LI E> R.AR.Y OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 5/0-7 !JLG4ct moII-15 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 (Td.dC vi UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Urbona, Illinois Coding and Flow Charting as Applied to UICSM Programed Texts (1962-1963 Versions) Lawrence M. Stolurow, Ellen Rosen and Clark Himmel COMPARATIVE STUDIES OF PRINCIPLES "KM PROGRAMMING MATHEMATICS J!!*'*** IN AUTOMATED INSTRUCTION „,, Technical Report No. 14 July, 1964 Co-Investigators: Lawrence M. Stolurow Professor, Department of Psychology Training Research Laboratory Professor, College of Education University of Illinois Committee on School Mathematics (UICSM) Project Sponsor. Educational Medio Branch U. S. Office of Education Title VII Project No. 711151.01 U. S. Office of Education Title VII COMPARATIVE STUDIES OF PRINCIPLES FOR PROGRAMMING MATHEMATICS IN AUTOMATED INSTRUCTION Technical Report No. 14 Coding and Flow Charting as Applied to UICSM Programed Texts (1962-1963 Versions) Lawrence M. Stolurow, Ellen Rosen and Clark Himmel July, 1964 '01' i-:.T ?>£ :1) •-• .- onifrn ;-wjXo;»■■■■ Method Diagrrmatic Conventions In preparing these flow charts certain conventions were adapted for purposes of standardization. One of these is the sign of a main line frame which is a diamond with a number in it, e.g., Q93> . A quiz is a ;, e.g., <19^ rectangle, i.e., I . As a shorthand device, three dots followed by an arrow indicate that the intervening frames were all like the preceding frame. Two forms for frames also were used: one, drawn / \ , was to indicate review or remediation; the other, drawn r" — j , was used for skipping or "by passing." When pages are omitted the notational device used was >. . . > . Code The flow charts for the 1962-1963 edition of the UICSM High School mathematics programed series are given in the following pages. Each page and/or frame for booklets 101, 102, 103, 104, and 104 has been characterized by a four digit coding system. The first digit (which stands in the "thousands' place) indicates whether the page in question is the origin of a branch structure, a loop structure, or neither branch nor loop structure. If it is the origin of a branch structure, the first digit on the left is a one. If the page is the origin of a loop structure, the first digit is a two. If it is neither branch nor loop, the first digit is zero. Common practice dictates that remedial frames and/or pages be diagrammed below and enrichment frames above the main line. As a further aid of the reader, this convention will be used in the following charts also. -w ■,:•,'/■■( The second digit (in the "hundreds" place) tells the location of the page; i.e., whether the page is located within the main line, within an enrichment sequence, or within a remedial sequence. If the page is within the main line (not included in a greater structure) the code number is a one, a two within a remedial branch, a three within a remedial loop, a four within an enrichment branch, and a five within an enrichment loop. The third digit of the code (in the "tens" place) indicates the number of pathways by which it is possible to leave the frame. Thus, a frame which only has one means of exit will have a one in the third digit place. The last page in any booklet will have a zero in the third digit place. The fourth digit (in the "units" place) indicates the character of branches and/or loops which originate on that page; i.e., whether the branch (cs) and/or loop(s) contain enrichment or remedial material. If there are no structures originating on that page (other than a main line) the code number is zero. If there is a main line and a forward branch, the code number is a one. A main line and one or more enrichment paths is indicated by a two, a main line and one or more remedial paths by a three, a main line and one or more remedial paths plus one or more enrichment paths by a four, and no main line and one or more enrichment paths plus one or more remedial paths by a five . This code system is summarized in Table 1. There is room for improve- ment in this code system; a concept code number and a concept origin code number could be included in the system but, unfortunately, circumstances did not permit such an inclusion. The reader should note that in the examples in Table 1, the pace under consideration in the code is always pace A ( \h/ ). In this flow chart system, the page numbers are encircled in diamonds to differentiate them clearly from the code numbers. Table 1 Four Digit Numeral Codes for Paradigms A. First digit indicates structure originating on page Structures Code neither branch nor loop originates on the page branch originates on the page loe-p- originates on the page loop originates on the page 2 B. Second digit indicates location of the Location Code within mainline 1 within remedial branch 2 Example /B\ /C \ within general structure, Example \ within remedial loop within enrichment branch within enrichment loop \K /A_ \ A /~?\B ■ ■■■■-■ ;r/. Table 1 (continued) C. Third digit indicates number of paths originating on page. Number of Paths Code none one 1 two 2 three and so forth D. Fourth digit indicates intended purpose of paths originating on a page, Type no material mainline enrichments remediation Code 3 mainline and a forward skip 4 mainline and remedial path(s) 5 mainline and enrichiaont path(s) Example x /^y X> X X -^ •> J 0111 0111 0111 C121 2 0111 0111 0111 3 y _...^ 27 W 28 - 0111 Quiz 1 0111 • 29 0111 83 0111 84 0111 0111 0111 0111 0111 0111 Quiz 11 85 ; 86 / 114 115 >- . Quiz 0111 0111 ii6>-; 117 0111 0111 0111 GUI Quiz V — < 193 \ / 0111 0111 nL57>-d n u iz XV ciii cm 194 x 0111 158 0111 i59' iz 111 cm cm 251;^ '252 \_* cm Quiz VI 0111 0111 -(253 )— <254> om (Z6& 2125 0111 * /\ '26& -^-/262\-^ x / | ,256 \ (Review Hejlp) 0111 0111 0111 /\ /\ | , <^272V<273 >-| Quiz Vll - 0111 /\ 274 \/ 0111 /275 X \ / 0111 0111 0111 0111 0111 Oil 1 ->C< 302\-*-<303 >-* | ( ?uiz Vlll L_ \y \/ l_ * \904/' - x 505 *. ' " • ^ 'I 0111 0111 0111 r ^./325y 0111 0111 U <324>— J Quiz IX <6h N/ ■v' 0111 0111 0111 0111 .Z348 \ — -^ , - . . 0111 0111 L^/346>— j Quiz X V \/ ^ - / Fig. 1 Booklet 101 Flow Chart -XX fir: LU: If •V.,' '•• ": !* Jl *fr; - 0111 0111 0111 0111 1125 0111 1135 0111 0111 0111 0111 0111 0111 0111 5 A 4 5 ^ 8.^-^11 0213 0211 y - 9 y 0211 2135 0111 /31\ Zl2\ 0311 0311 ^58T> J 0213 0213 ^.6i,—*Jl!: 0213 0211 /fe7\ /68\ /70\ /71\ 0311 0311 0311 0311 0211 Fig, 2 Booklet 102 Flow Chart * T: top of indicated page, -> B; bottom of indicated page* IV ?£ :n on i 0111 0111 0111 oni oin oin 1125 0111 oin oin 1125 0111 oi^i ('l V^V/^^ W»W 6S > 7N^T\>^0^^a>^lb;-^t>->/26 ;_/27 ^ \/ V / \ y \ ' \ ' \/ ,, /\ , V \> \/ \/ \/ \y y 0213jf 0213 ' ill #B V -V~9 \-wTOT M13 0211 0213 0213 0213 0213 0213 0213 02L3 0213 0213 0213 02_13 p213 <--/25 '■«- / 24\^ 7 / "2l\- /22\ < -/2 J l W 20Wl9 \<- 1SV/ 17V-/l6~\<-7l5' \* Y14 '< - / "l3 > i | 1125 0111 0111 0111 1125 0111 0111 0111 0111 0111 0111 0111 0111 0111 0111 0111 , -^8T ^8B <29/<30>^lT / <3LB^32><33/\34^ K^l. \. V' NX \/' N/n^X/ X / N/ \S \/ \/ \X \/ V ' V \/ 10213 0213 0213 0213 0213 02^ 0213 0213 0213 0213 0213 0213 0213 0213 0211 /J2~B\-y i3 WT4V /15"VVJ6 \-V 17 \ ^/L7B \Vl8 VV'l9 W2*6"W21 v -y 22" -y 23 ' vV~24 'W25 N fl , 0211 0213 0213 0213 0213 0213 02l3x 0213 i- /2 5 V /24 W23 \ */2TW2lV/20 VlSL^ 18 \ -^'42 0111 oni om oioi om om om olu oui 1125 0^11 M2 N >--* <43^ -^<43h>~^<4 V-^^ 5 ,/^ 4?/ ~X V \/ "~ *W^W" *%JJ ; ~*1 ,« J /5 0B\— >51T 0213 0211 1125 ^ 0111 f ^1223 1223 1223 1223 0213 0213 0213_ 0213 Q2JL3 0213 0213 '0211 f /l\ 3- /14 V */27\ ■/40\ V 53V-/54y V55 ^V^W sT V s/58V^S9 Y V60 ,j I "j Jj)213 _/ \ / \ 1 N N_ t | /2 V - /l3\ /15 ,^y26\ /28\/39\ /4l'v.-/5 2\ 0213 0213 0213 0213 0213 0213 0213 0111 0111 0111 0111 0111 0111 1125 0111 0111 0111 0111 0111 I 1125 / "79Ty 0111 0111 0111 1125 0111 0111 -^1B V i/8 2 ^<83 \ — */%&-. ,^5»w^^8 /79B\ > /80 ■, 0213" 0213 f »;Jl"i\ 0211 g4~B V 0213 0211 0111 0111 0111 0111 01*1 0111 01*1 oiii oiu oipp ^95 ,-^96 ' Item numbers herein are "zebra" frame numbers on pp. 53-64. Fig. 3. Booklet 103 Flow Chart 11 0111 0111 1> 0111 0111 1125 0111 1125 0111 0111 0111 0111 0111 0111 0111 em . 3fi\ /5B\ j v\-> . 0213 0213 0213 0211 0211 em oin 1125 oin oin 0111 1125 oin oill 0111 Olll 0211 C213 0211 * »>— 1 0111 0111 0111 2135 0111 - >^ • 0311 0311 0111 0111 0111 0111 0111 0111 0111 ^ %i> >ti: /UU>^+5V-K v U6 / > Olll 0111 0111 0111 0111 0111 0111 0111 1125 0111 1125 1223 oii3 02ii f I /?5\ 63B— > flur \ 0211 0213 0213 0213 0213 1223 ^-223 0213 0213 0213 0213 02iLl \ 0213 0213 :-ii 1125 -1223 /TV I L 0111 1223 -'7 - 1223 ; 13V 0213 0213 0213 0213 0213 021JL - _20. r-^SL -^22 ->23 v— 7 2U\ j / 2V ' • -xJ*\ /JL ■_-■•■-, 12 \ . 1U x t c*\3 0213 0213 0213 0213 /19- - — r~ j 0213 0111 0111 0111 0111 0111 0111 0111 0111 0100 Fig. ^ Booklet 104 Flow Chart Item numbers nerein are"zebra" frame numbers on pp. 65-69 (A-E) La 0111 0111 0111 0111 0111 0111 0111 0111 QUI 0111 0111 0111 0111 3 V'. 3 ; 5 <6> - ,y 8 < 9 V6o f 1 0111 0111 oill 0111 0111 0111 ■ S> 0111 i 0111 0111 0111 3>- 23 v 23a ^23V — | ] 11 '\ 3> ~> 0111 0111 0111 0111 0111 oill 0111 0111 0111 0111 0111 0111 IV 15 .^ --^-^18 0111 0111 0111 0111 i 0111 0111 0111 oill 0111 0111 0111 0111 0111 0111 0111 0111 1125 - 12^3 • I /TV 0111 1223 1223 43\- /2 V • ■ -y'g y» 6 y • -ri2 Vf& 0213 0213 0213 0213 0213 0213 0213 0213 0213 0213 0211 -; *£& —* / . 3° -V" 21 -V" 22^/23 --- ^24 x j A 0213 oin oin oin oin 0111 oni oin oin oin oin oiqo Fi^. 5 Booklet 10k Flow Chart Item numbers herein are "zebra" frame numbers on pp. Vf-31 - L3 /aV /$ >< n> * V^^X^*^^^ : J ^^8d><8^8^ <23> <24.X 3^^6>^7^'38^^9\4oV<(4i ^\\43 ,-44 > 4s ><4& <^4& /sa /$&/& Az^ \s sy \/ \/ v x \/ \ V >.,- \A \X /V' x/ V v V' V M 55 /^5a/^55b^> / 59V^^<^V>/^ ->/^^sN^^><^^^<^-^^-^0>^j v x \7 ./ s/ \/ \y \ \/ v \/ \y \/ \/ \/ u 52b I I £\^£\ ^S3~ ->/63a x - > 53b - ^L>*^><^3^^ /S4r >/f4a\--—->/ / 54b r — >/57 >/siV K;o r V8 ^ Sir ■/!& >/56 -V56a- ^6b f r 3 V <84V .<85>-v^6V><67 VX88 >-^/89V><^V^<^-^2 )-^V--< / 9^><95> » V" y v 96^^><^7^<98>-^<^^ ><^— >qxk>-~><^%> -<1^— ><^ tafljM^-Xw, Fig, 6 Booklet 105 Flov; Chart ■ V :>V 1- -< i > -8 •- X P, ^ ^1^- 6 6% 7 <£>_ * *\ 5 16) <17 _ - x i8, -d9 -<20> * \s n /\ ^/" * 3 — *« v- -<32; — ^ - .<£> ><^> _ -> sr L (Z6)- -s/37 > ^'38> >^_^> 41>— ~^<42 y I ><43 x - - **<44) > (45> > <46) *<47> >^48> v^9 X ; L_ -VfcoS v<51> ,<52 N ■<£ 56 > i 57, *<58 59 <6^>— <6i>- ,63 £4 > < 65; ^ /66> -^67 XJ68V — ^<69>— -^70; - r — XT7i> <72 74> Fig* 7 Booklet 106 Flov: Chart Lfl 1 ) 3 4 < 5 I 7 6 9'' 10 (j±> <1*> .14 is' i6 exec iGb 17 ae ir <*o: ^i; <» :, I ^V^ ^>XjH 48>><^-<5.--.<^>~<5X--,^> L 54>-<55 >->< 56 >->s57 / -»<58 >-K59 , -< 60>— K 61VK62 >--<63 L<6^ 65>~ <66><67V<68>-^<69>- K70 X -^ / 71>~> ' 72>-^<73 O— K74> * 75 >-X 76>-><77y<78>— <79 >— <80V-^<81> -><82>-^<83 ) Fig. 8 Booklet 107 _ Flow Chart 16 — <78>— >i9 Fig. 9 Booklet 108 Flow Chart 17 1W8 x - 3 x , 42 <45V 48 49 "^50, -> x 53>-44 Fig. 10 Booklet 109 Floy; Chart Lfl ^ i -*<9> --> - >\47 A- ->~48 7 . 42X43 )>— r 4>- 60 > — xf 81) -X 50>- Fig. 12 Booklet 111 Flew Chart 20 ,4 / - -*( 5 N >~><6 "-(7 > • IO) <11> _^/ 14 \.-.>X5V^;i^-^7^-^<]^^^9 N > <20/ - *£l S7 ^9> <20/- r- t-*<^-x£>--^^ --.> ^27>- -28 X ; ->^>-^'30> -^ L ^/32 >_* ' 33 i> — >' x 34 > -/sV— ^36;— ^<37 >-X38 V*<39Y-*40 Vxll .; > 42V-><43 )— ><44>-^\45> — ^^->^-^--><5)>- Fig. 13 Booklet 112 Flow Chart 21 N? 19 -20 ei>-*di2y^K»5V^ -^9 N 46 >-~'47 N -»48 V-KSO^ — < 53VX54 >— < 5S-*/56 ^> 58 / — < 59 X \ 11 1 51\/g\ /55A U 60>— ><61 >-<62; — <63>-x:64 >— X,65 ^64^-^! ! Fig. 14 Booklet 115 Flow Chart 22 I I *< 42-45, 1-19 ) /J&* ~ / 57V — ( 51-56, 19-30) d^V Fig. 15 Booklet 114 Flow Chart C-I 23 1 \— >. Fig. 16 Booklet 114.5 Flow Chart 24 57 Fig. 17 Booklet 115 Flow Chart :>foa§ ?I .31 25 i>> -<8>- -* -^y-<8p t Fig. 18 Booklet 116 Flow Chart