of whom grew to maturity and had families of their own. Mr. Hubbard has been a great factor 174 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY in the making of Vermilion County in the years of the latter half of the Nine- teenth Century. He cleared and improved his farms and made them second to none in the county. He was well and very favorably known. During the latter days of his life his home was known as one of the most attractive houses in the county. Mr. Valentine Payton came to Vermilion County in 1840 and settled first near where Muncie is now located. He was a shoe-maker by trade and also farmed his land. When the farming season was over he and his boys would spend their time in making shoes. Mr. Payton came from Clinton County, Ohio, going there from the locality known as Apple Pie Ridge in Virginia. Mr. Pay- ton was the father of ten children. These children and their children have been identified with affairs of the county for the last seventy-five years. Two or three of the children of Valentine Payton went to Danville and located. The children of these men are well known, among whom is Mr. Will Payton whose residence is on Logan Avenue. He is a prominent citizen of Danville with money interest in the West and Arkansas. Mr. Valentine Payton and Mr. Isaac Payton, the one of Los Angeles and the other of Spokane, are men of wealth along the Pacific Slope. Mr. Clark Payton lives in Chicago. These are the best known of the grandchildren. John McCarty came to Vermilion County in 1840 and located in Oakwood township. He came from Ohio. Mr. McCarty was a well known citizen of this township for forty years. He was both a constable and justice of the peace. Rev. James Ashmore came to Vermilion County and organized both the Mt. Vernon and the Mt. Pisgah churches in the year 1840. Oliver Lowndes Davis was one of the men who came to Vermilion County in the early Forties from the East. He was a native of New York City, where his father was a shipping merchant. Oliver Davis attended school in his native city and afterward went to Hamilton Academy and yet later went to the academy in Cannandaigua, N. Y. After he was through school he went into the service of the American Fur Company and continued with this company until in 1841, when he determined to make the West his home and he came to Vermilion County and settled in Danville. He had always wanted to study law and did so at this time. His subsequent history is such as to reckon him among the dis- tinguished citizens of the county. George M. Hooton came to Vermilion County with his father in 1842 when but a lad of seven and has been a citizen ever since. While a young man he did some farming, as most of the young men did, learned the trade of a carpenter and joiner at which he did some work, as well as teaching several terms of school. In 1876 the firm of Hankey and Hooton was formed and for many years it was a familiar one in Danville. After that firm ceased to exist Mr. Hooton did the same business under the name of Hooton & Son, which has con- tinued to this time. Francis D. Coburn, a native of New Hampshire, came to Illinois and located on a farm in Danville township. He had married the widow of Geo. Bocke, the son-in-law of Achilles Morgan, and after his residence in this county Mr. Mor- gan made his home with this daughter. Mr. Coburn died at his home on the farm in 1871. Mr. Coburn's son, George F., was a child of but two years when DANVILLE SEMINARY Built in 1850 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 175 he was brought to this county. Here on the farm he grew to manhood, working in the fields in the summers and teaching school in the winter months. He began this teaching when he was nineteen years old and kept it up for five years. He later read law under Judge O. L. Davis, and in 1867 was admitted to the Illinois bar. Mr. Coburn has practiced ever since in the courts of Dan- ville. (This brief sketch was written by a personal friend of Mr. Tincher soon after his death and no better tribute to this prominent man could be made now.) John L. Tincher was born in Kentucky in 1821. Eight years later his parents moved to Vermilion County, Indiana. When he was seventeen years old, he found himself an orphan, and he set to work to acquire an education. He at- tended school for about three years in Coles County, Illinois, and then took service in the store of Jones & Culbertson at Newport. In 1843 he came with J. M. Culbertson to Danville, and was a clerk in his store until 1853, when the firm of Tincher & English was formed, first as merchants and afterward as bankers. The First National Bank stands as a monument of their united energy, labor and prudence. Mr. Tincher was elected a member of the lower house of the general assembly of the state in 1864. In 1867 he was transferred to the senate, to membership in which he was re-elected in 1870. He was also in 1870 a member of the committee to revise the laws of the state. For many years Mr. Tincher's business affairs were very exacting, and in the later years of his life official trusts increased the demands upon his energies, and added to these were church and social obligations, in all, making the demands upon him very onerous ; the increasing strain upon his mind and body may be supposed to have shortened his life. In 1845 Mr. Tincher united with the Methodist Epis- copal church and soon afterward was chosen to occupy a subordinate clerical relation to the church, which relation he maintained until his death. He was frequently called upon to preach. Though without classical education or technical theological training, he was a forcible, logical and acceptable preacher. It would be impossible for one not endowed with superior powers of mind to meet the degree of success in business, in politics and in social life that attended Mr. Tincher. It is not an extravagance of language to say that he was a gifted man. The Hon. John L. Tincher died at the Revere House, Springfield, Illinois, at half past six o'clock, on Sunday evening the i7th of December, 1871. His disease was pleuro-pneumonia. During the greater part of his life he had been in delicate health, and as far back as 1855 it was thought that his career would terminate in consumption. In the Summer of 1869 he was attacked by apoplexy, and thenceforward, he complained of cerebral irregularities, and was never without apprehensions of a return of apoplexy. At the time of his death Mr. Tincher was in Spring- field attending to his duties, as senator. By common consent Mr. Tincher was recognized as the controlling spirit of the community. He made the poor man's cause his cause ; he left no one to charge him with circumvention ; he left no taint on his name and memory. Samuel A. Humphrey, M. D., was one of the early day physicians of Ver- milion County, being located in Danville. He was just twenty-one when he came, being attracted thither on account of an uncle already located in the 176 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY county. He came from Nelson County, Kentucky, a number of whose residents had already come to Vermilion County. Mr. Humphreys bought a farm on the Blue Grass prairie when he first came and lived there a year, when he took up the study of medicine and afterward went to Cincinnati at the Medical school there from which he was graduated in 1848. He returned to Danville and began his practice of medicine, at the same time establishing a drug store and a dry- goods store also. He kept up this threefold business as long as he lived, to a profit. Dr. Humphrey married Miss Mary Milton, who also was born in Nel- son County, Kentucky, and had come to Vermilion County with her mother some time after her father's death and become the wife of John Partlow. Dr. Humphrey was a nephew of the first wife of John Johns, an early pioneer in Blount township. John Johnston was born in Mason County, Kentucky, and moved to Adams County, Ohio, in the latter part of the Twenties. He lived there until in 1844; he came on horseback to Vermilion County, Illinois, settling on the edge of the prairie, a mile and a half from the present site of Oakwood. While in Ken- tucky he worked as a farm hand for eight dollars per month and he continued to earn his living in that way until in 1850, when he secured three yoke of oxen, which he used in breaking the priarie. That fall, with the old Virginia wagon filled with apples he started for Chicago, peddling his fruit along the way. In 1852 he went to Chicago with a team of horses and brought back a load of shingles for a neighbor. He hauled oats to Covington, where he sold them for ten cents per bushel. In the fall of 1852, Mr. Johnston married Mary Britting- ham, a daughter of A. W. and Matilda (Watson) Brittingham. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston began life in a primitive way. With the exception of a bedstead which her mother gave her, everything in the house was made by Mr. Johnston. He drove some wooden pins into the logs and placed some boards on the pins and there was a cupboard. All cooking was done in skil- lets or in kettles in the great fireplace and corn bread was baked upon a smooth board placed near the coals. Andrew H. Kimbrough, M. D., was born in Hardin County, Kentucky, Feb- ruary 27, 1823. When yet a boy he was taken by his parents to Edgar County, Illinois, where he received his education, as far as it went. He was determined to make the practice of medicine his work, so he entered the Jefferson Medical College, from which he was graduated in 1858. He had practiced some before he had finished his course of study in Paris, while yet he lived in Edgar County. The year he graduated he located in Georgetown, Vermilion County, and in 1873 ne came to Danville. He practiced continuously and with favor until in 1901, on account of failing health, he retired from active practice. Dr. Kimbrough was a member of most all available associations and profes- sional societies. Dr. Kimbrough was very prominent in the Odd Fellows fra- ternity of which he had been a member for more than fifty odd years. For sixteen years he was elected High Priest, and for many years he was a valued representative of the Knights of Honor. Dr. Kimbrough married Miss Sarah Ashmore in 1847. She was the daugh- ter of Amos Ashmore of Clark Countv. Her uncle was the Rev. Ashmore. HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 177 whose name was connected with the great religious work of the early days of Vermilion County. Dr. and Mrs. Kimbrough were both people of more than usual force of character, and were citizens of worth wherever they made their home. They were the parents of three children, two daughters and one son. The daughters are well known in church work and socially in the county, and the son is, after holding many offices, at present judge of the circuit court. Judge Kimbrough has been mayor of Danville for one term and minority representative in the state legislature for two terms. He married Miss Julia Tincher, daughter of John Tincher, and they became the parents of one child, a son, who died in childhood. Mrs. Kimbrough died in 1908 and Mr. Kimbrough afterward married again. Joseph Bailey came from Essex County, Massachusetts, direct to Vermilion County, Illinois, in 1845, when he was twenty-five years old. He settled in Georgetown, where his brother was postmaster. He became clerk in a small store there for which service he received six dollars per month. He clerked for three years. At the end of that time Mr. Bailey went into partnership with his brother under the firm name of W. B. & J. Bailey. About this time he married Miss Sarah Ann Brachall, a daughter of Martin Brachall, an early settler of Vermilion County. Mrs. Bailey was born in Ver- milion County. After several years in this business Mr. Brachall went to In- dianola, where he formed a partnership with Mr. Sconce under the name of Bailey & Sconce, which firm dealt in general merchandise for three years, after which he bought a farm and remained on it for five years, meanwhile suffering loss from fire which destroyed his home. He then returned to Danville, where his children could have the advantage of good schools. During this time he was associated with Mr. Hall in a lumber yard in Tuscola, and also in Kansas City, Missouri, whither Mr. Hall removed. Mr. Bailey also dealt in land to a large extent, owning property in Kansas, Arkansas, Missouri, Iowa, as well as Illi- nois and Indiana. Mr. Bailey made much profit in buying and selling land. In 1870 he became one of a company that organized to build the Paris & Danville Railroad. But the company failed and sold the road to the Big Four and more recently it has become the property of the New York Central system. Mr. Bailey's loss in this road was heavy. He lived retired in Georgetown until 1888, when he went to Kansas City to make his home, but remained only a few months, when he returned to Danville on account of his wife's health. Here he remained until his death. Mr. Bailey was the father of four children, two sons and two daughters. William I. Allen, one of the prominent men of Vermilion County, in the latter half of the nineteenth century, came from Ohio in 1844, and entered land in what is now the northwestern part of Hoopeston. It, at that time, however, was a tract of uncultivated land over which deers, wolves, prairie chickens and other wild creatures, had up to this time wandered undisturbed by man. There was not a tree or brush in sight, and the pioneer after building his cabin, fre- quently stood in his doorway and counted numbers of deer, sometimes as high as sixty in a herd. Mr. Allen was not married when he came here, but in 1848 he became the husband of Miss Emily Newell, the daughter of William Newell. He broke his land and improved his farm, working during the summer months 178 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY and teaching school in the winter. Mr. Allen was a man of fine classical educa- tion. When he graduated from his eastern college he wrote a letter home in Latin, which the family yet have in their possession. Finally Mr. Allen sold out his land to Mr. Hoopes and himself settled six miles west, where East Lynn now stands. By entry and purchase he acquired 3,200 acres of land which was mostly devoted to grazing. He built three houses and made other improvements re- maining there until after the breaking out of the Civil war. He enlisted in the I2th Illinois Infantry, which regiment was first ordered to Cairo and then to Paducah, Kentucky. After a little he was promoted to be the captain of his company, but became disabled for service and was returned home. He went back to his farm but in a few months bought 500 acres in the vicinity of Ross- ville. A few years after he sold out again and returned to the northern part of East Lynn. This town was located on a part of the old farm when the rail- road came through later. In 1884 Mr. Allen moved to Cherry County, Nebraska, but he lived here only four years, when he returned to Hoopeston, where he spent the remainder of his days. Mr. Allen was the father of six children. One of them, Mr. Chas. Allen, has been a prominent citizen of Vermilion County, where he was born in 1851. Mr. Charles Allen has represented Vermilion County in the state legis- lature for many terms and been a conspicuous member of each session. His home has always been in Hoopeston. Mrs. William I. Allen was the daughter of James Newell and was born in Kentucky, in 1824, coming to Vermilion County with her parents when she was but a small child. Her father was a prominent early settler, the township of Newell being named for him. The father of William Allen did not come to Illinois to settle but remained in Indiana as long as he lived. Lawrence Allen, the grandson of Mr. William Allen and son of Hon. Charles Allen, is at present county judge of Vermilion County. He is a practicing at- torney located in Danville. Mr. Charles Allen married Miss Mary Thompson, the daughter of L. M. Thompson. They are the parents of two sons, John N. and Lawrence. . William Allen bears the distinction of being the first settler of the northern part of the county. Herald Catlett became a resident of Vermilion County in 1846, coming to near Fairmount in Vance township. Mr. Catlett was born in Charlottesville, Virginia, and was taken to Tuscumbia, Alabama, when two years old by his parents, who changed their residence at that time. His father was not satisfied however, and in a few years he was found back in Virginia. There he remained until 1835, when he went on west to Ohio, and in 1846 he went on farther to Vermilion County, Illinois. Here he was a farmer until his death in 1861. He belonged to the Masonic fraternity, was a Baptist in religious faith, and a democrat. He was a man of charitable impulses, generous and benevolent. His wife survived him until 1871. They had a family of twelve children, six sons and six daughters. Three of these were prominent citizens of Vermilion County Virginia, who became the wife of Dr. Chas. Lamon, of Fairmount; Herald; and Hiram H., who has been a large dealer in hogs and cattle. His home is also in Vance township. OLD LINCOLN MALL THOMAS FORBES PROPERTY Built in 1850. on North and Walnut Streets PROPERTY OF WILLIAM GIDDIXGS ON SOUTH HAZEL STREET HARMON PROPERTY ON E. MAIN ST. Built in 1850 THE ENOCH KINGSBURY HOME ON SOUTH WALNUT STREET IN USE AS A BUSINESS HOUSE SINCE IT WAS BUILT IN 1850 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 179 The deals of these two brothers were perhaps greater than of any other per- son in the county at that time. Mr. Catlett not only bought and sold hogs and cattle but he became an extensive stock raiser. He had excellent executive ability, and keen business force, carrying to a successful termination anything he undertook. Mr. Catlett was not a politician, but was an earnest democrat. He never aspired to public office. He was a member of the Baptist church from a child and in which he served as deacon. Mr. Catlett died May i, 1902, and was buried in the Davis Cemetery in Vance township. He was the father of four children all of whom grew to womanhood and manhood, except the third child who died in infancy. W. C. Cowan was a valued citizen of Vermilion County, coming in 1846. He lived through his youth in Edgar County, his parents having come into Illi- nois from Indiana, when he was about three years old. He was born in 1829 and while living in Edgar County, he was engaged helping his father in farm- ing and running a carding machine. When the family came to Vermilion County they located in Georgetown and engaged in wool-carding. This particular mem- ber of the family lived with his parents learning the wagon-maker's trade and helping in the mill until 1857, when he went to Northwest Missouri, where he had a carding-machine and also worked at carpentering. He stayed there but two years, however, and returned to Georgetown, where he worked at the car- penter's trade until 1862, when he opened a drug store. He was connected with the One Hundred and Twenty-fifth Regiment for three months as sutler. Mr. Cowan married Miss Sarah M. Tucker, of Indiana, and they became the parents of six children. Dr. Samuel H. Vredenburgh came to Illinois in 1846 and began the practice of medicine at Newtown. He is one of the oldest living early settlers of the county, if it is permissable to call him an early settler. His memory is good and he has many interesting tales to tell of experiences of early day. No one conies so close to one as the practicing physician, and no one can paint more accurate pictures of conditions of living than the man who was the trusted and well loved family doctor. Dr. Vredenburgh was born in Indiana in 1820 and began life as a teacher but changed the profession when he was twenty-six years old, to that of medicine. He belonged to the old school of Allopathic practice and had a large territory over which he rode. Since he has retired from active practice he has made his home in Danville. The Masonic order was established in Vermilion County in 1846. At that time Danville was but a small village of perhaps 500 or 600 inhabitants, with six or eight stores. The Grand Lodge of the state of Illinois was organized in 1844 and that Olive Branch chapter should have come into being but six years later is a fact quite suggestive of the spirit of this locality. Olive Branch Lodge, No. 38, A. F. & A. M. is comparatively one of the ancient lodges of the state. The first Worshipful Master was W. E. Russell. John Payne was the first Senior Warden and John Thompson was the first Junior Warden. This order had a great growth for forty or more years, and its influence was for good in the county. 180 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 1847 was the year that John Charles Black came to Vermilion County with his mother. He was but a boy of eight years of age and he made Danville his home during his youth and young manhood. It was from Danville he went to college, and in Danville lie lived after the war, in which he distinguished himself, was over. The subsequent career of General Black entitles him to a place in the list of distinguished citizens. Victor and Prosper LeSeure were men, prominent in the affairs of Vermil- ion County, coming sometime in the Forties. Victor LeSeure first located in Georgetown, where he remained for a while and in 1849 moved to Danville, where he became one of the most prosperous merchants. It was not, however, until after he had changed his residence to Georgetown and then back to Dan- ville in 1851 that he located permanently. In 1876 he entered the hardware business where he remained until his death. Mr. LeSeure married Caroline McDonald, daughter of Alexander Mc.- Donald, one of the prominent pioneers of Vermilion County, in 1849. They were the parents of five children, four daughters and one son. Mr. LeSeure was mayor of the city of Danville and commissioner of highways three terms. He was connected with many enterprises of the county, being at one time sec- retary, treasurer and superintendent of the Danville Gas Light Company. Mr. LeSeure's wife died in the Seventies and he married Mrs. Mary McDonald (nee Smith). Mr. LeSeure's oldest daughter became the wife of Charles Yoemans, his next daughter became the wife of Mr. Palmer, and the third daughter became the wife of T. W. Elliott. The youngest daughter, Callie, died in childhood. His son Frank LeSeure married the daughter of John Sidell, but died soon afterward when only thirty years old, leaving a little daughter. W. J. Reynolds, who was a musician coming from a training in Boston, organized the first brass band in the state, in 1847. A reed band had been or- ganized the previous year. Mr. Reynolds maintained a band here for thirty years, except a short time when the men in his band were in the war. He devoted his time to teaching music, and during the war there were twenty bands of which he had been leader in the service. Mr. Reynolds organized and led the first choir in Danville. R. L. Porter, M. D., was a conspicuous man in Vermilion County during his lifetime. He was born in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, and came to Danville in 1848. He was surely one of the successful men of the county. He had a large practice and his wife also belonged to the profession and while in Danville some- times did several thousand dollars of work in that line per year. Dr. Porter owned much land in the county, and was more or less eccentric as might be expected. When he felt his time to die was approaching, he asked some friend to take him out on his farm to a spot secluded but beautiful, which was formed in flat-iron shape by the two small streams of water flowing past. The spot was high and dry and it was there he wanted to be buried. Although away from any burial ground, his friends respected his wishes when he died and he lies in this spot away from both the living and the dead. A. J. Richardson was a new comer in 1848 and settled in Georgetown. He was born near Boston, spent his childhood in New Hampshire, and brought his HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 181 parents to Indiana, where he spent his active manhood, coming to Vermilion County when he was forty-three years old. While in New Hampshire he learned the shoemaker's trade and took charge of the shop. After he came to Eugene, Indiana, he followed that trade but after he came into Vermilion County he spent his time as farmer and stock-raiser. Solomon Mosier came to Pilot township in 1848 and bought his home. He brought his family with him and was always known as a well posted man. The Mosier family has been a credit to him and has been looked up to as one of in- telligence, talent, and general information, in the neighborhood. Solomon Mo- sier died in 1871. Jesse Harris came to Illinois in 1848, and settled in Ross township. His son, a young man of twenty-one, came at the same time and worked in the employ of a farmer until election time when he went back to Ohio to cast his first vote which was given to Zachary Taylor. After he had voted he came back to Ver- milion County and soon had a farm rented and saved money to buy one, and, in time, acquired a good property. He served for twenty-seven consecutive years as school treasurer. John W. Goodwine came to Vermilion County in 1848, and settled in Blount township, where he bought 600 acres of good farm land. This he improved and began stock feeding to a large extent. From time to time he would add to his land until he had 6,000 acres. He was a good feeder, and would buy and feed cattle selling each year from 300 to 500 head from the farms. He had hogs to follow the cattle and from these sales he realized goodly sums. In 1898 he retired from the more active labor of caring for his farms and retired to a home in Potomac. In the many years residence in Vermilion County Mr. Goodwine saw the improvement go on until the great change has come, and where it was wild and unimproved country the farms are to the utmost stage of development. Rev. William H. Webster, D. D., came to Vermilion County in 1848 and is able to tell much of conditions in this section from that time to this. Rev. Web- ster came, an orphaned boy, with his sister who was a Methodist preacher's wife. She died soon after coming to this county, and her husband went away soon afterward leaving the lad to make his own way. He was born in New York state in 1835, and came west in 1848, and was left to make his way when he was fourteen years old. This he did by sawing wood, working in a livery barn, painting and in fact, doing anything he could find to do. He took care of fires for a lumber kiln at the corner of Vermilion and North Streets, where the Illinois Printing Company is now located. Across the street south, the little old frame building of the Methodist church stood. Here church services were held on Sunday and during the week school was kept by Mr. Munsell. This school was the beginning of the Danville Seminary. At recess time the pupils of the school would come over to see the lad who was attending the fires and talking of their studies he determined to go to school. So it was the next fall he was enrolled as a pupil. He worked nights and mornings and Saturdays to pay his expenses. Sometimes he had to stay out of school several weeks to get enough to pay his bills but he would go back and work harder than ever. In this way, working and going to school and teaching, he completed the course 182 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY of study in the Danville Seminary, the Asbury University of Indiana and the Ohio Wesleyan University, where he graduated in the classical course in 1859. He joined the Methodist church at a camp meeting near Danville. He taught school at several places, among which the Seminary at Shelbyville is to be counted. While teaching there he was licensed to preach. In the winter of 1858-9, he was appointed as assistant preacher on the circuit that embraced the northern part of Vermilion County. He preached in private houses, groves, barns, and in fact, any where a congregation could be drawn together. In 1859 ne became a member of the Illinois conference and since that time his work has always been under the orders of that body. His salary for one year was ninety dollars out of which he was obliged to in part, at least, pay his board. For a time he taught school to pay his expenses as pastor of a church. He has served as pastor of the best churches in the conference and been given places of importance and trust. While he has been taken away from Vermilion County to fill these places, he has always had more or less interest in affairs of the section and owned property about. After his term as presiding elder of the Danville district ended he was ap- pointed to the work of the domestic Missionary society, which he had helped to organize. Other work of the conference has been given him, which permits him to remain in his home. He has been treasurer of the board of trustees of the conference. Mr. Webster married Miss Augusta Robinson, the daughter of William Robinson, and they are the parents of but one living child, John W. Webster, an attorney of Danville. Mr. Snyder came from Ohio in 1849 and became a citizen of Pilot township. His daughter afterward became the wife of Mr. Charles Keesler, who came to this township in 1858. Dr. C. V. Baldwin was a prominent dentist of Danville, where he located in 1849, coming from Henry County, Indiana. He was but fifteen years old when he came with his parents to Vermilion County in 1849, an d ne lived here until in the eighties when he changed his residence on account of poor health to Cali- fornia. Dr. Baldwin studied dentistry in 1866 and became skilled in the profes- sion and very popular. He is yet practicing the profession in Los Angeles, California. Dr. Baldwin's first wife was Miss Williams, the daughter of Amos Williams. She died not many years after they were married and his second wife was Miss Pierce, of Indiana. M. Ganor has been a well known man in Danville for many years. He came with his father from Long Island, where they had their home since coming from Ireland, in 1849. They made their journey from Chicago in wagons, hiring a man to bring them from Chicago to Danville for $15. Mr. Ganor had his farm in what is now northeast Danville and at one time was better known as Tinchertown. In 1849 John Lawrence came to Vermilion County and located in George- town. He was a mechanic and brought his family with him. His son W. R. Lawrence was better known in Vermilion County than was his father. He was but nine years old when his father came to Vermilion County, and located in Georgetown and he received his education at the Georgetown Seminary. In 1862 he enlisted as private for three years and was promoted until he reached OLD RED BRIDGE OVER THE VERMILION RIVER HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 183 the rank of First Lieutenant. In 1864 he resigned and came back to Vermilion County. He -then went to Bloomington, where he began the study of law with Tipton and Benjamin, and in 1868 he was admitted to the bar. He went to Boonesville, Iowa, and began the practice of law, coming to Danville in 1873, where he located and rapidly rose in his profession. Mr. Lawrence lived in Dan- ville until he received the appointment which took him to Oklahoma where he has remained ever since. R. W. Cowan, druggist, of Georgetown, is the brother of W. C. Cowan, and came to Vermilion County at the same time with his father and the other mem- bers of the family. He enlisted in the Seventy-third Illinois Regiment, and was in the battle of Perrysville. He was discharged from the army because of ill health after six months and returning to Georgetown engaged in the grocery business. He afterward tried all lines of mercantile work and at the last settled on the drug store. In 1850 the Danville Seminary was incorporated under the provision of the law passed by the legislature of 1849, permitting citizens to be incorporated for the purpose of establishing institutions of learning. This school was the out- growth of the one taught in the Methodist church, which was the only institu- tion of learning where more than primary studies could be taken. Without the later established public schools there was no place nearer than the Georgetown Seminary or the Vermilion Grove Academy, where the youth of this section could secure any training in books. This institution was handicapped from the first by being made denominational. The incorporators were many of them, and indeed in the majority, members of the Methodist church and the articles of incorporation provided that a majority of the trustees should be from that church, and that the teachers should be appointed by its authority. Education and educational institutions to reach the highest results must recognize no limits of church or politics. An independent school would have been much better at that time since this drawing of the denominational line engendered a strong- partisan spirit and when that creeps into anything young people have to do with there are bitter feelings aroused which do not so readily disappear. That this school was well conducted there is no doubt, yet much of the after division in the sentiment of those in business and social lines may be traced back to the bitter quarrels among the children who went to school at that time and were compelled to take sides in the church differences which followed. The board of trustees selected two acres of land just north of the west end of Main street as it was then. Upon his land the two-story building was put up. This building now faces Pine street, a little north of Main street. This school was the only institution of higher learning in Danville for a year. The Independent Order of Odd Fellows were granted a charter for their lodge in Danville, July 25, 1850. The charter members were John L. Tincher, Samuel Frazier, J. B. Gilbert, Joshua Hollingsworth and H. J. C. Batch. The Higginsville postoffice was established in 1850. The Vermilion County Agricultural and Mechanical Association was or- ganized in 1850. The first fair was held at Danville, and was where the Pres- byterian church now stands on the corner of North and Franklin streets. The officers were elected, the fair was held and the premiums awarded, all in the 184 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY same day. There was no gate fare charged and only $40 paid in premiums. This amount must have been realized from the license charged to those who kept stands on the grounds. The second fair was held down on the bottoms near the "old red bridge." Abel Wolverton came to Vermilion County in 1850 and entered 160 acres of land being the N. E. one-fourth section 18, town 23, range n. He soon bought 160 acres more and then increased this amount to 400 acres. The fol- lowing year his family came and occupied the land. In the family was a son of fifteen, who was to be a strong factor in the development of the northern part of the county. Charles Wolverton learned the carpenter's trade before and during the war. He enlisted in Company H, joth Illinois Volunteers. This regiment did duty most of the time of their enlistment at Camp Butler, Spring- field, and at Alton. They did garrison duty at Alton and furnished numerous details for guarding prisoners. Mr. Wolverton rose to rank of Colonel. Since the war Mr. Wolverton has been conspicuous in business and politics. He is a republican. When Henry B. Kester was three years old he was taken by his parents from West Virginia to Morrow County, Ohio, and when he was twenty-two years old he came to Vermilion County, Illinois. He had his trade of carpenter before he came and went directly to work in building. His work increased to such an extent that he employed many men to help him get out his contracts. Mr. Kester was married to a girl from his childhood home in 1853. H C continued working at his trade until the Civil war broke out. Then he joined Company E, 149111 Illinois Regiment under the command of Captain Laferty and Colonel W. C. Kifner. This company did garrison duty until the close of the war and at Dalton, Georgia, on the 2/th of January, 1866, Mr. Kester was honorably discharged. The rest of Mr. Kester's life has been spent in the filling of his duty, as an honest citizen. Mr. Abner Warner came to Vermilion County in 1850 and herded cattle on the prairies. These he drove across the country to the Philadelphia markets. Later he located in Vermilion County and he died in Rossville in 1888. The two children of this family are well known, particularly the elder brother, Charles W. Warner. Charles Warner went with his parents from his birth- place to near Crawfordsville, Indiana, and went to school there. He then went into a printing office in Rossville, after which he taught school for awhile. When he had finished his last school he went into the office of the Hoopeston Chronicle, which at that time was owned by Dale Wallace. Here he remained for three years. Mr. Warner bought the Hoopeston Chronicle in 1882, since which time he has been editor and owner of the paper. He was appointed, or rather elected, because of the number of candidates, postmaster of Hoopeston in 1889 and has continued in office ever since, with the exception of Cleve- land's administration. Mr. Warner is recognized as the leader in the republican ranks in the north end of the county. His extensive political, business and social relations have given him a large acquaintance and he is favorably known. HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 185 John L. Stewart was a well esteemed citizen of Vermilion County for thirty years coming in 1851 and locating in Newell township on a tract of wild land, twelve miles northeast of Danville. He was a native of New York state, but spent his youth in Indiana. He lived on his 260 acres in Newell township until 1879, wnen he sold and went west on account of poor health. He located on a farm in Oregon near Portland, but stayed only three years, when he re- turned and lived in Bismarck until he died in 1882. A. LeSeure came to Georgetown in 1851 and began selling groceries, the firm being LeSeure and Probst. This continued for two years when Mr. Probst sold out to the other partner and Mr. LeSeure continued the business until in 1861 he enlisted in the 7th Illinois Cavalry, and was in service until the close of the war. His regiment was in several battles. Steven Brothers was born in Ohio. He was trained to be a farmer and a blacksmith. He came to Vermilion County in 1855, coming first to Bloomfield and then to Danville, where he worked as a blacksmith. He has gone back to Ohio and also to New York and as well to Nebraska, but he has always come back to Illinois. Mr. Brothers was in Company I under Captain Vinson. He was second lieutenant. At the battle of Perrysville, he was knocked over with a ball but was not injured. John McFarland was known as one of the best farmers of Oakwood town- ship, while he lived. He came from Ohio, and married a Miss Oxford, in Perrysville, Indiana. They had four children. After Mrs. McFarland died he came to Illinois. In 1856 Mr. McFarland married the widow of Aaron Dai- bey. The McFarland farm was a landmark for many years, and even yet when it has changed hands, that farm is- pointed out to strangers as the Mc- Farland farm. The Union Seminary was a joint stock company that was organized in 1851 by citizens who were not members of the church which controlled the other in- stitution of learning. The trustees were L. T. Palmer, A. D. Sconce, S. G. Craig, Guy Merrill and Hamilton White. They secured good grounds in what was the north part of town and built a good building on it. The building was on the site of the Kimbrough home, at the corner of Vermilion and Seminary streets. There were about three acres around the building. The course of study and instruction of one school was about the same as that of the other, but it was impossible for the pupils to believe this and so the chil- dren wasted their emotions in bitterness of jealousy and there was at times war over the conditions of education in Danville. Memories of discord have not yet left the hearts and brains of the men and women who were a part to all this strife in their childhood. In 1862 the common school system was adopted in Danville and that did away with these rivals and stopped the ill feeling. James H. Miller so long the tax collector for the county was born in Vir- ginia, and came to Ohio in 1846 staying there for about six years, when he came to Vermilion County and located at Danville. He accumulated property and had by reason of his energy, honesty and good qualities, enjoyed the con- fidence of the community. For twenty years and more he held the office of tax collector and part of the time was also assessor of Danville township. 186 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY All the revenue derived from taxation passed through his hands. Mr. Miller was left an orphan when a small boy, and his sole income was seventy-five cents per week, he paying his own expenses out of this sum. When his latter life of comfort and ease is considered, together with the statement of his early privations, it seems a wonderful country which can help a boy to succeed in this way. Mr. Miller married a daughter of John Johns and was the father of two boys, one only of whom lived to manhood. In 1852 William Hess came to Vermilion County with his father's family, and settled at Brooks Point. He lived with his parents until the death of his mother in 1854, after which he worked around on farms, going into Champaign County and farmed for himself for three years. In 1861 he married Miss Jane Clifton, who was born in this county. He left Champaign County and com- ing back to Vermilion settled near Georgetown, where he remained. John Cage came to Vermilion County when he was a young man of about twenty years old, coming in 1852 to take charge of the Denmark mill. He mar- ried Miss Kerr of the old home town in 1868, and rented the McCarty farm in Georgetown township. He remained here for two years when he bought a farm of his own, which he improved and upon which he remained. The Vermilion County Agricultural Society was organized in 1852, at Dan- ville. After its first fair it located grounds at Catlin. Hon. J. H. Oakwood was from the first its most determined and energetic promoter. Thomas Hoopes, the founder of Hoopeston, came to Vermilion County in 1853. He had made a success of living in Ohio and had a farm with all improve- ments to be desired in that state but he came to Illinois to look at the prospects of the country. It would seem that an eight hundred acre farm near Marion, Ohio, would have all the best possible conditions for any one, but it appears he was attracted to the newer country and turned with interest, if not longing, toward the natural grazing lands of the prairies of the northern part of Ver- milion County. That he was satisfied with conditions and the prairie called him with force, is indicated by the fact that he bought 480 acres of land from Mr. W. I. Allen on which he established his new home. This land lay northwest of the present site of Hoopeston, crowning a hill on the old Chicago road. As time passed Mr. Hoopes added to his land until he had seven or eight thousand acres. He became the most extensive stock raiser in this part of the country sending his product to the eastern markets, and spending his profits for more land. In July, 1871, the tracks of the C. & E. I. R. R. were laid across his farm and the year fol- lowing the Lake Erie & Western was running trains. Mr. Hoopes saw the op- portunity to build a town of importance at the crossing and at once had his farm platted and sold it for town lots. He later sold one thousand acres of his farm to the firm of Snell and Taylor, who platted it and sold it for town lots. After that Mr. Hoopes did not do much save to oversee his invested interests. He traveled much in search of health for his wife. Mrs. Hoopes died in 1886 and Mr. Hoopes survived her until 1893. Joseph G. English, who for years was one of the leading citizens of Dan- ville, came to Vermilion County in 1853. He came into the Wabash Valley with his father's family when he was but nine years old and made their home in MRS. HENRY B. KESTER HENRY B KESTER THOMAS WILLIAMS JOHN WILLIAMS MRS. NOAH E. HUBBARD NOAH- E. IIUBBARD HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 187 Perrysville, Indiana. He began earning his living when he was fourteen years old, going into the service of the firm of Taylor and Linton of La Fayette, Indiana. He remained here for three years. He was employed to sweep out the store and do odd work about and on market days he had to get up by three or four o'clock in the morning to get ready for the Dunkards who took advantage of the early hours to do their marketing. His wage for such service was his board and clothing. But the discipline was good for him and besides the knowl- edge he gained of mercantile matters, he learned to control himself and acquired habits which stood him in good place in after years. After he had been with this firm for five years it failed and he went back to Perrysville, and secured a place in a general store, where he received a salary of forty dollars per month. Inside of three years he had saved four hundred dollars and he determined to settle down and marry. He married the daughter of Mr. Hicks, a pioneer of Perrysville, who had a fine property. In 1844 Mr. English went into partner- ship with his father-in-law, under the firm name of Hicks and English. Their stock consisted of everything possibly needed and they were always the market for any produce there was to sell. This produce was shipped down the Wabash river to the Ohio and then either to Cincinnati or on down the Ohio to the Mis- sissippi to New Orleans. Since this produce was carried on flat boats many times Mr. English, as a young man, became one of the oarsmen. In 1853 Mr. English came to Danville, having sold out his store in Perrysville. He at once began a partnership with John L. Tincher, which was ended only by death. Mr. Tincher had married a sister of Mr. English's wife, so they were bound by other ties than those of business. This general store was a profitable venture but the firm was made the as- signees of the Stock Security Bank, a wild-cat institution, which was forced into bankruptcy in the panic of 1856-7. It was then that the general store of Tincher & English was disposed of and the entire attention of the firm was given to the bank. They gradually began transacting a brokerage and exchange business which grew into a private bank. In 1863 the National Bank bill passed congress and these gentlemen sought a charter and organized a national bank. Mr. English was made president of this bank and continued in that position until 1899. During these years Mr. English has been very active in the commercial and industrial life of Danville. He invested largely in land throughout the county and had much profit from his real estate deals. Mrs. (Hicks) English died in 1864, having been the mother of seven children. In 1865 Mr. English married Mrs. Partlow, a widow with two children. By this wife Mr. English became the father of two children, only one of whom lived to grow to manhood. This second wife died in 1886 and in 1899 Mr. English again married, this time it was to Mary E. Forbes, the widow of Thomas Forbes, and daughter of William Hessey, a pioneer of Vermilion County. Mr. English was very prominent in the affairs of the Methodist Episcopal church and almost by his own effort organized the second church in Danville, better known as Kimber Methodist church. He lived retired the last years of his life, having met reverses in money matters and suffered failing health. Mr. English died in the spring of 1909. 188 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY Mr. A. G. Webster was a merchant in Danville for thirty odd years, coming in 1853 with a small stock of dry goods from La Fayette, Indiana. He continued in 'the dry goods business until 1856, when he sold out his stock and set up a grocery store. His birth place was St. Albans, Vermont. He spent his life in Danville from 1853 to the time of his death which occurred in about 1907. C. D. Henton came to Vermilion County in 1853 having spent his earlier life in Fountain County, Indiana. He located in Myersville, where he practiced his profession until 1872, when he came to Danville, where he remained as long as he lived. Dr. Henton married a Miss Gundy, sister to Andrew and Francis Gundy. Asa H. Guy came to Vermilion County in 1853, and located in Georgetown, where he taught school. Mr. Guy was elected surveyor of Vermilion County by the republicans in 1855. This office he held, off and on for twenty-five or thirty years. He has laid out and surveyed the villages of Fairmount, Catlin, a part of Hoopeston and as well Paxton and other towns. In 1862 Mr. Guy was ap- pointed assistant revenue assessor, which office he held until 1865. Mr. Guy was the father of seven children. His oldest son, Charles V. Guy was for many years superintendent of county schools, and afterward in the abstract office. His younger son, J. Milton, M. D., has been a successful physician in Danville, whose practice extends throughout the county. Dr. Guy is one of the leading physicians of the city and it is right to say county as well. He is a progressive practitioner and ranks with the best. George A. Fox was closely identified with the local politics of Oakwood township. He came from Pennsylvania in 1853 directly to Vermilion County, Illinois. The year following his coming to Oakwood township he bought 240 acres of land, where he lived until his death. In the following November Mr. Fox was married to Margaret Oakwood, the youngest daughter of Henry Oak- wood. They were the parents of six children, all of whom have taken their places in the world with credit. When he came to Vermilion County he drove a flock of sheep. Mr. Fox was elected justice of the peace in 1856 and served in that capacity until 1870. He was supervisor for four years. He was the first supervisor of Oakwood township. In Vance township he was assessor and collector for three years. He was school director for many years and as well was school trustee for three years. He was a member of the Methodist church for many years and was class leader for some time. Peter Byer the man with whom a pair of shoes is always associated, came from Germany. He stopped in Rochester on his way to learn something more about shoes. He then started for Vermilion County with the expectation of buying land. Before he could get there however, the bank in which he had his money failed as banks too often did in those days, and Mr. Byer was penniless. Nothing remained for him then but to go to work with his trade of shoemaking. He did this but did not have to depend upon such work for long, for as time passed he not only did not have to do the drudgery of shoe making but he accumulated much valuable property. Mr. Byer had some difficulty before he died, but he was always well esteemed by his neighbors and when he died there were many to mourn the loss of the citizen whom everybody liked. HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY Ib9 John McMahan came to Danville in 1854. He followed his trade as a black- smith until about 1870. Squire McMahan was well known and well liked. He had a wide influence and died a well honored citizen of the community. In 1869 he was elected mayor of Danville and in 1872 he was elected justice of the peace and police magistrate, both of which offices he held for many years. John Kilborn came to Danville in 1854 after a life of more than usual prefer- ment in Ohio. He was almost forty years old when he came to Illinois and was well able to take his place as a leader at once. He was intersted in land specula- tion and gave his entire time to this. Mr. Kilborn built and improved the house long known as the Hooton place, and in 1862 moved on his farm in Danville township. In 1854 Jacob Yapp moved his harness and trunk factory from Cuba, New York, to Georgetown, Illinois, under the firm name of Yapp & Co. This firm continued one year when Mr. Yapp bought out the business and formed a part- nership with James Jackson, which continued until Mr. Jackson's death, when Mr. Yapp took sole charge of it until 1861. He then gave it up and gave all his attention to the hotel business, which he had opened three years before. He also ran the hack line from Danville to Paris, also having charge of the mail route. In 1864 he was elected justice of the peace; in 1868 he became a hardware merchant. James H. Phillips, who has probably resided in Danville longer than any other person not a native of the state of Illinois, was born in Sussex County, Delaware, September 22, 1832. In 1850 just as he was about to enter Delaware College from the preparatory school at Newark, Mr. Phillips, by reason of an unfortunate venture in a cargo of coffee bought in Rio de Janeiro by the super- cargo of a barque belonging to his father, was compelled to give up all hope of a collegiate education, and return home and to work. Four years thereafter, through the kindly influence of Levin T. Palmer, now deceased, and the loan of twenty-five dollars, by a friend, in his native town, Mr. Phillips, after a five days' journey from Baltimore, Maryland, by rail, canal and stage coach, arrived at Danville, November 20, 1854, and at once entered the employ of Tincher & English, as their bookkeeper. On the night of his arrival in Danville accom- panied by Mr. Palmer, Mr. Phillips called at the store and before leaving, Mr. Tincher said, "Do you wish to go to work in the morning, or look around the town ?" The reply promptly came : "I want to begin my duties at once." In May, 1860, Mr. Phillips was appointed agent for Danville of the Home Fire Insurance Company of New York, and he enjoys the enviable distinction of being in one business the longest continuous number of years of any business man in the city, if not in the entire state of Illinois. The Danville agency is 712 and its company now has probably 15,000 agencies. The Home Insurance Company, was, at that time, only seven years old. Mr. Phillips has a silver and also a gold medal from the Home, denoting twenty-five and afterward fifty years of continuous service as local agent. There are no other gold medals of that company in Illinois, and only five in the entire United States. Mr. Phillips also enjoys the distinction of being the long- est continuous Building and Loan Association manager in Danville and doubt- less in the entire state. His career in that branch of his business dates from 190 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY November, 1873, and he only resigned the office of secretary of the Danville Building Association, in favor of his son Samuel Frazier Phillips, in January, 1910. Mr. Phillips was made a Mason in 1856 by William E. Russell, then Master of Olive Branch lodge in this city. By reason of the death of Mr. Russell, Mr. Phillips by special dispensation of the Grand Master of Masons in this state, was elected Master of Olive Branch lodge, having never been elected a Warden. This was in 1858. Mr. Phillips doubtless enjoys the dis- tinction of being the oldest living' Past Master Mason in Illinois, whose first election as Master of a lodge dates as early as 1858. During the Civil War and after the office of Internal Revenue Collector Eighth Congressional District, comprising the counties of Vermilion, Iroquois, Ford, Champaign, Piatt, Macon, Moultrie, Cumberland, Douglas, Coles and Edgar was located in this city, Mr. Phillips was Deputy Collector, under W. T. Cunningham, collector. Soon after the I5th of April, 1865, Mr. Phillips, as well as other employees of the U. S. government wore by order of the commissioner of Internal Revenue, a band of black crepe on the left arm for thirty days in commemoration of the death of President Lincoln. November 24, 1859, Mr. Phillips was married to Miss Angeline, daughter of Captain Samuel Frazier. To that union were born the following named children : Annie Laurie, Jennie Louisa, Edwin Frazier, Frank Chipman, Leona, Florence Josephine, Samuel Frazier, and Corinne Angeline. November 27, 1909, these highly esteemed people celebrated the close of fifty years of wedded life surrounded by their children, fourteen grandchildren, and two hundred friends, many of them of the long ago. Mr. Phillips at this date, December 3, 1910, enjoys robust health, and spends from six to eight hours daily in the Insurance and Building Association office of Phillips, Snapp & Espencheid, of vvhich firm he is yet an active member. Joseph M. Satterthwait was another of the new comers of 1854. He settled on a farm near Rossville in Vermilion County. He was the third postmaster of Rossville. In 1862 he moved into Indiana and settled near Indianapolis, where he re- mained for ten years when he returned to Illinois and settled at Hoopeston. where he lived up to the time of his death on September 21, 1877. Mr. Satter- thwait left four daughters, all of whom were settled in homes of their own. He lived a strict member of the Society of Friends. W. R. Nesbitt came to Vermilion County in 1855, and starting with little of this world's goods he accumulated a good farm. He has been engaged in the fruit culture to a greater extent than any other man of recent years. Mr. Nes- bitt has been prominent in the Holiness movement of the county, which has resulted in the establishment of the institution of learning located at Georgetown. Asa M. Bushnell, the Bismarck merchant and moneyed man of Vermilion County, came with his parents to Vermilion County while yet a small boy in about 1855. They first settled in Newell township, but after a few years moved back to Cook County, returning to Vermilion County in a few years when they settled in Rossville. In 1873 he began his career as a merchant. He afterward went to Bismarck, where he was subsequently postmaster and in a general merchandise store in partnership with Mr. Francis M. Gundy. JAMES H. PHILLIPS HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 191 Mr. Spencer N. Monroe opened a jewelry store in a small frame house on the southwest corner of the plaza in 1855. From here he went to No. 67 West Main street. Here he remained as a fixture of the street, others coming and going around him, but his store was the same for many years, until his death. Peter Walsh, another well known citizen of Danville, came in this same year of 1855. He came from New York city, an orphan seeking friends. He enlisted in the Union army in 1861 and served three years doing good service. He was in Company K, Thirty-seventh Illinois Volunteers. After the close of the war he studied law, attending the law school at Ann Arbor, Michigan, and was admitted to the bar in 1867. While studying he was in the office of Mark Hawes. Mr. Walsh was popular and held several offices of trust. He was city attorney, for five terms and states attorney for the county. Danville had a new city charter in 1855. The Newell Horse Company was organized in 1854 and held its first quar- terly meeting in October of that year. This company was composed of many of the best citizens of Newell township. The earliest records have been de- stroyed. The object and purpose of this organization are expressed in the preamble to the constitution as follows : "to shield us from the depredations of horse-thieves, counterfeiters, and swindlers, and to afford mutual assistance in reclaiming stolen horses and in apprehending thieves." Up to this time there had been much trouble in this part of the county on ac- count of horse-thieves a man's property was always in peril. Just over in In- diana there was a nest of horse-thieves who combined counterfeiting with this other breaking of the law. A combination against them was imperative. To this end John Deck, Sr., George Lucky and a few other men who had suffered from them and vainly had urged other men to organize some means of protec- tion, made a compact, pledging themselves to assist to protect one another. Soon others were attracted to the compact and when the number reached twenty-five, an organization was effected at a meeting at the Navoo schoolhouse, a constitu- tion and by-laws was adopted and officers elected. This body grew in number and efficiency until it became a standing menace to the depredators and a val- uable protection to the law-abiding citizens of the community. Counterfeiting presses were captured, stolen property was recovered, and horse-thieves and counterfeiters ferreted out and apprehended. The gang which infested this country was broken up and one of their number was so thoroughly overawed (his name was Lane) that whenever he was asked for information he gave it so completely as to convict his associates. He afterwards moved to another county where he and his son became notorious as counterfeiters and thieves and were, both of them, killed. One case of summary execution is on record of the early days of this organization. A horse had been stolen; the thief was overtaken at Beaver Lake, and he was about to escape. Abiah Lucky could not bear to see him get away so he snatched a fowling piece from the hands of a gamester among the crowd and commanded a halt on the part of the man pursued. This demand was not heeded and Mr. Lucky shot him on the spot, killing him instantly. The meeting places of this organization were at the Navoo schoolhouse at first and later at the Rutledge schoolhouse and yet later at the Smith school- 192 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY house. This organization was one of forty-eight similar ones, all belonging to the Wabash general association of detective companies. These companies saved property and life at a time when nothing else could do so. J. E. Tuttle became a resident of Vermilion County in 1856, locating at Myersville. He began the study of medicine with Dr. Henton there, in 1862, and three years later became a graduate of Rush Medical College. He re- turned to Vermilion County and began practice at Blue Grass. Here he re- mained until 1869 when 'he went to Myersville, practicing there until 1874 when he went to Danville, where he lived the rest of his life. H. M. Kimball was one of the men who came from New England and made his home in Vermilion County. He was a native of New Hampshire spending the early part of his life in that state. He came to the middle states and did some construction work on the railroads in 1856. A great part of this was the stone piers and abutments of the Wabash railroad at Danville. He located here and superintended that work and when it was complete, he established the first marble works at Danville. He later went into the grocery business and yet later kept a furniture store. He accumulated much property and later in life retired and enjoyed his last years without work. Mr. Kimball died in 1907 leaving his wife and one daughter, who had become the wife of W. R. Jewell, Jr. Another new comer in 1856 was Mr. J. H. Palmer, who made Danville his home, coming from New York. These two men came from the east and several came to the county from the South, among whom was J. P. Cloyd, coming from Tennessee. He taught school for six years, when he read medicine and attended lectures at Rush Medical College, graduating and settling at Georgetown, where he practiced his profession ever since. He married Miss Hannah Golden, a native of Vermilion County. Joseph McClure came to Vermilion County, a miller and ground the first grist in the Henderson and Kyger mill. He later was with the firm of M. M. Wright. Mr. A. C. Daniel was one of the most prominent men in Vermilion County for many years. He was identified with the coal interests of the section dur- ing its most prosperous period more conspicuously than any other man unless, perhaps, Michael Kelley. Mr. Daniel was born in Roxbury, New York, in 1835, and was a young man of twenty-two, when he came to Illinois, locating in Danville. His entire possessions at that time was an extra suit of clothing and $2.50 in money. The coal mine attracted him from the first, and he worked in every depart- ment so that his knowledge of the coal interests was practical to the extreme. Mr. Daniel accumulated wealth and died not only a rich but a very influential man. He married the daughter of L. T. Palmer. Raymond W. Hanford was a popular citizen of Danville, as lawyer, editor and politician. He came to Danville in 1856 and was a poor boy. He was born in Ohio. He was obliged to leave home when but fifteen years old to learn the printer's trade. He studied law under the instruction of J. M. Les- ley, after he came to Danville, and was admitted to the bar in 1859. He re- sponded to the first call for troops from the government, enlisting for three months, and when the term of service was over he reenlisted for HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 193 three years. He remained with his regiment during all this time, returning in 1864 to Danville and went into partnership with H. W. Beckwith in the practice of law. He was elected county judge in 1868 and held that office for more than ten years. William Mann, the merchant, came from Philadelphia, about this time, lo- cating in Danville. In 1861 he enlisted in the Twelfth Illinois Volunteer Infan- try, Company C, first for three months, and after the term was ended he re- enlisted for the remainder of the service. He was in the army until the close of the war when he returned and again became a merchant with a line^of dry goods, remaining in this business the remainder of his life. In 1857 Abraham Gernand settled in Danville and for a year and a half was in the lumber business. In the spring of 1859 he bought 320 acres of land two miles north of Rossville and later added to this farm until the farm became one of value. John Leemon came to this county in 1857, locating on a \\\ acre farm of unimproved land near Mr. Hoopes in the northern part of Vermilion County. He lived here alone, improving his farm and boarding at Mr. Hoopes. John Beard has been a conspicuous citizen of Vermilion County during the years he has resided here. He came here when but a boy, and as soon as he had reached the years that warranted it he became a merchant giving his. at- tention to the grocery trade. Growing ever of more and more influence, Mr. Beard had the community dominated and turning his attention to politics, he was before long the leader of his party. It was through the influence of Mr. Beard that the democratic party grew in power and Danville became a demo- cratic town. Mr. Beard was a shrewd politician and had a faculty of turning the desires of men his way. He possessed all the characteristics of a successful politician and held the city of Danville in his power for years. Only poor health and at last complete failure of strength weakened his power. He has become a confirmed invalid. Leonard Myers came to Vermilion County in 1858, and began dealing in stock, having a farm. This he kept up for about five years -when he moved to Danville and began the butchering trade. At the same time he continued buy- ing and selling stock, horses being the particular line he most favored. He shipped many carloads to the east. He was more than a decade in the office of marshal of the city of Danville and was a very well known citizen of this community. Mr. Myers was very well liked by every one and the police department of the city was apparently his permanent care. Mr. Myers spent his remaining life in Danville after he located here. Joseph Shipner came to Danville in 1858 and hardly became settled before he entered the army as volunteer. Mr. Shipner was in the service during the war and upon his return he became superintendent of Mr. Bowers' mill. After filling this position for eleven years he and his son formed a partner- ship and became merchants, taking the line of groceries. T. H. Myers, the express agent, was very popular because of his suave man- ners notwithstanding he had but minority influence in his politics. Mr. Myers came from Virginia and located in Danville at a time when southern ideas and 194 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY institutions were not at all popular with the majority of people. Mr. Myers opened a grocery store when he first came to Danville and later became the agent for the U. S. Express company and yet later of the American Express company. Fred Buy is yet a grocer who came in 1858. He had been but one year's distance from Prussia, when he came and worked for five years in the Danville Woolen mills. He then began clerking in a dry goods store where he remained for a year, then went into the grocery store of E. B. Martin & Company. His experience as clerk taught him the business and he has had a grocery store of his own for these last years, where he has made a comfortable living. Harry Raimer is now starting to change his residence which has for thirty- two years been in Danville, Illinois. He came here in 1858 and has resided here continuously, ever since. He was a tailor and has for more than a quarter of a century made clothing for many of the men of Danville and vicinity. Mr. Raimer leaves this winter, with his wife for the Pacific slope to make his home. His one daughter lives in Oregon, and his son lives in Danville. Mr. Raimer married Miss Caroline Payton, granddaughter of Mr. Valentine Payton, Sr. Bryon Haggard was a favorite merchant in the sixties and early seventies in Danville. He was residing in LaFayette, Indiana, when in 1858 he was offered a position in the store of Mr. Moore at Danville, which he accepted arriving in his new home in 1858. Mr. Moore sold out in a few years and Mr. Haggard went into partnership with Mr. Miller. The firm of Miller & Hag- gard confined their line to boots and shoes and continued until 1861, when they were burned out. But they were plucky and rented a small store room and put in a new stock of boots and shoes, which increased and when after a short time Mr. Miller went out of the firm, Mr. Hagagrd continued the business as long as he lived. Mr. Haggard died in 1872, leaving a family of four daughters as well as his wife. Charles Keesler came to Vermilion County in 1858 and established his new home in Pilot township. He yet lives there a retired farmer of means. His son has been prominent in politics and he himself was for some time the chairman of the board of supervisors. James Knight came to Danville in 1858, being interested in work for the Wabash railroad. He was conductor for a number of years and finally located in Danville, being station agent for that railroad. Later he was interested in the boot and shoe business and then in buying and selling real estate, but he gave up all business for several years before his death. In 1860 Mr. Knight married Miss Elizabeth Probst, and they were the parents of three children, one son and two daughters. Mr. Knight died in 1900. In 1858 James Hoover came to the eastern edge of Vermilion county, where he located in Stateline. He there was in the building trade and remained there until 1871, when he changed his resi- dence to Ross township, where he had a farm of 160 acres, upon which he lived and which he improved until he retired to Alvin in 1899. Among the new comers of 1859, one in particular is to be counted, who was a man well known at home and away during the years of rapid development of Vermilion County in the seventies and eighties and indeed until his death. So prominent a citizen was he that he has been chosen as a distinguished citizen and will be considered in the chapter devoted to them. JOHN W. DALE THOMAS HOOPES A. H. MOZIEK H. W. HARRIS HERALD CATLETT JAMES MILLER HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 195 Dr. J. M. Wilkin began his career as a practitioner in Vermilion County, in 1859, settling in Conkeytown. There he remained until 1863 when he went to Fairmount, where he resided until 1880, when he moved to Kansas. He made several moves after this and returned to Fairmount in 1901 and again took up his practice in Vermilion County. N. A. Kimball became a resident of Vermilion County in 1859. His home was in New Hampshire, and he came to work for Colonel Chandler, who needed some one to act as weigh-master in the coal mines. He worked at this for some time and then for three years was farming, after which he engaged in various enterprises until in 1872 he formed a partnership with Chas. W. Mor- rison, and went into the furniture trade. They did business together for two years and Mr. Kimball sold out and four months later took the stock of coffins and from that time on carried on a business of selling coffins. He kept up this business until his death. The Farmers and Mechanics Institute was organized in 1859 and held an- nual fairs for many years there afterward. Their grounds were adjacent to the limits of Danville as it was at that time, on the north, now of Seminary Street. There were sixteen acres bought and laid out and the fairs were for a time popular and profitable. A good showing of blooded stock was always to be found there and many mechanical displays made a crowd always to be found. The first officers were president, L. T. Dickason ; vice president, James Knight ; secretary, W. M. Bandy ; assistant secretary, W. S. McCenathen ; treasurer, V. LeSeure. While the vote to form a new county which came before the town meeting in 1857 was voted down, by a big majority, the proposition to erect the county of Ford in 1859, met an enthusiastic support. This same year the question was up before the people, whether to continue township organization and was overwhelmingly in favor of continuance. The greatest land sale ever known in eastern Illinois and western Indiana was conducted by John Sidell. John Sidell was living in the northern part of Edgar County until in 1860 when he began his operations in Vermilion County. He came into this county and, using borrowed money, bought up the land which up to this time had been owned by small farmers. These small farms he combined and bought yet more and more land. At last he had reached the amount of 6,000 acres. Mr. Sidell was not yet a rich land owner because he did not yet own any consid- erable extent unhindered by any debt. That fact occasioned the great sale. Mr. Sidell spared no trouble nor expense, for the sale was to be the most exten- sive ever had in the county, and it was to be the chance for him to keep the re- mainder of the six thousand acres. John Sidell's father died when he was but eight years old and he was obliged to make his own way early in life. His home was in Ohio and when he was nineteen years old he went on horseback through Illinois and Iowa, looking for something to do better than he could find in Ohio. Not being satisfied with what he found he went back to Ohio and engaged to cut cordwood at thirty- three and a third cents per cord. When he went west he was getting the sum 196 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY of twelve dollars per month. This was small wages for hard work but he stuck to it until he found something better. When Mr. Sidell came to Illinois he settled not far from Paris in Edgar County and grazed cattle until he could buy some for himself. He was some- thing of a carpenter but was determined to find some means of speedily making money. He rode across Illinois and Iowa, crossing Illinois nine times on horse- back. He traveled through Texas, being in that state before it was one of the states of the United States. Sam Houston was the great sovereign of that country at that time, and John Sidell built him a house. At last Mr. Sidell looked upon the land of southern Vermilion County to covet it and he went to work on a great land deal. Borrowing money to make the purchase, he went into the farms of what is now Sidell township and bought them as far as he could, paying the price asked for whatever he could. It is said to this day that he was stopped only by the determination of Mr. Sconce, who in his turn had already transformed the small farms into his fine farm, to keep the land. A record of an old collector's book seen the other day is to the effect that the farms in the southern part of the county were all small, of perhaps eighty or even less acres. Early settlers had spent a limited sum in entering land and then he sold to those coming afterward in yet smaller parts. All these small farms were objects of Mr. Sidell's desire and he accumulated seven thousand acres before he sold out any. Mr. Sidell's money came quickly when he had bought western cattle on these fertile fields made ever more fertile by their presence. He sold off his land to the amount he needed to carry him over and secure the land he desired to save. Mr. Sidell went into politics and was elected to the legislature. He was a man of strong personality and very generous im- pulses. He was liberal in giving to advance the enterprises he thought for the good of the public welfare. He was instrumental in taking the C. & E. I. R. R. to Sidell and freely donated the right of way. People had confidence in him and business men invested their money there. Mr. Sidell was a natural promoter and at one time himself chartered a train and ran it free from Columbus, Ohio, to Sidell, Vermilion County, for the benefit of people who wanted to make their homes in the west. Sidell was laid out in 1884 and Mr. Sidell lived to see its marvelous growth, but not to carry out any possible plans he had for its future. He died in the early days of 1889 and was buried with the honors of the Masonic order. CHAPTER XIX. VERMILION COUNTY DURING THE CIVIL WAR. PUBLIC SENTIMENT IN i860 VOLUNTEERS TO THE SERVICE REGIMENT FORMED FROM VERMILION COUNTY MEN WHOLLY OR IN PART WHAT THE WOMEN DID NEWCOMERS FROM i860 TO 1864 RIOTS IN DANVILLE DURING THIS TIME. To a reader of history who studies causes and effects, Vermilion County, at the beginning of the Civil war, presents interesting conditions. The entire country was in an unsettled state, none' the less was this section. Nearly a hundred years had passed since the founding of the new government in Amer- ica, and the people subscribing to the constitution by which it should be en- forced had yet the same disagreement in the interpretation of this organ which met it at first and they were not satisfied. The country was extensive and con- ditions of living differed in different sections. One part of the country was rich in natural products and another facilities for manufacturing. Little means of transporting the raw product from the southern part of the country, or of inter- course, each section with the other ; ideals of all sorts diverse and strong, and con- stantly growing more intense ; all these things tended to separate the states on the geographic lines. Such were the conditions which naturally led the United States toward sectionalism. Below the Mason and Dixon line there was but one ex- pressed opinion. The institution which their neighbors to the north hated, seemed to them of absolute importance to their life. Anyone who did not like the sys- tem of slavery must leave that section; and people with these sentiments de- veloped in rising generations, did leave, coming often to the nearest free state, which was either Indiana or Illinois. That a state had a right to do anything it desired, was accepted doctrine in the South. Above this imaginary line of division a man held more independent ideas. Generally speaking, the majority agreed that the government of the United States was for each and every citizen equally; that slavery was unconstitutional, as well as subject to a higher stand- ard of judgment, and protested against its extension. The wealth of the South came as the result of another's labor, while that of the North came as the' reward of each man's efforts. Sectionalism increased constantly, the Southern states carrying the matter of state rights so far as to the right to dissolve the union of all states at the will of any one. This the people of the North would not admit, even to the length of taking up arms in defense of the existing government. In the Eastern states the people were, by descent as well as other conditions, liberty-loving and independent of thought, and the views of the South were appalling to the majority of them. In the Western states, 197 198 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY or rather, those which at the time were the Western states (particularly In- diana and Illinois), the people had such a recent inheritance of these same views, that the position of the South to them was different. Southern Illinois was settled from the Southern states. This was true of the central part of the state. Vermilion County, it has been seen, was settled largely from Kentucky, Vir- ginia, the Carolinas and Tennessee. While some of these people came to get away from the institution of slavery, more of them came with prejudice in favor of the Southern ideas and institutions. During the fifties immigra- tion came from the East, and northern Illinois was dominated by the ideas of that section. A close observer of settlements in Vermilion County will see this new force coming in, like the entrance of a different stream into a flowing river, and like the onrush of a second mighty stream, where the meeting took place, there were turbulent waters. The land of central and southern Indiana and Illinois was a perpetual battlefield. Public sentiment in Vermilion County was not all given to either side without conditions. This warfare was not without its advantage, however ; such opposition always makes the individual opinions the stronger. When the struggle actually came on, when the flag of the country was fired upon and the President of the United States called for volunteers, the men and boys of Vermilion County responded in a goodly number, ready and willing to defend the honor of their land, even with their lives. Business in- terests were laid aside, family obligations were suspended, and there was no waiting to be forced into the service of their country on the part of the men of Vermilion County. The many belonging to the Society of Friends who had largely come into this county from Tennessee to get away from the institution of slavery were, of course, kept from taking up arms by reason of their faith, yet many enlisted and of those who remained at home their help was freely given to their neighbor who could go to the battlefield, and his family was sure of friends while he was gone. The first call for men was to service for three months. To this call many made response, and when the time passed and their term of service was over they reenlisted. There were several regiments in which many of the volunteers were men from Vermilion County. A history of Vermilion county was published in 1879, while yet many of the returned soldiers were living who could tell the story of those years of Civil war, and lengthy reports of the various regiments were available from the pen of participants. This history was written by Mr. Beckwith, and has now been out of print several years. Because it is out of reach of so many, it is deemed best to quote these reports directly from its pages with additions or changes where the writers are yet living. The regiments under consideration were the 25th, the 37th, the 73d and the i25th Illinois Volunteers. Of the writers of these reports, Capt. Achilles Martin and Col. William Mann .are dead. The others are living. TWENTY-FIFTH REGIMENT ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. [Contributed by Captain Achilles Martin.] The 25th 111. Vol. Inf., three companies of which (A, B and D) were from Vermilion County, w*as organized in Vermilion County, June i, 1861, and HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 199 mustered into service at St. Louis, Missouri, August 4, 1861, and from there transported by rail to Jefferson City, Missouri, and thence to Sedalia, Mis- souri, and marched to Springfield, Missouri, under General Fremont, in pur- suit of General Price's army, and from thence to Rolla, Missouri, where, with a portion of Fremont's army, it spent the early part of the winter of 1861 and 1862, but returned to Springfield, Missouri, in February, 1862, under command of General Siegel, and pursued General Price's army to Ben- tonville, Arkansas, where, on the 6th, 7th and 8th of March, 1862, the memorable battle of "Pea Ridge" was fought. The 25th Reg., having been held in support until ; early morn of the third day, took the front under the immediate command of General Siegel, in support of the artillery, which opened the engagement. After a fierce contest with grape, canister and shell at short range, the enemy's batteries were silenced, and the memorable order, "Up, 25th, Minutes ! Col. Minutes !" was given by General Siegel in person, and the next moment the regiment, under the most terrific fire of musketry, with other troops, charged the enemy in a thick wood, where, after a fierce and deadly contest, the enemy's lines gave way, and the whole army was soon in full retreat, and thus was victory brought out of what but a few hours be- fore was considered, by the general commanding, a defeat. The regiment was highly complimented for its gallantry in this (its first) engagement. Then, in connection with the army, it took up the line eastward, where, after a long and tedious march, it arrived at Batesville, in Arkansas, and was there de- tached from the army, and, with nine other regiments under command of Gen. Jeff. C. Davis, marched eastward to Cape Girardeau, Missouri, a distance of two hundred and fifty miles in nine days, having made an average of about twenty-eight miles per day. The regiment then, by river transportation, joined Gen. Halleck's army in the siege of Corinth, Mississippi, which place was soon evacuated by the enemy; and after a short stay in Mississippi marched east- ward under command of Gen. Buell by way of Nashville, Tennessee, to Louis- ville, Kentucky, a distance of nearly five hundred miles in the month of Au- gust, in the most extreme heat and drouth. Here a few! days were spent in reorganizing the army, when it was ordered in pursuit of Gen. Bragg's army, then invading Kentucky. Later, the battle of Perryville, or Chaplain Hills, was fought between a portion of the two armies, wherein the 25th Reg., and more than sixty thousand other well-equipped soldiers were compelled to act as spectators in the slaughter of a portion of our army under command of Gen. McCook, because the general commanding said that McCook had brought on the engagement without his orders. After this battle the regiment re- turned to Nashville, Tennessee, and Gen. Rosecrans was put in command of the army, then known as the Army of the Cumberland, wihich remained at Nash- ville until the last of December, 1862, when it was advanced to Murfreesboro, Tennessee, and met the enemy under command of Gen. Bragg at Stone River, Tennessee, on the 3Oth of December, 1862, and at the dawning of the 3ist the enemy attacked in great force. The 25th Reg., being in the unfortunate right wing of our army, was soon sharply engaged, when the charge grew fierce and deadly. The line on the left of the 25th gave way, and being fiercely assailed in front and left, the regiment was compelled to change front under a most 200 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY withering lire. Here the color-bearer was stricken down and the flag lay on the ground, when Col. Williams, of the regiment (than whom no more worthy patriot has died), raised the colors with his own hands, and having indicated the new line to be formed, he planted the flag firmly, and uttered in loud tones his living and dying words: "Boys, we will plant the flag here and rally around it, and here we will die !" The next moment, with flagstaff in hand, he fell. The regiment, after twice repulsing the enemy in front, finding itself flanked on both right and left, retired from its position and fell to the rear, leaving more than one-third of its number dead and wounded on the field. The enemy was finally checked, and the battle continued sullenly until the 2d of January, 1863, when Gen. Breckenridge made his celebrated assault on the left wing of our army. The charge was brilliant beyond comparison. The shock of battle was terrific. Our left was broken, defeated and driven back. Fresh troops were in like manner swept away like chaff before the wind. Fifty pieces of artillery were brought to bear on the enemy's right. The earth trembled and shook as a leaf in the storm beneath the iron monsters, as they poured their storm of death into the advancing column, and yet their onward march was as the march of destiny, until the shout from Gen. Negley rang out, "Who'll save the left?" "The igth 111.," was the reply the 25th 111. be- ing close in their support. They did save the left, and the 25th held the front thus carried until the retreat of the enemy, while the heaps of the enemy's dead testified to gallantry worthy of a better cause. The regiment, in con- nection with the army, next marched south in pursuit of Gen. Bragg's army till it reached the Tennessee River, near Stevenson, Alabama. To cross this river in the face of the enemy and lay the pontoon bridge was given in charge of this regiment alone; consequently, at early morn our shore w(as lined with skirmish- ers and a battery of artillery, while the regiment embarked in pontoon boats and rowed away to the opposite shore a mile distant, drove the enemy back, laid the bridge and was crossing the entire army over by eleven o'clock A. M. The sight of this little circumstance was extremely grand, but the danger great. The regi- ment next crossed over Sand Mountain and Lookout Mountain and entered into the valley, again engaging the enemy in the terrible battle of Chickamauga, Georgia, where it left more than two-thirds of its number among the dead and wounded on the field, all of whom fell into the hands of the enemy. This bat- tle, for severity, stands second to none in the history of the war, and no regi- ment in the engagement suffered greater loss than the Twenty-fifth Illinois. The regiment was next called to meet the enemy at the battle of Chattanooga, under command of Gen. U. S. Grant, and when the order came to storm Mis- sion Ridge, the Twenty-fifth Regiment was assigned the front, or skirmish line, where it advanced slowly until within a few rods of the enemy's guns, when, with a simultaneous charge, in connection with the Thirty-fifth Illinois, carried the enemy's works, captured their batteries, broke their lines on Mission- ary Ridge, and made way for a magnificent victory. Along the entire line here again the carnage was great, but the achievements brilliant in the extreme. The regiment was then ordered to east Tennessee, where it spent the winter in various unimportant campaigns, and in the spring of 1864 rejoined the Army of the Cumberland, near Chattanooga, under command of Gen. Sherman, and started HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 201 on that memorable campaign to Atlanta, Georgia, at which place it terminated its service and returned home to be mustered out. During the months of this campaign, the endurance of both officers and men of the regiment was taxed to its utmost it was one long and tedious battle, often violent and destructive, then slow and sullen, both armies seeking advan- tage by intrenching, manoeuvering, flanking and by sudden and by desperate charges, the Twenty-fifth Illinois, bearing its equal burden of the toils, the dan- gers and losses, as will more fully appear from the following order or address, delivered by Col. W. H. Gibson, commanding the brigade, on its taking leave of the army, at Atlanta, Georgia, August 20, 1864, to wit: "Soldiers of the Twenty-fifth Illinois Volunteers: As your term of three years' service has expired, and you are about to proceed to your state to be mus- tered out, it is fitting and proper that the colonel commanding should express to each and all his earnest thanks for the cheerful manhood with which, during the present campaign, you have submitted to every hardship, overcome every difficulty, and for the magnificent heroism with which you have met and van- quished the foe. Your deportment in camp has been worthy true soldiers, while your conduct in battle has excited the admiration of your companions in arms. Patriotic thousands and a noble state will give you a reception worthy of your sacrifice and your valor. You have done your duty. The men who rallied under the starry emblem of our nationality at Pea Ridge, Corinth, Champion Hills. Stone River, Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge, Noonday Creek, Pinetop Moun- tain, Kenesaw Mountain, Chattahoochee, Peach Tree Creek and Atlanta, having made history for all time and coming generations to admire, your services will ever be gratefully appreciated. Officers and soldiers farewell. May God guar- antee to each health, happiness and usefulness in coming life, and may our coun- try soon merge from the gloom of blood that now surrounds it and again enter upon a career of progress, peace and prosperity." THIRTY-SEVENTH REGIMENT ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. [Contributed by Gen. J. C. Black.] The regiment was recruited in the counties of Lake, La Salle, McHenry. McLean, Cook, Vermilion and Rock Island, and was organized at Chicago, and mustered into the United States service on the i8th of September, 1861. Its colonel was Julius White, since major-general ; its major was J. C. Black, now of Danville, Illinois, who recruited and took to camp Company K. from Vermilion County. The muster role of Company K showed representatives from many of the old families of Vermilion County: Fithian, Bandy, English, Morgan, Clapp. Brown, Henderson, Allison, Conover, Black, Culbertson, Johns, Canaday, Lamm. Myers, Payne, Songer, Thrapp, Delay, Folger, Gibson, Liggett, and others. Some of these representatives died in service; some returned home full of the honors of a well rendered service, and are today prominent among our business and professional men. Peter Walsh, the late prosecuting attorney ; William P. Black, of Chicago ; William M. Bandy, editor of the "Post," Danville ; W. H. Fithian, of Fithian, Illinois; George H. English, and many are farming in this vicinity. These are of the living. Among the dead we recall Fitzgerald. Mar- 202 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY latt, Reiser, Snider, Adkins, Barnard, Hyatt, Henderson, Stute, Brewer, Cono- ver, George Johns and James Culbertson. These died without fear and without reproach. Company K was distinctly the boys' company ; its recruits were most of them under age at the time of enlistment. In the Memorial Hall at Spring- field, Illinois, are found only two captured flags, one was taken from the Mexi- cans at Buena Vista, the other was taken from the rebels at the battle of Pea Ridge by the Thirty-Seventh Illinois Volunteer Infantry. "The boys" did their share wherever they went. Mustered into service on the i8th of September, they entered the Department of the Missouri the next day, and took part in Hunter's campaign against Price in southwestern Missouri, marching to Spring- field and back to Laurine Caulmint. In the dead of winter, breaking up their encampment, they joined in Pope's campaign against the guerillas. In the spring of 1862 the Thirty-seventh set out on the route for northwestern Arkan- sas, and participated in the bloody battle of Pea Ridge on the 6th, 7th and 8th of March, which raged with especial fury on the 7th near Lee town, when the Thirty-seventh received the charge of McCullough's and Mclntosh's column, and when in thirty minutes it lost one hundred and twenty men out of an ef- fective present force of seven hundred and fifty ; but the charge was broken, and the enemy withdrew. After this battle General Custer was ordered to Batesville and Helena with the entire force, except the Thirty-seventh Illinois, one battalion of the First Missouri Cavalry and one section of the Peoria battery; and until June this force was kept in the extreme front in the enemy's country, fifty-five miles in advance of any assistance, feeling the pulse of rebeldom beating daily in this its farthest extremity. Marching and counter-marching over one hundred miles frontage of mountainous region, ambushed and bushwhacked day and night, it kept the flag at the front, and always flying. In the summer of 1862 the Thirty- seventh joined the larger forces. It bore its share in the marches and skir- mishes in southwestern Missouri, and finally, on the 7th day of December, as- sisted in the terrible fight and brilliant victory at Prairie Grove, where, in the capture of a battery and the assault upon the enemy in their chosen position, the Thirty-seventh, reduced to three hundred and fifty men, lost seventy-eght, killed and wounded; but they took the battery. It returned to St. Louis from there, and was sent to Cape Girardeau, whence it started after Gen. Marmaduke, overtaking him on the banks of the St. Francis River at Chalk Bluffs. The fight at this point freed southeast Missouri of all rebel forces, and won for the Thirty-seventh high praise in the reports of the commanding general. They then returned to St. Louis, and joined the forces under Gen. Grant, and participated in the siege of Vicksburg. From this time on, the path of the Thirty-seventh was away from its Ver- milion County comrades, the Twenty-fifth, Thirty-fifth, Seventy-ninth, One Hundred and twenty-fifth Infantry, Fourth Cavalry, and the old Twelfth Regi- ment, some of whom swung across the continent, via Chattanooga and Atlanta, to the sea. The Thirty-seventh marched to the south ; it fought and beat the rebels at Yazoo City, joined in the campaign after Forrest from Memphis, and after chasing him out of Tennessee via Mississippi, returned and took part in HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 203 the Red River campaign ; in the meantime bearing a light share in the fight near Morganzia Bend. From Duvall's Bluff the regiment was sent, via New Orleans, to Barrancas and Pollard ; thence to Mobile and participated in the last great siege of the war, and in its last great battle ; for Lee surrendered at 10 o'clock A. M., and at 5 :45 P. M. of the same day the federal troops assaulted and cap- tured the Blakeley batteries. The time occupied from t;he firing of the first gun until they were in possession was ten minutes ; the loss was six hundred men on the Union side; captured, three thousand prisoners, forty-twio cannons and the city of Mobile. In this charge the Thirty-seventh was the extreme left regi- ment, and Company K was the extreme left of the entire line, which advancing in a semicircle, struck the rebel works almost at the same instant along the whole front, the right and left being a little in the advance. After this engagement the Thirty-seventh was removed to the Department of Texas, where it remained until August, 1866, being among the last of the United States Volunteers dis- charged from service. The Thirty-seventh veteranized in 1864. It was in the service five years from the time of recruiting; it marched and moved four times from Lake Mich- igan to the gulf; it moved on foot nearly six thousand miles, and journeyed by water and land conveyance nearly ten thousand miles more ; it bore its part in thirteen battles and skirmishes, and two sieges. The survivors of Company K are in Oregon, California, Texas, Missouri and Illinois. They, like the vast mass of their fellow volunteer soldiers, are, most of them, respected and useful citizens. SEVENTY-THIRD REGIMENT ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. [Contributed by W. H. Newlin and W. R. Lawrence.] Under the call of the President for three hundred thousand volunteers, July 6, 1862, Illinois was required to furnish nine regiments. Upon this call the Seventy-third regiment was organized, of which companies C and E were from Vermilion ,County. Six days after the call, Patterson McNutt, Mark D. Hawes and Richard N. Davis began to recruit a company of infantry in and about Georgetown, and, soon after, Wilson Burroughs, Charles Tilton and David Blosser commenced raising a company near Fairmount. McNutt's company, consisting of eighty-five men, were assembled on the 23d at Georgetown, where they were sworn in by 'Squire John Newlin. After this ceremony, McNutt, Hawes and Davis were elected captain, first and second lieutenant, respectively. The next day the men went to the Y, the present site of Tilton, where they were furnished transportation to Camp Butler, arriving there the next morn- ing. With the exception of a few squads, this was the first company in this camp under that call. Early in August twenty-one recruits arrived from Georgetown, making the total number one hundred and six. About this time Capt. Burroughs, having organized his company, arrived with seventy men, which, being recruited from Captain McNutt's company, made their complement. The first military duty done at this camp was guarding about three thou- sand prisoners, who had been captured at Fort Donelson. Toward the latter part of August steps were taken to organize the regiment, and this was accomplished on the 2ist, the regiment numbering eight hundred 204 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY and six men; James F. Jaques being chosen colonel, Benjamin F. Northcott, lieutenant-colonel; Wm. A. Presson, major; R. R. Randall, adjutant, and James S. Barger, chaplain. This has been known as the "preachers' regiment," on account of the fact that all of the principal officers were ministers of the gospel. The regiment was the second mustered into service under the call. Of this regiment McNutt's company was designated C, and was the color company, and Burrough's company, E. On the 27th the regiment was ordered to the field, and, without arms, they were transported to Louisville. The first camp was in the outskirts of Louisville, near the L. & N. R. R. depot. After awhile the regiment was armed, and in the early part of Septem- ber the camp was moved to a point some four miles from the city, where a divi- sion was formed with the Seventy-third and One Hundredth Illinois and the Seventy-ninth and Eighty-eight Indiana as one brigade, under the command of Col. Kirk. While in this camp, great commotion was caused by the defeat of the Union troops at Richmond, Kentucky, and the division was ordered under arms, and made a rapid advance of near a day's march, when, meeting the retreating forces, they returned to camp. About the middle of September the Seventy-third was sent to Cincinnati, to assist in defending it against the threatened attack of Kirby Smith. The regi- ment returned to Louisville in the latter part of September. A reorganization of the army now caused the Seventy-third to be brigaded with the Forty-fourth Illinois and the Second and Fifteenth Missouri, making a part of the division under General Phil Sheridan. On the ist day of October the army of one hun- dred thousand, under Gen. Buell, moved from Louisville to meet Gen. Bragg, who with Kirby Smith was overrunning the country in that vicinity. The weather was very hot and dry, and here the experience of all new regiments, of disposing of superfluous accoutrements such as overcoats, knapsacks, etc., began, and the line of march was strewed with a variety of handy, though dis- pensable articles. On the 8th Sheridan's division neared Doctor's Fork, a fine stream of water near Perryville. The Union soldiers were anxious to reach this point, and the rebels were determined to check their advance, and, from a skirmish, this grew to be a desperate battle. Through some blunder the Seventy- third was advanced nearly a quarter of a mile in front of the main line, up to the very jaws of a rebel battery, and near the columns of the main rebel infan- try. In the nick of time it was ordered to fall back, and the rebel battery imme- diately opening upon them, they obeyed with alacrity, and gained the main line without serious loss. In the fight that ensued the Seventy-third was in the front line. Company C had in this fight about seventy men engaged, of whom John J. Halstead, Zimri Lewis, Josiah Cooper, James E. Moore, Samuel Boen, John S. Long, F. M. Stevens and D. W. Doops were wounded, Cooper and Lewis subsequently dying of their wounds. In Company E, John Murdock lost his life, and J. M. Dougherty and John L. Moore were dangerously wounded. From here the army was marched to Nashville, which place was reached on the 7th of November, and the army went into camp. By this time Gen. Buell had been succeeded by Gen. Rosecrans. The campaign through Kentucky and part of Tennessee, though but of five wfeek's duration, was an eventful one to the new troops. It had been almost a continual round of marching, counter- HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 205 marching, skirmishing and fighting through a rough country that had already been stripped of almost everything in the shape of forage. This sudden baptism into the rugged experiences of war told sadly upon many whose lives had been passed in the quiet scenes of the village or farm. During the six weeks' encampment at Nashville and Mill Creek, eleven men of Company C died and thirteen were discharged for disability; and of Company E, ten died and ten were discharged for disability. Hawes and Davis, of Company C, resigned on account of sickness, and T. D. Kyger and W. R. Lawrence were promoted to the vacancies. Lieut. Blosser, of Company E, resigned, and one Presson was promoted from another company to fill the vacancy. Less than three months had elapsed, and the two companies had lost fifty-four men. On the 26th of December the camp at Mill Creek was broken, and the march for Murfreesboro' was begun in further pursuit of Bragg, who had greatly rein- forced his army. On the 3Oth the vicinity of Murfreesboro was reached, and almost immediately skirmishing began. This was a most hotly contested field, in which, however, the Federal troops proved victorious. The Seventy-third lost in this severely, and the two companies from Vermilion were sufferers, John Dye and James Yoho being killed, Lieutenant Lawrence and Daniel Lay- cott taken prisoners, and George Pierce severely wounded. Rosecrans was proud of this victory and of the men under his command, and made a special order providing for a roll of honor, to be composed of one name from every com- pany, to be selected by the members of the company. Company C selected Ser- geant William H. Newlin. In June our regiment came in contact with the rebels at a point near Fair- field, and Alexander Nicholson, of Company C, was wounded. In August, Captain McNutt resigned, and Lieutenant Kyger was promoted captain, Second Lieut. Lawrence to first lieutenant, and David A. Smith succeeded to the second lieutenancy. Lieut. Lawrence had returned in May after a five months' absence in Libby Prison. On the loth of September, the army again advanced toward Chattanooga, to dislodge Bragg from that position. In the many engagements in the vicinity of Chattanooga the Seventy-third took active part, but in the one at Crawfish Springs, on the 2Oth of September, the brigade to which the Seventy-third be- longed played a most important part, and displayed a degree of bravery seldom equaled; contending with and holding in check the massed columns of the reb- els at a most critical moment. Companies E and C suffered severely. Sergeant John Lewis, of C, and color bearer, fell, but held the flag aloft. It was taken by Corp. Austin Henderson, of Company C, but he carried it only a few steps, when he was wounded. Each of the color-guard, who took the flag, was either almost instantly killed or wounded. In this engagement at least a fourth of the brigade had been left on the field, either dead, wounded or prisoners. Lieut. D. A. Smith, Artemus Terrell and Enoch Smith, of Company C, were killed. Lieutenant Lawrence, Sergts. John Lewis and Wm. Sheets, Corp. Henderson, privates John Burk, Samuel Hewit, John Bostwick, Henderson Goodwine and H. C. Henderson were wounded. Sergt. W. H. Newlin, Enoch Brown, W. F. Ellis and John Thornton were taken prisoners. All of these prisoners, except 206 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY Newlin, died at Andersonville prison. Newlin was taken to Danville, Virginia, and about six months later made his escape to the Union lines. Of those of Company C who went into this battle, more than one-third were killed, wounded or captured. Company E lost Wm. C. McCoy, killed, and H. Neville, wounded. The activity of battle was not the only hardship our heroes had to bear, for at this time, on account of scarcity of rations, and the long continued foraging by both armies on the surrounding country, the soldiers were not only often hungry but in many cases half starved. On the 24th of October Lieut. Lawrence re- signed, leaving Capt. Kyger the only commissioned officer in the company. In November the fights of Lookout' Mountain and Missionary Ridge took place, and as usual the Seventy-third was in front. The flag of the Seventy- third again fell from the hands of the new color-bearer Harty, to be snatched up by Kyger, and by him and Harty, who had risen, was one of the first planted on the heights of the mountain. In this engagement Stephen Newlin and Nat- haniel Henderson, of Company C, and Wm. Hickman, of E, were wounded. In March the Seventy-third marched to Cleveland, Tennessee, where it remained in camp until called into the Atlanta campaign. The movement of Sherman's army on the memorable campaign began with the month of May, 1864, and that part to which the Seventy-third belonged broke camp at Cleveland on the 3d of that month. It is safe to say that from this date until September 4, the Seventy- third was under fire eight days out of ten, Sundays not excepted. It was a con- tinuous fight from Caloosa Springs to Lovejoy Station. During the Atlanta campaign, and until the end of the war, the Seventy-third was in the First Brigade, Second Division and Fourth Army Corps. In the battles of Buzzard Roost, Dalton and Resaca, the regiment wlas engaged and suffered some loss. At Burnt Hickory, Dallas and New Hope Church, the regiment was also en- gaged. The actions at Big Shanty, Pine and Lost Mountains, brought the regi- ment by the middle of June in full view of Kenesaw Mountain. The enemy's works at this place were very strong, and well-nigh impregnable; but when the order came to advance and take them, the lines swept forward and occupied them with comparative ease, but just as the federal soldiers were fairly in pos- session, the rebels were strongly reinforced, and the Union forces, embracing the Seventy-third, fell back to their original position. In this engagement, though this regiment was in the line of the heaviest firing, but being on the lowest part of the ground, the shots from the enemy passed harmlessly over their heads. On the 1 7th of July the regiment crossed the Chattahoochee River, and on the 2Oth was engaged in the battle of Peach Tree Creek. In this battle the Seventy- third occupied a very dangerous position, and did most splendid execution, hav- ing but one man killed and a dozen slightly wounded. Shortly after this the army had settled down in front of Atlanta. After the capture of Atlanta, a siege of six weeks, the army marched toward Chattanooga, arriving there about the 2Oth of September. From Chattanooga the line of march lay through Hunts- ville and Linnville, arriving in due time at Pulaski, where the skirmishers began to come in contact with those of Hood's army. In the vicinity of Columbia the Seventy-third took an active part, in one instance sustaining the shock of cav- alry. This was about the 24th to 28th of November. All the way to Columbia, HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 207 whither the Union forces were retiring, followed closely by Hood and his army, there was continual fighting, in which the Seventy-third was almost constantly engaged. This was the last stand of any consequence made by the rebels in Tennessee. It was an obstinately contested field, and seemed to be the destruc- tion of the last hope of the rebels to maintain their cause in this part of the country. The hardships endured by Thomas' army in the last few 1 days of this struggle were extreme, but not more so in the actual conflict than in the forced marches, hunger and loss of sleep ; and to accord equal bravery and endurance to the Seventy-third, is only to repeat what has already been written by some of the most critical historians of the country. A few days later the regiment made, in the assault on the enemy at Harpeth Hill, in the vicinity of Nash- ville, their last charge, which proved to be one of the most splendid in their experience. As if indicating that the Seventy-third had reaped sufficient glory, the remnants of the rebel army withdrew from Tennessee, and left our heroes in possession of the state and twelve or fifteen thousand prisoners. The Union army marched now to Huntsville, Alabama, arriving there on the 5th of January, 1865; the Seventy-third remaining here until the 28th of March, at which time it left by railroad for East Tennessee. While encamped near Blue Springs the war closed, and the regiment was ordered to Nashville, where, on the I2th of June, it was mustered out, and in a few days started for Springfield, going on the same train with the Seventy-ninth Illinois. Two trains conveyed the Seventy-third as it was going to the theater of war ; the war over, one train, no larger than either of the two mentioned, conveyed both the regi- ments from Nashville to Springfield, indicating that the hardships of army life had dealt severely with their ranks. At Springfield the boys received their final pay and discharges, and dispersed to their several homes, having been absent from the county wlithin a few days of three years. The heroic dead of this regiment, whose absence was most notable on the home trip, lie buried, some in graves dug by friendly hands ; but were tombstones erected for those whose bodies were hastily pushed into the unwelcome soil of Kentucky and Tennessee, they would almost be equivalent to the milestones to mark the road of the army through the country, which they fought to retain in the Union. Twenty-six men of the Seventy-third were made prisoners, and of these sixteen died of hunger and ill-treatment. THIRTY-FIFTH REGIMENT ILLINOIS INFANTRY. This regiment, nearly five companies of which were from Vermilion County, organized at Decatur on the 3d of July, 1861, and was one of the very first to go forward to defend the country from the rebel hordes who were not only threatening the life of the nation, but whose grasp seem to be already encir- cling it. Companies D, E, F and I were almost wholly from this county, and also a large number of Company A, the last named being under the command of Cap- tain Philip D. Hammond, of Danville. Company D was raised in Catlin, and had for its officers William Timmons, captain ; U. J. Fox, first lieutenant, and 208 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY Josiah Timmons, second lieutenant. Company E was officered by William L. Oliver, L. J. Eyman, and George C. Maxon, captain, first and second lieuten- ants, respectively. This company was raised in the townships of Georgetown and Carroll. Company F was a Danville company, and had for captain, A. C. Keys; first lieutenant, John Q. A. Luddington, and second lieutenant, J. M. Sinks. Company I was raised in the vicinity of Catlin and Fairmount. Of this company, A. B. B. Lewis was elected 'captain ; Joseph Truax, first, and Joseph F. Clise, second lieutenant. In the organization of the regiment, W. P. Chandler, of Danville, was elected lieutenant-colonel ; and, by the disabling of Col. Smith at the battle of Pea Ridge, Colonel Chandler was put in command, and was afterward promoted to the office. On the 23d of July the regiment was accepted as Colonel G. A. Smith's Inde- pendent Regiment of Illinois Volunteers, and on the 4th of August left Decatur for the theater of war. The regiment arrived at Jefferson barracks, Missouri, the next day, where it remained one week, and then removed to Marine Hos- pital, St. Louis, where it was mustered into service. On the 5th of September it was transported by rail to Jefferson City, Missouri, and from thence, on the 1 5th of October, to Sedalia, to join Gen. Sigel's advance on Springfield, arriving at that point on the 26th of October. From November 13 to 19 the regiment w&s on the march from Springfield to Rolla. From January 24, 1862, the army to which the Thirty-fifth was attached was in pursuit of Gen. Price, and here our regiment began to experience a taste of real war. At the memorable battle of Pea Ridge the regiment took active part, and lost in killed and wounded a num- ber of its bravest men, among the wounded being Col. Smith. At the siege of Corinth the regiment took an important part, and was at that place upon its evacuation on the 3Oth of May. At Perryville and Stone River the regiment was also engaged, at the later place losing heavily in killed and wounded. This was during the first three days of January, 1863. The regiment was the first on the south side of the Tennessee River, crossing that stream on the 28th of August. At the battle of Chickamauga, September 20, the regiment was engaged, and again suffered severely. By the 22d of September the regiment was at Chat- tanooga. In the battle of Missionary Ridge, on November 23-5, the regiment was placed in a most dangerous and important position, being in the front line, and dis- played great valor and coolness, being led to within twenty steps of the rebel works on the crest of the hill. In the assault all of the color-guard were shot down, and Col. Chandler carried the flag into the enemy's works, followed by his men. By December 7 the regiment was at Knoxville. from which point it was sent on various important and dangerous expeditions. The regiment was assigned to duty next in the Atlanta campaign, and to recount all of the inci- dents, skirmishes and fights in which the Thirty-fifth took part would be only to repeat what has been said over and over again in regard to other regiments. The reader will simply turn to the story as related elsewhere, and appropriate it here. Suffice it to say that at Rocky Face, Resaca, Dallas, Mud Creek and Kennesaw the regiment was fully tested in coolness and bravery, and never disappointed HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 209 its commanders. On the 3ist of August the regiment started to Springfield, Illinois, where it was mustered out on the 27th of September, 1864. ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-FIFTH REGIMENT. [Contributed by Col. William Mann.] The One Hundred and Twenty-fifth Regiment Illinois Volunteers was raised under the call by President Lincoln, and was organized and mustered into the service of the United States on the 3d of September, 1862, at Danville, Illinois. It was composed of seven companies, (A, B, C, D, G, I, K) from Vermilion, and three companies (E, F and H) from Champaign. The regiment was organized by the selection of the following officers ; Oscar F. Harmon, Danville, colonel; James W. Langley, Champaign, lieutenant-col- onel; John B. Lee, Catlin, major; Wm. Mann, Danville, adjutant; Levi W. Sanders, chaplain, and John McElroy, surgeon. The principal officers of Com- pany A as organized were : Qark Ralston, captain ; Jackson Charles, first lieu- tenant, and Harrison Low, second lieutenant. Of Company B, Robert Steward was captain ; William R. Wilson, first, and S. D. Conover, second lieutenant. Of Company C, William W. Fellows was captain ; Alexander Pollock, first lieu- tenant, and James D. New, second. Company D had for captain, George W. Galloway; James B. Stevens, first, and John L. Jones, second lieutenant. John H. Gass was captain of Company G, Ephraim S. Howells, first and Josiah Lee, second lieutenant. Company I was officered by Levin Vinson, John E. Vinson and Stephen Brothers as captain, first and second lieutenants, respectively. The officers of Company K were: George W. Cook, captain; Oliver P. Hunt, first lientenant, and Joseph F. Crosby, second. Immediately on its being received into the service, it was sent to Gncinnati, where it was placed in the fortifications around Covington, Kentucky, but was in a few days sent to Louisville, Kentucky, which at that time wbs threatened by Bragg, and upon his retreat was connected with the pursuing forces, and re- ceived its "baptism of fire" at the battle of Perryville, Kentucky, assisting in driving the rebel army out of the state. After the battle above named it took up the line of march for Nashville, Tennessee, which will long be remembered by its members as being the most severe campaign of their service, owing to their inexperience in such duties, and many of the regiment contracted diseases that resulted in death or complete disability. During the winter following the regi- ment did duty in the fortifications, and on patrol and picket service in and around the city. Owing to the ignorance of camp life and the scarcity of supplies, this period was more disastrous to the organization than any of its subsequent battles. Severe picket duty, tiresome drills, and the dull routine of camp life, made upi the sum of the regiment's duties until they were ordered to report to Gen. Rose- crans, who was about to take up the gauntlet throw*! by Bragg at Chattanooga. Proceeding by a circuitous route through western Tennessee and northern Alabama, driving the enemy at Rome and other minor points, the brigade to which the regiment belonged, then connected with Gen. Gordon Granger's Re- serve Corps, the command found itself in position in front of the enemy on the eve of what proved to be a disastrous battle to the federal forces, the day of 210 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY Chickamauga. In that battle the One Hundred and Twenty-fifth took a promi- nent part, by defending and holding positions of importance. On the retirement of Rosecrans to Chattanooga after his comparative defeat, the brigade, then commanded by Col. Dan McCook, was placed to defend Rossville Gap, an im- portant pass, while Gen. Thomas collected the remnants of the army, to resist the farther advance of the victorious foe. In the defense of this important posi- tion the regiment wlas under a severe fire, and met with loss ; but held its ground through the day, and checked the enemy in its front. After nightfall it was ordered to retire, and was among the last to leave the field, marching to Chat- tanooga, where it took part within the fortifications, and awaited the approach of the enemy. Here it remained until it was determined that Bragg did not intend to push his successes farther, when the regiment was sent to a point up the Tennessee River known as "Caldwell's Ford," at the mouth of Chickamauga Creek. Here it experienced an incident which was one of the most startling and trying of its career. The camp was pitched about one half mile back from the river, on the hillside, an exposed position, but rendered necessary by the nature of the ground. On the opposite side of the river was a rebel picket post, and a hill of some dimensions. The opportunity to attack was deemed so fa- vorable by the rebels, that, on the night of the i6th of November, 1863, they placed a heavy battery of eight guns in position, and at the break of day opened fire on the camp. The bursting of shells and the crack of solid shot through the tents was the first sound heard by the command in the morning. It was truly a grand reveille, and certainly the men never responded more quickly than they did on that memorable morning to roll-call. Amid the thunder of the rebel guns, and the quick and gallant response of our battery (two guns placed to assist the regiment), the command was formed in line of battle, expecting the river to be crossed and the camp attacked. The execution of our guns, however, soon in- formed the enemy that they had undertaken a difficult task, and as was after- ward learned, finding that they were experiencing loss, retired. The only loss sustained by the regiment was the death of the chaplain, Levi W. Sanders, who was struck by a round shot in the head and instantly killed. At CaldweH's Ford the regiment remained until the advance was made which culminated in the battle of Missionary Ridge, and the defeat of the enemy. In this battle it did not take an active part until the enemy was in full retreat, assist- ing in driving him beyond reach. Learning of the threatened attack of Knoxville by a portion of the forces from the eastern army, it was sent to the relief of that post. Accomplishing that object, it returned and went into camp on Chick- amauga Creek, at a place known as Lee and Gordon Mills, Georgia. Here it awaited the reorganization of the army, and was placed in the Third Brigade, Third Division of the Fourteenth Army Corps, Gen. Jeff C. Davis commanding. And now commenced the most vigorous part of the regiment's career. On the advance of the grand army on what is known as the "Atlanta campaign," it was under fire many times, and participated in several battles in approaching that city. In the battle of Kennesaw 1 Mountain, Peach Tree Creek, Tennessee, and other engagements, the regiment suffered severely, and at the end of that campaign nearly or quite one half of the command that entered upon it were numbered among the dead or wounded. At Kennesaw Mountain, on the fatal 27th of June, HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 211 1864, it lost one half of the command. Just previous to the order to charge being given, the regiment mustered two hundred and forty guns. After the charge, and when the list was made of the casualties, it was found that over one half had been killed or wounded. Here fell Col. Harmon, Capt. Fellows, Capt. Lee, Lieut. McLean, and many a brave private, whose names are embalmed in the hearts of friends, and referred to with sadness after a lapse of fifteen years. Col. Harmon had been chiefly instrumental in raising the regiment. He had left honors and a lucrative profession at home, to respond to his country's call and gave his life in its defense. His name will be remembered so long as a member of the command lives, and venerated by them. This campaign ended in the battle of Jonesboro, in which the regiment suf- fered severe loss, as they did at Peach Tree Creek, and the subsequent capture of Atlanta. At Atlanta a reorganization of the army occurred, and the concoction of the great campaign known in history as the "March to the Sea," under Sherman. With that army the regiment took up the line of march toward the coast, and without any startling incidents aside from skirmishes, etc., reached Savannah about the 2Oth of December, 1864, and participated in the honor attending the capture of that important post. It lost many men in this campaign, through capture, sickness, etc. Crossing the Savannah at Sister's Ferry, at the com- mencement of the campaign which culminated in the surrender of the Confed- erate forces and the suppression of the great rebellion, after the evacuation of Richmond, it advanced with the left wing of the army and participated in its last battle at Bentonville, a small town in North Carolina, losing quite heavily. On the surrender of Johnston it marched to Washington, where it remained several weeks, and was then sent to Chicago, where it was mustered out, paid and dis- charged from the service of the United States after nearly three years of active service, with hardly one-half of those who had started with it from Danville remaining. Many had died or had been killed in action, others had been dis- charged from disability arising from wounds or disease contracted by exposure and the severity of campaign life, and a few, a very few, had been lost by deser- tion. And thus ended the services of the One Hundred and Twenty-fifth regi- ment Illinois Volunteers in the "Great Rebellion." The statement has often been made that the people of the South were all who suffered during the years of the Civil War ; that the people of the North hardly knew there was any conflict going on. There never was a greater mistake of the conditions of the times. While there were no battles and no burning homes, there was not a village of the northern states where the life was not decidedly changed by reason of the conflict going on in the south. Almost every home had some one in the service and the first question when neighbors met was a query about the news from the army. Business was in changed conditions and social life was influenced by the friends being in the hardships of war. The women and children were not idle. Danville wtas not an exception to other towns. One company after another had been recruited from the men of Vermilion county, and news of a battle brought anxiety and a desire to help on the part of all. The necessity for help was urgent. All the appliances for care of wounded which can now be bought without trouble, were unknown at 212 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY that time. The women of Danville would gather in the basement of the old North Street church and spend days in making bandages, scraping lint, and sew- ing on garments needed in the hospitals. All the old tablecloths and linen sheets and anything made of that material were donated and the children busied themselves scraping the lint from this cloth. When the linen was used up, cotton was brought into use. Many were the yards of cloth cut up into strips and wrapped into bandages. New cloth was bought and dipped in scalding water to shrink, and then wound carefully to make the desired rolls of bandages. Then there were the garments needed to put on ti\p men as they lay in the hospitals tossing with fever or groaning in pain. Life was serious in those days and men, women and children vied with each other in plans to help those who were "at the front." There were but few new comers to the county in the years from 1860 to 1864. It was not a time men were looking for new homes. The large part of those at the sections which had hitherto turned their faces to Vermilion County were, -during these times, engaged in the war on one side or the other. Virginia and the Carolinas, together with Tennessee, all had their attention taken with the great struggle, and Ohio, whence the large immigration had before this time come, was sending her men to the front. There were a few families, however, came into this section, during these years and some of these made a deep im- pression on the life of the county. Among these can be named Dr. Winslow, Mr. D. Dale, Detective Hall, Mr. Freeman, Alexander Bowman, Judge Evans and others. Dr. J. C. Winslow, a native of Vermont, located in Danville in 1860. He was a man of rare knowledge and perhaps was attracted to this section by the geolo- gical wealth along the Vermilion river. When he first left home he was a maker of musical instruments but he was a man of science before he was of trade and he left that mechanical work to others. He taught music and later was attracted to railroading. This led him to be a Master Mechanic. He came to Vermilion County to accept the position of assistant Master Mechanic on the Wabash (Great Western) Railroad. But he tired of that employment and took up the study of dentistry, and in 1886 he came to Danville to practice that profession. He found congenial companionship in the way of Mr. Will Gurley, who although but yet a boy was authority on all geological matters. Dr. Winslow established the Vermilion County Historical Society. It is a great pity that this society was let to disband so completely as to leave no trace. Dr. Winslow was the first Mayor of Danville, being elected in May, 1868. Dr. Winslow was identified with everything of public improvement and was a great force toward making Danville and Vermilion County. Dr. Wins- low died, and was buried in Springhill cemetery. John J. Dale, the father of John W. Dale, who has been identified with so many affairs of Vermilion County, came to Vermilion County in 1860 and located about six miles south of Rossville. Mr. John W. Dale enlisted in the army from his home going as a private in Company B, Twenty-fifth Illinois Volunteers. He was wounded in the elbow at the battle of Chickamauga, and lost his arm in consequence. Mr. Dale has held many offices of responsibility in the county and city of Danville. Mr. Dale married Miss Hicks of Perrysville, Indiana. HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 213 The life of the detective T. D. Hall has always seemed to be of unusual in- terest. He has a good record of success in ferreting out crime and its doers. Mr. Hall is an Englishman, but when he came to Danville in 1861 he came directly from Indiana. He found his ability as a detective first, when he filled the office of deputy sheriff under Joseph M. Payton in 1865. Mr. Hall has spent much of his time in the employ of the railroads. An account of his experiences would make a fascinating book to read. Mr. A. C. Freeman was one of the newcomers to Vermilion County in 1871. He came from Edgar county at that time, but was a native of Penn- sylvania and had come west but a short time before that time. Mr. Freeman was in the employ of the Wabash Railroad, both at Fairmount and State Line for eleven years. He came to Danville, and in 1874 was elected city clerk. He held that office for many years and was released only when failing health compelled him to give it up. Mr. Freeman was a very popular man and had a host of devoted friends. He was twice married. His first wife was Miss Newkirk, and his second wife was Miss Mary W. Dustin of Enfield, N. H. Mr. Freeman was too ill to attend to business for a long time before his death. He was the father of seven children. The first wife was the mother of two children, only one of whom lived. Other newcomers in the sixties were : S. B. Holloway, in 1862 ; J. A. Lewis and L. B. Wolf, in the same year, and D. D. Evans and Alexander Bowman in 1864. M. A. Harrold came in 1861, and S. R. Tilton and G. W. Tilton and W. J. Henderson came in 1862. Of these, Mr. S. B. Holloway was connected with the omnibus line for many years. He came from Ohio, where he was born and where he married his wife. Mr. Holloway had run steam sawmills in various towns before he came to Danville, and came here directly from In- dianapolis. Mr. Holloway lived in Danville the remainder of his life. Mr. Lewis came from England and was a contractor and builder. His home has always been in South Danville. L. B. Wolf came to Danville and for some time kept a bakery, but in the course of time became one of the Dan- ville Lounge Factory Company, where he is at present. D. D. Evans, school teacher, editor and attorney, was always a credit to Danville. After practicing law for some time he was elected county judge, and after that known as Judge Evans. Mr. Evans married Mrs. Elwilda (Crom- well) Fithian and their home was a pleasure to enter. Alexander Bowman came to Danville from Champaign. So intense was the public feeling when he came that when he was looking around on the pub- lic square, he was very near to being arrested as a political spy. Mr. Bowman laid out more towns in Vermilion county than any other man. M. A. Harrold settled in Ridge Farm in 1861. The Tilton brothers came to Catlin in 1862 from Indiana. Samuel came first, but enlisted in the service and was severely wounded in the battle of Kenesaw Mountain. A ball entered his right breast and it was some time be- fore it came out of his back. He was incapaciated for service, but he returned to his regiment and remained until the close of their term of service. Then he went to his parents' home in Indiana and later came back to Catlin. Mr. Tilton married Miss Vance, the daughter of Maj. Vance. 214 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY George Tilton came to Catlin about the time his brother did, but he re- mained there all the time. He taught school, was bookkeeper and salesman, and then formed a partnership with J. C. Sandusky under the name of San- dusky & Tilton. They sold general merchandise. The Tilton Bros, have been associated together in the mercantile line during all the years they have lived in Vermilion County. The great amusement at Conkeytown in the later fifties and early sixties was the debating club, which held its meetings at the Cass school house. There were some eloquent and convincing debates, in which William Milton and John Lee, Samuel Rawlins, Hiram and Alex. Catlett, William Davis and Z. C. Payton took part. An interesting document was not long ago discovered by Mr. Hole, the postmaster at Ridge Farm. It evidently belonged to his father and bears date of August 23, 1862. It is the charter of the Union League of America; num- ber of local chapter, 1054. The eight charter members who signed are as fol- lows : Jonah Hole, E. Goodwin, A. B. Whitney, James Price, Elisha Hamil- ton, T. D. Weems, D. J. Hunt and Thomas Henderson. This organization was a counter one to the Knights of the Golden Circle, and the fact that such a council existed is proof of an organization of the latter in the county. It is well known that over the state line in Indiana the Knights of the Golden Circle were strong. This Union League of America had passwords, signs, and the grip, and the members were oath bound. This charter is printed on parchment and is signed by Mark as G. Pres., and George H. Harlin as G. Sec. There were two riots in Danville which tell the state of public feeling bet- ter than multiplied words could do. While the state of sentiment was intense all over the country, yet on the borders, as it might have been called, the con- ditions were a little different. Danville was near to the people who felt most keenly the ravages of war and at the same time it was in touch with those who felt as intensely the necessity of the struggle to preserve the Union. Other localities let men wear a butternut pin unmolested and had men mustered out of service and go about their business without arousing the desire to kill. The first riot was on August 24, 1863, and was a disgraceful as well as lamentable affair. John Payne was the father of several boys and was him- self a man who sympathized with the South. On the other hand his son-in-law was a stanch upholder of the Union. One of his sons wore the emblem of the Northern sympathizer in the shape of a pin on his coat that was made from a butternut. Such an ornament was not unusual to see on men's coats at this time. Lyman Guinup, a business man of Danville and Colonel Hawkins, a soldier from Tennessee, were together. Mr. Guinup was himself a soldier. Seeing this pin when particularly impatient with the ornament, these men snatched it from the coat of John Payne. A fight followed, and in the struggle Payne was shot. Later a preliminary investigation was held in a magistrate's office on West Main street, about where the King block is now located. A crowd assembled, and William M. Payne, who was the sheriff, has- tened to the scene. As he passed the store of William M. Lamm, which stood where the Danville National Bank now stands, or on the southwest corner of the public square, he called Mr. Lamm, who was at the store door, to go CAPT. T. J. McKIBBEN GEORGE MeKIBBEN MAJOR THOMAS MeKIBBEN HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 21& with him and assist in quelling the disturbance. They hastened on together. This was about one o'clock p. m. As they came within bullet range, a shot was fired and Mr. Lamm fell mortally wounded. No demonstration was then made, although the Southern sympathizers gathered on the corner of Hazel and South streets. The reports were circulated that the friends of John Payne of the same views were intending to burn the town that night. The next morning the courthouse grounds were full of horses which had been ridden into town during the night by the farmers who had strong Union sentiments. George Barker was arrested, tried and convicted for shooting Mr. Lamm, and was sent to the penetentiary. William Lamm was one of the leading business men and a member of the board of trustees of the North Street Methodist Church. His death was a severe loss to the community. His sons, John M., Stamper Q. and Edward C. Lamm are living in Danville now and are among our prominent citizens. The other riot in Danville occurred on the evening of October i, 1864. This was on the evening of the day of a big republican rally. The election, which was to give President Lincoln a second term, was not far away, and politics ran high in Vermilion county, as elsewhere in the country. It was but the day before this that the Twenty-fifth Illinois Volunteer Infantry was mustered out of service in Springfield. The soldiers had come home and not yet put aside their suits of blue, and of course were very conspicuous in the streets. Among these returned soldiers were three of the sons of Thomas Mc- Kibben, Capt. Jeff McKibben, George McKibben and Henry McKibben. George McKibben was not an aggressive young man, but rode into town that morn- ing with his friend Francis Gundy in good health and" spirits. They put up their horses in the Pennsylvania House, says Mr. Gundy who lives in Bismark, in Newell township, and went about town. The day passed without any dis- order, although many threats were reported to have been made. About half past five o'clock, Mr. Gundy went to the place where the horses were in waiting and took them both out, riding his own and leading that of George McKibben to the public square. Finding his friend, Mr. Gundy told him it was time to go home. But George McKibben excused himself with the re- mark of having anxiety for his brother Jeff, and said he thought he would not go home that night, but look out for his brother. He did not seem to be in the least uneasy for his own safety. So it was, Mr. Gundy took George Mc- Kibben's horse back to the stable and went on home by himself. This is the story as told by Mr. Gundy, the friend of George McKibben. The story is taken up at this point by Mr. Hiram Ross, who was an eye witness of the shooting. Mr. McKibben and Mr. Ross, together with George McKibben and Henry McKibben, were all standing about six o'clock p. m., on the southeast corner of the public square across the street from where the Interurban station is now located and they were called across the street by Dr. Paris and Dr. Lemon, who were on the opposite side of the street. The men called to them to come over and shake hands and make up friends. The boys went over without thought of fear, and the men backed into the store, the boys following. No sooner did they get in than the door was closed behind them and the two men stepped behind the counter and the shots began to fly in the direction 216 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY of the McKibben boys. The air was full of smoke and all was confusion for a minute, when Henry McKibben called out that he was hurt. The men who did the shooting made their escape through the back window and Mr. Ross looked about for George McKibben to find him shot dead with a bullet in his temple and Henry McKibben sure he was mortally wounded. Mr. Ross hurried Henry McKibben to Dr. Fithian's office, and does not know anything about what hap- pened afterward, excepting as hearsay. An examination of Henry McKibben showed the bullet had not penetrated his body, but was lodged in his clothing and fell to the floor when his body was badly bruised on the left side where the ball had struck him in the region of the heart. Mr. Hiram Ross who lives in Danville, tells this story, as nearly as possible, as it is here given : Mr. J. W. Giddings was at that time a young man, the son of William Giddings whose home was on South Hazel street almost opposite the home of Dr. Lemon. He takes up the account at this place, telling of the dis- tressing scene he witnessed. He tells how he was at the gate of his home and saw men running down the alley, among whom was Capt. Jeff McKibben, with others of the returned soldiers. He was at the gate of Dr. Lemon's home when the crowd reached there and he saw Capt. McKibben with some other man go into the house and appear presently with Dr. Paris between them. Dr. Paris had their promise to protect him until he could have the benefit of the law. That this promise was made in all good faith there could be no doubt in the minds of those on the outside of the house. That Jeff McKibben thought he could give this protection is equally as certain to anyone who heard him speak that niglit. But Capt. McKibben was not dealing with his company of disciplined soldiers : it was a mob he faced and a mob growing more and more furious every minute. A mob that could not reason, nor yield obedience to orders if these were in the direction of law, and a consideration of another's rights. Before the act could be prevented, the helpless prisoner was struck, and the mob had closed around him and hastily fired shot after shot into his body, thus taking another life to pay for the one already lost, and all done in blind, unreasoning passion. How far this mob would have gone will never be known had not Mr. Thomas McKibben, the father of the dead boy, held them in check as no other man could have done. The mob would listen to him, and it is well they would. He stepped on a box on the street so that all could see him as he reminded them that his loss of a son was greater than could be that of any of them ; and he pleaded with them and demanded that the men form- ing the mob would disperse and do no more harm. Captain Jeff McKibben, who is yet living, tells the story of the scene at the home of Dr. Lemon in his own words as follows : "It was the evening of Oct. 1st, 1864. There had been a big republican rally in Danville on that day. In the evening I had just ordered my horse from the barn of the old - Hotel to start home when some person (can't call to memory who) called, "Captain, your brother is shot." I says, "I haven't heard any shooting." This man pointed down the street on the public square. I immediately ran down to where the crowd was gathering. As I came up to the crowd, my brother Henry and Hiram Ross came forward and met me. Hiram Ross said. ''George is killed." They were on their way to Dr. Fithian's office. HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 217 I saw that Henry was shot. I asked him who shot him. He said, "Dr. Ferris and don't let him get away." I says, "Where did he go?" Some person called out that he went down to Dr. Lemon's house. I said that I would get him. I immediately started for Dr. Lemon's house. A large crowd followed. When I arrived at Dr. Lemon's home, I went to the south entrance. Dr. Lemon opened the door with a revolver in his hand. He told me to halt. I did so. I says, "Dr. Lemon is Dr. Ferris in your house?" He said that he was but I could not enter his house. At that I stepped forward and told him that I would give him just ten minutes to deliver me Dr. Ferris or down would come him and his house. He said that he would deliver to me, Dr. Ferris in ten minutes. I told the people that were there not to molest Dr. Lemon nor his property, that he had agreed to deliver me Ferris. While standing there some one supposed to be Dr. Ferris opened the upstairs window and fired a shot down at me. The bullet went into the ground close to my left foot. In a few moments Dr. Lemon came down stairs to the front door and called for Capt. McKibben. I immediately answered him. He said that Dr. Ferris wanted to see me up stairs alone. I ran up stairs and Ferris met me at the head of the stairs, jammed his gun against my chest. I knocked it aside and grabbed his arm with my left hand and my gun was against his head in a second. I told him to surrender. He dropped his pistol on the floor and commenced to beg for his life as I started down the stairs with him. I told him he had forfeited his life but that he should have a hearing in his case. When I got to the foot of the stairs out on the porch some person struck him with a piece of wood and he fell forward on the walk. As he fell a number of shots were fired into the body. I called out to them to cease firing not to shoot a dead man. The firing stopped and someone called out to haul the d rebel up the street and some parties grabbed him by the legs and up the street they went. I immediately crossed the street and met my father standing there alone. I said, "Father, I thought you had gone home." He said, "I had started and heard of this trouble so came back." At that moment some person came up, (can't call to mind who) and said, "Capt. your brother is dead." I said, "I think not, that was only a flesh wound." At that father says, "Poor George is dead." That was the first knowledge of my brother's death. I am glad that I did not know he was dead at the time. If I had known it, I would probably have killed Dr. Ferris. I did not kill him nor I did not shoot at him. Now I have given the account of the killing of Dr. Ferris as I remember it. I think it is correct." Dr. Ferris had been taken through the streets and left on the side of the walk by the courthouse, and no one went to him, although he was yet living, until near midnight, when he was taken into the courthouse dead. Dr. Paris was a Virginian, and he felt very bitterly the results of the war. It is now claimed that he had served in the Union army, but this claim has not yet been proven, and though he might have once been pledged to the cause of the union, that can make the circumstances of his death in the way it was only the more sad. CHAPTER XX. AFTER THE WAR CONDITIONS FOLLOWING THE CIVIL WAR NEW COMERS IN THE DECADE IMME- DIATELY AFTER THE CLOSE OF THE WAR BUILDING OF TOWNS AND CITIES PROGRESS IN THE NORTHERN PART OF THE COUNTY DEVELOPMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES. The division of the history of Vermilion County by the date of the Civil war is not an unreasonable one as can be seen by a careful reader of any record of events before that time and since. Changes in conditions were the inevitable following of the end of that struggle, not only in the South, but all over the country, and Vermilion County was no exception to this universal state of matters. Apparently the army was disbanded and its members went back home to take up the life laid down three or more years ago. But in reality that was impossible. The intervening years had been filled with experiences which changed plans and ideals, and even modes of life. The people of this country were not the same people nor could they regain their former condition. In Vermilion County, up to this time, the increase in population had mainly come from the increased families. While some new comers had found their way to this section, the affairs of the towns and of the county were man- aged by the descendants of the early settlers. The natural increase of values had made certain distinctions in the communities, and certain men had found themselves in power because of the wisdom of the choice of their fathers or grandfathers in the selection of land when first coming to the west. There was more of a community of interest than is possible under any other cir- cumstances. Men knew each other better when their fathers had known each other; it was easier to calculate what a man would do when his father's life was as an open book to read. But there is more danger of a concentration of power in a community when generation after generation lived in the same place. Deeper friendships are developed, but on the other hand, more bitter enmity is always engendered, and a community misses the chance of growth while having the privilege of intimate association. Those who had gone to the service had met new experiences and met new people. They had found that the world was not bounded by the limits of their own community. The entire country had grown less narrow and found that the world had something in it other than own interests. Vermilion County boys were not the exception. 218 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 219 Home had perhaps grown more dear because of contrast, but never again would it hold the place it had before. The nation had grown from its period of de- pendence and provincialism. Where men had gone, they came back with a wider outlook. Old plans of work for one or another were put aside, it may be, on account of some one who went away but did not come back. Immediately following the close of the war, many new comers made their homes in Danville. Unlike the early settlers these were largely from the east- ern states. The south came to the county in its infancy, and when the next time of change came it brought the east to Vermilion County. The newcomers differed in another way from the early settlers in that they sought the towns rather than the country, and the villages and county seat in- creased in size more rapidly than did the country districts, at this time. Mr. J. G. Holden came from Ohio, being a native of New Hampshire and having spent his youth in that state and New York. His fathers family came to Illinois in 1851, when he was sixteen years old. They settled in northern Illi- nois and he remained in New York state clerking in a grocery store. Later he went to Ohio and went into business of his own as a merchant. There he remained until 1865, when he came to Danville and made it his permanent home. Mr. Holden later went into the lumber business with his yard on Hazel street, just north of Main. He built up a fine business, which he kept as long as he lived, and since his death has been carried on by his eldest son, Nathan. Mr. Holden was prominent in the affairs of the city. He was at one time a member of the city council, a member of the board of education of Danville, and held all prominent offices in the Agricultural Society. He was sent to the state legislature and while on the county board of supervisors was chairman of the committees which had the building of the new court house to see about. Mr. Holden died at his home, corner of Walnut and Williams streets. Edward S. Gregory was another eastern man who came to Danville in 1865. He went into the drug store of J. Partlow, where he remained for five years. He was elected marshal of Danville in 1868 and held that office for six years. He was then elected sheriff of Vermilion County and remained in that office for six years. Mr. Gregory married Miss Anna Maxon. Dr. George Wheeler Jones and his brother James located in Danville about this time. Like many other young men they had gone into the army before they had selected their locations for homes. Dr. Jones had begun his practice of medicine in Terre Haute from which place he enlisted, but the younger brother went into the service when he was but eighteen years old. Coming back, the most promising location ap- peared to be Danville, Illinois. Dr. Jones opened a practice in the city and surrounding territory, and at the same time they formed a partnership under the firm name of Jones Broth- ers, and carried on the business of a drug store. Their store building was on the corner of Main and Hazel streets. The building yet stands in good con- dition, having housed a drug store for forty-five years. In the store diagonally across the street on the southwest corner of Main and Hazel streets. Yates & Murphy had a dry-goods store. 220 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY The Danville Lumber & Manufacturing Co. was the outcome of the part- nership made by Mr. Holden and Mr. E. A. Leonard, when they came from Defiance, Ohio, in 1865, and went into the lumber business. It is true that it was many years after they made and gave up their partnership that this establishment was organized, but the beginning was made when Mr. Holden and Mr. Leonard came from the same town in Ohio in the same year and together went into the lumber business under the firm name of Leonard & Holden. In one year he bought Mr. Holden's interest and conducted the busi- ness alone until 1871, when the firm became Leonard & Yeomans. In 1873 the Danville Lumber & Manufacturing Co. was established and continued until the death of Mr. Leonard. They did a good business for the times and it was one of profit. Mr. Leonard was born in St. Lawrence County, N. Y., in 1828, and died in Danville, III. During these first years after the war, the list of attorneys was increased by William A. Young, J. B. Mann, E. Winter and F. W. Penwell. Mr. Young came from Indiana. Mr. Mann is a native of New Jersey. Mr. Winter was born in Kentucky, but came to Indiana while very young, coming to Danville in 1870; and Mr Penwell was a native of Indiana. All of these men have become successful lawyers and made themselves known outside their own county. Mr. Young did not begin the practice of his profession until he had spent much time in other employment. He taught school rather extensively in southern Illinois. He enlisted for the term of three months, but soon had enough of army life. He was engaged as recruiting officer in Indianapolis, and at last began his practice. At first it was under the firm name of Penwell & Young, where they both made their reputation, and were considered the rising lawyers of Vermilion County. Mr. Joseph B. Mann is one of the best known- lawyers of the state. He is well read, clear in his statement of a case, and is generally on the winning side. He was born and spent his youth in the east, coming west to the Mich- igan University to study law in 1865, and graduating from that school in 1866. He then came to Danville and went into the office of O. L. Davis. He was admitted to practice law in the courts of Illinois in the following year. He was taken into the firm with Judge E. S. Terry. When that partnership was ended he went into the firm with Judge O. L. Davis. Since then he formed the firm of Mann, Calhoun & Frazier, which was one of the strongest in eastern Illinois. Mr. Mann married Miss Lucy Davis, daughter of Judge O. L. Davis. Mr. Mann changed his residence, his new location being Chi- cago, but he afterward returned to Danville. Mr. Mann has perhaps a wider acquaintance throughout the state and surrounding territory than any other resi- dent of Vermilion County. Mr. E. Winter is but one generation removed from England, his father being an Englishman. He was born in Indiana. In 1864 he enlisted in Bat- tery F, First Indiana Heavy artillery, although but seventeen years old, and was in several heavy engagements. After he came to Danville he helped or- ganize Battery A, and soon was made captain of it, since which time he has familiarly been called Captain Winter. THE PLAZA, SHOWING COAL MINED IN VERMILION COUNTY OLD COURT HOUSE AND JAIL GROCERY STORE ON MAIN STREET HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 221 Mr. Penwell moved to Illinois with his parents in 1853, but did not come to Danville until 1873. He enlisted from Shelbyville, the home of his parents. He was in the service for three years, after which he went to the Michigan University and studied law, and was admitted to the bar. When he came to Danville he went into partnership with Judge Henry under the firm name of Henry & Penwell. Three years later the firm was changed to Penwell & Young and remained that. It was about this time that the Abdill brothers came from Perrysville and opened a hardware store. The firm of Abdill Bros, was dissolved in time and Mr. E. C. Abdill carried on the business. When he died his sons, Charles and Harry, carried it on for some time under the name of E. C. Abdills' Sons. In about 1898 the store passed into the hands of another firm and the name of Abdill, which was connected with the hardware trade for so many years was lost to Danville. Mr. George Abdill is and has been a broker in Danville since going out of the hardware busi- ness. D. M. Gurley came to Danville from Michigan, being a native of Vermont, in 1867. He was in the hide and leather business until he retired. He was fifty-nine years old when he came and did not have many active years before him when he made the change of residence. Judge Stansbury came to Danville with a grown family in 1867. They were a great addition to the social life of Danville. Mrs. Stansbury was an unusual woman and the two daughters were unmarried and very accomplished women. The son was a citizen of Danville for many years. Miss Elizabeth Stansbury became the wife of Mr. W. T. Cunningham and the young daughter was married to Dr. O. LeSeure, and went to Detroit to live. In 1867 Mr. A. L. Webster and Mr. George Yeomans opened a hardware store in Dan- ville. They continued in this partnership until 1871, when Mr. Yeomans sold his interest to Mr. Charles Yeomans, his brother. The firm name of Web- ster & Yeomans continued until four years later, when it was dissolved, Mr. Webster taking the heavy hardware and Mr. Yeomans the light hardware. Mr. Webster kept this sort of stock for four or five years, when he sold out to Mr. J. W. Giddings and retired from the trade altogether. He afterward went into the grocery business, eventually being in the jobbing trade. Changes of firm and company names have placed him at this time in the large wholesale business of Webster Grocery Company. This business, which is extensive, is housed in a fine building which the company owns at the corner of East North street and Washington avenue. Mr. Yeomans formed the company of Yeomans, Shedd & LeSeure, which remained the same until the death of Mr. Frank LeSeure, one of the firm, in 1884, since which time the firm has been Yeomans & Shedd. The death of Mr. Shedd last spring makes another change. L. T. Dickason came to Vermilion County in 1867 from Ohio. He had been in the army and had a very severe wound, after which he was discharged. This was when he had almost completed his term of enlistment. Mr. Dickason went first to Fairmount and was engaged in buying and selling grain. He later came to Danville, where he was interested in the coal and timber trade very extensively. He was very popular and was elected mayor for three 222 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY terms. Mr. Dickason's extensive business interests made his residence in Dan- ville no longer possible, and he removed to Chicago, where he has since made his home. His health has been very much impaired during these last years. He was associated while here with Mr. C. L. English, in the coal and lumber trade, and this business association continued after he changed his residence. The coal business of Vermilion County attracted Mr. W. C. McReynolds to Danville in 1867. He did not remain in this business for long, however, but went into the mill. He was booker in the Danville mill, which was one one of the largest in the county. It was built by Daniel Kyger. In 1875 he married Miss Elizabeth Pearson, the daughter of Hon. John Pearson. Mr. H. K. Gregory was one of the prominent business men of that time. He made good contracts to get out railroad ties, being associated with his brother Charles for a time and later with Mr. James Knight. Mr. Gregory went to the Pacific slope and has been for some time in the railroad interests. His residence is now in San Francisco. A' leading dry-goods firm in Danville for years was that of C. W. and J. R. Holloway. This firm did business on the northwest corner of Main and Walnut streets. The firm was organized in 1869. Mr. C. B. Holloway came to Danville from Ohio and Mr. Jesse Holloway was a native of Virginia, coming to Danville from Georgetown, Illinois, having gone when young. He was a dry-goods merchant in Georgetown for twenty years and then moved to Danville, where he went into the Vermilion County Bank for a time, but resumed the dry-goods business when this firm was established. E. C. Winslow, a native of Massachusetts, came to Danville after the war and opened a fine drug store on Main street, between Vermilion and Hazel, on the south side. Mr. Winslow was an experienced druggist, having had a drug- store in Boston for twelve years before he came to Vermilion County. Mr. Winslow afterward went to California to live. He was a relative of Dr. Wins- low, the dentist and geologist. Dr. Gillette, of Massachusetts, came to prac- tice his profession in Danville and vicinity about this time. He was a skillful physician who spent his life in this community, well loved by a host of patrons and friends. When he came back to the St. Elizabeth Hospital, an incurable invalid, the people found their greatest pleasure in doing what they could to make his last days comfortable. Dr. Gillette died in the early spring of 1810. William P. Cannon was a prominent factor in the business affairs of Dan- ville during his life in that city. He came from Tuscola, where he had been first in the practice of law and later interested in the private bank of Wyeth, Cannon & Co. Yet later Mr. Cannon organized the First National Bank of Tuscola. In 1873 he moved to Danville and organized the Vermilion County Bank, of which he was made president. This later became the Second Na- tional Bank, and Mr. Cannon was president of this bank when he died, in 1893. His death was the result of an accident. In drawing the curtains of the win- dow of the bank, he slipped on the tile floor, and falling, sustained internal injuries which were of so serious a nature he could not recover from them. In 1867 the old charter of Danville was burned in a fire which destroyed the records of the city, and a new one was granted. The city was operated HOME OF HON. JOSEPH G. CANNON. DANVILLE HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 223 under this charter until 1874, when it was incorporated under the general act of 1872. A hook and ladder company was formed in 1867, when the first protection from fire was made. This organization gave its service without compensation of any kind. D. A. Childs was made the foreman of this com- pany, M. Redford the assistant foreman, Charles Eoff secretary, and C. Y. Yates treasurer. That same year, under the administration of Dr. Winslow as mayor, a second-hand engine was bought and 299 feet of leather hose at a cost of $1,200, and for a time the fire department of Danville gave good service. This plan of a volunteer fire department, which has been the pride in the east, was not the continued success in Danville. So it was that in 1872, while T. H. Myers was mayor, the council determined upon buying a steam fire engine. The committee to attend to the matter consisted of N. S. Monroe, W. H. Taylor and W. A. Brown. An engine and an additional hose cart with 500 feet of the best rubber hose was bought and the company was reorganized. This time there was a fixed number of sixteen members, and a salary was paid to each. In 1875 another of the Silsby engines was bought. W. H. Taylor was made chief of the department when this office was created in 1879. A list of officers and salaries received in 1880 is interesting in comparison with those of the present: Chief, W. H. Taylor, $55 per month; first engineer, George Lupt, $50 per month; second engineer, Putnam Russell, $50 per month. Members : W. D. Dearing, $50 per month ; Isaac Hurlacker, $20 per quarter ; E. Peables, $20 per quarter; A. Brant, $15 per quarter; C. Lindsey, $15 per quarter; William Dallas, $13 per quarter; J. Peables, $13 per quarter; E. Brant, $13 per quarter; M. Yearkes, $13 per quarter; Charles Adams, $13 per month; Frank Wells, $13 per month; James Harrison, $13 per month; Jackson Brideman, $13 per month; George Cox, $13 per month. It was in 1872 that a station was made on the Chicago & Danville Rail- road a mile south of the present site of Alvin. This was named for the pro- gressive citizen of that part of the country and called Gilbert. L. T. Dixon laid out the town of Gilbert on section 8 (21-11) and Bruce Peters and D. McKibben started a store. Peters was made postmaster. Soon after this the store was sold to J. D. Williams and he was appointed postmaster. John Davison afterwards bought it and put in a stock of dry-goods. Dr. G. W. Akers started the drug business in 1875 and remained there for a year, when the narrow gauge road made a crossing a mile to the north and the postoffice, station, stores and all moved to this point. Gilbert became an abandoned town, but the new town built in its place must be named. So great was the appre- ciation of his neighbors for Mr. Gilbert that his name was kept for the other town, and it was called Alvin. Now Mr. Gilbert always persisted in the spelling of his given name with an "a" and the devotion of those who named the new town went to the extent of spelling it in the same way. The post- office department knew how to spell and refused to accept this spelling, but spelled the town Alvin. So it is that this town in Vermilion County has the spelling of Alvan as a railroad station and of Alvin as a postoffice. Any one can give it either spelling as he may choose and be correct. Alvan Gilbert had lived in this neighborhood for ten years and had large landed interests there, and if he demoralized the orthography of the community, it is too late 224 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY a day to make any change. Mr. Gilbert was the man who made a settlement at the site of Rossville possible in 1862. That was the date of his coming to this place, which was then called Henpeck the reason for which is unknown. This included the settlement made first by Mr. Bicknell in the earlier history of the county. There was a point of timber running into the prairie at this place where Mr. Bicknell had settled. It was in 1871 that Hoopeston was laid out. The fight over the possession of the site of this by the two companies who were building the two railroads was a bitter one and ended in the platting of three towns: Hoopeston laid out in July where Main street is now ; Leeds laid out where later the Hibbard House was built, and North Hoopeston comprised all the land north and east of the railroad. The first town was platted in the spring of 1871, the next was platted in November of that year, and the third was platted in the same year. A great factor in the growth of Hoopeston was the organization of the Hoopeston Agricultural Society. This was formed in 1873 and the stock was fixed at $5,000, and afterward raised to $10,000. The Hoopeston Library and Lecture Association was organized December 30, 1872, and Hon. Lyford Marston elected president. After the car shops of the Eastern Illinois Railroad were built near the junction, the demand for an incorporated village of the territory lying to the northeast of that locality. A petition was filed in the county court June 25, 1874, asking the court to direct the holding of an election to vote for or against village incorporation, setting forth that there were over four hundred people living within said limits. The petition contained the names of sixty voters who lived within said limits. The petition was granted and an election was called for July 6, 1874. At this election there were thirty-one votes cast, thirty for and one against the in- corporation. An election was held on July 31 for six trustees to perfect the organization. At this election there were thirty-four votes cast. In 1875 there were sixty-one votes cast. When the village -was incorporated the people living there were largely Germans, but that did not last long, since the working men who have come into the shops are by no means all Germans, and other nationalities find their way to this village. .While the employment of its citizens were men who had little farms and truck patches, there were conditions which attracted the German settler who remained the German all his life. South Danville lies on the south side of Vermilion river, and has been the home of the miner more than of any other man. This village was incorporated in 1874. In February of that year Mr. John Lewis and thirty-five others pe- titioned the county court to order an election to vote for or against incorpo- rating under the general act with the following boundaries : commencing at the Wabash railroad bridge, thence southwest with said railroad to a point where the state road from Georgetown to Danville crosses the railroad ; thence west to the Paris & Danville railroad (now the New York Central lines;) thence north to the Vermilion river; thence along said river to the place of beginning. The petition set forth that there were five hundred people living within said limits. The election was held March 14, at which time and place seventy-seven votes were cast, fifty-one being for and twenty-five against cor- GROUP OF DANVILLE CITIZENS Reading from left to rij;lit: Standing -Prosper LeSeure. Robert D. McDonald, Samuel Craig, Victor LeSeure. Sitting A. G. Webster. Benjamin Crane. O. L. Davis, Eben Palmer and Otlmeil Gilbert. . HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 225 poration. An election was held to elect trustees in which seventy-three votes were cast. At an election held in 1863 a proposition was voted upon which was called upon a system of bridges. As the vote stood 515 for and 2 against, there is reason to conclude that there was some public spirit at that time. It was in 1864 that a new cemetery in Danville was shown to be a pressing need of the times, and Spring Hill was incorporated. Up to this time the old Williams burying grounds were used, but it was beyond use, and a new one was an urgent need. Mr. J. C. Short was, as he showed himself to be, very much interested in anything to promote the welfare of Danville, and in con- nection with Mr. English, Mr. LeSeure, Dr. Woodbury and Mr. A. S. Wil- liams, an association was formed under the laws of the state and fifty acres of land was bought north of town for which $2,000 was paid, these gentlemen advancing- the money, knowing- it would prove a means of profit when the lots were sold. The land was a happy choice. It is dry and well located, having natural advantages tending to make it a beautiful burial place. Mr. English was elected the first president of the association, and Mr. Short secretary and treasurer, while Messrs. Williams, LeSeure and Woodbury were the directors. Mr. Bowman was given the work of laying it out. This work was admiringly done. Taking advantage of the natural lay of the land, the landscape was given all the beauty of lakes, ravines, gravelled and grassy roads and paths. It is one of the most beautiful cemeteries of Illinois. As the years passed the place made improvement or not as the men in charge took more or less in- terest in it. The present superintendent, Mr. Anderson, has done much to beautify it and to make it an attractive place to visit. The seventies brought many changes to Danville in the way of new build- ings being built. The old court house was destroyed. There was no doubt that it was set on fire and no one had the heart to investigate the matter nor the disposition to censure, for it had long been a disgrace to Vermilion County. There is record made that one of Danville's favorite citizens, in the abandon of youth, drew a pistol and said he would shoot any one who would attempt to put the fire out. The present building was erected in 1876. The building cost, complete and ready for occupancy, the sum of $105,000. The architect and the committee who had charge of its building took great pride in the shape of the building. They never thought that their building would show the effects of wear and weather to the extent it does at present, but it is rapidly growing to the place its predecessor held in the minds of the people thirty-five years ago. The first jail stood in the rear of the courthouse, but the fire which de- stroyed the one refused to burn the other. The old jail was made of hewn logs which dove-tailed together and were pinned together through the corners. It was about thirty feet long and had a partition put across it near the center to separate the two classes of people who were liable to be put in jail, viz., the prisoners for crime and those for debt. When the jail was built these latter were put in jail. Large river stones were put on the ground and a floor was placed on that. It was covered over with a floor like this of hewn logs. There were two windows in this building about eighteen inches square. 226 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY One man who has had charge of the jail for some time, Hiram Hickman, said there was no trouble to catch a horsethief, but the trouble was to keep him, since everyone could dig his way out before the next term of court. The jail refused to burn at the time the courthouse was destroyed, but it had to get out of the way of the new building and the old jail was removed in 1873. The new jail was built in 1874 and has always been a credit to the county. The material used in building it was Joliet stone and brick and the plan has always been pleasing. It has a front on South Vermilion street of forty-four feet and is one hundred and two feet deep and cost $52,292. The building com- mittee was the same as that of the courthouse, J. G. Holden being chairman. Battery "A," First Regiment Illinois National Guards, was organized in 1875. It was reorganized in 1876. The Danville Guards was organized in 1876. A very valuable association to a country was formed in 1877. This was called Vermilion County Historical Society. This society was made up of men of all the characteristics most to be admired in citizens of a growing community. Yet with everything to make an effective organization, it must be admitted that the society not only disbanded, but all the valuable matter collected and the priceless relics disappeared to never be found where they could be of use. Danville is rich in relics of Indian life and the collection was of particular value in that line, which is all too rare now. Another force for the improvement of the citizen was the Danville Lyceum, established about that time. It was organized July 4, 1878. Its object was mutual improvement of its members. It numbered forty members when first started. This was some time before the Danville Public Library was started. Mr. Culbertson had made his bequest of $2,000 to be used in the purchase of a library, one-half of which should be for the permanent benefit of the mem- bers of the Presbyterian church, and the other half for the benefit of the public. The books were bought by a committee and were kept in the library room of the old Presbyterian church, and it was the avowed desire and inten- tion of the lyceum to secure the books and make them a part of a circulating library. The officers of the Danville Lyceum were : J. D. Benedict, president ; W. L. French, vice president; W. C. Johnson, secretary. The board of di- rectors were: W. J. Calhoun, J. D. Benedict, J. B. Samuels, P. E. Northrup and J. W. Whyte. The Vermilion Opera House was built on the corner of North and Ver- milion streets, on the northeast corner opposite the old North Street church. It was built by J. G. English, Col. Chandler and John Dale, in 1873. It was built of native brick with Milwaukee brick trimmings; 50x110 feet, with two storerooms on the first floor and a hall on the upper floor. The cost of this building was $20,000. This building was used for its original purpose for a time and after it was no longer needed for that purpose it was converted into a building for the use of the Illinois Printing Company. The Illinois Printing Company located in Danville in 1874. It was first housed in the building on North street, between Vermilion and Hazel, where the Daniel Housefurnishing store has been so long. The Great Western Machine & En- gine Shops were opened near the Wabash tracts in 1865. Frisbie & Williams began this business in 1865, and in 1869 J. V. Logue bought out Williams in- terest and the firm name was Frisbie, Logue & Co. until 1874. NORTH STREET CHURCH HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 227 Five building and loan associations were organized from the time of the act of 1872 until the last one chartered in June, 1874. The Moss Bank park was laid out by John C. Short while yet he owned the property west of Dan- ville, and promised to be a place of pride and pleasure to the citizens. The Ellsworth park was laid out in the eighties and the Lincoln and Douglas parks were made a part of Danville in the nineties. H. A. Coffeen was a factor in the literary and business development of the county, that should not be overlooked. Mr. Coffeen's parents lived in Cham- paign, coming there in 1852. They were Ohio people. Henry A. was their second son and early set out in life as a school teacher. He was in this em- ployment until he was twenty-seven years old, the last two schools being in Hiram College, in Ohio, and as superintendent of schools in Bement, Illinois. Mr. Coffeen at last concluded to be a merchant instead of a school teacher, and started a bookstore in Danville. He kept up a fine store, where he sold books, pictures, wall paper and all that is ever found in a store of that kind. He opened the store in about 1868 and for a time carried it on by his unaided efforts, but later he took as his partner Charles Pollock, the son of Dr. Pol- lock. Mr. Coffeen was the author of the first history of Vermilion County. It is a small book, which gives many facts, valued because they were gleaned while yet it was possible to get information of the early settlers at first hand. Mr. J. M. Clark was a dry-goods merchant who came in 1871. His store was on Vermilion street, next door to the Aetna Hfouse. He was a man who had done good service for his country during the bloody sixties, and was wel- comed as a citizen of the growing Vermilion County. William F. Henderson came to Georgetown in 1878 and went into the bank of E. Henderson & Co. as cashier. CHAPTER XXI. SOME ELDER SONS AND DAUGHTERS OF VERMILION COUNTY. JAMES O'NEAL CLAIMS TO BE FIRST WHITE CHILD OF WHITE CHILDREN MRS. ELIZABETH (MCDONALD) HARMON, ONE OF THE FIRST WHITE CHILDREN BORN IN VERMILION COUNTY JAMES O'NEAL, BORN IN 1&22 MARY (COX) PATTERSON, BORN IN 1823 WILLIAM P. SWANK, BORN IN 1824 PERRY O'NEAL, BORN IN 1825 JAMES H. STEVENS, BORN IN 1826 D. B. DOUGLASS AND RHODA M. HESTER, BORN IN 1827 ABNER SNOW, S. P. LCNEVE AND AN- DREW GUNDY, BORN IN 1828 SONS AND DAUGHTERS OF 1829 OF 1830 OF 1831 OF 1832 OF 1833 OF 1834 OF 1835 OF 1836 OF 1837 OF 1838 HENRY FLETCHER AND LIZZIE (LOVE) PAINTER, BORN IN 1839 SONS AND DAUGHTERS OF 1840 OF 184! OF 1842 OF 1843 OF 1844 OF 184$ OF 1846 OF 1847 F 1848 OF 1849. James O'Neal and Mrs. Elizabeth (McDonald) Harmon have both been credited with the distinction of being the first white child born in Vermilion County, in the same historical volume, but as the date of each birth is easily found, there need be no disagreement in regard to the matter. James O'Neal was born April 20, 1822. It was the year before this that the parents of this child came to Vermilion County, and the father took up a farm on what later was known as the Caraway farm near Brooks Point. He lived on this farm for three years and then moved to the eighty acres of land he had entered on the Big Vermilion. It was during the time the family lived near Brooks Point that James was born the first white child to see the light of day in Vermilion County. Mr. O'Neal had a tan yard and made shoes for himself and family and leather for the moccasins the Indians wanted. James O'Neal grew up in the midst of wild life; his companions were the Indians and his associates the other boys of pioneer families who occasionally came into his life. He was skilled in all the arts of hunting and trapping, and he well knew the habits of the wild animals which were so plentiful in the timber about him. As soon as he was old enough, he went to work for himself find- ing employment in the mill on the Vermilion river afterward called the old Kyger mill. Mr. O'Neal married Miss Vesta Pratt, herself a daughter of Vermilion County, seven years younger than he. Mr. O'Neal lived all his life in Vermilion County. Elizabeth Catherine (McDonald) Harmon was the third of the eleven chil- dren of Alexander and Catherine King (Alexander) McDonald. She was born 228 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 229 August 16, 1823, on her fathers' farm home in Carroll township, near George- town, and claimed to be the first white child born in Vermilion County. She received a common school education in the nearby country schoolhouse. She was married in 1844 to Hardy Wallace Hill M. D., a rising young physician, and went with him to his new home in Cincinnati, where they lived for five years. In 1849 a scourge of cholera visited this city and Dr. Hill, through his professional duties, fell a victim. After the death of her husband, Mrs. Hill came back to her father's Illinois home, bringing her little daughter, Eleanor, with her. Six months later her other daughter, Lillian, was born. A few years afterward she took her two children to her uncle Cunningham's home in Danville, where she lived until the time of her marriage to Mr. O. F. Har- mon, on February 22, 1854. Mrs. Harmon was again widowed after ten years by the death of her husband, then Colonel Harmon. They were the parents of three daughters and one son, who died soon after his father. Lucy, the oldest daughter, became the wife of Rev. McPherson, Fannie, the next daughter, became the wife of Frank Brooks, and after his death of Corinne, the youngest child, died unmarried in 1901. Mrs. Har- mon made her home in Danville after the death of Colonel Harmon until 1881, when she removed to Chicago. From that time on she divided her time among her three daughters, one of the Pacific coast, another in the middle west, and the third near the Atlantic seaboard. Her oldest daughter, Eleanor, became the wife of Mr. Short, and the second daughter died in 1871, shortly before her promised marriage with Mr. Nelson Kimball of Danville. Mrs. Harmon was somewhat of an invalid the most of her life up to middle life, but in later years she enjoyed good health and lived to the ripe age of eighty-two and a half years, and "fell asleep" in her daughter's New Jersey home on February 9, 1906. Mrs. Mary (Cox) Patterson was born in Carroll township June 13, 1823, the daughter of Simeon and Nancy (Mundle) Cox. Her father was a native of Virginia and married a girl of Pennsylvania. They came to Vermilion County in 1823, settling in Carroll township. He secured a farm which he developed, and built a mill, but had little success at running it. His daughter Mary, the second child, so far as known, to be born in Vermilion County, grew to womanhood under the conditions of pioneer life. She was of good disposi- tion, and patiently endured all hardships. When she was eighteen years old she became the wife of Elijah Patterson, whose home had always been in Ohio. Although he had apparently settled in Vermilion County and was a citizen of Illinois, after his marriage, he moved back to Ohio. But he re- turned to Illinois after twelve or thirteen years, and lived in Carroll township until his death in 1875. Mrs. Patterson was the mother of ten children. She spent her last days in plenty and comfort at the same place where she first saw the light of day. She had a long life of usefulness and made many de- voted friends whose pleasure it was to care for her in her latter years. John P. Swank was born in Indianola, December 18, 1824. Mr. Swank's parents came to Vermilion County at a very early date, being among the earliest pioneers. They were Ohio people and they came to Carroll township. Mr. Swank had three brothers and four sisters, and a family of that size had 230 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY much to make life happy, even if the luxuries of older communities were missing. Mr. Swank was born on a farm and spent his life as a farmer. He married Miss Phoebe Dickson of Indianola. She was the daughter of John and Elizabeth (Doyle) Dickson, and was born in Vermilion County in 1829. They were the parents of five children. Mr. Swank died in 1894, leaving many friends to mourn his loss. He was buried at Woodlawn cemetery, In- dianola. Perry O'Neal "was born January 16, 1825, on the homestead in section 27, Georgetown township. He was the brother of James O'Neal, who claims to be the first white child born in Vermilion County. Mr. O'Neal lived all his life in Vermilion County, and was a citizen such as makes the best of any section. James Stevens was born on his father's farm on section 9, near Brooks Point, in Georgetown township, Vermilion County, January 5, 1826, and there spent the first years of his life. He went to the subscription schools which were "kept" in the log house with a puncheon floor, seats and desks of slabs, greased paper for window glass, and whatever else was considered necessary to a pioneer schoolhouse. When he was a boy, the nearest mill was at Terre Haute, Indiana. He had to take his turn going with the bag of grain. There were but two wagons in the neighborhood of a radius of ten miles, and each farmer would send a bag of grain and two men would go along to attend to the grist. Later a mill was established within a half mile of the Stevens home and was considered a great convenience. Mr. Stevens married Miss Elizabeth Roundtree in 1857. She lived in Indiana near Crawfordsville, and he made her acquaintance while teaching school. He had great success as a school teacher, and he was later offered a professorship in a college in Missouri; but because of the approaching war, declined it that he might go in the service. Upon the call for 75,000 men, he raised a company in and about Catlin, but when he reported, it was to learn that the quota was full and this company could not be accepted. Mr. Stevens always took a great interest in all educa- tional matters and was well posted in public affairs. Dorman B. Douglass was born in Danville township, October u, 1827. His mother' and father were one of the two couples who were married first in Vermilion County. Annis Butler, the daughter of James Butler and Marcus Snow, were married first by Squire Treat at Denmark (he was justice of the peace while the territory was yet attached to Edgar County) and Cyrus Doug- lass and Ruby Bloss were married immediately afterward. Dorman Douglass was the second in order of birth of the children of Cyrus and Ruby (Bloss) Douglass. They lived about three miles south of Danville, where he lived until in 1865 he moved to Fairmount, where his wife died in 1866. Mr. Doug- lass lives at a little distance north of Danville and himself is an open book of history of Vermilion County. He remembers the stretches of forest and un- broken prairie, the log cabin homes, and the little huddles of houses which stood on the sites of the flourishing towns and cities. He remembers as well the flourishing towns which were promising seventy years ago, and now are hardly visible. He can remember Danville when it contained but three stores, and Denmark when it was a very promising town. He went to school in a HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 231 room which was heated by a great fireplace extending across one end of the house. Like the other boys, he sat on slab benches and conned his lessons in an audible tone. As soon as he was able to handle a plow he went to work in the field and thereafter was always busy. The first plow he used was a wooden mould board, and he drove a single line harness, and he did his har- vesting with a reap hook. After turning the furrow, the girls of the family dropped the corn by hand. In 1851 Mr. Douglass went to the gold fields of the west, living away for three years. Coming back, he went to New York by boat and crossed the land to Vermilion County. In 1864 Mr. Douglass made that long trip crossing the continent going over the plains of Idaho and Montana, remaining about two and a half years. Mr. Douglass remembers well the first matches he ever saw. He remembers how the women did all the carding and weaving and spinning of the cloth, as well as sewing of the garments. He has seen the whole family go two or more miles to church, walking all the way, the girls carrying their shoes to the church door to put them on and remove them when they started for home. Mr. Douglass married Miss Anna Downing. Her parents came from Vir- ginia and Kentucky, stopping a time in Indiana. She was born in Kentucky. Mr. Douglass was the father of five children, and twelve grandchildren and more. Mr. Douglass has lived through a wonderful period and his experiences have been many, and the tales he is able to tell are of intense interest. He has made trips down the Mississippi river when the sale of human beings on the public streets was a common occurrence. Twice he has crossed the plains behind ox teams, and now he sees steam and even electricity crowd the oxen out. He has a valuable property and is a man whose every want is supplied. In appearance he impresses one with his varied experience by a manner of having lived a life worth the while. He is a man of exceptional pleasing ad- dress and is a gentleman of the old school. Mrs. Rhoda (Mills) Hester was born near Vermilion Grove, December 7, 1827. She was the daughter of Ira Mills, one of the pioneers of the county. Ira Mills came to Vermilion County in 1822 and located two miles west of Vermilion Grove on what was later known as the great Mills farm, and which has remained in the possession of the family ever since. Rhoda Mills was very industrious, as became a daughter of a well ordered family, and during her days of young womanhood made use of the education she had received in the Georgetown school ; she herself became a school teacher and helped her family. Her parents were of the community of Friends, and in 1853 she became the wife of John Hester, a young man of the same faith. He was a farmer and accumulated a good property. Mrs. Hester was the mother of six children. Mrs. Hester was widowed in 1899 by the death of her husband and she moved from the farm to Ridge Farm. Her later life was a reward for the early days of patient forbearance and industry; for careful considera- tion of others pleasure, and straightforwardness of purpose. Abner Snow was born at Butlers Point, Vermilion County, October 28, 1828, and he lived there all his life. His father, Marcus Snow, and his mother, Annis Butler, were one of two couples who were married in Vermilion County, the first wedding had in the county. Annis Butler was the daughter of James 232 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY Butler, the man who made the first settlement in Vermilion County after the salt works. When James Butler went back to Ohio for his family, he found that his neighbors would not share the wilds of the new country with him, but he was not obliged to come on entirely alone, for young Snow wanted to come and he drove one of the teams. Nothing was more natural than that he should become a suitor for Mr. Butler's daughter Annis (perhaps he had already selected her before he left Ohio) and that they should be married and begin their new life near the home of her father. When Marcus Snow and Annis Butler were married they settled at where Westville now stands, but lived there only a few years, going thence to Catlin township, locating on land which was situated on the state road. Here Marcus Snow and his wife pros- pered and spent their married life; here the boy Abner grew into youth with its dreams and manhood with its cares. Here the elder Snow died and after a time, the wife of Cyrus Douglass having died, Mrs. Snow became the wife of Mr. Douglass. Abner Snow lived his life in Vermilion County, a prosper- ous farmer and a contented citizen. He married Miss Ashman and became the father of five children, to all of whom he was able to give a start in life. Samuel P. LeNeve is the oldest son of John and Rebecca (Newell) LeNeve, and together with his brothers and sisters, form worthy sons and daughters of Vermilion County. Samuel Perry LeNeve was born in 1828 and spent the days of his boyhood and youth in Newell township on the home place. He spent his winters in school, as good as could be found in the schoolhouses of that period. The extravagance of the present school buildings and furnish- ings seems unreasonable when a comparison is made between them and those of even this period when it was thought a schoolhouse of any kind was good enough. The schoolhouse in Newell township where Samuel LeNeve and his brothers and sisters for some years went, had benches made by sawing off the logs and driving pins in for legs. He later went to George- town, where he attended the school there which was in truth an excellent one. In 1852 he went to California by way of New Orleans, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Isthmus of Panama, crossing that neck of land by way of the Chagres river. When he reached the other side he found 7,000 passengers awaiting transportation to California. After a delay of nineteen days he secured pas- sage on a boat going to California, and was out fifty-three days, during which time he suffered for the scarcity of food. He stopped at the republic of Mex- ico, and remained there for twenty-two days, later buying a ticket on the Golden Gate steamship line, and went through to San Francisco. He soon secured work in Marysville, California, in the mines there. He received eighty, and later one hundred and ten dollars per month. He reached the limit of wages when he had one hundred and twenty dollars per month for work in Marysville. He later took up teaming, which business he followed for fourteen years. He then went to Nevada City and became identified with the grain and stock business, after which he made his home in Virginia City for two years. He then returned to his native place in Vermilion County, coming by way of New York City. Mr. LeNeve then engaged in farming on section 23, carrying on stock raising, particularly breeding the short horn cattle. He later moved to the farm three miles north of Danville. Mr. LeNeve was a HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 233 public-spirited man and has been a strong factor in the development of Ver- milion County. Mr. LeNeve was married in 1869 and settled in Pilot town- ship, where he accumulated much property. The Gundy family is one which has been prominent in the affairs of Ver- milion County since when, in 1822, Joseph and Sally Gundy, his wife, came to Ross township and settled. He came from Indiana, being a native of Penn- sylvania or Ohio. Mr. Joseph Gundy was a useful and enterprising man and a pioneer such as make for the advancement of any section in which he may choose a home. He died in 1846 and was buried in the Gundy burying ground near Myersville. Andrew Gundy was born on the Gundy place near Myersville, November 20, 1828, the son of Joseph and Sally (Davidson) Gundy. The first school Andy Gundy attended was one taught by George Stipp in a vacant house on the Luke Wiles place, just west of the North Fork at Myersville. He continued his studies in the schools of that section, going to Georgetown for his higher branches. He was busy on the farm dur- ing his youth, but when he was twenty-three years old he went into business for himself as a merchant in Myersville. He at the same time carried on an extensive trade in wool, grain and stock. He was a man of affairs and held many offices of trust and responsibility. He had a large private interest in coal lands, and when he was sent to the state legislature, was chosen as a member of the committee on mines and mining. He also served on two other committees, one of which was the finance committee. This was in the twenty- ninth general assembly. He was repeatedly elected as supervisor from Newell township, and he accumulated much property and his influence was extensive. He was identified with many important ventures of the county, one of which was the banking and other interests of John C. Short, in which he lost a large amount of property. Mr. Gundy was never married. John P. Donovan, a son of one of Vermilion County's pioneers, was born August 27, 1829, on Stone Creek, about two miles north of Danville. Al- though starting life with so little promise, he had an experience of adventure equalled by few men. When he was sixteen years old he left home and was employed on a farm until 1861, when he was seized with the California gold fever and started on foot and alone to Fairmount, where he took the train for St. Louis, thence by the way of the Missouri river to Omaha. At this point a company of eighteen equipped themselves with wagons and mules to start on a land exploring trip. After traveling over southeastern Nebraska and northeastern Kansas, they finally set out across the plains from Ft. Leaven- worth. They were forty-one days on the road. Thence they went to Golden City, where young Donovan worked by the day for two weeks, then started over the range, wading in snow in June, until he came to Blue river. There he found much excitement about California, and he went on there. He took a claim and went to mining about July ist in the snow, and after working two months, sold out, having made $1,600 as his share of the profits. He then went on to San Juan Mountains. At Taos the company, of which he was one, stopped to lay in a store of provisions and here fell in with Kit Carson who was organizing a company to go to the southwestern part of Arizona. Donovan was eager for this adventure, and they were soon on their way on 234 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY this long and perilous trip. They traveled through the Navajo country where no white man had ever before ventured and met many thrilling adventures. Kit Carson impressed young Donovan very favorably and was always said to be a man of rare charm. He was kind-hearted and well-disposed toward every one, and while rough at times in manner and speech, he was in every way a true gentleman at heart. The company of which Mr. Donovan was one explored the country along the Colorado and Gila rivers in southern Cali- fornia and divided at Ft. Garland, returning to Colorado by diverse routes. At Buckskin Joe they put their money into the Phillips lead mine and had poor returns. After this Mr. Donovan went to Denver and Central City, where he worked by the day, having as wage $8 per day. Here he stayed nine months and invested a portion of his money in No. 3 Nottaway lead, which he and his partner worked for six months and he made $25,000. Being satisfied with his profits, Mr. Donovan returned to Vermilion County and bought a farm in Carroll township, there to spend the remainder of his days. John Folger was born in Elwood township, section 25, Harrison Purchase,. on September 17, 1829. His father, Latham Folger, had a tanyard, and the son spent his early years in work about it. Later he helped on the farm, and when he came to choose his life work, it was that of a farmer. He went to school more than did most boys at that time, first to the Vermilion Grove Academy and afterward to Bloomingdale, Ind. Mr. Folger was, as may be inferred from this choice of schools, the son of parents who belonged to the Society of Friends. He taught school for three winters and then settled on a farm. He married Miss Reynolds, whose birthplace was in Indiana. They were the parents of nine children. Mr. Folger was both a farmer and a min- ister in the Society of Friends. As a farmer he paid much attention to stock raising, choosing pedigreed short horns and Durhams in cattle, Poland-China and Berkshires in swine, and in horses he had Clydesdale, Norman and Whip breeds. Mr. Folger was called away from home often and he traveled ex- tensively in the interest of his church work. He went as far as the meetings in Philadelphia and other eastern cities, and into Iowa and Indiana. Minerva Martin was born in Newell township on August 16, 1829. She was the youngest of a family of eleven children, all of whom reached the years of maturity. She became the wife of Edward Rouse in 1846 and lived on the same place all her life. Mrs. Rouse was the mother of twelve chil- dren. Mr. and Mrs. Rouse celebrated their golden wedding October 4, 1896. Silas Dickson was born in Carroll township May 25, 1830. He was the son of David Dickson, one of the pioneers of Vermilion County, and he has been a worthy successor of that worthy man. His life was spent in fanning and stock raising, having more than once driven stock to New York City to market. That was before it was thought possible to ship them by train. Mr. Dickson lived at home until he was thirty-four years old. He always held an enviable place in the community. Henry Mills was born on what was known as the Thomas Brown farm near Vermilion Grove March 23, 1830. He was a son of Seth Mills, who with his parents came to Wayne County, Indiana, in 1815, and were pioneers of that section, he becoming in his turn a pioneer of Vermilion County, Illinois. He came to his farm near Vermilion Grove E. O. B. FITHIAN N. R. FAIRCHILD DIADAMA AT WOOD MINERVA (MARTIN) AMANDA (SHEPPARD) ROUSE DICKSON JOTHAM LYON ISAAC CURRENT HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 235 in 1828, and it has been in the family ever since. Henry Mills did not have his early education neglected, but as was the fact with the children of all those belonging to the Society of Friends, he was sent to school to the extent at least of a common school training. He followed the faith of his father, reach- ing the distinction of becoming an elder in the church at Elwood, and occupied the important position of "Head of the Church" at that place. In 1852 he married Mary Folger, herself a daughter of Vermilion County, she being born in Elwood township. They are the parents of eight children, all but two of whom settled not far from them. These two sons married sisters, and they all went to Oregon. William White was born in Blount township of Vermilion County March 20, 1830. He was the son of James White, a pioneer of this section. James White was the father of fourteen children, ten of whom reached adult years and had families of their own. William had four brothers and a sister beside himself born in Blount township, and all but one brother settled in that neigh- borhood. The childhood and youth of William White and his brothers was spent in helping on the farm. A subscription school for three months during the winter was the only chance by which he could learn to read, write and cipher. More time was devoted to following the plow than to reading. From the time he was ten years old he followed the plow, driving oxen. At first it was a wooden mold plow, and afterward a single shovel plow, while the harness had a single line. He planted corn by hand, cradled the grain and bound the wheat by hand. He helped his mother "dip the candles" until they had moulds, and at times he saw a turnip hollowed out and filled with grease, into which there was a rag put and lighted for the purpose of giving- desired light. People at this time rode to church on horseback, as many as three people sitting on one sheepskin. William White owned the last yoke of oxen in his neighbor- hood. It was a splendid team, weighing 4,700 pounds, but the work done on the farm did not require their strength and at last he sold the team. William White married Elizabeth Wiles, who was a daughter of Vermilion County, being born in Blount township March 20, 1840. She was the daughter of Langford and Mary (Cassat) WSles. After they were married they settled on the eight-mile prairie, where there was not a house in sight. They lived in true pioneer style, but later all the conveniences of modern life were added to their home. E. H. Palmer was a prominent son of Vermilion County all his life. He was born in the home at the corner of Walnut and Main streets in Danville, Illinois, August 10, 1830. He was a son of Dr. Asa R. Palmer, a native of Connecticut. Dr. Palmer came to Danville when it was in its infancy and became a strong factor in moulding its future. He had an extensive practice throughout Vermilion County and is well counted one of its makers. Eben H. Palmer went to such schools as were to be had in Danville until he was fitted to enter Wabash College, at Crawfordsville, Indiana. When he was fifteen years old he went into the store of J. M. Culbertson, where he remained for a time, and then entered Wabash College, where he went for four years until he completed the course. Upon his return from college he clerked for a time and then entered into the partnership, being one of the firm of Humphry, Palmer & Co., general merchants and druggists. This was about 1885, and 236 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY from that time to his death he was recognized as one of the most active and successful and prominent business men of the county. When his uncle died in the office of county superintendent of schools, Mr. Palmer was elected to fill out his unexpired term. At the close of this term he was needed to help organize the First National Bank and he became associated in this business with J. G. English and J. L. Tincher, and remained in this connection for thirty years. Mr. Palmer was cashier of the bank from the first, and it was his popularity as well as shrewd business insight that made the bank its suc- cess as much as anything. Mr. Palmer was interested in many enterprises, and accumulated much property. He was a valued member of the firm of Peyton- Palmer-English Co., which afterward became and yet is Peyton-Palmer Co., wholesale grocers, one of the firms to which Danville owes much. Mr. Palmer married Miss Frances B. Nelson of Urbana, in 1854. They became the parents of three daughters and one son. The youngest daughter became the wife of Loren Shutts, the son of John Shutts, the Wabash Railroad agent at Danville for so long a time. Mr. Palmer's son, Frank N. Palmer, is a minister in the Presbyterian church, who has risen in his profession to a high position. He is credited with being a recognized authority in the church on Bible study, as well as of ability in sermonizing. Mr. Palmer and family have always been prominent in the Presbyterian church. His father, Dr. Palmer, was one of the original members of the Presbyterian church of Danville, and Mr. Palmer took his place when he died. So closely was he identified with that church that there has always seemed to be an unfillable vacancy in the membership since his death. Mr. Palmer died in 1831. Sally (Johns) Copeland was the oldest child of John and Mary Johns. She was born in Blount township, Vermilion County, September 4, 1831. When Johns and his wife came to Vermilion County they settled on the farm adjoin- ing that of Samuel Copeland, and the children of the two families grew up together. When the oldest daughter, Sally Johns, was seventeen years old, Samuel Copeland went courting and she became his bride. She had been his sweetheart from infancy. They made their home in Blount township and in Danville. She died suddenly in Danville. Perry Copeland and his wife, Sally (Johns) Copeland, were the parents of two children, daughters, who married. The oldest, Helen, became the wife of A. D. Shepherd, and the younger, Lida. became the wife of Harry Fowler of this county. George W. Hoskins was born three and one-half miles southwest of George- town, near the Little Vermilion river, February 20, 1830. His father, Azariah Hoskins, came to Vermilion County in 1825, by flatboat from their home in Virginia, down the Ohio river to Cairo, in Illinois, where they took wagons and came to Vermilion County. It took several weeks for them to make this trip. Mr. Hoskins, the father of George W. Hoskins (who was born in Ver- milion County) settled on what was known as the Helt Prairie, and later re- moved to the vicinity of Georgetown in the timber, and married Sarah Swisher. When George W. Hoskins was about a year old his father moved to what is known as the Walnut Grove, or where Rossville is now located. He had bought a tract of land there and it did seem to be very near to the end of HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 237 the settlements. There was only one family living in the grove and only one white family living between their house and Chicago, which was better known as Fort Dearborn. Danville had only one store in it at that time. George Hoskins never had any but home-made clothing, up to the time he was twenty years old. The material from which his garments were made was the product of his mother's spinning wheel and loom, and the cut and making was her work as well. When he was twenty years old he bought some cloth, hired a tailor to cut it, and had a neighbor woman sew it. They had no matches but hunted punk in the woods and made a fire by using flint and tow. This fire was care- fully kept, and if by any misfortune it should go out, someone must run to the neighbors and borrow a little on the shovel. The corn they raised was worth ten cents per bushel and other produce corresponding in price. He mar- ried Mary E. Gritton, who was born in Indiana in 1850, and afterward bought a farm in Ross township for which he paid $6 per acre. Mr. Hoskins was the parent of six children who lived to maturity and others who died in infancy. All of their children married and settled within six miles of them; they had bought the old home farm in 1867. Mr. Hoskins has served as tax collector and school director and been identified with the building of churches and schools in that neighborhood. James S. Sconce was born at Brooks Point November 14, 1831. There was no citizen of Vermilion County better known or more respected than this son; His father was Samuel Sconce and his mother Nancy (Walters) Sconce. Mr. Sconce came to Vermilion County in 1829, and here found Nancy Waters, who had come with her parents to near Brooks Point the previous year. James Sconce had one brother and one sister. These children were early taught in- dustry, and James lived on the farm until he was twenty-four years old, when he went into the store of Sconce & Bailey, drawing a salary of three hundred dollars per year. In 1859 he went to Kansas and preempted 160 acres of land, which, after a time, he traded for land in Illinois. It was when he began feeding cattle for himself that his fortune began. James Sconce, it is said, was the best feeder in Vermilion County, and no one has ever excelled him. His judgment was good and he seemed to know instinctively how to proceed. He married the only daughter of Harvey Sodowsky, the well known short- horn breeder of Vermilion County, and the man to whom a debt of gratitude is due as having introduced shorthorn cattle into this section. After his mar- riage, Mr. Sconce lived for one year in the home of his father-in-law, after which he located on the farm which has been made famous because of what he and his wife and son have done to improve it. At the suggestion of Mrs. Sconce, the name of Fairview has been given the farm, and each year it has grown more appropriate by reason of improvements made. Mr. Sconce bought and fed cattle and swine and rapidly accumulated a fortune. At his death in 1888, Mr. Sconce was estimated to be worth from $200,000 to $300,000, every cent of which he had accumulated by farming and stock raising. The memory of this good man has not dimmed, and now he is spoken of to strangers in terms of praise not often given. His life was simple, his methods straight- forward, his manner gentle. He was kind-hearted to those in distress, gener- ous to the poor, indulgent to the weak, and charitable to the erring. Mr. 238 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY Sconce was a man of pleasing appearance, tall with keen blue eyes. He was a man who would naturally have many friends ; he was popular and worthy the friendship of any man. He took great interest in matters educational, and particularly made the Wesleyan University his charge, making generous pro- vision for its welfare. He was ever ready to help any struggling young man who was trying to help himself, and in his death such as they lost a friend in- deed. In brief, Mr. Sconce proved by his life that he was a man any county might be proud to call son. Mrs. Sconce, the wife of James Sconce, was herself a daughter of Ver- milion County, of whom no less can be said. She was the only child of Harvey Sowdusky, and by reason of her lifelong wealth might have indulged herself in any luxury possible, but her disposition was otherwise, and she has lived in a spirit of unselfish helpfulness to others that is as rare as it is admirable. She makes her home on the well loved "Fairview" farm, which she shares with her only son, Harvey. Her works of kindness are many, and her chari- ties extended. Her home is ever the home of the preachers of the Methodist church, and to her any good cause appeals and receives her aid. Mr. and Mrs. Sconce were the parents of two children. The daughter became the wife of Mr. Will Cathcart, who is a banker of Sidell and lives at that short distance from her mother and brother. Harvey Sconce, the brother, has proven that he is as capable of the management of Fairview as the son of James Sconce and the grandson of Harvey Sowdusky should be. Jonathan Pratt and Nancy Stevens, natives of Indiana, both of them met and were married in Danville and began their married life at Brooks Point, but afterward moved from there into the Big Vermilion district. While liv- ing there Mr. Pratt enlisted in the Illinois Rangers, soon after the Black Hawk war, while yet they were located about Danville. He proved himself a fear- less soldier, when he was taken ill with cholera near Galena and died within six days of the expiration of his term of enlistment. This couple were the parents of two children, a son and a daughter of Vermilion County. Thomas, the son, was the youngest and was born at Brooks Point, as was his sister. When he reached manhood he, living in Brooks Point and the vicinity of the Big Vermilion, having received as good an education as was possible at that time, went off for himself, and for one year was a butcher in Danville. He was also interested in a market in that city. He afterward went to Westville, in Georgetown township, and was buying and shipping grain from that point for five years. For the next fifteen or more years he bought and shipped stock of all kinds. He lived in Georgetown township until 1880, when he went to Catlin township, having bought the farm of Mr. Sandusky. Mr. Pratt mar- ried Miss Nancy Scott in Brooks Point in 1851. She was a daughter of Ver- milion County, and was born in Brooks Point January 23, 1829. She died at Brooks Point December 5, 1870. Mr. Pratt afterward married Miss Mary E. Clayton. He was the father of ten children. Mr. Pratt has always been a man of unsullied reputation and a creditable citizen of the county. Amos Smith Williams, the son of Amos Williams, the man who held all the offices in Danville at the time of its first being, was a prominent citizen of Vermilion County for many years. He was born in Danville August 22, 1831, HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 239 in the home place on South Walnut street. He was one of six children, all hut one of whom were born in Danville. The exception was the oldest child, a daughter, Maria Louise, who was born at Butlers Point. Amos Smith Wil- liams or "Smith" Williams, as he was better known, went to school in Dan- ville, and when he was ready for the higher studies, he went to Paris, Illinois. He spent seven years in California, at the expiration of which he came to Dan- ville and opened a hardware store. He was later interested in a queensware store and in the coal interests, and the last years of his life he was retired from all business cares. He had accumulated much property, besides that which he had inherited from his father's estate, and left his family with means of a luxurious living. He was associated with many interests of the city, and in most of them he was successful. He was instrumental in establishing the Iron Wagon Works and the starch factory, also a box factory, and he was vice president of the first street car company organized in Danville. Mr. Wil- liams was a man of rare business sagacity, and energy to put through an en- terprise when his judgment showed it to be a good one. He was wise in worldly works, and besides, was a man of the kindest heart, whom to know was to admire. Mr. Williams died February 14, 1891. In 1860, Mr. Wil- liams married Miss Sarah Jane, a daughter of George Greyson, a pioneer of Vermilion County, who came in the early thirties. Miss Greyson was herself a daughter of Vermilion County, she having been born in Danville, October 19, 1835. Mr. and Mrs. Williams were the parents of five children, all boys but one. One of these children died in infancy. Of the others, Lynne, the oldest, became the wife of Well Beckwith and always lived across the street from her mother. Carroll has always lived with his mother, a devoted son. Mr. Williams and his wife were members of the Methodist Episcopal church in their younger life, but in later days Mr. Williams became very much in- terested in the Episcopal church, and went into its communion ; but Mrs. Wil- liams never left the church of her youth. Diadama (Bloomfield) Atwood is a daughter of Vermilion County, whom all who know her life, love to honor. She was born in Pilot township in 1832, and has always lived there. Her father, Samuel Bloomfield, came to Vermilion County a pioneer, and became the father of twelve children. Mrs. Atwood was taught to read and write and whatever more was possible to crowd into the schools, which were in session only during the winter months about the neighborhood. After her father died she bought the old home place of ninety-two acres, and she secured forty acres through the division of the estate. They lived on the home farm and Mr. Atwood not only supervised its management, but was also a preacher in the Christian church. Mr. Atwood enlisted in Company I, One Hundred and Twenty-fifth Illinois Infantry, under the command of Colonel Harmon and Capt. Vinson, but he was not in any battle, yet his health was so completely undermined that he came home and died in less than six weeks from the exposure of the army life. Mrs. Atwood has lived her life since, a widow indeed, spending her time in the care of their children and grandchildren and in useful work. Her youngest child was but four years old when Mr. Atwood died, so that her task of rearing these little ones was no light one. When Mr. Atwood died the farm consisted of 160 240 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY acres of land, but before the property was divided she had increased it to such an extent that there were three hundred and seventy-two acres. She gave each of her children forty acres and kept one hundred for herself, upon which she lives, and besides this has other farms elsewhere. She has been prosperous and at one time has fed more than forty head of cattle. She deserves much credit for her pluck and good management of her affairs. Daniel Brewer was born on the 5th of September, 1832, on a farm four miles northeast of Danville, in Vermilion County. He was a son of Richard Brewer, and his wife, Christina (Roderick) Brewer. Daniel Brewer spent his boyhood's days on the farm, and went to school near Danville at what was known as the Lamb district school. Mr. Brewer was married to Mariah Cun- ningham, who was a native of Clinton County, Indiana. They were the parents of eight children but all but three died in childhood. Mr. Brewer sold his farm and bought in Jamaica township, on section 30. His memory of Danville is when it was a hamlet of a few houses of round logs in one of which his sister Mary was born. The land on which the city of Danville was built was at that time worth fifteen dollars per acre. Their trading was done in Covington, Indiana, and Chi- cago. It was in Chicago that his father bought leather and hauled it in wagons. Calico was a precious article, and was worth twenty-five cents per yard. This was the popular material from which to make best dresses. Wheat was then worth fifty cents a bushel and corn from ten to twenty cents per bushel. When the canal was finished at Covington corn went up to twenty-five cents per bushel. Mr. Brewer has bought and sold cows for ten dollars. Jotham Lyons was born in Georgetown township, near the place his father first settled when he came to Vermilion County. His birth was September 25, 1832. He lived the life of the sons of the pioneers to this section and attended the same schools that have so many times been described. The same privations and the same freedom were his. Jotham Lyons married Miss Worth, a daugh- ter of a pioneer settler of Wisconsin. They were the parents of six children, all but one of whom grew to maturity and had families of their own. John J. Partlow was the son of James Partlow, who in his turn was the son of Samuel, both of the latter being pioneers of Middle Fork township. James Partlow took up a tract of land on the Middle Fork as soon as he came in 1831, which was part timber and part prairie. He put up a rail pen for the temporary shelter of his family but John was not born until the log cabin was finished. He went to school in the log schoolhouse which had greased paper for window glass, and later attended the Georgetown Seminary, and the Danville Seminary. He had been employed in a drug store some two years before this, and after- ward he went as clerk in the dry goods store of V. & P. LeSeure, where he stayed three years. He then went into partnership with Mr. R. A. Short, and remained fhere for two years at which time he bought out Mr. Short and con- tinued the store by himself for twelve years. He went into the employ of the C. & E. I. R. R. at this time and continued in this service until his death. In 1857 Mr. Partlow married Frances Giddings, the eldest child of William and Caroline Giddings. Golden Patterson was born on the same place where he now lives, which was the old homestead, July 17, 1833. His father came from Tennessee, a pioneer ^^^^^ L1DE (JOHNS) COPELAND PERRY COPELAND J. A. CUNNINGHAM W. T. CUNNINGHAM GEORGE DILLON DAVID MEADE JOHN" FRAZIER. SR. HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 241 to the Little Vermilion and his mother came with her father, William Golden, to near the same place. Mr. Patterson, the father entered 500 acres of land from the government when he first came, and it rose in value until now it is worth a large price. Mr. and Mrs. Patterson were the parents of six children, the youngest of which was Golden. The mother of these children died when this youngest was an infant and the father survived her about ten years. Golden Patterson learned the trade of carpenter, but worked at it but little always seeming to be too great a success as a farmer to take up other employment. He has accumulated a large tract of land and has a fine farm. Mr. Patterson enjoys the confidence and esteem of all his neighbors and is well and favorably known throughout the county. It was in 1830 that Alexander Church and his wife and young family came to Vermilion County from Virginia and settled in three quarters of a mile west of present day Catlin. Mr. Church had married Ruth Carawayi before he came west and her relatives came to Vermilion County at the same time. Mr. Church made his home on section 3, and the land has re- mained in the possession of the family ever since. Two years later, a little son came to this home and William Church saw the light of day in the pioneers home in Vermilion County. This was the tenth child born to Mr. and Mrs. Church and before long the mother died. William grew up to all the discom- forts of a new settler's life, to all the privations and pleasures as well. Alex- ander Church lived until 1892 and had he lived two months longer he would have reached the age of ninety. William Church went to a subscription school in a time that the inconveniences of the school room were often as nothing to the advantages of having a good teacher. In those days the pupils were expected to do things that the present day school-boy would resent, if he were asked to do. But an unruly pupil made objections at great risk. A hickory rod always hung in plain sight and it was used to a purpose when occasion called its use forth. In 1852 William Church married Miss Hester M. Douglas, who was her- self a daughter of Vermilion County. Miss Douglas was born in Catlin town- ship, October 7, 1834, her parents being Thomas W. and Delilah (Payne) Douglas. Thomas W. Douglas had entered land on the site of the county poor house. Mr. and Mrs. Church became the parents of five children, all of whom grew to maturity, and had families of their own. 1833 : Asa Partlow, the son of Reuben and Elizabeth Partlow, was born in Danville, on South Hazel street, January 6, 1833. He was educated in the schools of Danville, attending the Methodist Seminary. In 1854 he became one of the firm of Lamm, Partlow & Company, which did business in the building where the present Danville National Bank is located. The building on that corner was remodeled a few years ago, but the location is the same. The other members of the firm of Lamm, Partlow & Co. were the father of Asa Partlow and Mr. William Lamm. After the death of Mr. Lamm, which occurred in 1863, the firm name was changed to A. Partlow & Co., and later to Partlow & Draper, with a change of location to the Giddings block on Main street, near Hazel. February 26, 1857, he married Mary Murdock, who was also a resident of Danville. 242 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY Asa Partlow was a pioneer in the Building & Loan buisness and was the first Secretary of the People's Building and Loan Association and continued in that office until it paid out, a period of ten years. He was secretary of the Equitable Building and Loan Association, until on account of failing health he gave it up. He died suddenly and was buried in Springhill Cemetery. Mr. Partlow was the father of three children, all of them boys. They all resided in Danville, except the oldest, Harry, who died. The other two are Edmond R. who took his father's business when failing health compelled him to give it up and Augustus, who is an attorney in Danville. Uriah Folger was born in Elwood township, April 23, 1834. His father, Asa Fogler, came to Vermilion County in 1831 and settled in the Elwood neigh- borhood. He was a tanner, and also a shoemaker and he carried on this busi- ness for years, doing such work for the settlers around. He had so much to do that he employed four or five men at times. Uriah Folger received his early education in the subscription school and his advanced training in the Bloomingdale Academy under Prof. Hobbs. He was an apt pupil, and has always been a typical quaker. He spent the years of his manhood as an exhorter in the church of the Society of Friends and was always considered a model of kindness and good deeds. Jonathan Larrance was another son of Vermilion County, born in this neigh- borhood in this same year, 1834. His parents came to this section in 1827 and made themselves a home. Jonathan Larrance attended the Vermilion Academy, then called the Vermilion Seminary, where he received his education in books. His entire life was spent in the same neighborhood where every one knew him and he knew every one. He was a good farmer and accumulated much prop- erty, and at his death in 1885, he left 295 acres of well improved land to his heirs. He was the father of seven children, six of whom survived him. Thomas F. Collison was born on the farm where he always lived, October 12, 1834. When he reached the time when he was old enough to go to school a governess was employed to teach him. The other children of the household were taught by her and any in the neighborhood who chose to come were wel- come in the Collison home. Later he attended the subscription school, which was a typical pioneer school. In these schools the boys who were pupils were required to cut the fire wood and take it to the schoolhouse. In this school a testament was used as a reader and an old elementary spelling book was another of the text books. Mr. Collison lived at home until after the death of his father and when the estate was settled his share was one hundred acres of unimproved land and ninety dollars in money. Mr. Collison has been a man of great success in life. He has built one of' the finest homes in the county. He has now retired from active work on his farm and lives in Danville. He has been a son of which Vermilion County is justly proud. James A. Dickson, another worthy son of Vermilion County was born near Indianola, December 5, 1834. His parents had come from Kentucky to Ver- HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 243 milion County in the twenties and settled on the Little Vermilion. Mr. Dick- son, the father, died when James was but three years old and his mother kept the family together and in 1853, she built a large house on the place, so suc- cessful had her efforts been. She died in the following year. James Dickson was one of a family of six children, all of whom died comparatively young. He worked on the farm after he was sixteen years old and had stopped going to school, and then on a piece of swamp land belonging to his brother and then bought some land of his own in what was Carroll township and now is called Jamaica township. The first wife of Mr. Dickson was Mary Frances Busby, and he later married Miss Amanda J. Shepperd, herself a daughter of Ver- milion County. She was the daughter of John and Nancy Shepperd, who were married in Vermilion County. John Shepperd owned the well known Shepperd mills. Amanda J. (Shepperd) Dickson, was born in Vance township, December 20, 1832, and died July n, 1888. Mr. Dickson lived on the farm he first bought for eleven years, when he sold it and bought one on sections 22 and 27 in Ja- maica township with a portion of it in Georgetown township. He is a man of prominence in his community and well liked by all. W. T. Cunningham was a well known man of Danville up to the time of his death. He was born in Danville, February 8, 1834, the son of Heze- kiah Cunningham and Mary (Alexander) Cunningham, who made their home in Danville in 1828. Mr. Cunningham, familiarly known as "Bud," grew up and went to school in Danville. His first work for himself was as clerk in a drug store, where he remained for five years. He was appointed to clerkships under the government both in Danville and Washington. President Lincoln, of whom he was a personal friend appointed him collector of the Seventh District. He was afterward elected Clerk of the Circuit court and repeatedly reelected. Later he was made Master in Chancery. Mr. Cunningham married Miss Lucy Lamon in 1859. She was the daughter of John Lamon, one of the early settlers of Vermilion County. They were the parents of five children, one of whom died in infancy. Mrs. Cunning-ham died in 1875. Later Mr. Cunningham married Miss Stansbury. Michael Fisher was born in Carroll township, within half a mile of Indianola. November 6, 1835. He was the son of David Fisher, and there' were four chil- dren in the family beside Michael. This son was brought up on his father's farm and went to the subscription schools during his school days. He was mar- ried in 1864 to Maryette Baum, daughter of John Baum, herself a daughter of Vermilion County. She was born in Indianola. Mr. Baum continued farming for a dozen or more years after he was married and then he went into Indianola and had a hardware store. Mr. and Mrs. Fisher were the parents of three children, a son and two daughters. One of the daughters became the wife of Joseph Sidell and the other, the wife of Harvey Sconce. Casper James Langley was born in Danville town- ship, February 25, 1835. His father located in this place in 1830, coming from Kentucky. Casper Langley was the youngest child of a family of four. He lived on the farm helping his mother after his father's death. He was thir- teen years old when his father died. He was very prosperous and accumulated 244 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY much property during his active life. He married Miss Anderson, from New York state, in 1865, and they were the parents of nine children. James Juvinall was born in Pilot township in 1835. He was the son of Andrew and Mary (James) Juvinall, who came to Vermilion County in 1827, in a prairie schooner, from Ohio. In the school where James Juvinall had his early training the seats were slabs laid on poles and there was a long writing desk made by laying a plank upon wooden pins driven into the wall. Mr. Juvi- nall always remembered how the Indians held meetings at the foot of the hill where they lived. He lived on the home farm until he was married in 1858 and then took one hundred and twenty acres in Blount township. Here he lived until 1892, when he moved to Danville and went into the implement busi- ness. He then went to Denmark, where he lived for a short time and then bought his farm, upon which he settled for the remainder of his life. He has always been an active worker in the Methodist church. John R. Smith was born where Fithian Station now stands. March i, 1836. His father was William W. Smith, who came to Vermilion County from Ohio in 1830. John Smith was the fourth child of his parents and he lived at home until after the death of his father, when he went to live with his brother-in-law, Thomas Armstrong, who lived near Rossville. He went to the schools in the neighborhood and to this, he added a term at Danville and one at Knox College. He married Jose- phine Stewart, who was a daughter of Vermilion Co. being born at Danville. She was the daughter of James Stewart, who came to Vermilion County from Connecticut. Mr. Smith ran a hotel in Rossville for three years, after which he had a grocery store for many years. He carried on this business for many years meanwhile building a large neat house on a part of the Stewart farm in which he had his home and to which he retired when his business career was at an end. Mrs. Smith died in 1885. In 1889 Mr. Smith married Mrs. Sarah J. Parlow, whose father was James Duncan. Mr. Smith was the father of five children, four sons and a daughter. Seth Fairchild was born near Danville, Illinois, October 14, 1836, the son of Ormaband and Hannah (Wagnon) Fairchild. He was twenty-five years old when the war opened and he enlisted in the Twenty-fifth Illinois and served to the time of discharge, September 5, 1864. He was in several engagements and otherwise suffered the hardships of war and when he came home he located in Danville. He was employed to carry the mail from Danville to East Lynne for two years, at the end of which time he moved to Potomac and carried the mail between that place and Danville for six years. He then bought himself a farm in Blount township, where he continued to reside the remainder of his life. Mr. Fairchild married Miss Lyon in 1865 after his return from the army. They were the parents of seven children. Mr. Fairchild died on his farm, March 13, 1886. William Cossairt was born near the city of Danville, July 5. 1836. His father was David Cossairt, who came with his father, who was a pioneer of Vermilion County. When William Cossairt found himself able he bought out the other heirs to the home place and there made his home for life. This farm is located on section 4, Middlefork township, and adjoins Potomac, making an ideal lo- cation for a home. Mr. Cossairt married Louisa A'. Smith, whose father came HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 245 from England. Miss Smith was born in Vermilion County, and here grew to womanhood. They were the parents of nine children, all but two of whom lived to have families of their own. Mr. Cossairt always commanded the respect and friendship of his neighbors and had their good will. Robert A. Short was born in Vermilion County in September 14, 1836. His father was Thomas Short and his mother Nancy Ann (Lanham) Short. He was one of a family of six sons and three daughters, all of whom were born in Ver- milion County. John C. Short, the oldest of the family, was a very prominent citizen of Danville and the county up to the time of his removal to New York city. He did much for the development of the resources of Vermilion County, and but for misfortune would have remained in Danville and continued working for its progress. Alexander C. Short married the daughter of Dr. Hill and after living in Danville for some years, moved to Los Gatos, California. Robert A. Short went to a country school until he was prepared to enter the Danville Seminary, from which he graduated in 1858. He first went into a drug store after he left school, where he remained twelve years. Then he established the firm of R. A. Short & Co., being the senior member. This firm handled the dry goods trade to profit up to the time Mr. Short retired in 1893. Since this time Mr. Short has been interested in real estate insur- ance and loan business, and with the exception of a residence in Evanston of a short time, he has been a continuous citizen of Vermilion County for seventy four years and the story of his life would be the story of the life of the county. Mr. Short married Miss Emily Murdock in 1838. They were the parents of six children, four of whom grew to maturity. George S. Cole was born in Danville, January 25, 1836. His father was Peleg Cole, and was well known in the community for years. George Colt grew to manhood in Danville and in 1860 he married Elizabeth Waples, who herself was born in Vermilion County. She was the daughter of William Waples, an early settler of Vermilion County. George Cole enlisted in the One Hundred and Twenty-fifth Illinois Infantry and served the full term of his enlistment. When he returned he took up the business interests which had been his care before he went away. Mr. Cole made Danville his home for the remainder of his life. He was the father of three sons and one daughter. Two of his sons went west. His remaining son, Ralph is the popular and much esteemed coroner of Vermilion County at present. Milton A. McDonald was born in Vermilion County, the son of Alexan- der and Catherine (Alexander) McDonald November n, 1826. Milton A. McDonald and his brothers and sisters went to school at Georgetown, where his father had moved for that purpose. Milton helped on the farm when not in school until he was about eighteen years old, when he began clerking in his father's drug store in Georgetown and from there he went to Pontiac, where Mr. McDonald had some land interests. Mr. Milton McDonald married Miss Jackson of Terre Haute, and they became the parents of a large family of children, only four or five of whom grew to manhood and woman- hood and had families of their own. In 1861 Milton McDonald came to Dan- ville and clerked in a dry goods store for a time. After a while he set up a 246 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY hardware establishment of his own and he continued in this business until he went to Dakota. John Brady was born in Danville township, February i, 1837. He was a son of John Brady, who came to Vermilion County in the early days, and his was the common pioneer home, with the common pioneer hardships. His school was the common pioneer school and he had the privilege of the times. When the war broke out Mr. Brady enlisted in the One Hundred and Twenty-fifth Illinois Infantry and served until the end of the term. Mr. Brady married Miss Mary Conlin and they were the parents of four children. John Brewer was born in Danville, July 7, 1837. His father was William Brewer who came to Danville early in the thirties. He had the cabinetmaker's trade, and had the distinction of building the first frame house in Danville. Mr. Brewer was one of seven children, six of whom were boys. He lived at home until his father's death, after which he learned the carpenter's trade, and after his marriage moved on the farm upon which he spent his life. His first wife was Harriet Kester, who was born in Ohio, and has second wife was Sarah Oliver, who was born in Vermilion County. She was a daughter of John and Elizabeth Oliver, and was the mother of seven children. Mr. Brewer is one of the substantial citizens of his neighborhood. F. M. Olehy was born May 3, 1837, in Danville township, the son of Dennis Olehy. He was one of a large family and was obliged to early help himself. He lived in his home neighborhood, but after his marriage he went to Warren County, Indiana, where he lived for some time. In 1868 he returned to Ver- milion County, 111., and bought a farm on section 10, Danville township, where he made his home. Mr. Olehy married Miss Minerva J. Martin, in 1858, and they were the parents of four children. Asa Ankrum was born at Yankee Point, March 10, 1837. His father was David Ankrum, and was an early settler of that part of the county. Asa helped his father to make a good farm, and when he was able to do for him- self, he did as well and had a home to be proud of. When he died he left a competence for his family. He was married in 1865 to Rhoda C. Mendenhall and they were the parents of ten children. Mr. Ankrum died in 1886. Elisha C. Fithian was born November 8, 1837, in Danville, the son of Dr. Fithian. He was the youngest of three sons, and after going to school in his childhood began farming for himself on the farm where he now lives when he was seventeen years old. During his father's life this son superin- tended the work on this farm. Mr. Fithian married Miss Anna M. Hayes in 1865, and they had a family of five children. He has always been a stanch republican, having voted for Lincoln, being acquainted with him through meet- ing him at his father's house. George Dillon was born in Georgetown January 6, 1837. His father was Kuke Dillon, and came to Vermilion County in 1830, from Ohio, making the journey in a six-horse team. George Dillon stayed at home until he was twenty-one, helping first his father, and when he died, his mother in the work of the farm. He then bought a farm near Georgetown, where he lived until the beginning of the Civil war. He was a member of Company D, Twenty- fifth Illinois Infantry, and was in many battles. June 7, 1864, he was wounded HARRISON FAIRCHILD MRS. H. FAIRCHILD F. M. FAIRCHILD GEORGE W. PRATHER F. A. COLLISOX JOS I AH SAXDUSKY S. P. LE XEVE HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 247 in the right arm and sent to the hospital, and the arm was taken off close to the shoulder, and in February, 1865, he was sent home. Mr. Dillon was a strong republican, and his party loved to honor him. He was first elected town clerk of Georgetown township, and later Vermilion County selected him as assessor and collector, and again and again as circuit clerk. This office he held for a dozen years. He held other offices from time to time. Mr. Dillon mar- ried Miss Desdemona Martin, herself a daughter of Vermilion County. She was born in Georgetown in 1841. She was the daughter of Henry Martin and Mary (Morgan) Martin, being the granddaughter of Achilles Morgan, a man active in the making of Vermilion County. They were the parents of six children who have grown to manhood and womanhood and married well and, like their parents and grandparents and yet another generation back, their great grandfather, are well esteemed citizens of Vermilion County. Mr. J. L. Smith, who was born in Georgetown July 27, 1837, was an hon- ored pioneer son of Vermilion County. He was the son of Joseph Smith, who came to Vermilion County from Tennessee. J. L. Smith married Mary Ann Cook in 1861. She was born in Ohio. About this time Mr. Smith went into a pork packing house where he showed his capacity for work. This same energy and industry made him the success in all he undertook to do. Almond N. LeNeve was born in Newell township March 9, 1837. He was a younger brother of Samuel P. LeNeve. He left Vermilion County for Champaign County in his twentieth year, and remained there until after his marriage. He married Miss Nancy J. Ford and they were the parents of eight children. He returned to Newell township, however, and spent the re- mainder of his life on the old home place. Mr. LeNeve and his family have always been reckoned among the leading citizens of the county. Francis Asbury Collison, like his brother who has been mentioned, was born in Vermilion County. The date of his birth was June 25, 1837. His early life was very like that of his brother. He married Miss Nannie J. How- ard, in 1866. She was a daughter of Vermilion County, being born in Pilot township in 1846. She was the daughter of Joseph and Sarah (Martin) How- ard, who came to Vermilion County a pioneer. Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Collison were the parents of nine children, all but two of whom lived to grow up. Mr. Collison had his start in land by inheritance from his father, but he has ac- cumulated land until he has more than his father died possessed of. He has dealt in stock to a great extent all his life and shipped in large numbers. While he had some assistance when he started in life, his results are more due to effort and energy than to anything else. Josiah Sandusky was born in Carroll township September n, 1837. He was the son of Abraham Sandusky. The two Sandusky brothers, Abraham and Isaac, had large families and named the children identical names so that the relationship is difficult to follow. Josiah Sandusky had his school train- ing in the subscription schools, and after he was a man he was very much interested in matters of reading, so that he gathered a large and valuable library in his home. He took much pleasure in his library. At his father's death he inherited some land, to which he added until at his own death he owned about 1,000 acres of very valuable land in eastern Illinois. He remained 248 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY at home until after his father's death, which occurred when he was twenty- five years of age. After that he went into partnership with his brother Abra- ham, and this connection continued for many years. Josiah Sandusky became one of the best known stock men in the United States. Stock dealers would come from all parts of the United States and Canada and buy of him. Josiah Sandusky was also one of the leading breeders of fast horses, both running and trotting stock. Mr. Sandusky married Miss Margaret Moreland, a native of Bourbon County, Ky. Mr. Sandusky was the father of five children, all of whom lived to have families of their own, except the oldest, who died in infancy. Mr. Sandusky died February 13, 1901, and was buried in the San- dusky cemetery in Carroll township. William Cunningham was an extensive stock raiser of Newell township and was born December 15, 1838, in the same township. He was the son of James and Mary (Andrews) Cunningham. He was the third child in a family of four children. He lived at home on the farm until he was about eighteen years old, when he went to Nebraska, where the breaking of prairie sod was not as exciting as he had thought, so he went on to California. He started from Nebraska to Pike's Peak, in 1859, and from there went on overland to California. Here he mined and farmed, meeting with varying degrees of suc- cess for four years, and at the end of that time he returned to Illinois with $1,200 in his pocket. With this he bought his father's farm and made other investments. He has added to this land from time to time. He married Miss Chandler in 1865, and they became the parents of seven living children. Mr. Cunningham secured a farm of large proportions worth at least $70 an acre. He has made much money in buying and shipping live stock to Chicago. He has always found pleasure in raising a fine breed of horses, and he was ever a good judge of that animal. William Hester was born in Vermilion County May 17, 1838. His father was Thomas Hester, who came from North Carolina, settling in Vermilion County in March, 1838. Thomas Hester was attracted to this section of the country, doubtless by reason of the many members of the Society of Friends who lived here at that time. William finished his education, as did so many of the young people of that society, in Bloomingdale Academy, under the in- struction of Prof. Hobbs. William Hester taught school two winters, with which exception he has been a farmer all his life. Mr. Hester married Miss Marie Mills in 1860. Her father was Ira Mills, who came to Vermilion County in 1821. She became the mother of two children, one only of whom is living. She died January 19, 1863. Mr. Hester married Miss Rachel Stafford, of Vermilion Grove, for his second wife, in 1867, and she was the mother of three children, only two of whom are living. His second wife died, and Mr. Hester was married to Miss Martha Hawkins, of Coles County, in 1887. Mr. Hester made a specialty of fine bred swine and short-horn cattle, as well as keeping sheep and graded horses. Samuel Blair, the youngest of a family of seven children, was born in New- ell township December 5, 1838. He married Mill Mary M. Casart, daughter of Peter and Mary Casart. who came to Vermilion County from Kentucky. Mr. Blair owns a large farm, which he improved and made a specialty of HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 249 short-horn cattle. His place was always noted for the fine shade trees, which, it is said, were noticed, and furnished shade for all travelers from Chicago to Cairo in the early times. They were an oasis on the bleak prairies. Mr. Blair would carry produce to Chicago when he was a young man to market. Mr. Blair has always been found to be a public-spirited man. Charles T. Caraway was born in Catlin township October 22, 1838. After his youth had been passed on the farm, just as he was choosing and making ready for his life work, the Civil war broke out and he enlisted in the service of his country. His regiment was the Thirty-fifth Illinois Infantry, and he saw many battles. At the battle of Mission Ridge he was severely wounded in the left leg and was kept in the hospital for nine months where he suffered greatly. General Rosecrans put his name on the roll of honor together with those of some of his companions, on account of bravery and daring in that engagement Shortly after the close of the war Mr. Caraway married Miss Jennie Dougherty. She was the daughter of William Dougherty, who came to Vermilion County from Ohio. William J. Davis was born in Danville August i, 1838. His father was James A. Davis, who was the first school teacher in Danville. William Davis is the oldest of five children. He went to school to his father in Newell town- ship, and afterward went to the schools of Danville until he was nineteen years old, when he went as a clerk into the store of V. & P. LeSeure, where he remained a year. He was next in the employ of W. R. Gessie for six months, and then was appointed deputy county clerk under J. C. Short, serving for four years. At that time he enlisted in Company C, One Hundred and Twenty- fifth Illinois Infantry, under Capt. William Fellows and Col. Harmon. When he had served four months he was ordered home because of sickness from exposure. He could not leave his home for a year after that on account of his condition. When he had recovered he was appointed as deputy in the office of the circuit clerk who had been county recorder when Mr. Davis en- listed. He was in the office of the circuit clerk for four years, and at the end of that time he went into the abstract business for five years, after which he was interested in real estate. Mr. Davis has been retired for some time, being in poor health. Mr. Davis married Miss Baker in 1863. They were the parents of three children, two sons and one daughter. Their oldest son died at the age of eighteen. Perry Frazier was born in Georgetown November 13, 1838. His parents were Abner and Mary (Millican) Frazier. While but a young man, Perry Frazier took charge of the management of his father's farm. During the first year he had charge he raised fifty head of hogs, that being at that time an unheard-of thing to do. He married Miss Eliza J. P. Patty when he became twenty-one and then rented his father's farm until he was obliged to leave this part of the country on account of his wife's poor health. The change did not help her, however, and in two years she died in Missouri. When he re- turned to Georgetown, Mr. Frazier again rented his father's farm, on which he lived for fourteen years. Meanwhile he married Miss Mary J. Moore, a daughter of John and Hannah Moore, who lived near Georgetown. Mrs. Fra- zier lived until 1901. After her death Mr. Frazier moved to Georgetown. 250 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY E. J. Draper, more familiarly known as "Ed" Draper, was born in Ver- milion County in 1839. His father was Jonathan Draper. When the son was five years old the family moved back to Vermont, where he spent his youth, living there until he was nineteen years old, going to school at Bennington. He came west in 1857, stopping a while at Sydney. From that time until poor health compelled him to retire, he was in some way or other interested in the life of a merchant. He enlisted in 1862 in the One Hundred and Twenty-fifth Regiment, Illinois Infantry, Capt. Fellows and Col. Harmon in command. This regiment saw hard service. When Mr. Draper returned from the war he found employment in the office of J. C. Short, county clerk. After he went into the grocery business in Danville, Mr. Draper was for eight years located on west Main street, but later went on Vermilion street. He remained in that location many years, and the city missed his store when his health no longer permitted him to carry on the trade. Mr. Draper was one of the merchants upon whom a community could depend, and his going from the ranks of mer- cantile interests was indeed a loss to the city. Mr. Draper was ill for a long time and died in 1810, He married Miss Angeline Probst. She was a woman of unusual helpfulness of nature, and their friends were legion. Mrs. Draper is very much loved by the community, where she has been such a friend in time of trouble. Mr. and Mrs. Draper were active in their work in the Kim- ber Methodist church, where they held membership from its organization. Henry Fletcher and his wife were both born in Vermilion County. He was born at Vermilion Grove October 28, 1839. His father was John Fletcher, a consistent member of the Society of Friends. Henry had a good common school training, and afterward was under the instruction of Prof. Hobbs in Bloomingdale Academy. In 1861 Mr. Fletcher married Mahala Haworth, the daughter of Eli Haworth, one of the early settlers. She was born in George- town October 15, 1842. She became the mother of eight children, six of whom lived to maturity. Mr. Fletcher developed a fine farm. He always was an influential member of the Society of Friends, and was connected with the order of Modern Woodmen. John \V. Fisher is the brother of Michael Fisher, and his younger days were spent in very much the same way as was his brother. He was born in Carroll township. He married Miss Mary L. Dye in 1861. He later moved to Kansas, but tired of the country, and came back to Vermilion County, where he rented a farm of his father, and afterward bought land on which he raised stock and sold it in the city markets. Mr. John Fisher was the father of eight children. Mr. and Mrs. Fisher are members of the Presbyterian church, and well esteemed. Priscilla (McCarty) Black was born near Muncie, Illinois. She was the daughter of John McCarty, who came to Oakwood township from Ohio a short time before her birth. She became the wife of Samuel Black in 1858. She was tfie mother of nine children. Harrison Fairchild was born in Blount township on Christmas day, 1840. He was one of a large family of children of Daniel Fairchild. All of these children went to a subscription school while they were small and then went to Danville to the Danville Seminary. Harrison was at school there at the out- HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 251 break of the Civil war and he left his studies to enlist in Company B, Twenty- fifth Illinois Infantry, under Capt. Walls. That regiment saw some hard serv- ice, and in the battle of Chickamauga Mr. Fairchild was wounded in the leg. He was afterward in the charge of Missionary Ridge, when he was wounded in the arm by a piece of shell. He received his discharge at Springfield Sep- tember 5, 1864. When Mr. Fairchild returned to Blount township he farmed near the old homestead. In 1865 Mr. Fairchild married Miss Lannam, who was a daughter of this county. Their family of thirteen children all grew to useful manhood and womanhood but one. One of their sons is a preacher, and so also is one of the sons-in-law. Mrs. Fairchild died in about 1905, and Mr. Fairchild married Miss Fannie Smith, the daughter of one of the early settlers. Mr. Harrison Fairchild has always been a prominent member of the First Methodist church. Nathaniel R. Fairchild was born at the home place August 15, 1843. He had a twin brother named Daniel who died in the army. Mr. Fairchild mar- ried, in 1869, Miss Elizabeth Fitzgerald, and she died in 1874. She was the mother of three children. He then married Mrs. Sarah Dove, who was born in Vermilion County June n, 1842. Mr. Fairchild's entire life has been spent in Vermilion County. Francis M. Fairchild was born in Blount township April 20, 1848. He was the eighth son in the Fairchild family. When he was twenty-two years old he married Miss Ina B. Fitzgerald. She, too, was born in Vermilion County. Her birthplace was but a mile and a half from the Fairchild home, and the young people had always known each other. She was the mother of fourteen children. Only three of these died before they had reached man- hood and womanhood. Mrs. Fairchild died in Colorado, where she had gone to have her health restored, in 1894. Mr. Fairchild was again married in 1897, this time to Miss White. She was the mother of three children, but they all died in infancy. Like the others of this family, Mr. Fairchild was ever a devoted Methodist. He and his brother were the first of the farmers in this neighborhood to tile their land and redeem it from the swampy condition. John W. Newlon was born in Blount township June 13, 1840. His father was Thomas B. Newlon, and his mother was Miss Angeline Griffith, the daugh- ter of Stephen Griffith, and widow of Mr. Makemson. Mr. Newlon, the father of John Newlon, came to Vermilion County in 1837 with his father. The father of John Newlon's mother came in 1826. John Newlon was the eldest of the seven children in his father's family. In June of 1861 he reached his majority and in July he enlisted in the army in Company I, Thirty-fifth Illinois Infantry. He was wounded at the battle of Kenesaw Mountain, and was twice taken prisoner, but both times managed to elude the vigilance of the captors and to make his escape. When he returned from the army he married Miss Ivea Y. Taylor, a daughter of Thomas A. and Ivea Taylor, who came to Vermilion County in 1853 and located in Catlin township. They are the parents of five children, four girls and one boy. In 1888 Mr. Newlon came to Danville and was appointed deputy sheriff under J. C. Gundy, filling that office for two years. In 1890 he was elected sheriff, and during his term the great strike of the American Railway Union occurred, and at the 252 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY same time five thousand miners went out on a strike. His handling of this most unusual condition of affairs was so well appreciated that when his terni of office was over the people of Vermilion County elected him treasurer with- out opposition. He served four years as treasurer and then became chief deputy sheriff, serving for three and one-half years under James Sloan. He was then appointed commissary in the Danville Branch of the National Home for Disabled Soldiers and Sailors. Mr. Newlon has always been a stanch republican and has faithfully served his party. In all his service of the public there has never been one whisper of aught but the most decided adherence to the right. He has been a public officer which is a credit to the county of which he is a son. Isaac Rees was born near Vermilion Grove on November 28, 1840. Ten years before this, his parents came, with twenty-two others who belonged to the Society of Friends, to Vermilion County. Mr. Rees married Miss Ara- minta Mills in 1868, a daughter of William and Hannah Mills. She was born about a mile and a half west of Vermilion Grove, and represents one of the best known families in Vermilion County. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Rees were the parents of five children. Unlike the spirit of most Quakers, Mr. Rees en- listed in the army, his loyalty to his country influencing him more strongly than the ideas of his religion. Henry F. Canady was born at Vermilion Grove December 12, 1840. Like the above-mentioned son of Vermilion County, he did not hesitate when the call to arms came at the time the flag was fired upon. The fact that he had been trained to the ideas of peace, and that those of the society to which he, belonged never sanctioned war, his answer to the call by enlisting in the service of the country is more noticable. Mr. Canady enlisted in the Twenty-fifth Illi- nois Infantry, Company A, and was in many engagements. He later served in Company E, Twelfth Kansas Mounted Infantry. Mr. Candy mrried Miss Maggie S. Brewer, in 1875. She was the mother of three children; but one of these lived to grow to womanhood. William Jasper Olehy was born in Danville township July 24, 1840. He only went to school a short time, and spent his youth on his father's farm. When the war broke out he enlisted in the One Hundred and Twenty-fifth Illinois Infantry and served during the entire term of service. He married Miss Mary A. Olehy and they made their home in Pilot township. They were the parents of but two children. Mrs. Olehy died in 1880. Henry Davis was born in Vermilion County May 5, 1841. His life has been spent on a farm. He married Miss Cox for his first wife and Rebecca Baird for his second wife. He was the father of three children. Mrs. Re- becca (Baird) Davis died in 1883, and he married Miss Belle Pemberton. O. B. Gravat was born in Blount township June 16, 1841. He was a hor- ticulturist and first introduced fruit raising into Blount township. His father was one of the pioneers of this section and entered 320 acres of land at twenty- five cents per acre. This land is worth more than $100 per acre today. When he was a boy he had to go to mill at Perrysville, or Covington, Indiana, and many has been the load of produce he has hauled to Chicago over roads in which there were many sloughs and ponds. When he was twenty-three years JOHN D. CAMPBELL JOHN W. NEWLON MRS. WM. COSSAIRT WILLIAM COSSAIRT WILLIAM J. DAVIS D. B. DOUGLASS HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 253 old he was ordained as a preacher in the Christian church and he has preached more or less, but never has taken a regular charge. Mr. Gravat was one of six children in his father's family. It was always a matter of pride that Mr. Gravat, the father, hauled the lumber to build the first court house in Dan- ville. In 1873, Mr. Gravat married Sarah Chenoweth. Mr. and Mrs. Gravat were the parents of nine children. William Current was born in Newell township November 27, 1842. He was one of eight children and the eldest. When he was sixteen years old he left home to do for himself. He learned the trade of harnessmaker, but did not work at it. When he had his trade learned he clerked in a dry-goods store for a time. During that time the Civil war was in progress, and in 1864 he could resist no longer but enlisted in the Thirty-seventh Illinois Infantry, Com- pany K, under the command of J. C. Black. After returning to Danville he was in the employ of first the Wabash and then the C. & E. I. Railroad for some time. After he had abandoned the railroads, he went on his father's farm and took charge of it. Miss Margaret Ellsworth became the wife of Mr. Current and the mother of three children. She was one of the daughters of Vermilion County. She died in 1878. Mr. Current married Miss Mary A. Makemson for his second wife. She, too, was a daughter of Vermilion County, having been born in Newell township in 1858. Mr. Current, while living in Danville, was city clerk for one year. After going to Newell township to live, he was sent as supervisor of the township. James A. Current, who also was born in Vermilion County in 1842, lived in Newell township. When he was married, he began his new life on the old homestead. Mr. Current married Miss Mary Lynch in 1859. They lived on the old homestead until 1872, when he moved to Danville and had a grocery store and butcher shop. In 1872, however, he moved back to farming and has continued it since then. Mr. Current was the father of six children. Thomas W. Blakeney was the fourth child of a large family of children, and was born in Georgetown township July 19, 1842. He was, like the rest of the family, of great strength and fine personal appearance. He remained about his father's farm until the outbreak of the Civil war, when he enlisted in the One Hundred and Twenty-fifth Illinois Infantry, Company K, under the command of Capt. Cook. While in the battles of Chickamauga and Mis- sionary Ridge he was slightly wounded in the thigh, but it was not a serious wound. While charging up Kenesaw Mountain he was seriously wounded and always afterward carried the five buckshot in his body that he received that day. He made the famous march to the sea with Sherman, and while at Atlanta he was promoted on account of special act of bravery. Mr. Blakeney tried living in the new west after he came from the army, but in due time came back to Vermilion County, where he has since made his home at We-- ville. Mr. Blakeney married Miss Matilda Brooks in 1868. She was the granddaughter of Benjamin Brooks, the early settler whose name was given the point of land upon which he settled. Matilda Brooks was born at Brooks Point, in Vermilion County, the daughter of John Brooks. She was named for her grandmother Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. Blakeney were the parents of three children, but one of which lived past infancy. 254 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY George Canaday was born in Georgetown township November 18, 1842. He was the son of the pioneer who came to this county early in the thirties. He married Miss Mary Jane Smith in 1867. He thought to better his condi- tion by moving west of the Mississippi river in the same year that he was married, and he did, entering a good farm in Missouri. They lived on this farm until seven years afterward, when Mrs. Canaday became so homesick they all came back and settled in Vermilion County. At that time, their family included three children. Two more children were born after they came back to Vermilion County, and making the entire family excepting those born in Missouri, sons and daughters of Vermilion County. November 2, 1842, Ira Babb was born in the same house in which he spent his life. This house was built by his father in 1830. His life has been spent in general farming and the manufacture of drain tile. He married Minerva E. Canaday in 1882. Mr. Babb made an interesting collection of old-time articles, including an almanac printed in 1829. John W. Giddings was born in Danville April 21, 1842. His father and mother were both born and reared in England. Mr. Giddings was one of a family of eight children who grew to maturity. He was the oldest son. He remained in his father's employ learning and practicing the trade of carriage painter, until when, in 1862, he went into the service, enlisting for ninety days. After he came home he was sick for a year but again enlisted, in 1864, in the One Hundred and Thirty-fifth Illinois Infantry, serving until the fol- lowing fall, when his term of enlistment was over. In 1865 he and his brother Charles, and brother-in-law, Mr. Stewart, formed a company to carry on his father's business. This arrangement continued for four or five years, when he and his brother bought out their brother-in-law, and later he bought out his brother and assumed the entire management of the business. He was a man of shrewd business ideas and his establishment was a pride to Danville. Mr. Giddings married Miss Samantha A. McKee, who was born in George- town. Mrs. Giddings is the daughter of Elijah Abigail (Starr) McKee. and has the blood of the pioneers of Vermilion County in her veins very strong. Her father came to this county in 1838 and settled east of Danville. He was a prominent citizen, being not only an authority in his neighborhood, but had the influence to be elected circuit clerk and holding the office for eight years. Mrs. Gidding's mother was the daughter of Absalom Starr, who was one of the first men to come to Vermilion County. The first deed recorded in the county was that of the property of Absalom Starr. Mr. and Mrs. Gid- dings are of the well esteemed citizens of Danville and live in a handsome house on Hazel street. The other sons of William Giddings all lived in Dan- ville the most of their lives. Some years ago Mr. Charles Giddings moved to Evanston, where their children could be educated at home, but the others all remained in Danville. William H. Newlin was born in Georgetown September 4, 1842. His father came to Vermilion County in 1832. He married Miss Henderson, and in this way Mr. Newlin is not only the son of one pioneer, but the grandson of an- other. His marriage with Miss Hawes made him yet more closely connected to the early settlers of this section. Mr. Newlin was a volunteer in the Civil HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 255 war, who had more than his share of the hardships of the army. He enlisted in the Seventy-third Illinois Volunteer Infantry. He was in battles and was captured at the battle of Chickamauga, sent to Richmond, smallpox breaking out among the prisoners. Mr. Newlin became a victim and was sent to the hospital. It was then that he and five other soliders made their escape, an account of which is very interesting. Mr. Newlin became a merchant after he returned to Georgetown, and afterward held public office. He married Miss Hawes, the daughter of Dr. Hawes, in 1868. They were the parents of three children. William H. Mills and his brother Richard Mills were both born in Ver- milion County and have lived their lives here. They have practically lived to- gether, having the same interests. William Mills was born in Elwood town- ship, February 18, 1843. He and his brother Richard, who was two years his junior, took the management of their home farm when they were twelve and ten years old. They had great success, and with all their accomplishments they have been great breeders of Clydesdale horses. William H. Mills mar- ried Miss Anna Woodard in 1879 and afterward went to live on the Holiday farm, which he had bought. The two brothers were the joint owners of nearly 800 acres, and farmed together under the firm name of R. & W. H. Mills. Mr. Richard Mills lives on the old homestead. His mother is yet living there. Samuel W. Baum, the son of the pioneer, Samuel Baum, and the grand- son of Michael Weaver, was born February 15, 1843. He was the eighth in a family of eleven children, and the first boy. He owns several farms, the homestead including 700 acres. He has been a "cattle man of renown," there being no better stock of short-horns to be found than on his farm. Mr. Baum married Miss Delia F. Stewart, who was born in Georgetown. She was edu- cated in that place, coming to the Danville high school when she was sixteen years old. Francis M. Gundy was born in Ross township, Vermilion County, May 7, 1843. ^ e i g a son f Joseph and Sarah (Davison) Gundy. Mr. Gundy be- longs to a family which has been a great factor in the developing of Vermilion County. He married Mary E. Smith, in 1854. They were the parents of three children, two daughters and one son. The son died while yet young. Mr. Gundy began his experience as a merchant in Marshfield, Indiana. He later had an interest in the store in Myersville. Later yet he, in partnership with Mr. A. M. Bushnell, had a general store in Bismarck. He is now the director in banks in which he is interested and is the president of the one in Bismarck. He has kept the old Gundy home place in good shape and preserved the forest trees. John D. Campbell was born on section 23, Newell township, June 7, 1843. His parents were Joseph and Eliza (Makesmome) Campbell. His grandfather, Samuel Campbell, was a pioneer of Vermilion County, coming in 1828, and settled on the farm on which John Campbell was born. John Campbell was one of a family of five children, three sons and two daughters. He was the oldest son and the second child. With the exception of a few terms of school that he taught, Mr. Campbell devoted his entire time to farm work. In 1869 John Campbell married Miss Julia Howard, and they were the parents of four 256 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY children. After the death of his first wife, Mr. Campbell married Miss Mary K. Barger. She was born in Newell township October 26, 1861. She became the mother of three children. Mr. Campbell has had a very successful life. Charles Snider was born in Blount township December 15, 1843. His parents were John and Mary (Blount) Snider. His grandfather was the man for whom the township was named. He has been distinguished as being in- terested in horticulture. He was eighteen years old when he enlisted in the service of his country. He enlisted in Company D, Thirty-fifth Illinois In- fantry, under Capt. Timmons and Col. Chandler. At the close of the war Mr. Snider again took up farming and stock raising. He married Miss Mar- garet Allhands in 1845. They were the parents of nine children, all of whom, excepting one son, died while yet young, although only two died in infancy. Joseph Col Vance was born in Oakwood township June 2, 1844. His parents were John W. and Deziah (Rathborn) Vance. He was one of a family of two children, his sister being the wife of Samuel Tilton of Catlin. He was a soldier in the Civil war and has held several offices during his life. In 1869 Mr. Vance married Miss Lydia E. Mathewman, and they have been the parents of six children. John W. Bandy was born in Danville April 8, 1844. His father was Wil- liam Bandy, one of the prominent pioneers of Vermilion County, and his mother was the sister of J. H. Murphey, another pioneer. Mr. Bandy was one of seven children of William Bandy. He spent his first five years on a farm, after which he always lived in Danville. He entered the office of the Danville Plaindealer, of which Mr. Leslie was then editor, and remained there until 1864. He then went into the office of Dr. Humphreys, where he read medicine and practiced a little. Mr. Bandy afterward became a druggist, in which business he continued as long as his health would permit, since which time he has been retired. Mr. Bandy has accumulated much valuable prop- erty. He was married twice and has one son. Of the large family of Mr. William Bandy, Mr. John Bandy and his sister Emma are the only ones left. Mr. Bennett Bandy, another brother, was a very prominent citizen of Dan- ville during many years until his death in about 1904. The family of children were all born in Vermilion County. Amos Cook was born in Vermilion County, in Elwood township, Decem- ber 15, 1845. His father was Daniel Cook, and his mother was Hannah Hes- ter, the daughter of Thomas Hester, also a pioneer of eastern Illinois. Mr. Amos Cook, the son, married Maria Haworth, a prominent member of the Society of Friends. He never lived outside of Elwood township. Thomas Haworth was born in Elwood township July 12, 1845. He was the son of Joel Haworth, who came to Vermilion County as early as 1825. Mr. Haworth died July 12, 1885. James Barnett, another son of Vermilion County, was born April i, 1845. In 1874 he married Miss Lucinda Martin. They are the parents of five chil- dren. In 1878 they moved to Kansas on account of the health of Mrs. Bar- nett. After a while the land in Kansas rose in value and they concluded to dispose of it and return to Vermilion County. They have been citizens of the section ever since. HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 257 George Prather was born March 15, 1845, on a farm in Ross township. His father was Uriah Prather. In 1862 he enlisted in the service of his coun- try. His term of enlistment was for about one hundred days. At the end of that time he was mustered out. Mr. Prather married Cynthia A. Beebe in 1887. They were the parents of three children. David Meade was born in Newtown, October 4, 1845. He was the son of William Meade and the grandson of Nathaniel Meade. He lived through his youth in Oakwood township, going to school in the schools of the day. He early became a school teacher and taught in Oakwood township and in Vermilion County, Indiana, through the most of his life. He taught school in Eugene, Indiana, with great success. He was there in the capacity of school teacher for nine years. In 1881 he went into the Danville schools as prin- cipal of the Douglas building. He remained in the schools of that place for fourteen years, a part of this time as principal of the Franklin school. The year after he was in the Danville schools he was principal of the township high school at Perrysville. When he gave up school teaching, Mr. Meade took charge of his farm northwest of Danville. He also has a farm in Wayne County, Illinois. Mr. Meade married Miss Lucy Hosford in 1873. They are the parents of four children. John Spouls was born February 26, 1845, on the farm on which he spent his life. He was but a baby when his father fell from a horse and met his death. He grew up on the farm, and when he married he and his brother divided the farm and he took the south half. He has increased his portion from time to time, making much profit from feeding and selling fine cattle. Martin J. Barger, at present the governor of the Danville Branch of the Home for Disabled Soldiers and Sailors, is a son of Vermilion County. He was born February n, 1845, m Newell township. He was the son of William J. Barger. His father died when he was quite young, and his mother mar- ried again. Upon this he left home and apprenticed himself to the shoemaker's trade. He did not work at this trade, however. When the war broke out, he determined to enlist, although he was but sixteen years old. He made appli- cation to Capt. McKibben, but was laughed at. Nothing daunted, he followed the soldiers to Springfield and thence along until they had reached Cape Girar- deau. At every place he insisted on enlisting and was everywhere laughed at, for there were plenty of men ready to go into the service and he was a boy, who looked even younger than he was. He had attached himself to the Twen- ty-fifth Illinois regiment without enlisting, and gone with them as far as For- sythe, Missouri, where he made one more appeal to Capt. Wall of Company B, and was told it was no use, that he would die in a few days. He insisted on following the army whether they would let him or not, and they gave him an outfit and a suit of clothing. In about a week the army was in motion for Batesville, Arkansas. The boy started with them and the first day he kept up; the second day he did not get into camp with his command, and the third day did not arrive until late at night, and the fourth day he lost sight of the army. He had a little money and could get his meals along the way and make in- quiries of directions. He camped out at night and moved forward footsore and weary and went into Batesville but a little behind the army. When he was 258 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY first seen the cheers rang out long and strong. He had not been seen for a week, and everyone thought him either captured or dead. When the time came to pay off the army he was asked if he wanted pay. "If you think I will make a soldier," he answered. "O, you'll do," was the answer, and the boy was given the payroll to sign, and he was legally a soldier. He was wounded at the battle of Chickamauga and taken prisoner. He was held about ten days and then paroled. He was not exchanged until the next summer. He re- mained with his regiment until he was exchanged, but not doing duty. He was discharged in March, 1865. His wound was of such a nature as to in- capacitate him for hard work, and he draws a pension. He has held public office often in his life and has been one of the officers of the Home since its being established here. When Governor Clements died and made a vacancy, Mr. Barger naturally succeeded him, having been his assistant for some time previous to this time. John Goodwine, Jr., familiarly known as "Jack," was born December 2, 184.8, on a farm not far from Potomac. In December, 1870, Mr. Goodwine married Miss Mary K. Alexander, who also was born in Vermilion County. Mrs. Goodwine did not live but two years after her marriage, however. After her death Mr. Goodwine went west to Colorado. He returned and again took up his farm life. Mr. Goodwine was married the second time to Miss Lane. They have been the parents of a large family of children, all but one of whom have lived to grow to maturity. He had one daughter as the child of his first wife. She became the wife of L. D. Lane, a farmer of Vermilion County. Thomas Watson is a son of Vermilion County, born February 18, 1846, near Danville, a son of John R. Watson, who came to this county from Ken- tucky in 1829. Mr. Watson married Miss Sarah E. Adams, herself born in Vermilion County, the daughter of Samuel Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Adams were the parents of five children, all of whom lived to grow up. Mrs. Julia (Payton) Harper was born in Vance township, Vermilion Coun- ty, Illinois, February 8, 1847. She was the daughter of John M. Payton, and she became the wife of Albert Harper May 29, 1873. R. Bruce Smith was born in a house at the corner of Main and Franklin streets, in Danville, December 26, 1847. He was the son of Isaac P. Smith. He was conspicuous in different lines from being a clerk in a general store or even before that time, when he sold the LaFayette papers to the citizens after the 10 o'clock P. M. train came. He had two well known sisters, one of whom became Mrs. Kane, and another who became Mrs. Crane. Both of them were very active in church and social duties. Beriah Haworth was born in Vermilion County, in Elwood township, Sep- tember 15, 1847. He was the son of David Haworth. Mr. Haworth married Miss Anna Lewis, and they were the parents of three children. They were members of the Society of Friends. Mr. Haworth has been a breeder of fine horses. Mrs. Mary C. (Acree) Taylor was the daughter of Joel and Elvessa (Yount) Acree. She was born in Catlin township, November 12, 1848. She became the wife of Thomas A. Taylor in 1869. She has been the mother of ELIZABETH McDOXALD HARMON SARAH (( VXXIXGHAM) DAVIS MRS. E. E. VIXSON HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 259 a large family of children, and ten of them lived to maturity. Mrs. Taylor lives in a beautiful home in Catlin, with everything to make life pleasant. Jacob K. Robertson was the oldest of a large family of sixteen children. He was born in Newell township September 22, 1848. He married Miss Me- lissa Britingham of State Line, in 1872. Her parents were early settlers in Vermilion County, and she was born in Pilot township November 24, 1848. They were the parents of five children. Mrs. Emma (Porter) McDowell was born in Carroll township, one and a half miles east of Indianola, April 3, 1849. She was the daughter of William Porter, who came to Vermilion County from Kentucky. Emma Porter be- came the wife of John A. McDowell in 1869. At this time Indianola was called Chillicothe. Mrs. McDowell was the mother of seven children. This list of elder sons and daughters of Vermilion County makes no pre- tensions to being complete. It would be impossible to get a complete list, and it would not be worth while to attempt it. Were the list not limited to the elder ones, it could be very much lengthened. There are many whose birth comes just beyond the limit of 1850, which has been set, whom Vermilion County has shown a pleasure in honoring and whose lives have proven their right to such appreciation. Charles A. Allen, Samuel Collison, William T. Cunningham, Thomas Woolverton and John Frazier have their time of birth in 1850 or the nearby years, and all deserve mention as among the elder sons who have made the county famous in different ways. But the limit must be fixed at some point, and no better date could be chosen, perhaps, than the middle of the nineteenth century, beyond which the sons and daughters should no longer be considered as elder ones. CHAPTER XXII. AGRICULTURAL INTERESTS. CATTLE RAISING HORSE BREEDING SWINE FRUIT GROWING CORN PRODUC- TION SHEEP INDUSTRY. Vermilion County has been noted for its farms and farming interests. The southern part of the county was early settled by an industrious and serious- minded people, and the fertile lands were duly made into fine farms. The in- troduction of short-horned cattle into that section by Harvey Sodowsky awak- ened an interest in the raising of well-bred stock, and gave an impetus to cattle breeding which could not have been secured otherwise. The Sandusky family, which was a large one and in which there was much landed interest, all were good stock men, and took great pride in the cattle they could show. Mr. Josiah Sandusky made a specialty of showing stock at fairs, and was almost always a prize winner. His breed of cattle was the short- horns. Mr. Sandusky was also a noted breeder of horses. His line was road- sters and trotters. He had many horses whose record was 2 :2O. Vermilion County has produced much valuable stock in the line of horses, both as fast-going animals and as heavy breeds. Mr. Lew Green of Carroll township, is at present the most extensive breeder. Mr. Buchanan of George- town, has produced some nice horses. Mr. Thomas Bennett of Rossville, was at one time an extensive breeder of horses which took premiums at the state fairs. Mr. Bennett was and yet is a large breeder of the Duroc Jersey swine. His farm, near Rossville, has been the place for years from which this stock goes to every part of the United States and Canada. He has done much to introduce other than the popular Poland-China swine into Vermilion County. The great prairie lands of a part of Vermilion County were utilized as grazing lands for cattle until since it was estimated that their value per acre was too much to warrant such a use, and the feeding of cattle to any great extent has passed from this section. The Gundy family in Newell township, the Sanduskys, and John Sidell together with John Sconce in the southern part of the county, as well as the Sullivans in Sidell township at yet an earlier day, and the Collisons in the western part, all made this industry a paying business twenty years ago. Cattle and swine were bought in the Chicago mar- kets or from smaller farms and put on pasture on the grassy plains and then fed for sale when their condition was satisfactory. 260 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 261 In the early days the cattle and swine were driven to market. And since the market was at Philadelphia or New York City, this getting of the stock so far in good condition was a task. There are yet men who have driven or who knew men who drove their stock as far as these places. It was not an uncommon sight to see droves of cattle, or swine go through the streets of Danville on their way through the county to the eastern market. Later the shipping was made by the Wabash Railroad, and the stock was driven to State Line from any point west of there to be loaded on the cars. It was no strange thing to see Mr. Andy Gundy send a trainload of swine on the Wabash to New York City. There was much corn raised, and it was more profitable to feed this corn and sell the finished product than to sell the corn itself. But that period of the history of Vermilion County is long since passed. It is only here and there that the value of stock raising is appreciated, and the land is urged to go to its limit in grain production without the help it should have from the addi- tion of stock. The poultry interest finds many enthusiasts in the county. A poultry as- sociation is sustained and the annual meeting in January brings out a crowd. Among the fanciers are to be numbered O. L. McCord, Mr. Russel, Mr. John- son, Dr. Jones of Sidell, and others so numerous as to forbid mention. Catlin township has been prolific in producing poultry men. The state poultry show has met in Danville several times. While the breeder of fancy poultry has been much in evidence, the influence of his care has had its effect on the farmer and small breeder of poultry to the extent of raising the standard throughout the county. The flocks of poor bred poultry so prevalent even ten and fifteen years ago, have disappeared, and well selected well culled fowl are to be seen along the highways or in the enclosures of the farms of the county. As much cannot be said of fruit growing in Vermilion County as of stock raising. Much more interest might be taken in this branch of agricultural pur- suits to an advantage to the county. Most of the farm homes have some at- tempt to having a few trees, from which fruit for the use of the family can be gathered, but there is little effort to make this branch one of profit. In 1860, W. W. Littell came to Oakwood township from Middletown, Ohio. He brought about a half bushel of peach seed with him and planted them. The next year he had a great many little trees, which he gave away. People came from miles around, and he gave them the trees. For a long time the results of his coming to Vermilion County were very evident. There was a great quantity of peaches raised in the neighborhood, and all the peach or- chards are not yet gone. Mr. Nesbitt, living near Catlin, is at present the most extensive fruit grower in the county. CORN PRODUCTION IN VERMILION COUNTY. [Contributed by Harvey Sconce.] The word "corn" has been in use from earliest times. At first it signified a grain, as we use the term today when speaking of a single kernel, seed or particle. Later the name was applied to all cereal crops in general, and in 262 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY Europe this custom still prevails. It was not until during the early coloniza- tion of America that the name "corn" was legally accepted in its present ap- plication. In one of the counties of Pennsylvania a man had been indicted for stealing so many bushels of corn, and in course of the conflict his counsel took exception to the word as it was used, on the ground that this was not the per- fect description of Indian corn. The exception, however, was overruled by court, who thus decided that corn was the established name for Indian corn. The old name maize is still used to some extent. It is a later construction from ma-his, a Haytian word. We also find the term "Indian corn" used consid- erably, even in the present day. Some authorities claim that corn is of eastern origin, and to substantiate this statement they have attempted to show that the cereal, was mentioned in ancient Chinese literature before Columbus discovered America. Some of our most eminent botanists, however, have very successfully refuted this argument, and they have been able to show conclusively that America is the original home of corn. Traditions have it that as early as the year 1002 A. D. Karlsefn, and again in 1006 Thorfin, both Norsemen, each saw and brought home in their ships ears of corn from what is now Massachusetts. But stronger evidence is presented in the ears of corn which have been found with mummies of Mexico and Peru. We know, too, that Columbus discovered corn when he first landed on American soil. As to the distribution of corn in Europe, it is claimed by good authority that Columbus took it back to Spain with him on the return from his great voyage. From Spain it was taken into France and Italy, although we know that its spread must have been very slow, for it was nearly a hundred years after the discovery of America before we find any mention made of corn in France. From Italy corn was taken into Switzerland and Hungary, and from Hungary to Austria and eastern Europe. From Switzerland it was taken into the valley of the Rhine, and from Portugal corn was taken into Asia. Indian corn entered into the mythological and religious ceremonies of the Indians, both of North and South America, long before they were disturbed by civilization. When the white men came to live among them, they told them how to select the best ears for seed and how and when to plant it. To be sure their methods were very crude; since the land was covered by a dense forest, it was necessary first that this should be cleared away. When spring came the squaw, who did most of the work, proceeded to plant the corn. With a sharp stick she made holes in the ground about four feet apart, and after putting a fish or several crawfish into each hole, she planted the seed on top of this and covered it with soil. The fish were used as fertilizer. In the fall the corn was picked and stored away in pits dug in the ground. Such, then, were the methods adopted we are led to believe by our forefathers when they began farming on our native soil. The first successful attempt of the English to cultivate corn in North Amer- ica was in 1608, along the James river, in Virginia. A year or two later it was said that as much as thirty acres of corn were cultivated there. It is re- corded that as early as 1650 corn, to the extent of 600 bushels, was exported from Savannah, and in 1770 the amount exported from this same place had HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 263 reached 13,598 bushels. However, during the period intervening numerous ex- portations were recorded, ranging from 10,000 to 250,000 bushels, so we know that even at this early date, more corn was raised than was needed for home consumption. In 1770 the total amount exported from the colonies was 578- 349 bushels, and in 1800 2,032,435 bushels were exported. By this we see that the development during this period was very rapid, at least that consider- ing the fact that agricultural implements were little known, and that there were no transportation facilities to speak of. The main increase in production was the result of increased acreage. As to the origin of the corn plant itself, some botanists have endeavored to show that Teosinte, a rank growing forage plant, is its progenitor. Teosinte is a native Mexican plant, and is called by Watson "Zea canina." Recently Montgomery has expressed a similar theory. He states that corn and Teosinte may have had a common origin, and he intimates that in the process of evolu- tion it is probable that the pistillate spikes in Teosinte were developed from the lateral branches of a tassel-like structure, while corn was developed from the central spike. Further, he suggests that the progenitor of these plants was a large much-branched grass, each branch being terminated by a tassel-like structure. From the natural characteristics of the corn plant we may safely conclude that the distribution of the species was necessarily of an artificial nature, for the seed has no wing or appendage, which would permit it to be blown about by the wind. Furthermore, the perishable nature of the seed was directly op- posed to nature's methods of scattering the species. It seems safe to assume that the species that exist today have either been developed by man and per- petuated by this same agency or that man came upon the plant soon after its useful development, and at once began to cultivate it. There are at present eight species of the genus Zeas. In 1814 there were only five varieties of corn (Zea Mays) known, j. e., Big Yellow, Big White, Little Yellow, Little White and Gourdseed. Both the large and small varieties were flinty, corresponding to the old type of flint corn. The gourd-seed corn represents perhaps the first step in the development of the dent corn of today. It was characterized by a deep pointed soft kernel of either white or yellow color. By 1840 nearly forty varieties were known. These were based primarily upon color, size of ear, and density of kernel. At least one of our present standard breeds had its origin previous to that time, and others soon followed. Corn production in Vermilion County was possibly first practiced by the Indians, but it is surely correct that the first white settlers that came to this county brought with them some of the improved types of corn that were being" raised in the states from which they moved. During the earliest days, about all the corn produced was for home consumption, and for feeding livestock, as there were at that time no means of transportation, but as the years went by and civilization began to make its advance beyond the Wabash river, then there were great quantities of corn raised, and either hauled to Eugene and Perrys- ville and put aboard boats, or fed to livestock and the animals driven on foot 264 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY to these markets and sold. They were then shipped to the Ohio and Mississippi rivers and to the larger markets for export. About this time the great possibilities of the eastern and central parts of Illinois, including Vermilion County, for the production of corn and livestock became apparent to the financial interests of the east, and within a few years new lines of transportation were brought to this country, in the form of the Wabash and Illinois Central railroads. This meant a new market, better prices, and consequently a larger acreage along the new lines of railroads, and the corn production was greatly increased during this period. The country was what is termed raw prairie. This meant miles and miles of swamps covered with a heavy growth of wild grass, and at this time there was no drainage at all, therefore only the higher portions of the fields were farmed. These swamps and wild prairies were the homes of countless thou- sands of wild fowl, such as geese, ducks, prairie chickens and others, and while they furnished food for the families, still they did a great amount of damage to the growing crops. The geese would pull up the young wheat and oats in the spring, while the prairie chickens would scratch out the corn planted in May and June, injuring the stand in the field, and these pests with the ad- verse weather conditions, poor farming implements and with the undrained soil, made corn production anything but a pleasure. Not before 1850 were any distinctive types of corn produced, nor was any thought given to establish a breed of corn, as was practiced in livestock, and not until 1893 was it found to be possible to breed corn on scientific lines, and to get results that were anticipated. From 1850 to 1900 the farmers of Ver- milion County were very extensively engaged in livestock farming, consequently raised a greater percentage of yellow corn than white, as the yellow varieties were preferred for feeding cattle and other livestock, as most varieties of yel- low corn contain a higher percentage of protein, the muscle-building and fat- tening constituent of the kernel. Some very superior varieties of yellow corn were developed during this period, in this and adjoining counties and states, such as Reid's Yellow Dent, Learning, Riley's Favorite, Golden Eagle, Legal Tender, Cattle King and others, while the white varieties that were developed along with the yellow varieties, were Boone County White, Silvermine, White Superior, Silver King and others. The white varieties have received in the last ten years more attention than in all the preceding years; as with the de- cline of the cattle industry in the corn belt, simultaneously was the decline in the production of yellow corn, and at the present time 75 per cent of all the corn produced in the corn belt is white corn. To show with what persistent efforts some of our forefathers toiled with this plant, an extract from an account of an old settler will suffice: "We began to breed this corn a short time after my father brought the seed from Kentucky in 1848. I used the best ears that I could find in the field in the fall by going through and selecting the earliest and best-shaped ears free from mixed grains and at the same time being careful to get ears that grew out and down from the stalk, so as to turn the water out of the ears, as you will know all ears that grow straight up with the stalk are filled at the butt in the fall with water and spoiled, and also very hard to shuck, and never grow even on the HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 265 stalk. I will say that it took me ten years to get the corn to send out ears at an even height and to grow on a small shank with just enough husk to cover the corn and no more. I was fifteen years getting rid of the red ears, and some- what longer in getting rid of white cobs. We make our selection of seed in the fall as we gather, so we can get the best ears from the stoutest stalks, the proper height from the ground, and also those not having too much shuck." If more of our farmers of the county would pay the attention to their corn crops that this man did, the advancement and resulting profits would have been greater. It was the common practice years ago and in a few cases is still being followed, that the corn field was the same year after year, as it was thought that these soils were inexhaustible. I have been told by men of mature years that the fields of this county were planted to corn for a period of forty consecutive years, to their knowledge. Is it any wonder that at the present time the general average of the corn belt is so low? These fields are being put into a general rotation with oats and clover and are beginning to give better results. It is now about fourteen years since investigations with a view to the im- provement of corn by breeding began, but before entering into an explanation of the scientific part of corn breeding as practiced by a few in Vermilion County and the state as well, it would be advisable to mention some of the important elements that go to make up the structure of the corn plant, assist in its growth, and the elements of plant food that enter into the consruction of the perfect stalk and ear of corn. The structure of the body of the corn plant (Zea Identata) the corn of the corn belt and the corn of commerce, is composed of many minute cells. These cells vary in shape and size in different parts of the same plant, and in different plants. The cell is filled with a living material called protoplasm. The greater part of protoplasm is cytoplasm, a colorless material of granular character. In addition to the cytoplasm, the nucleus or governing portion of the protoplasm is generally located in the center of the cell. Xucleoplasm forms the major part of the nucleus, although the vital principle contained therein is the chro- matin. Cells multiply, that is, development takes place at the growing point, by the process of cell division. Cellulose, a firmer material, constitutes the cell wall, which is usually very thin. Root growth takes place at a point just back of the cap, known as the growing point. The tip, which is pushed through the soil by the constant addition of cells at the growing point, is made up of harder cells and acts as a protection to that point. As it wears away, new cells are supplied from behind by the growing point. Corn, which is merely a giant form of grass, has a fine, fibrous root system like all members of the grass family. The root system is not characterized by any tap root such as is found in clover. In the early stages the roots develop laterally. Thirty days after planting, the roots from adjacent stalks meet and interlace, and most of the roots will be found within the first eight inches of the surface of the soil, and very few will be found to have penetrated to the depth of twelve inches. Six inches from the hill the main roots will be found at a depth of 2^2 inches, while midway between the hills they will be found only 414 inches from the surface of the soil. The latter point should be es- 266 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY pecially noted, for it is a strong argument in favor of shallow cultivation. It is a known fact that about from fifty to sixty days after planting, or the last cultivation, the roots have spread three and one-half feet from the stalk each way, and to a depth of two feet, and form a complete network of roots all over the field. The secondary root appears about the time of "laying by," the time when the summer winds begin to jostle the corn plants. In trying to support themselves, these roots are sent out. These roots usually appear on the first and second nodes above ground, and they act as guys and stays, and from 22 to 28 appear at each node. If the weather is stormy and the corn has a tendency to blow over, these roots grow very rapidly. We will pass over the structure of the plant, as a whole, the stalk leaves, and leaf development, and take up the flower or tassel part of the plant. Corn is a monecious plant, that is, having both male and female flowers on the same plant but in different places. From a botanical point of view, the words male and female, as applied to plants, are incorrect and should be called staminate and pistillate flowers, but we will use the first terms, as they seem to convey a more direct meaning. The time of blossoming depends upon the time of planting, early or late varieties, seasonal influences and soil conditions. The male flowers are found in the tassels, arranged in the form of a panicle. There are two single flowers in each spikelet, while each single flower has its own set of inner bracts. Each flower has three stamens mounted on filaments that, as the pollen matures, lengthen and push out the polles sacks or anthers to be caught in the breeze. The anthers split along one side allowing the pollen grains to fall out and be wafted to other stalks, where they find lodgment on the silks of ears other than their own. These pollen grains are very small and buoyant, and each tassel contains from 25,000,000 to 50,000,000. This excess of pollen is necessary be- cause of the loss of so many grains which are lodged about the stalk and which fall to the ground. The female or pistillate flowers are borne on a hardened spike or cob, which is produced on a branch coming from a node on the main stem. At first the leaf sheath covers and protects the outgrowth, but it soon appears above the sheath and the corn is said to be shooting. In a short time the husks open at the end and the silks appear. The outer end of each silk is often split, and is covered with very short hairs, which, together with a sticky or mucilaginous secretion present, aids in collecting pollen grains. The remainder of the silk to its attachment is tubular and is attached to the summit of the ovary or kernel, which is held in two sets of bracts and encloses within its walls a single ovule. There is but one silk for every ovary, and there are from 800 to 1,200 ovaries on each spike or cob. Corn is a cross pollinated plant. Nature, in her effort to accomplish this, sends out the tassels as many as seven days before the silks appear on the shoot below. This character is taken advantage of in mating ears in the breed- ing block. When a pollen grain falls upon the stigma of a silk, the moisture there present, and the heat of the summer, causes it to germinate. The con- tained nuclei of the germinated pollen grain passes down through the canals HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 267 that form the center of the silk to the base or place of attachment on the cob, and there fertilization takes place and the foundation for the new kernel is formed. The silks at the butt of the ear are the first to appear, and the first as a rule to be pollinated, while the tip kernels are the last to be fertilized, consequently the complete fertilization of the tip kernels of the ear depends on the continuance of good weather, and the late tasseling of nearby stalks in the same field. Warm, balmy weather with a slight breeze is ideal for the transfer of corn pollen. Dashing rains at this season of the year wash the pollen from the tassel and a moist atmosphere prevents the grains from floating about. The developing kernel is fed from within the cob by a single duct that passes, in its course through the cob, between the soft white cellular pith and the woody portion, and enters a passageway through this woody portion to the base of the kernel. The first period of growth of the kernel includes what is commonly referred to as the milk stage. Kernels in the milk are very sweet, due to the presence of sugar, which has not yet been transformed into storage starch. The protein, ash and oil are deposited in the germ before the endosperm or body of the kernel is filled out. Later the endosperm surrounding the germ is packed full of starch. Much of this material has been held in readiness in the stalk and is now deposited in the grain. The entire kernel is covered by a thin mem- branous layer called the tegmen, overlain by a tough coat called testa. This union forms what is termed the bran of wheat, and the hull of corn. Germination is the resumption of growth of the young plant which lies within the seed. This young plant is the embryo or germ. The portion which is to produce the stem and the leaves lies toward the crown of the kernel, and is called the plumule. The portion which is the first root, lies toward the tip of the kernel and is called the radicle. The conditions of germination are : first, vitality ; second, moisture ; third, proper temperature, and fourth, oxygen. Take away any one of these four factors, and life will not awake from its slumber. The vitality of the kernels of corn is ruined by continued freezing or excessively high temperature. However, if corn has been thoroughly dried out before freezing weather arrives, then the germ of the kernel will not be injured by any amount of freezing. Moisture in plants has four distinct functions in germination. It softens the covering of the seed, penetrates the minute cells of the seed coat, enters the large cells within, and by swelling them causes the entire seed to increase in size and ruptures the seed covering. Kernels of corn placed in water at a temperature of 70 degrees F. will absorb 15 per cent of their original weight in 52 hours. Kernels of corn having a large amount of flinty starch and horny gluten which acts as a sealing wax, require more time for germination than corn of a softer nature, and this accounts for the rotting of immature kernels when placed in the ground early in the spring, at which time it is cold and wet. Moisture dissolves plant food and carries it to the growing embryo. A continual supply of available nutriment is demanded by the young plant, and the presence of water insures its transportation to every growing point. Moisture also aids in the chemical and biological changes. By experiments, it has been determined that corn will germinate as low as 48 degrees F., and 268 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY in as high a temperature as 115 degrees, but the optimum temperature is 93. Duting the month of May and the last two weeks of April, of 1907 and 1908, the writer took the temperature of the ground three inches under the surface at 2 o'clock every afternoon, for the planting and germinating period of corn, and found the temperature in 1907 to be 68 degrees, while the following year, 1908, the temperature was 74.1 degrees, as an average of the six weeks. It will be remembered that the percentage of stand in 1907 was very low, while in 1908 it was just the reverse, and the excessively low temperature was the cause of so much corn rotting in the ground before it became warm enough to cause germination. Cold, wet, mucky soils which exclude the warmer surface air, produce a weak plant and feeble advancement. Oxygen is present in the seed, both in a free and a combined state ; but this supply is insufficient for germination. The inhalation of this vital element is followed by the oxidation of the constituents stored in the seed and a conse- quent evolution of energy. With the intaking of oxygen there is a comparable outgoing of carbon dioxide gas. The principle upon which the tilling of the snil lies, is in the assistance of nature. A soil impenetrable to air resists the processes which bring about rapid and substantial growth. The unhealthy ap- pearance of corn on poorly drained soils is usually considered to be due to too much water, when it is really the lack of oxygen. Corn, when planted very deep in the early spring, is very slow in germinating, due to the fact that at this depth the temperature is exceedingly low, and the oxygen is excluded. Corn, at 80 degrees, will germinate nicely in four days, while in well prepared soil in the early spring, the young plant will not show above the ground before ten to twelve days. It is hardly necessary that we take up the methods of improved cultivation as practiced at the present time, as there are several good methods of produc- ing a fine crop of corn. We will all agree, however, that there has been great advancement made in the manner of cultivating a crop of corn, as compared to the days twenty years ago. While this has been brought about largely by the use of improved machinery, the facts in the preceding pages have given us a better understanding why the fields should be prepared as they are now, and why the corn should be cultivated in the manner that it is, in order that we obtain the great yields that a number of the more progressive farmers are re- ceiving. Not a great many years ago was the fact known, that corn was susceptible to improvement by breeding, and the honor of this discovery belongs to the Illinois Experiment Station at Urbana, 111. The investigations that were started in 1896 at the Illinois station, have included the breeding of corn for increased yield, for improved quality, and for a high and low protein content, and high and low oil content. It has been clearly established that corn can be bred for increased power to yield, as well as many other characteristics, as may be de- sired. Within the last few years the progressive seed corn growers of Illinois united themselves into the world's first seed corn breeders' association and began breeding corn on a commercial scale. One of the most important im- provements that has thus far been made in the system of corn breeding is that HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 269 which relates to the prevention of inbreeding. The inbreeding corn is con- trolled by the method in which the corn is planted in the breeding plot. The breeding plot is a small field of ground containing from three to five acres, isolated from all other corn fields, to prevent the grains of pollen from any other variety of corn, mixing with that of the breeding plot. The field is planted in rows about thirty rods in length. Each row is planted with seed from a separate ear, using only one-half of the kernels on the ear. The per- formance record of the plants from each individual seed ear is observed and* accurately measured. It thus becomes possible to base our subsequent seed selected upon the performance records of the progeny from individual mother ears. In this system of planting we are confronted by the problem of self-pollina- tion and of close pollination. In order to prevent this deteriorating influence in successful corn breeding, we detassel the alternate halves of each row ; that is, we go through the breeding plots just at the time the tassels are making their appearance, before the pollen is matured, and pull out, not cut out, the tassels from the stalks of the east half of one row and the west half of the row adjoining, and so on, until all the rows are thus treated. It is necessary to do this work at the proper time, and at intervals of every three or four days, till all the tassels have made their appearance. The ears of the detasseled stalks will thus be fertilized by pollen from stalks produced by seed other than its own. This method absolutely prohibits self-pollination or close pollination of the future seed which is so destructive to good results in plant breeding of any kind. By self-pollination is meant the transfer of pollen from the male flower, the tassel of the corn plant, to the female flower, the silk of the same plant, and by close pollination is meant the transfer of pollen from the male flower of one plant to the female flower of another plant in the same row, both of which grew from kernels from the same ear. This method of detasseling insures cross pollination and markedly increases the yield of succeeding crops. Within the last few years a new phase of corn breeding has been put into practice by the experiment stations and a few of the more scientific members of the corn breeders' association. This is the direct crossing of two stalks of corn or what is termed hand pollination. We know that when a perfect ear is fertilized, that it consists of several hundred kernels that were fertilized by pollen grains from possibly a hundred or more stalks. Therefore there is no record as to the sire of an ear of corn in any of the methods of corn breed- ing so far, and no methods have been adopted to show that the male parentage can be controlled, other than by the hand pollination method. This is an ex- ceedingly interesting and difficult operation, and in order to obtain results, the greatest care must be exercised. In the breeding plot we select the two most promising rows that were planted with seed from the preceding season's high yielding strains, and in each row we select the two best individual stalks to be found, stalks that are as near our ideal as possible. The tassel of one is covered with a silk bag, while the young shoot or ear on the other stalk is covered with another silk bag. These bags are put on before the silks make their appearance, and before the pollen 270 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY has begun to fall off the tassel. About three days later, or after a part of the pollen has fallen off the tassel into the bag, this bag is removed, the pollen carefully put into a small pan with a tight cover, and the bag replaced on the tassel. The pan with the pollen is then taken over to the stalk having the silk bag on the ear. Upon removing this bag it will be found that the young silks have begun to make their appearance, and have protruded beyond the end of the husks. An umbrella is held closely over this ear while the crossing is being made to exclude all foreign pollen. The pollen in the pan is now dusted gently over the silks of this ear, and owing' to the mucilaginous secre- tions on the silks, the grains of pollen readily adhere to all the silks that are beyond the husks of the young shoot. The bag is then replaced and the same operation is performed every other day for three crossings or until all the silks show that they have been fertilized. This then gives a direct cross between two individuals as in livestock, and is the only method where both parents are under control. These ears that are thus treated are planted the following year in. a separate isolated breeding plot, ear to the row system, performance record kept from this field we receive the highest yielding seed possible. These ears are kept separate from all other corn and labeled with the record of their breeding. The selection of seed from the detasseled rows of the breeding ground is the next important step. Just at the time that the corn plant has reached its zenith of growth be^ fore killing frosts, and just as the ears are ripening, the detasseled halves of each row are inspected, and seed ears are selected for the following year. No ear is eligible for breeding unless it has been produced under normal cir- cumstances; so every ear that is selected is taken from a hill of corn contain- ing three stalks, all producing ears. The breeding ears selected must be grown on stalks that stand up well, showing wind-resistant qualities. The ear must be about the right height from the ground, attached to the stalk with a short shank, that allows it to hang point downward, and must be the best developed ear in every respect, in the hill. These ears are all numbered, showing from what row and strain they are taken, and put into the seed house, which is artificially heated, where there is an excellent circulation of air, in order that they may thoroughly dry. After all the breeding ears have been selected, the entire field is husked, each row to itself, and the yield individually recorded. The champion rows are then determined, taking into consideration the yield the average weight per ear, the number of barren stalks and suckers found in each row. The next year having preserved one-half of the seed of each mother ear, a number of the best producing rows are determined, and the remaining kernels are planted in an isolated plot of ground where they are free to cross- pollinate, and so combine the best characteristics of the high yielding rows. From this field seed is obtained to plant the multiplying ground the following year, which in turn furnishes enough seed for the commercial fields. During the early spring every ear is tested for germination, then they are weighed, measured, shelled and the proportion of corn to cob determined. The number of rows, character of dent, size of germ, and shape of kernel are all recorded, the ear given a register number in the pedigree record, showing from what strain it had been produced, and then it is ready for planting. HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 271 One of the essentials in corn breeding is uniformity. However, this should not be carried too far. If any one point receives too much attention, other desirable characteristics will be sacrificed and a decreased yield will be the re- sult. The desirable characters that should be perpetuated in breeding corn are early maturity, well shaped ear, uniform type of kernel, the ear placed at the right height on the stalk, and the stalk with wind-resisting qualities. Too much attention should not be given to the well filled ear, except for show purposes, and only those characters that tend to increase the yield of marketable corn should receive the greatest attention. While there has been great advancement made in the production of corn within the last half century, there has been a comparable advancement in the management of the soil. Where our forefathers farmed is now the impover- ished lands, the higher parts of the fields, but with the advent of the steam dredge, and drain tile, the swamps that were, are now our fertile fields, pro- ducing the large yields and commanding the highest price of all the farming lands. However, these lands will begin to lose their fertility, and the great prob- lem now confronting the farmers of Vermilion County as well as the corn belt, is how to maintain the fertility of these soils, and to make them better, richer in plant food, that they may produce the amounts of grains necessary to feed the ever-increasing population of this great country. THE SHEEP INDUSTRY IN VERMILION COUNTY. The sheep industry in Vermilion County had its beginning in a very small way. Most of the pioneers owned a few sheep, from the wool of which their clothing was made. These flocks grew as time went on, but they were used for home consumption, and not until the sixties, was there much shipping done. The nearest market of any consequence was Philadelphia; at that time five hundred sheep would break the market of Chicago. Farmers along the streams, in the wooded sections, experienced a good deal of trouble from milk-sick, or trembles, as it was commonly called, and sheep could not be handled in num- bers ; but in the south part of the county and on the west prairies the advan- tages were better. In 1848, James Milliken came to this county from Pennsylvania, and in about 1850 located on what is now known as the Thompson farm, south of Fithian, and probably was the first man to engage in the sheep business in Vermilion County. He continued successfully in this business for several years and here made the nucleus for his immense fortune. In 1858 he moved to Decatur. In 1900 he founded the James Milliken University of Decatur. In 1909 he died, a wealthy man and great philanthropist. In about 1856, Peleg Spencer engaged in the sheep business on a farm where now is Central Park. His operations in this business were brought to a close rather suddenly, after several years of successful management, by some local capitalists discovering- a flaw in his title to the land, and who took steps to secure it for themselves without his knowledge. This so discouraged him that he gave up his business and soon became a bankrupt and ruined man. John Cole of Ridge Farm, an early pioneer, later leased this farm and used it 272 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY in connection with his land at Ridge Farm for the handling of sheep. Mr. Cole enjoyed a thriving business during the Civil war. Harrison Jones and Jno. E. Cooper of Georgetown, were leading sheep men of that section. Like Mr. Cole, their sheep numbered about two thousand. These men continued in this business many years, but finally almost abandoned it, conditions arising that made the outlook unfavorable. At the present time and for several years there has been no activity in this industry in that locality. In 1862 Edwin and Edward Foreman brought five thousand sheep from Sandusky, Ohio, and located three miles west of Newtown, but remained there but five years, the marshy condition of that section only encouraged disease of the feet and rendered the business unprofitable. They moved to Champaign County near Penfield, where -they continued the business successfully many years. In 1864, Willy Fowler came to this county from Marion County, Ohio, with four thousand sheep and located on Pilot Grove Farm, a beautiful body of 4,000 acres of land, having natural drainage. This farm was well adapted to the grazino- of sheep, and Mr. Fowler saw opportunities for a great business here and decided to remain permanently in this location, and in 1868 bought the farm. At this time the price of wool reached its zenith, and for two years Mr. Fowler sold 12,000 Ibs. of Ai wool for 98 cents per pound, many of t*he fleeces weighting 24 Ibs. each. A few years later there were several men engaged in the sheep industry, but their flocks were limited to a few hundred head. Jacob and Samuel Frees and Mack Eyestone, along the extreme western border of the county were, quite successful. The Freeses were breeders of fine Merino sheep and pro- duced many prize winners. Mr. Eyestone, now a resident of Urbana, relates an interesting experience, connected with his early handling of sheep. He drove a small band to Chicago, but found absolutely no market, and was herd- ing them on the flats south of the city, when he had an opportunity to trade his sheep for a frog pond and did so, feeling that he had practically given them away, but that frog pond today is worth a hundred thousand dollars. Others who handled sheep in bands of a few hundred were Jno. Smith (Eng.) of Po- tomac, Thomas Dye of Armstrong, John R. Thompson of Fithian and George Allen of Allerton, an Englishman who engaged in the breeding of fine Shrop- shires. He imported the male sheep from England. He was very successful and became famous among stock men for his prize winners, capturing first premiums at many fairs throughout this and adjoining states, for several years. He operated in this county from about 1872 to 1890. He later moved to Ne- braska. Many disadvantages attended the first few years of the sheep business in this county; wolves were numerous then; it was necessary to build scarecrows and corral the sheep at night and herd them through the day; water was ob- tained for all stock by digging shallow wells, perhaps six or seven feet deep, and from these men would dip the water into troughs ; it required only a short time to empty a well, but it would fill again in a few hours. Where there was much stock, a great many of these wells were necessary, and were often dug within a few rods of each other. Then, too, the railroad facilities were poor, HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 273 the Wabash Railroad being the only one that crossed this county. This, in many cases, necessitated the hauling of wool and driving of sheep many miles to a shipping point ; but nevertheless, it was a very profitable business, as prices were high. But prosperity in this industry was destined to be of short life. Disease crept in through the bringing into this county of sheep with foot rot, scabbies and diseases of the head, rendering the business unprofitable. For a time owners struggled with these diseases, which were more disastrous than snowstorms or the ravages of wild animals, but as little was known then about combating with them, the business was abandoned for a few years and stock men devoted themselves to the raising and feeding of cattle, which, though much more desirable to handle, have never been the money-makers that sheep have been. After a few hard, freezing winters, which was supposed to eradi- cate these disease germs from the soil, the sheep business was again under- taken and more extensively, as advantages had materially improved. Shipping facilities were better, markets nearer, the old dug well and digging bucket had been discarded for the windmill and tubular well, with its inexhaustible supply of water, while very expensive then, it was welcomed by all progressive farm- ers and is today the popular mode of providing water for all purposes. There were days and weeks in summer that the wind did not blow, then men took the pump handles and bravely toiled through the livelong day in the broiling sun, scarcely able to satisfy the clamoring animals about them. Quite differ- ent is it now since the invention of the gasoline engine, which all large stock- men have and which can be hauled from one field to another, and attached to the pump, quickly providing water for the immense droves of many thousands of sheep, now common here. Then when shearing time comes this same gasoline engine is placed in the great wool barns, and, attached to a sheep-shearing device (a modern invention) furnishes the power for a dozen men who have only to guide the clippers, quickly relieving the sheep of its beautiful fleece, without torture. So much for progressive America. No wonder our young men are amassing fortunes in this industry, when we consider their advantages over the pioneer stockmen, being within a few miles from shipping points and a few hours from the best stock market in the world today, with a report of the same at their doors daily. True, there has never been a time when disease among sheep has been totally unknown, but the methods of treating them are so much improved and the quar- antine laws so rigid that dealers feel a much-needed protection. There seems to be a tendency among sheep to develop that heretofore dreaded disease, Scabbies, but the ever thoughtful Uncle Sam has provided careful in- spection at all important stock yards and western sheep are absolutely required to go through the dipping vats, and in cases of herds from the home fields, if there is a suspicion of this disease, they are subjected to the same treatment. This careful attention reduces the horrors of this disease to a minimum. Scab- bies is a winter pest, while foot-rot is more prevalent in spring and summer and is more to be dreaded, as it is both contagious and infectious and up to the present time is pronounced incurable. For this disease there is now a strict quarantine law and for animals so afflicted there is no market. About the 274 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY only thing to be done with them is to kill them and use them for fertilizers by burying. In about 1898 there developed here a new disease called intestinal worm ; this attacked only the lambs and was very fatal. This, coupled with the in- creasingly high price of land has led to a complete change in the sheep business in Illinois. Methods of handling sheep too have changed. Formerly no attempt was made to house the animals or their coarse feed, but in these days of high prices there must be no waste, so huge sheds, with water piped into them, are built, covering sometimes an acre of ground and with a capacity for ten thousand sheep, with roughness stored above. These protect the feed as well as the flocks from heavy storms, thus avoiding the shrinkage which always follows extreme exposure. Very, very few sheep are now raised here but many thousands are bought from the ranges of the great sheep producing west, or from the city markets, shipped here, fattened, then shorn of their fleece and marketed. U. G. Fowler introduced the feeding of western sheep in this county, which has proven so much more profitable than the raising of sheep, that it is the gen- eral custom now and each year ushers new men into the business. In 1903 Mr. Fowler marketed 17,000 sheep from the Pilot Grove Farm; the same year he had two hundred sheep killed by wolves. Until then there had not been a wolf seen for years. In 1909 one was killed near Penfield, which shows that they may not be extinct here yet. Among the young men those most active in the sheep business for the last ten or fifteen years are U. G. Fowler, D. M. Fowler, Ed. Stevens, G. M. Mc- Cray, Fred Endicott and Arthur Bass. The profits in the sheep industry have varied with the changes in the tariff on wool. There is nothing that the farmer handles that responds so quickly to tariff disturbance as does wool. From 1896 to 1900 the business was very unprofitable and wool was stored and held for better prices which came in 1900. There has always been fluctuations in the markets produced by supply and demand, but these were never sufficient to completely destroy all profit and it is becoming recognized more and more that the sheep industry is the best paying business that the farmer can combine with the tilling of the soil. From the point of fertilization alone it stands preeminent. CHAPTER XXIII. FAMOUS FARMS. PILOT GROVE FARM FAIRVIEW THE MANN FARMS THE ALLERTON FARM. Vermilion County is eminently an agricultural section. Few are the fac- tories, and, spite of every reason to the contrary, scattered are the manufactur- ing interests. The county is second to none in the state in the number and value of the farms. Some of these farms are historic, and some of them are of particular interest because of the variety of production. Space only permits the consideration of a few of these farms, and those have been chosen which are rep- resentative. These are the Pilot Grove farm, the Fairview farm, the Mann farm and the Allerton farm. PILOT GROVE FARM. The Pilot Grove farm located in the middle and western part of Vermilion county, secured its name from the fact that almost in the center of its 3,600 acres, stood the Pilot Grove. This was a tract of timber of 200 acres, which was the only timber in the county not bordering a stream and which, standing on the top of the old California ridge in that vast prairie could be seen for many miles from all directions. It was a guide to the traveler in an early day ; hence its name. The first settler in this locality was Moses Girard, who entered from the government 160 acres in 1831 and 160 acres adjoining in 1835. Of this man's courage enough can not be said, as it was considered almost foolhardy to at- tempt a residence away from timber protection then, and for many years after, but he chose a cosy spot for a house in a little locust grove on a knoll and here built a part of the famous old Half Way House. Its architecture was peculiar in many respects, it had no windows on the west, the better to protect its inmates from the winds and storms. Its frame was of heavy oak timber and between the walnut weather-boarding and plas- tering was a wall of brick. These were evidently made on the farm as traces of a kiln can be seen today by the ploughman; so we see he had quite effec- tually fortified himself to battle with the elements. Cattle raising and grazing was his chief occupation. In 1839, he sold this farm to Wm. I. Moore, who in 185052-53, entered from the government 3,366 acres adjoining it, and to the house Mr. Moore 275 276 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY built an addition twice as large as the original, and of the same solid materials. Several of the rooms had large fireplaces, with cupboards, built to the ceiling on either side; underneath the whole was a brick foundation and basement, called cellar in those days. When completed, this great old house presented a commodious and imposing appearance, and standing as it did on an eminence like the Pilot Grove, which was less than a quarter of a mile to the west, it could be seen for many miles in that vast expanse of unbroken prairie, and has furnished shelter and food, day and night, to many weary travelers. It was known for almost two score of years as the Half Way House, being almost midway between Danville and Rantoul, and, while several miles to the north of a direct line between Danville and Champaign, it was about midway of the course the early traveler chose (taking the uplands to avoid the swamps) and he found it most convenient to stop for the night at the Half Way House. Over 2,000 acres of this land which Mr. Moore obtained from the govern- ment cost him $1.25 per acre, but for 1,300 acres he paid only 12% cts. each, it being swamp land and considered worthless. Now this same land is the best on the farm and easily worth $200 per acre. This is due to the extensive tiling which has been done. Mr. Jno. Scott managed this farm for Mr. Moore for many years and was a loyal tenant, which fact is demonstrated by the fol- lowing incident : Two men came to the Scott home for the night ; they were looking over the country for a promising location, on land yet owned by the government; in the course of the evening they stated that they intended to enter the land on which stood the Pilot Grove. Now this grove was in the center of Mr. Moore's farm, and Mr. Scott realized that it would be a bitter disappointment to him for these men to get possession of it. After the strangers had retired for the night, Mr. Scott mounted a horse and rode into Danville, a distance of eighteen miles and notified Mr. Moore, who presented himself at the patent office and secured for himself this land. Mrs. Scott, who was a daughter of Thomas Rowland, an early pioneer, and who afterward became the wife of Mr. Moore, often said that she would take the field glasses in the morning and survey the whole country, and if she saw a drove of cattle any- where in the distance, she knew they must expect company, and proceeded to prepare for them. She was the mother of Thomas Scott, recently deceased, who was an important man in the affairs of this state and who resided at Charleston. After Mr. Scott's death Mr. Moore leased the farm to Willy Fowler, who had come to this country from Ohio, looking for a good location for the sheep business. This farm more nearly met the requirements than any he had seen, and in 1864 he took possession, and for the first time in the farm's history, the cattle business was at low ebb and sheep held sway. Heretofore the dangers from wild animals had been considered too great for this industry to thrive here, but as profits in this business were greater than ever before or since (wool selling for $i per lb.), it was worth taking some chances on it. Wolves and foxes were numerous, and the greatest care was taken to protect the flocks, but notwithstanding this, their depredations were appalling, and often led to wolf chases and fox hunts, which were enjoyed by all settlers for many miles OLD HALF WAY HOUSE HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 277 around and which always resulted in the death of some of these pests and lessened their activities for a time. Deer abounded in numbers and raised their young in the wild grass, which grew as high as a horse's head. There is an idea extant (but for the truth of which I cannot vouch) that the very young fawn has no spots and no odor until it reaches the age of activity, thus being protected from beasts of prey, as it lay hidden in the grass. Wild geese and ducks, prairie chicken and quail were numerous, too, and these furnished great sport for the hunters. Mr. Fowler was a famous shot and kept splendid hunting dogs, and many friends from the neighboring towns and from his old home in Ohio enjoyed vacations with him on this farm. But to retrace Mr. Fowler came here a widower with three children and a widowed mother, Mrs. Cynthia Fowler, who, well-loved, soon became Grand- ma Fowler to everybody. She witnessed the development of Pilot township from an uncultivated swamp region to farms unsurpassed for fertility and good improvements, and died at the ripe age of 91 years. In 1865 Mr. Fowler returned to Ohio and married Mary Dillon, a girl of unusual courage and energy, who made a noble mother and an untiring help- mate, and to whom he gives great credit for his later success. Few women, even in those early days have given such aid with heart, hands and brain as did Mrs. Fowler. Devotion to family and home was her watchword, and her beautiful Christian character shone with brightness throughout her life and none have gone to their reward more revered by her family than was she. In 1868 Mr. Fowler bought the Pilot Grove farm of 3,686 acres for $51,- ooo, paying $10,000 in cash, the remainder in notes. This seemed an enormous price, and it was predicted freely that the venture would bankrupt him. These predictions proved to be false, however. He continued handling sheep for several years, when on account of disease among them he abandoned that in- dustry for a time and devoted himself to the cattle business, and from that time until he retired from the farm, there was not a year that he failed to market a drove of fat cattle. He was considered an expert at producing heavy beeves. The cattle business in connection with farming has been general through- out the county, until recent years. Now, herds of cattle are rare indeed. Land has become too valuable to be kept in pasture, which is a necessity in the handling of cattle. Conditions improved and Mr. Fowler again embarked in the sheep business together with cattle and hogs. He followed this policy successfully almost twenty years. He was an ardent admirer of horses and usually had a drove of about forty on the farm, among them were always some very good ones of the draft variety, which he often exhibited at the county fairs and rarely failed to carry away some of the honors. When he took possession of this farm there were no fences or other im- provements, except the house and two orchards, which were then in their prime. There were five acres of apple trees, from which were gathered and buried for winter's use hundreds of bushels every fall, and apple butter was made by the barrel. About the first step towards the improvement of the farm was the changing of the roads from the zig-zag courses across the country to 278 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY straight roads; then came the fencing, which was an enormous undertaking. A force of twenty men worked three years planting hedge, of which there were forty-five miles. This involved great expense and much hard work for the women of the household. The question of drainage came next. It was neces- sary to tile this land in order to cultivate it. It is estimated that seventy miles of tile have been laid on this farm. As fast as the fields were drained they were used for the cultivation of corn, wheat and oats, alternately, that their fertility might be maintained. The corn was rarely marketed, but fed to stock which method also increased the fertility of the soil. About 1,000 acres were retained in pasture, as there were from six to twelve thousand sheep handled annually. In the course of a few years houses were built for tenants who raised the crops on shares. This, of course, lessened the labors of the women, which, to recount, would seem almost impossible. Aside from the never ending cooking, there were the candle- dipping seasons, when a sufficient number of candles for the whole year were made. Then came the sugar-making times, which were fraught with a great deal of pleasure as well as labor, when sugar enough was made to last a year, which meant many barrels. These sugar trees were in the heart of the Pilot Grove, and were only a small part of the riches confined in its cloisters. Wild fruits such as blackberries and plums grew in abundance, and none were permitted to waste. But its greatest treasures were the huge black wal- nut trees, thousands of which were sold for milling purposes. This grove, too, furnished fuel for many families, and many, many miles of fencing have been made from its timbers; and now there remains only a skeleton of its former self, it being deemed best to clear it, on account of milk-sick or trembles that lurked in it, for which sunshine is a specific it seems, since wherever its rays permeate, there is none of this deadly disease, the cause of which scientists have failed to fathom. During the early years of Mr. Fowler's residence on this farm, there was no school house for miles, and a private school was conducted in his home, at- tended by his own and the children of Mr. James Exton, who had a most ex- cellent family, and who lived in a nearby tenant house from which they moved several years later to a farm of their own. The hospitality of this old home was unbounded; there was scarcely a day when some wayfarer was not cared for, and no one was ever refused food or shelter, and it was a great place for people to congregate for a good time. Often, on Sundays, there would be fifty people there for dinner, and little was thought of the work this necessitated, for all enjoyed it. In the way of amusements these pioneers had little, yet they were very happy. The quilting bees, the writing, spelling and singing schools, and an occasional dance were all sufficient to drive dull care away. A little incident is related by an old drover, which illustrates Mrs. Fow- ler's kindness of heart. He and several men were going through that country with a herd of swine, which were not allowed to stop on the farm on account of the damages by rooting up the ground. Mrs. Fowler prepared a basket of food and handed it to these men as they passed the house. This was so much appreciated by them that they never tired telling of it. HOME OF D. II. FOWLER THE HEXXETT HOME HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 279 In 1880 a new home of twelve large rooms was built (not on the site of the old one, but on a knoll at the east side of the grove) facing south and commanding a view of many thousands of acres of beautiful land sloping grad- ually downward to the Salt Fork river, seven miles below. In this home death visited the family three times, and Mr. Fowler being depressed by the death of three of his children and the illness of others, decided to give up active farm life and go west for a time. In 1891 he leased the farm to his son, U. G. Fowler, who operated it very successfully for thirteen years. He confined his stock mainly to sheep and horses. His methods of handling sheep were different from his father's, but equally as profitable. He introduced the feeding of western sheep in this county, which has proven very popular. By this time the foundation under the old house had begun to weaken and the plastering to fall ; it was therefore razed. The frame was so amazingly good, better than could be purchased then, that Mr. Fowler used it in the con- struction of a bank barn; thus the old landmark disappeared, but the picture of it is herewith shown, reproduced from memory and perfected by the young artist, Herman Tengen, Jr. In 1904 David M. Fowler, another son, took charge of the farm and occu- pies the family home. He bought several hundred acres of his father, adjoin- ing that which he had given him, and now owns about 1,50x3 acres in the heart of the farm, and on which the Pilot Grove stands. The remainder of the farm Mr. Fowler has divided among his other children, none of it having left the family. George M. McCray, a grandson of Willy Fowler, now has charge of 800 acres of the south side of the old farm. He is extensively interested in sheep, but is a great fancier and good judge of horses". For the last few years he has been breeding English shire horses, and at the International Stock Show, held in Chicago in December of 1910, he captured first premium on a pair of Shire mares and second and fifth on other stock shown. So it would seem that the reputation the old farm enjoyed in other days was to be maintained. Ever since the ownership of the principal part of the Pilot Grove Farm by David Fowler, he has kept up continual and effective building, and now it is in a high state of improvement and is a beautiful place. He has built new fences, barns, tenant houses, immense cribs and sheep sheds, and he, like his predecessors, is a full grown sheep man, following the custom of feeding western sheep. He has been wonderfully successful, and the future certainly looks bright for him. His home is modern in every respect, having hardwood floors, a water plant, a gaslight plant, and hot water system of heating. Cer- tainly, farm life is idealized here, and the spirit of hospitality that pervaded the old home almost a half century ago, is continued in this home today. FAIRVIEW FARM, SIDELL, ILL. Fairview Farm is situated near Sidell, 111., in Carroll and Sidell town- ships, with a small part in Jamaica township. This farm is owned by Mrs. Emma Sconce and her two children, Harvey J. Sconce and Mrs. W. G. Cath- cart. The farm is, however, under the direct management of Harvey J. Sconce, 280 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY and has been brought to the highest state of cultivation, and is now producing maximum yields of the principal crops. The fact that over fifty per cent of the land comprising this farm was en- tered from the government by Harvey Sodowsky and Samuel Sconce, the grandfathers of the present owners, makes it very valuable and brings with it a sentiment that few farms possess, as over 1,500 acres have never been out of the possession of the Sconce family since being entered from the govern- ment. This farm, containing 3,000 acres, including the 450 acres of Woodlawn, Harvey Sodowsky 's old homestead, contains just enough wood land to lend beauty to it, and makes ideal pastures for cattle that are to be found on this farm. When the land was first taken over from the government, it was either heavy timber along the streams, or raw prairie farther back, and it was the work of years and two generations to bring it to the high state of efficiency that it now occupies. The prairies were first drained by the obsolete method of mole ditches, and open ditches, but as soon as the tile drain was invented and manufactured in the county, these replaced the old methods, and miles of tile drains were run through these fields and pastures till at present the swamps and sloughs that were, are now the heaviest producing fields. The eighty acres on which the elegant home now stands was obtained from the government in 1832, James Monroe signing the land patent, and all the presidents from this time to 1850 have their signatures to land patents, that are in the possession of the family. Samuel Sconce, the grandfather of the present owners moved to the farm in 1834, built a small house and later added to it just a short distance from the present home, and he built so well that the old original house is still in use, being remodeled several times. James S. Sconce, after being united in marriage with Emma Sodowsky, moved into this house in 1863, and ten years later built what was then the finest country farm house in the county. This house stood till last year, 1909, when it was remodeled and a new modern home took its place. The present home is of colonial design, is located toward the north center part of a ten- acre lawn shaded by immense forest trees and the immediate lawn and fore- ground around the house is banked with masses of beautiful shrubs and flow- ers. This work was designed and executed by the landscape architect of the University of Illinois, and shows how a country home can be beautified by the addition to its surroundings of well selected shrubbery and flowers. At present the farm is under a system of grain farming, and livestock is handled in a small way only, compared to what has been the rule, but the methods employed in the grain operations are entirely new to the average farm- ing community. Scientific corn breeding in its advanced forms is employed in the broad fields of this farm, and the resulting yields show the advancement made in this important branch of agriculture. The fertility of the soil is carefully studied, and by crop rotation with the principal grains, the addition of a legume crop and commercial fertilizers, such as rock phosphate, is returning the fertility to the soils that are depleted, and these fields are regaining the place they once JOHN T. MANN THOMAS BENNETT ABRAHAM MANN, SR. ABRAHAM MANN. JR. HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 281 occupied, when they were in their virgin state. The breeding of wheat and oats on a scientific scale is being practiced in connection with the corn breed- ing, as well as several experiments in different characters of grains. The methods of corn growing and of scientific cultivation the selection of seed, the storing, preparing for the planting of the same, and of the hand polli- nation and methods of operations in the breeding plots, will be found in the chapter on corn production found in this volume and written by the owner of Fairview Farm. THE MANN FARM. It is two miles south of Rossville, in Vermilion County, that the well-known Mann farm is located. To appreciate this farm it is necessary to recite a little of the history of the Mann family. To do this one must needs go back in the history of America in the colonial period, when this section was but the hunting ground of the Indian. It was at that time a young Englishman, Mr. John Mann, was sent by his employers in London to America in the interests of his business, which was that of the sale of paints. He was located in New Orleans, and a part of his duties was to extend the trade up the Mississippi river as far as possible. This took him as far into the Illinois country at least as the French towns on the river. After a time he went back to Eng- land. For some reason the new world did not attract him, or home ties bound him so closely that he could not make a permanent settlement in America. But that he was pleased with the life on this side of the water cannot be doubted, since when his son was a man he turned his face to the new world and to the, at that time, west of this new world. Mr. Abraham Mann came to America in 1832. He came from Leighton- Buzzard, Bedfordshire, England, bringing his family with him. They came in a sailing vessel and it took them seven weeks to come from Liverpool to the States. Besides his immediate family, which consisted of his wife, one daugh- ter, Mary Ann, by a former marriage, his two sons and a daughter, Catherine, he was accompanied by his brother-in-law, Joseph Smith. They made their way from New York to Detroit, by way of the lakes, where they bought saddle horses and rode to Vermilion County. Mr. Mann entered a claim of 640 acres from the government, on which he built a log cabin. This was the beginning of the Mann estate. It was not long before he had made an impression on the fertile land and, with his ideals brought from the old world, the prairies of Illinois took on the appearance of an English estate. Mr. Mann brought the ideas of England and the ad- vanced farming ways to his new home, and his farm showed the advantage of skill in farming. His farm soon became a pride to Vermilion County. Mrs. Mann lived but seven years after coming to America. She was buried in the private burying grounds located on the farm. After her death the two- older children, Mary Ann and Abraham, Jr., went to Crawfordsville to school, and later all were sent to England, where they stayed for four years. Mr. Mann's oldest daughter, Mary Ann, was a girl of perhaps fifteen when Mrs. Mann died, and from the time she came back from England, was mistress in her father's house. And a more gracious mistress was never in any man's 282 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY home. Miss Mann was the heart of that home as long as she lived. She was a mother to the younger children, a companion to her father, and a model to the neighborhood. One word would describe Miss Mann : she was in very truth a gentlewoman. In the social relations of the life of this family she was a leader. The hos- pitality of the Mann home was limitless, and in all the duties devolving upon the mistress of such an establishment, she never failed to do her part. She had a custom of always having the children of the neighborhood come to the house during the holiday week and giving them the pleasure of the season. When she lay in her home after death one of these children, then a grown woman, voiced the sentiment of the community in saying, while the tears ran down her cheeks, "The glory of the Mann house has departed." Miss Mann was not only her father's companion and counselor, but his helper as well. By reason of inherited wealth, she was able to add to the extent of the farm, and her income was freely drawn upon to that end. The farm of 640 acres was increased to that of 5,000 acres before the death of Mr. Abraham Mann, Sr. in 1875. During the time of his life, John Mann, the younger son of Abraham Mann, shared his brother's care of the home place. After John Mann died in 1873, his two children lived on the home place with their mother, their aunt, Mary Ann, and their uncle, Abraham Mann. During this time Mr. Abraham Mann bought other farms, but the original farm of 5,000 acres owned by Mr. Abra- ham Mann, Sr., was not changed by additions nor divisions, excepting the share the youngest daughter had received. The youngest daughter married Mr. Thomas Bennett in 1858, and her share of the estate lies adjoining and a part of the farm. Mr. Bennett has added to this land by his own purchase, and himself has a fine farm. His home is one of the finest in the county. Mr. Abraham Mann, Sr. laid out his grounds in true English style, and during his lifetime the habits of the family were in keeping with the place. His sons, and later his one son, Abraham, Jr., took charge of the place after his death. A handsome house and stables are on the place well set back from the highway. It always has been a well appointed English gentleman's estate. The three sons of Abraham Mann now live on the farm. They, with their mother, have taken charge of it since the death of the father. THE ALLERTON FARM. One of the moneyed men of Chicago is the well known Samuel Allerton. His land is in various parts of Illinois, one farm being in Vermilion County. This is in the southwestern part. The western boundary of the farm is the boundary line between Vermilion and Champaign counties. This farm is separ- ated from the Edgar County line by the so-called Allen farm. The Allerton farm comprises four thousand acres, and at the time Mr. Allerton bought it, it was of little value other than to graze cattle and fit them for the market. The farm was the property of the famous Sullivants of Champaign County, and came into Mr. Allerton's hands through a misfortune of Mr. Joseph Sul- livant. Mr. Sullivant had taken this land in Vermilion County which adjoined MARY ANN MANN CATHERINE E. (MANN) BENNETT HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 283 his large landed possessions in Champaign County, intending to make it a vast estate. He began by taking great pains in beautifying it, rather than in improving it, to the end of its becoming a profit to him. Soon he became involved, and was obliged to give up the land. He had borrowed money from eastern capitalists, and the Singer Sewing Machine Company closed up the matter, Mr. Allerton being the buyer. The farm comprised four thousand acres. After Mr. Allerton bought this vast extent of land, he put Mr. Herron in charge. Mr. Herron was a man who had an extensive knowledge of condi- tions controlling the value of this property, having long been acquainted with this section. Mr. Allerton trusted him implicitly, and agreed to all his plans for the improvement of the property. Mr. Herron's plan was to, in the first place, make it a well drained farm. He did this and converted the wild wet land into profitable fields of growing grain. The first years of his stay on the Allerton farm, Mr. Herron fed cattle. He did not like the Texas cattle, but bought calves from other farmers in Illinois and Indiana. Seeing greater pos- sibilities than came from the sale of cattle, this farm was tiled and cultivated so that grain could be raised in profitable amount. When Mr. Herron went to the farm it held several ponds and the wild fowl were very plentiful. It was the home of the wild duck and prairie chicken and the paradise of the hunter. Mr. Herron had no half way nor experimental farming done. Mr. Allerton wanted the farm developed as it should be, and Mr. Herron carried out his ideas to his satisfaction as - long as he remained on the place. When the time came that a station on the railroad was possible to make a shipping point, Allerton was built. No pains were too great to make this a model town; churches were encouraged, and a school which would furnish the best instruction was helped to be built. Mrs. Allerton herself, at the suggestion of Mr. Herron, took a great interest in the school, and made it possible to have special instruction given in domestic science. The problem of having help to carry out the great project undertaken was solved by adopting the community plan of farming. This plan has been well tried, and to Mr. Allerton's satisfaction. The farm is divided into a number of small farms, each of which is put under the care of one man. These farms are carried on under the partial, at least, supervision of the man in charge of the entire place. The financial profit of each farm is shared by the farmer and Mr. Allerton. Mr. Allerton does not spend his time on this farm, nor has ever spent much time there. His home is in Chicago, but he is interested in the farm in Vermilion County, as he is in those he owns in other localities. CHAPTER XXIV. EARLY MILLS AND MILLING. FIRST CORNCRACKER MILL WAS MADE BY JAMES BUTLER IN 1823 THE GILBERT'S MILL, BUILT IN 1828 AT DANVILLE MILL ON THE SALT FORK, 1826 SHEP- HERD'S MILL BRAZELTTON'S MILL WHITSILL'S AND HOWARD'S MILLS ON THE MIDDLE FORK THE HIGGINSVILLE MILL KIRKPATRICK's MILL THE OLD KYGER MILL AMOS WILLIAM'S MILL THE HALE-GALUSHU SAWMILL STEAM SAWMILL AT DANVILLE THE WRIGHT-COOK FORD SAWMILL THE HAWORTH MILL THE MENELY MILL THE MYERSVILLE MILL THE MILL AT ALVIN THE JAMES GEORGE MILL AT MIDDLE FORK THE JENKIN's MILL ON THE VERMILION THE OLD WOOLEN MILL THE STEAM MILL AT GEORGETOWN BUILT IN 1850 THE AMBER MILL DOUGHERTY MILL AT FAIRMOUNT THE WOOD'S MILL ON THE NORTH FORK THE LUSTRO MILL AT DANVILLE THE DANVILLE MILL THE GARLAND STEAM STONE SAWMILL. The first corncracker mill used was made by James Butler in 1823. It consisted of a gum, or section of a hollow tree, some four feet long by two feet in diameter. In this was set a stationary stone with a flat surface. The revolving burr, like the other, was selected with reference to its fitness, from the granite boulders or as the old settlers would designate them, "Nigger- heads" distributed freely over the ground everywhere. The two were broken and dressed into circular form, and the grinding surfaces reduced and bur- rows sunk into them so as to make cutting edges, by such rude instruments as Mr. Butler could manufacture for the purpose. A hole was drilled near the rim on the upper side of the rotary burr. A pole was inserted in this, while the other end was placed in a hole in a beam some six or eight feet directly above the center of the hopper, and thus by taking hold of the pole with the hand near the burr and exerting a push and pull movement, a rotary motion was given to the mill. The capacity was about one bushel of corn per hour, with a lively muscular man to run it. It served the wants of the people at Butler's Point until the water mill at Denmark was made, in 1826, when it was taken to Big Grove, in Champaign County, by Robert Trickle. The well known "Gilbert mill" on the North Fork, at Danville, near the lower end of Main street, was commenced by Robert Trickle and sold to 284 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 285 Solomon Gilbert before it was completed. This was a log building, and the stones were cut out of such as could be found nearby. This answered the purpose of the neighborhood for a time, but it was not until a sawmill was attached two years later, that much profit was realized. Grain was cheap and the commissions on grinding was necessarily small. The mill was completed and in working order in 1828. The bolting was done by hand, and was a slow process, but gave work to the boys who would otherwise have been idle. All these old sawmills used the "gate-saw." The saw was fixed into a frame which was about eight feet high by six feet wide, made so strong that it could hold the saw firmly to the work, and so heavy that it moved up and down very leisurely, which gave rise to the expression that it would "go up in the spring and go down with the fall freshets." It moved in grooves cut in the upright timbers. Such a saw would not be used now, but at that time men who were accustomed to their use, could saw two thousand feet a day, and a thousand feet of lumber for a day's work was doing very well. The price for sawing was always fifty cents per hundred feet, or a share; so it is readily seen that a sawmill was a profitable piece of property to own. A mill on the Salt Fork really antedates the Gilbert mill. This mill was in operation in 1826, two years before the Gilbert mill, and it served a large territory. The mill stood in the middle of the stream, just north of the one built later. This mill was built of logs and, as did all other mills at that time, went by water power. Its patronage extended as far as into McLean County, people coming that distance to get their grinding done. This mill continued to serve the people until, in 1837, Mr. John Shepherd, who had come to Illinois the previous year and had money to put into such an enterprise, employed Aaron Dalbey to build a new mill. This was done, and equipped at" a cost of $3,000, a large sum for those days. Mr. Shepherd, dying before he could realize any profit from the mill, it was bought by Mr. Parrish, who operated it for a time and then sold it to John Hay. He operated it until 1873, when he sold it to C. M. Berkley. This building which served as a profitable mill so long was thirty by forty- two and a half feet, and had both water and steam power. The supply of water was so constant that the steam was seldom used. The building was moved from the position that it first occupied to the bank of the creek (but a short distance) soon after Berkley bought it. Jacob Brazelton put up a horse mill at his place near the Vermilion at an early day, which, though a cheap affair, as were all these horse mills, yet did better than going so far to have the corn ground. The first carding mill is credited to William Miliken, who built one in about 1830. It was indeed a primitive affair. It was run by tread power, and when he wanted to get up power he had to hunt up the oxen which ran in the bush, and these were not readily found. If they had happened to have wan- dered over to the river for water, which they were apt to do, it took days to reach the required power to run the mill. Meanwhile there was nothing to do but to wait for the desired material. This primitive mill has long since passed, together with the industry which made the demand for it. Mr. Whit- sill built a mill on Middle Fork in about 1832 or 1833. He operated it several 286 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY years, and then it fell into the hands of the McGees. It finally had to be abandoned because of not being kept in repair. It was a grist-mill at first, with a sawmill added later. Another old mill on Middle Fork was built by James Howell, who operated it a short time and died; and his son then operated it, and he died. Then Mr. Downing took it, and next James Cunningham ran it until it became useless. This was a sawmill at first, but it finally had a corncracker added before it was abandoned. Another sawmill in the county was built this same year of 1832. It was built by Naffer & Smalley three-fourths of a mile southeast of Higginsville. It did good work, and was much in demand in sawing up the timber. Hard wood lumber was much in demand for fencing, building and furniture. Later a grist-mill was added to this and did good work, and was a great convenience. This mill was in operation until 1860, or perhaps later, but long ago every evidence of its being had disappeared. There was a water mill built on Stoney Creek in 1835 by Robert Kirkpatrick, which was operated for some years. It was a sawmill, and was run only by Kirkpatrick himself. One of the best mills of its time was what was known as the old Kyger mill. Situated as it was, with surroundings of the most beau- tiful scenery, it was a pleasing spot, and a favorite place, even after its use- fulness as a mill was passed. The first mill upon this site was built by William Sheets, of Georgetown and Thomas Morgan, in 1835. When Mr. Kyger came into possession of the mill, he built a large frame and put in new machinery. Mr. Amos Williams has left a number of letters and other papers from the contents of which there is reason to infer that he was much interested in milling, but it is difficult to learn how many mills he had, and where they were located. Whether he bought or built the one long known as the "Cotton's mill" is not known, but that it was in his possession at one time is not to be disputed. It was in 1836 that the dam was put in at this place, at any rate, and that is a probable date of its being begun. This mill was built on the main stream of the Vermilion river, and it is possible that the date fixed for its beginning is too late, and it is the date of a second dam. Mr. Williams did not prove as successful as a miller as he was in many other things, and the mill was a heavy expense with little returns, as long as he lived. After his death Mr. Cotton bought this mill, refitted it, and continued to run it until 1867. This mill had a carding machine attached to it. After the building of the new mills began, Mr. Cotton thought he could use his water privilege to greater profit, and discontinued the use of the old mill. The fall was about six feet and gave head sufficient for more modern wheels. Mr. Hale came to Danville in the thirties, bringing some money with him. As a general thing, the early settler did not have much money. This was the first capitalist to come to Danville on record. Since there was no better way to invest his money, he built a sawmill in 1836. He took a Mr. Galusha as a partner, and his investment was profitable. Had he entered less land, with the profits of his sawmill, he would have become very wealthy; but he made the mistake many others have, and became possessed of more land than he had money to pay taxes upon. HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 287 In the course of time it was considered a need of the community to have a steam sawmill located at Danville. A company was organized, consisting of Thomas Willison, Thomas McKibben, J. H. Murphy and G. W. Cassidy, and perhaps one or two others, and a mill of that kind was built. This steam sawmill was located on the Vermilion Bottoms just below where the Wabash Rail- road crosses the river. This promising improvement to Danville was destined never to profit its projectors, however. The panic of 1837 struck it, and it was suf- fered to go into decay ; even the logs which were drawn there to be sawed into lumber, were left to decay in the yard. Eli Thornton built a water mill on the Little Vermilion at the Wright-Cook ford in 1837. This was both a gristmill and a sawmill. The need of the latter was more particular at this time because of the fact that many of the trees had been killed the previous season. The frost was so severe in June of that year that the leaves of the trees were killed, and the trees, many of them, were also killed. Thornton ran this mill until 1857, when it was abandoned as a mill and the frame of the building was sold to James Frazier for a barn. There was a mill built at Cook's ford before this. Jonathan Haworth built one in 1830. This mill Isaac Cook bought and sold to Eli Patty, who operated it as long as it could be used. With advancing civilization, the water at this place became too low to run a mill. A mill was built in the more northern part of the county the same year that Eli Thornton built his at the Wright-Cook ford. Mr. Menely, him- self a practical millwright, built a sawmill at a little way down stream from Marysville. Menely ran this mill for some time-, but afterward sold it to Smith. While it was the property of Smith, J. D. Shepler was the miller. In about 1860 the mill burned. Smith rebuilt it and sold it. In 1872 a run of stone was put in. The year after Menely built his mill down stream from Marysville, Myers- ville was made a possibility by the building of the Chrisman mill at that place. A dozen families were settled in this neighborhood, and Peter Chris- man came from Indiana and bought a mill site at that place, and began the building of what he meant should- be a combined saw and grist mill. He began his work on the building at once, but before the grist mill was begun a sad accident prevented further work upon it. A sharp ridge lay transversely to the mill-race which the men were cutting, and it was decided to tunnel it to avoid removing the great amount of earth in the way. Chrisman's son Joseph drove the digging too far before he propped the great weight over- head and it broke down, crushing him beneath. This accident occurred in February, 1839, and it so affected the father that he never finished the build- ing, but sold the mill in the following fall to a man living in Indiana. This man's name was Koontz. He employed John and Samuel Myers to go and complete the work which was begun. These Myers brothers were practical millwrights, and soon bought out Koontz, moving their families to the place which afterward was given their name. These brothers were enterprising men, and besides running the sawmill, they at once put in a run of .stones and also set a carding mill in operation. In June, 1842, they set a carding mill in opera- tion. In June, 1843, they raised the grist mill. They owned and operated this 288 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY mill for nearly twenty years. After making much profit, they sold the mill to Joseph Smith. By this time only the grist mill was in use. It has been some years since this old mill has been run to profit, yet it still stands, and some one or another comes along occasionally and fixes it up, and finds work can be had from it even yet. A little northwest of Alvin there is yet to be seen the old historic mill around which cling tales of prosperity and tragedies. It was built by Mr. Clawson in 1838 as a sawmill, and later was also made a grist mill. After the accident at the Chrisman mill which cost young Chrisman his life and the mill was sold in consequence, Mr. Chrisman bought the Clawson mill at Alvin. The Clawsons ran this mill nearly ten years and then sold it to John Hoobler from Perrysville, Indiana. In 1851 Hoobler sold the mill to Jacob T. Ross and from that time it was called the Ross mill. To accommodate his neigh- bors, Ross put in a small stock of goods and made the first store in the town- ship. It was here that the town meetings were held, and here also were the elections. In 1858 John L. Persons bought the mill and operated it until his tragic death in 1862. The circumstances of his death were as follows : A man by the name of Miller had an account with Persons of less than five dollars. In making settlement a dispute arose between him and Persons. Being very angry, Miller laid his pocketbook down and went home without it. When he dis- covered that his pocketbook was missing, and remembered that he had left it at the mill, he would not return for it, but made an agreement with three men to get it for him. The agreement was that the men, whose names were Sanders, Smith and Moore, should go to the mill after the pocketbook, and in case they did not succeed in getting it, they should kill Mr. Persons. The men said they would go together and demand the pocketbook, and all expected they would have no trouble in getting it. Miller gave them a gallon of whiskey and agreed to give them half of what was in the pocketbook. There was about ten dollars there. Moore, for some reason, had the custody of the whiskey and drank more than his share before the others were ready to go. He started on the errand alone, and without asking Persons for the pocketbook, killed him on sight. After Moore killed Persons, he hunted up the others and told them their help was not needed. Moore was arrested, but turned states evi- dence, and thus escaped punishment. On the death of Persons, the property went into the hands of Sangster & Swazy of Cincinnati, Ohio, and about 1867 John Mains bought it. About 1839 James George built a grist-mill on the Middle Fork and operated it eight or ten years. He then sold it to Mr. Watts. Mr. Watts ran this mill for seven or eight years, and sold it to Mr. Phillips. Mr. Phillips kept it for a while and sold it to Abisha Sanders, who let it run down. Later Doane & Byerly bought it and put it into profitable working order, and sold it to Mr. Swift of Danville. A watermill was built on the Vermilion by William Jenkins about 1840. It was a good mill and did good work. The water at this point rose rapidly and at times was very high. So uncertain was the water here that the bridge was nearly thirty-five feet high. With all precautions taken the mill was washed away at high-water time. An incident of this bridge is to the effect OLD CHRISTMAN MILL HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 289 that while a boy on a wagon load of corn, was crossing it, the bridge broke and the wagon fell into the water; the bridge was ruined, the wagon disabled, but strange to say, the boy was not hurt. The old woolen mill on the banks of the North Fork of the Vermilion river at Danville was for a long time one of the landmarks of Vermilion County. The building yet stands, but the machinery has all been sold and since the attempt at a box factory a few years ago, no use has been made of it. This mill was built in 1844, by Hobson and Ailsworth, and went through many hands and many changes of remodeling in the thirty years before Riggs & Menig took it in 1877, and made a woolen mill of it. It was first operated by hand power, then by water power and at last by steam power. Its supply of water by the series of fine springs on the bluff above it, added to its value. This mill was probably better known than any other in the county, and during the time it was operated by Mr. Menig, its product was a pride and could compete with any in the country. The large steam mill at Georgetown was built by Henderson, Kyger, & Morgan, in 1850. It was built forty by fifty-three stories high, and had three run of stones. It was a great suc- cess and was in active operation until the same firm, Henderson & Kyger built the first grist-mill in Danville. Later Mr. M. M. Wright bought it and ran it for some time. By 1859 the county had grown to such proportions that more mills were needed. Blount township had grown and a grist mill was much needed. It was then that Henry and Andrew Wood built a sawmill and a grist-mill on North Fork, near the northeast corner of the township. It was a good mill with two run of stones, and had enough water to run almost all the time. Another sawmill was built in Blount township in 1861. This was built on sec- tion 26 (20x12) and run by steam. Anderson come from Michigan, and bought sixty acres of timberland, and cut it off for lumber. It was a splendid piece of timber. He ran the mill here about eight years, and then sold it to William and John Lee, who moved it to section 36. This year was the time of building an- other mill at Danville. There was no longer any need to locate the mills on the banks of streams because the power adopted was steam. So it was the Amber Mill was built near the Wabash station. It was built in 1866 at an original cost of $28,000. This mill was burned in 1874 and rebuilt by Bowers & Co. Later it was sold to D. Gregg who ran it until the time of his death. This was a fine mill and produced an excellent grade of flour. The building was three stories and a half and basement built of brick, and was forty by a hundred on the ground. It was remodeled in 1878, substituting the new process and making it a first-class mill in every respect, which it continued to be as long as it was operated by Mr. Gregg. The building lay idle for some time after Mr. Gregg's death and in 1902 it was remodeled and used for the wholesale groceries. John Dougherty built a grist mill at Fairmount in 1868. It was forty by fifty and supplied with three run of stones. The mill under his management was a great success. It was built at a cost of $15,000. The Globe Mill was a conspicious building in Danville for many years. It was built by Knight & Fairchild in 1870. It was 40 by 80, and well equipped with the "patent process" machinery. It had four run of stones. This mill was known as the "Lustro" after the firm of Smith & Giddings took it. Mr. Joseph Smith, the senior member of the firm, 290 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY had been connected with the mill a year before the firm was established in 1875. During the proprietorship of Smith & Giddings, the output of the mill was about 40 barrels per day. This mill was operated until 1894, during which year the partnership was dissolved by the death of both Mr. Smith and Mr. Giddings. The building was burned the same year and was not rebuilt. A large and, in every respect a first class mill was built at Rossville in 1875, by Tittle and Ross. The City Mill in Danville was built on Vermilion street opposite the jail, by Samuel Bowers. It was a frame building 60 foot front on Vermilion street and 55 on South street. This mill is better known as the Wright mill, or the Dan- ville mill. Mr. Wright bought this mill in the early seventies and under his supervision this industry became an important factor of the city's growth. He constantly enlarged it. THE CLAYS AND CLAY INDUSTRIES OF VERMILION COUNTY. Compiled by F. W. Butterworth. Although the use of clay for the manufacture of articles of utility or orna- ment is one of the oldest crafts of the world, yet the various operations connected with it have never yet been reduced to an exact science, and definite data as to character, accessibility, or methods of working, is very scarce. Before proceeding to a description of the clays and clay industries of this county, it would probably be pertinent to give a little time to a brief description of clays in general. It must be understood that the word clay is used in its broadest sense to designate any silicate of alumina from which ware of any description can be manufactured. No really satisfactory classification has yet been proposed, but the following grouping is perhaps the best suited to general purposes, and this, therefore, is taken from the Geological Report of the State of Illinois, Bulletin No. 9, as adopted from Orton & Wheeler: GENERAL CLASSIFICATION OF CLAYS. [Kaolin. Whiteware Clays. -I China Clay. [Ball Clay. High Grade Clays f Plastic Fire Clay. Refractory Clays. -I Flint Clay. [Refractory Shale. Pottery Clays. HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 291 Low Grade Clays Stoneware Clays and Shales. Paving-brick Clays and Shales. Sewer Pipe Clays and Shales. Roofing Tile Clays and Shales. (Terra Cotta Clays and Shales. Common Brick Clays and Shales. Drain Tile Clays and Shales. Vitrifying Clays. Brick Clays. Gumbo Clays. Loes and Adobe Clays. Slip Clays. Fullers Earth. This classification will perhaps be best understood by identifying the various kinds of clay with the wares they are best suited to produce. Taking the first group of "High Grade Clays," all of the "Whiteware and Pottery Clays" are used to produce articles of comparatively light weight, where the cost of procuring the raw material is a very small factor in the total value of the article, and generally speaking are used in the manufacture of wares com- bining ornament and utility, such as art-ware of all descriptions, pottery, china- ware, porcelains, sanitary-ware, insulating material, etc. Refractory Clays, as the name indicates, find their use in the making of wares of high fire and heat resisting qualities, such as fire brick, retorts, furnace, stove linings, etc. The value of ware produced in the State of Illinois during the year 1908, (the last statistics available at this writing,) from the first group of clays was $1,008,638.00, but unfortunately Vermilion County contributed nothing to this, as up to date no so-called "High Grade Clays" have been discovered in the territory. From the second group, called "Low Grade Clays," are produced those wares in which the cost of procuring the raw material is a large factor in determin- ing their value, as face, paving and common brick, sewer pipe, terra cotta, roof- ing tile, drain tile, etc. The value of the products made from this group in the State of Illinois for 1908 was $9,084,338.00, and of this amount practically ten per cent was produced from Vermilion County; hence, although this group of clays is called "Low Grade," it is a fact that they are of more importance to a community than clays of higher grades and value per ton. Referring to the classification, and having eliminated from consideration all of the so-called "High Grade Clays," because there are none available in this territory, modern practice, as applied to the location of clay plants, forces us to confine the discussion of this subject, as connected with Vermilion County, to "Vitrifying Clays" for the following reasons : 292 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY Slip-Clays and Fullers Earth are of comparitively slight value, and so far have not been found in this district. Prior to 1890 practically all of the "Low Grade Clays" wares, such as brick, sewer pipe, terra cotta, etc., more especially brick, were made from Gumbo, Loes or Brick Clays. These being of late geological formation (Quaternary or Tertiary periods), the deposits are not uniform in quality, or of very great depth, hence the plants were of necessity small and scattered over a wide area. Since the discovery, however, of the utility of the "Vitrifying Clays," con- sisting mostly of the shales and under-clays of the carboniferous period, a great change has been made in the industry. Because of the uniformity of these de- posits, and of their great depth, enormous supplies of raw material are avail- able close to the plants. Capital has, therefore, been able to concentrate and instead of a number of scattered, horse-power brick-yards, we find large plants, equpped with the best of appliances, using steam shovels for digging their ma- terial, and with all of the modern labor and fuel saving devices, as recommended by the best engineering practice. Hence, although it is true that the Loes, Gumbo and Brick Clays are still being used to some extent, particularly in the Cook County region, it is still a fact that the product manufactured from them is very inferior, and it is doubt- ful if the modern Ceramist would recommend the investment of capital in a plant to work any thing except the "Vitrifying Clays" of the Carboniferous period, consisting of the shales above and the clays beneath the coal strata. In considering, therefore, the Clays of Vermilion County, we can safely con- fine the discussion to the coal measure or caboniferous materials, and hence the geological section becomes of prime importance: SKETCH OF GEOLOGICAL SECTION. No. i, Glacial deposits up to 200 feet, not workable. No. 2, Workable shale 5 to 100 feet. No. 3, No. 7 coal, 18 inches to 7 feet. No. 4, A. Under-clay, not workable, 3 to 10 feet. No. 5, Shale with lime-stone layers in places, 10 to 25 feet. No. 6, No. 6 coal, i to 12 feet. No. 7, B. Under-clay, not workable, 3 to 10 feet. No. 8, Sand-stones and shale, 3 to 25 feet. No. 9, Sandy shale, 20 to 40 feet. No. 10, Blue argillacious shale, 200 feet. GEOLOGICAL SECTION APPLYING TO VERMILION COUNTY, ILLINOIS. Of the above No. i is of no interest to the clay industry, as it consists al- most entirely of gravels, sands, hardpans, and the kind of materials which could not possibly be worked into any clay products. In every instance No. i forms the stripping, which must be gotten rid of before any of the underlying materials can be worked. In many instances, where Nos. 2 and 9 are available in the low grounds, bottoms and second-bottoms they are covered with a very heavy deposit of No. HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 293 i, and in no place in the county are any of the workable strata free from a more or less extensive over-burden of this glacial drift. No. 2 is a plastic, blue, argillacious, red burning, shale, vitrifying at about 1,950 degrees F., with a very slight range between the point of vitrification and the point of fusion, making it a very dangerous shale to work. This stratum is valuable only for common building brick, and is being extensively used for this purpose by the Western Brick Company, at Danville, who are manufac- turing upwards of 250,000 daily. At the particular point where this Company is producing, it varies from 20 to 35 feet in thickness, and it is very unusual to find it exceeling 50 feet in depth, except in and around Glenburn, where it attains its maximum of about 100 feet, including from 15 to 25 feet of solid sand-stone, which forms the top of the deposit. The bottom 35 to 40 feet of this shale analyzes as follows : ANALYSIS OF NO. 2. Si 2 54.38 A1 2 O, 21.61 Fe, O. 7.55 CaO 1.30 MgO 2.34 Na, O 2.24 K, O 0.79 Moisture at 100" C 1.70 Loss on ignition, combined, H 2 O and CO 2 7.84 9975 Although this analysis compares favorably with some of the best paving brick shales of the country, yet the infusible sillica particles seem to be very fine in texture, making the burned clay body too brittle for this class of clay prod- ucts, and the range in temperature between the point of vitrification and the point of fusion being so small, renders this shale practically useless for sewer pipe, or any of the kindred wares. The under-day, No. 4, designated at "A," although of sufficient depth, is of exceedingly poor quality, is not refractory, and is impregnated with lime nodules, which of course would make it impractical for any purpose. The No. 5 deposit is a dark, slaty shale, and forms the roof for the exten- sive mining operations of No. 6 coal. In nearly every instance this shale is mixed with layers of from two to twelve inches of limestone. No. 7 is an under-clay, designated as "B." Although some better than No. 4, it is not sufficiently refractory to make it valuable for any fire-resisting ware, and has neither the strength nor color requisite for the manufacture of sewer pipe, light-colored brick, or for any of the products in which under-clays are usually used. Concretions of lime are often prevalent, making it a dangerous material for any purpose. 294 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY In almost every instance the first 20 feet of material under No. 7 deposit contains hard, bulky sandstone, too gritty to be worked in with the underlying shale, and with not sufficient weather-resisting properties to make it valuable as a building stone. Quite a considerable quantity of this stratum has been quarried southeast of Danville and used for building stone, with, however, but indifferent results. The first action of the weather is to harden it, as is usual in sandstone, but after repeated freezing and thawing, disintegration commences. The analysis of this sandstone is as follows: ANALYSIS OF SANDSTONE NO. 8. Si O 2 68.24 A1 2 O 3 9.66 Fe 2 3 5.58 Ca O 5.50 Mg O 2.27 Loss on ignition : 9.30 100.55 No. 9 is the most valuable, general purpose shale in the entire coal measures accessible in Vermilion County, but unfortunately, because of its location in the geological section, it is seldom found accessible, except with extraordinary heavy stripping, or by mining. The analysis of the above is as follows : ANALYSIS OF NO. 9. Si O 2 60.24 A1 2 O 8 23.29 Fe 2 3 5-13 Ca O 1.50 Mg O 2.09 Loss on ignition, combined, H 2 O and CO 2 7.42 99.67 The infusible silica particles are of rough, sharp grain, the material vitrifies at about 2,050 degrees F., and there is a wide range between this and the point of fusion, making it a safe shale to work, and producing very tough, dense- textured ware, standing high rattler tests, and is in every way a desirable ma- terial. This stratum is red burning under oxidizing conditions, but will burn to good, dark color when reducing atmosphere is used in the kiln. This deposit is being worked extensively by the Danville Brick Company in the manufacture of superior grade of paving brick, and has been worked for some years by the Selley Brick Company, located at Danville, Illinois, which plant has recently been purchased by the Western Brick Company, who are HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 295 enlarging and improving it, with the idea of manufacturing dark colored, low grade facing brick. Bearing in mind the fact that only "Low Grade Clays" exist in the county, and that their accessibility and proximity to market are the determining factors of their utility, the geographical distribution of these clays over the county, with respect to the surface, will be of paramount interest. The provisional geological map of Illinois of 1907 shows the entire county as being in the coal measure, or carboniferous belt. This may be true, and yet the clay deposits be so covered up by glacial drift as to be inaccessible, except by mining, which process of procuring raw material is, for most "Low Grade Clay" products, impracticable. Only in portions of Danville, Catlin, Georgetown and Oakwood townships do conditions exist favorable to the finding of clays of modern utility, accessible from the surface, as practically all of the balance of the county is level prairie, and the coal measures are covered by heavy glacial drift. Summarizing, therefore, we find that: ist. The geological formation of Vermilion County is unfavorable to the discovery of any clays other than those suitable for the manufacture of "Low Grade" products. 2d. The area in which valuable materials are likely to be found accessible, without mining, is very small compared with the total area of the county, and is limited to portions of Danville, Catlin, Georgetown and Oakwood townships. 3d. Referring to the geological section, No. 2 material (shale above No. 7 coal), and the No. 9 material (shale under No. 6 coal) alone can be utilized, all of the under-clays being non-refractory and more or less impregnated with limestone nodules. 4th. Even in the townships in which the carboniferous formation occurs close to the surface, there is little probability of finding desirable strata ex- posed, without a heavy over-burden of alluvial or glacial drift. * * * * Prior to the year 1888 only the surface or the alluvial clays of the county had been worked, and those only in a small way in the manufacture of com- mon "Low Grade" building brick and drain tile. About the year above mentioned the Grape Creek Coal Company built a plant near Grape Creek, southeast of Danville, and opened deposit No. 5 of the geological section, or the shale between Nos. 6 and 7 coals. This was operated intermittently under the active management of Dr. Joseph Fairhall until 1895, when it was definitely abandoned. Although some very good ware in both building and paving brick were produced, the material was not very satisfactory, and the limestone layers, prevalent in this stratum, caused some trouble. This plant was the pioneer in the working of the coal measure clays of this county, and it was mainly because it proved the possibilities of these that all succeeding enterprises were located. In 1891 J. G. Shea opened No. 2, being the shale above the No. 7 coal r and No. 9, being the shale below No. 6 coal, directly west of Danville. This plant, very much improved and enlarged, is now being operated by the Dan- 296 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY ville Brick Company, and is now using No. 9 almost exclusively. It is equipped with all modern machinery, kilns, etc., including an extraordinary heavy steam shovel, and is manufacturing about twenty millions yearly of ten-pound paving blocks of excellent quality, testing favorably with the acknowledged best of the country. In 1900 the plant of the Western Brick Company was built about two miles and a half west of Danville, and stratum No. 2, or the shale immediately overlying the No. 7 coal, was opened and has been almost exclusively used ever since. This company is forced to remove an over-burden of from 15 to 20 feet of glacial drift before reaching workable material, which is accomplished by hydraulic process, or the washing of the stripping down an inclined plane. As part compensation for this, however, a considerable quantity of No. 7 coal, six feet in thickness, is uncovered; the shale almost down to the coal being work- able. This is in every way a modern plant, using steam shovels and the best of equipment throughout; mines all its own coal, operates 58 kilns, and produces upward of seventy-five million yearly of vitrified and impervious red and brown building brick, of which quite a considerable portion is used for facing pur- poses. The clay industries of the county at the present writing represent an in- vestment of considerably over a million dollars, give steady employment to over five hundred men, and disburse an annual payroll somewhat in excess of $350,000. CHAPTER XXV. MANUFACTURING INTERESTS. Notwithstanding the evident advantages to be found for factories in cheap coal and ready means of transportation, Vermilion County is not the manufacturing center it should be. It is rather an agricultural and mining community. There have been attempts made to locate factories but they have in more cases failed than have met with success. In Hoopeston, the manu- facturing interests are such as are needed to help out the canning in- dustries. There is one exception to this in the horse shoe nail factory. Many factories in Danville, have either gone out of business or moved away. A mention of the names of some of these may, perhaps recall their possibilities. The Wrought Iron Wagon Works, the Garland Tile factory, The Great Western Machine and Engine shops, the carriage shops of D. Force and William White- hill, the organ factory of J. Miller and son, and the Morris Burley & Co., manufactory of fine furniture. The William Stewart general foundry and machine shop has a successor in the Danville Foundry and Machine Co., of 520 Junction ave. The Holmes Bros, conduct a large machine shop where every- thing in the way of machinery can be made from the parts of an automobile, traction engine, and mine and mill machinery, to automatic bell ringers for loco- motives, shaker screens, weigh hoppers, smoke stacks and car lifts. Their pro- ducts are shipped to all parts of the country, a complete set of milling machinery being, within the last year, shipped to a number of South American mines. This extensive business started in Danville under the firm name of Baker & Holmes, thirty years ago, in a small building near the Wabash railroad, by Robert Holmes and P. T. Baker. Mr. Baker withdrew from the firm in 1890, and Sherman and Grant Holmes entered the firm and the present name was assumed. Later the business was moved to the corner of Hazel and North streets and Holmes Bros, offered "everything on wheels" to the public The business has grown famously, they taking on the sale of automobiles, being the first in the county to deal in these machines. The Western Brick Co. was erected nine years ago, being opened in 1900. When first started, the capacity of the plant was 150,000 bricks per day, but the improvements have been made, until now the output of this factory is 250,000 bricks per day. This is the largest brick plant in the world. The company owns about 350 acres of land, all of which is underlaid with coal and shale, 297 298 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY both quite necessary to modern brick-making. The surface covering of the shale is removed by hydraulic pressure. The shale is then removed by a huge steam shovel, with a capacity of many yards, the shale is then loaded in small dump cars and hauled to the plant, some distance away, by miniature locomotives, two of which are used in hauling the train loads of shale to the plant and the third used in the hauling of coal from the company's mines, after the shale has been removed. The shale is first crushed, then by a number of very expensive machines, it is reduced to a powder. This powder is subjected to a certain treatment, after which it is then mixed with water and given to the brick-making machinery. Four large brick-machines are constantly in operation, manufactur- ing a variety of products, more than thirty different shades and varieties being turned out at this plant. The plant has never ceased operation since starting, and gives yearly employment to 30x1 men. The Western Brick Company make a specialty of medium priced vitrified facing brick and produce over thirty shades and varieties, ranging in color from a bright cherry red to black. This is one of the principle factories of Danville. The Danville Brick Co. is a local enterprise which ran perhaps a half dozen years and about four years ago was given material help by the fact of four men taking hold of it and pushing it to its fullest capacity. Its capacity was increased from 16,000 blocks to 60,000 per day. These are the large sized paving bricks, which, if computed in regular brick size, would be a little more than 120,000 per day. The closing of the mines had very little effect on this company. The Danville Brick plant is located in a peculiar depression, where the best grade of shale is to be found. The shale from which the big paving blocks are made is taken from below the first vein (No. 7) of coal, that shale being more flinty, much harder and at the same time more like cement than the upper shale, of which the product of most companies is made. This lower strata of shale is very thick and compact and heavy shooting is necessary to loosen it. It was because of this that the company petitioned the city council to declare the plant outside the city limits. When completed, the blocks weigh eleven pounds, or there abouts. Two grades of paving blocks are handled by this company, first and second class bricks. Only first class bricks are sent out for paving streets ; the seconds are used for house foundations. There are several planing mills in Danville. The oldest perhaps is that of E. C. Lamm, or N. E. Holden. In the case of the latter the business was in- herited from his father so that the name of Holden and the business of the lumber trade has been associated for years. The name of Lamm is as closely associated with the lumber interest however, since the older brothers of Mr. E. C. Lamm were lumber merchants, nearly, if not quite, as long ago as was Mr. John Holden. Other planing mills are the Eureka Planing Mills, located at the corner of Woodbury and Robinson streets, Frank L. Hill, Trent Bros., S. P. Swisher, and the Bolander Lumber Co. The Already Box Company is another of Danville's factories, at present. This is located at the corner of Section street and Big Four tracks. The Kelley Block and Tile Co., located at 1909 is another small factory. So also is Powers and Supple, located on N. Hazel street. The Danville Lounge and Mattress Co., located on Franklin street between North and Main, is an HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 299 established business and is a factory which reflects credit on the city. The Harenden Milling Co. is located in the east part of the city and has a profitable output of good products. The Street Railway and Light company operates a gas plant, an electric light plant, street railway lines, and a central station heat- ing plant. They operate about eighteen miles of city street railway lines, all of which are either new or have been rebuilt within the last five or six years. About six miles of the lines are double tracked. The company operates eighteen cars and gives a service varying from six minutes on certain lines to twenty minutes on other lines. The cars are operated from six o'clock in the morning to mid- night, and handle about ten thousand cash and transfer passengers per day. The electric lighting plant covers practically every part of the city with lines which carry lights equal to about 65,000 sixteen candle power lamps. The signs which the merchants of Danville have installed, and which are run by this com- pany, are a great attraction, and add much to the appearance of the city. There are about 25,000 miles of gas mains in Danville which furnishes gas to all the more thickly settled parts of the city both for lighting and cooking purposes. About three miles of steam heat furnishes the business and adjacent residences with steam to take the place of other fuel. The power house of this great sys- tem has 5,000 horse power installed in boilers and about 6,000 horse power in- stalled in engines and generators, all of which are worked to their full capacity. This plant furnishes power to the interurban line to a point within about fifteen miles of Decatur. The Headley Glass Company, and the Sweet Window Glass Company both promised much as factories, but did not meet expectations. The same can be said to a greater extent of the Danville Car Co., located at Tilton. An extensive plant came to Danville in 1904. It was the Regeler Smelting works. This plant was the outgrowth of the factory of the same nature under the man- agement of the father of these men and with which they, had been associated before coming to Danville. The firm bought several hundred acres of land and the coal under even a greater extent. This plant is one of unusual interest and is one for any community to view with pride. Another plant of value to the city of Danville is the Illinois Printing Co. It is a stock company and manufac- tures a high grade of blank books as well as does other work generally found in such an establishment. CHAPTER XXVI. EARLY MERCHANTS. INDIAN TRADERS FIRST MERCHANTS GURDON S. HUBBARD BECKWITH & CLYMAN FIRST MERCHANTS IN THE SOUTHERN PART OF THE COUNTY. The first mercantile ventures made in Vermilion County were those with the Indians. It is impossible to get the exact date of the first trading with the Indians, since there is no record of such transactions, and the memory of any living man is of little worth, because there is no man alive today who could possibly know of this time. All such transactions antedate the experience of the grandfathers of the man of active life in Vermilion County now. There is no known fact by which this date can be estimated. The vague statements of early writers give the assurance of these traders but put no time of their trading at this point. The tales told to Col. Vance and Gurdon Hub- bard by the Indians in the 'twenties were of the white men who bought their furs, but they did not make an effort to locate the time of the trade, or if they did, no record was kept of it. These traders came on their own account long before the American Fur Company saw the wealth in fur along the waters of the Little Vermilion. At least it is reasonable to assume such to be the case. And it is a matter of record that the American Fur Company whose headquarters were at Macanaw, had agents in this region as early as the first years of the last quarter of the i8th century, and probably at an earlier date than that. True, there were no storehouses in the territory now Vermilion County, but a white man's instinct to get that which was of value to his red-skinned brother, would show him a way to keep the skins of the desired animal when he found them as abundant as they were in this locality. The timber along the Vermilion was productive of a variety of fur-bearing animals, even after the coming of the first settlers, and the hunters through the wilderness of eastern Illinois and western Indiana finding this wealth, if not exactly trading themselves, directed the disposition of the furs to the nearest or most accessible trading post. The American Fur Company early established a trade through the Illinois country with stations or posts in the eastern part along the Iroquois, the Em- barass and the Little Wabash. Their agents made a business of following the Indians in their hunting grounds, and in this way learned their habits, and their 300 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 301 characteristics while they secured their trade. Gurdon S. Hubbard was agent for the American Fur Company, succeeding Antonin Des Champs in this ter- ritory in 1824. Antonin Des Champs had had charge of the interests of the company in the trade of the company for about forty years in the territory between the Illinois and Wabash rivers. This takes the record of trade in this section back to about 1785, or thirty-five years before the coming of the white settler to the location of Vermilion County. Des Champs was in charge of the territory until five years after small settlements had been made at the salt works, at Brook's Point, at Butler's Point and along the Little Vermilion. When Mr. Hubbard took charge of this territory, he abandoned the posts on the Illinois, and no longer carried the trade by water, but introduced pack- horses. The trail from Chicago to the salt works which he established was called Hubbard "Trace," and was followed for many years as the most direct road from Chicago to Vincennes, Indiana. This Hubbard Trace was the foundation of one of the most direct railroads in the state connecting Chicago and the Ohio river. In 1827 Gurdon S. Hubbard abandoned the posts on the Embarass and Little Wabash, and put up the- first frame building ever constructed in Ver- milion County for a storehouse, which became the headquarters for the Indian fur .trade in this part of the country. This trade was extensive and demanded the employment of several clerks. He brought three Frenchmen with him, two of whom married daughters of prominent early settlers. These men were Noel Vassar, Nicholas Boilvin and Toussaint Bleau. Nicholas Boilvin married a daughter of D. Woods, and Toussaint Bleau married a daughter of Dr. A. R. Palmer. Samuel Russell and William Bandy were both clerks at this trading house. During the five years this trading house was in operation, the Indians would file into town on their ponies in large numbers with their furs, which they exchanged for white flour, meat and other luxuries, as well as the trinkets they loved so well. They brought their squaws and papooses with them, and would camp on the bluff near the foot of Walnut street or a little further east on the same bluff, where they would feast and enjoy themselves for several days before again taking up their march whence they came. In 1832 Mr. Hubbard found that the Indian trade had declined to such pro- portions that it would be advisable to convert his stock into one that would better suit the increased white population. The fur-bearing animals had be- come scarce, and the Indian himself had been dispersed to such an extent, al- though it was not until six years later that the Pottawotomies were officially moved to beyond the Missisippi river. Hubbard had N. D. Palmer as his part- ner in his store, and the prospect for trade was good. He, however, became desirous of developing the swamp lands in which he had invested near Lake Michigan, and the same year that he made the change in his stock, he sold the store to Dr. Fithian. The building, which itself was worth a place in the history of Vermilion County because it was the first frame house built in the county, was on the south side of the public square on the east corner and re- mained standing many years. A less pretentious mercantile venture than that of Hubbard's was made by Dan Beckwith in 1821 near Denmark. He, with 302 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY his brother George, came to the salt springs in 1809, and two years later is known to have had a few goods suitable for Indian barter, which he kept in a place partly excavated in the side of a hill at Denmark. A little later he moved to Danville and built a log cabin on the brow of the hill on Main street near Logan avenue. His later storeroom was located at the west end of the original Main street of Danville at the point where there is a turn in the street. He had as a partner one James Clyman who is described as a typical frontiers- man in buckskin leggins, hunting shirt and coonskin cap. Restless, as all of his kind were, he went on to the west as soon as the white man came here to make settlements. Benjamin Canaday was the first merchant in the southern part of the county. He, with his father and three brothers, came to the Little Vermilion to settle in the fall of 1821. He was a tinner by trade, and during the winter of the deep snow, made up a stock of tinware and took it to Louisville, where he traded it for goods. This stock of general merchandise he brought back with him and sold to the neighbors. In 1831 he went to Georgetown, and with the Haworths began the mencantile interests of that place. He became the man of largest mercantile interests in that prosperous village. This was in 1830. Mr. Canaday remained in business with Mr. Haworth for a time when he sold out and formed a partnership with Mr. Abraham Frazier. After a time, however, he sold the store to Dr. Gillaspie, who came from Tennessee, and Mr. Canaday remained in the store. He continued in the mercantile interests for a long time until he amassed a fortune. He was the leading merchant of Georgetown for many years. Mr. Canaday was a public-spirited man and was always found in all the enterprises tending to advance Georgetown. He built the brick store that was such a pride to the community and in which his successors in business were to be found during their term of mercantile life. Dr. Gillaspie continued in business for some time, but at last went west. Abraham Frazier was the one of that name who began the career of the family in the mercantile life in Georgetown. He was a tanner by trade, but went into the mercantile line and kept to that the rest of his life. His brother Abner came from Tennessee and began to farm, but gave it up to clerk in his brother's store. After a while he married, however, and went back to the farm. His sons were interested in mercantile matters and took the store con- tinuing the name of Frazier in the interests of trade in Georgetown, and hand- ing it down to yet another generation. Georgetown without a Frazier's store would be a strange place. James Shannon was a merchant at an early day, but met a most distressing death from accident which ended his efforts in mercantile lines. Among the other men who were merchants in Georgetown at an early time, the names of Flam Henderson, Jacob Yapp, Joseph Bailey, Mr. G. W. Holloway, Richie and the Cowans are conspicuous. The merchants of Georgetown have had first at- tention since that was the chief interest of the section in the early days. Before Danville was of any worth as a trading point. Georgetown was a flourishing village, and the mercantile interest was better cared for in that place than in any other in the county. During those days trade was dependent upon the best means of transportation, and that was, of course, waterways. Produce HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 303 went down the Vermilion, the Wabash and Ohio rivers to the Mississippi river, and needed articles came either back that way or came from Cincinnati down the Ohio and up the Wabash to Perrysville, Indiana, whence it was hauled in wagons. A regular line of steamboats were going from Cincinnati to Perrys- ville in the 'thirties. Perrysville was the distributing point for the entire sec- tion of Illinois to the north and to the west. Later the Wabash Railroad was finished as far west as State Line, and goods were hauled from that point. Sometimes these goods came to Covington by way of the canal and were hauled thence to Danville or Georgetown, but by this time trade in Danville was improving. Indianola was the center of an attempt at establishing trade in 1837. Mr. Atkinson built a store; that is, he built a log house with a frame addition, and kept some goods for sale. This was not a good time to make any business venture and his failure was to be expected. Mr. Atkinson, too, was not fitted to carry on trade as was the custom at that time. Twelve months' time was the rule with merchants, and no one expected any less. There was no crop which would bring money until about Christmas. Some would carry their produce to Chicago for sale, but it was to exchange for some goods needed in the family, and no money exchanged hands. No one bought cattle or hogs until fall, and it was usually not until mid-winter that any one had any money to spend in paying bills at the store or the shop before that time. John Williams kept a general store for a while and Mr. O'Bryant added a stock of harness, saddlery and clothing. John Gilgis came here in 1842 and began selling goods. Samuel Sconce came here about this time and really was the first to work up a large mercantile trade. He had been in this part of the country since 1831 and came to Indianola at this time from the farm which had become his son James'. Mr. Sconce had Mr. Joseph Bailey as his partner and also Mr. Gilgis. Mr. Bailey retired in 1857. During the business transactions of Bailey, Sconce & Co., it was no uncommon day's work to sell $500 worth of goods. Having noted the condition of trade in the southern part of the county in the days when yet Danville had no greater, and indeed not so great, facilities for the profitable exchange of products of the soil for articles needed for the house, it is well to take a look at the town northwest, on the north fork of the Big Ver- milion, whose prospects were more flattering than even these more southern villages, in the first years of county life. Denmark was the coming town at the time of the location of the county seat, and it was a hopeful competitor to the town at the mouth of the North Fork, that at this time never had been. Denmark could boast a mill, while yet Danville was going to Paris, or seeking grist at her doors. Seymour Treat built this mill in 1829 or 1830. Even before this, Dan Beckwith had a trader's handful of goods under the bluff at Denmark, and trade had begun long before he had offered the land to the commissioners, who were locating a county seat. After the mill was started, a considerable settlement followed, and soon two dry-goods stores were opened. One belonged to Alexander Bailey, and the other belonged to Stebbins Jennings. The former was the first started in busi- ness. Mr. Bailey became a man of influence, attaining much prominence. Mr. Jennings was a good business man as well, and perhaps of a more practical 304 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY turn. He took a leading position in Denmark, and was freely entrusted with matters of responsibility. James Skinner was another early merchant of Denmark. Together with William McMillan, he bought the Treat mill. It is said by some that he opened the first inn. However that might have been, he was comparatively among the later comers to Denmark, and was by no means the earliest merchant in this early settled village. Mr. McMillan came about the latter part of 1832. Others had made the venture in mercantile work long before this time. John Williams kept a general store and also John Hunt. Returning to Danville, to note further the early mercantile interests. The storeroom built by George Haworth in 1827 was on the corner now covered by the Daniel building. This is the northwest corner of the plaza and has always been a favorite site for buildings and keep- ing store. This store was built by George Haworth and was made of huge logs nicely hewn, and was two stories high, and took all the men in the country around to raise it. It was also provided with defensive portholes above and below. It was in the eastern end of this formidable barracks that Gurdon Hubbard had his stock of goods for trade with the Indians. This building stood for twenty years, when Adams & Co. put up a two-story frame building on the site of this, but it soon burned. Mr. Bateman was a merchant in a portion of this building when it burned, and he soon after bought the lot and put up the one-story brick building in 1855. This building stood until the present handsome Daniel building was put up on the/ .lot. This was the first corner occupied for mercantile purposes in Danvile, and has always been a popular corner. The first store in Myersville, that once important village, was built and the store opened by William and Andrew Zeigler, of Attica, Indiana. This firm sold the first goods north of Danville, excepting in Denmark. Myersville was well located for trade, particularly after the Wabash Railroad made State Line city its western terminus. This firm was succeeded by William Biggs, and he in turn was bought out by Green & Gundy (Joseph Gundy) in the spring of 1852. Early in 1854 Andrew Gundy took charge of the business previously carried on under the firm name of Green & Gundy, and thereafter conducted it in his own name. In the year 1857 he did a business of $36,000, retailing these goods from the store. He carried on his private business of buying and selling wool and the feeding of cattle and hogs, but this was not included in the amount named for the sales of the store. People came here from the distance of sev- enty miles to trade and have their milling done. Bismark had a store before it became a town. Robert Kerr built the room and began to sell goods, but was succeeded by John Leonard and then by Asa Bushnell. Mr. Bushnell bought out Mr. Leonard, and then went into partnership with Francis Gundy. They put up a nice building, and for a long time kept a general store. Green & Phillips kept a grocery and provision store for two years and were succeeded by Phillips Bros. Rossville, Hoopeston, even Collison and Ridge Farm, as well as other towns and cities in the county which could be mentioned, were not without their mer- cantile interests, but their first efforts came so late in the years of the life of Vermilion County that they would be out of place in this resume of the first mercantile interests in the county. E. H. WHITI-IAM JOHN L. HAMILTON JOSEPH G. ENGLISH J. S. McFERREN C. L. ENGLISH CHAPTER XXVII. / FIRST BANKS AND BANKING INTERESTS. Although Danville was less than ten years old in 1836, its prospective im- portance was such as to warrant the establishing of a branch of the State Bank of Illinois at this place. The United States Land Office was here and, while it was yet a town little more than in promise, it bid fair to become a place of im- portance. Mr. Mordecia Mobley was sent here to take charge of the new ven- ture and rented a small building on the corner south of the public square and east of Vermilion street, where he built a stone vault outside the building in which he put his safe. Mr. Mobley was a competent and safe business man and conducted a safe and very good business. He did the entire business himself, being president, cashier, teller and clerk. He made a gratuitous distribution of bank-books among the depositors. This branch did not issue any bills but paid the money out of the parent bank. Every thing went prosperously, until the crash of 1837, which disorganized all business and put an end to the profits of banking here as well as elsewhere. It was a common occurrence at that time to have banks fail, and it is no wonder that the branch of the State Bank of Illinois at Danville was one of the number. Banks failed, bankers disappeared and assets were missing, but it is recorded to the credit of Mr. Mobley that in his disappearance, none was defrauded. It is perhaps the only instance on record that a banker ran away and no one was the loser. The explanation of this is that when business became dull he spent much of his time in hunting, and being a lover of good horses he had a good team which he used in going away from home frequently. Because of this he could disappear one morning with his family and entire assets of his bank without causing suspicion. He knew that if it was known that a removal of the bank was contemplated, measures would be taken to prevent it, and much annoyance would ensue. Knowing as well that no one was defrauded by his going, he slipped away secretly. The next bank was started by an eastern man by the name of Cullum. This was in 1852, and the bank was one of those known as a stock security bank that is a certain portion of the capital was invested in state stocks, usually in the stocks of Missouri, North Carolina, Tennessee and other southern states. The state of Illinois was bankrupt and had not even paid the interest of its debt for fifteen years, so her bonds were not considered bankable, and other bonds were 305 306 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY sought. Eastern state stock could not be bought, hence a new bank must buy stocks of some southern state. When the rebellion broke out such states could not of course pay their bonds, nor even the interest on them, and consequently these banks established on this system which had not already failed, succumbed. Mr. Guy Merril was appointed cashier of this Cullum bank, and it was located in the old frame building. It had a capital of $50,000. Later it was removed to a building opposite the McCormack House. This bank was run successfully for three years and then sold to Daniel Clapp who had neither the required capital nor the experience to carry it on and in 1856 he failed. As soon as he failed; brokers all over the country stood ready to buy his bills at from fifty to seventy cents on the dollar. Messrs. Tincher and English, who had for some time been carrying on a large and growing business, were Clapp's assignees, and after closing up his business opened a private bank. These men were of much ex- perience in this vicinity, had sufficient capital for the then state of trade, were safe and judicious and enjoyed the full confidence of the people of the entire county. This private bank, established in 1856, was the beginning of the well known First National Bank of Danville. The first test of their ability to weather financial storms came in the year following the establishing of the bank. This bank sent the first application received at Washington for a charter under the national bank act of 1864, and in 1872 increased the capital to $150,000. They went through the panic of 1873 without difficulty. The real estate firm of Short and Wright commenced banking in connection with its business in about 1865. In 1867, Mr. Abraham Sandusky and Andrew Grundy became partners of John C. Short, and continued the business under the name of the Exchange Bank of J. C. Short & Co. This firm was interested in the development of the coal interests, and in building railroads which at that time were much needed and promised to be remunerative. Because of a variety of reasons this bank failed and the Danville Banking and Trust Co. was organ- ized on its ruins. This business enterprise, however, was of short duration. The Vermilion County Bank -established by W. P. and J. G. Cannon is now the well known and trusted Second National Bank. It was established in 1873 with a capital of $10,000. CHAPTER XXVIII. BUILDING ASSOCIATIONS. Compiled by J. H. Phillips. An act of the legislature approved April 4, 1872, "to enable associations of persons to become a body corporate, to raise funds to be loaned only among their members, having for their object the assistance of persons of small means to se- cure homes at about the cost which they must pay per month for rent," was a great factor in the building of Danville. The first building association or- ganized was in 1873, with W. P. Cannon as president; William' Giddings as vice president; Asa Partlow, secretary; R. A. Short, treasurer, and F. W. Penwell, attorney, who with George Wheeler Jones, M. D., J. H. Miller, O. S. Stewart, W. J. Henry, George Dolon, J. R. Holloway and C. U. Morrison, constituted the board of directors. The capital stock was limited to $400,000, and the books were closed when 3,313 shares had been subscribed, at $100 each. This was The People's Building Association. The Mechanics' Building and Homestead Asso- ciation of Danville, perfected its organization, November 22, 1873, with W. W. R. Woodbury, president ; W. A. Brown, vice president ; J. H. Phillips, secretary ; E. H. Palmer, treasurer, and J. W. Jones, attorney. The 2,500 shares of author- ized capital stock was duly subscribed. The Danville Building and Savings Association was organized August 20, 1873, will Judge Terry, president; J. G. Holden, vice president; V. LeSeure, secretary; A. S. Hawes, treasurer; and J. P. Norvell, attorney. The capital stock was $250,000. The officers later became : J. G. Holden, president ; Dudley Watrous, vice president ; B. E. Bandy, secretary ; A. S. W. Hawes, treasurer ; J. P. Norvell, attorney, who with the following composed the board of directors : V. LeSeure, C. L. English, C. K. Miers, C. J. Palmer, J. B. Mann, E. E. Boudin- ott and John W. Dale. The Danville Benefit and Building Association was chartered June 12, 1874, a few days before the act repealing the act authorizing such associations took effect. An organization was effected February 28, 1877, with J. G. Holden, presi- dent; S. H. Stewart, secretary, and T. S. Parks, treasurer, and twelve directors. The authorized capital was $1,000,000, in shares of $100 each. A second series of shares was opened in March, 1879. The assets of this association at its last annual statement, March, 1910, were $1,535,534.50. The assets of this asso- ciation at its last annual statement, January, 1910, were $487,153.45. In De- cember, 1888, The Germania Building Association was organized, on the serial plan. Authorized capital, $10,000,000. Its first officers were: president, G. L. Klugel ; vice president, Gottlieb Maier ; secretary, Carl Winter ; treasurer, A. Es- 307 308 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY slinger; attorney, W. P. Lawrence. The assets of this association were at its annual statement, January, 1910, $631,255.96. The Building and Loan Associations located in Danville, from the date of the organization in 1873, have been phenomenally successful, and of incal- culable value to the people. And not only by enabling thousands of families to procure their own homes, but also by instilling and fostering in the minds of the people the importance of saving money. By the last report of the Auditor of Public Accounts of the state of Illinois, for the year 1909, the assets of the Building and Loan Associations in the entire state, amounted to $58,444,972.52, and of that sum, $6,337,553.12, or nearly eleven per cent are held by the asso- ciations located in Danville. The three building associations organized in 1873 issued all their shares as of the same date, and when those shares reached the matured value, $100, the association necessarily went out of business, which they did in about eight and one-half years, from the date of organization. At the session of 1878-79, the Illinois legislature reenacted the building asso- ciation law: said act being in force from and after July, i, 1879, and has been amended by acts of sundry dates thereafter. In December, 1879, The Equitable Building and Loan Association was organized on the serial plan, and with an authorized capital of $5,000,000. Its officers were William P. Cannon, president ; Dr. George Wheeler Jones, vice president; Asa Partlow, secretary; John W. Giddings, treasurer; F. W. Penwell, attorney: Its assets at its last semi-annual statement, August, 1910, were $913,516.16. November 18, 1880, The Danville Building Association was organized on the serial plan and with an authorized capital of $10,000,000. Its officers were George W. Hooton, president ; William A. Brown, vice president ; James H. Phil- lips, secretary; Ezra A. Leonard, treasurer; and James W. Jones, attorney. Its assets at its last semi-annual statement, July, 1910, were $1,870,792.26. Contempory with the Danville Building Association, The Vermilion County Association was organized on the serial plan, organized capital, $5,000,000. Its officers were J. G. Holden, president ; Dudley Watrous, vice president ; C. L. English, treasurer; B. E. Bandy, secretary; J. B. Mann, attorney. The assets of the association at its last annual statement in January, 1910, were $879,563.54. March 21, 1882, The Home Building Association was organized on the serial plan. Authorized capital, $5,000,000. Its officers were Achilles Martin, presi- dent ; W. D. Lindsey, vice president ; James H. Phillips, secretary ; F. W. Pen- well, treasurer; W. A. Young, attorney. The monthly payments on each share in this association was $1,000. This association was very popular from the date of its organization, and in eight years its assets were about one-third of a million dollars. In November, 1903. The Danville and Home Building Asso- ciation, being practically under the same management, and then on the same plan, it was voted by the directors of each to merge the two associations and wind up the Home. The Home is yet in existence, but its assets, at its last statement, had been reduced to $19,717.25. In November, 1884, The Fidelity Investment and Building Association was organized on the same plan, with authorized capital, $10,000,000. Its first offi- cers were : president, C. H. Giddings, vice president, Louis Platt ; treasurer, C. U. Feldkamp; secretary, W. F. E. Gurley; attorney, W. J. Calhoun. CHAPTER XXIX. THE PROFESSION OF MEDICINE IN VERMILION COUNTY. The profession of medicine in the early days in Vermilion County was not of much importance. The healing art was relegated to the Indian doctor and the mid- wife. The first physicians recorded as having practice in this region came from as far away as Palestine. Absalom Starr hurt his heel and it did not get bet- ter, so he and his family went back to Palestine and there seemed nothing that could be done to save the foot. Coming back to Vermilion County an Indian doc- tor cured it, however. The first physicians who made their home in the county were Dr. Isaac Smith, Dr. Heyward, Dr. Asa Palmer, Dr. Holmes and Dr. Wood. Dr. Isaac Smith built the first house or rather occupied the first building in Georgetown as an office in which to keep his little stock of "calomel and jalep, salts and senna, lancet and forceps." This latter found frequent use since the profession of dentistry had not as yet been established. Dr. Smith was a man of good education and excellent characteristics. He was a successful practitioner and found much to do in the treatment of fevers, and other ills incident to a pioneer residence in Vermilion County. His residence was but short, when he moved to Macinaw. , Dr. Asa Palmer located in Danville in about 1825, and became the first permanent physician in Vermilion County. His practice extended in every di- rection for many miles. He was an eastern man coming to Vermilion County from the state of New York. In connection with his son he established the first drug store in Danville. Dr. Heyward located in Georgetown in 1829. He continued his practice here for ten years, after which he moved to his farm in Carroll township where he resided until 1871, when he moved to Indianola. In 1831, Dr. Heyward married Sarah Barnett, daughter of George Barnett, and sister of the well known Rob- ert Barnett. Dr. Heyward, although a politician as well as a physician, did not let any thing interfere with his professional work. At the time of his coming into the county there were three other physicians here; they were Dr. Palmer, Dr. Holmes and Dr. Blood. Dr. David Knight was another of these early physicians; so also was Dr. W. P. Davis. The latter was a practitioner living in Georgetown. 309 310 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY Dr. William Fithian came to Vermilion County and located in Danville. He was one of the most distinguished physicians ever living in the county. Dr. Fithian continued in active practice during almost sixty years after coming to Danville. During that time he saw many changes made in both pro- fessional and social life. During these years he was, probably as widely known as any man in Illinois. He was a typical pioneer physician, he would often be in the saddle for weeks at a time, excepting for a very few hours of sleep he might snatch at night. He made his trips on horseback, keeping from six to ten head of horses all in constant work. His practice extended as far west as Bloomington, in McLean County ; south to and into Edgar County ; north into Iroquois and Kankakee Counties, and at times even to Chicago, and east far into the state of Indiana. When he went on these long rides he always had a pack- age of tea with him and when he could not get the hot water to make a cup of the beverage, he would chew the tea grounds. Dr. Fithian was a politician, as well as a physician, and as such he was very well known. He was in the state legislature at the time the great appropriations were voted for internal improve- ments, and he did his best to keep the legislation from proceeding, seeing but one result from such wild propositions for spending the people's money. When Dr. Fithian found he had not enough influence to stop legislation, he proceeded to make the most of his knowledge of the matter and had the appropriation made for the North Cross Railroad, expended on abutments and grading in Ver- milion County. With the many physicians in Vermilion County during all the years since the coming of Dr. Asa Palmer, there are a few who have distinguished them- selves. Dr. Fithian is one of these. Another was Dr. George Wheeler Jones who came to Danville just after the close of the Civil war. Dr. Jones had served three years as assistant surgeon of the 63rd Regiment, Indiana Volunteers. He went into the army after a very short practice in Terre Haute, Indiana. Dr. Jones went to Wabash college and took his training in study of medicine in Lind University later Chicago medical college of Northwestern University, from which he was graduated in 1861. While in Chicago he took special training under Dr. Byford. For two years he was one of the surgeons in charge of the field hospitals of the third division of the 23d army corps. He served with Sher- man in the Atlanta campaign, and also in the operations against Hood's army in Tennessee. He carried the scars of the wound received as the result of the explosion of a shell, as long as he lived. Dr. Jones had a splendid record as physician and surgeon, both in the army and afterward in general practice. When he graduated from the medical college he took the honors of his class, and his was the prize thesis. The theme of this was the subject so little understood at that time, that of milk sickness. Dr. Jones was very active in his profession, being abreast or in some instances, ahead of his time. His practice was not lim- ited to his immediate home town, and his reputation as a practitioner was by no means altogether local. Dr. Jones was a member of many medical societies, among them being the Vermilion County Medical Society. The Illinois Central Medical Society, The Chicago Medical Society, The Illinois State Medical So- ciety, the Mississippi Valley Medical Society, and the American Medical Society. He was very active in all these organizations and a tireless worker in every line HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 311 of professional work. He was a delegate to the International Medical Congress at Washington, D. C, in 1888. Dr. Jones was an earnest student and a ready worker. He was one of those rare physicians who seemed to have the healing touch. It has been said that, although having died years ago, yet is remembered and more often men- tioned and quoted than any other physician in Vermilion County. Dr. Jones gave his strength and efforts to the practice of his profession among his friends and -.yhen his health failed, and he was obliged to go to the Bermuda Islands to re- cuperate, he died, January, 1895. The advance in the profession of medicine has been rapid and far reach- ing during the last few years. One in particular of the resident physicians has made a good record in his special work so that he is said to be one of the six physicians of the state outside of Chicago who have won distinction in his particular line. Dr. W. A. Cochrane takes the line of bacteriological findings. He has been working in this line of investigation for four or more years, and being a true scientist, feels that he has but just begun to study. Dr. Cochrane has been treat- ing tuberculosis with tuberculin for several years using- the opsonic index. He carries on a line of original investigation with painstaking care and promises to reach greater distinction. Dr. Cochrane makes all diagnosis of infectious diseases according to the Wassermann reaction. While there are other physicians who use the microscope, and may become experts yet it is safe to predict that Dr. Cochrane will distinguish himself and reflect credit on Vermilion County even to a greater extent in the future in the line which he is following. Some of the physicians coming to Vermilion County before 1840 were Dr. Davis, Dr. Holmes, and Dr. A. M. C. Hawes. After this date there were Dr. J. R. Holloway, Dr. Samuel H. Vredenburg, and Dr. W. D. Craig. The first of these three settled in Salem, the second settled in Newtown and lived there for many years, a country practitioner, who learned the ills to which this region was subjected and by constant practice was enabled to find the best way of effecting cures. Dr. Craig, Dr. A. H. Kimbrough and Dr. Qoyd all were located in Georgetown. Dr. Wilkins was another practitioner of New- town. Dr. Porter, Dr. Ralston, Dr. J. H. Farris, Dr. Smith and Dr. Griffin were here in about that time. Another of the early physicians who locate in Newton was Dr. O'Ferrell. One of the men living in Danville who as a boy had his home not far from Newtown, tells with a kind recollection of how Dr. O'Ferrell is inseparately connected with the old gray horse he rode when go- ing on his professional work. To this man Dr. O'Ferrell seemed to spend his entire time on that one horse. The tribute paid to this oldtime physician and his personal care of the sick is well worth the discomforts of that early day riding around the country to heal the sick. A little later Ridge Farm added to the list of physicians in Vermilion County the names of Dr. McCaffey, Dr. A. A. Sulcer, Dr. G. R. Steele, and Dr. W. R. Nash. Dr. S. W. Jones was a popular physician in Catlin before he moved to Dan- ville where he is yet living. The two Drs. Humphrey were located in Danville 31 :J HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY at an early date and were quite well liked practitioners. Dr. Balsch (Georgetown), Dr. John R. Livingood (Rossville), and Dr. J. M. Baum (Indianola), were all prominent in the profession while they were at work. Dr. R. Vandoren, Dr. John E. Butz (Potomac), Dr. S. T. Smith (Oakwood), Drs. J. L. Hull, Wm. Porter (Higginsville). The Vermilion County Medical Society has been in existence for years but interest was lagging or perhaps was at a very low ebb as indications would show when in 1897 the society took on a new lease of life. It was at this meet- ing that the following physicians were present and a new society or rather the old one was given new life : Drs. Brown, Fairhall, T. E. Walton, S. C. Clidden. R. Gillett, P. H. Barton, W. H. Paul, M. L. Horn, M. A. Cochran, J. W. Moore. E. E. Clar and J. M. Wright. The date of this meeting was November 12. 1897. This society has prospered and now counts about one hundred members. In the spring of 1903, the Vermilion County Medical Society became af- filiated with the Illinois State Medical Society, and the members of the Ver- milion County were also members of the State Medical Society. That implies a stack that can work in both direction for the best interests of all concerned the members of one of the societies ought to be the member of both to do the most with either. The members of the Vermilion County Medical Society are in large majority residents of Danville. The Danville Medical society is another society more in the nature of a club. This is the outgrowth of the desire on the part of a limited number of physicians to do post graduate work. The membership is so far limited to twenty and comprise those who are anxious to advance in the profession. This society holds semi-monthly meetings, one of which is of a social nature. They have rooms nicely fitted up in the Temple building and have constantly on file all of the best medical journals published in any language. A librarian is in constant attendance and everything done to aid and encourage each in the ad- vancing methods and means of the medical profession. The Aesculapian Society of the Mississippi Valley has as members one or two of the Danville physicians. Dr. E. B. Coolley was president of the society in 1910. Dr. Coolley is one of Danville's physicians. THE DRUG TRADE. In the early days of Vermilion County drugs and medicines were a part of the stock in trade of the practicing physician. There was no need of a store where one would go to buy his own drugs. The fields and woods furnished simple helps to health and the doctor did the rest. A little later the demand for quinine, calomel, and other necessities of life in the Wabash valley, was met by the sale of these independently first in the general store and later from a stock of their own. Since the general store sold drugs, just as the department stores now sell them, long before drug stores were known, it is difficult to establish a date when the trade beg'an. and the history of the drug trade in Vermilion county must of necessity become a history of the trade in Danville. The pioneer drug store in Danville was the well known Woodbury store which has been in business HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 313 continuously for nearly fifty-one years. Last winter this store celebrated the fiftieth year of its existence. When W. W. R. Woodbury returned to Danville after having finished his studies in Rush Medical College, in 1850, he became a druggist. His partner was James A. D. Sconce. Mr. Sconce had been in the drug trade for six years, and the young physician, who wanted to try a partnership with him, paid $563,6. The firm had to pay the enormous sum of $75 per year for rent. Danville's pop- ulation at this time was 736. All merchandise came by way of the Wabash river to Perrysville or Covington, Indiana, thence was hauled across country. There were no traveling men at that time, and all the drugs must needs be bought by the proprietor going to the eastern cities once or twice per year. The amount of sales of this firm can be estimated by the bill yet in existence from one firm of a purchase at one semi-annual trip of $2,000. Their customers came from fifty miles in every direction. The firm of Sconce and Woodbury did business for three years and then Mr. Sconce sold his interest to Stephen Mires and John W. Mires. The firm name became Woodbury & Co., and this arrangement continued for four years. Meanwhile the population of Danville increased. In 1857, another change in the firm name put the business under the entire charge of Mr. Woodbury, and from that time until 1885 the store was the W. W. R. Woodbury store. In 1860 the population of Danville was 1,632 which ten years before this time was but 736. In 1885 the firm name changed once more, becoming A. G. Woodbury. In 1903 the Woodbury Drug Co. was formed and the business has been done under this name ever since. Just after the war the Jones Bros.' drug store was opened at the corner of Main and Hazel streets. This building was put up for the purpose of housing the store and it yet remains standing, having been used for a drug store for forty years. This firm comprised Dr. George Wheeler Jones and his brother, James S. Jones or "Jim," as he was familiarly called. Dr. Jones practiced in Danville and the country surrounding, and his brother who was a fine business man, con- ducted the drug store. This firm was continued until the death of the younger brother. The stock and building were sold to Waterman and Irwin, who continued the business. In 1874 there were four drug stores in Danville. They were Woodbury's Jones Bros.', E. E. Boudinot, and E. C. Winslow. Baum's made the fifth. The Baum drug store came to Danville in that year. The next year Irwin and Waterman sold out, and in a year and a half, Franz came. The Franz drug store was on Vermilion street above North street. He sold out to Taylor & Bro. & Genung. It was at this time that Kesper on Washington ave., moved to Georgetown. Dixon succeeded Hakey on East Main street. Stickrod clerked for Nungesser on Vermilion street. Lindsey had a store on Logan ave. and sold out to Gus Hall. Gus Hall, on north Vermilion street, sold to Mr. Thomas. Kesper started a store out by the Junction and sold out to Mr. Ed- wards. Winslow sold his stock to Stebe and he sold to Johnson. Morrow bought out Nungesser and Carter and shipped the stock out of town. Irwin sold his store to John Boudinot, who kept it for a time and in turn sold it to Johnson, and Irwin bought it back, and later sold it to Overman. Franz sold his store, on Vermilion street, to a man from Milford, who in turn sold to the Owen-Raney firm. J. W. Plaster, of the firm of Plaster Drug Co., started his store, and 314 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY has been running it continuously since. The Baum drug store started in Marsh- field, Indiana, being a branch store from Covington, Indiana. In 1874, a branch store was started at Gibson City and moved to Danville. This drug store was housed in the room on Vermilion street, owned by D. Gregg, for four years and two months, at the end of which time it was moved into the Daniels building, where it remained twelve years. In 1818, Mr. Baum put up the building where he is at present. This is one of the best buildings in eastern Illinois. It is abso- lutely fire proof, being built entirely of steel and stone. HOSPITALS. LAKEVIEW. In December, 1892, Herman Schuckai, Chas. A. Crane, Horace Reed, M. S. Brown, C. H. Little, John A. Griffin, Hiram Woods, C. L. Hawley, Thos. L. Spellman applied for and received a charter for the formation of the Protestant Hospital Association, afterwards changed to Lake View Hospital Association. They rented a building on East Fairchild street where they cared for patients until the present building was completed and formally dedicated March 12, 1896. The present building has a capacity of 40 beds with a modern operating room and a complete sterilizing plant. They treat 300 to 400 patients a year and number some of the best physicians and surgeons of the city on their staff. The hospital maintains a training school for nurses containing a three-year course of instruc- tion in nursing and the care of patients. The school has 46 graduates who do private nursing and 10 young ladies in training at present. ST. ELIZABETH. The St. Elizabeth hospital was established in Danville in 1882, August i. It was housed in a frame building but soon outgrew that. In 1888, it was put into the new building where more conveniences could be had. This was the only hospital in Vermilion County for many years and the good done by the faithful sisters can never be estimated. In 1900, the west wing was added and the effi- ciency of the hospital was increased. But yet there was not enough room for all the calls made up on the care demanded. In 1904 another addition was made and since that time the hospital has been complete. The building is large airy, and well furnished. It is well lighted, all the rooms being pleasant and so arranged as to make them perfectly sanitary. Every care is taken and there is no better equipped hospital in the country than the St. Elizabeth at Danville. The capacity of this hospital at this time is one hundred and twenty-five patients. The loca- tion on the corner of Green and Elizabeth streets is one of advantage. It is away from the noise and confusion of the down town stores and yet is not far away from travelled streets. The trolley runs within a block of the door and the situa- tion is quite favorable. The St. Elizabeth hospital is an institution of which Dan- ville may well be proud and for which the whole county needs be very thankful. CHAPTER XXX. THE BENCH AND BAR THE FEDERAL COURT. THE BENCH AND BAR. When Illinois was admitted to the Union as a state, the territory which now comprises Vermilion County, was practically uninhabited, with the possible ex- ception of a few hunters and trappers who had no permanent places of abode. Crawford County at that time extended from its present southern boundary as far north as the Wisconsin line, including in its jurisdiction the entire eastern section of the state. The county seat was located at Palestine, a small town on the Wabash river at the foot of LaMotte creek. Whenever the inhabitants in any locality became sufficiently numerous, the old county was divided, and a new one struck off. So it was, that in the latter part of 1818 Clark County was created from the northern and more unsettled portion of Crawford. Aurora, the county seat, was a little village on the Wabash river. In 1823 Clark County in turn was divided, and all north of its present northern limits was termed Edgar County, with the county seat at Paris. By 1826 there were a number of settlers along the Vermilion river. A new county was therefore organized and called Vermilion. At that time Vermilion County extended over the territory now included in the counties of Champaign, Iroquois and Ford; also a large portion of Livingston, Grundy and Will. But as the population increased, these counties were cut off until in 1859 Vermilion had assumed the proportions which it still maintains. The act of the General Assembly which established Vermilion County, also provided for the appointment of three commissioners whose duty it was to determine upon a suitable location for a county seat. It was further provided that the owners of such land as might be selected by the commission, should donate at least twenty acres to the county. The county was empowered to have a sale of such land, the proceeds to be employed in the erection of the necessary county buildings. The commissioners selected a place about six miles west of Danville along the Salt Fork river. The lessee of the land, however, refused to surrender the requisite twenty acres. A new commission was con- sequently appointed by the governor, and on January 31, 1827, recommended that the county seat be located on the east of the North Fork and north of the Vermilion rivers upon lands donated by Dan W. Beckwith and Guy W. Smith. The recommendation met with approval, and the county seat was located at its present site, and the town given the name "Danville." 315 316 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY The population of most of the counties was very small, and the amount of legal business correspondingly small. It was therefore provided under the con- stitution of 1818 to have one circuit judge for each circuit, which was composed of several counties. All the judges were selected by a joint ballot of both branches of the General Assembly and held office during good behavior. The first court held in this county was by Judge James A. Wattles, March 6, 1826, at the house of James D. Butler, located on what is now the main street of Catlin. In 1827 Judge William Wilson held court at the houses of Asa Elliott, in Butler's Point, and Amos Williams, which was located within the limits of Danville, the new county seat. The first court house, which was completed in 1829, was a small, incommodious structure, situated on the south- west corner of the square. The rapidly increasing legal business soon rendered it entirely inadequate. Plans were made for a larger and better building, but it was not until 1833, however, that a new brick court house was constructed on the northeast corner' of the square. The new building was two stories in height and about fifty feet square. The lower floor was used for the court room, the second floor for the jury rooms, and a few of the county offices. There was no provision in the constitution of 1818 for a county judge. The probate work of the county was transacted before a probate justice of the peace. Amos Williams, who held many offices of public trust, served in that capacity from 1826 until 1837. He was succeeded by Norman D. Palmer, who held the office until the adoption of the constitution of 1848, which placed the jurisdiction of probate matters in a county judge. Since the legal business arising in any county at this time was so small, it was the custom for attorneys to itinerate the circuit attending the holdings of court at the various .county seats. Many men of ability and prominence ap- peared regularly at the sessions of court held in Vermilion County. One of the most successful and popular of the non-resident attorneys was Abraham Lincoln, who, although living in Springfield, did an extensive business in this county. Judge Treat, who later served as a federal judge, held court in Ver- milion County during the 'forties. The names of E. D. Baker who later served a term as governor of Oregon, Judge David Davis, of the United States Su- preme Court and United States Senate, Usher F. Linder, Leonard P. Sweat and D. W. Voorhees, stand out preeminent as the leading practitioners of their day. The construction of numerous railroads and the development of the water route around the Great Lakes, making the markets of the more settled east accessible to the western producers, tended to draw home-seekers to the fertile fields of Illinois. Therefore, by 1848, the legislators deemed it necessary to adopt a new constitution to meet the changed conditions due to the great in- crease in population and the increased commercial activity. The new constitu- tion provided for a supreme court, composed of three judges elected by the people for a term of nine years at a salary of twelve hundred dollars a year. The General Assembly was to divide the state into nine judicial circuits, each of which would include several counties, and would be presided over by a circuit judge elected by the people, and who was to serve for a term of six years, at a salary of one thousand dollars a year. Provision was made for a HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 317 state's attorney in each circuit whose term of office was to be for four years. Jurisdiction over all probate matters was given to a county judge to be elected by the people of each county for four years. The first circuit judge elected for the fourth circuit, which included the counties of Coles, Douglas, Champaign, Piatt, Moultrie, Macon and Vermilion, was the Honorable David Davis, who occupied the bench from 1849 until 1861. He was succeeded by the Honorable Oliver L. Davis, who held the office until June, 1866, when he resigned to resume active practice, Judge James Steele being appointed by the governor to finish out the unexpired term. Joseph G. Cannon was twice elected to the office of state's attorney, hold- ing that position from 1860 until 1868. Mr. Cannon was a resident of Tuscola, where he practiced law until 1872, when he was elected to congress. In 1876 he removed to Danville, and since that time has represented his district almost continuously. When the Civil war broke out in 1861, three of the then practicing attorneys responded to the call for volunteers Col. Oscar F. Harmon, Capt. William W. Fellows and Lieut. Raymond W. Hanford. The two first named of these brave soldiers met their death after three years of honorable service at the battle of Kenesaw Mountain June 27, 1864. Lieut. Hanford was captured at Trenton, Tennessee, and paroled. During the war Danville was the scene of several outbreaks, in which two or three lives were lost. Criminal proceedings were instituted, however, in but one case that of the killing of Mr. Lamm and the crimes went unpun- ished except for private retribution. Immediately after the war, Danville took on a more rapid growth. The Chicago, Danville & Vincennes, and what is now the Peoria division of the Big Four railroads, were all built at about this time. The output of the coal fields around the city was consequently greatly increased, since a ready market was obtainable for all the coal produced. The rising importance of Danville as a business and commercial center attracted, among other business and pro- fessional men, a number of young lawyers who were looking for a suitable location. Some of these men have had long and honorable careers in their chosen profession and their names are familiar to all of us. One of the first and most active was J. B. Mann, who was admitted to practice in 1867, and formed a partnership with Judge O. L. Davis. Mr. Mann was the first city attorney of Danville, elected in 1867. After Judge O. L. Davis returned to the bench in 1873, Mr. Mann entered into partnership with the Honorable W. J. Calhoun and D. C. Frazier, which firm was one of the strongest in this section of the country. In 1892 he removed to Chicago, where he remained until 1902, when he returned to this city and resumed his practice. Mr. Mann is one of the most honored and respected members of the bar, and at present holds the position of corporation counsel of the city of Danville. The Honorable W. J. Calhoun commenced the practice of law in 1875 with J. B. Mann, and was eminently successful. He left this city in 1899 f r Chi- cago, which offered a better field for a man of his ability. He continued as a successful practitioner until 1910, when President Taft selected him as United States minister to China. 818 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY The Honorable Ferdinand Bookwalter located at Danville in 1872, and after twenty years as a successful practitioner, was elected to the circuit bench, where he served from 1891 until his death in 1902. Another attorney who spent many years in active practice was Judge D. D. Evans, who came here in 1865. He was elected county judge for two succes- sive terms from 1882 until 1890. He continued in the practice until his death in 1910. Among other prominent attorneys who located in Danville at this period (but who, because of the brevity of this article, can no more than be men- tioned), were Hiram Blackburn, who served a term as state's attorney and as a member of the General Assembly; Peter Walsh, who also served a term as state's attorney; the Honorable W. R. Lawrence, who until recently was a federal judge in Oklahoma; the Honorable Joseph W. Jones, at one time state's attorney and now serving as circuit judge at Sioux Falls, South Dakota; C. M. Swallow; Frank Penwell; Capt. E. Winter; George G. Mabin; G. W. Salmans; and G. F. Ooburn, all of whom have enjoyed an enviable reputation for honesty and integrity. The court house of Vermilion County has been the scene of many hard fought legal battles, some of which have aroused intense public interest, filling the court room with excited listeners from the beginning of a case to its close, while some have dealt with the most profound and difficult principles of the law. The longest drawn out, and one of the most interesting litigations arising in this county, was a suit involving the right of an eleemosynary corporation to rent for profit the corporate property, after the corporation had ceased to do business under its charter. In 1850 the Danville Seminary was incorporated under the act of 1849 for the purpose of establishing and conducting institutions of learning. The organization was effected and carried on by members of the Methodist church. The school (which was called the Red Seminary) was located on two acres of ground at the northwest corner of Main and Pine streets. The Presbyterians immediately got together and erected the White Seminary at the northeast corner of Vermilion and Seminary streets. Both schools were highly efficient and a credit to their supporters. Nevertheless, the most bitter rivalry developed between the adherents of the two schools. Fre- quent quarrels and harsh words were indulged in between the two factions. The climax was reached when G. W. Cassidy of the Methodists, wrote an article attacking Dr. Fithian of the Presbyterians. Dr. Fithian brought a suit for libel and recovered a judgment which he collected. For a number of years thereafter Mr. Cassidy listed for taxation, among his other properties, "the character of Dr. Fithian, valued at $400," which Mr. Cassidy claimed he had bought and paid for. After the introduction of the present public school system, there was no further need for the seminaries and they were abandoned. The red seminary was leased to the school trustees and used as a grade school. Thereupon, in 1876, Mrs. Melissa Lemon who was the grantor of the property to the corpora- tion, brought a bill in equity by her attorneys, R. D. McDonald and Mann & Calhoun, praying to have the property reconveyed to her and a judgment of HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 319 ouster against the corporation, which had ceased to do business under its char- ter. D. D. Evans, representing the defendant, demurred to the bill. The court sustained the demurrer. The upper court reversed the decision, and sent the case back for trial. In the meantime, the Danville Seminary was again used as a school, as provided in its charter. The case was dropped for a while, but when the corporation again endeavored to use the premises for other than educational purposes, the suit was reinstated. R. D. McDonald again repre- sented the plaintiff, assisted by W. R. Lawrence. D. D. Evans represented the defendant, assisted by Mann & Calhoun. The court found for the plaintiff and the decree was upheld by the upper court in 1892, the case having been on the docket for seventeen years. In 1876, the case of Mary Jane Mann vs. David S. Blackburn was brought to this county, by a change of venue, from Edgar County. The action was one for a breach of promise for marriage and aroused the greatest interest in this and in Edgar County. The parties to the suit were members of two of the most prominent families in Edgar County, the defendant being considered a very wealthy man. The plaintiff was represented by D. W. Voorhees, the Honorable R. N. Bishop of Paris, and J. B. Mann. The counsel for defendant were Major Jonathan Gordon of Indianapolis, the Honorable William Mack of Terre Haute, the Honorable Henry S. Van Sellar of Paris, and Peter Walsh of Danville. There was a verdict and Judgment for $15,000 for the plaintiff which was then a record in such a case. It was in this case that Major Gordon created a great sensation by what is known among lawyers as "dropping the pigeon" on Mr. Voorhees, refusing to reply to the opening argument of the plaintiff which was made by J. B. Mann. The defense feared the terrible effect of the well known eloquence of Mr. Voorhees. The latter has many times told his friends that it was his belief that had he been allowed to address the jury, his argument would have been the best of his life. After taking a long course through the courts, the plaintiff collected her judgment in full. One of the most important cases which ever came before Judge Bookwalter was the case of James P. Fletcher vs. Walter C. Tuttle, county clerk, reported in 151 111. 41. In that case Mr. Fletcher, a republican, was a candidate for the legislature, and he filed a bill in the circuit court for injunction claiming that the act of 1893, apportioning the state into senatorial districts was unconsti- tutional, and asking that Mr. Tuttle, as county clerk of Vermilion county, be restrained from issuing or causing to be posted notices of election according to that act, and asking that the old district be recognized instead of the one es- tablished under the new act. It attracted more than local attention because of the fact that it affected every district in the state and was, in its nature, a political issue between the republican and democratic parties, and the prominent politicians of the state took an active interest in the matter and some of the ablest attorneys in the state were engaged in the case. Those representing Mr. Fletcher were George Hunt, formerly attorney general of the state, Wil- liam J. Calhoun and Mr. E. S. Smith. Those representing the defense were Morris T. Maloney, then attorney general of the state, T. J. Scofield, M. L. Newell, James M. Graham and S. G. Wilson, then state's attorney of Vermilion county. The argument in the case took a large range and covered the under- 320 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY lying constitutional questions. The prominent newspapers of the state took great interest in the case and had their reporters here to take all of the speeches and the opinion of the court in shorthand and a full report of the proceedings was telegraphed daily to the leading Chicago newspapers as well as other large newspapers in the state. Judge Bookwalter finally decided that, since the suit was brought in a court of chancery, complainant was not entitled to any relief because a court of chancery had no jurisdiction over a political question, and this holding of Judge Bookwalter was afterwards sustained by the supreme court. The People of the State of Illinois vs. Davis was a case brought from Cook County to Vermilion on a change of venue. W. J. Davis was indicted for man- slaughter for the alleged killing of Vivian Jackson in the Iroquois Theater at Chicago, December 30, 1903. J. J. Haley, W. Barber, J. W. Keeslar, W. T. Gunn and George T. Buckingham represented the People, and Levy Mayer, Alfred Austrian and W. J. Calhoun, of Chicago, and J. B. Mann, of Danville, and Isaac Craig, of Mattoon, defended. The Honorable E. R. E. Kimbrough was the presiding judge. Over two hundred witnesses had been brought from Chi- cago to testify for the People. After the jury has been sworn, and while the first witness was testifying, the court ruled that the State should introduce the fire ordinance of the city of Chicago upon the violation of which manslaughter was charged. The ordinance was objected to as void on the grounds that, first, it did not enclose the territory suposed to be included; second, the ordi- nance was uncertain; third, the ordinance was discriminative (a) by its terms placing heavier burdens on theaters than on other buildings, (b) by applying unequally to theaters, (c) including only part of the theaters in the city, (d) by having arbitrary boundaries. If it was void, the State had no case; if valid they had a case to go before the jury. On the opening objection, Levy Meyer talked three days. Mr. Keeslar and Mr. Buckingham replied in one day. Mr. Mayer, Mr. Mann and Mr. Calhoun rejoined in another day. The court held the ordi- nance void, and directed the jury the acquit the defendant. The universal opinion was that while the fire was a most terrible thing, that as a legal proposition the defendant was guilty of no crime. The Danville Water Company vs. the City of Danville. On January 17, 1895, the city council of the city of Danville, conceiving that the rates which were charged by the Water Company for hydrant rentals, and also the rates to private consumers, were too high, passed two ordinances which effected a reduction of the rate which were fixed in the original ordinances passed by the city council in 1882, and certain amendatory ordinances passed from time to time, by the terms -of which additional fire hydrants were located and rented. In 1895 the number of hydrants rented by the city was one hundred and fifty-eight. By the terms of the old ordinances, the rentals varied from $75 per annum for the first one hundred to $62.50 for the next forty, and $50 per annum for the excess. By the new ordinances the price of the first one hundred and forty was fixed at $50 per annum, and for the others above that number, at $40. This being considered by the Water Company as an in- vasion of the terms of its contract, began suit in the circuit court by their at- MORTOX W. THOMPSON FRANK LINDLEY HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 321 torneys, W. R. Lawrence and J. B. Mann, for the water rental at the old rents, for the first quarter ensuing after the passage of the ordinance. To this contention and position of the Water Company, the city, by George F. Rearick, its attorney, replied that by the new ordinance in question, the rates had been fixed at a less sum, and that the rates fixed in the first ordinances were not unalterable for the full term of the thirty years which was the length of the franchise, and that the city had the right, from time to time, so often as be- came necessary, to regulate the rates, both as to the public consumption and to private consumers, so long as the price was not reduced below what was just and reasonable compensation for the services rendered. The Honorable Ferdinand Bookwalter decided in favor of the Water Com- pany and held that the original ordinances constituted an irrevocable contract, and, therefore, the new ordinances were invalid, and gave judgment for the full amount claimed, on the basis of the old rates. The city appealed to the Supreme Court of the state. This court at the first hearing, decided by a divided court of four to three, in favor of the con- tention of the Water Company, but afterwards granted a rehearing, and the case was reargued by oral argument. After this rehearing, the court reversed its former position, and by a division of four judges against three, decided that the contention of the city was right, and that the original ordinances did not con- stitute a contract for the unalterable rate fixed for the term of thirty years in advance, but constituted only a rate which was prima facie valid until it was attacked and shown to be unreasonable. The case being reversed by the supreme court of this state, was sent back to the circuit court, with directions to sustain the city's contention. The cir- cuit court did this, and the water company then perfected an appeal to the supreme court of the state which confirmed its former opinion. Then the water company perfected an appeal to the supreme court of the United States, where the same question was again urged, viz. : that the new ordinances violated that section of the United States constitution which prohibits any ordinance impairing any obligation of a contract. Meanwhile similar controversies had arisen in the municipality of Rogers Park and in the city of Freeport, and the three cases involving the same gen- eral principles were heard and considered by the United States supreme court at the same time. The Water Company was represented by W. R. Lawrence, J. B. Mann, Alexander Humphreys and William Davies ; the city, by George F. Rearick and John Lewman. This court after full consideration decided by a divided court of five to four, that the city did have the right from time to time to regulate the rates, and that the old ordinances did not have the force of an unalterable contract. The de- cision of the United States supreme court was handed down March 25, 1901. The case was, therefore, in the courts for over six years. It settled a very important principle governing the relation between public service corporations and the public, viz. : That the business of such corporation being impressed with the public interests, the public have the right to fix the charges to be made by such corporation, but with this limitation, that the price 322 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY so fixed must always be just and reasonable both to the public and the con- sumer on the one hand, and the corporation furnishing the service, on the other. The court house erected in 1833 was destroyed by fire in 1872 and it was the belief of many that the fire was incendiary, as the old building had become an eyesore to some of the more progressive residents of the city. The present court house was completed in 1876. During its construction, court was held in the opera house at the corner of Vermilion and North streets. The new structure was a very imposing one for that time, but it has also served its day of use- fulness and is soon to give way to a larger and more handsome edifice. The Honorable O. L. Davis returned to the circuit bench in 1873, and served faithfully for twelve years, after which he practiced until his death in 1892. The Honorable Jacob W. Wilkin moved to this city from Marshall, in 1885. Judge Wilkin had served one term as a circuit judge in this circuit, and had just been reelected. In 1888 he aspired to the position of supreme justice of the state of Illinois and was elected. He filled that position honorably and well until his death in 1907. The unexpired term of Judge Wilkin on the circuit bench was filled by Judge Vail, of Decatur. In 1891, the Honorable Ferdinand Bookwalter was elected to the bench and served until 1902. At present the Vermilion County bar numbers over one hundred, including in its membership some of the ablest and best known attorneys in the state of Illinois. The Honorable E. R. E. Kimbrough is one of the most respected ; he located here in 1876 and practiced until called to the circuit bench in 1902, which office he still holds, having been reelected in 1909. The Honorable Morton W. Thompson commenced the practice of law in 1884. He was appointed county judge in 1897 and elected to that position the following year. Judge Thompson was elected circuit judge in 1903 and re- elected in 1909. One of the best and most eloquent lawyers of whom Vermilion County boasts is George T. Buckingham, who, though now removed to Chicago, is looked upon as a native son. George F. Rearick enjoys a most enviable reputation and is a man ot sterling worth. He ranks as one of the best lawyers that Vermilion County has produced. O. M. Jones is recognized as a man of exceptional ability, his demeanor and eloquence rendering him extremely effective before a jury. H. M. Steely came to Danville from Hoopeston in 1892 and enjoys a large and extensive practice. The Honorable Isaac A. Love, county judge from 1906 to 1909 is again en- gaged in active practice in this city. The Honorable Charles A. Allen, of Hoopeston, and Senator Martin B. Bailey, of Danville, have gained state wide prominence as members of the state legislature. Among the younger well known attorneys are the Honorable S. Murray Clark, one time county judge; Frank Lindley; James A. Meeks, master in chan- HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 323 eery ; A. A. Partlow, who served six years as master in chancery ; Ex-Senator Wm. A. Acton ; John Lewman, the present state's attorney ; the Honorable Lawrence T. Allen, county judge, and Honorable Clinton Abernathy, who, though not a member of the bar, has been elected to the newly created office of probate judge. THE FEDERAL COURT. A history of Vermilion County or of the city of Danville would not be complete, at this time, without at least a brief mention of the United States circuit and district courts for the eastern district of Illinois, of which district Vermilion County is a part. The history of the federal courts at Danville dates back to about the time of the erection of the present old "federal" building on the northwest corner of Vermilion and Harrison streets. Lawyers and men of business interests had long felt the need of, and advantage to be derived from the location of a federal court at Danville. Prior to the organization of the eastern district of Illinois, Vermilion County was a component part of the southern district of Illinois, with the seat of the courts at Springfield. While it was apparent that changes were necessary, it was not deemed advisable to establish a new division of the then southern district of Illinois, but on July 2, 1890, a bill was passed by the national congress providing that a session of United States circuit and district courts for the southern district of Illinois should be held at Danville, beginning on the first Monday of May of each year. Accordingly when the bill was introduced in congress, which was passed on March 3, 1891, appropriating money with which to erect a post office building at Danville, the necessary steps were taken to provide adequate quarters and accommodations for the federal courts which were then expected to be held. Provisions were made for a deputy clerk and a deputy United States marshal to be permanently located here. It was only expected that the other officers of the courts would be at Danville when the courts were in session as was provided, twice each year. And such, for many years, was the case. .By reason of the growth in population as well as the industrial growth of the state, and the increase of business in the federal courts as then established in Illinois, it eventually became evident that a reorganization of the districts of the state was necessary. So, after extensive consideration by the then fed- eral judges, the several congressmen and the senators from the state, a plan was agreed upon whereby the state was to be redistricted and three districts to be formed instead of two. On March 3d, 1905, a bill was passed by congress providing in part as fol- lows : "That there shall be, and hereby is, created, an additional judicial dis- trict in the state of Illinois to be known as the eastern district of Illinois, and the same shall consist of the following named counties in Illinois, to-wit : Kan- kakee, Iroquois, Ford, Vermilion, Champaign, Piatt, Moultrie, Douglas, Edgar, Shelby, Coles, Clark, Cumberland, Effingham, Fayette Marion, Clay, Jasper, Crawford, Lawrence, Richland, Clinton, Saint Clair, Washington, Jefferson, Wayne, Edwards, Wabash, White, Hamilton, Franklin, Perry, Randolph, Mon- roe, Gallatin, Saline, Williamson, Jackson, Hardin, Pope, Johnson, Union, Alexander, Pulaski and Massac." 324 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY "That the terms of the circuit and district courts in and for said eastern district of Illinois, shall be held at the city of Danville, commencing on the first Mondays of March and September of each year, and at the city of Cairo, commencing on the first Mondays of April and October of each year, and at the city of East Saint Louis, commencing on the first Mondays of May and November of each year." The following persons were appointed officers of the courts for the new district : Judge Francis M. Wright of Urbana, well known to the state as a profound lawyer, with a splendid record on the bench of the circuit and appel- late courts of Illinois, and a then justice of the national court of claims, at Washington, D. C, was appointed judge of the dictrict court of the United States for the eastern district of Illinois, by President Roosevelt, and became the presiding judge of the circuit and district courts of the United States for that district. Major Daniel Hogan, of Mound City, was appointed clerk of both the circuit and district courts; Hon. Charles P. Hitch, of Paris, was appointed United States marshal, and Hon. William E. Trautmann of East St. Louis, was appointed United States attorney. The seat of the court was immediately established at Danville, where all the records and files of both courts were to be kept, and which became the of- ficial home of all the officers. Scarcely were they well organized when it became evident that the rooms provided in the old building were inadequate for the business to be transacted by the officers of the courts and their assistants. From the beginning it was apparent that, from the point of business transacted therein, the eastern dis- trict of Illinois was destined to become one of the most important districts in the entire United States. The territory embraced within the eastern judicial district of Illinois is unique in its commercial and industrial importance. It is bounded on three sides by navigable waters, the Wabash, Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, all of which come within the admiralty jurisdiction of these courts. Within the dis- trict are to be found the most extensively developed coal fields, and the most productive oil fields in the United States, while at East St. Louis, within the district, are to be found the largest stock markets as well as the second largest railroad terminals in the world, while foundries and factories are numerous throughout the district. Wherever such natural advantages and industries as these are found, there is also found business for the courts, in settling dis- putes and determining the sundry litigations which arise. By reason of the diversity of citizenship between parties engaged in the commerce and in con- ducting these industries a great volume of this litigation finds its way into the federal courts of the district. By the report of the attorney general for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1909, it is found that in point of business transacted, barring bankruptcy, the United States courts of the eastern district of Illinois ranked fourth in the United States. The courts for New York, Chicago and Pittsburg, only, in the order named, surpass the United States courts at Danville, in the number of cases begun and disposed of during that year. HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 325 The absolute necessity of a new federal building of sufficient size to accommodate, and in keeping with the importance of these courts had for some time been well established. $275,000 was set apart in the appropriations by con- gress in May, 1908, with which to purchase a new site and erect the new build- ing. An exchange of properties was effected between the National govern- ment and the heirs of Michael Kelly, whereby the Government came into pos- session of the "Kelly homestead," the one time home of Judge Oliver L. Davis, that eminent jurist of which all citizens of Vermilion County are justly proud, the consideration being exchange of properties and $54,000 to the heirs of Michael Kelly. When the plans for the new building were drawn to come within the appro- priation remaining, they were found to be yet inadequate and insufficient. So an additional $100,000 was appropriated by Congress, in March. 1909, that the plans might be enlarged and made sufficiently comprehensive. In September, 1909, the new building was begun which, at this writing, is not yet complete. Sufficient progress has been made, however, to say that when completed it will be a structure to which the citizens of Danville and of Vermilion County may point with pride, and a fitting monument to the historic ground on which it stands. Could fate have wrought a more fitting deed, than to build a splendid temple of justice on the spot where that great jurist lived, and which he loved, and where law, and eminence, and justice in part, were born ? CHAPTER XXXI. SCHOOLS AND EDUCATION TOWNSHIP HOW A SCHOOL WAS ESTABLISHED ELISHA HOBBS VERMILION SEMINARY ONE OF THE FIRST SCHOOLS IN DANVILLE THE DANVILLE ACADEMY THE GEORGETOWN SEMINARY THE DANVILLE SEMINARY THE UNION SEMI- NARY SEMINARIES GIVE PLACE TO THE PUBLIC SCHOOL SCHOOLS IN OAK- WOOD TOWNSHIP SCHOOLS IN PILOT TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AT DENMARK THE LAMB SCHOOL THE CUNNINGHAM SCHOOL EARLY SCHOOLS IN DANVILLE AMOS WILLIAMS BUILDS A SCHOOL HOUSE JAMES DAVIS MRS. CROMWELL THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS IN VERMILION COUNTY PRIVATE SCHOOLS. The first school taught in Vermilion County is said to have been in Elwood township. It was in a log school house one mile west of Vermilion station. Reu- ben Black, a lad of eighteen, came from Ohio and in the winter of 1824-25, se- cured enough subscription pupils to make it worth his while to open a school. He taught one winter. John Mills sent four children three sons and one daughter. Joseph Jackson, an Englishman, sent two children; Ezekial Hollingsworth sent four children ; Henry Canaday sent one ; John Haworth sent three ; making four- teen in all. The branches taught were reading, spelling, writing and some of the older pupils were taught arithmetic. So it was that these fourteen children, Ira, Millican, John and Rebecca Mills, Nathan and Mary Jackson, Jeremiah, Miles, Mahunday and John Hollingsworth, William Canaday and Thomas, David and Elvin Haworth were the first children to go to school in Vermilion County. This was two years and more before any one lived in Danville. In 1827 two miles northeast of Vermilion station there was another school taught. This time the teacher was a preacher from East Tennessee, of the Methodist faith, Mr. Elijah Yager by name. He took a step beyond the Ohio teacher and introduced com- mon arithmetic and declamation. He was a talented man for the times but his employers must not have appreciated him or he found other ways of getting a living more congenial, for the next school in this neighborhood was taught by Henry Fletcher, the following summer. In the Butler's Point neighborhood the schools were not so prosperous. The first school taught was by Hiram Tinckor. It was south of the well known Thomas Keeney home. Mr. Tinckor was a good teacher and kept his pupils 326 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 327 busy with their "Readin,' 'Ritin' and 'Rithmetic." He had fifteen pupils and those among them who lived at the Salt Works had to walk three miles to this school, and it was the only school for them to attend. A school house was built in 1827 in Georgetown on the square in front of the store of Mr. Frazier. This school house would hardly be considered of much use for that purpose at this time. Indeed it was the cheapest affair that could be built, of logs and had absolutely no conveniences. A puncheon floor, a log sawed out over which a piece of greased paper was put, through which the light had a hard time to come, slabs for seats and no desks. It does not make a very attractive picture. But it was the best that could be had and served the purpose of housing the boys and girls whose parents were able to pay the subscription price of their "schooling." The teacher's name was Givens and after him it was Owen West who gave these children the desired in- struction in the three "Rs." The pupils were Perry, Martha and Luzena Brazel- ton, Brackin Lewis, George Lewis, Millican Moore, Eli and Mahlon Haworth and James Staunton. The books used were the Old English reader, Talbott's Arithmetic, American Spelling book and Lindley Murry's grammar. At that time it was the universal practice to study aloud and the noise which issued from that school house was something from which to escape if possible. The lad who could make the most noise was supposed to be gaining the greatest amount of "learning." This school was continued until 1844 when the Georgetown Seminary was established. The first school house in Newell township was on section 23, and was built in 1827. A man named Scott was the first teacher who has been described as a fatherly, elderly man with perhaps, too little force, since his successor with or without reason resorted to the use of the hickory stick upon every occasion. This man's name was Duncan Lindsey. He taught a good school and his pupils made remarkable progress, but his methods were approaching brutality. How much of this came because of the laxity of the first teacher can not be estimated at this day, or whether in fact the kindness of the first teacher did not seem to be laxity in contrast to the ways of his successor. The second school built in Newell township was put upon land owned by and called for Jacob Eckler. This school house was located between Joseph W. Osborn's and William R. Campbell's. A large walnut tree stood in the corner of Mr. Osborn's pasture and for years marked the site of the front of this school house. It was built in the fall of 1830 and Valentine Leonard coming to this neighborhood at about that time, lived in the house until the following summer, when the first school was opened there by Miss Elizabeth Stipp as teacher. The pioneer school house is at once one of the simplest and most celebrated institutions in the early settlements of the country. It was made of round logs, puncheons covered the floor, a rude fireplace at one end reached nearly from one corner to the opposite one; in the other end of the room an opening had been made by leaving out a log, and in this, upright pieces were placed at intervals and on these oiled paper was pasted to admit the light. Under this improvised window a long board was put up with the proper pitch and along it a long bench was put. Here in this "flood of light," the children practiced their copies using a quill pen which the teacher made. One dear little girl, alas no longer here to 328 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY tell the tale herself, loved to tell how she would get up early often and look for the quills the geese had cast in the night to take them to Mr. Huntington, a favorite teacher. And woe to her when her brothers happened to get up earlier than she did and gathered all the prizes from her, leaving not a single one. This was long before there was a system of free schools in Vermilion county and education had to be the product of greater effort than at this time. Schools were inaugurated by direct exertion and supported by private contribution and only those who paid received their benefits. School houses were built in this same way. The settlers agreed upon a place and then they all met at that place and divided work ; some cut down the logs, others hauled them up and yet a third set them up in place. It was not necessary to have a school house to have a school, however. Where an empty cabin was available a subscription was the only thing necessary to the establishing of one of these temples of learning. Whoever proposed to have a school, went around among the settlers and took subscriptions from all for as many as were wanted to go to school. If it was a stranger who proposed to do this one of the well known citizens would offer to take him around and introduce him to those who would be interested in the matter. The usual price was $1.00 and $1.50 per term of three months and sometimes the winter term came higher, a charge of twenty-five cents extra was made to provide fuel. Sometimes a man who was very much interested in the school would subscribe for three or more than he had to send ; and sometimes a man had two or more children to send and he couldn't afford to send them all, then he would send them alternately; that is, would take one subscription and one child would go one week and another the following week. Reading, writing, spelling and ciphering generally comprised the text. On the interior of one of these houses there would always be wooden pegs driven upon which the boys hung their caps and the girls hung their hoods and shawls. Elisha Hobbs took the school down at Vermilion in 1831. He was one of the true teachers who could give a stimulus to learning that made the pupil want to go to school. He did more for the cause of education in Vermilion county than did any one else ever. He never paused in his efforts until the citi- zens found themselves with a school house 16 ft. square and six feet and a half between joists. The district got up a subscription to build a new house, but could not raise money enough to build it. At this juncture William Canaday, David and Elvin Haworth decided to make an effort to secure the amount. They got hold of the subscription paper and destroyed it and went to work with a will and their purses and their influence to build a house fit for an academy. So well did they succeed that in the summer of 1850 they had a seminary building, 30 x 52, with two recitation rooms supplied with proper desks and furniture. They employed Jatnes Davis as principal of the school and it opened with one hundred and ten students. The branches taught were geography, algebra, chem- istry, geometry, surveying, history, mineralogy, reading, spelling, elocution, do- mestic economy and Latin. Mr. Davis continued as principal for five years. He was a man of great energy, wisdom and tact. The standard of education was kept high and this seminary did a great work, leaving on the community the in- fluence which marked that part of Vermilion County. Of the men who did so much to build this school it is only necessary to state that William Canaday had HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 329 seven sons who were educated in this school and David Havvorth had eight. This seminary disappeared with the coming of the free or public school system. The first school ever taught in Danville was in a log house probably built for the purpose, standing on the ground where Wright's mill stands. This cabin was built of huge burr-oaks fully two feet in diameter, and the ends were left sticking out without being sawed off, with clapboard roof and puncheon floor. It was rough in outward appearance, and inside had nothing to change that ap- pearance. The hugh fireplace extended across the room and was something peculiar in its way; without, instead of the chimney beginning at the ground, strong braces extended from the wall near the floor out into the room and up- ward, and upon these the chimney was built. It was not less than six feet wide and large enough to hoist a good sized dry- goods box up through it. The fire was built under it and the first thing to learn in this school house was how to induce the smoke to go in the right direction. One advantage of the fireplace was that the wood did not need to be cut at all. Anything short of sled-lengths could be put in and the fire did the work of the wood chopper. This school was opened in about 1830 and the teacher's name was Clark. He was a good teacher, and had charge of this school for a time, after which he was a tanner until he died. Another school building was put up near the river where the old planing mill stood and many of the elder sons and daughters of Danville went to this school; yet little record of this school can be found. The Georgetown Seminary which together with the Vermilion Seminary fur- nished the school facilities for the children of the county for years, was built in 1844. In 1836 a charter was granted incorporating the Danville Academy a stock company. Its terms make it possible for every free white person to subscribe to this school, and every subscriber was entitled to one year's tuition for every share owned. This enterprise never amounted to any good, however. No per- manent organization was ever effected. While Vermilion was working for a seminary, which came in 1850, and Dan- ville had secured a charter for the means of establishing one but had done nothing else, Georgetown opened a school wherein the needs of the times were met. The Georgetown Seminary was organized in 1844 and for twenty years was the place sought by those of the entire county who were looking for means toward an education. This was a denominational institution, being under the charge of the Methodist Conference, and the teachers were selected by that body. Here as in Vermilion is found the name of Canaday as one of the promoters of this institution. This name is often found in records of that which tended to advance the interests of Vermilion County. Mr. Canaday, Presiding Elder Rob- bins, J. H. Murphy of Danville, and Mr. Curtis were the early promoters of the Georgetown Seminary. Much depends upon the selection of the first teachers of any institutions of learning, and a happy choice was made in this case in the choosing of the first principal. This was Jesse Moore, a young man of not only excellent education but of commanding presence as well, and possessed of superior tact. Jesse R. Moore was at that time a local preacher and since one of the leaders in the Methodist church, afterward a presiding elder. When the war 330 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY broke out he went into the service and was promoted to be a general in the army and after he came home represented his district in the national congress, after which he was pension agent at Decatur. His was a long life of usefulness and in no place did he render more efficient service to mankind than while he for four years was the principal of Georgetown Seminary. During these four years the school was operated in the frame building some of the older people of the county remember which had been built for a church and had been moved to the grounds afterward occupied by the district school. Mr. Moore's assistants were Miss Fairbanks, Walter Smith, afterward a Baptist preacher and Archibald Sloan, who, too, afterward became a preacher. The Seminary building was erected in 1848. It was a plain brick building, two stories high and capable of accommodating two hundred pupils. Mr. Moore was succeeded by Prof. J. P. Johnson, who had charge for five years, with his wife and two nieces as as- sistants. Pupils came from a hundred miles away to this school. Danville sent her young people and the northern and western part of the county as far as hav- ing need of a school availed themselves of the opportunity given by an institution of the kind inside the bounds of the county. Miss Sophia Lyons, afterward Mrs. Holloway, taught music. Prof. Asa Guy taught two years, from 1853 to 1855. He had his wife and Miss Hazelton as his assistants. Rev. Railsback was principal for four years and he was followed by Rev. McNutt. After his term was over the seminary was merged into the public school system. The seminary was built by individual donation of money or anything which could be turned into money and proved to be a power for the upbuilding of the community first and the adjacent territory of the county, to say nothing of the increased power of the church. The school was turned over to the district in 1861 and the public school directors of the district took entire charge of its management from that time on. There had been a sort of partner- ship between the directors and the trustees of the seminary for a few years past, but the sentiment favoring the public school had grown to the extent that it could not be sustained longer. Six years after the Georgetown Seminary was established and at the time of the organization of the Vermilion Seminary, a charter was secured to incorporate the Danville Seminary. There was already one flourishing Methodist school in the county and one under the charge of the Society of Friends. There did not seem to be any need of another under either denominational government. But those who had the papers of incorporation made out, were particular to stipulate that the majority of the trustees should be members of the Methodist church and that the teachers should be chosen by these trustees. That left all but the Meth- odists outside of the management of the school, either in the way of determining the course of study or whom should teach the course. Naturally this arrange- ment, no matter how well it was used, could not be satisfactory. An antagonism was the only outcome of such an ignoring of the opinions of one set of people by another who had only the right made by circumstances. Citizens of all de- nominations had subscribed to the enterprise and this restriction of their privi- leges resulted in a bitter division of the community on the subject of all others upon which there should be perfect union of opinion and action. The first trus- tees of this institution were Eli Helmick, Benjamin Stewert, E. F. Palmer. Daniel HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 331 Fairchild, James Partlow, James Dennison and J. H. Gilbert. They located the school on two acres of land just north of Main street and built a two-story brick house for the use of the school. The land was deeded to the use of the church for school purposes and after the seminary was merged into the public school sys- tem there was a long litigation over the ownership of the land, because of this clause. At last it went back to the original owners. O. S. Munsell was the first principal of this school and Mrs. Munsell, C. W. Jerome, Miss Sarah Whip and Miss Ellen Green were the teachers. This was in 1852, when the roll of mem- bership was 206. This school had the advantage of having been in existence before it was incorporated under the management of Mr. and Mrs. Munsell. They were popular teachers in their school, kept in the old North Street church. Two courses were offered to the student, the classical and the scientific. This school was continued for twelve years. Mr. Munsell was succeeded by Prof. Aaron Wood, he by Prof. P. D. Hammond, he by Mr. McNutt and he by J. L. Dickson as principals of the school. The dissatisfaction with the management of the Danville Seminary grew to such an extent that another school was organized March 15, 1851. This was called the Union Seminary and while the subscribers were not of the same church as that which dominated the other school, they were restricted to no one denomi- nation. It was established by a joint stock company and was an excellent school. These opposing schools were supported until the popularity of the public school system made it no longer a necessity to have the youth of Danville educated at subscription schools. The trustees of the Union Seminary were representative citizens of Dan- ville. They were L. T. Palmer, J. A. D. Sconce, S. G. Craig, Guy Merrill and Hamilton White. They secured three acres of land in the part of town then called the north part, but what would seem almost the heart of the city at this time, and put up a good building which they used as a school house for a long time after the seminary was a part of the public school. The only relic of the location is now the name of the street which ran in front of the enclosure, on the south side of the building. Vermilion street was the western limit of the seminary grounds. In 1862 a common school system was adopted and it was very soon that the usefulness of these two private schools was at an end. A levy of a tax which was to be paid to all school districts in proportion to the number of pupils who attended the public school was a just cause to induce every public spirited man to support the public school with the attendance of his children. The outcome of this was that both buildings were rented by the di- rectors of the public school and J. L. Dickson, who was principal of the Dan- ville Seminary, was retained as principal of the public schools with nine assist- ants. The following year Mr. Spillman was employed. Thus it was that the seminaries at both Georgetown and Danville gave place to the public schools. Such was not the case at the one under the management of the Society of Friends at Vermilion. When the Vermilion Seminary was established it was built as a permanent institution and remained an institution all the years from its organization to the time when, in 1873, the Vermilion Academy was or- ganized to take its place. And unlike the other three institutions of higher learn- 332 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY ing in the county, it competed successfully with the high schools when they became competitors. While the more pretentious schools are being considered it must not be forgotten that there were schools in other parts of the county where although the extent of the attempt was the mastery of the "Three Rs" yet they laid the foundation of learning without which the after building would be impossible. The first school building in Oakwood township was put up in 1829 or 1830. It stood close to the present town of Newtown, and was of the pioneer style. Squire Newell and a Mr. McGuinn taught in this house soon after it was built. It continued in use for some time but another was built on what was known as "Parsonage Hill" just south of Newtown. Another of the early school houses was built on the state road near Stony creek. School was taught in the neighborhood of the Juvinalls at an early day by Morgan Rees. This was on the east side of the creek but the children would attend school there and so it was not considered necessary to have one on the west side. The first house built in Pilot township was put up on section 20, T20, R.I2. This was in 1836 or 1837. Ezekial Leyton was the first school teacher. However, there had been a school taught in this township in about 1834. This was housed in a cabin and was taught by Mr. Beard. As early as 1833 there was a school house on the banks of the North Fork about eighty rods south of Denmark. Mary Beasley, Noah Sap and Elizabeth Stipp, were among the early teachers in this building. After a few years the building was abandoned and a private house in Denmark used. The Lamb school house was built in 1835 and was one of some preten- sion, having a window on each side, consisting of a single row of 8xio inch panes placed close up to the eaves, and running the whole length of the building. Among the teachers at this school house are found these names which may recall early times to some one. There was Robert Price, John McKee, J. Poor and James A. Davis. It is not recorded which teacher of all these it was who punished a bad boy and in turn was severely punished together with his entire school. The circumstance was as follows. The boy was punished by the teacher and went out of the door which fastened on the outside with a padlock. Taking advantage of this fastening the boy made a prisoner of each and all in the school house and then climbed on the roof and covered up the chimney. While he sat on the outside awaiting developments the smoke poured into the room and was very annoying until the teacher thought to put out the fire with water and then a boy crawled up the flue and uncovered the chimney and unfastened the door. The Cunningham school house was built in 1840 and Levi Cronkhite was the first teacher of the school. To return to the schools of Danville it is found that the first one was taught in Haworth's smokehouse, a little building ten or twelve feet square. It was made of logs without a floor and its only openings were the door and a square hole cut at the opposite side for light and ventilation. It stood west of Haworth house and back some distance north from the line of the sidewalk. Dr. Norton Beckwith, the brother of Dan Beckwith was the teacher. After this there was a school house built upon a lot on south Hazel street on the west HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 333 side of the street not far below where the jail is located. This lot was set apart by the county commissioners for school purposes. This building was made of small logs covered with clapboards, with the chimney on the outside made of stone and sticks mudded after the fashion of the Kentucky cabin. At first it had no floor but later the floor was made of puncheons. The seats were made of the same material, smooth side up, sup- ported on wooden legs. Among the teachers who taught here at different times were Harvey Luddington and Enoch Kingsbury. Mr. Luddington also taught a Sunday school here. At a later day James A. Davis came to Danville without a cent of money, having lost everything while coming up the Wabash in a boat. Dr. Beckwith found that Mr. Davis had a fine education and said he was the very man Danville needed to teach school. He at once wrote a paper and circulated it that he might secure a school. Such good satisfaction did Mr. Davis give that he taught school for a long time in different parts of the county. From Vermilion street a little south of the square there was a trail led off southeast across lots to the school house. This trail went through a thicket of hazel bush and it was so high that the teachers and pupils were obliged to part it with their hands to go to school. The first school house was destroyed by fire. Mr. Henry Hunt had col- lected some two hundred venison hams and stored them in Haworth's smoke- house, where he was smoking and drying them to ship them to New Orleans by flat boat. For a joke (a sorry joke it appears) some of the men attracted the attention of Mr. Hunt, while others fired the building. The market was glutted with venison partially cooked, since the fire was not discovered until too late to save the meat. This school house was not up to the needs of the times, or at least so thought Amos Williams, the man who did so much for Danville, and he built another at his own expense. He put up the building on the west side of Franklin street a little north of the alley. This building was fully twenty feet square, some twelve or fourteen feet high in the clear and made of logs hewn inside and out. It had a door and two windows fronting east and was further lighted with a row of three or four 8xio window lights in width, and extending nearly the length of the three other sides. The floor was made of sawed plank, matched and evenly laid. In winter time a stove occupied the center of the room. A double row of seats (one of which was in front low down, next to the floor, and the other raised up like a gallery, some three feet back of and above the first, with the wall behind and sloping desks in front), extended around three sides of the room, with openings cut near the middle of each row, and provided with steps, so the pupils could ascend to the higher platform. Here the three months' school was held for many years. The school teacher was generally a stranger, who would go from place to place looking for a school. His education varied with circumstances, and at times he would be well prepared for the work he sought while at others he was but a bully or a brute. The first school taught in the southwestern part of Danville township was at what was sometimes called Payne's Point. Mrs. Cromwell was a dearly loved teacher in the years previous to the opening of the public schools and after the new building on the corner of Madison and Pine streets was first opened she 334 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY was the first teacher for the children as long as she was able to be in the school room. The men and women of Danville can not forget until at least another generation the kind and efficient teacher who was very nearly a mother in her care and solicitude. That which predominated in the development of the educational system in Vermilion County from the year 1880 to 1900 was proportion, uniformity and thoroughness in the common school course of study ; namely, that composed of the common branches. From 1900 to the present, the emphasis has been gain- ing toward the higher development of the secondary or high school course of study. In the county administration of schools, J. D. Benedict became superin- tendent in 1881 to succeed C. V. Guy. Mr. Benedict came into office about the time that additional powers and duties were granted to the county superinten- dent. Previous to this time the office had been largely that of custodian and trustee of school funds and school lands, together with the duty of examining of applicants for license to teach. With the new powers given under state law, the county superintendent was given more school supervision. Mr. Benedict was one of the foremost superintendents of the state to exercise the new powers vested in the office and established in Vermilion County a system of monthly examinations of pupils in all the village and rural schools. To make this work more effective, it was necessary to evolve a prescribed course of study to be placed in the hands of the teachers after those teachers were duly instructed in its use. The operation of this course of study under a sensible line of examina- tions, has been well carried out through Mr. Benedict's term of office which closed 1889, succeeded by L. H. Griffith whose term of office which closed 1889, succeeded by L. H. Griffith whose term of office extended from 1889 to 1899; this followed by R. B. Holmes from 1899 to 1906; followed by W. Y. Ludwig, 1906 to 1910. Haworth is the present superintendent of schools. The rural schools in general, do most excellent work in the common school branches corresponding to the graded schools of the vilages and cities. Pupils, after completing the common branches in the rural and small village schools, are usually transferred to the accredited high schools, the number of which has rapidly increased within the past decade. It now seems to be within the reach of every child within the limits of Vermilion County to acquire a good common school education, and added to that the completion of a four years high school, which fits him for entrance to the best universities, technical of professional schools of the land. In the high school development of the county, two high schools, Danville and Hoopeston, are accredited in the "Northcentral Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools." The following high schools are on the accredited list of the University of Illinois; Danville, Georgetown, Hoopeston, Rossville, Vermilion Academy, Ridge Farm and Sidell. The high school of Danville was not legally incorporated into the system of schools until 1887 when a vote of the people made it a part of the city schools. Nothwithstanding this there has been graduated several classes. The first class to graduate from the Danville high school was in 1872. The total enrollment of pupils of Danville for all grades during the past year expenditures for past year were $128.026.67. . This sum includes disbursements for all purposes. Expenses per capita for teachers, janitors, and fuel were: I H O 8 o K O HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 335 In high school, $33.30. In grades below high school, $17.77, making $19.90 an average for all pupils. The Danville high school had a total enrollment of 476. The number grad- uating from the Danville high school during each of the past four decades were as follows: 1871 to 1880 55 1881 to 1890 80 1891 to 1900 212 1901 to 1910 409 The private schools of Vermilion County do not make an extensive list. The Vermilion Grove Seminary has already been mentioned, together with the Georgetown Seminary, the Danville Seminary, and the Union Seminary; all of these, with the exception of the one first mentioned, found their time of use- fulness cease when the public schools were established. The first private school to be opened after that was the one known as the Chilcoat school, or by the name given it by the proprietors, the Danville Normal and Academic Institute. This school was established during the latter part of the seventies, and was a popular school for several years. It was conducted by the two brothers Chil- coat. Music was a well conducted department in the school under the man- agement of Prof. Vandersteen. The German Lutheran private school has been an established institution since the sixties. The school is supported by the congregation of that church. The congregation appoints the teachers, and is in every way responsible for the school. The German Catholic school was established nearly as early, but was never very regularly kept up. The Parochial schools became an institution of the Catholic church in the eighties. This institution is in a flourishing condition. A large and commo- dious building is located at the corner of Main and Park streets, where a day school to accommodate the children of Danville is supplemented by a boarding school well patronized and known as the Sisters Academy. The other private schools where higher education can be obtained are Greer College and the Brown Business School. GREER COLLEGE. Greer College was founded and endowed by the late John Greer in 1891, who gave his fortune as a heritage to all young people who are ambitious to rise in the world. Like most men, Mr. Greer's life had been one of toil and trial. When young, his opportunities for an education were meager enough, and this he believed caused his life to be more irksome than it otherwise might have been. Business and normal colleges, such as Greer College, were unknown when he was a boy, and the common schools were then poor at best. He desired to make conditions better, and so resolved to found a college where young people of any age would be received and educated with care and patience, no matter how poor their early means for schooling had been. The beautiful buildings 336 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY of Greer College stand today as a monument to the memory of a true philan- thropist and lover of young people. The buildings of Greer College cost nearly $50,000 and are provided with all modern conveniences. Several hundred dollars have been expended during the past two years for libraries, laboratory apparatus, tables, cases, commercial offices and desks, cabinets, microscopes, air pumps, electrical machines and ap- pliances, good water supply in laboratory, biological and geological specimens, skeleton, charts, physiological models and typewriters. The college buildings occupy a commanding site in the western part of the city. The campus is a beautiful sloping lawn, ornamented with trees and shrub- bery. The grounds are high, affording perfect drainage and a pleasant view of the city and surrounding country. The main building is a magnificent specimen of modern architecture. It is built of St. Louis pressed brick, laid in black mortar. The arched entrances and large landscape windows are set in cut stone. The trimmings are of rough stone, terra cotta and ornamental iron. The auditorium, halls, etc., of the building have recently been repapered and varnished and made bright and cheer- ful, as when new. It is heated throughout with steam, lighted with electricity and gas, and supplied with an abundance of pure artesian water. The inner appointments of this building are all that could be desired com- fortable, convenient and elegant. The college auditorium or assembly room has a seating capacity of about 700 persons. A commodious gallery in the type of an amphitheatre extends around three sides. The lighting and ventilation of the rooms is perfect. Here are held the daily chapel and general assembly. Greer hall is a fine brick structure containing comfortable apartments for gentlemen students and teachers. The rooms are arranged in suites and the interior finish is similar to that of the main building natural wood oiled. The president's home is a large modern home fitted with electric lights, steam heat, bath, etc., where young women will have elegant rooms with all the comforts and conveniences of a home life while attending college. The library and reading room is a commodious apartment, well lighted, warmed and ventilated. Among the reference books are encyclopedias of his- tory and literature, atlases and the standard dictionaries. There are valuable scientific and historical works, books of biography and travel, standard fiction, polite literature, poetry, etc. There is a large number of volumes treating di- rectly on the branches of daily study. The leading magazines and teachers' journals and the local and Chicago papers are kept on file. The courses of study have been revised recently and consist of two-year courses in commercial work, stenography, civil service, elocution and penman- ship; four-year courses in preparatory, normal and music, and four-year col- lege courses that entitle students who finish them to the usual degrees given for the various courses, such as Bachelor of Arts (A. B.), Bachelor of Literature (B. Lit.), Bachelor of Science (B. S.), etc. Gfaduates of the college or of other colleges may become candidates for the master's degree after having re- ceived the corresponding bachelor's degree, or upon a satisfactory showing of worthiness, the master's degree is conferred. HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 337 The school is non-sectarian, but a thorough Christian spirit is maintained. Daily devotional exercises are conducted, and students are advised to attend at least once on Sunday the church of their choice. The different denomina- tions are represented on the faculty, and almost every denomination sends its students. The teachers are workers in the respective churches, and the usual young people's societies are encouraged. Two student literary organizations are maintained the Olympian Literary Society was organized by the young men and has steadily gone forward in its splendid career, and many prominent young men of this state and others can trace their success in public life to the training received while members of the Olympian Literary Society. What has been said of the Olympian Society is also true of the Vesperian Literary Society, which is the young ladies' literary society of the school. The Y. M. & Y. W. C. A. have a great influence upon the student life of the school, and most of the students are members of these. The Alumni Association now consists of 439 members, and many of them are occupying important positions in public and private life throughout this country and also in some foreign countries. The Brown Business College has a good location. Mrs. Morris is the prin- cipal. Other small attempts have been made to establish private schools, but have not continued long in profit. The private school of Miss Edith Yeomans, established about 1902, continued in existence until the principal moved west, when it was continued but one year. Schools for young children have been established to live but a short time and then pass out of sight. CHAPTER XXXII. THE DANVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY DATE OF ORGANIZATION - OFFICERS AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS - THE CULBERTSON LIBRARY - REV. JAMES W. COE, FIRST LIBRARIAN - LOCATIONS BUILDING - CIRCULATION CLASSIFIED CONTENTS IN The Danville public library has been in existence since 1882. L. T. Dicason was at that time the mayor of the city and on July 21, 1882, called a public 1 meeting of the citizens to organize a public library in the city. The officers chosen at that meeting were, W. C. McReynolds, president; J. G. English, vice president; H. A. Coffeen, secretary. The board of directors included these names and, as well, the following: Father P. J. O'Rielly, Dr. George Wheeler Jones, John C. Black, W. R. Jewell, William P. Cannon and Rev. Chas. H. Little. This was not the first attempt to furnish free reading matter to Danville people, for the Culbertson library had been in circulation for some years although its circulation was not as extensive as the nature of the collection warranted. At the death of James Culbertson, a merchant of Danville and a man who was prominent in the affairs of the growing county, his will was found to contain a bequest of his library and a trust fund placed in the hands of the pastor and session of the Presbyterian church. This fund was to be used in the purchase of books, to be carefully selected with certain restrictions for a circulating library. After the Danville public library was organized this other organization, as provided by the will of Mr. Culbertson, was merged into the new one and the books turned over for distribution. This was in 1883. The rooms selected to house the public library were in the McDonald build- ing on west Main street, adjoining the First National Bank building. In 1885, the library had increased and needed more room, so that it was moved to the block, on North Vermilion street, occupying the entire second floor over Nos. 132-134. It remained in this location for sixteen years. The next move was to the Fera block, at the northeast corner of North and Walnut streets in the rooms now occupied by the Woman's Club. It remained here until the present library building was complete. 338 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 339 The first librarian was James W. Coe. He served five years when his failing health made a change necessary. He was a scholarly gentleman of the old school and his efforts gave the library an impetus which determined its useful- ness. He was for some time the rector of the Episcopal church. Holy Trinity at Danville, prior to his selection as librarian. Mr. Coe was an eastern man, coming from New York state and, with his wife and family of young people made a great addition to Danville's social life. A fine portrait of Rev. Coe is on the walls of the library building and reminds the visitor of the efficient serv- ice he rendered his much loved library. Miss Aletha Witte was the next librarian, remaining in the position during the years between 1887 and 1890, when she resigned to go to the Pratt library, of Brooklyn, N. Y. She was followed by Miss Josephine E. Durham, who has since filled the place most acceptably. She is well acquainted with the needs of the library, and in close touch with its patrons, and ever alert for everything that tends to improve it. Since 1804 the library has been housed in its permanent home on the northeast corner of Vermilion and Madison streets. This land 132x155 feet, was bought by the city of Danville at a cost of $25,000. The build- ing is of Bedford stone and dark paving brick, and occupies an area of loo feet by 65 feet. It was built at a cost of $40,000 and was the gift of Andrew Carnegie, of New York city. It is very conveniently arranged. The main floor contains two reading rooms, each 30x40 feet, one for adults and the other for children. The center is occupied by the delivery room in front, and the stock room just back of it, with the librarian's desk, so located as to command a view of the entire interior. On this floor there is also a reference room, a catalogue- ing room, and an office for the librarian. There is a light dry basement under the whole building, entirely finished, in which are kept files of the newspapers, congressional documents and such books as are little called for. The building is fire proof throughout. The bookstacks are of steel. The building is heated with city steam and lighted with electricity. From the librarian's report for the year ending April 30, 1910, it appears that the total of bound volumes is 26,856, of unbound volumes is 300, and of periodicals, 84,086 volumes. The appropriations made by the city council for the last two years were, $8,000 each. This money was a considerable portion at least, spent for buying new books. A special effort is being made to make the reference department full and complete for the benefit of pupils of the public schools and any who desire to pursue some special line of study. This building was thrown open to the public November 8, 1904. The hours when the library is open are from 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. during the week, and on Sundays from October to June 2 to 5 P. M. The following report of the circulation during the past year gives a good idea of the use made of the Danville Public library. . 340 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY Circulation by classes : CLASSIFIED CONTENTS OF THE LIBRARY. Added Total April 30, During April 30, 1909. Year 1910 General Works 451 74 525 Bound Magazines 1,303 101 1,404 Philosophy 267 21 288 Religion 644 51 695 Sociology 705 136 841 Philology 58 10 68 Natural Science 687 109 796 Useful arts 584 127 71 1 Fine arts 628 67 695 Literature 1,672 280 1,952 History 1,469 146 1,615 Travel 1,056 168 1,224 Biography 1,356 too 1,456 Fiction 5,512 734 6,246 Juvenile Fiction 3,450 326 3,776 19,746 2450 22,196 No. of volumes withdrawn during year 554 21,642 No. of volumes of government documents 5.023 No. of volumes of bound newspapers 191 26,856 CIRCULATION BY CLASSES. Juvenile Adult Total Philosophy 15 236 251 Religion 78 292 370 Sociology 187 410 597 Phisology 2 16 18 Natural science 368 471 839 Useful arts 141 501 642 Fine arts 254 509 763 Literature 456 1,879 2 -335 History 504 689 1,193 Biography 270 527 797 Travel 435 681 1,116 Fiction 24,861 47,405 72,226 Total 27,571 53,616 81,187 No. of volumes circulated at the Oaklawn schools 2.899 Total circulation for the year 84,086 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 34T REGISTRATION OF READERS. Cards in force April 30, 1909 6,088 New cards issued during the year 1,112 MAGAZINE LIST. Ainslie's Magazine, American Boy (Juvenile), Americal Federationist, Ameri- can Homes and Gardens, American Magazine, American Republic, Annals of Amer. Academy of Pol. and Soc. Science, Atlantic Monthly, Birdlore, Blazer, Bohemian, Bon Ton, Bookman, Carpenter and Building, Cassiers, Cavalier, Cen- tury, Chautauquan, Children's Magazine, Children's Star, Christian Missionary, Christian Science Sentinel, Collier's Weekly, Conservation, Cosmopolitan, Country Life in America, Craftsman, Current Literature, Delineator, Deutsche Vorkampfer, Good Housekeeping, Hampton's Magazine, Harper's Bazaar, Har- per's Monthly, Harper's Weekly, Herald of Gospel Liberty, House Beautiful, Illuminating Engineer, Independent, Institute Tie, International Studio, Judge, Keith's Home Builder, Ladies' Home Journal, Life, Lippincott, Literary Digest, Little Folks, Living Age, Locomotive Engineering, London Illustrated News, Man- uel Training Magazine, McCall's Magazine, McClure's Magazine, Machinery, Master in Art, Metropolitan, Missionary Review, Missionary Tidings, Mother's Magazine, Motor Print, Dial, Dramatic News, Editor, Educational Review, Etude, Everybody's Magazine, Forub, Gartenlaube, North American Review, Official Ga- zette of U. S. Patent Office, Olde Ulster, Outing, Outlook, Pacific Monthly, Pall Mall, Pearson's Magazine, Photo Era, Popular Electricity, Popular Mechanics, Popular Science Monthly, Puck, Recreation, Red Book, Review of Reviews, St. Nicholas, Saturday Evening Post, Scientific American and Supplement, Munsey, Musical America, Musical Courier, Mystic Worker, National, National Geog. Magazine, Nature Study Review, Nineteenth Century, Scrap Book, Scribner's Magazine, Story Hour, Strand, Suburban Life, Success, Sunday School Times, Survey, System, Technical World, Toilettes, Uncle Remus' Home Magazine, Van Norden Magazine, Woman's Home Companion, Wide World, Western Em- pire, Westermann's Monatschafte, World Today, World's Work, Youth's Com- panion. NEWSPAPER LIST. Banner, Christian Science Monitor, Danville Commercial-News, Danville Press-Democrat, Chicago Tribune, Chicago Record-Herald, German Zeitung, German Herald. CHAPTER XXXIII. CHURCHES AND MINISTERS OF VERMILION COUNTY. THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH THE CUMBERLAND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH THE UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH THE METHODIST CHURCH THE BAPTIST CHURCH THE CHURCH OF CHRIST THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH THE UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH THE GERMAN UNITED BRETHERN THE GERMAN LUTHERAN THE GERMAN METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH THE SOCIETY OF FRIENDS THE OTHER CHURCHES THE MORMONS THE CHRISTIAN SCIENTISTS. The Presbyterian church is the pioneer faith of Danville. The organization of this denomination into a church in Danville was effected in 1829. There had been service in the place before this time, however. This organization had been begun and completed by Rev. Samuel Baldridge. The original members of this church were Dr. Asa R. Palmer, Josiah Alexander, Mary Ann Alexander, Eliz- abeth Alexander, Solomon Gilbert, Submit Gilbert, Lucy Gilbert and Parmele Tomlinson. Dr. Palmer was selected as first ruling elder. Rev. Baldbridge organized this church and was for a few months the pastor. It was very early in the life of the church that Rev. Enoch Kingsbury was made the pastor. This was in 1831, and his was the pastorate which insured the life of the society, and to which all writers of the early history of Vermilion county give greatest credit. His first year here was rather uncertain, but the following year he settled permanently in Danville. Rev. Enoch Kingsbury was a power in Vermilion County in its early development, and without him the his- tory would have been very different. He was always a great force for progress and his was a life well worthy emulation. He was a tall fine looking man with a powerful frame and a decided manner which made it impossible for his con- viction to be questioned. Rev. Kingsbury has been described briefly in the following words : He was a hero, a patriot, a philanthropist, a Christian and an enthusiast in the work chosen by him. He served the Presbyterian church of Danville faithfully for twenty years and then left the active work only because of failing health and strength. Rev. A. L. Brooks, a man of the old school style of manners and viewpoint of matters and things, came to the pastorate in 1870 in December. He remained for several years and was followed by Charles Little. 342 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 343 Mr. Brooks was a man of unusual ability in the way of loving ministering to his flock and at the same time he was a logical and convincing preacher, win- ning souls to his Master and friends to himself by his gentle manner of thought and action. His pastorate ended by his death. Rev. Brooks was buried in Springhill cemetery. Rev. A. L. Brooks was born in Madison County, New York, the son of Jesse and Olivia (Lyons) Brooks. His father was a native of Connecticut, and in his early life, was a merchant, but in the latter part of his life he was postmaster and magistrate of Mayville, New York. His mother was a native of Vermont. The principal part of Mr. Brooks' education was had at Trenton, New York, where he graduated in 1844. He continued his studies and graduated at Auburn two years later. He was ordained a minister of the Gospel in 1846 and settled at Hamilton, in the state of his birth. Ten years after he was first or- dained he came west and accepted a call to the Third Presbyterian church, where he remained minister of that church for seven years. From Chicago he answered a call to Peoria, as pastor of the Fulton Street Presbyterian church; thence to Decatur as pastor of the New School Presbyterian church of that place for three years. The next move he made was to the Presbyterian church at Danville. He left a New School Presbyterian church in Decatur to come to Danville, but he came to a New School church when he made the change of location. During the war the Presbyterian church split on the matter of slavery. Those of the south and some localities of the north held with the larger number in an attitude of, if not sanction, then tolerance, of the institution, while the more radical went to themselves and established a communion, which was called the New School Pres- byterian church. In the country through the central and southern part of Illi- nois and Indiana, that political borderland of the northern and the southern sen- timents, there were many of these new churches and in some of even the smaller villages a church of both the regular and the New School were to be found. In Covington, Indiana, the village on the other side of the state line, this was the case and the two churches were supported until some time after the war, when the New School church, no longer needing to exist, disbanded and the membership sought other homes. In Decatur the New School church was the stronger than was the regular church, and it held its own. In Danville there was but the one church and it was of the New School. This church was, as it is now, located on the corner of Franklin and North streets. The church building was a frame house and yet remains standing on S. Walnut Street. During the first six years of the life of the Presbyterian church at Danville the meetings were held at the old log court house, in private houses, and in vacant rooms wherever circumstances made it best to go. In I ^35 by means of much personal sacrifice, a church building was put up on the site of the present location of the stone church. This building is supposed to be the second Presbyterian church building in eastern Illinois. This church building became really historic; it was used for everything that needed a hall in which to hold meetings. It was used for many years for almost all public gatherings, Sunday schools and other schools. On account of the prosperity of the church, a new house of worship was needed and built in 1858. This house was dedicated to the worship of God, December 24, 1865, the ser- 344 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY mon on that day being preached by the Rev. Joseph Tuttle, president of Wabash College. The cost of that building was $12,000. In 1879, the Presbyterian church celebrated the semi-centennial of the organization of the society. In 1904 the Presbyterian church of Danville celebrated its seventy-fifth anniver- sary. The ministers of this church can easily be numbered, so few changes have been made. Beginning at the first there are : Rev. Samuel Baldridge, the first minister who was employed to serve but half the time, he being a man of other employment. He was a physician. Rev. Kingsbury was engaged in 1831 and served the church continuously for twenty years. After that he continued his service as supply for seven years more. After so acceptable a service as was rendered by Rev. Kingsbury it was not to be expected that the next pastorates would be as extended. So it is that the years between 1850 and 1870 the church was served by Nathaniel Kingsbury (a brother of "Father" Kingsbury) and Orrin Cooley, Chas. H. Palmer (son of the first elder Palmer and brother of Mr. Eben Palmer), Wm. R. Palmer, James W. Stark, W. A. Hendrickson (who supplied two months in the summer of 1864), David R. Love, Charles P. Felch and William R. Powers. In 1870 Rev. Asahel Brooks came to the pastorate of this church and was the beloved minister until his death in 1879. Rev. Brooks was pecularly fitted to be a minister in this locality and a citizen of Danville, at that time. In 1880 Rev. Chas. H. Little was called to this charge and served the church until 1893. Dur- ing the term of his service the Presbyterian church extended the bounds of its charge by doing some local missionary work which resulted in the forming of the Bethany church and Kingsbury chapel. In 1907, by act of the higher organizations of this denomination, the Cum- berland Presbyterian churches were united with the regular Presbyterian church and the churches of that, at one time, distinct church in Vermilion county, must be considered under the same general head. There was a large number of accessions to the First Presbyterian church in Danville, from the Cumberland church before this union, however. That was during the pastorate of Rev. Little. Rev. Little was followed in his pastorate by Rev. Willis E. Parsons who was installed pastor in 1893. Under his leadership the interest in Foreign Missions which this church had always held, was extended to the calling of a missionary to the field, the church had decided to take under particular care. It was then Rev. Wittemore was put in charge of the church in Korea which the Danville church supported. Rev. Parsons left the pastorate of the church in Danville to be- come president of the Parson's College in Iowa, a school established by his grand- father. Rev. Parsons was followed to the church in Danville by Rev. H. H. Shawhan. The first sermon was preached by the new pastor on Christmas day, 1904. The Cumberland Presbyterian church has always been a strong church in Vermilion county, particularly within the southern part, owing more than in any other way to the energy and unceasing efforts of Rev. Ashmore. This branch of the Presbyterian faith appealed to the needs of the pioneer more force- fully than did that of the regular church. The greatest difference in the two HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 345 churches were always the question of fatality in the Westminster Confession of faith, and the objection to an educated clergy. Believing that a man should preach whether he was educated or not, brought a class of preachers to the front who in no way were calculated to awe the people, and the early settlers of Ver- milion county, excepting those of the Society of Friends, many of them felt the power of this church and many chose the Cumberland church, so that large con- gregations were ready to go into the Presbyterian church where the union was affected in 1907. Through the untiring efforts of Rev. Ashmore in the early days, the Cumber- land Presbyterian church had a phenomenal growth in the southern part of Vermilion County. It was not long after he began his work in Vermilion County that Rev. Ashmore was invited to preach in the northeast part of Elwood town- ship. He was a powerful preacher and formed a church there in 1842, which took the name of Liberty church. Foster Elliott and wife, Alexander Campbell and wife, Andrew Davis and wife, Mrs. Kiturah Whitlock, Mrs. Baldwin and James Walls were among the first members. Elliott, Campbell and Davis were the first elders. The old log meeting house was built on Foster Elliott's land in 1843 and stood about a half mile southwest of the building, afterward put up for the same purpose. In 1871 there was a more pretentious church built. The man who served this church as pastors during the early days of the life of this church were Rev. James Ashmore, Rev. A. Whitlock, Mr. Vandeventer, J. W. Jordon, James McFerrin, H. Vandyne and again Rev. Ashmore. This church is at present on the circuit with the church at Georgetown. The Yankee Point Cumberland Presbyterian church was organized by Rev. Ashmore, November 5, 1853. The beginning of this church was interesting. Rev. Ashmore was in the midst of a series of fervent meetings which he was holding in the school house, and having them at the noon hour so as not to disturb the school, when one of the directors forbade the continuance of the meetings. The evangelist and his congregation were in no wise daunted but went to the house of James Thompson and had their meetings. The next day Rev. Ashmore had a deed for a lot put into his hand upon which to put up a house of worship, and a subscription with which to build it. The people made quick work both in organizing a society and in building a church in which to have their meetings. William Shark, William Golden, Arthur Patterson and James Long, were chosen elders and Isaac McPherson and William Carmichael, deacons. The membership was fifty to begin with, and comprised many names of the prominent early settlers. Of these, five went into the ministry. Allen Whitlock and his two brothers, (James and Thomas), Elam Golden and J. H. Milholland. James Ashmore and Allen Whitlock preached for this church twenty years,, and were followed by Revs. W. O. Smith, L. P. Detheridge, Jonathan Cooley,. Mr. Groves and G. W. Montgomery. This church was built almost in the exact geographical center of Elwood township as it was before its division. Another church in this township was the old Gilead. It was organized about the year after that at Yankee Point. The Fairmount Cumberland Presbyterian church was organized by Rev. G. W. Jordon in 1866. 346 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY This church was largely made up of those who came to this place to live from the neighborhood of Mt. Vernon church. The church was built in 1871. It had both Rev. Ashmore and his son as preachers. The Olive Branch Cumberland church was first built at old Homer, but when that town moved the church was located on the state road on what was then Wm. Hardin's land. All these Cumberland Presbyterian churches are united in cir- cuits under the management of the regular Presbyterian government. Rev. Enoch Kingsbury was the pioneer Presbyterian preacher in Vermilion County, and Ross township reports his preaching from the time of its first settlement. In the southern part of the county the Cumberland Presbyterians had possession of the field, and no early communions of the regular Presbyte- rian church were established. It was in Danville and Ross township and Newell township that they are to be found. When Alvin Gilbert went to Ross township he carried the devotion to the Pres- byterian church and to Rev. Kingsbury which came from personal knowledge. The Presbyterian church was organized at his house in 1850 by Rev. Kingsbury. There were six members united to form the church : Joseph Hains, Millie Bicknell, Eliza Kingsbury, David and Elizabeth Strain and Mrs. Nancy Gil- bert. Mr. Gilbert did not himself join the church until some months after- ward. Services were held in Mr. Gilbert's house until the Odd Fellows built their hall when, in common with all other denominations, services were held there. Rev. Kingsbury 's long service was terminated in 1868, when Rev. W. N. Steele was employed, and continued to minister to the church until 1874. At this time Rev. John H. Dillingham, who had been for several years city mis- sionary in St. Louis, was employed in this Rossville church, where he remained for some years. The church building was erected in about 1869. It was a neat frame building 32x54, and cost $3,000. It had a vestibule at the corner surmounted by a belfry. It was dedicated October, 1870. The first appointment made by the Methodist Episcopal church in Danville was in 1829, although probably some meetings had been held a year earlier. Danville was a part of the Eugene circuit, and covered also appointments in Indiana, and all of what is now known as Vermilion County and Champaign County. It was a four weeks' circuit, the preachers on it holding service every day in the week. Rev. James McKain and Rev. J. E. French were the first preachers in this circuit. After them came Rev. William Harshy and Rev. Cotton James. In 1836 G. W. Wallace made a warranty deed to the county commissioners (in trust) for the lot on corner of North and Vermilion streets. There seems to have been no trustees at that time, hence the deed being made to the com- missioners. In the interim, service was held in private houses, the school house, and in the groves. Among the first class leaders was Isaac McKinney, who lived near Kyger's mill. He would walk to town and back again for the pur- pose of holding the meetings. Among the members of the first class were Samuel Whitman and wife, Harvey Luddington and wife, James Hulce and wife, Mrs. Mary Sconce, and a few others. The first church building was put up soon after the deed was made and cost $800. Later a new house of worship was built on the same lot at a cost of $13,500, which served the North street HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 347 church as long as it remained on that location. When this church was built, it was called the finest house of worship in eastern Illinois. In 1869 a division of the North Street church was effected, and a new so- ciety formed. This was in February of this year, and by the following month Rev. Enoch Jones was officially appointed by the presiding elder as preacher in this charge. Rev. Sampson Shinn was the presiding elder. Rev. Jones con- tinued in this relation until the following April, when he was succeeded by Rev. Nelson R. Whitehead, who was the preacher until the meeting of conference the following fall, when Rev. James Rucker assumed the pastorate. At the date of its formal organization, this society had twenty members. Its first quarterly conference was held June 7, 1869. The first board of trustees com- prised John McMahan, John M. Mann, Jacob L. Hill, George W. Hooton, Thomas Neely and J. G. English. The board of stewards were : Thomas Mc- Kibben, E. C. Abdill, G. W. Hooton, T. Neely, J. L. Hill, J. M. Lamm, J. G. English and J. Moody. Mr. English was appointed recording steward. As soon as the society was organized, the building of a house of worship was un- dertaken, and the dedication was November 18, 1869. The sermon was preached by Rev. Granville Moody of Kentucky. This church was named soon after its organization, in honor of Rev. I. C. Kimber. The pastors of Kimber church has been as follows: Rev. J. C. Rucker, Rev. George Stevens, Rev. William S. Hooper, Rev. Wm. S. Musgrove. The Methodist Episcopal church is preeminently the popular pioneer society. In Vermilion County, Illinois, the Society of Friends and the Cumberland Presby- terian church divided territory in the southern part of it, and the Christian church competed for ground in Blount and Pilot townships, yet the Methodists were by no means crowded out. Elijah Yager went from Tennessee to teach in a family of Friends in Elwood township, and held regular meetings of those leaning to this other faith, before there was any circuit made in connection with any conference. The first regular meetings of this church in connection with any conference, were conducted by Rev. James McKain and his assistant. Rev. John E. French. These men had charge of the Eugene circuit. Services were held in the house of Samuel Graham. This was in 1828. These two men divided the circuit, thereby going to every charge once each fortnight. Each of the two preachers preached every day. They preached at Georgetown and at Cassadys. A class was formed at Mr. Grahams house, consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Shires, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Standfield, and Miss Graham. Mr. Shires was the first class leader. Mr. French was an English- man. The circuit rider has become a thing of the past; his sufferings would seem more unendurable these days of luxury, but at that time were taken but as a matter of course. Constantly on the go to meet appointment, never considering the meagre wage, his life is a marvel of unselfish helpfulness, al- most beyond the understanding of a young person of the present day. Among the local preachers who kept up the work in this community were Joseph Allison, Mr. Cassady, Patrick Cowan, Arthur J. Jackson, and Wm. Stowers. Of the traveling preachers, those on record are Mr. Bradshaw, Asa and John McMoultry, and Mr. Anderson and others. There was a class formed at Ridge Farm in 1852. This grew out of the class formed four years 348 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY before this, about a mile to the south. At the time the class was moved, Rev. G. W. Fairbanks was the presiding elder, and Rev. R. C. Horton was the preacher in charge. J. J. Donavan was class leader. Rev. Horton was a man of more than usual fearlessness of speech, and it is said that when he found that many of the class, did not attend class meeting, he expressed himself in a characteristic way. At the end of the quarter he found that but 17 of the 35 whose names were on the class book had attended, he set for- ward the 17 names and made this entry in the book: "I have only set for- ward the names of those people who have been to meeting; this is the best I can do. N. B. If any more of the members wish to be considered members, they must show their wish by their coming forward and claiming their mem- bership, and being Methodists." At this time Ridge Farm belonged to George- town circuit. The first meetings were held in the Hardscrabble school house. Among the early members were David Ankrum, Israel Patton, Joseph Kuns, Thos. Robinson, William Foster, J. R. Green, Jesse Smith, David Little, Jonah Hole, Thos. Henderson, and Cyrus Douglas. Old father Robinson never failed to be on hand when it was meeting time, and if there were no others there, would sing and pray as though the house was full. The first church was built in 1856, at which time S. Elliott was presiding elder, and Simpson Shinn was preacher in charge. The building was 35 by 55, and was a very comfortable house. In 1859 Levi C. Peters was presiding elder and Rev. G. W. Fairbanks, preacher. J. Hole and Thomas Henderson were class leaders. In 1863 it be- came Ridge Farm circuit. It was at this time that the church was burned, and the society bought a store building, where they worshiped until 1872, when another church was built. This church was built 35 by 60, at a cost of $3,000. Another Methodist church was organized at the house of Joseph Allison, who lived on section 25, at Quaker Point as early as 1831 or 1832. The preachers of the Danville circuit preached here with considerable regularity, and this was the beginning of the Bethel church. A log church was built near the state line in 1842, by Mr. Allison, Wm. Kendell and others. Mr. Galladay wished to build it further north, and had some logs hewn for that purpose. A Methodist church was built in Rossville in 1869. It was built of brick and cost $5,500. It was dedicated by elder Moody, who was called the "fight- ing parson." This reputation he made in the army when he would fight all day and pray all night, with equal power and faith. There was a union church building put up on section 34, about two miles from the south and two from the eastern line of the township, in which any Christian denomination was free to worship. The Methodist class made use of this, having the preachers who belonged to the Hoopeston circuit to be their pastors. The Methodist church of Hoopeston was organized in 1872, by Rev. B. F. Hyde, of Rossville, and with Rev. Preston Wood as presiding elder. The preach- ing was first in McCracken's store. The circuit at that time included Schwartz, East Lynne, and Antioch, Rev. A. H. Alkire being pastor. In 1873 Rev. W. L. Lang was pastor, J. W. Phillips was presiding elder. Dick school house and Bridgemans school house were added as regular appointments. In 1874 Rev. Muirhead was pastor, and it was during his pastorate that the church was built. The first class in Middle Fork was organized at the house of John Johns, in HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 349 1829. It was in this year that Mr L _Reubeii^axtlow went with John Johns, who lived ten miles southeast of the Partlow neighborhood to Danville to attend meeting and to ask the preacher, Rev. McKain to send an appointment to their neighborhood. They were successful, perhaps to tlie extent of hav- ing the circuit extended to the Partlow neighborhood. That, however, is a question not fully settled at this time. At the time the circuit was extended to Johns, it was the Eugene circuit, and extended to Big Grove in Champaign County. Rev. Hershey, it is remembered, followed Rev. McKain and during his pastorate the circuit did extend to the Partlow neighborhood. Ten years later this class grew to be the Partlow church. During the pastorate of the preacher next following these classes became a part of the Danville circuit. For at least ten years there were no church buildings, but preaching was held in homes. Where there were two rooms in a house, the preacher could stand so as to be heard in both rooms. The preaching points were Blue Grass, Part- lows and Moreheads. The list of preachers were identical with those of Dan- ville, which are given on another page. Of these, Mr. Risley was a good man, but he got into trouble through a desire to see one party win the election; he was too much of a partisan to suit his people. Mr. Little was a talented preacher and a very acceptable pastor, but got into debt and did not have the courage to face it out. Few of these preachers if any, had any education, but were popular with their people. Rev. Harshey lived and died in Danville, and has always been spoken of with respect and praise. In 1840 Mr. Partlow begged to contribute land upon which a church could be built. This added one more reason for the gratitude of the people to this pioneer in Methodism in the country included in Middle Fork township. This little church on the Middle Fork bottoms was a rude affair. The studding, beams and rafters were poles ; the laths were rived out and the shingles were home made ; in fact it was all homemade material except the door, windows and siding. The seats were slabs with legs stuck in them. This building was used for the first school held in town. In 1865, another church was built and called the Partlow chapel. For a long time this was a part of the Vermilion cir- cuit, but in 1865 the four appointments were set off and became Blue Grass appointment. In 1877 the parsonage at Myersville was built. The church at what was called Blue Grass, was built in 1854 during the administration of Rev. Wallace, and was named for him, being called Wallace chapel. It stands in section 28, one- half mile south of Blue Grass postoffice. The first church built at Marys- ville was put up in 1870. An old Methodist Episcopal church which stood about one-half mile south of Newtown, was built in 1835 or 1836. It was later called old Bethel. A class had been formed some time before this time and met in private homes. The prominent members of this society at that time were Eli Helmick, Stephen Griffith, Mr. Hasten, and many others. The Bethel circuit included a vast territory. People came for remote points in order to go to church. Twenty miles was not considered a great distance to go to quarterly meeting. In 1873 a new church was built in Newtown. The New- town circuit included the stations of Pilot, Chapel, Emberry, Finley and Bethel. Nearly all the first organized societies of Oakwood township were the outgrowth 350 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY of the church at Bethel. In Blount township the first Methodist Episcopal church was at the home of John Johns, and for seven years this society held their service at that place. About 1839 a small frame church was built near Mr. Johns home. The Fairchilds church, usually called the brick, was built in 1849. It was built under the supervision of Daniel Fairchild, but all the people gladly helped to put up their house. The Lewman church was built in 1858. Mr. James Lewman and John Wattles were interested in getting the work along. Old Peter Hastings, an itinerant preacher, whose life was consecrated to his work, used to hold services in the Lewman home, organized the first class here and urged the building of "Lebanon." On day, in 1826, a Methodist Episcopal preacher was passing the house of William Delay, in Newell township, and Mr. Delay invited him to stop. Be- fore he left he preached a sermon to the neighbors who had collected to hear him. The Delay class was immediately organized and the circuit preaching begun. Mr. Delay and his wife Susan were first members of this class. At different times between this date and 1835 the following with many others whose names have not been kept, went into this class : Mary Boston, Anthony Howard, John Brewer and his wife Lavina, Aunt Polly Makemson and her husband, James Makemson, Christina Brewer, Sarah Roderick, Jane and Jacob Delay, Aunt Polly Current, and her husband, William Current. This was the first Methodist class organized in Newell township, and indeed the first preach- ing as well. The next place was Peter Starr's. This was a stated place for worship for several years. The genuine piety and hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Starr endeared them to all the class. The services were begun there in the fall of 1829. The Eckler school house was used for services of not only this denomination, but of all others. The Methodist Episcopal preachers were the same as those in Danville. The Methodist Episcopal church at Myersville did not organize until about 1840. Meetings were held at Henry Wood's, John Humphrey's James Davison's and the Kerr school house. In about 1854 the meeting house at Myers mill was built and called Wesley chapel. This church has met the fate of the town of Myersville. The Methodist Episcopal society was organized at State Line in 1857. I" about 1865 they built their church. Samuel Beck, who afterward won dis- tinction in the pulpits of Indiana, was preacher at that time. The first Meth- odist Episcopal class formed in Butler township was organized in 1855. It It was formed at the house of Eli Dobb. It was an interesting class and grew' into three separate churches: that at Schwartz, at Rankin and at Pellsville. When this church was formed there were sixteen members. C. Atkinson was the preacher in charge, and John Vinson was his assistant. This church be- longed to the Danville circuit, and there was no church in all the country but the Wallace chapel and the old church in the bottoms called Partlow's church. The preaching appointment was each alternate week, and as it was a very cold winter, Atkinson did not reach his appointments all during the winter. Mr. Vinson was faithful, however, and there was service at every appointed day. Greenbury Garner, Milo Butler, and W. H. McVey, were on the Dan- ville circuit before 1861. Mr. Elliott was presiding elder and after him was HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 351 L. Pilnor. The Blue Grass circuit was formed in 1865, and the Swartz school house was built. S. Shinn was presiding elder. The class was divided, and those living near here were provided with regular preaching at this school house, which appointment belonged to the Blue Grass circuit, and those over by Dobbs were in the Paxton circuit The class over at East Lynn was formed in 1869. The church was built in 1875, an( l although they had some help from Danville, the most of the expense was borne by the local church. It was built under the preaching of Rev. J. Muirhead. This was put into the Hoopeston circuit. The Methodist church at Rankin was built in 1874. The first preacher here was the Rev. W. H. Musgrove. This church really became the successor to the first class organized in the township, at Dobbs' house, which appoint- ment was in the Paxton circuit. The Methodist Episcopal church was built in 1873 and 1874. It was put into the Rankin circuit and served by the same preachers that were at Rankin. The Baptist church of Danville was organized in 1873, and held meetings for that purpose on the first Sabbath of the year named in Robert McDonald's hall, over Freese & Bayles store on Main street. After a sermon preached by the Rev. T. S. Graham, he advised those present who felt at all so inclined to organize a church, the following persons signed the covenant: Mrs. F. B. Freese, Mrs. M. F. C. Swilbur, M. K. Gayle, Mrs. H. L. Holton, Mrs. S. Kimball, J. W. Parker, E. Wilkinson, Mrs. E. Wilkinson and Mrs. Eliza Davis. The church then call Rev. Graham to be their pastor. This church built their house of worship on the corner of Walnut and Madison streets. They very much need a new church which they expect to build soon and, indeed have had the means to this end for several past years. The Baptist church of Hoopeston was organized by Rev. G. T. Willis from Champaign in 1873, with twelve mem- bers. The church was put into the Gilman Association, and for a long time was kept in connection without a pastor. The old Middle Fork Baptist church was organized in 1834, by Elder Free- man Smalley, with about twenty members. Freeman, Benjamin and James Smalley and their wives, Mr. Herro and wife, Polly Stearns, Levi Asher and wife, Mr. Pursell and wife, Mr. Stevens (a licensed preacher of English birth) and wife, Mr. A. Sowders and wife, Mr. Pentecost and wife, Samuel Copeland and wife, and Mrs. White were early members of this church. This church was prosperous until the war times, when questions arose and the people took strong sides, which resulted in disaster. In 1852 a church was organized called Hopewell, and included as many as possible of the parent church, together with newcomers, in and about Blue Grass. The pastors of the old church succeeding Elder Smalley, were Revs. Dodson, A. C. Blanken- ship and Benjamin Harris. The Point Pleasant church was organized in 1866 by Elder C. B. Seals, who was a licensed preacher. Under his pastorate, the church was built in 1867. A word should be said right here about the Smalley family. They came among the very first to the northwestern part of Blount township, and have exercised a beneficial influence on society, as leaders in religion and edu- cational affairs. These earnest pioneer believers upheld the doctrine of the Baptist faith in and around Higginsville. They organized several churches in 352 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY this vicinity. The good results of Freeman Smalley's labors are by no means forgotten, even to this day. The first Baptist church was formed at Mr. Smalley's house in about 1834. As no house used as a home could hold the people who wanted to hear him preach, the followers soon looked about to find a place of better accommodations. In 1837 the church was built at Hig- ginsville, a few rods west of where the store afterward stood. This church was the product of united labor. It was built as carefully as possible, and all the neighborhood was out ready and anxious to give of their best strength and skill. The siding was made of black walnut, and the floor was made of ash. This building stood in place until it went into such need of repair it was taken down. One of the preachers must have had great influence if he was as well rounded out as was his name. This was Elder Bartlett Dowell Crede Herro. Other preachers were Elder Smalley and the Blankenships. The regular Pre- destinarian Baptists were early in the field as a religious factor in Oakwood township. Their first meetings were in the neighborhood of Conkeytown. These meetings were in a school house near the old Aaron Dalby farm. Rhodes Smith was the principal man of influence in the church. At that time he was keeping a small store on the east side of Stoney Creek, on the state road. John Orr was the first preacher in this "hardshell Baptist" church. A little later Mr. Smith moved further up the creek near "Crab Apple Grove," and a society was formed and met at his house regularly. This was in 1858. The organizer and minister was Rev. John Orr. After some time the meetings were held in the Gormon school house. They continued to be held in this school house until the building of their church, one and a half miles north of Oakwood station. This was put up in the spring of 1876. About 1854 the Missionary Baptists established a church on Stoney Creek. The first preachers were Carter and Blankenship. One of the prominent mem- bers of this society was Seneca Stearns. The church was built in 1857. This denomination is not largely represented in the county, and although there may be other societies of them in the past, this is the only one discovered. Before attempting a history of the Church of Christ in this county, it is well to have the distinction made between what at first appears to be several denominations. The confusion of the churches, called the Church of Christ, the Christian, the Campbellites and the New Lights, all arise from there being real names and nicknames of the same societies. There are the two churches only: the one is the Church of Christ, which is sometimes called the "Camp- bellite" church, because its members are followers of the teachings of Alex- ander Campbell; and the Christian church which is sometimes known as the "New Light" church. In Danville, there are four of the Church of Christ, and one of the Christian church. These churches are both represented in Vermilion County. Until Jan- uary, 1873, there were no churches of this denomination in Danville. John P. Rowe held service in the hall of the LeSeure block in that month, the result of which was the organization of a church of this denomination. Soon after this time, the church called the Rev. W. R. Jewell, as their pastor. He remained in charge for some time, being at the same time editor of the Danville News. During the time of his pastorate the church increased in numbers and put up FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH YET STANDING ON SOUTH WALNUT STREET HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 353 a neat building. This beginning has resulted in establishing three churches of this denomination in Danville. These churches are not only strong in num- bers, but are able to report much good, having been done by them. Rev. S. S. Jones came to the First Church of Christ in 1894, and has proven to be a man of unusual strength in his church. After a pastorate of several years, he severed his connection with that church, but not to leave Danville. A second Church of Christ had already been organized and had a pastor. So popular were both Rev. Jones and his wife, that a third church was formed and he was called to it as its pastor. That church has proven a force for great good in the community. It has supported a mission Sunday school in both Oaklawn and South Danville. Oaklawn school is under the charge of the Second Church, more fully than that of this church at present, but the Sunday school in South Danville is the work of the third Church of Christ, without aid from any other church. The Church of Christ was made popular and extended in its usefulness through the work of Raleigh Martin. What Rev. Ashmore was to the Cum- berland Presbyterian church, Rev. Martin was to the Church of Christ in Vermilion County. He located a church at Hoopeston in 1873. The Church of Christ was organized at Fairmount in 1877. Another church organized by elder Martin was at Marysville in 1860. Another of his successful churches was organized in a school house, north of Conkeytown, in about this time or earlier. The church organized at the Gormon school house, was yet another Elder Martin established. Several churches were early established in Blount township. The one which was formed in 1834 with Samuel Swisher, Samuel Bloomfield and James Magee, as the first officers, met from house to house for many years, and at last put up a building just east of Copelands. Elder Martin preached here once a month for fifteen years. This denomination was represented in Newell township as early as 1834. The church was called the Walnut Corners. When the meeting house was built in 1850, every denomi- nation was made to feel free to use it. Pleasant View Church of Christ was located in the Leonard settlement. There are other churches of this denomi- nation to be found throughout this section. This church had much to do in shaping the history of Vermilion County, particularly in the western part and the northern part. The Christian church, or "New Lights" as they are often called, have societies throughout the county. There is one church of this denomination in Danville located on North Walnut street. The others which were formed at an early time in the history of the county are: the one at Tilton organized in 1872, the one at section 34, in Grant township, founded in 1870, the society at Finley chapel, the church at Conkeytown, and other parts of Oakwood township. Churches which have determined history in the eastern states, such as the Congregational the Unitarian, and the Universalist society, are found com- pletely wanting in Vermilion County. The exception of the latter must be made, however, since there is a church of this denomination in Hoopeston. Up to the years 1863-64, there was no Protestant Episcopal church in Vermilion County. This is not such as strange thing as at first seems. Up to that time, the pioneer days had hardly passed and the church of this denomination did not 354 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY appeal to the back woodsman or the hardy tradesman, or man of a trade, particularly as it was the church of a nation which this nation had hardly come to emulate. The habits of refined society rather than those of a new country builds up these churches, while those of the pioneer tend toward building up the churches as the Christian church, the Methodist Episcopal and the Cum- berland Presbyterian churches. So it is that the county was thirty and more years old, before there was a demand for a church of this denomination. And even when there were enough newcomers to make an organization of this kind possible, the church came and remained as a mission rather than an in- dependent church. Rev. Osborn of Chicago held service during the years of 1863 and 1864. December 10, 1865, E. J. Puryt, at that time late of Logansport, Indiana, was here holding service. The following evening a meeting was called with the purpose of definite work. It was at this time that the founding of a church was brought about. A committee of general extension was appointed and consisted of the following: Mrs. Wm. Hessey, Mrs. Henry S. Forbes, Mrs. Matilda Holton, and Messrs. John Donlon, J. C. Winslow, Charles Cotton, J. R. Baker and R. W. Hanford. At the organization of this church there was only one communicant in town. With so unpromising a beginning the Holy Trinity Episcopal church of Danville has grown into a flourishing in- stitution which spared the number of communicants that swarmed from the hive, forming the St. Marks church. The Holy Trinity church is pleasantly housed in a small but very pleasing church on North Vermilion street. The church is as pleasingly furnished on the interior as on the outside, and shows good taste in every part of its building. Father Rochstroh has been the loved rector. St. Mark's church was organized in 1908. Their building is lo- cated in the northern part of Danville. A rectory was bought and service held in it while the building was in course of construction. The policy of the Romish church is concentration. So it is there is no use in looking for this church in every village, while the great churches in a city are always of the Roman Catholic denomination. Danville has two Roman Catholic churches and they are both in the same part of town, and at the opposite end of Danville from where the largest church was organized. It was in 1852 that Father Ryan held service in the northwest of Danville at near what was the then I. B. and W. railroad bridge. In 1858 they built the first brick church, located on Chestnut near Elizabeth street. The cost of this building was about $1,500. The first priest was Father Lambert, and the first bishop who ever preached in Danville was Bishop Foley of Chicago. The congregation outgrew the church building by 1880, and another was put up on east Main street. The Catholic churches in Danville have been organized by nationality. The largest church was what was called the Irish Catholic and the other is the German Catholic church. The Irish Catholic church has included Americans, while the service in the German church has been in a strange tongue for the con- venience of those from Germany, who have come to America. This church is located at the corner of Green and College streets. It was built in 1863. Previous to that date the congregation held service in the other Catholic church. This building was put up at a cost of $4,570, and was formally dedicated by the HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 355 Rt. Rev. John W. Luers, bishop of Fort Wayne. The first priest in charge was Rev. A. M. Reck. This church is responsible for the St. Elizabeth Hospital, which is considered more at length in the chapter that includes this subject. The Germans have other churches in Danville. The German Lutheran church is one of the strongest in the city. The first service of this denomination was held in November, 1862 at the house of J. Hacker. These meetings were continued from time to time until in February of the following year it was decided to organize a church. In 1865 they built a church and established a day school in which the elementary branches were to be taught together with the peculiar tenets of their religion. In 1857 Rev. G. Keiser was engaged in the Marshall Mission. His field included Marshall, Paris and Clarksville. He was the first one to be invited to come to Danville to preach to the Germans. He went from house to house of the Germans and ask them to go to the home of Mr. Jacob Shatz for a meeting. From the time of this first meeting Danville was considered as a regular appointment. In the course of time they built the brick church at the corner of Madison and Jack- son streets. This was the second church they had built. It was dedicated on Sunday, November 30, by Dr. Fowler, then president of the Northwestern University. In 1862 the German United Brethern in Christ, built them a church at a cost of $600, but later built a larger one at a cost of $3,033. This church had been organized some time before any steps were taken to build a house of worship. The first preaching service held by the U. B. church was in the old German church in 1870. A church was built in the following year. Four years later this building was taken down and removed to North Vermilion street, where a better one was erected. The Welsh Independent church was organ- ized in South Danville, March 10, 1872. They bought the building formerly used and owned by the U. B. church. The former society disbanded and had no use for the building. FRIENDS IN VERMILION COUNTY. (CONTRIBUTED BY BERTRAM REES.) A society which has doubtless been the greatest factor in the development of Vermilion County, in the southern part of it is the Quakers or Friends. The Society of Friends was early established and from the very first start of the county its influence has been felt. Vermilion County, "Past and Present," con- tains a sketch of these peculiar people which is worth copying in full. It must be known that while the customs of the people are apparently being lost, there are many of even the younger members of the Society of Friends, who cling to its belief and ways of doing. A wedding in which the two contracting parties were members of the So- ciety of Friends, took place but the other day in this community. The two young people made known to their respective monthly meetings their intention to marry. The matter was gone over by a committee appointed by the monthly meetings, and a favorable report returned. The two then proceeded about the matter. There were no flowers at this wedding, no decorations of any kind. 356 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY The bridal party, which consisted of the bride, the bridegroom and four attend- ants, took their places on the front seats in the church, and after almost an hour spent in almost absolute silence, they arose and repeated the ceremony, no preacher being required. The marriage certificate was signed by a number of prominent Friends in the congregation and will be placed on the records in the county. Immediately after the ceremony, the bridal party went to their home, where there was a well furnished house and dinner was served. The ceremony is a beautiful and impressive one, and must be rehearsed until both are perfectly acquainted with all the requirements of it. All the young people of this society do not insist upon this quaint old ceremony, but many yet do use it. In the early years of the nineteenth century the Friends or Quakers in the east and south became dissatisfied with their surroundings and began an exodus north and westward. The reason for this movement was probably twofold : first, to get away from slavery, which was very distasteful to them and which they considered a very wrong and vile business besides being contrary to their church creed ; second, having never been very prosperous in the rocky and mountainous regions of Virginia and Tennessee, they determined to establish themselves in a more fertile and productive region where they could build for themselves a religious and educational community according to their own ideas and beliefs. Ohio and Indiana received a great number of these emigrants, some of which being still dissatisfied, pushed farther west and settled in the fertile plains of Vermilion County, Illinois, near what is now Vermilion Grove. This was soon after the grand old Prairie state had been admitted to state- hood, and since that time many communities and meetings have sprung up around this place. The first of these settlers came by way of Indiana from Jefferson County, Tennessee, arriving at Vermilion Grove in 1822. Among the first families were those of John Haworth, Henry Canaday and John Mills, John Haworth settled on what is now known as the Academy Farm, which was donated to that institution by his son, Elvin Haworth, some years ago. On this farm was located a rude log hut, in which the first meetings for worship were held soon after the settlement was made. Henry Canaday settled on what is known as the R. H. Canaday farm, one-half mile west of the Grove. Henry Canaday was the first man to be appointed to the position as head of the meeting, a place of great importance in the carrying on of the Friends church at that early day. John Mills settled on what is known as the old Mills homestead, two miles west of the station near where Richard Mills now lives. The country was wild prairie and timber lands at that time. Foxes and wolves were plentiful, and wild turkeys and prairie chickens furnished much food for the settlers. Indians, wild and fierce, still roamed over the prairie and timber lands and hunted the bison and deer and fished unmolested along the little streams. No roads were seen except the hunter's path. No bridges crossed the sluggish streams. No fences bound the traveler's way, but nature held complete con- trol and seemed to battle hard against invasions made by human hands. Ague and fever proved dreadful foes and pestilence made havoc among the little HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 357 band, but push and perseverance which those early settlers possessed and which has been a predominant characteristic of their descendants, soon made the wild and barren lands "to blossom like the rose" and produce abundant crops. Ponds were drained, the land was cleared, roads were laid out, and soon the country assumed the appearance of civilization. Following the first settlers, or families, came the Hendersons, in 1824, and the Reeses in 1830, and Hesters and Mendenhalls about the same time. Others whose names are not mentioned came early and helped to make up the neigh- borhood and subdue the wild country. The first "meeting house" was built in 1823 in the north end of what is now Vermilion cemetery. It was built of huge walnut logs, measuring from two to three feet in diameter. The roof was clapboards and the seats were hewn logs. It was here in this rude house that Friends for miles around came together regularly, twice a week for twenty- nine years to worship God and study of Him out of His word. At the end of this time, or in 1853, the first frame house was built near where the log one stood. This house had many more accommodations, but still the conven- iences were very meager compared with a modern church. The first branch meeting was established at Elwood, at which place a log house was built about 1830. This cabin served as a church until 1846, when a frame house with a stone foundation was built. The next meeting set up was at Hopewell and a house was built in 1848, and then at Pilot Grove about the same year. Ridge Farm, Carol and Georgetown meetings were established later. Sabbath schools were early established in all the meetings and reading and spelling were the branches taught. Later the Bible became the text-book. The quarterly meeting was begun in 1863 in that memorable year of the Civil war. The Vermilion meeting house being too small for the accommodation of the crowds that gathered at these times, was enlarged the same year and stood as a landmark for all the country around, until its place was taken by the splendid new brick structure which was built in 1884. The quarterly meeting is now composed of eight monthly meetings with a total membership of one thousand eight hundred members. All of these meet- ings are not in Vermilion County, but all have sprung from this central point. Friends have always believed in education as a means of uplifting humanity, and provisions were early made for schools. The first school was a subscrip- tion school taught by Reuben Black, who came from Ohio, in 1824-5. It was in a log house one mile west of Vermilion Grove. There were fourteen children on roll and the branches taught were reading, writing and spelling. Among others whose names are mentioned as early teachers were Elijah Yea- ger, Henry Fletcher and Elisha Hobbs. In 1849 the people got up a subscrip- tion to build a new house, but could not raise the money, so David and Elvin Haworth and William Canaday with the help of some others, built what was called Vermilion Seminary, in 1850, a building thirty by fifty-two, with two recitation rooms and supplied with proper desks and furniture. They employed J. M. Davis as principal and school opened with one hundred and ten students. This school continued for many years and prospered. The standard of educa- tion was held high, and as a result the Academy was founded in 1874. This 358 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY was really a continuation of the old seminary, which disappeared with the advent of free schools. The present two-story brick building was erected at a cost of eight thousand dollars. A peoples' endowment of ten thousand dol- lars was raised. William Rees, John Henderson, Richard Mendenhall, John Elliott, Jonah M. Davis and Elvin Haworth were the first board of trustees. Edwin Harney was first principal. The school is under control of Vermilion quarterly meeting of Friends church, but it is not sectarian. The location of the academy is a very beautiful one, in a natural grove of three acres which was donated to the school by Thomas Hester, father of the late William Hester. Other liberal donations have been made to the institution, among which was the donation by Elvin Haworth of all his property, including a splendid farm of one hundred and twenty-five acres close by. A movement is on foot at the present to increase the endowment ten thousand dollars more, which if accomplished, will put the school on a splendid financial basis. The quarterly meeting is proud of her school and liberally patronizes the institution. Such is the history of Friends from their beginning in Elwood township and Vermilion township and Vermilion County. Many points of interest are necessarily omitted, but we feel sure that the points mentioned will be of in- terest to many. CHARLES W. WARNER WILLIAM R. JEWELL CHAPTER XXXIV. THE VERMILION COUNTY PRESS. The first paper published in Vermilion County was printed at Danville, in 1832. It was started by Mr. Williams and R. H. Bryant. It was a democratic organ. This paper was supported for a few years and then Mr. Williams sold to Bryant who took in Mr. Loveless as a partner. Later he sold to Mr. Delay. After a while Mr. Bryant bought it back and moved the paper to Milwaukee, Wis. The Danville News was established in 1873, and in 1874 passed under the control of the Illinois Printing Company. It was issued as a weekly paper for two years when the daily edition was established. The daily News was in continuous existence until it was consolidated with the Commercial in June, 1893: Mr. W. R. Jewell was editor of the paper during these twenty years. The Danville Weekly Post was established in Danville in 1878, by Jacobs & Thompson. It was the only democratic paper in the county for some time and had a large circulation. The Danville Commercial was established in 1879 by the banking and real estate firm of Short & Wright. The editor of this paper was P. D. Hammond. In 1867 Mr. J. G. Kingsbury became the editorial asso- ciate of Mr. Hammond. At that same date Mr. Wright retired from the firm and Abraham Sandushy and Andrew Gundy went into the firm thereafter to be known as John C. Short & Co. The Plaindealer was another paper previously es- tablished which the Commercial bought in 1867. In a short time the name of Plain- dealer was dropped from the title of the paper it being merged into the Commercial. In 1878 the Danville Times which had hitherto been a bright paper under the management of A. G. Smith was merged into the Commercial and from that time the Daily Danville Commercial was a paper of the county until in 1893 when it was consolidated with the Danville News and has since been known as the Commercial News. The Danville Press was established in 1885 and was the organ of the democratic party in Vermilion County for years, or until the split in the ranks of that party made another paper expedient. The Danville Democrat was then established in 1898 and soon became the paper most popular because of its worth without regard to its political bias. In 1907 these two papers were con- solidated and now the organ of the democratic party is the Press Democrat. In 1873 the Rossville Observer was established by Mr. Moore. It was re- publican at first but in 1876 went with the Greenback cause. Mr. Moore continued 359 360 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY its publication for three years and then went to Champaign. In 1876 Mr. Cromer commenced the publication of the "Enterprise," a republican paper, and continued it for nearly two years. He then went to Homer. The Marys- ville Independent was established in 1876 by Ben Biddlecome. It was a six column folio, independent in politics and religion, devoted to the news of the day and was well sustained by the business men. This paper was conducted in Vermilion County but a short time, however, when it was removed to Bement. The Hoopeston Chronicle has been a force in all matters of Vermilion County. It was established by Dale Wallace before there was a business house finished in Hoopeston and by its spirit, pluck and literary merit did more to ad- vance the interests of Hoopeston than ever can be estimated. The Hoopeston Chronicle was established by Mr. Wallace and G. W. Seaveyon, January i, 1872. They sold out to L. F. Watson on the first of January, 1877, and on July of the same year Mr. Wallace came into control of it again as sole owner. Mr. Wallace showed his courage while managing the Chronicle to edit a racy, newsy and pungent paper which never showed any halting support nor timid opposition to any measure. The Hoopeston Chronicle has been a power since it was first established. It has lost none of its popularity under the many re- cent years' management of Mr. Charles W. Warner. Mr. Warner bought the Hoopeston Chronicle July i, 1882. The list of papers published at present in Vermilion County is a long one but there is not one of these which outshines the Hoopeston Chronicle. The "National Anti-Monopoly Journal" was established by J. M. Clark in 1880. It was succeeded by the "Journal," the "Sentinel," the "News," and finally by the "Herald," under different managements, and is now published by Mrs. Jennie R. Deatrich and her daughter, Miss Natalie Deatrich. The Rossville "Observer" was established by J. H. Moore I think in 1872, but was discontinued about six years later. The Rossville "Enterprise" was established by John C. Cromer early in 1876 and was moved to Homer, Champaign County, about the first of October, 1877, where it is still published. The Rossville "Press" was established by Frank J. ("Tony") Pasteur in 1879. It nas h'ved and has been consolidated with other papers in Rossville several times under several different managements, and is now published by Bert E. Pinkerton. The publishers for Rossville are J. H. Moore, John C. Cromer, Frank J. Pasteur, George Stout, W. H. Soden, Will S. Dill, J. Gus Lane, William A. Hackman, Perry M. Warner, Ed White and Bert E. Pinkerton. The Hoopeston publishers, aside from those connected with the Chronicle, are J. M. Clark, Billie Spence, Haven M. Haff, William Fleming, Charles P. Huey, William M. Mathis, George R. Deatrich, Cooper & Green, Lewis A. Smith, S. A. Barnes, E. Eugene Arter, J. J. Pittser, Mrs. Jennie R. Deatrich. The papers published in Danville at this time are beside those already men- tioned: Danville Banner (prohibition organ), Danville Record, Deutsche, Zeitung, and the Echo (colored people's organ). CHAPTER XXXV. TRANSPORTATION IN VERMILION COUNTY. STAGE-COACH LINES RAILROADS TRACTION SYSTEM. Earliest means of travel through the county was by way of the stage-coach. These lines were established to accommodate passengers from one point to the other, who otherwise would have to go on horseback, as well as to carry the United States mail. These stage-coach lines followed the state roads north and south and east and west. The mails were carried three times a week and, previous to the established stage-coach lines, were taken on horseback. The old Fort Clark road, or as it had been later by its changed direction, become the Danville and Urbana road, was the course of the east and west line of stage-coaches. The north and south line was on the old Chicago and Vin- cennes highway, which was changed from its original course in 1849. This relocation was made beginning at the south side of North Fork at Gilbert's ford, according to the following field notes of the surveyor: (i) S. 20 E. 1,750 to Coon's Corner; (2) S. 8 E. 2,000 to Messick's Corner; (3) south 6,500 on line to road. John Demerst and Alvan Gilbert were road viewers at that time. It was in 1832 that a postal route was established from Chicago via Danville to Vincennes, and four years later the one from Danville to Springfield by way of Decattir. This same year, 1836, the third postal route, the one from Danville to Ottawa, was opened. This was the year that shows greatest in- terest in postal routes, since it records not only the one from Danville to Springfield, the one from Danville to Ottawa, but yet another, the one from Indianapolis by way of Danville (Indiana) Rockville, Montezuma, and New- port to Danville, Illinois. A few years later another mail route from Springfield to La Fayette was established by way of Danville. These routes were used by the people of Ver- milion County to not only send and receive their mail, but along which they went when occasion demanded, and these were the roads which were used by newcomers into this part of the new west. It was along these roads that all communication with the outside world was made. The eastern limits of the county was several miles from the Wabash river, and when travel along the waterways was made, these intervening miles had to be covered either by horse- back, in a wagon, or by foot. There was a line of boats from Cincinnati direct to Perrysville and Cov- ington, and which could, in high water, hope to reach La Fayette, in Indiana; 361 362 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY but those living in Vermilion County were obliged to take their products to these river towns and haul all merchandise and other commodities back. The whole country as far west as the Sangamon was thus made tributary to, and wholly dependent upon La Fayette, Attica, Covington, Perrysville and Eugene for their supplies. It was not until the railroads were built that this section was released from dependence upon the Wabash river and the canal which ran alongside of it, that Vermilion County had a chance to develop, equal if not superior, to these river towns. To overcome this handicap of being back from the Wabash river, the people of Vermilion County tried to slack-water the Vermilion river and make it navigable to its mouth. Failing in this, they, in company with citizens of other counties, petitioned congress as early as 1831 to grant a strip of land from Vincennes to Chicago, on which to construct a railway. The outcome of this was the charter secured in 1835 for the Chicago & Vincennes Railway. Among the charter members of this, appear the names of Gurdon S. Hubbard (who had a few years before this taken up his residence in Chicago), John H. Murphy, and Isaac R. Moore, of Danville. This "was the first attempt at building a rival to the stage-coach, and it was, for the time being, a failure. The first competition the stage-coach line had was in the completion of the Wabash Railroad, in 1856. Even then, however, the coach was not abandoned, for the steam car covered but a comparatively small portion of the territory to which the United States mail was carried. The Wabash Railroad was the first steam motor for crossing Vermilion County and now, so extensive has become the railroad in this section, that there is not a township out of the seventeen, that is not touched by one, and in several there are two or three. The county is almost fifty miles long and twenty-five miles wide, and in view of the immense territory it covers, it is remarkable and fortunate that every township should be traversed by a steam highway Pilot, Blount and Jamaica townships have the poorest railroad accommo- dations, the Rossville-Sidell branch of the C. & E. I. merely clipping off the northwest corner of the former, and the southeast corner of the latter, leaving the greater body of these townships without railroad facilities ; yet the towns in Jamaica, in Blount, and Collison in Pilot, are thriving little villages, and are good grain and stock points, thus giving the farmers of these townships fair outlets for their produce. Beginning with Butler township, in the extreme northwest part of the county, there are two railroads ; they being the L. E. & W., and the Chicago-St. Louis division of the "Frisco." Both of these pass almost through the heart of the township one east and west, and the other northeast and southwest. Grant township has three railroads : the main line of the C. & E. L, the Chicago Southern, and the L. E. & W. Ross township has practically five railroads. They are the main line of the C. & E. I., the Rossville-Sidell and Judyville branches of the road,' the Chicago Southern, and the West Lebanon-Leroy branch of the Illinois Cen- tral. The east side of the township, which runs along the border of Indiana, is also tributary to the Chicago, Indiana & Southern, a division of the Big HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 363 Four. Thus it will be seen that this township is especially favored with rail- roads. Newell township is also well favored with railroads, being penetrated by the main line of the C. & E. L, the Walsh road, the Chicago, Indiana & Southern and the Wabash. There is also a freight road running from Bis- marck to Brewer, this being a branch of the C. & E. I. Middle Fork township has two railroads, the West Lebanon branch of the Central, and the Chicago-St. Louis division of the "Frisco." Oakwood town- ship has two railroads, and the main line of the Illinois Traction system. The Peoria division of the Big Four passes through the township from east to west, as does the traction line, while the Rossville-Sidell branch of the C. & E. I. runs through north and south. Vance township has two roads the^Wa- bash and the Rossville-Sidell branch of the C. & E. I. The latter road 'split- ting the line between Vance and Catlin, can be claimed by both. Catlin township has three railroads, counting the road from Rossville to Sidell, and the trolley line. The Wabash angles through the township from the northeast to the south and west, while the Danville-Villa Grove division of the C. & E. I. cuts off the southeast corner. Carroll township has the Danville- Villa 'Grove division of the C. & E. I., and is also touched by the Rossville- Sidell branch of the same line, making it tributary to two roads. Sidell town- ship has three railroads, counting both divisions of the C. & E. I. and the Sidell and Olney branch of the C. H. & D. Georgetown township has two steam and one trolley line. The Cairo divi- sion of the Big Four passes through the heart of the township, and the Dan- ville-Villa Grove division cuts off the northeast corner of the same. Elwood township has the Cairo division of the Big Four, the Clover Leaf, and the Illinois Traction System's lines. Love township, in the extreme southeast cor- ner of the county, has the Clover Leaf, which passes through the center of it. As every one of these railroads center in Danville, with the exception of the Clover Leaf, in the extreme south end of the county, the Lake Erie West- ern, in the extreme north end of the county, the West Lebanon-Leroy branch of the Illinois Central, the Rossville-Sidell branch of the C. & E. I., and the Chicago-St. Louis division of the C. & E. L, it will be seen that Danville town- ship is literally a network of railroads. Although the first railroad chartered in the limits of Vermilion County was the Chicago & Vincennes Railway, this road was never built, and it was not until 1871 that there was a railroad con- nection' through the county with Chicago. In 1835, the same year that the charter was secured for the Chicago & Viricennes Railway, one was projected from Quincy, on the Mississippi river across the state of Illinois, to the Indiana state line in the direction of La Fay- ette. This road was to be built through Springfield, Decatur and Danville, and was to be known as the Northern Cross Railroad. It is the road afterward known as the Wabash. This plan to build a railroad across the state was but a part of the great internal improvement scheme which bankrupted the state of Illinois, and be- fore it could possibly be carried out had, of necessity, to be abandoned. The craze for internal improvements, marking these years, seems almost incredible, and has gone down in history as without parallel. It has been estimated that 364 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY the expense involved for all the proposed improvements was $10,000,000. but many writers state that that sum does not nearly cover the real expenses. Dr. Fithian was the representative from Vermilion County in the legisla- ture at this time, and he was a man of rare ability. He frankly predicted the financial ruin that would surely overwhelm the state if the legislature persisted in its wild scheme of general internal improvements. When he saw that he could not prevent the plan from being carried into effect, and that the public money was going to be wasted anyway, he turned the matter so that his county might profit by the conditions, and managed that work should begin at once on that part of the Northern Cross Railroad which ran through Vermilion County. Accordingly, a large portion of the $1,800,000 appropriated for the North- ern Cross Railroad was expended in 1837. 38 and 39, in grading the road- bed from the Champaign County line east to the Vermilion, and in the heavy cuts and fills adjacent to that stream, and in erecting the three large abutments of piers standing in or near the river itself. Thus the heaviest and most ex- pensive part of the road, east of the Sangamon was practically finished before the crash came, which put an end to the "system." The road remained in this shape until in 1853, when the plan to extend it from Decatur east across the state was formed. The heavy work previously done in Vermilion County was too valuable to be thrown away. Another fact helped develop the road. An- other corporation was building a line up the Maumee and down the Wabash rivers. The projectors had originally intended keeping down the east side of the Wabash through Covington, making their connection with St. Louis by way of Paris. The people of the towns along the Wabash river, had, at the time of the first planning of the Northern Cross railroad, or rather the Great Western railroad as it was later called, been very much encouraged with a prospect of having this road extended into Indiana to reach this important waterway. James Alexander, of Paris, succeeded in having a bill passed, the Indiana legislature of 1838 authorizing the extension of the road into that state. This was no sooner done than a fight arose to secure the road to Cov- ington and to Perrysville. Thanks to the prompt action of Dr. Hamilton of Covington, aided by secret information given him by Mr. Alexander, a rival town on the west side of the river was not located even though the much de- sired railroad did not come in that direction. When the Wabash railroad, as the new project was called, planned to go down on the east side of the Wabash river below Attica to make the crossing, there was another hope for a railroad going to this, at that time, important town. But when the projectors of the new road from the east learned of the speedy completion of the Great Western road from Decatur to Danville, they changed their plans. They crossed the Wabash river at Attica, and made Danville its terminal point. They operated the section between Danville and the state line for a time, but at last withdrew and compelled the Great Western to follow them to that point. This was after the two corporations had a dis- agreement about some trivial thing. Matters remained in this shape for eight years, until the consolidation of the two roads in 1865 when Danville once more became the end of a running division. The first engine that ever ran into HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 365 Danville was called the Pioneer. It crossed the bridge over the Vermilion river in the latter part of October, 1856. The second railroad crossing Ver- milion County was the Danville, Urbana, Bloomington & Pekin, and it was compkted in January, 1870. Trains ran from Danville to Pekin for nine months, before the gap between Crawfordsville and Danville was closed by the exten- tion of the Indianapolis, Crawfordsville & Danville, and made a road east and west through the county. This I. C. & D. road was extended as far west as Craw- fordsville, late in the year 1869. The connection of the rails was made on the prairie some eight miles east of Danville in September, 1870, and through trains were put on the road shortly afterward. The C. & E. I. railroad was built and trains running in 1871. The lead- ing citizens of Vermilion county had long felt the necessity of a direct con- nection for travel and commercial purposes with Chicago, and to this end, in 1868, secured a bill from the legislature authorizing the townships through which it was to run, to vote bonds in aid of its construction. Among the prominent ones in Vermilion County interested in this project, were John L. Tincher, H. W. Beckwith, and Alvan Gilbert. It was through Mr. Tincher's influence that the charter was obtained. The people generally in the eastern part of the county, at least, were anxious for the success of the enterprise. Danville township voted $72,000 for the construction of the road, and $75,000 for the erection of the car shops, which are located at Danville. Ross town- ship voted $24,000 and Grant township voted $18,000. J. E. Young of Chi- cago, was the contractor, and built the road. The road was originally bonded for $5,000,000 which represents the supposed value at that time. In 1874, the company failed, and the property was placed in the hands of a receiver, in the person of Gen. A. Anderson, who continued to manage the affairs of the line until 1877. On the seventeenth of April, 1877, the road was sold to a new corporation for $1,450,000. In 1872 a branch of the road was built from Bismarck in Newell township, to Brazil, Indiana. The machine shops of the road were built in the northeast part of Danville, and remained there un- til they went into new and more saisfactory quarters further east in the later suburb called Oaklawn. In November, 1871, the route from the Ohio river at Evansville to Lake Michigan, at Chicago, was established by the completion of the Evansville & Terre Haute railroad, as well as the Chicago, Danville & Vincennes lines. In 1872, the LaFayette, Bloomington & Muncie railroad was extended across the northern part of Vermilion County, connecting that part of the county with an eastern outlet for their products. The L. E. & W. railroad was built al- most entirely by the unaided efforts of Mr. Gifford and the Penfield Bros., of Rantoul, and extends the entire width of the county. The P. & D. railroad, that project of John C. Short and others, is now known as a part of the Cairo division of die New York Central lines, was built largely by the aid of local subscriptions, and it gave the southern part of the county long needed facilities. THE ILLINOIS TRACTION COMPANY. The Illinois Traction Company operates three interurban lines into Dan- ille each day. These lines connect Danville with every part of the county v 366 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY except the northeast and the north. There are cars which run every twenty to fifty minutes that will take passengers from Danville to Georgetown, Ver- milion Grove, Catlin, all points on the line between Danville and the western line of the county. The Illinois Traction Company runs 72 Interurban cars into Danville each day. This line accommodates both passenger and freight trans- portation. The passenger service is of the best and the line is patronized freely, particularly in the warm weather when the loss of dust compensates for the possible loss of a short time. This is true in the longer trips from Danville to Decatur and to Springfield. CHAPTER XXXVI. THE POSTOFFICE IN DANVILLE. Danville became a postoffice in 1828 and Amos Williams, the man who seemed to have all the offices in the township at one time, was the first post- master. He kept the postoffice at his residence in the south part of town. Mails were received twice a week from Vincennes, and twice a week from the east. The mail route south went from Danville to Georgetown, thence west to a postoffice that was kept for a while at the point which afterward became the Josiah Sandusky farm, thence south to Paris, in Edgar County, and on to Vincennes. With a change in the administration of the government, a change in post- masters necessarily followed. I. R. Moore was appointed the second post- master, and removed the office to a store on Main street, the south side near Walnut street. Josiah Alexander was next postmaster for a while, and after him Col. Othniel Gilbert was appointed. Col. Gilbert moved the postoffice to the Pennsylvania House. In all these wanderings of the postoffice it was not without its misfortunes, or rather its means of participating in the misfortunes of others. While it was housed in the Pennsylvania House, Mr. Cassady mailed $1,000 to a firm in Cincinnati with whom he was transacting some land business. It never reached its destination. There was a man boarding at the Pennsylvania House who had no visible means of getting his living. He dis- appeared about this time and suspicion was directed to him, but the crime was never proven. Alexander Chesley was the next postmaster, and he took the office to a little building on West Main street. Soon H. G. Boyce followed him. He moved the office further west on Main street to the corner of Wal- nut street. While there the postoffice was robbed of small sums, but the thief was discovered through the means of decoy letters, and sent to the penitentiary. In 1861 Rev. Kingsbury was appointed postmaster and moved the office to the old Presbyterian church. Here another robbery was perpetrated. A man by the name of Smith, who was a music teacher and well respected in the community, was Rev. Kingsbury's assistant, and fully trusted in the office. As the thefts were discovered, suspicion turned so strongly to him that Dr. Fithian and Mr. Kingsbury took him one side and searched him, and found some of the missing property in his boots. He was put under arrest, but was bailed out and left the country. However, he did not cover his tracks, and was found in Iowa, where he was a very prominent person. He was teaching 367 368 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY a singing school and had so thoroughly won the confidence of the people that they could not believe he was other than honest, but followed him to the train loudly expressing their grief in what they thought his misfortune. He was brought back here and convicted and sent to the penitentiary. William Morgan followed Rev. Kingsbury as postmaster and had the office on the south side of the public square. Col. McKibben succeeded William Morgan and died while in office. He kept the office in a store on Vermilion street near the ^Etna House. Samuel Fairchild was the next postmaster. He was followed by C. W. Gregory who was followed by W. R. Jewell. Mr. Jewell has 'been post- master ever since with the exception of the time covered by the administration of President Cleveland. DANVILLE BRANCH NATIONAL HOME FOR DISABLED VOLUNTEER SOLDIERS CHAPTER XXXVII. THE NATIONAL HOME FOR DISABLED VOLUNTEER SOLDIERS. The Danville Branch of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Sol- diers was established at Danville, 111., by act of congress, approved June 4, 1897, and was ready for use July i, 1898, when several buildings had been completed. The cost of buildings and grounds has been $1,321,690.63. Of this amount $45,961.25 was paid for 325 acres of land, and $1,275,729.38 for buildings and improvements. The principal buildings are the headquarters building, in which are located the headquarters offices of the governor and adjutant, and the office of the treasurer, and the printing office; also the hospital, with a capacity for 300 patients, besides room for the necessary attendants; fifteen barracks, with a capacity for 3,500 members, a splendid opera house, a thoroughly equipped library, for which building Mr. Andrew Carnegie donated $25,000; quarter- master's storehouse, mess hall, kitchen and bakery, all under one roof; laundry, Catholic and Protestant chapels, guard house, and about twenty-five other build- ings, consisting of residences of officers, store, restaurant, etc. Eleven commissioned and thirty-seven non-commissioned officers constitute the governing power of the Home. All of these, excepting the treasurer and one chaplain, were soldiers in the Civil war. The official staff is as follows : Governor, M. J. Barger; treasurer, W. L. Kelley; surgeon, D. C. Jones; quar- termaster, E. W. Eldridge; commissary of subsistence, J. W. Newlon; adjutant, William H. Platt; Catholic chaplain, Rev. Thos. H. Kinsella; Protestant chap- lain, Rev. Thomas A. Parker. To carry on the work of the Home, 325 members of the Home and 150 civilians are employed. Of the civilians, 70 are men and 80 are women ; the latter being employed as nurses, cooks, waiters, seamstresses, etc. The mem- bership of the Home at this writing is as follows: present, 2,229; absent on furlough, 694; total, 2,923. Since the organization of the Home, there have been 13,579 members ad- mitted and 10,579 nave been lost by discharge, death, etc. ; 2,030 have died since the organization of the Home; 1,349 are burried in the Home cemetery, and the others have been taken away by friends or have died while absent on fur- lough. 369 370 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY A band of twenty-five musicians is maintained, and during the summer daily concerts are given. Besides, there are billiard rooms, croquet grounds, etc., and during the winter months many theatrical companies give shows in the opera house. Readers are employed for the blind in the hospital and in the "old men's" barracks. The cost of maintenance of the Home per annum is about $360,000. Be- sides the Danville branch, there are nine other branches, and they are located as follows: Eastern branch, Togus, Maine, established in 1866; central branch, Dayton, Ohio, established in 1867; northwestern branch, Milwaukee, Wis., es- tablished in 1867; southern branch, Hampton, Va., established in 1870; west- ern branch, Leavenworth, Kansas, established in 1885; Pacific branch, Santa Monica, Cal., established in 1888; Marion branch, Marion, Ind., established in 1888; mountain branch, Johnson City, Tenn., established in 1903; Battle Moun- tain sanitarium, Hot Springs, South Dakota, established 1907. The different branches are controlled by a board of managers, consisting of fourteen members, and appointed by the congress. Their names and address follow : The President, the chief justice, the secretary of war of the United States, ex officios; Major James W. Wadsworth, president board of managers, Geneseo, N. Y. ; Gen. Thomas J. Henderson, first vice president, Princeton. 111. ; Capt. Henry E. Palmer, second vice president, Omaha, Neb. ; Col. W. E. Brownlow, secretary, Jonesboro, Tenn. ; John M. Holley, Esq., La Crosse, Wis. ; Major William Warner, Kansas City, Mo. ; Col. Henry H. Markham, Redondo, Cal.; Lieut. Franklin Murphy, Newark, N. J. ; Col. Edwin P. Hammond, La Fayette, Ind. ; Gen. Joseph S. Smith, Bangor, Maine ; Lieut. Oscar M. Gort- schall, Dayton, Ohio. SCENE ON THE GROUNDS OF THE DANVILLE BRANCH OF THE NATIONAL HOME FOR DISABLED VOLUNTEER SOLDIERS CHAPTER XXXVIII. THE G. A. R. Kenesaw Post No. 77, Department of Illinois, Grand Army of the Republic, was organized at Danville, Illinois, May 5, 1880, with the following list of charter members: Edwin Winter, James A. Outland, Henry J. Hall, George W. Flynn, John W. Dale, F. M. Allhands, Wm. H. Newlin, B. F. Cook, A. Martin, George Dillon, L. M. Brown, W. J. Calhoun, John Lane, R. W. Hanford, J. H. Woodmansee, W. R. Jewell, M. V. B. Tiffany, E. J. Draper, W. E. Shedd, W. A. Payton, E. C. Abdill, Charles D. Eoff, Fred Buy, Amos S. Cowan, Edwin S. Coffin, E. W. Eakin, Alex. Pollock, J. E. Field, W. H. Craft, D. C. Deamude, S. B. Ferguson, B. Brittingham, B. R: Hefley, M. J. Wolford, H. Plasnick, Wm. J. Moore, J. M. Clark, J. G. Hull, H. V. Wilkin- son, Charles Coton, Park T. Martin, R. C. Holton, E. D. Steen, Sam J. Hall, Thomas Graves, James D. English, W. H. Taylor, James D. Harrison, J. C. Black, G. W. Jones, F. W. Penwell, O. S. Cowan, Morris Irick, C. M. Coulter, H. O. Brower, Joseph Beddow, H. A. Johnson, G. W. Dickson, James Holsen, John Slusser, Dennis Olehy, Charles H. Drake. The charter is signed by Edgar D. Swaim, department commander, and at- tested by Charles E. Koch, assistant adjutant general. Kenesaw Post has never lapsed since its organization ; it has included the names of more than 600 comrades, many of whom are dead ; others have moved away and their history is lost. Many others have dropped from the post because of infirmities and feebleness due to disease and wounds contracted while in their country's service, and to the ever increasing infirmities of oncoming old age. The present officers of the post are: J. W. Whitmeyer, commander; W. H. Byram, senior vice com- mander; P. F. Oliver, junior vice commander; W. D. Johnson, officer of the day ; A. B. Elder, officer of the guard ; W. H. Taylor, chaplain ; J. A. Williams, adjutant; W. B. Sheffer, quartermaster; J. P. Burchit, patriotic instructor. Trustees: J. P. Burchit, P. F. Oliver, E. Cooley. Present membership is over 100. 371 CHAPTER XXXIX. THE WOMAN'S CLUBS IN DANVILLE. The fad or natural demand or fashion, call it what you choose, to organize the women of a place into woman's clubs, did not miss Danville. Clubs with every reason to exist or not to exist have taken possession not only of Danville but of every village of the county. Social clubs of every description have come to stay. All these clubs naturally have an effect of dissipating the forces of the individual and the community as well. Not all the women of Danville by any means became members of any of these clubs, but a large number did. There had been an old Chautauqua class, and in 1895 this class decided to become a part of the state federation, and organized themselves into an incor- porated body with about thirty-five members. This organization was called The Woman's Club. Mrs. Joseph Carter, at that time the wife of the super- intendent of Danville schools, made great effort to bring about this organiza- tion. Mr. W. R. Jewell was also active in bringing about the making of a woman's club in Danville. The first president of the Woman's Club was fittingly Mrs. Joseph Carter (Mrs. Jane Fennel Carter). Under her management, the club grew in num- bers, and was well organized. An ideal of the duties of the organization's opportunities was made high. Several sections were formed, in which different courses of study could be pursued, and the club bid fair to help raise the stand- ard of woman's effort. Miss Sherman was the next president, and under her administration the club grew in numbers and efficiency. Josephine Lawrence was the third presi- dent, and the club comprised many of the women of the city. Mrs. Fannie Pearson Meeks was the next president. Mrs. Meeks is a woman of high ap- preciation of literary attainments, and during her administration the club made efforts to make progress in this direction. Mrs. Glidden was the president for the next year. She was active in increasing the membership and raising the social tone of the club. Mrs. Nanny Kelly Guy was the president immediately following. Mrs. Glidden and she made popular and efficient leaders. Jane Head Fithian succeeded Mrs. Guy. It was while Mrs. Fithian was president that the State Federation of Woman's Clubs met at Danville. This meeting was a great success and reflected great credit on the management of the Woman's Club of Danville. Mrs. Fithian is a woman eminently fitted to man- age such an affair. 372 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 373 Mrs. Gertrude T. D. Samuels followed Mrs. Fithian, and under her ad- ministration the matter of domestic science was favorably considered. Mrs. Kate Aull Heath followed Mrs. Samuel as president of the Woman's Club, and made a splendid presiding officer. Mrs. Heath has had much experience in such work, and knew how to handle the club matters. Mrs. Myra Clark was the presiding officer for the following year. Mrs. Clark is a faithful worker in anything she undertakes, and the club found her always ready. Mrs. Clark was followed by Mrs. Thompson, and she is serving her second year as president of the Woman's Club of Danville. The club privileges are not restricted to Danville, and the women of other parts of the county are welcome to become members. During Mrs. Thompson's rule a very important work has been inaugurated in the help given to shoe the children who are with- out these necessities. The Woman's Club has done good work, both in the literary and civic field and in the domestic science line. The Woman's Club is particularly to be commended for the work they have done here since it was directly through their efforts that domestic science was put into the regu- lar school work as a study. In civics they have worked more particularly along the line of pure food and clean groceries. Their object at present is to secure playgrounds for chil- dren. The present philanthropic work is something a little unusual. This is under the charge of the shoe and stocking section. The club works through the teachers of the public schools. There is a committee in the club who take care of all cases. When a teacher finds a pupil in need of shoes and not able to buy them, she sends a note with the child, who takes it to the club rooms on Saturday, where one of the members of this section is in waiting to take the child or children to a shoe store and buy a pair of shoes, providing also two pairs of stockings. This section has been in existence for two years and have kept one hundred and fifty children in school. In connection with this work, it is only just to credit Mrs. Muir with the success of the undertaking. She has given her time, her energies and her best endeavor into this work, and never has been discouraged nor dismayed. CHAPTER XL. THE D. A. R. The Centennial Celebration with a World's Fair in Philadelphia, had one evident result, the founding of several patriotic societies. Among them was the Daughters of the American Revolution. This society was formed with the distinct purpose of promoting patriotism and increasing interest in the country, both in the present and past. The appreciation of the history of America needed fostering, and such a society had a place in the life of the women of the United States. The eastern states soon had a large membership, and even the middle west found that many of the daughters had wandered even so far from the scene of the revolution. Certain objections arose to the management of this society, and another was formed, called the Daughters of the Revolution. This society, however, has never been very popular so far west, it being stronger along the Hudson than anywhere else. The qualifications for either of these societies are that one's lineal ancestors had fought in the war of the Revolution. It was but recently that there were found enough women eligible to membership in Vermilion County. It was in 1905 that twelve Hoopeston women organized a chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution. This chapter was named the Barbara Standish chapter. Mary Hall Hamilton was elected the first regent. The Barbara Standish chapter now numbers twenty-five members. Each year a calendar is issued, and some splendid papers have been read before this chapter. To encourage interest in American history as a study in the schools, medals are awarded for the best historical sketch and for the highest grade in the classes of American history. The chapter has sent its portion to the various state and national causes, and each year enthusiastic delegates return from the state conventions. It was in 1907 that an attempt was made to organize a chapter in Danville. Enough, who were eligible, did not respond, however, until in January of 1908. The chapter was organized at that time, and the charter* came the following May. The membership was limited in this chapter for a time, but this was corrected, and an active membership resulted. Mrs. Blose was the first regent, with Mrs. Ridgeley as the first secretary. Mrs. A. L. Lyons was elected regent in 1910. Miss Chesley has been secretary for two terms. The interest in the D. A. R. organization is enhanced in Vermilion County by the fact that there are four graves of Revolutionary soldiers within the county limits. 374 COAL MINE NEAR DANVILLE CHAPTER XLI. COAL AND COAL MINES. In the year 1669 Robert Cavelier La Salle left his trading post in Canada an expedition to China by the way of the Ohio river. He learned before he arrived at the Mississippi river that it emptied into the Gulf of Mexico; he then changed his course and followed the Illinois river. It was during this part of his journey that coal was first discovered in this part of the continent ; he found coal croppings along the river bank. It is claimed that Illinois is the first locality in which a coal mine was opened up on the north American continent, one having been opened up as early as 1670 at what is now Ottawa. When the boundary lines of Illinois were staked off no one knew of the vast wealth of coal underlying the great level plains within, and when statehood was granted in 1818, one of the largest coal-producing states was annexed. VERMILION COUNTY. If La Salle had followed the course of rivers leading to Vermilion County, he would have found many croppings of coal along the Vermilion river. The earliest mining was carried on in the hill sides by drifting in and fol- lowing the vein, or by stripping, and today one, in looking around along the river banks and nearby ravines, will see many old workings that have gradually given away to modern mining. In February, 1855, the General Assembly of Illinois issued a charter to Ward H. Lamon and others associated with him, to permit the company to engage in the mining business; nothing was done under the charter. Dudley Lacock did some mining, but he moved to Livingston County in 1854. Lacock owned considerable coal land west of Danville, but he did very little mining on it. W. Caruthers and Mr. Ball commenced operations in 1853 ; further to the south William Kirkland opened drift mines east of the Wabash Railway bridge, south of Danville. About 1860 Chandler and Donlan were the first to do extensive mining, and they were followed by Peter R. Lonard. As early as 1860 Michael Kelly began an extensive strip mining business. Charles Dobins, also William Shaw, and B. Bensel carried on a profitable business for several years in stripping along the bluffs of the North Fork. 375 376 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY The real beginning of the great coal industry in Vermilion County dates from the time William Kirkland, Hugh Blankeney, Mr. Graves, and Mr. Lafferty opened up their mines in Grape Creek in 1866. J. S. Morin was in charge of the Kirkland mines ; Kirkland was unable to carry on as extensive a mining business as he wanted to, on account of scarcity of miners, and he imported two carloads of men and operated extensively by stripping with horses and scrapers north- west of Tilton. The number of men was still inadequate for his business, and a whole shipload of Belgiums were imported to work in the mines. Kirkland sold his coal principally to the Illinois Railway Co., who had tracks laid to his mines. About 1870 A. C. Daniels sunk shaft No. 2 for the Ellsworth Coal Co. and two years later sunk No. 4 for the same company. These properties were taken over by the Consolidated Coal Co. Shafts Nos. 2 and 3 were burned down ; No. 2 by accident, and No. 3 by strikers. The miners who set fire to No. 3 shaft were caught, prosecuted and sent to the penitentiary in 1874. To Michael Kelly belongs a great deal of credit for the wonderful strides made in this industry. He left his strip mine on the North Fork, and bought some coal land in the Grape Creek field. He soon had a considerable quantity of coal to market, and was able to furnish coal to the Chicago & Eastern Illi- nois Railroad Company for their locomotives ; he also discovered another vein of coal at a depth of go feet; this vein was 8 to 9 feet thick and of better quality than the top vein. Mr. L. T. Dickerson took an interest in the business with Mr. Kelly; they made wonderful progress. Later Mr. Kelly acquired Mr. Dickerson's interest ; he also purchased more land and had two mines in opera- tion. About this time other men became interested in the possibilities of the coal industry. The Pawnee Coal Co. was organized in 1888 by Paul W. Mc- Kay and Mr. Hutchinson. They began extensive operations in Grape Creek ; also the Consolidated Coal Co. began operations on a large scale in the Mis- sionfield stripping proposition west of Danville. The Brookside Coal Company was organized by Mr. Sandmeyer and ope- rated a mine near the Pawnee at Grape Creek. The Himrod Coal Company was organized by Bernard and Charles Himrod, they took over the Pawnee Coal Company mines and also bought other land and opened the Himrod mine, under the management of Mr. W. W. Keefer, these mines made fast headway and became a big factor in the coal mining business. In 1870 considerable mining was done in- west Vermilion Heights. John Short opened up a fine body of coal land and for a long time the place was known as the "Moss Bank Coal Mine." In 1873 this property was taken over by the Paris and Danville railroad. General R. H. Carnahan was in charge of these mines for several years. In 1879 A. C. Daniels operated the Ellsworth mines, and bought the Car- bon Coal Company, also several other mines south, and operated them under the name of the Consolidated Coal Company. In 1873 William and Henry Butler made a contract with the Consolidated Coal Company to strip their coal in Missionfield district and for several years Butler Bros, struggled along but were unable to make the proposition pay and in 1900 practically abandoned the place, others tried it later but none succeeded. HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 377 The discovery of a lower vein of coal in the Grape Creek district by Air. Kelly had the effect of transferring the extensive operations to this vein and aside from small workings very little coal was being taken out of the top vein. The coal land laying west of Danville was not as profitably operated as that of the south although Sylva Parle operated a mine west of Danville near the town limits, for several years supplying coal to consumers and local dealers. In 1892 Mr. J. G. Hammond operated the "Economy," west of Danville on the Peoria and Eastern Railway, and on account of labor and other troubles which continued for a year or two, sent to Iowa for Wm. G. and John G. Hartshorn, friends of his to help him out, they bought an interest in the business and suc- ceeded in bringing it up to a profitable standpoint. In 1903 Hartshorn Brothers and Mr. J. A. Barnard, general manager of the Big Four Railroad Company organized the Electric Coal Company, bought land four miles west of Danville, opened and successfully operated the "Electric" mine. Hartshorn Brothers and Mr. Barnard also organized the Hartshort Coal Company, which concern acquired the mine at Muncie, which was formerly owned by the Entronous Coal Company. In 1909 the ill fated Missionfield mine came into the hands of the Hartshorn Brothers, who organized the Missionfield Coal Company, and notwithstanding the great losses suffered by former operators they were successful in making the strip proposition pay, the continued success of Hartshorn's operations in the west coal fields had the effect of greatly enhancing the value of coal land in that district, options on hundreds of acres was taken at one hundred dollars an acre in 1910. In 1903 Michael Kelly bought out the Himrod Coal Company paying them $260,000. He then became the largest individual coal operator in the state. About 1900 the South Westville Coal Company was organized by Mr. Gerety and a large mine was soon in operation south of Westville. In 1905 W. B. McKinley formed a syndicate to take over the mines of Michael Kelly, for which they paid three million dollars. About this time the Dering Coal Company was organized by J. K. Dering and R. R. Hammond to take over the South West- ville Coal Company mines. They also bought more land and soon had four mines in operation. The coal industry in Vermilion County at this time had reached its zenith, some two and a half million tons were mined in 1906. The Dering mines were operated under the management of W. G. Halbert and the McKinley mines under W. G. Hartshorn. In 1907 the Little Vermilion Coal Company was organized by L. T. Dicker- son, a large producing mine quickly followed its organization and was ope- rated under the management of Alva Halbert. In 1908 the Bunsen Coal Company, of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, a subsidiary of the Illinois Steel Company bought several thousands acres of coal land near Westville, Georgetown and Catlin, also they bought out the Little Vermilion Coal Company, later they acquired the Kelly properties from the McKinley syn- dicate and the mines were opened up for extensive operations. The coal in- dustry in 1910 was brought down to three principal ownerships, the Illinois Steel Company and the Dering Coal Company in the south field and Hartshorn Brothers in the west field. CHAPTER XLII. ABANDONED TOWNS OF VERMILION COUNTY. All the plans made by any one do not mature; all the flowers that bud do not produce flowers; all the towns which man plats do not come off paper. While attention is centered on the towns, villages and cities which have made a record why not take the time to consider the many promising places that have not come to the point of redeeming their promise. Some of these villages never went off paper, and some of them have had a few years of life to be abandoned and let go back to the wilderness from which they came. One of these is the once proud and promising Denmark. When it is considered that Denmark was a prosperous village before Danville was plat- ted, and then look at it now, it seems as though there must be a mistake. A few frame houses which have been built within the last few years stand along the country roadside at the front of the old Denmark hill ; the river with a mod- ern bridge to span it where once there was the more romantic ford, and one, only one, old house to tell the tale of the past glory of the village where the citizens had made an attempt to become the county seat, when it was located on land which was, as yet, not even boasting of a house. This remaining house speaks in a strange tongue the tale of the rise and fall of Denmark. Conkeytown and Higginsville will some time at no distant day be counted in the list of abandoned towns, but not now. A book to be found in the office of recorder of Vermilion County is of great interest. It is a record of towns and villages no longer, and for that matter in most cases never abiding places for human beings. There are some villages which are not recorded, among which is the one called Vermilion Rapids. This was supposed to be located on the site of the town afterwards called Higginsville. In the thirties, there was much talk of making use of the Vermilion river for commercial purposes. The citizens of Danville tried to slack water the Vermilion river and make it navigable to its mouth. But this was never a practical idea, and the only use made of the waters was that on paper, when the effort was made to coin money by selling lots in an imaginary town called Vermilion Rapids, claimed to be "favorably located at the head of navigation on the Vermilion river." It was in 1836, that Amando Higgins, (a brother of Judge Higgins) and Marcus C. Stearns entered the east half of the northwest quarter of 36 (21-13) 378 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 379 and bought sixteen acres off the south end of the east quarter of the southwest quarter of section 25, to bring them out to the road, and laid it out in town lots. This was platted and recorded in 1836, just before the crash came, which made these kind of speculations cease. The town thus platted was called Vermilion Rapids. The plat was on both sides of the river, and showed the same to be about ten rods wide at this point, and large enough to float a steamer. The "rapids" were the main part of this enterprise, since no boat could pass any further up the stream on their account. The prospect of having boats take on produce from the rich land around and in turn deposit all the manufactured articles from the most distant clime were flattering in the extreme. No reason that direct communication might not be kept up with New Orleans and for that matter with Rio, Cuba and any part of Europe. Such was the foundation for the scheme, whereby the promoters of this swindle would coin money. The "rapids," unless removed by government authority and appropriation would always remain a barrier past which no progress could be made up stream, and the prospective city would become the great mart for trade for a hundred miles in every direction. The principal streets in this prospective city running north and south to the river front were named Parish, Higgins, Chicago and Main ; those running east and west were Williams, Buffalo, Bluff, Spring and LaPoer. A wide levee lay- between these streets and the river, giving plenty of room for the immense busi- ness which was only awaiting the sale of land in this impossible town to be made. This prospective town was nicely platted and the paper taken to New York city to find buyers of the lots. This sort of speculation was carried to an incredible extent in the years just before the crash of 1837. No one knew the real value of land and this plat surely looked reasonable when the waterway was very evidently all that could be desired ; every river town was looked upon as a promise of untold wealth. So it was Mr. A. D. Higgins took his plat to New York city to sell the land to speculators on Wall street, but he was too late. The crash of 1837 came and he had no sale at all. Western lots could hardly bring the cost of the paper upon which they were platted. Vermilion Rapids, was thereby relegated to the list of abandoned towns in the county. An interesting record of the abandoned towns may be found in the county recorder's office. The earliest recorded town is that of Morgantown or perhaps it should be called Morgans. This town a trace of which it seems impossible to find, is not located at all in the record, a small executed plat with the local coloring of a rep- resentation of the Vermilion river running alongside thereof, but not a single mark by which there could be found any idea of where this town was located. The name is given as Morgantown, and the only reasonable conclusion to draw is that this town was identical with the old one of Morgans, or as often called, Morgan's neighborhood. This town of Morgantown was laid out by Achilles Morgan, and subscribed to before Jacob Brazelton, Jr., July 23, 1830. Each and every lot in this town contained one fourth part of an acre, and had a front of four rods, and extended ten rods back. The public grounds were three fourths of an acre. 380 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY This record is in every way complete yet there is no one who has any knowledge of such a town in Vermilion County, nor of ever hearing of such a village, that can be found. Wherever it could have been there is no more trace of it, other than upon the books of the county recorder. Lancaster is another of the abandoned towns in Vermilion County. It was laid out by Noah Bixler, July 17, 1832, on the north half of the east half of the northeast quarter of section six in township 19, north of range 9 east. The plat was recorded July 18, 1832. Whether this town ever was off paper is not known. Another one of the abandoned towns was laid out and surveyed in 1832. This was Greenville, and was laid off by Joseph Osborn. It was lo- cated on the west quarter of section No. 31, township 19, N. of R. No. 13 west in the county of Vermilion and state of Illinois. All lots in this town were provided to be four rods wide except lot No. 5, in block No. i, lot No. 8 in block No. 2; lot No. i in block No. 3; and lot No. 4 in block No. 4, which were four rods square, with Main street running north and south and High street running east and west, both being four rods wide. The plan of this street was a cross roads with a hollow souare where the streets crossed. The survey and plat of this town was recorded July 26, 1836. The town of Shepherd or as it appears on an early map Shepherdstown, was laid out in 1836. It was located directly east of Danville very near to the state line. This was one of those early towns which sprang into existence and while they were platted and attempts made to sell lots, yet never came off the paper used to plat and advertise them. This town, unlike that of Greenville, was not built on the plan of many of those in Vermilion county, of which Danville and Georgetown are samples : namely, with a hollow square in the center of the town. Provision was made in Shepherdstown for lots eight rods long by four wide, with Illinois street running north and south. This street was on the west of the platted town, and Chicago street running on the east of the lots. This lat- ter street was to be but two rods wide. Main street was to run east and west, and Prairie street was just north of it, while south street was to run sorth of Main street. All the east and west streets were four rods wide. This town was laid out by John Villars July 28, 1836. This town was on the map as Shepherds- town, but it is platted as Shepherds. Franklin was a town laid out by I. Swisher, and H. Rogers, on March 13. 1837. The town of Marion was surveyed by Dan Beckwith, May 23, 1835. He was at that time yet county surveyor of Vermilion County. The town was laid out by Alexander Bailey, but had no growth. Monroe was laid out on the south- west quarter of the Northwest quarter of section 36, T. 17, N. R. n W. It was surveyed and laid out by Stephen Nearfield, and J. W. Haworth. Provision was made to have all lots four rods wide by eight long, with Main and High streets running north and south, both being four rods wide and Green ai.d Prairie streets running east and west, the same width. Other streets were numbered 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. These were to be one rod wide each. HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 381 The town of Monroe was recorded, May 4, 1837. The town of Leesburg was laid out by Joseph Smith. It was located on a part of the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section No. 14, in town No. 18, north of R. No. n, W. It was surveyed by Uriah M. McMillen, May i, 1850. Prospect city was laid out by Ransom R. Murdock, William H. Pells, Leander Britt, Benjamin Stites and Dryden Donelly. This village was located on the south half of southwest quarter of section 8, the northeast quarter of section 18, N., 20 acres of the west one half of the northwest quarter, of section 17, and the east one half of the northwest quarter of section 17, and the south east quarter of Section 7, and the west half (less twenty acres of north end) of the northwest quarter of Section 17, lying in township 23, N. of R, 10 E. of the 3d Principal Meridian. The plat of this village was recorded July 31, 1857. Salem, another of the abandoned villages of Vermilion County, was sur- veyed for B. D. C. Herring. Its location was somewhat complicated, being six and a half acres out of the north half of the southeast quarter of section No. 30, T. 21, N. of R. 12, west; also three acres one pole out of the east half of S. W. quarter of three sections. Beginning at corner stake, in the south line of said section. Thence west 14 poles to a stone, thence north 31 poles to a stone; thence east 9 poles to a stone; thence north 9 poles to a stone; thence east 31 poles to a stone, thence south 40 poles to a stone; thence west 26 poles to the beginning. The plat contained nine acres, and seventy-nine poles of land. This list of abandoned towns have been given without regard to the fact that some of the locations are at present in Champaign County. However, when they were platted it was before the division of the two counties, and when they were abandoned the division had not even then been made. That being the case, as abandoned towns or villages, they belong to Vermilion County and as such are considered here. Gilbert may or may not be considered an abandoned village, since its suc- cessor has been built so near to the first town named for Mr. Alvan Gilbert, and was given a part of his name. Whether or not Gilbert is considered an aban- doned town depends on whether it is correct to consider Alvin the same town as Gilbert. Salina might be also considered since it was the name given to the railroad station now known as Fairmount, although the latter name was given first. When the new name of Salina was given it was found that there had been another town in the state named Salina, and the old name of Fairmount was continued. The present town of Indianola was formerly called Chillacotha and before then was called Dallas, yet it is hardly the correct impression to give to put either of the two former names in the list of abandoned villages of Vermilion County. CHAPTER XLIII. A FEW OLD BURYING GROUNDS. THE MX. PISGAH BURYING GROUND THE DALBEY BURYING GROUND THE VER- MILION GROVE BURYING GROUND THE GUNDY BURYING GROUND. There is much of interest in the old burying grounds of any section and par- ticularly is that true of those of Vermilion County. An exhaustive study of these well repay the trouble. Silent as these spots are, there is a story for one who reads in the recorded lives the conditions of life at any period, better per- haps than in any other way. The old stones which marked the graves of the citizens of early times were much more satisfactory than are the monuments lately erected, massive and giving an assurance of long existence, but with the most meagre information recording only the date of birth and that of death, perhaps. The earlier stones were largely made of sandstone, many times wooden slabs taking the place of more substantial material. These sandstones have almost all of them been destroyed. In another decade there will be even less. The men and women who lie in these old cemeteries determined the history of this section. Today it is well to wander among the markers of these lives and note how this one came to his new home with faith and trust, and that one came, each to take his place among men, to live his own life, and to help make the history of his own section of the country. Mount Pisgah cemetery has some recent graves but many that are full of interest because of their being the last resting place for some kind and hard- working pioneer whose life was the sacrifice, no less noble because unconscious, to advancing civilization. Without his efforts the wilderness would not now be blossoming like the rose. It was in the fifties that David Swank and Levi Long bought the site of the old cemetery and dedicated it for burial purposes. Before this time it must have been a private burying ground, for thirty or forty years. This cemetery is three miles west of Georgetown. There are two graves made in 1827. Earlier dates have been found on cer- tain stones. Mr. W. L. Long claims he found a stone with the date of 1822, but it is not now to be found. It is possible that such stone was to mark the grave of one of the earliest settlers. Recently there was a record of a girl of thirteen who had died in 1815 and been buried at that place. The first graves in this old burying ground were on the branch of the little stream called Concord branch now in the northwest part of new addition. 382 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 383 The graves of two men in this part are surrounded with a rail pen. If any one in this community knows anything about these men it is hardly possible to learn it. There are old sandstones lying about from which the epitaph has been com- pletely obliterated. Old cedar posts are standing, with the inscriptions which were rudely made with a knife, yet plain and distinct. These are seventy-four years old. One of these have the inscription, "Nancy, wife of William Brown. Died June 17, 1863." Another cedar marker bears the inscription of Mary J. Gephart, Died May 15, 1838. Many wooden markers have no inscription, and many of the sandstone markers are so obliterated that they have no definite information of who lies buried in that place to give the passing stranger. Among the oldest graves the stones tell the resting place of Elizabeth, wife of J. J. Lyons, who died Christmas day, 1827. She was the first wife of Jotham Lyons, Sr. Jotham Lyons, Sr., died August 2, 1843, an d was buried in this cemetery. Richard Swank, so says one marker, died 1827. His descendants in that part of the country are legion. Absolom Starr died October 14, 1829, and was buried in this burying ground. Another marker gives the information that Kansander, wife of John Jones, died August 31, 1834, and yet another that John Jones himself, died October 26, 1837- Brazelton Milliken died August 26, 1835. Emmanuel Gephart died in 1838. Josiah Long died about the close of the Mexican war. George M. Widener died in 1840. This burying ground is the resting place for many of the Long and Jones, the Pantas and Hewitt families. It was in the middle thirties that the Cumberland Presbyterians established a church in the Mt. Pisgah neighborhood and put up a meeting house on the site of the present house of worship, which was used until after the war, when the present church was built. This old burying ground is on a high rolling ele- vation and although is almost completely surrounded with water, is very dry in location. To the east of the main highway between Muncie and Fairmount, about two miles south of Muncie, is the old Dalbey burying ground. It is a very wild part of the country. It is on a slight elevation, surrounded on the south and east by a small rivulet, beyond which are rugged hills. The trees fringing these hilltops, are as silent sentinels of the melancholy place of repose. All that is needed to make this a dreary spot is the yelping of the wolves and the braying of the panther, which were heard in the days of the pioneer. This burying ground was laid out in 1838, and the accompaniment of the wild animals' call was not lacking. It was on the joint property of Aaron Dal- bey, and James Cass. When the land was donated for the purpose of a com- mon burial ground, Richard Cass, Jr., remarked. "I would not be buried in such a place." Alas the irony of fate ; his was the first grave made in the grounds. This place was extensively used until the fifties; but the whole tract has been abandoned and is now turned over to weeds and wild grass. Grave stones have 384 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY been displaced and markers no longer reliable in the information given because not in place. The second grave made in the grounds was that of Elizabeth Cass, mother of Richard, Jr. Richard Cass, Sr., died in 1843. Aaron Dalbey died in 1855. Isaac and Felix Radcliff, both young men have markers to show how short their lives were. There are many graves here of people dying in the forties, fifties and sixties. The Casses, Dalbeys, McFarlands, Meades, Bayles, Parrish, Drapers, Whitmans and Radcliffs are to be found in this burying ground. One of the prettiest spots in Vermilion County is the location of the Gundy cemetery. While a part of this cemetery is devoted to the last home of the pioneers of this locality, there has been a new part added and connected with the old part. The utmost care is taken with this "city of the dead," and there is no neglected portion on the grounds. This is the last resting place of many a man and woman in that part of the county whose efforts have made Vermilion County. Here rests the body of a revolutionary soldier as well as that of the later wars. A careful and exhaustive list of those buried in the old part gives the fol- lowing names, and date of death. In the southern part of the county where the early settlers lived, the bury- ing grounds are filled with interest. That of Vermilion grove speaks the story of faithfulness to home ties and devotion to family interests by the many of the same name to be found in the graves. The Haworths, the Mills and the Rees family all rest together as they lived together in the Vermilion Grove and Sha- ron cemeteries. A careful list of these markers has been obtained through the efforts of Mr. Bertram Rees and follows : VERMILION GROVE CEMETERY. 1. Elizabeth Harrell, wife of Elwade Harrell; died March 16, 1869. Age, 46 years, 6 months, n days. 2. Thomas Hester; died November 10, 1875. Age, 79 years. 3. Mary, his wife; died November 5, 1867. Age, 69 years. 4. J. B. McGown, Col. 63d. Reg. 111. Volunteers; died November 21, 1868. Age, 50 years. 5. Perry Mote; died October 8, 1872. Age, 49 years. 6. James C. Walker; died March 30, 1856. 7. Joseph Maddock; died May n, 1860. 8. William Green; died February 19, 1875. Age, 49 years. 9. Elvin Haworth; died August 22, 1885. Age, 70 years, 4 months, 18 days. 10. Almeda Haworth, wife; died January 2, 1876. 11. Aaron Mendenhall; died I2th month, 20, 1872. Age, 61 years. 12. Elizabeth Mendenhall; died 1886. Age, 65 years. 13. Nathan Elliott; died, 1874. Age, nearly 64 years. 14. Naoma Elliott; died, 1886. Age, 67 years. 15. Elizabeth Rees, ist consort of James Rees; died 2d month, 12, 1842. Age, 27 years. HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 386 16. John Rees ; born June 7, 1801 ; died November 29, 1854. 17. David Haworth; born January 28, 1813; died July 24, 1876. 18. Mariam, his wife; born June 12, 1809; died, March 14, 1894. 19. John M. Mills, born August 4, 1817; died March i, 1845. 20. Elizabeth, his wife; born September 14, 1818; died April 18, 1904. 21. John Larrance; died, 1837. Age 41 years. 22. Ruth, his wife; died January 22, 1876. Age, 79^ years. 23. John Mills; born 7th month, 30, 1774; died 9th month, 19, 1846. 24. Charity Mills; born gth month, 20, 1777; died nth month, 5, 1858. 25. Win. Mills; died March 17, 1872. Age, 73^ years. 26. Hannah, his wife ; died April 12, 1847. 27. Jane B., his wife; died May 2, 1880. 28. Thomas Haworth; died March 4, 1885. 29. Susannah Rees, wife of John Rees; died March 18, 1892. Age, 80 years. 30. Rachel Rees; died January 5, 1892. Age, 72. 31. Jenuince Rees; died, 1886. 32. Deborah Rees; died September 9, 1885. Age, 87 nearly. 33. Labon Rees; died, 1878. Age, 22 years. 34. William Rees; died, 3d month, 17, 1890. Age, 70 years, n months, I day. 35. John W. Parker; died August 23, 1896. Age, 85 years, 2 months. 36. Hannah Parker; died July 26, 1890. Age 78 years, 9 months. 37. Wm. C. Morris; born December 16, 1822; died October i, 1904. 38. Sarah, his wife; born January 21, 1828; died December 25, 1898. 39. John M. Elliott; died November 6, 1892. Age, 52-10-14. 40. John Mendenhall; died May 3, 1897. Age, 87^ years. 41. Richard Mendenhall; died 5th month, 24, 1889. Age, 67. 42. William Hester; died, 1899. Age, 61 years. 43. Silas Mendenhall; May 23, 1829; died January 25, 1908. 44. Isaac P. Lewis; died May, 1885. Age, 81. 45. Asenath H. Mendenhall, Feb. 8, 1885. Age, 55-6-9. 46. Jesse Smith; died April 13, 1872. Age, 78. 47. Daniel Williams; died, 1868, 11, 18. Age, 72 years, 8 months. 48. John Haworth; died 8th day of 5th month, 1863. Age, 84 years, 6-8. 49. Sicily, his wife, died 3d day of 5th month, 1868. Age, 84 years. 50. Millican Mills; born, December 27, 1814; died January 28, 1891. 76 years. 51. Martha R., his wife; born April 24, 1818; died October i, 1874. 52. William Holaday; died May 5, 1880. Age, 63-5-20. 53. Elizabeth Holaday; died August 18, 1899. Age, 80-1-21. 54. Thomas W. Lamb; died July 13, 1878; born February i, 1840. 55. Dr. M. C. Mendenhall, 1835-1905. 56. Wm. Canaday; died, November i, 1897. Age, 87-10-9. 57. James H. Judd; born, 1842; died, 1891. 386 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY SHARON CEMETERY. Moses Reynolds; born May 6, 1830; died November 28, 1904. Elvira, his daughter; died February 24, 1878. Wm. McNeese; died August 17, 1894. Age, 74 years. Lydia, his wife; died February 8, 1906. Age. 83. David R. Smith, 1824-1904. David Ankrum; died February 24, 1867. Age, 69 years. Abagail, his wife; died February 28, 1857. Age, 54 1/3 years. Allen, son of above; died October 28, 1858. George W. Smith; born September 19, 1819; died, July 14, 1900. Elizabeth, his wife; born June 6, 1831 ; died February 2, 1888. John Kendall, Company E, Seventy-third Illinois Infantry. No date. Theodore T. Smith, son of G. W. and E. Smith ; died October 9, 1864. Elizabeth, wife of J. M. Kendall; died January 28, 1852. Age, 35. Martha, wife of Wm. Hall; died March 12, 1849. Age, 55 years. Isaac Smith, Jr., died, 1849. Martha Smith; born February 19, 1802; died, 1874. Isaac Smith; born 15th day of 8th month, 1795; died March 3, 1849. William, son of I. and M. R. Smith; died December 15, 1845. Mary Smith, wife of Isaac Smith, Sen. ; died April 24, 1840. Age, 82 years. Joseph Hackney ; died June 6, 1846. Age, 68 years. Jonathan B. Smith -'died September 29, 1838. Age, i year. Joseph Smith; died May 31, 1850. Age. 58 years. NAMES OF THOSE BURIED IN THE OLD PART OF THE GUNDY CEMETERY AT MYERSVILLE, ILLINOIS. Adams, Sarah, died September 18, 1882; age 73; Adams, Louisa, died Jan- uary 12, 1856; age 19; Bivans, Wm. J., died August 25, 1881 ; age 12; Bivans, Robert T., died September 21, 1869; age 2; Bivans, Evaline Neff, died April 27, 1887; age 64; Bivans, Wm. H., died October 5, 1892; age 68; Beagle, De- borah, died March 18, 1847; age 25; Beagle, Wm. H., died April 5, 1864; age 3; Beagle, Noah W., died February 24, 1864; age 16; Burtze, Chris John, died January 14, 1874; age 38; Bennett, Hannah J., died September 29, 1859; age 18; Beeman, Benjamine R.. died October 9, 1854; age 10; Briggs, Jacob S., died June 19, 1874; age 2; Briggs, Amanda A., died September 5, 1870; age 3; Briggs, Martin (Soldier), died December 18, 1876; age 44; Babcock. Hannah D., died May 30, 1884; age 79; Crosson, Columbia, died September 10, 1849; age i; Crosson, Susan, died January 8, 1852; age 44; Cosatt, Aldora, died November 8, 1862; age 3; Cosatt, Seafayett, died March 19, 1863; age ii ; Chenoweth, John, died November 6, 1852; age i; Chenoweth, John, died August i, 1863; age 44; Chenoweth, Elizabeth, died August 9, 1873; age 55; Chenoweth, Alta C., died December 23, 1873; age i; Chenoweth, Walter E., died November n, 1876; age i; Carter, Thomas, died October 22, 1845; age 56; Carter, Tlord, died May 15, 1847; age 27; Clem, George W., died May 7, 1873; age 15; Cline, James Buck, died September 28, 1876; age 5; Cronkhite, Jacob, died February 5. 1853; age 30; Davison. Mary Bell, died May 24, 1861 ; HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 387 age 6; Davison, Sizzie, died May i, 1861 ; age 2; Davison, Matilda, died Sep- tember 16, 1855; age 25; Davison, Andrew (Soldier), died January 24, 1869; age 27; Davison, Sarah J., died October 31, 1859; age 9; Davison, Ruth, died April 9, 1835; age 26; Davison, Elizabeth, died January 31, 1839; age 4; Davison, Andrew, died July 10, 1842; age 69; Davison, Elizabeth, died Feb- ruary 9, 1845; a &e 67; Davison, Robert, died September 6, 1843; a & e 3; Davi- son, Malindah, died July 6, 1856; age 45; Davison, Robert (Soldier), died May i, 1862; age 18; Davison, Joseph, died November 26, 1864; age 3; Davison, John J., died March 16, 1872; age 34; Davison, S., died August 27, 1873; age 28; Davison, James, died January 3, 1875; a & e 69; Davison, Elizabeth, died February 25, 1879; age 32; Davison, Grant, died January 25, 1865; age i; Davison, Charlie, died 1895; age 27; Davison, Elwood E.. died 1906; age 44; Davison, Willie S., died January 26, 1882; age 15; Davison, Robert, died May 10, 1909; age 77; Dayton, Delia J., died December 29, 1890; age 12; Dines, James (Co. F. 4th. 111. Car.), died 1877; age 60; Eaglin, Garret, died February 19, 1869; age 65; Franklin, Mary A., died February 12, 1877; age 36; Groom, Serepta, died January 17, 1847; a ge 2 7I Gilber, Samuel J., died October 7, 1844; & I '> Gundy, Jacob (a soldier of the Revolution), born October 13, 1765; died September 24, 1845; Gundy, James, died February 22, 1840; age 15; Gundy, Thomas (death caused by lightning), died April 19, 1854; age 23; Gundy, Kisiah, died October 30, 1853; age 49; Gundy, Wm., died January 27, 1857; age 54; Gundy, Sally, died April 24, 1857; age 53; Gundy, Joseph, died July 9, 1853; age 67; Gundy, Thomas, died March 26, 1881 ; age 79; Gundy, Andrew, died 1906; age 77; Hinkle, James, died September i, 1844; age i; Hinkle, Susan,' died December 21, 1840; age 27; Holloway, Z. X., died August 6, 1878; age 70; Ingram, Jesse, died March 28, 1881 ; age 9; Ingram, Jesse (Co. B. 25 reg. 111. Inf.), died May 4, 1896; age 59; Ingram J. (Co. 25 reg. 111. Inf.) ; Ingram, Harrison H., died November 27, 1866; age 55; Ingram, Rhoda J., died April 2, 1884; age 73; Jones, J. P., died February 18, 1893; age 56; Jones, Deborah J., died April 2, 1884; age 73; Kuns, Daniel, died December 4, 1857; age 63; Kuns, Real, died August 12, 1853; age 24; Kerr, Willie, died August 16, 1866; age 4; Kerr, Jane, died September 6, 1870; age 61 ; Kerr, Joseph, died February 12, 1872; age 64; Leape, Pheba J., died April 15, 1902; age 65; Leon- ard, John W., died March 16, 1885; age 59; Leonard, Charles D., died July 4, 1888; age 19; Leonard, Nettie A., died August 9, 1889; age 26; Miller, Sarah E., died June 16, 1851; age 3; Miller, Thomas, died Au- gust 28, 1858; age 4; Miller, Mary, died April 23, 1862; age 36; Messick, Henry, died August 27, 1845; age i; Nessickm, Noah, died February 2, 1847; age 7; McGrady, Samuel, died July 18, 1852; age 22; McEwen, Anney, died February 21, 1848; age 25; Moner, Dorothy, died May 10, 1851 ; age 88; Moyer, Catherine, died October 8, 1855; age 64; Myers, Sam- uel, died April 4, 1859; age 50; Myers, Webster, died March 10, 1874; age 38; Myers, John, died January 6, 1879; age 72; Myers, Margaret, died January 24, 1883; age 69; Mann, Eve, died December 28, 1886; age 61 ; Monk, Wm., died August 7, 1879; age 53; Oliver, Mary Ann, died February 4, 1854; age 36; Oliver, B. R., died 1894; age 86; Pierce, Samantha A., died May 19, 1871; age 16. Pierce, Charles W., died May 10, 1874; age 27; Ray, Mary. 388 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY died September 4, 1845; a & e 2 5J Ray. Levi M., died February 2, 1851; age 15; Ray, Mary, died August 5, 1864; age 15; Rail, Nancy, died October 27, 1845; age 15; Ray, Matilda, died January 13, 1849; age 22 J Radebaugh, Levi H., died August 25, 1866; age 4; Radebaugh, Margaret F., died September 14, r ^73; age i; Radebaugh, Melissa, died April 17, 1807; age 50; Stewart, Sarah Emma, died October 4, 1869; age 18; Satterwhite, Mary E., died May 6, 1889; age 34; Satterwhite, Clarence M., died April 24, 1892; age 10; Smith, Thomas J., died November 4, 1893; age 62; Smith, Anna J., died October 28, 1881 ; age 15; Steen, Wm., died December 25, 1845 ; age 16; Steen, Mary, died October 28, 1846; age 75; Steen, John, died June 18, 1848; age 78; Steen, Mary, died December 4, 1855; age 54; Shoneberger, Levi J., died December 10, 1868; age 8; Stevern, Mary, died December 23, 1896; age 27; Steverns, Franklin, died February 5, 1886; age 66; Stevern, Lucinda A., died September 4, 1896; age 64; Shank, Henry B., died June 17, 1878; age 57; Shank, Anna Eliza, died November 26, 1900; age 73; Tuttle, Ava, died December 30, 1867; age 54; Turtle, Mary, died March 22, 1879; age 61 ; Thompson, Mandie, died Decem- ber 15, 1881 ; age 2; Thompson, Mary W., died March 18, 1884; age 35; Wood, Rachel, died September 17, 1830; Wood, Anna, died June 9, 1833; Wood, Jane, died September 8, 1839; Wood, Rachel, died June n, 1833; Wood, Ethan, died October 27, 1858;. age. 13^ Wood, John R. (Co. A. 21 R. 111. Vol.) died Sep- tember i, 1862; age 19; Wood, Abraham, died September 2, 1846; age 44; Wood, Cynthia Ann, died April 12, 1851; age 22; Wood, Henry, died January 21, 1857; age 62; Wood, Nancy, died July 30, 1885; age 30; Wood, Andrew, died January 8, 1875; age 50; Wood, Henry, died January 9, 1900; age 58; Wilson, Thomas, died September 16, 1840; age 28; Wilson, Julia Ann, died September 27, 1841; age 2; Wilson, Juliann, died May 8, 1852; age 31; Wiles, Leuke, died December 5, 1848 ; age 57 ; Wiles, Mary, died January 14, 1853 ; age 59; Wiles, Rebecca Jane, died April 6, 1857; age 29; Wiles, Andrew, died Sep- tember 7, 1871 ; age 5; Wiles, Thomas, died September 20, 1871 ; age 15; Wiles. Meakie A., died January 29, 1874; age 40; Wyatt, Thomas, died August 9, 1882 ; age i ; Wyatt, Wm., died 1909 ; age 68 ; Wyatt, Jane, died 1888 ; age 39 ; Young, Mary, died November 18, 1849; age 25; Young, Isaac N., died February 27. 1864; age 2. DR. WILLIAM FITHIAN MARY HAUTWELL CATHERWOOD JOSEPH G. CANNON MICHAEL KELLY W. J. CALHOUN CHAPTER XL1V. HEROES AND DISTINGUISHED PEOPLE. J. G. CANNON W. J. CALHOUN J. W. WILKIN MRS. MARY HARTWELL CATHER- WOOD HIRAM W. BECKWITH GURDON HUBBARD SAMUEL M'ROBERTS REV. JAMES ASHMORE HARVEY SOWDOWSKY RT. REV. VICAR GENERAL O'REILLY COL. O. F. HARMON J. C. DAVIS MICHAEL KELLEY. Every community, however small, has its representative heroes. Sometimes they are heroes of war, and sometimes they are the no less heroes of peace. Vermilion County has these, and the list is much longer than limited space will permit of naming. This is the reason that in compiling this list, local celebrities have been passed and only those whose influence was away from, as well as at, home, have been mentioned. This list of distinguished people is, as a matter of course, headed by the name of Speaker Cannon. Danville and Vermilion County are both better known as being the home of Speaker Cannon, than in any other way. Mr. Cal- houn is a conspicuous figure in the world of affairs, and his citizenship, although more remote, is none the less valid. Judge Wilkin was a citizen of whom any community would be proud even though he had not won the distinction he did. Vermilion County has not been without people distinguished in the world of letters, and the writings of Mary Hubbwell Catherwood has made her home place distinguished. Mr. Hiram Beckwith was a recognized historian of merit. The state of Illinois loves to do him honor. Gurdon Hubbard is a representa- tive of the past whose efforts should not be forgotten. Samuel McRoberts is one of the forgotten statesmen of that period of national life which tried men's souls. He represents Illinois as United States Senator. Aside from the field of politics and letters, there have been other walks in life where Vermilion County men have distinguished themselves. Rev. James Ashmore, the evangel- ist and missionary, did a work which distinguished him. Vicar General O'Reilly is another name which comes in the list from Vermilion County. The hero whom the people of Vermilion County most love, is Col. Harmon, the popular citizen who left his adopted home to lead a regiment in battle where he lost his own life. This was many years ago, yet his memory is fresh and the people are true in their devotion to him. Gen. John C. Black, has had all the honor possible given him to attest the estimation in which he is held by his fellow 389 390 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY citizens. Michael Kelley, the captain of industry, was a conspicuous figure in the community for years. Judge Davis was a man who reflected honor on his home, and was held in highest respect not only in his own community but in the state. Vermilion County is preeminently an agricultural section. As such the ignoring of a prominent man in that line would be inexcusable. Harvey Sow- dowsky made the agricultural interest what they are by his work in cattle breeding. Other men and women have been conspicuous in the affairs of the county but hardly to the extent as the above named. Oscar Fitzallen Harmon who was born in Rochester, N. Y., on May 31, 1827, was the second of six sons of Ira and Corinna (Brown) Harmon. His mother was the lineal descendent of Steven Hopkins of the Mayflower. The great-great-grandfather, Tristrane Brown, was, in the early days of the country a landed slave holder in southeastern New York. The grandfather of Oscar Fitzallen Harmon, Solomon Brown, was a "minute man" in the war of the Revo- lution. He was afterward a baptist minister in Western New York. His father's first ancestor to arrive in this country was John Harmon of Norfolk County, Eng., who landed at Plymouth Rock in 1643. He lived in Springfield, Mass., from 1644 until his death in 1661. Two of John Harmon's descendents, Samuel and Joseph settled in Suffield County in 1670. The branch of the family from which Oscar Harmon sprang, lived in western Massachusetts through the i8th Century, and his grandfather Rawson Harmon removed to Monroe County, New York in about 1818. He preempted government land and settled himself and six sons in the wonderful Genesee valley. Oscar F. Harmon, having been reared by parents who were of the Baptist denomination, professed his faith in Christ and united with that church, at the age of seventeen years. About this time he wrote in his diary (one leaf of which only is to be had) of his deep de- sire for a good education and his wish to enter college. This privilege, however, was given only to the oldest son of the family who enjoyed a course at Yale and afterwards having married, at Brown. Beside the school near his home Oscar F. Harmon attended school at Limi, N. Y., also the Bancroft school called Round Top at Northampton, Massachusetts. His decision about this time to be- come a lawyer sent him to the then celebrated law school at Ballstron, Spa., N. Y., where he studied for a year and a half. He then entered the law office in Rochester of Judge Griffin and Judge Darwin E. Smith and read law with them for another year and a half and on December 3rd, 1850, was examined before the Supreme Court of the state at Albany and granted a certificate of admission to practice as attorney and counsellor at law. He taught school for a time near his home. Deciding to go west he visited Detroit and remaining in La Fayette for several weeks, he located permanently in Danville in 1853. In 1854 he was admitted to the Illinois Bar and in 1860 to the U. S. Circuit Court for the Southern District of Illinois. He then formed a law partnership with Oliver L. Davis, which continued until the latter was appointed Judge. Mr. Harmon was a representative from the 37th Senatorial District in the 2ist General Assembly OSCAR F. HARMON JUDGE O. L. DAVIS HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 391 for i858-'6o. When the i25th Regiment, Illinois Infantry, was formed, Oscar F. Harmon was made the Colonel. He led his men with unfaltering courage into all danger and at the battle of Kenesaw mountain, met his death from a bullet of the enemy. Never was there a more brave soldier, nor commander whom his men loved better. His death cast a gloom over Vermilion County and his name is reverenced with honor. CHAPTER XLV. TOWNSHIPS OF VERMILION COUNTY. FIRST DIVISION OF THE COUNTY PRECINCTS UNDER COMMISSIONERS' SYSTEM TOWNSHIP ORGANIZATION CHANGES IN BOUNDARIES DANVILLE TOWNSHIP GEORGETOWN TOWNSHIP ELWOOD TOWNSHIP CARROLL TOWNSHIP VANCE TOWNSHIP MIDDLEFORK TOWNSHIP PILOT TOWNSHIP ROSS TOWNSHIP NEWELL TOWNSHIP BLOUNT TOWNSHIP CATLIN TOWNSHIP GRANT TOWN- SHIP BUTLER TOWNSHIP OAKWOOD TOWNSHIP SIDELL TOWNSHIP JA- MAICA TOWNSHIP LOVE TOWNSHIP. At the second meeting of the Commissioners' court Vermilion County was di- vided into two sections. The reason for this division is not at this time apparent. There may have been some political advantage in this division, or it may have been but for convenience of some other kind. This was in 1826, and township organization was not effected until twenty-five years later. This division was determined by the center of town 18. All of Vermilion County south of this line was in Carroll township and all north of it was called Ripley township. This, of course, did not include the at- tached territory north of Vermilion county. No record gives the reason for either the division nor for the names given to these sections. It was in 1850 that town- ship organization was adopted in Vermilion County. At a meeting of the board of supervisors in 1851, the eight members present were from the eight precincts, as organized under the commissioners' system. These precincts were named as follows : Danville, Georgetown, Elwood, Carroll, Union, Vernon, Middlefork, and Northfork. At a special meeting of the board of supervisors, November 10, 1851, these precincts were recorded as townships and named as follows : Danville, George- town, Elwood, Carroll, Vance, Pilot, Middlefork, Ross and Newell. Since the first meeting of the board of supervisors was held in the preceding June, the division of the original precincts and renaming of the townships must have been made at the time of this first meeting'. Those present at the first meet- ing of the board of supervisors, were the following: John Canaday, William Davis, William Spicer, L. T. Catlett, Samuel Partlow, J. A. D. Sconce, Asa Dun- can, John Hoobler and Michael Oakwood. The townships remained the same number until five years later when Blount township was formed from Newell on the east and Pilot on the west. This di- 392 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 393 vision was made because of the presence of the two streams, the North Fork and the Middle Fork, which made barriers between the neighbors and handicapped the transaction of official business. In 1858 a new township was laid off from Dan- ville, Vance, Carroll and Georgetown, and named Catlin. This name was chosen because of the village of that name. Grant township was taken from Ross in 1862. Butler township was organized from the extent of territory in the northwestern part of the county. This was in 1864. Sidell township was organized from a por- tion of Carroll township in 1867. It was named for John Sidell. Jamaica town- ship was organized in 1890 from parts of Carroll, Sidell and Vance. Love town- ship was organized from Elwood, in 1902. The census of 1910 gives Vermilion County 177,966 population. DANVILLE TOWNSHIP. Danville township remains the same territory that it was in the first formation of townships. As the territory containing the county seat this township has been pretty well considered in former pages. The story of Danville township is very nearly the story of Danville itself. This was true of the first half century at least, although other towns have sprung up since and now Danville township means more than Danville and the farms surrounding it. The population of Dan- ville township outside of the city is 8,362. The original plan of the present city of Danville included Main street from per- haps about Franklin, on the west to Hazel on the east and from the river on the south to north of North street on the north. Within the memory of some of the sons and daughters of Vermilion county the lots north and west of where the Pres- byterian church is located was a vast cornfield. The old log building which was known as the Gilbert tavern with its old sign, according to the custom of the times, hanging from a tree near by, gave place to the more pretentious Pennsylvania House, and its rival the McCormack House, to in due course of time make way for the modern hotel. So it is the old buildings have all made way for the new ones with the single exception of the first Presbyterian church building and the par- sonage where Father Kingsbury lived during his service to that church, these two buildings yet standing on South Walnut street. The historic corners of the public plaza are now covered with modern buildings. The court house, rapidly becoming in itself of little merit other than historic, covers the place where the former court house stood. The old Hubbard building gave place to the Danville office building known as the Daniel block some years ago; the old Shorts Bank corner has had a modern building on its site for several years while the First National Bank building yet makes a good showing. The Palmer National Bank has but this sum- mer built a new and handsome building on the southeast corner of the plaza where they have been established for several years. The Temple building, the Baum building and the Second National Bank building are all of recent con- struction and buildings of which any city might be proud. A number of beauti- ful houses have been put up during the past half dozen years. The Lindley house on North street, the Kimbrough house on North Vermilion street and the Powers home on North Vermilion street are perhaps the finest resident property in Dan- 394 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY ville. The new government building will be a great addition to the city. It is located on the site of Judge Davis' home, on Vermilion street. The early buildings of Danville have all been lost to view these many years with the exception of the old Presbyterian church and Rev. Kingsbury house, both on the west side of south Walnut street. Other old land marks which existed for a long time have all been transformed into modern buildings. There was the old log tavern which Solomon Gilbert built on the west end of Main street. This was a pretentious house, for the time, and no criticism was due with its sign swinging from the limb of a tree near by. Everything which would tend to recall that familiar house of early day is long since passed out of sight of the interested. Even the tree and all its descendents have been converted into ashes and scattered to the four winds of the heavens. This hostelry gave place to the old Pennsylvania House and its rival, the McCormack House. The Penn- sylvania House stood on Vermilion street and the McCormack, was on west Main street between Walnut and Franklin streets. GEORGETOWN TOWNSHIP. Georgetown township lies in the second tier of counties from the southern border of Vermilion county. It has the Indiana state line as the eastern bor- der. The Vermilion river runs across its northeastern corner for about five miles with a bed so deep down as to drain the surrounding country. The Little Vermilion makes a short turn in its southern border. This township was im- portant territory in the first years of the life of Vermilion County, the two most used roads of this part of the state running through it. The road known as the state road from Vincennes to Chicago ran directly through the township and the "Salt works road" over which the product of the salt works was hauled into the settlements of western Indiana, ran directly across Georgetown town- ship. The Cairo division of the N. Y. Central lines runs through the town fol- lowing and parallel to the old state road. This road was formerly known as the Paris and Danville road, the John Short road, and the Danville & South- western R. R. Georgetown township was originally all timber, and it attracted early set- tlement. The heavy timber, the good water supply, the general lay of the land and its nearness to the salt works all tended to draw settlement that way. Later the third portion along the western border and from the center of prairie land, made this township one of fine farms. The first settlement was made by Henry Johnson, in 1820, on section 36, just two miles west of George- town. This was the year that James Butler made his home at what was after- wards known as Butlers Point. Achilles Morgan came to Vermilion County and became a settler of this township in 1825. This immediate neighborhood was called Morgans, Mor- gantown and Morgans Neighborhood. Brooks Point (now Kelleyville) was settled about this time. This town- ship was blessed with a large number of the Society of Friends coming into it and bringing their institutions. It was the part of the county which in the early times made greatest promise of merchantile progress. THE TEMPLE BUILDING, DANVILLE HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 395 The class of people who settled in Georgetown township were such as ap- preciated the value of schools. The Georgetown seminary was the institution which helped in the advancement of education more than any other school in this part of the state at that time. Georgetown village was laid out in the spring of 1826, two months after Danville was surveyed. The first plat contained four blocks of eight lots each. The only two streets were State street, running north and south and was a portion of the old state road, and West street which crossed it at right angles. The plan of the village was the idea of a hollow square such as was followed in the plat of Danville and some of the other early villages. There is a dif- ference of opinion in regard to the origin of the name of Georgetown. Some think it was named for George Beckwith, the brother of the man whose name was given to Danville; while others, with as much reason probably, assert that Mr. Haworth gave the town, which he was laying out, the same name as that of his son who was a cripple. The first building in Georgetown was a doctor's office, the next house was a blacksmith shop. ELWOOD TOWNSHIP. Compiled by Bertham Rees. As to extent, Elwood township is only a shadow of what it was once, but without its history, the history of the county or state w.ould not be com- plete, for it still contains some very noted places, noted men and some of the best and most productive farms in the county. Before the division, Elwood comprised all of town 17, range n, west of the second P. M., a fraction of range 10 and two tiers of sections off the east side of range 12, making almost \ l /2 congressional townships. The voters of the north end of the township made complaint because of having so far to go to vote so that a strip i mile wide was set off of the north side and given to Georgetown township. Later, by petition of the residents, the eastern half of the township (except sections 26 and 34) was set off as a separate township and named Love township in honor of Judge I. A. Love of Danville, who was the legal adviser in making the change. That portion of the Harrison purchase which before had been a part of Elwood was retained, although from the way it lays it should more properly come in Love township. Three-fourths of the land now comprising Elwood township is deep rich black loam soil and sufficiently rolling to make the best farms. The Little Vermilion river runs across the northwest corner cutting off about i l /2 sections and it is along this stream that the only waste land in the township is found. About the only timber in the township is found in this region. It was in this region that the first settlers made their homes, it being thought foolish at that time to get away from the streams and timber to make settlements, as the streams furnished water and the timber furnished fuel. The mineral value of the township so far as developed is very limited. It is known that most of the township is underlaid with a good quality of bitu- minous coal but as yet there are no workings within its limits. Several at- tempts have been made to locate oil, but as far as can be learned no oil or gas 396 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY in paying quantities have been found. Some claim there is a ledge of lime- stone in the northwest corner, but nothing has developed along that line. It is safe to say that the soil is the chief asset of the township to date. The history of the settlement of Elwood township is closely connected with the history of this entire section of the country. A great number of places in the south part of the county were settled about the same time. The first settlements within the township were Vermilion Grove, Pilot Grove and Ridge- farm. The names given these places were given them on account of some natural characteristic of the country. The name Vermilion came from the Vermilion river which runs nearby and on account of a post office farther south, being named Vermilion. When the post office here was established, it was called Vermilion Grove, being located in a natural grove. Pilot Grove was so named on account of a grove located on higher ground than the surrounding country and served as a pilot for travelers through that section in early days. Ridgefarm was the name given by Abram Smith to his farm located where the town now stands and was so named because of the rise in the ground that forms a ridge extending across the township from east to west. Vermilion Grove is the oldest settlement in the township and its history dates back to 1820 when John Malsby came from Indiana and built a cabin just northeast of where the public school building now stands, but finding the country so new and wild went back to Indiana. George Bocke came about the same time and took a claim but on account of the ponds and swamps and malaria which were abundant, he with his fam- ily moved on to Brooks Point, after having sold his claim to John Haworth who became the first permanent settler in the locality. Mr. Haworth was a Quaker or Friend, as they are now called, and thus was begun, amongst the hardships and privations of pioneer life, the foundation for the broad and sub- stantial influence of the Friends in Illinois. Mr. Haworth left Tennessee in 1818, to get away from the institution of slavery and out from under its effects. He went to Union County, Indiana, and came here in 1821 and wintered in the house built by Mr. Malsby. He was a cousin of James Haworth who settled soon after near Georgetown. He did not undertake farming his land by raising grain, but raising stock seemed more profitable. Mr. Haworth entered many hundred acres of land but did not hold it to speculate on, but sold it to his friends as they came into the new country. George Harworth, an uncle of John, came soon after and was instrumental in establishing the first meeting in the township. Thus the Friends church which has had so much influence on the history of the township and surround- ing country, had its small beginning. A log church was soon built near where the present brick structure stands. Elvin Haworth, a son of John Haworth, lived all his life on the well known Haworth farm and during his life contributed much to the church and school, leaving the bulk of his land to Vermilion academy by will at his death. Henry Canaday came from Tennessee in 1821 and built a cabin one-half mile west of the station, but his boys could not stand the wildness and all moved back to Tennessee. They soon regretted the move and tried it again in the fall. HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 397 determined to settle down and make the new country their home. During the first trip, so the account goes, they brought some hogs, which, when they went back, were turned loose in the woods and became wild. These, together with other wild game, furnished good sport for any inclined to be a Nimrod for years afterward. John Mills was another early settler here, but went farther west entering the land where the Mills descendants now occupy. Thus many settlers came and began the foundation for a strong church, a splendid school and a prosperous and substantial farming community. The hardships and privations were great, but out from this toil and suffering, sprung the institutions which the people of this community now enjoy, and many do not fail to ascribe the honor and tribute to those who wrought and fought for the splendid heritage. The first school in Vermilion County was taught by Reuben Black who came from Ohio, in the winter of 1824-5. It was in a log house one mile west of Vermilion Grove. John Mills sent three sons and one daughter, Joseph Jackson sent two children, Ezekiel Hollingsworth sent four children, Henry Canaday sent his son William, John Haworth sent his sons Thomas, David and Elvin. This made 14 scholars in all. The branches taught were spelling, read- ing, writing and arithmetic. The second school was taught by Elijah Yeager, a Methodist minister from east Tennessee, two years later, in a cabin one mile northeast of Vermilion station. The house was built of logs, 16 feet square. It was certainly one of the old timers of which some of us have heard our fathers tell. But the old house soon became inadequate and the needs of the fast grow- ing community demanded a better building. In 1850 a frame structure was built, 30x52, with two recitation rooms properly furnished. This was called Vermilion seminary. Jonah M. Davis was employed as principal and school opened with no students. The following branches were taught: Geography, algebra, chemistry, geometry, surveying, history, mineralogy, philosophy, read- ing, writing, spelling, elocution and Latin. Mr. Davis continued here for five years, and was certainly one of the best educators of his day. Many of the (now) old men who reside in this and surrounding communities date their education back to this old seminary. Vermilion academy of today is really the continuation of the old seminary. It was established in 1874, by the Society of Friends and has continued under their management to the present time. The first board of trustees chosen con- sisted of William Rees, John Henderson, Richard Mendenhall, John Elliott, Jonah M. Davis and Elvin Haworth. A two story brick building, 46x60, was erected at a cost of $8,000. The brick for the building were burned on the ground, thus reducing the cost to the minimum. For the maintenance of the school $10,000, consisting of 50 scholarships of $200 each were subscribed. The owner could pay the interest at 7% on this scholarship each year which would constitute the tuition for one scholar for one year. If he had no chil- dren of school age, he could sell the scholarship to some one who wished to at- tend school. It was the aim then, and still is, to offer a better opportunity for a liberal academic education, under purer and more Christian influences than is com- monly afforded by the public high schools. While it is under the supervision of 398 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY Friends church, yet it is not sectarian. The fact that Vermilion academy has stood and still stands for noble manhood and womanhood, is strongly attested by the large number of men and women scattered far and wide, who have graduated and gone from its influence. Out of 166 graduates who have gone out from the institution, 96 have at sometime since graduation taught in the public schools, 33 of them have gradu- ated at higher institutions, eight have gone to their long home and all the others have and are meeting the problems of life in a way that reflects credit on their teachers and alma mater. The original town of Ridgefarm was platted for record November 10, 1853, by Abraham Smith, and consisted of thirteen lots beginning ten feet west of the west side of the state road and eight feet south of the county road. The same year Thomas Haworth laid out and recorded an addition west of the state road and north of the county road. On the 2/th of February, 1856, Thomas Haworth laid out his second addition of seventeen lots. On the ist of December, 1854, J. W. Thompson laid out his first addition, east of the state road and south of the county road, eight lots ; and in August, 1856, his second addition of thirty-two lots. On April u, 1856, Abraham Smith made his third addition of six lots. On the 25th of March, 1857, Thomas Haworth laid out his third and fourth addition. In November, 1872, A. B. Whinnery laid out an addition of two blocks near the Big Four Railroad, and soon afterwards es- tablished a flourishing business and for a number of years, that part of town was the main business center. On the 5th of April, 1873, R. H. Davis platted his sub-division of section 30. In April, 1872, J. H. Banta platted his addition of four blocks east of the Big Four Railroad and April 15, H. C. Smith platted an addition east of the state road. Soon after the town was laid out by Abraham Smith he built a frame store room near where the armory now stands and conducted a general store. Nearby Samuel Weeks built a blacksmith shop. Thomas Haworth built a store room near where the post office now is, and rented it to another man who put in a stock of hardware. John Dickens built a tavern on the southwest corner of the square. About 1857, Weeks and Price put up a building on the northwest corner of the square and used it for a drug store. It is hardly worth while to say that these old buildings have long since been removed and imposing brick structures occupy the most prominent places, while the last resting places of the men who built the old buildings are marked by simple stone slabs in Pilot Grove, Vermilion Grove and Ridgefarm ceme- teries. With the building of the railroad in 1873-74 business increased and several business ventures found location near the railroad. A large flouring mill was built there at that time by Davis Brothers, which was considered one of the best mills in the country and did the mill work for a large scope of country. The mill was purchased by Banta & Coppock and afterward Mr. Coppock sold to A. J. Darnell and he to A. B. Whinnery. An extensive grain business was built up and when it fell to younger men, W. F. Banta became the proprietor, and he, being very successful, retired from business in 1907, the National Elevator Co., of Indianapolis, having purchased the entire business of Mr. Banta. This included a large number of elevators at other places. There were a great num- HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 399 ber of other business ventures which were successful and which have been transferred to younger men who now conduct them in a profitable and courteous manner. We might mention the lumber yard which for many years was con- ducted by Adam Mills, who afterward became president of the First National Bank and served in that capacity until his death. The mercantile business con- ducted by A. B. Whinnery was for many years the leading business of the kind in south Vermilion County, but as trade is transient and buyers are always seeking new things to satisfy their fancy, and as Mr. Whinnery grew older, Tiis trade was largely changed to his competitors who employed new and up-to- date business methods. A. J. Darnell became the leading merchant but at this time no one could long hold a monopoly of the trade. Mr. Darnell did well however, and left a large estate. The hardware business was chiefly left to J. P. Tuttle who with his son still conducts a very extensive trade in that line. Others have come and gone but Tuttle stays. Many others might be mentioned but space and time forbids. A petition for the incorporation of the village of Ridgefarm under the general incorporation act, signed by Uriah Hadley and others, was filed in the county court on the 3d of March, 1874. The petition proposed the following limits to the village: The S. W. l /4 of sec. 30 and the N. W. l /4 of sec. 31, town 17, range n, and the S. E. % of 25 and the N. E. ^ of sec. 36, town 17, range 12, embracing i mile square of territory ; and it set forth that there were within said limits 350 inhabitants. The court ordered an election to be held at the store of J. C. Pierce on the 2ist of March, 1874, to vote on the question of in- corporation. George H. Dice, R. H. Davis and J. H. Banta were appointed judges of the election. At that election fifty-one votes were cast, forty-nine for incorporation and two against. The proposition to incorporate having- thus car- ried, the court ordered another election to be held on the 22d of April, to vote for six trustees to serve until the regular election in course of the law. At this election J. H. Banta, M. A. Harrold, T. C. Rees, A. J. Darnell, A. B. Whinnery and Moses Lewis were duly chosen trustees. The trustees on May i, organized by electing A. J. Darnell, president, and T. C Rees, clerk They adopted a set of. ordinances and fixed the compensation of officers; trustees to have $1.00 per meeting ; treasurer, one per centum ; collector, two per centum, and assessor $1.50 per day. The offices of collector and assessor were afterwards dispensed with. At the regular election in 1875 the following were elected : President, M. A. Harrold ; A. B. Whinnery, A. M. Mills, C. Lewis, S. Haworth and H. R. Craven, trustees; T. C. Rees, police magistrate; James Quinn, clerk; E. Good- win, constable. The village has enjoyed a constant, steady growth since its in- corporation. It has never had what is generally known as a "boom" but has quietly plodded along until now, residents claim a population of about 1,400 people. Among the many large and commodious residences of the village at the present might be mentioned those of William F. Banta, S. H. Brown, John Brown, Isaac Woodyard, Mrs. Addle Guffin and many more almost imposing and beautiful Ridgefarm is noted for its fine homes. In church, professional and business lines, Ridgefarm has the following list : i elevator, i lumber yard, i implement firm, i light and ice plant, i cream- ery, i furniture store, 4 grocery stores, 2 general stores, i dry goods and clothing 400 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY store, 2 hardware stores, 2 restaurants, i drug store, i millinery store, i jewelry store, i printing office, i paper, I garage, 2 banks, 2 blacksmith shops, 2 butcher shops, i candy kitchen, i harness shop, i livery barn, 2 railroads, i interurban, i grist mill, i building and loan association, 3 barber shops, i tile mill, I high school, 4 churches, 5 doctors, i dentist, 2 veterinary doctors, i lawyer and 2 telephone exchanges and no saloons. A fine Carnegie library has just been com- pleted and is ready for occupancy. This building stands where the old Meth- odist church stood years ago. A new school building is under course of con- struction. This when completed will be the largest and best high school build- ing in eastern Illinois outside the large cities. It will cost over $30,000. Mr. Frank Pribble the contractor is a Ridgefarm boy and has been very success- ful in contract work. Pilot is only a settlement, but is the most historical place in Elwood town- ship because it is in this neighborhood that the famous Harrison purchase be- gins. The northern point of this triangular piece of land lies just north of what is known as Locust Corner school house. Harrison negotiated with the Indians for a large tract, beginning at this point, the east side of which is a line running from this rock, on a certain day of the year, toward the 10 o'clock sun, the western line running toward the i o'clock sun and terminating in the northern part of Crawford County, thence east to the Wabash. The east line terminates at the Wabash river a few miles north of where it becomes the boundary of the state. The part that belongs to Elwood township extends one-half mile below the southern boundary of the township, running parallel with the southern boundary. Just why this extention into Edgar County, has not been explained. And at one time there was a small grove near the center of the township known as Pilot Grove which in later years has been cleared and the ground is now farmed, there being only a few acres remaining. It is now known as the Fowler farm. There is only one village within the borders of Pilot. It has a two-room school building, a church, a bank, a grain elevator, two or three stores and a dozen dwelling houses. There have been several postoffices in the township on what was known as "Star" routes. These were known as Oak, Charity and Bixby. Since the ad- vent of the free rural deliveries these postoffices have been abandoned and the east end of the township is served by a rural carrier out of Collison, the north side from carriers out of Potomac and Armstrong, the south from carriers out of Ogden, Fithian, Muncie and Oakwood, thus the township, practically being inland, has a good rural route system. The Sidell branch of the C. & E. I., cuts across the eastern part of the town- ship and near the place known as Collison point. A village is located on the Thos. A. Collison place and is known as Collison. The Villa Grove branch of the same system touches the northwest corner of the township where is located a small store, a school house and an elevator which is known as Gerald. It has no postoffice and is practically only a cross-roads place. The whole township is practically inlaid with drainage tile. The principal crops now are corn, oats, clover and grass. Grass is not as profitable as it was HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 401 several years ago when large herds of cattle were seen grazing on the pastures. The land is now given up to agricultural purposes and is not used for grazing. Cattle grazing has become obsolete. The cattle that are now fed are purchased at the Chicago or other markets, shipped in, fattened and re-shipped to Chicago to the packing houses. Pilot township is known as the largest feeders of sheep in the county. Fre- quently there are 25,000 head of sheep in this township. These are fed and re- shipped to Chicago markets. Most of the corn and oats of the township are shipped to other markets. At one time this was all fed to cattle as Pilot township used to be one of the best feeding places in the country. Pilot has only one village, Collison, located on the C. & E. I. railroad in the eastern part of the township near what was known in early day as Collison point. The father of John Fletcher moved into this locality in 1828 and the Folgers soon followed, and much of the land in the locality still belongs to the direct descendants of those early settlers. A friends church was early established in this locality and is still kept up. Although the membership is small, yet the earnestness and zeal with which the members carry on the work, is a subject for comment by outside people. Olivet is the name of a new religious and educational community in the northern part of the township. This is in the vicinity of the Old Sharon neigh- borhood, on the farm at one time owned by that pioneer Henry Canaday. Here within the past three years has sprung into existence a new school which prom- ises to be of immense proportions. As stated in the catalogue : "Out of the con- viction of a common need came the desire and prayer of a few of God's people in this state for a school which would stand definitely and always for holiness of heart and life. The answer of that prayer and effort is Illinois Holiness Uni- versity." The conviction was that the religious element is necessary to education ; that religious experience and ethical culture must come in the formative stages of one's life; that God can have His way with His creature man only when his spiritual is in advance of his intellectual ; and that the beginning and developing of the spiritual part must be undertaken in early life and conducted from the first in a sane and safe manner, with the Bible as a text book. To this end a small school was started in 1907. Later, the present site of the university grounds was secured and a grammar school and academic departments were added in 1908. A college department was added in 1909 and a large dormatory for girls was erected at a cost of $30,000. Another large administration build- ing is now being erected at a total cost of $50,000. Other buildings are con- templated. A corps of 12 teachers are in charge of the school. Ezra T. Frank- lin is president. Growing up around the university is the town of Olivet. About 16 houses with modern equipment are completed. Many others are soon to be finished for people coming here for school purposes. Over 400 lots are platted, and 50 have been sold within the past 12 months. The location is ideal and the place is fast taking on the appearance of a modern university community. 402 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY CARROLL TOWNSHIP. Carroll township is the one which has, more than any other, suffered from di- vision and restriction. Originally it was that portion of Vermilion county which lay south of the center of town 18 and until Jamaica township was established the northern boundary of Carroll remained unchanged. Now, however, not one boundary is the same as the original township. In 1826 the townships were fixed and Carroll became one of eight, instead of two, divisions of Vermilion County. After that Carroll lost a portion of ter- ritory to Georgetown township, and another portion of the east part to Elwood township. Yet later, the territory of Sidell township was lost from the western side. This was in 1867. This part of the county was settled quite early. The Little Vermilion river runs across the southern end and has numerous branches which altogether makes it the best portion of the county for stock raising because of the inexhaustible water supply. This demand of the first settlers for streams of running water seems odd at this time when it is considered a disadvantage to have such on a farm, and the driven well has been made so easy to obtain. The timber along these streams was excellent and the township was covered for about a third of its territory. Water and timber, the two considered necessities, were plentiful and good. The first settlers south of the river came from Palestine, in 1820. Others followed these and a little later there were settlers on the north of the river. Of these early settlers there were John Myers, and his brother-in-law, Joseph Frazier, the Starrs, Moses Bradshaw, William McDowell, Abel Williams, and Robert Dickson. Silas Waters, John Reed, George Barnett and John Stark all came later. The earliest settlers on the north arm of the Little Vermilion were John Hoag, Samuel Munnel, William Swank and Alexander McDonald. Dr. Thomas Madden was the first physician in this township. Abraham San- dusky came to this township in the early thirties and both had large families. His brother, who settled in Catlin township, grew to prominent citizenship in this section. Michael Weaver, the Baums, and David Fisher all were the early citizens of this part of Vermilion county. The Sidell division of the C. & E. I., runs through Carroll township. Indianola has been a town of many names and little things of importance attached to it. It was laid out and recorded on the 6th of September, 1836, as Chfllicothe. It is but one mile from the Little Vermilion river. David Baird and William Swank platted and made arrangements for one hundred and four lots. The public square in the center of the platted town had on its north side a street called North street, on its south side Main street, on its east side, Vermilion street, and on its west side, Walnut street. These were the only streets in the original plat. John Gilgis called for a resurvey of the town in 1865 but this did not change its geography. When Chillicothe demanded a post office it was found that there was a town of the same name on the Illinois river, and a change of name was necessary. This resulted in calling the village Dallas. This was in 1844. After the change No. I Xo. II No. Ill NO. rv SCENES ALONG THE INDIAN TRAIL HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 403 was made another postoffice in the state was called Dallas City and Mr. Cul- bertson, the postmaster, was so annoyed that, without knowledge or consent of the citizens, requested the post office department to change the name' of Dallas to Indianola. For a long time this name was not accepted by the people, and a confusion of names resulted. For many years Indianola had no railroad fa- cilities and when this means of transportation came it was too late to have the village make use of it other than a means of seeking trade in more favored lo- calities. The village was established in 1836 and its early growth was retarded by the commercial depression of the following year. Those early days have as- sociated with them the names of Mr. Atkinson, Guy Merrill, A. H. O. Bryant, Dr. Baum and Mr. McMillen. Carroll township has been so cut and divided as to make a history of it and one of other townships of the county the same. THE OLD INDIAN TRAIL ACROSS THE SOUTHERN PART OF VERMILION COUNTY. S. Harvey Black, age 83, born in Bourbon County, Kentucky, 1827, came with his parents here and settled in Carroll township within a mile of where he is now standing in 1834. About 20 feet to the right of the tree where Mr. Black is standing is the depression of the old trail which is now in Mr. Black's door yard. Mr. Black and wife, formerly Miss Hutt, who came from Kentucky with her parents in 1834 and settled near her present home and to her right a few feet was the old trail. Mrs. Black is 82 years old and she and her husband have been married sixty odd years. To Mr. and Mrs. Black we are indebted for the facts concerning the once famous Indian trail. Then can describe the passing of the last few small bands of Indians over the famous trail. The numbers are on the reverse sides of the pictures. Nos. i and 2 are the same place, the two pictures being taken at different angles looking up the hill. The hill where these were taken slopes toward the southeast on the north bank of the Little Vermilion river very near the center of Sec. 25, town 17, north range 13, west of the second P. M. In No. 2 a large rock is shown at foot of picture. No. 8 is near the south bank of the Little Vermilion river sloping north toward the river and is about 30 rods south of Nos. i and 2. Just in front of the auto- mobile the depressions are plainly visible. This place is located about 20 rods south of the center of Sec. 25, town 17, north range 13, west of the second P. M. Nos. i and 2 are went down in going south across the river and No. 8 where they went up the hill after crossing the river. Nos. 3 and 4 are the same hill. No. 3 is looking up the hill toward the south- west. The white spot in the center of picture is a rock. The man to the left hand is standing in the depression where the road wound around and up the hill, the man to the right in another depression and man in center on the knoll between the depressions of the trail. , No. 4 is looking down the same hill toward the northeast, our coats lying in the depression. This hill slopes to the north and lies near the center of the 404 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY south border of the north Y-I of the N. E. j4 of Sec. 25, town 17, north range 13 west. No. 5 shows the depressions to the left of the stack of posts and just to the right of large tree in the center of picture. This view is toward the northeast and on level ground. On the left hand lower corner and to the right of the tree is two plain depressions. From this place the trail led northeast to the present village of Indianola. This photo locates the trail near the center of the west line of the S. W. J4 of the S. W. J4 of Sec. 19, town 17, north range 12 west of the second P. M. INDIAN TRAIL. This "Indian Trail" after leaving Indianola wound in a southwesterly di- rection across the northwest corner of Sec. 20, through near the center of Sec. 19, town 17, north range 12, west crossed the river near the center of Sec. 25, then along the north side of Sec. 35 and continued west along the north side of Sec. 34 for one-half mile, then took a southwesterly course across Sec. 33 and intersected the Vermilion and Edgar County lines one-half mile west of the south- east corner of Sec. 33, town 17, north range 13, west of second P. M. After reaching Edgar County the trail continued on southwest three miles to Major Croghan "of the British army" and his party after leaving the old French fort of Guatonan near the present town of LaFayette, Indiana, came along the above described trail through the present site of Indianola to Sec. 7, town 16, north range 13, west of second P. M., Edgar County, where they met the great 'Indian Chief" July 18, 1765, where a conference was held between Major Croghan and Chief Pontiac which resulted in the formation of a treaty of peace between Pontiac tribes and the British or English speaking people. After this treaty Pontiac accompanied Major Croghan back over this same trail to Ft. Guatonan, Indiana. The following illustrations of the old Indian trail from Kaskaskia to Detroit which is yet visible in southeastern part of the county tells its own story. VANCE TOWNSHIP. Vance township is on the extreme western border of Vermilion County. It has Oakwood as its northern boundary, Catlin as its eastern boundary and Sidell as its southern boundary. The Salt Fork of the Vermilion river runs through its northern part nearly its whole length. This stream was skirted with timber, but it is all gone at this time. The township was one of the first established and it was with one section less than a congressional township. The state road from Danville to Decatur runs through Vance township keeping as nearly as possible one half mile from the banks of Salt Fork. The Wabash railway runs through the center of this township. The village of Fairmount is situated on this railroad about one mile from its eastern border. There is an abundance of building stones along this stream, and ledges of valvaree silicious crop out on the prairie near the center of the town from which the best known material for making roads and an excellent quality of lime for building purposes and dressing for wheat lands. This stone is so hard it will withstand the destructive elements of nature and No. V No. VII No. VIII SCENES ALONG THE INDIAN TRAIL HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 405 yet soft enough to be crushed under the wheels of the passing wagon or even buggy. The ridge or divide between the Salt Fork and Little Vermilion runs along the southern border of Vance township, and the prairie land all sheds toward the north, being freely supplied with small streams and branches which water the farms and afford fine drainage. The surface is neither flat nor hilly, having suf- ficient undulation to make it capable of tillage all seasons, with here and there small mounds or easily rising hills which add variegated beauty to the scene no less than real value to its worth. Originally about twelve square miles of its ter- ritory was timber land, that being about one-third of its present surface. This township includes the finest farm lands in this or any other state. The small farm is the rule and in most instances of these small farms they have been in the possession of the original owners and their descendants since they were first entered or bought. The earlier settlements of Vance township were made along the state road, or, as more nearly the facts in the matter, these houses were built along the border of the timber and the state road followed the settlements. Before the road was straightened and made a state road through the efforts and influence of Col. Vance, then in the state legislature, it wound in and out where clearings were made. The railroad was graded through the township in 1836. This grading was done through the influence of Dr. Fithian. He foresaw the im- possibility of the network of international improvements being carried out and secured work on the proposed railroad through Vermilion county while there yet was money to attain this object. John W. Vance was at the time, also, a mem- ber of the legislature, and he opposed the railroad scheme from start to finish. This opposition destroyed whatever chance he might have had for political pro- motion, but his reasons for this stand was that the project for the railroad was so much in advance of the needs of the times as to prove impracticable. It is well that he was honored by the name of the township, for no more noble name was ever held in Vermilion County than that of John W. Vance, the statesman. Vance township contained a part of what is now Oakwood township at the time it was organized and named for this man whose residence was in that part of the township. As soon as the railroad was located Ellsworth & Co. entered all the land along the line from Danville to Decatur, that had not previously been taken, and held it for speculation. Owing to the revulsion in trade during the next year this speculation did not result in the vast wealth anticipated. . The first settler in Vance township was Thomas Osborne who made a cabin in section 32, a mile or two northwest of Fairmount, in 1825. He was not a farmer but made his wealth in hunting and fishing. Mr. Osborne staid only long enough to have the trade in fur grow less. Mr. Rowell and Mr. Gazad were "squatters" for a time. These were followed by James Elliott, James French, and Samuel Beaver. These two went further west and William Davis bought their claims. The list of early settlers grows longer and longer, including the names of James Smith, William O'Neal, W. Feidler, W. H. Butle and Francis Daugherty. The latter came to this section in 1832 and it was he who gave the name to the village of Fairmount. This village was established and named Salina. This name was all right until the matter of a post office at the place was agitated. 406 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY Then it was, the fact became known that there was a post office by that name in Illinois and the name of Fairmount was given to the village. This was not the first time a place in Vance township was called by that name. Some time previous to this the Dougherty farm was the place where the mail for the people of this part of the county was carried. This farm was so located on a pleasing rise of ground that it was called Fairmount, and this elevation was well named, for a fairer place could not be found. When the name of Salina was found im- possible, this old name was chosen and the village of Fairmount became one of the towns of Vermilion county. Fairmount began its career with the determination to have no liquor sold within its limits. A struggle just at first resulted in the decisive defeat of all opposition to this plan. There was a drain tile factory located in Fairmount in 1880, and operated for twenty years. This was patronized by the farmers of Vermilion county and large quantities of it shipped south. The location of this plant in Fairmount saved the farmers of the county thousands of dollars in popularizing draining which added to the value of the land in increased productiveness. When the large Fairmount dredge ditch is completed which is now being dug, Vance town- ship will have all the land reclaimed. Large portions of Vance township are un- derlaid with a good strata of coal which is being worked at Bennett station two miles northeast of Fairmount. Another and a valuable industry of Vance town- ship is the Fairmount quarries located two miles south of the village. These quarries produce an almost chemically pure limestone which is used in the manu- facture of steel also cement in large quantities is being produced from this stone. This stone field is of several miles in extent. Of this several hundred acres have been proven and purchased. The company which are operating these quarries now (1910) take four thousand tons out daily of this material and have four hundred seventy-five to five hundred employees on the pay roll. Vance township is one of the smallest of Vermilion County but has no less than sixteen miles of hard roads and in the near future will have all wagon roads as fine as any city pavement. Fairmount is the only village in the township and has a thousand inhabitants. It has a graded high school employing six teachers. It has four churches, two elevators, several good stores, lumber yard and the ever indispensable blacksmith shop. Fairmount is one of the best lighted villages in the country ; residences and streets lighted with Presto light or acetelyne gas. MIDDLE FORK TOWNSHIP. The township called Middle Fork, lies in that part of Vermilion County where the three main branches of the Vermillion river unite and form that stream. Middle Fork township is bounded on the north by Butler, east by Ross, south by Blount and Pilot, and west by the county line. At the time of organization this township included not only all of Butler township but all of that part of Ford, running up to the Kankakee river, and was more than 60 miles long. That was in 1851. There was not an inhabitant north of what is now known as Blue Grass Grove, where a few families had collected around Horse Creek. HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 407 These people refused to recognize the authority vested in Danville some 75 miles to the south. When Richard Courtney was elected assessor, in 1852, he deter- mined to enforce the law, and went into this neighborhood to assess the property. He was met with defiance on the part of the people which went to the extent of the women attacking him with brooms and other feminine articles of warfare. A determination to do his duty under the law, however, made him stand firm and after securing the help of a lawyer, who lived there, to make the assessment. Middle Fork township contained, originally, about twelve sections of timber land, which was more in the form of pretty well defined groves, with little of undergrowth, and hazel brush patches which later grew into timber land, than of what is generally called timber. This timber is about all gone at this time, however. The main branch of the Middle Fork passes nearly through the town- ship until its junction with Bean creek, when it turns southwest and passes into Pilot township. Along the Middle Fork, after leaving the main body of timber on the south, were Collisons Point, Colwell timber, Partlows timber, Douglas Moore timber, and Buck Grove. The Blue Grass branch, which comes from the north, joining the main branch near Marysville, had Bob Courtney's grove and Blue Grass Grove on it. Merritt's Point was on Bean creek as were other early homes of the early settlers who were eager to take advantage of the combined shade and shelter and good water for their cattle. Of all the territory of the northern part of Vermilion County, none offered a better opportunity for com- fortable homes than did Middle Fork township. Many of the early settlers made their homes along the creek bottoms seeking at once protection from the imagined terrors of the prairie, and the convenient water. Without exception such fami- lies were subject to sickness, severe and fatal. This fear of the prairies seems hardly to be credited now, yet to the early settler they were of but one use, there was no doubt that the prairies of Illinois would never have other use than to pasture great herds of cattle which would roam over them, as the herds do over the vast pampas of South America. The streams through the pieces of timber were peculiar in one respect. When the first settlers came these streams seemed to have worn no channels for the water courses. Every -little rain spread them out into great ponds. Whether it was owing to the peculiar nature of the soil, or whatever may have been the cause, or causes, they did not wear deep chan- nels. Wherever there was an obstruction as a fallen tree, the water poured over and made a deep pond or hole, which remained deep the year around. In these deep places large fish were caught and many and startling are the fish stories, even yet, told of the fish caught in Middle Fork township. One of the singular things about the grass found on the prairie when the first settlers came, was the fact that it was without seed or any means of propagation. When it was once killed by any means, or circumscribed in any way, it could not by any process spread. It was impossible to spread it. It was the more strange because Nature has never given another case of the actual absence of the quality of propagation. When this native grass was destroyed. Nature furnished another covering. Several thousand acres of Kentucky blue grass which lay around and through the Blue Grass Grove in Middle Fork township, was found by the earliest settlers and seemed unaccountable. Many accounted for its pres- ence by thinking the Indians had brought the seed. This belief was cherished 408 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY until after the nature of grasses was more generally known. Blue grass is as much a native product as is the prairie grass. The Pottawatomie and Kickapoo Indians had this grove as a habitat. They had cultivated in their own way, a small patch of corn which had destroyed the prairie grass and blue grass ran "in" as is said. The actual spot where the corn was planted was but a small portion of the space where the native grass was destroyed, for the entire place where the Indians lived and kept their horses, made the same conditions for the spread of the other native grass supplied by Nature, and the vast space was covered with blue grass. This is the simple cause for the presence of the vast blue grass pas- ture found in Middle Fork township. The first settlers found corn growing here so recently had it been the home of another race. No plow was known to Indian farming. The corn was planted in hills a little closer than it is now, and was hoed by the women and hilled up very much in the way potatoes are cultivated in small gardens. The following year the corn was planted in hills between those the first year and the soil which had been hoed up around the the last year's planting was hilled around the new. The only variety of corn they planted was the spotted ears, red and white. When the corn was harvested it was put into a cave dug in the dry knolls. Here it was buried until it was wanted. The first settlement was made in Middle Fork in 1828 by Mr. Partlow, and his grown family from Kentucky. Michael Cook, William Bridges, Mr. Gray, and John Smith (plain) were among the earliest settlers of this section. This particular John Smith was a singular man and always signed his name in this manner. There was a John Smith in the county who always signed his name John Smith (Eng.) and this other man of the same name made his signature in this way. After Gurdon Hubbard went to Chicago there was a strong drawing of Vermilion County people toward the north of that direction, and many of the citizens of Middle Fork township went to Milwaukee and Galena. Few of these bettered themselves, however. Charles Bennett settled at Collisons Point in 1828. The first school taught in the township was by Rev. Ryman, being in a house four miles west of Myersville, about 1842. In 1835 a county road was estab- lished through Rossville and Blue Grass from the state line, west. A few years after, this was known as the Attica road. Thomas Owens bought a farm and moved a house on section 16, and commenced keeping a tavern. A store and postoffice soon followed, and a blacksmith shop was started. Blue Grass, as the little burg was called, was a busy and promising place until the era of railroads, where neighboring villages secured the new means of transportation and out- stripped it in the race for distinction. The postoffice at Blue Grass was established in 1843 an< i John Carter ap- pointed postmaster. This was the only postoffice in the northwestern part of the county and it was no uncommon thing to see a hundred people standing there when the mail came in. In 1850, John Carter and George Small laid out and platted a town which consisted of two blocks, one on each side of the county road. The La Fayette Oil Mill Co. built a flax warehouse there and for some years Mr. Hartwell run that and did a thriving business. Hartwell, Scott & Mc- Daniels, Groves & Butler, Henderson & Lee, and Davis & Hall, successively, sold goods in Blue Grass. During and after the close of the civil war trade was good, these firms selling as much as $25,000 per year. HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 409 The Havana, Rantoul & Eastern R. R. (narrow gauge) runs through the township from east to west, a mile south of its center. Mr. Gifford, the president of the company, lived in Rantoul. He went to Blue Grass in 1874 and asked for a stock subscription of $2,000 per mile. The citizens had heard a lot of rail- road talk before and had not much confidence in this, but subscribed some $16,- ooo. The road was completed to Alvan by Christmas, 1876, and from Alvan to Lebanon in 1878, and from Rantoul, west to LeRoy in 1879. Marysville was built upon the prairie, but at the time of its being built, was pretty nearly sur- rounded with timber. John Smith (plain) was the first man here, but Isaac Meneley, Mr. Morehead and Robert Marshall, who were living on the other side of the creek, soon came to help him make a town here. When the village was a certainty, and a name was sought, it was found that both Mr. Smith and Mr. Meneley had wives whose given names were Mary, and it was decided to call the new village for these two women and Marysville was the name it has ever since borne. When it became a postoffice this name had to be changed to Potomac. At the February term of the county court, in 1876, a petition was presented by Rigden Potter and thirty-seven others, asking for the organization of Marysville under the act for the incorporation of villages, with the following bounds : com- mencing at the southeast corner of section 3, town 21, range 13; thence north to the northeast corner of the section; thence west to the northwest corner of the east one-half corner of the northeast one-fourth of said section ; thence south to the north of the right of way of the railroad; thence west along said right of way, 40 rods ; thence south 40 rods to the center of Main street ; thence east along the center of Main street, 27 rods; thence south to south line of said section; thence east to place of beinging. The petition set forth that there were within said proposed bounds 323 inhabitants. An election was called for April 2, when fifty-seven votes were cast, forty-six of them being for incorporation. Marysville has lately been lost in the name of Potomac, and the artesian wells of the section has made it famous. Armstrong is another of the villages of Middlefork township. It is located on the H. R. & E. R. R., four miles west of Marysville. It was platted in 1877 on land belonging to Thomas and Henry Armstrong. PILOT TOWNSHIP. No section of the country in this part of Illinois presents a more attractive view than that occupied by Pilot township. Pilot is one of the original town- ships reported by the committee appointed to divide the county into townships, in December, 1850. It has the name then given. The committee's report, sub- mitted on the 27th of February, 1851, bounded the township as follows: Begin- ning at the southeast corner of section 34, in town 20, range 12, go north to the east corner of section 3 in said town ; thence to the southeast corner of section 33, town 21, range 12; thence north to the northeast corner of section 21 in said town 21 ; thence west on the section line to the northwest corner of section 22, in town 21, range 14 ; thence south on the county line to the southwest corner of sec- tion 34, town 20, range 14 ; thence east on the south line of town 20, to the place of beginning. Since that time the township has undergone some changes in bound- 410 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY ary, the principal one being the two-mile slice from the south side upon the forma- tion of Oakwood township in 1868. At present it is bounded as follows : Begin- ning at the southeast corner of section 20, town 20, range 12, go north one-half mile; thence west one-fourth mile; thence north one and one-half miles; thence west to the northwest corner of section 17 in said town; thence north two miles; thence west to the southeast corner of section 35, town 21, range 13; thence north two miles ; thence west one-half mile ; thence north one mile ; thence west to the county line ; thence south on the county line to the southwest corner of section 22, town 20, range 14; thence east to the point of starting. From these boundary lines it will be seen that Pilot now contains sixty-five and one-eighth square miles ; that it is ten miles from east to west in its longest portion ; that it is seven miles wide, and that it lies mostly in ranges 13 and 14, only a small portion being in range 12. Pilot is bounded on the north by Middle Fork township, on the east by Blount, on the south by Oakwood, and on the west by Champaign County. It occupies the middle of the western side of Vermilion County. The surface of this township is undulating, or gently rolling, in the central part. In the south and southwest portions the tendency is to flatten out and be- come too level. Along the eastern edge we have the brakes of the Middle Fork. There is a high portion of the township which is known as California Ridge. It is the water-shed between the waters of the Salt and Middle Forks. It is excep- tionally hig-h ground for this country, and has on it some of the most desirable farms in the state of Illinois. Nearly all of the land is prairie. There is some timber on the eastern side along the Middle Fork, though not much of the Middle Fork timber extends into Pilot townshp, and there is a small grove near the center of the township known as Pilot Grove. This point of timber, away out in the prairie, away from any stream, and on the highest portions of land in the country, very naturally attracted the attention of early settlers. It was called Pilot on account of its peculiar situation, this rendering it a kind of guide a kind of beacon-light to the explorers of the prairie. The township derived its name from this grove. There are no streams in Pilot of importance, with the ex- ception of Middle Fork, which skirts the edge on the east, now in and now with- out the limits of the township. The head waters of Stony Creek take their rise in the western part, and there is a small stream flowing into Middle Fork from the northeastern part, called Knight's Branch. But water is furnished by good wells in a sufficient quantity for man and beast, and is elevated to the sur- face by the power of the wind, which in this country has free scope, and is almost constantly blowing. There is no village within the borders of Pilot. It has one postoffice and store, but a village has not been laid out. It is entirely devoted to agricultural interests, and these are well represented. The soil is black, deep and fertile. In some places it is necessary to drain in order to secure good results, but there is a greater portion of this township that will yield good crops without drainage than of any other, perhaps, in the county. Corn, wheat, oats, flax and grass are the principal products. Cattle and hogs are grown in vast numbers. There is more than the usual amount of grazing and cattle-growing. Sheep are kept quite extensively by a few, and they report the business successful. It is said to be the best paying business that can be followed in this country. Very little of the vast acres of corn SCKNK IN PILOT CliOVK TOWNSHIP SCENE IX PILOT GROVE TOWNSHIP HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 411 are shipped. It is generally bought up by cattle-feeders in the neighborhood. A good thing in Pilot is the herd law. People fence in their stock instead of their grain. This they found easier and less expensive. Vast areas of corn and other grain may be seen growing by the roadside, with nothing in the shape of a fence anywhere in sight. Pilot, like some other portions of West Vermilion, suffers socially from a number of large land-owners. When this country began to settle up, men who realized the importance of the movement strove to get possession of large areas, that they might have the advantage of the rise in value. The prairies of Pilot offered as attractive farms as any in the country, and accordingly we find here a number of farms, each of which includes vast areas. These would not have been as detrimental to the best interests of the community, had the owners been able, in every case, to improve them and keep them up with the progress of the times. > The points for early settlement were two the timber of Middle Fork and Pilot Grove. Accordingly, we find settlements made at the places at quite an early date. The first white settler within the limits of this township is not now positively known. So many conflicting stories reach the ear that one cannot posi- tively affirm that such were actually the first persons within certain limits. It is probable that James McGee was the first man in here. He came, as near as can now be ascertained, in 1824 or 1825. The McGees (for there were a number of them afterward) remained in the neighborhood for a long time, but finally moved away. Mr. Griffith, we are told by some, came before this man. Griffith was in what is now Oakwood township, but just on the edge, and in the same neighbor- hood. In 1827 Morgan Rees and the Juvinalls came into the township and set- tled on the Middle Fork, above where the others had stopped. Morgan Rees is still living in Blount township, but on the west side of the creek, near where he settled fifty-two years ago. He has been most of his time right here, and is, per- haps, better acquainted with the history of this part of the county than any other man living. The Juvinalls were well known in this community, all through the years of pioneer life. The old man, father of a number of boys, came with his family at the early date before mentioned. His first name was John, and his sons were Andrew, David James, and John Juvinall, Jr. David and Andrew were married when they came. The children of Andrew still live in the neighboor- hood. But the Juvinalls came from Ohio. The Morrison family came in a little farther up, about the same time. Morrisons were important elements in the neighborhood, but they finally went away. William Trimmell came about the year 1828. He settled in the same neighborhood. There are still a few of the name found in various parts of the county. ROSS TOWNSHIP. Ross township is one of the largest and wealthiest in the county. In the origi- nal division of the county Ross township embraced all of the northeast part of the county, more than five congressional towns in all. In 1862 it was divided by a line through the center of it. The North Fork of the Vermillion river runs nearly through its center, from north to south, cutting the northern line a little west of its center, running in a southeasterly direction and leaving it a little east 412 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY of the middle of its southern border, with an eastern branch which is joined to another branch called the Jordon, running from its eastern borders. Bean creek tuns through the northwestern portion of the township, in a westerly direction. Numerous small .streams and rivulets, fed by living springs, feed these springs, making Ross one of the best watered sections in the county. Along these streams a belt of timber grew, but it has largely been cut off. The old "Hubbard Trace" ran through Ross township, and later became known as the state road. It was along this road that the first settlements were made. Ross has always been a farming section. The early settlers were the Gundys, Gilberts, Greens, Davisons, Chenoweths, Manns and Chaunceys. The first man to enter land north of Bicknells Point was Joseph Lockhart, about 1844. Only one man lived between Bicknells Point and the "old red pump" near Milford at that time. Joseph Lockhart came from Harrison County, Kentucky, in 1828, with James Newell. Ross township took its name from Jacob T. Ross who owned a tract of land in section 9 from which the timbers for the old mill that was built by Clausson on section 5, about 1835, were cut and hewn. He seems to have had an interest in the mill, for he furnished the timbers and afterward became the owner. For a long time it was known as Ross mill and there the early elections and town meetings were held, and very naturally gave name to the town, although there was an effort to call it North Fork. The Davison family, and their relatives, the Gundys, were the first white people to find a home in Ross township, it is sup- posed, although Mr. Horr and Mr. Liggett may have been here a few months earlier. All settlers hugged the timber line for the protection from the prairie. Wild game was plenty. Prairie chickens were shot from the roofs of the houses. Wild geese would be in abundance on the prairie in the spring and the fall. Deer were so plenty as to be taken as a matter of course and sheep could hardly be protected from the wolves. Farmers made the trip to Chicago to market their hogs and it took them about a week. Hogs would run in the timber until corn harvesting time and then be collected and fed until they were in light marching order (fat enough that they would not actually run away from the herd) when they were started toward Chicago. It would not do to have had the hogs as fat as they are now, they could never have made the trip. When the hogs were collected, after running in the timber, they were so wild they would not eat and every possible way was tried to make them. Corn was put into the pen when the swine were not there so that the stubborn fellows would not know they were ex- pected to eat. It sometimes became necessary to start the dogs after them to get them out of the timber, and fetch them in one at at time. When the division of Ross and Grant township was made the village of Ross- ville was on the dividing line between the two townships. This village was at the point where the state road from Danville to Chicago crossed the state road run- ning from Attica, Indiana, to Bloomington, Illinois. The corporate limits of Rossville include what at one time was known as Liggett's Grove on the south and Bicknell's Point on the north. It is eighteen miles from Danville and six from Hoopeston. The North Fork runs about one mile west of it. The land upon which it is built is beautifully rolling, giving natural advantages of land- HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 413 scape, which have made the village unusually attractive. John Liggett gave his name to the locality but his early death made it possible for Alvan Gilbert to become the man to whom the credit of developing the section was given. This point was of unlimited promise until the LaFayette, Bloomington & Mumcie R. R. was built through the northern tier of townships, instead of following as seemed likely, the old traveled road. For a while this village was called Bick- nell's Point and later it was known far and near as Henpeck. How it ever re- ceived this name is not known. Samuel Frazier of Danville, set up the first store in "Henpeck" in 1856 and continued to sell goods for four years. Others located there but it was not until the spring of 1862 that the man who was to develop the village of Rossville, Mr. Alvan Gilbert, arrived. Together with W. J. Henderson this man made the village. Alvan (the successor of Gilbert) and Henning are villages within the limits of Ross township, built on the H. R. & E. R. R. which have had a history differing little if any from that of hundreds of villages in Illi- nois. Alvan is the natural outgrowth of the village of Gilbert. In 1872, a station was established on the Chicago and Danville road a mile south of where Alvan is now located, and called Gilbert, in honor of Mr. Gilbert. A postoffice was estab- lished but it did not bear the name of the station. The village remained known by the name of Gilbert until the railroad passed through and a station was located one mile to the north, and the settlement was transferred to that location. A hard feeling naurally followed to reconcile which the station was named for the same man by giving the given name of Mr. Gilbert thereto. Now, Mr. Gilbert always persisted in the spelling of his given name with an "a" instead of an "i" and so it is there is a difference of opinion to this day between the people who live in the village and the P. O. department as to how letters should be addressed to those living in this postoffice. That a natural independence of thought has been developed by this controversy is without doubt, yet that this very independence might be carried too far there is yet some fear, since there is but one correct way of spelling the word. NEWELL TOWNSHIP. Newell township early attracted settlers. These came mostly from Kentucky and Ohio. The LeNeves were the first to come to this section. Later a colony came from the same county in Kentucky. This township gave generously to the Blackhawk war. Two of these commanded companies. They were George Ware and Alexander Bailey. Bailey's company was the largest in Col. Moore's regiment. Of the others who volunteered there were Chas. S. Young, Asa and Alpha Duncan, James Cunningham, Ambrose P. Andrews, Bushro Oliver, Obi- diah LeNeve, John LeNeve, William Current, William G. Blair, Soam Jennings, John Deck, Samuel Swinford, Jacob Eckler, Jeremiah Delay, and John Watson. The Mormons went into Newell township in 1831 but the year after the church was established and missionary work. They had some converts. Den- mark was one of the earliest established villages in Vermilion County. Seymour Treat went from the Salt works in perhaps 1825 or 1826, and built a mill at this place. A thriving village grew up about it and so promising was it that Denmark was a dangerous rival for the county seat. The promise of a prosperous city was made of little worth all because of the liquor sold. Mr. Harbaugh, who is 414 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY yet living at the age of one hundred and six, gives a word picture of Denmark in 1836 which shows the natural overthrow of its hopes. The village was peopled with a lot of rough characters, whose only amusement was to fight and drink more whiskey. Brawls and street fights were daily occurrences. Religious services were almost completely unknown. Now the only remains of the once flourishing village is one house. A bridge spans the river at the old ford, the farm houses are of modern build and a sense of peace and prosperity makes possible the hospitality of the old time inn. The loneliness of the streets of Myersville is almost a place of the past as is Denmark. True the old mill is yet standing but silent and forsaken it calls the passerby in most pathetic tones of silence. There are one or two of the old buildings left, among them being one which suggests the hospitality of the old time inn. The lonliness of the streets of Myersville is inexpressible. The very atmosphere is filled with memories and suggestions of the life which was there in the thirties, the forties and the following generations for perhaps another decade or more. But all have either moved away or died and been buried in the cemetery. This cemetery is unusually well kept and it seems as though there is the place to look for the names of those who made Myersville the flourishing village of the past. The Gundys, the Davisons, the Henkles, the Wiles, the Kerrs, the Woods, the Andrews, the Carters, and the Barges, all live about Myersville and must all be lying in the Fundy cemetery. As the village was going down people were moving away, and only those who didn't have money enough to get work away, were left, there was much poverty ; then it was that record is made of Mr. "Andy" Gundy who was the most generous of men. He cared for these people as though he felt an obligation to do so. Want was unknown, for but a word would make him relieve any distress, and the people grew to expect and look upon this as a natural right. The branch of the C. & E. I. R. R. was surveyed and built in 1872. This branch intersects the main line at what is now known as Bismarck. Chas. S. Young and Dr. John B. Holloway each gave twenty acres of land for a town site. John Myers added ten acres, reserving the alternate lots and selling the other to the railroad. The village was laid out in the fall of 1872. The first building put up was by Robert Kerr. In this building he had a store and was succeeded by John Leonard and Asa Bushnell. The latter bought out the former and enter into partnership with Francis Gundy, Newell township is bounded on the north by Ross, on the east by Indiana, on the south by Danville township, and on the west by Blount township. It ern- braces all of township 20, range 2, except a strip on the west side three-fourths of a mile wide, but includes about and equal quantity of range 10 on the east. It further comprises all the sections from 19 to 30 inclusive, in township 21. range 2, except the west half of sections 30 and 31, which belong to Blount, making an irregular west boundary with four mediate right angles. It covers an area of about fifty-three sections and is about eight and a half miles from north to south and six miles from east to west. Great quantities of black walnut timber was to be found in this section and was a source of great wealth. Stony and Lick creeks are the principle streams. The North Fork of the Vermilion river winds back and forth along the western border, crossing it half a dozen or more times. HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 415 When the county was divided into townships the name of Riceland was given to Newell bt.u was changed to the present name because there was another town of that name in the state. At this time Newell township had a third more territory which was lost when, in 1856, Blount township was organized. When the Toledo & Wabash railroad was built its western terminus was the point in Newell township now known as State Line City and Illina. The Great Western was built by another company and had a continuation of the same route to the south- west and the two roads formed a junction here. No wonder the village began to grow. State Line City was laid out in the spring of 1857 by Robert Casement and at the suggestion of A. P. Andrews was given its name. Not long afterward that part on the Illinois side was laid out by Parker Dresser and Edwin Martin and called Illina being a word formed from the first two syllables of Illinois and the last syllable of Indiana. The railroad company put up two engine houses and a passenger station with a large eating house attached. Passengers changed cars and all freight was trans-shipped here. A large region, including the towns of Covington, Perrysville, Eugene, Rossville, Myersvijle and Marysville shipped and received freight at this point. About forty railroad hands were employed. Some time during the season John Briar and A. P., Andrews, under the firm name of Briar & Andrews, built a general merchandise establishment. These early years of State Line City and Illina record the names of Perrin Kent and his son, William, CoL E. F. Lucas, Harvey Barkley, Dr. Porter, Robert Craig, and John Ludlow, Prof. Elbridge Marshall established a manual training school by soliciting subscriptions and issuing stock certificates entitling the holder to tuition for the amount subscribed. He bought ten acres of land and put up a two story build- ing, 40 by 42 feet, in dimensions at a cost of $4,000. This institution was named Evens Union College. Prof. Marshall was a good instructor, and he managed the school well and until he severed his connection with it there was no com- plaint to be made concerning it. In 1864 he was succeeded by Prof. Asa D. Goodwin as principal all through the influence of John H. Braiden. These changes became the fruitful source of sectarian dissension and the prosperity of the school rapidly decreased. Two or three years afterward the trustees of Kent township bought the house for $2,700. It was later used for a public school In June, 1865, the railroad house and passenger house were burned and the two roads having been consolidated, the engine house was moved to Danville. The town suffered for this and perhaps yet more from the building of other railroads, which cut off territory tributary to it, and its decline was rapid and steady. A postomce was once established at Walnut corners, which is thought to have been the first in Newell township. Ambrose P. Andrews was the first post- master. Another postoffice was established at Myers Mill probably about 1854. Yet another, called Kentucky, was first located opposite Pleasant View Church, and was kept by Mordecai Wells, a blind man who had a little store at that place. He held it but a short time when Squire Phillip Leonard became the post- master, and kept the office for above twenty years. Blount township was a part of both Pilot and Newell townships when the county was first divided by township organization. The two streams, North Fork and Middle Fork formed barriers to interchange of neighborly duties and the transaction of business and in 1856 the supervisors determined upon a further 416 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY division. This name given to the new township was Fremont, because of admir- ation of the dashing general by that name, but did not prove acceptable to all and some one remembered the kind old man by name of Blount who lived in this sec- tion when the county was young and his name satisfied everyone. The lines which form the eastern and western borders of Blount township are quite irregular but follow as nearly as possible within hailing distance of a creek. It contains terri- tory a little more than a congressional township and a half. The surface of the township is higher in the middle and north where the prairie lies and was covered in the southern half and along its eastern and western boundaries with a stalwart growth of forest trees of oak, walnut, maples and here and there a beech tree. These trees are almost all destroyed. There has been a wicked destruction of the forest trees in Vermilion county during the past thirty years. There is a 'famous spring in Blount township where there has been an effort to establish a health re- sort under the name of Henrietta Springs. It was at this spring that the Indians spent much of their time when the white men came to this section. Samuel Cope- land was the first settler of Blount township. The first schoolhouse in the town- ship was the old log school a mile east of Mr. Copeland's house. John Skinner was the first teacher. The first preaching in the township was by the Rev. McKain at the home of John Johns. The Fairchild family came to Blount township in 1828. It was in 1834 or 1835 that Mr. Blount sold out and went to Wisconsin, attracted by the lead mines. There were a number of people who went at the some time. Hunting was the principle business of that time. Sickness was the rule and ague, milk sickness and fevers of all kinds kept the people broken in spirit, and sapped their strength, and energy. Higginsville or Vermilion Rapids as it was called in the plat taken to the eastern capitalists in 1836, as yet exists but entirely shorn of its glory. No one could guess the beautiful city as represented to the would-be-purchaser of lots at this head of navigation of the Vermilion river, was the poor and almost de- serted hamlet now standing on the Middle Fork in Blount township. Salem was another prospective city which never was much more than on paper. Mr. Oxley laid out the village and there was a store and a tannery as well as a doctor at this little village as early as 1837. This township has plenty of coal to gather but better facilities to raise it must be secured, before the attempt to market it will be made. CATLIN TOWNSHIP. Catlin township contains historic ground. It was near within the limits of this township that the first settlement was made at the salt springs in 1819, and but a short distance from there and within the township Butler's Point was settled. This township is bounded on the north by Oakwood and Danville townships, on the east by Danville and Georgetown townships, west by Vance, by Georgetown and Car- roll townships. This township was named Catlin because of that name having been given to the village on the Wabash railroad. Until the time of the coming of the railroad the village which lay to the west, a short distance was called But- ler's Point, but when a station was made, where the town is now located, trade and residences drifted to the better facilities, and Butler's Point was lost in Cat- lin. This village was named Catlin on account of that being the name of one of HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 417 officers of the Wabash railroad. Catlin township contains teritory, all told, which is more than a full Congressional township and a quarter. The Salt Fork of the Vermilion river runs along the northern border of this township, and orig- inally had a belt of fine timber along its bank of a mile to a mile and a half in width. The points made by these elbows of timber extending out in the prairie, were great attraction to the early settlers who were afraid to venture out on the open plain. The chief of these points was the one upon which James Butler set- tled and was known as Butler's Point All evidence of a settlement at Butler's Point has disappeared and so also has the timber which skirted the banks of the old Salt Fork. Catlin township was laid off from Carroll, Vance, Danville and Georgetown townships in 1858. This was after the Wabash railroad had been built for some time and the station of Catlin located and built. Along the southern line of Cat- lin township there is a ridge which separates the drainage of the Salt Fork and the Little Vermilion rivers. This elevation makes the water shed of the town- ship toward the Salt Fork, all excepting a small portion in the extreme southern part. The Wabash railroad, going through the township, turned the attention of eastern capitalists in this direction, and settlers were forced to go further south to get cheap land. As early as 1850 all the land north of the railroad had been brought into cultivation and by 1858, all the land southwest of the station was taken and made into farms. The location of Butler's Point was directly west of Catlin. Asa Elliott was the first justice of the peace in Catlin township and in Vermilion county as well. He came to Butler's Point in 1822. Mr. Woodin was a cooper and the nearest to a hotel was the boarding house he kept where the price per week for board was $1.50. Hiram Ticknor is supposed to have been the first school teacher. Rev. Kingsbury came to this region to preach to the Indians and sometimes would hold meetings at the salt works. The first Sunday school in the county was established at the home of Mr. Asa Elliott, probably about 1836. The deposit of coal through- out this county has developed the industry of coal mining. The first shaft sunk was by Mr. Hinds, in 1862. John Faulds put down a shaft in 1863 and one hun- dred and forty-seven feet below the surface he reached a six foot vein, which was at that time considered a great event and was celebrated by a grand banquet. This was in June, 1864. Capt. W. R. Timmons was called upon to preside and G. W. Tilton sang a song the verse of which he composed. This mine, which was worked for a while, and was a pride to Catlin, would seem crude enough at this time in comparison with the modern coal mines of Vermilion County. It was in 1856 that Mr. Guy Merrill and Josiah Hunt laid out the village of Catlin. The plat was twelve blocks north and south of the station. At the same time Harvey Sandusky laid out and platted an addition lying south of and run- ning from the railroad and west of the original towns as far east as that plat did. On the i8th of June, Josiah Sandusky platted an addition between this last and the railroad. April, 1858, Josiah Sandusky platted and laid out his second addi- tion west of the original town. In 1863, J. H. Oakwood laid out an addition of two blocks north of the original town and in October, 1867, Mr. McNair & Co. laid out and platted the coal shaft addition along the railroad and west of Sandusky's second addition. An election was held in March, 1863, to consider 418 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY the proposition whether or not to incorporate the village of Catlin. Twelve votes were cast for and none against incorporation. On April, 1863, the election for first board of trustees was held. Catlin has always been a conservative village, more a place where people were making homes than were striving to advance business and manufacturing inter- ests. It is a pretty village of comfortable homes. The past generation knew Cat- lin best as the place of the holding of the annual fair. After the Vermilion County Agricultural and Mechanical Association was organized in 1850, one or more fairs were attempted in Danville with little success, when it was found that Butlers Point was a more practical place to hold this annual affair. This part of the county was the home of the most of the fine stock. Forty acres were rented and fenced and a good track laid out, buildings were erected and the fair at Cat- lin was an institution of importance as long as the association remained in ex- istence. The Wabash railroad runs across this township. It enters it in the northeast corner and runs in a southwesterly direction to the village of Catlin, thence directly west to the limit. The Sidell branch of the C. & E. I. R. R. makes the western border of the township almost the entire length. Beside these means of transportation, the line of the Interurban trolley, a part of the Illinois Traction system, keeps Catlin in touch with Danville by cars going every twenty minutes during the day. With the exception of the strip of timber which skirted the stream in the northern part, Catlin township is a fertile plain where fine farms have been developed. GRANT TOWNSHIP. Until 1862, Grant township was a portion of Ross township. At that time Ross was found to be so large as to be unweildy and so was divided, forming the new township. The name chosen tells the sentiment of the people who had come to that section of Vermilion County. Loyalty to their country was ex- pressed in choosing the name of the hero who was conspicuous in saving that country. The naming of this township was about the first honor to be accorded him. This township has never had a changed boundary. Its northern limit is the same as the northern limit of Vermilion County, the eastern limit that of the Indiana state line, the southern limit, Ross township and the western boundary, Butler township. The shape of the township is rectangular; twelve and a half miles long by seven and one-half miles wide. It contains 58,880 acres and is the largest township in Vermilion County. It is almost entirely prairie land and only had a small portion of timber which was known as Bicknell's Point, in about the center of the dividing line between Grant and Ross townships. This formed the treeless divide between the head waters of the Vermilion and those of the Iroquois. It was late in attracting set- tlement, being as late as 1860, without cultivation. The direct road between Chicago and the south ran directly through the center of this township, yet it was avoided as locations for homes. Indeed, when in 1872, the railroad was surveyed through this township, there were but few farms intersected. This stretch of open prairie, north of Bicknell's Point, was a dread to the benighted WESLEY BLACKFORD VV. M. TEXXERY MR. AND MRS. AMOS HOFF MR. AXD MRS. HIRAM ARMANTROUT COL. ABEL WOLVERTOX JOHN E. VIXSON HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 419 traveller. The first settlements in Grant township were made along the road stretching north from Rossville. As early as 1835, George and William Bicknell took up land at Bicknell's Point which was the last piece of timber on the route to Chicago until the valley of the Iroquois was reached. Mr. Lockhart, who came from Kentucky with William Newell, was the man who first entered land north of Bicknell's Point. Asel Gilbert entered a section of land south of Bicknell's Point in 1838. Albert Cumstock, B. C. Green, and James R. Stewart, early settled near this. Col. Abel Wolverton settled on sextion 18, in 1840, two miles northeast of the Point. He was probably the first settler in that neighborhood. He came from Perrys- ville, Indiana. He had been in the Blackhawk war and was as brave in fighting the hardships of the new home in the prairie as was he in fighting the Indians. Col. Woolverton was a competent surveyor and his new home provided much work of this kind. William Allen was the pioneer in the northern part of the township. He came to Ohio in 1844. Thos. Hoopes, from whom Hoopeston was named, came in 1855 and bought Mr. Allen's farm. Conditions in this part of the county at this time is pictured by Mrs. Cun- ningham, then a child, whose playmates were "sky and prairie flowers in the summer time, with the bleak cold in the winter." A description of- her experience on a night in late autumn in this lonely place, reads : "The shadows of declining day were creeping over the prairie landscape, when this child, young in years but older in experience, as were the pioneers, stood listening for a familiar sound. The cold wind came sweeping from far over tractless wilds, and with almost resist- less force nearly drove her to the protection of the house, yet she stood and listened for a familiar sound, straining her ear to catch the rumble of a wagon which told of the return of her foster parents, who had the day before, gone to an inland town for provisions to last them through the coming days of winter. They had gone on this errand some days before and were due to come back every hour. This young girl had learned to love even this solitude, and while she listened for the sound of human life she noted the lull of the fierce wind, the whirring of a flock of prairie chickens, frightened from their accustomed haunts, fleeing by instinct to the protection of man. Suddenly a wolf gave a sharp bark on a distant hillside, then another, and another and yet another answering each other from the echoing vastness. With a shudder, not so much from fear as from the utter lonesomeness of the time and place, she turned and entered the house, but she could not leave these sounds outside, she heard the mournful wail. It is impossible to describe those sounds. So weird, so lonely were they that the early settler remembered them always. The lack of courage of these animals was made up in the increased numbers they called together, whether it was to attack the timid prairie hen or the larger game of the open. Surely these wolves were fit companions for the Indians. The interior of this little house was much better furnished than were those of the early settlers of Vermilion County who came into other portions twenty- five years before this time. It was easier to transport furniture and the homes of this period were less primitive in every way. When the girl went into the house she found the "hired man" had milked and was ready for his supper. He seated himself at the kitchen stove and remarked that he did not think that "the 420 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY folks" would come that night, as it would be very dark and every prospect of a snowstorm, they surely would not leave the protection of the nearest settlement to venture on the prairie that night. The little girl busied herself with tne sup- per with* grave misgivings about her people, whom she earnestly hoped would venture to come home, but whom she feared would be injured. She could not eat and going to the window she pressed her face to the glass and took up her silent watch. Soon taking his candle, the hired man went to his bed, leaving the girl to keep her watch alone. After a little, she imagined she heard a faint sound; she ran to the door and threw it open. As the door was flung open their faithful shepherd dog bounded in. He was closely followed by a number of wolves who were chasing him and almost had caught him. They stopped when the light from the open door fell upon them. The girl hastily closed the door and shutting them out shut the dog within. Then all was silent on the prairie, except the howling of the wind while the wolves silently slunk away in the darkness. The girl turned to the dog and eased his mind by a bountiful supper, when she took up her watch once more. She hoped almost against hope as she pressed the window pane, scanning the horizon. As the night wore on the storm increased in violence, the wind drove the snow in sheets of blinding swift- ness, piling it high on the window ledge, and obstructing the view across the expanse. The wolves were silenced by the terrible storm, but the faithful dog yet scented them in the near neighborhood. The old clock slowly ticked the hours away while the girl sat by the wooden table in the center of the room with drooping head and strained ears, until she dropped to sleep from sheer ex- haustion. Uneasy were her dreams as her slumber was broken through dis- comfort and the ever recurring growls of the dog at her feet who growled at the scent of his pursuers. As the hours passed the girl aroused herself and went to the window. The storm clouds had partially cleared, and the young moon had peeped out with a faint light. Casting her eyes down she looked into the pierc- ing orbs of two wolves who were standing in the glare of the lamplight. The girl turned to the dog and dropping beside him buried her face in his woolly coat and bursting into tears called out, "Taylor, what shall we do?" With a growl and a glance toward the opening, which said as plain as words, "I'll do all I can to protect you," he lay with his nose to the crack in the door. The hours wore away and the girl and the dog watched alone on the prairie for the coming of the human beings who might be out on the prairie. Toward dawn the dog sprang to her side with a low bark of delight. He had heard and recognized the voices of his friends, and was telling his companion that those for whom they were keeping vigil were very near. Soon they were housed in safety. A new day was theirs while all the terrors of the night had been vanquished. The sun came up, the deer were dashing from one snow bank to another, the wolves had slunk away, the agony of the night was passed away. Such were frequent occurrences in the section of the country in and about Hoopeston. Mr. Dale Wallace, in a talk before a Hoopeston audience, some years ago. describes that village when he first saw it. He went to this new village on the Illinois prairie a young man full of hope and promise. He entered the town on the freight train of the C. D. & V. R. R. (commonly called the "Dolly Varden") which consisted of six gravel cars and a caboose. The conductor stopped his HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 421 train at about where the stock yards were afterward located, and told the only passenger, this same young man, "This is where you get off, Kid." With the wisdom of his years he said : "I guess you are mistaken : I want to go to Hoopes- ton," said the "Kid." "Well, this is Hoopeston." "Where," asked the Kid. "Over there in the brush," was the rejoinder. The Kid meandered around through a forest of resin weeds and finally halted at a little shack on the road running east and west, which afterwards proved to be the main street. The shack proved to be a department store ; the front being the department, ten by twenty, it was filled with a few dollars' worth of every- thing, while the rear department was the residence of the proprietor, who housed his wife and three children. This establishment was that of Jonathan Sidell, the fire merchant of Hoopeston. He was rotund and hospitable and the follow- ing conversation was had between him and the "Kid:" "Are you lost?" "No, I am not, but I think this town is." "What did you come here to do?" "Start a newspaper." " you are crazy." "Shake. I have been thinking that myself for the last ten minutes, and I am glad to have it confirmed." A few rods on further to the next mud hole, was a grocery store run by J. W. Elliott, who later went to Danville. Adjoining this was a drug store, by E. D. North. On west, across the street, was Charley Wyman's real estate office. Away up north opposite the northwest corner of the park was a clothing store, operated by J. Fleshman. Adjoining was a grocery store, by Miller Bros. Along the railroad track was Robert Casement's lumber yard. This was in the fall of 1871. On the first Thursday of January, Mr. Wallace, together with G. W. Steavey, launched the Chronicle, then called the North Vermilion Chronicle. In that first issue every business man, every carpente^ painter, etc., in Hoopes- ton, had an advertisement in the new paper, very encouraging' to the young men who had started it. Roof & Roe, E. D. North, and Frank G. Hoffman, were druggists. R. McCracken was a general merchant. Bedell and Elliott and Miller Bros, were grocers. Ed. Stamp was the butcher, S. K. White had the livery stable, G. H. White was the real estate and insurance agent. A. B. Perkins sold lumber and coal, Given & Knox were grain merchants, G. C. Davis and Moffet & Kirkpatrick were contractors. T. C. McCaughey, M. D., and L. W. Anderson, M. D., were the physicians. J. C. Askerman was the lawyer and B. Saunders was the shoemaker. This was four months after the Hoopes' farm was platted into town lots. Every week brought new business men to town. P. F. Levin came early in 1872, also W. B. Clark. W. W. Duly was the township tax col- lector. Before the year expired there were a half dozen grain buyers, and it was not an uncommon sight in the fall of 1872, to see 50 to 100 loads of corn waiting a chance to unload with buyers paying the enormous price of twenty- three cents per bushel. The real-estate business was very active both in city lots 422 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY and country property. Land now worth $250 per acre then sold for $15 to $25 per acre. Business lots then bought for $125 some time ago, were worth $5,000. Hoopeston grew rapidly and business enterprises kept pace with it. About 1872, J. S. McFerrin and Wright Chamberlain established a bank. J. M. R. Spinning was the first postmaster. A spirit of enterprise pervaded every nook and corner of the hustling little village. About every thirty days the enter- prising citizens would hold meetings and build factories and railroads on paper. The first year of existence Hoopeston had a circus and menagerie. This gave the newspaper a chance to give news. Business houses multiplied rapidly, all branches being well represented by January, 1873. The Chronicle gave a re- sume for the year, showing the erection of 180 buildings, 27 of which were busi- ness houses altogether. The grain men brought 450,000 bushels during the year. The freight business of the "Dolly Varden" road amounted to 40,000. Hoopeston has had a phenomenal growth and is a small city of beautiful homes. BUTLER TOWNSHIP. Compiled by George S. Hoff. Butler township was named at the suggestion of the first supervisor, in 1864, from the cock-eyed hero who had solved the difficult questions of the war, each as it arose, with as much ease as he would have settled a quiet dinner in his own house. He had equipped and marched the first brigade of volunteers to be- leagured Washington (or had commanded the march), in less than three days after notice had reached him, and in less than two days from the date of his selec- tion by Governor Andrew for the position. He had captured Baltimore one night, while the war department was making a plan of attack, which it was ex- pected he would join in carrying out the next week. He had solved the most difficult question of what was to be done with the negroes who continually came into our lines, under the constitutional provision requiring the return of fugitives owing service or labor, by calling them "contraband of war." He had hung the only rebel that ever was hung in America (except old John Brown and his party), and had made the women stop making faces at the "boys in blue," and had just se- cured a peaceful election in New York city. Next to Grant, whose name had been applied to the adjoining township, he was the hero of the day, so Wm. M. Tennery thought, and so his loyal neighbors thought when they gave his name to their home. Old Butler, as it was often familiarly called by the inhabitants, occupied all of the Northwest Corner of the county, which is in township 23 north, range 13 west of the 2d principal meridan, all of the east half of town 23, range 14, two tiers of sections off of the north end of township 22 north, range 13 and six sections in the northeast corner of town 22, range 14, making in all 72 sections or equal to two full congressional townships. The land was originally a vast prairie and when first looked upon with the longing eye of the early settler, the vast expanse of the prairie was not broken by a solitary tree. It is different from any of the other townships in the county in this, and in the fact that there was no considerable stream in the township. While the land in this township measured up in quality with some of the best in the HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 423 county and far surpassed much that was early taken by the early settlers, yet it did not come into cultivation until long after the less productive lands in the county were occupied, and as late as 1872 or even '75 broad strips of this rich prairie land had not been vexed with the plough. This township is traversed from east to west, almost directly through the center by a high ridge; probably this ridge is the highest point in Vermilion County, and the township is drained with a gentle slope both to the north and to the south with little streams and rivu- les which empty in the main into what was known as Blue Grass creek and later into Middle Fork of the Vermilion river. While from the northern slope the streams and rivulets were ultimately gathered into bodies of water. It can but seem wonderful and must ever remain in a great measure a mystery how the land of such eligible portions of the county were left uninhabited until long after the western half of the state and a greater portion of Missouri, and Iowa and parts of Kansas and Nebraska were largely filling up with settlers, and the wonder is that people who had settled along the Middle Fork not twenty miles away had shaken the dust from their feet of old Vermilion County so to speak, and moved on to the less inviting territory in the west when they could have found within one-half day's ride of their homes, and this long after it had been demon- strated that people could live in the open prairie with less labor and just as much comfort in health and surer returns for their labors than on timber farms. It can not be pleaded in this case that these prairies were unknown. True this town- ship was not traversed like some of the other townships by great public roads, great thoroughfares, so to speak, but the old Danville and Ottowa road crossed the southwest corner. The road from Attica to Bloomington, along which hun- dreds of people passed each year visiting their old homes in Ohio and Indiana, crossed the southern part of this grand prairie; so the people living to the east and south had fair knowledge of the fertilities and the beauty of the territory occu- pied by the township. It would doubtless be well to leave the explanation of the mystery to an adage which the old scholars had, which being literally translated runs, "In matters of taste there is no use in disputing." Just so; there is no law against a man going through the woods and picking up a crooked stick beyond. From the original entry book of the records of Vermilion County it would ap- pear that the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section three, town- ship 22 north, range 14 west of the 2d P. M. was the first tract of land entered in the township. The records show that it was entered by Samuel Swinford, Dec. 25th, 1844, and the northwest l /\ of the northwest y$ of said section was entered in '47. There were probably more entries of the land made in the township in '53. '54 an d '55 than any other years. The south part of the township was. occu- pied earlier than the balance. From the best information obtained, it would ap- pear that Jesse S. Piles was the first settler in the territory, entering his land in 1854 and settling on the same, being in section 11-22-14. In the same year J. H. Swartz with several neighbors came from Ohio to Danville, and applying at the land office of Parker Dressor entered several tracts of land in sections 30, 19, 29 and in the immediate vicinity forming a settlement that was known in the early days as the Swartz settlement. In 1854 the Armentrouts entered land in 10 and 1-22-13, ar d in '55 Hiram Armentrout and Ambrose Armentrout and Chas. T. Bratton, Jerry Murphy settled in the southern part of the township along what 424 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY was known as the Attica and Bloomington road. It is difficult to do justice to the earlier settlers naming them in their order of settlement, as they came in at this time in '54 to '57 in rapid succession, C. T. Bales, Ephriam Blackford, David Lig- gett, Stephen Blackford, Amos Hoff, Daniel Stamp, J. W. Shannon, John Dopps, all began the development of their farms about this time. It was at this time that the fame of the great wheat producing qualities of the state had gone abroad. Cases were numerous where a single crop of wheat had paid the cost of the land, tilling, fencing, harvesting, marketing the crop, leaving a balance to the credit side of the account. This crop, no doubt, was exceptional, but that such things did happen there is no dispute, and this fame went abroad to Indiana, Ohio and other eastern states and many came here in '55 and thereabouts expecting to get rich on wheat raising alone. Men at that time were not so vastly different from men of today, and in the heighth of their excitement over the prospect of large returns from the successful crops, ran into debt for additional land intending to pay for it out of the next wheat crop sown on last year's stubble and harrowed in with- out even ploughing the ground, and as a result, of course, the subsequent succes- sive failures of the crops ruined many farmers, crippled others and sent some to the asylum or back east to see their wife's relations, all convinced that this was not in the wheat belt. The hard times which followed the financial crash of 1873 was as severe on the new settlers of Butler as had been the previous one of 1837 on those who were then in the timber belt along the Middle Fork. Corn became the principal article of food. Money, there was none. The entire currency of the west was based upon the faith which the people had in bankers, many of which were either foreign to the state, or mere myths. Michigan "red-dog," Georgia "wild-cat," Missouri "stump-tail," were the nicknames which were applied to the various kinds of bank-bills, which were taken at par one day, and refused at a heavy discount the next. Never was a people so swindled with imaginary money. Bank-note de- tectors were consulted by every business man whenever he received money, to try to discover whether it was safe to take. The men of the present generation who complain of "hard-times" may have suffered, but they know next to nothing of the suffering which their fathers passed through then. Taxes were all payable in specie, and light as they were then, it was more difficult to obtain the hard money with which to pay them then than now, notwithstanding they are ten times as great. It is difficult to write the history of this township and give due credit to the men of sterling worth who figured so prominently in the affairs of the day in working and bringing out of the trackless prairies the homes, churches and educational institutions and all that which is necessary to build up and broaden the minds of men. Aside from the ones that have been previously mentioned, without any effort to give the date of their arrival into the township, or to fix in any degree the positions they occupied, but who were men of sterling worth, high noble character, and did much toward the development of the county are the following: James Dixon, Jonothan Doan, J. W. Shannon, Thomas Towe, Wm. I. Allen, Mr. McCune, Raffin Clark. George Mains, Daniel S. French, Jacob Swisher, John R. Bowers, E. S. Pope, J. J. Johnson, Adam Bratton, Dr. Griffin, Benj. Peterson, now of Henning. Illinois, and many others whose names HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 425 ought to be mentioned that cannot now be remembered. These settlers were emigrants from northwestern Indiana, Ohio and many of the eastern states. This township was not organized until 1864. Until that time it had been a part of Middle Fork, but the citizens now deemed it necessary to have a closer compact of government to better their condition financially, socially, and to be in a position to organize schools, began to take steps toward the organizing of a township. A meeting of a few of the citizens of this territory was called and Amos Hoff was appointed as a committee of one to make what was then a long trip over the country to the home of Squire Oakwood who then lived in the neigh- borhood of Bean Creek settlement to draw the necessary petition to set off this township and it was finally agreed and set off as has been heretofore described with Wm. Tennery, who at that time lived in Middle Fork township, as the su- pervisor of the joint townships, but J. H. Swartz was elected as the first super- visor of the joint townships, in 1865 with 37 votes. The early settlers being of an intelligent, bright, active people, early turned their attention toward schools. It is very difficult to say where the first school was organized, but it is quite probable that the first school in the township was what has been known ever since its or- ganization as the Bratton school, and the first term of school was taught in the smokehouse of Hiram Armentrout, and the next in order was probably the school that has been, ever since its organization, known as the Swartz school, and the next in point of organization was what was known as the Murphy school. All of these were held in temporary quarters. The first school building built in the Mur- phy district was nearing completion when it was entirely destroyed by a wind storm. The building that took its place and used as a school house for many years was quite small. It was used by the United Brethren for church purposes, and because of its structure and size was familiarly known all over the community as "The Box." At the time of the organization there was in the township not a solitary village, post office or any building of importance. The mail for almost the en- tire township was received at the post office at Blue Grass, which at that time was quite a nourishing village. The first post office in the township was Circle, and Jesse Piles was postmaster. Churches were early organized in the district. The first Methodist class formed in this township was probably what was afterward known as Swartz's chapel in about 1855. It was formed at the house of Eli Dopps. It was a very interesting class and from this class three distinct churches were organized, the Swartz church at Rankin, and the one at Pellsville, but the church at Pellsville has long since been disbanded. At the time it consisted of 16 members, C. Atkinson was preacher in charge, and John E. Vinson was as- sistant. It belonged to what at that time was known as the Danville circuit, and there was no other church in all this country but Wallace chapel, the one at Blue Grass and the old log house called Partlows church. The preaching appoint- ment was each alternate week, and it was a terrible winter, as all remember so that Atkinson did not reach his appointment at any time during the winter, but Vinson was very regular. Greenbury Garner, Milo Butler and W. H. McVey were on the Danville circuit before 1861. Mr. Elliott was presiding elder and after him, L. Pilner. After this, W. H. M. Moore, was elder, Sampson Shinn and Enoch Jones, preachers. John Helmick, assistant, J. S. Barger and John Long, preachers in 426 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY charge. In 1855 the Blue Grass circuit was formed and Swartz school house was built, in which they held services, Sampson Shinn was presiding elder. Prairie chapel, the Christian church, was built near Swisher's at the extreme southeastern corner of the township in 1861. Elder Rolla Martin used to preach there. He was for many years the pioneer preacher of this denomination. It is a pleasant church with a strong and active membership. Hon. Clay F. Gaumer is the present pastor. The organization of this church was effected at Blue Grass in 1859 by Elder Martin. Jacob Swisher who lived near where the present edifice stands was an influential member and had much to do with the removing of the organization to the present quarters. The frame work and much of the material used in the construction of the present church was a part of an old church that was bought by the organization many years ago that stood near Danville, but was torn down and removed to its present location. The U. B. church was organized at what was known as the Murphy school house, the ex- act date of the organization not being known, but it was probably between 1865 and '70. Mr. Zeigler was the first preacher in charge. For a number of years Sunday school and church services were held in the Murphy school house, but Mr. Stephen Biddle who owned the land adjoining the cross roads gave a plat of ground to the church upon which a very comfortable building was erected in about 1878. The denomination still occupies the same church and have a very active organization, and they now associate in the Rossville circuit and B. B. Phelps is preacher in charge. Besides the churches named, there are a number of very active organizations in East Lynn and Rankin, which are treated of elsewhere. This township was void of railroads for many years after the first settlers entered it, and until the Lafayette, Bloomington and Muncie railroad which tra- versed the township from east to west, now known as the L. E. & W., and inter- secting the C. & F. I. R. R. at Hoopeston, there was not a village in the township. This road was built in 1872 and in that year W. P. Moore, in the southeast part of section 10, and T. J. Van Brunt in the northeast *4 of section 10, and John P. Dopps, in the northwest l /\ of n, and Aiken and White in the southwest Y^ of ii (in 23-13) platted and laid out the town site of East Lynne, giving it its name from the charming novel of Mrs. Anna S. Stephen. Henry Ludden was appointed first station agent and first postmaster and the first merchant. In the west part of the township, the laying out of the village did not run so smoothly. At a very early date W. A. Rankin's attention had been called to the fertility of the soil and the beautiful prairie, and he purchased eight sections of land lying near together and commenced improving it in 1867. He built a fine residence on section two, which had been beautifully surrounded by trees, chang- ing the bleak prairie of only a few years into the most delightful shady resort to be found in this part of the country and he early conceived, when the talk of the new railroad was on, the idea of establishing a station near his home. But there were others, and W. H. Pells, who lived just a short distance west of Mr. Rankin, owning but eighty acres of land conceived the idea of establishing a station at his place, hence the contest in site was on. The construction com- pany of which Col. Snell was the head, had the right under their contract to desig- nate the depot but were also authorized to receive payment for the same sufficient HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 427 to cover expenses of side-tracks, depots, etc. When Mr. Rankin went to ne- gotiate for the location, he placed the argument that as the whole township was taxed for the road, a location should be selected as near equidistant as pos- sible, and the location that he proposed was as near the western line as East Lynn was the eastern, and that more people of this township would be ac- commodated by this location than any other ; that he was ready at any time to pay the $2,500.00 required for putting in the job and any other little matters required could be easily arranged. On the other hand Mr. Pells pleaded that the custom of the road which had been to permit each director to name a depot; that every other director had been accorded that privilege and that the farmers around the proposed location would give as much or more for the location. The citizens in the vicinity of Pellsville raised $3,500.00 by subscription and got their depot. The Rankin people paid their subscription and got theirs. It then became a question for the railroad company to decide which one should be re- tained and Mr. Boody was appealed to by both parties. At one stage of the contest a proposition was obtained to locate a station midway between the two places. This was accepted by one party, but declined by the other. After the matter had come into the jurisdiction of Mr. Boody, he proposed a plan which was very likely to decide matters, but just then the road was put into the hands of a receiver, who decided that he had no authority in such matter, and would not decide. The village of Rankin was laid out in June, 1872, by A. Bowman, county sur- veyo'r, and J. R. Bowers, making twenty-four blocks, each of which were 24OX 250 feet. The streets are eighty-five feet wide. It was laid out one-half on the land of D. and W. A. Rankin, in section 12, and one-quarter on each of the lands of George Gutherie and Mr. Johnson. The Gutherie portion was sold to Prof. Joseph Carter, of Champaign, Illinois, who still owns it. The two open strips between the blocks and the track were left for public use. The first building was commenced by Mr. E. Wait, who lived in Loda, intend- ing to go into the grain and coal trade. Before it was completed he was killed on the construction train between Paxton and this station. Mr. F. A. Finney took Waits' interest and completed the building, which was afterward sold to Mr. Chapman. Rankin & Thompson put up the next building a grain office. C. H. Wyman put up a store and put in a stock of drugs. Milton Holmes, from Bloomington, built most of the buildings that were put up the first year. He and his hands had to camp out, sleep under work-benches or wherever they could find a chance, for there was no boarding place here. Cowell & Weaver built several. There was no lumber yard here, and the freight from Paxton was fifteen dollars per car. All the stone brought here for building purposes came from Kankakee. While the construction company retained the control of the road no less freight could be obtained, and thus it was necessary to pay at Paxton as there was no office here. Holmes built the drug store and grain office, and six dwelling houses for Mr. Rankin, a store and the hotel the first season. His family were the first persons who came here to live. They resided in the Wait House. J. T. Wickham was the second. They resided in the Wilson House. The Campbell House which was put up among the very first buildings was at that time, without doubt, the finest hotel in the county outside of Danville. It 428 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY was built for J. F. Campbell and was occupied by him continuously for many years. It with its appurtenances was built at an expenditure of $5,500.00. J. R. Bowers, who since the first opening of business in Rankin was one of the solid men of the village. He came to make a farm on section 7, two miles east of Rankin, in 1865. He remained there until the village was commenced and then brought the old flax-seed warehouse from Blue Grass and went into business. Flax was for many years one of the leading crops in this part of the country. It was no uncommon thing to see large acreages of this crop sown, and it was indeed a beautiful sight when the flax crop was in bloom. A Lafayette firm which was interested in the business had erected a warehouse at Blue Grass which was then the great central point of trade and traffic. This firm planned their warehouse so as to keep the seed from one year to the other, and in the spring they would loan the farmer the seed to seed his land; attached to the loan contract was an agreement to sell the firm the seed when it was harvested, and as soon as the railroad was built this brought about the opportunity which Mr. Bowers seized when he removed the old warehouse from Blue Grass to the village of Rankin. Rankin and Thompson were the first to open up in the grain trade under the firm name of D. and W. A. Rankin. They built an elevator which was 30x50, 40 feet high, at that time was a great structure. This same elevator is in operation today, but its capacity has been much enlarged. The war between Rankin and Pellsville occasionally broke out, but it soon devel- oped that Rankin had come to stay and that Pellsville was doomed, and today there is scarcely a vestige, and not a house nor a corner stone to tell the story of what was once a flourishing village. In 1902 the C. & E. I. R. R. built a branch road, leaving the main line at Woodland, crossing the county, making a short line to St. Louis. This road crossed the north line of Butler township at about i l /2 miles east of the village of Rankin, it crossed the township from north to south angling a little from the direct line to the westward and just south of Rankin was the little town or vil- lage of Riley. At this place sprung up a number of business houses, an elevator and excellent railroad facilities to the part of the township that heretofore found it very inconvenient. Much of the early history of the township is a matter of tradition, and in- asmuch as the memory of man is fickle and many of the facts that would be of great interest to have recorded in this article, have long since been forgotten by the present generations and the ones who could relate them best have long since passed away. Only a few of the early settlers that occupied this country prior to 1860 are living to tell the story. As nearly as can be determined there are but very few of these early settlers living today who came to this township prior to 1859. Of these there are Hiram Armentrout and his wife, who settled on the south half of section two (22-13) m J^SS, and resided on the same until a few years ago when they removed to Rossville, and reside there at the present time. Scott Armentrout their only son resides on the farm having lived where he was born and nowhere else all his life. Mr. Armentrout is 81 past, very hardy and never used glasses and his eye sight is good to this day. Amos Hoff moved to the northeast Y\ of the southeast Y^ of section 9 and the northwest *4 of the southwest J4 of sections 10-22-13 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 429 in 1857 and resided there until a few years ago when he and his life companion removed to Rossville where they now reside. Mr. Hoff is 78 and quite active, and his wife is 75. Wesley Blackford settled on the west half of the southwest % of sections 2-22-13 in 1859, where he now resides having lived there continuously ever since. His wife having passed on several years ago. As far as is known he is the only one now living in the township that was there at that time. The pictures of these very old people and the companions of the first two are given elsewhere in this volume. Coal was unknown in this territory in these early days. It was a custom of the farmers who resided in this country to procure for themselves a small tract of timber to furnish them their supply of fire wood and material for their fences and building purposes. These years of hard times were full of many incidents that would be interesting to relate if they could only be procured and space could be given. In the absence of the railroads the markets for this township were Chicago and Danville after the railroad came, and later Loda and Paxton when the I. C. railroad had been built. During the winter months the farmers were busy marketing the grain because it took much time to deliver a few bushels as the distance was so great. An incident is told of Thomas Towe and Mr. McCune. Towe had come to this country in '56, settled on section 7-23-13. Along in the fall sometime Towe and McCune load gone to Middle Fork. Mc- Cune to get a load of wood and Towe for a load of sand. This timber, twelve miles away, was the nearest fuel they could obtain. They knew nothing of coal at that day. McCune had a good team of horses and his partner was driving three yoke of oxen of course, he had to go on foot. Night overtaking them they became completely lost.. To be lost on the prairie at night is the nearest thing to being "finally lost" that one experiences in this life. There is absolutely no clue by which the most skillful detective could work out. Especially is this so when the wind does not blow. Teams are liable to walk around in a circle, and in the absence of any light, which can be seen on such occasions many miles, the wanderers not unfre- quently find it necessary to spend the night on the prairie. In this case the be- nighted travelers set to hallooing with all their might, and after an hour of such exercise they were heard by Mr. Stamp, who fired a gun to attract their atten- tion. As soon as they could ascertain the direction of this first "gun at day- break" they started for it at double-quick ; Towe ahead leading the van with his steers, and McCune following like a general officer on dress parade, glad to ride where Towe should lead. They came to one of those ponds which at that time were numerous on these prairies, and the leader fearing to turn to the right or the left lest he should lose his direction, plunged in knee deep, yelling at the top of his voice to keep up his courage, and to keep their gunner acquainted with their whereabouts. McCune rode out the storm like a major, and never looked on that pond after that without almost fancying he could see Towe knee-deep in the flood. Mr. Towe returned to New York, and John, who remained to carry on the farm, went to the army and was killed. Squire Bowers, in returning from Loda one night, got lost and became mired in a pond. He took off the horses and walked around all night to keep from being numbed with the cold. It was cus- tomary when the father of the family was belated, to place a candle in the win- 430 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY dovv which looked in the direction he was to come, and many a man has been saved a night on the prairie by "keeping the lower light burning." The nearest mill for a time was at Myersville, until Persons purchased and refitted the Ross Mill. The nearest trading point was at Loda, twelve miles north, which was a famous point for trade for all this country until the distillery burned and the building of the railroads drew merchants away from there, until now there is nothing left of its former business importance. In the early days the people here did not raise many cattle for some reason. AS previously stated, all tried wheat for a time, until continued failures used up all they had kept for seed, without any return. Still they bought seed and sowed again. Corn and hogs were the staple. Hogs always brought a paying price, and it was before cholera had been invented. Stock and corn are the principal staples of the farmer yet. Flax has been raised some, and was considered a fair crop. To the renter it was considered an available crop, for it "turns" so much earlier than corn that it enabled him to get something to live on several months before he could for corn. It is doubtful, however, if there is a native of the township of the present generation that ever saw in its confines a crop of flax growing. Land was worth from $2.50 to $5 per acre. Some sold as high as $9 before the railroad was built, and some sold in anticipation of that building as high as $12. Eight dollars was probably a fair average for land two years before the railroad was built. Twenty to twenty-five dollars could hardly be called an ex- orbitant price as late as 1885. The present price of land in the township is from $100 to $175 or probably $200 per acre. McCune says that as late as 1857 he has seen here on this prairie as many as twenty deer at a time, and at one time he saw on section 7 fifty-four in one lot going in a northwesterly direction, and wolves were as thick as rabbits. As late as 1858, of a flock of sheep, which had got away from a man living north of here, eighty were killed in a single night. Badgers were also plenty. They were as large as a dog, and stronger, with a thick neck, and too strong for any dog to master. Rattlesnakes were so plenty that on a single farm a hundred were killed in a single season. It is a wonder that more people were not killed by them. Dogs that were bitten by them seemed to know how to cure them- selves. Prairie mud was a very certain cure. They were really a dangerous neigh- bor, yet the children went bare-footed to school or hunting strawberries as now. They seem as adverse to civilization as any of their wild neighbors, and as the prairie-grass was killed out by being plowed and cultivated they disap- peared. The last seen of them here was about 1870. It is doubted whether any survived the shriek of the locomotive or the high taxes of modern civiliza- tion. We used to have squirrels here, red and gray, not unlike those in the timber but smaller, and with shorter tails. Prairie chickens were of course very plenty, and the reverberating "boom" of their matins, ushering in an Oc- tober morning, will never be forgotten by the old settlers, and probably never heard in its fullness by the new. Sand-hill cranes were very numerous, as they nested here in the ponds on this divide, and, if undisturbed, would make havoc of the corn in the spring, taking two rows at a time, as clean as any HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 431 man could root it up, and in the fall would congregate in great numbers if not driven away. The writer remembers very distinctly when a boy of building a trap for the purpose of catching prairie chickens, that was in shape of an or- dinary square box about 18 inches wide by 4 feet long, and 2 feet high, and the top was simply a trap door. The trap was baited with corn and an ear of corn usually extended upright on a cross-piece. The prairie chickens would light upon these trap doors to peck the ear of corn and would be precipitated, before they could get away, into the box or trap, and it was not uncommon in going to the trap on the early morning to find from two to one-half dozen prairie chickens encooped therein. William H. Tennery who lived across the line in Middle Fork township was known far and wide as the stock man of that country. It was he who turned the grand prairie of Butler township into a grazing field for the Texas cattle. The year the I. C. R. R. was built as far south as Loda, which at that time was the terminus, he bought from Butler township, mostly, and from adjoining ter- ritory a load of hogs for shipment, and this was in all probability the first and the largest drove of hogs that had 'ever been shipped out of the territory. He loaded his hogs on the I. C. R. R. at Loda, having $00 head, intending to ship them to Buffalo, New York. He landed in Chicago in due time, unloaded the hogs, was detained there three or four days waiting for cars to ship them from Chicago east, and at last he succeeded in getting cars enough for his hogs. He reached Detroit without a mishap, arriving there in the early winter, learn- ing that the Detroit river was frozen over and the railroad traffic between De- troit and Buffalo, by means of ferry, was closed. He unloaded his hogs, kept them in Detroit for several days, feeding them 60 cent corn. Early one morn- ing he conceived an idea, and he says to the landlord of the hotel, "Is there not a place in the river where the water is still that would probably freeze over?" The landlord advised him that there was, a short distance out of the city. Mr. Tennery procured a saddle horse and started out to investigate. He found the river frozen over and with an axe crossed the river testing the ice from time to. time to determine whether it was solid enough to bear. He found the river covered with a coat of ice about six inches thick, and satisfied that his idea was good, he returned to the city of Detroit, engaged six teams for the next day to haul him straw. Early in the morning the teams arrived on the scene with the straw, which he had them scatter on the ice entirely across the river, then he had men cut holes in the ice, threw water on the straw until it was frozen fast to the ice. This done, it formed a footing for his hogs. He opened the gates in the stock pen, drove his hogs to the road, thus made across the river and drove the 500 head over the river on the ice landing them safely on the other side at which point they were reloaded on the railroad train and shipped into the city of Buffalo. Such was the transportation of stock in those days. The women who had the courage to leave their more comfortable homes in the east and come west to assist their husbands, their chosen companion for life, to carve out of this uninviting prairie a home, are certainly deserving of men- tion in this article. When the neighbors were few and far between and the husband was away on the business of making a living, it was indeed, lonesome 432 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY for the wife who was left to look after the household affairs. One incident has been mentioned, the wife of Adam Bratton said that after she came to this country there was a period of three months that she did not see a solitary woman. Mr. Bratton settled in 1854 on the east half of the northwest quarter of 12-22-13. Many such incidents could no doubt be mentioned. There was also the danger of burning of the house and the buildings by the prairie fires. In the fall of the year when the fire would get started it took more than an or- dinary plow furrow or a trail across the prairie to stop it, and when once the fire was started the flames would leap a furrowed track many feet in width and gather velocity and go on. It was no uncommon thing for the settlers who had been from home to discover when they came in sight of their little belong- ings that it was threatened with the dreadful prairie fires, and were forced some times to run their horses for miles in order to save their little accumula- tions. Game was very abundant, deer, prairie chicken, duck and geese in the spring and fall. It was no uncommon thing even as late as '65 and '70 and even later than that for the men of the community to gather together and have a wolf drive and chase over the prairies. It was certainly a pretty sight to see a half dozen mounted men riding without a thing to impede their progress for miles over the prairies chasing the wolf. The prairie wolf was very cunning, and it was not uncommon for them to elude their pursuer and get away. Butler township furnished its quota of men for the Civil war, among the number were the Liggett boys, the Ballard boys, and many others. Most of them mentioned were in the i25th Illinois, but there was no company organized distinctly from this township. The writer recently visited the township calling upon the old settlers, and was much surprised to find that so few of the early settlers of the township or their descendents now owned or occupy the land in the township. O. O. Ross, now of Hoopeston, one of the early settlers in East Lynne and the first to open a bank, now owns a large acreage south and west of East Lynne. The village of East Lynne has not made any rapid growth, but has about held its own. N. R. Hall entered business in 1875 and seems to be the only one who has continuously been in business for that length of time now in the village. He still conducts the hardware store where he opened it many years ago. As has been elsewhere stated in this article, the old school building consisting of two rooms was added to, and is today a good school of four rooms. The Methodist church with J. W. Armstrong, pastor, is the only church in the village. There was formerly a Baptist church, but it has been abandoned for several years, and the ground upon which it stood reverted to the original owners. There are two grain elevators that are doing an excellent business, furnishing a market for the grain in a large area of the county. E. C. Kelly of the south side, runs a general store, as does also Mr. Cunningham. Dr. Berry is the only physician in the village and the proprietor of the drug store. The town has a very comfortable hotel conducted by the Misses Harris. The village has one bank known as the Bank of East Lynne. It is a private institution with T. G. Lux- ton, one of the old settlers, as president, and F. P. McCord, as cashier. The capital stock of this bank is $15,000.00, carries a surplus of $10,000.00 and the HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 433 deposits aggregate about $75,000.00. The individual responsibility of the bank is rated at $150,000.00. The familiar names that were formerly on the places of business such as O. E. Wilson, Messrs. Aiken, Hall, French, Morey and Gardner are all gone. Arthur R. Hall, a prominent attorney of the city of Danville, is a son of F. M. Hall, who was in the grain business many years in this village. Rankin today is a prosperous village of one thousand inhabitants. It has three general stores, conducted by Henneberry & Morrow, successors to J. L. McCauley; the Rankin Store Company, by William Bauer, manager; and the other Cuno Sidel, successor to Sidel & Bramer. There are a number of grocery stores and restaurants and one exclusive jewelry store. Rankin has an eight- room, brick, with basement, school building, with a four years' high school course, employing at the present five teachers. It is one of the good graded schools of the county. The present building was built in 1892. There was some opposition to this building, but as is usually the case right prevailed and an excellent building was the result. They have a library in the school worth probably $1,000.00. The school property is valued at $18,000.00. The school is held for a term of 8*/2 months, and W. E. Waggoner is the present prin- cipal. In 1893 the L. E. & W. R. R. established just east of the village a round house and shop, which today has a pay roll of approximately $10,000.00 per month, giving employment to 80 or 100 men, which gives business enthusiasm to the village. Rankin has four churches. The Catholic church, with Rev. Father Healy of Loda as pastor, holding services every two weeks. The Meth- odist church, which was mentioned before as an off-spring of the Swartz chapel or class, has a very comfortable edifice and parsonage, and Rev. John Cusic giving one-half of his time to this church and the balance of his time to No. One chapel, is the pastor. The Presbyterian church which was originally a branch of the United Presbyterian church has a very active membership and Rev. C. J. Grimes is the present pastor. The Swedes have played a very important part in the development of the north and the northwest part of the township, and they have an established church with a very comfortable building known as the Swedish-Lutheran church. Rev. Peter Pierson is pastor. Rankin has two grain elevators that does a business of about 400,000 bushels of grain per annum each. One of the early established financial institutions of the village is the bank known as the Rankin Whitham & Company Bankers, organized as a private bank with a capital stock of $25,000.00. deposits $150,000.00, with an individual responsibility of $1,000.000.00. This bank is one of the strong financial insti- tutions of the county and one in which the Butler township people may well be proud. The township boasts of one newspaper, which is located at Rankin, known as the Rankin Independent, having been a very influential factor in the community for more than twelve years with C. E. Groves as editor. M. C. Ellis manages and controls the present tile factory of the village. It has been a long established business. It is doubtful if there is another township in the county in which so few of the early settlers or the descendants of the early settlers now reside as in Butler. The title to the land in the township has practically all passed from the original owners to others. Notwithstanding this Butler town- 434 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY ship has been wide-awake and its people have been active and energetic and are proud of the fact that the legalized saloon has never had a footing in its territory. There have been a few times when liquor was sold clandestinely, but they were permitted to stay but a short time until the active people of the com- munity drove them out. There has truly been a wonderful transformation from the vast and trackless prairie as it existed in the early fifties, and as it appears today dotted everywhere with beautiful groves, elegant farm homes, school houses, churches, railroad and good public roads, all the evidence of thrift and industry. It hardly seems possible that within so short a time, prac- tically a half century, such wonderful transformations could be brought about. If any name has been omitted in this article, or any industry or business that should have been mentioned, it is an oversight and not the intent. OAKWOOD TOWNSHIP. Oakwood township lies on the western border of Vermilion County. Its greatest length is from east to west and is twelve miles. Its width north and south is six miles. It includes a part of six congressional towns and the whole territory consists of sixty-five and three-fourth square miles. The township has a diversified surface and soil. There is little of the soil that cannot be said to be deep, rich and very productive. The eastern part of the township used to be covered with a heavy growth of timber, but this has been cut until now there can hardly be said to be much timber left. Within the past ten or more years there has been much draining of the land in this township ; indeed a note of warning has been sounded lest this draining into the streams becomes a menace to those who own land along the banks and suffer from the overflow of the same. Stony creek flows one-half way across the township from the south. There is plenty of water for the township. On the eastern border is the Middle Fork of the Vermilion river ; on the south side is the Salt Fork ; through the center is Stony creek, which rises in the northwest corner of the township and flowing southeasterly empties into the Salt Fork. Oakwood township is crossed by the Peoria division of the New York Central Railroad. Like the greater part of Vermilion County, Oakwood township is an agricultural section. It is traversed from east to west by the trolley of the Illinois Traction system, which follows the railroad within a few feet all the way across the township. Oakwood township is truly historic ground, it being where the salt springs were located, and where the first settlement of the county was made. The coal industry of Oakwood township has been of importance. This is fully considered in the chapter on coal and coal mining. Oakwood finds her early history in that of Pilot, Vance and Catlin or more explicitly : On the 2d day of October, George A. Fox, supervisor from Vance township, offered a reso- lution creating a new township from the territory of Vance, Catlin and Pilot, in accordance with the prayer of certain petitioners from said townships. At this time Mr. West was supervisor from Pilot and Mr. Church was supervisor from Catlin townships. The supervisors concluded to delay action until the March session of the next year in order that all persons connected with the proposed change could have opportunity to approve or disapprove of the meas- HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY 485 ure. Accordingly on the 9th of March, 1868, the petition presented at the meet- ing of the previous fall was again taken up, and Mr. Fox urged the passage of the resolution to create a new township. A great effort was made to have the matter again delayed, but it was without success. The prayer of the petitioners was granted and an election was ordered for the purpose of selecting township officers. In considering the villages in Oakwood township the first named is to be Newtown. This village was laid out by Benjamin Coddington, and the plat of it was riled June 15, 1838. The first man to locate in this township was Stephen Grif- fith. The plat of Newtown was simple. It was located on a cross road and the streets were but two, called Main street and High street. These streets were the roads which crossed at this point. Newtown at present does not in the least suggest the possibility of being an abandoned town. It is a bright, well painted little village which presents the appearance of having attained its de- sire and in no way disappointed that other more favored villages have because of railroads and other advantages made long strides in its advance. Newtown had a future at one time but that is so far in the past that it would never be guessed at present. Conkeytown is another old village which had outlived its usefulness. The old mill which was a landmark for so long a time is gone and likewise many other well known buildings. Mr. Conkey came to this section in 1851 and oper- ated a general country store. He came from Eugene, Indiana. Mr. Denman set up a blacksmith shop and Mr. Conkey had a post office. Conkeytown was a village of promise but its glory is gone, the village has long since been merged into a farm and every year less and less of the old town remains. Muncie is a village on the railroad fourteen miles west of Danville. This village was surveyed by Mr. Alexander Bowman and its plat recorded in September, 1875. The station at Muncie was first opened in 1876. William Lynch was the first agent. Since Dr. Fithian owned much land through Oakwood township when the railroad first went through a station was made on his farm and given his name. So it was Dr. Fithian had Mr. Guy, the county surveyor, lay out a vil- lage and plat the same which was filed in 1870. This plat was a perfect square, containing eight full and eight fractional blocks, lying on both sides of the railroad. This village was either more favorably located or was more extensively advertised than the other stations on the road, for it has been more prosperous. It has been a great point for buying and shipping of stock and grain. Oakwood station was laid out in 1870, but has never been the active village that Fithian has proved to be. This place has been a good shipping point for the coal interests on the Salt Fork, but this interest has been so very uncer- tain during recent years that no village can grow on the many strikes. Sidell township occupies the southwestern corner of Vermilion County hav- ing Edgar and Champaign counties respectively for the western and southern boundaries and Vance to the north and Catlin to the east. Until 1867 Sidell formed a portion of Carroll township, for political purposes. The name of Sidell was given to the township in honor of John Sidell who owned much prop- erty in the township. The valley of the Little Vermilion river runs nearly 436 HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY through the center of the township having the ridges or strips of high land which bounds this valley on the northern and southern boundaries of Sidell township. This beautiful valley has more the appearance of a basin here and encloses some of the richest farming land in Illinois. The prairie flies which in- fested these prairies were a dreadful pest. In August a man was obliged to do all his traveling with a team in the night. There were a few scattering settlers in this section before 1850, but there was nothing like general cultivation of this portion of Vermilion County until 1855 or '- It was m !8S3 that Michael Sullivant entered forty-seven thousand acres lying in a body in Sidell township and Champaign County. The portion lying in Sidell township went into the hands of his son Joseph, and he kept it as a stock farm so long as he was able. This tract afterward became the famous Allerton farm. One of the farms of Sidell township is the one yet known as the Allen farm. This farm was a sheep farm while yet Mr. Sullivant was running his estate, and the way the sheep were managed together with the other arrange- ments of the affairs of this farm makes it even yet pointed out as a famous place. JAMAICA TOWNSHIP. These fifteen divisions of Vermilion County remained all there were until 1890 when Jamaica township was formed. This new township was made from Catlin, Sidell and Vance townships. The division came long after any im- portant history of the section was enacted, and all that has transpired since has been of but passing interest. LOVE TOWNSHIP. Love township was created at a more recent time yet than any other. It was March 4, 1902, that J. W. Payne made statement that the citizens of the eastern part of Elwood township desired to be set apart in a precinct of their own, claiming that they could not have satisfactory political privileges under the old division. The result of this was the creation of a new township that was at first called Vermilion and later, Love township. This name was given the township last formed which occupies the extreme southeast corner of the county, in honor of Judge Love, who at that time was judge of Vermilion County. 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