. so T!l£ IM8Y OF THE ttWfftBtflf (is || ijjjjji ©fficers anb Hlutnni of the TUniverait? of IRocbeater. I t 1895. ’please advise assistant lirrar ' a "’ SIBLEY HALL, ROCHESTER, N. Y„” OF ANY change in your address. A DIRECTORY OF THE Officers and Alumni OF THE University of Rochester 1850 - 1895 . ROCHESTER, N. Y.: PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. 1895. PREFACE. Previous to the year 1873, the Triennial Catalogue which had been issued by the University of Rochester, contained hardly any¬ thing more than a list of each class printed in Latin. The edition of 1873 was printed in English, and gave certain information of general interest with reference to each of the graduates. This was followed by the General Catalogue of 1879, carefully prepared under the able supervision of Prof. W. C. Morey, ’68. No General Catalogue has since been published; but in 1887 an “Alumni Directory ” was issued, carefully compiled by Assistant Librarian H. K. Phinney,’77. Since its issue many changes have taken place and a new and revised list of the Alumni has been greatly needed. To meet the general desire for a new edition, this Directory of the Officers and Alumni is issued under the direction of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees. It is not intended, however, to supersede, but only to anticipate a new General Catalogue. The impossibility of making a perfectly correct list of the graduates contain¬ ing all the requisite information is readily apparent in view of the absence of complete records, and the difficulty of reaching all the Alumni. Proof sheets of class lists have been sent to at least two members of each class for revision. The response has been quite general; and although there has been considerable correspondence, and great care has been taken to render the present list accurate and complete, it cannot be expected that it is entirely free from errors. The attention of the Alumni is especially urged to a care¬ ful perusal, to the end that proper corrections may be made, and mistakes be eliminated in subsequent editions. We repeat the suggestion made in the Directory of 1887 that “itis greatly to be desired that some member of each class should act as a permanent class secretary with whom all the other members should keep in communication, and he himself be in correspondence with the Uni¬ versity.” This Directory contains the names of those persons only who have received degrees from this University, or have been officially connected with its Board of Trustees or Faculty. If those also were recorded who have at different times been students in the various classes, the number would be more than double. The list of Honorary degrees conferred by the University is complete and compiled from the official records. It should be 11 . understood, however, that the comparatively large number of hon¬ orary graduates in the early years of the University is due to the fact, that the degree of A. M. was conferred upon many who had already taken a course of study in Madison University, and in these cases the degree is more strictly a second degree “ in course ” than an “ Honorary one.” Special attention is called to the new state¬ ment concerning certain Degrees, appearing at page 51 of this Directory. The historical and chronological tables have been prepared from official records. The list of officers, orators, poets and committees, has been made after a careful examination of the records of Alumni meetings. They are published with this Directory as of general interest to the Alumni, evidenced by various inquiries made from time to time concerning the subjects. The Directory in this form it is thought will provide a source of convenient reference for the Alumni. Every Alumnus herein mentioned must be understood to have received at graduation the Degree of Bachelor of Arts, except when the Degree of Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Philosophy is specially designated ; the letters “ B. S.” and “ Ph. B. ” have been respectively used for such designation. The asterisk ( *) where it occurs, indicates the decease of the person opposite whose name it is placed. The compiler entertains the hope that the present Directory may stimulate the Alumni to such an interest in the completion and preservation of records concerning the Alumni, that such informa¬ tion will be furnished as will make the next edition far better than the present one. The compiler can only say with reference to his work, that he has simply done the best he could, with the limited time and the sources of information at his disposal. He desires to acknowledge with great appreciation, the cordial co-operation and valuable assistance rendered by Mr. E. O. Sage,’ 53; Mr. Adelbert Cronise, ’77 ; Mr. H. K. Phinney, ’77, and Mr. F. A. Macomber, ’89. Copies of the present Directory will be sent to all the living Alumni at the addresses appearing herein. Every graduate is expected to advise the “ Assistant Librarian, Sibley Hall, Roches¬ ter, N. Y.,” of any change in his address, and also of any errors in the present edition, together with such information or sugges¬ tions as may tend to improve future editions. CHARLES M. WILLIAMS. Rochester , N. Y, July 2jth, 1895. Table of contents Page. Organization of the University, ------- 4 The Board of Trustees,.6 Committees of the Board,.8 Historical Table,. IO The Faculty, - - - .12 Chronological Table, - 14 Alumni Directory,.18 Statement Concerning Degrees,.5t Honorary Degrees Conferred, ------- 52 General Summary, .- 58 Alumni Officers, ---------- 59 Alumni Memoranda,.62 Alumni Incorporation,.- - 62 Memorial Tablet, ---------- 63 College Colors, ---------- 63 Index of Alumni and Honorary DEGREESj - 64 .4 UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. Organization of the University. In 1847 many friends of Christian education connected with'the Baptist denomination expressed a conviction that a university should be established by that body in the City of Rochester, the most promising center in an extensive area practically without an institution of higher learning. In October of the same year, at a meeting of citizens of Rochester, held in the City Hall, the idea of establishing a university in Rochester was emphatically endorsed, and pecuniary assistance was freely pledged to it by leading men of various denominations. A provisional charter was granted by the Regents of the University of the State of New York, January 31, 1850 ; and the University was opened to students in the autumn of that year. The conditions having been complied with, the Regents issued the charter under which the University is at present organized, February 14, 1851. The charter is in all respects similar to the old charter of Columbia College, in the City of New York, and invests the corporation “with all the privileges and powers conceded to any college in this State, pursuant to the provisions of the sixth section of the statute entitled, ‘An Act relative to the University,’ passed April 5, 1813.” Twenty of the twenty-four members constituting the Board of Trustees named in the charter, were of the religious body under whose auspices the University was founded, and a preponderance has always been maintained, now fixed at two-thirds, although various other denominations have been and are represented in the Board of Trustees and the Faculty of Instruction. Among its most liberal supporters have been representatives of other religious bodies, and in its lecture rooms students of every faith have always found a perfect equality. The immediate superintendence of the University is committed to nine members of the corporation, known as the Executive ALUMNI DIRECTORY. 5 Committee. This body meets monthly, is mainly composed of trustees resident in Rochester, and reports its transactions annually to the Board of Trustees. “It is the duty of the Executive Committee to satisfy themselves that the laws of the corporation are carried into effect by the officers, and obeyed by the students of the University.” The President of the Board of Trustees is the executive officer of that Board and of the Executive Committee, having “ general charge of the financial affairs of the institution.” The President of the University is the executive officer of the Board of Trustees and of the Executive Committee in “the internal administration of the University.” 6 UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. Board of Trustees. 1895 . Elected. EDWARD M. MOORE, M. D., LL. D., President , 74 S. Fitzhugh St., Rochester, N. Y. - - - - 1872 Gen. JOHN F. RATHBONE, First Vice-President, Albany, N. Y. - - - - 1857 GEO. C. BUELL, Second Vice-President, 37 Exchange St., Rochester, N. Y. - - - - - 1892 MARTIN W. COOKE, A. M., Attorney, {Class of 'bo), 29 State St., Rochester, N. Y. - 1871 CHARLES M. WILLIAMS, A. B., Secretary and Treasurer, (Class 0/ ’7/), 910 Wilder Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. - - 1888 ELON HUNTINGTON, 762 N. St. Paul St., Rochester, N. Y. - - Charter Member. EDWIN O. SAGE, A. B., (Class of '33), 526 Powers Block, Rochester, N. Y. - - - 1867 The Rev. CHARLES DeW. BRIDGMAN, D. D., (Class of'33), Cor. Lenox Ave. and i22d St., N. Y. City. - 1879 JOHN P. TOWNSEND, LL. D., 128 Bowery, N. Y. City. ------- 1876 Col. WILLIAM H. HARRIS, A. M., (Class of ’ 38 ), 35 Wall St., N. Y. City. - 1878 The Rev. ROBERT S. MacARTHUR, D. D., (Class of'67), 358 W. 57th St., N. Y. City. - 1878 JOHN H. DEANE, A. M., (Class of ’66), 1304 Havemeyer Bldg., N. Y. City. - 1879 JThe Rev. SAMUEL W. DUNCAN, D. D., Haverhill, Mass. - -- -- -- - 1884 The Hon. J. SLOAT FASSETT, A. B., (Class of'73), Elmira, N. Y. - - - - - - 1885 JOHN P. MUNN, M. D., (Class of'76), 18 W. 58th St., N. Y. City. - - - 1886 ALANSON J. FOX, 63 Alfred St., Detroit, Mich. - - - - - 1887 AL UMNI DIRECTORY. 7 COLGATE HOYT, A. M., 36 Wall St., N. Y. City. ------- i8 38 GEORGE C. HOLLISTER, B. S., (Class of ’77), 404 East Ave., Rochester, N. Y. - - - 1890 The Rev. W. H. P. FAUNCE, D. D., 2 W. 46th St., N. Y. City. *WILLIAM S. KIMBALL, 34 Court St., Rochester, N. Y. LEWIS P. ROSS, 48 N. St. Paul St., Rochester, N. Y. - - - - - 1892 tARTHUR G. YATES, 2 Elwood Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. - - - - - 1892 The Rev. HENRY C. VEDDER, A. M., (Class of'7^), Chester, Pa. ------ ^94 JOSEPH T. ALLING, A. M., (Class of ’76), 68 Exchange St., Rochester, N. Y. - - - 1895 The Hon. WALTER S. HUBBELL, A. B., (Class of '71), 711 Wilder Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. - - 1895 RUFUS A. SIBLEY, 134 E. Main St., Rochester, N. Y. - - - - 1895 EZRA R. ANDREWS, 1 Aqueduct St., Rochester, N. Y. - 1895 ^ Deceased 1895. tResigned 1895. 8 UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. ( Martin W. Cooke, A. M. For three years: k Lewis P. Ross. ( Ezra R. Andrews. ( Edward M. Moore, M. D., LL. D., Chairman . For two years : ■] Edwin O. Sage, A. B. ( George G. Hollister, B. S. ( Joseph T. Alling, A. M. For one year : j Elon Huntington. ( Charles M. Williams, A. B., Secretory. COMMITTEE ON INTERNAL MANAGEMENT. David J. Hill, LL. D. Edwin O. Sage, A. B. Joseph T. Alling, A. M. Edward M. Moore, M. D., LL. D., ex-officio. COMMITTEE ON LIBRARY AND CABINETS David J. Hill, LL. D. Martin W. Cooke, A. M. George C. Hollister, B. S. Edward M. Moore, M. D., LL. D., ex-officio. COMMITTEE ON BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS. Lewis P. Ross. Elon Huntington. Charles M. Williams, A. B. Edward M. Moore, M. D., LL. D., ex-officio. ALUMNI DIRECTORY. 9 COMMITTEE ON FINANCE. Martin W. Cooke, A. M. Edwin O. Sage,A. B. Charles M. Williams, A. B. Ezra R.'Andrews. ADVISORY COMMITTEE. George C. Buell. Lewis P. Ross. John P. Townsend, LL. D. FISCAL AGENT. The* Knickerbocker Trust Company, 234 Fifth Ave., New York City. COMMITTEE TO EXAMINE SECURITIES. John P. Munn, M. D. Colgate Hoyt, A. M. The Rev. Charles DeW. Bridgman, D. D. 10 UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER, HISTORICAL TABLE OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. s £ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 NAME. RESIDENCE. Elected. Succeeded by. Died .or Resigned. ♦Hon. William L. Marcy, LL. D. ♦Hon. Friend Humphrey. Albany, N. Y. Albany, N. Y .. No. 34 No. 28 No. 52 No. 35 No 63 Died 1857. Died 1854. Died 1876. Died 1859. Died 1884. ♦Hon. Ira Harris, LL. D., (Chancellor, 1850-531 . Albany, N. Y. ♦John N. Wilder, (President 1850-59)... ♦Smith Sheldon. Albany, N. Y. Albany N. Y. ♦Hon. Frederick Whittlesey, (Vice-President 1850-51). ♦Hon. William Pitkin, Rochester, N. Y .. No. 25 Died 1852. (Vice-President 1852-69). Rochester, N. Y. No. 42 Died 1869. ♦Everard Peck, A. M... Rochester, N. Y . ... No. 27 Died 1854. ♦David R. Barton. Rochester, N. Y. No. 44 Resigned 1871. ♦Hon. Elijah F. Smith.. Elon Huntington . Rochester, N. Y. Rochester, N. V... No. 61 Died 1880. ♦Edwin Pancost, (Treasurer 1850). ... ♦William N. Sage, (Secretary 1850, Sec¬ retary and Treasurer 1851-90). Rochester, N. Y. No. 38 Died 1867. Rochester, N. Y. No. 74 Died 1890. ♦Rev.William R.Williams,D. D.,LL. D. New York City. No. 46 Resigned 1871. ♦Robert Kelly, LL. D. New York City. No. 30 Resigned 1856. ♦Rev. Robert R. Raymond. Syracuse, N. Y. No. 33 Resigned 1854. ♦Rev. Henry Tower. . Waterville, N. Y. No. 26 Died 1853. ♦Hon. Seneca B. Burchard... Hamilton, N. Y. No. 32 Resigned 1857. ♦Hon. John Munro. Elbridge, N. Y... No. 36 Died 1860. ♦Rev. Alonzo Whelock, D. D. Vienna, N. Y. No. 43 Resigned 1871. ♦James Edmunds. Jeddo, N. Y. No. 31 Resigned 1857. ♦Roswell S. Burrows, A. M.. Albion, N. Y. No. 60 Died 1879. ♦Rawsou Harmon, Jr. Wheatland, N. Y. No. 51 Died 1873. ♦Rev. Velona R. Hotchkiss, D.D. Buffalo, N. Y. No. 29 and 68 [Resigned 1854, re-elected 1866, 1 (see No. a5). died 1882. Note.— The foregoing- are the original Charter Members. u o a c fc 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 38 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 ALUMNI DIRECTORY. 11 Historical Table—Continued. NAME. RESIDENCE. Died or Resigned. *Azariah Boody. . ♦Matthew Yassar. . ♦Gen. Jacob Gould. ♦James E. Southworth. ♦Gideon W. Burbank. ♦William Kelly.. Lewis Roberts . Gen. John F. Rathbone, (Vice Presi¬ dent from 1886). Rev. James O. Mason, D. D. ♦Henry W. Dean, M. D,„ A. M. Rev. Edward Lathrop, D. D. ♦Daniel C. Munro ... Gen. Marsena R. Patrick. Edwin O. Sage, (Class of ’53, Treasurer pro tern. 1890). . ♦Edward Bright, D. D., (Vice-Presi¬ dent 1872-85, President 1886-93).. .. ♦Hon. Hiram Sibley. ♦John B. Trevor, (President 1872-85).. ♦William A. Reynolds. Martin W. Cooke, A. M., (Class of ’60, Attorney from 1887). ♦Hon. F. A. Macomber, LL. D., (Class of ’59). Edward M. Moore, M. D., LL. D., (2d Vice President 1886-93, President from 1893). Timothy A. Porter, A. M... ♦Reziu A. Wight, A. M.. ♦Hon. Freeman Clark. ♦Hon. Samuel J. Tilden, LL. D. Russell Sage.. Jacob F. Wyckoff. Rev. Charles DeW. Bridgman, D. D_ (Class of ’55).. John P. Townsend, LL. D.. ♦David Gray .. Issac Sherman. Rev. Charles J. Baldwin. Col. William H. Harris, A. M., (Class of ’58). Rev. Robert S. MacArthur, D. D., (Class of ’67). ♦Charles Pratt. John H. Deane, (Class of ’66). ♦Jeremiah Millbank. Rev. Samuel W. Duncan, D. D. Hon. J. Sloat Fassett, (Class of ’75)... John P. Munn, M. D., (Class of ’70)... Alanson J. Fox. ♦Martin B. Anderson, LL. D., L. H. D. Colgate Hoyt, A. M. Charles M. Williams, A. B., (Class of ’71, Seci’etar.v and Treasurer from 1891) Rev. W. H. P. Faunce, D. D. George C. Hollister, B. S., (Class of ’77) Hiram W. Sibley. Henry G. Trevor. ♦Mortimer F. Reynolds. George C. Buell, (2d Vice-President from 1893). ♦William S. Kimball, A. B. Lewis P. Ross. Arthur G. Yates. Rev. Henry Clay Vedder, (Class of ’73) Joseph T. Ailing,A. M., (Class of ’76).. Hon. Walter S. Hubbell, (Class of ’71) Rufus A. Sibley. EzraR. Andrews. Rochester, N. Y. Poughkeepsie, N. Y.. Rochester, N. Y. Brooklyn, N. Y. Rochester, N. Y.. Rhinebeck, N. Y. New York City. Albany, N. Y. Union Village, N. Y.. Rochester, N. Y. Norwalk, Ct. . Elbridge, N. Y. Geneva, N. Y. Rochester, N. Y. New York City. Rochester. N. Y. Yonkers, N. Y. Rochester, N. Y. Rochester, N. Y. Rochester, N. Y. Rochester, N. Y . . New York City. New York City. Rochester, N. Y .. New York City. New York City. New York City... . New York City. New York City. Buffalo, N. Y . New York City.. Rochester, N. Y. New York City. New York City. Brooklyn, N. Y. New York City. New York City. Haverhill, Mass. Elmira, N. Y. New York City. Detroit, Mich. Rochester, N. Y. New York City_ Rochester, N. Y. New York City.. Rochester, N. Y. Rochester, N. Y. New York City. Rochester, N. Y. Rochester, N. Y. Rochester, N. Y.. .. Rochester, N. Y. Rochester, N. Y. Chester, Pa. Rochester, N. Y. Rochester, N. Y. Rochester, N. Y. Rochester, N. Y . 1852 No. 6 1853 No. 17 1854 No. 8 1854 No. 2 1854 No. 24 18-56 No. 15 1857 No. 21 1857 No. 18 1859 No. 16 1859 No. 1 1859 No. 4 1861 No. 19 1865 No. 25 1867 No. 12 1867 No. 33 1868 No. 27 1868 No. 26 1870 No. 7 1871 No. 20 1871 No. 9 1872 No. 37 1872 No. 14 1872 No. 30 1872 No. 42 1873 No. 28 1873 No. 29 1876 No. 23 1876 No. 3 1876 No. 46 1877 No. 36 1877 No. 50 1878 No. 34 1878 No. 55 1878 No. 51 1878 No. 49 1879 No. 22 1882 No. 10 1884 No. 54 1885 No. 1886 No. 61 1887 No. 59 1887 No. 56 1888 No. 48 1888 No. 24 1890 No. 66 1890 No. 47 1890 No. 40 1891 No. 41 1891 No. 71 1892 No. 13 1892 No. 73 1892 No. 72 1892 No. 31 1894 No. 1895 No. 75 1895 No. 44 1895 No. 77 1895 No. 62 Resigned 1865. (See No. 37.) Died 1868. (See No. 41.) Died 1868. (See No. 40.) Resigned 1873. (See No. 49.) Died 1873. (See No. 50.) Died 1872. (See No. 47.) Resigned 1892. (See No. 77.) Resigned 1866. (See No. 39.) Died Jan. 13,1878. (See No. 56.) Resigned 1866. (See No. 24.) Resigned 1877. (See No. 54.) Resigned 1872. (See No. 45.) Died May 17, 1894. (See No. 78.) Died 1889. (See No. 71.) Died 1890. (See No. 72.) Died 1872. (See No. 48.) Died Oct. 13, 1893. (See No. 80.) Resigned 1876. (See No. 53.) Died 1890. (See No. 70.) Died 1888. (See No. 67.) Resigned 1878. (See No. 59.) Resigned 1877. (See No. 55.) Resigned 1878. (See No. 58.) Resigned 1884. (See No. 62.) Declined the Office. (Se ■ No. 57.) Resigned 1887. (See No. 66 .) Resigned 1887. (See No. 65.) Died 1884. (See No. 64) Resigned 1895. (See No. 82.) Died Feb’y 26,189 o! ' ‘(See No. 69.) Declined the Office. (See No. 73.) Resierned 1892. (See No. 76.) Died June 13,1892. (See No. 75.) Died March 26, 1895. (See No. 79.) Resigned i895. (See No. 81.) 12 UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. The Faculty of 1895-96. DAVID J. HILL, LL. D., - - - - 216 University Avenue. President of the University, and Burbank Professor of Intellectual and Moral Philosophy. *ASAHEL C. KENDRICK, D. D., LL. D., - 301 Alexander Street . Munro Professor of the Greek Language and Literature . SAMUEL A. LATTIMORE, Ph. D., LL. D., - 271 University Avenue. Professor of Chemistry, and Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Faculty. ALBERT H. MIXER, A. M., - - - 280 University Avenue . Professor of'Modern Languages. JOSEPH H. GILMORE, Ph. D.,. 31 Park Avenue. Deane Professor of Rhetoric and English. OTIS H. ROBINSON, Ph. D., - 273 Alexander Street . Harris Professor of Natural Philosophy. WILLIAM C. MOREY, Ph. D., - - - - 4.26 Powers Block. Watson Professor of History and Political Science. HENRY F. BURTON, A. M., ----- 10 Arnold Park. Professor of Latin. GEORGE M. FORBES, A. M.,. 16 Tracy Park. Professor of Philosophy and Pedagogy. : Not giving instruction. ALUMNI DIRECTORY . 13 HERMAN L. FAIRCHILD, B. S., 20 Tracy Park. Professor of Geology and Natural History, and Curator of the Geological Museum. ARTHUR LATHAM BAKER, C. E., Ph . D ., - 28 Strathallan Park. Professor of Mathematics. CHARLES WRIGHT DODGE, M. S., - - - 34 Oxford Street. Professor of Biology, and Curator of the Zoological Museum. KENDRICK P. SHEDD, A. B., - - - - 74. Clifton Street. Instructor in Modern Languages. HENRY E. LAWRENCE, A. M., - .... 63 Prince St. Instructor in Physics. ADELBERT HAMILTON, A. M., - - - 16 Greenwood Avenue. Instructor in Latin and Greek. ROLAND P. GRAY, A. B., Instructor in English. Registrar and Secretary of the Faculty, HERMAN L. FAIRCHILD, B. S., - 20 Tracy Park. Librarian, ARTHUR LATHAM BAKER, C. E., Ph. D., - . 28 Strathallan Park. Assistant Librarian, HERMAN K. PHINNEY, A. M., 8 Brighton A venue. 14 UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. Presidents of the University. Hon. IRA HARRIS, LL. D. Chancellor, 1850-53. MARTIN BREWER ANDERSON, LL. D., L. H. D. 1853-1888. Resigned March 15 , 1888 ; died February 26 , 1890 . DAVID JAYNE HILL, LL. D. Appointed June 18, 1888. The Faculty. CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. Rev. ASAHEL CLARK KENDRICK, D. D., LL. D. Professor of the Greek Language and Literature, from 1850 . Librarian, 1850 - 68 . *JOHN FRAM RICHARDSON, A. M. Professor of the Latin Language and Literature, 1850 - 68 . *JOHN HOWARD RAYMOND, LL. D. Professor of History and Belles Lettres, 1850 - 55 . *Rev. CHESTER DEWEY, M. D., D. D., LL. D. Professor of the Natural Sciences, 1850 - 68 . *Rev. JOHN SHARP MAGINNIS, D. D. Professor of Intellectual and Moral Philosophy, 1850 - 52 . *Rev. THOMAS JEFFERSON CONANT, D. D. Professor of the Hebrew Languageand Literature, 1850 - 54 . *E. PESHINE SMITH. Acting Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, 1850 - 51 . ALBERT HARRISON MIXER, A. M. Tutor in History and Languages, 1850 - 52 . Professor of the Modern Languages, 1855 - 58 . Professor of the Modern Languages, from 1867 . *ISAAC FERDINAND QUINBY, LL. D. Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, 1851 - 84 . HEMAN LINCOLN WAYLAND, A. M. Tutor in Greek and History, 1852 - 54 . ALUMNI DIRECTORY. 15 *MARTIN BREWER ANDERSON, LL. D., L. H. D. President of the University, 1853 - 88 . Professor of Intellectual and Moral Philosophy, 1853 - 87 . Professor of Intellectual and Moral Philosophy and of Political Economy, 1887 - 88 . Professor of Political Economy, 1888 -go. *Rev. EZEKIEL GILMAN ROBINSON, D. D., LL. D. Professor of Natural and Revealed Religion, 1853 - 54 . *Rev. SEWALL SYLVESTER CUTTING, D. D. Professor of Rhetoric and History, 1855 - 68 . *Rev. henry fowler, a. m. Professor of Political Economy, 1855 - 58 . HENRY AUGUSTUS WARD, A. M., F. R. G. S. Professor of the Natural Sciences, 1861 - 75 . *ALONZO JONAH HOWE, A. M. Acting Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, 1862 - 63 . Rev. WILLIAM CLEAVER WILKINSON, D. D. Professor of Modern Languages, ad interim , 1863 - 64 . OTIS HALL ROBINSON, Ph. D. Tutor in Mathematics, 1864 - 67 . Assistant Librarian, 1866 - 68 ; Librarian. 1868 - 89 . Assistant Professor of Mathematics, 1867 - 69 . Professor of Mathematics, 1869 - 84 . Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, 1884 - 91 . Professor of Natural Philosophy, from 1891 . *Rev. JAMES ORTON, A. M. Instructor in the Natural Sciences, 1867 - 68 . Rev. SAMUEL ALLAN LATTIMORE, Ph. D., LL. D. Professor of Chemistry, from 1867 . Curator of the Cabinets, 1871 - 79 . Rev. JOSEPH HENRY GILMORE, Ph. D. Professor of Logic, Rhetoric and English Literature, 1867 - 92 . Professor of Rhetoric and English, from 1892 . WILLIAM WALLACE GILBERT, A. M. Tutor in Latin, 1868 - 69 . DAVID G. PORTER, A. B. Instructor in Latin, 1869 . WILLIAM CAREY MOREY, Ph. D. Tutor in Latin, 1869 - 70 . Professor of the Latin Language and Literature, 1872 - 77 . Professor of Latin and History, 1877 - 83 . Professor of History and Political Science, from 1883 . Rev. ADONIRAM JUDSON SAGE, D. D. Professor of the Latin Language and Literature, 1870 - 72 . HENRY FAIRFIELD BURTON, A. M. Assistant Professor of Latin, 1877 - 83 . Professor of Latin, from 1883 . GEORGE MATHER FORBES, A. M. Assistant Professor of Greek, 1881 - 86 . Professor of Greek, 1886 - 93 . Professor of Greek and Logic, 1893 - 94 . Professor of Philosophy and Pedagogy, from 1894 . i6 UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. EDWARD R. BENTON, Ph. D. Assistant Professor of Geology and Natural History, 1881 - 83 . HARRISON EDWIN WEBSTER, M. D., LL. D. Professor of Geology and Natural History, 1883 - 88 . GEORGE DANIEL OLDS, A.M. Assistant Professor of Mathematics, 1884 - 86 . Professor of Mathematics, 1886 - 19 . HERMAN LeROY FAIRCHILD, B. S. Professor of Geology and Natural History, from 1888 . Curator of the Geological Museum, from 1890 . DAVID JAYNE HILL, LL. D. President of the University, from 1888 . Professor of Intellectual and Moral Philosophy, from 1889 . Rev. JAMES ROSS LYNCH, A. B. Instructor in Mathematics, 1889 - 91 . CHARLES WRIGHT DODGE, M. S. Instructor in Biology, 1890 - 92 . Curator of the Zoological Museum, from 1890 . Professor of Biology, from 1892 . KENDRICK PHILANDER SHEDD, A. B. Instructor in Modern Languages, from 1890 . ARTHUR LATHAM BAKER, C. /E., Ph. D. Professor of Mathematics, from 1891 . Librarian, from 1892 . RYLAND MORRIS KENDRICK, A. B. Instructor in Latin and Greek, 1891 - 94 . Rev. WILLIAM PRESCOTT McKENZIE, B. A. Instructor in English, 1892 - 95 . Rev. WALTER ROBERT BETTERIDGE, A. M. Instructor in Old Testament History and Literature, 1892 - 93 . HENRY EDMUND LAWRENCE, A. M. Instructor in Physics, from 1894 . HOLLISTER ADELBERT HAMILTON, A. B. Instructor in Latin and Greek, from 1894 . ROLAND PALMER GRAY, A. B. Instructor in English, from 1895 . ALUMNI DIRECTORY. 17 ASSISTANT LIBRARIANS. ALBERT HARRISON MIXER, A. M., 1850-52. ♦EZRA JOB FISH, A. B., 1852-54. ♦WILLIAM PETERS EVERETT, A. B., 1853-55. PHILIP SAFFERY EVANS, A. B. 1855-57. DANIEL BOWEN, A. B., 1857-58. LEMUEL MOSS, A. B., 1858-59. EBENEZER PACKWOOD, A. B., 1859-61. JEROME EDWIN ROCKWOOD, 1861-63. WILLIAM POTTS HELLINGS, 1863-64. OTIS HALL ROBINSON, A. M., 1867-68. JOHN HART SCOTT, A. B., 1870-72. ARCHIBALD CHARLES WILKINS, 1872-74. ♦SPENCER HEDDEN FREEMAN, 1874-75. HENRY ADELBERT CRONISE, 1875-77. JOHN FRANKLIN FORBES, 1877-78. HENRY WELLS CONKLIN, 1878-79. WILLIAM POOLE GOODRICH, 1879-80. HERMAN KENT PHINNEY, A. M., from 1880. GENERAL AGENT AND FINANCIAL SECRETARY. ♦LeROY SATTERLEE, A. M., 1869-71. JANITORS. ♦JAMES NOBLE, 1850-68. ♦ELIJAH WITH ALL, 1868-92. JAMES HENRY CRAIGIE, from June 14, 1892. UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. Every Alumnus received at Graduation the Degree of Bachelor of Arts unless otherwise Indicated Herein. Class of 1851. *George B. Brand, A. M., Prof. Alexander A. Brooks, Ph. D., *Rev. Nathan J. Clark, Rev. Andrew L. Freeman, A. M., *Wakefield G. Frye, A. M., • *Rev. William D. Hedden, D. D., *Henrv P. Kimball, A. M., *James E. Spencer, A. M., Samuel W. Stanley, A. M., Rev. Robert Telford, 10—*6. Died February 10, 1871. Corpus Christi, Tex. Died February 18, 1888. Canandaigua, N. Y. Died August 14, 1893. Died December 24, 1890. Died May 10, 1889. Died November 27, 1880. Rockford, Ill. Station G. Philadelphia, Pa. Class of 1852. Rev. Charles R. Burdick, A. M., * Henry F. Carpenter, Elisha M. Carpenter, A. M., 176th St, ^Stephen H. Carpenter, LL. D., *Rev. George S. Chace, A. M., Edward H. Davis, M. D., *Rev. Jeremiah C. Drake, Rev. Justin D. Fulton, D. D., *Rev. John B. Jones, Pres. Franklin S. Lyon, A. M., Rev. Charles C. Norton, D. D., Rev. Henry A. Rose, * James M. Savage, U. S. A., Rev. James V. Scofield, D. D., Rev. John Byington Smith, D. Rev. Sylvenus A. Taft, D. D., Oconto, Wis. Died March 15, 1881. and 10th Ave., New York City. Died December 6, 1878. Died June 27, 1871. 92 State St., Rochester, N. Y. Died June 2, 1864. Braston Ave., Somerville, Mass. Died June 17, 1876. Fredonia, N. Y. 209 E. 82d St., New York City. Grand Rapids, Mich. Died June 1, 1864. Canton, Mo. D., Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Alameda, Cal. ALUMNI DIRECTORY. 19 *Rev. George P. Watrous, Died June 26, 1894. *Simon P. Webster, A. M., Died April 7, 1888. 18—*8. Class of 1853. *Rev. William P. Everett, A. M., *Rev. Ezra J. Fish, D. D., *Rev. Edgar J. Goodspeed, D. D., *Rev. Dillis D. Hamilton, *Prin. Chester W. Heywood, A. M., Rev. Benjamin D. Marshall, D. D.., Rev. James J. McIntyre, *Rev. Ebenezer Nisbet, D. D., *Rev. Sidney E. Richardson, Edwin O. Sage, *Isaac Seeley, *Fordyce Williams, 12—*9. Died March 23, 1893. Died January 22, 1890. Died June 12, 1881. Died July 22, 1876. Died January 2, 1890. Worcester, Mass. Spencer, S. Dak. Died July 22, 1893. Died February 16, 1862. Rochester, N. Y. Died March 22, 1877. Died December 25, 1855. Class of 1854, Rev. Galusha Anderson, S. T. D., LL. D Univ Hon. Joseph M. Bailey, LL. D., *Tilson C. Barden, A. M., *Rev. Amos Judson Barrett, D. D., Randolph C. Brant, *Rev. George M. Condron, *Rev. Archibald L. Farr, Robert P. Fenn, Samuel P. Fenn, C. E., Rev. Lucian L. Gage, *Rev. Stephen Keyes, Jr., *Rev. Hoyes Lloyd, A. M., * Edward J. McKendrie, Rev. Jonathan D. Merrell, A. M., *Prof. John C. Overhiser, Ph. D., Rev. James H. Phelps, A. M., Prof. Norman Robinson, A. M., Henry Strong, LL. D., *Rev. George Webster, 19—*9. . of Chicago, Chicago, Ill. Freeport, Ill. Died November 5, 1877. Died October 20, 1889. E. Portland, Oregon. Died April 14, 1870. Died November 28, 1886. Pittston, Pa. Pittston, Pa. DeRuyter, N. Y. Died July 11, 1868. Died June 7, 1877. Died June 1, 1892. Marion, N. Y. Died May 1, 1892. Flushing, Mich. Orlando, Fla. Lake Geneva, Wis. Died February 24, 1877. 20 UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESIER. Class of 1855. Rev. Charles De W. Bridgman, D. D., 18 W. I22d St, New York City. *Milton A. Brown, A. M., Rev. Darwin H. Cooley, D. D. Svlvenus A. Ellis, Ph. D., Andrew J. Ensign, Rev. Philip S. Evans, Rev. William T. Fagan, Prof. Wm. W. Fay, A. M. Rev. Norman Fox, D. D., Died August 9, 1858. Morgan Park, Ill. 13 Clifton St., Rochester, N. Y. 160 Broadway, New York City. 32 Trumbull St., New Haven, Conn. Amsterdam, N. Y. U. S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md. Morristown, N. J. Rev. William C. Learned, A. M., Pastor Woodlawn Park Bap. Church, Chicago, Ill. Hon. Manton Marble, 532 Fifth Ave., New York City. *Rev. Abner Kingman Nott, Died July 7, 1859. Ira L. Otis, 243 Powers Blk., Rochester, N. Y. Rev. William C. Pratt, Sheldon, la. Rev. Nelson S. Smith, A. M., S. Rutland, N. Y. Charles W. Turner, Dighton, Mass. Rev. Albemarle D. Williams, Brooklyn Centre, Minn. 17—*2. Class of 1856. ^Charles P. Achilles, Rev. Daniel Bowen, Rev. George M. W. Carey, D. Thomas B. Clarkson, B. S., LL Abram Colby, Rev. Henry F. Hickok, D. D., *Prof. Alonzo J. Howe, A. M., Rev. Melvin Jameson, D. D., *Hon. Edmund L. Joy, Prof. John Leslie, A. M., *David Link, *Edwin J. Pickett, A. M., *Rolland F. Sheldon, 151 James Sylla, A. M., *Rev. Simon Tuska, Rev. Edwin S. Walker, A. M., Rev. Shadrach Washington, *John N. Whidden, Died September 20, 1878. Jacksonville, Fla. D., 272 Princess St., St John, N. B. . B., 172 W.ioth St., New York City. Waverly, la. Vergennes, Vt. Died February 7, 1890. Alton, Ill. Died February 14, 1892. Frederick College, Frederick, Md. Died April 2, 1867. Died October 13,. 1866. Died May 1, 1868. Died January 14, 1865. Died March 1, 1872. Springfield, Ill. Port Jervis, N. Y. Died March 19, 1889. 18—*9. ALUMNI DIRECTORY. 21 Class of 1857. Rev. Horace H. Allen, ^Theodore E. Baker, A. M., Alexander Barnes, ^Joseph R. Bellamy, A. M., James D. Brown, A. M., Rev. Flavius J. Cather, Augustus P. Cooke, John W. Curtis, George P. Draper, M. S., Narcisse Duval, Hon. Timothy E. Ellsworth Holland Patent, N. Y. Died June 1, 1863. Minneapolis, Minn. Died July 11, 1866. 95 Nassau St., New York City. Franklin, Ind. New York City. 1421 Vine St., Lacrosse, Wis. 212 Powers Blk., Rochester, N. Y. 93 St. James .St., Montreal, Canada. Lockport, N. Y. Rev. Corliss B. Gardner, D. D., Rochester, N. Y. Julius R. Higgins, Monango, Dickey Co., N. Dakota. 47 E. 10th St., New York City. Goochland, Va. Died May 22, 1865. formerly 162 La Salle St., Chicago, Ill. 17 W. 5th St., New York City. 448 Powers Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. Rev. William C. Wilkinson, D. D., Univ. of Chicago, Chicago, Ill. Homer M. Williams, Batavia, N. Y. 21—*3. John R. Howard, A. M';, Rev. Eli H. Hurlbutt, * Lewis W. Merritt, D. Henry Sheldon, B. S. Isaac E. Sheldon, B. S., George Truesdale, Class of 1858. Maj. Willard Abbott, Rev. Almon C. Bacone, A. M., Rev. Cephas B. Crane, D. D., ^Gardner S. Cutting, A. M., Thomas Dransfield, A. M., 2623 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Bacone, Ind. Ter. Concord, N. H. Died April 4, 1883. 500 Exchange St., Rochester, N. Y. Rev. Jacob S. Gubelmann, D. D., 39 Brighton Ave., Rochester, N. Y. Capt. Wm. Harkness, LL. D., U. S. National Observatory, Washington, D. C. Col. William H. Harris, A. M., 35 Wall St., New York City. *John S. Higgins, Died May 21, 1894. ^Egbert Hurd, Died September 1, 1866. Rev. Samuel P. Merrill, . 28 Rowley St., Rochester, N. Y. Rev. Henry L. Morehouse, D. D., 111 Fifth Ave., New York* City. Lemuel Moss, D. D., LL. D., Woodbury, N. J. UNIVERSITV OF ROCHESTER. *Rev. Orrin Munger, Brig.-General Elwell S. Otis, Rev. Adoniram J. Padelford, Prof. Francis B. Palmer, Ph. William T. Rockwood, Rev. Thomas Rogers, D. D., *Rev. Isaac C. Seeley, *Hon. Howard M. Smith, William O. Stoddard, Rev. Hugh C. Townley, D. D *Rev. Ambrose F. Willey, Died March i, 1862. Vancouver Barracks, Wash. D. D., Calais, Me. D., Fredonia, N. Y. Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Elbridge, N. Y. Died December 24, 1874. Died March 11, 1890. Madison, N. J. , 49 Howell St., Canandaigua, N. Y. Died April 2, 1868. 24—*7. Class of 1859. Prof. Stephen P. Barrett, A. M., Rev. Increase Child, *Col. Ira C. Clark, A. M, Prof. John C. C. Clarke, A. M., *John P. Colby, LL. D., *John W. DeLong, * Elmore W. Denison, *Hon. Oscar Folsom, A. M., Hon. Joshua Gaskill, A. M., *Hon. Abel Godard, Adoniram. J. Gould, A. M., Hon. Edward P. Gould, A. M., Rev. John H. Griffith, D. D., Rev. Thomas Al Hall, * George W. Houghton, Rev. Allen E. Kitchen, *Daniel E. Lent, '‘'William M. Mackey, *Hon. Francis A. Macomber, LL. D., Malcolm McVicar, LL. D., Rev. Ebenezer Packwood, A. M., 1864. 1875- N. Y. I89I. Baker City, Oregon. Linden, N. Y. Died April 8, 1865. Upper Alton, Ill. Died May 1, 1893. Died March 24, 1867. Died June 1, Died July 23, Lockport, Died July 25, Pomona, Cal. ., Erie, Pa. Owego, N. Y. Elk Grove, Sacramento County, Cal. Died September 14, 1859. Lanesboro, Pa. Died June 3, 1891. Died April 22, 1869. Died October 13, 1893. Montclair, N. J. Waterloo, N. Y. Gen. Francis E. Pierce, A. M., 1223 7th St., South Minneapolis, Minn. Arthur B. Rathbone, A. M., Oakfield, N. Y. *Prof. David H. Robinson, Ph. D., Died July 21, 1895. Rev.Wiiffield Scott, D. D., Chaplain U. S. Army, Phoenix, Arizona. William W. Shaw, 741 Golden Gate Ave., San Francisco, Cal. Rev. Pulaski E. Smith, Seneca Falls, N. Y. 27—*11. ALUMNI DIRECTORY. 23 Class of i860. 56 Broadway, New York City. Died December 31, 1865. 29 State St., Rochester, N. Y. Died April 2, 1872. Danville, Pa. Haverhill, Mass. Webster, Mass. Univ. of Chicago, Chicago, Ill. Died March 1, 1861. Arcade, N. Y. 6731 S. 6th St., St. Louis, Mo. Drummondsville, Ont. Nunda, N. Y. Died February 1, 1882. Rev. Ezekiel W. Mundy, A. M., Central Library, Syracuse, N. Y. Rev. David Henry Palmer, D. D., Penn Yan, N. Y. Samuel C. Pierce, A. M., Prin. School No. 4, Rochester, N. Y. 133 Plymouth Ave., Rochester, N. Y. Willink, N. Y. Shelburne Falls, Mass. 137 Meigs St., Rochester, N. Y. Red Oak Junction, la. Rev. Adoniram J. Sage, D. .D., 66 Hollister St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Rev. Charles S. Sheffield, A. M., 804 E. 8th St., Topeka, Kan. *Rev. Theo. W. Sheppard, Died December 16, 1892. Rev. Charles E. Smith, D. D., Fredonia, N. Y. Rev. William Stewart, D. D., Toronto, Ont. * Lieut. Sylvanus S. Wilcox, 157 N. Y. V., Died November 27, 1863. Francis A. Williams, P. O. Box 864, Corning, N. Y. Rev. George F. Williams, Millwood, Clark County, Va. Rev. James Work, 441 Vermont St., Buffalo, N. Y. 31—*6. Charles C. Barton, A. M., ^Charles E. Caldwell, Martin W. Cooke, A. M., 511 Rev. Francis H. Davis, Francis C. Derr, Rev. Robert G. Farley, Rev. Thomas T. Filmer, A. M., Rev. Charles E. Hewitt, D. D., ^William G. Huffman, B. S., Andrew J. Knight, Rev. Theophilus J. Koetzli, David McKenzie, B. S., C. E., James M. McNair, A. M., * Edwin P. March, Charles F. Pond, Rev. Richard F. Powers, Henry M. Puffer, A. M., Samuel W. Puffer, A. M., Charles E. Richards, Class of 1861. *Rev. Abijah L. Baker, Rev. Kendrick W. Benton, A. M., *Rev. Cyrus A. Chilcott, Rev. Milton B. Comfort, A. M., Seneca Coon, Died-December 15, 1866. Englewood, Ill. Died December 30, 1865. Ripley, N. Y. Englewood, Ill. 24 UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. Rev. Thomas Cull, Charles A. Dewey, M. D., William S. Ely, M. D., A. M, *Rev. Francis. D. Fenner, A. * George F. Gardner, William Wallace Gilbert, A. Rev. Gavin L. Hamilton, A. Robert W. Hardy, M. S., *Ira Holmes, William S. Lee, A. M., Oliver B. Leonard, Rev. James P. Ludlow, Rev. Robert Mackwood, A. * Alonzo T. Mason, Walter B.-Moore, A. M., ^William R. Oatley, M. S., Prof. Otis H. Robinson, Ph. *Capt. Charles H. Savage, Rev. Augustus C. Shaw, D. John H. Young, Greenwich, N. Y. 78 S. Fitzhugh St., Rochester, N. Y. ., 78 S. Fitzhugh St., Rochester, N. Y. M., Died January 29, 1894. Died November 2, 1864. M., 20 Arnold Pk., Rochester, N. Y. M., 29 Sophia St., Rochester, N. Y. formerly Rochester, N. Y. Died March 18, 1895. Crichton Club, London, Eng. Plainfield, N. J. Yokahoma, Japan. M., formerly New Castle, Pa. Died April 7, 1872. 346 Broadway, New York City. Died September 20, 1886. D, 273 Alexander St., Rochester, N. Y. Died August 30, 1862. D., Wellsborough, Pa. 1655 Court Place, Denver, Col. 25—*8. Class of 1862. George A. Allin, Rev. William F. Bainbridge, *Rev. Charles E. Barto, *Daniel Smith Benjamin, A. M., *George W. Brown, A. M., Edward S. Churchill, A. M., Aaron Clark, M. D., 115 Broadway, New York City. Wilmington, Del. Died August 19, 1883. Died December 20, 1892. Died July 9, 1872. Napa City, Cal. Grand Rapids, Mich. 419 California St., San Francisco, Cal. Jersey City, N. J. Hon. Albert W. Crandall, Edward Gilbert, A. M., Grove K. Gilbert, A. M., Dept, of Interior, Geological Survey, Washington, D. C. Franklin B. Hutchinson, B. S., 49 Arcade, Rochester, N. Y. Prof. Elias H. Johnson, D. D., Crozer Theo. Sem’y, Chester, Pa. Rev. William J. Leonard, A. M., Bolton, Mass. Prof. Thomas B. Lovell, A. M., • Niagara Falls, N. Y. Rev. Ezra F. Owen, A. M., 1206 O. St., Washington, D. C. * Edwin H. Pancost, Died January 15, 1865. ALUMNI DIRECTORY. 25 Rev. Curtis B. Parsons, Reuben T. Pettengill, George F. Ritso, ^Clinton J. Sheldon, Hon. Albion W. Tourgee, LL. D., *Rev. Alvin W. Tousey, A. M., Hon. Russell M. Tuttle, A. M., ♦John H. West, A. M., 24—*7. Oswego, N. Y. Madison, Wis. Auckland, New Zealand. Died May 5, 1864. Mayville, N. Y. Died September 5, 1871. Hornellsville, N. Y. Died December 5, 1868. Class of 1863. Francis W. Abbott, M. D., Henry E. Barton, Rev. Bethuel H. Brasted, Henry A.- Cady, A. M., Alonzo R. Clarkson, Rolland C. Cooke, Rev. Henry Cooper, *Hon. Moreau S. Crosby, A. M., George C. Densmore, Rev. Albertus A. Drown, Rev. Philip P. Farnham, Rev. Merritt Gaily, A. M., ' Buffalo, N. Y. Seattle, Wash. Brooking, S. Dakota. Tacoma Park, Washington, D. C. Buffalo, N. Y. Whitehall, N. Y. Mt. Vernon, Ill. Died September" 15, 1893. Brooklyn, N. Y. Claremore, Ind. Ter. Stockbridge, Mich. 130 Fulton St., New York City. Rev. Thomas W. Goodspeed, D. D., 5630 Kimbark Ave., Chicago, Ill. Rev. John D. Griebel, Cincinnati, O. Jacob A. Hoekstra, 103 E. Main St., Rochester, N. Y. Darwin M. Inman, Vermillion, S. Dak. Rev. John L. Jenkins, Preston, la. Rossiter Johnson, Ph. D., LL. D., 72 Fifth Ave., New York City. Rev. William M. Jones, A. M, Buffalo, N. Y. Hon. Carl T. Kreyer, Ph. D., 5 Carlsbad, Berlin, W., Germany. Joseph O’Connor, 103 E. Main St., Rochester, N. Y. 360 E. Main St., Rochester, N. Y. 116 W. Grand St., Elizabeth, N. J. 31 Milk St, Boston, Mass. 301 Beckley Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. Peru, Neb. Clifton Springs, N. Y. Clarence, N. Y. Died September 16, 1891. John W. Oothout, Alonzo Pettit, M. D., A. M., Hon. Edward H. Pierce, Charles C. Puffer, Rev. Jerome E. Rockwood, Rev. Volney A. Sage, Donald J. Sinclair, ^Maurice R. Stettheimer, 26 UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. James Stillman, A. M., Pleasant View, Ky. Rev. Amos Weaver, Tama, la. Rev. Artemas Wetherbee, A. M.,Vicksburgh, Kalamazoo Co., Mich. 32—*2. Class of 1864. Pres. Truman J. Backus, LL. D., Packer Inst., Brooklyn, N. Y. Oliver M. Benedict, Park Ave. Hotel, New York City. *Prin. Henry C. Bosley, A. M., Died February 27, 1890. Rev. James H. Brittain, *Prof. John H. Brooking, William B. Burke, Alexander Cameron, Dyer A. Carpenter, Edward D. Chapin, *Rev. John Craft, George F. Davis, *Henry S. Dean, ^William H. Dickinson, Prof. Joseph D. Fisher, A. M., Charles Forbes, M. D., B. S., * Leonard J. Gaylord, Rev. William P. Hellings, D. D., Rev. Joseph K. Howard, A. M., *Rev. Charles H. Johnson, James H. Kelly, George P. Ludlam, *DeWitt C. Mastin, LL. B. John Nelson, Arthur D. Norton, Pittston, Pa. Died May 1, 1867. 37 Mortimer St., Rochester, N. Y. Woodville, Victoria Co., Ont. 1014 21st St., Oakland, Cal. 13 Canal St., Rochester, N..Y. Died December 11, 1872. 415 Johnston Building, Cincinnati, O. Died December 29, 1871. Died March 14, 1883. 231 N. 7th St., Janesville, Wise. 289 West Ave., Rochester, N. Y. Died May 1, 1889. Omaha, Neb. Livonia, Ind. Died April 15, 1884. 6 Hawthorne St., Rochester, N. Y. 8 W. 16th St., New York City. Died January 5, 1893. 95 Nassau St., New York City. Rock Creek, Idaho. Rev. Masklin C. B. Oakley, A. M., 140 Fifth Ave., New York City. Rev. Marshall M. Padelford, Ludlow, Ill. Lucius B. Parmele, M. D,, A. M., Batavia, N. Y. Hon. Sereno E. Payne, Auburn, N. Y. * Charles E. Porter, Died August 26, 1894. *Samuel Porter, Died March 6, 1881. *Prof. Milton G. Potter, A. M., , Died January 28, 1878. Prof. Harrah J. Reynolds, A. M., 11 Harvard St. Rochester, N. Y. * Albert J. Taylor, Died May 5, 1870. *Samuel P. Wakelee, Died June 21, 1892. Rev. Charles W. Wood, Mt. Freedom, N. J. 36—*13. ALUMNI DIRECTORY. 27 Class of 1865. William H. Allen, M. D., A. M., Pekin, Ill. * Alvin L. Barton, Died June 21, 1884. Prof. Wayland R. Benedict, A. M., Univ. of Cin., Cincinnati, O. William H. Caldwell, 6 Jones St., Rochester, N. Y. Edwin S. Chittenden, 1st Nat’l Bk. Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Rev. Hiram W. Congdon, A. M., Wyoming, N. Y. *Hon. James R. Doolittle, Jr., Died August 8, 1889. Charles C. Farnham, M. D., A. M., Randolph, Mass. Rev. Willis C. Gaylord, Charles J. Glass, Rev. Marcus E. Hayne, *Homer H. Hendee, Rev. Isaac Horton, Rev. Philip L. Jones, D. D., William S. Kellogg, William H. Kenyon, Daniel B. Kilpatrick, Prof. Burr Lewis, A. M., Charles B. Lindsey, Henry L. Robinson, A. M., William Lincoln Sage, A. M., *Rev. Gilbert N. Sears, Joseph H. Sheppard, William H. Shields, Charles S. Starr, M. D., A. M., John Harry Stedman, Richard H. Warfield, *Pres. Augustus C. Winters, A. M., 80 Jones St., Rochester, N. Y. Syracuse, N. Y. Charlevoix, Mich. Died March 1, 1892. Parshallville, Mich. 1420 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Peoria, Ill. Oswego, N. Y. Woodland, Mich. Lincoln Normal Univ., Normal, Neb. Chatham Centre, Columbia Co., N. Y. Cleveland, O. 170 Congress St., Boston, Mass. Died January 22, 1893. Camden, N. J. Detroit, Mich. 95 North St., Rochester, N. Y. 123 Troup St., Rochester, N. Y. San Francisco, Cal. Died July 3, 1887. 28—*5. Class of 1866. Hackley B. Bacon, B. S., London, Eng. Rev. Albert Coit, D. D., Cook Acad., Montour Falls, N. Y. Charles F. Dean, 3 Smith Block, Rochester, N. Y. John H. Deane, A. M., 1304 Havemeyer Bldg., New York City. Rev. Joseph A. Ely, 78 S. Fitzhugh St., Rochester, N. Y. John Fahy, 74 State St., Rochester, N. Y. Francis Forbes, LL. B., 137 Broadway, New York City. 28 UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. Peter V. Jackson, Hon. James F. Keeney, Alexander B. Lamberton, Horace McGuire, Rev. Alonzo K. Parker, D. Rev. Farley Porter, Hon. George Raines, A. M., Mark H. Reynolds, Alfred S. Targett, Rev. Adam H. Todd, Herve D. Wilkins, 36 William Winterbottom, D. Prof. Edward Witherspoon William E. Witherspoon, Red Bluff, Mont. 1123 Chamber of Com., Chicago, Ill. 184 W. Main St., Rochester, N. Y. 711 Wilder Block, Rochester, N. Y. D., 43^ Seeley Ave., Chicago, Ill. Elba, N. Y. 9 Roch. Sav. Bk. Bid.,Rochester, N. Y. May Fair, Cook Co., Ill. Cohoes, N. Y. Binghamton, N. Y. Roch. Sav. Bk. Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. D. S., Germantown, Pa. , Haverford College, Pa. 40 State St., Rochester, N. Y. 21. Class of 1867. Charles M. Allen, 732 Granite Block, Rochester, N. Y. Rev. Edward P. Bartlett, 718 E. 9th St., Des Moines, la. * Willard R Bissell, Died August 19, 1878. Horace E. Burt, LL. B., 423 E. 8th St., Minneapolis, Minn. Rev. Charles P. Coit, D. D., Pastor Memorial Presbyterian Church, Rochester, N. Y. *James E. Cheney, Jr., Died May 1, 1886. *George O. Emerson, Died December 11, 1890. George H. Fox, M. D., 18 E. 31st St., New York City. * Harlan P. Gage, Died February 1, 1891. Rev. Judson W. Harris, Omaha, Neb. Edward T. Hunt, Union Club, 5th Ave. and 21st St., New York City. ^Charles G. Kingman, A. M., Died November 2, 1892. Rev. Robert S. MacArthur, D. D., 358 W. 57th St., New York City. James Breck Perkins, Rochester, N. Y. Eugene H. Satterlee, LL. B., 19 W. Main St., Rochester, N. Y. Rev. James M. Sterrett, D. D., Columbian Univ.,Washington, D. C. *George W. Stanton, Died March 1, 1893. *Rev. Edwin A. Taft, Died January 11, 1877. William II. Truesdale, A. M., Geneva, N. Y. Jocelyn S. VanAlstin, Long Pine, Nebraska. John F. W. Whitbeck, M. D., 259 Park Ave., Rochester, N. Y. 21—*7. AL UMNl' DIRECTOR Y. 29 Class of 1868. James Sherlock Andrews, Rev. James M. Bailey, A. M., Prof. Frank S. Capen, Ph. D., *Daniel Clark, John Clark, Frank M. Clarkson, Samuel B. Collins, Rev. David Crosby, William FI. Davis, George E. Fisher, Theodore F. Hall, Jr., Frank Huntington, Emil Kuichling, C. E., Rev. John Love, Jr., A. M., 111 N. St. Paul St, Rochester, N. Y. 18 Post St., San Francisco, C^l. Normal School, New Paltz, N. Y. Died June 1, 1873. Utica, N. Y. Buffalo, N. Y. Jackson, Mich. Bacone, Indian Ter. 761 Plum St., Cincinnati, O. 49 Troup St., Rochester, N. Y. 613 N. Calvert St., Baltimore, Md. 365 Lexington Ave., New York City. 32 City Hall, Rochester, N. Y. Germantown, Pa. Rev. Henry T. Miller, 1310 Chamber of Com. Bldg., Chicago, Ill. Prin. William J. Milne, Ph. D., LL. D„ /gbany, N. Y* Prof. William C. Morey, Ph. D., 426 Powers Bid., Rochester, N. Y. Hon. Willis S. Paine, LL. D., 36 Wall St., New York City. John P. Palmer, 68 N. St. Paul St., Rochester, N. Y. Theron G. Strong, 45 William St., New York City. Pres. James M. Taylor, D. D., LL. D., Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. 21- 1. Class of 1869. *Henrv N. Allen, Rev. George C. Baldwin, Jr., Prof. Albert T. Barrett, A. M., Isaac D. Fowler, M. D., Hon. Edgar P. Glass, A. M., Prof. Freeman A. Green, A. M Prof. Albert C. Hale, Ph. D., *Rev. Theodore B. Holland, Adelbert J. Howe, *Daniel L. Johnston, *Chauncey R. Kelley, Horace F. Kendall, A. M., Died March 12, 1881. Springfield, Mass. Winchester, Tenn. Lansing, la. Syracuse, N. Y. , Albion, N. Y. 551 Putnam Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Died June 16, 1878. 157 W. 128th St., New York City. Died September li, 1886. Died December 15, 1883. La Porte, Tex. 30 UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. * George G. Leavens, James P. McKinney, Joseph McMaster, Pres. Arthur E. Main, D. D., Rev. Forrest A. Marsh, Albert W. Morehouse, A. M., *John P. Munro, ^Charles H. Palmer, Alonzo C. Raymond, Zachary P. Taylor, A. M., Henry L. Tolman, A. M., 803 Chi William E. Wayte, Rev. Theodore B. Williams, 25 — Died March 20, 1874. 98 Spencer St., Rochester, N. Y. 97 Chestnut St., Rochester, N. Y. Alfred University, Alfred, N. Y. Canyon City, Col. Normal School, Potsdam, N. Y. Died September 23, 1883. Died January 3, 1893. Detroit, Mich. 65 Ins. Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. Op. House Bldg., Chicago, Ill. 295 Elm St., Dallas, Tex. Martinsburgh, N. Y. 7 * Class of 1870. John H. Ba^-y, B. S., M. D., 30 St. Mark’s Place, New York City. Ezra A. Bartlett, M. D., 20 S. Hawk St., Albany, N. Y. Sardius D. Bentley, 25 Exchange St., Rochester, N. Y. Prof. Theodore F. Chapin, A. M., Hon. Stephen M. Coon, A. M., Rev. Albert M. Duboc, Rev. John K. Fowler, D. D., Rev. Gilbert H. Frederick, D. D., Pres. Merrill E. Gates, LL. D., L. H. D., Amherst College, Amherst, Mass Westboro, Mass. Oswego, N. Y. East St. Louis, Ill. Cedar Rapids, la. Englewood, Ill. Albert W. Gilman, A. M., Prof. George D. Hale, A. M. *Thaddeus Hanford, *John Q. Head, B. S., Milo G. Kellogg, A. M., John W. Martin, A. M., Hon. Richard P. Marvin, Jr. John P. Munn, M. D., Rev. Philip A. Nordell, D. D., Rev. Willis W. Pattengill, A. M., 18 East Ave., Rochester, N. Y. 19 W. Main St., Rochester, N. Y. Died February 1, 1893. Died April 25, 1878. 135 E 47th St., Chicago, Ill. Zanesville, O. M., Akron, O. 18 W. 58th St., New York City. 21 Bromfield St., Boston, Mass. Beaver Dam, Wis. Rev. William H. Sloan, A. M., 515 Humboldt Ave., City of Mexico, Mexico. Jacob Spahn, M. S., 517 E. & B. Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. Charles H. Taylor, 44 Broad St., New York City. 22— *2. ALUMNI DIRECTORY. 3i Class of 1871. *Frank B. Bishop, Thomas E. Blossom, Frank M. Bottum, Marsenus H. Briggs, Rev. Marcellus A. Churchill, *OHn J. Clauson, LL. B., Myron H. Disbrow, * Edward T. Ely, M. D., Henry P. Emerson, A. M., James C. Foley, A. M., Benjamin Folsom, A. M., Jacob A. Freidav, Frank Gilman, C. E., Died June 12, 1894. Brighton, N. Y. 25 Exchange St., Rochester, N. Y. 811 Wilder Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. 45 Ketchum Place, Buffalo, N. Y. Died February 24, 1879. 511 E. & B. Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. Died April 12, 1885. Supt. Public Schools, Buffalo, N. Y. 206 Broadway, New York City. 180 Linwood Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Tacoma, Wash. Pulaski, N. Y. Hon. Walter S. Hubbell, A. M., 711 Wilder Bid., Rochester, N. Y. Rev. Robert B. Hull, D. D., Edward T. Huntington, Lawrence T. Jones, *Rev. Albert J. Lyon, A. M., Frank W. Miller, M. D., *Thomas K. McLean, Edward M. Moore, Jr., M. D. William H. Shaffer. A. M., Peter E. Schoonmaker, Rev. John H. Scott, William C. Simpson, A. M., Rev. Thanbyah, William W. Webb, Rev. George F. Wilkin, Charles M. Williams, Rev. Alfred M. Worcester, 448 9th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Chicago, Ill. Syracuse, N. Y. Died March 15, 1878. Port Oram, Morris Co., N. J. Died December 5, 1870. Rochester, N. Y. no Powers Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. Rondout, N. Y. 215 Second St., Minneapolis, Minn. 913 Congress St., Emporia, Kan. Bassein, Burma. 9 Elwood Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. 28 Gross Block, Tacoma, Wash. 910 Wilder Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. 155 W. 5th St., Cincinnati, O. 3 °—* 5 - Class of 1872. *Schuyler C. Baldwin, Died October 19, 1878. * George F. Bausum, Died August 25, 1885. Prof.'Frank S. Fosdick, A. M., Central High School, Buffalo, N. Y. Rev. Edward P. Hart, Rector St. Mark’s Ch., Rochester, N. Y. Rev. Isaiah B. Hudnutt, Victor, N. Y. James M. Hudnut, A. M., 346 Broadway, New York City. 32 ' UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. Aclelbert P. Little, ^William T. Mills, Rev. Lewis H. Morey, Rev. Alfred A. Newhall, Jr., A George H. Perkins, Ivan Powers, Theophilus Sproull, *Rev. David F. Stewart, George H. Thornton, A. M., Andrew Van Dyke, *Gharles M. Warren, Isaac A. Wile, Solomon Wile, 409 Powers Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. Died October 18, 1879. San Antonio, Texas, M., Leland Uni., New Orleans, La. 15 Exchange St., Rochester, N. Y. 2058 Maplewood Ave., Toledo, O. Pittsburgh, Pa. Died October 13, 1879. Buffalo, N. Y. 22 Roch. Sav. Bk. Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. Died November 13, 1879. Syracuse, N. Y. 240 Powers Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. 19 —* 5 * Class of 1873. Charles P. Barry, A. M., *Thomas F. Barry, C. E., Rev. Jerome P. Bates, *Rev. Benjamin B. Dayton, A. M., Philo H. Edick, Frank T. Ellison, Hon. Frederick S Charles L. Gibbs, Rev. John W. Greenwood, A. M., Caleb S. Hanks, 421 East Ave., Rochester, N. Y. Died June 2, 1875. 825 W. 21st St., Chicago, Ill. Died August 9, 1887. Prin. Public School No. 5, Rochester, N. Y. 396 E. Main St., Rochester, N. Y. Fish, South Bend, Ind. Titusville, Pa. Oshkosh, Wis. Olean, N. Y. Charles C. Herrick, 434 Monroe Ave., Rochester, N. Y. Arthur W. Horton, B. S., 1316 Spring Garden St., Philadelphia, Pa. Edward W. Hudnut, B. S., Big Rapids, Mich. Prof. Ebenezer W. Hunt, Syracuse, Neb. *Rev. George F. Linfield, Died April 30, 1890. Marcus Michaels, 77 North Clinton St., Rochester, N. Y. Charles L. Newton, 257 E. Main St., Rochester, N. Y. Prof. Asahel W. Norton, A. M., Normal School, Peru, Neb. Prof. George D. Olds, A. M., Amherst College, Amherst, Mass. George L. Roberts, Bradford, Pa. Prof. Henry C. Vedder, A. M., Crozer Theolog. Sem., Chester, Pa. Charles M. Vrooman, Sumner, Cal. Rev. James E. Wallace, 298 University Ave., Rochester, N. Y. 23—*3. ALUMNI DIRECTORY. 33 Class of 1874. Rev. John Q. Adams, Chaplain, Sanitarium, Clifton Springs, N. Y. Rev. George A. Atchinson, Litchfield, Mich. Levi J. P. Bishop, B. S., Chester Hill, Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Prof. Homer C. Bristol, Saxton’s River, Vt. Jesse W. Buell, M. D., A. M., 41 S. Clinton St., Rochester, N. Y. Walter Buell, A. M., 41 S. Clinton St., Rochester, N. Y. Prof. Albert F. Chadwick, A. M., Paterson, N. J. Rev. Rutger Dox, 3236 N. 16th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Charles E. Fairman, M. D., A. M., Lyndonville, N. Y. Prof. Frank E. Glen, A. M., 87 Kenilworth Ter., Rochester, N. Y. Frederic G. Goetzmann, B. S., C. E., Colorado Springs, Col. Edward F. Grant, M. D., Mettalaltoyuca, Pueblo, Mexico. George W. Haight, B. S., 207 Sansome St., San Francisco, Cal. Rev. Henry H. Hewitt, Ellendale, N. Dakota. Samuel P. Moore, 412 Wilder Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. Rev. Charles H. Moscrip, D. D., Pastor Bapt. Ch., Upper Alton, Ill. William H. Nichols, B. S., Bath, N. Y. Frederick J. Nott, M. D., A. M., 554 Mad. Ave., New York City. Edwin G. Paine, A. M., Wasioja, Minn. Charles B. Parker, M. D., 193 Erie St., Cleveland, O. Horace G. Pierce, 417 E. & B. Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. Rev. Curtis H. Rhodes, Liberal, Kan. Pres. Arthur G. Slocum, LL. D., Kalamazoo Col., Kalamazoo, Mich. Charles R. Sumner, M. D.,A. M., 33 S. Clinton St.,Rochester, N. Y. Rev. Wilson F. Wakefield, Port Chester, N. Y. Ralph W. Whelan, Minneapolis, Minn. Rev. Archibald C. Wilkins, , Beaufort, S. C. 27—*0. Class of 1875. Edward L. Adams, George Allen, M. D., Julius Anthony Bassett, A. M., ’‘'Frederick Carman, Rev. Henry A. Duboc, Hon. Jacob Bloat Fassett, *Prof. Spencer H. Freeman, A. M., Elmira, N. Y. State Hospital, Middletown, N. Y. Richfield Springs, N. Y. Died May 8, 1895 Nevada, Mo Elmira, N. Y. Died February 3, 1886. 34 UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. William S. Gilbert, Jr., A. M., 6 Wyandotte St, Kansas City, Mo. Addison Gilmore, LL. B., Marcus Hirshfield, A. M., Luther E. Holt, M. D., Nelson Curtice Holt, *Hiram D. Hurlburt, B. S., Adelbert F. Jenks, A. M., Jacob Weed Munro, George L. Ordway, B. S., LL. B., Rev. Theron Outwater, Rev. Harvey J. Owen, Garnett Pendleton, A. M., Warner, N. H. 420 Granite Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. 15 E. 54th St., New York City. Webster, N. Y. Died June, 1875. Jamestown, N. Y. N. Y. Life Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Waterloo, N. H. Washington, D. C. E. Charleston, Pa. Chester, Pa. Rev. Frank H. Rowley, 328 Wisconsin Ave., Chicago, Ill. George R. Stearns, M. D., A. M., 201 Lenwood Av., Buffalo, N. Y. *William S. Stickney, LL. B., Died July 20, 1880. Francis R. Welles, 46 Avenue de Breteuil, Paris, France. Rev. James W. White, Menomonee, Wis. ^Frederick W. Young, Died March 7, 1887. 25—*5- Class of 1876. Charles W. Adams, M. D., A. M., 12th St. and Grand Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Joseph T. Ailing, A. M., 68 Exchange St., Rochester, N. Y. Louis A. Amsden, B. S., 42 Prince St., Rochester, N. Y. George P. Barton, 1428 The Monadnock, Chicago, Ill. Francis J. Bellamy, “Youth’s Companion,” Boston, Mass. Rev. Benjamin R. Bulkley, A. M., Chicago, Ill. Rev. John B. Calvert, A. M., “The Examiner,” New York City. Orlando E. Clark, B. S., Appleton, Wis. Morey S. Collier, M. D., A. M., 744 N. Clinton St., Rochester, N. Y. Rev. George W. Coon, Weston, Mass. William K. Dean, M. D., East Jaffrey, N. H. Rev. Edward C. Dodge, Geneseo, N. Y. Rev. George E. Eldredge, B. S., Del Mar, San Diego Co., Cal. Charles W. Gorton, * Arthur B. Griffin, A. M., Prof. Howard B. Gross, D. D., Rev. Horace H. Hunt, Harvey B. Johnson, M. D., Rev. Edwin H. King, A. M., Rochester, N. Y. Died May 1, 1894. Univ. of Chicago, Chicago, Ill. Fairport, N. Y. Sheridan, Mich. Newark, N. Y. ALUMNI DIRECTORY. 35 Burton MacAfee, M. D., A. M., Washington, D. C. Horatio Nelson Peck, B. S., 303 E. & B. Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. James A. Raynsford, Greece, N. Y. Thomas M. Rochester, M. D., DeKalb St. and St James Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. *Fletcher J. Sherman, M. D., A. M., Died October 6, 1887. Thomas A. Taylor, Toledo, O. Horace J. Tuttle, 15 Durand Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. Rev. Frederick A. Vanderburgh, Judson Memorial Ch., 53 S. Washington Sq., New York City. William R. Vosburgh, 521 Maple Ave., Oak Park, Chicago, Ill. Frank D. Vreeland, M. D., Paterson, N. J. Joseph Wamsley, 59 Liberty St., New York City. William H. Wamsley, LL. B., 190 E. Main St., Rochester, N. Y. Nathan Weidenthal, M. D., 370 Woodland Av., Cleveland, O. Fred P. Wilcox, A. M., Grand Rapids, Mich. Rev. Frank L. Wilkins, D. D., 122 Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill. 34—* 2. Class of 1877. Eugene C. Akin, Duane P. Andrus, Edward B. Angell, M. D„ 295 John E. Brown, A. M., Rev. James L. Cheney, A. M., Rev. Anderson W. Clark, Thaddeus W. Collins, Jr., Adelbert Cronise, A. M., 307 Charles E. Darrow, M. D., A. M., George H. Donahue, M. D., 23 Rev. Patrick Dorsey, Jr., Curtis N. Douglass, Andrew J. Egbert, Francis W. Forbes, A. M., Rev. Joseph V. Garton, Rev. Fred T. Gates, Oliver G. Grosvenor, Luther M. Hair, A. M., Henry Harrison, Auburn, N. Y. 919 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo. Alexander St., Rochester, N. Y. 54 S. 7th St., Newark, N. J. Cleveland, Ohio. Omaha, Neb. Lyons, N. Y. E. & B. Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. 116 East Ave., Rochester, N. Y. Gramercy Park, New York City. Los Angeles, Cal. Albany, N. Y. 47 Honore Bldg., Chicago, Ill. New York City. Cambridge, Mass. 26 Broadway, New York City. 93 State St., Rochester, N. Y. 65 Ins. Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. Brockport, N. Y. 36 UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. George C. Hollister, B. S., 404 East Ave., Rochester, N. Y. James R. Ives, 1124 5th St., Denver, Col. William W. Jacobs, 502 N. Y. Life Ins. Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Rev. Theodore A. Lemen, Denver, Col. Edmund Lyon, A. M., no S. Fitzhugh St., Rochester, N. Y. Hon. Edward W. Maurer, A. M., 417 E. & B. Bid.,Rochester, N. Y. Rev. Henry C. Milliman, Oakfield, N. Y. Prof. Calvin Patterson, B. S., A. M., Prin. Brooklyn High School, Brooklyn, N. Y. Herman K. Phinney, A. M., Sibley Hall, U. of R., Rochester, N. Y. ^Howard N. Pomeroy, B. S., Benjamin F. Simpson, *John J. Snell, * James D. Squires, A. M., Prof. George B. Stevens, Died August 25, 1884. Marinette, Wis. Died February 5, 1894. Died September 12, 1893. Yale College, New Haven, Conn. Rev. Charles C. Townsend, A. M., Malone, N. Y. Charles P. Work, 160 N. Union St., Rochester, N. Y. 35 —* 3 - Class of 1878. Donald S. Brown, Jamestown, N. Y. Mathew M. Brown, Erie, Pa. William N. Cogswell, 25 Exchange St., Rochester, N. Y. Rev. William H. Dexter, A. M., 49 Yale St., Springfield, Mass. Albert W. Dyke, A. M., Keeseville, N. Y. George F. Flannery, Prin. Public School No. 13, Rochester, N. Y. Prof. George M. Forbes, A. M., 16 Tracy Park, Rochester, N. Y. Pres. John F. Forbes, Ph. D., Stetson Univ., DeLand, Fla. Rev. Ransom Harvey, Germantown, Pa. James Alexander Hayden, 112 Exchange St., Rochester, N. Y. 13 Elwood Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. 35 Upton Park, Rochester, N. Y. David Hays, David L. Hill, Franklin L. Lord, Rev. Stanley A. McKay, Morton Minot, James E. Nichols, M. D., Frank D. Phinney, A. M., Carter P. Pomeroy, B. S., Frank J. Richardson, S. Brown Richardson, 78 Pine St., Detroit, Mich. La Crosse, Wis. Brockport, N. Y. 4 E. 43rd St., New York City. Rangoon, Burma. 211 Sansome St., San Francisco, Cal. Lowville, N. Y. Lowville, N. Y. ALUMNI DIRECTORY. 37 Rev. Thomas T. Rowe, Lockport, N. Y. George F. Slocum, 28 Elwood Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. Rev. Albert H. Stillwell, A. M., Greenville, Ill. Rev. Ward T. Sutherland, A. M., Oxford, N. Y. *Rev. Norman M. Waterbury, Died November 11, 1886. Roy C. Webster, 303 Powers Bldg., Rochester, N-. Y. Robert B. Wickes, 25 Trust Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. Charles S. Wilbur, 84 Pulitzer Bldg., New York City. 28—*1. Class of 1879. Lewis A. Bailey, Cleveland, O. Charles R. Barber, M. D., 149 Hudson Ave., Rochester, N. Y. Lemuel W. Bowen, Detroit, Mich. Prof. Clark Mills Brink, Ph. D., Kalamazoo College, Kalamazoo, Mich. Charles A. Brown, A. M., Monadnock Bldg., Chicago, Ill. Selden S. Brown, A. M., 337 Powers Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. Wfilliam F. Chandler, 35 City Hall, Rochester, N. Y. Justin W. Clark, Fairhaven, Wash. Rev. John E. Coleman, A. M., Evansville, Wis. Henry W. Conklin, 307 E. & B. Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. Chester D. Crandall, A. M., Prof. Melvin E. Crowell, Rev. Theodore S. Day, Rev. Aaron S. Flock, Fred. W. Guernsey, B. S., Moses Hirshfield, A. M., James L. Hotchkiss, B. S., 203 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. Died December 18, 1894. 227 S. Clinton St., Chicago, Ill. High School, Indianapolis, Ind. Camillus, N. Y. Cedarville, N. J. Pittsford, N. Y. 60 Broadway, New York City. * Henry B. Howe, Rev. James P. .McCullough, Arthur McDonald, A. M., Prof. John M. Milne, Ph. D., Rev. Philip S. Moxom, D. D., Cedar Falls, la. Washington, D. C. Normal School, Geneseo, N. Y. Springfield, Mass. Thomas Nolan, M. S., 1017 Cham, of Com. Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. Hiram B. Olin, 219 Green St., Cambridgeport, Mass. Rev. Thomas Phillips, San Bernardino, Cal. William C. Ramsdale, B. S., Albion, N. Y. John C. Ransom, A. M., 2244 Guilford Ave., Baltimore, Md. Louis Spahn, 1444 Monadnock Bldg., Chicago, Ill. 38 UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. *Fred A. Taylor, Died January 29, 1883. William H. Thornton, M. D., A. M., Buffalo, N. Y. Charles J. Townsend, A. M., 33 W. 84th St., New York City. Rev. David S. Warner, A. M., Spring Arbor, Mich. *Henry Wile, M. D., Died April 11, 1887. 33—*3- Class of 1880. Charles O. Bailey, Henry D. Bliss, M. D., M. S., Myron T. Bly, Homer D. Brookins, B. S., Rev. Reuben E. Burton, Clarence G. Carr, B. S., 904 N.Y Rev. Milton W. Coveil, George Doniphan, A. M., Rev. William F. Faber, Raleigh Farrar, William P. Goodrich, Solomon Hays, James M. Hunt, Prof. Frank W. Kelsey, Ph. D., Worthy H. Kinney, A. M., Rev. Francis W. Kneeland, Lewis W. Lansing, * Lemuel B. Marcy, Clarence A. McDonald, Prof. Louis H. Miller, A. M., James M. Milne, A. M., Sioux Falls, S. Dak. 23 Halsey St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 86 Ins. Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. 7 Beekman St., New York City. 212 Grace St., Syracuse, N. Y. Life Ins. Bid., Minneapolis, Minn. Athens, Pa. Augusta, Ky. Lockport, N. Y. 446 Powers Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. Warren, N. H. Indianapolis, Ind. 31 Pine St., New York City. Ann Arbor, Mich. Lyons, N. Y. Newark, N. Y. Ree Hights, S. Dak. Died March 20, 1895. Seneca Falls, N. Y. 80 Gregory St., Rochester, N. Y. Oneonta, N. Y. George W. Pye, A. M., 217 Cham, of Com. Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. Irvin H. Rogers, Frank E. Sickles, Rev. Lorren Stiles, B. S., Alexander Strachan, A. M., ^Edward M. Waterbury, M. D., Mills Whittlesey, A. M., Charles H. Wiltsie, A. M., Rev. William E. Witter, A. M., 18 Bly St., Rochester, N. Y. 9 Niagara St., Buffalo, N. Y. Brockport, N. Y. Mandan, N. Dak. Died 1895. Lawrence, N. J. 25 Trust Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. 1446 W. 9th St., Des Moines, la. 30—*2. ALUMNI DIRECTORY. 39 Class of 1881. Robert Babcock, M. D., 59 Eagle St., Albany, N. Y. John A. Barhite, 19 W. Main St, Rochester, N. Y. William H. Beach, A. M., 251 Powers Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. Prof. Benjamin L. Bowen, Ph. D., 54 W. 2d Ave., Columbus, O. Belden S. Day, B. S., Albert G. Frost, Rev. Joseph T. Gallagher, Albert H. Harris, Herve Isbell, 15 E. 16th St., New York City. 65 S. Water St., Chicago, Ill. Farley, la. 15 Roch. Sav. Bk. Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. no Franklin St., Buffalo, N. Y. John S. Jameson, Prof. Franklin N. Jewett, A. M., Charles Little, Erastus F. Loucks, A. M., John L. Margrander, Benjamin F. Miles, George W. Northrup, Jr., A. M., Bath, Me. Fredonia, N. Y. 397 East Ave., Rochester, N. Y. Cincinnati, O. 293 North Ave., Rochester, N. Y. Cleveland, O. Chamber of Com., Chicago, Ill. Harmon M. Sage, B. S., Prof. Charles W. Smith, George H. Smith, A. M., * Albert F. Snow, Rev. Sumner W. Stevens William F. Strasmer, *Rev. Charles P. Tiffany, A. M., James Sibley Watson, B. S., 76 Trinity Place, New York City. Normal School, Brockport, N. Y. 514 Wilder Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. Died May 8, 1884. 5513 Hunter’s Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. 29 Hagen Blk., Buffalo, N. Y. Died February 12, 1890. 22 Arcade, Rochester, N. Y. 24—*2. Class of 1882. George B. Adams, Edwin A. Barnes, p Fred R. Campbell, M. D., A. Rev. Augustine S. Carman, Clinton D. Clark, M. D., Arthur G. Clement, A. M., William E. Dana, B. S., George A. Gillette, Rev. William D. Holt, John M. Hull, Edward R. Jennings, B. S., Geneseo, N. Y. Charleston, W. Va. M., Died September 14, 1888. Pastor 1st Bapt. Ch., Springfield, O. Haverhill, Mass. Regents’ Office, Albany, N. Y. East Avon, N. Y. 53 Arcade, Rochester, N. Y. Pastor Bapt. Ch., Wyoming, O. Buffalo, N. Y. 2 Granger PI., Rochester. N. Y. 40 UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. Harold C. Kimball, B. S., 127 Chamber of Com., Rochester, N. Y. Washington I. Loveridge, Antwerp, Belgium. Hon. William S. McDonald, Seneca Falls, N. Y. David Z. Morris, B. S., 317 Mt. Hope Ave., Rochester, N. Y. Rev. Daniel Johnston Myers, D. D., Chicago, Ill. Arthur W. Pulver, Chic. & N. W. R. R., 52 Kenzie St., Chicago, Ill. *Paul E. Taylor, Died June 18, 1882. Elmer C. Tracy, M. D., 27 E. 126th St., New York City. Rev. Willard E. Waterbury, Clinton, Mass. Fred H. Wilkins, Cor. Thames & Greenwich Sts., New York City. 21—*2. Class of 1883. Fred D. Andrew, M. D., 71 East Ave., Rochester, N. Y. George E. Andrews, M. D., A. M., Lincoln, Neb. Howard Bailey, Kearney, Neb. Harry M. Bennett, M. D., Rawlins, Wyoming. Henry M. Brigham, 31 Nassau St., New York City. Francis A. Brown, 2d Nat’l Bk., Dubuque, Iowa. Rev. Thomas Vassar Caulkins, Fond du Lac, Wis. * Albert A. Davis, A. M., Died December 6, 1894. Charles L. Dean, Temple Block, Kansas City, Mo. John W. Dickerson, 303 Postal Telegraph Bldg., New York City. Frederick East, M. D., A. M, ^ Buffalo, N. Y. Frank W. Foote, A. M., 178 Alexander St., Rochester, N. Y. Munson H. Ford, Rockford, Ill. Rev. Benjamin Hughes, Milford Haven, Wales. *William S. Lemen, A. M., Died June 21, 1892. 81 Ashland Boulevard, Chicago, Ill. Akron, O. George A. Lung, M. D., A. M., U. S. Navy, Canandaigua, N. Y. Prof. Herbert E. Mills, A. M.,Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Curtis R. Morford, A. M., South New Lyme, O. George L. Munn, Tacoma, Wash. Rev. John C. Newman, • Milledgeville, Ga. Hamilton S. Peltz, “ N. Y. Herald,” New York City. Charles C. Pickett, Chicago, Ill. Wheelock Rider, M. D., B.S., 53 S. Fitzhugh St., Rochester, N. Y. Seth S. Terry, A. M., 66 Broadway, New York City. John B. Losey, Rev. Ralph W. Lowe, ALUMNI DIRECTORY. 4 i Prof. Arthur Tooley, * Edward E. Tucker, Calvin P. H. Vary, Aldice G. Warren, Irving Washington, B. S., Cyrus J. Wood, Normal School, Brockport, N. Y. Died August 20, 1884. Newark, N. Y. 1004 Wilder Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. 56 La Salle St., Chicago, Ill. 156 Dearborn St., Chicago, Ill. 32—* 3 - Class of 1884. George M. W. Bills, 16 State St., Rochester, N. Y. Albert C. Burrows, B. S., Albion, N. Y. Rev. John C. Carman, Pastor Bapt.'Tab., Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. Prof. Oliver D. Clark, Prof. George A. Coe, A. M., Henry L. Fassett, B. S., George T. S. Foote, William A. Galentine, James W. Greene, Daniel G. Hastings, M. D., Prof. Thomas M. Hodgman, Jr., A. M., University of Nebraska 590 Halsey St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Northwestern Univ., Evanston, Ill. Elmira, N. Y. Albion, N. Y. St. Louis, Mo. West Superior, Wis. 7 Park Ave., Rochester, N. Y. Rev. Emory W. Hunt, Charles B. Jacobs, Rev. Ira S. Kneeland, *Fred E. Lent, A. M., Charles H. Losev, M. D., Lincoln, Neb. 400 Irving St., Toledo, O. Omaha, Neb. Springville, Erie Co., N. Y. Died August 5, 1890. 22 Phelps Ave., Rochester, N. Y. Rev. John L. McCutcheon, A. M., Charles F. Pratt, William E. Prentice, M. S., George M. Simonson, Frederick J. Smythe, John B. M. Stephens, Prof. Charles A. Stron Rev. George S. Sweze>> Rev. Alexander Watt, Franklin, Va. Columbus, O. Batavia, N. Y. 249 W. nth St, New York City. 16 State St., Rochester, N. Y. 4 Roch. Sav. Bk. Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. Univ. of Chicago, Chicago, Ill. Westfield, N. Y. Silver Creek, N. Y. Prof. Thomas C. Wilber, A. M., Rev. Elmer E. Williams, Sidney, N. Y. Clarksburg, O. 27—*!. 42 UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. Class of 1885. 5k Joseph M. Bailey, Jr., Charles A. Baker, * Clarence W. Baker, William L. Baker, Prof. Carey D. Brown, A. M., Rev. Henry C. Cooper, Charles W. Foreman, M. S., Died September 12, 1891. Washington, D. C. Died November 19, 1887. Sioux Falls, S. Dak. 731 French St., Erie, Pa.. Schenectady, N. Y. Northwestern Univ., Evanston, Ill. George W. Gurnee, M. D., A. M., 581 Woodland Ave.,Cleveland,O. William B. Hale, A. M., 708 Wilder Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. Joseph H. Hill, A. M., 123 Powers Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. Rev. George F. Holt, Minneapolis, Minn. Rev. William N. Hubbell, B. S., Montclair, N. J. Rev. James Ross Lynch, Pastor Bronson Ave. Bapt. Ch., Rochester, N. Y. William Macomber, Morgan Bldg., Buffalo, N. Y. Frank B. Mathews, A. M., Belfast, Me. John F. Morse, 345 Powers Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. Hon. James M. E. O’Grady, 211 E. & B. Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. Robert V. Page, A. M., Depot Quartermaster’s Office, Washington, D. C. ♦William Y. Page, M. D., A. M., Died December 16, 1891. William C. Rank, Rev. Walter Rauschenbusch Adolph J. Rodenbeck, B. S., William C. Sheppard, Charles H. Smith, B. S., Ezra M. Sparlin, A. M., Wayland E. Stearns, A. M., George W. Stedman, M. S., Prof. James S. Stevens, M. S., Eugene Van Voorhis, Rev. Thomas J. Villers, A. M. George Wilder, William H. Wilson, Station H, Box 66, Cincinnati, O. 407 W. 43d St., New York City. 209 Wilder Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. Grand Rapids, Mich. 53 White Bldg., Buffalo, N. Y. Prin. School No. 9, Rochester, N. Y. Rome, N. Y. Albany, N. Y. Maine State Univ., Orono, Me. 209 Powers Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. Syracuse, N. Y. Central Bank, Rochester, N. Y. Sioux Falls, S. Dakota. Charles D. Young, M. D., A. M., 87 S. Fitzhugh St., Rochester, N. Y. 33 —* 3 - Class of Prof. Lewis E. Akeley, A. M., Rev. Charles L. Bonham, 1886. Vermillion, S. Dak. Lake Placid, N. Y, ALUMNI DIRECTORY. 43 Rev. Charles H. Boynton, Ph. D., Rector St. Michael’s Ch., Geneseo, N. Y. Rev. Mitchell Bronk, A. M., Fred Bullard, Rev. Christian A. Clausen, Jr., *Fred L. Cody, Mark B. Dunnell, Edward M. Foote, M. D., Nathan D. Garnsey, Rev. Harry W. Hillier, A. M., Charles H. Lewis, M. D., B. S. Fred A. Lewis, M. S., William E. Lochner, A. M., Rev. Frederick W. Lockwood, 563 E. 163d St., New York City. 157 E. Main St., Rochester, N. Y. Brockport, N. Y. Died February 5, 1887. Owatonna, Minn. 52 W. 35th St., New York City. Schenectady, N. Y. Atlantic Highlands, N. J. , Suffield, Conn. Batavia, N. Y. Lockport, N. Y. A. M., Sing Sing, N. Y. Rev.Wm. E. Loucks, 855 Gilbert Ave.,Walnut Hills, Cincinnati, O. Herbert J. Menzie, 316 E. & B. Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. William M. Northrup, Edward T. Parsons, Prof. Ernest N. Pattee, M. S., Eli A. Rhodes, A. M., Prof. William A. Scott, Ph. D. Cornelius Sugrue, Prof. William C. Tifft, A. M., Wallace S. Truesdell, A. M., George H. Walker, M. S., 28 Cortland Blk., Chicago, Ill. 2629 Stewart Ave., Chicago, Ill. Syracuse Univ., Syracuse, N. Y. Hammondsport, N. Y. Univ. of Wis., Madison, Wis. Salt Lake City, Utah. Marion, N. Y. Germantown, Pa. Tacoma, Wash. 26—*1. Class of 1887. John S. Bronk, 708 Wilder Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. Albert N. Cooley, A. M , Penn. R. R. Depot, Clinton St., Trenton, N. J. Martin Davis, 201 Powers Block, Rochester, N. Y. Eugene C. Denton, 1004 Wilder Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. George C. Dow, B. S., 415 Ashland Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Rev. James Grant, B. S., Pittsfield, Mass. Prof. David C. Gilmore, A. M., Rangoon, Burma. Loren W. Howk, M. D., 394 West Ave., Rochester, N. Y. Henry A. Jameson, 164 Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill. William L. Kiefer, 25 Exchange St., Rochester, N. Y. Rev. Clarence E. Lapp, Greenwich, N. Y. 44 UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. Prof. John G. MacVicar, A. M., Rev. Herbert A. Manchester, A Rev. Fred E. Marble, Rev. Cortland R. Myers, *William Hicks Osgood, Rev. Benjamin Otto, George Keeney Page, * Edwin C. Paine, Prof. Henry Pease, A. M. *Fred Alexander Race, Rev. Wm. Francis Shero, Military Acad., Montclair, N. J. M., ■ Syracuse, N. Y. Wallingford, Conn. Pastor First Bap. Ch., Brooklyn, N. Y. Died February 7, 1889. Coldwater, Mich. Perry, N. Y. Died January 19, 1887. Medina, N. Y. Died November 25, 1888. DeVaux College, Niagara Falls, N. Y. Arthur Leland Smith, M. D., New Brunswick, N. J. 23—* 3 - Class ol 1888. Rev. Herbert Agate, Bowling Green, Ky. Prof. Walter R. Betteridge, A. M., Rochester Theological Seminary, Rochester, N. Y. Sam’l M. Brickner, M. D., A. M., 109 W. 82 St., New York City. Rev. Henry Clark, Millard C. Ernsberger, Prof. Elmer G. Frail, A. M., Prof. Warren S. Gordis, A. M., * Harry W. Gregg, Fred. E. Grover, Frank J. Harris, Herbert W. Hoyt, M. D., Rev. John McGuire, Prof. Alden J. Merrell, A. M., *Rev. Edward F. Roberts, Jesse L. Rosenberger, A. M., Stonington, Conn. 31 Pine St., New York City. Fairport, N. Y. DeLand, Fla. Died April 20, 1895. 62 State St., Rochester, N. Y. 415 East Ave., Rochester, N. Y. 421 Monroe Ave., Rochester, N. Y. Mandalav, Burma. West Winfield, N. Y. Died October 26, 1894. 629 Op. House Bldg, Chicago, Ill. Rev. Gustavus Adolphus Schneider, 2305 Pearl St., Erie, Pa. Louis Daniel Short, * Richard Van Voorhis, B. S., William B. Weaver, Charles W. Whedon, Prof. William C. Wilcox, A. M Francis C. Williams, B. S., 112 Jefferson Ave., Rochester, N. Y. Died October 21, 1894. 31 Church St., Buffalo, N. Y. Medina, N. Y. Univ. of Iowa, Iowa City, la. Corning, N. Y. 22—*3. ALUMNI DIRECTORY. 45 Class of 1889. Storrs B. Barrett, Charles C. Beahan, Walter S. Bigelow, B. S., Rev. Willis H. Brooks, Roscoe C. E. Brown, Univ. of Chicago, Chicago, Ill. 122 West Ave., Rochester, N. Y. 404 Granite Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. Dillon, Mont. N. Y. Tribune, New York City. Kendall B. Castle, 15 Roch. Sav. Bk. Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. John Warrant Castleman, Benjamin B. Chace, Harry B. Chase, B. S., Judson C. Chapin, Prof. Arthur Detmers, Prof. Burton S. Fox, M. S., Edward R. Gilmore, B. S., Prof. Charles A. Hamilton, A. M., 514 Wilder Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. 21 W. Main St., Rochester, N. Y. Riverside, Cal. 3816 Rhodes Ave., Chicago, Ill. ' Buffalo, N. Y. Wheaton, Ill. 1 S3 7oth St., New York City. Albion, N. Y. Walter H. Hill, Walter B. Hillman, M. D., George P. Holcomb, John B. Howe, Ryland M. Kendrick, 123 Powers Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. Greece, N. Y. University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill. 1 East Park, Rochester, N. Y. 301 Alexander St., Rochester, N. Y. Henry E. Lawrence, University of Rochester, Rochester, N. Y. Francis Selden Macomber, George H. Parmele, B. S., William C. Raymond, George T. Sellew, M. S., Kendrick P. Shedd, 16 State St., Rochester, N. Y. 708 Wilder Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. Hamden, Conn. State College, Pa. 74 Clifton St, Rochester, N. Y. Prof. Wm. Alfred Shedd, M. S., Pillsbury Acad., Owatonna, Minn. Mors Ostrander Slocum, Western Electric Co., Chicago, Ill. *Henry Dean Smith, Died February 20, 1892. Rev. John Henry Strong, Pastor Mt. Auburn Bapt. Ch., Cincinnati, O. Prof. Francis J. Waldron, A. M., Alfred University, Alfred, N. Y. Walter H. Wood, Rochester, N. Y. 3i- 1. Class of 1890. Cornelius A. Baldwin, 38 Park Row, New York City. Edwin K. Beall, Terrace Park, Hamilton Co., O. Herbert W. Bramley, 134 E. Main St., Rochester, N. Y. Rev. Charles Sumner Brown, A. M., Pastor 1st Bapt Ch., Iowa City, la. 46 UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. Elmira, N. Y. N Livonia, N. Y. M., Schuylerville, N. Y. Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. “ Daily Herald,’’ Montreal, Canada. Prof. Elon Howard Eaton, A. M., Canandaigua, N. Y. George A. Engert, M. D., 65 Marshall St., Rochester, N. Y. Rev. James Gosnell, Pastor Epworth M. E. Ch., Rochester, N. Y. Charles F. Bullard, B. S., Rev. Charles E. Burr, Prof. Olin Howard Burritt, A Clement Dexter Child, Elliott Sterling Dean, B. S., Rev. Thomas D. Holmes, Garrett B. Hunt, Albert James Justice, Prof. Fred A. King, A. M., James Bale Mormon, Herbert G. Reed, William A. Remington, B. S., Clark Wilber Shay, B. S., Thomas R. Sully, Charles Van Voorhis, Kinwha, China. 42 E. Main St., Rochester, N. Y. Greece, N. Y. Covington, Ky. 149 East Ave., Rochester, N. Y. North Bergen, N. Y. Tekonsha, Mich. Wessington Springs, S. Dakota. 11 Wall St., New York City. 209 Powers Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. Rev. William A. Walling, A. M., Pastor Del. Ave. Bapt. Ch., Wilmington, Del. Franklin Welker, M. D., Kings Co. Hospital, Brooklyn, N. Y. Albert H. Wilcox, A. M., 28 Walton Place, Chicago, Ill. 25—*0. Class of 1891. Harry Victor Andrews, N. Y. Tribune, New York City. Charles E. Bostwick, B. S., 713 Wilder Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. Prof. J. Howard Bradstreet, M. S., 401 Beckley Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. Isaac Max Brickner, 673 Powers Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. Prof. Eldon Grant Burritt, A. M., Greenville, Ill. Rev. Elmer H. Craven, Grand Junction, Col. Albert Greene Duncan. 142 E. 40th St., New York City. Rev. Elmer L. Fargo, A. M., Kingsville, O. Charles S. Fox, 50 W. 29th St., New York City. Francis J. French, 213 Alexander St., Rochester, N. Y. Clinton Wallace Gilbert, “The Press,” New York City. Elon H. Hooker, C. E., A. M., 837 N. St. Paul St., Rochester, N. Y. Rev. Walter S. Howard, London, Ont. Rev. Wesley A. Kinzie, Bristol, Vt. ALUMNI DIRECTORY. 47 Fred Douglas Losey, 14 Rowley St., Rochester, N. Y. Prof. William Dayton Merrell,, Upper Alton, Ill. Prof. Arthur R. Middleton, DeVaux College, Niagara Falls, Station A, N. Y. William D. Olmsted, Port Byron, N. Y. Rev. Harold Pattison, B. S., 4 Portsmouth Ter., Rochester, N. Y. William A. Perrin, mo Granite Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. William T. Plumb, 207 E. & B. Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. George William Reilly, B. S., 22 Exchange St., Rochester, N. Y. Charles Mulford Robinson, 103 E. Main St., Rochester, N. Y. Rev. Louis J. Sawyer, Asst. Pastor 2nd Bap. Ch., Rochester, N. Y. Charles M. Shaw, B. S., 751 Powers Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. William Henry Shaw, B. S., 751 Powers Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. Rev. Willis Organ Shaw, Linwood, O. Rev. Trank Thomas Sweet, B. S., Gardner, Mass. Charles Augustus Thompson, 252 Clay St., Memphis, Tenn. William H. Walker, B. S., 69 W. 49th St., New York City. Edwin Webb, 107 Dearborn St., Chicago, Ill. Herbert A. White, B. S., 9 Kenwood Ave., Rochester, N. Y. Hiram R. Wood, B. S., 711 Wilder Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. 33—*0. Class of 1892. Prof. Fred H. Abell, 35 Gorham St., Canandaigua, N. Y. Rev. James M. Baker, A. M., Ongole, India. Nelson True Barrett, Ph. B., 31 Church St., Buffalo, N. Y. Rev. John Bentzein, Ph. B., Paterson, N. J. George F. Bowerman, . Reynolds Library, Rochester, N. Y. Rev. Harvey D. Brown, Clay Center, Kansas. *Judson Jay Clark, Died January 2, 1894. Rev. Frederick William Cliff, Roch. Theo. Sem., Rochester, N. Y. Clifford V. Comfort, Ph. B., Buffalo, N. Y. George B. Draper, Ph. B., 513 Wilder Bldg., Rochester, Y. Herman K. De Groat, A. M., 218 Caroline St., Buffalo, N. Y. James P. Fleming, Ph. B., M. D., Charlotte, N. Y. Edward R. Foreman, Ph. B., 209 Wilder Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. Charles W. Gamble, Mt. Morris, N. Y. H. Adelbert Hamilton, 16 Greenwood Ave., Rochester, N. Y. George H. Harris, 47 Ins. Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. Irving Ezra Harris, Ph. B., M. D., St. Christopher’s Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa. 48 UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. Moses Baghdo Harutun, Arthur Eric Hedstrom, Miles A. Hollway, B. S., C. E., Montgomery E. Leary, M. D., Walter S. Lincoln, Clyde E. Marsh, 324 E. 30th St., New York City. Buffalo, N. Y. N. Y. C. R. R., Buffalo, N. Y. 26 Frank St., Rochester, N. Y. Otsego, Wis. 5475 Kimbark Ave., Chicago, Ill. Rev. Charles H. Maxson, A. M., Roch. Theolog. Sem., Rochester, N. Y. Paul Abner Meyer, Ph. B., 13 Delevan St., Rochester, N. Y. Charles F. Middlebrook, Binghamton, N. Y. Wesley Thomas Mulligan, M. D., Ph. B., 77 Jefferson Ave., Rochester, N. Y. Prof. Joseph P. O’Hern, A. M., 401 Beckley Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. Albert H. Olmstead, Troupsburgh, N. Y. Raymond Otis, LL. B., 274 Alexander St., Rochester, N. Y. Tay Stuart Page, 317 E. & B. Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. Thomas Parsons, Ph. B., M. D., 44 Oxford St., Rochester, N. Y. Ernest A. Royal, Manchester, N. H. Prof. Chester G. Sanford, A. M., Candor, N. Y. Charles P. K. Sarver, Pittsburgh, Pa. Rev. William James Sly, A. M., Pastor Third Bap. Ch., Kansas City, Kan. Rev. Joseph Sullivan, Pastor 4th Bap. Ch., Paterson, N. J. John M. Taylor, College of Phys. and Surg., New York City. Lewis Henry Thornton, Ph. B., Wellsville, N. Y. Prof. Henry Topping, A. M., Am. Bap. Miss. Union, Boston, Mass. Jesse Burton Warren, Ph. B., Prin. No. 7 School, Rochester, N. Y. John S. Wright, 333 West Ave., Rochester, N. Y. 42—*1. Class of 1893. P'loyd H. Adams, Fred Earl Andrews, Louis M. Antisdale, Edwin C. Baldwin, Harry Hayden Barstow, Charles D. Blackman, Bvron N. Chamberlain, Frederick Charles Fabel, Curtis FitzSimons, Prof. George Sawyer Gardner, Ph. B. Prof. James S. Gorsline, Ph. B., 38 N. Union St., 30 Exchange St., 3260 Chestnut St., 22 Exchange St., 117 E. Buffalo 40 Centre St., Rochester, N. Y. Bergen, N. Y. Rochester, N. Y. Philadelphia, Pa. Medina, N. Y. Hilton, N. J. Rochester, N. Y. St., Ithaca, N. Y. Rochester, N. Y. Marion, N. Y. Ottawa, Kan. ALUMNI DIRECTORY. 49 Elliot M. Hague, Ph. B., William A. Harris, Henry E. Hiler, John Knight, Horace Alfred McGuire, Prof. Arthur C. Nute, Delevan Richmond, Prof. Charles W. Robson, Herman Schulte, Jr., Philadelphia, Pa. Fairport, N. Y. Brockport, N. Y. Arcade, N. Y. 711 Wilder Bldg, Rochester, N. Y. Jordan, N, Y. Churchville, N. Y. 401 Beckley Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. 40 Elwood Ave., Geneva, N. Y. Herbert Alonzo Slaight, Ph. B., Rochester, N. Y. Nelson E. Spencer, Ph. B., 711 Wilder Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. Spencer James Steward, Ph. B., 72 Jones St., Rochester, N. Y. Emerson Lewis Swift, Roch. Theolog. Sem., Rochester, N. Y. 269 Elk St, Buffalo, N. Y. Marion, N. Y. Roch. Theolog. Sem, Rochester, N. Y. 27—*0. Class of 1894. * Roscoe Lewis Ashley, 34 N. Washington St, Rochester, N. Y, Prof. Elmer James Bailey, Ph. B, New Paltz, N. Y. Tames Augustine'Clark, Roch. Theolog. Sem, Rochester, N. Y. Horace Fred’k Taylor, Prof. Robert K. Toaz, Clarence B. Wasson, Irving N. DePuy, Edward C. Hard, Harry M. Hooker, Milton R. Jennings, Emil M. Landsberg, Ph. B, Ross Loughborough, Frederick Baker McKinney, David G. Meyer, Ph. B, Prof. Irving Miller, Charles C. Morse, Ph. B, Rev. Gustav R. Schlauch, Prin. Roger W. Swetland, Rufus M. Traver, Rev. George R. Varney, Joseph Roy Webster, Vallance Albert Wickens, Charles R. Witherspoon, Marvin W. Wynne, 105J University Ave, Rochester, N. Y. Buffalo, N. Y. 837 N. St. Paul St, Rochester, N. Y. Warsaw, N. Y. 420 E. Main St, Rochester, N., Y. Los Angeles, Cal. 39 Lake Ave, Rochester, N. Y. 13 Delevan St, Rochester, N. Y. Colby Acad, New London, N. H. 82 West Ave, Rochester, N. Y. Alabama, N. Y„ Cook Academy, Montour Falls, N. Y. Roch. Theolog. Sem, Rochester, N. Y. Pittsford, N. Y. 61 E. Main St, Rochester, N. Y. 23 Cypress St, Rochester, N. Y. 161 Meigs St, Rochester, N. Y. 17 Tremont St, Rochester, N. Y. 50 UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. Class of 1895. Frederick W. Allen, Prof. Peter A. Blossom, Victor M. Butterfield, Michael L. Casey, George W. Chapman, Victor J. Chambers, B. S., Frank D. Clark, B. S., William S. Cook, Daniel H. Cole, B. S., Prof. Benjamin G. Estes, Albert T. Freeman, Willard H. Goodwin, Ph. B. Robert A. Hamilton, Frank F. Himes, Joseph L. Humphrey, William C. Kohlmetz, Ph. B., George A. Learn, Abram Lipsky, Ph. B., Jonathan T. Male, Walter B. McNinch, Alexander E. Menzie, Ph. B., Charles H. Montgomery, B. S., John P. Morse, Ph. B., Starkey P. Puffer, Prof. Albert J. Ramaker, Robert E. Rogers, George B. Sage, Ph. B., Richard Le Roy Saunders Henry D. Shedd, Ph. B., Arthur H. Simpson, B. S., Edward P. Smith, Sajiro Tateish, B. S., George Van Ingen, Norman G. Van Voorhis, Richard K. Wheeler, < Roch. Theolog. Sem., Rochester, N. Y. State Normal School, Johnson, Vt. Brighton, N. Y. 25 Sophia St., Rochester, N. Y. Union Hill, N. Y. Geneva t N. Y. 69 S. Goodman St., Rochester, N. Y. 76 N. Fitzhugh St., Rochester, N. Y. North Creek, N. Y. Union School, Andover, N. Y. Canandaigua, N. Y. 122 North St., Rochester, N. Y. 29 Sophia St., Rochester, N. Y. Roch. Theolog. Sem., Rochester, N. Y. 317 Powers Bldg., Rochester N. Y. 27 Ave. B., Rochester, N. Y. ^ Buffalo, N. Y. 91 Chatham St., Rochester, N. Y. Beech Lake, Pa. Webster’s Crossing, N. Y. Caledonia, N. Y. 225 Court St., Rochester, N. Y. 298 West Ave., Rochester, N. Y. 137 Meigs St., Rochester, N. Y. 11 Tracy Park, Rochester, N. Y. 96 Hayward Ave., Rochester, N. Y. 148 Plymouth Ave., Rochester, N. Y. Ph. B., 16 Gregg St., Rochester, N. Y. 19 W. Main St., Rochester, N. Y. Kingston, Ont. 65 Prince St., Rochester, N. Y. 70 Charlotte St., Rochester, N. Y. 274 Frank St., Rochester, N. Y. 209 Powers Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. Portsmouth Terrace, Rochester, N. Y. 35 — ALUMNI DIRECTORY. 5i PROVISIONS FOR GRADUATE WORK. The Board of Trustees, upon the recommendation of the Presi¬ dent and Faculty, has decided to discontinue the conferring of the second degree in course and has requested the President to recom¬ mend to the Board such conditions of conferring this degree as will in his judgment give to it the honorable character to which it is entitled. In compliance with this request a plan of study is now in preparation leading to the Master’s degree in Arts and in Science, and also to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, which in confor¬ mity with the best usage the University has ceased to confer as an honorary degree. The plan in preparation will require for the Master’s degree in Arts or in Science two years of study beyond what is required for the Bachelor’s degree, and for the degree of Ph. D., three years, to be pursued partly in residence at this or some other accredited institution, including work which will be recognized as suitable by the leading universities, and terminating in a thorough examination and the presentation of a thesis or equivalent orginal work. The detailed specifications of the work leading to the advanced degrees will be published in the next annual catalogue, or in a separate pamphlet, and will be ready for distribution in the course of the next term. 52 UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. LIST OF HONORARY DEGREES CONFERRED BY UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. LL. D. 1851. Hon. Addison Gardiner, Rochester, N. Y. Governor Washington Hunt, New York City. 1852. Hon. Robert Kelly, New York City. Hon. John V. L. Pruyn, Albany, N. Y. 3:855. John H. Raymond, President of Brooklyn Collegiate and Polytechnic Institute. 1856. Hon. Samuel Lee Selden, Rochester, N. Y. 1857. Governor John A. King, Jamaica, N. Y. 1858. Justin R. Loomis, President of University at Lewisburgh,Pa. 1859. P r of. William Gammell, Brown University. 1861. Milo P. Jewett, President of Vassar College. Hon. Henry Welles, Justice N. Y. Supreme Court, Penn Yan, N. Y. 1863. Andrew P. Peabody, Harvard University. Edward B. Underhill, Sec. Eng. Bap. Miss. Society, London, England. 1865. Prof. Oren Root, Hamilton College. 1868. Hon. Sanford E. Church, Chief Justice N. Y. Court of Appeals. Hon. E. Darwin Smith, Justice of N. Y. Supreme Court, Rochester, N. Y. 1869. William W. Ely, M. D., Rochester, N. Y. Prof. Henry L. Kendrick, U. S. A., West Point. 1870. E. M. Moore, M. D., Rochester, N. Y. Prof. Malcolm McVicar, Class of ’59. 1871. Stephen H. Carpenter, Class of ’52. Henry Durant, President of University of California. 1874. Prof. William Harkness, Class of '58. 1875. Prof. James C. Van Benschoten, Wesleyan University. 3 876. Rufus King, Dean of Cincinnati Law School, Cincinnati, O. 1878. Ferdinand V. Hayden, U. S. Geologist, Washington, D. C. ALUMNI DIRECTORY. 53 1879. Hon. Joseph Mead Bailey, Class of ’54. Francis Wayland, New Haven, Conn. 1880. Isaac Sherman, New York City. Hon. Albion W. Tourgee, Class of ’62. 1882. Prof. Wm. A. Stevens, Rochester Theological Seminary, Rochester, N. Y. Merrill Edwards Gates, Class of ’70. 1883. Lemuel Moss, Class of ’58. Truman J. Backus, Class of ’64. 1884. Rev. Galusha Anderson, Class of ’54. 1887. Hon. Francis A. Macomber, Class of ’59. 1889. Harrison E. Webster, President of Union College. 1891. Stephen Smith, M. D., New York City. 1892. Arthur Gaylord Slocum, Class of ’74. 1893. Rossiter Johnson, Class of ’63. 1894. Hon. George B. Bradley, Justice of N. Y. Supreme Court, Corning, N. Y. 1895. Zenas F. Westervelt, President Western New York Institute for Deaf Mutes. John P. Townsend, President Bowery Savings Bank, New York City. D. D. 1851. Rev. Henry W. Lee, Rector St. Luke’s Church, Rochester, N. Y. Rev. William Dean, China Mission. 1852. Edward Bright, Editor of “ The Examiner,” New York City. Rev. Morgan J. Reese, Williamsburgh, N. Y. Rev. James B. Shaw, Pastor Brick Presbyterian Ghurch, Rochester, N. Y. 1853. Rev. John H. Hill, Athens, Greece. Rev. E. L. Magoon, Philadelphia, Pa. 1854. Rev. J. H. Mcllvaine, Pastor First Presbyterian Church, Rochester, N. Y. Rev. W. G. Howard, Pastor Second Baptist Church, Roch¬ ester, N. Y. Rev. Edward Lathrop, Pastor Tabernacle Church, New York City. Rev. J. N. Murdock, Secy. Amer. Bap. Miss. Union, Boston, Mass. 54 UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. 1855. Rev. James T. Champlin, President Colby University, Waterville, Me. Rev. Elisha E. L. Taylor, Pastor Strong Place Baptist Church, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1856. Rev. Alexander M. Mann, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Rev. Jonah G. Warren, Cor. Secy. Amer. Bap. Miss. Union, Boston, Mass. 1857. Rev. Benjamin Evans, Scarborough, England. Rev. William Crowell, St. Louis, Mo. Rev. Erastus Judd Gillett, Yellow Springs, Iowa. 1858. Rev. Henry C. Fish, Pastor First Baptist Church, Newark, N. J. Rev. John C. Burroughs, President University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill. Rev. John S. IJarrison, Kingston, Ont. 1859. Rev. Henry G. Weston, Pastor Olivet Street Church, New York City. Rev. Daniel G. Corey, Utica, N. Y. Rev. Jay S. Backus, Cor. Secy. Amer. Bap. Home Miss. Soc., Brooklyn, N. Y. 1860. Rev. James O. Mason, Union Valley, N. Y. Rev. Edwin S. Wright, Fredonia, N. Y. Rev. Albert N. Arnold, Westboro, Mass. 1863. Rev. Augustus Rauschenbusch, Rochester Theological Seminary, Rochester, N. Y. Rev. Thomas L. Davidson, Secy. Baptist Missionary Con¬ vention, St. George, Ont. Rev. John P. Newman, New York City. Rev, J. M. Olmstead, Editor of “Watchman,” Boston, Mass. 1864. Rey. Isaac Westcott, New York City. Rev. Edgar Harkness Gray, Chaplain United States Senate, Washington, D. C. Rev. Israel Foote, Rector St. Paul’s Church, Rochester, N. Y. 1865. Rev. Heman Lincoln, Providence, R. I. Rev. J. P. Chown, Bradford, England. Rev. Daniel Moore, Jr., Pastor Washington Avenue Baptist Church, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1866. Rev. J. Ryland Kendrick, Pastor Tabernacle Church, New York City. Rev. Galusha Anderson, Class of ’54. ALUMNI DIRECTORY. 55 Rev. George W. Northrup, Rochester Theological Seminary. 1868. Rev. Lemuel Moss, Class of ’58. Rev. Cephas B. Crane, Class of ’58. Rev. Henry E. Robins, Pastor First Baptist Church, Roch¬ ester, N. Y. 1869. Rev. Edgar J. Goodspeed, Class of ’53. 1870. Rev. Justin D. Fulton, Class of ’52. Rev. Nehemiah W. Benedict, Principal Rochester Free Academy, Rochester, N. Y. 1871. Rev. Benjamin D. Marshall, Class of ’53. 1872. Rev. John Billings Bracket, Williamsburgh, N. Y. Rev. George W. Clark, Ballston Spa, N. Y. Rev. A. Judson Sage, Class of ’60. Rev. J. M. L. Curry, President Richmond College, Rich¬ mond, Va. 1873. Rev. David Weston, Madison University, Hamilton, N. Y. Rev. William C. Wilkinson, Class of ’57. Rev. John Stevens, Denison University, Granville, Ohio. 1875. Rev. Henry Anstice, Rector St. Luke’s Church, Rochester, N. Y. Rev. T. Edwin Brown, Pastor Second Baptist Church, Roch¬ ester, N. Y. 1876. Rev. Herbert W. Morris, Pastor Calvary Presbyterian Church, Rochester, N. Y. 1877. Rev. J. W. B. Clark, Pastor First Baptist Church, Albion, N. Y. Rev. Wayland Hoyt, Pastor Strong Place Baptist Church, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1878. Rev. Elias H. Johnson, Class of ’62. John Rhys Morgan, Lanelly, Carmarthenshire, Wales. 1879. Rev. Henry L. Morehouse, Class of ’58. j88o. Rev. Frederick Trestrail, England. Rev. Robert S. MacArthur, Class of ’67. 1881. Rev. Thomas Rogers, Class of ’58. Rev. R. G. Campbell, Franklin College, Franklin, Ind. 1882. Rev. Henry F.- Hickok, Class of ’56. 1884. Rev. A. J. Barrett, Class of ’54. 1886. Rev. James M. Taylor, Class of ’68. Rev. James McBride Sterrett, Class of ’67. Rev. Philip A. Nordell, Class of ’70. 1887. Rev. Jacob Samuel Gubelmann, Class of ’58. Rev. Norman Fox, Class of ’55. 56 UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. Rev. Robert Bruce Hull, Class of ’71. 1889. Prof. Benjamin O. True, Rochester Theological Seminary, Rochester, N. Y. Rev. Albert Coit, Class of 1866. 1891. Rev. William R. Taylor, Pastor of Brick Presbyterian Church, Rochester, N. Y. Rev. Henry M. Sanders, Pastor Madison Avenue Baptist Church, New York City. Rev. Charles E. Smith, Class of ’60. 1892. Rev. Charles P. Coit, Class of ’67. Rev. Samuel H. Greene, Pastor Calvary Baptist Church, Washington, D. C. 1893. Rev. Corliss B. Gardner, Class of ’57. Rev. Frederick W. Colegrove, President Ottawa Univer¬ sity, Ottawa, Kansas. Rev. J. W. A. Stewart, Pastor First Baptist Church, Roch¬ ester, N. Y. 1894. Rev. Philip L. Jones, Class of ’65. 1895. Rev. Owen James, President of Rogers Williams University, Nashville, Tenn. Ph. D. 1875. J°hn C. Overhiser, Class of ’54. Alexander Atwood Brooks, Class of ’51. 1876. Karl T. Kreyer, Class of ’61. 1879. Francis Bolles Palmer, Class of ’58. Lewis Swift, Rochester, N. Y. William James Milne, Class of ’68. 1883. James M. Cassity, Albany, N. Y. Isaac Newton, New York City. 1887. John Franklin Forbes, Class of ’78. David Hamilton Robinson, Class of ’59. 1889. Rossiter Johnson, Class of ’63. Francis W. Kelsey, Class of ’80. PI O NOR ARY A. M. 1851. Albert H. Mixer, Rochester, N. Y. Rev. Henry Peck, Rochester, N. Y. Rev. P. B. Haughwout, Nunda, N. Y. Rev. J. S. Backus, New York City. 1852. Rev. Henry I. Talbird, Professor of Theology in Howard College, Alabama. ALUMNI DIRECTORY. 57 George Wood, Washington, D. C. Rev. Sidney A. Corey, New York City. Rev. Henry C. Fish, Newark, N. J. Professor I. F. Quinby, Rochester, N. Y. George William Curtis, New York City. 1853. R ev - Adams Cleghorn, Paris, C. W. Rev. C. N. Chandler, Elmira, N. Y. Rev. James O. Mason, Union Village, N. Y. Professor I. Chamberlain, Walworth, N. Y. Dr. C. V. W. Burton, Lansingburgh, N. Y. Professor James E. Dexter, Geneva, N. Y. Rev. Robert Boyd, London, C. W. Rev. D. S. Parmelee, New York City. 1854. Plenry W. Dean, M. D., Rochester, N. Y. Rev. Justin A. Smith, Chicago, Ill. Rev. William Hewson, Beansville, C. W. Rev. M. G. Hodge, Stillwater, N. Y. Oliver Morehouse, Albion, N. Y. 1855. Amasa McCoy, Albany, N. Y. James H. Armsby, M. D., Albany, N. Y. Rev. Thomas L. Davidson, Brantford, C. W. 1856. William P. Trowbridge, Ann Arbor. E. C. Seymour, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1857. Rev. J- F- Bigelow, Middlebury, Mass. Professor Henry L. Nichols, Gonzales, Texas. 1859. Henry Harrison Fay, Newport, R. I. Nathan Wheeler Ayer, Penn Yan, N. Y. John A. Austin, Waterford, Pa. 1860. Professor M. H. Allis, Gonzales University, Texas. Rev. M. Claudius Manning, Elmira, N. Y. 1861. Professor John W. Sill, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1862. Horace Briggs, Buffalo, N. Y. Rev. Sanford Van Benschoten, Penn Yan, N. Y. 1863. Ferdinand V. Hayden, Washington, D. C. 1864. Rufus Sheldon, Brooklyn, N. Y. Col. Wm. H. Harris, U. S. A., Class of ’58. Horace M. Conger, Buffalo, N. Y. Principal Asher Benton Evans, Lockport, N. Y. 1865. Professor Le Roy Satterlee, Rochester, N. Y. 1866. Charles E. Rider, M. D., Rochester, N. Y. Alexander R. Esty, Framingham, Mass. 1867. Ray Thomas Spencer, Buffalo, N. Y. 58 UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. 1868. Prin. Charles D. McLean, Brockport, N. Y. 1870. Rising Francis, Troy, N. Y. John H. Deane, Class of ’66. Rev. I. J. Keys, Elmira, N. Y. 1872. Marcus F. Cummings, Troy, N. Y. 1874. David Gray, Buffalo, N. Y. 1875. Francis Augustus Teall. 1880. Rev. Lorimer Fison. Edwin E. Howell, Washington, D. C. 1881. J. B. Hagooni, Roberts College, Constantinople. 1892. Professor J. Carlton Norris, Canandaigua, N. Y. 1895. Colgate Hoyt, N. Y. City. John A. Rockfellow, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. HONORARY A. B. 1858. J. D. Bradley, Nebraska. J. A. Drake, Ohio. GENERAL SUMMARY. ALUMNI. Whole Number, Deceased, Living Alumni, iB57 986 HONORARY DEGREES. LL. D., D. D., Ph. D., A. M. A. B., 43 86 60 2 2 Total. 203 ALUMNI DIRECTORY. 59 Officers of the Alumni. First President—Rev. ANDREW L. FREEMAN, ’51. 1854-5. 1855-6. 1856-7. Prest. V. Prest... Cor. Secy.. Rec. Secy. Treas. Orator Alternate. Rev. Henry A. Rose, ’52 . .. E. J. Fish, ’53. S. P. Fenn, ’54. W. P. Everett, ’53. R. IT. Fenn, ’54. G. B. Brand, ’51. G. B. Brand, ’51.!.. W. P. Everett, ’53 . E. O. Sage, ’53. S. P. Fenn, ’54. G. M. Condron, ’54. C. C. Norton, ’52. G. S. Chace, ’52. S. E. Richardson, ’53. G. M. Condron, ’54. A. K.Nott, ’55. W. W. Fay, ’55. D. H. Cooley, *55. Poet. J. E. Spencer, ’51. Alternate. C. W. Hey wood ^ ’53. 1857-8. 1858-9. 1859-60. Prest. E. 0. Sage, ’53. . Melvin Jameson, ’56. C. D.W. Bridgman, ’55. E. S. Walker, ’56 . C. B. Crane, ’58. Lemuel Moss, ’58. G. S. Cutting, ’58. T. B. Clarkson, ’56. G. P. Draper, ’57. V. Prest... Cor. Secy.. Rec. Secy. Treas. Orator. C. D. W. Bridgman, ’55. E. S. Walker, ’56. T. B. Clarkson, ’56 . C. B. Gardner,’57. ... T. B. Clarkson. ’56.. C. B. Gardner, ’57. Alternate. Poet. Alternate. H ist. Melvin Jameson, ’56. 1862-3. 1860-1. 1861-2. Prest. V. Prest... P. S. Evans, ’55. Oscar Folsom, ’59. Galusha Anderson, ’54. M. W. Cooke, ’60. A. L. Farr, ’54. Oscar Folsom, ’59. E. O. Sage, ’53. T. B. Clarkson, ’56. G. P. Draper, ’57. Galusha Anderson, ’54. Henry Strong, ’54. R. H. Fenn, ’54. C. W. Heywood, ’53. Melvin Jameson, ’56. 1865-6. Cor. Secy.. Rec. Secy. Treas . Orator .... E. 0. Sage, ’53. T. B. Clarkson, ’56. Winfield Scott,’59 .. E. O. Sage, ’53. T. B. Clarkson, ’56 . G. P. Draper, ’57. E. J. Goodspeed, ’53. F. A. Macomber, ’59. Alternate. Poet. Alternate. Hist. Melvin Jameson, ’56. Melvin Jameson, ’56 1863-4. 1864-5. Prest. A. J. Barrett, ’54. Melvin Jameson, ’56 B. D. F. Marshall, ’53. Elwell S. Otis, ’58. C. A. Dewey, ’61. C. F. Pond, ’60. Geo. Truesdale, ’57. C. D. W. Bridgman, ’55. G. S. Chace, ’52. Norman Robinson, ’54. Wm. S. Lee, ’61. Melvin Jameson, ’56. j G. S. Cutting, ’58. ! Thomas Rogers, ’58. 1868-9. V. Prest... E. W. Mundy, ’60. M. W. Cooke, ’60.... Cor. S&cy.. Rec. Secy. Treas. C. A. Dewey, ’61. C. F. Pond, ’60. Geo. Truesdale, ’57. C. A. Dewey, ’61. C. F. Pond, ’60. Geo. Truesdale, ’57. Henry Strong, ’54. C. D. W. Bridgman, ’55_ C. W. Hey wood, ’53... Joshua Gaskill, ’59. Melvin Jameson, ’56. j G. S. Cutting, ’58. Orator .... Alternate. Poet. Alternate. Hist. Melvin Jameson, ’56... . Obt. Com. j G. S. Cutting - , ’58. j Thomas Rogers, ’58. ) Thomas Rogers, ’58. 1866-7. 1867-8. Prest. V. Prest... Cor. Secy.. H. F. Hickok, ’56. A. P. Cooke, ’57 . Willard Abbott, ’58. W. C. Wilkinson, ’57. F. A. Macomber, ’59. Willard Abbott, ’58. Henry Strong, ’54. C. A. Dewey, ’61. Willard Abbott, ’58. W. B. Burke, ’64. George Truesdale, ’57. E. J. Goodspeed, ’53. M. W. Cooke, ’60. Jos. A. Ely, ’66. W.H. Allen, ’65. Melvin Jameson, ’56. j Melvin Jameson, ’56. 1 G. S. Cutting, ’58. Rec. Secy. Treas. C. F. Pond, ’60. Geo. Truesdale, ’57. C. F. Pond, ’60. Geo. Truesdale, ’57. Orator ... Melvin Jameson, ’56. Alternate. Oscar Folsom, ’59. Poet. Alternate. J. R. Howard, ’57. C. C. Puffer, ’63. C. C. Puffer, ’63. Jos. A. Ely, ’66. Hist. Melvin Jameson, ’56. Melvin Jameson, ’5fi Obt. Com. j G. S. Cutting-, ’58. j Melvin Jameson, ’56. I G. S. Cutting, ’58. 6o UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. Prest. V. Prest.. Cor. Secy. Rec. Secy Treas. Orator ... Alternate Poet. Alternate Hist. Obt. Com Prest. V. Prest... Rec. Secy. Cor. Secy. Treas. Orator Alternate. Poet. Alternate. Hist. Obt. Com, Prest. V. Prest... Secy. Treas. Orator Alternate. Poet. Alternate. Hist. Ex. Com.. Obt. Com. Prest V. Prest Secy.... Treas.. Orator . Alternate Poet. Alternate Ex. Com. Com. on Necrology 1869-70. Thomas Rogers, ’58.. C. F. Pond, ’60. Wm. S. Lee, ’61. Wm. B. Burke, ’64... Geo. Truesdale, ’57.. M. W. Cooke,’60... . W. W. Fay, ’55. Rossi ter Johnson, ’63 VV. H. Allen, ’65 O. H. Robinson. ’61. J Melvin Jameson, ’56 1 G. S. Cutting, ’58.... 1872-3. J. D. Fulton, ’52.... Henry Strong, ’54.. A. R. Clarkson, ’63. W. L. Sage, ’65. D. S. Benjamin, ’62. Geo. Raines,’66... . W. D. Hedden, ’51.. J. P. Munro, ’69. O. H. Robinson, ’61. 1 E. F. Owen, ’62 ... \ C. F. Pond, ’60.... ( J. Y. Schofield, ’52 1875-6. Galusha Anderson, ’54 Wm. H. Harris, ’64 F. T. Ellison, ’73 .. M. H. Briggs, ’71... Manton Marble, ’55 E. J. Goodspeed, ’53 Jacob Spahn, ’70... S. P. Merrill, ’58.... O. H. Robinson, ’61 Prest. C. D. W. Bridgman, ’55. V. Prest... C. A. Dewey, ’61. Secy. A. R. Clarkson, ’63. Treas. M. W. Cooke, ’60. Orator .... P. S. Evans, ’55.. Alternate. R. S. MacArthur. ’67. Poet. Jos. O’Connor, ’63. Alternate. W. O. Stoddard, ’58. Hist. O. H. Robinson, ’61. ( M. H. Briggs, ’71. Obt. Com. •< Thos. Dransfield, ’58 . ( H. L. Morehouse, ’58. 1878-9. M. H. Briggs, ’71 Thos. Dransfield, ’58 H. L. Morehouse, ’58 1881-2. Rev. C. D. W. Bridgman, ’55 William J. Milne, ’68.... Adelbert Cronise, ’77.... Marsenus H. Briggs, ’71. Rev. Robert B. Hull, ’71 Hon. George Raines. ’66 Rev. Joseph A. Ely, ’66 Benjamin Folsom, ’71.. ( C. F. Pond, ’60. ■j E. O. Sage, ’53. I Adelbert Cronise, ’77. ( Charles M. Williams, ’71.. i Rev. C. B. Gardner, ’57 ( Prof. O. H. Robinson, ’61 1870-1. J. C. Overhiser, ’54. H. M. Smith, ’58 .... A. R. Clarkson, '63 . W. L. Sage, ’65. Wm. W. Fay, ’55.... E. W. Mundy, ’60. Wm. H. Allen, ’65 .. R. M. Tuttle, ’62.... O. H. Robinson, ’61. j T. J. Backus, ’64 . / Rev. George Webstf 1873-4. r ,’54. Henry Strong, ’54 Ebenezer Nisbet, ’53.... A. R. Clarkson, ’63 M. H. Briggs, ’71... C. F. Pond, ’60 .... Ezra J. Fish, ’53... A. J. Sage, ’60. H. L. Morehouse, ’58 J. P. Munro, ’69... O. H. Robinson, ’61 I E. F. Owen, ’62... i C. F. Pond, ’60.... ( J. V. Schofield, ’52 1876-7. Lemuel Moss, ’58. E. S. Otis, ’58 . A. R. Clarkson. ’63... M. H. Briggs, ’71... . R. S. Mac Arthur, ’67. T. J. Backus, ’64. .. M. E. Gates, ’70. W. C. Wilkinson, ’57 O. H. Robinson. ’61.. ( M. H. Briggs, ’71.... -j Thos. Dransfield, ’58. ( H. L. Morehouse, ’58. 1879-80. H. L. Morehouse, ’58 Geo. O. Emerson, ’67 F. T. Ellison, ’73.. . M. H. Briggs, ’71.. .. C. B. Crane, ’58. ... E. H. Johnson, ’62.. C. C. Puffer, ’63. ... P. L. Jones, ’65. ( Rev. C. P Coit, ’67 - John Fahy,'66. .. ( Charles M. Williams M. H. Briggs, ’71, ■< Thos. Dransfield, ’58 ( H. L. Morehouse, ’58 1882-3. William J. Milne, ’68. Norman Fox, D. D.. ’55.... Selden S. Brown, ’79. Marsenus H. Briggs, ’71 — ♦Hon. George Raines, ’66.. Rev. J. H. Griffith, D. D.,’59 Benjamin Folsom, ’71. W. C. Wilkinson, D. D., ’57. C. F Pond, ’60 . E. O. Sage, ’53. Adelbert Cronise, ’77. i Charles M. Williams, ’71.. ■< Rev. C. B. Gardner, ’57. . Prof. O. H. Robinson, ’61. 1871-2. A. L. Freeman, ’51. T. E. Ellsworth,’57. A. R. Clarkson, ’63. W. L. Sage, ’65. S. H. Carpenter, ’52. A. J. Barrett, ’54. R. M. Tuttle, ’62. H. L. Morehouse, ’58. O. H. Robinson, ’61. O. M. Benedict, ’64. 1874-5. 3. C. Pierce, ’60. T. J. Backus, ’64. A. R. Clarkson, ’63. M. H. Briggs, ’71. C. F. Pond, ’60. Manton Marble, ’55. A. J. Sage, ’60. J. P. Munro, ’69. Jos. O’Connor, ’63. O. H. Robinson, ’61. E. F. Owen, ’62. C. F. Pond, ’60. J. Y. Schofield, ’52. 1877-8. Galusha Anderson, ’54. S. H. Camenter, ’52. F. T. Ellison, ’73. M. H. Briggs, ’71. 25th Anniversary of Pres¬ ident Anderson. O. H. Robinson, ’61. ( M. H. Briggs, ’71. ■< Thos. Dransfield, ’58. ( H. L. Morehouse, ’58. 1880-81. Truman J. Backus, ’64. W. Lincoln Sage, ’65. Adelbert Cronise, ’77. M. H. Briggs, ’71. A. W. Tourgee,’62. R. B. Hull, ’71. P. L. Jones, ’65. • Norman Fox, ’55. i Charles M. Williams,’71 •< C. B. Gardnex*, ’57. ( O. H. Robinson, ’61. 1883-4. Francis B- Palmer, ’58. Prof. W. C. Morey, ’68. Selden S. Brown, ’79. M. H. Briggs, ’71. Rev. J. H. Griffith,D. D.’59. Joseph O’Connor, ’63. Wm. C. Wilkinson,D.D/57 Henry W. Conklin, ’79. ( Charles M. Williams,’71. 4 Rev. C. B. Gardner, ’57. ( Prof.O. H.Robinson,’61. ♦Oration delivered in 1883 by Lemuel Moss, LL. D., ’58. ALUMNI DIRECTORY. 61 Prest. Y. Prest... Secy . Treas. Orator.... Alternate. Poet. . .. Alternate. Ex. Com.. Com. on Necrology Prest. V. Prest... Secy. Treasurer. Orator ... Alternate. Poet. Alternate. Ex. Com.. Com. on Necrology Prest. Y. Prest... Secy. Treas. Orator ... 1884-5. 1885-6. Prof. W. C. Morey, ’68. Rev. C. P. Coit, ’67. Selden S Brown, ’79. M. H. Briggs, ’71. Rev. C. B. Crane, D. D., ’58... Rev.R.S.MacArthur,D. D.,’67 Rev. Benj. R. Bulkley, ’76.... Geo. H.Fox, M. D., ’67. ( Charles M. Williams, ’7i... ■{ Rev. C. B. Gardner, ’57— ( Prof. O. H. Robinson, ’61. Hon. T. E. Ellsworth, ’57.. Geo. T. Davis, ’64. Selden S. Brown, ’79. W. W. Jacobs, ’77. Edwin S. Chittenden, ’65... Chas. B. Parker, M. D.,’74. Geo. H. Fox, M. D., '67. Henry L. Tolman, ’69. , Charles M. Williams, ’71.. < Rev. C. B. Gardner, ’57... > Prof. O. H. Robinson,’61. 1887-8. 1888-9. Fred. S. Fish, ’73. J. F. W. Whitbeck, M. D., ’67. Charles H. Wiltsie, ’80. H. K. Phinney. ’77 Prof. George B.Stevens, ’77. Manton Marble, ’55.. . Merrill E.Gates. LL. D.,’70.. Rossi ter Johnson, LL. D., ’63. S. D. Bentley, ’70. S. A. Ellis, ’55. Edmund Lyon, ’77. J. Sloat Fassett, ’75. Walters. Hubbell, ’71 .... Fred J. Smythe, ’84. H. K. Phinney, ’77.. ... Phi Beta Kappa Oration by Edward Everett Hale,D. D. ( Prof. Geo. M. Forbes,’78. •< Marcus Michaels,’73. { Selden S. Brown, ’79. i S. D. Bentley, ’70. •< S. A. Ellis, ’55. ( Edmund Lyon, ’77. 1890-1. 1891-2. A. W. Tourgee, LL. D., ’62... George Fort Slocum, ’78. A. G. Warren, ’83. H. K. Phinney, ’77. Phi Beta Kappa Oration by Hon. St. Clair McKelway — George H. Fox, M. D., ’67. W. S. Hubbell. ’71. Geo. H. Smith, ’81 . H. K. Phinney, ’77. J. Breck Perkins, ’67. Alternate. Poet. Alternate. Ex. Com.. Com. on Necrology Charles M. Williams, ’71_ John Fahy, ’66. W. B. Hale, ’85 . E. O. Sage, ’53. Rev. H. W. Congdon, ’65... Rev. C. B. Gardner,’57. ... Rev. W. T. Sutherland, ’78. I L. M. Hair, ’77 .. a A. H. Harris, ’81. ( F. J. Smythe, ’84. I W. S. Hubbell,’71. •j E. O. Sage, ’53. ( Marcus Michaels, ’73. 1893-4. 1894-5. Prest. V. Prest... Secy. Treas. Orator.... Alternate. Poet. Alternate. Ex. Com.. Com. on Necrology John P. Munn, M. D., ’70.... E. H. Satterlee, ’67. Kendrick P. Shedd, ’89. Charles W. Gorton, ’76. *Hon. George Raines, ’66 .. Hon. S. E. Payne, ’64. Rossi ter Johnson, LL. D., ’63, Harry H. Barstow, ’93. Adelbert Cronise, ’77. Galusha Anderson, LL.D/54 Kendrick P. Shedd,’89 ... . Francis S. Macomber, ’89... Phi Beta Kappa Oration by Wm. H. McElroy, LL. D... S. A. Ellis, ’55.. Prof. G. M. Forbes, ’78. Rev. C. P. Coit, D. D.,’67— S. A. Ellis, ’55. Prof. G. M. Forbes, 78. .. Rev. C. P. Coit, D. D., ’67. 1886-7. Charles F. Pond, ’60. Rev. Albert Coit, ’66. Charles H. Wiltsie, ’80. H. K. Phinney, ’77. Prof. Geo. B. Stevens,77.. Hon. S. E. Payne, ’64. W. C. Wilkinson,D. D.,’57. W. O. Stoddard, ’58. 1 Charles M. Williams,’71. ■< Prof.O.H. Robinson,’61. Prof. G. M. Forbes, ’78. 1889-90. George E. Fisher, ’68. Joseph T. Ailing, ’76. A. G. Warren, ’83. H. K. Phinney, ’77. Anderson Memorial Meeting, June 17, 1890. ( Prof.Geo. M. Forbes,’78. -< Marcus Michaels, ’73. { S. S. Brown, ’79. E. O. Sage, ’53. A S. A. El)is, ’55. ( Rev. M. B. Comfort,’61. John Fahy,’66. Adelbert Cronise, ’77. K. P. Shedd, ’89. George Wilder, ’85. Phi Beta Kappa Oration by Rev. Lyman Abbott, D. D. ( L. M. Hair, ’77. < C. H. Wiltsie, ’80. { H. C. Kimball, ’82. IS. A. Ellis, ’55. A Rev.C. P.Coit, D. D.,’67. I Prof. G. M. Forbes, 78. 1895-6. Hon. W. S. Paine, ’68. John M. Milne, Ph.D.,’79. The remaining officers to be appointed by Board of Managers of the Incorporated Alumni. * Oration delivered in 1894 by Truman J. Backus, LL. D., ’64. 62 UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. MEMORANDA. The oration and poem and annual proceedings of the Alumni were published in several years in- pamphlet form. The publica¬ tions can be found in the University Library. The Commencement graduating exercises were held in the Corinthian Hall (now Academy of Music) until 1879 ; then in the First Baptist Church until 1889 ; they have been held in the Lyceum since that time. When the exercises were held in Corinthian Hall, there was a pro¬ cession of the Alumni, Students, Faculty, Trustees and City and County Officials ; the procession formed on the church lot where the auditorium of the Second Baptist Church now stands. The pro¬ cession headed by the Chief of Police of the city and a band, marched through Main street to Reynolds Arcade, and through the Arcade to Corinthian Hall, President Anderson being attired in cap and gown. At the entrance to the Hall 'the undergraduates cheered the President, Faculty, Officers, Alumni and the graduating class, as they successively passed into the Hall. The Anderson Alumni Fund is $27,674.76. The committee, M. H.Briggs, ’71 ; E. O. Sage, ’53 ; W. S. Hubbell, ’71, made their final report June 16, 1890. On July 11, 1854, the Alumni “Resolved, that all who receive the degree of A. M. from the University be honorary members of the Society of Alumni.” The records show that the following were elected honorary members of the Society of Alumni : Rezin A. Wight, of N. Y. City, June, 1876, George H. Raymond, ’74, June 26, 1877, President David J. Hill, LL. D., June, 1891. Prof. Spencer H. Freeman, ’75, son of Rev. A. L. Freeman,’51, was the first son of an Alumnus to graduate from the University, and appropriate resolutions were passed by the Alumni, June 29, 1875. The Associated Alumni were Incorporated under the Laws of N. Y. State, June 8, 1894. The managers for the first year named in the certificate of incorporation were : John P. Munn, M. D., ’70; Charles H. Wiltsie, ’8o ; John Fahy, ’66 ; Luther M. Hair, ’77 ; Charles W. Gorton, ’76 ; Charles F. Pond, ’60 ; Francis S. Macomber, ’89 ; Kendrick P. Shedd, ’89; Adelbert Cronise, ’77. First Reunion Concert at Chamber of Commerce rooms, June 14, 1892. ALUMNI DIRECTORY,\ 63 The Marble Tablet erected by the Alumni in the Chapel of Anderson Hall, to perpetuate the memory of the Alumni who died in the War of the Rebellion, contains the following inscription : IFn flfeemoriam. Jeremiah C. Drake, Class of 1852. Sidney E. Richardson, Class of 1853. William E. Bristol, Class of 1856. Theodore E. Baker, Class of 1857. Sylvanus S. Wilcox, Class of i860. Charles H.Savage, Class of 1861. Joseph Webster, Class of 1861. William C. Hall, Class of 1863. William E. Orr, Class of 1864. J. Harry Pool, Class of 1865. College Colors. Magenta and White, 1867-1876. Light Blue and Gray, June 27, 1876-1892. Golden Rod Yellow, June 15, 1892-1893. Dandelion Yellow since June 22, 1893. 6 4 UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. LOCAL ASSOCIATION OF NEW YORK CITY. OFFICERS. 1890-91. 1891-92. 1892-93. Prest. V. Prest.. 2d V. Prest Secy. Treas. Ex. Com .. T. J. Backus, LL.D. ’64 H. L. Morehouse, D. D.’58.. Willis S. Paine, LL. D.,’68. James D. Squires, ’77... Chas. J. Townsend, ’79. f Dr. J. P. Munn, ’TO. . I Theron G. Strong', ’68 ■{ Dr. G. H. Fox, ’67 .... | Geo. A. Allin, ’62. .. . I Dr. L. E. Holt, ’75. Dr. John P. Munn, ’70. Theron G. Strong-, ’68 F. S. Capen, Ph. D., ’68. James D. Squires, ’77. Chas. J. Townsend, ’79. fRev. R. B. Hull, D. D., ’71. I O. B. Leonard, ’61. \ Seth S. Terry. ’83. I Dr. F. J. Nott, ’74. (.Alonzo Pettit, 63. Dr. John P. Munn, ’70. Theron G. Strong, ’6«. F. S. Capen, Ph. D., 68. James D. Squires, ’77. Chas. J. Townsend, ’79. fRev. R, B. Hull,D. D., I O. B. Leonard, ’61. -{ Seth S. Terry, ’83. I Dr. F. J. Nott, ’74. (Alonzo Pettit, ’63. ’71. 1893-94. 1894-95. Prest. V. Prest... 2d V. Prest 3d Y. Prest Secy. Treas. Ex. Com.. Dr. John P. Munn, ’70. Theron G. Strong. ’68. F. S. Capen, Ph. D., ’68. *James D, Squires, ’77. Seth S. Terry, ’83. Chas. J. Townsend, ’79. fRossiter Johnson,LL.D.,’63 I Dr. Geo. H. Fox, ’67. ■{ Dr. L. Emmett Holt, ’75... I Rev. Fred. T. Gates, ’77_ (Dr. S. M. Brickner, ’88_ Dr. John P. Munn, ’70. Theron G. Strong, ’68. F. S. Capen, Ph. D., ’68. Seth S. Terry, ’83. Chas. J. Townsend, 79 . fRossiter Johnson, LL.D.,’63 I Dr. Geo. H. Fox, ’67 . <1 Dr. L. Emmett Holt, ’75... | Rev. Fred. T. Gates, ’77_ (Dr. S. M. Brickner, ’88. ♦Deceased. LOCAL ASSOCIATION OF ROCHESTER, N. Y. OFFICERS. 1890-91 1891-92. 1892-93. Prest Ira L. Otis, ’55. J. Harry Stedman, ’65. Joseph O’Connor, ’63. Hon. W. S. Hubbell, '71. Eugene C. Denton,’87. V. Prest... Secy-Treas Prest. V. Prest... Secy. Treas. Hon W. S Hubbell,’71... . Charles M. Williams, ’71. Eugene C. Denton, ’87. Eugene C. Denton, ’87. 1893-94. David L. Hill, ’78. Frances S. Macomber, ’89 ... Eugene C. Denton, ’87. Eugene C. Denton, ’87. 1895. Charles M. Williams, ’71. Henry W. Conklin, ’79. William A. Perrin, ’91. Martin Davis, ’87. Index of Alumni and Honorary Degrees. Abbott, Francis W., 1863. 25 Abbott, Willard, 1858. 21 Abell, Fred H., 1888. 47 Adhilles, Charles P., 1856. 20 Adams, Charles W., 1876. 34 Adams, Edward L., 1875. 33 Adams, Floyd H., 1893. 48 Adams, George B., 1882. 39 Adams, John Q., 1874. 33 Agate, Herbert, 1888. 44 Akeley, Lewis E., 1886. 42 Akin, Eugene C., 1877. 35 Allen, Charles M., 1867. 28 Allen, Frederick W., 1895.... 50 Allen, George, 1875. 33 Allen, Henry N., 1869. 29 Allen, Horace H., 1857. 21 Allen, William H., 1865. 27 Allin, George A., 1862. 24 Allis, M. H. h- 57 Ailing, Joseph T., 1876. 34 Amsden, Louis A., 1876. 34 Anderson, Galusha, 1854. 19—i-53-54 Andrew, Fred D., 1883. 40 Andrews, Fred E., 1893. 48 Andrews, George E., 1883.... 40 Andrews, Harry V., 1891. 46 Andrews, James S., 1868. 29 Andrus, Duane P., 1877. 35 Angell, Edward B., 1877. 35 Anstice, Henry. h- 55 Antisdale, Louis M., 1893.. .. 48 Armsby, James H. h- 57 Arnold, Albert N. h- 54 Ashley, Roseoe L., 1894. 49 Atchinson, George A., 1874... 33 Austin, John A.. . h-57 Ayer, Nathan Wheeler. li-57 Babcock, Robert, 1881. 39 Backus, Jay S . h- 54-56 Backus, Truman J., 1864. . .26—A-53 Bacon, Hackley B., 1866. .... 27 Bacone, Almon C., 1858. 21 Bailey, Charles O., 1880. 38 Bailey, Elmer J., 1894. 49 Bailey, Howard, 1883. 40 Bailey, James M., 1868. 29 Bailey, Joseph M., 1854. .. .19 —h 53 Bailey, Joseph M., Jr.,. 1885..... 42' Bailey, Lewis A., 1879. 37 Bainbridge, William F., 1862 . 24 Baker, Abijah L., 1861. 23 Baker, Charles A., 1885. 42 Baker, Clarence W., 1885. ... 42 Baker, James M., 1892.._.. 47 Baker, Theodore E., 1857. .... 21 Baker, William L., 1885. 42 Baldwin, Cornelius A., 1890... 45 Baldwin, Edwin C., 1893. 48 Baldwin, George C., Jr., 1869. 29 Baldwin, Schuyler C., 1872. .. 31 Barber, Charles R., 1879..... 37 Barden, Tilson C., 1854.. . 19 Barhite, John A., 1881. 39 Barnes, Alexander, 1857._ 21 Barnes, Edwin A., 1882. 39 Barrett, Albert T., 1869._ 29 Barrett, Amos J., 1854.19—i-55 Barrett, Nelson T., 1892. ..... 47 Barrett, Stephen P., 1859. 22' Barrett, Storrs B., 1889. 45> Barry, Charles P., 1873... 32 Barry, John H., 1870. 30 Barry, Thomas F.,. 1873...... 32 Barstow, Harry H., 1893. 48, Bartlett, Edward P., 1867. ... 28 Bartlett, Ezra A., 1870. 30 Barto, Charles E., 1862. 24 Barton, Alvin L., 1865. 27 Barton, Charles C., 1860. 23. Barton, George P., 1876. 34 Barton, Henry E., 1863. 25 Bassett, Julius A., 1875. ...... 33. Bates, Jerome P., 1873:. .. 32 Bausum, George F., 1873. 31 Beach, William H., 1881. 39* Beahan, Charles C., 1889. .... 45 Beall, Edwin R., 1890. 45 Bellamy, Frank J.,. 1876. ..... 34 Bellamy, Joseph R., 1857. .... 21 Benedict, Nehemiah W... h-55 Benedict, Oliver M., 1864. 26 Benedict, Wayland R., 1865.. 2T Benjamin, Daniel Smith, 1862. 24 Bennett, Harry M., 1883..... 40 Bentley, Sardius D., 1870. 30 Benton, Kendrick W., 1861. ... 23 66 UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. Bentzien, John, 1892 . Betteridge, Walter R., 1888. .. Bigelow, J. F. Bigelow, Walter S., 1889. Bills, George M. W., 1884.. .. Bishop, Frank B., 1871. Bishop, Levi J. P., 1874. Bissell, Willard P., 1867. Blackman, Charles D., 1893... Bliss, Henry D., 1880. Blossom, Peter A., 1895. Blossom, Thomas E., 1871. ... Bly, Myron T., 1880. Bonham, Charles L., 1886.... Bosley, Henry C., 1864. Bostwick, Charles E., 1891 .. Bottum, Frank M., 1871. Bowen, Benjamin L., 1881.... Bowen, Daniel, 1856. Bowen, Lemuel W., 1879. Bowerman, George F., 1892.. Boyd, Robert. Boynton, Charles H., 1886. ... Brackett, John Billings. Bradley, George B. Bradley, J. D.,. Bradstreet, J. Howard, 1891.. Bramiey, Herbert W., 1890. . . Brand, George B., 1851. Brant, Randolph C., 1854. Brasted, Bethuel H., 1863. ... Brickner, Isaac M., 1891. Brickner, Samuel M., 1888. . . . Bridgman, Charles DeW., 1855 Bright, Edward. Briggs, Horace. Briggs, Marsenus H., 1871. ... Brigham, Henry M., 1883. . .. Brink, Clark M., 1879. Bristol, Homer C., 1874. Brittain, James H., 1864. Bronk, John S., 1887. Bronk, Mitchell, 1886. Brooking, John H., 1864. Brookins, Homer D., 1880. Brooks, Alexander A., 1851.18- Brooks, Willis H., 1889. Brown, Carey D., 1885. Brown, Charles A., 1879. Brown, Charles S., 1890. Brown, Donald S., 1878. . .. Brown, Francis A., 1883. .... Brown, George W., 1862...... Brown, Harvey D., 1892. Brown, James D., 1857. Brown, John E., 1877. Brown, Matthew M., 1878. ... Brown, Milton A., 1855. Brown, Roscoe C. E., 1889.. .. Brown, Selden S., 1879. ..... Brown, T. Edwin. Buell, Jesse W., 1874. Buell, Walter, 1874. 33 Bulkley, Benjamin R., 1876.. 34 Bullard, Fred, 1886. 43 Bullard, Charles F., 1890. .... 46 Burdick, Charles R., 1852. 18 Burke, William B., 1864. 26 Burr, Charles E., 1890. 46 Burritt, Eldon G., 1891. 46 Burritt, Olin H., 1890. 46 Burroughs, John C... £ 54 Burrows, Albert C., 1884. 41 Burt, Horace E., 1867. 28 Burton, C. V. W. £-57 Burton, Reuben E., 1880. 38 Butterfield, Victor M., 1895... 50 Cady, Henry A., 1863. 25 Caldwell, Charles E., 1860. .. 23 Caldwell, William H., 1865. .. 27 Calvert, John B., 1876. 34 Cameron, Alexander, 1864. ... 26 Campbell, Fred R., 1882. 39 Campbell, R. G.. . £.55 Capen, Frank S., 1868. 29 Carey, George M. W., 1856.... 20 Carman, Augustine S., 1882. .. 39 Carman, Frederick, 1875. 33 Carman, John C.,1884. 41 Carpenter, Dyer A., 1864. 26 Carpenter, Elisha M., 1852. .. 18 Carpenter, Henry F.. 1852. ... 18 Carpenter, Stephen H., 1852.18—£-52 Carr, Clarence G., 1880. 38 Cassity, James M. 2z-56 Casey, Michael L., 1895. ..... 50 Castle, Kendall B., 1889. 45 Castleman, J. Warrant, 1889.. 45 Cather, Flavius J., 1857. 21 Caulkins, Thomas V., 1883.... 40 Chace, George S., 1852. 18 Chace, Benjamin B., 1889.... 45 Chadwick, Albert F., 1874. .. 33 Chamberlain, Byron N., 1893. 48 Chamberlain, I. £-57 Chambers, Victor J., 1895.... 50 Champlin, James T. 2i-54 Chandler, C. N. £-57 Chandler, William F., 1879.... 37 Chapin, Edward D., 1864. .... 26 Chapin, Judson C., 1889. 45 Chapin, Theodore F., 1870. ... 30 Chapman, George W., 1895. .. 50 Chase, Harry B., 1889. 45 Cheney, James E., Jr., 1867.... 28 Cheney, James L., 1877. ..... 35 Chilcott, Cyrus A., 1861. ..... 23 Child, Clement D., 1890. 46 Child, Increase, 1859. 22 Chittenden, Edwin S., 1865... 27 Chown, J. P... £-54 Church, Sanford E. £-51 Churchill, Edward S., 1862.... 24 47 44 £-57 45 41 31 33 28 48 38 50 31 38 42 26 46 31 39 20 37 47 £-57 43 £-55 £-53 £-58 46 45 18 19 25 46 44 20 £-53 £-57 31 40 37 33 26 43 43 26 38 £-56 45 42 37 45 36 40 24 47 21 35 36 20 45 37 £-55 33 ALUMNI INDEX. 6 7 Churchill, Marcellus A., 1871.. 31 Clark, Aaron, 1862. 24 Clark, Anderson W., 1877. ... 35 Clark, Clinton D., 1882. 39 Clark, Daniel, 1868.. • 29 Clark, Frank D., 1895. 50 Clark, George W. h -55 Clark, Henry, 1888. 44 Clark, Ira C., 1859. 22 Clark, John, 1868. 29 Clark, Judson J., 1892. 47 Clark, Justin W., 1879. 37 Clark, J. W. B. h 55 Clark, Nathan J., 1851. 18 Clark, Oliver D., 1884. 41 Clark, Orlando E., 1876. 34 Clarke, James A., 1894. 49 Clarke, John C. C., 1859. 22 Clarkson, Alonzo R., 1863.... 25 Clarkson, Frank M., 1868. ... 29 Clarkson, Thomas B., 1856. ... 20 Clausen, Christian A., Jr., 1886. 43 Clauson, Olin J., 1871. 31 Cleghorn, Adams. h -57 Clement, Arthur G., 1882. 39 Cliff, Frederick W., 1892. 47 Cody, Fred L., 1886. 43 Coe, George A., 1884. 41 Cogswell, William N., 1878 .. 36 Coit, Albert, 1866.27—A-56 Coit, Charles P., 1867.28— h -56 Colby, Abram, 1856. 20 Colby, John P., 1859. 22 Cole, Daniel H., 1895 . 50 Colegrove, Frederick W. h -56 Coleman, John E., 1879. 37 Collier, Morey S., 1876. 34 Collins, Samuel B., 1868. 29 Collins, Thaddeus W., Jr., 1877. 35 Comfort, Clifford V., 1892. 23 Comfort, Milton B., 1861. 47 Condron, George M., 1854.... 19 Congdon, Hiram W., 1865.... 27 Conger, Horace M... h 57 Conklin, Henry W., 1879. .... 37 Cook, William S., 1895. 50 Cooke, Augustus P., 1857.... 21 Cooke, Martin W., 1860. 23 Cooke, Rolland C., 1863. . 25 Cooley, Albert N., 1887...... 43 Cooley, Darwin H., 1855. .... 20 Coon, George W., 1876. 34 Coon, Seneca, 1861. 23 Coon, Stephen M., 1870. 30 Cooper, Henry, 1863. 25 Cooper, Henry C., 1885. 42 Corey, Daniel G... h -54 Corey, Sidney A. h -57 Coveil, Milton W., 1880. 38 Craft, John, 1864. 26 Crandall, Albert W., 1862_ 24 Crandall, Chester D., 1879... 37 Crane, Cephas B., 1858....21— h -55 Craven, Elmer H., 1891. 46 Cronise, Adelbert, 1877. 35 Crosby, David, 1868. 29 Crosby, Moreau S., 1863. 25 Crowell, Melvin E., 1879. 37 Crowell, William. h -54 Cull, Thomas, 1861. 24 Cummings, Marcus' F. /i-5& Curry, J. M. L. h 55 Curtis, George William. h -57 Curtis, John W., 1857. 21 Cutting, Gardner S., 1858. 21 Dana, William E., 1882. 39 Darrow, Charles E., 1877. 35 Davidson, Thomas L.lz-54—57 Davis, Albert A., 1883. 40 Davis, Edward H., 1852... 18 Davis, Francis H., 1860. 23 Davis, George F., 1864. 26- Davis, Martin, 1887. 43 Davis, William H., 1868. 29* Day, Bedden S., 1881. 39 Day, Theodore S., 1879.... .. 37' Dayton, Benjamin B., 1873... 32 Dean, Charles F., 1866. 27 Dean, Charles L., 1883. 40 Dean, Elliott S., 1890... 46. Dean, Henry S., 1864.26- Dean, Henry W. Jj -57 Dean, William. A-53: Dean, William K., 1876. ..... 34 Deane, John H., 1866.27—2z-58 DeGroat, Herman K., 1892. 47 DeLong, John W., 1859...... 22 DePuy, Irving N., 1894. # 49 Denison, Elmore W., 1859. . 22 Densmore, George C., 1863. .. 25 Denton, Engene C., 1887. ..... 43 Derr, Francis C., 1860. . 23 Detmers, Arthur, 1889. 45 . Dewey, Charles A., 1861. ..... 24 Dexter, James E. h-bT Dexter, William H., 1878. .... 36, Dickerson, John W., 1883. .... 40 Dickinson, William H., 1864.. 26 Disbrow, Myron H., 1871.... 31 Dodge, Edward C., 1876. ..... 34 Donahue, George H., 1877.... 35 Doniphan, George, 1880. 38 Doolittle, James R., Jr., 1865... 27 Dorsey, Patrick, Jr., 1877. ... 35 , Douglass, Curtis N., 1877..... 35 . Dow, George C., 1887. 43 Dox, Rutger, 1874. 33 Drake, J. A... h- 58- Drake, Jeremiah C., 1852. .... 15 . Dransfield, Thomas, 1858. .... 21 Draper, George P., 1857. ..... 21 Draper, George B., 1892. ..... 47 Drown, Albertus A., 1863. 25 <68 UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. Duboc, Albert M., 1870. Duboc, Henry A., 1875. Duncan, Albert G., 1891. ..... Dunnell, Mark B., 1886. ..... Durant, Henry. Duval, Narcisse, 1857. Dyke, Albert W., 1878. East, Frederick, 1883. Eaton, Elon H., 1890. Edick, Philo H., 1873. Egbert, Andrew J., 1877. Eldredge, George E., 1876. . .. Ellis, Sylvenus A., 1855. Ellison, Frank T., 1873. Ellsworth, Timothy E., 1857.. Ely, Edward T., 1871. Ely, Joseph A., 1866. Ely, William S., 1861. Ely, William W. Emerson, George O., 1867. Emerson, Henry P., 1871. Engert, George A., 1890. Ensign, Andrew J., 1855. Emsberger, Milton C., 1888. . Estes, Benjamin G., 1895. Esty, Alexander R. Evans, Benjamin. Evans, Asher Benton. Evans, Philip S., 1855. Everett, William P., 1853_ Faber, William F., 18S0. Fabel, Frederick Charles, 1893 Fagan, Wiliam T., 1855. Fahy, John, 1866. Fairman, Charles E., 1874. . .. Fargo, Elmer L., 1891. Farley, Robert G., 1860. Famham, Charles C., 1865. .. Farnham, Philip P., 1863. .... Farr, Archibald L., 1854. ... Farrar, Raleigh, 1880. Fassett, Henry L., 1884. ..... Fassett, Jacob S., 1875.. Fay, Henry Harrison. Fay, William W., 1855. . Fenn, Robert H., 1854. Fenn, Samuel P., 1854. Fenner, Francis D., 1861. Filmer, Thomas T., 1860. Fish, Ezra J., 1853.. Fish, Henry C. h- Fish, Frederick S., 1873... Fisher, George E., 1868. Fisher, Joseph D., 1864. Fison, Lorimer. FitzSimons, Curtis, 1893. ..... Flannery, George F., 1878. . .. Fleming, James P., 1892. ..... Flock, Aaron S., 1879. Foley, James C., 1871. Folsom, Benjamin, 1871. 31 Folsom, Oscar, 1859. 22 Foote, Edward M., 1886. 43 Foote, Frank W., 1883. 40 Foote, George T. S., 1884 . 41 Foote, Israel. h -54 Forbes, Charles, 1864. 26 Forbes, Francis, 1866. 27 Forbes, Francis W., 1877.... 35 Forbes, George M., 1878. 36 Forbes, John F., 1878.36— h -56 Ford, Munson H., 1883. 40 Foreman, Charles W., 1885. .. 42 Foreman, Edward R., 1892. . . 47 Fosdick, Frank S., 1872. 31 Fowler, Isaac D., 1869. 29 Fowler, John K., 1870. 30 Fox, Burton S., 1889. 45 Fox, Charles S., 1891. 46 Fox, George H., 1867. 28 Fox, Norman, 1855.20—2i-55 Frail, Elmer G., 1888. 44 Frederick, Gilbert H., 1870. ... 30 Freeman, Albert T., 1895. ... 50 Freeman, Andrew L., 1851. ... 18 Freeman, Spencer H., 1875. ... 33 Freiday, Jacob A., 1871. 31 French, Francis J., 1891. 46 Frost, Albert G., 1881. 39 Frye, Wakefield G., 1851. 18 Fulton, Justin D., 1852.18— h -55 Gage, Harlan P., 1867. 28 Gage, Lucian L., 1854. 19 Galen tine, William A., 1884... 41 Gallagher, Joseph T., 1881... 39 Gaily, Merritt, 1863. 25 Gamble, Charles W., 1892.... 47 Gammel, William. h -52 Gardner, Corliss B., 1857...21— h -56 Gardner, Addison. h -52 Gardner, George S., 1893. 48 Gardner, George F., 1861. 24 Garnsey, Nathan D., 1886.... 43 Garton, Joseph V., 1877. 35 Gaskill, Joshua, 1S59. 22 Gates, Fred T., 1877. 35 Gates, Merrill E., 1870.30—A-53 Gaylord, Leonard J., 1864. 26 Gaylord, Willis C., 1865. 27 Gibbs, Charles L., 1873. 32 Gilbert, Clinton W., 1891. 46 Gilbert, Edward, 1862. 24 Gilbert, Grove K., 1862. 24 Gilbert, William S., 1875. 34 Gilbert, William W., 1861_ 24 Gillett, Erastus Judd. h -54 Gillette, George A., 1882. 39 Gilman, Albert W., 1870. 30 Gilman, Frank, 1871. 31 Gilmore, Addison, 1875. 34 Gilmore, David C., 1887. 43 33 30 46 43 h -52 21 36 40 46 32 35 34 20 32 21 31 27 24 h -52 28 31 46 20 44 50 h -57 h -54 h -57 20 19 38 48 20 27 33 46 23 27 25 19 38 41 33 7i-57 20 19 19 24 23 19 -54-57 32 29 26 h-58 48 36 47 37 31 ALUMNI INDEX. 69 Gilmore, Edward R., 1889.. . 45 Glass, Charles J., 1865. 27 Glass, Edgar P., 1869. 29 Glen, Frank E., 1874. 33 Godard, Abel, 1859. 22 Goetzmann, Frederick G., 1874 33 Goodrich, William P., 1880. ... 38 Goodspeed, Edgar J., 1853. .19— h -55 Goodspeed, Thomas W., 1863. 25 Goodwin, Willard II., 1895_ 50 Gordis, Warren S., 1888. 44 Gorsline, James S., 1893. 48 Gorton, Charles W., 1876. .... 34 Gosnell, James, 1890. 46 Gould, Adoniram J., 1859. 22 Gould, Edward P., 1859. 22 Grant, Edward F., 1874. 33 Grant, James, 1887. 43 Gray, David. h-58 Gray, Edgar Harkness. Iz-54 Gregg, Harry W., 1888. 44 Green, Freeman A., 1869. 29 Greene, James W., 1884. 41 Greene, Samuel H. i-56 Greenwood, John W., 1873... 32 Griebel, John D., 1863. 25 Griffin, Arthur B., 1876. 34 Griffith, John H., 1859. 22 Gross, Howard B., 1876. 34 Grosvenor, Oliver G. } 1877... 35 Grover, Fred E., 1888. 44 Gubelmann, Jacob S., 1858.21— h -55 Guernsey, Fred W., 1879. 37 Gurnee, George W., 1885. .. .” 1 : 2 Hagooni, J. B. h-58 Hague, Elliot M., 1893.. 49 Haight, George W., 1874. 33 Hair, Luther M., 1877. 35 Hale, Albert C., 1869. 29 Hale, George D., 1870. 30 Hale, William B., 1885. 42 Hall, Theodore F., Jr., 1868.. 29 Hall, Thomas A., 1859. 22 Hamilton, Charles A., 1889... 45 Hamilton, Dillis D., 1853. 19 Hamilton, Gavin L., 1861. ... 24 Hamilton, H. Adelbert, 1892.. 47 Hamilton, Robert A., 1895. ... 50 Hanford, Thaddeus, 1870. 30 Hanks, Caleb S., 1873. 32 Hard, Edward C., 1894. 49 Hardy, Robert W., 1861. 24 Harkness, William, 1858. .. 21—£-52 Harris, Albert H., 1881.... .. 39 Harris, Frank J., 1888. 44 Harris, George H., 1892. 47 Harris, Irving E., 1892 . 47 Harris, Judson W., 1867...... 28 Harris, William A., 1893..... 49 Harris, William H., 1858...21 —h 57 Harrison, Henry, 1877. 35 Harrison, John S... Ii-54 Hart, Edward P., 1872. 31 Harutun, Moses B., 1892. 48 Harvey, Ransom, 1878. 36 Hastings, Daniel G., 1884. ... 41 Haughwout, P. B. Ii-56 Hayden, Francis V. li- 52—57 Hayden, James A., 1878. 36 Hayne, Marcus E., 1865. 27 Hays, David, 1878.. 36 Hays, Solomon, 1880. 38 Head, John Q., 1870. 30 Hedden, William D., 1851. ... 18 Hedstrom, Arthur Eric, 1892.. 48 Hellings, William P., 1864. ... 26 Hendee, Homer H., 1865. 27 Herrick, Charles C., 1873. 32 Hewitt, Charles E., 1860. 23 Hewitt, Henry H., 1874. ..... 33 Hewson, William. 2z-57 Heywood, Chester W., 1853. .. 19 Hickok, Henry F., 1856... 20—2i-55 Higgins, John S., 1858. 21 Higgins, Julius R., 1857. 21 Hiler, Henry E., 1893.... 49 Hill, David L., 1878. 36 Hill, John H. h 53 Hill, Joseph H., 1885. 42 Hill, Walter H., 1889. 45 Hillier, Harry W., 1886. ..... 43 Hillman, Walter B., 1889. 45 Himes, Frank T., 1895. 50 Hirshfield, Marcus, 1875. 34 Hirshfield, Moses, 1879. 37 Hodge, M. G. h 57 Hodgman, Thomas M., Jr., ’84 41 Hoekstra, Jacob A., 1863. 25 Holcomb, George P., 1889. .... 45 Holland, Theodore B., 1869. ... 29 Hollister, George C., 1877. 36 Holmes, Ira, 1861. 24 Holmes, Thomas D., 1890. .... 46 Hollway, Miles A., 1892-.. 48 Holt, George F., 1885. 42 Holt, Luther E., 1875. ....... 34 Holt, Nelson C., 1875. 34 Holt, William D., 1882. . 39 Hooker, Elon H., 1891. 46 Hooker, Harry M., 1894. ..... 49 Horton, Arthur W., 1873. .... 32 Horton, Isaac, 1865. 27 Hotchkiss, James L., 1879. .... 37 Houghton, George W., 1859. .. 22 Howard, John R., 1857. ..... 21 Howard, Joseph K., 1864..., 26 Howard, W. G. . h- 53 Howard, Walter S., 1891. 46 Howe, Adelbert J., 1869. ..... 29 Howe, Alonzo J., 1856. . 20 Howe, Henry B., 1879. 37 Ho^e, John B., 1889. . 45 Howell, Edwin E. . h- 58 70 UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. Howk, Loren W., 1887. 43 Hoyt, Herbert W., 1888. 44 Hoyt, Colgate... h .58 Hoyt, Wayland. 2i-55 Hubbell, Walter S., 1871. ... 31 Hubbell, William N., 1885. ... 42 Hudnut, Edward W., 1873. .. 32 Hudnut, James M., 1872. 31 Hudnutt, Isaiah B., 1872. 31 Huffman, William G., 1860... 23 Hughes, Benjamin, 1883. 40 Hull, John M., 1882.'. 39 Hull, Robert B., 1871. 31 — 21.55 Humphrey, Joseph L., 1895. .. 50 Hunt, Ebenezer W., 1873. 32 Hunt, Edward T., 1867. 28 Hunt, Emory W., 1884. 41 Hunt, Garrett B., 1890. 46 Hunt, Horace H., 1876. 34 Hunt, James M., 1880. 38 Hunt, Washington. h -52 Huntington, Edward T., 1871. 31 Huntington, Frank, 1868. 29 Hurd, Egbert, 1858. 21 Hurlburt, Hiram D., 1875. 34 Hurlbutt, Eli H., 1857. 21 Hutchinson, Franklin B., 1862 24 Inman, Darwin M., 1863. .... 25 Isbell, Herve, 1881. 39 Ives, James R., 1877. 36 Jackson, Peter V., 1866. 28 Jacobs, Charles B., 1884. 41 Jacobs, William W., 1877. 36 James, Owen. 2i-56 Jameson, Henry A., 1887. 43 Jameson, John S., 1881. 39 Jameson, Melvin, 1856. 20 Jenkins, John L., 1863. 25 Jenks, Adelbert F., 1875. 34 Jennings, Edward R., 1882. . 39 Jennings, Milton R., 1894. 49 Jewett, Franklin N., 1881. 39 Jewett, Milo P. h -52 Johnson, Charles H., 1864. ... 26 Johnson, Elias H., 1862. .. .24— h -55 Johnson, Harvey B., 1876 .... 34 Johnson, Rossiter, 1863..25— h-53-56 Johnston, Daniel L., 1869. 29 Jones, John B., 1852. 18 Jones, Lawrence T., 1871. .... 31 Jones, Philip L., 1865.27—2i-56 Jones, William M., 1863. 25 Joy, Edmund L., 1856. .. 20 Justice, Albert J., 1890 . 46 Keeney, James F., 1866. 28 Kelley, Chauncey R., 1869. ... 29 Kellogg, Milo G., 1870. ...... 30 Kellogg, William S., 1865. 27 Kelly, James H., 1864. 26 Kelly, Robert . h-52 Kelsey, Frank W., 1880_38— h-5Q Kendall, Horace F., 1869. 29 Kendrick, Henry L. h- 52 Kendrick, J. Ryland. h- 54 Kendrick, Ryland M., 1889... 45 Kenyon, William H., 1865. ... 27 Keyes, J. J. £.53 Keyes, Stephen, Jr., 1854. 19 Kiefer, William L., 1887. ..... 43 Kilpatrick, David B., 1865. ... 27 Kimball, Harold C., 1882..,.. 40 Kimball, Henry P., 1851. .... ig King, Edwin H., 1876.*’ 34 King, Fred A., 1890. 46 King, John A. Ji-52 King, Rufus. ^z-52 Kingman, Charles G., 1867. 1 ] 28 Kinney, Worthy H., 1880. ... 38 Kinzie, Wesley A., 1891. 46 Kitchen, Allen E., 1859. 22 Kneeland, Francis W., 1880.. 38 Kneel and, Ira S., 1884. 41 Knight, Andrew J., 1860. 23 Knight, John, 1893 . 49 Koetzli, Theophilus J., 1860... 23 Kohlmetz, William C., 1895.. 50 Kreyer, Carl T., 1863..26—2i-56 Kuichling, Emil, 1868. 29 Lamberton, Alexander B., ’ 66 . 28 Landsberg, Emil M., 1894. .. 49 Lansing, Lewis W., 1880. 38 Lapp, Clarence E., 1887. 43 Lathrop, Edward.. . 22.53 Lawrence, Henry E., 1889. ... 45 Learn, George A., 1895. 50 Learned, Wiiliam C., 1855.... 20 Leary, Montgomery E., 1892 .. 48 Leavens, George G., 1869.... 30 Lee, Henry W.. . Ji-53 Lee, William S., 1861. 24 Lemen, Theodore A., 1877. 36 Lemen, William S., 1883. ..... 40 Lent, Daniel E., 1859. 22 Lent, Fred E., 1884. 41 Leonard, Oliver B., 1861..... 24 Leonard, William J., 1862. ... 24 Leslie, John, 1856. 20 Lewis, Burr, 1865. 27 Lewis, Charles H., 1886. 43 Lewis, Fred A., 1886. 43 Lincoln, Heman. i-54 Lincoln, Walter S., 1892. 48 Lindsey, Charles B., 1865.. .. 27 Lin field, George F., 1873. 32 Link, David, 1856 . 20 Lipsky, Abram, 1895. 50 Little, Adelbert P., 1872. 32 Little, Charles, 1881. 39 Lloyd, Hoyes, 1854. 19 Lochner, William E., 1886. ... 43 ALUMNI INDEX. Lockwood, Frederick W., 1886 43 Loomis, Justin R. Iz-52 Lord, Franklin L., 1878. 36 Losey, Charles H., 1884. 41 Losey, Fred D., 1891. 47 Losey, John B., 1883. 40 Loucks, Erastus F., 1881. 39 Loucks, William E., 1886. 43 Loughborough, Ross, 1894.... 49 Love, John, Jr., 1868. 29 Lovell, Thomas B., 1862. 24 Loveridge, Washington I., 1882 40 Lowe, Ralph W., 1883. 40 Ludlam, George P., 1864. 26 Ludlow, James P., 1861. 24 Lung, George A., 1883. 40 Lynch, James Ross, 1885 .... 42 Lyon, Albert J., 1871. 31 Lyon, Edmund, 1877. 36 Lyon, Franklin S., 1852. ..... 18 MacAfee, Burton, 1876. 35 MacArthur, Robert S., 1867.28— h -55 McCoy, Amasa... h-f )7 McCullough, James P., 1879 .. 37 McCutcheon, John, L., 1884. .. 41 McDonald, Arthur, 1879. 37 McDonald, Clarence A., 1880.. 38 McDonald, William S., 1882.. 40 McGuire, Horace, 1866. 28 McGuire, Horace A., 1893. ... 49 McGuire, John, 1888. 44 Mcllvaine, Joshua H. h -53 McIntyre, James J., 1853. 19 McKay, Stanley A., 1878. .. . 36 MeKendrie, Edward J., 1854.. 19 McKenney, Frederick B., 1894. 49 McKenzie, David, 1860. mm 23 Mackey, William M., 1859. . 22 McKinney, James P., 1869. •• 30 Mackwood, Robert, 1861. 24 McLean, Charles D. h-58 McLean, Thomas K., 1871_ 31 MoMaster, Joseph, 1869. 30 McNair, James M., 1860. 23 McNinch, Walter B., 1895. ... 50 Macomber, Francis S., 1889.. 45 Macomber, Francis A., 1859. 22—li-53 Macomber, William, 1885.... 43 McVicar, Malcolm, 1859....22— h -52 MacVicar, John G., 1887. 44 Magoon, Elias L. h -35 Main, Arthur E., 1869. 30 Male, Jonathan T., 1895. ..... 50 Manchester, Herbert A., 1887 . 44 Mann, Alexander M. h -54 Manning, M. Claudius. h-57 Marble, Manton, 1855. 20 Marble, Fred E., 1887. 44 March, Edwin P., 1860. 23 Marcy, Lemuel B., 1880. ..... 38 Margrander, John L., 1881. ... 39 7* Marsh, Clyde E., 1892. 48 Marsh, Forrest A., 1869. ..... 30 Marshall, Benjamin D., 1853.19—2i-55 Martin, John W., 1870. 30 Marvin, Richard P., Jr., 1870. 30 Mason, Alonzo T., 1861. 24 Mason, J. O. h— 54-57 Mastin, DeWitt C., 1864. 26 Mathews, Frank B., 1885_ 42 Maurer, Edward W., 1877.... 36 Maxson, Charles H., 1892.... 48 Menzie, Alexander E., 1895.... 50 Menzie, Herbert J., 1886. 43 Merrell, Alden J., 1888. 44 Merrell, Jonathan D., 1854. .. 19 Merrell, William D., 1891.... 47 Merrill, Samuel P., 1858. 21 Merritt, Lewis W., 1857. 21 Meyer, David G., 1894.. 49 Meyer, Paul Abner, 1892.... 48 Michaels, Marcus, 1873 . 32 Middlebrook, Charles F., 1892. 48 Middleton, Arthur R., 1891. ... 47 Miles, Benjamin F., 1881 .... 39 Miller, Frank W., 1871. 31 Miller, Henry T., 1868. 29 Miller, Irving, 1894.. . 49 Miller, Louis H., 1880... 38 Milliman, Henry C., 1877. ... 36 Mills, Herbert E., 1883... 40 Mills, William T., 1872_.. 32 Milne, James M., 1880. 38 Milne, John M., 1879. 37 Milne, William J., 1868.29—jfr-56 Minot, Morton, 1878. 36 Mixer, Albert H... h -56 Montgomery, Charles H., 1895. 50 Moore, Daniel. h -54 Moore, Edward M.... h -52 Moore, Edward M., Jr., 1871.. 31 Moore, Samuel P., 1874. 33 Moore, Walter B., 1861. ..... 24 Morehouse, Albert W., 1869... 30 Morehouse, Henry L., 1858. .21— h-55 Morehouse, Oliver . h-57 Morey, Lewis H., 1872. 32 Morey, William C., 1868. ..... 29 Morford, Curtis R., 1883..... 40 Morgan, John Rhys. h -55 Morman, James B., 1890. 46 Morris, David, 1882. 40 Morris, Herbert W... h -55 Morse, John F., 1885. 42 Morse, Charles C., 1894_ . 49 Morse, John P., 1895. 50 Moscrip, Charles H., 1874. ... 33 Moss, Lemuel, 1858.21—/i-53-55 Moxom, Philip S., 1879. 37 Mundy, Ezekiel W., 1860. 23 Munger, Orrin, 1858. 22 Mulligan, Wesley T., 1892.... 48 Munn, George L., 1883. 40 72 UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. Munn, John P., 1870. 30 Munro, Jacob Weed, 1875. 34 Munro, John P., 1869. 30 Murdock, John N. Ji-53 Myers, Daniel- Johnston, 1882. 40 Myers, Cortland R., 1887. ... 44 Nelson, John, 1864. 26 Newhall, Alfred A., Jr., 1872.. 32 Newman, John C., 1883. 40 Newman, John P. 2i-54 Newton, Charles L., 1873.. .. 32 Newton, Isaac. h- 56 Nichols, Henry L. h -57 Nichols, Jamesi E., 1878. 36 Nichols, William H., 1874. 33 Nisbet, Ebenezer, 1853. 19 Nolan, Thomas, 1879. 37 Nordell, Philip A., 1870-30—A-55 Norris, J. Carlton. h- 58 Northrup, George W., Jr., 1881. 39 Northrup, William M., 1886 . 43 Northrup, George-W.. h- 55 Norton, Arthur D., 1864. 26 Norton, Asahel W., 1873. 32 Norton, Charles C., 1852. 18 Nott, Abner Kingman, 1855. .. 20 Nott, Frederick J., 1874. ..... 33 Nute, Arthur C., 1893. 49 Oakley, Masklin C. B., 1864. .. 26 Oatley, William R., 1861..... 24 O’Connor, Joseph, 1863. 25 O’Grady, James M. E., 1885.. 42 O’Hern, James P., 1892. ..... 48 Olds, George D., 1873. 82 Olin, Hiram B., 1879. 87 Olmsted, Albert H., 1892. 48 Olmsted, John M. h- 54 . Olmsted, William D., 1891. ... 47 Oothout, John W., 1863..... 25 Ordway, George L., 1875. .... 84 Osgood, William H., 1887. ... 44 Otis, Elwell S., 1858. 22 Otis, Ira L., 1855. 20 Otis, Raymond, 1892. 48 Otto, Benjamin, 1887. 44 Outwater, Theron, 1875. 34 Overhiser, John C., 1854. .. . 19 — 2 j -56 Owen, Ezra F., 1862. 24 Owen, Harvey J., 1875. 34 Packwood, Ebenezer, 1859. .. 22 Padelford, Adoniram J., 1858.. 22 Padelford, Marshall M., 1864.. 26 Page, George K., 1887. 44 Page, Jay Stuart, 1892. 48 Page, Robert V., 1885. 42 Page, William Y., 1885. 42 Paine, Edwin C., 1887. 44 Paine, Edwin G., 1874. 33 Paine, Willis S., 1868. 29 Palmer, Charles H., 1869. 30 Palmer, David H., 1860. ..... 23 Palmer, Francis B., 1858. . 22 —h 56 Palmer, John P., 1868. 29 Pancost, Edwin H., 1862. 24 Parker, Alonzo K., 1866. 28 Parker, Charles B., 1874. 33 Parmalee, George H., 1889. ... 45 Parmelee, D. S.. h -37 Parmele, Lucius B., 1864. ... 26 Parsons, Curtis B., 1862..... 25 Parsons, Edward T., 1886.. .. 43 Parsons, Thomas, 1892. 48 Pattee, Ernest N., 1886. ..... 43 Pattengiill, Willis W., 1870. ... 30 Patterson, Calvin, 1877... 36 Pattison, Harold, 1891. 47 Payne, Sereno E., 1864. 26 Peabody, Andrew P... h -52 Pease, Henry, 1887. 44 Peck, Henry... It-56 Peck, Horatio Nelson, 1876... 35 Peltz, Hamilton S., 1883. 40 Pendelton, Garnett, 1875. 34 Perkins, George H., 1872. ..... 32 Perkins, James Breck, 1867. .. 28 Perrin, William A., 1891. 47 Pettengill, Reuben T., 1862... 25 Pettit, Alonzo, 1863. 25 Phelps, James H., 1854. ..... 19 Phillips, Thomas, 1879. 37 Phinney, Frank D., 1878. .... 36 Phinney, Herman Iv., 1877. ... 36 Pickett, Charles C., 1883..... 40 Pickett, Edwin J., 1S56. 20 Pierce, Edward H., 1863..... 25 Pierce, Francis E., 1859. ..... 22 Pierce, Horace G., 1874. ..... 33 Pierce, Samuel C., 1860. 23 Plumb, William T., 1891...... 47 Pomeroy, Carter P., 1878..... 36 Pomeroy, Howard N., 1877.. .. 36 Pond, Charles F., 1860. 23 Porter, Charles E., 1864...... 26 Porter, Farley, 1866.. . 28 Porter, Samuel, 1864. 26 Potter, Milton G., 1864. 26 Powers, Ivan, 1872. 32 Powers, Richard F., 1860..... 23 Pratt, Charles F., 1884 . 41 Pratt, William C., 1855. 20 Prentice, William E., 1884. ... 41 . Pruyn, John Y. L.. . lz-52 Puffer, Charles C., 1863. 25 Puffer, Henry M., 1860. 23 Puffer, Samuel W., 1860. ..... 23 Puffer, Starkey P., 1895. .... 50 Pulver, Arthur W., 1882. 40 Pye, George W., 1880. 38 Quinby, Isaac F. h-57 A L UMNI INDEX. 73 Race, Fred Alexander, 1887. .. 44 Raines, George, 1866. 28 Ramsdale, Wiliam C., 1879. .. 37 Ramaker, Albert J., 1895. .... 50 Rank, Willard C., 1885. 42 Ransom, John C., 1879. 37 Rathbone, Arthur B., 1859. ... 22 Rauschenbusch, Augustus. li-54 Rauschenbusch, Walter, 1885.. 42 Raymond, Alonzo C., 1869. ... 30 Raymond, John H. fi-52 Raymond, William C., 1889. .. 45 Raynsford, James A., 1876. .. 35 Reynolds, Harrah J., 1864. ... 26 Reynolds, Mark H., 1866. .... 28 Reed, Herbert G., 1890. 46 Reilly, George William, 1891.. 47 Remington, William A., 1890... 46 Rhees, Morgan J. h- 53 Rhodes, Curtis H., 1874. 33 Rhodes, Eli A., 1886. 43 Richards, Charles E., 1860. .. 23 Richardson, Frank J., 1878. .. 36 Richardson, S. Brown, 1S78. .. 36 Richardson, Sidney E., 1853.. 19 Richmond, Delevan, 1893. .... 49 Rider, Charles E. jfr-57 Rider, Wheelock, 1883. 40 Rising, Francis . h-58 Ritso, George F., 1862. 25 Roberts, George L., 1873. 32 Roberts, Edward F., 1888. ... 44 Robins, Henry E... h- 55 Robinson, Charles M., 1891.... 47 Robinson, David H., 1859. .22—/z-56 Robinson, Henry L., 1865.... 27 Robinson, Norman, 1854...... 19 Robinson, Otis H., 1861.... .. 24 Robson, Charles W., 1893. 49 Rochester, Thomas M., 1876.. 35 Rockfellow, John A. ^-58 Rockwood, Jerome E., 1863. .. 25 Rockwood, William T., 1858.. 22 Rodenbeck, Adolph J., 1885. .. 42 Rogers, Irvin H., 1880. 38 Rogers, Robert E., 1895. ..... 50 Rogers, Thomas, 1858.22— h-55 Rose, Henry A., 1852. 18 Rosenberger, Jesse L., 1888. .. 44 Root, Oren. Ji-52 Rowe, Thomas T., 1878. 37 Rowley, Frank H., 1875_.. 34 Royal, Ernest A., 1892. 48 Sage, Adoniram J., 1860_23— h-55 Sage, Edwin O., 1853. 19 Sage, George B., 1895. 50 Sage, Harmon M., 1881. 39 Sage, Volney A., 1863. 25 Sage, William L., 1865. 27 Sanders, Henry M. h-56 Sanford, Chester G., 1892. 48 Sarver, Charles P. K., 1892. .. 48 Satterlee, LeRoy... h -57 Satterlee, Eugene H., 1867. ... 28 Saunders, Richard LeRoy, 1895 • 50 Savage, Charles H., 1861. 24 Savage, James M., 1852. 18 Sawyer, Louis J., 1891. 47 ScMauch, Gustav R., 1894. 49 Schneider, Gustavus, Adolphus, 1888..... 44 Schofield, James V., 1852. 18 Schoonmaker, Peter E., 1871.. 31 Schulte, Herman J., 1893. .... 49 Scott, John H., 1871. 31 Scott, William A., 1886. 43 Scott, Winfield, 1859. 22 Sears, Gilbert N., 1865. 27 Seeley, Isaac, 1853. 19 Seeley, Isaac C., 1858. 22 Selden, Samuel Lee... h- 52 Sellew, George F., 1889. ..... 45 Seymour, E. C.. h -57 Shaffer, William H., 1871.... 31 Shaw, Augustus C., 1861... .. 24 Shaw, Charles M., 1891. ..... 47 Shaw, James B. li-53 Shaw, William Henry, 1891. .. 47 Shaw, William W., 1859. ..... 22 Shaw, Willis Organ, 1891. 47 Shay, Clark W., 1890. 46 Shedd, Henry D., 1895. 50 Shedd, Kendrick P., 1889. .... 45 Shedd, William A., 1889-.. 45 Sheffield, Charles S., I860.... 23 Sheldon, Clinton J., 1862. 25 Sheldon, Rufus. h-57 Sheldon, D. Henry., 1857. 21 Sheldon, Isaac E., 1857...... 21 Sheldon, Rolland F., 1856- 20 Sheppard, Joseph H., 1865. .. 27 Sheppard, Theodore W., 1860. 23 Sheppard, William C., 1885. .. 42 Sherman, Fletcher J., 1876. .. 38 Sherman, Isaac.. . h- 53 Shero, William Francis, 1887. 44 Short, Louis Daniel, 1888. 44 Shields, William H., 1865.... 27 Sickels, Frank E., 1880. ... 38 Sill, John W.. h 57 Simonson, George M., 1884. .. 41 Simpson, Arthur H., 1895. 50 Simpson, Benjamin F., 1877. .. 36 Simpson, William C., 1871. ... 31 Sinclair, Donald J., 1863... .. 25 Slaight, Herbert A., 1893. .... 49 Sloan, William H., 1870. ..... 30 Slocum, Arthur G., 1874. .. .33—li-53 Slocum, George Fort, 1878. ... 37 Slocum, Mors Ostrander, 1889. 45 Sly, William J., 1892. 48 Smith, Arthur Leland, 1887... 44 Smith, Charles E., 1860. .. .23—A-56 74 UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. Smith, Charles H., 1885. Smith, Charles W., 1881. Smith, E. Darwin.. Smith, Edward P., 1895. Smith, George H., 1881. Smith, Henry Dean, 1889. .. Smith, Howard M., 1858. ..... Smith, John B., 1852. Smith, Justin A.. Smith, Nelson S., 1855. Smith, Pulaski E., 1859. Smith, Stephen. Smythe, Frederick J., 1884. .. Snell, John J., 1877. . Snow, Albert F., 1881. Spahn, Jacob, 1870. Spahn, Louis, 1879. Sparlin, Ezra M., 1885. Spencer, James E., 1851. Spencer, Nelson E., 1893. Spencer, Thomas Ray. Sproull, Theophilus, 1872. Squires, James D., 1877. Stanley, Samuel W., 1851.... Stanton, George W., 1867. . . . Starr, Charles S., 1865. Stearns, George R., 1875. Stearns, Wayland E., 1885. . . . Stedman, George W., 1885. . .. Stedman, J. Harry, 1865. Stephens, John B. M., 1884. .. Sterrett, James M., 1867. . . .28- Stettheimer, Maurice R.. 1863. Stevens, George B., 1877. Stevens, James S., 1885. Stevens, John. Stevens, Sumner W., 1881. . .. Stevens, William A. Steward, Spencer James, 1893 , Stewart, David F., 1872. Stewart, J. W. A. Stewart, William, 1860.. Stickney, William S., 1875. . .. Stiles, Lorren, 1880.. Stillman, James, 1863... Stillwell, Albert H., 1878. .... Stoddard, William O., 1858. .. Stracban, Alexander, 1880. .. Strasmer, William F., 1881. .. Strong, Charles A., 1884. Strong, Henry, 1854. Strong, John Henry, 1889. .... Strong, Theron G., 1868...... Sugrue, Cornelius, 1886. Sullivan, Joseph, 1892. Sully, Thomas R., 1890. Sumner, Charles R., 1874. Sutherland, Ward T., 1878. . .. Sweet, Frank T., 1891. Swetland, Roger W., 1894. Swezey, George S., 1884. Swift, Emerson Lewis, 1893., Swift, Lewis. h -56 Sylla, James, 1856. 20 Taft, Edwin A., 1867. 28- Taft, Sylvenus A., 1852. ...... 18 Talbird, Henry 1. 2i-56- Targett, Alfred S., 1866. ..... 28 Tateish, Sajiro, 1895. 50 Taylor, Albert J., 1864. 26 Taylor, Charles H., 1870. 30 Taylor, E. E. L'. jfi-54 Taylor, Fred A., 1879. 88 Taylor, Horace K., 1893. 49 Taylor, James M., 1868....29— h -55 Taylor, John M.. 1892. 48 Taylor, Paul E., 1882. 40 Taylor, Thomas A., 1876. 35 Taylor, William R. h -56 Taylor, Zachary P., 1869. 30 Teall, Francis A.. . h-58 Telford, Robert, 1851. 18 Terry, Seth S., 1883. 40 Thanbyah, 1871. 31 Thompson, Charles Augustus, 1891 . 47 Thornton, George H., 1872. . „. 32 Thornton, Lewis Henry, 1892. 48- Thornton, William H., 1879. .. 38 Tiffany, Charles P.. 1881. .... 39* Tifft, William C., 1886. 43 Toaz, Robert K., 1893. 49' Todd, Adam H., 1866. 28. Tollman, Henry L., 1869... .. 36 Tooley, Arthur, 1883. 41 Topping, Henry, 1892. 48 Tourgee, Albion W., 1862...25—2z-53 Tousey, Alvin W., 1862. 25 Townley, Hugh C., 1858. 22 Townsend, Charles C., 1877. .. 36 Townsend, Charles J., 1879. .. 38 Townsend, John P. 2i-53 Tracy, Elmer G, 1882. 40 Travel*, Rufus M., 1894. 49> Trestrail, Frederick . Zi-55 Trowbridge, William R. h -57 True, Benjamin O.. h -56 Truesdale, George, 1857. 21 Truesdale, William H., 1867.. 28- Truesdell, Wallace S., 1886.. .. 43 . Tucker, Edward E., 1883. 41 Turner, Charles W., 1855.... 20 Tuska, Simon, 1856. 20 Tuttle, Horace J., 1876. 35 Tuttle, Russell M., 1862_.. 25 Underhill, Edward B. h -52 VanAlstin, Jocelyn S., 1867... 28 Van Benschoten, James C. . .. h -52 Van Benschoten, Sanford. h -57 Vanderburgh, Frederick A., ’76 35 Van Dyke, Andrew, 1872. 32 42 39 h -52 50 39 45 22 18 Jz-57 20 22 h- 53 41 36 39 30 37 42 18 49 h 57 32 36 18 28 27 34 42 42 27 41 -h 55 25 36 42 h 55 39 h 53 49 32 ij-56 23 34 38 26 37 22 38 39 41 19 45 29 43 48 46 33 37 47 49 41 49 ALUMNI INDEX. 75 Van Ingen, George W., 1895. .. Van Voorhis, Charles, 1890. . .. Yan Voorhis, Eugene, 1885. . .. Yan Yoorhis, Norman G., 1895 Van Yoorhis, Richard, 1888. .. Varney, George R., 1894. Vary, Calvin P. H., 1883. .... Vedder, Henry C., 1873. Villers, Thomas J., 1885. Yosburgh, William R., 1876... Vreeland, Frank D., 1876. .... Vrooman, Charles M., 1873. .. Wakefield, Wilson F., 1874... Wakelee, Samuel P., 1864. . .. Waldron, Francis J., 1889. . .. Walker, Edwin S., 1856. Walker, George H., 1886. Walker, William H., 1891... Wallace, James E., 1873. Wailing, William A., 1890. . .. Wamsley, Joseph, 1876. Wamsley, William H., 1876. . . Warfield, Richard H., 1865. .. Warner, David S., 1879. Warren, Aldice G., 1883. Warren, Charles M., 1872. . .. Warren, Jesse B., 1892. Warren, Jonah G. Washington, Irving, 1883. .... Washington, Shadrach, 1856.. Wasson, Clarence B., 1893. .. Waterbury, Edward M., 1880. Waterbury, Norman M., 1878 Waterbury, Willard E., 1882 .. Watrous, George P., 1852. .... Watson, James S., 1883. Watt, Alexander, 1884. Wayland, Francis. Wayte, William E., 1869. Weaver, Amos, 1863. Weaver, William B., 1888. Webb, Ediwin, 1891. Webb, William W., 1871. Webster, George, 1854. Webster, Harrison E. Webster, Joseph R., 1894. Webster, Roy C., 1878. Webster, Simon P., 1852. Weidenthal, Nathan, 1876. . .. Welker, Franklin, 1890. Welles, Francis R., 1875. Welles, Henry. West, John H., 1862. Westcott, Isaac. Westervelt, Zenas F. Weston, David. Weston, Henry G. Wetherbee, Artemas, 1863..., Whedon, Charles W., 1888_ 44 Wheeler, Richard K., 1895.. .. 50 Whelan, Ralph W., 1874. 33 Whidden, John N., 1856. 20 White, Herbert A., 1891. 47 Whitbeck, John F. W., 1867. 28 White, James W., 1875... 34 Whittlesey, Mills, 1880. 38 Wickes, Robert B., 1878. 37 Wickens, Yallance Albert, 1894 49 Wilber, Thomas C., 1884. 41 Wilbur, Charles S., 1878. ..... 37 Wilcox, Albert H., 1890. 46 Wilcox, Fred P., 1876... 35 Wilcox, Sylvanus S., 1860. .... 23 Wilcox, William C., 1888. .... 44 Wilder, George, 18S5. 42 Wile, Henry, 1879. 38 Wile, Isaac A., 1872. 32 Wile, Solomon, 1872.. 32 Wilkin, George F., 1871.... .. 31 Wilkins, Archibald C., 1874. .. 33 Wilkins, Frank L., 1876.... 35 Wilkins, Fred H„ 1882. 40 Wilkins, Herve D., 1866. 28 Wilkinson,William C., 1857. .21 —li 55 Willey, Ambrose F., 1858. 22 Williams, Albemarle D., 1855 20 Williams, Charles M., 1871. .. 31 Williams, Elmer E., 1884. 41 Williams, Francis C., 1888... 44 Williams, Fordyce, 1853. 19 Williams, Francis A., 1860. ... 23 Williams, George F., I860.... 23 Williams, Homer M., 1857. ... 21 Williams, Theodore B., 1869 . * 30 Wilson, William H., 1885.... 42 Wiltsie, Charles H., 1880. 38 Winterbottum, William, 1866.. 28 Winters, Augustus C., 1865. .. 27 Witherspoon, Charles R., 1894 49 Witherspoon, Edward, 1866... 28 Witherspoon, William E., 1866 28 Witter, William E., 1880. 38 Wood, Charles W., 1864. 26 Wood, Cyrus J., 1883. 41 Wood, Hiram R., 1891. 47 Wood, George. h-57 Wood, Walter H., 1889. 45 Worcester, Alfred M., 1871. .. 31 Work, Charles P., 1877. 36 Work, James, 1860. 23 Wright, E. S. h -54 Wright, John S., 1892. 48 Wynne, Marvin W., 1894 . 49 Young, Charles D., 1885. 42 Young, Frederick W., 1875. .. 34 Young, John H., 1861. 24 50 46 42 50 44 49 41 32 42 35 35 32 33 26 45 20 43 47 32 46 35 35 27 38 41 32 48 A-54 41 20 49 38 37 40 19 39 41 h 53 30 26 44 47 31 19 h 53 49 37 19 35 46 34 h -52 25 jfr-54 7i-53 h 55 ii-54 26 RE-INDEX OF ALUMNI IN ROCHESTER, N. Y. Page. Adams, Floyd H., 1893. 48 Allen, Charles M., 1867. 28 Allen, Frederick W, 1895. 50 Ailing, Joseph T., 1876. 34 Amsden, Louis A., 1876. 34 Andrew, Fred D., Dr., 1883. 40 Andrews, J. Sherlock, 1868. 29 Angell, Edward B., Dr., 1877. 35 Antisdale, Louis M„ 1893. 48 Ashley, Roscoe L., 1894. 49 Barber, Charles R., Dr., 1879. ... 37 Barhite, John A., 1881. 39 Barry, Charles P., 1872. 32 Beach, William H., 1881. 39 Beahan, Charles C., 1889 . 45 Bentley, S. D., 1870. 30 Betteridge, Walter R., Prof., 1888. 44 Bigelow, Walter S., 1889. 45 Bills, George M. W., 1884. 41 Blossom, Thomas C., 1871. 31 Bly, Myron T., 1880. 38 Bostwick, Charles E., 1891.46 Bottum, Frank M., 1871. 31 Bowerman, George F., 1892. 47 Bradstreet, J. Howard, Prof., 1891 46 Bramley, Herbert W., 1890. 45 Brickner, Isaac M., 1891.46 Briggs, Marsenus H., 1871. 31 Bronk, John S., 1887. 43 Brown, Selden S., 1879. 37 Buell, Jesse W., Dr., 1874. 33 Buell, Walter, 1874. 33 Bullard, Fred, 1886. 43 Burke, William B., 1864. 26 Butterfield, Victor M., 1895. 50 Caldwell, William H., 1865. 27 Casey, Michael L., 1895. 50 Castle, Kendall B., 1889. 45 Castleman, J. Warrant, 1889 . 45 Chace, Benjamin B., 1889. 45 Chamberlain, Byron N., 1893. 48 Chandler, William F., 1879. 37 Chapin, Edward D., 1864. 26 Clark,Frank D., 1895. 50 Clark, James A., 1894. 49 Cliff, Frederick William, 1892_47 Cogswell, William N., 1878. 36 Coit, Charles P., Rev.28—Ji-56 Collier, Morey S., Dr., 1876. 34 Conklin, Henry W., 1879. 37 Cook, William S., 1895. .. 50 Cooke, Martin W., 1860. 23 Cronise, Adelbert, 1877. 35 Darrow, Charles E., Dr.. 1877. ... 35 Davis, Edward H., Dr., 1852. 18 Davis, Martin, 1887. 43 Dean, Charles F., 1866. 27 Denton, Eugene C., 1887. 43 DePuy, Irving N., 1894. 49 Dewey, Charles A., Dr., 1861.24 Disbrow, Myron H., 1871. 31 Dransfield, Thomas, 1858. 21 Draper, George B., 1892. 47 Draper, George P., 1857. 21 Edick, Philo H., Prof., 1873. 32 Ellis, Sylvenus A., 1855 . 20 Ellison, Frank T., 1873. 32 Ely, Joseph A., Rev., 1866. 27 Ely, William S., Dr., 1861. 24 Engert, George A., Dr., 1890. 46 Fahy, John, 1866. 27 Farrar, Raleigh, 1880. 38 Fisher, George E., 1868. 29 FitzSimons, Curtis, 1893. 48 Fleming, James P., Dr., 1892. ... 47 Flannery, George F.. Prof., 1878. . 36 Foote, Frank W., 1883. 40 Forbes, Charles, Dr.. 1864. 26 Forbes, George M., Prof., 1878. .. 36 Foreman, Edward R., 1892 . 47 French, Francis J., 1891. 46 Gardner, C. B., Rev., 1857. . 21—A-56 Gaylord, Willis C., Rev., 1865_27 Gilbert, Wm. Wallace, 1861. 24 Gillette, George A., 1882. 39 Gilman, Albert W., 1870. 30 Glen, Frank E., Prof., 1874. 33 Goodwin, Willard H., 1895. 50 Gorton, Charles W., 1876. 34 Gosnell, James, Rev., 1890. 46 Grosvenor, Oliver G., 1877. 35 Grover, Fred E., 1888. 44 Gubelmann,J.S., Rev., 1858. .21— h -55 RE-INDEX OF ALUMNI. 77 Hair, Luther'M., 1877. Hale, George D., Prof., 1870. Hale, William B., 1885. Hamilton, G. L., Rev., 1861. Hamilton, H. Adelbert, 1892. Hamilton, Robert A., 1895. Hardy, Robert W., 1861. Harris, Albert H., 1881. Harris, Frank J., 1888. Harris, George H., 1892. Hart, Edward P., Rev., 1872. Hastings, Daniel G., Dr., 1884. . .. Hayden, James Alexander, 1878.. Hays, David, 1878. Herrick, Charles C., 1873. Hill, David L., 1878. Hill, Joseph H., 1885. Hill, Walter H., 1889. Himes, Frank T., 1895. Hirshfield, Marcus, 1875. Hoekstra, Jacob A., 1863. Hollister, George C., 1877. Hooker, Elon H., 1891. Hooker, Harry M., 1894*. Hotchkiss, James L., 1879. Howe, John B., 1889. Howk, Loren W., Dr., 1887. Hoyt, Herbert W., Dr., 1888. Hubbell, Walter S., 1871. Humphrey, Joseph L., 1895. Hunt, Garrett B., 1890. Hutchinson, Franklin B., 1862. .. . Jennings, Edward R., 1882. Kelly, James H., 1864. Kendrick, Ryland M., 1889. Kiefer, William L., 1887. Kimball, Harold C., 1882. Kohlmetz, William C, 1895. Kuichling, Emil, 1868. Lamberton, Alexander B., 1866. . Landsberg, Emil M., 1894. Lawrence, Henry E., 1889. Leary, Montgomery E., Dr., 1892. Lipsky, Abram, 1895. Little, Adelbert P., 1872. Little, Charles, 1881. Losey, Charles H., Dr., 1884. Losey, Fred D., 1891. Lynch, J. Ross, Rev., 1885. Lyon, Edmund, 1877. Macomber, Francis S., 1889. McGuire, Horace, 1866. McGuire, Horace A., 1893. McKinney, Frederick B., 1894. ... McKinney, James P., 1869. MoMaster, Joseph, 1869. Margrander, John L., 1881. Maurer, Edward W., 1877. Maxson, Charles H., Rev., 1892. . Menzie, Herbert J., 1886. Merrill, Samuel P., Rev., 1858. ... 21 Meyer, David G., 1894 . 49 Meyer, Paul Abner, 1892. 48 Michaels, Marcus, 1873. 32 Miller, Louis H., Prof., 1880. 38 Moore, Edward M., Jr., Dr., 1871. 31 Moore, Samuel P., 1874. 33 Montgomery, Charles H., 1895_50 Morey, William C., Prof., 1868. .. 29 Mormon, James B., 1890. 46 Morris, David Z., 1882. 40 Morse, Charles C., 1894. 49 Morse, John F., 1885. 42 Morse, John P., 1895. 50 Mulligan, Wesley Thos., Dr., 1892. 48 Newton, Charles L., 1873 . 32 Nolan, Thomas, 1879. 37 O’Connor, Joseph, 1863. 25 O’Grady, James M. E., 1885. 42 O’Hern, Joseph P., Prof., 1892,. . 48 Oothout, John W., 1863. 25 Otis, Ira L., 1855. 20 Otis, Raymond, 1892. 48 Page, J. Stuart, 1892. 48 Palmer, John P., 1868.'. 29 Parmalee, George H., 1889. 45 Parsons, Thomas, Dr., 1892. 48 Pattison, Harold, Rev., 1891.47 Peck, H. Nelson, 1876. 35 Perkins, George H., 1872. 32 Perkins, J. Breck, 1867. 28 Perrin, William A., 1891.47 Phinney, Herman K., 1877. 36 Pierce, Horace G., 1874. 33 Pierce, Samuel C., 1860. 23 Plumb, William T., 1891. 47 Pond, Charles F., 1860. 23 Puffer, Charles C., 1863. 25 Puffer, Samuel W., 1860.•. 23 Puffer, Starkey P., 1895. 50 Pye, George W., 1880. 38 Raines, George, 1866. 28 Ramaker, Albert J., Prof., 1895. . 50 Raynsford, James A., 1876. 35 Reilly, George W T illiam, 1891.47 Reynolds, H. J., Prof, 1864 . 26 Rider, Wheelock, Dr., 1883. 40 Robson, Charles W., Prof., 1893. . 49 Robinson, Charles M., 1891.47 Robinson, Otis H., Prof., 1861. ... 24 Rodenbeck, Adolph J., 1885. 42 Rogers, Irvin H., 1880 . 38 Rogers, Robert E., 1895. 50 Sage, Edwin O., 1853. 19 Sage, George B., 1895 . 50 Satterlee, Eugene H., 1867. 28 Saunders, Richard Le Roy, 1895. . 50 Sawyer, Louis J., Rev., 1891.47 Shaffer, William H., 1871. 31 35 30 42 24 47 50 24 39 44 47 31 41 36 36 32 36 42 45 50 34 25 36 46 49 37 45 43 44 31 50 46 24 39 26 45 43 40 50 29 28 49 45 48 50 32 39 4i 47 42 36 45 28 49 49 30 30 39 36 48 43 78 UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. Shaw, Charles M., 1891. 47 Shaw, William H., 1891. 47 Shedd, Henry D., 1895. 50 Shedd, Kendrick P., 1889. 45 Short, Louis Daniel, 1888. 44 Slaight, Herbert Alonzo, 1893. ... 49 Slocum, George Fort, 1878. ...... 37 Smith, Edward P,, 1895 . 50 Smith, George H,, 1881. 39 Smythe, Frederick J., 1884. 41 Spahn, Jacob, 1870. 30 Sparlin, Ezra M., Prof., 1885. ... 42 Spencer, Nelson E., 1893. 49 Starr, Charles S., Dr., 1865. 27 Stedman, J. Harry, 1865. 27 Stephens, John B. M., 1884. 41 Steward, Spencer James, 1893. ... 49 Sumner, Charles R., Dr., 1874. ... 33 Swift, Emerson Lewis, 1893. 49 Tateish, Sajdro, 1895. 50 Taylor, Zachary P., 1869. 30 Traver, Rufus M., 1894. 49 Truesdale, George, 1857. 21 Tuttle, Horace J., 1876. 35 Van Dyke, Andrew, 1872. 32 Van Ingen, George, 1895. 50 Van Voorhis, Charles, 1890. 46 Van Voorhis, Eugene, 1885. 42 Van Voorhis, Norman G, 1895. ... 50 [ Wallace, James E., Rev., 1873. ... 32 Wamsley, William H., 1876. 35 Warren. Aldice G., 1883. 41 Warren, Jesse Burton, Prof., 1892. 48 Wasson, Clarence B., 1893. 49 Watson, James S., 1881. 39 Webb, William W., 1871.31 Webster, Joseph R., 1894. 49 Webster, Roy C., 1878.37 White, Herbert A., 1891.47 Whitbeck, J. W., Dr., 1867. 28 Wheeler, Richard K., 1895. 50 Wickens, Variance Albert, 1894.. . 49 Wickes, Robert B., 1878. 37 Wilder, George, 1885. 42 Wile, Solomon, 1872. 32 Wilkins, Herve D., Prof., 1866. .. 28 Williams, Charles M., 1871. 31 Witherspoon, Charles R., 1894. .. 49 Witherspoon, William E., 1866. .. 28 Wiltsie, Charles H., 1880. 38 Wood, Hiram R., 1891. 47 Wood, Walter-H., 1889. 45 Work, Charles P., ... 36 Wright, John S., 1892. 48 Wynne, Marvin W., 1894. 49 Young, Charles Dean, Dr., 1885. . 42 (268) HONORARY. Anstice, Henry, Rev. 55 Foote, Israel, Rev. 54 Mixer, Albert H., Prof. 56 Moore, Edward M., Dr. 52 Morris, Herbert W., Rev. 55 Rider, Charles E., Dr. 57 Robins, Henry E., Rev. 55 Stevens, William A , Prof. 53 Stewart, J. W. A., Rev. 56 Taylor, William R., Rev. 56 True, Benjamin O., Prof. 56 Webster, Harrison E. 53 Westervelt, Zenas F. 53 (13l > Y w