cmm sec '■ \o,o0 • -Mcistf. REGISTER OF The Society of Directors of Physical Education in Colleges Formerly the Society of College Gymnasium Directors \ 909 uortnrir OF THE UNIYFriSiTY OF ILLINOIS 9 DEC1214 The Society of Directors of Physical Education in Colleges Formerly the Society of College Gymnasium Directors 19 0 9 Digitized by th^ R h^ernet Archive in 2017 witfcr funding from ois University of lllinofs'^ ampaign Alternates 10 D 14 DIRECT GlFr ooatxnuauon. The Society of Directors of Physical Education in Colleges Formerly The Society of College Gymnasium Directors HISTORICAL The idea of the Society of College Gymnasium Directors seems to have originated in the mind of Dr. William G. Anderson of Yale Uni- versity. In 1889 he was impressed with the lack of unity in the teaching of gymnastics by college Directors. At a meeting of the Eastern Sect of the A. A. A. P. E. held in Wor- cester he suggested to Dr. E. M. Hartwell that the college directors get together and compare notes. Dr. Hartwell thought the idea a good one and in June, 1897 Dr. Anderson wrote to a number of prominent physical educators asking if they would attend a meeting of this kind and soliciting suggestions. Sympathy with the enterprise was expressed by Drs. Hitch- cock, Sargent, Leonard, Savage, Linhart, Babbitt and Parker, and on Oct. 4, 1897 he sent out a letter to all college directors to meet in New York City on Oct. 30, 1897. The minutes of the secretary of this meeting, Dr. W. L. Savage of Columbia University, record that this preliminary meeting was held Nov. 6, 1897 at New York University and that nine were present. The first regular meeting was held Dec. 31, 1897 at the Knickerbocker Athletic Club in New York City; 13 were present. The society was organized at this time and a constitution adopted. Dr. J. W. Seaver was elected first president, Dr. C. P. Linhart, vice-president and Dr. W. L. Savage, secretary and treasurer. In his report to Dr. Fitz, editor of the American Physical Education Review under date of Jan. n, 1898, Dr. Savage, the secretary, writes : “ The object of this society is to harmonize, regulate and raise the stand- ard of the work in the colleges and in no way lessen the usefulness of the A. A. A. P. E. but rather to give it strength. To make this fact doubly certain the first requisite to membership in this society is membership in good and regular standing in the A. A. A. P. E.” Something of the same idea is expressed by Dr. D. A. Sargent in an editorial in the same magazine (December, 1897). He states also that in view of the lack of special topics for the varied groups of the A. A. A. P. E. “ The only relief is the formation of smaller organizations com- posed of those of similar wants and common interests in which the 4 questions and problems confronting them may be considered and dis- cussed at short range, and where a satisfactory conclusion, or at least a working solution of these questions and problems may be reached.” Presidents , secretaries and places and dates of meeting of the Society of College Gymnasium Directors since its origin, Nov. 6, 1897 .* 1. Dec. 31, 1897, Knickerbocker Athletic club, New York City, Presi- dent, Dr. J. W. Seaver, Yale Univ.; Secretary-Treasurer, Dr. W. L. Savage, Columbia Univ. 2. Dec. 30, 1898, Columbia Univ. Gym., President, Dr. J. W. Seaver, Yale Univ.; Secretary-Treasurer, Dr. W. L. Savage, Columbia Univ. 3. Dec. 29, 1S99, Yale Univ. Gym., President, Dr. D. A. Sargent, Har- vard Univ.; Secretary-Treasurer, Dr. W. L. Savage, Columbia Univ. 4. Dec. 28-29, 1900, Columbia Univ. Gym., President, Dr. W. G. Ander- son, Yale Univ.; Secretary-Treasurer, Dr. W. L. Savage, Colum- bia Univ. 5. Dec. 27-28, 1901, Columbia Univ. Gym., President, Dr. R. Tait McKenzie, McGill Univ.; Secretary-Treasurer, Dr. W. L. Savage, Columbia Univ. 6. Dec. 30-31, 1902, New York Athletic club, President, Dr. Paul C. Phillips ; Secretary-Treasurer, Dr. James A. Babbitt, Haverford College. 7. Dec. 29-30, 1903, Princeton Univ. Professor Goldie’s home, Presi- dent, Dr. W. L. Savage; Secretary-Treasurer, Dr. James A. Bab- bitt, Haverford College. 8. Dec. 30-31, 1904, New York Athletic club, President, Dr. R. Tait McKenzie ; Secretary-Treasurer, Dr. James A. Babbitt, Haver- ford College. 9. Dec. 27-28, 1905, New York Athletic club, President, Dr. George L. Meylan ; Secretary-Treasurer, Dr. James A. Babbitt, Haver- ford College. 10. Dec. 27-28-29, 1906, Springfield Mass. Y. M. C. A. Training School, President, Dr. George L. Meylan; Secretary-Treasurer, Dr. James A. Babbitt, Haverford College. 11. Dec. 27-28, 1907, Columbia Univ., Faculty Club, President, Dr. Thomas A. Storey; Secretary-Treasurer, Dr. James A. Bab- bitt, Haverford College. 12. Dec. 31, 1908 and Jan. 1. 1909, Columbia Univ., Faculty club, Pres- ident, Dr. Thomas A. Storey; Secretary-Treasurer, Dr. Paul C. Phillips, Amherst College. OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES. President : Thomas A. Storey, M. D., Ph. D., Associate Professor and Director of Physical Instruction, College of the City of New York, N. Y. Vice-President : James A. Babbitt, A. M., M. D., Physical Director and Associate Professor of Physiology, Haverford College, Haverford, Pa. Secretary and Treasurer : Paul C. Phillips, A. B., M. D., Professor of Hygiene and Physical Education, Amherst College. Council : the President, Vice-President and Secretary, in conjunction with : R. Tait McKenzie, A. B., M. D., C. M., Professor of Physical Education, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. George L. Meylan A. M., M. D., Adjunct Professor of Physical Education, Columbia University, New York City. Joseph E. Raycroft, A. B., M. D., Medical Examiner, Associate Professor in Division of Physical Culture and Athletics, Uni- versity of Chicago. Committee on Physical Examination : Dr. D. A. Sargent, chair- man, Dr. Geo. L. Meylan, Dr. J. E. Raycroft. Committee on Administration , Curriculum and Staff: Dr. G. L. Meylan, Columbia University, chairman, Dr. H. C. Swan, Dr. Wm. F. Snow. Committee on Construction and Material Equipment : Dr. Joseph. E. Raycroft, University of Chicago, chairman, Dr. R. Tait Mc- Kenzie, Dr. Paul C. Phillips. Publication Committee : Dr. Thos. A. Storey, Dr. Clark W. Heth- erington, Dr. Wm. F. Snow. MEMBERS. (All members of this society are members of the Amer. Phys. Ed. Assn.) Anderson, William Q. A. B., Yale, ’02 ; A. M., Yale, ’03; M. D., Adelbert, ’83; Professor of Physical Education, Yale, ’05; dean Chau- tauqua School of Physical Education, 1886-1904 ; President Brooklyn Normal School of Physical Education, i 885-’92 ; President Anderson Normal School of Physical Education, 1893-1903; Secretary American Association for the Advancement of Physical Education, 1885-88 ; treasurer American Association for the Advancement of Physical Edu- cation, 1888-92 ; President Collegiate Society of Physical Directors, 1900; Fellow in the Society of Sciences and Arts, London, 1886; mem- ber American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1903 ; grad- uate study and research in foreign methods of physical training, France, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, 1899; England, Holland, Denmark, Sweden and Germany, 1901 ; Associate Director Yale University Gym- nasium, 1893-1903 ; Director Yale University Gymnasium, 1904 ; Director of the Physical Education Department of the Summer School of Arts and Sciences, Yale University, 1905. Member Sigma Xi Yale Univer- sity, 1902. Lecturer on Physical Education, Univ. of Utah, 1908-9. Publications: Physical Training in Hutchinson’s Text Book Physi- ology, 1886; Health Hints and Physical Training— Hatfield, Chautau- qua Press, 1887; Physical Training, Cyclopedia of Temperance and Prohibition, Funk & Wagnalls, N. Y., 1891 ; Four Papers read before the N. Y. Academy of Anthropology 1886-7-8 — 1, Physical Training for the Young, 2, The Mound Builders of the Mississippi Valley, 3, Anthro- pometry, 4, Physical Education in its higher sense; Treatment of Weak Minded Children, The Gymnasium, 1890 ; Gymnastic Nomencla- ture (Illustrated) Pamphlet, 2nd Edition 1894; Nomenclature Charts, for Apparatus only, Illustrated, New Haven, Conn.; Chest Weight Charts, Illustrated, New Haven, Conn., 1900 ; “Physical Training for the Mass of Students,” paper read at the N. E. A., Boston, Mass., July 6th, 1903, (Report) ; Studies in the Effect of Physical Training, reprint from A. P. E. A. Rev., Vol. IV, No. 3, 1899; Muscle Making — Our Youth, Chautauqua, six papers, 1888 ; Physical Training for Women Nat’l W. C. T. U., Physical Culture Dept., Pamphlet No. 3; Light Gymnastics, a guide for gymnastic teachers, Effingham, Maynard & Co., N. Y. City, 1890 (234 pgs), Illustrated ; Methods of Teaching Gymnas- tics, 227 pages illustrated, Flood & Vincent, Meadville, Pa., Hinds & Noble, New York, “ Making a Yale Athlete,” Everybody's Magazine , 7 July, 1905 ; “Athletics at Yale,” Munsey's Magazine, July, 1907 ; “The Making of a Perfect Man,” Munsey's, April, 1901 ; “ Physical Training at Universities,” Cosmopolitan Magazine , May, 1896; “Smoking Among Freshmen,” Yale Alumni Weekly , Dec. 12, 1906; “Athletes Live Long,” Yale Almnni Weekly , January, 1907; “Evolution from Grind to Giant,” Illustrated American , Dec. 22, 1894 ; “Prescription of Exercise,” Yale Univ., 4th edition. “The Academic Standing of ‘Y’ Men in the Four Major Sports,” “ Physical Status of the Phi Beta Kappa men at Yale,” “The Effect of thought upon Gain in Muscular Strength.” These papers will appear in the Yale Alumni Weekly 1909. “ Observa- tions on the Results of Tests for Physical Endurance at the Yale Gym- nasium, (New York Academy of Medicine, November, 1907) ; Reprint, New York Medical Journal , November, 1907; “Human Efficiency,” (League for Political Education, New York City, April 9, 1908) ; “Diet and Muscular Efficiency,” (New York Institute of Stomatology, New York Academy of Medicine, April 7, 1908); “ Reply to Ai?terican Medi- cine's (Dr. Gould’s criticism on ‘Mortality Among Yale Athletes,”’ {Mind and Body, December, 1907); “Seeing Straight,” {Yale Courant , December, 1907) ; “Physical Basis of Success,” {Dietetic and Hygienic Gazette, N. Y., May, 1908); “ Comments on Athletics and Gymnastics among German University Students,” {American Gymnasia, January, 1908). The use of oxygen in high mountain climbing, April, 1909 A. P. E. A. Philadelphia. Babbitt, James A., A. B., Yale; M. D., Pennsylvania; A. M., Haver- ford ; $ B K. Physical Director and Associate Professor of Physiology, Haverford College. Laryngologist, O.P. Department Children’s Hospital Philadelphia; Instructor Diseases of Nose and Throat Polyclinic Hos- pital; Assistant Ear Clinic Pennsylvania Hospital ; Director Chautauqua Boys Club; President A. M. P. O. Medical Fraternity; member College of Physicians ; Secretary $ T A graduate Board ; member Intercollegiate Football Rules Committee ; Chairman Central Board of Football offic- ials ; Secretary-Treasurer, Society of College Gymnasium Directors, 1902-7; member County Medical Society; Philadelphia Medical Club; American Medical Association; Fellow American Laryngological, Oto- logical and Rhinological Society. Contributor to current medical lit- erature. Laryngologist and Otologist to the Garrett Home for the Training of Deaf children. Medical examiner at Haverford School. Bolster, W. W., Jr., A. B., Bates College ; M. D., Medical School of Maine. Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Me. Publicatio 7 is: Gymnasium Manual Bates College ; Physical Training and Hygiene Report Bates College ; several articles in newspapers and magazines. 8 Bowen, Prof. Wilbur P., Graduated from Mich. Normal, 1886; Instructor in Math. Mich. Normal, 1886-90; Director of Gymnasium, University of Nebraska, 1890-93; Director of Physical Training, Mich. Normal College, 1894-1900; B. S., Univ. of Mich., 1900; Instructor in Physiology, University of Mich., 1901-2 ; M. S., University of Mich., 1902; Professor of Physical Education, Mich. Normal College, 1903 ; Normal College, Ypsilanti, Mich. Publications: A Teachers’ Course in Physical Training, 1898 ; A study of the Pulse Rate in man as modified by muscular work, 1902 ; Rapidity of the Pulse during muscular work, Amer. Phys. Ed. Review , Vol.VIII, 1903; The Spirometer as a Scientific Instrument, Amer. Phys. Ed. Review , Vol. XI ; A new form of Pantograph for tracing the outline of the Human Body , Amer. Phys. Ed. Review , Vol. X.; Changes in Heart- Rate, Blood Pressure, and Duration of Systole during Bicycling, Amer. Journal of Physiology , Vol. XI, 1904 : Changes in the Excretion of Car- bon Dioxide Resulting from Bicycling, with G. O. Higley in Amer. Journal of Physiology ,Yo>\. XII ; The Teaching of School Gymnastics, 1907 ; The Mechanics of Bodily Exercise, 1909. Cann, F. H., Director of the Gymnasium and Athletics, New York University, University Heights, New York City. Chez, Anthony W., West Virginia University, Morganstown, W.Va. Clapp, R. G., A. B., Yale; M. D., University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. Cooke, L. G., M. D., Prof, of Physical Education Univ. of Minne- sota, Minneapolis, Minn. Cummings, W. S., M. D., Tufts. Ocean Grove, N. J. Curtiss, F. Homer, B. S., Purdue ; Assist. Instructor in Gymnastics, University of Pennsylvania ; member, A. H. P. E. Publications: “ Handbook of Graded Apparatus Work.” Dodge, Fred H., A. B., Yale. ’84; Director Ballantine Gymnasium and Instructor in Physical Training, Rutgers College, New Brunswick, N. J.; member Phi Beta Kappa; N. J. Microscopical Society. Elsom, James C., M. D., Medical College of Virginia, 1889, Medical Examiner, University of Wisconsin ; President Wisconsin Physical Edu- cation Society 1902-4,1909; Member Dane Co. Medical Society, Wis- consin Medical Society, 1909. Contributor to various magazines and medical journals. 9 Fitzpatrick, Keene, Director of Waterman Gymnasium ; Professor of Physical Training, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. Contrib- utor of various articles on Physical Training and Athletics. Golden, William N., Director of Athletics and Physical Education. Pennsylvania State College, State College, Pa. Goldie, George, Director of Physical Training University of Prince- ton, N. J.; Member New York Caledonian Club since 1861 ; Director Caledonian club Gymnasium 1866-7 ; Director Montreal Gymnasium 1868 ; Director Princeton Gymnasium, 1869-85 ; Director New York Athletic Club, 1885-93; Director Princeton Gymnasium, 1893 — . Publications: The Gymnasium and its Uses; Tribune Book of Sports; Various articles on athletics and gymnastics in newspapers and other periodicals. Harvey, Fred W., B. A., McGill Univ., ’94 ; M. D., McGill Univ., ’98; Medical Director Physical Training ; McGill Univ., Montreal, Can.; House Surgeon, Montreal General Hospital, ’98-’99. Clinical Assistant Opthalmology, Royal Victoria Hospital, 1899-1904 ; Physician, Montreal Dispensary, ’o4-’o5 ; Lieut. Surgeon, Royal Scots, ’o5-’o7 : Director, Orthopedic Gymnastics, Children’s Memorial Hospital, ’o6-’o7. Hetherington, Clark W., A. B., Stanford Univ., ’95 ; Ph. D. (pend- ing submission of thesis), Clark University ; Assistant Encina Gym- nasium, Standford University, 1893-6; Anthropologist and Director of Physical Training, Whittier State School, 1896-8; Fellow in Psychology, Clark University, 1898-9; Fellow and Assistant in Psychology, 1899-1900; Professor of Physical Education, Director of Gymnasiums and Ath- letics, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri, 1900—; Member of Council, American Physical Education Association, 1903-5 ; Secretary Olympic Lecture Course, L. P. Exposition, 1904 ; Member of Execu- tive Committee Intercollegiate Athletic Association of the United States, 1906 ; Member Board of Directors American Playground Association ; Fellow Academy of Physical Education; Chairman Executive Com- mittee Athletic Research Society : Member of N. E. A.; Member Board of Directors American School Hygiene Association. Publications’. Whittier Hand-book on Merit System; The Present Status of Physical Training; The Control of Athletics, The School Review , May, 1903; The Analysis of Problems in College Athletics, American Physical Education Review , June, 1908, also Missouri Univer- sity Bulletin ; The Organization and Administration of Athletics, Addresses and Proceedings N. E. A., 1907, also Missouri University Bui- IO letin ; Discussions on the Organization and Administration of Physical Training and Athletics, Missouri University Reports 1904, 1906, 1907 ; Report on Summer Baseball, I. A: A. U. S., 1907 ; Supplementary Report on Summer Baseball, I. A. A. U. S., 1908. Hitchcock, Edward, Sr., A. B., Amherst ’49, M. D., Harvard, ’52; LL. D., Amherst, ’99 ; Professor of Hygiene and Physical Education, Arhherst since i860 ; President Amer. Asso. Adv. of Phys. Ed. Publications : 1862, Report of the Program of Physical Education and Hygiene to the Corporation of Amherst College, July 5th, pamphlet ; 1862-3, Report of the Progress of Physical Education and Hygiene to the Trustees of Amherst College; 1866, Statistics in the Department of Physical Education and Hygiene at Amherst College for the Past Five Years ; The Decrease of the Relative Number of College Educated Men in Massachusetts during the Present Century'; 1870, Physical Sta- tistics of the College; 1871, Tables of Vital Statistics and Disabilities; 1871, Physical Items; 1872, Health Items gathered during the Past Eleven Years; 1873, Table of the Ages and Weights of the Seniors in Amherst College for the years 1862-1873 ? 1873, Vital Statistics of the Students of Amherst College for the Ten Years, ending Dec. 17, 1873 ; 1874, Description of the Equipment and Work of the Department, and some Statistical Items ; 1874, Some of the Anatomic and Physiological Constants of a Student in Amherst College, determined by 4,311 Obser- vations ; 1875, The Maxima and Minima of the Physical Constants of the Students of Amherst College for the Fourteen Years, from 1861-2 to 1875-6; 1875, Statistical Items Relating to Graduates ; 1876, Viability of Amherst College Graduates; 1876, An outline of lectures on personal hygiene ; Program, Table of Anthropometry, compiled from 19,639 Observations of 1,089 Students; 1877, Statistical Tables, June 27 ; 1877, Statistical Items of Anthropometry, Sickness, etc., June 26; Outline of Lectures on Hygiene, pamphlet, 1 14 pp.; 1879, Vital Statistics Graphically Charted; 1879, Data and Statistics; 1879, Physical Education in Amherst College, pamphlet ; 1880, An Abstract of Lectures on Health, to the Freshmen of Amherst College, pamphlet; 1880, Some Results of the Bodily Measurements of 185 Students, etc. ; 1880, The Average Result of the Measures — of 1,391 different Students, etc.; 1880, A Part of the course of Instruction given in the Department of Physical Educa- tion and Hygiene, etc., pamphlet ; 1881, A Report of Twenty Years’ Experience in the Department of Physical Education and Hygiene in Amherst College, to the Board of Trustees, June 27, contains considerable statistical matter, pamphlet ; 1881-2, Eight Separate Papers containing Outlines of Health Lectures; 1881, A Table of the Entrance and Gradu- ations in Amherst for Sixty Years; 1882-3, Separate Outlines of Health Lectures; 1882, A Part of the Course of Instruction given in the Depart- ment of Physical Education and Hygiene, etc., pamphlet ; 1882, May 13, Anthropometric Results; 1883, May 16, Table showing A symmetry deduced from 240 Students : 1883-4, Separate Papers, Outlines of Health Lectures; 1883, June 26, Statistics of Age at Entrance and Graduation from 1862-1886; Newspaper and Magazine articles — One of the Supplies of the Body, Congregationalist , Dec., 1884, Athletics in American Col- leges, Journal of Social Science, 1884, Athletics in Amherst College, Out- ing, A Perverted Will as a Factor in Insanity, Sanatorium , May, 1884, The Pratt Gymnasium , Amherst Student, Jan. 17, 1885, Nerve Force, Congregationalist , Dec., 1885, The Breathing Organs, Congregationalist, Oct., 1885, Exercises, Congregationalist , April, 1885, Why We Live No Longer, Congregationalist , July, 1885, What the College May Do to Pre- vent Insanity, Proceedings of the 12th Conference of Charities and Cor- rections, Our Physical Education, Amherst Student, Department of Physical Education in Amherst College, Circular of Information of the Bureau of Education, Washington, 1885 ; 1884, A Study of Human Growth from the Class of ’84 ; 1884, Table of the Bodily Measure- ments of the Students of Amherst College for the Years 1891-2, 1883-4, arranged with age as the basis ; 1885, Graphic Representations of a Comparison between the Mean and average of Statistical Items ; 1885, Vital Measurements of the Class of ’87 as Freshmen and Seniors : Bodily Measurements and Tests of Amherst College Students, arranged accord- ing to age, August, 1885, leaflet ; 1886, program March 26th, The Stu- dent’s Eye and Its Defects; 1886, Statistics concerning the Rate of Growth and Development of the Human Body; Comparison of 7,688 Individuals in French and English Measurements, leaflet; Average Measurements arranged by Height and adjusted, leaflet; The Same, but Actual Measurements, not adjusted, leaflet; 1886, A set of Prescription Cards for Individuals : 1886, Physical Measurements and Tests of the Average and of the Athletic Students ; 1887, General Statistics of Col- lege and a Table showing the Proportion of her own Alumni who are Officers of Colleges: 1888, Statistics upon the Average and Typical Student, also, Average and Mean Anthropometric Data ; 1888, The Average and the Higher Anthropometric Data ; 1889, Table showing the Percent of Increase in Eight Selected Measurements of 60 Men : 1889, Anthropometric Tables of Student — Arranged on the Basis of the Aver- age Student, Height, Age, and Means ; 1890, Variations in Bilateral Symmetry among College Students ; 1890, Automatism in Physical Edu- cation ; 1891, Averages of 2,000 Students Compared with Means of Same ; 1891, With Record Measurements and Tests; 1891, Dedication of the Pratt Athletic Field ; 1891, Tables showing Physical Gains; 1892, Per- cent of Gain between Freshmen and Senior years ; 1892, Distribution of Bodily Heights; 1893, Relations of Stature to Strength ; 1893, A Study of Physical Strength, with Tables Showing Strength Tests ; 1894, Sum- mary of the Changes of Measures; 1894, The Effect of Athletic Train- ing; 1894, Some of the Effects of Physical Education and Averages of Physical Measurements showing Increased Development; 1894, Results of Prize Drill in Gymnastic Work; 1895, Best Anthropometric Records in Amherst College ; 1895, History and Methods of Class Gymnastic Exhibitions in Amherst College ; 1895, Proportion of Stature to Chest Measurements; 1896, Charts showing, The Physical Maturity of Amherst Students; 1896, The Rate of Physical Development during a Four Years’ Course at Amherst College; 1897, Changes Incident to the Growth of the Amherst Student, May 5th ; A Set of Anthro- pometric Cards giving Averages for Different Statures ; Charts, Clippings, Published Magazine Articles, etc.; 1886, Adjusted Rec- ords of Measurements of 1,127 Students, August, chart; 1886, Actual Averages of Measurements of 1,127 Students, August, chart; 1887, Anthropometric Manual of Amherst College, pamphlet; 1887, The Need of Anthropometry and How to Make It Available, pam- phlet : 1888, The Average Man as a Rational Basis for Physical Education, pamphlet ; A Comparative Study of the Average Measure- ments of Amherst, Mt. Holyoke and Wellesley Colleges, paper; A Study in Anthropometry relating to Physical Growth in a Limited Time, paper; An Anthropometric Chart, constructed to the Percentile Method, chart; Anthropometric Studies of the 2,230 Measurements of the Stu- dents of Amherst College, charts; The Average Student; The Student at 21 Years; The Student of Mean Proportions; A Table of 50% Meas- urements; Table of Ages; Table of Heights; Table of Percentages; 1887, An Anthropometric Manual giving the Average and Mean Physi- cal Measurements and Tests, Prepared from records from 1886-7, inclu- sive; The Need of Anthropometry, read at the second meeting of the A. A. A. P. E., pamphlet : 1888, Anthropometric Statistics from Amherst College, Amherst, Mass., U. S. A., Reprint from the Journal of the Anthropological Institute, London, England, November; 1889, The Anthropometric Manual; Some Principles Regarded as Essential in the Direction of the Department of Physical Education and Hygiene, Phys- ical Training Conference, Paper; 1890, Anthropometric Tables, Pam- phlet; 1890, A Boom for Athletics, Feb. 7th, Leaflet; A Syllabus of the Health Lectures in Amherst College, 1891-2, Pamphlet; 1891, The Thir- tieth Annual Report of the Professor of Hygiene and Physical Educa- tion, June 23d, pamphlet; 1892, The Anthropometric Tables, pamphlet; The Results of Anthropometry (with charts), pamphlet; A Comparison of the Results of the Swedish System with Women, and the Amherst System with Men, chart; Syllabus of Health Lectures, pamphlet; 1893, Anthropometric Statistics of Amherst College, Proceedings of the 3 American Statistical Association, article ; 1893, The Anthropometric Manual, pamphlet; The Pratt Cottage, article; 1896-7, Syllabus of Health Lectures, pamphlet; Physical Growth ot Students, Pamphlet; An Anthropometric Study to determe the Norms for different Heights, pamphlet; Japanese Anthropometry measurements of 443 Japanese stu- dents, leaflet ; 1903, Table showing the Gain in Physical Measurement and Strength of Amherst Students, leaflet; Measurements of College Men and Women, with Age as a Basis of Comparison, The men are from Amherst, Tokio, Japan and Williston Seminary, the women from Mt. Holyoke and Smith Colleges, and Tokio, Japan, leaflet, with Ur. Phillips; 1903, Physical Growth of Students During the Course at Amherst College, pamphlet ; The Anthropometric Manual of Amherst College, 1900, 40 pp. Hutchins, C. P., M. D., Long Island College Hospital, 1897; Asso. Prof, of Physical Education, Dickinson College, 1902-4 ; Director of Physical Training, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. Koeheler, Lieut. H. G,, West Point Military Academy. Lambeth, William A., M. D., Univ. of Va., 1891 ; Ph. D., Univ. Va. 1902 ; Instructor Phys. Training Univ. Va, 1890 ; Professor Hygiene Univ. Va. 1897 ; Professor Materia Medica Univ. Va. 1902-1908 ; Director Athletics Univ. Va. 1995 ; President Va. Intercoll. Ath. Asscn. 1897, 1899-1900-1901 ; Vice-Pres. Soc. Coll. Gym. Dirs.^; Member Coll. Gym. Dirs. Asscn., Am. Phys. Education Asscn., Football Rules Com., North Carolina Asscn. for Prevention of Tuberculosis. Publications: Geology of the Monticello Area, Food and Tuberculo- sis; Aesthetics in Food ; Football in the South; Conifuous Plants of Virginia ; Author of all-Southern Football teams for Press or Football Guide since 1897 ; The Ferns of Albemarle ; The Graduate vs the Pro- fession Coach and various articles on the treatment of Sewage and on Athletics. Leonard, Fred Eugene, A. B., Oberlin College, ’89; A. M., Oberlin College, ’92 ; M. D., College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia Univ., ’92 ; Student in Summer Schools of Physical Training — Springfield 1888 ; Chautauqua, 1892; Baron Posse, 1893; Harvard, 1894 and 1898; Hon- orary Graduate of the Sargent Normal School for Physical Education, 1907 ; Student of Physical Training in Stockholm and Berlin, 1900-01 ; Director of Men’s Gymnasium and Professor of Physiology and Physical Training, Oberlin College, 1892 — ; Special Lecturer in Harvard Summer 14 School, 1899, i9° 2 5 an( i I 9°8 ; and in Summer session of Columbia Uni- versity, [907 ; Special Instructor in the Chicago Institute and Train- ing School of Young Men’s Christian Associations, 1903, 1905, 1907 and 1909; Member of the Academy of Medicine of Cleveland, Mem- ber of the American Physical Education Association, Fellow of the Academy of Physical Education. Publications: Popular Gymnastics in Germany, in Mind and Body , III, 212, 237 (1897) ; Bicycling, Wise and Otherwise, in Men , XXII, 1312 (1897); Physical Training in the Colleges, in Popular Science Monthly, LI I, 622 (1898) ; The Period of Philanthropinism, in American Physical Education Review, IV, 1-18 (1899) ; A [Preliminary] Select Biblio- graphy of the History of Physical Training, in American Physical Edu- cation Review, VII, 39-48 (1902, March); Physical Training among the Ancient Greeks and Romans, in American Physical Education Review, XII, 225-240 (1907) ; Physical Training in Medieval Europe, in Amet'ican Physical Education Review , XII, 289-302 (1907); The Period of the Renaissance and the Reformation, in American Physical Education Review , X, 189-202 (1905;; Locke and Rousseau, in American Physical Education Review, X, 284-291 (1905); The Beginnings of Modern Physical Training in Europe, American Physical Education Review, IX, 89-110 (1904); F.L.Jahn, and the Development of Popular Gymnastics ( Vereinsturnen ) in Germany, in A?nerican Physical Education Review, V, 18-39 and X,i-i9 (1900 and 1905) ; P. H. Ling and His Successors at the Stockholm Normal School of Gymnastics, American Physical Educa- tion Review , IX, 227-243 (i904);The Stockholm Normal School of Gym- nastics (as it was in 1900), American Physical Education Review, V, 301- 311 (1900); Physical Training in the Schools of Stockholm, American Physical Education Review, VI, 1-13(1901); Adolf Spiess, the Founder of School Gymnastics in Germany, Mind and Body, XI, 217-223 (1904); Physical Training in the Schools of Germany, Mind and Body, XI, 81-89 (1904); Captain Alden Partridge, and His Military Academies (1820—), Mind and Body , XIII, 257-265 (1906, November); The First Introduction of the Jahn Gymnastics into America (1825-1830), Mind and Body XII, 193-198, 217-223, 249-254, 281-287,313-319,345-351 (1905- 1906); The Introduction of Manual Labor as a System of Exercise in Educational Institutions, Mind and Body, XIII, 65-71,97-103,129-135 (1906) ; The Introduction of “ Calisthenics” for Girls and Women (dat- ing from about 1830), Mind and Body , XIII, 289-296 (1906) ; The “ New Gymnastics ” of Dio Lewis (1860-1868), American Physical Education Review, XI, 83-95, 187-198 (1906); a series of biographical sketches of Pioneers of Modern Physical Training, with portraits, in Physical Training, beginning in January, 1909 (Vol. VI). 5 Lewis, Charles B., Director of Physical Training, Tufts College,. College Hill, Mass. Marvel, Fred W., Ph. B., Brown Univ., ’94; Professor of Physical Training and Supervisor of Athletics, Brown Univ., Providence, R. I.; Vice-Pres. Soc. College Gymnasium Directors, 1904-05. May, George A., M. D., Yale, 1901 ; Physical Examiner, Waterman Gymnasium, Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, Mich..; Member American Medical Association Washtenow Co., Medical Association, Ann Arbor Medical Club. McComber, S. A., Ph. B., Brown Univ., ’96 ; A. M., Brown Univ.; ’97 ; M. D., Detroit College of Medicine, 1903 ; Harvard Summer School of Physical Training 1896-1897 ; Physical Director, Union College, Schenectady, N. Y.; Wayne County Medical Society, Mich., Mem- ber American Physical Education Association (1907) ; Secretary, Brown Univ. Alumni Association of Albany and Vicinity, 1907-08 ; Pres- ident Brown Univ. Alumni Association of Albany and Vicinity 1909. Publications: A Practical Marking System for Gymnasium Work, American Physical Education Review, Vol. XIII, No. 7. McKenzie, R. Tait, B. A., McGill, 1889; M. D., C. M., McGill, 1892; Honorary Graduate of the Sargent Normal School for Physical Education; Demonstrator of Anatomy, McGill University, 1895-1903 % Lecturer on Anatomy, McGill University, 1903-1904; Lecturer on Artis- tic Anatomy, Montreal Art Association, 1900-1904; Harvard Summer School, 1901 ; Olympic Lecture Course, St. Louis, 1904 ; Director of Physical Training and Medical Examiner, McGill University, 1896- 1904 ; Professor of Physical Education and director of the Department of Physical Education, University of Pennsylvania, 1904; Member, Society of American Anatomists; American Medical Association, Amer- ican School Hygiene Association; International School Hygiene Asso- ciation ; Playgrounds Association of America. Fellow, College of Phy- sicians of Philadelphia ; American Academy of Physical Education ; President, Society of Directors of Physical Education in Colleges, 1909. Publications : The Growth of Gymnastics in Montreal, Dominion Illustrated Monthly , May 23, 1891 ; Rugby Foot Ball in Canada, the Dominion Illustrated Monthly , Feb. 1, 1892; Hockey in Eastern Can- ada; The Typical Speed Skater, Popular Science. Monthly , December 1895 ; The Speed Skater and His Art, McClure's Syndicate , 1897 ; Inter' national Speed Skating, Outing magazine, December, 1897 ; Natural Selection as Shown in the Typical Speed Skater, Journal of Anato?ny, Vol. XXXII ; The Legacy of the Samauri, American Physical Educa - 6 tion Review , December, 1906 ; Dissection of Two Club Feet, Journal of Anatomy, Vol. XXXIV ; The Art of Breathing, Outing magazine ; The Barnjum Bar Bell Drill, Triangle Publishing Company, Springfield, Mass.; Fredericks Barnjum and his Work, Physical Educatio 7 i Review , June, 1897 ; Report on Physical Education in McGill University, 1894; Helps in Teaching the Running High Jump, Triangle , November 15, 1891 ; The Place of Physical Training in a School System, Montreal Medical Journal , January, 1900 ; A Modern Gymnasium, McGill Uni- versity Magazine , December 1, 1901 ; The Regulation of Athletic Sports in Colleges, The Week , January 12,1894; Address at opening of the University of Pennsylvania Gymnasium Proceedings, Decem- ber, 1904 ; Physical Education at Pennsylvania, Red and Blue, Octo- ber, 1905 ; Building the Physical Side of College Men, Illustrated Sporting News, August 12, 1905 ; How far should Physical Training be Educational and How far Recreative in Colleges and Universities, Jour- nal of Proceedings of the National Educational Association, 1905 ; The Development of Physical Efficiency among College Men, address at opening exercises of Queens University Gymnasium, February, 1907, Queens University Journal, 1907 ; The University and Physical Effi- ciency, The University Magazine , MacMillan & Company of Canada, Vol. VI, No. II ; The Regulation of Physical Instruction in Schools and Colleges from the Standpoint of Hygiene (with Drs. Storey, Lee, and Hough) ; American Physiological Society Convention, December, 1908, Science Vol. XXIX-743 ; Results of the Examination of Students Eyes, (with Dr. William Campbell Posey), Journal of the American Medical Association, March 23, 1907 ; Systematic Physical Exercise for College Students, Second International Congress on School Hygiene, London, 1907, Transactions Vol. I. Notes on the Examination and Measurement of Athletes, Montreal Medical Journal, 1896; Relation of Athletics to Longevity, Medical Examiner, 1906; Therapeutic Uses of Exercise, Montreal Medical Journal, 1894; The Influence of School Life on Cur- vature of the Spine, Montreal Medical Journal, February, 1902 and American Physical Education Review, March, 1899; The Accurate Measurement of Spinal Curvatures, with the description of a new instrument for the purpose, British Medical Journal, December, 1897 and Montreal Medical Journal, February, 1898; The Treatment of Spinal Deformities by Exercise and Posture, Montreal Medical Journal, October, 1901 ; The Anatomical Basis for the Treatment of Scoliosis by Exercise, Proceedings of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia, 1907 ; The Isolation of Muscular Action, American Physical Education Review , November, 1907 ; Physical Therapeutics, American Journal of ihe Medical Sciences , October, 1908; Strain, Breathlessness and Fatigue as shown by the Face, International Educational Congress, Paris, 1900; 7 The Expression of the Face in Violent Effort, Outing magazine ; Facial Expression of Breathlessness and Fatigue, Outing magazine ; The Facial Expression of Violent Effort, Breathlessness and Fatigue, Journal of Anatomy and Physiology , Vol. XI; Exercise in Education and Medi- cine, Saunders & Co., Philadelphia, a text-book now at press. Sculpture : The “ Sprinter ” ; one-quarter life size, an exact mathemat- ical reduction of the average obtained from measuring about one hundred expert runners. Measurements supplied by Dr. Paul C. Phillips, of Amherst College. Exhibited at the Royal Canadian Academy, 1902 ; Society of American Artists, 1902; Copley Society, Boston, 1902; Royal Academy, 1903 ; Salon Paris, 1904, National Sculpture Exhibition, Bal- timore, Md., 1908; etc. Acquired by the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cam- bridge, England. Trophy for the Canadian Intercollegiate Athletic Association, the Public School Athletic Leagues of New York, Cleve- land and Chicago. The “Athlete” exactly one-quarter life size and, in proportion, corre- sponding to the average of the fifty strongest men at Harvard for eight years represents the ideal college athlete in the act of placing a dynam- ometer in his right hand preparatory to testing the strength of his grip. Measurements supplied by Dr. Dudley A. Sargent. Exhibited at the Society of American Artists, N. Y., 1903 ; Royal Academy, London 1904, Salon, Paris, 1904; National Sculpture Exhibition, Baltimore, 1908; etc. Acquired by the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, England. Challenge Trophy for the Public School Athletic Leagues of New York, Cleveland, and Chicago. The “ Boxer,” one quarter life size. Exhibited at the Pennsylvania Academy, 1906; National Sculpture Exhibition Baltimore, Md., 1908. The “ Competitor ” one-half life size. Exhibited at the Royal Acad- emy, 1907, Salon, 1907, National Sculpture Exhibition, 1908, etc. Acquired, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York 1909. The “Juggler” one-quarter life size. Exhibited Royal Academy, Salon, National Sculpture Exhibition, etc. Acquired, Metropolitan Museum of Art New York 1909. Portrait medallion of D. A. Sargent, to commemorate twenty-five years’ service. Modelled for the Sargent Alumni Association. Medal designs of the “Sprinter,” “ Discobolos,” “ Victory,” etc., for Public School Athletic League, et al. Portrait plaques and medallions in low reliefs and four masks, life size, showing the expression of violent effort, dyspnoea, fatigue and exhaustion, to illustrate papers on expression. Meylan, George L., B. S., Harvard, 1902; A. M., Columbia, ’04; M. D., New York University,^ ; Diploma Internat’l Young Mens Chris- i8 tian Asso., ’03 ; Honorary diploma Sargent Normal School, ’09; Adjunct Professor of Physical Education, and Medical Director University Gymnasium, Columbia Univ.,New York City.; President, Boston Physical Education Society, ’oi-’o3 ; President, S. C. G. D’s, ’o5-’o6 ; Secretary, American Physical Education Association, ’o3-’o7 ; President, Ameri- can Physical Education Association, 1907 ; Fellow, American Associa- tion for the Advancement of Science; Honorary member, Society Y. M. C. A. Physical Directors; Member, American Academy of Physical Education. Publications : Football in the Association^ Men, September, 1897 ; Present Status of Anthropometry in the Y. M. C. A. American Physical Education Review, September, 1903 ; Gymnasium Manual of Columbia Univ.,pp.32 ; The Effects of Rowingon Harvard Oarsmen, in after Life, Harvard Graduate's Magazine, March and June. ’04 ; also Ainerican Physical Education Review, March and June, ’04; Basketball, Colum- bia University Quarterly , June, 1904; Athletics, Men , October, 1904 ; Review of Jegi’s Practical Lessons in Human Physiology, Educational Review, October, 1904 ; New Features in the Gymnasium, Association Men , April, 1905; The Assigning of marks for Physical Efficiency, American Physical Education Review , June, 1905 ; Athletics, American Physical Education Review , June, 1905; Physical Qualifications for Women, American Physical Education Review , June, 1905 ; The Dan- gers of a Sedentary Life, published by International Committee, p. 4, 1906; Effects of Muscular Exercise on the Heart, The Journal of the Medical Society of New Jersey , May, 1906; The Place of Physical Edu- cation in the College and University, American Physical Education Review , June, 1906 ; Relation of Athletics to Longevity, American Gym- nasia, August, 1906 ; Progress in Physical Training, American Gym- nasia, September, 1906; Review of McCurdy’s Bibliography of Physi- cal Training, Science, April, 1906; Physical Training, article in Nelson's Encyclopedia, 1907 ; The Forgotten Art of Walking, Suburban Life, April, 1903 ; The Place of Physical Education in the College Curriculum, American Physical Education Review, June, 1907 ; Review of Jewett’s Town and City, American Physical Education Review, September, 1907 ; What is Health ? Physical Training, January, 1906; Prescription of Exercise, Physical Training, March, 1906; The Teaching of Hygiene in the American College, Educational Review, September, 1908 ; Some Physical Characteristics of College Students, Science, May, 1908; The Value of Physical Examinations of College Students, American Physi- cal Education Review, May, 1908; Efficiency versus Luck, Men, Octo- ber, 1908; Review of Fitz’s Physiology and Hygiene, Educational Review , December, 1908 ; Hygiene of Muscular Exercise, Psychothera- phy, December, 1908; Columbia University Gymnasium Manual, 1908; l 9 The Value of Physical Examinations, Physical Training , Decem- ber, 1908, January, 1909; Graded exercises on Gymnastic Apparatus (with William Skarstrom, M. D.), 1909; Athletics in their mutual Rela- tions to Schools and Colleges, Proceedings of the 17th Annual Conven- tion of the Association of Colleges and Preparatory Schools of the Mid- dle States and Maryland, 1903.; The Contribution of Physical Educa- tion to National Health and Education (Presidential Address before the Convention of the American Physical Education Association, Philadel- phia, April 7, 1909) American Physical Education Review , April, 1909; Physical Education at Columbia, Columbia University Quarterly , June, 1909. Naismith, James, A. B., McGill, ’87 ; M. D., Denver Univ, ’98 ; Director of Physical Education and Athletics, Lawrence, Kans. since 1898. Author of Basketball Guide, 1892-3, and various articles in medi- cal journals. Phillips, Paul C., A. B., Amherst College, 1888, M. D., Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia, 1895 ; Professor of Hygiene and Physical Education, Amherst College, President, Soc. Coll. Gym. Dirs. ’02, Secre- tary ’08 and ’09 ; Member Executive Committee of Intercollegiate Ath- letic Association of the U. S. Academy of Physical Education. Publications : Pancratic Sports, The Gymnasium about 1889; Series of articles on Football and Athletics Association, Watch?nan , j 890-’92; Photography in Anthropometry, A. A. P. E. Report, April 5, 1894 ; Edi- tor Physical Department of Y. M. C. A. Watchman , 1895-6; The Rela- tion of Certain Height Measurements to Stature, leaflet, March 24, 1907 ; Changes Incident to Growth, leaflet, May 5, 1897; Athletic Chronology of Amherst College, leaflet, June 28, 1897 ; Table of Average Measure- ments, leaflet, March 22, 1899.; Comparison of Physique of Phi Beta Kappa Students with Others, leaflet, June 26, 1899; The Typical Sprin- ter, leaflet, March 24, 1900, also Outing, May, 1903 ; The Relative Import- ance of the Hygienic, Correction and Educational Aims in Physical Exercise, Physical Education Review, March, 1901; Amherst in Foot- ball, 1877-1901, leaflet, March 2, 1901 ; Credit for Physical Exercise, Physical Education Review, March, 1901 ; Physical Development by Heavy Gymnastics, leaflet, March 19, 1902 ; Physical Growth of Stu- dents During the Course at Amherst, (with Dr. Ed. Hitchcock), pamphlet 8 pp.; Physical Measurements of 443 Japanese Students, (with Dr. Hitchcock) leaflet, March 18, 1903 ; Comparative Anthropometry, leaflet, (with Dr. Hitchcock), June 22, 1903 ; An Anthropometric Study to Deter- mine the Norms for Different Heights at each age, 17-22 years, pamphlet, 8 pp., June, 1904; Methods in Anthropometry, 10 lectures delivered at 20 the St. Louis Exposition, 1904 ; Report of the Committee on Physical Examinations, pamphlet, 1904, Physical Educatio?i Review , June, 1904 ; Competitive Athletics and Scholarship, Science, April 3, 1908 ; Length of Intercollegiate Athletic Schedules, Physical Education Review , Febru- ary, 1908; Various articles in American Gymnasia , 1905-8. Purinton, Royce D., A. B., Bates College, Lewiston, Me., 1900; Physical Director, Bates College, Lewiston, Me. Publications : Baseball Technique, published in American Physical Educational Review. Raycroft, Joseph E., A. B., Univ. of Chicago, ’96; M. D., Rush Medical College, ’99 ; Instructor, Diseases Chest, Throat and Nose, Rush Medical College 1899-1903 ; Asso. Prof, of Hygiene and Physical Educa- tion, Univ. of Chicago ; School Physician and Supervisor of Teaching of Hygiene and Physical Education in School of Education ; Medical Director Department of Physical Culture and Athletics, Univ. of Chi- cago; Member Chicago Medical Society, Illinois Medical Society and America Medical Association, School Hygiene Association; Intercolle- giate Basketball Rules Committee. Reynolds, Percy L., M. D. Univ. of Georgia, 1906; Physical Direc- tor, Massachusetts Agricultural College, Amherst, Mass.; American Medical Association, Y. M. C. A. Physical Directors’ Society. Sargent, Dudley A., A. B., Bowdoin College, 1875 ; M. D., Yale Univ., 1878; A. M., Bowdoin College, 1887; Sc. D., Bowdoin College, 1894; Physical Director, Hemenway Gymnasium, Harvard University; Member American Association for Advancement of Science, American Physical Education Association, American Academy of Medicine, Amer- ican Statistical Association, American Public Health Association, National Education Association, Boston Society of Medical Sciences, Boston Natural History Society, Boston Physical Education Society, Boston Athletic Club; President American Association for Advancement of Physical Education, 1890-91, i 893-’95 ; President Council of same, i899-’oi ; President Health Education League, 1905. Publications : A swimming bath, Harvard Register , Jan. 1881, iii, 41 ; Handbook of developing exercises, Boston, 1882, 16 0 , pp. 51 ; Health and strength papers, (12) Wide Awake , C. Y. F. R. U. Supplement. 1882- 1883, xv-xvii ; Physical education in colleges, North American Review Feb. 1883, cxxxvi. 166; The exercise suitable for a minister’s life Abstract, Christian Register , 15 March, 1883, lxii, 169; In case of acci- dent, (i 2 articles), Boston, 1884, 16°, pp. 125 ; The care of the body, Christian Union , 7 Feb. 1884, xxix, 125 ; Physical training, read before the American Public Health Association, at Detroit, Mich., 14 Nov. 1883, Public Health, Reports and Papers Am. Pub. Health Assoc, ix. 1 1 6, also The Sanitarian, March, 1884. xii, 189; Physical training in homes and training schools, read before the American Social Science Association, at Saratoga. N. Y., 4 Sept. 1 %%$, Journal of Social Science , May, 1884, No. xviii, 44 ; Hints on exercise, Congregationalist , 16 Oct. 1884, xxxvi, 352 ; The evils of the professional tendency of modern ath- letics, read before the American Social Science Association at Saratoga, N. Y., 10 Sept. 1884, Ibid, June, 18S5, No. xx, 87 ; Physico-moral educa- tion; Christian Advocate, 13 Aug. 1885. lx. 518; Practical talks on the theories and principles of physical training, delivered before the Boston Young Men’s Christian Union, 1882-1885 I The effect of military drill on boys, Boston Med. and Surg. Journal, 16 Sept. 1886, cxv. 245-249, also separately, Cambridge, 1886, 18 0 , pp. 16 ; The physical proportions of the typical man, Scribner's Mag. J uly, 1887, ii. 3-17, illustr; The physical characteristics of the athlete, Ibid, Nov. 1887, ii. 541-561, illustr.; Anthro- pometric apparatus, with directions for measuring and testing the princ- pal physical characteristics of the human body, Cambridge, 1887, 4 0 The physical development of women, Ibid. ’ Feb. 1889, v. 173-185, illustr.; Handbook of developing exercises, revised, enlarged and illustrated; Cambridge, 1889, pp. 77 ; The influence of gymnasium exercise on the health of students at Harvard, read before the Medical Improvement Society, Cambridge, Oct. 1886: The system of physical training at the Hemenway Gymnasium, read before the Conference on Physical Train- ing in Boston, Nov. 1889; The observations necessary in making a phys- ical test of a man, read before the American Association for the Advancement of Physical Education, Boston, April, 1890; The gymna- sium of a great university, The Cosmopolitan, May, 1890, illustr.; Is the teaching of physical training a trade or profession, Proc. Am. Assoc. Adv. Phys. Education, 6th annual meeting at Boston, 3, 4, April 1891 pp. 6-19 ; College athletics and heart disease, Does the practice of athlet- ics tend to produce heart disease, Educational Review, Dec 1891, ii, 453; Regulation and management of athletic sports, Proc. Am. Assoc. Adv. Phys. Education , 7th annual meeting at Philadelphia, April, 1892 ; Report on the physical development of John L. Sullivan, New York Herald , 21 Aug. 1892 ; Anthropometric Charts for different ages, male and female, ranging from 10 to 26 years of age, 1893 ; The game of battle- ball, 1894 ; Physical state of the American people in the United States of America, ii. 452-475, 1894 ; An educational experiment, Harvard Gradu- ates Magazine, Dec. 1894 : Dwarfs, giants, and the average ma n, Youths' Companion, 1895 5 The Harvard Summer School of Physical Training, 22 Boston Med . Surg. Journal, 20 Feb. 1896 ; Military drill in the pub- lic schools, Report of Am. Nat. Educa.. Assoc., 1896; The American game of basketball, The Independent, 9 July 1896; Strength tests and strong men of Harvard, Harvard Graduates Magazine, April, 1897 ; Physical exercise and longevity, North A merican Review, May, 1897 ; The Relation of the Cephalic Index to Weight, Height and Mental Ability, Am, Assoc. Ad. Science , Dec. 29, 1899 ; Health in School Life and How to Preserve it, Christian Endeavor World, 1900 ; The Corre- lation of Mental and Physical Development, Journal Boston Medical Sciences, Feb. 1900 ; Home Exercises for Business Men, Saturday Even- ing Post, Feb. 10, 1900; The Place for Physical Training in the School and College Curriculum, Phys. Ed. Review, March, 1900; The Inomotor, Phys Ed. Review, Dec. 1900; A Century of Achievement, Gymnastics, Harpers ’ Weekly, Jan. 26, 1901 ; Ideals in Physical Education, The Medical News, N. Y., July 6, 1901 ; Athletics in Secondary Schools, Phys. Ed. Review , June, 1903; Health, Strength and Power, H. M. Cald. well & Co., 1904 ; Criticism of Y. M. C. A. Gymnastics, International Convention, Y. M. C. A., Niagara Falls, March 29, 1905 ; Useful Dancing from Physical Training Standpoint, Annual Meeting, Am. Phys. Ed. Assoc., N. Y., 1905 ; Physical Education, Ginn & Co., 1906 ; College Athletics, Football in Particular, Review of Reviews. Jan. 1906; What Athletic Gamas, if any, are injurious for Women in the Form in which they are played by Men, Public School, Phys. Ed. Soc ., New York City, March 30, 1906 ; Rhythm in Education, New Haven Normal School Commencement, May, 1906; The Duty of the Family Physician in Regard to the Proper Mental and Physical Development of the Children under his care from Infancy to Adolescence, Am. Acad, of Med. at Bos- ton, June 4, 1906; Competitive Athletics for Grammar School Boys, their Dangers and Advantages, meeting Am. Phys. Ed. Soc. Dec. 1906 ; Cross Ball, Harvard Illustrated Magazine, Dec. 1906; The Academic Value of College Athletics, Education. Feb. 1907; Physical Training as a Compulsory Subject, The School Review, Chicago, Vol. xvi, No. 1, 1908 ; Possible Advances in Physical Education in American Colleges, Ober- lin College Commencement, June 24, 1908 ; What shall be the Training of the Director of Physical Education, Nat. Ed. Asso. Conv ., June 30, 1908 ; The Physique of Scholars, Athletes and the Average Student, Popular Science Monthly, Sept. 1908. Snow, William F., A. B., Leland Stanford University, ’96 ; A. M., M. D., Cooper Medical College; Associate Professor of Hygiene, Leland Stanford University, California. Stagg, Amos A., A. B., Yale, ’88; Graduate Y. M. C. A. Training School, Springfield, Mass. ; Professor and Director, Division of Physi- 23 cal Culture and Athletics, University of Chicago. Author of “Foot- ball,” Stagg & Williams. Storey, Thomas A., A. B., 1896; A. M., 1900; Ph. D., 1902, all from Leland Stanford Junior University ; M. D., Harvard University Medical College, 1905 ; Associate Professor and Director of Department of Physical Instruction, College of the City of New York; Interne, Boston City Alms House and Hospital, Boston, Mass., 1905 ; Resident House Physician, Boston Children’s Hospital, 1906 ; Assistant in the Gymna- sium, Stanford University, 1896; Instructor, 1897; Assistant Professor of Hygiene and Director of the Gymnasium, 1902-1906 ; Associate Pro- fessor of Physical Instruction and Director of the Department, College of the City of New York, 1906; Sigma Xi ; Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science ; American Physiological Society ; American Medical Association ; Society of Experimental Biol- ogy and Medicine ; New York State and County Medical Associations ; Medical Association of Greater New York; Academy of Physical Edu- cation; Secretary and Treasurer of the American School Hygiene Association, ’o7-’o8 ; President of the Society of College Gymnasium Directors, ’o7-’o8 ; President of the Physical Education Society of New York and Vicinity, ’o8-’o9 ; National Council of the American Physical Education Association, ’08. Publications: “Some Daily Variations in Height, Weight and Strength,” Physical Education Review , ’oi ; “ The Influence of Fatigue upon the Speed of the Voluntary Contraction of Human Muscle,” American Journal of Physiology, ’03; “ Variations in the Amplitude of the Contractions of Human Voluntary Muscle in response to Graded Variations in the Strength of the Induced Current,” American Journal of Physiology ,’03; “The Daily Variation in the Power of Voluntary Muscular Contraction,” Physical Education Review, ’02 ; “ The Imme- diate Influence of Exercise upon the Irritability of Human Voluntary Muscle,” American Journal of Physiology , ’03 ; “ Studies in Voluntary Muscular Contraction,” Stanford University, ’04 ; “ Tonus Rhythms in Normal Human Muscle and in the Gastrocnemius of the Cat,” Amer- ican Journal of Physiology , ’04 ; “ The Effect of Injuries of the Brain on the Vaso-Motor Center” (with W. T. Porter), American Journal of Physiology , ’07 ; The academic status of the Gymnasium, Physical Edu- cation Review, 1907 ; The Gymnasium in the campaign against disease, Journal of the American Medical Ass’n, July, 1907 ; “ Physical educa- tion as a factor in the production of Immunity”; Proceedings of the second International Congress on Tuberculosis; “The Regulation of Physical Education in schools and colleges from the standpoint of Hygiene,” section K, A. A. A. S., December, 1908 and various other arti- 24 cles in the Physical Education Review , School Hygiene, Hygiene and Physical Education, etc. Stroud, Charles C., A. B., Tufts, ’94 ; M. D., Tufts, ’98 ; Director of Physical Education, University of Rochester, Rochester, N. Y. Suiter, Charles E., Gymnastic Instructor Univ. of Chicago. Publications: A Problem in College Athletics, American Gymnasia , September, 1907 ; A Changing Conception of Athletic Competition, American Gymnasia, November, 1907; Michigan’s withdrawal from the Conference, A merican Gymnasia , March, 1908. Swan, Horace C., M. D., Tufts College, 1903; Medical Director and Director of the Gymnasium, Trinity College. Voorhees, J. Martin, M. D., Long Island College Hospital, ’97 ; Director of Physical Training, Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, N.Y. since ’98; Member New York Physical Education Society; American School Hygiene Association. Whittier, Frank N., A. B., Bowdoin, ’85 : A. M., Bowdoin, ’88 ; M. D., Medical School of Maine, ’89; Professor of Hygiene and Phys- ical Training and Professor of Bacteriology and Pathology; Member, Maine Medical Association, American Medical Association, Maine Acad- emy of Medicine and Science, Fellow American Academy of Medicine, Member, American Association of Pathologists and Bacteriologists, American Association for Advancement of Science. Publications : Gymnastics for Schools, ’89; Physical Training and its Therapeutic value ; Culture Methods in Diphtheria, State Laboratories. Wood, Thomas D., A. B., Oberlin College, O., ’88 ; A. M., ’91 ; M. D., Columbia Univ., ’91; Professor of Physical Education, Colum- bia University : American member of International Congress of Physi- cal Education, 1900 ; Fellow, American Association for Advancement of Science. Young, Charles V. P., A. B., Cornell University; Professor Physi- cal Culture, Cornell University. Publications : The Cornell Navy, A Review.