THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AGRICULTURAL LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Agricultural Experiment Station BULLETIN No. 219 ILLINOIS CROP YIELDS FROM SOIL EXPERIMENT FIELDS By CYRIL G. HOPKINS, F. W. GARRETT, J. E. WHITCHURCH, AND H. F. T. FAHRNKOPF CONTENTS OF BULLETIN No. 219 INTRODUCTION PAGE 401 EXPEEIMENT FIELDS: PAGE Aledo 405,07 Antioch 406-07 Bloomington 408, 10 Carlinville 409-10 Carthage 411, 13 Clayton 412-13 Cutler 414-16 DeKalb 417-19 Dixon 420-22 DuBois 423-24 Enfield 425,27 Ewing 426-27 Fairfield 428-30 Galesburg 431-34 Hartsburg 435-36 Joliet 437-38 Kewanee 439 LaMoille 440-41 Lebanon 442-44 McNabb 445, 47 Minonk . ..446-47 PAGE Mt. Morris 448-49 Newton 450-54 Oblong 455-56 Odin . 457-61 Oquawka 462-63 Pana 463-65 Baleigh 466-67 Eoekford 468-72 Sidell ;..473-74 Sparta 475-76 Spring Valley 477 Toledo 478-79 Union Grove 480-82 Unionville 483-85 Urbana Morrow Plots 486-87 North Farm 488-90 South Farm 491-97 Virginia 498-500 West Salem . ..501-02 INDEX (Fields arranged according to soil types) PAGE 503 STATE ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON SOIL INVESTIGATIONS Ealph Allen, Delavan A. N. Abbott, Morrison F. I. Mann, Oilman J. P. Mason, Elgin C. V. Gregory, 538 South Clark Street, Chicago AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION STAFF ON SOIL INVESTIGATIONS Eugene Davenport, Director Cyril G. Hopkins, Chief in Agronomy and Chemistry Soil Survey J. G. Mosier, Chief *A. F. Gustafson, Assistant Chief H. C. Wheeler, Associate F. A. Fisher, Associate F. W. Wascher, Associate R. S. Smith, Associate O. I. Ellis, Associate G. E. Gentle, Associate Soil Analysis Robert Stewart, Chief *E. Van Alstine, Assistant Chief W. H. Sachs, Associate W. R. Leighty, Associate Willem Rudolfs, Assistant J. L. St. John, Assistant Soil Biology A. L. Whiting, Associate Chief Roy Hansen, First Assistant T. E. Richmond, First Assistant Soil Experiment Fields F. A. Wyatt, Assistant Chief *F. C. Bauer, Assistant Chief J. E. Whitchurch, Associate F. W. Garrett, Associate H. J. Snider, Associate H. C. Gilkerson, Associate H. F. T. Fahrnkopf, Associate M. I. Wolkoff, First Assistant E. E. Glick, Assistant F. H. Kelley, Assistant *On leave ILLINOIS CROP YIELDS FROM SOIL EXPERIMENT FIELDS BY CYRIL G. HOPKINS, F. W. GAEEETT, J. E. WHITCHURCH, AND H. F. T. FAHENKOPF INTRODUCTION Herein are reported the detailed results from thirty-eight Illinois soil experiment fields 1 up to and including those of 1917. A number of these fields were established in the summer and fall of 1901 and the others have been put into operation at various times since then, some being only a few years old. The Morrow plots at the University have been in operation since 1879, and so far as is known are the oldest experimental plots in America. Most of these experiment fields contain about 20 acres each, a few contain from 25 to 40 acres, and a few have less than 10 acres. Each field is divided into series which correspond to the different fields upon a farm, and upon which is grown a definite rotation of crops. Each series is further divided into smaller areas, usually into ten fifth-acre plots. The individual plots are treated in such a manner that posi- tive information can be secured in regard to the needs of the soil. Untreated plots are retained as checks in order to determine the effect of every kind of soil treatment applied. SYSTEMS OF FARMING On most of the experiment fields are conducted both a live-stock and a grain system of farming. Under the live-stock system of management, the nitrogen and organic matter of the soil are maintained by applying as much manure as can be made from the produce grown upon the land. On this basis no more manure is applied to a plot than can be made from the pro- duce of that plot. For every ton of produce grown, an equiv- alent amount of average farm manure is returned during the rotation. Under a good system of live-stock farming it has been found that about one ton of average manure can be made from one ton of feed and bedding. A large amount of the grain produced is fed, in the live-stock system, the legumes harvested as hay, and the hay, straws, and stovers used for feeding and bedding purposes. In the grain system of farming, no manure is applied to the land. The nitrogen and organic matter of the soil are maintained by plow- ing under all crop residues (straws, corn stalks, all of the legume J For more detailed information concerning these fields, see Bulletin 193. 401 402 BULLETIN No. 219 [May, crops from which the seed has been removed, and also cover crops of legumes). The regular legume crops are so managed that a seed crop is secured if possible, and all resulting residues are returned to the soil. Sometimes the first crop of red clover or sweet clover is clipped and the clippings left upon the land ; the second crop is then harvested for seed and the chaff returned to the land. The first growth of mam- moth clover is rolled down so that most of it is left on the land when the seed crop is harvested. Sometimes seed is saved from both the first and the second cuttings of red clover, or the first crop may be allowed to stand and be harvested with the second growth. Alsike is also grown and is harvested for hay in the live-stock system and for .seed in the grain system. When alfalfa is included in the rotation, it is harvested for hay in both systems. The first cutting of red clover or of sweet clover may sometimes be made into hay in the grain sys- tem, as well as in the live-stock system, especially after the soil becomes rich in organic matter. The residues from the grain and legume crops may be plowed under directly, or they may be used as a top-dressing for the protection of winter crops and eventually plowed under. ROTATIONS On the Illinois soil experiment fields crops are grown in definite rotations. On some fields two or more rotations are being tried. There are usually^series enough so that all the rotation crops are rep- resented every year. The crops grown are those common to the local- ity and include wheat, corn, barley, rye, red clover, mammoth clover, alsike, sweet clover, alfalfa, cowpeas, soybeans, vetch, timothy, pota- toes, and cotton. Standard Rotation. On a large number of the fields a standard four-year rotation is practiced. This is the famous Norfolk rotation of Europe in which a cultivated crop is followed by a spring grain, the spring grain by a legume, and the legume by a winter grain. Such a rotation permits the seeding of a cover crop of legumes in the winter grain, which may be plowed down the next spring before the cultivated crop is planted. The rotation as commonly practiced on the Illinois fields is corn, oats, clover, and wheat, a cover crop (usually sweet clover) being seeded on the young wheat in the spring and plowed under in the fall or the next spring before the corn is planted. In the event of clover failure, soybeans are substituted. The seeding of a legume cover crop in the wheat is commonly made, however, only on the plots representing the grain system of farming, these and other crop residues serving as a substitute for farm manure. MATERIALS FOR SOIL TREATMENT Altho there may be a number of ways of meeting the needs of the soil with respect to better production, the Illinois Agricultural Ex- 1910] ILLINOIS CROP YIELDS FROM SOIL EXPERIMENT FIELDS 403 periment Station makes use largely of natural, home-grown materials. Instead of applying expensive complete fertilizers, which may produce a more-or-less rapid response, wide use is made of such natural ma- terials as farm manure, legume crops, crop residues, ground limestone (both ordinary and dolomitic, each of which is found in abundance in Illinois), steamed bone meal (a farm product), and ground natural rock phosphate. Abundant information points to the fact that in the long run and under normal conditions the use of these materials in well-planned systems of farming usually proves to be most practical and economical. In some comparative experiments and on some ab- normal soils, purchased nitrogen, manufactured acid phosphate, po- tassium salts, and other commercial fertilizers are used. Standard Soil Treatment. In connection with the standard four- year rotation mentioned above, a rather uniform system of soil treat- ment is practiced on most of the fields. Both the live-stock and the grain systems of farming, as already described, are followed. In each system on each series an untreated plot is left, which serves as a check for the systems of soil treatment applied. There are plots receiving only the application of manure and residues, as described ; some which receive in addition pulverized limestone; some which re- ceive as a further application finely ground raw rock phosphate ; and as a still further application, in the grain system, one plot receives potash salts ; besides which there is a third, or extra, untreated plot. The manner of applying and the amounts of the materials applied are as follows: Manure. The amount that can be made in farm practice from the produce of the land is usually applied for the corn crop. Residues. The straw, stalks, chaff, and cover crops that are produced upon the land are returned at the most convenient time during the rotation. Limestone. Four tons per acre is put on as an initial application, and thereafter two tons every four years, preferably after the land is plowed for wheat, the limestone being mixed with the surface soil in preparing the seed bed. Phosphate. One ton is applied on the clover sod preceding the plowing of the land for wheat. Disking in order to mix the phosphate with the soil before plowing is desirable. (After four or five rotations, the amount applied will be reduced to 800 pounds per acre every four years.) Potash Salts. The standard application is 800 pounds of kainit once during the rotation, usually with phosphate before the wheat. 404 BULLETIN No. 219 [May, EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS USED 0=Untreated land M= Manure R=Residues L=Limestone P=Phosphorus (raw rock phosphate or steamed bone meal) K=Kainit or other salt of potassium N=Nitrogen (usual application 800 pounds dried blood) Cv. 'Cover crop (legumes) (aP)=acid Phosphate (bP)=Steamed bone meal (Phosphorus) (sP)=slag Phosphate (rP)=rock Phosphate The heavy vertical rule indicates the beginning of full treatment. ILLINOIS CROP YIELDS FROM SOIL EXPERIMENT FIELDS 405 TABLE 1. ALEDO FIELD: CROP YIELDS IN SOIL EXPERIMENTS BROWN SILT LOAM PRAIRIE; UPPER iLLiNOiaan GLACIATIO:: Plot No. Soil treat- ment applied 1910 Oats 5 1911 Corn 1 1912 Oats 2 1913 Clover 8 1914 Wheat 3 1915 Corn 1916 Oats 1917 Clover Bushels or (tons) per acre 101 102 103 104 60.2 37.5 60.6 60. & 69.3 68.1 67.6 65.1 49.2 38.1 40.8 41.4 (3.02) (3.16) (3 . 29) (3.55) 27.0 29.2 31.8 34.6 52.8 67.7 67.9 72.2 51.9 62.5 65.8 71.9 (1-46) (2.23) (2.24) (2.38) M ML MLP... 105 106 107 108 0... 48.1 55.0 53.4 46.1 70.7 64.6 66.8 69.2 40.3 40.6 45.0 46.9 2.33 2.42 2.67 1.92 30.0 30.6 33.1 36.1 56.8 58.3 61.5 69.1 56.2 52.5 57.8 60.0 .50 .58 1.25 1.75 R RL RLP.... 109 110 RLPK.. 61.4 53 1 65.8 67 1 43.1 45.2 2.50 (3.06) 32.7 26.8 63.1 55 6 62.8 58.1 1.33 (1.93) Soy- beans 5 Wheat 4 Corn Oats Clover Wheat Corn Oats 201 202 203 204 .. . 10.7 11.0 15.3 13.7 14.5 14.7 12.3 9.7 69.7 78.8 78.2 83.1 46.4 43.4 45.8 45.9 (1.03) (1.40) (2x54) (2.59) 34.4 40.8 49.2 50 40 9 50.9 60 57 9 67.3 68.3 73.8 53.6 M .. . . ML. . . . MLP... 205 206 207 208 . . 13.8 14.2 12.8 10.8 13.4 13.7 9.1 14.4 71.6 73.9 78.8 84.5 46.2 40.6 37.8 41.7 1.17 .83 .83 .83 42.5 49.6 49.6 53 5 45.3 50 4 52 9 53.3 72.2 83.1 88.3 88.1 R RL RLP.... 209 210 RLPK.. 11.3 11.7 18.2 15.0 88.7 80.5 44.5 45.5 .17 (1.24) 50.4 39.6 52.6 48.7 92.3 75.5 Oats 5 Soy- beans 1 Wheat 3 Corn Oats Soy- beans Wheat Corn 301 302 303 304 64.1 58.6 64.7 57.3 15.7 17.1 15.9 13.6 11.5 12.6 11.7 13.8 45.8 44.2 51.0 49.9 42.2 51.6 52.3 53.1 (1.38) (1.48) (1.52) (1.59) 10.2 22.2 15.8 19.2 40.5 55.5 64.4 68.7 M ML. . .. MLP... 305 306 307 308 . 68.8 64.5 67.2 55.9 16.9 15.8 17.1 13.3 18.1 14.4 10.0 10.8 43.3 46.0 50.1 48.8 51.2 51.6 51.9 55.2 19.8 19.8 22.5 24.0 12.0 12.2 9.2 12.8 54.9 53.7 64.4 68.6 R RL . RLP.... 309 310 RLPK.. 66.7 53.6 13.2 15.0 13.3 9.0 50.5 44.8 52.5 45.8 24.8 (1-44) 16.2 13.7 70.1 55.6 Corn 5 Oats 1 Soy- beans 8 Wheat 3 Corn Oats Clover Wheat 401 402 403 404 45.9 74.9 81.2 82.1 53.3 51.7 53.4 51.6 (1.41) 8 (1.41) (1.41) (1.41) 39.6 37.7 38.0 37.7 43.7 57.6 60.0 62.9 71.9 82.0 89.7 93.4 (3.26) (3.63) (3.90) (3.86) 21.4 23.3 18.6 19.4 M ML MLP. . . 405 406 407 408 0... 80.9 67.7 67.4 71.7 39.7 60.3 62.8 62.5 16.4 15.2 14.6 16.4 38.2 42.3 38.8 40.0 38.7 47.9 48.3 48.4 73.4 74.5 83.6 81.2 .25 .33 .25 .25 28.2 26.9 28.0 28.2 R RL RLP.... 409 410 RLPK.. 77.8 67.1 55.5 52.3 15.8 14.5 38.9 34.7 52.7 40.7 93.8 58.3 .18 (2.30) 22.7 20.8 Residues only. 2 No manure, phosphate, or potassium. 8 No manure. 4 No manure or lime. No treatment. "Estimated. 406 BULLETIN No. 219 [May, fc CO O 5 Id 1 02 oS 35 coO H - >J O & > OS,O 1C C '-' fc OSO OS O J3 * 3 03,5 00 _ So o -i-gl^ 3811 2 CD CO 00 -O T-I CO (N GO CD (M OCOO JhJhJ OCO CO CO 1-H CO OOOCN CO i-H CD COO--. os o> o; coco (NO OO co * OS OS i-H IO oco 00 CC O) ^5 ,2 *S B 8 SM ll | ns II 8 3 T3 0^ is. si U9 O ejg 9^? 1919] ILLINOIS CROP YIELDS FROM SOIL EXPERIMENT FIELDS 407 TABLE 2. ALEDO FIELD: GENERAL SUMMARY, FULLY TREATED PLOTS Serial plot No. Soil treatment applied Average annual yields bushels or (tons) per acre Corn 6 crops Oats 5 crops Wheat 1 4 crops Clover 3 crops Soybeans 1 crop 1 2 3 4 0.. 48.9 59.1 63.6 65.8 55.9 61.6 65.5 63.6 23.2 28.9 28.9 30.8 (2.19) (2.42) (2.89) (2.94) (1.38) (1.48) (1.52) (1.59) M ML MLP 5 6 7 8 51.8 55.0 59.3 62.1 59.8 60.5 63.9 65.2 28.2 29.8 30.0 32.7 .64 .58 .78 .94 19.8 19.8 22.5 24.0 R RL RLP 9 10 RLPK. 63.0 54.3 69.2 56.6 30.5 25.2 .56 (1.82) 24.8 (1.44) NOTE. The rotation and soil treatment are both standard, as described in the introduction. *No manure on 1914 wheat. TABLE 4. ANTIOCH FIELD: GENERAL SUMMARY Serial plot No. Soil treatment applied Average annual yields bushels or (tons) per acre Corn 7 crops Oats 4 crops Wheat 3 crops Clover seed 2 crops 1 2 24.2 21.8 33.8 29.3 20.5 17.3 .50 .30 L 3 4 5 LN 20.4 31.2 24.4 30.7 44.6 30.0 23.9 37.8 23.1 .33 1.08 .57 LP LK 6 7 8 LNP. . 34.6 23.7 35.6 43.4 27.9 38.9 30.1 25.3 33.6 .57 .59 1.26 LNK LPK 9 10 LNPK 39.2 39.9 42.4 44.8 29.8 29.5 .33 .67 NPK GENERAL NOTES. The original rotation was corn, corn, oats, and wheat. Nitrogen was supplied in 800 pounds of dried blood, phosphorus in 200 pounds of steamed bone meal, and potassium in 100 pounds of potassium sulfate per acre per annum. Since the application of 470 pounds of slacked lime in 1902, no further applications were made until 1912. In 1911 the rotation was changed to corn, oats, clover, and wheat with clover seeding on the nitrogen plots. The soil treatment remained the same except that instead of applying nitrogen, all crop residues were plowed under, and an application of 4,000 pounds, of limestone per acre was made once during the rotation. 408 BULLETIN No. 219 [May, e PQ X O Bffi II tf Isffl b- c 1-1 H OS CO C 8 P 1 1-HO 2 > 8 13 &S' 00 ^H OCO 00 00 iO (M (M O CO(N oo 1-1 GO O(N >O ^H h- * co ic lOOTt* os co cc OS i- "5 in OH^; tf^ ft. a ^ 8 1010] ILLINOIS CROP YIELDS FROM SOIL EXPERIMENT FIELDS TABLE 7. CARLINVILLE FIELD: CROP YIELDS IN SOIL EXPERIMENTS BROWN SILT LOAM PRAIRIE*; MIDDLE ILLINOISAN GLACIATION Plot No. Soil treat- ment applied 1910 Wheat 1 1911 Corn 1912 Oats 1913 Soy- beans 1914 Wheat 1915 Corn 1916 Oats 1917 Sweet clover 4 Bushels or (tons) per acre 101 102 103 104 . 8.1 9.3 10.4 12.9 36.3 42.9 50.7 52.7 19.1 23.8 29.7 32.2 (1.45) (1.54) (1 . 79) (1.83) 7.8 10.4 17.8 19.6 36.4 47.7 56.9 58.6 31.6 40.6 48.3 50.5 (0.0 ) (0.05) (1.76) (1.91) M . . .. ML . MLP. . . 105 106 107 108 9.1 8.4 8.8 10.3 38.0 37.3 45.7 49.4 20.3 19.2 26.9 27.5 13.0 13.2 15.8 17.8 8.4 7.4 12.8 17.2 36.6 49.1 68.0 71.8 30.6 32.0 49.5 55.0 R RL RLP.... 109 110 RLPK . . 9.3 6.8 53.6 40.8 28.3 19.1 15.3 (1.23) s 15.6 7.3 75.2 38.4 46.1 27.0 (".17) Cow- peas 2 Wheat 3 Corn Oats Soy- beans Wheat Corn Oats 201 202 203 204 0. . ( -65) ( .62) ( -74) ( .80) 21.3 23.6 26.1 27.8 30.6 41.4 52.1 46.0 5.1 2.3 3.0 2.8 (1 - 20) (1.27) (1.50) (1.50) 14.2 19.7 30.0 28.0 28.4 39.9 47.0 49.3 46.1 62.2 75.8 76.2 M ML MLP.... 205 206 207 208 . ( -65) 22.1 20.4 28.6 30.3 25.4 28.7 35.6 39.6 1.9 1.9 2.0 2.3 10.2 10.4 13.9 14.8 14.4 16.7 28.8 30.0 28.7 30.8 37.4 37.8 45.0 51.9 72.3 77.0 R RL ... RLP.... 239 210 RLPK . 32.7 28.2 44.7 35.1 3.8 5.5 12.9 (1.37)" 27.1 18.6 43.2 32.8 81.2 46.2 ( -64) Oats 2 Clover 3 Wheat 3 Corn Oats Clover Wheat Corn 39.2 63 .8 72.2 71.3 60.1 65.3 63.7 66.6 301 302 303 304 o 32.5 32.8 46.4 45.6 ( -82) ( .79) (1.00) (1.30) 7.3 7.6 10.0 12.3 21.1 24.7 32.4 33.2 1.9 2.2 4.1 3.9 (2.31) (2.45) (2.97) (2.12) 5.0 5.8 9.4 11.7 M ML MLP. . . 305 303 307 308 45.6 47.0 46.6 45.0 (1.51) .17 .33 .33 9.8 8.2 12.7 14.3 23.2 16.4 18.7 18.3 3.4 3.9 3.9 4.5 .50 .58 .50 .50 9.0 8.0 11.4 13.7 R RL RLP.... 309 310 RLPK.. 40.6 38.8 .33 ( .97) 19.0 18.8 17.7 25.0 4.4 3.1 .25 (1.95) 18.2 9.0 71.8 48.6 Corn* Oats 8 Soy- beans 3 Wheat 8 Corn Oats Clover Wheat 401 402 403 404 48.7 49.6 48.3 52.0 30.6 21.1 32.9 34.7 1.11 (1.19) (1.29) (1.37) 10.9 7.2 7.7 9.6 3.3 6.6 6.8 7.2 71.7 74.7 70.5 70.2 (1.17) (1.48) (1.71) (1.58) 13 .2 15.8 23.4 25.7 M ML MLP. . . 405 406 407 408 49.5 43.7 38.1 48.5 38.4 30.3 31.7 33.3 11.3 12.6 13.2 15.2 7.7 15.3 7.2 5.3 2.5 3.0 5.5 6.6 68.8 71.1 69.1 70.2 2.75 2.75 3.17 3.00 19.8 9.7 14.8 13.8 R RL. ... RLP.... 409 410 RLPK.. 47.1 45.6 34.4 33.8 14.3 11.5 8.5 8.7 6.2 3.5 66.7 69.1 2.42 (1.20) 10.6 15.6 'The soil in this field, especially in Series 100, grades toward brown-gray silt loam on tight clay. 2 No manure or residues. 3 No manure. 4 No seed pro- duced. "Estimated. 410 BULLETIN No. 219 [May, TABLE 6. BLOOMINGTON FIELD: GENERAL SUMMARY Seria! plot No. Soil treatment applied Average annual yields bushels per acre Corn 7 crops Oats 3 crops Wheat 3 crops 1 2 0... 44.0 41.8 43.7 51.7 24.6 22.4 L 3 4 5 LR 46.5 58.1 44.9 50.0 60.5 47.9 25.7 45.2 23.9 LP LK G 7 8 LRP 61.5 45.6 62.8 73.4 50.7 64.3 50.4 25.2 43.9 LRK LPK 9 10 LRPK 65.8 59.7 69.7 57.2 52.0 50.4 RPK. GENERAL NOTES. The original rotation of corn, corn oats, wheat, and clover was changed in 1909 to corn, corn, oats, clover, and wheat with clover seeding. Until 1905 nitrogen was applied in 800 pounds of dried blood per acre per an- num. Thereafter crop residues were substituted. Phosphorus is applied in 200 pounds of steamed bone meal, and potassium in 100 pounds of potassium sulfate per acre per annum. Slacked lime at the rate of 320 pounds per acre was applied in 1902 and no further applications were made until 1914, when an application of 5,000 pounds per acre was made; similar applications will be made every five years. TABLE 8. CARLINVILLE FIELD: GENERAL SUMMAET, FULLY TREATED PLOTS iLE FIELD: GENERAL SUMMAET, FULLY TREATED PLOTS Average annual yields bushels or (tons) per acre Corn Oats Wheat Clover Soybeans 7 crops 6 crops 4 crops 3 crops 2 crops Serial plot No. Soil treatment applied 0.... M... ML.. MLP. 27.9 38.1 45.4 45.5 29.3 34.3 38.6 39.3 10.0 12.9 20.1 21.2 (1-16) (1.33) (2.14) (1.86) (1.32) (1.40) (1.64) (1.66) 0.... R. . . RL.. RLP. 30.6 32.9 39.2 41.4 28.3 30.0 37.3 39.4 12.9 10.4 17.0 18.7 1.08 1.11 1.22 1.16 11.6 11.8 14.9 16.3 9 10 RLPK, 0.. 44.6 32.0 38.4 28.3 17.9 12.6 (1.10) 14.1 (1.30) NOTE. The rotation and soil treatment are standard, as described in the introduction. 1919] 411 TABLE 9. CARTHAGE FIELD: CROP YIELDS IN SOIL EXPERIMENTS BROWN SILT LOAM PRAIRIE; UPPER ILLINOISAN GLACIATION Plot No. Soil treat- ment applied 1911 Corn 1 1912 Oats 2 1913 Clover 6 1914 Wheat 6 1915 Corn 1916 Oats 1917 Clover Bushels or (tons) per acre 101 102 103 104 39.4 43.7 38.5 41.0 31.4 33.9 33.3 37.0 (2.46) (2.64) (3.06) (3.02) 18.8 19.2 22.9 23.6 35.9 43.0 40.0 47.0 20.3 31.2 32.8 35.9 (2.68) (2.53) (2.37) (2.54) M ML MLP. . . 105 106 107 108 0. . 35.0 30.7 31.6 31.2 30.2 24.4 26.1 26.3 .67 .67 .50 .50 25.6 24.7 25.0 27.7 23.1 23.4 37.0 45.0 23.4 25.0 29.7 34.4 .67 .67 .58 1.08 !R.. RL RLP. . . . 109 110 RLPK . . 32.0 36.5 26.1 31.4 .50 (3.64) 28.3 28.4 47.6 24.2 40.6 21.9 .92 (2.00) Wheat 7 Corn 3 Oats Clover Wheat Corn Oats 201 202 203 204 0. . 4.3 4.9 3.8 4.7 33.3 38.8 39.7 40.8 27.2 30.0 32.0 33.9 (1.14) (1.25) (1.52) (1.66) 24.0 26.7 28.7 30.1 23.5 27.9 32.9 29.1 49.7 51.7 57.8 66.9 M ML MLP. . . 205 206 207 208 4.5 4.4 5.0 5.4 30.4 42.3 41.3 55.4 26.7 22.5 24.4 27.5 1.42 1.42 1.33 1.50 24.0 30.8 34.2 38.0 23.2 23.4 29.9 27.6 56.4 67.0 72.0 66.1 R RL RLP. . . . 209 210 RLPK.. 5.3 4.5 57.2 28.2 26.9 25.0 1.08 (1.88) 38.8 31.2 31.7 20.6 64.1 40.9 Soy- beans 1 Wheat 4 Corn Oats ~ Soy- beans Wheat Corn 301 302 303 304 0. . 11.0 10.3 9.3 11.3 7.4 3.6 3.8 5.3 25.3 26.1 23.7 34.8 18.0 15.6 17.2 17.0 (2.40) (2.90) (2.99) (3.11) 7.2 12.5 16.7 22.5 22.1 26.5 36.2 41.4 M ML MLP. .. 305 306 307 308 0. . 10.8 10.8 11.5 10.3 5.7 4.3 6.8 5.5 28.6 47.8 49.7 49.1 17.8 23.4 26.6 23.6 19.2 21.7 23.3 29.7 7.5 8.3 18.8 20.0 17.4 54.2 61.9 67.8 R RL... .. RLP.... 309 310 RLPK.. 10.7 10.2 7.1 6.5 51.3 29.2 24.2 19.2 26.7 (2.39) 25.0 10.8 66.1 37.0 Oats 1 Soy- beans 8 Wheat 6 Corn Oats Clover Wheat 401 402 403 404 0. . 12.7 10.6 14.8 15.5 20.6 17.9 19.6 20.4 24.0 29.8 29.1 24.2 24.6 39.5 40.8 44.7 30.6 37.8 48.4 49.7 (2 . 23) (1.88) (2.18) (2.72) 18.8 19.2 18.9 17.5 M ML MLP. .. 405 406 407 408 0. . 12.8 9.8 13.3 10.3 16.9 15.0 14.6 16.5 21.0 16.4 24.2 23.2 26.4 35.4 47.2 57.2 30.3 35.9 54.7 60.3 .08 .17 .08 .17 16.7 18.9 21.7 15.2 R RL RLP. . . . 409 410 RLPK.. 11.3 10.9 16.3 17.0 23.2 22.7 58.3 31.3 59.4 28.1 .50 (2.44) 24.1 16.0 J No soil treatment. "Kesidues only. s No lime. 4 No manure or lime. 6 No manure, phosphate, or potassium. 6 No manure. 'Phosphorus and potassium only. 412 BULLETIN No. 219 [May, TABLE 11. CLAYTON FIELD: CROP YIELDS IN SOIL EXPERIMENTS BROWN SILT LOAM PRAIRIE; UPPER ILLINOISAN GLACIATION Plot No. Soil treat- ment applied 1911 Corn 1 1912 Oats 2 1913 Soy- beans 5 1914 Wheat 8 1915 Corn 1916 Oats 1917 Clover Bushels or (tons) per acre 101 102 103 104 45.8 50.0 52.4 48.7 43.0 42.3 39.3 46.9 10.3 (1.49) (1.58) (1.50) 5.0 4.8 5.3 5.4 23.3 27.3 28.6 31.5 19.2 21.6 20.8 23.0 (2.01) (2.51) (3.26) (3.55) M ML MLP. . . 105 106 107 108 54.6 56.5 57.6 55.5 44.1 40.0 41.6 42.3 12.1 12.5 13.5 13.0 6.2 8.5 6.8 8.8 25.6 36.0 55.4 55.2 20.3 20.2 31.4 38.6 1.92 2.17 2.17 2.00 R RL RLP.... 109 110 RLPK.. 52.0 54.0 43.8 50.0 11.8 12.7 7.9 7.5 56.5 27.3 35.9 25.9 2.00 (2.94) Oats 1 Corn 8 Oats Soy- beans Wheat Corn Oats 201 202 203 204 0. . 19.5 19.1 16.9 20.9 35.4 47.4 36.9 56.8 45.5 55.3 51.6 56.1 (1.28) (1.41) (1.38) (1.45) 11.2 17.9 14.5 23.2 17.1 21.4 21.5 21.0 63.8 71.6 70.6 72.3 M ML MLP... 205 206 207 208 0. . 18.9 18.1 18.9 20.9 38.7 52.1 50.5 54.4 45.9 45.9 48.3 52.2 14.2 16.7 18.3 19.6 7.0 16.2 16.1 30.2 15.2 26.7 26.8 26.9 65.9 69.8 82.8 77.5 R RL RLP.... 209 210 RLPK.. 17.5 25.0 55.5 36.2 47.7 45.5 17.1 (1.40) 7 29.2 14.8 24.6 15.1 83.6 65.9 Soy- beans 1 Barley 4 Corn Oats Soy- beans Wheat Corn 301 302 303 304 0. . 12.0 12.5 13.0 12.8 19.6 19.7 20.2 22.6 35.4 55.2 55.1 58.4 10.0 14.7 13.3 15.9 (2.52) (2.58) (2.83) (3.11) 1.6 2.0 3.9 4.6 30.4 52.8 61.2 60.5 M ML MLP... 305 306 307 308 0. . 14.6 14.4 14.8 14.8 21.5 21.4 22.2 24.5 42.1 49.7 52.2 55.1 13.9 17.3 16.6 18.4 12.5 12.5 19.2 19.6 1.8 4.4 5.6 7.5 35.2 52.6 59.9 65.6 R RL RLP.... 309 310 RLPK.. 14.8 13.8 30.8 18.9 52.6 43.6 16.9 14.7 22.5 (2.21) 9.0 1.7 64.0 20.3 Oats 1 Soy- beans 2 Wheat 6 Corn Oats Clover Wheat 401 402 403 404 0.. 27.0 32.2 30.0 30.8 16.4 (1.36) (1.36) (1.36) 32.9 31.0 31.6 34.0 36.0 37.8 48.7 46.1 58.1 61.6 64.5 69.5 (2.30) (2.77) (2.76) (2.51) 18.0 21.7 21.6 23.5 M ML MLP. . . 405 406 407 408 0. . 32.8 33.3 33.3 39.3 17.5 16.7 16.9 17.2 34.1 33.3 33.8 37.0 29.9 30.4 41.6 31.9 60.5 50.5 62.5 68.0 1.83 1.58 1.00 1.00 20.4 26.7 21.5 23.2 R RL RLP. . . . 409 410 RLPK.. 0. . 34.7 35.6 16.3 17.5 37.3 35.0 45.5 34.8 65.6 62.2 1.25 (2.15} 24.7 Ifi *No treatment. 2 Besiducs only. "No lime. 4 No manure or lime, phosphate or potassium. *No manure. 'Estimated. 5 No manure, ILLINOIS CROP YIELDS FROM SOIL EXPERIMENT FIELDS 413 TABLE 10. CARTHAGE FIELD: GENERAL SUMMARY, FULLY TREATED PLOTS Serial plot No. Soil treatment applied Average annual yields bushels or (tons) per acre Corn 5 crops Oats 5 crops Wheat 1 4 crops Clover 3 crops Soybeins 1 crop 1 2 3 4 0. . 26.3 32.6 34.7 39.4 29.2 33.3 37.6 40.7 17.2 19.4 21.8 23.4 (2.02) (1.89) (2.02) (2.31) (2.40) (2.90) (2.99) (3.11) M ML MLP 5 6 7 8 23.4 36.8 45.1 49.3 30.9 34.8 41.5 42.4 18.4 20.7 24.9 25.2 .72 .75 .66 .92 19.2 21.7 23.3 29.7 R RL RLP 9 10 RLPK . . . 51.0 28.5 43.0 27.0 29.0 21.6 .83 (2.11) 26.7 (2.39) NOTE. The rotation and soil treatment are standard, as described in the in- troduction. 'No manure on 1914 wheat. TABLE 12. CLAYTON FIELD: GENERAL SUMMARY, FULLY TREATED PLOTS Plot No. Soil treatment applied Average annual yields bushels or (tons) per acre Corn 5 crops Oats 5 crops Wheat 1 4 crops Clover 2 crops Soybeans 2 crops 1 2 3 4 . . 28.4 38.9 43.0 43.5 39.3 45.0 44.2 47.4 9.0 11.6 11.3 14.2 (2.16) (2.64) (3.01) (3 . 03) (1.90) (2.00) (2.10) (2.28) M ML MLP 5 6 7 8 0. . 29.6 39.1 47.2 46.9 41.3 40.7 48.3 50.9 8.9 14.0 12.5 17.4 1.88 1.88 1.59 1.50 13.3 14.6 18.8 19.6 R RL RLP 9 10 RLPK 48.7 28.2 49.9 42.8 17.7 10.0 1.62 (2.54) 19.8 (1.80) NOTE. The rotation and soil treatment are standard, as described in the in- troduction. J No manure on 1914 wheat. 414 BULLETIN No. 219 [May, 41 l> c8 0> COIN 1C OTt< COIN-* OOCOTf 00 05 OS" ^5 o" ^ S" t^ CO IN t^iO rH IO CD * to OS CD CO 05 i 1 1> O 5O 1C O1> O>CO CO co-* co coco-* *co CO s CO kOQ 00 (MO O?^ *oo IN S'S 3tO*O (Nioi? * C^ Tfl 00 l> IO 1-H OO IO CO" g IO CO 00* 00 OOCOrHl>CO ^0 --IT-IIN ^~_- i-H t-l ININ^ (N CO r-4 i-H o CO T-I OOOOO I-H IN IN CO-* CO CO CO CO * *< *^ *^ *^ cO 3.<2 OOOJi-H Tt 1-HlOt^- 00 ^H 0000 s OS i iQ COIN CD COCO COOOCO * O5 OOi-H CO O tc H ^ 2 Z u OS ^ * 001^ rococo oo "-KN (NcOt^ .io B5 w w > &, 5 K < OS O ^0 ^H(N ^^ T-H (NOO^ COCO Jo _=; i i-H T-H COCO >O iOCOl>t>-t^ cS 2 " J * -^ TjH f^O 00 O5 ooooo CO 00 CO OS-* 00-* ^s coo c^coio coos CO* #J u s 5 P ss 8 00 (N (N O*-i 00 1-H COCO Ost^ O3CO d hi t^OOOO5O3 o*"3rt^ 3 o EH! Sd I OHO CO coco-* coco (NCO OSCO-^tl iNlNrJH O5-*(N IN-* IO O5I> *co i^os CO* d t^(NI>iOO i-H CO CO* * OOO3-* rH * * CO IO * ^8 - M J 05 *> fl co'co' COI> .05 i-H .COCO ' 'S xH -4-3 a] OOOOOOSOO COCOOO3-* S i I 02 S . s . 1-H H 1 I>OOOO O OS OS COCO r^ 43 ^ " '^~s ' j> u 3 a) o> COIN CO COCO COCOlO *OOS coo CO i-H m >> a OCO OS i-H CO CO rH 00 OS rH oV ^ 3 Ed^ ^H ^i ffl O5 ** O5 i-HlN 1-H IOOO IN O2rH OCOO (N i IN i-i 00 C^rt 00 CO i-H i 1 o' 2 X! * iO rf >O * *IOCOCDOO So fe H oS iO CO 00 COOS OOI>O5 001>TtH OCO. OS 00 e O3i-iCOi-*O COOS 00 CO CO tf g HC S o So LOCO CO rtCO * CO (N * O CO(NiO CO-* Oi IN OIO s ^H CO iO * o o IO OS COOS IO I-H T-KNINCO rH COt^lOlO COCOiOrJO OIO . IO-* IN CO* CO rH i-H i-H rH CO (N CD* OOSCO CO CO CO CO CO ^ j ic S ^^ * IOOC-* CO *05-liO oo 00030 00 IN <* t^o NlH d 00 l> OS CO i-H CO Os O OS OS 3 o O Q) O5 f~1 ^^ i-H COO iNININ O5O T-t O5 >-H O IO i-H i-H -*co (Ni-H 1 -l>. co'a" COIN O cooo l>t^ 03 B OCO rH LQCO CO 00 OOO rH ss oco co-^x oo t^ 001^ CD O3 CO CO CO O O CO * rH 2 Sfi 00 IN c. .OS .00 S" OO'rH' .OS .!-!* 5^, COU5 i-H CO IN (N (N O * o "25 . i-H rH ^O W c. a-^a -S WWW wr< 111 02g e. c. rt PjPHCL, J3 CS *H ^l^ij tftftf dJ d^w PHhJhJ CnWW dd tftf H-) W k j CL, JCL, tftf %% C3 tn ^jij : '-^ dtf^tfs (X^S^W J^^l^rU tfStf^HH- ^1 PH^ g8 I 1 ^HIN 00 COrf IO 000 8fe OSO - 1-1 IN ^H COIN CO 83 - IN IN IN (N 00 co-* coco ic ^ -D CO ^1 i t CD OS OS 1C Wi-i (N & CO t^T-H ,._-,__ * 1 5 10 ' 2 B I-H >> a OS O c3 o l-HGG_g O^OiC^ ^000^0 i (N 00 (M O5-* OSOOTHTf b- O5 O CO CO Oi i-l * 1 1 1 I CDCOi-H i-l i >OOOO(N -H04 IN i-H OS CO O IN O4 -H IN (N 00.0 < (N OSi-H OS CO CO IN COIN IN & ^^ v-x 1 ^^^ ^^^^^ 05 O** Ot^lN OCO 00 O O5 S N'* ic-* os CO^OSOOOS ^02^ ^ , (N COCO OOCO INC} -*CO1C IN IN O>1^ CO - & 1-1 OSCO^OOO cooic^t- 1 CDOOOO^ CO 00 COt- b- 26 B (N * I-H * CO t^lN^Ot^ * 1C 1C 1C OS O IN * 000000 2 aj 9 CO 00 IN OS 1C f^ CO CO CO (N ^^ * T 1 t 1C 1-H CO CO 1C 1C CD 9g t-- l-H O i 1 1C &$ ~HCOi-<^> c co .ic .ic .1C . CO CD &t co ic a >C CO OS 00 CO 00 CO OO OS 00 OS "e3 CO 1C 1 CO ^ ^ 00 OOCO O 1C 1C CD t"~ OS ^ i-H O5 OS IN i-H 2^ ^2c5^c? IN t^CO CD O5 CO CO CO CO IN 6^ ^^c i-H i-H (N M CD J ^ CO i-H CO * CO 00 (N O O t>CO s OOS(Ni-Hi-H -HOO^COIN i-H Jr & c CO CO CO I> 1C B t^ 00 OS OOr-H C^l I-H 1C O 1C 25s o asskg ic co t* co co 00 (N TjH COO 1-H i-H r-H C^ ooococo 1-1 I-H O? IN IN C<1 ^-g O 1C IN 00* COt^t-0 1 10 OS-S OSOOOO 00 00 * OS CD OJ 1C % ** ^ _ D* IQ r^ c^ ^^ ^ r ^ ^.^ ^_^ ^^ _j . ._ -_^ in ^X ^ r- >. ^ (.fj v*J v*J vv CN - 1 v*j ~J w l w' o_ ^ C^ 02 CO 00 CO OS 00 O i-H I-H OO t^ 49 c3 00 CO-* IN OS OS i-H 00 * 00 1-H O OS 'CO CD CD t^ 00 iC-H OO CO N (N (N COIN CO CD O O3 O ^ 5 "H. 0. 83 oJs : ^s' ^ PH ^ E ^' otfS^ ' tjl ' S O O ^(NCO^iC CO 1^ 00 OS O -INCOTJ-IC o r^ oo cs o PH ^ Kl IN IM IN IN IN IN IN C<)O3 IN IN CICIC >H c > 88 C^S~^H O50000 e (M OO5 COrt<I-HCO 05 "D ooo ^v_^ O O ooo ^^ o t^ coco I-H i 1 i 1 I-HO5CM C? i-H CM o o t^r>-x i-H i-l coco t^ I-H CM 888 i (H 3 888 iO CO CO (M 1C 1C 2cS OOCO O5 i-H O5 t/1 -)J IO c 1C rH CO Tt 23 050000 cot> to 00 5OO5 J>t^t^ rH * I-H 00 00 CO O5O5t>- COt^t^ 6 OOO^) IQC CO g o3 O t^O-* * 1C-* ICO5 >C co <5 O QQ 000 t^ i- 1) ^ 888 JJco'Jo O5 O5 O5 a CO 0 COCO * C5 O ""O 000 1 1 1 1 1 c 5 ooo r 1 1 1 o GO^H GO iO COCO CO * OO CO cOO o O iccq 05 >c c >c coooo CO CO CO 2-2 P co i 1 1 i iNr-tlO 5 CO i-H O5 CD O5 i-H 1 ;f - ^ S~o o SSo" ^; s oSS" O5 3 d o S^ So rt tStSo CO t>- CO * Tjfifl coi>l> UJ^ ^H rHOO j^ ooo 1 1 1-H i-H 1 p B *1-HIO ocoo 03 -M OIN^H COt^O 03 49 CO(M CO OOO5O s 0005 OOO1> VS (M * * COO5O C3 o iO(NOO lr^O5 * 03 o GOO5t^ I> CO t^ .4 O5co ic TJH t^CO 1 2S O O5-*l> (N CO CO 1 - CO CO 1C o o GOiOCO *^o COIMCO U31OTJH 03 O i-H-* CO t^t^l^ i-H O O5 oooot^ tH 35 gJ O > 22 888 sss OOTjHO i_ CJ 888 ill 1=1 GOrH (N tClOO e (MOO 00 (NiCC O5 O ^0 ooo d-GG o o ooo S^XJ o COt^ O5 1C-* >O OOCO CO CO CO CO o O * CO O5 cOt^iO o >CCM l> t^ t^ 00 <* i-H O5 1 1 CO CO i-H "S 9 OU3CO OO GO b E S^S" * GOrtH Oiof? COc 1C CO rf 2o * O-* O"OOO l>OOt^ COCO t-H o (N (M (M (NCNlN u U in *S OOO CO lOr^O 5 OCO-* OOr-H O 02 -*J i-H |>.CO Oi-HO5 -^ c3 Q> COOCO COI>-1> 1 1 2u coi>io co.-oco 1OOO co co eg OlOCO CO CO CO CO O5 1C co co co 03 o 00 OOO t- F- co *o ,0 t^(M t^ CO O5 CO O5 COC^ COI>t^ o o Tf COCO COCOI> O) 1C CO t^ Tjl l> 03 O (M CO-* (Mf5 CM COOOCC (NCOCC 1 p-l 49 n a- -+_> a "Growth 03; i 43 1 3 ex & ai^ : espied ^Pn'ol sss CLifL,' K&X p 1 p ( tz'r-lf*, PH'CLH' aitfPi ' sss SnOn 2ZXK :^eLi S i e- iH 1 O 6 2 coo o> ooo ococb ^H i 1 i-H CO COO5 C^l (M (M o co co co co co 88 OCOCO i-H 1-H I 1 ro co os >M (M (M Oco co co TO co J^ BULLETIN No. 219 [May, ** CO OS O CO (N GO OOS^ rHCOO -2 1C CO CD COIMrH fl E *. ^CDt- 26 rH CO OS rH rH t-rHGO rH o t^ ICO 0000 00 fcSS o CDt^cD *O "^ CO ooo: os p iCOiC ic co-* (M CO CO C00 rHCO-* COOO CO 00 1C ^cot- g CO I- OS 03 OO'* 05 GO 00 1C 1C COt- 26 CO * CO rH CO 1 D GO CO 00 Tt< Tf CO 1C 1C 1C o o Tfl T}1 CO ^^^ o CO CD CO CD rH CO to 5 88. 1C 00 GO I ', ooo ooo JJ'os'o^ OSrH rH d E ICO 1C OSLC^ a ^t^os r^rH OS,0 (N (N CO rH rH rH _0 ooo dSG o o O* CO * TJI (M CO CO^ o o (N OOO co co co TT co * * IB O GO >C iC COOO 26 S?3S (N COCO OS rH 1C CO TP (N COCO CO o u COCOrH cjcoco o ,u coco-* CJ CO CO cog ThrHrH O^HCO -^ ^rHO ^Ost- -22 (N COCO t-rHt^ "c3 s ^rHt^ 0(N^ 26 S8S Sco ic 1C 1C C fe^s CDrHrH 03 o CO CO CO * Tjl CO CO 1C 1C COCO * (N 1C t~t-TH g CO CO CO O OCO 1 26 o aj tl cooot- CO CD 1C CO CO GO CO CO 1C OS t^- CD CO CO CO o C^ O OS 1C CO CO 1C CD CO o rH t t^ 1C ICrH 1 * 888 S'o'S 1 888 o'co'co' g CO 001- rHt-CO (i OO-* coot- OSJ3 1 ooo rH rH rH u 000 rH rH o o 00 iC OS COCO 888 Tji rf -p IH a 888 O~0000 rH O O rH 26 "? CO"* CO OOO t> t^OOGO -C rHCOlC CO COCO C3 o t-coo coco CO 03 o rH OS CO CO 1C CD (M osc; t- CD 1C 1C TH oop rHOOO COIN 00 OSCOC^ *rHCO s OS 1C OS OSrH CO 5 cot- co ooosc CO1> d 1C OS OS ScoS 6 CO COO O 1C-* 1C iC 1C CD rH t co coco GO 1C CO C IH o os co ic rH OS CO u o 1C 1C 1C 05 73 J n "t^ .. .. ^- ~tr* > 2 *** G 03 JB ,x a> oS rHU o u & CO Oi . . . a 5 o 3 03 9 "5, 1 at -g 'o co p p p 1 . s%% CnDn' sll &H'OH' 'fXCH' SSos sis 1 5 d Z CO CO OS ooo co co co O CO CD rH rH rH co co co CO COOS co co co OCOCO co co co co co co CO coo: ooo OCOCO * * T}H co 'O os M (M (M oco to TO CO V. CO 1919] ILLINOIS CROP YIELDS FROM SOIL EXPERIMENT FIELDS 419 TABLE 16. DEKALB FIELD: GENERAL SUMMARY Serial plot No. Soil treatment applied Average annual yields bushels or (tons) per acre Corn 36 crops Oats 27 crops Wheat 9 crops Clover 20 crops 3 6 9 RP. . . 52.8 56.2 49.7 51.3 52.0 50.7 31.3 35.0 28.4 .84 1 .86 1 .84 1 RP R 10 13 16 M. . 56.5 . 57.4 54.4 52.4 55.5 53.2 32.1 36.3 36.1 (1.73) (2.06) (2.03) MP MP GENERAL NOTES. Two different rotations are practiced upon this field. On each series a rotation of corn, corn, oats, and clover is grown upon Plots 3 to 16, and corn, oats, wheat, and clover on Plots 23 to 36. The soil treatment as indicated is standard, as described in the introduction. 'First four crops harvested as hay. 420 BULLETIN No. 219 [May, TABLE 17. DIXON FIELD: MAIN ROTATION: CROP YIELDS IN SOIL EXPERIMENTS BROWN SILT LOAM PRAIRIE; IOWAV GLACIATION Plot No. Soil treat- ment applied 1910 1 Barley 1911 Corn 2 1912 Oats 4 1913 Clover 4 1914 Wheat 6 1915 Corn 1916 Oats 1917 Soy- beans Bushels or (tons) per acre 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 0. . 20.5 20.8 24.4 24.7 5tf.4 62.8 60.5 64.7 35.2 39.8 47.2 42.2 (3.14) (3.32) (3.47) (3.56) 24.8 25.3 26.6 33.5 5.6 32.9 38.1 41.7 72.0 70.8 79.2 81.6 (1.62) (1.82) (2.25) (2.40) 10.8 9.1 10.8 11.0 10.3 (1.28) M ML . . MLP. . . . 26.8 24.9 24.4 22.3 64.3 65.9 67.5 68.2 47.8 50.0 49.5 44.5 1.00 1.25 1.00 1.00 32.8 37.7 34.2 37.9 18.5 24.4 29.0 33.0 76.6 78.8 81.2 83.4 R RL RLP . . . 109 110 RLPK. . . 20.8 21.6 69.2 65.0 49.4 43.3 .75 (2.96) 35.2 24.9 32.6 2.4 78.1 69.7 Clover Wheat" Corn Oats Clover Wheat Corn Oats 201 202 203 204 0. . (1.69) (1.56) (1.54) (1.87) 31.9 31.0 33.8 37.4 3.3 12.9 11.4 26.2 49.2 55.6 52.7 58.4 (1.76) (2.13) (2.54) (2.77) 27.9 28.2 29.2 34.0 37.8 44.5 49.5 52.8 68.4 82.3 85.6 93.0 M ML MLP. . . . 205 206 207 208 : (1.87) 30.5 37.9 30.7 41.0 21.1 37.5 34.2 42.2 58.9 58.4 52.7 58.6 1.17" 1.42 1.58 2.17 28.0 31.3 30.0 36.8 43.4 44.3 48.5 50.4 76.1 77.7 77.7 85.9 R RL RLP.... 209 210 RLPK... (1.80) 41.6 30.6 61.5 20.4 56.1 52.3 2.00 1.83" 34.6 25.1 49.4 40.9 84.4 68.1 Oats Soy- beans 3 Bar- ley 5 Corn Oats Clover Wheat Corn 301 302 303 304 0. . 50.0 56.9 57.3 54.5 14.5 12.8 16.7 16.0 17.2 30.6 27.0 32.5 35.5 56.6 60.4 55.3 54.7 60.6 61.1 60.6 (1.35) (3.38) (3.41) (3.57) 7.2 9.2 11.6 18.2 24.9 55.3 57.2 60.7 M ML MLP.... 305 306 307 308 56.1 56.7 48.9 49.5 17.9 15.3 18.1 17.9 27.6 37.7 31.2 37.5 42.5 47.5 48.3 49.2 60.0 59.8 56.2 54.2 .42 .58 .58 .50 12.2 16.2 14.9 21.1 26.6 40.6 38.7 45.5 R RL RLP . . . 309 310 RLPK. . . 51.6 48.1 19.1 15.4 40.6 27.8 53.4 44.4 58.0 58.8 .42 (2.50) 22.1 10.6 46.4 29.4 40T 402 403 404 Corn Oats 2 Soy- beans 4 Wheat 5 Corn Oats Clover Wheat 0. . 35.8 40.3 41.3 41.3 47.8 48.3 53.8 48.4 (1.60) (1.73) (1.74) (1.63) 16.2 18.2 17.6 23.7 43.9 66.8 68.8 66.1 65.5 70.5 58.6 54.2 (2.69) (2.97) (3. Ob) (3.03) 25.5 26.2 27.5 27.8 M ML MLP. . . . 405 406 407 408 42.2 39.2 40.0 39.0 48.4 49.7 42.3 47.0 12.3 12.4 15.0 14.0 18.8 21.0 20.7 23.8 49.1 58.8 61.3 55.4 73.9 68.6 58.6 58.9 .05 .03 .04 .06 24.8 26.8 30.7 31.8 R RL RLP 409 410 RLPK. . . 35.2 43.0 47.8 48.0 13.8 (1.50) 23.0 15.0 59.1 49.0 52.5 72.7 .05 (2.85) 35.8 25.7 *No soil treatment in 1910. "Residues only. 3 No manure or lime. 4 No manure, phosphate, or potassium. B No manure. 'Yields from Plots 5 and 10 interchanged. 1910] ILLINOIS CROP YIKLDS FROM SOIL EXPERIMENT FIELDS. 421 TABLE 18. DIXON FIELD: MAIN ROTATION : GENERAL SUMMARY FULLY TREATED PLOTS Serial plot No. Soil treatment applied Average annual yields bushels or (tons) per acre Corn 6 crops Oats 5 crops Wheat 1 4 crops Clover 3 crops 1 2 3 4 25.2 44.8 47.6 50.5 62.0 68.0 67.4 69.6 21.3 22.2 23.7 28.4 (1.93) (2.82) (3 . 00) (3.12) M ML MLP 5 7 8 33.5 42.2 43.3 46.0 69.1 68.7 65.3 68.2 24.2 28.0 27.4 31.9 .55 .67 .73 .91 R RL RLP 10 RLPK 50.4 31.1 65.8 64.3 31.9 21.6 .82 (2.39) NOTE. The rotation and soil treatment are standard, as described in the introduction. *No manure on 1914 wheat. 422 BULLETIN No. 219 [May, 03 00 . O CO 1C 1-- 1C CD 1C O 1-- t t CO flj Cf gT3 C Olr^ coo co a ja a? ||o r- 1 OO rH O rH CO OS t^ OS CO I>1> OOO OOlv -.Io 2 - 1C 1> OOO J- l-c O 03 S rt'C O -fc3 cu co OCC "CO 1-^rH (NO t^CO O5 rH t>. 1C COCO Tf C~ 5 SiO ^feg CO1~ OCO C^rH ICO CO"* Ol> OOO OSO ^ o -3 PlB H 05 5j OB N 0^2 A C jj -** 2 S 2 _rj q JH Q, !>! OS t-- t- 10 * tn O Tt < ^ 00 S3 B J rt ^^ O 42S O ^ 2 A o o S rt .C 3S 1C O 00 lls OC OOO * OS CIC CO"* COt^ OSOS rHrH jjfs 5*- e c C 1C 1C CD ql rHrH i li-H I 1 rH C^IC^ o3 3 S q S "3 'C o r/)^ c c c 1 gi CO O3 rH OS CO CO OS CO 1C 1C 1C 1C 3'S *2 ri3 23 2* ^'^ 00 rC Q C 3 rH "2 co oo q Q? 45 C T* T* -* U3 1C * Tt 1 00 K&ti || O ~ O ^ OOO? OOO OOO OO t q | o a S^ 10 CH X) (N O rH 03 !-. O f2 OTf< iC*C OO C COt COCO OJ S t. co l-Ig CM OO OS t^ OS * N. Tfl O (N (N CO rH , 1 ,-1 r-t N 03 g JC.-H rHO (Nl^- OOO OS CO C^ C OCO O (N 1 1 if^li ^ ,2 o -*-* qj "3 S fl ^ 2 ^ ?OQ ^^ C 4> C 'C-i^ 6 J-g 1] |t|s a> a i o. * 4S ^ '1 kj ' ^ .; jj _00 GO i jj Is ll II o do W p i o i Z q rfl 4J O uj O ftai H! ,2 Zc ^02 OQ ^!cc i-H rH W C-i rH CM CN COCO * * ^ 00 ^ -S n ILLINOIS CROP YIELDS FROM SOIL EXPERIMENT FIELDS 423 TABLE 20. DUBOIS FIELD: CROP YIELDS IN SOIL EXPERIMENTS GRAY SILT LOAM ON TIGHT CLAY, PRAIRIE; LOWER ILLINOISAN GLACIATION +2 b. a i-> 05 -G ^ 9 t-, 5 i !-. a CO -1 h Q Land Not Tile-drained CO OS O ^0 3$ 26 SB OS i-XO t^xco iv co rr co "^ T^ O^ (N COIN O i-( >C rti CO ^f T) ox XCO CO i-H X XCO CO XCC X 1C T-H co CO CO CO OX t>Ox Tt* T-H CO T-* coco t>CC T3 t^os CO CO coco * COCO CO OS-* O cot^ t^ 1C 1C t^cO 1C t>. co>oco COXiC XCO . coco t^CO X XCO CO CO t> COCO I^X OS Xt> OS t^ CO T O) COCO CO t^t^ xoo i-H T-H T-HCC i-H xo C X X XiC X t>0 H coo 1C CO CO C 1C O coo X XI> * OS COO OSO ^3 TjH rH * OS CO OS CO CO THCO rH XX i-H XCO COXO COOS H-1 l-H 00 OOSCO OS i-H * coco r, XX .-HIM XCO t^ co rf co CO COO -ti TT> ic COCO ^ co coco I-H CO OrH CO COCO TfH 1C OS-* * co * CO 1C *co CO C5 O f^X CO CO OS COOS 1C CO t^t^iC 1C CO CO cot- V p OiO coco XXX COCOTf CO CO X CO "^ "^ COOS ^co co co coco rHOSt^ coco-* OXiC CO-* 1C T-H O 1C 1C iCt^- (MIC XINiN OTf<-coc coco CO 1C COCO1> CO COCO iC CO 04 5 ,-H KJ CO r-HCOT-l coot>- CO CO CO COI> coco ro I-H OS XTfH CO i-H T-< coco co co co ox coco a l-t T3 ** c^ rH OS 1C 0X0 ,-H CO CO CO CO 1C CO XCO CO OS i-H ^ OS CO XlOC^ i-i(M IN ic coo CO CO CO OS 1C coco t~ t^ 1-H i-H ot^t^- CO CO CO CO t^ 1C COCO CO TH CO co co g hfi * t^ OSTtl CO COX-* rf O * co l>- 1C OS OCOTH * X 5 CC CO lOCO^H I 1 1 1 OS COCO oco I-H 1-HCO CO CO-* 00 t-- * rH 0-* a Kxl . >v* . i cu o'J d^'w tf^iJ CuWW tftf CL, -J__ x KOn Jtf o'J tfPu'W uJhJ J Pn^W PHP^S J JJ Sw ^53 ^PH 1 ^HCO oo CO * 1C 000 g^ o^ ^^ i-H CO CO-* 1C co r^ x OSO rHCO 424 BULLETIN No. 219 [May, TABLE 21. DUBOIS FIELD: GENERAL SUMMARY Plot No. Soil treatment applied Average annual yields bushels per acre Corn 4 crops Oats 4 crops Wheat 4 crops Land Not Tile-drained 101 15.9 15.0 4.7 102 L 17.4 26.1 10.3 103 LR. . 20.1 33.6 14.6 104 LP 18.1 40.8 24.5 105 LK 31.9 35.0 19.3 106 LRP 18.0 38.8 30.6 107 LRK 29.7 36.8 22.4 108 LPK 33.9 42.5 30 9 109 LRPK.. 32.7 41.1 31.8 110 RPK 27 3 30.7 20.6 Land Tile-drained 111 15.5 15.3 6.4 112 L 16.9 24.4 15.9 113 LR ' 18.6 31.1 18.7 114 LP 15.0 36.1 26.5 115 LK 29.6 37.2 17.4 116 LRP. 19.8 44.5 33.1 117 LRK 33.1 37.2 27.3 118 LPK ... 37.0 39.7 32.0 119 LRPK 35 5 37.7 31.5 120 RPK 30.7 35.5 20.6 GENERAL NOTES. The original rotation of corn, oats, wheat, clover was changed in 1911 to corn, oats, clover, and wheat with legume seeding. Until 1905 the nitrogen was supplied in 800 pounds of dried blood per acre per year; there- after all crop residues were returned to the land. The phosphorus has been applied in 200 pounds of steamed bone meal and potassium in 100 pounds of potassium sulfate per acre per year. ILLINOIS CROP YIELDS FROM SOIL EXPERIMENT FIELDS 425 TABLE 22. ENFIELD FIELD: CROP YIELDS IN SOIL EXPERIMENTS YELLOW-GRAY Silt LOAM, TIMBER SOIL; LOWER ILLINOISAN GLACIATION Plot No. Soil treatment applied 1913 Cowp^as 1 1914 Wheat 3 1915 Corn 1916 Oats 1917 Soybeans Bushels or (tons) per acre 101 102 103 104 ( .19) ( .16) ( .13) ( .09) 8.2 9.6 8.3 13.2 23.2 38.9 45.8 50.4 13.3 16.6 19.4 17 2 ( .99) (1.14) (1.62) (1.96) M ML MLP 105 106 107 108 (.10) 7.0 8.0 11.4 16.2 28.8 32.8 45.2 48.4 9.1 8.3 14.1 14.4 5.0 5.0 13.5 15.6 R RL RLP 109 110 RLPK 18.6 13.2 44.8 38.5 18.3 9.7 15.0 (1.22) ( .22) Oats 1 Soybeans 8 Wheat 3 Corn Oats 201 202 203 204 0. . 3.1 3.8 4.2 4.4 ( -57) ( -60) ( -77) ( -86) 10.1 12.8 13.7 23.6 26.6 37.1 49.3 53.6 20.0 27.5 35.3 37.5 M ML MLP 205 206 207 208 0. . 2.3 3.0 4.1 3.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.9 7.8 13.8 15.2 21.1 30.3 35.2 50.1 52.5 22.0 20.0 36.2 40.3 R . RL RLP 209 210 RLPK 5.0 7.8 4.8 ( .76) 22.0 20.1 54.8 42.0 44.4 25.2 Corn 3 Oats Soybeans Wheat Corn 301 302 303 304 19.0 19.6 26.5 30.9 2.8 3.0 3.3 3.4 (".07) ( -19) ( -09) .9. 2.0 8.4 11.0 13.6 14.4 44.2 46.8 M ML MLP 305 306 307 308 21.4 23.7 29.3 26.2 1.1 1.3 1.6 1.1 1.8 2.0 5.7 15.8 20.3 26.3 69.8 69.6 R RL RLP 309 310 RLPK 21.8 17.3 1.3 .8 11.7 3.4 74.0 36.9 Wheat 3 Corn Oats Clover Wheat 401 402 403 404 . 13.0 5.4 6.5 5.7 24.3 28.5 32.6 32.4 24.7 22.5 33.3 30.9 ( -52) ( -35) (1.66) (1.43) 8.3 6.2 28.2 23.2 M ML MLP 405 406 407 408 0. . 3.7 7.1 7.2 9.8 19.3 11.1 14.4 14.7 20.3 24.4 28.6 33.4 0.00 .33 1.58 1.75 4.2 8.2 23.2 32.1 R RL RLP 409 410 RLPK.. 14.8 7.1 20.5 19.8 36.4 30.8 1.42 ( .49) 31.3 5.0 *No manure or residues. 2 No residues. 3 No manure. 426 BULLETIN No. 219 [May, TABLE 24. EWING FIELD: CROP YIELDS INT SOIL EXPERIMENTS GRAY SILT LOAM ON TIGHT CLAY, PRAIRIE; LOWER ILLINOISAN GLACIATION Plot No. Soil treat- ment applied 1910 Wheat 1 1911 Corn 1912 Oats 1913 Clover 1914 Wheat 1915 Corn 1916 Oats 1917 Soy- beans Bushels or (tons) per acre 101 102 103 104 0. . 10.4 14.2 9.9 8.0 16.2 26.8 27.5 30.2 12.0 19.1 28.3 34.4 ( -20) ( .24) ( -40) ( .81) 1.7 3.4 16.2 22.5 24.1 38.1 60.7 57.4 5.0 9.4 19.7 21.9 ( .51) ( .61) (1.00) (1.26) M ML MLP. . . . 105 106 107 108 6.8 8.6 8.5 10.7 12.7 13.2 23.0 20.8 14.4 16.4 30.8 33.4 .50 1.08 .9 .8 12.8 17.6 17.7 15.0 46.7 42.5 3.8 4.8 11.2 14.2 2.0 1.8 9.6 10.7 R . . . . RL. ... RLP. . .. 109 110 RLPK. . . 17.9 9.7 26.0 15.8 37.2 11.4 .75 ( .31) 25.8 1.2 56.4 23.4 22.5 4.7 12.6 ( -66) Cow- peas 1 Wheat* Corn Oats Soy- beans Wheat Corn Oat 3 201 202 203 204 0. . ( .89) ( .97) (1.05) (1.19) 10.7 12.8 17.3 23.8 24.7 39.8 52.1 50.7 1.7 3.9 7.3 6.9 ( .27) ( .23) ( .47) ( .53) 5.3 8.2 18.1 23.6 21.4 40.1 57.0 58.6 18.3 25.2 37.0 40.9 M ML . . MLP.... 205 206 207 208 0. . (1.02) 11.9 9.9 20.5 23.7 30.7 33.1 48.3 45.0 .6 2.5 8.4 9.2 2.0 2.3 4.0 4.0 4.9 4.9 19.1 17.7 24.3 19.6 51.5 51.6 17.5 18.8 34.7 36.6 47.0 18.1 R RL RLP. ... 209 210 RLPK... (".87) 28.1 12.0 51.6 31.7 12.5 3.3 4.2 (.32)* 27.8 4.2 64.0 31.1 Oats 1 Cow- peas 2 Wheat 2 Corn Oats Soy- beans Wheat Corn 301 302 303 304 0. . 37.1 43.1 42.6 45.3 ( .25) ( -23) ( .34) ( -38) 1.8 2.3 4.9 3.0 6.0 10.3 20.8 23.9 3.0 3.4 5.6 6.4 2.0 1.8 6.6 7.7 .3 .4 5.6 6.8 6.4 24.4 54.1 58.9 M ML MLP. . . . 305 306 307 308 0. . 32.8 37.8 39.2 35.6 1.6 1.2 2.4 3.2 .8 .8 4.3 3.2 5.6 6.2 22.5 21.8 1.4 3.3 5.9 5.3 1.7 2.5 7.5 6.4 .2 .2 7.4 4.8 12.6 17.1 35.7 45.9 R RL RLP.... 309 310 RLPK. . . 36.7 44.2 4.0 (.25) 4 4.3 2.8 26.8 6.1 6.6 1.4 8.2 3.8 6.9 .5 63.8 13.1 Corn 1 Oats 2 Cow- peas 3 Wheat 2 Corn Oats Clover Oats 8 401 402 403 404 0. . 30.8 35.1 36.4 40.4 17.7 29.2 31.3 32.0 ( .76) ( .66) (1.26) (1.38) .8 .8 11.8 11.3 4.3 4.5 7.6 6.3 9.7 16.9 37.5 49.4 ( -35) ( .46) (1.66) (1.94) 15.5 15.3 39.4 47.3 M ML MLP. . . . 405 406 407 408 409 410 0. . 37.3 38.4 51.7 50.7 23.9 21.8 42.7 36.7 .90 .9 1.1 16.0 14.9 3.5 2.7 3.1 3.6 12.3 13.8 43.9 44.5 00 00 1.25 1.58 22.5 27.3 58.1 62.8 R RL RLP. ... RLPK. . . 47.6 43.6 42.8 23.9 (" b ) 27.2 25 6.4 2.7 45.3 16.2 1.58 ( -47) 65.5 32.3 *No manure or residues. "No manure. 6 Yielda from Plots 5 and 10 interchanged. "Wheat winter-killed. 4 Estimated. 1910] ILLINOIS CROP YIELDS FROM SOIL EXPERIMENT FIELDS 427 TABLE 23. ENFIELD FIELD: GENERAL SUMMARY, FULLY TREATED PLOTS Serial plot No. Soil treatment applied Average annual yield bushels per acre Corn 4 crops Oats 4 crops Wheat 1 4 crops 1 2 3 4 0. . 21.9 29.7 43.0 45.8 15 2 17 4 22.8 22.2 6.9 7.7 14.7 17.8 M ML MLP 5 6 7 8 24.7 26.3 44.9 46.3 13.1 13.5 20.1 22.3 5.2 8.0 13.9 21.3 R RL RLP 9 10 RLPK 48.5 34.3 25.1 16.6 20.9 10.4 NOTE. The rotation and soil treatment are standard, as described in the introduction. ''No manure on 1914 and 1915 wheat. TABLE 25. EWING FIELD: GENERAL S.UMMARY, FULLY TREATED PLOTS Serial plot No. Soil treatment applied Average annual yields bushels or (tons) per acre Corn 7 crops Oats 7 crops Wheat 3 crops Clover 2 crops Soybeans 3 crops 1 2 3 4 14.7 26.3 40.0 40.9 9.3 17.7 25.0 29.6 2.4 4.0 13.3 17.6 ( -28) ( -35) (1.03) (1.38) ( -33) ( -34) ( -71) ( -85) M ML MLP 5 6 7 8 0. . 15.3 15.3 33.0 33.0 10.4 12.4 27.6 29.4 2.0 2.0 13.1 13.4 .10 .00 .89 1.33 1.9 2.2 7.0 7.0 R RL RLP 9 10 RLPK . . 42.1 17.7 33.8 12.5 20.2 2.0 1.17 ( .39) 8.3 ( .45) 0.. NOTE. The crop rotation and soil treatment are standard, as described in the introduction. GRAY DILT LOAM ON IIGHT CLAY, PRAIRIE; LOWER ILLINOISAN GLACIATION *^ to 8 g C 3 c c J "x : 1 5 ^ COrH CO OOOO2 BULLEl PIN No O O2 CD . 219 o * ^^ CD O2 CO TH co co O TH GO OO200 [Mo?/, O T TT co TH ic Tt< 1C CO rH 1C M * 1C O ^^^ CO 1C rH rH CO 1C (N (N TH rH r 1 rH ctci.^ CO j^ln O2^ 03 O2 O2 CO 21 CD CO CO O CO CO d K COOO O2 1C 00 OrHO O2 IN O2 >CCO(N TH iH Sc^ o o ? s 1 d rH OO rH rH (N COrHO HH IN -* TH OO CD 49 1C 03 O2 rC 11 *^ 02 (NO 0^0 OCOO OOCO Ij (NO200 OOO 00 O1CO2 isr^H^ ooo 000 O 1C * (N O(N O CO T-H ^H ,H Tt c C2JD co coi i ^22 O2 O2 O co co o cSSS o OTH CO CO CO 1C O-* CO OOOO v^ssa ^^^, OGOM C<1 CO 1C O2OiH M * (N CO IN (N TH ~03 (N rHOO co co w -HINO ocbco o o ooo rH O2 OS * 02 02 000 CO 00 GO co CD-* rH rH ^^(N le-drainec 1-H-* rH ooo ooo ^-^^ le-drained 000 ^^ o rH CO 1C 1O ^H ^^ 00 1C CO OOOO 49 03 0) * O(N O2 rH CO CO CO (N * (NO OTH 00 N CM wH dG-SS t: OO2O rH TH rH O2OO (N COIN OOO CO Ol CO CO ID TH OOO CO IN CO 1C CD ^H co co 02 g N t~* 1C * OCO 02 coo O O O2 ^ al O2 O2 CO * CO 00 CD 02 00 * O rH rH COOO O2 O3 TH coco * 5 :OC(N O i a O^CO t- 0000 CO 00 1C CO O 00 E ^3 2d S3 SI 33 I s * ^H ^^ CO CO CO ^J 1-1 (N ^dd coco * i-H i-H '4-1 CH 2^f * -H V co co co ^H 00 t^ OO(M 05 OCO , g os c 05 COOJOC ^oc ICOOC5 ^O ^ O5-C *rj< coos ic TTc t- O *> O5 O 2l OS' 2 7 1C 1C t^ O5O5 c -3 COCO O5O5O 99 C o _2 I-H O5 rjt OOO3O5 t, "i OSt-.CO 1C CO T-H ^ cp C T-H t-HO ^2-B -H^O Ci^S O ICO 1 * coco-* < CO C CO t-- co ic * coco 00 03 O5 OS C -c 5 co co co "3 j CTt0 O^co 1 i 3 ^cot- TXCOt- * >cco -*ot- "S ooco CO OOCO O5OOO * r-H CO n3 ices* CO(N I I i-H OOO5C I s - 05 05 s CO-* "C i-H i-H 2SS * OCN i-H 1C CO 1-H i-H 03 -s Cu *- 6 OOfNrH coicic OOOIN ^Ht-0 *% 1C I-H (N ^^^ OTf<00 CN COCO t$ ^ " * coco ICOOO O5 i-H T)< co cco ^ *o ^o J* -ococo cooot-- 00 (N I-H (N CO-* n O s h Oi ICO cooo C<) TjH Tf 05T-HO G5 O CO B 00 CN CO OOOIN (NCOO CO OOO j. OS O o *00 o> o 3 i-H tn O5 O -'H oo S3 Ci O b^2 oo t^ i-Hl> OS CO CO N Ci 00 1C 00 iCO .i-H O 00 CO COCOOCDCN 00 CO t^ COl> IC001> OS OS 1C >C CO 1C CO t> O O51COO O- CO . CO CO Gi CO Oi Gi Gi 00 (N COCO-* 1C OiCOCOt> OJ CO O5 Ol^ <** T}( co <* co OiO(M(M 1C T-H rH i-H O OO .PH r-5 O5 i-H OS (N O5 I-H O5 1C 00 CO 00 CO COlM O TJH CD T 1 l H i-H Ol> 1C 00 CO i-H i-H i-H O CO OS 1C-* O O OOJTjH OCO i-H t^-* O CO 1C OCO O5 TjH (M O O3 1CO5 * O <* 1C i-H (N 1C-* CO O5 CD I-H I-H r~ oo C5 * 00 C 00 1C 1C 1C 1C CD COOiN O5i-H O iCOO ^ (M -1> CO l-H TjH CO T-H d t~t~000000 :w 432 BULLETIN No. 219 [May, O5 O (N 3 1-1 l- i-H > O5 O -6 2o oo a go 1 So ^ COOIN 0000 l> IN i-H I-H 1C 03 COCO l> OOlNi-Ht^OO OO * CO (M IN CO C COIN OCOCOO-* 00 CO OCO-* i-H C5 CO 00-* 1C ic CO CO iO 00 00 CO l> CO (NCOI>CO"5 O 1C CO IN (N t^t^OSCOOO CO CO CO GO C CO i-H COCOC^ CO O i 1 I-H O COOJ O5O5CO CO a> COCOOCOCO CO (N CO CO IN i-H O O5i-H CO OOOii-HO C CO CO ^ ^ CO OOOiCO C<1 1C i 1 1 1 1 I COOOC(Nt>. CO CO-* CO CO I> 1C 1C 1C 1C il eatmen applied So :^ iS II ININIMCNIM 1919] ILLINOIS CROP YIELDS FROM SOIL EXPERIMENT FIELDS 433 ^I t ^ ^ oTeJcS OOOQlN * OS os"f? OSOST}< O(N to'So'co' O5(NOCOrH o CD IO OS OS CC 2J ^"'cid.^- I> OO ^-H_^H,CO t OS rH rH rH GO IO-* l>^_^ 2i * iO rH 1C CO l>- (MOOOOOO l>-*t^i-nO CO IO COrH OS SiS-2 (M t>-iOiOrH fM(N(N (M(N * OS CO CO CO M C<1 coco co co (M 2*.! O 1OIXN CO lOCOCN CO (N 1^-OOrH CO M CO(N(N. co o co >o CO Tf IO-* (M :; COIN OS OS OS OS lO CO OiC rH IO CO 00 rH O OS 00 1C 00 2 COt^O(NOO co co TP -^ co si 9 t^ l~- CO CO i-H .10 O 00 ^5" io'co'^ CO .CM rHb- oT ooP't^ iO .(N id-* CO . . . .Tf rt o % G- - G-5id JS -25,22,23- co. -co_co_cj . . . .rH *a O 03 i I O 'rr CO OS OS (M i-H i-H --H i I (M (M OS-* C (N (N ooco * co CO CO Tfi * CO CO 00 CO "*i -*i TtKM s 18 o'^2 23 CO CD CO r-H U5 t^. us os os co CO OS CO t^- CO t^rHGOt^-CO r OS oj -'O 00 CO 00 CO (M co I-H co * rH rH 00 CO 00O CO GO I>I>O0001> * * co t^ 10 GO GOOD 00 00 t>- rH r rH IO OOOOI> OOOO OCO CO Tfi (M OOOOI>GOt^ P Sg 00 CO OCO W5 t^O OS OS CO OS OO "* CO rH l>i-HOOiM CO o E OS o ^O COOOIN OO COCOl>l>I> os Tt^ co co ^ CO1>I> 0000 COOCOO * OOt^CDI> t> t^- OS CO rH OS CO IO CO t>- 1C 3 1C O rt Tf O5(M (M O lO O OS O 1>- o o co co 10 COiQCOOCM i-H rH CO> CO OOOOO O co co co co (M rH CO 1C O 1C (N rHCNlOt^ OiOcOOO rH IO rH O OS (M 1C 1C 1C CO 00 OS CO rH TJI c 9 h ^H-^ : jtfSUi-J : :w : -kJ^ i^WrJ ^^^^ CUr^y > rJCtfgU-J -M -PH : '&* .OnCUiJ tftf tftfO 'No manure 2^ i-H C^ CO ** 1O o i~- or) en o rH (M fO * 10 CDI^ 00 OS O fnf-t CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO 434 BULLETIN No. 219 [May, TABLE 29. GALESBURG FIELD: GENERAL SUMMARY, FULLY TREATED PLOTS Serial plot No. Soil treatment applied Averaee annual yields bushels or (tons) per acre Corn 10 crops Oats 4 crops Wheat 3 crops Clover 4 crops Soy- beans 4 crops Barley 1 crop 1 2 3 4 5 L 49.1 58.2 67.8 68.0 56.2 43.4 45.8 47.6 48.5 46.5 20.8 24.6 25.8 25.4 23.5 (2.11) (2 .'67) (2.45) (2.37) (1.16) 13.8 (1.56) (1.54) (1.27) 22.5 27.1 25.5 25.6 21.7 RL ML CvML L 6 7 8 9 10 LP. . . 63.8 66.2 65.0 70.0 52.9 51.2 51.6 50.6 49.8 42.5 32.0 32.1 28.8 30.6 21.8 (2.86) (2! 90) (2.91) (1.94) 1 14.1 15.6 (1.65) (1.63) 12.7 24.2 29.8 26.8 33.0 23.0 RLP MLP CvMLP L 11 12 13 14 15 LPK. . 65.4 68.2 68.0 70.6 51.7 48.0 48.7 48.6 46.8 40.4 31.2 31.1 30.1 29.7 17.9 (3.03) (siii) (3.27) (2.08) 15.5 15.9 (1-75) (1.67) (1.31) 22.7 38.4 29.7 35.1 25.5 RLPK MLPK CvMLPK L 16 17 18 19 20 R f 55.2 62.9 66.8 69.7 54.5 41.5 49.8 53.8 51.5 40.4 21.2 33.0 36.9 33.9 23.9 (i'82) 12.5 14.2 14.3 17.4 (1.14) 33.3 31.5 32.6 39.1 24.9 RP RPK RLNPK. GENERAL NOTES. The original rotation was corn, corn, oats, wheat, clover, and timothy. In 1909 this was changed to corn, corn, oats, clover, wheat, and clover. The phosphorus has been applied in rock phosphate at the rate of 500 pounds per acre per year. At the beginning, an application of 1,300 pounds of limestone was made per acre; no more limestone was applied until 1913, when an application of 4 tons was made. The potassium is supplied in 100 pounds of potassium sulfate per acre. On Plot 19, nitrogen is applied in 200 pounds of dried blood per acre per year. The manure and residues are supplied as described in the introduction. Some legume cover crops have been grown in the corn. 'Only two crops. 1919} ILLINOIS CROP YIELDS FROM SOIL EXPERIMENT FIELDS 435 TABLE 30. HARTSBURG FIELD : CROP YIELDS IN SOIL EXPERIMENTS BLACK CLAY LOAM PRAIRIE; MIDDLE ILLINOISAN GLACIATION Plot No. Soil treatment applied 1912 Oats 1 1913 Clover 3 1914 Wheat 8 1915 Corn 1916 Oats 1917 Clover Bushels or (tons) per acre 101 102 103 104 39.5 30.5 43.9 37.2 (1.88) (1.84) (2.03) (1.90) 35.9 27.9 36.1 33.8 52.9 51.2 61.9 64.1 62.7 59.4 74.5 71.2 (1.90) (2.57) (2.51) (2.63) M ML MLP 105 106 107 108 109~ 110 35.0 33.0 35.3 37.8 2.67 2.33 2.67 2.50 30.2 30.8 32.1 36.0 45.0 52.1 60.5 63.9 53.3 54.8 58.3 60.6 1.75 2.25 2.00 2.50 R RL RLP RLPK 33.0 31.2 2,25 (1.95) 36.2 33.7 62.7 49.3 63.0 56.2 2.50 (1.86) Corn 1 Oats 3 Soy- beans 3 Wheat 3 Corn Oats 201 202 203 204 32.1 33.4 45.3 38.4 25.5 21.9 25.6 24.1 (1.51) (1.90) (1.88) (1.80) 39.9 41.5 42.8 45.1 32.2 36.0 45.1 41.9 45.6 52.2 61.1 56.6 M ML MLP 205 206 207 208 35.0 36.6 37.0 40.5 22.8 20.5 19.5 22.3 22.1 22.6 21.2 21.2 40 7 40.9 34.3 39.7 30.7 48.2 49.9 45.2 42.8 86.9 78.4 89.4 R RL RLP 209 210 RLPK 38.3 39.2 24.8 22.3 20.8 (1.40) 41.7 37.8 44.2 31.6 90.3 43.1 Wheat 3 Corn Oats Soy- beans Wheat Corn 301 302 303 304 o , 21.1 21.3 33.1 30.0 25.8 30.9 36.9 36.9 (1.43) (1.84) (1.96) (2.23) 14.4 21.8 29.0 34.6 38.2 48.7 60.7 63.7 M ML MLP 305 306 307 308 a 27.1 34.2 49.5 41.7 33.1 31.2 32.5 36.4 30.8 28.4 30.1 28.2 28.7 31.5 32.7 34.9 43.9 79.1 84.8 85.7 R RL RLP 309 310 RLPK 39.5 26.7 35.5 34.5 28.9 (2.00) 34.5 26.8 84.1 49.1 Soy- beans 1 Wheat 3 Corn Oats Clover Wheat 401 402 403 404 12.1 ( .99) (1.12) (1.20) 26.2 24.8 29.9 33.2 31.3 35.0 46.5 39.0 48.8 58.0 63.1 66.2 (1.40) (2.07) (2.12) (2.28) 19.1 31.7 32.7 42.2 M ML MLP 405 406 407 408 15.0 17.5 17.3 17.4 28.7 30.6 28.8 32.1 33.9 41.2 43.0 45.1 46.9 51.6 54.2 53.3 .67 .50 .75 .83 35.8 40.3 34.8 40.8 R RL RLP 409 410 RLPK 17.6 16.1 30.9 32.4 45.6 38.1 52.0 50.2 .67 (2.17) 39.7 40.7 only. 'Yields not taken. 'No manure. 436 BULLETIN No. 219 [May, TABLE 30. HARTSBURG FIELD, Concluded Plot No. Soil treatment appli d 1913 Alfalfa 1914 Alfalfa 1915 Alfalfa 1916 Alfalfa 1917 Alfalfa Tons per acre 501 502 503 504 0. . . 2.36 2.89 3.20 3.31 4.11 4.23 4.51 4.66 4.67 5.20 5.35 5.58 3.17 3.66 3.85 3.94 3.20 3.84 3.65 4 05 M ML MLP 505 506 507 508 509 510 1.80 2.79 2.12 2.28 2.72 1.87 3.53 4.24 3.56 4.04 4.49 3.71 4.53 5.17 4.72 5.33 5.52 4.46 3.38 3.67 3.25 3.15 3.49 2.60 3.42 3.38 3.24 3.98 4.00 3.14 L LP LPK 511 512 513 514 515 M.. 2.45 2.79 3.71 3.30 1.79 3.61 3.76 4.63 4.73 3.92 4.52 4.61 5.03 5.09 4.19 2.79 2.94 3.36 3.96 2.81 2.83 2.92 3.45 3.87 2.39 ML MLP MP TABLE 31. HARTSBURG FIELD: GENERAL SUMMARY, FULLY TREATED PLOTS Serial plot No. Soil treatment applied Average annual yields bushels or (tons) per acre Corn 5 crops Oats 4 crops Wheat 4 crops 1 Clover 2 crops Soybeans 2 crops 1 1 2 3 4 0.. 35.1 38.4 49.5 47.7 45.7 50.1 58.9 57.7 27.3 30.7 35.1 38.9 (1.65) (2.32) (2.31) (2.46) (1-47) (1.87) (1 . 92) (2.01) M ML MLP 5 6 7 8 0.. 36.1 51.0 57.5 56.3 44.0 56.1 55.9 59.9 33.9 35.9 33.5 37.9 1.21 1.38 1.38 1.67 26.4 25.5 25.7 24.7 R RL RLP 9 10 RLPK 55.2 39.0 60.2 46.0 38.0 34.8 1.59 (2.01) 24.9 (1.70) NOTE. The rotation and soil treatment are standard, as described in the introduction, with the exception that alfalfa is grown upon a fifth field (con- taining some extra plots) for five years, after which this field is brought into the regular rotation and alfalfa reseeded on another field. *No manure on 1914 wheat or soybeans, nor on 1915 wheat. 1919] ILLINOIS CROP YIELDS FROM SOIL EXPERIMENT FIELDS 437 TABLE 32. JOLIET FIELD: CROP YIELDS IN SOIL EXPERIMENTS BROWN SILT LOAM PRAIRIE; LATE WISCONSIN GLACIATION Plot No. Soil treatment applied 1914 Wheat 1 1915 Soybeans 2 1916 Corn 1917 Oats Bushels or (tons) per acre 101 102 103 104 . 16.5 19.3 20.9 21.5 (1.42) (1.50) (1.68) (1.82) 18.1 29.4 34.0 33.4 73.4 80.1 79.4 83.1 M ML MLP 105 106 107 108 0. . 18.2 19.9 20.8 20.2 15.2 14.0 15.8 15.2 18.5 18.9 21.6 25.0 70.2 73.8 73.8 80.5 R RL RLP 109 110 RLPK 22.0 17.4 16.3 15.1 25.1 18.6 70.5 75.5 Clover 1 Wheat 2 Soybeans 2 Corn 201 202 203 204 0. . (2.00) (2.05) (1.97) (2.02) 9.8 7.9 14.3 20.3 ( -55) ( -59) ( -66) ( -63) 7.3 7.9 10.4 14.3 M ML MLP 205 206 207 208 (1.91) .42 1.00 .92 10.6 15.6 20.0 24.9 8.2 7.9 8.9 11.5 6.0 7.7 11.1 14.6 R RL RLP 209 210 RLPK 1.83 1.25 30.4 25.2 15.0 (1.06) 23.4 23.7 Oats 1 Soybeans 2 Wheat 8 Soybeans* 301 302 303 304 0. . . 60.9 60.2 59.8 59.5 10.6 (1.42) (1.69) (1.75) 4.1 . ' 5.2 8.3 7.9 (1.58) (1.66) (1.67) (1.78) M ML MLP 305 306 307 308 50.2 53.3 60.8 59.1 13.9 13.0 13.7 15.1 6.0 9.9 13.2 18.7 9.4 8.8 8.2 11.5 R RL RLP 309 310 RLPK 68.8 52.5 15.0 12.8 15.2 7.1 12.6 (1.39) Corn 1 Oats 2 Clover 2 Wheat 2 401 402 403 404 0. . 44.7 46.9 52.4 50.2 72.5 73.0 70.5 75.0 (1.17) (1.24) (1.16) (1.64) 8.2 10.3 10.9 19.6 M ML MLP 405 406 407 408 42.3 50.6 53.2 51.0 67.7 62.8 63.4 65.0 .33 .42 .50 .50 9.8 8.8 13.4 22.5 R RL RLP 409 410 RLPK 53.1 45.1 72.0 63.1 .42 (1-15) 24.3 0.0 GENERAL NOTES. The rotation practiced is wheat, soybeans, corn, oats, clover, and alfalfa. The alfalfa will remain down six years, when it will be changed to one of the other fields. The soil treatment is standard, as described in the introduction. only. 2 No manure. 438 BULLETIN No. 219 [May, TABLE 32. JOLIET FIELD, Concluded Plot No. Soil treatment applied 1914 Soybeans 1 1915 Corn 1916 Oats 1917 Soybeans Bushels or (tons) per acre 501 502 503 504 (1.24) (1.40) (1.51) (1.28) 28.6 36.3 38.3 47.7 70.9 75.9 77.2 77.7 (1.60) (1.74) (1.84) (1-87) M ML MLP 505 506 507 508 0. . 12.1 11.9 13.3 11.9 28.5 32.4 28.7 31.2 73.3 71.1 63.9 59.8 10.9 11.0 11.0 13.4 R RL RLP 509 510 RLPK 14.8 (1.12) 43.4 27.1 81.4 74.1 14.7 (1.50) Alfalfa 1 Alfalfa 8 Alfalfa 3 Alfalfa 8 601 602 603 604 0. . (1-79) (2.13) (2.83) (3.73) (1.46) (1.78) (2.96) (4.35) ( -44) ( -47) ( -81) (1-28) M ML. .. MLP 605 606 607 608 0. . (2.18) (2.57) (2.90) (3.39) (2.16) (2.23) (2.88) (4.10) ( -71) C -74) ( -97) (1.28) R RL RLP 609 610 RLPK.. (3.56) (1.90) (4.38) (1.72) (1.46) ( .41) J Lime only, "No residues or manure. 1919] ILLINOIS CROP YIELDS PROM SOIL EXPERIMENT FIELDS 439 TABLE 33. KEWANEE FIELD: CROP YIELDS IN SOIL EXPERIMENTS BROWN SILT LOAM PRAIRIE; UPPER ILLINOISAN GLACIATION Plot No. Soil treatment applied 1915 Corn 1 1916 Oats 2 1917 Clover 5 Bushels or (tons) per acre 101 102 103 104 0. . 32.6 40.5 37.3 37.5 66.4 68.4 68.3 63.6 (1-67) (2.33) (2.04) (1.70) M .' ML MLP 105 106 107 108 0. . 38.6 32.4 44.2 36.3 69.8 63.3 62.3 68.1 0.42 0.54 0.67 0.79 R RL RLP : 109 110 RLPK 41.6 44.2 64.7 63.4 0.58 (1.85) Wheat 1 Corn 8 Oats 201 202 203 204 0. . 33.8 35.0 36.5 29.9 42.7 43.7 50.6 46.0 72.0 84.4 95.2 82.7 M ML MLP 205 206 207 208 30.8 41.2 27.2 29.7 46.3 47.9 52.5 49 '.2 72.3 70.5 68.6 71.2 R RL RLP 209 210 RLPK . 28.8 31.7 54.2 45.6 77.3 67.8 ~3oT 302 303 304 Soybeans 1 Wheat 2 Corn 19.7 (1.78) (1-62) (1.70) 17.8 13.6 10.1 15.5 47.5 49.2 56.2 58.5 M ML MLP 305 306 307 308 0. . 20.2 19.1 19.6 19.7 12.8 13.7 10.2 14.3 44.1 39.9 47.0 51.0 R RL RLP 309 310 RLPK 22.2 19.7 16.4 14.8 57 6 44.0 Oats 1 Clover 4 Wheat 6 401 402 403 404 0. . 83 8 80.0 91.6 77.0 (2.43) (2.34) (2.51) (2.04) 26.5 27.5 27.3 26.1 M ML MLP 405 406 407 408 0. . 84.8 77.5 88.1 87.8 30.2 34.8 32.0 33.2 R. . . . RL RLP 409 410 RLPK. 95.6 72.2 (i'95) 38.7 19.7 NOTE. The rotation and soil treatment are standard, as described in the introduction. ^Limestone only. 2 No manure or potassium. 8 No potassium. 4 No phosphorus, manure or potassium. 5 No manure. 440 BULLETIN No. 219 [May, TABLE 34. LAMOILLE FIELD, MAIN ROTATION: CROP YIELDS IN SOIL EXPERIMENTS BROWN SILT LOAM PRAIRIE; LATE WISCONSIN GLACIATION Plot No. Soil treat- ment applied 1910 Bar- ley 1 1911 Corn 8 1912 Oats 2 1913 Soy- beans 5 1914 Wheat 6 1915 Corn 1916 Oats 1917 Clover Bushels or (tons) per acre 101 102 103 104 32.6 41.7 39.8 37.7 82.5 84.8 79.6 72.4 63.9 63.1 60.9 46.7 (1.94) (1.75) (1.56) (1.55) 45.7 44.5 41.3 37.5 33.3 45.2 38.3 36.1 75.0 77.3 66.9 61.2 (1.34) (1-37) (1.32) (1.40) M ML MLP.... 105 106 107 108 30.5 48.0 41.1 46.7 73.5 79.4 81.5 80.0 64.2 66.4 67.2 65.6 17.5 17.7 19.0 19.1 39.2 46.8 46.9 46.7 20.0 31.1 32.1 33.1 54.7 73.1 74.4 70.3 .25 .29 .29 .29 R RL RLP .... 109 110 RLPK... 41.0 41.7 74.2 75.0 57.2 61.6 19.7 18.3 45.9 43.0 32.6 24.6 67.3 67.3 .58 (1-31) 201 202 203 204 Soy- beans 1 Wheat 3 Corn 4 Oats Clover Wheat Corn Oats 15.0 16.3 14.9 15.0 19.3 43.3 38.2 37.8 87.8 88.7 83.1 78.9 63.6 75.2 72.5 69.7 (3.29) (4.83) (4.67) (4.56) 30.8 42.1 47.1 48.3 38.4 46.5 47.3 44.0 88.0 89.4 89.7 95.9 M ML MLP.... 205 206 207 208 11.3 12.2 12.0 11.3 37.9 41.2 41.2 41.3 69.5 73.9 73.9 70.1 64.4 72.2 73.0 75.5 4.08 2.75 3.00 3.25 46.8 45.8 36.7 40.8 32.8 39.4 42.2 39.7 87.5 95.9 89.4 91.7 R RL RLP. ... 209 210 RLPK... 11.3 14 .'0 39.6 40.8 77.0 67.4 66.7 71.9 3.25 (4.14) 45.8 34.2 38.1 36.3 85.2 81.6 30T 302 303 304 Oats 1 Soy- beans* Bar- ley 3 Corn Oats Soy- beans Wheat Corn 61.3 74.1 65.9 59.4 18.0 21.2 22.1 21.2 44.7 46.3 47.2 43.0 35.6 51.2 46.6. 47.9 51.6 58.9 60.5 56.2 (2.20) (2.20) (2.18) (2.20) 21.5 29.8 30.7 28.6 22.8 40.3 36.1 42.5 M ML MLP.... 305 306 307 308 44.7 52.8 70.5 61.6 21.8 20.4 21.9 21.0 44.8 45.2 52.2 47.5 40.2 58.9 58.8 58.8 50.0 57.5 60.5 60.2 16.2 16.8 16.6 14.4 10.9 25.9 36.2 34.2 24.6 31.2 38.9 35.8 R RL RLP. ... 309 310 RLPK. . . 53.4 58.6 19.7 20.0 47.1 44.5 51.0 36.1 57.8 46.1 14.7 (1.96) 32.7 25.3 34.1 20.1 Corn 1 Oats 2 Soy- beans 8 Wheat 6 Corn Oats Clover Wheat 401 402 403 404 34.6 35.4 37.2 36.2 57.5 55.6 58.1 61.9 (2.11) (2.17) (2.14) (2.20) 42.7 45.8 44.6 45.8 44.3 57.3 55.7 61.2 75.8 80.8 90.8 83.4 (2.90) (2.77) (2.54) (2.51) 40.1 45.2 46.8 45.3 M ML . MLP.... 405 406 407 408 37.4 40.5 39.8 38.9 68.1 66.6 66.3 63.0 30.6 28.8 27.1 25.8 48.8 54.4 55.9 53.8 49.9 58.5 52.9 56.2 54.7 85.8 68.8 76.6 .25 .25 .08 .17 42.8 44 .4 48.2 48.8 R RL RLP. . . . 409 410 RLPK... 39.4 36.9 58.9 50.8 25.8 26.0 49.8 44.4 59.1 40.7 85.9 64.1 .33 (2.64) 49.1 39.8 *No soil treatment. 2 Eesidues only. "No lime or manure. 4 No lime. 5 No phosphorus, manure or potassium. "No manure. 1019] ILLINOIS CROP YIELDS PROM SOIL EXPERIMENT FIELDS 441 TABLE 34a. LAMOILLE FIELD, MINOR ROTATION: CROP YIELDS IN SOIL EXPERIMENTS BROWN SILT LOAM; EARLY WISCONSIN GLACIATION Plot No. Soil treatment applied 1913 Potatoes 1914 Potatoes 1915 Alfalfa 1916 Alfalfa 1917 Alfalfa 8 Bushels of potatoes or tons of alfalfa hay, per acre 501 502 503 504 0.. 153.2 156.8 163.5 161.8 140.3 108.2 111.7 124.3 3.39 4.58 4.77 4.08 M ML MLP Alfalfa 7 Alfalfa 6 Potatoes Potatoes Alfalfa 8 601 602 603 604 0. . 6.64 6.68 6.82 6.58 203.0 222.8 228.5 182.0 99.2 216.3 196.7 160.2 M ML MLP Alfalfa 7 Alfalfa 6 Alfalfa" Alfalfa 6 Potatoes 701 702 703 704 0. . 5.39 5.20 5.28 5.32 4.20 4.73 4.83 4.70 4.64 4.77 5.27 4.72 64.0 98.0 91.8 96.8 M ML MLP. . .. Alfalfa 7 Alfalfa 6 Alfalfa 6 Alfalfa 6 Alfalfa 8 801 802 803 804 0. . 5.24 5.01 5.79 6.24 4.29 4.46 4.60 6.01 4.48 4.61 4.45 4.64 M ML MLP 'No manure. 'No soil treatment; plot yields not taken. "Winter-killed. TABLE 35. LAMOILLE FIELD: GENERAL SUMMARY, FULLY TREATED PLOTS Serial plot No. Soil treatment applied Average annual yields bushels or (tons) per acre Corn 5 crops Oats 5 crops Wheat 4 crops 1 Clover 3 crops Potatoes 5 crops 1 2 3 4 34.9 48.1 44.8 46.3 70.8 76.3 76.1 73.2 34.5 40.4 41.5 39.9 (2.51) (2.99) (2.84) (2.82) 131.9 160.4 158.4 145.0 M ML MLP 5 6 7 8 33.5 43.8 45.0 44.7 62.3 76.9 73.2 74.9 34.9 40.7 42.0 42.6 1.52 1.10 1.12 1.24 R RL RLP 9 10 RLPK 43.0 31.6 72.6 66.2 43.4 35.6 1.38 (2.70) GENERAL NOTES. The main rotation and soil treatment are standard, as described in the introduction. Series 500, 600, 700, and 800 are used for a rotation of potatoes and alfalfa. The potatoes are grown for two years and alfalfa for six years. Limestone at the rate of 4 tons per acre is applied before the alfalfa ; and rock phosphate at the rate of 2 tons per acre, before the first crop of potatoes. Fifteen tons of manure is applied for each potato crop. *No manure on 1914 wheat. 442 BULLETIN No. 219 [May, si %a Bg .. o yT Q 5! So o 00 ( CC T^ CO ^ !> (N OS IN CO (N (NC<1 CO 00 CO 00 Tj* Sf rto ~ ^ J2 5 ^H OS i-HIN OS 00 ^H CO (NQO5CO CONOCO 1919] ILLINOIS CROP YIELDS FROM SOIL EXPERIMENT FIELDS 443 ^ fl ^HCOrHOO iCt-COTfH TfO -ta 03 iCt-c CO1> t^ 1C GO CO CD t^ cooT OOO O . w 2 wwww OOOi-HCO rH (N (N M r-s 1 ^ 03 i-HOCOCO t-t-ot- ot- a OO51CCO r-,OS00t- 2"* g - ^ 00 >C ^ CO S a a 3 w CO g OCDIC^ (NCDCO'* 1C OS (N(NC iCINOO 1C 1C rQ 1 i 1 i 1 i-H i-H ^ 1C CO 00 ^d t O ' H i ^^^^ i-H(N 03 fl I-H e ICOOrH-r^ s g; U o> S S * a a H -"-; T< O O3 uJ HJ 7, -n l|l 1 d^l dd^ g d^l : :^S s "03 M * ?^ a O O P^ CO CO CO CO 1C CO t> 00 O OOO CO CO CO CO O5O OrH coco 111 C CO t~ 00 O5 O 444 BULLETIN No. 219 [May, TABLE 36a. LEBANON FIELD, MINOR ROTATION: CROP YIELDS IN SOIL EXPERIMENTS Plot No. Soil treat- ment applied 1911 Potatoes 1912 Corn 1913 Soybeans 1914 Potatoes 1915 Corn 1916 Soybeans 1917 Potatoes Bushels or (tons) per acre 501 502 503 504 0.. 30.1 32.0 20.5 17.5 55.9 65.9 58.1 57.5 24.0 24.1 21.9 24.4 13.3 17.6 16.6 8.5 45.0 65.4 60.8 61.6 22.8 22.0 21.2 19.8 22.0 64.8 63.8 33.6 M ML MLP Soy- beans 1 Potatoes Corn Soy- beans Potatoes Corn Soy- beans 601 602 603 604 0.. (2.12) (2.02) (2.17) (1.90) 77.5 67.1 53.1 67.4 57.0 60.2 63.8 51.9 30.7 31.7 34.6 30.7 100.1 110.0 132.3 90.6 42.3 41.9 45.6 43.5 (3.10) (3.18) (3.22) (3.58) M ML MLP TUT 702 703 704 Corn 1 Soy- beans 1 Potatoes Corn Soy- beans Potatoes Corn 0. . 48.2 46.4 38.1 43.2 (2.93) (2.53) (2.08) (2.22) 35.3 40.5 31.9 29.3 13.0 16.7 19.3 19.2 11.8 10.3 13.7 12.5 63.3 83.7 68.9 73.9 59.6 59.0 58.1 64.4 M.. ML MLP.... limestone only. TABLE 37. LEBANON FIELD, MAIN ROTATION: GENERAL SUMMARY FULLY TREATED PLOTS Serial plot No. Soil treatment applied Average annual yields bushels or (tons) per acre Corn 6 crops Oats 5 crops Wheat 4 crops Clover 4 crops 1 2 3 4 0. . . 27.2 34.4 39.8 37.5 19.4 25.5 32.3 31.5 29.6 34.3 36.3 38.4 (3.12) (3.64) (3.89) (3.76) M ML MLP 5 6 7 8 0.. 23.7 28.6 38.6 38.0 20.7 26.1 35.3 30.8 24.8 27.3 32.6 35.2 .90 .77 .73 .75 R.... RL RLP 9 10 RLPK 41.2 26.5 37.6 19.4 33.5 27.1 .77 (2.52) TABLE 37a. MINOR ROTATION Corn 6 crops Potatoes 7 crops Soybeans 5 crops 1 1 0. . 45.4 48.8 24.0 2 M 51.5 59.4 24.0 3 ML 51 55 3 24.7 4 MLP 49.7 45.9 24.4 GENERAL NOTES. The main rotation and soil treatment are standard, as described in the introduction. The minor rotation is corn, soybeans, and pota- toes, the soil treatment being the same as for the main rotation with the exception that 45 tons of manure is applied per acre for the potato crop. 1 One crop was hay; in making this average, 1 ton of hay is counted equiv- alent to 10 bushels of seed. 1919] ILLINOIS CROP YIELDS FROM SOIL EXPERIMENT FIELDS 445 553 30 O5 OOrfCO 1 oaoco^oo 1 "' ^S O 83 t^o^s'oi' ^ IOC<1 1>COO So 2>-S i it>.Tt< ro o co co co co co COOf-^C^^H O CO * I--. CO ^ * CO CO CO 11 o CO 000"* ^1 -O0500 IV Ot^COOOCN CO 0CO> 20 r-H O500i-H CO o coco-* co /2^ -Bcci 1C CO OO 00 00 co coco coco s?5^i X)Ot-52 "^ CO (M CO 001^ co 1 OOcNCO^Ht- s ^000^00 jz; 35 OIXN i-H pH C^l i-l "^ fi O50 o'oo'co' i-H i 1 t t^- O3 s o - X> O O O "S t^ COOIXN * So OOOICO a co ^H co oo co CO J 23 C cSSS^^g o . -CO CO CO g O5i-HOOO l-H i 1 i 1 i 1 o i-l OOOOO IO OS OS OS GO C/u >? w . -22 t-l>iOiOOO 10 COi-HO0001> i-H CO 1C CO CM rt CO-* 00 1C I-H i. O O H O5 O g CO ?^C CO CO o ^H i-H IM IOCO - i 1 1 1 1 i OS i i i i i i i i o ^ G-G-G- G 1 pa 8S OOCO^ Oii-HOO50C H "c3 n oiaooc^t* N WOOOTHOO 2 o 1>1>OO CO "t ^^S-ci^ I * rf CO-* ic co CD-* co (>J (N (M (M C^J " ^ CH P> f p r* TJ i co - - o 1 03 O5 O O5 O O5 O G ^iNioior- * i-H 1C i-H * si b OOOI>O!CO W '"'O "S ? (Nl^OOOOO CNTfH I-H CO O5 1C * I-H (N ^051-- O gj o " i-H i-H i-H t-H I-H CO IN IN S to 1C ' "" COt-t-t-CO COCO O5 CO GO a P sj 1C * 1C CD CO I-H I-H I I 2^^2 ^H ic co ic o; * rj< ICOli-H i-H i-H IN IN CO PH O Tf G oooocoa: CO OOOO O I-H 1 03 >> G * O5OIN t> CD OOOO t^ CO rH So -HU * (N I-H QOt^ B o c B ^INCOt- O T-I Ol> CD "'O o O CO 1C M*-* I-H i-H IN(N-*O500 V -J Cj I-H --> (N 03 ^ t^ I-H Tti 1C <35 CO i-H ^f t>- i-H 2 ^| I-H l> Oi-H^- I-H I-H (N IN (N 1C CD (N CD CO 1-H 1-1 ,G Ttl CO 1-H O5I> I-H OO IN IN CO 1 COOOOCOIN Olt-^iClN a p 2&J t^OOO COCO I-H I-H QOOOt^^Cl 1C 1C 1C CD O5 * CO O5O5CO I-H CN o P-, o OG cooo ocoo i-H O5 O5OC COOO CO 00 t^ CO 00 CO t^CO * CM 2c5 g 1C 00 00 CO I-H IN (N CO CO GO CD 00 O5 IN-* IN CO CO-* 00 ^J^ OOOiiCGOi-* i-H CO CO O5 OO Tf n i ^ 81.2 rt .1 iC I> I-H O C^ CO CD i I CO 1C CDO5OCOO5 g a; O5 CO CO IN i-H -3 1C CO-* CO CO p o o o t-, i-H i-H i-H i-H i 1 1-H o I t>. i 1 I> 1C O5 G 1C CD O I-H 1C rH Q) a Y G U Y ClINCO^iC a> a -t^ 00 03 c H CO-* 1C CO CO S CO (N <- ' O5 00 .' CO p i I>O5 1C COCO V * CO I> 00 Oi sg i- O X r^-* oo co IN T-H I-H 1-H (N CO 7 CO I-H (N GO-* I-H O O5O CO Is -c G IN i-H CD OOOO G J CO Oli-H ICOC q 03 1 O^ ^ "^ 3 1-H 1-H 1-H i-H i-H 3 * 1C OOCDO5 * CO i-H O5 t-l PH -5 ^6" e V 'N <" t-H I-H i-H IN C^l .-H I-H (N (N CO O eo G COG CO CD >C COCO l^ ^H 1C t- 01 i 1 CO OOCO iCI> COCOOGOt^ OOOCO CO O^t-CD^ ^ICCOIC^ & S rrj S i-HCOO CO CO T-H * IN w-ii CD C CO GO 1C oooo^'co 2 E ^21 IN CO 1C CO aj 03 (NI> |,8j 05 1-H I-H i 1 CO C5 O5 C oj 1C CD * CD OO C a t- ^0 o ^ ^ a> e TJ 7~ -+J (-H ^ ;** *H O $

>S * S ^s IS U C 00 II u S. ~~3 Bl OCOCO-*I> rH (N 1 ^- !> O5 O5 O5 COCOCOrHTj* CO CO lO CO O 00 CO t^ (NO rHrHCO O COCO t^OOOCD St^OOCSO OOO rH co co co eo co a>. o^ U tH O5 O(N 00 O CO CO 00 OO CO t^ CD CO 00 OOOCMCO-* O5 CO (N N. * CO t^ 00 CO 1C CO CO CO (M C 1C 05 ooooooooo IN CO CM 00 CO CO CO oot^oco-* rH TjH COOOrH I>OOCDO5O oo(Nr^cic t^ 00 O5 O **** 1919] ILLINOIS CROP YIELDS FROM SOIL EXPERIMENT FIELDS 459 & Q Z Q S S >! fe os o co 6 i-H 3 Sc ^H. -, sJ sa CO t>- t-- CO SO t*- l^ CO-* 1 * 00 C OSO OS 00 t^ <*< i-H i-H Tj< O5 1C O 1C-* OOOlO CO COlO i-iiOOiOO CO 1C (N CO O5 O5OO ft.S ^ a C5' ft &. t rH 460 BULLETIN No. 219 [May, TABLE 48b. ODIN FIELD: SOIL EXPERIMENTS; GENERAL SUMMARY Serial plot No. Soil treatment applied Average annual yields bushels or (tons) per acre Corn 15 crops Wheat 15 crops Peas or beans 15 crops Clover 3 crops Cowpea hay 9 crons Oats 2 crops Land Not Tile-drained 1 27 1 10 4 6 9 14 ( 54) 25 8 2 R 27.4 10.0 8.2 .41 ( -58) 28 3 RL 29.7 16.6 9.4 .56 1 .54) 35 9 4 RLP 30.7 22.3 9.3 .56 ( 60) 39 5 5 RLPK 48.5 25.6 11.5 .30 (1.13) 35.8 Land Tile-drained 6 20.8 8.6 5.7 .15 ( .50) 25 7 R 25.8 11.9 6.4 .25 ( -59) 29 8 RL 31 5 16 9 9.6 .51 ( 60) 37 7 9 RLP 33.3 23 8 8 9 .47 ( 69) 35 6 10 RLPK 44.9 25.8 11.2 .33 (1.13) 27.1 Phosphate Experiments Plot No. Soil treatment applied Timothy & clover hay 8 crops Corn 2 crops Oats 2 crops 501W 501 E 502W 502 E 503W 503 E 504W 504 E 505W 505 E 506W 506 E RK(bP).. (1-11) (1.35) ( .78) (1.04) ( .91) (1.11) ( .85) (1.21) ( .72) (1.03) ( -93) (1.21) 20.9 24.0 21.0 23.2 19.9 20.9 17.0 23.7 16.0 21.7 17.9 23.6 65.0 60.4 53.4 53.7 65.7 51.7 65.1 59.4 48.0 58.4 62.8 71 1 RKL(bP) RK.. RKL RK(aP) . . . RKL(aP) RK(rP) . . RKL(rP) RK.. RKL RK(sP) . . RKL(sP) 1919] ILLINOIS CROP YIELDS FROM SOIL EXPERIMENT FIELDS 461 TABLE 49. ODIN FIELD: CROP YIELDS IN SOIL EXPERIMENTS, THREE- AND FOUR -YEAR SWEET-CLOVER ROTATIONS GRAY SILT LOAM ON TIGHT CLAY; LOWER ILLINOISAN GLACIATION Year 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 Soil treatment applied Three-year rotation | Four-year rotation Corn Soy- bflkns Wheat Corn Soy- beans Wheat Sweet Clover Bushels or (tons) per acre RLP. . 38.3 46.8 49.0 24.4 32.7 25.3 64.4 7.3 7.3 42.0 18.4 14.0 (1.90) 1 (1.27) 1 9.6 .7 3.9 8.0 11.1 ( 2 ) 2.2 1.7 .6 5.0 28.3 24.0 30.7 23.3 39. 4 3 12.8 ( 2 ) 22.7 12.8 27.8 2.2 10.0 24.0 51.5 58.3 39.2 41.3 59.5 68.4 10.3 2.0 59.7 19.8 19.7 (1.60) (1.39) 1 8.8 1.5 5.0 7.1 18.6 3.9 4.4 1.7 8.0 11.1 32.7 30.0 27.7 25.5 70. 3 3 17.2 2 40 ' 23.3 24.7 2.2 39.2 ( 4 ) ( 4 ) ( 4 ) ( 4 ) 6.90 3.60 ( 4 ) ( 4 ) ".S3 2.78 1.25 RLP RLP RLP RLP RLP RLP RLP RLP RLP RLP RLP Average 29.9 4.3 17.7 37.6 7.0 23.9 Number of years averaged 12 10 11 12 10 11 GENERAL NOTES. The rotation followed on these plots is corn, soybeans, and wheat with sweet-clover seeding. In the three-year rotation the sweet clover is not allowed to stand over the next year, but is plowed for corn the year after seed- ing. In the four-year rotation the sweet clover is allowed to stand over as a regular crop, to be followed by corn. All residues produced are returned to the land, and limestone at the rate of 1,000 pounds per acre per year and steamed bone mealat the rate of 200 pounds per acre per year are applied for the wheat. 'Cowpeas. 2 Not harvested. 3 Oats; wheat destroyed by grasshoppers. 4 No yields; sweet clover plowed under. BULLETIN No. 219 TABLE 50. OQUAWKA FIELD: CROP YIELDS IN SOIL EXPERIMENTS DUNE SAND; TERRACE Plot No. Soil treatment applied 1914 1 Corn 1915 Soybeans 2 1916 Wheat 1917 Sweet clover Bushels or (tons) per acre 101 102 103 104 0. . 25.3 21.0 17.1 23.5 (1.. 16) (1.24) (1.38) (1.53) 10.4 13.1 12.8 14.2 (0.0 ) (0.0 ) (1.03) (1.47) M ML MLP 105 106 107 108 22.7 24.6 21.9 24.1 8.2 8.5 9.3 10.0 14.3 13.1 12.2 15.8 0.0 0.0 1.39 1.48 R RL RLP 109 110 RLPK 26.6 19.2 11.7 (1.21) 10.2 8.5 2.52 (0.0 ) Rye Corn Soybeans Wheat 201 202 203 204 0. . 6.8 6.5 6.7 7.4 5.0 11.8 14.6 14.0 ( -28) ( -31) ( -48) ( -57) M ML MLP 205 206 207 208 0. . 7.0 6.6 6.2 6.4 7.1 12.9 9.2 12.1 1.0 1.4 2.2 1.8 R RL RLP 209 210 RLPK... 4.9 6.2 8.3 3.5 2.0 ( -22) , Cowpeas Rye 2 Corn Soybeans 301 302 303 304 0. . ( -50) ( -54) ( -54) ( -55) 23.9 21.0 20.7 23.4 14.5 12.7 13.2 13.0 (1-48) (1.62) (1-70) (1.56) M ML MLP.... 305 306 307 308 3.5 3.6 4.8 4.5 19.1 21.2 21.7 21.8 11.8 13.0 12.6 12.1 7.0 4.3 8.2 8.2 R RL RLP 309 310 RLPK 4.3 3.9 21.6 18.6 12.1 7.5 9.6 (1.18) Wheat Cowpeas 2 Rye2 Corn 401 402 403 404 0. . 6.2 5.4 6.0 7.8 (1.28) (1.44) (1-51) (1.53) 21.2 23.2 25.0 26.3 24.6 30.8 32.4 34.1 M ML MLP 405 406 407 408 0. . 7.2 7.9 7.1 5.8 7.8 7.9 8.3 8.7 19.1 21.1 22.0 21.9 24.2 26.1 28.5 24.2 R RL RLP 409 410 RLPK 6.8 7.0 9.4 (1.22) 21.1 17.4 24.9 21.0 only. 2 No manure. 1919} ILLINOIS CROP YIELDS FROM SOIL EXPERIMENT .FIELDS 463 TABLE 50. OQUAWKA FIELD, Concluded Plot Ttfn Soil treatment 1914 Soybeans 1915 Wheat 1916 Cowpeas 1917 Rye applied Bushels or (1 ons) per acre 501 0. . ( -21) 4.8 ( .46) 11.2 502 M ( .22) 6.2 ( -40) 13.5 503 ML ( .22) 10.1 ( -45) 14.9 504 MLP ( -23) 10.9 ( -43) 12.9 505 .7 4.6 2.0 12.1 506 R .8 8.3 2.2 17.2 507 RL .8 8.2 .6 17.8 508 RLP .8 11.5 .3 18.2 509 RLPK 1.2 10.1 .3 18.8 510 ( .22) 8.2 ( .40) 14.9 GENERAL NOTES. The rotatioR consists of corn with catch crop of sand vetch on residue plots, soybeans, wheat, sweet clover, and rye, with catch crop of alsike and sweet clover seeded on residue plots. The soil treatment is standard, as described in the introduction. A sixth series is included in this field, on which alfalfa is being started. TABLE 51. PAN A FIELD: CROP YIELDS IN SOIL EXPERIMENTS (See Note to Table 52); MIDDLE ILLINOIS AN GLACIATION Plot No. Soil treatment applied 1912 1 Oats 1913 Clover 2 1914 Wheat 3 1915 Corn 1916 Oats 1917 Clover Bushels or (tons) per acre 101 102 103 104 0... ( .55) ( -44) ( -38) ( -43) 41.8 40.7 42.1 42.7 20.7 26.8 27.7 27.6 53.6 51.6 58.9 55.8 (2.30) (2.45) (2.19) (2.21) M ML MLP 105 106 107 108 109 110 .50 1.08 .92 .58 .92 ( .38) 39.7 41.1 43.3 41.8 42.1 39.3 24.2 24.1 28.0 25.8 28.9 23.8 51.6 50.6 57.2 53.3 55.0 52.2 .58 .68 .50 .67 .83 (2.33) R RL RLP RLPK 111 112 113 114 115 116 CvM.. ( .38) ( -34) ( -41) ( -46) C-71) ( .63) 39.2 39.4' 33.9 39.8 31.5 36.2 23.0 27.4 30.7 25.6 30.7 31.1 54.7 50.3 56.1 60.5 56.1 46.1 (2.10) (2.05) (2.46) (2.28) (2.13) (2.19) CvML CvMLP CvMP Corn Oats 3 Clover" Wheat 3 Corn Oats 201 202 203 204 0... 23.6 24.0 21.0 21.3 11.1 11.1 11.4 11.7 ( -41) ( -40) ( -57) ( -67) 26.1 29.2 34.2 34.8 21.8 18.9 21.0 22.2 83.8 79.2 96.7 90.6 M ML MLP 205 206 207 208 209 210 0. . 24.2 26.4 26.3 27.9 27.6 28.8 11.4 10.6 11.4 12.0 11.4 13.4 .33 .83 1.17 1.33 1.50 ( .81) 29.5 31.8 33.5 36.0 36.3 36.4 13.8 20.5 31.7 31.4 35.2 21.2 90.5 93.8 94.8 98.0 98.6 88.1 R.. RL RLP RLPK 211 212 213 214 215 216 CvM.. 28.7 25.9 31.0 31.5 30.1 26.3 9.5 12.3 10.6 10.2 8.4 11.7 ( -93) (1.04) (1.32) (1.08) ~ ( .93) ( .83) 36.1 35.4 36.2 35.5 37.9 38.7 19.8 27.8 31.3 27.1 28.8 26.3 99.4 94.7 99.5 100.8 91.9 91.9 CvML CvMLP CvMP 1 No soil treatment; oat yields not taken. 2 No organic manure. 8 No manure. 464 BULLETIN No. 219 [May, TABLE 51. PAN A FIELD, Concluded Plot No. Soil treatment applied 1912 1 Oats 1913 Corn 1914 Oats 1915 Clover 1916 Wheat 1917 Corn Bushels or (tons) per acre 301 302 303 304 0... 29.5 28.4 28.9 33.7 10.2 6.7 10.2 4.5 (2.87)1 (3.43) (3.75) (3.43) 12.6 12.9 14.0 8.0 44.9 47.5 49.5 44.7 M ML MLP 305 306 307 308 309 310 0. . 28.6 31.8 34.4 34.0 35.3 29.7 4.5 6.4 8.1 11.2 10.0 10.5 1.67 1.67 1.58 1.83 1.75 (3.80) 7.5 10.8 11.3 10.0 17.1 8.4 35.9 48.0 49.3 53.5 54.7 47.2 R RL RLP RLPK 311 312 313 314 315 316 CvM. . 21.8 24.5 21.5 19.9 25.8 26.1 12.0 11.7 11.7 10.5 6.4 6.4 (3.91) (3.79) (3.58) (3.96) (3.69) (3.62) 17.8 9.2 12.0 11.1 9.8 13.3 52.4 51.4 50.0 42.2 42.7 43.6 CvML CvMLP CvMP Soybeans Wheat 3 Corn Oats Clover Wheat 401 402 403 404 0... (1.52) (1.67) (1.44) (1.41) 19.7 16!5 17.7 15.0 17.1 15.4 17.0 13.5 41.1 51.1 55.0 55.9 (1.01) (1.40) (2.44) (2.38) 11.8 12.2 25.8 32.8 M ML MLP 405 406 407 408 409 410 9.0 11.5 8.4 11.3 9.3 (1-70) 11.9 16.6 17.6 23.4 21.2 24.8 10.7 12.2 24.7 28.9 28.4 21.6 55.9 37.8 64.2 61.1 70.5 59.2 1.58 2.25 2.42 2.08 2.00 (2.27) 13.0 20.7 31.7 44.2 38.7 12.2 R RL RLP :.. RLPK 411 412 413 414 415 416 CvM.. (1.54) (1.59) (1.64) (1.59) (1.58) (1.44) 24.2 21.8 25.3 14.2 20.1 15.7 24.5 21.9 23.3 19.4 17.0 18.1 66.7 56.9 68.1 54.1 63.3 55.6 (2.21) (2.66) (2.51) (2.14) (1.82) (1-54) 22.2 26.6 36.5 35.2 13.5 12.6 CvML CvMLP.. CvMP Alfalfa* Alfalfa* Alfalfa 4 Alfalfa* Alfalfa* 501 502 503 504 0.. ..... (1.88) (1.59) (3.46) (3.73) ( -16) ( -60) (2.55) (2.62) M ML MLP 505 506 507 508 509 510 0. . (1.87) (1.92) (3.41) (3.89) (4.10) (2.50) ( -38) ( -51) (2.68) (3.39) (3.45) ( -41) R RL RLP RLPK 511 512 513 514 515 516 CvM.. (2.74) (3.47) (3.70) (2.63) (1.69) (1.93) ( .35) (2.46) (2.99) ( -04) ( -00) ( .00) CvML CvMLP CvMP *No soil treatment; oat yields not taken. 3 No manure. *No cover crop; no manure or residues on Plots 2 to 9, but 15 tons per acre of manure was applied to Plots 11 to 14 in 1912. Alfalfa winter-killed in 1913, 1914, and 1916. 1919] ILLINOIS CROP YIELDS FROM SOIL EXPERIMENT FIELDS 465 TABLE 52. PANA FIELD^ GENERAL SUMMARY, FULLY TREAT-EC! PLOTS Serial plot No. Soil treatment applied Average annual yields bushels or (tons) per acre Corn 5 crops Oats 4 crops Wheat 4 crops 1 Clover 4 crops 1 1 2 3 4 5 0. . 26.8 27.4 28.8 28.3 22.6 47.2 47.1 55.2 51.7 50.6 23.1 23.8 29.0 29.6 22.4 (1.65) (1.92) (2.24) (2.17) 1.04 M ML MLP 6 7 8 9 10 R. . 27.3 33.6 34.7 36.5 28.7 47.1 55.9 55.7 58.5 52.5 26.1 30.0 33.0 33.6 24.1 1.35 1.42 1.48 1.52 (2.30) RL RLP RLPK 11 12 13 14 15 16 CvM. . 28.3 30.6 31.4 26.8 29.0 29.0 58.2 53.4 58.9 56.5 54.2 50.0 28.8 27.7 27.1 30.4 23.2 25.2 (2.29) (2.39) (2.47) (2.37) (2.14) (4.04) CvML CvMLP CvMP GENERAL NOTES. The rotation practiced is that of wheat with legume cover crops on the residue plots, corn, oats, and clover. Alfalfa is grown on a fifth field for five years after which it is" rotated with the other crops. The soil treat- ment is standard, as described in the introduction. The soil is black silt loam on clay on Series 100 and 200 and most of 300, and brown-gray silt loam on tight clay on Series 400 and 500. l No manure on 1914 wheat or clover, nor on 1915 wheat. 466 BULLETIN No. 219 [May, TABLE 53. RALEIGH FIELD: CROP YIELDS IN SOIL EXPERIMENTS YELLOW-GRAY SILT LOAM, TIMBER SOIL; LOWER ILLINOISAN GLACIATION Plot No. Soil treat- ment applied 1910 1 Wheat 1911 Corn 1912 Oats 1913 Clover 8 1914 Wheat 1915 Corn 1916 Oats 1917 Soy- beans Bushels or (tons) per acre 101 102 103 104 9.5 6.9 9.8 11.6 28.0 41.0 45.8 46.7 11.9 15.2 23.4 22.7 ( -22) ( .23) ( .72) ( -68) 11.8 10.9 27.5 26.8 21.4 35.1 57.2 52.3 10.8 11.2 12.0 14.7 ( -76) ( .94) (1.25) (1.57) M ML MLP.... 105 106 107 108 7.3 9.0 11.0 10.7 24.9 24 4 36.8 31.1 14.1 12.8 20.9 23.0 .02 .02 .08 .01 9.4 9.2 25.1 27.2 21.8 24.4 43.5 42.0 10.9 11.4 10.6 14.7 3.5 5.7 10.4 12.9 R RL RLP .... 109 110 RLPK. . . 12.7 5.7 39.5 17.8 25.8 8.1 .03 .01 30.0 7.2 47.2 22.3 16.7 9.2 9.4 ( -67) Cow- peas Wheat 2 Corn Oats Soy- beans Wheat 8 Corn Oats 201 202 203 204 ( .86) ( -75) (1.38) (1.35) 12.1 12.7 17.5 19.0 20.5 36.5 55.1 53.9 .6 2.0 3.1 3.0 ( -28) ( -30) ( .26) ( -23) 22.9 34.9 45.0 43.2 17.5 23.3 36.1 36.7 M ML MLP.... 205 206 207 208 . ( -71) 9.5 12.3 19.9 22.7 20.4 29.9 45.2 55.1 1.7 2.0 4.4 5.2 ( -27) 2.5 2.5 2.7 23.6 24.7 40.1 45.6 20.3 25.9 42.0 44.8 R . .. RL RLP 209 210 RLPK. . . (l'.Q9) 22.8 14.7 56.5 25.2 7.2 2.7 1.8 .7 46.8 30.0 47.7 30.2 Oats Clover 2 Wheat 2 Corn Oats 'Soy- beans Wheat Corn 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 18.1 17.3 26 8 26.0 ( -44) ( -43) ( -61) ( -68) 3.4 2.3 7.1 7.8 5.7 12.9 17.2 17.1 2.5 5.0 8.1 7.8 1.1 (1.81) (2.16) (2.30) .8 1.8 7.8 9.8 24.4 44.7 57.5 58.9 M ML MLP. . . . 15.0 20.9 25.1 25.1 ( -23) 2.0 2.8 7.4 9.9 4.5 9.4 17.5 17.9 2.0 4.1 9.5 11.2 1.0 .8 3.4 3.9 .2 .7 6.7 7.7 25.7 19.9 45.1 41.1 R RL RLP.... RLPK. . . 29.3 22.9 14.1 4.7 15.9 7.4 10.3 5.0 3.9 .4 6.6 1.8 63.4 35.1 40T 402 403 404 Corn Oats 2 Cow- peas 2 Wheat 2 Corn Oats Clover Wheat 0. . ' 24.1 18.1 40.1 37.4 25.6 19.2 38.0 35.5 (1.44) (1.05) (2.79) (2.56) 6.2 4.2 20.7 23.8 7.6 13.2 16.3 14.1 9.7 8.9 23.6 24.7 ( .56) ( -89) (1.44) (1.98) 6.3 7.8 41.2 39.2 M ML MLP.... 405 406 407 408 0. . 24.9 31.1 42.8 44.5 18.4 24.1 38.6 35.3 ( -93) 6.4 8.5 29.8 32.9 8.5 10.7 14.4 16.4 9.8 12.8 23.1 22.5 ( 4 ) ( 4 ) ( 4 ) (<) 11.2 15.2 37.2 40.5 R RL RLP.... 409 410 RLPK. . . 43.0 26.8 32.8 25.0 29.8 4.7 16.4 4.6 20.8 7.5 ( 4 ) ( .83) 46.4 5.3 l No manure or residues, lost before recleaning. 2 No manure. "Crop destroyed by hailstorm. 4 Sed 1919] ILLINOIS CROP YIELDS FROM SOIL EXPERIMENT FIELDS 467 TABLE 54. RALEIGH FIELD: GENERAL SUMMARY, FULLY TREATED PLOTS Serial plot No. Soil treatment applied Average annual yields bushels or (tons) per acre Corn 7 crops Oats 6 crops Wheat 4 crops Clover 2 crops 1 2 3 4 18.6 31.2 42.0 40.9 8.8 10.9 17.7 18.3 4.7 5.1 19.1 19.0 ( .39) ( -56) (1.08) (1.33) M ML MLP 5 6 7 8 0. . 18.5 20.5 34.7 35.6 9.8 11.5 18.4 20.2 5.2 6.3 17.2 18.9 .02 1 .02 1 .08 1 .Ol l R RL ' RLP 9 10 RLPK 40.8 20.3 21.4 10.4 20.8 3.7 .03 1 ( .42) NOTE. The crop rotation and soil treatment are standard, as described in the introduction. *One crop only. 468 BULLETIN No. 219 [May, IS B *d -o - - o a o& 26 PH > OSO OS ,-HO 2 2 OS O 21 os^S Sa -g o, s o< "* O OOOOOINCO O CO 00 1C CO OS (M (N 00-* OOO "5 1C -o OS OS t>- 00 CO SC OS O OS O -S 1-2 30 CO OS Tj< O OS COO-* OOCOOO CO CO CO 1 * CO ^H . OI-H "5 co t^ cocccc CO CO CD CO 00 COCOI>t>CO C^ ^HO5O>O OCOCOCOCO OS(Ni-H COIN (N * ^H CO "5 OOCOINOO O5 >CCOi-H i-H oooqiNOO 3>^ COC^ f- co't ^H .IN COt>COOJCD CO i-H COC3OO "* CD-<* IN OO COCO CO 1C IN CDOOlN O i CO O O C^ 'co Tf< ^H Q COCO COCO OS COCO OC<1 00 (NO OSt^lNo'cO ^OOCOTt* CD O O 1C O CD OOOdOO ^23? :' CO I s * 00 c?s O - CO CDN-COOSO MINIM CNN *H C3 ^ O M i I >H H o > +> * ,h -^ cS fl a,^ 03 ^ s_i n ^ 3 3 CO OJO O rH ^ tn 3 ^ oi ^ '-o n ifall* .5 H Hi 0) g a to ^ oo a) - O a 470 BULLETIN No. 219 [May, So " OS O ji M ^ S3 oo'ooo' (M 1C rH t^o (N rJ< iM cooc oco O CO O C^ CO COOO OS OS i-t coco oot^o (N co co CO CO O O o * CO t~ 1O OSOOOOCO l^OOCO r-H CO 00 CO 00 OS OS OOOOO-* OSOOt^t^O OOOOCOi-H CO CO CO CO CO t>-* lOCOOS 1C 00 OOOSO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO 1910] ILLINOIS CROP YIELDS FROM SOIL EXPERIMENT FIELDS 471 1-1 > OS O 2-2 co fl 1-1 fc OS O --lO 2S os ,9 os fl OS O os o all 2 ll -* . .2 o O500O5OO5 IN rjn IOCOIM tcoo'o'co O CO CO CO CO O-^OCOOO * IOCO CO CO 00 CO * OS OS OOCOOOO51> eo <* o <*< * O5OOOO5 cOcOOcOp OO OS CO CO OS COIN copp CO CO 00 t^ CO OOCOCOCXN COOi-H 00 CO (NOOOCO-* * * >o * co i-H O l>.l>0000t> OOT^ TH OOC<> OcO 00 i-H co co co co co GO l^t~ * CO ooooo iM (N -^ Ol (M CO O i-< rH 00 CM (N C^l CN CM rf cOiO 00 r-i CO * CO CO CO t>- CO CO CO CO OOfNCOO (N ^H OOt-CO CO CO CO OS OS O O -H CO CO COOOO(NCO COMCOOOO C^ (MINIM (M CO CO 00 CO * OOO CO i-( O51-HCOO500 OSCOWCON. IO(N lOCOO w 472 BULLETIN No. 219 [May, TABLE 56. ROCKFORD FIELD: GENERAL SUMMARY, FULLY TREATED PLOTS Serial plot No. Soil treatment applied Average annual yields bushels or (tons) per acre Corn 23 crops Oats 10 crops Clover 7 crops Soybeans 2 crops 1 2 3 4 5 L. . 49.4 56.7 65.5 63.8 49.9 64.2 67.6 71.4 70.4 62.9 (2.34) .78 (2.77) (2.59) (2.36) 13.3 14.9 13.9 13.8 14.6 RL ML CvML L 6 7 8 9 10 LP. . . . 53.5 61.7 68.5 66.9 48.2 73.2 67.7 73.0 73.5 64.1 (2.73) .52 (3.13) (2.92) (2.35) 16.7 18.6 17.7 18.8 16.0 RLP MLP CvMLP L 11 12 13 14 15 LPK 65.0 67.0 68.8 68.4 52.8 69.1 69.6 69.1 73.0 64.0 (3.21) .60 (3.60) (3.28) 1.32 18.2 17.2 17.4 16.2 16.1 RLPK MLPK CvMLPK..... L 16 17 18 19 20 R. . 58.9 62.9 65.0 68.7 46.3 08.1 70.5 71.6 70.2 66.3 .82 .95 .74 .70 (2.05) 18.4 17.0 15.0 15.5 15.9 RP RPK RLNPK. 1919] ILLINOIS CROP YIELDS FROM SOIL EXPERIMENT FIELDS 473 TABLE 57. SIDELL FIELD: CROP YIELDS IN SOIL EXPERIMENTS BROWN SILT LOAM PRAIRIE; EARLY WISCONSIN GLACIATION Plot No. Soil treatment applied 1912 1 Oats 1913 Clover 2 1914 Wheat 2 1915 Corn 1916 Oats 1917 Soy- beans Bushels or (tons) per acre 101 102 103 104 30.0 32.0 42.7 34.1 (1.11) (1.14) (1.30) (1.04) 34.0 34.0 31.2 36.9 48.1 54.8 58.5 71.2 56.9 63.9 61.4 66.1 (1.74) (1.88) (1.88) (1.82) M ML MLP 105 106 107 108 47.2 * 50.0 46.4 44.8 1.00 .83 .92 .83 33.2 34.8 34.9 38.8 47.5 47.6 52.1 52.5 50.2 51.1 54.2 56.9 (1.23) R RL RLP 109 110 RLPK 38.4 49.8 1.00 (1.31) 41.2 30.5 51.4 48.0 57.2 54.5 (i'44) Corn Oats 2 Soy- beans 2 Wheat 2 Corn Oats 201 202 203 204 0... 48.4 39.7 39.5 40.7 3.4 2.7 2.7 3.0 12.2 (1.58) (1-67) (1.57) 10.8 7.2 6.2 7.2 28.9 31.6 31.9 33.1 80.6 80.3 80.5 84.5 74.1 75.2 73.6 76.9 M ML MLP 205 206 207 208 38.7 42.7 24.8 42.6 2.3 1.9 2.7 2.3 11.0 11.4 10.0 9.2 7.5 6.7 6.2 6.9 25.9 34.7 33.6 34.8 R RL RLP 209 210 RLPK 42.7 43.2 3.0 3.1 8.6 9.2 6.7 5.5 35.3 24.9 73.0 65.2 Oats Corn Oats Soy- beans Wheat Corn 301 302 303 304 0... 52.5 53.7 52.0 53.6 40.9 34.6 33.3 35.5 46.2 44.5 42.5 44.5 (1.42) (1.20) (1.30) (1.22) 24.6 17.1 10.4 14.9 65.1 66.6 63.3 59.8 M ML MLP 305 306 307 308 55.0 53.6 51.2 48.8 28.8 31.9 33.4 32.4 37.7 38.3 36.1 35.2 17.4 15.6 15.0 16.7 9.0 7.0 4.3 9.0 47.1 49.4 53.0 68.0 R RL RLP 309 310 RLPK 50.0 47.2 31.8 28.4 43.0 40.8 17.8 (1.15)3 9.9 8.8 67.8 43.1 Soy- beans Wheat 2 Corn Oats Clover Wheat 401 402 403 404 (2.42) (2.26) (2.14) (1.77) 38.1 34.9 37.5 34.2 47.6 45.7 43.8 46.4 63.6 69.2 73.6 74.2 (2.75) (2.70) (2.69) (2 ..43) 34.2 42.2 34.8 37.2 M ML MLP 405 406 407 408 0... 12.5 12.0 12.9 10.8 28.8 27.0 24.9 24.8 37.5 41.0 42.6 41.6 68.1 62.0 61.6 63.4 2.67 2.58 2.75 3.08 34.8 33.8 29.6 36.2 R RL RLP 409 410 RLPK 13.3 (1.54) 22.4 20.1 43.7 33.9 62.2 67.5 2.92 (2.23) 32.9 28.2 J No soil treatment. 2 No manure. "Estimated. 474 BULLETIN No. 219 [May, TABLE 57. SIDELL FIELD, Concluded Plot No. Soil treatment applied 1912 1913 Alfalfa 4 1914 Alfalfa* 1915 Alfalfa 4 1916 Alfalfa 4 1917 Alfalfa 4 Bushels or (tons) per acre 501 502 503 504 (2.92) (3.20) (3.78) (4.20) (3.78) (4.62) (4.20) (4.49) (4.06) (4.34) (4-17) (4.13) (2.50) (2.73) (2.68) (3.24) (4. 20) (4.28) (3.80) (4.55) M ML MLP 505 506 507 508 0... (1.44) (1.17) (1.83) (3.06) (3.23) (3.14) (3.42) (3.85) (3.67) (3.65) (3.36) (4.07) (2.55) (2.73) (2.37) (2.68) (3.47) (3.29) (3.07) (4.00) R RL RLP 509 510 RLPK (3.50) (1.22) (4.49) (3.51) (4.79) (3.84) (2.83.) (2.33) (4.16) (2.68) 4 No residues. TABLE 58. SIDELL FIELD: GENERAL SUMMARY, FULLY TREATED PLOTS Serial plot No. Soil treatment applied Average annual yields bushels or (tons) per acre Corn 5 crops Oats 4 crops Wheat 4 crops 1 Clover 1 crop Soybeans 3 crops 1 2 3 4 0.. 46.1 46.7 46.2 49.2 61.8 64.5 64.5 67.3 25.9 25.1 20.7 24.0 (2.75) (2.70) (2.69) (-2.43) (1.64) (1.55) (1.62) (1.54) M ML MLP 5 6 7 8 0. . 37.4 40.9 43.0 45.9 57.5 56.7 56.4 58.1 21.1 20.6 18.8 22.7 2.67 2.58 2.75 3.08 13.6 9.0 8.3 8.6 R RL RLP 9 10 RLPK 46.0 35.7 58.9 57.0 22.7 18.2 2.92 (2.23) 8.8 (1.31) GENERAL NOTES. The crop rotation' and soil treatment are standard, as described in the introduction, with the exception that alfalfa is grown on a fifth field, which after producing alfalfa for five years will be thrown into the regu- lar rotation. (The natural productiveness of this field decreases from Plot 1 to Plat 10.) J No manure on 1914 and 1915 wheat. v ;'^ * - s i ^ <.' ,-_ J.Vii **' 1919] ILLINOIS CROP FIELDS FROM SOIL EXPERIMENT FIELDS 475 TABLE 59. SPARTA FIELD, MAIN ROTATION: CROP YIELDS IN SOIL EXPERIMENTS LIGHT-GRAY SILT LOAM ON TIGHT CLAY, TIMBER SOIL; LOWER ILLINOISAN GLACIATION Plot No. Soil treatment applieJ 1916 Corn 1 1917 Soybeans 3 Bushels or (tons )per acre 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 14.8 18.2 16.8 19.8 ( -99) (1.05) (1.33) (1.36) M . ML . . MLP . 13.8 16.6 21.2 20.0 5,8 9.2 9.8 9.5 R RL RLP 109 110 RLPK 18.6 17.4 11.3 ( -99) Soybeans 1 Corn 201 202 203 204 (1.37) (1.16) (1.41) (1-60) 28.0 31.4 49.4 49.4 M ML MLP 205 206 207 208 0.. 7.7 7.2 10.3 8.8 28.2 36.0 35.0 39.0 R RL. RLP 209 210 RLPK. . 9.7 ( -96) 47.0 28.0 Wheat 2 Soybeans 3 301 302 303 304 0.. 6.3 6.7 9.0 8.2 ( .76) ( .85) ( -70) ( -63) M.... ML MLP 305 306 307 308 0.. 1.8 3.7 8.8 9.2 3.3 4.7 8.8 9.7 R RL RLP 309 310 RLPK. . . 11.0 5.0 8.3 ( .66^ Soybeans 1 Wheat 3 401 402 403 404 0.. ( .48) ( .67) ( .73) " ( .80) 10.5 15.0 24.2 27.2 M.. ML MLP 405 406 407 403 5.2 6.3 8.0 6.0 18.8 17.2 23.5 25.3 R. . RL. .. RLP 409 410 RLPK. . . 6.5 ( .61) 23.5 16.2 1 No residues, manure, or potassium. 2 No residues or manure. s No manure. 476 BULLETIN No. 219 [May, TABLE 59a. SPARTA FIELD, MINOR ROTATION: CROP YIELDS IN SOIL EXPERIMENTS YELLOW-GRAY SILT LOAM, TIMBER SOIL; LOWER ILLINOISAN GLACIATION Plot Soil treatment applied 1916 Soybeans 1 1917 Potatoes JNo. Bushels or (t ons) per acre 501 . (1.28) 25 5 502 M . (1.20) 35 503 ML (1 28) 34 504 MLP (1.22) 33.5 505 MLPK (1.20) 23.3 506 (1-07) 12.2 Alfalfa 2 601 0.. ( -49) 602 M ( .58) 603 ML (3.23) 604 MLP. . i (3.25) 605 MLPK (1 72) 606 ( -00) Wheat 1 Soybean hay 2 701 0. . 5 7 (1 51) 702 M 5 3 (1 52) 703 ML 5.2 (1.89) 704 MLP 4.0 (1.801 705 MLPK 3 (1.89) 706 .3 ( -91) Potatoes 1 Wheat 2 801 0... 30 3 24 8 802 M 25 5 20 5 803 ML 30 5 22 804 MLP. . . 17 2 27 2 805 MLPK 17.2 30 2 806 32.0 22.3 GENERAL NOTES. The major rotation consists of corn, soybeans, wheat, and alsike clover. The minor rotation is potatoes, wheat, and alsike clover, with alfalfa on a fourth field, which remains down while the three crops go thru two rotations. The soil treatment is standard, as described in the introduction, and potassium only. 2 No manure. 1919] ILLINOIS CROP YIELDS FROM SOIL EXPERIMENT FIELDS 477 TABLE 60. SPRING VALLEY FIELD: CROP YIELDS IN SOIL EXPERIMENTS BROWN SILT LOAM, FORMERLY TIMBERED; EARLY WISCONSIN GLACIATION Plot No. Soil treatment applied 1915 1 Corn 1916 Oats 2 1917 Clover 2 Bushels or (tons) per acre 101 102 103 104 0. . 34.8 27.8 26.4 34.4 35.9 32.5 29.7 35.9 (2.26) (1.83) (2.36) (2.40) M ML MLP 105 106 107 108 35.0 30.4 31.2 30.2 26.9 31.2 34.4 38.1 .03 .05 .03 .05 R RL RLP 109 110 RLPK 33.0 35.0 36.9 35.9 .03 (1.34) Wheat Corn Oats 201 202 203 204 0. . 19.0 8.2 6.3 15.5 25.8 13.8 10.4 17.8 56.2 44.1 39.1 49.7 M ML MLP 205 206 207 208 0.. 15.8 15.5 21.2 20.8 14.6 19.8 30.0 26.2 40.9 39.7 47.8 55.6 R. RL RLP 209 210 RLPK 18.8 13.5 25.0 20.2 42.2 42.5 Soybeans Wheat 2 Corn 301 302 303 304 0.. 17.5 (1.36) (1.40) (1.54) 26.0 17.3 16.3 21.2 23.6 32.4 29.6 44.0 M ML MLP 305 306 307 308 0.. 16.5 17.2 17.3 17.5 20.7 17.2 23.8 19.2 23.8 46.2 48.0 45.6 R RL RLP ^09 310 RLPK 17.0 16.5 14.3 16.7 50.4 20.0 Oats Clover 2 Wheat 2 401 402 403 404 0. . 41.2 38.4 23.1 34.7 (2.31) (2.00) (1.92) (2.33) 3d. 5 33.0 32.8 38.2 M ML MLP 405 406 407 408 0. . 33.8 28.8 38.1 32.5 .10 .17 .12 .15 35.0 37.3 39.3 41.8 R RL RLP 409 410 RLPK . . 38.8 31.9 .15 (2.33) 39.0 35.0 NOTE. The crop rotation and the introduction. 1 Lime only. 2 No manure. soil treatment are standard, as described in BULLETIN No. 219 [May, TABLE 61. TOLEDO FIELD: CROP YIELDS IN SOIL EXPERIMENTS GRAY SILT LOAM ON TIGHT CLAY, PRAIRIE; LOWER ILLINOISAN GLACIATION Plot No. Soil treatment applied 1913 1 Soybeans 1914 Wheat 2 1915 Corn 1916 Oats 1917 Soybeans Bushels or (tons) per acre 101 102 103 104 ( .54) ( -35) ( -54) ( -49) 11.2 11.4 15.1 17.0 33.7 31.4 38.1 41.1 28.4 27.8 38.6 40.3 (1.09) (1.06) (1.62) (1.56) M ML MLP 105 106 107 108 2.5 3.7 3.6 3.2 8.3 8.2 10.0 12.6 28.7 28.2 29.0 24.6 26.1 21.9 35.8 34.5 4.9 7.3 10.0 12.5 R RL RLP 109 110 RLPK 3.5 ( -53) 15.7 7.0 38.1 22.0 42.0 24.1 14.1 ( -74) Oats Soybeans 2 Wheat 2 Corn Oats 201 202 203 204 0. . 1.1 1.2 .9 .8 .( .68) 3 ( -50) ( -46) ( -48) 6.2 4.7 12.0 14.4 26.6 29.1 32.2 29.8 5.2 5.6 25.6 37.8 M ML MLP 205 206 207 208 0.. .5 .9 1.1 1.9 5.2 5.0 7.0 7.4 2.7 3.0 12.0 17.7 19.4 14.4 22.3 21.1 5.8 17.5 29.7 37.0 R RL RLP 209 210 RLPK . . . .6 1.1 7.0 ( .40)' 25.9 8.8 22.8 17.6 53.3 16.1 Corn Oats 8 Soybeans 2 Wheat 2 Corn 301 302 303 304 0. . 3.8 3.6 5.1 5.4 0.0 .2 .8 .6 ( -62) ( -66) ( -96) (1.02) .1 .1 .7 2.6 5.6 12.1 17.2 18.2 M ML MLP 305 306 307 308 0.. 3.0 3.7 5.5 3.9 .2 .2 .6 .5 7.2 7.4 13.2 12.6 .1 .2 3.2 3.8 6.1 6.2 19.5 22.4 R RL RLP 309 310 RLPK . . . 4.4 3.6 .8 .3 12.3 ( -87) 10.8 .1 25.3 6.6 Oats Corn Oats Clover Wheat 401 402 403 404 0. . .9 .9 1.1 .9 24.7 27.5 30.3 32.5 22.0 21.6 27.2 26.9 ( -16) ( -37) ( -82) ( -88) 9.8 12.8 27.5 33.6 M ML MLP 405 406 407 408 0.. .8 .8 .8 .9 25.8 27.5 25.1 27.6 18.9 23.6 30.5 29.4 .08 .25 .67 .14 7.6 13.8 30.2 33.2 R ... RL RLP 409 410 RLPK . . . .6 .8 28.4 25.2 38.6 20.3 .19 ( .64) 35.8 2.5 a Lime only. 'No manure. "Estimated. . 1919} ILLINOIS CKOP YIELDS FROM SOIL EXPERIMENT FIELDS 479 TABLE 62. TOLEDO FIELD: GENERAL SUMMARY, FULLY TREATED PLOTS Serial plot No. Soil treatment applied Average annual yields bushels or (tons) per acre Corn 4 crops Oats 4 crops 1 Wheat 4 crops 2 Clover 1 crop Soybeans 3 crops 3 1 2 3 4 0. . 22.7 25.0 29.4 30.4 13.9 13.8 23.0 26.4 6.8 7.2 13.8 16.9 ( -16) ( -37) ( -82) . ( -88) ( -80) ( -74) (1.01) (1.02) M ML MLP 6 6 7 8 0. . 20.0 19.1 24.0 23.9 12.8 15.8 24.1 25.3 4.7 6.3 13.9 16.8 .08 .25 .67 .14 5.8 6.6 10.7 10.8 R RL RLP 9 10 RLPK 28.7 17.9 33.7 15.2 22.0 4.6 .19 ( .64) 11.1 ( -67) NOTE. The crop rotation and soil treatment are standard, as described in the introduction. 1 One crop without manure. s T"bree crops without manure. "Two crops with- out manure. 480 BULLETIN No. 219 [May, 3 M W A Bl o H q *f* T HCQ 03 H S S Qffl tf O 55 ! 6 s j CO OS O o COO t^ CO-* O- >C OS 1C OO OS i-H COH IN CO 1C COt^t^CO OCO(NI>-CO IN * cOOO CO CO i-H CO IN CDN-OOOSO ILLINOIS CROP YIELDS FKOM SOIL EXPERIMENT FIELDS S3 co d i i g O OS O U 3(3 s 6 22 a OS o O II g"E 1 fOCOOO GO 00 "3 i-HCOi-iOO codooeoio co *n CD as co 1C CO CO >O CO CO CON 1-1 00 00 CO r) * CO 1C-* OcOCO 00O OS i-l .PL, I^ OOOl O CO CO CO i~H NCNCSC^ i-H i-H 1C CO i-l t>i 1C CO (N 00 CO l> 00 CO OS 1C CO 1C 1C * !-H * CO 00 i-l OiCOOOOOO OCO OOOOO C CO >C CO 1C (N i-l OS (N CO i-HiCOOOIN CNCNINCMN 00 CO 1C COIN OOOCOINO OOCOi-HCNiC ICCOI>OO(N COtNCNCOCN -On ' T3 i 482 BULLETIN No. 219 [May, TABLE 63a. UNION GROVE FIELD, MINOR ROTATION: CROP YIELDS IN SOIL EXPERIMENTS Plot No. Soil treatment applied 1 1913 Potatoes 1914 Potatoes 1915 Potatoes 1916 Alfalfa 1917 Alfalfa Bushels or (tons) per acre 301 302 303 304 0.. 46.8 112.2 83.7 91.7 59.2 142.3 113.6 117.5 66.8 265.0 237.4 251.8 (1.60) (5.35) (5.54) (5.67) M ML MLP Alfalfa Alfalfa Potatoes Potatoes 401 402 403 404 0. . (3.30) (3.55) .(3.81) (3.58) (4.74) (4.72) (4.87) (5.00) 68.4 143.5 123.3 115.2 54.6 149.2 152.5 134.2 M ML MLP Alfalfa Alfalfa Alfalfa AlfaKa 501 .502 503 504 . (3.03) (3.32) (4.40) (5.34) (4.47) (4.50) . (5.24) (5.57) (4.12) '(4.12) (4.99) (5.88) M ML MLP VNo manure for alfalfa on Series 400 or 500. TABLE 64. UNION GROVE FIELD: GENERAL SUMMARY, FULLY TREATED PLOTS Serial plot No. 'Soil treatment applied Average annual yields bushels or (tons) per acre Corn 6 crops Oats 2 crops Barley 1 crop Clover 2 crops Soy- beans 1 crop Potatoes 5 crons 1 2 3 4 5 L. . 36.3 51.6 57.8 56.2 36.6 51.8 56.7 54.8 52.9 42.1 44.7 53.9 60.2 55.9 41.7 (3.56) 1.09 (3.86) (3.47) (3.11) (1.55) 17.7 (2.41) (2.38) (1.50) RL ML CvML L 6 7 8 9 10 LP. . 39.8 55.0 59.1 60.1 38.1 51.3 65.3 47.1 55.1 50.6 54.9 . 62.2 61.5 57.7 47.7 (3.39) 1.17 (3.51) (3.65) (3.56) (1.30) 14.8 (2.20) (2.30) (1.62) RLP MLP CvMLP L 11 12 13 14 15 LPK. . 54.1 61.2 61.1 59.4 26.3 54.0 65.8 55.3 54.9 47.7 60.9 64.3 56.7 61.9 45.0 (3.94) .80 (3.17) (3.10) 1.38 (1.60) 16.8 (2.25) (2.18) 14.2 RLPK MLPK CvMLPK L 16 17 18 19 20 R . 41.3 48.7 56.4 59.7 26.4 58.2 66.5 66.5 66.3 54.6 54.5 58.6 58.8 57.6 45.5 1.41 1.42 1.25 1.17 (2.33) 15.9 12.7 16.4 17.1 (1.08) RP RPK RLNPK 1 2 3 4 51). 2 162.4 142.1 142.1 M ML MLP GENERAL NOTES. The main rotation consists of corn, corn, oats, and clover. The soil treatment as indicated for each plot is standard, as described in the introduction, with the exception that potassium is supplied in 100 pounds of potassium sulfate per acre per year and that one half of Plot 19 receives 200 pounds of dried blood and the other half 376 pounds of gluten meal, per acre per year. The minor rotation consists of potatoes and alfalfa. The potatoes are grown on the same land for three years while the alfalfa is grown for six years. The soil treatment is standard, as described in the introduction, except that 15 tons per acre of manure is applied for each potato crop. 1919} ILLINOIS CROP YIELDS FROM SOIL EXPERIMENT FIELDS 483 TABLE 65. UNIONVILLE FIELD, MAIN ROTATION : CROP YIELDS IN SOIL EXPERIMENTS YELLOW-GRAY SILT LOAM, TIMBER SOIL; UNGLACIATED Plot No. Soil treat- ment applied 1911 Seed cotton, 1 Ibs. 1912 Corn 1 1913 Cow- peas 4 1914 Wheat 3 1915 Seed cotton, Ibs. 1916 Corn 1917 Cow- peas Bushels or (tons) per acre 101 102 103 104 1120 793 710 625 36.6 30.8 46.5 47.2 (1.19) ( -70) (1-20) (1.01) 13.6 13.4 20.4 20.5 340 525 935 775 44.1 47.. 9 61.2 54.0 ( .83) (1.07) (1.50) (1.32) M ML MLP.. . 105 106 107 108 0. . 450 440 403 350 36.3 37.1 56.7 53.8 5.1 6.4 6.2 7.0 11.7 14.7 23.2 25.2 155 65 390 430 37.2 38.1 56.8 60.5 4.4 4.2 4.6 3.7 R RL RLP. . . . 109 110 RLPK.. 483 323 53.1 28.1 8.1 ( .64) 26.7 8.8 575 265 59.8 32.0 5.0 ( .80) Wheat 2 Seed cotton, /6s. Corn Cow- peas Wheat Seed cotton, /6s. Corn 201 202 203 204 0. . 15.8 16.3 15.9 17.6 22 32 150 170 18.2 24.9 31.4 34.5 ( .34) ( -24) ( -23) ( .29) 9.8 11.6 18.7 22.5 485 490 590 600 21.0 23.6 30.1 35.7 M ML MLP.. . 205 206 207 208 16.6 14.0 15.2 14.3 45 25 55 82 21.0 17.1 23.3 27.1 .8 3.8 2.2 2.5 11.0 12.8 19.2 26.3 490 365 395 600 20.6 24.4 48.3 47.9 R RL RLP.... 209 210 RLPK.. 17.8 12.8 178 35 33.0 19.6 4.4 ( .34) 30.8 11.1 820 290 56.8 24.4 Cow- peas 1 Wheat 3 Seed cotton, Ibs. Corn Cow- peas Wheat Seed cotton, Ibs. 301 302 303 304 . 5.5 5.6 5.7 6.6 4.1 3.0 6.2 7.4 265 532 690 960 6.6 5.1 4.6 4.9 ( -50) ( -56) ( -94) (2.33) 3.8 7.5 14.9 22.3 62 90 385 325 M ML MLP... 305 306 307 308 0. . 5.7 7.3 6.9 7.8 4.0 3.9 5.6 8.1 212 192 188 232 3.0 3.0 6.2 5.0 .3 .3 .6 .5 4.8 5.7 12.8 19.2 52 55 210 210 R RL RLP. . . . 309 310 RLPK.. 8.9 5.5 12.6 5.1 365 162 5.6 3.9 .8 ( -44) 24.5 5.7 355 65 Corn 1 Cow- peas* Wheat 3 Seed cotton, /6s. Corn Cow- peas Wheat 4.3 ' 8.7 15.4 19.3 4.9 5.3 15.6 17.0 401 402 403 404 0.. 31.5 36.1 36.9 34.0 ( -54) ( -55) ( -71) ( -78) 2.8 4.0 9.8 12.5 235 430 530 435 35.2 50.2 54.2 53.4 ( -77) (1.03) (1.34) (1.50) M ML MLP... 405 406 407 408 0. . 27.8 26.4 30.4 31.1 ( -54) 2.3 1.8 10.9 13.2 215 245 200 250 34.7 36.6 46.8 53.6 .5 .5 .4 .5 R RL RLP. . . . 409 410 RLPK.. 36.2 27.1 '(".50) 15.2 1.1 355 310 56.2 33.1 .6 ( .77) 19.6 3.2 'Lime only, or potassium. 2 No manure or residues. 3 JMo manure. 4 No manure, phosphate, 484 BULLETIN No. 219 [May, TABLE 65a UNIONVILLE FIELD, MINOR ROTATION: CROP YIELDS IN SOIL EXPERIMENTS Plot No. Soil treat- ment applied 1911 Cow- peas 1912 1913 Alfalfa 1914 Alfalfa 1915 Alfalfa 1916 Soy- beans 1917 Potatoes Bushels or (tons) per acre 501 502 503 504 ( -09) (1.16) ( -66) ( -84) ( .44) (1.33) (1.09) (1.07) ( -42) (1.97) 1.47) (1.49) 5.2 16.8 15.1 14.5 13.9 95.7 17.1 27.5 MLP . . RLP RLPK . . 505 506 507 508 ( -15) ( .33) ( .62) ( -38) ( -53) ( -43) ( .33) ( .47) ( -88) 3.5 5.3 9.4 7.5 17.9 20.2 20.3 18.7 o Wheat 2 Clover 8 Potatoes Wheat Alfalfa Alfalfa 601 602 603 604 4.4 7.7 7.7 11.6 ( -50) ( -95) .75 .50 23.2 3.0 5.8 7.0 11.4 33.9 20.8 24.7 ( -66) (5.05) (3.79) (4.34) ( .35) (2.83) (1.86) (1.94) MLP. . . RLP RLPK.. 605 606 607 608 7.0 7.5 5.5 5.5 ( -60) ( .89) ( -99) (1.16) 7.6 13.2 5.7 9.3 14.2 15.8 12.6 14.8 (1.44) (1.47) (1.50) (1.78) ( .56) ( .68) ( -68) ( -61) Cow- peas 1 Potatoes Wheat Soy- beans Potatoes Wheat Clover 701 702 703 704 0. . 5.4 6.2 18.0 31.6 11.8 8.5 3.5 30.8 18.5 19.9 ( -18) ( .58) 1.1 1.1 21.6 218.4 45.0 30.6 4.5 23.8 13.7 13.4 ( -52) (2.00) 1.42 1.33 MLP... RLP.... RLPK.. 705 706 707 708 2.9 8.5 12.3 5.7 9.3 3.7 5.6 2.9 4.8 .5 ( -17) ( -12) ( .13) 18.7 15.0 13.1 22.4 4.4 4.0 3.4 4.2 ( -41) ( -48) ( .39) ( .66) Wheat 2 Soy- beans 8 Potatoes Wheat Soy- beans Potatoes Oats 801 802 803 804 0. . 16.0 18.3 15.5 17.1 ( -29) ( -66) 2.8 4.2 4.5 6.0 6.4 6.3 10.0 24.6 24.4 23.5 ( -83) (2.44) 6.8 4.2 3.2 13.5 3.7 4.4 21.1 30.3 46.2 44.5 MLP... RLP.... RLPK.. 805 806 807 808 15.2 13.7 14.0 14.0 1.2 ( -28) ( -31) ( -35) 4.0 7.8 7.1 7.1 13.5 14.5 13.8 14.1 1.9 ( .88) (1.08) (1-26) 1.2 2.0 1.4 1.8 26.7 24.1 24.7 24.4 1 Ldme only. s No manure or residues. 'No manure. 1919} ILLINOIS CROP YIELDS FROM SOIL EXPERIMENT FIELDS 485 0, ,S w rH O CO Tt* rH CNCOMH^ * P. cNO" S p ln^ <^) C^' C^ J3 s ' /vi O rH - '-^-xrH rH i 23 O- ^ P t-C0 i-i 0) r/-) CU O ^H ^* ^^ PC - co a 3 ^j 03 O S u. !> OOO5 O o & * CO 1 02 1 ^H^HOO O 03 1 i ( CO i-H i"H o3 W - P i . . , . IS fl O QJ *< rH rH rH^OflrH (N ^ Average an iW C^ CO 1C C ICOOOrH rHOO Tj< 00 <; 1 s, OiCOCO rH rHCO^O ^OO OiO rH MM . a S tS bfi, 03 _, -r-l O .S ss -g PH ^ 2 S O) (-4 t> O o > si -r> Oj a 3 || .9^ I 5 as PI r ft o3 f i a) F ( ^5 > 53 f*^| .2 g-9 j o o> co ( M C H Q O*M o a ^ B' fa * fl "S 03 O llfl f>f9 -r O T 486 BULLETIN No. 219 [May, TABLE 67. URBAN A FIELD, MORROW PLOTS: CROP YIELDS IN SOIL EXPERIMENTS BROWN SILT LOAM PRAIRIE; EARLY WISCONSIN GLACIATION Years Soil treatment applied Corn every year Two-year rotation Three-year rotation Corn Corn Oats Corn Oats Clover Bushels or (tons) per acre 1879 -87 1888 18o9 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 None (4.04) (1.51) (1.46) None 54.3 43.2 48.7 28.6 33.1 21.7 34.8 42.2 62.3 40.1 49.5 54^3 33.2 29^6 iiie 47!6 37^4 48.6 None None None None 37.2 57!2 34^5 70.2 34.1 65. 1 22.2 None None None None None 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1904 1905 1905 1906 1906 1907 1907 None 18.1 50.1 48.0 23.7 60.2 26.0 21.5 17.1 24.8 31.4 27.1 35.8 29.0 48.7 U.iij" (1.42) 1 " (1.74) 1 None 44.4 33^7 35!9 s6!6 44.9 47^8 87.6 41.5 5Q.3 53.5 34 .'3 54!6 None None None None .... None 17.5 25.3 34!7 52.4 55.3 72.7 86!5 93.6 42.3 50.6 MLP None '. MLP None .... MLP None MLP... . . 1908 1908 1909 1909 1910 1910 1911 1911 1912 1912 1913 1913 1914 1914 1915 1915 1916 1916 1917 1917 None 13.4 28.0 26.6 31.6 35.9 54.6 21.9 31.5 43.2 64.2 19.4 32.0 3L.6 39.4 40.0 66.0 11.2 10.8 40.0 78.0 33^6 64.8 28^6 46.3 29^2 25.0 49^6 81.2 48^4 81.4 32.9 45.0 40.0 44.4 ( .65)" .64 (1.73) 1.17 16. 31" 20. 1 24. 2 r ' 27. 1 1 MLP None MLP 33^8 59.4 55!6 81.0 33^6 58.2 58! 6 83.3 33 '.8 47.8 20^6 38 39!6 60.4 None MLP None MLP None MLP None MLP None MLP None MLP None 37.5 64.7 27.8 40.6 68!4 86.9 MLP None MLP Soybeans. 1919] ILLINOIS CROP YIELDS FROM SOIL EXPERIMENT FIELDS 487 1 TABLE 67. URBANA FIELD, MORROW PLOTS, Concluded Years Soil treatment applied Corn every year Two-year rotation Three-year rotation Corn Corn | Oats Corn | Oats Clover Bushels or (tons) per acre Average of Crops Within Ten- Year Periods 1888 to 1897 None 40.9 42.5 41.6 52.1 45.3 (2.34) 1898 None 32 9 42.4 37 5 55 7 48 4 (1 27) a to 1907 MLP 33.2 66.2 38.9 83.1 50.6 (1.74)2 1908 None 28 3 37.6 38 6 40 7 42.1 (1.78) 2 to 1917 MLP 43.6 59.7 61.7 57.2 57.4 j (2.54)2 GENERAL NOTES. The Morrow plots consist of three plots divided into halves. On one corn is grown continuously; on the second corn and oats are grown in rotation; and on the third, corn, oats and clover. The north half of each plot is untreated, while the south half receives standard applications of manure, cover crops (in the one-crop and two-crop systems). Rock phosphate is applied to the southwest one-fourth of each plot at the rate of 600 pounds, and steamed bone meal to the southeast one-fourth at the rate of 200 pounds per acre per year. In 1904 ground limestone was applied at the rate of 1,700 pounds per acre to the south half of each plot. "Beans and clover averaged together as hay; 10 bushels beans to 1 ton hay. 488 J O fc CO O si wO P* Q O g J EH Si o < R^ BULLETIN No. 219 [May, ,9 S co xi o 4> OS O ^O OS jg 26 'O So IN e O5 O -o |3 &11 CO CO CO CO CO OOOOOCO OS 1C OOOO (N COOOSOOO i 1 I 1 i-H OS il - OOOOCDOrtH MCNCOCOCO OOCNOOOO i-H I-H 1-4 CO rJH COOSOOOi-H CO O CO 1-- ,32 i(N(N co Tf cc "^f "^ CO i-l CO i-H CO CO i-l OS rJH CO 1C OS CN OS I-H ICO OS OSO i-HiCOOOOOS (N i-H -ooo (NCO^H OOOOCN COCN ^ ^ *o co os O OS C CO 00 ir^oooiN TJH COOOOOO OINOOt* o . CO^H< t^ ' CDp ^H 1C ICCN ICIM (N u o CO OS COCO ^t* OOOCO 00 "5 (N OOCO COCO C^ CO CO CO CO O id-"* COCO CO >o t OOOOOTJHO co i-i S3 j* co ocooo o o o o o IN (N C4 CS C^ CO ^ CO (N O OOcOCOi-HOS t>- OOOO OS CO ^H ^ CO CO CO CO-** CO 00 OS . 1C CO COCOOOSIC S OO CO CM CO 00 * OS I-H r- co Tji CN o: r-t ^H C^ (N 1-1 (NtNCN CNCN .3 ^ ti - a 1919} ILLINOIS CROP YIELDS FROM SOIL EXPERIMENT FIELDS 489 CO s3 OS O rn'cS TfH g 05 ON J3 l-H >, $ ss OS O ON 5 O > ON o t- a o g; 2~6 2 I r-4 O 3 1C CO >COt- CO CO O CO rH CO rH O <* OrH COOO O rH rH rH rH 1C CD ^ 1-1 rH ^ 00-* CO OS O5 oo--rH co co (M (N CO CO CO OOrHOOCOC 1C 1C C CO 00 00 CO t^ ^ OS OS l>- 1^- TH Oi-^l OS CD O-*rHCOCO O OS (N rH rH l^ (N O 1C 00 COCN l> 00 O (N CO rH CN W OO OO OO OO 00 00 CO O Tt< O oo co oo oo oo COrH OOO 00 <3'3 O' 1C 1C 'C CD -HH J> CO CO 00 CO O OOCOCD t^COOOrHIN rH CO-* OS CO OS 1C OS 1C 1C CO CO rH TH CO rH rH 00-* 1> rH ICrH ICCN rH (NrH CO rH O CO CO T}< O SOOt^ 00 iCrHOOOOlO Tj* rt< CO CO ^ (NtMrHIN (N CO CO-* 00-* 1C 1C 1C 1C *C ICOrHCOCO rHOO oo os os os co CM (N (NCNCO CO OS CO OS 00 C >C Tt< 1C O CO (N O OS OS (N CO CO 00 *C- rH TjH rH O O CO l> 00 OS OS ic ic m m in rH OOO O rH l> COOOOCO-^ 1C t^ CO CO rH C 1C 1C 1C * rH rH rH OOO CD CO Tf OS 1C 00 CO rH CD 1C CO 00 CO CO OS rjHOOCNCOCN COCN COOrH COCMTjHOCO . . .. , . cor^oooso OOOOO OOOOr-H co co co co co co co co co co OOOOO OOO _ 490 BULLETIN No. 219 [May, TABLE 69. URBANA FIELD, NORTH FARM: GENERAL SUMMARY, FULLY TREATED PLOTS Serial plot No. Soil treatment applied Average annual yields bushels or (tons) per acre Corn 19 crops Oats 17 crops Wheat 7 crops Clover 8 crops 1 Soy- beans 4 crops Alfalfa 6 crops 1 2 3 4 5 0... 56.6 56.8 64.6 59.8 66.8 47.6 49.1, 54.0 50.9 56.2 21.9 26.3, 24.6 28.3 30.6 (2.10) 1.34 , (2.31) 1.60 (2.74) (1.60) 21.3 (1.68) 20.7 (1.72) (2.33) (2.14) (2.10) (2.32) (2.76) R M RL -. ML 6 7 8 9 10 RLP. . 75.4 72.6 75.6 71.6 75.1 64.2 63.5 64.4 62.9 62.5 42.5 40.1 41.7 39.4 42.7 2.16 (3.62) 1.64 (3.57) (3.56) 22.6 (1.92) 24.2 (2.09) (2.17) (3.56) (3.58) (3.59) (3.63) (3.70) MLP RLPK MLPK MxsLPxs ......... GENERAL NOTES. From 1902 to 1911 the first three series were grown to corn, oats, and clover, and the last two to corn and oats. Beginning with 191.1 the five series were thrown into a rotation of corn, oats, clOver, and wheat, with alfalfa on the fifth series. The alfalfa remains down for five years and is then moved ahead on the other series. Until 1908 the phosphorus was applied in 200 pounds of steamed bone meal per acre per year; since that time this applica- tion has been made to the east halves only, while 600 pounds of rock phosphate has been applied to the west halves. Air-slacked lime was applied in 1902 (250 pounds) and in 1903 (600 pounds), and no further applications were made until 1911, after which standard applications were made as described in the intro- duction. Manure was applied for corn at the rate of 4 tons per acre in the two- crop rotation and 6 tons in the three-crop rotation in 1905, 1906, and 1907; the residue system included only cover crops from 1902 to 1907; after which both manure and residues have been standard, except that Plot 10 receives about five times the standard amounts of manure and phosphorus. *No manure on 1906 clover. 1919] ILLINOIS CROP YIELDS FROM SOIL EXPERIMENT FIELDS 491 K. CO ,_, -t^ 00 l-H OJ ^ Tt* 1 1 CO CD TjH i-H CO *H ^g COO 00 CO-* >C OS OS CO t^- !> 00 ^H OO OO ^H O CC> O O (N OO OS OS n OO ** OS t^ 00 C t^ CO -H CO CO CO o ^ (N (N l-H OS l> l-H l-H ^ 1C CO * CO Tjn o >- 00 I-H 00 CO TJH C T*< O CDOOtC CO COCO COI>1> 1C . CO 1C t>- i 1 1> 1C 1C <* 1C CO 1C O CCO iCOSCO 1C C 1C C CO O -* C ^0^C^^ HP 03 B CO OS i-* * (N O Ot^C i-H I-H I-H i OCOCOt^t^CN CO CO l-H l-H CO Tf OCOOOCDOS * CO C^l JQ 5 26 TH OS 1> CO CO 1C t^. I-H (N * C C OOOOCOI>OOOO 03 o IN lCi-Hl> OSOO > t co co co co 00 00 OO CO OS OS t> i-- co t> co co S*B w E OSTjCOCOI>t>(N OlMCOCOIN 1C S*o 2 - ^ ,H' IN' -* Tti COIN >C 00 CO 00 * CO C^ IN Tf< CO OS 1C 1C CO CO O: K3 . 1COICOS .On Psifc ill i j 6 CO O O CO *O ^ o r< CO (N CO COIN IN s^ C CD -* C 1C CO COIN (N IN (N CO H ^^ fc-< Gi O S o TfH OS 00 CO 00 1C-* COCO 1C 1C 1 o 1C T^ (N *-H 10 iO C^ C^ (M C^ C^l (N jS 8 _ rA (^i ^ ir^ ,~TI 03 .. ^- ^ __ _ 2 r^ *-W CQ t?\ ^H U J Q..JJ ^i iv^ *+ ,s^i ** ^**^ - ^* o ^^ . -P-i P- eStfcis'si f*f> |l*yj ^^ ^J ^^ ^J PMPH' . -^^ jj . -MH 4d o c co co osococo CO CO CO t I s - t CO CO OSO CO CO CD CO CO l~- t-- r^ co co osococo COCOOSOCOOS CO CO CO t-- t^ t-- PH^ 432 t^ 03 1-H i-H t* os o 23 2S os -a S-S 2c3 11 23 BULLETIN No. 219 [May, CXI i-H CO CO OS CO ~HCOiOi-HOSO OS CO 00 O CXI T-I IO 00 O * i-H to IO t- O i-H i-H i I l>. CO CO i I i-H i-H Tf < o< * O i-H 00 t^ <** l^OO-** to-* (M (N "0 CO * * CO IO IOCOOCO CO i-H CO to IO CO ' PH OH COCOO5OCOCO H CO CO t^ OS 00 OOOO(N ION- l> t>- CO CD 1C 1 CO TjH T+H CO N. O CO * OS CO CO CO 1> CO CO CO 1> t>- O I rr: >>% I 7 c? & O CO O O CO i-H i-H T-t rJH OS CO O I-H OS i-H rH I-H o -' n C^io'S' O O IO '-O Tf< CO a * l-H 1O >-H 00 I> 26 asOOCSOO^H O O CO 1C Ob- b- c3 O * OOOCO i I O i-H i 1 i 1 og v GO CO 00 C^CJC^, o u (M C3 CD O O CO CD O CD t>- t>- 1> co d 1-H C5 O b- i-H IO g iO O CD * O * -2 .-H iO OSTf CO O p Tft i-H O CO I s - O3 OS ^H CO (N TjH Tt< 1-1 26 i-H CO b- CO IO b- ^# rJH CO rj< Tjl - d 1O COCO iO 1O CN 02 * i-H CO 1O l> O3 ^H >> S CN I ^T* ^* *LJ I g y 2 S i-H C/J ^ r^ o O < < i i i i O rfi IO O IO o o CD O IO IO CO CO O t>I>b- l>00 00 Tfl 03 i 1 IO O O b- * .' n IOOIM CO O5 O5 ^ t>- 00 g IO-* OCDIN CM d CO CS (N i-H CD * ^H - 26 iCOCOO IO-* Tt* T^ co co ^t* ^^ S'S r^ 02^2 OS OS O rH_r-l,.-H. 6 C5OOOO iO o O T-H I-H b- CN CO O ^ IO Tj( Tf Tj< IO CO g IO O> i 1 i-H t-- O5 9 iO CDCN CO>O O h CD O-* CO lO (N O I-H O O5 1OOO CO S3 00 OS -H 1-H i-H O CO CN CO CO Tf ^H CO IO CO CO Tf ^* t> CO 1-H - 26 ^H CDCOI> CD o CO --ib-b- CD O 1>I>IO1O1>OO 1 Ob-iOO _^. ^ a c ^ f^Tt^ CO 00 1 O5 i i i I a COb-'-HCftOOO a OS 1-H T)H b. 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S 1 25 CO C<1 CM C O 00 CO CO CO CO 1 * CO o o (N O-* O t^-C 1 r cooo OS 00 CO t> 00 OO o CQ 23 jq C<1 I> 1C 00 c t>- IC * *C CO CD 6 t^ (N (M * O CD * tc co co ic-* j T-H T-H I 1 *~-^'*~~' 1 i K T-l J C c ic^co' d (N O5 1> CO (N T-H T-H COOlt^ O O fl t-^ 1^ CO CO CO O O 00 fl T-H * C^ CO t^ * jH OCOt-OSOt- fl Ol 2 j^< 25 L-i o ic ic c c co o >> cj M * CO 1C * T-H Cd T-H (M (M O*^-" " ' o 1C CO CD >C O O o o t^ co * T-H t^ co 1C CO CO CO CO CO 2 C fl 05 g -2 ^ o'-*cOt- fl O5 Oi CO 1C O CD 00 T-H Tt< CO t CO fl OOCOINOSCO d G >. 26 "S CO O OS > g '% Jj CO CO OS 1>- OS - o Z 00 g M ^^^OT-H G COt-* i 03 s. C I^COIM 00 CO CC C 1C 1C CO * 1C I> CO CO T-H CO CO CO CO 1 * * o CT> (M CO C * CO a" a g 8 .2 ^ >L c Hi CO O CO CD CO H fl COOOrHCO O fl 00 * CO CO 1C T-H 1 SI'J ic co co ^_^ ^ o co o co t~ oo oo CO t^- CO CO CO CO o o CO O t^T-l C (NCOOCO(N-* d CO C. 00 OS O CO * a * C^ CO i-4 1C * fl ic co o coco * 1 ro (M 00 CO O CD^C? ^ 1 & J3 26 CO CO O T-H OS OS 6 * co coco-* co o o * 10 cb i^ 1-1 os * co co t> os ob 30 ^H CO T-I iO C^I CO OS CO (N I-H O 12 >> N CD CO CO I> OS i-l CM GO t^ CD 00 11 r4OiMCOCOCO t>. TJ4 CO CO IN J> N CM (N ^-"^Cl- IO IO t^ i-H T-4 i-H CM -'>-'^-' O CO GO t^* CO O t^ CD CO CO *O CD O t>- CO >O i-H OS il COO >O OS CO CO t>. OS OS CO T}4 CO Ij OS 00 00 O OS OS ^OCMcfSct CO CO GO *O i i OS ^4 OS CO (N t> O i-4 O 00 IN i-l i-l (N (N (M " ' v ' O >O O 1-4 (N Pfl (N (N (N ~-'^^- CO c3 0? ^^P -2 * IO O b- 00 OS OS TJ4 1-( O CO --H a * t^ CO C-l -CO CS t>- t^ i-H CD O 111 ooi-Ht^Sjii^ -HCM^^cor? -2 Tt4^HOSO(N^ eot>ocoosco 00 GO OS ^,^,^, ^2^-^ CO CO OS 00 t^ >O 00 CO ^ t>- 1>- 00 co co t^- 1^ ^J* C^ CO CO CD l> t OS si 23 . j, _ OCOO05CMCO 1 ^ Q o3 IOC'??? 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O -*J *> O5 O C CO O t^ CO O iO TO O CO ^ O5 OO O CM CM CO Th IQ g O * (N * I-H CO O co 2 o S S O >H O3 O H O 1C ^^ 00 1C 00 CD (N CO * ^tNOT-t^ rH CC^H O ^ OOO5C O3 CONOCO ) lO ( . GO : ^H^HGOOt^ CO CO IN CO IN M CO CO O I 1C CO C O 1C Tj< O3 H O3 i-H C2 COOO-* O31C O O OO 1C 00 iC-H OCO 00 CO 1C t^ CO CD 1C CO C C >C cooot^Ot^ I-H CO i-H CO CO OO CO CD 1 * 00 CO TjNi-HO * COOOOO o>coco C^IINININCO CDO3O3COOO OJO3 ^' iliil o CO C3 O3 O3 C3 -.0 * ^ oo o * OO OOrJH CD (N I-H COIN CO OOO CD OCO CO 00 CD 00 00 ic i^ ic coco O Oi ^H t~ t^ 5. CO O3 CO IN IN 33 ICC3 OO^H 1C *C 1C ^ ^< Ol OOOOO OJ 1C 00 CO M "*< CO >C 1O C<1 (NIMCOIM * <* CO CO * * 00 t^ CD O5 -O (N 00 CD (N 1C(M Tf< (N O3 -H CO * O3CO COIN O3OOi-H CO O5COO500CN lOOCO COt^ lO COTf* rH O5 COCOOOOrH COCOCCOCO1>CD OOCN-^O -00 OOOCNOO ^CNCNCNCO IO Oi CO O5 00 OCOCOOC OCO CO-* OS O^OSCOO CO -^ COCO O rHOCOCN >0 CD t^ 00 OS O OOOOrH ^3 03 ft w O rO CB a ,' A< W rO 3 h t-, .1 T3 ^-i CD r-H O P fl C3 P< QD rO 3 cS PHCS rQ .satio rt s | 8 "^ S S S 'm J2 rrt '^ O) * R S d tfirl, o> o - H ra -rt -H en CIS S X a) 13 -t> ;S J-! H 5 S fl rt S cS o al ^ T3 S *" ^ S ^^ cfi e* O n fl H -s " O * 500 BULLETIN No. 219 [May, TABLE 76. VIRGINIA FIELD: GENERAL SUMMARY FULLY TREATED PLOTS Serial plot No. Soil treatment applied Average annual yields bushels or (tons) per acre Corn 13 crops Oats 12 crops Clover 8 crops Soybeans or cowpeas 1 4 crops 1 2 3 4 5 0. . 66.4 68.0 72.3 62.6 69.2 48.0 51.3 49.4 46.9 44.9 (2.36) .35 (2.63) .50 (2.34) (2.37) 24.6 (2.69) 22.9 (2 . 60) R M RL ML 6 7 8 9 10 RLP. . 74.4 75.5 72.8 76.1 71.7 55.3 50.6 51.7 55.1 51.8 .57 (2.91) .48 (3.42) 24.9 (2.62) 24.2 (2.70) (2.44) MLP RLPK MLPK LPK. . FERTILIZER SERIES Corn 8 crops Oats 4 crops Wheat 4 crops 401 0. . 58.1 44.4 25.5 402 L 52.1 39.4 22.0 403 LN 65.1 47.6 27.6 404 LP 51.3 37.9 29.4 405 LK 46.8 31.0 15.3 406 LNP. . 68.9 46.9 25.7 407 LNK. . . . 69.3 52.0 25.7 408 LPK . . . 42.2 24.1 20 5 409 LNPK 70.7 46.6 29.0 410 NPK 71.1 48.7 29.4 'No manure on one crop of cowpeas. ILLINOIS CROP YIELDS FROM SOIL EXPERIMENT FIELDS 501 TABLE 77. WEST SALEM FIELD: CROP YIELDS IN SOIL EXPERIMENTS YELLOW-GRAY SILT LOAM, TIMBER SOIL; LOWER ILLINOISAN GLACIATION Plot No. Soil treatment applied 1912 Oats 1 1913 Soy- beans 2 1914 Wheat 2 1915 Corn 1916 Soy- beans 1917 Oats Bushels or (ton) per acre 101 102 103 104 14.4 14.4 11.7 12.0 ( .32) ( -39) ( -36) ( .39) .1 2.5 2.7 7.4 15.6 39.3 36.6 38.9 (1.21) (1.86) (1-57) (1.68) 5.8 32.8 35.8 41.4 ML ML MLP 105 10 > 107 108 L. . 11.7 10.2 10.9 11.1 2.8 3.3 3.4 3.7 2.8 2.3 3.3 7.9 22.4 31.5 35.8 43.7 8.6 11.8 13.8 16.9 32.7 35.2 35.2 40.6 RL RL RLP 109 110 RLPlv 11.3 10.8 4.8 3.7 8.8 .2 49.3 16.8 18.9 ( .97) 49.2 17.2 Cow- peas 1 Oats 2 Soy- beans 2 Wheat 2 Corn Soy- beans 201 202 203 204 (1.05) (1.05) ( -85) ( .88) 7.3 7.3 6.4 7.0 ( .18)* ( .20) ( -19) ( .23) 3.5 6.6 6.2 12.6 25.4 40.8 38.1 41.5 (1.06) (1.22) a. 03) (1.21) ML ML MLP 205 206 207 208 L. . ( -82) 5.6 G.I 5.2 7.3 .9 .8 .9 1.6 5.2 6.8 8.2 15.7 26.3 33.4 34.7 49.6 5.7 7.5 8.0 10.7 RL . RL RLP 209 210 RLPK. . . . 8.6 6.1 1.2 ( .09)* 22.7 1.7 48.0 15.3 10.6 (0.46) ( .94) Corn 1 Soy- beans 2 Oats 8 Soy- beans 2 Wheat 2 Corn 301 302 303 304 0... 14.8 20.2 17.3 12.2 ( -67) ( .59) ( -67) ( -64) 3.9 5.2 4.9 5.8 (1.40) ( -90) ( .90) ( -98) .0 .1 .1 .3 17.8 29.4 34.2 34.1 ML ML -.. MLP 305 306 307 308 L. . 9.9 12.8 12.5 8.7 4.2 4.7 5.8 5.2 5.8 .3 1.1 1.7 6.4 8.2 8.2 9.8 .1 .1 .1 .1 16.7 25.0 29.5 29.7 RL RL RLP 309 310 RLPK.. 14.7 12.9 4.9 3.9 1.9 1.5 13.6 ( -99) 1.2 .0 47.4 10.3 Oats 1 Corn Soy- beans Oats Clover Wheat 401 402 403 404 405 0. .. 16.4 16.6 19.5 17.0 15.2 5.0 6.4 10.8 9.4 5.4 ( -40) ( -50) ( -58) ( .81) 4.5 13.6 19.1 10.5 24.2 28.3 (0) (0) (0) ( -76) .42 2.2 6.8 10.1 16.8 11.2 ML ML MLP L 406 407 408 409 RL. . 17.7 18.0 7.0 12.2 10.6 9.3 20.5 14.2 6.7 7.4 10.2 9.6 21.7 23.0 22.3 30.9 .92 .83 1.17 2.17 12.5 13.0 21.6 23.3 RL RLP. . . RLPK J No treatment. 2 No manure. "No manure; small yield of volunteer oats harvested as hay and included in yields from Plots 1 to 5 and Plot 10, one ton of hay being counted as 25 bushels of oats. 4 Estimated. 502 BULLETIN No. 219 [May, TABLE 77. WEST SALEM FIELD, Concluded Plot No. Soil treatment applied 1912 Cow- peas 1 1913 Wheat 2 1914 Corn 1915 Soy- beans 1916 Oats 1917 Soy- beans Bushels or (tons) per acre 501 502 503 504 505 0... ( -44) ( -41) ( -46) ( .68) ( -66) .9 3.8 5.1 3.8 3.8 7.7 12.6 8 6 8.6 8.4 ( -98) (1.70) (1.71) (1.53) 10.9 2.5 19.4 18.6 20.6 15.8 (0.33) (0.77) (0.71) (0.86) 8.1 ML ML MLP L 506 507 508 509 RL.. 5.7 4.4 7.8 11.1 12.4 11.2 13.5 17.2 13.2 12.0 12.6 13.2 18.6 18.4 23 4 27.0 7.4 6.6 8.5 8.8 RL RLP RLPK *No treatment. ! No manure. TABLE 78. WEST SALEM FIELD: GENERAL SUMMARY, FULLY TREATED PLOTS Serial plot No. Soil treatment applied Average annual yields bushels or (tons) per acre Corn 5 crops Oats 1 4 crops Wheat 1 4 crops Clover 1 crop Soybeans 5 crops 1 2 3 4 0. . 14.3 25.7 25.7 26.5 5.8 18.1 16.4 21.8 1.4 4.0 4.8 9.3 .00 .00 .00 ( -76) ( -78) (1.21) (1.12) (1.22) ML ML MLP 5 6 7 8 L. . 15.8 22.6 24.1 31.4 19.3 19.0 19.4 22.0 4.8 5.4 6.1 11.6 .42 .92 .83 1.17 7.6 9.3 9.6 11.8 RL RL RLP 9 RLPK 35.2 27.2 13.7 2.17 12.2 GENERAL NOTES. The rotation is wheat, corn, soybeans or cowpeas, oats and clover. The soil treatment is standard, as described in the introduction, with the exception that in the beginning limestone was applied to all plots except Nos. 1 and 10. No further applications of limestone will be made to Plots 2, 5, or 6; they will serve to test the value of the initial or of subsequent applications. 'One crop without manure. 2 Tliree crops without manure. 1919] ILLINOIS CROP YIELDS FROM SOIL EXPERIMENT FIELDS 503 INDEX (Fields arranged according to soil types) PAGE BLACK CLAY LOAM Hartsburg 435, 36 Urbana, South Farm 492,97 Virginia 498-500 BLACK SILT LOAM ON CLAY Pana (See note, p. 4G5) . . . 463-65 BROWN SILT LOAM Aledo 405, 7 Bloomington 408, 10 Carlinville 409,10 Carthage 411, 13 Clayton 412,13 DeKalb 417-19 Dixon 420-22 Galesburg 431-34 Joliet 437, 38 Kewanee 439 LaMoille 440, 41 McNabb 445, 47 Minonk 446, 47 Mt. Morris 448, 49 Rockf ord 468-72 Sidell 473, 74 Spring Valley 477 Urbana, Morrow Plots 486, 87 Urbana, North Farm 488-90 Urbana, South Farm. ,, ,491,93-96 PAGE BROWN SILT LOAM OVER SAND Union Grove . . 480-82 DUNE SAND O'quawka . . . 4G2, 63 GRAY SILT LOAM ON TIGHT CLAY Cutler 414-16 DuBois 423, 24 Ewing 426, 27 Fairfield 428-30 Newton 450-54 Oblong 455,56 Odin 457-61 Toledo 478, 79 LIGHT GRAY SILT LOAM ON TIGHT CLAY Sparta 475, 76 YELLOW-GRAY SILT LOAM Antioch 406, 7 Enf ield 425, 27 Lebanon 442-44 Raleigh 466, 67 Unionville 483-85 West Salem 501,2 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA