THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY q 368.-5 “ Q797o. K I! [ E N 1) L V S () C I E T I E S. C 0 P Y OF SPECIAL REPORT ON CKNESS AND MORTALIT EXPERIENCED IN REGISTERED FRIENDLY SOCIETIES, TOGETHER WITH CERTAIN MONETARY" TABLES BASED THEREON, BY THE ACTUARY TO THE FRIENDLY SOCIETIES (CENTRAL OFFICE). ( PRESENTED PURSUANT TO ACT OF PARLIAMENT.') (This constitutes Part II. of the Report, of which Part I. was issued in 1880.) Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be Printed, i 7 July l S96. LONDON: PRINTED FOR HER MAJESTY’S STATIONERY OFFICE, BY EYRE AND SPOTT1SWOODE, PRINTERS TO THE QUEEN’S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY. And to be purchased, either directly or through any Bookseller, from EYRE and SPOTTISWOODE, East Harding Street, Fleet Street, E.C., and 32, Abingdon Street, Westminster, S.W. ; or JOHN MENZ1ES & Co., 12, Hanover Street, Edinburgh, and 90, West Nile Street, Glasgow ; or HODGES, FIGGIS, & Co., Limited, 104, Grafton Street, Dublin. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 6t 7 9 ?C L iii ] SICKNESS AND MORTALITY EXPERIENCE DEDUCED FROM THE QUINQUENNIAL RETURNS MADE BY REGISTERED FRIENDLY SOCIETIES For the Years 1856 to 1880 Inclusive, TOGETHER WITH A REPORT TO THE CHIEF REGISTRAR OF FRIENDLY SOCIETIES (E. W. BRABROOK, Esq., f.s.a.), AND CERTAIN MONETARY TABLES BASED THEREON AT RATES OF INTEREST FROM 2 \ PER CENT. TO 4 PER CENT. INCLUSIVE. t By WILLIAM SUTTON, U Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries, and a former President thereof, and Actuary to the Central Office of the Registry of Friendly Societies, of the Middle Temple, Barrister-at-Law. O U) Friendly Societies Act 1875 enacts that — Section 14 (1) (e). Every registered society shall “ Within six months after the thirty-first day of December one thousand eight hundred and seventy-five, and so again within six months after the expiration of every five years succeeding, send to the Registrar a return (to be called the quinquennial return) of the sickness and mortality experienced by the society during the five years preceding the thirty-first December then last past, an abstract of which return shall be laid before Parliament.” Section 10 (5) (5). The central office shall, with the approval of the Treasury, from time to time collect from the returns under this Act and from other sources, and publish and circulate either generally, or in any particular district, or otherwise make known such information on the subject of the statistics of life and sickness, and the application thereof to the business of friendly societies, and from time to time publish generally, or in particular districts, such particulars of their returns and valuations, and such other information useful to the members of, or to persons interested in, friendly or other societies registered, or which might be registered, under this Act, as the Chief Registrar shall from time to time think fit. Section 10 (5) (c). Cause to be constructed and published tables for the payment of sums of money on death, in sickness, or old age, or on any other contingency forming the subject of an assurance authorised under this Act, which may appear to be calculable ; provided, nevertheless, that the adoption of such tables by any society shall be optional. S 0 . 200 . a 2 495547 [ iv ] INDEX OF CO NT ENTS. p. 4 — 7 p. 8— 11 p. 12—15 p. 15a — 15// p. 16-1133 p. 1134—1151 p. 1152—1165 p. 1166—1171 p. 1172—1173 p. 1174—1175 Report to E. W. Br&brook, Esq., k.s.a., Chief Registrar of Friendly Societies, Central Office, including Explanatory Actuarial Notes. Males. — Sickness and Mortality Experience, 1856 — 60 (England). Females. — Sickness and Mortality Experience, 1856 — 75 (England and Wales). Males. — Sickness and Mortality Experience, 1856 — 75 (Wales). Sickness and Mortality Experience 1861 — 65 and 1866 — 70 continued, Males, England. Males. — (England and Wales). Sickness and Mortality Experience for the five years ending 31 December 1 880, arranged sepai ately for each age of entry and year of membership according to populations, and the total irrespective of populations. Summary of Unadjusted Sickness and Mortality Experience, as deduced from the Sickness and Mortality Returns, Males (England and Wales) for the years 1876 — 1880. (All Populations, but omitting years of membership 0, 1, and 2.) Summary of Unadjusted Ratios of Sickness and Mortality as deduced from the Sickness and Mortality Returns, Males (England and Wales), for the five years 1876 — 1880. (All Populations.) Adjusted Rates of Sickness and Mortality as deduced from the previous results, for the five years 1876 — 1880, Males. (All Populations.) Adjusted Sickness and Mortality Experience, together with expectation of sickness based thereon. Wales (Males), 1856 — 1875. Adjusted Sickness and Mortality Experience. England and Wales (Females), 1856 — 1875. p. 1176—1181 Expected Rates of Sickness based upon the Adjusted Rates of Sickness. (All Populations.) 1876 — 80. (Expected Sickness.) APPENDIX, MONETARY TABLES. Wales (Males), 1856—1875 : Tables at 2^ per cent. - - - 1183—1185 11 „ 2| „ - - - 1187—1189 11 n 3 ?? - - - 1191—1193 These Tables relate mainly to those employed in „ H - 1195—1197 collieries and ironworks (gee Report, p. xiii) ; and ” * occupations of a similar character. 11 11 ^2 11 - - - 1199—1201 „ 11 °4 1' - - - 1203—1205 11 11 4 If - - - 1207—1209 Females, 1856—1875 : Males, 1876 — 1880 : Tables at per cent. - - - 1211—1213 Tables at 24 per cent. - - 1239—1247 11 „ 21 „ - - - 1215—1217 n n 2} - - 1249—1257 11 )* 3 )i - - - 1219—1221 •A _ 11 11 11 - - 1259—1267 ,, „ 31 - - - 1223—1225 QJL _ 1) 11 11 - - 1269—1277 11 3 1 i! “a ii - - - 1227—1229 _ 11 11 ' J 2 11 - - 1279—1287 11 „ 31 - - - 1231—1233 H s 11 11 11 - - 1289—1297 ” 4 * - - 1235-1237 4 ii ii * ii - - 1299—1307 r v 1 L v J REPORT TO E. W. BRABROOK, Esq., f.s.a., THE CHIEF REGISTRAR OF FRIENDLY SOCIETIES, CENTRAL OFFICE. a 3 0 . 200 . [ Vi ] REPORT TO E. W. BRA BROOK, Esq., f.s.a., THE CHIEF REGISTRAR OF FRIENDLY SOCIETIES, CENTRAL OFFICE. INTRODUCTORY. >3ii, As nearly as possible some 20 years ago, when the Lords of the Treasury appointed me as Actuary to the Central Office, and after making a preliminary report upon the mass of quinquennial sickness and mortality returns from registered friendly societies which had accumulated since the publication of tire late Mr. A. 0. Finlaison’s report upon the quinquennial returns up to .‘list December 1850, their Lordships ultimately agreed to sanction the outlay which would be involved, and after the preliminary examination of the quinquennial returns for the period up to 1880, I was in a position to make a recommendation that the section of the Act of 1875 under which these returns were made might safely be dispensed with. The quinquennial returns now dealt with begin with the year 1856, those for the period from 1850 to 1855 having apparently been lent to an actuary who has long been dead, and I have reason to believe the results of his investigations were, partially at all events, made known some years ago, although in his private capacity. The experience for the quinquennium, 1871-1875 has been partly incorporated in this present inquiry, but the bulk of the returns was found to be badly made out on the whole, and has not been made use of. The returns containing the experience from 1876-1880 have been utilised in this inquiry, and, as already intimated, the requirement of the Act was, upon my recommendation, cancelled. There were a few returns coming from Scotland (mainly) and from Ireland (very few) ; but those correctly made out were far too scanty to justify making a separate inquiry into their results. • The form of return varied slightly from one quinquennium to another ; but the following will give a fair indication of the information asked for in the successive periods of five years. (The following are entirely taken from some of the returns ; in the last copy the figures are taken from the Model Return issued with the form): — [ ] vii Rktijrn of Sickness and Mortality required from Friendly Societies, pursuant to 18 & 19 Viet. c. 63. Return of Sickness and Mortality from 1st January 1850 to 31st December 1800, experienced by the United Brethren Society, held at the “ Hansel’s Arms” in the Town of Llanelly, and in the Comity of Carmarthen, established on the 1st day of September, in the Year 1817, enrolled or certified under the Friendly Societies Acts, 4th day of January, in the Year 1832. Objects of the Society : To relieve the Members in Sickness, and to afford Means for decently Interring the Dead. A Member becomes “ Free" or entitled to claim and receive all Benefits at the end of 24 Mouths, after entering the Society. Age of Member when admitted. Contributions payable by Members. Benefits receivable by Members. Entrance Fee. Monthly Contributions until On the 0n the Death of a Death of a Member. Member’s Wife. Weekly allowance in Sickness during Sum payable on the Death of a 52 Weeks. Remainder of weelts. sickness. Member. “f 9 Under 40 - 10s. 1$. 6ti. From 6 d. to 1*. From 6 d. to 1/. lo«. | 5 5. | From 1 From 21. to 16/. 3/. to 6/. Name of the Actuary who certified the Society’s Tables (if certified by an Actuary) Amount of Salary to Medical Officer - - - Five pounds per annum. Name of the Treasurers, Trustees, Stewards, or other j principal Officers of the Society appointed to make this Return - -------I John Lewis, Secretary, and Thomas Lewis Hawell, Trustee. i. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. .2 For what time receiving Relief on Date when Date when Date of account of Sickness. Pensioned Super- Name Initials Occupation, ii’ off on annuated Date Date Date of Disease, [The Number to Trade, o « o Admission In In In In In account of on of of of or be added up at into the 1856. 1857. 1858. 1859. 1860. Permanent account of the Foot.] or Profession. Q ■a C Society. Sickness advanced Death. Exclusion. Leaving. Cause of ♦-> c rn tn V) rr or Age Death. se •— X. * M So 5 '3j 8 is eS Q £ Q 0) o is >4 a Q is Q is Day: Disability. only. Place of Residence at Time of Death. N.B . — This Return is to contain the Initials, Occupation, Age at the time of Admission, Ac., of the whole of the Members during the Five Years, whether they have received Relief or not. Wm. Loyd - Tidewaiter 32 Sept. 1, 1817 Owen Rees - Joiner 45 Oct. 5, 1817 William Bowen - Smith 34 Aug. 4, 1819 . . 1 ! 1 1 6 June 1857 1 May G, 1850 Aug. 1856 16 1 18 6 Feb. 1859 Old Age ! Liverpool. Old Age j Llanelly. Cystir- J Llanelly, rheea. I a 4 0.200 L viii J IIktuhn of Sickness and Mortality required from Frieiu 18 & 19 Viet. c. 63. Dy Societies, pursuant to Riotuun of Sickness and Mortality from 1st January 1801 to 31st December 1805, experienced l>y the New Friendly Society, held at the “Star” Inn, Cefncribbwr, in the Parish of Tythegston, and in the County of Glamorgan, established on the 25th day of February, in the Year 1832, enrolled or certified under the Friendly Societies Acts, 30th day of March, in the Year 1865. Objects of the Society : For the Mutual Relief and Maintenance of such Members in Sickness and Death, and the Death of Members’ Wives. A Member becomes “ Free” or entitled to claim and receive all Benefits at the end of 21 Months, after entering the Society. Age of Member when admitted. Contributions payable by Members. Benefits receivable by Members. Entrance Fee. Monthly Contributions until On the Death of a Member. On the Death of a Member’s Wife. Weekly Allowance in Sickness during ^ um P a Y a kle on the Death of a Weeks. Weeks. Member’s Wife. At present, from 17 to 32 years. 10j. 1». From 50^. to 6/. 10*., and 6 d. from each mem- ber. 6d. per mem- ber. During 40 weeks, 8 1 . 4#. 30j. from So- ciety, and 6 d. from each mem- ber. 6 d. per mem- ber. Name of the Actuary who certified the Society’s Tables') (if certified by an Actuary) -J Payment per Member, or Amount of Salary to Medical] Officer (if any) - - - - - - - -j Name of the Treasurers, Trustees, Stewards, or other] principal Officers of the Society appointed to make Evan Austin and William David. this Return ■ ■ ‘ -1 i. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ' cJj For what time receiving Relief on Date when Date when s Date of account of Sickness. Pensioned Super- Name Place of Initials Occupation, off on annuated Date Date Date of Disease, Residence [The N umber to Trade, °-5 O o Admission In In In In In account of on of of of or at be added up at T? O into the 1861. 1862. 1863. 1864. 1865. Permanent account of the Foot.] or Profession. oS ' ~ c Society. Sickness advanced Death. Exclusion. Leaving. Cause of Time -*-> c cej ■r ,A : or Age Death. of Death. a •— Pi Pi ■ © s © © © © © © 2? Disability. only. cs P Q p &[ P p h. t. - j. w. - N.B. — Tliis Return is to contain the Initials, Occupation, Age at the time of Admission, &c., of the whole of the Members during the Five Years, whether they have received Relief or not. Shoemaker 25of Febry. 1832. 1 1 1 . j .. 3 4 5 - - 2 2 - - 3 4 - - 3 - - 12 4 52 Janrv. 29 1865. R. J. Labourer 34 [ ix ] Return of Sickness and Mortality required from Friendly Societies, pursuant to IS & 1!) Y r ict. c. Return of Sickness and Mortality from 1st January i860 to 31st December IS i0 experienced by the Buddyg Lodge of True Ivorites Society, held at the Miners’ Arms Inn, Beaufort, in the Parish of Llangatwg, and in the County of Brecon, established on the 14th day of February in the Year 1846, Enrolled or Certified under the Friendly Societies Acts, 15th day of March in the Year 1862. Objects of the Society, to assist Members in Sickness and Accidents and defray the Expenses of Funerals of Members and their Wives. A Member becomes “ h'm " or entitled to claim and receive all Benefits at the end of 19 Months, after entering the Society. Contributions payable by Members. Benefit? receivable by Members. Age of Member when E „ tnince admitted. y Monthly Contributions until 1 On the * 0,1 the Death of a , Deuth of “ ,, Member's Member. Wife. 1 Weekly allowance in Sickness during Sum payable on the Death of a Weeks. Weeks. ' Remainder of Sickness. Member. Member's Wife. 14 to 40 2i. Gif. to 10 j. h. 6,1. 1*. Is. 1 8j. for 2G I 6t. for 2G I 3 s. Box, 3f., and U. each member. If. each mem- ber. Name of the Actuary who certified the Society’s Tables') (if certified by an Actuary) -J Payment per Member, or Amount of Salary to Medical) Officer (if any) - - - - - - - -J Name of Treasurers, Trustees, Stewards, or other) principal Officers of the Society appointed to make \Ebenezer Morris, Secretary, this Return - - - - - - - -J l. Initials. Occupation, [The N umber to be added up at the Foot.] Trade, or Profession. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. i For what time receiving Relief on Date when Date when Place of s Date of account of Sickness. Pensioned Super- Name ■' S’ off Oil animated Dote Date Date of Disease. Residence - .9 Admission In in In In 111 account of Oil of of of or at Z o into the 1866. 1867. 1868. 1 869. 167U. Permanent account of Cause of Time Society. Sickness advanced Death. Exclusion. Leaving. - rr - OD rr «s or Age Death. of Death. -aS m * m Cl o >> 0/ > o |i s- Disability. only. ■S a *1 « 1 H. Phillips - Wm. Price - H. Williams .Y./l.- This Return is to contain the Initials, Occupation, Age at tiie time of Admission, &c., of the whole of the Members during the Five Years, whether they have received Relief or not. Contractor Shoemaker Contractor : 32 !^L Dec. 9, 1848 32 Feb. 14,1846 1 32 Dec. 9, 1848 ; 2 2 19 5 0 . 200 . b L x Friendly Societies Act, I § Initials write o >> o in this Column a "o of Member the word Occupation, _ <*-> 5 ° c c n 4> H or “ member if the % S Person assured. Wife or Relative Trade, 2 £ 3 S of a Member, [The number state the Relation, or Profession. l a .5 o \ = to be added as o ■ up at the loot.] “ wife of member % g 9} Jr ^ o child of member ,” "tf •- ” o « c &c. O 7r, *>G * « o < C/2 < pH o r. f. - Member Druggist - 27 1825 0 . v. - - ditto Currier 27 1825 R. P. - • ditto Gentleman 20 1825 If the Member or Person lias at any time during the Five Years received Sick ray, fill in the Number of Weeks and Days’ Sick Pay each Year in these Columns. Where the allowance, although paid out of the Sick Fund, is really a Pension, mark it with a star, thus *52. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. If the Member or Person Died during the 5 Years, I state in this 1875. ! Column j tlie Date of . j Death. H L; Mar. 13, 1875 Dec. 25, 1874 Mambor’a Reference Number. \i SHEET A. Friendly Societies Act, 1875, 38 & 3!) Viet. c. 00. Form of Return of Sickness and Mortality prescribed l»v the Chief Registrar for the Five Years commencing I January 187(1, and terminating 31 December 1880. Full name of Society or Branch : Boston District Juvenile Odd Fellows (to include the name of the order in the case of branches). Register No. of Society, or No. (if any) of Branch, 001. Date of commencement, October 1st, I860. W hen first enrolled, certified, or registered, December 31st, 1875. ■} Registered Office of Society, or place of meeting of Branch - Give full postal address ; White Hart Hotel, High-street, Boston, in the County of Lin- coln. The benefits assured to members are: (Here set out fully the exact nature of the various benefits assured to members). Sick payments to 18 years of age, then drafted free of charge into Parent Lodge, with sums at death. How long after admission does a member become entitled to receive benefit ? Nine months. Where Sick Benefit is assured to members state : — (1) When full pay ceases, and reduced) ,, , , , , pay begins, and what the re- P a Y. ls reduced to half pay after six duction is - - - _ i months continuous sick pay. (2) When such reduced pay is still 0 , , ... ■ , further reduced, and by how Such lialt VW ceases at the end of 12 much - (3) Under what circumstances, if any, members become entitled to a permanent reduced sick allow- ance, and what is its amount months Nil. Year eudiua 31 Dec. 1876 - „ 1877 - „ 1878 - „ 1878 - 1880 - No. of Members at beginning of Year. No. of Members admitted during Year. No. of Members who left during the Year. No. of Members at end of Year. No. of Members rceeiviug Sick Pay in Year. Amount paid to Members on account of Sick Bay in Year. By Death. By other Causes. Full. lied need. £. s. d. £. s. d. Further Reduced. £. 5. d. Permanent (if any). £. -t. d. Total. 99 36 1 23 m 13 11 19 10 - nil - nil nil 11 19 10 in 37 - nil - 28 12U 21 20 15 10 326 - nil - - nil - 23 18 4 • 120 3D - nil - 29 130 13 8-10 - nil - - nil - nil 8-10 130 36 - nil - 45 121 10 5-4 - nil - nil - nil 5 - 4 121 2G - nil - 26 121 18 9 19 2 - nil - - nil - nil 9 19 2 Tot a i. - - - £. 55 16 — j 326 - nil - - nil - 58 18 6 O , — - Tiustees, or of an Officer deputed by the Vance Muss , 41, Wormgate, Boston. Society or Branch to verify the return - - I Signature of Secretary, John Manning. Address of Secretary, 17, Broadfield-terrace, Boston. Date 1881. Note. Where the number of members in a Society exceeds 1,000 another form of return may be used, to be obtained on application to the Chief Registrar, and which will be made to depend in each case upon the particular circumstances of the Society. Particulars ot all Members of the Society (or Branch) on the Books at 1 January 1876, and of those who Entered after that Date, during the Five Years ending 31 December 1880. Particulars of the Sick Pay received by Members during the Five Years ending 31 December 1880. Member’s Name. Date of j * Occupation. | g Admission. *2 1 i William Jonc: James Wilkins Samuel Parker Plumber - 22 Oct. 1832 Carpenter ,, Labourer 10 Dee. 1832 » O = S?gIj ^ — = « - If Member . ^ ; : t _• « ; ^ If Member left by other! € »* V 7. Died, J Causes £ ^ * £‘ ve Date of than Death.; s = 2 Death. give the 'j Z& I C2 | Date. ; 3 17 June 1879 1 I « £22 "35 S £ >‘~i © 3 oc 7* ~ — So J >. — 1 ? © - eu f §•* 3 §35 C r. JO'- 2*~ a so 5 cp - ~ --5 — X3< State . . whether Duration Sick Pay ceased by — 1 11 Feb. 1876 18 Feb. 1876; 27 Dec. 1876 15 June 1877 2 June 1879 17 June 1879 of Sick Pay. + Amount received on account of Sick Pnv. £. s. d. 1 I 0 14 0 i £. s. d. 1 24 I 4 6 14 0 ( 11 1 1 4 1 0 2 1 2 l 8 ol 2 2 * If the Member is not assured fur Sick Pay, put tile letters X. A. (Sot Assured) undei I £ 1 5' g > £ . f. d. 13 3 £ . t. d. 0 14 0 10 15 0 ISO 0.20O. under this column. + Sundays have not been included in this example as days fur which a Member rec« b 2 receives Sick Pav, 1 [ xii ] A glance at these forms, 1850-1875, will serve to show that there was little or no information obtainable as to the duration of the sick pay allowances beyond that of a very broad classification into “Under two years’ duration ” and “Over two years’ duration,” and bearing in mind the great financial importance of fairly correct information on this point, the form for the years 1870-1880 was so drawn up as, when properly filled up, to give definite information on this point. It should be added that throughout 1 have been most careful not to include any return which < I id not indicate that there was an assurance for sick-pay benefit throughout the whole of life, and that every return, whether made use of or not, has undergone a personal examination by myself. At this stage I should like to say that the secretaries of registered friendly societies in the main responded admirably to the desire for the information asked for in the new form of return for 1870-1880, and on the whole the attempt to give information on the important question of the exact duration of each sickness was most successfully carried out. Indeed, I can but repeat what was said by your predecessor in his Report to Parliament. Exposed to Risk. It is usual with registered friendly societies to insert in their registered rules a provision that members only become “ free to benefit,” in other words, can only claim sick allowance or death benefit, provided they have been members a certain length of time ; the period varies enormously, that is from the time of joining, or immediate benefit, up to a duration of membership extending even so long as two to three years ; and there is in many cases a provision granting “half benefit” after being a member a certain time. Death benefit, moreover, in many cases differs from sick allowance benefit as to the time when a member becomes free to benefit. Under these circumstances, the determination of the exact number exposed to risk either of sickness or death becomes a most difficult and important matter, enhanced greatly from the varying nature of the rules. In the experience of 1856-1860, males, 1856-1875, Wales, and 1856-1875, females, the greatest possible cave has been exercised in this matter, and in the experience 1861-1870, males, and the experience 1876-1880, males, the difficulty has been got over by avoiding it- In other words, by the omission of all experience of years of membership 0, 1, 2. Whether the secretaries of registered friendly societies insuring females were unable or unwilling to fill up the form for the years 1876-1880 I am unable to say with certainty, but 1 think it should be added here, to prevent misunderstanding, that no information as to female registered friendly societies was available in respect of this period of five years. This second method certainly has an advantage when the particulars are so arranged as to be available • but it has the drawback of not including the entire facts, the particulars being so large as to greatly magnify the work. It should be added that I have invariably considered as regards broken weeks that there are six working days in a week. Effect of Density of Population, and Occupation, and Climate, and Hex, upon Rates of Sickness and, Mortality. One of the drawbacks involved in any attempt to analyse the tabular results in these respects is that, generally speaking, the results in many cases are so small that practically speaking they become little more than an indication, with more or less probability, that they Avill be a guide to the future. Another matter calling for remark is that there is involved an assumption as to the permanence of the nature of the occupation, and the density of the [ xiii ] population in which it is carriod on. Members of registered friendly societies are, speaking generally, not necessarily permanently located in a particular place, carrying on a given occupation throughout their career. On the other hand, the question of sox involves none of these matters, and I have therefore specially dealt with the experience of females. As regards occupation, 1 have endeavoured to give effect to it by specially dealing with the males of Wales 1850-1875. The majority of the members dealt with in Wales, 1850 1875, appeared to be engaged in what are known as unhealthy occupations, being employed mainly in collieries and iron works, and this fact enabled me to give effect to the* peculiar features involved in those so-called unhealthy occupations by taking out separately the experience, 1850-1875, Wales (males), In the experience, 1876-1880, nothing of this kind was attempted, because mainly the facts, ?>., the registered friendly societies making good returns, were comparatively few, and it appeared desirable in this respect to make no distinction. It should, however, not be forgotten that neither the male experiences nor the female experiences give any information as to whether the individuals were married or had been married. In connection with this matter it should be pointed out that, as regards the experience, 1870-1880, an attempt has been made to give the facts in years of membership for each group of registered friendly societies coming under the descriptions: Population of place where society is registered is under 2,000 inhabitants No. 1. Population of place where society is registered is between 2,000 ami 7.000 inhabitants - - - - - - - - - - - No. 2. Population of place where society is registered is between 7,000 and 25.000 inhabitants - - - - - - - - - - No. 3. Population of place where society is registered is between 25,000 and 100.000 inhabitants - -- -- -- -- - No. 4. Population of place where society is registered is 100,000 inhabitants and upwards - - - - - - - - - - - No. 5. ( See note to this experience.) I have therefore given in extenso the experience relating to societies coming under the various classes of strictly rural, something somewhat beyond rural, undoubted town, and what may be called the large towns. No doubt this grouping will be ultimately made use of by some person or persons skilled in actuarial work, but on the whole, considering the large amount of work I had already to complete, I was of opinion that it would meet the case to give the facts in extenso without undertaking to construct tables therefrom. I have accordingly in this report grouped the entire facts together, and constructed tables therefrom, leaving for others, if they think fit, to deal with the facts of the five groups of populations above specified. Involved in this matter in a remarkably subtle manner is what I venture to describe as “ the personal equation ” of a registered friendly society, including herein what is known as its committee of management. It often happens that registered friendly societies apparently as nearly alike as regards the nature of the occupation of the members, the density of population, and other matters tending to produce a sickness experience of much the same character, are found in practice to differ widely in this respect, and it will be found on close inquiry and investigation that the difference arises mainly from the fact that they have a different personal equation ; in other words, that the spirit in which the rules are interpreted in practice differs very widely, one registered friendly society interpreting, and acting upon such interpretation, much more rigidly than another. At the same time, to continue the use of this phraseology, it must not be overlooked that there is the “personal equation” of the medical officer employed by the society. On the other hand, from my own personal knowledge there is a proportion of members who, as age advances, become fairly affluent, and would reject with scorn the idea of drawing sick-pay from their society, but still appear in the society’s records as “ exposed to risk” ; and this fact of itself would tend to reduce the rate of sick pay at the advanced ages 0.200. b q XIV As regards the three tables from which monetary values have been deduced, I am in great measure indebted to Mr. (j. F. Hardy, F.i. A., Actuary of the English and Scottish Law Life Association, for their graduation, and Messrs. T. Wright and W. .J. Harding, of the Nautical Almanac Office, have rendered me most valuable assistance throughout the work, particularly in the computation of the monetary tables presented with this Report. I have also to recognise with gratitude the services of one of my clerical assistants, Mr. A. M. Leveaux, as well as of a former clerical assistant, Mr. Oscar Pari sot. Herewith is a summary of the total results: Description and Nature of Experience. Exposed to Risk of Sickness. Total Sickness. Exposed to Risk of Death. Total Deaths. Average Rate of * ''- v Mortality, per Annum. ; J (Roth irrespective of Age.) 1 1 1 ' x tlyx. Males (1856— 1860) 722,338-4 1,166,208 1 788,891-0 8,698 1-6145 •01103 * Females, England and Wales tisr.o is::.). 139,122-0 325,612 5 146,793-0 2,042 2-3405 •01391 * Wales, Males (1856—1875) 167,255-0 357,457 4 1 77,897-5 2,619 21372 •01472 •Males (1876— 1880) - 1,662,561 •."> 3,147,044 1 1,662,50 1*5 23,048 1-8929 •01386 Males (1861— 1870) 1,789,532-0 3,199,138 5 1,789,532-0 24,530 1-7877 •01371 Total - - - 4,180,808-9 8,195,461 4 1. 505,0 75 ’0 60,937 1-8290 •01335 * Monetary tables based upon these several experiences have been calculated, and are presented with this Report. I have the honour to subscribe myself, Your obedient Servant, E. W. Brabrook, Esq., f.s.a., W. Sutton. Chief Registrar of Friendly Societies (Central Office), 28, Abingdon-street, Westminster, London. S.W. EXPLANATORY ACTUARIAL NOTES. Present Values or Annuities. Formula : Present Value, « WHOLE LIKE. Example : Required Present Values of an Annuity of 1, payable at the end of the year, for the whole of life for present ages (r) JO, 21, 22, 2it. 24, and 25. Mortality : Males, 187(5 — 1880. Interest it per cent. Aon (®) Log N ,. Log D J: L, « t£ (l X 20 ... _ . 603391 1-69336 1-34055 21-905 21 . - - 6-01435 4*6774(5 1 -33689 21-722 22 . - - 5-99463 4-66176 1-33287 21-521 23 - - - 5-97471 4-64625 1-32846 21-304 21 . - - 5-95457 4-63089 1-32368 21071 25 5-93421 (See p. 774.) 4*61557 (&# p. 77 b.) 1-31864 20-828 (See p. 774.) Similarly for Mortality, Wales (Males) 185(1 — 1875. we have for age 20. log Nr (p Oi) =0-02375. and log I), ( p 9 4) — 4-09447. whence log a x = 1-32928 and = 21-344. Also for Mortality, Females, 1856—1875, we have for a tee 20, log Nr (p 375) = 6-03639, and loar D r (p 37 b =) 4-69548 whence log a x = 1-34091 and «, = 21-924. DEFERRED. Formula: Present Value, /t| ,, .r= 1. — - I Ur Example : Required Present Values of an Annuity of 1, payable at age (./■ + n) 70, for present ages (r) 20, 21, 22, 23. 24, and 25. Mortality : Males, 1876 — 1880. Interest 3 per cent. Age (*) Log D ,. T Nro Log 1 a //| J‘ Log N 70 = 4-39947 20 . - 4-69336 r- 706 11 •50829 21 . - - 4*67746 1-72201 •52724 22 . - 4-66176 1-73771 *54665 23 - - 4*64625 1-75322 *56653 24 - - 4-63080 T’76858 •58692 25 - - 4-61557 1-78390 •60800 (See p. 775.) TEMPORARY. Formula : Present Value, |« a x = ^ + " = ~ — ~"71 + " =a r — n\ a x ±Jx i )x c Example : Required Present- Value of an Annuity of 1, payable to age (x + a) 70, for present ages ( x ) 20. 21. 22 23 24, and 25. Mortality : Males, 187(5 — 1880. Interest 3 per cent. AGE (*) Log D r T N 7 u Lo " 57 Nro : « 57 = n ' * Nr Dr — a * • a n x Log N 70 = 4-39947 20 4-69336 T 70611 •508 21-905 21-397 21 .... 4-67746 1-72201 •527 21-722 2M95 22 .... 4*66176 T73771 •547 21-521 20-974 23 .... 4-64625 1-75322 *567 21-304 20-737 24 .... 4-63059 1-76858 •587 21-071 20-484 25 .... 4-61557 T‘78300 •008 20-828 20-220 (See p. 774.) (See p. 775.) b 4 0.200 [ xvi ] Present Values of Sick Pay Allowance. WHOLE LIFE. K r Formula Present Value of Sick I’ay Allowance of 1 per week = Example: Required Present Values of Sick Pay Allowance of 1 per week for the whole of life for present ages (»•) 20, 21. 22, 23, 24, and 25, and for all durations of sickness. Sickness and Mortality : Males, 1 H7<> — 1880. Interest 3 per cent. Age (*) Log Log D.r SL o Kr D.r 20 - - - 6*36689 4*69336 1*67353 47*16 21 - - - 6*35876 4*67746 1*68130 48*01 22 - - - 6*35081 4*661 76 1*68905 48*87 23 - - - 6*34309 4*64625 1*69684 49*76 24 - - - - 6*33566 4*63089 1*70477 50*67 25 - - - 6*32840 4*61557 1*71283 51*62 (See p. 835.) ( See ]). 775.) (See p. 795.) Similarly for Wales (Males). 1856 — 1875, wt have for age 20, log K.r (p 1 01/) — 6- 1 1 106. and log D» (p 9J) s= 4*69447 K r K w hence log -jj — 1*71659 and ' = 52*07. Also for Females, 1856 — 1875, we have for age 20, log K* (p 385) = 6*42911, and log Dr (p 374) =s 4*69548, whence log -y — 1*73363 and = 54*15. L> r U x TEMPORARY. Formula : Present Value of Sick Pay Allowance of 1 per week = K.r — Kr ' dT K.r + n 1 * l Example : Required Present Values of Sick Pay Allowance of 1 per week for all durations of sickness, to age (a* + n) 70 for present ages («) 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, and 25. Mortality and Sickness : Males, 1876 — 1880. Interest 3 per cent. Age («) Log T K 70 Log 57 K?0 D.r K.r D.r 1 K.r K 71 n, — Ik Log K 70 = 5*73223 20 - - 4*69336 1*03887 10*94 47*16 36*22 21 - - 4*67746 1*05477 11*34 48*01 36*67 22 - - 4*66176 1*07047 11*76 48*87 37*11 23 - - 4*64625 1*08598 12*19 49*76 37*57 24 - - 4*63089 1*10134 12*63 50*67 38*04 25 - - 4*61557 1*11666 13*08 51*62 38*54 (See p. 775.) {See p. 795.) JMutaHs mutandis, similar results can be obtained from the application of the Tables for Wales (Males), 1866 — 187. i, and of the Tables for Females, 1856 — 1875. I SPECIAL REPORT ON SICKNESS AND MORTALITY, &c. 0 . 200 . A 4 COPY OF SPECIAL REPORT ON SICKNESS ANI) MORTALITY EXPERIENCED MONETARY TABLES BASED THEREON, BY THE ACTUARY Note. — I n the following Tables the following abbreviation* ns headings for columns are used : — li. = Number living al beginning of year. K. = Number entering in course of year. D. = Number dying in course of year. L. = Number leaving (or ceasing to be members) in course of year. W. 1). = Weeks, days ((» days to a week). An 1C. Number of Members. Number Sick. Sickness. B. i E. D. , L. 1 1 w. 2 1 - - - - - 3 1 1 1 - - - - 4 2 1 _ - - 5 1 4 - - - 0 10 373 - 13 17 94 r 395 291 4 84 55 250 8 676 ' 325 5 112 91 465 9 947 284 2 195 129 628 10 1,100 425 3 205 137 590 11 1,394 488 6 268 211 1,025 12 1,622 611 5 298 250 1,042 13 1,901 693 14 356 254 1,062 14 2,140 922 9 458 299 1,240 15 2,363 1,417 6 444 324 1,281 1G 3,034 1,994 15 513 422 1,499 17 3,913 2,004 21 518 662 2,496 18 4,763 6,056 36 650 941 3,244 19 9,082 5,960 42 910 1,767 6,294 20 12,622 6,150 80 1,197 2,645 10,196 21 15,939 7,502 103 1,521 3,273 12,455 22 20,207 6,454 120 1,773 4.058 15,798 23 23,075 6,013 148 2,030 4,697 18,513 24 24,904 4,974 194 1,926 4,883 19,931 25 25,630 4,134 160 1,835 5,194 21,731 26 25,803 4,129 180 1,791 5,190 21,532 27 25,930 3,415 173 1,715 5,027 20,632 28 25,510 3,304 177 1,625 4,924 20,404 29 25,388 3,356 187 1,398 4,925 21,760 30 25,598 2,486 170 1,407 4,813 21 074 31 25,007 1,823 187 1,159 4,768 21,534 32 24,415 1,766 192 1,068 4,666 21,587 33 23,950 1,531 176 1,012 4,595 20.851 84 23,570 1,662 174 972 4,496 21,647 35 23,298 1,341 190 856 4,471 22,391 36 22,913 1,057 184 781 4,482 °2 773 37 22,095 757 206 618 4,345 22,586 33 21,182 733 200 611 4,179 22,989 39 20,388 699 206 535 4,178 22,512 40 19,623 566 196 460 4,011 22,377 41 18,762 282 214 407 3,895 23,262 42 l r 6)8 1 285 157 334 3,672 21.883 SICKNESS AND MORTALITY M A I , E s. - - - _ - - Number Sick after at least Two Years' Continuous Sickness. Included in Sickness. Not, included in Sickness. Total. AUK. B. E. D. L. 1 B. E. D. L. B, E. D. L. ). 2 - _ - - ■ - - _ - - - 1 2 3 4 5 6 3 7 1 8 0 10 5 11 0 12 2 13 i 14 0 15 4 - 1 - - - - - - 1 - - 16 3 1 - - - - - - - 1 - - - 17 5 - . 13 1 - 19 2 - 2 - - - - - - - 2 - - 20 4 2 4 1 - - - - - 2 4 1 - 21 0 6 5 1 - - - - - 6 5 1 - 22 5 7 3 1 - - - - - 7 3 1 - 23 2 7 2 2 - - 2 - - 7 4 2 - 24 1 5 9 2 - 2 2 - - 7 11 2 - 25 5 15 5 5 - 3 i 1 - 18 6 6 - 26 0 15 3 3 - i 2 - - 16 5 3 - 27 2 15 4 i - 3 1 - - 18 5 1 - 28 3 19 9 4 - 3 1 - - 22 10 4 - 29 4 24 6 2 “ 3 1 1 - 27 7 3 - 30 4 26 5 7 3 2 1 ~ 29 7 8 - 31 4 28 ii 3 - 2 o - - 30 13 3 - 32 3 31 12 6 _ 4 - 2 - 35 12 8 - 33 0 1 34 18 9 o - - - 36 18 9 - 34 5 50 12 a - 3 - - - 53 12 a - 35 2 52 13 9 - 2 - - 54 13 9 - 36 4 52 7 9 - 1 - - - 53 7 9 - 37 i 49 6 5 - 1 - - - 60 r> 5 - 38 o 48 12 8 - 5 i - 53 13 | 8 - 39 i 46 15 5 - 5 - - 51 15 5 - 40 i 55 17 7 - 8 - - 68 17 7 - 41 4 67 17 7 - 9 i 3 _ 76 18 10 42 with CERT A I N IN TO U 10 G 1 ST ER K 1 ) F R I ION DLY SI )C 1 10 r I IOS, THE FRIENDLY SOCIETIES (CENTRAL TOGETHER OFFICE). EXPERIENCE, 1856-60 (ENGLAND). _ - - _ M A L E S. AGK. Sickness. Mortality. Mean Number Exposed to Risk. To till mulcr Two Years. Total over Two Years. Totai Kate nmler Two Years. Hate over Two Years. Total Rate. Mean Number Exposed to Risk. Totat , Deaths. Rate. W. I>. w. D. w. D. 1 •i - - - - - - *5 - ■ a •n - - - - - - 1-0 - 3 1*0 - - - - - - 1-5 - 4 1-5 - “ - - - 2*5 - 5 2*2 - - - - - - 3-0 - - 0 13*5 94 2 - 94 o 6*985 - 6*985 190-0 - - 7 331*4 250 3 - 250 3 *756 _ ■756 4985 4 •00802 8 611*0 465 1 - 465 1 •761 - •761 782*5 5 •00639 9 835*2 628 0 - 628 0 •752 •752 991-5 2 •00202 10 976*4 590 0 590 0 *604 - x •604 1,210-0 3 •00248 n 1,249*7 1,025 5 - 1,025 5 *821 _ •821 1,504*0 6 •00399 12 1,470*7 1,042 0 - 1,042 0 *709 •709 1,778*5 5 •002,81 13 1,689*9 1,062 2 - 1,062 2 *629 - •629 2,069*5 14 •00676 14 1,859*6 1,240 1 1,240 1 *667 - •667 2,372*0 9 •00379 15 2,016-0 1,281 0 1,281 0 *635 - •635 2,849*5 6 •00211 16 2,456*1 1,473 4 26 0 1,499 4 *600 *011 •611 3,774*5 15 •00397 17 3,107*5 2,444 3 52 0 2,496 3 •787 •017 •804 4,656-0 21 •00451 1.3 3,906*5 3,244 5 - 3,244 5 *831 •831 7,471-0 36 •00482 19 7,131*1 6,294 i - 6,294 i ■883 •883 11,607-0 42 •00362 20 10,527*5 10,144 2 52 0 10,196 2 *964 *004 •968 15,098-5 80 •00530 21 13,569*8 12,273 4 182 0 12,455 4 *904 *013 •917 18,929-5 103 •00544 •>o 17,424*3 15,382 0 416 0 15,798 0 *883 •024 •907 22,547-5 120 •00532 23 20,452*8 18,097 5 416 0 18,513 5 •885 *020 •905 25,066-5 148 •00590 24 22,467-4 19,567 2 416 0 19,983 2 *871 *019 •890 26,429*0 194 •00734 25 23,448*3 . 21,289 i 598 0 21,887 1 *908 *025 •933 20,782-5 160 •00597 20 23,909-2 20,752 5 936 0 21,688 5 •868 *039 •907 26,977*5 181 •00671 27 24,075-6 10,752 0 884 0 20,636 0 *8*20 •037 •85 7 26,782-0 173 •00646 23 23,SS2*7 19,546 2 1,040 0 20,586 2 •818 •044 •862 26,353-0 177 •00672 29 23,885*1 20,642 3 1,300 0 21,942 3 •864 •055 *919 26,370-5 187 •00709 30 24,081*9 19,722 4 1,508 0 21,230 4 *819 •063 •882 26,141*0 171 •00654 31 23,844*4 20,234 4 1,482 0 21,716 4 *849 •062 ■911 25,343-0 188 •00742 32 23,438*6 19,923 4 1,820 0 21,743 4 *850 •078 •928 24,767-0 192 •00775 33 23,007*5 19,083 3 1,924 0 21,007 3 *829 •084 •913 24,2135 178 *00735 34 22,6937 19,645 0 2,106 0 21,751 0 •S66 •093 •959 23,917-0 174 •00723 35 22,461*3 19,765 5 2,782 0 22,547 5 *880 •124 1*004 23,543-5 190 •00807 30 22,215-8 19,965 2 2,912 0 22,877 2 •899 •131 1-030 23,053*0 184 •00793 37 21,538*8 19,934 4 2,704 0 22,638 4 •925 •126 1-051 22,165*5 206 •00929 38 20,711*5 20,415 i 2,626 0 23,041 i •986 •127 1-113 21,244-0 200 •00941 39 19,975*3 19,912 2 . 2,886 0 22,798 2 •997 •144 1-141 20,475*5 206 •01006 40 19,262*7 19,725 i 2,912 0 22,637 i 1*024 •151 1T75 19,681-0 196 •00996 41 18,486*5 20,142 i 3,536 0 23,678 i 1*090 T91 1-281 18,697-5 214 ■01145 42 17,491*6 18,139 4 4,160 0 22,299 4 1*937 •238 1-275 17,643-0 160 1 •00007 0.200 A 2 f> SlGKKKSB A N I> MORTALITY EXPERIENCE, Number of Member*. Number Hick niter at leant Two Yearn’ Continuoun Sickness. AOK. Hick. Sickness. Included in SickncHH. Not included in Sickness. Total. A OK. 13. E. 11. L. n. E. I). L. Ji. E. L. B. E. D. L. 43 10,097 240 194 288 3,618 w. 21,577 l). 3 71 13 6 8 79 13 6 43 44 18,769 216 148 286 3,404 21,675 i 76 9 « - 8 2 - - 84 11 6 - 44 46 18,040 246 197 267 3,389 22,087 5 77 13 7 - 12 i - 89 14 7 - 45 46 14,440 198 195 226 3,207 22,408 4 83 13 10 - 11 - 2 - 94 13 12 - 46 47 13,668 148 174 187 3,063 20,824 1 79 6 10 - 13 i 2 - 92 7 12 - 47 48 12,880 100 168 151 2,979 21,319 0 76 18 8 - 14 2 - 90 20 8 - 4* 40 12,186 112 186 136 2,909 21,732 3 81 16 4 - 17 3 i - 98 19 5 - 49 60 11,222 174 188 137 2,789 20,275 5 75 13 9 - 19 - i - 94 13 10 - 50 61 10,202 85 161 118 2,608 19,600 3 72 8 7 - 16 2 - - 88 10 7 - 51 52 9,528 62 189 83 2,517 20,296 4 69 23 5 - 15 3 i 84 26 6 - 52 63 8,868 73 167 68 2,390 19,063 3 80 21 12 11 2 1 91 23 13 - 53 64 8,139 71 144 80 2,216 19,083 3 88 14 4 - 10 2 - 98 16 4 - 54 35 7,497 88 173 64 2,136 18,828 2 94 21 8 - 12 3 1 106 24 9 - 55 66 7,123 17 143 52 2,030 18,488 5 101 26 10 - 14 4 1 115 30 n - 56 67 6,477 13 153 53 1,883 18,508 4 98 23 8 - 16 5 i - 114 28 9 - 57 68 5,789 13 157 43 1,730 19,116 0 108 25 8 - 17 5 3 - 125 30 ii - 58 50 5,144 6 122 37 1,617 17,533 4 117 30 8 - 16 6 2 133 36 10 - 59 60 4.530 8 129 33 1,499 17,321 2 122 27 12 - 15 7 - - 137 34 12 - 60 61 3,795 - 113 26 1,311 10,431 i 117 21 11 - 25 6 3 - 142 27 14 - 61 G2 3,396 1 100 16 1,208 15.606 0 123 22 16 1 26 6 6 - 149 28 22 1 62 63 2,989 - 117 13 1,117 15,297 2 113 30 19 - 30 7 5 - 143 37 24 - 63 64 2,667 1 120 32 1,012 14,421 2 121 24 17 - 36 18 4 - 157 42 21 - 64 G5 2,361 4 109 45 892 13,758 3 111 21 10 - 43 20 154 41 10 - 65 66 2,073 1 87 32 818 13,666 i 118 31 11 1 66 19 6 - 184 50 17 1 66 67 1,780 1 88 23 769 12,943 5 127 18 14 - 91 12 4 - 218 30 18 - 67 68 1,545 3 78 21 684 11,860 4 113 24 15 - 100 9 8 - 213 33 23 - 68 69 1,361 5 67 35 618 11,786 4 118 18 8 1 95 24 8 1 213 42 16 2 69 70 1,168 2 68 34 551 11,918 0 119 31 10 1 108 31 7 - 227 62 17 1 70 71 934 1 47 16 461 11,253 2 123 20 8 - 119 13 15 - 242 33 23 - 71 72 815 i 47 9 433 10,681 2 127 15 13 - 106 7 7 - 233 22 20 - 72 73 687 - 49 8 364 9,445 5 114 20 20 - 87 6 t 12 - 201 26 32 - 73 74 555 2 45 6 330 8,918 2 112 17 14 - 75 3 5 - 187 20 19 - 74 75 458 1 48 4 278 7,927 i 104 10 17 - 65 3 3 - 169 13 20 - 75 76 357 - 29 6 226 6,201 5 87 9 8 - 63 4 3 • - 150 13 n - 76 77 294 1 27 4 178 5,470 3 82 9 15 - 56 3 9 - 138 12 24 - 77 T8 240 - 33 5 155 4,836 4 74 8 13 - 47 1 5 - 121 9 18 - 78 79 200 - 22 2 142 4,604 2 64 9 9 - 34 2 7 - 98 a 16 - 79 80 152 - 19 2 107 3,541 0 57 7 8 - 26 1 3 - 83 8 11 - 80 81 126 - 19 2 80 2,448 1 47 2 12 - 23 - 2 - 70 2 14 - 81 82 98 - 16 - 73 2.262 5 34 2 5 - 24 - 3 5$ 2 8 - 82 83 80 13 4 54 1,965 4 30 3 6 - 24 4 9 54 7 15 - 83 84 49 6 1 37 1,369 0 21 3 2 - 17 - 2 38 3 4 - 84 85 39 9 i 30 1,228 3 21 3 - 15 - 5 - 36 - 8 - 85 86 22 4 18 645 3 12 1 4 8 - 1 - 20 1 5 - 86 87 21 - 3 - 16 677 1 9 9 1 2 - - - ii 2 i - 87 88 19 - 3 - 15 575 4 8 3 2 - 2 - 1 - 10 3 3 - 88 89 13 - 5 i 10 357 2 6 1 4 - 2 - 1 _ 8 1 5 - 89 90 12 - 2 8 290 0 5 - i - 1 - - - 6 i - 90 91 9 - 2 i 7 209 0 4 - 2 - 2 1 1 - 6 1 3 - 91 92 4 - 2 - 4 103 2 2 - 1 - 2 - _ _ 4 - i - 92 93 2 - i - i 52 0 1 - - - i - 1 2 - 1 - 93 94 1 - - 1 52 0 i - - ~ - " 1 - - 94 Total 760,279 88,222 8.528 34,711 164,898 1,074.090 1 4,546 898 549 4 1,725 2C4 170 1 6.271 1,162 719 ft AUK. 43 44 46 46 47 48 49 Si) 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 / ’>6 60 (E NOLAND ) — M ALES — continued. Rlokiiee*. Mortality, Maun Number F.XlK'Hi'll III lllsK. Total mulor Two | Yours. Total over Two Yon re. Total. ltntc timlcr Two Years. Bate over Two Years, Total Bute. Moan Number Expos'd to Kirtk. Total Deiitlm. Rate. w. h. i w. n. | \V. II. • 10,543-2 17,703 3 4,290 0 21,993 3 1-070 •259 1-329 i6,u8i*o ; 191 -01163 15,600*5 17,045 1 4,498 0 22,143 1 1-131 •288 1-119 15,733-0 148 *00)41 1 1,920-2 17,927 5 4,810 0 22,737 5 1-202 •322 1-524 15,0610 197 •01309 14,331-3 18,014 4 4,911 0 22,928 4 1-257 •343 1-600 14,437-5 197 -01365 13,471-2 16,820 i 4,654 0 1 21,474 1 1-249 •345 1-594 13,5520 176 •01299 13.816 2 17,107 0 4,992 0 22,099 0 [ 1*335 *390 1-725 12,899-5 168 •01302 12,130-3 17,208 3 6,160 0 22,G68 3 1-419 *450 1*869 12,192-5 187 -01534 11,179-2 16,271 5 4,966 0 21.237 5 1-436 *411 1-900 11,259-5 189 •01079 10,210-3 15,830 3 4,654 O 20,484 3 1*350 *156 2-006 10,262-5 161 ■01509 9,501-0 16,240 4 4,888 0 21,128 4 1-709 *514 2-223 9,534*0 190 ■01993 2,8459 14,669 3 4,992 0 1 19,661 3 1*659 *564 2-223 8,882-5 168 •01896 8,110-4 14,247 3 5,408 0 19,655 3 1-757 ■667 2-424 8,145-5 144 ■01769 7,481-1 13,602 2 5,902 0 19,504 2 1-818 •789 2-607 7,522-5 174 •02313 7,104-9 12,820 5 i 6,474 0 19,294 5 1-805 •911 2716 7,121-5 144 •02022 6,467-0 13,022 4 6,422 0 19,441 4 2-014 •993 3007 6,475-5 154 •02378 3,785-6 13,058 0 6,994 0 20,052 0 3-449 1-848 5-297 5,793-5 16U •02702 5,141-9 10,877 4 7,592 0 ! 18,469 4 2-116 1-476 3-592 5,147-5 124 •02409 4,531-4 10,587 2 7,696 0 18,283 2 2-337 1-698 4-035 4,53G-0 129 •02841 3,808-3 10,087 1 7,722 0 17,809 1 2-649 2-028 4-677 3,810-0 116 •03045 3,4 17-0 9,080 0 7,878 0 16,958 0 2*657 2-306 4-963 3,417-5 106 •03102 3,015-9 9,135 2 7,774 0 16,909 2 3-029 2-578 5-607 3,016-0 122 •04045 2,696-5 7,947 2 8,710 0 16,657 2 2-947 3-229 6-176 2,696*5 124 •04599 2,391-5 7,700 3 8,814 O 16,514 3 3-220 3-686 6906 2,393-5 109 •04554 2,132-0 7,036 1 10,400 0 17,436 1 3-300 4-878 8-178 3,133-0 93 •04360 1,8654 6,235 5 11,648 0 17,883 5 3-343 6-244 9-587 1,866-0 92 •04930 1,638-9 5,750 4 11,336 0 17,086 4 3-509 6-917 10-426 1,640-5 86 •05242 1,449 6 5,416 4 11,700 0 17,116 4 3-737 8 071 11-808 1,452-5 75 •05164 1,274-0 5,210 0 1 2,948 0 18,153 0 4-090 10-163 14-253 1,2755 75 •05880 1,051-4 4.545 2 12,844 0 17,389 2 4-323 12-216 16-539 1,052-0 62 •05894 919-9 4,025 2 12,168 0 16,193 2 4-376 13-228 17-604 920-5 54 •05866 772-9 3,517 5 10,296 0 13,813 5 4-552 13-321 17-873 773-0 61 •07891 628-5 3,016 2 9,750 0 12,766 2 4799 15-513 20-312 629-5 50 •07961 522-2 2,701 i 8,606 0 11,307 1 5172 16-481 21-653 523 0 51 •09752 418-9 1,651 5 7,852 0 9,503 5 3-944 18-744 22-688 419-0 32 •07637 349-5 1,362 3 6,864 0 8.226 3 3-900 19-640 23 540 350-0 36 •10286 284-9 1,118 4 6,058 0 7,176 4 3-927 21-264 25191 285-0 38 •13333 234-0 1,276 2 4,966 0 6,242 2 5-453 21'222 26-675 234 0 29 •12393 177-0 603 0 4,238 0 4,841 0 3-407 23-944 27-351 177-5 22 •12394 148-0 264 1 3,328 0 3,592 1 1-785 22-486 24-271 148-0 21 •14189 122-0 572 5 2,860 0 3,432 5 4-695 23-443 28-138 122-0 19 •15574 104-0 483 4 2,600 0 3,083 4 4-651 25-000 29-651 104-0 22 •21154 65-5 251 0 1,950 0 2,201 0 3-832 29-771 33-G03 65-5 8 •12214 53-5 214 3 1,664 0 1,878 3 4-009 31103 35-112 53-5 14 •26169 30-0 99 3 936 0 1,035 3 3-317 31-200 34-517 30-0 5 •16667 23-0 183 1 598 0 781 1 7-965 26-000 33-965 23-0 3 •13043 21-0 133 4 520 0 653 4 6-367 24-762 31-129 21-0 4 i -19048 14-5 123 2 312 0 435 2 8-503 21-517 30-020 14*5 6 •41379 13-0 56 0 2S6 0 342 0 4-308 22-000 26-308 13-0 2 •15385 11-0 53 0 260 0 313 0 4-818 23-636 28-454 11-0 3 •27273 6-0 25 2 182 0 207 2 4-217 I 30-333 34-550 6-0 2 | -33333 3*0 78 0 78 0 - 2G-000 26-000 3-0 2 •66667 1-0 - 52 0 52 0 1 52 000 52-000 1-0 1 - 722,338-4 828,728 1 337,480 0 1,166,208 1 | - 1 - 788,891-0 8,698 200 8 SICKNESS AND MORTALITY F E M A I, E S. - Number Sick. Number Sick after at least Two Year* Continuous Sickness. Auk. 1 Sickness. Included in Sickness. Not include* in Sickness. T< IT A Auk. B. E. D. L. B. ! 1). L. B. 1 11 L ‘ B. E. 19. j,. 1 1 w. 1>. 1 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 3 - 1 - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - 3 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 5 - 6 - - - - - - | - - - - - - - 5 o 9 167 1 1 4 20 3 6 7 193 122 2 25 20 73 0 - _ - - - - - - - - - 7 8 303 125 1 27 41 263 3 - - - - - - - - 8 9 429 156 2 43 53 292 3 - 9 10 559 242 6 73 76 394 1 10 11 745 215 3 74 96 566 5 - 11 12 873 211 7 100 109 535 0 - - 12 13 948 214 6 109 148 637 3 13 14 1,042 264 6 120 147 871 0 14 15 1,120 397 6 119 177 705 4 15 1G 1,364 876 8 184 223 l;052 0 - - - - - - - - - - - 16 17 2,023 654 n 188 301 1,345 1 - - - - - - - - - - 17 18 2,466 667 16 198 406 1,998 0 - - - - - - - - - - - 18 19 2,901 616 28 230 553 2,941 4 - - - - - - - - - - - 19 20 3,236 582 28 282 573 2,908 0 - - - f - - - - - - 20 21 3,449 552 25 283 614 3,176 2 1 _ _ _ _ - 1 - - - 21 22 3,584 454 SO 286 622 3,444 1 i - 1 - - - - 1 - 1 - 22 23 3,662 457 33 310 642 3,494 1 1 i 1 - - 1 1 1 - 23 24 3,721 412 44 255 685 3,882 5 0 - - - 1 - 3 - - - 24 25 3,709 377 37 288 675 3,768 (1 2 - 1 1 - - ~ 3 - 1 - 25 26 3,717 315 20 225 647 3,644 4 1 i - - 1 - _ - 1 - - 26 27 3,658 324 29 205 650 4,039 1 2 - 1 - 1 - - - 3 - 1 - 27 28 3,667 267 35 205 672 4,020 3 1 i - - - - - 1 1 - - 28 29 3,612 256 28 205 G90 4,195 2 9 i - - - - - - 2 1 - - 29 30 3,635 255 31 191 684 4,274 4 4 3 - - - - - - 4 3 - - 30 31 3,608 156 31 202 666 4,075 5 7 _ _ _ _ - - 7 - - - 31 32 3,503 123 33 171 072 4,255 4 7 - 1 - - - - - 7 - 1 - 22 33 3,386 133 44 141 659 4,745 2 7 3 - - - - - - 7 3 - - 33 34 3,361 134 32 145 666 4,562 1 8 _ 2 - - - - > - 8 - 2 - 34 35 3,266 95 27 122 635 4,560 1 e 1 - - - - - 6 1 - - 35 36 3,173 97 34 93 591 4,387 2 10 - - - - - - - 10 - I - - 36 37 3,125 83 34 98 596 4,504 1 10 1 - - - - 1(1 1 - - 37 38 3,008 84 1 22 71 , 600 l 4,129 5 9 - 2 - - - - ; - 9 2 - 38 30 2,959 79 29 72 567 4,609 3 10 1 4 - 1 - - : - ' n 4 1 - 39 40 2,903 85 38 66 i 019 1 5.444 0 14 1 2 1 1 2 - - | 15 4 ! - i 40 41 2,891 68 ' 21 64 576 5,07S 3 14 3 - - 4 ' - - - 18 3 - - 41 42 2,848 54 ! 30 59 600 5,109 2 15 2 1 - 3 - - - 18 2 1 - 42 43 2,80G 57 26 56 5G5 5,460 2 18 3 2 - 2 1 - - 20 4 2 - 43 44 2,728 67 29 58 567 5,762 4 23 4 - - 1 3 1 - - 26 5 - I - 44 45 2,710 34 39 43 558 5,726 2 26 3 1 - j 4 ; - 1 - 30 j 3 2 - 45 46 2,632 27 30 40 514 5,207 1 31 1 1 9 - ! 3 1 1 - - 34 9 2 - 46 EXPERIENCE, 1856-75 (ENGLAND AND WALES) - F E M A L E S. SiokllCHH. Mortality. ACJK. Mean n amber F.x posoil to Risk. Total under Two Y ear*. Total I nvi-r Two J Years. TOTAI.. Hate under Two Y ears. Hate over Two Years. TOT At, Rate. Menu 1 Number Exposed to Bilk. Tot a l Deaths. ! Rate. 1 •i \V. I>. \V. 1). 1 W. 1). j •5 o - - - - - - - - - 3 •i - - - - - •5 - - 4 - - - - - - - - 5 l*S - - - - - - 3-0 - - 6 22*3 20 3 - 20 3 •919 - •919 92-0 i •01087 7 163-1 73 0 i - 73 U •418 - •448 241-5 2 •00828 8 276-1 263 3 263 3 •958 - •958 3520 1 •00284 9 390-6 292 3 - 292 3 •749 - •749 485*5 2 •00412 10 499-1 394 1 - 394 1 •790 - ■790 643-5 6 •00932 n 670-7 5G6 5 - 566 5 •845 - •845 815-5 3 •00368 12 796-0 535 0 - 535 0 •672 ■672 928-5 7 •00754 13 864-3 637 3 - 637 3 •738 - •738 1,000-5 6 •00600 14 948 3 871 0 - 871 0 •918 - •918 1,114-0 6 •00539 15 1,001-0 705 4 - 705 4 •705 - •705 1,259 0 6 •00477 1G 1,144-2 1,052 0 - 1,052 0 •919 - •919 1,7100 8 •00468 17 1,666-7 1,345 1 - 1,345 1 •807 •807 2,256-0 ii ■00488 18 2,147-4 1,998 0 - 1,998 0 •930 - •930 2,700-5 16 •00592 19 2,5S9-9 2,941 4 - 2,941 4 1-136 - 1-136 3,094-0 28 •00905 20 2,929-2 2,908 0 - 2,908 0 ■993 - •993 3,386-0 28 •00827 21 3,166-7 3,124 2 52 0 3,176 2 •987 •016 1-003 3,583-5 25 •00698 °2 3,317-0 3,418 1 26 0 3,444 1 1-031 •008 1-039 3-668 0 30 •00818 23 3,411-4 3,442 1 52 0 3,494 1 1-009 •015 1-024 3,735-5 33 •00883 24 3,500-2 3,778 5 156 0 3,934 5 1-079 *045 1-124 3,800-5 44 •01158 25 3,469-1 3,690 0 130 0 3,820 0 1-064 •037 1-101 3,754-5 37 •00985 26 3,525-1 3,566 4 130 0 3,696 4 1*012 •037 1-049 3,763-0 20 ■00532 27 3,471-6 3,961 1 130 0 4,091 1 1-141 •037 1-178 3,718-5 29 •00780 28 3,471-4 3,948 3 78 0 4,026 3 1-138 •022 1-160 3,698-0 35 •00946 29 3,441-0 4,065 2 130 0 4,195 2 , 1-181 * •038 1-219 j 3,637-5 28 ■00770 30 3,492-7 3,988 4 286 0 4,274 4 1-142 •082 1-224 3,667-0 31 •00845 31 3,462-5 3.711 5 364 0 4,075 5 1-072 •105 1-177 3,585 0 31 •00865 32 3,398-3 3,917 4 338 0 4,255 4 1 1-153 •099 1-252 3,479-0 33 •00949 33 3,302-9 4,303 2 442 0 4,745 2 1-303 •134 1-437 3,382-0 44 •01301 34 3,270-2 1,198 1 364 0 4,562 1 1-284 1 ' U1 1-395 • 3,355*5 32 •00951 35 3,191-6 4.222 1 338 0 4,560 1 1-323 •106 1-429 3,262-5 27 •00830 3G 3,119-4 3,867 2 520 0 4,387 2 1-240 •167 1-407 3,175-0 34 •01071 37 3,067-9 3,968 1 546 0 4,504 1 1-290 •178 1-468 3,117-5 ■■ •01091 38 2,966-2 3,713 5 416 0 4,129 5 1-252 •140 1-392 3,014-5 22 •00730 39 2,918-0 3,985 3 676 0 % 4,661 3 1-366 •232 1-598 2.963-5 29 •00979 40 2,864-8 4.690 0 858 0 5,548 0 1-637 •300 1-937 2,914-5 38 | *01304 41 2,856-9 4,272 3 1,014 0 5,286 3 1*496 •355 1-851 2,8970 21 ■00725 42 2,819-3 4,303 2 962 0 5,265 2 1-526 •341 1-867 2,848-5 30 •01053 43 2,780-7 4,498 2 1,092 0 5,590 2 1-618 •393 2-011 2,809-0 26 •00925 44 2,698-6 4,462 4 1,482 0 5,944 4 „ 654 •549 2-203 2,736-0 29 •01060 45 2,682-5 4,322 2 1,58G 0 5,908 2 1-611 •591 2-202 2,709-5 40 •01476 4G 2613-9 3,621 1 1,768 0 5,389 1 l 1-385 ■676 2 061 | 2,629-0 30 j -01141 l 0.200 B 10 Sickness and Mortality Kxperienck, Number Sick, Number Sick after ut leant Two Yearn’ Continuous Sickness. Ann. Sickness. included in Sickness. Not included in Sickness. Tot a l. Ann. I). 1, 11. L. B. K. D. L. Ii. E. D. L. B. E. L>. U w. D. 47 2,641 20 30 42 503 5,232 2 28 3 1 1 - - 31 4 1 - 47 48 2, ■180 28 37 30 550 5,732 6 30 5 3 5 - 36 5 3 - 48 49 2,-138 31 27 29 64 G 5,700 3 30 2 3 - 5 2 - 35 4 3 - 49 60 2,301 28 27 29 516 6,406 5 28 2 2 - 6 1 - 34 3 2 - 50 61 2,285 9 26 31 480 4,001 3 25 1 1 - 7 i - 32 2 1 _ 51 62 2,109 4 2G 20 494 6,378 1 29 2 i - 8 1 i - 37 3 2 - 62 G3 2,096 10 30 17 459 6,103 5 29 4 2 - 8 i - - 37 5 2 - 53 64 2,010 14 23 19 441 4,946 4 20 - 1 - 7 - - - 33 - 1 - 54 66 1,903 8 29 18 438 4,828 1 20 7 3 - 7 1 - 33 7 4 - 55 6G 1,812 2 32 10 405 4,775 1 22 5 4 - 4 i - - 26 6 4 - 56 67 1,085 2 32 12 385 4,023 2 25 i 4 - 5 i - 30 i 5 - 57 58 1,009 1 33 15 377 4,353 4 22 4 2 - 5 1 - - 27 5 2 - 58 69 1,-189 2 35 11 403 4,702 3 23 4 o - 6 3 2 29 7 4 - 59 GO Mil 1 34 10 359 4,029 5 23 3 i - G 6 - - 29 9 i - 00 Cl 1,308 40 10 342 4,555 1 31 3 _ - 9 2 - 40 5 - 01 02 1,230 - 28 5 351 4,915 i 35 4 - - 9 2 1 - 44 0 i - 62 03 1,140 - 33 14 359 4,955 5 39 3 5 10 8 - - 49 11 5 - 63 G4 1,054 - 30 27 351 5,173 i 39 2 4 1 21 20 i - 60 22 5 1 64 G5 937 - 33 47 313 5,100 3 34 7 3 1 38 40 4 72 47 7 1 65 00 812 1 27 20 288 5,034 2 36 5 3 1 G4 17 4 - 100 22 7 1 66 G7 731 - 27 5 2G4 4,090 5 30 12 3 - 70 1 2 - 10G 13 5 - 67 G8 646 - 41 ii 2GG 4,810 0 48 3 c - 56 5 1 104 8 7 - 08 G9 505 - 31 9 21G 4,278 2 43 4 4 - 53 4 5 96 8 9 - 69 70 510 - 31 14 208 4,218 0 44 10 6 1 45 13 2 89 23 8 1 70 71 439 - 27 5 191 3,724 1 45 4 G 4S 5 4 2 93 9 10 2 71 72 390 - 25 8 180 3,009 0 36 i 4 45 3 3 - 81 1 7 - 72 73 331 - 31 - 149 3,074 1 32 4 4 - 44 - 5 - 76 4 9 - 73 74 297 - 25 - 138 2,973 3 27 5 4 38 - 5 - 65 5 9 - 74 75 253 20 - 118 2,752 4 24 3 1 - 31 - 3 - 55 3 4 - 75 76 217 - 20 1 107 2,505 4 24 o 4 - 24 - 3 - 48 2 7 - 76 77 170 - 21 1 97 2,101 2 20 i - 20 - 2 - 40 1 2 - 77 78 145 16 - 79 1,961 2 21 2 - - 17 - 2 - 38 2 2 - 78 79 118 - 19 - 5G 1,250 4 18 • i 5 - 10 1 - 34 i 6 - 79 80 102 1G - 53 1,243 5 14 3 3 - 15 - 1 - 29 3 4 - 80 81 85 - 10 - 52 1,290 3 15 - i _ 15 _ 2 - 30 3 - 81 82 70 - 5 - 46 1,224 4 15 - i - 12 - 2 - 27 3 - 82 83 01 - ii - 39 1,211 i 13 ' 2 2 _ 10 - 2 - 23 2 4 - 83 84 45 - 12 - 24 840 i 13 i 3 - 7 - 1 - 20 i 4 - 84 85 34 - 5 - 20 691 1 11 - 3 - 7 - 1 - 18 - 4 - 85 8G 28 9 - 14 419 1 5 - i 5 - 1 - 10 - 2 - 86 87 ]G - 3 - 5 156 2 2 - - - 6 - - - 8 - - - 87 88 13 - 6 - 5 90 1 2 - i _ 5 - 3 - 7 - 4 - 88 89 8 - 4 - 3 64 5 1 - i - 1 - - - 2 - i - 89 90 4 - - - 1 ii 0 - - - - 2 - i - 2 - 1 i - 90 91 4 - 3 - 2 14 u - - _ - 1 - - - 1 - - - 91 92 1 - - - 1 16 0 - - - - 1 - _ - 1 - - - 92 93 i - 1 - - - - - 1 ■ i - 1 - i - 93 Total 143,007 10,728 1,973 0,203 29,859 279,384 5 1,321 159 123 5 853 143 69 2 2,174 302 192 7 1 1 1856-75 (England and Walks) — Fkmalks — continual. Blokuuft*. Mortality. Ann. Moan Number Kxpotird to llUk. Total under Two Years. Total over Two Y curs. Total. ltato under Two Years. i Unto over Two Yours. Total Bate. Mean Number to Kink. Tota u I)u, tills. ltate. W. D. W. 1). W. D. • 47 2,323-2 3,724 2 1,690 0 3,414 2 1-470 •670 2-146 2,538-5 30 •01183 48 2,476*6 4,120 5 1,872 0 5,992 5 1-664 •756 2-120 2,490-0 37 •01486 49 2,429-8 4,166 3 1,846 0 6,012 3 1-715 ■760 2-475 2,445 0 27 •01104 60 2,556-5 3,949 5 1,"94 0 5,743 6 1-077 •762 2-439 2,3700 27 -01139 51 2,275-3 3,361 3 1,690 0 5,0 il 3 1-477 •743 2-220 2,281-5 26 ■01140 52 2,167-2 3,844 1 1,950 0 5,794 1 1-774 •900 2674 2,169-5 27 •01245 S3 2,096-8 3,603 5 2,002 0 5,605 5 1-719 •955 2-674 2,101- 30 •01428 M 2,008-4 3,619 4 1,890 0 5,309 4 1-802 •841 2-613 2,014-5 23 •01142 S3 1,900-9 3,372 1 1,794 0 5,166 1 1-774 •944 2-718 1,905- 30 •01575 36 1,807-9 3,605 1 1,401 0 5,000 1 1-994 •777 2-771 1,809-5 32 •01708 57 1,684-5 3,401 2 1,456 0 4,857 2 2-019 •864 2-883 1,685- 33 •01959 58 1,607-1 3,157 4 1,482 0 4,639 4 1-965 •922 2-887 1,607-5 33 •02053 59 1,491-3 3,514 3 1,586 0 5,100 3 2-357 1-063 3-420 1,492- 37 •02480 60 1.414-7 3.381 5 1,716 0 5.097 5 2-391 1-213 3-604 1,415-5 34 •02402 61 1,312-7 2,865 1 2,210 0 5,075 1 2183 1-684 3-867 1,313- 40 ■03047 62 1,237-5 2,991 1 2,418 0 5,409 1 2-417 1-954 4-371 1,237-5 29 •02343 63 1,153-0 2,979 5 2,704 0 5,683 5 2-584 2-345 4-929 1,153- 33 •02862 64 1,071-5 3,223 1 3,536 0 6,759 1 3-008 3-300 6-308 1,071-5 31 •02893 65 971-5 3,254 3 4,758 0 8,012 3 3-350 4-898 8-248 971-5 37 •03809 66 874-6 3,136 2 5,564 0 8,700 2 3*586 6-362 9*948 875- 31 •03543 67 799-0 2,584 5 5,720 0 8,304 5 3-235 7-159 10-394 799- 29 03630 68 699-0 2,392 0 5,434 0 7,826 0 3-422 7*774 11-196 699- 42 •06009 69 615-5 2,042 2 4,966 0 7,008 2 3-318 8-068 1 1-386 615-3 36 •05849 70 554*5 1,852 0 4,992 0 6,844 0 3-340 9-003 12-343 554-5 33 •05951 71 486-0 1,436 1 4,758 0 6,194 1 2-955 9-790 12-745 486- 31 •06379 72 432-5 1,875 0 4,134 0 6,009 0 4-335 9-558 13-893 432-5 28 •06474 73 375-0 1,410 1 3,822 0 5,232 1 3-761 10-192 13-953 375* 36 •09600 74 335-0 1,543 3 3,276 0 4,819 3 4-608 9-779 14-387 335- 30 •08955 75 284-0 1,452 4 2,834 0 4.286 4 5-115 9-979 15-094 284- 23 •08099 76 240-5 1,309 4 2,366 0 3,675 4 5-446 9-837 15-283 240-5 23 •09563 77 195"5 1,035 2 2,054 0 3,089 2 5-296 10-506 15-802 195-5 23 •11765 78 162-0 817 2 1,976 0 2,793 2 5-045 12-197 17-242 162- 18 •11111 79 134-0 418 4 1,638 0 2,056 4 3124 12-224 15-348 134- 20 •14925 80 117-0 515 5 1,482 0 1,997 5 4-409 12-6G7 17-076 117- 17 •14530 81 100-0 542 3 1,482 0 2,024 3 5-425 14-820 20-245 100-0 12 •12000 82 82-0 470 4 1,326 0 1,796 4 5-740 16-171 21-911 82- 7 •08537 83 71-0 535 1 1,144 0 1,679 1 7-538 16-113 23-651 71- 13 •18310 84 52-0 216 1 962 0 1,178 1 4157 18-500 22-657 52- 13 •25000 85 41-0 197 1 832 0 1,029 1 4-809 20-293 25-102 41- 6 •14634 86 33-0 185 1 468 o : 653 1 5-611 14-182 19-793 33- 10 •30303 87 22-0 52 2 416 0 468 2 2-370 18-909 21-279 22- 3 •13636 88 18-0 12 1 260 0 272 1 •676 14-444 15-120 18- 9 •50000 89 90 38 5 78 0 i 116 5 4-315 8-667 12-982 9- 4 •44444 no 6*0 11 0 78 0 89 0 1-833 13-000 14-833 6- i •16667 91 5-0 14 0 52 0 66 0 2-800 10-400 13-200 5- 3 •60000 92 2-0 16 0 52 0 68 0 8-000 26-000 34-000 2- - - 93 2-0 - 26 0 26 0 - 13-000 13-000 2- 2 1-00000 139,122-0 209,886 5 115,726 0 325,612 5 - - - 146,793-0 2,042 - 0.200. u 2 SICKNESS AND MORTALITY I 2 4 JVJ A L I ; s. - - - - - - - Number Sick after at least Two Years* Continuous Sickness. Number Auk. Sick. Sickness. Included in Sick nous. Not included in Sickness. 'i'OTA I,. Age. B. | 1, D. L. B. E. ' I). L. B. E. | I). L. j B. E. ! n. i„ W. I). | 3 - 1 - - - - - - - - 0 ~ - - - - - - 3 4 1 - - - - 4 5 1 1 - - - - - - - _ _ - - - - 5 6 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6 7 1 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7 8 1 1 1 4 - - - - - - - - - ' - 8 10 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10 11 5 3 - - - - _ - - - - - - - - - - 11 12 6 76 - - 1 2 0 - 12 13 77 123 - 4 7 24 4 - - - - - - - - - - - 13 14 202 161 1 9 36 133 i - - - - - - - - - - - 14 15 349 253 5 20 72 222 5 it; 578 470 1 20 125 449 5 - 16 17 990 500 11 44 205 824 0 - - - - - - - - - 17 18 1,422 1,626 10 89 299 1,239 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - 18 10 2,979 1,024 27 170 009 2,611 4 - 1 - - - - - - 1 - - 19 20 3,803 813 28 224 706 3,178 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - 20 21 4,365 708 38 284 859 4.250 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - 21 22 4,731 648 58 293 930 4,456 5 1 i - - - - - - 1 i - 22 23 5,000 618 54 264 1,013 4,825 3 _ 1 - - - - - - - 1 - - 23 24 5,198 409 54 293 1,079 4,836 0 1 2- i - - - - 1 2 1 _ 24 25 5,261 366 54 315 1,050 5,450 5 1 2 l - - 1 2 l - 25 20 5,230 393 57 257 1,011 5,140 0 2 1 - - ” 2 i - - 26 27 5,290 290 51 256 1,014 4,863 1 3 - i - - - - 3 - 1 - 27 28 5,148 318 53 236 1,075 5,404 3 1 1 - - - - - i 1 - - 28 29 5,189 338 43 215 1,059 5,294 i 2 3 - - - - 2 3 - 29 30 5,294 254 53 193 1,079 5.339 3 5 1 - - - - - i - - 30 31 5,321 151 45 161 1,076 5,596 0 6 4 3 - 1 - - 6 5 3 - 31 32 5,184 186 54 170 1,061 5,485 1 6 1 2 - 1 - - - 7 1 2 - 32 33 5,178 146 52 148 1,016 5,405 2 6 5 1 - i - - - 7 5 1 - 33 34 5,064 140 49 135 1,013 5,529 3 9 - 3 - - 1 - - 9 i 3 - 34 35 4,954 127 46 122 1,014 5,444 5 6 1 - - 3 - - - 9 i - - 35 36 4,862 101 38 115 936 4,952 5 5 3 - - 3 1 - 8 4 - - 36 37 4,734 61 48 98 969 5,400 3 10 6 - - 5 - - 15 6 - - 37 38 4,578 87 53 106 947 5,688 3 15 3 3 - 5 - - - 20 3 3 - 38 39 4,458 71 40 75 902 5,739 3 16 3 - - 4 - - - 20 3 _ - 39 40 4.323 54 60 89 910 6.015 3 14 5 1 1 *2 - - - 16 5 1 1 40 41 4,104 24 40 64 842 5,497 5 16 3 1 3 . 1 2 - 19 4 3 - 41 42 3,9S9 31 41 06 827 5,393 2 20 2 1 - 2 - 1 - 22 2 2 - 42 43 3,784 25 41 53 892 5,977 5 23 2 1 - - - - - 23 2 1 - 43 44 3,587 35 37 73 793 5,568 2 19 5 1 - - 1 - - 19 6 1 - 44 45 3,419 9 47 40 798 5,871 3 24 2 1 1 i 1 - - 25 3 1 i 45 40 3,264 3 51 51 781 5,595 1 22 6 - - 2 1 1 - 24 7 1 - 46 47 3,127 3 56 34 728 5,713 2 25 7 2 - 1 _ - - 26 7 2 - 47 48 3,008 6 38 30 659 5,378 2 27 3 3 - - - - 27 3 3 - 48 49 2,851 2 46 23 675 5,705 4 21 4 3 - - 1 - - 21 5 3 - 49 50 2,683 6 43 19 058 5,555 i 19 5 i - 1 - 1 - 20 5 . 2 - 60 EXPERIENCE, 1856-75 (WALES). - - - - M A In E S. Sickness. | Mortality. Age. Monti Number Exposed to Risk. Total under Two Yearn. Total over Two Years. Total. Hate under Two Years. Rate over Two Years. j Total Hate. Mean Number Ex pniied to Risk. Total Death*. W. 1>. W. D. W. 1). 3 •0 - - - - - - 0-5 4 •9 - - - - - - i- - 5 ii - - - - - 1-5 - 6 1*9 - - - - - - 2- 7 M - - - - - - 1-5 - 8 1-0 - - _ - - - 1-5 - 9 M - - - - - - 1-5 - 10 2*4 - - - - - - 4* 11 5-6 - - - - - - 6-5 _ 12 9-9 2 0 - 2 0 •202 - •202 44* - 13 45-7 24 4 - 24 4 •540 - •540 136-5 - 14 136-1 133 1 - 133 1 ■979 - *979 278- 1 15 242*2 222 5 - 222 5 *920 - 920 465-5 5 16 394 2 449 5 - 449 5 1-142 - 1-142 800* i 17 714-3 824 0 - 824 0 M54 - 1-154 1,224- 11 18 1,009-8 1,239 0 - 1,239 0 1-227- - 1-227 2,190-5 10 19 2,311-3 2,585 4 26 0 2,611 4 1-119 •oil 1-130 3,406- 27 20 3,214-2 3,178 0 - 3,178 0 •989 - •989 4,097-5 28 21 3,856-2 4,250 4 - 4,250 4 1102 - 1-102 4,577- 38 22 4,248-1 4,456 5 - 4,456 5 1049 - 1-049 4,908*5 58 23 4,546 3 4,799 3 26 0 4,825 3 1-056 *005 1-061 5,177- 54 24 4,755-4 4,758 0 78 0 4,836 0 1-001 ■016 1-017 5,286- 51 25 4,857-7 5,372 5 78 0 5,450 5 1-106 •016 1122 5,286-5 54 26 4,885-8 5,010 0 130 0 5,140 0 1-025 •027 1-052 5,298- 57 27 4,985*1 4,733 1 130 0 4,863 1 *949 •027 •976 5,307- 51 28 4,882'0 5,326 3 78 0 5,404 3 1-091 ■016 1-107 5,189- 53 29 4,909-3 5,112 1 182 0 5,294 1 1-041 ■037 1-078 5,250*5 43 30 5,040-5 5,053 3 286 0 5,339 3 1003 •056 1-059 5,324-5 53 31 5,124-2 5,258 0 364 0 5,622 0 1-026 •071 1-097 5,316-5 45 32 5,018*0 5,199 1 338 0 5,537 1 1-036 •068 1-101 5,193* 54 33 5,010-7 4,989 2 468 0 5,457 2 *996 •093 1-089 5,178- 52 34 4,930-3 5,139 3 416 0 5,555 3 1-042 •085 1-127 5,067- 49 35 4,811-5 5,106 5 494 0 5,600 5 1061 •103 1164 4,959-5 46 36 4,734 7 4,614 5 520 0 5,134 5 *975 •no 1-085 4,858-5 38 37 4,640-5 4.724 3 936 0 5,660 3 1-018 •202 1*220 4,720*5 48 38 4,488-0 4,908 3 1,040 0 5,948 3 1*094 •231 1-325 4,573-5 53 39 4,377-5 4,829 3 1,118 0 5,947 3 1-103 *256 1-359 4,460- 40 40 4,245-8 5,209 3 910 0 6,119 3 1-227 •214 1-441 4,307-5 60 41 4,047-6 4,613 5 1,014 0 5,627 5 1-140 ■250 1-390 4,087-5 42 42 3,945-2 4,327 2 1,144 0 5,471 2 1*097 •290 1-387 3,973-5 42 43 3,745-8 4,755 5 1,222 0 5,977 5 1-270 ■326 1-596 3,770- 41 | 44 3,539-9 4,476 2 1,118 0 5,594 2 1-265 ■316 1-581 3,568-5 37 45 3.384-7 4.623 3 1,326 0 5,949 3 1-366 *392 1-758 3,405- 47 46 3,236-4 4,295 1 1,404 0 5,699 1 1-327 •434 1-761 3,242-5 52 47 3,108-4 4,283 2 1,482 0 5,765 2 1-378 *477 1-855 3,112-5 56 48 2,987*8 3,974 2 1.404 0 5,37S 2 1-330 *470 1800 2,996* 38 49 2,833-8 4,587 4 1,144 0 5,731 4 1-619 *404 2023 2.841- 46 50 0 2,672-4 JOO. 4,463 1 1,118 0 5,581 1 1-670 B •418 2*088 2,677-5 44 1 ltote. •00360 •01074 •00125 •00897 •00457 •00793 •00683 •00831 ■01181 •01043 •01022 •01021 •01076 •00961 •01022 •00819 •00995 •00846 •01040 •01004 •00967 •00928 •00782 •01017 •01159 •00897 •01393 •01027 •01057 •01088 ■01037 •01380 •01604 •01799 •01269 •01619 •01644 O. JOO '4 Sickness and Mortality Experience, Number .Sick. Number Sick after nt least Two Years' Continuous Sickness. Auk. Sick new. Included in Sickness. Not included in Sickness, Total. AlSE. D. li. D. r.. 15. K. 1). L. B. K. 1). L. 15. E. D. L. 6! 2,668 3 45 30 617 w. 5,187 1). 4 20 0 4 1 20 7 4 61 62 2,892 1 46 10 565 5,349 1 22 5 3 - i - - - 23 5 3 - 52 S3 2,234 - 39 11 516 5,109 2 24 8 4 - i 1 - - 25 0 4 - 53 54 2,131 - 39 14 692 5,493 3 28 5 6 2 - - - 30 5 6 - 54 55 2,025 2 50 12 533 4,779 0 22 5 3 2 - - - ' 24 6 3 - 55 50 1,936 - 51 12 523 4,950 3 22 3 i 2 2 1 - 24 5 2 - 56 67 1,781 1 41 7 490 4,875 i 23 7 - - 2 - - - 25 7 _ - 57 58 1,677 1 44 8 494 5,314 0 20 3 - - 2 - 1 - 31 3 1 - 58 59 1,570 1 50 8 477 5,810 1 32 9 6 - - i - - 32 10 6 - 59 (!0 1,453 - 31 ii 445 6,079 ■> 40 14 6 - - i - - 40 15 6 - GO Cl 1,325 - 36 8 457 6,388 o 60 11 6 - - - - - 50 11 6 - 61 62 1,236 - 40 3 441 6,914 0 50 18 2 - - - - - 5U 18 2 - 62 63 1,123 - 55 5 395 6,544 2 65 ° 12 1 i - 1 66 7 12 - 63 64 1,022 - 32 3 378 6,177 5 57 10 7 ! - 3 1 1 _ 60 ii 8 - 64 66 943 - 38 17 365 6,357 4 56 13 6 ~ 3 14 1 - i 50 27 7 - 65 66 818 - 35 9 335 6,329 3 61 21 10 - 16 3 - - * 24 10 - G6 67 749 - 46 8 337 6,781 5 74 11 6 - 17 4 1 - 91 15 7 - 07 68 649 - 35 3 288 6,644 i 70 13 7 - 18 i - - 88 14 7 - 68 69 577 - 26 13 276 6,224 3 67 17 4 - 15 9 1 - 82 26 5 - 69 70 502 _ 29 16 267 6,464 0 76 18 5 21 16 3 - 97 34 8 - 70 71 417 - 31 8 232 6,295 2 82 9 13 _ 31 6 3 - 113 15 16 - 71 72 360 - 22 4 192 5,537 5 75 13 10 26 3 5 - 101 1G 15 - 72 73 311 - 22 4 185 5,521 3 69 13 10 * 23 3 3 - 02 16 13 - 73 74 254 - 26 2 157 6,102 3 66 16 9 21 1 1 - 87 17 10 - 74 76 204 - 22 3 134 4,477 0 65 8 10 - 23 2 1 - 88 10 11 - 75 76 102 - 19 2 109 3 611 4 53 7 10 - 25 i 3 - 78 8 13 - 76 77 126 - 16 2 86 3,272 2 48 5 5 - 21 1 6 - 69 G 10 - 77 78 95 - 12 i 67 2,506 3 40 4 7 - 17 - i - 57 4 8 - 78 79 80 - 15 - 55 1,943 5 36 2 12 - 13 - - - 40 2 12 - 70 80 61 - 9 - 45 1,506 1 25 i 3 - 14 1 i 39 2 4 - 80 81 49 - 8 i 33 1,218 5 21 - 3 - 13 - 2 - 34 - 5 - 81 82 38 - 5 - 28 1,074 5 19 - 2 - 12 - 2 31 - 4 - 82 83 31 - 5 - 25 888 4 17 3 12 - 1 29 1 4 - 83 84 26 - 6 - 21 862 2 18 5 - 10 - - - 28 - 5 - 84 85 21 - 2 - 18 845 0 14 i 2 8 - 1 - 22 1 3 - 85 86 19 - 6 - 16 524 5 12 - 5 - 7 - 3 - “ - 8 - 86 87 12 2 - 8 365 5 7 - i 2 - - - 9 1 - S7 88 9 - 1 - 5 211 0 5 - i - 3 - 1 - 8 - 2 - 88 89 9 - 1 - 6 231 2 4 - - - 2 - - - 6 - - - 80 90 7 - 1 - 4 158 5 3 - - i - - - 4 - - 00 91 Q - 2 - 5 249 4 4 - i - - - - - 4 1 - 91 92 3 - 1 - 3 123 0 2 - i - - _ " - o " 1 - 02 93 1 - 1 52 0 1 , - - - - - - i - _ - 93 94 2 - - - 2 59 0 i - - - - - - - i - 94 95 9 1 “ | - i 2 17 3 i - 1 - - j - - 1 - 1 - 05 96 1 1 - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ j - 06 97 1 - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ i - 97 98 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 08 99 1 ; - i | “ 1 1 5 “ | 09 Total 174,617 10,737 2,572 5,105 1 39,987 334,494 1 1,900 366 243 2 424 81 47 - 2,324 447 290 1 o 1 r \ 1856-75 ( Wales) — Males — continued. Auk. Hloknost. Mortality, Moan Nunilior Kxisised to Rink. Total tinder Two j Yenrii. Total over Two Y oars. Total. Itate under Two Y ears. Hutu over Two Your*. Total Hate. M«ii n Nu in bur Kx jxtnril to Rink. Total Deatbi. Rntc. w. w. I). W. 1). 61 8,541*4 4,095 4 1,118 0 6,213 4 1-012 •440 2*052 2,545- 45 •01768 ti 2.386-1 4,153 i 1,248 0 6,401 1 1-741 •623 2*204 2,388-5 45 -01884 63 *■ 2,229*3 3,757 o 1,430 0 6,187 2 1*085 •041 2-326 2,230- 39 •01749 64 3,1290 4,063 3 1,534 0 6,697 3 1-909 •721 2-630 2,129- 39 •01832 66 2,020-9 3,583 0 1,300 0 4,883 0 1-773 •643 2-416 2,022- 60 •02473 60 • 1,931-9 3,754 3 1,326 0 5,080 3 1-943 •686 2-629 1,933- 52 •02690 57 1,779-1 3,497 1 1,482 0 4,979 1 1-966 •833 2-799 1,780- 41 •02304 58 1,674-9 3,728 0 1,664 0 5,392 0 2-226 *993 3-219 1,675-5 45 •02087 69 1, 666*6 4,068 1 1,768 0 5,836 1 2-597 1-129 3-726 1,507- 50 ■03191 00 1,447-9 3,791 5 2,314 0 6,105 5 2-619 1-598 4-217 1,448- 34 •02348 Cl 1,321-0 3,658 2 2,730 0 6,388 2 2*769 2067 4-836 1,321* 36 •02725 62 1,231-5 3,(98 0 3,016 0 6,914 0 3-165 2*449 5-614 1,231-5 40 •03248 63 1,121-0 1,320 2 3,(02 0 6,622 2 2*959 2*943 5-902 1,122- 55 •04902 64 1,0340 3,135 5 3,198 0 6,333 5 3,062 3-123 6*185 1,024- 33 •03223 65 94 1*5 3,263 4 3.588 0 6,851 4 3*456 3-799 7*255 944-5 39 •04130 66 832-0 2,871 3 4,368 0 7,239 3 3-451 5-250 8-701 831- 35 •04212 67 7640 2,803 5 4,940 0 7,743 5 3-670 6-466 10-136 764* 47 •06152 Git 606 0 2.848 i 4,758 0 7,606 1 4-277 7-144 11-421 666- 35 *05255 69 590*0 2,402 3 4,810 0 7,212 3 4-072 8-153 12-225 590- 27 •04576 70 523-0 2,174 0 5,720 0 7,894 0 4-157 10-937 15094 523- 32 *06118 71 447-0 2,135 o 5,850 0 7,985 2 4-777 ' 13-088 17-865 447- 37 •08278 72 385-5 1,559 5 5,278 0 6,837 5 4-046 13-691 17-737 385-5 27 •07005 73 333-5 1,855 3 4,862 0 6,717 3 5*564 14-579 20-143 333-5 25 •07495 74 274-5 1,488 2 4,706 0 6,194 3 5-423 17-144 22*567 274-5 27 •09838 76 226*5 1,149 0 4,550 0 5,699 0 5*095 20-177 25*272 . 226*5 23 •10155 76 180-5 933 4 3,926 0 4,859 4 5-006 21-051 26-057 186-5 22 •11790 77 146*5 776 2 3,484 0 4,260 2 5 299 23-782 29-081 146-5 21 •14334 78 111-5 504 3 2,860 0 3,364 3 4,525 25-651 30-176 111-5 13 •11659 79 93-0 331 5 2,288 0 2,619 5 3-568 24 602 28-170 93- 15 •16129 80 75*5 258 i 1,976 0 2,234 1 3-421 26172 29-593 75*5 10 •13245 81 61-5 204 5 1,638 0 1,842 5 3-331 26*634 29*965 61-5 10 •16260 82 50-0 138 5 1,508 0 1,646 5 2-777 30-160 32-937 50*0 7 •14000 83 • 430 56 4 1,430 0 1,486 4 1-318 33-256 34-574 43-0 6 •13953 84 36-0 5G 2 1,326 0 1,382 2 1-564 36-833 38-397 36-0 6 •16667 85 29*0 143 0 1,092 0 1,235 0 . 4-931 37-655 42"586 29*0 3 •10345 8G 26*0 30 5 780 0 810 5 1-186 30-000 31-186 26-0 9 ■34615 87 14-0 27 5 442 0 469 5 1-988 31-571 33-559 140 2 •14286 88 12-0 - 364 0 364 0 - 30-333 30-333 12-0 •16667 89 11-0 23 2 312 0 335 2 2-121 28*304 30-485 11-0 1 *09091 90 8-0 2 5 208 0 210 5 •354 26-000 26-354 8*0 i •12500 91 6*0 67 4 182 0 249 4 11-278 30-333 41-611 6*0 2 •33333 92 30 45 0 78 0 123 0 15-000 26-000 41-000 30 i •33333 93 1*0 - 52 0 52 0 - 52-000 52*000 10 - - 94 2*0 7 0 52 0 59 0 3-500 26 000 29-500 20 - - 95 2-0 - 26 0 26 0 - 13-000 13-000 20 i •oOOOO 96 1-0 - - - - - - 1-0 - - 97 1*0 - - - - - - 1-0 - - 98 1-0 - - - - 1-0 - - 99 1-0 1 5 - 1 5 1-833 - 1-833 1-0 1 1-00000 167,255-0 232.579 4 124,878 0 357,457 4 - - 177,897-5 2,619 \ B 4 0/200 I f) a SICKNESS AND MORTALITY^ EXPERIENCE, 1861-65 Number Hick after at least Two Years’ Continuous Sickness AUK of Mi-nil icr.-tlii | > U or U Died Left Bicknca*- Included In SickucM Not included in Sickness Tor At, it 1 K D 13 K D B IS 1) 0 Vmr i) 75 - W. 1). - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (i 84 1 1 1 1 06 4 - - - - - - - - - - i 0 32 _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 J 1 89 3 1 - - - - - - - - - - ( 2 57 i - - - - - - - - - - 0 23 _ _ _ _ _ . 1 39 2 - - - - - - - - - 3 * 73 2 1 - - - - - - - 3 50 8 - - - - - f 0 20 I 27 i - - - - - _ - - - - 4 35 i - - - - - - - - - 3—4 95 2 - 1 0 ' “ - - - - _ r 0 37 1 24 3 - - - - - - - - - - 5 2 24 1 - - r - - - - - - - 3—5 94 1 1 - - - - - - - 0 176 i 4 26 4 - i 40 - 1 4 0 - - - - - - - 6 2 21 - - - - - - - - - - - 3- -6 92 1 i - - - - _ - 0 189 2 9 2 0 1 187 3 18 89 2 - - - - - - - - 7 2 36 - 2 2 0 - - - - - - ! 3-7 95 1 i - - - “ - - “ 0 179 6 16 5 1 182 1 15 49 4 - - - - - - ” - 8 2 175 1 12 62 3 - - - - - - - 3—8 109 2 1 13 4 - - - - - - 0 197 1 4 3 0 1 187 1 20 86 4 - - - - - - - - - 9 < 2 167 1 14 75 4 - - - - - - - - - t 3—9 2G4 2 9 81 3 - - - - 1 - - 31 h AND isiitl 70 (C’OMIU Ni'iD), MAIdCS (ENGLAND). Half of bicklH 'N Mortality I'lxpoSlMl to UUk Unilw Two Your* Over Two Year* Tot AD Under Two Yearn Ovur 1 T V 1 wo l ciirn Total total Bute 1 Doatlix Halo of Mortal It v Wiet* WWk* ir.a» 1 Vrrkt Wreki 50 - - ~ \ 1 •OGOOO 96 1* i • •oil " •oil 2 •02105 1 93-5 _ - 1 •01070 92* _ - - 1 •01087 • • 94*5 — ' 1 1 •01053 108*5 13*7 - 13- •12G •126 2 •01843 | 259*5 81*5 81-5 •314 •314 2 •007707 34 * 15 0.200 1 5 li Sick n ns s and Mortality Experience, 1861-65 Number Sick after at leant Two Yearn’ Continuous Sickness Ault of B or E Dial Left JSickllCHM Included in Sickness Not included in Sickness Total taemiM'ohip B E ]) a H D B E 1) Year W. D. 0 274 1 8 13 4 - - - - - - ■ 211 1 28 98 3 - - - - - 10 •i 169 18 98 6 - - - - - - - . 3—10 374 1 23 93 3 - - - - - - 272 12 G 1 i 287 1 39 107 1 - - - - 11 3 108 - 13 78 0 - - - - - - 3 — !* 470 1 28 104 1 12 0 1 2 327 254 248 2 1 10 33 20 27 0 07 3 175 1 - - - - - “ 3—11 595 i 38 2G2 4 - - - - - - - 0 554 - 12 27 4 - - 1 322 - 35 142 2 - - - - " - - 13 2 211 i 21 132 5 - _ - - - - 3—12 703 5 54 381 1 - - - - - " 0 1,105 2 20 93 0 l 541 - 40 354 4 - - - - - - - - 14 2 208 3 21 180 2 - - - 7 “ - - - 3-13 803 9 103 593 3 - _ - - - - 0 1,981 5 28 91 2 1 1,042 1 52 478 5 - - - " - - - - 15 2 471 3 28 454 5 _ - _ - - - - - 3-14 970 5 119 085 0 - ■ - ' - _ « 3,218 35 205 0 X 1,939 4 84 1,155 0 - - - - - - - - - 16 2 954 1 54 7G5 2 - - - - - - - - - 3—15 1,280 132 1,085 5 - - 1 - 1 - - 0 3,334 3 233 4 1 3,124 a 133 1.735 4 - - - - _ _ - 17 2 1,799 6 92 1,794 1 1 - - ' - 3-10 2,014 8 101 1,589 3 - 1 1 - - 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 29 30 31 32 and l8(!G-70 (Combined), Males (England) — continued. Sick nun* llute nt Hlokncxii Mortality 1 0 3 4 3 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 j 26 27 iSxpoeeil to Kink Umlor Two Yearn Over Two Years Total Under Over Two Yeunt Two Year* Total Total Hate Dint) in I Rate of Mortality Wttkt IIVIj uva-j Week* Wetkn llrdi % 362*5 93-5 03-3 •257 •257 i •002769 1 462- 194-7 - 194-7 •121 •421 i 1 •002164 | j 576- 262-7 - 262-7 •456 | -456 i •001736 1 j 1 736- 381*2 381-2 •sis : •518 5 •006794 811-5 593-5 - 593-5 ' •732 •732 9 •01109 1 • 910-5 685- - 685* •752 •752 5 •005492 ! 28 i 1,221- 1,085-8 52 1,137-8 -889 •043 | -932 7 •005733 29 30 31 1 i 32 1,934-5 1,589-5 I 52 1,641-5 •822 . 027 •849 8 •004136 O.^OO. * B 2 Sick nicks and Mortality bxjx nonce, 1861-65 Number Sick after ut leant Two 'cans’ Coutlimoux Moknoss Auk ut 11 ur H Died l,cft bii’kllUHH Included in SIckncHH Not included in Sick lies# Totai, .Membership H ii 1> j*; D E D year W. 1). • 0 17,037 26 2H4 1,314 1 - - - . _ 1 3,217 16 210 1,818 2 - 1 - - - - - 2 2,946 17 166 2,502 4 - - - ! l . - - - 18 3-7 3,108 9 216 2,980 5 i i 1 1 | 8-12 392 2 45 289 1 - - - - - 13—14 1 - - j _ - - i - 1 - - 3—15 3,501 11 261 3,270 0 i i - i - - 2 1 - 0 16,057 26 339 1,263 0 I 1 16,507 66 960 10,1 G8 1 1 1 - 1 1 - 2 2,915 20 205 2,593 0 1 - - - - i 1 - - 19 3—7 5,391 23 364 4,861 2 9 i - 8—12 341 2 35 211 3 - - - - - - - - 13-15 76 5 126 2 - - - i - i - - • 3—15 5,808 25 404 5,202 1 o . 1 _ - 3 - 0 15,844 28 411 1,163 1 - - 1 15,758 58 1,211 9,398 2 - - - - - - - - 15,183 85 999 13,350 4 - - - - _ - 20 3-7 7,322 38 503 j 7,252 0 8—12 353 - 24 | 239 3 - - - - - - - - - 13—16 132 2 13 152 0 - - - i - i 1 - 1 l. 7,807 4 ) 540 7,643 3 - - - 1 i 1 - 1 0 17,897 26 444 i 1,518 0 1 15,479 67 1,273 9,203 5 - - - - - - - - - 2 14,268 84 J 1,120 12,562 5 3 5 - - - - 3 5 - 21 3-7 19,849 122 1,324 18,230 0 7 2 j 2 | 8—12 444 5 29 391 0 - - 1 - - - - - 1 - 13-17 151 - 17 164 3 - - - - - - - | 20,444 127 1,370 18,785 3 7 o - - - - 7 2 - / 0 15,025 22 407 ! 1,290 0 i 17,658 95 1,515 10,327 2 1 1 - - - - 1 1 - 2 14,017 92 1,178 12,062 5 1 4 1 - - - 1 •1 1 22 3—7 29,659 202 1,911 28,112 4 18 10 G i 18 ii G 8—12 757 8 68 795 3 J - - - - _ - - 13-18 171 4 12 122 3 - - - - _ - 30,587 1 214 1,991 J 29,030 4 18 10 j 6 - l - 18 11 I 6 i 2 a 4 ' 5 C 7 8 9 1(1 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3U 31 32 33 34 35 and 1 Stiii 70 (Combined), Malt's ( England)- rontinnn/. 1 i 3 4 5 6 , 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ID 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Sickiius* Unto of Slckiioxif Mortality , Li to Rilk Umli-r Orer T< IT A 1. Umlor Ovur Totai. Total ltutc of Two Your* Two Your* Two Year.*' Two YnirH Rato Death h Mortality HWlj IfrmU Week* IM, Wrrk» HVftU 1 3,0. K>* 2,902*8 78 2,980*8 *967 *026 •993 9 •00300 369-5 289*2 289*2 •783 - ■783 2 •00511 2* 52 52* - 26*000 26-000 - - 3,3715 3,1920 139 3,322* •917 *039 *986 U •003262 5,209* 4,760-3 104 4,8C4-3 •914 *020 •934 23 •0114415 323-5 211-5 . 211-5 *654 - *654 2 •006182 74*5 126-3 52 178 3 1-695 *698 2-393 - - 5,607- 5,098-1 156 5,254-1 •909 •028 •937 25 ■004459 7,070-5 7,252- 7 252* 1-026 1-026 38 •005374 341- 239-5 " 239-5 *702 - *702 - - 126-5 152- 26 178* 1-201 •206 1-407 3 •01581 7,538- 7,643-5 26 7,669-5 1-014 •003 1-017 41 •005306 19,187- 17,814- 416 18,230- *929 •022 *951 122 *006357 4295 391- 391- •910 - •910 5 *01164 142-5 164*5 164*5 1-154 - 1*154 - 19,759* 18,369*5 1 416 18,785*5 -930 ■021 •951 127 •006427 ■ 28,704- 27,072*7 1,066 28,138-7 i a '943 ! -037 •980 202 •007039 723- 795-5 795*5 1-100 - 1-100 8 •01107 165* 122-5 " 1*22*5 743 - *743 4 •02424 29,592* 27,990*7 1,066 | 29,056*7 •946 •036 *982 211 •007233 35 ) a Sickness and Mortality Experience, 18fjl-f)5 Number filek after at least Two Years’ Continuous Sickness Auk of It or K Died Left i Sickness Included in Sickness Not included in Sickness Total Mombornhl; JJ E \) 1 JJ 1 15 1 D IJ K D Year j W. 1). 0 13,662 21 361 1,169 2 - - - - - - - - 1 i 14,851 81 1,415 8,079 3 1 - - - - - 1 1 - 2 2 16,108 112 1,456 1 13,401 3 3 - i - - - ! 3 1 2 23 i 3—7 37,305 248 2,337 35,787 2 25 9 7 _ 25 9 7 4 8 - 12 1,536 8 103 1,442 1 - - - - - - - 5 13 -17 188 3 15 211 :i - - - - - - - 6 18-20 3 - - - - - - - - - - 7 39,122 269 2,455 37,411 0 25 9 7 | - 25 9 j 7 8 / 0 11,790 12 318 854 2 9 1 13,500 69 1,266 7,870 2 - 2 _ - - o - 10 2 13,345 . 88 1,197 11,039 0 - 4 j - - - 4 - 11 24 3—7 45,822 315 2,721 42.211 2 23 14 5 _ 1 _ 23 15 5 12 8—12 2.G71 19 151 2,681 5 1 o - - - 1 2 - 13 13—17 158 2 8 124 5 - - _ - - - - - - 14 18—20 54 - 6 73 4 - ■- - 1 - - 1 - 15 48,705 336 2,886 45,091 4 24 16 5 - 2 - 24 18 5 16 0 8,662 a 258 805 2 17 1 11,529 55 1,088 7,103 1 - - - - - - 18 2 12.291 102 1,100 9,658 1 3 2 - - 3 19 85 3-7 51,148 363 3,097 46,881 2 33 12 7 i _ 33 13 7 20 8-12 3,735 27 190 4,341 1 3 2 _ - 1 3 3 - 21 13-17 197 1 11 205 3 - - - - - - - - 22 18-21 81 4 6 45 0 - - - 1 - 1 i - 1 23 55,161 395 3,304 51,473 0 3G 14 7 i 2 i 37 16 8 24 ( 0 7,914 11 237 700 2 25 1 8,707 44 831 5,669 3 - 1 - - - - - 1 26 2 10,315 70 910 8,912 2 1 2 - - - 1 27 26 3—7 49,178 335 2,810 44,038 3 31 20 7 _ _ _ 31 20 7 28 8-12 10,340 4U7 10,360 0 i 12 5 3 1 i - 13 6 3 29 13-17 247 2 15 236 0 1 - - - 1 - - 1 - - 30 18- 22 91 1 8 65 1 , - - - _ - - - - 31 59,856 395 3,240 : 54,699 4 ; 43 25 10 2 1 - 45 2G 10 32 0 6,751 8 184 488 0 j 1 - 33 1 8,0G1 39 663 4,288 2 - 3 - ; - - - - 3 - 34 2 7,807 53 698 | 7,070 1 - | - 1 - - - - _ | - 35 27 3-7 46,556 316 2,603 43,492 1 37 16 6 _ _ 37 16 6 36 8-12 15,500 97 5S7 J 15,611 4 23 7 2 2 1 1 25 8 3 37 13—17 396 1 16 390 4 - - - 1 - - . 1 - - 38 18-23 109 1 | S 1 55 0 - - ~ - ” - 39 62,561 415 3,211 J 59,549 3 i 60 23 8 | 3 1 I 1 1 63 I 1 24 0 40 l. r » h and 18G(! 70 (Combined), Males (England) continual. » ID 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Kxponod to Risk Sick ncai KtttC of Hioklieiill Mortality Under Two Yennt Over Two Yoiirii Total Under Two Years Over Two Yearn Total Rate Total Dcatlis Rate of Mortality 1 \Wkt IViflt W*-k9 Wfkt Week* Weeks 36,226-5 34,435-2 1,352 35,787-2 •951 •037 •988 248 •OU6845 1.484-5 1,442-2 - 1,442*2 •971 - •971 8 ■005388 180*5 3* 211-5 - 211-5 •981 : •931 3 - •01662 37,894-5 36,088*9 1,352 37,440-9 ■953 •036 •989 259 •006836 , 44,462- 40,781-3 1,456 42.237-3 •917 •033 *950 315 •007084 2,595*5 2,577-S 104 2,681-8 993 •040 1-033 19 •007320 154- 124-8 - 124*8 •810 - •810 2 ■01299 51*5 73-7 26 99-7 1-445 •510 1-955 - - 47,263- 43,557-6 1,586 45,143-6 *922 •034 •956 336 •007109 49.600- 45,035*3 1,872 46,907-3 •90S •038 *946 363 •007318 3,640-5 4,133-2 234 4,367-2 M36 ■064 1-200 27 •007418 191-5 205-5 - 205-5 1-073 - 1-073 1 •005223 79- 45* 26 . 71- •570 *329 *899 5 •06330 53,511- 49,419- 2,132 51,551- *924 •040 •964 396 •007411 J 47,773- 42.0S8-5 1,950 44,038-5 •881 •041 ■922 335 •007011 10,138- 9,684- 754 10,438-0 •955 •074 1-029 57 •005622 240*5 236- 52 288- ■981 •216 1-197 2 •008316 87* 65*2 - 65-2 •749 - *749 1 •01150 58,238-5 52,073-7 2,756 54,829-7 ■894 •047 ■941 395 •006783 45,254-5 41,308-2 2,184 43.492-2 •913 •048 *961 316 •006984 15,209- 14,285-7 1,430 15,715-7 •940 ■094 1-034 98 •006443 389- 390-7 52 442-7 1-004 •134 1-138 1 •002571 ► 106*5 55- ~ 55* •517 " •517 1 •009391 60,959* 56,039-6 3,666 59,705-6 •919 •060 •979 416 •006825 B 4 0 . 200 , I r > / Sickness and Mortality Experience, 1 H(> 1 - G' Number Sick after at leant Two Years’ Continuous Kirk ness of Jlnrl? lllcil Left Hick lie Iiiclud cil in SlckncBH Not included in SlckncHU Total 11 E 1 n B ! E | D k E I) )’<'ar w. D. . • | ii (>,52 1 10 204 397 0 - - - - - • - - 1 1 (],80l 24 593 3,662 4 1 1 - - - - l 1 - 2 2 7,535 49 043 6,144 0 3 4 i - - - 3 4 1 3 3-7 42,250 319 2,108 39,540 1 32 15 5 32 15 •' 5 1 4 8-12 20,140 150 723 20,525 2 33 9 5 - 1 - 33 10 5 5 13-17 825 4 36 1,080 0 5 - - 1 - - 6 - - 6 18—21 123 1 4 lie 3 - - - - - - - - 7 63,344 474 2,931 61,262 0 70 24 10 1 i - 71 25 10 8 0 7,038 ii 185 5G4 0 - - 9 1 0,508 38 538 3,547 2 - - - - - - - - 10 2 0,280 43 474 5,006 1 2 2 - - - 2 2 - n 3-7 36,63.9 237 1,892 34,706 5 36 15 n i _ 30 16 11 12 8—12 25,482 221 841 24,911 5 34 9 3 2 - - 30 9 3 13 13-17 1,434 7 54 1,907 5 7 i 2 1 - - 8 i 2 14 18—25 144 2 9 156 5 - _ - - - - - - 15 03,099 » 2,796 61,083 2 77 25 16 3 1 - 80 26 16 16 0 4,437 12 138 381 i _ 17 1 7,045 30 603 4,042 4 1 1 - - - - i i - 18 2 6,127 40 471 5,297 4 4 1 - - - - 4 1 19 3 - 7 32,275 254 1,631 30,979 1 29 17 6 1 1 _ 30 18 6 20 8—12 28,410 214 833 27,913 5 38 14 6 2 i - 40 15 G 21 13-17 2,136 16 67 2,500 5 5 1 . - - - 5 i 22 18-25 160 2 5 217- 3 2 - - - - 2 - 23 62,987 480 2,536 61,611 2 74 32 12 3 2 - 77 34 12 24 0 3,157 17 74 236 5 25 1 4,437 21 356 2,517 4 - - - - - - - - 26 2 0,570 48 480 5,903 3 3 2 - - - 3 2 Ns 27 3-7 28,417 207 1,359 27,469 5 29 8 9 1 1 _ 30 9 9 28 8—12 27,920 217 822 29,315 o 47 21 5 3 3 1 50 24 6 29 13—17 5,575 36 131 5,903 i 10 i 3 i - - n i 3 30 18—26 211 1 7 278 2 2 i - - - - 2 1 - 31 3—26 62,129 461 2,319 62,966 4 88 31 17 5 4 1 93 35 18 32 0 3,458 8 95 220 4 33 1 3,239 20 229 1,830 2 - - - - - - - 34 2 4,253 32 302 3,908 5 - 2 - 2 - 35 3—7 20,095 202 1,290 26,895 0 23 14 2 2 1 2 » 15 4 36 8—12 20,703 228 787 20,9G2 i 46 n S 6 - - 52 11 8 37 13—17 8,C76 64 208 9,542 2 16 5 « 1 - - 17 5 - 38 18—27 344 3 5 669 3 4 - 1 - - - 4 1 39 3-27 02,478 . 497 2,290 61,069 0 89 30 n 9 1 2 98 31 13 40 28 29 30 31 32 ami 180(1-70 (Combined), Male* (Kiigland) continual. aU-kncHH lluto of Birkm M Mortality KX | H > cll!tl to nuk. U iK lor Two Yours Ovi*r Two Yount Tot A it U nil or Two Ymaih Over Ttvo Ynirs Total Unto Total Death" Halt* of Mortality Wrrks Wfkt Werki Wrtrk* Wri-Ill Week* 2 3 4 11,172* 37,6.6-2 1,924 39,540-2 •914 •017 •961 319 *007718 6 19,779* 18,705-3 1,846 30,551-3 •947 •093 1-010 150 *007584 6 80 S - 820- 312 1,183* 1-015 •387 1*402 4 *004951 7 121* 116-5 - 116-5 •963 - •963 i •008261 8 G 1,880- 57,258- 4,082 61,340* « •925 *066 •991 474 •007659 9 10 n 12 35,653 5 32,730*8 2,002 34,732-8 •917 •056 •973 287 ■008043 13 25,003-5 22,987-8 2,028 25,015-8 •916 •081 *997 221 •008819 14 1,408- 1,569-8 390 1,959-8 1*115 ■277 1-392 7 •004972 15 1395 156-8 - 156-8 1-124 - 1-124 2 •01434 is 62,304*5 57,445-2 4,420 61,865-2 •922 •071 •993 517 •008298 17 18 19 20 31,461- 29,185-2 1,872 31,057-2 •928 •059 •987 251 •008072 21 27,996* 25,729-8 2,314 28,043-8 •919 •083 1-002 214 •007642 22 2,102-5 2,214-8 286 2,500-8 1-053 *136 1-189 16 •03186 23 163-5 113-5 104 217-5 •692 •636 1-328 2 •01223 24 61,723- 57,243-3 4,576 61,819-3 •928 •076 1-004 486 ■007874 25 20 27 28 27,739- 25,987-8 1,560 27,547-8 •937 "056 •993 207 •007462 29 27,519-5 26,455-3 3,068 29,523-3 •962 ■112 1-074 218 •007922 30 5,510*5 5,435-2 520 5,965-2 •986 094 1-080 36 •006533 31 207-5 148-3 130 278-3 •715 *626 1-341 1 •004819 32 60,976-5 58,026-6 5,278 63,304-6 •952 •087 1-039 462 •007577 33 34 35 j 1 36 26,052-5 25,387* 1,586 26,973- •975 ■061 1-036 204 ■007831 37 26,373*5 24,492-2 2,782 27,274-2 •928 •106 1-034 228 •008642 38 8,573- 8,580*3 1,014 9,594-3 1-001 •118 1*119 64 •007466 39 341-5 487*5 182 669-5 1-428 •533 1-961 3 •008784 40 61,342-5 58,947* 5,564 64,511- •061' •091 1052 499 •008136 t 15 0.200 Sickness ami Mortality Experience, 1861-65 Ami Number Sick after at least Two Year*' Continuous Sickness of Mi'inlji'rxlili 11 or E Jllcil Left bickllCjiM Included In Bickncft* Not Included in Sickne&K Total 11 E u E B E D Year W. 1) 1 r 2, HUH 4 74 190 1 - - - - I - - - ' - i 3,528 20 302 I 1,869 4 - - - - - - 2 3,130 29 200 2,968 3 " | ’ - 1 ■ ' - 3-7 23,995 186 1,164 25,075 1 28 13 3 1 28 14 3 8—12 24,873 204 679 26,003 3 45 18 5 6 1 - 51 19 5 13—17 . 11,334 93 265 12,742 2 29 10 4 - - 29 10 4 18-28 680 8 ii 922 5 2 - - - - 2 - - „ 3—28 60,882 491 2,119 64,743 5 104 41 12 6 2 - no 43 12 0 3,233 3 89 242 0 1 2,909 16 242 1,423 4 - - - I - - - 2 3.353 22 236 3,385 3 i - l 3-7 20,350 178 865 22,244 0 31 13 5 i 32 13 5 8-12 22,274 184 600 22,980 1 42 11 6 2 1 2 - 44 13 6 13—17 14,496 122 281 16,331 1 34 5 4 5 1 - 39 6 4 18—29 1,170 15 25 1,405 2 3 2 - - - - 3 2 “ 58,290 499 1,771 62,960 4 no 31 15 8 3 118 34 15 i 0 2,294 4 62 1 158 6 . 1 1 3,334 12 253 1,794 2 - - - - - - 2 2,752 13 171 | 2,084 4 “ “ 3-7 18,285 166 831 18,796 3 19 7 3 1 1 20 8 4 8 -12 ! 20,084 ICS 532 21,833 4 50 13 5 4 - 1 54 13 6 13—17 10,754 150 335 18,167 0 41 18 4 5 i 46 19 4 18—29 1,750 - 12 38 2,182 4 8 _ 2 1 9 - 2 1 5G,873 496 1,736 60,979 5 118 38 14 n 2 , 129 40 16 l 0 1,716 4 52 | 194 1 1 2,400 8 185 1,578 3 - - - - - 2 3,220 38 189 3,011 4 - “ - | 33 34 12 13 I 14 15 16 20 21 35 25 26 27 36 3—7 15,867 ! 149 C71 17,358 3 17 9 8—12 18,169 163 424 19,953 2 34 n 13 -17 17,089 159 309 19,617 ■1 61 16 18-22 3,690 45 49 4,372 0 1 10 2 23-30 141 5 3 226 1 1 54,956 62t 1,456 61,557 4 123 38 3 i 4 4 10 5 2 1 17 38 66 11 1 133 10 11 18 3 28 4 29 11 30 2 31 32 20 33 «5 * anil l 70 (Combined), Males (England) — continued. 1 3 3 Exposed to Hitk Htoknow Unto of .Sioktie/04 Mortality Under Two Years Over Two Year* Under Two Years Over Two Your* Total Unto Total DeutliH Rato of Mortality Wttkt ITe-ti W'fkt Weeki W*ek» Wttkt 4 33,413-5 23,350*2 1,742 25,101-2 •998 •074 1-072 186 •007945 5 24,540' 23,325-5 3,016 26,341-5 •950 *123 1-073 204 •008312 6 11,201-5 11,078-3 1,664 12,742-3 •989 •149 1-138 93 •008304 7 674 5 818-8 104 922*8 1-214 *154 1-368 K •01186 8 59,829-5 58,581-8 6,526 65,107*8 *979 •109 1-088 491 •008207 0 10 11 , - • 12 19,918-5 20,421- 1,872 22,296- 1-025 •094 1-119 178 •008935 13 21,977- 20,666-2 2,470 23,136-2 •940 •112 1-052 184 *008371 14 14,361- 14,537-2 2,080 16,617-2 1-013 ' •155 1-168 122 •008498 15 1,157-5 1,197-3 208 1,405-3 1-034 ■180 1-214 15 •01295 IS 57,414- 56,824-7 6,630 63,454-7 •990 •116 1-106 499 •008691 17 18 • 19 20 17,871- 17,704*5 1,144 18,848-5 •991 •064 1-055 167 •009346 21 19,822- 19,025*7 2,990 22,015-7 *960 *151 1-111 169 •008527 22 16,592- 15,671- 2,782 18,453- •945 •168 1113 150 •009043 23 1,732- 1,818-7 416 2,234-7 1-050 •240 1-290 12 •006929 24 56,017- 54,219-9 7,332 61,551-9 •968 •131 1-099 498 •008890 25 26 27 28 15,532* 16,318-5 1,066 17,384-5 1-051 •069 1-120 149 *00959 29 17,961- 18,003-3 2,158 20,161-3 1-002 •120 1-122 163 •00908 30 16,940-5 16,319-7 3,614 19,933-7 ‘963 •213 1-176 160 •00945 31 3,6G6‘5 3,852-0 572 4,424- 1*051 •15C 1-207 45 •01227 32 139-5 174*2 52 226-2 1-249 ■373 1-622 5 •03584 33 54,239-5 54,667-7 7,462 62,129*7 1-008 •138 1-146 522 *009645 0 . 200 . f B 2 i ", m Sickness and Mortality Experience, 1861-65 Number Hick after at leant Two Years’ Conti nuous Sickness Uuritttuu — Aob of B or K nifii 1,1'it Sickness Included in Sickness Not included in Sickness Totai, Membership B J) Ji E D B E n Vear. W. I). 0 1,370 45 108 5 - - - - - - - 1 1 1,771 11 140 1,166 4 - - - - - - 2 0 2,277 13 134 2,146 i - - - - - 3 37 3—7 13,805 142 572 14,600 i 15 7 4 1 15 8 4 4 8-12 17,228 155 449 19,436 0 35 17 3 i - - 36 17 3 5 13—17 16,818 172 290 19,675 4 58 13 5 8 - 1 66 13 6 6 18—22 5,867 52 91 7,177 5 15 3 2 1 - - 16 3 2 7 23—31 201 4 7 319 5 1 - - - - - 1 - . 8 53,915 525 1,409 61,209 3 124 40 14 10 1 1 134 41 15 9 f 0 1,527 3 53 139 2 10 1 1,438 10 124 808 5 - - - - - - - - - 11 2 1,710 12 100 1,759 2 2 - - - - - 2 “ 12 38 | 3—7 12,289 100 475 13,475 3 14 9 1 1 14 10 i 13 8—12 15,618 149 357 18,082 3 43 13 9 2 “ - 45 13 9 14 13-17 16,002 158 291 18,636 4 55 11 12 7 i 62 11 13 15 18—22 7,770 58 114 8,648 0 20 4 - - - - 20 4 - 16 23—31 458 i 11 691 2 i 1 \ ■ - - 1 1 - 17 52,227 466 1,248 59,534 0 133 38 22 9 1 1 142 39 23 18 ( 0 1,568 i 41 156 2 ■ 19 1 1,555 12 135 994 5 - - - - 20 2 1,360 13 88 1,201 4 - - - - - 21 39 < 3—7 10,088 108 372 12,600 2 14 8 1 14 8 1 22 8—12 13,604 129 298 15,615 3 34 9 i 1 - - 35 9 1 23 13—17 14,657 158 261 18,042 1 49 3 2 o 2 - 51 5 2 24 18—22 10,320 90 132 12,175 0 37 10 1 i - - 38 10 i 25 23—32 861 6 14 1,364 4 2 2 - 1 - - 3 2 - 26 50,430 491 1,077 59,797 4 136 32 5 5 2 - 141 34 5 27 0 620 30 37 4 28 1 1,594 12 128 1,022 i - - - - - - - 29 2 1,433 17 74 1,511 3 1 - - - " 1 30 3-7 9,384 88 318 11.411 2 16 7 1 16 7 1 31 4° 8—12 12,108 146 236 15,477 1 38 5 4 i - - 39 5 4 32 •13—17 13,439 146 198 16,228 4 40 7 5 5 - 1 45 7 6 33 18—22 12,366 118 133 15,225 2 48 12 5 2 2 - 50 14 5 .34 23—33 1,293 7 15 1,816 1 6 1 1 1 - - 7 1 1 35 48,590 505 900 60,158 4 148 32 16 9 2 1 157 34 17 36 i.» n ami 1H(J()-7U (('oiiiliimsl), Males ( Kurland) — continued. sloknoM Ilute of HloknoM* Mortality Kx pom'll to HUk Under Two Yours Over Two Year* Total Under Two Youth Over Two Yearn Total HaU* Total Deatlix Itate of Mortality 1 Week* Week* Wtrtt Week* 1 Vtrkt Week* 3 1 13,519*5 13,742*2 881 11,626*2 1*016 *065 1*08 1 142 •01050 & 17,009*5 17,252* 2,236 19,188* 1*015 •132 1*147 165 •00912 6 16,679* 16,461*7 3,614 20,065*7 *986 *217 1*203 173 •0J037 7 5,622*5 6,371*8 858 7,229*8 1*094 *147 1*241 52 *00893 s 197*5 267*8 5*2 319*8 1*354 *283 1*617 4 *02025 9 53,221* 54,085*5 7,644 61,729*5 1*016 *114 1-16U 526 *009883 10 11 12 13 12,052* 12,539*5 962 13,501*5 1*041 *080 1*121 100 •008297 14 15,441*5 15,742*5 2,444 18,186*5 1*020 *158 1*178 149 *009652 15 15,953*5 15,802*7 3,172 18,974*7 0*991 •199 1*190 159 •009968 16 7,713* 7,504* 1,144 8,648* 0*973 *148 1*121 58 *007520 17 , 452*5 613*3 . 78 691*3 1*356 *172 1*528 1 *002210 18 51,612*5 52,202* 7,800 60,002* 1*012 *151 1*163 467 *009049 19 20 ! 21 22 1 10,802* 11,690*3 910 12,600*3 1*082 *084 1*166 108 •01000 23 13,456* 13,639*5 2,028 15,667*5 1*013 *151 1*164 129 •009585 24 1 14,529*5 15,468*2 2,730 18,198*2 1*065 •188 1*253 158 *01087 25 10,255* 10,017* 2,210 12,227* 0*977 *215 1*192 90 *008772 26 855* 1,208*7 208 1,416*7 1*414 *243 1*657 6 •007018 27 49,897*5 52,023*7 8,086 60,109*7 1*043 *162 1*205 491 •009840 28 ! 29 30 1 31 9,225* 10,423*3 988 11,411*3 1*131 *107 1*238 88 *009539 32 11,991* 13,475*1 2,054 15,529*1 1*124 *171 1*295 146 *01218 33 13,345* 14.09G-7 2,366 16,462*7 1*056 *177 1*233 147 •01101 34 12,302*5 12,517*3 2,834 15,381*3 1*020 *230 1*250 118 *009594 35 1,286*5 1,504*2 364 1,868*2 1*169 *283 1*452 •005440 36 4S.150* 52,046*6 8,606 60,652*6 1*081 *179 1*260 506 •01051 0.200 t b 3 Si< k.NKss and Mortality Experience, 1801 05 \JK 41 42 l Duration Number Sick after ut least Two Years’ Continuous Sickness of MomlierHhi}) 11 or K Dlol Left Sieknewt Included in SIcIcikmk Not included in Hickne»g | Total K 1) li B D li e D Year w. l>. 0 3(18 3 11 00 0 - _ - - 1 1 049 i 51 107 2 - - - 2 2 1,500 14 92 1,549 4 - 1 - - - - - i - 3 3-7 8,200 87 274 9,830 0 13 7 4 13 7 4 4 8—12 10,594 111 222 13,486 5 34 9 i 1 2 i 35 11 2 5 13—17 12,598 137 159 15,891 3 40 12 6 3 - - 43 12 6 6 18—22 12,940 143 140 10,672 5 54 7 7 4 - i 58 7 8 7 23-32 2,818 37 35 4,172 4 8 5 - l - - 9 5 - 8 47,150 515 830 60,053 5 149 40 18 9 2 *2 ' 158 42 20 9 0 416 11 72 o 10 1 387 7 33 274 0 - - - _ - 11 2 647 9 26 542 1 - - - - - 12 3—7 7,037 102 232 8,859 5 10 4 1 10 4 1 t3 8—12 9,081 94 194 12,726 0 24 6 2 2 - - 26 6 o 14 13-17 11,935 127 171 15,678 i 40 15 2 2 1 - 42 16 2 15 18—22 13,103 145 134 17,529 5 55 14 2 7 - - G2 14 o 16 23—27 4,336 47 42 6.198 4 19 8 3 1 1 - 20 9 3 17 28—33 126 1 2 323 3 3 - - - - 3 - - 18 45,618 516 775 61,316 0 151 47 10 12 2 - 163 49 10 19 0 343 17 36 4 20 1 465 3 32 425 3 - - - - - 21 2 375 5 19 390 0 - - - - 22 3—7 5,528 55 173 6,888 3 5 2 5 2 23 8—12 8,145 86 134 11,644 5 23 8 3 3 - i 26 8 4 24 13—17 11,119 130 147 15,713 3 52 9 6 2 i 54 10 6 25 18-22 12,803 165 141 17,555 2 59 15 13 6 1 - 65 16 13 26 23—27 5. 947 59 54 8,232 3 30 7 6 2 - - 32 7 6 27 28—34 242 4 3 279 4 2 - 1 - 2 - i 28 43,784 499 652 60,314 2 171 41 29 13 2 i 184 43 30 29 0 420 1 7 44 1 30 i 374 2 24 190 0 - - - - - 31 •-> 452 16 568 0 - - - - 32 3—7 | 4,346 51 129 1 • 5,847 3 4 5 1 4 6 33 8—12 7,209 89 126 10,674 3 25 8 5 i 1 - 26 9 5 34 13—17 9,901 121 112 14,401 2 44 ii 7 4 - - 48 a 7 35 18—22 12,073 136 113 17,853 0 59 15 4 5 3 - 64 18 4 36 23—27 7,910 105 58 10,959 2 37 5 i 3 i - 40 6 i 37 28- 35 480 2 2 815 4 4 - - - - - 4 38 41,919 504 540 60,551 2 173 44 17 13 6 - 186 50 17 39 i r> i> and 186G-70 (Combined), .M a los ( Kujrlu ml) continual. Sickness Unto of Sickness Mortality Exposed to ltiMk Umlor Oror Tot a r, Umlor Over Total Total itnte of Two Y «>» Two Yours Two Youth Two Youth Rate Dentlis Mortality 1 2 3 II oris IfrrJta IV eel* IVecHt HVcXj 4 8,069* 9,076- 764 9,830- 1-126 ■094 1-220 87 •01079 6 10,485- 11,510-8 2,054 13,564-8 1-097 •196 1-293 112 -01068 e 12,521-5 13,655-5 2,392 16,047-5 1-091 ■191 1-282 137 -01O94 7 12,874- 13,864-5 2,990 16,854-5 1-077 •232 1-309 141 •01119 8 2,801-5 3,626-7 598 4,224*7 1-294 •214 1-508 37 •01320 9 46,751- 51,733-6 8,788 60,521-5 1-106 •188 .1-294 517 •01106 lb 11 12 13 6.921- 8,261-8 598 8,859-8 1-193 •086 1-279 102 •01474 14 8-98G* 11,374- 1,456 12,830- 1-265 •162 1-427 94 •01046 15 11,852- 13,260-2 2,548 15,808-2 1-119 •215 1-334 127 •01072 16 13,043- 14,357-8 3,536 17,893-8 1-101 •271 1-372 145 •01112 17 4,316-5 5,080-7 1,196 6,276*7 1-177 ■277 1-454 47 •01089 18 125- 167-5 156 323-5 1-340 •125 1*465 1 •008000 19 45.243-5 5*2,502* 9,490 61,992* 1-160 •210 1-370 516 •01141 20 21 4 22 23 5,441-5 6,576*5 312 6,888-5 1-208 •057 1*265 55 *01011 24 8,081- 10,318-8 1,45G 1 1,774*8 1-277 •180 1*457 87 •01076 25 11,048- 12,931-5 2,912 15,843*5 1-170 •263 1-433 130 *01176 26 12,739- 1 1,435-3 3,458 17,893-3 1-133 *271 1-404 165 ■01295 27 5,922- 6,646*5 1,090 8,336-5 1-122 •285 1-407 69 •009963 28 240-5 201-7 78 279-7 •839 •324 1-163 4 •01663 29 43,472- 51,1103 9,906 61,016*3 1-176 •228 1-404 500 •01150 30 | 31 32 33 4,282* 5,509-5 3G4 5,873*5 1-289 •085 1-374 51 •01193 34 7.147-5 0,296*5 1,456 10,752-5 1-300 *204 1-504 89 •01245 35 9,849- 12,009-3 2,600 14,609-3 1-219 •264 1-483 121 •01229 36 12,023- 14,499* 3,C92 18,191- 1-206 *307 1-513 136 •01131 37 7,884-5 8,931-3 2,210 11,141-3 1-133 *280 1-413 105 •01332 38 479* 607-7 208 815-7 1*269 •434 1-703 2 •00417 39 41,665- 50,153-3 10,530 61, "81 3 1-220 *253 1*473 504 •01209 I'M 0.200 • ') H Sick. \kss ami Mortalit v Experience, 1801 — G.j Am*: Duration of Mcinbor*hi|» 11 or K 172 451 372 Di<>il Loft , 9 29 13 Sickness W. i). 36 1 272 1 452 2 Number Included in Hie - 1 - i Hick aft kness J) *r at least Two Years’ Continuous S Not S Deluded in Sickness 1. j K 1) I* eknens Total 1! D 1 2 3 Year 0 1 2 - - - 3-7 3,649 47 111 4,753 g 7 3 7 3 4 45 x 8—12 0,044* 83 96 9,056 1 18 3 1 2 - • 20 3 2 5 13-17 9,014 115 117 13,725 2 42 10 6 5 1 - 47 ii 6 6 18-22 11,289 137 96 17,973 0 73 13 3 7 - - 80 13 3 7 23—27 9,488 107 92 13,801 4 49 10 3 5 - 54 10 3 8 28—36 755 6 3 1,407 3 8 3 1 - - - 8 3 i 9 40,137 495 518 60,717 3 197 42 14 19 1 1 216 13 15 10 0 95 1 3 2 4 _ 1 - n 1 241 3 20 159 5 - - - - - 12 2 461 5 18 479 0 - - - - _ 13 3-7 2,682 33 78 3,895 3 5 i _ _ _ _ 5 1 _ 14 46 J 8—12 5,262 79 83 8,675 5 21 5 3 1 2 i 22 7 4 15 ] 13—17 7,824 100 84 12,34G 0 39 H 3 4 - - 43 8 3 16 18—22 11,039 136 92 17,708 3 78 13 8 9 1 - 87 14 8 17 23—27 10,004 136 74 15,148 4 57 9 2 5 3 2 62 12 4 18 28—37 1,584 25 13 2,665 i 9 2 - - - - 9 2 - 19 k 38,395 1 509 424 60,439 4 209 ; 38 16 ,9 | 6 3 228 44 19 20 ° 97 o 19 5 21 1 121 1 14 182 3 - - - - - 22 2 253# 7 17 279 i - - - - 23 3—7 1,996 29 62 2,755 3 i 2 _ _ _ 1 2 _ 24 8—12 4,396 64 53 7,805 5 17 5 2 1 - - 18 5 2 25 47 13—17 6,807 93 87 11,832 i 36 9 4 1 - - 37 9 4 26 18—22 10,630 145 105 17,925 0 74 19 6 10 2 2 84 21 * 27 23—27 10,167 133 80 16,187 2 02 11 7 7 - . - 69 ii 28 28—32 2,506 37 8 4 222 3 18 4 - 1 - - 19 4 29 33—37 63 - 1 145 1 1 - - - - 1 - 30 ' 36,565 501 396 60,873 3 209 50 19 20 2 2 229 52 21 31 0 87 4 22 0 ' 32 1 107 - 5 152 4 - - - - - 33 2 141 1 5 164 4 - - - - - 34 3—7 1,568 24 37 1 1,733 2 _ _ _ _ . _ - _ 35 8—12 3,377 55 58 5,780 3 13 5 3 - - - 13 5 3 36 46 < 13—17 6,002 87 74 10,337 1 36 9 3 1 - - 37 9 3 37 18—22 9,827 140 77 16,486 5 71 <) 8 9 . 2 2 80 n 10 38 23—27 10,015 179 78 17,350 4 78 15 11 9 1 - 87 15 11 39 28—32 3,600 46 26 6,347 5 30 5 3 1 1 - 31 6 3 10 33—38 123 1 - 180 0 1 - 1 - " - 1 - 1 41 34,512 532 350 58,210 2 229 43 29 20 ; 3 249 46 31 42 and lHlili 70 (Combined), Males ( Knjjland) — amtinuril. 1 3 Sickness Hutu of Slckin Mfl Tot a ij Unto Mortality Kx posed to lllak Under Two Your* Ovi-r Two Your* Total Uuclor I Two Yearn Over Two Yours Tota 1 , Ul'fltlM Huto of Mortality \Y*rka II Win Wtek* If Wls llVtfl* HVoIj 4 3,492* 1,311*8 442 4,753-8 1-235 ■127 1*362 47 •01346 5 6,998* 8,068-2 1,066 9,134-2 1-315 •178 1*523 84 •01401 G 8,961* 1 1,437-3 2,674 14,011-3 1-276 *287 1-563 115 •01284 7 11,248- 13,917- 4,120 18,337- 1-237 •393 1*630 137 •01218 8 -9.445- 11,071-7 3,990 14,061-7 1-172 ■317 1-48!) 107 •01133 9 753-5 939-5 168 1,407-5 1-247 •621 1-868 8 00796 10 39,897-5 49,745*5 1 1,960 61,705 5 1-247 •300 1*547 496 01243 11 12 13 u 2,643- 3,609-5 286 3,895-5 1-347 •108 1-455 33 •01247 15 5,222-5 7.531-8 1,222 8,753-8 1-442 •234 1-676 80 •01532 16 7,786- 10,188- 2,366 12,554- 1-309 •301 1-013 100 •01284 17 11,002-5 13.522-5 4,680 18,202-5 1-227 *425 1-652 136 •01056 18 9,973-5 12,002-7 3,432 15,434-7 1-203 •344 1-547 138 •01384 " 1,577*5 2,145*2 520 2,665-2 1-360 •330 1-690 25 •01585 20 38.205- 48,999*7 12,506 61,505*7 1-282 •327 1-609 512 •01340 21 22 23 24 1,965* 2,651-5 104 2,755-5 1-350 •053 1-403 29 •01476 25 4,370-5 6,843*8 1,014 7,857*8 1-506 ■232 1-798 64 •01464 26 6,761-5 9,830-2 2,054 11,884-2 1-453 •304 1-757 93 •01375 27 10,588-5 13,739- 4,706 18,445- 1-297 *441 1-741 147 •01388 28 10,134* 12,859-3 3,692 16,551-3 1-269 •365 1-634 133 •01313 29 2,503- 3,182-5 1,092 4,274-5 1-273 •436 1-709 37 •01478 30 62*5 93-2 52 145-2 1-491 *832 2-323 - - 31 36,388- 49,199-5 12,714 61,913-5 1-352 •349 1-701 503 •01382 32 • 33 34 36 1,549*5 1.733-3 - l,733-3 1-119 1-119 24 •01548 36 3,348- 5,052-5 728 5,780-5 1-510 •218 1-728 55 •01644 37 5,966* 8,309-2 2,080 10,389-2 1-393 •349 1-742 87 •01458 38 9,798 5 - 12,768-8 4,186 16,954-8 1-303 •427 1-730 142 •01449 39 9,985- 13,190-7 4,628 17,818-7 1-321 •464 1-785 179 •01793 40 3,588*5 4.735-8 1,690 6,425*8 1-319 *471 1-790 46 •01282 41 123- 154- 26 180- 1-252 •211 1-463 1 •00813 42 34,35S*5 45.94 1-3 13,338 59,282-3 1-337 *388 1*725 534 •01554 $ B 0.200 SiCKMiSS and Mortality Experience, 1861-65 Number Sick after at leant Two Years’ Continuous Sickness Duration - | A UK of B or 13 Died Deft Sicknch* Included in Bicknoiw Not included in Sickness Total Membership B S 11 E D B E D Year W. I). ! • o 83 2 20 0 - - - - - 1 i 120 1 5 102 1 - i - - - » 2 130 1 7 144 1 - - 3 3—7 1,340 17 34 1,861 3 i 2 - 1 2 - j 4 49 8-12 2,651 3G 35 4,423 3 9 1 3 - 2 1 2 . * 5 13—17 5,379 7G 51 9,070 5 30 7 5 3 - 2 33 7 7 6 18—22 8,853 137 50 16,691 3 78 14 8 5 - 2 83 14 10 7 23—27 9,485 129 59 17,215 5 78 15 8 ii 1 - 89 16 8 8 28—32 4,598 74 28 8,135 1 35 5 2 3 3 - 38 8 2 9 33—39 214 2 4 470 0 2 ■ - - - - 2 1 - . 10 32,520 . 471 261 57,868 2 233 45 26 22 6 #5 255 51 31 ii / 0 85 1 2 15 1 12 1 108 1 3 90 2 - - - - - 13 2 140 2 2 174 0 1 “ - 14 3—7 1,097 15 33 1,745 1 1 2 i ' 2 15 50 < 8—12 2,1G5 3G 31 4,104 2 7 3 1 - i - 7 4 1 16 13-17 4,673 70 49 8,069 4 22 11 2 - 1 - 22 12 2 17 18—22 8,145 161 73 16,132 1 74 10 7 5 - - 79 10 7 18 23—27 8,896 150 59 18,121 1 87 15 8 n i 2 98 16 10 19 28—32 5,515 80 42. 9,883 5 45 9 3 3 - - 48 9 3 20 33—40 341 3 i 736 5 4 - - - - - 4 - 21 30,832 515 288 58,793 1 240 50 21 19 3 2 259 53 23 22 I 0 27 4 0 " ' 23 1 103 i 144 0 - - - - - - 24 2 119 4 3 1G5 1 - - - - 25 3-7 905 21 25 1,680 5 3 1 3 1 26 8—12 1,746 29 15 3,477 3 rr 3 1 i . 8 3 1 27 51 ( 13—17 4,215 G9 35 7,869 5 22 8 2 i - 23 8 2 28 18—22 7,179 119 49 14,466 2 56 16 2 4 2 1 60 18 3 29 23-27 8,662 145 C2 18,707 0 103 23 12 ? 3 - no 26 12 30 28—32 5,789 103 32 10,892 5 51 12 4 4 3 1 55 15 6 31 33-41 664 12 7 1,394 5 6 3 - 1 2 1 - 8 4 1 - ! 32 l 29,1G0 498 225 58,489 1 248 65 22 19 9 2 267 74 24 33 1.5 t n nd 1866-70 (Coin hiued), Mules (England) continual. Slokncm Hate of Sink nr** Mortality Kx potted to Rink. * Under Two Year* Over Two Yoar* ’ Total Under Two Year* Over Two Yonrt Total Rato Total Koto of DcaIIih Mortality i 3 WWkt ll' Ww*i Weeks Weeks Wtfkt 4 1,323- 1,757-5 • 104 1,861-5 1-329 •079 1-408 17 •01286 5 2,631-5 4,007-5 442 4,449-5 1-517 •168 1-685 37 •01404 6 54356*5 7,458-8 1,716 9,174-8 1-393 •320 1-713 78 •0145G 7 8,833- 12,479-5 4,420 16,899-5 1-413 •500 1-913 139 •01574 8 9,467- 12,977-8 4,836 17,813-8 1-371 •511 1-882 129 •01363 9 4,588-5 6,237-2 2,132 8,369-2 1-359 •465 1-824 74 •01613 10 212* 340- 130 470- 1-604 •613 2-217 2 •00943 11 32,414-5 45,258-3 13,780 59,038-3 1-396 •425 1-821 476 •01469 12 13 14 IS 1,080-5 1,641-2 104 1,745-2 1-519 •096 1-615 15 ! •01381 16 2,150- 3,688-3 442 4,130-3 1-716 •206 1-922 36 ■01675 17 4,649- 6,691-7 1,404 8,095-7 1-439 •302 1-741 70 1 j -01506 18 8,113-5 12,206-2 4,186 16,392-2 1-505 •516 2*021 161 •01984 19 8,878- 13,415-2 5,252 18,667-2 1-512 •592 2-104 152 •01713 20 5,497- 7,387-8 2,652 10,039-8 1-344 •482 1-826 80 •01455 “ 340-5 528-8 208 736-8 1-552 •611 2-163 3 •00881 22 30,708-5 45,559-2 14,248 59,807-2 1-484 •464 1-948 517 •01683 23 - 24 25 26 892-5 1,550-8 130 1,680-8 1-738 ■146 1-884 21 ■03353 27 1,739-5 3,061-5 468 3,529-5 1-760 ■269 2-029 29 •01667 28 4,198-5 6,569 8 1,352 7,921-8 1-565 •322 j 1-887 69 •01643 29 7,159-5 11,190-3 3,510 14,700-3 1-563 •490 2-053 120 ■01676 30 8,639-5 13,065- 6,084 19,149- 1-502 ■704 2-206 145 •01667 31 5,778-5 8,032-8 3,120 11,152-8 1-390 •540 1-930 104 •01799 32 663- 1,004-8 520 1,524-8 1-515 •784 2-299 12 •01809 33 29,071- 44,475- 15,184 59,659- 1-530 •522 2-052 500 •01720 + B 2 0.200 I 5 u Sl( kness and Mortality Experience, 1861-65 Duration Number Sick after at leant Two Yearn’ Continuous Sickness Auk of B or 15 UitMl Left SIckllOHH Included in Blckncns Not included in Sickness i Total Membership a X 1 11 j 14 L> 11 E D Ytar w. I). / 0 82 1 - 1 0 - - - - - - 1 37 1 2 12 0 - - - . - 2 115 1 2 123 2 - - - _ - 3-7 6G2 , 19 1,209 i 2 2 - 1 2 3 52 8-12 1,423 22 1G 3,308 2 8 1 i - - - 8 i 1 13—17 3,334 68 34 6,513 2 17 6 1 3 - 1 20 0 2 18—22 6,760 120 55 14,731 5 66 12 2 5 1 - 71 13 2 23-27 8,338 148 50 19,933 4 107 18 8 n 2 - 118 20 8 28-32 5,958 114 33 12,702 5 73 12 8 7 - - 80 12 8 33-37 1,067 16 6 2,069 5 12 2 1 2 - 1 14 2 2 38—42 28 - - 56 5 - - - - - - l 27,570 493 213 60,525 5 285 <53 21 28 4 2 313 57 23 0 28 1 8 i . ► 1 46 - 1 24 2 - - - - - - 2 46 1 - 76 4 - - - 3-7 554 10 16 1,104 3 3 o 3 2 8—12 1,077 23 10 2,370 4 6 3 1 i - 7 3 1 53 S 13—17 2,743 50 32 6,047 4 17 6 2 4 - - 21 6 2 18-22 6,245 116 53 14,039 3 62 12 8 8 - - 70 12 8 23—27 7,939 153 43 19,467 2 102 19 9 9 i 3 111 20 12 28—32 5.841 95 23 13,829 2 86 19 6 9 i - 95 20 6 33-37 1,609 32 7 3,433 4 20 2 4 o - 22 2 4 38—43 52 1 - 54 5 - - - - - - - - - I | 26,060 480 184 60,347 3 296 63 30 33 2 3 329 65 33 0 25 1 7 5 1 38 - - 69 5 - - - - 2 63 1 2 77 i - - - - - - I 3-7 458 10 12 998 2 4 2 4 2 | 8—12 895 25 20 2,165 3 7 - 2 i - - 8 - 2 54 | 13—17 2,245 45 15 5,091 3 15 4 2 1 1 - 16 5 2 18—22 5,870 99 40 13,734 - 62 13 6 10 1 1 72 14 7 03 27 7,157 165 51 18,599 3 99 20 13 9 4 - 108 24 13 28- 32 5,560 97 27 13,930 1 85 16 11 10 3 i 95 19 12 33—37 2,159 44 15 5,665 - 27 9 2 1 - - 28 9 2 38—44 88 2 - 203 3 1 1 - - - - 1 1 - 24,432 487 180 1 1 60,387 3 300 05 36 32 9 2 332 74 38 1 2 3 4 5 C 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2i 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 ami 1 81)6—70 (Combined), Males ( Kngknd)— amt hi uni. j KxjHnod to Rbk Sloknex* Rato of Sli-knerfM Mortality Under Two Yearn. Over Two Yean. Totai, Under Two Yoim Over Two Your* Total Rato Total UontlM JUitO Of Mortality ir«-4» nv«t» IIVJ-* ir«-«hi \Veck$ (553* 1,053-2 182 1,235-2 1-613 ■279 1-892 5 •1.0706 1,415- 2,892-3 416 3,308-3 2*044 •294 2-338 22 ■01555 3,320- 5,499-3 1,144 6,643-3 1-657 •345 2-0O2 69 •02074 6,738* 11,039-8 3,978 15,017-8 1-639 •590 2-229 120 •01781 8,325- 14,109-7 6,448 20,557-7 1-695 ■775 2-470 118 •01778 5,948*5 8,802-8 4,264 13,066-8 1-480 •717 2-197 114 •01916 1,060- 1,419-8 728 2,147-8 1-331 •683 2-014 17 ■01594 28- 56-8 - 56*8 2036 - 2*036 - - 27,493*5 • 44,873-7 17,160 62,033 7 1-632 •624 2-256 495 •01801 516- 896-5 208 1,104-5 1-641 •381 2-022 10 •01831 1,073- 2,006-7 416 2,422-7 1-869 •388 2-257 23 •02143 2.731- 5,059-7 1,196 6,255*7 1-853 •438 2-291 50 ■01831 6,226-5 10,711-5 3,744 14,455-5 1-720 •601 2-321 116 •01863 7,927- 13,903-3 5,980 19,883-3 1-753 •754 2-507 156 •01968 5,839- 9,019-3 5,304 14,323-3 1-545 •908 2-453 95 •01627 1,607-5 2,445-7 1,092 3,537-7 1-521 •679 2-200 32 •01990 52- 54-8 54-8 1-058 - 1-058 1 •01923 26,002-0 44,097-5 17,940 62,037-5 1-696 •690 2-386 483 •01857 452- 738-3 260 998-3 1-633 •575 2-208 10 ■02213 886- 1,853-5 364 2,217-5 2-092 •411 2-503 25 •02822 2,239- 4,259-5 910 5,169-5 1-902 ■406 2-308 45 *02010 5,860-5 10,328- 3,926 14,254* 1-762 •670 2-432 100 •01706 7,142-5 13,269-5 5,902 19,171-5 1-858 •826 2-684 165 •02310 5,558- 9,380-2 5,122 14,502-2 1-688 •922 2-610 98 •Oi76» 2,152-5 4,079- 1.638 5,717- 1-895 •761 2-656 44 •02044 88- 125-5 78 203-5 1-420 •886 2-306 2 •02272 24,378-5 44,033-5 18.2U0 62,233*5 1-806 747 2-553 489 •02010 + B 3 0.200 1,5 it Sickness and Mortality Experience, 1861-65 X limber Sick after at leant Two Year*’ Continuous Sickness Aon 0 f 13 or E Died Left Sickness Included In Sickness Not included in Sickness Total Membanthl)) — B E D B E i) B » D Y r nr \v. l>. 0 1H - - 10 0 - - - 1 1 38 1 - 25 2 - - - _ - - 2 ! 41) 2 - 60 2 - - - - 3 3-7 404 5 8 789 5 5 - 5 4 8-12 685 16 17 1,748 2 3 3 2 - - - 3 3 2 5 85 ^ 13—17 1,920 44 15 4,923 5 18 7 2 4 - i 22 7 3 6 18—22 5,237 125 44 13,711 4 67 14 7 8 2 - 75 16 7 7 23-27 C,C24 149 33 18,219 2 83 15 6 10 4 i 93 19 7 8 1 28—32 5,152 101 32 14,435 2 99 14 8 12 2 i 111 16 9 9 33—37 2,683 52 12 6,279 5 35 10 4 6 o 1 41 12 5 10 CO X 1 — 130 - 1 185 5 2 - - - - 2 - - 11 « 22,844 492 162 00,294 0 312 63 29 40 10 4 352 73 33 12 / 0 29 1 16 2 _ - 13 i 24 - _ 89 0 - - _ - - 14 N 1 2 51 1 20 5 “ ' ” “ 15 3—7 313 10 5 759 4 - 4 16 8—12 553 13 4 1,499 4 4 2 i 2 - 6 2 1 17 56 < 13—17 1,607 26 15 4,840 3 22 8 3 2 - - 24 8 3 18 18-22 4,614 103 40 13,085 5 62 10 7 9 2 1 71 12 8 19 23-27 6,022 162 40 17,211 5 85 28 6 9 5 2 94 33 8 20 28—32 4,928 126 24 15.438 3 93 19 6 8 3 101 22 6 21 33-37 2,916 67 4 7,358 5 43 12 6 7 1 - 50 13 6 22 38—47 313 5 5 696 4 3 2 “ 2 _ 5 2 - 23 \ 21,266 517 137 60,890 5 316 81 29 39 11 3 355 92 32 24 0 12 - - 2 4 - - - - - - 25 1 31 1 1 35 1 - - - - - - 26 2 37 2 - 59 3 - - - ' 27 3-7 263 7 2 351 2 - - - - - - - 28 8—12 431 13 9 1,252 - 8 2 1 - - - 8 2 1 23 13—17 1,291 44 7 3,879 1 23 3 2 1 - - 24 3 a 30 57 J ' 18-22 3,662 77 21 10,688 1 56 16 6 4 2 ~ 60 18 6 31 23—27 5,854 146 30 18,615 4 104 18 10 13 1 2 117 19 TO 32 28—32 4,646 106 25 15,342 2 95 26 5 9 6 1 104 32 6. 33 33-37 3,092 71 13 9,415 5 65 10 6 3 i i 68 11 7 34 38-42 474 12 4 1,376 2 9 1 i 3 - - 12 1 1 35 43—48 17 1 _ 86 5 1 - - 1 - - 2 - 36 19,730 477 in 61,007 4 361 76 31 34 10 4 395 86 35 37 mill 1 StitJ -70 (Combined), Mules (Kngl&ml) — continual. SiokncHw Unto of Sicknurts i Mortality Exposed t<> Rink Under over Totai. Under Over Totai, Totai, lllltc of Two Yearn Two Years Two Years Two Y'cars Rate Dentin* Mortality Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks s 3 | 4 400' 629*8 260 789-8 1-325 •650 1-975 , 1250 & 67C*5 1,566*3 182 1,748-3 2-315 *269 2-584 16 2365 6 1,925-5 3,857-8 1,248 6,105-8 2*003 *618 2-651 45 •02336 7 ' 5,224* 10,045-7 4,134 14,179-7 1-924 •791 2-715 125 •02393 8 6,619*5 13,669 3 5,148 18,817-3 2*065 •778 2-843 150 *02266 9 5,149- 9,131-3 5,954 15,085-3 1-773 1-156 2*929 102 •01981 10 2,684* 4,303-8 2,314 6,617-8 1-604 *862 2466 53 •01975 11 129 5 81-8 104 185-8 *633 "803 1-436 - - 12 22,808-0 43,185-8 19,344 62,529*8 1-894 •848 2*742 496 •02175 13 14 15 1C 310-5 551* 208 759- 1-775 *670 2-445 10 •03220 17 553- 1,265-7 338 1.603-7 2-289 ■611 2*900 18 •03255 18 1,601-5 3,566-5 1,378 4,944-5 2-226 *860 3-086 26 •01623 19 4,604- 9,783*8 3.79G 13,579-8 2*125 •825 2-950 104 •02259 20 6,013-5 12,219*8 5,538 17,757-8 2-032 ■921 2-953 104 ■02726 21 4,925*5 10,264-5 5,668 15,932 5 2-083 1-161 3-234 126 *02558 oo 2,921-5 4,96G*8 2,782 7,748*8 1-700 •952 2 652 67 •02293 23 312-5 312 800-7 1*565 •998 2*563 5 •01600 24 21,242-0 43,106-8 20,020 63,126-8 2-030 •943 2-973 520 •02448 25 26 27 28 262* 351*3 - 351-3 1-340 - 1*340 •02672 29 426-5 810- 442 1,252- 1-899 1-036 2*935 13 •03048 30 1,288*5 2,657*2 1,274 3,931*2 2-061 *988 3-049 44 •03414 31 3,656*5 7,516-2 3,432 10,948-2 2-055 *938 2-993 77 •02106 32 5,852*5 12,999-7 6,266 19,265*7 2-221 1-071 3*292 148 •02529 33 4,645*5 9.856*3 6,084 15,940-3 2121 1-309 3-430 107 ■02303 31 3,089- 5,931*8 3,640 9,571-8 1-920 1-178 3-098 72 •02331 35 475* 908-3 624 1,532-3 1*912 1-314 3*226 12 02526- 36 18- 34-8 • 104 138-8 1-944 5*777 7-721 1 *05555 37 19,713-5 41,065*6 21,866 62,9316 2*084 1*109 3-193 481 •02440 X B 4 0.2U0 Sk k n j«;ss and Mortality Experience, 1861—65 Number Sick after at least Two Years’ Continuous Sickness of U or E Died Left Sic knew Included in Sickness 1 Not included in Sickness Total Muml>LTrthl]> 13 u ii IS K L) 13 E i) 0. 0 11 - 1 40 0 - - - - - - 1 1 13 - 19 0 - - - - - 2 2 46 3 1 138 0 - - - - - 3 3-7 205 n 5 341 3 4 8-12 354 n 2 1,144 5 6 1 - - - - 6 1 - 5 13—17 1,035 21 9 3,706 2 23 5 i - - . 23 5 i 6 18-22 3,090 88 10 10,020 3 58 13 9 4 - - 62 13 9 7 23-27 6,450 135 31 19,315 - 108 26 n 9 6 - 117 32 ii 8 28—32 4,434 121 10 15,152 4 104 14 10 16 2 1 120 16 ii 9 33-37 3,000 81 13 10,540 2 75 19 6 3 5 1 78 24 7 10 38-47 813 16 3 2,403 5 10 2 1 7 3 23 5 1 11 18,393 47G 95 62,745 0 390 80 38 39 16 2 429 96 40 12 15,400 ami 1860-70 (Coinbitml), Malod ( lOnglaiid) continual. Kick III' little of Kicknemi Mortality Exposed to m»k Umli-r Over Totai, Uuilei* Over Tot a i. Total lUtc of Two Yearn Two Your* Two Year# Two Yearn lute Dentil* Mortality 1 3 Weeks limit II'- <4< Weeks Week* Weeks - 3 4 202*5 341*5 841-5 1-684 1*684 3 ■01481 5 353- 806*8 338 1,144-8 2-286 •957 3-243 ii •03116 6 1,030-5 2,466-3 1,300 3,766*3 2-392 1-261 3-653 21 •02037 7 3,092* 6,900*5 3,328 10,228-5 2-232 1-076 3-308 88 •02846 8 5,446-5 13,309- 6,630 19,939- 2-443 1-217 3-660 135 •02478 9 4,143- 9,640-7 6,370 16,010-7 2-170 1-434 3604 122 •02746 10 3,005- 6,302-3 4,498 10,800-3 2-097 1-497 3-594 82 •02729 11 820* 1,005-8 1,300 2,905-8 1-958 1-585 3-543 16 ■01951 12 18,392*5 41,372-9 23,764 65,136-9 2*250 1-292 3-542 478 *02599 13 14 15 16 186- 306-7 306-7 1-647 1-647 2 •01075 17 276- 621-5 312 933-5 2*252 1-131 3-383 7 •02536 18 813-5 2,185-7 1,170 3,355-7 2-687 1-438 4-125 1C •01967 19 2,621- 6,394-3 3,588 9,982-3 2-439 1-369 3-808 84 •03205 20 5, 037- 12,361-2 6,942 19,303-2 2*454 1-378 3-832 144 •02859 21 3,959- 9,658-8 5,434 15,092-8 2-439 1-372 3-811 95 •02399 22 2,831- 5,982-8 4,680 10,662-8 2113 1-653 3-766 65 •02296 23 1,146* 2,658-8 2,080 4,738-8 2-320 1-813 4-133 34 •02964 24 48- 75-2 208 283-2 1-567 4-334 5-9U1 1 •02084 25 16,917-5 40,215- 24,414 64,659- 2-378 1-443 3-821 448 •02648 26 27 28 ♦ 29 160-5 342- 26 368- 2131 •161 2-292 4 •02492 30 235-5 570- 364 934- 2-420 1-546 3-966 n •04671 31 675- . 1,586-2 884 2,470-2 2-350 1-310 3-660 25 •03703 32 2,231*5 5,582-8 4.524 10,106-8 2-501 2-027 4-528 78 •03495 33 4,450-5 12,292-8 7,124 19,416-8 2-761 1-600 4*361 151 •03392 34 3,611- 8,728-5 5,278 14,006-5 2-417 1-462 3-879 107 •02963 35 2,614-5 5,952*8 5,304 11,256-8 2-276 2-028 4-304 72 •02753 36 1,368*5 3,065-2 3,042 6,107-2 2*239 2-222 4-461 36 •02630 37 ' 82-5 153-8 312 465*8 1-866 3"82 5-648 3 •03636 38 15,429-5 38,274-1 26,858 65,132-1 2-480 1-741 4*221 487 •03156 0.200 Sickness and Mortality Experience, 1861-65 Number Sick after at least Two Years’ Continuous Sickness AlIK of H or E Died Left Sickness Included in Sickness Not included in Sickness Total Membership 1 • | B K n B i E D B E D Year W. h. i ia - 3 24 2 - - - " - o 15 - 10 2 - “ 3 3-7 148 8 395 2 1 1 i 1 4 N 00 199 6 1 969 3 8 - 1 - - - 8 - 1 5 61 13—17 593 13 4 2,461 5 '5 5 2 2 - 17 7 - c 18—22 1,885 53 ii 9,669 i 63 9 3 8 1 1 71 10 4 7 23—27 3,865 106 16 16,370 2 121 18 10 15 2 3 136 20 13 8 28—32 3,281 98 20 13,942 5 85 26 4 15 4 - 100 30 4 9 33—37 2,443 77 9 10,788 2 83 16 5 10 1 1 93 17 6 10 38-42 1,519 40 7 6,836 1 52 n 4 13 2 2 65 13 G n 43—50 181 8 1 802 5 6 2 i 2 8 2 1 12 14,075 409 69 62,201 2 434 87 29 65 12 7 499 99 36 13 0 3 13 i 14 1 5 - - 9 0 - - - - - - 15 2 29 1 1 150 3 - - - 16 3-7 123 3 o 315 3 17 8—12 151 3 3 652 5 3 1 - - - - 3 i - 18 62 13-17 489 13 3 2,177 0 17 3 - 1 i 1 18 4 1 19 18-22 1,468 49 13 6,989 0 49 16 4 G 1 - 55 17 4 20 23—27 3,230 127 15 15,529 5 112 17 12 11 3 4 123 20 16 21 28—32 3,102 120 9 . 14,957 0 101 21 11 17 2 4 118 23 15 22 33—37 2,241 73 11 10,138 4 86 14 4 11 4 - 97 18 4 23 38-42 1,597 60 10 8,006 3 59 9 5 14 2 - 11 5 24 43—51 290 12 i 1,584 5 12 3 i 2 - i 14 3 2 25 12,691 460 87 GO, 351 1 439 84 37 62 13 10 501 97 47 26 0 2 1 0 - _ 27 i 5 - 4 2 0 - - _ - _ 28 2 11 - - 79 4 - - - - 29 3—7 121 5 3 353 3 2 30 8—12 118 4 - 277 2 - - “ - - - - - - 31 13-17 405 12 4 1,847 4 13 2 2 _ 1 _ 13 3 2 32 63 18-22 1,131 47 3 5,945 i 47 8 ' 5 - - 52 8 7 33 23—27 2,701 87 17 15,076 i 121 23 8 n 2 - 132 25 8 34 28—32 2,822 115 15 15,187 4 105 24 9 13 3 2 118 27 11 35 33—37 2,060 75 8 10,963 4 87 19 8 13 2 2 100 21 • 10 36 38-42 1,834 75 5 8,267 i 65 11 8 14 - - 79 11 8 37 43-47 422 10 2 2,303 3 23 3 2 3 - - 26 3 2 33 48—52 21 1 - 219 3 1 - - i - - 39 11,435 431 57 60,441 2 462 92 44 59 8 4 521 100 48 40 1 .5 A 5 aud 1866-70 (Combined), Males (England) — continued. 1 o 3 ExpOMXl to lllsk Sickness IUito of Sickness Mortality Under • Two Yours Over Two Years Total Undor Two Yearn Over Two Years Total Hate Total U nit In Hate of Mortality Weeks H’eel.1 Mi Weeks Weeks Weeks 4 149- 369-3 26 395*3 2*479 *175 2-654 8 *05369 & 198*5 579*5 390 969*5 2-919 1*965 4-884 6 *03023 6 594- 1,551*8 1,066 2,617*8 2-613 1*795 4*408 13 *02188 7 1,868* 6,227*2 3,848 10,075-2 3-333 o - o 5-393 54 *02891 8 3,873* 9,870-3 7,251 17,124-3 2*549 1*873. 4-422 109 *02814 9 3,268* 8,950*8 5,876 14,826*8 2*739 1*798 4*537 98 •02998 10 2,449* 6,164*3 5,122 11,286-3 2*515 2*091 4*606 78 •03185 11 1,529*5 3,950*2 3,562 7,512-2 2*582 2*328 4-910 42 •02745 12 182*5 464*8 442 906*8 2*562 2*435 4-997 8 *04408 13 14,111*5 38,128*2 27,586 65,714-2 2*702 1-955 4*657 416 •02948 14 15 ’ 16 ■ ' 17 122* 315*5 _ 315-5 2*582 2*582 3 ■02459 18 149*5 470*8 182 652*8 3*151 . 1*218 4-369 3 *02007 19 489* 1,215* 1,014 2,229- 2-485 2-073 4-558 14 •02863 20 1,468* 4,129* 3,198 7,327- 2*813 2-179 4*992 49 *03338 21 3,235* 9,575-8 % 6,500 16,075-8 2*960 2-009 4-969 131 *04049 22 3,115*5 9,445* 6,344 15,789- 3*031 2-036 5-067 124 *03979 23 2,248*5 5,406-7 5,408 10,814-7 2*404 2*404 4-808 73 •03246 24 1,607* 4,834-5 3,952 8,786-5 3*008 2-459 5-467 60 *03734 25 291*5 908-8 754 1,662-8 3*119 2-587 5*706 13 *04460 26 12,726*0 36,301*1 27,352 63,653 1 2*851 2-149 5*000 470 •03692 27 t 28 29 30 119*5 301*5 52 353*5 2-519 *435 2-954 5 *04184 31 118* 277-3 - 277*3 2-347 - 2-347 4 *03390 32 403*5 1,171*7 702 1,873-7 2*905 1-740 4*645 12 •02974 33 1,134*5 3,475-2 2,730 6,205*2 3*062 2*405 5-467 47 *04141 34 2,7045 8,394-2 7,306 15,700-2 3-103 2*701 5-804 87 *03216 35 2,829* 9,337*7 6,552 15,889-7 3-301 2*316 5*617 117 *04136 36 2,070* 6,153-7 5,486 11,639-7 2*973 2-650 5*623 77 *03720 37 1,645*5 4,803-2 4,186 8,995*2 2*922 2*543 5*465 75 *04557 38 424* 1,081*5 1,378 2,459-5 2*549 3-249 5-798 10 •02358 39 21* 167-5 52 219-5 7-952 2-476 10-428 1 *04762 40 11,469*5 35,169 5 28,444 63.613*5 3066 2-479 5’5i5 435 *03792 § B 0.200 o 1 5 c c Sick n hss and Mortality Experience, 1H01-65 Number Sick after at least Two Years' Continuous Sickness Duration Aae or B or 15 Died Left BickncH* Included in BickncHH Not included in Sicknc&s Tota l McmbcruM] 11 i E D 11 K D B li 1 D J Year W. I). 0 6 - - 1 0 - - - - - - i 2 - - - - - - - - - o 18 2 151 2 2 - - - - | 3—7 102 5 2 501 5 1 2 1 _ o 1 - i 8—12 107 5 - 324 2 - 1 _ - - ■ 1 i 5 | 13—17 317 12 2 1,677 3 14 2 1 2 - - - 14 2 2 6 64 > 18—22 986 56 10 5,625 3 38 8 5 4 2 42 10 5 7 23—27 2,272 96 15_ 13,727 1 108 29 13 11 4 119 33 13 8 28—32 2,585 95 25 | 15,278 2 115 35 ii 15 8 1 130 43 12 9 33—37 1,735 66 16 9,298 2 65 18 7 13 9 1 1 78 27 8 10 38—42 1,427 51 19 7,835 5 73 9 7 15 13 1 88 22 8 n 43-47 607 25 13 3,362 3 32 3 6 s 8 1 37 n 7 12 48-53 34 - - 211 5 2 1 - - - 2 1 - 13 10,172 411 102 57,843 1 449 106 52 63 44 4 512 150 56 14 0 1 - 7 2 - 15 i 5 - - 1 0 - - - - - - 16 1 2 5 1 - 15 5 - - - - - 17 3-7 105 5 2 368 2 3 1 3 1 18 8—12 80 3 1 364 4 3 i - - - - 3 1 - 19 13—17 275 14 2 1,355 1 11 3 1 - - - 11 3 i 20 65 | 18—22 777 37 16 5,014 3 39 8 6 3 5 - 12 13 6 21 23-27 1,859 69 i 32 11,912 1 107 16 6 11 20 i 121 36 7 22 4 28—32 2,220 120 33 14,366 5 123 27 16 19 23 - 142 50 16 23 33—37 1,561 83 30 9,833 0 80 20 9 17 18 3 97 38 12 24 38—42 1,277 61 33 8,224 2 80 22 7 24 35 - 104 57 7 25 43-47 768 26 6 4,607 4 42 10 1 19 6 1 61 16 2 26 48—54 I 58 2 - 408 2 5 - _ - - - 5 - 27 • 1 i 1 8,980 120 155 56,455 0 493 108 16 96 107 5 589 215 51 28 / ' 0 2 1 • 29 1 2 - - 4 0 1 - - - - - - 30 2 5 - - 42 5 - - - - - _ 31 3—7 82 1 3 518 5 4 1 4 32 8—12 79 8 2 225 0 2 - 1 - 1 - 2 1 1 33 13—17 221 12 5 1,257 0 10 1 3 - 1 - 10 2 3 34 66 \ 18-22 581 33 8 3,612 2 28 3 6 9 3 - 37 6 6 35 23-27 1,494 72 14 11,397 2 95 23 a 28 6 - 123 29 11 36 28—32 1,870 88 n 14,150 3 117 31 10 32 10 2 149 4! 12 37 33—37 1,353 63 16 9,220 5 92 13 10 24 11 1 116 24 11 38 38—42 1,121 61 15 7,631 5 74 14 7 59 10 2 133 24 9 39 43—47 793 41 7 5,647 3 | 57 ii 5 22 2 1 79 13 6 40 48—55 119 7 1 1,065 0 12 1 2 2 1 - 11 2 2 41 7,713 3X6 85 54,726 1 j 491 j 97 55 176 45 ii 667 i 142 | 61 42 and 18fifl-70 (Combined), Males ( England) — continual. 1 o 3 Exporti'il to lti*k SickllOAK Hate of Slokncau Mortality Uniter Two Yours Over Two Y our* Tot At, Under Two Years Over Two Yearn Tot Ali Kate Total DciltllH Kiitc* of Mortality ir«4.< Weeks Weeks n'etkt Wtekt i . 101- 423-8 78 501*8 4199 *772 4-971 5 •04951 5 107" 298*3 26 324*3 2-785 *243 3*028 5 •0-1673 r» 316* 949*5 728 1,677-5 3-003 2*304 5-307 12 •03798 7 986* 3,571-5 2,314 5,885*5 3*622 2-347 5 969 56 •05679 8 ( 2,277-5 7,695-2 6,708 14,403-2 3-378 2*944 6*322 96 *04214 9 2,591-5 8,674-3 7,566 16,240-3 3-347 2*919 6-266 96 •03704 m 1.744-5 6,632-3 4.550 10,182-3 3-228 2*607 5-835 67 *03840 u 1,439- 3,987-8 4,940 8,927*8 2-771 3-432 6*203 52 •03613 12 609-5 1,776-5 2,028 3,804-5 2*913 3-327 6-240 26 •04266 13 34- 81-8 130 211-8 2-412 3*823 6*235 - - 14 10,206- 33,091- 29,068 62,159- 3-241 2-847 6-088 415 •04064 15 16 17 IS 104- 186*3 182 368*3 1-789 1-750 3-539 5 •04808 10 79-5 182-7 182 364-7 2*302 2-289 4-591 3 •03773 20 274- 731-2 624 1,355-2 2-667 2-274 1-941 14 •05109 21 774-5 2,934-5 2,366 5,300*5 3-789 3*054 6*843 37 •04777 22 1,867- 6,088*2 7,046 13,134-2 3-261 3-774 7*035 70 •03750 23 2,234- 7,684-8 8,268 15,952-8 3-440 3-701 7-141 120 •05372 24 1,572- 5.387- 5,720 11,107- 3-426 3*638 7-064 86 •05470 25 1,302- 3,674-3 6,708 10,382-3 2-822 5-152 7-974 61 •04685 26 787- 2,189-7 3,536 5,725-7 2*782 4 493 7-275 27 •03431 27 58* 148-3 260 408-3 2-552 4-483 7-035 2 ' •03448 28 9,052- 29,207- 34,892 64,099* 3-227 3-855 7-082 425 *04696 29 30 31 32 80-5 310-8 208 518-8 3-864 2-584 8-448 i *01242 33 78-5 147* 104 251* 1-872 1-325 3197 8 •10190 34 219- 789- 494 1,283- 3-603 2-256 5*859 12 •05480 35 587-5 2,234-3 1,924 4,158-3 3-803 3-275 7-078 33 •05617 36 1,518- 6,145-3 6,864 13,009-3 4*048 4*522 8-570 72 04742 37 1,900- 7,520-5 8,502 16,022-5 3-957 4-474 8-431 90 *04736 38 1,374-5 4,358-8 6,370 10,728-8 3-170 4*632 7*802 64 *04655 39 1,177-5 3,601-8 7,306 10,907-8 3-058 6*203 9-261 63 •05348 40 812-5 2,527*5 4,290 6.817-5 3-110 5-280 8*390 42 •05168 41 121* 467- 728 1,195- 3*859 6-01 6 9*875 7 *05785 42 7,869* 28,102- 36,790 64,892- 3-571 4*675 8-246 392 ■04982 |B 3 0.200 SlCKN ess and Mortality Experience, 1861-G5 Aar. Duration H or E Died Lcrt Klckncns Number Sick aftor at loant Two Year-t' Continuous Klckiiosn of Included in 8ickue*f Not included in Sickness Tot a i. u K i) 14 1 E D 14 E i) Year 0 1 2 1 3 6 W. 52 3 Ii. 0 1 - - - - - 3-7 05 4 429 1 „ 1 i • o 1 i 8-12 64 4 1 373 1 2 1 - - - 2 1 - 13—17 146 5 , - 925 5 5 4 - 1 - 6 4 - 67 18-22 471 21 7 2,460 3 18 2 3 8 3 26 5 3 23-27 1,162 54 ii 9,856 4 82 24 6 29 3 - in 27 6 28-32 1,646 80 8 14,191 4 131 27 13 28 1 1 159 28 14 33—37 1,207 54 3 10,330 0 95 22 4 29 3 1 124 25 4 i 38 — 42 1,003 53 0 , 7,890 4 76 15 7 67 3 - 133 18 7 1 43—47 814 33 14 6,631 3 70 9 10 27 8 2 97 17 12 i 48-56 172 7 I 1,238 3 15 i i 2 4 _ - 19 1 2 i 6,810 321 50 54,333 4 496 106 46 183 2. 3 679 127 49 1 / 0 4 ! 1 - _ i 1 2 - - 1 0 - - i 2 1 - 2 0 1 " | i 3-7 44 * 2 346 4 3 - 3 _ i 8-12 54 3 2 157 3 1 - - - - _ 1 - - 1 13—17 119 6 3 085 3 5 - 1 - 6 1 - 2 68 18-22 398 20 3 2,821 1 22 6 4 9 - - 31 6 4 2 23—27 883 45 0 7,499 4 66 ii 9 22 3 - 88 u 9 2 28—32 1,440 91 12 13,549 3 124 24 12 28 1 3 152 25 15 2 33—37 1,044 08 10 9,597 4 89 16 12 27 4 2 116 20 14 33—42 918 51 7 8,290 3 82 11 8 39 8 8 121 19 16 2 43—47 795 44 10 7,419 4 89 13 13 43 8 4 132 21 17 2 48—57 240 15 1 1,932 2 18 o 7 i i 25 8 3 2 5,935 351 54 52,306 i 499 88 60 176 26 18 675 114 78 21 0 3 1 14 4 “ 2s 1 2 1 2 “ 7 4 ~ : - 31 31 3—7 33 126 4 _ 32 8—12 48 3 - 121 4 1 - - - - - _ - - - 33 13—17 104 3 - 721 o : 6 - 2 2 1 8 i o 34 69 l 18—22 293 12 - 2,448 4 21 6 4 8 - | 1 29 1 6 5 35 23—27 739 37 0 7,017 4 64 14 6 21 2 2 85 16 8 30 28—32 1,120 05 8 12,340 0 117 23 14 26 7 2 143 30 16 37 33—37 925 53 10 8,766 3 78 16 8 28 ‘ 7 1 106 23 0 l 38 38—42 766 51 14 8,491 5 90 29 8 30 1 12 2 120 41 10 39 43—47 704 37 9 6,960 3 84 6 9 47 6 7 131 12 16 40 48—58 328 15 7 2,687 i 31 7 3 16 6 2 47 13 5 41 5,060 278 54 49,681 4 491 101 54 178 41 17 i 669 j 142 71 42 and lK(56-7<> (Combined), Mules (England) — continued. Kx)M)ium 1 to IUak Sickness Unto of HlckucM Mortality Under Two Years Over Two Yoars Total Under Two Years Over Two Year* Total Rllto Total Hate of Mortality \Terkt Weeks Weeks WtHi Weeks Weeks 4 66* 325-2 104 429*2 5*000 1-600 6*600 4 •06155 5 63*5 243-2 130 373-2 3-826 2-017 5-873 4 •06299 C 147' 561-8 416 977-8 3-823 2-830 6-653 5 •03402 7 477- 1,550-5 1,404 2,954-5 3-249 2-944 6-193 21 •04403 8 1,187- 5,124-7 6,318 11,442-7 4-317 5-322 9-639 54 •04549 9 1,670*5 7,015-7 8,632 15,647-7 4-198 5-165 9-363 87 •06206 10 1,236- 4.922- 6,994 11,918- 3-982 5*658 9-640 51 •04369 11 1,118-5 3,736-7 7,202 10,938-7 3-339 6-437 9-776 53 •04737 12 838- 3,017-5 5,174 8,191-5 3-601 6-174 9-775 35 •04177 13 176- 484-5 962 1,440-5 2-753 5-727 8-480 7 •03978 14 6,978 5 26,981*8 37,336 64,317-8 3-865 5-351 9*216 324 *04642 15 16 17 IS 44* 190-7 156 346-7 4-334 3-545 7-879 2 *04545 19 53- 105*5 52 157-5 1-991 •981 2-972 3 •05660 20 119- 425*5 338 763-5 3-576 2-841 6-417 6 •05043 21 405*5 1,625-2 1,664 3,289-2 4-008 4-104 8-112 26 *06412 22 903-5 4,015 7 4,706 8,721-7 4-445 5-210 9*655 45 ■04981 23 1,462-5 6,789*5 8,164 14,953-5 4-641 5*581 10-222 94 •06425 24 1,068- 4,865-7 6,188 11,053-7 4-556 5-794 10*35 0 70 •06554 25 957*5 3,954-5 6,370 10,324-5 4-130 6-653 10-783 59 ■06163 26 837* 2,791-7 6,968 9,759-7 3-336 8-325 11*661 48 •05735 27 247- 866-3 1,430 2,296-3 3-508 5-789 9-297 16 ■06477 23 6,097- 25,630-3 36,036 61,666-3 4-203 5-910 10-113 369 •06052 29 30 31 32 33- 126*7 126-7 3-840 3-840 2 •06060 33 48* 121-7 - 121-7 2-536 - 2-536 3 •0625.1 34 106-5 461- 390 851- 4-329 3-663 7992 3 •02817 35 301- 1,304-7 1,534 2,838-7 4-335 5-096 9-431 13 •04318 36 758* 3,481-7 4,628 8,1097 4-592 6-105 10-697 39 •05145 37 1,145*5 6,022* 7,800 13,822- 5*254 6*806 12-060 67 •05847 3 S 951*5 4,502*5 5,876 10,378-5 4-732 6-176 10-908 54 •05675 39 795- 3,265-8 7,046 10,311-8 4-108 8-861 12-969 53 •06667 40 749*5 2,670*5 6,708 9,378-5 3-562 8-950 12-512 44 •05871 41 343-5 971-2 2,652 3,623-2 2-827 7-721 10-548 17 •04919 42 5,231-5 22,927-8 36,634 59,561-8 4-382 7*000 11-382 295 ■05638 § B 4 0.200 1 5 .7 y Sicknksh and Mortality Experience, lK(jl-65 Duration Number Sick after at least Two years' Continuous Hickness Age of Membership 1) or E Did J,cft Sickness 1 Included in Sickness Not Included in Sickness Tot a o B E D B E n U D Year W. J>. • i u 1 2 1 2 - 2 0 - _ - U ' 2 3 3—7 31 , 145 r> 4 8—12 40 3 1 200 4 - - - - - - 5 13-17 74 3 1 551 4 2 1 - - i 2 1 - 6 70 18—22 261 ii 7 2,473 0 20 5 - 3 4 1 23 9 i 7 23-27 547 36 14 6,225 5 60 10 5 18 5 2 78 15 7 8 28-32 910 67 17 11,672 3 101 33 15 30 8 1 131 41 16 9 33 -27 741 49 11 8,419 0 77 17 12 30 7 i 107 24 13 10 38—42 665 32 25 7,829 3 96 14 7 35 24 1 131 38 8 11 43-47 614 32 25 7,101 3 89 13 9 32 24 2 121 37 ii 12 48— 5G 403 21 12 4,004 4 45 6 5 28 12 4 73 18 9 13 I 4.28G 256 113 48,624 1 490 99 53 176 84 12 666 1K3 65 14 1 ii 1 2 2 - 2 3 - - - - - - 15 16 17 3-7 i 2G 2 144 2 18 8—12 33 4 - 139 4 - - - - - - - - - 19 71 / 13—17 G1 4 - 478 4 4 1 - - - - 4 1 - 20 18—22 208 10 2 2,356 4 21 8 1 2 2 23 10 1 21 23—27 390 33 10 4,431 0 42 8 6 16 4 - 58 12 6 22 28—32 702 53 7 10,G01 2 109 31 12 20 3 3 129 34 15 23 33-37 5G2 35 3 7,405 1 79 12 4 33 1 5 112 13 9 24 38-42 550 37 4 6,652 4 82 12 10 50 2 6 132 14 16 25 43—47 494 29 G 6,601 4 94 12 7 52 5 8 146 77 15 26 48 -GO 455 31 10 5,0G0 4 51 10 8 45 12 5 96 22 13 27 - 3,481 238 42 43,871 5 482 94 48 218 29 27 700 123 75 28 0 5 0 ” 29 1 - - - - - - - ~ - - - - 30 2 1 - - 52 1 1 - - - 1 - - 31 3-7 17 i 97 4 32 8—12 22 - 79 1 - - - - - - - - 33 13-17 51 3 - 376 4 4 - 1 1 - 1 5 - 2 34 72 , 18—22 15G 12 1 2,218 1 ' 20 2 3 1 - - 21 2 3 35 23- 27 258 22 2 3,273 0 35 10 5 18 i - 53 11 5 36 28 - 32 525 43 5 8,000 0 89 i 12 11 ' 21 3 1 2 no 15 13 37 33—37 490 43 4 7,900 0 91 14 12 i 27 4 ; 2 119 18 14 38 38—42 417 35 | 4 4,867 5 | 59 10 10 41 - 4 100 10 14 39 43—47 473 26 4 7,127 2 108 9 12 40 4 * 6 148 13 18 40 48—52 364 37 6 4,937 5 68 ' 10 15 62 2 i 4 130 12 19 41 53 -G1 92 7 4 1,033 5 ii 1 - 8 i 4 - 19 ! 5 - 42 \ 2,865 228 30 39,911 3 485 68 ! | 69 2,9 ; 18 19 704 86 88 43 I ll I) and 18({(i-70 (Combined), Males (England) rnnliium/. Sickness Kate uf Sickness Mortality 1 2 3 KxposoU to Kittle Under Two Year* Over Two Yours Total Under Two Years Over Two Yearn Total Rate Total Deutlis Hate of Mortality HVWi llVrit* HVrjti HVnti Wee I'M l si* 145-8 145*8 4-703 4*708 2 *06542 5 30*5 200*7 - 200*7 6*080 - 5*080 3 •07595 G 735 421-7 130 551-7 5-733 1-768 7-501 3 *04081 7 262-5 1,303- 1,404 2.707- 4-904 5*349 10-313 12 •04572 8 560-5 2,975-8 4,264 7,239-8 5-309 7-607 12-916 38 •06780 9 935*5 5,952-5 7,162 13,414-5 6-364 7-978 14-342 C8 •072C9 10 769- 4,285* 5,850 10,135- 5-573 7-609 13-182 50 •06503 11 699*5 2,655-5 7,592 10,247-5 3-796 10-850 14-646 33 •04717 12 645*5 2,369*5 6,968 9,337-5 3-670 10-790 14-460 34 •05267 13 431- 1,638-7 4,030 5,668-7 3-803 9-35.1 13-153 25 ■0580.1 14 4,447*5 21,918-2 37,700 59,648*2 4-934 8*474 13-408 268 *06026 IS 1C 17 18 26* 144-3 144-3 5-550 5*550 2 •07691 19 33- 139-7 _ 139-7 4-234 - 4*234 4 •12110 20 61- 244-7 234 478-7 4011 3-836 7-847 4 •06557 21 210- 1,082-7 1,430 2.512-7 5157 6-809 11-966 10 * 4762 22 403- 2,195- 3,172 5,367- 5*446 7-870 13-316 33 •08188 23 720- 4,439-3 7,202 11,641-3 6-166 10*000 16-1G6 56 •07779 24 594- 3,0892 5,928 9,017-2 5-200 9-979 15-179 40 ■06734 25 599- 2,336-7 6,812 9,148-7 3-901 11-372 15-273 43 •07178 26 545-5 1-583-7 7,644 9,227-7 2*904 14-010 16-914 37 •06783 27 501- 2,356-7* 5,226 • 7,582-7 4-705 10-430 15-135 36 •07186 28 3,692-5 17,612- 37,648 55,260- 4-769 10-196 14-965 265 ■07177 2D 30 31 32 17- 97-7 97-7 5*748 5-748 33 22* 79*2 - 79-2 3-600 - 3-600 - - 34 52- 194-7 208 402-7 3-745 4*000 7-745 4 •07693 35 156-5 1,204-2 1,066 2,270-2 7*693 6-812 14-505 12 •07668 36 275*5 1,323- 2,912 4,235- 4-803 10-570 15-373 22 •07985 37 545- 3,346- 6,772 9,118- 6-139 10-590 16-729 45 •08257 38 517- 3,116* 6,240 9,356- 6027 12-070 18 097 45 •08704 39 45G- 1,799-8 5,096 0,895-8 3-947 11-170 15-117 39 •08553 40 513- 1,589-3 7,566 9,155-3 3 097 14-750 17-847 32 •06237 41 424- 1,531-8 ‘ 6,578 8,109-8 3-613 15-510 19-123 41 ■09669 42 100* 435-8 1,118 1,553-8 4-358 11-180 15-538 7 •07000 43 3,078-0 14,717-5 36,556 51,273-5 4*782 11-876 10-658 247 •08024 B 0.20'J Sicknkss ami Mortality Experience, 1861-65 Number Sick utter at least Two Years' Continuous Sickness Aon of MomLcrrtlilji Burl! llicJ Left Kickiicutf Included in Sicklier Not included in Sicknow Total 1 a K D 11 K d 1 a E D Year u - W. 1). - 1 i l 1 1 2 4 _ 1 : - i - - I 2 3 3-7 16 1 , 71 2 i - .. 1 i ' 1 _ 8-12 23 2 - 152 4 - 1 - - _ - - 1 - 5 13—17 30 1 - 436 5 2 2 - - - - 2 2 - 6 18—22 108 13 - 1,416 0 10 8 3 i - ii 8 1 3 7 73 23—27 211 14 2 2,891 3 35 5 3 14 1 - 49 | 6 3 8 28—32 375 30 3 6,111 0 70 9 5 14 2 - 84 1 u 5 9 33-37 422 33 3 7,288 0 84 12 12 23 i 3 107 13 15 10 38- 42 317 21 8 4,326 3 49 9 9 27 3 2 76 12 11 11 43—17 399 32 4 7,300 1 109 13 8 38 i 3 147 14 11 12 48—52 341 23 5 4,731 5 59 5 4 G1 2 3 120 7 7 13 53—62 127 10 2 1,712 3 20 3 2 22 i 3 42 4 5 14 2,378 180 28 36,438 2 439 67 46 200 12 14 639 79 60 15 .0 1 1 - - - 1 - - - - - 16 17 2 1 - - - - - - - - 18 3-7 20 1 213 0 2 _ - _ 2 _ 19 8—12 14 2 - 87 1 1 - - 1 - - 2 - - 20 13—17 33 - _ 223 5 o - - _ - 2 - - 21 18—22 97 10 2 1,454 4 13 6 3 1 1 14 7 3 22 74 23—27 179 22 1 2,965 1 35 9 9 9 1 1 44 10 10 23 28—32 288 22 5 4,889 4 60 9 4 5 4 - 65 13 4 24 33—37 323 46 3 5,612 5 71 14 20 18 2 4 89 16 24 25 38—42 253 20 5 3,628 4 39 9 8 23 1 2 62 10 10 26 43—47 329 23 1 6,049 3 99 10 10 34 1 3 133 11 13 27 48—52 323 22 4,877 0 65 7 5 5, - 5 122 7 10 28 53— G3 160 10 1 2,712 4 , 32 3 3 33 i 2 65 4 5 ' 29 2,019 178 18 32,714 1 419 67 62 181 ii 17 GOO 78 79 30 / 0 1 1 - 17 4 - 1 i - - - 1 1 i 31 32 33 2 1 - 3 2 - - - - - - - - - 3—7 17 3 209 4 2 1 _ _ 2 1 i 3 4 8—12 12 - - 42 0 i - - - 2 - - 2 - - 35 13—17 29 2 o 191 4 i - - - 1 - i 1 - j 36 18—22 74 7 o 1,374 2 15 4 i - - - 15 4 1 37 75 23—27 151 20 - 2,604 5 34 2 8 7 - 1 41 2 9 38 28—32 209 23 1 3,715 5 48 9 6 7 1 1 55 10 7 39 33—37 269 24 6 4,827 4 62 9 11 12 3 - 74 12 11 40 38—42 194 28 - 3,038 5 36 3 6 17 - 0 53 3 8 41 43—47 275 28 2 4,S53 0 87 1 2 15 34 2 3 121 5 18 42 48—52 290 25 4 4,551 2 63 « 10 54 3 10 117 9 20 43 53—64 178 18 3 3,368 2 44 4 4 40 i 1 84 5 6 44 \ I 1,698 178 20 28,777 3 392 40 1 01 173 12 18 565 52 I 79 45 1 3 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 '5JJ and 1H66-70 (Combined), Males (England) — continued. Exposed to ltUk StoknoHH Hate of Hick iiomi Murtulity Under Two Your* Over Two Years Tom* Under Two Years Over Two Years Total Hate Total Death) lUita of Mortality Wttkt Weeki Wtikt 1 Veriti Weeki 16- 19*3 78 97-3 1-206 4*875 6-081 1 •06250 23' 1267 26 152-7 5-509 1-131 6-640 2 *08696 39' 280*8 156 436-8 7-199 3-999 11-198 i •02564 109' 766- 702 1,468- 7-028 6-440 13-468 13 •11926 224*5 1,019-5 2,626 3,645-5 4-539 11-700 16-239 14 •06236 388-5 2,367- 4,524 6,891- 6-093 11*640 17*733 30 •07721 441* 2,920- 5,512 8,432- 6,577 12-410 18-987 36 •08108 341-5 1,778-5 3,978 5,756-5 5-206 11-650 16-856 23 •06734 435-5 1,502-2 7,722 9,224*2 3-449 17-730 21-179 35 *08037 400-5 1,637-8 6,240 7,877-8 4-090 15-580 19-670 26 •06492 148-5 646-5 2,158 2,801-5 4-354 14-530 18-884 13 •08754 2,570- 13,064-3 33,722 46,786-3 5-082 13-122 18-204 194 •07549 20- 109- 104 213- 5-450 5*200 10*650 1 ■05000 15- 35-2 104 139-2 2-346 6-933 9*279 ' 2 •13330 33- 119-8 104 223*8 3-631 3151 6,782 _ 97*5 700-7 832 1,532-7 7-188 8-533 15-721 10 •10260 188- 1,145-2 2,288 3,433-2 6-090 12-170 18-260 23 •12230 292*5 1,639-7 3,614 5,253-7 5-607 12-360 17-967 22 •07521 340-5 2,076-8 4,420 6,496-8 6-100 12-980 19-080 50 •14684 274- 1,574-7 3,224 4,798-7 5-748 11-766 17-614 22 •08028 363- 901-5 6,864 r, 765*5 2-484 18-910 21-394 26 *07163 380- 1,445- 0,266 7,711- 3-803 16-190 20-293 27 •07106 193- 1,018-7 3,354 4,402-7 5*435 17-380 22-815 12 *06256 2,196-5 10,796-3 31,174 41,970-3 4*916 14-193 19-109 195 •08876 17- 79-7 130 209-7 4-688 7*647 12-335 3 •17650 14- 4*2* 104 146- 3-000 7-428 10-428 - - 28-5 139-7 78 217-7 4-902 2-737 7-639 2 •07018 73- 510-3 858 1,374*3 7-071 11-750 18-821 7 •09590 158- 992-8 1,950 2,942-8 6-283 12-340 18-623 21 •13290 216- 1,141-8 2,938 4,079-8 5*287 13-600 18-887 24 •11110 279*5 1,655*7 3,874 5,529*7 5-923 13-861 19-784 24 •08586 211- 1,244-8 2,626 3,870-8 5-901 12-450 18-351 30 •14220 309-5 667- 5,951 6,621- 2-155 19-240 21-395 31 •10020 343-5 1,379 3 5,798 7,177-3 4-017 16-880 20*897 35 •10190 217- 1,080-3 4,368 5,448*3 4-976 20-130 25-106 19 •08756 1,867- 8,939-4 28,678 37,617-4 4-788 15-361 20-149 196 ■10498 0 . 200 , B 2 i , /t k Sicknkss and Mortality Experience, 1 8f> 1 —65 Duration Number hick after at least Two Years' Conti i nous Sickness AQES 1 of 1 MemlxThlilp 11 or E Died Loft SickiiGHK Included in SiekncH* Not included in Sickncsn Total 1 U 1 K 1 ^ 11 * 1 )J 11 E D Year 0 W. I). I 1 - - - - - - - - - - - 2 - - - - - - - - | _ I 3—7 12 2 116 5 3 1 _ _ 3 • I 1 8—12 13 - - G3 1 - - - 1 - - 1 13-17 17 1 - 213 1 1 - - 1 - - 2 ! - 18-22 55 5 2 946 5 10 3 1 - - - 10 3 1 76 23—27 12G 17 - 2,250 5 29 3 5 6 - - 35 3 5 28—32 103 19 1 3,031 4 37 3 5 e 1 43 3 6 33 -37 192 22 3 4,069 3 42 11 6 13 2 3 55 13 9 38—42 1GG 12 . - 3,234 4 36 9 4 15 - 1 51 9 5 43—47 193 20 3 3,263 5 50 5 8 22 1 4 72 6 12 48—52 224 20 5 3,915 0 59 3 5 50 1 7 109 4 12 53— 04 212 2G 1 3,954 1 53 2 8 46 1 7 99 2 15 1,373 144 15 25,065 4 320 39 43 160 4 23 480 43 66 . 0 1 23 0 1 1 1 - - - - - - - ! - - - 2 1 - - - - - - - - - - 3-7 5 . _ % _ _ 8 - 12 18 3 - 159 4 2 - 1 - _ - 2 1 13-17 13 - - 181 0 2 1 - 1 - 3 1 - 18—22 41 3 1 990 2 9 4 1 - - 9 4 1 77 < 23-27 89 13 3 1,330 0 20 3 5 3 - - 23 3 5 28—32 118 11 1 2,135 3 28 7 6 3 1 - 31 8 6 33-37 146 10 2 3,162 3 43 5 4 6 2 - 40 7 4 38—42 129 1G 1 2,943 4 37 8 7 15 1 1 52 9 8 43-47 149 10 5 3,007 1 49 2 7 11 2 - 60 4 7 48 -52 200 1G 3 3,628 5 51 5 7 50 3 6 101 8 13 53—57 172 17 3 2,899 5 44 4 6 28 1 3 72 5 9 58— G5 39 5 1 834 4 11 1 2 12 1 2 23 2 4 1,119 104 20 21,273 1 296 40 46 129 n 12 425 51 58 0 . 1 1 - - 52 0 1 - - - - 1 - - 2 2 - - 27 4 - - - - 1 " - - - 3-7 4 _ - _ _ _ - - - - I 8—12 9 - - 88 2 1 - - - - 1 - 13—17 11 1 - 198 0 4 - 1 9 - - 6 1 18-22 33 7 - 648 1 7 3 1 - - 3 1 OO 23—27 54 5 - 679 1 11 - 3 4 - 2 15 - 5 28—32 79 7 2 1,334 5 15 - 1 4 - - ■ 19 - 1 33—37 120 19 - 2,821 0 41 3 7 5 - 1 4G 3 8 38-42 91 12 1 2,170 2 30 5 5 13 - 0 43 5 7 43—4.7 116 12 2 2,782 5 43 4 6 10 1 2 63 5 8 48—52 156 15 1 2,693 2 40 4 5 45 1 1 - 85 5 5 53—57 158 19 - 2,623 2 40 5 5 25 - 1 3 G5 j 5 8 58— G3 44 4 1 1,062 2 15 - 1 15 - 1 30 - 0 ' 875 101 7 17,101 4 2-17 ! 24 | 35 123 2 11 370 ; 26 46 | I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 n 12 13 14 15 1C 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2G 27 28 29 ! 30 1 31 32 33 34 35 3G 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 and 1866-70 (Comltinod), Males ( Kurland) continual. Hleknonn Under Two Yearn Kuto of BiekiicM* Mortality 1 3 3 Ex)h>*o« 1 to Rink U luli-r Two Yours Over Two Years To r a i. Over Two Yearn • Total ltuto Total Deaths llatc of Mortality 1 r«ett ; 1 Week* 1 V'Tl* llVrtfc# llVnt'4 Week! 4 12* 116-8 116-8 | 9-732 9-732 2 •16660 ft 14' 63-2 52 1 115-2 4-615 3-714 8-229 1 - 6 18* 161-3 101 265*2 8*956 5-777 14-733 1 •05555 7 ft4* 371*8 572 946-8 6-941 10-590 17-531 5 •09260 8 132- 800*8 1,768 2,568-8 6-066 13-390 . 19156 17 •12880 9 168-5 1,159-7 2,158 3,317-7 6-885 12-810 19-695 20 ■11870 1U 204-5 1,7555 2,964 4,719-5 8-582 IT 190 23-072 25 •12220 11 181- 1,232-7 2,756 3,988-7 6*812 15-230 22-012 13 •07181 12 214- 741-8 3,588 1,329-8 3-167 16-770 20-237 24 •11220 13 272- 899- 5,460 6,359- 3-303 20-060 23-363 27 •09920 U j 257*5 1,351-2 4,810 G.1GT2 5-258 18-680 23-938 33 •12810 16 1,527-5 8,542*9 24,318-8 32,891-7 5-591 15-910 21-531 167 •10933 16 17 13 J 10 5- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 20 18- 81-7 78 159-7 4-545 4-333 8-878 3 •16660 21 14- 51* 182 233- 3-643 13-000 16-643 - - 22 40-5 444-3 546 990-3 10-970 13-480 24-450 3 •07406 23 00-5 342- 1,144 1,486- 3-779 12-640 16-419 13 •14360 24 121- 653*5 1,664 2,317-5 5-400 13-750 19-150 11 •09091 25 152- 900-5 2,626 3,526-5 5-925 17-280 23-205 10 •06580 ,26 144- 993-7 2,730 3,723-7 6-901 18-960 25-861 17 •11800 27 158-5 689-2 3,042 3,631-2 3-718 19-200 22-918 10 •06310 28 250- 1,028-8 5,122 6,150-8 4-116 20-490 24-606 22 •08800 29 190- 663*8 3,640 4,303-8 3-335 18-290 21-625 20 •10050 30 51* 288-7 1,144 1,432-7 5-662 22-430 28*092 7 13720 31 1,243-5 6,037-2 21,918 27,955-2 4-847 17-545 22-392 116 •09328 32 33 34 35 4* - _ _ - - 3G I 36-3 52 88-3 4-000 5-778 9*778 37 13- 10- 286 302- 1-231 22-000 23-231 1 •07693 38 33- 232-2 416 648*2 7-037 12-606 19-643 7 •21210 30 58- 185-2 650 835-2 3-192 11-210 14-402 7 -12100 40 82- 580-8 962 1,542-8 7-083 11-732 18-815 7 •08537 41 125- 793- 2,262 3,055- 6-345 18-100 24-445 20 •16000 42 103-5 610-3 2,184 2,794-3 5-897 21-110 27-007 14 •13530 43 125-5 598-8 2,678 3,276-8 4-772 21-340 26-112 14 •11160 44 201- 639-3 4,420 5,059-3 3-181 21‘990 25171 15 •07463 45 183- 543 3 3,302 3,845-3 2-968 18-040 21-008 22 -12020 46 58-5 308-3 1,508 1,816*3 5-270 25-780 31-050 5 •08547 17 995-5 4,5435 18,720 23,263-5 4-564 18-805 23-369 112 •11251 0-200. || B 3 1 5 m rn Sickxkss and Mortality Experience, 1861-65 and 1866-70 (C'ombincd), Males (Kurland) continu'd. 1 2 3 Kxpo*e13330 43 67*5 171-5 1,534 1,705-3 2511 22-726 25 267 18 •26667 C 2 0.200 I ;■) S .V Sick n loss and Mortality Experience, 186 1 — *35 i 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ID 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 *5 1 t and 18(5(i 70 (C'oml)im'ilj, Mali's (Kuglaiul) continued. BloktlFM ltntc of Hlcknot* J Mortality Exponeil to Hitik Uiuler Over Under Over Total Total Hate of Total Two Years Two Yearn j Two Yearn | Two Yearn Hate Death* Mortality Wr*k* Werkt Werks Werkt IIV/Xj 1 17- loo 130 142-2 •719 7-617 8-3G6 3 •17050 2 17- •7 540 546-7 •041 32-118 89*169 •29420 3 12- - 267-5 267-5 - 09*402 22*292 3 •25000 4 46* 12*9 913-5 966*4 •280 20-510 20*790 n •23913 6 | 14* 27 5 156 183-5 1-964 11-140 11-140 2 •14290 G 6- 1 180 180- - 30-000 3.1-000 2 *3:1333 7 4 ‘ - - - - - - - 8 24* 27*5 336 363*5 1*146 14*000 15-146 4 ■10067 9 10- 49-7 130 179-7 4-970 13-000 17-970 2 •20000 10 9* 25*5 78 103-5 2-833 8-667 11-500 4 •44444 n 19- 75-2 208 283-2 3-957 10*948 14-905 0 ■31579 12 3- 14-7 2G 40-7 4-900 8-667 13-567 2 •66667 13 4‘ - 2 2* •500 ■500 1 •25000 14 7* 14-7 28 42-7 2-100 4-000 6-100 3 •42857 15 i- _ _ _ ' 1 1-00000 16 3- 10* 3-333 - 3-333 - 17 4* 10- ■ 10* 2*500 - 2-500 1 •25000 18 2- 12- 12* 6-000 | . 6-000 _ 19 i- 4* * 4* 4-000 4-000 - - 20 3- 1G* 16- 5-333 - 5-333 - - 21 3- 52 62* _ 17-333 17-333 _ _ 22 2 10- 26 66* 20-000 13-000 33-000 - - 23 5* 40- 78 118- 8-000 15-600 23-600 - 24 5- 40-5 52 92*5 8-100 10-400 18-500 _ 2 o 2* - 52 52* - 26-000 26-000 - - 26 7* 40-5 104 144-5 5 786 14-857 20-643 - 27 2- - 52 52* 1 26-000 j 26-000 1 - 28 2- - 52 52* 26000 26*000 - 29 2* 52 52- 26-000 26-000 - - 30 2* - 52 52* - 26*000 26-0J0 - - 31 i- - 1 ,7 2*7 - 2-70 J 2-700 1 1-00000 32 *• - 2-7 2-7 | 2-700 2*700 1 1*00000 c 3 0.200 1 6 Entry Agi; 0 Note A. — The first five 'incs of figures, corresponding to each year of duration, relate respectively to sneieties coming under To] illation 1 , 2, S, 4 and o respeitivoly ( see Report', and the sixth line of figures t» the total if the previous live. 'J his order is the same throughout. I - Entky Age 0 • • Kivu Yours ending 81 December 1880 • CONTINUOUS SICKNESS IN WEEKS AN1) DAYS (Noth Uj is Entry Age 1 - jiute A. --Tht first five lines of figures, corresponding to cucli Year of duration, relate respectively to societies coming under Population 1, 2,3, 4 and 5 respectively (see Report), and the sixth line of figures to the total of the previous five. This order is the same throughout. Entry A ! 1870 Members First Yeah . . . - - - - - - 13 or K Diet Left N umber of Attacks 0—4 4—8 8—13 13—17 17—21 21—20 26—30 W. I). W. D. W. 1). W. D. W. I>. W. D. W. I). 1 i - - i 4 0 4 0 - . - - - 2 0 - 3 - 4 - 5 l - i 4 0 4 0 - - - 6 Note A. — Tlie first five lines of figures, corresponding to each year of duration, relate respectively to societies coming under Population 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 respectively (see Report), and tlie sixth line of figures to the total of the previous five. This order is the same throughout. I I 2() Entky Aok 80 Five Years cm lint; 31 December IHKO - CONTINUOUS SICKNH88 IN W KICKS AND DAYS (Noth II, A'ole B. — The first year of continuous sickness is divided into the periods 0-4 weeks, 4-8 weeks, &e., &c., and the sickness under the columns headed 0-4, 4-8, Ac., &c„ indicates how much sickness in that particular period was experienced. Similarly the second year of continuous sickness is divided into the periods 0-26 weeks, 26-52 weeks, and the sickness under the columns headed 0-26, 26-52 indicates how much sickness in each period was experienced. The third year and upwards of continuous sickness needs no explanation. # 0 . 200 , / E 2 1 130 Entry Aon 86 - “ l! or K " indicate? Numberof Members at beginning of Year or Number who entered in Year ; tiie latter only applies to “ Sear of Membership, 0 Year of Membei ship Kick on 1 January 1878 Five Years ending 81 December 1880 CONTINUOUS SICKNESS IN WEEKS AND DAYS (Note IS) First Yeah II or E ! Died I/-ft 0 Number ■ >l 0—4 Attacks S— 13 I 13—17 17 — 21 21—20 1 26—38 W. J). w. D. 4 0 4 0 40 40 5 0 40 5 0 4 0 5 0 4 0 10 12 14 jVof,' A.— The first five lines of figures, corresponding to each year of duration, relate respectively to societies coming under Population 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 respectively (.«-<• Report), and the sixtli line of figures to the total of the previous five. This order is the same throughout. 1131 Entry Agk 86 - Five Years ending 31 December 1880 CONTINUOUS SICKNESS IN WEEKS ANI) DAYS (NOTH B) .Vole B. — The first year of continuous sickness is divided into the periods 0-4 weeks. 4-8 weeks, Ac., Arc , and the sickness under the columns headed 0-4, 4-8, Ac.. Ac., indicates how much sickness in that particular period was experienced. Similarly the second year of continuous sickness is divided into the periods 0-26 weeks. 26-52 weeks, and the sickness under the columns headed 0-26, 26-52 indicates how much sickness in each period was experienced. The third year and upwards of continuous sickness needs no explanation. 0 . 200 . 7 e 3 1132 Entry Aar. 90 “ B or B ” indicates Number of Members at beginning of Year or Number who entered in Year; the latter only applies to “ Year of Membership, 0 Your of Membership 0 Sick on 1 January 1870 Members 15 or E Hied Left Five Years ending ill December 1HH0 CONTINUOUS SICKNESS IN WEEKS AND DAYS (NOTH li) Number of Attacks 1 4 0 1 4 0 1 0 First Ykah 8 — 1.1 13- -17 20-30 W. 1). W. D. Not* A.— The first five lines of figures, corresponding to eacli year of duration, relate respectively to societies coming under Population 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 respectively (tee Report;, ami the sixth line of figures to the total of the previous five. This order is the same throughout. *33 Entry Aoi: 90 Five Wars ending 31 December 1SK0 - CONTINUOUS SICKNESS IN WEEKS AND DAYS (Noth II) First Thar Still on Sick List, 31 Dec. 1880 Second Year Still on Sick List, 31 Dec. 1880 Third Year and upwards Still on Sick List. 31 Dec. 1880 1 2 3 4 6 C 30-34 34—39 1 39—43 43-47 47—62 Number "1 Attacks 0—26 26-52 Number of Attacks 0-52 W. 0. W. I>. W. 1). W. I). W. D. • W. D. W. D. W. D. A’ofe B. — The first year of continuous sickness is divided into the periods 0-4 weeks, 4-8 weeks, &c., &c., and the sickness under the columns headed 0—4, 4-8, Ac., ofcc., indicates how much sickness in that particular period was experienced. Similarly the second year of continuous sickness is divided into the periods 0-26 weeks, 26-52 weeks, and the sickness under the columns headed 0-26, 26-52 indicates how much sickness in each period was experienced. The third year and upwards of continuous sickness needs no explanation. » 7 e 4 0.200 1 134 SUMMARY of Unadjusted Sickness and Mortality Experience, an deduced from the (All Populations, but omitting MkMIserh continuous sickness in weeks and days - Duration Present of Exposed Fibst Y EAR - - - - A gc Member j lie- Died Left 1 to ship ginning Risk Number I of 0—4 4— 8 8 — 3 13— 17 17— 21 21— 26 1 Attacks 1 Years. w. D. w. D. w. n. i w. 1). w. D. w. D. I 3—10 34 - 1 33-5 - - - - - - - 1 5 3—10 53 1 7 49-5 1 2 0 - - - - - 2 (? 3—10 52 - 4 50- 4 14 0 9 0 - - - - 3 7 3—10 114 1 7 110-5 9 25 1 4 1 1 - - - - i 4 8 3—10 219 - 7 - 215-5 20 53 4 17 2 ! 1 12 0 1 5 - - 5 ‘J 3—10 518 1 26 505- 70 179 2 : 39 3 18 2 10 2 8 0 5 1 2 : 6 10 3-10 728 4 46 705- 119 290 1 67 0 15 4 4 0 4 0 5 0 7 ii 3—10 1,044 3 65 1,011-5 i 185 443 3 112 1 32 4 8 2 4 0 1 4 8 f 3—10 1,255 1 59 1.225-5 241 583 3 138 1 77 1 38 0 21 0 16 1 9 12 \ l 11 — 22 1 “ 22* 3 6 0 4 0 10 Total 1,277 2 59 1,247-5 244 589 3 142 1 77 1 38 0 21 0 16 1 u r 3—10 1,586 5 68 1,552- 261 564 3 114 3 33 4 10 0 7 5 2 5 12 lit ^ l 11- 25 _ 25- 3 4 3 “ 13 Total 1,611 5 68 1,577* 264 569 0 114 3 33 4 10 o' 7 2 5 14 f 3—10 1.824 2 93 1,777-5 331 705 5 175 0 85 2 29 1 19 4 17 0 15 “ 1 11 - 23 1 2 22- 4 9 4 4 0 4 0 16 Total 1,847 3 95 1,799-5 335 715 3 179 0 89 2 23 1 19 4 17 0 17 r> f 3—10 2,214 16 151 2,138 5 409 886 5 228 0 121 1 56 2 27 5 20 4 18 1 11- 35 *1 2 34- 8 16 3 - 19 Total 2,249 17 153 2.172-5 417 903 2 228 0 121 1 56 2 27 5 20 4 20 f 3—10 2,711 17 239 2,591-5 574 1,263 3 331 5 184 0 75 0 51 1 .58 0 21 ic 1 11 — 38 1 1 37-5 6 17 2 12 0 14 0 6 0 4 0 5 0 22 Total 2,749 18 240 ' 2,629- 580 1,280 5 343 5 ! 198 0 81 0 55 1 63 0 23 f 3-10 3,311 19 672 2,975- 637 1.434 2 370 4 206 0 79 0 51 4 41 3 24 17 i 11- 73 1 13 66*5 12 26 5 1 12 3 2 0 25 Total 3,384 20 685 3,041-5 649 1,461 1 | 383 1 208 0 79 0 51 4 41 3 2(1 Sickness ami Mortality Returns, Males (England and Walks), for the Years 1876 1880 Years of Membership 0, 1, and 2.) CONTINUOUS SICKNESS IN WEEKS AND DAYS - - First Year Second Year Third Year anil upwards All Sickness 20—30 30—34 31—30 30—43 43-47 47—52 Total Number of Attacks 0—20 20—52 Total Number of Attacks 0—52 w. n. W. I>. W. D. w. n. W. D. W. I). W. I). - W. D. W. T). W. 1). W. D. W. D. “ - -• - - 2 0 - - - 2 0 - - - - 23 0 - - - - 23 0 - T- - - - 29 2 - - - - - - 20 2 - - - 84 5 - _ - - - 84 5 3 1 - - - - 264 0 - - - " - 204 0 4 0 4 0 1 0 - - - 304 5 - - - - - 304 5 - ~ ~ - 002 2 - -• - - - 002 2 8 0 ! 40 501 40' 40 8 0 4 0 5 0 4 0 4 0 5 1 004 1 10 0 5 1 , 014 1 6 5 011 0 10 0 733 2 3 50 1 18 4 f.8 5 6 5 I 021 0 802 1 13 — - 4 3 “ “ — - 4 3 14 - - - - - 737 5 , 50 1 18 4 08 5 i - 800 4 15 12 0 12 ° 15 0 11 3 8 0 10 2 1,100 5 - _ - _ _ 1,100 5 1C - - - - 17 4 _ - - - - 17 4 17 12 0 12 0 15 0 11 3 8 0 10 2 1,118 3 _ - - 1,118 3 18 12 4 8 0 9 0 4 0 4 0 4 0 1,382 3 4 52 1 20 1 78 2 _ _ 1,400 5 19 - - - - - 10 3 - - - - - - 10 3 20 12 4 8 0 9 0 4 0 4 0 4 0 1,399 0 4 52 1 20 1 78 2 - - 1,477 2 21 32 5 28 0 35 0 20 0 21 4 20 1 2,133 1 1 20 0 20 1 52 1 i 4 2 2,189 4 22 4 0 4 0 5 0 4 0 3 0 - 78 2 - - - - - 78 2 23 30 5 32 0 40 0 30 0 24 4 20 1 2,211 3 . 20 0 20 1 52 1 i 4 2 2.208 0 24 28 0 24 4 24 0 10 0 10 0 20 5 2,312 4 9 188 2 108 3 290 5 1 52 1 2,661 4 25 - 41 2 - - - - - 41 2 26 28 0 24 4 24 0 10 0 10 0 20 5 2,354 0 9 co CO 2 108 3 290 5 i 52 1 2,703 0 1 1 j 6 Si m m . vit v of Unadjusted Sickness and Mortality Experience, us deduced from the Sickness M km units CONTINUOUS SICKNESS IN WEI KS AND DAYS - 1 Hii'at ion I’l'CHCllt of JTltSf lie- Exposed 1 EAK - - Age Member- to Risk ship ginning Died Left Number of 0-4 4- X 8—13 13- 17 17— 21 21 — 26 Attacks 1 Yea rx. w. D. w. D. w. D. w. 0. w. I). w. D. f 3—10 3,595 26 1,10.3 3,043-5 719 1.569 3 347 5 197 4 87 1 52 0 43 i 1 IS J l 11 — 85 __ 28 71- 18 38 2 8 5 3 0 - ' - 2 Total 3.680 * 26 1,131 3.114-5 737 1 .607 5 356 4 200 4 87 1 52 0 43 l I 3 r 3-10 4,226 30 540 3,956- 998 2.208 i 537 0 280 3 101 3 67 1 ; 6o 0 4 19 J l 11 — 81 16 73- 14 30 i 4 1 1 0 - 5 Total 4,307 30 556 4,029- 1,012 2,238 2 541 1 281 3 101 O 67 1 60 0 c r 3—10 5,484 41 453 5,257-5 1,253 2,723 4 660 1 355 3 158 4 117 0 107 5 r 20 l 11- 95 2 5 92-5 21 47 2 20 0 17 0 - - - 8 Total 5,579 43 458 5,350- 1,274 2,771 0 680 1 372 o 158 4 117 0 107 5 9 r 3—10 24,165 125 1,576 23.377- 5.404 1 1 ,905 ] 2,854 0 1,581 0 739 4 492 5 451 5 10 21 ) l 11— 113 10 108- 14 35 0 11 1 1 0 - “ 11 Total 24,278 125 1,586 23,485- 5,508 11,940 1 2,865 1 1,582 0 739 4 492 5 451 5 12 r 3—10 34.511 189 z.212 33,405- 7.557 16,245 1 3,941 4 2.132 4 953 2 627 3 519 i 13 22 ) 1 11— 137 1 16 129- 14 24 3 • - - - 14 Total 34,648 190 2,228 33,534- 7.571 16,269 4 3.941 4 2,132 4 953 2 627 3 519 i 15 r 3—10 42,126 227 2.668 40.792- 8.978 19.554 3 5.128 0 2,837 1 1.209 i 857 5 745 0 1G 23 ) l 11 — 176 13 169-5 23 54 3 22 2 10 1 5 0 17 Total 42,302 227 2,681 40,961-5 9,001 19,609 0 1 5,150 2 2,847 2 1,214 1 857 5 745 0 18 r 3—10 48.806 266 3,057 47,277*5 10,175 22,358 2 5.755 i 3,261 i 1,495 0 1.014 5 943 3 19 24 l 11— 277 5 16 269- 59 135 i 35 i 24 2 8 0 4 0 5 0 20 Total 49,083 271 3,073 47,546*5 10,234 22,493 3 5.790 2 3.285 3 1,503 0 1,018 5 948 3 21 r .> 3—10 52,329 4 300 3,035 50,811-5 10,921 23,776 2 6,110 2 3,387 5 1,552 r 5 1,037 0 843 2 22 1 11— 495 3 33 478"5 100 240 4 82 4 50 0 31 1 25 5 15 4 23 Total 52,824 303 3,068 51.290- 11,021 24,023 0 6,193 0 3,437 5 1,584 0 1,062 5 859 0 24 / 3—10 54.830 327 3,133 53,263-5 11.608 25,162 5 6,492 0 3,658 5 1,753 3 1,168 5 1,020 5 25 26 ! 11 — 797 j 10 37 778-5 188 444 4 130 4 94 2 44 4 31 0 30 0 2G * Total 627 337 3,170 54,042- 11,796 25,607 3 6,622 4 3,753 i 1,798 1 1,199 5 1 ,050 5 27 1 3 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 I * .» ind Mortality Returns, Males (England and Wales), for the Years 1 M7«» — 1880, Scr.—rontinnnl. CONTINUOUS SICKNESS IN WEEKS AND DAYS' First Yeah Second Year Third Year All and upwards Sickness 26—30 80—84 34- V.t 39— 13 43— 7 47— 52 Total Number of Attacks 0—26 26—62 Total Number of Attacks 0—52 w. D. w. 1). w. D. w. D. w. I). w. I). w. I). W. I). w. D. W. I). ' w. i). w. D. 26 0 17 0 20 0 15 0 10 0 10 2 2,395 4 5 58 4 26 1 84 5 2 29 0 2,509 3 - - - - - - 50 1 - - - - - 50 1 26 0 17 0 20 0 15 0 10 0 10 2 2.445 5 5 58 4 26 1 84 5 2 29 0 2,559 4 34 0 28 0 35 0 19 1 13 2 15 3 3,399 2 4 85 3 21 4 107 1 3 152 2 3,658 5 - - - - - 35 2 - - _ - - - 35 2 34 0 28 0 35 0 19 1 13 2 15 3 3,434 4 4 85 3 21 4 107 1 3 152 2 3,694 1 61 2 50 5 50 2 24 0 24 0 31 3 4,364 5 8 172 2 81 0 253 2 2 104 2 4,722 3 - - “ - - 84 2 - - - 84 2 61 2 50 5 50 2 24 0 24 0 31 3 4,449 1 8 172 2 81 0 253 2 2 104 2 4,806 5 252 4 200 i 182 1 129 2 117 5 119 5 19,026 3 27 559 2 459 2 1,018 4 18 608 5 20,654 0 - - - - 47 1 - ~ - - 47 1 252 4 200 i 182 1 129 2 117 5 119 5 19.073 4 27 559 2 459 2 1,018 4 18 608 5 20,701 1 295 4 232 1 202 2 123 5 115 2 126 3 25,515 2 40 822 4 568 2 1,391 0 32 1,138 5 28,045 1 - - - - - - 24 3 - 1 9 1 33 4 295 4 232 i 202 2 123 5 115 2 126 3 25,539 5 40 822 4 568 2 1,391 0 33 1.148 0 28,078 5 428 0 343 5 316 i 201 i 180 0 186 2 31,987 i 38 746 3 484 1 1,230 4 34 1,412 1 34,630 0 - " - - - 92 0 - - - - 1 53 1 144 1 428 0 343 5 316 i 201 i Y80 0 186 2 32,079 1 38 746 3 484 1 1,230 4 35 1,464 2 34.774 1 558 5 458 4 451 i 318 3 258 4 284 2 37,158 1 49 926 1 721 3 1,647 4 41 1,559 2 40,365 1 3 0 - - - _ 214 4 - - 1 1 2 216 0 561 5 458 4 451 i 318 3 258 4 284 2 37.372 5 « 926 1 721 3 1,647 4 42 1,560 4 40,581 1 505 5 396 3 375 3 243 4 205 0 230 4 38,664 5 60 1.109 5 665 3 1,775 2 57 1,934 5 42,375 0 5 i 4 0 5 0 4 ° 4 0 5 2 479 3 _ - - - i 52 i 531 4 511 0 400 3. 380 3 247 4 209 0 236 0 39,144 2 60 1,109 5 665 3 1,775 2 58 1,987 0 42.906 4 554 3 443 5 481 3 310 5 265 0 280 4 41,593 i 59 1,240 1 783 4 2,023 5 50 1,876 5 45,493 5 24 0 22 0 21 3 16 0 13 0 15 | 5 887 4 2 29 5 0 1 30 0 2 104 3 1,022 1 578 3 465 5 503 0 326 3 278 0 296 3 42,480 5 1 61 1.270 0 783 5 i 2,053 5 52 1,981 ‘> 46,516 0 .200. F 2 8i.-mm.vicy of Unadjusted Sickness and Mortality Experience, as deduced from the Sickness M HMIIHHH < lONTINUOUH SICK NESS IN WEEKS ■\ND )AYS - - Duration Present of -’ I RKT Be- Exposed \ j:ar - - - - A;,'C Member- Died Left to Risk ship ginning Number of Attacks 0—4 4— 8 8— 13 15— 7 ,7- 21 21 — 26 Yu urn \v. I). w. I). w. D. W. 1). w. D. w. D. 3—10 5(5,851 .325 .3,001 55,350-5 1 1,530 25,521 1 6,697 5 3,803 3 1.771 4 1.218 5 1,162 4 1 21 { 11— 1,243 8 46 1,223- 298 723 2 239 3 160 0 89 5 63 5 57 3 ! 2 Total 58,097 333 3,047 50,573*5 11,828 26,244 3 6,937 2 3,963 3 1 1,861 3 1.282 4 1 ,220 1 j 3 f 3—10 56,773 337 2,801 55,372-5 11,535 25,503 0 6,54 1 0 3,838 2 1 ,852 2 1,331 3 1,191 1 -« 28 \ l 11 — 1,725 12 76 1 ,087* 354 835 5 206 2 112 2 44 3 32 5 35 0 5 Total 58,498 349 2,877 57,059-5 ^ 11,889 26,338 5 6,747 2 3,950 4 1 ,896 5 1,304 2 1,226 1 I 6 r 3—10 49,319 335 2.401 48,118-5 10,139 22,626 i 6,357 0 3,623 4 1,673 4 1.222 4 1.136 4 7 29 | 11 — 8,850 47 229 8,735-5 1,898. 4,355 3 1 ,209 3 737 0 359 1 258 1 215 1 8 Total 58,169 382 2,630 50,854* 12,037 26,981 4 7.506 5 4,360 4 2,032 5 1,480 5 1,351 5 9 r 3—10 43,713 333 2,102 42,662- 9.087 20,337 2 5,669 4 3,375 3 1.592 5 1,100 5 965 2 10 30 | L 11— 13,854 107 343 13,682-5 3,092 6,91 7 2 1 ,999 3 1,201 0 592 4 418 2 366 1 11 Total 57,567 440 2,445 56,344-5 12,179 27,254 4 7,669 1 4,570 3 2,185 3 1,519 i 1,331 3 12 3—10 38,791 275 1,844 37,869- 8,237 18,875 4 5,348 1 3,110 3 1,428 3 1,029 3 947 5 13 31 { 11 — 18,892 152 496 18,044* 3,986 9,066 2 2,565 4 1,519 2 736 2 526 4 472 4 14 Total 57,683 427 2,340 56,513" 12,223 27.1)42 0 7,913 5 4,629 5 2,164 5 1 ,556 1 1.420 3 15 f 32 •’ L 3—10 34,267 278 1,580 33,477- 7,425 16,910 3 4,777 0 2.648 5 1,145 0 773 3 734 5 16 11— 23,470 156 571 23,184-5 4,859 11,176 1 3,232 4 1,875 2 850 4 618 4 544 5 17 Total 57,737 434 2,151 56,001*5 12,284 28,086 4 8,009 4 4,524 i 1,995 4 1 ,392 1 1,279 4 18 r 3—10 30.535 237 1,439 29,815-5 6,941 15,703 2 4.426 ■ 1 5 2,812 4 1,350 4 900 1 802 2 19 3, { 11 — 26,802 182 579 26,512-5 5,504 12,753 0 3,615 3 1.998 4 898 4 640 2 566 2 20 Total 57,337 419 2,018 56,328- 12,445 28,456 2 8,042 2 4,811 2 2,249 2 1,540 3 1,368 4 21 3-10 26,360 225 1.209 25,755'5 6,954 1 3,4)20 2 3,957 4 2,319 4 1,132 4 777 5 723 1 22 11— 29,819 239 593 29,522-5 6,228 14,519 0 4,184 4 2,421 5 1,130 3 793 i 766 2 23 Total 56,179 464 1,802 55,278- 12,182 28,445 2 8.142 2 4,741 3 2,263 1 1,571 0 1,489 3 24 3-10 23.250 216 1 ,002 22,749- 5,537 12,952 0 3,880 5 2,348 2 1.147 4 790 2 696 5 25 33 1 11 — 32,300 299 606 31,997- 6,926 16,262 4 4,934 1 2,922 5 1 ,359 4 973 4 870 0 26 Total 55,550 515 1.608 54,746" 12,463 29,214 4 8,815 0 5,271 i 2,507 2 1 .704 0 1 ,566 °l 27 1 ';>!) and Mortality ItoturiiR, .Mali's (Kngluml ami Wales), for tlie Years 11170 IKHO, Xr. mntinnril. - • • - * - roNTINC ons SICKXKSS IN WKHKS AN l> HAYS - - • - I’m sr Yeah Ski a ini Y KAR Third Year ami upwards All Sickness 111 - .— <0 30— 34 31 — 39 39- 43 43 - 17 17— 52 Total Number of I Attacks | 0—26 26 — 52 Total Number of Attacks o — 52 w. 1). \v. D. w. i>. w. 1). w. 1). W. n. w. l>. W. I). \v. d. ; W. D. W. D. w. D. 1 (565 4 519 i 512 4 339 2 277 0 276 i 1 42,796 1 64 1,194 o 818 1 2,012 1 50 j 2,176 2 46,984 •4 2 85 0 32 0 1 27 0 16 3 8 0 10 3 1,463 0 4 91 5 76 0 167 5 2 | 104 3 1 ,735 2 3 700 4 551 1 569 4 355 5 285 0 287 1 44,259 1 68 1 1,285 5 894 1 2,180 0 52 i 2,280 5 | 48,720 0 4 692 4 561 4 583 5 365 5 315 5 315 4 43,092 5 61 1,189 2 824 5 2,014 1 67 2,690 3 47,797 3 5 21 2 13 0 15 0 12 0 12 0 11 2 1.351 3 3 78 1 78 3 156 4 4 208 5 1.717 0 6 714 0 574 4 598 5 377 5 327 5 327 0 44, 411 2 64 1.267 3 903 2 2,170 5 71 2,899 2 49,514 3 7 633 5 535 3 559 5 342 •> 296 0 310 3 39.317 5 58 1,153 1 758 5 1,912 0 64 2,720 3 43,950 2 8 127 i 104 1 95 2 54 0 43 4 42 3 7,601 2 16 340 0 24S 0 588 0 22 954 0 9,143 2 9 761 0 639 4 655 1 396 2 339 4 353 0 46,919 i 74 1,493 1 1,006 5 2,500 0 86 3,674 3 53,093 4 10 520 1 406 5 424 i 290 5 262 3 292 4 35,247 4 61 1 ,285 5 934 0 2,21!) 5 66 2,710 0 40,177 3 ii 212 1 171 3 184 3 127 0 109 4 124 2 12,424 1 18 390 2 258 3 648 5 37 1,775 5 14,848 5 12 741 2 578 2 (508 4 417 5 372 1 117 o 47,671 5 79 1,676 I 1,192 3 2,868 4 103 4,485 5 55,026 2 13 568 0 463 0 514 2 313 2 247 3 278 0 33,124 2 49 1,004 2 750 0 1,754 2 62 2,411 0 37,289 4 14 257 1 214 2 203 5 135 4 104 1 110 0 15,912 1 34 * 752 0 583 5 1.835 5 47 2,150 1 19,398 1 15 825 1 677 2 718 i 449 0 351 4 388 0 49,036 3 83 1 ,756 2 1,333 5 3,090 1 109 1 4,561 1 56,687 5 16 373 2 302 0 306 i 203 5 170 3 209 2 28,554 5 61 1,308 0 2 Total Number of Attacks 0— 52 w. 1). w. 1). w. I). W. 1). \v. I). w. 1). w. I). \v. D. w. I). w. I). W. D. w. D. l 377 1 304 3 299 0 200 2 171 4 189 4 21,292 0 48 1 ,065 6 773 0 1 ,838 5 43 1,888 1 25,019 0 3 584 1 483 1 489 3 323 5 269 4 310 1 31.596 3 66 1,344 3 1,026 3 2,371 0 113 5,077 5 39,045 2 • 3 961 2 787 4 788 3 524 i 444 2 499 5 52,888 3 114 2,410 2 1,799 3 4,209 5 156 6,966 0 64,064 2 4 375 5 301 3 295 «) 197 4 169 2 19 4 i 20,317 5 35 757 2 525 4 1,283 0 50 1,976 4 23.577 3 5 fit 9 3 486 3 509 5 358 0 324 4 353 3 32.472 3 75 1,493 i 996 4 2,489 5 142 6.269 1 41,231 3 6 995 2 788 0 805 i 555 4 494 0 518 0 52,790 2 110 2,250 3 1,522 2 3.772 5 192 8,245 5 64,809 0 7 393 4 335 5 345 3 232 0 207 5 219 3 19,778 i 42 965 1 772 3 1,737 4 41 1,918 i 23,434 0 8 »:ot 5 506 0 522 5 334 5 288 i 312 5 32,166 4 73 1,604 2 1,268 1 2,872 3 160 7,415 3 42.454 4 9 995 3 841 5 868 2 566 3 496 0 562 2 51,944 5 115 2,569 3 2,040 4 4,610 1 201 9,333 4 65.888 4 10 204 5 244 •2 249 i 153 0 117 3 131 0 16,950 5 43 902 3 556 3 1,459 0 42 2,010 0 20,419 5 ii 667 i 541 4 532 4 338 1 295 0 332 1 33.904 5 75 1,567 3 1,151 1 2,718 4 183 8,061 2 44,684 5 12 962 0 786 0 781 5 491 1 412 3 463 1 50,855 4 118 2,470 0 1.707 4 4.177 4 225 10,071 2 65,104 4 13 250 o “ 205 1 204 3 132 4 112 5 127 4 14,499 4 31 624 3 457 5 1,082 2 40 1.791 3 17,373 3 14 678 1 568 4 601 4 399 3 * 5 380 1 35,494 1 73 1,460 3 938 5 2,399 2 184 8,514 4 46,408 1 15 928 3 773 5 806 1 532 1 459 4 507 5 49,993 5 104 2,085 0 1.396 4 3,481 4 224 10,306 1 63,781 4 1G 250 5 207 5 217 1 150 1 126 1 150 i 13,257 i 24 524 4 346 1 870 5 38 1,478 2 15,606 2 17 720 4 596 3 607 0 417 2 363 1 413 3 36,553 3 83 1,766 0 1,251 2 3.017 2 168 7,579 4 47,150 3 18 971 0 804 2 824 1 567 3 489 2 564 0 49,810 4 107 2,290 4 1,597 3 3.888 i 206 9,058 0 62,756 5 19 163 V 3 143 3 139 2 89 2 82 0 96 3 11,980 5 31 661 3 417 1 1,078 4 1,182 3 14,242 0 20 696 4 577 4 573 5 407 5 344 0 389 4 35,846 5 92 2,062 2 1,469 5 3,532 1 178 7,762 1 47,141 1 21 SCO 1 721 1 713 i 497 1 426 0 486 1 47,827 4 123 2,723 _ 5 1,887 0 4,610 0 203 8,944 4 61,383 1 22 224 3 198 0 209 0 136 5 124 0 143 2 11,841 4 17 378 i 285 1 663 2 26 1,081 5 13,586 5 23 774 5 623 3 661 1 457 5 384 3 433 2 37.6S1 1 84 1,722 5 1,055 3 2,778 2 197 8,690 0 49,149 3 24 999 2 821 3 870 1 594 4 508 3 576 4 49,522 5 101 2,101 0 1,340 4 3,441 4 223 9,771 5 62,736 2 25 234 5 197 2 210 4 146 5 133 3 158 3 10,779 4 33 705 0 410 3 1.115 3 27 1,095 0 12,990 i 26 755 5 636 2 654 4 456 2 411 452 1 36,944 1 97 1,976 1 1,304 1 3,280 2 179 8,190 5 48,415 2 27 990 4 833 4 865 2 60.3 1 545 1 610 4 47,723 5 130 2..i"l 1 1.714 4 4,395 5 206 9,285 5 61,405 3 7 f 4 0.200 114-2 Si aim a in of I nadjusled Sickness and Mortality Experience, as deduced from the Sickness Membekh CONTINUOUS SICKNESS IN WEEKS AND DAYS - Duration — — Present of Exposed 1- 1 UST Y EA It - - - - * - Arc Member- He- Died I eft to LI ink ship ginnin*' Number of Attacks 0—4 4 - 8 8— 3 13— 17 17— 21 21 — 26 Yean,. w. I). w. J>. w. 1). \\\ J). w. I). w. n. 1- f 3—10 0,1111 75 1 90 0.093- 1,781 4,564 2 1,554 1 968 2 455 1 337 0 287 4 i ' L II — 2!), DO!) 371 305 29.780-5 7,222 18.451 3 6,643 1 4,169 3 2,099 0 1 ,505 5 1,109 5 2 Total 30,100 440 561 35,879 5 9,003 23,015 5 8,197 2 5,137 5 2,554 1 1,812 5 1,697 3 3 3—10 5,094 00 154 5,01 7- 1,514 3,921 4 1,293 3 754 i 386 0 256 4 234 2 4 40 { 11— 29,145 409 303 28,993-5 7,218 1 8,485 5 6,370 3,922 4 1,901 2 1,370 1 1,321 i 6 Total 34,239 47 5 457 34,010-5 8,732 22,407 3 7,664 0 4,676 5 2,287 2 1,626 5 1,555 3 6 f 3—10 4,298 08 108 4,244- 1,324 3,456 2 1 ,268 3 840 2 434 3 335 0 294 0 4V 1 11 — 27,774 427 270 27.030' 7,108 18,455 4 6,563 4 4,150 2 2,135 1 1,535 1 1,432 5 8 Total 32,072 495 384 31,880- 8,432 21,912 0 7,832 1 4,996 4 2,569 4 1,870 1 1,726 5 9 f 3—10 3,549 65 75 3,511-5 1.120 2,920 2 970 2 591 5 277 3 178 5 162 2 to 48 | t 11— 20,223 403 230 26,108- 6,779 17,771 4 6,256 1 4,076 5 2,071 f) O 1,539 0 1,477 2 11 Total 29,772 408 305 29,619-5 7,899 20,692 0 7,226 3 4,668 4 2,349 0 1,717 5 1.639 4 12 ( 3-10 2,035 43 03 i 2,603-5 810 2,116 5 j 729 1 422 1 210 0 145 0 122 3 13 49 ^ l! 11- 24,980 420 220 24,867- 6,625 1 7,569 i 6,489 3 4,153 5 2,151 1 1,533 4 1,431 0 14 Total 27,615 403 289 27,470-5 7,435 19,686 0 7.218 4 4,576 0 2.361 1 1,678 1 1,553 3 15 f 3—10 1,585 21 48 1,561- 522 1,378 1 493 0 322 1 159 3 122 0 98 0 16 50 ■ 11 — 24,059 400 188 23,965- 6,450 17,141 5 6,354 0 4,029 3 1,950 3 1,458 5 1,345 3 17 Total 25,044 1 427 230 25,526- 6.972 18,520 0 6,847 0 4,351 4 2.110 0 1,580 5 1,443 3 18 3 — 10 1.205 19 29 1,190-5 397 1,041 2 401 0 255 0 118 5 75 5 78 4 19 51 { ii- 22,441 429 183 22,349-5 6,026 16,390 0 6,294 3 4.116 1 2,102 3 1,579 3 1,485 3 20 Total 23,040 448 212 23,540- 6.423 17.431 2 6,695 3 4,371 1 2.221 2 1,655 2 1,564 1 21 f 3—10 1,000 15 22 1,049- 401 1,063 0 393 4 253 3 140 2 102 0 98 0 22 52 < l 11 — 21.107 399 173 21,080-5 5.730 15,559 1 6,035 4 4,058 5 2,098 5 1,578 0 1,475 0 23 Total 22,227 414 195 22,129-5 6,131 16,622 1 6,429 2 4,312 2 2,239 i 1,680 0 1,573 0 24 f 3—10 881 19 19 871-5 332 896 4 322 1 226 0 132 3 106 3 98 5 25 53 i 11 — 19,861 495 129 19,796-5 5,433 1 5,009 2 6,102 5 4,017 1 2,059 1 1,510 0 1,432 3 26 i Total 20,742 424 148 20,668- 5,765 15,905 0 6,425 0 4,273 1 2,191 4 1,616 3 1,531 2 27 and Mortality Returns, Males (England and Wales), for the Years IH70 IHHii, Ac. ronliuueil. - - - • - • CONTINUOUS SICKNESS IN WEEKS AND DAYS * - • • First Year SECOND Ykab 'i'll 1 1( i> Year and upwards ALL Sickness 20— 80 30— U 34 — 19 39— 13 48— 17 47— 52 Total. Number of Attacks 1 0—26 26—5 2 'J’ot a l. N umber of Attacks 0—52 W. 1). w. n. w. 1). w. I). w. l>. w. D. W. 1). W. I>. w. ). w. I). w. 1). w. I>. >1 1 57 5 137 i 138 3 , 95 •> 92 2 99 i 8,888 0 29 679 3 408 t 1,088 0 22 942 1 10,918 1 2 832 4 (548 i 656 5 149 5 393 5 450 3 37,710 1 to 1.889 5 1,347 i 3,237 0 207 9,693 2 50,641 0 3 990 3 785 •* 795 2 545 4 486 i 549 4 46,598 1 123 2,669 2 1,755 i 4,325 “! 229 10,685 3 61,559 1 4 i:u l 108 0 102 3 56 3 44 4 44 5 7,337 0 10 j 214 4 158 0 372 4 29 1,123 1 8,832 5 5 810 4 i 662 2 709 4 491 4 414 3 476 5 36,937 2 106 ! 2,395 4 1,581 4 3,977 2 237 10,601 2 5 1 ,5 1 6 0 C 944 5 770 2 1 812 1 548 1 459 1 | 521 4 41,274 2 116 2,610 2 1,739 4 4,350 0 266 11,724 3 60,348 5 - 178 0 168 ! 2 ! 183 1 | 130 3 113 4 135 0 7,643 2 8 152 4 110 1 262 5 21 923 0 8,729 i 8 881 2 754 4 807 5 539 4 469 0 521 4 38,247 0 100 2,096 3 1,485 2 3,581 5 233 10,542 0 52,370 5 9 1,059 2 923 0 991 0 j 670 1 582 4 656 4 45,790 2 108 2,249 1 1,595 3 3,844 4 254 11,465 0 61,100 0 10 99 4 72 3 73 4 55 0 46 5 49 1 5,498 0 24 519 3 443 2 962 5 15 689 3 7,150 2 11 929 2 765 0 792 5 537 0 466 2 541 2 37,224 2 117 2,648 3 1,994 2 4,642 5 233 10,334 2 52,201 3 12 1,029 0 837 3 866 3 592 0 513 i 590 3 42,722 2 141 3.168 0 2.437 4 5,605 4 248 11,023 5 59,351 5 13 77 0 71 1 75 1 55 0 48 4 56 3 4,129 i 5 130 1 130 4 260 5 24 976 i 5,366 1 14 836 0 670 2 719 0 489 2 447 4 524 3 37,015 i in 2,313 2 1,524 1 3,837 3 254 11,537 4 52,390 2 15 913 0 741 3 794 1 544 2 496 2 581 0 41,144 2 116 2,443 3 1,654 5 4,098 2 278 12,513 5 o7 , 1 06 3 16 63 2 58 2 57 0 40 0 40 0 46 1 2,877 4 7 158 5 114 0 272 5 8 312 3 3,463 0 17 818 4 693 3 717 3 486 2 432 5 488 3 35,917 3 114 2,482 0 1,737 2 4,219 2 245 11,101 0 51,237 5 18 882 0 751 5 774 3 526 2 472 5 534 4 38,795 1 121 2,640 5 1,851 2 4,492 1 253 11,413 3 54,700 5 19 60 0 57 0 62 1 42 0 40 0 45 0 2,276 .) 6 118 1 97 1 215 2 5 184 3 2,676 4 20 GO 762 5 825 3 591 3 502 4 571 1 36,140 1 100 2,054 2 1,375 1 3,429 3 250 11,114 3 50,684 1 21 978 2 819 5 887 * 633 3 542 4 616 1 38,417 0 106 2,172 3 1,472 2 3,644 5 255 11,299 0 53,360 5 22 70 2 1 61 0 70 0 46 1 40 0 52 0 2,890 0 8 197 2 102 2 299 4 2 61 3 2,751 i 23 930 3 798 1 5 ; S63 5 : 607 1 548 3 : 641 i 5 35,196 1 130 2.859 4 2,130 0 4,989 4 235 10,812 3 50,998 2 24 1,000 5 j 859 5 933 5 ' 653 2 588 3 | 698 5 37,586 I 1 138 3,057 0 2,232 2 3,289 2 237 10,874 0 53,749 3 25 56 0 56 0 j 60 4 1 35 0 32 0 36 i 2,057 3 6 135 4 78 3 214 i 2 1 63 1 | 2,334 5 26 871 0 725 1 774 3 ! 540 0 508 4 612 4 34,193 0 140 3,006 2 2,089 1 5,095 3 248 11,193 0 50,481 3 27 927 0 781 1 835 1 575 0 540 4 648 5 36.250 3 146 ; 3,142 0 2,167 4 5,309 1 4 250 11,256 1 52,816 2 Si'MM.un of I nadjusted Sickness and Mortality Experience, as deduced from the Sickness M EMBEIIS ( !ONT 1 NUOUS SICKN ESS IN WEEKS \ND DAYS - - ITcscnt Dural ion of Exposed MUST Y EA It - “ * ■ * Ago Member- lie- Died Left to ship. ginning disk Number of 0—4 4-8 S — 13 13-1 7 i 17—21 21—26 1 Attacks 1 Yew*. w. J). w. D. w. D. w. 1). w. J>. „ w. | D. -1 1 3—10 750 14 ii 744-5 269 754 4 276 5 198 2 106 0 73 2 80 2 i 4 l 11 — 1 8,692 388 115 18,634-5 5,072 13,995 2 5.671 i 3,897 1 2,072 ■> 1,501 . 1,5 i 6 2 2 Total 19,442 402 126 19,379- 5,341 14,750 0 5,948 0 4,095 3 2,178 5 1 ,665 i 1,656 4 3 - ( 3—10 509 7 11 503-5 172 437 i 131 0 82 5 38 2 22 0 21 2 4 11 — 17,501 423 110 17,446- 4,920 1 3,890 0 5,871 5 3,956 3 2,078 1 1.513 2 1,402 5 5 Total 18,010 430 121 17,949-5 5,092 | 14,327 1 6,002 5 4,039 2 2,116 3 1,535 2 1,424 i G f 3—10 417 6 11 411-5 132 351 4 132 1 94 3 56 3 41 5 40 0 7 66 • L 11 — 16,499 426 110 16.444- 4.694 13,503 9 5,933 1 4,208 0 2,249 4 1,706 2 1,588 3 8 Total 16,916 432 121 16,855*5 4.826 1 3,855 1 6,065 2 4,302 3 2,306 1 1.748 i 1,628 3 9 r 3—10 338 2 9 333-5 121 319 3 102 0 71 1 27 0 22 2 12 5 10 57 \ l 11— 15,194 467 81 15,153-5 4,406 12,678 2 5,655 3 3,995 4 2,105 2 1,587 3 1.477 0 11 Total 15,532 469 90 15,487- 4,527 12,997 5 5,757 3 4,066 5 2,132 2 1,609 5 1,489 5 12 -s / 3—10 300 5 5 297-5 111 295 4 128 3 97 i 38 4 1 26 i 25 0 13 1 11 — 1 4,039 409 75 14,001-5 4,150 11,903 4 5,351 5 3,786 i 1,966 3 1.495 5 1,432 2 14 Total 14.339 414 80 14,299- 4.261 12,199 2 5,480 2 3,883 2 2.005 1 1,522 0 1,457 2 15 f 3—10 241 6 4 239- 91 234 4 75 i 67 4 41 3 3.3 0 37 1 1G 59 < l 11- 12,984 412 45 12,961-5 3,967 11,541 1 5,127 4 3,710 1 2,024 1 1,481 4 1 .544 1 17 Total 13,225 418 49 13,200-5 4,058 11,775 5 5,202 5 3,777 5 2,065 4 1,514 4 1,581 2 18 f 3—10 190 1 1 189-5 72 183 3 61 0 38 0 24 0 21 5 24 5 1!) 60 11— 12,125 402 48 12.101- 3,730 10,959 2 4.979 2 3,690 4 2,023 1 1,593 4 1,600 2 20 Total 12,315 403 49 12,290-5 3,802 11.142 5 5,040 2 3,728 4 2,047 1 1.615 3 1,625 i 21 r 3—10 162 1 1 161-5 65 188 4 69 0 47 2 34 0 30 0 35 0 22 0, { 11— 11,108 394 48 11,0S4- 3,514 10,522 2 4,988 4 3,733 0 2,054 3 1.634 2 1,629 5 23 Total 11,270 395 49 11,245-5 3,579 10,711 0 5,057 4 .3,780 2 2,088 3 1,664 2 1,664 5 24 r 3—10 150 4 2 149- 49 134 1 34 5 19 5 7 o 4 0 2 0 25 62 j 11 — 10,344 418 54 10,317- 3,378 10.298 3 5,187 5 3,987 i 2,231 1 1,772 5 1,778 i 2G Total 10,494 422 56 10,466- 3,427 10,432 4 5,222 4 4,007 0 2,238 1 1 ,776 K > 1,780 I 27 uiul Mortality Returns, Males (England and Wales), for the Years 1H70-1880, &c. — continual. CONTINUOUS SICKNESS IN WEEKS AND DAYS - - - • First Year Second Year Third Year and upwards ALL Sickness 2<> — 30 30—34 34—39 39— -43 43— 17 47— 12 Total Number of Attacks 0—26 26—52 Total Number of A t tacks 0—52 w. D. w. 1). w. 1). w. D. w. I). \v. D. w. I). w. D. w. D. w. D. W. D. w. D. 1 tiO 5 53 0 51 4 32 0 27 4 31 0 1,745 4 5 72 2 13 9 85 4 6 274 4 2,106 0 3 953 2 792 0 843 0 584 4 554 4 633 l 33,165 3 123 , 2,669 1 1,727 5 ! 4,397 oj 271 1 1 ,980 1 49,542 4 3 1,014 i 845 0 894 4 616 4 582 2 i 664 l 34,911 1 128 1 2,741 3 1,741 i 4,482 4 277 12,254 5 51,648 4 4 11 3 6 0 5 0 4 0 4 0 5 l 768 2 7 158 4 65 2 224 0 1 52 1 1,044 3 5 875 5 746 5 800 4 560 2 499 4 651 3 32,747 3 130 2,811 2 1,967 5 4,779 1 273 12,220 0 49,746 4 6 S87 »> 752 5 805 ; 564 2 “ 1 503 4 556 4 33,515 5 137 2,970 0 2,033 i 5,003 1 274 12,272 1 50,791 1 7 32 0 29 3 31 2 24 0 24 0 28 2 885 5 _ _ _ 3 107 0 992 5 S 1,010 0 849 1 924 3 633 4 579 1 672 9 " 33,858 0 117 2,655 4 2,033 2 4,689 0 294 13,249 5 51,796 5 9 1,042 0 878 4 955 5 657 4 603' 1 700 4 34,743 5 117 2,655 4 2,033 2 4,689 0 297 13,356 5 52,789 4 10 3 0 _ . - 557 5 5 118 2 104 4 223 0 2 104 2 885 1 11 932 3 833 5 918 5 638 2 587 1 685 1 32,095 i 144 3,123 0 2,491 1 2 5,614 2 306 13,862 5 51,572 2 12 935 3 833 5 918 5 638 2 587 1 685 1 32,653 0 149 3,241 2 2,596 0 5.837 2 308 13,967 i 52,457 3 13 21 1 12 0 15 0 9 0 8 0 10 3 686 5 _ _ i 3 233 0 919 5 14 949 0 829 2 881 4 616 5 568 4 666 3 30,448 2 144 3,183 2 2,313 1 3 5,496 5 335 15,802 5 51,748 0 15 970 1 841 2 896 4 625 5 576 4 677 0 31,135 1 144 3,183 2 2,313 1 3 5.496 ' 5 340 16,035 5 52,667 5 16 24 0 24 0 30 0 24 0 21 0 25 5 638 0 2 52 1 52 2 104 3 4 194 i 936 4 17 989 0 839 1 922 0 633 3 555 1 644 3 30,012 *2 142 3,152 1 2,281 3 5,433 4 367 16,627 i 52,073 1 IS 1,013 0 863 1 952 0 657 3 . 576 1 670 2 30.650 2 144 3,204 2 2,333 5 5,538 1 371 16,821 2 53,009 5 19 16 0 16 0 10 5 8 0 8 0 10 3 422 3 3 78 0 78 3 156 3 3 156 3 735 3 20 989 0 844 5 931 2 650 1 580 1 673 1 29,515 1 139 2,750 1 1,949 3 4,699 4 376 16,457 3 50,672 2 21 1,005 0 860 5 942 i 658 1 588 1 683 4 29,937 4 142 2,828 1 2,028 0 4,856 1 379 16.614 0 51,407 5 22 21 0 16 5 11 3 8 0 8 0 10 4 480 0 2 28 0 26 1 54 1 4 139 5 674 0 23 1,099 0 977 0 1,068 1 766 4 713 3 832 5 30,019 5 143 3,053 5 2,146 4 5,200 3 375 17,242 4 52,463 0 24 1,120 0 993 5 1,079 4 774 4 721 3 843 3 30,499 5 145 3,081 5 2,172 5 5,254 4 379 17,382 3 53,137 0 25 _ _ _ 201 5 2 30 4 26 i 56 5 2 104 2 363 0 26 1,196 4 1,086 2 1,219 5 896 4 827 1 963 0 31,445 2 162 3,554 1 2,631 4 6,185 5 382 17,515 2 55,146 3 27 1,196 4 1,086 2 1,219 5 896 4 827 1 963 0 31,647 i 164 3,584 5 2,657 5 6,242 4 384 17.619 4 55,509 3 0.200. 7 G 2 I I 4<> .Si mu \RY ol I nadjusted Sickness and Mortality Experience, as deduced from the Sickness M km units ON'TI N tJOIJS SICKNESS IN W KKKS AND " ' )AYS - - Present Duration . w. D. w. n. | 3—10 131 6 2 1 30- 47 130 5 47 4 20 1 8 o 8 3 5 0 1 63 • 1 11 — 9,480 414 28 9, 40(5 • 3,189 9,628 55 4,691 0 3,698 0 2,148 5 1.VS01 0- 1 ,652 3 o Total 9,(51 1 420 30 9,596- 3,236 9,759 2 4,738 4 53,718 1 2,156 5 1.669 3 1,657 3 3 3—10 112 4 112- 46 1 152 5 78 4 54 0 37 26 0 29 4 4 04 { 11 — 8,7(53 407 30 j 8,748- 3,086 9,4556 2 4,700 5 3,655 0 2,077 4 1,669 2 1,728 3 5 Total 8,875 411 30 8,8(50- 3,132 9,589 1 l j 4,779 :* 3.700 ' 0 2,1 15 3 1,695 2 1,758 1 6 1 an > 3—10 90 4 1 89-5 38 106 1 45 0 30 0 19 0 17 0 15 0 7 \ 1 1 — 8,055 424 55 8,027-5 2,832 8,825 1 4,518 5 3,683 4 2,141 5 1,738 2 1,728 2 8 Total 8,1 45 428 56 8,117- 2,870 8,931 2 4,563 5 3,713 4 2.160 5 1,755 2 1,743 2 0 f 3-10 69 1 2 68- 44 134 3 65 2 52 1 31 5 28 0 34 4 10 66 • l 11 — 7,377 390 26 • 7,3(54- 2,584 8,151 3 4,374 i 3.608 3 2.192 5 1.783 1 1.857 2 11 Total 7,446 391 28 1 r , 4“ 2,628 8,286 0 4,439 3 3,660 4 2,224 4 1,811 1 1,892 0 12 1 3-10 57 2 1 56"5 29 76 3 33 3 27 0 13 0 12 0 15 0 13 67 s J 1 L 11 — 6,703 366 29 6,688*5 2,364 7,469 1 4,081 2 3,287 3 1,963 3 1,604 5 1,713 2 14 Total 6,760 368 30 0,745- 2,393 7,545 4 4,114 5 3,314 3 1,976 3 1-,01 6 5 1.728 2 15 r 3—10 37 37* 23 00 2 27 0 i 24 0 9 2 3 4 16 68 I 11 — 6,005 379 18 5,996- 2,153 6,877 i 53,708 4 3,082 4 1 ,849 1 1,540 5 1,6543 3 17 Total 6.042 379 18 6,033- 2,176 6,937 3 3,735 4 3,106 4 1,858 3 1,544 3 1,633 3 18 r 3—10 23 1 23- 14 27 | 13 5 13 4 6 0 2 0 19 68 I 11 — 5,252 352 21 5,24 1 "5 1,983 6,158 4 3,398 i 2.897 2 1,726 0 1,401 2 1,489 4 20 Total 5,2 75 353 21 5.264-5 1,977 6,186 3 3,412 0 2,911 o 1 1,7542 0 1,403 2 1,489 4 21 3—10 26 2 1 25-5 20 55 o 29 5 22 2 j 12 0 11 0 10 0 22 70 { 11— 4,478 297 12 4,472- 1,644 5,427 2 3,192 4 2,756 4 1,090 3 1,42!) 5 1,510. 0 23 Twtal 4,504 299 13 4,497-5 1,664 5,482 2 3 222 3 2.779 o ; 1,702 3 1,440 5 1,520 0 24 r 3—10 21 1 21- 6 20 0 12 0 10 0 8 0 | 4 2 5 0 25 71 J 1 i 11- 3,857 292 14 3,850- 1,464 4,797 4 2,852 0 2,323 1 1,400 4 1,142 0 I 1,195 0 26 Total 3,878 293 14 3,871- 1,470 4,817 4 2,844 0 2.333 1 1,408 4 1,146 2 j 1,200 0 27 i 1 47 itml Mortality Uoturiis, .Males ( Knglmul mid Wales), for tlie Y'ours |H7(i IHKO, A-r. r 0 64 2 3 71 5 625 3 11 1,259 0 1,135 5 1.293 0 947 2 888 5 1,056 2 28,557 5 188 4.060 0 3,324 4 7,384 4 502 22.915 5 58,858 2 12 1,293 0 1,159 5 1,322 0 967 2 908 5 1,082 1 29,047 1 190 4,108 2 3,340 4 7,449 0 505 22,987 4 59,483 5 13 10 0 S 0 6 0 3 0 _ 204 0 4 100 2 71 1 171 3 1 52 1 427 4 14 1,175 0 1,089 2 1,232 5 911 4 853 4 1,009 0 26,391 1 204 4,397 3 3,242 5 7,640 2 553 25,667 1 59,698 4 15 1,185 0 1.097 2 1.238 5 914 4 853 4 1,009 0 26,595 1 208 4,497 5 3,314 0 7,811 5 554 25,719 2 60,126 2 16 17 18 " 1,129 3 1,022 5 1.184 0 864 5 803 1 958 5 124 2 24,655 1 196 4,428 1 3.134 4 7.562 5 3 * 594 in i 26.841 5 235 3 59,059 5 1,129 3 1,022 5 1,184 0 864 5 803 1 958 5 24.779 3 196 4,428 1 3,134 4 7,562 5 597 26.953 0 59,295 2 19 _ _ - _ 63 2 . _ _ _ 63 2 20 999 2 925 0 1.081 5 811 3 760 4 910 4 22,560 1 1S2 4.128 2 3,259 5 7,388 1 584 26.619 3 56,567 5 21 999 2 925 0 1,081 5 811 3 760 4 910 4 22,623 3 182 4,128 2 3,259 5 7.388 1 584 26,619 3 56,631 1 22 8 0 8 0 10 0 8 0 8 0 6 0 188 1 _ 1 52 2 240 S 23 1,042 4 960 0 1,119 3 834 3 791 0 971 4 21,726 2 174 4,001 0 2,951 0 6,952 0 589 26,198 0 54,876 2 24 1,050 4 968 0 1,129 3 842 3 799 0 977 4 21,914 3 174 4,001 0 2,951 0 6,952 0 590 26,250 2 55,116 5 25 4 0 4 0 1 0 - 68 2 - - - - 2 104 3 172 5 26 849 3 765 5 869 1 649 3 609 4 742 2 18,176 3 188 4,171 4 3,062 3 7,234 1 575 26,215 0 51,625 4 27 853 3 769 5 870 1 649 3 609 4 742 2 18,244 5 188 4,171 4 3,062 3 7,234 1 577 26,319 3 51,798 3 0 . 200 . 7 a 3 i 1 4X Summary of Unadjusted Sickness and Mortality Experience, aw deduced from the Sickness Members CONTINUOUS SICKNESS IN WEEKS AND DAYS - Present Duration of Exposed 1! IR8T 1 EAR - • Age Member- He- Died Left to ltisk ship ginning Number of Attacks 0 — 4 — 8 H — 13 13— 17 17— 21 21— 20 Yearn • w. I). w. D. W. D. w. D. w. I). w. u. ( 3—10 17 1 - 17- 0 10 4 8 o 0 4 0 4 0 5 0 i 72 •' 11 — 3,304 282 12 3,298- 1,239 4,092 4 2,401 5 2,170 1 1,370 l 1.130 0 1,202 1 2 Total 3,321 283 12 3.315- 1,245 4,109 2 2,409 5 2,175 1 1,380 i 1,140 0 1.207 1 3 f 3—10 IS 2 is- s 25 5 9 0 10 0 s 0 8 0 10 0 4 ” { 11 - 2,791! 270 6 2,793- 1,034 3,433 2 2,011 3 1,737 1 I, Oft] 2 951 4 978 1 5 Tot al 2,81 4 272 6 2,811- 1,042 3,459. i 2,050 3 1,747 1 1,099 2 959 4 988 1 6 3 — 10 10 10- 3 9 i 4 0 5 0 4 0 4 0 0 7 " 1 11 — 2,338 212 0 2,335- 859 2,892 0 1,857 0 1,719 1,112 2 941 0 1,015 5 8 Total 2,348 212 0 2.345- 802 2,901 1 1,801 0 1,724 5 1,110 2 915 0 1,020 5 9 r 3—10 7 1 ‘ 2 0 0 2 1 10 75 i l ii— 2,026 238 ’’ 2.023-5 047 2,180 3 1.337 5 1,219 4 770 3 070 0 728 1 11 Total 2,033 23S 5 2,030-5 049 2.180 3 1 .340 0 1,219 4 770 3 070 0 728 1 12 f 3—10 8 8- 0 17 5 10 0 18 2 12 1 8 0 10 0 13 70 i 11— 1,715 184 2 1,714- 590 2,031 4 1,370 2 1 ,200 i 790 2 093 2 714 5 14 Total 1,723 184 2 1,722- 596 2.049 3 1.392 2 1.278 3 809 0 701 2 724 5 15 f 3—10 10 3 lo- 1G 77 • t 11 — 1,343 175 6 1,340- 431 1,454 1 922 1 803 4 549 0 j 452 1 479 4 17 » Total 1,353 178 (i 1,350- 431 1,454 1 922 1 863 4 549 0 452 1 479 4 18 3—10 4 1 3-5 1 2 0 19 78 { 11— 1,070 147 4 1,074- 344 1,192 4 818 0 756 4 513 1 401 3 492 3 20 Total 1,080 147 5 1,077-5 345 1,194 4 818 0 750 4 513 1 401 3 492 3 21 f 3—10 2 2* 22 79 1 l 11 — 824 104 2 823- 241 821 5 553 2 500 2 ' 320 2 280 0 309 3 23 Total 820 104 2 825- 241 821 5 553 2 500 2 320 2 280 0 309 3 24 f 3-10 2 2’ 1 1 i 25 SO | 11— 605 101 1 • 004 ’5 104 581 i i 422 3 413 4 271 i 254 1 282 0 20 1 Total 607 101 1 000-5 105 582 2 1 422 3 413 4 271 i 264 ] i 282 0 27 t\ml Mortality Return*. Mules (England and Wales), for tin- Yours I X 7 < ISHD. At. .* CONTINUOUS SICKNESS IN WEEKS AND DAYS Kikst Ykau SECOND YEAR Third Ykau I All ami upwards | Sickness 2(5 — to 30- it 3 1 — 39 39—4:5 43— 17 47— >2 Tot a i Number of Attacks 0—20 20—52 Total Number uf Attacks 0—5 2 w. l>. \v. 1). \v. u. W. 1). w. I>. W. I). \v. I). \V. I). W. 11. W. I). w. D. W. D. •> 3 - - - - - 45 1 - - > - - 2 80 <*» 135 0 S41 «J SOI 4 037 0 702 0 (577 2 845 1 17,243 3 146 3,275 5 2,488 2 5,704 I 585 26,355 0 49,302 4 843 5 801 4 037 0 702 0 077 •> 845 1 1 7,288 4 140 3*75 5 2,488 2 5,764 1 587 20,444 5 49,497 4 8 0 8 0 10 0 8 0 7 5 5 l 117 5 _ _ - _ 117 5 713 4 (57(5 3 773 1 550 2 526 4 037 2 14.119 5 152 3,410 4 2,402 3 5,870 1 562 25,200 i 45,205 i 721 4 (58 4 3 783 1 307 2 534 3 042 3 14,237 4 152 3,416 4 2,402 3 5,879 1 562 25,206 1 45,323 0 4 0 4 0 5 0 4 0 4 0 5 1 57 2 1 20 ()‘ 20 1 52 1 1 52 i 101 4 696 3 636 4 740 2 544 1 490 1 500 3 13.245 2 125 2,813 1 2,232 0 5,045 1 524 23,319 3 41,010 0 700 3 040 4 745 2 548 1 503 1 595 4 13,302 4 12(5 2,839 1 2,258 1 5,007 2 525 23,371 4 41,771 4 _ . _ 8 I 1 20 0 20 1 52 1 2 61 3 121 5 505 2 474 0 5(55 5 413 4 400 5 505 5 0,772 1 113 2,528 3 1,014 1 4,442 4 507 22,577 2 30.792 505 2 474 0 565 5 413 4 400 5 505 5 0,780 2 114 2,554 3 1,940 2 4,404 5 509 22,038 5 36,914 0 8 0 8 0 10 0 8 0 8 0 10 2 135 i _ _ 1 23 3 158 4 504 5 455 2 530 3 305 1 370 2 438 3 9,567 2 03 2,045 1 1,488 5 3,534 0 403 20,083 4 34,085 0 512 5 403 2 540 3 403 1 378 2 448 5 0.702 3 93 2,045 1 1,488 5 3,534 0 404 21,007 1 34,243 4 16 - - - - - 2 52 0 52 2 104 2 i 36 4 141 0 17 353 4 323 5 371 2 280 2 270 0 333 2 6,665 2 .83 1,807 4 1,350 4 3,158 2 390 17,342 0 27,165 4 IS 353 4 323 5 3712 280 2 276 0 333 2 0,665 2 85 1,859 4 1,403 0 3.202 4 391 17,378 4 27,300 4 19 - - -V - - - 2 0 l 20 1 20 1 52 2 1 52 2 106 4 2.) 356 4 342 0 401 1 309 3 293 1 356 0 6,293 0 58 1,352 1 989 0 2,341 1 340 15,230 2 23,870 3 21 356 4 342 0 401 1 309 3 293 1 356 0 6,295 0 59 1,378 2 1,015 1 2,393 3 347 15,288 4 23,977 1 22 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 52 1 02 1 23 222 1 210 0 230 0 179 3 174 1 211 2 4,030 3 64 1,342 3 881 4 2,224 1 293 13,213 3 19,408 1 24 222 1 210 0 236 0 179 3 174 1 211 2 4,030 3 64 1,342 3 881 4 1 2,224 1 294 13,265 4 19,520 2 25 _ _ _ l 1 _ _ _ _ 1 52 1 53 2 26 200 4 197 2 217 2 103 0 158 2 195 3 3,302 5 38 829 4 598 2 1,428 0 224 10,118 2 14,909 1 27 1 206 4 197 2 217 2 103 0 158 2 195 3 3,304 0 38 829 4 598 2 1.428 0 225 10,170 3 14,962 3 " G 4 0.200 i SrMMAin of liiadjusted Kicknesn and Mortality Experience, as deduced from the Sickness and Mortality Returns, Males (Kngland and Wales), for the Yours IHiii 1HS0, At. tout hum I. - CONTINI’OUS SK'KNKSS IN VVMKKS ANH DAYS I'ntsr Ykau Sicconi) Ykaii ’I ii i hi) Ykau and upwards A Lit Sick n ickh 1 1 1)2 SUMMARY of Unadjusted Ratios of Sickxkss and Moktai^ki v as deduced from for the Five Years Present Age Duration Of Member- ship 1 Kate of Mortality K A T K 0 K SICKNESS • * - - First Year - - Number of j Attacks 0—4 1 4—8 ' 8—13 17—21 21—26 26—30 30—34 Ym r* • 4 3—10 - •000 - 1 - - - - - - - 1 5 3—10 •02020 •020 •040 j - - - - - 2 6 3—10 ! •080 •280 ■180 - - - - _ 1 3 7 3—10 •00905 •081 •227 ■037 - - - 4 8 3- 10 - •093 •251 •080 •055 •007 - - - - 5 9 3—10 •00198 •139 •357 •078 •036 •020 •016 •010 •006 - 6 10 3—10 •00567 •169 •411 •095 •022 •006 •006 •007 •006 •006 7 11 3—10 •00297 •184 •439 •112 •032 •008 •004 •001 - - 8 3—10 •196 •475 •112 •063 •031 •017 •013 •007 •003 9 12 11— _ •136 •273 •182 - - - - - 10 ( Total •00160 •195 •473 •114 •062 •030 •017 •013 •006 •003 11 f 3-10 •168 •364 •074 •022 •006 •005 •002 12 13 11- - •120 •180 - - - - _ - - 13 < Total •00317 T67 •360 •073 •021 •006 •005 •002 - - 14 3—10 “ *186 ■ •397 •098 •048 •016 •Oil •010 ■007 •007 15 14 11 — •182 •439 T82 •182 - - - - 16 Total •00167 1 -186 •398 •099 •050 •016 •oil •009 •007 •007 17 ✓ 3—10 - •191 ,.a •107 •057 ■026 •013 •010 •006 O o 18 15 11— - •235 ■478 - - - - 19 Total •00782 192 •415 j -105 •056 •026 •013 •010 •006 •004 20 3—10 - •222 •488 •128 •071 •029 •020 •022 •013 •oil 21 10 11 — - T60 •462 •320 •373 •160 •107 •133 •107 •107 22 1 Total •00685 •221 •488 •131 •075 •031 •021 •024 •014 •012 23 3—10 - •214 •483 124 •069 •027 •017 •014 ■009 •008 24 17 11— - •180 •404 [ -188 •030 - - - - 25 l Total •00657 •213 •481 •126 •068 •026 •017 •014 •009 •008 26 3—10 - •237 •517 114 •065 028 •017 •014 •009 •006 27 18 11— - •254 •540 •123 •042 • - - - 28 l Total •00835 •237 •517 •114 •064 •028 •017 •014 •008 •006 29 / 3—10 - •252 •556 •136 •071 •026 j -017 •015 •009 •007 30 19 11- - •192 •414 •056 •014 - - - - 31 Total •00745 •251 *555 i •134 ■070 •025 ,n •015 •008 •007 32 l the Sickness ami Mortality Returns, Males (England and Walks), 187(>-1880. (All Populations.) RATE Ob’ SICKNESS • • First Yeah Second Year Third Year j and upwards | All Sickness 34—39 39-43 43—47 47—52 Totai . Number of i n ,. r Attacks °— fi 26—52 Total (Number ol Attacks Total 1 _ - | _ . •000 3 - - - - •040 - - - - - - •040 I - - - - •460 - - - _ - •460 4 - - - •264 - - - _ _ - •264 5 - - - - •393 - - - - - ■393 6 - - - - •523 - - - - •523 7 •001 - - •560 - - - - •560 8 - " - - •596 - - - - _ - •596 9 •004 •003 •003 •004 •735 - - - - •001 •005 •740 10 - - - ■455 - - - - - •465 11 •004 •003 003 •004 •732 - - ~ •001 •005 •737 13 - - - - ■473 •002 •032 •012 •044 • •517 13 - - - - •180 _ - - - •180 14 - - - •467 ■002 •032 •012 •044 •511 15 •008 •006 •004 •006 •618 - - - - •618 16 - - - •803 - - - - - - •803 17 •008 •006 •004 •006 •621 - - - •621 18 •004 •002 •002 •002 •646 •002 •024 •012 •036 ■ - •682 19 _ - - •478 - - - - 478 20 •004 •002 •002 •002 •645 •002 ■024 •012 •036 - •681 21 •014 •010 •008 •010 •824 •ooo •010 •010 •020 •ooo •002 •846 22 •133 •107 •080 2-089 - - - - 2-089 22 •015 •Oil ■009 •010 ■841 •000 •010 •010 •020 •ooo ■002 •863 24 •008 •005 •005 •007 •776 ■003 •063 •036 •099 •ooo •017 •892 25 - - •622 - - - - - ■623 26 ■008 •005 •005 •007 •774 •003 •062 ; ■036 •098 •ooo 1 •017 •889 27 •007 •005 •003 •003 •788 •002 •019 009 •028 •001 •010 •826 28 _ - - - •705 - - - - : •705 29 •007 •005 •003 •003 •786 ■002 •019 •008 •027 •001 •009 •822 30 •009 •005 •003 •004 •858 •001 •022 •006 •028 •001 •038 •924 31 - - - ■484 - - - - - •484 32 •009 •005 •003 •004 •852 •001 ■021 •005 •026 •001 •038 •916 0.200. 7 H 2 Si m.makv of Unadjusted Ititios of Sickness and Mortality, an deduced from the Sickness and Mortality J ’resent Age Duration of Member- ship Hate of Mortality K A T li O F S 1 C K N K S S - - First Year - - - Number of Attacks 0—4 4—8 8—13 13—17 17 21 21 26 26—30 30—34 Yuan f 3—10 - •238 *516 126 ■068 •030 •022 •020 ■012 •010 20 ( 11 — - •227 •512 ■216 •184 - - 2 l Total ■00801 •238 •518 •127 •070 •030 •022 ■020 •012 •010 3 ( 3—10 - •235 •507 •122 •068 *032 •021 •019 •Oil •009 4 21 11 — - •130 •324 •104 •009 - - - - 5 Total •00532 •234 ■508 •122 •067 •031 ■021 •019 •oil •009 6 J 3—10 - •226 •485 T18 •064 •029 •019 •016 •009 •007 7 22 11— - •109 •190 - - - - - - 8 1 Total •00567 •226 •485 •118 •063 •028 •019 •016 •009 •007 9 3—10 - •220 •479 •126 ■070 •030 ■021 •018 •010 ■008 10 23 11 — - T35 •321 •131 ■060 •029 - - - - 11 1 Total •00551 •220 •478 •126 •069 •030 •021 . -018 •010 •008 12 f 3—10 •215 •472 •122 •069 •032 ■021 *020 •012 •010 13 24 { 11— ■219 •502 •131 •090 •030 •015 •010 •on - 14 { Total •00570 •215 •473 T22 •069 •032 •022 •020 •012 •010 15 | 3—10 •215 *467 •120 •067 •031 •020 •017 •010 •008 16 25 < 11 — - •209 •516 T73 •104 •065 •054 •033 •Oil •008 17 Total •00591 •215 •467 •121 •067 •031 •021 •017 •010 •008 18 f 3—10 •218 •472 •122 •069 •033 •022 •019 •010 •008 19 26 11— •241 •590 •168 •121 •057 •040 •039 •031 •018 20 I Total •00624 ■219 •474 •123 •070 •032 •022 •019 •011 •009 21 3—10 •208 •461 •121 •069 •032 ■022 •021 •012 •009 22 27 ii— - ■244 •594 •196 •131 •073 •052 •047 •029 •026 23 Total •00589 •209 •463 •123 ■070 •033 ■023 •021 •013 •010 24 ( 3—10 - •208 •460 •118 069 •033 •024 •021 •013 •010 25 28 11- - •209 •495 •122 •066 •026 •019 •021 •013 •008 26 I Total •00612 •208 •460 •118 •069 •033 •024 •021 •013 •010 27 f 3—10 •211 •470 132 •075 ■035 •025 •024 •013 •Oil 28 29 l 11— •217 •498 •138 •084 •041 •030 •025 •015 •012 29 1 Total •00672 •211 ■472 •133 •077 •036 •026 •024 •014 •Oil 30 •| 3—10 - ■213 ■475 •133 •079 •038 •026 •023 •012 ■009 31 30 l 11 — - •226 •505 •146 •088 •043 •031 •027 •015 •013 32 1 Total •00781 •216 •485 •136 •081 •039 •027 •024 •013 •010 33 | 3—10 •217 •499 •141 •082 •038 •027 ■025 ■015 •012 34 31 ) ii— - •214 •487 •138 •082 •039 •02S •025 •014 •012 35 1 Total •00756 | •216 •494 •140 •082 038 •028 ■025 •015 •012 36 Returns, Mules (Kurland imil Wales), for the Five Yours IK76 1881). (All Populations .) — nmtinwd I! A T K OK SIC K N K S S - - First Year shcunu Ybar Third Year anil upwards All 34 — 35 ) 39—43 43—47 47—62 Total N'umlxsr of < Attacks I 0 - 26 I 26—52 Total Numlxir of Attacks Total Sickness 1 •010 •005 •005 •006 •830 •002 •033 •015 •048 ■ 00(1 •020 •898 3 - - - - •912 - - - 1 - " - •912 3 • 00 !» 1 -004 •004 •006 •832 •001 •032 •015 •047 •000 •020 •899 4 • •008 •ooo •005 •005 •813 •001 •024 •020 •044 •001 •026 •883 S - - - - ■437 - - - - - •437 6 •008 • oor . •005 •005 •812 •001 •024 •020 •044 •ooi •026 •882 r •OOfi •004 •003 •004 •764 •001 •025 •017 ■042 •001 •034 ■840 8 - - - •190 - - - - - - •190 s • 00(5 •004 •003 •004 •762 •001 •025 •017 •042 •ooi •034 •838 10 •008 •005 •004 •005 •784 •001 •018 •012 •030 •ooi •035 •849 11 - - - •541 - _ - - - •541 12 •008 •005 •004 •005 •782 •001 •018 •012 •030 ■ooi 036 •848 13 010 •007 •005 •006 •786 •001 •030 •015 •035 •001 •033 •854 14 - - - - •798 - - - ' •004 •005 ■803 15 •009 •007 •005 •006 •787 ■001 •020 •015 •036 •ooi •033 •855 18 •007 •006 •004 005 •762 •001 •021 013 •034 • •001 •038 •834 17 •010 •008 •008 ■Oil 1001 - - - •002 •109 1110 18 •007 •005 •004 •005 •763 •001 •022 ■013 •035 •001 •039 •837 19 •009 •006 •005 •005 •780 •001 •023 •015 •038 •001 •035 •853 20 •018 •020 •017 •020 1139 ■003 •038 •ooo •038 •003 •134 1-311 !1 •009 •006 •005 •005 •785 •001 •023 •015 •038 •001 •037 •860 22 •010 •006 •005 •005 •773 •001 •022 •015 •037 •001 •039 •849 23 •022 •014 •007 •009 1-200 •003 •075 •062 137 •002 •085 1-422 24 •010 •006 •005 •005 •782 •001 •023 •016 •039 •001 •040 •861 25 •Oil •007 ■006 •006 •778 •001 •021 •015 •036 •ooi •049 •863 26 •009 •007 •007 •007 •800 •002 •046 046 •092 •002 •123 1015 27 •Oil •007 ■006 ■006 •778 •001 •022 •016 •038 •001 ■051 ■867 28 •012 •007 •006 ■007 •817 •001 •024 •016 •040 •001 •057 •914 1 29 •011 •006 •005 •005 •870 •002 •039 •028 •067 •003 •109 1-046 30 ■012 •007 •006 •006 •824 •001 •026 •018 •044 •002 •065 •933 31 •010 •007 •006 ■007 •825 •001 •030 •022 •052 •002 •063 •940 32 •013 •009 •008 ■009 •907 •ooi •028 •019 •047 •003 •130 1-084 33 ■on •007 •007 •007 •847 •001 •030 •021 •051 •002 •080 •978 34 •013 •008 •007 •007 •874 ■001 •026 •020 •046 •002 •064 •984 35 •Oil •007 ■006 •006 •855 •002 •041 •031 •072 •003 116 1043 36 •013 •008 •006 •007 •868 •001 •031 •024 •055 •002 •081 1-004 0.200 7 h 3 1 ’resent Age 3? 'i 34 33 3(3 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 I 1 ffC) Sr.MMAin of Unadjusted Ratios of Sickness and Mortality as deduced from the Sickness and Mortality Dural ion K A T K O F 8 I C K N E S S • - - ltatc of - iff First Ykab . Member- whip Mort ality N umlxT of Attacks 0 — 1 4—8 8 — 1 3 13—17 17—21 21—26 26- 30 30—34 Ye i rx 3 — 10 - *222 *505 •1 43 •079 •034 •023 ■022 •01 1 •009 1 11 — - •209 •481 •139 •081 ■037 ■027 •024 •013 , •Oil 2 Total •oo7(ii; •217 •495 •141 •0H0 •035 •025 •023 •012 •010 3 f 3—10 - ■233 *527 ■148 •094 •045 •030 •027 •016 •013 4 l 1 11 — •208 •482 •136 •075 •034 •024 •021 •012 ■010 5 l Total •00744 •221 ■507 •143 •086 •040 •027 •024 •014 •011 6 r 3—10 - •231 •541 •153 •090 •044 ■030 •028 •0)7 •015 7 1 11 — - •211 •492 •142 •082 •038 •027 ■026 •016 012 8 Total •00839 •221 •512 •147 •086 •041 •029 •027 •017 •014 9 3—10 - •244 •572 •171 •103 •050 •035 031 •018 •015 10 11 — - •21(3 •510 •154 •091 •042 •030 •027 •016 •013 11 l Total •00941 •228 •534 •1(31 ■096 •046 •032 •029 •017 •014 12 r 3—10 - •23(3 *566 ■169 •103 •050 •035 •031 •018 •015 13 11 — - •218 •523 •160 •096 •046 •032 •028 •018 015 14 l Total •00981 •225 ■538 •164 •099 •048 ■034 •029 •018 •015 15 f 3—10 - ■243 •582 179 107 •051 •036 •033 •020 •016 16 J 11 — - •218 *517 •163 •098 •047 •034 •032 ■019 ■015 17 1 Total •01018 •227 *541 •ir,9 •101 •049 •035 •033 •019 ■015 18 r 3—10 ' - •253 •(310 •188 T17 •059 •042 •037 •023 •020 19 1 11 - - •213 •511 •160 •100 •046 •033 •030 •018 •015 20 Total •00990 •227 *547 •170 106 •050 •036 •032 •020 017 21 r 3—10 - •253 •614 •195 •111 •054 •036 •033 •020 •016 22 11 — •218 •531 •173 •105 •052 •036 •034 ■020 •016 23 Total •009(37 •229 •557 •181 •107 •052 •036 •034 •020 •016 24 ( 3—10 - •254 •609 * •192 •122 •056 •040 •034 •019 •016 25 j 1 11 — - •222 *54() •178 •110 •056 •040 •035 •020 •017 26 i Total •01039 •231 •563 •182 •113 •056 •040 •035 •020 •017 27 [ 3-10 - •255 •519 •195 •125 •058 •042 •038 ■022 •018 28 j i 11— - •229 •566 •191 •121 •058 •042 •038 •022 ■018 29 i Total •01132 •235 •580 •191 •122 •058 •042 •038 •022 •018 30 r 3—10 - •257 •628 •202 •119 •053 •034 *027 •015 •014 31 J i 11— - •227 •571 •193 •118 •059 ■042 •036 •022 •018 32 ( Total •01173 •235 *586 •195 •118 •058 •040 •034 •020 •017 33 r 3—10 - •279 •689 •220 •130 •062 •040 •040 •025 •022 34 11 - - •237 ’595 ■206 •130 1 •065 •047 •042 •025 •020 1 35 i Total •011(37 •247 •619 •209 •130 •065 •045 •041 1125 •020 36 Returns, Males (England and Wales), for tlio Five Yi nrs lH7('i IMHO. (All Populations ) — continued K A T K OK S I O K N E S S • - First Ykak Number of Attacks Second Ykak Third Ykak and upwards All Sickness 34 — 89 89—43 43—47 47—52 Tot a n 0—26 26—52 Total Number o Attacks ' Total 1 •IKM» •006 •005 •006 •852 ET •002 •039 •026 065 •002 •067 •984 J •012 •008 •007 •008 •848 •002 •082 022 054 ■003 135 1087 3 •010 •007 •006 •007 •851 •002 •036 •024 •060 •002 •095 1 -006 4 •013 •009 •008 •009 •939 •002 •029 •020 •049 •002 ■099 1-087 . •009 •006 •005 •005 •819 •002 •036 •025 •061 003 119 •999 6 •011 ■007 006 •007 •883 •002 •033 ■022 ■055 •003 ■109 1047 7 •oir> •010 •009 •Oil •963 •002 •040 024 •064 •002 •085 1112 8 •012 •009 •007 ■007 •870 •002 •033 •022 •055 •003 •130 1-055 0 •014 •009 •008 •009 •913 •002 •036 023 059 •003 109 1-081 10 •015 •010 •009 •010 1039 •002 •043 032 "075 •002 •087 1-201 11 •014 •009 ■008 •009 •923 •002 •033 023 •056 •003 •130 1-109 12 •015 •010 •008 •009 •971 •002 •037 •027 •064 •003 112 1147 13 ■014 •01 0 •008 •009 1-028 •002 •052 •037 •089 •002 •091 1-208 14 •015 •010 •008 •009 •960 •002 •041 •031 •072 ■003 •154 1186 15 •015 •010 •008 •009 •987 •002 •045 •034 •079 •003 ■130 1-196 10 016 •010 •009 •010 1-069 •002 •040 •028 •068 . -003 •104 1-241 17 ■015 •oil •010 •Oil •972 •002 •045 •030 •075 •004 •188 1-235 18 •015 •Oil •009 *010 1-007 •002 •043 ■029 •072 •004 *157 1-236 19 •020 •014 ■012 •015 1157 •002 •056 045 •101 •002 112 1-370 20 •016 •010 •009 •009 •957 •002 •048 •038 •086 •005 •221 1-264 21 •017 •Oil •010 •Oil 1-027 •002 •051 *040 •091 •004 •184 1-302 22 •017 •010 •008 •009 1123 •003 •060 • *037 •097 •003 133 1-353 23 •016 • •010 •009 •010 1-012 ■002 •047 •034 •081 •005 •241 1-334 24 •016 •010 •008 •010 1-047 •002 •051 •035 •086 ■005 •207 1-340 25 ■016 •010 •009 •010 1-133 •002 •049 •036 ■085 •003 ■140 1-358 26 •018 •012 •010 •Oil 1-053 •002 •043 •028 •071 •005 •253 1-377 27 •017 •oil •010 •Oil 1075 •002 •045 •030 •075 •005 •222 | 1-372 28 •019 •013 •Oil •013 1173 •002 •046 ■031 •077 •003 •131 1-381 29 •018 •013 •Oil •013 1-111 •002 •054 •038 •092 •005 •230 1-433 30 •019 •013 •on •013 1-127 •002 •052 ■036 •088 •005 ■205 1-420 31 •013 •008 •008 •009 M30 •003 •062 •039 1 •101 •002 •111 1-342 32 •018 •013 •Oil •012 M13 •003 •064 •046 •110 •006 •241 1-464 33 •017 •012 •010 •Oil M18 •003 •064 •044 •108 •005 •209 1-435 34 •023 •015 •014 •016 1-296 •002 •041 •031 •072 •003 •118 1-486 35 •021 •014 •012 •014 1-192 •003 •055 •033 i •088 •006 ■275 1-555 30 •021 •015 •013 •014 1-217 •002 •052 •033 •085 1 •005 •245 ! 1-547 0.200 7 H 4 Si MMAiis ol I' nadjustcd Ratios of Sickness ami Mortality as deduced from the Sickness and Mortality It A T E O F SICKNESS . Duration of Member- Present Ago llate of Mortality FlEBT YEAR - - - - ship Number of | Attacks j 0 — 4 4—8 8—13 13-17 17-21 21—26 20 — 30 j 30—34 ) fa rx 0 — 10 *282 •711 •237 •141 •070 •052 •049 •030 •020 1 44 11— - •239 •607 •209 •12K •064 •047 •041 •025 •021 2 Total •01291 •217 •627 •214 •131 ■066 •048 •043 •026 •022 3 f 3—10 - •202 •748 •255 •159 •075 •055 •04 7 •026 •023 4 45' I 11 — - •212 •619 •224 •140 •070 •051 •047 •028 •022 a ( Total •01243 •251 •642 •228 •143 •071 •051 1 *047 •028 •022 6 3—10 •302 •78. •258 • 1 50 •077 •051 •047 •027 •022 7 40 ■>- •249 •637 •220 ■135 •066 •047 •047 •028 •021 8 l Total •01397 •257 •659 •226 •137 •067 •048 •046 •028 •021 9 j 3—10 ■312 •815 •299 •200 •102 *079 ■069 •042 •040 to 47 s 11— •257 •669 •238 •150 •077 ■056 •052 •032 •027 11 1 Total •01553 •264 •685 •246 •157 •081 •059 •054 •033 •029 12 r 3—10 - •319 •831 •276 •169 •079 •051 •046 •029 i -021 13 4 1 11- - •260 •680 •240 •156 •079 •059 •057 •036 •029 14 Total ■01580 •267 •699 •245 •158 ■079 ■058 •055 •035 •028 16 3—10 - •312 •814 •280 •162 •081 •056 •047 •030 •027 16 49 s 11— - •266 •705 •261 •167 ■086 •062 •057 •034 •027 17 l Total •01685 •270 •716 •262 •166 •086 •061 *057 •033 •027 18 f 3—10 •335 •889 •316 •206 ■102 OO 1- o ■063 •041 •037 19 50 11— - •269 ' •715 •265 •168 •081 •061 •056 •034 •029 20 Total •01673 •273 •724 •269 •171 •083 •062 •057 •035 •029 21 r 3—10 - •334 •874 •337 •214 •100 ■064 •066 •051 •048 22 51 11— - •270 •734 •282 •185 -004 •071 •067 •041 •034 23 Total •01903 •273 •741 •285 •186 •095 •070 •067 •042 •035 21 f 3—10 - •382 1013 •375 •241 •134 •097 •093 •067 •058 25 J 11 — - ■272 •737 •286 •192 •099 •075 •070 •044 •038 26 1 Total •01871 •277 •750 •291 •195 •101 •076 •071 1 •045 ■039 27 / 3— TO •381 1-028 •369 •259 •152 •122 , •113 •064 •064 28 53 11— - •274 •758 •308 •204 •104 •076 •072 •044 •037 29 Total •02052 •279 •769 •310 •206 •106 •078 ' •074 •045 •038 30 f 3—10 - •361 1-013 •372 •266 | •142 •098 •108 | •082 •071 31 5 4 ; 11— - •273 •753 •305 •209 | •in •086 •085 ■051 •043 32 1 Total •02074 *275 •761 •307 •211 *112 •086 •085 •052 •044 33 f 3—10 - ■341 •868 •260 •164 j •076 •044 •042 •022 •012 34 .J o5 . 1 11 — - ■283 •799 •337 •227 119 •087 •081 •050 •043 I 33 Total •02396 •284 •801 •335 •226 j •118 •086 •079 1 •049 •012 | 36 Return*, Mules (England and WrIcs), for the Five Year* 1H7*»— 1 HH(». (All Populations)— continued - K A T K OK AICKNES S - - First Ykak Second Year Third Year and upwards ALL Sickness 34—39 39—43 43 — 17 17 — 52 Total Number of Attacks 0—26 26—52 Total Number of Attacks 1 Total 1 •027 •019 •017 •021 1-400 •004 •092 •058 •145 •004 •142 1-687 s •021 *015 •014 015 1-207 •003 •065 •043 •108 •006 •268 1-583 3 ' •023 •016 ■014 •016 1-246 •003 •070 •045 •115 •005 •243 1-604 4 •023 •016 •016 •016 1-458 •005 •1 12 •067 •179 •004 * 1 55 1*792 b 1 •022 •015 •013 •015 1-266 •003 •061 •045 •109 •007 •325 1-700 6 1 1 •022 •015 •014 •015 1-298 •003 •072 •049 •121 •006 •299 1-718 7 •020 •Oil •009 •009 1-462 •002 •043 •032 •075 •006 •224 1-761 8 •024 •017 •014 •016 1-272 •004 •083 •055 •138 •008 •366 1-776 9 •024 •016 •014 015 1-301 •003 •077 •051 •128 •008 345 1*774 10 •043 •031 •027 032 1-779 •002 •036 •026 •062 •005 •218 2-059 11 •029 •020 •017 •019 1-386 •004 •076 •054 •130 •008 •382 1-898 12 •031 •021 •018 •021 1-435 •003 •071 •050 •121 •008 •359 1-915 13 •021 •016 •013 •014 P 566 •007 •148 •126 •274 •004 •196 2-036 14 •030 •021 ■018 •021 1-426 ■004 •102 •076 •178 •009 •396 2-000 13 •029 •020 •017 •020 1-443 •005 •108 •082 •190 •008 •372 2 005 16 •029 •021 •019 •022 1*588 •002 •050 •050 •100 •009 •375 2 063 17 •029 •020 •018 •021 1-487 •004 •093 •061 •154 •010 •463 2-104 19 •029 •020 •018 •021 1-496 •004 •089 •060 •149 •010 *455 2-100 19 •037 •026 •026 1-843 •004 •102 •073 "175 •005 •200 2218 29 •030 •020 •018 •020 1-497 •005 •103 ■072 •175 • 010 . •463 2*135 21 •030 •021 •019 •021 1-521 •005 •103 •073 •176 •010 •448 2-145 22 *052 •035 •034 •038 1-913 •005 •099 •082 •181 •004 •155 * 2-249 23 •037 •027 •023 •026 1-621 •005 •092 062 •154 •Oil •499 2-274 24 •038 •027 •023 •026 1-635 •005 •092 •063 •155 •Oil •481 2-271 23 •067 •044 ■038 •049 2‘276 •008 •188 •097 •285 •002 •058 2619 26 •042 •029 •026 •030 1-668 •006 •135 •236 •011 •512 2-416 27 •042 •030 •027 •031 1-698 •006 •138 •101 •239 •Oil •492 2 429 28 •070 •040 •037 •041 2 359 •007 •156 •090 •246 •002 •072 2-677 29 •039 •027 •026 •032 1-727 •007 •152 •106 •258 ■013 •565 2’550 30 •040 •028 •026 •031 1-751 •007 •152 •105 •257 •012 •544 2-552 31 069 •043 •037 •042 2 343 •007 •097 ■018 •115 •008 •368 2-826 32 •045 •031 •030 •034 1-783 •007 •144 •093 •237 •015 •644 2-664 33 •046 •032 •030 •034 1-800 •007 •141 •090 •231 •014 •632 2-663 34 •010 * -008 •008 •010 1-524 •014 •315 •130 ■445 •002 •103 2-072 35 •046 •032 •029 •032 P 882 •007 •162 •113 *275 •016 •701 2-858 36 •045 •032 •028 •031 1-872 •008 •166 •113 *279 •015 •686 2*837 7 I 0.200 i i6o Hummaky of Unadjusted llatios of Sickness and Mortality as deduced from the Sickness and Mortality Duration of Member- KATE OF KICKNEB8 - - - Present Age Kate of Fjhht Yeah - - - ship Mortalily dumber of Attacks 0—4 4—8 8—13 13—17 17—21 21—26 26—30 30—34 ( Years 3—10 •320 •853 •321 •229 •137 ‘101 •097 ■078 •072 1 66 11 — - •286 •820 •361 •257 •137 •104 •097 •061 ■ •051 2 l Total •02563 •286 •820 •359 •255 •136 103 •096 •062 •051 3 ( 3—10 - •362 •958 •305 •213 •081 •066 •038 •009 4 67 | 11 — •290 •837 •373 •263 •139 •105 •098 •062 •055 5 l Total •03028 •292 •838 •372 •262 •138 ■104 •096 •061 054 * 3—10 - •373 •994 ■432 •327 •130 •089 •084 •071 •040 7 68 | 11 — - •296 •850 •382 •270 •141 •107 •102 •068 •059 8 Total •02895 • 21)8 •853 •383 •272 •140 •106 •102 •068 •059 9 , 3—10 •381 •981 •315 •283 •174 •138 •156 •100 ■100 10 69 11 — •306 •889 •396 •286 •156 •114 •119 •076 •065 11 1 Total •03167 •307 •892 •394 •286 •157 •115 •120 •077 •065 13 r 3—10 - ■381 •969 •321 •200 •127 ■116 •131 •085 •085 13 60 ! 11 — - •308 •905 •411 •305 •167 •132 •132 •082 •070 14 1 Total •03279 •309 •907 •410 ■303 •166 •131 •132 •082 •070 15 ( 3-10 - •402 1-168 •427 •293 •211 •186 •216 •130 •104 i« 61 | 11 — - •317 •949 •451 •337 •185 •148 •147 •099 ■088 17 1 Total •03512 ■318 •951 •450 •336 •186 •148 •148 •100 •089 18 3—10 •329 •900 •234 •133 •047 •027 •013 - - 19 62 / 11 — - •327 •998 •503 •386 •217 •172 •173 •116 ■105 20 l Total •04032 •327 •998 ■499 •383 •214 •170 •170 T14 •104 21 1 3—10 - •362 1*006 •367 •155 •062 •065 •038 •035 - 22 63 ' 11— - •337 1-018 •494 •391 •227 •175 •175 •112 •098 23 1 Total •04377 •337 1-017 •494 •387 •225 •174 •173 •111 •096 24 3—10 - •411 1-363 •703 •482 •338 •232 •265 •179 •179 25 64 11 — - •353 1-079 •539 •418 •237 •192 •197 •134 •120 26 Total •04639 •354 1-081 •539 •419 •239 •191 •198 •135 •121 27 3-10 - •424 1-185 •504 •335 •212 •190 ■168 •134 ■134 28 65 ( 11 — - •353 1'099 •564 •459 •267 •216 •215 •148 •134 29 1 : Total •05273 •353 1-100 •562 •457 •266 •216 •215 •148 •134 30 3—10 - ■647 1-977 •960 •768 •468 •412 •510 •353 •353 31 66 11 — - •351 1-107 •594 •490 ■298 •242 •252 •172 •154 32 Total •05261 •354 M15 •597 •493 •299 ■244 •255 •174 •156 33 3—10 - •513 1-355 •593 •478 •230 •212 •265 •177 • -142 • 34 67 11 — - •353 1117 •610 •491 •293 ■240 •256 •176 •163 35 1 Total •05466 •354 1-118 •610 •491 •293 •239 •256 •176 •163 3G Returns, Mules (England and WuIoh), for the Five Years 1K7(‘> 188(1. (All Populations) — RATE OF SICKNESS - - - First Year Second Year ' Third Year and upwards All Sickness 34 — 31 ) 39—43 | 43—47 1 47—52 l ; Total Number of Attacks 0—26 26—52 Totai. Number of Attacks Total 1 ■076 •058 | •068 1 •069 2149 •007 •260 2-409 s •056 ■039 ' •035 •041 2059 •007 •162 •124 •286 •018 •807 ! 3-152 3 •057 •039 •036 •041 2*055 •007 •157 •120 ■277 •018 •792 3124 4 - - 1-670 •015 •354 •313 •667 •006 •312 2649 t •060 •042 •039 045 2118 •009 •206 •164 •370 •020 •915 3-403 6 •059 •041 •038 •044 2-107 •010 •209 •168 •377 020 •901 3-385 7 •050 030 •027 •035 2-309 - - “ •002 •783 3-092 8 •063 •044 •041 •048 2- 175 •010 •228 •165 •393 •024 1129 3-697 9 ■063 •044 •040 •047 2177 •010 •223 162 •385 •024 1121 3-683 10 126 •100 •088 •108 2-669 ■008 •218 •219 •437 •017 •812 3-918 11 •071 •049 •043 •050 2-314 •Oil •242 •176 •418 •028 1-283 4015 12 •072 •050 •044 •051 2-323 •Oil •243 •177 ■420 •028 1-274 4-017 13 •057 •042 •042 •055 2-230 •016 •412 •414 •826 •016 •824 3-880 14 •077 •064 •048 •056 2-439 Oil •227 •161 •388 •031 1-360 4187 IS •077 •054 •048 •056 2-436 •012 •230 •165 •395 •031 1-352 4183 16 •071 •050 •050 •066 2 972 •012 •173 •163 •336 •025 •866 4174 17 •096 ■069 ■064 •075 2-708 •013 •275 •194 •469 •034 1’553 4-730 18 •096 •069 •064 ■075 2-712 •013 •274 •193 •467 •034 1-546 4-725 1# - - - 1-354 •013 •206 •176 •382 •013 •700 2 * 43(5 20 •118 •087 •080 •093 3048 •016 •344 •256 •600 •037 1-698 5*346 21 •116 •085 •079 ■092 3024 •016 •342 •254 •596 •037 1-684 5*304 22 - - 1-728 •008 •115 - •115 •023 1-026 2-869 23 •105 •073 •067 •081 3-016 •019 •419 •298 •717 •045 2066 5-799 24 ■104 •072 •066 •079 2-998 •019 •414 •294 •708 •044 2-052 6-758 85 •179 •128 •107 •107 4-262 - - - •009 •467 4-729 26 •141 •103 •096 •113 3369 •017 •358 •249 •607 053 2-372 6-348 27 •142 •104 •096 •113 3-378 •017 •354 •246 •600 •052 2-348 6 326 28 •168 •134 •134 •134 3 432 •Oil •290 •293 •583 •Oil •583 4-593 29 •149 •106 •098 115 3-570 •024 •518 •385 •903 •059 2-667 7-140 30 •150 •106 •098 •116 3-568 023 •515 •384 •899 •059 2-643 7-110 31 •427 ■294 •294 •379 7195 •029 •710 •236 •946 •044 1-056 9197 32 •176 •129 •121 •143 3-878 •026 •552 •451 1-003 •068 3112 7-993 33 •178 •130 •122 •146 3-909 •026 •553 •450 1-003 •068 3 093 8-005 34 •106 •053 - - 3-611 •071 1-775 1-260 3-035 •018 •923 7-569 35 •184 •136 •128 •151 3-945 •031 •657 •485 1-142 •083 3-837 8-924 36 •183 •135 1 •126 •150 3940 •031 •666 •491 1-157 •082 3-810 8-907 0.200. 7 I 2 1 102 Sum maiiy of UuadjuHted Ratios of Sickness and Mortality aH deduced from tlie Sickness aud Mortality HATH OF SICKNESS - Present Atfe Duration of Mem Un - ship Kate of Mortality Fikbt Yeah - - - Number ol Attacks 1 0 — 4 4—8 | 8—13 13 — 17 17—21 21—26 26—30 30—34 Yea rx 3 — 10 - •622 1-632 •731 •649 •252 •092 _ - - i 68 , 11— - ■359 M47 •618 •514 •308 *257 •272 •188 •170 2 Total •00282 ■361 1-152 •620 •516 •309 •257 •271 •188 ■170 :* 3—10 - •609 1-211 •600 •594 •261 •087 - 1 - 4 69 11— - •375 M75 •649 •553 •329 •267 •284 •191 •177 5 Total ■06705 •376 1-170 •649 •553 •329 •267 •283 •190 •176 0 I 3—10 - •784 2-156 1170 •876 •471 •431 •392 •314 •314 1 70 11— - •368 1-214 •714 •617 •378 •320 ■338 •233 •215 H 1 Total •06648 •370 1-217 •717 •619 ' -378 •320 •338 •233 •215 9 ( 3—10 - •286 •952 *571 •476 •381 •200 •238 •191 •191 li> 71 11 — - •380 1-245 •736 •603 •364 •297 •311 •221 •199 n [ Total •07569 •380 1-245 •735 •603 •364 •296 •310 •221 •199 12 f 3—10 - •353 •981 •471 •294 •235 I -235 •294 •147 - 13 72 | 11— - •375 1-240 •746 •658 •417 •344 •364 •255 ■243 14 Total •08537 •375 1-240 •744 •656 •416 •343 •363 •255 •242 15 f 3—10 - •444 1-438 •500 •555 •444 •444 *5oo •444 •444 16 73 11— - •371 1-232 •732 •622 •391 •341 •351 •256 •242 17 l Total •09676 •371 1-231 •729 •622 •391 •341 •352 •257 •244 18 r 3—10 •300 •910 •400 •500 •400 •400 •500 ■400 •400 39 74 ' i 11 — - •367 1-235 •794 •735 ■476 •402 •434 •298 •272 20 Total ■09041 •368 1-241 •795 •737 •477 •404 •436 •299 •274 21 r 3—10 - '286 *857 •300 - - - - - 1 22 75 ' 11- •320 1-079 '661 •603 •381 •332 •361 •250 •235 23 i Total •11721 •320 1-077 660 •601 •380 •330 •359 •249 •233 24 -r 3—10 _ •750 2-229 1 2-001 2-291 1-584 1-000 1-250 1-000 1-000 25 76 11 — - •345 1-189 •806 •737 •466 •405 I •418 •295 •266 2G l Total •10685 •347 M88 •809 •743 •470 •406 ' •420 •298 ■270 27 ( 3—10 ! - - - - - - - - 2S 77 ii— - •322 1-084 •689 •645 •409 •337 •358 •264 •242 29 l Total •13185 •319 1-077 •683 •640 •407 •335 •355 •262 •240 30 r 3—10 - •286 •571 - - - - - _ 1 - 31 78 f 11— - •322 1-115 •764 •707 •480 •431 •460 •333 •S20 32 l Total •13643 •319 1-107 •757 •700 *475 •427 •456 •330 •317 33 f 3—10 - - - - - - - - - J - 34 79 ( 11— - •293 •998 •672 •608 •396 •348 •376 •270 ■255 35 t Total •12606 •292 ■995 •671 | ! •606 1 •396 •347 | •375 1 •269 *255 36 Returns, Mules (Knglaiul mul Wales), for the Five Years 1876 1880 . (All Populations ) — continued RATK OK SK'KNIiSS - - Kihht Ykah Second Yeah Third Year mul upwards All Sickness 34-39 30—43 43-47 47—52 Total N umber oi At tucks 0 — 26 26—52 Total Number of Attacks Total 1 3-356 •081 3-001 6*357 2 •107 •144 134 •160 4-109 •033 •738 •522 1-260 •099 1-466 9 835 3 •107 •144 •133 •159 4-116 ■033 •735 •521 1 -256 •099 4-470 9-842 4 - - 2-763 - - | - - 2-753 5 •200 *155 •145 •174 4-305 •035 •788 •622 1-410 •112 5-080 10-795 6 •20(i •154 •145 •173 4*301 •035 •785 •620 1-405 •111 5'001 10-767 7 •302 •314 •314 •235 7-379 - - - •040 2-052 9-431 8 ■251 •187 •177 •217 4-861 •039 •895 •660 1 ’555 •132 5-861 12’277 9 •2.->l •187 ■178 •217 4-870 •039 •889 *656 1-545 131 5-833 12248 10 •043 - - 3-248 095 4-976 8-224 11 •22(5 •160 •158 •193 4-722 •049 1083 •795 1-878 •149 6-809 13-409 12 .905 •168 •158 •192 4-716 •049 1-078 •791 1-869 •149 6-808 13-393 13 — - - - 2-657 - - - •118 5-284 7-941 U •234 •213 •205 "256 5*225 •044 •993 •754 1 747 ■177 7-986 14-958 15 •283 •212 •205 *255 5-214 •044 •987 •749 1-736 •177 7-965 14-915 i« ■555 •444 •435 •287 6'545 - - - - • 6*545 17 •277 O O •189 •228 5-061 •054 1-225 •883 2-108 •201 9-035 16-204 11 *271) •202 •190 •229 5'067 •054 1-216 •876 2-092 •200 8-970 16-129 19 •500 •400 •400 •510 5-720 •100 2-600 2-610 5-210 •100 5-210 16-140 1 ) •316 233 •213 •252 5'660 •053 1-202 954 21 56 •224 9-966 17-782 21 •318 •234 •215 •255 5-685 •053 1-213 •965 2-178 *224 9-988 17-851 22 - - - - 1 157 •142 3-714 3-739 7-453 - •286 8-786 17-396 2.1 •280 •206 •199 •250 4-837 •056 1-249 •948 2-197 •251 11-159 18-193 24 •279 •204 •197 •249 4-818 •056 1-258 •955 2-213 *251 11-149 18-180 * 7 5 1-250 1-000 1-000 1-291 16-896 - - - - •125 2-938 19-834 26 •310 •231 •216 •256 5-595 •054 1-196 •871 2-067 •271 12-243 19-905 27 •314 •234 •220 •262 5-634 *054 1-196 •871 2-067 •270 12-199 19-900 » - - - - •200 5-200 5-220 10-420 •100 3-640 14*060 29 •277 •214 •206 •219 4-974 •062 1-349 1*008 2-357 •291 12-942 20-273 W •275 •212 •204 •247 4-937 ■063 1-378 ; 1*039 2-417 •290 12-873 20-227 31 - - _ - •571 ■286 7-476 7*476 14-952 •286 14-952 30-475 32 *375 •291 •274 •333 5-883 •055 1-264 •924 2-188 *323 14-239 22-310 33 •371 •288 •272 •330 5-830 - 055 1-276 ■940 2-216 •321 14-156 22-202 34 - - - - - - - - •500 26"050 26-050 35 •287 •218 •212 ■257 4-897 •078 1-631 1-071 2-702 •356 16-056 23-655 3G •286 •218 •211 •256 4-885 •078 1-627 : 1-069 1 2‘696 •357 16-OSO 23-66 1 0 . 200 , Summary of Unadjusted Ratios of Sickness and Mortality as deduced from the Sickness and Mortality RATE O K BICKNKHK - - - Present Age Duration of Member- Hate of First Ykar • - - ship Mortality 'lumber of Attacks 0—4 4—8 8 — 13 13—17 | 17—21 21—26 26—30 30—34 r Yearn 3—10 •500 •550 *• 1 80 11 — - •271 •960 •698 •684 •448 •420 •466 •342- •326 * l Total •16653 •272 •961 •697 •682 •447 •419 •465 •341 •325 3 r 3—10 _ - - - - - ~ - - - 4 8! 11— - •247 •867 •643 •592 •421 •392 •431 •320 •320 5 ) Total ■12192 •246 •863 •640 •589 •419 •390 •429 •319 •319 6 3—10 _ •200 •800 •800 1-000 •800 •800 1000 •800 •800 7 83 11 — - •248 •920 •581 •531 •360 •339 •415 •312 •276 8 Total •16358 •247 •919 •584 •538 •367 •346 •424 •319 •284 9 3—10 — 1-000 2-500 - - - - - - - 10 83 < 11— - •216 •765 •476 •505 •363 •317 ■383 •283 •283 11 t Total •17464 •220 •773 •474 •503 •361 •315 •381 •282 •282 12 f 3—10 _ - - - - - - - - - 13 84 11— - •170 •594 •433 •390 •114 •074 •057 •045 •045 14 ! Total •20397 •170 •595 •433 •390 •114 •074 •057 •045 •045 15 , 3—10 _ - - - - - - - - - IS 85 ) 11— - ‘170 •636 •417 •330 •159 •114 •136 •071 •071 17 1 Total •22124 •168 •628 •413 *327 •158 •113 •135 •071 •071 18 86 11 — •24324 •203 •671 •378 ■351 •216 •162 •203 •162 •162 19 87 11 — •16667 •352 1-316 1-046 •969 •533 •531 •494 •370 •370 20 88 11 — •28571 •119 •476 •326 •357 •286 •191 •214 •095 •095 31 89 11— •22727 •091 •363 •341 •227 •182 190 - - - 22 90 11 — •16667 •167 •668 •667 •833 •444 ■444 •556 •444 •444 23 91 11— •15385 •231 •923 00 rf*- •769 •615 •615 •154 - - 24 92 11— •33333 - - ■ - - - - - - 25 93 11— •42857 •571 2*288 j 2-286 2-595 1-047 •571 •714 •571 •571 36 94 11— - •250 •250 - - - - - - 27 95 11— - - - j - - - - - - 28 96 11 — •25000 - - i - - - - - - 29 97 11— •33333 - - - - - - - - 30 98 11— •50000 - - - - - - - - 31 99 11— - - - - - - - - - - 32 100 11— •50000 •500 2000 j 1-000 - - - - - 33 » I 6,5 Returns, Males (England nml Wales), for the Fivo Years 187(5 1880. (All Populations ) — continued RATE OK SICKNESS • - First Ykar Second Year Third Year and upwards T~ All 34—39 39—43 43—47 47—52 Total Number of Attacks 0—26 26—52 Total Number of Attacks Total Sickness 1 •660 •500 26-050 26-600 I •369 •270 •262 •323 5-558 •063 1-371 •989 2-360 •370 16-724 24-642 3 •358 •269 •261 •322 6-647 •063 1-367 •986 2-353 •371 16-756 24-656 4 - - - - - - - - - •500 26050 26050 6 •396 •311 •290 •356 5-338 •085 1-931 1-612 3-443 •407 18-163 26-944 e •393 •309 •289 •354 5-313 •084 1-922 1-505 3-427 •407 18-203 26-943 7 1-000 •800 •800 1-000 10-400 •200 5-200 4-440 9-640 •400 11-800 31-840 s •294 •223 •213 •248 4-712 ■091 2-081 1-447 8*628 •464 20-991 29-281 9 •306 •232 •222 •260 4-800 •093 2-129 1-494 3-623 •463 20-849 29-272 10 - - - - 2-500 - - - - - 2-500 11 •345 •250 •250 •304 4-524 •067 1-543 1-060 2-603 •546 23 963 31090 12 •343 •249 •249 •303 4-515 ♦ •066 1-536 1055 2-591 •545 23-864 30-970 13 - - - - - - - - - - - 14 •048 •023 •023 •029 1-875 •091 1-824 1-097 2-921 •557 24522 29-318 15 •048 •023 •023 •030 1-877 •091 1-824 1-097 2-921 •557 24-384 29 182 16 - - - - - “ - - - - 17 ■089 •071 •071 •092 2-257 •009 •232 •234 •466 •607 26-967 29-690 18 •088 •071 •071 •091 2-237 •009 •230 •232 *462 •602 26-727 29-426 19 •203 •162 •162 •210 3-042 •041 1-057 •797 1-854 •608 26-652 31-548 20 •426 •241 •222 •296 6-814 •056 1-445 1-453 2-898 •537 25-704 35-416 21 •119 •096 •048 - 2-302 •071 1-857 1-869 3-726 •524 23-124 29152 22 - - - - 1-303 - - •681 26-668 27-971 23 •556 •444 •444 •572 6-516 - - " •667 27-956 34-472 4 - - - - 3-923 154 4-038 2-231 6-269 •538 21-523 31-715 5 - - - - - - - - " ■333 16-611 16-611 26 •714 •571 •571 •738 13-237 - _ - - •286 14-929 28-166 27 - - - - •250 •250 2-250 - 2-250 •500 26-125 28-625 28 - - - - - - - - - •667 34-777 34-777 29 - - - - - - - _ - 1-000 42-708 42-708 30 - - - - - _ - - 1-000 38-110 38-110 31 - - - - - - - 1-000 43-000 43-000 32 - - - - - - - - - 1-000 52167 52-167 33 - - ' 3-000 - •500 26167 29167 0.200. 7 I 4 1 1 66 ADJUSTED RATES of Sickness and Moutaeity as deduced from the It A 'I' E O E S C K N E S S - - - Kate First Year - Age of i Mortality Weeks 0—4 Weeks 4—8 Weeks 8—13 Weeks 13—17 Weeks 17—21 Weeks 21—26 Week* 26-30 Age 5 •01436 •300 •200 1 5 f) ■01158 •306 •184 •020 - - - 6 •00994 •381 •094 •044 ' -006 - - - 7 8 •0084 1 •392 •097 •045 •006 - - - 8 9 •00725 •393 •089 •030 ■013 •Oil •009 •006 9 10 •00640 ■404 •091 •030 •014 •012 •009 •006 10 11 •00583 •403 •098 •041 •017 •013 •010 •003 11 12 •00556 •420 •102 •042 •017 •013 •006 •003 12 13 •00549 •486 •097 •028 •008 •006 •003 •003 13 14 •00563 •424 •105 •053 •017 < •012 •010 •008 14 15 •00595 •451 •114 •061 •028 •014 •Oil •007 15 16 •00640 •428 •115 •066 •027 •019 •021 •012 16 17 •00697 •484 •126 •068 •026 •017 •014 •009 17 13 •00732 •529 ■118 •065 •029 •017 •014 •008 18 19 •00732 •532 •129 •067 •024 •016 •014 •005 19 20 •00702 •510 •125 •069 •029 ■022 •020 •012 20 21 •00656 •509 •122 •067 •031 •021 •019 •oil 21 22 00613 •508 •125 •067 •029 •020 •017 •009 22 23 •00582 •480 •126 •070 •030 . -021 •018 •010 23 24 •00570 •469 •120 •068 •031 •022 •020 •012 24 25 •00572 •476 •123 •068 •031 •021 •017 •010 25 26 •00590 •468 •122 •069 •032 •022 •019 . ' !• ■ 1 •oil 26 27 00617 •466 •123 •070 •033 •023 •021 •013 27 28 •00648 •472 •121 ■071 •034 •025 •024 •013 28 29 •00678 *467 •131 •076 ■036 •026 •024 •014 29 ‘ 30 •00709 •476 •134 •080 •038 •027 •024 ■013 30 31 00742 ■486 •137 •081 •037 •027 •025 •015 31 32 •00778 •510 •145 ■082 •036 •026 •024 ■012 32 33 •00817 *515 •145 •088 •041 •028 •025 •014 33 34 •00859 •520 •148 •087 •041 •029 •027 •017 34 35 •00902 •521 •157 •094 •045 •031 •028 •017 35 36 •00941 •531 •162 •098 •047 •034 •028 •018 36 37 [ •00977 •539 •168 •100 •049 •035 •033 •019 37 38 •01000 1 1 *5*18 •171 •106 •050 } -036 I •032 •020 31 I I H>7 previous results, for the Five Yours ls7(i IN 80 , Malms. (All Populations.) I1ATK OF SIC KNKSS • - - First Yhar Second Year Third Year and upwards Total for all Durations Ago Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks Tot At, First Six Months Second Six Months Totai, Second Year Total Weeks 30—34 34—39 39—43 43—47 47—52 Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks 5 •500 •500 r . - - - - •510 - - - •510 7 - - •525 - - •525 8 - - - •540 - - - •540 9 •003 •001 - - - *555 - - - - •555 10 003 ■001 - - •570 - - - - •570 11 ■ 01*2 •001 •001 - - •589 - - - - •589 12 •003 •004 . -003 •003 •004 ■620 ■on - •Oil - •631 13 •001 - - - - •632 •017 - ■017 - •649 14 •008 •009 •006 •004 •006 •662 •017 •006 •023 •003 •688 15 •004 •004 •<*02 •002 •002 ■700 •020 •009 ■029 005 •734 16 •011 •013 •010 •008 •010 ■740 •020 •014 •034 •008 •782 17 •008 •008 •005 •005 •007 •777 •022 •016 •038 •012 ■827 18 •006 •007 •005 •003 •003 •804 •027 •014 •041 •016 •861 19 •007 •009 •005 •003 •004 •818 •028 •014 •042 •020 •880 20 •010 •009 •004 ■004 •006 •820 •028 •014 •042 •025 •887 21 •009 •008 •006 •005 •005 ■813 022 ■020 •042 •029 •884 22 •007 •006 •004 •003 •004 •799 •026 •015 •041 •033 •873 23 *008 •008 ■005 •004 ■005 •785 ■026 •013 039 •034 ■858 24 •010 •009 •007 •005 •006 •779 ■024 •014 038 •035 • 8*2 25 •008 ■007 •005 •004 •005 *775 •022 ■017 •039 •035 •849 26 •009 •009 •006 ■005 •005 •777 •022 •017 •039 •038 •854 27 ■010 •010 ■006 •005 •005 •785 ■024 •016 •040 ■044 •869 28 •010 •Oil •007 •006 •006 •800 •024 •018 •042 •052 •894 29 •Oil •012 •007 •006 •006 •816 •025 •021 ■046 •062 •924 30 •010 •Oil •007 •007 •007 ■834 029 •021 •050 •073 •957 31 •012 •013 •008 •006 •007 •854 •030 ■024 •054 •084 •992 32 •010 •010 •007 •006 •007 •875 •035 •023 •058 •093 1026 33 •011 •Oil •007 •006 •007 •898 •037 •025 •062 •103 1-063 34 ‘ -014 ■014 •009 •008 •009 •923 •040 •026 *060 •115 1-104 35 ■014 •015 ■010 •008 •009 •949 •040 ■029 •069 •128 M 46 36 •015 •015 •010 •008 •009 •975 •042 •031 073 143 1191 37 ■015 •015 •Oil •009 •010 1-003 •044 •033 •077 •160 1-240 38 •017 •017 ■Oil •010 •Oil 1-029 •045 ■035 •080 •176 1-285 0.200. 7 K Aij.h sti.I) Kates of Sickness and Mortality as deduced from the RATE OK HICK NESS Age Rale of Mortality First Year - - - Weeks 0—4 W ecks 4—8 Weeks 8—13 Weeks 13—17 Weeks 17—21 V\ CClv8 21 — 26 Weeks 26—30 1 Age 39 •01037 •563 •183 •107 052 •036 •034 ■020 39 40 •01066 •569 •184 •113 •056 •040 •035 •020 40 41 •01101 •573 •190 •121 •057 •041 •037 •022 41 42 •01143 •604 •201 •121 •060 ■041 •035 •021 42 43 •01195 •606 •204 •127 •063 •045 •041 ■025 43 44 •01257 •623 •213 •130 •066 ■048 •043 •026 44 45 •01328 *636 •226 •142 •071 •051 •047 •028 45 46 •01405 •679 •232 •142 •069 •049 •047 ■029 46 47 •01487 •666 •239 •152 •079 •057 •052 •032 47 48 •01569 •700 •244 •158 •080 •059 •055 •035 48 49 •01649 •718 •263 •166 •086 •061 •057 •033 49 50 •01730 •741 •275 •171 •085 •063 •058 •036 50 51 •01822 •733 •281 *184 •093 •069 •066 '042 51 52 •01928 •740 •287 •193 ■101 •076 ■071 •045 52 » •02059 •768 •310 ■206 •106 •078 •074 •045 53 54 •02214 •770 •311 •213 ■113 •087 •086 •053 54 55 •02389 •812 •341 •230 •120 •087 •080 •050 55 56 •02570 •794 •347 •247 •132 •100 •093 •060 56 57 •02758 •833 •368 •259 •137 •103 •095 .•060 57 58 •02953 *865 • •389 *276 •142 •108 103 ■069 58 59 *03165 •900 •404 ■289 •159 •116 •121 ■078 59 60 •03402 •936 •424 •313 •171 •135 •137 •085 60 61 ■03673 •949 •447 •336 •186 •148 •148 •100 61 62 •03979 •960 •480 •371 •206 •164 •164 •110 62 63 •04311 1-061 •516 •404 •234 -181 •180 •116 63 64 •04652 1-069 •535 •415 •236 •189 •196 •134 64 65 •04989 . 1-096 •562 •456 •265 •215 •214 •148 65 66 •05302 1-074 •578 ■476 •289 •236 •246 •168 66 67 *05625 1131 •617 *499 *297 •242 •259 •178 67 68 •06025 1177 •637 •527 •317 •264 •278 •193 68 69 •06555 1-220 •669 •572 •340 •275 •292 ■196 69 70 •07233 1-176 •685 •591 •361 •306 •322 •222 70 71 •08070 1-288 •758 •622 •375 •305 •319 •228 71 72 •09005 1-201 •716 •635 •402 •332 •351 •246 72 73 •09968 1-257 •748 •639 •399 •348 •359 •262 73 previous results, for the Five Yours 187t> 1HH0, Mules. (All Populutions) — continual. • • • - . ii AT JO OF HIUKNBHS - - • First Year Second Year Third Year and upwards Total for all Durations Age Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks 1 Total First Second Six Months Six Months Total S econd Year Total Weeks 30—34 34-39 39—43 43-47 47—52 Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks 39 •016 •016 •010 •008 •010 1 - 055 •048 •034 •082 •189 1-326 40 •017 •017 •Oil •010 •on 1-083 •050 •034 •084 •201 1-368 41 •018 ■019 •013 •011 •013 1-115 •049 •039 •088 •213 1-416 42 •018 •018 •012 •010 Oil 1152 056 ■038 •094 •226 1-472 43 •020 •021 •015 •013 •014 1194 •062 •040 •102 •213 1-539 44 •022 •023 •016 •014 •016 1-240 •068 ■044 •112 •266 1-618 45 •022 •022 •015 •014 •015 1-289 ■073 •050 •123 •295 1-707 46 •022 ■025 •016" •014 •015 1-339 •080 •054 •134 •326 1-799 47 •028 •030 •020 •017 ■020 1-392 •084 . -060 •144 •358 1-894 48 •028 •029 •020 •017 020 1-445 ■087 •067 •154 •388 1-987 49 •027 •029 •020 •018 •021 1-499 •099 •066 •165 ■417 2-081 50 •030 •031 •022 ■019 022 1*556 •105 •073 •178 •444 2-178 51 •035 •038 •027 •023 •026 1-617 •114 •079 •193 •473 2-288 52 •039 •042 •030 •027 •031 1-682 •122 •089 •211 •509 2-402 53 •038 •040 ■028 •026 031 1'750 •137 •095 •232 •558 2-540 54 •045 •047 033 •030 •035 1-823 •156 •099 *255 •624 2-702 55 •043 •046 •032 •028 •033 1-902 165 113 •278 •708 2-888 56 •049 •055 •038 •035 •040 1-990 •172 •132 •304 •810 3104 57 •054 •059 •041 •038 •044 2 091 •184 •149 •333 •929 3-353 5S •060 •064 •045 •041 •048 2*210 •212 153 •365 1061 3*636 59 •066 •073 •050 •044 •051 2-351 •232 •169 •401 1-204 3-956 60 •073 •080 •056 •050 •058 2-518 •258 •186 •444 1-359 4-321 61 •089 •096 •069 •064 •075 2-707 ■292 ■206 •498 1-538 4-743 62 •100 •110 •082 •076 •089 2 912 '325 •240 •565 1‘750 5-227 63 •100 •108 •075 •069 •082 3- 126 •378 •270 •648 . 2011 5*785 64 120 •140 •103 ■095 •112 3-344 •441 •306 •747 2330 6-421 65 •134 •150 •106 •098 •116 3560 •492 •371 •863 2-722 7'145 C6 •150 •172 126 •118 141 3-774 *517 •445 •992 3194 7-960 67 •165 ■186 137 •128 152 3991 ’651 •481 1132 3*751 S-874 68 •174 •202 •147 •136 •163 4-215 •751 •530 1-281 4-399 9-895 69 •181 •212 •158 •149 ■178 4-442 •813 •623 1*436 5-144 11-022 70 •205 •239 •178 170 •207 4-662 •915 *677 1-592 5-984 12-238 71 •205 •232 •173 •163 •198 4 866 1-003 •736 1-739 6-899 13-504 72 •234 ■274 •205 •198 •246 5 040 1-057 •818 1-875 7-877 14-792 7S •249 •285 •20G •194 •234 5-180 1-14S •838 1-986 8 896 16-062 I »T t 0.200 K 2 Aii.ii -ii. n Baths of Sicknes* ami Mortality ub deduced from the 11AT | I OF SICKNESS - - - - Kale Ago . of Kiiist Yeah ' - • - ' Mortality Weeks o—l Weeks 4—8 Weeks 8—13 Weeks 13—17 | Weeks 17—21 Weeks 21—20 Weeks 20—30 Age 74 •10850 1-149 •730 •684 •441 •374 •403 ■277 74 7 5 •11618 1-183 •727 •001 •419 •304 •390 ■275 75 70 ■12209 11 33 •707 •709 •447 •380 •399 •283 76 77 •12063 1-182 •751 •702 •440 *367 •390 ■287 77 78 •13079 1-042 •701 *052 •411 •396 •424 •306 78 79 •13020 1-089 •730 •661 •432 ■379 •409 •294 79 80 •14344 •888 •042 •630 ■412 •386 •429 •314 80 81 •15325 •789 *584 •540 ■383 •357 •393 ■292 81 82 16571 •878 •550 •515 •351 ■331 •400 •306 82 83 •17942 •738 ■453 •483 •345 •301 •364 •270 83 84 19208 1-286 •938 •843 •245 •159 •122 •090 84 S3 •20405 1-002 ■099 •552 *267 •191 •2»K •120 85 86 •21418 •774 ■436 ■404 •250 •187 •235 ■187 80 87 •22332 •631 •500 •403 •255 •237 •236 •176 87 88 •23417 - - - - - - - 88 89 •24911 - - - - - - - 89 90 •27103 - - - - - - 90 91 •30132 - - - - - - 91 92 •34151 - - - - 92 93 •39224 - - - - - 93 94 •45336 - _ - - - - - 94 95 •52508 - - - - - - - 95 96 •60678 - - - - - 96 97 •69730 - " - - - 97 98 •79418 - - - - - 98 99 •89584 - - - - - - 99 100 1-0OU00 - - - - 100 ■ ■■ ^ pw Ago 71 75 7(! 77 78 70 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 1 I / I ions result*, for tho Five Yours 1 H 7 ( ’> IKKii, .Mules. ( All Populations) — coiiliminl. HATH OF SICK N K S S • - FlttST Yea n Second Yi SAB 1'H.IKD YEAH and upwards Total for all 1 limit ions Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks Tot a i. First : Second Six M ( in 1 1 is Si x Months Tot a i, Second Year Total Weeks 30—84 34—89 j 39—43 43—47 47-52 Works Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks •252 •295 •217 •199 •236 5-263 1149 •922 2071 9-932 17-266 •257 •308 •225 ■218 ■275 5-311 1-222 •926 2-148 10-961 18-420 •257 •299 *222 •209 •249 5-360 1-295 •938 2 233 12-011 1 9-604 •263 •302 •233 •224 •271 5-418 1-316 1-045 2-361 • 13-120 lX’899 •294 ■344 •267 •252 •306 5-425 1-457 1 069 2 526 1 4307 22-258 •278 ■312 •238 •230 •279 5-3,31 1 -565 1043 2-608 15-602 23-541 •300 •330 •248 •241 •297 5-117 1 -626 1-194 2-820 17135 25-072 •292 •360 •282 •264 •324 4-860 1-618 1-272 2-890 18-990 26-740 •272 •292 *222 •212 •249 4-590 1-717 1-193 2-910 21-100 28-600 •270 •328 •239 •238 •291 4-320 1-695 1-195 2-890 23 410 30-620 •096 •103 •049 •049 •064 4-050 1 *755 1-075 2-830 25-870 32-750 •120 •149 •120 119 •153 3-780 1-357 1-373 2-730 28-436 34-946 •187 •234 187 •187 ■242 3-510 1 -482 1-113 2'595 31-040 37-145 176 •204 115 •106 •141 3-240 1-217 1-218 2-435 33-650 39-325 - - - 2-617 2-618 5*235 36*350 41-585 - - - - - - - - - 43-935 43-935 - - - - - - - - 44-953 44-953 - - - - - - - 44166 44-166 - - tk - - - - 43121 43-121 - - - - - - - - 41-802 41-802 - - - - - - - 40-212 40-212 - - - - - - 38-348 38-348 - - - - - “ - - 36-224 36-224 - - _ - - - - - 33-870 33-870 - - - - - - - 31-351 31-351 - - - - 28-708 28-708 - - - - - - - - 26-000 26-000 C.200 7 K 3 (') 5 6 7 8 9 10 li 12 13 14 15 1G 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2G 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 3G 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 4G 17 48 49 50 51 62 \ I 72 ADJUSTED SICKNESS AND MORTALITY EXPERIENCE. WALES (MALES). 1 856 — 1875 . Mortality Kate Sickness Hate (\W< kx) Sick neR8 Hate (Week*) Umlor Two Yea 1 * 8 * Duration Over Two Yearn’ Duration Total A(< K ( sc ) -li 111 lill 1 1 \ Hat* Under Two Yearn’ Duration Over Two Years’ Duration Total •01430 •600 •500 53 •01941 1-739 '563 2-302 •01158 •610 •510 54 •02096 1-793 •604 2*397 •00994 •525 •525 55 •02241 1-865 •655 2-520 •00841 •550 *550 5G •02380 1-970 •734 2-704 •00725 •590 •590 57 •02507 2-107 •857 2-964 •00640 •050 •G50 58 •02630 2'270 1-032 3*302 •00583 •730 •730 59 •02751 2-447 T262 3-709 *005 5 G ■810 *810 6U ■02900 2-021 1-551 4-172 •00550 •885 •885 61 •03106 2*782 1-900 . 4-688 •00550 •950 •950 62 *03357 2-931 2-324 5-255 •00500 1-000 1-000 63 •03648 3-074 2-810 5-884 •00583 | 1-040 1-040 64 •03962 3-225 3-407 6 632 •00018 1-005 1-0G5 65 •04307 3*384 4T02 7-540 •00005 1-070 1-070 66 •04649 3*556 5-092 8*648 •00724 1-071 1-071 67 •05006 3-740 CT97 9-937 •00794 1-009 1-0G9 68 •05386 3-927 7-478 11-405 •00873 1-005 1-005 69 *05796 4-114 8-905 13-019 •08948 1-059 •001 TOGO 70 *00284 4-300 10-438 14-738 •0100G 1-052 •003 1-055 71 •06875 4-495 12-080 1G-575 •01037 1*044 •000 1-050 72 •07613 4*687 13-838 18-525 •01039 1-038 •010 1-048 73 •08474 4-856 15-690 20-551 ■01021 1-034 •016 1-050 74 •09469 4*966 17-592 22-558 •00993 1-031 •023 1-054 75 •10540 4*994 19*465 24-459 •009G8 1-029 •031 ’ 1-000 76 T1598 4*902 2T226 2G-128 ■00952 T029 •040 1-069 •12591 27-708 27-708 •00940 1-028 •050 1-078 78 •13530 29*350 29-350 ■00940 1-025 •000 1-085 79 ■14424 31 T 10 31-110 •00946 1-021 •071 1-092 80 •15318 32*990 32-990 •00914 1-018 ■0 5 1T03 81 •10319 34-930 34-930 •00945 1-018 •101 1-119 82 *17456 36-810 36-810 •00954 1-022 •122 1T44 83 ■18708 38-560 38-500 •00973 1-034 T47 1T81 84 •20216 40-150 40-150 •04001 1-052 T74 1-220 85 •21811 # 41-540 41-540 •91031 1*075 •199 1*274 86 •23515 42-690 42*690 •01055 1*102 •223 1-325 87 •25322 43-580 43-580 •01070 1-132 •244 1-370 88 •27267 44-100 44-100 •01097 1-103 •26G 1*429 89 *29305 44-140 44-140 •01129 1*194 •292 1-480 90 •31002 43*783 43-783 •01177 1-220 •321 1-547 91 ■34130 43T26 43-126 •01247 1-262 •353 1-015 92 •37050 42-211 42-211 •01334 1-303 •383 1*686 93 •42220 41-023 41-023 ■01423 1-349 •407 1-750 94 •47840 39-562 39-502 •01503 1-404 ■424 1-828 95 •54010 37-627 37-827 •015G1 1*464 ■430 T900 96 •G2180 35*814 35-844 •01GOD 1-528 •448 1-970 97 •70730 33-018 33-018 ■01057 1-589 •400 2-055 98 •80000 3T200 31-200 •01720 1-044 •493 2-137 99 •90000 28-600 28-600 •01812 1-093 •52G 2*219 100 1-00000 26*000 20-000 1 I WALES (MALES). 1856 — 1875. A (JR L<*. Kxpootatlun of Sickness (Weeks) • Auk Dog. 1 x e°x Expectation of Sickness (Weeks) (j) *°* Under Two Years’ Duration Over Two Years' Duration Total (O l x Under Two Years’ Duration Over Two Years' Duration Total 5 100,000 5-000 00 50-21 71-82 90-11 161-96 53 61,153 4-78042 18-08 51-44 11009 191-53 6 98,564 4-99372 49-93 72-36 91-45 163-81 54 59,967 4-77791 17-42 50-68 142-29 192-97 7 97,423 4-98866 49-51 72-69 92-53 165-22 55 58,710 4-76871 16-79 49-93 144-72 194-65 8 96,154 4-98432 49-00 72-89 93-45 166-31 56 57.394 ■ 4-75887 16-16 49-17 147-37 196-54 9 95,642 4-98065 48-41 72-96 94-25 167-21 57 56,029 4-74841 15-54 48-35 150-21 198-56 10 94,949 4-97749 47-77 72*89 94-94 167-83 58 54,624 4-73738 14-93 47-43 153-19 200-62 11 94,341 4-97470 47-07 72-71 95-55 168-26 59 53,188 4-72581 14-32 46-38 156-27 202-65 12 93,791 4-97216 46-34 72-10 96-11 168-51 60 51,725 4-71370 13-71 45-18 159-39 204-57 13 93,270 4-96974 45-60 71-99 96-65 168-64 61 60,225 4-70092 13-10 43-83 162-55 206-38 14 92,756 4-96734 44-85 71-50 97-18 168-68 62 48,665 4-08722 12-51 42-36 165-80 208-16 15 92,244 4-96494 44-09 70-94 97-72 168-66 63 47,032 4-67239 11-92 40-80 169-15 209*95 16 91,728 496250 43-34 70-34 98-27 168-61 64 45,316 4-65625 11-30 39-15 172-64 211-79 17 91,193 4-95996 42-59 69-70 98-85 168-55 65 43,520 4-63869 10-80 37-41 176-21 213-62 18 90,630 4-95727 41-85 69-07 99-46 168-53 66 41,646 4-61957 10-27 35-56 179-80 215-36 10 90,026 4-95437 41 13 68-45 100-13 168-58 67 39,710 4-69890 9-74 33-56 183*22 216-78 20 89,374 4-95121 4043 67-87 100-86 16873 68 37.722 4-57660 9-23 31*39 186-35 217-74 21 88,665 4*94775 39-75 67-34 101-66 169-00 69 35,691 4-65256 8-73 29-03 189-05 218-08 22 87,890 4-91394 3909 6686 102-56 169-42 70 33,623 4-62683 8-23 26-45 191-23 217-68 23 87,056 4-93980 38-46 66-43 103-54 169-97 71 31,509 4-49844 7-75 23-63 192-92 216-55 24 86,181 4*93541 37-85 66-04 104-59 170-63 72 29,343 4-46751 7-29 20-55 194-19 214-74 25 85,286 4-93088 37-21 65-68 105-68 171-36 73 27,109 4-43312 6-85 17-17 195-21 212-38 26 84,400 4-92634 36-63 65-32 106-78 172-10 74 24,812 4-39466 6-43 13-46 196-13 209 59 27 83,537 4-92188 36-00 64-95 107-87 172-82 75 , 22,463 4-35146 6-06 9-38 197-22 206-60 28 82,708 4-91755 35*35 6456 108-92 173-48 56 20,095 4-30309 6-71 4-90 198-70 203-60 29 81,909 4-91333 34-69 64-15 109-96 174-11 77 17,764 4-24955 5-39 200-76 200-76 30 81,130 4-90918 3402 63-73 110-97 174-70 78 15,528 4T9111 6-10 197-97 197-97 31 80,362 4-90505 33-34 63-30 111-98 175-28 79 13,427 4-12798 4-82 195-00 195-00 32 79,601 4-90092 3266 62-87 112-99 175-86 80 11,490 4-06033 4-55 191-52 191-52 33 78,848 4-89679 31*96 62-44 114-00 176-14 81 9,730-2 3-98812 4-28 187-20 187-20 34 78,103 4-89267 31-26 62-01 115-00 177-01 82 8,142-4 3-91075 4-02 181*96 181-96 35 77,366 4*88855 30-56 61-57 116-00 177-57 83 6,721-1 3-82744 3-76 175-85 176-85 36 76,628 4-88439 29-85 6113 116-99 178-12 84 5,459-7 3-73717 3-51 169-01 169-01 37 75,882 4-88014 2914 60-69 11799 178-68 85 4,356-0 3-03909 3-28 161-51 161-51 38 75,122 4-87577 28-42 60-24 119-01 179-25 86 3,406-0 3-53224 3-05 153-43 153-43 39 74,348 4-87127 27-72 59-78 120-05 179-83 87 2,605-1 3-41582 2-83 144-79 144-79 40 73,563 4-86666 27-01 59-30 121-10 180-40 88 1,945-4 3-28901 2-63 135-63 135-53 41 72,771 4-86196 26-29 58-80 122-18 180-98 89 1,414-9 3-15074 2-42 125-71 125-71 42 71,973 4-85717 25-58 58-28 123-26 181-51 90 999*45 2-99976 2-22 115-47 115-47 43 71,161 4-85224 24-87 57-74 124-37 182-11 91 683-60 2-83480 2-02 104-82 10482 44 70,323 4-84710 24-16 57-18 125-53 182-71 92 450-29 2-65349 1-80 93 66 93 66 45 69,446 4-84165 23-46 56-63 126-75 183-38 93 280-76 2-44833 1-59 82-51 8251 46 68,520 4-83582 22-76 5607 128-08 184-15 94 162-22 2-21011 1-38 71-80 71-80 47 67,546 4-82960 22-09 55*51 129-52 185-03 85 84-616 1-92745 1-19 61-80 61-80 48 66,530 4-82302 21-42 54*94 131-06 186-00 96 38-492 1-58537 1-01 52-70 52-70 49 65,492 4-81619 20-75 54-32 132-70 187-02 97 14-558 1-16309 •86 44-58 44-58 50 . 64,439 4*80915 20-08 53-65 134-41 188-06 98 4-2610 0-62951 •72 37-44 37-44 51 63,371 4-80189 19-41 52-94 136-20 189-14 99 •85220 1-93054 •60 31-20 31-20 52 62,382 4-79136 18-74 52-20 138-08 190-28 100 •08522 2-93054 •50 26-00 26-00 0.200 7 k 4 1 174 ADJUSTED SICKNESS AND MORTALITY EXI'ERI ENCE. ENGLAND AND WALES— (FEMALES). 1866 — 1 87.3. Sick ness Rate (Weeks) Sickness Rate (Weeks) Auk 1 ortnllty Age Mortality (j) Ilate Under Two Yearn' Duration Over Two Years’ Duration Tot a 1, CO Kate Under Two Years' ( Duration Over Two Years' Duration Tota 0 •01 4 36 •500 •500 53 •01293 1-732 •853 2-585 (1 •01158 •510 •510 54 •01 404 1-787 •851 2-638 7 •00991 •525 •525 55 •01555 1*853 •846 2-699 8 •00841 •545 *545 56 •01739 1*928 •845 2-773 9 •00725 •569 •569 57 •01935 2-006 •862 2-868 10 •O0G4O •596 •596 58 •02125 2*082 •908 2-990 11 ■00583 •626 •626 59 •02305 2-164 T01G 3-180 12 •00556 •659 •659 60 •02451 2-265 1-227 3*492 13 •00537 •695 •695 j 61 •02574 2-398 1-588 3-988 1-1 •00525 ■738 •738 62 •02700 2564 2131 4 695 15 •00520 •790 •790 63 •02878 2763 2-867 5-630 1G •00534 •845 •845 64 •03132 2963 3-772 6-735 17 •00572 •898 •898 65 •03468 3*134 4-785 7*919 18 ■00631 •943 •943 1 66 •03895 3-253 5-829 9*082 19 ■00702 •978 •002 •980 67 •04403 3-316 6-818 10-134 20 •00772 1*005 •006 1-010 68 04973 3-342 7-696 11-038 21 •00831 1-022 •Oil 1-033 69 •05559 3-370 8-418 11-788 22 •0C873 1*032 •017 1-049 70 •06144 3453 8*965 12-418 23 •00892 1-041 •022 T0G3 71 •(16732 3-608 9-348 12-956 24 •00889 1-051 •026 1*077 72 •07328 3-844 9*602 13-446 25 •00868 1-0G5 ■030 1-095 73 •07947 4-129 9*772 13-901 26 ■00841 1-080 •033 1-113 74 •08612 4-421 9-908 14-329 27 •00822 1-097 •038 1-135 75 •09357 4-6G9 10-100 14-769 23 •00820 1-113 •046 1T59 76 •10185 4*853 10-419 15-272 29 •00838 1*129 ■058 1-187 77 •11112 15-885 15-885 30 •00860 1-148 •071 1-219 78 ■12132 16-710 16-710 31 •00882 1-171 •086 1-257 79 •13226 17*855 17-855 32 •00905 1-195 •099 1-294 80 •14393 19-450 19-450 33 •00928 1-219 •no 1-329 81 •15640 21-505 21-505 34 00951 1-241 •120 1-361 82 T6975 23-900 23-900 35 •00974 1-262 ■131 1-393 83 *18384 26*450 26-450 36 •00997 1-285 T46 1-431 84 •19900 29-010 29-010 37 •01020 1-316 •166 1-482 85 •21542 31*490 31-490 38 •0:043 1*360 •194 1-554 86 •23275 33-860 33-S60 39 •01066 1-413 •230 1*643 87 •25102 35*940 35-940 40 •01089 1-470 •274 1-744 88 •27070 37*720 37-720 41 •01112 1*520 •325 1-845 89 •29190 39150 39-150 42 •01135 T555 •385 1-940 90 •31440 40-190 40-190 43 •01158 1-571 •449 2-020 91 •33990 40*720 40-720 44 •01181 ; 1-572 •516 2*088 92 •37530 40730 40-730 •15 •01104 1-567 •579 2146 93 •42120 40-270 40-270 46 •01226 1-563 •636 2T99 94 ■47760 39-350 39-350 47 •01239 1*569 •685 2'254 95 ■54450 37-843 37-843 48 •01235 1-583 •726 2-309 9G •62140 35-8-14 35-844 49 ■01217 1-604 •762 2366 97 •70700 33-618 33-618 50 •01199 1-630 •795 2-425 98 •80000 31-200 31-200 51 •01197 1-658 •823 2-481 99 •90090 28-600 28-600 52 ■01226 1*691 •843 2 534 100 1-00000 26-000 26-OaO ENGLAND AND WALES (FEMALES 1 856 — IK7;>. AC1K (r) It Log. /.r •*°JT Expectation of SlckncKM (Week**) Under Over Pwo Yeai Pwo Yean i *o I \ i Duration Duration A(iK (r) ! It Loir. Ir Expect* Under Two Years' Duration ition of Kick ( Weeks) Over Two Y«*nr$' Duration IlCHA Total & 100,000 5*00000 , 5201 74-81 83-09 157*90 53 63,973 ■4-80600 19-49 49*46 119-47 168-93 G 98,564 4*99372 51-76 75-39 84-30 159*69 54 63,147 4-80035 18-74 ' 48-35 120-17 108-52 ; 97,423 4*98866 51-36 75-76 85*29 16105 55 62.260 4-79421 18-00 47-22 12102 168-24 8 96,454 4-98432 50*87 75-99 86*15 162-14 56 01,291 4-78740 17-27 46-09 122-07 168-16 9 95,642 4*98065 50 30 7608 86 88 162-96 57 60,225 , 4-77978 16*57 44*94 123-37 168-31 10 94,949 4*97749 49-66 76-07 87-51 163-58 58 I 59,060 4-77129 15-89 43-78 124-93 168-71 11 94,341 4*97470 48*98 75-96 88*08 . 164-04 59 57,804 4-76196 15*22 42-61 12672 169-33 12 93.791 4*97216 48*26 1 75-77 88*60 ! 164-37 60 56,172 4-75183 14*57 41-40 128*66 170-00 13 93,270 4*96974 47-53 75-53 89*09 164-62 61 55.087 4-74105 13-92 40-11 130-65 170*76 14 92,768 4*96740 46*79 75*24 89*57 164*81 62 53,609 4-72972 1.3-28 38-71 132-46 171-17 13 92.281 4S16511 46-03 74*90 90*04 164*94 63 52.219 4-71783 12-03 37-15 133-95 17110 16 91,802 4-96285 45-27 74*49 90*52 165*01 64 50,717 4-70515 11-99 33-41 134-97 170-38 17 91,310 4*96052 44*51 74*04 91*00 165-04 65 *P,128 4*69133 11-36 33-19 135*44 168*93 18 90,788 4-95803 43*76 73*57 91*52 165*09 66 47,424 4*67600 10-75 31-15 135-35 166-80 19 90,215 4*95528 43-04 7308 92-11 165-19 67 45,577 4-65875 10*17 29-34 131-77 16411 20 89,582 4-95222 42*34 72*62 92*76 165*38 68 43,570 4-63919 9*62 27-22 133-84 161-06 21 88,889 4*94883 4166 72-17 93*47 165-64 69 41,404 4*61704 9*09 25-13 132-75 157*88 22 88,152 1-94523 41- -1 71-74 94*25 165-99 70 39,102 • 4*59220 8*60 23-01 131-65 154-69 23 87,382 4*91142 40-36 71-34 95-05 166-39 71 36,699 4*56 166 8-13 20-87 130-71 151-58 24 86,602 4*93753 39-72 70-93 95*89 166*82 72 34,229 4-53439 7-68 18-51 13013 148-04 25 85,832 4*93365 39-07 70-50 96*73 167*23 73 31,721 4-50134 7*25 15*83 130-05 145-88 2G 85,086 4-92988 38-41 70-05 97-5 4 167*59 74 29,20o 4-46538 6-83 12-71 130-67 143-38 27 84,370 4-92619 37-71 69*55 98-34 167-89 75 28,685 4-42627 6-43 9*07 132-14 141-21 28 83,678 4-92261 37-04 69*02 99-11 168-13 76 24,188 4-34360 6*04 4*85 134-64 139-49 29 82.991 4-91903 36-35 68*47 09*89 168-36 77 21,725 1-33695 5-67 138-30 138-30 30 82,296 4-9153:1 35-65 67-91 100*67 168-58 78 19,310 4*28579 5-31 137-72 137-72 31 81,589 4-91163 34-95 67-34 101-17 168-81 79 16,968 4*22962 4*98 137-72 137-72 32 80,869 4-90778 34-26 66-76 102*29 169-05 80 14,723 4-16801 4*66 138-13 138-13 33 80,136 4-90383 33-57 66-16 10313 169-29 81 12,601 4-10052 4*36 138-64 138-64 34 79,393 4 89978 32-88 65*55 103-99 169*54 82 lfl,<&3 402666 4-07 138-85 138-85 35 78,638 4-S9563 32-19 64-93 104-86 169*79 83 8,828*2 3-94587 3-80 138-45 138-45 3G 77,872 1-89138 31-50 64-29 105-75 170-04 84 7,205-3 3-85765 3 55 137-23 137-23 37 77,096 4*88703 30-81 63*64 106*68 170-32 85 5,771-4 3-76128 3-30 135-10 135*10 38 76,310 4*88258 30-12 62*97 107*60 170-57 86 4,528-1 3-65592 3-07 132-06 132-06 39 75,514 4*87803 29*44 62-26 108*54 170-80 87 3,474-2 3-54086 2*85 127-99 127-99 4U 74,710 4-87338 28*75 61*50 109*18 170*98 88 2,602*1 3-41533 2*64 122-90 1 122*90 41 73,896 4*86862 2806 60*69 110-41 171-10 89 1,897-8 3-27824 2*43 116-80 110-80 42 73,074 4SC376 27*37 59-84 111-32 171-16 90 1,343-8 3-12833 2*23 109*65 ^ 1 109-65 43 72,244 4*85880 26-68 58*95 112*21 171-16 91 921-30 2*96440 2-02 101-32 101-32 44 71,407 4-83374 25-99 58*0^ 11307 171-12 92 608-15 2-78401 1-81 91*80 91-80 45 70,563 4*84858 25-29 57-16 1 13-90 171*06 93 379-91 2-57968 1*59 81-75 81-75 4(> 69,714 4-84332 21*59 56*27 114-70 170-97 94 219-89 2-31221 1*38 71-G7 71-67 47 68,859 4-83796 23*89 55-38 115-48 170-86 95 114-87 2 06021 1-19 61-86 61*86 48 68,006 4-83255 23-18 5119 1 16-24 170-73 96 52*324 1-71870 1*01 52-73 52-73 49 67,166 4-82715 22-47 53-57 116*96 i7o*53 97 19-810 1-2968S *86 44-59 44*59 50 66,348 4-82183 21-74 52-60 117-63 170-23 £8 5-8043 0*76375 *72 37-44 37-44 51 65,553 4-81 G59 21-00 51*59 118-25 169-84 99 1-1609 006478 *60 31-20 31-20 52 64,768 4*81136 20-24 50*54 118-85 169-39 100 •11609 1-06478 •50 26*00 26*00 0.200 I. I >7(> 1870 80.— ADJUSTED KATES. — MALES. (ALE POPULATIONS). EXPECTED SICKNESS (WEEKS) EXPECTED SICKNESS (WEEKS) DEDUCED FROM THE ADJUSTED First Year AGE ( Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks ' Weeks Weeks 1 Age O') | l.r 1 '<•{?■ lx f°.r 0—4 4—8 8—13 13—17 17—21 21—20 j 20—30 ; <*) 5 100,000 5-00000 50*86 31-41 11-80 7-87 4-18 3*24 3-19 210 5 (i 98,504 4-99372 50-58 31-50 11-77 7-98 4-25 3-28 3-24 213 6 7 97,423 4-98800 50-18 31-02 11-72 8-O0 4-29 3-32 3-28 216 7 8 90,454 4-98432 49-68 31-55 11-75 8-09 4-33 3-35 3-31 j 2-18 8 9 95,042 4-98005 19-10 31-42 11-75 8-12 4-36 3-38 3-34 2-20 9 10 94,949 4-97749 48-45 31-25 11-75 8-15 4-37 3-40 3-30 2.21 10 11 94,341 4-97470 47-70 31-05 11-73 8-10 4-39 3-41 3-37 2-22 11 12 93,791 4-97210 47-04 30-83 * 11-09 8-17 4-10 3-41 3-38 2-23 12 13 93,270 4-90974 40-29 30-57 11-00 8-18 4-41 3-42 3-39 2*24 13 14 92,758 4-96735 45-55 30-25 11-03 819 4-42 3-43 3-41 2-25 14 15 92,236 4-90490 44-80 30-00 11-59 8-19 4-42 3-44 3-42 2-25 15 10 91,087 4-90231 44-07 29-73 11-54 8-18 4-43 3-45 3-42 2-20 16 17 91,100 4-95952 43-34 29-49 11-50 8-10 4-43 3-45 3-43 2-20 17 18 90,405 4-95048 42*66 29-21 11-40 8-15 4-43 3-40 3-44 227 18 19 89,803 4-95329 41-96 28-89 11-42 8-15 4-44 3-40 3-45 2-27 19 20 89,140 4-95010 41-27 28-57 11-39 8-14 4-45 3-47 3-40 2-28 20 21 88,520 4-94704 40*56 28-20 11-33 8-12 4-45 3-48 3-4,1 2-29 21 22 87,939 4-94418 39-82 27*94 11-28 8-10 4-45 3-48 3-47 2-29 22 23 87,400 4-94151 3900 27-60 11-23 8-08 4-45 3-48 3-47 2-30 23 24 80,892 4-93898 38-28 27-28 1117 8-00 4-44 3-48 3-47 2-30 24 25 80,397 4 93050 37*50 20-90 11-10 8-05 4-44 3-48 3-47 2-30 25 20 85,903 4-93401 30-72 20-04 11-05 8-03 4-43 3-48 3-47 2-30 20 27 85,396 4-93144 35-93 20-32 10-99 8-00 4-43 3-47 3-48 2-30 27 28 84,809 4-92875 35-15 20-02 10-94 7-98 4-42 3-47 3-48 • 2-31 28 29 84,320 4-92593 34-38 25*71 10-89 7-90 4-41 3-47 3-48 2-31 29 30 83,749 4-92298 33-61 25*41 10-83 7-94 4*41 3-40 3-48 2-31 30 31 83,155 4-91989 32-84 25-12 10-77 7-92 1-40 3-40 3-48 2-31 31 32 82,539 4-91006 32-08 24-82 10-70 7-90 j 4-40 3 '4 6 3-48 2-32 32 33 81,897 4-91327 31-33 24-50 10-65 7-88 4-39 3-46 3-48 2*32 33 34 81,229 4-90971 30-59 24-18 10-59 7-85 4-39 3-46 3-48 2-33 34 35 80,530 4-90590 29-84 23-87 10-52 7-83 4-39 3-47 3-49 2-33 ) 35 3G 79,803 1 1 4-91)202 29-12 23*56 * I • 10-40 7*80 4-38 i 3-47 3-49 2-34 1 I ] 876-80, — ADJUSTED KATES.— MALES. (ALL POPULATIONS). EXPECTED SICKNESS (WEEKS). HATES OF SICKNESS AND MORTALITY FOR THE FIVE YEARS, 1870 — 1880, MALES (ALL POPULATIONS) • Fikst Yeah. Second Yeah Tumid Yeai AND Upwards t ' Total Duration Weeks Age (») Weeks 30-34 Weeks 34—39 Weeks 39—43 Weeks 43—47 Weeks 47—52 Tota r. Weeks First Second Total Six Mont hs Six Months Weeks i Weeks " Cck ' S Total Weeks 5 1*85 2-05 1-48 1-35 1-60 7212 7-51 5-49 13-00 53-92 13904 6 1-88 2-08 1-49 1-38 1-63 72-67 7-62 5*57 13-19 54-70 140-56 7 1-90 211 1-30 1-39 1 *85 73-00 7-72 5-63 13-3.5 55-34 141-69 8 1-92 213 1-5.3 1-40 1 -06 73-20 7-79 509 13-48 55-90 142-58 9 194 215 1-53 141 1-68 7328 7-86 ,V74 13-60 56-36 143-24 10 1-96 210 1*55 1-42 1-69 73-26 7-92 5-78 13-70 56’77 143-73 11 1-96 218 1-56 1-43 1-70 73-16 7-97 5-82 13-79 57-14 144 09 12 1-97 2-19 1-57 1*44 1-71 72-99 8-02 5 "85 13-87 57'48 144-34 13 1-98 2-20 1-57 1-44 1-72 72* 78 8-05 5-88 13-93 57(80 144-51 11 1-99 2-21 1-58 1*45 1-73 72-54 ' 8-07 5-92 13-99 58-13 144-66 15 1-99 2-21 1-59 1-46 1-73 72-29 8-10 5"95 i 14'05 58-44 144-78 it: 200 222 1-59 1-46 1-74 72 02 813 5'97 1410 58-78 144-90 17 200 2-22 1-59 1-46 1-74 71-73 810 6-00 14-16 59-16 145'05 18 2-00 2-23 1-60 1-47 1-74 71-46 8’20 602 14-22 59-56 145-24 19 2-01 224 1-61 1-48 1-75 71-17 8-23 6-05 14-28 59-98 145-44 20 2-02 2-25 1-61 148 1-76 70-88 8-26 6-09 14-35 60-40 145-63 21 203 2-25 1-62 1 49 1-77 70 - 55 8-29 612 14-41 60-S0 145-76 22 2 03 2*2 6 1-62 1-50 1-78 70-20 8-33 613 14-46 61-18 145-84 23 2-04 2-27 1-63 1 "50 1-78 69-83 8-35 615 14 50 61*53 145-86 24 204 2-27 1-64 1-51 1-79 69-45 8-37 6-18 1 4*55 61 -85 145-85 25 2-04 2-28 1*64 1-51 1 79 69-06 8-40 6-20 14-60 62-17 145-83 26 204 2-28 104 1-52 1-80 68-68 8-42 6-22 14-64 62-49 145-81 27 2-05 2-29 1"65 1-52 1-80 68-30 8-45 6-24 14-69 62-83 145-82 28 2-05 2-29 1-65 1-52 1-81 67-94 8-48 6-26 14-74 6317 145-85 29 205 2-30 1 "65 1 -53 1-81 67 - 57 8-52 6-28 14-80 63-53 145-90 30 206 2 30 1-60 1 -53 1-82 67-21 8*55 6-30 14-85 63-91 145-97 31 206 2-30 ' 1-66 1 -54 1-83 66-85 8*58 6-33 14-91 64-28 146-04 32 2-06 2-31 1*87 1-54 1-83 66-49 8-61 6-35 I 14-96 64-69 146-14 33 2-07 2-32 1-67 1-55 1-84 6613 8-64 6-38 15-02 65-09 146-24 34 2-08 2-33 1-68 T55 1-85 65-77 8-68 640 15-08 65*53 146-38 35 2-08 2-33 1-68 1-56 1-86 65-41 8-72 6-43 1 5 - 1 5 65-98 146-53 36 2 09 234 1-69 1-57 1-86 85*05 8 - 75 6-46 15-21 66 - 45 146-71 0.200 7 L 2 I I 7S 187(i-80. — Adjusted Kates. — Mai.i.s. (Am. Poi-uj.ationh) — continued. EXI’ECTED SICKNESS (WEEKS) DEDUCED FKOM THE ADJUSTED First Yeah AOE Weeks Weeks Weeks W ccks Weeks Weeks Weeks Age (•») lx Log. l x t)° j: 0—4 4—8 8—13 13— 17 17—21 21 — 26 26—30 O') :!7 79,051 4’89791 28-39 23-24 10-41 7-78 4-38 3-46 3-49 - 2-34 37 38 78,280 4-89365 27-66 22-93 10-34 7*76 4.37 3-46 3-50 2-34 38 39 77,491 4-88925 26-94 22-61 10.27 7-73 436 3-46 3-50 2-35 39 40 76,687 4-88472 26-22 22'28 10-20 7-70 4-36 3-46 3-50 2-35 40 11 75,870 1-88007 25-49 21-95 10-12 7-67 4-35 3-46 3-50 2-36 41 42 75,034 4-87526 24-77 21-60 10-03 7 -64 4-34 3-46 3-50 2-36 42 43 74,177 4-87027 24-05 21-25 9-95 7-60 4-33 3-45 3-51 2-37 43 44 73,291 4*86505 23-33 20-89 9-87 7*57 4-31 3-45 3-51 2-37 44 45 72,370 4-85956 22-63 20-52 9 78 7-53 4-30 3-45 3‘51 2-37 45 40 71,409 4-85375 21-92 20-15 9-67 7-49 4-29 3-44 3-51 2-37 46 47 70,404 4-84760 21-23 19-76 9-58 . 7*45 4-28 3-44 3-51 2-38 47 48 69,357 4-81109 20-54 19-38 9-49 7-41 4-27 3-43 3-51 2-38 48 49 68,268 4-83422 19-86 18-97 9:39 7-37 4-25 3-43 3-51 2-39 49 50 67,143 4-82700 19-19 18-56 9-28 7-32 4-24 3-42 3-52 2-39 50 51 65,981 4-81942 18-51 18-15 9-16 7-27 4-22 3-42 3-52 2-40 51 52 64,778 4-81143 1 7-85 17-73 9-05 7-22 4-21 3-41 3-52 2-40 52 53 63,530 4-80298 17-19 17-32 8-93 7-17 4-20 3-40 3-51 2-40 53 54 62,221 4-79394 16-54 . 16-90 8-80 7-11 4-17 3-39 3-51 2-41 54 55 60,844 4-78422 15-90 16-49 8-68 7-05 4-15 3-38 3-50 2-41 55 56 59,391 4-77372 15-28 16-07 8*55 6-99 4-12 3-37 3-50 2-42 56 57 57,864 4-76241 14-67 15-68 8-42 6-92 4 09 3-36 3-50 2-42 57 58 56,268 4-75026 14-07 15-26 8-28 6*85 4-07 3-35 3-51 2-42 58 59 54,606 4-73724 13-49 14-83 8-13 6*77 4-05 3-34 3-51 2-43 59 60 52,877 4-72327 12-91 14-38 798 6-69 4-02 3-32. 3-50 2-43 60 61 51,079 4-70824 12-35 13-93 7-82 6-60 3-98 3-31 3-48 2-42 61 62 49,203 4-69199 11-80 13-48 7*65 6-51 3-94 3-28 3-46 2-41 62 63 17,245 4-67436 11-27 1303 7-46 6 39 3-88 3-25 3-43 2-40 63 64 45,208 4-65522 10-75 12-51 7-27 6-26 3-82 3-21 3-40 2-38 64 65 43,105 4-63453 10-25 12-00 7-06 612 3-76 3-16 3-36 2-36 65 66 40,954 4-61230 9-76 11-48 6-84 5-97 3-68 3-10 3-30 2-33 66 67 38,783 4-58864 9-28 10-99 6*61 5-80 3*58 3-03 3-23 2*28 67 68 36.602 •J *56350 8-81 10-45 6-35 5-61 3-48 2 95 315 1 2-23 68 ATI V(iF [-0 37 38 31 * 40 41 42 43 44 45 40 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 1179 1876-fW.v~ Adjusted Kates. — M u.i:h. (Ai.i. Populations) — rnniinnrd. OK SK'KNKSS AND MORTALITY FOR THK KIYK VICARS, 1876—80, MALKK (ALL I’Ol'L'LATIONS) First Year Second Vkau Third Year and Upwards Total Duration Weeks 30—3 4 Weeks 34—39 Weeks 39—43 Weeks 43—47 Weeks 47—52 Total ^* r * 1 Six Months Weeks . \\ eeks Second 1 Six Months Weeks Total Weeks Total Weeks Weeks 2-09 2-35 1-70 1-57 1-87 64-68 8-79 6-49 15-28 66-94 146-90 210 2-35 170 1-58 1-88 64-31 8-83 6-52 15-35 67-44 14710 2-10 2-36 1-71 1-58 1-89 63-92 8-88 6-56 15-44 67-95 147-31 211 236 1-72 1-59 1-90 63-53 8-92 6-59 1 5 ‘ 5 1 68-47 147 51 211 2-37 1-72 1-60 1-91 63-12 8-97 6*03 15-60 68-99 147-71 2-12 2-38 1-73 1-61 1 -92 62*69 9-02 G *(>6 15-68 69-55 147-92 212 239 1-73 1-62 1-93 62-25 9-07 6-70 15-77 7013 148-15 2- 13 2-40 1-74 1-62 1-94 61-80 9-11 0*74 15-85 70-73 118-38 213 2-41 175 1-63 1-95 61-33 9-16 6-78 15-94 71-35 148-62 214 2-42 1-76 1 64 1-96 60-84 9-22 6-82 16-04 72-03 148-91 215 243 1-76 1 65 107 60-36 9-26 6-86 16-12 72-71 14919 215 2-43 1-77 1-65 1-98 59-85 9‘31 6-91 16-22 73-46 149-53 216 2-44 1-78 1"66 1-99 59-34 9-37 6-95 16-32 74-23 149-89 217 2-45 1-79 1-67 2-00 58-81 9-43 7-00 16-43 75*05 150-29 2-17 2-46 1-80 1-68 2-01 58-26 9-49 7-05 16-54 75-92 150-72 2-18 2-47 1-80 1-69 202 57-70 9-55 7-10 16"65 76-84 15119 2-18 2-48 1-81 1-69 2-03 57-12 9-61 7-15 16-76 77-84 151-72 2-19 2-49 1-82 1-70 2-04 56 - 53 9-67 7-20 16-87 78-91 152-31 2-20 2-50 1-83 1-71 2-05 55-95 9-73 7-26 16-99 80-06 15300 2-20 2-51 1-84 1-73 2-07 55-37 9-81 7-32 17-13 81*28 153-78 221 252 1-85 1-73 2-08 54-78 9-89 7-38 17-27 82 ‘(>0 154-65 222 2-53 1‘86 1-74 2-10 54-19 9-98 7-44 1 7‘42 83-98 155-59 WL 2-54 1-87 1-76 21 1 53-56 1006 7-51 17-57 Aft 00 156-58 2-23 2"55 1 -88 1-77 2-13 52-88 10-15 7-58 17-73 • 87-01 157-62 2-23 2-56 1-89 I 78 214 52-14 10-24 7-65 17-89 88-66 158-69 222 2’55 1-89 1-78 215 51-32 10-33 7-73 18-06 90-44 159-82 221 2-55 1-88 1-78 2-15 50-4 1 10-42 7-80 18-22 92*37 161-00 2-20 2*55 1-88 1-78 2-15 49-41 1049 7-87 1 S -36 94-44 162-21 219 2-53 1-87 1*77 2-14 48-32 10-55 7-93 18-48 96-59 163-39 216 2-50 1-86 1-76 21 3 47-11 10-58 7-96 18-54 98-79 164-44 2-12 2-46 1-83 1*73 2-10 45 - 76 10-59 7-94 18-53 100-96 165"25 2-07 241 1-79 1-70 1 207 44-26 10-53 7-90 18-43 103 01 1 165-70 7 L 3 1 1 So lH7(i Ho. — A o.h'htku Hates. — Males. (Am, Pom: rations) — continued, EXPECTED SICKNESS (WEEKS) DEDUCED FROM THE ADJUSTED Fiiist Yeah Auk («) lx Log. 1 tP.r Weeks 0—1 1 Weeks 4--8 Weeks 8—13 Weeks 13—17 i Weeks 17—21 Weeks 21—26 Weeks 26—30 1 Age O), 69 34,396 4-53651 8-34 “T 9-86 6-00 5-41 3-36 2-86 3-06 2-16 69 70 j 32.142 4-50707 7-89 9-25 5-79 5-18 3-24 2-77 2-96 211 70 71 29.817 4-47446 7 47 8-70 5 "50 4-95 310 2"65 2-84 2-03 71 72 27,411 4-43792 7-08 8-07 5-16 4-71 2-96 2*55 2-74 1-96 72 79 24,943 4-39694 6 73 7"54 4-91 4-47 2-81 2-43 2-63 1-88 73 74 22,456 4-35134 6-42 6-99 4-60 4-26 2-68 2-32 2-52 1-80 74 75 20,018 4-30143 6-14 6-56 4-33 4-01 2-52 2-19 2-37 1-71 75 76 1 7,693 4-24779 5-88 6-07 4-08 3-79 2-37 2-06 2-24 1 -63 76 77 1 5,532 4-19124 5‘63 5-62 3-77 3-51 2-19 1-91 2-10 1-53 77 78 13,566 4-18244 5-37 5-08 3-46 3-21 2-00 1-77 1-96 1-42 78 79 11,791 4-07156 5-11 4"65 317 2-94 1-79 1-58 1-76 1-29 79 80 10,185 4-00797 4-83 4-12 2-83 2-64 1-58 1-38 1-57 115 80 81 8,724-3 3-94073 4-56 3-76 2 "55 2"35 1-36 117 1-33 ■97 81 82 7,387-4 3-86849 4-29 3-52 2-33 2-14 1-15 •96 1-10 •81 82 83 6,163-3 3-78981 404 3-17 2 12 1-95 •96 •75 •84 •60 83 84 5,057"4 3-70393 3-82 2-96 2-03 1-78 •75 '55 *58 •41 84 85 4,083-0 3-61098 3-61 2-08 1 36 1-16 •63 •49 *56 •38 85 86 3,249-9 3-51187 3-41 1 27 •83 •77 •45 •37 *42 •33 86 87 2,553-8 3-40719 3-20 "63 •50 •46 •25 •24 •24 •18 87 88 1,983-5 3-29743 2-97 88 89 1,5190 3-18156 2-73 89 90 1,140-6 3 "05 71 4 2-47 90 ill 831-48 2-91985 2-20 91 92 580 94 2-76413 1 -94 92 93 382-54 2-58268 1-68 93 94 232-49 2-36641 1-45 94 95 127-09 2-10411 1-23 ; 95 96 60-357 1-78073 1 -04 96 97 23-734 1-37537 "87 97 98 7-1842 0-85638 •73 98 99 1-4787 0-16987 ■60 99 100 0-15402 1-18757 •50 100 n Si 1870-80.— Adjusted Rates.— Males. (Am, Populations) rontimicd. 11ATKS OK SICKNESS AND MORTALITY KOK THE FIVE YEARS, 1876-80, MALES (ALL POPULATIONS) First Year Second Year Third Year AND Upwards Total Duration Weeks Aoe (■*•) Weeks 30—34 Weeks 34—88 Weeks 89—43 i Weeks 43—47 Weeks 47—52 Total Weeks First Second Six Months Six Months Weeks Weeks Total Weeks Total Weeks 69 2-02 2-35 1-75 1-66 203 42*01 10-41 7-84 18-25 104 93 165-79 70 1-97 2-28 1-70 1-62 1-98 40-85 10-27 772 17-99 10678 166-62 71 1-90 2-22 1-64 1-57 1-91 39-01 1009 7-59 17-68 108-65 165-34 72 1-85 3-15 1-60 1-53 1-86 371 4 9-88 7-46 17-34 110-69 165-17 73 1-77 2-06 1-53 1-46 1-78 35-27 9-69 7-31 17-00 112-99 165-26 74 1-69 1-98 147 1-40 172 33-43 9-49 7-18 16-67 115-61 165-71 75 1*61 1-88 1 40 1 -85 1-66 31-59 9-36 7-02 16-38 118-56 166-53 76 1-54 1-78 1-33 1-28 1-66 2973 9-22 6-89 ' 16-11 12174 167-58 i I 1'47 1-68 1-27 1-22 1-50 27-77 9-02 t>*78 15-80 124-98 168-55 7S 1-37 1-58 119 1*15 1-40 25-59 8-82 6-57 15-39 128-08 169-06 75) 125 1-42 106 1-03 1-26 23-20 8-46 6-33 14-79 130-90 168-89 80 111 1-29 •95 •92 114 20-68 7-99 612 14-11 133-49 168-28 81 •95 112 •83 •80 •98 18-17 7-43 576 13-19 135-82 16718 82 *77 •89 ■63 •78 1572 6-86 5-29 12 15 137-98 165*85 88 •60 •72 •50 •50 •63 13-34 616 4-92 11 08 140-09 164-51 84 •40 •48 •32 •32 •41 10-99 5-44 4-54 9-98 142-20 163-17 85 •38 •46 •34 •33 •43 8"60 4-57 4-29 8-86 144-08 161-54 88 •33 •39 •28 •27 •35 6-06 4-03 3-67 7*70 145-29 159-05 87 ■18 ■20 •11 •11 •14 3-24 3-25 3-25 6-50 145-39 155-13 88 2-62 2-62 5-24 143-86 149-10 89 140-39 140-39 90 128-46 128-46 91 114-56 114-56 92 100-75 100-75 93 87-51 87*51 94 75-21 75-21 95 • 64-02 64-02 96 , 54-04 54-04 97 45-32 45-32 98 37-82 37-82 99 31-42 31-42 100 26-00 26-00' 0.200 7 L 4 I 1 82 WALES (MALES) 1856—1875. per Cent. 2^ per Cent. TaHLK OK ELEMENTARY MORTALITY VALUES, DEDUCED FROM THE MORTALITY EXPERIENCE OK WALKS (MALES) 1850 — 1S75. i r i ; i i .. A ill.' aok , / » LogD.r i ljig N , fit A r p. a in-: M Log Dr l 4 )g N , a, | A, Pr 6 4*94638 ! 6*36171 26-021 *31096 •01262 53 4-21806 5-34416 13-309 •04953 •04520 6 4*92938 8*34535 26*060 •34000 •01257 54 4*19882 5-31190 12-974 •05917 •04717 7 4-91359 6*32897 26-024 •34088 *01262 55 4-17890 5-27871 12-584 ■66868 *04923 8 4*89853 6-31356 25*911 •34283 •01273 56 4*15833 5-24448 12-194 •07819 -05141 9 4-88414 6*29605 25-817 •34593 *01390 57 4-13715 5-20914 11-803 •68773 ■05372 10 4-87025 6*27944 25*656 •34985 | •01312 58 4*11540 5-17266 11-409 *69734 •05620 u 4*85674 6-26271 25*467 •35446 •01339 59 4-09310 5 13491 11-011 •70705 •05886 12 4-84347 6*24586 25*257 •35959 •01370 60 1 4-07027 5-09576 10-605 •71695 •06178 13 4*83033 6-22884 25*033 *36505 ■01402 61 4-04676 5-05515 10-195 •72695 *06494 14 4-81721 6 21165 24*799 *37075 •01437 62 4-02234 5-01288 9-785 •73695 •06833 15 4-80408 6-19435 24*562 •37654 •01473 63 3-99679 4*96886 9-377 •74690 •07198 16 4-79092 6 17684 24*318 *38249 •01510 64 3*96992 4*92298 8-976 •75668 •07585 17 4-77765 6-15915 24*071 •38852 *01550 65 3-94164 4-87511 8-580 •76634 •07999 18 4*76424 6-14129 23*826 •39448 ■01589 66 3-91179 4*82508 8-190 ■77585 -08412 19 4-75062 6*12326 23*585 •40037 *01628 67 3*88040 4*77271 7-804 •78527 •08920 20 4 73673 6-10507 23*353 •40603 •01667 68 3*84738 4-71780 7-420 •79463 •09438 21 4*72255 6*08668 23-128 •41151 ■01705 69 3*81261 4-06012 7-039 •80392 •10001 22 4-70801 6-06811 22-914 *41673 •01743 70 3-77596 4-59935 6*659 *81319 •10018 23 4*69315 6-04941 22-712 ■42166 •01779 71 3-73705 4-53521 0-283 *82237 *11291 24 4*67804 6 03052 22*515 *42647 •01811 72 3*69539 4-46737 5-915 •83134 *12022 25 4-66278 6-01149 22*321 •43120 •01849 73 3*65028 4-39557 5-563 *83993 •12798 2 G 4-64752 5-99230 22*120 •43610 •01886 74 3*60109 4*31958 5-230 *84805 •13612 27 4-63234 5-97292 21*907 ■44129 •01927 75 3-54717 4-23925 4-921 •85559 •14450 28 4-61728 5-95333 21-680 •14683 *01970 70 3*48808 4*15445 4-638 •86249 •15298 29 4-60234 5*93353 21*438 *45273 •02017 77 3-42381 4-06513 4-378 *86883 ■16155 30 4*58746 5-91350 21-186 *45887 •02069 78 3-35465 3-97103 4-134 •87478 *17039 31 4-57261 5*89323 20-923 •46530 •02122 79 3-28079 3-87191 3-901 *88047 •17965 32 4-55776 5-87269 20-650 •47195 •02180 80 3-20242 | 3-76731 3-672 i *88605 •18965 33 4-54290 5*85188 20-369 •47880 *02240 81 3-11949 3*65662 3-445 •89159 1 *20058 34 4-52806 5-83077 20-078 *48590 *02305 82 3-03139 3-53913 3-219 *89709 •21264 35 4-51321 5-80934 19-776 •49326 •02374 83 2-93736 3-41409 2-997 •90251 *22580 36 4-49833 5-78759 19-465 •50086 *02447 84 2-83637 3-28074 2-782 •90775 •24002 37 4-48336 5-76547 19147 •50861 •02525 85 2-72756 3-13818 2-574 •91283 •25541 .38 4*46826 5-74300 18-825 •51647 *02605 86 2*60999 2*98555 2-374 •91770 •27200 39 4-45304 5-72013 18-497 •52446 •02690 87 2-48284 2-82170 2-182 *92239 •28988 40 4-43771 5-69685 18-161 •53266 *02780 88 2-34531 2*64525 1-995 •92695 ' -30950 41 4-42228 5*67314 17-818 •54103 *02875 89 2-19632 2-45434 1*811 •93144 •33135 42 4-40677 5-64896 17-466 •54961 *02976 90 2-03461 2*24642 1*629 •93587 *35599 43 4-39111 5-62429 17-107 *55837 •03084 91 1-85893 2-01745 1*441 •94047 •38528 44 4-37525 5-59910 16-744 •56722 [ -03197 92 1-66689 1-76088 1*242 •94532 *42164 45 4-35908 5*57336 16-379 *57612 •03315 93 1-45101 1-46852 1*041 •95022 *46557 46 4-34252 5*54705 16*015 •58500 ■03438 94 1-20207 1*12992 0-847 *95495 1 47 4-32558 5*52016 15-652 •59385 *03566 95 0-90868 0*73106 0*664 •95941 48 4-30827 5*49263 15-288 •60273 *03701 96 0*55588 0-25212 0-497 ■96348 49 4-29072 5-46446 14-919 •61173 •03842 97 U -12288 1*66276 i 0-347 •96714 50 4-27296 ^ 5*43559 14-542 •62093 *03995 98 1*57857 2*90902 0-214 •97039 51 4*25497 5*40594 14-157 ■63032 •04159 99 2*86888 : F 85815 0-097 •97324 52 4*23672 ! 5-37548 13-764 *63990 •04334 100 3-85815 — 0-000 •97661 ■ 7 M 0 . 200 . 2 J per ( 'cut WALES (MALES) 1856—1875 V(iE (.T) Log ii* (l x v* k t + , x+ 1 1! ‘ + 1 './•+ 1 + ) = Log K x Values of Sick Pay Allowance of 1 per Week for the Whole of Life = K, D * Umlcr Two Years' j Duration Over Two Yearn’ Duration All Durations Under Two Years'! Duration 1 Over Two Years’ Duration Al! Durations (a., ’Rate of Sickness under Two Years) < , Rate of Sickness (a r Rate of Sickness over Two Years) for all Durations) 5 0-42357 6*18310 6*62082 30*00 17*25 47*25 6 0-41004 6*18316 6*61626 30*67 17-94 48*61 7 0-40917 6*18316 0-01174 31-30 18-00 49*90 8 0-40192 0-18316 0-00721 31-87 19-26 51-13 9 C-39140 6*18316 6*60257 32-38 19-91 52-29 10 0*38057 6*18316 6*59770 32-83 20*56 53-39 11 0-37800 0-18310 0*59244 33-21 21*20 54-41 12 0-30845 0-18310 6-58G65 33*50 21-80 55-30 13 0-35790 6*18316 0-58033 33-70 22*53 56*23 14 6*34655 0-18316 6*57352 33-83 23*22 57*05 15 0-33433 0-18310 0-56632 33-90 23-94 57*84 1G 0-32149 6*18316 0*55884 33*93 24*67 58*60 17 0-30814 0-18316 6*55116 33-92 25*44 59*36 18 0-29447 G-1831C 6*54340 33-90 20-24 00-14 19 G-28070 0-18310 6*53570 33-89 27-07 00-96 20 6*26694 0-18310 G-52809 33*90 27-95 61*85 21 0*25319 6-18316 6*52061 33-93 28*88 62*81 22 0-23952 0-18310 0-51328 34*00 29-80 03-80 23 6*22595 0-18315 6*50610 34-10 30*90 65*00 24 0-21251 0-18311 6*19908 34*24 31*99 60*23 25 0-19922 6-18302 G-49223 34*39 33-13 67*52 2G 0-18008 6*18290 6*48552 34-56 34-31 68*87 27 0 17305 0-18270 6*47893 34-73 35*51 70*24 28 0-16013 6 18241 0-47214 34-90 30-74 71*G4 29 0-14729 6*18*205 6-46605 35*07 37*99 73-00 30 G-13452 0-18158 0-45973 35-24 39-28 74-52 31 0-12182 6’ 18106 6-45348 35*42 40*59 70-01 32 0-10923 0-18042 0-44731 35-60 41-94 77*54 33 6-09075 6-17970 6-44123 35-80 43-33 79*13 34 0-08437 6-17885 6*43521 36*00 44*75 80-75 35 6*07207 0-17788 6*42922 30-21 40*20 82*41 36 6*05979 6*17675 6*42323 30-43 17*69 84-12 37 0*04744 G‘17542 6*41716 36'65 49-21 85*86 38 6*03495 0*17390 6*41100 36-87 50*77 87*64 39 0-02226 0-17222 6*40471 37*09 5*2*38 89*47 40 0-00932 0-17039 6*39831 37-29 54*04 91-33 41 5*99611 6-16845 6*39180 37-48 55*74 93-22 42 5*98259 6-10040 6*38518 37-GG 57*50 95*16 43 5*96877 0-16421 0-37843 37-82 59-31 9713 44 5-85403 6T6189 0*37154 37-97 61*18 99*15 45 5*94013 0T5941 6*36449 38-11 03-14 101*25 4G 5*92521 6 15679 0-35729 38-25 65-20 103-45 47 5*90982 6-15411 6*34995 38*39 07-38 105*77 48 5*89384 6*15140 6*34247 38-51 09-08 108*19 49 5-87722 6T4871 6-33488 38-59 72-11 110-70 50 1 5*85989 6*14604 0-32714 38-03 74-60 113-29 51 5-84188 6*14335 6*31929 38*63 77-31 115-97 52 5*82323 6-14000 6-31132 38-59 80*15 118-74 A(iU (x) 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2G 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 33 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 4G 47 48 49 50 51 52 All K (s') S3 54 S5 56 87 88 59 CO Cl 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 63 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 o.; WALES (MALES) 1856—1875 2^ per Cent, Values of Sick l’ay Allowance of 1 per Week Loir I' 1 0 T >’■' * r + L + 1 + 1 * r + I + ) = f'»r the Whole of Life = Lop K r AUK U) Under Two Yours' Duration Over Two Years’ Duration All Durations Under Two Years’ Duration Over Two Years’ Duration All Durations < , Rate of Sickness (» , Rato of Sickness (j r =»Rate of Sickness under Two Years) over Two Years) j for all Durations) 5-80399 6-13779 6- 30,320 38-54 8313 121-67 53 5-78420 6-13487 6*29503 38-49 86-31 124-80 54 5-76373 6-13186 6-28672 38*44 89-73 428-17 55 3-74241 6-12871 6-27819 38-38 93-41 131-79 56 5-71981 6 12533 6-26930 38-25 97-32 135-57 57 5-69552 6-12154 6-25982 38-03 101-42 139-45 58 5-66913 6T1715 6*24955 37-67 105-69 143-36 59 5-64033 6-11199 6-23830 3716 110-08 147-24 60 5-60897 6-10591 6-22598 36-49 114-59 151-08 61 5-57497 6-09871 6-21245 35-70 119-23 154-93 62 5*53823 6-09027 6-19766 j 34-79 124-02 158-81 63 5-49857 6-08044 6*18146 33-78 128-98 162-76 64 5-45556 6-06895 6-16363 32-65 134-06 166-71 65 5-4086(5 6-05543 6-14376 31-40 139-20 170-60 66 5-35713 6-03945 6-12145 29-97 144-23 174-20 67 5-30001 6-02061 6-09627 28-36 149-02 177-38 68 5-23613 5*99854 6-06777 26-52 153-44 179-96 69 5-16388 5*97290 6-03557 24-13 157-38 181-81 70 5-08095 5-94347 5-99933 22*08 160-85 182-93 71 4-98342 5-91001 5-95861 19*41 163-92 183-33 72 4-86508 5-87219 5-91294 16-40 166-69 183-09 73 4-71485 5-82979 5-86190 13-00 169-32 182-32 74 4-50900 5-78277 5-80529 9*16 172-03 181-19 75 4-17310 5-73129 5-74314 4*84 175-07 179-91 76 5*67590 5-67590 178-69 178-69 77 5-60370 5-6037(1 177-41 177-44 78 5*52622 5-52622 175-97 175-97 79 5-44287 5-44287 173-96 173-96 80 5-35280 5-35280 171-12 171-12 81 5-25501 5*25501 167-35 167-35 82 5-14862 5*14862 162-65 162-65 • 83 5-01275 5-03275 157-17 157-17 84 4*90648 4*90648 150-98 150-98 85 4-76875 4-76875 14413 114-13 86 4-61844 4-61844 136-65 136-C5 87 4-45411 4-45411 128-47 128-47 88 4-27427 4-27427 119-66 119-66 89 4-07748 4-07748 110-37 110-37 90 3-86151 3-86151 100-60 100-60 91 3*62235 3-62235 90-25 90-25 92 3-35317 3-35317 79-83 79-83 93 3-04518 3*04548 69-73 69-73 94 2-68854 2-68854 60-24 60*24 95 2-26799 2-26799 51-54 51-54 96 1-76356 1*76356 43-72 43-72 97 1-14464 1*14464 36-82 | 36-82 98 0-35681 0-35681 30-76 30-76 99 1-26776 1-26776 25-68 25-68 100 / M 2 2} per Cent VV ACCS (WALKS) 1856— 1875, ‘ 2 % per Cent TABLE OK ELEMENTARY MORTALITY VALUES, DEDUCED FROM THE MORTALITY EXPERIENCE OK WALES (MALES) 185li— 1875. AOE (.r) | Log D r I Log N r ,r j A , P.r J AI 1 K (•*0 Log 1 ), Log Nr a.r Ar Px 5 4-94109 6*33339 24*677 •31278 •01218 53 4-16198 5-27720 1 13-038 •62428 •114447 6 4*92303 6-31616 24*725 •31150 ■01211 54 4-14169 5-24418 12-662 ■63435 -04643 7 490619 6-29894 1 24*703 •31209 •01214 55 4 12071 5-21021 12-289 •64434 *04849 8 4-89007 6-28165 24-637 *31385 •01224 56 4*09909 5-17522 11-916 ■65432 •05066 9 4-87461 6-26430 24-530 ■ 31 G 72 •01241 57 4-07685 5-13912 11-542 •66433 •05297 10 4*85967 6-24684 24*388 •32051 •01262 58 4*05403 5-10188 11165 •67412 •05544 11 4-84510 6-22927 24-220 •32501 •01289 59 4*03068 506333 10-781 •68469 •05812 12 4-83078 6-21157 24-032 *33005 *01319 60 4-00679 5-02346 10-391 •69513 •06102 13 4*81658 6-19371 23*830 *33545 •01351 61 3*98223 4-98203 9-995 •70573 •06419 14 4-80239 6-17571 23-622 •34102 •01385 62 3-95675 4*93899 9*599 •71633 •06759 IS 4-78821 6-15755 23-407 •34677 ■01421 63 3-93013 4-89421 9-206 •72685 •07122 16 4-77399 6-13922 23-186 • -35269 •01458 64 3-90221 4-84755 8-817 •73726 •07510 17 4-75967 6-12071 22*964 *35862 •01496 65 3*87287 4-79889 8-434 •74751 *07924 18 4-74520 6-10199 22-740 •36462 •01536 66 3-84197 4*74806 8-056 •75763 •08366 19 4-73052 6-08314 22*523 •37043 •01574 67 3*80952 4-69491 7-681 •76766 •08843 20 4-71557 6-06408 22-311 •37610 •01614 68 3-77544 4-63921 7-308 •77764 •09360 21 4-70033 6-04489 22-109 •38151 •01651 69 3-73961 4-58072 6-936 •78760 *09924 22 4-68474 6-02551 21-916 *38668 •01688 70 3-70190 4-51915 6*565 •79753 •10543 23 4-66882 6-00595 21-734 •39154 •01722 71 3 66193 4-45419 6-198 •80735 •11216 24 4 * 65*265 5-98627 21-559 • 396*23 •01756 72 3-61922 438552 5-839 •81696 •11945 25 4-63633 5*96642 21-384 *40091 •01791 73 3-57305 4-31290 5-494 ■82619 •12722 26 4-62001 5-94641 21-203 •40576 •01827 74 3*52280 423606 5167 •83495 •13539 27 4-60377 5*92622 21011 ■41089 •01867 75 3-46782 4*15488 4-865 •84303 •14373 28 4-58766 5-90583 20-805 *41642 •01910 76 3-40767 406922 4-587 •85047 •15223 29 4-57166 5*88523 20-586 *42227 ( *01956 77 334235 3-97903 4-332 •85730 •16078 30 4*55573 5-86440 20-355 *42846 •02006 78 3-27213 3-88408 4-092 •86372 •16962 31 4-53981 5-84333 20-115 •43488 •02059 79 3-19722 3-78409 3-863 •86985 •17887 32 4-52390 5-82200 19-866 •44154 •02116 1 80 3-11778 3-67862 3-638 •87587 •18884 33 4-50799 5*80039 19-607 •44847 •02177 81 3-03379 3-56705 3-414 •88186 *19979 34 4-49209 5-77850 19-338 •45567 •02240 82 2 94464 3-44869 3-192 •88781 ■21178 35 4-47619 5-75629 19*059 •46314 •02309 83 2-84955 3-32278 2-973 ■89367 •22494 36 4-46024 5-73375 18-772 •47083 *02381 84 2-74750 3-18853 2-760 •89937 ■23919 37 4-44421 5-71086 18-478 •47869 •02458 85 2-63763 3-04509 2-555 •90486 •25453 38 4-42806 5-68760 18-178 •48672 •02538 86 2-51900 2-89156 2-358 •91012 •27104 39 4-41178 5 66396 17-872 •49491 •02622 87 2-39080 2-72683 2-168 •91521 •28889 40 4-39539 5-63990 17-559 •50329 •02712 88 » 2-25221 2-54947 1-983 •92016 •30846 41 4-37890 5-61541 17-239 •51185 •02806 89 2-10216 2-35767 1-801 •92503 •33025 42 4-36233 5*59046 16-909 •52069 •02907 90 1-93940 2-14888 1-620 •92988 •35492 43 4-34562 5*56501 16-573 *52968 *03014 91 1-76265 1-91902 • 1-433 •93488 •38425 44 4-32870 5*53905 16-231 •53883 •03127 92 1-56956 1-66156 1-236 •94016 •42046 45 4-31147 5*51254 15*888 •54801 •03245 93 1-35262 1-30829 1-037 •94548 •46416 46 4-29386 5-48547 15*546 •55716 •03368 94 1-10262 1-02882 0-844 *95064 47 4-27585 5*45781 15-204 • 5 GG 31 •03495 95 0*80818 0-62904 » f 662 •95552 48 4-25749 5-42951 14*860 *57552 •03629 96 0-45431 0-14922 0*495 •95999 49 4-23888 5-40057 14-511 •58486 •03771 97 0*02025 1*55896 0-346 •96397 50 4-22006 5-37092 14-153 ■59445 03923 98 1-47489 2-80448 0-214 •96750 51 4-20102 5-34052 13 788 •60421 •04086 99 2*76414 3-75236 0097 •97064 52 4-18170 5-30929 13-415 •61420 •04260 100 3-75236 — 0-000 •97324 M 0.200 n Mi I! («') 5 • 10SH4 6*55062 30*28 17*15 47*43 9 6*10884 6*54526 30*73 17*75 -18*48 10 6*10884 6*53948 31*12 18*35 49*47 11 6*10884 6*53311 31*42 18*97 50*39 12 6*10884 6*52617 31*64 19*60 51*24 13 6*10884 6*51870 31*79 20*25 52*04 14 6*10884 6*51081 31*87 20*92 52*79 15 6*10884 6*30262 31*91 21*62 53*53 16 6*10884 6*49421 31*92 22*34 54*26 17 6*10884 6*48572 31*92 23*1(1 55*02 18 6*10884 6*47731 31*92 23*90 55*82 19 ! 6*10884 6*46901 31*95 24*73 56*G8 20 6*10884 6*46085 32*00 25*62 57*62 21 6*10884 6*45286 32*08 26*55 58*63 22 6*10884 6*44504 32*19 27*54 59*73 23 6*10877 6*43742 32*34 28*58 60*92 24 6*10870 6*42996 32*51 29*67 62*18 25 6*10853 6*42269 32*69 30*80 63*49 26 6*10833 6*41554 32*87 31*96 64*83 27 6*10802 6*40851 33*06 33*14 66*20 28 6*10762 0*40161 33*25 34*35 67-60 29 6*10711 6*39477 33*44 35*59 69*03 30 6*10650 6*38803 33*63 36*87 70*50 31 6*10582 6*38139 33*84 38*19 7203 32 6*10500 6*37484 34*06 39*54 73*60 33 1 6*10408 6*36837 34*28 40*93 75*21 34 6*10302 6*36195 34*52 42*35 76*87 35 6*10178 6*3 >553 34*77 43*81 78*58 36 6*10037 6*34904 35*02 45*31 80'33 37 6*09871 6*34244 35*27 46*84 82- 11 38 6*09688 6*33576 35*51 48*43 83-94 39 6*09489 6*32893 35*75 50*06 * 85*81 40 6-092S3 6*32201 35*97 51*75 87*72 41 6*09061 6*31497 36*18 53*49 89*67 42 6*08824 6*30782 36*37 55*29 91*66 43 6*08575 6*30052 36*56 57*15 93*71 44 6*08311 6*29308 36*75 59*11 95-86 45 6*08034 6*28548 36*93 61*16 98*09 46 6*07748 6*27774 37*10 63*33 100*43 47 6*07460 6*26986 37*26 65*63 102*89 48 6*07173 0*26188 37*39 68*05 105*44 49 6*06889 6*25377 37*47 70*60 108*07 50 6*06606 6*24555 37*51 73*29 110*80 51 6*06318 6*23720 37*52 76*] 2 113*64 52 WALES (MALES) 1856— 187 fl ^ per ( '(flit. AGE (•O Log r* (l r r ' * r • 1 .T + 1 , . + l x + l r *X + 1 + ) = Log Values of Sick Pay Allowance of 1 per Week for the Whole of Life = K* AGE (•*•) CJnder Two Yours’ Duration Over Two Years’ Duration All Durations Under Two Years' Duration Over Two Years’ Duration All Durations tv-. lint- of Slcknva (ir=Rato of Sickness (a *-»Rutc of Sickness under Two Years) over Two Years) for nil Durations) 53 5-73617 6-06021 6-22876 37-51 79-11 116-62 53 64 5-71581 605713 6-22022 37-51 82-31 119-82 54 65 5-69487 6-05400 6-21156 37-51 85-76 123-27 55 66 5-67302 6*05069 6-20272 37-49 89-45 126-94 56 57 5-64991 6-04716 6*19349 37-42 93-39 130-81 57 58 5*02609 6-04321 6-18368 37-21 97*54 134-78 58 59 5*59816 6-03866 6-17305 36*94 101-85 138-79 59 GO 5-56880 6-03334 6-16145 36-48 106-30 142-78 60 Cl 5-53687 6-02702 6*14875 35-86 110-86 146-72 61 62 5*50229 6*01961 6-13483 35-12 115*57 150-69 62 63 5*46498 6-01089 6T1963 34-27 120*44 154-71 63 64 5*42473 6-00078 6-10303 33-31 125*48 158-79 64 65 5-381 13 5*98899 6-08475 32-23 130*65 162*88 65 GG 5-33363 5-97512 6*06443 31-02 135-88 166*90 66 G7 5*28151 5-95876 6-04164 29*65 141*01 170-60 67 68 5-22381 5-93951 6*01595 28*08 145-90 173-98 68 69 5-15933 5*91698 5-98692 26*29 150*44 176-73 69 70 5-08647 5-89085 5-95415 24*24 154*51 178*75 70 71 5-00294 5-86089 5-91730 21-93 158-11 1 80*0-1 71 72 4*90482 5*82686 5*87595 19-30 161-30 180-60 72 73 4-78589 5-78846 5*82962 16-32 164-21 180-53 73 74 4-63507 5*74544 5*77788 12-95 166*97 179-92 74 75 4*42864 5-69778 5*72055 9*14 169-81 178-95 75 76 4-09216 5*64567 5-65764 4*84 172-98 177-82 76 77 5*58963 5-58963 176-72 176*72 77 78 5*51664 5-51664 175-59 175*59 78 79 5-43838 5-43838 174-24 174-24 79 80 5-35424 5-35424 172-37 172-37 80 81 5-26338 5-26338 169-66 169*66 81 82 5*16477 5-16477 166-01 166-01 82 83 5-05755 5*05755 161-44 161*44 83 84 4*94085 4-94085 156-08 156-08 84 85 4-81372 4-81372 150-00 150-00 85 36 4*67514 4-67514 143-26 143-26 86 97 4-52395 4*52395 135-88 135-88 87 88 4-35875 4-35875 127*80 127*80 88 89 4-17803 4-17803 119*09 119-09 89 90 3*98035 3*98035 109-89 109*89 90 91 3-76350 3*76350 100-20 100-20 91 92 3-52345 3-52345 89-93 89*93 92 93 3-25336 3-25336 79-57 79*57 93 94 2-94479 2-94479 69*53 69*53 94 95 2*58694 2-58694 60*08 60*08 95 96 2-16548 2-16548 51-42 51*42 97 1-66010 1-66010 43-64 43-64 97 98 1-04025 1-04025 36*76 3C-7C 98 99 0-25144 0-25144 30-71 30-71 99 100 T16144 1-16144 25-G5 25-65 100 200. 7 m 4 .5 per Cent 3 per Cent l 191 WALKS (MALES) 1850— 1H75. TABLE 08 ELEMENTARY MORTALITY VALUES, DEDUCED FROM THE MORTALITY EXPERIENCE OK WALES (MALES) 1866—1875. AUG t*) Lo« Dx Log N, tlr A.r V, AGE (•<•) Log D r Log N/ a x A, P, & 493581 6*30587 23*446 •28799 •01178 63 4*10605 5-21053 12-720 *60039 ■01376 is 4*91670 6*28776 23*500 •28641 •01169 54 4-08470 5-1767G 12-361 •61084 01571 7 4*89880 6*26965 23*488 •28676 •01171 55 4*06266 5-14201 12-005 •62121 •04777 8 4*88162 6*25152 23*437 *28825 •01180 56 4-03999 5-10622 11-647 •63164 •04995 9 4*86512 6*23330 23*344 •29095 •01195 57 4*01669 5-06937 11-290 •64204 •05224 10 4*84912 6*21498 23*220 •29456 •01216 58 3 99282 5*03137 10-928 •65258 •05471 11 4*83349 6*19656 23*071 ■29890 •01242 59 3-96841 4-99206 10-560 •66330 •05738 12 4*81811 6*17800 22*903 *30379 •01271 60 394347 4-95138 10-184 •67425 •06029 13 4*80286 6-15930 22*722 •30907 •01303 61 3-91785 4-90919 9-803 ■68535 ■0634 1 14 4*78762 6-14045 22*534 *31454 •01336 62 3-89131 4-86538 9-420 •69650 ■06684 15 4*77238 6-12143 22*338 *32025 •01372 63 3-86364 4-81981 9-040 •70757 •07048 16 4*75710 6-10223 22*138 *32608 •01109 64 3-83467 4-77237 8-664 •71852 ■07435 17 4*74173 6-08286 21*935 •33199 •01448 65 3-80427 4-72292 8-292 •72936 •07850 18 4*72620 6-06333 21*734 •33784 •01486 66 3-77231 4-67131 7-925 •74004 •08292 19 4*71046 6-04360 21-535 ■34364 •01525 67 373881 4-61737 7-561 •75065 ■08769 20 4*69447 6-02375 21*344 •34920 •01563 68 3-70367 4-56086 7-198 •76123 •09286 21 4*67817 6-00368 21*160 ■35456 •01600 69 3-66679 4-50157 6-836 •77177 •09849 22 4*66152 5-98346 20*987 •35961 •01636 70 3-62802 4-43919 6-474 •78231 *10467 23 4*64454 5*96309 20*823 •36438 •01669 71 3-58700 4-37341 6-115 •79276 •11142 24 4*62732 5*94256 20*665 •36898 •01703 72 3'54323 430393 5-764 •80299 •11871 25 4*60995 5*92189 20*509 •37353 •01736 73 3-49600 4-23047 5-426 •81284 •12650 26 4*59257 5*90105 20*346 •37828 •01772 74 3-44471 4-15278 5-106 •82216 •13465 27 4*57528 5*88004 20*173 •38331 •01810 75 3-38867 4-07074 4-809 ■83081 •14302 28 4*55811 5*85884 19-986 •38876 •01853 76 3-32746 3-98424 4-537 •83873 •15148 29 4*54105 5*83742 19*787 •39456 •01898 77 3-26108 3-89318 4-287 •84601 •16002 30 4*52406 5*81578 19*576 •40070 •01948 78 3-18981 3-79736 4-051 •85288 •16885 31 4*50710 5*79391 19*356 •40711 •02000 79 311384 3-69651 3-825 ■85946 •17812 32 4*49013 5*77178 19*127 •41378 •02056 80 303335 3-59016 3-604 •86590 •18808 33 4*47316 5*74937 18*889 •42071 •02115 81 2-94830 3-47771 3-384 •87231 •19897 34 4*45620 5*72668 18*641 •42793 ■02179 82 2-85810 3-35849 3-165 •87868 •21097 35 4*43925 5*70368 18*384 •43541 •02246 83 2-76195 3-23167 2-949 ■88498 •22410 36 4*42225 5*68034 18*117 •44320 •02319 84 2-65884 3-09656 2-740 ■89107 ■23825 37 4*40516 5*65666 17*844 ■45114 •02394 85 2-54793 2-95224 2-537 •89698 •25360 38 4*38796 5*63262 17*565 •45927 •02473 86 2-42824 2-79781 2-342 •90266 •27010 39 4*37062 5*60818 17*281 •46754 •02558 87 2-29898 2-63218 2-154 •90813 ■28793 40 4*35317 5*58335 16*989 •47605 •02646 88 2-15933 2-45394 1-971 •91347 •30746 41 4*33563 5*55807 16*689 •48479 •02740 89 2-00823 2-26126 1-791 •91871 « -32917 42 4*31801 5*53233 16*380 •49379 ■02841 90 1-84441 2-05158 1-611 •92395 •35387 43 4*30024 5*50611 16*065 •50296 •02947 91 1-66661 1-82084 1-426 •92934 •38308 44 4*28226 5*47936 15*743 •51234 •03060 92 1-47247 1-56250 1-230 •93505 •41930 45 4*26397 5*45208 15*421 •52172 •03178 93 1-25447 1-26834 1-033 ■94078 •46276 46 4*24531 5*42423 15*098 •53113 •03300 94 1-00341 0-92794 0-840 •94641 47 4*22625 5*39578 14*775 *54053 •03427 95 0-70791 0-52727 0-660 •95165 48 4*20683 5*36672 14*451 •54997 •03560 96 0-35300 0 04650 0-494 •95648 49 4*18717 5*33700 14*120 *55961 03701 97 1*91788 T-45530 0-345 •96082 50 4*16729 5*30660 13*782 •56945 •03852 98 F37146 1-69984 0-213 •964G7 51 4*14719 5*27540 13*434 •57959 ■04015 99 2855965 3-64682 0-096 •96808 52 4*12682 5-24341 13-079 •58993 •04190 100 3-64682 — 0-000 ■97087 7 N 0.200 1 I Q '2 3 per Cent. WALES (MALES) 1856—1875. AGE (*) Log (J x v x + ** + l ** + 1 '. L °g K, + 1 + ) = Values of Kick Pay Allowance of 1 per Week for the Whole of Life = K* D,. AGE (x) Under Two Years' Duration Over Two Years’ Duration All Durations Under Two Years’ Duration Over Two Years’ Duration All Durations 5 (i.r— Itateof Sicknci under Two Years; 6-35143 (tir=Rate of Sioknesi over Two Y ears ) 6-03506 (s,i=Rate of Sicknes. for all Durations) 6-52247 26*04 12-57 38-61 5 6 6-34313 6 03506 6-51689 26-70 13-13 39-83 6 7 6-33488 6-03506 6-51138 27-30 13-69 40-99 7 8 6-32656 6-03506 6*50587 27-86 14-24 42-10 8 9 6-31804 6-03506 6-50023 28-37 14-79 43-16 9 10 6*30905 6-03506 6-49434 28-84 15 34 44-18 10 11 6*29929 6-03506 6-48800 29-23 15-91 4514 11 12 6-28847 603506 6-48102 29-54 16-48 46-02 12 13 6-27658 6-03506 6-47342 29-77 17-07 46-84 13 14 6-26366 6-03506 6*46526 29-93 17-68 47-61 14 15 6-24986 6-03506 6*45664 30-03 18-31 48-34 15 16 6-23537 6-03506 6-44770 30-08 18-97 49-05 16 ir 6-22032 6-03506 6*43852 30-10 19-65 49-75 17 18 6-20491 6-03506 6-42926 30-11 20-36 50-47 18 19 6-18942 6-03506 6-42010 30-13 21-11 51-24 19 20 6-17394 6-03506 6*41106 30-16 21-91 52-07 20 21 6-15850 6-03506 6*40219 30-22 22-75 52-97 21 22 6-14316 6-03506 6-39350 30-31 23-63 53-94 22 23 6-12795 6-03505 6-38500 30-44 24-58 55-02 23 24 6-11289 6-03499 6-37671 30-59 25-57 56-16 24 25 6-09804 6-03489 6-36864 30-77 26-60 57-37 25 26 6-08336 6-03473 6-36075 30-96 27-68 58-64 26 27 6-06882 6-03449 6-35302 31-16 28-79 59-95 27 28 6-05442 6-03415 6-34543 31-36 29-93 61-29 28 29 6-04015 6-03371 6-33797 3T56 31-09 62*65 29 30 6*02597 6-03314 6-33061 31-76 32-29 64-05 30 31 6-01189 6-03248 6-32334 31-97 33-53 65-50 31 32 5*99795 6-03172 6-31619 32-20 34-80 67-00 32 33 5-98417 6-03084 6-30916 32*44 36-11 68-55 33 34 5-97053 6-02983 6-30222 32-68 37-46 70-14 34 35 5*95699 6-02868 6-29534 32-94 38-85 71-79 35 36 5-94350 6 02733 6-28847 33-21 40-28 73-49 36 37 5*92998 6-02577 6-28153 33-48 41-75 75-23 37 38 5-91632 6-02395 6-27450 33-76 43*25 77-01 38 39 5*90247 6-02202 6-26737 34-03 44-81 78-84 39 40 • 5-88839 6-01987 6-26012 34-29 46*42 80-71 40 41 5-87402 6-01762 6-25276 34-55 48-08 82-63 . 41 42 5-85937 6-01525 6*24530 34-78 49-80 84-58 42 43 5 84443 6-01273 6-23771 35-01 51-58 86-59 43 44 5-82918 6-01006 6*23000 35-23 53-43 88-66 44 . 45 5-81357 6-00722 6-22213 35-45 55-37 90-82 45 46 5*79755 6*00426 6-21412 35-67 57-41 93-08 46 47 5-78106 6-00120 6-20596 35*88 59*56 95-44 47 48 5-76398 5-99815 6-19769 36-07 61-85 97-92 48 49 5*74625 5-99513 6-18930 36-23 64-26 100-49 49 50 5-72783 5-99213 6-18081 36-35 66-81 103-16 50 51 5-70870 5-98913 6-17220 36-43 69*49 105-92 51 52 5-68895 5-98609 6*16348 36*49 72-32 108-81 52 1 '93 WALES (MALES) 1856—1875. 3 per Cent. Log o* (l x v* s x + l x + 1 v * + ' *x + 1 + ) = Values of Sick Pay Allowance of 1 per Week for the Whole of Life = K, AGE Log K c u. AGE (*) <*> Under Two Years' Duration Over Two Years' Duration. All Durations Under Two Yoors’ Duration Over Two Y ears Duration All Durations Rate of Sickness under Two Tean) (4r»=Rate of Sickness over Two Years) («_,-= Rate of Sickness for all Durations) 63 5*66863 5-98297 6-15467 36-52 75-32 111-84 53 54 5-64776 5-97975 6-14577 36-57 78-53 115-10 51 65 5-62626 5-97645 6-13676 36-61 82-00 118-61 55 56 5-60389 5-97302 6-12757 36-64 85-71 122-35 56 57 5-58024 5-96934 6T1801 36-61 89-67 126*28 57 53 5-55489 5-96523 6-10785 36-48 93-85 130-33 58 59 5-52741 5-96050 6-09687 36-22 98-20 134-42 59 60 5-49750 5*95497 6-08490 35-81 102-68 138*49 60 61 5-46500 5-94345 6-07181 35-25 107-30 142-55 61 62 5-42983 5-94079 6-05750 34-56 112-07 146-63 62 63 5-39192 5-93182 6-04189 33-75 117-00 150-75 63 64 5-35109 5-92142 6-02485 32-84 122-11 154-95 64 65 5-30690 5-90931 6-00615 31-82 127-36 159-18 65 66 5-25881 5-89510 5-98537 30-66 132-68 163-34 66 67 5-20610 5-87836 5-96210 29-33 137-90 167-23 67 68 5-14779 5-85868 5-93590 27-81 142-89 170-70 68 69 5-08270 5-83569 5-90632 26-06 147-54 173-60 69 70 5-00928 5-80906 5-87298 24-06 151-72 175-78 70 71 4-92514 5-77858 5-83553 21-78 155-45 177-23 71 72 4-82642 5-74398 5-79355 19-20 158-76 177-96 72 73 4-70690 5-70498 5-74655 16-25 161-80 178-05 73 74 4-55548 5-66135 5-69411 12-91 164-68 177-59 74 75 4-34846 5-61305 5-63605 9-12 167-64 176-76 75 76 4-01140 5-56028 5-57238 4-83 170-93 175-76 76 77 5-50360 5-50360 174-79 174-79 77 78 5-42983 5-42983 173-79 173-79 78 79 5-35079 5-35079 172-56 172-56 79 80 5-26586 5-26586 170-31 170-81 80 81 5-17418 5-17418 168-22 168-22 81 82 5-07478 5-07478 164-69 164-69 82 83 4-96673 4-96673 160-24 160-24 83 84 4-84919 4-84919 155-01 155-01 84 85 4-72122 4-72122 149-04 149-04 85 86 4-58177 4-58177 142-41 142-41 86 87 4-42972 4*42972 135-13 135-13 87 83 4-26364 4-26364 127-15 127-15 88 89 4-08203 4-08203 118-52 118-52 89 90 3-88347 3-88347 109*41 109-41 90 91 3-66573 3-66573 99-80 99 30 91 92 3-42480 3-42480 89-61 89-61 92 93 3-15381 3-15381 79-31 79-31 93 94 2-84435 2-84435 69-33 69-33 94 95 2-48558 2-48558 59-93 59-93 95 96 2-06322 2-06322 51-31 51-31 96 97 1*55691 1-55691 43-55 43*55 97 93 0-93609 0-93609 36-70 36-70 98 99 0-14635 0-14635 30-67 30-67 99 100 1*05537 D05537 25*62 25*62 10U 0.200. N 2 — ' ' WALES (MALES) 1856— 1875 per Cent, .1} per Cent. TABLE OF ELEMENTARY MORTALITY VALUES, DEDUCED FROM THE MORTALITY EXPERIENCE OF WALES (MALES) 1856—1875, AUK (•O Log Dx Log N., ax Ax Px AGE (*) Log Dx Log Nx a.. Ax Px 5 4-93055 6-27912 22-314 •26614 •01141 53 4-05025 6-14420 12-415 •67773 -01306 6 4-91038 6-26012 22-374 ■26425 •01130 54 402785 5-10965 12-073 •58851 •04501 7 4-89143 6-24112 22-371 •26435 ■01131 55 4-00476 5-07412 11-732 •59924 •04707 8 4-87320 6-22212 22-332 •26558 •01139 56 3-98103 5-03755 11*890 •61000 ■04923 9 4-85564 6-20301 22-252 •26810 •01153 57 3-95668 4-99993 11-047 •62079 •05153 10 4-83859 6-18384 22-144 ■27149 ■01173 58 3-93176 4-96112 10-699 •63175 •05400 11 4-82191 6-16453 22-010 •27571 •01198 59 3-90630 4-92105 10-345 •64289 •05667 12 4-80548 6-14510 21-858 ■28050 •01227 60 3-88030 4-87959 9-984 •65425 •05956 13 4-78917 6-12555 21-696 •28660 •01259 61 385363 4-83662 9-616 •66584 ■06272 14 4-77288 6 10582 21-526 •29098 ■01292 62 3-82604 4-79203 9-247 •67745 •0661 1 IS 4-75659 6-08593 21-347 •29658 •01328 63 3-79732 4-74568 8-879 •68904 •06975 IS 4-74026 6-06588 21-165 •30231 •01364 64 3-76729 4-69745 8-515 •70049 •07362 17 4-72383 604568 20-982 •30808 •01402 65 3-73584 4-64721 8-154 •71186 •07776 18 4-70725 6-02526 20-797 •31389 ■01440 66 3-70283 4-59481 7-798 ■72306 •08219 19 4-69046 6-00471 20-618 •31953 •01478 67 3-66827 4-54007 7-444 •73420 •08695 20 4-67341 5-98396 20-443 •32504 •01515 68 3-63208 4-48277 7-091 •74532 •09211 21 4-05606 5-96305 20-276 •33029 ■01553 69 3-59415 4-42267 6-738 •75643 •09775 22 4-63836 5-94199 20-120 •33521 •01587 70 3-55433 4-35948 6-385 •76754 •10393 23 4-62033 5-92077 19-973 •33984 •01620 71 3-51225 4-29288 6-034 •77859 •11069 24 4-60205 5-89940 19-831 ■34430 •01653 72 3-46743 4-22259 5-691 •78939 •11798 25 4-58363 5-87789 19-691 •34871 ■01686 73 3-41915 4-14829 5-360 •79981 •12576 26 4-56520 5-85622 19-544 •35333 •01720 74 3-36680 4-06978 5-046 •80969 •13392 27 4-54685 5-83438 19-388 •35824 •01757 75 3-30971 3-98687 4-755 •81885 ■14228 28 4-62863 5-81235 19-219 •36357 •01798 76 3-24745 3-89950 4-488 •82725 •15074 29 4-51052 5-79012 19-037 •36929 •01843 77 3-18002 3-80758 4-242 •83500 •15929 30 4-49248 5-76766 18-844 •37537 •01892 78 3-10769 3-71090 4-011 •84227 •16808 31 4-47446 5-74497 18-643 •38170 •01943 79 3-03067 3-60917 3-789 *84926 •17733 32 4*45644 5-72202 18-432 •38834 •01998 80 2-94913 3-50195 3-571 •85612 ■18729 33 4-43842 5-69880 18-213 •39524 •02057 81 2-86303 3-38863 3-354 •86295 •19820 34 4-42041 5-67530 17-984 •40244 •02120 82 2-77177 3-26851 3-139 •86972 •21013 35 4-40240 5-65150 17-746 •40993 ■02187 83 2-67457 3 14082 2-926 •87643 •22324 36 4-38435 5-62737 17-499 •41771 •02258 84 2-57040 3-00484 2-719 •88294 •23711 37 4-36621 5-60288 17-245 •42570 •02333 85 2-45843 2-85962 2-519 •88923 •25269 38 4-34795 5-57803 16-986 •43385 •02412 86 2-33769 2-70431 2 326 ■89531 •26918 39 4-32956 5-55281 16-721 •44220 •02496 87 2-20738 2-53779 2140 •90116 •28699 40 4-31106 5-52718 16-448 •45079 •02584 88 2-06668 2-35866 1-959 •90686 •30647 41 4-29247 5-50111 16-167 •45963 •02677 89 1-91452 2-16507 1-781 •91246 •3281 1 42 4-27379 5-47460 15-879 •46870 •02776 90 1-74965 1*95450 1-603 •91807 •3527(1 43 4-25497 5-44758 15-582 •47805 •02883 91 1-57080 1-72289 1-419 •92386 •38192 44 4-23594 5-42004 15-279 •48758 •02995 92 1-37560 1-46365 1-225 *92996 ■4179c 45 4-21660 5-39198 14-975 •49715 •03112 93 1-15655 1-16862 1-028 •93616 •46162 46 4-19688 5-36333 14-671 •50673 •03234 94 0-90444 0-82733 0-837 •94217 47 4-17677 5-33411 14-366 •51632 •03360 95 0-60789 0-42575 0-657 •94783 48 4-15630 5-30428 14-06(1 •52596 •03492 96 0-25192 1-94406 0*492 ■95303 49 413558 5-27377 13-746 •53584 •03634 97 1-81575 1*35195 0-344 •95768 50 4-11465 5-24257 13-425 •54594 •03784 98 1-26828 2-59561 0-212 •96185 51 4*09350 5-21061 13-095 •55633 •03947 99 2*55542 3-54153 0-097 •96546 52 4-07208 5-17783 12757 •56697 •04122 100 3-54153 — 0-000 •96852 0.200 7 n 3 34 per Cent i i q6 WALES (MALES) 1856—1875. AGE (x) Log (/ v x x * • -| - l v x + ) — ^ + 1 X + 1 ' L «g K x Values of Sick Pay Allowance of 1 per Week for the Whole of Life = K* AGE (*) Under Two Year*’ Duration Over Two Years’ Duration All Durations 1 Under Two Years Duration | Over Two Years’ Duration All Durations 5 <»,=Itate of Sicknes under Two Years) 6*31700 (».r*=Rate of Sicknes over Two Years) 5*96186 i!(»j=Rate.of Sickliest for all Durations) 6*47680 24-35 10*75 35*10 5 8 6*30814 5-96186 6-46966 24*99 11*26 36*25 6 7 6*29933 5-96186 6*46361 25*58 11*76 37*34 7 8 6*29046 5*96186 6*45756 26-14 12*27 38*41 8 9 6*28137 5*96186 6-45139 26*65 12*77 39*42 9 10 6*27182 5*96186 6*44495 27-12 13*28 40-40 10 11 8*26145 5*96186 6*43802 27*51 13*80 41*31 11 12 6*24996 5-96186 6*43040 27*83 14*33 42*16 12 13 6*23732 5*96186 6*42211 28*06 14*88 42*94 13 14 6*22363 5*96186 6*41321 28*23 15*45 43*68 14 15 6*20901 5-96186 6*40381 28*34 16*04 44*38 15 16 6*19365 5*96186 6*39408 28*40 16*66 45*06 16 17 6-17774 5*96186 6*38410 28*44 17*30 ; * 45*74 17 18 6*16143 5*96186 6*37403 28*46 17*97 46*43 18 19 6-14504 5*96186 6*36406 28*48 18*68 47*16 19 20 6*12866 5*96186 6*35425 28*53 19*43 47*96 20 21 6*11234 5*96186 6*34462 28*59 20*22 48*81 21 22 6-09611 5*96186 6*33519 28*69 21*06 49*75 22 23 6-08005 5*96184 6*32599 28*82 21*95 50*77 23 24 6*06416 5*96178 6*31702 28*98 22*89 51-87 24 25 6*04848 5*96167 6*30828 29*16 23*88 53*04 25 26 6*03302 5*96149 6*29975 29*36 24-91 54*27 26 27 6*01770 5*96122 6*29140 29*57 25-96 55-53 27 28 6-00251 5*96084 6*28321 29-78 27*05 56*83 28 29 5*98750 5-96035 6-27516 29*99 28*17 5816 29 30 5-97258 5*95974 6*26724 30*21 29*33 59-54 30 31 5-95778 5*95901 6*25943 30*43 30*52 60*95 31 32 5*94315 5*95817 6*25175 30*67 31*75 62*42 32 33 5-92868 5*95721 6*24420 30*92 3302 63*94 33 34 5*91437 5-95611 6*23677 31*19 34*33 65-52 34 35 5*90019 5*95485 6*22941 31*46 35-68 67-14 35 36 5*88608 5*95339 6*22207 31*75 37*07 68*82 36 37 5*87193 5*95169 6*21467 32*04 38*50 70-54 37 38 5*85767 5*94976 6*20718 32*34 39*98 72-32 38 39 5*84323 5-94762 * 6*19958 32*63 41*50 74*13 39 40 5-82855 5*94532 6*19187 32*92 43*08 76*00 40 41 5*81359 5*94289 6*18407 33*20 44-71 77*91 41 42 5*79836 5*94034 6*17616 33*46 46-40 79*86 42 43 5*78284 5*93764 6*16813 33*72 48*16 81*88 43 44 5*76701 5*93479 6*15998 33*97 49-99 83*96 44 45 5*75083 5*93176 6*15168 34*22 51*90 86*12 45 46 5*73425 5-92859 6*14322 34*46 53*92 88*38 46 47 5*71719 5*92535 6*13466 34*71 56*05 90*76 47 48 5*69954 5*92211 6*12596 34*93 58*32 93*25 48 49 5*68125 5*91890 6*11716 35*13 60*72 95-85 49 50 5-66225 5-91574 6*10826 35*29 63*25 98*54 50 51 5*64256 5*91257 6*09925 35*40 65*93 101*33 61 52 5 62225 5*90937 6*09014 35*50 68*75 104*25 52 i 107 WALES (MALES) 1856—1875. 3^ per Cent. AGE <■0 Log 0 r ' , , x + 1 . . + / u-+C •L+1+ > Log K n x Values of Sick Pay Allowance of 1 per Week fl W the Whole of Life = K, AGE (*) Under Two Years’ Duration Orer Two Years' Duration All Durations Under Two Years’ Duration Over Two Years’ Duration All Durations (tr — Rate of Sickness (ij— Rate of Sickness (.< r =Rate of Sickness under Two Years) over Two Years) for all Durations) S3 5-60136 5-90608 6-08095 35-57 71-75 107-32 63 54 5-57996 5-90272 6-07168 35-65 74-97 110-62 54 55 5-55790 5-89926 6-06232 35-74 78-43 114-17 55 56 5*53502 5-89568 6-05278 35-81 82-16 117-97 56 67 5-51084 5-89184 6-04287 35-82 86-13 121-95 57 58 5-48494 5-88757 6-03236 35-74 90-33 126-07 58 59 5-45691 5-88266 6-02102 35-53 94-70 130-23 59 60 5-42643 5-87692 6-00868 35-17 99-23 134-40 60 61 539335 5-87019 5-99520 . 34-65 103-89 138-54 61 62 5*35759 5-86227 5-98049 34-01 108-70 142-71 62 63 5-31911 5-85304 5-96446 33-25 113-69 146-94 63 64 5-27768 5-84235 5-94700 32-39 118-86 151-25 64 65 5-23289 ’ 5-82992 5-92784 31-41 124-19 155-60 6J> 66 5-18421 5-81535 5-90660 30-30 129*57 159-87 66 67 5-13088 5*79822 5-88284 29-01 134-88 163-89 67 68 5-07199 5-77813 5-85600 27-54 139-97 167-51 68 69 5-00629 5-75167 5-82600 25-83 144-72 170-55 69 70 4-93227 5-72754 5-79208 23-87 149-01 172-88 . 70 ' 71 4-84754 5-69652 5-75403 21-64 152-85 174-49 71 72 4-74823 5-66136 5-71140 19-09 156-29 175-38 72 73 4-62811 5-62176 5-66374 16-18 159-45 175-63 73 74 4-47611 5-57750 5-61060 12-86 162-44 175-30 74 75 4-26851 5-52856 5-55179 9-10 165-52 174-62 75 76 3-93088 5-47515 5-48738 4-82 168-93 173*75 76 77 5-41782 5-41782 172-90 172-90 77 78 5-34327 5-34327 172-02 172-02 78 79 5-26345 5-26345 170-91 170-91 79 80 5 17771 5-17771 169-27 169-27 80 81 5-08522 5-08522 166-80 166-80 81 82 4-98500 4-98500 163-39 163-39 82 83 4-87614 4-87614 159-06 159-06 83 84 4-75776 4-75776 153-94 153-94 84 85 4-62894 4*62894 148-08 148-08 85 86 4-48864 4-48864 141-56 141-56 86 87 4-33572 4*33572 134-38 134-38 87 88 4-16876 4-16876 126-50 126*50 88 89 398628 3-98628 117-97 117-97 89 90 3-78684 3-78684 108-94 108-94 90 91 3-56821 3-56821 99-41 99-41 91 92 3-32640 3-32640 89-29 89-29 92 93 305454 3-05454 79-07 79-07 93 94 2-74415 2-74415 69-14 69-14 94 95 2-38448 2*38448 59-79 59-79 9fr 96 1-96118 1-96118 51-20 51-20 96 97 1-45394 1-45394 43-47 43-47 97 98 0-83220 0-83220 36-64 36-64 98 99 0-04147 0-04147 30-62 30-62 99 100 2-94956 2-94956 25-59 25-59 100 0.200. 7 N 4 ' '99 WALES (MALES) 1856— 1875. 3^ per Cent. 3£ per Cent. TAHLE OF ELEMENTARY MORTALITY VALUES, DEDUCED FROM THE MORTALITY EXPERIENCE OF WALES (MALES) 1856—1875. AUK U) Log D, Log Nx ax Ax Px AGE (x) Log Dx Log Nx a r A, Px 5 4-92530 6-25310 21-272 •24684 •01109 53 3-99458 5-07813 12-121 •55630 •04239 it 4-90408 6-23320 21-336 *24468 •01096 54 3-97113 5-04277 11-793 •56739 *04435 7 4-88408 6-21331 21-342 •24447 •01095 55 3-94699 5-00647 11-468 •57838 *04639 8 4-86480 6-19340 21-311 •24553 •01101 56 3-92221 4-96915 11-141 •58944 *04855 9 4-84619 6-17342 21-244 •24778 •01114 57 3-89681 4-93074 10-813 •60053 ■05084 10 4-82809 6-15336 21-148 •25104 •01133 58 3-87084 4-89115 10-479 •61182 •05330 11 4-81036 6-13316 21-028 •25509 •01158 59 3-84433 4-85030 10-138 •62336 *05597 IS 4-79288 6-11287 20-892 •25969 •01187 GO 3-81728 4-80806 9-790 •63512 *05886 13 4-77552 6-09244 20-745 •26466 •01217 61 378956 4-76431 9-435 >4712 *06201 14 4-75818 6-07185 20-591 •26987 •01250 62 3-76092 4-71893 9-078 •65920 •06541 15 4-74083 6-05108 20-429 •27534 •01285 63 3-73115 4-67179 8-723 *67120 •06903 16 4-72345 6-03015 20-263 •28096 •01321 64 3-70007 4-62277 8-370 •68314 ■07291 17 4-70597 6-00907 20-096 •28661 ■01359 65 3-66757 4-57174 8-020 *69498 •07705 18 4-68834 5-98780 19-928 ■29229 •01396 66 3-63351 4-51854 7-674 •70667 ■08147 19 4-67050 5-96637 19-764 •29783 ■01434 67 3-59790 4-46300 7-330 •71831 *08623 20 4-65240 5-94476 19-605 •30321 •01471 68 3*56066 4-40490 6-986 •72994 •09140 21 4-63400 5-92299 19-453 •30835 •01507 69 3-52168 4-34400 6-642 •74157 •09704 22 4-61525 5-90107 19-312 •31312 •01542 70 3-48081 4-27999 6-298 •75321 •10321 23 4-59617 5-87899 19-179 •31761 •01574 71 3-43768 4-21259 5-955 •76481 •10997 24 4-57684 5-85677 19*052 •32191 •01605 72 3-39180 4-14145 5-619 •77617 •11726 25 4-55737 5-83441 18-924 •32624 •01637 73 3-34247 4-06633 5-295 •78712 •12504 26 4-53789 5-81190 18-794 •33063 •01670 74 3-28907 3-98694 4-987 •79754 •13321 27 4-51849 5-78921 18-652 •33544 •01707 75 3-23093 3-90319 4-702 •80718 •14156 28 4-49922 5-76635 18-498 •34065 •01747 76 3-16762 3-81497 4-440 •81604 •15001 29 4-48006 5-74328 18-332 •34626 •01791 77 309914 3*72218 4-198 •82422 •15856 30 4-46097 5-71999 18-156 •35222 •01839 78 3-02576 3-62463 3-971 •83190 •16735 31 4-44190 5-69648 17-971 •35847 •01890 79 2-94769 3-52204 3-753 •83927 •17658 32 4-42283 5-67272 17-778 •36500 •01944 80 2-86510 3-41395 3-539 •84650 •18650 33 4-40376 5-64868 17-576 •37183 ■02001 81 2-77795 3-29977 3-325 *85374 •19740 34 4-38470 5-62436 17-364 •37899 •02064 82 2-68564 3*17878 3-113 •86091 ■20931 35 4-36564 5-59974 17-144 •38643 •02130 83 2-58739 3 05023 2-903 •86802 •22239 36 4-34654 5-57480 16-915 •39418 •02200 84 2-48218 2-91332 2-699 •87491 •23652 37 4-32735 5-54951 16-679 •40216 •02274 85 2-36916 2-76723 2-501 •88161 •25182 38 4-30804 5*52386 16-437 •41034 •02353 86 2-24737 2-61103 2-310 •88807 •26830 39 4-28860 5-49783 16-189 •41873 •02436 87 2-11601 2-44362 2-126 •89429 •28608 40 4-26905 5-47139 15-935 •42732 •02523 88 1-97426 2-26361 1-947 •90034 *30551 41 4*24941 5*44453 15-672 •43621 •02616 89 1-82105 2-06915 1-771 •90630 •32706 42 4-22968 541720 15-400 •44541 •02716 90 1-65513 1-85768 1-594 •91228 •35169 43 4-20981 5-38940 15-121 •45485 •02822 91 1-47523 1-62519 1-412 •91843 •38078 44 4-18972 5-36107 14-837 •46445 •02932 92 1-27898 1-36508 1-219 •92496 •41683 45 4-16933 5-33220 14-550 •47415 •03049 93 1-05888 1-06915 1-024 •93155 *46025 46 4-14856 5-30279 14-264 •48382 •03169 94 0-80572 0-72696 0-834 •93798 47 4-12740 5-27277 13-976 •19357 •03296 95 0-50812 0-32447 0-655 •94403 48 4-10588 5-242X4 13-685 •50340 •03428 96 0-15110 1*84186 0-491 ■94958 49 4-08411 5-21085 13-389 •51341 •03568 97 T 71388 1-24871 0-343 *95459 50 4-06213 5-17886 13084 •52372 •03719 98 F- 16536 2-49136 0-212 •95901 51 403993 5-14613 12-770 •53435 •03881 99 1-45145 3-43651 0 095 *96297 52 4-01746 5-11257 12-448 ■54524 •04054 100 3-43651 — o-ooo •96618 - u 0.200 / 1 ‘200 WALES (MALES) 1856—1875. 3J per Cent. AUK (*) Log ri (l x v x t c + l x + l‘ V * + l *x Log K + 1 + Values of Sick Pay Allowance of 1 per Week for the Whole of Life = K 3, AGE (X) Under Two Years' Duration Over Two Years’ Duration All Durations Under Two Years’ Duration Over Two Years’ Duration All Durations 5 (s. r =Rate of Sickness under Two Years.) G-28302 (jt r =Rjite of Sickness over Two Years.) 5-88921 (*, =llate of Sicknenh for all Durations.; 6-43076 22-82 9-20 32-02 5 o 6-27416 5 88921 6-42404 23-45 9*66 33-11 6 7 6-26477 5-88921 6-41742 2403 10-12 34-15 7 8 6-25534 5-88921 6-41080 24-58 10-58 35-16 8 9 6-24569 5-88921 6-40407 25-09 11-04 3613 9 10 6-23553 5-88921 6-39704 25-55 11-51 37-06 10 n 6-22453 5-88921 6-38949 25-95 11-99 37-94 11 12 6-21235 5-88921 6-38120 26-27 12-48 38-75 12 13 6-19899 5-88921 6-37218 26-51 12-99 39-50 13 14 6-18449 5-88921 6-36251 26-69 13-52 40-21 14 15 6-16903 5-88921 6-35231 26-80 14-07 40-87 15 16 6-15281 6-88921 6-34174 26-88 14-65 41*53 16 17 6-13596 5 88921 6-33091 26*92 15-25 42-17 17 18 6-11873 5-88921 6-31999 26-94 15-88 42*82 18 19 6-10144 5-88921 6-30919 26-97 16-55 43-52 19 20 6-08416 5-88921 6-29856 27-03 17-25 44-28 20 21 6-06693 5-88921 6-28813 27-10 18-00 45-10 21 22 6-04982 5-88921 ■ 6-27793 27-20 18-79 45-99 22 23 6-03287 5-88919 6-26797 27-33 19-64 46-97 23 24 6-01613 5-88912 6-25828 27-50 20-53 48-03 24 25 5-99961 5-88900 6-24885 27-69 21-46 49-15 25 26 5-98330 5-88880 6-23964 27-89 22-43 50-32 26 27 5-96718 5-88849 6-23064 28-10 23-44 51-54 27 28 5-95123 5 88807 6-22183 28-32 24-48 52-80 28 29 5-93543 5-8*753 6-21317 28-53 25-56 54-09 29 SO 5-91975 5-88686 6-20465 28-76 26-66 55*42 30 31 5-90422 5-88606 6-19627 29-00 27-81 56-81 31 32 5*88886 5-88514 6-18803 29-24 28-99 58-23 32 33 5-87369 5-88409 6*17995 29*51 30-22 59-73 33 34 5-85871 5-88289 6-17200 29-79 31-49 61-28 34 35 5-84 387 5-88152 6-16413 30-08 32-80 62*88 35 36 5-82912 5 87993 6-15630 30-38 34-15 64-53 36 37 5-81434 5-87809 6-14841 30-69 35-54 66-23 37 38 5-79945 5-87599 6-14044 31-00 36-98 67-98 38 39 5-78440 5-87369 6 13236 31-32 38-47 69*79 39 40 5-76910 5-87121 6-12418 31-63 40 01 71-64 40 41 5-75355 5-868CO 6-11590 31-93 41-61 73-54 41 42 5-73772 5-86586 6 10753 32-21 43-27 75-48 42 43 5-72160 5-86297 6-09904 32-49 45-00 77-49 43 44 5-70519 5-85991 6-09043 32-77 46*79 79-56 44 45 5-68843 5-85668 6-08168 33-05 48-68 81-73 45 46 5-67126 5 85331 6-07278 33-32 50-67 83-99 46 47 5-65362 5-84987 6-06376 33-59 52-78 86-37 47 48 5-63540 5-84642 6-05463 *3-85 5502 88-87 48 49 5-61653 5-84303 604641 34-07 57-40 91-47 49 50 5-59696 5-83968 603609 34-26 59-92 94-18 50 51 5-57669 6-83635 *■02668 34-42 62-58 97-00 51 52 5-55581 5-83297 6-01716 34*54 65-39 99*93 52 I JO I WALES (MALES) 1856—1875. 3J per Cent. AOE Log l'* Ox *.r 4* l x + 1 + 1 *.r + 1 + ) — Log K x Values of Sick 1’ay Allowance of 1 per Week for the Whole of Life = K, D* AOE U) w Under Two Years' Duration Over Two Years’ Duration All Durations Under Two Years' Duration Over Two Years’ Duration All Durations >.r-=Rnte o( Sickness under Two Years.) Kute of Sickness over Two Years.) (»r=Rnte of Sickness for all Durations.) 53 5-53436 5-82952 6-00758 34-66 68-38 103-04 53 54 5-51239 5-82600 5-99794 34-77 71-59 106-36 54 55 5-48980 5-82238 5-98821 34-90 75-06 109-96 55 56 5*46637 5 81863 5-97831 35-01 78-78 113-79 56 57 5-44166 5-81464 5-96805 35 06 82-76 117-82 57 58 5-41522 5-81020 5-95718 35-03 86-97 122-00 58 59 5-38663 5-80511 5-94546 34-86 91-37 126-23 59 60 5-35558 5-79917 5-93273 34-54 95-92 130-46 60 61 5-32191 5-79221 5-91886 34-07 100-61 134-68 61 62 5-28557 5-78405 5-90375 33-47 105-47 138-94 62 63 5-24648 5-77453 5-88729 32-76 110-50 143-26 63 64 5-20445 5*76354 5-86940 31-94 115-74 147-68 64 65 5-15907 5-75079 5-84979 31-01 121-12 152-13 65 66 5-10978 5-73587 5-82808 29*94 126-58 156-52 66 67 5-05588 5-71834 5*80383 28-71 131-96 160-67 67 68 4-99636 5-69782 5-77659 27-27 137-14 164-41 68 69 4-93008 5-67390 5-74592 25-61 141-98 167-59 69 70 4-85545 5*64626 5-71142 23-69 146-37 170-06 70 71 4-77012 5-61470 5*67275 21-50 150-32 171-82 71 72 4-67021 5-57896 5*62949 18-99 153-87 172-86 72 73 4-54949 5-53876 5*58114 1611 157-14 173-25 73 74 4-39690 5-49389 5-52731 12-82 160-27 173-09 74 75 4-18871 5-44429 5-46777 9-07 163-44 172-51 75 76 3-85052 5-39025 5-40259 4-82 166-97 171-79 76 77 5-33226 5-33226 171-05 171-05 77 78 5-25693 5-25693 170-28 170-28 78 79 5-17631 5-17631 169-29 169-29 79 80 5-08979 5-08979 167-76 167-76 80 81 4-99650 4-99650 165*41 165-41 81 82 ■ 4-89546 4-89546 162-11 162-11 82 83 4-78578 4-78578 157-90 157-90 83 84 4*66656 4*66656 152-89 152-89 84 85 4-53690 4-53690 147-14 14714 85 86 4-39575 4-39575 140-73 140-73 86 87 4-24197 4-24197 133-65 133-65 87 88 4-07414 4-07414 125-86 125-86 88 89 3-89077 3-89077 117-41 117-41 89 90 3-69044 3-69044 ’ 108-47 108-47 90 91 3-47092 3-47092 99-01 99-01 91 92, 3-22822 3-22822 88-97 88-97 92 93 2-95548 2*95548 78-81 78-81 93 94 2-64421 2-64421 68-94 68-94 94 95 2-28363 2-28363 59-64 59-64 95 96 1-85941 1-85941 51-09 51-09 96 97 * 1-35126 1-35126 43-39 43-39 97 98 0-72857 0-72857 36-58 36-58 98 99 1-93692 1*93692 30-58 30-58 99 100 2-84401 2-84401 25*56 25*56 100 0.200. 7 O 2 1 202 — — — * . . . per Cent WALES (MALES) 1H5G— 1875 3jJ per Cent. TABLE OF ELEMENTARY MORTALITY VALUES, DEDUCED FROM THE MORTALITY EXPERIENCE OF WALES (MALES) 1856—1875. AGE (• r ) Lob 1>x Lob Nx a * Ax Px AGE (*> Lob Dx Lob Hi a T Ax Px 5 4-92006 6-22778 20310 •22976 •01078 53 3-93905 5-01237 11-839 •53594 •04175 6 4-89779 6-20696 20-378 •22730 •01063 54 3-91455 4-97624 11-526 •54725 •04369 7 4-87674 6-18619 20-392 •22680 •01060 55 3-88936 4-93914 11-215 •55849 •04572 8 4'85642 6-16536 20-368 •22766 •01065 56 3-86354 4-90102 10-901 •56984 •04788 9 4-83676 6 14448 20-310 •22976 •01078 57 3-83709 4-86182 10-586 •58123 •05017 10 4-81761 6-12353 20-226 •23279 •01097 58 3-81007 4-82145 10-266 •59279 •05262 11 4-79883 6-10247 20-121 •23659 •01120 59 3-78251 4-77981 9-938 •60465 •05528 12 4-78030 6-08128 19-998 •24103 •01148 60 3-75441 4-73679 9-602 *61680 •05818 13 4-76189 6-05994 19-863 •24591 •01178 61 3-72565 4-69225 9-260 •62916 •06132 14 4-74351 6-03846 19-722 •25101 •01211 62 3-69596 4-64608 8-915 •64163 •06471 15 4-72512 6-01682 19-575 •25633 •01246 63 3-66514 4-59816 8-571 •65406 •06834 16 4-70669 5-99503 19-424 •26179 •01282 64 3-63301 4*54834 8-229 •66643 •07221 17 4-68816 5-97305 19-270 •26735 •01319 65 3-59946 4-49651 7-890 •67867 •07634 18 4-66948 5-95091 19-117 •27288 •01357 66 3-56435 4-44253 7-554 •69082 •08076 19 4-65060 5-92860 18-968 •27826 •01394 67 3-52770 4-38618 7-219 •70293 •08552 20 4-63145 6-90611 18-822 ■28354 •01430 68 3-48941 4-32728 6-885 •71500 •09068 21 4-61200 5-88347 18-684 •28853 ■01466 69 3-44938 4*26557 6*549 •72715 •09633 22 4-59220 5-86067 18-555 •29319 •01499 70 3-40746 4-20074 6-213 •73929 •10249 23 4-57207 5-83773 18-436 •29749 •01531 71 3-36328 4-13252 5-875 •75151 •10931 24 4-55170 5-81465 18-321 •30165 •01562 72 3-31637 4-06055 5-549 •76329 •11655 25 4-53118 5-79143 18-207 •30577 •01592 73 3-26599 3-98458 5-231 ■77478 •12434 26 4*51065 5-76806 18-089 •31004 •01624 74 3-21154 3-90437 4-930 •78566 ■13249 27 4-49020 5-74454 17-961 •31466 •01660 75 3-15235 3-81977 4-650 •79578 •14085 28 4-46988 5-72082 17-821 •31972 •01699 76 3-08799 3-73069 4-392 •80511 •14931 29 4-44967 5-69692 17-671 •32514 •01742 77 3-01847 3-63703 4-155 •81368 •15784 30 4-42954 5-67279 17-509 •33100 •01788 78 2-94404 3-53861 3-932 ■82174 •16662 31 4-40942 5*64844 17-339 •33715 •01838 79 2*86492 3-43516 3-717 *82951 •17585 32 4-38930 5-62385 17-161 •34357 •01892 80 2-78128 3-32619 3-507 ■83710 •18573 33 4-36918 5-59899 16-975 •35030 •01948 81 2-69308 3-21115 3-297 *84469 •19657 34 4-34907 5-57385 16-780 •35735 •02010 82 2*59972 3-08927 3-087 •85228 •20853 35 4-32897 5-54840 16-574 ■36480 •02076 83 2-50043 2-95984 2-880 *85976 •22159 36 4-30882 5-52264 16-361 •37249 •02146 84 2-39417 2-82205 2-678 •86706 •23574 37 4-28858 5-49653 16-145 •38030 ■02218 85 2-28010 2-67507 2483 •87411 •25096 38 4-26822 5-47007 15-917 *38854 •02297 86 2-15726 2-51799 2*295 •88090 •26735 39 4-24773 5-44323 15-686 •39689 •02379 87 2-02485 2*34970 2-113 •88748 •28509 40 4-22714 5*41599 15-447 •40553 •02466 88 1-88206 2-16879 1-935 •89392 •30457 41 4-20645 5-38831 15-201 •41442 •02558 89 1-72780 1-97343 1-761 • 90 O 20 *32604 42 4-18567 5-36020 14-946 •42363 ■02657 90 1-56083 1-76109 1-586 •90653 •35056 43 4-16475 5-33157 14-683 •43314 •02762 91 1*37988 1-52772 1-406 •91303 •37948 44 4-14362 5-30244 14-415 •44283 •02873 92 1-18258 1-26673 1-214 •91998 ■41553 45 4-12219 5-27279 14-145 *45259 •02988 93 0-96144 0-96991 1-020 ■92699 *45890 46 4-10037 5-24257 13-874 •46239 •03108 94 070723 0-62682 0-831 •93382 47 4-07816 5-21173 13-601 *47225 •03234 95 0-40858 0-22342 0-653 •94026 48 4-05559 5-18033 13-327 •48216 •03365 96 0-05051 1-73992 0-489 •94619 49 4-03277 5-14823 13-045 •49235 •03505 97 1*61224 1-14597 0-342 •95150 50 4-00974 511548 12-757 •50276 •03655 98 1-06268 2-38775 0-211 •95623 51 3-98650 5-08192 12-457 • 513 G 0 •03816 99 2-34772 3-33173 0-097 •96036 52 3-96298 5*04759 12-151 •52466 •03989 100 3-33173 o-ooo •96386 1 703 0.200 I* UK [x) 5 6 7 8 g 10 n 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ID 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 1 204 Cent. WALES (MALES) 1856—1875. *, + l x + l v * + l *x L°g + 1 + ) = Values of Sick Pay Allowance of 1 per Week for the Whole of Life = K* X AGE (*) Two Years’ luration Over Two Years’ Duration All Durations Under Two Years’ Duration Over Two Years’ Duration All Durations, itc of Sickness] Two Years.) [j_ r =Hate of .Sickness over Two Years.) *./•= Hate of Sickness for all Durations.) 6-25125 5-81714 6-38735 21-43 7-89 29-32 5 6-24120 5-81714 6-38003 22-05 8-31 30-36 6 6-23121 5-81714 6-37280 22-62 8-72 31-34 7 6-22121 5*81714 6-36560 23-16 9-14 32-30 8 6-21096 5-81714 6-35828 23-67 9-56 33-23 9 6-20019 5-81714 6-35064 24-13 9-99 34-12 10 618856 5-81714 6-34244 24-53 10-43 34-96 11 6-17569 5-81714 6-33345 24-85 10-89 35-74 12 6-16158 5-81714 6-32366 25-10 11-36 36-46 13 6*14625 5-81714 6-31319 25-28 11-85 37-13 14 6-12995 6-81714 6-30214 25-40 12-36 37-76 15 6-11281 5-81714 6-29070 25-48 12-90 38-38 16 6*09506 5-81714 6-27893 25-52 13-46 38-98 17 6-07690 5-81714 6-26717 25*55 14-05 39-60 18 6-05865 5-81714 6-25550 25-59 14-67 40-26 19 6-04044 5-81714 6*24401 25*64 15-34 40-98 20 6-02226 5-81714 6-23274 25-72 16-04 41-76 21 6-00428 5-81714 6-22173 25-83 16-79 42-62 22 5-98641 5-81712 6-21100 25-96 17-58 43-54 23 5-96879 5-81705 6-20055 26-13 18-42 44-55 24 5-95141 5*81691 6-19033 26*32 19-31 45*63 25 5-93425 5-81669 6-18047 26-52 20-23 46-75 26 5-91730 5-81635 6-17079 26-74 21-19 47-93 27 5-90054 5-81588 6-16131 26*96 22-18 4914 28 5-88395 5-81529 6-15201 27-18 23-21 50-39 29 5-86750 5-81455 6-14287 27-41 24-27 51*68 30 5-85121 5-81367 6-13389 27-66 25-37 53 03 31 5-83511 5-81267 6-12507 27-91 26-51 54-42 32 5 81923 5-81152 6-11643 28-19 27-69 55-38 33 5-80355 5-81021 6-10793 28-48 28*92 57-40 34 5-78803 5-80872 6-09953 28*78 30-18 58-96 35 5-77262 5-80699 6-09118 29*09 31-49 60-58 36 5-75720 5-80500 6-08279 29-42 32-84 62-26 37 5-74168 5-80275 6-07430 29-75 34-24 63*99 38 5-72599 5-80025 6-06574 30-08 35-69 65-77 39 5-71008 5-79757 6-05706 30-40 3719 67-59 40 5-69391 5-79477 6-04830 30-72 38-75 69*47 • 41 5-67746 5-79183 6-03943 31-03 40-38 7T41 42 5-66074 5-78874 6-03047 3T33 42-07 73-40 43 5-64373 5-78547 6-02140 31-63 43-84 75*47 44 5-62637 5-78203 6-01216 31-93 45-69 77-62 45 5-60861 5-77843 6-00280 32*23 47-65 79-88 46 5-59040 5-77478 6-99333 32-53 49-73 82-26 47 5-57158 5-77113 5*98375 32-81 5194 84-75 48 5-55213 5-76753 5-97408 33-06 54-30 87-36 49 5-53106 5*76400 5-96433 33-28 56-79 90-07 50 5-51112 5-76049 5*95449 33-47 59-43 92-90 51 5*48965 5-75694 5-94457 33-63 62-22 95-85 52 l 205 WALES (MALES) 1856—1875. 3jf per Cent. AGE (') Log r* (/, t" T + l X + 1 r ' + ' f <• + 1 + ) = Log K x i Values of Sick Pay Allowance of 1 per Week for the Whole of Life = D* AGE (x) Under Two Years' Duration Over Two Yours' Duration All Durations Under Two Years' Duration Over Two Years’ Duration All Durations (Jr— Kate of Sickness under Two Years.) 'jj— Rate of Sickness over Two Years.) (*r-*Rateof Sickness for all Durations.) 63 • 5*46704 5-75331 5-93458 33-77 65-20 98-97 53 54 544511 5*74962 5-92455 33-93 68-40 102-33 54 55 5-42197 5-74584 6-91445 34-09 71-86 105-95 55 56 5-39799 5-74194 5-90419 34-23 75-58 109-81 56 57 5-37273 5-73777 5-89356 34-33 79-56 113-89 57 5S 5-34575 5-73316 5-88232 34-33 83-77 118-10 58 59 5-31660 5-72787 6-87023 34-21 88-18 122-39 59 60 5-28497 5-72173 5-85712 33-93 92-75 126-68 60 61 5-25071 5-71454 5-84284 33-50 97-47 130-97 61 62 5-21378 5-70612 5-82730 32-95 102-37 135-32 62 63 5-17409 5-69633 5-81042 32-28 107-45 139-73 63 64 5-13146 5-68503 5-79208 31-51 112-72 144-23 64 65 5-08547 5-67195 5-77202 30-62 118-16 148-78 65 66 503559 5-65667 5-74984 29-60 123-69 153-29 66 67 4-98107 5-63875 5-72509 28-40 129-14 157-54 67 63 4-92095 5-61780 5-69733 27-01 134-40 161-41 68 69 4-85407 5-59340 5-66611 25-39 139-32 164-71 69 70 4-77883 5-56525 5-63103 23-52 143-81 167-33 70 71 4-69290 5-53315 5-59174 21-36 147-87 169-23 71 72 4-59240 5-49683 5-54784 18-88 151-52 170-40 72 73 4-47109 5-45603 5-49882 16-04 154-90 170-94 73 74 4-31790 5-41052 5-44427 12-78 158-12 170-90 74 75 4-10914 5-36029 5-38399 9-05 161-41 170-46 75 76 3-77037 5-30557 5-31806 4-81 165-03 169-84 76 77 5-24695 5-24695 169-23 169-23 77 78 5-17085 5-17085 168-58 168-58 78 79 5-08943 5-08943 167-70 167-70 79 80 5-00212 5-00212 166-28 166-28 80 81 4-90802 4-90802 164-04 164-04 81 82 4-80617 4-80617 160-86 160-86 82 83 4-69566 4-69566 156-76 156-76 83 84 4-57562 4-57562 151-86 151-86 84 85 4-44511 4-44511 146-22 146-22 85 86 4-30309 4-30309 139-90 139-90 86 87 4-14845 4-14845 132-92 132-92 87 88 3-97975 3-97975 125-22 125-22 88 89 3-79550 3-79550 116-87 116-87 89 90 3-59428 3-59428 108-01 108-01 90 91 3-37389 3-37389 98-63 98-63 91 92 3-13030 3T 3030 88-66 88-66 92 93 2-85666 2-85666 78-56 78-56 93 94 2-54449 2-54449 68-75 68-75 94 95 2-18301 2-18301 59-49 59-49 95 96 1-75789 1-75789 50-94 50-94 96 97 1-24881 1-24881 43-31 43-31 97 98 0-62519 0-62519 36-52 36-52 98 99 1-83258 1-83258 30-54 30-54 99 100 2-738J0 2-73870 25-53 25-53 100 7 0 4 0.200 . <• 9 ,, . ■ 4 pep Cent WALES (MALES) 1856—1875 4 |>cr Cent TABLE OF ELEMENTARY MORTALITY VALUES, DEDUCED FROM THE MORTALITY EXPERIENCE OF WALES (MALES) 18.'»0 — 1K75. AUK (*) Log D r Log N, a.r Ax P* 1 AGE — 1875. 4 per Cent. AGE Log ti (Ij. v r + *x + l»’ ,+ '*. + 1 + > = Values of Sick I’ny Allowance of 1 |8*r Week for the Whole of Life = AGE (*) (x) Under Two Years' Duration Over Two Years’ Duration All Durations Under Two Years’ Duration Over Two Years' Duration All Durations (»j— Rate of Siokness under Two Years.) [s r“"Hafce of Sickness over Two Years.) (* r=*Kufce of Sickness for all Durations.) 53 5*40117 5*67744 5*86195 32*93 62*20 95*13 53 64 5*37807 5*67357 5*85152 33*11 65*38 98-49 54 66 5'35438 5-66962 5*84103 33*30 08*82 102*12 55 66 6*32985 5*66554 5-83039 33*49 72*53 106*02 56 67 5*30404 5*66122 5-81939 33*62 76*51 110*13 57 68 5*27649 5*65642 5*80777 33*65 80*72 114*37 58 • 5!) 5*24677 5*66094 5*79530 33*57 85*13 118*70 59 60 5*21457 5*64459 5*78178 33*33 89*72 123*05 60 61 5*17972 5*63716 5*76710 32-95 94*47 127*42 61 62 5*14217 5-62848 5*75114 32*44 99*39 131*83 62 63 5*10188 5*61840 5*73382 31*81 104-50 136*31 63 G4 5*05865 5*60680 5*71504 31*08 109-82 140-90 64 65 5*01206 5*59339 5*69453 30*24 115*31 145-55 65 66 4*96158 5 57773 5*67186 29*26 120*88 150*14 66 67 4*90646 5-55942 5*64661 28*11 126*40 154-51 67 68 4-84574 5*53802 5-61832 26*76 131*73 158-49 68 69 4*77825 5*51314 5*58654 25*18 136*74 161*92 69 70 4*70240 5*48448 5-55088 23*34 141*31 164*65 70 71 4*61588 5*45183 5-51097 21*22 145*47 166*69 71 72 4*51477 5*41494 5*46642 18*78 149*22 168*00 72 1 73 4*39286 5*37354 5*41672 15*97 152*70 168-67 73 74 4*23907 5*32740 5*36146 12*73 156*03 168-7 6 74 75 4*02973 5-27652 5*30045 9*03 159*43 168*46 75 76 3*69041 5*22114 5*23375 4*81 163*15 167*96 76 77 5*16187 5*16187 167*45 167*45 77 78 5*08497 5*08497 166*90 166*90 78 79 5*00277 5*00277 166*12 166*12 79 80 4*91467 4*91467 164*82 164*82 80 81 4*81977 4*81977 162*69 162*69 81 82 ’ 4*71710 4*71710 159*62 159-62 82 83 4*60577 4*60577 155*63 155*63 «3 84 4*48488 4*48488 150*84 150*84 84 85 4*35352 4*35352 145*30 145*30 85 86 421066 4*21066 139*09 139-09 86 87 4*05515 4*05515 132*20 132*20 87 88 3*88558 3*88558 124*59 124-59 88 89 3*70044 3*70044 116*32 116*32 89 90 3*49834 3*49834 107*54 107-54 90 91 3*27706 3*27706 98-24 98*24 91 92 3*03260 3*03260 88*35 88*35 92 93 2-75808 2*75808 78*32 78*32 93 94 2*44503 2*44503 68-56 68*56 94 95 2*08264 2*08264 59*34 59*34 95 96 . 1*65661 1*65661 50*87 50*87 96 97 1*14659 1-14659 43*23 43*23 97 98 0*52203 0-52203 36*46 36*46 98 99 1*72844 1*72844 * 30*49 30*49 99 100 2*63366 :r63366 25*50 25-50 | 100 7 p 2 0.200 1210 — ' ' * 12 11 FEMALES, 1856 — 187.3. 2J per Cent. 2^ per Cent. TABLE OF ELEMENTARY MORTALITY VALUES, DEDUCED FROM THE MORTALITY EXPERIENCE OF FEMALES 1866—1875. AUK (*) Log Dr Log N.r <> e 4 (/,. v x «' (», Hate of Sickness under Two Years.) 6-43401 6-42698 6*41997 6-41290 G-405G7 6-39827 G-39062 G-38270 6-37446 6-36584 6-35681 6-34721 6-33700 6-32623 6-31498 6-30337 6-29148 6-27946 6-26738 6-25527 6-24311 6-23086 6-21848 6-20599 6T9335 6-18058 6-16764 6-15448 6-14110 6-12749 6T1364 6-09961 6-08536 6-07078 6-05572 6-04009 6-02379 6-00685 5-98952 5-97192 5-95424 5-93653 5-91880 5-90093 5-88283 5-86439 5-84554 5-82624 FEMALES, 1856 — 1875 . +**+l®* + \ Log K x + 1 + ) = Values of Sick Pay Allowance of 1 per Week for the Whole of Life = K, u/ AGE Or) Over Two Years’ Duration All Durations Under Two Years’ Duration Over Two Years’ Duration All Durations (s , dilute of Sickness (.<, -Rate of Sickness over Two Years.) for all Durations.) 6-16835 6*62222 30-74 16-67 47-41 5 6T6835 6-61767 31-45 17-34 48*79 6 6-18835 6-61317 32-09 J7-98 50-07 7 6*16835 6*60861 32 69 18-61 51-30 8 6*16835 6*60406 33-23 19-24 52-47 9 6-16835 6-59938 33-73 19-87 53*60 10 6-16835 6*59459 34-19 20-49 54*68 11 6-16835 6-58965 34-61 21-13 55*74 12 6-16835 6*58455 35*01 21-78 56*79 13 6*16835 6-57927 35*37 22-44 57-81 14 6*16835 6-57375 35-69 23-13 58-82 15 6-16835 6*56796 35-97 23-83 59-80 16 6-16835 6*56185 36-21 24*56 60-77 17 6-16835 6-55547 36-41 25-31 61-72 18 6-16835 6*54886 36*60 26-11 G2-71 19 6*16832 6-54210 36-78 26*95 63-73 20 6*16826 6-53526 36-97 27-84 64*81 21 6TG808 6-52836 37-17 28-76 65-93 22 6-16782 6*52148 37-38 29-72 67T0 23 6-16749 6-51463 37-59 30-71 68-30 24 6-16714 6-50782 37-81 31-74 G9-55 25 6-16673 6-50100 38-00 32-79 70-79 26 6*16631 6*49421 38-18 33-86 72-04 27 6-16584 6-48739 38-34 34-95 73-29 28 6-16527 6-48057 38-49 36-08 74-57 29 6-16456 6-47368 38-63 37-23 75-86 30 6-16376 6-46673 38-77 38-42 77-19 31 6T6280 6*45969 38*89 39-64 78-53 32 6-16173 6-45255 39-01 40-91 79-92 33 6"16056 6-44537 39-11 42-21 81-32 34 6*15936 6*43813 39-21 43-56 82-77 35 6-15806 6-43085 39*29 44-95 84-24 36 6-15664 6-42349 39-37 46-39 85*76 37 6-15512 6-41602 39-42 47-87 87-29 38 6T5339 6-40831 39*44 49-38 88-82 39 6-15137 6-40031 39-42 50-93 90-35 40 6-14907 6-39194 39-34 52-50 91-84 41 6-14641 6-38324 39-22 54-08 93*30 42 6-14333 6-37424 39-07 55*68 94*75 43 6-13985 6-36498 38-91 57-27 96*18 44 6*13596 6-35557 38-75 58-88 97-63 45 6-13175 6-34604 38*59 60-50 99*09 46 6-12720 6-33642 38-45 6212 100-57 47 6-12245 6*32668 38-29 63-77 102*06 48 6*11754 6-31687 38-12 65*44 103*56 49 6*11250 6-30696 37-91 67*12 105*03 50 6-10741 6*29695 37-6G 68*82 106*48 51 6-10223 6-28684 37-37 70*55 107-92 52 *213 FEMALES, 18.00— 187/5. 2.J per Cent. AGE Log r* (/ r v" », + L + 1 + 1 *r Log K x + 1 + > = Values of Sick Pay Allowance of 1 per Week for the Whole of Life = K r U.r AGE (*) (■ c ) Under Two Yenrs' Duration Over Two Years’ Duration All Durations Under Two Years' Duration Over Two Years’ Duration All Durations (.« , llato of Sickness under Two Years.) Rate of Sickness over Two Years.) (.« r =Kato of Sickness tor nil Durations.) 63 5*80638 6-09708 6-27665 37-05 72-35 109-40 53 54 5-78584 6-09198 6*26640 36-69 71-25 110-91 54 55 5-76443 6-08707 6-25607 36-31 76-33 112-64 55 66 5-74197 608228 6-24566 35-90 78-60 114-50 56 57 • 5-71830 6-07762 6-23515 35-46 ftl-12 116-58 57 58 5-69333 6-07306 6-22446 35-00 83-90 118-90 58 59 5-66703 6-06837 6-21354 34-50 86-92 121-42 59 60 5-63925 6-06333 6-20216 33-95 90-14 124-09 60 61 5-60965 6-05748 6-18991 33-32 93-15 126-77 61 62 5-57763 6-05011 6-17621 32-57 96-67 129-24 62 63 5-54246 6-04056 6-16035 31-64 99-62 131-26 63 64 5-50329 6-02804 6-14154 30-51 102-15 132-66 64 65 5-45950 6-01191 6-11919 29-19 104-14 133-33 65 66 5-41081 5-99172 6-09293 27-71 105-56 133-27 66 67 5-35729 5-96736 6-06269 26-12 106-44 132-56 67 68 5-29909 5-93897 6-02857 24-50 106-91 131-41 68 69 5-23623 5-90694 5-99096 22-86 107-11 129-97 69 70 5-16791 5-87185 5-95021 21-20 107-23 128-43 70 71 5-09174 5-83441 5-90662 19-43 107-43 126-86 71 72 5-00376 5-79539 5-86043 17-44 107-92 125-36 72 73 4-89710 5-75544 5-81180 15-09 108-88 123-97 73 74 4-76023 5-71513 5-76082 12-26 110-49 122-75 74 75 4-56896 5-67485 5-70761 8-85 112-95 121-80 75 76 4-24925 5-63469 5-65221 4-79 116-44 121-23 76 77 5-59450 5-59450 121-14 121-14 77 78 5-53425 5-53425 121-60 121-60 78 79 5-47091 5-47091 122-60 122-60 79 80 5-40346 5-40346 123-98 12398 80 81 5-33033 5-33033 125-44 125-44 81 82 5-24976 5-24976 126-61 126-61 82 83 5-16014 5-16014 127-16 127-16 83 84 5-06028 5-06028 126-89 126-89 84 85 4-94911 4-94911 125-71 125-71 85 86 4-82565 4-82565 123-59 123-59 86 87 4-68862 4-68862 120-43 120-43 87 88 4-53695 4*53695 116-23 116-23 88 89 4-36910 4-36910 110-99 110-99 89 90 4-18307 4-18307 104-69 104-69 90 91 3-97604 3-97604 97-17 97-17 91 92 3-74398 3-74398 88-42 88-42 92 93 3-48040 3-48040 79-09 79-09 93 94 3-17676 3-17676 69-60 69-60 94 95 2-82170 2-82170 60-29 60-29 95 96 2-40150 2-40150 51-56 51-56 96 97 1-89745 1-89745 43-73 43-73 97 98 1-27887 1-27887 36-82 36-82 98 99 0-49103 0-49103 30-76 30-76 99 100 1-40200 1*40200 25-68 25-68 100 0.200 7 p 4 FEMALES, 1856—1875 2 \ per Cent. per Cent. TABLE OF ELEMENTARY MORTALITY VALUES, DEDUCED FROM THE MORTALITY EXPERIENCE OF FEMALES 1856— 1875. AGE (*) Lott D r Lor Nr a r Ar Pr AGE O') Lor l).r U)g N r ax Ar Pr 5 494109 6-34062 25-092 •30168 •01156 53 4-18156 5-32556 13-932 •80036 •01021 6 4-92303 6-32371 25-158 •29990 •01146 54 4-18413 5-29453 13-502 •61187 •04219 7 4-90619 6-30677 25-162 •30007 •01118 55 4-14621 5*26250 13-070 -62343 •04431 8 4-89007 6-28981 25-104 •30135 •01155 56 4 12762 5-22945 12-642 •63489 •04654 0 4-87461 6-27277 25-013 •30379 •01168 57 4-10822 5-19529 12-220 •64618 •04888 10 4-85967 6-25566 24-888 •30715 •01186 58 4-08794 5-15996 11-804 ■65731 •05134 11 4-84510 6-23845 24-737 •31117 •01209 59 4-06683 5-12343 11-392 •66834 •05394 12 4-83078 6-22113 24-567 •31572 •01235 60 4-04492 5-08558 10-981 •67934 •05670 13 4-81658 6-20369 24-384 •32062 •01263 61 1-02236 5-04630 10-567 •69042 •05069 14 4*80245 6-18608 24-190 •32582 •01293 62 3-99925 5-00548 10144 •70174 •06297 15 4-78838 6-16835 23-987 •33125 •01326 63 3-97557 4*96292 9-713 •71328 •06658 16 4*77434 6-15045 23-774 •33695 •01360 64 3-95111 4-91846 9-276 •72497 •07055 17 4-76023 6-13239 23-559 •34271 •01395 65 3*92551 4-87191 8-839 •73667 •07487 18 4-74596 6-11418 23-346 ■34840 •01431 66 3-89840 4-82310 8-408 •74820 •07953 19 4-73143 6-09580 23-140 •35392 •01466 67 3-86937 4-77188 7-989 •75942 •08448 20 4-71658 6-07730 22-947 •35908 •01500 68 3-83803 4-71811 7-587 •77018 •08969 21 4-70143 6-05862 22-761 •36406 •01532 69 3-80409 4-66166 7-204 •78043 •09513 22 4-68603 6 03981 22-583 •36883 •01564 70 3-76747 4-60239 6-838 •79022 ■10082 23 4-67044 6-02082 22-407 ■37353 •01596 71 3-72815 4-54010 6-486 ■79965 •10682 24 4-65477 6-00173 22-231 •37824 •01628 72 3-68610 4-47462 6-145 •80878 •11319 25 4 63910 5*98246 22-048 •38314 •01662 73 3-64127 4-40570 5-813 •81766 •12002 26 4-62353 5-96302 21*852 •38839 •01700 74 3-59352 4-33300 5-489 •82633 •12734 27 4*60808 5-94341 21-644 •39395 •01740 75 3-54263 4-25624 5171 •83484 •13528 28 4-59272 5-92359 21-422 •39990 *01784 76 3-48818 4-17502 4-862 •84311 •14382 29 4-57736 5-90357 21-194 •40600 •01829 77 3-42975 4-08895 4-563 •85111 •15299 30 4-56193 5-88333 20-960 •41226 •01877 78 3-36681 3-99763 4-274 •85884 •16285 31 4*54639 5*86286 20-724 •41858 •01927 79 3-29886 3-90067 3-998 •86623 •17332 ' 32 4-53076 5-84216 20-483 •42503 •01978 80 3-22546 3-79761 3-734 •87330 •18447 33 4-51503 5-82122 20-239 •43156 •02032 81 3-14619 3-68796 3-482 *88005 •19635 34 4*49920 5-80002 19-990 •43822 •02088 82 3*06055 3-57115 3-240 •88652 •20909 35 4*48327 5-77855 19-737 *44499 •02146 83 2-96798 3-44658 3-010 •89268 ■22261 36 4-46723 5-75681 19-480 •45187 *02206 84 2-86798 3-31353 2-790 •89856 •23709 37 4-45110 5-73478 19-217 *45891 •02270 85 2-75982 3-17120 2-579 •90421 •25265 38 4-43487 5-71245 18-949 *46609 •02336 86 2-64268 3-01870 2-377 •90962 •26936 39 4-41854 5-68979 18-675 •47342 *02406 87 2-51584 2*85493 2-183 •91481 •28740 40 4-40211 5-66680 18-395 •48092 •02479 ■ 88 2-37853 2-67847 1-995 •91985 •30713 41 4-38556 5*64345 18-109 •48857 •02556 89 2-22966 2-48751 1-811 •92476 •32898 42 4-36892 5-61974 17-816 •49641 •02638 90 2-06797 2-27948 1-628 •92966 •35375 43 4-35218 5*59563 17-517 •50441 •02724 91 1-89225 2-05034 1-439 •93473 •38324 44 4-33534 5-57110 17*209 •51266 *02815 92 1-70008 1-79353 1-240 •94005 •41966 45 4-31840 5*54612 16-893 •52111 *02912 93 1-48397 1*50085 1-040 •94540 •46343 46 4-30136 5-52067 16-570 •52976 •03015 94 1*23472 1-16188 0*846 •95059 47 4-28421 5-49471 16-237 •53867 •03125 95 0-94094 0-76257 0-663 •95549 48 4*26702 ! 5-46821 15*892 •54791 •03243 90 0*58764 0-28310 0-496 •95996 49 4-24984 5-44111 15-534 •55748 •03372 97 0-15404 ¥"69321 0-346 •96397 50 4-23274 1 5-41337 15-158 •56754 •03513 98 1-60913 ■2-93872 0-214 •96750 51 4-21572 5-38491 14-764 •57809 •03667 99 ¥-89838 ¥-88660 0-097 •97064 52 4-19870 5-35566 14-354 •58906 •03836 100 T-88660 — 0-000 •97324 7Q 0.200 -i per Cent 1 2 I f> FEMALES, 1856 1875. AGE (a?) Log r 1 (7 r v r * T + ** + l«* +1 **+l + ) = Log K Values of Sick Pay Allowance of 1 per Week for the Whole of Life= K. r AUE (x) Under Two Years' Duration Over, Two Yearn’ | Duration All Durations Under Two Years’ 1 Duration Over Two Years’ Duration All Durations < 5 a,. Hate of Sickness i under Two Years.) 6*39629 H r Hate of Sickness ( over Two Years.) 6*09653 »r Hate of Sickness for all Durations.) 6*57281 28*52 14*30 42-82 5 6 6*38872 6-09653 6*56778 29-22 14*91 44*13 6 7 6*38117 6*09653 6*56280 29-85 15*50 45*35 7 8 | 6*37357 6-09653 6*55781 30*44 16*09 46*53 8 9 6-36584 6*09653 6*55277 30*99 16*67 47*66 9 10 6*35790 6-09653 6*54761 31*49 17*25 48-74 10 11 6*34970 6*09653 6*54235 31*96 17*84 49*80 11 12 6*34124 6-09653 6*53692 32*39 18*44 50*83 12 13 6-33244 6-09653 6*53134 32-80 19*05 51*85 13 14 6*32325 6*09653 6*52556 33*17 19*68 52*85 14 15 6*31361 6-09653 6*51954 33*51 20*33 53*84 15 16 6*30341 6-09653 6*51320 33*81 21*00 54*81 16 ir 6*29257 6-09653 6*50655 34*07 21*69 55*76 17 18 6*28112 6-09653 6*49959 34*29 22*42 56*71 18 19 6*26916 6*09653 6*49241 34*49 23*18 57*67 19 20 6*25686 6*09649 6*48507 34*70 23*98 58*68 20 21 6*24425 6*09642 6*47763 34*90 24*83 59*73 21 22 6*23152 6*09621 6*47016 35*11 25*72 60*83 22 23 6*21875 6*09594 6*46270 35*34 26*64 61*98 23 21 6*20593 6*09559 6*45529 35-58 27*59 63*17 24 25 6*19310 6*09517 6*44793 35*81 28*58 64*39 25 26 6T8018 6*09472 6-44058 36*03 29-59 65*62 26 27 6*16714 6*09426 6*43326 36*23 30*63 66*86 27 28 6*15397 6*09374 6*42591 36*41 31*70 68*11 28 29 6*14067 6*09311 6*41857 36*59 32*79 69*38 29 30 6*12723 6*09233 6*41117 36*75 33*92 70*67 30 31 6*11364 6*09146 6*40372 36-92 35*08 72*00 31 32 6-09985 6-09040 6*39616 37*08 36*28 73*36 32 33 6*08579 6*08920 6*38855 37*22 37*51 74*73 33 34 6*07155 6*08796 6*38086 37*35 38*79 76*14 34 35 6*05706 6*08664 6*37313 37*48 40*12 77*60 35 36 6*04238 6*08522 6*36538 37*60 41*49 79*09 36 37 6*02751 6*08372 6*35755 37*71 42*92 80*63 37 38 6*01229 6*08207 6*34961 37*79 44*38 82*17 38 39 5*99659 6*08019 6*34141 37*85 45-88 83*73 39 40 5-98029 6*07802 6*33294 37*86 47*41 85*27 40 41 5*96333 6-07555 6*32408 37*82 48*98 86*80 41 42 5-94575 6*07269 6*31488 37*74 50-56 88*30 1 42 43 5*92773 6*06941 6*30537 37*63 5*2*15 89*78 43 44 5*90947 6*06573 6*29561 37*51 53*75 91*26 44 45 5-89114 6*06160 6-28569 37*39 55*36 92*75 45 46 5*87280 6*05710 6*27568 37*28 56*98 94*26 46 47 5-85445 6-05227 6-26555 37*17 58-62 95*79 47 48 5-83598 6*04724 6*25537 37*07 60-29 97*36 48 49 5-81728 6*04206 6-24507 36*94 61*98 98-92 49 50 5*79826 6*03675 6-23469 36*77 63-08 100*45 50 51 5*77885 6*03137 6-22425 36*57 65*41 101*98 51 52 5*75897 6*02592 6*21368 36*33 67*18 103*51 52 FEMALE!*, 1 8/56 — 1875 per Cent, AGE (■*•) 1 Log «* (/ r v* * c + l x + 1 r ‘ + ' *.<• + 1 + ) — Log K x Values of Sick fay Allowance of 1 per Week for the Whole of Life= K.c l>7 AGE (*) Under Two Years' Duration Over Two Y ears’ Duration All Durations Under Two Years' 1 Duration Over Two Years’ Duration All Durations l Sj~-Rate of Siokncsa (Sr=Itate of Sickness 's ,-— Rate of Sickness under Two Years.) over Two Years.) for all Durations.) 53 5-73856 6-02053 6-20306 36-06 69-02 105-08 53 54 5-71748 6*01519 6T9240 35-76 70-97 106-73 54 55 5*69552 6-01005 6-18167 35-43 73-09 108-52 55 sc 5-67250 6-00505 6-17088 35-07 75-41 110-48 56 57 5-64829 6-00022 6*15999 34-68 77-98 112-66 57 53 5-62277 5-99546 6-14894 34-26 80-82 115-08 58 59 5-59593 5-99062 6-13767 33-81 83-91 117-72 59 CO 5-56760 5-98540 6*12594 33-32 87*19 120-51 60 G1 5-53745 5-97933 6-11334 32-74 90-57 123-31 61 62 5-50488 5-97175 6-09927 3204 93-86 125-90 62 G3 6-46916 5-96191 6-08300 31-16 96-90 128-06 63 64 5-42940 5-94904 6-06375 30*08 99-53 129-61 64 65 5*38500 5-93249 6 04088 28-81 101-62 130-43 65 66 5*33569 5-91184 6-01406 27-37 103*14 130-51 66 67 5-28153 5-88692 5-98317 25-83 104-12 129*95 67 63 5-22273 5-85792 5-94840 24-25 104-69 128-94 68 69 5-15927 5-82522 5*91009 22-66 104-99 127-65 69 70 5-09034 5*78944 5-86860 21-03 105-19 126-22 70 71 5-01360 5-75129 5-82426 19-30 105-47 124-77 71 72 4*92504 5-71156 5-77732 17-34 106-04 123-38 72 73 4-81783 5-67092 5-72792 15-02 107-07 122-09 73 74 4-68040 5-62994 5-67617 12-22 108-75 120-97 74 75 4-48856 5-58903 5-62219 8-83 111-28 120-11 75 76 4-16829 5-54830 5-56604 4*79 114-85 119-64 76 77 5-50757 5-50757 119-62 119-62 77 78 5-44660 5-44660 120-17 120-17 78 79 5-38252 5-38252 121-24 121-24 79 80 5-31433 5-31433 122-71 122-71 80 81 5*24050 5-24050 124-25 124*25 81 82 5-15918 515918 125-50 125-50 82 83 5-06878 5-06878 126-12 126-12 83 84 4-96813 4-96813 125-94 125-94 84 85 4-85617 4-85617 124-84 124-84 85 86 4-73190 4-73190 122-81 122-81 86 87 4-59403 4-59403 119-73 119-73 87 88 4-44150 4-44150 115*60 115-60 88 89 4-27279 4*27279 110-44 110-44 89 90 4-08590 4-08590 104-21 104-21 90 91 3-87800 3-87800 96*77 96*77 91 92 3-64507 3-64507 88-10 88-10 92 93 3-38061 3*38061 78-82 78-82 93 94 . 3*07606 3-07606 69-40 69-40 94 95 2-72010 2-72010 60-14 60-14 95 96 2*29898 2*29898 51-45 51-45 96 97 1-79400 1-79400 43-65 43*65 97 98 1-17450 1-17450 36-76 36-76 98 j 99 0-38570 0*38570 30-71 30-71 99 100 1-29568 "I-29568 25-65 25*65 100 wi8 — 3 per Cent FEMALES, 1850—1875 3 per Cent. TABLE OF ELEMENTARY MORTALITY VALUES, DEDUCED FROM THE MORTALITY EXPERIENCE OF FEMALES 1850—1875. AOE (*) Log Dx Log Nx a s Ax Px AOE (*) Log Dx Log Nx a x Ax Px 5 4-93581 6-31262 23-813 •27729 •01117 S3 4-12563 5-25862 13-680 •57634 •03946 6 4-91670 6-29480 23-884 •27522 •01106 54 4-10714 5-22673 13-170 •58728 •04145 7 4-89880 6-27699 23-889 •27507 •01105 56 4-08816 5-19396 12-759 •59925 •04356 8 4-88162 6-25916 23-853 •27612 •01111 56 4-06852 5-16014 12-349 •61120 *04579 9 4-86512 6-24127 23-777 •27834 •01124 57 4-04806 5-12522 11-944 •62299 •04813 10 4-84912 6-22329 23-668 •28151 •01141 58 4-02673 5-08916 11-546 •63459 •05058 11 4-83349 6-20523 23-536 •28536 •01163 59 4-00456 5-05185 11-150 •64612 •05318 12 4-81811 6-18704 23-885 •28975 •01188 j 60 3-98160 5-01322 10-755 •65762 •05594 13 4-80286 6-16873 23220 •29456 •01216 61 3-95798 4-97321 10-357 •66922 •05892 14 4-78768 6-15027 23-046 •29964 ■01246 62 3-93381 4-93161 9-950 •68107 •06220 IS 4-77255 6-13168 22-863 •30496 •01278 63 3-90908 4-88829 9-533 •69321 •06581 16 4-75745 6-11294 22-672 •31052 •01312 64 3-88357 4-84305 9-109 •70556 •06980 17 4-74229 6-09405 22-478 •31618 •01346 65 3-85691 4-79573 8-686 •71789 •07411 18 4-72696 6-07496 22-284 •32182 •01382 66 3-82874 4-74614 8-268 •73006 •07877 19 4-71137 6-05576 22-100 •32718 •01416 67 3-79866 4-69413 7-861 •74191 •08373 20 4-69548 6-03639 21-924 •33231 •01450 68 3-76626 4-63957 7-470 •75330 •08894 21 4-67927 6-01687 21-757 •33718 •01482 69 3-73127 4-58231 7-096 •76420 •09439 22 4-66281 5-99721 21-597 •34184 •01513 70 3-69359 4-52224 6-740 •77456 •10007 23 4-64616 5-97741 21-441 •34638 •01544 71 3-65322 4-45915 6-396 •78459 •10608 24 4-62944 5-95747 21-283 •35098 •01575 72 3-61011 4-39286 6-064 •79425 •11244 25 4-61272 5-93738 21-118 ■35579 •01608 73 3-56422 4-32311 5*740 •80369 •11924 26 4-59609 5-91712 20-943 •36088 •01644 74 3-51543 4-24959 5-422 •81295 •12659 27 4-57959 5-89668 20-753 •36641 •01684 75 3-46348 4-17199 5-111 •82201 •13451 28 4-56317 * 5-87605 20-553 •37224 •01727 76 3-40797 4-08994 4-808 •83084 •14305 29 4-54675 5-85521 20-345 •37830 •01772 77 3-34848 4-00303 4-514 •83939 •15223 30 4-53026 5-83415 20-132 •38450 •01820 78 3-28449 3-91086 4-230 •84767 •16208 • 31 4-51368 5-81288 19-916 •39080 •01869 79 3-21548 3-81305 3*959 •85556 •17253 32 4-49699 5-79137 19-696 •39721 •01919 80 3-14103 3-70913 3-699 •86314 •18369 33 4-48020 5-76962 19-472 •40373 •01972 81 3-06070 3-59860 3-451 •87036 •19554 34 4-46331 5-74762 19-245 •41034 •02027 82 2-97401 3-48093 3-213 •87729 •20823 35 4-44633 5-72536 19-012 •41712 •02084 83 2-88038 3-35549 2-986 •88391 •22175 36 4-42924 5-70283 18-775 •42402 •02144 84 2-77932 3-22154 2-768 •89025 •23627 37 4-41205 5-68000 18-533 •43108 •02207 ' 85 2-67012 3-07835 2-560 ■89631 •25177 38 4-39477 5-65687 18-285 •43830 •02272 i 86 2-55192 2*92494 2-361 •90211 •26840 39 4-3/738 5-63344 18-033 •44564 •02341 87 2-42402 2-76028 2-169 •90770 •28643 40 4-35989 5-60967 17-774 •45318 •02414 88 2-28565 2-58294 1-983 •91311 •30611 41 4-34229 5-58554 17-509 •46090 •02490 89 2 13573 2-39108 1-800 •91845 •32802 42 4-32460 5-56105 17-237 -46883 •02571 90 1-97298 2-18219 1-619 ■92372 •35270 43 4-30680 5-53617 16-958 •47695 •02656 91 1-79621 1-95215 1-432 •92916 •38206 44 4-28890 5-51087 16-671 •48531 •02747 92 1-60299 1-69445 1-234 •93493 •41851 45 4-27090 5-48514 16-377 •49388 ■02842 93 1-38582 1-40088 1-035 •94072 •46228 46 4-25281 5-45891 16-073 •50273 •02945 1 94 1-13551 1-06100 0-842 •94635 47 4-23461 5-43220 15-761 •51181 •03054 95 0-84067 0-66079 0-661 •95162 48 4-21636 5-40494 15-438 •52123 •03171 96 0-48633 0-18038 0-494 •95648 49 4-19813 5-37709 15-099 •53110 ■03299 97 0-05167 1-58950 0-345 •96082 50 4-17997 5*34860 14-745 •54140 •03439 98 1-50570 2-83378 0-213 •96467 51 4-16189 5-31938 14-371 •55230 •03593 99 1-79389 1-78106 0-096 •96808 52 4-14382 5-28937 13-981 •56366 •03763 100 378106 - o-ooo •97087 0.200 7 Q 3 »i Ad] K 1.* {l x V* M x + l x + 1 «* + 1 » s + 1 + ) = Lon K r Values of Sick Pay Allowance of t per Week for the Whole of Lifc= K x T>7 AGE (<*> (*) Under Two Years' Duration Over Two Years’ Duration All Durations Under Two Years Duration Over Two Years’ Duration All Durations (S.r=Knteof Sickness under Two years.) (Sr— -Rate of Slokncssf s. r — Bntoof Sickness ovor Two Years.) for all Durations. ) S3 5-67102 5-91434 6-12985 35-11 65-87 100-98 53 54 5-64938 5-93876 6-11876 34-85 67-86 102-71 54 55 5-62686 5-93336 6-10765 34-57 70-02 104-59 55 56 5-60331 5-92816 6-09646 34-26 72-38 106-64 56 57 5-57852 5-92314 6-08518 33-92 75-00 108-92 57 58 5-55245 5-91819 6-07376 33*55 77-89 111-44 58 » 5-52506 5-91317 606213 3315 81-02 11417 59 60 5-49618 5-90777 6-05003 32-70 84-37 117-07 60 61 5-46549 5-90150 6-03711 32-17 87-81 119-98 61 63 5-43236 5-89370 6-02263 31-52 91-18 122-70 62 63 5-39606 5-88358 6-00595 30-69 94-30 124-99 63 64 5-35572 5-87037 5-98623 29-66 97-01 126-67 64 65 5-31072 5-85340 5-96285 28-43 99-20 127-63 65 66 5-26079 5-83225 5-93546 27-04 100-81 127-85 66 67 5-20600 5-80678 5-90394 25-55 101-89 127-44 67 68 5-14656 5-77715 5-86850 24-01 102-54 126-55 68 69 5-08249 5-74378 5-82948 22-45 102-92 125-37 69 70 •5*01297 5-70730 5-78726 20-86 103-21 124-07 70 71 4-93566 5-66844 5-74217 1916 103-57 122-73 71 72 4-84654 5-62799 5-69446 17-24 104-20 121-44 72 73 4-73876 5-58664 5-64429 14-95 105-30 120-25 73 74 4-60078 5-54500 5-59178 12-17 107-05 119-22 74 75 4-40839 5-50346 5-53703 8-81 109-64 118-45 75 76 4-08757 5-46214 5-48011 4-78 113-28 118-06 76 77 5-42090 5-42090 118-15 118-15 77 78 5-35917 5-35917 118-76 118-76 78 79 5-29436 5-29436 119-92 119-92 79 80 5*22545 5-22545 121-46 121-46 80 81 5-15087 5*15087 123-08 123-08 81 82 5-06882 5-06882 124-40 124-40 82 83 4-97767 4-97767 12511 125-11 83 84 4-87623 4-87623 125-00 125-00 84 85 4-76347 4-76347 123-98 123-98 85 86 4-63837 4-63837 12203 12203 86 87 4-49966 4*49966 11903 119-03 87 88 4-34629 4-34629 114-98 114-98 88 89 4-17674 4-17674 % 109-90 109-90 89 90 3-98898 3-98898 103-75 103-75 90 91 3-78019 3-78019 96-38 96-38 91 92 3-54638 3-54638 87-78 87-78 92 93 3-28103 3-28103 78-56 78*56 93 94 2-97560 2-97560 69-20 69*20 94 95 2-61875 2-61875 59-99 59-99 95 96 ♦ 2-19673 2-19673 51-33 51-33 96 97 1-69080 1-69080 43-56 43-56 97 98 1-07033 107033 36-70 36-70 98 99 0-28056 0-28056 30-67 30-67 99 100 1-18961 1-18961 25*62 25-62 100 0 . 200 . 7 Q 4 1222 — — OK x) & 6 7 8 8 10 11 13 1* 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 31 22 33 34 25 36 27 28 2 # 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 D.‘. 1 FEMALES, 1856-1875. Cent. per Cent. [,K OF ELEMENTARY MORTALITY VALUES. DEDUCED FROM THE MORTALITY EXPERIENCE OF FEMALES 18511— 187ft. Log D , • Log N.r dr A, AGE (*'•> Lok D.r Log N r as A, V, 493065 6*28640 22*639 *25591 •01082 53 4*06983 5-19179 13-242 *55171 *03874 4*91088 6*26670 22-715 *26352 •01069 51 4*05029 5*15924 12*851 •56401 •01072 4*89143 6*24800 22*728 *25311 •01066 55 4-03026 5*12571 12*468 •57638 *04283 4*87320 6-22927 22-702 •25391 •01072 56 4*00956 5*09114 12066 •58872 ■04505 4*86564 6-21051 22-640 •25588 •01082 57 3*08805 5*05545 11*679 •60090 *04740 4*83859 6-19165 22546 •25884 •01099 58 3-96567 5*01862 11*297 •61292 *04984 4*82191 6*17272 22-429 •26252 •01120 59 3*94245 4-98054 10*917 •62488 •05244 4*80548 6*15366 22-294 ■26677 •01 1 45 60 3*91843 4-94117 10-538 *63682 •05519 4*78917 6*13446 22-146 *27143 *01 173 61 3*89376 4-90037 10*153 ■64894 *05819 4*77294 6*11518 21-991 ■27631 *01202 62 3*86854 4-85801 9*761 ■66128 *06145 4*75676 6*09569 21*824 *28156 •01231 63 3-81276 4-81392 9*358 *67396 •06507 4*74061 6*07609 21*651 *28702 *01267 64 3-81619 4-76791 8-948 •68686 •06905 4*72439 6-05633 21*475 •29255 •01302 65 3-78848 4-71980 8*537 *69980 •07337 4*70801 6*03639 21*300 ■29806 •01337 66 3 75926 4*66943 8*132 *71256 *07803 4*69137 6*01632 21-132 •30335 •01371 67 3-72812 4*61663 7-736 *72502 *08299 4*67442 5*99610 20-974 •30832 •01403 68 3-69467 4*56128 7*356 ■73698 *08820 4*65716 5*97573 20*824 •31304 •01434 69 3*65863 4-50322 6*992 *74844 •09365 4*63965 5-95522 20-681 •31755 •01465 70 3-61990 4*44232 6-644 *75939 •09934 4*62195 5*93457 20*541 •32196 •01495 71 3*57847 4-37843 6*309 *76993 *10534 4-60417 5*91379 20-400 •32639 •01525 72 3-53431 4-31133 5-984 *78016 •11171 4*58640 5*89286 20*252 •33105 •01558 73 3*48737 4-24075 5-667 •79014 *11852 4*56872 5*87177 20-093 ■33606 •01593 74 3-43752 4-16643 5-357 *79990 •12583 4*55116 5*85049 19-922 *34144 *01632 75 3-38452 4*08799 5*052 *80950 *13376 4-53369 5*82903 19*740 *34717 ■01674 76 3-32796 4*00509 4*755 •81885 •14228 4-51622 5*80737 19-550 *35315 •01718 77 3-26742 3*91733 4-466 •82795 *15147 4*49868 5*78549 19*356 •35925 •01765 78 320237 3*82433 4*188 •83669 •16128 4-48104 5*76339 19158 •36548 *01813 79 3-13231 3*72566 3-921 •84510 •17174 4-46330 5*74106 18-957 •37181 •01863 80 3-05681 3*62087 3*665 *85316 •18289 4-44546 5*71850 18*752 •37827 •01915 81 2-97543 3-50948 3*420 •86087 •19477 4*42752 5*69569 18-543 -38485 •01969 82 2-88768 3-39094 3*186 •86824 *20741 4-40948 5-67262 18*329 •39158 •02026 83 2-79300 3-26461 2-962 *87529 *22092 4*39134 5*64929 18111 •39844 •02085 84 2-69088 3*12979 2-747 •88205 •23540 4-37310 5-62566 17-888 *40546 •02147 85 2-58062 2*98570 2*541 *88854 •25093 435476 5-60173 17-659 ■41267 •02211 86 2-46137 2-83142 2-345 *89471 •26747 4-33632 5*57750 17*425 •42003 •02279 87 2-33242 2*66587 2*155 •90069 •28548 4-31778 5*55294 17-185 •42759 *02351 88 2-19300 2-48763 1*971 •90648 •30511 4-29913 5*52803 16*939 *43533 •02426 89 2-04202 2-29488 1*790 •91218 •32695 4*28038 5*50275 16*687 •44326 •02506 90 1-87822 2-08511 1-610 •91785 *35166 4-26153 5*47709 16*427 •45145 *02591 91 1*70040 1-85420 1-425 •92367 •38090 4-24258 5-45102 16-160 •45985 •02680 92 1-50612 1-59561 1*229 •92984 •41715 4*22353 5*42449 15*884 •46854 •02775 93 1*28790 1-30116 1-031 *93607 •46089 4*20438 5-39751 15-600 •47748 •02876 94 1*03654 0-96039 0-839 *94211 4*18513 5*37003 15-307 •48670 •02985 95 0-74065 0-55926 0-659 •94777 4*16583 5-34201 15-003 •49628 •03101 96 0*38525 0-07795 0-493 •95300 4*14654 5-31340 14*685 •50628 •03228 97 1*94954 1-48619 0*344 •95768 4 12733 5-28414 14-349 •51686 •03367 98 7*40252 2-72981 0-212 *96185 1 4-10820 5*25416 13-995 *52800 *03521 99 2*68966 1-67577 0*097 *96546 4*08908 5*22339 13*624 *53968 •03690 100 7-67577 ~ 0-000 ■96852 7 R l-r ) 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 41 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 I 2 24 Log v * (l, x F E M A L ES, 1 H56— 1875. + l x + 1 V' + ‘ •' Log K r , + 1 + — )= Values of Rick Pay Allowance of 1 per Week for the Whole of Life = K, AGE (x) Over Two Years’ Duration All UuratioiiH Uinler Two Years’ Duration Over Two Years’ Duration. All Durations Hate of 8iekncss over Two Years.) 5-95480 (*, Rate of Sickness for all Durations.) 6-47867 24-75 10-57 35-32 5 5-054 HO 6-47248 25-41 11-08 36-49 6 5*95480 6-46645 26-02 11-57 37-59 7 5*95480 6-46015 26-59 12-07 38-66 8 5-95480 6-45437 27-13 12-57 39-70 9 5-96480 6-44821 27-63 13-07 40-70 10 5-95480 611190 28-11 13-58 41-69 11 5-95480 6-43543 28*55 14T0 42*65 12 5-95480 6-42878 28-97 11-64 43-61 13 5-95480 612192 29-36 15-20 44*56 14 5-95480 6-41477 29-72 15-78 45-50 15 5-95480 6-40729 30-04 16-38 46-42 16 5-95480 6-39945 30-32 17-00 47-32 17 5-95480 6-39125 30-57 17-65 48-22 18 5-95480 6-38281 30-80 18-34 49-14 19 5-95475 6-37422 31-03 1907 50-10 20 5-95464 6-36551 31-25 19-84 51-09 21 5-95441 6-35677 31-49 20-64 52T3 22 5-95405 6-34809 31-75 21-48 53-23 23 5-95361 6-33947 32-00 22-36 54-36 24 5-95312 6-33092 32-26 23-27 55-53 25 5-95256 6-32241 32-51 24-20 56-71 26 5-95198 6-31393 32-75 25-17 57-92 27 5-95134 6-30548 32-97 26-16 59-13 28 5-95058 6-29702 33T8 27-19 60-37 29 5-94967 6-28854 33-39 28-25 61-64 30 5-94860 6-27999 33-60 29-35 62-95 31 5-94734 6-27138 33-80 30-48 64-28 32 594595 6-26269 33-99 31-66 65-65 33 5-94446 6-25394 3417 32-88 67-05 34 5-94290 6-24519 34-35 34T5 68-50 35 5-94126 6-23641 34-52 35-48 70-00 36 5-93950 6-22758 34-68 36-85 71-53 37 5-93757 6-21864 34-83 38-27 7310 38 5-93540 6-20943 34-94 39-73 74-67 39 5-93291 6-19995 35-01 41-22 76-23 40 5-93006 6-19005 35-04 42-75 77-79 41 5-92680 6-17978 3502 44-30 79-32 42 5-92307 6*16920 34-98 45-87 80-85 43 5-91887 6-15839 34-92 47-46 82-38 44 5-91420 6-14743 34-87 49-05 83-92 45 5-90912 6-13637 34-83 50-67 85*50 46 5-90372 6 1252? 34-80 52-31 87-11 47 5-89809 6-11401 34-77 53*98 88-75 48 5-89230 6T0274 34-72 55-69 90-41 49 5-88642 6-09142 34-64 67-42 92*06 50 5-88046 6-08001 34-53 59-19 93-72 51 5*87447 6*06856 34-38 6101 95-39 52 ! 2 2 ■, FEMALES, 1856—1875. 3^ per (Jont. AOB Log r* (/,. r T * x + ', + l’-™*. Log K x M+ ) = Values of Siek Pay Allowance of 1 per Week for the Whole of Life = K, D, AC1K (<) (•r) Under Two Years' Duration Over Two Y oars’ Duration All Durations Under Two Years' Duration Over Two Years' j Duration All Durations j.r“Rato of Sickness under Two Years.1 Jr**Iiate of Sickness over Two Y ears.) Rate of Sickness for all Durations.) S3 5-60377 586853 6 05706 34-19 62-91 97TO 53 54 5-58156 5-86269 6-04552 33-98 64-92 98-90 54 ss 5-5584* 5*5705 6-03395 33-75 67-n 100-86 55 &G 5-53436 5-85163 602239 33-48 69-51 102-99 56 67 5-50901 5-84641 6-01072 3319 72-17 105-36 57 58 5-48239 5-84127 5-99892 32-86 75-09 107-95 58 59 5-45443 5-83607 5-98692 32-51 78-27 110-78 59 60 5-42500 5-83049 5-97447 32-11 81*67 113-78 60 Gl 5-39375 5-82402 5-96115 31-62 85-17 116-79 Gl 63 5-36006 5-81598 5-94631 31-01 88*60 119-61 62 63 5-32321 5-80557 5-92920 30-23 91-79 12202 63 64 5*28226 5-79201 5-90902 29-25 94-59 123-84 64 65 5-23666 5-77462 5-88513 28-07 96-86 124-93 65 66 5-18611 5-75298 5-85715 26-72 98-56 125-28 66 67 5T306G 5-72694 5-82501 25-27 99-73 125-00 67 68 5-07059 5-69669 5-78890 23-76 100-47 124-23 68 69 500591 5 66264 5-74916 22-25 100-93 123-18 69 70 4-93580 5-62545 5-70620 20-70 101-29 121-99 70 71 4-85791 5-58587 5-66035 19-03 101-72 120-75 71 72 4-76822 5-64470 5-61188 17-14 102-42 119-56 72 73 465990 5-50266 5-56093 14-88 103-58 118-46 73 74 4-52135 5-46034 5-50764 12T3 105-40 117-53 74 75 4-32840 5-41817 5-45212 8-79 108-06 11G-85 75 76 400703 5-37627 5-39443 4-78 111-77 116-55 76 77 5-33447 5-33447 116-69 116-69 77 78 5-27200 5-27200 117-39 117-39 78 79 5-20615 5-20645 118*62 118-62 79 80 5-13682 5-13682 120*23 120-23 80 81 506153 5-06153 121-93 121-93 81 82 4-97871 4-97871 123-32 123-32 82 83 4-88681 4-88681 124-11 124-11 83 84 4-78457 4-78457 12408 121-03 84 85 4-67101 4-67101 123T4 123-14 85 86 4-54510 4*54510 121-26 121-26 86 87 4-40555 4-40555 118-34 118-34 : 87 88 4-25135 4-25135 114-38 114-38 88 89 40S092 408092 109-37 109-37 89 90 3-89230 3-89230 103-30 103-30 90 91 3-68264 3-68264 95-99 95-99 91 92 3-44796 3-44796 87-47 87-47 92 93 3-18173 318173 78-31 78-31 93 94 2-87540 2-87540 69-00 69-00 94 95 2-51763 2-51763 59-84 59-84 95 96 2-09468 209468 51-22 51-22 96 97 1-58785 1-58785 43-48 43 48 97 98 0-96644 0-96644 36-64 36-64 98 99 0-17574 0-17574 30-63 30-63 99 100 1*08380 7-08380 25-59 25-59 100 O. JOO. 7 R 2 I 22(i — . * , •" J v A : - FEMALES, 1856— 1875. 3.J per Cent. 3| per Cent. TABLE OK ELEMENTARY MORTALITY VALUES, DEDUCED FROM THE MORTALITY EXPERIENCE OF FEMALES isr.«— 1875. AGE if) Loir 1), Log N , III Ar 1\ 1 AGE ! (•**) j Log D . Ixjg S , U i A, I>, 5 4-92530 6*25897 21*561 *23707 •01051 1 53 4*01416 5*12635 12*918 •52935 *03803 6 4-90408 6-23935 21*641 *23437 •01035 51 3-99357 5*09205 12*545 *54190 *04001 7 4*88408 6*21974 21*660 *23372 •01082 56 3*97249 5*05771 12*109 •55467 *04212 8 4*86480 6*20011 21*643 *23430 •01034 56 3*95074 5*02239 11*794 •56735 *04435 9 4*84619 6*18047 21*591 •23606 *01045 57 3*92818 4-98595 11*423 •57990 *04668 10 4-82809 6*16074 21*510 •23879 *01061 68 3-90475 4*94834 11*056 •59231 *04913 11 4*81036 6- 14089 21*406 •21231 *01082 59 3*88048 4*90951 10*691 *60406 •05172 12 4*79288 6*12097 21*286 *24637 •01 106 60 3*85541 4*86936 10*326 *61700 *05448 13 4*77552 6*10089 21*153 *25087 •01132 61 3*82969 4*82780 9-957 •62947 *05745 14 4*75824 8*08070 21*012 •25563 •01162 62 3*80342 4*78467 9*578 *64229 •06073 15 4*74100 6*06036 20-862 •26070 •01193 63 3*77659 4-73980 9-188 •65548 •06434 16 4*72380 6*03989 20-706 •26598 *01226 64 3*74897 4*69301 8*791 •66891 •06832 17 4*70653 6*01924 20-545 *27142 *01260 65 3*72021 4-64413 8*393 *68236 •07265 18 4-08910 5*99845 20*387 *27677 *01295 66 3*68994 4-59296 7-999 ■69568 *07731 19 4*67141 5*97750 20*234 *28194 *01328 67 3*65775 4*53938 7*614 •70870 •08227 20 4*65341 5*95641 20*091 *28678 •01360 68 3*62325 4*48322 7*244 •72121 •08748 21 4*63510 5*93517 19*956 •29135 •01390 69 3*58616 4*42436 6-890 •73319 •09293 22 4*61654 5*91380 19*827 *29570 *01420 70 3*51638 4*36265 6*550 •74469 *09863 23 4*59779 5*89230 19*702 -29993 *01449 71 3*50390 4-29794 6*224 •75571 *10461 24 4*57896 5*87067 19*575 , *30423 •01479 72 3*45868 4*23001 5*907 •76643 •11096 25 4*56014 5-84888 19-442 *30872 *01510 73 3*41069 4*15863 5*597 •77691 •11777 26 4*54141 5*82694 19-299 *31356 *01545 74 3*35979 4*08347 5*293 •78719 *12509 27 4*52280 5-80483 19-144 •31880 •01583 75 3*30574 4*00419 4*994 •79730 *13302 28 4-50428 5-78253 18*978 •32442 •01624 76 3*24813 3*92046 4*703 •80715 *14153 29 4-48576 5*76002 18*804 •33029 *01667 77 3*18054 3*83186 4*419 •81674 *15072 30 4-46717 5*73731 18*627 *33628 *01711 78 3*12044 3*73801 4-145 •82601 *16055 31 4*44848 5*71439 18*446 •34241 *01761 79 3*04933 3*63849 3*883 •83488 17097 32 4-42969 5*69123 18*262 *34863 *01810 80 2*97278 3*53286 3*631 *84340 *18212 33 4*41080 5*66785 18*074 *35498 *01861 81 2*89035 3*42060 3-390 •85155 *19397 34 4*39181 5*64421 17*881 •36152 *01915 82 2*80155 3*30118 3*160 •85932 *20657 35 4*37272 5-62032 17*685 •36814 *01970 83 2*70582 3*17397 2*939 •86679 *22006 36 4*35353 5*59617 17*484 *37493 •02029 84 2*60266 3*03830 2*727 •87396 •23450 37 4*33424 5*57173 17*278 *38191 •02090 85 2*49135 2*89331 2*523 •88087 *25004 38 4*31485 5*54701 17*067 *38904 *02153 86 2*37105 2*73815 2*329 *88742 *26657 39 4*29536 5*52196 16*850 *39638 *02221 87 2*24105 2*57171 2*141 •89379 •28456 40 427577 5*49660 16*628 *40389 *02292 88 2*10058 2*39259 1*959 •89993 *30414 41 4*25607 5*47090 16*399 *41162 *02366 89 1*94855 2*19896 1*780 *90599 *32590 42 4 23627 5*44483 16*164 *41957 •02445 90 1*78370 1*98828 1*602 •91201 *35051 43 4*21637 5*41837 15*922 *42776 •02528 91 1*60483 1*75649 1-418 •91823* *37975 44 4*19636 5*39152 15*673 *43618 •02616 92 1-40950 1*49703 1*223 •92483 *41603 45 4*17626 5*36421 15*415 •41490 •02710 93 1*19023 1*20170 1*027 *93145 *45953 46 4*15606 5-33646 15*150 •45386 •02810 94 0*93782 0-86002 0*836 *93792 47 4 13576 5*30820 14-874 •46319 •02918 95 0*64088 0*45799 0*656 •9440O 48 4*11541 5*27939 14*587 *47290 •03031 96 0*28443 1*97575 0*491 *94958 49 4-09507 5*25003 14*288 *48302 •03160 97 1*84767 “1-38292 0*343 *95459 50 4*07481 *5*22000 13*970 •49377 •03298 98 1*29960 2*62531 0*212 •95901 51 4*05463 5*18927 13*635 *50510 *03451 99 "2*58569 3*57075 0*096 •96294 52 403446 5*15773 13*282 *51703 *03620 100 ¥57075 0*000 *96618 0.‘200 7 R 3 1 2‘J 8 per Cent. FEMALES, 1856 1875. AUK (*) Log l' 4 (l T »>•' i r + l. T + l + ’ * x + l + ) = Log K ,. Values of Sick Pay Allowance of 1 per Week for the Whole of Life’= K* AGE (x) Under Two Yearn’ Duration Over Two Years’ Duration All Durations Under Two Years' Duration Over Two Years’ Duration All Durations • ft (j .^Rate of Sickness under Two Years.) 6-28943 (.<, -Hate of Sickness over Two Years.) 5-88489 (».< Kate of Sickness for all Durations.) 6-43369 2313 9*11 32-24 0 6-28012 5*88489 6-42702 23-77 9*57 33*34 « 7 0-27087 5-88489 6*42043 24-37 10-02 34-39 7 8 0-20157 5-88489 0-41387 24-93 10-47 35-40 8 9 6-25212 5-88489 6-40724 25*46 10-93 36-39 9 10 6-24249 5-88489 6-40053 25-97 11*40 37-37 10 n 0-23250 5*88489 6-39366 26-44 11-87 38-31 11 12 6-22235 5-88489 6-38663 26-88 12*36 39*24 12 ,3 6-21170 5-88489 6-37940 27-31 12*86 40-17 13 14 0-20074 5-88489 6-37195 27-70 13-39 4109 it 15 0-18921 5-88489 6-36421 28-07 13-93 42-00 15 16 6-17705 5-88489 6*35611 28-40 14-49 42-89 16 17 6-16414 5-88489 6-34761 28-08 15-08 43*76 17 18 0-15057 5-88489 6-33877 28-94 15-70 44*64 18 19 G-13644 5-88489 6-32965 29-18 16-35 45-53 19 20 0-12189 5-88484 6-32036 29*41 17-04 46-45 20 21 0*10704 5-88471 6-31098 29-64 17-77 47-41 21 22 0-09205 5-88444 6-30157 29-89 18-53 48*42 22 23 6-07708 5-88405 6-29223 3015 19-33 49*48 23 24 6-00209 5-88356 6-28296 30-42 20*17 50*59 24 25 6*04708 5-88302 6-27378 .30-69 2103 51-72 25 26 0-03201 5-88241 6-26464 30*95 21*93 52-88 26 27 G-01682 5-88177 6-25556 3119 22-85 54-04 27 28 600156 5-88105 6-24650 31-43 23-81 55-24 28 29 5-98017 5-88023 6-2 3745 31-65 24-80 56'45 29 30 5-97007 5-87923 6-22838 31-88 25-83 57-71 30 31 5-95502 5-87806 6-21927 32-10 26-89 58-99 31 32 5-93916 5-870G9 6-21008 32-32 27*99 60-31 32 33 5-92308 5-87517 6-20082 32-53 29-13 61*66 33 34 5-90678 5-87350 6-19152 32-73 30-32 63-05 34 35 5-89029 5-87186 6-18220 32-93 31-56 64*49 35 36 5-87361 5-87009 6*17288 33-12 32-85 65-97 30 37 5-85672 5-86819 6-16353 33-30 34-19 67-49 37 38 5-83952 5-86611 6T 5405 33-47 35-58 69*05 38 39 5-82182 5-86378 6-14434 33-61 37*02 70-63 39 40 5-80349 5-86112 6-13429 33-71 38-49 72-20 40 4l 5*78446 5*85807 6-12385 33-76 39-99 73-75 41 42 5-70480 5-85459 611304 33-77 41-53 75-30 42 43 5-74468 5-85061 6-10190 . 33*75 4308 76-83 43 44 5-72435 5-84614 6-09052 33-73 44-65 78-38 44 45 5-70398 5-84118 6-07900 3.3-71 46-23 79-94 45 40 5-08367 5-83580 6 06739 33-70 47-83 81-53 46 47 5 00341 5-83008 6-05572 33-70 49*47 8317 47 48 5-04306 5-82413 6-04399 33-70 51-14 84*84 48 49 5-62254 5-S1803 6-03222 33-69 52*84 86-53 49 50 5-60171 5-81183 6-02038 33-64 54-58 88-22 50 51 5-58053 5-80556 6-00849 33-57 56-36 89*93 51 52 5-55891 5-79929 5-99655 33-45 58-19 91-64 52 FEMA LBS, 18.16— 1875. 5^ per Cent. | AUL (•«•) Lop <•* (L r ' t f + (r + 1 r ' + 1 *r Lop K ( . + 1 + ) = Valuta of Sick Pay Allowance of 1 per Week for the Whole of Life = K,. D, AGK (*) Under Two Yours' Duration Over Two Years’ Duration 1 All Durations (Jinler Two Years Duration Over Two Y cars' Duration All Durations (s ,«=■ Rate of Sickness (»x=Hate of Sickness (j r Rate of Sickness under Two Years.) over Two Years.) ■for all Durations.) ^3 5*53677 5-79306 5-98458 33-31 6010 93-41 53 M 6-61309 5*78696 5-97261 33-15 6214 95-29 54 55 5 19035 5*78107 5-96062 32-95 64*36 97-31 55 56 5-46565 5-77542 5-91862 32*73 6679 99-52 56 57 5-43974 5-76998 5*93656 32-48 69-47 101-95 57 58 5-41254 5-76465 5-92138 32-211 72-13 104-63 58 59 5-38401 5-75927 5-91200 31-88 75-65 107-53 59 60 5-35403 5-75350 5-89919 31-52 79-08 110-60 60 61 5-32222 5-74683 5*88550 31-08 82-63 113-71 61 62 5-28797 5-73854 5-87028 30-52 86-12 116-64 62 63 5-25054 5-72785 5-85274 29-78 89-38 11916 63 64 5-20901 5-7139 1 5-83209 28-84 92-25 121-09 64 65 5-16278 5-69612 i 5-80768 27-71 94-60 122-31 65 66 511159 5-67398 5-77911 26-40 96-39 122-79 66 67 5-05553 5-61736 5-74631 24-99 97-61 122-63 67 68 199184 5-61648 5-70954 23-53 98-45 121-98 68 69 4-92953 5-58176 5-66908 22-05 98-99 121-04 69 70 4-85882 5-54384 5*62538 20-53 99-42 119-95 70 71 4-78035 5-50355 5-57878 18-90 99-92 118-82 71 72 4-69009 5-46164 5-52954 1704 100-68 117-72 72 73 4-58120 5-41895 5-47782 14-81 101-92 11G-73 73 74 4-4*210 5-37590 5-42375 1209 103-78 115-87 74 75 4-24860 5-33310 5-36746 8-77 106-50 115-27 75 76 3-92667 5-29061 5-30900 4-77 110-28 115-05 76 77 . 6-24828 5-24828 115-28 115-28 77 7* 5-18507 518507 11604 116-04 78 79 5-11878 5-11878 117-34 117-34 79 SO 5-04842 5-04842 11903 11903 80 SI 4-97238 4-97238 120-79 120-79 81 82 4-88883 4-88883 122*26 122-26 82 S3 4-79616 4-79616 123-12 123-12 83 84 4-69315 4-69315 12317 123-17 84 85 4-57878 4-57878 122-30 122-30 85 86 4-45205 4-45205 120-50 120-50 86 87 4-31166 4-31166 117-65 117-65 87 88 415660 4-17660 113-77 113-77 88 so 3*98533 3-98533 108-84 108-84 89 90 3-79585 3-79585 102-84 102-84 90 91 3-58530 3-58530 95-60 95-60 91 92 3-34975 3-34975 87-15 87-15 92 93 3-08266 3-08266 78-06 78-06 93 94 277544 2-77544 68-81 68-81 94 95 2-41678 2-41678 59-69 59-69 95 96 1-99292 1-99292 5111 5111 96 97 1-48515 1-48515 43-40 43-40 97 98 0-86281 0-86281 36-58 36-58 98 99 007115 007115 30-58 30-58 99 100 2-97825 2-97825 25-56 25-56 100 0.200 7 R 4 ■ . 3$ per Cent i i 3| per Cent. FEMALES, 1856—1875. TAHI.K OK KI.KMKNTAKY MOUTAI.ITY VAUJKS, UK DUCK l) KltOM THK MOHTAUTY KX I'Kltl KNCK OF FKMAI.KS, I8»«— 1875. AUK ! I.OR Dr Lor N, (It A, P, AGE (•>> Log Dr I.OR N r | a, A r | P, & 4*92000 0*23325 20*568 •22040 *01022 53 | 3*95863 5*05922 12*606 •50821 *03735 8 4*89779 6*21272 20*650 *21747 | • 01(101 54 3*93699 5*02514 12*250 *52108 *03933 7 4*87671 6*19220 20*676 •21653 •00999 55 3*91486 4*99007 11*891 •53406 *01112 8 4*85042 6*17167 20*666 ■21689 •01001 56 3*89207 4*95395 11*531 •54707 *04365 8 4*83070 6*15112 20*623 •21844 •oioio 57 3*86846 | 4*91673 11*176 •55990 •01598 10 4*81761 6 13049 20*553 •22097 •01025 58 3*84398 1 4*87836 10*824 •57263 •01813 11 4*79883 0*10975 20*461 •22430 •01015 59 3*81866 4*83875 10*473 •58531 *05102 12 4*78030 0*08892 20*353 •22820 | ■01068 60 3*79254 4*79784 10*123 •59796 *05376 13 4*76189 6*06790 20*233 •23254 ■01095 61 3*76578 4*75549 9*760 *61086 •05674 14 4*74357 0*04689 20*106 •23713 •01124 62 3*73846 4*71159 9*400 •62410 •06001 IS 4*72529 6*02567 19*970 •24205 •01151 63 3*71058 ! 4*66595 9*023 *63772 •06363 16 4*70704 6*00132 19*828 •24718 •01187 64 3*68191 4*61837 8*639 •65161 *06760 17 4*68872 5*98279 19*682 •252 16 •01221 65 3*65210 4*56871 8*253 •66555 •07193 18 4*67021 5*96111 19*538 *25766 •01254 66 3*62078 4*51676 7*870 1 *67940 •07659 19 4*65151 5*93927 19*398 *26272 •01288 67 3*58755 4*46237 7*496 •69291 •08156 20 4*63246 5*91730 19*268 •26742 •01319 68 3*55200 4*40541 7*132 •70607 •08683 21 4*61310 5-89519 19*147 *27180 •01349 69 3*51386 4*34575 6*790 ■71843 •09223 22 4*59319 5 * 87*295 19*031 •27598 •01378 70 3*47303 4*28323 6*400 •73036 •09790 23 4*57369 5*85058 18*919 •28004 •01406 1 71 3*42950 4*21772 6*141 •74189 •10389 21 4*55382 5*82808 18*804 •28420 •01435 72 3*38325 4*14897 5*831 •75309 •11025 25 4*53395 5*80544 18-685 •28849 *01165 73 3*33421 4*07675 5*528 *76405 •11704 26 4*51417 5*78264 18*555 •29319 •01 199 74 3*28226 4*00074 5*230 *77482 •12437 27 4*49451 5*75968 18*415 •29825 •01536 75 3*22716 3*92066 4*937 •78541 •13229 28 4*47494 5*73652 18*263 •30375 •01577 76 3*16850 3*83608 4*651 •79574 *14082 29 4*45537 5*71317 18*105 •30946 ■01619 77 3*10587 3*74664 4*373 •80579 •14997 30 4*43574 5*68962 17*942 ■31535 •01665 78 3*03872 3*65194 4*104 •81552 •15978 31 4*41600 5*66585 17*777 •32131 •01711 79 2*96656 3*55156 3*846 * 8*2484 •17021 32 4*39616 5*64186 17*608 ■32742 *01760 80 2*88896 3*44506 3*598 *83380 •18135 33 4*37622 5*61764 17*435 •33368 •01810 81 2*80548 3*33195 3*361 *84237 •19316 34 4*35618 5*59318 17*258 •34007 •01363 82 2*71563 3*21165 3*133 •85061 •20581 35 4*33605 5*56846 17*077 • 3 1662 •01918 83 2*61880 3*08357 2*916 •85845 •21922 36 4*31581 5*54348 16*892 •35330 •01974 84 2*51465 2*94702 2*706 •86604 *23369 37 4*29547 5*51822 16*701 •36020 •02035 85 2*40229 2*80115 2*505 •87331 •24916 38 4*27503 5*49269 16*507 *36722 •02098 86 2*28094 2*64510 2*313 •88025 •26570 39 4*25449 5*46684 16*306 *37448 •02164 87 2*14989 2*47777 2*128 •88694 •28355 40 4*23386 5*44066 16*099 *38197 •02233 88 2*00838 2*29776 1*947 •89348 •30318 41 4*21311 5*41415 15*887 •38963 •02307 89 1*85530 2*10326 1*770 •89988 •32487 42 4*19226 5*38728 15*668 •39754 •02385 90 1*68940 1*89169 1*593 •90628 •34951 43 4*17131 5*36003 15*443 *40567 •02467 91 1*50948 1-65903 1*411 •91285 •37862 44 4*15026 5*33238 15*210 •41410 •02555 92 1*31310 1*39869 1*218 •91983 •41472 45 4*12912 5*30430 14*969 •42281 •02617 93 1*09279 1*10247 1*023 •92688 •45817 46 4*10787 5*27575 14*719 •43185 •02747 94 0*83933 0*75989 0*833 •93375 47 4*08652 5*24670 14*460 *44120 •02854 95 0*54134 0*35696 0*654 *94023 48 4*06512 5*21714 14*191 •45092 •02969 96 0*18384 1*87381 0*490 •94615 49 4*04373 5*18698 13*908 *46115 | *03093 97 1*74603 1*28019 0*342 •95150 50 4*02242 5*15619 13*607 •47204 •03231 98 1*19692 2*52192 0*211 •95623 51 4*00120 5*12167 13*288 *48356 ■03381 99 2*48196 3*46597 0*096 •96039 52 3 - 9799 S 5*09237 . 12*954 •49564 1 •03552 100 II 3*46597 1 I " 0*000 *96386 1 » t i s 0.200 •■■232 .‘ijjf per Cent. FEMALES, l H.>(> 187.1. , . . ValucH of Sick l’ay Allowance of 1 per Week Log '!■ (/,. r + /,. + ! '()• + J + ) = for the Whole of Life = AUU (a) Log K — X 57 AGE (*) Under Two Yearn’ Duration Over Two Yearn’ Duration All Durationn Under Two Years’ Duration Over Two Years’ j Duration All Durations r» Rate of Sickness s , —Rate of Sickness (s, 'Rato of Sickness under Two Years.) over Two Years.) for all Durations.) 5 0*25585 5*81564 6*39031 21*67 7*86 29*53 5 6 0*24588 5*81564 6*38303 22*29 8*28 30*57 6 7 6*23603 5*81564 6*37585 22*87 8*69 31*56 7 8 6*22611 5*81564 6*36870 23*43 9*10 32*53 8 9 6*21609 5*81564 6*36150 23*95 9*53 33*48 9 10 6*20583 5*81564 6*35419 21*45 9*95 34-40 10 11 6*19532 5*81564 6*34674 24*92 10*39 35*31 11 12 0*18446 5*81564 6*33911 25*36 10*85 36*21 12 13 6*17324 5*81564 6*33129 25*78 1 1*32 37*10 13 14 6*16161 5*81564 6*32322 26*18 11*81 37*99 14 15 6*14940 5*81564 6*31486 26*55 12*31 38-86 15 16 6*13653 5*81564 6*30610 26*88 12*84 39*72 16 17 6*12294 5*81564 6*29694 27*18 13*39 40*57 17 18 G* 10860 5*81564 6*28740 27*44 13*98 41*42 18 19 6*09370 5*81564 6*27758 27*68 14*59 42-27 19 20 6*07835 5*81558 6*26758 27*92 15*24 13*16 20 21 6*06273 5*81544 6*25749 28*16 15*94 44*10 21 22 6*04696 5*81515 6*24738 28-41 16*66 45*07 22 23 6*03121 5*81471 6*23734 28*68 17*42 46*10 23 24 6*01544 5*81417 6*22740 28*95 18*21 47*16 24 25 5*99969 5*81357 6*21755 29-22 19*04 48*26 25 26 5*98387 5*81289 6*20777 29-49 19*89 49*38 26 27 5*96796 5*81218 6*19805 29*75 20*78 50*53 27 28 5*95195 5*81141 6*18837 29*99 21*70 51*69 28 29 5*93583 5*81050 6*17870 30*23 22*65 52*87 29 30 5*91961 5*80941 6*16902 30*47 23*6 1 54*11 30 31 5*90324 5*80813 6*15931 30*71 24*67 55*38 31 32 5*88667 5*80664 6*14952 30*94 25*73 56*67 32 33 5*86988 5*80500 6*13967 31*16 2S*84 58*00 33 34 5*85287 5*80325 6*12980 31*38 27*99 59*37 34 35 5*83567 5*80141 6*11991 31*60 29*20 60*80 35 36 5*81830 5*79949 6*11003 31*81 30*46 62*27 36 37 5*80072 5*79745 6*10011 32*01 31*77 63*78 37 38 5*78282 5*79521 6*09009 32*20 33*13 65*33 38 39 5-7G443 5*79271 6*07982 32*36 31*53 66*89 39 41) 5*74540 5*78986 6*06922 32*47 35*98 68*45 40 41 5*72566 5*78660 6*05822 32*55 37*45 70*00 41 42 5*70527 5*78288 6*04684 32*58 38*96 71-54 42 43 5*68444 5*77865 6*03512 32*59 -10*49 73*08 43 44 5*66338 5*77390 6*02317 32*59 42*04 71*63 44 45 5*64232 5*76863 6*01107 32*60 13*60 76*20 45 46 5*62132 5*76293 5*99890 32*62 45*19 77*81 16 47 5*60040 5*75689 5*98668 32*65 16*81 79*46 47 48 5*57941 5*75060 5*97442 32*68 48*47 81*15 48 49 5*55824 5*74417 5*96211 32*70 50*17 82*87 49 50 5*53681 5*73765 5*9497G 32*69 51*91 84-60 50 51 5*51500 5*73106 5*93736 32*64 53*69 86*33 51 52 5*49279 5*72448 5*92494 32*57 55*53 88*10 52 ' *33 FEMALES, 185 ( 5 — 1875 . per Cent. . Values of Sick Pay Allowance of 1 per Week Log r* (l T r 1 x t + l T + ] r' * r + i + ) — for the Whole of Life = AUK (■O Lor K r L, AUE (r) Under Two Years’ l)u rut ion Over Two Years’ Duration All Durations Under Two Years’ l)u ration Over Two Years’ Duration All Durations 1 (I. - - Rate of Sickness under Two Years.) Rate of Sickness over Two Years.) I r-^Rnte of Sickness for nil Durations.) 53 5-17007 5*71795 5-91249 32-47 57-45 89*92 53 54 5*4 4671 6*71158 5*90006 32-31 59-51 91-85 54 55 5-42247 5*70544 5-88764 32-18 61-74 93-92 55 56 5-39721 6*69955 5*87521 32-00 64-19 90-19 56 57 5-37074 5*69390 5-86271 3T79 66-90 98*69 57 58 5-34296 5*68838 5*85017 31-55 69-89 101-44 58 59 5-31387 5*68280 5*83742 31-28 7314 104-42 59 60 5-28330 5*6768 1 5-82123 30-96 76-61 107-57 60 til 5*25093 5*66996 5-81017 30*56 80-20 110-76 61 62 5-21611 5-66143 5-79454 3004 83-75 113-79 62 63 5-17811 5-65044 5*77659 29*35 87-07 116-42 63 61 5T3599 5-63617 5-75546 28*45 90-00 118-45 64 65 5-08913 5-61792 5-73051 27-36 92-43 119-79 65 66 503731 5-59528 5-70137 26-09 94-30 120-39 66 67 4*98060 5*56808 5*66795 21-72 95-62 120-34 67 68 4-91928 5-53656 5-63047 23-30 96-51 119-81 68 69 4-85335 5*50116 5*58929 21*85 97-12 118-97 69 70 4*78204 5-46253 5*54485 20*37 97-61 117-98 70 71 4-70299 5-42149 5-19748 18-77 98*17 116*94 71 72 4-61217 5*37887 5*44747 16-94 99*00 1 15-94 72 73 4-50271 5*33540 5*39497 14-74 100-27 115-01 73 74 4-36305 5*29172 5-34012 12 05 102*20 114*25 74 75 4* 169(H) 5*24829 5-28304 8-75 104-99 113-74 75 76 3-84652 5-20520 5-22382 4-76 108-82 113*58 70 77 5-16231 5-16234 113-88 113-88 77 78 5-09837 5-09837 114-72 114-72 78 79 503137 5-03137 116*09 116-09 79 80 4-96027 4-96027 117-84 117-84 80 HI 4*88349 4-88349 119*68 119*68 81 82 4-79920 4-79920 121-22 121*22 82 83 4*70576 4*70576 122T5 122-15 83 84 4-60196 1*60196 122*27 122-27 84 85 4*48678 4 18678 121-48 121-48 85 86 4-35925 4*35925 119-76 119-76 86 87 4-21804 4-21804 116-99 116-99 87 88 4-06213 4-06213 113T7 113-17 88 89 3*88999 3*88999 108-32 108-32 89 90 3*69965 3*69965 102*39 102-39 90 91 3*48825 3*48825 95-23 95-23 91 92 3-25183 3-25183 86-84 86*84 92 93 2*98384 2-98384 77-81 77-81 93 94 2-67573 2-67573 68-61 68-61 94 95 2-31616 2-31616 59*54 59*54 95 96 1-89140 1-89140 51*00 51-00 96 97 1*38270 1-38270 1 43-32 43-32 97 98 0-75943 0-75943 36-52 36-52 98 99 1-96680 7-96680 30-54 30-54 99 100 * 2*87295 2-87295 25-53 25-53 100 0.200. ' JS2 TA liE 5 8 7 8 9 1U 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 1 - 'Vi FEMALES, 187.). Cent. 4 per Cent. K OF ELEMENTARY MORTALITY VALUES. DEDUCED FROM TDK MORTALITY EXPERIENCE OF FEMALES, lH.Mi— Log Dr Log Nr dr A. IV ARE (<■) Log Dr Log N, fir Ar l’r 4-91483 6-20825 19-663 •20565 •00995 53 390323 1-99338 12-307 •48820 •03669 4-89152 6-18679 19-736 •20246 •00976 54 388055 4*95853 11-967 •50127 •03866 4-86943 6-16533 19-765 *20135 •00969 55 3-85738 4*92268 11-623 •51450 •01076 4-84805 6-14389 19-762 •20146 *00970 I 56 3-83353 4*88579 11-279 •52773 *04298 4-82735 6-12241 19-727 •20281 •00979 1 57 3-80888 1-84779 10-937 •54089 •04531 4-80716 6-10089 19-667 •20512 *00993 58 3-78336 4-80864 10-599 •55389 *04776 4-78733 6-07925 19-585 •20827 •01012 59 3*75699 4*76825 10*263 •56680 •05033 4-76776 6-05751 19-487 •21204 •01035 60 3-72983 4-72656 9-925 •57981 •05307 4-74831 6-03567 19*380 •21615 •01061 61 3-70202 4-68345 9-581 •59304 *05605 4-72893 6-01372 19-266 •22053 •01088 | 62 3-67365 1-63877 9-228 •60662 •05931 4-70961 5-99158 19-141 ■22534 •01119 63 3-64473 4-59234 H-S64 •62062 *06292 4-69032 5-96932 19-011 •23034 ■01151 64 3-61 502 4*54399 8-491 •63496 *06690 4-67095 5-94690 18-878 *23546 •01185 65 3-58416 4-49353 8-117 •64935 •07123 4-65143 5-92434 18-746 •24054 •01218 66 3-55180 1-44078 7-744 ■66370 *07590 4-63165 5-90162 18-620 •24538 ■01251 67 3-51752 1-38561 CO 00 •67765 *08086 4-61155 5-87875 18-501 •24996 01282 68 3*48092 1-32783 7-029 •69119 *08609 4-591 15 5-85576 18-391 •25419 •01311 69 344174 4-26736 6-693 ■70411 •09153 4-57050 5-83264 18-287 •25820 •01339 70 3*39987 4-20404 6-370 •71654 •09722 4-54965 5-80939 18-186 •26208 •01366 71 3-35529 4-13770 6*059 •72850 •10320 4-52873 5-78601 18-083 •26603 •01394 72 3-30799 . 4-06811 5-756 •74015 ■10956 4-50782 5-76250 17-975 •27019 •01424 73 3-25791 3-99508 5-460 •75154 •11634 4-48699 5-73884 17-859 •27466 •01456 74 3-20491 3-91827 5-168 •76277 ■12366 4*46629 5-71501 17-730 •27962 •01493 75 3-14877 3-83734 4-882 •77377 •13155 4-44568 5-69100 17-592 •28492 '01532 76 3-08907 3-75193 4-601 •78458 •14009 4-42506 5-66680 17-448 •29046 •01575 77 3-02538 3-66164 4-328 •79508 •14923 4-40438 5-64239 17-299 •29619 •01618 78 2-95719 3-56610 4-064 •80523 •15901 4-38360 5-61778 17-147 •30204 •01664 79 2-83399 3-46486 3-810 •81500 •16944 4-36271 5-59293 16-991 •30804 •01712 80 2-80534 3-35752 3*566 •82439 *18055 4-34173 5-56787 16-832 •31415 •01761 81 2-72082 3-24353 3*332 •83338 •19238 4-32065 5*54256 16-669 •32042 •01813 82 2-62993 3-12235 3-108 •84200 •20497 4*29946 5-51702 16-503 •32680 ■01867 83 2-53210 2-99341 2-893 •85026 •21841 4-27818 5-49121 16-332 •33338 •01923 84 2*42685 2-85597 2-686 ■85823 •23284 4-25680 5-46513 16-156 •34015 •01983 85 2-31345 2-70922 2-488 •86585 •24823 4-23531 5-43876 15-975 •34712 •02045 86 2-19105 2-55228 2-297 •87320 •26485 4-21373 5-41210 15-790 •35423 •02110 87 2-05896 2-38407 2-114 •88023 •28267 4-19205 5-38511 15-598 •36162 •02179 88 1-91640 2-20317 1-935 •88712 •30225 4-17025 5-35778 15-400 •36923 •02251 89 1-76227 2-00779 1-760 •89385 •32386 4-14836 5-33011 15-197 •37704 •02328 90 1-59533 1-79534 1-585 •90058 •34839 4 12637 5-30205 14-986 •38515 •02410 91 1-41437 1-56179 1-404 •90754 •37752 4-10427 5*27360 14-768 •39354 •02496 92 1-21694 1*30057 1-212 •91492 •41362 4-08208 5-24472 14-543 *40219 •02588 93 0*99558 1-00346 1-018 •92239 •45708 4-05979 5-21537 14-308 •41123 •02687 94 0-74108 0-66000 0-830 •92962 4-03739 5-18554 14-065 •42058 •02792 95 0-44204 0-25616 0*652 •93646 4-01495 5-15518 13*811 •43034 •02905 96 0-08350 1-77210 0-488 •94277 3-99252 5-12424 13-543 •44065 •03030 . 97 1*64465 1-17754 0-341 •94842 3-97016 5-09269 13-260 •45154 •03166 98 7-09448 2-41830 0-211 •95342 3-94789 5*06040 12-957 •46320 •03319 99 2-37848 3*36145 0-096 •95784 3-92563 5-02731 12-638 •47546 ■03486 100 3-36145 o-ooo ■96154 7 s 3 L(i K (.'■) 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 1 •_>;}() t FEMALES X 1 X >. + 1 T ' * 1 "r + 1 + ) ~ jog K r Values of Kick 1’ay Allowance of I per Week for the Whole of Life = K,. AU1S O) Two Y car*' Juration All Durations Under Two Years’ Duration Over Two Years’ Duration All Durations ate of Sickness Two Years.) ( s r Kate of Sickness for all Durations.) 5-71705 6*24836 20-34 6*80 27-1 1 5 5-71705 6*34045 20-95 7-17 28*12 6 5*74705 6*33265 21-51 7*54 29-05 7 5*74705 6*32489 22-06 7*92 29-98 8 5*71705 6-31708 22-57 8-31 30*88 9 5-74705 6*30916 23*06 8-71 31-77 10 5-71705 6-30110 23-53 9-11 32-64 11 5*74705 6-29285 23-97 9*53 33-50 12 5*74705 6*28440 24*39 9*97 34-36 13 5-74705 6-27569 24*79 10-43 35-22 14 5-74705 6*26668 25-16 10-90 36-06 15 5*74705 6*25725 25-50 11-40 36-90 16 5*74705 6-24738 25*79 11-92 37-71 17 5-74705 6-23712 26-06 12-46 38-52 18 5-74705 6*22656 26-30 13-04 39-34 19 5-74698 6*21583 26*55 13*66 40*21 20 5*746 X 3 6*20500 26*79 14-31 41*10 21 5*74650 6 T 941 H 27*04 15-00 42*04 22 5*74602 6-18340 27-31 15-72 43*03 23 5-74543 6-17275 27-59 16*47 44-06 21 5-74475 6-16222 27*87 17*26 45-13 25 5-74 401 6-15176 28*14 18-07 46*21 26 5*74324 6-14138 28*40 18*92 47*32 27 5*74238 61 3104 28*66 19-80 48*46 28 5*74130 6-12073 28*91 20-72 49*63 29 5*74010 6*11042 29-15 21-67 50-82 30 5*73880 6*10000 29-40 22*66 52-06 31 5-73718 6*08968 29*65 23-69 53-34 32 5*73539 6*07923 29*88 24*76 54*64 33 5-73349 6*06874 30-11 25*87 55*98 34 5-7315 6*05826 30*34 27*04 57*38 35 5*72045 6*04780 30*57 28*27 58*84 36 5*72724 6-03732 30*79 29*54 60*33 37 5*72484 6-02673 30-99 30-87 61-86 38 5-72216 6*01589 3117 32-24 63-41 39 5-71911 6-00172 31-31 33-66 64*97 40 5-71563 5*99313 31-40 35-11 66*51 41 5-71167 5*98116 31-46 36*59 68*05 42 5*70716 5*96884 31-49 38*09 69*58 43 5*70211 5-95630 31*51 39-61 7112 44 5-69653 5-94361 31-54 41-16 72*70 45 5*69050 5*93086 31-59 42*73 74*32 * 46 5-68411 5-91807 31-64 41*33 75*97 47 5*67748 5*90525 31-70 45*98 77-68 48 5-67070 5-89240 31-75 47*66 79-41 19 5-66384 5*87953 31*77 49-40 81-17 50 5*65693 5*86661 31-76 51*17 82-93 51 5-65004 5-85368 31-72 53*02 81*74 52 >- , ;57 FEMALES, 1H5(>— 187.). 4 per Cent. Aim Log r* (l T r'' *J. + ', + 1 «* + l *.r Log K + 1 + ) = Values of Sick l’ay Allowance for the Whole of Life K, of 1 per Week AGE (.r) <*> Urnlor Two Years’ Duration Over Two Years* Duration All Durations Under Two Years' Duration Over Two Years’ Duration All Durations (i , =Kate of Sickness under Two Years.) (i_r=»Rate of Siokncss over Two Years.) (j,— Hate of Sickness for all Durations.) 53 540363 5-64321 5-94076 31-65 54-95 86-60 53 51 5'37967 5*63655 5-82785 31*56 57*02 88-58 54 55 5-35486 5-03014 5-81498 31-44 69*26 90-70 55 56 5-32899 5-62402 5-80212 31-29 61-73 93-02 56 57 5-30193 5-61815 5-78924 31-12 64-46 95-58 57 68 8-27358 5-61241 5-77627 30-92 67"4G 98-38 58 59 5-24391 5-60665 5*76313 30-69 70-74 101-43 59 60 5-21279 5-60048 5*74957 30-41 74-24 104-65 60 61 5-17985 5-59339 5-73512 30-05 77-87 107-92 61 62 5-11446 5-58461 5-71910 29-57 81-46 111-03 62 63 5-10586 5-57334 5-70070 28-92 84*84 113-76 63 61 506311 5*55870 5-67910 2 8-06 87-84 115-90 64 65 5*01567 5-54002 5-65362 27-01 90-34 117-35 65 66 1-96322 5*51685 5-62388 25-79 92-27 118-06 66 67 4-90587 5-48907 5-58983 24-45 93-66 118-11 67 08 4-84391 5-45691 5*55166 23-07 94-62 117-G9 G8 69 4-77735 5-42081 . 5-50975 21-66 95-30 116-96 69 70 4-70545 5-38148 5-46456 20-21 95-85 116-00 70 71 4-62583 5-33969 5-41642 18' -64 96-47 115-11 71 72 4-53413 5-29634 5*36564 16-84 97-35 114-19 72 73 4-42442 5*25216 5-31236 14-67 98-69 113-36 73 74 4-28420 5-2078O 5*25672 12-00 100-67 112-67 74 75 4-08958 5-16373 5*19888 8-73 103-50 112-23 75 76 3-76656 5*12005 5-13887 4-76 107-39 112-15 76 <1 5*07662 5-07662 112*52 112-52 .77 78 5-01192 5-01192 113-43 113-43 78 79 4-94417 4-94417 114-86 114*86 79 SO 4-87231 4^87234 116-68 116-08 80 81 1-79483 4-79483 118-58 118-58 81 -82 4-70979 4-70979 120-19 120-19 82 S3 1-61558 4-61558 121-19 121-19 83 84 4-51100 4-51100 121-38 121-38 84 • 85 4-39503 4-39503 120-66 120-66 85 86 4-26666 4-26666 119-02 119-02 i 1*46 1*30 1-47 G-52 4*93 2*78 2*21 > 2*23 V 1-49 1-33 1-50 G-53 4*97 2*81 * T?4 2*27 1*52 1-36 1*63 6*55 5*01 2*85 2*27 2*30 1*55 1-39 1-56 6-56 5 05 2*88 2*30 2*34 1*58 1-42 1-59 G’55 5*09 2*92 2*34 2*38 1*61 1*45 1-63 6*56 5*12 2-95 * 2*37 2*42 1*63 1*47 1-66 2$ per Cent, 1 241 MALES, 1H76 — 1H80. K r Values of Sick Fay Allowance of 1 per Week for the Whole of Life — DURATIONS AGE (i) , Onk Ykah Two Years Three Years and upwards ALL Durations Weeks 39 43 Weeks 43—47 Weeks 47—52 Total First Six Months Second Six Months Total 1 •39 •34 •41 27 '65 1-88 1-34 3*22 10-95 4T82 6 •40 •36 •43 28-21 1-96 1-39 3-35 11-39 42-98 6 •12 •38 *44 28-76 203 1*44 3* 17 11*81 44-04 7 •43 •39 •45 29-21 2'10 1-50 3-60 12-22 45-06 8 ■« •40 •47 29'68 21 7 1-55 3-72 12-63 46-03 9 ■41! •41 •49 30-07 2-25 1-60 3-85 1304 46-96 10 •48 •42 •50 30 44 2-32 1-65 3-97 13-45 47-86 11 •49 •44 •52 30-79 2-39 1-70 4-09 13'87 48-75 12 •50 •45 •53 31-10 2-45 1-75 4-20 „ 1430 49-60 13 •52 •47 •55 31*41 2-51 1-80 4-31 14-74 50*46 14 ■53 •48 •56 31*71 2-57 1-85 4-42 1519 51-32 15 •54 •49 •57 31-98 2-63 1-90 4-53 15*66 5217 16 •55 •50 •58 32-24 2-69 1-95 4-64 16-14 5302 17 *56 •51 •59 32-48 2-75 1-99 4-74 16-65 53-87 18 •57 •52 •61 32 72 2-82 2-04 4-86 17-18 54-76 19 •59 •53 •62 3295 2-88 210 4-98 17-72 55*65 20 •61 •55 ■64 33-18 2-94 2-15 5-09 18-26 56-53 21 •62 •56 •65 33-40 3-02 2-20 5-22 18-81 57-43 22 •63 •58 ,7 33 64 3-08 2-25 5-33 19-37 58-34 23 •65 •59 •69 33-88 315 2-31 5-46 19-95 59-29 24 •66 •60 ■70 3413 3-23 2-36 5*59 20-52 60-24 25 •68 •62 •72 34-40 3-30 2-42 5-72 21*11 61-23 26 •69 •63 •74 34-67 3-38 2-48 5-86 21-73 62-26 27 •70 •65 •76 34-96 3-46 2-54 6-00 22-37 63-33 28 •72 •66 •77 35-26 3-55 2-60 6-15 23-02 64-43 29 •73 •67 •79 35-55 3-64 2-66 6'30 23-70 65-55 30 •75 •69 •81 35-85 3-73 2-73 6-46 24-38 66-69 31 ■77 •71 •83 3615 3-82 2-79 6-61 25-10 67-86 32 •79 •72 ■85 36-45 3-91 2-86 6-77 25-83 69-05 33 •81 •74 ‘87 36-75 4-00 2-93 6-93 26-59 70-27 34 •82 •76 •89 37-06 4-09 3-00 7-09 27-38 71-53 35 •84 •77 •91 37*36 4-19 3-08 7-27 28-18 72-81 36 •86 •79 •94 37-66 4-30 315 745 29 01 74-12 37 •88 •81 •96 37-96 4-40 3-23 7-63 29-87 75*46 38 •90 •83 •99 38-25 4-51 3-31 7-82 30-75 76-82 39 •92 •85 1*01 38-54 4-63 3-39 8-02 31-65 78-21 40 •94 •87 1-04 38-82 4-74 3-48 8-22 32-59 79-63 41 •96 •89 1-06 39-09 4-86 3-57 8-43 33-56 81-08 42 •99 ■91 1-09 39-35 4-98 3-66 8-64 34'57 82*56 43 1-01 ■93 1*11 39-60 5-11 3-75 8-86 35-61 84-07 44 1-03 •96 1-13 39-83 5*23 3-85 9-08 36-70 85-61 45 106 •98 1*16 40-06 5-36 3-95 9-31 37-81 87-18 46 1-08 1-00 119 40*27 5-49 405 9-54 38-97 88-78 47 111 1-02 1-22 40-47 5-63 4-15 9-78 40-18 90-43 48 113 1'05 1-25 40-66 5-77 4-26 10-03 41-44 92-13 49 1T6 108 1-28 40-83 5-91 4-37 10-28 42-76 93-87 50 1T8 1-10 1-32 40-98 6-06 4-48 10-54 44-15 95-67 51 1-21 1*13 1-35 41*11 1 6-20 4-60 10-80 45-61 97-52 52 0.200 7 12 -k ag: (x) 63 64 65 6G 67 58 59 CO 61 62 C3 04 G5 GG 67 68 G9 70 71 72 73 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 8G 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 9G 97 98 99 100 1 -'4 > MALES, 1876 — 1880 . Values of Sick Pay Allowance of 1 per Week for the Whole of Life = . ^ r DURATIONS Onic Year. Weeks 4 — 8 Weeks 8-13 Weeks 13—17 Weeks 17—21 WeekB 21 — 2« Weeks 26—30 Weeks 30-34' 1 Weeks 1 34—39 ti’55 5*16 2*98 2*40 2-45 1*66 1*50 1*70 6*54 5*18 3*00 2*43 2-49 1*70 1-53 1-74 6-53 5*20 3*03 2*46 2-52 1-72 1-56 1-77 C-51 5*23 3*06 2*49 2-57 1-76 1-59 1-81 6-48 525 3*08 2*51 2 '60 1-79 1-62 1-85 6‘45 5*26 3*11 2*54 2*65 1-82 1-66 1-88 6-41 5*27 3*14 2*57 2-68 1-85 1-69 1-92 6*36 5*28 3*15 2*60 2*72 1-88 1-72 1-96 6*30 5-28 317 2*62 274 1-90 1-74 2-00 6*24 5*26 3-17 2*63 2-76 1-92 1-76 2*02 6*15 5-22 3*17 2*64 2*77 1-93 1*78 2 04 6*04 5*17 3*15 2*63 2*78 1-95 1-80 2*07 5*93 5*11 313 2*63 2*78 1-95 1-80 2*08 5*80 5*03 3*10 2*61 2-77 1-95 1-80 2-09 5*65 4*94 3*05 2*57 2*74 1-93 1-79 2-07 5*48 4*83 2-99 2*53 2*69 1-90 1-77 2-05 5*29 4*70 2*92 2*48 263 1-87 1-74 2-02 5*08 4*53 2*83 2*42 2*58 1-84 1-71 1-99 4*87 4*36 2*73 2*34 2*50 1-79 1*67 1-93 4*59 4*18 2*64 2*27 2*43 1-74 1-64 1-90 4*37 4*00 2*52 2*19 2*35 1-69 1-58 1-84 414 3*83 2*42 2*10 2*27 1-63 1-52 1*77 — 3*92 3*63 2*29 1*99 2TG 1*55 1-46 1-70 3*72 3*45 2*17 1*89 205 1-49 1-40 1-62 3*4G 3*21 2*02 1*76 1-93 1-41 1*34 1-55 3*18 2-96 1*85 1*65 1-82 1*32 1-27 1-46 2*93 2*72 1*67 1*48 1*65 1-20 1*16 1-33 — 2*63 246 1*48 1-31 1*47 1-08 1-05 1-21 2*39 2*20 1*28 1*11 1-26 •92 •90 1-06 2*19 2*02 1*09 •91 105 •75 •74 ■85 2-02 1*85 ■92 *72 •80 •57 •57 •69 1*97 1*72 •72 •53 •55 •38 •38 •45 1*32 113 •61 •47 •54 •37 •37 •45 *81 *75 •44 *37 •41 •32 •32 •39 *49 *46 •25 •23 •23 •18 •18 •20 | 2J per Cent, 1*43 MALES, 1876 — 1880 . Values of Sick Pay Allowance of 1 per Week for the Whole of Life ="jy DURATIONS Onk Yka.ii. Two Ykahs Three Weeks 39-43 Weeks 43—47 Weeks 47—52 Total, First Six Months Second Six Months Total I I'.AKS and upwards Durations 1-23 1-15 1-38 41-24 6-36 4-71 n-07 47-14 99-45 1-26 118 1-41 41-35 6-52 4-83 11-35 48-75 101-45 1-29 1-20 1-44 41-45 6*67 496 11-63 50-46 103-54 1-32 1-23 1-48 41*56 6-83 5-09 11-92 52-26 105-74 1-35 1-26 1-52 41-65 7-01 5-22 12-23 5413 108-01 1-38 1-29 1-55 41-73 7-19 535 12-54 5609 110-36 1-41 1-32 1-59 41-77 7-38 5-49 12-87 58-13 112-77 1-44 1-35 1-62 41-75 7-57 5-63 13-20 60-28 115-23 1-47 1-38 1-66 41-67 7-76 5-78 13-54 62-54 117-75 149 1-40 1-69 41-49 7-95 5-94 13-89 64-92 120-30 1-51 1-42 1-71 41-22 8-14 6-09 14-23 67-46 122-91 1-53 1-44 1-75 4084 8-32 6-23 14-55 70-15 125-54 1-54 1-45 1-77 40-36 8-48 6-38 14-86 72-92 128-14 1*55 1-46 1-77 39-75 8-62 6-48 15-10 75-78 130-63 1-54 1-46 1-77 38-98 8-75 6-54 15-29 78-61 132-88 1-53 1-45 1-76 38-06 8-80 6-59 15-39 81-34 134-79 1-51 1-43 1-74 36-97 8-79 6-62 15-41 83-98 136-36 1-48 1-41 1-71 35-74 8-76 6-58 15-34 86-56 137-64 1-44 1-37 167 34-40 8-68 6-53 15-21 89-11 138-72 . 1-42 1-34 1-65 3300 8-58 6-47 15-05 91-75 139-80 1-37 1-30 1-58 31-56 8-48 6-38 14-86 94-59 141-01 1-33 1-26 1-54 30-11 8-37 6-32 14-69 97-68 142-48 1-28 1-23 1-49 28-64 8-32 6-22 14-54 101-04 144-22 1-22 117 1-43 27-14 8-25 6-16 14-41 104-61 146-16 1-17 113 1-37 25-50 813 6-11 14-24 108-30 148-04 111 106 1-30 23-65 8-02 5-96 13-98 111-95 149-58 •99 •96 1-18 21-57 7-76 5-78 13-54 115-28 150-39 •90 •87 1-07 19-35 7-38 5-63 13-01 118-50 150-86 •78 *76 •92 17-10 6-91 5-33 12-24 121-55 150-89 •62 •60 *75 14-89 6-43 4-93 11-36 124-43 150-68 •48 ■48 •60 12-72 5-81 4-61 10-42 127-27 150-41 •31 •30 •39 10-56 517 4-29 9-46 13009 15011 •33 •32 •41 8-33 4-36 4*09 8-45 132-73 149-51 •26 •26 •35 5-92 3-89 3-53 7-42 134-74 148-08 •11 •10 15 3-20 316 3-16 6-32 135-78 145-30 259 259 5-18 135-31 140-49 13307 13307 122-41 122-41 109-68 109-68 96-91 96-91 84-55 84-55 72-97 72-97 62-35 62-35 • 52-83 52-83 44-44 44-44 3718 37-18 30-97 30-97 25-68 25-68 AfiR (r) 53 51 55 5G 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 0.200 7 T 3 2 4 per Cent. MALES, 1870— 1880. Log l >J Or O* *x + l X + 1 ** + ‘ *x + ! + ) = Log K, Where *, denotes the Hate of Sickness for the undermentioned Durations AOE (,) On k Ykau Weeks 0—4 Weeks 4 — 8 Weeks 8—13 Weeks 13-17 Weeks 17—21 Weeks 21—28 Weeks 26—30 Weeks 30—34 Weeks 34—39 5 009864 5-61823 5-37785 5-06797 4-94000 4-91782 4-72248 4-65544 4-68920 6 6*08947 5-59957 5-37785 5-06797 4-94000 4-91782 4-72248 4-65644 4-68920 7 6*08030 5-58236 5-37479 6*06797 4-94000 4-91782 4-72248 4-65544 4-68920 8 6*06902 5-57363 5-36821 5*06616 4-94000 4-91782 4-72248 4*65544 4-68920 9 6*05751 5*56475 5-36161 5-06441 4-94000 4-91782 4-72248 4-65544 4-68920 10 6*04605 5*55671 5*35731 5-06072 4*93583 4-91423 4-71873 4-65325 4-68853 11 0 03134 5*54860 5-35309 5*05682 4-93139 4-91073 4-71506 4-65112 4-68788 12 6*02270 5-53997 5-3-J745 5*05219 4*92667 4*90692 4-71327 4-64974 4-68724 13 001061 5-53107 5-34177 5*04766 4-92204 4*90469 4-71153 4-64773 4-68477 14 5-99661 5-52271 5-33806 5*04558 4*91995 4-90361 4-70984 4-64707 4-68477 15 5-98441 5-51374 5-33114 5-04124 4-91587 4-90008 4-70542 4-64196 4-67950 16 5-97145 5-50409 5-32329 5*03424 4-91120 4-89628 4-70164 4*63946 4-67721 17 5-95917 5-49445 5-31492 5-02757 4-90498 4-88916 4-69527 4-63272 4*66990 18 5*94529 5-48396 5-30638 5 02126 4-89951 4-88450 4-69059 4-62791 4-66549 19 5-93010 5-47422 5-29831 5-01434 4-89415 4-87993 4-68651 4-62437 4-66171 20 5*91477 5-46365 5-29010 5*00871 4-88920 4-87545 4*68252 4-62035 4-65696 21 5-90004 5*45350 5*28178 5-00202 4-88252 4-86919 4-67667 4*61473 4-65230 22 5-88531 5-44369 5-27379 4-99499 4-87626 4-86335 4-67140 4-60975 4-64826 23 5-87057 5-43371 5-26590 4-98851 4-87039 4-85821 4-66717 4-60597 4-64529 24 5*85661 5-42374 5-25775 4*98191 4-86434 4-85288 4-66258 4-60175 4-64143 25 5-84295 5-41432 5-24996 4-97520 4-85810 4-84705 4-65717 4-59655 4-63718 26 5*82907 5-40473 5*24224 4-96859 4*85224 4-84219 4-65275 4-59249 4-63394 27 5-81541 5-39533 5-23449 4-96187 4-84620 4-83686 4-64798 4-58800 4-62987 28 5-80179 5-38591 5-22675 4-95504 4-83999 4-83108 4*64244 4-58312 4-62544 29 5-78798 5-37674 5-21901 4-94810 4-83335 4-82457 4-63701 4-57833 4-62066 30 5-77432 5-36691 5-21083 4-94087 4-82655 4-81817 4-63126 4-57316 4*61555 31 5-76039 5-35692 5-20231 4-93335 4-81960 4-81188 4-62602 4-56857 4-61096 32 5-74616 5-34682 5*19379 4-92613 4-81277 4-80543 4-62009 4-56316 4-60564 33 5-73121 5-33622 5*18528 4-91922 4-80629 4-79935 4-61545 4*55874 4-60164 34 5-71607 5*32568 5-17625 4-91147 4-79943 4-79314 4-61014 4-55399 4-59733 35 5-70076 5-31503 5-16744 4-90384 4-79245 4-78655 4-60382 4-54807 4-59198 36 5-68538 5-30382 5-15803 4-89559 4-78511 4-77983 4-59761 4-54227 4-58635 37 5-66969 5-29234 5-14833 4-88709 4-77719 4-77325 4-59116 4-53617 4*58085 38 5-65371 5-28053 5-13856 4-87836 4-76916 4-76562 4*58449 4-53019 4-57545 39 5*63743 5-26860 5-12830 4-86958 4-76104 4-75834 4-57760 4-52355 4-56948 40 5-62065 5-25590 511810 4-86058 4-75305 4-75076 4-57083 4-51743 4-56398 41 5-60362 5-24321 5-10741 4-85101 4-74431 4-74308 4-56420 4-51105 4-55825 42 5-58640 5-23019 5 09610 4-84141 4-73649 4-73510 4-55705 4-50444 4-55200 43 5-56815 5-21646 6-08488 4-83143 4-72680 4-72769 4-55035 4-49797 4-54620 44 5*54975 5-20260 5-07324 4-82109 4-71741 4-71916 4-54254 4-49091 4-53958 45 5-53070 5*18820 506141 4*81039 4-70754 4-71036 4-53456 4-48332 4-53247 46 5-51112 5-17298 5-04864 4-79901 4-69720 4-70090 4*52612 4-47586 4-52582 47 5-49003 5 15737 5-03597 4-78809 4-68741 4-69159 4-51754 4-46857 4-51844 48 5-46914 514132 502252 4-77574 4-67619 4-68147 4-50825 4-45947 4*50974 49 5-44697 5 12499 5-00867 4-76338 4-66474 4-67092 4-49826 4-45054 4-50151 50 5-42397 5-10741 4-99422 4-75023 4-65305 4-66017 4-48900 4-44210 4-49346 51 5*39992 508906 4-97918 4-73738 4 64115 4-64941 4-47910 4-43292 4-48504 52 5*37581 5*07026 4-96339 4-72349 4-62830 4-63736 4-46776 4-42243 4-47493 I -A!) MALES, 1876—1880. Log «* CL ** + L + l + 1 *x + i + ) = Log K x per Cent. Where * r denotes the Kate of Sickness for the undermentioned Durations ON* YKAR Two YEARS Tiihke Years and upwards All Durations AOE ,(*) Weeks 39-43 Weeks 43-47 W eoks 47—52 TOTAL First Six Months Second Six Months Total 4-43*14 4-48766 4-56022 6-38808 5-22151 5-07311 5-45464 5-98570 6-56777 5 4-53*14 448766 4-56022 6-38025 5-22151 5-07311 5-45464 5-98570 6-56261 6 1-53514 4-48766 4-56022 6-37243 5-22151 5-07311 5-45464 5-98570 6-55748 7 4-53514 4-48766 4-56022 6-36453 5-22151 5-07311 5*45464 5-98570 6-55235 8 4-53514 4-48766 4-56022 6-35654 5-22151 5-07311 5-45464 5-98570 6-54717 9 4-53514 4-48766 4-56022 6-34844 5-22151 5-07311 5-45464 5-98570 6-54198 10 4-53514 4-48766 4-56022 6-34024 5-22151 5-07311 5-45464 5-98570 6-63674 11 4-53424 4-48766 4-56022 6-33185 5-22151 5-07311 5-45464 5-98570 6-53143 12 4 53161 4-48473 4-55691 6-32313 5-21953 5-07311 5-45349 5-98570 6-52583 13 4-53161 4-48473 4-55691 6-31432 5-21655 5-07311 5-45174 5-98570 6-52019 14 4-52661 4-48101 4-55219 6-30519 5-21362 5-07168 5-44945 5-98561 6-51430 15 4-52498 4-47920 4-55066 6-29561 5-21027 5-06959 5-44662 5-98547 6-50812 16 4-51700 4-47211 4-54314 6-28557 5-20699 5-06642 5-44339 5-98525 6-50164 17 4-51307 4-46776 4-53796 6-27510 5-20347 5-06288 5-43986 5-98493 6-49490 18 4-30924 4-46520 4-53579 6-26436 5-19924 505986 5-43614 5-98452 6-48799 19 4*50650 4-46273 4-53297 6-25350 5-19496 5-05690 5-43242 5-98402 6-48104 20 4-50258 4-45950 4-52885 6-24269 5-19077 5-05403 5-42878 5-98341 6-47414 21 4-49830 4-45556 4-52550 6-23205 5-18755 5-05002 5-42523 5-98273 6-46739 22 4-49550 4-45326 4-52287 6-22167 5-18383 5-04708 5-42184 5-98198 6-46082 23 4-49209 4-45025 4-51967 6-21154 5-18020 504460 5-41869 5-98123 6*45446 24 4*48742 4-44658 4-51591 6-20156 5-17692 5-04198 5-41570 598047 6-44825 25 4-48416 4-44372 4-51286 6-19171 5-17398 5-03889 5-41270 5-97974 6-44216 26 4-48032 4-44022 4-50987 618191 5-17112 5-03587 5-40976 5-97897 6-43614 27 4-47657 4-43678 4-50695 6-17209 5-16807 5-03308 5-40682 5-97810 6-43011 28 4-47229 4-43276 4-50353 6-16216 5-16509 5-03003 5-40381 5-97710 6-42401 29 4-46810 4-42883 4-50020 6-15211 5-16205 5-02655 5-40059 5-97594 6 41781 30 4-46400 4-42434 4-49639 614193 5-15861 5-02316 5-39718 5-97462 6-41150 31 4-45941 4-42058 4*49268 6-13160 5-15514 5-01937 5-39357 5-97314 6-40508 32 4-45548 4-41691 4-48904 6-12109 515120 5-01582 5-38979 5-97154 6-39854 33 4-45165 4-41332 4-48549 6-] 1039 5-14711 5-01206 5-38584 5-96983 6-39189 34 4-44683 4-40865 4 48104 609947 5-14281 5-00823 5-38173 5-96797 6-38510 35 4-44160 4*40-108 4-47669 608835 5-13859 5-00407 5-37754 5-96596 6-37817 36 4-43648 4-39962 4-47243 6 07700 5T3427 4-99972 5-37321 5-96378 6-37109 37 4-43098 4-39471 4-46783 606543 5-12986 4-99521 5-36875 5-96141 6-36386 ?8 4-42558 4-38938 4-46288 605364 5-12545 4-99053 5-36423 5-95887 6-35649 39 4*42080 4-38521 4*45849 6-04164 5-12087 4-98610 5-35971 5-95623 6-34902 40 4-41566 4-38014 4-45378 6-02941 5-11620 4-98178 5-35519 5-95350 6-34145 41 4-40971 4-37468 4-44834 601692 5T1175 4-97695 5*35058 5-95069 6-33376 42 4-40435 4-36983 4-44384 6*00409 5-10678 4-97235 5-34577 5-94779 6-32590 41 4-39780 4-36369 4-43826 5-99088 5-10141 4-96764 5-34067 5-94476 6-31782 44 4-39095 4-35721 4-43202 5-97723 5-09566 4-96258 5-33522 5-94155 6-30949 45 4-38468 4-35089 4-42632 5-96312 5-08963 4-95697 5-32937 5-93808 6-30086 46 4-37814 4-34471 4-42075 5-94854 5-08318 4-95107 5-32315 5-93437 6-29191 47 4-37014 4-33738 4-41350 5-93345 5-07657 4-94467 5-31663 5-93041 6-28266 48 4-36231 4-33021 4-40642 5-91786 5-06989 4-93769 5-30982 5-92624 6-27313 49 4-35467 4-32280 4-39917 5-90175 506246 4-93098 5-30270 5-92191 6-26333 50 4-34645 4-31515 4-39176 5-88508 5-05478 4-92375 5-29521 5-91743 6-25327 51 4-33658 4-30612 4-38320 5-86782 504662 4-91612 5-28728 5-91281 6-24290 52 0.200 7 T 4 124^* 2J per Cent. MALES, 1876—1880. Lo K ri (l x /^+/ I + / +1 * X + 1 + ) = Log K, Where denotes the Kate of Sickness for the undermentioned Durations AGE (x) One Year Weeks 0-4 Weeks 4—8 Weeks 8—13 Weeks 13—17 Weeks 17—21 Weeks 21—26 Weeks 26-30 Weeks 80-31 Weeks 34—39 63 5-35116 5-05113 4*94692 4-70854 4-61431 4-62458 4-45580 4-41093 4-46397 54 5-32521 5-03028 4*92944 4-69300 4-60012 4-61145 4-44404 4-39993 4-45370 55 5-29881 5-00937 4-91144 4-67657 4-58 448 4-59639 4-43041 4-38714 4-44192 56 5-27052 4-98637 4-89208 4-65927 4-56901 4-58257 4-41777 4-37513 4-43061 57 5-24210 4-96286 4-87136 4-64037 4-55141 4-56674 4-40286 4-36173 4-41737 58 6-21243 4-93780 4-84967 4-62090 4-53347 4-55080 4*38821 4-34723 4-40345 59 5-18073 4-91111 4-82657 4-60084 4-51485 4-53377 4-37162 4-33141 4-38863 60 5-14707 4-88318 4-80240 4-57852 4-49506 4-51402 4-35315 4-31429 4-37205 61 511123 4-85369 4-77619 4-56461 4-47220 4-49184 4-33327 4-29563 4-35417 62 507399 4-82205 4-74796 4-52865 4-44725 4-46802 4-31010 4-27316 4-33302 63 5-03535 4-78771 4-71660 4-49987 4-41966 4-44176 4-28477 4-24812 4-30906 64 4-99136 4-75014 4-68207 4*46699 4-38915 4-41298 4-25821 4-22326 4-28576 65 4-94548 4-71040 4-64617 4-43358 4-35719 4-38164 4-22763 4-19363 4*25580 66 4-89668 4-66770 4-60612 4-39561 4-32060 4-34731 4-19379 4 16053 4-22373 67 4-84704 4-62267 4-56350 4-35372 4-27992 4-30747 4-15509 4-12330 4-18682 68 4-79253 4-57315 4-51782 4-30974 4-23749 4-26487 4-11354 4-08185 4-14653 69 4-73313 4*52020 4*46824 4-26167 4-19028 4-21819 4-06767 4-03747 4-10212 70 4-66791 4-46228 4-41256 4-20858 4 13982 4-16797 4-02011 3-99043 4-05461 71 4-60119 4-40021 4-35266 4-15014 4-08182 4-11083 3-96487 3-93581 3-99970 72 4-52308 4-32765 4-28673 4-08696 4-02189 405231 3-90634 3-87967 3-94493 73 4-44489 4*25498 4*21609 4-01607 3-95415 3-98561 3-84098 3-81351 3-87823 74 4-35694 4-17464 4-14151 3-94231 3-87990 3-91466 3-76864 3-74020 3-80598 75 4-27066 409075 4 05732 3-85625 3-79588 3-83110 3-68860 3-66266 3-72787 76 4 17545 4*00294 3-97081 3-76953 3-70935 3-74421 3-60520 3-58001 3-64227 77 4-07722 3-90396 3-87233 3-67080 3-61151 3-65137 3-51481 3-49332 3-55485 78 3-96553 3-79900 3-76671 3-56396 3-51148 3-55473 3-41731 3-39985 3-46180 79 3-85745 3-69249 3-66001 3-44762 3-39340 3-44075 3-30449 3-28713 3-34713 80 3-73231 3-57019 3-54120 3-31973 3-26623 3-31848 3-18441 3-16938 3-23223 81 3-61909 3-45040 3-41464 3-17984 311628 317114 3-03782 3-02449 3-09587 82 3-51055 3-33041 3-29403 3-02776 2-94988 3-01072 2-87506 2-85552 2-91751 83 3-37912 3-20520 3 16791 2-86213 2-75740 2-80209 2-65801 2-65801 2-73719 84 3-25888 3-09656 303862 2-65992 2-52634 2-54283 2-38561 2-38561 2-46090 85 3 00346 2-81954 2-75128 2-48144 2-37291 2-43457 2-26245 2*26245 2-35025 86 2-68395 2*49693 2-46389 2-23300 2-15229 2-20140 2-09342 2-09342 2-17609 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 2-26888 2*16782 2 13354 1-87506 1-84360 1-84176 1-71436 1-71436 1-77848 1247 MALES, 1876 — 1880 . Log i>* (l x v* * x + l x + x «* + 1 * x + j + ) = Log K x Where denotes the Unto of Sickness for the undermentioned Durations ONK YKAIl Two Years Three Years and upwards All Durations AGE (*) Weeks 39--43 Weeks 43—47 Weeks 47—52 Total First Six Month* Second Six Month* Total 4-32880 4-29574 4-37322 5*84990 503810 4-90773 5-27881 5*90800 1 6-23221 S3 4*31898 4*28594 4 36344 5-83131 5-02876 4-89899 5-26973 5*90289 6-22111 54 4*80458 4-27487 4-35265 5-81197 601837 4*89011 5-25999 5-89736 6-20953 55 4-29378 4-26477 4-34270 5-79183 5-00762 4-88023 5-24960 5-89130 6-19740 56 4-28126 4-25244 4-33094 5-77079 4-99668 4-86897 5-23853 5-88460 6-18462 57 4-26802 4 23932 4-31827 5-74870 4-98527 4-85655 5-22669 6-87718 6-17110 58 4-28380 4-22549 4-30477 5-72536 4-97244 4*84411 5-21402 5*86899 6-15673 59 4-23832 4-21096 4-29075 5-70052 4-95874 4-83070 6*20045 5-86001 6-14142 60 422131 4 19479 4*27515 5-67385 4-94386 4-81630 5-18578 5*85023 6-12503 61 4*20069 4-17447 4-25537 5-64504 4-92740 4-80074 5-16970 5-83955 6-10739 62 4-17644 4-15060 4-23218 5-61384 4*90960 4*78305 5-15189 5-82783 6-08834 63 4 15452 4 12921 4-21112 5-58002 4-88911 4-76359 5-13190 5-81485 6*06767 64 4-12470 4-10009 4-18270 5-54340 4-86576 4-74200 5 10931 5-80U37 6-04515 65 4-09409 4-07019 4 15345 5-50380 4-84012 4-71630 5 08364 5*78405 6-02055 66 408767 403419 4-11793 5-46103 4-81202 4-68580 505452 5-76559 5-99359 67 4-01770 3-99480 4-07943 5-41474 4-77885 4-65306 5-02153 5-74461 5-96395 68 3-97428 3-95250 403775 5*36442 4-74062 4-61711 4-98427 5-72077 5-93126 69 3-92675 3-90542 3-99154 5-30957 4-69901 4-57470 4-94233 5-69367 5-89513 70 3-87186 3-85034 3-93651 5*24966 4-65173 4-52817 4-89537 5-66296 5-85521 71 3-81704 3-79609 3-88252 5-18431 4-59912 4-47693 4-84334 5-62840 5-81131 72 3-75005 3-72811 3-81318 5-11329 4-54275 4-41903 4-78632 5-58992 5-76336 73 3-68006 3-65887 3*74453 5-03649 4-48047 4-35870 4*72487 5*54757 5-71153 74 3-60347 3-58535 3-67311 4-95417 4-41717 4-29117 4-65975 5-50161 *5-65617 75 3-52048 3-50147 3-58636 4-86632 4-34908 4-22214 4-59127 5-45238 5-59760 76 3*43473 3-41731 3-50406 4-77206 4-27589 4-15131 4-51909 5-40011 5-53588 77 3-33985 3-32243 3-41010 4-66977 4-20028 4-07089 4*44144 5-34476 5-47066 78 3-22167 3-20656 3-29513 4-55818 4-11441 3-98614 4*35605 5*28611 5-40158 79 3-10449 3-08920 3-17926 4-43662 4-01799 3-90086 4*26442 5-22379 5-32863 80 2-96661 2-95036 3-04021 4-30511 3-91137 3-79886 4-15978 5*15686 5-25076 81 2-77597 2-76641 2-85673 4-16203 3-79706 3-68215 4 04442 5-08407 5-16719 82 2-58320 2-57978 2*68034 4-00432 3-66398 3-56360 3-91772 5-00446 5-07702 83 2-29226 2-28556 2-39967 3-82692 3-51640 3-43521 3-77873 4-91738 4-97953 84 2-21748, 2-20952 2-32428 3*62024 3-33885 3-31154 3*62644 4*82241 4-87412 85 2-02531 2-01284 2-13033 3-36211 3 17926 3-13672 3-45954 4-71915 4-76012 86 1-52955 1-49416 1-62325 2*97940 2-97405 2-97451 2-27531 4-60704 4-63648 87 2*76617 2-76634 3-06729 4-48510 4-50139 88 4-35121 4-35121 89 4-17979 4-17979 90 3-98410 3-98410 91 3-76391 3-76391 92 3-51247 3-51247 93 3-22153 3*22153 94 2-88021 2*88021 i 95 . 2-47410 2-47410 96 1-98290 1-98290 97 1*37580 1-37580 98 0*59909 0-59909 99 i 1*52479 L52479 100 0.200. 7 U — 1 249 MALES, 1H76— 1880. 2 $ per Cent. 2f per Cent. TABLE OK ELEMENTARY MORTALITY VALUES, DEDUCED FROM THE MORTALITY EXPERIENCE OF AJsj MALES, 1876—1880. AliK <*> Log Dt Log N, a, A, - /-M v p. ACJE (*) Log D.r Log Nj- a x A, 5 4-94109 6-33876 24-984 •30456 •01172 53 4-17864 5-27522 12-493 •63887 •01734 6 4-92303 6-32174 25044 •30296 •01163 54 4-15772 5-24075 12-107 •64920 •04953 7 4-90619 6-30473 25-035 •30320 •01164 55 4-13622 5-20520 11-721 •65953 •05184 8 4-89007 6-28769 24-982 •30462 •01173 56 4-11394 5-16850 11-339 ■66976 •05428 9 4-87461 6-27059 24-887 •30716 •01187 57 4-09085 5-13056 10-957 •67998 •05687 10 4-85967 6-25339 24-758 •31061 •01206 58 4-06691 5-09135 10-579 •69010 •05960 11 4-84510 6-23608 24-603 . -31476 •01229 59 4-04211 5-05073 10-200 •70024 •06252 12 4-83078 6-21867 24-428 •31944 •01256 60 4-01636 5-00864 9-824 •71030 •06563 13 4-81658 6-20110 24-239 •32451 •01286 61 3-98955 4-96493 9-449 •72035 •06894 14 4-80240 6 18341 24-044 ■32972 •01317 62 3-96152 4-91955 9-079 •73025 •07245 15 4-78817 6-16557 23-845 •33505 •01348 63 3-93210 4-87238 8-715 •73999 •07617 16 4-77380 6-14758 23-647 •34035 •01381 64 3-90118 4-82331 8-359 •74952 ■08008 17 4-75923 6-12943 23-453 •34554 •01413 65 3-86871 4-77220 8-007 •75894 •08426 18 4-74441 6-11116 23-268 •35049 •01444 66 3-83470 4-71890 7-660 •76822 •08871 19 4-72944 6-09276 23084 •35541 ■01476 67 3-79926 4-66322 7-311 •77756 •09356 20 4-71446 6-07419 22-894 •36050 •01509 68 3-76234 4-60491 6-959 •78699 •09888 21 4-69962 6-05545 22-690 •36596 •01545 69 3-72356 4-54373 6-610 ■79633 •10464 22 4-68498 603655 22-468 •37190 •01584 70 3-68234 4-47943 6-267 •80551 •11065 23 4-67053 6-01741 22*227 •37835 •01629 71 3-63795 4-41189 5-942 •81421 •11729 24 4-65622 5-99810 21-973 •38515 •01676 72 3-58963 4*34102 5-641 •82226 •12382 25 4-64195 5-97854 21-707 •39227 •01728 73 3-53687 4-26684 5-370 •82951 •13022 26 4-62768 5-95874 21-432 •39963 •01782 74 3-47948 4-18949 5-129 •83597 •13640 27 4-61333 5-93867 21-151 •40715 •01838 75 3-41779 4-10900 4-912 •84177 •14238 28 4-59886 5-91834 20-868 •41472 •01896 76 3-35237 4-02539 4-710 ■84718 •14837 29 4-58426 5-89774 20-582 •42238 •01957 77 3-28404 3-93845 4-512 •85248 •15466 30 4-56953 5-87685 20-292 •43014 •02020 78 3-21346 3-84781 4-309 •85791 ■16160 31 4-55465 5-85566 19-999 ■43799 •02086 79 3-14080 3-75289 4-U94 •86366 •16954 32 4-53964 5-83415 19-702 •44594 •02154 80 3-06542 3-65306 3-869 •86969 •17861 33 4-52447 5-81233 19-404 •45390 •02225 81 2-98640 3-54769 3-642 •87577 •18866 34 4-50913 5-79017 19-100 •46204 ■02299 82 » 2-90238 3-43626 3-419 •88173 19953 35 4-49360 5-76765 18-795 •47021 ■02375 83 2-81192 3-31850 3-211 •88729 •21071 36 4-47787 5-74478 18-489 •47840 •02454 84 2-71426 3-19426 3-020 •89241 •22199 37 4-46198 5-72152 18-178 •48672 •02538 85 2-60952 3-06341 2-844 •89712 •23338 38 4-44594 5-69787 17-862 •49518 •02625. 86 2-49863 2-92531 2-671 •90175 •24565 39 4-42976 5-67379 17*540 •50380 •02717 87 2-38217 2-77881 2-493 •90651 •25952 40 4-41345 5-64926 17-211 ■51260 •02815 88 2-26063 2-62188 2-298 •91173 •27645 41 4-39701 5-62425 16-875 •52160 •02918 89 2-13298 2-45156 2-083 •91749 •29759 42 4-38042 5-59875 16-532 •53078 •03027 90 1-99678 2-26385 1-850 •92372 •32411 43 4-36365 5-57271 16-183 •54011 ■03143 91 1-84770 2-05373 1-607 •93023 •35682 44 4-34665 5-54610 15-829 •54959 •03265 92 1-68020 1-81480 1-363 •93676 •39643 45 4-32938 5-51890 15-471 •55917 03395 93 1-48697 1-53901 1-127 •94307 •44338 46 4-31179 5-49107 15-111 •56880 •03531 94 1-25892 1-21598 0*906 •94898 47 4-29385 5-46258 14-748 •57852 •03674 95 0*98484 0-83160 0-703 •95442 48 4-27556 5-43339 14-382 •58832 •03825 96 0-64967 0-36594 0-520 •95931 49 4-25691 5-40345 14-013 •59819 •03984 97 0-23253 1-78834 0-360 •96360 50 4-23791 5-37271 13-640 •60818 •04154 98 1-70176 1-04540 0-221 ■96731 61 4-21855 5-34114 13-261 •61832 •04335 99 1*00347 2-00945 0-101 •97053 52 4-19877 5-30867 12-880 •62852 •04528 100 2-00939 0-000 •97324 0.200 U 2 i 250 j>er Cent. MALES, 1870 — 1880 . Values of Sick Pay Allowance of 1 per Week for the Whole of Life = p AOK I > u RATION 8 Onk Ykar w Weeks * Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks 0-4 4-8 8-13 13—17 17—21 21-26 26 -30 30—34 34—39 5 1332 4-36 2*46 1-20 *88 *84 •53 *46 *48 6 13-56 4-34 2*56 1-24 •93 •88 *56 *48 •51 7 13-78 4-32 2*65 1-30 *96 •91 •58 '49 •53 8 13-91 4*39 2-71 1-34 1-00 •94 •60 -51 •65 9 14*02 4-45 2-76 1-38 1-03 •98 •62 •53 •57 10 14-10 4-51 2*82 1-42 1-06 1-00 *64 *55 •59 11 14-18 4-57 2*89 1-45 1-09 1-03 *65 *56 ■61 12 14-24 4*62 2*94 1-48 1-11 1*06 •67 *58 •63 13 14-28 4-67 3*00 1-51 113 1-08 *69 •60 *65 14 14-26 4-73 3*07 1-56 1-16 11 1 •71 •61 ■67 15 14*29 4*78 312 1*59 1*19 1-14 ■73 •63 ■68 16 14-33 4*83 3-16 1-62 1-21 117 *74 *64 •70 17 14-38 4-87 3-20 1-64 1*24 1*19 •76 •65 •71 18 14-38 4*91 3*24 1-67 1-26 1-22 •77 •67 •73 19 14-35 4-96 3*29 1-70 1-29 1-24 •79 •69 •75 20 14-31 5-01 3-34 1-74 1-32 1-27 •81 •70 •76 1 21 14-28 5*05 3-38 1-77 1-34 1-30 •83 •72 ■78 22 14-25 5-10 3-43 1-80 1-36 1-32 •85 ■73 •80 23 14-22 514 3-48 1*83 1-39 1-35 •87 •75 •82 24 14-21 5-19 3-52 1-86 1-42 1-37 •88 •77 •84 25 14-20 5-24 3-57 1-89 1-44 1-40 •90 •78 *86 26 14-20 5*29 3-62 1-92 1-47 1-43 ■92 •80 •88 27 14-19 5-35 3-67 1-95 1-49 1-46 •94 •82 •90 28 14-19 5-40 3-73 1-99 1-52 1*49 •96 •84 •92 29 14*20 5-46 3-78 2*02 1-55 1-51 ■98 •85 •94 30 14-22 5*52 3*84 2-06 1*57 1*54 1-00 •87 •96 31 14-22 5*57 3-90 2-09 1-60 1*57 1-02 •89 ■98 32 14-23 5-63 3*95 2-12 1-63 1*60 1-04 •91 1-00 33 14-21 5-68 4*00 2-16 1-66 1*63 1-07 •93 1-03 34 14-19 5-74 405 2-20 1-69 1-66 1-09 •96 106 35 14-18 5-80 4-11 2-23 1-72 1-70 1-11 ■98 1-08 36 14-17 5-85 4-16 2*27 1-76 1-73 114 1-00 1-10 37 14-16 5*90 4-22 2-31 1-79 1-76 1-16 102 1-13 38 14-14 5-95 4*28 2-34 1-82 1-80 1-18 1-04 1-16 39 14-11 6-00 4-33 2*38 1*85 1*84 1-21 1-07 1-18 40 1408 6*04 4-39 2-42 1-88 1-87 1-23 1-09 1*21 41 14*04 6-09 4*44 2-45 1-92 1-91 1-26 1-11 1-24 42 13-99 6-13 4*49 2*49 1*95 1*94 1-29 1-14 1-27 43 13-93 6-17 4*54 2-53 1*98 1-98 1-32 1-17 1-30 ! 44 13-86 6-20 4-59 2*56 2*02 2-02 1-34 1-20 1-33 45 13-78 6'24 4*64 2-60 2*05 2*06 1-37 1-22 1-36 46 13-70 6-26 4*69 2*63 2*08 2-10 1*40 1-25 1-40 47 13-58 6*29 4*74 2*67 2*12 2-14 1-43 1-28 1*43 48 13-48 6-31 4*79 2-71 2*15 2-17 1*46 1-30 1-46 49 13-35 6-34 4-84 2*75 2*18 2-21 1-49 1-33 1*50 ' 50 13-21 6-35 4-88 2-78 2-22 2*25 1-52 1-36 1-54 51 13-04 6-36 4-93 2-82 2*26 2-29 1-56 1-39 1-67 52 1 12*89 6-36 4*96 2*85 2*29 2-31 I 1-58 1-42 1-60 1 25 I MALES, 1H76— 1880. Values of Sick l’ay Allowance of 1 per Week for the Whole of Life = K, Ur 2 } por Cent. DURATIONS AUK (*> ON K YKAR TWO YKAKS Tiirkk Y KARS and upwards All Durations Weeks 39 -43 Weeks 43—47 Weeks 47—52 Total. First Six Months Second Six Months Total •34 •31 •36 25-54 1-66 1-18 2-84 9-41 37*79 5 •36 •32 •37 26-11 1-73 1-23 2-96 9-81 38-88 6 •37 •33 •40 26-62 1-80 1-28 3'08 10-20 39-90 7 •39 •34 •41 27-09 1-87 1-32 3-19 10-59 40-87 8 •40 •36 •42 2752 1-94 1-37 3'31 10-97 41-80 9 •42 ■37 •41 27-92 2-00 1-42 3-42 11-35 42-69 10 •43 •38 •45 28-29 2-07 1-47 3-54 11-74 43-57 u •44 •40 •47 28-64 213 1-52 3-65 12-14 44-43 12 •45 •41 , •48 28-95 220 1-57 3-77 12-54 45-26 13 •47 •42 •50 29-27 2-26 1-62 3-88 12-95 46-10 14 •48 •43 •51 29-57 2-31 1-67 3-98 13-39 46-94 15 •49 •44 •52 29*85 2-37 1-72 4-09 13-83 47*77 16 •50 •45 •53 30-12 2-43 1-76 4-19 14-29 48-60 17 •51 •46 •55 30-37 2-50 1-80 4-30 14-77 49-44 18 •52 •47 •56 30-61 2-56 1-85 4-41 15-28 50-30 19 •54 •48 ■57 30-85 2-62 1-90 4-52 15-80 51*17 20 •55 •50 *59 31-09 2-68 1-95 4-63 16-32 52-04 21 •56 •51 •61 31-32 2-75 2-00 4-75 16-85 52*92 22 ■58 .. •52 •62 31-57 2-81 2-05 4-86 17-39 53-82 23 •59 •54 •64 3183 2-88 2-11 4-99 17-93 54-75 24 •61 *55 *65 3209 2-96 2-16 5-12 18-50 55-71 25 ■62 •57 •66 32-38 3-03 2-22 5-25 19-08 56-71 26 •64 •58 •68 32’67 311 2-28 5-39 19-68 57-74 27 •65 •59 •70 32-98 3-19 234 5-53 20-30 58-81 28 •67 •61 •72 3329 3-28 2-40 5-68 20-94 59-91 29 •68 ■62 •73 3361 3-36 2'46 5-82 21-60 6103 30 •70 •64 •75 3393 3-45 2-52 5-97 22-28 62-18 31 •72 ■65 •77 34-25 3-54 2‘59 6-13 22-97 63-35 32 •74 •67 •79 34-57 3-63 2-66 6-29 23-70 64-56 33 •75 •69 •81 34-89 3-72 2-73 6-45 24-45 65-79 34 ■77 ■71 •83 35-22 3-82 2-80 6-62 25-22 6706 35 •79 . •72 •86 35-55 3-92 2-87 6-79 26-02 68-36 36 •81 •74 •88 35-88 4-02 2-95 6'97 26*84 69-69 37 •83 •76 •90 36-20 413 3-03 7-16 27-68 71-04 38 •85 #■78 •92 36-52 4-24 3-10 7-34 28-56 72-42 39 •88 •80 ■95 36-84 4-35 3-19 7-54 29-46 73-84 40 •90 •82 •97 37-15 4-47 3-28 7-75 30-39 75-29 41 •92 •84 1-00 37-45 4-59 3-36 7-95 31-36 76-76 42 •94 •87 102 37-75 4-72 3-46 8-18 32-35 78-28 43 •96 •89 1-05 38-02 4-84 3-55 8-39 33-41 79-82 44 •99 •91 1-08 38-30 4-97 3-65 8-62 34-48 81-40 45 1-01 •93 1-11 38-56 5-10 3-75 8'85 35-60 83-01 46 1-03 ■96 1*14 38-81 5-23 3-86 9-09 36-76 84-66 47 1-06 •98 1T7 39-04 537 3-96 9-33 37'98 86-35 48 1-08 1-00 1-20 39-27 5-51 4-07 9'58 39-25 88-10 49 1*11 1-03 1-23 39-48 5-66 4-18 9-84 40-58 89-90 50 114 1-06 1-26 39-67 5-81 4-29 10-10 41-97 91-74 51 1-17 109 1-30 39-85 5-96 4-41 10-37 43-45 93-67 1 1 52 0.200 7 u 3 n i AO H (x) 53 64 56 66 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 1 252 Cent. MALES, 1876—1880. Values of Sick l*ay Allowance of I per Week for the Whole of Life = K* DURATIONS One Yeah Weeks 0—4 Weeks 4—8 Weeks 8-13 Week* 13-17 Weeks 17-21 Weeks 21-26 Weeks 26-30 Weeks 30-34 Weeks 34—39 12-74 6-37 5 00 2*89 2-32 2-37 1-61 1-45 1-64 12-68 6-36 5-03 2-92 2-35 2-41 1-64 1-48 1-68 12-42 6-36 5-06 2*95 2-38 2-45 1-67 1-51 1-71 12-24 6-35 5-10 2*98 2*42 2-49 1-71 1-54 1-75 12-07 6-33 5-12 3-00 2-45 2-53 1-74 1-57 1'79 11-88 6-30 5-14 3-03 2-48 2*58 1-77 1-61 1-83 11-68 6-27 515 3-06 2-51 2-62 1-80 1-64 1-87 11-46 6-23 516 3-08 254 2-65 1-83 1-67 1-91 11-20 6-18 5-16 3-10 2-56 2-68 1-86 1-70 1-95 10-95 6-12 515 311 2-58 2-70 1-88 1-72 1-98 10-70 6-04 5-12 311 2*58 2-72 1-89 1-74 2-00 10-36 5-94 5-08 3-10 2-58 2-73 1-91 1-76 2-03 10-03 5-83 503 3-08 2-58 2-73 1*91 1-77 2-04 9-68 5-71 4-95 3-05 2-56 2-73 1-91 1-77 2'05 9-37 5-57 4-86 3-00 2-52 2-69 1-90 1-76 2-04 8-96 5-41 4-76 2-95 2-49 2-66 1-87 1*74 2-02 8-54 5-22 4-63 2-88 2-44 2-60 1-84 1-72 1-99 8*06 5-02 4-47 2-80 2-39 2-55 1-81 1-69 1-96 7’64 4-81 4-31 2-70 2-31 2-47 1-76 1-65 1-92 7-12 4-54 413 2-60 2*25 2-41 1-72 1-62 1-88 6-69 4-32 3-96 2-50 2-17 2-33 1-67 1-57 1-82 6-24 4-10 3-80 2-40 2-08 2-25 1-61 1-51 1-75 5*88 3-89 3-60 2-27 1-97 2-14 1-54 1-45 1-69 5*48 3-68 3-42 2-15 1-87 2-C3 1-47 1-39 1-61 5-11 3-43 3-19 2-00 1-75 1-92 1-40 1-33 1-53 4-63 317 2-93 1-84 1-63 1-80 1-31 1-26 1*45 4-26 2-92 2-71 1-65 1-47 1-64 1-19 1*15 1-32 3-79 2-61 2-45 1-47 1-30 1-47 1-08 1-04 1-20 3-50 2-37 2-19 1-27 1-10 1-25 •96 •89 1-04 3-30 2-18 2-01 1-09 •91 1-05 •77 •73 •85 3-00 2-00 1-85 •91 •72 •80 •57 •57 •69 2*85 1*95 1-72 •72 •53 •55 •38 •38 •45 2-01 1-32 1-13 •60 •47 •54 •36 •36 •45 1-24 •80 •75 •44 •36 •41 ■32 •32 •39 •62 •50 •47 •25 •23 •23 •17 V •20 MALES, 1K7«— 1880, 2| per Cent, Values of Sick Pay Allowance of I per Week for (lie Whole of Life = DURATIONS AGE (*) One Year TWO YEARS Three Years and upwards ALL Durations Weeks 39 — 43 Weeks 43 — 47 Weeks 47—62 Total First Six Months Second Six Months Total 119 111 1-32 40-01 6-12 4-53 10-65 44*99 95*65 53 1-22 1'14 1-36 40-17 6-28 4-66 10-94 46-61 97-72 54 1-25 MS 1-39 40-31 6-44 4-79 11-23 48-33 99-87 55 1-28 117 1-43 40'46 6-60 4-92 11-52 5015 10213 56 1*31 1-23 1-47 40-61 6-78 5 05 11-83 52-04 104-48 57 1*34 1-25 1-51 40-72 6-98 5-19 12-17 54-01 106-90 58 1*37 1-29 1-55 40-81 7-17 5-33 12-50 56-08 109-39 59 1*41 1'32 1-58 40-84 7-36 5*48 12-84 58-25 111-93 60 1*44 13ft 1-62 4080 7-56 5-63 13-19 60-53 114-52 61 1*46 1-37 1-65 40-G7 7-76 5-79 13*55 62-95 117-17 62 1*47 1-40 1-68 40*45 7-96 5-94 13-90 65-51 119-86 63 1*50 1*42 1-71 40*12 8-14 6-10 14-24 68*22 122-58 64 1*51 1-43 1-73 39-67 8-31 625 14-56 71-04 125-27 65 1*52 1-44 1-74 39T1 8-46 6-36 14-82 73-92 127-85 66 1*51 1*44 1-74 38-40 8-59 6-42 15-01 76*79 130-20 67 1*50 1-43 1-73 37-52 8-65 6-48 15-13 79-57 132-22 68 1*49 1-41 1-72 36-48 8-65 6-51 1516 82*26 133-90 69 1*46 1-38 1-70 3529 8-63 6-48 1511 84-87 135-27 70 1*42 1-36 1-65 34-00 8-56 6-44 15-00 87-46 136-46 71 1*40 1-33 1-63 32-63 8-46 6-39 14-85 9015 137-63 72 1*35 1-29 1-56 3123 8-38 6-30 14-68 9302 138-93 73 1*30 1-25 1-52 29-81 8-27 6-25 14-52 9614 140-47 74 1*27 1-20 1-48 28-38 8-22 6-15 14-37 99-53 142-28 75 1*21 1T7 M2 26-90 8-16 6-09 14-25 10313 144-28 76 MS M2 1-35 25-29 8-06 605 14-11 106-83 146-23 77 M0 1-05 1-30 23-47 7-95 5-90 13-85 110*45 147-77 78 •99 •95 1-17 21-42 7-70 5-73 13-43 113-88 148-73 79 •89 •86 1-06 19-22 7-32 5*59 12-91 117-17 149-30 80 *78 •74 •91 17-00 6-86 5-29 12-15 120-27 149-42 81 •61 •59 •72 14-81 6-38 4-90 11-28 123-22 149-31 82 •48 •47 •60 12-66 5-78 4-58 10-36 12611 14913 83 •31 •30 •38 10-52 514 4-26 9-40 128-99 148-91 84 •33 •32 •42 8-31 4-34 4-07 8-41 131-69 148-41 85 •27 •26 •35 5-91 3-87 3-51 7-38 133-78 147-07 86 •11 •10 *15 3-20 315 3T6 6-31 134-88 141-39 87 2-58 2-58 5-16 134-53 139-69 88 132-38 132-38 89 121-84 121-84 90 109-23 109-23 91 96-55 96*55 92 | 84-28 84-28 93 72-76 72-76 94 6219 62-19 95 * 52-71 52-71 96 44-35 44-35 97 37-12 37-12 98 30-92 30-92 99 25*65 25*65 100 O 200. 7 U 4 n AG (0 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 MALES, 1 876— 1880. I-Og r* (/,. r- T M r + l x + J v x + 1 x j: + ,+ ) = Log K x Where * r denotes the Kate of Sickness for the undermentioned Durations Weeks 0-4 Weeks 4—8 Weeks 8—13 Weeks 1 13-17 Weeks 17—21 Weeks 21—26 1 Weeks 26- 30 Weeks 30-34 . Weeks 34—39 6-06600 6-58023 6-33280 5-01891 4-88923 4-86522 4*66840 4*59999 4-63260 6-05525 6-56010 5-33280 5-01891 4-88923 4-86522 4-66840 4-59999 4-63250 6-04547 5 54153 6*32945 6-01891 4-88923 4-86522 4-66840 4-59999 4-63260 6-0834 G 6-53210 5-32228 5-01692 4-88923 4-86522 4-66840 4-59999 4-63250 6-02121 5-52252 5-31509 5-01500 4-88923 4-86522 4*66840 4-59999 4-03250 6-00903 5-51386 5-31041 5-01095 4-88465 4-86126 4-66426 4-59756 4-63175 5-99658 5-50513 5-30583 5-00669 4-87977 4-85740 4-66021 4-59521 4-63103 5-98423 5-49584 5-29971 5-00164 4-87460 4-85321 4-65824 4-59368 4-63.133 5-97140 5-48629 5-29355 4-99670 4-86953 4-85076 4 65633 4-59147 4-62760 5-95657 5-47731 5-28953 4-99443 4-86725 4-84957 4*65447 4 59074 4-62760 5*94364 5-46769 5-28207 4-98973 4-86280 4-84571 4*64962 4*58512 4-62180 5-92992 5-45735 5-27361 4-98212 4-85772 4-84157 4-64547 4*58238 4*61928 5-91693 5-44702 5-26457 4-97490 4-85095 4-83380 4-63851 4-57499 4-61126 5-90226 5-43580 5-25537 4*96807 4-84502 4-82872 4*63339 4-56972 460641 5-88621 5-42538 5-24670 4-96058 4-83920 4-82375 4-62894 4-56586 4-60228 5-87002 5-41411 5-23789 4-95450 4*83384 4-81889 4-62460 4-56147 4*59708 5-85448 5-40328 5-22894 4-94729 4-82662 4-81210 4-61824 4-55534 4-59200 5-83894 5-39281 5-22037 4-93972 4-81985 4*80577 4-61252 4-54992 4-58759 5-82339 5-38219 5-21192 4-93275 4-81352 4-80022 4-60794 4*54581 4*58435 5-80868 5-37157 5-20321 4-92567 4-80700 4-79446 4*60296 4-54122 4*58015 5-79430 5-36156 5-19486 4-91847 4-80029 4-78818 4-59711 4-535C0 4-57553 5-77970 5-35139 5-18663 4-91139 4-79400 4-78295 4-59233 4-5312.) 4-57202 5-76533 5-34140 5-17839 4-90419 4-78752 4-77722 4-58718 4-52635 4-56761 5-75103 5-33143 5-17015 4-89690 4-78088 4-77101 4-58122 4-52109 4-56283 5-73655 5-32172 5-16191 4-88950 4-77378 4-76403 4-57538 4-51593 4-55768 5-72222 5-31133 5-15321 4-88179 4*76652 4-75718 4-56922 4-51037 4-55217 5-70764 5-30080 5-14417 4-87379 4-75910 4-75045 4-56361 4-50543 . 4-54723 5-69274 5-29014 5-13515 4-86612 4-75182 4*74357 4-55727 4-49963 4-54153 5-67710 5-27896 5-12614 4-85878 4-74493 473710 4-55230 4-49491 4-53724 5-66129 5*26788 5-11660 4-85057 4-73765 4-73048 4-54664 4-48983 4-53264 5*64530 5-25669 5 10730 4-84250 4-73024 4-72348 4-53990 4-48352 4-5 .'692 5-62928 5*24493 5-09739 4-83378 4-72247 4-71635 4-53330 4-47734 4-52093 5-61292 5*23289 5-08718 4*82482 4-71409 4-70937 4-52646 4-47085 4-51507 5-59629 5-22052 5-07691 4-81561 4-70562 4-70130 4-51938 4-46450 4-50934 5-57936 5-20803 5-06615 4-80637 4-69705 4-69361 4-51208 4-45747 4-50300 5-56191 5-19477 5-05543 4-79691 4-68864 4-68561 4-50493 4-45099 4-49716 5-54424 5-18153 5-04425 j 4-78687 4-67946 4-67752 4-49794 4-44425 , 4-49111 5-52639 5-16795 5-03241 4-77680 4-67019 4-66912 4-49041 4-43727 4-48450 5-50749 5 15366 5-02070 4-76636 4-66108 4-66134 4-48337 4-43046 4-47839 5-48844 5-13926 5-00855 i 4*75555 4-65125 4*65240 4-47516 4-42305 4-47142 5-46874 5-12429 4-99624 4*74438 4-64093 4-64320 4-46679 4-41507 4-46397 5-44851 5-10848 4-98294 4-73252 4-63013 4 63331 ' 4-45796 4-40727 4-45700 5-42673 5-09231 4-96977 4-72115 4-61993 4-62359 4-44898 4-39964 4-44926 5-40519 507571 4-95581 4-70831 4-60825 4-61304 4-43929 4-39014 4-44018 5-38235 5-05882 4-94144 4-69546 | 4-59633 4-60207 4-42888 4-38083 4-43159 5-35868 5-04067 4-92648 4-68183 4-58421 4-59090 4-41926 4-37205 4-42320 5-33394 502171 4-91093 4-66853 4-57187 4-57973 4-40899 4-36250 4-41444 5-30917 1 5-00234 4-89463 4-65415 4-55856 1 4-56724 4-39723 4-35160 4-40394 2| per Cent. 1 1 ; ».) MALES, 1K7«~1KH(). Log '■* (/,. v x + f r + i *’■' *" 1 •*,, + i + )= Log K. r Where *, denotes the Rate of Sickness for the undermentioned Durations Osh Ykak Two Years Three Years and upwards ALL Durations AGE (x) Weeks 39—13 Weeks 43-47 Weeks 17- *2 Total First Six Mouths Soooml Six Mouths Total 4-4773-4 4-42857 4*60098 6*34834 5-16158 501153 5-39400 5-91190 6-51851 5 4-47734 1-42857 4 *.50098 6-33987 516168 5-01153 5-39400 5-91190 6-51280 6 4-47734 4-42857 4*50098 6-33142 516158 5-01153 5-39400 5-91490 6-50715 7 4-47734 4-42857 4*50098 6-32288 5T6158 5 01153 5-39 100 5-91490 6-50147 8 4-47734 4-42857 4*50098 6-31426 5-16158 5-01153 5-39400 5-91490 6-49578 9 4-47734 4-42857 4*60098 6-30553 516158 501153 5-39400 5-91490 6*49004 10 4-47734 412857 4*50098 6*29669 5T6158 5-01153 5-39100 5-91490 6-48429 11 4-47634 4-42857 4-50098 6-28768 516158 501153 5*39400 5-91490 6-47847 12 4-47343 412532 4*49730 6-27830 5T5936 501153 5-39271 5-91490 6-47233 13 4-47343 4-42532 4-49730 6*26885 5-15603 5-01153 5-39078 5-91490 6-46614 14 4-46790 4-42123 4-49208 6*25905 5T5281 5-00992 5-38823 5-91480 6-45971 15 4-16611 4-41923 4-49038 6-24879 5T4910 5-00762 5-38509 5-91463 6-45295 16 4-48732 4-41140 4-48207 6-23804 5-14548 5-00411 5-38151 5-91439 6-44588 17 4-45301 4-10661 4*47635 6-22684 514158 5-00017 5-37762 5-91403 6-43853 18 4-44880 4-40381 4-47397 6-21595 5-13691 4-99684 5-37350 5-91356 6-43101 19 4-44468 4-40107 4-47087 6-20375 5-13220 4-99358 5-36940 5-91300 6-42344 20 4-44148 4-39752 < ► 4-46633 6-19220 5T2759 ' 4-99041 5-36539 5-91233 6-41596 21 4-43680 4-39321 4*46265 6-18085 5T2405 4-98601 5-36150 5-91156 6-40861 22 4-43375 4-39069 4*45978 6 16979 5-11998 4-98278 5-35778 5-91073 6-40149 23 4-43004 4-38741 4-45629 6-15900 5-11601 4-98006 5-35434 5-90989 6-39461 24 4-42496 4-38340 4-45220 6-14838 511244 4-97720 5-35106 5-90905 6-38789 25 4-42142 4-38028 4-44888 6-13791 5T0921 4-97382 5-34778 5-90824 6-38130 26 4-41727 4-37649 4*44564 6-12751 5T0609 4-97053 5-34459 5-90738 6-37480 27 4-41322 4-37276 4*44246 611709 5-10278 4-96751 5-34140 5-90642 6-36831 28 4-40860 4-36842 4-43876 6-10657 5-09954 4-96419 5-33814 5-90533 6-36175 29 4-40408 4-36418 4-43516 6*09594 5-09624 4-96043 5-33463 5-90406 6-35509 30 4*39967 4-35934 4-43106 6-08517 5-09255 4-95675 5-33094 5-90260 6-34830 31 4-39475 4-35530 4-42705 6*07425 5-08881 4-95266 5-32705 5-90098 6-34141 32 4-39055 4-35135 4-42315 6-06316 5-08454 4-94884 5-32298 5-89925 6-33443 33 4-38645 4-34751 4-41934 605189 5-08016 4-94477 5-31873 5-89739 6-32732 34 4-38130 4-34250 4-41457 6 04040 5-07555 4-94067 5-31433 5-89536 6-32006 35 4-37572 4-33762 4-40992 6-02871 5-07103 4-93620 5-30984 5-89318 6-31269 36 4-37025 ‘ 4-33286 4-40538 601679 5 06640 4-93155 5-30522 5-89082 6-30516 37 4-36440 4-32765 4-40047 600464 5 06172 4-92673 5-30047 5-88826 6-29745 38 4-35868 4-32199 439520 5-99229 505702 4-92175 5-29563 5-88553 6-28963 39 4-35361 4-31758 4-39055 5-97974 5-05212 4-91703 5-29084 5-88268 6-28174 40 4-34817 4-31220 4-38555 5-96696 5-04720 4-91244 5-28603 5*87975 6-27372 41 4-34189 4-30643 4-37979 5-95390 5-04246 4-90731 5-28112 5-87674 6-26557 42 4-33624 4-30131 4-37504 5*94052 5-03719 4-90244 5-27605 5-87364 6-25729 43 4-32934 4-29484 4-36916 5-92675 503153 4-89746 5-27066 5-87041 6-24878 44 4-32214 4-28803 4-36260 5-91255 5 02547 4-89212 5*26491 5*86698 6-24000 45 431555 4-28137 4-35660 5-89788 501912 4-88622 5-25876 5-86331 6-23093 46 4-30869 4-27490 4-35077 5-88274 5-01237 4-88001 5-25222 5-85936 6-22154 47 4-30033 4-26722 4-34319 5-86710 5-00544 4-87330 5-24539 6-85517 6-21184 48 4-29217 4*25974 4-33580 5-85094 4-99842 4-86599 5-23825 5-85077 6-20189 49 4-28418 4-25200 4-32824 5-83427 499065 4-85897 5-23081 5-84619 6-19165 50 4-27563 4-24405 4-32052 5-81705 4-98263 4-85142 5-22300 5-84148 6-18113 51 4-26536 4-23467 1 4-31163 5-79922 4-97414 4-84347 1 1 5-21174 5-83663 6-17035 52 I 7 X 0 200 2*: per Cent 1 2 .5(1 MALES, 1 876 — 1880. Loti vi (l x v * + ! + 1 + J + )= Log K , Whore denotes tbo Hate of Siekness for lie undermentioned Durations AUK OKB YK.AU W coks Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks W ccks W eeks 0—4 4-8 8-13 13—17 17—21 21-26 26—30 30-31 31—39 63 5*28387 • 4-98257 4-87764 4-03871 4-5441 1 1*55402 4*38484 4*33969 1 4-39257 51 6-26725 4-96119 1-85962 4-62268 4-52946 4-54045 4-37207 4-32830 1-38195 55 5-23019 4-93972 4-84111 4*60576 4-51332 1-52492 4-35860 4-31509 4-36975 56 5-20122 4-91612 1-82122 4-58790 1-19739 4-51068 4-34557 4*30270 4-35809 57 5-17247 4*89202 4-79994 1-66854 4-47929 4-49439 4-33021 4*28890 4-34445 58 5-14184 4-86636 4-77770 4-54855 4-46085 4-47802 4-31513 4-27397 4-33011 59 6-10947 4-83907 4-76405 4-52800 4-44176 4-46055 4-29811 4-25770 4-31488 60 5-07513 4-81053 4-72933 4*50516 4-42149 4-44031 4-27916 4*24015 4-29787 61 6-03860 4-78032 4-70255 4-48071 4-39811 4-41762 4-25880 4-22105 4-27955 62 5-00067 4-74815 4-67374 4-45420 4-37264 1-39329 4-23512 4-19808 4-25792 63 4-96136 4-71316 4-64175 4-42485 4-34447 4*36648 4-20927 4-17249 4-23343 64 4-91664 4-67493 4-60659 4-39136 4-31338 4-33714 4-18219 4-14712 4-20968 65 4-87002 4-63451 4*57005 4-35736 4-28085 4-30522 415103 4-11691 4-17915 66 4-82048 4-59112 1-52934 4*31886 4-24363 4-27031 4*11661 4-08322 4 14650 67 4-77013 4-54541 4-48606 4-27621 4-20230 4-22981 4-07726 4-04536 4-10897 68 4-71495 4-49518 4-43970 4-23155 4-15924 4-18653 4-03507 4-00329 4-06804 69 4-65472 4-14151 4-38943 4 18281 4-11133 413919 3-98851 * 3-95823 4-02296 70 4-58870 4-38285 4-33302 4-12901 4-06021 4-08828 3-94032 3-91052 3-97479 71 4-52120 4-32002 4-27238 4-06985 4-00147 4-03040 3-88434 3-85522 3-91913 72 4-44223 4-24662 4-20566 4-00595 3-94087 3-97118 3-82510 3-79837 3-86374 73 4-36320 417316 4-13424 3-93430 3-87239 3-90374 3-75906 3-73151 3-79630 74 4-27437 4-09198 4-05888 3-85980 3-79741 3-83206 3-68592 3-65734 3-72329 75 4-18724 4-00728 3-97391 377298 3-71257 3-74772 3-60509 3-57898 3-64444 76 4-09117 3-91866 3-88666 3-68547 3-62521 3-66011 3-52088 3-49554 3-55811 77 3-99211 3-81882 3-78739 3-58591 352660 3-56656 3-42975 3-40807 3-46997 78 3-87950 3-71299 3-68097 3-47828 3-42586 3-46923 333143 3-31387 3-37621 79 3-77056 3-60563 3-57345 3-36116 3-30685 3-35449 3-21775 3-20030 3-26079 80 3-64444 3-48244 3-45378 3-23249 3-17898 3-23147 3 09691 3-08171 3-14520 81 3-53046 3-36182 3-32634 3-09167 3-02816 3-08350 2-94939 2*93601 3-00817 82 3-42127 3-24130 3-20520 2-93902 2-86094 2*92221 2-78604 2-76641 2-82930 83 3-28914 311561 3-07846 2-77232 2-66745 2-71265 2-56820 2*56820 2*64836 84 3-1685U 3-00647 2-94890 2-56937 2-43457 2-45179 2-29447 2-29447 2-37107 85 2-91222 2-72916 2-66087 2-39094 2-28103 2-34439 2-17026 2-17026 2-26007 86 2-59218 2-40654 2-37291 2-14301 2-05690 2-11059 2-00000 2*00000 2-08636 87 2-17631 207525 2-04186 1-78282 1-75103 1-74919 1-62179 1-62179 1-68591 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 ) mm Log K 2jf per Cent, l -’57 MALES, 1876—1880. l‘"K ( / r ''' *, + l .r + 1 + I V + l Whore * denotes the Rato of Sickness for the undermentioned Durations Onk Ykau Two YU A US Turku Years ami upward* ALL Durations AOE (J-) Week* 39— IS Weeks 48—47 Weeks 47—52 Totai. l-Urst Six Mouth* Second Six Months Tota r. 435419 4-22389 430127 5-78075 4-96529 4-83474 5-20393 5-83158 6-15921 53 4-24398 4-21373 4-29115 5-76160 4-95559 4*82566 5-19648 5*82623 6-14768 54 4*23223 4-20227 4-27996 5-74170 4-91 181 4*81643 5*18639 5*82046 6-13567 55 422110 419184 4*26968 5*72100 1-93308 4-80623 5-17563 5-81113 6-12310 56 4*20920 4-17912 4-25753 5-69940 1-92238 4-79459 5 16420 5-80716 6-10988 57 419457 4*16563 4-24450 5-67676 •1-91060 4-78177 5-15198 6-79944 (>•09590 58 4-17995 4-15140 4-23063 5-65286 4-89738 4-76891 5-13893 5-79095 6-08110 59 4*1*6406 4 13650 4-21625 5-62745 4-88328 4-75511 5-12496 5-78165 6-06532 GO 4-14602 4-11995 4-20028 5*60020 •1-86800 4-74035 i 5-10988 5-77154 6-04844 61 4 12551 409916 4-18001 5-57080 4-85112 4-72440 5-09339 5-76051 0-03032 62 410075 4-07478 4-15634 5-53898 1-83279 4 70627 5-07515 5-71811 j 6-01077 63 4-07838 4*05296 4 1 3485 5-50454 4-81191 4-68637 5*05469 5-73508 5-98960 64 4-04801 402329 4 10588 5-46727 4-78810 4-66432 5-03161 5-72019 5-96655 65 4-01687 3*99282 407609 5-42703 4-76191 4-63810 5 00511 5-70315 5-94140 66 3-97982 3-95617 4-03997 5-38358 4-73331 4*60704 4-97577 5*68454 5-91387 67 3-93927 3-91619 4-00082 5-33600 4*69956 4-57371 •1-94220 5-66309 5-88361 68 3*89520 3-87326 3*95852 5*28559 1-66069 4*53715 4-90133 5-63873 5-85033 69 3-84702 3*82549 3-91169 5*23001 1*61815 4-19409 4-86173 •61108 5-81355 70 3-79141 3*76967 3-85594 5-16937 4-57017 4-44686 4-81408 5-57976 5-77294 71 3-73592 3-71475 3-80127 5-10326 4-51713 1-39492 4-76131 5-54458 5-72833 72 3-66820 3-64601 3-73119 5-03146 1-16003 4*33626 4-70357 5-50513 5-6796G 73 3-59748 3-57600 3-66181 4-95386 4*39695 4-27517 4-61135 5-16238 6-62706 74 3*52009 3-50174 3-58973 4-87075 4-33292 4*20685 4*57547 5-11571 5-57092 75 3*43632 3-41697 3-50215 4-78211 4-26409 4-13704 1-50622 5*36575 5*51158 76 3S498G 3-33203 3-41913 4-68705 4-19014 4*06547 4-13329 5-31275 5-44908 77 •3-25431 3-23629 3-32449 4-5.8395 4-11381 3-98426 4-35188 5-25667 5-38306 78 313513 3-11959 3-20871 4-47154 1-02719 3*89873 1-26872 5-19728 5-31321 79 301703 3-00130 3 09202 4-31916 3*92998 3-81271 4-17632 5T 3424 5-23917 80 2-87852 2-86153 2-95182 4-21683 3-82256 3-70995 1-07092 5*06655 5-16080 81 2*68664 2-67669 2-76716 4-07291 3-70719 3-59210 3-95477 4-99303 5-07640 82 2-49276 2-48855 2-58995 3-91450 3-57357 3-17305 3-82721 4-91266 4*98549 83 2-19866 219312 2-30750 3-73632 3 12521 3-31380 3-68744 4-82482 4-88719 84 2-12385 2-11727 2-23045 3-52892 3-21674 3-21958 3-53111 4-72907 4-78097 85 1-92942 1-91908 2-03743 3-27021 3"08636 304415 3-36680 4-62502 4-66616 | 86 1-43698 1-40159 1-52550 2-88683 2-88024 2*88138 3-18184 4-51214 4-54170 87 2-67210 2-67302 2-97359 4-38945 4-40581 | 88 4-25481 4*25481 89 4-08257 4-08257 90 ! 3-88602 3-88602 91 ! 3-66495 3-66495 92 3-41268 3-41268 93 3-12080 3*12080 94 2-77859 2-77859 95 2-37157 2-37157 96 1-87943 1-87943 97 1-27140 1-27140 98 0-49372 0-49372 99 1 1-41847 1-41847 100 0.200 X 2 I -\)‘l MALES, 1876—1880. 3 per Cent. 3 per Cent. TAHI.K OF ELEMENTARY MORTALITY VALUES, DEDUCE l> FROM Til K MORTALITY EXPERIENCE OK MALES, 1 H70 — 1 8K0. AGE («r) LOg Ur O'K N» A, A P ' A(1E (■<■) Lop: 1)., Log N r fir A, P, & 4-93581 6-31112 *r- 23-731 •27968 j-r y •01131 53 1-12261 5*20890 12-198 •61559 ■04661 6 4-91670 6-29323 23-797 •27776 •01120 54 4*10073 5-17365 1 1-828 ■62637 •04883 7 4*89880 6-27536 23-799 •27770 •01120 55 4-07817 5-13732 11-459 1 *63706 •05111 8 4-88162 6*25746 23-760 •27883 •01126 5G 4-05484 5*09982 11-091 *64783 1 *05358 9 4-86512 6*23950 23*680 •28117 •01139 57 4-03069 5-06111 10-726 •65847 *056 1C 10 4*84912 6*22141 23-568 ■28443 •01157 58 4-00570 5-02111 10-361 •66910 •05889 n 4-83349 6-20330 23-432 •28839 •01181 5!) 3*97984 4*97969 9-997 •67970 •06181 12 4-81811 6*18503 23-277 •29291 •01207 60 3-95304 4-93680 9-633 •69030 *06492 13 4*80286 6*16664 23-109 •29780 ■01235 61 3-92517 •1-89231 9-271 *70084 •06823 It 4-78763 6-14811 22-934 •30289 •01265 62 3-89608 4-84011 8-914 •71124 •07174 15 4 77234 6-12943 22-756 *30808 •01297 63 3-86561 4-79816 8-562 •72149 •07546 16 4-75691 6-11059 22-578 •31326 •01328 64 3-83364 1-74827 8-215 •73160 •07939 17 4-74129 6-09163 22-405 •31830 *01360 65 3-80011 4"69636 7-875 •74150 *08355 18 4-72541 6-07254 22240 •32311 •01390 66 3-76504 4*64226 7-537 •75135 ■08801 19 4-70938 605327 22-074 •32794 •01421 67 3-72855 4-58575 7-198 •76123 •09286 20 4-69336 6-03391 21-905 •33286 •01453 68 3-69057 4-52662 6*856 •77119 •09816 21 4-67746 6-01435 21*722 •33819 *01489 69 3-65074 4-46459 6-514 •78114 •10396 22 4-66176 5-99463 21-521 •34405 •01528 70 3-60846 4*39947 6-180 •79087 •11015 23 4-64625 5-97471 21-304 •35037 •01571 71 3-56302 4-33106 5-862 •80013 •11661 24 4*63089 5-95457 21-071 *35715 •01618 72 3*51364 4-25933 5-568 •80870 •12313 25 4-61557 5*93421 20-828 •36423 •01668 73 3-45982 4-18429 5-302 -81644 •12955 26 4-60024 5-91360 20-576 •37158 01722 74 3-40139 4*10605 5-066 •82333 •13573 27 4*58484 5-89273 20*318 ■37909 •01778 75 3-33864 4*02469 4*853 *82952 *14172 28 4-56931 5-87159 20 058 •38666 •01836 76 3-27216 3-94020 4-656 •83527 *14767 29 4-55365 5-85019 19*794 •39435 •01896 77 3-20277 3-85240 4-463 •84088 *15392 30 4-53786 5*82851 19-528 •40210 •01959 78 3-13114 3-76089 4-263 *84671 •16088 31 4-52194 5*80652 19-257 •40999 •02024 79 3-05742 3-66509 4-052 •85285 •16881 32 4-50587 5-78422 18-982 ■41800 •02092 80 2-98099 3-56439 3-832 *85926 •17783 33 4-48964 5-70160 18-705 •42606 •02162 81 2-90091 3-45814 3-608 •86579 •18789 34 4-47324 5*73865 18-425 •43422 •02235 82 2-81584 3-34582 3-388 ■87220 •19876 35 4-45GGG 5-71535 18-142 •44246 •02311 83 2-72432 3-22717 3183 •87816 *20994 36 4-43988 5-69168 17-857 ■45077 ■02391 84 2-62560 3 10206 2-995 •88364 *22118 37 4*42293 5-66764 17-568 *45919 •02473 85 2-51982 2-97032 2-822 •88868 *23251 38 4-40581 5-64320 17-273 •46777 ■02560 86 2-40787 2-83133 2-651 •89366 •24477 39 4-38860 5-61834 16-972 "47654 •02651 87 2-29035 2-68397 2*475 *89878 *25864 40 4-37123 5-59303 16*665 •48548 •02748 88 2-16775 2-52617 2-283 •90438 •27547 41 4-35374 5*56725 16 350 *49466 •02851 89 2*03905 2*35499 2-070 •91058 •29661 42 4-33610 5*54095 16-027 *50407 | *02960 9U 1-90179 2 16643 1-839 •91731 •32311 43 *4-31827 5-51414 15*699 •51362 •03075 91 1-75166 1*95545 1-599 •92430 *35564 44 4-30021 5-48676 15-366 •52333 ■03198 92 1-58311 1-71566 1-357 •93135 •39514 45 4-28188 5-45877 15-028 •53317 •03327 93 1-38882 1-43900 1-123 •93816 •44191 46 4-26324 5-43017 14-687 •54310 •03463 94 1-15971 1-11508 0-902 •94460 47 4*24425 5*4009(1 14-343 ■55311 ■03605 95 0-88457 0-72982 0-700 •95049 48 4-22490 * 5-37094 13-997 •56320 *03755 96 0-54836 0-26323 0-519 •95576 49 4-20520 5-34023 13-647 ■57339 •03915 97 013016 1-68467 0-359 •96042 50 4-18514 5-30871 13-291 •58376 •04081 98 1*59833 2 94052 0*220 •96447 51 4-16472 5-27637 12-932 •59421 *04265 99 T89898 3-90309 0-101 ■96793 52 4-14389 5-24311 12-567 •60485 •04459 100 3-90385 ““ o-ooo •97087 0.200 7X3 1 *’6n U per Cent. s V 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 29 iso 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 Ad E (•') Week* 0—4 12-49 12-74 12- 97 1310 13- 21 13-30 13-37 13-44 1350 13-48 13-53 13-59 13-61 13-63 13-61 13-57 13 56 13-54 13-51 13-51 13-51 13-51 13-52 13-54 13-55 13-58 13-60 13-61 13-01 13-61 13-00 13-61 13-60 13-60 13-59 13-56 13-54 13-51 13-46 13-41 13-34 13-27 13-17 13-08 12-97 12-84 1209 12-56 MALES, 1 876 — 1880. K f Values of Sick l’ay Allowance of 1 per Week for the Whole of Life = ■. U I DURATIONS Onk Yi Alt Weeks 4—8 Weeks 8-13 Weeks 13-17 Weeks 17-21 Weeks 21—20 Weeks 26—30 Weeks 30—31 Weeks 34- 39 4-05 2*20 1-08 *80 •75 •48 •41 •44 4-03 2*36 1-13 •84 •79 •50 1 •42 •46 4‘01 2-44 1-18 *87 •82 •52 •44 •48 | 4*07 2-19 1-22 •91 *86 *54 •46 •49 4-13 2-55 1*26 *94 •89 •5 G •48 •51 4-20 2-60 1-30 •97 •91 •58 •49 •53 4*26 2*67 1-33 •99 •94 •59 •51 ■55 4-31 2*72 1*36 1-01 •98 •61 •53 •57 4-36 2-78 1-39 1-04 •99 •63 *54 •59 4-42 2-85 1-43 1-07 1-02 *65 •56 ■61 4*47 2-90 1-47 1*09 1*04 *66 •57 •62 4*51 2*94 1-49 M 2 1-07 ■67 •58 •64 4*56 2-98 1*52 114 1-09 •69 •60 •65 4- G 0 3-02 1-55 1-16 1-12 •71 •61 •66 4-65 3-06 1*58 119 115 •73 •63 •68 4-70 3-11 1-61 1-22 1-17 •75 •65 •70 4-75 3-17 1-64 1-24 1-20 *76 -66 •71 4-80 3-21 1-67 1-27 1-22 1 •78 •67 •73 4-84 3-25 1*70 1-30 1-25 ■80 •69 *75 4-89 3-30 1-74 1-32 •82 •70 *7 i 4*94 335 1-77 1-31 1-30 •84 •72 *79 4*99 3-40 1-80 1-37 1-33 •86 •74 •81 5-05 3*45 1-83 1-40 1-36 •88 •76 •83 5-11 3-51 1-86 1-42 1-39 ■89 •78 •85 5-17 3-50 1-90 1-45 1-41 •91 •80 •87 5-23 3-62 1-93 1*48 1-44 •93 •81 •89 5-29 3-07 1*96 1-50 1-47 •96 ■83 •91 5-35 3-73 2*00 1-53 1-50 •98 *85 •93 5*40 3-78 2-04 1*56 1-53 1-00 •88 •96 5-4 G 3-84 2-08 1- G 0 1-57 1-02 •90 •99 5-52 3*90 211 1-03 1-61 105 •92 1-01 5*58 3-90 2-15 1*66 1*64 1-07 •94 1-03 5’64 4-01 2-19 1*69 1-67 1*09 •97 1-06 5-69 4*07 2-23 1-72 1-70 112 •99 1-09 5-75 4-13 2-27 1-75 1-74 1-14 1-01 111 5-79 4-19 2-30 1-79 1-78 1-17 1-04 1‘14 5-84 4-24 234 1-83 1-81 1-20 1-06 1-17 5-89 4-30 2-38 1-86 1-85 1-23 1-08 1-20 5-93 4-35 2-42 1-89 1*90 1-26 1-11 1-23 5*97 1*41 2 46 1-93 1-93 1-28 1-14 1-26 601 4-46 2*49 1-97 1-97 1-31 1-1* 1-30 G -04 4-51 2-53 2-00 2 01 1-34 1-19 1*33 6-07 4*57 2-57 2*03 2-05 1-37 1-22 .1-37 6-10 4-62 2-61 2*07 209 1-40 1-25 M 0 0*13 4-67 2‘65 2-10 213 1-43 1-28 1-43 G -15 4*72 2-08 2-14 217 1-46 1-31 1-47 617 4*77 2-72 2-18 2-22 1*49 1-34 Ml 6-18 , 4-81 2*70 1 2-21 2*26 1-52 1-37 1-05 1 3 per Cent 1 1»6 1 MALES, lH7 15-63 49*76 23 •55 •49 •58 29-95 2-61 1-93 4-57 1615 50-67 24 •56 *51 •60 30 23 2-71 1-98 4-69 1670 51*62 25 •57 ■52 •62 30*52 2-79 2-04 4-83 17-26 52-61 26 •50 •54 •63 30-8-1 2-86 2-09 4-95 17-85 53-64 27 ■60 •55 •65 31*15 • 2-94 2-15 509 18-46 54-70 28 •62 •57 •67 31-48 303 2-22 5-25 19-07 55-80 29 •63 ■58 •69 31-81 3-11 2-28 5-39 19-72 56-92 30 *65 •60 •70 3214 3-20 234 5-54 20-38 58*06 31 •67 •61 •72 32-48 329 2-40 5-69 21-07 59-24 32 •69 •63 •74 32-82 3-38 2*47 5-85 21-78 60*45 33 •70 •64 *76 3317 3-47 2-54 601 2251 61-69 34 •72 , *66 •78 33-51 3-57 2*61 6-18 i 2326 62-95 35 •74 •68 •80 33-86 3-67 2-69 6-36 24-05 64-27 36 *76 •70 •83 34-21 3-77 2-76 6-53 24-86 65-60 37 •78 •72 •85 34-56 3-87 2-81 6-71 25-69 66-96 38 •80 •74 •87 34-90 1 3-99 2-92 6-91 26-55 68-36 39 •83 •76 •90 35-25 1 4-10 3-00 7-10 27 44 69-79 40 ■85 •78 1 i •92 35-58 4*22 3-09 7-31 28-36 71-25 41 •87 •80 •94 35-91 4-34 3-18 7-52 29-32 72*75 42 •89 •82 •97 36-23 4-47 327 7-74 30-32 74-29 43 •91 •85 1-00 36*55 4-59 3-37 7-96 31-36 75-87 44 *94 l •87 1-03 36-85 4-72 3*47 8-19 32*43 77*47 45 •97 •89 1-06 37-14 4-85 357 8-42 33*55 7911 46 ■99 •92 1-09 37-42 4-99 3-67 8-66 34 71 80-79 47 1-01 •94 M2 37*69 5-13 3-78 8-91 35-93 82-53 48 1-04 •97 M5 37-95 5-27 3-89 9-lfl 37-20 84-31 49 1-07 •99 T19 38-19 5-42 4-00 9-42 38-53 86-14 50 M0 1-02 1-22 38-43 5-57 4-12 9-69 39-92 ‘ 88-04 51 M2 ‘ 1*05 ' ’ 1-25 38-64 5-73 4-24 1 9-97 i l 41-40 90-01 52 J 2l>2 3 per Cent. MALKS, 187fi 1880. k, Values of Sick I’ay Allowance of 1 per Week for I lie Whole of Life = yj~ DURATIONS ACiE Oxk Yeah M Week « 0—4 Weeks 1-8 Weeks 8—13 Weeks 13—17 Weeks 17—21 Weeks 21 -26 Weeks 26—30 Weeks . 30—34 Weeks 34—39 63 i 12-42 6-19 4*85 2*80 2*25 2*30 1 *55 1-40 1-58 54 12-27 6*19 4*89 2-83 2*28 2-34 1*59 1-43 1-62 65 12-13 6*20 4*93 2-86 2 31 2 37 1-62 146 1-66 56 11*95 6-19 4*96 2*90 2-35 2-42 1-66 1*50 1-70 57 11-81 6-18 4'99 2*93 2*38 2*46 1-69 1 53 1-74 58 11-64 6-16 5'02 2-96 2-41 2*51 1 72 1-57 1-78 69 11-45 613 503 299 2*45 2*56 1-76 1'60 1-82 GO 11-23 6-10 5*05 3-01 2-48 2*59 1-79 1*63 1-87 | 61 10-99 606 6-06 303 2-51 2-62 1-82 1-67 1-90 62 10-75 601 505 305 2-52 2-65 1-84 1 -69 1-94 63 10-52 5-93 503 305 2-53 2-67 1*86 1*70 1-96 64 10-20 5*84 4-99 304 254 2-68 1-87 1-73 200 65 9*88 5-74 4 94 3*03 2-54 2-68 1-88 1-74 2-01 j 66 9*54 5 62 4-87 3-00 2-52 2‘68 1-88 1-74 2-02 67 9-22 5-50 4*79 295 2*49 2-66 1 87 1-73 2-01 68 8*85 5-33 4-69 2-90 246 2-62 1-85 1-72 1-99 69 8-43 516 4-57 2-84 2*41 2-57 i 182 1-70 1-96 70 7-97 496 4-42 2-76 2'36 2-51 1-79 1-67 1-93 71 7*56 4-75 2-67 2-28 2-44 1-74 1-63 1-89 72 7-05 4*49 4 ,J 2-58 222 2-3S 1-70 1*60 1-86 73 6-64 4-29 3-91 2*47 2-14 2*30 1*65 1-55 1-80 74 6-17 406 3-76 2-38 2*06 2'23 1-59 I 1 49 1-73 75 5-83 3*85 3*56 2-24 1-95 212 1-53 1-44 1-67 76 5-43 3-66 3-39 213 1-86 201 1-46 1-38 1-59 77 5*06 3*40 3-16 1-99 173 1-90 1-39 1-32 1*52 78 4*60 313 2-91 1-83 1-62 1-79 1-30 1-25 1-44 79 4'23 2*89 269 1-65 1-46 1-62 1-19 111 1-31 80 3*77 2-59 2-43 1-46 1-29 1-46 107 1-03 1-19 81 3-48 2-36 2T7 1-27 1-09 1-24 ■91 •89 1-04 82 3*28 217 2-00 108 •90 1-04 •76 •73 •84 83 2*99 2-00 1-84 •91 •71 •79 *57 •57 •68 84 2-83 1-95 1-71 -71 •52 *54 ■38 •38 *45 85 2*00 1-31 1-12 ■60 •47 •54 •36 •36 •45 86 1-24 ■81 •75 •44 •36 •41 £ •32 ■32 •38 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 *62 I •49 •47 .-25 •24 •23 ! •17 •17 •20 MALES, 1876—1880. 3 per Cent. *.r Values of Sick Pay Allowance of 1 per Week for the Whole of Life ="jj DURATIONS One Year Two Years Three Years ami upwards All Durations AGE (•*■) Weeks 39—43 Woeks 43—47 Weeks 47—52 Total, First Six Months Second Six Months Total hi 1-07 > 1-28 38-84 5-89 4-36 10-25 42-95 9204 53 118 1-10 1-32 3904 6-05 4-49 10-54 44*59 9417 54 1-21 113 1-35 39-23 6-21 4-62 10-83 46-32 96-38 55 1-24 116 • 1-38 39*41 6-39 4-76 11-15 48-14 98-70 56 1-27 119 1-42 39'59 6-57 4-90 11-47 60-05 101-11 57 1-31 1-22 1-46 3976 6-77 503 11-80 52-04 103-60 58 1-34 1-25 1-50 39-88 6-96 5-18 1214 5413 106T5 59 1-37 1-29 1-55 39-96 7T6 5-33 12-49 56-31 108-76 60 1-40 1-31 1-59 39 96 7-37 5-49 12-86 58-61 111-43 61 1-43 1-34 1-61 39-88 7-57 5-65 13-22 6105 11415 62 1'44 1-36 1-65 39-70 7-78 5-81 13-59 63-64 116-93 63 1'46 1-39 1-68 39-42 7-97 5-97 13-94 66-36 119-72 64 1-48 1-40 1-70 39-02 8-14 612 14-26 69-22 122-50 65 1-50 1-41 1-71 38-49 8-30 6-23 14-53 72-12 125-14 66 1'49 . 1-71 37-83 8-44 6-31 14-75 75-03 127-61 67 1-48 1-40 1-71 37-00 8-51 6-37 14-88 77-85 129-73 68 1-46 1-39 1-69 36-00 8-52 6-41 14-93 80-57 131-50 69 1-44 1-37 1-67 34-85 8-50 6-39 14-89 83-24 132-98 70 1-41 1-34 1-63 3360 8-44 6-35 ’ 0 85-87 134-26 71 1'38 1-32 16 1 32-27 8-35 6-30 88-59 135-51 72 1'34 1-27 1-55 3091 8-27 6-22 14-49 91-49 136-89 73 1-30 1-24 1-51 29*52 8-17 6-17 14-34 94-64 138-50 74 1'26 1-20 1-47 2ST1 8T4 6-08 14-22 98-05 140-38 75 1-20 1-16 1-40 2667 8-08 603 14-11 101-66 142-44 76 1-15 111 1-36 25-09 7-98 5-98 13-96 105-41 144-46 77 • 1-09 1-05 1-28 23-29 7-88 5-84 13-72 109-07 146-08 78 ■98 •95 116 21-27 7-64 5-68 13-32 112-53 147-12 79 •89 •86 1-06 19-10 7-26 5-54 12-80 115-85 147-75 80 •78 •75 •92 16-90 6-81 5-25 12-06 119-02 147-98 81 •61 •59 •73 14-73 6-34 4-86 11-20 122-02 147-95 82 •48 •47 •60 12-61 5-74 4-55 10-29 124-96 147-86 83 •30 •30 •41 10-48 5-11 4-24 9-35 127-90 147-73 84 •33 •32 •42 8-28 4-32 4-06 8-38 130-65 147-31 85 •27 •26 •34 5-90 3-86 3-50 7-36 132-80 146-06 86 •11 TO T4 319 3T4 3T5 6-29 13400 143-48 87 2*58 2-58 5-16 133-73 138-89 88 131-69 131-69 89 121-26 121-26 90 108-75 108-75 91 96-18 96-18 92 83-98 83-98 93 72-55 72-55 94 62-04 62-04 95 52-59 52-59 96 44-26 44-26 97 3706 37 06 98 30-88 30-88 99 25-62 25-62 100 0 . 200 , / ' pc t(i K (x) 5 G 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 ) = Log K x I 2 6 4 MALES, 1H76 — 1880. Log »■* {l x v' +1 » T+1 **+i + . •• Whore* denotes the Hate of Sickness for tlie undermentioned Durations ONE YKAIl Weeks 0—4 Weeks | 4-8 ! 1 Weeks 8—13 Weeks 13—17 j Weeks 17-21 Weeks 21—26 W cck« 26—30 Weeks 30-34 Weeks 34 39 0*03242 5*54353 5*28896 4*97105 4*83958 4*81371 4*61552 4*51561 4*57555 6*02202 5*52188 5*28896 4*97105 4*83958 1*81371 4*61552 4*54564 4*57555 6*01162 5*50188 5*28532 4*97105 4*83958 4*81374 1*61552 4*54564 4*57555 5*99880 5*49174 5*27752 4*96888 4-83958 4*81374 4*61552 4*54564 4*57555 5-9858G 5*48143 5*26971 4*96677 4*83958 4*81374 4*61552 4*54564 4*57555 5*97294 5*47211 5*26462 4*96235 4*83457 4-80938 4*61091 4*54295 4*57471 5*95974 5*46274 5*25967 4*95770 4*82923 4*80514 4*60647 4*54034 4*57390 5*94665 5*45278 5*25304 4*95220 4*82357 4*80055 4*60430 4*53866 4*57313 5*93307 5*44253 5*24639 4*94683 4*81804 4*79786 4*60220 4*53622 457011 5*91738 5*43291 5*24205 4*94436 4*81556 4-79656 4*60016 4*53542 4*57011 5*90371 5*42202 5*23401 4*93926 4*81072 4*79235 4-59486 4*52926 4*56371 5*88921 5*41 157 5*22490 4*93103 4*80519 4*78783 4*59033 4*52626 4*56093 5*87548 5*40054 5*21518 4*92322 4*79786 4*77938 4*58272 4*51818 4*55211 5*80000 5*38855 5*20530 4*91584 4*79142 4*77386 4 57714 4*51213 4*54679 5*84308 5*37743 5*19398 4*90776 4*78513 4-76847 4*57229 4*50822 4*54224 5*82601 5*36542 5*18652 4*90121 4*77934 4*76321 4*56757 4*50344 4*53655 5*80963 5*35389 5*17876 4*89345 4-77155 4-75586 4*56065 4*49676 4*53098 5*79325 5*34275 5*16776 4*88531 4-76425 4*74902 4*554 44 4*49089 4*52616 5*77689 5*33145 5*15872 4*87783 4-75744 4*71302 4*54948 448612 4*52264 5*76142 5*32918 5*14942 4*87023 4*75043 4-73682 4*54411 4*48144 4*51807 5*74629 5*30955 5*14052 4*86252 4*74322 4-73006 4*53779 4*47537 4*51304 5*73095 5*29877 5*13174 4*85494 4*73647 4*72444 4*53264 4*47062 4*50923 5*71587 5*28818 5*12297 4*84726 4*72954 4*71829 4*52710 4*46540 4*50446 5*70087 5*27764 5*11420 4*83947 4*72243 4*71162 4*52071 4*45972 4*49927 5*68569 5*26738 5*10545 4*83159 4*71484 4*70416 4*51444 4*45417 4*49371 5*67068 5*25641 5*09623 4*82339 4*70709 4*69684 4*50783 4*44821 4*48777 6*65542 5*24530 5*08666 4*81488 4*69920 4*68966 4*50183 4*44292 4*48216 5*63984 5*23407 5*07711 4*80674 4*69144 4*68233 4*49504 443G72 4*47632 5*62351 5*22231 5*06759 4*79896 4*68413 4*67543 4*48975 4*43167 4*47172 5*60700 5*31067 5*05752 4*79027 4*67640 4*66840 , 4*48372 4*42625 4*46678 5*59034 5*19892 5*04771 4*78173 4'6G855 4*66096 4*47656 4*41953 4*46066 5*57364 5*18659 503728 4*77253 4*66033 4*65341 4*46956 4*41295 4*45425 5*55660 5*17398 5*02654 4*76308 4-65149 4*64601 4*46231 4*40606 4*44799 5*53931 5-1G101 5*01576 4*75338 4-64255 4*63748 4*45481 4*39934 4*44190 5*52171 5*14799 5*00447 4*74367 4*63353 4*62937 4*44710 4*39191 4*43516 5*50361 5*13414 4*99324 4*73373 4*62467 4*62093 4*43955 4*38505 4*12896 5*48528 5*12033 4*98153 4*72320 4-61501 4*61241 4*43218 4*37794 4*42254 5*46678 5*10619 4*96916 4*71266 4*60529 4*60360 4*42426 4*37061 4*41554 5*44722 5*09134 4*95694 4*70173 4*59575 4*59543 4*41686 4*36342 4 40907 5*42750 5-0763G 4*94427 4*69044 4-58546 4*58606 4*40824 4*3556 1 4*40173 5*40715 5*00082 4*93145 4*67878 4*57468 4*57642 4*39948 4*34727 4*39387 5*38625 5*04442 4*91762 4*66042 4*56341 4*56610 4*39025 4*33909 4*38653 5*36379 5-U27G8 4*90394 4-65460 4-55278 4*55596 4*38088 4*33112 4*37840 5*34159 5*01019 4*88946 4*64126 4-54062 4*51197 4-37077 4*32120 4*37085 5*31807 4*99304 4*87457 4G2793 4*52824 4*53356 4-35993 4*31150 4 36188 5-29371 4*97430 4 85908 4*61380 4-51565 4*52195 4-31992 4*30235 4*35315 5*26828 4*95474 4*84301 4*60002 4*50286 4*51037 4*33925 4*29243 4*31101 5*24284 4*93479 4*82618 4*58517 4*48910 4*49744 4*32705 4*28112 4*33311 MALES, 1876— 18*0. Where s r denotes the Hate of Sickness for the undermentioned Durations One Yea it Two Ykaus Tiiukr Ykaus and upwards all Duuations AO ! (L «*»* + **+ l«* + 1 *r + l+ )— K Where « , denotes the Itate of Sickness for the undermentioned Durations One Yeah Weeks 4—8 Weeks 8-13 Weeks 13—17 Weeks 17—21 Weeks 21—26 Weeks 26—30 Weeks 30-34 Wcek9 34-39 4*91444 4-80866 4-56923 4-47416 4-48377 4-31423 4-26879 4-32137 4-89247 4-79011 4-55270 4-45905 4-46976 4-30166 4-25701 4-31037 4-87013 4-77106 4-53528 4-44242 4-45373 4-28713 4-24336 4-29778 4-84622 4-75062 4-51697 4-42602 4-43906 4-27370 4-23060 4-28574 4-82153 4-72879 4-49703 4-40742 4-42231 4-25789 4-21638 4-27168 4-79525 4-70599 4-47651 4-38851 4-40548 4-24239 4-20104 4-25693 4-76736 4-68178 4-45545 4-36894 4-38757 4-22492 4-18435 4-24130 4-73820 4-65650 4-43207 4-31819 4-36683 4*20550 4-16634 4-22383 4-70737 4-62914 4-40708 4-32428 4-34361 4-18466 4-14678 4-20510 4-67459 4-59974 4-38001 4-29826 4-31875 4-16047 4-12330 4-18299 4-63896 4-56713 4-35007 4*26954 4-29139 4 13408 4-09715 4-15797 4-60006 4-53133 4-31595 4-23785 4-26148 4-10646 407129 4-13373 4-55897 4-49415 4-28135 4-20472 4-22896 4-07474 4-04052 4-10264 4-51491 4-45277 4-24219 4-16687 4-19343 4-03973 400625 4 06941 4-46851 4-40882 4-19888 4-12486 4-15229 3-99974 3-96778 403125 4-41759 4-36177 4-15357 4-08117 4-10836 3-95684 3-92505 3-98967 4-36322 4-31080 4-10415 4-03262 4-06036 3-90966 3-87933 3-94394 4-30382 4-25365 4*04964 3-98082 4-00877 3-86082 3-83097 3-89509 4-24027 4-19226 3-98976 3-92137 3-95017 3-80414 3-77495 3-83872 4-16607 4-12477 3-92511 3-86004 3-89025 3-74421 3-71750 3-78262 4-09188 4-05254 3-85266 3-79085 3-82210 3-67742 3-64992 3-71441 4-00992 3-97640 3-77743 3-71508 3-74966 3-60358 3-57507 3-64058 3-92449 3-89059 3-68975 3-62941 3-66455 3-52192 3-49596 3-56098 3-83518 3-80250 3-60152 3-54133 3-57611 3-43696 3-41162 3-47378 3-73384 3-70234 3-50120 3-44185 3-48173 3-34498 3-32346 3*38489 3-62716 3-59506 3-39270 3-34025 3-38364 3-24601 3-22866 3-29026 3-51904 3-48671 3-27462 3-22037 3-26811 3-13162 3-11428 3 17406 3-39498 3-36624 3-14489 3-09167 3-14426 3-00988 2-99476 3 05767 3-27346 3-23805 3-00303 2-94002 2-99520 2-86153 2-84819 2-91960 3-15198 3-11594 2-84942 2-77159 2-83315 2-69723 2-67761 2-73957 3-02572 2-98856 2-68215 2-57749 2-62221 2-47857 2-47857 2*55751 2-91593 2-85854 2-47857 2-34439 2-35984 2-20412 2-20412 2-27875 2-63749 2-56937 2-29885 2-19033 2*25042 2-07918 2-07918 2 16732 2-31387 2-28103 2-04922 1-96848 2-01703 1-90849 1-90849 1-99123 1-98290 1-94951 1-69017 1-66276 1*65684 1-52944 1-52944 1*59356 # MALES, 1876—1880, Log (/. v x » + l x + f + 1 + ) = Log .1 per Cent, Where denotes the Rate of Sickness for the undermentioned Durations One Year Two Years Three Years and upwards ALL Durations AGE (x) Weeks 39—43 Weeks 43—47 Weeks 47—62 Total First Six Months Second Six Months Total 4*18376 4*15238 4*22963 5*71192 4*89281 4*76212 5*13340 5*75555 6*08659 53 4*17319 4-14186 4*21914 5*69220 4*88275 4*75270 5*12360 5*74995 6*07162 54 4*16005 4*13001 4*20758 5*67174 4*87158 4*74316 5*11312 5*74392 6*00217 55 4*14857 4*11926 4*19698 5*65048 4*86007 4*73257 5*10201 5*73733 6*04915 56 4*13526 4*10616 4*18446 5*62832 4*84839 **72054 5*09018 5*73007 6*03548 57 4-12123 4*09226 4*17105 5*60511 4*83624 4*70731 5*07757 5*72206 6-02105 58 4*10622 4*07766 4*15079 5*58064 4-82263 4*69410 5*06413 5*71324 6*00576 59 4*08994 4*06236 4*14201 5*55466 4*80813 4*67990 5*04976 5*70362 5-98952 60 4*07210 4*04540 4*12564 5*52682 4*79244 4-66471 5*03428 5*69316 5*97218 61 4*05053 4*02412 4*10493 5*49682 4*77514 4 64835 5*01738 5*68179 5*95357 62 402522 3*99922 4*08073 5*46439 4*75636 4*62979 4*99870 5*66934 5*93352 63 4*00243 3*97695 4*05881 5*42932 4*73505 4-60943 4*97780 5*65561 5*91182 64 3*97146 3*94670 4*02930 5*39140 4-71069 4-58692 4*95423 5*64032 5-88824 65 3*93977 3*91572 3*99900 5*35050 4*68402 4*56018 492753 5*62316 5*86253 66 3*90211 3*87846 3*96227 5*30638 4-65485 4*52853 4*89730 5*60378 5*83443 67 3*86088 3*83784 3*92252 5*25871 4*62052 4*49461 4*86315 5*58184 5*80360 68 3*81618 3*79428 3*87955 5*20700 4*58102 4*45746 4-82465 5-55697 5*76967 69 3*76730 3*74586 3*83206 5*15070 4*53812 4*41372 4*78140 5*52875 5*73223 70 3*71096 3*68931 3*77561 5*08931 4*48945 4*36581 4*73305 5*49684 5-69095 71 3*65485 3*63377 3*72032 5*02244 4*43538 4*31313 4*67958 5*46102 5*64562 72 3*58636 3*56426 3*64943 4*94987 4*37752 4*25370 4*62106 5*42120 5*59621 73 3*51495 3*49346 3*57933 4*87148 4*31368 4*19187 4*55807 5*37746 5-54285 74 3*43680 3*41847 3*50651 4*78757 4*24890 4*12274 4*49142 5*33006 5*48593 75 3*35218 3*33304 3*41814 4*69813 4*17932 4*05216 4*42141 5*27937 5*42580 76 3*26505 3*24748 3*33445 4*60228 4*10462 3*97987 4*34774 5*22563 5*36251 77 3*16879 3*15106 3*23905 4*49838 4*02759 3*89790 4*26858 5*16881 5*29572 78 3*04883 3*03342 3*12254 4*38516 3*94022 3*81158 4*18164 5*10870 5*22507 79 2*92993 2*91434 3*00518 4*26198 3*84223 3*72485 4*08849 5-04490 5*15055 80 2*79029 2*77379 2*86451 4*12885 3*73400 3*62128 3*98232 4*97650 5*07110 81 2*59770 2*58771 2*67943 3*98417 3*61815 3*50284 3*86534 4-90222 4*98595 82 2*40312 2*39794 2*50106 3*82491 3*48344 3*38274 3*73703 4*82108 4*89418 83 2*10721 2*10037 2*21748 3*64601 3*33425 3*25285 3*59649 4*73246 4*79507 84 2*03342 2*02531 2*13988 3*43791 3*15503 3*12808 3*44264 4*63593 4*68804 85 1*83885 1*82607 1*94448 3*17840 2*99388 2*95182 3*27439 4*53111 4*57.240 86 1*34463 1*30924 1*43315 2*79448 2*78746 2*78817 3*08884 4*41744 4*44712 87 2*57913 2*57930 2*88025 4*29398 4*31041 88 4*15860 4*15860 89 3*98551 3*98551 90 3*78809 3*78809 91 3*56619 3*56619 92 • 3*31300 3*31300 93 3*02032 3*02032 94 2*67721 2*67721 95 • 2*26929 2-26929 96 1*77622 1*77622 97 1*16726 1*16726 98 0*38862 0*38862 99 1*31240 1*31240 100 0 . 200 , 7 Y 3 1 2f>8 — 3i per Cent MALES, 1870—1880, per Cent, TABLE OF ELEMENTARY MORTALITY VALUES, DEDUCED FROM THE MORTALITY EXPERIENCE OF MALES, 187R-1880. AUK (•»•) Log D . Log N.r a.r A , Pr AGE (X) Log D , Log Nj - a.r A , Px 5 4-93055 6-28423 22-578 •25783 •01093 53 4-06681 5-14289 11-915 ■59347 •01595 6 4-91038 6-26548 22-652 •25551 •01081 54 4-04388 5-10684 11-560 •60465 •04811 7 4-89143 6-24672 22-662 -25519 •01079 55 4-02027 5-06971 11-206 •61579 •05045 8 4-87320 6-22794 22-633 •25611 ■01083 56 3-99588 503145 10-854 •62687 •05288 9 4-85564 6-20911 22-567 •25818 •01096 57 3-97068 4-99194 10-502 •63795 •05516 10 4-83859 6-19022 22-471 ■26120 •01113 58 3-94464 4-95113 10-151 •64900 •05820 11 4-82191 6-17120 22-351 •26498 •01135 59 3-91773 4-90894 9-800 •66005 •06112 12 4-80548 6-15207 22*212 •26936 •01161 60 3-88987 4-86525 9-449 •67110 •06123 13 4-78917 6-13280 22-061 •27411 •01189 61 3-86095 4-81996 9-099 •68211 •06754 14 4*77289 6-11344 21-905 •27902 •01218 62 3-83081 4-77298 8-753 •69301 •07106 15 4-75655 6-09391 21-745 •28405 •01249 63 3-79929 4-72420 8-412 •70374 •07477 16 4-74007 6-07423 21-585 •28909 •01280 64 3-76626 4-67351 8-077 •71428 •07870 17 4-72339 6-05442 21-430 •29397 •01311 65 3-73168 4-62078 7-746 •72470 •08286 18 4-70646 6-03451 21-284 •29856 •01340 66 3-69556 4-56586 7-418 •73502 ■08732 19 4-68938 6-01444 21-138 •30316 ■01369 67 3-65801 4-50854 7-088 •74541 •09216 20 4-67230 5-99420 20-984 ■30801 •01401 68 1 3-61898 4-44858 6-755 •75589 •09748 21 4*65535 5-97382 20*820 •31317 ■01435 69 3-57810 4-38573 6-421 •76641 •10327 22 4-63860 5-95328 20-639 •31887 •01473 70 3-53477 4-31975 6-095 •77667 ■10947 23 4- C 2204 5-93253 20-440 •32513 •01516 71 3-48827 4-25049 5-784 •78646 •11593 24 4-60562 5-91158 20-228 •33180 ■01563 72 3-43784 4-17788 5-496 •79552 •12247 25 4-58925 5-89039 20-005 ■33882 •01613 73 3-38297 410199 5-236 •80371 •12888 26 4-57287 5-86897 19-774 •34609 •01666 74 3-32348 4-02288 5-005 •81098 ■13505 27 4*55641 5-84729 19-538 ■35352 ■01721 75 3-25968 3-94063 4-797 •81752 •14103 28 4-53983 5-82535 19-298 •36108 •01779 76 3-19215 3-85526 4-604 *82360 •14697 29 ' 4-52312 5*80314 19-055 •36873 ■01838 77 3-12171 3-76658 4-414 •82958 •15323 30 4-50628 5-78064 18-809 •37647 •01900 i 78 3-04902 3-67420 4-219 •83572 •16013 31 4-48930 5-75785 18-559 •38434 •01965 79 2-97425 3-57754 4-011 •84227 ■16808 32 4-47218 5*73475 18-305 •39233 ■02032 80 2-89677 3-47595 3-795 ■84907 •17707 33 4-45490 5-71133 18-048 •40042 •02102 81 2-81664 3-36883 3-574 •85602 •18715 34 4-43745 5-68757 17-788 •40861 •02175 82 2-72951 3-25561 3-358 •86282 •19799 35 4-41981 5-66347 17-525 •41689 •02250 83 2-63694 3-13609 3-156 •86918 •20914 36 4-40198 5-63902 17-260 ■42523 ■02329 84 2-53716 3-01009 2-971 •87501 •22035 37 4-38398 5-61418 16-990 ■43373 •02411 85 2-43032 2-87745 2-800 •88039 •23168 38 4-36583 5-58894 16-715 •44238 •02497 86 2-31732 2-73759 2-632 ■88568 •21386 39 4-34754 5-56329 16-434 •45123 •02588 87 ' 2-19875 2-58936 2-458 •89115 •25771 40 4-32912 5-53719 16-146 •46029 •02685 88 2-07510 2-43070 2-268 •89713 •27452 41 4-31058 5-51063 15-851 •46958 •02787 89 1-94534 2*25866 2-057 •90377 •29563 42 , 4-29188 5-48354 15-548 •47912 •02896 90 1-80703 2-06926 1-829 •91095 •32201 43 j 4-27300 5-45594 15-238 •48887 ■03011 91 1-65585 1-85742 1-591 •91844 •35447 44 4-25389 5-42778 14-924 •49876 ■03132 92 1-48624 1-61677 1-351 •92600 •39387 45 4-23451 5-39902 14-605 •50880 •03260 93 1-29090 1-33923 1-118 •93333 •44067 46 4-21481 5-36962 14-283 •51894 •03396 94 1-06074 1-01444 0-899 •94022 47 4-19477 5-33957 13-957 •52919 •03538 95 0-78455 0-62828 0-698 •94654 48 4-17437 5-30882 13-629 *53952 •03688 96 0-44728 0-16080 0-517 ■95224 49 4-15361 -5-27733 13-296 •55000 ■03847 97 0-02803 r-58131 0-358 •95724 50 4 13250 5-24504 12-958 •56064 •04017 98 1-49515 2-83651 0-219 •96162 51 4-11103 5-21192 12-615 •57144 •04197 99 2-79475 3-79865 0-101 •96534 52 4-08915 5-17788 12-267 •58239 ■04390 100 3-79856 — 0-000 1 •96852 0.200 7 Y 4 1 ■ 1 ’] o 3| per Cent. MALES, 1876—1880, Values of Hick Pay Allowance of 1 per Week for the Whole of Life DURATIONS AUK Onk Ykar ( A ) Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks . Weeks 0—4 *- oc 8—13 13—17 17—21 21—26 26—30 30-34 34—39 5 11-78 3-78 2-07 •99 •72 •68 •43 •38 •39 6 1201 3-75 2-17 1-04 •76 •71 •45 •38 •4! 7 12-23 3-73 2-24 1-08 •79 •74 •47 •40 •43 8 12-36 3-80 2-30 1-12 •82 •77 •49 •42 •45 8 12-47 3-85 2-34 1-16 •86 •81 •51 •43 •46 10 12-56 3-92 2-41 1-19 •89 •83 •52 •45 11 12-64 3-98 2-47 1-22 ■91 ■86 •54 *46 •50 12 12-72 4-03 2-52 1-25 •93 •88 •56 *48 •52 13 12-78 4-08 2-58 1-29 •95 •91 ■57 •49 •53 14 12-77 4-14 2-65 1-33 •98 •94 •59 ■51 •55 15 12-82, 4-19 2-69 1-36 1-01 •96 •61 •52 •57 16 12-86 4-23 2-74 1-38 103 •99 •62 •54 •58 17 12-93 4-28 2-78 1-41 105 1-01 •64 •55 •59 18 12-94 4-32 2-82 1-44 1-08 103 •65 *56 •61 19 12-92 4-37 2-86 1-47 1-10 1-06 •67 •58 05 CO 20 12-90 4-42 2-91 1-50 1*13 1-09 •69 •59 •64 21 12-89 4-47 2-96 1-53 1-15 Ml •71 •61 •66 22 12-87 4-52 3-00 1-56 1-18 1-13 •72 ■62 •68 23 12-85 4-56 3-05 1-59 1-20 1-16 •74 •64 •70 24 12-86 4-61 3-10 1-62 1-23 1-18 •76 ■66 •71 25 12-87 4-67 3 T 5 1-65 1-25 1-21 •78 •67 •73 26 12-88 4-72 3-20 1-68 1-28 1-24 •80 •69 •75 27 12-90 4-78 3-25 1-71 1-30 1-27 •82 •70 •77 28 12-93 4-84 3-30 1-75 1-33 1-30 •83 •72 ■79 29 12-95 4-90 3-36 1-79 1-36 1-32 •85 •74 •81 30 12-98 4-96 3-42 1-82 1-39 1-35 •87 •76 •83 31 1301 5-02 3-47 1-85 1-42 1-38 •89 •78 •86 32 13-04 5-09 3-53 1-89 1-44 1-41 •91 •80 •88 33 13-05 5-14 3-59 1-93 1-48 1-44 •93 •82 •90 34 1305 5-21 3-64 1-97 1-51 1-48 •96 ■84 •93 35 1306 5-27 3-71 2-00 1-54 1-51 •99 •86 •95 36 13-08 5-33 3-76 2-04 1-57 1-55 1-01 •89 •98 37 1308 5-39 3-82 2-08 1-60 1-58 1-04 •91 1-00 38 13-09 5-45 3-88 2 T 2 1-63 1 61 1-06 •93 1-03 39 13 09 5-51 3-94 2-16 1-67 1-65 1-08 •95 1-06 40 1308 5-56 4-00 2-20 1-70 1-69 l-ll •98 109 41 13-07 5-61 4-06 2-24 1-74 1-72 1-14 1-00 1-12 42 1305 5-66 411 2-28 1-77 1-76 1-17 1-03 115 43 13-01 5-71 417 2-32 1-81 1-81 1-20 105 1-18 44 12-97 5-75 4-23 2-36 1-85 1-85 1-22 1-08 1-21 1 45 12-92 5-80 4-29 2-39 1-88 1-89 1-25 111 1-25 46 12-86 5-83 4-34 2-43 1*92 1-93 1-28 114 1-28 47 12-78 5-87 4*40 2-48 1-96 1-97 1-31 117 1-31 48 12-70 5-90 4-46 2-51 1-99 201 1-34 1-20 I 1-35 49 12-60 5-94 4-51 2-55 203 2-05 1-37 1-23 1-38 50 12-49 5-97 4-57 2-59 2-07 209 1-40 1-26 1-42 51 12-36 5-98 4*63 2-64 211 213 1-43 1-29 1-46 52 12-24 1 6-00 1 4-66 2*69 215 2-18 1-47 1-32 1-49 | I J' I MALES, 1876— 1880. K, Values i>l Sick I ’ay Allowance of I ]icl' Week I'm I lie Whole of Life = | ( .'i{ per ( Vnt. OSK YKAH Two Ykahs Tiihkk Years and upwards ALL Derations AO 1-ri Weeks 39—43 Weeks 43-47 Weeks 47- -62 Tot a r. First Six Mouths 1 Second | Six Months Tot At. •27 ■24 •29 2198 1-30 ■91 2 21 7-00 31-19 5 •28 •25 •30 22-51 1-36 •96 2-32 733 32-16 6 •3(1 •26 •32 22*99 112 1-00 2-42 7-66 33-07 7 •31 •27 •33 23-14 118 104 2-52 7*99 33 95 8 •32 •29 •34 23-84 1-55 1-09 2-61 8*32 34-80 9 •34 •30 •35 24-21 1-61 113 2-74 8-61 35-62 10 •35 •31 •37 24*61 1-67 1,7 2-84 8-99 36-4 4 11 *36 •32 •38 24-95 1-71 1-22 2-96 9-33 37-24 12 •37 •33 •39 25-27 1-79 1-27 3-06 9-69 3802 13 •39 •34 •41 25-60 1-84 1-31 3-15 1006 38-81 14 •40 •35 •42 25-90 1-89 1-344 3-25 10-14 39-59 15 •41 •37 •43 2618 1-95 1-40 3-35 10-84 40-37 16 •41 •37 •44 26-46 200 1-44 3-44 11-26 1116 17 •43 •38 *45 2671 2-06 1-48 3-54 11-69 41-94 18 •44 •39 •46 2695 212 1-53 3-65 1215 42,5 19 *45 •41 *47 27 20 218 1-57 3,5 12,1 43-56 20 •16 •42 •49 27*45 2-23 162 3-85 1309 4 4-39 21 •48 •13 •50 27 69 2*29 1-67 3-96 13-58 45-23 22 •49 *44 •52 27-94 2-36 1,2 408 1407 16-09 23 •50 •4G ■53 28-22 2-42 1,7 4-19 14-58 46-99 24 *52 •47 *55 28-52 2-49 1'82 4-31 15-10 47,3 25 •53 •48 •56 28*81 2-56 1-88 444 15-65 48-90 26 •55 •50 •58 29- 13 2-61 1,4 4-58 16-21 49-92 27 •56 •51 •60 29-46 2,2 199 4,1 16-80 50,7 28 ■58 •52 •62 29-80 2-80 2-05 4-85 17-40 52-05 29 •59 ■54 •63 3014 2-89 2-11 500 18-03 53-17 30 ■61 •55 *65 30-49 297 2-17 511 18-68 54-31 31 •62 •57 •67 30-85 306 223 5-29 19-34 55-48 32 •64 ■59 •69 31-20 315 230 5-45 2003 56-68 33 •66 ■60 ,i 31-56 3-24 2-37 5-61 20-74 57,1 34 •68 •62 •73 3192 3-33 2-44 5,7 21-48 5917 35 •70 ■64 •75 32*30 3-43 2-51 | 5-94 22-25 60-49 36 •72 •66 •77 32-65 3-53 259 612 23-05 61-82 37 *74 •68 ■80 3302 3-64 2-66 6-30 23-87 63-19 38 •76 •69 •82 33-38 3-75 2,4 6-49 24-72 64-59 39 •78 •71 •85 33 75 3-86 I 2-83 6-69 25-59 66-03 40 •80 •74 •87 34-n 398 2,1 6-89 26-50 67-50 41 •82 •76 •90 34-46 1 11 3,0 7,1 27-45 69-02 42 •85 •78 •92 34-81 4-23 310 7-33 28-43 70-57 43 ■87 •80 •95 4 35-14 4-36 3-20 7*56 29-46 72-16 44 •89 •82 •98 3547 4-49 3-30 7,9 30-53 73-79 45 •92 *85 1-01 35-79 4-62 3-40 8-02 31-65 75-46 46 •94 •87 104 36-10 4,5 3-50 8-25 32-81 77-16 47 •97 •90 1-07 36-40 4-90 3-61 8-51 3402 78,3 48 1-00 •93 1-10 36-69 5-05 3,2 8,7 35-27 80,3 49 1-03 •95 1-14 36-98 5-20 3-83 9-03 36-60 82-61 50 1-06 •98 1-17 37-24 5-35 3,5 9-30 38-00 84-54 51 108 1-01 1 1-20 1 37-49 1 5-51 4-08 9-59 l 39-47 86-55 52 0.200 / z 1 per Cent. MALES, 1876—1880. Values nf Sink I 'ay Allowance of 1 per Week for the Whole of Life = DURATIONS One Yeah 3 4 per Cent i i MALES, IH76 — 1H80. Values »if Slclt Pay Allowance of 1 per Week for the whole of Life DURATION s ON K YKAR Two Years Turkic Yea ns ami upwards All DURATIONS AGE (t) Weeks 39-43 Weeks 43 — 17 Weeks 47-62 Tot A i. I-’lrst Six Months Second Six Months Total Ml 103 1-24 37 72 5-67 4-20 9-87 41-04 88*63 53 1-14 1-06 1-27 37-95 5-84 4-33 1017 42-68 j 90-80 54 1T7 1*09 1-30 3818 6-00 4-47 10-47 4 4-41 93*06 55 1-20 112 1-35 38 40 6-18 4-61 10-79 1 46-24 95-43 5ft 1'24 M6 1-38 3862 6-37 4-75 11-12 48-16 97-90 5/ 1-27 1-19 1-42 38-82 6-57 4-88 11-45 50-17 100-44 58 1-3U 1*22 1-46 .38-99 6-77 5*03 11-80 52-26 103-05 59 1-34 1*26 T51 3911 6-97 5-19 1216 54-46 105-73 60 1-37 1-29 1-55 39' 15 7-18 5-35 12-53 56-78 108-46 61 1-40 1-31 1-58 3911 7-39 5-52 12-91 59-24 111-26 62 1-42 1-33 1-61 . 38-97 7-60 5-68 13-28 61-85 114-10 63 1-45 1-36 1-64 38 73 7-80 5-84 13-64 64-60 116*97 64 1-46 1-38 1-66 38-38 7*98 5-99 13-97 67-47 119-82 65 1-47 1-39 1-68 37-90 8-14 6-12 14-26 70-41 122-57 66 1-47 1-39 1-69 37-27 . 8-29 6-20 14-49 73-34 125-10 67 1-46 1-38 1-68 3648 8-37 6-26 14-63 76-20 127-31 68 1-44 1-37 1-67 35 - 53 8-38 6*31 14-69 78-96 129-18 69 1-42 1-36 1'65 34*42 8-38 6-29 14-67 81-65 130-74 70 1-39 1-32 1-61 33-21 8-33 6*26 14*59 84-32 132-12 71 1-37 1-30 1-59 31-92 8*24 6-22 14-46 87-08 133-46 72 1-33 1-26 1-53 30-59 8-17 6*14 14-31 90*02 134-92 73 1-28 1-22 1-49 29-23 8-07 6-10 14-17 93-19 136-59 74 1-24 1T9 1-46 27-86 8*04 6-01 14-05 96-61 138-52 75 1-19 1*14 1*39 26-45 7-99 5-96 13-95 100-26 140-66 76 1T5 1T0 1-34 21-89 7-90 5-92 13-82 104-02 142-73 77 1-08 1-04 1-27 2312 7-81 5-79 13-60 107-70 144-42 78 •97 •94 1-16 21T2 7-57 5-63 13-20 111-21 145-53 79 •89 •85 1*05 18-98 7-21 5-50 12-71 114-57 146-26 80 •77 •74 •92 16-81 6-76 5-21 11-97 117-78 146-56 81 •60 *59 •73 14-67 6-30 4-83 1113 120-83 146-63 82 •48 •47 *60 12-55 5-71 4-52 10-23 123-84 116-62 83 ■29 •30 •39 10-44 5-09 4-21 9-30 126-84 146-58 84 •33 •32 •42 *•27 4-30 4-03 8-33 129*64 146-24 85 •27 •26 •34 5-88 3-85 3-48 7-33 131-87 145-08 86 •12 •11 •14 319 3-14 3-14 6-28 133-13 142-60 87 2-58 2-57 5-15 132-96 138-11 88 131-02 131-02 89 120-71 120-71 i 90 108-31 108-31 91 95-83 95-83 92 1 83-72 83-72 93 72-34 72-34 94 61-88 61-88 95 52-48 52-48 96 44-18 44-18 97 37-00 37-00 98 30-83 30-83 99 25-59 25 59 100 0.200. 7 Z 2 :>i per Cent. ,) = Log K MALCS, 1 876 — 1K80. l.og r 4 (/,. «•' * r 4- l r + , r' f 1 + , + . . . \\ lioic k i lenot cs the Hale of Siekness for the uiuleniicntioned Durations AGE M) Weeks 0-1 Weeks 4—8 Weeks 8—13 Weeks 13-17 5 6*00080 5-50806 5*24635 1*92437 6 5*98976 5-48483 5*24635 4*92437 7 5*97872 5-16336 5*24239 1*92437 8 5*96520 5-45246 5*23393 1*92198 !) 5*95112 5-1)110 5*2254(5 1*91968 10 5*93771 5-43141 5*21995 4*91186 11 5*92377 6-42136 5*21459 4*90981 12 5*90993 5-41069 5*20744 4*90381 13 5*89558 5-39974 5*20027 4*89801 14 5*87901 5-389 15 5*19560 1*89533 15 5*86458 5-37847 5*18695 4*88982 111 5*84928 5-36667 5*17716 4*88092 17 5*83482 5-36490 5*16673 4*87250 18 5*81851 5-31213 5*15613 1*86455 19 5*80068 5-33031 5*11616 4*85585 20 5*78272 5-31752 5*13603 4*81880 21 5*76548 5-30525 5*12577 4*84016 22 5*74826 5-29341 5*11597 1*83172 23 5*73106 5-28142 5*10632 4*82370 24 5-.71479 5-26946 5*09640 4*81556 25 5*69892 5-25819 5*08691 4*80732 20 5*68282 5-21677 5*07757 4*79922 27 5*66700 5-23558 5*06825 4*79102 oo , + , + ) = Log K x When- * i leilotos tin' Rate of Sickness for the undermentioned Durations .r One Ybah Two Ykars Three Years and upwards all Durations AGE (•*) Weeks 39—43 Weeks 43—47 Weeks 47—62 Total First Six Months Second Six Months Total 4-30193 4-31371 1*38577 6*27259 5*04506 1-89131 • 5*27599 5*77555 6*42462 5 4-36193 4*31374 4*38677 6*26276 5*04506 (•89131 5*27599 5*77555 6*41772 6 4*36193 4*31374 4*38577 6*25296 5*04506 1*89131 5*27599 5-77555 6*41090 7 4-36493 4-3137 1 4*38577 6*24309 5*04506 4*89131 5*27599 5-77555 6*40405 8 4*36493 4-31374 4*38577 6*23313 5*0(506 1*89131 5*27599 5-77555 6*39721 9 4*36493 4*31374 4*38577 6*22307 5*04506 1*89131 5*27599 5*77555 6*39033 10 4*36493 4*31374 1*38577 6*21290 5*04506 4*89131 5*27599 5*77555 6*38344 11 4*36371 4-31374 4*38577 6*20254 5*04506 1*89131 5*27599 5-77555 6*37647 12 4*36014 4*30974 4*38124 6*19179 5*0423 1 1*89131 5*27439 5-77555 6*36916 13 4*36014 4*30974 1*38124 6*18097 5*03827 4*89131 5*27201 5*77555 6*36180 14 4*35345 4*30475 4*37488 6*16977 5*03131 1*88936 5*26888 5-77543 6*35417 15 4*35129 4*30233 4*37282 6*15806 5*02978 1*88651 5*26506 5-77522 6*34618 16 4*34070 4*29285 4*36275 6*14580 5*02536 1*88222 5*26070 5-77491 6*33782 17 4*33552 4*28706 4*35583 6*13307 5*02065 4*87745 5-25596 5-77445 6*32913 18 4*33017 4*28369 4*35295 6*12000 5*01501 4*87340 5*25098 5-77387 6*32027 19 4*32556 4*28042 4*34922 6*10683 5*00932 (-86946 5*24603 5-77316 6*31139 20 4*32174 4*27619 4 34378 6*09375 5*00377 4*8656 ( 5*24121 5-77231 6*30259 21 4*31618 4*27103 4*33937 6*08090 1*99954 4-86034 5*23653 5-77137 6*29400 22 4*31258 1*26802 4*33596 6*06839 4*99407 4*85648 5*23208 5-77033 6*28567 23 4-30820 4*26413 4*33181 6*05622 1*98993 4*85323 5*22797 5*76929 6*27763 24 4*30222 4*25940 4*32697 6*04425 4-985G8 4*84983 5*22108 5-76826 6*26982 25 4*29807 4 25573 1*32305 6*03248 4*98189 4*84582 5*22019 5*76727 6*26219 26 4*29321 4*25127 4*31923 6*02080 4*97820 4*84193 5*21642 5-76623 6*25464 27 4*28847 4*24694 4*31553 G 009 12 4*97430 4*83837 5*21267 5-76507 6*24714 28 4*28310 4*24187 4-31120 5*99736 4*97051 4*83448 5*20884 5*76374 6*23957 29 4*27786 4*23694 4-3074X4 5*98550 1*96668 4*83008 5*20477 5*76222 6*23193 30 4*27277 4*23134 4*30224 5*97351 4*96236 4*82580 5*20047 5-76048 6*22417 31 4*26710 42266S 4*29761 5*96137 4*95802 1*82105 5*19596 5-75856 6*21630 32 4*26228 4*22214 4*29312 5*94908 4*95311 4*81663 5*19125 5*75650 6*20831 33 4*25761 4*21775 4*28876 5*93660 4*94806 4*81196 5*18636 5-75429 6*20022 34 4*25174 4*21203 4*28330 5*92392 4*94275 4*80724 5*18130 5*75192 6*19198 35 4*24539 • 4*20648 4*27800 5*91102 4*93759 4*80213 5*17617 5*74937 6*18364 36 4*23922 4*20107 4*27284 5*89792 4*93233 4-79682 5*17088 5*74661 6*17513 37 4*23262 4*19518 4*26729 5*88459 4*92697 4*79134 5T6547 5*74364 6*16649 38 4*22619 4-18878 4*26136 5*87106 4*92166 4*78569 5*16002 5*74047 6*15770 39 4*22050 4*18384 4*25612 5*85731 4*91616 4*78035 5*15459 5*73718 6*14885 40 4*21442 4*17783 4*25052 5*84340 4*91059 4*77518 5*11919 5*73382 6*13988 41 4*20742 4*17140 4*24408 5*82919 4*90530 4*76942 5*14370 5*73037 6*13082 42 4*20115 4*16572 4 23SS0 5*81467 4*89943 4-76398 5*13801 5*72683 6*12163 43 4*19351 4*15854 4*23228 5*79975 4*89312 4*75843 5*13202 5*72317 6*11220 44 4*18557 4 15103 4*22502 5*78440 4*88640 4*75250 5*12563 5*71929 6*10250 • 45 4*17834 4*14373 4*21843 5*76859 4*87939 1*74597 5*11882 5*71514 6*09251 46 4*17085 4-13663 4*21203 5*75230 4*87192 | 4*73913 5*11162 5*71072 6*08217 47 4*16173 4*12824 4*20374 5 73550 4*86431 4*73174 5*10411 5*70603 6*07159 48 4*15284 4*12008 4*19568 5*71819 4*85661 4*72373 5*09630 5*70113 6*06066 49 4*14420 4*11170 4*18746 5*70037 4*84818 4*71608 5*08817 5*69604 6*04953 50 4*13494 4*10309 4*17909 5*68200 4*83946 4*70786 5*07967 5*69082 6*03810 51 4*12388 4*09297 1*16950 5*66303 4*83024 4*69925 5*07071 5*68547 6*02641 52 0.200 7 z 3 MALES, 1 87 fi — 1880. 3$ jtcr Cent. Allli 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 Log r* (/,. r' a x + I, + , v x + 1 + , + ) = Log K, Where « denotes the Itate of Sickness for the undermentioned liuratiuris Onk Ykak (•*•) Weeks 0—4 Weeks -1—8 1 Weeks 8—13 Weeks I. 13 - K i Weeks 17 — 21 Weeks 21—26 Weeks 26—30 Weeks 30-34 53 5-15016 4-84654 4-7 1002 4*50006 4*40461 1*41382 4-24396 4-19824 51 5-12218 4-82396 4-72093 4*48302 1*38902 1*39936 4-23096 4-18608 55 5-09379 4-80133 4-70134 4*46509 1*37190 4*38285 4-2159H 4-17199 56 5-06346 1-77651 4-68035 4* 44627 4*35503 4*36775 4-20213 4*15884 57 5-03310 4-75120 4-65795 4*42580 4*33592 4*35052 4-18588 4-14420 58 5-00143 4-72432 4-63460 4*40477 4*31652 4*33325 1-16997 4-12843 59 4-96772 4-69578 4-60982 4*38320 4*29645 4*31188 4-15204 4-11130 60 4-93201 4-66599 4-58397 4*35929 4*27520 4*29365 4-13216 4-09286 61 4-89409 4-6345 1 4*55602 4*33375 4*25076 4*26991 411086 4-07284 62 4-85479 4-60110 4-52603 4*30612 1*22417 4*24450 4-08611 4-04883 63 4-81411 1-56481 4-49280 4*27561 4*19187 1*21659 4-05918 4 02214 64 4-76791 4-52521 4-45635 4*24085 1*16257 4*18611 4-03104 3-99577 65 4-71983 4-48343 4-41853 4*20564 4*12888 4*15302 3-99874 3-96445 66 4-66881 4-43865 4-37649 4*16584 4*09040 1*11691 3-96313 3-92957 67 4-61702 4-39155 4-33185 4*12186 4*04774 4*07511 3-92252 3-89048 68 4-56036 4-33989 4-28411 4*07588 4*00337 1*03052 3-87904 3-84708 69 4-49860 4-28477 4-232 46 4*02580 3*95415 3*98182 3-83117 3-80072 70 4- 13098 4-22461 4-17458 3*97063 3*90168 3*92952 3-78168 3-75174 71 4-36194 4-16029 4-11244 3*91004 3*81148 3*87017 3-72436 3-69501 72 4-28124 4-08522 4-04419 3*84466 3*77945 3*80956 3*66370 3-63689 73 4-20058 4-01017 3-97118 3*77151 3*70952 3*74060 3-59616 3-56855 74 4-10998 3-92732 3-89426 3*69557 3*63306 3*66745 3-52153 3-49290 75 4-02119 3-84098 3-80760 3*60713 3*54667 3*58149 3-43917 3-41313 76 3-92340 3-75074 3-71875 3*51812 3*45788 3*49220 3-35353 3-32818 77 3-82269 3-64914 3-61773 3*41697 3*35771 3*39707 3-26079 3-23930 78 3-70825 3-54158 3-50961 3*30771 3*25551 3*29820 3-16107 3-14364 79 3-59770 3-43265 3-40054 3*18893 3*13513 3*18184 3-04610 3-02857 80 3-46982 3-30771 3-27921 3*05843 3*00561 3*05729 2-92376 2-90849 81 3-35430 3-18554 3-15014 2*91593 2*85309 2*90741 2-77452 2-76118 82 3-24378 3-06333 3 02735 2*76118 2*68395 2*74429 2-60959 2-58995 83 3-11025 2-93601 2-89927 2*59329 2*48855 2*53275 2-38917 2-38917 84 2-98856 2-82607 2-76864 2*38917 2*25527 2*26951 2-11394 2-11394 85 2-73078 2-54654 2-47857 2*20952 2*10037 2*16137 1-98677 1-98677 86 2-40824 2-22272 2 19033 1*95904 1*87506 1*92942 1-81291 1-81291 87 1-99184 1-89078 1-85733 1*59835 1*56656 1*56472 1-43732 1 43732 W eeks 34—39 4-25059 4-23922 4-22621 4-21381 4-19934 4-18418 4-16811 4-15023 4-13104 4-10843 4-08289 4-05816 4-02649 3-99269 3-95390 3-91169 3-86528 3-81578 3-75868 3-70191 3-63296 3-55817 3-47799 3-39005 3-30038 3-20520 3-08814 2-97128 2-83251 2-65128 2-46835 2-18752 2-07555 1-90309 1-50144 .) = Log K , 3| j>er Cent. 1277 MALES, 1876— I 8H0. Lott »•* (/,. r ' » r + / + , f> r + ‘ V + , -f Where ,r denotes the Rate of Sickness for the undermentioned Durations T One Year Two Years Three Years All AGE (*) Weeks 39 — 43 Weeks 43—47 Weeks 47—62 Total Firat Six Mouths Second Six Months Total and upwards Duration's 411187 4 08138 4-15833 5-64311 4*82069 1*68981 5*06120 5*67993 6-01439 53 4-10096 4*07052 4-14746 5-62312 4*81024 4*68004 5*05103 5-6740S 6-00195 54 4*08842 1-05827 4-13551 5*60209 4-79866 4*67014 5*04017 5-66778 5*98904 55 4*07057 4-04716 4*12457 5*58025 4-78676 4*65919 5-02867 5-66091 5-97557 56 4*06288 1-03367 4-1 1167 5*55752 4*77469 4-64677 5-0164G 6-65336 5-96144 57 4-04848 4*01937 4*09785 5*5337 1 4-76217 1-63312 5*00346 5*64501 5*94655 58 4-03306 . 4-00436 1-08318 5*50871 4-74815 4-61951 4-98961 5-63591 5-93079 59 4-01636 3-98869 4*06804 5*48214 4-73325 4-60492 4-97484 5*62594 5-91406 60 3*99808 3-97132 1-05127 5-45371 4-71714 4-58932 4*95895 5*61514 5-89623 61 3-97603 3-94959 4-03007 5-12311 4*69940 4-57255 4-91163 5-60310 5-87714 62 3-95017 3-92412 4*00535 5-39006 4-68019 4*55354 4*92250 5*59060 5*85657 63 3-92691 3-90140 3*98299 •5-35135 4*65840 4-53273 4-90113 5-57647 5-83434 64 3-89537 3-87058 3*95294 5*31578 4-63355 4-50974 4-87708 5-56077 5-81023 65 3-86314 3-83904 3-92205 5-27121 4-60636 4-48247 1*84986 5-54317 5*78396 66 3-82491 3-80120 3-88474 5-22942 4*57665 4*45023 4-81907 5-52334 5*75528 67 3-78305 3-75997 3-84435 5-18106 4-51173 4*41572 4-78432 5*50091 5*72385 68 3-73767 3-71575 3-80079 5-12864 4*50158 4-37796 4-74520 5-47551 5-68929 69 3-68815 3*66671 3-75266 5-07161 1-15803 4-33355 4-70128 5*44672 5-65120 70 3-63114 3*60949 3-69548 5*00948 4-40866 4-28495 4*65225 5-41422 5-60923 71 3-57438 3-55328 3-63919 4*94185 4-35386 4-23157 4*59806 ‘ 5-37776 5-56318 72 3*50515 3*48302 3-56785 4*86850 4-29528 417138 4-53877 5-33726 5-51303 73 3-43297 3-41162 3-49707 4-78931 4-23065 4-10877 4*47502 5-29283 5-45891 74 3-35411 3-33586 3-12357 4-70461 4*16516 4-03882 4*40761 5-24470 5-40121 75 3*26881 3*24969 3-33445 4-61436 4*09482 3-96745 4-33684 5-19329 5-34031 76 3-18099 3*16346 3-25018 4-51771 4-01937 3-89437 4-26240 5-13881 5-27623 77 3-08386 3-06633 3-15412 4-41300 3-94161 ' 3-81158 4-18250 5-08124 5-20866 78 2*96332 2-94792 3 03703 4*29896 3-85352 3-72444 4-09482 5*02040 5-13720 79 2-84386 2-82866 2-91908 4-17496 3-75481 3-63699 4-00091 4-95586 5*06190 80 2-70415 2-68753 2-77743 4*04100 3-64582 3-53263 3-89393 4-88672 4-98166 81 2-51055 2*50106 2*59106 3-89553 3-52917 3-41330 3-77619 4-81168 4-89572 82 2-31597 2-31175 2-41162 3-73552 3-39375 3*29226 3-64709 4-72979 4-80314 83 202119 2*01281 2-12710 3*55582 3-24378 316137 3*50569 4-64039 4-70322 84 1-94448 1-93450 204922 3-34691 3-06371 3-03583 3-35122 4-54307 4-59538 85 1-74819 1-73239 1*85126 3-08672 2*90200 2*85854 3-18213 4-43748 4-47893 86 1-25251 1-21712 1-34103 2-70236 2*69461 2-69461 2-99607 4-32303 4-35286 87 2-18596 2*48572 2-78675' 4*19882 4-21532 88 4*06269 406269 89 3*88878 3-88878 90 3-69053 3-69053 91 3-46774 3*46774 92 3-21373 3-21373 93 2*92009 2-92009 94 2-57608 2-57608 95 2-16723 2*16723 96 1*67327 1-67327 97 1-06337 1-06337 98 0-28378 0-28378 99 f-20656 1-20656 100 0.200. 7Z4 i2 7 8 . 1279 MALES, 1K76— 1880. 3i per Cent. 3$ per Cent. TABLE OF ELEMENTARY MORTALITY VALUES, DEDUCED FROM THE MORTALITY EXPERIENCE OF * MALES, 187cr Cent. MALES, 1876 — 1880 , Values of Sick Pay Allowance of 1 per Week for the Whole of Lifers. ■* DURATIONS AGE (■<■) One Year Weeks 0—4 Weeks 4-8 Weeks 8-13 Weeks 13—17 W eeks 17-21 Weeks 21—26 Weeks 26-30 Weeks 30—34 Weeks 34—39 53 11-82 5-86 4*58 2-63 2-11 215 1’45 1-31 1-48 64 11-69 5-87 4-62 2-67 2-15 2-20 1-49 1-34 1-52 65 11-67 6*89 4-67 2-71 2-18 2-24 1-52 1-38 1-56 56 11-43 6*89 4-71 2-75 2-22 2-29 1-56 1-42 1*60 67 11-31 5-89 4-75 2-78 2-26 2-34 1-60 1-45 1-65 58 11-17 5-88 4-78 2-81 2-30 2-39 1*63 1*49 1*69 69 11-00 5-87 4-81 2-85 2-34 2-44 1-67 1-52 1-74 60 10-81 5-85 4-84 2-88 2-38 2-48 1-70 1-56 1-78 Cl 10-60 5-82 4-86 2-91 2-41 2-51 1-74 1-59 1-82 62 10-39 5-79 4-86 2-93 2-42 2-53 1-76 1-62 1-86 63 10-18 5-73 4-85 2-94 2*44 2-55 1-78 1-64 1-88 64 9-88 5-65 4-81 2-93 2-45 2-58 1-80 1-67 1-92 65 9-59 5*56 4-78 2-93 2-45 2*59 1-82 1-68 1-94 66 9-27 5-45 4-72 2*91 2-44 2-60 1-82 1-69 1-94 67 8-98 5-33 4-65 2-87 2-42 2 - 57 ' 1-81 1-68 1-95 68 8-63 5-19 4'56 2-82 2'39 2-54 1-79 1-67 1-93 69 8-23 5-03 4-45 2-77 2-35 2*50 1-76 1-65 1-91 70 7-78 4-84 4-31 2-70 2-30 2’45 1*74 1-63 1-89 71 7-39 4 - 65 - 4*16 2-61 2-23 2-38 1*70 1-59 1-84 72 6*90 4-39 4-01 2-52 2-17 2-33 1-66 1-56 1-82 73 6-50 4-20 3-83 2-42 2-10 2-26 1-62 1-51 1-76 74 6-06 3*98 3-69 2-33 2-02 2-19 1-56 1-46 1-70 75 5-72 3-78 3*50 2-21 1-92 2-08 1-50 1-41 1-64 76 5-34 3-59 3-33 2-10 1-83 1-98 1-44 1-36 1-56 77 4-98 3-34 3-11 1-96 1-71 1-87 1-37 1-30 1-50 78 4-53 3-09 2-86 1-80 1-60 1-77 1-28 1-24 1-42 79 4-17 2-85 2-64 1-63 1-44 1-61 1-17 113 1-29 80 3-71 2-56 2-39 1-45 1-28 1-44 1-06 1-02 1-18 81 3-43 2-33 2-14 1-25 1-08 1-24 •91 •88 1-03 82 3-25 2-14 1-97 1-07 •90 1-03 •75 •73 •83 83 2-96 1-98 1-82 ■90 •71 •79 •57 •56 ■67 84 2-81 1-94 1-70 •71 •52 •54 •38 •38 •44 85 1-99 1-30 1-12 •60 *47 •54 •36 •36 •44 86 1-23 •80 •74 •43 •36 •42 •31 •32 •39 87 •62 •49 •46 ■25 •23 •23 •17 •17 •20 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 MALES, 1876—1880, 3^ per Cent. * Values of Sick Pay Allowance of 1 per Week for the Whole of Life=. U JC DUBiTIO N S One Year Two Years Three Years and upwards ALL Durations AGE (*) Weeks | 39—13 Weeks I 13 — 17 Weeks 17—52 Total First Six Months I Second 1 Six ATonths Total 1-07 1-00 1-19 36'65 5-17 1-01 9-51 39-22 85-38 53 MO 1-03 1-23 36*91 5*64 4-17 9-81 40-87 87-59 54 M3 106 1-26 3717 680 1-32 10-12 12*61 89-90 55 117 1-09 1-30 37-13 5-98 1-16 10-44 11-11 92-31 56 1-20 112 1-31 37*69 6-17 1-60 10-77 46-36 91-82 57 1*21 116 1-38 37-92 6*38 1-75 11-13 48-37 97-12 5b 1*27 119 113 38-13 6-58 4-89 11-17 50-48 100-08 59 1*31 1-23 1-17 38-29 6-79 5-05 11-84 52-69 102-82 60 1*31 1-26 1-51 38-37 7-00 5-22 12-22 55-02 105-61 61 1*37 1-29 1-55 38-37 7-22 5-39 12-61 57-49 108-47 62 1*39 1-31 1-58 38*27 713 5*55 12-98 60-12 111-37 63 1*42 1-31 1*62 38-07 7-63 5-72 13-35 62-89 114-31 64 113 1-36 1-63 37-76 7-82 5-88 13-70 65-78 117-24 65 1*15 1-37 1-66 37-32 7-99 6-01 14-00 68-74 120-06 66 1*11 1-37 1-66 36-73 8-15 6-09 11*24 71-70 122-67 67 1*11 1-36 1-66 35-98 8-21 6-16 11-40 71-59 124-97 68 1*42 1-35 1-65 35-07 8-26 6-20 14-46 77-39 126-92 69 1*10 1-31 1-63 31-01 8-26 6-20 11-46 80-11 128-58 70 1*37 1*31 1-59 32-82 8-21 6*18 14-39 82-82 130-03 71 1-35 1-29 1-57 31-57 8-11 6-14 14*28 85-61 131-46 72 1-31 1-25 1-61 30-27 8-07 6-07 11-11 88*57 132-98 73 1*27 1-21 1-18 28-95 7-98 6-03 14-01 91*76 134-72 74 1*23 1-17 1-44 27-60 7-95 5*95 13*90 95-21 136-71 75 1*18 113 1-38 26-22 7-91 5-90 13-81 98-87 138*90 76 1-13 1-09 1-33 24-69 -■at 5-87 13*70 102-65 141-01 77 1-07 1-03 1-26 22-95 7-74 5-74 13-48 106-36 * 142-79 78 *97 •91 115 20-99 7-51 5*58 13-09 109-90 143-98 79 •88 ■85 1-01 18-86 7-16 5-46 12*62 113-31 144-79 80 •77 •71 •91 16-71 6-72 5-18 11-90 116-56 145-17 81 •60 •59 •72 11-58 6-28 4*80 11-08 119-66 145-32 82 ■17 •47 •59 12-49 5-69 4-50 10-19 122-72 145-40 83 •30 ■ -30 •39 1011 5-06 4-19 9-25 125-77 145-43 84 ■32 •32 •11 8-23 4*28 4-02 8*30 128-64 145-17 85 •27 •26 •31 5-87 3-83 3-47 7-30 130-93 144-10 86 •12 ■10 •14 3*18 313 313 6*26 132-26 141-70 87 2-58 2-58 5-16 132-17 137-33 88 130-35 130-35 89 120-15 120-15 90 107-87 107-87 91 95-49 95-49 92 83-44 83-44 93 72-12 72*12 94 61-72 61-72 95 52-36 52-36 96 1 14T0 44-10 97 1 36-94 36-94 98 30-79 30-79 ’ 99 * 25-56 25*56 100 ■i 1 USE (x) 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 45 47 48 49 50 5] 52 MALES, 187 G— 1880 . Log (f g v x S x + l x + ! + 1 » x + J + ) = Log K X Where 4, denotes the Kate of Sickness for the undermentioned Durations On e Yeah Weeks 4—8 Weeks 8—13 • Weeks 13—17 Weeks 17—21 Weeks 21—26 Weeks 20—30 Weeks 30-34 Weeks 34-39 5*47380 5*20491 4*87879 4-74386 4*71421 4*51312 4*44047 4*46882 5*44895 5*20491 4*87879 4*74386 4*71421 4*51312 4-44047 4-46882 5-42596 C7» to r C 1*87879 4*74386 4*71421 4*51312 4*44047 4*16882 5*41428 5*19145 4*87619 4*74386 4*71421 4*51312 4*44047 4*46882 5*40243 5*18230 4*87369 4*74386 4*71421 4*51312 4-44047 4*46882 5*39175 5*17635 4*86844 4*73788 4*70897 4*50757 4*43720 4*46780 5*38101 5*17057 4*86297 4*73152 4*70389 4*50218 4*43404 4*46682 5-36962 5*16287 4-85649 4*72482 4*69841 4*49956 4*43201 4-46587 5*35792 5-15515 4*85017 4*71828 4*69521 4*49704 4*42906 4*46223 5*34695 5*15014 4*84729 4*71534 4*69367 4*49460 4*42810 4*46223 5*33524 5*14087 4*84133 4-70965 4*68869 4-48828 4*42073 4-45457 5*32268 5*13038 4*83175 4*70318 4*68336 4*48290 4*41716 4*45126 5*31015 5*11920 4*82268 4*69460 4*67343 4*47390 4*40754 4-44075 5*29658 5*10785 4*81412 4*68709 4*66694 4*46730 4*40071 4*43443 5*28400 5*09718 4*80477 4*67976 4*66063 4*46159 4*39573 4-42904 5*27041 5*08636 4*79721 4*67304 4*65448 4-45605 4*39009 4*42231 5*25739 5*07541 4*78827 4*66401 4*64592 4*44795 4*38223 4*41576 5*24484 5*06495 4*77890 4*65558 4*63796 4*44069 4*37533 4*41009 5*23213 5*05467 4*77032 4*64773 4*63103 4*43490 4-37011 4-40596 5*21946 5*04411 4*76163 4-63966 4*62385 4*42865 4*36429 4*40061 5*20754 5*03401 4*75282 4*63138 4*61606 4-42132 4*35721 4*39475 5*19547 5*02408 4-74418 4*62365 4*60958 4*41537 4*35170 4*39032 5*18364 5*01418 4*73545 4*61574 4*60253 4*40900 4*34565 4*38478 5*17188 5*00432 4-72662 4*60764 4*59491 4*40162 4-33909 4*37880 5*16047 4*99448 4*71770 4*59902 4*58640 4*39443 4*33272 4*37240 5*14828 4*98414 4*70845 4-59024 4*57805 4*38687 4*32586 4*36558 5*13598 4*97344 4*69887 4*58131 4-56990 4*38003 4*31983 4*35949 5*12357 4*96279 4*68974 4-57257 4*56160 4*37232 4*31275 4*35249 5*11059 4*95219 4*68103 4*56433 4*55381 4*36631 4*30700 4*34725 5*09777 4*94101 4*67132 4-55567 4-54589 4*35949 4*30086 4*34165 5-08486 4*93015 4*66181 4*54690 4*53754 4-35143 4*29325 4*33474 5*07133 4*91861 4*65158 4*53773 4*52908 4-34355 4-28585 4*32752 5-05754 4*90678 4*64110 4*52789 4*52082 4*33542 4*27811 4*32050 5*04341 4*89491 4*63039 4-51796 4*51132 4*32705 4*27059 4*31368 5*02919 4*88252 4*61967 4*50798 4*50232 4*31846 4-26225 4*30615 5*01413 4*87022 4*60874 4*49820 4-49297 4*31008 4-25462 4-29925 4*99915 4*85744 4*59719 4*48756 4*48357 4*30190 4*24672 4*29212 4*98384 4*84396 4*58565 4*47689 4*47387 4*29314 4*23857 4*28439 4*96779 4*83067 4*57373 4-46644 4-46489 4*28499 4-23068 4*27727 4*95165 4*81692 4*56144 4*45521 4*45463 4*27544 4*22209 4-26919 4*93494 4*80306 4*54877 4*44347 4*44411 4-26595 4*21291 4*26057 4*91734 4*78813 4*53538 4*43122 4*43286 4-25585 4*20396 4-25256 4*89939 4*77339 4-52260 4*41969 4*42185 4*24566 4*19526 4*24373 4*88104 4*75784 4-50822 4*40656 4*40995 4*23467 4*18446 4*23310 4*86242 4*74188 1*49389 4*39321 4*39763 4*22292 4*17394 4*22368 4*84247 4*72532 4*47874 4*37967 4*38512 4*21213 4*16406 4*21421 4*82169 4*70818 4*46401 4*36597 4*37269 4*20066 4*15336 4*20439 4*80054 4*69027 4*44817 4*35126 4*35883 4*18758 4*14120 4*19268 MALES, 1876 — 1880 . per Cent. Where .«,■ denotes the hate of Sickness for the undermentioned Durations One Yeah Two Years Three All Durations AGE (*) 1 , Weeks 39—43 Weeks 43—47 Week 8 47—52 Total First Six Months 1 Second Six Months Total anil upwards 4-31031 4-25782 4-32985 6-23651 4-98852 4-83281 5-21861 5-70701 6-37997 5 4-31031 4-25782 4-32985 6-22597 4-98852 4-83281 5-21861 5*70701 6-37241 6 4-31031 4-25782 4-32985 6-21646 4-98852 4-83281 5-21861 5-70701 6-36495 7 4-31031 4-25782 4-32985 6-20488 4-98852 4-83281 5-21861 5-70701 6-35748 8 4-31031 4-25782 4-32985 6-19422 4-98852 4-83281 5-21861 5-70701 6-35000 9 4*81031 4-25782 4-32985 6 18346 4-98852 4-83281 5-21861 5-70701 6-34250 10 4-31031 4-25782 4-32985 6*17258 4-98852 4-83281 5-21861 5-70701 6-33500 11 4-30895 4-25782 4-32985 6-16153 4-98852 4-83281 5-21861 5-70701 6-32742 12 4-30503 4-25341 4-32486 6-15005 4-98852 4-83281 5-21685 5-70701 6-31948 13 4-30503 4-25341 4-32486 6-13851 4-98102 4-83281 5-21421 5-70701 6-31149 14 4-29769 4-24792 4-31785 6-12657 4-97665 4-83065 5-21076 5-70687 6-30320 15 4-29533 4-24527 4-31559 611410 4-97167 4-82751 5-20655 5-70664 6-29453 16 4-28373 4-23487 4-30453 6-10107 4-96682 4-82278 5-20175 5-70628 6-28548 17 4-27807 4-22853 4-29695 6*08752 4-96164 4-81754 5-19655 5*70577 6-27609 18 4-27256 4-22482 4-29378 6-07363 4-95547 4-81309 5-19109 5-70512 6-26650 19 4-26720 4-22123 4-28970 6-05964 4-94924 4-80877 5-18567 5-70433 6-25690 20 4-26304 4-21661 4-28378 6-04571 4-94318 4-80459 5-18040 5-70338 6-24741 21 4-25701 4-21101 . 4-27898 6-03212 4-93855 4*79880 5-17528 5-70233 6-23813 22 4-25310 4-20774 4-27527 6-01885 4-93325 4-7945S 5-17043 5-70117 6-22915 23 4-24834 4-20352 4-27075 6-00594 4-92809 4-79104 5-16595 5-70003 6-22051 24 4-24187 4-19841 4-26550 5-99328 4-92346 4-78734 5-16172 5-69889 6-21210 25 4-23737 4 19443 4-26124 5-98082 4-91934 4-78299 5-15750 5-69780 6-20389 26 4-23213 4-18960 4-25710 5-96847 4-91535 4-77877 5-15341 • 5-69665 6-19581 27 4-22704 4-18492 . 4-25310 5-95614 4-91113 4-77491 5-14935 5-69538 6-18776 28 4-22126 4-17947 4-24844 5-94373 4-90704 4-77071 5-14521 5-69393 6-17967 29 4-21564 4-17418 4-24393 5-93122 4-90291 4-76596 5-14082 5-69226 6-17148 30 4-21018 4-16817 4-23882 5-91859 4-89826 4-76135 5T3619 5-69037 6-16319 31 4-20412 4-16316 4-23386 5-90582 4-89361 4-75624 5-13134 5-68827 6 15478 32 4-19896 4-15830 4-22904 5-89289 4-88834 4-75149 5-12629 5-68603 6-14628 33 4-19396 4-15360 4-22438 5-87978 4-88293 4-74648 5-12105 5-68364 6-13767 34 4-18772 4-14752 4-21856 5-86648 4-87725 4-74143 5-11564 5-68106 6 12893 35 4-18099 4-14161 4-21291 5-85296 4-87174 4-73597 5-11015 5-67830 6-12005 36 4-17444 4-13586 4-20742 5-83924 4-86613 4-73031 5-10452 5*67533 6-11104 37 4-16744 4-12959 4-20151 5-82529 4-86044 4-72446 5-09876 5-67213 6-10187 38 4-16062 4-12284 4-19521 5-81115 4-85479 4-71845 5-09297 5-66873 6-09258 39 415461 4-11760 4-18966 5-79682 4-84895 4-71279 5-08720 5-66521 6-08322 40 4-14820 4-11126 4-18375 5-78229 4-84306 4-70731 5-08148 5-66160 6-07377 41 4-14082 4-10449 4-17696 5-76749 4-83746 4-70122 5-07568 5-65792 6-06423 42 4-13421 4-09851 4-17140 5-75237 4-83127 4-69547 5-06968 5*65415 6-05453 43 4-12943 4-09096 4-16453 5-73687 4-82462 4-68962 5-06336 5-65024 6-04463 44 4-11787 4-08307 415691 5-72092 4-81755 4-68338 505665 5-64613 6-03446 45 4-11029 4-07540 4-14999 5-70451 4-81019 4-67652 5-04949 5-64173 6-02397 46 4-10243 4-06796 4-14330 5-68763 4-80236 4-66934 5-04194 5-63704 6-01317 47 4-09290 4-05918 . 4-13462 5-67024 4-79439 4-66160 5-03407 5-63209 6-00207 48 4-08361 4-05069 4-12620 5-65233 4-78638 4-65323 5-02591 5-62692 5-99070 49 4-07460 4-04195 4-11764 5-63392 4-77755 4-64524 5-01743 5-62157 5-97906 50 4-06498 4-03298 4-10894 5-61497 4-76846 4-63667 5-00857 5-61609 5-96717 51 4-05350 4-02247 4-09896 5-59541 4-75889 4-62769 4-99924 5-61047 5-95500 52 0.200. 8 A 4 0.200 •i 1 lOE (*) 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 61 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 71 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 81 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 W eck.s 0—4 1 286 MALES, 1876—1880. Log V * (l x vF t x + l x + ! v x + 1 » x + ! + ) = Log K^. Where *, denotes the Rate of Sickness for the undermentioned Durations _» One Yu An Weeks 4- 8 Weeks 8—13 Weeks 13—17 Weeks 17—21 Weeks 21—26 Weeks 26-30 Weeks 30—34 Weeks 34—39 1-77901 4-67167 4-43120 4-S3532 1-34422 4-17386 4-12798 4 18004 4*75582 4-65202 4-41365 4-31923 4-32930 4-16044 4-11541 4-16829 4-73259 4-63189 4-39520 4-30159 4-31226 4-14498 4-10089 4-15485 1-70711 4-61034 4-37586 4-28125 4-29673 4-13072 4-08732 4-14205 1-68123 4-58737 4-35486 1-26463 4-27903 4-11401 4-07225 4-12714 1-65372 4-56345 4-33329 4-24472 4-26131 4-09767 4-05607 4-11156 4*62456 4-53808 4-31120 4-22417 4-24247 4-07929 4-03850 4-09510 4-59115 4-51166 4-28675 4-20243 4-22074 4-05892 4-01961 4-07675 1-56207 4-48313 1-26067 4-17745 4-19645 4-03711 3-99913 4-05710 1-52800 4-45254 4-23249 4-15033 4-17053 4-01182 3-97460 4-03399 4-49105 4-11868 4-20137 4-12044 4-14205 3-98435 3-94738 4-00792 4-15077 4-38157 4-16599 4-08757 4-11099 3-95564 3-92049 3-98272 1-40831 4-34311 4-13017 4-05327 4-07733 3-92273 3-88857 3-95046 4-36284 4-30038 4-08973 v 4-01414 4-04060 3-88649 3-85309 3-91609 4-31505 4-25506 4-04509 3-97081 3-99813 3-84522 3-81331 3-87668 4-26266 4-20664 3-99843 3-92583 3-95289 3-80106 3-76923 3-83385 4-20683 4*15427 3-94768 3-87587 3-90352 3-75251 3-72222 3-78675 4-11591 4-09566 3-89176 3-82269 3-85059 3-70234 • 3-67256 3-73656 4-08084 4-03278 3-83046 3-76178 3*79057 3-64424 3-61511 3-67879 4-00192 3-96374 3-76433 3-69906 3*72925 3-58286 3-55630 3-62138 3-92906 3-88997 3-69037 3-62839 3-65963 3-51445 3-48714 3-55169 3-84511 3-81224 3-61363 3-55121 3-58580 3-43917 3-41078 3-47640 3-75823- 3-72477 3-52440 3-16104 3*49900 3-35603 3-33021 3-39515 3-66717 3-63508 313457 3-37438 3-40909 3-26951 , 3-24452 3-30643 3-56178 3-53314 3-33264 3-27346 3-31323 3-17609 3-15503 3-21590 3-45637 3*42406 3-22246 3-17056 3-21378 3-07555 3-05881 3-11992 3-31655 3-31408 3-10278 3*04922 3-09691 2*95952 2-94300 3-00217 3-22063 3-19173 2-97128 2-91908 2-97174 2-83632 2-82217 2-88423 3-09760 3-06183 2-82802 2*76567 2-82151 2-68664 2-67394 2-74429 2-97151 2-93852 2-67302 2-59550 2*65801 2-52114 2-50243 2-56229 2-81696 2*80956 2-50379 2-39967 2-44560 2-30103 2-30103 2-37840 2-73610 2-67852 2*29885 2-16435 2-18184 2-02531 2-02531 2-09691 2-45637 2-38739 2-11727 2-00860 2-07188 1-89763 1-89763 1-98677 2-13033 2-09691 1-86332 1-78533 1-83885 1-72428 1-72428 1-81291 1-79888 1-76549 1-50645 1-47466 1-47282 1-34542 1*34542 1-40954 i a 8 7 MALES, 1876—1880. . •'H per Cent. Log «* (L •' + l x + , f r + 1 + l + ) = Log K x Where .* denotes the Hate of Sickness for the undermentioned Durations x One Year Two Years Turkic Years and upwards, j All Durations AOE (r) Weeks 39 — 43 Weeks 43—47 Weeks 47—62 Total First Six Months Second Six Months Total 4 04108 4-01047 4-08739 5-57521 4-74896 4-61789 4-98937 5-60466 5-94251 53 402979 399922 407613 5-55433 4-73812 4-60774 4-97882 6*59855 5-92902 51 4-01882 3-98659 4-06378 5-53272 4-72614 4-59750 4-96759 5-59198 5-91625 55 4*00463 3-97516 ! 4-05246 5-51030 4-71383 4-58617 4-95569 5-58483 5-90231 56 8-99052 3-96123 4-03918 5-48700 4-70137 4-57334 4-94307 5-57697 5-88771 57 3-97571 3-94655 4-02502 5-46264 4-68846 4-55927 4-92967 5-56834 5-87235 58 3-96038 3-93115 4-00992 5:43703 4-67403 4-54526 4-91542 ■ 5-55887 5-85612 59 3-94275 3-91508 3 99436 5-40988 4-65872 4-53025 4-90024 5-54857 5-83891 60 3-92407 3-89730 3-97717 5-38085 4-64219 4-51424 4-88393 5-53741 8-82058 61 3-90151 3-87506 3-95550 5-34964 4-62401 4-4970 4 4-86618 5-52532 5-80098 62 3-87612 3-84905 3-93024 5-31596 4-00434 4-47760 4-84660 5-51212 | 5-77990 63 3-85138 3-82588 3-90741 5-27961 4-58207 4-45634 4-82476 5-49760 5-75714 64 3-81928 3-79449 3-87680 5-24039 4-55670 4-43287 4-80021 5-48149 5-73248 65 3-78647 3-76238 3-84541 5-19815 4-52898 4-40507 4*77245 5-46346 5-70565 6G 3-74757 | 3-72387 3-80747 5-15269 4-49874 4-37225 4-74110 5-44315 5-67638 67 3-70509 3-68196 3*76649 5-10363 4-46322 4-33716 4-70577 5-42023 5-64435 68 3-65906 3-63709 3-72230 5-05051 4-42244 4-29879 4-66602 5-39429 5-60916 69 3-60885 3-58737 3-67348 4-99275 4-37823 4-25370 4-82144 5-36495 5-57041 70 3-55108 3-52943 3-61563 4-92988 4-32818 4-20439 4-57170 5-33183 5-52775 71 3-49360 3-47261 3*55895 4-86149 4-27263 4-15030 4-51677 5-29473 5-48099 72 3-42357 3-40157 3-48643 4-78735 4-21331 4-08934 4-45675 5-25356 5-43008 73 3-35064 3-32940 3-41481 4-70738 4-14789 4-02596 4-39222 5-20841 5-37519 74 3-27091 3-25310 3-34064 4-62188 408164 3-95521 4-32404 5-15956 5-31671 75 3-18498 3-16613 3-25066 4-53084 401055 3-88309 4-25249 5-10740 5*25502 76 3-09621 3-07918 3 16554 4-43339 3-93435 3-80929 4-17733 505217 5-19016 77 2-99826 2-98137 3-06856 4-32787 3-85588 3-72575 4-09667 4-99387 5-12179 78 2-87679 2-86213 2-95036 4-21304 3-76701 3-63789 4-00822 4-93227 5-04956 79 2-75664 2-74194 2-83187 4-08821 3-66745 3-54974 3-91355 4-86701 4-97348 80 2-61595 2-59988 2-68931 3-95347 3-55775 3-44451 3-80577 4-79712 4-89244 81 2-42160 2-41162 2-50243 3-80720 3-44044 3-32449 3-68717 4-72133 4-80570 <82 2-22531 2-22011 2*32222 3-64640 3-30428 3-20276 3-5-5727 4-63867 4-71233 83 1-92942 1-91908 2-03743 3-16598 3-15351 3-07115 3-41514 4-54851 4-61160 84 1-85126 1-84510 1-95904 3-25648 2-97267 2-94498 3-25983 4*45012 4*50294 85 1-65321 1-64345 1-76343 2-99564 2-81023 2-76716 3-09026 4-34402 4-38568 86 1-16061 1-12522 1-24913 2-61046 2*60206 2-60206 2-90363 4-22878 4-25878 87 2-39301 2-39318 2-69413 4-10380 4-12044 88 3-96699 3-96699 89 9.70005 3-79225 91 1 | 1 3-59317 3-59317 91 3-36959 3-36959 92 1 3-11461 3-11161 93 2-8201 U 2-82010 91 2-47520 2-47520 95 • 2-06546 2-06546 96 1-57056 1-57056 97 0-95972 0-95972 98 0-17921 0-17921 99 1-10104 1-10104 10J 8 B 0.200 1 288 per Cent, MALES, 1 H7«» — 1HK0. 3# per Cent. TABLE OF ELEMENT A KY MORTALITY VALUES, DEDUCED FROM THE MORTALITY EXPERIENCE OF MALES, 1876—1880. AUK (*) Log Dx Log Nx fl.r Ax Px AGE (*) Log Dx Log N, 1 Uj- Ax P, 5 4*92006 6*23264 20*539 ■22149 •01028 53 3*95561 5*01170 11*379 *55257 •01464 6 4*89779 6*21205 20*619 *21859 •01011 54 3*93058 4-07406 11*053 *56435 •04682 7 4*87674 6*19153 20*644 •21769 •01006 55 3*90487 4*93536 10*727 •57613 *04913 8 4*85642 6*17097 20*632 c» CO C*1 •01009 56 3*87839 4*89549 10*402 *58788 *05156 9 4*83676 6*15036 20*587 •21975 •01018 57 3*85109 4-85440 10*077 •59963 *05413 10 4*81761 6*12989 20*515 •22235 *01033 58 3*82295 4*81200 9*751 *61141 *05687 11 4*79883 6*10894 20*423 •22567 *01053 59 3*79394 4*76820 9*425 *62319 *05978 12 4*78030 6*08807 20*313 ■22965 *01077 60 3*76398 4*72291 * 9*098 *63501 *06288 13 4*76189 6*06707 20*192 *23403 *01105 61 3*73297 4*67602 8*771 *64683 *06620 14 4*74352 6*04595 20*065 •23862 •01133 62 3*70073 4*62743 8*447 •65854 *06971 15 4*72508 6*02469 19*935 ■24331 •01162 63 3*66711 4*57702 8*127 *67011 *07342 16 4*70650 6*00329 19*806 *24797 •01192 64 3*63198 4*52471 7*811 *68153 *07735 17 4*68772 5*98178 19*682 *25246 *01221 65 3*59530 4*47035 7*500 •69277 *08150 IS 4*66869 5*96013 19*563 *25676 *01248 66 3*55708 4*41378 7*190 •70398 *08596 19 4*64952 5*93835 19*446 •26098 •01277 67 3*51744 4*35482 6*877 *71529 *09081 20 4*63034 5*91644 19*324 *26540 *01306 68 3*47631 4*29321 6*560 •72675 *09613 21 4*61129 5*89438 19*191 *27020 *01338 69 3*43333 4*22868 6*242 *73824 *10194 22 4*59244 5*87215 19*042 *27559 *01375 70 3*38790 4*16101 5*931 •74948 *10814 23 4*57378 5-S4973 18*878 *28152 ■01416 71 3*33930 4*09005 5*633 •76025 *11461 24 4*55527 5*82711 18*700 *28795 *01462 72 3*28678 4*01570 5*357 •77023 •12117 25 4-536S0 5*80426 18*512 •29475 ■01510 73 3*22981 3*93806 5*108 •77923 ■12757 26 4*51832 5*78118 18*317 *30180 *01563 74 3*16822 3*85719 4*886 •78725 •13375 27 4*49976 5*75784 18*117 •30903 *01617 75 3*10232 3*77320 4*688 •79141 *13966 28 4*48108 5*73426 17*913 *31640 *01673 76 3*03269 3*68608 4*502 •80113 *14560 29 4*46227 5*71039 17*706 •32387 *01731 77 2*96016 3*59565 4*320 *80771 •15183 30 4*44334 5*68625 17*495 *33151 *01792 78 2*88537 3*50152 4*132 *81451 •158.71 31 4*42426 5*66182 17*281 •33924 *01856 79 2*80850 3*40312 3*932 *82174 •16662 32 4*40504 5*63709 17*063 *34712 *01922 80 2*72892 3*29979 3*723 *82929 •17558 33 4*38566 5*61203 16*841 *35514 *01991 81 2*64569 3*19089 3*509 *83703 •18563 34 4*36611 5*58665 16*617 •36324 *02062 82 2*55746 3*07591 3*300 *84458 •19641 35 4*34638 5*56093 16*389 *37149 *02136 83 2*46280 2-95461 3*103 *85170 *20758 36 4*32645 5*53485 16*158 •37983 *02214 84 2*36093 2*82685 2*924 *85817 *21870 37 4*30635 5*50841 15*924 *38829 *02294 85 2*25199 2*69245 2*757 *86421 ■23002 3S 4*28610 5*48156 15*684 •39697 *02379 86 2*13689 2*55084 2*594 *87010 *24210 39 4*26571 5*45430 15*438 •40585 *02469 87 2-01622 2*40087 2*425 *87621 *25583 40 4*24520 5*42661 15*185 *41500 *02564 88 1*89048 2*24050 2*239 *88293 *27260 41 4*22456 5*39844 14*924 •42444 *02665 89 1*75862 2*06674 2*033 *89037 *29356 42 4*20376 5*36977 14*656 •43412 *02773 90 1*61821 1*87564 1*809 •89847 *31986 43 4*18278 5*34058 14*381 *44406 *02887 91 1*46493 1*66210 1*575 *90693 *35221 44 4*16157 5*31082 14*101 •45418 *03008 92 1*29322 1*41972 1*338 •91549 *39157 45 4*14010 5*28046 13*815 *46452 *03136 93 1*09579 1*14045 1*108 *92380 *43824 46 4*11830 5*24949 13*527 *47493 *03270 94 0*86353 0*81387 0*892 *93161 47 4*09616 5*21785 13*234 *48552 *03411 95 0*58524 0*42591 0*693 *93880 48 4*07366 5*18551 12*937 *49625 *03561 96 0*24587 1*95661 0*514 *94528 49 4*05080 5*15244 12*637 *50710 *03719 97 1*82452 T37530 0*355 *95102 50 4*02759 5*11860 12*331 *51815 *03886 98 1-28955 2*62859 0*218 •95597 51 4*00403 5*08386 12*018 •52947 *04067 99 2-58705 3*58883 0*100 *96024 52 3*98005 5*04825 11*700 •54096 *04260 100 3*58876 0*000 *96386 s G 8 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Values of Weeks 4—8 3-31 3-28 3-26 332 3-37 343 3-49 3-54 3-59 3'65 3-70 3-74 3-79 3-83 3-88 3-92 3- 97 4- 02 4-07 4-12 4'18 4-23 4-29 4-35 4-42 4'48 4-54 4-61 4-68 4-74 4-81 4-88 4- 94 5- 00 5-06 5-12 5-18 5-24 5-29 5-35 5-40 5-45 5-49 5-53 5'58 5-61 5-64 5-67 \ 1 290 MALES, 1876—1880. Sick Pay Allowance of 1 per Week for the Whole of Life = DURATIONS One Yea iv Weeks 8-13 Weeks 13—17 Weeks 17-21 Weeks 21—26 Weeks 26—30 Weeks 30—34 Weeks 34—39 1-76 *82 •60 •56 •35 •30 •31 1*85 •86 •63 •59 •37 •31 •33 1-92 •90 •66 •62 •39 •33 •35 1-97 ■94 •69 *65 *41 •34 •36 2'01 •98 •73 •68 4 *42 •36 •38 2-07 1-01 •75 •70 •44 •37 ■40 213 1-04 •77 •72 •45 *39 •41 2-18 1-07 •79 •74 •47 •40 •43 2-24 1-10 •81 •76 •48 •41 •45 2-30 1T4 •84 •79 •50 43 •46 2-35 1T7 •86 •82 •51 •44 •48 2-39 1-20 •89 ■84 •53 •45 *49 2-43 1-22 •91 •86 •54 •46 •50 2-47 1-24 •93 •88 •56 •48 ■51 2-51 1-27 •95 •91 •57 •49 ■53 2*55 1-30 •98 •94 •59 •51 *55 2-60 1-34 1-00 •96 •60 •52 •56 2*65 T3G 1-03 •98 •62 *53 •58 2-69 1-39 1-05 1-00 •64 •55 •60 2'74 1-42 1-07 1-03 •66 •56 ■G1 279 1-45 1T0 1-05 •67 •58 •63 2-84 1-49 1T2 1-08 •69 •60 •65 2-89 1-52 1*15 I'll ■71 •61 •67 2*95 1-55 ri8 1-14 •73 •63 •69 3-00 1-58 1-20 1T7 •75 •65 •71 306 1-62 1-23 1T9 •77 •66 •73 3T2 1-65 1-26 1-22 •79 •68 •75 3-17 1-69 1-29 1-25 •81 •70 •77 3'23 1-73 1-32 1*28 •83 •72 •80 3*29 1-76 1-35 1-32 •86 •75 •82 3-35 1-80 T38 1-35 •S8 •77 •85 3*42 1-84 1*41 1-38 •90 •79 •87 3-48 1-88 1-45 1-42 •92 •81 •90 3-54 1-92 1-48 1-46 •95 •83 •92 3-60 1*96 1*51 1*49 •98 •86 •95 3-67 2-00 1*55 1-53 TOO •88 ■98 373 2-04 1-59 1-57 1-03 •90 1-01 3-79 2-09 1-62 1-61 1*06 •93 1*04 3-85 2T3 1-66 1-65 T09 •96 1-07 391 2T7 1-70 1-69 1*12 •99 1-10 3-98 2-21 1-73 1-73 1T5 1-01 114 4-03 2-25 1-77 1-77 ITS T04 1-17 4-10 2-30 1*81 1-82 1-21 1-08 1-21 4-16 2-34 1-85 1-86 1-24 1-10 1-24 4-22 2'38 1-89 1-90 1-27 1-13 1-28 4-28 2-42 1-93 1-95 1*30 1T7 1-32 434 2'47 1-97 2-00 T34 1-20 1-36 4-39 2*61 2-01 2-04 T38 1*23 1-40 MALES, 1876—1880. Values of Sick I’ay Allowance of 1 per Week for the Whole of Lifi; = per Cent. DUKA T I 0 N S 051 YKAH Two YKAHS TlllUIN Years nml upwards All Durations AGR (*> ’ccks - 43 Weeks 43 — 17 I Weeks 47—52 Total First I Six Months Second Six Months Total • ‘22 *19 t •23 19T2 1-03 •72 1-75 5*24 26T1 5 "23 •20 ■24 1961 T08 •76 1-84 5'52 26'97 6 •24 •21 •25 20'06 1-14 •79 1-93 5*79 27-78 7 •25 *22 1 •26 20-48 119 •83 2*02 6-07 1 28-57 8 •26 •28 •27 20-87 1-25 •87 2-12 6-35 2934 9 ■28 •24 •29 21-25 1-30 ■91 2-21 6-63 30-09 10 •29 •25 •30 21-60 1-36 •95 2-31 6*93 3084 u •30 •26 ■31 21-94 1-42 •99 2*41 7-23 31-58 12 •31 •27 •32 2225 1-47 1-04 2-51 7'54 32-30 13 •32 •28 •34 22-56 1-52 1-08 2-60 7-87 33-03 14 •33 •29 •34 22-87 1-57 1T2 2-69 8-20 33-76 15 •31 ■30 •36 2315 1-81 1-16 2*77 8’56 3448 16 •35 •31 ■36 23-42 1*66 1-19 2-85 8-93 35-20 17 •36 •32 •37 23-67 1-72 1-23 2-95 9-31 35-93 18 •37 •33 •39 2391 1-77 1-27 ! 304 9-72 36*67 19 •38 •34 •40 24T5 1-82 1-31 3T3 10T4 37*42 20 •39 ■35 •41 24'39 1-87 1 1-36 • 3-23 10'57 38T9 21 •40 •36 •42 2464 1-93 1-40 3-33 11-01 38-98 22 •42 •38 •44 24-91 1-99 1-44 3-43 11-45 39-79 23 •43 ■39 •45 25T8 2*05 T49 3'54 11-92 40-64 24 •44 •40 •47 25-49 2T1 1-54 3-65 12-40 41-54 25 •46 ■41 •48 25-80 2*18 1-60 3-78 12-90 42-48 26 •47 •42 •50 26-12 2-26 1'65 3-91 13-43 4346 27 •48 •44 ■51 36-47 2-34 1-70 4-04 13-07 44-48 28 ■50 •45 •53 26-82 241 1-76 4*17 14-54 45*53 29 •51 •47 *55 27T8 2-49 1-82 4-31 15-12 46-61 30 •53 •48 •56 2754 257 1-88 4-45 1573 47-72 31 •54 •50 •58 27-91 2-66 1-94 460 16-35 48-86 32 •56 ■51 •60 2829 2-74 2-01 4’75 17-00 50*04 33 ■58 •53 •62 28-67 2-83 2-07 4-90 17-68 51-25 34 •60 •55 •64 29-06 2-92 2T4 5-06 18-38 52-50 35 ■62 •56 •66 29*44 3-02 2-21 5-23 1911 53-78 36 •64 •58 •69 29-84 3T2 2-28 5-40 1987 55-11 37 •66 •60 •71 3023 ‘ 3-22 235 5-57 20-66 56-45 38 •68 •62 •73 30-62 3-33 2-43 5*76 2T47 57-85 39 •70 •64 •76 31-02 3'45 2-51 5-96 22-31 59*29 40 •72 •66 •78 31-41 3-57 2-60 6T7 2319 60-77 41 •74 •68 •81 31-81 3-68 2-69 6-37 24T1 62*29 42 •76 •71 •83 32T9 3'81 2-78 j 659 25*07 63*85 43 •78 •73 ■86 32-57 393 2-88 681 26-08 65-46 44 •81 •75 •89 3295 4-06 2-98 7*04 2712 67-11 45 •84 ■78 •92 33-31 4'19 3-08 7-27 28-22 68-80 46 •87 •81 •95 33 67 4-33 3T9 7-52 29 35 70-54 47 •89 •83 •98 3402 4-48 3-30 7-78 30-54 72-34 48 •92 •85 1-02 3436 463 3-41 8-04 31*79 74-19 49 •95 •88 1-05 34-69 4-78 1 353 831 33T1 7611 50 •98 •91 108 35-01 4-94 3*65 8-59 34-49 7809 j 51 1-01 •94 1-12 35-33 5-10 377 8-87 35-96 80-16 52 0 . 200 . 8 B 3 per Cent i 292 MALES, 1876— 1880. Values of Sick Pay Allowance of 1 per Week for the Whole of Life = ^ X D U R A T I 0 N 8 AGE One Yeah (x) Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks 0—4 4-8 8—13 • 13-17 17—21 21— 2G 26-30 30-34 34—39 53 . 11 '53 5-70 445 255 2-05 2-09 1*41 1-26 113 54 11-42 5-72 4*50 2*59 2*09 2-13 1-44 1-30 1-48. 55 11-31 5-74 4*54 2-61 2-12 2-17 1-48 1-34 1*52 50 11-18 6-76 4*59 2-G8 2-1G 2-22 1*52 1-37 1-57 57 11-07 5*76 4-G3 2-71 2-20 2-27 1*56 1-41 1-61 58 10-94 5*76 4-67 2-75 2*24 2-32 1-60 145 1*65 59 10-79 5-75 4-71 2-79 2-28 2-37 1-63 1-49 1-70 60 10*61 5-74 4-74 2*82 2-32 2-42 1-67 1-52 1-74 61 10-41 5-71 4-7G 2-85 2-35 2*46 1-70 1-56 1-79 02 10-21 5-G7 4-77 2-87 2-37 2-49 1-73 1-58 1-83 63 10-02 563 4-7G 2-89 2-38 2*51 1-75 1-61 1*86 64 9-73 5‘55 4*73 2-88 2*40 2-54 1-77 1-63 1-89 65 9-45 5-46 4-70 2-88 2-40 2*55 1-79 1*65 1-92 66 9-14 5-36 4*65 2-86 2-10 2*55 1-79 1-66 1-94 G7 8-85 5-25 4-58 2-83 2-38 2-53 1-78 1-66 1-94 68 8-52 5-11 4*49 2-78 2-35 2-51 1-77 1-64 1-93 69 8-12 4-96 4-40 2*73 2-32 2-47 1-74 1-62 1-91 70 7-70 4-78 4*26 2*66 2-27 2-41 1-71 1-60 1-88 71 7-30 4-59 4-11 2-58 2-20 2*35 1*68 1-57 1-85 72 6-83 4"35 3*95 2-50 2-14 2-30 1-64 1-54 1-82 73 6-43 4-14 3-79 2*40 2-08 2*23 1-59 1-50 1*78 74 6-00 3*93 364 230 2-00 2*16 1-54 1-45 1-73 75 5-67 3-74 3-4G 2-18 1*90 2-06 1-48 1-40 1*67 76 5-29 3-55 3-30 2-07 1-80 1-95 1-42 1-34 1*62 77 4-94 3-31 3-07 1-93 1*70 1-85 1-35 1-28 1-55 78 4*49 3-0G 2-84 1-79 1*59 1*75 1-28 1-23 1-41 79 4-14 2-83 2-62 1*62 1-43 1-60 1*16 1-12 1-28 89 3-69 2-54 2-38 1-43 1-27 1-44 1-04 1-02 1-17 81 3-41 2-32 2-14 1-24 1*08 1*23 •90 •87 1*02 82 3-23 2-13 1*96 1-06 •89 1-03 •75 •72 •83 83 2-94 1-97 1-81 •90 •71 •78 •56 •56 ■67 84 2-81 1*93 1-69 •7J •52 •54 •37 •37 •44 85 1-98 1-30 l-n •60 •46 •54 •36 •36 •44 86 1-23 •80 •74 •44 *36 •41 •31 •31 •38 87 •62 •49 •45 •25 ■23 •23 •17 •17 ■20 88 89 • 90 91 92 j 93 94 95 96 97 4 98 99 100 1 • 1 2 93 MALES, 1876— 18H0. K, Values of Sick Pay Allowance of 1 per Week for the Whole of Life = ^ 3| per Cent. DURATIONS OXK Ykau % Two YKAU8 TlIRK IS Y ISA 116 ami upwards ALL DUllA-1 ioxs AQE (*) 1 Weeks 39—43 Weeks 43-47 Weeks 47—52 Totai. First Six Months Second Six Months Totai. 1-04 •96 1-15 35-62 6-27 3-90 9-17 37-51 82-30 53 107 •99 1-19 35*92 5*44 403 9-47 39-16 81*55 51 HO 1-03 1-22 36-21 5-61 4-17 9-78 40*90 86-89 55 1*13 1*06 1-27 36-50 5*79 4-32 10-11 42*72 89-33 56 1-17 1-09 1-31 36'79 5*98 4*46 10-44 44*66 91*89 57* 1-20 1T3 1-35 37'06 6-20 4-60 10-80 46-67 94-53 58 1-24 1*16 1-39 37-30 6-40 4*76 11-16 48-78 97-24 59 1-27 1-20 1-44 37-49 6-61 4-92 11-53 51-00 100-02 60 1-31 1-23 1-48' 37-61 6-83 5-09 11-92 53-34 102-87 61 1-31 1-26 1-52 37*64 7-05 5-26 12-31 55*83 105-78 62 1-36 1-28 1-54 37-59 7-27 5-43 12-70 58-46 108-75 63 1-39 1-32 1-59 37-42 7-48 5-60 13-08 61-25 111-75 64 1-41 1-33 1-61 37-15 7*67 5-76 13-43 64-16 114-74 65 1-42 1-35 1-63 36-75 7-85 5-90 13-75 67-14 117-64 66 1'42 1-35 1-63 36-20 8-01 5-99 14-00 70-12 120-32 67 1-42 1-34 1-63 35-49 8-10 6*06 14-16 73-04 122*69 68 1*40 1-33 1*62 34 62 8-13 6*12 14-25 75-87 124-74 69 1-39 1-32 1-61 3359 8-14 6-11 14-25 78-63 126-47 70 1-36 1-29 1-57 3245 8-10 6-09 14-19 81-37 128-01 71 1-33 1-27 1-56 31-23 8-03 6-06 14-09 84-18 129-50 72 1-30 1-23 1-50 29-97 7*97 5-99 13-96 87-17 131-10 73 1*26 1-20 1-46 28'67 7-89 5-96 13-85 90-38 132-90 74 1-21 1-16 1-42 27-35 7-87 5*89 13-76 ' 93-84 134-95 75 1T7 1-12 1-36 25-99 7-83 5-84 13-67 97-53 137-19 76 1-12 1-08 1-32 24-50 7*75 5-81 13*56 101-32 139-38 77 1-07 1-03 1-25 22-79 7-67 5-68 13-35 105-06 141-20 78 •96 •93 1T4 20-83 7-45 5-53 1298 108-64 142-45 79 •87 •85 1-04 18-74 7-10 5-42 12-52 112-08 143-34 so •76 •74 •90 16-61 6-67 5-14 11-81 115-38 143-80 81 •60 •58 •72 14-50 6-23 4-77 11-00 118-53 144-03 82 ■47 •47 •59 12-43 565 4-47 10-12 121-64 144-19 83 •30 •30 •38 10-36 503 4-17 9*20 124-74 144-30 81 •32 •32 •41 8-20 4-27 4-00 8-27 127-66 144-13 80 •27 •26 •34 5-85 3-82 3-46 7-28 13002 143-15 86 T2 •n •14 3-18 312 312 6-24 131-42 140-84 87 2-57 2-57 5*14 131-42 136-56 83 129-70 129-70 89 119-61 119-61 90 107-42 107-42 91 95*12 95-12 92 8317 83-17 93 71*92 71-92 61-56 61-56 95 a 52*25 52*25 96 44-01 44-01 97 36-88 36-88 98 30*75 30-75 CO - 25-53 25-53 100 0.200. 8 B 4 lUK (.t) r. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 1 2 94 Cent. MALES, 1876—1880. Log t'4 (l x v* H x + l x + J v x + 1 * x + ! + ) = Log K, Where .v denotes the Kate of Sickness for the undermentioned Durations One Yeah W(!0k8 0 -4 Weeks 4—8 W eeks 8—13 Weeks 13—17 Weeks 17—21 Weeks 21—26 W eeks 26—30 Weeks 30—34 Weeks 34—39 5-94037 5-44073 I 5-16467 4-83443 4-69773 4-66621 4-16376 1 4-38968 4-11777 5-92799 5-41423 5-16467 4-83443 4-69773 4-66621 4-46376 4-38968 4-41777 5-91565 5-38966 5-16003 4-83443 4-69773 4-66621 4-16376 4-38968 4-41777 5*90053 5-37718 5-15015 4-83160 4-69773 4-66621 4-46376 4-38968 4-41777 5-88516 5-36453 5-14028 4-82889 1-69773 4-66621 4-46376 4-38968 4-41777 5-86991 5-35312 5-13387 4-82321 4-69122 4-66049 4-45767 4-38609 4-41666 5-85436 5-34164 5-12766 4-81727 4-68432 4-65494 4-45177 4-38261 4-41557 5-83897 5-32953 511938 4-81027 4-67705 4-64895 4-44892 4-38037 4-41454 5-82304 5-31707 5-11109 4-80346 4-66996 4-64548 4-44616 1-37714 4-41056 5-80465 5-30540 5-10572 4-80033 4-66679 4-64381 4-44351 4-37610 4-41056 5-78866 5-29294 5-09579 4-79392 4-66064 4-63841 4-43666 4-36808 4-40221 5-77172 5-27959 5-08457 4-78361 4-65366 4-63265 4-43082 4-36418 4-39860 5-75573 5-26626 5-07262 4-77386 4-64441 4-62190 4-42106 4-35374 4-38719 5-73771 5-25187 5-06051 4-76467 4-63633 4-61490 4-41392 4-34631 4-38032 5-71803 5-23853 5-04911 4-75462 4-62845 4*60809 4-40775 4-34090 4-37447 5-69821 5-22413 5-03758 4-74653 4-62123 4-60147 4-40176 4-33478 4-36719 5-67921 5-21033 5-02590 4-73696 4-61154 4-59227 4-39301 4-32627 4-36010 5-66024 5-19703 5-01476 4-72695 4-60250 4-58372 4-38520 4-31881 4-35397 5-6413) 5-18358 5-00383 4-71778 4-59409 4-57626 4-37896 4 31317 4-34951 5-62342 5-17017 4-99259 4-70850 4-58546 4-56857 4-37223 4-30692 4-31376 5-60598 5-15758 4-98187 4-69898 4-57662 4-56022 4-36436 4-29929 4-33748 5-58832 5-14483 4-97134 4-68991 4-56837 4-55330 4-35797 4-29336 4-33272 5-57099 5 13236 4-96084 4-68063 4-55993 4-54576 4-35114 4-28686 4-32681 5-55379 5-11997 4-95039 4-67125 4-55132 4-53763 4-34327 4-27985 4-32042 5-53643 5-10795 4-93999 4-66178 4-54215 4-52856 4-33560 4-27302 4-31357 5-51931 5-09513 4-92907 4-65198 4-53283 4-51968 4-32752 4-26571 4-30630 5-50193 5-08220 4-91778 4-64184 4-52336 4-51101 4-32023 4-25924 4-29981 5-48424 5-06916 4-90655 4-63217 4*51410 4-50219 4-31203 4-25169 1-29237 5-46573 5*05555 4-89538 4-62298 4-50538 4-49393 4-30565 4-24556 1-28679 5-44608 504213 4-88362 4-61274 4-49622 4-48554 4-29842 4-23905 4-28087 5-42828 5-02862 4-87221 4-60272 4-48695 4-47670 4-28986 4-23099 4-27356 5-40948 5-01448 4-86010 4-59195 4-47728 4-46777 4-28151 4-22313 4-26593 5-39036 5-00007 4-84770 4-58094 4-46691 4-45906 4-27291 4-21495 4-25852 5-37100 4-98532 4-83520 4-56969 4-45G47 4-44905 4-26406 4*20699 4-25132 5-35134 4-97050 4-82231 4-55844 4-44598 4*43957 4-25501 4-19819 4-24339 5-33117 4-95482 4-80945 4-54700 4-43572 4-42974 4-24618 4-19014 4-23613 5-31080 4-93923 4-79819 4-53491 4-42457 4-41987 4-23759 4-18182 4-22866 5-29029 4-92332 4-78204 4-52286 4-41340 4-40970 4-22840 4-17327 4*22055 5-26866 4-90666 4-76820 4-51041 4-40247 4-40031 4-21985 4-16495 4-21309 5-24692 4-88991 4-75390 4-49759 4-39070 4-38959 4-20994 4-15597 4-20466 5-22453 4-87259 4-73950 4-48441 4-37849 4-37862 4-19992 4-14638 4-19568 5-20161 4-85438 4-72400 4-47050 4-36575 4-36689 4-18938 4-13704 4-18735 5-17603 4-83582 4-70872 4-45722 4-35376 4-35543 4-17875 4-12795 4-17817 5-15280 4-81686 4-69261 ’ 4-44229 4-34013 4-34305 4-16732 4-11671 4-16744 5-12718 4-79764 4-67610 4-12744 4-32629 4-33025 4-15512 4*10575 4-15737 5-10071 4-77707 4-65899 4-41175 4-31228 4-31729 4-14392 4-09548 4-14758 5-07216 4-75568 4-64130 4*39653 4-29811 4-30440 4-13200 1-08440 4*13745 504566 4-73391 4-62283 4-38016 4-28289 1-29008 . 4-11846 4-07181 4-12535 MALES, 1870 1880 . 3J per Cent. Loj; r* (/ r r ' + l x + ! it* + + , + ) = 0»K K r Where s denotes the ltate of Sickness for the undermentioned Durations ONE YKAU Two YuAns Turek Years and upwards ALL Duiiations AGE (x) Weeks 39-43 Weeks 43—47 Weeks 47-52 Tot a 1 . First Six Months Second Six Months Tot a i. 4*25689 4*20325 4*27506 6*20161 4-93309 4-77527 5*16236 5*63929 6-33681 5 4*25680 4-20325 4*27506 6-19031 4*93309 1*77527 5*16236 5-63929 6*32860 6 4*35689 4-20325 4-27506 6-17908 4-93309 4*77527 5-16236 5*63929 6*32016 7 1*25689 4*20325 4*27500 6*16778 1*93309 4*77527 5*16236 1 5*63929 6*31233 8 4-25689 4*20325 4*27506 6-15638 4*83309 4*77527 5*16236 5-63929 6*30419 9 4-25689 4-20325 4-27506 6-14 189 4-93309 4*77527 5*16236 5*63929 6-29605 10 4-25689 4-20325 4-27506 6*13331 4-93309 1*77527 5-16236 5*63929 6*28789 n 4*25539 4*20325 4*27506 6*12152 4-93309 ,4*77527 1 5*16236 5-63929 6*27967 12 4*25108 4-19838 4-2695G 6-10930 4*92978 4*77527 5*16041 5*63929 6*27107 13 4*25108 4*19838 4-26956 609702 4*92483 4-77527 5*15749 5*63929 6-26240 14 4*2 1306 4*19234 4*26188 6*08433 4-92002 4*77289 5-15369 5*63912 6*25313 15 4*24047 4*18943 4-25940 6-07108 4*91451 4-76944 5*14907 5*63886 6*24408 16 4*22781 4*17806 4-24729 6-05723 4-90923 4-76424 5*14380 5*63846 6-23429 17 4*22162 4*17111 4-23897 6-04285 4-90356 4-75849 5*13808 5*63789 6*22411 18 4*21561 4*16708 4-23553 6*02812 4*89681 4*75361 5*13213 5*63716 6*21381 19 4*20978 4*16319 4*23109 6*01328 4-89000 4*74889 5*12620 5*63628 6*20347 20 4*20526 4*15815 4*22461 5*99856 4*88338 4*74432 5*12044 5*63522 6*19324 21 4-19868 4*15104 4*21937 5-98412 4*87833 4*73800 5*11484 5*63405 6*18324 22 4*19443 4*14851 4*21532 5-97006 4-87255 4*73340 5*10958 5*63277 6*17359 23 4*18929 4*14395 4*21043 5*95641 4 86694 4-72955 5-10169 5*63150 6*16429 24 4*18230 4*13843 4*20172 5*94302 4*86192 4*72553 5-10009 5*63025 6*15528 25 4*17745 4*13415 4*20011 5-92985 4*85747 1*72081 509552 5*62904 6*14647 26 4*17181 4*12895 4-19565 5-91681 1*85315 4*71625 5*09110 5*62779 6*13780 27 4*16634 4*12392 4*19134 5*90381 4*84859 4*71209 5*08672 5*62639 6*12921 28 4*16014 4*11807 4-18633 5-89073 4*84118 4-70755 5*08225 5-62480 6*12054 29 4*15412 4*11237 4*18117 5*87756 4-83974 4*70243 5*07751 5*62298 6*11180 30 4*14826 4-10592 4*17598 5*86427 4*83174 1*69747 5-07254 5-62092 6-10295 31 4*14176 4-10054 4*17061 5-85085 4*82975 4-69198 5*06733 5*61863 6*09402 32 4*13624 4*09534 4-16548 5*83727 4*82410 4-68689 5*06190 5*61620 6-08497 33 4*13091 4*09033 4*16050 5-82352 4*81831 4-68152 5*05633 5*61361 6-07580 34 4*12428 4*08383 4*15430 5*80957 4*81225 4*67613 505053 5*61083 6*06651 35 4*11711 4*07755 4*14829 5*79542 1*80638 4*67030 5*01470 5*60785 6*05710 36 4*11015 ’ 4*07144 4-14248 5-7810(^ 4*80041 4*66428 5*03870 5*60465 6*04755 37 4*10271 4*06479 4*13621 5-76648 4*79435 4*65806 5-03258 5*60120 6-03786 38 4-09548 4*05763 4*12953 5*75172 4*78835 4 / -65168 5*02641 5*59755 6*02804 39 4*08913 4-05208 4*12366 5-73678 4*78216 4*64567 5*02028 5*59378 6*01816 40 4-08235 4*04536 4*11740 5-72163 4*77593 1*63986 5*01423 5*58993 6*00822 11 4*07460 4*03822 4*11025 5*70622 4*77002 4*63313 5*00813 5*58599 5*99816 42 4*06767 4*03193 4*10438 5*69050 •1*76349 4*62737 5*00178 5*58197 5*98797 43 4-05926 4*02403 4-09719 5-67438 4-75649 4*62120 4*99513 5*57782 5*97757 44 4*05053 4*01578 4-08920 5*65784 4*74906 4*61463 4-98807 5*57345 5-96690 45 4*04261 4*00775 4*08196 5*64083 4*74133 4*60742 4-98056 5*56879 5*95591 46 4*03443 3-99996 4*07496 5*62334 4*73313 4*59989 4*97265 5*56384 5*94462 47 4*02449 3*99083 > 4*06592 5*60534 4*72479 4*59180 4*96441 5*55861 5*93302 48 4*01481 3-98195 4*05713 5*58684 4*71643 4*58305 4*95588 5*55315 5-92115 49 4*00544 3*97285 1*04821 5*56783 4-70722 4-57471 4-94704 5*54753 5*90902 50 3*99546 3*96355 4*03918 5*54827 4*69776 4*56579 4-93781 5*54178 5*89664 51 3*98354 3*95265 4-02882 5*52812 4*68781 4-55645 1 4*92812 5*53589 5*88400 52 8 C 0.200 il iG15 C-r) 53 51 55 66 67 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 '.6 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 1 MALES, 1 87(J — 1880. Cent. . , Log V* (/, v x tj +/,. + , V 1 + 1 * v + , + ) =s Log K x Where » ( denotes the Kate of Sickness for the undermentioned Durations On k Yiub Weeks 0—4 Weeks 4—8 Weeks 8—13 Weeks 13-17 Weeks 17—21 Weeks 21-26 Weeks 26-30 Weeks 30—34 Weeks 34-39 5-01764 4-71179 1-60367 4-36267 4"26644 4-27499 4-10428 405812 4-11231 4-98828 1-08797 4-58346 4-34459 4-24988 4-25959 4-09043 4*04513 4-10027 4*95864 4-66414 4-50278 4-32560 1-23172 4-21204 4*07452 4-03011 4-08650 4*92081 4-63807 4*54067 4-30571 4-21389 4-22606 4*05987 4-01616 4-07339 4-89542 4*61164 4-51712 4*28118 1-19371 4-20788 4*04269 4-00065 4-05816 •1-86210 1*58341 4-49261 1-26207 1-17330 4-18969 4-02592 3*98403 404226 4-82701 4-55363 4*46666 1-23947 4-15226 1-17038 4*00706 3-96600 4-02547 4-78991 4-52259 4-43965 1-21447 4-13001 4-14814 3-98623 3-94665 4-00681 4-76059 4-48986 4-41054 •1-18783 4-10449 4 12333 3*96393 3-92572 3-98686 4-70988 4-15515 4-37934 4-15909 4-07679 4-09684 3-93812 3-90061 3-96341 4-66783 4-41751 4-3 1184 4-12740 4-04634 4-06781 3-91009 3-87286 3-93702 4-62014 1-37658 4-30707 4-09139 4*01284 4-03619 3-88087 3-84547 3-91153 4-57057 4-33343 4-26797 4*05496 3-97795 4-00191 3-84739 3-81298 3-87898 4-51805 4-28626 4-22456 4-01385 3-93822 3*96459 3-81057 3-77692 3-84435 4*46482 4-23880 4-17857 3*96853 3-89421 3*92148 3-76864 3-73656 3-80475 4-40666 4-18571 4-12916 3-92122 3-84856 3-87558 3-72387 3-69188 3-76178 4-34335 4-12914 4-07642 3-86976 3-79796 3-82556 3-67468 3-64414 3-71466 4-27411 4-06748 4-01708 3-81318 3-71414 3-77188 3-62387 3-59384 3-66455 4-20352 4-00165 3-95347 3-75113 .3*68251 3-71113 3-56502 3-53567 3-60703 412110 3-92490 3-88366 3-68431 3-61909 3-64914 3-50297 3-47611 3-54998 4-03878 3-84825 3*80909 3*60959 3-54765 3-67875 3-43409 3-40620 3-48101 3-94640 3-76373 3-73062 3-53212 3-46967 3-50420 3-35793 3-32899 3-40688 3-85594 3-67578 3-64237 3-44201 3-38166 3-41664 3-27393 3-24773 3-32736 3-75641 3-58399 3-55194 3-35141 3-29137 3-32593 3-18667 3-16137 3-24105 3-65398 3-48073 3-44932 3-24871 3-18949 3-22943 3-09237 3-07115 3-15381 3-53769 3-37144 3-33945 3-13767 3-08565 3-12937 2-99123 2-97405 3-03503 3-42537 3-26079 3-22866 3-01703 2-96332 3-01157 2-87448 2-85733 2-91615 3-29557 3-13418 3-10551 2*88480 2-83251 2-88593 2-75051 2*73560 2*79796 3-17840 3-01030 2-97497 2-74036 2-67852 2-73480 2-59988 2*58659 2-65706 3-06633 2-88649 2*85065 2-58433 2-50786 2-57054 2-43297 2-41330 2-47422 2-93146 2-75815 2*72099 2-41197 2-31175 ' 2-35793 2-21219 2-21219 2-28780 2-80889 2-64738 2-58883 2-20952 2-07555 2-09342 1-93450 1*93450 2-00432 2-54900 2-36736 2-29667 2*02938 1-91908 1-98227 1-80618 1-80618 1*89209 2-22531 2-04139 2-00432 1-77815 1-69020 1-74819 1-63347 1-63347 1-71600 1-80618 1-70757 1-67210 1-41497 1-38021 1*38021 1-25527 1*25527 • 1-32222 MALES, 1H76— 18K0. Log «’* ** * r +l T 4 1 <,J + * *x + I + ) = Log K ( . per Cent. Where denotes the ltate of Sickness for the undermentioned Durations Onk Tbau Two Yli.VllS TniiBK A LL AGE (•«■) Weeks 39-43 Weeks 43—17 Weeks 47—52 Total First Six Months Second Six Months Total and upwards l Diikations 3*97067 3*9 1022 4*01682 5*50733 1*67719 1*5 1627 1*91786 5*52982 5*87103 53 3*95899 3*92855 4*00618 5*18586 4*66627 4*53675 1*90694 5*52342 5*85766 51 3*94562 3*91561 3*99242 5*16366 4*65387 4*52515 4*89530 5*51658 5*81382 55 3*93303 3*90369 3*98078 5* 14066 4*64115 1*51311 4*88301 5*50911 5*82941 56 3*91850 3*88936 3*96708 5*11677 4*62830 1*50021 1*87000 5*50098 5*81434 57 3*90325 3*87425 3*95215 5*39183 4*61499 4*48572 4*85619 5*49201 5*79849 58 3*88700 3*85812 3*93697 5*36562 4*60014 1*47131 4*84153 5*48220 5*78178 59 3*809 17 3*81192 3*92101 5*33788 4*68441 4*45590 4*82593 5*47156 5*76407 60 3*8503 l 3*82373 3*90342 5*30825 4*56715 4*43916 4*80920 5*46004 5*74525 61 3*82730 3*80099 3*88127 5*27642 4*54883 4*42187 4*79100 5*44758 5*72514 62 3*80037 3*77444 3*85546 5*24212 4*52871 4*40197 4*77098 5*43399 5*70353 63 3*77619 3*75082 3*83219 5*20512 4*50596 4*38023 4*74866 5*41908 5*68021 61 3*71351 3*71883 3*80099 5*16525 4*48008 1*35629 4*72360 5*40254 5*65502 65 3*71012 3-G8G19 3*76901 5*12234 4*45183 4*32797 4*69532 5*38407 5*62763 66 3*67062 3*64719 3*73016 5*07619 4*42104 1*29155 4*66341 5*36329 5*59777 67 3*62717 3*60455 3*68886 50264 1 4*38493 4*25885 4*62748 5*33987 5*56513 68 3*58081 3*55907 3*64404 4*97260 4*34349 4*21987 4*58709 5*31338 5*52930 69 3*52991 3*50866 3*59461 4*91412 4*29861 4*17412 4*51184 5*28348 5*18989 70 317144 3*44994 3*53593 4*85051 4*24785 4*12411 4 49140 5*24976 5*44654 71 3*41330 3*39235 3*47857 4*78131 4*19156 4*06930 4*43573 5*21200 5*39907 72 3*34242 3*32056 3*40535 4*70613 4*13146 4*00758 4*37493 5*17014 5*34741 73 3*26881 3*24773 3*33304 4*62565 4*06528 3*94345 4*30963 5*12431 5*29175 74 3*18837 3*17056 3-2581G 4*53935 3*99830 3*87192 4*24067 5*07471 5*23249 75 3*10140 3*08279 3*16732 4*4 4751 3*92650 3*79900 4*16838 5*02181 5*17000 76 3*01199 2*99520 3*08135 1*31926 3*8495 1 3*7244 1 4*09214 1*96586 5*10435 77 2*91328 2*89653 2*98363 4*24294 3*77034 3*64008 4*01106 1*90680 5*03519 78 2*79099 2*77670 2*86451 4*12727 3*68079 3*55145 3*92184 4*84147 4*96217 79 2*67025 2*65610 2*74507 4*00165 3*58047 3*46255 3*82646 4*77847 4*88529 80 2*52892 2*51322 2*60206 3*86605 3*46997 3*35660 3*71792 1*70784 4*80346 81 2*33445 2*32428 2*41330 3*71900 3*35180 3*23578 3*59857 4*63130 4*71592 82 2*13672 2*13354 2*23300 3*55739 3*21484 3*11327 3-4G790 4*54789 4*62175 83 1*83885 1*83251 1*94448 3*37621 3*06333 2*98091 3*32490 4*45693 4*52021 81 1*76343’ 1*75587 1*86923 3*16584 2*88138 2*85431 3*16879 4*35805 *4*41073 85 1*56820 1*55630 1*67210 2*90417 2*71850 2*67578 2*99826 4*25088 4*29265 86 1*07918 1*01139 1*14613 2*51851 2*51055 2*51055 2*81090 4*13488 4*16195 87 2*30029 2*30016 2*60097 4*00915 4*02580 88 3*87156 3*87156 89 3*69596 3*69596 90 3*49600 3*49600 91 3*27149 3*27149 92 3*01574 3*01574 93 2*72036 2*72036 94 2*37457 2*37457 95 1*96392 1*96392 96 1-4G810 1*46810 97 0*85633 0*85633 98 0*07485 0*07485 99 2*99574 2*99571 100 0.200. 8 C 2 I -'ll') MALES, 1876— 1HH0. 4 per Cent. 4 per Cent. TAItl.F. OK KLKMKNTAKY MORTALITY VALUHS. DKDUCKI) FROM TIIK MORTALITY KXl liRIKXCK OF M A LICS, 1S7(J— 1H80. AQK (*> I Log U r I-OR N r dr A, r. AGF. (» Lop Ur LojI N r fir A r V r 6 4-91483 0-20785 19-635 •20635 ■01 000 53 3-90021 4-94651 11-125 •53366 04402 6 4-89152 6 18636 19-717 •20320 •00981 54 3-87414 4*90809 10-813 * 54&C5 04619 7 4-86943 6-16492 19-746 •20208 •00974 55 3-81739 1-86859 10-500 •55769 •04849 8 4-84805 6-14345 19*742 •20223 •00975 56 381985 4*82792 10*188 •56970 •05092 9 1-82735 612195 19-706 •211362 •00983 57 3-79151 4-78603 9-875 •58173 •05349 10 1-80716 6-10041 19-643 •20596 •00997 58 3-76233 4-74282 9-561 •59381 •05623 11 4-78733 6*07875 19-562 •20915 •01017 69 3-73227 4*69822 9-246 •60592 •05914 12 4*76776 6-05690 19-463 •21296 •01040 60 3-70127 4-65212 8*930 •61808 •06224 13 1-74831 6-03511 19-355 •21712 •01066 61 3-66921 4*60442 8-614 •63023 •06556 14 4-72888 6-01309 19-240 •22154 •01095 62 3-63592 4-55502 8-301 •64227 •06906 15 4-70940 5-99096 19-123 •22603 •01123 63 3-60126 4-50382 7-990 ■65423 •07277 16 4-68978 5-96869 19-007 •23050 •01152 64 3-5G509 4*45068 7-G84 •66600 •07669 17 4-66995 5-94630 18-895 •23481 •01180 65 3-52736 4-39550 7-381 •67765 •08086 18 4-64988 5-92377 18-788 •23893 •01207 66 3-48810 4-33812 7-080 •68923 •08530 19 4-62966 5-90113 18-684 •24293 •01234 67 3-44741 4-27834 6-775 •70096 •09016 20 4-60943 5-87836 18-575 •24712 •01262 68 3-40523 4-21588 6-466 •71285 •09548 21 4-58934 5-85544 18-454 •25177 ■01291 69 3-36121 4*15051 6-156 ■72477 •10128 22 4*56945 5-83236 18-319 •25G96 •01330 70 3-31474 4-08200 5-851 •73650 •10750 23 4-54974 5-80909 18-170 •26269 •01370 71 3*26509 4-01017 5-560 •74769 •11398 24 4-53018 5-78561 18-007 •26897 •01415 72 3-21162 3-93496 5-290 •75808 ■12052 25 4-51067 5-76192 17-834 •27562 *01464 73 3-15351 3-85644 5-046 *76746 •12G94 2G 4-49114 5-73800 17*655 •28250 •01514 74 3-09087 377470 4-829 •77581 •13310 27 4-47154 5-71382 17-4G9 •28966 •01568 75 3*02393 3*68983 4-633 •78334 •139J6 23 4-45182 5-68939 17-281 •29G88 •01624 76 2-95326 3-60184 4-452 •79030 •14495 29 4-43196 5-66469 17-090 •30423 •01682 77 2-87967 3*51055 4-274 *79716 •15115 30 4-41198 5-63972 16-894 •31177 •01742 78 2-80384 3-41554 4-090 •80423 •15800 31 4-39186 5-61445 16-695 •31943 •01805 79 2-72593 3-31626 3*893 •81180 •16591 32 4-37159 5-58889 16-493 •32719 •01870 80 2-64530 321205 3-688 •81970 •17485 33 4-35117 5-56301 16*287 •33512 •01939 81 2-56103 3-10230 3-478 •82777 •18485 34 4-33058 5-53681 16-078 ■34316 •02010 82 2-47176 2*98644 3-271 •83573 •19567 35 4-30979 5-51026 15-866 •35131 •02083 83 2-37604 2-86424 3-078 •84316 •20676 36 4-28882 5-48336 15-651 •35958 •02160 84 2-27313 2-73558 2-900 •85000 •21795 37 4-26768 5-45609 15-432 •36800 •02239 85 2-16315 2'60030 2-73G •85631 •22920 38 4-?4638 5-42843 15-207 •37666 •02324 86 2-04700 .2-45781 2-575 •86250 •24126 39 4-22495 5-40037 14-977 •38550 •02113 87 1*92529 2*30696 2-408 •86893 •25496 40 4-20339 5-37186 14-739 •39466 •02507 88 1-79850 2-14572 2-224 •87600 •27172 41 418170 5-34288 14-494 •40408 •02608 89 1*66559 1-97115 2-021 ■88381 •29255 42 4-15986 5-31340 14-241 •41381 •02715 90 1-52414 1-77919 1-799 .-S9235 •31881 43 4-13784 5-28341 13-982 •42377 *02828 91 1-36982 1-56478 1-567 •90127 ■35110 44 4-11558 5-25285 13717 •43397 ■02949 92 1-19706 1-32156 1-332 •91030 ■39035 45 4-09306 5-22170 13-447 •44435 •03076 93 0*99858 1-04139 1-104 •91908 •43683 4G 4-07022 5-18991 13-173 •45488 •03209 94 0-76528 0-71395 0-889 •92735 47 4-04703 5-15749 12-896 •46554 •03350 95 0-48594 0-32511 0-691 ■93496 48 j 4-02349 5-12434 12-614 •47639 •03499 96 0-14553 j 1-85485 0-512 •94184 49 j 3-99959 509047 12-328 i -48739 •03657 97 1-72314 1-27254 0-354 •94793 50 | 3-97533 5-05580 12-036 •49862 •03825 98 1-18711 2-52375 0-217 •95320 51 3-95072 5-02032 11-738 •51008 •04004 99 2-48357 3-47712 0-099 •95773 52 3-92570 4-98389 11-434 •52177 •04196 100 1 3-48424 — o-ooo | -96154 1 8 c 3 0 . 200 , ■*] AO (•<•) 5 K 7 8 9 1U 11 11 13 14 IS IB 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 60 51 1,300 ( '(' lit . MALES, 1876—1880. Values of Sick l’ay Allowance of 1 per Week for the Whole of Life = ■ 1 r 19 U It A T IONS One Yeah Weeks 0—4 Weeks 4-8 Weeks 8—13 Weeks 13—17 Weeks 17—21 Weeks 21-26 Weeks 26 -30 Weeks 30—34 Weeks 34—39 9-92 , 3-12 1-62 *75 •55 •51 | •32 1 *27 I •28 10 ' 16 3*09 1-71 •79 *58 •53 •33 1 -29 •30 10-37 I 3*05 1-78 *84 *61 *50 •35 •30 •32 10-61 311 1-83 •87 •61 •59 •37 •31 ■33 10*02 3-16 1*87 •91 •67 •62 •38 •32 •35 10-72 3*22 1-93 •94 •69 •64 •40 •33 •36 10-80 3-28 1*99 •97 •71 •66 •41 •35 •38 10-89 3-33 2-04 •99 •73 •68 •43 •30 •40 10-96 3-38 2*09 1-02 •75 •70 •44 •38 •41 10-97 3-43 2-15 1-06 •78 •73 *46 •39 •42 11-02 3-48 2-20 1-09 •80 •76 •48 •40 •44 11-07 3-53 £ 2-21 1-12 *82 •78 •49 •42 •45 11-15 3-58 2*27 114 ■81 •80 *50 •43 •16 11-18 3-61 12-31 no •87 •82 ■51 •44 •48 11-17 3-67 2-36 1*19 •89 •81 •53 •45 •49 11*16 3-71 2-10 1-22 •91 ■87 • o5 •47 •50 11-16 3-75 2*44 1-25 ■94 •89 •56 •48 •52 11-16 3-81 2*49 1-28 ■96 •91 •58 •49 •53 11-16 13-85 12-53 1-31 •98 *94 •59 •51 *55 11-18 3-90 2*58 1-34 1-00 •96 •61 *52 •57 11-21 3-96 2-63 1*37 1-03 •99 •63 •53 •58 11-25 4-02 2-68 1-40 1-06 1-02 •64 *55 •60 11-28 4-08 2*73 1-43 1*08 1-04 •66 •57 •62 11-33 4-14 2-79 1-46 l-n 1-07 •68 •59 • G4 11-37 4-21 2*85 1-49 1-13 1-09 •70 •61 •66 11-43 4-27 2-90 1-53 1-16 1*12 *72 •62 •68 11-48 4-34 2-96 1*56 1-19 1*15 •74 •64 •70 11-53 4*41 3-01 1-60 1*21 ! 1-18 •76 •66 •72 11-56 14-47 3-08 1-64 1-25 1-21 •78 •68 *74 11-59 4*53 3-13 1*68 1-28 1*25 •81 •70 ■77 11*62 4-60 3-20 1-72 1-31 1-28 •83 •72 •80 11-66 4*67 3*26 1-75 1-35 1*31 •86 •74 •82 11-70 4-74 3*32 1*79 1-38 1-35 •88 *77 •84 11-73 4*80 3-39 1-83 1-41 1*38 •90 •79 *87 11-76 4*87 3*45 1-87 1-44 1-42 •93 •81 •88 11-78 4*93 3-51 1-91 1-47 1*46 •95 •84 •93 11-80 4*99 3 - 5S 1-96 1-51 1-50 •98 •86 •95 11-81 5*05 3-64 2*00 1-55 1-63 1-01 •89 •98 11-81 5-11 3*70 2-01 1-59 1-fS 1-04 •92 1-01 11-80 616 3*76 2*08 1-62 1-62 1-07 •95 1-05 11*78 5-22 3*83 1*66 1-60 1-10 •97 1*08 11-76 5-27 3-89 2-17 1-70 1-70 113 1-00 1-12 11-71 5*32 3-96 2-21 1-74 1-75 1*16 1-03 1-15 11-67 5-36 1-02 2-26 1-78 1-79 1*19 1*06 M9 11-61 5-42 1-07 2-31 1*82 1-83 1-22 1-09 1*22 11*53 5*45 4-14 2*34 1-86 1-88 1*26 113 1 - 2(1 11-43 5*49 4-21 2-39 1-90 1-93 1-30 1-16 1-30 11-35 5*52 4*26 2*44 1-95 1-98 1-33 119 1-34 MALES, 1876- 1880, 4 per Cent, Values of Sick Pay Allowance of 1 per Week for the Whole of Life= '■ *Jj- DURATIONS OSK YEAR Two YuAns Three Years and upwards All Durations AGE (•r) Weeks 39 — 13 Weeks 43—47 Weeks 47—52 TOTAL First Six Months Second Six Months Total •20 •17 •20 17-91 •92 •61 1-56 4*54 24-01 5 •21 ■18 •21 18-38 •97 •67 1-61 4-79 24-81 6 .00 ■19 *22 18-81 1-02 •70 1-72 5-05 25*58 7 •23 •20 •23 19-22 • 1-07 ■71 1-81 5-30 26-33 8 *24 •21 •25 19-60 M2 ■78 1-90 5-56 27*06 9 •25 •22 •26 19-96 1-18 •82 2-00 5-82 27-78 10 •26 •23 *27 20-31 1-24 •85 2-09 6-09 28-49 11 •27 •24 •28 2064 1-29 •89 2-18 6-38 29-20 12 •28 •25 •29 20-95 1-34 •93 2-27 6-67 29-89 13 ■30 •26 •31 2T26 1-38 •98 2-36 6-98 30-60 14 •30 •28 •31 21-56 1-43 1-01 2-44 7-29 31-29 15 •31 •28 •33 21-84 1-47 1-05 2-52 7-63 31-99 16 •32 •28 •33 22-10 1-52 1-09 2-61 7-97 32-68 17 •33 •29 •34 22-34 1-57 M3 2-70 ; 8-33 33-37 18 ■34 •30 •35 22-58 1-62 1-16 2-78 8-72 34-08 19 •35 ■31 ’37 22-82 1-67 1-20 2-87 911 34-80 20 •36 •32 •38 23-05 1-72 1-25 2*97 9-52 35-54 21 •37 •33 •39 23-30 1-78 1-29 3-07 9-93 36*30 22 •39 •35 •40 23-56 1-83 1-33 316 10-37 37-09 23 •40 •36 •42 23-84 1-89 1-38 3-27 10-80 37-91 24 •41 •37 •43 24-14 1-95 1-43 3-38 11-26 38-78 25 •42 •38 •44 24-46 2-02 1-47 3-49 11-74 39-69 26 •44 •40 *46 24*79 2-09 1-52 3-61 12-25 40*65 27 •45 •41 ,7 25-14 2-16 1-58 3-74 12-77 41-65 28 •47 •42 •49 25*49 2-24 1-63 3-87 13-32 42-68 29 •48 •43 •51 25-85 2-32 1-69 4-01 13-88 43-74 30 •50 •44 •52 26-22 2-40 175 415 14-46 44-83 31 •51 •46 •54 26-59 2-48 1-81 4-29 15-07 45-95 32 •53 •48 •56 26-98 2-57 1-87 4-44 15-70 47-12 33 *55 •50 •58 27-37 2-65 1-94 4-59 16-35 48-31 34 •56 •52 •60 27-76 2-74 2-00 4-74 17-04 49-54 35 •58 *53 •62 28-15 2-84 2-07 4-91 17-75 50-81 36 •60 •55 •64 28-56 2-94 2-14 5-08 18-18 52-12 37 •62 ■57 •67 28-96 3-04 2-21 5-25 19-25 53'46 38 •64 •58 •70 29-36 314 2-29 5-43 20-05 54-84 39 ■66 •61 •72 29-77 3-26 2-37 5-63 20-87 56-27 40 •68 •63 •74 30-18 3-37 2-46 5-83 21'73 57‘74 41 •71 •65 1 1 30-59 3-49 2*55 6-04 22-63 59*26 42 ■73 •67 •79 30-99 3-62 2-64 6-26 23-57 60-82 43 •76 •70 •82 31-39 3-74 2-71 6-48 24-56 62-43 44 •78 •72 •85 ; 31-77 3-87 2-84 6-71 25-60 64*08 45 •80 •74 •88 3216 4-01 2-94 6-95 26-67 65-78 46 •83 •77 ■91 32-54 4-14 i 305 7-19 27-80 67-53 47 •86 •79' *94 j 32-91 4-29 3*15 7-44 28-98 69-33 48 •89 •82 ■97 33-27 4-44 3-26 7-70 30-22 71-19 49 •92 •85 1-01 33-63 4-59 3-38 7-97 31-52 73-12 50 •95 •88 1-04 33-98 4*75 3-50 8-25 32-89 75-12 51 •97 •91 | P08 34-32 ! 4-91 3-63 8*54 34-35 77-21 52 I >02 4 per Cent. MACKS, 1 87« — 1880. Values of Sick I’ay Allowance of 1 per Week for the Whole of Life = — 1- MALES, 1876 — 18H0. 4 per Cent, Values of Sick I’uj Allowance of per Week for the Whole of Life = K , DURATIONS One Year Two Years Three Years and upwards Ali, Dl-ratioks AOE (*) Weeks ID 43 Weeks 43—47 Weeks 47—52 Total, First Six Months Second Six Month? Total 100 •93 in 34*64 5-08 3-76 8-84 35-90 79-38 53 1-03 •96 1-15 34-95 5*26 3-89 916 37-54 81*64 54 106 •99 1*19 35-27 5-43 4-03 9-46 *9*28 84-01 55 110 103 1-23 35-60 5-61 4-18 9-79 41-11 86-50 56 113 1-06 1*27 35*92 5-81 4-32 10-13 43-03 89-08 57 1-17 1-09 1-31 36-22 6-02 4-47 10-49 45-04 91-75 58 1-21 1-13 1-35 36-49 6-23 4-63 10-86 47-16 94*51 59 1-26 1-17 1-40 36-72 6*44 ^ 4-79 11-23 49-39 97-34 60 1-28 1-20 1-45 36-87 6-66 4-96 11-62 51-74 100-23 61 1-31 1-23 1-48 36-93 6*89 5-14 12-03 54-23 103-19 62 1-34 1-25 1-61 36-93 7-11 5-31 12-42 56-87 106-22 63 1-37 1-29 1-56 36-79 7-32 5*49 12-81 69-68 109-28 64 1-38 1-30 1-58 36-56 7-52 5-66 13-18 62-69 112-33 65 1-40 1'32 1-60 36-20 7-71 5*79 13-50 65*58 115-28 66 1-40 1-33 1-61 35-30 7-87 5-88 13-75 68*59 11804 67 1-40 133 1-61 35-02 7-97 5-96 13-93 71-64 120-49 68 1-39 1-32 1-60 34*18 801 6-02 1403 74-39 122-60 69 1-37 1-30 1-59 33-19 803 6-02 14-05 77-18 124-42 70 1-34 1-27 1-55 32-08 7*99 6-01 14-00 79-96 126-03 71 132 1-26 1-54 30'90 7-93 5-97 13-90 82-80 127-60 72 1-38 1-22 1-48 29-66 7-88 5*92 13-80 85-80 129-26 73 1-24 1-19 1-45 28-40 7-80 5-89 13-69 89-03 131T2 74 1*21 1-16 1-42 27-11 7-78 5-82 13-60 92-51 133-22 75 M6 1-11 1-35 25-78 7-76 5-78 13-53 96-20 135-51 76 1-11 1-07 1-31 24-31 7-68 5-76 13-44 100-02 137-77 77 1-06 102 1-25 22-62 7-61 5-63 13-24 103-78 139-64 78 •95 •93 MS 20-69 7-39 5-49 12-88 107-39 140-96 79 •87 •84 1-03 18-62 7-05 5-37 12-42 110-88 141-92 80 •76 •73 •90 16-52 6-62 5-10 11-72 114-22 142-46 81 •59 •58 •73 14-43 6-19 4*74 10-93 117-41 142-77 82 •47 •46 •59 12-38 5-62 4-45 10-07 120-56 143-01 83 •30 •29 •38 10-32 5-01 4-15 9-16 123-72 143-20 84 •32 •32 •40 8-18 4-24 3-98 8-22 126-70 14310 85 •27 •26 •34 5-84 3-80 3'45 7*25 129-11 142-20 86 •12 •11 •13 3-19 3-10 3-11 6-21 130-59 129-99 87 2-56 2-66 5-12 130-69 135-81 88 12906 129-06 89 119-08 119-08 90 106-98 106-98 91 94-77 94-77 92 82-90 82-90 93 71-71 71-71 94 61-41 61-41 95 52-13 5213 96 43-93 43-93 97 36-82 36-82 98 30-70 30-70 99 25*49 25-49 100 8 D 0 . 200 , ] 3°4 4 per Cent. MALES, 1876— 1880. Log <’ 4 (l x v" + l x + i v* + ' » x + i + ) = Log K x A UK Where denotes the Rate of Sickness for the undermentioned Durations One Ykah V*/ Weeks 0-4 Weeks 4—8 W eeks 8-13 Weeks . 13—17 Weeks 17—21 Weeks 21—26 Weeks 26—30 Weeks 30-34 Weeks 34-39 5 5-91148 6*40880 5-12551 -4-79114 4-65258 4-61933 4-41556 4-33979 4-36530 6 5-8984 1 6*38059 5-12551 4-79114 4*65258 4-61933 4*41556 4-33979 4*36530 7 6-88540 5-35440 5*12054 4-79114 4*65258 4-61933 4*41556 4*33979 4-36530 K 5-86947 5-34110 5*10988 4-78807 4-65258 4-61933 4-41556 4-33979 4-36530 y 5-86328 5-32760 5-09827 4-78512 4*65258 4-61933 4-41556 4-33979 4-36530 10 5-83722 5-31547 5-09240 4-77898 4-64552 4-61310 4-40892 4-33584 4*36406 n 5-82086 5-30328 5*08572 4-77256 4*63804 4-60704 4-40248 4-33203 4*36288 12 5-80468 5-29037 5-07682 4*76501 4-63016 4*60054 4*39938 4*32960 4-36175 13 6-78793 5-27713 5-06796 4-75765 • 4-62249 4-59676 4-39639 4*32609 4-35738 u 5*76861 5*26472 5-06221 4-75431 4-61906 4-59494 4-39351 4-32496 4-35738 15 5-75181 5-25152 5-05162 4-74743 4-61243 4-58911 4*38607 4-31624 4-34827 16 5-73403 5-23734 5*03965 4-73636 4*60492 4-58289 4-37974 4-31201 4-34433 . 17 5-71725 5-22324 5*02690 4-72591 4-59497 4-57130 4-36918 4-30068 4-33189 18 5-69836 5*20796 501397 4*7 1607 4*58627 4-56375 4-36144 4*29263 4-32141 19 5-67773 5*19385 5*00182 4-70533 4-57781 4*55642 4-35478 4-28677 4-31804 30 5-65696 5-17857 4*98956 4*69666 4-57006 4-54931 4-34832 4*28015 4-31012 21 5-63705 5*16400 4-97713 4-68644 4-55968 4-53941 4-33889 4*27096 4*30242 22 5-61718 5-14993 4*96529 4-67575 4-55000 4-53024 4-33047 4-26290 4-29577 23 5-59734 5-13571 4-95367 4-66597 4*54099 4-52224 4-32379 4-25681 4*29095 24 5-57863 5*12156 4-94174 4*65609 4-53177 4-51399 4-31656 4-25008 4-28472 25 5-56040 5*10826 4-93037 4-64610 4-52234 4*50506 4-30812 4*24190 4-27793 26 5-54193 5*09482 4-91921 4-63633 4*51355 4*49766 4-30127 4-23553 4-27282 27 5-52382 5-08171 4-90811 4*62646 4-50457 4*48962 4*29396 4*22858 4-26642 28 5-50587 5-06863 4*89706 4*61652 4-49539 4-48096 4-28553 4-22108 4-25955 29 5-48775 5-05603 4-88608 4-60649 4-48565 4-47129 4*27733 4-21376 4-25220 30 5-46990 5-04254 4*87455 4*59611 4*47576 4-46186 4-26874 4-20593 4*24440 31 5-45177 5*02898 4*86264 4-58539 4*46571 4*45265 4*26098 4*19904 4-23744 32 5-43337 5-01532 4-85082 4-57519 4-45590 4-44329 4*25225 4*19100 4*22948 33 5-41410 5*00104 4-83908 4-56548 4*44668 4*43454 4-24546 4-18449 4-22352 34 5-39470 4-98700 4*82672 4*55468 4-43701 4*42566 4-23780 4*17757 4-21719 35 5-37517 4*97286 4-81473 4-54413 4-42723 4-41632 4*22873 4*16900 4-20938 36 5-35564 4*95809 4-80203 4-53282 4*41704 4-40690 4*21992 4*16068 4-20126 37 5-33582 4*94306 4-78904 4-52126 4-40613 4-39771 4*21085 4-15201 4*19338 38 5-31574 4*9276f 4-77603 4-50946 4-39515 4-38718 4-20153 4-14361 4-18574 . 39 1 5-29537 4*91 2 H 4-76248 4-49768 4-38412 4-37722 4-19198 4-13434 4 17733 40 1 5*27450 4-81589 4-74906 4*48569 4-37335 4-36689 4-18270 4-12587- 4-16967 41 5-25341 4*87939 4-73514 4-47306 4-36167 4*35654 4 17368 411714 416179 42 5-23223 4*86316 4*72049 4-46048 4-34998 4-34588 4-16403 4-10816 4 15324 43 5*20989 4-84587 4-70609 4-44750 4*33856 4-33606 4-15506 4*09944 414538 44 5-18746 4-82851 4-69122 4-43414 4-32632 4-32486 4-14470 4-09005 4-13650 45 5-16435 4-81058 4*67626 4-42042 4*31355 4-31340 4-13421 4-08001 4-12707 46 5-14076 4*79173 4-66018 4-40594 4-30060 4-30118 4-12323 4-07026 4-11833 47 5*11544 4-7A255 4*64435 4-39217 4-28814 4-28925 4-11217 4-06077 4-10870 48 5*09050 4*75296 4*62767 4-37670 4-27397 4-27639 4-10027 4-04906 4-09747 49 5*06420 4-73314 4-61061 4-36133 4*25962 4*26312 4-08760 4-03767 4-08693 50 5*03699 4*71194 4*59294 4-34510 4-24509 4*24969 4-07598 4*02698 4-07671 51 5-00873 4*68991 4-57469 4-32938 4*23042 4*23636 4-06363 4-01549 4-06614 52 4*98051 4-66753 4*55565 1 4-31249 4-21471 4-22154 4-04961 4-00247 4 05354 MALES, 1H76— 1880, , , 4 per Cent. Lo* r* ( /j. v T + /,. + , V* + * x + , + ) = Lok K x When 1 j», denotes the Rate of Sickness for the undermentioned Durations One Year Two Years TliltBK Years and upwards ALL Derations ju;h (•r) Wot ks 39— -43 Weeks 43-47 Weeks 47—62 Total First Six Months Second Six Months Total 4-20453 4-14922 4-22115 6-16782 4-87885 4-71886 5-10724 5-57234 6-29517 6 4-20453 4*14922 4-22115 6T5576 4-87885 4-71886 5 10724 5-57234 6-286*1 6 4-20453 4 14922 4-22115 6 14376 4-87885 4-71886 5-10724 5-57234 6-27738 7 4-20453 4-14922 4-22115 6-13171 4-87885 4-71886 5-10724 5*57234 6-26855 8 4-20453 4 14922 4-22115 6-11959 4-87885 4-71886 5-10724 5-57234 6-25971 9 4-20453 4-14922 4-22115 6-10735 4-87885 4-71886 5-10724 5-57234 6-25091 10 4-20453 4-14922 4-22115 6-09503 4-87885 4-71886 5-10724 5-57234 6-24207 11 4-20290 4-14922 4-22115 6-08250 4-87885 4-71886 5-10724 5-57234 6-23317 12 4*10819 4-14389 4-21511 6-06962 4-87521 4-71886 5-10510 5-57234 6-22389 13 4-19819 4-14389 4-21511 605649 4-86977 4-71886 5-10188 5-57234 6-21453 14 4-18943 4-13729 4-20669 6-04301 4-86451 4-71624 5-09771 5-57215 6-20485 15 4-18662 4-13411 4-20398 6-02894 4-85851 4-71245 5-09265 5-57186 6-19474 16 4-17284 4-12169 *•19075 6-01*27 4-85269. 4-70675 5-08689 5-57142 6-18421 17 ' 4-16610 4-11411 4-18167 5-99903 4-84650 4-70044 5-08063 5-57078 6-17330 18 4-15957 4*10971 4-17791 5-98343 4-83913 4-69511 5-07412 5-56996 6-16218 19 4-15324 4-10548 4-17307 5-96773 4-83170 4-68995 5-06763 5-56898 6-15103 20 4-14833 4-09999 4-16605 5-95215 4-82450 4-68496 5-06138 - 5-56780 6-14004 21 4-14120 4-09339 ' 4-16038 5-93687 4-81901 4-67807 5-05530 5-56651 6-12930 22 4-13659 4-08955 4-15600 5-92201 4-81273 4-67307 5-04957 5-56509 6-11896 23 4-13104 4*08461 4-15070 5-90759 4-80665 4-66888 5-04427 5-56369 6-10897 24 4-12349 4-07864 4-14454 5-89345 4-80120 4*66453 5-03930 5-56230 6-09930 25 4-11826 4*07401 4-13956 5 87956 4-79638 4-65942 5-03435 5-56098 6-08987 26 4-11220 4-06841 4-13475 5-86582 4-79172 4-65448 5-02955 5-55961 6-08063 27 4-10633 4-06300 4-13011 5-85212 4-78680 4-64999 5-02481 5-55807 6-07140 28 4-09968 4-05671 4-12473 5-83835 4-78205 4-64510 5-02003 5-55633 6-06217 29 4-09321 4*05061 4-11952 5-82450 4-77727 4-63959 5-01494 5-55434 6-05285 30 4-08696 4-04372 4-11364 5-81053 4-77191 4-63426 5-00958 5-55210 6-04344 31 4-08005 4-03798 4-10792 5-79644 4-76655 4-62837 5-00402 5-54962 6-03391 32 4-07416 4*03246 4-10240 5-78220 4-76051 4-62291 4-99820 5-54699 6-02432 33 4-06848 4-02710 4-09708 5-76779 4-75433 4-61718 4-99221 5-54418 6-01460 34 4-06141 4-02020 4-09047 5-75318 4-74786 4-61142 4-98604 5-54118 6-00475 36 4-05381 4-01351- 4-08408 5-73838 4-74161 4-60521 4-97980 5-53796 5-99478 36 4-04642 ' 4-00702 4-07788 5-72337 4-73526 4-59879 4-97342 5-53452 5-98468 37 4*03854 4-00000 4-07122 5-70815 4-72882 4-59219 4-96692 5-53081 5-97443 38 4-03092 3-99242 4-06416 5-69275 4-72247 4-58542 4-96039 5-52691 5-96407 39 4-02420 3-98655 4-05793 5-67717 4-71592 4-57905 4-95392 5-52287 6*95365 40 4-01708 3*97946 4-05135 5-66140 4-70933 4-57291 4-94752 5-51875 5-94317 41 4-00890 3-97192 4-04379 5-64537 4-70309 4-56611 4-94104 5-51456 5*93260 42 4*00160 3-96530 4-03763 5-62902 4*69622 4-55972 4-93437 5-51028 5-92189 43 3-99277 3-95698 4*03003 5-61230 4-68886 4-55322 4-92737 5-50587 5-91098 44 3-98363 3-94832 4-02164 5-59514 4-68105 4-54632 4-91995 5-50124 5-89980 45 3-97534 3-93992 4-01406 5-57751 4-67295 4-53876 4-91208 5-49629 5-88831 46 3-96680 3-93181 4-00672 5-55940 4-66436 4*53088 4-90378 5-49107 5-87650 47 3-95641 3-92226 3-99730 5-54079 4-65564 4-52241 4-89517 5-48554 5-86439 48 3-94635 3-91302 3-98816 5-52169 4-64691 4-51327 4-88627 5-47981 5-85201 49 3*93661 3-90358 3-97886 5-50206 4-63731 4-00457 4-87705 5-47388 5*83938 50 3-92624 3*89393 3-96946 5-48190 4-62746 4-49528 4-86744 5-46784 5*82650 51 3-91392 3-88264 3-95871 5-46114 4-61712 4-48557 4-85736 5-46168 5-81337 52 O.-OC. 8 D 3 4 r AQl (*) 53 r>4 55 56 57 * 59 60 61 62 63 61 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 MALES, 1870—1880. Log vi (l x v x * x +l x + 1 v x + '» x + j + ) = Log K x Where a x denotes the Rate of Sickness for the undermentioned Durations One Ykau Weeks 0—4 Weeks 4—8 Weeks 8—13 Weeks 13—17 Weeks 17—21 Weeks 21-26 Weeks 26—30 Weeks 30—34 Weeks 34—39 4-95180 4-64479 4-53694 4-29147 4-19775 4-20696 4-03195 3-98834 4 04001 4-92174 4-62034 4-51516 4-27586 4-18067 4-19008 4-02066 3-97493 4-02747 4-89131 4-59591 4-49392 4-25636 4*16200 4-17202 4-00424 3-95947 401317 4-85888 4-56920 4-47123 4-23596 4-14367 4-15558 3-98914 3-94507 3-99961 4-82682 4*54205 4-44710 4-21384 4-12297 4-13691 3-97146 3-92916 3-98385 4-79282 4-51328 4-42202 4-19120 4-10202 4-11826 3-95424 3-91206 3-96741 4-75705 4*48285 4-39548 4-16806 4-08045 4-09851 3-93495 3-89360 3-95007 4-71925 4-45116 4-36790 4-14248 4-05770 4-07573 3-91360 3-87379 3-93085 4-67922 4-41779 4-33818 4-11528 4-03165 4-05038 3-89081 3-85236 3-91030 4-63781 4-38243 4-30638 4-08593 4-00337 4-02333 3-86445 3-82679 3-88615 4-59507 4-34416 4-27126 4*05362 3-97234 3-99374 3-83588 3-79844 3-85902 4-54663 4-30250 4-23282 4-01695 3-93822 3-96152 3-80611 3-77056 3-83283 4-49632 4-25866 4-19307 3-97991 3-90271 3-92665 3-77203 3-73751 3-79941 4-44304 4-21179 4-14897 3-93817 3-86231 3-88868 3-73456 3-70079 3-76388 4-38910 4-16259 4-10230 3-89215 3 81763 3-84191 3-69197 ■ 365973 3-72321 4-33019 4-10877 4-05250 3-84417 3-77129 3-79831 3-64650 3-61437 3-67906 4-26611 4-05146 3-99874 3-79204 3-71999 3-74757 3-59660 3-56597 3-63063 4-19609 3-98905 3-93862 3-73472 3-66549 3-69320 3-54506 3-51495 3-57910 4-12473 3-92247 3-87425 3-67191 3-60314 3-63165 3-48558 3-45606 3-51983 4-04147 3-84491 3-80366 3-60133 3-53895 3-56891 3-42275 3*39585 3-46105 395832 3-76745 3-72835 3-52879 3-46672 3-49776 3-35295 3-32531 3-38987 3-86510 3-68215 3-64914 3-45056 3-38792 3-42243 3-27600 3-24721 3-31302 3-77386 3-59329 3-56003 3-35965 3-29907 3-33405 3-19117 3-16495 3-23019 3-67348 3-50065 3-46879 3-26834 3-20790 3*24254 3-10312 3-07773 3-13988 3-57019 3*39655 3-36530 3-16465 3-10517 3 14520 3-00817 2-98677 3-04805 3-45301 3-28646 3-25455 3-05269 3-00043 3*04415 2-90634 2-88930 2-95085 3-34005 3-17493 3-14301 2-93146 2-87737 2*92531 2-78888 2-77159 2-83123 3-20952 3-04727 3-01912 2-79865 2-74507 2-79865 2-66464 2-64933 2-71181 3-09167 2-92273 2-88762 2-65321 2*58995 2-64640 2-51322 2-49969 2-57054 2-97909 2*79865 2-76268 2-49554 2-41830 2-48144 2-34635 2-32634 2-38739 2-84386 2-66932 2*63246 2-32428 2-22011 2-26717 2-12385 2-12385 2-20140 2-72099 2-55751 2-49969 2-11727 1-98227 2-00000 1-84510 1-84510 1-91908 2-46090 2-27646 2-20683 1-93450 1-82607 1-89209 1-71600 1-71600 1-80618 2-13672 1-94939 1-91381 1-68124 1-60206 1-65321 1-54407 1-54407 1-153347 1-71600 1-61278 1-57978 1-32222 1-30103 1-2^875 1-17609 1-17609 1-23045 U07 MALES, 1876—1880. . . 4 per Cent. I.og V* (l x v x » x + 1 1 + 1 v x+ t x + , + ) = Log K x Where .i v denotes the Rate of Sickness for the undermentioned Durations ONE Y BAH Two Years Three All AGB <*) Weeks 33—43 Weeks 43-47 Weeks 47—52 Total First Six Months Second Six Months Total and upwards Durations 3-90039 3-86976 1-94630 5-43974 4-60641 4-47500 4-84671 | 5-45532 5-79991 53 3-88852 3-85769 3-93425 5-41767 4-59478 4-46410 483539 5*44864 5-78606 54 3-87171 3-84423 3-92106 5-39487 4-58195 4-45312 4-82335 5-44158 5-77173 55 3-86171 3-83206 3-90902 5-37129 4-56880 4-44102 4-81066 5-43377 5-75685 56 3-84677 3-81730 3-89492 5-34680 4-55554 4-42736 4-79723 5-42529 5-74129 57 3-83110 3-80175 3-87990 5-32129 4-54184 4-41243 4-78300 5-41601 5-72496 58 3-81445 3-78547 3-86404 5-29449 4-52657 4-39759 4-76792 5-40586 5-70774 59 3-79644 3-76856 3-84770 5-26614 4-51041 4-38175 4-75189 5-39485 5-68954 60 3-77685 3-74997 3-82969 5-23591 4-49301 4-36489 4-73474 5-38297 5-67022 61 3-75328 3-72673 3-80706 5-20347 4-47394 4-34684 4-71610 5-37012 5*64958 62 3-72575 3-69966 3-78075 5-16853 4-45336 4-32648 4-69562 5-35616 5-62746 63 3-70105 3-67560 3-75702 5-13088 4-43012 4-30428 4-67283 5-34082 5-60362 64 3-66773 3-64306 3-72526 5-09036 4-40370 4-27985 4-64727 5-32387 5-57785 65 3-63377 3-60981 3-69276 5-04677 4-37491 , 4-25098 4-61845 5-30494 5-54987 66 3-59362 3-57008 3-65360 4-99993 4-34359 4-21698 4-58597 5-28369 5-51943 67 3-54986 3-52686 3-61140 4-94949 4-30685 4-18070 4-54943 5-25976 5-48618 68 3-50256 3-48073 3-56597 4-89494 4-26477 4-14110 4-50841 5-23274 5-44971 69 3-45102 3-42959 3-51587 4-83573 4-21924 4-09468 4-46250 5-20224 5-40963 70 3-39182 3-37014 3-45652 4-77137 4-16776 4-04399 4-41135 5-16791 5-36558 71 3-33304 3-31197 3-39863 4-70145 4-11072 3-98843 4-35495 5-12953 5-31737 72 3-26150 3-23930 3-32449 4-62575 4-04988 3-92593 4-29341 5-08700 5*26498 73 3-18696 3-16554 3-25139 4-54419 3-98290 3-86106 4-22735 5-04040 5-20855 74 3-10585 3-08743 3-17580 4-45709 3-91514 3-78873 4-15764 4-99011 5-14851 75 3-01828 2-99870 3-08422 4-36446 3-84255 3-71508 4-08461 4-93647 5-08522 76 2-92840 2-91009 2-99782 4-26541 3-76485 3-63979 4-00796 4-87976 501878 77 2-82930 2-81090 2-89982 4-15830 3-68494 3-55461 3-92583 4*81996 4-94884 78 2-70586 2-69020 2-78032 4-04187 3-59461 3-46523 3-83588 4-75689 4-87502 79 2-58433 2-56820 2-65992 3-91545 3-49360 3-37566 3-73973 4-69013 4-79735 80 2-44248 2-42488 2-51587 3-77916 3-38220 3-26902 3-63043 4-61877 4-71473 81 2-24551 2-23553 2-32634 3-63144 3-26340 3-14737 3-51041 4-54148 4-62639 82 2-04922 2-04159 2-14613 3-46879 3*12548 3-02408 3-37894 4-45729 4-53142 83 1-74619 1-74036 1-85733 3-28691 2-97313 2-89098 3-23528 4-36558 4-42907 84 1-67210 1-66276 1-77815 3-07591 2*79029 2-76343 3-07846 4-26593 4-31879 85 1-47712 1-46240 1-57978 2-81358 2-62634 2-58433 2-90741 4-15797 4-19992 86 1-00000 0-95424 1-07918 2-42651 2-41664 2-41830 2-71933 4-04120 4-07140 87 2-20683 2-20683 2-50920 3-91471 3-93145 88 3*77640 3-77640 89 3-59998 3-59998 90 3-39914 3-39914 91 3-17374 3-17374 92 2-91711 2-91711 93 2-62084 2-62084 94 2-27416 2-27416 95 1-86262 1-86262 96 1-36590 1-36590 97 0-75317 0-75317 98 1-97072 1-97072 99 2-89069 2-89069 100 8 D 3 0.200 V ■ 1 PRESERVATION REVIEW