UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN ACES NOTICE: Return or renew all Library Materials! The Minimum Fee for each Lost Book is $50.00. The person charging this material is responsible for its return to the library from which it was withdrawn on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Theft, mutilation, and underlining of books '"?"* discipli - nary action and may result in dismissal from the Un.vers.ty. To renew call Telephone Center, 333-8400 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN L161 O-1096 ACE JUN 1 6 2005 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Agricultural Experiment Station BULLETIN NO. 101. CROPS FOR THE SILO, COST OF FILLING, AND EFFECT OF SILAGE ON THE FLAVOR OF MILK. BY WILBER J. PHASER. URBANA, ILLINOIS, APRIL, 1905. SUMMARY OF BULLETIN No. 101. ADVANTAGE OP SILAGE. Corn silage is, as a rule, the most economical succulent food that can be obtained for dairy cows at a season when pasture is not available. Although not a balanced ration in itself, it tends to heavy rnilk production and economical milk can be made by feeding corn silage and a legume hay without the use of much grain. Page 629 VALUE OF SILAGE IN PLACE OP SOILING. By helping the pasture out during dry periods with partial soiling, more stock can be carried on a given area than by pasturing alone. No crop will furnish more feed to the acre than corn, and with the silo this can be utilized for soiling. Page 630 CROPS TO RAISE FOR THE SILO. In Illinois, corn seems to be the best single crop for the silo, and by combining with it cowpeas or soy beans, the feeding value is greater, ton for ton, than of corn alone. Page 632 INCREASE OF NUTRIENTS DURING MATURITY. When corn is fully tasseled it contains less than one-fourth as much dry matter as when the ears are fully glazed. From this stage to maturity the increase is but slight. Page 632 TIME TO HARVEST. That silage may keep well the corn should not be cut until most of the kernels are glazed and hard; if too ripe the silage will not settle well and the air will not be sufficiently excluded to prevent spoiling. Page 634 METHOD OF HARVESTING. The corn is most easily handled by cutting with a corn binder, and using a silage cutter of large enough capacity to avoid the neces- sity of cutting bands. Page 636 ESSENTIALS OF SILO FILLING. If silage is to keep well the leaves and heavier parts must be kept thoroughly mixed, evenly distributed in the silo, and well tramped next the wall. After filling, the top six inches should be wet once and the whole surface tramped every day for a week to obtain a thin, compact layer of well rotted silage which will exclude the air Page 636 COST OF FILLING. Records of the cost of silo filling were kept by the Experi- ment Station on nineteen different farms in various parts of the State, and the cost was found to range from 40 cents to 76 cents a ton, the average being 56 cents. Page 638 EFFECT OF CORN SILAGE ON THE FLAVOR OF MILK. Of 372 comparisons made between silage and non-silage milk, 60 percent were in favor of the silage milk, 29 percent were in favor of the non-silage, and 11 percent indicated no preference. Page 644 *CROPS FOR THE SILO, COST OF FILLING, AND EFFECT OF SILAGE ON THE FLAVOR OF MILK. BY WILBER J. FRASER, CHIEF IN DAIRY HUSBANDRY. ADVANTAGE OF SILAGE. The digestive organs of animals that chew the cud are so formed as to require comparatively juicy and bulky food. The cow cannot, there- fore, thrive on exclusively dry food so well as can the horse. The nearest an ideal food that can be obtained for the dairy cow is good pasture; but for more than six months in the year green pasture is not available in Illinois. The best substitutes to use during this period are corn silage and such roots as mangels and turnips. Corn yields an average of twice as much dry matter per acre as do root crops; and, since the latter require much more labor, which in this country is relatively expensive, silage is far more economical. Making corn into silage is a means of preserving the grain as well as the stalk in the best possible condition for feeding and without the expense of shelling and grinding. In feeding whole corn, either in the ear or shelled, many of the kernels are not digested. With silage, the grain being eaten with the roughage, nearly all the kernels are broken during mastication, and, since they are somewhat soft, are practically all digested. By the use of the silo the corn is removed from the field at a time when no injury is done the land by cutting it up while soft. As the corn is cut before the blades are dry enough to shatter, there is no waste from weathering, and both stalk and grain being in good condition, the whole crop is consumed by the stock; while with dry shock corn a large percentage of the leaves and butts of the stalk is wasted. * *A bulletin on the construction of silos is now being prepared and will soon be published. 629 630 BULLETIN No. 101. [April, It has been determined that one cubic foot of hay in the mow con- tains about 4.3 pounds of dry matter, and that a cubic foot of silage in a thirty-six foot silo contains about 8.9 pounds of dry matter. From this it is evident that a cubic foot of space in a silo of proper depth will hold more than twice as much dry matter as the corresponding space in a mow. It is also true that on the average a larger amount of diges r tible feed can be obtained from an acre in the form of silage than in any other way at like expense. Making corn into silage is then both an economical and compact method of storing feed. Much damage has been done to the cause of silage by the extrava- gant claims of its over-enthusiastic friends. Although corn silage is not a complete and balanced ration in itself, it is so well relished that large quantities are consumed. Being a succulent feed, it tends to heavy milk production, and should be given an important place in the ration of dairy cows. It has proved an important factor in steer feeding as well as in milk production, but a steer cannot be finished on silage alone, any more than a cow can produce her best yield of milk on such a ration. To obtain the most economical returns, some dry roughage should be fed in connection with silage, and a legume hay, as alfalfa, clover, or cowpeas, is the best feed for this purpose, particularly for young stock and cows. Economical milk can be produced from these feeds without the addition of grain, if the cows are not giving more than two gallons of milk a day, providing the corn was well eared and both the silage and the legume hay are of excellent quality. Cows giving a larger yield must have grain added to their ration. VALUE OF SILAGE IN PLACE OF SOILING. A pasture will carry much more stock during spring, early summer, and fall, than it will through the hot, dry weather of midsummer. By helping the pasture out at this season with partial soiling, the cattle not only have better feed during this critical period, but more stock can be carried on a given area than by pasturing alone. As land in- creases in value and farming becomes more intensive, there is greater need for soiling, and the most satisfactory method of providing a substi- tute is by means of the silo. It requires too much labor to cut green crops every day and haul them to the cows, and besides there is necessarily a great loss in being obliged to feed the crops before they are fully mature and after they are over-ripe. No crop furnishes more feed to the acre than corn, and with the silo it can be utilized for soiling, thus permitting the whole crop to be harvested when at the right stage of maturity and fed when needed, saving both feed and labor. 1905.] CROPS FOR THE SILO, COST OF FILLING. 631 fc g M O o o 632 BULLETIN No. 101. [April, CROPS TO RAISE FOR THE SILO. In Illinois corn seems to be the best single crop for the silo. It not only produces a large quantity of nutritious feed that is easily placed in the silo, but it is of such a nature as to pack readily and keep well. The large southern varieties of ensilage corn, which give enormous yields in tons per acre, have been recommended for silage; but such varieties do not produce much grain and the total nutrients are usually less than from ordinary field corn. The best results are obtained with some variety that will give a good yield of grain, and by planting some- what thicker than for a grain crop. Under average conditions a larger tonnage of feed can usually be obtained per acre by combining corn, sorghum, and cowpeas or soy beans, but even with this combination the greater part of the crop should be corn. Legumes, as clover and cowpeas, have the power, through bacteria on their roots, of utilizing the free nitrogen of the air and storing up within themselves a comparatively large amount of that most necessary constituent of food known as protein. By so doing they not only produce a food rich in protein without exhausting the soil, but enrich the soil by adding to its nitrogen. While they do not benefit the crop they are grown with, they do benefit the succeeding ones. When either peas or beans are grown with the corn and the entire crop is put into the silo, the feeding value is greater, ton for ton, than that of corn alone. This is a much more economical method of obtaining protein than by purchas- ing it in high priced concentrates, as gluten meal, oil meal, etc. If cowpeas are planted at the same time as the corn and in the rows with it, they will usually make a fair growth, as shown in Cut 2. Since the vines will run up the corn stalks, the entire crop can be cut with the binder the same as corn alone, making practically no extra work in filling the silo. The only difficulty in harvesting corn and cowpeas with the corn binder is that, if the corn is missing for a rod in the row, there is nothing to carry the peas back into the binder, and it is likely to clog. Where there is a fairly uniform stand of corn, all can be readily bound together. As the stalks of soy beans are much stiffer than those of cowpeas, no difficulty is experienced in cutting them with the corn. INCREASE OF NUTRIENTS DURING MATURITY. It is of great importance to know at what stage corn should be cut to secure the best results, how rapidly nutriment is stored up in the corn plant as it approaches maturity, and when the maximum amount is reached. The following table illustrates this point: 1905.] CHOPS FOR THE SILO, COST or FILLING. 633 o I hH i o O 634 BULLETIN No. 101. [April, TABLE 1. WATER AND DRY MATTER IN CORN CROP AT DIFFERENT PERIODS AFTER TASSELING. NEW YORK (GENEVA) STATION. Date of cutting. Stage of growth. Corn per Water per Dry matter per acre. Tons. Tons. Tons. July 30 Fully tasseled 9.0 8 2 8 Aug. 9 Fully silked 12.9 11 3 1 5 Aug. 21 Kernels watery to full milk. 16 3 14 2 3 Sept. 7 Kernels glazing 16 1 12 5 3 6 Sept. 23 Ripe 14.2 10.2 4.0 In the last column is shown the dry matter per acre in corn at dif- ferent stages. When the corn is fully tasseled it contains but eight- tenths of a ton of dry matter per acre, or only one-fifth what it contains when fully ripe. When in the milk it contains nearly three times as much dry matter as when fully tasseled. Only seventeen days were occupied in passing from the milk to the glazing stage, yet in this time there was an increase in the dry matter of 1.3 tons per acre. This shows the great advantage of letting the corn stand until the kernels are glazed. After this period the increase in dry matter is but slight. TIME TO HARVEST. To have the silage keep well the corn must be cut at the proper stage of maturity. If cut before it is sufficiently matured, too much acid develops. If too ripe, it does not settle properly and the air is not sufficiently excluded to prevent spoiling. Corn should not be cut until the ears are out of the milk and most of the kernels glazed and hard. In Cut 3, ear No. 1 is in the soft dough stage; No. 2 is beginning to dent; No. 3 is nearly all dented, but a few kernels are still in the milk; No. 4 shows all of the kernels dented. When corn is put into the silo it should usually be as ripe as ears No. 3 and 4. In case the weather has been so hot and dry that the lower leaves have fired, the corn should be cut before the ears are quite so far advanced. Much riper corn will keep at the bottom of the silo than at the top be- cause of the greater pressure which excludes the air more completely. It is, therefore, important that the ripest corn be cut first and placed in the bottom of the silo. 1905.] CROPS FOR THE SILO, COST OF FILLING. 635 W r> !si CO I a a g . 3 . fc < O g W t2 B Q W J H O fc K IS 3 " 02 H & O 636 BULLETIN No. 101. [April, METHOD OF HARVESTING. The corn should be cut with a corn binder, as it is much more easily handled when bound in bundles. If the silage cutter is large and the work is pushed with a good force of men, the corn binder should have a start of half a day. If enough horses are used on the binder to keep it moving at a good pace the corn can usually be cut down as fast as it can be put into the silo. It is always wise to have a silage cutter of large capacity, as much less labor is required in feeding it, and if the bundles are small, the bands need not be cut. Using a small cutter with a large engine is dangerous unless great care is exercised in controlling the power. Cut 1 shows a small-sized cutter filling a silo in the center of a barn. The day follow- ing the taking of this picture the machine was given too much power and the cutter wheel exploded. A piece of the wheel was found twenty rods distant and another piece was thrown through the inch siding of the barn, but fortunately no one was injured. The chain elevator] as shown in Cut 5, is still occasionally used, but is likely to cause trouble. Where a carrier of this kind is desired, the single chain gives the best satisfaction. The customary, and usually the most satisfactory, way of elevating the cut material is by means of the blower, as shown in Cuts 6 and 7. To obtain the best results and not to be annoyed by clogging, the blower pipe should be run as nearly perpendicular as possible. ESSENTIALS OF SILO FILLING. If silage is to keep well it must settle evenly. To this end the leaves and the heavier parts of the corn must be kept thoroughly mixed and evenly distributed in the silo. Owing to the great lateral pressure of silage, friction with the sides of the silo has a tendency to make the silage less compact at the edge, and^for this reason it should be kept thoroughly tramped next the side. Every time three or four inches of cut material is added to the silo it should be tramped thoroughly around the edge, taking short steps and packing the silage as much as possible next the wall. These precautions must be observed during filling to obtain perfect silage. If the corn is so ripe that none having green leaves at the bottom of the stalk can be obtained to finish the last four or five feet at the top of the silo, water should be run into the carrier and the corn well soaked. If the corn is green, only enough water need be used to soak the upper six inches of silage. 1905.] CROPS FOR THE SILO, COST OF FILLING. 637 H O o o 638 BULLETIN No. 101. [April, Many different forms of covering for silage have been advocated, but it is usually found most practical to finish with the same material as that with which the silo is filled. Frequently a saving can be made by snapping off the ears and using the stalks alone, or by running enough straw, chaff, or weeds through the cutter to cover the silage from four to six inches deep. If pressure is available, water can be run into the carrier to saturate this material. The top must be thoroughly soaked once and the whole surface well tramped every day for a week to ex- clude the air as much as possible. This tramping should be especially well done around the sides, so that the air cannot gain access next the wall. The object of wetting the surface is to obtain as quickly as pos- sible a thin layer of thoroughly rotted silage, which will seal the top, thus excluding the air and preserving the silage below. If water is not added to the top, the heat dries out the silage, which may then "fire fang" to considerable depth, entailing a great loss. COST OF FILLING. The data on the cost of filling silos, from which the Table 2 has been prepared, were secured by representatives of the Experiment Sta- tion, who went to different parts of the state when men were filling silos and kept accurate records of the work in progress. In these records the time work began in the morning and stopped at night was noted, allowance being made for whatever time was taken at noon. With the exception of a few cases on dairy farms, where some of the men quit early to milk, no allowance was made for time lost after the cutter started and men and teams were ready for work, a full day being counted unless for some reason all work stopped and men and teams were at liberty to leave. To reduce the cost of filling the different silos to a like basis, the charge made in these records for each of the various operations was uniform, and as near as possible to the average price paid. The labor of the men was charged at SI. 25 and of the teams at SI. 00 each for a day of ten hours. This was considered a fair price, as the time of year in which silos are filled is not usually an especially busy season on the farm. In most cases the man who had the silo also owned an ensilage cutter, and a uniform charge of S2.00 a day was made for wear on the machine and interest on the money invested. The engine, including the engineer, was charged for at $5.00 a day; fuel at $3.00 a ton for coal and 15 cents a gallon for gasoline; twine at 11 cents a pound. The charge for machine and engine, fuel, twine, and labor of men and teams, gives the total expense of filling the silo. To determine the capacity of the different silos the diameter of each and the depth of the silage after settling forty-eight hours were care- fully measured. From these dimensions the number of tons of silage was estimated from a table on the capacity of silos. Having the acres 1905.] CROPS FOR THE SILO, COST OF FILLING. 639 o a o 640 BULLETIN No. 101. [April, 02 Q fc o ^ * t> t^- CO 00 1C l> rH O COOO CD rH O l> rH 1C ^ s IN CO rH ooo OCDiC O5 ic co CO rH rH i 1C CO O t- 1C Tt* COCO b- 1 1 oo S* 1C CO a CO Tfl IN O5 CO l> O IN rH rH IN rH "O CO 1C g * oicb g^ 3 Blower ic IN i ( OOiC 1C O O t>- CO * w >C (N O O CO CO CO O OS (N M 1C ^ o 1C O5 IN 1 1 rH rH "ST - -IN COrH CO 1C J>"S CO J rH.2 r t-, 1 % H 3 1C OO 1C OIN 05 00 COrH os OJ o ocoo rH CO 00 O5 rH O 1 rHIN rH IN rH 05 1C -a 1C ^ CO 1C CD O IN COIN CO rH rH 1CO5-*Q CO ^ CO 4) 0) pq O> 1C 1 '8 pq ooo co co co rH 000 O 1C O3 (N IC-^ rH -^ C rH ooo ic co co co co co 1 1 00 CO 1C co ic rt< rH CO o m CO 1 b 9 PH 1 O .H . . . oo s (H M OQ-T3 ^ ^3 o3 ... 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